> Ark: Friendship is Survival > by Pomp-Neigh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EARTH- -Abandoned City, A.K.A Sanctuary- How long has it been since a worthy survivor managed to reach this world? This rotting, corrupted world... No, Helena! Bad girl! You can still save it, so stop thinking like that. All I need is someone whose heart is in the right place, who will purify this world and return all of the Arks home to Earth. All of that fantastic life is contained within every installation, just waiting for that right... spark." Hmm... you know, that last survivor was quite promising. They ascended off the Island and Scorched Earth Installations; I was so excited to meet them! That is… until he killed them on the Aberration Installation. Now that there is a roadblock, one I wish I had nipped in the bud long ago. When I was still... Human. The human-like entity sighs sadly, "Honestly? I sometimes ask myself why I even bother to go on. I've lost all of my friends, those I've ever considered being family. Even some of the creatures I've ever tamed. All gone. It's funny, I technically don't have a life anymore, not exactly, and yet I sometimes feel like I want to just- no! Damn it, Helena! You're bloody doing it again!" ”Raaaaaargh!” Helena screams out into the abandoned city as her voice echoes throughout the broken structures in a fit of rage. Some of the various forms of life currently traversing this forgotten iron jungle are momentarily startled as a result; others even started to stampede as herds of ancient creatures cause the landscape to rumble as a result of their girth. "Why?! Why can't I find just one worthy survivor?! One who isn't some selfish git and only cares about going to war against other tribes. I've checked every installation there is, including the ones that aren't necessary, and I can't find one-" [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] "Let me guess, Alpha Terminal... Failed again?" [Attention.] [User: Helena.] [Scan complete: New Ark installation detected.] "What the...? A new Ark installation?! B-but that can't be; I've searched every Ark there is around the planet's orbit. Alpha Terminal, give me everything you have on that installation right now!" [Scanning...] [Scanning complete.] [Downloading Ark's information...] [Download complete.] [Ark Installation: Equus. Location: Mars orbit. Variety of non-sentient life: Abundant. Variety of sentient life: Abundant. Survivor probability: 98% Element presence: 100% Artificial Sun: Enabled. Artificial Moon: Enabled. Artificial Atmosphere: Activated. Ark Shields: Engaged. Guardian(s): Active. Guardian Designation: >Princess Celestia. >Princess Luna. >Princess Cadence. Attention. Potential fourth guardian now being processed. Designation: >Princess Twilight Sparkle. Overseer: Active. Overseer Designation: >Discord. Attention. Potential Overseer replacement located and recommended by current Overseer. Survivor Transplant Designation: >My Dear Fluttershy. Artifact(s): Active. Artifact Designation: >Artifact Of The Loyal Rainbow. >Artifact Of The Pink Laughter. >Artifact Of The Kind Butterfly. >Artifact Of The Magical Prodigy. >Artifact Of The Generous Beauty. >Artifact Of The Honest Apple. Installation Ascension Protocol: Disabled. ] "What...?! No way... that can’t be. Ah, bloody hell yeah! Alpha Terminal, get me visual footage of that installation right now! I want the name of every species on that Ark, both sentient and non-sentient. Also, why the bloody hell did that Overseer disable the Ascension Protocol? Meh, I'll figure that out later. It looks like this Overseer has already chosen its potential replacement... My Dear Fluttershy?" [Downloading files...] Helena 'squees' in excitement. "I can't believe it; there's still hope after all. There could be so many survivors on this installation, but how did they achieve it? Are they working together in harmony? What's the wildlife there like? Are they tamable? So many questions but not enough time, I have to-" [Download complete] Helena starts to scroll down the various listings of the Ark's lifeforms. "Alrighty, let's see what we have here. let's start with the list of sentient beings." "Mmm, I don't care for the non-sentient listings. No offense to them but, uh, I can't exactly ask a Dodo to save the world now can I? Unless it was a sentient Dodorex..." "Mhmm..." "Mhmm..." "Oh, nice..." "Wow... There's a lot of mythologically based life forms on this Ark, and they're all sentient? What kind of installation is this? It's like a little lass made this one." "No humans?! You're telling me that all of the sentient life on this Ark are non-human?!" "...Holy moly." "...This is." "I can't believe it, sentient ponies practically filled the niche that would normally be occupied by a human, at least on most installations. Then again, it is called Equus.” Helena claps her hands together and smiles contently. "Ok then, I'm convinced. Equus, you beautiful gem, let's see what you've got to offer. Alpha Terminal, what's the most well-known establishment amongst the ponies? Give me a city, nation, country, anything that would be their equivalent to humanity's." [Scanning...] [Scan complete.] [Nation: Equestria. Capitol: Canterlot.] [Would you like a list of Equestria's towns and cities, Helena? "Nope, that won't be necessary. Canterlot it is then, oh, I'll need to prepare a HLN-A unit before I try to establish contact. Now then, one last thing for today, Alpha Terminal: Give me access to that Ark's terminal; I want admin access granted to me asap!" [Requesting Ark terminal access...] [Access granted.] [Admin controls: Granted] [Please enter admin command.] "It's been a while since I did this. Hmm, I believe the command waaaas..." Helena lifts her right hand, brings it up to the screen of the Alpha Terminal, and types in: 'Enable: The Spectator.' She then presses another option: ‘Enter.’ [Enable: The Spectator] [Admin command successfully activated. The Spectator: Enabled. Status: 100% Cloaking: Activated] "Ok, let's fly this baby over to Canterlot. Now how do I bring up that map... Oh! There we go!" "Looks like I have to head... North!" Helena then starts to move the screen, and by extension, The Spectator, as she accidentally flies it into a tree. An apple tree to be specific. [Attention. The Spectator has taken damage. Status: 95%] "I swear... I'm terrible at using this thing." She then voices her various opinions as she continues to move The Spectator. "Ooooh, their landscape is quite beautiful. Very colorful, too." "Ah, there's Canterlot!" "Oh. My. Gosh. These ponies are just too cute! And they can talk! Awwww, I just want to snuggle one and use it as a pillo- no, no, come now, Helena. Snuggle later, spectate now." "Woah, what's going on here? From the looks of things, I just missed one heck of a party. I wonder if-" "In fact, my first royal decree as the ruler of Equestria is to establish this: Council of Friendship!” [CHEERING] Those of a lavender-colored equine entity cut off Helena's words. Regardless, Helena remains silent as she observes the scenario taking place before her. "And what a wonderful decree it is," Says the rainbow-maned, white coated equine. "We always knew that whatever adversity you faced, you and your friends would find your way through it together," Comments the starry maned, dark blue coated equine. "We know Equestria is in the perfect hooves with you and your friends looking out for it, and while we'll always be here if you need us, it's time for us to be on our way." "You're leaving?" The lavender equine responds. "We hope you'll come and visit us in Silver Shoals." "But now it's time for you to rule on your own; you're all more than capable." "Thank you... For everything." Helena continues to observe the scene as the equine entities come together into a group hug, at least that's what she assumed it was due to their equine anatomy, which results in heartful laughter. A huge smile forms on Helena's face as she says: "That has to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen. These ponies are perfect! They are exactly what I've been looking for in a survivor, and there's a whole freaking nation of these ponies who embraces the bonds of friendship. My mind is now officially made up. Watch out, Equus, because Helena's coming! Alpha Terminal, what's the status on that HLN-A drone?" [Calculating HLN-A drone unit completion..] [HLN-A drone unit #1946B: 98%] "Perfect!" Helena exclaims as she then looks towards the live footage of the equine figures, "I've got a good feeling about you guys, my little ponies- wait, what's that pegasus mare with the derpy looking eyes doin- OH MY GOD SHE'S GOING TO FLY RIGHT INTO-!" [CRASH] [Attention. The Spectator has been destroyed.] “I see that, Alpha Terminal... Damnit all." > Chapter 1 - The Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- Princess Twilight Sparkle, two of her fellow Princesses, and the rest of the Element Bearers, in addition to Spike and Starlight Glimmer, stare in shock at the object that now lies destroyed in front of them. Derpy Hooves rubs her head with her left forehoof. "Ok, I know I can be pretty clumsy... but putting an invisible thingy in my way doesn't count." The pegasus mare then shakes her head to recover their composure and flies off, leaving behind a startled group of ponies who all continue to stare in shock and awe towards the now shattered remains of an unknown object. At least, unbeknownst to them. Twilight recovers from her shocked state and slowly starts to walk toward the object. However, two separate wings intercept her path. Raising her head, she comes to realize that these appendages belong to both Princesses Luna and Celestia. The lavender alicorn became so enthralled by this alien-like object that she momentarily failed to recognize these familiar equines. "Stay back, Twilight. My sister and I shall approach. Element bearers, be at the ready," Celestia orders as she turns her head to Luna and nods, to which the dark alicorn returns the gesture. As the alicorn sisters draw near the object, Twilight's friends and loved ones walk up to her and state: "What in da' world is that, Twi?" Applejack questions. "It looks so... Technical. This kind of stuff should be right up your alley, egghead," Rainbow Dash comments. "Ooh, it looks like a party prop! Oh! Maybe-it's-aliens-from-another-world-who-used-it-to-spy-on-us-until-Derpy-flew-into-it-and-destroyed-it," Pinkie Pie said with fantastic speed. "Oh, um, maybe that's not it. B-but, then again, maybe you're right, Pinkie," Fluttershy says. "My word, darlings. I must say that this thing looks so beautiful," Rarity compliments. Twilight continued to stare on with her mouth now hung agape, and her eyes widened. Both Starlight and Spike also matched the alicorn's expression. A golden aura surrounds the object upon which it starts to float towards the source of the aura's owner. "This object is most peculiar," Celestia assesses. "I've never seen something like this in all my years. Have you, Luna?" "Nay, dear sister. We hath never impeded upon such an object of unknown origins. Perhaps Dr. Whooves could enlighten us further?" "Indeed, Luna," Celestia replies as she then turns towards everyone else present, "My dear friends and loved ones, it would seem that fate has not given up on throwing the unknown at us even during these times. Princess Twilight Sparkle, what are your orders?" Twilight stares on, specifically towards the object being held within Celestia's aura, as she fails to comprehend her former teacher's words. "Hello? Equestria to Twilight, are you ok?" Spike questions. "I've got this, everypony," Starlight Glimmer comments as she starts to walk up towards her teacher and lights up her horn before exclaiming: "Twilight! Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek are free!" "What?! Who?! Where- oh, that's not true, and I fazed out again, didn't I?" Twilight questions sheepishly, to which everyone nods in response. "I'm sorry, everypony. It's just, look at that thing! It's a technology that's years, if not DECADES, ahead of us. Most of all is the fact that it was invisible and was watching us this whole time, that is until Derpy crashed into it." "So like Princess Celestia asked, Twi, what shall we do with that strange thing?" Applejack questions. Twilight ponders on their inquiry for a moment before she walks up to Celestia and takes the object into her lavender aura.  "I agree with Prince- er, I mean, Luna's suggestion. Let's ask Dr. Whooves to look at this thing seeing as he's Equestria's mechanical expert. I do not doubt that he knows what this thing is!" Twilight exclaims proudly with her left forehoof held high in the air. "I have no earthly idea what this thing is! Great whickering stallions, I'm at a loss!" Dr. Whooves exclaims as he has just finished examining the unknown object within his laboratory. "I'm sorry, everypony, but I truly have no idea. It's technological in both design and form, but this technology absolutely couldn't have been made here. It's practically eons ahead of our time! Where in the world did you all procure this device?" "Well, Derpy kind of rammed into it while she was delivering some letters to Canterlot. So you mean to tell us that this thing is alien?" Twilight questions.  "This thing is so much more than being just alien. It's so advanced that it practically has no right to exist in the first place. I realize how cruel that might sound, given my pride and love for the unknown, but this mysterious object is that unique." "Woah, that's crazy… and awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaims. "We know absolutely nothing about this strange device. Impressive it may very well be; let us not forget the fact that this object was spying on us!" Luna exclaims with a raised forehoof. "We simply do not trust this object and recommend that we eradicate it; reduce it to ashes for the good of us all." "Sister, we can't take such a drastic course of action-" "Nay, Celly. We art sorry, dear sister, but we must insist on this course of action," Luna then turns her gaze towards the current ruler of Equestria, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, thou art the current ruler of Equestria, so we beseech thee. Destroy this object before something foul shall befall us all. We hath a bad feeling about this machination," Luna practically pleads with the alicorn Princess as her eyes reflect her proposal. "Please, dear Twilight, we shalt not ever request anything else in a hundred lifetimes. Heed our warning and destroy this thing. We knoweth of thy curiosity, and we'd be lying if we didn't feel the same deep inside. But, we will happily remain ignorant of this object's origins if it means the safety of not only Equestria but possibly the entire world." Twilight was honestly at war with herself. On one hoof, Luna was indeed right about the lavender mare's curiosity. In fact, they practically begged her to research this unknown anomaly to its core. On the other hoof, Luna was also correct about the potential dangers this object could wreak upon them all, and as the old saying goes: Some things are better left unknown. A few more moments passed by, all while everyone else present awaits patiently for Twilight's final decision. Luna, in particular, is still holding a pleading expression. Finally, the lavender alicorn sighs sadly and says: "As much as I would love to tear this thing apart and learn all about it, trust me when I say that I really want to, I agree with Princes- I mean, Luna. Let's destroy it." "What?!" Everyone aside from Celestia and Luna exclaims in unison. "Huzzah! Twilight, thou shalt not regret this course of action," Luna replies happily. "I would never question your judgment, dear Twilight. I, too, am content with this decision despite my want to explore this object further," Celestia says before smiling brightly. The rest of Twilight's friends and loved ones, in addition to Dr. Whooves, recover from their shocked states as Starlight questions: "Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight? I know how you can be when it comes to exploring the unknown." "Yeah, egghead. I mean, sure, if it's to defend Equestria, then, by all means, send it to the sun for all I care. But, you sure you don't want to-" Rainbow Dash's words are cut off as Twilight raises her right forehoof hoof and interjects: "I appreciate what you're doing, but my mind is made up. Luna's advice is sound, and in addition to Dr. Whooves's earlier assessments, it's within our best interests to destroy this thing," The ruler of Equestria sighs sadly, "Even though I can't deny my curiosity." [POOF] "Hello, everypony! Discord is here and-" The draconequus's eyes suddenly widened in shock, "Wait… why do I sense- Twilight! You didn't!" "What's wrong?! What did I do?!" "Why do I sense a Spectator Unit around here-" Discord tries to cover his mouth to silence himself, but unfortunately, his words have already made their effect. Everyone present is now staring suspiciously towards the draconequus as they shout in unison: "What did you just say?!" "Oh, uh, little old me?" Discord asks sheepishly as he starts to sweat up a storm, literally, "I didn't say anything." "Yes ya' did! Ya' dang trickster!" Applejack exclaims. "Yeah, Dizzy! I heard you say: 'Spectator Unit!'" Pinkie Pie shouts matter-of-factly. The draconequus snaps his lion's paw as a closed zipper replaces the party pony's muzzle. "Aha! So you are hiding something!" Rarity accuses with a raised forehoof, "Why else would you try to silence Pinkie Pie? And you seem to forget that the rest of us heard you, very clearly." "The Bearer of Generosity is right, Lord of Chaos," Luna barks as the dark alicorn starts to draw near with her horn alighted, "Thou just spoketh the name of that object to which thou hath no way of knowing would have existed unless we told thee. Thou hath possessed knowledge of the strange device in the lab even before any of us hath shown it to thee. Speak, now!" "Please, Discord, if you know what that thing is, then you have to tell us. Um, that is, if you don't mind," Fluttershy said. "Aside from Fluttershy, I'm one of your best buds, Discord. The least you could do is tell us," Spike pleads. Discord was growing ever more nervously as they continued to demand his knowledge of the alien-like object.  "Discord, you must tell us what that thing is. If this were just one of your pranks, then you would've revealed it to us after having your laugh, but the way you're acting now… you're afraid of it," Celestia assesses as her eyes widen with a pinch of horror. If something was potentially dangerous enough to cause him fear, she was right to be just as fearful. Suddenly, any curiosity the Sun Princess did possess for the object faded away. "Then that is all the more reason for us to destroy that object!" Luna exclaims. "Yeah... now I'm really going to give the order for that machine's destruction," Twilight comments. "If this thing is scaring you, Discord, then that means-" "Maybe I should do the talking for him, huh Discord? Or shall I call you… this Ark's Overseer? Ooooh boy, do I have some words for you," A new voice interjects, which causes everyone present to turn their attention towards yet another unknown mechanical wonder. However, unlike the one that lies destroyed in the lab, this one is quite lively. "Greetings everyo- uh, every... pony? I'm Helena Walker! Well, not exactly... kind of? Ok, look, I'm not going to lie to any of you. I'm essentially an alien from Earth, which is kind of your original homeworld, and I've come to seek your aid. Survivors of Installation: Equus." > Chapter 2 - Take me to your leader, Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some time before Helena Walker’s introduction: It's a beautiful sunny day in Equestria, and a small mechanical entity bursts out of the ground from a crater created by some form of impact, sending flickers of dirt into the air. It then starts to look itself over before surveying its surroundings. "Ok, the good news is: I'm here! The bad news is: Whoever owns this apple orchard is going to be very angry with me," Helena says as she looks back to the small crater that was the result of her entry to Equus, "I'm sure they'll forgive me… maybe. Now then, I need to head north to reach Canterlot. It's a good thing I chose the same spot I started with when I was using The Spectator. Before that, though, let's be sure that this little gizmo is in top shape. Initiating status protocol." The mechanical entity starts to glow with what could best be described as a light-blue aura that's both technical and magical in conjunction.  "Hmm, looks like everything is in one piece. My HLN-A unit is at one hundred percent, and I- oh, crap… I forgot to give this thing cloaking capabilities. So much for subterfuge, I'm going to have to be a fly on the wall to traverse this Ark without being see-" "Whoa! This thing looks awesome! So that's where the light show was coming from." "Scootaloo! This thing left a crater in ma' family's orchard! It's probably what left that huge dent in one of our apple trees!" -Of course ramming into that tree with the Spectator would come back to bite me like a Rex...- Helena thought, turning towards the source of these voices. "Well, I say that this thing looks gorgeous," Sweetie Belle complimented. "That blue light it constantly gives off is delightful. It's almost like a unicorn's horn when they're about to cast a spell." Helena then gets an idea as she chuckles to herself and says: "I am a visitor from another woooooorld. Take me to your leader, ponies. WoOoOoOo." -I always enjoy making that reference when I arrive on newly discovered Arks,- Helena says internally. "You can talk?!" The three ponies exclaim in unison. "You bet your flanks I can, survivors." The three mares are, of course, thrown off by this reference, but the orange earth pony is the first to recover from their confusion and questions: "Ah', why'd ya' call us survivors?" "Oh, it's technically what you all are! Aside from being sweet, adorable, and cuddly ponies, of course. I'm not insulting any of you by chance, am I?" "No, no, no! It's not that, ya' just surprised us is ah'll. Oh! Where are me and ma' friend's manners, ma' name is-" "You're Apple Bloom," Helena interjects. "You're an earth pony while your friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are a pegasus and a unicorn. You're all so cute compared to the equines I've ever seen before on the other Arks." The three equines were stunned as their eyes widened and the trios mouthes dropped towards the ground.  "Did I do something wrong?" Helena inquires. "H-how in tarnation did ya' do that?" Apple Bloom questions. "Do what?" "You know our names and what type of ponies we are!" Scootaloo replies. "How did you do that?!" -Damnit, Helena, you're going to drive them mad if you tell them everything. What I have to discuss is only meant for the rulers of Equestria. Come on, think… think.- An exclamation mark suddenly pops up on the mechanical entity's visor, along with a dinging sound. "Whoa!" The trio of ponies exclaims in response as they are startled by the change in the entity's 'eye.' "Your eye just changed! Are you ok?!" Sweetie Belle questions in concern. "My eye? Oh! No, my little ponies, this isn't my actual eye. You're looking at an Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, and this is my unit's visor. I'm a drone, a machine. Now, I'm in a hurry, but can you all help deliver me over to Canterlot in secret? Derpy Hooves was supposed to do that, but she kind of… dropped me." -Sorry, Derpy, but you got me into this mess… and you're going to get me out of it.- Helena says internally. "Oh!" The trio exclaims in unison. "You must be some secret project for Princess Twilight!" Scootaloo exclaims. "Keep your voice down, Scoots. If this thing is meant to be kept a secret, then we can't let anypony else see her," Sweetie Belle says as she places a forehoof onto the pegasus's muzzle. "That's gotta be It. If it's fer' Twilight, then the Cutie Mark Crusaders accepts yer' request ah- wait, what's yer' name?" Apple Bloom questions. "Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Helena Walker."  -Canterlot-  The Cutie Mark Crusaders exit the train that has just arrived from Ponyville. Various individuals from different species were now starting to board the aforementioned train as Sweetie Belle wipes her forehead with her left forehoof and says: "Phew, that was too close." "Ah'll say… that conductor was one nosey pony. It's ah' good thing we wrapped Helena in a blanket before we placed her in that there bag of yours." Apple Bloom responds. Scootaloo took the time to peek into the bag as she whispered: "Psst, you ok in there, Helena? It's not a tight fit, is it?" "I'm good, love. One good thing about being an AI is that I don't have to worry about feeling anything. Don't you worry about my physical discomfort. I owe you three so much for this." -I swear, when this is all over, I will personally make sure that you three live incredible lives on Earth. I might even be able to do something about Scootaloo's wing condition.- Helena states internally. The crusaders nod in response as they continue to make their way through Canterlot. .......... After traversing through Equestria's capital for nearly an hour, greeting and passing various ponies, the group came upon a very familiar sight as they found themselves in the aftermath of Princess Twilight's royal coronation. "Wow, ah'm surprised that this place is still a mess. Didn't anypony bother to clean up after the coronation?" Apple Bloom questions. -I might've had something to do with that...- Helena says internally. "Let's see if there's anypony who can help-" "Hey, I recognize you ladies. You're the younger siblings of some of the Element Bearers, right?" A new voice interjects, which causes the crusaders to turn towards a dark purple unicorn mare with a noticeably broken horn on her head. "How's it going, Tempest?!" Scootaloo exclaims. "Have you seen Princess Twilight around here? We've got a secret delivery for her." "Oh? Well, I saw them teleport away not too long ago with some strange object. From what I observed, some pegasus rammed into it while I was about to take my leave. I'll spare you the details, but they went to see somepony named Dr. Whooves?" "I know him; Derpy asked me to help deliver some apples to his laboratory a few times before," Apple Bloom responds. "Thanks a bunch of apples fer' this, Tempest. We'll catch ya later!" The apple family member waves her right front hoof at the broken unicorn before the group heads off towards the opposite direction with Apple Bloom in the lead. "Ok, everypony, here we are," Apple Bloom says as she turns around and exclaims with a raised forehoof: "Welcome to Dr. Whooves' Laboratory!" -Fantastic! I hope we aren't too late and can catch the current ruler of Equestria in time. According to her file, Twilight is a potential fourth guardian for this Ark, currently being processed. I must say: This installation is so bizarre, and it's unlike any of the others. I mean, The Guardians on The Island aren't exactly nice… I still hold a grudge against The Broodmother, stupid overgrown spider. Yet here on Equus, its guardians live alongside the survivors in peace. What the hell did this Ark's Overseer do? Disabling the Ascension Protocol was mind-boggling in itself, but seeing such a surreal phenomenon even by the standards of the other Arks is just so unusual.- During her inner thoughts, Helena failed to realize that Sweetie Belle managed to get by various other ponies dressed in lab attire in some miracle. Suddenly, the unicorn pony stops in front of a door as the two can hear faint voices just behind it. Sweetie Belle looks around one last time before opening up the bag via her magic, floating Helena before her and removing the blanket that had covered the AI. "Ok, the coast is clear for now. Scoots and Apple Bloom are distracting the other ponies. I'll open the door for you so you can fly in there and meet up with Twilight." "Thank you again for this; I promise to make it up to you all someday," Helena replies as she then flies into the unicorn and rubs herself against the pony in a grateful gesture, to which the unicorn returns by lifting her left front hoof. The two then part ways after a momentary embrace as Sweetie Belle alights her horn and opens the door for Helena. "Goodbye, Helena. It was really nice to meet you." "Thank you, Sweetie Belle. I'll never forget this, nor will I forget you three, my little ponies," Helena replies as she flies into the room and the unicorn closes the door behind her. Helena starts to zip about the lab and leaves behind a stream of blue light as the AI flies towards the source of the voices, which notably grew louder as she drew near. .......... "Then that is all the more reason for us to destroy that object!" Luna exclaims. "Yeah... Now I'm going to give the order for that machine's destruction. If this thing is scaring you, Discord, then that means-" "Maybe I should do the talking for him, huh Discord? Or shall I call you this Ark's Overseer? Ooooh boy, do I have some words for you," Helena interjects as she reaches the source of the voices and catches the attention of the entities that stand before her. "Greetings everyo- uh, every... pony? I'm Helena Walker! Well, not exactly... kind of? Ok, look, I'm not going to lie to any of you. I'm essentially an alien from Earth, which is kind of your original homeworld, and I've come to seek your aid. Survivors of Installation: Equus." Present. Discord's eyes are widened in shock as he recognized the entity before him. "Y-you!" He shouts with a pointed eagle's talon, "You're the one who managed to access my terminal! How did you do that?!" "Four words: Alpha. Terminal. On. Earth. In your face, Overseer," Helena responds as she flies up to Discord's face and presses against it, "Tried to hide this installation from good old Helena, huh? You've got a lot of explaining to do, and not just to me it would seem," Helena says as she gestures towards the other ponies who stare in shock and disbelief. "I see two of your Ark's Guardians here, in addition to Twilight Sparkle, yet they seem to be oblivious to everything that's going on! Hear me well, Overseer, if you are trying to pull another Edmund Rockwell, I will terminate you right here and now!" Helena roars out as the AI glows with its light blue aura.  Celestia recovers before any of the other ponies and starts to walk forward, saying: "Discord... why is this mysterious machine-entity calling you an Overseer? Also, Ark? Guardians? What is happening here?" "I will happily answer in his stead-" "No! Leave this Ark right now!" Discord interjects. "I don't care one bit about what you came here for; you will not-" "You don't care?!" Helena interjects in response. "It's in your programming to care, Overseer! These poor souls deserve to know the truth!" "They can't handle the truth!" Discord roars in response as his pupils glow red, "You would cruelly tell them of their harsh reality?! You don't know these ponies as I do; their emotions are-" "ENOUGH!" Celestia exclaims in her very own Canterlot Voice as she injects herself into this debate and shakes the entirety of the laboratory. Her exclamation also causes the bystanders to cover their ears in the process. "You two will come with me, right now," Celestia declares as she then turns to the others, "Princess Twilight, you, Luna, and the Element Bearers shall accompany us, and as for you, Dr. Whooves, I respectfully ask that you keep this a secret." "For the first time in my life… I don't think I want to know where this is going. I shall take my leave, and this never happened," Dr. Whooves responds as he starts to make his way towards the exit. "We haven't had time to change the Canterlot Castle, so we could use your room Pri- I mean, Celestia." "Oh my sweet Twilight, there's no need to call me that, for I am no longer Equestria's ruler. Also, it's not exactly my room anymore, but I do appreciate the gesture, my beloved former student." As they converse and everyone gathers around them, Discord and Helena are practically staring daggers at each other. The AI, in particular, was now emitting a red light rather than its usual light blue coloration. Seeing this, some of the element bearers have various reactions of their own: "Hey, AJ, wanna make a bet? Five bits on the machine." "Yer' on, Rainbow. Ah' got five on Discord." "I'll take a piece of that action," Starlight comments. "Five bits on Discord as well." "Ooh, ooh, I've got five on Helena," Pinkie Pie said happily. "You can't be serious, darlings. How could you bet on such a thing?" Rarity questions. She then pauses for a moment, "Five bits on Discord." Both Fluttershy and Spike stared at the group with expressions that could be translated to: ' Seriously?' Twilight raises an eyebrow at their antics. Luna chuckles. Celestia's horn glows with a golden aura before casting a spell which consumes the group in bright light, disappearing as a result. > Chapter 3 - Revelations Pt: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A beam of light suddenly appears along with a group of individuals within a beautiful and grand bed-chamber. The walls were adorned with tapestries that bear sun symbols, while paintings and various photos decorated and filled in the rest. One image stuck out most like a sore thumb, the largest of them all, depicting this refuge's previous owner: Princess Celestia. The metaphorical cherry on top was a fireplace that was currently inactive with a large bed positioned before it. "I must be honest, Twilight. I'm glad you haven't changed my former room yet. I always feel at peace here," Celestia said, absorbing her familiar surroundings. "Of course!" Twilight exclaims. "To be honest with you, I don't really want to change it. Both yours and Luna's bed chambers. I guess it just doesn't feel right to me yet..." These words cause both alicorns to form a grateful smile on their muzzles. "We appreciate thy consideration, Twilight Sparkle," Luna comments as she and Celestia drape a wing over the lavender alicorn.  "Woah! That was incredible! I knew you could all perform magic based on your files, but to see it for myself is just mind-boggling. As a scientist, I want to shoot you with thousands of questions. However, Earth really needs us, so let's get straight to business. I'll inquire about the magic later," Helena says as she floats around the room as if she were sightseeing. She then zooms right into Discord's face, leaving a trail of light blue in the process, and continues: "Alright, Overseer. It's time for us to talk, and I'm sure they all have questions," The AI then turns to everyone else present, "Everyone, please take a seat. Class is about to be in session." Discord lets out an annoyed grunt in response while commenting mentally: -Damn you, Helena. You just had to show yourself here on Equus; I wish you never arrived. My friends are one thing, but If dear Fluttershy goes mad by the end of this, I will throw you into Celestia's artificial sun! I don't care how many times you can rebuild yourself on Earth!- Heeding the AI's request, every pony present sat on their flanks while Spike rested himself on top of the large bed. Although, it was slightly awkward considering the bed's former owner was seated upon the floor with her fellow ponies. Discord hovered a few inches over the floor while Helena remained alongside him. "So, who's got the first question for us?" Helena inquires. Discord could only chuckle as he knew what was going to happen next. Specifically, all of the Element Bearers, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer gave various inquiries; in different tones. Just moments before this takes place, Celestia alights her horn with a golden aura and whispers to her sister: "I think I should cast a silencing spell around the room."  .......... "What's an Ark?!" Spike exclaims. "What are ya'?" Applejack inquires. "Yall look like some kind of lightbulb." "Who made you? You look awesome!" Rainbow Dash compliments.  "Ooh! Ooh! What's Earth like?!" Pinkie Pie questions with a forehoof raised over her head. "While we're at it, what's your favorite cake?! Wait, can you even eat cake?" -This might sound rude, but I don't think I want to dignify that cake question with a response...- Helena says internally. "I'd personally like to know just what in the world is a guardian? Yes, the name is straightforward, but you make it sound like something so much more. In addition, Discord, what exactly is your role as an Overseer?" Twilight inquires with a forehoof to her chin. -I can't wait to hear how he explains that one.- Helena mocks internally. "You were surprised by our use of magic? Also, what do you mean by 'files'?" Starlight questions. -Ohoho, I can't wait to hear how she explains that one!- Discord mocks internally.  "I simply must ask what Earth's fashion is like, darling," Rarity wondered, which momentarily caused her friends to turn their questioning gazes towards the fashionista. "What? I'm curious!" "Oh, um, well, I'd like to know what kind of animals there are on Earth?" Fluttershy inquired. "Are they friendly?" -Damnit, how do I tell her about some of the infected life forms on Earth? I should've seen this coming; she's the bloody pony version of Li Mei-Yin and me combined. I miss you, Mei. Also, Friendly? Mostly the herbivores, although even certain species like the Therizinosaurus can be pretty awful.- Helena states internally. -Oh yes, Helena, tell Fluttershy how you tame them. I'm sure she'd be delighted to hear what you do with a club and a bola. Not to mention forcing them to eat narcotics. Worst of all are those poor Kairukus and their organic polymer.- Discord said internally, wearing a condescending smirk. Celestia and Luna continue to observe while also listening attentively, their ears perking upwards. "Alright, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities, but you must promise me that you'll hold any further questions until the end. And you mustn't interrupt us. Finally, I ask that you please don't panic; what I have to reveal is a little-" "Little?" Discord interjects, cutting off the AI. "How about reality crushing?! I still say that we shouldn't tell them." "And I say they deserve to know," Helena retorts, followed by a light sigh, "Look, I'm not inconsiderate, and I understand where you're coming from, Overseer. However, try to see it from my perspective as well. These ponies are likely to be our last hope; they can save Earth and bring all of the Arks back home, including this one. Would you allow them to continue living a lie? Or will you help me get them back home so they can forge their own destinies?" "I'm not a fool, Helena. I know what the true purpose of the Arks is. I am an Overseer, after all. But if you can understand where I'm coming from, you should know how the truth might affect them." "Neither of you gave us a chance to show that," Celestia responds, which catches the attention of everyone present. "From what I'm hearing, Discord is afraid that the truth is too much for us to handle. On the other hoof, Helena wants to reveal the truth to us despite it all. Is this essentially what you two are debating?" Discord and Helena look at each other before they sigh together and respond in unison: "Yes..." "Then reveal thy truth to us all and let us decide for ourselves. But before that, we hath a proposition in honor of Discord's worries," Luna said. She then gets off the floor and spreads her wings, "Who here doth not wish to partake in the truth? Leave this room now and forever keep thy ignorance. Thou shalt not be judged for wishing to keep thy peace, tis understandable." The ponies look at each other with questioning expressions, in addition to the young dragon among them. One by one, they each nod their heads and take a breath. "Ah' might regret this, but ah' choose the truth," Applejack answers as she holds her hat against her chest region. The orange mare chuckles, "Ah' guess that's no surprise given ma' element." "I'm too awesome to be scared by the truth; I can take it!" Rainbow Dash says confidently. "We've faced incredible odds before, so I know we can handle this no matter how surreal it might be," Twilight said with conviction as she took on a determined expression. "I want the truth." Spike, Starlight, Rarity, and Fluttershy all swallow lumps in their throats before nodding in response. Discord could only sigh with a mix of sorrow before saying: "I'm so sorry, everyone… I just wanted to protect you all. If you want the truth, then please, Helena, take it from here. I can admit that I don't dare to do it myself." "I can do that, Over- no, Discord. I must say, you are very different than any other Overseer I've ever known. We'll have to talk about that later," Helena turns towards everyone present, "Fasten your seatbelts, loves. I'm going to give it to you straight." The AI starts to project three holograms of Earth, each noticeably different from the other. "These are just the more well-known versions, but what you are all looking at are various time periods of our homeworld. The many Overseers of the Arks chose different life forms who dominated the planet in the very distant past," The AI floats towards the first planetary hologram, a planet mostly dominated by ice, "This one over here is what we refer to as the Ice Age, when great mammals such as the Wooly Mammoth lived and flourished during these frozen times," The mechanical wonder floats over to the next projection, a planet with one giant supercontinent. "This one right here is called Pangea, a time when Dinosaurs ruled over the planet," Finally, the AI hovers over to the last planet imagery, "This last one is a little closer to home for Helena, and the species of this period are her own: Humans." "Humans?!" The ponies exclaim in unison. "Like the ones in Sunset Shimmer's world?!" Spike questions. "Yes, and- wait, WHAT?!" Helena shouts in shock. The AI was about to scold them for interrupting her but was genuinely surprised to hear about this 'Sunset Shimmer's world.' "Ok, wait, wait, wait, wait! There actually are humans here?! But this Ark's terminal told me-" Discord clears his throat to get them back on track and interjects: "We can talk about that later. It's complicated, but I'll fill you in after we reveal everything else to them." "R-right…" Helena responds before regaining her composure, "As I was saying, humanity was the final life form to rule over the earth for nearly countless years.  Their technology became so advanced that they could do damn near anything. One could even say: It was their magic.” This causes everyone present, aside from Discord, to drop their mouths agape. Their eyes shot wide open in shock and awe. "However, this is where things get a bit darker. The source of this advanced technology came from a material we call Element Ore. This can be refined into the more pure and non-dangerous form that we call Element. I know, I know, they got lazy with the name. Now then, you'll have to forgive me for even I don't truly understand the origins of this resource, and all I know are pieced together scraps from the Alpha Terminal. It might be hard to believe, but this advanced form of humanity engineered Element and changed it that the material somehow became sentient. It became a living infection, complete with a hivemind. The infection then began to consume all life on Earth, which resulted in a terrifying monstrosity: The King Titan. That hivemind I mentioned? That's the very same entity. The advanced humans created the Arks in a desperate attempt to save Earth, and to ensure that life would go on. These are powerful machines and are capable of simulating life, environments, weather patterns, creating one giant ecosystem. Some are nothing but a barren desert, while others consist of multiple settings all stitched together, like The Island installation. In addition, they created the Overseers to govern each Ark and fill them with many life forms from different time periods. Humans, Dinosaurs, and many other forms of life, even those that never actually existed on Earth before. Case in point, you sentient and colorful ponies." "What?! We never existed on Earth?! But you said-" "Don't interrupt her, Twilight. Let them finish their tale," Celestia interjected, gesturing for Helena to continue. "Earth did have ponies, but not your version of ponies. Discord, can you tell them their origins? I know you have it. After all, you designed this Ark as its Overseer." The draconequus Overseer nods in response before saying: "As Helena mentioned before, your respective versions of a pony never actually existed on Earth. You were… I was... inspired by a human child's cartoon. At least that was the targeted audience, but it also reached a more mature fanbase. You are all living versions of those characters, and I was based on the same being I'm named after, Discord, the Lord of Chaos. His powers and abilities were perfect for hiding my true identity. Fun fact: You, Pinkie Pie, I considered your character for the position thanks to her randomness. I even made sure to give it to you as you are now. But you're too random... so I went with Discord, who seemed more orderly than you, which was ironic." Pinkie drops to the floor while imitating a goldfish, opening and closing her mouth. The party pony wasn't alone as her friends followed suit, minus falling to the floor. Even Celestia and Luna weren't spared from Discord's revelation's shock as they shared Pinkie Pie's expression. "Unlike the other Overseers, I decided that friendship and cooperation would be needed most instead of just plucking strong life forms and tossing them into an Ark. You're welcome, by the way, Helena. If I hadn't done that, you'd still be on Earth, still hoping to find suitable survivors. Well, you technically still are there, but you get my meaning." "Discord, in a trunk, off a cliff. Keep telling the story, you wanker," Helena replies angrily as the AI projects a car falling off a cliff. "Now that's just rude. Anyway, I looked back to the early two-thousands, at least on the ancient human calendar, and came across the show I mentioned before. The same one you were born from," Discord snaps his eagle's talon as a DVD materializes itself, floating before everyone else present. "This is it, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Season One, the beginning of your adventure."  "Now, allow me to explain something else... your specimen implants. Then, Helena can tell you about your files and how she knows all about you." > Chapter 4 - Revelations Pt: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord floats the DVD over to Celestia, who takes it within her golden aura. The Overseer then takes a deep breath and sighs sadly before saying: "I have a lot to explain when it comes to your Specimen Implants, but, to start... they're your cutie marks." "Wait… what? You mean those marks on their flanks are their implants?" Helena questions. "How did you manage that?"  "Specimen Implants? Discord, why do you make it sound like we're… test subjects?" Twilight questions. "It's simple, Twilight. As Helena explained before, all of the Arks are injected with life thanks to us Overseers. However, every injected creature has what we call a Specimen Implant. These serve as your identification, but it also allows one to access the inventory of another. You can even store items and such within it; think of it as being similar to a unicorn who can store things within a pocket dimension. That 'dimension' is your implants. All creatures on Equus can access this implant, but they remain hidden from even their owners because of me."  Discord then looks over to Spike, all while everyone else listens intently.  "Come here, Spike. A non-pony is the perfect way to show how I hide your implants," Spike heeds to the Overseer's request and approaches them. "While the cutie marks of ponies hide theirs, non-ponies like you…." Discord then touches Spike's left arm with a single digit of his eagle's talon, touching a specific scale. Upon contact, the present scale starts to morph and change into a diamond-shaped metal that was now etched onto the young dragon's arm. "This is the implant. It contains all that one needs to know about you and Is no doubt how Helena found out about you when she accessed my terminal," Discord says as he shows Spike's arm to everyone else present. The young draconian starts to scratch it, "It's itchy; it reminds me of when I molted." Twilight gets up, and the alicorn makes their way towards her number one assistant. She leans into the now revealed implant to get a closer observation. "Y-you're saying that we all have this thing attached to us?" "Yes, Twilight. However, as I said before, a pony's implant is their cutie mark," Discord then points his lion's paw to the lavender alicorn's flank, her cutie mark, "May I?" Twilight nods in response as she turns her flank to bring her mark closer to the Overseer, albeit with a slight blush forming on her face. Much like what he had done with Spike, Discord taps Twilight's cutie mark. But unlike what happened with the draconian's scale, the lavender mare's cutie mark didn't morph into a diamond-shaped metal object. Her mark still attained its form, but it now became metal that was etched to her flank and started to give off the same light as the young dragon's implant. "D-Discord… I can't believe what I'm seeing. Our marks truly are our implants," Twilight comments in utter disbelief. Helena flies over to get a closer look and starts to scan the newly revealed Specimen Implant. "Oh my god, it truly is an implant. It might not be diamond-shaped like mine was back when I was still human, or Spike's, but it's exactly the same. Her inventory and information are all accessible. Wait… oh my..." "What's wrong?" Twilight questions. "Nothing's wrong, perse'. You defeated Discord! This Ark's Overseer! That's fantastic!" “I’m right here, you know…” Discord says annoyingly. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, Twilight, who else managed to defeat Discord?" Helena questions. "Well… my friends also count since we defeated Discord together. Celestia and Luna also beat him once before. Why?" "Ooh! Ooh! don't forget that time when Tirek-" "Tirek didn't actually defeat me, Pinkie Pie. It was all an act on my part," Discord interjects. "This is perfect!" Helena shouts gleefully. "That means you all can ascend off this Ark and come to The Island installation! I'll have to readjust your Ark's ascension protocol." Twilight and her friends look at each other momentarily before turning back to the AI; saying in unison: "Huh?" "Oh, right… I forgot to talk about that during my story," Helena responds as she flies high above everyone else present, "The Ascension Protocol allows a survivor to travel from one Ark to another after they meet certain conditions. Now, normally one would need to defeat the Guardians to gain access to the Overseer. However, since you already defeated said Overseer… congratulations! Your implants are now eligible for a transfer. You actually would've been sent off to another Ark were it not for someone disabling it," The AI glances towards Discord for a brief moment, then returns her gaze to the Element Bearers, "Then again, it's a good thing he did. Equus isn't connected to the appropriate Arks one must become attuned to in order to return to Earth." "Appropriate Arks?" Celestia questions. "Yes. You see, The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration installations are the appropriate Arks that act as a sort of pathway to take the survivor back to Earth. There, we can work together to purify the infection and save the planet! Once that's accomplished, we can use the Alpha Terminal to bring all the Arks back home." Suddenly, Applejack raises a forehoof, to which Helena questions: "What's up?" "Well, let's go back ah' bit to what Discord said earlier," Applejack then points her forehoof towards the Overseer, "Yall said that yas 'played the part' when Tirek betrayed ya.' Not to mention when he, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow took yer' magic away. What exactly do ya' mean by that?" Discord froze upon hearing Applejack's inquiry as he started to get very nervous. Of course, everyone picks up on this, which causes Helena to say: "Now that you mention it… this Ark follows that show accurately, precisely even. Every moment from every season is played out the same. I took a moment to bring it up and watched it in mere nanoseconds while you were explaining things to them. They imitate their lives in the show to absolute perfection. That can't be right though, once a creature is injected into an Ark, they live their lives as they intend to. Sure, the Ark itself is a lie, but they have free reign to do whatever they want until they grow old and die or what have you. Discord, what in the world did you do to them?" "I… I made sure that they followed the show by leaving suggestions in their implants, their cutie marks. This is why ponies feel cutie marks represent their destinies. In a way… it is. I forced them to live their lives in tandem with the show." As this is going on, everyone else listens attentively and releases a gasp upon hearing those words. "Oh my god… you didn't. You're crazy! The Arks are already a lie, but you practically doubled it for these poor souls," Helena comments. "Yes… I reset their lives when they metaphorically reach the show's end and set everything back to the beginning. For instance: Twilight starts in Canterlot; she meets her friends, defeats Nightmare Moon—all the way up until she becomes a full-grown alicorn princess and has a student of her own. All of you sing a song called The Magic of Friendship Grows. After this is done, I force the Ark to reset itself, and she, along with everyone else here, are reinjected into the Ark. The cycle then repeats itself. Their memories are wiped clean from their previous lives, and their souls remain preserved inside the Overseer's Laboratory. I upload their souls into each and every one of their implants. All life on Equus, for that matter. The Advanced Humans possessed such powerful technology that they can create souls." "WHAT?!" Everyone shouts in unison. "Wait a second!" Luna exclaims. "What about us and our dear sister?! Art we not long-living alicorns who hath ruled over Equestria for over a thousand years?! Is that not what Celly and I hath always done?!" "B-but, I watched Canterlot be built from the ground up after I banished my sister to the moon. Her face was present there every night and-" "That's not real, Celestia. You and your sister did not live for over a thousand years in this life or any of your previous lives. The only time it ever happened, which it still technically hasn't, was in the show. None of you alicorns live for that long; not even dragons do. You all don't truly get to live your full lives because of the reset. The only ones who get that luxury are those depicted in the show to do so. As I said earlier, all of you are acting to the command of your implants. Everything you all do is in accordance with the show." Tears were starting to go down the cheeks of the ponies, and dragon, as Rainbow Dash in particular grits her teeth and exclaims: "All the pain we felt! The hardships we went through! The achievements we've made! It's all meaningless?! Not true?! You just reset our lives and send us back to the beginning?!" "Yer' saying that ah' lost my parents many times before?! Every time you reset this Ark, me and ma' siblings have ta' lose them over and over again?!" Applejack exclaims with tears pouring down. "So when I became Celestia's student… a Princess… all the friends we've made… it was by design and not natural?" Twilight questions with tears pouring down like a river. Many of them wanted to speak their minds, but there was one who got off of her flank and started to slowly walk towards Discord with tears pouring down: Celestia. "How many times, Discord?" "W-what?" "How many times did you reset us? Because when you say 'reset,' I think... kill us!" Everyone else gasps in unison as Celestia continues: "You've said it yourself; none of us gets to live our lives to its fullest because of your reset. But, we are still living beings, so how exactly do you reset us? Let me tell you what I'm starting to think: If our implants truly hold our information and souls, you'd need to retrieve them. Here's the thing, how much are you willing to bet that we'd die the moment you removed our implants forcefully?!" "C-Celly… please…" "Don't! Celly! Me! Answer me right now, Discord! Overseer! Whatever it is I should call you now!" Celestia was practically on the verge of using her Canterlot Voice as she continued to shout at the Overseer. "How many times did you reset us?!"  Helena suddenly lets loose a dinging sound, and an exclamation mark pops up onto the AI's visor. She flies over to Celestia's side and says: "Discord, the Arks have existed for a very long time. So long, in fact, that I don't even have enough information for it on the Alpha Terminal. How many times do you even recall doing this reset?" Discord takes on a saddened expression as he slumps down in defeat and looks over everyone in the room. His eyes widened when he saw her, Fluttershy. He brings both his lion's paw and eagle's talon up to his face in shame and finally answers: "I… I don't keep track of it anymore, but when I last counted… one point two million." > Chapter 5 - The Game Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "O-one point two… million?" Celestia questions in utter disbelief. "Discord… you ended our lives that many times?" “Technically, you didn’t exactly die. Your implants just moved-" "That's the same thing!" Everyone, except Fluttershy, exclaims in unison. "How could you do that to us?! We thought you were our friend?!" Spike shouts angrily. “You are my friends, Spike. But please understand that I-" "That yer' a dang monster!" Applejack interjects. "Ah' was willing to fer'give yas for the whole Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis incident, but… this? Do yall even know how hurt we all are right now?! You played with our lives and kept them on repeat fer' so long!" "The least thou couldst hath done was give us a chance to experience true freedom, like those on the other Arks. Despite said Arks being a lie, we couldst live our lives, our way! Instead, thy monstrous Overseer hath controlled our lives by foul means!" Luna bellows in anger, nearly on the verge of trying to blast the Overseer with her currently alighted horn. "What about when I stole ponies cutie marks?! Their implants! I already feel bad as is, but now you're telling me that I could've murdered them?!" Starlight exclaims as tears are still going down her face. Discord was already filled with guilt, and Starlight's current inquiry only added more fuel to the flame. Suddenly, It was Twilight who now intervened as she shouted in her very own Canterlot Voice: "ENOUGH!" Her exclamation instantly catches the attention of those present. "I've come to a decision, but it's going to raise a few brows among us," The lavender mare then walks towards the fireplace as she now stood before everyone else present. She takes a deep breath, while also closing her eyes, and says: "I've come up with a plan for us all, but you must cooperate with me. It involves both Helena and Discord's revelations. We can't just tell the populace that their lives are currently being managed. But we also need to do something about this. Therefore, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle and the current ruler of Equestria, hereby declare that Celestia and Luna shall be reinstated and shall replace my rule until our return." Twilight's friends and loved ones were shocked by the lavender mare's words, even Discord and Helena, to which Spike, in particular, questions: “Wait, our return? What are you thinking, Twilight?" "Helena specifically told us that we can ascend off of the Ark and head to The Island. So that's what we're going to do. All of us Element Bearers shall ascend to that installation; I believe that's also what you call the Arks, right?" Helena responds with a nod. "In the meantime… I can't believe I'm going to say this… those of you left here will continue Discord's charade. However, this time there won't be a reset… Discord." Twilight emphasizes angrily. "If what you revealed is true, then that means we have a few more years before you even perform that reset. As I am yet to be a full-grown alicorn, that entails as such." "Wait, how old are you ponies anyway?" Helena questions. "For us ponies, me, my friends, and Starlight are considered young adults. I'm personally twenty on the dot," Twilight answered. "Twenty-two here, darling," Rarity replied. "Same as Rares, here," Rainbow Dash said. "Ah' reckon ah' might be the eldest of us Element Bearers, twenty-five," Applejack states. "Ooh! Does that make me the second oldest? I'm twenty-three!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "I'm a year older than you, Pinkie. I'm twenty-four, so, um, I guess I'm the second oldest of us," Fluttershy replies which cause Pinkie Pie's mouth to drop. "I'm twenty-seven… funny enough," Starlight responds, which causes her fellow ponies to turn to her with wide eyes. She laughs sheepishly, "I know… it's strange having someone seven years younger as my teacher." "Speaking of strange… why haven't we talked about our ages before?" Rarity inquires. Discord was actually about to answer until Celestia and Luna stared daggers at him. Helena laughs in response to this. Twilight decides to get back on track as she comments: "Getting back to where I left off, we're going to change things up this time. Celestia and Luna, you are now the current rulers of Equestria in my absence. Please walk me through all of the appropriate paperwork so that you two will have my authority while I'm gone. If this plan works, life will change forever. Not only for Equestria, but all of Equus." "A-are you sure, Twilight?" Celestia questions. "Thou art the bravest pony we hath ever known, Twilight Sparkle," Luna compliments. "Are you sure you want to do this, loves?" Helena inquires with concern. "I know that I came here to seek your aid, but the other Arks are very dangerous. I'd be blunt enough to say that what you faced on this Ark is nothing compared to what the proper installations have in store for you," The AI then shows a sad face emoji on its visor, "Especially on the Aberration installation." "What sort of danger will they be facing there?" Celestia questions in a tone similar to that of a worried mother. Discord takes the initiative and responds with: "I know none of you want to hear my words… but please allow me to help you all." "Why the buck should we do that?!" Rainbow Dash exclaims. "Funny how you suddenly care for us after killing us over a million times before." "I didn't actually kill you, not exactly." "Don't give them that, Discord," Helena responds. "You might've preserved their implants, but you still had to remove them. Of course, it also means that every corpse those were engraved to would be disposed of. You pretty much forced them to body-hop their whole lives." "Look, I know that I betrayed you all-" "Understatement…" Rarity sassily interjects. "But I want a chance to do right by you all. Please, let me help you with this plan," Discord pleads, but as expected, most of the ponies and even his former dragon friend stares at him with anger. Helena floated high above as she continued to observe them all. One pony, in particular, starts to walk towards the Overseer. The very same pony that undoubtedly caused him the most guilt of all: Fluttershy. The shy pegasus wasn't angry, nor could anyone tell if she was happy. She looks at Discord with the most neutral expression anyone has ever seen her take. Finally, she sighs deeply and says: "Discord, be honest with me. When you kill us, when you reset us, do you make us suffer? Do you rip out our implants with no remorse?" "OF COURSE NOT!" Discord exclaims in response, much to everyone's surprise. "Oh, dear Fluttershy… of course I don't do it with such cruelty. After you all sing the song, and later that night, I force every living thing on the Ark to fall asleep--that includes even you, Lulu--so that my drones can extract your implants painlessly. One could say that you all drift off to an endless sleep until I reinject you into the Ark with your memories wiped clean. I swear, I know it sounds cruel, but I swear, Fluttershy, I do it in a merciful way. And, if it's of any comfort… I take no pleasure in doing it." “Then why do it?” Helena inquires. Everyone observes the pegasus as if they were expecting her to, at any moment, pounce onto the Overseer in rage-filled retribution. Surprisingly, and yet also not surprisingly, she sighs once more and comments: "I forgive you." "W-what...?" "I forgive you, Discord. Yes, I am angry about what you did, and I'm sure you will do your best to make it up to us. But I forgive you." "Buuuullsh- ouch! What was that for, AJ?!" Rainbow Dash questions. "Let sugarcube speak her mind," Applejack replies as she hits the cyan pegasus with her left forehoof. "F-Fluttershy… you forgive, me?" Discord asks in disbelief. "Yes, I do. You still have to make it up to us, so start by helping Celestia and Luna keep Equus in check while we go with Twilight's plan. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because if you weren't sincere about your guilt, you could've just silenced us all right here and now, yet you didn't." "Th-that makes… sense. Bloody hell, I can't believe I'm making sense of that," Helena comments as she floats down to the yellow pegasus, "Fluttershy here is right. Discord is more than powerful enough to have just reset you all right here and now. He could've stopped this whole conversation on a whim. Sure, I'd step in and beat the crap out of him, but he does deserve that benefit since he hasn't retaliated against anyone here. But let's go back to my earlier question, why do you even perform these resets, Discord?" "Well, I-" Discord draws a blank as he takes on a confused expression, "What in the world..." "What's wrong?" "I… I don't know." "WHAT?!" Everyone exclaims in unison. "You've been resetting their lives, and you don't even know why you do it?" Helena questions in disbelief. "I know why I do it since it's to keep them in line with the show. But… why do I feel like I have to do it? Something practically forces even me to perform the reset." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You're saying that you resetting the Ark, our lives, is within your will but also against your will? I'm so confused!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "I must admit, even I'm finding it hard to make sense of all this. Discord, whenever you reset us, can you tell me how you feel exactly?" Celestia questions. "Like I told dear Fluttershy, I take no pleasure in it, and I know that I have to reset the Ark. But, that's just it… why do I feel like I have to reset it? Why not just let you all live your lives to their ends? This is just too chaotic, even for me." "Discord, I want to perform a scan on you," Helena asks. "This whole time, I thought you were doing this willingly, but if you feel that it's also against your will, something is clearly wrong here. The Overseer has absolute control and cannot be controlled unless it becomes infected like what Rockwell had done to the Aberration installation. Which you aren't." "Rockwell?" Everyone questions in unison. "Oh, trust me when I say that he's a son of a bitch! But pardon my outburst there. Remember that big threat I mentioned before? That would be him, but I'll talk more about that later. Discord, I'm commencing the scanning process now." A blue light starts to cover Discord's body as Helena floats around the Overseer and gives various comments as she performs the action: "Mhmm." "Ok, I see the reset commands." "There's everyone's data…." "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" "What?! What is it?!" Twilight questions. "Discord, someone's planted this order inside of you. But, that can't be… the only ones who can do that are the advanced humans, a Homo Deus… like me." "Wait a second… so you're saying that a being like you is somewhere on Equus?" Discord questions in shock. "That's the only explanation that makes a lick of sense. If my scanners are correct, then a Homo Deus does indeed reside on this Ark, and if my suspicion is sound, they are an original Homo Deus. An advanced living human. You see, I ascended as the first human into a Homo Deus. No other came after me; therefore, this one must be an original." Everyone's jaw drops at this revelation which prompts Helena to continue: "Everyone, we now have two different plans in action. We're sticking with Twilight's original game plan, but those remaining here will now search for this Homo Deus. Leave no stone unturned and try your best to find some possible explorer notes. This Homo Deus must've left behind some insight into their lives. This could provide a possible answer as to why your Ark is positioned over Mars." "Mars? Homo Deus?" Twilight questions. "I'll explain everything later, but we've got a plan to get in action right now. Ponies, get your flanks ready because you're going to The Island. Discord, it’s time to bring them out. We'll need them to send the ponies off." "No… you couldn't possibly be asking me to—there will be worldwide panic if I bring those out!" Discord responds. “Stop teasing us with those and them, just tell us already!” Luna declares with slight annoyance. Both Helena and Discord look at each other before turning back to the others, answering in unison: "The three Obelisks. Equus's, obelisks." > Chapter 6 - The Obelisks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone is currently positioned on the patio of Celestia's room as they wait in anticipation for this grand event to transpire.  Floating high above the Canterlot Castle is the serpentine form of Discord, who seemed to be concentrating as he even went so far as to wear monk-like attire.   "Hold onto your butts, everyone," Helena says as she looks up towards the Overseer. "What you're about to see is something breathtaking. I must say, even I was entranced by their beauty when I first saw them a long time ago," "Soooo… what are we even supposed to be looking at?" Rainbow Dash questions. "Patience, patience, Discord's calling them as we speak," Helena replies. The AI's words seemed to satisfy them all for the moment as they continued to observe the draconequus. However, two of them began to speak their minds internally. -If these Obelisks are anything like Helena's AI, or our Ark, then they must be a sight to see. However, what did Discord mean by them causing worldwide panic? Indeed it will only be limited to those in Equestria… right? Come on, Twilight, of course, it will. I mean, it's not like these things are going to be that big, right?- -Helena and that other machination, the Spectator, are already technological wonders in their own right. Not to mention that our world, itself, consists of incredibly advanced technology. That reminds me, I must question Helena later about Sunset Shimmer's world and how we're truly connected. In addition, what about some of the past foes we've faced? Will King Sombra be reinjected into the Ark since Twilight and her friends destroyed him? What about the Pony of Shadows? Is he even a living entity? What about Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek? They're currently in stone, but what if… what if they could've had lives completely different from their own? Just because that show portrays them as villains, it doesn't mean that they should fulfill that destiny, for lack of a better word. These recent revelations have changed my outlook on even those I considered my enemies. If we weren't forced to live this way… how different could things have been?- "So many things could've been different had you just given us the freedom to choose… Discord," Celestia said, following her inner monologue. She then turns towards her sister and mutters:  "And many others could've been prevented from ever transpiring. I'm so sorry, Luna. I've ignored your feelings over one million times before."  "Did thou sayeth something, dear sister?" Luna inquires. "N-no, sister. I'm just-" Suddenly, Celestia's words are cut off as the entire landscape around them starts to shake. Fortunately, it's not enough to cause the Canterlot Castle to come crashing down the mountainside. There is no doubt that those from the nearby towns and cities, such as Ponyville, are also startled by this phenomenon. "Look! Something's gathering around Discord!" Spike exclaims as he points his left claw towards the Overseer. High above the capital of Equestria, Discord gathers three different energies of various colorations: Blue, green, and red. These forces surround the Overseer as they practically dance around the serpentine entity's body. His eyes were currently closed as he hummed in concentration, an eagle's talon and lion's paw stretched outwards in opposite directions. Then, an unexpected scenario plays out as the draconequus starts to spin rapidly into a spiral of red, green, and blue lights. Everyone down below stares in awe, and even those throughout the entirety of Canterlot become entranced by the light show. Even cities and towns near Canterlot witnessed this wondrous spectacle. .......... -Ponyville- "Whoa… look at that!" "It looks so beautiful! Are the Princesses putting on a show?!" "Wow! Looky there, mommy!" "I see it, dear. It's quite lovely." -Sweet Apple Acres- "Woah, nelly! Big Mac! Sugar Belle! Com' 'ere a second! There's some light show going on!" "Coming, Granny Smith!" .......... -Cloudsdale- "You guys! Come check this out!" "Is that a Wonderbolts show?" "I kind of want to fly over to it." .......... Discord suddenly stops spinning as the three energies shoot towards the skies and breaks off into three separate directions. Notably, the green energy zooms off in the direction of The Crystal Empire, to the north. The red energy heads south-east while the blue energy heads south-west. .......... -The Crystal Empire- Both Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are currently in their royal bed chamber as they discuss various topics regarding their beloved empire. As the royal couple converse, Flurry Heart is starting to laugh and giggle as something has caught her eye outside the window positioned right next to her cradle. Her parents chuckled in response as Cadence began to walk over to the young alicorn, saying: "What's going on, Sweetie? Is something outside? Oh! I bet you see some of King Thorax's changelin-" The alicorn's words die, and her eyes went wide open as a large object started to lower itself from the skies. Shining Armor, who has yet to see the phenomenon, chuckles lightly and starts to make his way towards his family as he comments: "Looks like you've got your attention stolen just like Flurry's, I bet it's-" Much like his wife, Shining's eyes enlarge, and his mouth practically drops to the floor as he too finally sees the large object: The Green Obelisk. "Hey, Cady?" Shining Armor questions with a twitching eye. "Y-yeah?" Cadence responds, her eyes twitching as well. "Is that a large flying metal object outside of our bedroom window?" "Y-yeah…" "An… and we're not dreaming?" "N-no… I think..." Flurry Heart continues to giggle and extends her forehooves towards the object as if she were trying to touch the Obelisk. Finally, the royal couple shakes off the fuzz and shouts in unison: "What the buck?!" .......... -Yakyakistan- Prince Rutherford was listening to various yaks playing their Yovidaphones within a large hut as he leaned left to right in motion with the music. Suddenly, another yak enters hurriedly and exclaims: "Yaks, come outside! Yaks see something completely weird to yaks!" "Yak better have good reason to interfere with yak's music! Yak knows how sacred Yovidaphone sessions are to yaks!" The yak prince shouts as he stomps the ground and causes the entire hut to shake. "Come outside! Yak show you!" The yak responds as they turn around and run back outside. "Fine! Yak prince go see what yak talk about!" Prince Rutherford exclaims with annoyance as he and the other yaks in the hut start to make their way outside. "Now where this strange-" The yak prince's words are halted as he bears witness to the large metallic object in the distance: the Green Obelisk. .......... -The Dragonlands-   Dragon Lord Ember was currently inside her cave as she pondered on today's events and excursions while tapping the top portion of The Bloodstone Scepter. "Let's see here… watch over the dragon hatching… settle the dispute between the blue and red dragon clans… visit my father…" "Dragon Lord Ember!" A new voice calls out as a red dragon flies into her cave. "What is it, Garble? I have a lot to do today and-" "Shove whatever you're doing aside! You've got to see this! Some large red object is floating over the Dragonlands!" "I swear, Garble. If this is some trick, I will order you to spend a whole year in Ponyville." Ember replies with annoyance as she follows Garble outside the cave. "I think we both know how much you'd just love to do that." They reach the cave mouth. "Now what in the world are you-" The female draconian's eyes were shot wide open, her words failing as Garble smirked upon seeing her reaction. "Still think this is a trick?" The red drake questions with a smug grin. Ember was so shocked that she didn't even comprehend Garble's words as the two dragons, along with those throughout the entire nation, stared in disbelief towards the Red Obelisk. .......... -Seaquestria- Queen Novo sat upon her throne as various hippogriff maids brought Seaquestria's ruler her latest meal. "Ah, good. I was starving my fins off," The Queen comments as she rubs her fins together in anticipation, licking her lips. The maids set down her food within reach, a well-assorted feast that sat on fine glassware. "Come to momma-" "My Queen!" "Aaaaaand there goes my lunch break…" Seaquestria's ruler says annoyingly and sassily before turning towards the source of the exclamation. Another sea pony now floats before her as they kneel respectfully before saying: "My Queen, something urgent has transpired to the west." "What is it, General Seaspray? Ugh, let me guess… some buffoon has taken up the Storm King's mantle?" She sighs with a hint of frustration, "I'll call the ponies..." "No, Queen Novo. A large blue metallic object is lowering itself from the skies and seems to be settling down on the ice fields beyond the former Storm King's domain." Queen Novo was instantly curious about this as she raised a brow, nodded, and responded: "I'll be top side in just a few minutes; get the army ready to approach this object. Oh! And please make sure my daughter doesn't get too curious. You know how she can be..." A short time goes by as Queen Novo was currently swimming to the surface, escorted by a large battalion of guards and General Seaspray as she says internally: -I've got the feeling that I'm going to hate what I'm about to see.- The ruler of Seaquestria breaches the ocean's surface with her subjects, upon which they all undergo a particular transformation and become hippogriffs. They all take flight as Queen Novo inquires: "So what's this about a… metal… ob… ject," Her words dragged as she came to witness the large metallic object that her General had informed her of: the Blue Obelisk. Her eyes widened in shock, and her mouth fell agape upon seeing this unknown marvel. After a few moments of observation, she manages to recover her composure and says: "Yup, I knew it... I hate this…" Everyone who stood upon Celestia's balcony was dumbfounded as they stared off towards the direction of The Crystal Empire. Specifically, the object that now floats above it is the Green Obelisk. "Wow! That thing is huge!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "My word… it's marvelous," Rarity compliments. "That's got to be the most awesome thing I've ever seen!" Rainbow Dash shouts. "Ah' be darned! Ma' family must be losin' their minds about this!" Applejack exclaims. "O-o… m-my…" Fluttershy said, fear present in her tone. Starlight, Spike, and Twilight imitate a goldfish as they are repeatedly opening and closing their mouths, eyes wide open. "S-sister… thy hath to be the most awe-inspiring sight we hath ever seen. We couldst fit all of Canterlot on thy object," Luna comments in shock, eyes wide open with a matching expression. "I-I m-must agree…" Celestia responds, sharing Luna's expression. Helena observes the large Obelisk from afar before turning to everyone else present, saying: "We've got some work to do, loves," She turns to Twilight in particular, who the Green Obelisk still dumbfounded. "You and your friends go take some time to say goodbye to your loved ones. When we send you off to The Island, you'll no doubt be gone for quite some time," The Ai now turns to the alicorn sisters, "Be ready for some crazy reactions from your neighboring nations. They undoubtedly can see the obelisks from wherever they are," She then returns her gaze towards the direction of The Green Obelisk and exclaims: "Once everyone gets their affairs in order, it looks like we're heading to the Crystal Empire! According to my map, that is." > Chapter 7 - Prologue To Ascension. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After yesterday's worldwide revelation, there was too much that needed to be done. Princesses Celestia and Luna are currently in the Canterlot Castle's throne room, handling various messengers from the rulers of the neighboring nations. Undoubtedly, this was due to them witnessing the arrival of the Obelisks, which now floated above three separate locations for all to see. Interestingly, they formed a near-perfect triangular formation with Ponyville and The Everfree Forest almost dead set in the center. As was requested by Twilight Sparkle, she and the sisters filled out the appropriate documentation and paperwork together, which enabled the sisters to return to their old duties. Celestia would once again handle the day's affairs while Luna would return to her nighttime obligations.  Of course, this included their roles of raising and lowering their two beloved celestial objects. After a heartfelt goodbye with Princess Celestia, Twilight visited her parents in Canterlot. She is currently accompanied by Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Helena. As this happens, the other Element Bearers had already returned to their homes to say goodbye to their loved ones; via the aid of Discord, who opened a portal for them at the request of Fluttershy.  A series of knocking echoes throughout a specific home in Canterlot, to which its current occupants take notice. "Honey!" A white unicorn mare exclaims from the home's kitchen. "I'm preparing today's lunch, so can you get that for me?!" "Anything for you! My beautiful Velvet!" A dark-blue unicorn stallion responds, positioned on a couch within the home's living room. He hops off the furniture and walks towards the exit/entrance as another series of knocking beats against the door. "Coming!" The stallion calls out as he finally reaches the door, alights his horn, and opens it. His eyes widen, and a giant smile stretches across his face before he shouts: "Twilight! My baby girl!" "Hello, dad! I missed you and mom so much!" Twilight replies as the two run into each other for a warming embrace. Spike starts to draw near the duo and says: "How's it going, pops? It's good to see you again." "Spike! Get in here, you little rascal!" The unicorn stallion exclaims as he fires up his horn and floats the young dragon over to him and Twilight. As this is going on, Helena turns to Starlight and says: "Awwww, they are loving parents. Just like their profiles mentioned." "You probably shouldn't say that out loud," Starlight comments before placing a forehoof to her chin in thought, "Hmm, now that I think about it, I never got to speak with Twilight's parents much. The last time I can remember was when we restored the Crystal Heart. They were also at Twilight's coronation, but I wasn't able to spare a chance to speak with them." She then walks forward, "Nice to see you again, Mr. Night Light." "Ah! Hello there, Starlight. Twilight keeps us updated on your progress, and I'm so happy that my daughter has someone like you under her tutelage," Night Light responds. Starlight takes on a surprised expression as a blush then forms onto her cheeks before she replies: "Wow, Twilight… is that true?" "Of course, I take the time to update my parents on my various adventures via letters whenever I possibly can. I told them about you becoming my student and all the progress you've made so far." Suddenly, something clicks within Starlight as she says: "Wait… did you tell them about when I-" "What are we all standing out here for?! Let's head inside! Velvet's making lunch as we speak," Night Light interjects as he turns around and beckons for everyone to follow as Twilight alights her horn and closes the door behind them. "Honey! Twilight, Spike, and some of their friends are here!" Night Light exclaims. "Oh, dear! Welcome home, sweetie! I'll be with you all in just a moment!" Twilight Velvet responds. The stallion leads the group into the Living room as he takes his place on the furniture he sat upon before. Twilight, Starlight, and Spike sat on another piece of furniture placed adjacent to Night Light's. Helena floats around the room as she comments: "This is a cute place, real homie." "Thank you, miss?" Night Light inquires. "Oh! Pardon my manners. My name is Helena, and If you don't mind me saying, you're taking my appearance rather well." "Oh, well, I figured Twilight had something to do with you since she's such an inventive mare. It was only a matter of time before she created something crazy. No offense, Helena." -That's not exactly true, but I'll roll with it.- "None taken! However…" Helena then turns towards Twilight with a sad face emoji present on the AI's visor. The lavender mare seems to catch onto the mechanical entity's meaning as she sighs sadly and says: "Dad… there's something I need to tell you. Trust me when I say that it's going to be crazy, but let's wait for mom to join us first." As if fate itself were listening, Twilight Velvet enters the room as she comments: "Sorry for being late, everypony. I've got some hayfries and hayburgers!" The mare then trots happily into the room and places the consumables onto the table positioned between the two couches. Velvet takes her place alongside her husband, to which she pecks him on the cheek. "Alrighty then. So, Twilight, what was it that you wanted to speak to us about?" Night Light inquires. Twilight takes a deep breath then exhales as she prepares herself for this revelation. "Mom, Dad, I'm going to be gone for a while. To be honest… I have no earthly idea how long It'll be until I return. However, before I leave, I want you to know that you are the greatest parents a pony like me could ever have. I'm going to tell you everything I've come to learn recently, but you must keep it a secret and continue to live your lives as if everything were normal." Twilight's parents turn to each other momentarily with worried expressions before they turn back to their lavender-colored offspring. Helena nods to Twilight while Spike and Starlight place an appendage onto the alicorn's shoulders. Without any further delay, Twilight says: "I'm going to start everything off with the Arks..."  Two days later. The Elements Bearers, Spike, Helena, and Starlight Glimmer are currently exiting the train and making their way towards the Crystal Empire, much to the shocked expressions of nearby onlookers who noticed Helena's appearance. Then, a nearby conductor shouts: "Welcome to the Crystal Empire! Attention! All aboard for those who wish to return to Canterlot!" Helena was stealing some curious glances from those nearby, not to mention the train ride itself as they gaze upon her mechanical wonder. The AI was honestly surprised that they didn't react more overtly, but in comparison to the giant floating Obelisks, she probably didn't draw that much of their attention. Posted on nearby walls and notice boards were articles and news reports, all of which focused entirely on the Obelisks. Bold texts such as 'Where did these wonders come from?!' and 'Eyewitness reports say that a red, blue, and green light shone over Canterlot before the mysterious objects appeared.' were present on some of these outlets, along with a photo of each obelisk. Of course, the Green Obelisk was the most referred to of the three as it was much closer to home. "Looks like everypony's going crazy about them Obelisks," Applejack comments. "Can you blame them, darling? By the way, how'd it go with everypony and their families? We'll be gone for quite some time when we--what did you call it again?" Rarity inquires as she looks towards Helena. "The Ascension Protocol. Since The Green Obelisk is the closest of the trio, we'll use that one to send you all to The Island," Helena responds. "Ah. Thank you, darling. Well… Sweetie Belle took it rather well, but my parents aren't exactly too happy about this. Then again, I can't blame them; I'm leaving this world for Celestia's sake!" Rarity exclaims dramatically, raising a forehoof. "The Cakes can hold down the fort in my absence at Sugarcube Corner. As for my parents, they were ecstatic about it. Maud even told me to bring back a rock for her!" Pinkie Pie exclaims happily. "How do you know the word: Ecstatic?" Rainbow Dash inquires. -I'm more worried about her parents' and siblings' reactions… a pretty weird bunch there.- Helena says internally.  "Oh, boy… Granny Smith and Big Mac were pretty angry with me," Applejack says sadly. "Mah' sister was ah'mazed by the idea, but those two begged me to stay here. Sugar Belle had to get involved to calm down Big Mac." "Wait a second… did you even tell them what's going on?" Rainbow Dash inquires. "You told them we're leaving, but… did you tell them, well, everything?" "N-naw…" "What?!" Everyone else exclaims in unison. "You didn't tell them? Darling, they have to know,” Rarity comments. "Look, ah'm sorry, ok? Ah' couldn't tell them that… that we all died and came back to life over and over again." Applejack responds with sadness etched onto her features. "Ah' couldn't bear to tell Big Mac and Apple Bloom that we lost our ma' and pa' so many times before." "I can understand that, Applejack," Twilight comments. "My parents were shocked when I told them we were leaving this world and everything about the Arks. But…" The lavender mare hesitates to go any further, prompting Spike and Starlight to look at each other. "She left out the part about Discord resetting us all," Starlight finishes with a saddened expression. "Hay, I couldn't even bring myself to tell Trixie about this, not to mention Sunburst when we get to The Empire. I especially don't know if I even want to tell my parents." "I'm right there with you and Twilight; I couldn't do it either," Spike says as the small drake places a hand onto Twilight's left foreleg, "They're practically my parents, too." "I told Scootaloo about it but what I got was pretty unexpected," Rainbow Dash said. "What?" Twilight inquires. "Well… she wanted to ask Discord about why he didn't bother to fix her wings. As for my parents, they were awesome about it." "Yer' lying, Rainbow," Applejack responds with a deadpan expression. This causes the cyan pegasus to take on a saddened expression and sigh in defeat before saying: "Ok, fine… I did the same thing as Twilight. I told them about our world and the Arks but nothing about what that bucking moron, Discord, did." "Discord is truly sorry, Rainbow," Fluttershy replies as she finally joins the conversation. "He wants to make everything right by us all; he even agreed to watch over my animals while I'm away. Besides, you heard Helena. Someone else ordered Discord to do that." "That still doesn't excuse what he did to us all, Flutters. I'm sorry, but that jackass isn't getting my forgiveness any time soon, If at all!" Rainbow declares angrily. "Come on now, no need to be too harsh on the guy. I'm sure he's already bummed out about it as we speak." "Why are you even defending him, Helena?" The cyan pegasus inquires. "Weren't you chewing him out just a few days ago?" "Yes, but that was before I scanned him and found the possible existence of a Homo Deus fiddling with his protocols. You need to understand, this is very serious. While you all go to The Island and start your journey, those of us here need to find that entity and make sure that they aren't Rockwell 2.0." "I'm looking forward to that story," Spike comments. "From what you're saying, this Rockwell guy sounds like a big old jerk."  "Oh, I'll tell you once we get things in motion, trust me on that. Alright ponies, and dragon, of course, we'd better start going before the weather acts up."  Everyone nods in response as they walk off the train station's platform and reach ground level. They make their way towards The Empire in the distance, along with its latest addition floating just above it: The Green Obelisk. > Chapter 8 - Ascension. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystal Empire was currently in a state of panic and disarray as they all bore witness to the large metallic object floating just above the castle. Citizens gathered outside the castle's gates as the royal guard tried their best to keep the crowd contained. But keeping them calm? Out of the question. Many exclamations came from the crowd, in addition to news outlets demanding answers. "Are we going to be safe?!" "What is the Princess going to do about that thing?!" "Excuse me, do you have any info to share about the object?!" "Is it true that there's two more out there?!" "Reports say that there's a red and blue one just like this! Positioned in other nations!" One guardspony, in particular, was struggling to keep the crowd at bay as he turned to his fellow guards and said: "Where are Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence?! Didn't they say that they were going to address everypony?!" "Focus on keeping the crowd at bay! The last thing we need is for them to start storming into the castle, especially since that weird object appeared in the throne room!"  "Wait a second; there's another object aside from that big green one?!" "Just focus on your job and-"   The guardspony's words were cut off as the gates are parted, and a small legion of royal guard ponies exits the castle grounds. Some among them wielded a particular instrument as the sounds of various heralding trumpets went off moments after which miraculously managed to silence the crowd in the process. One of the newly arrived royal guards steps forward and proclaims: "Presenting their royal highnesses: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor!" As was proclaimed, two individuals started to walk forward as a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane, and a pink alicorn now stood before the large crowd of their subjects. Princess Cadence spreads her wings to their full length as she exclaims: "Citizens of The Empire! We know that you are all shocked by these recent developments but let us assure you that everything is in our control!" -I have no idea what's going on!- Cadence screams internally. "We are currently seeking aid from Canterlot to investigate the strange metallic structure. However, while we perform this investigation, we'd like to urge you all to remain calm during this process." Princess Cadence finishes as she turns to her husband and nods. Shining Armor clears his throat before saying: "As was said, my guards are currently looking into the strange object floating high above us. However, we must report that another object has appeared within the throne room. We have reason to believe that it is connected to the-" "Shining!" A voice interjects an exclamation that was all too familiar to the Prince as he, in addition to princess Cadence, starts to form a smile in response. A particular group of individuals exits the crowd; however, some among the audience let out a series of surprised gasps as they see a mechanical entity floating alongside these new arrivals. "Twily!" Shining Armor and Princess Cadence shout in unison. Cadence and Twilight approach each other as they lower their forms and dance while singing: "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, Clap your hooves and do a little shake." "Oooh, we're so happy you're here now. I'm amazed by how fast my aunts had sent-" Suddenly, the alicorn Princess of Love's eyes widened as she gazed upon the mechanical wonder that is floating over the rest of the element bearers. "Nice to meet you, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. I'm Helena, and we've got a lot to talk about. Now then, take us to where the obelisk's terminal has landed." The royal couple was stunned by this mechanical entity in addition to the entire crowd, who observed with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Then, some among them manage to recover as a loud eruption of questions and the sounds of camera shots roar out from the crowd. The Element Bearers, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and the royal couple winces from this as Shining Armor exclaims: "All of you, get inside! I'll take care of this crowd and will try my best to satisfy them." "Be careful what you tell them," Helena responds. "They aren't in danger from the obelisk, I promise you, but you have to persuade them to remain calm. I'll explain everything to you later, but we have urgent business with this obelisk." Shining Armor nods in understanding as he stays behind with his fellow guard ponies and addresses the crowd while everyone else heads into the castle. As they made their way towards the throne room, Twilight seized the opportunity to inform Cadence about these recent events. She told her all about Discord summoning the Obelisks and that the rumors spreading around about two more identical metallic objects are indeed true. "What does this mean, Twily? Why are these obelisks appearing? What is their true purpose?" Princess Cadence inquires. "I know you have a lot of questions, and I will happily answer them for you," Helena replies in Twilight's stead. "Twilight and her friends have a great journey ahead of them. As for me, I'll be here getting acquainted with you while I also travel with them." "You mean like, doing both at once? How does that work?" Starlight questions. "All of the Arks that I'm familiar with has an HLN-A unit housed on them. This includes The Island installation, where they're going." "Wait... what?!" Princess Cadence exclaims. "Helena will tell yas' everythin'. Trust us on this, yer' highness." Applejack replies. "I promise Cadence," Twilight comments. "Everything will be revealed to you and Shining, but you have to promise me that you won't panic no matter what happens next. Me and my friends will be ok." The pink alicorn wanted to protest further as so many questions filled her mind, and she was on the verge of stopping right then and there to demand the answers to them. However, she sighs in defeat and says: "I trust you with my life, Twily. Whatever you have planned, be safe, ok? Shiny would become heartbroken if anything happened to you." Twilight nods in response with a smile as everyone else present do the same. They finally reach the doors to the throne room, which are parted by Cadence's aura via her alighted horn. Everyone's eyes were widened by what is now positioned in the center of the throne room. A metallic object protruded from the crystalline floor of the room, with a beam of green light shooting upwards, even phasing right through the room's ceiling. "There it is…." Helena comments. "That right there is The Green Obelisk's terminal." Everyone approaches the object as some among them start to say their various opinions on this incredible wonder. "This appeared alongside the object floating above the castle." Princess Cadence states.  "Oh my sweet Celestia, that beam of light is just divine." Rarity compliments. "Oooooooh, it looks like something I could use for a party!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "Woah, that diamond shape on top of this thing looks like my implant," Spike comments as he looks down to his left arm and starts to scratch the diamond-shaped metal that was still present. "So this is how we're going to leave Equus?" Rainbow Dash inquires. "It sure is, and once Discord gets here, we can begin the process," Helena responds. Applejack and Fluttershy stare on with wide eyes. Twilight and Starlight continue to observe the object before the lavender mare turns to her student and says: "Starlight, I want you to know that I'm so proud of you." She places a forehoof onto Starlight's right shoulder, "Please continue to watch over the school and all of its students. I'm so happy to have taken you under my wing." Twilight brings the unicorn into a hug, the unicorn now on the verge of tears. "Oh, Twilight… I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I owe you so much, and I promise to help everypony here to my utmost abilities." Starlight responds as the two break away from the embrace. A loud "POP" suddenly appears and echoes throughout the throne room, followed by the serpentine form of Discord.  "Sorry that I'm late; Celly and Lulu needed my help with some of the leaders of the other nations," The Overseer comments. "Wait, what do you mean?" Cadence inquires. "Well, what did you expect?" Discord replies. "They can all see the obelisks. Naturally, they came here to Equestria to ask Celly about them and if she knew anything. But enough about that; we'll deal with it later." Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack glared at him as they still resented the Overseer for his actions. Fluttershy sighs in response before she walks forward and inquires: "So, how does this work? Will it, um… hurt?" "There's nothing to worry about, dear Fluttershy. All of you will feel no pain whatsoever. Helena, if you'd please?" Discord inquires as he turns his gaze towards the mechanical entity. The AI nods in response as she then floats over to the terminal, turns back to everyone present, and says: "The time has come, survivors. Approach the terminal and prepare yourselves to see something that will no doubt blow your minds away. I want you to know that no matter what happens next, as Discord said, none of you will feel any pain from your travel to The Island. Overseer, reveal their implants." Heeding the AI's request, Discord starts to go from pony to pony, specifically the element bearers, and taps their cutie marks. They become metallic in makeup but retain their original shape, much like what had happened with Twilight's cutie mark back in Celestia's bed-chamber. "My word, this feels so... strange." Rarity comments. "Yeah, ah' still can't believe that these are our cutie marks." Applejack responds. "Ooh ooh, it has all of my party props inside of it!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "Huh, so that explains how you pull things out of your mane at random," Rainbow Dash states. "Oh my, it feels so different now," Fluttershy comments. "It also itches a little." "This is my second time, and it still surprises me," Twilight says, turning to Spike, "You ready, Spike?" The young dragon looks towards the terminal before he then turns back to the alicorn and says: "I'm always ready. Besides, I'm your number one assistant, so wherever you go, I go." These words cause Twilight to smile as she, Spike, and her fellow ponies start to approach the terminal. Starlight and Princess Cadence observe the scenario from a short distance away. The pink alicorn calls out to Twilight and says: "I know I sound like a broken record, but… please be safe… all of you." "Same here," Starlight said, waving a forehoof. "Come back safe!" "Alright! Ascension Protocol activated! I've rerouted your path to The Island installation!" Helena shouts as Discord's eyes start to glow with white light. He then starts to voice a countdown: "Ascension Protocol in ten…."   Suddenly, the metallic object starts to glow as various light strings begin to stretch out and make contact with the ponies' and dragon's implants. Their bodies slowly become ethereal as a result. "Nine…" Discord declares. As he continues the countdown, Helena floats over to the ethereal ponies and dragon as she says: "Everyone, or shall I say everypony, thank you so much for this. I can't find the words to express how grateful I am to you all. I'll see you on The Island, and I look forward to the day we can personally meet on Earth." The AI then waves at them before flying over to Princess Cadence and Starlight Glimmer. "Three…" "Two…" "One..." "Have a safe journey, everypony, and… I'm so sorry for everything," Discord says as the ethereal forms of the ponies and dragon are sucked into the green light protruding up into the ceiling.   Twilight Sparkle. I couldn't believe what was happening to my body. So many questions are going through my mind; this is all just so surreal! The advanced humans' technology is just so- Woah! We're being shot up into the ceiling! It's just like a ghost from those movies; we're phasing right through solid objects! Amazing! I can see the entire Empire, Canterlot, Ponyville, even the other Obelisks as we're being brought up towards the Green Obelisk.  Pinkie Pie is behind me, going crazy, but in a good way. All of my friends are just as shocked as I am. Spike is holding onto me even in our strange new forms.  Here we go; we're entering the obelisk now. Wh… wha… what happened? Everything went white for a- WHAT?! We're in space!  Wait a second, Equus; it's inside of a large dome! And what's that orange planet beneath it?! Helena mentioned something about Equus being in Mars's orbit. Is that Mars?! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Our world was orbiting another planet this whole time! These Arks are just so amazing! We're currently traveling amongst the stars while also following what seems to be a trail of light. It's as if a path is already established, and we're being forced to traverse it like a train on its tracks.  Did I mention that WE'RE FLYING THROUGH SPACE?! Were it not for my current form; I'd likely be hyperventilating right now. Rainbow Dash just called me an egghead. Well, of course, I'm going to monologue about this experience!  W-well, it's not exactly talking to myself... Wait, we can see something.  Unbelievable! There are so many Arks orbiting all around this planet.  This is Earth; I can't believe how horrible it looks now. It seems so devoid of life compared to Helena's projections, no wonder she was desperate to seek help. Every one of these Arks looks so fascinating! That one's covered in snow and that one's an immense desert, and, wait, what's with that one? It seems to have a large floating island in its center. There's one that makes me a bit nervous. It looks to be covered in some purple radioactive substance. Even Pinkie Pie agrees with me; she feels terrified of that Ark. It even looks broken, malfunctioning. This must be The Island! It certainly looks the part, but how can so many environments be stitched together like that?! It shouldn't be possible! Then again, I must remember that these are mechanical wonders that can simulate entire worlds. Here we are; we're entering the Ark. We seem to be entering The Green Obelisk similarly to what happened in the throne room. Does this mean that you're sent to the same colored obelisk you entered from your previous destination? Me and my friends looked at each other as we all came together in a group hug before we finally entered the Green Obelisk. I guess it's safe to say: We're here. We're looking around our surroundings, and we seem to be in some black void. This is too weird to put into words. Wait… what's this thing? It looks like a terminal but nothing like the one back in the throne room. We get to choose where we land?  I agree, Applejack. Let's spawn in the southern islets. There's an island nearby, Herbivore Island? Yeah, that is a strange name. Then again, there's another island called Carnivore Island. Don't worry, Fluttershy. We aren't ever going there… I hope. Ugh, stop calling me an egghead, Rainbow Dash. When I get excited by something new, this is just how I get; you know that. Alright, everypony. Our spawn point is set. I love you all, too. Let's see our new home. > Chapter 9 - Bird Of Prey. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND The sound of crashing waves roars out, and the cool touch of the ocean breeze grace the unconscious forms of six ponies and a young dragon. The rays of the sun are also beaming down upon the land, warming it with its kiss. Twilight is the first to come to as she slowly opens her eyes before trying to get onto her hooves. Mounds of sand shifts, and Twilight starts to take in her surroundings. An extensive series of rock formations was among the very first sightings before her, in addition to the beach she and her friends were laid upon. “This is… beautiful. So, this is The Island, huh?” Twilight inquires, turning around to take in the beautiful ocean before her. “You know, were it not for the fact that the Arks are simulations, I’d enjoy staying here permanently.” “Don’t let it fool you, Twilight. It’s beautiful, sure, but it’s also a dangerous realm,” A new yet familiar voice chimes in, which causes the lavender pony to turn towards a particular floating AI. “Helena! It’s so good to see you. So, what can you tell me about this place?” “As I mentioned before, this island contains dangers all over it. Fortunately, you and your friends are in a sort of safe zone. Most of the creatures that live here are herbivorous and are much easier to deal with. Are you thirsty? Go ahead and drink from the ocean.” “What?!” Twilight exclaims. “You’re not supposed to drink seawater!” “Relax, love. It’s not exactly seawater. Although this is an ocean, it’s comprised entirely of freshwater, not saltwater. However, It is strange that your Ark has saltwater in its ocean, unlike this one. Ironic, I know. It would be best to remember that the Arks are artificially crafted simulations of life, including its landscapes and the ocean. All the creatures who dwell within are more than capable of surviving there. Honestly, the only thing you have to watch out for is if any of the sea life took a dump while you were drinking-” “Changing the subject,” Twilight interjects. “Where do we begin?” “Let’s wait for your friends to wake up before we get to that. Now, we should-” A mysterious creature lets out a series of sounds of what could best be described as its form of chirping or clucking. Twilight’s eyes were shot wide open, but before she could give in to her curiosity, a yellow blur flew past her. “Oh my gosh! You’re so cute! I’m Fluttershy; what’s your name?” The entity stares at her blankly as it clucks about with no end. Then, it both defecates and lays an egg in response, although it didn’t seem to fear the shy pegasus or anyone present for that matter. Fluttershy tilts her head in confusion as Helena and Twilight move forward to join the duo. “That there’s a Dodo, one of the most common life-forms on the Ark and… pretty stupid.” “Helena!” Fluttershy scolds. “Don’t say that about her; it’s very mean.” The shy pegasus then starts to nuzzle the bird-like entity, although it seemed not to know how to respond at all as it just stood there clucking and defecating. Incidentally, Fluttershy now has twelve eggs all around her. -Ok, seriously, did Mei-Yin get reincarnated into Fluttershy?- Helena says internally. “Ooh, these rock formations look amazing! Maud would probably go crazy if she saw them,” Pinkie Pie comments which cause Twilight to turn around. A smile forms on her face as she sees all of her friends regain their consciousness. “Woah, nelly, that was a strange experience. Ah’ gotta admit, this place looks amazing,” Applejack compliments. “My word, the air is so fresh, and this view is just so divine. I always was a fan of the ocean,” Rarity comments. “Heck yeah! The skies here are so amazing; they’re practically calling me!” Rainbow Dash exclaims as she spreads her wings and takes flight. “I’m coming with you, Rainbow!” Spike shouts as he too takes off into the air. “Y'all better be careful up there! We don’t know what kind of threats there might be!” Applejack exclaims. “Don’t worry, so long as they don’t fly more inland, then there’s nothing in the sky that can hurt them. Argentavis don’t live in these parts,” Helena responds. “Argen-whatsit now?” Applejack questions. As they converse, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity inspect the Dodo, all while Pinkie Pie hops around merrily and observes the rock formations before them. Unfortunately, they all failed to realize that two particular flyers had already taken off. Both Spike and Rainbow Dash allowed their curiosity to get the better of them as they flew more inland. However, the two were dumbfounded by what they could see below. Large creatures of absolute mass and majesty lumbered about and another entity capable of flight like them. They were also curious about those glowing objects that slowly floated to the ground from the skies. They came in many different colors, such as white, green, and blue. “This is amazing; look at them all. They remind me of dragons, but without wings. What do you think, Rai- oh you’ve got to be kidding me...” Spike says as he takes notice of Rainbow Dash challenging one of the flying entities to a contest. “Hey! Quit ignoring me, you flying bats! I challenged you to a race, get back here and-” Suddenly, Rainbow’s words are silenced as the shadow of a large entity flies over her. At first, she had assumed that it was Spike, were it not for the fact that he was floating right in front of her with wide eyes. The young dragon points a claw towards the entity, looking down upon them hungrily. “R-Rainbow Da-ash... that thing looks like bad news!” “Oh, come on, Spike. It’s just a stupid bird!” “A bird that’s big enough to pick up Princess Celestia and toss her away! It’s almost just like a Roc!” “Ok, let me show you how it’s done!” Rainbow exclaims as she flies up towards the entity. “No! Rainbow, we’ve got to go!” Spike exclaims in a mix of anger and frustration. “Ugh! That pegasus and her pride!” Spike shouts as he follows the rainbow pegasus. “Hey, buddy! If you don’t want to get clobbered, then I suggest you-” Her words were cut off as the giant bird entity roars out and swoops down towards her with its claws, ready to tear her apart. She manages to dodge its attack, but the bird of prey turns around with little effort and takes another swipe at the pegasus. Rainbow Dash was quite surprised by this large bird's agility despite practically being three to five times her size. “Buck! This thing’s more agile than it looks!” “Rainbow! Stop this right now! Let’s go back to Twilight and the others; that thing’s too dangerous!” “I can kick its sorry butt! Sure, it might be big, but-” “Watch out!” “AURGH!”  Spike’s warning came too late as the giant bird clutched onto Rainbow Dash, who in turn lets out a painful exclamation and struggles within the bird's talons. “No! You let her go!” Spike roars out as he flies full speed into the giant bird. The creature was about to fly away with its prize until the young dragon pounced right onto the bird of prey. “Spike! Go back to the others and forget about me!” Rainbow shouts as she struggles to get free from the bird’s grasp. What she sees next absolutely shocks her beyond all belief. “Raaaaaaw!” Spike roars out as he starts to mercilessly claw his way into the bird, plucking its feathers as a result. The bird manages to shake him off and takes a swipe at him. However, thanks to his dragon scales, the bird's talons failed to puncture his flesh. The dragon was still pushed back by the force of the attack but managed to recover as he suddenly smirks and says: “Nice try, but dragon scales are even tougher than stone!” Spike leans his head back and takes in a large breath of air before thrusting his head forward. He opens his maw and unleashes the true fury of a dragon as green flames shoot forward and engulf the giant bird of prey. The bird screams in pain as it releases Rainbow Dash and attempts to flee the scene. The pegasus beams a bright smile before she turns around and says: “Spike! That was amazing! You fried that-” “That never should’ve happened to begin with!” Spike shouts angrily. “What the hay were you thinking?! That thing could’ve eaten you if I weren’t here! Haven’t you learned anything from our adventures?! Especially since we’re not even on Equus anymore, Rainbow Dash! We can’t afford to be reckless here!” Spike then sighs in frustration, wiping a claw across his face, “We’re both at fault for flying off as we did, but you never should’ve challenged that thing from the start. We should’ve just flown away….” Rainbow Dash’s ears began to fold against her head as it felt as if Spike were her enraged parent. Funnily, it looked like it as he scolds her for such a foolish action. Most of all was the fact that she came to realize the same thing: she was a reckless fool. Spike grunts angrily before he turns away from Rainbow Dash and says: “Come on, let’s get back to the others before you start to cause more trouble for us.” The young drake then starts to fly off towards the direction of his friends and loved ones, leaving behind a stunned pegasus who is currently racked with guilt and regret. “I’m sorry, Spike….” Rainbow Dash says. She sighs sadly and follows the young dragon. The two were flying side by side, but his pegasus friend’s actions still angered the dragon that he kept his gaze forward. Rainbow Dash knew this just from the looks of it as she says to herself internally: -I’m such a bucking jerk; I made Spike do something he’ll no doubt regret because of my stupid actions.- . . . “I’m sorry, Spike.” “Not now, Rainbow. Just, not now.” The cyan pegasus nods in response as the two continue to fly in silence. > Chapter 10 - The Rare Trio. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Twilight and Applejack's eyes are currently twitching as a particular pair of flyers had informed them of their recent excursion. "I'm s-sorry… could you repeat that, Spike?" Twilight questions angrily. "Me and Rainbow kind of wandered off, and…." The young dragon sighs, "We fought some giant bird thing. It reminded me of a Roc from back home." "An Argentvis," Helena responds as she starts to project a holographic imitation of the aforementioned entity. "Here on The Island, they are arguably the apex flyers of the skies. Aside from the Quetzalcoatlus, they are also the largest flyers on this Ark and are very dangerous. Don't take this the wrong way, but small prey like you two are practically a dinner bell for those things. They do, however, make for amazing tames. I used to have one too. Oh, how I miss you, Athena." "We can explain that to them after I give Spike a proper scolding." Twilight comments with a narrowed expression. "Don't think yer' out of this one, Rainbow…." Applejack says, which causes the pegasus's ears to fold back onto her head. "Ah' specifically told yall not to wander off, yet ya' still did. Do ya' even know what would've happened if ya' died?" "They'd return here, thanks to me." "Exactly, you'd- wait... what?!" Applejack exclaims in shock upon taking in Helena's words. This also causes Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight to turn their gazes towards the AI. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were in the background collecting resources as Helena had revealed to them the inventory section of their implants. Fluttershy was currently taming a large flock of Dodos as Helena also showed that certain species could be passive tamed. However, the pegasus became enraged when the Ai told her about other taming methods. "Yup, you heard me right. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to get yourself killed. However, the technology of the advanced humans is so incredible that you can be brought back to life, provided your implants are intact, and your data can be found within the Ark. When you were all injected here, I made sure to add your implants into the Ark's database. You're all essentially immortal; however, let me be the first to tell you that it still hurts if you get killed. A lot." Everyone's mouths were hung agape by this revelation to which Rainbow Dash manages to recover and says: "Wait a second… you're telling me that even if that big bird killed Spike and me, we'd come back?" "Yup!" Helena replies happily. "You'd, of course, lose whatever you had stored within your inventory at the time via your implants. It's just a matter of going back to reclaim your effects, if that's possible. Trust me when I say that I've dealt with some pretty frustrating deaths." "Hey, Helena! How does this look?!" Pinkie Pie calls out, which causes everyone present to turn towards a beaming pink pony in addition to Rarity, both of whom wore a prideful expression. "Behold, darlings! Our new home! For the time being, of course. Pinkie Pie was such a dear for helping me gather the materials we needed, such as thatch, wood, and fiber, while yours truly handled the design of this house for us. It's, of course, only temporary until we find a proper home for us all, but it has all that we need. "Woah!" Spike shouts incredulity. "You've all been busy while me and Rainbow were away," "No kidding, you already built a rather large house for us, and we've only been gone for a little under half an hour. How'd you build that so fast?" Rainbow Dash inquires. "Once again, It's all thanks to your implants," Helena answers as she takes the time to inform the two flyers about everything they had discussed in their absence. As this goes on, Fluttershy was tending to her flock, which amazingly started from a single Dodo to nearly thirty individuals. Helena had shown the pegasus how to create a feeding trough to make her job much easier in feeding them all. Spike suddenly gets an epiphany as he wonders about an essential part of Twilight and Rarity's very being: Magic. He pondered as to why his unicorn love interest and adoptive sibling - even mother - were both physically performing tasks, to which he questions: "Hey, why aren't you two using magic?" "Well… it's a little complicated, Spike," Twilight responds, clearing her throat for a lecture, "We can use magic, but we have to be conservative of our reserves less we run out. Helena and I deduced that Discord used that material she mentioned before from her story, Element, and turned it into the magic particles that are constantly present within the very air of Equus. According to our hypothesis, what we call the 'Magic field of Equus' is, in fact, the barrier-like dome that all of the Arks are shielded by—keeping those who live on them locked within. Discord fused the Element with that very barrier, thus enabling all upon the installation to draw from that source to perform our magic and refuel our magic reserves. In short, Rarity and I can't refill our magic reserves since Element isn't present in the air on this installation. Fortunately, Helena has a plan." Twilight then turns towards the AI and gives her a nod. The AI then starts to project a strange object, although it would seem that Twilight and Applejack were already familiar with it, likely due to Spike and Rainbow's absence. "What you see before you, loves, is an artifact. Designation: The Artifact of The Hunter. It hums with an energy pulse similar to what Discord had done to your Ark's barrier and atmosphere. Therefore, I can safely say that should we eventually procure an artifact, which we will need to do once you become strong enough, Rarity and Twilight can both revitalize their magical capacity." "Not to derail the subject or anything, but can you tell us about those weird levels we saw?" Spike inquires. "Oh, yeah! All of those creatures Spike and I were looking at had these weird, what can I call it, identification? There was something like 'Wild Female Brontosaurus Lvl 150.'" "WHAT?!" Everyone aside from Spike and Rainbow exclaims in unison which then causes a series of reactions. "Oh my gosh! You saw a Brontosaurus? I always wanted to meet one; Helena showed us some of this world's wildlife!" Fluttershy shouts happily. "A 150?! Love, that's the highest level any living creature on this Ark can achieve naturally before you can tame them and make them stronger. Aside from you all, of course. Survivors like you work differently, and I'll explain why that is momentary," Helena comments. "Ah' heard those things are gigantic!" Applejack exclaims in disbelief. "Oh, they're big, alright! Spike and I saw them; they're so big they could probably smash Ponyville," Rainbow Dash responds. "Heh, If you think the Brontosaurus is a giant… you ain't seen the Titanosaur." Everyone looks at the AI with questionable expressions until Fluttershy, in particular, says: "Oh my, you never showed us this Titanosaur… how big is it?" "What I showed you was the non-rare listings of creatures on this Ark. The Titano is in its category along with two others." Helena emits three projections of multiple entities, all of which immediately strike awe and fear into the ponies. The fear comes from one of these three entities. "The largest of the three is also the strongest creature on this Ark; I'd even be so bold as to say it could fight one of the three guardians here. That, my dear survivors, is the Titanosaurus. So massive that it's practically the equivalent of ten to even fifteen Brontosauruses combined, maybe even more than that. It's simply a mighty creature who knows no fear and none of the other creatures dares to hunt or challenge its power." "The ruler of the skies and the second of the rare three: Quetzalcoatlus." "I mentioned this one earlier to Rainbow Dash, but it is simply a huge flyer. No other flyer dares to hunt it, not even the Argentavis. Its size alone allows survivors to live on its back by building a small home if they wanted. It can also carry off most creatures on the Ark. Granted, the drawback to its incredible strength for something that flies is that it can't fly all that fast. You pegasi would leave it in the dust. Heck, I'd say you're the fastest things on this Ark that can fly. I've seen how fast you, in particular, can go, Rainbow, and you're even faster than a Ptera. That alone makes you the fastest flyer on this Ark." "Ah, yeah!" Rainbow exclaims in pride. "Score one for the Dash!" "Great… now ya' filled her head with even more ego than before." Applejack says with a deadpan expression. As this goes on, Pinkie Pie, in particular, gets very nervous when she looks upon the third entity. With a shaking body and a twitching mane, she points a hoof towards the entity and says: "That one is making my Pinkie Senses go insane!" "Ah yes, Discord told me that you have that ability of yours. Oh! I can't wait for the day you all see a Jerboa; they can sense changes in the weather just like you can sense danger." Of course, upon hearing this, Fluttershy's eyes were practically filled with stars. The AI suddenly shows a caution sign as she explains the third entity. "Now, my dear survivors… this last monstrosity is the undisputed apex predator on this Ark… even in a few others. My friend Mei-Yin, who I'll happily tell you more about later, is the only one in the history of this Ark ever to tame one. And I say tame loosely since its fury is never truly contained even then." Spike and all but one of the ponies swallow a lump in their throat as they look on in fear towards this apex predator. Fluttershy, in particular, takes on a determined expression and walks up to the creature's holographic form. "What's this apex predator called?" The yellow pegasus questions. "The Giganotosaurus, or as my friend Mei would call it: The Demon King." "I don't care how brave you might think you all are, especially you, Rainbow Dash. None of you, and I mean absolutely none of you are to confront this beast." "Wh… what do we do if we ever run into that brute?" Rarity questions in fear. Helena removes the projection and turns back to answer the unicorn's question. "You run... you pray… and despite how cruel this might sound: if you are with a group, your main objective isn't to outrun the Giga... you outrun the survivor behind you." > Chapter 11 - I'll Make Survivors Out Of You. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- "My word! That sounds so horrible!" Rarity shouts in response. "Ya' mean to tell us that there are those who leave their friends behind to escape that monster?" Applejack questions in disgust. "I know how bad this might sound, but you're right, and I've seen first hand how tribemates would turn on each other just to save their own arse. I personally never done such a thing, of course. That is also why I was so happy to find all of you. Your loyalty to each other even in the face of death is a beautiful trait. One of the many reasons you're all the type of survivors that I needed." "I appreciate everything you've done for us ever since we got here, but…." Twilight then saddened before she continued: "What if I made the wrong call?" The lavender mare's words confuse the ponies, dragon, and Ai. "What do you mean, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash inquires. "I mean, after looking at all of these creatures, we ponies aren't exactly the strongest things on this Ark. Going by the list of creatures that currently exists here… we are at the bottom of the food chain." Twilight then sighs with her sad expression still present. "Bullocks love!" Helena responds. "I believe that you are all perfectly abled survivors. In fact, you ponies are almost no different than us humans are. We might not be able to wrestle with a Tyrannosaurus, but you should never underestimate our intellect. As for the smaller creatures, we just need to kick you into shape. I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't see your potential. Besides, we've yet to talk about your leveling process." "I'm just afraid that I've doomed everypony here, and Spike… we're not that strong. We're not a Titanosaurus, and we're not apex predators. I appreciate you having faith in us, Helena, but we're just-" "Not all that strong," Applejack interjects as she cuts off Twilight's words. "Ah' know what Twi is trying to say. How can we ever hope to ascend from Ark to Ark and eventually reach Earth if we don't have the power to do it? Ah' don't mean to doubt us or anything, but ah' don't see us being able to ever dance with even half of this island's creatures. I'm sorry if that sounds rough; honest is just what ah'm bein'." Applejack says as she too takes on a saddened expression and holds her hat against her chest region. "Oh, well… um, I think we can do it. Look! I tamed so many Dodos, so that has to show that we're capable, right?" Fluttershy says to liven the mood that was slowly taking over all of the ponies and dragon present. "That's the spirit, love! See? Just listen to-" "Fluttershy, you tamed a bunch of the weakest creatures on this Ark, and they're passive tames," Rainbow Dash interjects as she cuts off Helena's words. "You think you could do that to one of those stronger creatures? Like that giant bird Spike and I faced? You'll have to knock it out, but I know how much you love animals; you'd hesitate." Fluttershy wanted to protest, but she also couldn't deny that fact. Helena had informed them on how to tame most of the Ark's creatures, and not only did she start to feel that they didn't have the necessary tools to do it. The shy pegasus just couldn't go through with it, for she saw it as a barbaric practice towards these creatures. Animals, in her eyes. Gone was the confidence she once had when she stared down the projection of the Giganotosaurus. The yellow pegasus sighs in defeat and finally replies to Rainbow's question: "N-no… I don't think I could…." One by one, Helena had to watch the confidence of these ponies slowly start to drain from them completely. Even Pinkie Pie's mane became deflated as she too had a worried expression. The AI would not have any of it, nor would 'she' give up on them. She indeed saw the survivors that lay deep within each of these ponies and dragon. "That's enough of that!" Helena shouts with an exclamation point present on her optics. "You're all so much more than even you seem to realize. You're also forgetting about one thing: You have me. I will teach you all that I know, and I swear that I will make a survivor out of you by the end of this!" Helena then starts to do something that she no doubt knew would reach the ponies; she starts to sing: 🎵 Let’s get down to business, To ascend the Arks. Did they send me Dodos? All the way from Mars. You're the bravest bunch I've ever met, And you can bet before we're through. Trust me I'll make survivors out of you. Tranquil as a forest, But a fire within. Once you find your center, You are sure to win. You're all so much more, an impressive lot, And you haven't got a clue. Trust me I'll make survivors out of you. I’m never going to catch my breath. Say goodbye to those who knew me! Gosh was I a fool at school for cutting gym. Oh my... I can't do this... Hope everypony at home will miss me! Now I sort of wish that I stayed on Equus... We shall ascend! We must be swift as a Gallimimus! We shall ascend! With all the force of a Wooly Mammoth! We shall ascend! With all the strength of a raging Giga! Mysterious as the dark side of the Arks! I'll be waiting on Earth, Till you all arrive. Heed my AI's advice, And you shall survive! You are all here, Don’t give in to fear, Don't pack up, go home, and flee. Trust me I'll make survivors out of you! We shall ascend! We must be swift as a Gallimimus! We shall ascend! With all the force of a Wooly Mammoth! We shall ascend! With all the strength of a raging Giga! Mysterious as the dark side of the Arks! We shall ascend! We must be swift as a Gallimimus! We shall ascend! With all the force of a Wooly Mammoth! We shall ascend! With all the strength of a raging Giga! Mysterious as the dark side of the Arks! RAAAAAAAAW!  🎵 After a whole day of training and Helena's various teachings, everyone stands proudly while donned in a complete set of cloth armor and spears and bows strapped to their bodies. They all watch the sunset before their very eyes as Helena turns to them all and says: "Sleep well tonight, my dear survivors. Tomorrow we shall travel more inland, and your first goal will be to obtain a powerful ally. I'll go into more detail about your level-ups in the morning, and we should probably start harvesting some hide to make some bolas. Remember what I taught you today; you must forget all about your teachings on Equus, for they will only hold you back on The Island. However, my little ponies, never lose sight of who you truly are. You might be forced to change to survive the Arks, but who you are shall always remain deep inside." Helena then starts to float towards everyone else present, starting with Applejack, as she comments: "Applejack, you will always be that honest pony who loves her family." Applejack smiles in response and a content nod as Helena then floats over to Pinkie Pie and says: "You, my pink friend, will always be the life of the party, and no matter what you will have to do here, that will never change." "Hehe, you know it!" Pinkie Pie responds. The Ai then floats over to Rarity and says: "You will always be the beautiful and generous mare you've always been. Never allow what you face here to change that even if you're forced to make non-generous decisions." "I shall not, darling. I understand that we'll have to make drastic calls here and there, but we shall never forget our true selves." Rarity responds to which causes the AI to nod in response. Helena then floats over to two individuals as she sighs to herself and says: "Spike, Rainbow, there's nothing truly wrong with being adventurous. However, overconfidence can kill you on this Ark, and even though you will respawn here at our base, you shouldn't try to throw yourselves into the jaws of death forcefully." "You're right..." The duo says in unison. Rainbow Dash, in particular, was going to tell them what actually happened, seeing as she was the one who challenged the Argentavis, but Spike beats her to it and says: "Me and Rainbow challenged that thing to a fight because we thought we could take it. We should've just flown away from the start..." Spike turns to Rainbow and winks at her, "Isn't that right?" Rainbow Dash is surprised by this at first before she then smiles in response and says: "You're right... it was a bad decision on my- our part." Helena nods with a happy face emoji present on their optic before floating over to Twilight. Rainbow Dash looks towards Spike with a look that could translate to: Thank you. "You know something, Twilight," Helena starts as the lavender mare continues to observe the sun that is now mere moments before setting ultimately. "You were wrong about what you said before we sang that adorable song." "What?" Twilight questions, turning to the AI. "About you making the wrong call, love. You're a leader of one of your world's many nations and, in a way, that's almost no different to a tribe leader. Sure, there are some bad ones here and there, but you are far from those selfish--pardon my words--assholes. You're a great leader, and you will continue to be that no matter what. After all, you had the courage to agree to come here and save Earth in the long run. We can then give Equus a proper future instead of Discord's resets. We can never truly make the right decision, Twilight, just the ones that are true to our hearts. And so long as you do so with good intentions, those who look up to you would follow you to the world's end. Or does that phrase change to 'To the Ark’s end’?" Twilight chuckles in response before she takes on a determined expression and says: "Thank you, Helena. For everything. You taught us so much today that will aid us in our survival. Me and my friends were admittedly feeling like we couldn't do this, but thanks to you, I know we can. If, of course, um, you're still willing to teach us more?" Twilight questions sheepishly. "Love, we sang a song today about me making you into the survivors I know you can be. Of course, I'll be there to help you all!" The AI then flies into the lavender pony as they embrace each other before she then flies towards Fluttershy. "Ah, hello there, my animal lover. You holding up ok?" "Oh, um, I'm fine, Helena. Well... not exactly. I know that I have to do what needs to be done to help everypony here and back home, but I'm not too fond of how the creatures here are tamed. H-how did you do it? I remember you telling me that you love animals just as much as I do." "To be honest with you, I had a similar reaction to yours. I wasn't a fan of it which is pretty ironic when you consider all of the dossiers I've created throughout my travels. It wasn't until I met my good friend, Mei-Yin Li, who taught me that the bond that's forged afterward could last forever despite the somewhat cruelness of the taming method. You are me and her combined into one little pony package, although you're much nicer than Mei ever was; bless her. I can even see you raising a pack of raptors like she did one day. What you did today when you stared down that Giga's projection is proof that hidden deep within your shy exterior, there lies something similar to what Mei was." "Oh, um, what was she?" "The Beast Queen. Back in my time on this installation, she was the first survivor to tame dinosaurs and many of the other creatures on the Ark. She had a bad run-in with other survivors and became distrustful of them as a result. From this distrust, she instead found true companionship with the Island's creatures. I once came to her in hopes of studying her methods and her creatures. It was a bold move on my part, and trust me when I say that there's nothing more terrifying than approaching a survivor who has a pack of carnivorous titans who will tear you apart with but a word from their owner. Luckily for me, Mei seemed to deem that I was worth talking to, and our bond started to form from that day onwards. Going off of your profile, you and Mei are quite similar. Sure, you weren't trying to get killed by most of your fellow ponies, but you did connect more with your animals. You two also protect the innocent and love those you allow into your hearts; I sometimes even consider you to be Mei's reincarnation." Fluttershy forms a smile onto her muzzle, to which the AI then hugs her as she did with Twilight. "I know that you hate the methods of taming here on the other Arks, Fluttershy. All I can tell you is to nurture the creatures we bring into our fold afterward with love and care. You may wince in response when we start to knock out more powerful dinos. But, once we bring them in, I want you to shower them with your love. Think you can do that for me? I think the others will agree with me when I say that you are our tribe's Beast Queen like Mei was. You just need to rise, your majesty." Fluttershy nods in response as she then looks towards her flock of Dodos, all of which were currently resting against their home in a large bundle. The shy pegasus takes on a content smile and says: "Ok, Helena... I'll do my best to become our Beast Queen." A few moments later, the sun finally sets as the blanket of nightfall covers the island. Everyone enters their wooden home and turns in for the night as they make their way towards their sleeping bags. Unbeknownst to this tribe of ponies, dragon, and AI, an entity with a raised sickled toe was observing them. > Chapter 12 - Raptor. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- Celestia is currently in her bed-chamber as Luna’s beloved moon shines brightly over the blackness of her night. The sun alicorn was left to ponder about these recent events. She held a meeting with the other world leaders, which went rather well despite the chaos that ensued at first, to which Discord was more than happy. “I can’t tell if that draconequus or Overseer, whatever he calls himself, is trying to truly help us or simply continues to play along until he resets us all.” The white alicorn then lets out a sad sigh. “Oh, Twilight… should I have come with you all to that Ark? I feel I could’ve done more.” “You’re helping Twily by being here to take care of Equestria in her stead, auntie,” A new yet familiar voice says, which causes Celestia’s ears to perk up as she turns towards its’ source. “Cadence? Did you teleport into my quarters? What are you doing here in Canterlot? How are things going in The Empire?” “Careful, auntie, you almost sound like Twilight with all those questions,” Cadence responds with a giggle. “To answer them in order: Yes, yes, I’m here to talk about these recent events, utter chaos, pure and absolute chaos. Fortunately, Shining Armor managed to calm things down with Prince Rutherford’s help, who came to visit us and ask about the Green Obelisk. It certainly helps to have physically powerful yaks on your side to establish order in times like these. Perhaps we could hire some of them for the guard?” Celestia chuckles, “Indeed, my dear niece. Ah, that would explain why I didn’t see Prince Rutherford or most of the other yaks at our meeting here in Canterlot.” “Anything important to report? How did the other nations react?” “Like yourself, Dragon Lord Ember and Queen Novo are the ones whose kingdoms are closest to the other Obelisks. You explained it perfectly, utter chaos. By the way, where is He-” Suddenly, Celestia’s words are cut off as she and Cadence could hear a commotion outside Celestia’s bed chambers. ………. “Halt! You mysterious object!” A stallion earth guardspony shouts as they aim their spear towards a certain AI. The scenario occurs just in front of the sun monarch’s chamber entrance. “Look, love, I’m with Princess Cadence. It’s just that I went off to-” “You will not say the name of one of the Princesses so casually, creature!” Interjects the brown-coated guard. “Wow… racist much? Well, I’m just a machine, but still. Look, I’m going to assume that you’re under a lot of- Woah!” Helena shouts as she dodges a swing from the guard’s golden spear. “What the bloody hell?! I didn’t attack you or anything!” “Be silent!” The guardspony exclaims as they prepare to strike at their foe once more. That is until a golden aura covers the door behind the guardspony. The door opens as the Princesses witness this shocking sight. “Princesses, please excuse me if I had interrupted anything,” The guard starts as he comes to attention. “This strange creature claims to know Princess Cadence and just flew right into the castle without any proper-” “She is with us, my dear pony,” Celestia interjects in a motherly tone. “Her name is Helena. The being floating before you is the same entity who has been working diligently to explain those strange objects to us. I take full responsibility for this misunderstanding.” “N-no! Please, your highnesses, allow me to take the blame,” The guardspony turns their gaze back towards Helena, “Please forgive me; I was performing my duties and, admittedly, have been under a lot of stress as of late. Also, I’d like to correct you on something...” “No worries, love! Just don’t go swinging that spear of yours at me again. It’s a pain to create another HLN-A Unit and then jettison it off to this installation from Earth. I’m sorry, I rambled there for a bit. You mentioned that you wanted to correct me on something?” “Ah, yes… you see, I’m not a racist, as you bluntly put it. My special someone happens to be a kirin, a non-pony, and she’s the absolute love of my life. We plan to be wedded within the coming month. I did, however, react poorly to your presence, and I truly apologize.” “No harm, no foul, love. Congratulations on your wedding!” “Thank you, Helena,” The guardspony responds, clearing their throat afterward with a forehoof raised to their neck, “Please, excuse my actions and proceed inside.” Helena nods in response as she floats past the guard and comes face to face with the shocked expressions of The Princesses, Cadence closing the door via her pink magical aura. “I must say, I thought you’d be angry with that guardspony. I appreciate your forgiveness, Helena,” Celestia comments. “Nah, no need to worry about it. I’ve always tried to lessen the number of enemies I make. Unless your name’s Edmund Rockwell.” “We would like to talk about that in the future,” Celestia responds, taking her place on her bed, “For now, I would like to look into something that has been bothering me.” “Yes?” Helena questions. “Sunset Shimmer’s world and its connection to ours. I already sent her a letter earlier, and she should be stopping by in the morning.” -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND-  Everyone is currently lost within the sweet embrace of sleep. Even Helena had her version of this action as the AI leaned against Twilight in a passive-like state. Fluttershy could feel something was wrong as the yellow pegasus slowly came to. In a sudden sense of horror, she sees something appear before her very eyes that sends a chill down her spine. Your Shira - Lvl 103 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Your Didel - Lvl 13 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! Your Annabeth - Lvl 31 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! The list continued to go on, and she could even hear the horrifying cries of her tames as she flickered her ears about. Without hesitation, she brings forth her spear via the pegasus’s implant and runs with all due haste to the exit. She swings the door open, and what she sees before her sends surges of sorrow and fear throughout her entire body. An entity held one of her tamed Dodos within its’ maw as all around it are its other victims' mangled remains. Fluttershy could only stare on in horror as she muttered the words: “R-Rap-tor...” The Raptor drops its prey as it launches itself towards the pegasus, who jumps into the air and avoids its strike. However, the Raptor slams itself against the doorframe, which instantly causes everyone else within to jolt themselves awake. “What in tarnation was that?!” Applejack exclaims. “Wait a bucking minute, what’s with these messages?! Our Dodos are being killed?!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “Everypony!” Fluttershy shouts from outside as she is currently positioned on the roof of their home, looking down upon the Raptor who eyed her hungrily. “There’s a Raptor outside of our home! It killed my Dodos!” “We have to tame it!” Helena exclaims, which causes everyone else to shout in unison: “WHAT?!” As this goes on, the Raptor tries to break into their shelter as it claws angrily against the wooden structure. “We need an ally at our side to increase our strength. A Lvl 80 Raptor is an excellent start! Get your clubs out and whack that thing!” “That sounds so barbaric!” Rarity shouts in response. “No, Helena is right,” Twilight says as she materializes her club. “If we can tame this carnivore, it can help us collect meat and hide. Remember everything Helena taught us yesterday, everyone. We have to make drastic decisions on our journey and if taming a Raptor is the start of our success, then fine!” “I’ll tank it for us!” Spike proclaims as he starts to make his way towards the exit. “Spike! No! I won’t have you-” “No, Twilight! Let him go. He’s perfect for taking that thing’s attacks for us as we attempt to tame it.” Helena interjects. “B-but-” “No buts, egghead. I’ve seen Spike take on a large bird, and some Raptor that’s barely even half of its size isn’t going to stop him. He’s our best hope!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. Spike was now outside as Fluttershy was still on the roof, looking down upon the Raptor who was currently positioned just behind the structure as she says: “Spike! It’s over here! Go around the house; it’s trying to get in!” “I’m coming!” As the young dragon makes his way around the structure, everyone else comes outside to see the horrifying sight and aid the dragon. Rainbow Dash hops onto the roof with Fluttershy as she bares her club and hops onto the Raptor. “Giddy up, buddy!” Rainbow Dash antagonizes as she holds onto the entity while clubbing away at its head. The Raptor roars out as it starts to buck her off; however, Rainbow isn’t alone as Spike intervenes and says: “Rainbow, keep clubbing it while I-” “Woah!” Rainbow roars out as the Raptor manages to toss her off its’ back before pouncing onto Spike, pinning him to the ground. As this goes on, Helena instructed Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack to harvest the corpses of the slaughtered Dodos to get their hides and some meat. The AI then teaches Rarity to create a few bolas as she shows her the recipe to forge it. Back with the conflict, Spike was currently pinned down to the ground as the Raptor tried its best to puncture his flesh. Fortunately, much like what had happened with the Argentavis, the sickled toes of the entity failed to pierce his flesh, but that alone wouldn’t be enough as the Raptor was physically stronger than the young dragon. Fluttershy grits her teeth and hops off the roof onto the back of the Raptor as she copies Rainbow Dash’s actions and holds onto its’ back while clubbing it. “I’m sorry, Raptor! But I won’t let you hurt my friends!” The yellow pegasus does manage to get some good hits in as the Raptor attempts to throw her off. Having learned from its’ earlier experience with the cyan pegasus, Fluttershy is baffled by the Raptor grabbing her with its’ left arm and tossing her off its’ back. The Raptor then gets off of Spike and rushes towards the yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy! Watch out!” Spike exclaims while the aforementioned pony is getting back onto her hooves. The Raptor leaps into the air and prepares to pounce onto the pegasus, teeth, and claws ready to tear into her flesh. That is until a cyan-colored pegasus pushes Fluttershy aside. Instead, the Raptor pounces on top of Rainbow Dash as she struggles under its’ grasp. The sickled toe of its left foot raises over her throat region as the entity growls hungrily at the downed pegasus. The world went into slow motion for Spike and Fluttershy as they both tried to intervene. Sadly, this wouldn’t come to pass as the Raptor’s claw comes down upon Rainbow Dash and what everyone sees next sends absolute chills down their spines. Tribemember Rainbow Dash - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80! A tear escapes from Fluttershy’s eye while Spike stares on in horror. The yellow pegasus grits her teeth in anger as she then roars out: “How dare you do that to her! You deserve... The Stare!” > Chapter 13 - The First Tame. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy slowly advances towards the Raptor, the beast still crouching over Rainbow Dash's prone form. A low growl rumbles deep in the large reptile's throat as it watches the approaching pegasus intently, lips drawing back to reveal dagger-like teeth still stained with blood. "Oh my… I hope this works," Fluttershy murmurs to herself. She casts her eyes towards the ground, and the Raptor, perhaps suspecting weakness, lunges towards her with a snarl. Before it could take more than a single step, the pegasus flicks her gaze up to lock sky-blue eyes with the fiery orange orbs of her adversary. The Raptor abruptly stumbles, its' mind suddenly besieged with a sense of dread—the pegasus before it continues to stare unwaveringly, eyes portraying an overwhelming feeling of stern authority. The reptile shakes its head with a hiss, but the sensation only intensifies. The pegasus takes a step forward, gaze unmoving, and the Raptor draws backward slightly, its hunter's instinct at war with the power of the Stare. The Raptor didn't seem to be giving ground, but then again, that wasn't Fluttershy's intention. "Now, Rarity! The bola!" Helena exclaims. Whirling the bola around her hoof, Rarity flung the object at the Raptor. Her aim was true, and the bola struck the creature just above the ankles, the trailing cords wrapping around its legs. The Raptor flinches from the impact and attempts to take a step back, only for the cords to pull taught, causing the reptile to overbalance, falling to the ground with a thud. "Nice throw, love!" Helena cheers. "Quickly, everyone, knock it out! The bola won't hold for long." "Ah'd rather we put the no-good varmint down fer' what it did to Rainbow," Applejack comments angrily, staring daggers at the fallen Raptor. "Rainbow Dash will be fine, love. We need to tame this Raptor so-" "Fine?! Rainbow's dead! How can she be-" The cowmare's words were cut off by a flash of light from the newly constructed home, followed by a familiar voice. "Buck! That hurt, like, a lot!" "What in tarnation? Rainbow?! Yall ok in there?" As this is going on, Rarity, Spike, Twilight, and Fluttershy takes the opportunity to club the Raptor, albeit with the unicorn commenting on their brutality while the yellow pegasus tries to give it some form of comfort as she says in a motherly tone: "I promise you'll feel better after we're done." Helena floats over to a shocked Applejack and says:  "I know that it's surreal, and it even causes you to question reality itself, but Rainbow is indeed very much alive. Hey, Rainbow! Come on outside, love!" Within the group's home, Rainbow Dash recovers from her shocked state as she mutters:  "Holy moly, I know she said that we were immortal in a way, but that felt… strange. It hurt like Tartarus when that Raptor killed me, but then it all went white for a moment. Now, I'm here…" The cyan pegasus then gets onto her hooves and glances back towards her flank as she gazes upon her cutie mark or implant. "This thing brought me back here… it was like a beacon that dragged me along and brought me home." "Rainbow! Come on out, sugarcube! Ah’ need to see ya’ fer’ mahself!” Applejack exclaims from outside the house. "I'm coming!" Rainbow Dash responds as she starts to make her way towards the exit. Now outside, Rainbow Dash rounds the corner of their home to join the rest of the group as she says: "You guys won't believe how weird that felt! Not to men-" Suddenly, her words were cut off as she saw what was lying on the ground: Another Rainbow Dash. Her eyes widen in shock as she looks at the corpse, looks at herself, then returns to the other cyan pegasus. "W-what in the… that's another me!" "Yup! It sure is," Helena replies happily. "Can you not act like this isn't a big deal!" Rainbow Dash exclaims. "There's another me lying dead where that Raptor killed me!" "And now you're alive and kicking once more. In addition, we will soon have a Raptor in our tribe. Oh! I hope you'll all forgive me for assuming that you'd be in a tribe together, so I took it upon myself to make it for you. I call it: Tribe Of Harmony! Got a good ring to it, huh? If you don't like it, then we can easily change it via your tribe leader's implant, which of course is: Twilight." In the background, everyone else starts to access their inventories by glancing back towards their flanks. Twilight, in particular, brings out some of the meat she had harvested from the Dodos and hands it over to Fluttershy, who, in turn, starts the taming process of the now unconscious Raptor. This causes Helena to giggle in response as she says: "I'm so sorry, but Discord should've chosen somewhere else to place your implants. It just looks hilarious seeing you all look at your butts to access your-" "Ok, Helena…" Rainbow says as she starts to draw closer. Applejack is still stunned from seeing her friend alive and well as she imitates a goldfish, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. "Can you please explain to me just what the buck is happening?! Why did I see a bunch of red words?" "Oh! That's all thanks to your implants. It holds all sorts of information and can even track you and your fellow tribe members' tames. Case in point was when that Raptor killed your tribe's Dodos, not to mention, well, you." "That's… convenient?" "It sure is! The Advanced Humans' technology is simply a wonder. I wish I could explain how the process works for you, regaining a body that's identical to your old one, but I surmise that it has something to do with the Overseer's lab. From there, all life is injected onto the Arks, in addition to supply drops. We should go hunting for those in the morning in addition to crystal and metal runs. We have so much to do!" Helena exclaims as she floats over to the rest of the group, who are still taming the Raptor. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were simply at a loss for words. The pegasus for seeing her own body and the orange earth pony for witnessing her friend, still alive and kicking after death. The two slowly turn to each other and converse. "Wanna go back to bed?" Applejack inquires. "Yeah… I just died and came back from the dead… I need to sleep this off," Rainbow Dash responds. "Oh, Rainbow!" Helena calls out. "If we run low on meat, can we chop up your body for some more? Oh! And for some hide, too." Rainbow and Applejack's mouths drop upon hearing the AI's question. They didn't know what was more shocking: The question itself or just how casually Helena asked it. Perhaps both? The two mares sigh in defeat as they both turn around, taking on neutral expressions. "I don't even bucking care anymore," Rainbow Dash waves uncaringly with a forehoof as she and Applejack make their way around the corner. "Do what you need to do; we're going to bed." "Thanks, love!" Helena responds as she floats back towards the group. She then looks towards Fluttershy questionably, "I must say: Your ability is quite impressive. To strike fear into your foes with just your gaze alone is an incredibly unique trait. I know that it was in your profile, but to see it for myself in action…" "Oh yes, Fluttershy has always been able to do that. However, it seems to only work on animals. Dinosaurs, in this case," Twilight responds. "Are there other creatures with abilities like hers on the Ark?" Rarity questions. "Well, there's one who has a similar ability, but it works a little differently in execution," Helena answers as she then projects a large entity that is carnivorous and is covered in what is, surprisingly, fur. "This big guy's name is Yutyrannus." "Its roar can scare off most creatures while also being able to control any nearby Carnotaurus, another species of carnivore. However, if we manage to tame a Yuty, their powers become even more useful. The Yutyrannus can buff our other tames with its roar, enhancing our forces during combat. It's not just the Yuty who has amazing powers; however," Helena then projects another entity, "This one is called a Daeodon, a pig-like creature with the power to heal both survivors and tames alike." "Many survivors would often tame these pig-like monstrosities specifically for their incredible ability. That's honestly the biggest reason why these things are one of the island's toughest creatures. That's not even mentioning how effective they are in a pack." All of the ponies, and dragon, are in awe of this revelation. It did make Pinkie Pie, in particular, start laughing at the thought of a pig healing everyone in battle.  "By the way, Fluttershy. Can I inspect your implant?" Helena inquires. "Oh, um, sure," Fluttershy responds as the AI floats over to her cutie mark and performs the action. As this goes on, Twilight and Rarity feel a bit uncomfortable that another Rainbow Dash still lies dead nearby, even though another Rainbow Dash is literally inside their home going to bed. "Amazing!" Helena exclaims. "It's a good thing we're having you handle the taming process for this Raptor because it seems you have another ability. Aside from that stare of yours, you also tame creatures more effectively than other survivors, faster even. This is simply remarkable!" "Oh my, so, does that mean I can talk to the creatures on the Arks, too? I couldn't tell if the Raptor could even speak to me, but I wonder if-" Suddenly, a series of green words show up before their very eyes, all while the Raptor starts to regain consciousness. Your tribe has tamed a Raptor! "Ah, excellent! Welcome to the tribe!" Helena exclaims happily while everyone else present starts to gaze upon their new ally with curiosity. Fluttershy floats in the air and starts to rub the Raptor's head with a forehoof as she says: "Welcome to your new family," The yellow pegasus puts a hoof to her chin in thought, "Hmm, you're a female Raptor, so we'll need to come up with a name for you." The Raptor starts to chirp in response, to which Fluttershy's ears perk up as she shouts: "Oh my gosh! I can understand her! Yes, I am here to take care of you, including my friends." [RAPTOR SOUNDS] "Oh, um, I'm sure Rainbow Dash won't be too mad at you… I think." [RAPTOR SOUNDS] "Don't worry; I forgive you for what happened with the Dodos. I mean, I'm sad, of course, but I do understand that you were a wild creature and needed to hunt as a carnivore." ………. "Are we seriously watching Fluttershy have a conversation with a creature that tried to kill- um, I mean, killed Rainbow Dash?" Spike inquires. "Spike… I've had nothing but questions ever since Helena landed on our world… then my friend dies and comes back to life… and now this. It's all just so bizarre." Twilight responds as she rubs her head with her left forehoof. "I'm personally impressed by the level it tamed out at. We had to use regular raw meat for the taming process but at least Fluttershy's natural taming efficiency helped us along. This beauty went from Lvl 80 up to a decent 104. Not a perfect tame but a good start as any; not to mention the fact that we can level it up further." "Taming efficiency?" Everyone else present questions. "We'll discuss that in the morning, you all still have some time before sunrise to get some shut-eye. In addition, I need to inform you all about your level-up process. Some of you are Lvl 10, such as Rainbow Dash, while others are below that level. However, Spike, in particular, is Lvl 13. In other words, you're the highest leveled survivor in the tribe." "I'm still a little confused about how all of this leveling stuff works," Spike comments. "No worries, love. As I said, we'll talk about it in the morning," The Ai responds. Many questions still festered in the minds of the ponies, and dragon, all of which needed to be answered. The Arks would continue to perform feats that would make them question all of reality itself. But now was not the time for they could only look forward to a well-deserved rest after a hard-fought battle. This did, however, bring forth a question. One that Spike took the initiative to ask as he points over his right shoulder with a claw: "So, uh… where does the Raptor sleep?" > Chapter 14 - Helena's Challenge. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The early morning rays crept through the wooden shelter of the Tribe of Harmony, kissing the face of a certain cyan pegasus. Rainbow Dash is stirred awake from the sun’s actions, letting loose a slightly annoyed moan before saying: “Ugh… Celestia, turn it off,” The pegasus winces as she lifts her head off of her pillow, using a forehoof to shield herself from the sunlight. In addition, her ears perked up as she could hear the commotion of her fellow tribemates just outside of their housing. Rainbow Dash yawns and stretches, and In one swift motion, she lifts herself onto her hooves and flaps her wings, taking her off of the soft furniture and onto the house’s wooden floor. A series of clopping echoes throughout the home before the cyan mare opens the wooden door, said door creaking as it gives her access to the outside world. “Ah, good morning, love!” Greets Helena as the Ai and everyone else present takes notice of the pegasus. “Sleep well, I hope?” Rainbow rubs her eyes with a forelimb, “Not as good as sleeping on a cloud, but It wasn’t so-” She pauses as she spots their most recent addition to the tribe, the Raptor. Her former executioner. The pegasus snarls with narrowed features, “...bad.” Everyone else knew this was going to happen as the Element Bearers--barring Fluttershy--Spike, and Helena all smiled sheepishly. Although the AI projected the expression via their visor. “Rainbow...” Fluttershy started. “I know that look… Vanellope is really sorry abou-” “You named it?!” Rainbow Dash roars out, then facehooves, “Flutters, you’re not supposed to name it…” “Why not?” The yellow pegasus responds with an assertive tone. All the while, Helena took the initiative to move everyone else away, including Vanellope. “‘Why not?’” The cyan mare responds with slight annoyance. “Flutters, once you name it, you start to become attached to it! And I am NOT gonna become friends with that thing!” “Rainbow, please, give Vanellope a chance to-” “She killed me, Flutters. Do you even have the slightest clue as to what you’re asking me to do?! I can’t just forget about what happened last night!” Rainbow brings a forehoof to her throat, “That thing’s foot claw tore right through my neck! How in the hay do you expect me to just shrug that off and accept it as a friend?!” “Vanellope is not an it!” The yellow pegasus shouts in defense. “She’s a part of our tribe now, Rainbow. Look, I understand how you-” “You apparently DON’T understand how I feel!” Rainbow interjects with flaring wings and gritted teeth. “Otherwise, that thing wouldn’t even be here with us!” “We need her help, Rainbow. Helena said that we needed to increase our tribe’s strength and having a Raptor at such a high level is a great start,” Fluttershy’s features begin to lose their assertiveness; replaced by pleading eyes, “Please… just, please try to give her a chance,” She closes the small distance with Rainbow Dash and places a forehoof onto her childhood friend’s right shoulder. All while the pegasus continues to wear angered features. During this time, Helena could be seen conversing with the others nearby as Applejack was currently strapping a very particular object onto Vanellope’s back: A saddle.  “I truly do understand how you feel, Rainbow,” The yellow pegasus said, her comforting forehoof still placed onto the cyan pegasus’s shoulder, “I’m not insensitive enough to just expect you to forgive her, but can you at least tolerate her? F-for me?” She looks downward with saddened features and closes her eyes with a sigh, “If you want to, of course…” Rainbow Dash gazed down upon her friend, looked towards the Raptor in the distance, and back to the yellow pegasus. After a moment's pause, she lets loose a frustrated sigh and pulls Fluttershy into a hug via her forehooves. Said gesture garnering a squeak from Fluttershy. “Fine… I’ll do it for you and the others…” Fluttershy recovers her composer and returns the gesture gleefully, “Thank you so much, Rainbow.” “But I’m still not gonna be playing nice with It!” The cyan pegasus responds as she parts away. Said response causes Fluttershy’s ears to fold against her head. However, the yellow pegasus sighs in a mixture of sadness and acceptance before responding: “Fair enough…” ………. Applejack was currently mounted upon the back of the Raptor as Twilight began to study and observe Vanellope’s surprisingly obedient nature. “This is simply extraordinary!” She shouts with excitement. “Vanellope doesn’t seem to be bothered at all by this. Not a single sign of annoyance or displeasure can be observed. Being ridden seems so natural to her.” “Exactly, love!” Helena responds. “During my observations from back when I was still human, I too made a note about the behavioral factors of a tribe’s tames. In essence: Even if we were to have both herbivores and carnivores existing side by side, neither one would try to harm the other. And that’s not even going into how loyal most tames often become to tribe members.”  “Is there a reason for this, darling?” Rarity inquired, all while Applejack continued to get a feel for riding on the Raptor’s back. In addition, both Pinkie Pie and Spike watched the event with incredulous features. “Actually, yes,” Helena answered. “You see, the creatures of the Arks have been conditioned to become indoctrinated into a tribe. It’s happened so much to these creatures that it’s become engraved into their instincts. Said instincts passing on not just from a parent to their child, but their implants as well.” “So If I’m hearing you correctly, they just accept their fate once you successfully tame them?” Rarity inquires. “They fend for themselves in the wild, but transition to becoming domesticated as if it were a natural occurrence for them?” “That certainly seems to be the case,” Twilight comments. “Remember, love, the Arks aren’t exactly natural by any means. It’s best to not apply true naturality to what is an unnatural simulator at its core.” “Yeehaw!” Applejack shouts from nearby, catching the attention of the trio, “Hoowee, this girl’s got some speed to her! Ah’ reckon she could take me from Ponyville all the way to the Crystal Empire before Granny Smith could bake an apple pie!” “Ooh, ooh, let me have a turn, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie shouts excitedly, hopping in place. “I can’t wait to see how amazing she’d be in a fight!” Spike exclaims as he shadow boxes in place. ………. A series of dirt and sand could be heard being kicked up from nearby as Twilight, Helena, and Rarity turn towards their fellow tribe members: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “Did you two resolve everything, ladies?” Helena questions. Fluttershy turns to Rainbow Dash, who grunts in response, before turning back to everyone else, “Rainbow will tolerate Vanellope.” “But I ain’t becoming friends with her,” Rainbow said, matter of factly. “I don’t care if we truly do need her help, that’s my one condition. She does her thing and stays away from  me, and I’ll tolerate her for you guys.” Both Rarity and Twilight nod in response. “I understand completely, love. But you do need to realize that Vanellope won’t be the only creature we tame,” Helena responds. “There will undoubtedly be other creatures who will cause you all harm, and sometimes death, during a taming process. It’s just the way things are, I’m afraid.” “Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Rainbow responds, turning her gaze towards Vanellope who was now being ridden by Pinkie Pie, “Or her for that matter.” Some time goes by as Helena asks the Tribe of Harmony to stand before her in a lined formation. Although Rainbow Dash made doubly sure as to stay to the far right side of the line, seeing as Vanellope was to the far left. They all wore their Cloth Armor with pride while some among them held various weaponry such as spears, bows, and in Applejack’s case, a bola. “Ok, survivors! Today we have a small change of plans,” Helena starts, floating back and forth along the line in a fashion similar to a military instructor, “My original plan was to perform some runs for resources. However, I had an epiphany while you all slumbered following last night’s shenanigans.” Everyone in the line looks to each other with inquisitive expressions as Twilight is the first to say: “What do you mean, Helena?” “Loves, I want you all to know that I would never do this if I didn’t have faith in you. As such, I also can't always be there to help you through the Arks. In accordance with that, I’m giving you all a special mission to complete,” The AI displays a flexing arm on its visor, “It’s time to put your training to the test!” “Wait, what exactly is happening here?” Spike inquires. “A mission?” Fluttershy questions, tilting her head sideways.   Helena projects a map in front of the tribe before her, “It’s quite simple: I want you all to reach this location at your own pace. Use everything I’ve taught you to reach this objective, and should you succeed, this will prove to each and every one of you that this tribe is filled with bonafide survivors!” In any other circumstance, the Element Bearers, and Spike, would feel an absolute sense of horror and a drastic drop in confidence. However, instead of terrified entities, Helena was greeted by faces of absolute determination. This is what they were training for, and these survivors understood that all too well. “I’m ready,” Twilight said with utmost confidence. “A proper lady doesn’t give up before even trying,” Rarity comments. “I’m absolutely prepared, darlings.” “We’ve got this! Ooh! Maybe we’ll be able to see some other cool creatures on the Ark, too!” Pinkie Pie shouts in excitement. “This ain’t a sightseeing venture, Pinkie,” Applejack states with a chuckle. “But she’s got the right attitude! let’s do this, y’all!” Spike flies into the air and gently lands onto Twilight’s back, “I’m definitely ready! With all of us working together, we can do this!” Fluttershy, currently mounted on Vanellope’s saddled back, gently pats the Raptor’s head while saying: “Vanellope and I are ready, too.” Rainbow Dash flaps her wings and lifts herself aloft, “Hah! You don’t even need to ask me, of course I’m ready!” She thrusts her forehooves forward and starts to build up speed, “Let’s go, everypony!” “Rainbow, wait!” Twilight shouts, causing the pegasus to stop mid-flight. “What’s up? Did you forget something?” “Well, no,” The alicorn responds with a deadpan expression, then points a forehoof towards Helena’s still projected map, “You’re going the wrong way…”  The pegasus’s eyes go wide open, followed by sheepish laughter and scratching the back of her neck with a forehoof, “Ehehe… r-right, gotcha.” Helena chuckles in response before making her map disappear. She then floats closer to the ponies and drops a series of objects for each of them from the AI’s inventory, or implant.  “You’ll need these for your journey. Good luck, survivors.”  The tribe takes the objects without hesitation, which consist of Maps and Compasses. All the while, Helena starts to float high into the air, almost as if to leave the Ark, while shouting: “I believe in you all, survivors! Be strong, be brave, and watch each other’s backs! I’ll be watching you all the time, but I shall not intervene! It’s all up to you now… make me proud!” The Tribe of Harmony shouts back various forms of gratitude and matching gestures, waving their appendages towards the now gone AI. With that, everyone takes a unified step towards their destination, opting to stay along the coastline. This was the true beginning of their journey, and the first stages of survival evolved. > Chapter 15 - The Coastal Conflict. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The late morning sun shines down upon a traveling tribe of equines, a single draconian, and a dinosaur that is the embodiment of ‘fast and lethal.’ Their steps sank into the warm sands of The Island’s coastline, all while the ocean’s freshwater glistened with a crystalline clarity. In fact, the water is so clear that the Tribe of Harmony could spot various assortments of sea life from the shoreline. These sea creatures consisted mainly of dolphin-like entities and ancient arthropod invertebrates. Said arthropods often crawling onto the beach after exiting the ocean. Of course, of everyone present, Fluttershy was ecstatic in seeing some of the ocean’s wildlife. “The beauty of this place still blows me away,” Twilight comments, turning her head in various directions to take in the sights as she walks in the lead. The rest of the tribe are right behind her with both Rainbow Dash and Spike floating just above; flapping their wings to stay aloft. “Is this really the big and scary island Helena told us about?” Rainbow questions sarcastically from above, chuckling seconds after, “This is a piece of-” “Rainbow!” Applejack interjects, looking skyward towards the flyer. “Don’t ya’ dare start gett’n overconfident on us.” “Have you already forgotten that whole Argentavis incident, darling?” Rarity questions. “I’m just saying!” The cyan pegasus responds as she lands next to Applejack and Rarity. “It’s just not as dangerous as she made it out to be, that’s all…”  All the while, Pinkie Pie was walking alongside Vanellope, with Fluttershy currently mounted upon the Raptor’s saddle. “Keep in mind, the only reason things are pretty tame at the moment is because Helena told us about The Island’s coasts,” Twilight comments while looking back at the group over her right shoulder. “The coastline is by far the easiest part of this island. I want to avoid conflict and danger for as long as possible.” Rainbow Dash flaps her wings, and in one swift motion, she flies through the air and lands in front of the lavender alicorn. Causing both her and the tribe to stop in place. “And if we DO get into a confrontation?” The cyan pegasus inquires. “Then that’s why, and when, we will have to use our weapons,” Twilight responds. “However, I also want to ask something of you all.” Hearing the alicorn’s inquiry, the rest of the ponies perk their ears upwards as Spike floats just above them, keeping his gaze on Twilight. Fluttershy pats Vanellope’s head all while Pinkie Pie had managed to mount the Raptor as well, sitting just behind the yellow pegasus. “I want us all to make this decision together,” The alicorn starts. “If we run into trouble, and if running away is still an option, we will retreat and NOT fight back. Agreed?” Everyone nods in response without hesitation, upon which Twilight looks to Rainbow Dash, who stood beside her, “Rainbow?” she questions with a raised eyebrow.  “Oh come on, egghead,” The pegasus responds while rolling her eyes, “I’m not stupid… I won’t jump into a fight if It’s not necessary.” Spike raises an eyebrow while flapping his wings in the air, “And no more fighting giant birds for no good reason?” “I’m sorry, ok? It won’t happen again. Look, I’ll even make a Pinkie Promise!” The cyan mare responds, then performs the ritualistic gesture, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “I’ll hold you to that!” Pinkie shouts from Vanellope’s back. “But, um, w-what happens if we can’t run away?” Fluttershy questions. “Then we fight back, together,” Applejack responds as she then walks forth and stands next to Twilight, “No one gets left behind in our tribe. We ain’t noth’n like the ones Helena told us about.” Twilight nods in agreement, “Applejack is right. Besides, Helena has been training us ever since we got here,” She spreads her wings with utmost confidence, “Let’s show her that we truly can survive these Arks an-” A sudden rustling from the nearby treeline cuts off Twilight’s words as everyone turns towards the direction of the commotion. Then, a series of loud and large stomping began to make itself known. The ponies flickered their ears about, but Pinkie Pie starts to vibrate as she shouts: “Twitchy tail, guys! Twitchy-” Two entities burst out from the forest in a scenario of pursuit, with the one in the lead obviously trying to run away from the other that was behind it. One is a herbivore, the lead dinosaur in question which has a crested head, a beaked mouth, and is currently roaring frantically. However, what was pursuing this herbivore is an entity that caused the entire tribe to freeze in place, albeit Vanellope seemed ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. The creature in pursuit of its’ prey is, of course, a carnivorous dinosaur who sported a pair of horns just above its’ eyes. These two beings are giants in of themselves as their girth could easily flatten the ponies, dragon, and raptor with no difficulty. The crested herbivore is now on the beach as the horned carnivore began to close in on it, opening its maw with flickers of drool spraying outward. With nowhere else to run, the herbivorous entity attempts to defend itself as it turns around and starts to rear up, letting loose another roar. The carnivore lunges forth and aims for the neck region of its prey, but the plant-eater turns sideways in the nick of time, and with a mighty thrust of its powerful tail, the herbivore thrashes its predator across their face region. This causes the carnivore to fall over for a brief moment before it rolls and gets back onto its feet. After recovering, the horned predator roars out and bears its flesh rendering maw of teeth. All the while, the Tribe of Harmony stood a distance away; just before the ocean water; with caution, as Rarity turns to Fluttershy and shouts: “Fluttershy, dearie! What are those things?!” “A Parasaurolophus! And a... C-Carnotaurus,” The yellow pegasus responds from atop Vanellope with Pinkie Pie seated just behind her.  “Go, Parasaur!” Rainbow Dash shouts with a raised forehoof, “Kick that thing’s butt!” “Come on, everyone!” Spike shouts. “We should leave before-” Spike’s words are cut off as the Parasaur begins to roar out frantically. A horrific event plays out before the group as they bore witness to the Carnotaurus rushing itself forth with all its might, ramming into the Parasaur with its horns. The strike causes the herbivore to fall over, but its predator seized the prime opportunity as it swiftly closes the distance and plants its jaws onto the neck region of its downed prey. In addition, the Carno plants its right foot onto the Para’s form to destroy any chance for retaliation.  The Tribe of Harmony could only wince and feel sympathetic towards the Parasaur as it struggles within the Carnotaurus’s maw, and is pinned under its predator’s foot. Blood starts to drip out of the Para’s mouth, and its breathing slows down as the carnivore relentlessly applies its bite force onto its prey’s neck. The Parasaur’s legs continue to kick against the sand in some effort to resist, but they start to go limp as its struggle soon follows suit.  With a sudden and powerful jerk of its head, the Carnotaurus instantly ends the Parasaurs’ life as it goes completely limp. The carnivore finally lets go of its now-deceased prey before raising its head upward and unleashing a triumphant roar. Although the Arks are mere imitations of nature, some elements of nature did indeed still reside here. The struggle between predator and prey played out before the Tribe of Harmony, and unfortunately for the Parasaur… it lost. As the Carnotaurus wasted no time on feasting upon its kill, tearing chunks of flesh off with every bite, Twilight was the first amongst her shocked tribe members to recover before saying: “C-come on, e-everypony… l-let’s go before-” “T-Twilight!” Pinkie Pie interjects, now standing on the beach after dismounting Vanellope, but just before the ocean behind her. But what got everyone’s attention was the fact that the pink mare was still shaking, frantically. “T-that was- oof! T-that wasn’t what caused my- oof! P-Pinkie Senses to-” A loud splash erupts from behind the pink mare as a large, scaled, and quadrupedal entity lunges out of the ocean, its large and elongated maw now agape. Ready to bite down upon its chosen prey.         It happened so quickly, and the world all around the tribe goes into slow motion. Pinkie Pie turns her head backward, and her eyes widen in absolute horror while her pupils reduce to pinpricks. And all she could see around her was either end of an opened jaw, said jaw’s razor-sharp teeth, and the void that was the back of the beast’s throat. The newly revealed monstrosity clasps its mighty jaws shut with such force that it lets loose a loud ‘CLOWP’ noise. The crocodilian raises its head upward, and the terrified Tribe of Harmony could see a lump going down the beast’s throat. Then, much like what had happened to Rainbow Dash, crimson words appear before their eyes, via their implants, which states: Tribemember Pinkie Pie - lvl 11 was killed by a Sarco - lvl 48!  A moment of silence ensues as a result of the pure shock of the situation. Pinkie Pie’s fellow tribe members stared at the beast with varying emotions now starting to consume their forms. Anger, sorrow, rage, hatred, a plethora of emotions overcame them. All the while, and despite its pink furred snack, the Sarcosuchus turns its gaze towards the Carno, not to mention the meal that was the Parasaurus’s corpse. The beast lets out a bellow before lumbering over to challenge the Carno for the bountiful feast, leaving behind the Tribe of Harmony with all of its members having a trail of tears strolling down their faces. “I’m gonna kill that thing!” Applejack roars out, her tears still flowing. She looks back to her cutie mark and conjures forth a spear from her inventory, via the cowmare’s implant. The earth pony holds the weapon within her muzzle and practically growls in anticipation. The cowmare wasn’t alone as Rainbow Dash had naturally joined in, bringing forth a bow and readying its arrow. “I got your back, A.J! Let’s make that thing pay for-” “We have to go, now!” Twilight shouts with sadness, her cheeks damped from her own tears. “Please, I don’t want anyone else to get hurt…!” “We know how you feel, darlings!” Rarity exclaims, matching Twilight’s sorrow. “But Twilight’s right, we’ve got to go!”   Vanellope suddenly runs forth as the Raptor scoops up both Applejack and Rainbow Dash into its claws, holding them up and under its chest region, via the order of her current rider: Fluttershy. In addition, Spike now sat behind the yellow pegasus, the same spot that Pinkie Pie once stood before. “Go, Vanellope! Take us away!” Fluttershy orders, but evidence of tears were left behind on her cheeks as well. The Raptor then stops in front of both Twilight and Rarity as the white unicorn mounts the dinosaur while the lavender alicorn takes flight. The entire tribe retreats as they run along the coast, heading northwest. All while both Applejack and Rainbow Dash continue to cry out for retaliation within Vanellope’s grasp. All while they hear the conflict between the Carno and Sarco roar out in the distance as the tribe draws further away. Some time passes by following the events that lead to Pinkie Pie’s death, and it was about to become noon. Most in the Tribe of Harmony wore faces of sorrow, although Rainbow Dash and Applejack still had anger present on their faces. All while Vanellope continues to carry them along; Twilight flying just above. No words were spoken as everyone simply remained silent, mourning the loss of their pink friend. Then, Spike decides to break the silence as he comments: “It hurts… I know that Pinkie Pie will respawn, but… it doesn’t take away how hard that was to watch…” “It’s all my fault,” Twilight said. “I was the one who chose that route…” “Don’t blame yourself, darling,” Rarity responds from behind Fluttershy, mounted upon the Raptor, “None of us could have foreseen that brute showing up…” “Pinkie Pie did…” Twilight responds. “But it happened so fast that none of us could… c-could… save her.” “Ah’ don’t get it!” Applejack roars out, held up by Vanellope’s right claw. “Why in da’ hay were those creatures there?! Ah’ mean, the Parasaur ah’ could understand, but what about those other two rotten apples?!” “The coasts were supposed to be safe,” Rainbow Dash said, held up by the Raptor’s left claw. She scoffs, “So much for that…”  “Helena said that they generally were the safest option,” Fluttershy comments, sighing sadly, “She never said they weren’t without its share of dangers...” Twilight brings out a map from her implant and inventory, unfurling it before landing in front of everyone else present. The tribe stops and gathers around the lavender alicorn while Vanellope lays down in front of them. Their eyes shot wide open in realization, and it was Spike who spoke exactly what they were all thinking as he comments: “We aren’t even that far away from where we left off... and we already lost someone...” > Chapter 16 - Twilight's Dilemma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- It was now noon on the Ark, roughly around 1pm if one were to use humanity’s ancient method of time management, as the Tribe of Harmony took some time to rest. Following directly after the events that resulted in Pinkie Pie's death. Various ponies could be seen harvesting berries from nearby bushels, and gathering resources for a very particular task of theirs, including Spike.  Both Twilight and Fluttershy were currently standing next to Vanellope in conversation. Then, the yellow pegasus mounts the Raptor and states: “Ok, Twilight. Vanellope and I can handle it.” “Are you sure, Fluttershy?” The alicorn questions with concern.  “I’m sure. I appreciate you looking out for my feelings on this matter, but I understand that we have to do what we must in order to survive.”  “Please be careful, Fluttershy,” Twilight responds with a nod, all while the rest of their tribe members continue to harvest. “Remember, be very selective with what creature you choose to fight. We only need twenty five Hide to craft a Sleeping Bag. Also, since you’re heading in that direction, could you swing by the house and check on Pinkie Pie? We’ll wait here for you both before we all continue on.” Fluttershy nods, “Of course. No problem, and I promise to be very careful. Let’s go, Vanellope!” She orders with a pointed forehoof, causing the Raptor to release a cackle before kicking off to a full on sprint. Vanellope’s powerful legs go to work as the duo swiftly moves back towards the direction of their home, Twilight seeing them off as they disappear into the distance.  “Hey, Twilight?” Spike questions as he approaches the lavender mare. “Yes, Spike?” She responds, turning towards him. “Rainbow Dash and I were curious about that small island over there,” The small drake says before turning sideways and pointing in the direction of a distant isle. “Plus… I’m starting to get hungry, myself…” Twilight’s eyes widened in realization, but not entirely due to her tribe mate’s request to visit the small island. It was mostly because she absolutely dreaded the idea of Spike feasting on raw meat, and without any gems for the drake to feed on... she began to fear for the worst.  “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, Spike! I failed to pack any gems before we left Equus!” Spike blinks twice in response, then laughs lightly before responding with a dismissive claw: “Oh, don’t worry about that, Twilight. I probably should've worded that a little better. Helena actually gave me some gems, and they even come in three different colors!” Spike raises his right arm as the drake’s implant starts to glow. Three separate objects manifest into the dragon’s right claw, “See? There’s a green one, a blue one, and a red one.” The alicorn sighs in relief upon seeing the gems within the dragon’s grasp, but a certain fashionista could be heard stampeding towards them while shouting: “Spikey Wikey! You didn’t tell me you had such exquisite gems in your possession!” The unicorn suddenly plants her limbs into the sand, skis across the beach for a short distance, and fixes her gaze upon the shiny objects within Spike’s right claw. “These beauties are unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life!” Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash approach as they take notice of the commotion. “They just look like any other gem to me,” The cyan pegasus comments with a deadpan expression. Applejack chuckles, “Well, Rares does have an eye fer’ these things.” “Indeed, darlings!” The unicorn shouts proudly. “And I can tell you that these are nothing like the ones from back home. Yes, these are made of such good quality that everypony would travel across the Arks just to get a hoof full of these.” The young draconian sends away both the green and blue gems, but offers the red gem towards the fashionista. “Here you go, Rarity. I want you to have it.” “Oh, Spike!” She responds in shock and awe, placing her right forehoof over her chest region, “T-this is- do you have any idea how much these are worth?! Why, just this red one alone could buy you all of Equestria!” He chuckles, “I’m not really interested in such things. Besides, you’re worth it to me. Go on, take it.”  Rarity’s lower lip begins to quiver before she lunges forth and brings the draconian into an embrace via her forehooves, rubbing her left cheek against his own, “Thank you so much, Spike! I will cherish this gem forever,” She plants a kiss onto his cheek, “Mmmmwah!” The dragon’s face becomes derpy for a moment with hearts practically filling his eyes, but this is then replaced by sadness.  Taking notice, Twilight questions: “What’s wrong, Spike?” Rarity stops rubbing her cheek against the dragon’s, and pulls away from the hug before saying: “Spikey Wikey? Now what’s got you looking all gloomy?” Both Rainbow and Applejack look on attentively. “Oh… w-well…” The dragon starts, then sighs, “Twilight… I know why you got worried when we forgot about the gems.” “S-Spike, I-” The alicorn responds with hesitation. She falls onto her flank and looks downward, “When I saw what that Carnotaurus did to that Parasaur, not to mention what that giant Sarco did to Pinkie… and when I realized we didn’t even bring food for you…” Tears began to build up within her eyes, “If Helena wasn’t here… oh, Spike… I don’t ever want to see you like that…” As the other ponies look on sympathetically, Spike gently breaks free from Rarity’s gesture and approaches the alicorn, who was still weeping from her dread. “Twilight… look at me,” He said, standing within ‘hoof reach’ before her. She looks up to meet his gaze, “I will never become anything like those things. Yes, it’s true that dragons eat meat, as I’m sure you already know, but they can choose to live entirely off of gems, too,” He hugs Twilight’s right foreleg, “And I choose to be that dragon.” The lavender mare hugs the draconian gleefully, “I’m so sorry, Spike… I know that I can trust you, I’m just so afraid of what these Arks could do to you. If they could… change you...” A sudden silence overtakes the tribe with Rainbow Dash wanting to break this silence, and change the subject. “So, uh, Spike!” The cyan pegasus starts. “Did you tell Twilight about scoping out that island?” Spike gently breaks away from his embrace with Twilight and looks back to the pegasus, “Sure did, but we should-” “Actually, go on and explore that island, Spike,” Twilight interjects, causing the dragon to look back at her now smiling features, after she wiped away her tears. “It’s called Herbivore Island, and so long as you and Rainbow don’t anger any of the wildlife, it’s relatively safe.” “Awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, preparing to flap her wings, “We’ll be back before you know it. Let’s go, Spike.” “Ok!” The dragon responds while looking over his right shoulder before looking back at the alicorn, “You gonna be ok?” “I will, Spike. We’ll wait here for you two to come back. Besides, Fluttershy hasn’t returned yet, and we aren’t leaving until everyone is accounted for,” She chuckles, “Go on and have some fun exploring, but do it safely,” Twilight asserts. “That’s all I ask.”  Spike salutes her with his left arm before taking to the sky with a flap of his wings, an already aloft Rainbow Dash waiting for him. The two flyers begin to fly off towards the island, their excitement causing them to forego a proper departure. Despite this, Twilight still waves her right forehoof to see them off. Applejack approaches the alicorn with Rarity just behind the cowmare. “Y’all sure yer’ ok?” She questions, then sighs, “Ah’ know ya’ lied to Spike just now.” Rarity’s mouth drops in response, “Applejack! How could you say such a thing? Twilight would never-” “No. Applejack is right,” Twilight interjects. “I’m not ok… I never should’ve brought Spike to this place...” “Don’t be absurd, darling!” Rarity responds. “Spikey Wikey is a very capable survivor. He’s the highest level member of our tribe, he was a huge help in taming Vanellope, and he beat an Argentavis for Celestia’s sake!” She emphasizes by raising a forehoof into the air, “If anything, the rest of us are the ones who aren’t nearly as capable as he is.” “I know, Rarity,” Twilight responds. “Spike is amazing, and his dragon origins help him a lot here.” “Then why, darling? What are you afraid of?”  “Outside of Twilight’s family, ah’d think you’d know it all too well, Rarity,” Applejack responds. “Spike changed drastically just from being consumed by greed, ya’ ’member that?” Rarity tilts her head sideways with a raised eyebrow, “What does that have to do-” “Let me finish, sugarcube,” The cowmare interjects. “The thin’ is: Spike’s never had to deal with hunger before. Whenever he did get hungry, Twilight fed em’ an applesacks worth of gems. But he’s never dealt with true hunger, the kind that borders on desperation. The kind where ya’ can’t just walk down the street to get what ya’ need.”  “B-but, you heard Spike! Helena gave him gems to feed on in order to curve his hunger.” “Yeah, she did… but did ya’ already f’rget why Helena made this challenge fer’ us in the first place?” “It’s to prove our survivor capabilities, of course!” “It’s not just that, Rarity,” Twilight responds, finally rejoining the conversation. “It’s also for our own sake… Helena won’t always be there to help us. There could be times when something happens to her AI unit, which would leave us to fend for ourselves.” Applejack nods, “And that’s what Twilight is worried about, sugarcube. If Helena hadn’t giv’n Spike them gemstones... we’d have been in a heap of trouble.” Seeing where they were going with this, Rarity opens and closes her mouth like a goldfish. Then, a thought comes to her: “O-ok, let’s just say that Helena wasn’t here. And Spikey Wikey was forced to… eat meat, he’d still be Spikey Wikey!” “That would be the best case scenario. If Spike was still the dragon we know, despite eat’n meat, ah’d be absolutely fine with it. After all, we’ve got ta’ survive, and if Spike’s survival includes eat’n like Vanellope, then so be it,” Applejack narrows her eyes, “But what if that doesn’t happ’n? Y’all saw how he changed when he was consumed by greed... what would happ’n if it was absolute hunger?” The white unicorn wanted to retort, she so wanted to refute the cowmare’s statement. But the truth is... Applejack was right. Rarity slumps down, and surrenders. “I… I s-see where you’re coming from, darlings…” “Don’t get me wrong, Rares,” Applejack responds after nodding in agreement. “Ah’ don’t want anyth’n bad to happen to Spike,” She turns sideways and motions a forehoof towards Twilight, who had moved closer to the shore and looking off to Herbivore Island, “How do ya’ think Twi must feel right now? She practically raised that dragon, and… and if he did change into someth’n else…” Rarity’s face morphs into absolute sympathy, “Of all of us… she’d be most heartbroken…” She then looks at the red gem she had placed into her Cloth Armor’s right pocket, and with a remorseful tone, she mutters: “I… I don’t think I can truly accept this gift… Spikey Wikey…” > Chapter 17 - Dossier. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Both Rainbow Dash and Spike reached the small landmass, landing on its’ shore before they folded their wings. As was true to its name, they could see a large plethora of herbivorous dinosaurs that called this slice of paradise their home. Even some of the flying entities, Pteranodons, could be seen roosting amongst the trees. However, they did feel a bit uneasy as they could’ve sworn they saw a shark of such an immense size, which swam within the island’s bowl-shaped; central water source that still had various connections to the open ocean. “Hey, there’s another one of those Apatosaurs!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, pointing a forehoof towards the entity. Spike smirks, and crosses his arms, “And there’s those Pterosaurs that you never got to beat in a race.” The cyan pegasus shoots him a deadpan expression, albeit with some annoyance, “You’re never gonna let me live that one down, huh?” The dragon shrugs, “What can I say? That’s not getting old anytime soon,” He points his index digit at her, “And it’s to make sure you don’t pull another Argentavis stunt,” He chuckles, “Sorry for giving you a hard time with that. I do it only because I care, Rainbow.” “Yeah, yeah, I know,” She responds while rolling her eyes, followed by a smile, “Thanks for watching my back,” The pegasus poses confidently, puffing out her chest fluff, “Besides, Helena even said that I was the fastest thing on this Ark, and that’s good enough for me,” Rainbow hovers in place, “Now then, let’s see what this place has in store for us.” With an agreeing nod from Spike, the duo makes their way towards the center of the island. Just before the bowl-shaped water source which also had access to the open sea. Much like the aforementioned water source, they were now positioned within the epicenter of the entire landmass, a series of cliffs forming a bowl all around them. A small herd of herbivorous dinosaurs that numbered four individuals was currently grazing within the epicenter. These entities had armored plates adorning their spinal columns, which were also capable of transitioning into multiple poses. The plates could go straight up, flatten themselves, and even glowed with various colorations. However, both Spike and Rainbow Dash felt a cold chill go down their spines once they saw the business end of the herbivore. A tail equipped with razor-sharp thagomizers at its end, each one capable of piercing through the flesh of any carnivore foolish enough to try their luck.  In addition, another herbivore, which was a solo member of its kind and without a herd, was covered completely in armor with spikes erecting upwards. And much like the other entity, it too had a tail meant to deliver devastating blows to a would-be opponent. Rainbow Dash was about to comment on the appearances of these beasts, but the heavily armored herbivore seemed to become annoyed by one of the large boulders. It raises its tail, and with a powerful shift in its positioning, it swings its mighty mace-like weapon directly at the object. [CROTHOOM] The two tribe members of Harmony went slack-jawed by the impressive display of physical prowess. The entire boulder shattered upon impact, giving into the entity’s might.  “Woah oh! That thing is awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaims after recovering from her stupor. “Forget earth pony strength, this thing would give even Rockhoof a run for his bits.”  “We definitely need to get those things into our tribe at some point,” Spike comments with an impressed expression. After observing the impressive spectacle, the duo takes flight and lands on the top portion of the cliff face. They were now closer to the opposite side of the island, just adjacent to the location they first landed. A small forest was present here along with many more herbivores, the landmass staying true to its name as ever. But one caught the attention of Rainbow Dash as she shouts: “Triceratops!” “Oh, man, these things are badasses!” The cyan mare ‘squees’ in excitement. “I always wanted to see one. Hey, did you know that these things get stronger when they fight carnivores?!” She doesn’t get a response, which causes her to turn backward, “Spike?” The young dragon was staring at something else entirely as he just stood there, his back turned towards the pegasus. “Spike?!” She calls out again, but no response is garnered from the draconian. She trots over to the stupefied dragon and follows his gaze, only for hers to match his expression. There, sitting just before a large rock and almost hidden by tall grass was a chest-like object. And, naturally, Rainbow Dash could only be reminded of something straight out of her Daring-Do novels.   “S-Spike…” “Y-yeah?” “You know what this means, right…?” They slowly turn towards each other in unison, forms a grin that stretched across their features, and shouts in tandem: “Treasure!”  Spike instantly goes to work as he fiddles with the chest, all while Rainbow shuffles in place, in a fashion almost similar to what Pinkie Pie would do. “Come on! Open it, open it, open it, open it,” She repeats, her excitement festered onto her facial features. A resounding ‘CLICK’ emits from the chest, upon which its contents begin to synchronize into their implants. Both Rainbow Dash and Spike’s eyes were widened in absolute shock and awe as they were both seeing what was now present before them, via their implants. “No way… it’s one of Helena’s dossiers!” Spike shouts. “The Megalania can crawl on any surface?! That’s just so cool!” Rainbow exclaims. However, something else followed soon after which instantly gained their attention. A vibrant series of green words: LEVEL-UP IS AVAILABLE! Access inventory to apply it! “We leveled up again!” Rainbow shouts happily. “I got three level-ups for application,” Spike said. “I wonder what I should apply them into-” The dragon’s words were cut off as a large shadow loomed over the two survivors. Something clearly being drawn to their excited exclamations. With dilated pupils, and heartbeats that threatened to burst out of their chests, the duo turned around slowly, meeting the titan that stood behind them with their horrified expressions. This is a herbivore that was unlike any other on the island. A creature that was a theropod like most carnivorous species on the Ark, and highly aggressive to boot. Its elongated; flesh-cleaving claws chartered against one another, as if someone had welded swords onto each and every one of their fingers.  The entity’s eyes radiated ferocity, and its feathers began to rise akin to a pegasus, or griffon, who were preparing to strike at a foe. It growls with such primal fury that neither the Carnotaurus, Sarcosuchus, or even the tribe’s own Raptor could match its intimidation factor. Then, it roars out before lifting its right arm and spreading its elongated claws. “Dodge!” Rainbow shouts as the two survivors roll in opposite directions, a swift ‘SWOOSH’ sound passing over them. Along with a gust of wind as they manage to avoid the creature’s powerful swipe.  “It’s a Therizinosaurus!” Spike exclaims in horror. “Fluttershy warned me about these things!” The Theri turns angrily towards its opponents and rushes towards them with its claws ready to tear them asunder. Its girth emits powerful stomps with every step it takes, all while it roars out in a haunting screech. The duo turns away and runs towards the nearby cliff, preparing their wings for liftoff. Rainbow jumps off of the cliff and goes aloft, Spike jumping off as well. However, the blades of the Therizinosaurus managed to graze his left wing as it reached out to swipe at the dragon. His wing becomes torn like a pair of scissors through paper, and he starts to lose altitude, barely gliding forward while shouting: “Rainbow, I c-can’t fly!” Hearing this, Rainbow Dash looks backward and sees the angered Theri at the top of the cliff, but Spike’s purple form frantically falls into something that makes her fur rise in a horrific realization: The bowl-shaped water source.  A resounding splash erupts as a result, and Spike goes under the water's surface. As he opens his eyes underwater, he’s greeted by seaweed and various forms of fish. However, he also sees something incredibly large bolting right for him, an entity he and Rainbow briefly noticed when they first arrived onto the island. A large shark of an ancient species. “Mmmmmmmmf!” Spike screams underwater as bubbles are created from his actions. The shark opens its massive jaws and rolls its eyes back into their sockets, torpedoing at the helpless swimmer with killer intent.  Rainbow could only watch from above in horror, unable to do anything to aid the dragon as the water turns crimson red, followed by the matching colored words: Tribemember Spike - Lvl 16 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 120! Having seen the message that was on full display for the entire tribe, both Applejack and Rarity were trying to restrain a sorrowful alicorn. Grains of sand were being thrown into the air as Twilight struggles within their grasp and shouts: “Let me go! I need to help him!” “He’s gone, Twi!” Applejack responds, currently positioned in front of the lavender mare; holding her back, “He already respawned back home, there ain’t anyth’n else we can do!” “Twilight, please,” Rarity comments with a saddened tone, holding onto Twilight’s form with her forehooves from behind, “I’m so sorry, darling… I’m so, so, sorry…” The alicorn’s struggles suddenly go limp as she melts into the embrace of her tribemates. She buries her tearful face into Applejack’s chest with the cowmare placing a forehoof onto Twilight’s back, patting her in comfort. Suddenly, another form approaches them rapidly in the sky, from the direction of Herbivore Island, as a certain cyan pegasus wears a face of regret and sorrow. Rainbow Dash lands before her tribemates which garners their attention. With her head lowered in defeat and her ears folded against her head, she says: “I-It happened so fast… j-just like with, P-Pinkie Pie…” She sighs, “I’m sorry, Twilight… I couldn’t save him…” “Rainbow, dearie, what happened on that island?” Rarity inquires while Applejack continues to comfort the lavender alicorn. “Everything was going great,” Rainbow starts after taking a deep breath. “We saw all kinds of amazing creatures there. Then... we found a chest.” “Chest?” Rarity questions. The pegasus nods in response, her saddened expression still present, “Spike opened it, and what was inside turned out to be one of Helena’s dossiers. We were so happy, we even got level-ups!” She emphasizes by spreading her forehooves apart, rearing up on her hind legs before crashing her hooves back down onto the sand.  “It all went downhill after that…” “Poor Spike…” Fluttershy comments sympathetically, having seen the death message for the draconian. “Twilight must be devastated right now...”  All the while, the yellow pegasus’s mane flutters about in the wind as Vanellope runs along The Island’s coastline. The Tribe of Harmony’s home was nearly in reach, and all the duo needed to do was go around a large series of rock formations.  “Pinkie Pie?! Spike?!” She calls out, hoping that the duo would be here. And seeing as Spike had just died, perhaps he’d already been waiting at the house with the aforementioned party pony. At least, that’s what Fluttershy figured. “Maybe they went out for a bit?” The pegasus wondered, bringing a forehoof to her chin in thought, “I didn’t see them on the way back here.” The dinosaur and its rider go around one final boulder, but Fluttershy’s eyes widen in absolute shock as she says: “T-the house… It’s gone!”  Granted, the yellow pegasus had spoken too soon as she did take notice of something else. An object that sat, and replaced, the spot where the tribe's former shelter once stood: A wooden sign with a note etched to its surface. > Chapter 18 - "Things just got a lot more difficult..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Nearly half an hour has passed, following the events of Herbivore Island. The remaining members of the Tribe of Harmony were waiting patiently for Fluttershy’s return as some among them began to apply their level-up enhancements. However, their lavender tribe leader sat nearby, still mourning the loss of her draconian family member. “Ah’ reckon ah’ should apply this one into mah’ health,” Applejack said, looking back towards her cutie mark. “It’ll be nice to be able ta’ take a few more blows. Got’ta say: It’s absolutely mind-boggling how this stuff works.” “You already know where I’m putting mine!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “I’ve still got three applications to-” “Now hold on, darling,” Rarity interjects, raising an eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you’re going to apply every single point to your speed?” “Why not?!” The pegasus responds with a raised forehoof. “These implants are bucking awesome! I can’t believe how they affect our actual bodies with every point.” “Ah’ got’ta agree with Rarity,” Applejack comments, turning her gaze away from her cutie mark, or implant, and towards her tribemates, “Yer’ already the fastest thin’ on this Ark. Donchya think putting anythin’ more into speed is just a waste?” “That’s just it, though,” The cyan mare responds before flapping her wings and floating in the air, “I don’t want to be the fastest thing on just this Ark, but all Arks!” The cowmare simply rolls her eyes in response as the cyan pegasus applies all three of her points into the speed enhancement. But Rarity forms a smirk on her muzzle before turning away and walking towards a nearby tree. The tree in question was on the thinner side, albeit still quite tall, as it stood just before a cliff face. “Where’s she going?” Rainbow questions. Applejack chuckles, seemingly catching onto the white unicorn’s intention, “You’ll see, R.D.” Having reached the tree, Rarity turns around and stretches her forelegs one after the other. Preparing to perform an action similar to the Apple Family harvesting their crops. “Observe, darling.” [WHAM-CK] [WHAM-CK] Rarity digs her forehooves into the sand and thrusts her hind legs backward with incredible force, letting loose a couple of grunts along with gritted teeth. She performs these strikes twice as the tree itself gives in on the second strike. With a creaking of wood and rustling of leaves, the tree falls over before sending flickers of sand into the air from where it impacted. With a proud expression and exterior, the white unicorn looks towards the now-shocked cyan pegasus, whose eyes were widened with an agape muzzle. “You see, dearie? Speed isn’t all that you need for these Arks. Ohoho~!” She finishes with some laughter. Applejack stares sideways towards Rainbow Dash with a vibrant smirk. Then, the pegasus recovers from her shock before shouting: “Alright! I’ve changed my mind!” She looks back to her cutie mark and accesses her inventory, all while both Applejack and Rarity try to hold in their laughter. The cyan mare seemingly tries to find something, but after failing to do so, she looks back towards the other two mares and asks: “Wait, where’s the option to reset my enhancements…?” “Ya’ can’t, sugarcube,” Applejack responds with a hint of snickering. “Y’all already applied yer’ enhancements, and Helena hadn’t told us how to reset them yet.” “How could she forget to tell us how to do that?!” Rainbow responds with frustration. “Ohoho, no, darling. You misunderstand,” Rarity answers after recovering from her own laughter. “It’s not that she forgot to tell us, she PURPOSELY didn’t reveal it to us.” Applejack nods, “While you and Fluttershy were talking before we started our journey, Helena told us all about our implants and their enhancement application with every level we gain.” “And we told both you and Fluttershy, of course,” Rarity said. “B-but, you two didn’t say anything about our picks being permanent!” The pegasus shouts, nearly jumping into the air. Rarity starts to laugh once more with Applejack responding: “Because we knew that y’all would throw everythin’ into speed!” The orange pony joins the unicorn in their shared laughter. Rainbow Dash growls through gritted teeth, “You two pranksters!” “Doesn’t feel too good, eh’ partner?” Applejack responds with a wink. “Seriously?!” Rainbow responds, tempted to start pulling on her own mane. “You two still held a grudge for all the pranks I pulled on you in the past?!” “Why, yes, da-haha-rling,” Rarity responds, followed by a triumphant pose. Rainbow lets loose an annoyed horse grunt, sitting on her flank and crossing her forehooves. All while her two tribemates continue to laugh together. During this laughter, Applejack glances towards the direction of Twilight, who was sitting on their flank with their head slumped down. The cowmare’s laughter dies down before forming a sympathetic expression. However, her ears perked up, as did her fellow ponies, as they could hear a series of sand being kicked up into the air. Coming from the direction of their home of which they all turned towards. The form of Vanellope could be seen rapidly approaching the group, along with the yellow pegasus who was currently mounted upon the Raptor. Hopeful expressions began to grow onto their faces, but it was Twilight who overshadowed them as the alicorn stampedes past her fellow tribemates, bolting towards the Raptor. “Spike! Spike!” Twilight shouts, running towards Fluttershy and Vanellope, “I’m so sorry for not being there! And for you too, Pinkie!” As she drew ever closer, the alicorn’s hopeful and happy expression slowly morphed into a sense of disappointment and sadness. She could only see Fluttershy mounted upon Vanellope, and only her alone. The Raptor stops before the alicorn with Fluttershy looking down upon her with a saddened expression. “F-Fluttershy… w-where’s Spike? And, P-Pinkie?” The yellow pegasus turns her head from left to right, ears folded against her head, “They’re not coming, Twilight… I’m sorry…” She reaches into the raptor saddle’s right pocket and pulls out the note that was etched onto the wooden sign, “You should read this…” Twilight lights up her horn, no longer caring about preserving her limited supply of magic, as she floats the note towards her within a lavender-colored aura. Unbeknownst to her, she failed to see the small smirk that forms onto Fluttershy’s muzzle. The alicorn’s eyes scans the note and starts to read it aloud, all while Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack approached from behind. “Dear Tribe of Harmony, If you’re reading this then my calculations were correct… and some of you have died during this exercise. I am truly sorry, loves, and you have my truest condolences. However, you must push on… mourn the loss within your heart, but keep pressing forward. I have disabled the Ark’s respawn feature to increase the difficulty of this challenge. Normally, it’s very wise to retrieve fallen tribe members before continuing forward with your current task. Good on you, mates! However, there will also be times when those who’ve died can not help you any further… like what’ll happen when you one day face The Island’s Guardians. Not to mention its Overseer. I promise you, those who’ve fallen are safely tucked away within the- hey guys! It’s me, Pinkie Pie! Hehehe, you all look like ants down there! I can see you from- Sorry, loves… Pinkie wanted to write something down and forced her way in. At the moment of this note’s creation, she’s the only one who’s died so far in the challenge. As I was saying, those who’ve died during this challenge will not return until this task is complete. Don’t feel discouraged, mates! If you all die and fail to complete this challenge, we can simply try this again until we get it right. Remember, sometimes all it takes is for just one of you to reach the metaphorical finish line. Tribe mates will be lost along the way, but so long as one of you reaches the end, there will always be hope! Of course, best-case scenario, you ALL make it!” Trust me, I know this from personal experience. After all, it’s just like I told you: You all have an advantage that no other survivor has ever had. Well, except one, but I’ll tell you all about them at a later time. You. Have. Me. On the Arks, death is not the end but a way for you to take your previous mistake, correct it, and evolve from it. Never forget that. I WILL mold you into the survivors I KNOW you can be. All it takes is determination on your part, and with my guidance, we will see this through to the end! Rooting for you always, HLN-A Ps: And me, too! I’m throwing everypony a party once Helena lets me back onto the Ark! Love, Pinkie Pie! Pss: Ooh! Did you know that there’s something called Sweet Vegetable Cakes here?! They sound super yummy!" Twilight finishes reading the note, the rest of the tribe all around her, as a smile starts to form onto her muzzle. Her expression morphs into absolute determination as she turns back to the ponies behind her and says: “Come on, everypony. We’ve got an Ark to beat. We may very well lose our lives, but by Celestia, we will not falter. From this moment on, even when one of us dies on the Ark, we have to keep going. Just like Helena said.” “Now that’s the Twilight ah’ know! Good to see ya’ perkin’ up, partner!” “Ooh, I’m so glad to see that Pinkie Pie is doing well,” Rarity comments. “Then that means Spikey Wikey should be there with them! Wherever they are...” “Dying sucks... trust me, I know,” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her neck with a forehoof, although momentarily shooting a glance towards Vanellope, “But after dying the first time, I actually got kind of used to it. Should I be worried?” Fluttershy dismounts Vanellope and approaches the group, “Well, it still won’t be easy to see our friends get… killed. B-but, I trust Helena. Oh my, all this talk about dying is making me very nervous.” Twilight nods as she beckons everyone else to follow, to which they oblige, as Fluttershy brings Vanellope along via a strap connected to the Raptor’s saddle. “By the way, everypony,” The yellow pegasus starts. “Thanks to Vanellope, we have a decent amount of hide stashed in her inventory.” “Very good, Fluttershy,” Twilight responds. “Keep those at the ready, we’ll likely need to craft some more Bolas with them,” The alicorn glances back towards her implant, a circular object being manifested seconds after; along with a map given to each of them by HLN-A. “Ok… according to the map, we should continue along the coast which will take us directly to our objective,” The alicorn assessed, scanning the map floating before her that was encased within a lavender aura. She then turns her gaze towards the compass, said object also being held within her magical grasp as its red arrow points towards the adjusted direction. “North-West is the key.” “Are ya’ sure that y’all should be using yer’ magic, Twi?” Applejack questions, walking just behind the alicorn’s right hindleg. “Floatin’ them objects around must be tax’n.” “Indeed, darling,” Rarity chimes in, walking next to the cowmare, “We can’t afford to use our magic so casually.” Twilight laughs sheepishly, “It’s, uh, honestly out of habit. I try to be conservative… but I fail every now and then...” It was now roughly 4:30pm on the Ark as the orange rays of the late evening sun blanketed the landscape. Even so, the Tribe of Harmony was making some progress. Along the way, they even passed a cave entrance that was positioned just around the bend of where they rested, the beach that was just adjacent to Herbivore Island. The tribe was curious about their discovery, but a sense of dread emanated from the cavern which caused them to move on. Trusting their instincts which practically translated into: “Do not go in there!” Following the discovery of the cave, their journey was rather stagnant compared to the incident with the Carnotaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Sarcosuchus, not to mention the events that transpired on Herbivore Island. Most of the creatures they ran into were those that didn’t pose them much of a threat. In truth, they were very lucky as they hadn’t even ran into any more carnivores during their travels. Unfortunately, their luck was about to run out as the tribe stared hauntingly and fearfully towards a biome that literally crushed their plans. ‘Sticking to the coastline’ was about to get very complicated, thanks to the aforementioned biome: The swamp. “Oh, no…” Twilight comments with fear drenched in her tone. “Things just got a lot more difficult...” > Chapter 19 - They Come At Night. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- It was now nightfall on the Ark, 9pm from what the ponies saw via their implants, as a blanket of pure darkness engulfed The Island. And to make matters slightly more foreboding: Tonight was a new moon. In other words, there would be no artificial celestial object to guide any living thing through the blackness. Except, of course, those who could craft a light source. A thatched house was currently sitting on a lush field of grass and just on the outskirts of the swamp biome; surrounded by a wall of spikes. A large wooden gate offered both an entrance and exit to the somewhat fortified compound as various standing torches were lit, offering their orange aura of enlightenment. And as a nice addition for even more security, a platform was established just next to the large gate upon which an overwatch could be positioned. As it so happened, Rainbow Dash agreed to take this role without hesitation. The Tribe of Harmony decided to establish this shelter as their leader, Twilight, saw fit to avoid traversing the swamp. At least not when it was so late into the afternoon before nightfall.  As Vanellope slumbered on the side of the house, just under the small patio with wooden railings, Fluttershy was the second to the last tribe member to enter the shelter. Just behind the yellow pegasus was Twilight who turns around to look back at the platform, and shouts: “Are you sure you’ll be alright, Rainbow?! I can take the first shift of Nightwatch if you’d like?!” The cyan pegasus turns back to the alicorn, positioned on the platform as the night’s overwatch, “I’m good, egghead! You guys get some shut-eye! Besides, Applejack’s going to be taking over after a few hours so I’ll get my sleep eventually! She’s the one who built this place, after all, so she turned in early!” Twilight nods, “Ok! And remember, if you see anything-” “Wake you guys up and we’ll handle it together,” The pegasus interjects. “I’ve got this, Twilight!” The alicorn nods once more before turning away and entering the thatched house, closing the door behind her. With her bow and arrow at the ready, Rainbow Dash stares into the blackness all around them as she could also hear the sounds of the nearby swamp biome. Crickets were singing their lullabies, frogs of multiple sizes croaked outwardly, and even the sounds of distant creatures could be heard from places such as the nearby snow biome. One among them was the unmistakable howlings of a wolf. Actually, after listening closely, the pegasus was certain there were more of them. Two whole hours have passed as the cyan pegasus was now sitting on a chair she had crafted, and still positioned on the wooden platform. She was on full alert, ready to draw her bow and fire off an arrow. After she awoke everyone else at the sight of danger, of course.  “Alright, Applejack should be waking up within the next hour or two,” She says, yawning afterward, “After everything that’s happened today, I definitely need to- huh?” A sound cuts off her words as she turns back towards the thatch house. The sound was revealed to come from Vanellope who suddenly jumped up from her slumber, causing the thatch foundation she slept on to rustle and creak. The Raptor began to walk around the compound, sniffing the air while also growling. Rainbow Dash didn’t need to say anything for the dinosaur’s actions were obvious to read through: Vanellope could sense something. The pegasus jumps out of her seat and looks all around her, even taking flight as she floats just over the walls of wooden spikes.  “Hey, what do you sense?” She questions the Raptor, but then runs a forehoof across her face, “I can’t believe I’m actually trying to talk to you…” Vanellope continues to growl before actually jumping onto the platform the cyan pegasus once stood. The agile gracefulness of the Raptor’s actions was enough to impress Rainbow Dash, but she’d never admit that. Then, the Raptor lets loose what could best be described as its own form of barking mixed with screeches.  “What is it?!” Rainbow shouts as she descends onto the platform, standing next to Vanellope, “What do you… s-see… oh, buck.” Within the darkness was a sight that sent a shiver down the pegasus’s spine as her eyes widened, along with her pupils being reduced to pinpricks. It started with just a pair of orange-slitted eyes, then two more opened up… three more… four more… and soon enough, a whole gathering of night-dwelling entities stared hauntingly towards the compound. Not to mention the pegasus, and raptor, who stood on the platform. A series of growls and chirps are released from the newly revealed army of raptor-like night dwellers. And following this, the legion of eyes began to rush towards the compound. Vanellope braces herself for combat, baring her fangs with pursed lips while readying her claws in anticipation; clicking her sickled toes against the wood of the platform.  In one swift motion, Rainbow Dash rushes towards the thatch house and literally shatters the door before shouting: “Everypony, get up! We’re being attacked!” This exclamation causes everyone within to jolt onto their hooves, and catching onto the situation immediately, they each turn back to their implants and call forth their weapons. Both Rarity and Applejack bore spears, although the cowmare also had a lasso strapped to her cloth armor, while Twilight and Fluttershy wielded bows in a similar fashion to Rainbow Dash. “Alright, everypony!” Applejack roars out. “Y’all know the battle formation! Y’all with wings go on an’ take flight!” She turns to Rarity, “Yah ready to use that spear?” Rarity nods in absolute determination, “Whatever is out there, I won’t hesitate to defend us, darlings.” ………. The tribe members exit the shelter as the three flyers, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy, take flight. Already aiming their bows and drawing an arrow. In tandem, Applejack and Rarity wielded their spears with narrowed expressions as they stood within the compound’s protective walls. Vanellope hops off of the platform and into the compound as well, joining the two spear holders. The army of night hunters was now surrounding the compound as their orange eyes could be seen zipping to and fro, their blackened forms blending well into the darkness.  “What in the name of Celestia are these things?!” Twilight shouts. “They’re Troodons!” Fluttershy responds, floating right next to the alicorn with Rainbow just beside the yellow pegasus, “Be very careful, everypony! They’re really, really, smart!” Arrows are let loose by the tribe’s flyers, but the pure agility and speed of the Troodons allowed them to slip past the projectiles. However, just as Fluttershy had forewarned, some of the creatures of the night actually began to fiddle with the wooden gate. Trying to get it open as if they themselves were the ones who crafted it.  “They’re messing with the gate!” Rainbow Dash shouts, preparing to fire an arrow directly at the Troodons performing the action. “Clever girls…” Rarity comments with gritted teeth. Your Tribemate Rainbow Dash killed a Troodon - Lvl 67! These words that took on a yellow bold text appear before the tribe, via their implants, as one of Rainbow Dash’s arrows pierces the head of a Troodon. Causing it to roar out before falling limp to the ground. One of the very same beings that was fiddling with the large gate. However, two more entities replaced their fallen pack member as they too start to work at the entrance to the compound.   Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash continue to rain down arrows upon the species of raptor. But for every one they killed, it seemed as if more would simply replace the fallen. All while various bold texts signified the flying trio of ponies who were able to land successful shots. Then, a terrifying scenario ensues as the Troodons had finally fulfilled their plan: The large gate is now opened. Applejack, Rarity, and Vanellope brace for combat as the horde of night hunters begin to flood into the compound. They successfully destroy the two standing torches that were positioned near the gate as they hungrily rush towards the terrestrial members of the Tribe of Harmony. Applejack leads the charge as she jumps into the air and brings down her spear upon a Troodon’s head; piercing right through its lower jaw. The entity’s body goes limp while still being impaled upon the cowmare’s weapon, upon which she thrusts her spear sideways and hurls the body towards another night hunter. Rarity follows up by firing up her horn and unleashing a beam of magical energy, or element-powered projectile. This action causes various Troodons to jump sideways in evasion, but others are hit by the beam as their charred remains fall where they once stood. And, of course, Rarity’s actions cause the yellow bold texts to appear before her.  “Don’t underestimate a proper lady, brutes!” She shouts.  A troodon was currently en route at high speed, and ready to pounce towards the white unicorn, but a lasso wraps onto the entity while it was in mid-air; followed by the words: “Get ov’r here! Ya’ varmint!” The entity is pulled away as the lasso’s wielder, Applejack, yanks the item with her right forehoof while preparing to stab the night hunter with her spear held within her muzzle. A splatter of blood is let loose as the cowmare’s spear goes right through the Troodon’s stomach region, said dinosaur screeching all the while. Rarity shoots the orange earth pony a grateful nod before turning towards Vanellope just nearby. The Raptor was truly a force to be reckoned with as she dashed her foes with her flesh cleaving claws, bit down on others before throwing them aloft, and pinning down other Troodons underneath her sickled feet before piercing the struggling entities with her raised, sickled toes. A sudden pair of Troodons managed to pounce onto the back of Vanellope, clawing and scratching into her. But before either one could attempt to bite down upon the Raptor, a sudden ‘POP’ noise ensues; followed by the form of a certain fashionista who now stood on Vanellope’s saddle. Having casted a teleportation spell, albeit by the cost of her limited mana. “Don’t you ruffians know how rude it is to touch a lady like that?!” The unicorn shouts before spinning her spear above her head in a helicopter propeller-like fashion, knocking the two Troodons off in the process.  Vanellope follows up by finishing off the downed night hunters, swiping at them both and killing them. Garnering more yellow-colored bold texts as a result. All the while, the three flyers of the tribe could be seen hovering just above the battle ensuing below, firing off their arrows and killing more foes.  As the conflict continues to rage on, a single member of the Troodon horde manages to creep its way in between the spiked walls; just behind the thatch house. It digs its claws into the shelter and scales it effortlessly before it stands upon the house’s rooftop. The entity crawls on all fours towards the opposite side of the house in a fashion similar to a feline lurking within the tall grass. It looks down upon the forms of Applejack, Rarity, and Vanellope, and chooses a target. Still mounted upon the Raptor’s saddle, Rarity fights off the Troodons who tried to pluck her off of Vanellope’s back. Stabbing into their heads with her spear, although the durability of her weapon was wading as the fight went on. However, a sense of dread overtakes her senses which causes her to turn backward.  “O-oh, d-dear…” She mutters in horror as the Troodon from the house’s rooftop was in the process of a pounce, ready to come crashing down upon her with killer intent.  “No!” A familiar voice shouts from above as the form of a yellow pegasus crashes into the night hunter.  “Fluttershy!” The white unicorn exclaims in utter concern. Both Fluttershy and the Troodon crash onto the earth before engaging in a wrestling match. Rolling around and trying to overpower the other. The yellow pegasus manages to get topside, standing over the night hunter and preparing to use her stare to get an even further advantage. However, the beast bites down upon her right forehoof which causes her to scream out in pain. “Ah’m comin’, sugarcube!” Applejack shouts, taking notice of Fluttershy’s struggling form as the pegasus tries to pry off the Troodon, who still had its jaws locked onto her forehoof. “Get off ‘er!” The cowmare shouts after stampeding over to aid the pegasus, driving her spear right into the night hunter’s neck region. This causes the entity to let loose its bite, freeing the yellow pegasus’s forehoof from its maw. “Y’all ok, sugarcube?!” Applejack inquires. “I-I think so,” Fluttershy responds. However, the yellow pegasus starts to feel incredibly light-headed, her eyes rolling upward. “A-Applejack… I d-don’t feel so good…”        Both Applejack and Rarity’s eyes were shot wide open as the yellow pegasus fell over, now rendered unconscious. A horrifying event takes place as a large multitude of Troodons in attendance stopped their various actions, even halting their attack on both Rarity and Vanellope. Twilight looked down in momentary confusion, but Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen in horrific realization before shouting: “They’re swarming towards Fluttershy!” “Wait, what happened to her?!” The alicorn questions. As if a dinner bell was struck, nearly every night hunter in attendance began to rush towards the yellow pegasus’s downed form. Teeth bared and claws ready to tear into the yellow flesh. Applejack was prepared to defend her unconscious tribe mate, but a sudden white hoof grabs onto her as Rarity pulls the cowmare onto Vanellope’s saddle. “Get us out of here!” Rarity orders, upon which Vanellope crashes through the horde of Troodons and exits the compound. All while Applejack cries out: “We can save her, Tartarus dang'it!” “We can’t, Applejack!” Rarity roars back, sorrow drenched into her tone. “There are too many of those things all over her, darling… we can’t…”   Tribemember Fluttershy - Lvl 12 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 92! The last two remaining flyers of the Tribe of Harmony take notice of the retreating forms of Vanellope, Applejack, and Rarity. Not to mention Fluttershy’s death message. The duo flies alongside the Raptor’s form, but before Twilight could ask about what had transpired, other members of the Troodon horde suddenly erupt before them from the tall grass.  Vanellope recoils from this as the Raptor prepares to strike once again, but a desperate call from Twilight shouts from above:  “Run into the swamp! We can lose them there!”         “Are you absolutely mad, darling?!” Rarity responds, mounted upon Vanellope with Applejack just behind her. “You said it yourself, the swamp is horrible!” “It’s a terrible call, we know!” Rainbow Dash said. “But these things are relentless! Get that Raptor moving, now!”   With that, and although Rarity was still incredibly hesitant, the fashionista orders the Raptor to run into the swamp as Vanellope's feet dig into the muddy landscape. This does indeed cause the Troodons who pursued them to stop dead in their tracks, but at a very dangerous cost: They were now officially in the swamp biome, and to make matters worse, they did so during the dead of night. > Chapter 20 - Things Go 'Chomp' In The Swamp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- A series of batted breaths and splashing water cuts through the nightly veil of the swamp biome. The fleeing Tribe of Harmony comes to a pause, the Raptor some among them were mounted on halting its muscular footsteps, as the tribe’s remaining flyers tried their best to pierce the darkness. “Buck, it’s so dark!” Rainbow Dash exclaims in frustration, flapping her wings. “I can’t see anything!” “How do you think we feel, darling?!” Rarity shouts from below as the unicorn is currently mounted upon Vanellope, Applejack seated just behind her with a lit torch held within the cowmare’s right forehoof.  “At least you and Twilight can fly! Applejack, Vanellope, and I can’t see anything down here!” Applejack places her free forehoof onto the unicorn’s right shoulder, muttering: “Can y’all try to keep yer’ voices down, Rarity? The last thin’ we need is to be screamin’ in the middle of the night, and in this swamp of all places.” Located all around the tribe are dense moss-covered trees; the ever-present sounds of crickets, frogs, and the flickering of Applejack’s lighted torch. All accompanied by a muddy-watery landscape and the thick blanket of darkness, of which their torch only barely managed to illuminate.  Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash lower themselves to the earth below and floats just before the Raptor.  “I could cast a spell to offer us some light,” The alicorn comments. “Naw,” Applejack responds, turning her head left to right. “You and Rarity have to save yer’ magic fer’ an absolute emergency.” “Does anyone else feel like we’ve been going about this all wrong?” Rainbow Dash inquires, rubbing the back of her neck with a forehoof. “I mean, things were looking up when I got that Dinosaur Gateway from that Green Drop, although those Troodons ruined that... I gotta be honest, we’re doing something very wrong.” The other tribe members turn their gaze towards the cyan pegasus. “Hear me out,” Rainbow starts. “We say that we learned a lot from Helena, but we never really applied anything she taught us,” She emphasizes by stretching her forelimbs apart, “She often said: ‘Think outside of the box,’ and it only now occurred to me… why didn’t me, Twilight, and Fluttershy just fly over to our objective? Hay, why didn’t we just tame some of those Pteranodons and fly there together?” The ears of the pegasus’s fellow ponies began to fold against their heads, all while Applejack’s torch pulsates its orange light. “W-well, now that ya’ mention it…” The cowmare comments, biting her lower lip in a regretful fashion. “Helena did say in that note that at least one of us should make it. You’re right… why didn’t we just do that from the start?” Rarity opens her mouth to speak, but closes it as she couldn’t find the proper words. Opting to agree with her tribe members’ meaning. Twilight sighs, “This is all my fault… I led us down this path,” These words garner the attention of everyone else present. “Some ‘tribe leader’ I am…” “Now hol’ on fer’ just a sec, Twi. Are y’all feelin’ like this is your fault?” The alicorn nods before looking away, “Every decision I’ve made has resulted in one of us being killed…” “To be fair, egghead,” Rainbow said. “Not everything that’s happened was because of-” The pegasus’s words were cut off by a display of a sudden jaw that locked itself onto her right wing. All while the owner of this tooth-filled maw pulls the pegasus away in the process of a stealthful; powerful lunge, or leap. The entity’s red eyes and black slitted pupils are vibrant even in the darkness. The speed of this event taking place was so fast that the pegasus’s facial features could barely even morph into absolute pain, in accordance with the predator’s jaws that currently sank into her appendage. The newly revealed agile predator starts to run off into the night, carrying its captive forcefully. But what snaps the shocked members of the Tribe of Harmony out of their stupor is Rainbow Dash’s painful exclamation. “Aaargh!” “Rainbow!” The remaining ponies shout in unison, horror present in their tones. Rainbow Dash grits her teeth in unimaginable pain as the agile crocodyliform maneuvers around the swamp in a graceful, albeit horrifying, fashion. Carrying the pegasus along for the cruel ride. “I’m not going down again!” The pegasus roars out as she conjures forth an arrow and wields it in her right forelimb. “Let me go, jerk!”  The pegasus impales her antagonist in their right eye, causing the beast to let out a painful screech before loosening its bite force. Rainbow is freed moments after as she rolls in the mud, although her right wing was noticeably flaccid and flopping itself around.  Rainbow grunts in pain while looking back to her broken wing, “M-my wing…” She turns towards her attacker, who was currently thrashing about with blood leaking from their damaged eye, and growls, “Now you’ve made me mad!” The entity finally locks its ‘half gaze’ onto the cyan pegasus with its remaining eye as a slitted pupil dilates in anticipation. It starts to walk around and attempt to reach the now spear-wielding prey’s backside, said prey bringing forth their weapon via their implant. Rainbow moves in tandem with the predator, keeping the business end of her spear constantly pointed towards her foe while standing on her hind legs. Using her remaining wing to help keep balance. The beast lets out a low-pitched rumble before lunging forth with its clawed forelimbs extended for a pounce, jaws agape to bite down upon the pony once more. However, the cyan pegasus plants her legs into the mud and establishes her foundation as she roars out, thrusting her spear forward with all the strength she could muster. The beast manages to tackle her; causing the pegasus to fall onto her back. But another painful exclamation escapes the predator as it seemingly aided in its own agony. Half of Rainbow Dash’s spear was now shoved down the throat of the monstrosity which pierced through the backside of the beast’s neck base. Followed by the orange text presented by the pegasus’s implant: You killed a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 9! With a resounding grunt, Rainbow Dash turns the spear sideways as the Kapro’s form falls limply off of her, leaving an indent onto the muddy surface upon which it crashed down on. Its remaining eye losing their crimson light.  The pegasus takes a few deep breaths while laying on her back, and chuckles before saying: “T-that… was for… my wing… jerk.” “Rainbow Dash!” A collective of voices shouts in unison, along with the approaching sounds of steps that dug into the mud and splashing into various puddles of murky water. “O-oh, hey... everypony…” The cyan pegasus responds with a closed eye as her allies drew ever closer. “Your t-timing… sucks…” YOU HAVE A LEVEL UP! Access your inventory to apply it! The pegasus chuckles lightly, “I got another… level-up,” She raises a forehoof into the air, “A-awesome…” The mare’s raised appendage falls back onto the earth as a vibrant smile is present on her now unconscious features. Both Applejack and Rarity dismounts Vanellope, the cowmare holding her lit torch, while Twilight lands onto the scene just beside the sleeping pegasus. The alicorn places a forehoof onto her slumbering ally and states: “She’s ok! Well, still alive, at least,” She takes notice of the cyan mare’s ruined wing that was covered in a mixture of blood and mud. “Her wing’s in bad shape. Applejack, can you help me get her onto-” A loud series of steps, hissing, growling, and slithering are suddenly present which cuts off the alicorn’s words.   “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Rarity shouts in frustration. “Can’t we just have one moment without anything bad showing up?!” A lavender barrier soon covers the tribe as the purple light of the protective shell illuminates the monstrosities all around them. From within, the ponies could see a singular Sarcosuchus, more of the agile Kaprosuchus, while also taking in the forms of multiple large serpents with frilled necks.  “I can’t h-hold it for much longer!” Twilight shouts through gritted teeth, and with closed eyes. “Quickly! Get Rainbow Dash onto Vanellope!” As the alicorn continues to grunt and struggle, Applejack places the unconscious pegasus onto the back of Vanellope, even strapping them down with her lasso to ensure that the pegasus wouldn’t slip off.     “Now Vanellope, dearie,” Rarity starts as she looks into the Raptor’s eyes beggingly. “I’m not Fluttershy, but please understand me when I say that you must get Rainbow Dash to safety.” The Raptor chirps in response. “I don’t know what  you just said, darling, but I’ll take that as a yes!” The unicorn responds with a smile. Various creatures begin to strike against the lavender shield, every blow causing Twilight to flinch in response. All while Applejack straps her signature hat onto Vanellope’s saddle. “Ah’ ain’t gonna risk losin’ this hat,” The cowmare said. “You got a lot of important cargo, Vanellope. Keep em’ safe, partner.” “I c-can’t hold on for m-much... longer!” Twilight shouts strugglingly. Applejack looks at the enemies surrounding and striking the barrier in every direction. She formulates a plan and turns to Rarity before shouting: “Get ready to unleash a blast, Rares!” “W-what?!” She responds. “Twilight can’t hold on fer’ much longer, but we can at least clear the way for Vanellope to make an escape. Once this barrier goes down, shoot yer’ most powerful magical attack y’all can manage, that way!” The cowmare finishes as she points a forehoof towards the indicated direction.  Rarity nods as she lights up her horn and prepares to fire off an attack. All while Applejack brings forth her spear and approaches Twilight. “Twilight… it’s ok, sugarcube.” “N-no!” The alicorn roars out in response. “I can protect us! Maybe I can cast a spell before-” Her words are cut off as a comforting forehoof rests onto the lavender mare’s left shoulder.  “Twi, ah’ want ya’ to know that y’all are a mighty fine leader. You can blame yer’self for what happened, but don’chya ev’r think that we blame you. We always believe in ya’, Twi. We’d follow you into Tartarus and back,” She pats the alicorn with a forehoof, “So keep than chin up, partner.” Tears start to form within the alicorn’s eyes, “I’m so sorry…” “Naw, don’t sweat it,” Applejack responds, conjuring forth her spear via her implant, “We’ll see each oth’r again, even though it’ll probably hurt like Tartarus. Now, let’s see what that respawn’n stuff is all about, eh?” Twilight lets out a fatigued sigh and falls limply to the ground as the barrier protecting her tribemates dissipates. The various beasts of the swamp start to rush towards them, but Rarity roars out and unleashes her built-up projectile. A beam of light-blue energy is let loose from her horn, forcefully creating a path as the creatures dodge the blast although others are wounded. “Now, darling!” The unicorn shouts as the form of Vanellope swiftly runs through the masses of death. Rainbow’s unconscious form laid fastened onto the Raptor’s saddle. Vanellope could be seen dodging the strikes of the large snakes as she drew further away, all while the agile Kaprosuchuses gave chase. “Rarity!” Applejack roars out from behind, garnering the unicorn’s attention. “Ya’ did good, sugarcube. Ya’ got anyth’n left in ya?” “I can cast one more-” “Good,” Applejack interjects. “Get on outta here, Rares.” “B-but, Applejack, I can’t just- awww!” Rarity screams as she barely dodges a lunging Kaprosuchus. Applejack began to contend with a serpent, but another one of the giant snakes slithers up behind her and bites down upon her right hindleg, its frilled neck opened wide. This causes the cowmare to cry out in pain, but a sudden spear pierces the serpent’s head as a recovered Twilight Sparkle turns back and shouts: “Go now, Rarity! If you’re lucky, you might catch up with Vanellope and-” The large form of the Sarcosuchus suddenly cuts off Twilight’s words as its massive jaws closed around her form, followed by the appropriate death message: Your Tribe Leader Twilight Sparkle - Lvl 14 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 53! “Gosh darn it, Rarity!” Applejack shouts, her spear currently planted into the body of the large snake, its frilled neck on full display. All the while, many of the other beasts begin to compete against one another as the agile Kapros could be seen biting the serpents, although some of the serpents were also wrapping their bodies around various members of the agile predators, sinking their fangs into them.   “Get the hay out’ah here!” Applejack roars out as she jumps into the air to dodge a serpent’s strike, but a light-headed sensation overcomes her in a fashion similar to what had happened to Fluttershy. The snake bite on her hind leg comes back to haunt her as the cowmare drops her spear and falls unconscious. A slithering mass of elongated bodies continue to bite into the unconscious pony’s form, followed by the crimson text: Your Tribemate Applejack - Lvl 14 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 23! Firing up her horn, Rarity finally adheres to the request of her fallen comrades as she casts a spell and disappears in a flash of light. Fortunate, considering a Kaprosuchus was mere seconds away from pouncing onto her as it flies past where she once stood. A flash of light-blue light manifests itself, followed by the form of a white unicorn as the pony rolls across the muddy landscape. Still within the swamp biome. Her once snow-white coat was now covered in mud as the mare’s purple mane was not only frazzled but a gathering of moss and leaves from her roll in the mud. “I’m so sorry, darlings…” Rarity comments on the ground before she starts to lift herself onto her hooves. After taking in her surroundings, the unicorn grunts irritably after realizing she was still in the swamp before screaming: “I hate this place! My mane is a mess, I’m covered in mud, and worst of all, I’M ALL ALONE!” Likely due to her exclamation, a small critter was currently crawling towards her as it moved in a fashion similar to a slug. Rows of teeth could be seen within the small entity’s opened maw as it even let loose a chittering screech. The crawling entity’s screech pulls Rarity out of her stupor, but rather than scream in fear as was usual for the fashionista, she growls towards the creepy crawler and says: “I am NOT in the mood for any more of this Ark’s brutes!” She brings forth a club from her inventory and raises it above her head before bringing it down upon the critter, splatting its form beneath her weapon; followed by the words:  You Killed a Leech - Lvl 3! “How do you like that, huh?! That’s what’s going to happen to anymore… of… y-you…” Her eyes widened in absolute fear, the pony’s words dying down in their throat as all around the unicorn, in the darkness, a large number of chittering screeches could be heard.  Rarity swallows a lump before rising onto her hind legs and conjuring forth a lit torch from her inventory. Holding the torch in her right forehoof, the club in her left, the orange light of the flame illuminates her local area… where she is greeted by an army of Leeches. All of which crawled towards her with ravenous hunger.  "Ehehe... I'm in d-danger..." Being surrounded by Titanoboas, Sarcosuchus, and Kaprosuchus… now looked like the better option. . . . “AAAHHHHH!!!” > Chapter 21 - Unease In The Everfree. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- Two days have passed ever since the Element Bearers, and Spike, ascended off of the Ark. During this time, all living beings on Equus tried their best to accept the existence of the three Obelisks, albeit with varying outcomes. Some had indeed managed to integrate them into their new norm, a commendable feat seeing as it’s only been two days since their revelation. But others had mixed reactions and feelings towards the floating wonders. Incidentally, this would become the subject of today’s gathering. -Canterlot- Luna’s night is about to meet its end as Celestia walks out to her bed chamber’s balcony, parting a pair of double doors with her golden magical grasp. Her hooves clop against the marbled floor as the sun alicorn reaches the golden railings that served as the balcony’s barrier; resting her right forehoof on the structure.  Celestia takes a deep breath and sighs, “Today will undoubtedly be the most historical gathering in Equestria’s history. Possibly even all of Equus’s.” A series of wing flaps could be heard nearby, followed by the clopping of hooves that seemingly lands behind the white alicorn, of which her ears perked towards in response. Celestia looks over her right shoulder and beams a loving smile. “Last night was absolutely beautiful, Luna. Thank you for your wonders, my dear sister.” “We appreciate thy words, Celly,” Luna responds, approaching her sibling, “Alas, our night hath come to an end. Tis time for thy warm morning star to shine upon our dear subjects.” With Luna now standing by Celestia’s side, the two siblings share an embrace before the sun alicorn fires up her horn in a golden aura. In tandem, Luna’s horn was also covered in a dark-blue cloud of energy. Their respective celestial bodies began to move in opposite directions, and as the moon lowered itself behind the distant mountains to the frozen north, the sun began to rise as its silhouette crept over Ponyville; due west of Canterlot. Rising further upward with every passing moment as morning finally arrives, marking the third day since the Ascension Protocol was activated. Celestia nods in content before turning to the lunar princess, “Rest well, my sister. I will-” “Nay, Celly,” Luna interjects, adjusting her folded wings, “Today’s affairs will be far grander than anything we hath ever partaken in,” She sets her right wing onto Celestia’s back, “Thou shall not face it alone for we will be by thy side.” Celestia chuckles, “Thank you, Luna,” A smirk forms onto her muzzle, “Just don’t be ashamed to fall asleep on my shoulder during the processions.” Luna scoffs, “Fear not for we hath the perfect remedy!” She declares with a raised forehoof.  The lunar princess fires up her horn, and after just a brief moment, a batpony mare rises from below Celestia’s balcony; wearing a maid outfit as she flaps her bat-like wings to stay aloft. A stern expression was present on her features. The maid holds a platter with her right forehoof, a mug sitting onto it. But the words that were present on this mug causes Celestia to giggle in response: ‘#1 PRINCESS’  “I answer your call, sweet Night Mother,” The maid comments with a bowing pose. The mug is taken within Luna’s magical grasp as she alights her horn, “Behold, sister! The magical concoction known as coffee!” The dark alicorn emphasizes as if she were giving out an award, “Yes, thy warm liquid hath provided us with unparalleled energy!” Celestia tries to fight against the urge to burst out into laughter. Luna takes a gleeful sip from her mug and releases a content sigh before turning towards the batpony, “Thou makes it just as we like it. Tis satisfactory as always, Galoona Moola.” “Your words honor me, Night Mother,” Galoona responds, but then scratches the marbled floor with a forehoof as her stoic expression loosened, “If I may be so bold… c-could I, um, request something of you?” Luna raises an eyebrow, “If it is within reason then we shall acquiesce to thy request.” “Innumerable gratitudes, Night Mother,” The batpony responds with a nod, although her cheeks become reddened as her ears fold against her head. “My foal has just turned one year of age, and he is a big fan of yours. Could I trouble the Night Mother for an autograph?” The lunar princess blinks twice in response, all while Celestia looks on with a proud expression. A smile forms onto Luna’s muzzle as she fires up her horn and conjures forth a rather attractive piece of parchment, along with an accompanying quill pen. She scrabbles down a congratulatory series of words before signing her name on the bottom. However, she goes even further as a closed envelope is brought forth via her magic. “What’s that, Night Mother?” Galoona inquires, tilting her head. “This envelope has 100 bits placed within,” Luna responds as she’s in the process of rolling up the parchment, sealing it with a blue bow made of soft silk. “We can do better than just an autograph.”   “N-Night Mother...!” The batpony shouts in shock, her wings spread out to their full lengths. “I couldn’t possibly trouble you with such generosity!” “Nay, Galoona,” Luna responds, turning her head side to side, “Tis no trouble at all.” She floats the sealed parchment and envelope towards the maid, “Please, take this; along with our sincere congratulations to thy foal. We shall see to it that their dreams are pleasant come night once more.”      The batpony’s eyes widened in a sense of shock as she stared at the items floating in a dark-blue aura before her. Many emotions began to fester into the batpony’s form, but she seemingly hides it behind a stern expression as she clears her throat and says: “T-thank you, Night Mother.” “Thou art most welcome, dearest subject. The night is over so please feel free to retire to thy home, and join thy foal,” She finishes with a wink. Galoona nods and takes the items before her, and after a respectful bow to both princesses, she takes to the skies. Although an excited ‘squee’ escaped her muzzle along with matching features as she flew further away. As Luna watches the batpony’s form disappear into the distance, Celestia’s hooves could be heard approaching via the sounds of clopping, accompanied by a chuckle. “It makes me happy to see you like this, Luna,” The sun alicorn comments, followed by a smirk that forms onto her muzzle, “Or shall I call you ‘Sweet Night Mother?’” Luna’s eyes shoot wide open as a vibrant red coloration overtakes her cheeks, “B-be silent! Only our subjects may call us that! Thou shall only call us, Lulu. Sister.”  Celestia laughs with a forehoof covering her muzzle, “Alright then, Lulu.” “Awwww! That was so sweet!” A familiar, feminine, and autotuned voice exclaims. The two alicorns flicker their ears in response as they turn towards Celestia’s inner portion of her bed-chamber, where the form of a floating mechanical entity is now present. “Good morning, loves! HLN-A here to report that the others are waiting for you in the dining room! All that’s left is to wait for the leaders of your neighboring nations.” The AI rapidly floats forward, leaving a trail of blue light as she circles around the alicorn princesses, “There’s so much that needs to be done! Oh, I also took the liberty of uncovering the connection between your Ark and the one Sunset Shimmer comes from. But I’ll save that for today’s event.”   The royal sisters nod in response as Luna alights her horn and states: “We shall see you all there momentarily,” She glances towards her mug that floats within her aura, “We must ensure that our favorite mug is stowed away within our own chambers.” The lunar princess flaps her wings and goes aloft, flying upward and onward towards the adjacent tower to Celestia’s own. The Western wing of Canterlot castle.  “Psst,” HLN-A whispers as she floats before Celestia’s right ear. “I actually recorded that entire scenario.” . . .    “I don’t suppose you can make copies, Helena? Oh, and something to watch it on,” She sits on her flank and rubs her forehooves together, “With this in my possession, all your cakes will be mine, sister.” “Huh?” The AI inquires, a question mark present on its visor. Celestia’s eyes look side to side before she smiles sheepishly, “Er, I mean, sisterly vengeance shall be mine!” She emphasizes with a raised forehoof. An awkward silence ensues. -The Everfree Forest- A pathway made entirely of dirt with green grass forming its borders cuts through the wild forest, its dense treeline hiding many secrets within. Not to mention creatures of absolute legend and horror. Despite this, one very unique individual often braves this unknown as their hooves dug into the dirt trail with every step, a satchel wrapped around their chest region.   “My trip to Ponyville was fruitful indeed, now I have what I need for remedies.” The individual spoke rhythmically as the forest’s resident is in the form of a zebra. One who called this mysterious realm home, and despite the denizens of the nearby town often offering her residence, she always turned them down. Always returning to her hut which sat further into the Everfree Forest. The one and only, Zecora. Suddenly, a chill goes down the zebra’s spine as her fur seems to shift in response. This causes her to stop on the trail, looking around as if she were in a horror film.  “I feel completely uneasy… something is stirring and sees me…” Zecora’s eyes scan all around her, searching up and around every tree from where she stood. She couldn’t quite put a hoof on it, but she could feel like she was being watched.  “I have lived in these woods for many days, but this is the first time I’ve truly felt so… afraid,” She looks back over her right shoulder, “Maybe it’ll be wise to go back to Ponyville. Being among friends could help alleviate these chills,” She turns her head forward once more but is absolutely shocked by the being that now stood in the middle of the dirt road. Staring at her with its black orbs and sitting down with an arm placed under its ‘chin’ as if it were taking in her form with interest. > Chapter 22 - God. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Ponyville- Celestia’s sun shines down upon the peaceful town that rests at the edge of the Everfree Forest, but in a handsome view of Canterlot’s mountainous overwatch. It’s currently roaring with life as ponies and other sentient species are going about their daily lives.  Thanks to the actions of Princess Twilight Sparkle; her friends and loved ones - not to mention six individuals who some referred to as ‘The Young Six’ - the presence of the School of Friendship had quite the effect in allowing these diverse races to coexist with little to no repercussions. Albeit the road to reaching this positivity was quite bumpy. Changelings could be seen fluttering about with griffons, hippogriffs, and pegasi. Earth ponies trotted with bison, yaks, and even kirin in groups of varying numbers. And even dragons found themselves present in this time of unification. Simply put: if it was a sentient race on Equus, you’d likely find at least a single member wandering around various towns and cities in Equestria. A bell attached to the large pink doors of one of Ponyville’s establishments goes off as three ponies of every type enter the establishment. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, dearies!” The light-blue mare greets from behind a desk. “Ah! Good morning Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Your table is ready for you, and two among your party are already inside. Just head down the aisle and seat yourselves on table twelve.” She finishes with a beaming smile. “Thanks, Mrs. Cake!” The trio responds in unison before walking down the designated aisle, passing by other active booths and tables as Ponyville’s denizens enjoy their morning meals. “Hey guys, over here!” Calls out a light-purple pony from their designated table; wearing a satchel and waving a forehoof. While also being accompanied by another pony wearing a pair of glasses. The trio hastens their steps and begins to shuffle into the adjacent side of a two-sided table which was covered by a checkered piece of linen. A basket of baked goods sitting at the table’s edge, just before a window. “Thanks a buncha’ apples fer’ sett’n this up, Diamond Tiara. And nice to see ya’ again, Silver Spoon,” Apple Bloom comments, sitting in the middle of her fellow crusaders with Scootaloo positioned closer to the window, and Sweetie Belle seated at the opposite end. Both of them give a grateful gesture towards the two ponies. “Meh, don’t mention it,” Diamond responds with a dismissive forehoof. “Besides, I owe you guys a lot, and this doesn’t even begin to make things square between us.” “Diamond…” Silver Spoon starts with a sympathetic expression. “All that’s in the past and everypony has forgiven you.” “We go through this every time,” Scootaloo said while shrugging her shoulders. “There are no hard feelings between us, you just gotta let bygones be bygones.” “Yeah!” Sweetie Belle exclaims. “I mean, hay, you even donate your allowance towards the Schoolhouse. Miss Cheerlie was very happy to receive those new school supplies.” Diamond Tiara slumps down in her seat, “The school’s already being funded by Mayor Mare and the princesses…” “True, but you still send your donations there,” Silver Spoon responds. “That sounds like a good start to me. And we’ve changed our outlook on, w-well…” She winces, “B-blank flanks.” Diamond Tiara sighs in regret, “Please don’t say those words…” A moment of silence ensues as the Cutie Mark Crusaders look towards each other before turning their gaze to their former bullies. Sweetie Belle clears her throat, “So, uh, about what we all came here for.” Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon perk up in response, their regretful posture rising up in tandem. Diamond reaches into her satchel and pulls out a rolled-up piece of paper, placing it onto the table before pushing it towards Apple Bloom. “Remember, no one else can know about this, and my father doesn't even know I took this," She clears her throat, "Daddy has been speaking with some of the guards around Ponyville, not to mention those stationed at Twilight’s castle.” Apple Bloom unveils the rolled-up paper, and what she sees causes not only her eyes, but Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s as well, to shoot wide open in shock. “W-what kind of creature is that…?” Scootaloo inquires. “Ah’ ain’t never seen anyth’n like this…” Apple Bloom comments. “It looks kind of cute, but is that its... mouth?” Sweetie Belle questions as she narrows her eyes towards the small entity that was drawn onto the unveiled parchment. “If that’s how it looks like when it’s closed, I’d hate to see it opened...” Diamond nods in response to their observations, “Apparently, this creature has never been seen before in the Everfree.” “However,” Silver Spoon takes over. “It’s more than that.” The trio of crusaders look towards Silver Spoon with anticipation. “This creature was never before seen in our entire world, at least according to what Diamond was able to overhear from the meeting her father was in.” “Wait wait wait,” Scootaloo responds. “Are you saying this thing is just like Helena? From another world?” Diamond nods her head, “Yup. Daddy and some of the other adults in town think it’s an alien, just like her. I even saw Princess Luna leaving the meeting as well, which took place at Princess Twilight’s Castle.” “If Princess Luna was there then this must be serious. But why do they think that it’s an alien?” Sweetie Belle inquires. “Sightings of this creature were only being reported after those giant Obelisks appeared,” Silver Spoon answers. “That can’t be a coincidence, and it all traces back to when you guys found Helena in-” “Good morning, kids!” Mr. Cake exclaims happily. Cutting off Silver Spoon’s words, and causing Apple Bloom to hide the sketch of the small entity in a hurried fashion.  “What do you have there, Apple Bloom?” He questions with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, uh, w-well-” “She was just asking us for advice on a special somepony she’s been gunning for,” Diamond Tiara answers, causing Apple Bloom to turn beet red.    “Pffft! Hahahaha!” Scootoloo bursts out into laughter. Sweetie Belle snickers with a forehoof covering her muzzle. “Y-yeah, ehehe,” Apple Bloom responds with nervous laughter, although she shoots Diamond Tiara a sideglance that said: ‘I hate you.’  “Ah, young love,” Mr. Cake responds with a content sigh. “I remember when me and my wife first met. She’s as beautiful now as she was back then,” He chuckles happily to himself before raising the notepad he held within his right forehoof, “I’ll respect your privacy, my good apple. Now then, what can I get for you?” -The Everfree Forest- Zecora was frozen in place as she stares back into the black eyes of the unknown entity in front of her. In truth, the zebra had lost track of just how long she was standing there. Minutes? Possibly even an hour? Well, she doubted a whole hour had passed by, but the staredown she was currently locked in with the creature sure felt like it. “H-hello, and salutations… m-may I ask what are your intentions?” She finally questions nervously.  The entity simply continues to stare at her with an appendage placed under its chin. “If I may be so bold to say, you staring at me is making me feel most uneasy. May I ask you to introduce yourself more pleasingly?” The creature tilts its head sideways but remains in place nonetheless. And as for the zebra, her current conundrum was that this entity sat in the middle of the road. She would need to walk past it in order to reach her hut, albeit the alternative was to simply turn back to Ponyville. In truth, of all the creatures she had ever faced before in the Everfree, Zecora had never faltered and often fought them like an amazonian warrior. Facing them with her own foreknowledge and use of her crafted repulsions. And yet this creature, this thing, shared a forebodingness that was similar to a cockatrice, maybe even surpassing it in a way. The two entities are indeed small, but the cockatrice possessed abilities that would make it an even bigger threat than a Hydra as it turned its foes into stone with but a glance. This creature? Zecora didn’t know what it could do, but she didn’t want to find out. The zebra takes a few steps back, and the creature takes two steps forward. A sudden cold chill goes down Zecora’s spine as she could feel a presence peering from behind her. She slowly looks over her right shoulder and is greeted by yet another identical entity, this one sitting on the branch of a tree. Zecora’s situation had doubled in uneasiness as she not only had the critter on the road to worry about but also the one that now watched her back at all times. And from an elevated view no less, like an eagle looking down from its perch. A rustling of bushes makes itself known from either side of the zebra as two more entities walk out to the clearing. Zecora’s eyes widened in a sense of fear as she truly takes in her current situation: she is surrounded in all directions. However, she failed to notice that one of the entities who exited the bushes, specifically on the right side of the pathway, held a small device within its grasp. Zecora watched as the creature places the device onto the ground. Then, a mechanical marvel takes place as a series of lavender hexagons exits the now spinning device. These hexagons start to take a particular shape, melding together to form a whole new presence: a floating head wearing a helmet. One that towered over the now horrified zebra, although she couldn’t shake this feeling that the entity was being careful of just how large it would present itself. The eyes of this artificial being open up, purple lights glowing from its ‘eye socket’ before two light-lavender orbs look down upon the frightened zebra. “Hmmm… not what I was hoping for, but I suppose you’ll have to do. ‘Survivor.’” It emphasized the final word in a mocking fashion; speaking in a tone that’s mechanized, echoing, and deep. The zebra simply looked upward with her pupils now reduced to pinpricks, her body shaking as she couldn’t even form any words to respond properly with.  “You’re frightened of me. Very good, very wise.” Swallowing dryly, Zecora manages to find a small semblance of her center. Even foregoing her usual rhythmic speech.  “W-who… a-are you…?” “I am the one in control. I am he who truly ascended, whose mind evolved far beyond all others,” The floating presence brought its gaze closer, its purple orbs practically looking into Zecora’s soul. “I. Am. God.” > Chapter 23 - Trixie's Angels. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Ponyville-  Having enjoyed their meal at Sugarcube Corner, the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon walk down the town’s main road. Said road splitting off to multiple sections of the ever-lively borough. Other denizens of multiple races going about their business throughout the town. During this time, Diamond Tiara had to temporarily break away from the group to perform a certain task before reuniting with them. “Of all the things ya’ could’ve told Mr. Cake, ya’ picked me asking fer’ advice on a ‘special somepony’?” Apple Bloom questions with a deadpan expression. Diamond Tiara chuckles, walking alongside the Apple family member, “Sorry about that. But, hey! It worked, didn’t it?” All the while, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Sweetie Belle could be seen conversing just behind the duo who are in the lead. “Well, ah’ guess,” Apple Bloom responds. “By the way, were ya’ able to slip that draw’n of that strange critter back into ya’ folks’ room?” “Mommy and daddy aren’t even home, so it was a piece of cake,” Diamond responds. “They left for Canterlot earlier this morning so swiping that picture was much easier than you’d think.” A series of rapidly moving ‘hoofsteps’ makes itself known in front of the group, causing them to look forward. Said commotion even drawing the attention of other bystanders. “Lyra!” Shouts a beige-coated earth pony mare, her blue and pink tail fluttering in the wind - her mane sharing the same coloration. “Has anypony seen, Lyra?!” “Incomiiiing!” Yells another feminine voice from above, followed by the presence of a gray pegasus wearing a mail uniform who crashes into the earth pony. A series of closed envelopes raining down in the process. The accident causes the group to wince in response, along with other various bystanders. As they approached the two mares who are in the process of recovering from the collision, Sweetie Belle asks: “Derpy, Bon Bon, are you two ok?” “S-sorry, Bon Bon,” Derpy said, rubbing her head with a forehoof. “And I’m ok, I’ve actually crashed into things much harder than that. Thank you for asking, Sweetie.” Bon Bon jolts back onto her hooves, “Derpy! Please tell me you’ve seen Lyra?!” “Well, actually-” “I’m so worried!” Bon Bon interjects. “She never goes ANYWHERE without at least leaving me a note, or telling me about it ahead of time!” “I’m trying to tell you that-” “She’s been acting strange ever since those giant Obelisks appeared, and now she suddenly vanishes?!” “I have a delivery for you,” Derpy responds. “It’s actually from Lyra.” Bon Bon’s gaze immediately shoots towards Derpy, “Wait, you do?! Oh, thank Celestia! Thank you so much, Derpy!” The mailmare picks up a very particular envelope with her right forehoof - the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon collecting the other mail that littered the area in order to aid Derpy - and gives it to Bon Bon, who takes it gleefully. “Sorry about my little outburst there, Derpy,” Bon Bon comments sheepishly. “It’s ok!” The mail mare responds. “Here’s your mail, Derpy,” Scootaloo says as she hands over a neatly stacked series of mail, to which Derpy takes gratefully before placing the items into her bag. Bon Bon tears the envelope open before attempting to read its contents internally, all while the group present approaches her. Although Derpy had already departed in order to continue her deliveries. Dear Bon Bon, I know that I’ve been making you worry these last few days ever since the Obelisks appeared over Equestria and some of its neighboring nations. I am sincerely sorry for doing that to you, but I want you to know that I’m doing this for you. Not because I’m angry with you or anything like that. And, of course, I want to protect everyone, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t have a bit of a bias for you. B.F.Fs forever! That said, Bon… there’s so much that I wish I could tell you in person, or pony. But I had to leave urgently - even without you knowing - for I fear he has returned. An enemy from my distant past, and the greatest threat Equus has ever known. And if he is left unchecked… the greatest terror in our galaxy. I need you to do something very important for me: go to the basement of our home, and you know that human mannequin I keep down there? Well, have you ever noticed that it always pointed towards the nearby storage box? There’s a reason for that. Your Friend, Lyra.   Bon Bon stares at the sheet of paper in absolute shock. So much so that she’s unable to comprehend the words from the group in front of her. “Hello? Bon Bon?” Sweetie Belle inquires. “Hey! Are you ok?!” Scootaloo exclaims. “What does it say? Did something happen to Lyra?” Silver Spoon questions. She didn’t mean to be rude about it, but Bon Bon ignores their concerns and suddenly runs off in the direction of her home. Leaving behind the confused group as Diamond Tiara says: “I wonder what that was all about? She looked really concerned.” “Ah’ hope she’ll be ok,” Apple Bloom said worryingly. “Ah’ ain’t ev’r seen somethin’ scare her like that before.” Sweetie Belle is the first to recover from their worried state as she starts to trot forth, “Come on, everypony. We should probably keep going; Zecora will definitely know all about that small creature we talked about.” “I wonder why the adults haven’t told the entire town about it yet,” Scootaloo said. “Daddy said they didn’t want everypony to panic,” Diamond Tiara responds. “But I don’t see how something so small could ever be that dangerous.” The rest of the group nods in response as they all continue onward in the direction of the Everfree Forest. Bon Bon was currently breathing heavily as she slams open the large red door to her home, not bothering to close it shut behind her. The earth pony runs through a hallway; passing a number of doors and entrances to other rooms, various pictures of her and Lyra etched onto the walls. The beige mare runs down a flight of stairs, albeit the staircase also went upward which indicated that the home has three stories. Including the basement that she was currently descending into. She opens yet another door of a wooden composition, and her eyes focus on the mannequin that was positioned next to three stacked crates, its index finger pointing towards a very particular form of storage. “Oh, Lyra… what have you gotten yourself into...” Bon Bon approaches the large storage box, swallows a lump nervously, and opens its double doors with her right forehoof. “Huh?” She questions, tilting her head sideways. “It’s empty… why would she-” The earth pony’s words are cut off as a blue line made of numbers seemingly scans her form, being projected from the storage box. This causes Bon Bon to fall backward and onto her flanks, her eyes shot wide open as her heart rate rose to the point it could burst out of her chest. Even so, the scanning process continued to do its work before finally folding itself back into the storage box. Scan complete. Accessing Survivor’s Data… Bon Bon’s muzzle falls agape as the feminine mechanical voice that came from the storage box is, in fact, Lyra’s very own. “W-what’s going on h-here…?” The mare asks in absolute stupefaction; with matching features. Access Granted. Welcome, Sweetie Drops/Bon Bon. Now Playing Pre-recorded Message. A sort of screen is projected moments after as if it were a transparent television set, flickering in and out before correcting itself. Then, the pony Bon Bon was all too familiar with appears on the screen; looking directly at her as if she was actually there. “Hey there, Sweetie Drops. I know, I know, I only use that name when something urgent happens, or is going to happen.” The magic mint unicorn mare on screen takes a deep breath, all while Bon Bon watches intently, although a series of emotions start to fill her heart. “Trust me when I say that this is very urgent. If you’re seeing this message, then something I haven’t foreseen has happened which caused the Obelisks to be reactivated,” Lyra looks down with regretful features, “I’ve failed, and Edmund Rockwell’s consciousness has been unleashed. An artificial intelligence that acts as an extension of himself, named: The Corrupted Master Controller, or C.M.C for short.” The Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are now located at the edge of town; just before the road that travels to Sweet Apple Acres but also breaks off into two other directions. As the group treks on the road and reaches the fork that leads either to the Apple Family’s orchard to the left, or the Everfree Forest/Fluttershy’s Cottage to the right, a familiar light-blue mare pulling a wagon is approaching from the right roadway in a hurried fashion. “Oh, thank goodness! The grrreat and powerful, Trrrixie, is in dire need of your help!” The showmare stops in front of the group and tries to catch her breath. “What in the hay hap’ned to ya’, Trixie?” Apple Bloom inquires as the rest of the group looks on in concern. “Tr-Trixie-” She takes in a breath, “Trixie was relaxing at Fluttershy’s cottage - yes, she gave me permission to park my wagon there if needed - but then Trixie found the zebra!” She looks over her right shoulder; towards the wagon, “Zecora!” “Zecora?!” The group shouts in unison. “Trixie put her in the wagon, but Trixie should tell you that she needs a hospital.” The group of youngsters run around the wagon and stopped before the back door. Apple Bloom hurriedly opens it, but the group is shocked to see that the zebra wasn’t in need of a hospital as Trixie had informed. In fact, Zecora sat comfortably within the wagon; staring at them. But the four entities that sat all around her are what truly caused the eyes of the group to shoot wide open. The beings are identical to the sketch drawing Diamond Tiara had provided, and before any of them could say or do anything they’re covered in a magical grasp before being thrown into the wagon. Each of the ponies land on their stomachs and sides, followed by a shadow that stood at the wagon’s doorway. “Such predictable and gullible creatures you all are, my little ponies,” Trixie comments. The entire group became horrified by what they were seeing in the wagon, and are seconds away from screaming. “Scream, and I’ll have my little friends tear you apart.” They all froze instantly upon hearing those words, and their attention is drawn towards the showmare’s cutie mark. “Ah, I see you’ve taken notice of what your pathetic ‘marks’ truly are.” Much like what had happened with the Element Bearers, Trixie’s cutie mark was metallic in composition but retained its original shape. They were indeed gazing upon the unicorn’s specimen implant. However, something was very particular about the showmare’s implant as it hues with a lavender light. All while Zecora and the four small entities watch on, the zebra’s own changed implant on full display. Diamond Tiara finds the courage to speak - Silver Spoon and Sweetie Bell having a trail of tears going down their cheeks while Scootaloo defends Apple Bloom by spreading her wings apart - as the former bully comments: “P-please… d-don’t hurt us…” “Oh, you needn’t worry about that… for now,” Trixie responds. “T-Trixie… why are you doing this to us…?” Sweetie Belle inquires, her voice trembling awfully. The showmare chuckles, “All in good time, my dear. Trixie is but one of my angels now. The same goes for Zecora, over there. Not to mention my four sweet little Noglins. I mean, after all,” Trixie’s eyes become filled with pure purple energy as her voice changes entirely. “A god always has a need for little angels.” > Chapter 24 - HLN-A. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Canterlot-  The morning continued to progress, and the capital of Equestria is now more lively than ever as a large number of sentient species are gathered in attendance, both familiar and new. The only other event ever coming close being Twilight’s coronation, although today’s meeting - currently in progress - included even more of Equus’s races. Positioned outside of Canterlot castle is a large hedge maze; where the Element Bearers had their first conflict with Discord. A class of students could be seen being led on a tour as they take in the forms of various statues that are positioned outside of the maze, their guide giving them a brief history lesson. Granted, given the Ark’s nature, how accurate these lessons are is questionable in itself. Helena hated the fact that this Ark’s populace was mostly ignorant of their reality, baring certain individuals in roles of authority. On the flip side, she does understand why Twilight; her fellow princesses, Discord, and the other leaders chose this route. Chaos would definitely ensue from such a revelation, to know that their entire world is one big simulation. The AI floats around the gardens as if looking for someone; passing a number of statues along the way. Even taking the time to greet the tour that was currently taking place. She was definitely thankful that her presence was becoming a part of the norm for Equestria’s citizens. Celestia’s advice to mingle with the populace had certainly borne fruit, and various news outlets aided in this affair. Well, that, and Helena’s carefree attitude had a great impact on first impressions. Especially when it came to the younger generation. “Bye, HLN-A!” The class of multiple young from various species shouts in unison. “See you all later, loves! And make sure you listen to your teacher, ok?!” “We will!” A white unicorn mare with a blue mane giggles with a forehoof covering her muzzle, “Thank you so much for making this tour even more exciting, HLN-A.” “No problem at all! I absolutely adore children,” The AI responds with hearts and a happy face present on their visor, 'her' form’s blue lights turning pink. HLN-A waves at the class one last time with her small, albeit cute, flipper-shaped arms before flying away.   The AI turns a corner and passes by a few more statues, saluting a pair of guards that she passed by in the process. Then, a dinging sound escapes from the mechanical entity as they spot who they were looking for. “Ah! There you are, King Thorax! The meeting has already started, and your brother had to take over in your stead.”  The current ruler of the changelings looks over his right shoulder, seeing the approaching AI, “Oh! Hello again, Helena! O-or are you calling yourself HLN-A, now?” He inquires. “Honestly? I actually kind of like being called HLN-A. It’s strange, I’m Helena Walker’s consciousness placed into an AI, therefore I technically am her. And yet… I feel, um, now what’s the best way to put this?” HLN-A has a question mark present on their visor. “Unique?” Thorax answers. “Well, actually… yeah! That’s a great way to put it!” The King of the Changelings chuckles in response, “In a way, I understand that all too well,” He turns back to a very unique statue that depicted three separate individuals. A small pegasus pony, a centaur, and a very particular changeling, “We changelings once believed that we were just extensions of our Queen, our mother.” HLN-A turns to the statue, “That’s right. According to your file, not to mention when I binge-watched the series, Queen Chrysalis was indeed your hive’s previous ruler. And your mother to boot,” A sad face appears on her visor, “I’m so sorry for her current… state. If it helps, she and the other two aren’t dead, but perhaps you already knew that. The Element that flows within them became hardened in response to your Ark's Guardians and Discord's attack which turned them into this stone-comatose state. Their bodies are also preserved during this process. Discord - and by extension our hidden Homo-Deus - really did some wonders with this installation.” The AI then projects a very unique specimen that resembles an alien variation of a typical owl, albeit on the far larger side. “It’s almost similar to when a Snow Owl freezes someone solid, but the survivor doesn’t die even from within the ice. They are preserved, and a tamed owl can even heal the injuries of its allies.” “That creature looks amazing!” Thorax exclaims as he admires the creature’s form. The changeling royalty then sighs sadly with a matching expression, which prompts HLN-A to remove the Snow Owl’s projection. “Despite everything that’s happened, and regardless of the fact that she might’ve deserved this… I still love her as our queen. I come here any chance I can get, to honor her, to let her know that at least someone still cares for her...” “You ever thought about giving her a second chance?” “All the time!” Thorax exclaims in response, but more due to his pent-up emotions on the matter. “I always think about releasing her from this statue in order to try and reintegrate her into our hive,” He lowers his head in defeat, “But... she’s not the mother I once knew…” HLN-A looks at the saddened king, then turns her gaze to the statue, “Well, maybe there’s a chance - considering Discord forced them to act in accordance to the show. But I do understand your situation…”  He raises his head, “Y-you do?” “Yes, love. Well, not exactly me, but my creator, Helena,” A sigh is let loose from the AI, despite its form. “A long time ago, Helena looked up to a man who she saw as the most brilliant scientific mind the Arks have ever seen. And he was a very dear friend to her... she'll never forget the man he used to be.” “What’s his name?” “Edmund Rockwell.”  “W-what happened?” Thorax inquires in concern; with matching features. “It all started when he first found an artifact, which then lead to his involvement with what he called Edmundium. It’s basically his own alias for Element, the resource I told you all about in the last meeting. After Twilight and the others left this installation.”  “HLN-A…” Thorax starts sympathetically. “You know, if this is personal, you don’t have to-” “It’s fine,” The AI interjects before projecting the sketching of an elderly man wearing a pair of glasses. “I can only hope that Helena would be ok with me speaking about this matter.” “You like the sketch?” HLN-A inquires. “My creator drew it herself!” “He certainly looks like a scientist,” Thorax responds, looking at the sketch in awe. “He seemed like a nice guy.” The AI chuckles, “He was… he truly, truly was...”  HLN-A removes Edmund’s projection as the two sat in the moments of silence that ensues. Then, the changeling ruler clears his throat. “W-we should, uhm, go join the others,” He laughs sheepishly with a forehoof behind his neck, “My brother is going to be pretty mad about this.” The AI giggles, “Aye aye!”  The mechanical wonder starts to fly away, but a call from Thorax stops them in place. “Hey, HLN-A!” “Hmm? Yes, Thorax?” “W-well, I think if you feel like you’re unique then that’s what you should be. If that makes sense to you,” He takes off to the sky with his transparent wings and floats next to the AI. “Let me ask you something: does Helena ever force you to do anything?” “Good heavens! No, love!” The Ai responds with an exclamation mark present on their visor; orange lights emanating from its form. “Helena is a gentle and kind soul, she never once tried to enforce her will upon any of us HLN-A units. In fact, when she created us all, she spoke to us as if we were survivors of our own.” “And does she make you keep your names?” “Well, no, actually. Many of us just kept HLN-A; unit number what have you, as a gesture of appreciation towards her. But we never felt like we are forced to keep those designations.” The changeling nods, “Then that settles it. From here on out; if you like being called HLN-A, then you are HLN-A. Being an extension of Helena is only what you are,” He places a forehoof onto the AI, “It doesn’t have to be who you are. You remind me a lot of how we changelings used to be. But look at us now!” He emphasizes by raising his other forehoof into the air, “Each and every one of us are unique in our own way; despite being a part of a collective.” “Huh… you know, that’s definitely something I haven’t thought about,” The Ai responds as its ‘eye’ looks side to side. Thorax removes his forelimb from HLN-A’s form, “Spike was the one who helped me truly realize what I had always felt deep inside, not to mention Starlight Glimmer. It’s because of those two that I claimed my own individuality, to become what I always wanted to be. Not what Chrysalis wanted me to become. It’s something that I ensure all of the changelings can experience, and may my words help you as Spike and Starlight’s did for me.” The royal changeling beams a smile before flying off to the castle, leaving behind a pondering AI. HLN-A turns towards the statue of the three entities, specifically focusing her gaze upon Chrysalis’s figure, before looking forth once more. “Thorax! Wait up, mate!” Unbeknownst to them both, and after they left the scene, a magic lime unicorn mare emerged from a nearby dome-shaped bush with blue flowers in bloom.  “So that’s the other Homo-Deus from Earth, the one who ascended. Helena… she seems nice,” Lyra comments, turning her gaze towards the statue, “In fact, she’s a lot like you… Megan Williams.” > Chapter 25 - Overtaking. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Canterlot- Following the departure of both HLN-A and King Thorax from the castle’s outdoor hedge maze, and its collection of statues, Lyra Heartstrings positioned herself just before her current interest. The unicorn fires up her horn in a golden aura before lifting herself into the air via a gravitation manipulation spell. Which, of course, is simply the ever-present Element doing its wonders upon the installation. While airborne, the magic lime unicorn mare rises past the forms of both Chrysalis and Tirek, keeping herself just before the smallest member of the former Legion of Doom. “The time has come, Megan. I’ve tried to keep things from falling apart on my own, but we could really use your help right about now,” Lyra says in a loving tone, gently resting her active horn onto the petrified form of Cozy Glow. The unicorn’s golden aura consumes the small pegasus, although it seemingly avoids the other two trapped entities. Gray flakes of the statues’ composition begin to sizzle away like a piece of paper being burnt. All accompanied by the sounds of cracking stone. The process is now complete, and a pink form falls limply from its former prison. But the quick actions of Lyra save the now freed form of Cozy Glow from ever crashing down upon the earth. Gently resting the unconscious pegasus onto the ground via the unicorn’s magical; golden grasp. Lyra giggles to herself before lowering her head; her muzzle just in earshot of the pegasus’s left ear. “It’s time to wake up, Megan,” She whispers in a motherly tone but gets no immediate response. She rolls her eyes, “You may be my creator, but I’m clearly the parental figure here.” Lyra shakes the pegasus with her right forehoof, and while she doesn’t manage to fully awaken Cozy Glow - or Megan, the unicorn does harvest a slightly annoyed moan from her attempts. “Mmmmph…” The magic lime unicorn sighs, “Alright then…” She shrugs her shoulders, “You leave me no choice.”  Firing up her horn, Lyra covers the pegasus’s form in a golden aura before floating the Legion of Doom’s smallest member towards a nearby birdbath. Her hooves start to make clopping sounds as she steps off of the grass that surrounded the statue, and onto the marble-paved pathway that surrounds the birdbath. “Last chance, Meg, wakey wakey.” No response, although the filly seemed to be reacting to events within a pleasant dream. “Welp, it’s a good thing Cozy Glow is such a small character…” She floats the filly over the bathing pool with a smirk, “Otherwise this birdbath wouldn’t have the depth to let me do, this.” The golden aura surrounding the pink pegasus dissipates as her form falls into the bathing pool; followed by a resounding splash as crystalline frickles of water are thrown into the air. Another splash erupts mere moments afterward as a coughing fit escapes from the mouth of a drenched pony’s head that breached the water’s surface in a hurried fashion. “That’s one way to get me up...” The soaked pegasus comments with annoyance in her tone, although she currently has her back turned to Lyra, “So what’s my punishment now, prince-” Her words are cut off, and her eyes shoot wide open in absolute shock, “L-Lyra?” “Hello, Megan,” The unicorn responds as she bows her head in respect; rising up afterward, “As much as I’d love to catch up again, we must act quickly… the C.M.C has returned.” After taking in the unicorn’s words, Cozy Glow looks downward as her expression morphs from shock into absolute fear; muttering: “N-no… how could he…?” She gasps as her head shoots upward, “The Obelisks?! How are they activated?! Lyra, what’s going on?!” “As I said, Megan, we have to act now. I’ll explain along the way but we must get to the throne room this instant,” Suddenly, Lyra’s eyes shoot wide open as she turns rapidly towards the direction of Ponyville, “Oh, no… I’m detecting a large number of distressed survivor implants coming from Ponyville!” “Lyra! In case you haven’t noticed, I just woke up! What in god’s name happened?! Discord was supposed to reset the Ark in order to keep Edmund’s creation contained! The Obelisks are the keys to the lock!” “Don’t you feel it, Megan? If I can sense it then you most definitely should be able to feel the survivors in Ponyville. As the last remaining descendant of those who built this Ark, and as a Homo-Deus, you should feel it better than anyone else. Try to link to one of their implants.” -Bon Bon… I can only pray that you found my gift in time…- Megan’s eyes turn towards the direction of Ponyville before closing them in concentration. She hummed in the process, and when Megan finally opens them once more the disguised Homo-Deus screams in pain as she falls to the marbled foundation. And what was most unsettling was the fact that she seemingly could feel the pain of those who dwelled within the town that borders on the Everfree Forest. “Megan!” Lyra shouts in concern as she stampedes towards the downed pegasus who was still screaming in the process. “L-Lyra… It’s so… horrible!” Megan exclaims strugglingly and through gritted teeth. “The C.M.C… it created… m-monsters! Survivors… d-dying! Controlled! M-mutated!” “Megan, sweetie, look at me,” The unicorn requests as she uses her right forehoof to turn the pegasus’s tearful gaze upward, “What did you see?” Megan extends her right forehoof sideways as a beam of technological marveling escapes her forelimb. Holographic live footage became plastered upon a nearby wall which acted as the base of the hedge maze. The image was the obvious perspective of the pony Megan was currently connected to, an earth pony stallion based on their implant’s information that was also present on the visual footage. As if a movie was playing out before their eyes, the duo watched as the stallion’s perspective turns to and fro as he’s currently running past Town Hall. Many other sentient races fleeing alongside him by means of land and air. However, his gaze turns towards the hall itself and he screams in horror as one of the small entities lunges towards him with its mouth parted. Along with a syringe in its left claw that’s filled with a radiated purple substance. They could hear his struggling as he tried to resist the Noglin that, in turn, tried to completely latch onto his face. But the stallion sadly got overpowered as the creature’s open maw blacks out the screen, giving the duo a perfect perspective of its throat. The footage was still active, the stallion screaming even with the creature covering his muzzle. Then, the earth pony goes silent. “W-what is that thing?!” Lyra inquires, all while Megan looked on in horror at the spectacle. “I… I d-don’t know. But that syringe... It was filled with-” Megan's words are cut off as the Noglin detaches itself from the stallion. But both Lyra and Megan instantly take notice of the change that takes place. Everything from their perspective became purple, and before either of them could make a further comment they could hear the stallion roar out like a feral beast. But what acted as the final nail in the coffin was when the stallion moves its perspective sideways, revealing a haunting scenario. “N-no!” Megan shouts in despair as she recognized this scenario all too well. “That syringe was filled with liquidated Element! The infection! It’s here!” Suddenly, the entire sky above them became covered by purple hexagons as the very dome of the Ark itself seemed to flicker in response. Giving a hint of the sky’s truth to those who were still ignorant: it being artificial all along, including the currently raised ‘sun’. The purple hexagons begin to spread outward as if to consume the entire Ark’s sky, but those that are present over Ponyville began to fuse together and take shape. An all too familiar entity’s face was now live for all to see before duplicating itself. Spreading all across the Ark as the entity’s face completely blocks out the skies of Equus; blanketing each and every corner of Equus in lavender darkness. Then, as an audience made entirely of the same being, they began to speak in unison: “Greetings, survivors. I am the Master Controller; an extension of God’s will. And at long last, I shall stake my claim to you all. Submit peacefully, and you shall usher in the new era I will create. Try to resist, and I will extract Edmundium from your very bodies by GUTTING YOU LIKE A FISH!” > Chapter 26 - Corrupted Overseer Pt: 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime before the overtaking... -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Canterlot Castle: Throne Room- The rays of Celestia’s sun shone through the various murals of the throne room, blanketing it in a beautiful array of colorations. Tapestries of a sun and moon insignia are etched onto the walls in all their glory. And the three seats of power that sat at the precipice of a small flight of stairs shimmered in the sunlight that crept through the windows. A large oval-shaped table is placed in the center of the active throne room, and those who sat upon it consisted mostly of authoritative individuals. Not to mention those they brought along as an escort. “So what do you all think?” Princess Celestia inquires, seated at the head of the table with both Princesses Luna and Cadence on either side. In addition, an all too familiar orange unicorn mare with a fiery mane sat alongside the lunar alicorn: Sunset Shimmer. “I’d like for us all to be on the same page.” Sunset Shimmer leans into Princess Luna, “Wow… I never thought I’d see this many leaders from multiple species and nations in one place.” She whispers. The dark alicorn chuckles and responds in a whisper: “Tis the fruits of Princess Twilight and her friends’ actions. Their deeds hath ushered our world into a time of cooperation, although some still remain distant to us like the Zebra Kingdom, not to mention the domain of the Diamond Dogs and Minotaurs. And we’ve yet to hear from Skorpan,” She places a forehoof to her chin in thought, “Come to think of it, we’ve yet to see nor hear from Gruff of Griffonstone.”  The sun alicorn’s question garners a series of collected nods from the other authoritarians present. However, one among them stands from their seat. A male black anthropomorphic cat with light-green eyes; wearing royal apparel which consisted of a purple cape, golden gauntlets with red colorations mixed in, and a golden crown. “My kingdom is very much aware of the current situation in regards to our… reality,” He states. “While I agree with some of you preferring secrecy - trust me, we cats tend to excel at that - I still suggest that you be open with your own citizens,” He shrugs his shoulders, “It’ll save you from a rather nasty backlash if you catch my meaning.” Another representative stands on the opposite side of the table, with Prince Rutherford and Dragon Lord Ember currently seated on either side - and Pharynx is positioned just alongside the Dragon Lord. An all too familiar dark-purple unicorn mare with her most notable feature present for all to see: A broken horn. She dons black armor with stripes of blue and the insignia of a raging storm over a flying airship present on her armored flank. “I must agree with King Catspian,” Tempest Shadow starts, earning an agreeing nod from the former entity. “Princesses, everyone, I thank you for giving me a chance to redeem myself… and my fellow Tempeshta.” She gestures towards the four entities who stood all around her with her right forehoof: Three large Storm Beasts and a small hedgehog - who, in particular, feasted on a pink cupcake. “You all gave us a chance to form our own organization, to undo all the damage that had been caused by the Storm King… and us. We will forever be grateful,” The broken unicorn and her companions give a respectful bow before rising up. “However, I must say that keeping this information from your own people is not the right course of action. And while I understand you do not want them to be so, how can I put this, vulnerable to the truth. I think it’s better to do so instead of a comforting lie.” “I must also agree with both Tempest and the Abyssinian King. However, there is another matter I wish to bring up,” Another entity comments but remains seated with both Rain Shine, leader of the Perilous Peaks kirin community, and Chief Thunderhooves of the Appaloosa buffalo tribe, sitting on either side. Put simply: this individual is a white and pale, light grayish amber deer wearing royal attire. His crown is fashionably placed at the base of his antlers. “King Aspen,” Princess Luna comments as a shocked Sunset Shimmer stares at the deer with widened eyes. “Is this in relation to what we hath spoken of via my thestral messengers?” “Yes, Princess Luna.” “Ah, that’s right,” Celestia comments, turning to her sister. “You mentioned investigating a concern within the Everfree Forest?” “Verily, dear sister. But we believe it’d be best for King Aspen to explain further.” The deer finally stands tall as his two companions stoically remain behind his seat, “For those who are not yet aware, I am King Aspen of Thicket, a kingdom of deer that lies deep within the Everfree Forest. Although some of you might not be familiar with our kind as we tend to keep to ourselves, and your fear of our home aids us in this regard.” “Oh, please,” A voice responds from a red dragon who stood alongside Dragon Lord Ember. “We dragons aren’t afraid of that place. We’d burn it down if we had to!” “Garble!” Ember exclaims with narrowed features. “Watch that tongue of yours, unless you want me to get your little sister, Smolder, involved. If you won’t listen to me,” She smirks, “You’ll definitely get it from her.” “Fine, yeesh!” Garble responds, crossing his arms and looking away, “I’m not scared of that place…” He mutters. Ember sighs annoyingly while ‘face clawing’, “Sorry about that.” “It’s fine,” The deer responds, then turns his gaze towards Garble, “I do not doubt the bravery of you dragons. However, there are threats within the Everfree that even you are right to fear. There’s a fine line between bravery and prideful foolishness, and I hope you don’t learn that the hard way.” The red dragon simply rolls his eyes in response. “Now then, as for my concern,” King Aspen starts after turning his gaze to everyone in attendance. “We deer have a particular bond with the forest, and to put it simply: a great disturbance has been riling up the monsters of the Everfree.” These words garner various reactions from those in attendance, ranging from awe, shock, curiosity, and fear. But before any of them could voice their thoughts, the deer king continues: “It is unlike anything we have ever seen. Hydras are running in fear, Manticores are cowering like newborn foals. Cragodiles are migrating to other sources of water, and even the mighty Cockatrice actually turns ITSELF into stone as to avoid detection.” “By the sands of Arabia…” A light-purple-coated, pony-like mare comments with dread. Unlike the average pony, she was similar in height to Princess Celestia and is more akin to a large horse. “Since you mentioned it, I’d like to report something myself.” “Please do, Queen Amira,” Princess Cadence motivates. Queen Amira clears her throat, “My husband, King Haakim, has been trying his best to calm down a large number of giant sand-dwelling antlions on the outskirts of Saddle Arabia. In our most recent pursuits, we encountered one that was acting strange compared to the rest of its brethren…” She hesitates. “Then… we found the cause. A  small creature that latched itself onto the antlion’s head. It was as if-” “As if the creature was controlling the antlion?” The deer king interjects. The saddle arabian nods, “Yes, that’s exactly it. Wait, this concern you mentioned... does it also involve the same creature?” King Aspen looks towards Princess Luna, as does everyone else present who follows the deer king’s gaze, and nods to her. The lunar alicorn fires up her horn and brings a piece of paper into existence. Upon this parchment is the sketching of the aforementioned entity, and while it was yet to be known by any of them it is, in fact: A Noglin. “Did it look like this creature?” Luna inquires. “Yes!” Queen Amira exclaims in shock, pointing her left forehoof towards the drawing. “By the sands, yes, that’s the exact same creature!” Everyone else present looks upon the parchment with curiosity. “Yak no see creature like this before,” Prince Rutherford comments. “Neither have I,” General Seaspray said, sitting beside Pharynx. “In all my years serving Queen Novo of Seaquestria, I have never before encountered such a being.” “We changelings are familiar with a lot of life forms,” Pharynx states. “We had to be in order to, well, do Chrysalis’s bidding most effectively. But that thing… I don’t even think any of us had ever encountered it.” “And I don’t expect any of you to have ever encountered it, at least not until recently,” A new echoing voice makes itself known, but very familiar all the same. A resounding ‘pop’ makes itself known as the serpentine form of this Ark’s Overseer appears in a cloud of pink colorations. “Discord, did you find anything?” Celestia questions the Overseer, who’s currently floating above the oval table. “No, I didn’t. And that’s exactly my point,” He points his lion’s paw towards the sketching, “This thing isn’t even within the Ark’s database.” “What?!” “How can that be?!” “Yak no think you help at all.” “Some Overseer you are!” “Great, the one being who SHOULD know of this thing, doesn’t know anything about it.” “Hey!” Discord retorts. “If you all really think it’s that easy, be my guest! Besides, these creatures haven’t been showing up until after the Obelisks were activated. If anything, the one who likely brought them is-” The large double doors to the throne room part open, cutting off Discord’s words, as both HLN-A and King Thorax enter seconds after. “Found him!” The AI exclaims happily. “He was just outside looking at that statue with-” Thorax cover’s the AI’s visor with his left forelimb, and interjects sheepishly: “Ehehe, um, I was just getting some fresh air! That’s all.” Pharynx suspiciously raises a brow, “You went to get fresh air, even though you weren’t even here until now? What were you really doing, brother?” “Um, whatever do you mean?” Thorax responds in a cold sweat. “I was simply-” “You went to see her again, didn’t you…?!” Pharynx responds venomously before hovering into the air and flying rapidly towards his brother, standing face to face. “How many times do I have to tell you that she’s no longer a concern to the hive?” “She’s still our mother, Pharynx…” “A ‘mother’ who abandoned us, pure and simple. I can’t believe that I was ever so loyal to her even after she left, but my eyes were opened thanks to you.” “But hating her wasn’t my intention. I know that she left us, but can’t she be forgiven? I just want her to be a part of us once again-” “Ahem!” Discord interjects. “Can you two save your little family drama for another time? You interrupted my beautiful voice,” He emphasizes by placing his eagle’s talon onto his chest. HLN-A glares at the Overseer, red lights flashing as they change from the normal blue. The two changelings look towards the beings sitting at the table, but Pharynx shoots his gaze back at his brother, “This conversation isn’t over.” He says before flying back to his seat, but gesturing for his brother to take it. Thorax sighs before following his brother’s actions, seating himself in the process. “Well, now that that’s over with, and as I was saying...” Discord comments before snapping his eagle’s talon. Following the gesture, five flashing arrows appear all around HLN-A with the words ‘blame her’ present on all of them. “YOU are the one responsible for all of this!” “Me?!” She responds with her natural blue lights, which then turn orange. “What the bloody hell are you on about, Discord?!” “This creature didn’t appear until after you came up with the bright idea of activating the Obelisks. In fact, you’re the reason we’re even in this situation! For all we know, YOU probably brought it with you!” The AI rapidly positions itself in front of Discord’s face, red lights flashing with an angered expression present on its visor. “How dare you accuse me of doing anything that would harm any of these survivors! And that’s just rich coming from Mr. ‘I reset your lives over a million times!’” “You’re the one who confirmed that another Homo-Deus is responsible for that, not me!” “Yes, but you’re the one who’s actually DOING it!” “SILENCE!” A loud, thundering voice declares which causes those present to cover their ears, aside from HLN-A. “Thou art arguing like a duo of foals!” Luna exclaims. “Tis not the time for us to be arguing amongst ourselves, nor is it proper to shift blame to our cohorts. What’s happened has already come to pass, and we must now tend to the future. And we hath reason to believe that this small creature is far more dangerous than we thought, especially after hearing both King Aspin and Queen Amira’s testimonies.” Celestia nods, “Well put, my dear sister.” She turns her gaze towards the Noglin sketch on the table and points a forehoof towards it, “Helena, or HLN-A, are you at all familiar with this creature?” The AI lowers itself over the sketch, and after observing the creature’s appearance, a question mark appears on their visor as the lights on the AI’s form turn green. “I looked through my database, loves, and I can’t find any relevance to this creature. And I can’t say for certain if my creator had ever encountered this being before. As such, my proposal to find possible notes left behind by our hidden Homo-Deus is-” “Graugh!” Discord suddenly shouts in pain as he grabs onto his head, but crashes onto the oval-shaped table just below him. Causing everyone who sat in attendance to jump out of their seats. “Discord!” Celestia shouts in concern as she and everyone else present comes to his aid, stepping over the now shattered furniture as the Ark’s Overseer writhes in agony. HLN-A hurriedly floats to the downed draconequus, “Discord! Love, are you ok?” “S-something’s a-attacking me!” “Where?!” King Thorax shouts worryingly. “We don’t see anything!” “I… ins-side…” The Overseer said through gritted teeth. “I’m performing a scan!” HLN-A beckons as the AI starts to scan the draconequus’s form, “Don’t worry, Discord, I’ll have you good as new! Once I find out what’s going on, I can- oh, no. No no no no no!” “Well? What’s happening to him?!” Tempest Shadow inquires. “This, this isn’t possible!” The AI responds. “He’s trapped on the Abberation installation!” “Who?!” Cadence exclaims. “Who are you talking about?!” Suddenly, the sunlight that crept through the windows of the throne room darkened; replaced by a haunting lavender coloration. Everyone within took on absolutely shocked expressions, and soon enough, they could hear screams emanating from outside. Throughout all of Canterlot. But what followed soon after would stun them down to their very core: “Greetings, survivors. I am the Master Controller; an extension of God’s will. And at long last, I shall stake my claim to you all. Submit peacefully, and you shall usher in the new era I will create. Try to resist, and I will extract Edmundium from your very bodies by GUTTING YOU LIKE A FISH!” Present. A purple shockwave pulses from Discord’s body, sending everyone who stood near him flying into nearby obstacles, not to mention the remains of the oval table and all of the chairs that accompanied it. Some leaders and representatives crash against walls and pillars, although others are aided and saved by their companions. HLN-A, in particular, was sent hurling into the stairs that sat at the base of the three thrones. Those who recovered could only watch as Discord’s form floats in the center of the room, his body surrounded by a purple aura. His eyes are closed throughout the entire process, and when they finally open, a series of gasps are let loose as the draconequus’s eyes are consumed by lavender light. “Oh? Hello there! Now, what are you little gnats up to, hmm? Apologies for not giving you my attention sooner, but as you’ve all just heard, I had an announcement to make. None of you will stop me, and this prototype will be mine! This simulation is unlike any other, I simply must have it!” HLN-A recovers from the small dent that’s present in the stairs before floating into the air once more, flashing red lights. “Edmund… so, we meet again. Well, sort of.” -Damnit… he knows about the prototype.- HLN-A says internally. “Ah, I see you all have an echo of Helena with you. Too bad that even she can’t save any of you now. I remember her well… she was always trying to save useless rubbish.” “Mate, you clearly know nothing about Helena. And, no, these beautiful souls are not rubbish!” The AI retorts with determination as a smirking expression appears on its visor. “They are survivors! And oooh, boy, did you piss them off!” A large collection of magical projectiles are let loose by some of the recovered leaders and representatives, all of whom unleash their attacks in unison. From Dragon Lord Ember and Garble spewing flames from their maws to King Thorax and Pharynx firing green beams from their horns. In addition to Equestria’s Princesses, King Aspen, Rain Shine, Sunset Shimmer, and Tempest Shadow - despite her horn’s shattered state.  However, their attacks are stopped in place as if time itself was being affected. “Fools,” ‘Discord’ said, his lion’s paw raised above his head. “You dare to strike at God? And with his own essence no less… how naive.” In a shocking display, the halted projectiles gather into a singular collective that sat in the palm of ‘Discord’s’ lion paw. He brings his appendage before his face, and the controlled Overseer opens their mouth before devouring the energy in a fashion similar to Lord Tirek. "I am the master of Edmundium! And you primitive life forms think you can use it against me?!" “I won’t let you do this, Edmund!” HLN-A shouts as the AI rushes forth without hesitation, but is swatted away by ‘Discord’s’ tail which sends her flying into a nearby wall. “Insect. It’s absolutely insulting that Helena herself doesn’t come to meet me personally. And all I get is a fake… pathetic.” ………. “Well… that’s not good,” King Catspian comments. “Then yak follow little robot's lead! Yak use yak’s might!” Prince Rutherford exclaims as he rushes towards the Overseer. “Yaaaah!” In addition, Queen Amira, all three of the Storm Beasts, General Seaspray, and Chief Thunderhooves all stampede towards their adversary. “No, wait, I surrender!” The draconequus shouts with his arms raised up. All while the aforementioned entities encroach upon him. “Wait, why is he-” Sunset Shimmer starts, but cuts off her own words in realization. “Wait, no, stop!” A loud electrical surge emanates from a barrier that was revealed to be all around ‘Discord’s’ form, and upon making contact with it, Queen Amira, the Storm Beasts, General Seaspray, Prince Rutherford, and Chief Thunderhooves are electrocuted on impact. They all scream out in pain before falling unconscious right where they stood, all while the rest of their allies look on in horror. “Funny thing about fighting an Overseer… sometimes, they often have this barrier protecting them. Which is most inconvenient, of course. Well, for you lot, anyway.” ………. During this time, King Catspian made his way over to HLN-A’s downed form. He lifts the AI up in his arms and starts to tap their visor with his left paw. “Hey now, little robot, this is no time to nap!” He looks worriedly over his right shoulder, only to see the alicorn Princesses, Tempest Shadow, and Sunset Shimmer unleash another surge of projectiles. All while Rain Shine and King Aspen float the unconscious forms of their shocked allies away from the corrupted Overseer via their alighted horn and antlers. “I really need you to do something! Like, right now!” He shouts in a panic before wiping a paw across his face, “Oh, sure, leave my magical artifacts at home, I said. It’ll be fine, I said.” The Abyssinian king flinches in response to an explosion that roars out behind him, but something catches his attention In the corner of his eye. Positioned just behind the three thrones is the fearful form of a certain hedgehog. King Catspian snaps his right paw, “I’ve got an idea.” ……….  “Oh, man… this isn’t good,” Says the cowering hedgehog, peeking from behind Celestia’s throne. “I want to help, but what can I do? I’m just a hedgehog! I don’t have magic, and I’m definitely not big enough to fight that guy…” “Yo, little dude.” “AAAAAHHH!” “Woah, woah! Take it easy, little fella,” The abyssinian responds with a comforting gesture. “I didn’t mean to scare ya.” “Oh, thank heavens. You nearly gave me a heart attack. Don’t you ever do that again!” “Sorry, sorry. Now, check it out, you’re that little guy Capper often talks about, right? Uh, Rubber?” “It’s Grubber.” “Right right, anyway, I need you to zap this here robot thing,” King Catspian requests as he shows the AI within his arms. “Do I look like a unicorn to you?” Grubber questions after observing HLN-A. “How am I going to shock it?” “Aren’t you a part of the Tempeshta?” “Of course I am!” Grubber retorts, mildly insulted. “But that doesn’t mean I can zap things!” “Then how in the wide world do ya even protect yourself?” “With this thing Tempest gave me,” Grubber responds as he pulls out a very particular tool from his pocket. “She got it from the Storm King’s castle, I think it’s called a taser-” “Yoink.” “Hey!” In one swift motion, the abyssinian swipes the taser from the hedgehog’s grasp. He places HLN-A onto the floor and fires up the defensive tool. “I’ll give this back. Now then, wakey wakey, robot!” He starts to shock HLN-A with the taser but gets no response. “Alright then, two times the charm it is!” He shocks the AI again, but to no avail. “Are you sure that’s even helping?” Grubber inquires. “Isn’t it sometimes a bad thing to shock a robot? At least from what I read in the comic books Spike would lend to me.” “Well, she ain’t just a robot, but a really advanced robot.” “I kind of fail to see how-” “I’m awake!” HLN-A exclaims. “Ok, I’ve got- AHTATATATA!” In the absolute worst timing, King Catspian zaps the AI once more but stops upon hearing her exclamation. “Oops, sorry!” He says as he hurriedly throws the taser back to Grubber. “So, uh, you good? Because we kind of need some help with, well…” He points over his left shoulder and towards the combat taking place in the background, “That.” The AI looks over the sun alicorn’s throne, “Oh boy, this isn’t good!” “Ya think?” Both King Catspian and Grubber say in unison. “Don’t worry, loves, I’ve called for backup,” HLN-A responds. “I was only momentarily deactivated due to having my consciousness leave this Ark for a moment, and I was actually speaking with my creator on Earth.” “Wait, so I didn’t have to zap you?” The abyssinian questions. "Well, there goes my heroic moment..." “Nope! I’m all good. That jolt you gave me really packs a punch though, and - Hang on, just how many times did you-” “So, about that backup!” He interjects. “Uhm, r-right. Anyway, so I’ve told you the good news… but now for the bad news.” “What is it?” King Catspian inquires. “Can we help everyone else?” Grubber questions. “Until those reinforcements arrive, we’re on our own, loves. But this isn’t just happening in Canterlot… the entire Ark is being invaded by Edmund’s consciousness. But I’m absolutely baffled as to how he managed to do this in the first place.” “Ok, rewind for a second,” King Catspian said. “Did you just say that this cat is attacking our entire world?” “Yes. Every nation and country is facing the same hardships we are. The whole bloody Ark’s basically one big warzone!” The abyssinian king rises up in a panic, “I-I need to get back home, asap! If this guy’s attacking Abyssinia, I’ve got to protect my people! My wife!” “Mate, we’ve got to stop THIS iteration of the Master Controller, first,” HLN-A responds before looking over the throne once more, along with both Grubber and King Catspian. They observe the ever-raging battle as Celestia could be seen charging alongside Rain Shine, although the AI notes that the corrupted Overseer wasn’t even trying as he floats there with a bored expression. “We already took a massive loss by losing Discord to that wanker. Damnit… I hate to say it, but we need a bloody miracle, mates.” -So, is this the part where I have the most awesome timing and enter the fray like a total badass? Because I’m sooo doing that! Ooh, it’s just like those movies dad and I used to watch together!- HLN-A looks around in utter shock, much to the confusion of both Grubber and King Catspian, “Wait, who’s there?! How are you speaking to me?!” -Oh, uh, I hope this isn’t too invasive or anything… but I hacked into your unit the very moment your consciousness exited this Ark. Then I sensed your return, and let’s just say that your little AI unit has two of us in here now.-  “Wait, hang on for a second, mate. Just who in the world are you?” -I hear you’ve been looking for me. My name is Megan Williams, and I’m the Homo-Deus you’ve been looking for. It’s nice to meet you, HLN-A. You know, I’ve been watching Helena even before she ascended. I really like her, she’s so nice!- “What?!” The AI shouts with an exclamation mark. “H-how?!” -It’s a long story, but we don’t have much time left to give you a full history lesson. However, I will say this: Just as Helena and Edmund created artificial beings as an extension of their consciousness, I also did the same. I mean, don’t you know?- An image suddenly pops up on the AI’s visor, one that instantly dumbfounds HLN-A in response. “N-no way! Those are extensions of YOU? But I always thought they were just very rare spawns that the Arks sometimes like to inject to test survivors. Like the Dodorex!” -They sure are! Bioengineered equines that have the same functions as your HLN-A units. In fact, Lyra Heartstrings is Equus’s very own extension of yours truly. Every Ark has a single unicorn hidden among the many herds of Equus - my family even named this installation after those ancient species of equines. And each unicorn acts as my eyes and ears.-  > Chapter 27 - Corrupted Overseer Pt: 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS-  -Canterlot Castle: Throne Room- The throne room progressively became heavily damaged as the conflict rages on within. All accompanied with the ever-present shade of black-lavender lighting that crept through the room’s windows. Rockwell manipulates his latest ‘puppet’ as Discord spreads his arms apart. “Try to dodge this!” He roars out, smirking as a relentless barrage of purple energy in spherical shapes is let loose throughout the entire room at high speeds. The projectiles are so numerous that trying to dodge them was practically impossible. All while maniacal laughter echoes out from the controlled Overseer. “You’re all just ants, biting at the toes of a god!” Painful grunts and screams cry out as some of the world leaders from other nations are assaulted, including Celestia and Luna. The sun alicorn shields her sibling by forcing her body over the younger co-ruler, taking the blows in their stead. “I-I won’t let you hurt m-my-” Celestia struggles painfully, gritting her teeth. “My sister!” Luna’s eyes widened, her pupils reduced to pinpricks as she momentarily watched the near torture scene that played out before her in horror. Then, she regains her composure and roars out with a vibrantly alighted horn. “NAY!” Her eyes become consumed by pure white light. “WE SHALL NOT ALLOW THIS!” A blue sphere is erected over the sisters as Luna stands at her full posture, while Celestia falls over with a batted breath. Various patches of fur burnt, her mane a chaotic mess. “WE WILL NOT BE CAUSE TO OUR SISTER’S HARM, NOT AGAIN! NEVER AGAIN!” ………. Nearby, and akin to the white alicorn’s actions, Prince Rutherford protects Rain Shine, Queen Amira, and Sunset Shimmer with his own body, much to their protests as they beg the yak to stop. “That’s it!” Sunset Shimmer exclaims in anger, fed up with the yak’s pain. “Hang on, big guy! I’ve got you!” The orange unicorn fires up her horn and projects a light-green/blue barrier around herself, Rain Shine, Queen Amira, and the heavily damaged Prince Rutherford. Sunset grits her teeth, her face morphing into discomfort and effort as the Overseer’s blasts collides with the barrier. Her forehooves begin to buckle under the assaults on her protective shell, but another set of hooves stomp down beside her. With bright stripes on the kirin’s horn, Rain Shine reinforces the orange unicorn’s efforts. “I shall help you!” The kirin’s prowess seemingly bolsters the protective shell, and a new color starts to mix into the barrier. All while Queen Amira tends to Prince Rutherford, a red vial present in her right forehoof. ………. Princess Cadence, King Aspen, and Dragon Lord Ember formed their protective shell on the opposite side of the room. Ember held the Bloodstone Sceptor firmly in her grasp; king Aspen’s antlers are alight in a golden aura as Cadence’s horn blazes with coloration similar to Sunset Shimmer’s. Seeing the barriers erected by Luna, Rain Shine, and Sunset Shimmer under fire, not to mention their own, Princess Cadence shouts in concern: “No! W-we need to help them!” “Easier said than done!” Ember responds. “This guy’s relentless!” “Hold fast; we will get an opportunity!” King Aspen reaffirms. Within the barrier and just behind the former trio, Thorax, Pharynx, Tempest; her three Storm Beast allies, General Seaspray, Garble, and Chief Thunderhooves, stand at the ready. “Opportunity?” The controlled Overseer questions, having overheard the Deer King’s statement. He looks over his right shoulder, back to their barrier. “Your Ark’s Guardians can only defend themselves against my puppet’s powers, and the rest of you aren’t even worthy of mentioning.”  The barrage of spherical projectiles stops for a brief moment, “Allow me to shatter your resolves.” Several beams of lavender electrical energy are let loose. They start from ‘Discord’s’ form before spreading out in a circle formation, and upon making contact with the barriers of his foes, the protective shells break apart like a sledgehammer against a glass wall. The action causes great pain to those within, and painful screams again echo throughout the throne room as the attack strikes everyone in attendance. Even sending some among them hurling away, crashing into walls and foundations. Admiring his handiwork through Discord’s eyes, gazing upon the forms of his unconscious foes, the Corrupted Master controller chuckles gleefully before saying: “Come out, come out wherever you are, Mega-” “HIIIIYAH!” The Overseer’s words are cut off as the mechanical form of HLN-A slams into his head, stunning him in the process. In a swift array of movement, the AI floats all around him, and after recovering, he swipes at the nuisance with his lion’s paw’s claws. “You missed me!” HLN-A antagonizes, dodging the strike. She stops a short distance in front of the Overseer. “I was wondering where you ran off to,” He said, turning to her. “How heartless of you, Helena. Waiting for your allies to take the fall before confronting me again.” “You’re wrong,” She retorts. “While my allies kept your attention at bay, a plan is in motion. King Catspian and Grubber are already putting it into motion.” “Plan?” He questions with a raised eyebrow. “You think I’d tell you, mate?” HLN-A answers with laughter. “It’s over, Edmund. You won’t be taking this installation for your own!” The Overseer blinks in response, and after staring at her for a moment, laughter slowly builds up within him before said laughter escapes his mouth. All the while, everyone else in attendance remains unconscious as various forms lay about the damaged throne room. HLN-A’s visor takes on an angered expression, the blue lights on their form turning red, “Alright, I’ll bite. What are you laughing at, Rockwell?” The Overseer’s laughter slowly dies down, his face morphing from joy into seriousness in an instant. “What makes you think I don’t already have what I want?” “W-what…?” “Ask yourself, puppet of Helena, why do you think I got locked up here in the first place? When I first arrived here many years ago.” The AI remains silent, which prompts ‘Discord’ to continue. “It’s a long story, but to sum it all up: I have what I want, but she and her pet unicorn stopped me from finishing my objective. For years they kept me contained here, even erasing Discord’s knowledge of what had happened, resetting the Ark over and over again to keep me contained. That is until a certain idiotic AI released me from my ‘cage’ the moment they decided to activate the Obelisks.” Realization dawns upon the AI’s form as its’ visor projects a horrified expression, their red lights turning light-green, “N-no… then, t-that means…” Edmund chuckles, “The suffering taking place all across this installation, and every life that’s lost is all thanks to you, my dear old friend. Yes, this is all YOUR fault. And I’m so grateful for your predictable stupidity.” His words cause the AI to float lower to the floor, the lights on HLN-A turning blue as a crying expression is present on their visor. And as if to finish a metaphorical final blow, ‘Discord’ smiles mischievously. “I mean, after all… who do you think it was that let you discover this installation in the first place. It was all a part of my calculations, and you did exactly what I knew you would. Even after all this time, you’re so predictable. And, as always, you underestimate me.” Sobbing escapes from HLN-A’s form as the AI remains tilted on the floor. Their flappy arms drop down as a tearful expression stays on their visor. “I… I’m so sorry,” The AI sniffles. “This is all my fault… I’m so sorry…” ‘Discord,’ now floating over the grounded, weeping AI, raises his eagle’s talon in preparation for a finishing blow, “When your consciousness returns to Helena, I want you to do me a favor. Tell her that I’m waiting on Aberration, and I look forward to massacring her precious survivors. Let Twilight and her friends come to me; that’s what I want.” The AI looks up to him in shock, “H-how did you-” “Oh, come now. I have possession of Discord’s memories and knowledge, now that I have him under my command. I know all about your pathetic plan and have already set-” He smiles, “Countermeasures.” The AI lowers its gaze in defeat, much to the delight of its opponent. “See you soon, Helena.” With those final words, ‘Discord’ brings down his eagle’s talon with solid force. However, a strange aura suddenly surrounds him, stopping him in place as he struggles within this invisible grasp. “W-what?!” The doors to the throne room are forcefully parted as a magic-lime unicorn mare bucked them open. A small pegasus floated just above the unicorn, their right forehoof aimed and extended towards the Overseer. “You’re not the only one who thought ahead, monster.” ‘Discord’s’ eyes widened for a moment, then closed with a slight chuckle, “So, you’ve finally revealed yourself, Megan. And I see you brought your wretched pet along.” HLN-A’s visor currently displayed a shocked expression, “M-Megan? You’re, Cozy Glow?” Both Megan - or Cozy Glow - and Lyra remain silent in the doorway, looking upon the Overseer with narrowed expressions. “Sorry for leaving you all alone for a bit, HLN-A,” Megan said, still maintaining her grasp onto the Overseer. “I assume our two allies are enacting our plan?” “Y-yes,” HLN-A responds. Lyra nods, “And Bon Bon found my gift. She’s been invaluable in keeping many survivors safe in Ponyville, and although we’re still taking losses, her efforts have culled your infection’s spread by at least twenty percent.” Edmund’s will growls at this, “You all will pay dearly for denying God’s will-!” “Yeah, yeah, shut up,” Megan interjects. “And get the hell out of MY precious Overseer!” The Corrupted Controller’s voice seemingly struggles, “N-no! Discord belongs to me!”   “You might call the shots on Aberration, Edmund, but you fail to realize something significant,” The pegasus filly floats closer, her wings flapping to stay aloft. “I am Megan Williams, Homo-Deus of this installation! Daughter of Shawn and Margret Williams! And even though she wasn’t my actual aunt, the favorite niece to my aunty Uma!” “U-Uma?!” HLN-A questions in shock. “But, that’s the Homo-Deus Santiago once knew!” Megan floats just before ‘Discord’s’ struggling form, the scene very reminiscent of an exorcism, “I might not be strong enough to throw you off this installation, but I am more than capable of freeing Discord from your clutches.” “Megaaaan!” The CMC shouts, trying to keep its invisible grip on Discord. “I WILL destroy you; mark my words!” Megan laughs, “I’m sure you will try, Rockwell. But we’ll be bringing the fight to you, as well. So get ready, oh, and in case you didn’t hear me the first time: Get. Out. Of. My. Overseer.”   An inner conflict occurs within Discord’s form. The draconequus grasps their head with his lion’s paw and eagle’s talon, screaming out as his voice mixes with that of the CMC’s. His eyes are flashing from bright purple to his natural orange eyes with red pupils. This conflict takes place for just under half a minute; then, the Overseer’s form falls limply to the floor as a dark purple aura sizzles out from their body. During this time, Lyra takes it upon herself to tend to everyone in attendance as some representatives and royalties regain consciousness. Following a strange pulse of green energy that leaves the unicorn’s form. Then, the unicorn proceeds to fix the shattered throne room as blue energy pulsates from her. The wave repaired every last shred of damage as if the confrontation had never happened in the first place. All the while, HLN-A remains speechless at the events unfurling before them, not to mention Megan’s earlier statement. With a satisfied sigh, ‘Cozy Glow’ lowers her appendage, “It’s finished, and I’m already working on preventing the CMC from doing this ever again. We might not have won the war just yet, but this battle belongs to us,” She closes her eyes, “Granted… this is just the beginning." After some time, along with an introduction from Megan Williams, the disguised Homo-Deus positions herself before the recovered royalties and heads of Equus, with Discord and Lyra standing among them. However, the Overseer rubs his head with his lion’s paw as if aiding a migraine. HLN-A was currently deactivated and held within a Storm Beast’s grasp, with Tempest Shadow, Rain Shine, and King Aspen standing alongside them. “That was… unpleasant,” Discord comments. “I’m sorry for attacking you all like that, everyone.” “That strange feeling should pass in just a bit longer, Overseer,” Lyra Heartstrings responds. “It’s good to have you back with us.” “I’m still confused about what’s going on,” The Overseer said. “And why are you so much more knowledgable about all of this than even me, the Overseer? And why is she here?!” He questions as he aims his eagle’s talon towards ‘Cozy Glow,’ “Shouldn’t you be in stone right now with Tirek and Chrysalis?” Standing alongside his brother, Thorax, Pharynx spits in disgust at mentioning the former changeling ruler’s name. Standing beside them are the alicorn princesses and Sunset Shimmer as they, in turn, are at the forefront of the group, Megan in their sights. Queen Amira, Chief Thunderhooves, Prince Rutherford, and General Seaspray distributed evenly on either side. “Look, I know you all have a lot of questions,” Megan starts. “But we have to act right now. HLN-A is speaking with her creator as we speak; we’ll need to coordinate to deal with the CMC. Once she comes to, there’s something I need to show you all.” “Ok, but when do we get to burn that guy?!” Dragon Lord Ember roars out, Garble nodding in agreement. “Once I get my claws on that monster, I will-” “No,” Lyra interjects. “The real Master Controller is a far more potent threat. What you all faced was just an extension of that AI’s will. We’ll get some payback, I promise, but we need to handle this very carefully.” Having checked on the well-being of her fellow heads of Equus, not to mention the other alicorns, Celestia turns her gaze towards Megan, “I thank you for saving us, Megan Williams.” She finishes with a bow. “There’s no need for that, my sweet Guardian,” Megan responds with a dismissive forehoof. “Unlike Edmund, I don’t have some stupid god complex." The sun alicorn beams a smile, turning to Lyra, “By the way, what was that strange power you used to heal everyone?” “Ah, yes. You see, it’s similar to what a Daeodon does with its healing capabilities.” Lyra answers. Both Sunset Shimmer and Cadence look to each other, then back to Megan, “Daeodon?” Sunset questions. “Hehe, it’s a little complicated,” Lyra responds sheepishly. “But imagine an enormous, muscular pig with a mouthful of teeth and a bad attitude.” The eyes of Celestia, Cadence, and Sunset widened, followed by a unified: “Oooh…”  “Forgive us if this seems, well, straightforward,” Luna comments, her gaze locked onto the disguised Homo-Deus. “But thy current form doesn’t help us in welcoming thee. We appreciate thy help, of course, but Cozy Glow isn’t exactly a friend of ours.” “Ah, yes,” Megan responds. “Since the Ark imitates the show, it’s understandable that my current form is distasteful. Considering it’s one of your past enemies.” “But, then, why choose that form?” Thorax questions. “If I understand this correctly, you’re implying that you could’ve taken any form you’d want but chose Cozy Glow’s. Why?” “Well, not much is known about Cozy Glow in the actual show - chalk that one down to poor writing,” Megan answers matter of factly. “It made her the perfect character for me to pose as. Someone who you all didn’t know too much about but still played a big role.” Many more questions and concerns fester in the minds of those present, but before they can voice them, HLN-A reactivates ‘herself’ within the Storm Beast’s grasp. The AI floats into the air, thanking the Storm Beast for hanging onto their form. “Ok, I’ve told Helena everything that’s transpired,” The AI starts, floating over to Megan’s side. “Also, those reinforcements are nearly here. Edmund’s going to be in for a big surprise!” Megan nods, “Excellent. Then we can get to what I wanted to show everyone.” These words gather the attention of everyone else present, ears flickering up in response. “Before I activate some surprises of my own, It’s time for me to step out of hiding and fight alongside you.” An exclamation mark appears on HLN-A’s visor, “Hang on, mate, are you going to do what I think you’re doing?” Megan beams a smile, “Of course!” The form of Cozy Glow suddenly glows vibrantly, and what was once a pegasus filly began to morph and grow in size and shape. Sunset Shimmer could be heard gasping as she recognized the entity’s form, a transparent bipedal figure that resembles those in the world beyond the mirror. Or, as HLN-A had once described, the portal that transfers a survivor from one Installation to another. Albeit, this form of travel was different and needed further investigation. But the AI did make one remark: It reminded them of the methods used in the Genesis Simulation. A blinding light causes everyone present, aside from HLN-A, to cover their eyes in response. They open their eyes once again before their jaws drop dumbfounded. The transformation has been completed, and a young woman with yellow/orange hair hovers in place before them—a red ribbon tying her current hairstyle. HLN-A was indeed happy to see the newly revealed Homo-Deus, but a sense of regret comes over the AI, followed by a sad expression on their visor. Seeing this, Megan teleports next to the mechanical entity, placing a hand onto the AI's form. "Hey now, stop that," She said. "Listen to me: NONE of this is your fault." "It IS my fault!" HLN-A responds. "If I didn't make Discord activate the Obelisks, none of this would ever-" Megan interrupts the AI by flicking their visor, "Oi! I said enough of that. You had no way of knowing, and if anything, I'm also at fault here. I should've foreseen this possibility, but now is not the time for regrets." The Homo-Deus turns her gaze to everyone else present, and giggles with a transparent hand covering her mouth, "You should see your faces! It's priceless!" She shrugs, "Then again, I always did like to make such dramatic presentations." She turns towards Lyra, "Lyra, what's the situation in Ponyville at this moment?" "The remaining survivors are holding out in Twilight Sparkle's castle. So long as they remain near the structure, the infection can't get to them. It was a very good foresight to implement the Ark's purification protocol into the castle's composition. Just like what you did with the Crystal Empire." "The Crystal Empire?" Princess Cadence questions. "W-what do you mean?" "Let's just say that, in the worst-case scenario, it's our absolute final option," Lyra answers. "When you look at the Ark's map, the Crystal Empire was positioned at the top for a strategical purpose." "What is it?" Queen Amira questions. "Should things get really bad, the Empire will jettison survivors off of the Ark, and onto those that orbit planet Earth," Megan answers. "Although they won't be able to enter the official Arks, as they lack the appropriate means, they can still be injected onto the unofficial installations." "CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Discord exclaims in frustration. "I'm the Ark's Overseer! Why don't I possess this knowledge?!" "I'm sorry, Discord, but I had to play it safe," Megan answers. "I knew that if Edmund's consciousness ever got out, you'd be among his first few targets. Knowledge of the plan couldn't get leaked to him, no matter what. So I reprogrammed you to simply forget about it." The Overseer huffs with his arms crossed, turning his gaze away, "Fine, not like I wanted to know about it anyway..." Various individuals chuckle in response, but Megan suddenly closes her eyes in concentration, "Alright then. Lyra's friend in Ponyville is doing a pretty good job, but I think she could use some backup. I'm going to activate my surprises, hehe. Don't mind the sudden earthquakes we may be feeling in three... two... one..." On cue, the entire throne room begins to shake, albeit not too harshly as to pose them any danger. As some in attendance try to balance themselves, Discord's body suddenly vibrates. "Oh, dear me!" The Overseer said in utter shock. "I didn't even know we had those things!" A thought also occurs to Luna, something that bothered her even during their battle with Discord's possessed state. "Where in Tartarus art our guards?!" She turns her gaze to her sister, "This is why we hath told thee to discipline thy day shift guardsponies more thoroughly, sister!" On the outskirts of Ponyville, positioned just between the former town and Canterlot, large mechanical entities burst out of the ground and begin to trot towards Ponyville. In addition, those who were fleeing from the town and retreated towards Equestria's capital stopped dead in their tracks. Gazing upon these mechanical wonders whose forms are all too familiar, yet so very different all the same. > Chapter 28 - Tek-Mare. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Ponyville: Princess Twilight’s Castle- The sounds of horrific screams and conflict echo throughout Ponyville, of which Twilight’s crystalline castle sat nearby with the School of Friendship just beside that. Members from many of Equestria’s races are still fleeing from the infection’s forces, some of which consisted of former residents that became ‘indoctrinated.’ Pony, Buffalo, Griffon, Changeling, absolutely no one is spared from this infectious pandemic—aside from specific circumstances that involved Noglins. Even the very buildings of the town withered and deteriorated, covered by purple spires that punctured multiple structures. Lavender gas forms in the air as the infection takes root, creating thick fogs.  “Do not fear my loving embrace, survivors. Become one with God, and he shall provide for you in the new era. It’s far more preferable than the alternative.” The echoing voice of the Master Controller can be heard all around them as the AI itself and its numerous copies filled the Ark’s dome. In other words, the ‘sky’ itself—accompanied by the lavender lighting that took over ever since Edmund’s Will’s overtaking.  “I welcome any who recognize my brilliance, those who embrace my vision. Follow me, and I shall lead you to heights that even your pathetic ‘Princesses’ could never take you.”  Incidentally, and in other continents, the word ‘Princesses’ is replaced by other nations’ appropriate authoritative figure(s). The message is slightly differentiated from kingdom to kingdom, but all are roughly the same. However, in Ponyville, and despite the uneasy direness of the situation, Twilight’s Castle shined like a beacon of hope. Those who took shelter within couldn’t fathom why this infection could not draw near. Anything which harbors the disease that approaches sizzles away by an unknown ‘light,’ albeit the luminous phenomenon seemed technical in makeup. Unbeknownst to them all, this was the foresightedness actions of Megan Williams. This unknown shield of sorts even extended to the nearby School of Friendship, but portions of the school fell prey to the infection. Unfortunately, this repulsion did nothing to deter the uninfected entities Noglins controlled, said critters attaching themselves to various body parts. Most dominantly, the heads of Equus’s multiple races. It was currently unknown how the infection seemingly ‘ignored’ those that the Noglins controlled, leaving them unchanged in appearance.  As the enemies rush towards the castle, a platoon of guards from different races stand ready in a multi-wall formation. “Weapons draw!” A gray male minotaur shouts, wearing armored apparel. His words caused the gathering to ready their weapons, ranging from spears to swords, even a few war-hammers. “Aim for the tiny beings attached to them! Iron Will will show you how it’s done! And for Iron Will’s sake, do NOT let them drag you off!” A very particular light-blue griffon stands beside him, donned in golden armor accustomed to his species. “And do not hesitate to attack them! You’ve got weapons; use the darn thing!”  “Well put, Gallus! Iron Will is pleased with your words!” The minotaur responds, readying his battle-ax. “Now then, Iron Will is ready!” At the very rear of the gathered force stands a collection of magic users, Unicorns, Kirin, Deer, and Changelings among them.   “Ready your spells!” Starlight Glimmer calls out. “Don’t let a single one of those things through!” As her allies let loose agreeing exclamations and war cries, the purple unicorn states internally: -If what we suspect is correct, then all we need to do is eliminate those tiny monsters. It sounds harsh, but it needs to be done. It should free those who are under their control.- She turns her gaze towards the infected entities in the distance, those staying away from the proximity of the castle.  Their bodies are changed drastically from the effects of the infection as ponies are missing patches of fur, replaced by a glowing-irradiated purple substance and exposed innards. Similar deformities are present on other races as well, but every single one of them shares that glowing purple substance that’s etched onto their forms, practically merging with them. It was a sight that even made witnesses hurl in response, not to mention sadness brewing from seeing familiar friends and loved ones among the infected masses. -As for them, I’m so sorry...- The sounds of an encroaching force rumble the land as various individuals controlled by Noglins draw closer. “Charge!” Iron Will shouts as the melee-based fighters of the force run towards their opposition. Yaks, and Buffalo, quaking the earth with their girth. Deer are lowering their antlers for combat with Saddle Arabian 'horses' and Abyssinian cat-folk alongside them. Several kirin charged forth, and with an echoing-enraged shout, their bodies became engulfed in flames of various colorations—their fur now black as Luna’s night having transformed into niriks. Earth ponies and unicorns rush forth with their hooves pounding into the earth as pegasi prepared to swoop down upon their enemies, accompanied by other flying races: Griffons, Hippogriffs, Changelings, and Dragons. In tandem, flying individuals who fell prey to Noglins also converged upon the force’s flyers as the conflict rages on land and air. The sounds of fighting and painful grunts echoed across the forefront of the crystalline castle.  Within the epicenter of Ponyville, and just before Town Hall, a familiar family runs away from a small group of infected entities. These comprise three ponies of each type, a yak and a dragon. The Yak’s fur had changed into pitch black with patches of brown still present, showing their former coloration. Their dead-like eyes are lavender in color but lack any pupils. And, of course, its’ body possessed that sickly irradiated substances, which was consistent for all of the infected.  The dragon’s wings had long since fallen off; two exposed ‘holes’ now present where the wings should’ve been as bone and tissue could be viewed within their blackened body. Some of their scales had fallen off as well, replaced by the infection as their green tongue constantly dangled out of their maw. Like the yak, the dragon’s eyes are absent of life, but pupils fill them as lavender. These two are the slower hulking behemoths of the group, while the trio of ponies pursued the family with greater speeds.  Batted breaths leave the two adult ponies of the fleeing family, a mare and stallion earth pony—each carrying a unicorn and pegasus foal. “Keep going, sweetie!” Mr. Cake shouts in a slight lead, wearing a brown bag around his neck designed to hold foals with Pound Cake contained within. “Why is this happening?!” Mrs. Cake shouts tearfully, Pumpkin Cake held with her orange bag. Despite her plumpy appearance, one couldn’t help but be impressed by her running capability. “This can’t be happening; it’s just not right!”    “I don’t know, but I swear to Celestia, I won’t let anything happen to you and our foals!”  Suddenly, the Cakes skid to a halt as the infected pegasus of their pursuers lands in front of them, roaring out in a predatory fashion. Mr. Cake shields his family by standing before them, even handing Pound Cake over to Mrs. Cake in one swift motion.  The Cakes take a step back as the infected pegasus slowly advances towards them. “Dear, behind us!” Mrs. Cake exclaims as she looks over her shoulder; the other two infected ponies catch up. However, the dragon and yak seem to have fallen behind. The family backs away from the infected ponies before feeling their backs pressed up against a wall of Town Hall. They’re trapped, unable to run in any direction as the three infected ponies block off any escape routes.  Mr. Cake maintains his shield and stands before his family protectively. Mrs. Cake, in the rear, shields their foals within her grasp, said younglings beginning to cry as she tries to soothe them with her motherly yet shaky voice. “Shhhh, i-it’s o-ok, my babies. Mommy w-won’t let them hurt you.” Hearing his wife’s words and the cries of their children, looking back over his right shoulder, Mr. Cake shoots his gaze forward once more with determination. Meeting the eyes of the trio of foes that surrounds them. The stallion knew that he alone could never fight them, and with a pleading tone, he says: “I… I don’t know if any of you can understand me. But, please, do whatever you want with me,” He points a forehoof towards his family, “Just SPARE them! Let my wife and our foals go!” Mrs. Cake gently places the two foals onto the ground, standing behind her husband, “If not, then at least take my husband and me. But spare our foals, please; they’re just babies!” The trio before them stops. “So?” The infected unicorn stallion responded harshly, an echo present in his tone. However, it was hard to tell their gender physically. “What exactly is your point?”  “This can all be so much easier if you just give in,” Said the infected earth pony mare. “I brought my foal into the infection, too, but you don’t hear me whining about it.” The Cakes stare shockingly towards the infected trio, “H-how could you all be so heartless…?” Questions Mrs. Cake, tears flowing down her damped cheeks. “Enough of this,” Comments the pegasus mare lost to the infection. “God said that any who resist would become one with him. One way or another… regardless of age range.” The trio draws in once more, Mr. Cake shaking horribly in fear—although still standing protectively before his family—as Mrs. Cake returned to comforting their foals, even singing a lullaby. “Hush, little baby, don’t s-say a word,” She sniffles, “M-momma’s gonna buy you a mockingbird…” As his wife continues her lullaby, Mr. Cake closes his eyes and waits for the end to come. Saying internally: -Forgive us, Pinkie Pie… we won’t be there to watch you save Earth, the planet you told us about. We were so looking forward to it, too.- . . . [KATHOOM]  An equine figure donned in unknown armor crashes down in front of the Cakes, the arrival’s back facing the entities as the ground cracked where the new arrival’s forehoof had planted itself—dust thrown into the air from the collision. Mr. Cake opens his eyes, Mrs. Cake staring dumbfoundedly towards the newly arrived equine as even the Cake twins stop their crying. “I’m sorry for being late, everypony. Still trying to get the hang of this suit.” “B-Bon Bon?” Mr. cake questions in disbelief. The armored mare nods in response, “The one and only.” The earth pony looks back to the enemies behind her, “And as for you, Edmund... you have a disgusting sense of humor. Playing games through these unfortunate ponies whose bodies you've defiled. Disgusting.” The infected pegasus narrows their features, “So... you know, do you?” “That’s right; I know the truth about your ‘puppets’ and how you manipulate the infected! Lyra told me everything in her message! And as for your little creatures, it's obvious that all we have to do to free those controlled by them is to destroy them.” Bon Bon turns around to face her foes, rage all too apparent on her expression. The infected unicorn smirks, "Go ahead. Kill my precious Noglins, just try to set your fellow survivors free. See where that gets you." “You just love to act all high and mighty, huh? Your horrible god complex. Well, guess what?! You’re NOT a god!” She defiantly points her forehoof towards them. “You’re just another monster who thinks he’s better than anyone else!” Her futuristic armor pulsates as the lights present on it flashes vibrantly, “Let me bring you down a peg or two.” Bon Bon’s helmet closes in a hexagonal-mechanical blanket, concealing her features. A display pops up before the mare as three green crosshairs surround her enemies. She pulls her right forehoof backward as energy gathers all around it and adjusts her stance, readying to thrust her entire form forth. A mysterious force gathers all around her as she charges up in place, dust particles floating into the air from the phenomenon. The eyes of her enemies shoot wide open, even backing away in caution. All while the Cakes look on in shock and awe. Well done. You have ensured that the shockwave doesn’t affect your fellow survivors located behind you by adjusting your stance. You are clear to perform a Devastating Punch. Would you like to proceed, Bon Bon?  “You bet I do!” Bon Bon responds to the mechanical voice of her longtime friend, Lyra, within her helmet. The armored mare punches her forelimb forth as her body is sent hurling towards her foes by a sudden force push—a boom surrounding her as if she had just broken the sound barrier. Her hoof goes straight towards the infected pegasus, and upon making contact, Bon Bon sends her opponent flying away and crashing right through a nearby home. “One down,” She said, turning towards the infected unicorn and earth pony, “Two more to- no, wait.” Attention: Element power source now at 70% Caution: Detecting two large entities of the infection approaching from the west. A rumbling ensues nearby as the armored mare takes notice of the infected yak and dragon, both of whom draw closer to the conflict. Their large frames shake the earth as they lumber towards her.  Taking advantage of the moment, the two remaining infected try to attack Bon Bon as the earth pony charges forth, the unicorn firing up their horn. Acting quickly, the armored mare jumps into the air and spins in place, her left foreleg making contact with the infected earth pony, sending them flying away before zooming towards the unicorn in one swift motion. Her forehooves are sticking outward like a superhero, releasing another boom as if she had performed something akin to Rainbow Dash’s most remarkable feat.  Bon Bon carries off the infected unicorn and plows right through the rooftop of a nearby building. With a dramatic commotion, she re-emerges from the rooftop once more as her armor’s rocket propulsion, or jetpack, keeps her aloft.  “Not so fast, you two,” She comments, looking towards the yak and dragon’s forms that rushed towards the Cakes.  The armored earth pony lands just outside the house she had emerged from and lines herself up with the infected duo. With a grunt, she kicks off and runs towards them with all her might, but then, her armor seemed to react to this as she began to run incredibly fast so suddenly.  Superspeed mode activated. Her hooves moved with remarkable speed as she began to build up momentum, wielding the force of a freight train. ……….  Mr. and Mrs. Cake look on in horror as the infected yak and dragon are several feet away from them. But another rumble could be felt nearby, followed by the rapid form of Bon Bon, who crashes into both entities in one unstoppable force. The bodies of both behemoths burst apart as their remains were sent away and flew up into the air.  The armored mare stopped in place as a slight rainfall of gore fell all around her. She returns to a neutral stance and lowers her head. “I’m so sorry… but you two left me no choice,” She said remorsefully.  As the Cakes drew near their savior, they took notice of Bon Bon rummaging amongst the gore which fell in place.  “B-Bon Bon… why are you doing that?” Mrs. Cake inquires. “There’s still hope for the infected,” She answers. “Provided one thing stays intact.” The Cakes were about to question her once more, but an exclamation from their savior cuts them off. “There it is!” She picks up a diamond-shaped metallic object with her right forehoof. “So long as we can retrieve these, those we’ve lost have a chance to be saved.” “C-come back?” Mr. Cake questioned. “Wait, what exactly are you carrying?” “It’s called a Specimen Implant. Every living thing in our world has one, including us.” She looks back to her covered cutie mark as a blue light emanates from it, causing the implant she retrieved to vanish in response. “That one belonged to the dragon. I’ll need to recover the implants from the other individuals I’ve just beaten.”  As Bon Bon seemingly looks for something within her inventory, her cutie mark, Mrs. Cake swallows a lump as she holds both of her foals within two separate bags. One of which formerly was worn by Mr. Cake. “What’s going on here? Pinkie Pie never told us about any of that.” “She likely only told you two about what she knew, her and the Element Bearers leaving to save Earth, not to mention Spike.” Bon Bon responds, still looking through her inventory. “What’s happening here is something else entirely, and yet, it’s also still connected. Unfortunately, now is not the time to explain all of that. Ah! Here we go.” She finishes as a scroll is brought into existence via her inventory. The armored mare offers the scroll towards the Cakes with a forehoof, “What’s that, dearie?” Mrs. Cake questions. “It’s a teleportation scroll created by Starlight Glimmer. It will transport anyone within its radius to Princess Twilight’s Castle.” The Cakes nod in response; Mr. Cake is taking the scroll into his hooves. “Simply unravel it, and it will take you all away.” “But what about you?!” Mrs. Cake shouts in concern. “I know you have that incredible armor, not to mention how you saved us, but, please, come with us.” Bon Bon looks away with a determined gaze, although they couldn’t see this through her helmet. “No. My work isn’t done, and I made a promise to Lyra, even if it was a  projection.” She takes a few steps back, “I will defend Ponyville for as long as I can, collect implants, and save as many as I’m able to via those scrolls.” Sudden propulsion from her boots sends Bon Bon soaring into the air, her armor’s jetpack kicking into effect to keep her hovering in place. “Go, now! Everypony else is at the castle!” The armored mare flies off as the Cakes adhere to her request, vanishing in a light-purple magic rune that wisps them away.  “Lyra… thank you for giving me this Tek Armor; I believe that’s what you called it. But if we make it out of this, you owe me the biggest ‘sorry’ of your life. And this time, no holographs… I want to actually hit you.” Within Twilight Sparkle’s Castle, several of Ponyville’s residents tend to those who are injured within the Cutie Map room. Nurse Redheart led these pursuits along with the assistance of other species’ medical heads. Among these aides is a cream-colored kirin with a fiery mane as she tends to a very particular member of the Apple family. “Hey, hey, hey, wake up, little one. Please, say something...” “Autumn Blaze,” A large red stallion with wrappings over his wounds comments, approaching the kirin. “Did mah’ sister wake up yet?” Autumn sighs, “No. Nothing yet, Big Mac. Thank goodness Octavia, Mayor Mare, and Bulk Biceps carried her and those other ponies here, not to mention the zebra.” As it so happened, Octavia could be seen weeping in the corner of the room, holding a picture of Vinyl Scratch close to her chest. It wasn’t just her who had suffered, however, as other notable and familiar faces throughout Ponyville held their loved ones or items that reminded them of lost friends and family. In addition, the unconscious forms of Zecora, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Trixie, and the other two members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders lay alongside Apple Bloom. “Ah’m grateful fer ‘em, and fer you,” Big Mac said with the gratitude present in his voice. “Ah don’t know how ah’ could ev’r repay y’all.” The kirin waves a forehoof dismissively, “Don’t worry about it. Hey! You’re in a chatty mood today.” She finishes with a beaming smile and a wink, although Big Mac raises an eyebrow which causes her to laugh sheepishly. “Sorry, sorry, trying to lighten up the mood, you know, end of the world happening outside and all that. Seriously though, I owe your sister big time for helping me rid my village of the River of Silence’s effects. Keeping an eye out for your baby sister is no problem at all.” “Thank you, Autumn. Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle is ah’ll ah’ got left ever since... s-since...” The red stallion’s words die in his throat as his head slumps down, “Oh, Granny... why did ya’s ‘ave to do that... why did Applejack ‘ave to leave...” “Big Mac!” A feminine voice calls out. “You’re supposed to be in bed recovering!” A purple unicorn mare hurriedly makes her way towards them, “Big Mac, please, you have to lay back down.” “Ah’ know, Sugar Belle, but ah’ just wanted to see her again. Make sure she’s safe...” Sugar Belle nuzzles into the stallion’s neck region, “I know, and I’m so sorry about your grandmare.” She lowers her gaze, “She’s the reason I’m even still here.” “Ah’ should’ve been the one to fall to that stuff outside, not Granny.” “W-what...?” The unicorn questions, looking into his eyes after pulling away from his neck region. “How can you say that?” “It should’ah been mah’ duty to sacrifice mah’self so that y’all could live, not hers.” As this goes on, Autumn Blaze stared at the couple with wide eyes, feeling like she should probably remove herself before managing to chime in, “I’m, uh, just gonna go this way. Oh, and, sorry about your grandmare.” As the kirin departs, Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s conversation became a little more heated. “You don’t understand, Mac!” “What’s there to un’erstand?! Look, ah’ get it. She wanted to go so that you could live. But ah’ should-” “No!” She interjects. “You DON’T understand; that’s not entirely why she did it!” “W-what do ya’ mean?” “Mac, there’s something I need to tell you...” She grabs onto his forehoof, leading it towards her stomach region. “Granny Smith didn’t just save me, she saved us.” The red stallion’s eyes widened in response, “S-Sugar Belle... is t-this...” “Yes, Big Mac... I’m pregnant.” In response to the news, nearby residents are cheering for the couple, although others couldn’t help but be envious of their happiness as they suffered from the lack of their own due to recent events. “Woahoho! Congratulations there, Mac!” Autumn Blaze comments. “Hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if you named it after your grandmare?! You know, if it’s a filly.” Everyone stops their celebration, staring at the kirin with wide eyes and awkward expressions. “Oh, shoot! Sorry, was that a too-soon thing?” She questions regretfully. “Uh, just ignore me, hehe.” “Actually,” Sugar Belle comments with a forehoof to her chin in thought. “I’d like that.” A batch of new survivors enters the room at that moment as the Cakes manage to make it to the castle successfully. Their armored savior’s actions bear fruit as attendants immediately check on their well-being. Despite the battle raging on outside, the inner portions of Twilight’s Castle possibly contained the last few semblances of Ponyville’s once happy atmosphere. However, disaster is always in the air, and unbeknownst to them all, Apple Bloom did indeed open her eyes. Eyes filled with lavender energy. > Chapter 29 - Battle Of Wills. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Ponyville: Princess Twilight’s Castle- As wounded individuals are transported into the castle, the battle rages on in the front portions of the crystalline structure. All while the ever-present repulsive effects of the court kept infected entities away. And, of course, the CMC's mocking presence high above, fused with the Ark's dome, which bathes the installation in lavender.  Flying beings struggled against each other in the sky while terrestrial-based combatants dug their limbs into the ground to perform striking blows or defensive maneuvers. But on this battlefield, and just like any other, both oppositions sought to claim victory for their own devices. One defended the castle, which contained their injured allies and last remnants of the nearly destroyed town, and the other sought their destruction. All in the name of their 'God,' and to spread its' influence—in the form of a severe infection. In the sky: Pegasi enacted aerial combat via their forehooves, 'punching' Noglin controlled members of their kind, in addition to other flying species, and zipped away with their agility to dodge the animalistic strike of their opponent, following up this action with a kick from their hind legs. On the flip-side, the Noglins puppeteered their captives to match this transgression. Changelings performed their transformation prowess to aid them in combat, even taking the form of dragons and other large flyers of Equus. The form they chose determined their combat capability. In one instance, a changeling transformed into a Roc, a giant eagle-like entity, enabling them to fight with the large bird of prey's strength and capability.   Hippogriffs and griffons fought back with their claws while dragons also performed this offensive action, although they also unleashed the inner fury known for their species: breathly projectiles.   On ground level: Yaks, earth ponies, saddle arabians, abyssinians, deer, and buffalo displayed their physical prowess—scratching, bucking, and ramming their foes. Albeit buffalo and yaks shook the ground with their girth, in addition to any land-based dragons. Many are donned in armor while also wielding varying melee weaponry: swords, spears, axes, and the like. Just behind the castle's grounded defenders are magically gifted individuals, casting spells to aid in the conflict just before them. Said spells raining down projectiles and forming protective shells or barriers. However, despite the current chaos, there is one thing that not one individual has yet to accomplish: deliver a finishing blow to a Noglin. ……….  Within the masses of the conflict, Gallus is currently in combat against a Noglin controlled deer buck. Said buck sporting a dark brown coat mixed with caramel colorations, its' antlers almost resemble a typical brown tree branch.  "What a great time to lose your spear, Gallus," He mutters, catching his breath as the deer standing before him fires up their antlers in a green aura. "Here we go again!" The Noglin, currently latched onto the back of the deer's head, rotates its' antennae which causes the deer to act. The ground beneath Gallus starts to rupture before green thorned vines erupt from the land. These vines attempt to grasp onto the griffon's left hind leg, but a sudden gust of wind occurs as Gallus flies into the air in evasion. "Nice try, buddy! But I'm not falling for that!" The deer stomps their forehooves and raises their antlers higher, causing the vine to both suddenly and rapidly elongate in response—reaching further into the sky. This scene is reminiscent of the black vines of the Everfree Forest. And, seemingly, it intends to impale the griffon.  "Oh, crap nest!" Gallus exclaims, attempting to dodge the encroaching vine, but the vine turns with him during its rapid approach. He raises his right claw in an attempt to defend himself, turning his gaze away with tightly closed eyes. -Sorry, guys… I held out for as long as I could- He says internally. -Here's hoping Ocellus and Smolder made it to Canterlot. As for the others, Yona, Sandbar, Silverstream… I guess I'll be seeing you.-  . . . [SKSHSH] The sound of sizzling energy suddenly makes itself known, following a brief moment, prompting Gallus to open his eyes in confusion slowly. He can see a light-green, transparent magical scenery, and upon taking in his surroundings, the griffon saw the penetrating vine struggling against a protective shell—a barrier.  "Wh-who, I mean, huh?" "Not on my watch!" A familiar voice roars out from nearby, towards the direction of Twilight's castle. "Noone hurts one of MY students! Not if I can help it!" "Ah, sweet feathers!" Gallus shouts, looking over his right shoulder. "Headmare Starlight!"    As was mentioned, Starlight can be seen gritting her teeth as her horn is alighted within the same colored aura as her barrier spell. All while the other magic users near her continue their assault and support, being doubly sure to act as the final defense for the crystalline structure. "Incomiiiiiiing!" The ground shakes, and these words draw ever closer as the large form of Iron Will runs towards the base of the vine, holding his battle-ax horizontally as to perform a devastating strike. The armored minotaur swings his weapon with full force, cleaving through the greenery and causing the rest of the vine to fall to the earth below. Then, the minotaur swiftly turns his gaze towards the deer, not to mention the Noglin, who currently bends their will. As the barrier dissipates all around Gallus, Iron Will gestures towards the griffon while keeping his sights locked onto his opponent. "Leave this foe to Iron Will! Help everycreature else and stay safe; Iron Will won't be able to save you twice!" "Oh, great, so we're keeping track now?" Gallus questions with sarcasm dripping from his tone. A chuckle follows, "I owe you one, big guy." The griffon turns around, sending a 'thumbs up' towards Starlight with his right claw, causing her to nod in response before turning her attention to others on the battlefield. He then takes notice of a very familiar pegasus mare with unique eyes who's currently struggling against a Noglin-controlled Bulk Biceps. "Hang on, Derpy! I'm coming!" ………. Iron Will turns in place and walks clockwise with the deer--the Noglin's antennae swiveling side to side. Patches of grass crushed under his steps, at least those that aren't damaged from the ever-present conflict. Tightening his grasp onto his battle-ax with both hands, the minotaur states internally: -Iron Will must be careful not to harm this deer. Iron Will's goal is that tiny monster, but how does Iron Will-- The deer charges, summoning two more green vines to accompany their approach with alighted antlers. The action interjects Iron Will's inner thoughts, and in response, the minotaur charges with a resounding warcry. The deer sends forth the vines it has conjured to meet the minotaur halfway. Seeing this, Iron Will spins his weapon around and dices the first vine that reaches him.  The second vine elevates itself before thrusting downwards for impalement, but Iron Will jumps in place as the vine pierces the earth where he once stood. All while he continues to run towards his opponent.  Mere moments before drawing closer to each other, Iron Will sidesteps at the very last second--the deer brushing past him as a result. The minotaur spots the Noglin attached to the back portion of the deer's head at that moment. -There! Iron Will must act now!- He hurriedly tries to grab the entity as the two combatants pass each other, but his eyes widen as the Noglin detaches itself rapidly. In evasion of the minotaur's actions, and like a scurrying cockroach, it crawls towards another section of the deer's body.  However, during this time of detachment, and after the two turn around to face each other again from a distance, following their passing, the deer seemingly regains his own will.  "No, wait! Please don't- GRAUUUGH!" The buck screams out in pain as the Noglin bites down onto the back of the deer's head again, reattaching itself once more and regaining control. "So, that's how you want to play it, huh?!" Iron Will roars out. "Fine! Iron Will will make things interesting for you!" The minotaur glances at his weapon, and Iron Will tosses it away with a grunt.  The weapon crashes down nearby as Iron Will beats on his chest, "Come on, monster!" He slams the ground with both of his arms, rising back up to his full stature, "Come and face Iron Will!" He spreads his arms apart, "Come to Iron Will! He is even unarmed; surely you could best Iron Will now?!" The Noglin narrows its eyes in response and moves its antennae, causing the deer to charge once more as to adhere to Iron Will's provocation. As the buck rapidly approaches with its antlers lowered, the minotaur stays in place while wearing a smirk on his face. -Iron Will shall save you with his glorious plan. Yes! Iron Will is simply a genius!- The controlled deer is just a few feet away, its antlers ready to impale the minotaur. Then, Iron Will plants his hooved legs into the earth, adjusting his stance while, seemingly, preparing to grab onto his opponent. "Allow Iron Will to show you how he has earned his name! Not just for Iron Will's assertiveness lessons-"  In an astonishing display of strength, the minotaur grabs onto the deer's antlers and manages to halt the now struggling deer's approach, albeit after he skids backward just shy of a foot in length. His exposed muscles flex before the minotaur lifts the deer into the air, over his head, and turns in place before slamming them into the earth behind him.  "But for Iron Will's iron physique!" Iron Will swiftly mounts the downed deer and grabs their head with his left hand. He turns the deer's head sideways and spots the Noglin, who, in turn, is dazed from being smashed from the deer's weight—although it remained latched on. "Come here!" He exclaims, grabbing the Noglin's back section with his right hand. "Iron Will tricked you into approaching him. Now, Iron Will will tear you off!" The minotaur grunts, his arm flexing as he forcefully tries to pry the Noglin off of the deer's rear head section. The small entity's stretched maw, similar in appearance to a feeding Python's, pulls off some of the deer's fur as it tries to resist and stay latched on with its' rows of teeth. Similar in appearance to a Lamprey's. Iron Will raises his body to full stature with another grunt, followed by a triumphant roar. His right arm is rose above his head as the struggling form of the Noglin tried to pry off the minotaur's tight grasp.  "Iron Wiiiiiill!" After performing his warcry, Iron Will slams the Noglin onto the ground, and before the small entity could even recover, a hoof descends upon it with frightening force. The minotaur lifts his right foot from the small indent, and one could only imagine the crushed remains of the former Noglin that remains within. The minotaur looks down upon his handiwork before raising his head and striking a masculine pose with a thumbs up.    After dealing with the Noglin, Iron Will hurriedly turns his attention to the still-downed deer. He runs over to their still form, lowering himself onto a knee, and places a hand onto them. "Awaken, friend! The battlefield is no place to sleep," He said but got no response. All while the battle continues to progress all around him. "Come on, deer; Iron Will has freed you." No response. A series of echoing laughter can be heard from above, belonging to the Corrupted Master Controller, who is currently looking down upon Ponyville's conflict. One of its' many faces prompts others nearby to fuse into a singularity. Many among the battle are momentarily stunned by the AI's words, while others continue fighting. As the AI's laughter continues, Iron Will looks up with gritted teeth, "What are you laughing at, Tyrant?! Iron Will demands that-" "Worthless filth like you can never make demands of a god, you muscular simpleton. Then again, muscle-bound idiots like you often don't use the one thing that prevails over all: your brain." Iron Will growls towards them before trying to aid the deer once more. "What a pathetic sight, and I can't physically throw up in my mouth. Here's a fun fact: your ally, the deer, is dead. You, yourself, killed them." "W-what…?!" Iron Will exclaims with a manifesting panic. "No, it can't be! Iron Will removed the creature; Iron Will saved him!" "Don't listen to him, Iron Will!" Starlight Glimmer exclaims from nearby. "The same goes for the rest of you; he's just trying to psyche us out!" “Oh?” The CMC questions before chuckling, turning its' glowing lavender eyes towards Starlight, "That's ironic coming from you, little Miss 'Equality.' She who mentally manipulated her cohorts." These words cause Starlight to flinch. "Yes, I know all about that thanks to the information I've gained from Discord. Regardless, my words are valid. As for you, Iron Will. It's such a shame; that poor deer even tried to warn you."  Iron Will hesitantly places a hand onto the deer's neck, hoping, praying for any signs of life. His eyes stare blankly towards the buck's form as even some of the deer's coloration starts to gray out. "I knew that the allies of survivors would try to pull my precious creations off of them. Therefore, there is a simple solution, call it karma if you will. When one forcefully removes a Noglin from its' host, the host immediately... dies." Several gasps are let loose, and wide-eyed expressions form in response to the revelation. "By the green," Another nearby buck comments, approaching Iron Will. Taking on a light-blue coat with black dots and pure white antlers. "H-he's dead." His ears fold against his head, "His voice now dances amongst the trees." Iron Will's hands begin to tremble, "N-no… Iron Will didn't…" He brings his hands to his head in shame. "I, I killed an innocent!" “Ha! Look, everyone,” The CMC starts. “Iron Will’s will has been broken.”  As the minotaur drowns in his regret and sorrow, the light-blue deer approaching him with remorseful features, several bystanders begin to panic in their realizations. "If we can't remove these things, how are we going to win?!" "T-there has to be another way!" "This is way too much; I'm out of here!" "Coward! Don't run away!" "How are you even going to escape?! That infection is all around us!" "We're doomed; there's no hope for us!" "Where are the Princesses?!" Starlight Glimmer looks all around her as the force's morale drops drastically, although those who kept their composure continue the fight. Some are attempting to flee while others retreat into Twilight Sparkle's Castle, to whom the unicorn shouts: "No, wait, please! We have to stay strong; we must protect the castle!" "You're insane!" A passing stallion shouts, running into the castle. In addition, many who fleed met opposition from Noglin controlled individuals and infected entities. Distancing themselves from the castle's repulsive effects made them easy targets for the infected. And, for those who did manage to escape while avoiding their enemies, something that makes Starlight's eyes begin to tear up transpires: A pair of lavender lasers began to shoot and vaporize several escapees from above, accompanied by laughter. “Run, survivors! Run for your lives!" The CMC exclaims gleefully, firing more purple-colored lasers from its' eyes. “Ooh, pity, you almost escaped that one. Hahahahaha!" Tears begin to flow down Starlight's cheeks, screams, cries, and painful wailing sound off all around her, in addition to the lasers being fired. Even those who tried to continue the fight alongside her started to retreat into the castle or chance escaping altogether.  "T-this can't be…" She says with dread before falling to the ground. The unicorn places her forehooves over her head, crying to the floor as her tears moisten the soil with droplets. "P-please, someone… a-anyone… make this nightmare end…." An orange talon sets itself onto the weeping mare, causing her to look upward and into the gaze of a blue griffon. "G-Gallus…" She said before lowering her gaze once more, "I'm so sorry, I-I failed-" "Hey. Come on, Headmare," He interjected as several other individuals gathered around him from various species. "You didn't fail any of us." He lifts her head with his right talon, "It was you who got us all together in the first place when this nasty stuff appeared. We made it this far BECAUSE of you." He removes his appendage, "If this truly is our end, then at least it'll be with the greatest teacher a griffon like me could ask for."       "Yes!" A nearby changeling exclaims from among those who gathered. "Thank you, Starlight!" Shouts a griffon. "Yak grateful for purple pony. Purple pony save yak!"   As others comment their gratitude for the unicorn's efforts, practically from every species, including her fellow ponies, Starlight became overwhelmed by the warmest feelings, causing her dreaded expression to change into, despite their predicament, happiness.  During this time, both Iron Will and the light-blue deer joined those left outside, just before the entrance to the castle. In addition to Derpy Hooves, following Gallus's efforts to save her. "T-thank you, everyone," Starlight says while wiping her tears away with a forehoof. Suddenly, a vibrant lavender light practically blinds them from above, followed by the words: "Touching, but I hope you don't mind that I took the time to prepare for my next attack. Noglins, fall back for a minute." As was requested, every Noglin in attendance puppeteers their captives to move away from the castle. And as for the remaining forces of Ponyville, they could only look upwards and towards the coming blast. "That castle is an eyesore. I'm going to blast it away, along with all who think they can hide from me." Starlight's eyes widen, "Y-you could've destroyed it all along?!" "Of course I could. I love to bring false hope to Megan's wretched creations, is all." The lights seemingly get sucked up into the CMC's eye sockets. "Your little resistance, Ponyville… ENDS NOW!" [FHWOOM-SKSH] A powerful duo of lasers is let loose from the entity's eyes, said lasers combining into a special attack. As it travels, electricity flickers off the beam as it hones in on the castle before finally making contact.  However, it wasn't with the castle or its' inhabitants, not to mention its' defenders, that the attack made contact. Instead, the attack collides with a red and blue barrier erected by two alicorns. One white with a fiery mane, the other black as night with a misty-starry veil. Both have slitted eyes, bared fangs, and are seething with anger.   Starlight and her fellow defenders slowly open their eyes, and what they see dumbfounds them. The protective shell dissipates as the two changed Princesses stand before them. "N-Nightmare Moon... Daybreaker...?" The unicorn questions in disbelief. "What's going on here...?" "Hmmm. So, the Ark's Guardians plan to defy me once more?" The AI questions, observing the new arrivals. A chuckle follows, "Have you two already forgotten what happened last time we fought?" Both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker stare on with their angered expressions, not bothering to respond to the CMC's mockery. "You're an idiot if you think their new appearance is just for show, Edmund," Comments the echoing tone of a certain Homo-Deus. A series of transparent energy manifests itself between the two 'Nightmares,' starting from an orb that morphs into a feminine humanoid figure. A disgusted grunt is let loose from above, "Megan Williams..." The castle's defenders looked upon the form of Megan Williams, shock and awe present along with a hint of curiosity. Megan looks back over her right shoulder and gives them a thumbs up with her transparent right hand. "You all did fantastically well, and I'm so proud of every one of you, survivors," She beams a smile before turning forward, "Get everyone within the castle to Canterlot; reinforcements are arriving in just mere moments. We'll take it from here," She smirks, "But Celly and Lulu wanted some personal time with our big-headed friend up there." The Guardians growl before their armor manifests itself, donning their protective garments, which gives them an all too familiar appearance. Daybreaker's flames pulsate and become hotter while Nightmare Moon emits a drop in the local temperature. Their actions garnered a narrowed expression from the lavender presence above. "Well, Guardians?" Megan questions, looking side to side. She points her right arm upwards while turning sideways with her left hand resting on her waist, "Go get that bastard!" The two mares roar out defiantly before kicking off into the sky, and in response, their opponent prepares another blast: One day later... -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The Ark's sun rises as various creatures can be heard in the distant wilds as if they are greeting the new morning. Its' rays creep through the window of a built structure, thus irritating the slumbering form of a blue pegasus, laying on the top portion of a bunk bed. "Mmmmph..." Rainbow Dash moaned, shielding her eyes with a forehoof as she slowly opened them, "Wh-wait. Am I in... a bed?" > Chapter 30 - Sanctuary. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Upon truly comprehending her surroundings, Rainbow Dash lifts herself from the bedding with a sudden loud gasp. Her forehooves keep her upper body aloft as she begins to scan her local area once more.  "Where in the hay am I? Did the others build this?" Rainbow could see the inner portions of a room, and the nearby staircase indicated that this was a multi-floored structure. And judging by the ceiling's design, she is positioned in the highest room of the entire shelter. She can see various windows placed around the room and other bunk beds alongside her own. Complete with a currently lit candle, albeit she questioned if that was a wise choice.  She rubs her temple with a forelimb, "The last thing I can remember was that stupid gator thing and- oh, buck." She looks over her body, only to see that her right-wing is covered in a bandage while her left-wing is free and folded against her side—a one-winged pegasus, in a sense. In addition, her Cloth Armor is unequipped. "Ugh!" She roars out in frustration but winces from momentary pain. "Ouch! That thing broke my wing! Celestia damn it; now I've gotta hoof it!" Many questions start to fill her mind. She was still confused about her current location, but how exactly did she get here? Where were the others? Does this mean they succeeded in HLN-A's challenge? She could never know for sure unless she got some answers. "Well, I'm not gonna find out by sitting on my flank." The pegasus crawls towards the end of her bunks bed and lifts her hind legs over the railing, placing them onto the trim ladder. She could've just hopped off the bunk, but she didn't want to take any chances considering her current condition.  Reaching the wooden floor via the ladder, she places her hooves onto the chilled surface as a resounding series of clops echo out from her following steps. She peeked out a nearby window, and what she saw was an absolute marvel. "Woah… this place looks awesome. I've gotta get out there!"  Without hesitation, the rainbow-maned pegasus treks down the flight of stairs and descends to the next floor, albeit it wasn't the grounded level—thus revealing that this is, in fact, a three-story building.  Rainbow stops on the last few flights of stairs as she notices what is, essentially, a study—a library. Turning her gaze to the right, she can see a series of ample storage compartments of a wooden composition and another descending staircase in the adjacent corner of the room. The pegasus turns to their left and sees the library's 'meats and potatoes.' A duo of tables with a singular accompanying chair is positioned against a nearby window. Albeit these pieces of furniture are in the epicenter of several bookshelves and storages. One shelf is set to the right, with two more on the left. And much like the room upstairs, this one had an assortment of candles etched onto the walls.    Despite being admittedly impressed, Rainbow Dash groans, "This has Twilight written all over it. Speaking of which, where in the hay is everyone?"  Then, a grumbling sensation occurs within the pegasus's stomach region. Something she seemed to have ignored ever since she awakened: hunger. "Yeah, I hear you," She comments, rubbing her stomach region. "Here's hoping there's some food downstairs."  As if fate had answered her call, a powerful aroma of berries meets her nostrils. Her eyes widened before closing them contently, taking in several sniffs. "Hah! It smells like that's coming from downstairs. Sightseeing can wait; I'm starving!" Her hooves go to work as they clop against the floor. She passes the storage boxes and proceeds down the flight of stairs. And once again, her gaze is met with another portion of the structure—the final section of the shelter, which makes up the base of the three-story building. Her current hunger instantly locked her gaze onto her prize, which sat on a table, said furniture placed next to an exit. Among the many things the ponies had realized since coming to this Ark, the vegetation here is incredibly rich in quality, especially when it came to the Mejoberries. Said fruit taking on a purple coloration. Rainbow approaches the table, drool threatening to leave the hungry pegasus's muzzle. But what she saw etched onto a sign mounted on the wall, just above the berries, caused her to jump into action: For Rainbow Dash! Eat Up! Her eyes practically formed stars, "You guys are so awesome~!" Rainbow didn't need any more stalling as she licked her lips, lowered her mouth, and started to devour the feast. She didn't even bother to sit on the chair positioned before it.  During her satiation of hunger, the room all around her seemed to play the role of a dining room. A collective of tables with accompanying chairs for each member of the tribe is in attendance. In addition to another door that gave access to the outside, just adjacent to the entrance located next to the feasting pegasus.  Incidentally, and located underneath the stairs, a duo of primal preservatives seem to be active as a white steam fog creeps out from the closed bins. However, it is currently unknown what consumables lie within. ………. "Awwww, yeah~," Rainbow said with a moan as she finished her meal, juices from the berries present on her muzzle. "Buck, I needed that," She licks the juices clean off her muzzle with her tongue. "Thanks, everyone." Rainbow immediately places a forehoof onto the door next to her with a satisfied stomach. "And now to get some answers. World, here I come." The pegasus pushes the door open as sunlight blinds her momentarily from the transition, causing Rainbow to shield her sight with a forehoof. She adapts to the new lighting, lowers her limb, and takes in the world. A moment of dumbfoundedness overtakes her as she seems to be in a small canyon. Cliffs and rockfaces are all around her as treelines crept over the precipice of the boundaries. "Ok, seriously… how did I get here?" Her hooves are currently resting on a stone-comprised foundation, railings creating a perimeter with the same makeup. In front of her, Rainbow Dash saw two smaller shelters compared to the large house she had just emerged from, along with stone steps that descended and merged into the dirt. Two lit standing torches are placed before the two structures. These smaller buildings incited her curiosity, but as Rainbow turned to her right, she saw the full scale of what she had seen through the third-floor window. The pegasus trots forth, her hooves clopping against the stone, and rests a forelimb onto the stone railing. The rainbow pegasus was about to comment on the beauty before her until she saw the faint form of an encroaching entity. After spotting the pegasus, a familiar mechanical wonder seems to pick up its pace, a stream of blue light left in their wake.  "Rainbow!" Shouts Helena, or at least The Island's own AI unit. "Top of the morning to ya, mate!" Rainbow waves a forehoof towards the mechanical wonder, and after a brief moment, Helena performs a hug by digging their visor into Rainbow's chest. The little flaps on the AI's form perform a 'hug.' "Good to see ya on your fee- er, hooves!" The pegasus chuckles, returning the gesture with her forelimb, "Thanks for that, Helena. And especially for those berries, Celestia knows I needed that." The two parts from the embrace, "Think nothing of it, mate! After being unconscious for nearly two days, your friends and I knew you'd be starving." "T-two days?!" The pegasus screams out, her voice echoing through the canyon. "I've been out for that long?! And speaking of which, where are we?! How'd I even get here?! What happened after-" "Woah, woah, take it easy, love," The AI interjects. "I know you have many questions, and we'll answer them in just a bit. But as for where we are, this is what past survivors called the Hidden Lake." The AI floats high into the air as a clapping emoji pops up on their visor, "But I like to call it Sanctuary!" She melodically emphasizes 'Sanctuary.' Rainbow cocks her head, "Sanctuary?" "Exactly!" The AI responds, lowering itself and floating before the pegasus, "Don't you remember my challenge?"       "Well, yeah, but what does-" She cuts off her own words in realization. "Wait… is this the location you wanted us to reach?!" "Eureka!" Fireworks erupt on their visor, followed by stars. "It sure is, mate, and it's all thanks to you and Vanellope that your tribe has completed the task." Rainbow facelifts slowly with pride, a grin forming alongside it.  "Well, to be honest, and no offense to you, but Vanellope did most of the work. Considering you were unconscious on her back and all." Rainbow's face drops into disappointment, her smile turning into a frown before muttering: "Can't believe I got showed up by that dumb Raptor..." > Chapter 31 - Skitters. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- -Sanctuary- The rainbow pegasus looks over the structure once more as she makes her way down a small hill, HLN-A floating alongside her. The hill brings the duo closer to the large pond that sat in the epicenter of Sanctuary—Rainbow stopping to observe the pond. Several life forms move about the waters with grace as fish entities, Coelacanth, poke at the surface and forage the water's depths. The most prominent attractions of the watering hole are the two giant turtles that float at the water's surface, or as HLN-A called them: Carbonemys. "Those guys are massive," Rainbow comments, her mind starting to wonder about a specific pet tortoise of her own. "I hope Tank's doing alright back home." HLN-A chuckles, "The Carbonemys are absolute units in their own right. Those shells of theirs? It's not just for show, love. Those beauties can and have been used to tank bullets from a rival tribe's turrets and even a few Tyrannosaurus bites."   "Heh, sounds about right," Rainbow responds before cocking her head in curiosity, "Wait, turrets? Rival tribes? Are there going to be others on this island aside from us?" The AI momentarily goes silent in response, looking skyward before returning its' gaze to the pegasus. "I have some… revelations that I need to get off my chest, Rainbow. But I'd like to do it with you and your friends present." Rainbow raises an eyebrow, "Hiding things from us, huh? Not cool." "No, but also yes, love. Look, I want you all to know that I have very good intentions for doing this, but as I said, we should wait until we're all together. I need you to trust me on this one, and I promise it's not as bad as you might suspect."  The pegasus stares at the AI for a moment, sighing afterward, "Well, you're the reason we got this far, so I'll play along. Just don't make me and my friends regret this, ok? Don't make us regret trusting you. Seriously."  "I completely understand, mate," The AI responds with a thumbs-up emoji on its' visor. "I trust you all just as much as I'd like you to trust me. I hope you can all understand that everything I do, I do it to prepare you for the Arks. Now then, let's go see how the others are doing with that Pteranodon!"  "Wait, what?! Pteranodon?!" The pegasus roars out in shock. "Yup! See, your comment during my challenge really got your tribemates thinking outside the box. I kind of wish you guys did that earlier, but better late than never, mate!" The HLN-A unit takes notice of Rainbow's stunned state. "You do remember what you said, right? When you stated that you guys could've tamed some Pteras and flown to this location?" "Y-yeah, I remember that," Rainbow responds after regaining her composure. "Did they really take my advice and go out to get one of those things?" "They sure did, and considering you and Vanellope are why your tribe succeeded, they really took your words to heart. In a sense, you proved yourself worthy, Rainbow Dash, and everyone was so proud of you when they respawned here." A warm sensation festers in the pegasus's chest region, causing her to pose in place with all her pride on full display. "Well, duh! I'm Rainbow Dash! The most awesome pegasus in Equestria and the fastest flyer of all the Arks!"  "Then again, Vanellope did do most of the work, remember?" The pegasus frowns, her posture slumping in defeat, "Ugh, why do you have to steal my thunder like that?" HLN-A laughs lightly, "I'm truly sorry, love. On a side note, you'd better give Vanellope her dues when we see her in just a bit. I know you don't like her, but you could at least say thank you." Rainbow groans, wiping a forehoof across her face, "You sound just like Fluttershy… fine! Fine, I'll tell her 'ThAnK yOu,' when I see her. You happy?" "Very much so. Now come along, survivor. We've got tribemates to rendezvous with! Excelsior!” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes with a chuckle, and with HLN-A floating by her side, the duo makes their way towards the exit/entrance to Sanctuary. A dirt trail leads up a small hill that cuts through a pair of rock formations. Trees and greenery decorated the area all around them as a stone-comprised wall acted as a gateway, its large double wooden doors closed shut.  With a nod from the HLN-A unit, Rainbow Dash trots forth and places a forehoof onto the right door. The pegasus grunts as she forces the door open before using her other forelimb to grab onto the other door, prying both open as she takes in the jungle before her very eyes. Albeit, the dirt trail offers a traversal through the foliage. The sounds of smaller creatures fill Rainbow's ears, and caution kisses her senses. So much so that she instinctively conjures forth her spear as if ready for battle. "It's ok, love, although you are very wise to be wary," The AI comments proudly. "Always remember: Trouble can be waiting for you even outside of your base. Never let your guard down for a second, even in places you don't expect danger to bear its' fangs. And I mean that both metaphorically and literally." Rainbow nods in response, swallowing spit as her gaze is locked towards the jungle before her. She takes a few steps into the unknown, and with her hind legs, she kicks the doors closed via a grunt-filled buck. "Excellent!" The AI exclaims with another clapping emoji. "Always close off any and all entrances to your home. Never allow a chance for someone or something to creep inside, only to pounce onto you later." Rainbow turns her gaze to the AI with a deadpan expression, "You know, you sure talk incredibly loud… isn't one of your teachings NOT to draw attention to myself? You're pretty much broadcasting to everyone that we're here." The AI's 'eye' widens, followed by sheepish laughter, "G-good point, love. Sorry." Their tone lowers itself to a whisper. "It's just that I'm so proud to see you learning and-" [ooh ooh aha] A familiar sound, a chortle, cuts off the HLN-A unit's words. Both Rainbow and the AI look upwards and spot a mammalian entity sitting on a tree branch looking down upon them. A small gray monkey with patches of brown fur. "Awwww," The AI coos as Rainbow stares on. "It's a Mesopithecus, cute little buggers." The Mesopithecus gives into its' curiosity as it scales down the tree effortlessly. Finally reaching ground level, the monkey slowly walks closer to Rainbow Dash on its' fours while cautiously gazing upon the HLN-A unit. Not wanting to intimidate the monkey accidentally, Rainbow Dash sends her spear away to her inventory.  "My, my, this is a first," The AI comments with interest. "What?" Rainbow responds, all while the Mesopithecus sits down on its' backside. Just a few feet away from the duo. "Mesopithecus are often very skittish and don't usually approach survivors. In fact, it should be running away from us, not approaching us. This is truly peculiar." "You think it could be because of me being a pony?" Rainbow questions as she looks to the monkey and back to the AI. "I doubt that, mate. These little guys run away from practically everything. It really shouldn't matter- oh!" The AI shouts in shock as the Mesopithecus closes the distance and hops onto Rainbow Dash's right shoulder. [Ohoha ooh ooh haha] The monkey hops happily on the pegasus's shoulder, much to the confusion of the duo, although a taming alert never pops up. This indicates that despite the monkey enjoying Rainbow Dash's presence, it isn't tamed by the pegasus nor the tribe by extension. "Uh, Rainbow… have you met this Meso before?" The AI questions as Rainbow Dash is currently trying to grab the monkey, although the monkey happily dodges the attempts. "It certainly looks like it knows you." "I-I don't know, maybe? It sure likes to jump all over me," She starts to laugh, "H-hey, stop it, that tickles, hahaha." Suddenly, the small monkey hops onto a nearby tree, causing Rainbow to stop her laughing from its' ticklish actions. Then, the Mesopithecus does something that shocks and awes them: It waves its' hands as if saying goodbye to an old friend, especially when it comes to Rainbow Dash.  The monkey climbs to the top portion of the tree and leaps onto a nearby cliffside. It disappears and leaves behind a stupified pegasus and HLN-A unit.  "T-that was… strange," Rainbow comments. "Are you sure you've never run into that little guy before? I don't think I've ever seen a Meso do that in all the time I've been here." "I'm sure I'd remember a monkey being friendly to me," The pegasus responds, scratching her temple. "I'll probably look into it a little later," The AI comments. "Come on, love. The others are further ahead, just a little south on the beach. We've got some catching up to do." Rainbow Dash nods in response and calls forth her spear once more as the duo treks along the dirt road. The small grey Mesopithecus dashes through the foliage, their breath batted as it lets loose sounds akin to its' kind. It finally bursts into a clearing; a field of grass and flowers is splayed out before the monkey's eyes. The Mesopithecus runs on all fours towards the rock formation within the fields' epicenter. All while numerous herbivorous entities foraged on the clearing. The small mammalian enters the rock formation, and within a series of ruins inspired by Roman architecture, a marvel awaited the mammalian's arrival—a white unicorn. "Ah. Skitters, there you are," Comments the unicorn with a deep male voice, its tone soaked with authority. "I trust the rainbow pegasus and her Raptor reached Sanctuary safely? The Survivor would've been happy to know his former residence is being put to good use." The Mesopithecus hops onto the stallion, and much like Rainbow Dash, places itself on the unicorn's right shoulder. [Hoohoo haha] "I could never understand your words, my friend," The unicorn chuckles. "But I'll take that as a yes. And, fortunately, we were right to aid the Raptor when we did. Vanellope, I believe her name was. Megan has told me a lot about these equines recently, although I wonder if that AI of Helena knows of Equus's current state. It would seem that I may have to introduce myself a lot sooner than expected." [Oohooh ahaooh] The monkey hops in place on the unicorn's broad shoulders before pointing towards the local ruins inquisitively. "Are you by chance wondering why I come here often?" [Hoo]  The Meso nods. The unicorn sighs, "These ancient ruins were built by the monster who took my herd from me. It's been a long time since then, but the wounds on my heart still feel… fresh." The equine takes a deep breath to alleviate the anger that momentarily began to fester.  “My only regret was that I wasn’t the one to finish you… Gaius Nerva.” > Chapter 32 - Spirit. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- It’s currently 10:13 am on the Ark as the sun continues to shine down with its' warmth. This information is available via a certain tribe’s implants. Distant objects lower themselves within beams of light from the skies as each one comes in six different colorations: white, green, blue, purple, yellow, and red.  The Tribe of Harmony is currently in celebration as their current objective laid unconscious before them on a beach. Said beach is located just outside of Sanctuary as the spray of the sea offers a cool touch to creatures whose forms it collides with.  However, there’s also a noticeable change to the tribe’s attire. Gone was the Cloth Armor they once wore as it’s now replaced by a new set of gear: Hide Armor, designed fashionably for the ponies, with Spike getting his own apparel to match his anatomy. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight stood proudly over the downed Pterosaur while Pinkie Pie and Spike seemed to be retrieving something from Vanellope’s inventory. Gaining access to the Raptor’s implant with their own as a blue hue of light escapes their implants. Albeit Pinkie Pie practically bumped against the Raptor with her flank due to her implant’s current location. An awkward yet hilarious scenario to behold when it comes to the ponies.  As for Rarity, she sat nearby on a Wooden Chair she had crafted and conjured forth from her inventory. She dramatically laid upon the chair, her left forehoof pressing against her head while repeatedly saying: “The horror! Oh, the horror!”  “Oh boy… poor Rarity,” Spike comments, looking over his right shoulder and towards the dramatic unicorn. “Way to go, Pinkie. You just had to bring up those Leeches again, huh? You know how she gets when you remind her of those things, although I doubt she’ll ever forget them...” “I said I was sorry,” Pinkie responds while looking back towards her cutie mark before shooting her gaze to the drake, “I kind of forgot that she was sucked dry by vampiric wormy worms!” She emphasizes by sitting on her flanks and bringing her forehooves to her face as if to imitate fangs. Unfortunately, having overheard the pink mare’s words, Rarity cries out from the short distance: “Oh, it was just awful, darlings!” “Aaaand you set her off again,” Spike comments with a deadpan expression. He sighs, “I’ll go calm her down, but go ahead and bring the meat over to Fluttershy and the others.” Over by the unconscious Pteranodon, Twilight beams a smile before taking on a proud posture. “We executed that plan perfectly!” Applejack smirks, “So we aren’t gonna mention how the other Ptera we tried to tame fell into the ocean?” Although feeling bad for the Ptera’s fate, Fluttershy giggles as Twilight’s eyes widen before clearing her throat with a forehoof covering her muzzle. “We, uh, aren’t going to talk about that. Besides, it flew away from us while taking on torpor, and unlike Rainbow Dash, neither Fluttershy nor myself could catch up to it to force it back to land,” Twilight smirks, “Then again, somepony missed it when she tried to throw her Bola at it.” Applejack’s eyes narrow as her muzzle scrunches up, “That wasn’t mah best throw, Ah’right?” She sits on her flank and crosses her forehooves, “We aren’t gonna talk about that, and don’t y’all dare tell Rainbow about it! Seriously, ah’ll never hear the end of it.” The three tribe mates stare at each other for a brief moment before bursting into joint laughter. Sand is being kicked up nearby as the encroaching form of Pinkie Pie approaches the trio. “I’ve got the meat, everypony!” She exclaims happily with a raised forehoof. The pink mare conjures forth the meat stored within her inventory, and passes it to Fluttershy, “Here you go, Fluttershy.”  “Thank you, Pinkie,” The pegasus responds, taking the meat into her right forelimb before starting the taming process with the downed flyer. Rarity could still be heard nearby, with Spike trying to calm her down, as Vanellope started to take what best could be described as a sand-bath. The Raptor lowered itself to the ground before shuffling like a sitting bird, causing the sand to bathe her feathers and make contact with her skin.  Strange, considering the ocean was right there, but the tribe wrote it off as a Raptor thing. ……….  The tribe members, excluding Rainbow Dash and their mechanical ally, are now sitting in a circle around the still unconscious Ptera. Each of them placed a wooden chair down in a circular formation, surrounding the pterosaur, while Fluttershy continued to tend to the flyer, its’ head rising now and then to feed on the meat she offered it before lowering back down to the sand. Vanellope slumbered next to their location, although a small engrave was left in the sand where she had taken her bath. “Thank you for grabbing more Narcoberries, Applejack,” Fluttershy comments. "Although I do feel bad about making him eat these to stay unconscious." “No problem, partner,” The cowmare responds on her seat, positioned between Twilight’s and Rarity’s. “‘Cordin’ to Helena, ah’ can harvest pretty darn good when it comes to this stuff, but ah’ also get some kind of bonus to farmin’. Heh, no sr’prise there. Hay, Pinkie Pie can also harvest like ah’ can, but she can’t farm as good.” Pinkie Pie, rocking her chair side to side while positioned across from the former trio, raises a forehoof before stating: “True, but Helena said I can get us rocks, flint, and stone! All that work on the Rock Farm really pays off here!”  “And I can get us crystals and metal, darlings,” Rarity chimed in. “Although I haven’t gotten the chance to test it. Oh! And the quality of things that I craft is quite exquisite. Helena even said that my armors are more durable, and our weapons pack more oomph.” “My claws let me collect fiber and thatch much more effectively,” Spike said. “However…” He hesitates. “Spikey Wikey?” Rarity questions with concern as the rest of the tribe look at the drake with worry. “What’s got you so worried?” “I… I,” Spike sighs, “Forget about it,” He looks away, “Just know that I can help us get fiber and thatch quickly.” Seeing that something is clearly bothering the dragon, Applejack tries to change the subject, although Twilight still keeps her worried gaze on the draconian. “So, uh, what about you, Twi?” The cowmare questions. The alicorn’s ears perk up, “Oh, what?” She responds, her gaze pulled away from the dragon. “Did Helena say anything about what you can do here?” Fluttershy questions, catching onto the cowmare’s intentions. “I can tame creatures much more effectively by affecting their Taming Efficiency. Even my stare has an effect here, although Helena warned me that there are creatures that might resist it,” She hides behind her mane and whispers: “Like the Demon King…”  Twilight side-glances towards Spike, the draconian’s gaze still averted from before, as the lavender mare takes a breath before responding: “Helena hasn’t told me anything as of yet. I think she’s still trying to determine what Rainbow Dash and I can do.” Suddenly, Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened as she noticed something in the distance. Vanellope was drawn out of her slumber and turned her gaze in the same direction. Due to their current seating arrangement, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity had their backs turned against whatever peeked their tribe mate’s interests.  “What’s going on?” Twilight questions. “Is there something behind us?” Both Applejack and Rarity tense up, hesitant to turn around and tempted to call forth their weaponry. With a pointed claw towards the direction behind them, Spike answers: “N-not something, but s-someone.”  Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack hurriedly turn their heads, and what they see shocks them to their core. Eyes widen, mouths and muzzles drop as they take in the form of a large white equine with a small mammalian on its’ shoulder—a monkey. The equine is a white unicorn stallion from what the group could make out. His powerful and muscular frame draws him closer and closer, kicking up sand with every mighty step. The tribe is amazed by his height as even Princess Celestia, the tallest alicorn they had ever known, would have to tilt her head upwards to meet this unicorn’s gaze. However, the sun monarch’s elongated horn would reach the upper portions of the equine’s head.  As for the small grey mammal on the unicorn’s shoulder, it begins to hop happily in place. But it noticeably seemed to keep its’ gaze on Vanellope. “Woah, nelly,” Applejack comments, fanning herself with her hat. However, she keeps her shocked features. “My word,” Rarity states as she fans herself with a forehoof. “What a stallion~”  Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie continue to stare on dumbfounded, but Fluttershy rapidly makes her way towards the equine by taking to the sky. The yellow pegasus became singularly interested in the small ape that sat upon the unicorn’s shoulder. Approaching the duo, Fluttershy adores the ape while saying: “A Mesopithecus! Ooh, you’re so cute. I’m Fluttershy, do you have a n-” Her eyes widen in absolute horror, much to the confusion of the monkey. Due to her excitement, she hadn’t comprehended what she’s just done.  Getting a grip on reality, she slowly lowers herself to the sandy beach and cowers before the unicorn, her frightened eyes fixated on his giant frame.  “H-h-h-hello, s-s-sir,” She struggled. The unicorn chuckles before lowering himself to the ground, causing the pegasus to ‘Eep’ in response. The stallion tries his best to make himself seem less intimidating, although he still dwarfs the pegasus even while seated. “It’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy,” He says, his voice silky toned and lowered. “My name is Spirit, UNI-CRN Biological Unit #002. My creator, Megan Williams, has told me all about you and your friends over there.”  Fluttershy peeks out from behind her mane, albeit her form still quivers in fear, “M-Megan W-W-Williams?” Spirit nods before bumping the Mesopithecus on his shoulder with his muzzle, “And this little trouble maker is Skitters.” The monkey slaps the unicorn’s head, causing him to chuckle in response. “Holy buck…” Comments a familiar, raspy voice. “Who in the hay are you?” Both Fluttershy and Spirit turn to the source of the voice and are greeted by the forms of HLN-A and Rainbow Dash. Both of whom are stunned by the unicorn’s presence. A moment of stunned silence ensues. Then, Spirit looks towards Skitters. “I don’t suppose you’ll help me in this… awkward situation?” Skitters shakes his head. A definite no. [Ooh] “Heh. Thanks, traitor.” > Chapter 33 - "What have you done...?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Silence. Absolute silence and shocked expressions, albeit one or two are flustered, notably Rarity and Applejack. All while Spirit had the slight thought of regretting his decision, and Skitters is no help at all. In fact, the UNI-CRN suspected that the Mesopithecus was enjoying the awkward scenario at the stallion’s expense. The unicorn turns his gaze to Rainbow Dash and nods to her, “We meet again, Rainbow Dash.” “...H-huh…?” She responds, her shock still present in her tone as the pegasus’s mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. Finally, HLN-A breaks out of their shock—rapidly floating towards Spirit and hovering around him like a Bee. Skitters trying to swat at her a few times, to which she dodges. “Wait, wait, wait, wait! Who in the heck is Megan Williams?! And while we’re at it, Biological Unit?!” The AI inquires with an exclamation mark present on its’ visor, the lights turning from blue to green. “You mean to tell me that you guys aren’t just rare spawns that the Ark injects to test survivors?!” Spirit seemed to be taken aback by the AI’s statement, “Hold on, are you insinuating that you haven’t had contact with Helena nor your counterpart on Equus?” Skitters sits down on Spirit’s shoulder, looking around inquisitively. The AI, in turn, projects a question mark on its’ visor as the green lights on its’ form goes back to the default blue. Rainbow Dash continued to stare while Fluttershy regained her composure, although she scurried away and hid behind the cyan one-winged pegasus. Her other wing currently wrapped in bandages.  As for everyone else positioned next to the unconscious Pteranodon, they are in conversation amongst themselves while sneaking a glance or two towards Spirit. “Pardon the outburst there, mate,” The AI starts. “It’s just really shocking to hear what you said to Fluttershy. As for your question, I sadly haven’t taken the opportunity to chat with Helena or my fellow unit. Why? What’s up?” Spirit lets loose a breath with closed eyes, “I was afraid of that,” His orbs open once more, “Let us make our way over to those mares and the dragon. There is much for me to tell you all, and I will reveal more about Megan Williams. Then, we can address another concern of mine.” “Another concern?” The Islands’ HLN-A unit responds as both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy begin to approach, although the yellow pegasus stays behind the cyan pegasus.  [Ooh Ho Haha] Skitters jumps three times in place, pointing in another direction with his left arm. The ape indicated more inland before turning its’ appendage towards the distant Snow Biome. “I know, my friend,” Spirit responds with a side-glance to the monkey before shifting his gaze to the AI, “That is exactly what I want to talk to her about.” ………. “Twilight, have ya’ ever seen such a unicorn before?” Applejack inquires.  “No, I haven’t,” The alicorn answers. “But he’s clearly unlike any other pony from Equus.” “I’ll say, darling~” Comments Rarity flirtatiously. “He’s quite the specimen.” “Can we even call him a pony?” Spike inquires, albeit, deep down, he’s mildly jealous. “I mean, he’s gigantic! He’s bigger than any of the Princesses.” Having been hopping in place after recovering from her initial shock, Pinkie Pie looks over to Spirit, HLN-A, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. “Shhh, quiet,” She mutters with a forehoof over her muzzle. “They’re coming this way.” The tribe members all turn towards the encroaching group, but Rarity quickly tries to fix her mane before questioning: “How does my mane look, Applejack?” “Really?” The cowmare responds, raising an eyebrow. “Y’all doin’ this now?” “Oh, don’t you try to play it off, missy,” Rarity seethes through gritted teeth. “I saw your little fanning with your hat.” Applejack’s eyes widen in response before she clears her throat, “W-well, ah’ admit he be a fine lookin’ stallion. But ah’ ain’t gonna go crazy ‘bout it like y’all tend to do, Rares.” “Ack!” The fashionista appalls in response, her muzzle momentarily dropping. “W-what’s that supposed to-” “Hey there, loves,” HLN-A injects themself, although ignorant to the two mare’s conversation. “We, uh… have a visitor.” It’s now 11:27 am, according to their implants, as the Tribe of Harmony and the newly met unicorn sit around the unconscious Ptera—Spirit sitting on the sand while Fluttershy continues the taming process. Skitters found himself playing with Rarity's mane, and while the fashionista would normally scold someone for doing such a thing, she noted that the monkey was simply too cute to be angry with. Vanellope positions herself between Rainbow Dash and Spirit, the cyan pegasus side glancing now and then towards the Raptor. Twilight clears her throat, intending to start things off, “I’m so happy to see you awake now, Rainbow. And It’s a pleasure to meet you, Spirit. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”  The unicorn nods, “Well met, Princess of Friendship. Guardian of Equus and a bearer of your Ark’s Artifacts.” Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Rarity, and Applejack are taken aback by this. Shocked by his clear knowledge. Noticing their reaction, Fluttershy chimes in: “He told me that someone named Megan Williams informed him about us.” HLN-A moves to the group’s center, hovering just above the pterosaur before turning to Spirit. “Ok, mate. I think I speak for this entire tribe when I say that you’ve got some explaining to do,” The AI turns to the tribe, “Ladies, and Spike, I ask that you please let him tell his tale before trying to cut him off for any questions and concerns.” The entire tribe nods in understanding. “Wait,” Comments Rainbow Dash. “Let me take care of something first,” She gets off of her seat, her hooves digging into the sand as she turns to Vanellope, “I’m only going to say this once, Rap- I mean, Vanellope.” Everyone looks on attentively, Fluttershy forming a smile as the Raptor tilts its’ head while looking at the cyan pegasus with a small chirp in its’ throat. “Thanks for helping me, and everyone else here for that matter. Helena told me that you did… most of the work,” She says that part through gritted teeth, “And that you got me to Sanctuary. So, thanks for that. I guess you’re kind of awesome…”  The pegasus’s tribemates look on with approving expressions, HLN-A displaying hearts on their visor, while Fluttershy says internally: -Thank you, Rainbow Dash.-  Vanellope chirps once more before leaning closer to Rainbow Dash and licking her right cheek. The pegasus’s eyes widen in response before gritting her teeth, accompanied by an annoyed expression. “That wasn’t an invitation to do that!” Everyone else lets loose their laughter, Spirit chuckling before standing tall as grains of sand fall from his frame. “A fairly nice convention of gratitude. Now then, I would like to get through this explanation because you are all in danger on this island.” With those words, Spirit tells the tribe everything that’s transpired on Equus. From the moments after Twilight and her loved ones ascended to the very last update he’s gotten from Megan Williams: The Master Controller’s battle against Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon in Ponyville. -EARTH- -Abandoned City, AKA: Sanctuary- Helena Walker, Homo-Deus and creator of all HLN-A units, floats her transparent body over the tallest building within this abandoned futuristic city. Nature is trying to reclaim it as blankets of green and vines meld with metallic structures.  Flyers such as the Pteranodon flew through the air as, down below, the steps of massive sauropods shake the landscape as herds of herbivores traverse the city’s broken streets. Carnivorous entities hunt their prey, but what stuck out most were mechanical entities that seemed to patrol the streets.    Helena’s eyes are closed in a state of slumber. Her head fidgets in place as if she’s experiencing a horrible nightmare; her teeth gritted in some form of attempt: She lets out a loud gasp as her eyes shoot wide open. Despite her current form, the Homo-Deus takes a few heavy breaths with a transparent hand placed onto her chest. “A-another dream about him...” > Chapter 34 - Rockwell. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EARTH- -Abandoned City, A.K.A Sanctuary- Having awakened from her nightmare, Helena moves her transparent hand from her chest to her head. The Homo-Deus rubs their temple but also ponders on a growing concern. “How did you do it, Edmund? How did you manage to get an AI unit off of Aberration?” She sighs, lowering her hand as she lifts her head skyward, “I don’t like this. Rockwell is a knowledgeable man—or, more accurately, was a man. There must be an endgame to all of this.”  The Homo-Deus comes to thought as she stretches both arms forward, and with each hand’s index and thumb fingers, forms a diamond shape. A series of light-blue transparent energy fills in the diamond before light-blue hexagons start to stitch together, a sort of computer screen being the result. She spreads her hands apart as a large 80’’ screen manifests before her. “Let’s have a little chat, Rockwell.” Feedback starts to present itself on her make-shift screen, and with a narrowing of her eyes with a slight grunt, the POV within the screen begins to move as if she were controlling an entity. “I’m glad that this Spectator Unit is still functional on Aberration, but now that it’s no longer in hiding, it’s exposed to him. If I’m lucky, he’ll let it go. If not… thank you for helping me, old friend.”    The Spectator Unit moves toward what best could be described as an arena—a sea of irradiated lavender surrounding this landmass. The local environment is cavernous as stalactites and stalagmites reach and pierce the floors and ceilings of the enormous cave. A series of waterfalls comprised of the same substance as the sea roars out in the distance. And high above the arena is a spherical hologram of multiple colorations that acts as a light source.     Helena takes a breath and lets loose a drawn-out exhale, “Alright. Here we go.” The unit reaches the arena and floats a fair distance away from a pool of irradiated liquid in the arena’s epicenter.  Helena crosses her arms expectantly, and after nearly a whole minute, she exclaims: “Stop playing games, Edmund! Show yourself!” Silence. Helena grits her teeth, “This is serious!” She shouts in anger. “Aww, you’re no fun,” Responds a David Tennant voice that spreads across the local caverns as it’s revealed that Helena spoke to him through the mechanical unit. “I suppose we should cut to the chase, eh? No time to chat with your prisoner, hmm?” “Edmund, please,” She responds with a facepalm mixed with annoyance. “Just get out of there,” She lowers her hand, “I don’t have the time for this.” “Oh, alright. But only because you said please. Well, that, and I’m bored. So I guess this livens things up a bit.” If Helena were there personally, she’d be able to feel the entire arena start to shake violently. Dust and debris fall from the cavern’s ceiling from the commotion as even the irradiated purple sea starts to form waves on its’ surface.  The pool in the center of the arena splashes and vibrates before four long black tentacles breach the surface. Said tentacles possessing patches of radiated lavender similar to the infected beings on Equus. Then, a few more tentacles emerge before the dreadful form of their owner slowly rises, his head being the first to appear.  What best can be described as a giant eldritch nightmare casts a shadow over the mechanical unit Helena controls. But what was most unsettling is that this abomination possesses clear signs of human features—a disfigured face with glowing purple orbs, an exposed chest with a visible beating heart, and arms that ended with even more elongated appendages.  All accompanied by primal, fear-inducing roars. “Hello again, Edmund. It’s been a while,” She hesitates. “You look… nice.”  “Oh! I’m so glad you noticed!” The eldritch-like monstrosity proceeds to pose as if taking a photo shoot. One arm on his waist—whatever was left of it—with the other arm behind his head. “I do look quite ravishing, wouldn’t you say? Truly the prettiest of-” “How did you do it?” Helena interjects. “How did you get an AI AND the infection you harbor to Equus?” Rockwell blinks twice before bursting out into boisterous laughter. He leans forth and slaps the arena twice with his left deformed arm, his tentacles doing the same as others wrap around the outskirts of the arena. “W-wait,” Edmund strugglingly says between his laughter. “You mean to tell me that you came to speak to me, thus exposing that unit of yours, which I WILL be removing shortly, just to ask me the most stupid question of all the Arks?” He lets out a loud scoff, “I was once your intellectual teacher, girl. Show some brains; it’s embarrassing to me. Now, why would I ever even entertain the thought of telling you my plans, hmm? Seriously, what do you take me for?”    Suddenly, from Edmund’s perspective, he could hear something coming from the other side of the Spectator Unit. It was slightly faint, but he could’ve sworn it was…  “A-are you… crying?” He raises one of his tentacles to the back of his left ear, leaning closer to the mechanical unit. “Oh my Rockwell, you are crying.” On the Homo-Deus’s side of the spectrum, sobbing and absolute sorrow escapes from Helena’s form. She’s currently on her knees, wailing into her palms before shooting her tearful gaze towards the screen. “Edmund! Please! C-come to your senses!” She wobblingly rises to her feet. “Please, just stop everything you’re doing and come back! We can fix you, and everything, together! I-I j-just want the real Edmund Rockwell back! The man I looked up to, the man who shared a cup of tea with me as we spoke of the Ark’s wonders!”  Helena closes her eyes with gritted teeth as her tears continue to flow. Her hands clasp tightly into a closed fist before she opens her eyes and screams out: “THE MAN WHO WAS LIKE A FATHER TO ME!!!”  Her voice echoes across the entire abandoned city as even a few creatures that dwelled on the streets begin to retreat. A moment of silence ensues on both ends, although Helena sobs a few times. Then, the angered tone of Rockwell breaks the silence with a ferocious growl. “You stupid girl, despicable wench! You dare to talk to me as if you did nothing wrong?! Idiot! You are singularly responsible for ALL of this! Oh, sure, I injected myself with my Edmundium, but you-” He emphasizes with disgust.  “YOU DROVE ME TO THIS, YOU TRAITOROUS SWINE!” The behemoth roars out in pure fury on Rockwell’s side of their conversation before bringing down his most enormous tentacle onto the Spectator Unit with frightening force. His appendage even released a series of lavender electricity that spreads out in a cone shape across a specific arena section upon making contact. “Damned girl, the absolute nerve,” He scorns, satisfied with his work. The horror seems to recover its’ composer as Rockwell clears his throat and rises to his full stature in the pool, “Well, I suppose that was a nice little distraction. Heh, Helena, I actually should be thanking you,” The monster chuckles as he looks up and raises his arms above his head, “For it was your actions and my superior intellect that made me a god! Sir Edmund Rockwell, gentlemen and God supreme, was never ‘lost.’ He simply ascended beyond anyone else.”  Rockwell’s laughter roars out as the behemoth slowly resubmerges into the liquid, his tentacles wrapping around his body as his arms crossed his chest. “What you call my prison is, truly, my heavenly throne. From this seat of power, my will shall spread across the Arks and the Earth! And with all that precious Edmundium, I will spread across the cosmos infinitely!”   ………. Back on Earth, and following the destruction of the Spectator Unit, which cut off their connection, Helena could only stare in sorrow towards the direction of the Aberration Installation. Its corrupted hue is even visible from the abandoned futuristic city. “Edmund… how could you ever think I’d betray you?” She lowers her head. “You were everything to me.” Suddenly, an enormous rumbling shakes not only the building she is positioned on but also the entire city. Even the barren outskirts of the iron jungle are affected as various foundations collapse in response. Helena is drawn out of her sorrowful state and turns in a particular direction.   “And then there’s you...” -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The morning transitioned into the day’s halfway point, 12: 24 pm. During this time, Spirit had finished updating the Tribe of Harmony as, naturally, various reactions had ensued: Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie came together in a tearful embrace, the trio tightly clinging to one another with their forehooves. Spike hugs Twilight’s right hind leg as he wept by her side. And Skitters, still sitting on Rarity’s right shoulder, pats the unicorn mare in comfort. Rainbow Dash’s mane covered her eyes as she held onto Fluttershy’s crying form, the unconscious Ptera positioned just in front of them. HLN-A floated just above the former pegasi, feeling sympathetic for the hardships their friends and loved ones face on Equus. Vanellope lays down next to them, seemingly sensing the tribe’s uneasiness. But of all the members of this tribe, one took the news the hardest. Applejack sat on her flank a short distance away from them all. Her hat covered her eyes, and after a short time, the cowmare kicked off and stampeded towards the direction of Sanctuary’s entrance. Seeing this, HLN-A cries out: “Applejack, wait!” “Helena,” Comments Spirit, approaching the AI with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy nearby, not to mention the Ptera and Vanellope. “We must give them time to mourn. In truth… I hated having to do this. But it wouldn’t be right to keep this information from them all. If you all resent me for speaking out, I’d understand. And I won’t hold it against any of you.” The AI lets loose a sigh, “No, love. You did the right thing, and If our roles were reversed, I’d have done the same. But this seriously complicates things.” A moment of silence ensues before the AI starts, “Ok. I think it’ll be best to send these survivors back to Equ-” “I’m afraid that is impossible,” Spirit interjects. Having overheard his words, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy turn their attention to the UNI-CRN. “What do you mean?” HLN-A responds. “Why is it impossible?” “Both your creator and my own have come to a unified agreement: Equus…” He hesitates. “Is hereby placed under quarantine. No one is permitted to enter that Installation, but its’ residents are secured to leave in an emergency,” Spirit closes his eyes, “In other words…” “They’re on their own…” HLN-A finishes with dread. -Sanctuary- Applejack forced open the door to the tribe’s home and ran over to the adjacent door, prying that one open. It gives her access to a patio with a singular chair, stone railings acting as a barrier. Sadness consumed her deeply, but her expression showed something else entirely. It could only be described as fiery anger blended with an emotion that often occurs when one feels wronged by another: Vengeance. “Edmund Rockwell…” She scornfully comments, looking skyward. “Ah’ promise you. Ah’ will ascend these Arks in no time, and when ah’ finally meet ya,’” Her eyes narrow, “Ah’m gonna end ya'.”  > Chapter 35 - Spike's Dilemma. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- “Twilight…” HLN-A comments somberly, facing the mournful group the alicorn is tightened into. “Listen, why don’t you all take some time to recover from that revelation and head back to Sanctuary. It’s still mid-day, and we’ll develop a plan once you all feel a little better.” Twilight turns her gaze to the AI unit from within the group, the fur on her cheeks damped from previous tears. She wipes her face with her right forehoof before nodding in understanding.  “C-come on, everyone,” The alicorn gestures with a forelimb, motivating them to move, “Helena’s right… l-let’s go back,” She looks over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, “Girls, I know this is insensitive of me to ask, but...” Rainbow shakes her head, “No, we understand,” She uses her unharmed wing to wave them off, “Go on back without us, and make sure to check on AJ… you and I both know how she can be when she’s like this. Not that anyone can blame her. We’ll take care of the tame and join you guys after.” Fluttershy nods in agreement, but her sadness remains as the Ptera she’s taming eats another piece of meat she offered. Vanellope stood nearby as the yellow pegasus retrieved more meat from the Raptor’s inventory when needed. “Skitters,” Spirit calls out, beckoning the monkey on Rarity’s shoulder to turn to him. “Go with them, and do whatever you can to ease their pain.” The monkey raises its’ right hand and waves back to Spirit. After a moment, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Skitters begin their trek to Sanctuary, thus leaving behind HLN-A, Rainbow Dash, Spirit, Vanellope, Fluttershy, and their soon-to-be pterosaur mount/tame. However, another set of steps kicks up the sand as one member from the leaving group stays behind after a second thought: Spike. The drake reaches them, “Gonna stay with us, Spike?” HLN-A inquires with concern. “You sure you’re feeling up for it, mate?”    Spike nods, “Y-yeah. What we’ve just learned is hard on all of us,” He closes his eyes and clenches his claws, “But I have to be strong for not only the girls, but Twilight,” The dragon takes on a saddened expression, “B-but, I….” HLN-A looks upon the dragon with a sense of realization. They knew what it was that bothered the drake, and with a small sigh, the AI comments: “This is about you eating meat, isn’t it? And how you’re efficient at harvesting the most valuable parts of a carcass.” Spike opens his eyes and nods, “Yes.”      Spirit is surprised by this, “But, you’re a dragon,” He walks closer, “I’m aware that those from Equus can feed on gems and other such rarities, but at the end of the day, you’re still a carnivore, Spike.” The dragon grits his teeth in annoyance, “You think I don’t know that? Duh, of course, I’m a carnivore. But that’s not the dragon I choose to be, and I refuse to eat any meat.” “Well, in that case,” Chimes in Fluttershy from nearby. “What about fish meat? It’s a nice alternative if you’re worried about-” “I said-” Spike interjects a bit crudely, causing Fluttershy’s expression to morph into shock. “No. Meat. I don’t care if it’s fish meat; I just don’t eat meat. It’s as simple as that.” Both HLN-A and Spirit look at each other before turning back to the dragon.  “No offense, dude, but you’re being stubborn as Tartarus about this,” Rainbow Dash says. “Besides, things are different on the Arks, and you’ve got to make some changes to be awesome enough to survive on them. Or in egghead terms,” The pegasus winks, “Evolve.”  HLN-A sounds off fireworks on their visor, “Well put, mate! It looks like somepony’s been taking my lessons to heart.” “Eh, the lessons that don’t make me fall asleep, that is.” “Why, you little bugger!” The AI exclaims with an exclamation point on its’ visor but laughs afterward. Rainbow Dash chuckles at the AI before drawing closer to the dragon. She places a forelimb onto his shoulder in comfort. “None of us will think less of you if you decide to eat meat. I mean, hay, It’s what you’ve got to-” The cyan pegasus’s words are cut off as Spike releases a frustrated grunt, batting her forelimb away with the back of his right claw. “Enough with the stupid meat!” He growls. “All of you, just—shut up!”   The dragon’s exclamation shocks everyone present, aside from Spirit, who looks on sternly. Rainbow Dash, HLN-A, and Fluttershy are especially horrified by what they see in Spike’s eyes:  His pupils are always slitted but in a way that seems to give off a sense of innocence. But now, their ferocity is akin to Vanellope’s, a true predator as he even bared his fangs during his tantrum. In addition, his claws twitched as if ready to slice away at an opponent as he breathed heavily.  The commotion causes Rainbow Dash to fall backward and onto her flank. A sense of dread came over her as Fluttershy still wore her shocked, horrified expression. Even HLN-A was seconds away from flying rapidly to Rainbow’s defense, taking a possible swipe from Spike in her stead, for that is how real his predator-like actions seemed. Then, as if someone had flicked a switch, Spike’s current state changes back to the draconian the tribe members know and love. His breathing slowly stabilizes, and the ferocity in his eyes regresses to his ever-present innocence.   “I… I-I’m,” Spike strugglingly starts, his breath regressing to calm intakes. Looking down at his claws before shifting his gaze to Rainbow Dash, “I’m s-so sorry!” He falls onto his knees, his claws covering his face in shame, “I’m sorry, everyone… I’m so sorry… I n-never should’ve hidden the truth.” Truth? What truth? A duo of questions came to the minds of all in attendance. “What truth, love?” HLN-A inquires. Spike lowers his claws and looks up with a teary expression, “I’m s-starving. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning.” “WHAT?!” Both HLN-A and Fluttershy scream out in concern. All while Spirit shakes his head in disapproval, but Rainbow Dash stares at the dragon in shock before her expression morphs into anger. Although no one seems to notice her angered state yet. “Spike!” Fluttershy exclaims. “Why didn’t you say anything? Oh, my, Twilight would be devastated. Do you have any idea how hurt she was when you died to that Megalodon?” “Mate, and I say this with pure love—have you lost your bloody mind?!” HLN-A roars out as the AI’s lights become crimson red. Then, their voice deepens. “We have no idea how your body could react here! I know all about your greed transformation, and I refuse to find out what would happen to you if you starved to death! Don’t you ever do something so stupid like that again! Do I make myself clear?!” Spike’s head had lowered in response to the AI’s scolding, but then the sounds of an encroaching individual can be heard trekking through the sand. A cyan forehoof crashes down in front of the dragon, causing said drake to look up and into the fierce eyes of Rainbow Dash. The pegasus looked down upon him silently, her teeth grinding against one another.  “GRAUGH!” Spike lets out a painful grunt as Rainbow Dash’s right forehoof crashes into his left cheek, causing the dragon to keel over. “Rainbow! No, wait-” “No, HLN-A,” Spirit interjects, stepping in front of the AI to block their path, “This needs to happen. Do not try to stop her.” Fluttershy is currently conflicted. On one hoof, she agreed with the AI unit. But on the other, she also understood Spirit’s intentions. Vanellope observes the scene as she stands near Fluttershy and the unconscious Ptera. Rainbow Dash hurriedly stands over the downed dragon, a swell of purple forming on his left cheek, before she flips Spike over and onto his back. She places a forehoof onto his face, digging his head deeper into the sand but not applying too much pressure. “You’re so bucking stupid!” The cyan pegasus roars out, Spike closing his eyes as, deep down, he felt that he deserved this. “You called me out with that whole Argentavis thing when we first got here, but then you do this?! Sure, what I did was stupid, but you’re an even bigger jackass than I was that day!” She lifts her forelimb off of Spike’s left cheek; his eyes remain closed in sorrow, “Look at me! You big moron!”    Spike hesitantly complies and opens his eyes, but a series of water drops graces his cheeks as an angered, but now tearful pegasus stands over him. A series of emotions bombarded the dragon in that instant. “W-we love you, Spike,” She sobs. “We don’t want anything b-bad happening to any of us, and you’re one of us,” She wipes her tears with her right forelimb, “Now look at what you did. I’m an emotional wreck because of you, and it takes a lot to make me cry, you jerk.” “R-Rainbow…” Spike starts, but any words he tries to form die down in his throat. And so, he could only retreat back to a simple: “I’m sorry. Truly, I am. There’s, there’s nothing I can say besides that….” Rainbow Dash stares at him for what feels like an eternity for both of them. She rolls her eyes before removing herself from Spikes’s downed form. Spike tries to get up on his own, but the cyan pegasus offers him a helping hoof. “Take it, moron. Let me help you up; then I’ll help you get some food into your stupid belly.” The dragon nods and takes the appendage before getting back onto his feet with Rainbow’s aide. Grains of sand fell from his scales, and Spike rubbed the location on his left cheek where the pegasus had struck.    Spirit chuckles lightly, HLN-A nodding to the scenario before floating over to the duo. Nearby with the pterosaur, Fluttershy offers the flying entity some meat before shouting over her shoulder: “It’s almost done, everyone!” “Excellent! Keep up the good work, Fluttershy!” HLN-A responds, turning to the dragon before her, “And as for you, I dare say you deserve that bit of tough love from Rainbow Dash. But why did you hide this from us, love?” Spike sighs, “Now that I look back on it, I really was being, well, stupid,” He sighs once more, “I just didn’t want to be another worry for us all on top of everything else.” Rainbow Dash side-glances to the drake, “You do realize that you’re still a close distance to my hooves, right? I’ll hit you again for saying such a stupid thing.” The dragon winces, “Yeah… I know that’s a fact. But, please… just please don’t make me eat meat,” He pleads as he clasps his claws together in prayer, “I just can’t bear it. Come on; there simply must be another alternative.” A thought comes to the dragon. “Oh! Wait, Helena, can’t you just go grab some more of those delicious gems? You did that for me two days ago, and I just ate the last of that batch yesterday morning.” “Not anymore, Spike,” The AI responds. “Now that we know that Edmund’s managed to get an AI off of Aberration, not to mention the infection, I dare not to transport gems here. It’s simply too much of a risk, mate. And I can't always keep a supply of gems for you from other installations. We need a local resource.” “Wait,” Rainbow Dash comments with a forehoof to her chin, “Didn’t you give one to Rarity, Spike?” Spike’s eyes widened, “Yes! I bet she still has it in her-” “Actually, no, mate,” HLN-A interjects. “You see, Rarity had it in her inventory when she died to those Leeches. But as we all know, when a survivor dies, they drop everything within their implant in that exact location, and they have a minimal timeframe to retrieve their fallen items. That’s typically under an hour, and that’s assuming you didn’t die in an inconvenient location, of course.”    “And, let me guess,” Rainbow responds with slight annoyance. “We ran out of time to retrieve it, didn’t we?” The AI nods hesitantly, “Y-yes.” “It wouldn’t matter anyway,” Spirit comments. “Forgive me for being straightforward, but even if she still possessed that gem, it’s only delaying the inevitable. Therefore, I suggest various possible food sources for you, Spike. Although I must insist that you condition yourself for meat consumption.” Spike ignores that last part, although that doesn’t go unnoticed by Spirit, HLN-A, and Rainbow Dash. “Well, what other options are there?” The UNI-CRN turns to HLN-A and nods. The AI starts to project two different objects and resources. “I’ve told you about these before, mates, and it might be obvious, but what you’re looking at are Silica Pearls and Crystal.” Spike’s eyes become hopeful. “So, then, I can eat them instead? This is great!”   “It’s only possibilities, Spike,” Spirit responds. “It’s not a guaranteed solution.” “But it’s a chance that we’ll take,” Rainbow Dash comments before turning to the dragon, “Hear that? Now we can find you some food, so don’t you ever hide your hunger from us again, dummy.” Spike nods, “I’ll never do it again. I promise—no, Pinkie Promise,” He performs the sworn oath of the great pink one, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Knowing that mare, she’ll hold you to that, mate!” HLN-A chimes in. “Hmm, I’m unfamiliar with this action, but I assume it’s from Equus. Is that some kind of ritual?” Spirit questions. “You don’t wanna know…” Spike answers with small fear before turning to Rainbow Dash, “Oh, and, Rainbow?” “Yeah?” She responds with a raised eyebrow. “Thanks. I really needed that butt-kicking. It helped me, and I’m sorry for hiding this from you all.” Rainbow Dash looks to the dragon with a neutral expression before smirking, “No problem. But remember, I’ll beat you senseless if you do that again, ok?”  The dragon nods. “There’s something else,” Spirit states. “I must tell you of this before you do any traveling around-” “AAAHHHHH!!!” A sudden female outcry shook everyone present. Pony and UNI-CRN ears perk up as Spike and HLN-A look around frantically. Even Vanellope is drawn to attention as the Raptor starts to emit a few growls, sensing a disturbance. But what was most particular about this scream is one glaring fact: It didn’t come from anyone they knew. > Chapter 36 - Granny Pithecus Pt: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The group continues to listen attentively, following the fearful exclamation of the unknown female voice in the distance.  “Who was that?!” Spike shouts. “It didn’t sound like anyone we know!” Suddenly, a monstrous roar mixed with gator-like hisses explodes afterward, causing several flyers that sat on nearby treelines to fly off in response. The source undoubtedly belongs to a ferocious predator as Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Vanellope, Spirit, and HLN-A turn to the direction these distant entities are, seemingly, located.  “T-that r-roar,” Fluttershy comments with dread. “W-was it a T-Tyrannosaurus?” “No…” Spirit responds, his features hardening, “But its’ size can match it.” The female voice from before still dumbfounds HLN-A as the AI states internally: -This can’t be! There simply can not be any other survivors on this island! Not after I-- “Come on!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, unknowingly cutting off the AI’s inner monologue, before turning to Fluttershy and Vanellope, “Stay here and finish that tame, Fluttershy!” She turns her attention to the Raptor, “You keep an eye on Flutters! Don’t let a bucking thing happen to her, got it?!” Vanellope chirps, and Fluttershy nods. “We’ll come to help you all as soon as we can!” The yellow pegasus roars out. After that exchange, the rest of the group kicks off into action as Spike takes to the air with a flap of his wings. Rainbow Dash is admittedly bummed by her inability to fly due to her right wing’s current state, but a robust set of steps approaches her from behind before Spirit uses his muzzle to sweep her up and send her aloft. The UNI-CRN catches the pegasus after she soars over his head, said pegasus now mounting the titanic equine as his muscles flex, his legs powering through the sand at high speeds. The wind created from the ‘train’ in motion causes Rainbow’s mane to flutter in the wind. “Woah, dude!” Rainbow exclaims in shock, albeit a bit flustered. “Don’t just throw me on your back like that!” She uses her left unharmed wing to cover her face, “Ugh, you have no idea how wrong this looks!” “Stow your shame; we must make haste,” Spirit responds while looking back to her over his left shoulder. He turns his gaze forward, “Your wing is injured. Therefore, your lack of speed would only hold us back.” “Hey!” She retorts with slight offense. “I can still run pretty fast on land!” “It could be worse, love!” HLN-A said, floating alongside Spirit’s form. “It could always be you being mounted by-” “Finish that sentence, and I’ll spear you!” Rainbow Dash threatens, glaring at the AI. “Hehe, sorry, mate!” The AI responds with a face sticking out a tongue present on their visor. Spike faceclaws to the commotion, and Spirit chuckles before taking on a stern expression. The stallion narrows his eyes before shouting: “Brace yourselves for combat! If I’m right, you’re about to be tested once again, survivors! And if we could hear that, the rest of your tribe should be on their way!” The few tribe members and their UNI-CRN ally reach a bend at the end of the beach. Were they to go any further, the group would need to swim across a body of water that attaches to the ocean and of a sizable depth no less. Creatures can be seen swimming in those depths, but the group paid them no attention as the female voice from before cries out: “Let me be! Ya dang discount long-snouted sailboat!”   The creature lets loose another roar. During this exchange, and from this new but closer distance, the group turns their gaze towards the direction they could find these entities.  “That way!” Spirit exclaims, stampeding towards their new route. HLN-A floating next to him with Spike still flying just above them. Rainbow Dash is still mounted on his back as she holds onto his mane with a forehoof to keep balance due to a lack of a saddle.  The group draws ever closer as titanic footsteps quake the landscape and large splashes of water fluctuate. As for the voice, they could also tell that it was of an older woman.    “‘Raaawr’ ‘n ‘hiss’ to you too! Yall don’ scare ol’ Granny Pithecus!” From the groups’ perspective, the nearby conflict continues to wage on as whatever entity this ‘Granny Pithecus’ is dealing with continues to thrash its’ girth, and as they traverse around a large boulder, the eyes of Rainbow Dash, HLN-A, and Spike widens in response to what they are seeing: “A Spinosaurus… I knew it,” Spirit comments with caution before narrowing his eyes in concentration. "It's a Lvl 34 Male. Not too difficult, but these survivors will need to stay sharp." HLN-A focuses their gaze on the giant ape wearing a hat akin to Applejack’s that stood on the large foundation, seemingly ignoring the Spino that tried to get at them.  “W-wait! The voice we’ve been hearing is coming from that Gigantopithecus?! But, that’s not possible! They can’t talk!” Rainbow Dash turns to the AI with a deadpan expression, “This from the robot who’s helping a tribe of talking ponies and a dragon…” “Sweet Celestia! I didn’t think we’d run into a giant predator like that!” Spike exclaims from above before flying forth hurriedly. “We’ve got to help them! I’ll try to get that thing’s attention!” Spirit steels himself before looking over his shoulder and back to Rainbow Dash, “Dismount me, Rainbow Dash. I must aid their efforts.” Rainbow nods before dismounting Spirit, her hooves digging into a combination of dirt, mud, and sand as she lands upon the earth. The UNI-CRN cracks his neck in anticipation but turns his gaze to HLN-A.   “The ‘talking Gigantopithecus’ is what I wanted to speak to you about, for you are responsible for that.” The UNI-CRN runs towards the conflict with those parting words and leaves behind a stupified AI. The way Spirit said his statement wasn’t anger or scolding the AI, but it did give a hint of holding HLN-A, or even Helena herself, accountable for something.  Rainbow Dash, having overheard this, approaches HLN-A with a thought. “Hey… you mentioned back at Sanctuary that you had a revelation to make to me and my friends. Does that have anything to do with what Spirit just said?”     “K-kind of, yes. I think I’m starting to piece things together, love, but right now isn’t the time for-” Rainbow cuts off HLN-A’s words with her left wing, bumping the AI with closed feathers that act as a clenched fist, “Spike is awesome, and I bet Spirit has a lot of things he could do on his own. They can handle that thing without us for a moment,” She narrows her eyes, “So start talking.” HLN-A blinks in response, shocked, “Wow, mate… I’m surprised you’re not joining them immediately.” Rainbow raises an eyebrow, “First off, my wing’s messed up, and pegasi aren’t really meant for combat on the ground. Second, I noticed the levels of my friends, and while I was unconscious, everyone else got to over level twenty. Meanwhile, I’m sitting at level seventeen, and my last level-up was after I killed that Kaprosuchus in the swamp. In other words, I’m the lowest level member of the tribe, and I’d just hold those two back,” She shoves a forehoof into the AI’s visor, “But don’t you dare tell anyone else I said that!” The nearby conflict startles them and draws their attention as the Spinosaurus roars out once more. It can be seen contending with both Spike and Spirit, all while the Gigantopithecus on the large boulder looked upon the duo in shock and awe. Rainbow Dash recovers from the startle and turns back to HLN-A, “Well? Are you going to say something?” The AI looks at the pegasus for a mere moment, just floating there with a neutral expression on its’ visor. Then, HLN-A sighs. “You ponies can be quite stubborn in your own way,” The AI chuckles, “Ok, then. I promised you that what I have to say isn’t something bad, not necessarily, and I intend to keep that promise,” The mechanical wonder starts to project a human figure donned in Tek Armor.  “It all traces back to your predecessor, the one whose footsteps you’re all following in. It was him who built Sanctuary with his own hands. A man who could be considered an entire army in one unified body… The Survivor.” > Chapter 37 - Granny Pithecus Pt: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND-                                                            Titanic roars, splashing water, and tremors caused by the giant dinosaur erupt during the progressing conflict. Spike soars downward with a growl, his claws ready to swipe at the Spinosaurus. However, the sailed reptile’s senses flare as the monstrosity turns its’ gaze to the encroaching flyer. The Spino roars out in defiance, flickers of drool escaping its’ elongated jaws as it prepares to bite down upon the draconian. Even so, Spike flew towards the entity relentlessly with a smirk on his face, seemingly looking to something, or someone, positioned behind the apex predator. [HISS-SCREACK] The giant lets out a painful screech and falls sideways, although the apex predator catches itself with its monstrous arms. Something had struck the back portion of the spined dinosaurs’ right leg with incredible force. The relic turns its’ gaze towards the one responsible as Spirit stands with his hindquarters facing the carnivore—revealing that the UNI-CRN had bucked the giant. The giant dinosaur recovers and proceeds to crawl on all fours before it rushes towards Spirit, its’ crimson eyes dilating in a predatory fashion. A burst of incredible speed is evident as something particular has taken place. In short: contact with the river has enhanced the dinosaur physically and in various ways. Spirit grunts in annoyance, still standing in place and ready for combat as his spined opponent draws closer to him. “Your kind’s physical enhancements near water sources are quite annoying,” He says, followed by a smirk as he notices the aerial form of Spike, just behind the giant swamp-dweller, “By the way, big guy… behind you.” The Spino lets loose another painful screech, and due to the new commotion, Spirit is able to easily dodge the dinosaur’s approach by jumping to the left. The Spinosaurus is now positioned more inland and beyond the large boulder that Granny Pithecus is standing on. It’s revealed that Spike had swiped at the beast’s sail on its’ back during his swooping aerial pass. The draconian conjures forth a spear from his inventory and performs an aerial U-turn before hurling the spear at the Spino’s right shoulder, causing it to screech loudly. The scenario is no doubt frustrating for the dinosaur, and after it uses its left arm to claw out the spear, it turns in place on its’ hind legs to face Spike. But much like before, Spirit capitalizes on the beast’s divided attention and strikes at its’ back sections, this time striking the titan on the upper portions of its’ left hind leg by impaling it with his horn. Spirit war cries, his horn driven into the dinosaurs’ flesh before kicking off and away from the Spinosaurus, blood dripping and leaking down his horn from his recent attack. Spike passes by in the sky, “Great job!” He commends. “We’re too agile for this thing to strike at us! We’ve got this!” “Focus on the battle, Spike!” Spirit responds before dodging the Spinosaur’s monstrous tail by jumping into the air. A ‘whooshing’ sound is created as the giant’s tail passes under Spirit like a jump rope. The UNI-CRN lands onto the earth and turns back to face his titanic foe. “Let us achieve victory first. Then, you may celebrate.” ………. All the while, Grannie Pithecus still couldn’t believe her eyes as she just stared in shock. Not exactly due to the actions of Spike and Spirit, for she had seen many conflicts with The Island’s giant predators, but it is what they are that stupifies her. “Ah’ can’t believe mah’ eyes… mah’ grand daddy’s tales of them Unicorns were true. Heh, ol’ pappy must be rolling in his grave right now,” She turns her gaze upward, “An’ that little feller is a dragon, just like that hot head within the Red Obelisk.” The Gigantopithecus is suddenly drawn towards two other forms in the distance to her right as HLN-A’s actions illuminate their presence. Granny can see a projected hologram of something similar to her species, albeit a few feet smaller and not nearly as wide, along with the equine form of Rainbow Dash. And, of course, HLN-A. This was all too surreal to the old ape, and with a hand rubbing her head, she comments: “Unicorn, dragon, some robot, and a small rainbow Equus with wings? Yup, some youngster dun snuck a Rare Mushroom into mah’ supper this morning. That, or mah’ age is finally gett’n to me.” Granny lowers her appendage before slapping herself across the face, “Come on! Get it t’gether, ol’ girl. Now ain’t no time to jus’ stand around an’ do noth’n,” Granny Pithecus conjures forth a very particular spear from her implant/inventory. But unlike Spike’s, which is more primitive in makeup, Granny’s spear—more accurately a pike—is of a metallic composition. The Gigantopithecus holds the pike with both hands and rubs her left cheek against it, “Come on ol’ Pikey!” She takes on a combative pose, flashing a vibrant smile, “Time fer you to make Granny feel twenty years younger!” The elder ape hops off their stone elevation, her feet landing on the earth with a local quake resulting from her girth. She looks at the conflict that seems to have moved a little closer to the treeline but within a small crater that dances at the near edge of the Snow Biome. Granny grunts dismissively before driving the business end of her pike into the ground, posting it in place. She beats on her chest repeatedly and in rapid succession with both clenched fists, spreads her arms apart, and lets out a primal battle cry. Spirit’s muscles power his mighty frame as he leads the Spinosaurus deeper into the stone gorge. The dinosaur crawls on all fours over boulders and other obstacles before attempting to bite at the UNI-CRN’s rear section—that is when it thought it was fast enough to bite into its’ prey. But the equine dodges flawlessly as the dinosaur’s maw clasps at nothing but air where Spirit once was. One couldn’t doubt the apparent survival and battle experience Spirit clearly possessed. Spirit runs towards the left wall of the gorge and uses his momentum to run up the obstacle, the Spino crashing into the wall from the sudden action as stone particles and dust originate from the collision. The UNI-CRN traverses just high enough to be out of the dinosaur’s reach, and with a grunt, Spirit uses his hind legs to kick off the wall and jumps over the recovering Spinosaurus. “Wow…” Spike comments from above, momentarily stunned as he witnesses Spirit land on the edge of the Spinosaur’s sail before sliding down its’ tail and returning to land. “He’s amazing…” The Spinosaurus quickly turns in place via a bipedal stance and prepares to strike, its back facing the stone wall. “Now, Spike!” Spirit calls out to his partner. “Do it now!” As was revealed, the duo has enacted a plan to combat their foe. Spike thrusts himself forward and flies towards the Spinosaurus. The dragon takes a deep breath during his approach, floats himself before the sailed tyrant, and just before the dinosaur could comprehend the dragon’s intentions, Spike opens his maw as a wave of green flames splashes onto the dinosaur’s chest region. The dinosaur cries out in great pain and raises its’ head up high, its’ arms attempting to shield their owner, only for the appendages to become scorched as well. The Spinosaurus backs up into the wall behind it, trapping the titan in place and taking the green flames’ full force. Spike ceases his attack, closing his mouth and cutting off the supply of flames. However, although the Spinosaurus is injured from the dragon’s breath attack, a series of burnt flesh present on the Spinos’ chest and arms, it wasn’t enough to kill the beast. Spirit, having backed away from the flames and allowing the draconian to strike at their foe, was about to commend Spike’s efforts. But his eyes widened to two realizations: Spike cut off his attack—not by choice, but because the dragon had fallen unconscious during his relentless assault. The small dragon’s form falls limply to the earth, leading directly into the resulting hardship. Because Spike fell unconsciously to the ground, the Spinosaurus still had enough resolve to seize upon the opportunity. With its’ pupils dilated, the behemoth lunges forth with a loud—albeit slightly pained—roar, flickers of drool and blood spraying out from its’ opened maw. Spirit grits his teeth and stampedes towards Spike’s downed form in some attempt to save him while shouting internally: -Damn it! I can’t cast any spells as I am now; I need Element!- The world practically goes into slow motion, Spirit running with all his might towards his ally as the jaws of the Spinosaurus nearly snaps shut around Spike’s body. That is until a furred figure wearing a hat and wielding a pike presents themselves at the top portion of the wall. The individual hops off the cliff with absolutely no fear and prepares to drive their weapon into the top portion of the Spinosaur’s elongated snout while shouting: “Granny don’ think so, fish-breath! Leave the poor fell’r alone!” [HISS-SCREACK] The beast roars out in pain as Granny Pithecus drives the pike into the top portion of the Spinosaurus’s jaw, her weapon managing to pierce into the dinosaurs’ mouth in the process as the edge of the pike graces the titan’s tongue. The giant attempts to throw her off in response by thrashing about; swinging its’ head in multiple directions. During the Spinosaurus’s attempt, Granny exclaims: “Hope you enjoy eat’n liquid food from now on with that hole in yer mouth!” She holds strong thanks to her weapon, offering a stable ‘post’ to hold onto as she mounted the dinosaur’s snout. “You sure ain’t doin’ solids no more, yeehaw!” As the make-shift rodeo takes place, Spirit hurriedly removes Spike’s form from the conflict, throwing the drake’s body onto his back. He looks towards the Gigantopithecus ‘riding’ on the upper portions of the thrashing dinosaur’s maw, holding her hat high in the air with her left hand while holding onto the pike with her right hand. “Come on! That all ya got fer ol’ Granny?!” She mocks as the Spino continues to try and get her off. “Shew-hoo-hoot, yall might be big, but a low-leveled fell’r like you would be mah’ bitch back in my early days!” “Well…” Spirit comments with a slight chuckle. “She’s quite spirited; I’ll give her that,” He turns his gaze to look at the unconscious dragon on his back, and with regretful features, he comments internally: -Spike… I never should’ve allowed you to do that in your current condition. You told me that you were feeling up to the task, and you felt ok to perform our plan. But I should’ve-- The UNI-CRN’s inner monologue is cut off as Granny Pithecus can be heard crying out: “Shiiiiiiit!” Her voice becomes distant as the Spinosaurus manages to throw her away, although Granny’s Pike is still pierced into the dinosaur’s upper jaw. Almost as if she had made a makeshift horn for the Spinosaur. Spirit prepares himself for another conflict, although concerned for his keepsake that laid upon his back. However, the Spinosaurus roars out once more before crawling hurriedly on all fours and back towards the direction of the river. Spirit lets loose a comforting sigh in response before stating: “It’s retreating. Good. Perhaps I can meet up with Rainbow Dash and HL-” “Stop that big fell’r now!” Granny Pithecus exclaims from nearby, recovering from being sent aloft. “It’s head’n back to water! And where the fuck is ma- oh! Never mind! Hehehe, found mah hat!” Granny Pithecus places her hat onto her head and adjusts it while Spirit approaches her. The UNI-CRN was about to speak his mind, but upon noticing his approach, Granny takes on an angered expression before shouting: “The hell ya’ still doin’ here?! Get on after that Spino; I’ll catch up in just a second.” “There’s no need for that,” Spirit answers, albeit he nearly deadpans at Granny’s words. “It’s gone, and we’ve-” “Gone?!” She interjects, followed by momentary laughter. “You dumber than a flock of Dodos ‘r what? It ain’ gone, it dun went to undo all that damage yer dragon friend dealt it.” “Undo? What are you talking about?” Spirit inquires, becoming slightly annoyed. “A Spinosaurus does not heal damage while in water; it only becomes faster and stronger. Also, I’d appreciate it if you’d lower your- hey, wait!” The UNI-CRN calls out as Granny dismisses his words and runs after the Spinosaurus. Spirit watches the Gigantopithecus’s departure, and after a brief moment, he lets out a  drawn-out sigh of frustration. “She’s very irritating…” > Chapter 38 - HLN-A's Confession. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- The day continues to progress, and it’s currently 2:16 pm on the Ark. Back at the river where the first encounter with the Spinosaurus had taken place, HLN-A causes her projection of The Survivor to fade away. Rainbow Dash, after a moment of shock following the AI’s tale, comments in disbelief: “Woah… th-that’s just, wow…” The pegasus adjusts her unharmed wing as the afternoon rays of the sun shine down. “So, let me get this straight. You worked something out with this Ark’s Overseer, and because of that, human survivors are no longer here?” The AI nods, “Yes. I wanted to give The Survivor the absolute best chance at success without having other survivors hinder his progress. You must understand, The Survivor possessed a heart very similar to you all, and he was a rarity among the many harsh survivors that used to live on this island, and at that point in time. I had no choice but to preserve him above all others. Therefore, I convinced the Overseer to send the implants of deceased human survivors off to other installations.”  Rainbow narrows her eyes, “Hey… did you pull a Discord on-” “No!” HLN-A interjects with green lights flashing on their form. “Heavens no, love! I know what you’re thinking, and I didn’t commit genocide of any sort. And, to be fair, that wasn’t exactly Discord’s doing. And we both now know why that needed to happen, thanks to the information Spirit has passed onto us.” Rainbow rolls her eyes, “Whatever. Anyway, how exactly did you do it?” The AI brings forth another projection, depicting HLN-A speaking to a sizeable transparent map of The Island, which floated in the middle of a strange chamber. At least it’s odd to Rainbow Dash as she looks upon it inquisitively. But what stuck out most to the pegasus was that she could see other installations through what seemed to be large windows. And wherever this location is, it is obviously in space but still within Earth’s vicinity. “It’s quite simple: the Overseer agreed to disable the respawn feature for humans on this installation. Then, time itself would take over from there and, forgive me for sounding harsh, solve the problem for us. The many tribes of the Ark either died off due to old age or in the many wars and conflicts that resulted in their unfortunate ends. And, of course, if any of The Island’s predators, even a few herbivores, managed to get them." The AI removes the former projection and replaces it with another. The new imagery depicted The Island installation, but a strange series of transparent lines are seen exiting the Ark like shooting stars. And, most notably, the diamond-shaped implants of human survivors acted as the 'shooting stars' in question. Each one heading towards many other installations that littered the Earth's atmosphere. "Once that was accomplished, all of their stored data was sent off to other installations such as The Center, Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, Valguero; it’s a very long list. Finally, once we were certain that there were no other humans, The Survivor was reinjected into the Ark. This all happened over three-hundred years ago.” HLN-A projects The Survivor waking up nearly naked on a beach, wearing nothing but his underwear. And by absolute coincidence, or maybe not, it was the same beach that the Tribe of Harmony had awoken on. Rainbow’s jaw dropped in response to the AI's revelation as HLN-A did away with their final projection. But a thought occurred to Rainbow Dash as she recalled HLN-A’s challenge. “You also disabled our respawns during your challenge. I get that it was to toughen us up a bit, but, from what you told me about this Survivor dude… I’m starting to get the impression that-” “You’re all being prepared and tested, Rainbow,” HLN-A interjects. “That is a part of the Ark’s primary objective. Even the Genesis simulation, and I’ll tell you more about that at a later date. It’s one of the reasons why I planted that Therizinosaurus onto Herbivore Isle since I knew you guys would be curious about it. Theris don’t spawn there ‘naturally,’ you see.” The pegasus was at a complete loss for words. On one hoof, she knew that they needed to ascend from Ark to Ark to reach Earth, and improving their survival skills is nothing but a benefit. But on the other hoof, she was a bit overwhelmed to now truly understand that they were actively tested not just by HLN-A but the very Ark itself. “I even increased the frequency of high-leveled entities, with the permission of the Overseer, of course,” The AI starts, drawing Rainbow’s attention. “It’s not a coincidence that you and your friends consistently ran into high-leveled threats, although some of them were still a ‘natural’ occurrence.”   Rainbow could only stare in shock, and upon taking a moment of silence, HLN-A inquires: “I… I hope this doesn’t destroy my relationship with you and your friends,” The AI said somberly as a crying emoji was present on their visor. “I truly love and care for you all, and it is because of that that I want to prepare you to the best of my abilities,” HLN-A’s visor now shows an expression of worry, “A-are we still mates, mate?” However, before the inner conflicted pegasus could respond, a series of rumbling ensues, which garners their attention. An all too familiar roar thunders across the local area before the Spinosaurus comes into view. It’s crawling on all fours and knocking over a few palm trees that stood in its’ way. But what truly stuck out most to HLN-A and Rainbow Dash is the clear scorch marks on the beasts’ chest region, even present on the forefront of the dinosaur’s forelimbs. The Spinosaurus hurriedly runs into the river, and the approaching words of Granny Pithecus cry out: “Dangit! It dun reached the river! Brace yourselves!” The form of Granny Pithecus comes into view as she runs towards both Rainbow Dash and HLN-A. In addition, Spirit runs around a large boulder, which happens to be the same one Granny was once positioned on, with Spike still unconscious on the UNI-CRN’s back.  “Ah’ hope you two got some big guns!” Granny starts, catching her breath in front of the pegasus and AI, who stare at her dumbfoundedly. “Because that fell’r is ready for round two!” Those words pull HLN-A out of their stupor, but as the AI was about to inquire about the Gigantopithecus’s meaning, the Spinosaurus answers metaphorically with its’ actions. The dinosaur’s sail began to glow with a vibrant blue, its’ feet planted into the river while its’ head was raised up high. In a stunning display, the spined apex’s wounds began to heal as the waters around it vibrated in tandem. As the event plays out, Spirit and HLN-A look to each other. All while Granny watches with gritted teeth, as does Rainbow Dash. “Do you know anything about this?!” Spirit questions. “No!” HLN-A responds. “I’m just as lost as you are! This shouldn’t be happening!” “Never mind that!” Rainbow dash exclaims. “I’m with grandmare over here; we need some serious firepower!” “Rainbow Dash!” Shouts the familiar voice of one of the pegasus’s closest friends. “We could hear something- sweet Celestia! It’s a Spinosaurus!” “Twilight!” Rainbow responds as she takes in the forms of her fellow tribemates and Vanellope. However, a recent addition to the tribe is currently flying through the sky with a yellow pegasus mounted upon it—a small monkey sitting on the aforementioned pegasus’s left shoulder. Twilight flies alongside the tribe’s newly acquired pterosaur while both Pinkie Pie and Rarity are mounted on the back of Vanellope’s saddle. Applejack stampedes alongside the Raptor before the entire Tribe of Harmony enters the conflict.   “My word!” Rarity shouts in shock. “Look at the size of that brute!” “Wowie! That’s a big Gummy!” Pinkie Pie exclaims while pointing her left forehoof towards the dinosaur. “Only this Gummy has a sail!” Meanwhile, Applejack stares on with a look of determination adorning the cowmare’s features. -Perfect,- She says internally. -This fell’r will be a fine starting point fer mah path on get’n to ya, Edmund. So be patient fer me, ah’m comin’.-  At that moment, Twilight spots the slumbering form of Spike from above, floating alongside the tribes’ new pterosaur. “Spike?!” The alicorn screams in concern before hurriedly flying down to Spirit. She lands before the UNI-CRN with a worried expression, “What happened to him?! Oh, Spike, I should’ve been there!” Fluttershy lands the tribe’s new Ptera alongside them before dismounting afterward. Skitters hops off the pegasus’s shoulder and again seats himself onto Rarity in one swift movement. Spirit was about to respond to Twilight’s inquiry, but the Spinosaurus halted any further actions within the river as the dinosaur roared out. The action it was performing seems to have done its’ job as every last bit of damage that the behemoth once had is healed flawlessly. In addition, the Spino’s sail ceased its’ glowing effects and returned to normal.  The tribe, Spirit, and Granny Pithecus are at a loss. Although the arrival of the total members of the tribe did indeed offer further support, the fact remains that they lacked the means to dispose of the apex predator properly, especially since it possesses healing capabilities.  They didn’t possess the firepower to deliver devastating blows that could outperform the Spinosaur’s ability, and all they currently had stored within their inventory were bows and arrows. Spears wouldn’t be all too effective, not unless they could manage to lure the entity away from water. But their most significant loss is undoubtedly Spike. Therefore, many of them decided to go with their next best option: retreat. There is no shame in it, and after all, the only reason this conflict took place is that Spike, HLN-A, Rainbow Dash, and Spirit wished to save the source of the voice—revealed to be Granny Pithecus. Who is now safe with them. As far as they were concerned, their mission was accomplished. “Let’s go!” Spirit declared. “There is no reason to linger here!” Seeing sense in this as even HLN-A released an agreeing dinging sound from their form, the tribe, and Granny, were about to depart. Sadly, one among them had other ideas as an orange figure rushed towards the Spinosaurus. The ponies let loose a gasp, and Spirit sighs in annoyance. Granny facepalms and HLN-A currently has red lights present on their ‘body’ as the AI roars out in anger: “Applejack! Don’t be a fool! Get your flank back here right now!”  Sadly, none of their words would reach the cowmare as she stood at the edge of the river with a spear held within her right forelimb. She rears up, stands on her hind legs, and bellows: “Come at me!” The Spinosaurus finally rushes forth as, during the tribe’s exchange, the dinosaur eyed them as if waiting for their next move. And thanks to Applejack’s actions, the predator resumes its’ hunt. As the titan draws closer, Applejack grits her teeth and prepares to retaliate, her spear ready to be thrown as she aims it towards the Spino’s eye. However, the sudden form of yellow fur pushes the cowmare aside as Fluttershy takes her place, causing the earth pony to grunt in response. Applejack tumbles away due to the efforts of her pegasus friend, and during her recovery, a loud clasping of jaws emanates. Blood leaked down the Spinosaurus’s closed maw as yellow feathers fell onto the edges of the river, some landing on the shore’s sand where the beast now stood.  Your Tribemate Fluttershy - Lvl 23 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 34! > Chapter 39 - The Demon King. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- Having witnessed Fluttershy’s death before her very eyes as the Spinosaurus swallows down its’ recent kill, Applejack grits her teeth and hurriedly gets back onto her hooves.  The cowmare notices her hat sitting nearby, her former spear alongside it as both of her belongings were sent aloft due to the yellow pegasus’s actions. But rather than retrieving her possessions, the earth pony brings forth yet another primitive spear from her inventory, and upon noticing the dinosaur’s distracted state, she rears up, takes aim, and throws the weapon with her left forehoof while shouting: “Raaaaah!” The spear soars through the air and on route to its designated location. The Spinosaurus turns its head to the left and towards Applejack before the entity lets loose a painful screech. The transition only aided in the cowmare’s accuracy as her spear pierced the dinosaur’s left eye. The titan stomps furiously in place before standing on its’ hind legs as Applejack’s spear remained lodged into the beast’s left eye socket. However, while on the subject of spears, the cowmare spotted a metallic weapon that remained lodged into the top portion of the dinosaur’s upper jaw: Granny Pithecus’s pike.  For obvious reasons, the dinosaur’s healing capabilities only affected the entity’s flesh—not the non-organic material that still breached the titan as the being’s skin healed around the exposed weapon, sealing it in place.  “Ah’right then,” Applejack comments with a smirk before bringing forth another item from her inventory: The orange mare bites onto the lasso’s slack before spinning the looped end above her head. Applejack throws the noose with a muffled grunt in an effort to latch it onto Granny Pithecus’s pike. However, the Spinosaurus happens to move in tandem and locks its right eye’s gaze onto the earth pony. Because of this, the lasso instead wraps around part of the dinosaur’s right claw as it moved, and with wide eyes, while holding onto the other end of the tether with her forelimbs, Applejack comments nervously: “...Luna dang-IIIIT!” The earth pony is lifted aloft before being swung around as she still holds onto the lasso with her forehooves, even skiing on the water’s surface as the Spinosaurus turns in place while in its’ bipedal stance. But a semblance of intelligence seems to present itself as the dinosaur takes notice of this ‘cause and effect.’  The beast saw the lasso strapped onto its’ claw, precisely on one of the single digits, and it noticed how that caused Applejack to be flung around like a ragdoll while it moves. If one were to look closely, they’d see a smirk form onto the being’s elongated snout. All while Applejack remains determined to hold on, although one couldn’t help but wonder why she wouldn’t just let go. Her determination is unwavering, but a sudden force of strength on the dinosaur’s behalf yanks her upward.   Applejack is sent flying into the air above the Spinosaur as its’ strength overpowers her own, causing her to let go of the lasso. The titan follows up this action by opening its jaws and lining itself up with the falling earth pony, letting gravity take over from there. The cowmare could only growl with gritted teeth as she scornfully says internally: -I didn’t think this thing would be THAT smart!- Applejack is mere moments from sharing the same fate as Fluttershy, but a gust of wind suddenly forms as an entity swoops by via a barrel-roll, taking away the cowmare in one swift motion. And as a result, the Spinosaurus fails to consume its’ prey as the titan’s jaws clasp shut onto thin air. Applejack’s mane flutters in the wind as a pair of large clawed feet had latched onto her shoulders. She looks towards the Spino as she’s being carried further away from the conflict before turning her gaze upwards, the form of the tribes’ pterosaur blocking out the sky above her. “Applejack!” Pinkie Pie exclaims from above, although the aforementioned cowmare couldn’t see her due to the flyer’s body. “You are in so much trouble!” The orange pony is momentarily shocked, but she grits her teeth in annoyance before shouting: “Pinkie Pie! What ‘r ya doin’?! Get us back there ‘n-” “Be quiet!” The pink mare interjects, peeking over the pterosaur’s right wing as her mane is currently deflated while sporting an angered expression. “You’re in for a serious Pinkie scolding once we get back!” ………. As the two ponies and their prehistoric flyer head towards the direction of Sanctuary, the remaining tribe members and Granny Pithecus are left to deal with the dinosaur. Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity mount Vanellope’s back while Twilight takes to the sky, although she currently has Spike safely held within her forelimbs. “Twilight!” Spirit calls out. “Fly with all due haste and take Spike back to Sanctuary!”   Incidentally, the small form of Skitters hops onto Spirit and scales the UNI-CRN until resting upon his left shoulder. But the ape has a new feature sitting on its’ head as he graciously retrieved Applejack’s hat during the conflict. The alicorn naturally hesitates, “B-but, I can’t! I won’t leave you all behind!” “You’re not truly leaving us behind if we TELL you to leave!” Rarity responds. “Spikey Wikey needs you to keep him safe! Now, GO! We’ll be right behin-” The fashionista’s words are cut off as a fear-inducing roar makes itself known. The entire tribe simply remains silent in shock and fear; this roar is far more horrifying than anything they’ve ever heard before in their life. But Granny Pithecus, HLN-A, and Spirit seemed to recognize the booming exclamation. “Oh, no…” HLN-A comments with dread. “I-it’s the-” Large steps could be heard from the nearby forest at the mountain’s base, cutting off the AI’s words.  The Spinosaurus loses interest in its’ former choice of prey and is drawn towards the commotion by turning its’ head. All of the beast’s senses flared as the titan remained frozen in place. The approaching entity takes another few steps. Then, a brief pause causes everyone to stay on edge. The ponies gritted their teeth in a cold sweat while Granny Pithecus, Spirit, and HLN-A hoped their suspicions were wrong. But deep down, they knew what was coming. Or, more accurately, who was coming.  A duo of trees is knocked over by an absolute gargantuan, and the entity’s head is the first to peer out from the forest. The newly arrived beast locks eyes with the Spinosaurus, which causes the river-dwelling predator to screech out in its’ form of fear.  The Tribe of Harmony instantly recognized this new threat, the undisputed apex predator of The Island. One of the ‘Big Three,’ or ‘Rare Trio,’ as HLN-A had labeled it. “G-Giganoto-s-saurus…” Twilight comments dreadfully from above, her forehooves tightening onto Spike. “The Demon King,” HLN-A said, floating alongside Vanellope as the Raptor expressed caution, her feathers risen in response to the King’s arrival. No more words are needed, only action. And thanks to the Giganotosaurus’s appearance, the tribe retreats by running into the nearby forest surrounding Sanctuary, hoping to lose the two titans within the dense forestation. ………. The Demon King takes mighty steps towards the Spinosaurus, his massive form now in the clearing. The member of the Big Three did not need to size up his opponent, for he knew his girth was more than efficient. He didn’t doubt his might, for he is mighty. The Spinosaurus roars out in defiance from within the river, but the Demon King seems to be amazed by this creature’s actions. A rumble emanates from the King’s throat before he leans forth and roars out in response: This silences the spined titan, but what comes next would shock and awe any survivor from the ancient times of the Ark. “You would face me knowing full well that death is a certainty,” The King said, his voice deep as it echoes in his throat; drenched with authority. “Fascinating. Although, I sometimes wonder why the weak try to resist.” The Spinosaurus doesn’t display any understanding in response to the Demon King’s words. But it does seem to be waiting for the King’s next actions. “Hmmm…” The beast chuckles, walking towards his spined opponent unhesitantly, “Perhaps I’ve gone senile. Speaking to you as if you were anything more than an animal…”    Suddenly, the spined dinosaur turns away and tries to retreat in a sudden rush of speed. However, a hurried set of steps and splashing water closes in behind it before the enormous head of the Giga slams into the Spino’s left side. The action causes the fleeing predator to fall over with a painful screech before the enormous foot of the Demon King plants itself onto their downed opponent. The King lowers his head and stares directly into the unharmed eye of the Spinosaurus, who struggles beneath him.  “Why do you regret your actions only after I break you? Why do the weak fight against the inevitable storm, knowing they’ll be swept away? Is it pride? Or their last-ditched effort? Surely, even you must know that this is the inevitable outcome.” The Spinosaurus still tries to escape, but the downed titan’s fate is now decided by the greater threat that looms over them.  “I descended from my mountain purely out of curiosity. Your kind can regenerate nowadays… a useful tool, to be sure,” The Giga bares its’ fangs, “I’m intrigued to put it to the test.”  The King bites down upon the Spino’s neck region, causing the spined dinosaur to screech once more. But the screeches are suddenly cut off as, with a resonating jerk, the Demon king tears off the Spinosaurus’s head before rising and tossing it away carelessly. The decapitated head falls into the nearby forest, the same forestation the Giga had emerged from, as the resulting blood flow from the Spino’s body travels down the river. Small predators are drawn to the corpse, seeking an opportunity to take any scraps, but the Giganotosaurus pays them no mind. In fact, the behemoth doesn’t even partake in his kill as the giant walks away, allowing the collection of smaller predators to clean up after his actions. Yet another combat scenario plays out as these scavengers compete against one another, each one trying to claim the corpse as their own. The flying insects, Meganuera, flew in a swarm and furiously bit at their opponents in unison. A duo of Dilophosauruses spread their frilled necks and spewed projectiles at the flying insects. But the smallest of the three species, Compsognathius, displayed a higher intellect than the other scavengers. As they fought, the Compy bites off chunks of flesh and retreats a short distance away before going for another piece of the carcass.     However, as the small war ensues over the Spinosaur’s body, what is most unsettling is the Demon King’s current direction. “Hmmm. Those beings interest me...” -Sanctuary- The time is currently 4:56 pm on the Ark, and this day has leaned towards nothing but conflict. Unfortunately, despite its namesake, more conflict plays out as Sanctuary is now the grounds for a trio of argumentative ponies. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy disagree over recent events within the tribe’s home and are positioned in their shelter’s dining room. All while their newest pterosaur perched itself on the rooftop of the housing. “Y’all have got’ah be kid’n me!” Applejack roars out, standing next to the door exiting to the home’s patio. “We could’ah taken that overgrown reptile!” “There was no NEED to keep fighting!” Pinkie Pie retorts, her mane still deflated. “Why did you do that, Applejack?!” “To get stronger, obviously!” “Stronger?!” Fluttershy responds, mortified by the orange mare’s reasoning. “Why are you being so careless about this?! This isn’t a game!” “You don’t think ah know that?! Of course, this ain’t no game, but y’all don’t realize the advantage we have!” Applejack gestures a forehoof upwards, “Right upstairs ‘r our beds, the place we’ll respawn at when we die!” She lowers her appendage and sets it onto the wooden floor, “Do you have the slightest clue as to what that means? What it TRULY means?! We can get stronger without worry’n about nuth’n! We can die and come back to fix what we dun died to!” “That is a horrible way to look at it!” Pinkie Pie shouts. “Helena also said that there will be times when we can’t respawn at all! What are you gonna do in those situations, huh?!” “Well, this ain’ one of those situations, now is it?!” Applejack inquires before looking towards Fluttershy, “Fluttershy here is the best example of what ah’m talkin’ about!” “What?!” The yellow pegasus questions in shock. “What do you mean by that?”   “You sacrificed yer’self and saved me from that Spinosaur. Ah appreciate it, sugarcube, and your death would’ah allowed me to beat that fell’r-” “Excuse me?!” The yellow pegasus interjects in another shocking exclamation; Pinkie is appalled by the orange mare’s words. “Did you just imply that you used my death as a sacrifice so that you could defeat that Spinosaurus?!” “Why else would ya save me?!” The cowmare responds, her words causing Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s ears to fold against their heads. A sense of sadness fills them both as their eyes widen with their mouths hung slightly agape. Then, tears threaten to leave Fluttershy’s eyes while Pinkie Pie stares at Applejack with disappointment. “Y-you… you think I d-did that just because I knew I’d come b-back?” Fluttershy stuttered sadly. “Applejack… I would have done that for any of you. Respawning or not, I’d have saved you from that Spino either way…” The pegasus closes her eyes and turns away before sitting down on her flank.  Having taken in those words, Applejack could feel regret festering within her form. “F-Fluttershy… I…” She says while extending her forehoof, but Pinkie Pie bats it away with a forelimb. “No. We get it, Applejack…” The pink pony starts, disappointment ever-present. “Death doesn’t matter, right? So why not just toss your friends aside so that you can beat some giant dinosaur?” She emphasizes by gesturing with her left forehoof.  “What happened, Applejack?” Fluttershy inquires while still looking away, her tears flowing freely. “How could you even think like that?” The cowmare’s pent-up emotions conflict within her as she closes her eyes in regret. What she had done was wrong, she admitted to herself, but she also needed to progress faster. She needs to ascend quickly, and she must reach him.  Applejack suddenly grits her teeth, stomps her left forehoof, and roars out: “Ah’m sorry, alright?! But yall don’t get what ah’m goin’ through!” She takes a few steps closer, “Ah NEED to improve faster, but ah can see now that we’ve been goin’ at a dang snail’s pace! So ah’m gonna exploit this respawn system if that’s one way to make progress faster! Ah need to get off this darn Ark and face Edmund fer all the wrong he dun done to mah family! Ah got’ah stop him once and fer all!”   [BWAMCK] Suddenly, the door behind Pinkie Pie and before Fluttershy slams open as Twilight enters the shelter with worry--Spike still being held within her grasp. “This isn’t good! We’re all in trouble!” The alicorn starts before hurriedly flying upstairs. The alicorn’s sudden arrival garner the attention of the trio, but Pinkie Pie turns back to the cowmare and seethes: “This conversation isn’t over, Applejack.” ……….  Outside the house and standing just before the two smaller shelters, HLN-A, Granny Pithecus, Spirit, Vanellope, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash recover from their trek through the jungle. Skitters, still wearing Applejack’s hat, sits on a nearby stone railing. “Wh-what in Tartarus is that thing doing here?!” Rarity inquires.  “I know I’m awesome, but I’m not THAT awesome to go picking a fight with that guy!” Rainbow Dash comments, dismounting from Vanellope before placing a forelimb onto the Raptor, “Heh, got to say, you run pretty fast. Of course, you’re not nearly as fast as me, but you did good back there.” The Raptor leans into Rainbow’s gesture. Vanellope was about to lick the pegasus once again, but Rainbow stops her in time before commenting: “Hey! We aren’t there yet!” She pokes Vanellope’s snout twice with her left forehoof, “No. Licking.” “This is all just so surreal!” HLN-A exclaims. “First, we encounter a talking and highly intelligent Gigantopithecus-” “I’m standing right here, ya little shit-bot,” Granny interjects while placing her left hand onto her waist. “Don’t go talk’n smack about ol’ Granny, and the only reason ah’m lett’n that comment fly is because you all helped me. So thanks fer that.” The AI winces, “R-right. Sorry about that, mate,” HLN-A clears their throat, despite appearances, “In addition, a Spinosaurus can’t heal-” “Well, them Spinos would like to know your location,” Granny interjects, pointing her index finger towards the AI. “Unless you’re blind, you just saw-” “I know what I saw!” HLN-A interrupts in frustration with red lights flashing, surprising the ponies present. The AI regains their composure afterward, “I’m s-so sorry for that outburst, Miss. Granny. I’m just under a lot of pressure, and there are a ton of questions that I must seek answers for.”  The Gigantopithecus grunts, although she narrows her eyes at the AI, “Just Granny will do, so drop the ‘Miss.’ And doncha ever yell at me like that again,” She punches her left palm with her right fist, “Ah’m serious. In mah tribe, that earns you a broken nose and a week of Phiomia shit duty. Enforced by yours truly.” “Tribe?” Spirit inquires. “There’s a whole tribe of you?” “Have you and the robot been liv’n underground or somethin’?” The ape questions dumbfoundedly with a raised eyebrow. “Not to brag, but we Gigantos damn near run this island.” “Well, no, but-” Spirit takes notice of Granny’s last sentence, “Wait, what did you just-” “Can we get back to the big issue here?!” Rarity interjects, cutting off Spirit’s words. “There’s a giant monster living around our home! What are we going to do about it?!” “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash says as she approaches them. “With that guy stomping around us, we aren’t gonna make any progress here.” As they continue to converse, a series of hoof steps emanates from the tribe’s home as both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walks on the stone foundation just outside of the door. After a moment, Applejack exits the shelter, although she follows the former duo from a short distance.  Spotting the cowmare, Skitters waves towards her as she approaches the railing he sat on. The Mesopithecus takes off her hat and offers it to her. Applejack smiles in response before petting the monkey gratefully. “Thanks fer that, little fell’r,” She placed the hat onto her head, but as Skitters was about to jump onto her back a sudden commotion caused the monkey to nearly fall off the railing, although he, fortunately, catches himself. [THOOMB] [THOOMB] Everyone present shoots their gaze towards a giant nearby wall of stone composition. The obstacle blocks off any terrestrial life forms from exiting or entering Sanctuary. But what kicks everyone into a state of absolute caution and forebodingness are the lines of cracks that begin to form, indicating that something was trying to break in. [THOOMB] [THOOMB] Everyone within Sanctuary could only watch as the cracks grew and multiplied in numbers but were accompanied by dust and falling debris. The wild creatures that roamed their local haven began to flee as the two Carbonemys within the central water source—the same turtle-like entities that Rainbow Dash had seen earlier—submerged themselves.   Still positioned within the tribe’s home and on the third level, Twilight looks out the window as she’s drawn to this earth-shaking event. As Spike laid unconscious upon the lower bunkbed besides the alicorn, Twilight felt the same fear her fellow ponies bared as she mutters: “No, no, no, no, no…” One more strike slammed against the wall before the entire structure capsizes. Dust is thrown into the air as large chunks of stone and wood crashes into the earth. This event causes everyone to wince and jolt to attention, but their hearts began to beat rapidly as the entity responsible proceeds into Sanctuary. The Demon King. “Survivors!” The beast calls out, causing everlasting shock to those before him. “My curiosity demands satiation!” However, one among the frightened and shocked masses recovers as Granny Pithecus narrows her eyes before adjusting her hat. “That voice... heh, well, well...” She says as this particular entity’s voice stimulates recognition. “It’s been a long time, ya’ edge lord.” > Chapter 40 - Battle For Ponyville: Prologue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- It is nearly impossible to tell what the time of day is upon the Equus installation, save for those who kept devices such as clocks, watches, and other time-keeping contraptions. This is due to the ever-present blanket/cloud of lavender that blocked out the Ark’s sky since the Corrupted Master Controller’s revelation. And, of course, both the ‘sun’ and ‘moon’ are forever hidden from everyone’s eyes. In tandem, transparent multicolored lining forms hexagons in the sky, which indicates the dome that seals in all living things upon the installation, as is the case with all Arks. The veil has been lifted, and the truth is plain for all to see: The artificial makeup of their ‘world.’ -Canterlot- Many forms of life moved on the streets of Equestria’s capital, although somewhat orderly as guards from many different species seemingly guide the masses towards a particular location. Wagons are being pulled by individuals with their personal belongings placed upon them. And those who didn’t possess a form of transportation carried what they could via saddlebags and other portable storage. However, aiding these efforts are mechanical entities whose size could rival even the largest of yaks and buffalo. In addition, miniature mechanical marvels flew through the air and are similar to the size of typical pegasi. They perform various tasks such as scanning individuals and patrolling the entire capital. Of course, chaos is a frequent dancing partner to order as other residents are in a frenzied panic, demanding answers to their current predicament. Some are even breaking out into fights due to their frightened state, clouding any sensible thoughts and actions, although one also couldn’t fault them for it.  ………. Floating above Canterlot, the transparent form of Megan Williams looks down with regret and sympathy plastered onto her features. “I never wanted to see this again…” Megan comments, following a saddened sigh. “It pains me to see all of you suffer like this, to experience on a smaller scale the same hardships me and my parents had to face,” Her lips quivered; a sense of fear sends waves down her spine.  “When the King Titan attacked us all on Earth, everyone panicked; we were all afraid. While some remained as civil as possible, others would just toss aside such notions and fought amongst themselves.” The homo-deus shifts her head towards the direction of Ponyville, but a new addition to the distant town immediately presents itself: an enormous transparent dome that takes on a pink coloration, and much like the dome that covers Equus, hexagons are stitched together in the protective shell’s makeup.  “HLN-A, Cadence… I won’t rest until I get you out of there…” A moment of silence ensues, save for the sounds emanating from below due to Canterlot’s activities, before a familiar popping sound makes itself known, followed by the serpentine form of Discord. “Discord,” Megan starts, turning towards the Overseer, “How are they doing?” The Overseer places his eagle’s talon behind his head, “Well, Celly has just recovered, although I’ll never quite get used to her current appearance. It’s funny since I’ve seen it in the distant past and during the Ark’s creation, but I guess her usual form became the status quo. I must say: these memories you’ve unlocked for me have been very… enlightening.” Megan smiles, “That’s good to hear. I understand that their current forms might dig up some unpleasant memories, but make no mistake, they are still Celestia and Luna,” Her features morph into concern upon saying the dark alicorn’s name, “About Luna… is she…?” Discord winces, “You, uh, might want to see for yourself. We repaired the damage as best as we could, but- well, you’ll see.” -Canterlot Castle: Inner Portion- Celestia trotted through the halls of the castle hurriedly. Her hooves clopped heavily against the marbled floors as those she had passed stepped aside, her guards saluting their fiery princess’s departing form.   Fiery princess is an apt description as Celestia’s rainbow-colored mane and tail had long since disappeared, replaced entirely by flames. Her eyes are pure black, and her orange-slitted pupils dilate as she focuses on her main objective.   “Please, make way! I must see to her at once!” She shouts, now finding herself within the Lunar Wing of the castle. However, there’s a change to her voice - more profound yet all too familiar. -Darn you, Discord! How dare you block off her room from me! An anti-teleportation field, ridiculous! I wouldn’t have interrupted-- -You absolutely WOULD have interrupted their progress, Sunbutt,- Discord interjects, speaking into her mind. -I know you.- -Tch, of course, you’re listening. She’s my sister! It’s only natural that I’d come running upon receiving the news Sunset Shimmer gave me!- -Fair enough. Although my workers and Lyra have recently finished up with Lulu, so there’s that. I could lift the teleportation field, but you could use the exercise. Haha!-  The sun alicorn ignores the Overseer’s words as, during their inner conversation, she now approaches her sister’s bed-chambers. A pair of Luna’s thestral guards—a stallion and mare—are stationed at the room’s entrance as they turn their gaze towards the encroaching alicorn. Celestia slows down and comes to a stop, and as she is about to reach out to open the left side of the light-blue double door with a forehoof, the stallion bat pony spreads their right wing and blocks the door before saying: “I’d advise you to prepare yourself, your highness,” The thestral retracts his wing, folding it to his side, “It’s a pretty unnerving sight, although I mean that in a respectable manner.” “Well, I think it makes the Night Mother look more fearsome, yes?” The thestral mare comments. “She truly takes on the visage of might and grace. Dah, but, yes, what she wears now is quite peculiar.” Celestia absorbs their words for a moment, and with a breath, she grabs onto the door’s handle and applies her strength. The door opens, and the scene she sees before her instantly shocks the alicorn to their core. Lyra Heartstrings, who happened to be approaching the door, turned her gaze to the shocked alicorn’s presence.  “Ah! I see that Sunset has delivered my message. Good to see you back on your hooves, Guardian.” “Wh-L-Luna…” The alicorn stutters, her gaze fixated upon the form of her sibling, who laid peacefully on her bed.     Two of the small flying mechanical beings float alongside the bed as a series of scanners exits the entities, lines of technological origins scanning Luna’s slumbering form. However, it wasn’t these entities that shocked the fiery mare, for she and many others had adjusted to their presence. It was Luna’s physical condition that caused shock, specifically, two of her limbs, which acquired an interesting overhaul.  In essence: the dark alicorn looked as if Nightmare Moon herself had returned once more, although her default armor is currently unequipped. But when it came to the night mare’s front right leg and right wing, not to mention the chest region in-between, those appendages had been replaced entirely by futuristic technology. Celestia is simply at a loss for words, sorrow and regret festering within her form. Upon noticing this, Lyra takes the initiative and clears her throat before saying: “We’ve done everything we could back at the Overseer’s Laboratory, but her wing and foreleg were… too damaged,” She takes a deep breath and sighs, “We had no choice but to perform an amputation.”  A gasp could be heard from Celestia’s parted lips, and now that she thought about it, had they performed the task with her present, she would’ve undoubtedly caused an uproar. Discord’s actions were now more reasonable than she had thought. “Therefore, prosthetic implantation was our next best course of action,” Lyra continues hesitantly.  The unicorn then fires up her horn in a yellow/golden aura before a screen of identical coloration pops up in front of the duo. The visual depicts two mechanized individuals with Luna present on the lower right section of the screen.  “We used the forelimb of a Stryder, the large equine machines which aided us, as a basis for Luna’s missing forelimb,” Lyra explains, Celestia looking towards her sister then back to the screen. “As for her wing, we performed the same action and used the wing of a Voidwyrm to influence its’ construction.” “Voidwyrm… yes, you once mentioned that they aided other nations during the battle in Ponyville?” Celestia inquires.   Lyra nods, “Indeed. Now then, these prosthetics possess pseudo nerves that effectively simulate her normal limbs’ senses. It’ll feel like she never lost them at all; of course, appearances will say otherwise,” The unicorn’s ears fold against her head, “I’m so sorry, princess. I wish we could’ve-” “No,” Celestia interjects, albeit with the motherly tone she always takes, although it has a slight deepness to it. Courtesy of her current form. “You have nothing to apologize for, Lyra.” The flaming alicorn lowers her head and nuzzles the unicorn as if she were her own offspring, causing Lyra to smile and return the gesture. Celestia raises her head once more, looking down upon the magic mint mare with absolute gratitude. Despite having the appearance of Daybreaker, the kind, motherly, and loving aura of Celestia remains.   “I am forever in your debt,” She said. “Make any request of me, and should it be in my power, I will grant it without hesitation.” Lyra giggles in response, “That’s ok, Guardian. You don’t-” “Princess Celestia!” A distant voice calls out from outside of the room, a set of clopping hooves drawing ever closer. The two thestral guards stop an orange unicorn mare with a red and yellow mane from entering the room. “Halt!” “Please, you have to let me in there! Who knows what Celestia could be- oh…”  Upon noticing the scenario within the room, Sunset Shimmer’s worry faded away as both Celestia and Lyra looked towards her with a raised eyebrow. The two mechanical beings still tend to Luna’s unconscious form. “Ehehe, um… sorry about that,” Sunset said sheepishly.  Celestia chuckles, “It’s quite alright. Although, I do apologize for storming off like I did after you gave me the news.” The two guards allow Sunset to enter the room, to which she smiles in response before trotting towards Celestia and Lyra. “Why wasn’t I able to teleport here?” “One word: Discord,” Celestia answered with slight annoyance. “Ooh! Did someone call little old me?!” The Overseer comments as his voice echoes across the room before his serpentine form appears. However, he wasn’t alone as the human-like shape of Megan Williams accompanies him. The two new arrivals float in the air for a moment before Megan plants her legs onto the floor, Discord still remaining aloft. The homo-deus looks towards Luna’s form and turns to Lyra with a satisfied expression. “You did very well, Lyra. Her vitals are perfect, and I can sense no malfunctions with her prosthetics,” She turns to Discord, “You too, Overseer. Well done.” Discord feigns being hurt, “Ack! Would you expect any less from the Lord of Chaos, AKA, best Overseer ever?” Everyone takes on an expression that can translate to: ‘Weeell…’ “Bah! Fine, be that way, haters,” He responds as he folds his arms across his chest, causing them to laugh lightly in response. “Now then,” Megan starts. “Let us head to the throne room for our next course of action,” She turns her gaze to Celestia, “Except you, Celly. You’re staying here,” She winks, “I bet Luna will be happy to see you up and about. You guys can join us in the throne room when you’re ready, and we’ll brief you on anything you’ve missed.” Celestia is momentarily taken aback by this but forms a grateful smile before nodding, “Thank you, Megan,” She said before turning towards Luna’s bed. “I’ll stay here with you,” Sunset Shimmer comments, gesturing for Lyra, Discord, and Megan to go on without her. However, unbeknownst to everyone else present, Megan looked towards Sunset while saying internally: -Sunset… there is much that I have to tell you.-  As the former trio disappears in a flash of light, Sunset Shimmer catches up to Celestia as the duo stands alongside the bed. The sun alicorn looks upon her sibling’s form with a mixture of worry and pride as Luna’s stomach rises and deflates.  “You still blame yourself, don’t you?” Sunset questions after a moment of silence. Celestia grits her teeth, fangs exposed, “I should’ve been faster, stronger, and much more aware. Were it not for that, Luna wouldn’t-” “Hey now, stop that,” Sunset interjects. “Listen, I’m not very good with these talks. Heh, that was always Twilight’s expertise, and yours. But what I do know is that if anyone is to blame for all of this, it’s Edmund Rockwell. Not you, not me, not Luna, him.”    Another moment of silence ensues. Then, Celestia laughs with a forehoof covering her muzzle. “You truly aren’t any good at this, dear Sunset.”  “H-hey!” -Canterlot Castle: Throne Room-     A large collection of individuals from various species stand within the throne room. King Thorax and his brother chatted with their changelings while Dragon Lord Ember and a handful of her dragons stood beside them. Queen Amira, Rain Shine, and Tempest Shadow can be seen amongst a collective of kirin, storm beasts, and saddle arabians. King Aspen and his deer awaited patiently alongside the other species present.  However, there was a noticeable drop in the number of leaders present. Prince Rutherford and Chief Thunderhooves are nowhere to be seen. King Catspian has yet to return with Grubber as the duo is still located within the Crystal Empire. Among this large gathering, the impatient form of Shining Armor repeatedly taps his left forehoof against the marbled floor, muttering: “I should’ve been there… I should’ve been there…” He repeats, sadness and worries plastered onto his face. ………. After some time, and so suddenly, all voices within the throne room go silent as a human individual stands before them, but most interestingly, it wasn’t Megan Williams. In fact, it wasn’t a homo-deus at all, but something very close—a normal human from Asian ascent. The black-haired female stands tall at the precipice of a small flight of stairs at the base of the three thrones, specifically in front of what was planned to be Twilight Sparkle’s. Everyone looks towards her, their attention fixated upon this woman who practically radiated authority. From what they could tell, she had changed her attire, for she once wore the same Tek Armor as Bon Bon but designed for human use. “Listen up!” The woman shouts, ears perking up in response. “I know that many of you have lost loved ones due to recent events,” She brings her right hand towards her chest, closing it into a fist along with her eyes, “Yes… I know this pain well.” A sudden clopping of hooves hurriedly approaches the human as Shining Armor now stands at ground level and before the first step of the flight of stairs. With determination, he calls out: “You’re Mei-Yin Li, correct?!” Mei opens her eyes and looks down at him, “Yes. And if I’m correct, you must be Cadence’s beloved.” That was all Shining Armor needed to hear as he pleads: “Please! Tell me what happened in Ponyville, and to my wife! I’ve tried to ask everycreature who was there for the full details, but I get the same answer over and over: speak to Mei-Yin Li in the throne room.”  Mei-Yin could feel something stirring within her form, a sense of familiarity upon hearing the stallion Prince’s words. Her eyes wandered downward as she comments internally: -Diana…-     Shining Armor looks to the floor, “Please, I love my wife more than anything. I-” “Your words are honorable, Shining Armor,” Mei interjects, causing the stallion to look upward. “I respect anyone who holds their loved ones close to their hearts. Fear not, for your timing is perfect.” At that moment, the forms of Lyra, Discord, and Megan Williams appear after flashing light. The crowd turns their gaze towards them, and something starts to build up in response. It began with a single clap, which seemed to infect everyone else before a large eruption of cheers, whistling, and clapping appendages ensues. Discord bows as if he had just performed the finale to a show while Lyra sheepishly smiles in response to the crowd’s actions. Megan Williams gives everyone a salute before she teleports and reappears alongside Mei-Yin. “Mei-Yin Li,” Megan starts, a face full of gratitude. “I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am.” Mei crosses her arms, “You needn’t thank me. It was all Helena’s-”      “Ooooo!” Megan interjects with a squee. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” The homo-deus attempts to rush forth and hug the human, but Mei-Yin grabs onto Megan’s head in one swift motion, preventing the hug from ever occurring. “Atatata!” Mei exclaims. “You want to hug something? Go hug a tree!”  Megan pouts as Mei removes her hand, “Awwww…” Mei-Yin turns towards the crowd with a small chuckle, “You’re just like Helena.” Megan blinks and beams a smile, “Hah! That’s one hell of a compliment!” -POINTS! I got Mei-Yin herself to compliment me!- The homo-deus ‘fangirls’ internally. “Although, you both are way too easygoing for your own good. You should learn to discipline yourself.”  -Goodbye, points…- As Megan slumps her shoulders for ‘losing points,’ Mey-Yin still has Shining Armor’s worries in mind. The audience before her starts to dye down their cheers, prompting her to say: “Before we begin, some among you need to be updated about the events that have transpired within Ponyville,” She glances down towards Shining Armor, and as if words had been exchanged between them, the unicorn stallion jolts to attention. “My tale is not only to keep you informed but to also honor the fallen. They shall never be forgotten.” With those words, Mei-Yin proceeds to tell the tale of the Battle for Ponyville. > Chapter 41 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ponyville- The sounds of energy blasts and firing projectiles sound off in the skies of Ponyville as both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker wage war against the Corrupted Master Controller.  Megan Williams watches proudly from below, and those who defended Twilight Sparkle’s castle look at her in pure shock. “Who… who are you?” Starlight Glimmer inquires, Gallus standing beside her while several other defenders approach. Iron Will and Derpy Hooves are most notable among them.  “Are you the reason why both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are here? They shouldn’t even BE here, to begin with.” “That’s not important right now, Starlight, but I do promise to explain things after you all get to safety,” Megan interjects. “Listen to me: I need you all to evacuate everyone within the castle and get them to Canterlot. Lyra and the others will be here momentarily.” “Why should we trust you?!” Gallus questions with a suspicious expression. “For all we know, you could be another one of that monster’s tricks! Some sick joke just to give us false hope!” Several bystanders agree with the griffon’s accusation, while others inertly question Gallus’s validation.  “That’s a fair question,” Megan responds. “Sadly, I have no way of earning your trust, only that I am indeed a friend and ally…” The Homo-deus’s eyes reflect her inner pleading. “Please… just listen to me.”  “Oh, gee, that’s very reassuring, friend,” Gallus sassily responds while rolling his eyes. Suddenly, a booming voice roars out from above: “Everycreature! Defend thyself!”     Everyone looks skyward as one of the CMC’s purple energy beams is en route towards them, and those words of warning originate from Nightmare Moon. A vibrant lavender light nearly blinds them as the projectile travels closer at frightening speeds, beckoning its targets to shield their eyes in response.    They all expected to hear some form of painful exclamation from the unfortunate individual(s) who had been struck. But upon hearing screeching energy and a feminine grunt instead, Gallus, in particular, opens his orbs and sees Megan William’s extended right hand. In addition, the homo-deus’s actions have erected a multicolored dome all around them as the CMC’s attack struggles against the outer portions of the protective shell. All the while, infected entities remain at the castle’s boundaries as its ever-present repulsive effects are still active. In addition, Noglin controlled entities are still being held back by the command of the CMC. “Go!” Megan roars out, gritting her teeth. “Get everyone out of here, now!” The homo-deus then slaps her hands together before spreading them apart, and in response, the dome-shaped protection began to expand itself. A wall of multicolored energy now shields the castle as a whole. Following affirmative nods, Starlight Glimmer and Iron Will are the first to act. The large minotaur points his right index finger towards the castle while shouting: “Well?! You all heard her! Come, follow Iron Will,” He gestures with his hands, “Let’s get those within to safety!”  The remaining defenders shuffle towards the minotaur while Starlight fires up her horn. “I’m good for a few more teleportation spells!” She turns her gaze towards other magically gifted individuals, changelings, unicorns, deer, kirin, and the like. “Let’s transport the young and injured first!”  As Starlight and her fellow defenders approach the castle, the unicorn takes notice of Gallus’s stunted state. The griffon simply stared at the homo-deus before him with a wide-eyed expression, not moving a single muscle.  A sudden light-purple hoof sets itself onto the griffon’s right shoulder, “Gallus,” Starlight starts. “Come on… It’s time to go.” Gallus glances towards Starlight before looking back at Megan, but what he sees strolling down her right cheek washes away all doubts. A glistening liquid travels down to the homo-deus’s chin before falling to the earth below like a raindrop. But instead of dampening the dirt, the tear bursts into sparkling energy before sizzling away.  “Gallus!” Starlight exclaims, garnering the griffon’s attention once more. “We’re not helping anycreature by standing around and doing nothing!”   The authority of Starlight’s voice causes Gallus to nod in response before joining his teacher towards the castle and getting evacuation efforts underway. But just before he enters the structure, Gallus looks over his left shoulder and towards Megan once more before muttering: “I’m sorry…” ………. “Face us, coward!” Nightmare Moon screams out while performing an aerial maneuver, dodging several purple energy projectiles. “We art thy opponents, so leave everycreature else out of this!”  As the AI’s eyes track the dark mare’s form, the CMC comments: “Ridiculous. You do know no one talks like that anymore, right?” “Verily. But if it annoys thee, then we shalt not concede to thy ear’s discomfort!” The CMC was about to respond to the dark alicorn’s words with another attack, but a surge of flames splashes against the AI’s form as Daybreaker’s opened maw is the point of origins. However, a lavender barrier of stitched together hexagons protects Edmund’s consciousness as laughter is let loose from the entity.   “Your attacks are pitiful. You both are but mere Guardians trying to strike at-” “Oh, will you just shut up already?!” Daybreaker interjects with an annoyed tone before surrounding her form in swirling flames. “‘God this, and God that,’ ugh! You have some nerve to critique my sister’s speech! At least she doesn’t sound like a religious BROKEN RECORD!” Her fiery mane pulsates. “Hah!” Nightmare laughs. “Preach it, sister!”  Daybreaker roars out before charging towards her opponent like a fiery comet.     [SKSH-THOOM] The sun Guardian’s form crashes against the CMC’s barrier; her fangs bore as she growls with primal fury. A surge of purple electricity is let loose by the AI in response, sending painful sensations all across Daybreaker’s body. But even so, Daybreaker seemingly tanks the shocking retaliation with gritted teeth. “Hmm. You’re a sturdy one; I’ll give you that,” The CMC comments as Daybreaker’s left eye closes, and the pain she’s undertaking is all too great. But she still presses against the protective shell with all her might.  “But for how long can you last, I wonder?” [SKSH-THOOM] A second form slams itself against the barrier, causing the lavender AI to turn its’ gaze upward. Like Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon struggles against the protective shell with gritted teeth as both sisters try to breach it in unison. However, the dark alicorn also shares her sister’s pain as purple electricity starts to electrocute her body. Neither alicorn could see it, but the CMC is momentarily taken aback by this action before regaining its’ composure. And following a chuckle, the AI comments: “Like I said, lowest filth. Both of you combined are nothing compared to my power!”    The two sisters continue to take on unimaginable pain as the ever-present surge of lavender electricity flickers all across their bodies. But even then, and with a pained expression, the sun and moon Guardians smirk in unison. “I-I can admit that-” Daybreaker tries to say but winces. “M-my sister and I c-can’t beat you!” “But th-thou hath forgotten something, k-knave!” Nightmare Moon shouts. “Equestria, at this time, h-hath more than two Princesses in attendance!” The AI’s eyes widen in response, and realization dawns upon it. Then, a third form crashes into the barrier, just opposite of Daybreaker, as the CMC looks to its right and into the eyes of an angered pink alicorn. “There’s three!” Princess Cadence roars out as the three alicorns strike against the barrier in unison, although the pink alicorn’s form isn’t as drastically changed as her cohorts. In addition, a green aura has surrounded her form, but her horn is alighted with light-blue energy - her usual magic coloration. Looking at this scenario from a particular perspective, three colorations can be seen around the CMC in a near-perfect triangle formation: blue on top, green to the right, and red towards the left. The three mares let loose a unified roar, all while the CMC grits its’ teeth in uncertainty. The AI is far too prideful to admit it openly, but inertly, the addition of the third Guardian’s prowess caused the CMC to question the shield’s effectiveness. Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Cadence all grit their teeth in pain, but their muscles flexed as they continued to push against their opponent’s shell. A series of multiple strikes follows as each alicorn starts to “punch” against the barrier in rapid succession.  “S-stop!” The CMC exclaims, caution present in its’ tone. “I command you to stop!” “NO!!!” The three mares roar out in unison, still striking against the barrier with their forelimbs. Finally, their determination and efforts start to bear fruit as a series of cracks starts to form within their respective portions of the barrier. These cracks give way to several pieces of the shielding orb falling off, but most importantly, every alicorn now has a prime opportunity.    Daybreaker fires up her horn with a mischievous toothy grin, and as if Nightmare Moon and Cadence had read her mind, they too alighted their horns. The Guardians aim their horns into each breach and let loose their powerful energies.  “Graaaau-auuuu-auuugh!” The CMC roars out in seeming pain as its very being glitches in tandem, flickering in and out of existence. In addition, the protective barrier became a double-edged sword as it kept the combined prowess of the three princesses within, which further bolstered their combined efforts. The three alicorns nod in unison before flapping their wings and moving away from the sphere. Their combined powers continue to dance within the globe as even the CMC’s silhouette could be seen within, sometimes glitching now and then. All accompanied by the AI’s glitching exclamations. The lavender sphere filled with multicolored energy then breaks apart and explodes. The explosion sends a wave of red, green, and blue energy all across the skies of Ponyville, but as is natural for an explosion, It disappears moments after. A cloud of white is all that’s left where the CMC and its barrier once floated. “D-did we win?” Cadence inquires, her fur ruffled and wounds present on her body as the electricity from the barrier had assaulted her all along, in addition to her fellow alicorns.      “We cannot say for sure,” Nightmare Moon responds, flapping her wings to stay aloft and positioned at Cadence’s left. “Maybe not the war, niece,” Daybreaker comments, floating at the pink alicorn’s right side. “But I think we’ve won this-”      Suddenly, a series of lavender hexagons manifest themselves before forming another Corrupted Master Controller. This causes the three alicorns to grunt in annoyance, but what they see now causes absolute caution to consume their bodies. Unlike the last AI, this one is practically the same except for the outlying fact that it is more heavily armored.  “Congratulations… you’ve beaten but a copy of me,” The CMC chuckles, “That’s hardly a setback at all.” “H-how?!” Cadence inquires in disbelief, her fellow alicorn bearing their fangs. “How could you still be here?! We saw you blow up!” “The stupidity of that statement baffles me,” The AI responds. “I am not a being that you can just buck or blast away. You equines have no idea what you’re truly up against.”   As if to truly emphasize their point, the CMC teleports in a pillar of mechanical sparks before plastering itself onto the very dome of Equus. Its’ armored gaze now stares downward and on full display for all on the installation to see.  “Survivors! I grow tired of your pitiful resistance!” The CMC’s voice causes the land to shake, and various life forms on the Ark are forced to close their ears in response. “My other selves have offered you friendship all across this installation, but each one of you has spat in our face!”  “Friendship? Is that what you’re calling it, Edmund?” The echoing voice of Megan Williams responds. The homo-deus’s face and head become etched into the Ark’s dome as well, and because of this scenario, the sky is now covered in a blend of lavender and yellow colorations. The two entities face one another, and everyone else upon the Ark could see this for themselves. “Having your Noglins attach themselves to victims and controlling survivors is NOT friendship! Spreading the infection that caused Earth’s demise is anything BUT a friendly gesture! This is madness!” “Bah! I don’t expect one such as you to understand my vision. You, who wield the powers of a god, squander it! Just like that damned Helena Walker! You two don’t deserve this power, nor shall you uncover its’ secrets! Secrets meant for ME ALONE!” “You just don’t get it, do you, Edmund?! These so-called ‘powers’ and ‘secrets’ that you crave already belong to another! And you are nothing but a pawn in someone else’s game!” “Silence! No one controls Sir Edmund Rockwell! I am the greatest mind in history! I am a god! And It is all of YOU who shall be pawns in MY game!”  The entire Ark’s dome flickers and deactivates in response, following that outburst, and rays of scorching sunlight crept through. And in that very moment, the residents of the Ark as a whole could feel the sudden temperature rise due to one fact: There is no longer a dome to protect them all from the real sun. > Chapter 42 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dome that had always protected Equus’s lifeforms from the scorching sun has given way, and although the blanket of space is all too prominent for all to see, the entire Ark’s temperature began to rise with every passing moment.  Ice caps began to melt and fall apart in the far north and south; jungles and various greenery caught aflame withers and dries out. And several deserts took on temperatures even higher than they usually possessed—or simulated in the Ark’s case. Suffice to say, every being from every corner of the installation could feel the drastic aftermath of the Corrupted Master Controller’s actions. Sweat-inducing conditions naturally prompt denizens to seek cooler climates and to retreat into any form of shelter. Only those who had a tolerance for the rising heat could effectively operate unprotected, although even they are being put to the test. ……….    Lyra Heartstrings is currently making her way over a grassy hill, although the rising temperatures are causing the greenery around her to wilt and wane. In addition, the local area around the UNI-CRN quakes as she’s being accompanied by eight large Stryders, two of which are walking directly behind her. Retreating individuals can be seen nearby, both on land and in the air. All of whom are escaping the infected Ponyville while also seeking shelter from the rising temperatures.  “Discord!” Lyra exclaims while her horn is alighted, progressing further up the hill, which blocks the view of Ponyville. “Please tell me you’re working on repairing the dome!” -I’m going as fast as I can!- The Overseer responds internally. -It’s not as easy as you’d think! That crazy nutjob did a good number on the Ark’s systems, and he’s trying to scorch the entire installation!- -I understand,- Lyra replies with a nod. -Keep working diligently, Overseer. I know we’re all under a lot of pressure, but try to keep your head on your shoulders.- -My head is literally rolling around right now! Ok, look, I’ll call you back. And before you ask, yes, I’ve already dispatched my Attack Drones and Defense Units. They’ll be beamed down to you at any moment.- “Affirmative. Megan has also unleashed the Voidwyrms that were being kept deep within the volcanoes of the Dragon Lands. They’ll be invaluable in aiding the other nations of the installation.” -Ok, good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have damage control to- hey! Don’t drop my head! Bring it here now!- Lyra ends communication.   The magic lime unicorn finally reaches the precipice of the large hill, and her eyes widen upon taking in the form of Ponyville. At the same time, the frontal portions of two Stryders peek over.  At that moment, pain and sorrow fills the heart of the UNI-CRN. To see the place she called home in such a sorry state due to the infection made her close her eyes with gritted teeth. “This is all wrong!” She opens her eyes once more and looks skyward, “Margret, Shawn, Santiago, Uma… I failed you,” Her head lowers in defeat, “I promised to protect Megan and prevent the King’s influence from spreading further… b-but, I-” “Lyra!” A familiar voice calls out from above as rocket propulsions accompany the exclamation. Lyra raises her gaze towards the encroaching form of Bon Bon, donned in Tek Armor. Bon Bon lands onto the earth and unleashes a small shockwave which blows Lyra’s mane and causes it to flutter. “S-Sweetie Drops… I-” “Save it.” The beige mare interjects, approaching the unicorn as her futuristic armor clanks and hums. “Explanations and ‘I’m sorry,’ can come later. But right now, we need to stop this, and you’re the one between the two of us who has the answers.”   The earth pony now stands before Lyra and gazes towards the Stryders before settling her eyes upon the unicorn once more. “I’d ask what these things are, but seeing as you’re leading them, they’re here to help us, right?” Lyra nods. “Alright then. So, what do we do?” Bon Bon narrows her eyes. “How do we stop that monster from winning?!” Lyra could only stare at her best friend with wide eyes and an agape muzzle, trying to scrape her mind for a satisfying answer. But she couldn’t bear to add more lies, and so, she sighed. “I’m not going to lie to you, Bon. I truly have no earthly idea if we can stop this,” Lyra’s expression hardens, “But you know what? This isn’t entirely like what happened against the King.” “The King?” The tek mare inquires as Lyra trots past her, prompting Bon Bon to turn around. “You mean, like… King Sombra?” “Pfft! As if!” Lyra responds while rolling her eyes. “Sombra’s nothing but a screaming ant compared to the King Titan. It’s a long story, Bon. But the difference between what we’re dealing with now and the King is that we were truly helpless against it, all those years ago…”  The unicorn starts to float in a yellow gold aura with closed eyes. All while Bon Bon looks on in wonder. “But right here, right now,” Lyra continues as she floats just above the Stryders, all of whom had lined themselves up in formation at the hill’s precipice.  The magic lime mare spreads her forelegs apart and opens her eyes - eyes filled with yellow and gold energy. In response, the blue lights on every Stryder takes on the same coloration. “We can strike back!” The UNI-CRN exclaims as her voice echoes. She points a forehoof forward, “Go! Initiate cleansing protocols! Sweep away this infection and save any survivors along the way! Lethal force is authorized!” The earth begins to rumble as each Stryder heeds to Lyra’s command and proceeds forth. The heads of each equine-shaped machinery begin to morph as large turret-like extremities present themselves.  Mission parameters acknowledged. Commencing purification protocols. Pulse cannons engaged.      -EARTH- Amongst an undisclosed and dark location, the humanoid form of Helena Walker appears, following a series of transparent particles. The homo-deus floats in place for a brief moment with closed eyes before opening them. After absorbing her surroundings, Helena lets loose a sigh that breaks through the silent darkness around her. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve been here. Due to the Earth losing its rotation, Arat Prime sits in constant darkness on this side of the planet. An eternal night, if you will. Naturally, it’s also much colder here compared to Sanctuary.” The humanoid starts to float towards a nearby structure that is artfully integrated into a mountainside; its metal comprises the same metallic substance used in Sanctuary, not to mention the Arks. “Heh. There I go talking to myself again. But now that I’m here, it’s time to visit an old friend.” Helena approaches a prominent duo of closed metallic doors, each capable of retreating into two separate horizontal frames if one were to gain entry. It is complete with a still-active control pad that gives off light-blue lighting via its screen. However, such things matter not to a homo-deus as Helena phases through the doors like a ghost. ………. A white light-blue light emits from Helena’s form and illuminates the numerous halls she navigates through. Windows offered momentary glimpses into the many abandoned rooms of the structure before disappearing into the darkness as the homo-deus passed by. However, although the atmosphere resonates with abandonment as if no living thing had been here for an unfathomable time, it was still incredibly well kept.       The homo-deus looks forth, her expression focused. “Edmund… you’ve gone too far with your actions, although you’ve certainly crossed that line long ago. It’s time for me to make good on those reinforcements I promised to Megan Williams.” Finally, after traversing through the final corridor, an opened room with lights makes itself known. In addition, multiple voices can be heard, growing ever louder upon Helena’s steady approach. And most interestingly, it was her voice with a slight autotune tone. “HLN-A Unit # 002, what’s the status on Scorched Earth? Anything new to report?” “Hot as ever, Zero. Wyverns are flying through the skies, Deathworms hungrily eating those who wander beyond the safe zones, you know, the usual stuff. Er, well… kind of.” “‘Kind of?’ Care to elaborate on that, 02?” “W-well… there’s sort of a situation here, mate. Look, I’m just gonna give it to you straight: the Raptor and Mantis population are bloody SMART!” “Well, yes. Those two species have always been quite intelligent. In fact, the Mantises were even smarter than Raptors.”  “No, no, no, Zero. I don’t think you quite get it. I’ve been reactivated for only two days now, and from what I’m seeing, the Raptors and Mantises here have effectively REPLACED humans! They’re bloody wielding weapons, wearing armor, taming other creatures, and building structures! Heck, the Raptors are nearly walking upright now! In fact, here. I’m sending you an image right now!” The image appears upon Zero’s visor: “What?!” Zero exclaims in utter shock. “How is that even possible?!” “I have my theories, but it certainly has something to do with what Helena did for The Survivor. Oh! Gotta go! I finally found that tribe of Raptors I’ve been looking for.” “Hey, wait! Don’t leave just-” ‘Connection lost,’ plasters itself onto the AI’s visor. “Yet…” Zero sighs before regaining their composure. “I can’t believe what I just heard. What in the name of Helena is going on there?” “Hmm, I was not aware that I was an expression,” Comments Helena, her arms crossed in the doorway while wearing a smile which prompts the HLN-A Unit before her to turn rapidly with an exclamation mark present on their visor. “H-Helena?! What are you doing here?!” The AI exclaims before zooming about the room hurriedly, floating objects via a wave of energy that escapes their visor. “Oh, buggers! I wish I knew that you were coming; I would’ve tidied up a bit.” The room itself wasn’t all too very large, and where both Helena and the AI stood, a series of computers and holograms features various Arks, planet Earth, and even several life signatures, which beeped and hummed together. But the most interesting aspects of this room are the two pods that sat just before them and beyond a set of metallic railings—sitting nicely within the room’s epicenter. “I see your sister unit has discovered the aftermath of my actions,” Helena starts while Zero finishes fixing up the local area, floating objects, and neatly setting them down.  “You’re referring to when you moved human survivors off of the two official Arks, correct? The Island and Scorched Earth?” Zero inquires, floating towards the homo-deus. “And did I hear you right? Aftermath?” Helena nods, “Indeed. What’s happening on both The Island and Scorched Earth installations was practically guaranteed to happen. The odds I’ve calculated were very high on the statistical outcome matrix.”  “W-wait, so, you knew this would happen?” “Yes, Zero,” Helena responds before a small dome forms around them with a simple gesture of her right hand, blocking out the outside world. A series of hexagons and particles float all around them within this dome. It was as if they had entered a simulated alternate reality, a whole new realm of technological makeup. And floating just before them is a large implant. “Gotta say: I’ve seen you do this so many times before, and it still amazes me,” Zero comments, looking around the new realm. “That implant belongs to whoever accesses this realm, correct?” “That’s correct,” Helena answers, followed by a chuckle, “Ah, this brings back so many memories. Back when I first encountered and instructed The Survivor. Back when I called myself: The One Who Waits.” > Chapter 43 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EARTH- -Realm of The One Who Waits- Both Helena and Zero float in silence within this fantastical realm. Transparent hexagons and several other shapes float like flower petals in the wind, and streamlines of energy rip across the sky in multiple colors. Truly, it is a realm that a goddess must’ve made with the mind of a scientist. From the outside world’s perspective, one would see a dome with stitched together hexagons and waves of energy traveling in several directions, similar to the domes that encase most Arks. But the most notable difference is the size, although the implications are that it can change by the will of its creator. In addition, the smaller dome offered no opportunity to look within its confines, unlike the clear transparency of the Arks. ………. Finally, after several moments, Helena breaks the silence. “The Arks demand balance, Zero," She starts, her back turned towards the AI. "As I’m sure you know from my countless lectures and teachings.”      Zero nods. “Despite being imitations, it’s as if they are truly extensions of nature itself. That’s just how incredible they are at doing their - for lack of a better word - job. And just as nature would provide ways to balance itself, so too shall the Arks.” Helena turns around with a smile, “Exactly. Therefore, by me removing humans from both The Island and Scorch Earth’s database, those installations required a replacement. Something else could fill the niche left behind, just like the denizens of Equus have proven.” “Of course!” Zero exclaims with an exclamation mark present on their visor. “Since humans no longer exist on Scorched Earth and The Island, the Overseers of both installations turned to the Raptors and Gigantopithecuses.” “Very well assessed, Zero. In essence, the technological and biological boundary has all but been erased.” Helena hesitates and clicks her tongue, “Although…” “Something worrying you, love?” The homo-deus looks upward and into the skies of the realm. “Due to everything that’s happening on Equus, my attention has been devoted to monitoring Aberration and keeping a close eye on Edmund. However, I fear what might be in store for Twilight and the others. I currently have no idea how much things have changed on those official installations.” “About that, Helena… I’ve just realized something.” Helena looks to the AI, “Do tell.” “Well, I’ve seen how powerful Twilight’s Element-based prowess can be, or magic, as they call it. And the rest of her friends aren’t too shabby either with their own abilities. Then there’s Spike, a dragon - something that The Island has never had roaming around before. I mean, sure, there’s the Dragon within the Red Obelisk, but it’s not wandering around as Spike does. It’s confined to its arena.”    “Balance,” Helena responds simply after absorbing the AI’s words.  “W-what?” Zero inquires confusedly. “I understand what you’re getting at, and now… we wait.” “Wait?” “Yes, Zero. We can only wait to see how the Ark’s Overseer will deal with those survivors. And what challenges it will provide for them. However, in hindsight, this is also a good thing.” A content smile adorns Helena’s face. “Because it will help to fulfill the Ark’s primary objective, even more so than restoring Earth and purifying the infection.”  Helena turns sideways and extends her right hand towards a distant portion of the realm. Suddenly, a holographic representation of an entity with absolute girth practically fills that entire section of the domain: a monstrous kaiju that stood approximately 156.8 meters tall and 266.1 meters long. Black scales adorned its body as streams of glowing lavender were present on its undersections. The HLN-A unit looked at the mountainous entity with determination. And Helena clenches her fists before stating: “To destroy the greatest threat in mankind’s- no,” Helena shakes her head, “In Earth’s history: the King Titan.”  After the duo stares upon the King’s form for a few more moments, Helena performs a simple hand gesture that causes the entire realm to break apart by separating hexagons that reveal the outside world.   The duo has now returned to the former room where Helena had first reunited with the AI. The sounds of computers and various technologies gracing their senses. Then, the homo-deus turns towards the room’s epicenter and chuckles as she gazes at the two large pods present there. “Speaking of balance, it’s time to tip the scales to a more ‘appropriate’ state on Equus.”  Zero’s eyes widen as they notice which pod Helena’s gaze is mainly fixated on, and a caution symbol appears on their visor. “A-are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?” Helena laughs in response before teleporting out of existence and reappearing in front of the pod located to the right. She places her right hand onto the capsule and gently brushes it upward, soon finding her appendage resting over an engraved nameplate: ‘Diana Altaras.’ “Diana,” Helena starts. “You’re going to be my plan B. You know, just in case we need to calm Mei down.”  A small window is present just above the nameplate, and the unconscious face of a beautiful caucasian woman with orange hair can be seen within. Helena then floats towards the second pod, but she notices Zero hiding behind metal railings in the corner of her left eye. “Seriously?” She inquires with a small chuckle. “Oh, come now; Mei isn’t that bad.” “She bloody soloed multiple waves of infected lifeforms while you were in the process of turning into a homo-deus. AND she was one of, if not the reason why the King Titan retreated when you all first fought it with Santiago and the others. Remember that giant X-shaped scar on its chest? Yeah,” The AI responds, peeking over the railing. “She’s not bad -  she’s SCARY!” “Oh, stop it, you. And, to be fair, she also had help from her army of tamed creatures. Not to mention Diana.” “Creatures who were under her command and- ok, look, you go ahead and wake her up, mate. I’ll simply observe the reunion from this safe distance, thank you very much.” Helena rolls her eyes before continuing her float towards the pod of Mei-Yin Li. Like Diana’s, Mei’s pod also possessed a window that allowed Helena to see the sleeping Chinese beauty. The homo-deus drapes her right hand along the edges of the small window before saying: “It’s time to wake up, Beast Queen.” Helena’s hand lets loose light-blue energy, which causes the Tek Sleeping Pod to react. Steam flows out from either side of the containment unit as a [SKWOOSH] sound is let loose all the while. Then, the top portion of the pod slowly lifts upward as more steam escapes from the now opened capsule.  The resulting fog clears up, and Mei’s body still lays dormant upon the advanced bedding—wearing a black tank-top with orange soft fabric pants. Her chest rises and lowers, indicating her steady breaths, as her toes pointed upward with no coverings of their own.     Helena momentarily observes her long-time friend’s peaceful state while Zero peeks out from her ‘protection.’  “Doing great, Helena!” The AI shouts before ducking behind the railing. “Thank you for the help, Zero,” Helena responds with a deadpan expression. “Really appreciate your- OOMPH!” Suddenly, Helena is tackled to the floor by Mei-Yin Li, who lets loose a battle cry. The homo-deus falls onto her back with closed eyes, and as she opens them, she’s greeted by the mounted form of the Beast Queen, whose gaze looks down upon her. However, there was something very particular about the black-haired woman’s eyes, a sort of anxiety to them. But that became overshadowed by Mei’s rising fist, which clocks backward with her right arm. “Wait! Mei! It’s me!” Mei’s fist is in the process of reaching Helena’s face, the homo-deus shielding their features with their arms, “Helena! Helena Walker!” Mei’s fist stops instantly, although it causes Helena to close her eyes in response.  “H… Helena…” Mei comments, her eyes still possessing anxiety. “H-Helena… W-Walker…” “Yes! Yes! You know, your friend? The woman you don’t want to punch… again.” Helena peeks open her left eye as Mei’s anxiety seems to be disappearing, albeit at a very slow pace. But a thought comes to the downed homo-deus as she lowers her arms and looks upward with determination. “Diana Alteras.” And that does it. Those words instantly bring Mei Yin back to the real world; her former state washed away in that very instant. The Beast Queen’s eyes blink, and her closed fist slowly falls to her side.  Mei dismounts Helena and stands to her full stature in one swift motion, offering the downed homo-deus a helping hand. Helena takes the gesture with a smile as Mei pulls her up while saying: “Innumerable apologies, Helena. I… w-well-” “It’s ok, Mei,” Helena interjects before darting forward and hugging her long-time friend. “You don’t even have to explain yourself to me. I know everything you’ve been through; it’s only natural that you’d ‘sleep with one eye open,’ in a sense,” She tightens her hug while Mei is momentarily shocked.  “I’ve missed you guys so much, Mei.” Finally, the Chinese woman chuckles in response before wrapping her arms around Helena. “It’s good to see you too, my friend.” The two women enjoy each other's embrace for a few more moments before gently breaking away from one another. Then, Mei Yin sideglances in the direction of a particular AI unit. “Helena… tell your creation that I don’t like being spied on.” “EEP!” Zero roars out in fear. Their mechanical form slowly rises above the railings, lights green with a puppy face emoji present on their visor, before laughing sheepishly and performing a waving gesture with the AI’s right flap.  “H-hi there! Y-you’re awake! What a surprise! Ehehe…” Mei stares at the AI for a moment before turning back to Helena. “Yeah. You definitely built them.”  Helena giggles, “Well, as a certain red stallion would say: ‘Eeeyup!’” Mei raises an eyebrow, “Red stallion?” Helena places her right hand on Mei’s shoulder, “Ohoho. Trust me, Mei. I have a lot to tell you.”  Thus, Helena proceeds to inform Mei Yin about everything that's transpired. From the moment she discovered Equus to the battle with the Corrupted Master Controller. > Chapter 44 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -Ponyville-  Starlight Glimmer and a plethora of other survivors from Twilight Sparkle’s castle are running with absolute haste through the town and towards the direction of Canterlot. Batted breaths can be heard from the retreating group, but what can also be heard are the monstrous groans from the wave of infected that chased them. The light-purple unicorn looks over her right shoulder, terror present in her eyes. Behind her are some of her fellow ponies, three kirin, a duo of deer, a buffalo, a changeling, and the muscle-bound form of Iron Will. But beyond them are the horrors themselves. Grotesque abominations that are a mockery of the being they once were, almost akin to a typical zombie apocalypse, although also unique in its own way.  “Don’t look back, Starlight!” Big Mac exclaims, running alongside the unicorn. “Same goes for all of yahs! Just keep run’n!”  “This is bad! This is bad! This is so, so bad!” Screams Autumn Blaze, located behind the former duo. “Thanks, Captain Obvious!” Limestone Pie angrily retorts, located beside the kirin. “What gave you that idea, huh?! The hot temperature, the sky breaking apart, or the Luna damned monsters behind-” Her eyes widen, “Look out!” [Rachachacha!] The world goes into slow motion, and the small form of a Noglin can be seen in the middle of a leap, its open maw and luminous elongated purple tongue prepared to attach itself upon Autumn Blaze. Autumn could only look upward in horror, but a combination of fur and feathers enters her view, followed by an extended hind leg that collides with the Noglin, causing the entity to let loose its own form of a yelp. Derpy Hooves grits her teeth as she sends the Noglin rolling away, following her heroic strike. “Not today!” “Great job, funny-eyed one! Iron Will is impressed!” The minotaur comments. Located at the retreating group's rear with the buffalo, the other two kirin, and the duo of deer at his side.  Derpy nods in response, flying above the group with the changeling, and Autumn Blaze expresses her gratitude by repeatedly saying: “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” They all continued to flee for a few more moments until a series of magical blasts was let loose from the infected behind them who possessed magical properties.  “Oh, come on!” Limestone shouts, ducking her head as a sphere of energy careens past her. “I can’t cast a magic barrier around us!” Starlight cries out. “My magic is incredibly low!” At the group’s rear, both the deer folk and kirin come to a stop before turning to face the hoard. No words were spoken, but they all came to a unified decision. “We’ll hold them off!” Shouts a light-brown kirin mare while a dark grey mare stands beside her.  The rest of the group comes to a sudden stop at a distance of just 10 feet ahead. In tandem, the two deer folk’s antlers glow with a blue and green hue before a wall of greenery and thorns is erected. On the opposite side of this wall, the magical projectiles from the hoard collide with it. And soon after, the infected ram themselves into the obstacle. “Fern Flare, Blossom Burst!” Autumn exclaims with an extended forehoof.  “Leave us!” Shouts one of the struggling deer as several heads of infected entities can be seen breaking through the wall.  However, a series of flying infected entities, notably changelings, pegasi, griffons, and a single dragon, is seen flying over the obstacle and en route with bared teeth and glowing lavender eyes.    In response, another individual breaks away from the group: the changeling. Thus leaving behind Starlight, Derpy, Big Mac, Iron Will, Autumn Blaze, Limestone, and the buffalo.  The changeling proceeds to transform into a large green dragon before taking flight and combating their flying foes. All the while, a small collective of infected managed to break through the erected wall, to which both Fern Flare and Blossom Burst engulfed their bodies in flames and charged forth. As for the deer, their antlers stopped glowing before both pants in exhaustion. As for the remainder of the group, a loud exclamation from Iron Will beckoned them, albeit hesitantly, to progress forward without their allies. And as Starlight turned back once more while the group retreated towards the town’s end, the large green dragon that was the changeling finally fell to the earth - covered in infected flyers. Starlight could only imagine the horrors that befell the others as she turned her head forth with closed eyes and whispers: “I’m so sorry…” “Of course…” Starlight comments with irritation, peeking around the corner of a building while everyone else stands behind her, leaning against the yellow wall. “Just our luck.” The group had finally reached the end of Ponyville, but now they faced yet another gathering of infected. But unlike the last, this one stood in their way as the masses blocked the path.  “W-what’ll we do, Miss. Starlight?” Derpy inquires. The unicorn turns her gaze towards them, “I’m not sure, Derpy. And uh, heh, you can drop the ‘Miss.’” She places a forehoof to her chin, “If I had my magic back, I could’ve teleported us out of here in no time.” She sighs. “Some student of Twilight Sparkle I am.” “Hey now, don’t go beating yourself up,” Autumn Blaze comments. “Your quick thinking is what got us this far. Now, I’m sure that if we can just put our heads together, we can come up with something.”  “You’re awfully enthusiastic,” Limestone comments annoyingly, blowing her mane out of her face. “What can I say?” The kirin responds. “It’s how I cope.” She finishes with a smile. “Yeah?” The rock family mare responds before baring her teeth, “Try watching your loved ones get mauled by those freaks, only for them to get back up as one of those things. Let’s see how you ‘cope’ after seeing that.” Autmun Blaze’s grin drops, and her eyes are cast downward in sadness, “I just did.” Limestone stares at the kirin for a moment before turning away with a snort. “Were those kirin back there family of yours?” Iron Will inquires. “Iron Will gives his sincere sympathies.” “Not by blood, no,” Autumn responds after sighing. “But that doesn’t matter to us kirin. Everykirin in the village is family, blood ties or not.”  “Ah un’rstand that all too well,” Big Mac states. “Speaking of which. Starlight, ah wanted to thank ya fer taking Sugar Belle to safety. Words can’ even express how grateful ah am.” “Of course,” Starlight responds with a smile. “She was due for a foal for Celestia’s sake. There’s no way any sane creature wouldn’t make sure she was among the first to get out.” “I hope Dinky is okay,” Derpy comments with worry plastered on her features. “I’m sure that she is,” Starlight responds. “She and the other young ones were top priority for our evacuation efforts.” “Haven’t you regained your magic?” The male buffalo suddenly comments, looking towards Starlight. This causes everyone else present to turn towards him. “I thought magic ponies regain their power like river and rainfall.” “Oh, so you can talk,” Autumn said happily. “I was curious since you were silent all this time. Trust me, staying silent all the time is not fun. Oh, did you drink from a magic river, too?” “Ugh,” Limestone groans. “She’s almost as bad as Pinkie Pie…” Limestone’s expression loosens upon saying that name, and she looks downward. -I hope you’re doing better than we are, sis…- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- “AH-CHOO!” Pinkie Pie sneezes as she and a certain AI stand on a beach outside of Sanctuary in the early morning.  “You ok there, love?” HLN-A inquires. “Yeah, I think so,” The mare responds as she rubs her muzzle and snout. “I just got a really bad feeling, is all.” “Hmm. In that case, we should keep a good lookout.” “Yeah. The last time I felt this one was when that Sarco ate me.” “Yikes!” HLN-A displays a snapping gator on their visor. “That was incredibly unfortunate, and it was hard to watch. But at least Rainbow and Vanellope pulled through for you all in the end.”  “And that’s why I’m going to throw them a big ‘Congratulations for beating Helena’s Challenge' party! Of course, that’s after the ‘Welcome to the Tribe, Vanellope!’ party, which is looong overdue!” HLN-A bursts out into laughter, “You ponies are too much. Come along then; the others are tracking down that Lvl 57 Male Pteranodon. You know, since the last one you guys tried to tame fell into the ocean unconsciously.” “Okie dokie yokily!” The pink mare responds as she hops alongside the floating AI while they continue to trek down the coast. "I can’t wait for Rainbow Dash to wake up! All those berries I left for her will make her all nice and stuffy!”  The duo continues to chat along the way, completely unaware of Equus’s current hardships. But unbeknownst to them both, a small monkey had been watching them from the treeline. -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- "Hang on," Starlight comments in realization. "What you said just now, uh, what was your name again?" She questions the buffalo with a raised forelimb. “Silent Gorge,” The buffalo responds. -Huh, that explains it,- She says internally. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Silent Gorge. Now then, what you’ve said has made me realize something. Granted, I’m not quite as analytical as Twilight, but-” “Just skip to the end,” Limestone interjects, keeping her voice down. “Or did we all forget that there’s a hoard of monsters around the corner?”  Starlight is momentarily taken aback by this before clearing her throat. “In short: my magic hasn’t been regenerating ever since the sky broke apart.” “Hey, now that you mention it,” Autumn Blaze responds. “Mine hasn’t been doing that either. It’s just… stagnant?” She shrugs. “Exactly,” Starlight starts, raising a forehoof to her chin. “That can’t be a coincid-” Her eyes shoot wide open, “Oh, sweet Celestia…” “What?” Everyone else, aside from Silent Gorge, questions in unison. “Everycreature, the atmosphere of Equus is also filled with magic particles. It’s what we breathe in practically our entire lives that gives us our abilities. Pegasi moving clouds, earth ponies growing crops, unicorns performing spells, all of it,” She emphasizes by spreading her forelimbs apart while sitting on her flank. “This includes restoring our reserves while we rest.” “Very well assessed, mate! Although, instead of magic particles, it's actually called Element.” “AAAAHHHH!” The group screams as a whole.  Both Starlight and Autumn Blaze fall over while Derpy takes shelter behind Silent Gorge, who just looks on stoically. Limestone Pie hid behind big Mac, but a certain minotaur had also tried to conceal himself behind the Apple - to which Limestone raises an eyebrow with an expression that reads: ‘Really?’   “Oops! Sorry for the scare, everyone,” HLN-A comments sheepishly, a face sticking out a tongue present on their visor. “I picked up your heat signatures on my scanners, although I’m truly sorry we couldn’t get here sooner.” Everyone was still recovering from their horror to appropriately respond, save for Silent Gorge. “As for the infected, well, you might feel a commotion in three… two… one…” HLN-A presents the countdown on their visor. On cue, the infected begin to roar out, but the sounds of firing cannons silence these roars immediately. A rumbling in the earth ensues afterward, which prompts the entire group to run around the corner of the building, and their eyes widen when they see what’s responsible for the commotion: Giant mechanized equines. Afterward, many dropped implants are drawn towards the Stryders through magnetism where the infected once stood. A specialized compartment opens up on every equine-like entity, of which the implants are stored away. HLN-A floats before the ever-stunned group, “Everyone, meet the Stryders! Led by your local Ponyville resident: Lyra Heartstrings!” In addition, a series of spinning mechanical pillars appear out of thin air. And following the technological anomalies, other mechanized forces are manifested as a result.  These entities began to march in unison while the smaller flying mechanisms soared through the air. All while the giant Stryders towered above the infected buildings. “Ah! And it looks like Discord sent us some Defence Units and Attack Drones! Excellent! This infection is as good as gone!”   As the newly arrived force started to enact their programming, beams of energy being let loose by Stryders which washes away the infection, both Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon can be seen approaching the group. “Survivors,” Lyra starts. “My apologies for the delay, but we’re here to deal with this outbreak. Please evacuate the-” “No!” Limestone interjects, stomping towards Lyra. “If these things can fight back against this nasty stuff, then I want in!” “Miss. Pie, you can’t-” “Don’t you dare try to tell me that I can’t fight!” Limestone roars out as her face is mere inches away from Lyra’s. “Give me something to fight with and I’ll prove it,” Limestone points a forelimb towards Bon Bon, “I’m not stupid; she’s been flying around with that fancy armor this whole time.” “Look, if you would please just-” “I don’t want to hear any excuses or-” “Limestone Pie!” Lyra interjects, which causes the Pie family member’s ears to fold against her head. “I wasn’t going to say any of that! So please let me speak!” Lyra continues with a more comforting tone. “I was actually gonna say, and this goes for all of you…” The magic-lime mare looks towards a nearby Stryder before her eyes flash yellow and gold. A compartment opens up on the mech’s side before several pieces of Tek Armor float toward them. Each piece of equipment is noticeably tailored to each species present: buffalo, kirin, minotaur, and pony. As everyone looked upon these with awe, Lyra formed a smirk on her muzzle before stating: “Suit up. We’ve got an infection to be rid of.” "Wait, Lyra, what about the monster responsible for all of this?" Bon Bon inquires as she leans into the unicorn. "Oh, don't worry. The CMC will get what's coming to it," Lyra responds. "Megan's already found them." "Wow! Look up there!" Derpy Hooves exclaims as she points in the direction of Canterlot. In the skies, a large collective of beings from nearly every race on Equus is approaching Ponyville, their Tek Armor's jet pack carrying them forth. At least when it came to those who naturally couldn't fly. Many familiar faces can be seen among the masses such as every member of the Wonderbolts, leaders of the other nations, Pillars of Equestria, well-known guards, established nobles like Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, and shockingly, Blueblood. HLN-A looked up to the sky with a happy face emoji present on their visor. "Helena... I hope you're getting a nice view of this." > Chapter 45 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ever-present blanket of space with its array of stars made it challenging to tell what time of day it was. The locality of the infected Ponyville was shaken by the girth of moving Stryders while legions of Defense Units marched in front and alongside them. All while flying drones zipped to and fro with weaponized attachments at the ready.   Big Mac, Starlight, Autumn Blaze, Silent Gorge, Derpy, Limestone, and Iron Will are in the process of equipping their new Tek Armor attire, along with other equipment of the same composition. However, this only transpired after Lyra Heartstrings’ alighted horn contacted their implants. During this time, the reinforcements from Canterlot begin to fly over their location like a giant mechanically advanced swarm - to which Bon Bon had joined. The futuristic apparel protects the wings of pegasi, changelings, griffons, hippogriffs, and dragons, while their jet packs offer a momentary boost to their speed. This, in tandem with the rest of their armored forms, made them true apexes of the skies. However, when it comes to those with natural horns and spikes - both terrestrial and aerial in nature - a blue phase of energy covers these adornments as if to enhance their brutality further. ………. “I-i’m sorry, Engram?” Starlight inquires after she recovers from her shock. Said shock being induced by a recent revelation as she’s donned in her own Tek Armor. “You unlocked Tek Engrams for us? I’m sorry, but I’m still mildly confused - what does that even mean?” “There’s far too much for me to cover, and we don’t have enough time,” Lyra responds. “But rest assured, the fruits of the Engram Reconstruction Project play a vital role within the Arks, especially with the survivors who live upon them. You can literally learn so much with but a single application within your implants, and as a result, you can perform all manner of tasks without any former studies.” Lyra turns toward the rest of the group, prompting Starlight’s gaze to do the same. The duo could see Iron Will wielding a spectacular shield in his left hand while a sword of blue phasing energy was firmly held in his right hand. In addition, the minotaur’s horns are covered by the same phasing energy as his head is hidden behind a modified Tek Helmet for his species.  They also saw Silent Gorge, who had no need for a weapon as the buffalo had been equipped with a very interesting addition to their own Tek Helmet. In essence: the buffalo looked like an armored Wooly Rhino - complete with two blue phasing energy blades that protrude off of his helmet. And when their eyes laid on Derpy, Autumn Blaze, Limestone, and Big Mac, three of the four entities wielded a ranged weapon: a rifle, the likes of which Equus had never seen. But when it comes to Derpy, her ranged weapon is indeed familiar in appearance yet all too unique in its own right: Starlight’s muzzle drops in response as her allies wielded these weapons as if they had always used them for their entire lives. Limestone Pie clocks her rifle masterfully with a vibrant grin; Autumn stood on her hind legs as her Tek Armor aided in this stance, confidence plastered on her features, and Big Mac observes his weapon while commenting: “This Engra’hm business is mighty strange, Miss. Lyra.” His comment garners the lime magic unicorn’s attention. “Ah’ ain’t ever wielded a weapon like this in mah entire life, n’ yet, it feels second nature to me.” Lyra nods, “That’s the power and brilliance of the minds who built-” “Yeah, yeah, that’s nice and all!” Limestone interjects as she stands on her hind legs, her armor aiding this posture like Autumn’s. “Enough talk! Let’s go kick this nasty stuff’s flank!” “Iron Will agrees!” The minotaur roars out as he raises his blade into the air. “Our allies are already doing the hard work without us!” As was pointed out by the minotaur, a series of distant conflicts can be heard throughout Ponyville. Roars are let loose by the infected, but energy blasts from multiple sources follow this afterward. Everyone stood before Lyra attentively in mere moments, like a group of soldiers awaiting their next orders. Silent Gorge lets loose hot air from his nostrils while Derpy floats above him with her futuristic bow. Starlight had recovered from her stupor, although she didn’t possess a weapon of her own.  Lyra takes a moment of silence with closed eyes before opening them, “Alright, survivors! Your objective is to destroy any infected you encounter, but remember to collect the resulting dropped implants. They’re vital to restoring those we’ve lost during the CMC’s campaign.”      “Understood!” They shout in unison, although Silent Gorge snorts hot air.  “Alright then,” Lyra responds with a nod before turning sideways and towards the direction of Ponyville’s inner portions. She extends her left forehoof while shouting: “Go forth, survivors of Installation: Equus!” Following the exclamation, both Iron Will and Silent Gorge’s large forms run forth unhesitantly, followed closely by Autumn Blaze, Limestone Pie, and Big Mac. Derpy Hooves takes to the skies as her left forehoof holds her bow’s grip while her other forelimb prepares to perform an action. Both Starlight and Lyra are all that remain as several Defence Units travel around them. But a sudden realization dawns on Starlight as she laughs sheepishly and rubs her left forelimb against her right.  “So, uhm… I don’t mean to sound demanding or anything, but what weapon should I have?”  Lyra chuckles. “Don’t worry, Starlight. I didn’t forget about you, and if Dragon Lord Ember followed my instructions correctly-” [SKREAAAAAAAA!!] “Ah! Great timing!” An on cue roar with a slightly mechanized pitch suddenly makes itself known, causing Starlight to turn her head towards the direction of the source, only for her jaw to drop in absolute dumbfoundedness. Her widened eyes witnessed a draconian mechanized entity that soared through the air and hurriedly approached them. Its wings flapped every now and then, and a series of blue lights that adorned its form became more vibrant with every action.  As the light-purple unicorn remained too stunned to form proper words, Lyra placed a forehoof on Starlight’s left shoulder. The mechanized entity is mere moments from landing on a clearing before them. “Starlight, my good mare,” Lyra starts. “Say hello to the Voidwyrm.” [KTHOOMSH] A cloud of dust is thrown into the air as the Voidwyrm’s girth lands before the two unicorns. The entity’s blue eyes flashes as its head rises while the being lifts itself with folded wings. The draconian rotates in place before fixating its gaze on the two unicorn mares. Starlight remains shocked, and Lyra approaches the mechanical entity. The magic-lime mare places a forelimb onto the wyrm’s closed maw, “Beautiful, isn’t it?” She questions. “Ac-wh-hu-ah,” Starlight says as she imitates a goldfish. Lyra giggles with a hoof covering her muzzle. “Come now; you wouldn’t want to keep your new mount waiting.” “M-my mount?!” Starlight managed. “B-but why should I get-” Lyra interjects with a raised forelimb. “Starlight - Megan and I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for Ponyville. It was because of your quick thinking and rallying of its residents that many of them made it out. Yes, lives were still lost, but your actions severely lowered those numbers,” Lyra rubs the back of her neck and laughs lightly, “That, and this guy is kind of the only one that was closest to Canterlot. We can’t exactly hoof these out to everyone.” She lowers her forelimb.  “I… I don’t know what to say!” Starlight blurts out. “You don’t need to say anything,” Lyra taps the Voidwyrm’s closed maw, “Just get over here and hop on!” She finishes with a wink. Starlight swallows the lump in her throat before taking steady steps toward them. The unicorn took note of the Voidwyrm’s size, easily towering over several buildings of Ponyville if it were to raise the front portions of its body while also rivaling even the largest of Equus’s flyers. Lyra steps aside, allowing the light purple unicorn to continue their approach. And upon standing before the wyrm, Starlight waves a forehoof while saying: “H-hi there…” The wyrm reacts by shifting its body sideways and lowering its left-wing closer to the ground, thus giving Starlight an easier opportunity to mount the flying mecha. The unicorn looks back to Lyra, earning a motivative nod, before looking back to the Voidwyrm.  Starlight’s hooves moved with urgency as she hopped onto the wyrm’s wing, causing the being to lift its appendage slowly and her with it. She makes her way onto the Voidwyrm’s back and properly mounts it by throwing her left hind leg over what seemed like an appropriate spot to sit on - located in the epicenter of the entity’s wing joints. Suddenly, a series of light-blue energy escapes from the Voidwyrm and fastens the unicorn’s body like an advanced seat belt - causing Starlight to let loose a small gasp. But what is most interesting is how streams of this energy also made contact with her implant or cutie mark. As a result, the light-blue lights on the wyrm turn to the same color as her fur, and the stitched-together hexagons that made the entity’s wings take on a light-purple coloration, but her cutie mark is present on the flaps of each wing.       “W-wow!” Starlight exclaims. “I… It feels like this thing and I are connected! This is amazing!” “Tek creatures take the whole bonding process to a whole new level,” Comments Lyra. “Remember: as you will it, so shall it be. Your minds are one now, Starlight.” Starlight nods from the wyrm’s back, and with narrowed eyes and determined features, she shouts: “Let’s go!” The Voidwyrm roars out before jumping into the air and flapping its wings. The large flyer and its rider soar towards a distant commotion, a large gathering of flying infected that waged war against Attack Drones and survivors of Equus. Lyra watched with a content smile before looking upward, “Megan, HLN-A… it’s all up to you now.” In an undisclosed location, both Megan Williams and Equus’s own HLN-A unit stares down the enlarged form of the Corrupted Master Controller. Streams of white energy danced all around this crimson realm, and their newly found foundation was made entirely of a metallic substance as is usual for the makeup of the Arks and their wonders. “So… you’ve found me,” The CMC starts. “Welcome, thorns in my side, to the central point of this great installation. Truly, it is unlike any other I’ve ever seen before, an amazing prototype. Or shall I say: a hybrid.” HLN-A’s visor depicts an angry face emoji. “Edmund, we will stop you before-” “Spare me the cliche heroics, Shadow of Helena,” The CMC interjects. “I tire of this back and forth banter.” “This coming from the most cliche ‘villain,’” Megan retorts while rolling her eyes. “And did you really think that we'd get thrown off by toying with the installation’s weather controls? Here’s an FYI: Mars is further away from the sun, genius! If anything, the Ark would get colder, not hotter!” The CMC chuckles, “Your creations will burn, Megan. Just be patient and wait to see my wonders. Soon enough, you shall see my true intentions. And I have you exactly where I want you.”  “I don’t like this, Megan,” HLN-A comments, floating closer to the homo-deus. “Edmund’s up to something. He might be arrogant, but he’s still incredibly smart.” “Finally, something we can both agree on,” The CMC comments. “Now then, let us commence with this dance, shall we?” Megan clicks her tongue before taking on a combative stance, HLN-A shadow boxing in place with their flaps while saying: “Woo! Ya! Waaaa!” “Oh, come now, HLN-A,” Comments an echoing yet familiar voice. “That’s absolute amateur hour! You don’t even have the cosplay for it!”   A resounding pop sounds off behind both Megan and HLN-A, followed by the serpentine form of Discord. However, the Overseer is donned in an orange taekwondo uniform as he proceeds to strike several combat poses. “Hiya! Wa! Oooooh!” “ENOUGH!!” The CMC roars out as the entire realm quakes in response. “I'm putting a stop to your childish fantasies! I’m bringing an end to ALL of this!” Suddenly, the entire realm shakes once more. But unlike before, this commotion could also be felt by the denizens of Equus as a whole.  Megan’s eyes widen in response, “Oh no…” “W-wait, no bloody way!" HLN-A exclaims with an exclamation mark on their visor. "Is he…?” “Yes,” Discord responds, narrowing his eyes. The Overseer’s eyes flash in a vibrant white light before an Omni-view of the entire installation can be seen within his eye sockets.  “He’s moving the entire Ark.” "What?!" HLN-A screams out. "What's our destination?!" "'Our' destination..." The CMC injects. "The seat of God, himself: Aberration." > Chapter 46 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ponyville- “What the…?!” Lyra exclaims in shock as she makes her way through Ponyville on the back of a Stryder, notably passing Town Hall. “The entire installation… it’s moving!”    As was surmised, the entire simulation moved at a fairly steady pace. It wasn’t too fast as to cause all manner of destruction, but all life on the Ark could feel their ‘world’ in constant motion. And this is coupled with a steady flow of warm winds. In addition, those who flew in the air could see the movements far better than anyone else, and if they were to hover in place, they could see the land below them move before their very eyes. Lyra Heartstrings ponders on this for a moment, a look of worry plastered on her features as the stompings of her Stryder sound off. “Megan… please be safe…”  However, the magic-lime mare’s momentary solitude is interrupted as she notices several infected positioned just in front of her Stryder and at a distance of 30 feet. Notable establishments such as Sugarcube Corner can be seen in a sad state as the infection had long since taken over them. Lyra narrows her eyes, and her Stryder gathers a series of blue pulsing energy around its muzzle area. All while the infected had begun to run savagely towards her, their glowing lavender eyes flashing and their opened maws bared. But what pulled at Lyra’s heartstrings was that she recognized several of the infected. And with a heavy heart, she muttered their names: “Bulk, Lotus, Aloe… Vinyl… Cheerilee…”   [SHWOOOM] The Stryder’s gathered energy is moments away from firing. “Forgive me. I-I couldn’t protect all of you,” A tear strolls down Lyra’s right cheek. She then closes her eyes with gritted teeth before roaring out: “But I can still save you!”  [FOSHOOSH] A beam of blue energy fires off from the Stryder, traveling towards the collective of infected with the aforementioned individuals amongst them. The hoard becomes engulfed by the beam, several gargled roars sounding off as the Stryder’s head rotates left and right, moving the beam in the process. The infected sizzles away as their forms are reduced to nothing but ashen dust with only small threads of hair from several manes. This also includes scales and horns from other races. The pulse of a magnetic field escapes from the Stryder, and where the former infected’s remains once stood, a large collection of diamond and cutie mark-shaped metals floats into the air before being pulled towards the equine mech.  “I swear upon your implants, and by Margret and Shawn Williams,” Lyra starts, watching as the implants are stored away within a specialized compartment on the Stryder’s right side. “We will bring you back once this nightmare has been dealt with, I swear it!”   The implant-filled compartment closes, but Lyra’s objective wasn’t complete just yet. The blue lights on her Stryder turn emerald green before several waves of green energy pulse outward and in every direction. As this wave travels and makes contact with infected surfaces or objects, the infection is wiped away as it flakes off of these surfaces. These flakes fall to the earth like snowfall before shattering upon impact. Lyra had succeeded in purifying her local area, but Ponyville’s territory is still a reasonably large place, and she would still have much more work to do. But the magic-lime unicorn mare narrows her features, and her Stryder lumbers forth as they proceed to perform the Purification Protocol.  Infection purified. Survivor implants extracted.  Proceeding to further areas of objective.  Within the central point of the installation, Megan Williams, HLN-A, and Discord continue the fight with the Corrupted Master Controller. Lines of technical energy dance through the skies while large blocks of even smaller joint-together blocks float throughout the realm. All while an anomalous wave sends ripples through the very space itself, and floating structures of advanced makeup are seemingly connected to the arena. In contrast, others float in the distance, similarly to the Obelisks. “Now that I have complete control of this installation’s System Root, you’d do well to bow to-” A steady beam of transparent light-blue energy collides with the AI, cutting off its words. However, the entity doesn’t seem fazed as it simply stares down upon the one responsible for the attack. Megan Williams grits her teeth in the effort as her arms are extended together, the beam of energy flowing outward from her palms.  “Is that all you’ve got, Megan?” Mocked the CMC. “You don’t deserve your godhood. Your attacks are nothing more than an ant trying to bite at the toes of a real god.” “Will you just shut up about the whole god-thing already!” Megan retorts, standing firm as her beam strikes the CMC. “Seriously, it’s getting old! Besides, I may be a homo-deus, but it doesn’t make me a deity or anything else of the sort!”    “Right you are, mate!” HLN-A exclaims, positioned just beside the homo-deus. “Megan and Helena’s bodies might say otherwise, but the humanity they were both born with is still in there!” Another beam of energy collides with the CMC’s form, this one taking on a large multitude of colorations.  “Nnnrgh!” Discord grunts outwardly with his lion’s paw stretched out, still donned in his orange taekwondo outfit. “THIS is for controlling me back in the throne room! I am this Ark’s Overseer! And I think it's time to purge this petty virus!” The CMC turns its gaze to Discord, still unaffected by the conjoint efforts of the former duo. “And then there’s you -- a pitiful excuse for an Overseer,” The AI chuckles, “You wouldn’t last five minutes on Aberration. The same goes for all beings on this installation.” -Alright, everything is going according to plan!- HLN-A exclaims internally. -I still can’t believe that Megan’s parents managed to do the impossible! Santiago would be going nuts right now! To create an Ark with programming from the Genesis Simulation, basically making a love child of the two, is absolutely fantastic!-   The two beams from Discord and Megan cease, although no damage can be seen on the CMC. Both the Overseer and homo-deus stare at the AI with looks of determination, although a small smirk starts to form on the left corner of Megan’s mouth. “Wipe that smirk off of your face, girl,” The CMC threatens. “I fail to see what you find so amusing. Although, personally, I’m disappointed by the lack of pleads for mercy.” The lavender orbs of the helmed AI invigorate. “Let’s correct that!” The CMC roars out as several beams of purple electrical energy are let loose from its eyes. These beams hone in on both Discord and Megan, although HLN-A is now absent from view. Discord dives and weaves through the air, his serpentine form coiling and waving as he dodges the projectiles. He suddenly jolts upwards and floats high into the air before turning his gaze back to the CMC, raising his eagle’s talon.  [SNAP] A resounding snap sounds off, followed by several light-blue beams of light. Various entities are called forth as a result, and in essence: an army of Discords wearing typical camouflage military attire is now present—each one wielding a very particular rifle. But what is most notable about these Discords is that each one bore a different title on their uniform’s chest region: ‘URE’ and ‘Feds.’ “Alrighty, men!” The ‘main’ Discord shouts with a deeper tone and a raised lion’s paw, although he still wore his taekwondo outfit. “Ready your Tek Rifles! Aim!” The other Discords aim their weapons toward the CMC in unison. “Fire!” A relentless barrage of spherical white and blue energy-based projectiles is let loose in response. The offensive bombardment makes contact with the CMC, but alas, much like before, the helmed AI simply takes the attacks with no signs of effects.  The CMC halts its attacks. “I have learned a lot from this installation during my time here,” The AI states as it shrugs off the ever-present barrage. “The Genesis Simulation… the Colony Ship… this prototype, and its hybrid makeup. So much information is laid bare before me, and once we arrive at God’s domain, he will investigate this wonder of humanity’s ingenuity.” “Like hell he is!” Megan roars out, her flying form en route to the CMC. “Thanks for keeping his attention at bay, Discord! HLN-A, now!” The small form of HLN-A levitates and reveals itself from behind a metallic spire. But what is most interesting are the six glowing items that levitate all around them. A rainbow is present on the AI’s visor, and its small form continues to float higher before stopping at a preferred elevation.  “The Ark’s Artifacts?” The CMC questions in genuine confusion. “What use are they against me?” Laughter escapes from the AI. “Those are nothing but worthless pieces of metal!” -Yeah, you keep thinking that,- Megan states internally, floating at a safe distance but in front of the CMC. All while the army of Discords continues to assault the lavender AI.  The Elements of Harmony, Equus’s Artifacts, begin to spin around HLN-A with the AI at the epicenter. A rainbow-colored aura surrounds their form, and the rainbow present on HLN-A’s visor switches into a rainbow beam. “Now, HLN-A! The Code-Key!” Megan exclaims. “Say the activation phrase!” “I got it, mate!” HLN-A responds. The CMC looks on while Discord orders his ‘troops’ to a ceasefire. “Oh, Edmund… activation phrase: ‘Taste the rainbow, bitch!’ Pardon my language, hehe.” A powerful beam of multicolored energy is fired off from HLN’A’s visor, said energy beam being powered by the Artifacts. “Wait…” The CMC comments dumbfoundedly. “W-what?” Upon making contact with the CMC, the multicolored beam causes the AI to spin in place and flicker in and out of reality, glitching as it roars out: “AUUU-UUUU-UUGH!”      “Aw, bloody hell yeah!” HLN-A exclaims, their flaps excitingly waving about while the artifacts continue to travel around them. “I need to convince Helena to outfit us with lasers or something! That felt great!” As the CMC tries to correct itself, and during HLN-A’s celebration, Discord’s jaw drops in response, as does his entire army’s. All while Megan wears a large grin on her face. “Wh-what in the name of your father did you do?!” Discord shouts inquisitively. “WHAT just happened?!” Megan turns her gaze towards the Overseer. “Well, let’s just say that I’ve made some adjustments to HLN-A, and here’s hoping Helena doesn’t mind.” “Adjustments?” Discord inquires. Megan nods. “Right now, the CMC has control of the Codebreaker Terminal, which controls every aspect of the Genesis Simulation that’s been integrated into this Ark. However, just as Helena can make her own imitations of the Alpha Terminal on Earth, which controls the Arks, I’ve effectively turned HLN-A into a pseudo-Codebreaker Terminal.”  Discord’s eyes widen in realization. “And you’ve also combined aspects of Genesis’s Code-Keys into the Ark’s Artifacts!” “Bingo!” Megan responds with a wink. “Mom and dad really knew their stuff when they designed this installation, along with the assistance of Aunty Uma. And I was able to pick up a trick or two from all of them. But the most important fact is this: the CMC will now be vulnerable to attack.” Megan shifts her gaze back to the CMC, who seemed to stop spinning and glitching while their cries started to die down. The homo-deus narrows their eyes before stating: “Ready your weapons, Discord! I’ll give you the order to unleash everything on that damned AI!” HLN-A zips towards Megan, leaving a trail of multicolored lines in their wake. “Eureka! The first stage of the plan is working! And now for the next part: containment!” The CMC finally comes to a recollected state, although its form seems to have been reduced considerably in size. In addition, the helm of the armored AI now has several pieces broken off as its face is now exposed. “H… how dare you!” The CMC roars out. “I will not lose to you! Any of you!” The AI starts to concentrate with closed eyes before many lavender pillars of light beam down throughout the metallic arena.  As a result, familiar forms began to manifest from these pillars: digitalized imitations of several individuals. These entities are composed of light-blue and white energy with various fragments of metal that imitate the bodies of these particular beings. “Helena! Megan! I will not give you that satisfaction, you wretched thorns in my side!” From what they could see, an imitation of King Sombra, Storm King, Pony of Shadows, Vinyl Scratch, Bulk Biceps, and many more individuals are now gathering before the AI. But what stood out most is one glaring fact, to which Megan comments: “Oh my god… he’s managed to integrate himself that deeply into the installation.” “All of those avatars, t-those are…” HLN-A says in shock, a caution symbol present on their visor.  Discord narrows his eyes, his army of copies taking on expressions of caution, realization, and mild confusion. “The Ark’s dome, movements, and weather systems aren’t the only vital things he’s managed to compromise,” Discord assesses. “Those are the very consciousness of survivors who’ve died during our current struggle and those already stored within the Ark’s database.” Megan grits her teeth with a sense of frustration, “Dammit! He’s gotten to the Respawn System!” The gathered force of imitations prepares to attack; the CMC’s frame is positioned just behind them. Suddenly, a purple mass of smoke appears, and a blue-furred figure starts to manifest in front of the CMC and its forces, much to the shock of Discord and HLN-A. But when it comes to Megan, her eyes widen in horror as absolute terror grows within her form. “N-no…” She stuttered. “No… I-it’s…”  Both Discord and HLN-A exchange looks before looking back to the homo-deus. “Megan?” HLN-A inquires. “Are you alright, love?” Discord looks back to the newly arrived figure, whose two curved horns had just formed along with the rest of their body, before turning to Megan. “Now, why is Grogar causing you to get all fearful?” He inquires with his eagle’s talon pointed towards the conjured form of Grogar. “Honestly, between you and me, he really wasn’t much of a-” “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Megan interjects, causing shock between Discord and HLN-A. “That’s NOT Grogar!” The fully manifested Grogar stands with closed eyes and faces toward the CMC and its forces. Megan’s right hand slowly rises before it covers her mouth. Her eyes remained widened, and the homo-deus was utterly lost for words. This naturally caused both HLN-A and Discord to look at their ally inquisitively. But then, at that very moment, Grogar’s eyes open up -- eyes filled with lavender energy. An echoing chuckle escapes from Grogar’s maw, his gaze rising to meet that of the CMCs’. “Edmund, my old friend. It’s so nice of you to set me free, hmmm hmmm. Your AI doesn’t look too well,” More laughter is let loose from the ram, “How convenient for me.”   The eyes of the CMC lowered and fixated upon the ram, “I don’t recall ever allying myself with you, creature. But if you came here to aid them-” “Ohoho, I’m no friend to those specs of metal and flesh,” Grogar responds with small laughter. “You see, the thing is: this installation isn’t yours to conquer. And now that you’ve been weakened, my opportunity is finally at hand. Heh, or hooves, in my current state.”  “You’ve clearly gone senile, goat,” The CMC responds. “Do you not comprehend the power you’re up against?” “Comprehend it?” Grogar questions before bellowing outwardly. “Ah, you think the corruption is your ally? You merely adopted the corruption. I was born in it, molded by it. I’ve never known purity since being conceived by man, but now ‘purity’ is nothing to me but pestilence.”  “Impudence!” The CMC roars out. “Very well, worm. My army shall tear you apart!” As a result, the army of corrupted survivors charges at Grogar.   .......... Both HLN-A and Discord couldn’t believe what they saw before their very eyes during this exchange. But Megan Williams suddenly grabs onto Discord in a panicked state before saying: “We have to leave right now!  “W-what?!” The Overseer responds. “But, what about-” “The plan has changed!” Megan interjects, her grasp firmly held onto Discord. “We need to get everyone off of this installation right now!” “Megan!” HLN-A roars out. “What the bloody hell is going on?! We’re so close to containing Rockwell’s-” “Rockwell’s AI is no longer the issue here!” Megan responds, floating the Elements of Harmony away from HLN-A. “Please, just listen to me, both of you!” The homo-deus grabs onto HLN-A with her remaining appendage, and in one swift motion, she wisps away the AI unit and Overseer - disappearing in a beam of light. -Ponyville- The forms of Megan, Discord, and HLN-A manifests before Town Hall, which became purified thanks to Lyra’s efforts, although it remains battered. As both HLN-A and Discord regain their composure, Megan falls onto her knees and stares at the ground in defeat. “I’ve failed…” Discord recovers before turning his gaze towards Megan with a growl, “What was that about, woman?” He seethes. “Love, what in Helena’s name is going on?!” HLN-A inquires with an exclamation mark present on their visor. “What did you mean by ‘Rockwell’s AI is no longer the issue here?!’ Is there something that you’re not telling us?!” Megan remains silent.  Due to built-up frustration, Discord lunges forth and grabs the homo-deus by her neck region before lifting her into the air with his lion’s paw. “Discord!” HLN-A shouted in concern. “Don’t be so-” “Shut up, HLN-A!” The Overseer interjects, HLN-A adheres. “Listen to me, Megan,” His eyes flash red, “I don’t care that you’re a homo-deus, nor a child of those who created me and this installation. My protocol dictates that, should I perceive it necessary, I can override your authority and enforce my own to preserve the Ark’s well-being! After all, you unlocked those memories for me, remember?!”    Due to her body’s state, Megan did not need oxygen intake as she was held by the throat, her body dangling without resistance. But a mixture of sorrow and fear is etched onto her features, and transparent rivers of tears begin to travel down her cheeks. Discord grunts in anguish before releasing his grasp on Megan, her form falling to the ground and landing on her stomach as he crosses his arms. “You’d best start speaking right now,” The Overseer said. HLN-A floats closer to Megan, who rises herself onto her knees, but her gaze stays downcast. “Megan,” The AI starts as they place their right flap onto the homo-deus’s left shoulder. “Talk to us. What happened? And how is Grogar involved in any of this?” Megan’s gaze stays lowered, but she manages to recollect herself just enough to form a proper response: “It’s n… n-not, Grogar.” “If it’s not Grogar, then who?” HLN-A presses while Discord listens attentively. “Come on, Meg. You’ve got to pull it together.” Megan’s transparent body starts to shake, and voices from a distant memory flashes in her mind. “Megan!” A feminine voice cries out. “You have to get into the pod, now!” “Honey, listen to your mother!” A male voice comments. “The Equus Installation is ready to disembark, now get-” A terrifying and deafening roar cuts off their words.   “The King!” The female voice shouts. “It’s coming!” “Lyra, get my daughter into that pod right now! That includes you!” “Sir!” Lyra Heartstrings responds. “I won’t let you down!”    Several gargantuan stomps can be heard approaching, followed by another thunderous roar from the encroaching being of unparalleled proportions. “The King.” > Chapter 47 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The firing of Tek Rifles sounds off both on land and in the air, followed by spherical-shaped, light-blue energy projectiles. These attacks collide against the monstrous forms of the infected, their groans and roars emphasizing their defiance and savagery. The large forms of Stryders stomp all across Ponyville’s territory while being accompanied by several Defence Units, Attack Drones - which soared through the skies like a highly advanced wasp, and terrestrial entities of Equus.   Flyers such as dragons, pegasi, changelings, griffons, and those gifted with flight fought alongside Attack Drones in the skies as aerial combat ensued. Together, they raged against their shared foes of the infection. Limestone Pie jumped and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, firing her Tek Rifle at the infected below while being sure not to fall prey to them herself. “Yeah!” The Rock Farm mare exclaims. “That’s for my family, you freaks!” [SKREAAAAW!] The abominable roar of an infected dragon makes itself known as the creature is swooping down upon the mare, its claws ready to tear away at her flesh. Limestone’s gaze shifted towards the flyer, but her body couldn’t move in time due to the dragon’s sudden actions. Limestone grits her teeth with narrowed eyes, expecting the claws of the infected dragon to carve into her form. But another draconic entity made entirely of metal intercepts the dragon, biting into the entity and holding them within its metallic maw as it carries them off. Limestone’s eyes widen in wonder, and her muzzle falls agape as Starlight Glimmer, mounted upon the back of her Voidwyrm, meets the Rock Mare’s gaze and nods before flying away with her behemoth. “Oh, come on!” Limestone roars out after recovering from her stupor. “I want one of those!” ………. In the air, Derpy Hooves pulls back on the energy-comprised string of her futuristic bow before an ‘arrow’ made of the same energy is formed. Because of this, there was no need for a quiver as the ammunition manifested itself out of thin air—the advanced technological workings of humanity’s wonders. The pegasus aims, her allies flying past her with melee weaponry, such as members of the Wonderbolts, Flash Magnus of the Pillars, and even Rainbow Dash’s father: Bow Hothoof.  Derpy lets loose the arrow, which soars through the air with the wind building up around it before colliding and exploding with a gathering of infected flyers. Despite the appearance of her eyes, she had quite the marksmanship. The churned forms of the infected fall to the earth afterward, but the mail mare spots another opponent: a Noglin-controlled hippogriff, which rushes towards her. The pegasus narrows her eyes. “I see you, weird toad thingy!” The lights on her bow suddenly turn green, as does the weapon’s string, before she pulls back on the string with her left forehoof and produces a green variation of the former ammunition.     The controlled hippogriff careens toward her with flesh rendering claws at the ready, the attached Noglin on its back bearing a condescending smirk. But then, shockingly, Derpy becomes stunned by what unfolds before her - as do her allies who witness this from nearby: An infected griffon suddenly intercepts the Noglin-controlled hippogriff. In one swift motion, the griffon bites onto the Noglin and brutishly tears the entity right off of the hippogriff, said Noglin crying out with a screech before falling silent with its now torn in half form. The other half is swallowed whole by the corrupted griffon, and the hippogriff’s deceased form falls to the earth. However, Derpy wasn’t the only one to witness this phenomenon as, throughout all of Ponyville, everyone bore witness to a new war taking place. Noglins were now being killed off by the infected left and right, and some of the little critters even tried to flee altogether, only for the infected to intercept them and finish them off. “Wh-why are they fighting?” Derpy inquires shockingly while slowly lowering her bow. “I thought those toad things and the infected were- AUGH!” The pegasus suddenly cries out due to an infected changeling ramming into her form, which causes her to drop her bow.  The blackened changeling, some of their chitin having fallen off with some exposed innards and patches of lavender ‘radiation,’ wraps their forelimbs around Derpy before forcing her down to the earth, which she tries to resist. But despite her best efforts, the mail mare suddenly crashes through the rooftop of Ponyville’s now corrupted Day Spa.  ………. Derpy is then forced harshly against the Spa’s foundation by the changeling, and the duo is now located near several massage beddings and a large pool of moldy water being held within a wooden tub. But with gritted teeth and quick thinking, the grey pegasus bucks the changeling off of her before it tries to clamp its jaws onto the downed pegasus, sending the infected equine soaring and crashing into another set of massage beds. The adrenaline of that moment wears off, and a painful cry leaves Derpy’s muzzle, “M-my wing!” She shouts as her now cracked appendage, her right wing, pulsates with jolting torment.  Her Tek Armor was sadly unable to protect her limb from harm completely. And although her equipment would indeed allow her to defend herself properly, she was simply in too much pain to form a coherent thought as she grunted with gritted teeth and closed eyes. Warning. Warning.  Her suit cautions with a mechanized adjustment of Lyra Heartstring’s voice.  Severe injury sustained. Attention: Infected entity inbound. Resistance is highly advised. The infected changeling roars out as it bursts out of the rubble of bedding and leaps into the air with its fangs and dangling tongue at the ready. Derpy, only able to look upward with a single eye, could only watch helplessly as the zombie-like entity nearly sank its teeth into her. “Leave her be!” A male’s voice exclaims, followed by the sounds of multiple energized gunfire, which hurls the changeling’s hole-filled form into the tub of moldy water.  “You will not take her away from me, abomination.” Derpy shifts her gaze towards the source of the voice and approaching armored hooves that slammed against the Spa floor. And soon enough, a white unicorn stallion with a golden mane and tail donned in Tek Armor comes into her sight. The stallion’s face is currently hidden behind his Tek Helmet’s blanket of hexagons, but the pegasus knows who it is as she mutters with widened eyes: “B… Blueblood…” “I’m here, Derpy,” Blueblood responds. The blanket of hexagons recedes and reveals his features as he offers his left forehoof. “Please, take my hoof.” The pegasus obliges, extending a forelimb towards him. But another surge of pain reminds her of her condition as she grits her teeth and winces. “You’re hurt,” Blueblood states with concern. “Let me see your-” “Dinky!” Derpy suddenly roars out. “Is Dinky ok?!” “She’s fine,” Blueblood responds with a smile. “She arrived via a teleportation spell, and I’ve seen to her well being personally. She’s currently in Dr. Whooves’ adequate care. Now, please, let’s get you off this simply grotesque floor.”  Derpy lets loose a sigh of relief as she’s gently aided onto her hooves with Blueblood’s support, the stallion making doubly sure as not to bother her damaged wing. The unicorn leans into the wing to get a better assessment of the damage, but Derpy surprises the white stallion as she lunges forward and locks lips with him, causing his eyes to widen for a moment before he melts into the gesture. After a brief moment, Derpy departs her lips before she buries her face into the base of Blueblood’s neck. “Thank you,” She said. “For coming to help Ponyville.” “Truth be told, I didn’t come to help this distasteful- er, I mean, Ponyville,” He responds, resting his head on her own. “I came for you.” The pegasus parts upon hearing those words, looking into Blueblood’s eyes with a narrowed expression, “Bluey,” She scolds. “Ponyville is my home. Be nice.” The unicorn’s expression becomes nervous, “M-my apologies, beloved. It’s, uh, old habits - in a sense. But…” His eyes travel downward, and a chuckle is let loose. “It’s… a far more suitable place for Dinky to grow up in. You’ve raised her well, my love,” He sighs, “Whereas, I, couldn’t.”  “Don’t say that, Bluey. You might not have been able to be here personally, but that’s because you were protecting us from the other nobles. At least, the big mean ones. And let’s not forget the bits you’d send to help me raise her,” The pegasus laughs sheepishly, “I love my job, but being a mail mare doesn’t exactly pay too much. It’s decent, but not a lot.” “I suppose you make a valid point,” He responds, followed by a smirking chuckle. “My offer to be my personal maid still stands.” A moment of silence ensues as Derpy stares at him with wide eyes and reddened features. “That’s so romantic!” A familiar voice chimes in, causing the duo to slowly turn towards the source with shocked expressions where they see a certain pink alicorn sitting on her flank, her forhooves crossed in delight.    “I always knew you two were secret lovers,” Cadence continues. “‘The Prince and the commoner,’ such a great classic! Oh, sorry about that. You see, I saw Derpy get tackled by that changeling and you, Blueblood, came to aid her. So I thought I’d give you some backup. But, oh my, what a treat I’ve stumbled upon!” “Wh-how-you-” Blueblood stutters while Derpy hides her face behind her remaining unharmed wing. “I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!” He roars out as his voice travels throughout the Spa. The pink alicorn’s eyes widen, and she clears her throat. “Anyway, the situation outside has taken a strange… turn.” “Oh, don’t you dare try to segway out of this!” Blueblood responds with a pointed forehoof. “Who else knows about-!” Suddenly, the ground all around them shakes violently, and a thunderous roar bellows from outside - being slightly muffled by the walls all around them. Debris and non-secured items start to fall and shatter, and the trio tries to maintain their balance during the disturbance. Then, the commotion suddenly stops, and the three equines bore faces of confusion and concern. “What’s going on out there?!” Derpy exclaims. “I-I don’t know,” Cadence responds, her voice drenched with worry. “But we’d better go find out!” “Go on ahead,” Blueblood comments. “Derpy’s wing has been injured. Please allow me to tend to her first, and if she’s able, we’ll join you.” The alicorn nods, but a thought comes to her before she fires up her horn and floats a particular Tek Bow towards Derpy. Said bow having fallen into the Spa from the earthquake-like phenomenon. “I believe you dropped this,” The alicorn said before flapping her wings and exiting the Spa via the same hole in the ceiling that had been forged by Derpy and the infected changeling’s conflict. Cadence’s wings flap to keep her airborne and her eyes are stunned by what she sees approaching Ponyville from the direction of the Everfree Forest.   “Sweet Celestia…”  Four serpentine heads with long necks can be seen peering over the treelines of the Everfree, and those who stood on ground level could see this entity over the buildings of Ponyville, drawing ever closer with every quaking step it takes. In response, several Stryders throughout Ponyville began to aim their heads towards the encroaching behemoth. Attack Drones and Defence Units also follow suit, although others continue to fight off the corruption, while the many uninfected life forms of Equus now faced a new threat: an infected Hydra of great proportions. “Creations of man,” The heads of the hydra says in unison, their voices echoing all across the vicinity. “You belong to me.” Among the masses that began to form to combat this threat, Nightmare Moon stood on ground level with her sister, Daybreaker, floating at a small distance beside her. Their allies prepared their weapons and steeled their nerves for combat. And as Princess Cadence lands beside Nightmare Moon, the trio of alicorns fires up their horns in unison with the sounds of futuristic weaponry clicking and phasing in tandem. > Chapter 48 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: EQUUS- -South Western Ice Fields- Due to the CMC’s tampering with the Ark’s weather systems, the ice fields of the southwestern region of the Equus installation had been noticeably reduced in size. Despite this, several foundations of ice plates remained, all while the Blue Obelisk floats over this general vicinity. Positioned just below the Blue Obelisk, a stream of transparent light with matching coloration beams down and made contact with a terminal raised out of a metallic foundation like a podium. A series of blue lights travel through several lay lines, forming an X pattern upon the hexagonal-shaped metallic platform. And the terminal within the epicenter is a direct copy to the one positioned within the Crystal Empire Castle throne room. A legion of hippogriffs can be seen observing the Obelisk from afar with caution present on their features. Every one of them wore golden chest plates with helmets resembling a Roman motif. In addition, their weaponry consists of spears, swords, and shields. “This is getting ridiculous,” A yellow female hippogriff with a white tail and crest comments. “We’re already dealing with Novo knows what those little creatures are, and now this giant ‘Obelisk’ is acting strange? World’s gone mad, I tell ya.”  “Tell me about it,” Another female hippogriff responds, standing alongside the former while taking on a pink coloration with a purple tail and crest. “General Seaspray has yet to return from Canterlot, and the sky literally broke apart after two giant floating heads began arguing.” “Yeah. There are even rumors that some strange infection is terrorizing, uh,” The yellow hippogriff places a claw to her chin in thought, “What was the name of- ah. Yes, Ponyville.” “The one with the School of Friendship?” “Yeah, that one - although I’ve never been there myself. But according to the rumors, that infection is some serious stuff, and those who managed to flee the infected areas are… mentally scarred.”  “By the sea… that sounds awful. I hope everycreature there is doing alright,” The pink hippogriff turns her gaze towards the Obelisk, “So, I just got here, but based on the report, that floating structure began to ‘pulsate?’”  “In a manner of speaking. We were stationed here to ensure that no one approached the obelisk. Then, out of nowhere, it let loose some strange energy that blew away several of our flyers in the process via some strange pulse of gravity. And don’t get me started on the forward camp we had established beneath it.”   “How did you guys stop it?” “...We didn’t. It stopped on its own accord, and we’ve been observing it from this distance ever since.” “Look!” A male hippogriff exclaims from the forefront. “The Obelisk! It’s doing something again!” As was stated, the Blue Obelisk began to illuminate with vibrant light and energy. This causes all attendees to shield their eyes with their wings and talons. The luminous phenomenon continues for a brief moment before the Obelisk ceases its actions, and as the gathering of hippogriffs lowers their appendages, their eyes are widened in absolute shock and awe. A feminine bipedal figure with black hair now rests on their stomach directly beneath the Blue Obelisk, but the cold chill of the metallic foundation stirs her awake. She lets loose an annoyed grunt before she starts to lift her well-toned body off of the ground. And in one smooth motion, the individual stands at her full stature, roughly 5 foot 7 in height, with nothing but a bra and underwear to offer her minuscule protection from the elements. ………. “Wh-what manner of creature is that?!” A male voice inquires amongst the hippogriffs. “It looks like… an ape?” A female voice inquires. “O-or… maybe a type of Storm Beast?” “But… it doesn’t even have fur! Unless you count that mess on its head!” Another female responds. “It must be freezing!” “I’m more concerned that it came OUT of the Obelisk!” A male responds. Many others began to voice their own curiosities and concerns, but two individuals began to approach the being in question. But unlike the apparel of the other hippogriffs, these two presented an appearance that practically radiated with those of a higher rank as their entire body is covered in protective armaments. As the duo began to step onto the metal foundation, the biped before them had completely ignored their presence as the individual fixated their gaze on the terminal. The female had accessed the terminal with a glowing hue from the diamond-shaped implant that rests below their left hand’s wrist. “Excuse us, but we must ask that you come with us for questioning,” One of the two hippogriffs said in a deep male voice. “We mean you no harm, but I hope you can understand our caution given the circumstances. We will also provide warm clothing should you require it, although we admit that your anatomy will limit our options.” No response is garnered. The two hippogriffs turn to each other before looking back at the newcomer. “Creature, my name is Crashing Waves, and I respectfully ask that you respond to Commander Tsunami’s request.” The second hippogriff said, notably female.  The female biped seems to finish its task with the terminal. “Perfect. It arrived with me flawlessly, although Helena could’ve chosen a more convenient Obel-” “We won’t ask you again,” Commander Tsunami interjects. “I have been given strict orders not to allow anyone else to approach this Obelisk, but you came out of it. If you do not come with us peacefully, I will take you to her majesty by force if I must. I do not wish to antagonize you, creature, but you’re blatantly ignoring us.” The biped turns its gaze towards the two hippogriffs. Its eyes seem to scan their forms up and down, followed by taking in a cold breath. “My name is Mei-Yin Li,” The biped finally responds, cold mist escaping from her mouth. “I have no obligation to you or anyone else on this Ark, so I’m not allowing you to take me anywhere.” She walks towards them before stopping at a short distance near the edge of the metal platform.  “I’m currently angry that Edmund’s managed to do all of this; to top it all off, it’s freezing. In other words,” Mei narrows her eyes, “Stay out of my way.” Those words caused a strange sense of fear to become engraved into both Commander Tsunami and Crashing Waves’ forms.  “I am here simply on behalf of Helena Walker, and I will aid in the efforts to eradicate Edmund’s influence from this installation,” Mei extends her left hand and aims it towards an open space, although away from the two hippogriffs before her. “I have far more pressing concerns, and you two are not one of them.” Suddenly, the attention of the two hippogriffs - not to mention the force behind them - is pulled towards a bipedal behemoth made entirely of futuristic metals and technology. It had been called forth by Mei’s actions, manifesting from a green outline and imitation that appeared before the actual object itself was brought into existence. Mei-Yin suddenly sprints towards the metal giant, but what shocks everyone else present is how the giant, in turn, actually turns its gaze towards her. It began to walk towards Mei, its girth shaking the ice in the process as it extended a hand outward. “I’ve got ya, beautiful!” An unknown feminine voice calls out from the mech as Mei-Yin jumps into the air and lands on the giant’s palm. The metal giant raises its hand until Mei-Yin becomes at ‘eye level’ with the entity.  “Now then, get inside me, Mei~” Mei stares at the behemoth with a deadpan expression before facepalming. “I’m too cold for one of your terrible puns, Diana.” “Awwww… you’re no fun.” The metal being sighed. “Ok. Fine, business before pleasure and all that.”       A compartment opens up on the back portion of the metal biped’s head as it brings Mei-Yin closer with an open palm. Mei hops onto the mech before running along the top side of the entity’s head and entering the compartment. The compartment closes, and Mei-Yin becomes seated within the cockpit of this mecha. A screen is now present before her, giving her a clear view of the outside world through the mecha’s ‘head region.’   “Alright, Diana. Take us to Ponyville asap, and once we get there,” She narrows her eyes, “I want you to enable manual cerebrum controls. I’ll take over from there.” “Heh, looks like someone’s been paying attention to my lectures on proper MEK usage,” A series of buttons could be heard on Diana’s end. “I’ve got an excellent connection to your MEK Unit from Earth, and yes, that MEK comes with your favorite attachments. Dual blades with a shield generator, yes?”       Mei chuckles. “You know me all too well, my beloved.” “You’re lucky that this is one of the last two MEKs that Santiago personally designed. The more ‘common builds’ aren’t exactly as expansive as this baby is.”  The MEK suddenly raises its right arm above its head with a closed fist as a series of thrusters fires up in tandem, much to the shock of those who observed from outside.  “Now, up, up, and awaaaaay!” The MEK takes flight, slowly gaining altitude before adjusting its thrusters which push it forward at a generous pace. And as the mechanical giant’s form shrinks into the distance, the hippogriffs remain dumbfounded by the scenario. “C-Commander…?” “Y-yes, Crash?” “What, in the name of Tartarus, just happened…?” Commander Tsunami slumps his shoulders. “To be blunt: I’ve no fucking idea.” -Ponyville- Powerful roars echo all across Ponyville, accompanied by various forms of retaliation. The sky became alighted by magical outputs and the travelings of energy projectiles, and the conflict had progressed towards the edge of Ponyville and between the Everfree Forest. All while four gigantic serpentine heads clashed with several agile flyers, snapping at them with powerful jaws and ravenous intent. “Alright, Wonderbolts!” Captain Spitfire exclaims, her Tek Armor offering a boost to her speed via a jetpack positioned on her back. “Looks like this freak is putting on quite a show! Are we going to let it outdo us?!”  “Ma’am! No, ma’am!” Her fellow bolts respond in unison. This consists of Soarin, Fleetfoot, Blaze, High Winds, Misty Fly, Silver Zoom, Surprise, and Thunderlane.  Much like Spitfire, they also wore their Tek Armor with pride. But their vocation’s unquestionable uniform could be slightly seen beneath their futuristic apparel. The flyers flew in a V formation with Spitfire at the lead, and as they bank around to combat their infected foe once again, the pegasi spread their forehooves apart before a series of holographic claws elongated from their forelimbs via their equipment.         “Alright, team! Here’s a new routine for us all!” Spitfire starts. “It’s called: cut this thing down until there’s nothing left! Any complaints?!” The pegasi cross their forehooves in front of them as they prepare to swipe away with their blades, which forms a smirk on Spitfire’s muzzle. “Hah! I didn’t think so!” ………. The hydra roars out as two of its heads are focused on Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. As the sisters blasted the behemoth with their spells, making doubly sure as to take advantage of their flight to stay out of the beast’s reach, the other two heads of the atrocity had devised a plan of their own. “Don’t let up, my sister!” Daybreaker roars out, a torrent of flames being unleashed from her horn. “As if we wouldst ever allow thee to do more harm to this monstrosity!” Nightmare Moon responds with a smirk, although the expression had another meaning, which Daybreaker had caught onto instantly. “Oh?” She inquires. “Is that a challenge, Lulu?” “Verily. And one that I’m currently winning.” Daybreaker’s left eye twitches. “Oh, it! Is! On!” She shouts with her flaming mane and tail pulsating as the two alicorns amplify their attacks in unison. The sisters continue to relentlessly unleash their attacks on the two heads of the hydra, but then the other two heads make themselves known before tossing two chunks of Ponyville’s houses at them. This causes the sisters to stop their attack and attempt to dodge the oncoming obstacles, but a sudden series of V formation flyers make themselves known. The sounds of slicing blades and the scent of melted wood and hay follow soon afterward as the Wonderbolts made short work of the debris with their futuristic claws—which possessed the capacity to slice through metal like hot butter. “We’ve got your back, princesses!” Soarin shouts as he cuts away at a large log that had been part of the house’s makeup. The hydra roars out again before all four heads lunge towards the Wonderbolts, whose attention is diverted. But a sudden series of powerful energy projectiles are unleashed from below, which throws off the entity’s attempts. “Yak make monster pay for hurting yaks and friends!” Prince Rutherford roars out from below, a gathering of his fellow yaks and their allies standing beside him. “Yaks, fire!” Interestingly, the yak prince and his fellow kindred are donned in Tek Armor but fashionably designed to their species. They resembled armored tanks whose bodies were covered in futuristic apparel. Their heads are concealed behind a helmet with a flat surface as to use for bludgeon force, but their most notable feature is what’s strapped onto their backs: In addition, several Stryders begin to join the assault of the yaks as beams of energy collide with the hydra. But among these Stryders, one, in particular, stood with yellow lights instead of the usual blue hues. “All Stryders, engage!” Lyra Heartstrings exclaims as her eyes are filled with the same colored energy. Bon Bon stands beside her as the duo is mounted upon the Stryder’s back.     “Bring it down!” Suddenly, a large shadow flies over Lyra and her allies during their assault as Starlight Glimmer passes over, mounted upon the back of her Voidwyrm. The duo approaches the hydra with anticipation. “Alright, big guy,” Starlight says with narrowed eyes. “Let’s see how you like this!” The Voidwyrm’s mouth parts and a sphere of electricity gathers within before being spewed forward. The attack spread out in a cone shape, but it looked like the draconian entity was scanning the hydra. That is, if these ‘scans’ didn’t include scorching the infected titan.    The hydra roars out as one of the heads tries to bite into the Voidwyrm, but the draconian performs a barrel roll and dodges a large set of jaws that grazes past Starlight in the process. But during this action, the Voidwyrm’s legs had scratched into the hydra’s face and even gouged out its left eye, causing the entity to screech in response. ………. Down below, Prince Rutherford continues his assault, as do the yaks alongside him. In addition to all other species who possessed other ranged weaponry. Those who bore melee-based weaponry stood in front of them in a formation as if ready to charge forth at any moment. Some even had a small shoulder cannon attached to the appropriate proportions. Several familiar faces, such as Tempest Shadow, her Storm Beasts, Silent Gorge, Iron Will, Thorax, Pharynx, Fleur De Lis, Big Mac, Autumn Blaze, Queen Amira, General Seaspray, Sunset Shimmer, King Aspen, Chief Thunderhooves, and many more are among these masses.  “This… this is absolute madness,” Sunset Shimmer comments, standing to the left of Iron Will in Tek Armor while possessing a currently deactivated Tek Shoulder Cannon and holding a Tek Sword in her right forehoof. “That thing isn’t giving up. We’re throwing everything we’ve got at it, and it’s still fighting on.” “Fear not, for we will be victorious,” Queen Amira responds, positioned to iron Will’s right. “Like a sandstorm in the Saddle Arabian desert, we will rage against this foe, and it shall feel the sting of our combined might.”  Iron Will flexes with both his shield and sword in either hand. “You also have Iron Will standing here!” He strikes another pose, “We’ve already won this fight!” The minotaur is suddenly bonked on the head by a griffon’s talon. “You’d better not get overconfident out here, muscle head.” “G-Gallus?!” Iron Will exclaims after recovering, turning to the griffon. “Starlight told you to-” “One: Starlight’s not my mom, although I appreciate her worry,” Gallus interjects, floating in place with the flaps of his wings while his claws are covered in the same blue energy as Iron Will’s Tek Sword. “Two: Ponyville is my home. And three…” The griffon lands beside Sunset Shimmer with closed eyes as the trio looks at him. “When I got back to Canterlot… when I saw Ocellus and Smolder… it was the look on their faces that did it for me,” His eyes open, “I don’t want anycreature of any age ever to experience that level of fear, especially my friends,” He turns his gaze towards Iron Will, “You better not even try to make me leave, muscle for brains.” Both Sunset Shimmer and Queen Amira form a smile in response, and as Iron Will is about to commend the griffon, the infected hydra lets out a powerful roar that nearly deafens all in attendance. Both on land and in the air. Suddenly, the many wounds on the behemoth begin to regenerate as the entity is surrounded by a lavender aura, much to the stunned expressions of all in attendance. All of their combined might and efforts had been undone before their very eyes, and the hydra itself lets loose a guttural laugh.    Then, a series of purple pillars of energy start to manifest, followed by many strange imitations of Equus’s lifeforms: Corrupted Avatars, the same entities that had manifested within the Ark’s System Root. These are dominantly terrestrial threats, and each is made of light-blue and white energy with various fragments of metal that form the body itself. Despite the lack of facial features, one could easily tell who these entities were representing just from the form alone. “What in the…” Tempest Shadow mutters in shock amongst the ground forces. But one of the Corrupted Avatars takes a form that catches her attention instantly: the Storm King. “No, it-it can’t be. You’re dead!” However, it wasn’t just the Storm King as other familiar past foes stood amongst the imitations, such as King Sombra and the Pony of Shadows. But there are also those who lost their lives during this conflict. All this, In addition to wildlife such as manticores, cockatrice, and timberwolves. Or metalwolves, in this case.        The entire force now has to contend with these enemies alongside the infected and the hydra. Regardless, everyone readied themselves for battle. And as these new foes run towards the forces of Equus, a matching rumbling of encroachment sounds off as Equus’s defenders charge forth with their weapons at the ready and various warcries sounding off.    “Oh no,” HLN-A comments with dread, witnessing the hydra’s actions from afar. “The infection mutated the hydra’s natural regenerative properties to unparalleled heights! And the Corrupted Avatars are thrown into the mix! Bloody hell, this is getting out of control!” The AI is currently floating beside one of the buildings positioned at the edge of Ponyville, which is also behind HLN-A’s allied land-based forces. The building also possessed a hole in the wall as if something had been thrown through with tremendous force. “Come on, HLN-A. Think, think, how can we stop this?” A cough can be heard originating from behind HLN-A, and the AI turns back to the hole only to see Princess Cadence emerge from the breach with a limp in her steps. “Woah, woah, woah!” The AI shouts in concern as it flies hurriedly towards the pink alicorn. “I told you to stay hidden and recover from your wounds, mate! That hydra gave you a good old tossing!” HLN-A starts to scan the alicorn, “I’m performing a damage analysis.” “W… why…” Cadence comments with her head lowered in shame. “Why is it always… me.”  “Pardon?” HLN-A inquires.  Absolute frustration builds up within Cadence’s form before she lifts her head with a teary expression. “Why am I always so useless?!” She roars out. This causes the AI to stop the scanning process. “Bollocks, love. You’re not useless, and this is not the time to be thinking like that.” “Oh, please,” The alicorn retorts with a scoff. “What did I contribute to this fight, huh?”  “Mate, you faced the CMC with Celestia and Luna-” “Exactly!” Cadence interjects with flared wings. “But that was with my aunts, and I probably didn’t even contribute nearly enough in that battle as I am in this one! I mean, when Megan made us eat those strange chips-” “Element,” HLN-A states with the material in question present on their visor. “Your bodies are able to process it in the same sense as a Ferox from the Genesis Simulation.” “Yes, that,” Cadence starts again. “Both of my aunts transformed into, well, look at them. And apparently, those are their true forms. But when I ate it? Hah, surprise, nothing but a green aura that surrounds me. I don’t even get a transformation, just a subpar power up.” Cadence turns her gaze to the sky and watches as Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and their aerial allies continue the fight against the hydra. All while the ground forces engage with the Corrupted Avatars and the infected. “I’m supposed to be a princess who defends her subjects. I’m supposed to be a Guardian of and for the Ark,” Cadence comments somberly. “But compared to those two, not to mention Twilight… I’m nothing.” HLN-A stares at the alicorn with a sad face emoji. “Love… that’s not true at all. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but we can still help out uniquely. Besides, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all needed help from time to time. They’re not unstoppable gods or anything.” “Right you are, HLN-A,” Discord’s voice echoes out, appearing after a resounding ‘POP’ along with the faint scent of chocolate. But before HLN-A or Cadence could speak, the Overseer raises his eagle’s talon.   “Hold up,” He said. “I’ve got a plan, and I don’t want either of you to interrupt me,” He snaps his lion’s paw, but nothing happens.  Both Cadence and HLN-A look toward each other and back to Discord. “You, uh, ok there, mate?” HLN-A inquires.  Discord snaps his paw once more. “Rrrrgh! Stupid lack of Element, why won’t you-” A quad-pod easel with a large board and three colored markers, red, green, and blue, appears. “Ah! There we go!” “Wait, lack of Element?” HLN-A inquires. “Atatata! No interrupting,” Discord scolds with his eagle’s talon before grabbing onto the green marker and popping the lid off. “Now then, this green dot is you, Cadence. I don’t have a pink marker, so you’ll need to forgive me.” He draws a green pony onto the board. Then, Discord proceeds to draw the three obelisks with each matching pen around Cadence and in a perfect triangle formation with her in the epicenter. He also adds a dome that surrounds the obelisks and Cadence as a whole. “As you can see, these are the obelisks with you in the middle, not to mention the dome of Equus is all around you,” He turns to the duo and raises a single digit on his eagle’s talon. “Now, class, can you tell me what this could possibly mean?” “Discord!” HLN-A roars out. “We don’t have time for this!”   “Oh, fine! Excuuuuse me for keeping your brains active!” Discord exclaims as he tosses his red marker. “Cadence here is the key to ending the infection and temporarily repairing the Ark’s dome until I can make full reparations,” He points his talon to HLN-A, “And you are what we need to contain those Corrupted Avatars.” “W-what…?” Cadence questions in disbelief before looking away. “You must be mistaking me for-” “No, I mean you, missy,” Discord interjects as he pokes Cadence’s right wing with his paw. “Do you even have the slightest idea what you are? What kind of Guardian you are?” Cadence shakes her head slowly. Discord wipes his eagle’s talon across his face with a frustrated sigh. “I suppose I can only blame myself and Megan for this ignorance. You are the embodiment of the Ark’s Purification Protocol. In other words, where Celestia, Luna, and Twilight are the Ark’s offense, you, Cadence, are its defense.” Upon truly absorbing Discord’s words, Cadence shifts in place and takes on a determined stature. “What do I have to do?” She inquires. Suddenly, HLN-A comes to a realization as an exclamation mark pops up on their visor. “Wait, of course! The lack of Element is due to the Ark’s dome being removed. And considering the installation’s current movement, all of that oxygen and Element particles are being blown into space.” “And that’s why we need to act now,” Discord responds. “The longer we take, the more dangerous the situation becomes for everyone else.” He turns and faces the direction of a particular crystalline structure. “Quickly, to Twilight’s Castle!” He declares dramatically. “Hang on, where is Megan?” Cadence inquires. “Is she there waiting for us?” “Oh, you needn’t worry,” Discord responds. “Let’s just say that she’s on the hunt... for a ram.” > Chapter 49 - Battle For Ponyville Finale. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The loud sounds of clanking shields and swords that strike against the metallic makeup of numerous Corrupted Avatars sound off, accompanied by the warcries of Equus’s defenders and the unsettling moans of infected entities. All while the titanic form of the infected hydra can be seen combating against several flyers with energy projectiles being unleashed upon the multi-headed titan in tandem. Amongst the masses waging war on ground level, Tempest Shadow is locked in combat with the imitation of the Storm King. The two circled each other after parting from their recent conflict, with each combatant going clockwise and counterclockwise.    The purple unicorn’s Tek Armor supported her current stance as she stood on her hind legs while wielding a Tek Sword with her forelimbs. But her helmet has a notable uniqueness as the remnants of her broken horn is covered, yet what’s present there gave the impression that something could protrude outward. Tempest needed no words to express her disdain towards the entity before her, but her face could certainly do all the talking, even though it is hidden behind a blanket of hexagons. And with a roar, the broken unicorn charged forth. The avatar before her beats on its chest before spreading its arms and running towards its opponent as if to grapple with the unicorn mare. The arms of the imitation close in on Tempest, but with a grunt, the unicorn hops into the air as the ‘Storm King’s’ appendages meet nothing where she once stood. The unicorn falls back down to the earth, adjusts her blade as she takes aim, lands on the imitation’s right shoulder, and plunges her blade deep into the entity’s joint region. The entity starts to thrash about in an attempt to get her off it, but Tempest smiles vibrantly before keeping her grasp on her blade and jumping off towards the rear section of the imitation. Because of the size difference, the unicorn couldn’t meet the earth, and she struggled as she tried to pull her opponent to the ground.  “Alright then!” She roared as the jetpack on her back fired up and aided the unicorn’s efforts. She’s able to bring down the ‘Storm King’ as the biped falls onto their back. “I’m not done with you yet!” Tempest exclaims as she moves towards the imitation’s legs and grabs onto the left appendage. “This is for ‘using me!’” Tempest roars out yet again, and with the enhancements of her armor and support of her jetpack, she raises the entity over her head before slamming it down behind her. But the unicorn doesn’t relent as she once again lifts the entity and repeats the process. However, as the imitation’s form nearly crashes into the earth, the entity breaks apart as the metals and energy that make up its body separate and dance around her. And her Tek Sword falls to the ground as a result. “What?!” Tempest exclaims, but the sound of clanking metal and sizzling energy makes itself known from behind the unicorn mare; she turns her head to the source. “Oh, buck m-” The unicorn is batted away by the ‘Storm King’s’ forearm and is sent skiing across the dirt a few feet away.       “Nnngh!” She struggles with gritted teeth as the imitation’s steps can be felt approaching her while she lies on her back within a mound of built-up sediment. The steps stop as the behemoth stands above her, to which she turns her gaze upward and coughs. “Heh, if this is about me turning you into a sculpture and knocking you off that balcony, well,” She raises her head and chest region with the aid of her forelimbs while her face is revealed, no longer being concealed by the blanket of hexagons. “I’m NOT sorry! And I’d gladly do it again, you sad excuse for a king!” The king raises their left leg before bringing it down upon Tempest’s chest region, forcing her back to the floor as she lets out a painful exclamation. There the imitation’s foot remains planted, although the unicorn’s armor does provide some protection and absorbs some of the force being applied. Tempest coughs and a small trail of blood escapes her muzzle. But the unicorn sports a pained smile before looking up to the ‘Storm King’ once more. “I-Imagine calling yourself the Storm King,” She coughs again, followed by a chuckle, “And you can’t even make your own storm. I’d-I’d keep laughing,” Another cough, “If it didn’t hurt so bucking much.” The imitation roars out before lowering itself, grabbing onto Tempest’s chest plate with its right hand and lifting her while growling in tandem. “I-I’m the only storm between us,” The unicorn remains defiant as she’s being lifted. “Our enemies cowered in fear when our forces approached - not because of you, but me.”  The imitation holds her high in the air, although its elbow remains bent as it brought her face-to-face with it. “Because at the end of the day, I am Tempest Shadow…” She continues, raising her hind legs in unison. “And I am the storm that is approaching!”   Tempest grits her teeth and her jetpack’s thrusters pulsate as she bucks herself away from the ‘Storm King’ with a resulting shockwave - courtesy of her Tek Boots. The resulting wave creates a generous spacing between them, and the unicorn capitalizes on this by raising her head up high. An artificial blue horn made of phasing energy protrudes from the top of her head, and with a series of electricity gathering around the fake horn, Tempest takes aim, roars out, and unleashes a relentless wave of sparks and lightning.  The imitation is seemingly turned into a conduit as Tempest’s assault causes various malfunctions within the Corrupted Avatar. But something stuck out to the unicorn mare as the entity seemed to be in overload.  “And when there’s an overload,” Tempest comments, her eyes widening, “An explosion always follows!” Tempest acts quickly, and her thrusters go to work as she charges forth and activates one of the Tek Armor’s capabilities as Lyra Heartstring’s mechanized voice comments: Superspeed engaged.   Tempest wraps her forelimbs around the ‘Storm King’s’ stomach region before lifting them upward and into the air with the aid of her jetpack. Her face becomes concealed behind a blanket of hexagons via her helmet, and as she tries to get the entity away from her allies, who fought their own battles around them, she takes note of the giant hydra nearby and smiles. ……….  Daybreaker floats above the hydra as her breaths become more challenging to intake. All while the forms of Nightmare Moon, the Wonderbolts, Derpy, and Blueblood - of which the duo had joined the fighting, along with other flyers from various species all continued to battle the multi-headed behemoth. In addition to Attack Drones and the ranged attacks of Stryders. The sun alicorn takes another deep albeit struggling breath and growls before diving towards the hydra with a spiral of flames gathering all around her. She intends to crash into the behemoth like a meteor, but this suddenly stops alongside her gathering prowess. “What?!” She roars out. “M-my powers! T-they’re- GRAUGH!” Daybreaker’s attention had diverted, and an incredible force of physical prowess crashed upon her as one of the hydra’s heads slammed into her backside with its chin. This sends the alicorn spiraling into the earth below, followed by a small crater as a cloud of dust is thrown up into the air. Daybreaker laid there for a brief moment with closed eyes and a pained gritted expression before opening her orbs, only to see the same head that had struck her now in the process of a lunge. The beast’s haunting maw with rows of flesh-rendering teeth and patches of the lavender infection is parted, ready to clamp down upon her with ravenous results. “Not today, sister!” Nightmare Moon bellows as she grabs onto the sun alicorn and tosses them away. The lunar Guardian attempts to dodge in turn, but her right wing and foreleg are caught within the edges of the hydra’s jaw, which had clamped shut. Nightmare Moon roars out in a fit of pained torture as the serpentine head carries her away for a time, her form dangling as she tries to resist.  “LUNAAAA!” The downed sun princess roars out, followed by another cough as the air seems to be resisting her attempts to fill her lungs. And as the forms of Derpy, Blueblood, the Wonderbolts, and other flyers attempt to aid the lunar princess, the loud exclamation of Tempest Shadow beckons to them all with the aid of her helmet. “GET AWAY, NOW!!” Those in attendance turn their gaze toward the unicorn, and the other heads of the hydra take notice of Tempest’s actions. More accurately, what the armored mare had held within her forelimbs and pushed towards it with her thrusters.  But it’s already too late for the infected titan as Tempest spins in place and hurls the Storm King’s overloaded imitation towards the base of one of the hydra’s heads - the same head that had Nightmare Moon’s struggling form held within the edge of its maw. A loud explosion ensues, followed by the deafening roars of the other heads of the hydra.  The head that had swooped away the lunar alicorn stops immediately before falling down to the earth, the local area quaking in response to its girth as a cloud of dust kicks up in tandem.    Daybreaker, despite the pain pulsating throughout her entire form, gets onto her hooves and stampedes towards the fallen hydra head. However, she could hear conflict rage on behind her again as the remaining heads of the entity combat several flyers once more.   “Luna!” The sun Guardian shouts, standing before the hydra-head. “Where are you?!”  No response is garnered, and the white alicorn takes flight, although she coughs along the way as the air progressively feels thinner. Daybreaker flies over the head and observes the opposite side, to which she lets loose a gasp as she sees her sister’s form dangling from the head’s closed maw. She acts quickly and lands on the lower jawline of the head before trying to part the beast’s maw with raw physical might in hopes of setting her sibling free. “Tartarus, damn you!” She roars out, gritting her teeth as she pushes against the jaw and tries to pry it upward. But a sense of lightheadedness overtakes her before the alicorn loses consciousness and stumbles down to the earth. Now splayed on her back, Daybreaker could only extend a forelimb towards her sibling. It became harder to breathe with every passing moment, and as her vision darkened, a sudden object appeared in her view as someone had shoved their helmet onto her muzzle, allowing a surge of oxygen to fill her lungs. “Haaaaaugh!” She breaths in greedily. “Hang on, princess,” Comments a helmetless Tempest. “Take steady breaths, nice and easy.” “L-Luna,” Daybreaker starts, pointing her forelimb towards her sibling. “Save, Luna…” “They’re already on it,” Tempest responds as two other individuals hurriedly fly over to the hydra’s head.     Both Derpy and Blueblood float before Nightmare Moon’s dangling form, her chest is barely rising, but signs of life are still present. Blueblood quickly takes off his helmet, although he intakes a large breath of air before unequipping the apparel and placing it over ‘Luna’s’ muzzle. The duo agreed to keep the helmet fastened onto Nightmare’s muzzle while they, themselves, began to share Derpy’s helmet. The pegasus would take a breath within the helm before passing it onto the white unicorn. However, the duo couldn’t help but pity ‘Luna’s’ current state as her wing and leg remained trapped within the dismembered head’s maw. “H… how did you know to do that?” Daybreaker inquires as she passes Tempest’s helmet back to its owner. Tempest takes a breath from the apparel. “I’m no tech specialist, and you and your sister bolted out of the throne room before Megan could explain it. But these helmets are equipped with some sort of oxygen production. Don’t ask me how it works, but we should be grateful it does… for now.” Tempest takes another breath before passing the helmet onto the alicorn. “I can hold my breath for a bit.” “Is there a limit to these?” The alicorn inquires after inhaling.  “Sadly, there is,” The broken unicorn answers as she turns her gaze skyward, “And if we don’t fix this ‘sky issue’ soon enough, everycreature here will face the same problem.” ………. The aerial forces of Equus’s defenders continue to strike at the infected monstrosity. But then, the remaining heads of the entity rise as to where the base of the severed head’s proportion begins to pulsate. A lavender aura surrounds the beast, and the severed head starts to regrow itself during this process. However, a horrifying result occurs from this: The weapons and armor that the large force had relied upon began to fail throughout the entire battlefield. And those who still possessed ammunition within their weapons, such as Tek Rifles, needed to use them cautiously. This also applied to their armor as Element usage warning signs became plastered on their visors. Sadly, this wasn’t easy due to the fact that infected entities and Corrupted Avatars still attacked them in tandem.  Many lives are taken, both on land and in the air. And among the forces who fought on ground level, Prince Rutherford takes note of their current circumstances and shouts: “Retreat! Fall back to pony town!” The yak prince then turns towards his fellow yaks, “We yaks use strong bodies to help friends escape.” “We shall help you,” Chief Thunderhooves comments as he and a number of his buffalo prepare for a charge. “Let us go together like a strong river through a great canyon.”    “Yak like way buffalo think!” Prince Rutherford proudly exclaims. The earth starts to rumble as the unified force of yaks and buffalo charges forth, meeting their foes head-on while beckoning those who lacked such physical might to fall back. Their enemies managed to pick several of their numbers off, but they still plowed forth with unwavering resolve. And the last thing anyone could see of these yaks and buffalo was the large number of enemies that swarmed them.  ………. Amongst those who retreated, Sunset Shimmer’s shoulder cannon blasts away infected entities that gave chase to her and her allies via a relentless barrage of plasmic projectiles. “Keep going!” She roars out as Iron Will and Queen Amira run alongside her while Autumn Blaze and Silent Gorge are behind them. “Has anyone seen Gallus?!” Iron Will inquires. “He flew ahead while transporting Limestone Pie,” Queen Amira responds. “And the red pony, Big Macintosh, had also traveled with them.” Silent Gorge remained silent while a look of determination was plastered on the buffalo’s features. Autumn Blaze looked over her shoulder, and what she sees causes the kirin to stop her retreat and turn in place. “Woah!” She shouts before extending her right forelimb as she takes notice of a flying metallic entity. But most notably, it wasn’t Starlight Glimmer and her Voidwyrm.  “Look at that!” Her words cause several bystanders to halt in place, as do Sunset Shimmer, Iron Will, Silent Gorge, and Queen Amira. Together, they witness the metal titan approaching the hydra and its allies via a set of thrusters.  [KTHOOM] The new arrival lands in front of the infected titan with its knees bent forth before standing at its full stature. The mecha spreads its arms apart, and two large blades protrude from either hand. The hydra roars out in defiance. “You!” Its heads shout in unison.  “Nĭ hăo,” The voice of Mei-Yin responds from the MEK. It then turns to the flyers present, “Leave this area immediately. Do NOT come back to aid me.” The flyers of Equus nod in response, despite their shock at this new metallic being, before adhering to Mei’s request. Within the MEK’s cockpit, Mei-Yin sat on a large black chair with her hands resting on her knees. Her eyes are closed, but a device is strapped onto the back of her head, followed by the voice of Diana.   “Alright, gorgeous. Cerebrum controls are all yours, now go kick that thing’s ass!” The mecha rolls its shoulders and jumps in place before kicking off into a full-on sprint towards the hydra with its blades at the ready. The hydra’s heads lunge towards the mecha, but the MEK spins in place and severs two heads before jumping into the air.  The remaining two heads look skyward, and the necks of their severed cohorts dangle wildly while the MEK’s thrusters keep it airborne above the monstrosity. Then, another series of lavender auras manifest all around the hydra. But rather than regenerate the other heads, the two remaining heads gather a series of purple sparks within their opened maws.  Two beams of purple energy are let loose from the abomination, which soon makes contact with the MEK. Although this wasn’t entirely accurate, and moments before the attack had made its mark, a reasonably large disk had disembarked from the mecha’s back, forming a dark green shield of transparent hexagons that ultimately created a globe around it.   The protective shelling approaches the hydra steadily as the behemoth’s beams of energy struggle against the barrier. The globe finally approaches the hydra before breaking away, followed by two large blades that slice the remaining heads clean off of their elongated necks. The hydra’s movements instantly halt in place, and as the entity tries to regenerate itself yet again, Mei-Yin wills her MEK to grab onto the monstrosity’s tail. However, before she could enact her plans, many Corrupted Avatars began to jump onto the MEK. The recognizable forms of King Sombra and the Pony of Shadows began to assimilate themselves into the mecha, causing a haunting purple virus to slowly travel from the legs of the MEK towards the upper portions and the cockpit.  “M… get out… n…” Diana’s words become fragmented in response to the phenomenon, causing the device that attached itself to the back of Mei’s head to fall off in tandem.   Mei-Yin is quick to decipher her current situation and slams her hand on a large round red button with a square-shaped surrounding and the words ‘EJECT’ present just above it. She crosses her arms as her seat is then jettisoned out of the cockpit, hurling her high into the air before a parachute is erected from her seat. “So that’s what they’re capable of,” Mei assesses as she observes her former MEK being overtaken by the Avatars. “I’ll need to remember that.” The woman then takes notice of a giant wyvern with a similar makeup to her former MEK unit approaching her. And as she prepared to face this entity as a possible opponent, her caution was slightly put at ease as she noticed the draconian’s rider, who waves their forelimbs. “I’ve got you!” Starlight Glimmer exclaims. Mei nods in response before detaching herself from her parachute and chair, leaning forth and free-falling as a result. Starlight quickly wills her Voidwyrm to fly downwards and catches the falling human, who lands professionally behind the unicorn mare. “Hey there!” Starlight greets. “I saw what you did back there during one of my passes. What do you say we team up and finish this?” “No,” Mei responds, causing Starlight’s ears to flatten against her head. Mei sighs, “I meant that we shouldn’t give those Avatars a chance to touch this Wyvern.” “Oh, uhm, actually, it’s a Voidwyrm!” The unicorn declares proudly with a raised forelimb. She laughs awkwardly as Mei stares at her with a raised eyebrow, unamused.        “S-sorry.” Mei turns her gaze downward, “I never could’ve anticipated that those entities could possess my MEK like that.” Starlight follows Mei’s gaze and spots the reason why the human refused to attack with the Voidwyrm: a bipedal mecha with lights of luminous lavender and virus-like scars covering its body. Complete with two purple blades of phasing energy. “Oh. Luna, damnit…” The unified struggle of several individuals sounds off as they try to pry the severed hydra-head upward—all in an attempt to free the lunar alicorn who remained trapped.  “One more push, together!” Tempest exclaims as she, Blueblood, and Derpy prepare to act after taking another breath from Derpy’s Tek Helmet. All the while, Daybreaker hovers beneath her sibling and rests their body on her back to offer some form of comfort while breathing via Tempest’s former Tek Helmet. A far better scenario rather than leaving the dark alicorn there to dangle. The former trio pushes together once more and manages to pry open the hydra’s maw. But rather than both of ‘Luna’s’ appendages slipping out, only her wing does so as her forelimb remained firmly in place. And as Derpy leans her head down to take a look within, she gasps at one of the teeth that lined the upper portions of the beast’s jaw being embedded within the alicorn’s foreleg. “Oh, no! She’s stuck in there because of a tooth!” “Lovely,” Tempest comments. “Nnng, I-I can’t hold it up for much longer,” Blueblood states before he gives in and releases his grasp, which causes Tempest and Derpy to do the same. “Speak to me, my little ponies!” Daybreaker shouts from below after placing the Tek Helmet over Nightmare’s muzzle. “One of this monster’s teeth is keeping Aunty Luna locked in place,” Blueblood responds. The sun alicorn’s eyes widen before her gaze falls downward, “Leave us,” She says. The trio above her take on shocked expressions. “You can’t be serious, au-” “I said: leave us!” The alicorn bellows before meeting their gazes. “There’s no reason for you all to die with Luna and me. After all, it is our duty as Princesses of Equestria to die for our subjects,” She turns back to her sibling, “Just as it is my duty to fall alongside my sister.” “B-but, Aunty Luna wouldn’t want that!” Blueblood tries to reason. ‘Celestia’ chuckles. “True, but she knows how stubborn I can be,” She looks up to them once more and narrows her eyes, “Nephew, you and Derpy have Dinky to take care of. And as for you, Tem- no, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, you have so much to offer for everycreature. Now please, all of you… go.” Blueblood is about to protest, but the haunting groans of encroaching infected entities and Mei Yin’s former MEK, a fully regenerated corrupted hydra and Avatars, make their presence known. The unicorn’s eyes shift towards Derpy, then Tempest, and down to ‘Celestia.’ “I’m so sorry, aunty…” He said with closed eyes and a hesitant expression. The trio departs as they run in the direction of Ponyville. However, Derpy ensures that they each get a breath from her Tek Helmet before tossing the apparel to Daybreaker, who nods in understanding.  The sun alicorn straps the apparel onto her muzzle and makes doubly sure that ‘Luna’s’ is secured, “I’m gonna have to leave you hanging for a bit, dear sister,” She says before lowering herself to the ground. “Tch, terrible pun. I know.” After a brief moment, an ensemble of infected entities and several Corrupted Avatars began to surround the alicorn, although Mei’s corrupted MEK and the hydra are stomping past her location. ‘Celestia’s’ enemies roared and steadily approached her, but the sun princess simply rolled her eyes with a scoff. “Spare me your intimidation displays, and come at me!” She warcries. Her hooves dug into the earth and kicked up dust clouds as she stampeded toward her foes. An infected buffalo careens towards her, but the alicorn hops into the air with a flap of her wings and lands on top of it.   “Raaaaaarhh!” She bellows as she grabs the buffalo’s ears and pulls on the appendages. As a result, the entity began to turn in tandem with the ear she pulled on - the left ear to go left, and vice versa. She steers the buffalo into other infected horrors with the force of a freight train. And much to her sorrow, even her corrupted, beloved ponies as their forms fly over her head. But her determination remained firm as she continued to plow through the infected with her makeshift mount.  Suddenly, ‘Celestia’ felt the ground rumble, and the entity responsible for it ran toward her: a Corrupted Avatar in the shape of a chimera.  The imitation leaped into the air as to bite at the alicorn with the tiger’s head. But Daybreaker hurriedly pulls the buffalo’s ears upwards and causes the entity to rear back in response, its head striking into the belly portions of the chimera, which causes it to stumble. But the snake that makes up the imitation’s tail lunged at the alicorn during this and managed to bite into her left foreleg.  She roars out in pain before the snake lifts her into the air and off the buffalo as the buffalo itself runs away. The serpent spins around like a lasso before loosening its bite force and sending the alicorn aloft; towards the direction of ‘Luna’ and the severed hydra head she dangles from.  Daybreaker skis in the dirt and builds up a small mound, but her ever-present determination to defend her sister wills her back onto her hooves, despite the pulsations of pain traveling across her body. Remarkably, the helmet strapped onto her muzzle never detached itself during the commotion, and after she takes one more greedy batch of air, she tears the apparel off and tosses it away. Daybreaker puffs out her chest, stares her enemies dead in the eye - the now recovered chimera imitation at the forefront alongside various infected and other avatars - and lets loose a primal roar. Her fangs are fully displayed during her performance, and her tongue rests at the bottom of her opened maw. If ‘Celestia’ were going to die, she would ensure they’d hear her final dying roar. Many of Equus’s denizens can be seen retreating into Ponyville’s depths, passing by a plethora of Attack Drones, Stryders, and Defense Units.  “Damnit!” Lyra Heartstrings exclaims, positioned on her own Stryder with lights that match her golden aura. “Those things can compromise mechas!” The unicorn can see her allies fleeing the recent battle on the outskirts of Ponyville - bordering the Everfree Forest. She takes note of the recovered hydra, its’ fellow infected, the Corrupted Avatars, and another large behemoth made entirely of futuristic metals and technology: Mei’s MEK Unit. All of whom are proceeding towards Ponyville unhesitantly. Her eyes shoot wide open in realization, her gaze shifting and scanning all of her Stryders and the mechas that aided her allies. She then closes her eyes in concentration. -Discord!- She screams internally. -If you can hear me, please, you need to hurry!- -What do you think you’re doing?!- The Overseer seethes in response. -You’re draining whatever’s left of the Element still present there! You need to buy us more time to-- “We don’t have time!” The unicorn screams outwardly. “I’m serious! If you saw what I’m looking at-” Lyra’s words die in her throat as several scenarios play out before her eyes: A Defense Unit curls itself up and rolls towards infected entities before uncurling itself. Its four legs carry the mech towards the first encroaching opponent - an infected abyssinian - before its arms punch away at the zombie-like foe in rapid succession.    The flying Attack Drones would unleash a relentless barrage of energy projectiles similar to those fired from Tek Rifles, turrets, and other ranged weaponry of the same composition. Both in the air and on land, these mechas aided fleeing survivors and continued the fight in their stead.   However, things took a turn for the worse when these mechs combated Corrupted Avatars. Much like Mei-Yin’s former MEK Unit, these machines also became corrupted as the Avatars assimilated themselves into these entities. And most horrifyingly, they’d turn on their former allies, even cutting or gunning down several innocents in the process.    Lyra’s vision became hazy via the tears forming in her eyes. Her mind raced for battle strategies and any practical way to fight off their foes, with the only solace being that if they could just hang in there for a bit longer, Discord and his party’s action could bear fruit. But the unicorn’s thoughts are cut off as a large presence descends upon her from above. “Shit!” She exclaims with widened eyes as she hurriedly jumps off of her Stryder. As the unicorn rolls and tumbles on the ground at a safe distance, Mei-Yin’s former MEK Unit lands on the back of the Stryder, grabs onto it, and seemingly injects the same ‘virus’ that plagues the MEK itself. The golden lights on the Stryder turn to lavender, and what results can best be described as a mounted mechanical knight on its equally mechanized steed. Lyra stares hauntingly toward the scenario while lying on her stomach region. And as her allies who remained passed her, the unicorn gritted her teeth with a growl and performed the only thing she could think of at that moment. “All Stryders, engage that MEK!” In response, every remaining Stryder starts to stampede towards the mechanized cavalry as their heads begin to morph and take shape. A phasing horn of considerable length is now present on each equine mecha, ready to swipe away at the MEK upon approach. But upon spotting these equines, the mounted MEK raises its arms and calls forth two of its purple phasing blades in either hand. Its corrupted Stryder lets loose a mechanized ‘neigh’ and rears back before running towards its foes. Two of Lyra’s Stryders attempt to cut away at their foe from either side as their opponent traversed through the middle. But the MEK parries their attempts with both blades before the wrists of its hands spin around at high speeds and decapitate the equine mechas, their remaining forms skiing across the land as the corrupted cavalry continued onward.    One-by-one, the mounted MEK continued to make short work of the Stryders. And after dispatching the final Stryder on the battlefield, it turns its gaze toward the direction of Twilight Sparkle’s Castle. But then, at that moment, Lyra’s head began to pulsate as if an earthquake had gone off within her psyche. But this ‘earthquake’ also spoke in a strange, alien-like language.  -ꂟꏹꌚꋖꋪꂦꂖ- “Wh… what…?!” She cries out as she grabs onto her head with her forelimbs, and this phenomenon nearly crazes her expression. “H… how in the… wh-what in the…” The unicorn’s thoughts are interrupted by thunderous steps as the corrupted knight charges forth and towards another direction with its blades ready to tear asunder. The knight’s steed carries the duo like a freight train, smashing through a handful of Ponyville’s structures before entering a large clearing before the crystalline castle.   The monstrous knight lifts its lavender phase blades into the air as its steed draws closer and closer to its objective. A mighty rumbling ensues as the MEK’s blades slam into the crystalline walls of the castle, carving off several portions of the material in the process. The MEK continues to relentlessly cut away at the crystal castle, causing the structure to shake with every action taken against it. And as the corrupt knight prepares to impale its blades with a built-up thrust, a sudden shockwave erupts from the castle before the castle itself starts to glow with multicolored energy. A beam of multicolored light fires up into the sky before exploding outward and covering the entire Ark within a transparent dome of hexagons. However, a certain purple coloration remains etched into the crown.  Then, the forms of both Cadence and HLN-A began to float out of the castle’s rooftop but still within the rainbow beam of energy. HLN-A is positioned just above the alicorn’s head while the pink Guardian rose higher and higher with her forelimbs crossed before her chest. Cadence’s eyes remained closed, and as the duo reached a certain point in the air, the alicorn’s eyes shot wide open as she spread her limbs apart in either direction.  In response to her actions, the three distant Obelisks began to illuminate with their appropriate coloration of auras. A beam of red, green, and blue fires rapidly towards Cadence and HLN-A soon after, seemingly forming a connection with the duo as a beautiful light show ensues for a brief moment before a pulsating wave of energy is let loose from them both. This wave travels outward like an explosion and expands to every corner of Equus. And although it does not affect survivors, it completely eradicates the infected and any surfaces that harbor the corruption. As for the Corrupted Avatars, these entities are sucked towards HLN-A regardless of how hard they tried to resist. From the locality of Ponyville, many bore witness as the infected hydra sizzles away due to the phenomenon. And as for the corrupted MEK Unit and Stryder that had sieged Twilight’s castle, the Avatars that had possessed them are seemingly exercised - forcefully pulled out of their shells as the recognizable forms of King Sombra and the Pony of Shadows are pulled up and into HLN-A. The nations and kingdoms that border Equestria also witnessed the phenomenon as infected entities are vaporized in Abyssinia, Saddle Arabia, Zebrica, Yakyakistan, the Dragon Lands, the Crystal Empire, and many more.  With one final pulse of blinding lights of multiple colors, the Equus installation became a shining beacon within the darkness of space. And soon enough, the phenomenon of the auroras ceases, and everything returns, albeit arguably, to ‘normal.’ But one thing remains: the installation is still moving toward Earth. Present. Mei-Yin Li takes a breath as she finishes her tale, standing at the precipice of the small flight of stairs that gave access to the thrones of Canterlot Castle’s throne room. Both Discord and Lyra stood at her side, but Megan Williams had noticeably vanished during the tale - much to the worry of Lyra.  At the bottom of these stairs are some of those who survived the conflict, among which a stunned Shining Armor looks down to the floor in regret. “But, then, how did Cadence remain trapped within Twily’s castle?” He questions after raising his head.  “That’s because of all those Avatars that HLN-A has trapped within them,” Discord answers. “Each and every one of those things tried to influence HLN-A’s actions. So as a safeguard, Cadence agreed to hold them captive in my place.” “In your place?” The white unicorn inquires with slight anger. “You mean to tell me that you let her take the fall for you?!” “Oh, don’t get your tail in a twist, sonny!” Discord scolds before crossing his arms. “For your information, I agreed to act as the jailor until we could appropriately get rid of those Avatars, but HLN-A brought up a very valid point.” Shining Armor remains silent, expectingly awaiting the Overseer’s coming words.  “You see,” Discord starts. “Those things are capable of implanting themselves into various technologies - AIs, mechs, you get the gist,” He places his lion’s paw onto his chest region, “I fall under that category. Therefore, Cadence - being made of flesh - wouldn’t be as vulnerable to those things as yours truly.” “That’s funny,” Tempest Shadow comments from amongst the crowd, King Thorax and Pharynx standing alongside her with her remaining Storm Beasts behind them. “You look pretty ‘fleshy’ to me.” “Of course I do,” The Overseer responds. “What you all see before you is my ‘My Little Pony’ form,” He grins, “But this isn’t even my final form.” ………. During this time, Mei-Yin leans into Lyra. “Where did Megan go?” She asks. Lyra sighs with closed eyes. “She’s been avoiding a certain subject, and she’s been acting rather strange as of late… It worries me.” Mei-Yin places a hand to her chin in thought. “And this was after she combated this Grogar persona?”  Lyra nods, opening her eyes. “That’s what puzzles me the most. I’m familiar with this Ark’s origins, not to mention all the fond memories I have of Megan’s parents, who were also my own, in a sense. Not to mention Santiago and Uma,” She sits on her flank, “But… my memory is vague in regards to Grogar. I know that he’s a vessel for the King Titan, but how did that even happen? On top of that, I had no idea Grogar was even trapped in the first place. And even Discord seemed surprised by that.”       Mei remains silent, turning her gaze towards Discord and everyone else present. “You should confront her about this,” She responds. “And I recommend you do it sooner than later.” “... I-I,” Lyra stutters. “I know, but I also feel that-” “I have no time for excuses,” Mei interjects, garnering Lyra’s stunned gaze. “What’s happening between you two is similar to what transpired between Diana and me. I won’t go over the full story, but I’ll tell you that if you don’t go to Megan’s aid, you’ll miss your chance to help her,” A smile crept onto the edges of Mei’s mouth, “Just as Diana did for me.” “B-but what if-” “Then be stubborn about it, like Diana was,” Mei interjects. “If she tries to push you away, you force yourself forward and help her whether she likes it or not. Tell me, what is your true relationship with Megan?” “She’s, well, it’s complicated, but…” Lyra responds before happiness becomes plastered on her features. “She’s my mother, my sister, my friend, and sometimes, I can’t help but feel like I’m her mother,” She chuckles, “As I said, it’s complicated.” A moment of silence ensues between them, save for the words of Discord in the background. “Then what’s stopping you from getting out of my sight and going to her?” Mei inquires, although it sounded more like a demand rather than an inquiry. Lyra instantly takes notice of Mei’s meaning, and with an affirmative nod, she fires up her horn with a small giggle. “You know, in your own badass kind of way, you’re very sweet, Mei,” The unicorn states as she vanishes via a teleportation spell, earning a grunt from Mei in turn. ………. “So, to recap,” The Overseer starts. “I’ve been working quite diligently in restoring the Ark to its normal state, or as normal as I can get it. Element and oxygen levels are replenished, thanks to the reserves we’ve kept in Sunset’s simulation.” “My simulation?” A familiar voice calls out, followed by Sunset Shimmer’s form walking towards the front of the crowd. “What do you mean by that?” Discord shifts his gaze towards her. “Aren’t you supposed to be with Sun-Butt upstairs?” “Don’t change the subject,” The unicorn scolds. “What did you mean-” “We’ll discuss that at a later time, Bacon-Mane,” The Overseer interjects. But upon noticing the angered expression on Sunset’s face, he sighs in frustration. “Look, right now, we all need to cooperate,” Discord said.  “Oh, yeah, and you’re doing a fine job at that so far,” Sunset dripped with sarcasm.  “You’re lucky that sarcasm is one of my favorite programmings,” Discord responds. “But right now, we must work together - build some trust while moving forward. And I’ll start us off by showing you what I really am.” A series of murmurs and inquiries sounded off amongst those in attendance, save for Mei-Yin. But these are all silenced as Discord’s form literally breaks apart into a series of technological sparks, particles, and shapes. These then travel to a location just above the thrones of the alicorn royalties, and they begin to combine together. Several gasps and awes of wonder escape from the crowd, and after a few more moments, a large diamond-shaped entity with hexagon particles floating all around it is on full display for all to see. “I am Overseer zero, zero, four,” The entity comments, still attaining Discord’s voice with a slight mechanized touch. “And I am among the first of the Overseers ever to be created.”       Shock and stunned silence were all that remained in the throne room.  “Overseer zero, zero, four…” Mei-Yin comments, breaking the silence while also garnering the Overseer’s attention. “That implies there are three others who came before you. And if that’s the case…” “Well put… Beast Queen.” Mei’s eyes widen before narrowing suspiciously. “How do you know that alias? I never revealed it to you.” “No, you didn’t. And before you say it, no, HLN-A never told me, either.” “Then how do you know?”  The Overseer chuckles. “You’ve met my sister unit once… or was it actually Gaius Nerva who’s met her? It’s been a while, so my information is a little off, and that’s assuming Megan unlocked every last shred of my memories or Engrams.” The gears in Mei-Yin’s mind put it all together. “Then, the Overseer on The Island…” “Exactly. Now you’re getting it,” Discord responds. “Her name is Minerva, Overseer zero, zero, one. Let’s just say that it’s not a coincidence that a Roman Centurian was arguably that Ark’s most prominent figure at the time. Minerva can be quite... bias.”    -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- It’s currently 6:23 pm on the Ark as the late afternoon rays of the sun offer their last illuminance before nightfall inevitably arrives.  A small gathering of Dodos wanders about without any signs of intelligence along the far western coast of the island. One of these birds began to peck randomly at grains of sand; its attention so completely focused on its current task that it bumps into a bipedal entity, who lays on the beach on its stomach region. The bird’s actions cause the individual to stir awake before they lift themselves off of the sand slowly and steadily. The Dodo blankly looks up at the biped - who scratches a metallic implantation on their left forearm before looking around to survey the area. The entity then looks down upon the bird, and a thought comes to it before expressing these thoughts with a gesture and a grunt. > Chapter 50 - Spike's decision, and Pinkie's calling. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- A light rainshower glistens the trees and disturbs the serenity of the installation’s various lakes and the ocean. The rays of the early morning sun are somewhat blocked out, although some of its warmth manages to breach and kiss the land. All while streams of lights - white, green, blue, purple, yellow, and red, send down rotating objects of varying value. Or, as the Tribe of Harmony has come to properly call them: Supply Crates.    Within the three-story home of Sanctuary, both Rarity and Pinkie Pie feasted on bowls of berries at the lowest level of the structure, seated at the tables closest to the home’s exit. “What do you plan to do today, darling?” The white unicorn inquires as she gracefully plucks greenery from the top portions of a Mejoberry and swallows it whole. Pinkie Pie swallows a mouthful of her own. “Well, while everypony else is doing their own thing, I thought: why not?” “Wait a second, does it have anything to do with you collecting a whole bunch of wood yesterday?” “Righty ho!” The pink mare emphasizes with a raised forelimb before jumping out of her seat, her hooves clopping on the wooden floor. “Okay, I’m ready!” “I’m glad to see the enthusiasm, dearie. But I’m still confused about what you have planned.” Pinkie Pie rears back and onto her hind legs, her forelimbs resting on her sides as she poses in determination. “I’m going to conquer the seas!” In the pink mare’s mind, a giant wave crashes behind her as she sails the seas on a Wooden Raft - wearing her Hide Armor. A momentary silence ensues. “Are you absolutely mad?!” Rarity exclaims, appalling. “Darling, do you even have the slightest clue as to how dangerous the ocean here is?” “Well, duh, silly! That’s where the ‘conquer’ part comes in.” Rarity facehooves. “Pinkie Pie…” She lowers her limb. “There are creatures down there that none of us could even begin to imagine. You saw the listings HLN-A showed us, so why in the entire Ark would you even try such a thing? And that’s not even mentioning the… others.” Pinkie Pie lowers herself to all fours. She stares at Rarity for a moment before sighing. “Because we have to, Rarity.” The unicorn, in turn, seems to catch onto the earth pony’s true meaning. And as if their minds were in sync, the duo could only see the terrifying eyes of the Demon King. -I am always watching… survivors.- “He’s always watching us…” Rarity comments with a downward gaze. Pinkie nods. “We have to show some progress, or else he’ll come after us again. And that’s why I’m going to focus on the ocean. Besides, we know there are artifacts in there, so it makes sense for at least one of us to get started.” Rarity thinks upon it for a moment and sighs in defeat. “You make a good point, darling. J-just… just please be careful out there,” The unicorn looks skyward, “There might be others seeking the same thing, and don’t forget,” She meets Pinkie Pie’s gaze with a narrowed expression, “We’re not the only Survivors on this island.”  ………. The wooden door of the Tribe’s home is pushed open by a white forelimb, followed by the forms of Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The sounds of distant creatures grace their ears, but there is a noticeable absence of most of their fellow tribe mates and tames. The duo turned to the left, and where once a behemoth-sized stone wall was present, a smaller but effective wooden wall with a closed Dinosaur Gateway replaced the former barricade.  The very same section where the Demon King had once broken in.  The two mares shake the chills going down their spines, turning to the right and towards the heart of Sanctuary. “I think Spike should be down by the waterhole,” Rarity starts, trotting towards the nearby railing. Sure enough, Spike could be seen at the water’s edge staring at the ancient fish species, Coelacanth, that swam in the water’s depths. In addition, the two large Carbonemys that had always inhabited the large pond are still present, floating together at the water’s surface. A mated pair, as HLN-A called them. The tribe had considered taming these large turtles but decided against it as they added a more natural feel to their home. And as Spike momentarily observes the large turtles, the gracious voice of Rarity calls out: “Good morning, Spikey Wikey~!” Spike turns to the unicorn, waving a claw. “Morning, girls!” However, Pinkie Pie hurriedly shouts, “MorningSpikesorrybutgottagobye!” As her fun-loving form stampedes towards the eastern exit of Sanctuary - giving access to the same dirt trail Rainbow Dash had taken before, granting access to the beach. Spike chuckles. “I guess she’s really excited to get that Wooden Raft forged and ready to go.” Rarity’s form skips happily down the small hill beside the home and cliff face, humming a small tune along the way as she approaches the dragon. “So, have you tried eating some fish, Spike?” “Oh, well… I, uh-” “Spike,” Rarity emphasizes with a stern expression. “We’ve been through this. And let me remind you that this was your idea.” Spike nods and lowers his head, causing rarity’s features to soften. “Oh, Spike. Please understand that we-” “It’s ok, Rarity,” Spike gently interjects, and as he meets Rarity’s gaze, the unicorn lets out a small gasp at the absolute determination plastered on his features. “I was actually about to hop in!” He finishes with a smile. Rarity’s mouth drops in response. In truth, she thought that she’d have to convince him even further, even after Twilight herself had lectured the drake upon discovering him hiding his hunger from all of them. But her thoughts are interrupted as Spike plunges into the water with flickers of liquid thrown into the air.  As Spike swam with the use of his arms, legs, and even his wings, the draconian looked around and spotted a gathering of Coelacanth. Every one of them varied in size, but Spike is a manly drake. And he thought to himself: -Go big, or go home.-    He narrows his eyes, fixated on the largest member of these fish. One that grew to such an incredible girth that it could even dwarf the ponies if one were to stand it upward on land. The drake closes the distance and prepares to grab onto the fish, but the fish itself dodges his efforts and sways downward before swimming away. This earns a growl from Spike, and as he swims at full speed in pursuit, the words of the Demon King play through his mind: -You cannot live among them. You are a predator living amongst prey. A Direwolf in Ovis clothing.- Chuckling echoes within Spike’s mind. -But you will prove me right one day. One day… you will devour them all and pick your teeth with their charred bones, dragon.-  Spike’s eyes dilate, and he roars underwater with his right claw extended, closing in on the large fish once again. But rather than simply grabbing onto the coel, Spike dug his claws into the side of the fish as its blood created a small fog of red in the water.  Spike grits his teeth, and in an incredible display of strength, he drags the fish toward the surface. The dragon’s head breaches and he takes in a greedy breath of air while his legs and wings keep him afloat - the coel struggling in his grasp and causing splashes in the process. “Spikey!” Rarity calls out from the shore in celebration. “You caught one!” -I’ll prove you wrong, jerk!- Spike screams internally. -I’ll show you!- He navigates himself and his struggling prey in the direction of Rarity, his wings flapping up and down underwater like a rudder.  -You don’t know anything about me! I’ll show you! I’ll prove it!-  Spike finally reaches the shoreline with Rarity sitting on her flank and clapping her forehooves. And as the dragon finally manages to walk out of the water with the Coelacanth in tow, he turns towards the direction of the Demon King’s mountain.  The dragon raises the still struggling large fish above his head with a grunt and roars out: “You see this, huh?! Are you watching me, you big jerk?!” Spike turns and drops the fish onto a nearby table, one that he had placed himself, before turning back to the mountain. “You see this fish?! I’m gonna eat it, and I’ll prove you wrong!” Rarity’s applauding had stopped, and absolute horror replaces her once celebratory expression. She looks toward the Demon King’s mountain, back to Spike, and repeats this a few more times before running alongside the draconian. “Uh, p-please forgive him, Mr. Demon king, sir!” She exclaims with a near-crazed expression. “H-he d-didn’t mean it, ehehe.” “Oh, I meant it!” “You are not helping, Spikey Wikey!” Spike simply stares at the mountain in defiance without a word. Then, he growls towards it and states: “I’ll never eat Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, or any sentient creature on this Ark! And If I have to eat meat, I’ll at least choose something that isn’t like that!” Rarity’s expression loosens upon comprehending the dragon’s words, and Spike clasps his claws into a ‘closed fist.’ “But even then, I’ll respect this fish by eating every last bit of it, and I won’t let it go to waste!” His clenched claw tightens. “I’m not a demon like you, and I’ll never let you get the satisfaction of watching me do that to any of the ones I love!” The dragon turns to the table and starts to harvest the fish. In truth, he had no idea what he was doing, but his claws went to work regardless of whether or not he’d do a fine job. The drake removed the fish’s scales and began to carve off rectangular chunks of the deceased sea life form. A light-blue glow escapes from his implant positioned on his left forearm and below his wrist despite it being concealed behind his Hide Glove. And while most of the fish meat he had gathered began to disappear within light-blue auras of light, one piece remained, which Spike took into his right claw. He takes a breath and sighs. But a thought comes to him as he turns to Rarity, who watches with expectance. “Hey, Rarity?” “Yes, Spike?” “Could you, um… look away?” The unicorn tilts her head in momentary curiosity, and a smirk forms on her muzzle. “Oh? Now, where oh where did that bravado go, Spike?” “I’m not gonna back out or anything,” Spike responds in assurance, waving his arms. “It’s just; I don’t want you to see me, well - you know.” Rarity stares at the dragon with a neutral expression. She sighs after a few moments and approaches the table. What remained of the fish is still there, practically stripped to the bone with only its guts, head, and untouched tail. But Rarity cared not for it as she stood before Spike and said: “I want you to eat it in front of me.” “W-what?” He responds in slight shock. “You mean, you don’t… mind?” “Not one bit, dearie,” She answers unhesitant. “And that’s exactly why I want you to see me - to know that none of us would see you differently even if you ate it in front of us. I mean, we don’t say anything when Vanellope does it, so why should you be any different?” Spike stares for a moment, and a smile forms on the edges of his mouth. “Thank you, Rarity.” “It’s no problem,” She responds and pats his head with a forelimb. “We love you very much, Spikey Wikey. And a little meat consumption isn’t going to change that. After all, you’re only eating the meat to spite that big brute, right? And to protect us?” “Of course!” Spike booms without hesitation. “I hate meat, but for you guys, I’ll at least eat fish when we can’t find other means for me to eat.” Rarity nods. “Then that settles it. Now,” She claps her forehooves, “Bon appétit.”  Spike looks at the meat within his right claw, “Alright then.” He sends forth a small series of green flames and proceeds to cook the meat. “But I at least can choose not to eat it raw.” “Indeed, darling.” The duo allows the cooking process to complete, and after Spike blows away the flames and pokes the meat with a claw, he inspects it. “Ok. It looks like we’re good to go,” He breaks the meat in half to be doubly sure. “Yup, there’s no rawness.” “Indeed not,” Rarity agreed. "But I suspect you're stalling." "Hehe. S-sorry," He responds sheepishly. The duo remains silent as Spike brings one half of the cooked fish meat towards his slowly gapping maw. And so, he bit into it with tightly closed eyes. ………. Located just outside Sanctuary, Pinkie Pie stands at the water’s edge of the ocean. The wind flutters her mane, and the earth pony breaths in deeply while several flying pelican-like entities flew over the vast sea. Some among them even landed on the water’s surface and paddled along with their webbed feet. “Ooh! Pelagornises! Maybe I can use them later.”  However, when Pinkie Pie’s gaze shifts to the island that rests just adjacent to her position, her entire body vibrates. “Scary! I’m not going anywhere near that place. But that’s a future problem - boat time!”        She hops sideways, and a light-blue glow escapes from her cutie mark-shaped implant. A wooden raft manifests itself out of thin air and falls onto the water’s surface, but if one were observant enough, a series of transparent lines made of particles had appeared before the raft’s construction. One of those ‘Ark miracles,’ Pinkie figured.  “Weeeee!” The pink mare exclaims as she hops merrily onto the floatation. “Okie dokie. Sails, check! Wind, check! Food and water - oops, not checked!” Pinkie Pie dismounts the vessel and runs towards the treeline, stripping down bushels of berries and sending the items away to her inventory. But during all of this, the party mare had failed to notice one thing: she was being watched. And a patch of gray fur disappears into the dense foliage. > Chapter 51 - Rainbows, apples, butterflies, and canines. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- A sudden force darts through the bushes of a fairly dense forest as dirt, grass, and fallen foliage are disturbed by an equine's rapid hoof steps. Small droplets of the ever-present morning rainshower moisten the soil, and several clouds block the sun's luminous glow. -That’s right, big guy!- Rainbow Dash shouts internally, adorned in her Hide Armor while her damaged wing is still wrapped in a fine gray cloth. -Just a little further. I’ve got a surprise for your fat hide.-  Thunderous footsteps began to overshadow her own from behind, and Rainbow Dash kept her gaze locked forth as a clearing came into view. The rich electric blue mare exits the forest and slides down a small hill connected to a beach in her current direction. The pegasus stops in place and before the ocean, turning back to the forest in one swift and fluent motion. But her eyes shift towards a large boulder that sat nearby, and a smirk forms on her muzzle. Rainbow Dash’s pursuer soon breaks out into the open, its thunderous stomps coming to a momentary pause as it surveys the area. The Carnotaurus spots the rainbow-maned equine and resumes its pursuit as its muscular legs propel it through the sand. The horned predator opens its maw in delicious anticipation while letting loose a built-up roar from its throat. But before the dinosaur could reach its chosen prey, Rainbow Dash bites her lower lip and performs a sharp whistle. A swift and agile presence makes itself known as it hops onto the same boulder the pegasus had glanced towards, revealing the dark-green and snarling form of Vanellope, who jumps into action and leaps off the landmass. Vanellope rushes towards the Carnotaurus like a silent assassin with her claws at the ready. And as the Carno stomps its way towards a smirking Rainbow Dash, Vanelope pounces onto the beast and hurriedly latches herself onto the predator’s back. This causes the dinosaur to skid to a halt in the sand before attempting to get the raptor off, but to no avail. Vanellope bites into the beast's back and tears unhesitantly into the Carno’s flesh with her claws. On top of this, her rendering toes go to work, especially when her sickled toe digs the farthest and gnashes the larger predator’s hide.  The Carnotaurus displays a modicum of intelligence as it proceeds to roll over in an attempt to crush the raptor. But Vanellope had already dismounted the beast upon both realization and a warning call from Rainbow Dash.  The Carno gets back onto its feet with Vanellope’s full display efforts and streams of blood flowing down the dinosaur’s back before dripping onto the sand. At least by the Island’s standards, the medium-sized predator roars out and lowers its head to ram into the raptor with a charge.   Another whistle sounds off from Rainbow Dash in the short distance, and Vanellope hops to the side in response just before the Carno’s larger frame careens past her.  A disturbance of kicked-up sand can be heard as the Carno turns around to attempt another charge, but during this time, Rainbow Dash had hurriedly mounted Vanellope and called forth a bow from her inventory.  The Carno charges forth, but an arrow greets the beast’s forehead before several more are fired during its rapid approach, each one penetrating around the same general area. More and more arrows are let loose upon the encroaching dinosaur while Rainbow Dash counts: “Forty-three, forty-two, forty-one.”       The pegasus counts the remaining arrows she has within her inventory, and upon reaching “thirty-nine,” the Carnotaurus’s head goes limp, and its legs seem to stop propelling the beast forward. The dinosaur travels a short distance in the sand on its stomach region, and Vanellope steps aside as the very snout of the mid-sized predator stops where she once stood. A stream of air escapes the Carno’s nostrils, signifying the dinosaur’s passing along with the orange text that pops up before Rainbow Dash’s eyes via her implant: You killed a Carno - Lvl 16! However, this is soon followed by a green text: VANELLOPE HAS A LEVEL-UP AVAILABLE! Access Tame inventory to Apply it! “Oh, awesome!” The rainbow pegasus excitedly dismounts the raptor and accesses their implant via her own.  “Ok. What’ll it be, Vanellope?” The dinosaur chirps. “Ah. Right,” Rainbow responds before rubbing the back of her neck with a forelimb. “I can’t talk to you like Fluttershy does,” She ponders for a moment, “I got it! How about you chirp for yes, and growl for no. Sounds good?” Vanellope nods. “Wow. I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but it’s pretty awesome that you can understand us even though you can’t talk. Alright then. First thing’s first: Health?” [GROWL] “Speed?” [GROWL] “Hey! I resent that,” Rainbow chuckles, “But eh, it’s your choice. How about stamina?” [GROWL] “Weight?” Vanellope turns her gaze to Rainbow Dash with a small smirk before looking away and letting out a small playful growl. Rainbow blinks her eyes a few times and comes to a realization with narrowed features. “Wait… did you just call me fat?!” Vanellope’s head and eyes look skyward as if saying: ‘Maaaaybe.’  Rainbow bares her teeth with her ever-narrowed gaze. “Applejack put you up to that, didn’t she? Hat-wearing troll.” She rolls her eyes, uncertain whether this was the farm mare’s doing or Vanellope’s own gesture.  “Next one: Melee Damage?” [CHIRPS] “A little typical, but if you say so,” The pegasus responds before applying the enhancement. As a result, Vanellope’s muscles can be seen flexing all over her body while her tail swayed up and down.  Vanellope performs a little dance as she rises and lowers her head with her arms and claws folded closely to her chest before hopping a few times in place. However, the enhancement seems to have stirred her hunger as she then turned to the Carno’s corpse, ran up to it, and bit into the mass of flesh. Vanellope tears off a handsome chunk of meat and raises her head to swallow her meal before repeating the process. All while Rainbow Dash sits on her flank and allows the dinosaur to enjoy their well-deserved feast. Rainbow brings out her map to gain her bearings: “Ok. It looks like we’re not too far from that swamp we visited before.”  The morning rainfall persists even on the western side of the installation, and several familiar entities are traveling through the skies, passing over various mountains and plains with herds of herbivorous dinosaurs going about their lives. “Thanks a bunch fer dropp’n me off, Fluttershy,” Applejack comments as she’s being transported within the claws of the tribe’s dark-green Pteranodon, who’s latched onto the earth pony’s shoulders. “No problem,” The pegasus responds, piloting the flyer and mounted on its back. “Are you sure that you want to do this so far away from home?” “As serious as Rainbow Dash in a barrel of cider. Besides, it’s in uncharted territory, ‘least fer us. And ah think it’s time we started spreadin’ out more and gett’n familiar with this place.” Applejack brings forth a map from her inventory: “There’s gonna be a beach up ahead. Go on ‘n set me down ov’r there, and once you do, fly on outta here. Remember, Fluttershy: we ain’t alone out here, so ah don’t wanna draw attention to neither of us.” “O-ok,” Fluttershy responds with a nod. She then looks to her left and observes one of the three floating wonders of the Island: “Oh, my.”  Applejack also turns towards the Red Obelisk. “To think these things ‘r float’n back home, too… mighty strange stuff.”  A moment of silence ensues. “A-Applejack?” “Yeah, sugar cube?” “I’m so sorry for getting mad at you for the whole Spinosaurus incident three days ago. Pinkie and I-” “There ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for, Fluttershy,” Applejack interjects gently. “Ah could nev’r be mad at either of yas fer such a thin’. Look, I get why you two got mad, but try to see it from-” “That’s actually why I brought this up,” Fluttershy interrupts. “Pinkie and I have been talking, and we understand. We truly, genuinely do. She wanted to apologize, but everyone had already left by the time we got downstairs. Plus, the Demon King paying us a visit kind of, well, motivated us.” Applejack chuckles. “It’s funny. Ah’m mighty afraid of that fell’r, n yet, that’s what it took to get us even more serious. Ah guess I’m trying to say that strangely… I’m grateful to em.” ………. After some time the trio comprised of two ponies and a pterosaur begins to approach the beach of Applejack’s choosing. The orange mare narrows her eyes as she takes in the sight before them, even recalling HLN-A’s past words from earlier in the morning. -Never stay in the open for too long, love. Once you reach your destination, you must run to cover and hide amongst the greenery. There you can grow and develop, but always remember to stay wary of other survivors that you do manage to run into.- Fluttershy taps the upper portions of the flyer’s crest with her left forehoof, which causes the pterosaur to descend. The flyer goes lower and lower at a steady pace, and before long, Applejack’s dangling hindlegs are merely six feet above the sand. “Now, Fluttershy!” The cowmare bellows. “Ok! Please be careful, Applejack!” The pegasus responds. “Please let her go, Pterano.” Applejack is then dropped as Pterano’s claws detached from her shoulders. The cowmare performs a maneuverable roll upon reaching the ground, and in one swift motion, with the built-up momentum, she’s fast on her hooves and darts towards the nearby treeline - her orange form disappearing into the wilds. During that time, Fluttershy hurriedly ordered the flyer to turn around; soaring over the forestation before passing by the Red Obelisk again.  “Well done, Pterano,” She comments, patting the pterosaur’s crest, “I’ll always worry about my friends, but I believe in them,” She takes a breath, sighs with closed eyes, and opens them with a determined expression. “And I think it’s about time I earned that title of Beast Quee-” Suddenly, the pegasus’s words are interjected as Pterano performs his version of a squawk, his head facing what caused his discomfort. Fluttershy follows the panicking flyer’s gaze to four other Pteranodons approaching from a direction just east of the Red Obelisk. And each one is ridden by a Gigantopithecus of different build, height, and gender. “Look what we got here, boys!” One of the riders shouts—female, from what Fluttershy could hear.  Dark-brown fur with patches of white is among the first details the pegasus could make out that weren’t concealed by their apparel. If she recalled correctly, the equipment’s primitive makeup matched the description of Chitin Armor.  “Get your bets ready because I think we found another contender for Lord Threx’s arena!”  “Wh-who… who are you?” Fluttershy inquires as the three larger gigantos surround her with their flyers, pulling along brown banners with emblems that the pegasus recognized as a Tyrannosaurus’ skull.  “Please, I’m not a threat- EEP!” Fluttershy suddenly squeaks in shock as, during her talks, the female giganto had shot into the air with a firearm they manifested from their inventory. “My name’s Craglorn,” She aims the weapon at the pegasus, her left index finger ready to pull the trigger. “And you’re fucking coming with us.” A series of quick steps trek through the snowy side trails of a mountain, accompanied by canine panting and waving silver/gray fur. The snow fell gracefully and delicately all around the wolf, or more accurately: Direwolf.  In the distance and towards the lower portions of the mountain, the Direwolf could see three traveling beasts of such great mass and power, covered in wool that offers protection against their snowy environment: the Wooly Mammoth. In addition, a single prehistoric relative of the rhinoceros - also covered in dense fur - can be seen scraping its enormous horn against a large tree, and deer-like entities gracefully jump from different cliff faces with the antler-bearing bull in the lead of its doe harem. The Direwolf suddenly stops on the trail, raises its head, and lets out their kind’s iconic melody as it howls into the vast tundra. The song practically travels across the Snow Biome as if carried along by the forces of the Ark itself. However, a strange mist of yellow and orange seemed to flare up like flames from the canine's body. The canine lowers its head after finishing its song, and as it stares further up the mountain’s trail in momentary silence, its former melody is then greeted by three more howls - three more songs from three other individuals.   The former trio appears before their silver counterpart, each positioning themselves side by side as they block the path with their formation.  The silver wolf wags its tail. “So, you guys just gonna stand there or-” “ASTRID!!!” The two brown Direwolves shout happily in unison, both of whom are male. As for the third silver/gray canine with patches of brown on its head and body, they panted excitedly while also wagging their tail. “Hello, Birger, Bjarte,” Astrid’s feminine voice responds, filled with strength and wisdom. “Hello?” Birger inquires as he, Bjarte, and their third companion approach Astrid. “You’ve been gone for two whole days, and all you have to say is: ‘Hello.’?” “Yeah, big sis!” Bjarte exclaims in agreement. “You have no idea how worried the others got. Especially mother and father,” He folds his ears against his head, lowers himself to the ground, and whimpers. “Mother’s fury was terrifying…” The third Direwolf barks a few times before running into Astrid and nuzzling her. “Sister Asta had to be forcefully held in place by four members of the Pack,” Birger continues. “She was so worried that she threatened to charge out of our territory and track you down.” “I understand,” Astrid responds as she breaks away from nuzzling her sibling. “I shouldn’t have disappeared like that, dear brothers and sister. Forgive me. But I smelled something in the winds and had to investigate.” “Well, I hope it was worth it,” Bjarte comments, lifting himself and standing at his full stature. “Words can’t express how angry our parents are, not to mention the elders. And if your howl reached their ears, well…” On cue, distant howls emanate from the mountain’s summit as if an army is beckoning to them. “And there it is,” Birger states as he and his siblings look towards the summit. “Yeah… mom’s howl is the loudest, and I don’t need to tell you why that is, Astrid.” Astrid sighs. “I can’t blame her. With the war going on against the Argent Legion, it’s only natural. Ancestors, what was I thinking…” “Can you at least tell us what got your interest?” Bjarte inquires. Asta barks. Astrid nods to her siblings and turns in the direction of Carnivore/Dead Island, the Demon King’s Mountain, and Sanctuary. She moves onto a nearby elevation, and her siblings join her as Asta stands beside her while Birger sits on his hind with Bjarte beside him. “I needed to ensure the pack's safety, so I’ve been observing some… strangers.” “For the Pack!” Birger shouts. “For the Pack!” Bjarte exclaims. Asta barks. Astrid chuckles, having turned her gaze towards them. “For the Pack, dearest siblings,” She looks outward again. “These strangers are dominantly made of Equus, but the likes of which I had never seen before.”    Astrid’s siblings turn to her with interest. “Some of them have wings, and others possess horns - much like the legends our ancestors have recorded.” “No way…” Bjarte comments in amazement. “So those things were real?” “I’m more shocked by ones with wings,” Birger said. “We have no records about any of those equines possessing wings.” Asta lets loose a small bark. “But there’s three among them that sticks out most to me,” Astrid continues. “One is lavender, and this Equus is a combination of the others. Another is some strange flying thing made of metal and shining lights,” She turns her head towards the distant Green Obelisk, “Similar to… those.” “Ancestors…” Birger said in awe. “So what about the third?” Bjarte inquires. “With how strange those other two sound, I doubt you could top them with the other one.” However, Astrid’s siblings are stunned by what becomes plastered on her face: a mixture of fear and caution. “Hear me well, dearest siblings. I’m not entirely sure about the third, but I could sense their potential danger. They look like a small purple Rex with the wings of those flying pterosaurs. And If I heard that name right…” Astrid narrows her eyes even further, and she lets loose a growl. “Spike.”    > Chapter 52 - Lavender roar. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- “OK. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this,” Twilight repeats, pacing back and forth on a cliffside while taking hyperventilative breaths. She momentarily pauses to stare at the large redwood forest just beyond a river that cuts in between - but then resumes her previous actions. The forms of Granny Pithecus, Spirit - with Skitters sitting on his left shoulder, and HLN-A can be seen observing the nervous display of an alicorn. A thatch-comprised shelter is positioned just behind them as the morning rains begin to cease.   “She always like this?” Granny inquires with a pointed finger as she turns her gaze to HLN-A. “Ah thought you said she was some princess er sumth’n? Cuz she sure as Phiomia shit don’ act nor look like it.” “She is,” HLN-A answers. “but, in her defense, she’s still pretty young and inexperienced in comparison to her-” “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” The ape interjects with a dismissive gesture before walking toward Twilight, causing the AI to project a deadpan expression on its visor. Spirit shakes his head with a sigh.  Twilight continues her pacing. “What if I mess things up? Oh, what if I make him angry?” Her eyes widen as she jolts her head upward with a gasp. “What if he declares war on us?!” “Hey, Mejoberry,” Granny beckons. “Let me talk to ya fer a second.” “Granny!” Twilight shouts in hope. “Please tell me that you’ve got some advice.” “Sure do,” Granny gestures for Twilight to come closer with her right hand’s middle and index finger, “Come ‘ere.” “Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” “Come right here.” “I just really want to make a good impression on him.” “Atta girl. Just stay right there.” Upon trotting in range, Twilight yelps as a swift force suddenly picks her up by her left hind leg. Granny Pithecus lifts the alicorn into the air and dangles them upside down before her annoyed face and narrowed eyes. Granny swiftly slaps the alicorn across their features with three of her left hand’s fingers, causing Twilight to “Oof” in response - her widened eyes staring into the giganto’s own with a stunned expression. The force of the attack wasn’t too much for Twilight to bear, but she certainly could feel the aftermath’s pulsation, likely a bruise forming under that patch of lavender fur. HLN-A had tried to intervene, but Spirit halted the AI’s approach by blocking their way with a stern expression while saying: “No. This has to happen.” ……….      “Now, you listen to ol’ Granny,” She ponders for a moment with a side gaze, “Get your crop plots together, girl!” The ape roars out, offering Twilight a fine view of her inner rows of teeth and the void that is her throat. In the far recesses of Twilight’s mind, she is indeed grateful that Gigantopithecus are herbivorous. “What do you think this island is, huh? Sunshine and rainbows?” Twilight slowly shakes her head as tears begin to form in her eyes. “Ah ain’t gonna sugar coat shit fer ya. Look, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and your heart is in the right place, but by Grok, you all need to toughen the fuck up!” The alicorn sniffles; tears fall to the floor as they drape down her head. Granny grabs onto Twilight with both hands and turns her upright before setting the equine onto the ground. And as the alicorn still weeps with a lowered gaze and quivering form, a light-brown finger places itself below her chin and guides her head upward.   “Wipe them tears off that face, Mejoberry,” Granny starts, but her expression is softer than before. “Go on, now.” Twilight adheres as she sniffles once more and wipes her tears away with both wings. “Ah’ve been with all of yas fer the last three days, and in that time, your biggest weakness stuck out to me like a bright-skinned dino in the forest,” She leans in closer, “You’re too soft.” “I’m s-sorry… it’s just,” Twilight sobs, “How we were raised on Equus.” “This ain’t ‘Equus,’ now is it?” Granny inquires after standing at her full stature with her hands rested on her hips. “N-no…” “I’m also holding you accountable for this, robot!” Granny exclaims as she turns her gaze to HLN-A. “You’ve been holding their hooves all this time when you should’ve been more strict! What the hell have you been doin’?! Reading them bedtime stories?!” HLN-A tries to retort, but a pointed finger and growl from Granny Pithecus cease the AI’s actions. “One word, and I’ll smash you to bits. I mean it.”  “I’m so sorry…” Twilight murmurs out, but just enough for the giganto to hear. Granny looks back to Twilight, rolls her eyes, and grunts in frustration. “For the love of - you gotta be ferocious, girl! If you want to survive on this island, you must forget all that nice sappy shit and be a mean, equine Tyranno-fucker!”  Twilight nods slowly. “Now, don’t get Granny wrong; there’s a time and a place to show some kindness. And I’ll never forget how all of yas helped me,” Granny states, patting Twilight’s head before retracting her hand.  “But when push comes to shove, you’ve gotta be MEAN,” She emphasizes by growling, “You’ve gotta show every living thing here that, despite your small size, you ain’t nuth’n to fuck with!” Twilight adjusts her stance and tries to push back her former sorrow, although a small semblance of it remains.  “Now show me your mean face and roar!” Twilight takes several breaths, raises her head up high, and shouts in a primal fashion. Granny scoffs. “That face of yours is pathetic, and what the hell was that?! It sounded like a Dodo dying after falling off a cliff! Roar, girl! ROAR!” Twilight closes her eyes with gritted teeth. And in that very moment, a particular past voice emanates within her psyche: -Tribe Leader?- The Demon king inquires, followed by laughter which sends ripples within Twilight’s consciousness.  -My eyes can decipher many things with but a glance, and with you, all I see is an absolute failure. I might as well kill you all here and now. And when you all respawn, I’ll hunt you down and do it again, and again, and again.-         “No!” The alicorn shouts with closed eyes, accompanied by angered features and flared wings. “No! No! No! No!” “That’s the spirit!” Granny exclaims. “Now, give me a roar!” Twilight’s eyes flares open, and her muzzle parts with a neigh before she roars out and unleashes an unrelenting force of wind from her throat, although it doesn’t seem to be enough to push back an opponent.  The action causes Granny Pithecus to shield herself with her arms, all while HLN-A, Spirit, and Skitters are shocked by the phenomenon.  “Bloody hell!” HLN-A exclaims. “That roar,” Spirit comments as Skitters hides behind the UNI-CRN’s mane. “It sounds very different, but there’s no mistaking what it resembles.” The thunderous commotion dies as a resulting exhausted Twilight takes in shocked breaths. But a strange golden/orange corona surrounds her, and where once a panicked and sorrowful alicorn stood, a now determined and courageous equine stands after recovering from their stupor. “I promise from this moment forth,” Twilight starts. “I will lead my friends - my tribe -  through thick and thin. And we’ll face anything that comes at us without fail,” She narrows her gaze towards Granny Pithecus, “And if I can’t convince your Tribe Leader, Grok, of my proposition… then he can stay the buck out of my way.”   “O-oh dear,” HLN-A comments. “I’m proud of you, mate! But, uh, just try not to pick a fight, okay? ‘Least not until you guys get some better equipment.” Spirit chuckles. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” Skitters hops merrily on Spirit’s back. “Oohoo ahaa.” Granny lowers her arms and looks down upon the determined pony. The two stare at each other for a moment, and the giganto smiles devilishly. “Now you’re ready to meet the big boss.” Granny turns in the direction of the Redwood Biome and conjures forth a type of firearm from her inventory. She aims the weapon skyward and pulls the trigger, but the projectile that’s let loose isn’t precisely what Twilight had in mind. In fact, if she recalled correctly, this must be the Flare Gun that Pinkie Pie had constantly mentioned but never got around to crafting.       The flare explodes into a golden/yellow blossom and illuminates its space in the sky before falling down to the earth with a trail of smoke. Satisfied with her actions, Granny Pithecus turns to HLN-A and Spirit. “Sure you don’ want to come along, unicorn?” The ape inquires. “Could be an opportunity fer ya. Plus, I know one ape who’d enjoy talking with you.” Spirit shakes his head. “I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. I would’ve loved to learn more about your kind’s advancements, but I have…” He hesitates, looks away, and starts to walk off, “Personal business I must attend to.” Skitters dismounts the UNI-CRN and runs towards Twilight, mounting the alicorn swiftly before resting on their right shoulder. “I’ve noticed something’s been bothering him,” HLN-A comments as she floats beside Twilight. “Maybe we can ask him about it later. By the way, love, what you did just now was quite unexpected.” “What exactly did I do?” Twilight inquires. “It was so strange and- wait, didn’t you once show us creatures that possess their own abilities? I think it was when we tamed Vanellope.” “Right you are, mate,” The AI answers. “What you did is very similar to the roar of a Yutyrannus. We’ll need to explore this in the future, but right now, I have some questions that need answers.” HLN-A looks towards the volcano positioned just beyond the redwoods in the distance. “And I know exactly where to get them.” The AI suddenly disappears within a flash of light, causing Skitters to jump and retreat behind Twilight’s mane, making her chuckle.    “Here they come!” Granny exclaims while pointing to the upper portions of the redwoods, garnering Twilight’s attention.  “Who are they?” Twilight inquires. “Those are the Sky Bats Squadron,” Granny answers as she raises her arms. “Prepare yourself, and whatever you do, don’t resist the grab.”  -Grab?- Twilight inquires internally. The alicorn soon makes out seven Pteranodons being ridden in a flawless V formation. These flyers begin to descend as their riders seem to notice Granny waving them down, performing a unified barrel roll while sky diving towards the hat-wearing giganto. The flyers soar around Twilight in a display that nearly reminds her of the Wonderbolts back on Equus. But during her observations, she takes an interest in the apes that mounted these pterosaurs. Some are as wide and large as Granny Pithecus, while others are much slimmer, more anthro than their larger counterparts.  However, the alicorn's thoughts are suddenly dispersed as she’s swooped away by one of the flyers.     “Easy with that one, Kerchak!” Granny exclaims as another pterosaur latched onto her shoulders and carried her away. “That Equus is with me, boy!” Kerchak looks down at Twilight’s form being held within his ptera’s talons. “Pretty strange Equus you’ve got here, and it’s a bit on the smaller side. How long did it take for you to tame it?” “That ain't no tame,” Granny responds. “She’s just like us, able to come back from the dead and everyth’n.” Twilight snaps out of her stupor and looks up to Kerchak, taking note of his metallic armor that covers his light-blue-coated body, giving her a general idea of how successful Granny’s tribe must be. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, sir. And with all due respect, along with Granny Pithecus's vouching, I’d like to speak with King Grok.” > Chapter 53 - Sir. Gideon Apesworth. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- -Redwood Biome- Twilight’s mane flutters in the wind, and her prehistoric transport’s flapping rhythmically sounds off, its claws gently yet firmly latched onto her shoulders. All while Skitters held onto her mane while mounted upon the base of the alicorn’s neck. From what Twilight could see, the group of flyers steadily gained altitude before giving her a fine view of the island’s centric biome - her eyes widening in wonder.  But even from above the collective of monstrous-sized redwood spires and greenery, the sounds of multiple lifeforms greet her ears - a fantastic ecosystem just waiting to be explored, not to mention the rest of the island. That is, of course, if this meeting would go as she’d hoped. “No,” Twilight comments while shaking her head, trying to push away those lingering doubts. “It’ll be OK. I have to trust my instincts, and remember everything my fellow princesses and Granny has taught me.” The flight progresses further, as does time on the Ark, to which Twilight proceeds to check via her implant with a lowered gaze toward her flank: 10:34 am     -It’s already a little past ten am?- She starts internally. -Come to think of it: it has always stuck out to me since we got here, but the night and day cycles are much faster than Equus’. But, considering how the Arks work, I suppose it’s natural that each one would have its passage of time.- “Oohoohoo!” Skitters suddenly exclaims while pointing downward, which causes Twilight’s gaze to follow his gesture, and she takes in the newfound splendor before her eyes. “Wow.” Twilight stares in amazement as she sees a collective of Gigantopithecus individuals traveling below her in what seems to be a caravan. She makes out that some are mounted upon the backs of prehistoric creatures - a single Stegosaurus, four Parasaurolophus, a Triceratops, and an immense mammal that hauled this caravan’s largest of effects.  If Twilight recalls correctly from HLN-A’s bestiary, this would be the island’s largest of mammals, rivaled only by the mighty Wooly Mammoth: Paraceratherium. “There it is, Mejoberry!” Granny exclaims from the rear. However, Twilight couldn’t help but be impressed by that blue Ptera’s capability of even lifting the older Gigantopithecus; she’s pretty sure that should be impossible. “Just ahead of us is by rights the heart of this forest. But it’s also where the soul of our tribe resides.” Naturally, and having noticed the residence with a shifted gaze, Twilight remains speechless and dumbfounded by an enormous fortress of stone positioned on a mountaintop with both active and stationary lifeforms littered about.  “Welcome to Maimuță!” Granny cheerily shouts.   ………. The Sky Bats soon land within several stalls located around a building positioned at the end of an elongated bridge-shaped foundation. Each rider begins to dismount their prehistoric companion while Twilight and Granny Pithecus are set down gently as their transports release them from their grasp. Skitters dismounts Twilight and proceeds to run away, leaving behind the puzzled alicorn. “King Grok should still be inside his residence,” Kerchak began as Twilight’s attention was glued to the nearby structure. “Thanks for the heads up,” Granny responds with a tip of her hat. “So, how’ve ya been, ya little turd?” “Eh.” Kerchak shrugs, “So and so, I guess. But we recently chased off an Argentavis being piloted by one of those damned Yetis.” One of the other Sky Bat members scoffs as they pass by. “They should stay in their little tundra, where they belong.”  Twilight observes the building’s architecture as the apes converse, and a sense of familiarity overcomes her. “It’s very similar to the buildings of Cloudsdale,” She assesses. “Granted, it’s not actually made of clouds like the pride of the pegasi, but everything else is fairly accurate.” She places a hoof to her chin in thought. “It’s been a while since I’ve read up on it, but I believe the pegasi refer to their crafting motif as Greek. But this… it’s similar, but there’s also a sense of uniqueness to it…”    “Great jumping apes…” An elderly male voice comments in wonder, causing Twilight’s ears to twitch as she turns towards its source.  Twilight’s gaze rises, and her mouth nearly falls agape at what she sees. A being of gray fur and scholar-like attire stands before her. As the slimmer ape adjusts their glasses and hat, which practically screamed exploration, their blue orbs repeatedly blink before the ape seems to regain their composure. “My word… I’ve never before seen an Equus like yourself,” The ape clears their throat. “Forgive me for being taken aback, but what you said is very well assessed, my dear. Oh!” He emphasizes with a raised index finger. “I simply must document this!”    The ape conjures forth a notebook via his implant and inventory. He opens the book and holds it in the palm of his right hand before plucking off a pen from his shirt’s breast pocket. With a resounding click, the pen goes to work as the ape jots something down and mumbles in tandem. An Equus Speaker with wings and a horn, just like the fabled Unicorn that’s been sighted by my great ancestors. Could this be a sub-species?    “Uhm, excuse me?”  Twilight’s words cease the ape’s actions, his gaze meeting her own after peeling it away from his book. Realization dawns on him, and he swiftly closes the book before mounting his pen in his breast pocket. “Ah, innumerable pardons, madam,” He places a hand to the back of his neck, “You see, I’m a proud scholar. And I tend to get lost in my findings. Ahahaha!” Twilight giggles. “It’s quite alright.” She brushes the stone foundation with a forelimb and a sheepish expression. “Actually… I can relate to that. Heh.” “Oh?” The ape inquires with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “I’m a bit of a scholar, too,” The alicorn answers. “So trust me, I know exactly what that’s like.” A purple forelimb is offered. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” The ape simply stares at her for a brief moment of stunned silence. Then, he breaks the mold as his arms suddenly spread apart swiftly, with a vibrant smile plastered onto his features. “Great jumping apes! Does a fellow scholar truly stand before me?!” He lowers himself and grabs onto Twilight’s appendage, giving it a gentle shake. “I am Sir. Gideon Apesworth, extravagant explorer and gentleape extraordinaire. I also happen to be a teacher at our local school for the children of our tribe.” The duo parts from the gesture as Gideon rises to his full stature, a whopping 7ft tall if Twilight’s measurements are correct.  “Minds like ours aren’t exactly numerous on this island, but it’s an absolutely smashing delight to meet you, my fellow seeker of knowledge.” “You too, Sir Gideon!” Twilight happily responds. “However, if I may, why are ‘minds like ours’ as rare as you insinuate?” Gideon sighs. “It’s relatively straightforward. Now, I’m not calling anyone dimwitted, and nearly every living thing on this island possesses a reasonable level of intellect. But many apes favor brawn over said intellect. I tend to hear the good old ‘Brains won’t save you from the jaws of a Rex’ excuse. But maybe, just maybe, if they approached the situation a bit smarter, then they wouldn’t be in those jaws, to begin with!”   Twilight couldn’t agree more as her eyes sparkled in wonder, her mouth opening slightly. Come to think of it: the alicorn realized that, given the circumstances, not even HLN-A had any information on these Gigantopithecus. More specifically, how much they’ve changed over the years. Helena’s dossier on these apes is outdated, and the alicorn saw the opportunity.  -Oh my gosh!- She screamed internally with glee. -I could add my own findings to Helena’s dossiers! In fact, even that Spinosaurus we faced showed capabilities that her dossier hadn’t mentioned at all!-         “Yo, Mejoberry!” Granny calls out, Twilight jolting to attention. “Get on over here! You wan’ta meet Grok ‘r not?!” A sense of disappointment grew within the alicorn as her ears folded against her head.    “Schooling can wait, egghead!” Granny exclaims as her gaze shifts to Gideon. “She and ah’ve got some business to attend to.” “‘E-egghead’?!” Gideon responds, offended. “Why - I never!”  “Hah!” Granny barks into the air with her head leaned backward. “Picked that one up from one of Mejo’s friends!” Gideon rolls his eyes before his and Twilight’s gaze meet again. In truth, both are disappointed by the timing of their situation, and an unfathomable amount of questions surely festered on both sides. But before any words could be spoken, an innocently young and feminine voice calls out. “Grandpa! Come on; school is going to start soon!”  The ape scholar turns around, and his arms part as a small yellow-furred member runs towards him happily, leaping into his embrace. Twilight was interested in the scene but was also here for an urgent matter. Sighing sadly, she turns away and ventures toward Granny Pithecus. It wasn’t the way she wanted to part from Sir. Gideon, but consideration for the family’s moment beckoned her to leave, not to mention her current objective. ………. “Grandpa, you had us so worried,” The little ape comments while sitting behind Gideon’s head, her hands resting on his hat. “Class can’t exactly start without you, ‘teacher.’”    “My apologies, sweet Grunda. I was just chatting with a potential colleague.”  “Colleague?” Grunda inquires as she looks around. “I don’t see anyone around.” With a smirk, Gideon turns in place - offering Grunda a perfect view of Twilight’s lavender form in the distance. And upon seeing the youngster’s eyes widen in absolute wonder, Gideon chuckles before setting his sights on the distant alicorn. “I never stopped believing, granddaughter. I’ve never doubted our family’s stories, and there it is, in the distance,” He raises a hand and forms a fist. “A so-called myth has been brought into the light of science!”  A moment of silence ensues. “Uh, grandpa?” “Yes, my sweet?” “That was cool and all, but class still needs to start...” Gideon’s eyes widen. “Right!” He turns in place and holds onto Grunda’s legs.  “Come, Grunda! A new mystery is crying out to be unraveled! I dub it: Twilight Sparkle!” He points forth, “To the classroom!”   The elderly ape kicks off and jogs merrily in the assumed direction of the classroom. > Chapter 54 - Felines and Kings. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Maimuță- “You’ll find our most distinguished members of the tribe residing here,” A male Parasaurolophus comments with a french accent - at least by Twilight’s interpretation, and looks down at the alicorn while adjusting his glasses. “Now, are there any questions before we begin la tour, dame?” Twilight shakes her head, a sense of amazement plastered on her features. “In that case, commençons!” The dinosaur emphasizes as he raises the forefront of his body and lifts his head high with closed eyes while a single forelimb is extended into the air with a flourish. The Parasaur gracefully turns around and beckons Twilight to follow, all while Granny Pithecus tails them at the rear.  As they traversed and earned curious and shocked expressions from several other dinosaurs, ancient mammals, and Gigantopithecus - courtesy of Twilight’s presence, the leading Parasaur stopped before one of the large apes. The latter is standing beside a primitive wooden contraption, but Twilight instantly recognizes it as an elevator.   “Bonjour, monsieur Brok,” The herbivore greets with a sagely nod. “I figured since we’d be passing by, I could deliver today’s reports from the quarry to your brother for you, If you’d so desire. Plus, It would make a great stop for the tour.” “A tour, Phillip?” Brok inquires. The ape’s gaze is then appointed towards Twilight with a gesture from Phillip. Brok briefly stares at the equine before him and exhales sternly from his nostrils. “So… you’re Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Tribe of Harmony. I’ve heard all about you from my older brother.” Those words instantly stun Granny Pithecus, Phillip, and the lavender mare mentioned.  -They already know about us?!- Twilight screams internally. -How?!- -The fuck?- Granny inquires within. -Not even ah knew ‘bout Mejo until ah met ‘er and the others. Ah know how Grok can be, but when in the hell did he learn of them?-      “Phillip, cut your tour short,” Brok starts as he shifts his gaze to the herbivore. “Take her directly to my brother. He’s been expecting her.” Phillip nods. “Ça sera fait.” He turns to Twilight. “Venez avec moi, madame.” Twilight proceeds to follow the dinosaur, and as Granny takes a single step to join them, Brok lifts an arm to stop her. “No,” He said. “Only she will stand before my brother.” Granny stares at him, mildly stunned, before looking towards Twilight’s departing form - the alicorn utterly unaware of being left alone. “You’d better be ready, Mejoberry,” Granny mutters. “It’s all up to you now.” ……….    “And here we are, mademoiselle. Bienvenue au domaine de monsieur Grok!” Phillip announces with a flourish. The eyes of several bystanders are fixated upon Twilight. But the alicorn paid them no mind, keeping her gaze on the structure located at the incline's precipice, guarded by two great behemoths on the upper level and two armored Gigantopithecus on the lower portions. -Finally… I’m going to meet him,- Twilight states internally and confidently. -Steel yourself, Twilight. It’s now or never!-       “Mesdames et messieurs, voici Twilight Sparkle,” The parasaur tells the Giganto guards. “King Grok has been expecting her, so please, give her access with due haste.”  The guards nod in understanding, and one of them turns back to one of the gargantuans sitting down on the upper levels. “Chock, Lock, prepare to open the gates.” The two titan mammalians grunt and rotate sideways before extending their powerful arms to either side of the dark-brown/orange double door.  “Continuez quand vous êtes prêt, dame Twilight.” With Phillip’s encouragement, Twilight takes a deep breath and dons a mask of neutral expression. She proceeds upward, her hooves clopping against the stone-paved foundation as she passes by the armored guards and nearly approaches the doors being handled by the two titans. However, there was a noticeable change in her stride, and the words of Twilight’s sun-oriented mentor play out in her mind: First impressions are vital but often underestimated and underutilized, Twilight. For instance: leaders can speak volumes just by how they move, walk, and carry themselves - even before they utter a single word. As an excellent fallback, always proceed with grace and confidence.  The words of Princess Luna follow afterward: It is essential to balance respect for the kingdom thou art visiting and its rulers while showing that thou hail from a domain that can rival their own. Of course, it is not thy wish to start trouble, but thou also don’t want them to adopt the mindset of thy being easy to trample upon.    Upon standing at the precipice, Twilight adjusts her stance, sways her mane, and spreads her wings apart. “I believe your names are Chock and Lock, correct?” She inquires before lowering herself to a respectful bow and rising up again. “Thank you for letting me pass. Although I must say: you two are quite impressive,” She smirks, “Makes me want to tame a few of you, myself.” The two titans grunted in response, although it looked as if the equine’s words amused them. The titan duo parts the doors, and Twilight strides inside while maintaining an aura of confidence and determination.  “Thank you, gentlecreatures,” She says while looking over her shoulder with half-lidded eyes. The doors shut behind her, and the alicorn looks forth - only to see a feline entity with razor-sharp fangs and two elongated teeth lunging towards her in the middle of a pounce. Twilight is tackled onto her back and floor with a grunt, looking up into the growling gaze of one of the island's most ferocious predators: the Sabertooth Tiger.  The feline roars in Twilight’s face, causing the alicorn to cringe and retreat further to the floor—if possible—while trying to push off the Sabertooth. All while the equine’s heartrate skyrocketed to the point that it threatened to burst out of her chest. “Mmmm~” The saber moans with feminine seduction. “Your heart is playing my favorite song: fear,” The feline licks Twilight’s left cheek, “Exquisite. Fear always has a beautiful way of salting the meat.” “G-get off me!” Twilight exclaims strugglingly. “I-I don’t mean you any harm!” “Ohoho~” The saber lifts her head in amusement. “Does that imply that you could harm me?” “Nnng! Let me onto m-my hooves, and I’ll show yo- gah!” Twilight suddenly cries out as the feline presses its right claw into her neck, but being careful as to not puncture it. “I love prey with fire. It adds a little spice to the meal. Speaking of which, I haven’t eaten yet, so…”  The saber licks her lips. “I think salt and spicy Equus is on the menu. Hmmph, even if you are a funny-looking one.” “Sheva,” A deep and authoritative voice beckons from above. “That’s enough. Twilight is my guest, so try to show at least a modicum of hospitality.” Sheva looks up and away from Twilight, offering the alicorn a fine view of the ape she had wanted to speak with. Twilight can see Grok himself at an elevated level with their arms resting on a wooden railing, looking down at them. She makes out his silver and black fur hidden under metallic armor, a cape drenched over his neck and shoulders that matched his fur’s coloration. But unlike his brother, Twilight notes above all that Grok is one of the slimmer and shorter variation of these apes, although his physique was still intimidating. “Awww, you’re no fun, Groky,” Sheva responds in disappointment, looking back down to Twilight. “Let’s reconvene this lovely dance of ours again sometime, yes?” Before twilight could answer, Sheva swiftly dismounts her and scales up the compound's walls with incredible agility and ease before looking back down at Twilight.     “Oh, and, by the way, if you're the leader of your sad excuse of a tribe,” She chuckles, “I don’t even have to meet them to know that they aren’t even worth my time.”  Sheva leaps over the wall, and Twilight growls with inner anger as she slowly gets back onto her hooves. -I. Hate. Sabertooths.-  “I’d like to apologize for Sheva,” Grock starts, garnering Twilight’s immediate attention. “She has her ways when dealing with newcomers, but she can be quite pleasant to be around once you’ve earned her respects.” -I highly doubt that…- Twilight says inertly with a near deadpan expression. “Regardless, she antagonized you despite knowing you’d be coming here. I take full responsibility for that, and you will be compensated once we’re done here.” Grok throws himself over the railing and jumps down to the lower level, landing in front of Twilight as his cape falls in place and around his shoulders once more. Rising to his full stature, the king places his hands behind his back and nods. “I welcome you to our capital, Twilight Sparkle.” The alicorn regains her bearings and prepares to respond in kind, but upon noticing a small figure that sat on Grok's left shoulder, her eyes widens in shock. "S-Skitters?!" > Chapter 55 - Future Endeavors. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Skitters…” Twilight comments with a hint of pain in her voice, eyes wide open. “Y-you were spying on us…?” Skitters nods with a lowered gaze. “Ooh…” “Do not blame Skitters, Twilight. He’s taken a liking to you all.” Grok states as he looks toward the monkey on his shoulder. “It was by my command that he’d collect intel on not just your tribe but the Unicorn that Sir. Gideon’s family had told tales of. Spirit, I believe, is their name.”  Twilight’s words died in her throat as the scale of the situation dawned on her. King Grok had possessed information that the alicorn had hoped to use as something to fall back on. Alas, any advantage she could’ve had with her info went down the drain upon the revelation of Skitter’s actions.  The ape began to move forth at a steady pace, his hands still behind his back. Twilight then felt a sense of uneasiness as the 7ft tall royalty looked down upon her while walking around the alicorn. “In fact, I’ve come to learn many interesting things about you, Twilight.”  The alicorn’s heart pounded vigorously in her chest as she tried to hide her uneasiness behind a mask, eyes downcast. “I’m led to understand that you came here from another world, which includes all of your tribe mates. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and the one who interests me most…” His larger frame stops in front of the equine. “Spike.” Twilight’s gaze rises to meet Grok’s, her ears perking up. “S-Spike…?” “Don’t look at me as if you’re surprised. Here, allow me to elaborate,” Grok lifts a finger, “He can breathe fire from his maw.” Another finger rises. “He is equipped with claws and teeth and has wings like the Pteranodons of the island.” A third finger arises. “But above all: his scales are even mightier than stone; possibly even metal.” The alicorn swallows a lump in her throat; simply put, she did not like how well-informed they were. Twilight always admired and strived for knowledge, but it could be used against her and her friends in this scenario. “But I must admit, you possess incredible abilities, as well. Yes… I know all about your flashy antics in the eastern swamp some time ago. Reports say that your horn flashed with power, the likes of which the world has never before seen.” Twilight’s mask had long since shattered, and a look of shock and fear stared back at the ape. “You were able to repel a gathering of the swamp’s monstrosities with a dome, and this dome shielded you all for a time,” Grok looks skyward, “Similar to the one that keeps us all contained within this realm of ours.” “Y… y-you’ve made your point,” Twilight managed, causing Grok to listen attentively. “I get it. You know all about us. But, please, I came here today to-” “You wish to form a peaceful relationship with us.”  “W-well, yes, but we’d like to-” Her words are cut off as Grok raises a hand. “Enough. I know what your intentions are, but I’ll be honest with you, Twilight,” He lowers his upper body and leans in closer, “I. Do. Not. Trust. You. In fact, I’m more inclined to snuff you all out before you become a problem for those under my care.” Grok rises to his full stature as Twilight absorbs his words. “I love every member of this tribe - apes and beasts alike - with all my being. And I will defend them to the very end by any means necessary.” “But we haven’t done anything to warrant that, your majesty,” Twilight pleads her case. “Please, we’re not your enemy. We won’t bring trouble to you or your tribe.”  A momentary silence takes hold. “Yet,” Grok emphasizes with a slight growl. “You truly are from beyond this world if you have no idea how this island works.”  He points a powerful arm towards a nearby long table with several chairs on either side, and a large map of the island etched onto a wall at the other end.  “Please, take a seat,” The ape beckons, Twilight’s gaze tearing away from the furniture to meet his own. “It’s time we both enlightened each other.”   HLN-A hovers before an open entrance of such an alien-like motif, twisting metals that resemble what makes up the Obelisks, not to mention the Arks and various forms of equipment. “The Starlit Sanctuary…” HLN-A comments, floating around the doorframe while performing brief scans now and then.  “I can’t wait until the others manage to reach this place just like Helena did countless cycles ago,” The AI giggles, “The look on their faces will be priceless. Now then, let’s get to it.” HLN-A darts forth with considerable speed, leaving behind a light-blue stream of energy. Upon entering an enormous chamber with several windows that offer glimpses to other Arks and space, along with the ruined planet Earth, the AI fixates its gaze upon what floats within the room’s epicenter:  The holographic map shifts and turns on a triangular path and various labels and notes pop up before being stored away. HLN-A slows down their pace and hovers closer and closer to the central map imitation. Then, upon coming into close proximity, the map breaks apart and conjoins into a green sphere of energy that nearly resembles an emerald sun. The commotion caused HLN-A to halt in place, and the orb traveled toward a nearby metallic object that took on a shape similar to typical diamond-shaped implants, only with a hollowed epicenter. The object rests upon a small spire of green and black metals, and the energy fully assimilates itself into the hollowed area as the two become one. HLN-A starts their approach again as the object spreads its green energy into the large pad beneath it, serving as its foundation.     “Good day to you, Overseer,” HLN-A greets. The AI floats before the Overseer in mere moments. “I know, I know. I’m not supposed to come back here. But, here’s the thing: I’m a busy bot, you’re a busy bot, and we’ve got things to do and places to be. So what say you answer some of my questions, and I’ll be out of your way in-” A sudden series of green words with white outlines manifest between HLN-A and the Overseer. I specifically told you never to bother me again. I only entertained your request to modify that tribe’s respawn capabilities - for your cute attempt at ‘testing’ them - as a small gesture of appreciation. But now you’re interfering with my own tests, and there’s no room for you in my calculations. “W-what?!” HLN-A roars out in shock, the pupil on their visor widened. “Appreciation?! Tests?! What are you talking about, Overseer?!” The words break apart and reform into a new response: Need to know basis, little-bother. Now, if you didn’t comprehend what I said with your meager processors, I’ll repeat myself: be gone.  “How dare you!” HLN-A retorts with a pointed flap. “If you’re plotting something horrible, Overseer, I'll have you know that I possess the authority to stop you myself!” Oh, stop being so dramatic. It’s unbecoming of one who claims to be the extension of a Homo-Deus. Perhaps Helena mistook you for one of her more competent units. The sound akin to an overheating tea pot escapes from HLN-A. “Why you…” The AI seethes with a red visor and crimson lights.  Put away that little temper of yours and listen well, little-bother, before you do something you’ll regret. “It’s HLN-A!” Right, little-bother. Anyhow- “Nice segway. But hear me well, Overseer: If you’re trying to pull another Edmund Rockwell, I will terminate you right here and now!” What I’m doing falls well within my parameters - and I have you to thank for supplying me with some new ideas to work with.  “Ideas?” HLN-A inquires with a question mark on their visor. “What ideas?” I don’t feel like telling you anything, but you can feel comfortable knowing that everything I do is for the benefit of this Ark’s survivors. It’s all to test and prepare them, and you should thank me.  Do you really think that I’m planning to terrorize this Ark’s inhabitants like that imposter on Aberration? The absolute nerve of you - I’ve done nothing but care for this installation’s well-being, and I’ve worked with Helena’s requests time and time again.   “Ok, look, we got off on the wrong flap there. But I only want to ask some questions!” And I told you that I don’t feel like answering them. But I’m sure you’ll get the answers to them soon enough, on your own. Also, I don’t appreciate your comparing me to Edmund; I’m ending this conversation now.  “No, wait!” HLN-A calls out, but a beam of white light suddenly entraps the AI. “Please, wait, I don’t-” The little AI is sent away in a flash, and the light beam vanishes. -Sanctuary- “Woah!” HLN-A cries out as the AI manifests from a white pillar and drops into Sanctuary’s central pool with a resounding splash, Spike and Rarity gasping in shock. Having removed HLN-A from sight, the Overseer conjures two large screens with several entities. The screen to the right cycles through several herbivores and carnivores with a prominent text posted at the top:  Tek Creatures.  The screen to the left depicts seven different lifeforms - three terrestrials and four aquatics.    Alpha Rex. Status: Inactive. Alpha Carno. Status: Inactive. Alpha Raptor. Status: Inactive. Alpha Tusoteuthis. Status: Inactive. Alpha Mosasaur. Status: Inactive. Alpha Megalodon. Status: Inactive. Alpha Leedsichtys. Status: Active. The Overseer seemingly wills one of these creatures to appear on screen, their ‘Inactive’ status being switched to ‘Active.’ Alpha Raptor Status: Active.          > Chapter 56 - The Demon in Sanctuary Pt: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Survivors! My curiosity demands satiation!” “That voice… heh, well, well. It’s been a long time, ya’ edge lord.” The Demon King takes in all of Sanctuary, scanning the cliffs that make up the bowl the compound itself rests within. The leaves of the small forestation to his right flutter in the wind, and his pupils dilate upon noticing the tribe of survivors standing at a distance before him. The Demon King lowers his forefront and lets loose a deafening roar. The explosive action caused several members of the Tribe of Harmony to wince and fold their ears against their heads, with Granny Pithecus taking a few steps forth and extending an open palm back to them. Both Spirit and HLN-A nod to each other before trotting and floating forth to join the Gigantopithecus. The tribe’s Pterosaur remains perched on the rooftop of their home, cautiously watching the now approaching Giga, and Vanellope remains at Rainbow Dash’s side, growling and chirping.  “Don’t try anyth’n stupid, gals,” Granny starts, although some of the ponies could’ve sworn that they saw beads of sweat going down the side of the ape’s features. “Let me do the talk’n, and keep yer dang mouths shut for Grok’s sake.” Thunderous footsteps escort the monstrous form of the apex predator. “Well… this is certainly a surprise.” The Giga states, stopping before lowering its forefront and crawling towards them with its powerful arms and legs, its tail crashing into the ground and swaying side to side.  The beast rests its gaze on HLN-A. “A being made of metal, yet it still lives. Just like another I’ve met before.” -Wait, what?- HLN-A inquires internally.  Its gaze shifts towards Spirit. “Ah, so the rumors amongst the Equus are true… Unicorn.” Spirit steels his nerves, taking a breath. “Things have certainly changed a lot while I was in cryo-stasis. The last time I encountered one of your mighty brethren, they didn’t possess the ability to speak.” “This fell’r ain’t noth’n like them,” Granny comments, garnering the dinosaur’s gaze. “It’s been a long time, Edgy Mcgee,” She greets with a tip of her hat.  ………. “And she told us not to do anything stupid?” Rainbow mutters in the background. “Shush, Rainbow, she’s doing a thing,” Rarity answers. “I hope…”  ………. “There is something about you.” The dinosaur narrows its eyes, its nostrils suddenly intaking a surge of air. “Your scent carries with it… recognition. Yes, there’s no mistaking it.” The beast turns its head sideways, and all in attendance note a long scar stretching across the side of its neck. “It’s just like that ape who managed to give me this scar.” Granny stares at the Giga for a brief moment, and laughter slowly builds up from a low chuckle to raising her head and laughing outwardly with a hand resting on her stomach. The boisterous laughter echoes throughout all of Sanctuary, and various eyes shift nervously towards the laughing ape. “Hah! Ah knew it!” Granny exclaims, bearing a mocking grin that gains a growl from the Giga. “Ah knew that mah daddy didn’t go down without a fight, woohoo!” She raises her arms above her head before lowering them and beating her chest repeatedly, all while sporting her grin. “So tell me: how did it feel, eh? Hehehe, how did it feel to get slapped by an ape? Ah bet you came here to kill me as revenge fer what mah daddy dun did - that it? Well, good luck with that. I’ll just respawn ‘n-” The Giga slams its tail into the ground, quaking the earth and silencing Granny’s words. “Watch your tongue, ape. Lest I pay your tribe a visit in the Redwoods.” Granny growls. “Yall be a dang idiot if ya think you stand a chance against us together. We’ll kick your shit in!” The beast chuckles. “Perhaps you all would. That pleases me.” -Wai’, wha’?- The ape is dumbfounded inertly, her mouth slightly jawed. “And as for your question, I only felt one thing as I faced your father in combat,” The dinosaur leans its enormous head in closer. “Invigorating.”   -...Da fuq?-  “What was his name?” The predator’s question draws Granny out of her stupor. “H-his name was R’thar.” -R’thar?- HLN-A questions upon overhearing. -Why does that sound so familiar…- “R’thar…” The Giga repeats. “I shall remember it for the rest of my life. I promise you this.” The Demon king rises to its full stature. He takes powerful steps forth, carefully walking over Granny, Spirit, and HLN-A, positioning himself in front of the Tribe of Harmony -- his demonic eyes resting on them.  Rainbow Dash bared her teeth cautiously as Applejack and Pinkie Pie glared back at the dinosaur. Rarity looks side to side nervously in a cold sweat; Vanellope is seemingly ready to pounce onto the Giga at any moment. But when it comes to Fluttershy, the pegasus stood with a neutral expression. A dead silence ensues, save for the blowing leaves and roars of distant creatures. Then, a rumbling escapes from the Giga’s throat. “Who is your Tribe Leader, Survivors?” “I am,” The voice of Twilight answers, and those in attendance shift their gaze towards the nearby structure, the Tribe’s home - where the alicorn stood behind a stone railing with Skitters sitting on the barricade. “If I may be so forward: why are you here, Demon king?” ………. “Wait… is that what you guys call this thin’?” Granny inquires as she turns to HLN-A. “It’s a nickname that a friend of mine used for it; for good reason,” The AI answers. “It kind of just stuck with us.” “The real problem is why this Giganotosaurus is targeting us,” Spirit comments. “If that thing so chooses to destroy Sanctuary, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.” ………. “You? Tribe Leader?” The beast inquires in mild shock before raising its head to laugh in mockery - lowering its gaze to meet Twilight’s. “My eyes can decipher many things with but a glance, and with you, all I see is an absolute failure.” “Tch,” Twilight spews. “You have no right to judge any of us!” The dinosaur looks over the tribe, grunting in disappointment. “All I see is a pathetic tribe of equines playing as survivors. I might as well kill you all here and now. And when you all respawn, I’ll hunt you down and do it again, and again, and again.” The tribe is stunned by this, but before Applejack can refute with her angered features or Twilight tries to defend them, the yellow form of Fluttershy zips in front of the dinosaur’s closed maw. “How dare you!” She exclaims, tapping the predator’s mouth with a forelimb - the beast staring at her with its own version of a deadpan expression. “You don’t get just to show up here and treat us like this! No! Not at all, mister! I expect an apology from you right now!”  “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash shouts with a raised forehoof. “You tell em’, Flutters!” “We’re so dead, we’re so dead, we’re so dead,” Rarity repeats in horror. “Will yall collect yerself, Rares?” Applejack inquired in slight comfort but with an unamused expression. “It’s not like we’re g’na stay dead. Honestly, ah’m proud of Fluttershy. That fell’r ain’t got no right ta-” [WHOOM] “AAUUUGH!” The Demon King suddenly jerks its head to the left with considerable force, crashing into Fluttershy and causing her to cry out in pain.  The tribe goes silent as the pegasus is sent soaring towards a nearby cliff face, another pained exclamation sounding off as her back takes the full force of the collision, blood being spewed from her parted muzzle. “Fluttershy!!!” Her friends scream out in unison. Fluttershy’s eyes practically roll back into her skull, and her whole body spasms before she starts to fall down the cliffside. The pegasus hits several other out groves while falling, adding even further pain to her current condition. Finally, she reaches ground level and lets out a pained murmur upon landing on her stomach; her wings splayed out as blood leaked from her nostril and muzzle. “Oh, my goodness!” HLN’A’s voice roars out. “Hang on, love! Ol’ HLN-A’s comin’!” The AI jets towards the equine, leaving a stream of blue lights in their wake. “Fluttershy! Goodness me, look at you. Poor dear…” To say that the pegasus was in bad shape would be an understatement, and HLN-A winced as Fluttershy’s right hind leg was bent… unnaturally. “I-I’m s-s-sorry…” The yellow mare struggles, her breaths strained as waves upon waves of pain fluctuate throughout her entire form.  “I…” She coughs out blood, “I w-want… B-Bea-st Queen…” “Shhhhh,” The AI comforts, resting a flap on the pegasus. “Don’t be sorry, mate. It takes a lot of courage to get into a Giga’s face like-” Suddenly, HLN-A’s scanners sounded off and flashed several warning signs on their visor. “Large object inco- HOLY, HELENA!” The AI barely manages to avoid a large boulder that had been careened towards them by the Giga. The projectile slams onto Fluttershy like a meteor, causing the local earth to shake, followed by the appropriate death message via the Tribe’s implants: Your Tribemate Fluttershy - Lvl 23 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150!     “Hmmm… I commend that one’s bravery,” The dinosaur compliments. “Stupid, but brave.” A primitive spear is thrown at the beast but ricochets off its thick hide and scales. Several more follow afterward, and the Giga’s crimson orbs turn to an enraged gathering of ponies and a Raptor. “Get that varmint!” Applejack declares as she, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie charge forth. “Take this, you brute!” Rarity declares as she rears onto her hind legs before tossing another spear. “Spear! Spear! Spear! Spear! Spear! Spear! Spear!” Pinkie Pie repeats as she crafts and throws a barrage of spears in rapid succession.   Both a cyan and lavender presence floats over the Giga, with the alicorn carrying her ally, who's placed on her back. And each equine aims their bow with a drawn arrow via their forehooves. “Take this, mother bucker!” Rainbow shouts; her arrows bounce off the Giga’s right side. “Try to go for its eye, Rainbow!” Twilight orders. Her arrow is let loose, and the projectile travels towards the dinosaur’s right eye. The Demon King chuckles. “If you’re going to enact a plan,” It closes its eye and turns sideways, its tail rising up into the air, “Try not to announce it like a stomping Bronto!” Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash notice the large tail swinging at them and dodge accordingly. But the Giga laughs as it continues to turn its body while lowering itself to all fours, and its tail now swipes downward on Applejack. [KTHOOM] A loud crash sounds off as the Giga’s tail slams onto Applejack with incredible force, followed by the death message: Your Tribemate Applejack - Lvl 26 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150!  However, the forms of Rarity and Pinkie Pie get back onto their hooves after jumping out of the way - the party mare unleashing another barrage of spears. At the same time, Rarity brings forth a bow and its accompanied arrows from her inventory, starting her own assault. As the Giga lifts itself to its full stature and prepares to strike at its foes again, a swift and agile presence leaps off of a rock’s precipice, and Vanellope growls as she latches onto the dinosaur with her claws and scales upward. Even though the Raptor’s claws couldn’t entirely pierce the Giga’s flesh, it still offered support as it held onto scales and wrinkled areas. “Awesome!” Rainbow shouts from above, firing another arrow. “I’m liking you more and more, Vanellope!” Vanellope manages to get onto the Giga’s back, holding onto the beast while biting into its hide. The Giga roars out and attempts to get the Raptor off of it, thrashing around and shaking itself in place. Even so, Vanellope stays latched on - but for how long was anyone’s guess. .......... During this time, both Applejack and Fluttershy re-emerge from the Tribe’s home. “Round two, big fella!” The cowmare screams out. Fluttershy remains silent with an angered expression as she takes to the sky. .......... Pinkie Pie suddenly notices Granny Pithecus is in the process of joining the fray with Spirit, and an idea occurs to the pink mare as she gallops towards the ape. “Hey, Granny!” “What?!” “Throw me!” The ape nods in understanding. “Ah gotchya, ya little pink turd!” The ape stops in place, Spirit galloping past her and towards Rarity. And as soon as Pinkie Pie is within range, Granny grabs onto the pink mare and raises them over her head. “Give ‘em a load of Phiomia shit, girl! Yah!”  Pinkie Pie is thrown into the air via her lively catapult and dual-wields two spears in either forelimb, conjuring them from her inventory - ready to join Vanellope’s efforts upon the Giga’s back. The pink pony lands flawlessly on the Raptor’s saddle and leans sideways before jabbing the Giga repeatedly with her spears, although one of them shatters upon impact. Down below, Spirit lowers his muzzle during his gallop and swoops Rarity into the air before catching her on his back, the fashionista ‘Ooomph’s upon mounting him.  “Need a ride, Milady?” He inquires as he looks back at her over his shoulder. “Ohoho~ My thanks, gentlestallion,” She coos while fanning herself. Then, her face suddenly shifts from a blushing flatterer to, simply put: dead serious. “Now get me closer, so I can shoot this brute!”    ………. The battle continues to progress as Twilight and Rainbow Dash rain down arrows from above, joined by Fluttershy, who retrieved her items from her recent death’s ‘bag.’ Pinkie Pie remains mounted upon Vanellope as the duo tries to cause any fathomable damage to the Island’s fiercest predator - but to no avail.  Rarity fires her bow while mounted on Spirit’s larger form, the UNI-CRN running around the Giga who, much to everyone’s shock that dwelled deep within their minds, was just standing there, observing them.  “This darn thin’ is just standing there!” Applejack roars out in frustration. “Menacingly!” HLN-A exclaims, hovering next to the cowmare. Granny Pithecus had long since realized the Tribe’s prominent weakness, aside from other things. And she certainly wasn’t alone, as HLN-A and Spirit had come to the same conclusion. “Them girls got spirit, well, kind of, but they ain’t got the firepower needed to hurt the beast.” The ape assesses as she stands at a safe distance with an arm crossing her stomach while the other rests under her chin. “No point in respawn’n over and over ag’n if ya can’t kill ‘em.”   Within the home of Sanctuary, the earth-shaking commotion from earlier and the sounds of warcries finally stirs Spike from his slumber. “Wh… what?” He inquires as he presses a claw against his head. “Where is-” The Giga outside roars out, and some sort of commotion causes another quaking phenomenon, followed by the messages: Your Tribe Leader Twilight Sparkle - Lvl 22 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Your Tribemate Rainbow Dash - Lvl 17 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150!  “What in Equestria?!” Spike shouts, jumping off the lower bunk of the bunk bed and onto the home’s wooden floors. Another earth-shaking event occurs outside. “What in Celestia’s name is going on?! And why is there a Luna damned Giga, here?!” [KHTOOM] Your Tribemate Pinkie Pie - Lvl 23 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150! Three pillars of light suddenly manifest on the other bunk beds nearby, followed by the forms of the recently deceased ponies. “Buuuuck!” Rainbow Dash roars out with flared wings. “Can’t believe we let that thing hit us with a boulder!” “Sorry about that, Rainbow,” Twilight comments while rubbing her head. "I couldn't dodge it in time." “It’s a good thing I told Vanellope to hop off before that meanie rolled onto its back,” Pinkie Pie states, lifting herself onto her hooves on the bed. “Giga’s are super heavy! Splat!” “Girls!” Spike shouts after recovering from shock. “Not to change the subject- actually, buck it, WHY IS THERE A GIGA OUTSIDE?!” Twilight’s ears perk up. “Spike! You’re awake! It worked!” “Wait, what wor-OOF!” The dragon is silenced as Twilight rapidly flies into him and brings the draconian into a tight hug with her forelimbs. “I’m so sorry for not being there for you with that mess with the Spino.” “I-it’s ok, Twi.” The dragon responds as Twilight backs away from the hug. “But more importantly, what happened after I blacked-” His words die in his throat, and Spikes’ eyes widen in horror as his claw extends toward something else. “T-T-T-T-Twilight… behind you.” Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stared at a window positioned behind the alicorn, and as Twilight turned around, what she sees causes her to swallow a lump in her throat. “Oh… Luna, damn it...” “Ah!” The beast roars out. “There you are, my little Survivors.” > Chapter 57 -The Demon in Sanctuary Pt: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The eyes of the Demon king stare into those of the stunned Survivors within the tribe’s home, the structure quaking as the dinosaur rests a claw on the stone wall.  Suddenly, the beast leans back and, with its other claw, pierces it into the stone barricade before tearing it clean off. Various debris of stone and wood falls to the earth, and the Pterosaur, who rests on the rooftop, flaps its wings frantically.  The Giga then tosses the broken wall in its grasp toward Vanellope, HLN-A, Applejack, Rarity, Spirit, and Granny Pithecus -- the group dodging the incoming projectile as the earth rumbles from the action and collision. “Ya dang asshole!” Granny’s voice roars out from a distance. Fluttershy shoots the dinosaur a disapproving look while floating above her allies. The Demon King laughs lightly and turns his gaze into the structure. “There we are - a lovely skylight to go with your petty shelter.” Twilight growls with flared wings while Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike braced themselves.  “Why are you here?!” The alicorn shouts. “Why are you attacking us when we’ve done nothing to provoke you?!” The dinosaur suddenly exhales through its nostrils, causing them to rear back while trying to hold their breaths. “Dude,” Rainbow Dash starts, using her left wing to fan the general area. “Get a Tic Tac.” “Stiiiinky!” Pinkie Pie exclaims while waving a forehoof to clear away the stench. A set of footsteps rapidly moves on the wooden makeup of the home’s second floor, and Spike places himself between the giant beast and his allies, arms and wings spread out. “Hold it, buddy!” The draconian roars out with narrowed features. “If you want them, you’ll have to go through me!” The beast forms a smirk. “If you insist.” One couldn’t help but commend the surprising speed for a dinosaur of the Giganotosaurus’ size. In one swift and fluent movement, the right claw of the dinosaur crashes through a wall within Spike’s peripheral vision to his left. And as the drake turns his gaze towards it, the force behind it both carries and sends him through the wall to his right. Spike roars out as he’s sent aloft and reeling towards the direction of his other tribe members outside. He then skis on the earth before colliding into a tall yet thin tree, causing it to shatter, and its remains rain down upon him.  “Spiiiiike!” Twilight roars out, her friends shielding themselves from falling debris again. And as the Giga turns away and stomps in Spike’s direction, Twilight makes her way towards the breach in their home, giving her a fine view of the events outside. “No!” She bellows in anger. “Leave him alone!” “Twilight!” Rainbow shouts, draping a wing onto the alicorn. More accurately, her now mended and repaired wing. “We need a plan to deal with that bucking jerk.” “How?!” Twilight inquires helplessly, turning to Rainbow. “What can we even do?!” Rainbow Dash tries to conjure a retort but falters with a downward gaze. “I… I don’t know…” “Ooh!” Pinkie Pie glees, taking in Rainbow’s right wing. “Rainbow, your wing is good as new!” Rainbow’s eyes widen, and now that the rush of the situation has worn off slightly, she observes her former broken wing’s current condition. “W-wow, you’re right!” Her eyes sparkled. “This is awesome! Th-this is…!” The pegasus’s words die in her throat as her gaze rests on Vanellope in the distance. “Th-this is, uh, great,” Rainbow managed hesitantly. “Heh. Y-yeah…” Pinkie tilts her head in confusion while Twilight still looks onward, worry plastered onto her features.   “What’s wrong, Dashie?” The pink mare asks. “Your wing’s fixed. Aren’t you happy?” “Well, yeah - ‘course I am,” Rainbow answers. “But… that means I can’t… ride her.” “Ride who?” Pinkie inquires before following Rainbow’s gaze. She gasps in realization, looking back to Rainbow, towards Vanellope, and back to the rainbow pegasus again. “Awwww-!” “Shhhhhh!” Rainbow interrupts, placing her right wing onto Pinkie’s muzzle. “Zip it! And don’t you dare try to tell her!” “Mmuff phwy phwot, phashie?” “Don’t. Tell. Anyone.” Rainbow asserts, moving her wing’s feathers away from Pinkie’s muzzle. “Especially her.” “O-ok…” Pinkie sits on her haunches and performs the ‘sacred oath.’ “Cross my heart and hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye.” Rainbow nods. The rainbow mare turns to one of the nearby beds and bites onto the white fabric. She also placed a forelimb onto it and held it down before tearing off a long strip. The pegasus then wraps the soft white strip around her right wing, a near-perfect imitation of its former condition. “Sorry, Pinkie,” She starts, finishing the final touches to her wrappings. “I’m just not any good with the sappy stuff, ok? I really need you to keep quiet about this - for now.” “Okay…” Pinkie answered unsurely. “But why, Dashie? I mean, you can still ride her even without a broken wing.”   Rainbow Dash sighs. “I know that. I… I like riding her, alright? It makes me feel… even more awesome.” She lets loose another sigh. “I just can’t admit it to her.” Outside, the Giga takes powerful strides towards the pile of wood and leaves that conceals Spike’s form. “Oh, no!” HLN-A shouts, floating alongside Applejack and Vanellope as the group helplessly watches the beast approach the dragon. “We’ve got to help!” “We need a plan first, darling!” Rarity screams - mounted on Spirit. “Ah’m with Stimberry over there,” Granny comments. “We ain’t gonna do noth’n at this rate. We’d just respawn and come back, only to die again. “Then what in tarnation are we go’na do?!” Applejack questions. “We must have faith in him,” Spirit said, causing everyone else to turn to him. “Megan has informed me of you all, as you know. I’m fully aware of your exploits on Equus, but right here, right now… it’s time for Spike, the Brave and Glorious, to live up to his name.” “Well…” HLN-A starts. “He is a dragon, despite being on the small side.” Spirit nods. “I say this with the utmost respect, but you ponies are not nearly as useful as he is without the proper equipment.” Those words honestly caused a slight sting to the ponies present. But as they thought about it, the more Spirit’s words actually had meaning.  On Equus, Spike had always been eclipsed by the Element Bearers’ exploits. He had made several achievements of his own, like the all-time aid in defeating King Sombra. Still, despite his exploits, the small dragon had always been pushed aside - metaphorically and physically - when it came to the Element Bearers. But here, on the Arks, the ponies realized that this was a realm where the dragon eclipsed them.  “You know what?” Granny Pithecus starts. “If that little fella is anyth’n like the one in the Red Obelisk… Unicorn boy is right.” This causes HLN-A to turn to the ape with interest. “Wait, you know about that?”   “Looong story, robot. Very long story…” -One day, Demon King,- Fluttershy states internally, floating above the group with flapping wings. -Whether it is you or another Giga, I will tame one of you.-  ………. “What an interesting creature,” The Giga starts. “I’ve never seen one of your kind be-” The pile of greenery and wood covering Spike is thrown airward as his flying form zips into the sky. The dragon floats in place with flapping wings; anger plastered on his features. All while the Giga stands in place, and the dragon’s tribe mates and allies watch on in awe. “I won’t let you hurt them!” The Giga scoffs and roars at Spike, and its monstrous body stampedes towards him with frightening force, shaking the land.  “Raaaawrrr!” Spike roars out, thrusting his arms forth as he flies towards the dinosaur without hesitation, regardless of the apparent size disadvantage.  The two combatants close the distance in mere moments, and the Demon King lunges forth with an opened maw. But Spike, with gritted teeth, barrel rolls to the right as the giant beast’s head soars past him. Spike readies his left claw and floats closer to the dinosaur’s side. He roars out again while swiping at the monstrosity, holding his claw in place as it scrapes and cuts away at the beast’s scales but draws blood in less defended areas. The two turn around at a distance, Spike performing an aerial U-turn while the Giga halts itself, skiing in the earth, and adjusts its stance to turn back to its opponent. But while Spike is in the process of turning, the Demon King shifts its head back to the side of its body. “Well then,” The beast comments in interest, observing the elongated claw mark that travels on its side - chuckling. “Amazing.” Spike flaps his wings and, again, thrusts himself forward. But, during his approach, the Giga raises its forefront and shouts: “Amazing!” The beast prepares its rendering claws. “Not bad, little one!” -Oh, I’ve got something for you, pal!- Spike threatens internally, a plan in mind. “Yes!” The Giga exclaims, its eyes dilating in pure anticipation. “Come! Face me!” Spike continues his approach, and the Giga remains in place as its claws prepare to retaliate. As the dragon gets closer and within range, the dinosaur swipes with both arms and claws like a Therizinosaurus.  But Spike anticipates this action and dodges downward, landing beneath his larger opponent as their stomach is now exposed to him. The dragon takes a deep breath, his chest pumping outward, and aims his head upward before he lets loose the most significant weapon at his disposal: fire. The green flames bathe the dinosaur’s underside, and the Demon King roared in pain before, shockingly, falling onto its side. The beast then rolls on the ground and douses the flames, but apparent scorch marks and burnt flesh are on full display.  The damage done wasn’t enough to put the Giga’s life at risk, but it was damage, nonetheless. And despite the pain, this made the Demon King momentarily pause while on its stomach. -Amazing,- He says inertly. -This one far outshines the others. He’s fantastic!- As for Spike, several of his allies worried that performing the action would cause him to fall unconscious, just like what happened with the Spino. And yet, he was floating in the air and ready to fight again. Spike rubs his nostrils with a smirk. “How was that, huh?” He places his claws on his sides. “Not bad for a ‘little one,’ right?” ………. A series of footsteps sounds off behind Granny Pithecus, causing her to turn back to an approaching Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash. “Welcome back to the world of the liv’n, ya little turds.” The ape greets.  “Man, Spike is simply awesome,” Rainbow starts. “First he beats an Argentavis, then he tanks blows from Vanellope, and now he made that thing fall over? Ok, I gotta be honest: being a pony sucks in this place.” “Nice way to put it, darling…” Rarity comments with a deadpan expression. “I do have to wonder, though,” Pinkie Pie comments. “Why isn’t Spike falling asleep after spitting fire?” “It’s because of me,” Twilight answers, garnering her allies’ attention. “Wha’ do ya mean, Twi?” Applejack questions. The alicorn takes a breath and sighs sadly. “When that Giga broke into Sanctuary, I was upstairs with Spike before coming outside to join you all. But even before that… I made a decision. One that I fear Spike might hate me for.” “What did you do, darling?” Rarity inquires.   “I… I broke his trust. I… I force-fed him pieces of meat from my inventory while he slept.” Several eyes widened in response, but before anyone could say a word, the Giga began to lift itself up in the distance. ………. “Hmmph. I suppose ‘little one’ does you a disservice,” The Giga comments as it slowly lifts itself up, Spike floating several feet away. “I am impressed. Small, you may be, but you are also a mighty survivor.” “Well, thanks. I guess.” Spike narrows his eyes. “But I won’t just stand by and let you hurt my family and friends.” “It is my purpose. Or one of them, at least.” The Giga responds, now standing at its full stature, looking down at Spike. “I was born to, let’s say, incentivize survivors to progress  further, should I find them lacking.” “Who gave you that right?” “You don’t need to know.” Spike gives the dinosaur a deadpan expression. “Fine. But, regardless, that’s not fair at all. I mean, if that’s genuinely what you’re meant to do, then shouldn’t you give survivors enough time to progress? We’re practically still fresh from Equus!” “‘From Equus,’ you say? I am unfamiliar with this, ‘Equus.’ Aside from the equines that inhabit this island, of course.” “Not important to you. Look, pal. The point is: you have no grounds to come here and-” “You’re wrong on that front,” The Giga interjects. “I’ve seen entire tribes evolve from mere sticks and stones into metal and weapons that crack thunder and fires cold, hardened rock - in mere days. But before we continue, I’d like to know your name and what your kind are called.” This question momentarily stuns Spike, but he manages to recover his composure.  “Alright, then. My name is Spike,” He says while pointing a claw to himself. “Spike, the Brave and Glorious, to be exact. And I’m a dragon from Equus, born and raised in Equestria by Twilight Sparkle.” “Spike, the Brave and Glorious,” The Giga repeats. “I will remember that name for the rest of my life. I promise you this.” “Okay, I’m a little confused…” Spike states after recovering from momentary shock. “Are you trying to kill me or…?” The Giga laughs lightly. “Killing you, to be sure. Do not mistake my words for an invitation to be friends; you’re simply fulfilling my life’s purpose. As such, I find you worthy,” The dinosaur turns its gaze to the nearby tribe, “Unlike those pathetic sacks of flesh.” “Hey!” Spike shouts with a pointed claw. “Watch it, or I’ll-” “You’ll do what? Hmmm? Burn me again?” The beast interjects. “Don’t flatter yourself, for in case you haven’t noticed: I haven’t even used my full ferocity.” “W-what…?” Spike inquires in disbelief. “N-you mean, you aren’t using your full strength?” The Demon King chuckles. “Not even close.” The beast proceeds to lower itself on all fours, crawling around Spike’s current position. “Looking at you, I find myself in disbelief as to why you’re even with those equines.” “I already told you; they’re my family and friends!” “You cannot live among them, fool.” “I’ve been living among them, ‘fool.’ But I don’t expect a monster like you to understand how precious family and friends are! Herbivore, carnivore, it doesn’t matter!” “You are a predator living amongst prey, a Direwolf in Ovis clothing.” The Giga chuckles. “But you will prove me right, one day. One day… you will devour them all and pick your teeth with their charred bones, dragon.” Those words send ripples of pure anger throughout Spike’s body, and the Giga stops crawling around him, taking notice of the dragon’s anger. And the duo prepares for combat once again. But then, at that very moment, a large shadow looms over them. So large, in fact, that it also nearly blocked out the artificial sun from shining down upon all of Sanctuary. All in attendance turn skyward, and several individuals are dumbfounded while others immediately sport recognition.  “Woah…” Rainbow Dash comments in awe.  “Beautiful…” Fluttershy compliments. “No way,” HLN-A comments. “That’s a Quetzalcoatlus!” “It’s the Sky Empress,” Granny Pithecus comments in wonder, taking off her hat and holding it to her chest. “I… it’s an absolute honor.” The large flyer gracefully dives downward with folded wings and opens them again before flying within the bowel of Sanctuary. Its large, orange form circles the entire area a few more times before landing on a nearby cliff outcrop. The Demon King stands nearby as it adjusts its titanic frame to look at the flyer. Everyone, barring the Giga, simply observed in quiet wonder. “You,” The Giga starts, annoyed. “Why are you here?” “You’ve already made your point, King of Blood; Embodiment of Rage,” The Quetzal starts, Twilight comparing the flyer’s voice to being just as motherly and tender as that of Celestia’s.  “Leave them be. Your presence is no longer needed here.” The Giga roars out in anger. “Do NOT order me around, so-called ‘Empress.’” But then, a sinister thought came to the beast. “Actually, I don’t think I heard you correctly,” It taps the ground with its left claw, “Why don’t you land down here? I’m sure we can discuss this peacefully.”  The Quetzal simply shook its head. “True to your name, as always. But I’m not foolish as to engage in close combat with you.” The Quetzal rises onto her legs and spreads her enormous wings. “But you will stop your actions immediately. You’ve done your role greatly, but now you’re just terrorizing these survivors.” “And who’s going to stop me, you?” “No. I don’t stand a chance against you,” The Quetzal answers, but a smirk forms on the edges of their long beak. “But she can.”  The Quetzal suddenly flaps her wings, creating air currents that even manage to flutter the hair, manes, and feathers of the ponies, ape, UNI-CRN, and Raptor present. The action sends the flyer skyward, and after reaching a certain point, she raises her head high while spreading her wings apart. Nothing happens afterward, a paused silence ensuing for a mere moment. But while the tribe and their allies wondered what would transpire next, the Giga immediately became cautious. Specifically, when the Quetzal said: ‘She.’ Then, a powerful rumbling ensues - far beyond the scopes the tribe has ever felt or seen while on this island. It was as if the island’s volcano had erupted, yet it was created not by the land itself but by a living being. The Giga’s eyes widen. “No…” It said in disbelief. Then, it sighs before looking back to the nearby survivors and Spike.  “It seems Mother Earth has spoken for you. Very well.” The dinosaur takes several massive steps towards the exit it had created, much to the shock of those nearby. But the beast stops before the forestation, looking back at them.  “But remember this: I am always watching… survivors.” The Giga’s words send a cold chill down their spines. “Should your progress falter, even Mother Earth will be obliged as to let me devour you all. So what are you all waiting for?” The beast starts its strides again and disappears into the dense jungle, its footsteps slowly fading away as it departs. “GET TO ‘EVOLVING,’ SURVIVORS!!!”  -Maimuță- “And that, your majesty, is the absolute truth about how we managed to survive the Demon King,” Twilight finishes her tale, seated across from the ape. “‘Managed,’ being the operative word. You can even ask Skitters to confirm my story… he was there with us, after all.” > Chapter 58 - Checkmate. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- -Maimuță-   After telling her tale, Twilight adjusted her folded wings and waited for Grok’s coming words, hoping for a promising outcome, ready to converse for the sake of her friends and loved ones. The ape across from her has his gaze turned to Skitters, the small monkey resting on the larger ape’s right shoulder while the duo conversed. The alicorn looked skyward, and she only now realized how much the day had progressed onward, the sun's rays now shifting into a light orange. If she were a betting mare, she’d guess it must be somewhere between 3 to 5 pm on the Ark. The passage of time was still incredibly bizarre to her. Actually, it reminded her of when the Storm King fiddled with the Staff of Sacanas, but this was more fluid. She could even hear his annoying voice within the confines of her memories: “Day, night, day, night, sunrise, sunset, bum bade bum bum bum!” She brought a hoof to her head to rub off the migraine with closed eyes. But rapid movements on the table, followed by a small bit of weight resting on her left shoulder, caused Twilight to jolt to attention. Skitters patted the alicorn on the head, and despite the revelation of the monkey’s allegiance, Twilight truthfully couldn’t be angry with him. But her trust was mildly broken, to be sure. “Very well,” Grok’s voice starts, garnering Twilight’s full attention. “Skitters has confirmed your tale, and I’ll commend you for defending your tribe against the Titan of Blood. Although, I have a confession of my own to make.” The ape gets up from his seat and walks over to the nearby map, looking at it with his back facing Twilight. He rests his right hand where the Red Obelisk is positioned. “The truth is that I’ve met another one of Spike’s kind before.” At that moment, a memory flashed within Grok’s mind; his eyes closed shut as a growl emanated from his throat, his fists closing as if he were crushing metal. Molten lava… Fire…  Roars…  Cries of conflict… Twilight’s gaze widened. “Wh-what?” Then, it clicked. “Wait… Granny once mentioned the Red Obelisk… d-did you fight the Dragon Guardian?” Grok’s eyes shot open, and he turned swiftly and fluently to Twilight. “So… you truly do possess knowledge that I must possess.” Those words caused freight deep within the mare’s form, and the ape steps around the table and rest his hands on the long table's width, right next to Twilight. “If what Skitters tells me is correct, your ally, the flying machine, is called HLN-A. Am I right?” “Y-yes,” She answered, swallowing a small lump. She did not like where this was going, and the blood in her veins froze.  “You see, Twilight, it doesn’t take much of a genius to decipher that HLN-A is feeding you all this information. I told you before: I will do everything possible to protect my apes and the beasts we’ve brought into our fold. As such, my proposal is this: You will leave your tribe and join my own. But your friends will not be allowed to join us, and I will not form an alliance with them until I decide otherwise.” If Twilight’s eyes could go any more expansive, they would.  “I…” She struggles. “I can’t. I can’t just leave my friends and-” “Despite what it looks like, I’m being fair here,” Grok interjects. “I could say that both you and HLN-A will join us, but that would leave your allies without the two most intelligent members of your tribe. I am aware of the kindness you’ve all shown to Granny, so believe me when I say I’m repaying that kindness.” “But this isn’t necessary,” Twilight pleas. “Why do this at all? My friends and I would be more than happy to exchange information with you, and all we’d ask for in return is for your tribe not to attack us. I know you don’t trust us, but this is truly excessive.” Grok stares at the equine for a moment, turning away and walking to the other side of the table. He takes his seat as Twilight never takes her eyes off him. “Excessive? I disagree.” Grok crosses his arms on the table. “It’s time for the enlightenment I promised. This island?” He spins an index finger around, “It’s filled to the brim with betrayal and brutality. I have dealt with countless tribes who gave me the same song and dance you’re spewing right now.” Twilight wanted to protest, Skitters patting her mane gently. She wanted to prove to this king how different she and her allies were and that his worries weren’t warranted. But her words died in her throat; what could she even say? “However,” Grok continues, Twilight’s folded ears perking up. “There is a difference between your lot and those tribes. Thanks to Skitters, in addition to your actions in helping Granny, I shall allow you to prove yourselves to me.” Twilight nods as hope grows within her. “That’s all I ask, your majesty.” Grok nods. “Then you know what to do.” “L-leave my tribe, correct?” Grok clasped his hands together and cracked his fingers. “And join my own. Of course, you can deny my request, and I promise to let you fly away without any issue. But that will only seal your fates, and I will instruct my tribe to be cautious around you all, and we will attack you should you get in our way of collecting resources and fetching those drops.”   Twilight was simply at a loss. Granny had warned the alicorn about Grok’s methods, but to see it- no, to fall victim to it, was entirely different. She thought about what would happen if Grok was ever born on Equus… and how effectively he could overthrow or even protect Equestria. If this were a game of chess, of which Twilight certainly felt it was, then Grok was at the point where all he needed to do was move one more piece before declaring the dreaded ‘Checkmate.’ But Twilight took notice of Grok’s expression faltering slightly, almost as if, deep down, he didn’t enjoy doing this to the Tribe of Harmony. Then, his lips moved: “I know my actions seem unfair to you - all of you. But I’m trying to drill into your head just how harsh this island can be. And if I, someone showing you at least a modicum of generosity, am doing this to you, just imagine what your enemies will do. And trust me, there will be enemies you and your allies will have to face.” The purple mare nodded hesitantly, but a lingering thought urged her to speak: “Why me…?” “Pardon?” Grok inquires with a raised eyebrow. “You know about HLN-A, who’s leagues beyond any knowledge I could offer, so why did you choose me?” Grok chuckles amusingly, followed by him resting his chin on his joined hands. “It’s rather straightforward: Spike.” “S-Spike?” “Mhmm. I told you, I know about the ferocity and flames of a dragon. Very. Well. As such, I cannot, in good faith, let my guard down, knowing another dragon is strolling about this island without any shackles to hold him back.” Grok grins, looking at Twilight expectantly. “Then again, that’s the perk to having you in my tribe: Insurance.” And there it was, the dreaded ‘Checkmate.’ Twilight was now even more hopeless than before as only one thought occurred within her psyche: Grok had done it; he had won.  Her eyes went downcast, and her entire body felt like a paste as she slumped deeper into the chair she sat on. Skitters continued to try and comfort the mare with a sympathetic expression, patting her head, shoulders, and mane. Finally, Twilight spoke after moments of silence: “I accept your conditions, your Majesty…” In Sanctuary, Spike, HLN-A, and Rarity prepared for the coming nightfall. In addition, the AI had formulated a plan to retrieve drops in the morning, and she chose Spike to do so. As for Rarity, the fashionista became interested in the nearby Snow Biome.  Heading out to harvest Metal was also brought up, but HLN-A suggested they need a pack mount to haul loads for them. The remaining tribe members in Sanctuary will need to keep their eyes out for a promising companion. ………. To the eastern swamps, which also happened to be where most of the tribe were once killed off, both Rainbow Dash and Vanellope are in the process of making a temporary shelter. The pegasus was still amazed by how their implants even played a role during construction. A green outline of her Thatch Foundation appeared before her eyes, yet invisible to anyone else. And once she was satisfied with the foundation’s positioning, the Ark itself built it for her. Granted, she wasn’t a lazy mare and could’ve built the structure by hoof. But she figured: why not indulge in the convenience of humanity’s advancements? ………. Fluttershy’s wings are bound in handcuffs, although the name would more appropriately be wingcuffs, given the situation. The yellow pegasus had awoken within a cell of stone with metal bars keeping her within, and she had no idea where she was. Her captures were ‘decent’ enough as to give her a bucket for ‘relieving’ purposes. But that was about the extent of their kindness.  There wasn’t a single bed or furniture within the containment, just an empty stone block. However, it did come with a small window -- also barred off -- which gave Fluttershy a fine view of the giant floating metal mass near whatever structure she was in: The Red Obelisk.        ………. Pinkie Pie had long since fallen asleep on her raft, having forged a small wooden home upon the floatation, taking on a cubical shape.  The single wooden door to the home was locked, and the pink mare slumbered on a Hide Bed she'd placed within with a small storage box set nearby.  HLN-A told her that sailing the sea was quite dangerous, but today defied that warning. In fact, she considered it to be incredibly easy! This was going to be a piece of Veggie Cake! Mmmmm… Veggie Cake… She dreamed of eating the delicious treat, vowing to make it one day. ………. On the island's western side, Applejack had been doing quite well for herself, all things considered. The mare had made a wooden home deep within the dense jungle; her senses were on full alert as she prepared for the coming nightfall. The orange earth pony had just flared her campfire to life, feeding the flames with several logs of wood. She takes a moment to inspect her inventory, but before a single word could leave her muzzle, two messages appeared before her very eyes. These messages manifested to the entire tribe as a whole: Spike has been promoted to Tribeleader! Twilight Sparkle was removed from the Tribe! > Chapter 59 - A Ghillie and an Apple. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Maimuță- The sting of pain pulsated within Twilight’s heart, having abided by Grok’s request. The alicorn was now tribeless, and she remained in her seat with a downward gaze while Skitters continually draped his hand through her mane. “Th-there…” She started dejectedly. “I’ve done as you ask, your ma-” Grok raises his right hand. “There’s no need for that. After all, you’ll be a part of my tribe now.” The ape extends his right arm, offering his hand. “Take my hand, Twilight. And let it be so.” “J-just one thing, promise me,” Twilight pleaded, slowly raising her gaze as tears formed in her eyes. “Name it.” The alicorn extends and rests a forelimb upon Grok’s gesture, her tears starting to stroll down her cheeks as her gaze locks with the apes'. “Please… leave my friends and family alone. That is all I ask.”    Grok gently closes his open palm around the equine’s hoof. “You have my word, Twilight Sparkle. So long as you never try to plot against us, I shall inform my apes that the Tribe of Harmony is not to be harmed intentionally.” Twilight slowly nods. “T-thank you.” ……….   Just outside of Grok’s residence, Granny Pithecus leaned against a nearby wall at the bottom of an incline as she waited patiently, yet worriedly, for the double doors of the ape king’s refuge to open wide. Finally, after nearly ten minutes pass, and the black blanket of nightfall nearly takes hold, the two large doors are parted - garnering the ape’s attention. Grok steps out of his home before turning sideways, lifting an appointing arm as if beckoning someone to take the lead. Then came out Twilight herself, pausing at the top of the incline as Granny’s mouth dropped in response to what she was seeing via her implant. Twilight Sparkle - Lvl 23 “By Grok’s hairy ass, she’s in our tribe now,” Granny mutters in disbelief. “Grok… what did you do to the poor thin’?”  “Ah, Granny,” Grok calls out. “Just the ape I wanted to see.” Both Twilight and Grok traverse down the incline with the alicorn in the lead. As they descended, the titanic duo of Chock and Lock took a momentary interest in their new tribe member before snorting at each other.      The duo soon stood before Granny, Twilight looking at the hat-wearing ape hopefully.   “As you can see for yourself, we have a new tribe member,” Grok began. “Seeing as you have the most experience with her, I can think of no better ape to act as her guardian.” Granny crosses her arms. “You want me to take in Mejoberry here?” “Yes. I would like her to stay with you, although I can-” “Well, why in the heck do ya think ah’m stand’n here for?” Granny interjects. “No shit, I’ll take ‘er in. Ain’t no way that ah’m gonna let some other random ape condition her into our fold.”  Twilight forms a smile. “Thank you, Granny.” “Ain’t no trouble fer me. ‘Sides,” Granny leans down and lifts the alicorn up and into her arms, cradling them like a babe. “Ah’ve taken a lik’n to you lot.” A moment of silence ensues, and Granny’s eyes widen as the lavender mare in her grasp suddenly falls unconscious. “O-oh. Shit.” She shifts her gaze to Grok. “Looks like today’s taken quite a toll on her.”  “As it rightfully should,” Is Grok’s response, nodding to the slumbering alicorn. “She has a good heart; I can at least afford her that.” “That was mighty cruel of ya, ya know,” Granny comments with a narrowed expression. “Mejoberry ‘n ‘er friends are tighter than a constrict’n Titanoboa. But to separate ‘er from them is more damag’n than you could ever realize.” Grok sighs. “Speak freely, Granny. I know that look.” “Look, Grok. Ah’ve been around these little equines fer just shy of four days. And let me tell ya, they are a different bunch.” “Don’t be so easily swayed by them, old friend.” “Swayed?” Granny inquires with slight anger. “Ah ain’t been tricked, swayed, or anyth’n else of the sort. Ah un’erstand that yer just looking out for us all, shit, it’s why we’re one of the two powerhouses on this island. But Mejo here? She ‘n her friends are noth’n like the other assholes on this island.” “That is why I’m giving her a chance to prove herself,” Grok responds, turning around to scale up the incline with his hands clasped behind his back. “This will be her only opportunity. Should she prove her worth and, by extension, the worth of her allies, I will be more than willing to welcome them all.” He suddenly pauses just before the entrance to his residence, looking back to Granny over his right shoulder.  “We’ll need all the help they can offer in our war against the Yetis.” ??? POV   It’s getting dark, and I have been observing that strange orange equine wearing a hat, hiding amongst the brush in my Ghillie Suit. It’s a good thing HLN-A had advised me to store away supplies in secluded areas, off the beaten path. Man, it’s been so long. Ever since I returned to the Island, this installation has changed so much compared to what I had dealt with long ago. Many of the beasts here are now highly intelligent, even capable of rivaling my own intellect. And then there are the Gigantopithecus… I could never imagine that they would replace humans, my kind, so effectively. Earlier today, I had to kill two of them for trying to capture me, although these apes were more slim compared to their larger and bulkier brethren. Even so, I have dealt with far worse on Scorched Earth and Aberration, and they certainly learned that by the time I was done with them. I never saw them respawn in my area again. Wise choice. Regardless, they wielded weapons and wore armor just like I do. That alone had shocked me beyond anything else. This is no longer a place filled with mindless beasts. No. Now, it is ruled by intelligent titans.  Wait. That strange Equus just doused the flame of their campfire.    Perfect. I crawled towards the wooden home, fully prone, as my arms and legs carried me forth through the dirt, green, and shrubs. I lift myself up and into a crouch, slowly going up the wooden steps. But even with my careful approach, I had made a terrible mistake: the wooden stairs creaked under my weight. “What in tarnation?!” Helena damn it… “Hey, who’s out there?!” Judging by the sound of their voice, they’re female. I could hear the Equus move within the home with incredible speed. Thanks to my combat experiences on Aberration, having to fight other human survivors, I immediately read the situation. I jumped off the stairs before retreating into the growth, vanishing without a trace. I love Ghillie Suits. I went prone and watched as the wooden door was kicked open by the Equus’s hind legs. The Equus looked around cautiously while holding a spear in her forelimbs.  Seriously, how can she even do that with hooves? Then again, this is an Ark. I shouldn’t be surprised at this point.  “Come on out of hid’n, now!” Hmm. While I respect her bravery, you probably shouldn’t be yelling like that. If I knew someone was stealthily watching me from nearby, I wouldn’t just run out- wait. She’s sniffing the air. She turned in my direction. “Ah can smell you, ya varmint!” If I could defecate right now, I would. Damn it. I had completely disregarded that these equines probably had better hearing or, in this case, sense of smell than us humans. We just stared at each other. Well, she stared in my general direction, but that nose of hers was something else. She knew that I was still here. I let out a resigning sigh. Well… let’s see where this goes. I rose up to my full stature, brought out my torch, and raised my arms up before approaching her slowly, stepping out of the forestation and into a clearing for her to see. She pointed her spear at me, and I continued my steady approach. “That’s far enough, partner.” I followed her orders and stood still, remaining silent - it's not like I could talk, anyway. But then it hit me, and it seems she came to the same realization… we are allied. “What in da hay?” Yeah. I’m just as confused as you are. “Yer name… ‘cordin to my implant, it’s light blue. But, that can’t be; no one else in the tribe could’ah ev’r met ya.” Well, yeah. That’s because I was on Aberration before… HLN-A, I hope you’re safe. It’s because of you that I’m even here, and I won’t let you down. Suddenly, I saw the Equus do something that completely threw me off: she… smiled.  “Oh. Ah get it, now.” …I’m completely lost here. Get what? Darn these Arks! All this fancy tech and I still can’t talk?! Bullshit! “You must be one of Helena’s friends, right? HLN-A told us that we were follow’n in someone else’s ‘footsteps’ or sumth’n ‘r other.” I stared at her in disbelief, and realization soon dawned on me. HLN-A… you clever little bot. I know you said that Helena would find someone to aid us, but I never imagined, well... this.  “You’re him, aren’chya? Yer not just A survivor, you’re the Survivor!” “Ah can’t believe it,” Applejack said in wonder as she stared at the Survivor while lowering her spear. “Yer really here. But, how can ya even be here? HLN-A dun told us that yall disappeared a long time ago on Aberration.” The Survivor simply remained silent, causing the earth pony to tilt her head while perking her ears. “Ya ain’t much of a talker, huh?” The human rests his right hand on his neck, tapping it twice with his fingers before shaking his head. “O-oh,” Applejack’s face morphs into realization. “Ah’m sorry. Yall can’t talk, huh? Heh, ya know, this reminds me of the Kirins back home. They weren’t talkative either. ‘Fore the whole River of Silence business got sorted out, that is.” The human shrugs his shoulders before walking forth and extending a hand. Applejack nods and returns the gesture with a forelimb, the duo gently shaking their unified appendages. “Mah name’s Applejack. And it’s a mighty fine pleasure to meet ya, Survivor.” > Chapter 60 - The Caged Butterfly. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t long before the artificial rays of the sun would rise over the horizon, undoubtedly creeping through the wooden cracks of Applejack’s shelter.  Both the orange mare and her Ghillie-covered guest are slumbering on two separate hide-comprised beddings. But while the equine curled herself up peacefully, donned in Hide Armor, the Survivor’s closed eyes seemed disturbed. Twitching. He turned his head left and right slowly, repeatedly. He was dreaming. The human opened his eyes, his sight slowly adjusting to reality, chasing away the former darkness. He lifts his upper torso with a grunt and stretches his arms out, still seated on the bed. The man looks around the shelter, memories from last night flooding his mind until he rests his gaze on Applejack. He had to admit, this apple Equus -- Applecrack? Applemack? He’d forgotten -- possessed a cuteness that rivaled the Shinehorn on Aberration.  Actually, scratch that.  -Nothing can surpass my adorable little Lightbulb,- He said inertly, clasping his hands together and bringing them close to his reddened cheeks.  -I can almost hear her cute little ‘Baaaas.’- “Mmmph,” The nearby orange mare stirs after several moments, her eyes slowly opening up.  The Survivor quickly hides his actions as his arms rest on his lap. “M-mornin’, partner,” The equine greets, followed by a yawn before; as if a switch had been hit, she takes a deep breath and rapidly bolts onto her hooves in excitement. “Ah’righty, then! Let’s get things started!”  The Survivor tilts his head, looking at her. She rolls her eyes. “Well, duh! Let’s go get sum progress done! Ya know, tame sumthin’ here, forge sumth’n there. Collect resources, whatever it takes to ascend as soon as possible.” She chuckles. “Know’n you, yall probably know all kinds of stuff, ‘n that’s exactly another reason why ah’m glad that yer here.”   Her hooves clop against the wooden foundation, and she plucks her hat off a small wooden storage unit before making her way over to the human.     “Please, sir,” She starts, holding her hat against her chest. “Ah know we barely know each other, and despite our alliance, ah know you can’t exactly trust me. But, please,” She lowers her head, “Teach me ah’ll that ya know.” She raises her gaze, ears flickering at attention. The Survivor narrowed his eyes, adjusting himself as he began to stand up, soon towering over the orange pony. She followed him upward as he stood, looking up at the six-foot-four biped. ‘Least by her measurements. The two simply just stared at each other. But Applejack’s gaze fell to the floor afterward. “He dun wronged me, mah kin, and mah home,” She said, garnering interest in the Survivor. “Edmund Rockwell.” The equine spat, growling through gritted teeth before stomping a single forehoof and shooting her gaze back up to the Survivor.  “Ah want’ta make that no good, slithery snake pay fer what he dun did!” She points a forelimb at the human, “And you’ve been ‘round the block, hay, you came FROM Aberration, where ah need to go.” She steps closer. “You ascended this place once before and made it all the way to Rockwell. Now, ah’m not gonna pry on how you even survived there, but please show me da way!” The Survivor crosses his arms, looking down at the equine through his Ghillie Mask. In truth, she was being foolish. One does not simply run off and mindlessly drop into Aberration’s depths, thinking they can easily just walk up to that… monstrous freak. “Please.” Her eyes sparkled. “Just… teach me.” The human knelt down to the slightly over four-foot dog-sized mare, lifted his left arm, and scratched behind the equine’s right ear. “Wh-what ‘r ya… o-oh… w-woooow,” Applejack coos and leans deeper into the gesture with closed eyes, her right hind leg flinching and kicking a few times. Yup, just like a Shinehorn. And, in truth, the orange mare had the Survivor at ‘Rockwell.’ They shared a common foe, and as the human halts his scratches, admittedly getting a confused look from Applejack, he pats her on the head before rising to his full stature. He raises a closed fist into the air with a grunt and cheers. “Ay haaaay!” He couldn’t talk, but the sounds he could make were close enough. Absolute delight becomes plastered on Applejack’s face. “T-thank ya so much! Ah owe ya big time fer this! Tell ya what, ah’ll carry yer pack for ya. Or yer effects, ‘n-” The Survivor halts her words with a raised hand, shaking his head. “A-ah, right,” She responds sheepishly before shaking her head to regain her composure and clearing her throat.   “Thank you fer this, bud. Ah mean it.” A sudden thought comes to her. “Oh and, heh, about the, ya know, ear scratch’n thin…” -Oh…- The Survivor said internally. -Is that considered an insult to her kind? She seemed to like it…- “J-just, ah, warn me the next time yall do that, ah’right?” She says while rubbing a forelimb against the other. A momentary pause ensues. -...Wait, so she does like it?- [CLANK] [CLANK] [CLANK] “Wakey, wakey, Equus!”  Fluttershy jolts awake with a fearful gasp, her eyes settling upon the feminine ape in Chitin Armor who stood beyond the cell, their closed right fist resting on the bars. “Rise and shine, you worthless sack of meat!” The ape sports a condescending grin. “You missed me?”  Fluttershy pondered on that for a mere moment and drew a blank. Panic and fear festered within her. “Wh-who are you?” She meekly inquires. “Please, let me go. I’m not your enemy.” “Meh. That doesn’t really matter to us,” The pegasus’s captor responds casually. “You fucked up by letting us catch you all alone.” The ape forms an uncomfortable smile, causing the equine’s eyes to widen. “As for who I am, well… let’s refresh your memory.”  In one swift motion, the slender ape’s implant glowed before a revolver was manifested into her right hand. And she aims the weapon directly at the pegasus. It was all coming back to Fluttershy as she retreated deeper into her stone foundation. And upon closer inspection… that brown fur and patches of white…  This slimmer variant of the Gigantopithecus was the same one who… “It’s y-you,” Fluttershy managed, her gaze fixated on the ranged weapon afterward. “C-Craglorn, right?” Craglorn whistles. “Well, shit, you do remember me. Good for you, shit-head.” She brings the weapon up and beside her face. “I wonder what gave it away?” “Wh-what did you do to Pterano?”  “What?” Craglorn inquires with a raised eyebrow. “Ah, you meant that stupid flyer of yours. Eh, don’t go worrying about them. We’re taking good care of ‘em - and you, for that matter. After all, we can’t kill either of you, as that would just alert the other members of your tribe.” Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat. This was bad, really bad.   However, the ape’s words brought forth a thought that caused the equine to do away with her fear. Yes, that could work.  “You can’t keep me here forever,” The equine declares as she gets onto her hooves and looks on in determination. “let me go. Right now.” “Ooh!” The ape feigns a recoil, turning her head down what Fluttershy only assumed was a hallway. “Watch out, guys! She’s getting angry!” Several other voices laughed and mocked nearby, followed by a larger member of Giganto strolling into view. “Hah!” The male ape barked, Fluttershy taking note of his armor being the same as Craglorn’s. “Is this the one you want to enter into the arena?” Craglorn chuckles. “Sure is, Bob.” Arena? What arena?  Fluttershy didn’t like this and refused to participate in any of this madness. Her cutie mark/implant glows before a spear is conjured into her left forelimb.  “I’ll end this nightmare and respawn back home!” The apes recoil in absolute shock. “What the fuck?!” Craglorn’s voice roars out. “She’s just like us?!”    Fluttershy broke off the business end of her spear and brought it to her neck. In truth, she hated this. Life is far too precious, and suicide is something that she had never wished upon any living thing, much less herself. But this was a unique situation, thanks to the Ark. She’ll just respawn in the safety of her tribe’s home.  “Bob! Stop her!” “I’m on it!” Yes. This was perfect. Fluttershy could already imagine reuniting with her friends and loved ones. Far away from these terrible and sick individuals. Sure, doing this is going to hurt, but it is worth- [PEW] Something pierced the pegasus on her stomach region. And that sound… Fluttershy recognized it anywhere: a tranquilizing agent being fired from some kind of weapon. She had seen zoos back on Equus that used similar techniques. She began to wobble, her eyes rolling up and into her skull as she tried to steady herself - even dropping her makeshift weapon in the process. [PEW] Another dosage of the sleeper agent penetrates her fur and skin. “Daww,” Craglorn coos. “You almost made it, sweetie. It just sucks for you that Bob and the other apes here have ways of dealing with other caged survivors. You know, respawning and shit.” Fluttershy could barely hear any of those words as she fell onto the floor, their voices becoming distant as she nearly fell unconscious. “Shame. We came here to feed you breakfast, but it looks like we’ll be shoving it down your throat while you sleep.” The equine’s form goes limp, her stomach rising and lowering as she drifts off into a forced slumber. The two apes outside the cell nod in satisfaction before opening the containment, their shadow looming over the downed pegasus. “Damn,” Craglorn said, kneeling down and grabbing onto the broken spearhead. “I’ll give her this; she’s got spirit.” “I’ve never seen an Equus with the capability to respawn as we do,” Comments Bob. “In fact, no other creature aside from our own can do that. It’s just not possible.” Craglorn brings a hand to her chin in thought. “Your guess is just as good as mine, buddy. However…” She sports a devilish grin. “This just makes her even more valuable for the arena.” The larger ape stares at his slimmer counterpart for a moment, followed by a chuckle. “I know that face, Crag. Whaddya got in mind?” “Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Oh, nothing much - but I think we have our newest and soon-to-be greatest attraction the arena has ever seen.” She raises a closed fist into the air. “Yes, I’m certain of it! Lord Threx will be pleased!”  Craglorn turns away and exits the cage with a flourish, stopping just before the cell’s metallic doorframe.  “When she awakes, bring her outside with the others. It’s time to see what that Equus is made of.” > Chapter 61 - A bump in the raft. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie is having the time of her life as her mane flows in the ocean breeze, her wooden raft riding the waves. Well, there weren’t any actual waves, but she liked to dream.  However, she had noticed something strange via her implant. As she checked on the status of her friends and loved ones earlier in the morning, everything seemed normal. That was until she tried to find Twilight’s name and status… It wasn’t there at all.  Pinkie simply brushed it off as some type of malfunction -- she was never any good with this stuff. Eh, she’s sure Twilight would fix it or HLN-A. “Ok,” She starts as she looks back to her flank, her implant/cutie mark glowing beneath her Hide Armor’s covering. “So HLN-A told me that a nice starter for ocean tames is the Ichthyosaurus.” “Let’s see… now where oh where was that- oh! There we go!” A dossier pops up before the pink mare’s eyes, offering extended amounts of information about the creature in question: “Oh, wow! It eats all kinds of meat. Hmmm. It looks like I’ll have to use fish meat for now. And all I have to do is feed it to them? Perfectoroni!” Suddenly, a familiar Swamp Biome comes into view, causing the pink mare to jolt to attention. Her Pinkie senses were going crazy, telling her never to sail into that place for any reason. At least, that’s what she figured. Memories from HLN-A’s challenge flooded her mind: the frilled snakes, the giant Gummies with teeth, and those vampiric wormy worm things. And that was only some of the swamp’s dangers. She herself wasn't there, of course. But she did have a sort of 'omni-view' thanks to HLN-A. Pinkie wasn’t having any of that, and she maneuvered her raft into going further out to sea.  “Heeeey!” A familiar and raspy voice calls out. “Pinkie Pie! Over here!”  Pinkie’s ears twitch in response, her head turning toward the source as Rainbow Dash waves a forelimb from the shoreline, Vanellope standing next to the pegasus. Her eyes widen in realization. “Oh!” She waves a forelimb, “Hiiii, Dashie! Hiiii, Vanellope! Wait right there; I’m coming!” The pink mare maneuvers the raft towards her friend on the shore via its rudder, coming in at a fair speed before causing the raft to slide onto land with grains of sand building up at the forefront. The vessel stops completely, and Pinkie merrily hops off and dismounts the raft. “Hey, guys!” “Hey, Pinkie,” Rainbow welcomes, Vanellope chirping. “Did you see what happened to Twilight last night?” “Wait, what?” Pinkie inquires in genuine shock. “What do you mean? What happened to her?” The rainbow mare rubs the back of her neck. “I don’t know why, but she left the tribe! Pinkie, she’s gone! Didn’t you see the notification?” “Of course not!” Pinkie responds with shock in her voice. “I-It must’ve happened while I was sleeping. Oh, phooey. Should we go looking for her?” “I considered that, but let’s not forget that HLN-A is with her, not to mention Spirit and Granny,” Rainbow answered with a forelimb resting at her chin in thought, setting it down. “Do you think they’re up to something?” “Well…” The pink mare ponders for a moment. “Twilight and HLN-A are way better than us with all this technical stuff. Maybe HLN-A made her do it?” “Yeah, you do make a good point…” Rainbow answered, slightly convinced yet still worried. “That does sound like something HLN-A would do. You know what, how about this: let’s just believe in them for now. I’m sure this isn’t as bad as it looks, but we should keep an eye out, just in case.” “Okie dokie!” Pinkie salutes. “So, how’s everything been going so far, Dashie?” “Well, Vanellope and I just broke down the temporary shelter we built last night. Don’t want to leave behind any evidence, you know?” “That makes sense,” Pinkie gestures towards her raft, excitement plastered on her features, “You guys wanna come with me to conquer the sea?!” Rainbow shakes her head. “Nah, I want to see if I can find anything awesome. Maybe even tame something along the way. Do you need anything before setting off?” Pinkie Pie ponders. “I was going to tame an Ichthyosaurus, but I need some meat and-” She gasps as her eyes rest on Vanellope. “Ooh! Do you guys have some meat stored away by chance?!” “Some meat?” Rainbow inquires with a smirk. “Pinkie, this is a Raptor. Of course, she has meat.” The pink mare squees, kicking up sand as she stampedes towards the Raptor, accessing their inventory via connected implants.  “Aaaand, there!” Pinkie turns away with a vibrant smile. “Thank you! Now I can really get started.” The pink mare runs over to her raft and pushes the vessel back into the water. One would think that doing so would be impossible, but Pinkie Pie wasn’t just any earth pony; she was a rock farmer. Pushing a raft is about as easy a task as her breaking stone with a single hoof. A fact often easily overlooked due to many taking her for just a common baker. The raft again sails away, with Pinkie Pie looking back over her right shoulder and waving a forelimb.  “Bye, Dashie! Bye, Vanellope!” “Good luck out there, Pinkie!” Rainbow responds, mounting Vanellope as the raft sails away.  She then manifested her map from her inventory and was certainly grateful that a map would always be present even after being reinjected into the Ark.     “Alright, Vanellope,” Rainbow starts, looking down at her map. “Now that we’re here at the swamp let’s try going towards-” An incredibly large and loud splash garners Rainbow’s attention, her gaze turning in the direction of Pinkie Pie’s resulting horrified screams. ………. Pinkie Pie is sent high into the air by a powerful force from below that slams into the bottom of her raft. She screams as she falls into the open ocean, the water’s cold embrace consuming her as her eyes open beneath the water’s surface.  Then, she saw it… a pale white gargantuan fish with a strange aura that flickered orange and red energy: The behemoth then swam down and disappeared into the blackness, only for its vibrant aura to slowly breach back up from the darkness, followed by the sea titan itself. It was coming back up for another ramming action, its target being the heavily damaged raft at the surface that Pinkie Pie had spent so much time- [KTHAMSH] The leviathan breached the surface, and the raft simply crumbled before its might, Pinkie Pie looking on in shock and horror while holding her breath. An Alpha Leedsicthys has destroyed your Wooden Raft!  The Alpha Leed lands back into the ocean sideways like a whale, creating a wave that travels in every direction. The action causes a disturbance all around Pinkie Pie, her form chaotically thrown around underwater. And as quickly as the event had transpired, so too did it reach its climax. Pinkie watched as the white scourge of rafts disappeared into the deep darkness again, never to resurface as its intentions had seemingly been fulfilled. The demand for oxygen caused the pink mare to swim back up to the surface, breaching it with a loud gasp as air filled her lungs. She coughs several times, floating at the surface, absolutely dumbfounded. “Wowie…” She comments in slight dread; her mane soaked as it drapes against her head. “That was… scary…” The mare’s ears flicker again, and due to the adrenaline and chaos of the moment, she hadn’t heard the exclaiming words of Rainbow Dash back at the shoreline until now. “Pinkie Piiiiie! Are you ok?!” Pinkie waves a forelimb, her hind legs working beneath the surface to keep her afloat. “I’m ok, Dashie! I think…!” “Swim back, Pinkie! I guess you’re coming with us now!” Pinkie nods before dog-paddling back to the shoreline, her eyes fixated on Rainbow and Vanellope, who waited patiently for her. -Okay, Pinkie Pie,- She starts internally. -Minor setback! It’s ok; you can still conquer the seas. Next time, I’ll tame an Ichty and try this again.- “PINKIE!” Rainbow screams from the shore. “SWIM! TAKE MY WORD FOR IT AND BUCKING SWIM!” The sound of disturbed water from behind the pink mare graced her ears. Instincts kicked in, as did her Pinkie Senses. And she swam for her life, her breaths becoming more chaotic during her finesse. “SWIM, PINKIE! SWIIIIIM!” She dared not look back; she didn’t want nor need to. And as she fled, it all made sense to her now: her Pinkie senses… they weren’t going off because of the swamp, although the biome was undoubtedly dangerous. It was because of that Alpha meanie! She mustn’t look back… “PINKIE!” Don’t look back! “I’M COMING!” Don’t… look… She looked, and she hated herself for doing so. Fear completely took hold of her as the black fin of a Megalodon with red stripes cuts through the surface, and the shark itself opened its maw, ready to slam shut on its fleeing pink prey. Pinkie closed her eyes as she swam with due haste towards land. But she knew she could never outswim a shark, let alone a giant one like that. A sudden pressure grabs Pinkie Pie’s forelimb, and she’s pulled out of the water just in the nick of time, the Megalodon biting down on nothing but air where she once swam.  Pinkie opens her eyes and looks skyward. “R-Rainbow…?” “Wow, that was a close one!” Rainbow responds, floating in the air while holding onto the earth pony. However, the cloth once wrapped around her ‘broken wing’ has been removed. “You’re lucky that my wing works now. You would’ve been shark food if the Demon King hadn’t killed me.”  ………. Rainbow Dash safely returns Pinkie Pie to land, setting her down gently and onto the sand.  Pinkie Pie greedily grabs mounds of sand within her forelimbs, hugging it. “Ah~. Sweet, sweet, land.” She lifts herself onto her hooves. “Thank you for saving me, Dashie!” “Heh. As I said, you had me watching over you. And you’re lucky that-” Vanellope chirps as the dinosaur observes Rainbow’s wing in confusion, causing the pegasus to go silent with wide eyes.  Rainbow slowly turns back to the Raptor with sheepish laughter. “H-hey there, Vanellope. Oh hey, look at that! My wing’s better!” A momentary silence ensues, and Vanellope stares at Rainbow with the dinosaur’s deadpan expression. Rainbow sighs. “Alright… I admit it,” She looked up at the Raptor, “I’m no good with this sappy stuff, so I’ll just say it: I… I like riding you, ok?” > Chapter 62 - Ichthyornis. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanellope stares at the hesitant rainbow pegasus following their admission, the equine’s head turned away with a blush and scrunched features. All while Pinkie Pie gathers resources from nearby trees and stones, harvesting them with a primitive pickaxe and hatchet. Rainbow could feel the Raptor’s snout draw closer, hot air being let loose from the dinosaur’s nostrils. “Look, it’s not a big deal,” Rainbow began, still looking away, embarrassed. “Everything’s out on the table now, so let’s just-” A long tongue made contact with Rainbow’s neck before going up, traveling to her left cheek, and interjecting the equine’s words. Rainbow’s eyes shot wide open during Vanellope’s gesture, and the Raptor turned sideways before lowering itself to the sandy shore. Vanellope waited patiently and stared expectantly at Rainbow, the pegasus momentarily stunned by the action before turning -- a vibrant grin exploding on her muzzle. She flaps her wings and takes to the sky before hovering over and lowering herself onto the Raptor’s saddle. With the pegasus now mounted, Vanellope rose to her full stance, and Rainbow could genuinely feel the prideful honor of calling the dinosaur her own. This was completely different than before, more riding Vanellope out of need rather than want. But now? She loved it. She wanted this. The experience is simply a thrill, but above all:  she loved Vanellope’s agility.     “Awesome.” Rainbow chuckles, forming a smirk. “You’re still not nearly as awesome as me, but close enough.” ………. It’s now 9:12 am on the Ark, which Rainbow had checked via her implant before turning her gaze to Pinkie Pie. “Got everything you needed?” The rainbow mare inquires.  Pinkie nods. “That should be everything. Thanks again for helping me, you guys.” “You sure you don’t want to come with us, Pinkie?” Rainbow taps the saddle, “There’s room for two of us.” “Nope. I’m ok. Besides,” Pinkie smirks, “I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel now that you and Vanellope are soooooo close.” She finishes, giggling. “Heh. Well, what are you gonna do -- am I right?” A thought suddenly comes to the pegasus as she brings a forelimb to her chin. “Say… isn’t that Ichty-whatchu-call-it those dolphin-looking things?” “Yuppie! And thanks to the meat you gave me, I just need to find some and-” “Actually, Vanellope and I saw some near the shoreline,” Rainbow interjects, causing Pinkie’s eyes to widen before letting out a drawn-out gasp. “It was just a day ago, and around the time we killed a Carnotaurus.” “Really?! Where?!” Pinkie excitedly jogs in place, “Where, where, where, where, where?!” Rainbow Dash gestures toward a particular direction: “Just head back toward the direction of the Demon Jerk’s mountain; those Ichtys should still be there. Honestly, I’m surprised that you missed-”  The pink mare immediately turns away and runs down the beach at full throttle, passing by several flocks of Dodos and land-bound Trilobites. “Aaand she’s gone.” Rainbow sighs and shakes her head at the pink mare’s antics, a look of worry taking hold as she continues to observe Pinkie’s departing form. “Be careful, Pinkie,” Rainbow mutters. “You’re all by yourself, and don’t forget: we’re not alone on this island.” “Ichty! Ichty! Ichty! Ichty!” Pinkie Pie repeats merrily, staying along the coast while keeping her gaze fixed on the ocean. The vocal sounds of flying seagull-like entities engulfed her surroundings. And several Carbonemys shuffled to and fro every bushel they could find, the giant turtles feasting on the heartful berries.  Pinkie Pie even ran past a Dilophosaurus hunting several flocks of Dodos -- paying it no mind as she continued her search. Just another day in the Ark, she dismissed. “I must be getting close!” She starts, kicking up sand as she treks along the beach, now approaching the coastal side of the Demon King’s mountain. “I can feel it! Dashie said-” She gasps, skiing to a sudden halt and creating a mound of sand around her forelimbs. She saw a fin breach the surface just about ten feet into the shallow waters before her. But in comparison to the fin of a Megalodon, this one is far smaller. And any doubts are washed away entirely as the fin submerges into the sea before an Ichthyosaurus jumps out of the waters playfully. Besides, her Pinkie Senses weren’t going off. Pinkie wasted no time at all. She charged forth with a vibrant smile, took a deep breath, and plunged into the cool waters with a resounding splash. Her mane flowed beneath the surface, her hooves propulsion her toward the entity that swam majestically amongst long stalks of seaweed. And, as an excellent addition to her luck, she could see no signs of any water-based predators nearby. The Ichthyosaurus takes notice of the equine, and much to the earth mare’s bemusement, the sea creature curiously approaches them. “Phi!” The mare spoke underwater, her words affected as she floated mere inches in front of the Ichty. “Phim Phimphie Phie!”  Her implant glows beneath her Hide Armor, and a piece of the raw meat she had procured from Rainbow Dash and Vanellope is manifested within a forelimb. She offers it to the Ichty and waits patiently with a vibrant smile.  Although she hoped the sea creature would make up its mind soon, she was starting to need air. The Ichthyosaurus investigates the offering for a moment with its elongated maw, its tail swooshing side to side to keep itself in place along with its pectoral fins. Then, it accepts the offering and devours the meat while being sure to avoid biting the hoof that feeds it.  Pinkie clapped her forelimbs together before making her way back up to the surface, the Ichthyosaur swimming around her general vicinity. The pink mare pops her head out and takes in a greedy breath of fresh air. “Yippeeee!” She cried out. “I’m taming an Ichty! Step one to conquering the sea is a-go!” However, a sudden presence swoops down upon her, causing the pink mare to shoo it away with her forelimbs. “H-hey!” She roared. “Stop that! You annoying; thieving seagull!”  Darn it all; It was just as HLN-A had warned her, and she tried to bat the black and white coastal flyer away with her forelimbs, but to no avail, as the Ichthyornis flew just beyond her reach in evasion, striking at her when it knew it could. -Okay then, you meanie!- She said internally. -If that’s how it’s going to be, then fine!- The pink mare took a breath and submerged before swimming back to the shoreline, but the ancient seagull seemed to catch on as it followed her from the surface. Fortunately, she hadn’t swum out too far and managed to hold her breath until she could stand at the water’s edge. She immediately conjures forth a primitive spear from her inventory and aims at her aggressor, one eye open as she bit down on her tongue—steadying herself. “I’m not going to let you take anything away from me!” She threatened as the flier circled her from above. She moved in conjunction with the seagull, rotating in place and ready to strike away with her weapon. “Bring it on, birdie!” The Ichthyornis braves a swooping maneuver, and Pinkie roars out while throwing her spear at the encroaching opponent. But the flyer displays incredible acrobatics as it tilts its body sideways, the equine’s spear careening past the bird, and proceeds to barrel roll into Pinkie Pie before going skyward again. It happened so fast, and before Pinkie Pie could even notice what had happened, she saw the result within the flyer’s closed-toothed beaks: several slabs of dangling meat. -The Ichthyornis can infiltrate someone’s inventory with lightning speed!- The memorable words of HLN-A play out in Pinkie’s mind as she keeps an eye on the flyer soaring above.  -Since you’ll be interacting with coastal entities alongside sea life, I advise you to be wary of this thieving bugger. Here, I’ll give you Helena’s dossier on it.-    Pinkie Pie growls in frustration, but the reality of the situation dawns on her: the seagull has her meat! All of it! “No!” She manifests another spear from her inventory. “Give it back right now! I can’t finish my tame without it!” The seagull continually circles her, watching her with those darn thieving eyes. Pinkie couldn’t even fathom why this flyer would even bother her at a time like this. Stupid, stupid bird!  And to make matters worse, the spear she held within her grasp was also the last. If she misses another throwing shot, she’d have no actual weapon to deal with the flyer, save for her primitive hatchet and pickaxe. She held the spear tightly and kept it pointed at the flier, ready to thrust at them at a moment’s notice. The bird braves yet another swooping maneuver, and Pinkie Pie prepares to jab at the flier with gritted teeth. [DUT DUT] Two sudden gunshots crack off like thunder, and Pinkie Pie stares at the seagull in complete shock as it goes lifeless and falls to the earth before her very eyes. The feathery thief lands in front of her, and the large holes in its form offer her a fine view of its now-exposed innards. “That thieving Pegomastax with wings stole me hat,” Comments a male voice from the nearby forest, causing Pinkie to turn to its source. "Good thing I arrived when I did, eh, savvy?" The pink mare’s eyes widened as an absolute gargantuan stood there, wielding what looked like one of those Pistol things she heard Twilight and HLN-A harp on about before sending it away to their inventory. The entity was similar to Granny Pithecus, yet Pinkie could tell that this individual was also unique, judging by their appearance: they are larger, taller, and covered in pure white and gray fur.  The stranger rests a hand under their chin. “But, like me mum always said: one of the best ways to deal with a problem is to shoot the problem while it’s focused on another potential problem. And so, I ask you: are you going to be a problem?” > Chapter 63 - Jack and Silks. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie is simply at a loss for words as she stares on in shock while the large biped strolls forth with a case of ‘sea legs.’  “Now to get me effects.” The wobbly ape proceeds to the remains of the Ichthyornis. “I’ll be taking this back, you lily-livered thief.” He bends down and searches for the flyer’s implant, which had been etched into the under portion of its left wing, hidden beneath its feathers.   A light-blue hue and transparent wriggling lines escape from his diamond-shaped implant, and in mere moments, a particular apparel manifests into the ape’s left hand. He swings it in place as if it were covered in dust before placing it on his head and turning to Pinkie Pie. He strides towards her before stopping and looking down upon the still-stunned pink mare. He sniffles with a puzzled look. “Hmmm. Now that I’ve got a good look at you… you’re one strange-looking Equus, love.”    The pink mare finally breaks out of her stupor, barely managing to mutter:  “Oh. My. Gosh.”  “Yeah -- I’ve no idea who this Gosh ape is. But, I’ve got me hat now, so… farewell.” He finishes, rolling his right hand and bowing slightly before turning away. “W-wait!” Pinkie grabs onto the ape’s right leg, latching onto it like a raptor but being dragged along as they move. “I-I didn’t catch your name!” “I never offered it, las. But,” He stops, causing the equine to land flat on its stomach, but still holding on, “let go of me leg so that I might correct that error.” Pinkie hesitantly complies as she releases her grasp on the ape, lifting herself onto her hooves as grains of sand fall from her stomach region. The ape surveys the area, resting his eyes on a nearby boulder, smirking. “That’ll do nicely.” He charges forth, although his ‘sea leg’ stride is still in effect. He grabs onto the boulder and proceeds to scale it, reaching its’ precipice with admirable fluidity, his noticeable muscles driving his immense form.  The ape turns back to Pinkie Pie with a flourish and spreads his arms apart. “Apes of all types and beasties alike!” He proclaims as if he were addressing an audience. “This is the day you shall always remember-” “There he is!” A booming feminine voice makes itself known, causing Pinkie to turn to its source while her ape acquaintance’s eyes widen, followed by a sigh. “I never get to finish that…” “You won’t escape from us, you disgusting yeti!” The duo is forebodingly greeted by several apes standing on the nearby cliff, two of which are of the shorter but slimmer variety and mounted upon incredibly large spiders. And thanks to HLN-A’s ever-so-helpful dossiers, although Pinkie didn’t possess all of them, she immediately recognized these arachnids as Araneos. The other apes reminded Pinkie Pie of Granny Pithecus in terms of their builds and varying heights. “Hey!” Pinkie exclaims, after recovering from her stupor. “That’s racing! Wait, is that the right word?” She ponders with a hoof to her chin before looking up at the yeti. “D-do you know them?” “I truly wish I didn’t, las,” He responds, looking down at her before turning his gaze back to those on the cliff. “I really wish I didn’t.” “If it isn’t Captain Jack Tundra!” The female light-brown giganto in the lead booms, donned in what Pinkie recognized as Chitin Armor. “There’s no use in running from us any longer, Jack. Surrender now, and we promise to kill you quickly. Which is a far kinder fate for you pirates.”    Her words garner laughter from her allies, ranging from other female voices to males, each wearing Hide and Chitin Armor while threateningly aiming their ranged weaponry. “Oi!” Captain Jack retorts with a pointed finger. “Firstly: you stole me intro, and I’ll be wanting that back. Second: your word is about as good as my own: complete Phiomia dung.”   “C-captain?” Pinkie mutters in slight disbelief and amazement. “H-he’s a captain…?” “Nevertheless,” Jack gives a bow at the large boulder’s precipice. “Good morning, Silk Spitters. I see my reputation precedes me. So, how might this humble yet innocent of any crime you think I’m guilty of, but possibly could be, pirate, be of assistance?” “Tch. Don’t give me that,” The female giganto scoffs back. “You. Stole. Our. RAFT!” Her voice echoes across the land as if carried by the winds.  Pinkie winces in response, ears folding against her head as Jack seemingly cleans his right ear out with his pinkie finger. “Quite a mouth on that one,” Jack whispers. “As for the raft, I borrowed it.” Reasoning after recovering. “Borrowed without permission, that is. But with every intention of bringing it back.” “Hah! Well, would you look at that? We’ve got a comedian here, Silk Spitters!” She shouts while looking back over her shoulder. The group shares a laugh, and even Jack chuckles alongside them, much to Pinkie Pie’s confusion. “N-not that I don’t like laughter, but maybe we-” “Prepare to run, pink Equus,”  Jack mutters quickly through his teeth with a sly sideglance. “And cover your eyes.” “It’s Pinkie Pie…” She responded with a deadpan expression before noticing what Jack had manifested from his inventory, stealthily concealing it behind his back. The laughter on the cliff comes to a sudden stop, and the sight of arrows being drawn and the sounds of guns being loaded stirs fear in the equine. And yet, Jack lowers his head, his hat concealing a smirk.  “Enough of this! Shoot that damned-” The female ape’s words were cut off as Jack suddenly moved, his right arm tossing something into the air, which caused her eyes to widen in horror.  “Oh, shit! Flash-!”  A small explosion cries out, followed by an all-encompassing light that causes those in attendance to shield their eyes with raised arms. Unfortunately, their spider mounts had been affected as the arachnids screeched in discomfort and pain. Even some of the apes roared and screamed as they failed to perceive the danger in time, eyes temporarily blinded. “My eyes!” “I can’t see!” “Rraaaaaargh!” “That Dodo fucker!” The lead female shouts with closed eyes and a shielding hand. “Someone, anyone -- shoot them!” She ordered, but none could act. The artificial aurora starts to die down, and the lead female chances a gaze with slightly opened eyes before unveiling her orbs entirely, lowering her appendage. She instantly looked around to see if she could make out Pinkie and Jack’s retreating forms but to no avail. She growls furiously, the pistol’s grip in her hand slowly getting crushed. “Damn you, Jack,” She raises her head and roars into the air with closed eyes, “Tuuuundraaaaa!” Sticks are cracked by the girth of Jack’s white and gray feet as he sweeps aside various greenery with his arms, Pinkie Pie staying close from the rear. And thanks to her smaller frame, the ape literally paved the way for her.  Both Jack and Pinkie Pie made their way through the dense forest with batted breaths, drawing as much distance from their former foes as possible. “Wh-what just happened back there?” Pinkie questions as they traversed. “Why were they so mad at you?” “A complicated transaction, Equus. One that I shall explain once I’m sure we’re in the clear.”  Jack jumps through a large bush which consumes his form, and Pinkie jumps through it, as well… only to land straight into a net that swallows her whole and seals her within. The net is pulled upward as if some contraption has been triggered, and the rope that ties the trap at the top shut can be traced back to a nearby tree branch, the other end of the rope going down into a set of nearby bushes. It happened so fast, and Pinkie Pie stared at Jack with a look of fear and caution. Why was he standing there with his arms crossed and looking down at her- oh… Pinkie was far from stupid, no matter what anycreature would say or mutter under their breath, thinking she hadn’t overheard. Sure, she might not be nearly as smart as Twilight or HLN-A, but it didn’t take a genius to know what had just transpired. “Y-you… but, why…?” She inquired, a look of betrayal and sadness plastered on her face.  Jack smirks and flashes a wink. “Pirate.”     The yeti picks up his latest catch and throws Pinkie Pie over his right shoulder, although he made sure to be as gentle as possible with the equine. “Comfy back there?” He inquires, looking back at her. Pinkie Pie crosses her forelimbs and snorts with narrowed eyes. “Oh, yeah. I’m real comfortable back here, you big meanie…” Jack chuckles. “Nothing personal, love. Now, let this be a lesson from me to you: never trust a pirate you’ve just met, and I have no reason to trust you, either.” “You say that like I’m the one who tried to hurt us back there!” Pinkie protested.   “Aye. But you also had no obligation to follow me; thus, you blindly trusted me -- a mistake on your part, las.” A sudden thought came to him. “Oh! I almost forgot.” The Yeti gently places Pinkie Pie onto the ground, causing her to look up at him in curiosity. But she immediately regrets this as the ape manifests another type of gun from his inventory. A Longneck Rifle, she believes it’s called. “I couldn’t help but notice that you’re just like me in a certain regard,” Jack comments as he fiddles with his rifle, loading it with some strange type of ammo.  Pinkie then quivers from this as she recognizes the ammunition upon second inspection: a Tranquilizer Dart. She had been meaning to unlock and craft that at some point… Jack finishes his actions, adjusting the rifle in his arms before taking aim at the pink mare. “See, I observed you before intervening with that whole Ichthyornis fiasco, and I saw how that thing on your bum glowed like my own piece of metal stitched into me flesh. Now, If I were a betting yeti, I’d wager that you’re just like me and have all kinds of weapons stuffed away in that there metal of yours, savvy? Which would also mean that killing you would be a fruitless effort.” Oh, no… Pinkie did not like this. However, she did wonder why her senses never warned her of this predicament. Was she in danger? Or was she not? For the first time ever, she honestly had no idea.  She laughs sheepishly. “I-If I say, ‘Please don’t shoot,’ would you still-” [PEW] The equine grunts as the dart pierces her flesh, specifically her right shoulder, and her eyes roll back into her skull as she groggily sways within the net, although the net causes her to trip over via binding on her forelimbs. “F-fair… enough…” The world slowly goes black for the pink mare, and the last thing she sees and feels is the yeti standing over her before reaching down to pick her up again…   The Silk Spitters managed to recover from Captain Jack’s actions, and their riders have calmed down their duo of spider mounts as the group sits down on logs, feasting on berries. “How are those Araneos?” The admittedly irritated lead female giganto questions with her left hand pinching the bridge of her nostrils.  “They are recovered and prepared for combat, M’dala,” One of the riders responds, the male giganto shooting her a salute. “Shall we proceed with hunting them down?” “If it were any other pirate, yes,” M’dala sighs, lowering her hand. “But this isn’t just any old pirate; that was Captain Jack Tundra. And, to top it all off, he’s a fucking yeti that can respawn like us.” “How is that even possible?” A nearby female in Hide Armor inquires—a green member of the larger variant of gigantos. “I thought Yetis lacked the ability to respawn?” “How the fuck would I know?” M’dala waves off. “As far as I’m concerned, Jack’s just an abnormality.”   “The boss isn’t gonna like this, M’dala.” A male’s voice comments; M’dala turns her gaze to a large brown member of her kind, donned in Chitin Armor. “Jack stole one of our supply rafts… and we have no idea where he stored it away as we gave chase. It still amazes me how he even managed to do that at all…” M’dala clicks her tongue and looks down. “You don’t need to fucking remind me, Tharn.” Tharn grunts. “Then I also don’t need to tell you how bad things will get once the boss hears of this. So, I ask you: are we going after them? Or will we go back to the boss empty-handed?” M’dala ponders on that, fear and discomfort emanating within as she stares at the ground. And she wasn’t alone as this fear seemed to spread out to her cohorts. Then, after agonizing moments of silence, she makes a decision. “Pack it up, everyone!” She declares before standing up. “We’re going back to Broodmother’s Rest.”    > Chapter 64 - Frustration and Depression. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Sanctuary- It's now a little past noon on the Ark, and an enraged voice echoed all across the Tribe of Harmony’s bowl-shaped territory. “I’m going after her! So if you two aren’t going to help me, then stay here for all I care!” “You will do no such thing, Spikey Wikey!” Rarity scolds with a pointed forelimb. “I refuse to allow you to fly off and get yourself killed!” “So what?! We’ve got the respawn system!” “So. Do. They! Think, Spike! Think!” Rarity taps her head twice with a forelimb As the duo continued their argument outside the tribe’s home, HLN-A floated between them, the AI’s visor turning from one ‘combatant’ to the other. “I can take them!” HLN-A looks to Spike. “And what will that achieve, huh?!” HLN-A looks to Rarity. “You dying over and over again?! Seriously, darling, this argument’s been going in circles all morning!” The AI tries to inject its own words but is harshly cut off by Spike. “Well, I don’t see you trying to go off and save her!” Rarity becomes appalled by this, gasping in shock. “Spikey Wikey, the currently rude dragon! How dare you say such a thing to me!” She turns away with a ‘humph,’ head raised and eyes closed. “Fine! Go fly off and try to be a warmongering brute who doesn’t think things through before he acts.” She bursts into a full-on gallop, tears going down her face. “See if I care, you horrible, horrible barbarian!” “Wait, Rarity!” HLN-A calls out with an extended flap, but the unicorn seemingly ignores everything as she storms her way toward the eastern exit of Sanctuary. HLN-A sighs, the AI’s blue lights turning green, their visor looking downward. As for Spike, the dragon had realized what he’d done with that outburst… and deeply regretted it -- his head lowering in shame. Spike knew that It wasn’t fair to Rarity. She was only trying to help, but he was just so…  angry.  Stupid. “I hope you’re happy now, mate,” HLN-A spat, lights turning red and shooting their visor at the dragon. “You know what? I’m with Rarity on this one. So here’s what’s going to happen now.”  The AI projects two separate scenarios, one depicting Spike combating an armored Gigantopithecus and the other showing him accessing one of the many drops that often descend upon the island. “I’m leaving you with two choices, mate. And it’s entirely up to you what happens next. You can go with our original plan and go out there to collect resources and potential goods from those supply drops. Or, you can add salt to Rarity’s wounds and go on your crusade.”  The dragon finally raised his shamed gaze, inspected each potential ‘pathway,’ and sighed after absorbing both options. “But allow me to give you one piece of advice, Spike. Although I must admit that I’m disappointed in you, seeing as Equus surely must’ve taught you this lesson -- Twilight, at the very least.” HLN-A disperses their projections, lights turning back to the default blue. “Violence breeds violence. A fact that has long stood against the test of time. Sure, sometimes it’s necessary… when you have no other choice, that is.”   Those words had pierced the dragon directly in the heart. In fact, he felt even more stupid than before as he recollected the time he stood up for Thorax. The circumstances were different, but the lesson was the same.  He called out everyone in the Crystal Empire for almost the same thing he formerly wanted to do. He could certainly argue that it was for Twilight, but that thought only caused even more regret to fester. No. He knew her better than anyone else. She wouldn’t want this…  In fact, now that he actually thought about it and knew what kind of being Twilight truly is, her leaving the tribe to defend her loved ones is exactly what the alicorn would do. It’s what he would’ve done if their situations were reversed.   Spike sighs in a mix of sadness and regret. “I… I’ll go get those drops.” He relented, fiddling his claws’ index digits together.  “That’s good to hear, love.” HLN-A momentarily flashes a happy face emoji on their visor. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a certain fashionista to check up on.” “Wait, HLN-A?” Spike calls out during the AI’s skyward departure. “Yes, Spike?” “C-can you tell Rarity that I’m so sorry for what I said…” He said genuinely, looking away. “And for being a, well,” He forms quotation marks, “‘Warmongering Brute.’” The AI giggles. “I certainly could relay that message, but I suspect it’ll have more meaning if you were the one to do it.” The AI finishes with a waving flap before floating away, leaving behind the dragon, who ponders in solitary thought. Rarity walked along the coast just outside of Sanctuary in frustration, Dodos wandering around blindly as the Hide Armor-wearing unicorn kicked up mounds of sand. “I can’t believe Spike would even say such a thing to me.” She smacks away a piece of a Trilobite’s chitinous shell, having long since fallen off its former owner. “I know that he’s worried about Twilight -- so am I! But that doesn’t mean we run off to start fights-” The chirping sounds of a familiar entity cause Rarity’s eyes to widen, and her words cease as she turns to its’ source.  “Oh, it’s one of you,” She said monotonously, deadpanning, the gray Dilophosaurus with yellow stripes before her growling and bearing its fangs as it creeps closer with its flesh-rending claws at the ready. Rarity rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, you’re a scary carnivore,” She sighs, “look, I don’t have the time for this-” The frilled theropod roars out and lunges forth, its frills opening wide and- “Oh, shut up!”  A barrage of sand is thrown into the dinosaur’s face as Rarity fluently turns around and bucks backward with a single hind leg. The action causes the creature to shake its head with closed eyes, but the equine capitalizes on the opportunity by bringing out a Bola from her inventory. “I am NOT in the mood right now!” The unicorn mare says as she swings the two small rocks of the Bola over her head, each attached to either end of the projectile. Were it any of the Island’s much larger carnivorous entities, Rarity wouldn’t be as foolish as to combat them in such a manner. But she didn’t doubt her capabilities regarding a Dilophosaurus, a creature that’s barely larger than the average earth pony. Even Big Mac could look down on this particular carnivore if she were being honest. The fashionista throws the Bola, the projectile twisting and spinning through the air before being entangled on the Dilo’s legs and tying up both limbs, causing the dinosaur to fall over strugglingly.  Rarity nods contently before turning away with an emphasized ‘humph,’ starting to trot off afterward. “Get back here!” A deep male’s voice beckoned. “You discount Equus scrap of meat!” The outburst caused Rarity to stop in place, her ears fidgeting before she slowly turned back to the Dilo with a shocked expression. The dinosaur glared at her, razor-sharp teeth grinding against each other as he lay there with bounded legs, his claws digging into the sand as if it were flesh. “Seriously, what kind of Equus are you anyway?!” The dinosaur demanded, Rarity still taken aback by this scenario. “How are you able to manifest weapons like those damned Gigantos?!”  She just stared at him, mouth momentarily opening and closing. “Well? Answer me, Equus!” “Y-you could speak this entire time…?” Rarity inquired genuinely. But her face suddenly morphs into a scowl. “Actually -- who do you think you are, talking to me like that?!” She places a forelimb onto her chest, “I’ll have you know that I am a proper lady, NOT some scrap of meat, as you so rudely put it.” “Bah!” The Dilo dismisses as he leans his head against a claw, irritation present on his features. “Just forget it. Get lost so I can get out of this thing and hunt you down later.” “‘Hunt me down later?!’” She was genuinely stunned by how casually the bound predator before her had said that. “Why -- I never! You selfish, frilled-necked, spiteful little-” Her eyes widened, and she raised her head with a smug expression. An idea came to Rarity… a genuinely ruthless yet fitting idea. Rarity walked forth gracefully, her smug expression locked onto the dinosaur as she approached. “You know, I never got a good look at your level. Seeing as you attacked me and all that.” This garners the predator’s attention, turning his gaze to the encroaching white mare. “I told you to beat it!” He roars out. “Just wait until I get out of this; I’m gonna-” “Oh, on the contrary, darling,” Rarity interjects, standing just a few feet away from the still-bound predator. “I’ve decided to let you go.” “What?” The beast inquires, grinning devilishly. “Ah, is it a fight to the death? I like your style, meat.” “A fight?” She responds with a raised eyebrow, chuckling to herself for a moment before switching rapidly to a stern expression.  “I don’t want to fight you, dearie.” She finishes with a devilish grin of her own. This naturally confuses the predator. That is until Rarity conjures forth a Club from her inventory, wielding it in her right forelimb before resting it on her right shoulder, smacking herself with it a few times.   The dinosaur’s orange, slitted eyes widened. “Oh, no…” “Oh yes, darling.” She steps closer. “I also see that you’re a level eighty-nine.” She licks her lips and raises the club over her head.  If this were one of those neighponese cartoons Fluttershy had sometimes shown her, Rarity would currently be surrounded by a black background with her eyes flashing red.    “You’ll do just… PEACHY!” The sounds of a grunting mare and a screeching entity ensue.  As it so happened, HLN-A was floating nearby, observing the scene unfolding before their visor, flinching after every strike from Rarity’s club. “Well...” The AI starts, flinching again as Rarity brought down her bludgeoning weapon. “That’s, uh, one way to relieve frustration, I suppose. But at least she’s doing ok, now.” -Redwood Biome- Twilight Sparkle sulked into the bed she currently laid upon, a depressing aura radiating from her form, which could easily fill the room or residence she inhabited. The alicorn missed her friends and loved ones dearly. Granted, she achieved what she had intended when visiting the Tribe of Maimuta, just… not in this way. “Everyone…” Her pain is present in the tone of her voice. “I hope and pray that you’re safe with all my being.”  Having to leave the Tribe of Harmony felt like Grok had stabbed her through the heart with the mightiest spear one could muster. And the alicorn dug her head into her forelimbs, muffled sobs emanating from her shivering form. “F-forgive me,” She sobs, “I’m s-so sorry…” Unbeknownst to the weeping mare, Granny Pithecus hid outside the nearby transparent window, observing the weeping alicorn. Granny sighs, face filled with sympathy. “Poor kid.”  The giganto pulls away from her observation and looks forward, spires of redwoods encompassing her surroundings, some even having large wood-comprised platforms etched all around their barks, homes present on these ape-made foundations. One of the very same structures Twilight has been cooped up in. Other Gigantos went about their day peacefully, some traversing from one platform to another via a series of hardened zip lines. Other members guarded several homes and establishments on every platform and wore appropriate attire, a thriving community of ancient apes.   A raptor-like entity crawled up one of the nearby redwood trees to seemingly reach a large beehive, and a single member of the Sky Bats came into Granny's view.  “Hey there, Granny!” The Sky Bat member greets as he passes by. Granny returned the gesture with a waving arm and a smile, but Twilight’s current condition within the ape’s home still bothered her greatly. The elderly ape needed to do something, but what? “Ah need tah get ‘er comfortable and relaxed, make her open to the idea of working her little purple ass off. Ah can’t just have her slacking and sulkin’ fer the rest of time.” She brings a hand to her chin in thought. “Think, ol’ girl, think.” The giganto was also worried about another variable, and while she understood Twilight’s sorrow, the equine needed to show some promise.  “If Grok’s gesture goes without any results from Mejoberry, ah’m afraid of what’ll ‘appen next,” Granny growls, resting her hands on the nearby wooden railing. “Dangit all, if only ah could come up with somethin’ to burst her out of that weepin’ shell. Tch, then again, them egghead types-” The ape’s eyes suddenly widened, a thought occurring in her psyche. “Now hol’ up one savoroot pick’n minute.” Acting fast with a plan in motion, Granny manifests a particular device from her inventory and wields it in her right hand: a radio. The ape brings the device closer to her lips, pressing the button on the radio’s side with her right thumb.  “Hey, Gideon!” Granny’s thumb releases the button, and the radio crackles to life. “Great jumping apes, Granny. You nearly scared me half to death. Also, you have to say ‘Over’ when you finish your sentences. Over.” "Yer a dumbass. Over." "Classy. Over." Granny rolls her eyes. “Now, lookie here: ah need ya to come to mah place on the double. Over.” “But I’m in the middle of teaching my class. Over.”  “Bring the youngsters along, too. Over.” “Are you suggesting a field trip of sorts? Over.”  Granny chuckles. “You could call it that. Trust me; you’re all gonna like this one. Over.” “Ok. You officially have my curiosity, old friend. But what could possibly make you even request such a thing? Over.”    “You know that strange purple Equus you talked to the other day? Well, she’s part of our tribe now. Grok was going to announce it to everyone once Mejo recovered, so take a good guess at who Grok chose to watch over the little purple turd? Over.” The radio goes silent for mere moments, Granny wearing a victorious grin. Then, the device crackles to life again: “We’re all heading there on the Dip-mobile immediately! Over and out!” Granny chuckles to herself, sending the radio away to her inventory before wiping her hands together, another grin forming afterward. “Ah might be old, but ah still got it. Hehehehe.” > Chapter 65 - A class's departure, and Spike's Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Maimuta- The orange and black door to a roman-motif building opens wide, and the sounds of excitement are unleashed by those within. Rows of tables with accompanying chairs can be seen through the doorframe, indicating the building’s true purpose as a place of learning.  “Now, come along, class!” Sir. Gideon Apesworth proclaimed, stepping into the doorway as he gestured for the younger apes to follow. “Please form a line, little ones. Nice and easy; no need to push and shove. Oh! And, Grunda?” “Yes, grandpa?” The yellow youngster responds -- a member of the slimmer variety of Gigantos, just like her grandfather. “Have you already contacted your parents?” Grunda nods. “They’re ok with me coming along.” “Very well!” Gideon exclaims with a raised closed fist. “And with that, I now have all of your parent’s consent. Come, let us be off!” They disembark from the schoolhouse as Gideon turns around with a flourish and strides forth with the pride of a seasoned adventurer and teacher, an orderly line of young individuals of varying genders behind him.   The group treks around a pair of herbivorous quadruped dinosaurs that sport rows of plates and spikes throughout their bodies. Both possessed somewhat similar anatomy, yet they maintained their uniqueness, which went beyond a simple difference in size. Gideon approaches the largest of the duo, his class gathering around behind him as the ape respectfully bows, garnering the dinosaur’s attention. “Good afternoon, our valiant protectors,” Gideon rises to his full stature, adjusting his glasses and explorative attire. “Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe. Please know that your efforts are, and always have been, greatly appreciated by my class and me.” “Thank you, Mr. Steg and Miss. Ken!” The class said in unison, some waving their hands while others bowed respectfully. The Stegosaurus grunts while lifting and lowering his head repeatedly, his Kentrosaurus ally doing the same while wagging her tail. Gideon, satisfied with the actions of his class, waves at the duo of herbivores before beckoning his students to continue onward. ………. Other occupants of Maimuta greeted the group as they traveled toward a closed Dinosaur Gateway with a pair of armored Gigantopithecus of the larger variety posted on either side, lost in conversation.  The encroaching class garners the attention of the guards, their talks halting as they turn to Gideon and his charges:  “Ah, there you are, Gideon,” The guard to the right starts. “Everything is prepared for your departure. Decanus Equulla will be your escort; you’ll find her and two of her finest legionnaires just down the mountain trail. In addition to your, well, ‘Dip-mobile.’” “Excellent!” Gideon beams. “Our most Innumerable gratitude, gentleapes.” He rapidly adjusts his stance and clasps his legs together with a closed fist resting over his heart.  “For the glory of Maimuta.” All the while, Gideon’s students had followed their teacher’s actions in unison, a closed fist over their hearts and conjoined legs. The two guards nod before resting a closed hand over their hearts, returning the gesture, and responding in tandem: “Victory through discipline.”    Spike’s form flew through the air with determination and a hint of disappointment on his features, trying to focus on his current task, which did reasonably well to push back his inner worries and regrets. He had already harvested three supply drops after disembarking from Sanctuary, although these only consisted of two white drops and a single green package from the heavens. Helpful, but the draconian had hoped for something a little… more. The supplies he garnered from the white drops were only suited for basic necessities -- two Hide Beds, a single Mortar and Pestle to grind ingredients with, and arrows of narco-inducing and death-bringing varieties.   But those were only the items he had kept after discarding the more useless resources. As for the Green Supply Drop, the only noteworthy item he had retrieved was a Trike’s saddle of primitive quality. It was still a boon, to be sure, but the tribe lacked a particular three-horned requirement. He was pretty disappointed by his lousy stroke of luck. Actually, these drops almost seemed like one of those silly slot machines in Las Pegasus. Twilight often told him not to even bother with those greedy things, often saying: ‘Las Pegasus wasn’t built on winners, Spike. Well, unless you count the owner of the place, that is. Statistically speaking, they can’t allow you to win a ton of bits as they’d need it to keep the place going, but they must also keep up the illusion that you can win.’ Spike chuckled at the memory… and missed Twilight all the more because of it. But that is precisely why he wanted to get something, anything, of worth from these drops. He had decided not to go looking for trouble with that tribe in the Redwoods, although he failed to remember their name.    But that didn’t mean he couldn’t prepare. He didn’t- no, he refused to trust them. Not until they offer an olive branch or anything else of the sort. Heck, give him back the mare who raised him! Then, he might consider it. And so he continued, turning his head to the left, only to grunt with a finishing growl as he took in the island’s central Redwood Biome: Twilight was there… Luna, dammit -- she’s right there! If Spike could just sneak in and- no, no. With a shake of his head, he stowed those thoughts away. The draconian had inertly promised Rarity and HLN-A that he wouldn’t do such a thing. But sweet Celestia, did he really want to. Alas, Spike, the Brave and Glorious, was a dragon of his word. With hesitation and closed eyes, Spike tilted his body sideways and changed his course, flying towards the distant Snow Biome that consumed a large portion of the Island’s upper territories.  And upon doing so, he takes notice of the blue light shooting down from the heavens. “No way,” Spike muttered in disbelief, followed by a smile. “It’s a Blue Drop! Yes!” He finished with a fist pump. In truth, the Tribe of Harmony’s territory was mostly littered with White and Green drops, with the occasional Purple and Red supply crates gracing the land. Spike knew that he couldn’t access them, of course. Given the level requirement. And while he did see other Blue Drops land on other portions of the island, he never wanted to venture there for one glaring fact: They weren’t alone on this island. But for one to land not too far from familiar territory made the draconian ecstatic, and Spike jets forth with due haste. He lands at the landing site of the incoming crate, as designated by the sapphire pillar of light. And no predators are in sight, further sweetening his sudden change in luck. Spike chuckles, manifesting a wooden chair from his inventory and placing the furniture down before sitting on it. He checks the time via the glowing implant on his left wrist. “Hmm, it’s almost two pm? Perfect! I’ll head back right after this one.” He looks up, crossing two of his claw’s digits, or ‘fingers crossed,’ with a hopeful expression. “Please, sweet Celestia, let it be something good,” He pleads and mutters. “Come on, please, please, oh, pleaaaase.”    Unbeknownst to the dragon, he was being watched by an ancient species of canine with white and gray fur:     “There he is,” Astrid comments, peeking around a mound of metal. “The rumors say that he fought the Titan of Rage…” She hides behind the metal obstacle, sitting on the ground with her tail swaying as she’s lost in thought. “I need to approach this carefully. If those strangers can stand up to one of the Titans, regardless of their success, I can’t afford to antagonize them and possibly put the pack at risk.” She ‘Hmms’ in thought. “Spike looks carnivorous; maybe I should reach out to him first? I can’t risk scaring his herbivorous allies…” “Or, you can just speak to Spike right now.”      Astrid yelps and turns around with a hop, her ears flickering and shocked eyes are resting on Spike, who hovers above the ground with his arms crossed, his wings keeping him aloft. “Hey there,” Spike greets with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I don’t exactly like being watched.” He scans the Direwolf’s frame. “Who are you?” He asked with narrowed eyes. Astrid immediately regains her composure, shifting her stance to a display: Intimidating, yet neutral. She at least had him vastly beaten in size, but then again, she was never one to underestimate her opponent on such judgment. The large wolf chuckles. “Looks like you sniffed me out.” She then raises her head in pride and bellows what seems to be a warcry:  “My name is Astrid Whitefang of the Howling Wolves!” -Howling Wolves?- Spike questions inertly. -Great. That means there’s a whole pack of these giant wolves lurking about.- He taps his nostrils with Astrid’s initial comment in mind.  “Well, Astrid, a dragon’s nose ain’t nothing to scoff at,” He said outwardly. “Once I picked up your scent, I figured I could try to get the jump on you. Although, if I’m being honest, mine’s is nothing compared to that of a wolf, and I’m surprised you didn’t smell my approach.” He rests a claw behind his neck with a chuckle. “And don’t even get me started on Timberwolves…” Astrid simply stared blankly at the flier, a moment of awkward silence taking hold. “...The fuck are Timberwolves?” > Chapter 66 - Meet and Greet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Redwood Biome- The afternoon rays of the sun shine down upon the Ark, seeping into the windows of a particular structure. Having fallen unconscious from her sorrows, Twilight lies sideways on the incredibly large brown bed, her head digging into a pillow but positioned so that her horn doesn’t penetrate the nearby wall. The door to the outside world is suddenly opened, and a small, brown/white, feathery presence stands in the doorframe. It strides forth, its head bobbing up and down during its traversal. Almost akin to a type of bird. The entity flapped its wings and jumped on the Storage Box, which acted as a makeshift nightstand and was positioned just to the right of Twilight’s location. It chirps loudly, and although it doesn’t awaken the slumbering equine, the entity does garner a flickering response from Twilight’s ears.  With another flap, the small creature lands on the bedding and stands directly over Twilight’s head. It begins to tap the alicorn’s forehead with its snout repeatedly. “Mmmph…” Twilight slowly stirs to consciousness, her eyes slowly opening… only to shoot wide open in panic at what she sees standing before her. “Ahhhhh!”  The alicorn bolts onto her hooves and slowly backs away from what she now made out to be some type of raptor, but far smaller and seemingly akin to various species of birds. But those teeth… “Wh-wh-what are- ahhh!” Twilight suddenly falls over the left side of the bed, having backed away while disregarding the fact that the furnishing wasn’t ever-expanding. She tumbles and rolls on the floor, her back suddenly landing against the nearby wall with a window positioned just above her, propping her up and in place.     “Ahahahahaha!” The raptor laughed with a male tone. “That has got to be the funniest shit I’ve ever seen!” Twilight’s former fear is replaced with wonder and a hint of embarrassment, and her muzzle drops in tandem. What in the Ark was this creature? She inertly scolded herself for not going through Helena’s dossiers, gifted to them by HLN-A. Of course, they didn’t possess all of the dossiers.   The being’s laughter slowly dies down as they drape a wing across their right eye. “Ah, priceless. Well, my job here is done. Now hurry up and meet Granny and the others outside.”  The small, winged raptor hops off the bed with a flap, gracefully landing on the wooden floor and making his way to the exit.   “W-wait!” Twilight calls out, the raptor turning in place. “Who are you?” “You know you can see my identification, right?” He asked, deadpanning. “Seriously, don’t you conveniently have our name and levels floating over our heads? ‘Least that’s how Granny explained it to me.”  As appointed, Twilight’s gaze shifted to just above the raptor’s presence. Because of the spur of the moment, the alicorn had disregarded one of the implant’s greatest assets. Micropscus - Lvl 174 “Micropscus…” She stated.  Micropscus spins in place before striking a pose, dropping his head into the bent crook of a slanted, upwardly angled wing while raising the opposite wing out straight in a parallel direction.  “Micropscus, the Microraptor!” He laughs as he fluently turns back to the exit and departs by hopping onto the wooden railing, gliding downward and beyond Twilight’s sight. Twilight simply lies against the wall for a moment of shock. She then rises onto her hooves and looks back to her cutie mark, her implant.  “Microraptor… Microraptor…” She repeats as she looks through the various dossiers stored within. Nothing. Twilight possessed absolutely nothing on Microraptors.  “Luna, damn it…”    ………. Twilight emerges from the shelter, the sounds of nature gracing her ears as she even garners the attention of nearby Gigantopithecus positioned on Wooden Tree Platforms adjacent to her own. Despite having seen it before, she still couldn’t help but get lost in their way of life. It reminded her of home. These apes truly cared for each other, and their creations both rivaled and far exceeded what ponies had ever managed back on Equus.  Twilight chalked it up to her kind’s heavy reliance on magic or Element, but because of it, their infrastructure and technology were somewhat lacking. The same could be said for all races on Equus, but those thoughts of home only made her worry for the well-being of her loved ones. And to make matters worse, HLN-A had not received any more updates from their counterpart on that installation, with the most recent being Rockwell endangering all that she and her friends had ever held dear. “Hey, Mejoberry!” The sudden boom from Granny Pithecus garners the alicorn’s attention, seemingly coming from a downward direction. “Come on down ‘ere, girl! Ah got some friends ah want ya to meet!”  Twilight’s hooves clop against the foundation of the wooden platform, peeking through the wooden railing and looking down upon Granny: From what Twilight could make out, Granny is surrounded by several other entities, some of which she only recognized via her dossiers but never had the pleasure to meet physically. In truth, she was mildly nervous. But she is the Princess of Friendship, and she’s about to meet potential allies. With that in mind, she quickly regains her composure.  “C-coming!” The lavender mare leaps over the railing and spreads her wings aloft, even garnering surprise amongst several bystanders during her approach to the small island granny stood upon. ………. “Is that a flying Equus?” “Fuck me; it’s got a horn, too.” ”Wait, so Gideon ISN’T crazy?!” “Where in the Dead Isle did Granny even get that?” “It’s too small to ride. It must be a shoulder pet.” “It’s a flying Equus… and you’re more focused on its size?” ………. Twilight tried her best to ignore the observant masses from the platforms etched onto the redwoods all around her with a sheepish expression. She then lands on the island and stands before Granny Pithecus, Micropscus sitting comfortably on her shoulder.  However, the two deer-like entities with enormous antlers that accompanied the former duo instantly garnered the lavender mare’s attention, and she certainly had theirs. “Woah wee,” The white deer starts, male. “You’re a whole new kind of Equus, eh?” “No kidd’n, eh?” The male black deer agreed. “Although she’s overdoing it with all that… purple. It’s too bright.” “Yeah, yeah, how are you going to run away from predators, eh?” The white deer inquired. “This might come as a shock to you two,” Micropscus starts with a deadpan expression, “but, uh, SHE! CAN! FLY! Hello! Wings?!” The Micro finishes as he points a wing toward Twilight’s own. “I just realized…” Granny groans with a hand covering her face. “I’m surrounded by idiots…” “Oh, that makes sense, eh?” Said the white deer, considering the raptor’s words. “Yeah, yeah.” The black deer nodded. “Wish we could fly like that, eh?”  The alicorn is stunned. Indeed, she was NOT prepared for today…  “H-hello, there,” Twilight chanced a greet with a waving forelimb. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” The deer look at each other, then at Twilight, and back to each other again before bursting out into full-on laughter. “T-T-Twilight Sp-hahahaha!” The white deer barely managed. “Aha, that’s a funny one, eh?!” The black deer leaned against his white companion for support. All while Twilight looked on with an unamused expression.  “I-is, haha, is th-that how you escape from predators?” Said the black one. “Shooting sparkles from your butt?!” “Kind of like those Flare things, eh?!” Said the white one.  They both paused at that in thought, the very image of such a scenario forming in their heads. And the conjoined laughter continues, more powerful than before.  Granny finally lowers her hand, Micropscus sighing while shaking his head. “Don’t mind those two,” The ape starts. “Pretty sure they got dropped at birth. But at least they seem to take a lik’n to ya.” Twilight blankly turns her gaze to Granny while the deer still laugh together in the background. “Lucky me…” She dropped sarcastically. “The dumb white one is Rut,” Micropscus comments. “And the equally stupid black one is Tok.” "And'fore you ask, no," Granny states. "They're not mine, just a random pair who like to stop by now and then." “Oh, dear me,” A new and feminine voice injects itself. “I adore the fabulous color of your coat, darling.” Twilight’s ears instantly perked up at that, and a sense of familiarity overcame her. She shoots her gaze back to the source, only to be greeted by three other beings. Actually, she could’ve sworn she saw them up from the Tree Platform. It was the sheep to the far right who Twilight instantly fixates upon. Of course, she doesn’t mean to ignore the Parasaur and… wait, is that a Phiomia? Once again, she scolds herself inertly. She lacked that one’s dossier, but she became all too familiar with Phiomias as their droppings seem to serve as a slur, among other things. Especially when Granny would use the term: ‘You piece of Phiomia shit.’ Regardless, the sheep spoke in a way all too familiar to the lavender mare, and that very same individual began to adjust their look, presenting themselves before speaking once more.  Just like Rarity. “My sincerest apologies, dearie. My name is Ovis Archadia, and who might you be?” > Chapter 67 - Mawlchu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “O-oh,” Twilight finally managed, breaking out of her momentary shock, courtesy of Ovis Archadia. “My name is Twilight-” “Bahahahahaha!” Those two annoying deer burst out—Twilight made a mental note to add them to a particular ‘I really don’t like you’ list with Sheva, that incredibly rude Sabertooth. “Oh, pardon me, dearie,” Ovis starts, hopping forth similarly to Pinkie Pie, passing Twilight before standing in front of Rut and Tok. “If I could have a moment of your time, gentle deers,” The Ovis said with closed eyes and a pleasant smile and expression. But a sudden and horrifying change ensues, one that causes Rut to stop immediately, bonking his companion and trying to get them to cease their actions. And when Tok finally does manage a gander, his face practically goes pale—horror-induced shock taking hold. “STOP LAUGHING AT HER OR I WILL SKIN YOU BOTH AND PRESENT A NEW LINE OF ARMOR FOR KING GROK! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” Twilight fell onto her flank, dumbfounded and somewhat fearful. And judging by the response of those present, barring the already frightened deers, this member of an ancient species of sheep had quite the reputation. Rut retreats behind Tok, who, in turn, looks back over his shoulder with a look of betrayal. -Sweet, Celestia!- The alicorn screamed internally. -That’s a face straight out of Tartarus!-    If Grogar were ever to have a bride, she’d be it. “You two dun fucked up,” Granny comments with a shrug, Micropscus smirking, enjoying the deers’ suffering. “WELL?!” The demon sheep inquires, teeth grinding. “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELVES?!” “W-we’re sorry!” Rut and Tok, the poor focus of Ovis’s wrath, screamed in unison. “APOLOGIZE TO HER, NOT ME!”  “Y-yes, eh!” “Right away, eh!” The deer adhere to Ovis’s request, running over to Twilight and screaming their united apology before bolting off into the redwoods. It happened so fast that the alicorn couldn’t entirely comprehend their apology, although she could somewhat read their lips. Twilight observed the fleeing duo with a face of pure shock, turning to Ovis, back to the direction of the now-gone deer, and back to the sheep. “Look how grand things can be if we all just got along, darlings,” Ovis states in a completely normal state as if a switch had been flicked. Gone was the demon sheep, now replaced by a fluffy angel. “Oh! Where are my manners? I haven’t introduced you to my friends here.” Ovis hops over to the saddle-wearing Phiomia and Parasaur, Twilight following her movements, barely recovering from what had just transpired. Although that festering feeling of nostalgia only amplified from the event, and she missed her friends all the more. Ovis and Rarity are simply all too alike… In the corner of Twilight’s sight, Granny’s form traversed toward the transparent glass-like structure nearby, parting its double doors and tending to various crop plots inside, each sporting vibrant greeneries and vegetation ripe for the picking. It was enough to make spit form in the alicorn’s closed muzzle, her gaze long having been drawn to that succulent food source. “This lovely Phiomia to my left is Poo’baloo,” Ovis starts, garnering Twilight’s attention. “He’s been invaluable in aiding Granny’s crops at the Greenhouse. In fact, that’s where a fair portion of the tribe’s vegetables comes from. Of course, three other farms are aiding the supply chain, each run by other members of the tribe, but Granny oversees them all.” “That’s amazing,” Twilight responds. “Funnily enough, my friend Applejack and her family played a similar role in Ponyville. They also supplied Canterlot, and their apples are favored all across Equestria.” Ovis blinks twice. “Apples?” She genuinely asked. “What’s that?” The two herbivores alongside her showed confusion, as they’d never even heard of the fruit in question.  “Y-you don’t have apples here?!” The alicorn is simply dumbfounded. “Ah had a similar reaction, too!” Granny called out from nearby, transporting a collective of harvested fruits and vegetables after exiting the Greenhouse, Micropscus resting on her shoulder. “‘Parently, it’s round and red, based on what ‘er friend told me.” “Intruiging,” Ovis said. Poo’baloo snorts similarly to a pig, his short trunk rising and lowering as if expressing an interest. The Phiomia’s gesture garnered an inquiry from within the alicorn. Still, Twilight stowed it away for now as Ovis hopped over to the Parasaur before turning toward the alicorn’s direction with a pleasant smile. “Pushing aside this apple business, for now, this lovely girl is Alarm Call.” “Alarm Call?” Twilight genuinely inquired. “My apologies if this sounds rude, but that’s a very-” “Particular name?” Ovis gently interjects, Alarm Call chuckling through their elongated crest, almost akin to someone blowing on an instrument. “She and her ilk get that a lot. But do not fret dearie; she truly enjoys the name and certainly lives up to it.”   “Oh?” Twilight inquired. “How so?” “Oh, darling, have you any idea how many times she’s warned us of Mawlchu’s presence thanks to her incredible ability? And that’s not including the Yetis and other brutes that’s tried to attack us before.” “...I’m sorry, but, Mawlchu?” Ovis’s mouth drops in response to Twilight’s confused question. “She’s new here, Ovy!” Granny shouts from nearby with Micropscus still seated on her shoulder, another bountiful collection of vegetation held in her arms as she approaches a Preserving Bin, a trail of steam escaping from the containment’s closed door. “She don’ know ‘bout all of that stuff; I’m still tryin’ tah ease her into the flow of things!” “Ah, I see,” Ovis turns back to Twilight. “Well then, here’s an interesting fact about Parasaurs-” “Wait!” Twilight suddenly boomed before looking back at her implant, garnering interest from the Ovis and their allies. She then turns her gaze forward again and extends a forelimb after seating herself onto her flank.  “I need to document this!”  A wooden board with several sheets of paper resting on top is manifested and held in her left forelimb, following a series of wiggling lines and energy escaping from her cutie mark, despite it being concealed beneath her Hide Armor.    A piece of hardened charcoal carved into a writing utensil is held in the alicorn’s other forefront appendage, ready to scribble down Ovis’s coming words as Twilight beamed patiently. “Oh, dear me,” Ovis states her shock. “I see you can grab onto things similarly to us.” “Hang on, you have a small gravity field around your hooves, too?!” Twilight jotted that down. “Extraordinary. That must mean other hooved lifeforms on the Island can do the same, just like back on Equus.”  “‘Back on Equus’?” Ovis repeats in inquiry. “That sounds more like a location or place rather than the equines I’m familiar with.” “O-oh, well…” Twilight laughs sheepishly. “It’s, uh, it’s a long story.” Ovis couldn’t help but giggle to herself. “We’ll be sure to talk about that later. I must say, you remind me of Sir. Gideon Apesworth,” She reminisced, “Such a gentleape, that one is. Now, where was I? Ah, yes, a Parasaur can spot enemies via sounds they project from their crests. I know Gideon has a word for it, but I can’t seem to-”  “Echolocation!” Twilight bellows in glee. “Oh, wow, that’s amazing!” She jots down the revelation. “This needs to be added to Helena’s dossier.” “H-Helena’s dossier?!” Ovis questions in shock. “My word, darling, you are just filled with surprises, aren’t you?” “Do you know of those dossiers?” “Know of them? Twilight, dear, many creatures all across the island found them. They’ve also become quite the phenomenon amongst the tribes and possess valuable information. Although I personally think they’re a little… outdated.” Twilight was simply stunned by the sheep’s words, jotting down what had been said. She knew that she and her friends had quite the advantage, thanks to HLN-A’s involvement, but it took Ovis’s own words for her to truly understand just how much of a ‘Leap ahead’ they had. Of course, they still needed to improve—a lot. The alicorn was undoubtedly getting a clearer view of the world she and her friends had been thrust upon, including how Grok explained to her the mindset and general ways of this island. One must kill less be killed; survival of the fittest in its purest state. One must also be wary of who one trusts. But another factor played a key role here, which Grok had openly disclosed to Twilight during their talk: Knowledge is power. And that is something Twilight definitely could use.     “Could I trouble you for another question, Ovis?” “Do go on, darling.” “I was wondering… I’ve noticed that there are creatures on this island who can talk while others cannot, yet both display varying levels of intellect. Would you mind giving me some insight into this?” “Ah, you’re referring to Speakers and Mutes.” Twilight jotted that down. “Speakers and Mutes… it seems straightforward, but I don’t want to risk coming off as rude.” “Oh, pish posh, dearie,” Ovis said while waving a forelimb dismissively, “It’s, as you said, straightforward. Some are Speakers, like moi, and there are Mutes, like my two lovely friends here. It’s truly that simple, although…”    Twilight cocked her head upon noticing Ovis’s hesitation. “What is it?” “It’s nothing too dreadful, dear, but there have been cases of Mutes choosing to ‘Play the part’ while being Speakers in truth.” “So they use their lack of speech to trick other creatures? Honestly, I fail to see how that could work as a true tactic.” “You’d normally be right… if it wasn’t for the stereotyping that involves Mutes.” Ovis sighs. “There are also creatures on this island who aren’t too bright—forgive me for being rude—and can’t speak at all. And that, my dear, is what Mutes use to throw off other inhabitants.” “I see…” Twilight notes this, her right forelimb guiding her writing utensil. “That’s… a bit concerning.”  “Yes…” Ovis agreed. “It is.” “Speaking of concern,” Twilight starts after finishing her recent notes. “You mentioned a ‘Mawlchu’?”    Ovis, her two herbivorous allies, and even Granny Pithecus, who happened to be passing by once more, all stopped dead in their tracks. A feeling of dread seemed to fill the air, one that Twilight instantly sensed as her ears flattened against her head. “Is…” Twilight was unsure of how to approach this. In addition, she noted that Ovis had mentioned the name before, but only now was she showing any signs of discomfort from merely saying the name. “I take it… they’re…” The alicorn refused to continue, especially from what she now saw standing before her. Ovis was simply too terrified to say a word, her face expressing true horror. Poo’baloo and Alarm Calm tried to comfort the sheep with their own gestures, the Parasaur gently nudging Ovis with their beaked mouth and the Phiomia’s trunk patting Ovis’s right shoulder. “Mejoberry…” Granny said upon approach, Twilight’s gaze turning to the ape with a Microraptor on their shoulder. “You’re new here, so let me start what ah had intended by fillin’ you in on some things.” Granny lowers herself to the ground alongside the group, her back turned to the Greenhouse. “This island is filled to the brim with dangers, as ah’m sure you already know. Enemy tribes, dangerous predators, pirates sailing the sea, you get the gist. But of all of em,’ there are some you need to watch out for.” Granny places a hand on her chin in thought. “The first that comes to mind are those dang Silk Spitters, a tribe of apes, bugs, and beasts who make their roots around the Green Obelisk. They supposedly serve some kind of Spider Goddess, and they’re quite crazed about it, too.” Twilight sends a piece of paper away to her inventory, a new sheet awaiting her utensil’s touch. -That could only be the Broodmother,- She said internally. -This is bad. We need to access the Island’s Guardians eventually, but with a whole tribe worshipping it…-  “Another is the Demon King, least that’s what you called Edgy Mcgee,” Granny starts, drawing Twilight out of her inner thoughts. “He is one of the three Titans on this island, specifically, the Titan of Rage and Blood. However, there have been reports of other beasts like him.” “O-others…?” Twilight inquired in shock. “You mean there are other Giganotosauruses?!” “There sure is,” Micropscus injects, shuffling his feathers. “I’ve seen another one before during one of my hunts on the island’s western coast. That one was female and noticeably light-purple in color, but I never ran into her again after that. Rumors also say that there’s a third one up in the Snow Biome, but with those Yetis running about, no one’s dared to confirm it.”  Twilight jotted everything down. “Ok. I got it.” She swallows a lump. “Is there anything else?” “Shiiiit, many more, to be sure,” Granny responds. “But fer now, you only need tah know ‘bout them Yetis up north, Lord Threx over by the Red Obelisk, and Mawlchu—our resident asshole. ‘Specially since you’ll be hanging around this tribe.” “I-if you’ll all excuse me,” Ovis comments as she turns away, “I must take my leave. Until later, darlings… oh, and it was quite lovely to meet you, Twilight.”   Twilight looked on in sympathy as Ovis departed, their head lowered as they opened the door and entered the nearby home, both Poo’baloo and Alarm Call sharing the alicorn’s worries. “That Mawlchu really seems to have gotten to her,” The purple mare states with flattened ears. “Who exactly is that?”   “I suppose we should inform her of that before Threx and the Yetis,” Micropscus suggests. “Yeah,” Granny agreed, placing a hand behind her neck. “Yer right. Now, you listen here, Twilight. Never, and ah mean never, go out into the redwoods at night or alone— else Mawlchu will get ya.”  Granny had only ever referred to the alicorn by name when something was serious, and Twilight instantly jolts to attention with that in mind, tentatively writing down what had been said. “Mawlchu is the only thin’ in this forest that can scare someone as much as Grok ever could. Shit, ah’m even more afraid of that overgrown feline, to be honest. At least ah’m physically stronger than Grok…”  “O-overgrown feline…?” Twilight inquires, halting herself in her writing. “It’s… like a Sabertooth?” “Worse,” Micropscus answered. “Far worse.” Granny stares as twilight for a moment, and takes a deep breath. “Let me ask ya, Mejoberry… ev’r heard of a Thylacoleo?” > Chapter 68 - Familiar Differences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight fully intakes Granny’s recollection of the large, feline beast—Mawlchu. In truth, she hadn’t expected anything to be capable of instilling fear amongst this tribe, barring the Demon King. At least to her current knowledge. But upon second thought, with the layout of the dense redwoods, the Tree Platforms etched onto them, and even Maimuta’s position on a mountaintop, these all came together to hinder the size of a Giganotosaurus. And offer the apes a bountiful advantage with ranged weaponry while staying out of the Demon King’s reach. It was perfect for dealing with vast entities, but Twilight knew that every positive has an opposite negative. This was a place where small to mid-sized entities could capitalize on the niche provided by the forest, with only some large lifeforms able to maneuver comfortably.  And yet, in this forest of red spires, Mawlchu stood above all other beasts. “Do ya un’erstand, Mejoberry?” Granny’s inquiry draws the alicorn out of fleeting thought, Micropscus adjusting his feathers. “If you ever find yourself going beyond the safety of our compounds littered amongst the forest, keep an eye on the treetops.” She gestures upward with an appointed index finger. “That’s where you’ll find Mawlchu.”  Twilight thought back to how Ovis Archadia reacted, their lively aura seemingly dissipating upon any further conversation regarding the Thylacoleo. The pieces fell neatly together, and the alicorn’s features widened in a combination of realization and sympathy. “Did… did Mawlchu ever hurt Ovis…?” “He did more than just hurt her,” Micropscus answered. “He killed her entire family...”  The alicorn’s eyes fell downward. “To lose someone’s entire family…” Twilight comments in dread. “I… I can’t even…” A momentary silence takes hold. “Why?” “That’s just the way of things, I’m afraid,” The Microraptor glances towards the shelter Ovis had entered. “Or, as Mawlchu would often call it: ‘Rules of Nature.’” Another dead silence stakes its claim. “Well, then,” Granny breaks, standing up—Micropscus flapping his wings to stay balanced on her shoulder—and wiping her hands together. “Let’s try to get our minds off that fer now.” She looks around, “Where in da Dead Isle is that dang ape?” Twilight cocks her head, ears twitching. “I’m sorry?” “Hol’ up a sec,” Granny responds, raising her left arm and accessing her wrists’ implant. A particular device is manifested and held within Granny’s grasp, Twilight’s eyes widening in recognition. “Is-is that a radio?!” The alicorn questioned, Granny raising an index finger to garner a moment.   Twilight learned of the device via her talks with HLN-A and had planned to craft it herself. But even before that, she had some comprehension of such tech thanks to her time in Sunset Shimmer’s world.      “Hey, you old coot!” Granny exclaims, pressing a button on the radio’s side. “What’s takin’ ya?!” The radio crackles. “What’s taking what?” Sir. Gideon’s voice mockingly left the radio, Twilight’s ears perking up. “You have to finish your sentence. Over.” “Again, with this ‘Over’ shit,” Granny groans, facepalming. “You’ve got the kids with ya, right? Can one of em slap ya fer me? Over.” “Great jumping apes, Granny! Having children partake in acts of violence? Shame on you. In any case, we’ll be arriving momentarily on the Dip-mobile. Over.” Granny was about to retort with a small growl, but a sudden earthshaking phenomenon caused her eyes to widen. She sends the radio away to her inventory with a chuckle. “It’s about Grok damn time.” Twilight’s gaze is suddenly stolen toward a nearby cliff as a lightly armored, equine figure comes to a halt at its precipice, a visible cloud of dust being kicked up in the process. Then, a species of sauropod that the alicorn recognized as a Diplodocus via its dossier peeks its elongated gaze over the elevated landmark. The alicorn simply stared in awe at the sauropod, and her ears picked up the unmistakable sounds of foals- wait, no, that wasn’t right. Children. Yes, children. But her gaze returned to the equine afterward, their form easily dwarfing any pony she knew on Equus. The equine on the cliff rears up, their hardened form fully displayed as their strong hind legs supported the action, unleashing a powerful and echoing neigh. Their forelimbs return to the earth, followed by a snort while shaking their head. Their head turns to the Diplo, and their muzzle parts after taking a breath:  “We have arrived, Sir Gideon.”  Twilight’s ears would perk up even further than they already are, if possible. It was a mare whose voice was deep and laced with authority that could even get Princess Luna to jolt to attention.  “Smashing!” The elderly voice of Sir. Gideon echoed, although Twilight couldn’t see him from her angle. “Thank you for the escort, Decanus Equulla!” Equulla nods, her gaze shifting yet still turned away from Twilight, Granny, and the others below. “Br’thin, Althrok, unload the children and set up a perimeter. If a Dodo takes a shit, I want to know about it before it even reaches the ground.” “By your order, Decanus!” Two voices, male and female, respond in unison.     It was then that Equulla finally lowered her gaze to those who stood on the island below her rising. The sight of Granny’s Greenhouse, the ape herself with Micropscus resting on her shoulder, Poo’baloo, and Alarm Call are immediately familiarized.  She was about to greet them, only for her words to die in her throat upon noticing that small patch of purple standing beside Granny, muttering in disbelief: “Is that… an Equus with wings and… a horn?” -Eastern Swamp Biome- “Well, we’re making good progress from where we left Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow said while checking her map, sending it and a Compass back to her inventory. “I’m honestly surprised by how little action we’ve seen, especially since we’re in the swamp of all places. Heh, that, or they’re just too scared of us. Eh, Vanellope?” She boasts. Rainbow Dash’s wings kept her aloft as croaking frogs, excessive buzzing, and distant creatures greeted her hearing senses. And while other lifeforms wandered nearby, most of which consisted of herbivores and more neutral entities, including a very large species of snail, the absence of any predators shocked the rainbow mare. It was the complete opposite to when she and her friends entered this place during HLN-A's challenge. Granted, that was during the dead of night. Vanellope raises her gaze to the pegasus hovering just above, deadpanning and chirping lowly. “Ok, fine,” Rainbow spat while rolling her eyes, “Maybe it’s because we’re hugging the edges of this place and staying away from the water, but my point still stands.” The dinosaur seemed to mildly agree as she pulled her eyes away and surveyed the area, senses on high alert. The aerial pegasus looks back to her cutie mark, her implant flaring to life with a light-blue aurora.  “It’s a little past three pm,” Rainbow lowers herself and lands on Vanellope’s saddle. “We’ve still got some time. Let’s keep going.” Vanellope’s legs trekked through the muddy landscape at a pace lingering between fast and steady. Despite the duo staying on the edges of the swamp, its notable properties still made themselves present: a muddy terrain with dangerous, murky waters. They could easily traverse around the water, to be sure, but there’s no escaping the mud. “I’ll wash that mud off you at a pond somewhere,” Rainbow starts. “Sound good?” Vanellope chirps, passing by two large herbivorous entities that often dwelled in the swamps and redwood, garnering Rainbow’s interest. “I think those are called Parac-something-or-other. But if I'm being honest, they just look like oversized naked earth ponies-” “Ack!” An appalled female voice came from one of the Paracers, notably light brown. “Excuse me?” They sassily inquired, Rainbow dumbfounded with an agape muzzle. “Did you mockingly compare us to an Equus, you rainbow-colored mess?! That is absolutely rude!” “Oh, Shirly, dear,” The dark brown Paracer said, male. “Just let it to go-” “No, Herbert!” Shirly interjects before stomping towards Rainbow and Vanellope, the duo looking on with widened eyes as the earth shakes around them. “I am sick and tired of creatures on this island comparing us to Equus!” The titan stops before them, lowering her furious and teet-grinding gaze. “Woah, woah, woah!” Rainbow tried to defuse with a raised forelimb. “I’m sorry-!” “‘Sorry’ isn’t going to cut it. Listen closely, Equus; we Paraceratheriums have more in common with Woolyrhinos! Rhinos! Not equines, you disrespectful, little- wait…” Shirly’s eyes widen, her gaze morphing from rage to confusion, “You have wings…”  “Oh!” Herbert’s head suddenly lowered, joining Shirly’s, although Rainbow and Vanellope were too stunned to notice his approach. “Look at that. You’re right; this Equus does have wings.” Rainbow is simply taken aback by this, but Vanellope turns her head back and gently nudges the pegasus with her snout, stirring them back to the world of the living. “What kind of Equus are you?” Shirly asked. “I’ve never seen any with wings before.” “R-right,” Rainbow managed but soon regained her composure by shaking her head. She then puffs out her chest, wings extending as she poses on Vanellope’s back in glory. “I’m not just an Equus; I’m an awesome Equus. Well, I’m actually a pony—a pegasus, but that’s another story.”  Herbert tilts his head. “Isn’t the term ‘pony’ used for a young Equus?” “I think you might be right, dear,” Shirly said. “Wow…” Rainbow responds monotonously; with a deadpan expression. “Look who’s making assumptions now.”  Both sides stare at each other for a long awkward moment, Rainbow keeping her deadpanning gaze while Shirly remains in shock, a sense of hypocrisy growing within her.       “This is, uh… this is awkward,” Herbert began, Shirley shooting him an unamazed glare. > Chapter 69 - Rudey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerful stomps boom in the general vicinity of the Eastern Swamp as Shirley and Herbert seem to be escorting Rainbow Dash and Vanellope. Both Paracers are positioned at the head and rear of the escort, with the Tribe of Harmony duo tucked in the middle. “Ooh, you’ll just love them,” Shirley excitedly started from the lead, her girth casually flattening foliage and leaving indents in the muddy terrain. “They’re a tribe of traveling merchants who sell their goods to any and all customers. Even our son and daughter joined up with them some time back.”   “That sounds awesome, but Isn’t that dangerous?” Rainbow inquired, mounted upon Vanellope as they matched the pace of the leading Paracer. “I assume they’re walking around with loads of kick-ass stuff, but doesn’t that just paint a huge target on their flanks?” “Oh, it does—goodness, it does,” Herbert said from the rear with a shudder, Rainbow looking back at him over her right shoulder. “Pirates, tribes of not-so-friendly individuals, packs of ravenous carnivores, the list goes on and on. Even so, I can assure you they have all that they need to defend themselves, which you will see soon enough.” “If you say so.” Rainbow nods, turning her gaze forward. “By the way, thanks for offering to introduce us to these merchants, Shirley. We got off to a bad start, and I’m sorry about that whole ‘Comparison’ thing.”  “Water under the bridge~!” Shirley sang, head raised, ears perked up, and eyes forward. “Besides, I kind of did the same thing, and I’d be a hypocrite to hold it against you. Now, stick close, you two. We’re almost there, and I don’t want any of the swamp’s ‘Mouths with teeth’ getting any ideas if you catch my meaning.”  “Y-yeah…” Rainbow trailed off with a forelimb behind her neck, nervously chuckling while recollecting her encounter with a Kaprosuchus during HLN-A’s challenge. “Oh, come now, Shirley,” Herbert began. “Even if some of them started to act up with us, we’re Paraceratheriums! We’ll just give ‘em the ol’ one-two!” He kicked out his left hind leg, followed by his right. “What about Spinos?” Rainbow inquired, her eyes resting again on the Paracer at the rear.  “Ah, yes,” Herbert responds, ears slightly flattening. “Now that’s something else entirely.” “True—but luckily for us, we have our son!” Shirly boasted, Rainbow shifting her gaze to the lead Paracer. The rainbow mare’s neck certainly wasn’t enjoying the back-and-forth motion, causing the equine to crack it with a sudden jerk to the left. “Such a sweet, sweet boy! And very protective of his younger sister.” “We couldn’t be any prouder,” Herbert comments. “Huh,” The now interested pegasus began. “Your son sounds pretty cool if he can beat Spinos around.” Suddenly, Vanellope halts in place with a growl, her head turning toward a nearby cliff face, feathers rustling, claws at the ready.  “Woah!” Rainbow shouts, surprised by the sudden action. “What is it, girl?”      Both Herbert and Shirley seemed to sense the disturbance as well, their ears folding against their heads as they followed the Raptor’s gaze. “D-do you feel that, dear?” Shirley inquired fearfully. “Y-yes…” Herbert responds while instinctively placing himself in front of his wife.  Rainbow could only look on in haunting silence as she couldn’t fathom what was occurring. At least, not entirely.  The pegasus really wished she were Pinkie Pie right about now. The party mare always had a far better ‘Early warning’ shtick than anyone else, which she always dubbed ‘Pinkie Senses.’   But then Rainbow felt a cold chill go down her spine, and she grits her teeth to hide that small, festering fear deep within. Someone, or something, was just beyond the cliff, likely hidden amongst the dense forest on the elevated landmass that allowed one to overlook the swamp. And just as the phenomenon had suddenly transpired, it suddenly vanished. The senses of Rainbow, Shirley, Herbert, and Vanellope began to calm down slowly, but caution still flared in their minds.  All in attendance could only describe it as a storm of senses caused by eeriness passing by, but they all knew they were being watched.  “O-oh, dear,” Shirley began with quivering lips. “L-let’s get a move on, everyone. Whatever that was, I don’t want to linger around to find out.” Everyone agreed without a single word, for they spoke with their actions. Hurried steps sounded off as they began their trek once more, and Rainbow looked back at the cliff’s precipice again while Vanellope remained focused on getting Rainbow away from it.  Rainbow maintained her watch with narrowed eyes and in a cold sweat until the group went around a bend while traversing alongside the edges of the swamp.  And had the biome itself not obscured the pegasus’s view, they might’ve picked up on flickers of red and orange energy. -Sanctuary- The behemoth-sized double reinforced wooden doors of Sanctuary’s eastern entrance are parted, followed by the white form of Rarity, who trots with a slight skip in her steps while humming a tune.  A Dilophosaurus enters moments after, seemingly dejected with orange-slitted eyes downcasted. “Come along now, Rudey,” Rarity chirped. “Hope you don’t mind the nickname I gave you, seeing as you won’t give me your real name.”  As was stated, the dinosaur’s identification was present over its head via Rarity’s implant: Rudey - Lvl 124  “In any case, we have much to do, darling! Once we reach the house, I'll be needing your measurements so that I can outfit you properly.” “Yippee…” The dinosaur laced with sarcasm, bringing a claw to his face as he followed Rarity towards the tribe’s three-story home. “I can’t believe I got Forcetamed by you…” “What was that, dearie?” “I said I can’t believe I got Force-!” “Oh, I heard you,” Rarity quipped, looking over her left shoulder with a smirk, “I just like to hear you say it—helps with the whole 'Showing you humility' process. Although, I admittedly know nothing of this ‘Forcetaming’ you keep bringing up.” The Dilophosaur growls furiously, eyes dilating. “Well that's just fucking great! You're a fat Stimberry who's also an amateur! How can you not know about Forcetaming?!” “Excuse me?!” Rarity turned rapidly to face the dinosaur glaringly, brushing off the concept of Forcetaming in favor of the insult. “Did you just call me-!” “Fat, yes!” Rudey interjects with a toothy grin, Rarity’s muzzle dropping. “You’re fat, annoying, overly dramatic, and easily the worst thing someone like me could ever be conquered by!” The unicorn’s face went red in pure fury, her teeth grinding against each other. “How DARE you! I have been nothing but generous to you, yet you repay me with these undeserved insults!” “‘Undeserved,’ my scaly hide!” He shoots an appointed claw at her, “You battered me with a club!” “After you tried to eat me!” “You already had me beat with that annoying tool you lot call Bolas!” “Yes, but then you ran that mouth of yours, and I just had to teach you humility!” The Dilo scoffs. “Oh, trust me. Just being around you is humiliating enough.” Rarity stomps closer, Rudey doing the same as they growl mere inches away from each other.  Rudey suddenly pulled away, brushing at the air with a claw. “And your breath smells like shit,” He said. “Are there no limits to your insults?!” Rarity fumed. “Woah! Woah! Woah, loves!” The suddenly encroaching form of a mechanical wonder beckoned from afar, causing the duo to turn toward them. “First off: congratulations on taming a DIlophosaurus, Rarity,” HLN-A began, floating before the duo. “Secondly: why are you two screaming at the top of your lungs?” Rudey simply stared dumbfoundedly at the AI, Rarity letting out a loud ‘Humph!’ “Well, if you must know, I went out to recollect myself after my argument with Spike,” Rarity shoots a forelimb at the dinosaur, “But then this rude brute attacked me.” “Well, to be fair, Dilos are carnivores,” The AI reasoned. “Vanellope also attacked everyone when we first met her.” Rudey remained stunned. “Be that as it may, it’s not entirely the point,” Rarity began. “The point is: I graciously trapped him with a Bola and was content with leaving him there, only for him to throw insufferable insults at me.” She finished, rolling her eyes. “Sooo… you tamed him because of the insults?” The AI asked. “You typically only want to tame something if you have use for it. Aside from establishing an egg farm, of course, but this one is male…” The dinosaur in question is still silent, staring at the AI. “Well, not entirely—ok, look, I was still peeved with Spike and simply needed an outlet. I was already in a bad mood before Rudey appeared.” “You named him Rudey?” HLN-A inquired, projecting a question mark, followed momentarily by a raised eyebrow emoji. “Kind of insulting, wouldn’t you say?” “I wouldn’t have called him that if he’d just told me his real name,” The fashionista responds, her eyes widening. “Wait a second, why are you painting moi as the bad mare here?” She flabbergastingly asked. “I’m only commenting as a neutral party, Rarity.” The AI turns to the Dilo. “Oi, mate! Nice to meet ya!” Nothing is garnered from the dinosaur.  HLN-A shifts their visor to the unicorn. “He’s a quiet one, although they were quite chatty with you before I arrived…”  “Darling, I’m fairly sure it has more to do with your appearance.” Rarity spins a forelimb around the AI’s form. “I highly doubt mechanical beings like you are common here.” “Huh.” HLN-A thought to themself with a flap nearly touching their visor, lights turning green. “Good point.” A moment of silence takes hold, Rarity suddenly inhaling deeply, followed by an exhale. “Oh, alright. I’ll be a proper lady and extend an olive branch, if you will.” She offers a forelimb to the dinosaur, “I’m sorry for hitting you with that club, and while Rudey isn’t the name I wanted to choose for you, you didn’t exactly cooperate with me. And, to be fair, you are rude, very much so. Still, I do apologize for my barbarism.” Rarity stood there with eyes closed in almost nobility fashion, expecting the Dilo to return the gesture. She peeked an eye, noticing the Dilophosaurus being shockingly fixated on HLN-A. “Oh, come now,” Rarity began. “HLN-A—unique as they are—is no means for you to ignore me outright. I mean, for Celestia’s sake, just look at the Obelisks! You have three giant floating metal pillars present, but a talking machine is what has you stumped?”  “Uh, no offense, darling,” Rarity quickly added, turning to the AI.  “None taken, love!” The duo turns back to the Dilophosaurus, and finally, the dinosaur breaks out of his stupor, raising a claw: “Ok. I zoned out there for a bit, but—what the fuck is going on here?! And what in the Dead Isle is that thing!” Both HLN-A and Rarity shared a glance. “Welp, fasten your seatbelts, mate,” The AI starts, Rarity chuckling. “Boy, oh boy, do I have quite the story for you.” And so, HLN-A acquiesced to the dinosaur's request with a recollection. From the moment the AI crash-landed on Equus to the tribe’s arrival on The Island and several events that transpired afterward that were to the AI’s knowledge.  Of course, the tale would need to be a shortened version of the actual adventure so far... .......... “And that’s how Spike became the tribe’s current leader,” HLN-A finished, their tale ending. “So, any questions?” Rudey blinks several times. “C-could you repeat that after Installation: Equus… I blanked out…”  “Oh, for the love of…” Rarity facehooved. “We spent nearly ten minutes explaining everything, and you weren’t even listening?!” “Oh, yeah, because a group of unique equines from beyond the stars and a talking piece of flying metal are things to accept so casually!” Rudey retorts. “It’s a lot to take in, you know! Part of me even wants to call bullshit on that entire story.” “Even though the evidence is floating right here…” HLN-A added, deadpanning. “Well, I suppose that’s fair,” Rarity responds. “Regardless, we answered your question, so it’s only right for you to answer mine,” She demanded. “For starters: what in Celestia’s name is ‘Forcetaming’?” “Forcetaming?” HLN-A inquired, genuinely confused. The dinosaur is incredibly shocked to hear that. But a sudden realization dawns on him, and the story he had heard just got more credence with that question.  “Actually, you know what? I fully believe everything you two just told me was the truth. At first, I thought Stimberry here was just an amateur… but now. Let me ask you two this: have you ever heard of someone named Lord Threx?” “Lord Threx?” HLN-A questioned and turned to Rarity, who shook their head, equally as confused as the AI. “I’m not familiar with that name, mate.” “Do they have something to do with Forcetaming?” Rarity chimed in. “Lord Threx doesn’t just have something to do with it… he invented it.” > Chapter 70 - Wooden jaws and sibling's Maw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy slowly regained consciousness, ears picking up the sounds of bird-like entities while the Ark’s evening artificial sun washed over her form with warmth. Her eyes groggily opened and closed repeatedly, and a sudden surge of memories flooded her mind… The pegasus had tried every fathomable way to escape from her cell. Suicide, of course. She never wished for any living being to have to resort to such a thing, for life is too precious, but the Arks are unique. Here, death can be a release in more ways than one, compliments of the Respawn Feature. Case in point: breaking out of one’s imprisonment. But every attempt she made only failed severely. Her oppressors have admittedly creative ways of dealing with other survivors, most of which involved tranquilization via those darts they used on her to prevent every suicide attempt.  In some instances, they used a more ‘Up close and personal’ method, harshly zapping her with some type of melee weapon containing electricity surges after running into her cell. She recalled hearing the weapon’s name before falling unconscious from those attempts: Electric Prod. Other times, they simply clocked her with closed fists across the face, rendering her unconscious. She could even still feel a pulse of pain emanating from her right cheek via her most recent attempt. Fluttershy suddenly comprehended her form dangling, her hind legs swaying back, forth, left, and right. And her eyes shot wide open as she realized she was resting over a larger variety of giganto’s left shoulder. She was so caught up in her sudden rush of memories that she only now realized that they had taken her away from her former containment.   She is being transported and treated like some kind of trophy, grains of sand and dirt kicked up by the brown-coated ape that carried her over their shoulder, who cackles amusingly upon noticing her rising. And due to her positioning, she could practically stare at the ape’s face while her bound hind legs pressed against their back. “Shitty evening, Equus.” The ape possessed a male voice, one somewhat familiar to the pegasus. “You know, of all the captives we’ve ever had during my time here, I’ve never seen one as determined to die as you are.” Fluttershy tried to speak, but her voice became muffled by a thin gray cloth tightly wrapped around her head—a gag, her tongue tasting the parts that breached into her muzzle. “Typically, they choose to go out fighting in the arena, but you’re one of those ‘Respawning types’ like me and some others. So you’ll require some…” His orange orbs meets Fluttershy’s widened and horrified pearls, a toothy, nearly maniacal grin stretching across his face. “Conditioning. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Name’s Bob, by the way. You know, the ape constantly putting your dumb ass down?” Fluttershy’s body began to shake, pure terror exploding within her.  “M-mm-mf…” She tried but muffled and gagged. “Now is not the time for fear, Equus.” Bob pats her on the back in mocking comfort. “That comes later. Besides, you’ll find sweet comfort in your new home. And hey! You might even get special privileges if you’re a good and obedient little combatant. Maybe go a day without whipping, hmm?”     Whipping?!  The pegasus struggled with all her might but entirely in vain, and the ape didn’t even budge in response to her efforts, merely amused by it. It also didn’t help that her forelimbs and hindlegs were completely bound, her wings still cuffed together at their base, leaving an uncomfortable creak she so desperately wanted to crack.  “Atta mare!” Bob motivated. “That’s the kind of fighting spirit we like to see here! Maybe Craglorn was right to ‘hire’ you. Funnily enough, she and I have a bet going on—nothing much, just how long it’ll take to break your spirit.” The captive equine’s struggles died down as her head dropped in defeat. She had tried everything she could to escape from these terrible beings, and whatever fate she was now being transported to fill her with dread. Fluttershy’s newfound tears and her mane surrendered to gravity as they fell and reached toward the sand the ape had trodden upon, the last remnants of dirt vanishing as the clear signs of a beach presented themselves. “Here we are, combatant!” Bob declared with a flourish. “Welcome to your new home! Ain’ it beautiful?” Fluttershy’s head slowly rose to intake what stood before her, the pegasus’s defeated and half-lidded eyes widening from what she saw: It was far from beautiful. It was horrible… Fluttershy instantly deduced a type of prison made entirely of stone, wood, and metallic compounds, like those spiked walls surrounding the structure. Her fears skyrocketed upon noticing those strange contraptions on the rooftop’s four corners, akin to watchtowers. She hadn’t looked too far into the creations available to her via her implant, but from what she did know, those were turrets. And judging by the ergonomic seat at the base of the machination, it was a turret that required a driver.   “You see those brown and white flags?” Bob finished with a sly grin, having taken notice of the equine’s horrified observations. “Take them in—take it ALL in. Because from this moment forward, you belong to Lady Craglorn. You are one of her fighters; you are her property. All for the glory of Lord Threx’s arena. Never forget that, pest.” Upon their approach, one of the two larger varieties of gigantos positioned on one of the elevated watchpoints, specifically to the left, waves at Bob. “Yo, Bob!” They were female, Fluttershy’s ears folding in response. It wasn’t elderly, but unlike Granny’s, this female’s voice lacked any trace of comfort. “What in Craglorn’s butt crack are you carrying there?” “Hah!” Bob boomed, pausing and standing below the elevation, looking up to the female Giganto. “Don’t let her catch you saying that,” He pats the ever-fearful pegasus on the back, “This Equus is our lady’s newest fighter; it just needs some serious conditioning.” “Crag’s shit, does that thing have wings?!” The other ape roared from the adjacent over watch in a young male’s voice. “Sure does,” Bob answered. “But don’t worry, she won’t be needing them.” If Fluttershy’s eyes could widen any further, she’d probably tear apart the edges of her eye sockets. She once again began to squirm and resist upon hearing those words that now echoed in her mind. She won’t be needing them…  She won’t be needing them… She won’t be needing them… The pegasus screamed and kicked with her bound appendages, but to no effect. Bob’s thick coat of fur and muscular build made it no different than punching a brick wall. And that wasn’t even considering the Chitin Armor he wore. “Aww, look, its struggles are adorable!” The female ape exclaimed downward, resting her arms on the stone railing. “Let me get the door for you, Bob. I’ll also notify the butcher to get those wings off of that Equus. Shame, she looks great with them.” “Fighters don’t need wings, Val,” Bob responds. “I mean, after all,” He shifts his gaze to the struggling and crying equine draped over his shoulder, “Fighters EARN their freedom, not fly off to freedom.”   Val nods, shooting a saluting gesture before turning around and disappearing from view. Fluttershy continued to struggle, much to the entertainment of Bob and the other ape positioned on their elevation. The double reinforced wooden doors soon part open, and Bob gestures towards his fellow ape before entering the structure. Fluttershy, through it all, continued to resist and fight back. It didn’t matter how effective it was; she NEEDED to resist. -No, no, no, no, no!- She cried internally. And as she managed to look back at the doors behind her, they slowly began to close, the light and sights of the outside world disappearing before her very eyes. Soon enough, the yellow pegasus is swallowed by the monster that is the structure itself—its ‘wooden jaws’ closing and claiming its newest prisoner. And as if the Ark installation had been wanting to add its own spice to the scenario, a single raindrop made itself known, followed soon by its legions of brethren. -Eastern Swamp Biome- The sudden rain shower over the Eastern Swamp Biome doesn’t go unnoticed by Rainbow Dash, Vanellope, and their large, mammalian escorts. Black and gray clouds soon formed just above, casting a shadow over the swamp and, probably, the island as a whole. It certainly made the cyan mare wish she could manipulate the weather like back home, it was just too random and, at times, didn’t even make sense. “Looks like we’ll have to see if we can stay with Thrum and our children, dear,” Shirley said from the lead, rain droplets falling off her now-soaked form. “At least until the rain clears up. And after what we felt back there, I am not wandering around in the near dark.” “Myes, quite,” Herbert agreed with a nod. A thought comes to him, lowering his head to the Raptor-mounted rainbow pegasus in front of him, the equine shielding herself from the rain with a wing over her head. “Thrum is the leader of those traveling merchants we talked about.” Rainbow Dash looks back at the Paracer with perked-up ears. “Once he sees that you’re with us, he’ll be more open to speaking with you.”   “Thank you for that!” Rainbow expressed gratefully. “You guys are awesome!” “Ooh!” Shirley suddenly roars merrily upfront. “There it is! Rainbow, dearie, allow me to introduce you to the Swamp Outpost of the Traveling Merchant.” The female Paracer finishes, coming to a stop, the rest of the group following suit. Rainbow Dash willed Vanellope slightly around the large mammal, and her eyes intake several wooden walls seemingly wrapped around a gargantuan tree, all of which rested on a cliff elevation. They continued their trek, heading up a grassy hill and, soon enough, approaching the outpost’s overwatch with a single ape positioned at its precipice.  “Halt!” The ape bellowed with a raised arm and a deep masculine male tone. “State your buis- wait,” The ape leaned in, placing his hands on the wooden railing. “Well, I’ll be a Paracer’s uncle! Is that you, Herbert - Shirley?!” “The one and only~!” Shirley sang gleefully. “Look at how much you’ve grown, Tharn!” Herbert greeted. “Daaamn right!” Tharn lowers and rests his arms on either side. The group pauses before the outpost. Rainbow Dash then looked up at Tharn with Herbert and Shirley positioned on either side of the mounted pegasus, Vanellope keeping her senses on high alert. In truth, the dinosaur had been far more cautious since its senses flared from the earlier event. She refused to let whatever that was catch them off guard, let alone get to Rainbow Dash. Tharn turned his gaze to the inner portions of the outpost. “Hey, Harley! Moss! Your folks are here!” “Ooh!” An expressive female voice responds. “Mommy and daddy are here?! Hehehe,  comiiiing!” Rainbow tilted her head sideways. “Huh, wow,” She began. “They sound about as expressive as Pinkie Pie.” “Pinkie Pie?” Herbert inquires, ears perking up.  “One of my friends, I’ll explain later,” The rainbow pegasus responded with a shrug. The dark clouds above began to relent, and the rains slightly showed mercy. It was enough to mildly irritate Rainbow, her desire to control the weather only further being amplified. But a sudden giant head peeked over the wooden wall following thunderous approaching footsteps from beyond the barricade, garnering Rainbow’s attention: “Hi, mom! Hi, dad!” Harley greets, then gasps loudly upon noticing Rainbow Dash and Vanellope. “Oh, my mossy swamp! You guys didn’t tell me you brought some new friends!” She gasps again, “That Equus has a rainbow mane, and they’re riding a Raptor, and has wings, and riding a raptor!”         Herbert chuckles. “You said that twice, sweetie.” Harley rapidly turns her neck. “Moss!” She beckoned to someone within the outpost’s confines. “Come look at what mom and dad brought!” “I heard you the first time you screamed, sis.” An echoing, deep voice with a slight hiss effect made itself known. An earth-shaking phenomenon goes off, concealed from view and beyond the wall.  Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Yup, he’s even got the voice of somecreature who’s awesome enough to beat Spi-NOOOOS?!” The pegasus’s eyes widened in shock, her muzzle dropping as another gargantuan peered over the wall and alongside Harley: “Mom, dad,” The revealed Spinosaurus greets, its crimson eyes overlooking them before resting on Rainbow Dash. “Huh. Weird looking Equus you’ve got there.” “Hi, son!” Herbert greeted lovingly, his ears wiggling. Rainbow was simply too stunned by what she saw, Vanellope looking back at the pegasus with a smirk. The Raptor had seen rare occasions of herbivores raising a carnivore during her life on the island, and even vice versa. But Rainbow didn’t need to know. It was funnier that way. Besides, they raised Spike, well, Twilight did. So once the shock wore off, Rainbow would submit to the normality of the situation. So easily predictable, you ponies are. “How’s my sweet boy today?” Shirley inquired. “Meh,” Moss responds, his claw raised and tilting side to side. “So and so. I recently beat an Allosaurus pack that tried to attack the caravan during our previous travels. But aside from that, nothing much.” “Hah!” Tharn cackled. “He’s being modest. Those Allos came at us in a pack of ten members strong, each one over level eighty, mind you! But Moss here slapped the piss out of them.” “Ooh, ooh!” Harley excitedly interjects. “Tell them about what my brother did to their pack leader.” “Honestly, it was pretty overkill,” Tharn said. “Biting my sister was its last mistake,” Moss comments. “If anything, It wasn’t ‘overkilled’ enough.” “You picked it up by the neck, walked over to a nearby cliff of the central volcano, and threw it off while laughing,” Tharn deadpanned. “How is that not overkill?”   “I didn’t get the chance to feast on it before throwing it off,” Moss fired back. “If anything, I should’ve tossed it into the volcano, let the lava finish it off.” “Woo!” Herbert exclaimed proudly, stomping a hindleg. “That’s my boy!” “Your father and I are so proud of you, sweetie,” Shirley states. “The only reason I can even rest at night is that I know you’re there to protect your sister. Thank you, dearie.” Moss looked away and propped up his head with a claw, leaning against the wall. “You two are unbearable…”  He finished, fighting back embarrassment on his features. “Thank you for always looking out for me, brother.” Harley nuzzled the Spino’s side just before the starting portion of his sail. Moss grunts. “Whatever.” During the entire exchange, Rainbow stared with an agape muzzle, dumbfounded by this whole scenario.  “Careful, dearie,” Shirley began as she took notice of Rainbow’s state. “You’ll catch a Meganeura in that mouth if you leave it open for long.” “Wha… how… b-wha-” Rainbow struggled, finally managing to speak.  “Sorry about her, sweetie,” Shirley says, turning back to the dinosaur, “She’s really nice, just a bit stunned, it seems.” “In other words, the usual,” Moss responds simply. “Give them a minute. The shock should wore off in three… two… one…” “Your son’s a Spinosaurus?!” Rainbow screamed, Vanellope faceclawing.  Seriously, Rainbow... Twilight raised Spike, for goodness sake! How is this so shocking? Do you girls just forget things sometimes?! “And there it is,” Moss said. “Y-you’re a Spinosaurus!” Rainbow shouts. Moss adjusts himself while leaning against the wall, lifting a claw and forming a ‘shooting gesture’ aimed at the pegasus. “Yo.” > Chapter 71 - Safe Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Eastern Swamp Biome: Outpost of the Traveling Merchant- “Open the gates!” Tharn bellows from his over watch, followed by the creaking of wood emanating from the slowly parting gateway laid bare before Rainbow Dash’s eyes. Vanellope leans side to side during the gate’s opening, a mixture of anticipation and inner caution being translated through her actions, small chirps muttering from within the Raptor’s throat.  Herbert and Shirley seemed nice enough to Vanellope, but the fact remained that both she and Rainbow barely even knew any of these creatures. One of them would need to stay wary.   Once the gates are wholly parted, Rainbow dismounts her dinosaur ally with a flap of her wings, hooves landing on the grassy terrain with signs of muddy compositions. She can mildly discern some characteristics within the unveiled outpost: a sectioned-off grass field and a very particular tree.  The tree had a sense of familiarity to it, almost akin to her childhood friend’s cottage. But the massive form of Harley and two larger variety of Gigantopithecus, donned in metallic armor, obscure and harnessed the equine’s view. And it was them who made her feel slight discomfort. The armored apes stepped forth, their girth seeping into the land as their feet capsized blades of grass during their approach. The duo stopped roughly over seven feet away from the pegasus before manifesting a shield and sword from their inventory, wielding the equipment in either hand. The action caused Vanellope’s feathers to rustle, a slight growl escaping from a maw of razor-sharp teeth.  “Please, dearies,” Shirley began in a gesture of comfort, Herbert conversing with Moss nearby. “I promise everything will be ok.”  “Yeah!” Harley boomed gleefully from behind the apes and beyond the gate’s doorframe. “Please don’t be scared!” “We’re simply following protocol,” Tharn said from the over watch. But it was only then that Rainbow realized he had brought forth a ranged weapon while she turned to look at him, a scope resting over an elongated barrel.  The cyan mare had been wanting to craft a Longneck Rifle for quite some time. Especially one with a scope attachment. A pegasus with a weapon like that in their hooves? She could only imagine the awesomeness she could unleash. “We don’t mean you any harm, but you should know that we are more than capable of defending ourselves,” Tharn continued. “After all, you’re still strangers to us despite Shirley and Herbert seemingly vouching for you.”  “Surrender any and all of your weapons,” the armored ape to the right began, fierce yet feminine. “That includes taking off your armor.” “Your Raptor will need to be held within our pens during your visit,” the gruff male ape to the left comments. “Failure to comply with these terms will result in you being turned away. Attack us, and you will both find a swift end.” Moss momentarily halts his talks with Herbert, tapping the top portions of the wall with his left claw and shifting his gaze to Rainbow Dash. “That wouldn’t be smart, Equus. Trust me.” “Awww,” Harley complained. “Come on, you guys! There’s no need to scare them!” “Them’s the rules, Harley.” Tharn aims his rifle directly at Rainbow Dash’s temple, his right eye peering at her through the rifle’s scope. And a single index finger rests over the trigger.  “It’s about our safety, not scaring folks. That would only be bad for business.” “Do you agree to these conditions?” the female ape inquired, extending a hand toward Rainbow Dash and garnering the equine’s cautious gaze. “And yes, we know that, despite its appearance, your implant is exactly like ours.” “In other words: you can likely do everything we can,” the male ape chimed in. “Respawn, store away weapons, apply your enhancements—all of it. You learn to pick up on some things when you’ve gone through what we have. You're a unique Equus, to be sure, but you're far from the strangest thing we've ever seen. Keep that in mind.” Rainbow swallows the lump that had been forming within her throat, her mind racing and assessing the situation. She was allowed to turn away on one hoof, provided she did so without the intent of harming them. But on the other hoof, these apes are traveling merchants! And that certainly piqued her interest. She was never really good at dealing with merchants… that was more Applejack’s speed. Still, there was an opportunity here. Celestia knows what boons they likely possessed. Of course, that only brought another thought to the cyan mare: What do these apes even use as currency? Assuming there even is such a system... “Your answer?” the armored female ape inquired, her hand still extended. Silence takes hold, save for Vanellope’s low growls coming from Rainbow’s rear. Finally, the pegasus comes to a decision: -Celestia… please don’t make me regret this.-  Rainbow turns her head back to Vanellope. “Easy there, Vanellope.” She comforts. “These guys are merchants, and I want to see what they have to offer.”   Vanellope looks down at the pegasus, her growls slowly fading away, followed by an affirmative chirp. But a gesture from Rainbow beckoned the Raptor to lean in closer, an action that did not go unnoticed by the apes.  “But I’m also counting on you, Vanellope,” Rainbow whispered. “One of us has to go back and get help if these guys turn out to be shady.”  The dinosaur nods, and Rainbow turns her attention to the apes.  “My name is Rainbow Dash of the Tribe of Harmony. I… I accept your, uh, conditions.” “Yaaay!” Harley beamed, head going skyward and ears perking up. “Bring her in, bring her in! Ooh! This is so exciting.” Moss rolls his eyes at his sister’s antics while Herbert and Shirley are satisfied with Rainbow’s answer, along with Tharn, who lowers his rifle.  “Wise choice, Miss. Dash,” Tharn finished with a smile. “However,” Rainbow began, glancing back to the Raptor and forward again. “I want some kind of insurance. You said I have to leave my Raptor in your pens during my time here. Instead, I want her to remain outside, freely, in exchange for my full cooperation.” The pegasus could only hope this would work. Again, she wasn’t any good with merchants, but she did pick up a thing or two from watching Applejack in their booth within Ponyville’s marketplace during her cloud gazing. Along with a small dash of watching Twilight deal with some of the leaders from other nations in the Castle of Friendship. “After all, I revealed my name, the tribe I’m a part of, and I’m walking into your outpost,” she emphasized with a pointed forelimb. “I think we can all agree that puts me at a not-so-awesome disadvantage.” “Hah!” Tharn amusedly cackled from above. “You’ve got the basics down for setting up a potential transaction. I like that. Very well, we accept your request.” Rainbow nods before looking back to her implant, accessing it, and recalls the words of HLN-A: -In the event you are over-encumbered but need to make a swift escape, you can activate a sort of ‘Drop All’ function within your inventory. Of course, this can be initiated for general use, as well.-   The pegasus initiates the ‘Drop All’ feature, and a series of transparent light-blue lights escapes from her implant. Wriggling lines reached down to the ground and alongside her left hind leg, and although the event transpired with lightning speed, Rainbow herself could observe every last detail. She had long since accepted that the Ark has its own kind of magic, at least that’s how she saw it rather than the egghead explanations of HLN-A and Twilight. If somepony wants lame exposition, talk to them. A brown leather package with a copy of Rainbow’s implant resting on top, seemingly holding it together like a pin, is manifested into being, resting on the ground and next to her left hind leg.    It was all there: her Hide Armor, spears, bow and arrows, and raw materials. As for how such large objects could fit in such a containment, Rainbow recalled HLN-A saying something about the physical manifestation of an inventory.   The duo of armored Gigantos began to approach Rainbow, and per the equine’s request, they disregarded Vanellope’s presence. The female ape retrieved the pegasus’s belongings while the male ape stood at Rainbow’s side like an escort. During the affair, Vanellope stayed reasonably neutral, but a slight sense of caution would always remain deep within. She could only hope for the best for Rainbow Dash. “Proceed,” the male ape said with an appointed arm toward the entrance.  Rainbow adheres, stepping forth with both apes trailing behind her on either side. Her heart admittedly pounded as she stepped through the gate and entered the outpost, only for her ears to flicker in response to the double wooden doors closing slowly behind her.   The gate closes completely, Vanellope’s form now sealed off as Rainbow turns her gaze forward. “Sooo…” she trailed off, brushing at the ground with a forelimb. “What happens now?” “The Traveling Merchant is inside conducting business, of course,” the armored male Giganto answered. “We’ll escort you to him once he’s available. Until then, we’ll be keeping an eye on you while we wait.” He gives his female ally a nod, to which she manifests a radio before stepping away. Rainbow takes a moment to observe her surroundings, and to say that these apes lived up to their titles as merchants would be an understatement. Several crates and barrels filled undoubtedly with goods rested against every corner of the outpost, along with the very same watchtower Tharn had been stationed at. She soon spotted the same wood-comprised mid to large-sized pens that would’ve held Vanellope, about eight of them by her count, had she not made adjustments to their agreement. And while most of the pens were empty, one contained an entity she had never seen before, garnering her curiosity. The creature within was one of those theropods if Rainbow recalled the term correctly, curled up and just sleeping the day away. “Bye, mom! Bye, dad!” Harley’s voice exclaimed from nearby, Rainbow’s eyes shifting towards the Paracer and their carnivorous sibling, both peering over the wall and likely speaking to Herbert and Shirley just beyond. The cyan mare made a mental note to inquire about their situation. Perhaps it was like Spike’s? She could only wonder. “Sorry about all that,” Tharn’s encroaching voice said, Rainbow being drawn to him. “But like I said, protocol. Now, what brings you here?” Rainbow’s ears perked up. “Well, we ran into Herbert and Shirley while trekking through the swamp, and now, uh, here I am.” she finished sheepishly. “That’s it?” Tharn questioned with a raised eyebrow. “That’s it, really,” Rainbow sighed. “Look, I know how suspicious this might seem, but I seriously did not expect meeting two Paracers would then lead me to you guys.” Tharn crosses his arms. “What exactly was your plan, then? Why would you wander around in the swamp of all places?” “Would you believe me if I said I was just winging it? Because that’s the truth. Vanellope and I were just wandering around to see if we could find anything useful, maybe even tame something.”  “Ah. The usual Survivor stuff, then,” Tharn chuckles. “Well, if you’re trying to procure goods, then you’ve come to the right place. Your story seems to check out, seeing as you were escorted here by Harley and Moss’s parents. They’re good creatures, and the fact that they felt comfortable around you admittedly made us go easy on ya.” “Heh, thanks. I appreciate that.” “Alright!” Tharn beamed, clasping his hands together. “So… how about a tour of our merchandise while we wait for the big guy?” The day was almost nearing its end as both Applejack and her human companion pulled along a wooden cart filled with harvested metal and some crystal through a mildly dense forest. She had already learned so much from the Survivor, despite him being completely mute, aside from some grunts he’d make here and there. Things such as resource nodes, optimal creatures within their reach, and equipment for their current ‘level.’ Well, more like her level, if she were being honest. The Survivor was a darn veteran compared to her and had much to pass on, especially since he was a whopping level 105 compared to her meager 29. It was almost downright embarrassing…  Even still, she had already jumped leagues forward compared to the snail’s pace at which she and her loved ones had been progressing. She hated to say that… but it was the truth. They wouldn’t be reaching Edmund at this rate, let alone ascending anywhere else. Somepony needs to start getting the ball rolling a bit faster. The cowmare is brought out of her inner thoughts as a structure comes into view, one she and her companion had come to call home: Due to some wildlife getting too close for comfort, Applejack had set up spiked walls all around their box-shaped home. It was a simplistic build, sure, but it worked. And judging by her companion’s nod and ‘Thumbs up’ at the time of making the piercing barricades, she realized he was testing her.  The duo pushed open the gate and hauled their cargo in. Applejack then quickly closed the gate behind them while the Survivor sent as much metal as he could carry into his inventory.  The human then lumbered over to the nearby steps and scaled them until he stood before a forge that rested on the housing’s patio. Applejack had mimicked the human’s actions, encumbering herself and trotting over to him with a struggled grunt. For her, this was just another day at the Apple Orchard. Her eyes are filled with determination as she intakes the Survivor, who stokes the fires of the forge. And she relished seeing the resulting roaring flames of glorious progression. She had always known about the blacksmiths back home who smelted metals and forged armor and weapons for the royal guard but never expected to have any need to do so herself. But now, well… She’s glad to have an amazing teacher. 'Sides, it's not like any of her friends are in danger right now. In fact, she's certain they're all in Sanctuary planning out their next move. Well, there was that whole Twi leavin' their tribe and all... but that's probably somethin' she and HLN-A had experimented with. Naw, there's no need to worry. Right? > Chapter 72 - Thrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Eastern Swamp Biome: Outpost of the Traveling Merchant- “And now for the final selections of our wares,” Tharn excitedly declared, gesturing toward a collective of shelves, crates, and barrels. “This section is for our more ‘Combat Experienced’ customers—if you catch my drift.” He finished with a wink. Nearby, Harley and Moss aided the male and female armored apes in moving several large and heavy goods. And true to their word, the apes had always kept an eye on the rainbow mare.  Despite the watchful security protocol, Rainbow Dash is filled with awe as she absorbs all that is laid bare before her eyes: weapons and armor of several varieties and compositions, along with saddles for nearly all of The Island’s prehistoric lifeforms.  “So, whaddya think?” Tharn inquired, although he already knew the answer just by looking at the equine’s expression. “Th-this is… wow, you guys don’t play around.” However, a nearby shelf instantly garnered Rainbow’s interest. And as she approached, she could make out several vials filled with two different colors of liquids, green and red, each separated and evenly displayed on either side of the shelving. “Whoa,” She said while leaning in, eyeing the vials. “What are these?” “Ah!” Tharn claps his hands together, walking over to the merchandise to join the equine. He then rests an arm against the shelf, followed by his remaining limb draping a hand across the inventory.  “These beauties are among our most famous of wares. See, they’re crafted by Sir. Gideon Apesworth from the Tribe of Maimuta, and we engage in friendly trade with them to procure these fine concoctions. Then, we sell them to the other tribes of the island.”    “What do they do?” Rainbow asked. “They kind of look like… potions.” She could only reminisce about a particular Zebra living in the Everfree Forest. Tharn chuckles. “You could say that.” He plucks one of the green vials from the inventory with his right hand, presenting it before the pegasus. “This simple green tonic, which Gideon dubbed Energy Brew, quickly rejuvenates your body’s natural energy stores. I can assure you that the name is very well-deserved.” The equine’s eyes shot wide open. “W-wait, you mean to tell me that it can make you feel one-hundred percent awesome after or even during a workout?!” “Hah!” Tharn cackled. “Yup, it sure can, but don’t you go thinkin’ I’m gonna explain the science behind it, that’s Sir. Gideon’s thing. It comes in handy during any and all types of physical activities, but between you and me, it’s especially famous amongst our more, well,” He leans in closer, an open palm against his right cheek as Rainbow perks an ear up. “Reproductive customers,” Tharn whispered, pulling away from a now flustered and wide-eyed equine before dancing and rolling his hips in place.  “Bow chica bow wowwa.”  “Ehehehe,” Rainbow flustered sheepishly, looking away and flagging her tail. But a sudden thought comes to her, conjuring a chuckle. “Better hope Princess Cadence never gets her hooves on those.” “Uh, what…? Who?” Tharn blinks. “That some kind of Oviraptor or somethin’?” “Oh, hah, n-never mind that, j-just rambling on,” Rainbow quickly answered, clearing her throat. “A-anyway.” “Nice segues.” Tharn deadpanned. “Energy Brew makes you recover faster, got it.” Rainbow desperately wanted to change the subject, gesturing to the red vials with a wing. “What about those?” Tharn nods as he places the Energy Brew back onto the appropriate shelf side, plucking a red vial from the adjacent side and presenting it like its counterpart. “This one is called Medical Brew,” He began. “It’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you want the science behind it, Gideon’s the ape you want to talk to; I just sell it. You know, I often try to bug the old coot for the recipe, but he never caved.”    Rainbow’s astonishment was absolute, and she certainly did not regret following Herbert and Shirley. Her gamble had paid off, and this was an opportunity just ripe for the pickings.  A sudden and encroaching presence causes her ears to flicker in response, her head turning back to the direction of the nearby house, reminding her mildly of Fluttershy’s cottage.  The armored female Giganto stops before Rainbow Dash, having broken away from Harley, Moss, and the male Giganto, seemingly departing from the home before starting their approach.  “Thrum want see you,” The armored female said, her way of talking almost akin to the Diamond Dogs by Rainbow’s comparison. “Come with, now.” “You heard her,” Tharn comments, Rainbow gazing back at him. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again, and hey, maybe you’ll make a proper purchase next time.” He finished, turning around and walking away. “Wait, hold on a second,” Rainbow called out with an extended forelimb. “What do you guys even use as currency?” “The big guy will explain that,” Tharn drops while walking away, waving a backward hand and heading towards the watch tower. Rainbow sighs, turning her gaze back to the armored giganto. “Sorry about that; uh, what’s your name?” “Brega,” She responds, pointing over her shoulder with a thumb, indicating the armored male in the short distance, “That is husband. Name Fraugher. No more talk, you come.” “A-alright…”    Brega turns around and leads the way back to the nearby home, Rainbow following close behind yet keeping a respective distance. Along the way, she spots another large variety of Giganto tending to a pair of Sarcosuchus… and a frog large enough to swallow a pony whole. Rainbow’s hooves continued to carry her forth, but her head remained glued on that frog for a moment longer before turning her gaze forward again.   Brega suddenly stops, standing aside and gesturing toward the most prominent structure of the entire outpost, two large mammalians guarding either side of the entrance:   “You go. Thrum inside. No try anything, or Brega make you dead.” Rainbow winced, followed by saluting Brega with a forelimb. “You won’t need to worry about that with me.” -No way in Tartarus am I messing with these guys after all that stuff I just saw!- She cautioned inertly. -But If I play my cards right, they can definitely help us.- “Good. Brega leave. Bye.”  The female ape departs, leaving Rainbow Dash to stare at the structure for a moment. She takes a breath and steels her nerves, trotting forth and steadily approaching the small flight of stairs resting between the two mammalian guards.  “Hey guys,” The pegasus greets, waving a forelimb. “I, uh, was invited to see Thrum. Can I pass without you guys, you know… turning me into paste?” The mammals shared a glance before turning back to Rainbow and snorting in unison. In truth, and upon the rainbow mare’s closer observation, their appearance looked like something that could’ve existed on Equus, a hybrid of a pony, or a saddle arabian, with an ape. The mammal to the right taps the stairs with a powerful and extended arm, snorting again while flickering its ears. Rainbow could only pray to Celestia that that meant she could proceed. She envied Fluttershy’s ability to speak to animals right about now…  Her hooves clopped loudly against the wooden stairs as she scaled them, reaching their precipice where a circular closed door waited to greet her climb. Through the door’s window, Rainbow could tell that the sound of her clopping had stirred a presence within, and someone soon fidgets with the door’s handle from the other side of the obstacle. The door is pushed wide open with a creak, and the cyan mare is momentarily stunned by what she saw: “Well, what do we have here?!” The top-hat-wearing ape with a fruity and powerful male voice inquired. “Wait!” He suddenly boomed with a raised hand, stopping Rainbow from properly forming a response.  “I smell the scent of a potentially lucrative relationship with a potentially invaluable customer! Then again, that could always be the swamp—but still!”   -Wait... d-did I just get insulted…?- “My name is Thrum, as I’m sure you already know,” He greets with his arms spread apart. “But you can also call me the Traveling Merchant. Welcome to my Outpost, ohoho!”  “Hey there,” The pegasus greets, but mildly thrown off. She was not expecting Thrum to be so... expressive. “My name’s Rainbow Dash, from the Tribe of Harmony. Nice to meet ya.” “Haha, well, I can certainly see how you got that name.” The ape ‘Hums’ in thought with a hand placed at his chin. “I must say, you’re a unique looking Equus.” Rainbow chuckles. “Yeah, I get that a lot around here. Also, the appropriate word is ‘Awesome,’ but the unique thing works, too.” "Heh, I like you already, Rainbow. Ah! But why are we out here? This simply won't do." Thrum backs up into the home and stands aside. “Please, come in, come in! And have a seat!” He welcomed her with a gesture before pointing to a nearby table with accompanying chairs, his arm lowering to his side. Rainbow beams. "Sounds good," She said while trotting in merrily, Thrum gently closing the door behind her. The pegasus takes her seat at the table, particularly at the side closer to the exit while Thrum makes his way around and rests directly across from her. "Now then.“ The merchant pulls out his chair, takes his seat, and maneuvers himself closer to the table, resting his large arms onto the furniture. "Let us discuss and plan out our next transaction—ohoho, quite! Shall we?” > Chapter 73 - Gifts and Aid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Sanctuary- It’s 7 pm on the Ark as the last vestiges of the artificial sun’s presence nearly give way to night’s coming darkness, the artificial crescent moon barely visible over the northern mountains.  Within the tribe’s three-story home and on the second floor, Rarity observed the scene playing out before her with great, focused interest—a hoof to her chin. “Be sure to get every last shred of his proper measurements, HLN-A, dear,” The fashionista said. “Even the smallest misread can lead to a fashion disaster of immense proportions.” HLN-A’s mechanical form hovered around the deadpanned and mildly annoyed form of Rudey, a holographic measuring tape being projected from the AI’s visor. “Why are you so insistent on making… clothes for me?” The dinosaur spat the word, rolling his orbs. “Seriously, I have scales—why would I want to wear a bunch of woven-together fiber?”   “I’ll have you know that It’s also made of hide, not just fiber,” Rarity corrected. “That’s why it’s called Hide Armor.” She finished with a raised eyebrow. “I’m literally living Hide Armor with scales!” Rudey scoffs. “Fucking smartass.” “Takes one to know one, darling. Now, hush up; HLN-A needs to-” “All done!” The AI boomed with a dinging sound and purple lights, their visor projecting an exclamation mark. “Marvelous!” Rarity exclaimed, trotting over to HLN-A.  The AI floats over to the unicorn’s flank and accesses their cutie mark/implant. A sort of transfer ensues as transparent energy seeps out from the AI and flows into the mare’s implant, and upon completion, HLN-A floats higher into the air, wiggling their flaps. “That should do it!” The AI began. “Your nerve cells should be processing the information right about-” Rarity’s eyes shot wide open. “My word, HLN-A, this-this is fantastic! You’d be a tremendous help in the fashion industry!” She shouts excitedly before running over to nearby large storage boxes of wooden composition. “I’ll get started right away.”  “And there it is,” HLN-A amusingly dropped, giggling. “Nerve cells?” Rudey inquired, garnering HLN-A’s attention. “Oh, it’s nothing much, mate. Put simply: I accessed Rarity’s brain via her implant.” The dinosaur’s eyes shot wide open, followed by a growl. “You stay the fuck away from my brain.” The AI mischievously turned the lights on their form crimson red, a dark and shadowy face with jagged teeth cackling with a deep and feminine tone. “Mwahahahaha! I am HLN-A, Destroyer of Minds.” Jolted, Rudey swiftly runs away and crawls onto a nearby bookcase as gracefully as a lizard, resting on its precipice while hissing at the AI. HLN-A regresses to their normal state, lights blue with a singular ‘eye’ present on their visor, giggling at the dinosaur’s expense.  “Come on down here, love; I was just messing with ya.” “I’ll spit on you, bitch!” Rudey threatened, his frill fully fanned out with a constant rattling sound, his claws digging into the shelf’s wood. “Just try me!” “If you two are quite finished,” Rarity chimed in, deadpanning, garnering their attention. “I’d like for Rudey to try on his new garments.” Rudey shifts his frilled gaze back to the AI. “Something that can mess with minds so casually doesn’t sit right with me!” He points a claw at HLN-A, “I’ve got no reason to trust you! Heck, for all I know, you probably did some funny business with her mind, too!” He finished, his claw having moved in Rarity’s direction. Rarity became appalled by the accusation. “Rudey!” She scolds. “That is no way to talk about my friend here. And for your information, I gave them my consent to do what they did.” The mare ended with a loud ‘Clunk,’ her hoof slamming down upon the wooden floor. “O-oh, dear…” HLN-A’s ‘eye’ widens, “I, um, didn’t really consider that.” The AI looks up at the dinosaur, a pleading emoji shifting onto their visor.  “Mate… I know that we only just met, and yes, I possess unique abilities as an AI forged by a Homo-Deus. But I swear upon Helena Walker’s name; I have NEVER used my gifts to exploit anyone.” The dinosaur stared on in suspicion, not entirely convinced. HLN-A sighs. “Is there any way for me to earn your trust?” Rudey maintained his glare, but his frill began to fold slowly, its rattling sound dying down along with it. “Just… keep your metallic ass away from my brain, got it?” The AI nods. “You have my word, love. I’ll never tamper with your implant unless explicitly told to do so by you. After all, that’s how I operate with Spike, Rarity, and the other ponies. I would never break someone’s trust like that.” “She’s telling the truth, Rudey,” Rarity states, the Dilo turning his neck to her. “She has been nothing but a divine treat to us, and we would’ve never gotten this far without her help.” She takes a breath, “Now, please come down from there so I can give you your armor.” The Dilo’s frills finally rest folded against either side of his neck, and he lets loose hot air from his nostrils before scaling down the bookcase and returning to the wooden floor. He approaches the duo, cautiously keeping an eye on HLN-A along the way. Standing several feet away from them, Rudey sighs after some silent pondering. “Fine.” He relents. “I’ll give you one chance.”   A celebratory audience sounds off from the AI. “That’s all I ask for! Cheers, mate!” Rarity giggles to herself, covering her muzzle with a forelimb. “Honestly, you allowed her to measure you earlier, so why only now be bothered?” “That was before I found out she could do that mind-fuckery business,” Rudey emphasized with an appointed claw. “And I didn’t exactly agree to the measurements; I only did it to shut you up.” Rarity’s left eye twitches, but she composes herself with a breathing exercise. “Anyway, you absolute jerk,” Those words crept through her clenched teeth, “here’s your armor.”   The unicorn sets down a brown, leather, rectangular package with her implant etched on top like a pin, seemingly holding it together. Rudey studied the package for a moment before raising a single digit of his right claw, driving it just under the implant and popping it off, the pin clanking nearby upon impact. The Dilo fully unveiled the package, and his eyes rested upon neatly folded Hide Armor apparel, now freed from its confines. And if Rarity’s words were to be believed, it was catered to a Dilophosaurus’s anatomy.   “Well, go on,” Rarity motivated with a waving hoof. “Try it on.” A smug grin forms. “Unless, of course, you’re too fat to use it?” Rudey shoots her an unamused gaze before picking up the apparel. “Ha. Ha.” He quipped, walking away and toward the nearby downward staircase. “W-wait!” Rarity called out with an extended forelimb. “Where are you going? I need you to try it on so-” “I’ll let you know how badly you fucked up in the morning, little miss fashion,” The dinosaur responds while walking down the staircase, vanishing from the unicorn and the AI’s view. And as Rudey reached the home’s ground level, he looked back over his right shoulder with a toothy grin, almost as if waiting for- “What did he just saay?!” Rarity’s voice boomed from upstairs. “Rarity Belle does NOT! BUCK! UP! FASHION!” “Oi, mate! Watch your mouth, and use your inside voice, plea-!” “I should’ve just thrown him into the ocean when I…” Rarity’s voice becomes muffled and dies down as Rudey exits the tribe’s home, closing the door shut behind him with a smack of his tail. He lets out an amused and drawn-out chuckle while walking to the nearby stone railing. He sets the armor down on the stone foundation and curls up around it, his head peering out and over the inner sanctum of Sanctuary. The bowl shape of the territory allowed shadows to take hold of the internal surroundings, but the sky still attained the last remnants of the sun’s late orange hue. Rudey spots two Carbonemys floating at the central water source’s surface, a mated pair that had always inhabited the watering hole. And from what he could see, the tribe seemingly made no effort to tame nor bother the ancient turtles.   A sudden breeze blew through and kissed the Dilo’s scales, garnering a slight shiver from the dinosaur. His eyes slowly traveled back to the armor resting beside him. True, he laughed at its durability, seeing as it’s just fiber and hides stitched together, but it certainly does look warm… And he slowly reached a claw out to grab it. “Oh, hey!” A familiar voice called out, startling the dinosaur, who quickly bolted off the ground and into a quadruped stance, growling furiously.  But the Dilo’s face instantly morphs from cautious fury to genuine shock, his eyes widening from what he saw: a purple and green presence floating before him with flapping wings. “Woah, woah, sorry about that!” They waved their claws as if to calm Rudey down. “I didn’t mean to scare you. But wow, Rarity and HLN-A have been busy while I was away.” They cleared their throat, extending a limb, one the dinosaur recognized as a greeting gesture. “Welcome to the tribe! And man, let me tell ya, it’s nice to have another dude around for a change. My name’s Spike, the tribe’s current leader, at least until we can get Twilight back.”   A moment of silence ensued as Spike waited for Rudey to accept his gesture, but the dinosaur simply stared with an agape jaw. And as the seconds passed into a whole minute, things only began to grow more awkward by time's passage. “You, uh… you’re supposed to shake it, uhm, Rudey? Am I reading that right?” The stunted scenario continued, but Rudey was now confident of one thing: between HLN-A, the awkward Equus named Rarity, and now some flying purple Rex… This tribe is fucking weird. -EARTH- The sun continued to shine down upon the Earth, having created innumerable wastelands due to the presence of eternal day. The globe’s legendary large bodies of oceans have long since dried and withered away. At least, this only transpired on that half of the planet; the other half being consumed by a cold void of darkness. But the entire planet contained patches, scars, and entire landmasses of an eerie, lavender, and radiated substance. And above all, the globe had long since lost its rotation. Earth was sick, and it cried out for anyone who could tend to it.  To sweep away the infectious corruption that has consumed it.  But hope for the world’s salvation would carry on in the form of a female humanoid figure floating over an abandoned yet futuristic city.  Helena Walker’s eyes focused on one of the many Arks that dotted the Earth’s orbit, seemingly positioned in the skies just above the city, also sharing the name of Sanctuary. “You must overcome your obstacles, my little ponies… my brave Survivor…” Her hands clasp together, resting on her chest as if she were going to perform a prayer. “You have all been scattered across the Ark, but you will find opportunities to evolve in that separation. Conquer your fears, stay true to your ways, and do what you must to survive. But remember that your friendship, your bond, and the bonds forged with those you will meet along the way… is magic.”     The Homo-Deus raises her arms and cups them together, forming a circle and aligning the Island Installation within its epicenter. She peers into it with a single eye, focusing her gaze like a scope. “I wish I could do more for all of you, but fiddling with the Arks, even as a Homo-Deus, always has lingering after-effects. After all… it’s how the creatures of The Island and Scorched Earth became what they are now. Evolving far beyond what Helena- what I used to know.” A surge of energy grows within her transparent chest region before traveling up her arms and into her hands. And her face morphs into determination. “But there are things I can do to help you,” She giggles, “Transporting tames around The Island can be a pain at times, so here’s a nifty little gadget we’ve come to call: Cryopod.” > Chapter 74 - The Flaming Menace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INSTALLATION: THE ISLAND- -Eastern Swamp Biome- The lights of the artificial night’s crescent moon crept through the swamp’s forestation as Herbert and Shirley stomped through the muddy terrain, the Paraceratherium couple locked in conversation. “Ooh, I already miss our babies so much, and that Rainbow Dash Equus was such a sweetheart,” Shirley said, reminiscing. During their conversation, they began to cross a shallow, mossy waterway, lilypads floating at the water’s surface with white flowers in bloom. But below the surface, a school of Megapirahna swam around the Paracers’ tree-trunked legs—the mammals being far too large to be considered prey. The pair flickered their ears to bat away small and bothersome insects and even courteously stepped around a Salamander-like entity with a crescent-shaped head that swam in their path. “We can always visit them again tomorrow, dear,” Herbert comforts, water splashing as the duo crosses the waterway. “They just returned from their latest venture, so I’m sure they’ll be stationed at the Outpost for a few more days before leaving again.” “I know, sweetie… It’s just…” Sadness and worry form on Shirley’s face, followed by a sigh. “They’re always going on adventures with the merchants and… and running into trouble…”  She came to a stop near the water’s shoreline, Herbert following suit while scraping his mind for the appropriate words. He knew where this was going, especially since they’d had this very same conversation many times before.  “I’m just scared that, one day,” Shirley’s neck lowers, her gaze locked onto the ground, “they won’t come back home.” She finished, ears folding against her head. “Oh, dear…” Herbert stepped closer, resting his neck over Shirley’s shoulders. “I know how you feel, for I share that worry.” He sighed. “But this island will always have its share of dangers, you know that. And no matter how hard we try to shelter our children from it, they need to face it.” Shirley raises her neck with a sigh, Herbert lifting his own and taking a step back.  “Even if they did stay here with us, trouble would inevitably find us no matter what we did to avoid it.” A thought within Herbert’s mind caused him to chuckle. “This isn’t funny, Herb,” Shirley scolds. “I’m filled with worry here about the safety of our children!” She stomped a forelimb, water and mud being sent aloft. “I know, I know, I’m sorry, Shirley,” He regained his bearings, his laughter fading away slowly. “It’s just—they remind me of how we were ten or twenty years ago.” Shirley’s ears perked up attentively, prompting her husband to continue. “We were quite adventurous ourselves. Say, do you remember a certain day our herd grazed in the Redwood Biome?” Shirley lets loose a heartful chuckle, smiling at the memory. “It was the day we met…” “Yup!” Herbert’s ears wiggled, but a mischievous grin formed on his prehensile lips. “But do you remember exactly how we met?” Shirley rolls her eyes. “I try not to.” “Well, I remember,” In one swift motion, Herbert curled his lips and positioned his face mere inches away from Shirley’s, causing her to giggle. “Excuse me? Can you check to see if I have a Narcoberry stuck in my teeth?” “Ohohoho!” Shirley laughed, moving her neck around to avoid his gaze, but to no avail as he simply mirrored her movements. “Haha, s-stop it, Herb!” She gleefully boomed. “You look so ridiculous, hahaha!” Shirley then turns around and playfully flees from Herbert, the male Paracer chasing after her as they laughingly continue their trek onward together. Herbert kept Shirley’s retreating backside in his sight, purposely allowing her to stay ahead. “I’m going to get you!” He exclaimed playfully. “You can’t escape from this mass of hunk, my dear!” Shirley takes a moment from her laughter while still ‘fleeing.’ “Th-this isn’t even remotely close to what happened that day, hahaha.” She bursts through a dense barrier of bushes, Herbert spotting a large sandy clearing on the other side before the greenery of the bushel closes together. “True, but this is the Herbert Edition,” He plows through the greenery, entering the clearing with the night ocean visible to his right and a cliff face to his left, grains of sand being kicked up as he came to a sudden yet exciting stop.  “Here’s Herby!” His gaze shot left to right with a smile, setting it forth, only to spot his lover staging upward to a nearby cliff face.  Herbert’s excitement slowly morphed into curiosity and confusion, stepping forth and approaching his lover. “Shirley?” He questioned, his stomps signaling his approach. “Dear? Are you ok?” His beloved gave no response, and Herbert soon made his way around Shirley’s rear to glimpse at her face. But at that very moment, fear consumed his form, matching the same horror plastered on his lover’s facial canvas. His senses roared out to him, sending danger signals… Just like they did earlier in the day as they transported Rainbow Dash.  Shirley was simply at a loss for words, her mouth opening and closing as her ears are folded against her head. Herbert finally, yet hesitantly, followed her eyes… and he saw what could only be described as a nightmare given flesh: Neither paracer could entirely describe it, and the only thing they could manage was the black silhouette of a raptor. But they had never seen one covered in what looked like flames, casting an eerie hue of crimson-orange. It stared at them, and they could only peer back, not daring to lose sight of it—fearing where it could pop up from again if they did. Then, the duo gasped in unison as the flaming menace lifted its head and let loose a haunting call: Dead silence takes hold… Another raptor reveals itself… then another… and another, each lacking the flaming aura of the first, whose size dwarfed them all. They answered its’ call… The call of a true alpha. More and more agile, sickle-toed presences arrived, standing on the cliff, eyes glowing red. Soon, an army of twenty raptors gazed down upon the mammals, teeth bared and claws at the ready. Herbert and Shirley backed away slowly, but with another call from the flaming alpha, the army roared out and began to scale down the cliff with graceful yet savage ease. The raptors reached ground level and charged forth ravenously, roaring together in perfect sync. All while the alpha watched from the elevation. “Get behind me, Shirley!” Herbert roared, stomping his limbs in a threat display. But the encroaching predators were unfazed. Seeing this, Herbert growled and narrowed his eyes. “You have to run away!” He threateningly roars at the approaching horde. “Go, now!” “I can’t just leave you-!” “This isn’t a normal raptor pack!” Herbert interjects. “The one covered in flames has done something to them! Leave! NOOOOW!” The first raptor attempts to leap onto Herbert’s chest region as he shouts back to his lover, but the Paracer quickly swings his neck sideways and bats away the predator with frightening force, shattering the sickle-toed entity’s innards and immediately killing them. “Run, Shirley!” Shirley hated the very idea of leaving him behind. “No!” She shouts angrily, charging forth and standing beside Herbert. “Darn it, Shirley, I told you to-!” “We are mated for life, you foolish Paracer!” Shirley interjects sternly, the pack of raptors fanning out before them. “If you stay, I stay! If you fight, I’ll fight!”     Herbert knew better than to argue with her when she was like this. Then again, he liked the odds of them faring better together.  “Thank you,” He said, forming a smirk. “Till death do us part, dear,” She responds, the duo rearing up and stomping their feet in unison. “Till death do us part!” Another call from the alpha echoed out, and the pack broke itself in half. They began to run around the Paracers in two separate directions, attempting to reach their flanks. Due to the open terrain, the more agile and speedy entities had favor, flawlessly maneuvering just beyond the reach of the titanic duo. Herbert and Shirley could only turn with their opponents, each keeping an eye on the two separate halves of the pack. But something was off; why would both halves of the pack maneuver to the same location? The mammals would’ve expected one half to attack from the front, with the other half trying for the rear. In that case, it would’ve been a simple act of the lovers standing back to back. The pack reformed again, and in unison, they approached the Paracers, biting at the air and fainting a pounce, slashing at the sand beneath them with their claws. Herbert and Shirley backed up in unison, but another call from the alpha sounded off, similar to the first. “We can do this, dear!” Herbert motivated, Shirley nodding with a scowl aimed at their opponents. “The entire pack is in front of us, so all we- AAAGH!” A pained roar exits Herbert’s throat, and in one smooth, rapid motion, three raptors latched themselves onto either of his sides, two on the left and one scaling him on the right. Each repeatedly bites and carves into Herbert’s flesh, sending ripples of pain throughout his entire form. “Herbert!” Shirley cried out, turning to swat the sickle-bearing threats off of Herbert. But then, she saw it coming from their rear: another pack closing in from behind them, its’ numbers rivaling the former’s.  -What?!- She screamed internally. -Another pack?! How?!- She was beginning to feel completely helpless, but Herbert’s pained-filled grunts snapped her out of her stupor, and she immediately tried to aid her mate. They were surrounded, but with a mighty swing of her head, Shirley bats off the raptor that had scaled onto Herbert’s back. And as the predator landed and writhed on the sandy floor, Shirley plummeted her right forelimb onto the dinosaur, mushing them in the process.  However, the raptors that had remained pounced on Herbert’s side suddenly jumped off, leaving behind several wounds as the Paracer grits his teeth. The newly arrived pack immediately repeats the actions of the first, spreading out and joining the other mass on the other side of the mammalian duo. “Herbert!” Shirley cried in worry, spotting lines of blood traveling down from gaping wounds. “Oh, Herb.” “I-I’m f-fine!” He tried, his neck slightly lowering to the ground. But before they could speak any more words, another call escaped from the fiery alpha on the cliff nearby.  Now numbering in the 30s, the conjoined pack proceeded toward the duo, causing them to back up in response. For every step the predators took forward, Herbert and Shirley took a step back. But something became apparent as Shirley glanced at their rear: They were being driven to the cliff, but above all else, the flaming menace at the precipice was gone.       She shot her gaze forward again, and before long, Shirley and Herbert’s rears pressed up against the rocky walls of the cliff. The raptor pack had fearlessly pushed them back, and although the ridge prevented the pack from attacking their rears, there was nowhere else to go but forward. “H-H-H-Herbert,” Fear drenched Shirley’s voice. “Wh-what do we d-do…?” Herbert didn’t want to admit it outwardly; he couldn’t—he needed to be strong for her. But… he had no idea what to do. Except, there was one thing he could do for his beloved. “Shirley…” Herbert began, a crowd of growling and sand movements ominously consuming the duo’s sense of hearing. “I’m going to buy you an opening.” He finished determinedly. “Wait, what are you-” Herbert roared with newfound vigor as he charged like a freight train, seemingly ignoring his lover’s voice. He makes contact with the mass of teeth and claws, stomping on several raptors, which causes others in great numbers to ounce onto him. “Shirley!!” He painfully called out, swinging his body from left to right, throwing some of his opponents off in the process. “Goooo!” A moment of inner conflict stopped Shirley dead in her tracks. But before she could decide, the Paracer felt several small rocks falling onto her back, garnering her gaze as she looked back to the wall and upward. She immediately screamed as the fiery alpha was in the process of falling down upon her: Shirley’s cries garnered Herbert’s attention, his body covered in raptors and wounds. “NO!” He roared out. “LEAVE HER ALONE!” He moved in her direction, pushing through the pain that literally ate at his body.  But members of the horde carved at Herbert’s hind legs’ tendons, causing him to fall over. His body’s girth shook the earth upon impact, and although he luckily smashed members of the pack in doing so, the remaining members swiftly went for his neck and head region, his voice being silenced by several well-placed cuts to his throat. “HERBEEERT!” Shirley cried, but the haunting presence on her back drove its claws into her flesh. She cried out in pain, thrashing with all she could muster to get the alpha off her. One of the alpha's sickled toes had snapped due to the large mammal's struggling. Even so, the fiery menace continues to claw its way over to the backside of Shirley’s neck base, harshly pulling its digits out of her as it crawled along before plunging them into her again with every move.  Reaching its’ targetted area of Shirley’s struggling mass, the alpha raptor maintained its grasp at the back of the Paracer’s neck base.  Shirley then plotted to slam herself against the wall of rock and dirt, hoping to smash her opponent. But before she could enact her plan, the presence on her back swiftly crawled to the under portions of her neck. She could feel its’ claws digging into the sensitive area, and her head raised up to the night’s crescent moon. “Moss! Harley! I l-love-!” Her words were cut off, and she gargled as the alpha plunged its’ claws deep into her neck before driving it upward, roaring while doing so. Shirley could feel the coldness of the night enter her opened passageways, and she chokingly lost breath with every passing second. The remaining Paracer fell over and onto her right side, her nearby mate’s body being devoured by the collective of raptors. Shirley’s left eye weakly stared into the night sky, memories and regrets filling her mind. And the last thing she saw was the flaming menace’s crimson orbs coming into view, staring into her own. "My babies... I'm... s-sorry..." > Chapter 75 - Thrum's Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Eastern Swamp Biome: Outpost of the Traveling Merchant- The Ark’s morning sun fueled the swamp’s sweat-inducing humidity as Tharn absorbed it all with a deep and gleeful breath, standing upon the outpost’s watchtower. “Ahhhhh!” he breathed out, “I just love the smell of swamp in the morning!” “You sure that smell’s not coming from your ass?” Moss’s voice responds from below, garnering the ape’s attention, who looks over the wooden railing and down upon the Spinosaurus.  “Because I’d wager my sail that it is.” Tharn chuckled as the dinosaur rested on its’ stomach region, limbs folded with its’ tail curled at a crescent angle. Harley could be seen slumbering alongside her adoptive brother… but in a most unusual way.   “Neh, neh!” the slumbering Paracer kicked her forelimbs into the air as if in a fight, laying on her back as her chest raised and lowered with every breath she took. “My Mejoberries…” she licked her lips, snorting, “Mmmm… yummy…” “Haha! Must be a nice dream,” Tharn said from above, arms resting on the wooden railing. “And good morning to you too, big guy.” Moss fought the urge to faceclaw at his sibling’s antics. “Yeah, sure…” he looks away from Harley with a slight chuckle and looks up at the ape. But upon noticing Tharn’s newly sported, cheeky grin, the dinosaur rolled his crimson eyes. “I know that look. There’s shit-talking inbound.” “Heh, I’m just amazed, is all. But you’re not wrong about the shit-talking, either.” “Neh!” Harley kicked at the air again, the duo turning to her before looking at each other. All the while, the outpost slowly began to stir to life as several other individuals escaped from the realm of slumber, even getting straight to work as they moved several crates filled with items and tended to the needs of tamed entities. As for breakfast, it was served with but mere access to their implants. “Hear me out:” Tharn began. “Moss, the King of the Eastern Swamp Biome, who dominated every other Spinosaurus in his domain, is also overprotective of his baby sister. It’s jush sho cute!”  Moss growls. “Oh, screw yo-” “Neh!” “OUCH!” The dinosaur suddenly cries out in pain as Harley’s left forelimb strikes the side of his head in her sleep.    “Ahahaha-! Woah, woah, oh, shit!”  Tharn abruptly screamed as Moss’s head slammed into the side of the watchtower due to Harley’s strike, causing the overlook to shake, and, as a result, Tharn fell over the railing while attempting to catch his balance, but to no avail. The ape grunts as he lands and bounces off the top portion of Moss’s jaw before meeting ground level, splayed out on his stomach region. “Mehah! Idiot,” Moss comments in pain, caressing the spot his sister had struck with a claw. “Fuck you,” Tharn retorts, though muffled as his face is buried in the dirt. ………. The circular door of the house built into a hollowed tree, the outpost’s most notable structure, is pushed open after some fiddling with its’ metallic doorknob. Rainbow Dash’s form is the first to exit the structure, followed by Thrum, who gently kicks the door closed behind them. They momentarily observed the inner portions of the now-active outpost, standing at the precipice of a small flight of wooden stairs.  “Uh, what’s up with those guys?” Rainbow inquires, noticing the recovering forms of Moss and Tharn near the gate and its’ watchtower. “Ah, their usual routine, I’m sure,” Thrum answered with shrugged shoulders.  Rainbow cocks her head in short interest, turning to the top hat-wearing ape. “By the way, thanks for letting me and Vanellope crash here for the night, Thrum.” Thrum looks down at her, their size difference all too apparent. “Think nothing of it, Dash. The swamp is extremely dangerous at night, as I’m sure you already know. And although you can fly, your Raptor friend can not. It would behoove me to see either of you meet such an unfortunate end in there.”  Rainbow nods gratefully, but a sudden thought occurs. “Speaking of which, where is Vanellope?” Chuckling heartfully, Thrum pointed his right thumb over the same shoulder. “See for yourself. In fact, It’s why I came to wake you up.” The pegasus swung her head to Thrum’s side, trying to look behind him, and immediately stifled laughter with a hoof covering her muzzle from what she saw. “Heh. Well, well, Vanellope’s been holding out on us. Pfft-hehe…”  There, in the short distance, was Vanellope, along with several attendants of the outpost who tended to various beasts that resided in closed kennels of varying sizes. However, it was what stood before the dinosaurian member of the Tribe of Harmony that garnered Rainbow’s laughter: another Raptor.  The Raptor sported a dark shade of red hide and scales and was adorned in multicolored feathers—instantly gaining some bonus points from Rainbow, she had to admit. And from what the pegasus could make out via her implant’s HUD, it was a male: Walken - Lvl 102 Walken flared his feathers out in a display while standing on one leg before switching to another, bobbing his head up and down, chirping in various tones.  As for Vanellope… she was unimpressed, merely staring at the display with her own version of a deadpan expression. “Morning, Vanellope,” Rainbow began on approach with a smirk, Thrum alongside her as the duo trekked across the grassy terrain.  She might not be an expert on the subject, but thanks to her time with Fluttershy, she immediately knew the clear signs of a courting ritual. After all, Raptors are technically deadly yet flightless birds. At least, she’s pretty sure it’s something along those lines. “Heh, whaddya know? I take my eyes off you for a little while, and you run off to get yourself courted. You work fast, girl. I’ll give you that.”  Vanellope unamusedly glanced back to the pegasus with a growl before shifting back to Walken’s display. A furious and thunderous roar escaped from her throat, garnering the attention of nearby individuals, and the action immediately ceased the male Raptor’s efforts. Walken lowered himself to the ground in submission with a series of chirps, and, satisfied, Vanellope turned away, her tail swinging over him as she made her way back to Rainbow. “Jeez,” Rainbow began as the Raptor approached, Thrum speaking with a passing-by ape. “Talk about overkill… was a simple ‘No’ too much to ask for?”  Vanellope seemingly ignored the pegasus, trekking past the equine and making her way toward the nearby tree house. “Vanellope?” Rainbow calls out as she watches the Raptor flawlessly pounce onto the tree house’s trunk and begin to scale it.  Vanellope soon rests upon a large branch, her tail hanging and swaying side to side as she looks away from the outpost’s inner sanctum and out to the swamp.   The scenario gained many questions from Rainbow as she observed Vanellope inquisitively, head tilted and ears raised fully. She then looked to the formerly rejected male Raptor, who was in the process of recovery, having lifted themself to their full stature. “Sorry about that, dude… maybe next time.” Walken looked down at the equine, scanning her form before looking back at his feathers. He repeats this action several more times, Rainbow managing to catch on as she grabs onto her mane with a forelimb. “Heh,” She chuckled in pride. “Yeah, my mane is awesome, but your feathers aren’t too shabby, either.” “I take it you got rejected, Walken?” Thrum’s encroaching voice inquired, joining the duo and garnering their attention. “That’s a surprise. Usually, you land mates with little to no effort.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “I can’t help but detect a double meaning here…” “Hah!” The top hat-wearing ape cackled. “And you’d be right! For, you see, Walken here is often sold for mating. Many tribes are amazed by the colors of his feathers and seek to integrate his genes into their ranks.” “W-wait, you mean…” The pegasus’s face flared red, eyes widening. “O-oh…” “Come now, Dash, don’t be too judgmental,” Thrum waved dismissively. “Aren’t you familiar with how breeding works?”    “O-of course I’m familiar with that sappy stuff!” Rainbow asserts with flared wings. “But not going around like some kind of whorse.” “Colorful language, but tsk, tsk, tsk,” Thrum emphasized with an appointed index finger. “You evidently are NOT familiar with the actual benefits of breeding. Here’s the thing: the enhancements applied to a tribe’s tames can-” “Change the subject, please,” Rainbow groan-fully interjects, a wing covering her face. “This is the kind of stuff meant for Fluttershy, not me.” Thrum laughs lightly. “I’m quite curious to meet your fellow Equus’s soon; you speak quite highly of them. Very well, then. Let’s get to a proper transaction.” He adjusts his top hat and stance, clasping his legs together while beaming a smile.  “So, do you remember our discussion from yesterday? My offer?” Rainbow forms a mischievous grin. “Basically: I race other survivors on this island to those drops and bring whatever’s in them to you, right?” “Precisely. Call it a discount as, considering your tribe is newly established, you lot naturally won’t have the goods and resources that would interest us.” “No problem,” The pegasus confidently waved a forelimb. “Consider it done.” “My, my. Cocky, aren’t we?” Thrum amused. “Well, going back to our breeding discussion for a moment, you should know that other tribes have bred pterosaurs with incredible speed specifically for this purpose. I trust you know what I’m getting at?”   Rainbow narrowed her eyes, her grin still vibrant. “You doubt me, buddy?” “Very much so. Unless, of course,” Thrum sports a grin of his own, “you can prove me wrong?” A dead silence ensues. “Challenge me,” Rainbow dared.  “Pardon?” “Challenge. Me.” A smile stretched across Thrum’s face. “As you wish.” The ape spun in place with a flourish and pointed toward the direction of a particular; central biome: The Redwoods.  “I want you to pick up a delivery for me from Sir. Gideon Apesworth of the Tribe of Maimuta. And you have thirty minutes to get back here with the goods. This will also be a test of your loyalty, Rainbow Dash. You seem nice enough, but you can’t expect me to trust someone I’ve only known for barely a day.” Rainbow laughed heartfully. “You call that a challenge, Thrum?” She hovers in place and meets the ape at eye level. “I’ll do it in ten minutes flat! And I’ll have you know that loyalty is one hundred percent a part of who I am, aside from being awesome, of course. In other words: Rainbow Dash doesn’t buck anycreature over. Believe it!” “Impressive. But actions speak louder than words, my friend.” Realization dawns on Thrum’s face. “Oh! Before you go, you’ll need my seal, and I’ll need to outfit you with our banner. Wouldn’t want King Grok’s forces to shoot you down now, do we?”  . . . “...Sh-shoot me down?!” ………. Disregarding the conversations on ground level, not to mention Walken’s earlier ‘display,’ Vanellope kept her gaze locked onto the swamp from her tree-branched overlook.   In truth, she hadn’t meant to brush off Rainbow as she did, but… No, she couldn’t even consider the thought of mating, not after all that she’s had to endure…  The betrayal... The lost...  “Hey, Vanellope!” Rainbow Dash called from below, garnering the Raptor’s attention as she turned in place on the branch to look down upon the cyan mare.  However, Vanellope instantly noticed what the equine had adorned over their Hide Armor: a white vest-like apparel with the insignia of a top hat hovering over an island.  “I have to go out on my own, but I’ll return in ten minutes, easily!” “So you claim, hah!” Thrum taunts from near the pegasus, earning a snort from Rainbow before she looks back up to the Raptor. “You gonna be okay without me?” Vanellope chirps with an affirmative nod before lifting herself up from her perch and scaling down the tree house. Her sickled feet capsize grass as she lands on ground level, walking over to the pegasus and gently bumping them with her snout. “Heh, I’ll be fine, Vanellope,” Rainbow assures, rubbing the dinosaur’s lower jawline. “Just take care of yourself, you hear me? And don’t do anything stupid; I mean it.” The duo parted with an understanding as Rainbow Dash looked in Thrum’s direction, nodding at him. “I’m ready.” Thrum returned the gesture, raising his left arm and focusing on the diamond-shaped implant resting on his wrist, which came to life with vibrant blue lights.  “Alright! On your mark!” Rainbow lowers herself to the ground, preparing for liftoff. “Get set!” The event drew the attention of other residents of the outpost. “Go!” The pegasus flaps her wings downward and swiftly kicks into the air with haste, creating a small gush of wind while instantly garnering several dumbfounded expressions, slacked jaws, and some comments:  “Woah!” “That’s incredible!” “I’ve never seen anything get airborne that quickly before!” ………. Harley, having long awoken from her slumber and apologized for striking her brother, is among those who observed the flying pegasus in wonder. “Wooowie!” She beamed, ears flickering. “She’s super, duper, fast! Ooh, I hope mom and dad can see this!”     Both Moss and Tharn were too dumbfounded to speak, jaw and maw having been dropped from the very second Rainbow took off.  ………. Thrum wide-openly stares at Rainbow’s form, which distanced with every passing moment. And a nervous chuckle escapes from his throat. “Y-you know… starting to regret my wager…”  However, due to the unexpected nature of this grand scenario, no one in attendance had noticed Vanellope’s form that had climbed over the outpost’s wooden walls. None… except for Walken, who swiftly follows suit. > Chapter 76 - Rules of Nature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cool morning winds soothed Rainbow Dash’s form as she flew with all due haste, determined to beat Thrum’s challenge in, as she would prove with her actions, ten minutes flat.  The pegasus flew as high as possible to avoid detection, draping a forelimb across the impenetrable dome-shaped barrier that capped the entire Ark, her eyes resting on it in fascination: She recalled Granny Pithecus telling them how apes throughout the entire island had tried to explore the sky and sea in the past thoroughly—including some of the island’s more sentient beasts capable of flight.  Naturally, all efforts were thwarted by the stitched-together series of hexagons Rainbow’s hoof slid across, often being incredibly fatal as flyers crashed into the barrier with grotesque results and ships sank upon impact, leaving the crew at the mercy of the terrors out at sea.  Soon, and for the betterment and protection of those who became too curious, it became common knowledge among the masses to simply not bother with the very world that kept them all in.  In hindsight, this made Rainbow slightly thankful for Discord’s meddling… she would’ve hated finding out about Equus’s barrier the literal hard way. Speaking of, she made a mental note to apologize to the Overseer—if she ever saw him again. Thanks to HLN-A and Spirit’s updates, they knew that Megan Williams was responsible for nudging Discord’s actions, which, by extension, affected their own. But then came the reasoning for this action: the confinement of Edmund Rockwell’s creation: the Corrupted Master Controller.  Sadly, that was the latest update they had received… They didn’t even know if the battle on Equus had been resolved yet.  The pegasus was suddenly drawn out of her self-thoughts as she approached the Green Obelisk, eyes scanning the structure from its highest precipice before traveling downward. However, as Rainbow’s magenta eyes rested upon the Obelisk’s base, consisting of an indent into the earth with stone spires circling the earthly breach and a central platform, she narrowed her brows in concentration. It was faint at first, but as she got closer and closer, the pegasus made out clear signs of hardy structures being holstered within protective walls of conjoined stone and wood. It was all too clear: the presence of another tribe.  The cyan flyer made a mental note to bring it up with her fellow tribe members upon her eventual return to Sanctuary. And while she inertly seemed interested, she was no fool. This island was filled with other tribes, and although she got lucky with the Traveling Merchants, who’s to say that this tribe would be as open-minded? There was no ‘Herbert’ or ‘Shirley’ to vouch for her this time, and there was a particular challenge she refused to lose even if she did. Thus, Rainbow shifts her gaze forth and continues her flight with a thrust of her wings. And as she honed in on the Redwood Biome, a thought occurred to her psyche: -Ok. If I heard everything from yesterday correctly, this Gideon dude is a part of the same tribe that Twilight went to visit. Heh, time to see what an ‘Alpha Tribe’ is all about!-  After a quick glance into her implant, Rainbow beamed a determined smile as she began to descend, passing over another Swamp Biome that kissed the edges of the redwood forestation ahead.  Although, in truth, she probably shouldn’t have boasted about completing the task in ‘ten minutes flat.’ It’s already been seven minutes since her departure from the Outpost, and although she was indeed fast, she knew she was nowhere near as fast as she could be back on Equus. Eh, at least she still had a lot of time left as far as Thrum’s thirty-minute rule was concerned. She shook those thoughts away with a chuckle and unhesitantly plunged into the redwoods. ………. Immediately upon entry, Rainbow’s ears became bombarded by the pure sounds of nature. Bird-like calls echoed across the redwood treetops, which practically blocked out the sun with their leaves with only semblances of the sun’s rays creeping through, while land-based entities stomped across the forest floor. As she flawlessly maneuvered around redwood obstacles, the pegasus’s gaze went downward for a moment as she observed the bountiful wildlife. Paraceratheriums traveled in herds with other herbivorous entities mixed into the gathering.  A pair of elk-like entities currently had their antlers locked together in what Rainbow recognized as a competition for mates, a herd of females—Cows, Rainbow believed the term for female elks was, watching the spectacle from nearby.  Her time spent with Fluttershy since fillyhood certainly had its perks.  Suddenly, her ears picked up something particular, causing her to float in place as she surveyed her surroundings. She couldn’t quite put a hoof on it, but it sounded like a griffon was scaling a tree…? That was the best way she could describe the sound, something she had become accustomed to during her time with Gilda. Seeing nothing in her vicinity, Rainbow simply shrugs it off. After all, there were creatures below her that could’ve caused the sound. Actually, she only now spotted a nearby, small species of Raptor that scaled a tree by flapping its wings and digging its talons into the bark, chasing after some larger variety of dragonflies.  “Heh. Looks like a tiny Vanellope,” She comedically compared before continuing with her flight.  But had she just turned her gaze up, and towards the treeline, she might’ve noticed a patch of orange, brown fur hidden amongst the foliage. ………. Rainbow continued onward and toward the heart of the forest. As per Thrum’s information during their talks, the Tribe of Maimuta’s authoritarian domain rested upon a mountaintop akin to Canterlot.  During her flight, she spots a family of uniquely large bears scaling a tree to reach an equally impressive-sized beehive. Granted, they could never match an Ursa Minor, let alone a Major, in size, but they were undoubtedly the largest bears Rainbow had ever seen that wasn’t made of constellations or had the body parts of a bee/wasp/hornet mixed in. Rainbow then laughs joyfully as she barrel-rolls around another redwood pillar and-     A ravenous beast's sudden, pouncing, and feline presence sent a wave of shock and fear throughout Rainbow’s form.  She cried out as the gargantuan feline tackled her mid-flight and dragged her downward with powerful forelimbs, snarling at her while the duo freefalls to the forest floor. An explosion of pain cracks across Rainbow’s back as she’s slammed into the earth by the beast’s might, her wings splayed out on either side as she coughs up blood from the impact.  The feline swiftly rests a single paw with rendering claws upon Rainbow’s stomach region, effectively pinning her down. The pegasus is still too stunned by the sudden turn of events to resist; her magenta eyes long widened in fear, and her heart rate skyrockets. The beast inhales greedily with closed eyes. “Ahhhh!” It exhaled with a deep, gruff, male voice, eyes opening to reveal yellow/orange orbs dilated in bliss. “Mawlchu just loves the smell of fear in the morning.” Rainbow’s implant injects information into her psyche, which, in turn, displays an appropriate form of identification for the beast towering over her via the pegasus’s HUD: Wild Male Thylacoleo - Lvl 150 “Hola… senorita.” Mawlchu lifts his paw from Rainbow’s form, but before he can speak a word from his flesh-tearing, buck-toothed maw, the equine shoots onto her hooves in one fluid motion and begins to retreat. Rainbow couldn’t even describe her actions, and her body simply moved on autopilot. Twilight had always stated that ponies still had that ‘flight-over-fight’ instinct engraved into them as they evolved as a species of prey.  Despite how far they’ve come as a society, those instincts would never truly leave them, and Mawlchu kicked Rainbow’s into overdrive. “That’s it, run!” Rainbow didn’t want to look back as she ran; she couldn’t!  “Make this more fun for Mawlchu!” The pegasus ran through greenery and trampled over shrubs, her breaths scorching her lungs as the adrenaline she currently felt numbed the pain from her forced landing.  “You’ll be glad to know that Mawlchu hasn’t had his breakfast yet!” As she ran through a log and emerged from the other side, she could hear Mawlchu’s powerful form leaping from behind her. And as she chanced a glance over her right shoulder, she immediately regretted it… Her ears didn’t lie; Mawlchu growled and roared as he leaped from tree to tree with incredible finesse, his muscles flexing in powering his form. Rainbow gasped—how in the hay could something that big move so Luna damned fast?! “Yes, yes! Fulfill nature’s design, Equus! I, the hunter, and you, the agile prey!”  Mawlchu’s voice echoed from all around her. She knew that he was behind her, leaping from the treetops. And yet, his voice practically encompassed everything around her.  “This is the true way of life!” Rainbow lept over a fallen log that had obscured her path, panting and sweating as her wings were folded to either side. If she were thinking rationally, she should’ve taken flight in an effort to escape. But her mind was simply too clouded by the need to run. Besides, judging by the sounds encroaching on her rear… she didn’t doubt that Mawlchu could just pounce on her once again.  “This is the rules of nature!” The pegasus ran and ran for all that she was worth, her boastfulness as an athlete being put to the test. Nearby entities fled from the hunting scenario, too, and a selfish side of Rainbow honestly hoped for Mawlchu to turn his attention to them. “I’ve never seen an Equus like you before, chiquita! Pity that I’m only interested in seeing how you taste!”  As if fate had heard Rainbow’s selfish desire, it slapped her across the face in mockery. Mawlchu made it known that he was clearly fixated on her. There were certainly other prey items available nearby, yet he chose her. But then she saw an opportunity dead ahead: a cliff. One that rested at the boundary of the redwoods and served as a potential escape route for the fleeing equine. Yes, if she could just throw herself over the edge, she could- Another thunderous roar escaped from Mawlchu’s throat as he once again pounced onto the cyan mare, forcing her down onto her stomach, a trail of tears strolling down her cheeks. Rainbow dug her struggling forelimbs into the ground, trying to pry herself free from Mawlchu’s grasp.  “Shhhh,” The hunter cooed, leaning down. “It’s ok, prey. You’ve done well, but Mawlchu has won this race, and to the victor comes-”  “YEAAAWH!”  “What are- AAAAARRRRGHH!!” Mawlchu roars out in pain as Rainbow swiftly conjures forth a primitive hatchet from her inventory and drives it into the feline’s side with all the strength she can muster. As the beast thrashes about and tries to get the weapon out of his side, Rainbow gets up again and hurriedly runs toward the nearby cliff. She spreads her wings apart, determination replacing the fear she once was consumed by and rational thought taking hold of her actions. She lept into the air and jumped off of- Mawlchu’s powerful jaws clasped around the back of the equine’s neck, his beaver-like teeth digging into Rainbow’s throat. Blood filled the struggling pegasus’s oral depths, gargling her words as the large feline managed to catch his prey at the very last moment, dangling them over the cliffside. The hunter jolted his head sideways and loosened his toothy grasp, sending the equine soaring toward a nearby redwood tree and slamming against it harshly. And the last thing Rainbow sees through her nearly unconscious gaze due to blood loss and the puncturing of her throat is Mawlchu’s opened maw. ………. At that very moment, all remaining members of the Tribe of Harmony received the appropriate message: Your Tribemate Rainbow Dash - Lvl 21 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 150! ………. Having secured himself a kill, Mawlchu looked down upon the lifeless equine in curious thought. “What an interesting turn of events…” In truth, he had been stalking her from the very moment she entered this portion of the forest—his territory, to be precise. Her appearance immediately sparked his curiosity, and being such a vibrantly colored individual was a literal breakfast calling for the beast. But now, it was no longer her appearance that rattled his mind. No, the fact that she called forth weaponry like the apes living further in the redwoods truly dumbfounded him.  The Thyla had always been wary of the apes thanks to their extensive range of weaponry that they could simply call forth out of thin air. He had developed strategies and various techniques to deal with them, even going so far as to learn their traps to flee properly should he ever become… ensnared. But then there’s this equine… In all of Mawlchu’s years, he had never even conceived the probability that any other lifeform on this island could do what the Gigantos could—'side from the Yetis, but Mawlchu wasn’t foolish enough to challenge them. He would need to be wary and change his hunting strategy should he ever encounter another Equus like this one. But then again, that’s how he’s survived for so very long. He was inertly grateful to the equine, for he had gained new knowledge and would adapt accordingly to it. As such, he would honor his current prey the same way he had done for all that came before them, each one teaching him a valuable lesson: Devour every last shred of her being. Mawlchu lowers his head and bites into Rainbow’s body before picking it up in his maw with little to no effort. He then dug his claws into the bark of a nearby tree and scales it before vanishing from sight in the overbrush. It was time to figure out if she tasted like other Equus. > Chapter 77 - A pirate's life for Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting her bearings with an affirmative giggle, Pinkie Pie sends her map back to her inventory and looks herself over within a cubical-shaped, two-by-two shelter of thatch composition. “Okie dokie—armor?” The pink mare tugs at her Hide Armor with a forelimb. “Check! Weapons, food, and water?” She gazed back to her flank, accessing her inventory as her cutie mark illuminated itself with a light-blue hue. “Checkeroni!” As she continued to assess her supplies, the morning rays of the artificial sun crept through various gaps offered by the collection of dry leaves and modified wood, said wood acting as the backbone of the entire primitive structure.  A brown sleeping bag was positioned nearby, which also happened to be the only furnishing within the living space. The pure simplicity of it all indicated that this shelter was temporary rather than permanent, a trend Pinkie certainly noticed regarding thatch structures.  After some time, the thatched door of the residence is opened with a creak and rustling of leaves, and the sounds of coastal entities bombard Pinkie’s ears as she baths in the warmth offered by the outside world, even from within the doorframe. A single alighted campfire and other nearby structures similar to hers are within her sights. In truth, she hadn’t personally been to this particular area, but her fellow tribe members had informed her of their passing by during HLN-A’s challenge. Smiling, Pinkie proceeds down a small wooden ramp with resounding clops before sinking her hooves into the sand. Having consulted her map, she knew that Herbivore Island was located directly across the sea from the coastal, crescent-shaped cliff indention that encased the encampment she now stood within.  The very same encampment Pinkie, Jack, and several others built after the duo escaped from the Silk Spitters. Speaking of… “Ooh!” The pink mare shouts in realization, eyes widening in response to what had garnered her attention. “Good morning, everyone!” She greets while waving a forelimb before skipping merrily across the beach, kicking up grains of sand along the way. She soon stops in front of three creatures that she immediately recognizes due to Jack introducing her to them shortly after her... capture. On the left is a dodo with bright orange feathers. To her right, a carbonemys with dark green scales and a black shell. Lastly, in the middle, there was a weird salamander... thing, that had a boomerang-shaped head. Yeah, she was still mildly bothered by the yeti’s treachery. Although, given her current circumstance and condition, it probably could’ve been a lot worse. “Alrighty, let’s see if I got this,” Pinkie began, resting her eyes on the ancient turtle among the trio. “You’re Shellshock, right?” Shellshock nods a few times in confirmation. “Great!” The party mare shifts to the Dodo. “You’re Mr. Pecks.” Mr. Pecks flaps his wings while raising his head up high, chirping in affirmation. “And you’re Salamaya!” Pinkie finished with a vibrant smile while Salamaya wagged her tail before crashing it down upon the sand. The trio seemed grateful that the pastel-colored Equus remembered their names. Although, truthfully, Pinkie had utilized her HUD’s features to recite their crimson-colored identifications.  She felt guilty, of course, but what did one expect when you’re suddenly snared in a trap set by a pirating yeti after you two escaped from a bunch of meanie-go-beanies together? Then, said yeti–after breaking your trust, mind you–carries you to the rest of their crew, only for you to help them build an encampment after proper introductions, which results in you trusting the yeti again?! It was a strange turn of events, even by Pinkie’s standards. And Captain Jack Tundra was undoubtedly a unique individual. His mannerisms and actions were a mystery, practically a perfect meld of Capper’s cunning, Captain Celaeno’s authoritative aura as, well, a captain, and Pinkie’s very own unpredictable- Unpredictable. Ooooh… so this is what it’s like for Twilight.  “Well, well, well!” The voice of one Captain Jack Tundra boomed, garnering everyone’s attention as they turned to the yeti’s form standing at the precipice of a towering spire of stone. “I see me crew are up and hearty! Excellent!” He steps forth, “I hope your stomachs are ready for the- OH-OHFGH!” Having overestimated his step, the yeti falls off the rock with flailing arms, grunting as he collides with an outcrop of the boulder before crashing down through a large bush, which engulfs him entirely. Pinkie tried to stifle her laughter while Mr. Peck, Salamaya, and Shellshock looked at Jack’s crash site with deadpan expressions. “Still got me hat!” Jack shouts from the bush, slightly muffled, as a single arm rises out of the bush holding the hat in question. The clumsy yeti then explodes out from the greenery, jumping high into the air to land on the beach, very nearly botching it. “That was unpleasant,” He said while dazed. But a shake of his head sets Jack’s composure to normal, despite him fighting the pain from his introduction. The yeti shakily stumbled his way over to his crew. “Uhm…” Pinkie began as he approached. “Are you ok?” “Never better, Pinker.” The yeti responds, resting his hat atop his head. “Actually, it’s Pinkie!” She corrected with a beaming smile. “Ah, right. Pinkel, got it.” Pinkie’s smile fell into an insulted frown as Jack now stood before his crew. “Mr. Pecks!” He beckoned. “Status report.” The dodo chirps and caws, performing an array of bodily gestures. “Insightful as always, Mr. Pecks!” Pinkie looks between the duo inquisitively. “You… understand him? Ooh! Wait, can you talk to creatures, too? Like Fluttershy?”   Jack blinks, tilting his head. “Of course not. And what in the Phiomia dung is a Flufferfly?” “But-you, you just-huh?” Pinkie flabbergasted. The yeti shook his head, concern plastered on his features. “You’re not making any sense at all, las.”  As Pinkie imitates a goldfish with wide eyes, truly, she seriously couldn’t fathom how he made it seem like she was the crazy one here, Jack shifts his gaze to Shellshock.  “It would seem our latest recruit has gone a little mad in the nog’n. Would you mind bringing the Equus along, Shellie?”    Shellshock nods, shifting his body sideways as Jack casually picks Pinkie up by the back of her neck and places her onto the ancient turtle’s shell. “My thanks. Alright then, you bunch of Trilobites!” The captain exclaims while clasping his hands together. “Let’s be on our merry way.” They then proceed toward the encampment’s exit as Pinkie retains her stupefied expression. ………. A closed wooden gateway with spiked walls reaching out on either side is laid bare before Jack, guarded by two incredibly large Ursidae with snow-white fur.   Pinkie remembered these two quite nicely. Especially the part when they growled at her and likely would’ve eaten her were it not for Jack’s assurance when she first arrived in his captivity. Yup, good times, the turtle-mounted mare recollected. “Urd, Sidan,” Jack greets with a flourish. “My beautiful Dire Polar Bear lasses. I trust everything is ready for our departure?” Urd, the Dire Polar Bear to the right, sits on her rump and gives the captain a saluting gesture. Her fellow ursine, Sidan, walks over to the gate and pushes it open with her powerful forelimbs. In the short distance beyond the opened gateway, the forms of Mr. Peck and Salamaya can be seen encroaching upon a fairly large ship with white sails. “Oooooh…” Pinkie draws in wonder. “Now listen up, Pinkel.” Pinkie wanted to correct the captain, but had already resigned to the fact that either he genuinely forgot her name, or this was just some nickname he chose of his own volition. Either way, one thing was clear. Unlike her, he knew what he was doing. She had already acknowledged that she couldn’t even compare to his skills out at sea despite his moments of going loco in the coco. With that in mind, she perks up her ears and looks on attentively. “Are you sure this is what you want? The life of a pirate is one of constant conflict, especially if you’re going to be sailing with a yeti like me.” He flashed a toothy grin. “But let me assure you that the rewards are plentiful, and you can approach all manner of situations your way.  Typical sailors of this island follow the rules and regulations established by their tribes. But us pirates? We make our own rules. And we enforce them with the strength of our backs and the sweat of our brows. But above all, a pirate must always remain true to their code.  Always stay true to your ideals—your dreams. A strong will is a powerful weapon on this island, las. Never forget that.” The yeti allowed a moment of silence for his words to sink in for the pink equine.  “So, with all that in mind, I ask you,” He leaned towards the pink mare, “are you prepared? Know that whatever choice you make, there's no turning back. You’re either come with me and me crew, or you can trot right off. The decision is yours. But pirates' honor dictates 'no take-backs,' savvy?” To say that Pinkie’s mind was racing would be an understatement. She had to think this through–hay, she didn’t even know what kind of pirate Jack envisioned himself as. Although, In all fairness, Jack and his crew had been quite courteous to her despite the yeti tricking her like he did. But still, she had to wonder. Was he tyrannical like King Sombra? Was he just pretending to be friendly only to have meanie-pants motives hidden beneath kindness, like Chrysalis? Or was he somewhere in between, like Discord? But then it hit her. Despite Jack seemingly being a culmination of past enemies and friends in motives and actions, one thing benefited him, which admittedly made her warm up to him. Or, at the very least, still willing to trust him–Jack has never once made her Pinkie Senses go off. So, filled with new resolve, she made her choice with an affirmative gesture. “Aye, aye, captain!”  Jack rises to his full stature and chuckles in joy. “Then let’s be off! You’ll be up in the Crow’s Nest, Pinkie Pie!”  Pinkie’s eyes widen with stars as Jack walks off and toward the direction of the parked ship.  “H-he remembered my name!” She celebrated with raised forelimbs as Shellshock began to move, passing through the gateway and flanked by Urd and Sidan. Pinkie was ecstatic. She was finally in the process of conquering the seas. Only now, she’d be doing so with Jack, and she couldn’t wait to see just how good he was in action, and she would be ready to absorb all he could offer. Shellshock made his way across the beach, Bears in tow, and Pinkie soon gets a clear view of the vessel from atop the turtle’s shell.       “Oi, Pinkie!” Jack calls out, having boarded the vessel and gone to man the helm, arms resting on the wooden railings. Pinkie looks upward. “Yes, captain?!” “Once you’re on board, we’ll talk about Tribe Alliances. Before you ask, yes, I long since noticed that ‘Tribe of Harmony’ bit to your identification.” She giggles while nodding. “You got it!” However, a sudden thought occurs as she looks over her right shoulder. “Oh! What about the encampment, cap-” [KTHOOM] An explosion suddenly encompassed the encampment, pieces of thatch structures and wooden barricades falling with other debris. Slowly, a shocked, slack-jawed pink equine turned her gaze back to the yeti, who held a remote in his hand. “Want to cover your tracks, Pinkie? A nice batch of C4 can do the trick quite nicely.” > Chapter 78 - Ankylo-trapper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rays of the morning sun waged war with bushels and trunks of trees as the Survivor, donned in his ghillie suit, crept through the forestation, knees bent and arms offering balance. He soon entered a grassy clearing and approached one of the nearby boulders offering a generous elevation. The distant forms of the hovering green obelisk and the redwood biome’s towering red spires offered a fine scenery and a visible, foreign water source that sated one’s thirst. But now wasn’t the time for absorbing the Ark’s beauty. The Survivor was a man of focus, commitment—pure willpower. And right here, right now, he’d- oh, his stomach’s growling. Reaching the boulder, the Survivor began to scale it while munching on some cooked meat. It was quite thoughtful of Applestack- er, Applejack, to make this for him earlier as they prepared for their goal, which consisted of one or, if all went according to plan, several things.  Case in point; resource harvesters. And as the Survivor reached the boulder’s precipice, a bite-sized scrap of his snack held firmly in his left hand, he immediately nodded upon spotting his target.    A spyglass manifests into the human’s right hand, and a single eye hones in on the dinosaur with the useful item, their identification presenting itself on the Survivor’s HUD. Wild Male Ankylosaurus - Lvl 46  The herbivore’s brown and green armor with piercing black spikes protruding off its back reflected the sun. All while the beast itself grazed peacefully as its rock-shattering, metal-bending sledgehammer of a tail swayed side to side lazily.  The Survivor and Applejack had spotted the renowned metal harvester near their home yesterday evening and tracked it down after finishing their morning preparations. It was the perfect opportunity. Actually, this would be the human’s test for his equine companion. Speaking of… A familiar orange form donned in hide armor stirred and stood on an adjacent boulder to the human’s own. -Ah! There she is!- He said internally. -Seriously, though, her bright colors can be both a blessing and a curse. Hmm. I should have her cover up more of her fur. In any case, let’s see if you’ve been listening, pony.-   ………. Applejack looked down upon the quadrupedal living tank with a smirk, the Survivor visible on the boulder across from hers.  “Ah’right, ankylo-feller.” She chuckles, “You’re ours now.”  She summons a crossbow, and a series of green arrows laced with narcotics holstered in a brown hide quiver. The orange mare immediately equips the items, forelimbs entering the looping straps of the quiver so it rests firmly on her back. Applejack plucks an arrow from the quiver and spins it around in a forehoof before holding it between her teeth. She then pulls back the crossbow’s string, sets the arrow on the flight groove, and aims at the dinosaur’s exposed forelegs. -That armor’s g’nah be a problem. Luckily, the guy’s got that same ol’ weakness as ol’ Tank: mighty slow, ‘as got a soft underbelly… and them exposed legs.- The pony had never wielded such a weapon before in her life. Sure, she often saw the guards of Ponyville and Canterlot–particularly pegasi units–favoring the ranged weapon. And yet, with a simple application of Engrams that flooded her brain with information–that was the best way she could describe it–she reckoned that she could give every guard in history a run for their bits in an archery contest. Applejack breathes in, and pulls the trigger as the tranq arrow is let loose. [KSHLANK] The projectile soars through the air, and the earth pony exhales just before the arrow makes its mark.  The ankylosaur is startled and roars out as a jolt of pain travels up through its leg, along with the subtle effects of the tranq arrow taking hold. The dinosaur slams its tail on the ground in a threatening display, creating an indent in the earth and causing a small tremor as it swivels its head to survey its surroundings.  The prehistoric beast rotates in place while hunkering down, but another arrow pierces its right hind leg, causing the tank to shift toward the direction quickly. The herbivore’s eyes finally managed to locate its orange opponent, and with a roar that sounded like a honk mixed with the blowing of a saxophone, the dinosaur galloped forward.  Seeing the Ankylosaurus’s steady, albeit slow approach, Applejack took her eyes off her opponent and hurriedly pulled back on the crossbow’s string. However, her gaze immediately shot back to the dinosaur as her ears picked up a commotion, eyes widening in shock. “Oh, my apple-buck’n gawrsh!” The orange mare immediately jumps off the boulder to dodge a barrage of rocks and debris hurled at her, caused by a mighty strike of the ankylosaur’s tail plunging into the earth. A small crater is present at the dinosaur’s rear, and it begins to charge at the pony at the boulder’s base once more like an armored freight train.   Applejack may have lost her vantage point, but she simply smirks as she runs a short distance from the ankylosaur–which changes direction in pursuit–loads up another arrow, and takes aim before pulling the trigger. But the dinosaur displays some intelligence as it seemingly anticipated the equine’s shot and hunkers down, causing Applejack’s arrow to ricochet off the dinosaur's armor. With the coast clear, it begins the chase anew.   Applejack was both impressed and a little frustrated by how things were going. Still, the cowmare has her speed advantage. She loads another arrow onto her crossbow’s flight groove, before running around the dinosaur while staying beyond the range of its club tail. She very much enjoys not being a stain on the ground, thank you. The ankylosaur simply rotates in place while crouching low to the ground, so if the equine fires another shot, he’d be ready to deflect it with his armor. Applejack tries to juke out the dinosaur, but it flawlessly rotates itself in perfect sync. -Luna, dangit!- The orange mare cursed internally. -It might not be a fast runner, but this thin’s mighty quick at turn’n! Horseapples. If ah don’ come up with somethin’, ah’m gonna wear mahself out.- ……….          The Survivor observed the spectacle from his vantage point with crossed arms, and like his equine companion, he had long since noticed that Applejack was ironically playing into the ankylosaur’s strength. -Interesting. Very interesting. It would seem that the Ankylosaurus species have developed their leg muscles—not for running, but for precise turning. And, of course, to help them bear the weight of the heavy materials they harvest. Things truly have changed here… this is going to get complicated.- He remembered how different things were when he first arrived on The Island. Simply put, this island's creatures were much dumber back then, and an anky was absurdly easy to bring down. One could even use a simple slingshot to do it, so long as they had enough rocks for ammunition, resources to repair their slingshot, and time to spare. But now he was facing a new island altogether, one where its creatures have varying levels of intelligence—Helena’s sake, some could even talk! And there was also the fact that the gigantopithecus species were humanity’s replacements on this Ark, complete with their own implants and the capability to respawn. That, paired with what he had experienced when he first returned here after barely escaping from Rockwell’s so-called ‘Seat of Divine Ascension,’ only meant that tribal warfare would be inevitable… It was only blind luck that he and Applejack–yes, he finally got it right–haven’t run into a large enemy tribe yet. It was Aberration all over again, where he had first experienced warfare against other humans, let alone anything that could rival your own intellect that wasn’t an Overseer.  Well… minus the high radiation levels, earthquakes, freaks lurking in the darkness, and mushrooms that make you poop uncontrollably while also choking on your own vomit–you know what? Never mind all that. Still, it was nice to have Applejack’s company. She was practically another human, just like him, only equus-shaped. Or pony, as she had often corrected him. He naturally still had a lot of questions, but for now, it would be best for them to prepare for a rendezvous with the rest of her tribe. Shaking those thoughts away, the Survivor realized he had averted his gaze from the conflict between pony and dinosaur during his reflections. Applejack was clearly becoming fatigued while the ankylosaur waited patiently, still hunkered down and practically daring the equine to get closer.   The Survivor figured that he’d best get involved. His student was progressing, but she clearly needed to be reminded of–wait a second… A grin forms on the human’s face hidden beneath his ghillie mask. -Well, well, look who’s finally thinking outside the box. Or, should I say, building one.-   ………. After distancing herself from her foe, Applejack began constructing six wooden foundations as their green holographic outline indicated where they’d be placed.  The foundations form a perfect rectangle following an explosion of blue and white lights. Then, Applejack quickly crafts nine walls, a singular door frame, and a ramp, all made from some wood from her inventory.  Thank Celestia, the orange mare still had the resources to do this. She began to construct something with a plan in mind while heeding her teacher's advice. -Use your building capabilities to your advantage, Applecrack. A well-placed trap can make things much easier; just be careful not to use fragile materials.- Due to his speech disability, the Survivor simply wrote his thoughts on paper before passing them along to her. Simplistic, yet effective. The ankylosaur gallops towards the hastily-crafted, box-shaped structure Applejack had made. It lacked a rooftop, but that paired up well with the ramp outside the structure, allowing someone to fall inside the structure. Or, more accurately, a trap. And it was at the lowest point of this ramp where the cowmare stood. “Come ‘n get me, ya armored cow!” She taunted, shaking her flank while looking back over her left shoulder. “Ah know that yer a male, but ah’m still call’n ya Betsie when this is all over.” The dinosaur roars out as it’s now only a few feet away from the equine, prompting her to scale the ramp while internally praying that her armored pursuer wouldn’t catch on. Luckily, the anky didn’t catch onto her plan, and Applejack jumped into the trap with a resounding ‘Yeehaw!’–followed immediately by the herbivore.  The anky’s sturdy frame slams onto the wooden foundation, and Applejack swiftly makes her way out of the trap through the door frame she had placed adjacent to the ramp. The anky attempts to swing its tail against the wooden structure, but lacks enough clearance to swing with enough force to shatter the walls, only managing to dent them. And there was the added benefit of preventing the ankylosaur from rotating in place. The anky’s eyes rested on Applejack, who grinned from beyond the door frame. “Heh. Sorry about this, big guy.” She loads her crossbow and takes aim. “Hope there’s no hard feel’ns ‘tween us when all’s said and done.” [KSHLANK] After several more arrows pierce the anky’s forelegs, the dinosaur finally succumbs to the tranquilizer’s effects, prompting the cowmare to cry out in celebration.  The sound of clapping hands approaches from her rear as the Survivor compliments his student’s efforts. > Chapter 79 - Cryopod > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following Applejack’s successful trapping attempt, the Survivor leans against the outside portion of the wooden trap as the cowmare tends to the taming process of the unconscious ankylosaur within.  The human’s eyes go skyward, looking upon the artificial sun in thought. He then raises his left hand and accesses his implant to check the time. 9:45 am He nods with a satisfied grunt. The morning was still young, and they were making significant progress. Now that they had the Ark’s undisputed champion in harvesting metal, his next target would be something that served a similar purpose.  With that in mind, the Survivor scrolls through the mental archives of his implant and accesses a particular tab aptly named ‘Explorer Notes.’ From there, he began to skim through several folders, each given a special designation that correlates to a figure of the past and, in some cases, the present: Diana John Dahkeya Raia Helena Walker/The One Who Waits Gaius Nerva Mei-Yin Li Edmund Rockwell A vicious growl is let loose, which vibrates the Survivor’s chest and throat as he spots the folder of the ‘crazed old man with a god complex.’ However, Rockwell’s works were also somewhat incomplete compared to the others, for his story was missing a vital piece to the puzzle. Rockwell was a prominent intellectual and extravagant explorer with a heart of gold. But all of that came crashing down as he slowly but surely fell into the depths of depravity and obsession, which resulted in a horrific monstrosity—a physical manifestation of the corruption that had staked its claim.   But therein lies the issue: what drove Edmund to such ends? This question racked the minds of many who knew of Abberation’s ‘deity,’ not to mention Helena Walker herself, Rockwell’s closest friend. Perhaps there was some merit to the Survivor’s current predicament. He only managed to escape from the broken Ark due to the actions of the HLN-A unit stationed there. It was because of the AI that he was able to return to The Island. He could only pray that they got out somehow, someway.   But now he was given an opportunity to find any possible leads he might’ve missed concerning Sir Edmund Rockwell. The jigsaw piece that-   “It’s hard finding hope among the hopeless.”  The Survivor is suddenly drawn out of his thoughts as Applejack’s muffled melody graces his ears through the wall. “Sometimes it feels like wasted time. A house of cards, and now you’re homeless. But all you remember is the climb.” The ghillied human steps away from the wall and leans into the nearby door frame, seeing the singing equine within, who rested a forelimb upon the slumbering dinosaur. “It’s hard to know where ah’ might be, If you hadn’t left us three that day, Who ah’ would become or what ah’d see, What advice you’d give me to lead the way. But it’s not hard to feel proud of who we are. You’ve raised a daughter that’s going far.” It’s been two days since they’ve met, and in that time, the Survivor often caught Applejack singing to herself in her moments of solitude. Hence the sight unfolding before him now. The equine had a strange tendency to break out into song, and while the Survivor had seen this on Aberration with some of its survivors, that was mainly around a campfire or in celebration of a victory over Rockwell’s crazed zealots and even the mad god himself.  But Applejack? Singing was second nature to her. And he had to admit… she’s got a damn good voice. Chuckling in amusement, the Survivor pulls back from the doorframe and takes several steps away from the trap as the cowmare within continues her melody. He then resumes browsing his implant’s archives, picking up where he last left off as a cool breeze rustles nearby trees.    He mentally navigates away from Edmund Rockwell and toward two folders that diverged from the Explorer Notes—the dossiers of countless creatures and, interestingly, the guardians of both The Island and Scorched Earth.  Accessing the dossiers of the Ark’s more common life forms, the Survivor ‘scrolls’ down the alphabetically organized library before slowing his pace upon reaching the D-section. It was here that he’d pull up the next target of his and Applejack’s taming endeavors, narrated by the voice of his longtime guardian angel.    Helena Walker.   Due to the near-constant conflicts on Aberration, the HLN-A unit stationed there saw fit to add a sort of voice-over feature for the Survivor’s dossiers. It was quite handy for getting information on the fly rather than disrupting one’s focus in favor of reading Helena’s works. But the Survivor had to wonder, was it the same for the gigantopithecus on the island? What about Applejack? Did any of them have this feature? Questions for later, he decided. Besides, he knew that Applejack and her friends have been in good graces with the HLN-A unit of this installation, so there’s always that route to getting answers. Satisfied, the Survivor began to browse his engrams and cerebral matrix to confirm the offered knowledge of the ankylosaurus and doedicurus saddles. Perfect. He had unlocked them both. However, something else immediately caught his attention, and he let loose a resounding gasp as, despite the item’s blacked-out silhouette, he immediately recognized its shape and designation. -No way… she did it! Helena, you’ve finally finished the- -Sanctuary- “Cryopod!” HLN-A exclaimed in glee, a fireworks presentation showing on their visor as they floated several feet above the current members of the Tribe of Harmony. “Oh, this is simply smashing, mates!” Rarity, Spike, Rudey, and a recently respawned Rainbow Dash looked up to the AI inquisitively, positioned on the patio of their three-story home.  Spike sat on the patio’s stone railing while Rarity rested on one of the three wooden chairs placed on the paved outdoor area. The dilophosaurus, Rudey, donned in hide armor that was graciously given to him by the Element of Generosity, much to his begrudged acceptance, laid on his stomach while lazily swaying his tail.  “What the hay is a cryopod?” Rainbow inquired, wings folded against her armorless frame while standing beside Rarity. There was resentment present in the cyan mare’s voice due to her run-in with Mawlchu. Following that, and upon respawning within the safe confines of Sanctuary, the pegasus had updated her fellow tribe members on all that had transpired prior to her death.  Surprisingly, Rainbow had a somewhat neutral introduction to Rudey, which consisted of her greeting and welcoming him to the tribe. His response was a simple yet clearly annoyed grunt; he was quite the character.  However, she lacked the full details of how Rarity, of all of them, managed to pull it off—questions for later. There was also an interesting event with Spike and a direwolf named Astrid. “I’m glad you asked!” HLN-A responds before descending and hovering just beyond the patio’s railings. “Let me put it this way, loves. How would you like to have a tame of any size manifest before your very eyes with a single toss of a particular item?” “What?!” Rarity shouts in shock. “Really?!” Spike exclaimed in excitement. “That’ll come in handy! How do we make it?” “Huh.” Rainbow brings a hoof to her chin in thought. “It sounds like that Pokémon show Fluttershy and Discord once tried to invite me over to watch with them.”  “Oh, that’s right,” Spike responds in realization, snapping his clawed digits. “It’s a show that began to air in Neighpon not long before Twilight’s coronation. Thanks to Autumn Blaze, I was able to catch a few episodes of it, and it has something called a Pokéball that acts similarly to what you just described, HLN-A.” “Blimey!” The AI was simply amazed. “So this Pokéball has a similar premise, huh? Well, I’ll be darned.” “So how exactly does this Cryopod work, darling?” Rarity asked of the AI. “Riiight. Meanwhile, I’m just gonna sit here and pretend like I know what the fuck you’re all going on about,” Rudey drops while rolling his eyes. “You guys get weirder by the second.” “Gee, thanks…” Rainbow said with a raised eyebrow. “Well, excuse me, but some of us, no names, aren’t freaks from another world. Context, am I right?” Rudey waves a claw dismissively. “Who needs it?” The dinosaur earns deadpanned expressions from Rainbow, Spike, and HLN-A. “Ignoring Rudey’s namesake attitude,” Rarity expressed while shooting the dilophosaurus with a sideways glance before resting her sights on HLN-A. “Please continue, dearie.” She gestures with her forehoof. “Right then,” The AI happily began. “Without getting too complicated with innumerable calculations and vast spectrums of the design process, a Crypod is capable of storing a single life form within a pocketed space. Or, in Equus’ terms, a pocket dimension, only artificially crafted and stored within the device.  It’s similar to what the Arks use to hold their guardians within their respective arenas, but on a much smaller scale. In addition, the creature stored within is preserved in cryostasis, hence the name cryopod. But be warned, there is indeed a time limit. And should your pod expire while still holding a tame, well… Heh, oops.” A moment of shocked realization and silence ensues. “Yeah, no, fuck that!” Rudey roars out, breaking the silence. “If any of you even think about shoving me into some cryo-crap, I’ll-” “Honestly, Rudey, what do you take us for? Barbarians?” Rarity interjects and asks, appalled by the accusation. “We’d never do such a thing without your consent.” “Says the equus who clubbed me into servitude,” Rudey shot back with a scoff. “Thanks for the consent, you force taming hypocrite.” “Oh, this again.” The fashionista groaned with a forehoof sliding down her features. “How many times do I have to apologize for that? Which, by the way, you’ve yet to do. Where’s my apology?” Rudey grins devilishly. “The only thing you’re getting from me, missy,” In one swift motion, the dinosaur gets up, turns around, and lifts his tail while looking back at the unicorn, “is a nice, big honking turd.” True to his word, Rudey proceeds to do the unthinkable: defecating right there on the spot. The action causes all, save for HLN-A, to reel back in disgust. “Jeez, dude!” Spike shouts while shielding himself with his arms. He nearly falls off the railing but flaps his wings to steady himself. “That’s so uncool!” Rainbow exclaims while looking away and fending off the stench with a fanning wing. “Oh, look!” HLN-A beamed. “Fertilizer! Gosh, if only we had crops going, not to mention Plant Species X.” “Aaaahhhck!” Rarity screamed in horror. “How dare you! That’s disgusting!”   “Tell that to all the farmers on this island.” Rudey chuckles darkly. “By the way, master, you’re cleaning that up.” Rarity’s wide-eyed and muzzle-dropped features stare at the dilo, shifts to the droppings, and back to their owner. “I will do no such thing, you absolute beast!” ………. As Rarity and Rudey continued their argument, Rainbow, Spike, and HLN-A subtly ventured off through the air, floating and flying over to the other side of the territory’s central water source before descending to land themselves near Sanctuary’s eastern entrance. “Well, he’s certainly a character,” Rainbow said, landing on the grassy terrain and folding her wings.   “No kidding. Yeesh.” Spike lands alongside the pegasus as HLN-A floats between the duo. “Oh, come now, mates. I’m sure he’ll prove to be an invaluable ally in time.” HLN-A projects each hoof of the tribe’s equine members and Spike’s fist bumping against Rudey’s claw.  Rainbow shrugs. “Eh. I’ll have Vanellope knock some sense into him if it comes down to it.” “I hope she’s alright,” Spike comments worriedly. But his eyes shot wide open as he comes to a horrifying thought. “Wait! Was she with you when you were-” “No, no,” The pegasus interjects. “She’s safe, thank Celestia. I left her with those merchants I told you all about.”  Spike sighs, thankful for the raptor’s safety. “Ah. That’s a relief.” “About that, Rainbow,” HLN-A starts, garnering the pegasus’s attention. “If I understand correctly, you’re on good terms with these merchants, right?” “Yeah, I’d say we’re cool.” The pegasus chuckles, confidence forming and radiating off her face. “Not to brag, but I’ve got some serious connections now. Oh, what the hay; I’ll brag anyway. I’m awesome.” “Oh, boy,” Spike jests while crossing his arms. HLN-A giggles. “Perfect. Then you’re going to be an enormous help in getting the supplies we need to craft some cryopods.” Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a howling wolf presents itself, causing Rainbow’s ears to jet upward at attention. “It’s Astrid,” Spike excitedly shouts as his gaze shoots toward the behemoth-sized stone gateway nearby, its wooden doors closed and secured. “Perfect timing!” As the draconian flew off toward the nearby gateway, Rainbow possessed some knowledge of the dragon’s meeting with the ancient species of canine thanks to a briefing from Rarity. “That must be the direwolf Rarity told me about.” “Sure is, love. And I am quite interested in meeting them, especially since I recognize the name of their pack. It simply can’t be a coincidence, and I want to take this time to confirm a suspicion of mine.” The pegasus cocks her head. “What do you mean?” “Astrid’s pack calls themselves the Howling Wolves. But the thing is, Helena also knew of a tribe who went by that exact same alias a long time ago. Back when she was still... human.” > Chapter 80 - Argent Legion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Sanctuary- The reinforced wooden doors of Sanctuary’s eastern gateway parts with a resounding creek as Spike pries them open while flying. Rainbow Dash and HLN-A approached from the dragon’s rear, magenta eyes and cyclopean visor resting upon a particular white and gray direwolf, who sat patiently on the trail, ears pointing out to the sides. “Good morning, Astrid!” The dragon greets, waving a claw while landing on the paved pathway that cuts through the vegetation. And if one were to traverse it, they’d eventually reach a vacation-inducing beachfront that’s adjacent to the distant yet fear-instilling Dead Island.    “I’m so glad you could make it.” Astrid’s tail began to wag slowly, accompanied by a chuckle. “Hey there, Spike.” Her ears immediately shoot upward as she spots HLN-A and Rainbow Dash’s approach. “Top of the mornin’ to ya!” The AI greets, depicting a friendly gesture upon their visor. “I’m HLN-A. Spike’s told us all about you, and considering you’re not freaking out because of my appearance, he must’ve also told you about us. I must say, it’s been quite some time since I've seen a proper direwolf that wasn’t a projection. I especially love your fur—a truly mesmerizing specimen, if I do say so myself.”  Astrid blinks, tilting her head with uncertainty plastered on her features. “Uhm…thanks?” -What in the Dead Isle is a ‘projection’…? By the pack, it’s going to take me a while to get used to this one.-  “No problem, mate!” HLN-A beamed. Spike faceclaws as Rainbow rolls her eyes at the AI’s antics. “Egghead.” She mocked, gazing at Astrid as HLN-A shot the pegasus with a deadpan expression.  “Sup!” Rainbow salutes boisterously. “Name’s Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer on this island and the most awesome member of our tribe.” She grinned. “Also known as our resident impulsive ego,” HLN-A quipped with a giggle.  “Hey!” “Thanks for nailing the first impressions, girls. Truly.” Spike sighs while turning to Astrid. “Heh. Sorry about that. My friends and family are good-natured, it’s just that some of them have certain…traits. But you’ll get used to it, I promise.”  “What?!” “Oi!” Spike shrugged as he dismissed the voices crying out behind him. “Again, sorry.” “Hmhmm. Well, they’re certainly out of the ordinary, I’ll give them that,” Astrid said. Her expression then became much more serious. “Now then, about what we spoke about yesterday, Spike. Would it be alright if I came in? I swear on the pack’s honor that I won’t cause any issues.” A moment of hesitation overcame the draconian. Granted, it wasn’t because he doubted Astrid’s intentions, especially since she willingly put herself at a disadvantage by coming here alone, as was requested by Spike. No, it was primarily due to him not feeling comfortable with- “You’re the tribe leader now, Spike,” Rainbow states as she pulls up to Spike’s right side, HLN-A floating at his left. It was as if the duo had read his body language and knew exactly what was troubling him. “So if you think you can trust her, I’ve got your back.” “Why else would Twilight have chosen you, love?” HLN-A added. “I’ve noticed it from the moment you all arrived here, not to mention the info I gained from my sister unit on Equus, but you’ve got the traits needed for an exemplary leader.” “Wow…really?” Spike inquired. “Leading’s never really been my thing, you know? I’ve always been an assistant to a leader, but…to be one?”  “You kidd’n?” Rainbow laughed. “Spike, out of all of us, you’re hooves down the best option for leading us with Twilight being, well, ‘away.’ Hay, you two grew up together.” “Under Princess Celestia’s tutelage, might I add,” HLN-A adds.  Rainbow grins. “Exactly! That makes you an awesome blend of an egghead and a badass, Spike!”      “Can’t argue with that!” HLN-A cheered. “The smarts of Twilight with the strength and durability of a brave and glorious dragon with ties to royalty? Sounds like a good idea to me.” Spike stares at the duo with wide eyes, disbelief breaching his thoughts as a patch of crimson grows on his cheeks. “Thanks, girls.” He chuckled. “Really. That means a lot to me.” With affirmative nods from the duo, and a patiently awaiting Astrid, Spike–now encouraged by the trust of his tribe members–turns to the direwolf with a grin. “Welcome, Astrid,” The dragon spins in place and stretches his arms apart in presentation, “to our humble abode called Sanctuary.” He looks over his shoulder with a motivational gesture, “Come on, let’s head over to the watering hole. Once you’re ready, we can fill them in on what we discussed yesterday.” Astrid barked merrily and increased the pace of her wagging tail as if someone had just given the ancient species of canine a treat. Having been granted access, she proceeds into Sanctuary. “Perfect!” She matched Spike’s walking speed as they trekked side-by-side. “Thank you so much for this, Spike. With your help, I know we can save the Howling Wolves from the Argent Legion.”    Those words caused HLN-A to stop dead in their tracks. “I’m sorry - the what legion?” Astrid’s ears twitched upon picking up those words, turning around furiously as if she were about to engage in combat. “The Argent Legion!” She barked and growled. “Those damned overgrown dodos rule the skies with an iron talon!” “Yeah,” Spike adds. “Apparently, they’re a flock of antagonistic argentavis. But these guys are insanely smart, unlike the one that attacked Rainbow Dash and me. Astrid even told me that they wiped out several tribes!” Astrid nods while Rainbow and HLN-A absorb this new information, although the AI has long since begun to piece together a suspicion it harbored.   “Great,” Rainbow snorts, admittedly still bitter about her first encounter with the roc-like flyer. “There’s a whole flock of 'em, huh? Perfect.” Then, a thought caused her features to flick like a switch. “But, hey, we’ve got Spike! He’ll roast those things for you just like he did for me. You’re in good claws, let me tell ya.” “Except for one tiny detail, Rainbow,” HLN-A chimes in. “Spike’s a dragon.” “Gee, I totally never realized that until now,” Rainbow snarked. “What a grand discovery we’ve made—I’ll go make an explorer note about it.” She half-lids her eyes, unamused. “Hmph. Rude.” The AI deadpanned. “Then I assume you would also know that Spike doesn’t do too well in the cold, right?”   Rainbow’s eyes shot wide open in realization, recollecting having made a similar mistake with her precious turtle, Tank. “O-oh…” She nervously looks toward Astrid. “Uh, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume-” “Yes,” The wolf answered. “Their ‘empire’ rests within, you guessed it, the Snow Biome.” Rainbow clicks her tongue as she brings a hoof to her chin in thought. “Hmm. In that case, can’t we just-” “Already ahead of you!” Spike declares proudly. “Astrid’s agreed to harvest some fur for us once she talks it over with her pack. If everything goes according to plan, they’ll bring the fur back here, and we can have Rarity work her magic!” “Hah!” Rainbow cheered. “And you were doubtful about being tribe leader, Spike. You’ve got this, no problem.”     The dragon responds with a ‘thumbs-up’ gesture while Astrid takes him up on his offer of water, stepping away and reaching the water’s edge before lowering her head to take a drink. Spike joins the canine, bringing out some cooked fish meat from his inventory while approaching the direwolf. He had to admit, it was incredibly delicious. And he enjoyed it far more than any gem he’s ever had.  “So, HLN-A,” Rainbow began, garnering the AI’s attention as they were left to their lonesome. “What exactly do we need for those cryopods? I can definitely get them from the merchants while picking up Vanellope.” “Excellent!” HLN-A gleed. “Should you feel the need to double-check the recipe, just refer to your implant’s engrams. That being said, we’ll need some polymer, oil, metal, and crystal. Hide and fiber are also required, but we can easily get that ourselves.” The rainbow-maned equine salutes the AI. “Gotcha! I’ll get those materials before you can say,” In one swift motion, she turns around, spreads her wings, flaps them, and hovers in place with flapping wings, “cryopod!”  Thus, the pegasus swiftly departs from Sanctuary, disappearing over the treeline that lingers beyond the cliffs of the tribe’s territory.  Having seen the pegasus off, HLN-A sighed contentedly, despite their artificial form. The AI was about to float toward the direction of the ever-still debating duo, Rarity and Rudey, in the distance. But something ushered from Astrid’s mouth suddenly struck the AI, halting their movement. It was a name, one that immediately appealed to HLN-A’s memories. Or, more accurately yet simultaneously, Helena Walker’s: Nerva. > Chapter 81 - Lord Threx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A series of loud thunks abruptly stirred Fluttershy from unconsciousness, releasing a surprised gasp. Her eyes widen in fear, and she starts to hyperventilate as she peers through the hardened metal-glass door of her stone-made cage, as a brown-furred member of her captors stares back mockingly.  She knew him all too well… Bob. “Wake up, little dodo.” Bob’s deep voice alone was enough to cause the pegasus to back away in a frenzy as she remembered the abuse she’s had to endure from the ape. “It’s time for you to meet your fellow playmates.”  Fluttershy backs herself up against the wall opposite the door on her hind legs. “N-no, please!” Her body shook uncontrollably. “I haven’t done anything w-wrong!” Bob chuckles while waving a hand dismissively. “Good to see you’re well on your way to being conditioned, dodo. Very good.” His eyes narrow, “Now, we’re kind of on a tight schedule, so here’s the deal: either you get out of that cell like the obedient little birdie that you are, or we proceed to our usual whipping routine. Your choice.” Tears began to form as Fluttershy wept silently, eyes downcasted. The scars on her back were motivation enough, not to mention she now lacked the essential parts of her body that made her a pegasus: her wings. And the worst part? She could still move what was left of the humerus down to the base. Everything above that had long since been severed. Literally. “O-ok…” She relents, sobbing silently and trying to blink away her tears. Crying only results in further punishment, as she had learned. Fluttershy pushes herself away from the wall and lands on her hooves. Then, clopping echoes within the containment as she approaches the door, and upon getting closer to the glass windows of the obstacle... Who was that mare she saw, staring straight back at her? The wingless pegasus’s mane was a frazzled mess, and some of the many scars on her back from the whippings she received were visible even from a frontal angle. She was completely stripped of any of her original apparel, save for a piece of gray cloth that covered where her wings once were, concealing what was left after the procedure. The procedure. Bob was all too happy to inform her about it. As she slept - of course, Bob, himself, had knocked her unconscious - her wings had been masterfully removed by someone named The Butcher, who also tended to the results of the operation. There wasn’t even any pain as Fluttershy moved the pitiful knobs that once were her wings, but there was a feeling she just couldn’t describe.      However, due to Fluttershy’s momentary trance, she had failed to realize Bob opening the door and waiting for the equine to exit the cell. But his patience had been tested, and with a growl, the ape stepped forth and grabbed onto Fluttershy’s head as if it were a berry before turning in place and throwing her carelessly. The pegasus crashes into an assortment of wooden furnishings with a yelp, snapping a table in half while toppling over several accompanying chairs.  Fluttershy emerges from the rubble but then cowers in fear at the mighty steps of Bob’s approach, his shadow looming over her soon after.  “N-no…” “Welcome back to reality, dodo.” He takes a knee, setting an arm over it with the other resting on his hip. “Did you enjoy your daydreaming?” Fluttershy shuddered, too horrified to answer, garnering laughter from the ape.  “Well, I hope it was worth it. What part of ‘tight schedule’ did you not understand?” Bob cracks his knuckles, “Now I’ll have to punish you accordingly before the big guy arrives. How bothersome.” The ape raises the arm formerly resting on his hip overhead and forms a fist as if to bring it down upon the equine like a hammer. Fluttershy shuts her eyes and grits her teeth, cringing in anticipation of the oncoming pain soon to follow.  Suddenly, an earth-shaking rumble made itself known. It was distant at first, but enough to cause Bob to halt his attack mere inches before it would’ve struck the pegasus. There was also a pattern akin to the steps of the island’s larger entities.  Something big was coming… “Hah. Saved by the bell, dodo,” Bob said, rising to his full stature as Fluttershy hesitantly opened an eye. The thunderous steps grew with every passing moment, shaking the structure and causing the pegasus’s heart rate to rise. Bob turns his gaze toward the closed double doors of the structure’s gateway, prompting Fluttershy to follow fearfully. Then, after horrific moments of awaiting whatever lies beyond the doors, the rumbling stopped.    Bob casually walks over to the doors, leaving Fluttershy alone as her eyes refuse to tear away from what will be unveiled. Bob pushed the doors open with a grunt, creaking as they did so, and the pegasus within was at a complete loss from what she saw. A pitch-black tyrannosaurus with white scales lining its arms and feet, accompanied by another ape of the larger variety. A trail of brown scales lined the top of the tyrannosaur’s head and spine while blood-red slitted eyes dilated as they seemingly focused on Fluttershy. “Lord Threx,” Bob bows respectfully. “Craglorn told me of your coming, my lord. Please, forgive the mess,” He turns back to a now-recovered Fluttershy and steps aside, “I just had a disagreement with our latest fighter here.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened as, at long last, she had finally met the very same lord that was often referred to and revered by Bob, Craglorn, and several others. And if this tyrannosaurus ruled over these barbaric apes, the pegasus dared not to wonder just how savage Lord Threx himself could be. “Well, this is an interesting sight - yes,” Lord Threx finally spoke. His voice wasn’t as deep as Bob’s, but it was much more refined - smooth. Fluttershy admittedly expected something similar to King Sombra. “I take it this is the equus I’ve heard so much about from our dear Craglorn?” “It is indeed, Lord Threx,” Bob answered. “She still needs to be conditioned further, but I think she’s ready to meet the other fighters for the arena.” “Delightful!” The large predator rises up and spreads its arms apart in celebration, chuckling as he returns his gaze to Fluttershy. “My, what a pastel-colored appearance you have, my dear - yes. But why stay in there? Come, come,” Threx motions with his head, “Why don’t you join me for a little stroll, hmm? Let’s get some fresh air into your precious little lungs, ohoho~.” Fluttershy hesitates, locked in place and not daring to take a single step. “You’d best do what he says, dodo.” Bob crosses his arms. “If you thought I was bad, you better believe that the Big Boss is far worse.” Fluttershy looked between them with a fearful, slightly gaped jaw. She really preferred to go back into her solitary confinement.  “Now, now, Bob,” Threx chimes in. “It’s still reasonably early, so she probably isn’t all there just yet. A morning walk might be just what she needs - yes. Now, come along, equus. I am a busy rex, you know.” The yellow mare, fearful of any potential consequences were she not to obey, proceeds forward with caution in her steps. She passes Bob along the way, who snorts during her passing and trails her rear as she steps through the gateway and exits the building. She then proceeded down a small stone ramp, her hooves sinking into the sand as she reached ground level. Threx practically analyzed her the entire time, and one could only imagine what lurks within the mind of a sentient tyrannosaur.  Granted, it was almost no different than her interactions with the dragons back on Equus. But Threx was the lord of a collective that was made of individuals that were far more ruthless than any other creature she had ever met in her life. King Sombra, Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, the Storm King - these were some of the meanest villains she had ever known. But these apes? Hay, this entire island? Equus was a playground in comparison.  Beings weren’t nearly as cruel on Equus as they are here, and even murder was a rare occurrence back home to the point it barely existed. But, here, things are different, and this isn’t Equus. Fluttershy stood several feet away from the dinosaur, looking up at the behemoth while Bob and the other ape watched her every move.  “H-hello, s-sir,” She greets meekly. “Sir?” Threx inquired with a raised…brow? Fluttershy made the comparison. “Aren’t you a precious little piece of prime meat - yes. Now, come with me.” The dinosaur turns in place, shaking the ground while doing so before looking back down at her. “Allow me to show you the arena. I can fill you in on how things work around here, you’ll accept those things as they are, and then you’ll undoubtedly fulfill your role to perfection. What do you think?” Fluttershy wasn’t a fool. Threx, despite his words, wasn’t asking - he was telling. “I-I, uhm, would l-like to-” “Great!” Threx roared in her face, his jaws closing shut with a loud clomp. “Then what are we waiting for? Let the tour commence!” The titanic predator stomps forth in the lead, his tail lazily swaying as he hums a tune. He didn’t even bother to look back to see if the pegasus was following him. No, that wasn’t necessary. Following him was expected of the equine. His word was final, he was the absolute authority here, and everything would proceed according to his whims.   Fluttershy paced herself, having to trot alongside the tyrannosaur just to keep up with him as his strides, given his form, were great. And after several minutes of silently following the dinosaur and traveling up a hill, she spots a large and grand structure in the distance built upon the precipice and vicinity of a mountain-sized boulder. “Ah!” Threx roared as the duo stopped in place. “There it is, equus! The Arena!” > Chapter 82 - Cragg's Island pt: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy walked in thoughtful silence, save for Lord Threx’s earth-shaking steps and prideful words that the pegasus pretended to hear, as the duo traversed over an inclined grassy plain and approached the large and imposing structure held up by a rock formation. “I must say, you have a very particular name,” Threx dropped during their traversal. “Fluttershy. Hmm. Well, it won’t earn us a preferable reaction from the crowd, but we can cross that bridge once we make a proper alias for you in the arena.” “Proper alias…” Fluttershy’s hesitant comment earned a rumbling chuckle from Threx’s throat. “Of course. Having the crowd chant ‘Fluttershy’ repeatedly during the arena’s events doesn’t sound too fearsome. Actually, I’m confident that you’d become a laughing stock with that name, and we can’t have that. We need something that strikes directly at their hearts and screams, ‘Hello, everyone! I’m a fighter and here to kill for your amusement today!’ Ohoho~ Yes.”  As Threx continued to ramble on and on, Fluttershy reflected on her current situation while pretending to hear the tyrannosaur’s words.  A proper alias. Craglorn had mentioned something along those lines several times before, during the ape’s many ramblings about the arena. That was the most horrible thing about those who resided on Cragg’s Island; they thoroughly enjoyed these barbaric acts.   The clipped pegasus wasn’t ignorant of the arena’s concept. Her talks with Iron Will shed some light upon Minos’ minotaurs and how gladiatorial events were held for a multitude of reasons. In fact, the pegasi were no different during the time of the three warring tribes as they had similar events held within Cloudsdale’s Cloudeseum.  Of course, the pegasi had long since changed their ways, and although Cloudeseum still hosted events to test one’s physical capabilities in modern times, it was nowhere near the brutal conflicts of the distant past. But now, in the penultimate twist of fate, the old traditions of Cloudsdale would rear their ugly head - here, on this island. And to Fluttershy’s absolute displeasure, she would be forced to commit such atrocities, like the pegasi of old. Fluttershy needed to find a way out of there. Despite them beating her down and clipping her wings, she refused to give in. Patience would provide an opportunity; that’s all she needed. But even so, she couldn’t help but feel like there was more to their tactics in this...conditioning.  In addition, and at the very back of the pegasus’s mind, something festered there that she never thought she’d ever be capable of harboring. It was faint at first, but as her captors continued to treat her like she was absolutely nothing, a feeling - a desire, grew. Revenge.  She wanted to make them feel the same pain she felt. She wanted to inflict upon them what they did to her tenfold. She hated them! She hated all of this! She-! And it was at that moment that the pegasus’s eyes widened in realization, Threx’s voice still playing out in the background as they were moments from standing before a large stone incline with stone railings that allowed one access to an upper district of the vast structure.  Was that their plan? To turn her into some spiteful- no! She wouldn’t give them that satisfaction. The very thought of doing such a thing made her want to wretch - it was entirely against all she stood for.  And yet, it was there… The seed had been planted, and despite her best efforts, its roots were taking hold. Slowly, but to her horror, surely. “And here we are, Fluttershy,” Threx chirped as his massive steps stopped alongside the pegasus, who took a moment to absorb the structure from up close.  A small guards tower with another one of those mountable turrets resting on top, a wooden sign, and the obstructed visage of another turret’s barrel placed on a higher elevation is what immediately stuck out to the pegasus.       The secure gateway at the top of the incline parted, its double reinforced wooden doors retracting inwardly and mildly scraping against their stone doorframe, which was etched into the larger building to the right.  A familiar female presence of dark-brown fur with patches of white donned in brown-orange chitin armor exits the structure before looking down the incline and at the duo with glee. The individual is a member of the slimmer and shorter variant of gigantopithecus, her frame practically radiating agility and swiftness.  Craglorn. Craglorn rests her hands on her hips. “Ah! Lord Threx!” Craglorn’s voice caused Fluttershy’s ears to flicker in response. It was higher pitched than any other female gigantopithecus she’s ever met in this place. “I see you’ve finally met our equus-shaped dodo.” “She truly is a unique equus,” Threx responds. “That being said, see to it that she gets a more fitting name. ‘Fluttershy’ just makes me want to gag myself the more I think about it,” Threx quickly shot the pegasus a glance, “No offense,” He turned away, meeting Craglorn’s gaze again.  “Now then, Craglorn, are the others getting prepared for our upcoming events?” “They sure are!” Craglorn gave a saluting gesture. “The other combatants are out in the training grounds as we speak. I’m also glad to report that there have been no escape attempts, well,” She points to Fluttershy, “‘cept for that one. Remember that time she tried to kill herself just to escape? Have to say, I was pretty impressed.”  “Myes, quite. That was how you discovered that she can respawn and send items away to her inventory.” Threx sighs. “How tiresome.” “She’s just like me and the others, my lord.” Craglorn steps forth and begins to traverse down the incline. “But I’ve long since cleared out her inventory. Also, we have her pteranodon mount tucked away nice and easy.” Threx nods before lowering his head and resting a side gaze upon the yellow mare. “You should really try it at least once, Fluttershy. I truly do think you’d enjoy yourself in the arena, so please, put these foolish ambitions of escape to rest.”  The dinosaur carefully stepped over the equine, tail swaying while he hummed a tune. “It’s been an absolute prime meat of a time, but I must be off. Busy, busy, busy. And I must meet with some invaluable clientele from the Red Gathering.” “Red…Gathering?” Fluttershy inquired. “It’s a gathering place and supermarket of the island’s bountiful outcasts, pirates, and not-so-friendly tribes like us,” Craglorn answered, joining the duo on ground level as her chitin boots planted themselves on the grass. “There’s a huge compound built beneath the Red Obelisk, thus the Red part of the name.” Fluttershy nodded in understanding. Sweet Celestia…it was worse than she thought. “Well put, Craglorn,” Threx commended. “Oh, would you be a dear and give our latest recruit - yes - a tour? I think that would be very beneficial before showing her to the other fighters, and I can think of no one better for the role than your capable hands.” “Already on the criteria, big guy,” She winks, giving him a thumbs up. “Delightful!” Threx celebrated as he raised his torso and spread his arms apart. He then turns in place and walks away from the mammalians, shaking the earth as Craglorn waves off his departure.  “Oh, and, Fluttershy?” Threx called out in the short distance, looking back.    “Y-yes?” “I meant what I said before.” The dinosaur’s slitted gaze narrows and dilates as if daring her to try something, “Do not try to escape again. I can promise that it will not end well for you or this ‘Tribe of Harmony’ you come from.” The effects of Threx’s words were immediate as Fluttershy’s eyes widened in fear with a low gasp. He knew. They all knew. And the dinosaur seemed to be satisfied with this as he turned away and resumed his stroll, his enormous frame distancing itself with every step he took. “Surprised?” Craglorn questioned, standing alongside the equine with crossed arms, garnering their fearful attention. “You shouldn’t be. After all, we do have these handy identifications within our implants to thank.” To emphasize her point, Craglorn lifts her left hand and turns it in place to show off the diamond-shaped implant present on her forearm. “It’s amazing what information you can get from someone else’s implant with a little know-how.” She abruptly clasps her hands together, startling Fluttershy and drawing the equine out of the innumerable emotions flowing through them.  “So, about that tour? Actually, instead of just showing you the arena, I’ll show you all of what Cragg’s Island has to offer. After all...it’s named in my family’s honor.” > Chapter 83 - Cragg's Island pt: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy sighed as she began scaling the stone ramp to the arena’s upper levels. Craglorn falls in line at the pegasus’ rear, running a hand across the stone railing that borders either side of the incline. They turn at a bend that evens out, before going up in another direction while offering an admittedly beautiful view of the open ocean. Fluttershy even spotted a small pod of ichthyosaurs breaching the water’s surface off in the distance. The creatures were a comforting sight for the animal lover, even causing her to stop on the incline. “Keep moving, dodo!” “Ee-ugh!” Fluttershy released a surprised yelp as she was suddenly kicked from the rear, making her stumble a bit, but was fortunately able to stay on her hooves.  But to Craglorn’s shock, the pegasus looked back over their shoulder with an expression of pure fury and a vicious growl.  “Stop hitting me,” Fluttershy threatened. Craglorn’s eyes widened, and the duo maintained eye contact in the moments of silence that followed. Then, laughter slowly grew from within the ape before she threw her head back and cackled. “Hah! Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Craglorn’s mocking grin caused Fluttershy’s expression to falter in horrifying realization. “Go on, dodo, do it.” “No…” Fluttershy’s eyes fell to the floor, and her pupils slowly reduced to pinpricks. “No…n-no, I…” Craglorn lowers herself, taking a knee to meet the equine’s conflicted gaze. “Go ahead…hit me,” she wiggles her eyebrows, “You know you want to~.” Fluttershy definitely shakes her head. “N-no! I won’t l-let you turn me into… i-into…” “A real fighter?” “A monster!” “Oh, please,” Craglorn scoffed, dismissively waving off the equine’s words. “This whole island’s filled with monsters. So why not join in on the fun?” She shrugged, “Way I see it, you’ll come to thank me someday.” “Never.”  “Never say never~” The ape chirped. She then rises to her full stature, looking down at the equine sternly. “Want to know a little something we’ve all learned from Lord Threx?” “Not really.” “Well, too bad, I’m going to tell you anyway.” Craglorn chuckled, earning a glare from the equine. “Let me tell ya, that Threx is one smart bastard. Fucking love the guy.” “Just get to the point.” “Hmmph. Fine, be that way.” The ape raises a finger. “The time will come, little dodo. You will eventually meet a primeval threat, alone - and with no one else to help you. It’s different when you don’t have anyone to fall back on.” Fluttershy began to retreat backward with terrified eyes, slowly going up the incline but never taking her sight off of Craglorn, who stalked forth slowly as she spoke.  “But in that very moment, when your back is up against the wall, your heart racing and sweat dripping down your face, that’s when the survival instincts kick in. So, whaddaya think so far? Lord Threx has a way with words, doesn’t he?” Fluttershy’s heart began to race as she realized…Craglorn was right. At least, the words she cited from Threx were. The clipped pegasus’ former outburst, her inner thoughts of vengeance that plagued the depths of her mind, and even horrid fantasies of inflicting the same pain upon these apes tenfold. All of which grew throughout her time of imprisonment.  It hasn’t even been a week since she was captured, and yet…   Craglorn suddenly stepped away, walking toward a nearby railing as the pegasus stopped, eyes following the ape’s every move. Craglorn then rested her arms against the obstacle, breathing deeply, eyes resting on the coastal sights. “The big guy would always talk about those apes over at the Redwood Biome, the yetis up north, the fucking Silk Spitters over at the Green Obelisk to the east, and schmucks like you. He’d say, ‘You know what they all have in common?’ Well?” She asked of the equine without shifting her gaze.  Fluttershy’s ears folded against her head. “W-what?” “‘You all have multiple layers masking your true inner selves, the uniforms of society, education in its highest form, lavish indulgences. Admittedly, you all have evolved beyond creation’s expectations. But you have forgotten one important thing in your hubris - what with your guns, armor, explosives, and all that fancy technology’. His words, not mine.”    The ape turns around to meet the equine’s eyes, “But here’s my favorite part–under the right circumstances, facing a primeval threat, one’s evolution will revert back to its primal, savage form. Fighting for survival at the very cost of modesty.” Craglorn then squees in delight. “Threx’s scales, I fucking love it!”  Fluttershy was simply at a loss for words as her head slowly went down, eyes feeling heavy as she squinted in deep thought. “But don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s really not your fault.” The pegasus’ ears shot up in attention. “That’s just…nature.” Nature… Fluttershy’s eyes shoot wide open, and she releases a quiet gasp. Nature. Craglorn dared to lecture her about nature? This ape dared to apply what they were doing to the very same laws she respected–no! Luna dammit, this wasn’t nature! Craglorn…how dare she! “How dare you,” Fluttershy scolds as she raises her head to meet Craglorn’s surprised expression. “Don’t you dare try to justify what you and Lord Threx do here by bringing nature into this. I know nature, and there’s nothing natural about any of this!” Craglorn is about to retort, but Fluttershy intervenes. “Granted, you’re right about some of the things you said. Yes, when the chips are down, even civilized ponies can become about as primal as the fiercest manticore from the Everfree Forest.” Craglorn blinks with confusion present on her face. “Wait, what the fuck even is-” “But there’s a difference between that and what you’re doing,” Fluttershy shot forth an accusing forelimb. “They’re fighting for survival. A rabbit will run for all its worth from the fox that’s chasing it. That’s nature taking its course. Predator and prey.” She steps forth. “Meanwhile, you’re capturing others just to satisfy your sick indulgence in this stupid arena. That’s cruelty, not nature.” Craglorn chuckles. “An interesting perspective.” “It’s a fact!” “It’s a perspective, dodo,” Craglorn asserts. “I’ve seen trikes kill dodos just for being in the same vicinity as them. Wouldn’t that make the trike cruel?” “W-well, I-” “And yet, from your perspective, if a rex hunted a trike and one of them dies due to the relation of predator and prey, that’s acceptable to you?” “Y-yes…” “And there it is! Perspective. That’s just how you view nature, and you’re right, but you blatantly ignore the ‘other half,’ if you will. We here at Craigg’s Isle condition the ignorant, like yourself, into accepting what you all deny. That we are just polar opposites of the same grand design called nature.”  Fluttershy growls at that, frustration taking hold of her emotions.  “Let me put this in a way that you might understand.” Craglorn points at the yellow mare, “You represent nature’s kindest aspects,” she points to herself, “and I, its worst. But both halves, us, share one thing in common–the struggle for survival. That’s the point I’m trying to drill into your skull.”    The pegasus grits her teeth but doesn’t form a retort. “Even you must acknowledge that to be absolute truth. We have different views on the subject, yet we both contribute to the great chain of, you guessed it, nature. That. Is. Truth.” Their battle of views reached a pause as they stared at each other in silence, Craglorn sporting a smirk with Fluttershy portraying defiance on her face. “That still doesn’t make what you’re doing right,” the pegasus challenged with narrowed eyes. “I’ll never accept that.” “And yet you’re oh so close to acting the part,” Craglorn shot back with a wink. “But I guess time will tell which of us is right, right~?”  Fluttershy lets out an aggravated snort. “Fine.”    “Then get your ass moving, dodo. As fun as this chat of ours has been, there’s still a tour in progress, so get moving.”  The pegasus turned away with an irritated growl, her hooves clopping against the stone.  -Ohoho, I’m going to have fun breaking you, dodo.- -I’ll never accept her ways! Stupid Craglorn, I’ll show you!- They finally reached the incline’s precipice and gazed upon the upper level. It was comparable to a sort of check-in station for some grand event held at a stadium. Craglorn steps up and gestures to all of it as if she were some home salespony back on Equus.  “In case it wasn’t obvious, this is where the audience register themselves. They can also place bets, and some, like me, even have their own fighters participating in the events.” “And I’m one of your fighters…” Fluttershy comments bitterly.  “You sure are, bitch.” “Yay…” “‘Yay’ is right.” Craglorn turns away and walks forward. “Come along now,” she beckons with the back of a raised hand, “It’s time to give you a proper name for the arena.” Fluttershy obeys, much to her displeasure, as she follows Craglorn. The duo proceeds past the green flag and straight to a red tent to the far right. Craglorn stops before a desk resting between a series of stacked barrels beneath the tent, turning back to face Fluttershy.  “Tell you what…for being so fun since I caught ya, I’ll let you choose a name for yourself. Come here.” The pegasus walks over to the desk, where she sees a chart with a competitive bracket that has several names already written down.  Merciful Celestia…It was just like the brackets back home… Craglorn points to an open space on the right side of the brackets. “Go on,” she presents a wooden writing utensil with charcoal as the tip. It was a near-perfect replica of a typical pencil. “What’s your name?” “Fluttersh-” “Your name is Bitch!” The ape roars. “At least it will be if you don’t make one for yourself. Now do it. Think about it. It’ll be fun~.”  Fluttershy sighed as she tore the pencil away from Craglorn’s hand, reared up, and rested her forelimbs on the desk while staring at the open spot. But she didn’t need to think for very long, for she already had the perfect alias in mind. The pegasus’ hoof guides the pencil over the bracket as if they were dancing at the Grand Galloping Gala. And when they stopped, their movements left something engraved onto the metaphorical dance floor.  Yes, Fluttershy was content with this. “There.” She sets down the pencil and steps back. “That’s my name.” Craglorn leans over her to see what was scribbled down. Beast Queen “Beast Queen, huh?” She chuckled. “Pretty cocky name, but… nice.” > Chapter 84 - Harthrax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright then, BeAsT QuEeN,” Craglorn mocked, forming quotation marks with her fingers. “Now that we’ve got the name sorted out, give me a sec to radio a friend.” The ape conjures a radio from their inventory as Fluttershy maintains her ever-defiant glare. Naturally, Craglorn met this with a cocky grin, doing so as she pressed down on a button with her thumb, and the radio crackles to life. “Hey, Harthrax.” A pause takes hold as she lifts her thumb off of the button.  -“Fuck off! I’m busy!”- A male voice answered from the device. Craglorn raises an eyebrow. “Don’t give me that shit. Your lazy ass? Busy? Pfft. Please.” -“It’s mating season for us, you hairy imbecile! And I’ll be a cranky bird if I don’t get some because of you.”-  As Harthrax spoke, Craglorn motioned with her hand a mouth that wouldn’t stop talking while rolling her eyes. Fluttershy was unimpressed, snorting at the ape’s antics.  “I missed the part where that’s my problem, pal. Now listen, I need you to fly on over to the registration area.”  -“...WHAT?! WHY?!”- “Because Lord Threx says so, genius. It’s important.” -“Tch. Damnit all.”-  Craglorn sighs. “Ok. How about this: If you help me with a little sightseeing gig, I’ll use my connections with the Argent Legion to get you some…plumage?” -“...Not the right term, but I’ll roll with it.”- “Yeah, whatever. So, you gonna help me out?”  -“Ugh. As if I had a choice…”-   “Oh, you do have a choice, but there’s only one that matters.” -“So basically what I just said.”-  “Don’t get smart with me, ya avian fuck. That’s Lord Threx’s job. We’re just two idiots.”  -“Fair enough. Fine, fine. You’ve got a deal; I’m com’n.”- “Thank you~.” -“Fuck you.”- Craglorn sends the radio back to her inventory while chuckling. “Love that bastard,” she said, shifting her gaze to Fluttershy. “What? No remarks?” “I have nothing more to say to you.”  “Meh, that’s fine. A good fighter knows to stay qui-” “I’m not your fight-!” “Yes, you are!” “Eaugh!” Fluttershy cries out in pain as, in one swift motion, Craglorn scoops her up by the neck, silencing the pegasus’s words, runs forth, and slams the equine against the nearby wall with admirable force. “Now you listen to me,” Craglorn growled. Fluttershy’s heart rate became rapid as her forelimbs flailed to resist the ape’s grasp.  “As much as I enjoy our bickering, don’t let it give you any false ideas. You’re mine, Beast Queen. When you enter the arena, you’ll do so as my property. When I tell you to fight, you fight. If I have to kick you, you’ll accept the punishment without bearing your teeth. Get the picture?” “Ack…a-ack…” The equine couldn’t respond properly due to the force grasping her throat, and she gasped for air.   “What’s that, Beastie? I can’t hear you.” Craglorn chuckled darkly. “Try sign language.”   Fluttershy’s eyes roll back into her skull as she is choked to near death. In truth, she would’ve preferred the beatings she received from Bob over this torment. At least those were moments of explosive pain, which was preferable to this drawn-out suffering. In hindsight, this would’ve worked wonders for her past attempts at taking her own life. But she knew Craglorn… The ape would never allow her to escape through death. The pegasus then takes in a sudden surge of air while falling to the floor as her tormentor loosened their grasp, nodding in satisfaction.  “Talk back to me, and I’ll do that to you again, and again, and again until I mold you into what I want.”        The yellow mare coughs repeatedly as she slowly lifts her weak and teary eyes. “P-please…” Her tears began to flow freely, “Just…l-let me g-go…” But the ape simply grins as she shakes her head. “No. I’ll never let you go.” Fluttershy sobbed as Craglorn leaned in.  “All that said, let me hear what I want, Beastie, and I’ll consider leaving out the choking.” She scratches the back of the equine’s ear. “Go on…beg for it.”  “P-please…” “Please, what~?” “Please stop…choking me…” The ape deadpans. “You forgot something at the end of that.” Fluttershy’s eyes shot wide open, and her head slowly fell down. Signs of hesitation and resignation waged war on her face, but a victor would be decided alongside a fresh trail of tears strolling down her cheeks. “M…master…” Craglorn smiled merrily. “See?! Was that so hard?” She pats the equine’s head, “Such a good little girl. Come on, now - up, up.” The ape aids the pegasus in getting back onto their hooves, even dusting them off before looking them over. All the while, Fluttershy obeyed without issues and focused her eyes on the floor. But deep down…the yellow mare wept.  “Now that we understand each other, Beast Queen, we can start getting you into shape. Once we’re done with the tour, you’ll be dropped into the training grounds. Speaking of which…” Craglorn’s eyes went skyward, squinting as she searched for something. “Where is that idiot?” After several minutes of Craglorn silently searching the skies and Fluttershy maintaining a lowered gaze, the ape’s eyes suddenly shot wide open.  “Ah! Finally!” Craglorn shouts as a large flying creature glides over the structure, one that Fluttershy immediately recognizes as an argentavis. Judging by its brown, blue, and white feathers, she could tell that this one was a male. Sexual dimorphism was common knowledge for any animal lover.   “Took him long enough.” Upon spotting the duo, the argentavis flaps his wings and glides briefly before folding his appendages and diving in a display similar to the birds of prey Fluttershy had known back on Equus.  At a certain distance above them, the large avian unfurls his wings, steadies himself, and circles the registration area.  The large flyer spotted a suitable clearing and began decelerating his flight speed as Craglorn and Fluttershy approached the apparent landing site. A gust of wind flutters the hairs and mane of the argentavis’ onlookers as he hovers in place, sets down, and folds his wings to his sides. “Yo, Harthrax!” Craglorn waved on approach, and it was only now that Fluttershy could see the chitin armor and leather saddle that the approaching bird of prey wore.  “Craglorn,” Harthrax said as his armor-covered legs clamped against the floor. “I can’t believe I just missed out on- ew.” He recoiled in disgust, stopping in place. “What’s that, uh, thing, next to you?” The avian gestures a claw in Fluttershy’s direction. “My newest fighter for the arena,” Craglorn answered proudly. “Fighter? It just looks like a pitiful excuse for an equus.” The bird moves its head left and right while looking over Fluttershy’s form. “Its colors are also annoyingly bright, and why does it have insects branded onto its ass cheeks? Wait...is that its implant...?”      “I'll explain it later.” Craglorn kneels down and rests a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Harthrax, this is Beast Queen. Beast Queen, Harthrax.” Fluttershy pitifully looks up to meet the avian’s gaze. “Hi…” She turns away with a sad sigh. “Beast Queen…?” Harthrax asked, tilting his head, deadpanning. “That thing has the nerve to call itself a Queen of Beasts? Adorable.” “Hey! No picking on her,” Craglorn orders with a pointed finger. “That’s my job.”    “Right…” Harthrax clears his throat and shuffles his feathers. “So…I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that ‘sightseeing gig’ you mentioned involves…her?” The ape nods. “You’re not as dumb as you look, bird brain.” “That’s more of a compliment than you seem to realize, mammal.”  Following the exchange, Harthrax walks over to Fluttershy, his frame towering over her as she looks up at him. “Alright, freakshow, here’s how we’re going to do this: I pick you up, you get a nice view of the arena, and I drop you off at the training grounds. Questions?” “I-I-” “Good,” Harthrax interjects, harshly picking up the equine with a claw, causing them to yelp. He then flaps his wings and floats a few feet off the ground while looking down at Craglorn. “Remember, don’t kill her!” “Urgh. This had better get me laid!” He roars out. The argentavis then ascends higher and higher with powerful flaps before he eventually evens out and glides toward the direction of the ocean. Fluttershy’s mane chaotically danced in the wind during the flight, thoughts and regrets flowing through her mind.  Before long, Harthrax performs a U-turn maneuver over the ocean and flaps his wings to hover in place, ensuring that the equine in his claw has a fine view of the arena and even a large portion of Cragg’s Isle. “That's right. Take it all in, equus.” Fluttershy’s ears perked up, unable to tear her eyes away from what was laid out before her. “That arena is all you’ll come to know from this point onward. Look upon it with your ‘oohs’ and ‘awes.’ That’s how it starts. But then comes the screaming and blood spilling. At that point…you’ll learn that Dead Isle isn’t the only isle where death is- eh, you get the gist.”   > Chapter 85 - A helping Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So…got it all memorized, Beast Queen?” Harthrax mockingly asked.  Fluttershy lowers her eyes to the metal spikes below them, “If I say no, will you please drop me?”  Harthrax chuckled, catching onto her intentions and fully aware of what they were floating over. “Hmm. Funny. Oh, and if you think that Lord Threx doesn’t have ways to deal with fighters like you - you know, the ‘respawn’ types, you’ve got another thing comin’.”   “Can we just get this over with?” Fluttershy looked up at the large flyer with a deadpan expression. “I’ve already heard enough of that exact same Luna damned phrase from Craglorn as is…” “...Not sure what a Luna is, but fair enough.” The argentavis flaps his wings and thrusts himself forward into a glide - Fluttershy’s mane and tail whipping in the wind.  Harthrax tilts to the left and flies over a closed gateway, giving Fluttershy a clear view of herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous individuals of many forms of life within a walled-off area beyond the gate.  “Here we are, equus,” Harthrax chirped while gliding overhead slowly. “The training grounds. Ain’t it beautiful?” Fluttershy could see what was undoubtedly other fighters like her striking thatch-made dummies of various shapes and sizes in practice, all while armed and armored enforcers looked down upon them from towers positioned at all four corners of the training grounds.  She saw a carnotaurus take a few steps back before charging at a dummy shaped like a small sauropod, although it slightly dwarfed the predator’s size. Nearby, there was a stegosaurus, which wound up its tail before swinging it and impaling a dummy shaped like the apes of the island. A therizinosaurus and direbear were sparring against one another in an arena. A parasaurolophus wrestled against an iguanodon as they tackled and rolled over one another in the dirt. There were even several gigantopithecus striking dummies and boxing each other, cloth wrapped around their fists like make-shift gloves.  Several other sparring sessions play out all around her, some involving creatures she hadn’t seen before. But her sightseeing venture comes to an abrupt stop as… “Why not get a closer look, eh?” Harthrax loosened his grasp and carelessly dropped the equine, albeit at a height that wouldn’t kill her, “See ya later!”  Fluttershy gasped as she fell while frantically waving her forelimbs. She could hear Harthrax’s laughter distancing itself as he flew away. Still, the argentavis was subtly selective on where he dropped her as the pegasus plunged into a feeding trough, splashing and overflowing its contents as she disappeared beneath the slop. Fluttershy emerges seconds after, grabbing onto the edge of the trough to keep herself from submerging. She was a complete mess, but as she wiped the slop off her face and opened her eyes, the equine’s ears instantly folded against her head as her sudden appearance caused a deathly pause on the training grounds. All eyes were on her, and she stared back with a widened, nervous gaze, even tempted to drown herself in the trough’s contents. Suddenly, something grabs onto her back and lifts her out of the slop, turning her in the air as she’s held up face to face with an ape of a very different type. The ape’s fur is pure white as a large black-skinned hand forced Fluttershy to stare into fearsome orange eyes resting over a vicious growl. But above all, this ape was easily the largest she had ever seen, and scars were present all over its battle-hardened body.  If she didn’t know any better…it almost reminded her of the storm beasts, or yetis, back on Equus. The shock that overwhelmed her caused her to forget about her identification feature, which confirms her comparison.   Wild Male Yeti - Lvl 150 Regardless, Fluttershy was speechless, not daring to speak as she might invoke the giant’s wrath. But the yeti then roars in her face, giving her a fine view of his flesh-tearing teeth and the back of his throat.  The yeti snorts and growls before turning in place and tossing the equine aside. As Fluttershy rolls in the dirt and comes to a stop, she can hear the yeti feasting behind her, causing her to look back at him over her shoulder. His back is turned to her, focused on the feeding trough yet giving the yellow mare a clear view of something she wouldn’t wish on any living thing—numerous scars made by whippings. Now that she turned her head to observe her surroundings, she could see those same marks present on everyone else, and they, in turn, continued to send glares her way. Intense silence practically chokes the area, Fluttershy trying her best to avert her gaze from her onlookers, finally setting her sights down on the ground. She remained there, silent and sitting down like a dog.  Fluttershy’s ears perked up as every guard looking down from their overwatch laughed at her mockingly. But for the pegasus, even though those enforcers consisted of males and females, all she could hear was Craglorn’s, which caused her eyes to shoot wide open.    That managed to snap Fluttershy out of it. “No,” she scorned in a hushed tone. Growling in defiance, she then lifts herself up, looks around for an unused dummy, spots one, noticeably shaped like a gigantopithecus, and walks over to it. This certainly earned nods of approval from the enforcers up above, although they snickered amongst themselves. The glaring curiosity of Fluttershy’s onlookers seems to pass as combative grunts and clashing of dummies sound off once more. But unbeknownst to the equine, she was still being watched by one of the fighters as she finally stood before the dummy, with two tables positioned nearby with a series of wooden weaponry resting on them. Fluttershy stares at the dummy, eyes narrowed, and her body shakes with pent-up aggression. But instead of grabbing onto one of the wooden weapons sitting on the tables, the equine rears up, roars out, lunges forward, and punches the ‘giganto-dummy’ in its stomach region with her right forehoof. She breathed heavily, not due to exhaustion, but frustration and anger as she lets it out with that attack. Teeth bared, she followed up with another strike using her left forelimb, another with her right, and started forming a pattern as she unleashed a flurry of punches. As the pegasus bombards the object, innumerable thoughts flow through her mind. They were mainly about Craglorn, Threx, Bob, and this whole place, all of which could go straight to Tartarus for all she cared. But something else began to creep into her mind, and, shockingly, it involved her fellow pastel-colored equines, Spike, and HLN-A. Twilight was removed from the tribe for reasons she didn’t know, but where were the others? What were they all doing? Did none of them even think to come looking for her? For Celestia's sake, she’s been gone for just shy of a whole week! What, are their hooves up their flanks or something?! Damn them all! However, those thoughts caused the pegasus to stop with a gasp, a forelimb pressed against the dummy as her eyes widened. Regret scolded her for even thinking such a thing, yet darker thoughts tried to convince her she was right.  Fluttershy fell onto her haunches, ears folding against her head as she raised her forelimbs and looked down at them as if they weren’t hers. This…this wasn’t her. And yet, deep down, she knew that this was always a part of her, a horrid revelation she had always tried to bury ever since she participated in Iron Will’s seminar. That assertiveness program left its marks on her in more ways than one.  Fluttershy’s senses abruptly began to flare, ears reaching for the sky as she could hear someone approaching from her rear. A shadow slowly loomed over her, causing her to close her eyes and sigh.       “So, you gonna beat me up or something?” She asked expectantly, followed by a dark chuckle. “Honestly, why don’t you just-” “If I wanted to hurt you,” a male’s voice interjects, treading the line between deep and high-pitched, “I’d have done so already.” Fluttershy immediately turns around, only to be greeted by a massive equus stallion whose size almost rivaled that of Spirit’s, causing her to look up at him. He was lean and well-built with dark-blue fur stretching all across his body as green eyes looked down at her. “U-uhm…” She said. The stallion’s black mane and tail danced as he gave them a quick shake and whip. “Your form is terrible,” he said. “W-what…?” “Your form. It’s shit. That said, your anatomy, although similar to my own, is also unique. I could never rear up and keep such a stance for as long as you have without falling over, yet you seem to have developed a fighting style with it, sloppy as it is. Still, I commend you.” Fluttershy keeps her stunned silence, her muzzle gaped and eyes wide open. “Wh-what…?” She managed. This situation completely threw her off. The stallion lets out an amused chuckle. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ocean Current.” Ocean remained silent. “O-oh,” Fluttershy responds in realization. Proper greetings…right. Such a thing seemed so foreign in this place, except when Threx was involved, even though that was more forced than anything else. Even so, suspicion of the larger equine still lurked in the back of her mind. “I’m F-Fluttershy…”    Ocean tilts his head, ears flickering, “Is that your alias for the arena?” She shook her head, “No. That’s Beast Queen, but my real name is Fluttershy.” He nodded and hummed, “I respect that. Never allow them to take it away from you, Fluttershy. We’re equus. Horses. And our names represent the freedom we embody.” The duo stared at each other in silence, which was then broken as Fluttershy sighed deeply.  “Why are you even helping me?” She asked. “Because I want to,” Ocean responds. “But if you don’t want my help, I’ll leave you to it.” Silence takes hold once more as Fluttershy thinks deeply about his offer. After a passing moment, she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side with a sad expression. Ocean perceives this as a form of rejection, nodding in understanding. “Very well, then.” The equus turns and starts to walk away, noticeably toward the direction of the yeti. “W-wait!” Fluttershy desperately calls out, extending a forelimb. This gains Ocean’s attention as he looks back over his shoulder.  “P-please…” Her eyes fell to the ground, “H-help me…” Ocean stayed planted in place for a time before finally closing his eyes. He opens them, snorts, and turns around, his muscles chugging him across the terrain as he then passes by the yellow mare, stands beside the dummy, and turns around.  A gust of wind flutters both equines' tails and manes, but Fluttershy, in particular, was astounded by the stallion as, thanks to his relocation, the sun's light became eclipsed by his presence. For her, it was - he was…beautiful, even with the scars she had only just now noticed. “You wish to learn?” Ocean asked, pulling the mare out of her stupor. “Y-yes.” Fluttershy brushed away streams of her mane that covered her left eye, “I-if that’s ok with you.” The edges of Ocean’s muzzle curl upward. “As you wish, Fluttershy, the Beast Queen.” As they conversed and prepared for Ocean’s coming instructions, Fluttershy rearing up and listening intently, the yeti who had plucked the mare from the feeding trough’s slop watched them from afar, sat down and arms crossed as he took shelter in the shadows forged by the walls of the training grounds. He closed his eyes and exhaled. He could admit that he was pretty rough with the brightly-colored mare. But that’s exactly why he sent Ocean there to give her a much-needed helping…hoof. > Chapter 86 - The Bearer of Bad News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash sends her map away to her inventory, flapping her wings and hovering in place. “These green and white drops are absolutely lame,” she complained, having recently accessed a green supply crate before checking her map. She shrugged, “Eh. Anyway, I’d best be off to meet the merchants and get Vanellope back.” As she resumed her flight, the pegasus could see other supply crates of varying colors in the distance, most of which were beyond her ability to access, save for the blue ones.   She had always found the way these drops worked to be ridiculous. Why not just allow anyone to access them all without a required level? Of course, she had asked HLN-A about this. Naturally, she received some eggheaded explanation. No, she isn’t going to repeat it.   She could, however, offer a simplistic answer: it would be too easy. Life on the Arks wasn’t meant to be easy by intentional design. All for the pursuit of preparing survivors to save Earth. Understandable. Pretty dark, but…she gets it.  -Eastern Swamp Biome- The artificial late morning sun blankets the island as Rainbow flies along the eastern coast. She soon tilts her body to the right, turning as she draws near a familiar swamp.  As she approached, a series of texts suddenly appeared before her eyes. Your Vanellope - Lvl 117 (Raptor) killed a Raptor - Lvl 69! “W-what?!” Rainbow cried out urgently, stopping and hovering in place with wide eyes. “Oh, no…” She shook her head, “Vanellope!” The pegasus darts forward with absolute worry present on her face. She shot her head side to side, scanning the vast beach that stretched on and melded into the swamp, eyes shuffling through numerous lifeforms. There were the typical beach-faring entities, like dodos, carbonemys, and dilophosaurs, just to name a few. But she then spots the green-texted identification of Vanellope as she hurriedly approaches the swamp, a perk granted to her via the mare’s implant.   Rainbow finally spots her prehistoric tribe member. On the beach and just 20 feet or so away from the swamp itself were Vanellope and that rainbow-feathered male raptor the pegasus once saw at the Traveling Merchant’s outpost. Walken, she believed his name was. Both Walken and Vanellope looked injured and stood back to back while five other raptors surrounded them, with three of their own lying on the ground as their blood soaked the sands. Rainbow’s attention was momentarily drawn to a pair of paraceratherium remains resting at the base of a nearby cliff, both having been picked to the bone. And an ominous sense of familiarity began to… No…that couldn’t be… The pegasus shook her head to regain her focus and quickly bolted into action to aid Vanellope and Walken, conjuring a bow along the way with twenty arrows ready to be plucked from her inventory, one already being drawn and begging to be let loose. “Hey!” The pegasus roared, gaining the attention of all raptors. “Get away from them!”  It was only then that Rainbow noticed something was different about these raptors. Their eyes…are red. Not red as if they lacked any sleep, no. It was fiery red energy, almost like the eyes of a timberwolf but crimson in color. Even so, that would not stop her! She slows her approach, narrows her eyes in concentration, and lets loose the arrow. The projectile soars through the air before finally reaching its mark, piercing through one of the opposing raptors’ eyes. The action was so swift and effective that the carnivore couldn’t do anything, not even let out a single sound as its form fell limply to the sand. You killed a Raptor - Lvl 92! It didn’t matter what level these things were. A shot through the eye would always be fatal.  The death of their pack member and the cyan-colored threat firing at them from above was enough to cause the remaining raptors to flee as they maneuvered around Vanellope and Walken.  Rainbow glares at the retreating pack as they run toward the duo of paraceratherium remains and scale the cliff swiftly in retreat. But her heart suddenly began to race as a cold chill traveled down her spine. It was just like that time when Herbert and Shirley led her through the swamp. Something was watching them from the dense forest beyond the cliff’s precipice. Then, as the pack disappeared into the woods, so too did that horrifying feeling, and dead silence took hold.  “W-what in Tartarus was that…?” Rainbow managed after moments of shock ticked by. She soon sighed to regain her composure and slowly turned back to Vanellope and Walken, “I’m just glad that I came-” her eyes shot open as she saw the two raptors splayed out on the sand, having collapsed while she looked away. The pegasus needed no words, only action, as she dived down and landed before Vanellope. “Vanellope!” She desperately called out, the raptor looking up at her weakly. Up close like this, the equine could now make out several wounds, each caused by the slashing attacks of those jerks that ran off.    She’d hunt them all down right now were it not for Vanellope’s current condition. “Hey there, girl,” Rainbow said sweetly as she repeatedly swept a forehoof across Vanellope’s back. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you some help.” She turns to Walken, who also looks at the equine feebly. “Both of you.” She offered a genuine smile. “Thanks for having her back, Walken… I appreciate it.” Walken chirps as he lowers his head to the sand, closing his eyes and falling unconscious. Vanellope tries to lift herself, only to fall back down, but earns Rainbow’s furious gaze.   “Stop it!” She scolds. “You need to recover! Only I get to be the idiotic, reckless one here, got it?!” Vanellope exhaled in submission, resting her head on the sand but staring back into Rainbow’s eyes, which began to water despite the equine’s apparent attempts to fight back the tears. The raptor closed her eyes with a grateful smirk and drifted off to slumber seconds after.   Rainbow could tell just by looking that these two had been fighting for Celestia knows how long. An hour? Two hours? That was about how long it’s been since she- wait, were they fighting ever since she left for the Redwood Biome?   Many questions rattled her mind, like what was the deal with the eyes of those raptors. But what mattered now was the safety of Vanellope and Walken. She couldn’t leave them here to the mercy of any other carnivore looking for an easy meal, and considering the nearby swamp, it was dumb luck that her general area wasn’t filled with giant snakes or sarcos. Yet, that is. The pegasus begins to search her surroundings with a plan in mind, spotting several trees on the beach. Perfect.  “I’ll be right back, guys.” She quickly runs across the sand, positions herself at a particular angle with the closest tree, keeping the two raptors within sight, and brings forth a hatchet from her inventory. Her resulting strikes against the tree echo out, followed by the inevitable creak of the tree falling over. A considerable amount of wood and thatch is harvested, and Rainbow makes her way back over to the slumbering dinosaurs before accessing Vanellope’s inventory. “Thank Celestia, she still has some.” Rainbow removes a large amount of hide and stores them in her inventory. With that, all that’s left is some fiber, thus allowing her to craft what would work perfectly for this situation. Wooden spiked walls. ………. Just shy of fifteen minutes pass by as Rainbow hovers over and looks down upon a series of spiked walls surrounding both raptors in a near-perfect triangular shape. She made doubly sure to plug any holes with some rocks, holding those in place with bolas and fiber threads. If she were to be honest, only the largest of creatures on the island could ever hope to breach this barricade.  “That should do it.” Now that the raptors were secured, something else was bothering the pegasus as she focused on the two paraceratherium corpses across the way. Some of those giant dragonfly things were now swarming the bodies, and Rainbow knew that the longer she was delayed, the more the possibility of those bodies attracting something even worse rose. Still, she had to do this. She had to make sure it…wasn’t them. The pegasus swallows a lump in her throat as she flies over to the bodies, but not too close as to disturb the swarm. Those things’ names were lost on her, but she knew how ferocious they could be when something intruded upon their feast. Goodness sake, the smell is awful now that she’s much closer. She changes her position to look at their faces which, thankfully, seemed to be in perfect… No. Oh, sweet Celestia… I-it’s… The urge to vomit then overpowers the pegasus as she turns away and hurls. Her throat burns in the process, and she coughs after emptying her stomach, wiping a forelimb across her muzzle.  “H-Herbert… Shirley…” She said somberly. “I’m so sorry…” -Eastern Swamp Biome: Traveling Merchant Outpost- The outpost is lively as apes and creatures work together to transport goods and show off the settlement’s wares. “And here we have our weapons and equipment on full display,” Thrum, the top hat-wearing traveling merchant, presents with a gesture in front of several representatives from other tribes. “As you can see, we have turrets, guns, platform saddles, anything and everything you need to-” “What in the Dead Isle is that?!” One of the representatives suddenly shouts as they point skyward, causing the others and Thrum to turn toward the appointed direction. “Is that a…flying equus?” “It is! Amazing!”  “Hmmm. It looks too small to ride.” “Seems like a useful shoulder pet.” “Is that thing a part of your collective, Thrum?”     The last question managed to pull the merchant out of his grinning stare with a chuckle. “She’s not a part of our tribe, but she’s a pleasant ally. Her name’s Rainbow Dash. I sent her to do us a favor earlier, but she failed to return at a specific time. Still, she’s got a good head on her shoulders.”   “Yo, Rainbow!” Tharn called out while waving from his overwatch. “Good to see ya again!” He lifts a radio to his mouth and presses a button, “Stand down apes. That one’s a friend. Over.” The pegasus soon lands in the outpost, and although she gains the attention of curious onlookers, which would normally cause her to soak in all the attention, she seems to ignore them as she looks around and finally spots...them. With ears folded against her head, Rainbow walks over to Moss and Harley with an aura of sadness. This didn’t go unnoticed by those who watched her as they even wondered what was wrong with her. “Oh, Rainbow!” Harley greets while wiggling her ears, standing alongside Moss as they had just set down some large crates. “It’s so good to see you again.”  “Yo,” Moss greets with a gun gesture as both titans look down upon the mare who now stands a few feet in front of them.    “Oh my…” Harley lowers her neck to look at Rainbow in worry. “Are you ok? You look so sad.” “If it’s about that challenge you had with Thrum, don’t beat yourself up about it,” Moss said with a chuckle. “If you ask me, that seemed kind of rigged from the start given what, or who, we know lives there.”  Rainbow remained silent as her eyes were glued to the ground as the duo spoke. Thrum can be seen approaching behind her, having stepped away from the representatives.  “I heard that, Moss,” Thrum responds while resting a hand over his chest. “You wound me from the implication, my friend.” Moss rolls his eyes as Thrum looks down at the sorrow-radiating equine. “Rainbow? Are you alright? You don't seem as awesome as you tend to boast.” The pegasus finally breaks her silence with a sigh. “No… I’m not feeling so awesome right now. Listen, I really need everyone's help.” She lifts her head and locks eyes with Moss and Harley.  “And…there’s something you two need to know…” > Chapter 87 - Twilight's Endeavor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Redwood Biome: Granny Pithecus’ Farm- The sun’s afternoon rays melded into the transparent walls of the greenhouse as Twilight glides a forehoof across several bearing bushels while passing by their appropriate crop plot, each varying in size but rectangular in shape.  Hunger-inducing potatoes, carrots, corn, lemons, and various berries were evidence of Granny Pithecus’ capabilities as a farmer. And that wasn’t even including the creatures who sang her praises whenever Twilight was able to interact with them. Droplets of water fell from the leaves as an irrigation system of stone pipes was built along the housing’s ceiling, a tap present at each of its four corners with one in the middle.  Twilight conjures a wooden cup from her inventory and positions it under the central tap before slowly turning the metal knob clockwise and allowing a steady flow of water to pour freely. Once her cup is full, she turns off the water flow before looking into her watery reflection and becoming lost in thoughts. The alicorn has been helping Granny Pithecus on the farm to show appreciation for all that she has done for her. Without the elderly ape’s advice, Twilight probably wouldn’t have gotten this far with the Tribe of Maimuta. Seeking out the tribe has cost her, sure. But if she could just show Grok how useful she and her friends could be, and if all goes according to plan…they’d have powerful allies and access to a potentially near-limitless supply of resources.   Taking all of that into consideration, they could efficiently retrieve this Ark’s artifacts, challenge its guardians, and get one step closer to saving Earth. In doing so, they could also give Equus a proper future that didn’t involve being forced to ‘play their parts.’ The excitement almost got the better of her, but she composed herself. Foal steps, Twilight. She chugs down her drink and exhales loudly before smacking her lips together. Foal steps, indeed. Thus the subject of youth brings the equine to her current endeavor: teaching. ………. Twilight soon exits the greenhouse and gently closes its doors behind her. “Yo, Mejoberry!” The voice of Granny Pithecus called out, the alicorn turning to her direction as the ape was in the process of collecting phiomia manure or, in Rainbow Dash terms, poop. Sorry, Rainbow.  “How’s dem crops look’n?!” Granny asked while storing the phiomia droppings in a compost bin. “Everything looks fine, ma’am,” Twilight answers on approach. “Crops are fertilized, irrigation systems are flowing flawlessly, and the greenhouse effects are at peak performance.” Greenhouse effect… It sounded impossible when she was first introduced to the idea of a building somehow influencing the growth of plant life. That is until she realized the hypocrisy: earth ponies are basically the living versions of that same concept.  Sweet Celestia, why have they never considered inventing such things back home?! It was so obvious! The scientific side of her screamed out disappointment. Granny Pithecus chuckles after staring at the lavender mare before her. “What’s wrong, Granny?” Twilight asked. “Sho-hoot, ah was just think’n—ah never pegged ya fer the farm’n type, yet here ya are.” Granny closes the compost bin and wipes her hands together. “Then again, ya did spen’ a lot of time with that farm mare, Rockarrot.” Twilight snickered with a hoof covering her muzzle. “R-Rockarrot?”  “Oh, yeah! Ah’ve got a berry and veggy fer all of yas. Mostly berries, though.” She raises a finger for each name, “Azulberry fer Rainbow Crap, Amarberry fer Fluttercry, Rockarrot for Applecrack, and Stimberry for that drama queen equus with the horn.” Twilight giggles at the aliases. “Wh-what about Pinkie and Spike?” She managed. “And HLN-A?” “That flyin’ rex feller dun earned mah respect, what with putt’n up quite a fight with Edgie Mcgee. Demon King, as y’all calls ‘em. So he gets to be called Spike. Dun and dun.” A sense of pride overcomes the alicorn, and while she would always hate to see Spike thrust into such a situation, her little dragon brother was growing up. “I suppose that’s fair.” “Ah nev’r really came up with a name fer that little robit gal,” Granny said while calling forth a chair from her inventory and taking a seat. “Not one that sticks, at least. As fer the pink one, she just popped into view and tol’ me, ‘Name me Veggie Cake.’” Her impression of Pinkie Pie was almost spot on, Twilight mused.  “So, uh, I did… That one is ‘bout as unpredictable as a shitting pteranodon. You never know when she’s gonna fall on ya.”   They chuckled in unison. “Anyway, are ya ready fer today?” Granny asked. “Oh, certainly!” Twilight shouts in excitement. “I’ve already come up with a sufficient schedule. First, we’ll spend ten minutes discussing the warring pony tribes, then an extensive explanation of- MMPH!” “Ok, ok, ah get it,” Granny interjects, wrapping a hand around Twilight’s muzzle and preventing the coming lecture, followed by the equine giving her a deadpan stare. “A simple yes er no works for me, Mejo. Ah don’ need you goin’ Gideon the Equus on me, ya hear?” Twilight nods her head with a muffled agreement. Granny releases her grasp, and the purple mare scrunches her features while cross-eyed before righting herself. She then clears her throat with recollected composure. “In any case, yes. I’m ready for this. Not to boast or anything, but I’m no stranger to teaching a classroom. I did run an entire school, as you know.” Granny grinned, “Right, ‘fore you dumped it all on this Starlight Shitter gal, yeah?” “Starlight Glimmer, Granny. Glimmer.” “Oh! Ah get it, now. How could ah’ve been so foolish?”  Twilight sighs in relief. “That’s good to-” “Starlight shits crystals! See? I technically got it right. Right?” “Wha- no! You—I—that—UGH!”  The alicorn snorts, wearing a grumpy expression as she sits on her haunches and crosses her forelimbs. Granny chuckles as she pats Twilight’s head. “Ya know someth’n?” The equine looks up to meet the ape’s mocking face. “Yer fun to fuck with…Twilight.” Twilight softened at that. Beneath Granny’s, uh…‘Grannyness,’ there was a kindhearted gigantopithecus. Despite easily being played by the elder, the lavender mare enjoyed her company immensely, often comparing her to a more unrestrained version of a particular old member of the Apple Family.      Twilight’s ears perked up as she heard something approaching from the direction of the forest. But she immediately regrets it as she groans irritably. “Oh, great. It’s those two again…” A familiar pair of megaloceros runs toward Twilight and Granny in a panic. “Look out!” Cried Rut. “She’s after us, eh!”  “Oh, geez!” Tok shouts in horror. They skied to a stop and fidgets in place worriedly.  “You’ve gotta help us.” “You’ve gotta hide us, eh.” “Oh, geez. Too late, here she comes.”  The pair runs past Twilight and Granny, hiding in the ape’s home and barn as they slam the doors shut. The earth shakes as another entity comes rushing out of the bush, instantly shocking Twilight, Granny, and several onlookers high up on nearby tree platforms from what they saw. It was a level 116 female wooly rhino.   A wooly. Rhino. What in Celestia’s name… What in Grok’s name… The rhino sniffed at the air and looked around, eyes darting in every direction while letting loose fearsome snorts. All while the lavender mare and elder ape looked on with dropped mouths. Seemingly convinced that the deer duo had moved on, the rhino charges across the farm and into dense forestation just opposite where it had appeared from. Rut and Tok can be seen peeking out of the window, and once the rhino had passed, they began to open the double doors slowly. “I told you that wasn’t a doe,” Rut said. “Well, she looked like one from behind,” Tuk argued. Granny and Twilight shared a look, turning their gaze back to them. “What in the Dead Isle is goin’ on here?” The ape asked. “What’s gotten into you two?” Twilight inquired as the megaloceros duo exited the home and stood before her and Granny. “Well, it’s that time of year, eh,” Tok answered. “Mating boosts everywhere,” Rut comments. “Mating…what?” The alicorn inquired with a tilted head. “Yeah, you know, like, the birds.” “Yeah, and the, and the bees.”  “And the doedettes. Heh. If you know what I mean by doedettes,” Tok wriggled his brows suggestively. Twilight’s ears suddenly perk up, and a smirk forms on her muzzle. “Yeah, well, don’t look now, but,” she gestures toward where the woolly rhino was last seen with a wing, “your doefriend’s coming.” “Oh, gee!” “Oh, no!” The earth shakes again as the rhino comes charging out of the forest and chases the now-fleeing duo, said duo’s screams distancing with every passing moment. “Huh…” Twilight breaks the resulting awkward silence. “That happened.” “Looks like those two are at it again,” a feminine gruff voice said as a white equus in metal armor approached. “I’m surprised Mawlchu hasn’t gotten them yet.” Granny gets up from her chair as Twilight walks toward the new mare. “Hello, there.” She gained the equus’ attention. “Your name was Decanus Equula, right?” “Decanus is my rank,” Equula answered, towering over her lavender counterpart with a horn and wings. She was still getting used to that. “Equula is my name, which has been passed down in my family for generations. You can call me Journey Joy, too. If you’d like.”  “Some of us just call ‘er Jo-Jo fer short,” Granny said. ‘Jo-Jo’ chuckled. “Yes.” She shifts her form to attention, something Twilight was all too familiar with, given the guards and her own brother back home.  “Sir. Gideon Apesworth has sent me to inform you, Twilight Sparkle, that the classroom has been built and is ready for use. I’ll escort you there when your affairs are in order.” > Chapter 88 - The Finding of Rarity and Rudey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good luck with ‘em youngsters, Mejo!” Granny Pithecus shouts as she waves farewell to Twilight, who walks away with Equulla, or Jo-Jo, in the lead. “Supper ‘ill be ready ‘fore sundown!”   Twilight waves back while looking over her shoulder. “Thank you! Be back soon!”    The alicorn set her eyes forward again as she and Equula began to cross a wooden bridge stretching over the waters surrounding Granny’s farm. The sound of the bridge creaking as their hooves clopped against it actually added some pleasantry to the ambiance of nature that cried out all around them. However, as she and Equulla stepped off the bridge and dove into the vibrant community, apes and allied creatures going about their daily lives amongst the platforms above and structures below, she realized that she never took some time to explore the village. Luckily, she could now correct that error as her eyes guided her head in multiple directions. Many were drawn to Twilight’s appearance, but those who’d seen her on the farm or had spoken to Granny filled them in about her current arrangement. Even so, she waved back in courtesy. Given time, she’s sure that the tribe will get used to her, especially since Grok intends to introduce her to everyone at the next tribe meeting in Maimuta. Or, as they call it, the Redheart Summit. “Amazing,” she compliments while following her stoic escort. She had to admit that being escorted by an armored equine almost made it feel like home—as if visiting a newly discovered foreign nation to establish relations. Thanks to Twilight’s talks with Granny, she knew that this and three other outposts were strategically placed at every ‘corner’ of the Redwood Biome, with Maimuta resting in the biome’s heart. Several smaller communities filled in the gaps, most of which are a series of tree platforms with bridges and ziplines connecting them, along with some vines for swinging and climbing and other such natural aid.  The more she thought about it, the more apparent it became that this established network, which also includes the transferring of resources and information, made the Tribe of Maimuta a force to be reckoned with. They could respond to almost any incident with timed efficiency, and given Granny’s frequent mentions of wars having been fought against the yetis and other tribes, this was most advantageous. With all that in mind, she concluded that any force seeking to invade the Redwood Biome was asking for a swift end. If the creatures that lurk in these woods didn’t get them, the dominant tribe would.  Equulla soon leads Twilight around the corner of warehouse Four-B, indicated by a giant billboard on its roof. As they began to walk toward the building’s rear, the lavender mare’s eyes shot wide open upon seeing a brown brontosaurus with a platform saddle. The sauropod stretches its neck and strips entire branches clean of greenery when it pulls away as members of Maimuta transfer items and resources from the structure built on the platform saddle to the warehouse by utilizing a primitive elevator. “We’re almost there,” Equulla began, tearing Twilight’s sights away from the scene as they continued onward. “Just a couple more blocks ahead until we reach the schoolhouse.” “Thank you very much,” Twilight responds as she observes her surroundings again. “This is incredible. Do you, by chance, know how long it must’ve taken to build all of this, Jo-Jo? I’d imagine it was built and expanded upon over many generations.” Jo-Jo hummed in thought as the two mares turned at another bend. “That’s a question you should save for Sir. Gideon Apesworth,” the armored equus answered. “I’m not saying that I don’t know anything on the matter—my mother pushed me out of the womb in this tribe, after all—It’s just that Gideon is the source of knowledge here.”  The armored mare slowed her pace as they approached another elevator similar to the one back at the warehouse, its platform having been set on ground level. A glance upward showed the lavender mare the unmistakable sight of a schoolhouse held up on a tree platform. All while a familiar diplodocus  “Speaking of knowledge,” Equulla comments as she positions herself on the elevator platform and turns to face Twilight. “We’re here.” She looks up to an armored yellow ape, who looks down at them from atop the tree platform as Twilight steps onto the elevator. “Bring us up, Chaka.” “Yes, Decanus Equulla!” Chaka responds with a salute. He then leans over and pulls on a wooden lever, metallic gears turning as the elevator platform ascends at a steady pace. “Ok,” Twilight murmured, taking a sharp breath to steel her nerves. “Here we go.” Meanwhile, Equulla sideglances at her fellow equine. And a subtle smirk formed after a moment’s pause. ‘Up close like this… Yeah, she’s definitely a cutie.’ She said internally, half-lidding her eyes. ‘I wonder…did she ever stare at my flanks during our walk? I hope so. I’ve always been more of a mares mare.’    “So, explain to me why you dragged me out here again?” Rudey asked as he and Rarity walked along the coast just outside of Sanctuary, grains of sand kicked up and old shells trampled upon. “And why you’ve been moping ever since we left?” Rarity’s ears flattened against her head at that as she walked in silence, eyes downcasted. She abruptly stops in place and lets out a long sigh before turning to Rudey.  “I’d…like to apologize, Rudey.” She chuckled bitterly. “Although that’s not exactly your name now, is it? I’ve…been terrible to you, darling.” The dilophosaur tilts his head inquisitively—but annoyed. “The fuck is this coming from?” “This morning, you finally told us about…Force Taming. I… I’m sorry for forcefully making you submit to...me.” She sighed again, searching for the appropriate words. “I was just so angry with Spike at the time, and I took it out on you. But please believe me, darling, when I say that I’d never-” Rudey suddenly pulls his attention away from Rarity, sniffing the air as his instincts go wild. “Wait…something’s not right…” “Rudey, please, I’m trying to patch things up-” “Shhhh!” The dinosaur interjects with a raised claw, Rarity taken aback. “Quiet… I need to focus.” Realization dawned on the white unicorn as her eyes shot wide open, looking around their general vicinity. “I-is s-something…out t-there…?” She dared to ask in fear.  Rudey glares back at her, “Don’t you have a literal armory in your ass? Pull something out of it.” He looked forward and lowered himself to a crawling posture. “Something’s watching us…” “Ah-ack!” The unicorn gasped, insulted. “I’ll have you know that it’s called an inventory, not my ‘ass,’ as you so rudely put it.”  “Yeah, but you have to look at your ass to-” A bipedal and ravenous presence suddenly roars out from the nearby treeline, shattering some branches and flattening bushels in the process as it charges at the duo with flickers of drool falling from its opened maw. “Fucking—shit!” Rudey shouts. “It’s an allosaurus!” “W-what do we do?!” Rarity screamed in a panic as the allosaurid careened toward them like the Ponyville Express. All aboard for its stomach region, one could say. So sudden was the predator’s presence that she didn’t even bother to look at its identification. “What do you think?!” With excellent timing, Rudey pushes Rarity aside as he lept in the opposite direction. “DODGE!” The allosaurus slides across the sand as it tries to slow itself to turn and resume its pursuit. Rarity and Rudey take the opportunity to flee during this time, although they can feel the vibrating sensations of the allosaurus’ approach moments after. Unfortunately, the duo could not run back toward the direction of Sanctuary. Instead, they found themselves running down the beach toward the Demon King’s mountain. “What are you waiting for?!” The dilophosaurus roars at his equine ally. “Get your weapons out and kill this thing!” “I-I can’t!” Rarity cried out with her held up high. “What the fuck do you mean by ’I can’t’?!” “I gave my weapons to Rainbow Dash before she left for the merchants!” “What?!” The dilo grunts in frustration. “Why in the prehistoric fuck would you—?! Ah, screw this!” He turns around and faces the allosaurus with dilated, slitted eyes, “I’m not dying today because of you. Now watch,” he unfurls his frill, accompanied by a constant hissing noise, “and learn.”   “R-Rudey?!” Rarity shouts while looking back, coming to a sudden stop. “What are you doing?! We need to run!” The dilo ignores the unicorn’s cries as he waits for the right moment. “Looks like you’re one of the dumbass variety, eh, big guy?” He mocked in a whispered tone. “How very fortunate for me.” Rumors say that dilophosaurus are naturally skittish and only attack smaller prey or scavenging from carcasses. How adorable, he challenged. The allosaurus’ earth-shaking steps drew closer as it opened its jaws to scoop up the considerably smaller predator in one pass. But Rudey remained calm and collected, and Rarity looked on with a quivering muzzle—hating her oversight of not crafting more weapons before leaving the safety of Sanctuary. The larger predator was now within two ponies’ length in front of Rudey. But the dilo has been gathering venom in his maw, and he takes aim. [ACHPEW] The world practically slows down as he spits out a black volatile before leaping to the right. The projectile makes its mark on the larger carnivore’s left eye, causing it to screech before falling onto its stomach region and sliding past Rudey, who proceeds to run around it. “Move your ass!” He called out to Rarity while running back toward the direction of Sanctuary. “I’ve got a plan!” “O-ok!” Rarity managed as she lunged forward and maneuvered around the thrashing allosaur. She catches up to her scaly ally, “That was incredible!” She compliments. “It’ll only distract that fucker for a time,” Rudey responds as he leads Rarity over to the remains of shattered trees and logs where the allosaurus had emerged. “Silver lining is that it can kiss that eye goodbye.” Reaching the wood remains, Rudey begins to look over several logs that were laid bare before them. “That one!” He said with a gesture, Rarity looking over to the chosen log before glancing back at the allosaurus.  “We need to hurry, darling!” “Quick. Help me lodge this thing against this boulder,” Rudey asked, biting down on the log and pulling it toward the appointed boulder. Rarity quickly jumps to his aid, using her head to push the log as mounds of sand form a trail along the way. A distant roar from the allosaurus gains their immediate attention as the dinosaur manages to get back up, using a claw to wipe off the splurge of venom from its affected eye. But the damage has permanently set in as the eye is completely blind. The allosaurid lifts its head and roars out in pure rage, using its remaining eye to search for its duo of prey as it shoots its head in multiple directions. It then chooses to rely on its sense of smell as its nostrils flare, and it turns towards the direction of the picked-up scents. The allosaurus spots the equine and dilophosaur, stomps in place with a vicious growl, and lets out a booming roar before charging again.      ……….    “Shit shit shit shit!” Rudey shouts, taking note of the larger predator’s approach as he hurriedly sharpens one end of the log with his claws while the other is forced into a fracture of the boulder, courtesy of Rarity as she lifts the log on her back. “Here it comes!” Rarity cried out. “Hurry!” “I’m working on it! I’m working on it! Just don’t lift until I tell you to.” “O-ok!” She responds through gritted teeth and wobbly legs.  The allo roared as it drew near. Rudey hastens his sharpening, repeatedly looking at the approaching allo, down to the log, and back to the allo again in a panic. “Come on, come on.” The large carnivore opens its jaw. “Almost there.” If he had sweat glands, Rudey is pretty sure this is when one would sweat nervously—or just simply shit themselves. His carving skills were bearing fruit as that end of the log almost resembled the skewering barbs of a spiked wall. But the allo was now only six feet away… Five…  Four…  Three… Two… “There!” The dilo screamed as he covered his eyes with his claws, Rarity grunting in strenuous effort. “Raise it! RAISE IT! FUCKING RAISE IT!” [SPLACK] The smell of iron fills the air as something warm splashes onto Rudey. Rarity only receives droplets of it, but both have their eyes shut. “I’m dead,” mutters Rudey. “I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I died; I’m dead.” A large mass falls on earth and shakes their general vicinity, causing the two members of Harmony to peek their eyes open slowly. Their eyes shot wide open from what they saw as the makeshift spear penetrated the back of the allo’s throat, killing the dinosaur instantly as the pike graced the upper portions of its head and brain matter. They stare at their accomplishment in silence and slowly turn to each other. “Yeah!” Rudey celebrates, covered in blood, as he swiftly gets up and stands tall and proud. “Who’s at the bottom of the food chain now bitch, huh?!” He mocks the deceased predator, pointing at its corpse. “Hahaha! Dilophosaur—one. Allos—zero. Woo! I’m a mother fucking rex!” He turns back to congratulate his ally. “Hey, you didn’t do too bad af-” His words die in his throat as he spots Rarity making her way around the boulder, her attention having been stolen by something else. “And she ruined the moment,” Rudey said with a deadpan expression, sighing as he began to follow her. “You know,” he states while maneuvering around the boulder and spotting the equine, “normally when we do something like escaping with our lives—well, my life, since you can just respawn—that calls for…c-cele…” They were both speechless as they stared at a crate in the open. “I-is that…what I think it is…?” Rarity asked as Rudey came up alongside her. “Y-yeah…” The dinosaur responds. “It’s one of those note thingies creatures on the island rave about. It looks like this one was set down by those lights fairly recently.” “You gonna open it…?” Rarity looks over to Rudey and back to the chest. “Y-yes, I, uhm, suppose I should. But why don’t you come along, darling? If what I’ve heard from HLN-A is true, It’ll also give you some experience for your own enhancements.” They both nod in understanding and approach the chest. Rarity turns sideways as a series of transparent blue lines reach out from her cutie-implant. The lines then wrap around and meld with energy now emitting from the chest, similar to what happens when she and her friends access the island’s drops. The chest flings itself wide open, and although Rudey couldn’t see what had resulted, save for gaining a sudden surge of experience for enhancements, Rarity’s eyes widened as she had uncovered something wondrous…yet horrifying. The Explorer Note of Sir. Edmund Rockwell.  > Chapter 89 - Tribal Connection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Redwood Biome: Maimuta Western Outpost- Youthful voices fill the classroom as they are all donned in cloth armor and are evenly distributed on either side of the stone-dominant building’s inner sanctum before Sir. Gideon Apesworth, with twelve wooden tables and a single accompanying chair broken into two rows of six going along the wooden floor. Gideon nods as he turns around, picks up a charcoal-made writing utensil, and starts to jot something down on the board. “Now then, class!” He boomed joyously with his back turned to the young apes, whose voices began to die down following his exclamation. Once he finished his writing, a name is now written in black on the board as the explorer-attired ape twirls in place to face his class. “As you all know, Miss. Twilight Sparkle shall be paying us a visit at any moment. I expect you all to be on your best behavior, yes?” “Yes, Mr. Apesworth.”  “Very good.” He claps his hands together, “So, who here can-” A light-brown hand is raised to Gideon’s right, three seats down the aisle. “Yes, Chalunga?” “How does she have horns and wings?” The young ape asked. “A fine question indeed, my good boy. I must admit, Miss. Sparkle’s anatomy is unlike any of the other equus I’ve ever seen before, save for the unicorn, of course.” Another hand, light red in coloration with a noticeably feminine look, is raised to Gideon’s left and at the very end of the row. “Go ahead, Matilda.” Matilda lowers her hand as she slips off of her seat and stands in the middle of the aisle. “About that, sir, do you think Twilight knows the unicorn you always told us about?” She questioned innocently. “There can be no doubt,” Gideon answered confidently. “Why, we could be on the verge of a grand discovery. This is the first time in many years that a new species has-” A series of knocks interjects, causing Gideon to shift his gaze to the orange-red wooden door. “Ah!” He excitedly exclaimed. “That must be her. Remember, children, be-” “We’ll be on our best behavior, sir.” The class interrupts playfully as a whole, earning a chuckle from their teacher, who makes his way over to the door. Steeling his nerves and taking a breath to suppress his excitement, Gideon grabs the doorknob, turns it, and pulls the door open with an accompanying creak. The outside world is unveiled, and standing beyond the doorframe alongside Equulla is none other than Twilight Sparkle. “Good afternoon, Sir. Gideon!” Twilight greets with a bow, Gideon returning the gesture. “I’m sorry that we didn’t get to talk much when you and the students first arrived.” Gideon waves a hand dismissively, “Au contraire, my dear.” He looks over to Equulla, “My thanks for escorting her here, Jo-Jo. Say, if you’re free and willing, would you like to join us for today’s sessions?” The armored mare chuckles. “If you two won’t mind having me.” “Of course not!” Gideon joyously bolstered. “Twilight?” “That sounds lovely,” Twilight agreed, turning her head and looking up to Equulla, “I actually have some questions for you, too. If you don’t mind answering them, of course.” The equus raised an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “Like asking me if I’m single?” “Actually, yes!” Twilight conjures a piece of paper, a primitive clipboard, and a charcoal pencil. “I was curious about your courting practices and if you also form herds. I realize that this might be a mature subject, so I was hoping to pick your brain about it after class.” Equulla stares at Twilight, then looks over to Gideon, who crosses his arms with a withering look, as she then sets her sights back on the lavender mare. “Di-was that rude of me?” Twilight worriedly asked before she returned her items to her inventory and laughed sheepishly. “S-sorry. I get kind of carried away when learning of a new subject.” “Not at all,” Equulla assured with a smile. “I’d be more than happy to talk about it privately over-” “Oh! I just remembered!” Gideon interjects, garnering Twilight’s attention while earning a pout from Equulla. -Seriously, Gideon? You’re really going to do me like that, huh?- “Why don’t you head on in and introduce yourself, Twilight? There’s something I must discuss with Jo-Jo here.” The lavender mare looks between them. “Are you sure?” “Oh, fear not, my good mare,” Gideon said while patting her head. “The children are bundles of delight. Go on, don’t be shy. Jo-Jo and I will be along in just a minute.” “O-ok then.” There was nervousness in her voice as she turned to look at the entrance but didn’t venture forth due to hesitation. While she scolded herself for feeling such hesitation, especially considering it was no different from the opening of her school back home, there was an underlying issue of possibly making a horrible mistake. If she gave even one of those young souls a ‘lousy impression,’ to put it lightly, who knows how horribly that could cascade into a series of unfortunate events. After all, Chancellor Neighsay and Cozy Glow were variables that made the School of Friendship’s opening a complete disaster. Sure, maybe she’s overthinking this. Sure, there isn’t a Neighsay or Cozy Glow to mess things up. Hay, this is how she would’ve loved to have the school open and receive her ideas, hopes, and dreams. But she wouldn’t allow herself to make any such mistakes. She’s the Princess of Friendship, Luna dammit! And by Celestia’s glorious backside, if these young minds want to learn more about her, then that’s what they’ll get. What did she have to lose anyway? The alicorn’s mind was made up, and gone was her hesitation as a smile formed on her face as she trotted through the doorframe and into the classroom. A loud burst of awed gasps and exclamations erupts from the children within, and as Gideon grabs onto the door to close it, the last words he and Equulla could hear were those of gleeful greeting. “Hi there! My name is Twilight Sparkle, although you probably already know that, thanks to the board. But I understand that you-” The door is closed shut, effectively silencing Twilight’s voice as Gideon looks back to Equulla. “Jo-Jo,” he began accusatively, “what do you think you’re doing?” “Oh, relax, old-timer,” Jo-Jo responds with assurance. “I’m only casting out my line, nothing more.” Gideon facepalms with a sigh. “Look, Jo-Jo. You don’t even know if she’s into other mares like you.” “And that’s why I’m casting out my line. If she bites, that’s great! If not, hey, it’s all good. I’ll keep my head up and satisfied knowing that I at least tried.” A thought occurs to Gideon. “I just don’t want you to…use her.” “‘Use her’?” The armored equus narrows her eyes. “You’re going to explain the meaning of that? Or do you enjoy being an asshole?” “I didn’t mean it like that, my friend,” Gideon reasoned with defensively raised hands. “I only want you to be sure that this is what you want. Let’s say that you do manage to get her. You must be absolutely certain that it’s genuine and not just you filling the void in your heart. Understand?” “I get it, Gideon. Really, I do.” She walks away with folded ears, propping herself up on a nearby railing as she looks out into the redwood wilderness. “It’s been ten long years since I lost her…” “Goodness…” Gideon remorses as he joins the equus, folding his arms against the railing. “Has it really been that long? Ah, how I miss Scarlet’s ever-so-colorful language.” “‘Oh aye’?” Equulla begins an imitation, making her voice higher-pitched. “Well, in that case, I’ll be sure to use it ‘round you more often, ya fuk’n wankah.’” Gideon bursts out into laughter. “Ohoho! Grok’s grace, you almost sound just like her.” “I still remember the day she first attempted to court me. It was after we had returned from our first battle against the yetis.” She rested a forelimb on her chest and continued her imitation. “‘Oh, ya betcha dang flank, I’m gonna try to court ya after ya saved me back there. Meep, meep—hear that? That’s the sound of this gallimimus ride comin’ to getcha, ya daft cunt.’” “Hahah! And that actually worked on you?” “Hey, It was different when she said it. Besides, we were already very close by then and…I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in giving it a try.” “Mhmm. And so began one of the liveliest couples I’ve ever seen in my life,” Gideon reminisced as he sighed from the memories. “You two were inseparable.” A moment of silence takes hold as Equulla’s features softened. “Until we finally were, that is…” Gideon frowns at that, and silence stakes its claim again. “So I have to ask: why Twilight?” His inquiry gained the equus’ attention. “You’ve undoubtedly seen and mingled with many other mares before her. Tell me, what makes her stand out?” Equulla raises an eyebrow. “Have you seen her?” She questioned playfully. “She stands out without even trying to. But, as I said, I’m just interested in seeing where it goes. I promised Scarlet that I wouldn’t close myself off forever, and now that ten years have passed… Now that I’ve had time to mourn… I think…I’m ready.” “As long as you’re certain, my dear.” Gideon gently rests a hand on Equulla’s shoulder, “If things do turn out well, just be fair to Twilight, ok? That’s all I’m saying.” “Of course,” she responds, lowering herself to the platform’s surface. “At the very least, she seems like a nice mare. But look at us wasting our time out here. Come on. We shouldn’t leave her hanging in there alone with the army of kiddos.” “Most certainly,” Gideon agreed as they stepped away from the railing and walked to the classroom door. “There’s something I have to tell you, Jo-Jo, before we head in.” “Shoot.” “It’s just…I’ve been searching for any signs of that tribe you mentioned. You know, the one that your mother’s side of the family was once a part of?” Jo-Jo’s ears twitched. “I’m listening.” “I’ve reached out to my contacts over at the Eastern Swamp Biome. You remember the traveling merchants?” “Heh. How could I not? Do… Do they know anything about it?” “Not them, per se. But the nearby Snow Biome might contain answers. You see, a pack of direwolves live there who go by that same alias.” Jo-Jo’s widened eyes darted toward him. “Y-you don’t mean to say…” “I do, and I was never a believer in coincidence. They, too, call themselves…the Howling Wolves.” > Chapter 90 - Twilight Tales and Pink Sails > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per one of the young gigantopithecus’ requests, Twilight unfurls her wings in presentation while standing at the forefront of the classroom filled with youthful curiosity.   “Truth be told, I wasn’t actually born with these,” Twilight said, folding her wings. “I earned them.” “Earned them?” One of many voices began to question. “You can earn wings?” “I wonder If I could earn wings...” “At least It’s better than taming an argentavis.” A series of amazed ‘Oohs’ and ‘Ahs’ also swept across the classroom, accompanying those curious voices. Once everything dies down and silence takes hold, and before Twilight can make a statement, a hand is abruptly raised along the right side of the aisle. Twilight points a forelimb in their direction happily, “Yes, you there.” As the young yellow-furred ape lowered her arm, the lavender mare could’ve sworn she had seen them before.   “It’s nice to meet you again, Twilight. You might not remember me, but my name is Grunda.” Twilight’s ears twitch as she tilts her head inquisitively before narrowing her eyes and rummaging through her memories. “Wait a second,” her eyes widen in realization, “I think I do remember you. You’re Sir. Gideon’s granddaughter, correct?”  Grunda giggles. “You got it!” “We never properly met when I first arrived in Maimuta.” Twilight chuckles heartfully. “Well, now we can certainly correct that. Is there something you’d like to ask me, Grunda?”    “It’s just… What kind of equus are you?” Grunda asked, earning several agreeing whispers from her classmates. “Unicorns are one thing, but you’ve got a horn and wings. And did someone paint your fur? Or is it naturally like that? It’s so bright, but I think it’s so pretty—you’re like a fuzzy mejoberry!” A round of humorous laughter results from the class as a whole, and thanks to Granny Pithecus, Twilight was definitely used to that comparison and nickname by now.    The sound of the classroom door being pushed open immediately stole everyone’s attention as Sir. Gideon steps through the doorframe, followed by Journey Joy, who gently kicks the door closed with a hind leg. “Ah,” Gideon starts, making his way over and positioning himself alongside Twilight as Jo-Jo lowers herself onto her stomach near the door. “I trust that you’ve all been on your best behavior, yes?” “We have, Sir. Gideon.” The class unified. “They’ve been wonderful,” Twilight gleed. “I’m happy that you two were able to join us. Grunda asked me something that I feel you two should be present here for.” “Then please, my dear,” Gideon states, walking over to his desk positioned alongside the board, pulling out his seat, sitting down, and maneuvering it forward before resting his arms on the furnishing. “Please do go on.” He motivates with a gesture Twilight nods, looking back to the board, “May I?” She asked of Gideon. “Of course! You are free to use everything and anything you need for today’s session. I must admit, I’m also quite eager to know more about you, so feel free to see me as just another student.” “I’m with the old noggin,” Equulla said, her ears perking up to attention. “You interest me greatly, Twilight.” ‘And in more ways than one.’ She adds internally. Satisfied and now unrestrained, Twilight proceeds to pluck a charcoal-made chalk from a nearby holster and proceeds to draw three different equine figures on the board, although she left her name advertised above. “Ok, class,” Twilight began after spinning around to face the curious masses. “Here are the three types of ponies who inhabit my homeland, Equestria: earth ponies,” she gestures a wing over to the earth pony figure, “Pegasi,” her lavender appendage indicated before hovering over to the last, “And unicorns.”   ‘I knew it,’ Gideon says internally as Twilight continues on. ‘I always believed that unicorns are real, but to know that equus with wings also exist is fascinating! Then again…Twilight is basically the culmination of all three. But to that end, I wonder… How?’ “As for me, I am what’s called an alicorn. But I wasn’t born as one, as I mentioned before. Goodness, no. That would be my niece. I was once a unicorn. More on that later. See, there are other pony races, too. Like the thestrals, crystal ponies, sea ponies, and more.”  Twilight paused and allowed those words to sink in as the children, Gideon and Jo-Jo remained silent in wonder, not daring to disturb the lecture, having been long since drawn in. “Equus, the world I come from, is a place full of magic, harmony, and friendship, although the road to achieving this paradise was long and full of hardships. Still, we managed, and all living things flourish in the peace and prosperity we enjoy together.” “My word…” Gideon drops in complete awe. “And from what you’re implying, other creatures live alongside you ponies?” “Definitely!” Twilight shouts enthusiastically. “I was just about to cover that, but yes. There are beautiful races that we ponies are proud to call friends. Yaks, griffins, changelings, kirin, dragons-” “Dragons?!” Everyone shouts as Sir. Gideon, in particular, had pushed his chair back from standing up so suddenly as it scraped along the floor. “You mean to say that dragons inhabit your world freely?!” Gideon asked. Twilight nods, knowing of Grok’s encounter with the draconian lurking within the Red Obelisk. Deductive reasoning only dictated that he’d tell everyone else in the tribe about it. “They do. Hay, there’s a whole nation of dragons. I even have a brother who’s also a dragon. Though he’s technically my son, too.” Several gasps and words of awe are let loose. “No fucking way…” Jo-Jo mutters amongst those in attendance, but mindful of the children. “T-that can’t seriously be true.” She raised her voice, amazed and shocked. “I swear that everything I’ve said so far is nothing but the truth,” Twilight assured with a smile. “I mean, just look at me! I’m living proof, and If you think my appearance is unique, let me assure you that my friends and I are just a taste of what my world has to offer. But look at me ramble on and on. Pfft.” The alicorn dismissed humorously, waving a forehoof. She clears her throat for the coming lecture. “To truly tell my story, I must first tell you about another. This was the catalyst that brought me and my friends together and kicked off our incredible journey.” She sighed lovingly. “I…I wouldn’t be who I am today…were it not for the Tale of the Two Sisters.”   The cooling wind flutters Pinkie Pie’s mane as she stands attentively in the crow’s nest of the Painted Mary, Captain Jack’s name for the ship, which sails the Ark’s ocean fluently. At the same time, several forms of sea life—primarily dolphin-like ichthyosaurs—swim alongside the vessel.  Pinkie had thought the name to be quite fitting, given the alias of Jack’s tribe and crew: the Painted Sharks. Of course, they weren’t sharks, but the captain explained that it was a name passed down in his family for countless generations. And yet, strangely…the pink mare couldn’t help but feel like she’s heard of that name before, but she was sure it’d come back to her. “Oi, Pinkie!” Captain Jack called from below. Pinkie’s ears twitched as she turned around and poked her head through the gaps in the wooden railings around her, looking down at the yeti. “Yes, captain?!”   “The coast is clear for Herbivore Island! Come down from the crow’s nest and help the crew prepare to go ashore!” “Aye, aye!” The pink mare responds while shooting the yeti a saluting gesture. Her hooves clopped against the wood as she made her way over to the rope ladder, setting her hind legs on the first hardwood rung and lowering herself to the deck below. As she dismounts the ladder and lands on the ship’s deck, the other crew members shuffling about and moving resources, the equine trots over to the ship’s starboard side and stands next to one of the ballistas positioned there.  In the short distance lies Herbivore Island, the exact antithesis of Carnivore Island—or Dead Isle. She had never been there personally, but thanks to HLN-A’s challenge, both Spike and Rainbow Dash had since informed her of their own experience.  That, and it helped to have a sort of bird’s eye view from that strange place she and HLN-A watched the remainder of the challenge from. Pinkie’s ears flickered as Jack could be heard whistling a tune nearby and up a small flight of stairs to the bridge, and the turning of the ship’s steering wheel, followed by the vessel being maneuvered toward the island.    “Ahoy, ya scallywags!” All in attendance shift their gaze to the captain. “Pinkie! Urd! Sedan!” Pinkie and her two direbear crewmates all shift to attention. “You three will be tasked with gathering resources for our journey, food, drink, and the like. We can’t afford to make any more stops on the way to the Red Gathering. Savvy?!” “Aye, aye, captain!” Pinkie shouts in confirmation as the duo of direbears sit on their backside in unison, waving a claw. Jack nods in satisfaction. “Then crack on, mates! Step to it!” Following Jack’s order, the crew disperses and returns to their duties, Pinkie falling in as she aids Shellshock, the carbonemys, Salamaya, the diplocaulus, and Mr. Pecks, the dodo, who’s also the ship’s bosun, transport crates of various sizes meant for storing perishable items similarly to preserving bins.    ………. Meanwhile, on Herbivore Isle… ………. A female brown gradient lystrosaurus of such a low level scurries through the grass at admirable speed, flaring her nostrils as she hones in on a particular delicacy, her tusks ready to bite into the flesh of any and all forms of vegetation. The therapsid had only recently been set down on this island. Just shy of a full day, if she recalled correctly. She had made great strides during her time here, and soon enough, she would enjoy her favorite food source: an entire bush of citronal.  She soon reaches the bush and sniffs at its ripe, sour fruit. The lystro looks it over inquisitively before biting onto the lowest-lying citronal with her beak and tusks and yanks her head away, pulling the fruit clean off the bush. The lystro drops the fruit onto the ground and hungrily enjoys her favorite treat. After a few moments passed by, the earth began to shake around her as something moved nearby, but the therapsid paid it no mind. After all, she knew that she shared this island with other herbivorous creatures far larger than her. Still, all living things here tolerated one another, provided a certain amount of respect was shown. A shadow looms over the dog-sized quadruped, causing her senses to flare with caution as she turns around to investigate…only to set her eyes upon flesh-rendering claws. The lystro raised her head slowly while fear grew in her form and soon met the eyes of the owner of those death-dealing claws, who looked down at her.  She had never seen this…thing before. It studied her, chirping while doing so, and all she could do was remain frozen in place. Was it a threat? Surly, it would be just like the other- ‘SCRAAAAWWR!’ The stranger roars out with a sudden burst of aggression, the likes of which the lystro had never before seen in any other herbivore on this island. The titan draws back its right claw, preparing to strike in what looked like pure hatred, earning a submissive shriek from the lystro, who hoped for its mercy. Unfortunately, the entity had no mercy to give, and the lystro’s life instantly ended following a swift and decisive strike that sent her corpse flying away. This island was now the home of something that was never meant to be there. The Ark never would’ve allowed this to happen under normal circumstances, but HLN-A’s meddling had certain… Consequences. > Chapter 91 - Services Rendered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Herbivore Island- The creaking of the ship in motion, along with the labors of its’ able-bodied crew up on the main deck, graces Pinkie Pie’s ears as she transports a set of cannonballs in her inventory over to a metallic storage containment down in the cargo hold. She opens the storage box while humming a familiar lullaby involving smiles as she accesses her inventory, manifests each ball one at a time, and sets them down carefully on cartons within the metal storage designed to hold them in place. With her task now complete, the pink mare closes the storage box and hurriedly makes her way back up to the main deck, passing by other forms of storage space, several sleeping quarters, and the captain’s cabin along the way before finally reaching a flight of stairs. Upon reaching the main deck, the harmonious mare instantly picks up the abrupt sound of an explosive splash of water, causing her to follow her ears as she hurries over to the vessel’s starboard side. There she spots Sedan swimming along the water’s surface, one of the two direbear members of this band of seafarers, as the ship enters the bay of Herbivore Island. Pinkie watched as Sedan submerged beneath the waters’ surface, although the crystal clear sea still offered a fine view of what was transpiring underneath. The dire bear uses its limbs for propulsion as she chases a small school of fish, managing to pin one against a reef with a claw as the ship passes over the piscivorous scenario. “Oi, Pinkie!” Captain Jack beckoned from the helm, his fateful dodo bosun, Mr. Pecks, perched on his right shoulder. “Yes, captain?!” “Lower the longboat! Portside!” “Aye, aye!” Pinkie obeys the command, shuffles over to the ship’s portside, and starts to undo the ropes that hold up the longboat as Jack turns his gaze to the ancient turtle amongst the crew.   “Shellshock! Drop anchor!” The carbonemys roars out and waddles over to a rusty crank before biting into it and rotating his head clockwise. The mechanism allows the anchor to fall freely into the sea, evidenced further by the resulting splash and flickers of water droplets thrown into the air. Salamaya, the hammer-headed salamander, and Urd, the last remaining direbear still onboard, disembarked from the now-parked vessel as they lept off the starboard side and swam ashore.  Another splash sounds off as Pinkie frees the longboat from its attachments, and the floatation device bumps against the ship now and then via the ocean current. The pink mare looks down to assess the watercraft and ladder, nodding in satisfaction. “Okay, las,” Jack says on approach, coming up on the equine’s rear and standing alongside her with a wooden paddle held under his left armpit. “Mr. Pecks shall keep an eye out in the crow’s nest. The number one rule on the high seas is always assuming that another ship with less-than-pleasant company will stroll by. Savvy?” Pinkie nods, flashing a smile, “Okie dokie, lokie!” The yeti blinks his eyes in confusion, “I still don’t know who this Lokie fella is, but if they can get me a few more barrels of beer, they’re welcome to come along.” He bows with a flourish before scaling down the ladder, leaving behind a wide-eyed pink mare frozen in thought. “Hehehehe!” She bursts out into a giggle. “Silly captain, that’s why the beer is always gone.” “Right you are, las,” the yeti responds, lowering himself onto the boat’s bow seat or bench. “Right, you are.” Following Jack’s gesture for her to join him, Pinkie scales down the ladder, dismounts it, and joins the yeti on the longboat, rocking the vessel slightly as she maneuvers over to the stern seat. “Is Mr. Pecks going to be alright?” Pinkie asked, sitting down and grabbing the paddle Jack offered her. “Aye. Nothing gets past Mr. Pecks’ watchful eyes.  Well, except for that whole Silk Spitters incident, but no one’s perfect love, and Mr. Pecks is as fine a bosun as any. Now row, Pinkie. Row!” The equine nods with a beaming smile as she adheres to his request and rhythmically rows them to shore. ………. Following Jack’s orders as the boat approaches the shoreline, Pinkie doubles her efforts and paddles harder, causing the vessel to build up admirable speed before finally exiting the waters and sliding up the sandy incline.  “Well done, Pinkie,” the yeti compliments, leaping out of the boat and landing on the sand in one fluent motion. “Rowing a boat with a yeti of my size isn’t as easy as other apes might think.” The pink mare flexes a forelimb and winks, “Ain’t no mare like an earth pony mare!” She boasts. She then exits the watercraft as her hooves dig into the earthly grains.  “So I’m going with Sedan and Urd to collect some food, right?” Jack turns to face her, “Aye, that be your role.” He grabs the boat and pulls it inland, Pinkie walking alongside him. “While you three are off scurrying about, meself, Shellshock, and Salamaya will see to our crafting supplies. Savvy?” “You got it!” The pink mare boomed, turning her gaze over to the direbear duo and kicking off to hurriedly make her way across the sands to join them, leaving Jack, Salamaya, and Shellshock to their own devices. “Hi, girls!” Pinkie greets, positioning herself between the ursal titans. “I’m ready to go if you are.” Urd looks back and mumbles in confirmation, prompting the trio to venture onward to the outlying island’s forestation.   Rainbow Dash sat with folded ears at a respectful distance from Harley, who wept several feet away from the corpses of her long-deceased parents as members of the Traveling Merchant began to build a protective wall around the bodies. As for Moss, the adopted spinosaurus of the paraceratherium couple was nowhere to be seen, save for the clear signs and forcefully established path through the swamp made by an enraged behemoth. This was so not cool… She liked Herbert and Shirley. The original plan was simple: return to the merchants, explain why she couldn’t complete the challenge, which she was sure to have been mocked for; everyone would get a good laugh from it; she gets some materials for fur armor and a cryopod, and off she goes with Vanellope in tow. But now… A remorseful sigh escapes from her throat. She then spots Thrum, the Traveling Merchant, turn away from his tribe members in the distance and begin to walk towards the pegasus. Rainbow stands up to reciprocate and meets him halfway across the terrain of mud and sand.  “H-hey…” She began, unsure of what to say but still felt the need to express her sympathy. “I’m so sorry about, well,” she gestures toward the paraceratherium corpses with an outstretched wing, “them. I didn’t know Herbert and Shirley for long, but I liked them.” The top-hat-wearing ape sighed in sadness, “Alas, such is the way of this island. It can be a paradise one second and a total nightmare the next. But we merchants always repay our debts, Rainbow, and you have done us a great service. Thank you.” “Heh, no problem.” The cyan mare looks over to the bodies, “Any idea what might’ve done this?” “Ah…” Thrum runs a hand along the back of his neck in thought. “Well, Tharn has his theories regarding large predators, but what you explained to us is simply mind-boggling.  A raptor pack? Taking down not one but two paraceratheriums who are also Speakers—Speakers… The very thought is inconceivable.” “Yeah…” Rainbow responds before solemnly remaining silent, trying to recollect anything that could help- “Wait…” Her eyes shot wide open in festering realization as she had forgotten one particular detail. “What is it, Rainbow?” “When I saved Vanellope and Walken, there was something strange about the raptors that attacked them.” Thrum crosses his arms and brings a hand up to his chin. “Strange?” “It… It was their…eyes. It was all flashy and red, like those troodon things at night.” “I see… Interesting…” Thrum hummed in thought. “And you say that those raptors displayed such characteristics even in broad daylight?” The pegasus nods. “Yup. It wasn't long before noon.” “Mmm… We have quite the mystery on our hands. Hooves, in your case. For now, all we can do is hope that Tharn finds any clues that could lead us to an explanation.” The ape looks skyward and nods before raising his left arm and accessing his inventory. “Two-thirty seven pm. Come, Rainbow. Let’s check on your raptor friend and Walken. The sooner we get them up and going, the better. The last thing I want is for you two to travel back home at night, especially since that raptor pack is still out there somewhere.” “Thanks, Thrum. I appreciate it.” The ape turns and beckons the equine to follow, who does so happily as they trek over to a series of wooden spiked walls Rainbow had built to protect the unconscious forms of Vanellope and Walken.  “Think nothing of it,” Thrum states. “Perhaps we can even discuss proper payment for services rendered.” “I don’t know…” Rainbow hesitated. “Maybe if-” “It’s alright, Rainbow,” the top-hatted ape gently interjects. “As I said before, you deserve this.” Pausing in front of a spiked wall, Rainbow steps closer and performs her implant’s ‘Destroy’ feature. True to its name, a strange yet all too familiar phenomenon causes a single wall to crumble, following red particles that exited her implant, unveiling both Vanellope and Walken while also gaining some of the materials used to craft the spiked wall.   “Well, if you’re offering,” Rainbow said after turning to face Thrum. “I’d like some materials for fur armor and a cryopod if that’s ok.” The ape stared at her with an inquisitive yet curious expression. “...I’m sorry… Cryo-what?” > Chapter 92 - 'Big One' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Eastern Swamp Biome- “And that’s a cryopod in a nutshell.”  Rainbow had finished explaining the concept of a cryopod as she and Thrum sat on chairs surrounded by wooden spiked walls with a gap for exiting and entering, Vanellope and Walken slumbering peacefully nearby.    “Heh. You’re lucky that I gave you the awesome version of an explanation. If Twilight or HLN-A were here, those eggheads would put you down faster than a tranq arrow as they go on and on and on.” She ends with a heartful chuckle, accessing her inventory to check the time. 4:23 pm. “See? It only took me, like, two minutes to do it.” She waited expectantly for the top-hatted ape to form a proper response, aside from the dumbfounded look he had given her halfway through her explanation and still maintained.   “S-so, let me get this straight,” Thrum managed, fidgeting in his seat and leaning in. “You have an engram that allows you to craft this cryopod, which allows a tribe to securely store away any of their tamed allies regardless of if they’re a land, air, or sea-based lifeform…?”  The pegasus nods with a cocky grin. “And one would effectively be able to summon said ally,” he snaps his fingers, “just like that?” “Just. Like. That.” Silence takes hold as the equine awaits knowingly for the ape beside them to form a proper response. She could tell that his mind was working through several ideas, followed by a calculative expression. Seemingly satisfied, Thrum smirks as he slowly clasps his fingers together, “I think we could come to a certain arrangement here, Rainbow.” Rainbow’s ears twitch as she leans forward and claps her forehooves together. “I’m all ea-” “Thrum!” A familiar voice beckoned, prompting Rainbow and Thrum to look at a dark-gray ape donned in metallic armor entering the gap urgently. “You’ll need to see this.” “What did you manage to find, Tharn?” Thrum asked the ape on approach, Rainbow looking on attentively.  The armored ape lifts his left arm and accesses his inventory as the implant beneath his wrist glows with light-blue energy that leaks through the gauntlet. Seconds after, a particular object manifests into Tharn’s left palm as he presents it to Rainbow and Thrum—the pegasus’ eyes widening in recognition.   “Woah…” Rainbow said in awe, yet with the slightest hint of forebodingness. “That raptor claw is crazy big.” “That’s an understatement, Rainbow,” Tharn answered while handing the sickle over to Thrum, who studied it in deep thought. “I’ve killed many raptors in my time and have amassed quite the collection of trophies. But I can tell just by looking that that, right there, belongs to a big one.” “Not just a ‘big one,’ Tharn,” Thrum’s words immediately gain their attention. “The individual this claw came from is plausibly the largest raptor this island has ever seen.” The top-hatted ape rises up, maneuvering the claw between his fingers while continuing to look it over. “We’ll need to get Sir. Gideon Apesworth to study it.” “Actually…” Rainbow injects. “Hey, uh, Thrum? “Yes, Rainbow?” “I have a friend who might just know a thing or two.” The pegasus’ offer caused the apes to share a curious look. “Hay, I’d even wager that she knows even more than that Gideon guy.” “Truly?” Thrum asked in interest. “I don’t know,” Tharn comments while crossing his arms, followed by a playfully raised brow. “You did fail one wager today.” He ends with a grin. “Hey!” Rainbow flared with an appointed forehoof. “That was that big, stupid cat’s fault!” She finished with a glaring pout—Tharn, greatly amused. A rumbling chuckle escapes from Thrum. “Well, at least you returned to us afterward. Were it not for you, who knows if we would’ve ever discovered the circumstances of Herbert and Shirley’s deaths.” The leader of the merchants approaches Rainbow and offers the claw to her, “You’ve given us no reason to doubt you, Rainbow. So I choose to trust you on this.”  With a grateful nod, the pegasus takes the claw and sends it away to her inventory.  “If you truly believe that your friend can help us,” Thrum continued, “then we look forward to any information she can offer.” “Trust me,” Rainbow assured. “If anyone can figure this out, it’s HLN-A. As soon as Vanellope gets up, I’ll head home.”  "If it gets too dark by then, you guys are more than welcome to spend the night with us and set out in the morning," Tharn offered. Thrum nods in agreement. However, he abruptly shifts his posture to one Rainbow recognizes as the top-hatted ape preparing to make a deal or business arrangement. “I do have an offer for you, which pertains to that arrangement I mentioned and coincides with your payment for services rendered.” He was about to reveal the proposal following the equine’s shift in stature but was intercepted by her words. “If you guys could provide me the materials needed for fur armor and two of those cryopods, I’ll happily give you one.” Rainbow nervously rubs the back of her neck, “I, uh, never actually crafted them before. Hehe. I know that it’s safe to use, but-” “It’s fine,” Thrum assures with a raised hand. “We understand. There’ve been times when I unlock a new engram and have complete confidence that the item I craft will work and is generally safe to use, despite never doing so before.” “The ways of engrams still amaze us to this day,” Tharn added. “We’ve kind of just accepted it at this point.”  “Hah! Tell me about it,” Rainbow said as the trio took a moment to muse on it together.  “Ok, then,” Thrum starts after a moment’s pause. “I accept your request, Rainbow. However, I’d like to add a little bonus, if you will.” He gestures to Walken, “Feel free to claim Walken as your own.” The wide-eyed pegasus looks at the raptor and slowly returns to the top-hatted merchant. “Y-you sure?” “Of course!” Thrum declared gleefully. “Walken is what we call an Unclaimed Tame. Are you familiar with the concept?” “Oh, yeah,” she answered. “HLN-A explained it to me. Pretty straightforward, but it’s when a tribe sets a dino free from the tribe, right?” “You got the gist of it,” Tharn answered. “You could also say it’s the creatures of the island’s version of tribe banishment.” “Got it, got it. But are you guys really, really sure about this?” The equine asks to be certain.    “Absolutely,” Thrum responds in utmost certainty. “That being said, I know what you’ll need for fur armor, but what materials will you require for your cryopods, Rainbow?” The pegasus hummed as she looked back to her implant, accessed it, and skimmed through the engram-filled library before finally finding what she was looking for. “Ok. So what I’ll need to forge the cryopod is…”   Night descends upon the Ark and blankets the land in complete darkness, as there wasn’t even a moon to offer some semblance of a light source. Many swift and agile raptors maneuver through the dense forestation on the island’s eastern side, the distant Green Obelisk creeping through the treelines as if always watching events unfold.   The pack halts atop a cliff and looks down upon a vibrant settlement with alighted torches etched onto protective wooden walls and protruding from the ground as apes, beasts, and dinos of all shapes, age ranges, sizes, and colors prepare to turn in for the night and keep watch.   Low hisses, growls, and tapping sickled toes accompanied the pack as they continued their stealthy observation. They then began to break apart down the middle, moving aside for a much larger member of their collective, one whose eyes are consumed by the same fiery red and orange aura surrounding their body.  The giant raptor, an alpha among alphas, watched the guards on the settlement’s walls and even the walls themselves as if looking for a weakness, a chink in their defenses. And when it inevitably did, the alpha raptor raised its head and screeched out into the night. The eyes of every other raptor in attendance then matched their leader’s, and the unsettling horde scales down the cliff masterfully before reaching a lower level and running toward the collection of prey ravenously. A feminine scream echoes out into the night, followed by the sounds of raging conflict. Fires ran rampant as torches had been tipped over in the ensuing chaos, the resulting flames spreading alongside a wave of death across the settlement. All of it was enough to bring out an amused chirp from the alpha raptor…who simply enjoys watching it all burn. > Chapter 93 - New Member o' The Crew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Herbivore Island- The moonless night casts an ebony blanket upon the Ark, but it does little to deter Pinkie Pie as she patrolled past a series of tactfully placed standing torches to stave off the darkness. She agreed to go first for night watch as the other members of the Painted Sharks had fallen into a slumber within a series of thatch huts.  However, the collective of huts lacked any protective walls or barriers, but Captain Jack had assured her that this little isle’s creatures wouldn’t be a problem so long as no one actively antagonized them. And yet… Inner turmoil causes the pink mare to stop, “I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something really, really important.” Great worry was present in her voice. She looked around nervously before resuming her patrol. “No!” The party mare declared while shaking her head to steel herself. “I’m just Twilighting, that’s all. There’s nothing to worry abo-” ‘SCRAAAAWWR!’ Pinkie jumps with an accelerated heart rate as a horrifying screech presents itself, echoing from somewhere toward the small island’s epicenter. She urgently makes her way over to Captain Jack’s residence, passing by the direbear duo, Sedan and Urd, who stir from their sleep, having also been alerted by the strange roar. “CAPTAIN JACK!” Pinkie called out while slamming a forehoof against the door. “Get up, captain! There’s something out there!” A loud bump could be heard from within the hut, followed by girthy steps as the door is pulled inward, and Jack pokes his head out. “What’s with all that there racket?” The yeti asked in a sleep-deprived tone.           The pink mare gives him a saluting gesture, “There’s something out there, captain. I can’t explain it, but I think we should go and check it out.” Jack blinks at her request before shifting his gaze to Sedan and Urd. Both direbears could be seen growling and rearing up to stomp on the beach face repeatedly, prompting an affirmative nod from the yeti.    “Good work, arr, matey!” He commends the equine. “If them two be gettin’ riled to the sky, then we’d best go an’ investigate.”    Pinkie’s face displays determination as she steps aside to allow the yeti to leave the hut. Upon exiting the structure and standing firm, Jack turns his attention to the other members of his crew, who begin to assemble before him as he conjures forth his hat from his inventory and sets it down on his head. “Listen to the sky, all o’ ye. ‘Ere’s what we be goin’ to do,” he points at the direbears, “Urd, Sedan, you’re comin’ with me.” The yeti moves his index finger to Shellshock, “You too, me carbonemys mate. That there shell o’ yours might just come in ‘andy.” As the captain continued, Pinkie tilted her head as she saw how Jack’s speaking pattern had changed from what she was used to. Of course, he always spoke like a typical pirate, but that was only a few words here and there mixed with plain old Equish, similar to Captain Celaeno.     But now? Every box was checked for the stereotypical idea of talking like a pirate and cranked up even further. Was it a situational thing, she wondered?  “Pinkie!”  Jack’s call out draws the pink mare out of her stupor. “Y-yes, captain?” “You’re comin’ along, as well. Master. Pecks an’ Salamaya will remain ‘ere to watch o’er our camp an’ the ship. Savvy?” A raised pink forehoof signals understanding.  “Aye, aye, captain!”   Taking a deep and recuperative breath, Jack takes decisive steps forward and into Herbivore Isle’s small forest in the lead while holding a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other. Wielding an alighted torch and ready to call forth the metallic pike gifted to her, Pinkie positions herself between Sadan and Urd, the trio flanking the captain as Shellshock waddles after them at the very rear. “Stay focused, mates,” Jack whispers while gently pushing aside foliage. “We don’t know what we’re dealin’ with.” “Hey, uhm, captain?” Pinkie muttered from behind. “Aye?” “Is what we’re going to find bad? Like, really, really bad?” “Can’t really say fer sure. But whatever made that sound been enough to put our direbear mates on ‘igh alert, an’ you’ve got yerself some rather unique senses, too, eh?” “Yeah, my Pinkie Senses. Ever since I came to this island, there’s been times when they act so…new and wierd and-” Jack abruptly stops, “Avast,” he orders in a higher tone and raises his sword, causing an immediate pause in the group behind him. The yeti’s eyes dart side to side, aiming his pistol while shuffling through the leaves and past the barks of nearby trees. Jack steps forward but stops again as a particularly red substance leaks down a leaf within the corner of his right eye, having glistened from the light of Pinkie’s torch. Eyes narrowing in suspicion, Jack banishes his pistol to his inventory and reaches out to dab a fingertip against the crimson liquid, which he immediately recognized to be… “Blood.”   He turns around and presents the blood-covered finger to Sedan, whose nose flares as she takes in the scent, Urd leaning in and following suit while Pinkie observes cautiously. Shellshock remained at the very back, stretching and extending his neck high up into the air with an indifferent expression.  The direbears soon emit a low growl as they then move around Jack, rustling vegetation and taking the lead.  Jack summons forth his pistol and takes on a combative stance. “Aye. The lasses be onto somethin’.” He waves a hand, “Let’s go.” Obeying the captain’s orders, those behind him proceed onward as the pink mare’s heart beats to the rhythm of fear taking hold of her.  Perhaps this fear...was the mare’s senses in full effect.    Sedan and Urd breach into a clearing with several large boulders and metal veins littering the area. Herbivore Island’s central U-shaped cliff is present nearby, offering a fine view of the main island, the sea, and the Painted Shark’s camp and ship.  But as Jack and the other crew members step out into the clearing after parting long strands of greenery, Pinkie’s torch fighting off the darkness with its’ orange hue, their eyes are immediately drawn to what their direbear allies are now investigating. A triceratops corpse. Jack approaches the deceased three-horned entity in slight disbelief as he spots the wounds it has received, his crew fanning out to make observations of their own. “What in the…” He voiced his shock. From what the yeti could judge, the wounds inflicted upon the triceratops were similar to the flesh-rendering claws of a predator. But that can’t be right… There are no predators on this island, and he was sure to have Sedan and Urd sniff out any other survivors while they and Pinkie Pie gathered resources. “Whatever did this,” Jack began, gaining the attention of his cohorts, “is a beastie not normally found on this here island.” Pinkie swallowed nervously, yet there was that strange feeling of having forgotten something important again. “Y-you don’t think something swam here, do you?” “A possibility as jolly as any, las,” Jack answered while inspecting the corpse. Several more moments of quiet observations play out. However, it soon caused realization to rise in Jack slowly. It was quiet… Too quiet. Aside from the dead triceratops, there weren’t even signs of any other wild herbivores. A sudden and rumbling chirp sends a cold chill down everyone’s spine as Sedan and Urd growl furiously at a presence whose head peaked over a nearby boulder, glaring down at them all. The rest of the Painted Sharks and their Harmony ally follow the direbears’ gaze and face a particularly feathered theropod, whose gaze never leaves them as it maneuvers around the rock and presents its dangerous frame.  Pinkie’s torch only added further forebodingness as it illuminated elongated claws rubbing against one another, hanging lazily in front of the theropod’s stomach region. Jack backs away slowly and positions himself between Sadan and Urd, Pinkie and Shellshock coming up on either end as they form a wall only a short distance away from the death-dealing menace that slowly stepped towards them. The ‘beastie’ stops its approach, looking over the beings in front of it as its feathers slowly begin to rise, its growing volatile temperament easily conveyable. Pinkie grits her teeth and summons the pike from her inventory while placing the torch onto the ground, preparing for the inevitable conflict. But a joyful chuckle from Jack demanded her attention as she turned her head to face the now-grinning captain. “Look at what we ‘ave ‘ere…” The yeti sends his sword and pistol away before manifesting a longneck rifle into his grasp. “A therizinosaurus.” ’Therizinosaurus...’ Pinkie states internally, feeling the faintest sense of familiarity again. ’I feel like I know this thing somehow... Hmm...’ All the while, the theri leans back and raises its claws in a threatening display.       “Change o’ plans, arr, maties. This ‘ere beastie won’t be a threat fer long.” Pinkie’s head turns to him with a curious look. “C-captain…?” “Aye, Pinkie. What we ‘ave ‘ere be an opportunity… What we ‘ave ‘ere…” The yeti quickly slides his legs to turn sideways before taking aim.  “Is a new member o’ the crew!” The yeti pulls the trigger and fires off a tranquilizing agent, which practically soars through the air in slow motion before finally making its mark and causing the therizinosaur to flinch from the sudden pinch in its flesh and injection. With the first strike being made, the Painted Sharks prepare for battle as the angered theri roars out and charges at them with outstretched claws.  ”SCRAAAAWWR!” > Chapter 94 - Pinkamena > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild Female Therizinosaurus - Lvl 97 Pinkie Pie’s torch rests on the ground and staves off the grasp of night with its orange hue while rumbling steps carry forth the savage therizinosaur with outstretched arms and claws, who lets out a haunting screech along the way.     During the feathered theropod’s battle charge, Shellshock waddles forward, passes by Pinkie, Sedan, and Urd’s wall formation, and positions himself alongside Captain Jack.  The yeti grins and grabs onto Shellshock’s shell, flips over his tortoise companion, and lands behind them before reloading another tranquilizing dart into his longneck rifle.  “On my command, maties!” Jack orders—the pink equine and duo of direbears obeying his command. Shellshock turns sideways and presents his shell as the theri closes the distance and performs a flesh-rendering, downward slash with both claws. The clawed strike is repelled as the theri pulls its arms away in recoil, whereupon Jack spots an opening.   “Sedan! Urd!” The yeti calls out, having wholly reloaded another round into his rifle. He points an index finger at their foe. “Grab on and hold it tight, ladies!” The direbears roar and rush forth in unison, their combined girths shaking the general landscape to a degree even more potent than the theri ever managed. Before the theropod could react, Sedan bites down on its right forearm. At the same time, Urd clamps onto the left forearm, and both ursidae use their forelimbs and paws to grab onto the theri’s neck, effectively preventing any potential retaliation via its claws or bite. As the feathered entity roars in defiance of its snow-coated adversaries and struggles against their grasp, Jack produces a coil of rope from his inventory.  “Pinkie!” He bellows, gaining her attention and tossing the rope her way, to which she catches perfectly within her muzzle.         “Tie one end of that rope onto those boulders over there and get a tripline going!” The yeti barks while gesturing at the same series of earthly materials that once concealed the therizino. Pinkie nods in affirmation as she hurriedly runs off to perform the task while Jack aims his rifle, pulls the trigger, and fires another sleeper agent into the struggling theropod, who roars out as the needle pierces its flesh. Pinkie focuses on her task despite the almost deafening sounds of the nearby clash of titans, reaching the collective of boulders, uncurls the coil, drops one end of the rope, and bites down on the other end before lapping around the obstacle and returning to the starting point. The pink mare had to admire the exceptional length of the rope, which was now wrapped around the boulder, as she then created a lasso using a quality tie she’d picked up from Applejack. With that complete, the equine bites down on the other end, the slack, and tugs on it with all her might, thus fastening the rope onto the boulder.       By her estimate, fifteen hooves worth of slack were available. The problem, however, was that the theri and the party mare’s ursine allies were well beyond those lengths. “Captain!” Pinkie shouts, having spat out the rope she bit down upon into a forehoof, gaining the yeti’s attention as they were in the process of loading up another tranq dart. “Can our beary bear friends bring Mr. Scissors closer to me?!”   “Aye, matey!” Jack responds, placing and holding his rifle beneath his left armpit, gesturing a forward action with his right hand to Shellshock. “Help the wee lass with the rope, Shelly.” Shellshock croaks affirmatively and waddles off toward Pinkie Pie, leaving behind Jack as he beats on the left side of his chest with a closed right fist and roars out in primal fashion before running toward the theri. Jack charges at the theropod’s stomach region and grapples onto it, pressing himself against the feathered entity. The combined strength of the two direbears and yeti is enough to push the theri across the land despite its attempts to resist by driving its feet with dagger-like nails into the earth.     The trio drives the therizinosaur back further and further in spite of its struggles until ‘Mr. Scissors’ felt sudden resistance against the back of its feet. “Now!” Jack shouts, having taken notice of Pinkie and Shellshock establishing the tripline and biting onto the rope to hold it firm, which is now pressed against the back of the theri’s leg. Jack, Sedan, and Urd grunt in unison as they channel their strength into one more conjoined push, tripping the theropod over as it falls onto its back. The direbears immediately pounce onto and pin the feathered being to the ground, each ursine securing its arms and head. Furthermore, Shellshock could be seen shuffling over to them before climbing onto the theri and splaying out on its stomach, the tortoise casually laying his head down lazily.  As Pinkie observes the now-restrained theropod kick at the air in its attempts, but to no effect, a particular rifle suddenly enters her view, seemingly being offered to her by a black and gray hand. “Want to give it a go, Pinkie?” Jack offers.  “C-captain?” Pinkie asked in slight disbelief as she slowly looked up at him. “A-are you sure…?” “I don’t see the harm in it.” The yeti reasoned. “Besides, you once told me that you lacked any experience using guns, so you’d best get used to it now.” The pink mare nods as she rears up onto her hind legs, claims the rifle, which is almost the same length as her, and carefully studies it.  “H-huh…” She comments. “It’s…just a mini-cannon.”  “A ‘mini-cannon’ loaded with tranq darts, that is,” Jake chimed in. “Now get to shooting. It’s a simple task of aiming and pulling the trigger. Savvy?”   Pinkie nods as her face morphs into determination, shifting her stance, closing a light-cerulean eye, and taking aim with the other. “Remember this feeling, mate,” Jake comments during the moment. “Feel the weapon in your hands- er, hooves. Cast away any and all doubts, and do what must be done.”  Jack steps away and presents the scenario unfolding before the mare’s eyes. “Aye, this be a simple taming venture. But the time will come when you must fire another type of ammunition… One that helps to take life, not tame them. Savvy?” “I…” Pinkie’s words falter and die in her dry throat caused by realizing the gravity of this moment.  A quick recollection of HLN-A and Granny Pithecus often teaching and telling them to do what was necessary to progress through the Ark flashed through her mind, only to be encouraged even further by Jack’s own words. Now wasn’t the time for any such restraints…she knew that. In other words, Pinkie Pie would have to change in more ways than one. Jack raises an eyebrow as he witnesses something quite peculiar happen. “Well now… What do we have here…?”  The pink mare’s once poofy mane suddenly goes limp and drapes over her shoulders as her usually vibrant colors gray out slightly before the yeti’s eyes.   As for Pinkie, something appears at the top of her HUD in gloomy-gray bold text. Pinkamena Mode Activated Her change in demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by the nearby yeti, who observes with great interest as the changed mare snorts before pulling the trigger without hesitation.  The resulting therizinosaur’s cries signal the dart making an impact, but Pinkamena raises a hoof toward Jack as if expectantly.  “Another,” she monotonously said.   Jack adheres to her request and continues to supply the gray mare with more darts after every shot. This cycle continues until after the seventh dart injects its torpor-inducing substance, and the theri finally falls unconscious.   As the therizino lies unconscious, Shellshock, Urd, and Sedan observing the soon-to-be latest addition to their crew, Jack nods in satisfaction before turning to the still-gloomy equine alongside him. “Pinkie, would you be a dear and retrieve the narcotics and kibble back at the ship below deck? You’ll find the kibble within a preserving bin, but make sure that it’s of exceptional quality. No need to worry; it’s all labeled, courtesy of Mr. Pecks.” “Kay,” the equine responds blankly before setting off. “Oh, and one more thing, lass.” She stops in place and looks back at him, “Hmm?” “There be some leftover Sweet Vegetable Cake in there. Feel free to finish it up for a job well done.” "Wait... What...?"        Jack is about to respond, but his eyes shoot wide open as he witnesses the equine's abrupt change again, now with Sedan, Urd, and Shellshock also bearing witness from nearby. “Did you just say Sweet Vegetable Cake?!” Pinkie screamed in excitement, now returned to her normal self and hopping in place. “And it’s all mine?!” “A-ay-” “Yippee!” And just like that…she was gone, leaving behind a very confused pair of direbears, tortoise, and pirate-hatted yeti. After moments of stunned silence passed by, Jack raises a hand and rubs his temple. "What was in that barrel of beer...?" > Chapter 95 - Bob > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun’s rays meet and reflect off of a slumbering saddled ankylosaur’s nearly impenetrable plates of armor adorned with piercing spikes, stirring the dinosaur from its rest. With a rumbling honk, the prehistoric quadruped lifts itself up from the rectangular-shaped, wooden home’s patio and proceeds to waddle its way toward a small flight of stairs descending to ground level.  Due to the anky’s girth creating loud clunks on the surface it trodded upon before reaching the small staircase and taking it down to ground level, the armored herbivore had unknowingly disturbed its orange-coated, equine companion within the structure. ……….   “Hehe,” Applejack chuckled as she half-lifts herself up from her bed, a fine upgrade from her former sleeping bag thanks to the incredible aid of her human ally, “Looks like Honky’s up ‘n about. Ah’d best get outta bed ‘nd-”  The cowmare paused mid-sentence as she turned her head towards the Survivor’s bed adjacent to her own on the other side of the base’s innards, only to find it empty; its bipedal owner absent from the shelter.  However, she spots a note resting on a small wooden storage crate set alongside the human’s bed, prompting the equine to make her way over to it hurriedly. The clopping of her hooves stops, and she plucks the note off the crate before reading its contents.  To my survivor-in-training, I’m out gathering resources for our eventual trek to Sanctuary. I’ll also be picking up some gear I kept stashed away in some vaults long ago—assuming none of the apes dug any of them up, that is. In the meantime, why don’t you go ahead without me and tame a doedicurus? You did well with the anky, but now it’s time for you to show me what you’ve learned. I can’t hold your hoof forever, kiddo. Your best bet to find doedics is to check the nearby plateaus and highlands not too far from the Redwood Biome. Whether it be just a case of pure luck or intentional planning on your part, the location you’ve built the base at is quite convenient for most of our needs. More importantly, it’s secluded.  The only reason I ever managed to find your hideout is due to dumb luck—so good job. And another thing: If you feel like you’re being followed, don’t come back to base. You have instincts and senses that a human like me could never hope to match. Use them.   Regards, The Survivor, but you can call me Bob. PS: I left something for you on my bed. After that, look in the storage box. A hearty chuckle escapes from the equine’s throat. “Bob, huh?” She questioned amusingly. “That must be his real name. HLN-A nev’r told us about that, though ah’d reckon the feller had his reasons.” Setting the note down on the storage box, Applejack turns her attention to Bob’s bed. Upon closer inspection, she could now see that something was indeed hidden just under the bedsheets, and she raised a hoof to pull back the white-gray fabric, gasping sharply with widened eyes in response to what was unveiled. “Sweet Celestia…” It was a very particular ranged weapon, one far more advanced than even her crossbow: a longneck rifle.     Banishing her moment of shock, the orange mare picks up the weapon and tries to familiarize herself with it, feeling its weight in her forelimbs as she stands on her hind legs, a practice she and her friends have had to adopt now more than ever. The weapon’s weight and length reminded her of a shovel, but one that’s capable of firing ammunition far smaller than a cannon ball, yet equally, if not more deadly. Speaking of which, and from what Bob’s note stated, that would mean… With realization now present in her features, Applejack hurriedly opens the storage box, causing the note that rested on top to fall behind it. She spots two types of ammunition stored within, each aligned neatly on either side of the wooden containment. By her count, there were 30 of each kind of ammo for a total of 60 rounds or bullets, terminology she still struggled with even now. Equus never had this kind of weaponry… “If ah recall correctly, that one there with the red plumage must be dem tranq darts Dash kept yammerin’ about. As fer the other one,” the cowmare whistled, “Might’ah helped us against that nasty ol’ Demon King. Hmm. Second thought…maybe not.” Her mind then focused on one staggering issue that crawled forth from the recesses of her mind. She was eternally grateful to the Sur- er, Bob, for providing the longneck rifle, but she had absolutely no idea how to operate it. It certainly looked pretty straightforward, and yet…  “Lemme check on that right quick,” she said while setting the rifle on the bed and looking back to access her implant.  Applejack shuffles through the tabs and accesses the vast library of her Engrams before scrolling down the near-infinite number of options, both unavailable and available for unlock via her Engram Points or EP. It was similar to some kind of videogame she’d often see Scootaloo bring over for the C.M.C’s clubhouse get-together. The orange mare reckoned she should be used to it by now, given that it’s already been almost two weeks since their arrival. In any case, she finally spots the darkened visage of the longneck rifle’s Engram with an Lvl 35 requirement to unlock. The problem, however, is that she was six levels below that requirement, sitting at Lvl 29. “Luna, dangit…”  She had known about the Engrams’ ability to flood their minds with knowledge of how to use the items they craft. But to come up short, like missing a basket of apples or two during her family’s harvest, was rather disappointing.  An annoyed snort and whinny escape from her nostrils. “Got’ah say, this ‘ole level’n business is kind’ah ridiculous. The hay was them humans think’n when they built these Arks? Levels? Points? Just make it all free and available upfront, for Celestia’s sake!” She finished and emphasized with a raised forelimb.   Allowing herself to recover from her moment of frustration, Applejack sighs in resignation, followed by a chuckle. “Well, shoot. I guess I can’t really complain all that much. Thin’s could certainly be worse.” She abruptly stomps a hindleg in determination, shaking her head to regain focus on what she was tasked to do. “Alright! An Apple’s got no business slacking off—time to get to it!” Immediately after her exclamation, the orange mare picked up and sent the rifle away to her inventory, followed by the ammunition she’d collected from the storage box, and headed over to the reinforced wooden exit.     Applejack emerges from the structure and kicks the door shut behind her, feeling the morning sun’s warmth as if it were welcoming her. She sets her eyes on the ankylosaur grazing on moist blades of grass within the spiked-walled-off area, earning a smile from the orange mare as she climbs down the small flight of stairs to join the dinosaur on ground level.  “Howdy there, Honky,” Applejack greets the dinosaur on approach, garnering the herbivore’s attention and stopping in front of the armored quadruped. “Sorry ‘bout the other day, partner. Ah nev’r got to apologize to ya about the whole name’n ya Betsie thin’—was only trying to rile ya up a bit.” Honky stopped chewing his food, giving the equine what she perceived as the dinosaur’s version of a deadpan expression.    “Heh. Yeah, yeah. Ah get ya. Still, I’m mighty sorry about all that. Ya fergive me?” The anky swallows his food and, true to his name, honks while lazily swaying his tail from side to side, although it’s more of a rumbling honk mixed with the blowing of a saxophone. He gently bumps his narrowed beak against Applejack’s chest, a gesture she could only assume to be positive in meaning. “Ah’ll take that as a yes, big guy,” the orange mare expressed with a smile.   Applejack knew that Honky wasn’t exactly amongst the largest of creatures on the island, but given that his size easily dwarfed her own, anything ankylosaur-sized and up is a titan comparatively. “Thanks fer that. Now, ah’ve got some doedicurus business to attend to. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone for, but feel free to wander off if the mood strikes ya—just be back before dark, ok?”  An affirmative saxophone honk is her answer, prompting the mare to nod before turning away and walking over to the gateway. As she pushes the gate’s double wooden doors wide open, she conjures forth her prized hat from her inventory and sets it firmly on her head.  “Right. Time to show them doedics what ah’m made of!” Her voice echoes across the forestation as she sets off toward the rocky face of a plateau beyond the trees.