Detective Nyx: The Ancient Temple

by Switch Swap

First published

Rainbow dash goes missing

When Rainbow Dash goes missing around the same time a temple appeared in the Everfree, it's up to Detective Nyx to bring her back.

If you haven’t read Detective Nyx: Origins yet, read that first

Nyx's first official case

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A week passed since Nyx's first case as a detective. During that time, Nyx read about many different things, about 200 different books on various subjects. She also occasionally checked on Trixie and Daydream every other day.

She had also done something else. Twilight had used her bits to purchase a building for Nyx to set up her new detective agency. It was a medium sized building with multiple rooms, a three sided open/closed/on a case sign in front, everything that she would need as a detective, and a large sign over the entrance saying "Detective Nyx's detective service" on it.

"This is my new detective agency!?" Exclaimed Nyx, excitedly. "I love it. Thanks for buying it for me, mom."

"Of course, sweetie." Replied Twilight. "Now go on, your new job is waiting for you."

Nyx hugged her mother before galloping into her new detective agency.

"My sweet daughter is growing up so quickly." Said Twilight with tears of joy in her eyes as she walked away.

Meanwhile, Nyx was looking around her new detective agency. "This is so awesome. My very own job."

Nyx then heard the door open behind her. She turned around to see Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo

"Congrats Nyx." Said Apple bloom.

"I like your new detective agency." Said Sweetie belle

"You're job is so cool. You'll have to let me join you sometime." Said Scootaloo

"I will Scootaloo. So, you guys want to hang out?"

"Sure." They all said together.

"I'll race you to Sugarcube corner after I visit Rarity for something."

"What do you need to visit my sister for, Nyx?"

"I want to get some detective clothing. A detective doesn't usually not have one."

"Interesting. We can start racing from there."

The four fillies trotted towards Rarity's house very quickly, arriving three minutes later.

"Rarity?" Said Nyx, "Do you think that you could make me a detective hat and suit?"

"Certainly, darling. I'll get started on it right away. It'll be ready in a few hours."

"Could you drop it off at my detective agency? Just walk right and keep walking until you find it."

"Sure thing, Nyx." Replied Rarity

"Thanks Rarity."

Nyx and the CMC left Rarity's boutique and spent the rest of the day together doing many different activities until they all went home for the night.

The next morning, everypony was waking up and getting ready for work.

Nyx woke up, had a quick breakfast, then left to go to her detective agency after saying goodbye to Twilight and Spike. She flew through town towards her detective agency.

When Nyx arrived, she flipped her open/closed sign around so that the "open" side was facing the window. Then she walked into her office room and noticed the coat and hat on the desk. Nyx levitated the coat and hat and put them on before she sat down at her desk, which had a phone sitting on it.

A few minutes later, the phone started ringing. Nyx quickly levitated it to her ear and answered the call

"Hello, this is Nyx's detective service. How may I help you?"

Nyx, I need your help with something. I can't find Rainbow Dash anywhere.

"Woah, calm down Scootaloo. I'm sure that Rainbow dash is just busy working."

She's not though. I already asked everypony that she works with, her friends, and my friends. None of them have seen her for 5 full days.

"Don't worry Scootaloo, Detective Nyx is on the case. I'll find Rainbow dash and bring her home."

Thank you, Nyx. I'll promise that I'll make it up to you.

"Scootaloo, meet me at Sugarcube corner in 15 minutes. We'll talk about this while we have some cupcakes. I'll pay for it."

I'll be there. See you then, Nyx

Nyx levitated her saddlebag on her back and put her magnifying glass, one of her notebooks, a bag full of bits, and several plastic bags for evidence inside

Nyx walked towards the exit of her detective agency and flipped the sign to where "on a case" was facing the window, then she walked out and headed towards Sugarcube corner. She got there exactly when she said she would be, and Scootaloo came on her scooter a few seconds later

"Good. You're here." Said Nyx. "Come on, we have important things to discuss."

Scootaloo followed Nyx inside Sugarcube corner, and the two of them sat down at one of the booths.

"Hey, you two." Said Pinkie, "Want any treats?"

"We'll have a plate of cupcakes, please." Said Nyx

"Okey-dokey-loki." Replied Pinkie, "They'll be out shortly." Then Pinkie rushed into the kitchen

Nyx pulled out her notebook and prepared to ask Scootaloo questions. "So, Scootaloo, when was the last time that you saw Rainbow dash?"

"It was 5 days ago, around 1:30 in the afternoon."

"What was she doing during that time?"

"I think that she was flying towards the Everfree forest."

"Did you ask her why?"

"No, I didn't think to."

"Did you try to chase her in?"

"I did a little, but then got scared by Timberwolves."

The fillies suddenly heard Pinkie next to them. "Hey, I overheard your conversation. But I don't have any information like last time. Maybe you should check the border of the Everfree forest after your cupcakes." She said, holding a plate of cupcakes.

"Thanks Pinkie, for the cupcakes and the advice." Said Nyx, giving Pinkie 12 bits. Nyx and Scootaloo ate the cupcakes until there were only 4 left.

While they were eating, Scootaloo asked, "Hey Nyx, could I join you on your investigation. Please?"

"I suppose. Sure, you can help me." Replied Nyx

"Thanks, Nyx."

"But the second that it starts getting dangerous, I'm sending you back to Ponyville."

"Okay." Replied Scootaloo. Then the two of them left Sugarcube corner to continue investigating.

Scootaloo followed Nyx over to the edge of the Everfree forest, hoping to find something that could help them

"Okay, you go look left, and I'll look right." Said Nyx to Scootaloo

"On it."

The duo searched and searched for an hour. That was when they found something

"Hey, Nyx. Over here." Said Scootaloo.

Nyx rushed over and noticed a blue feather, though it seemed to have some kind of magic covering it.

Nyx put the feather in her bag, before looking toward the path that led into the Everfree and noticing more blue feathers covered with magic.

"Hmm. It looks like we're going to have to visit the Everfree forest. Come on Scootaloo, we've got a pegasus to find."

Finding Dash

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Nyx and Scootaloo walked through the forest along the path of feathers covered with magic.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Scootaloo asked Nyx

"No, but I have read that this is caused by some kind of really powerful magic, and that it only affects either the feathers or fur of the pony who activated it. Since these are Rainbow's feathers, that means that she activated the powerful magic."

The pair heard the sound of Timberwolves behind them, so they quickly dive into bushes just before the Timberwolves saw them. They looked out of the bush to see if the Timberwolves had passed by, only to see 4 Timberwolves being led by Rainbow dash. But they weren't chasing Dash, and she had a cockatrice on her shoulder

"Ssh. Be very quiet, Scootaloo." Whispered Nyx, "We don't want to alert them."

"Okay." Replied Scootaloo

They started to tip-hoof away, but then Scootaloo accidentally stepped on a branch.

The Timberwolves and Rainbow dash stopped and turn around.

"It seems that I have some unexpected guests in my forest." Said Dash, "What are your names?"

"Uh, you know us, Dash."

"Know you? I don't know you. I've never seen either of you in my life."

"Just give us a second." Said Nyx

"Take as much time as you need. I'll wait."

"Nyx, what's wrong with Rainbow dash?"

"This might have something to do with the magic feathers we saw earlier. But I'll need more evidence. We need to follow them."

"Miss." Said Nyx. "We're lost in this forest and we need somewhere to stay the night. Do you mind if we stay at your house?"

"Of course you can. Follow me and I'll lead you there." Replied Dash

Nyx and Scootaloo followed Rainbow through the forest for a couple miles. They soon approached a large temple in the middle of partially clear section of the forest.

"This is my home, fillies. The Ancient Temple was where I was born and raised by the animals of this forest. Let me give you the tour."

Rainbow dash showed Nyx and Scootaloo the Temple, ending with a room filled with several oddly colored crystals

"This, fillies, is where my great power comes from. Each of these crystals contains a portion of my power, and they are super fragile. So be careful with them."

Rainbow dash turned towards the entrance to the room, "Well, now I suppose it's time for you fillies to go back to your families. But please, come and visit again. Woodchip, please take these two to the edge of the forest. But don't hurt them.

The Timberwolf nodded and then motioned Nyx and Scootaloo to follow him.

The duo followed Woodchip to the edge of the forest, where the Timberwolf left them and went back into the forest.

"Great. Now how are we supposed to bring Dash back?" Complained Scootaloo

"Rainbow was missing for 5 days straight, then we find those feathers when we decide to look for her. She seems to live in peace with the beasts of the Everfree, and she claims that she lives in a Ancient Temple and doesn't seem to remember anything about her life before that. I think that we should visit Canterlot. They might have a book that will explain this."

"Ugh, reading. I don't want to read, reading is for eggheads." Complained Scootaloo

But Nyx knew exactly how to change Scootaloo's mind, "Well, then I guess that we're going to have to lie to everypony about Dash's whereabouts, and I know how terrible you are at lying. Right Scootaloo."

"Ugh, fine. Let's go to Canterlot." Said Scootaloo.

"I'll teleport us there. Hold on." Replied Nyx. She charged up her magic and teleported them away.

In the throne room of Canterlot castle, Celestia and Luna were sitting bored.

"Ugh, there's nothing to do. At this point, I actually want to listen to those arrogant nobles." Complained Luna

"Patience Luna, I'm sure that something will happen eventually."

As if on cue, Nyx and Scootaloo appeared in front of the Princesses seconds after Celestia finished talking.

"Nyx? Scootaloo? What are you two doing here?"

"Princesses, there's an issue down in the Everfree forest."

"What's the issue?"

"Rainbow dash went in there 5 days ago and we haven't seen her until today. But she doesn't remember anything about her life." Said Nyx, "Do you have any books on what could have caused this in the Canterlot Library?"

"Yes, we do." Replied Celestia, "Follow us."

Scootaloo and Nyx followed Celestia and Luna to where the Castle Library was. The two sisters stopped stopped for a second when they walked in.

"Nyx, Scootaloo, you'll be getting a special privilege today. One that almost nopony other than a Princess has been given."

"What is it?"

"Follow us and see." Replied Luna

The two fillies followed Celestia and Luna towards a bookshelf with two books representing the sun and the moon on it. Celestia and Luna pulled the books with their magic, causing the bookshelf to slide open.

"Woah." Exclaimed Scootaloo. "So cool."

"Hey, Scootaloo, keep up." Said Nyx.

Scootaloo shook her head and continued following Nyx into the tunnel. On the other side was an entire collection of books, completely unused by other ponies.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"If you were going to say the restricted section, then yes."

Nyx looked over at Scootaloo to see her staring at the huge amount of books with her mouth open. So Nyx closed it with her hoof, causing Scootaloo to shake her head, losing some of her awe.

"So where's the book that we need, Princess Celestia?"

"It's right here." Replied Celestia, levitating a book towards them.

Nyx took the book in her magic and read the title just as Scootaloo walked over to her side

"The Ancient Temple: Volume 4."

"So this will help us free Dash from whatever magic has erased all of us and replaced it with what it wants her to remember?"

"Yes." Replied Princess Celestia.

"Thanks, Princesses." Said Nyx, "Come on, Scootaloo. We've got research to do."

The Burning Soul

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Nyx and Scootaloo began reading the book on the Ancient Temple. Well, Nyx mostly, Scootaloo was tasked to look for some other books on the Ancient Temple.

"Hey, Scootaloo. Come here, I found something." Said Nyx

"What did you find?" Asked Scootaloo

"Let me read it to you." Replied Nyx, "The Ancient Temple contains a powerful magic, one of the most powerful in the world. Whoever brings the Temple back from The Other gains that magic, but at a price. The creature who gains the magic loses memory of who they once were, and have it replaced with an entirely new set of memories."

"Is there any way to undo this?" Asked Scootaloo, nervous.

Nyx flipped a few pages in the book before she found something. "Ah, here we go. The only way to return the former memories of whichever creature brought the Ancient Temple back is by destroying the 6 fragile crystals in the very center of the Temple. Once you break the last crystal, the creature will regain their memories, and the Temple will disappear back into The Other."

"So we just have to destroy those crystals, and that's it?"

"Yep. That's all."

"Seems too easy. Is there anything else?"

"Um, yes there is." Replied Nyx, "It says that the once you break the crystals, then the magical energy from them forms a giant bubble filled with the magic. It also says that the bubble can only be burst by a rare jewel called the Burning Soul, found on the top of Mt Danger Peak."

"Mt Danger Peak? I've never heard of that."

"That's because it isn't in Equestria." Said Nyx, "Over the week since I solved my first case as a detective, I've been doing a lot of reading. One of the things I read was "Geography outside of Equestria," and Mt Danger Peak was in it. But it is very unpredictable and extremely dangerous. I think that you should stay here, Scootaloo."

"No way. I promised Dash that I would always help her when she's in trouble. So I'm coming too."

"No, Scootaloo, this is too dangerous. You're staying in Ponyville."


"No, Scootaloo. If you really want to help Dash, help her by staying safe."

"Okay, I'll stay here on one condition. I help you when you return."

"Deal." Replied Nyx, "See you in 8 days, Scootaloo."

"See you Nyx. Stay safe."

"I'll try."

A few days later, Nyx arrived at the foot of Mt Danger Peak. She looked up at the mountain and breathed deeply.

"Celestia, my Princess. Hear my wish. I wish for strength, speed and agility." Said Nyx. She then felt a magic energy flow through her, increasing her speed, strength, and agility to 150 times the normal level.

With that, she began her ascent to where the Burning Soul was.

Around halfway up the mountain, she accidentally triggered an avalanche. Several boulders began to fall all around Nyx, but thanks to her increased speed and agility, she was able to pass through the avalanche very easily.

At one point, her tail got stuck by a couple rocks, but she was able to push them off before getting crushed. She quickly got passed the avalanche zone and continued up the mountain

Nyx got to the snowy part of the mountain a couple hours later. She was very cold, but she had brought a winter jacket and had left her detective clothes back in Ponyville.

She soon finally reached the top of the mountain, but there was no sign of the Burning Soul anywhere.

Nyx pulled out a book containing information on the Burning Soul, which Celestia and Luna had let her borrow after making sure that it would return in one piece, and opened it to start reading.

"In order to find the Burning Soul, one must look for the secret marking engraved into the peak of Mt Danger Peak and activate the secret code. The code is fire, then water, then earth, then wind. Activate the code, and the Burning Soul will rise from within the mountain."

Nyx pressed the symbols in the right order, and the ground started shaking. A section of the peak opened and slid to the side, revealing a hollowed out tunnel.

From the tunnel rose a pillar. On the top of the pillar was the Burning Soul, shining like a fire.

Before Nyx could get it, she heard a voice in her mind.

I cannot allow anycreature to take the Golden Soul. I suggest that you leave before I bring out the guardians of Mt Danger Peak

But Nyx did not give up. "Please, whoever you are. I need the Burning Soul for something important."

And what would that be, little filly?

"You know about the Ancient Temple, right?"

Yes, I know of that cursed place. I was the one who sent it to The Other

"Well, it's returned, and one of my friends has activated the magic. Now she doesn't remember anything about her past life, and the only way to destroy the magic and bring back her memories is the Burning Soul."

Very well. You may have it, but I shall come with you. For I am Watcher, the protector of the sacred jewel.

"Okay." Replied Nyx

I shall teleport us back to your home of Ponyville

"Wait, how do you know where I live?"

I contain the power to know every last bit of information about everycreature who is living, Nyx, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Now, I shall teleport us back to your home

Watcher teleported himself and Nyx back to Ponyville, where Scootaloo was waiting for her.

"You're back. How'd you get here so fast? I thought that you would be gone for 8 days, not 4."

"I had a little help teleporting back here."

Greetings, ScootalooSaid Watcher

"Woah, did you hear that?" Asked Scootaloo

"Yeah, that was just Watcher. He teleported us back."

"How does he know my name?"

I know everything about everycreature that is living, Scootaloo.

"That's very awesome. But we can talk about that later. Right now we have to restore Rainbow dash."

Scootaloo, Nyx, and Watcher headed back into the Everfree forest, finally ready to return the Ancient Temple to The Other and bring back Dash's memories.

The rescue

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Nyx, Scootaloo, and Watcher quickly rushed towards the Ancient Temple, Nyx carrying the Burning Soul in her magic

"So, how should we take on this challenge, Watcher?" Asked Nyx

I think that you should try to distract Rainbow Dash while Scootaloo and I go destroy the crystals

"Are you sure that it's the best idea?" Asked Scootaloo

Yes, I'm sure Replied Watcher, Nyx is better at tricking ponies than you are, Scootaloo

"Alright." Replied Scootaloo, "I'll do it."

"And I'll distract Dash." Said Nyx

Good. Now let's do this

Nyx separated from Scootaloo and Watcher and went to go find Dash while Scootaloo and Watcher hid in a bush by the entrance to the Temple.

Nyx found Dash at a pond right in front of the Ancient Temple. She walked up to her and began distracting her

"Hey, miss. There's something that I've been wondering last time I was here, but was unable to come back to ask."

"What is it, filly."

"Do you know where the Tree of Harmony is. I'm doing a school project on it, but I can't find it."

"Sure, I know where it is. Follow me. Woodchip, Leafy branch, come with us."

While the four of them were walking away from the Ancient Temple, Scootaloo and Watcher quietly headed towards the entrance to the Ancient Temple.

The two of them walked through the halls of the Temple, carefully avoiding any of the guards patrolling the halls

"So, what exactly do we do when we get to the crystals?" Asked Scootaloo

I'll handle that bit. You can stand guard to make sure that nocreature comes back

"Okay." Replied Scootaloo

The duo soon found the center of the temple, with the crystals hovering there

I simply need to destroy all of these crystals Said Watcher. He moved to the first crystal and sent it hurling at the floor. Once it reached the floor, it cracked and broke into several pieces.

Watcher did this with all of the crystals, knowing that it would draw back Dash.

"Here's the Tree of Harmony." Said Dash, showing Nyx the tree.

"Wow, it's so cool looking." Said Nyx

"Now you can gather whatev--, the crystals." Exclaimed Dash. "We've got to hurry back."

Dash and the Timberwolves hurried back to the Ancient Temple, Nyx following not very far behind.

Back at the temple, Watcher just finished destroying the last of the crystals. Th bubble filled with magic soon formed from the remains of the crystals.

"Now what do we do, Watcher?" Asked Scootaloo

Now we simply use the Burning Soul on it. Do you have the Burning Soul?

"Um, no. Nyx was the one who was carrying it."

You have got to be kidding me. Said Watcher, Not that it matters, as I can teleport the Burning Soul to us

Watcher used his magic to teleport the Burning Soul to them. He took it and fired a beam at the bubble.

The bubble began to grow larger. Instead of popping all at once, it began to slowly fade away little by little.

The four had just gotten to the entrance of the Temple when Dash fell unconscious. The Timberwolves that were with Dash all ran away.

"Rainbow dash." Exclaimed Nyx. But Rainbow wasn't moving.

Scootaloo and Watcher came out of the temple as a large sphere was slowly beginning to surround it. When the sphere had fully surrounded the temple, it disappeared.

The Ancient Temple had been teleported back to The Other.

"Come on, Rainbow. Wake up."

"Ugh. What happened?" Said Rainbow dash, slowly regaining consciousness.

"Rainbow Dash!" Exclaimed Scootaloo, "You're okay."

"Scootaloo, you just saw me yesterday."

"Actually, you were in this forest for almost 2 weeks."

"T-two weeks?! Is that a joke?" Asked Rainbow

I wish that it was, Rainbow dash. But Nyx is right

"Woah, who said that." Exclaimed Rainbow, looking around

"That was Watcher." Said Nyx, "He helped us rescue you from that Ancient Temple. It had taken all of your memories and replaced them with an entire set of new memories."

"And, you three saved me from that?" Asked Rainbow. He then hugged Scootaloo and Nyx. "Thank you. Scootaloo and Nyx. Now we had better get back to Ponyville. I'm sure that Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy are worried about me."

"All of Ponyville is." Said Scootaloo, "We've all been wondering where you've been. But I was the first one to actually do something about it."

"Thank you Scootaloo, for not giving up on me. Now come on, I'm sure that Pinkie is going to throw a party to celebrate my return after 2 weeks."

"You should join us, Watcher. I'm sure that you'll love Pinkie's parties."

I suppose it wouldn't hurt. But first.

Watcher used his power to form a pony body for himself so that he wouldn't be mistaken for a ghost. How do I look? He asked. His pony body had a gray coat and a pale white mane and tail

"You look like a real pony, Watcher."

Now let's join Rainbow dash and Scootaloo

Watcher and Nyx walked up to Rainbow and Scootaloo. They got startled at Watcher's new appearance

Don't worry. It's Watcher. I gave myself a pony body

The 4 walked into Ponyville, where the first pony to see them was Pinkie. She immediately rushed up to them when she saw Rainbow dash.

"Oh my Celestia. Rainbow dash, where were you?" Said Pinkie

"I was in the Everfree forest. I seemed to have lost all my memories because of some Ancient Temple. But then these three worked together to save me from it."

"Yep, we did." Said Nyx. "Though I wouldn't have been able to do it without help from Watcher."

She is right, Pinkie pie. I assisted her and Scootaloo in freeing Rainbow Dash

"Ooh. I'll have to plan a double party. I have to go." And Pinkie rushed off to plan the party, which only took a half hour for her to set up

The party lasted for several hours. All of Ponyville was there to welcome Rainbow back to Ponyville and meet Watcher. But soon, Watcher had to leave to go back to Mt Danger Peak.

Everypony went back home not long after Watcher left. Scootaloo stayed at Rainbow's house in order to catch up after the two weeks, and Nyx went back to her mother's castle with her mom, proud of herself for completing her first case as an official Detective.