> Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers > by AmethystMajesty25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Born A Toretto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere around the Gulf of California in Mexico, there was a luxurious ship in the middle of the ocean and there were guards patrolling around in the night shift. During patrol, the female guard voiced over the radio and informed the other guards, “Engine room clear.” The male guard replied, “Deck clear,” However, the guard noticed something over the distance, “Uh, hold on. Someone’s coming.” He looked from afar and saw some motorcyclists racing around the cliffside and their engines roared in the distance. The guard assured the other guards, “No, it’s nothing. Just that motorcycle race on the mainland.” On the cliffside area, five motorcyclists were racing around on the road and one of them with the red helmet surpassed two competitors to gain more speed. While the rest were continuing to race, the red helmet driver jumped off the cliff from his motorcycle and glided through the air from his bodysuit. The driver glided straight towards the ship at fast speed, kicked the guard down, and landed on the ship. The driver sneaked passed another guard and found the safe room. From there, he used the security ID from the guard and gained access to the safe room as the entrance doors opened. While no guard was looking, the driver plugged in a flash drive and took off its helmet, revealing to be a male teenager. He gained access to the computer and used it to transfer some money to his flash drive. The transfer was complete and gained $2,700,000 in the flash drive. After the transfer was done, the thief glanced over to his right and found what he was looking for, a highly advanced, luxurious sports car. “Deck, come in.” The female guard said until she started hearing something. “Huh,” She walked around until she saw a guard being tied up, hanging upside down and grunted. The guard gasped as the engine started to rev up and an explosion blowed the doors open in the safe room. It alerted the guards on the ship and they ran quickly to the safe room. The guards blocked the thief in the car and one of them shouted, “Turn it off and get out! There’s no place to go! We’re in the middle of the ocean! Get out!” The thief thought the guards had this all planned out, but it was too late. He pressed the detonator on his hand and the wall behind the car exploded. The alarms went off and the guards slipped down and slid downwards towards the hole on the wall. The guards held onto something and it saved their lives from drowning. However, the thief drove the car at high speed and jumped off the sinking ship as a ramp. The car flew high in the air with the moon shining on them and landed on another ship as its escape goat. After that, the driver launched some hooks from the back of the car to the ship and made sure it doesn’t fall. The male teen sat down on the passenger seat right next to his accomplice who’s a female teenager, wore a red leather jacket, black pants, gold belt, red sneakers, had blonde hair with a ponytail, and a rainbow-colored streak on the tip of her ponytail. The male thief informed his accomplice, “Two keys down, three to go.” “We’re on a roll. There’s no one that can stop us now.” The accomplice said in a Southern twang accent. As the boat continued sinking in the middle of the ocean, the thieves got away with the car and their mission was a success. Meanwhile in New York, Rainbow was driving around the racetrack in her race car that her parents, Donnie, Casey, and Sunset built together. Plus, Sunset was racing against Rainbow’s car with her Dodge Challenger coated with red paint and black stripes. Rainbow’s car looked like a Toyota Supra coated in sky blue, black stripes, a picture of a cloud with rainbow bolts on the sides, and the front plate that’s labeled, “20% COOLER”. Aside from Rainbow, the Rainbooms, Turtles, Casey, and April were watching Rainbow and Sunset race in their cars. After minutes of driving, Rainbow stopped her car across the finish line and exited her vehicle.” “WOO! That was awesome. My car is going to win this SH1FT3R race.” Rainbow Dash vowed as she took off her helmet. Sunset exited her vehicle and took off her helmet, “I gotta admit, you’re racing skills have improved. Nice job. Although, I’m not so sure if I can trust this SH1FT3R organization. They’re pretty... shady.” Rainbow calmed Sunset down and patted her on the back, “Oh relax Sunset. They’re not bad unlike the criminals we fought in the past.” Sunset commented, “I hope so.” After the race, a young, teenage girl with short black hair, leather jacket, pants, and shoes came by along with the Dazzlings to the racetrack. “What’s up, guys?” The girl asked. The Ninjas turned around to see an old friend of theirs along with the Dazzlings. “Gabby!” Casey called as he ran by and they both hugged, “It’s so good to see you can. I see that you brought the Dazzlings with you.” “Yeah, I happened to bump into them earlier today and they want to come along with me.” Gabby explained. Sonata nodded, “Mm-hmm. My sisters and I got a week-off from working with the Foot, thanks to Karai.” “Oh, that’s cool.” April said. Gabby asked the ninjas, “So, what are you guys up to lately?” “We were just watching Rainbow driving her car with Sunset's and Rainbow dragged us all to watch her race in this ‘SH1FT3R’ race that she’s been talking about for months.” Raph explained. Rainbow was pumped up and told them, “Yeah I’ve been practicing handling my car for weeks to get myself prepared. Plus, I got this for my birthday thanks to my friends and family.” “Awesome. So, where is this SHIFT3R race that you mentioned?” Gabby explained. Rainbow answered, “It’s going to be in L.A. So, we’re going to use Donnie’s Portal Projector to get there.” “L.A. huh?” Gabby thought about going to Los Angeles with her ninja friends until she remembered something, “You know, it just so happens that a cousin of mine is from Los Angeles and I would love for you guys to meet him. So, I’m coming with you guys.” She answered. “Well then, welcome aboard Gabby.” Rainbow told Gabby as they both gave each other fist bumps. Casey glanced at the Dazzlings and asked them, “What about you three, you want to come with us?” “Yeah!” Sonata answered and then she looked at Aria and Sonata, “What do you girls think?” “Well, since we got nothing else to do, we might as well enjoy watching something new for a change.” Adagio answered. Sunset nodded, “Then it’s settled.” “Road trip!” Pinkie, Sonata, and Mikey cheered and the three high-fived to each other. “Plus, we got snacks!” Pinkie added, feeling excited already. Donnie used his Portal Projector and they all went to the portal with Rainbow’s car, Sunset’s car, the Shellraiser, the Turtle Racer, and the Party Wagon. Minutes later, the portal opened up and the gang arrived in the alleyways of Los Angeles. Luckily, no one was around and the Turtles used their gadgets to disguise themselves as humans. The gang drove around the streets of L.A. until Gabby spotted someone very familiar and told Rainbow, “Wait, stop right there!” Rainbow pulled over along with their friends’ vehicles and Rainbow asked, “Why?” “I know this guy.” Gabby informed Rainbow Dash. The dude had the same height as Gabby, he’s got cool hair, white plain T-shirt, black collared buttoned jacket, jeans, and black sneakers. Plus, he's got three teenage friends of his. First up, one of his friends was a girl who had green hair, a baseball cap, blue hoodie, purple pants, and boots. Next, the short dude had an afro, green jacket, red pants, white shoes, and a necklace with a medallion around his neck. Finally, the big guy wore a green shirt, jeans, black shoes, a fanny pack around his waist, and he’s taller than all three of his friends. Gabby got out of Rainbow’s car and she was surprised, “Tony?” Tony turned around and gasped, “¡¿Prima?!” The Ninjas and teens wondered in bewilderment, “Huh?” “¡Dios mío!” Gabby said in Spanish as she and Tony hugged. “It’s good to see you again!” “It’s good to see you as well, Gabby! It's been years since we last saw each other before you move to New York.” The little girl stood up and asked, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out! You know her?” Rainbow got out of her car and questioned Gabby, “You know this hot shot, Gabby?” “Of course,” Gabby said and then Gabby and Tony answered as they wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders and smirked, “We're cousins!” Gabby and Tony’s friends were shocked and reacted, “What?!” “Um, Tony. You never told them about me, right?” Gabby asked. Tony stuttered, “Um...” “You forgot, haven't ya, Tony?” Gabby asked as she raised her eyebrow. Tony answered, “I’ve been pretty busy lately. Alright? No need to worry.” Gabby sighed, “Next time, do not ignore your family,” She smiled, “Anyway, I got lots of friends of mine that I want you to meet,” Gabby called them, “Okay, guys! You can come out now!” The Ninjas exited from their vehicles and looked around the view of the streets of Los Angeles. Sonata wondered in amazement, “So this is the city of Los Angeles? Fascinating.” Donnie asked her, “Gabby, you gonna introduce us?” Gabby replied, “Of course. Tony and your friends here. I like you to meet my friends from New York. This is Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April, and Casey. And on your right are Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. The Rainbooms. And then there’s Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. The Dazzlings.” Gabby’s friends greeted Tony and his gang a few minutes later. Tony introduced his new friends to his crew and himself, “Wow. It’s very nice to meet you all. My name's Tony Torreto. This here is my crew: Echo, Frostee, and Cisco.” Cisco rushed to Tony’s side and told him, “Yo T, looks like your cousin got lots of friends. And one of them looks cute.” Cisco stared at Sonata, practically showing a Cupid's arrow hitting him. “So Tony, what you been up to this time?” Gabby asked her cousin. Tony answered, “I got myself a new car,” He showed Gabby and the gang his new car, “Huh, huh? C’mon, what do you think?” Frostee asked while playing his video game on his phone, “Um, what am I looking at here?” Tony informed everyone, “What you’re looking at is a ten-second car, my friend. I’m about to break Dom’s record, set on this very stretch of road, and become the next great, street racer.” Echo remembered, “This sounds familiar.” “Mm-hmm.” Frostee nodded while Cisco yawned. Echo said, “As if we heard it last month.” “Mm-hmm.” Frostee nodded again. Echo added, “And the month before that.” Frostee nodded again, “Mm-hmm!” “I think you have an unhealthy obsession of trying to become roadkill.” Gabby joked as everyone snickered at that slightly accurate remark. Then, Echo noticed the Turtle Racer and moved in for a closer look as Cisco reminded Tony, “You realize all those time you’re talking about, your car blew up?” Tony reassured his crew, “Well this time is going to be different. I was born to win! I’m a Toretto! This is my destiny!” “You want a shot at the record, try using this car.” Echo suggested him as the others took a look at the Turtle Racer. Cisco commented, “Whoa!” “Is that a chicken with a huge brain?” Frostee asked as he spotted Dr. Cluckingworth in the cage. Fluttershy honestly answered, “Uh...” Donnie nodded, “Yeah, her name is Dr. Cluckingworth.” “Mmm, chicken.” Cisco smiled as he started licking his lips while Dr. Cluckingworth started clucking in terror. Casey protected the chicken and told Cisco, “Woah, woah, woah, you are not eating that chicken, yo!” Frostee informed him, “Uh, I don't think eating that bird would be smart. I'm detecting a high level of radiation coming off from her.” Casey asked, “What? You mean the chicken? Yeah well, it’s because of the mutagen.” Cisco stepped back as Frostee continued, “Yeah, it's not high enough to be lethal, but it's active.” “Wait a minute, mutagen? What’s that have to do with the chicken?” Tony asked the ninjas. Donnie and Casey answered in unison, “It’s a long story.” Tony answered, “Fair enough.” “Man, this is a sweet ride you got there.” Echo complimented as she continued checking out the Turtle Racer. Donnie chuckled, “Thanks. Built it myself.” Echo nodded, “Respect.” However, Casey confronted Donnie and said, “Hey! I’m the one who built it and drove the car too.” Donnie calmed his friend down, “Easy Casey, I was going to explain your assistance in the construction.” Echo added, “Yeah, there’s no way someone can build this alone.” Casey apologized, “Yeah, you’re right anyway. Sorry.” Frostee replied, “It’s alright, Casey. Anyway, this material doesn’t look like it’s from Earth. Where did you say you got these parts?” Donnie and Casey started sweating, “Uhhhh...” Tony remembered something that came to his mind and suggested them, “Hey, I remember hearing about that invasion in New York. You guys must have found this stuff during the cleanup.” Casey and Donnie asked in unison, “We did?” “I mean. Yeah, you could say that we found it in the junkyard.” Casey answered. Frostee questioned, “You guys got any samples for us?” “No.” Donnie answered. Cisco nodded, “With respect, it’s probably best that we don’t tell this to anyone. “ Gabby said, “Agreed.” Suddenly, the sound of an engine revved up and the driver in his wicked car. Tony and his crew along with the Ninjas glanced at him and his car as the engines growled. He was tall, got a red baseball cap, jean vest, black sleeveless shirt with a skull logo, cargo shorts, and sneakers. The bully greeted everyone, “What’s up, kids. The King of the Road is here.” Echo commented, “More like King Butt.” “Whose this guy?” Rainbow Dash asked. Gabby informed everyone, “This guy right here is Mitch. Tony told me about him a long time ago.” Mitch started flirting with Echo, “I got room in here for a queen.” “Echo doesn’t want to ride around in a car with a picture of your mom on the front.” Frostee told him as the ninjas and Tony’s crew snickered. Mitch rolled his eyes and asked the rest of the girls with a smirk on his face, “Then how about any of you fine ladies?” The girls were disgusted that Mitch was flirting with them, while Aria and Adagio moved Sonata behind them. Echo, Frostee, Cisco, Twilight, Donnie, and Casey went to take a look at Mitch’s car. It was a muscle car with a crown on top of the big skull on the front. Then, Echo noticed something on the back of Mitch’s car and asked, “Are those rocket engines strapped back there?” Cisco walked right up to him and asked, “Yo, what’s up Mitch? You made the move from Car Thief to Jet Rustler?” “Maybe. Don’t worry about it,” Mitch called out Tony and looked at him in the eye, “Hey Toretto! Let’s see what that soap box racer can do. After you lose, I’ll let you detail my car. The closest you’ll ever get to a winner.” “Yeah, well, after you lose, you can wash my car. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to a shower.” Tony responded back as the ninjas and Tony’s crew giggled. After the trash-talking between Mitch and Tony, the two teens were in their cars and waited for the traffic light to go green. Gabby and Cisco went up to Tony’s car to knock some sense into him. Cisco told him, “Tony, you can’t win, bro. Your car just doesn’t have enough power to beat a rocket.” “Cisco’s right. Mitch is going to wipe the road off of ya, cuz.” Gabby added. Tony calmed them down and said, “Cisco, Gabby, you know what my cousin Dom says: ‘It’s not about the car, it’s about the driver’.” Tony looked at Mitch and called him out, “Hope you brought your buff rags, Mitch!” Mitch name called him back, “You’re a buff rag!” “The buffest!” Tony shouted. Cisco asked, “What are you talking about?” Tony had no clue and answered, “Yeah, I dunno.” Across from the two cars were Frostee and Twilight on the middle of the road. Tony ordered his friend, “Frostee, start it up.” “I’m on it.” Frostee answered as he started remote-controlling his drone. “I’ll help too.” Twilight said as she also started remote-controlling her drone. The drivers started their car’s engines as Frostee’s and Twilight’s drones set up a tracking surveillance footage between Tony and Mitch. Gabby walked over to her friends and Sunset asked, “Does your cousin ever think things through?” “If he ever had, I don’t remember it happening. Besides, I wish my family can start exercising more common sense?” Gabby said. Frostee said, “Ready...” “Set...” Twilight added. Frostee and Twilight shouted in unison, “GO!” The two opposing cars moved forward and started to pick up speed. Mitch was gaining the lead, but Tony got a plan in motion. “Buh-bye Mitch.” Tony said as he pushed the button for boosters and shouted, “WOO! Ha ha!” “Aw, that’s sweet, Tony. But I’m about to ‘rocket’.” Mitch smirked as he pressed the buttons for boosters and his car went really fast. He screamed, “Whoa-ho-ho-ho!” Mitch’s car drove passed Tony’s car and he got a huge lead, driving one step closer to victory. While Frostee, Twilight, Spike, and Echo were sitting on the bench and watched the two rivals race, Mitch drove passed them and crossed the finish line. “I won!” Mitch celebrated, but he didn’t stop. Frostee asked the girls, “Do you think he knows how to stop?” “For a guy like him, no.” Twilight said as she petted Spike, who woofed. “Whoa!” Mitch said as his car crashed after using his rocket boosters. “Mitches get stitches!” Echo told them as the two tech genius and Spike smirked. After the race, Cisco was working on Tony's car and Tony was frustrated. “I can’t believe he beat me again.” Tony whined. Sunset Shimmer reminded Tony, “You should’ve listened to your cousin. She knew that you were going to lose that race.” “That’s true.” Gabby nodded. Frostee added, “Yeah, it wasn’t even close that time. I mean like, you weren’t even in the same state as him. You wanna watch the replay?’ Tony replied, “No, Frostee. I won’t.” Echo told him, “You’re never gonna beat a rocket-powered car with an engine Cisco found from the dump.” “Hey, the engine is solid, all right? The fuel hose just got loose. Nothing but a little bubblegum can’t fix.” Cisco replied back as he put bubblegum on the car’s engine. “Resourceful and cute, I like that.” Sonata commented as Cisco’s face turned as red as his blood. All of a sudden, Tony and his crew heard a familiar voice and he showed up. He’s a tall adult with a tough accent and wore white tank top with jeans and black sports shoes. “It’s going to take more than bubblegum if you want to try to beat my best time.” Gabby, Tony, and his crew along with the ninjas turned to see Tony’s and Gabby’s cousin, Dominic Toretto. Tony and his crew along with Gabby ran up to him. Cisco shouted, “Dom’s back!” Echo shouted too, “What’s up, Dom!” Frostee said, “What up!” Gabby exclaimed, “Dom!” “Hey, Dom.” Tony greeted as he and Gabby hugged him. However, the Ninjas didn’t run up to him because they never met or seen Dominic Toretto before. Raph asked, “Um, we’re all confused here. So, who the shell is this guy?” Gabby informed her ninja friends, “Guys, this is my cousin, Dominic Toretto.” Mikey comnented, “Dude’s buff.” “And tough,” Donnie added. Dom walked up to them and asked his cousin, “These guys giving you trouble, Gabby?” The boys got nervous when Dom walked over. “No, Dom. These are my friends from New York and Canterlot.” Gabby answered. Dom apologized, “Oh, sorry.” After proper introductions were exchanged, Dom loosened up, “Any friend of Gabby’s is a friend of mine. Welcome to L.A., thanks for being Gabby's friends. Means a lot that she has people that care about her.” “No problem, sir.” Leo answered as he and Dom shook hands. Dom told him, “Respectable, I like that,” He then looked at Tony, “Looks like you pushed it a little too hard. Reminds me of someone I know.” Tony sighed, “I thought I had it this time. I hate losing to that guy!” “That’s because you’re a Toretto. You’re born to win. But remember, being a Toretto has got nothing to do with what you do in the car. Being a Toretto is about what’s in here.” Dom reminded his cousin as he pointed his hand to Tony’s chest. “That car gonna make it home?” Dom asked Cisco. Cisco answered, “Ay, maybe not in record time, but it’ll make it.” “Alright, I’ll see you later. Because I got something to talk to you about.” Dom said before a black van pulled up in front of him and the thugs inside grabbed Dom. “Get off of me, man!” Dom yelled as the gang gasped. The heroes turned around and gasped as they saw Dom being kidnapped. They ran after him, but they were too late and the van drove off. “C’mon, we gotta go after them!” Tony alerted. Everyone went to their vehicles and started searching for the van. “Who were those guys?” Gabby asked. “I don’t know, but we can’t let them get away with Dom!” Tony said until he saw the van that Dom was in, “There it is!” “Follow that van!” Casey shouted. Just as the groups were gaining on them, Sonata looked back and saw a swarm of motorcyclists. Sonata informed everyone via communicator, “Guys, we got trouble.” Echo communicated with Tony, “Uh, Tony. I think they might not be working alone.” Cisco looked back, “What are we gonna do?” “We need to split up and shake these bikes. Frostee, Twilight, get a tracker on that van and don’t lose it.” Tony ordered the two tech geniuses. Frostee and Twilight answered, “I’m on it.” The two tech geniuses sent their own drones and they followed the van. Frostee infromed Tony, “Zone control is locked on. Wherever Dom goes, he goes.” Tony ordered his crew, “Alright, let’s divide and conquer. Scatter.” “I like the sound of that. Alright team, let’s roll!” Leo ordered his ninja operatives along with Tony and his crew. The groups split off into five different directions to make things much easier for the heroes. Cisco and his two passengers got a small group of pursers that were gaining fast. Sonata requested, “Cisco, try and get close to one of them. I’m going to try and snag one of their bikes.” “Okay.” Cisco replied as he drove close to one of the motorcyclists behind them. Sonata jumped off Cisco’s truck and kicked a rider off and took his motorcycle. The two boys were amazed as Frostee told Cisco, “Cisco you know how to pick ‘em.” “Tell me later, bro. Right now, we need to outrun and ditch these fools. We need to find some place we can go and they can’t.” Cisco suggested Frostee. “I got it.” Frostee said as he used his laptop and directed him, “Turn left up here.” Cisco drove his truck to the left and headed towards the construction site. Luckily, no construction worker was there. He floored the gas pedal and shouted, “Hang on!” The boys and Sonata entered the construction field and the motorcyclists got hit by falling, tin barrels and objects that Cisco’s truck hit. Cisco celebrated, “Booyah!” However, Frostee didn’t like what lied ahead of them and alerted Cisco, “Uh, Cisco.” The boys screamed as the truck and Sonata with her motorcycle leapt from the ramp and they soared through the air. The truck and the motorcycle landed safely and the two boys celebrated. As the boys cheered, Sonata caught up to them. “Nice job, boys.” Sonata said as Cisco’s face went red enough to blow off steam. Meanwhile, Casey was driving the Turtle Racer while trying to shake his pursuers when he got a call from Sunset. Sunset called him, “Casey, I can see you’re not too far from me.” Casey suggested, “I see an intersection. Why don’t we give these guys a crash course reunion?” “You read my mind.” Sunset said as they headed towards the intersection to carry out their plan. The duo passed by each other, but the motorcyclists crashed into each other in a painful mess. Sunset told her pursers, “Good night, boys and girls.” Casey contacted Echo, “Yo, Echo! Are you alright?” “Yeah we’re having fun.” Echo said as she and Rainbow Dash drove their cars with Adagio sitting on the passenger seat in Rainbow’s car while their pursers continued to chase them. The two motorcyclists got their taser sticks in hand as Echo glanced at them from left to right. “Ohh, yeah. Y’all are about to get shook!” Echo told them as she pressed the button on her steering wheel and the speed of her car boosted. Echo shrieked and she left them in the dust. The motorcyclists moved onto Rainbow Dash, only to see Adagio jumped onto the car’s roof. Adagio asked them, ‘Okay boys, whose first for a concussion?” One of the motorcyclists used his taser stick to attack her, but she dodged and jumped towards him and Adagio knocked him off to gain control of the motorcycle. “Come on, boys. Follow me.” Adagio said as she led her pursers to chase after her and slid under a garbage truck. “Hope you're wearing old clothes,” Adagio looked back and saw the motorcyclists crash into a dumpster, “Cause it’s Garbage Day.” Rainbow Dash stopped her car near the river to lure her pursers and when they came closer, Rainbow Dash lured her pursuers on time into a nearby river, where they crashed into. Rainbow Dash told them, “Have a nice swim, losers.” Meanwhile, Echo’s car drifted under the convoy of the truck and proceeded to drive straight while her pursers were down for the count. Echo informed tony, “I lost my bikers. Tony, you okay?” “Nope, still covered.” Tony answered. Meanwhile, Tony continued driving his car with Gabby by his side on the road below the bridge to find a way to put down their pursers. April drove the Party Wagon with Aria and the remaining Rainbooms on board were dealing with their pursers. Same goes for the Turtles in the Shellraiser. Raph informed his brothers, “I’m going out.” “Raph, we can’t let them see who we really are.” Leo reminded him. “Relax. They won’t remember a thing about us.” Raph replied as he climbed up on top of the Shellraiser and waited for the right moment. One of the motorcyclists got closer to the Turtles’ vehicle and Raph proceeded to jump off from the Shellraiser. He rolled over and took down two motorcyclists and then climbed on the other motorcycle. “That’s how I roll,” Raph took down the driver and rode the motorcycle, “That’s how you roll.” Leo ordered Donnie, “Donnie, get on the cannon and knock them off.” “Alright.” Donnie said as he climbed up and exited the vehicle to get on the garbage cannon. “Get a load of this!” Donnie shouted and nailed a good portion of their purserss before the Party Wagon rolled in. April was driving with Aria and the remaining Rainbooms inside as the Party Wagon was surrounded by the motorcyclists. Aria looked around and searched for weapons, asking anyone, “Tell me this thing has weapons.” April asked, “Where did Donnie say that stink bomb launcher was?” “Found it!” Pinkie shouted as she got the stink bomb launcher on her hands. Rarity wondered in fear, “Why do we have that thing?” Pinkie bumped it and it started ticking, but the girls all shouted in unison, “PINKIE, GET RID OF IT!” “Oh, right. Silly me.” Pinkie apologized as she launched the stink bomb at the motorcyclists and took them out while the girls covered their noses. Applejack asked while covering her nose, “Is that the last one?” Pinkie answered, “Yep. I think we’re clear.” “You sure about that?” Applejack noticed the last motorcyclist approaching towards the Party Wagon and she was getting ready to use her taser stick, but Aria took it from the motorcyclist and Aria shocked her out. After the motorcyclist got a taste of her own medicine, she fell down in defeat. Aria said, “There. That’s the last of ‘em.” April saw two motorcyclists who were still chasing after Tony and Gabby. She alerted her friends, “But there’s two more and they’re chasing after Tony and Gabby.” “Relax, April. I think they can handle this one.” Twilight told her as April nodded. Back to Tony and Gabby, they were still being chased by their pursers. “Let's see how badly they want to follow us.” Tony informed Gabby as she pulled out a sheet of paper and started updating her Will. Tony’s car headed straight towards a party full of bouncing cars in the middle of the neighborhood. Gabby didn’t like where this was going and told her cousin, “I hope you know what you’re doing, Tony.” Tony and Gabby screamed as they went through the cars just before they hit the ground in slow motion. After they went through, their pursers pulled the brakes and got slammed by the side of the bouncing cars. The two cousins looked up at the car mirror and sighed in relief. Tony’s car drifted and pulled a parallel park as the two cousins and his crew reached the location where Dom was held first. The crew ran towards the building, but Tony got there first and tried to bust the door open. Minutes later, the Turtles and the rest of their friends arrived and exited their vehicles. Echo shouted, “Tony... wait!” Cisco pleaded, “Hey, you don’t know what’s in there.” “Dom’s in there!” Tony replied as he kicked the door open and stopped until a woman used her phone to time them. “And time.” The timer stopped at 8 seconds and the heroes were all confused. Tony said, “What?” Dom told the unknown female assailant, “See, I told you they were the best.” “Could’ve been a little bit faster, but we’ll have time to work on it.” The woman said. Tony and his friends looked around to see a bunch of people who were working around and the motorcyclists being hauled on a stretcher as they passed by the heroes. They all realized that it was a test, set up by Dom. Tony asked Dom, “Wait, what”s happening? Who are these people? Are you okay?” “You think a couple of guys could pull up and kidnap me? That takes an army.” Dom introduced Tony and his friends to the lady next to him, “This is Ms. Nowhere. I’ve worked with her organization in the past. And now she needs your help.” “I’m sorry. What? Wha, wha, wha, what? What’s your name?” Frostee asked again. Ms. Nowhere answered, “Nowhere. Ms. Nowhere.” Echo had no clue and said, “I'm still confused. Where are you?” Mikey pointed out, “Yeah, you’re right here.” “I’m here, but you know,” Ms. Nowhere winked, “Wink. I’m not here. Get it?” Gabby asked too, “Did you just say ‘Wink’?” Dom waved his hand across his neck, saying 'Drop it'. Ms. Nowhere got serious and informed the teens, “I’ll cut to the chase. I need a crew of street racers to infiltrate a criminal organization called SH1FT3R.” Rainbow Dash gasped as Ms. Nowhere saw her agent looking at a cute cat photo and shouted at him, “Gary!” Fluttershy whispered, “Aww, that cat was so cute.” Rainbow whispered, “SH1FT3R?! I thought they were a cool racing organization. I can't believe they're a bunch of criminals.” “See, I told you they were shady.” Sunset Shimmer whispered back. Rainbow scoffed, “Whatever.” Gary pulled up a file of the criminal and Ms. Nowhere informed the teens, “They’re led by this man, Shashi Dar. He’s a master thief and adrenaline junkie. SH1FT3R hosts race events that serves as cover for his master heists. He’s recently stolen over 3 billion dollars from Silicon Valley’s richest men.” Tony questioned Ms. Nowhere, “So why do you need us? Dom’s right here.” Dom laughed, “There is no way I can show up in a race without everybody recognizing me.” Rainbow Dash nodded, “That’s true.” “She needs a group of new agents. I recommended you. You’re out in the streets racing anyway. This way you might do some good and Ms. Nowhere can watch your back. As for Tony’s new friends, they can help too.” Dom explained to the teenagers. “So, you want us to be undercover spy racers? Dope!” Echo said as she and Frostee celebrated with their secret handshake. Tony questioned Ms. Nowhere again, “But if you know this Shashi guy stealing the money, then why don’t you just arrest him?” Leo questioned her motives, “Yeah, we want to know why you haven’t catch him yet?” Ms. Nowhere answered, “You don’t earn the name ‘Ms. Nowhere’ by being a security guard for a bunch of tech nerds.” Twilight gasped, “Excuse me?! I feel pretty offended here.” “I don’t mind.” Frostee commented. Echo asked, “You have to earn that name?” “You’re one to talk to, Echo. Or should I say 'Margaret'?” Ms. Nowhere stated. The ninjas reacted, “Oooooh..” “Pretty name.” Sonata commented. Echo angrily told Ms. Nowhere, “That’s the first and last time you’ll ever call me that.” Raph nodded, “I like her style. She’s tough.” “That makes two of us.” Aria said. Ms. Nowhere informed the teens, “Look, I’m not interested in the money. SH1FT3R chatter on the dark web keeps talking about ‘Gathering the keys’. Now our cryptographers haven’t been able to figure out what that means yet, but we definitely know that SH1FT3R has high-level contacts in the underworld. The keys could be nuclear codes, sleeper cells...” Echo wondered, “Piano keys.” Cisco freaked out, “Wait, they’re trying to steal music? Those maniacs!” Mikey shouted, “I got that same feeling too, bro!” “What's a world without music?!” Sonata wondered. Ms. Nowhere asked Dom, “I thought you said they were the best and brightest?” Dom answered quickly, “I didn't say 'Brightest'. And I just met these guys today.” Ms. Nowhere asked them all, “This is national security stuff at the highest level. Are you ready for this?” Tony answered quickly, “Born ready.” “Me too.” Gabby replied. “Born a Toretto. Remember, don’t just follow orders, follow your gut,” Dom told his cousins until she glanced at Ms. Nowhere, “And you keep my family and my friends safe or this SH1FT3R gang will be the least of your worries.” Dom vowed as he left the building. Leo said, “And we’re ready too.” Ms. Nowhere asked the ninjas in concern, “Really? Why should I believe in a bunch of teenagers from New York and Canterlot City?” Leo asked her, “Ever heard of the Hamoto Clan?” “Or the Foot Clan?” Adagio asked too. Ms. Nowhere's eyes shrunk to the size of pins at the mention of the two clans. She answered, “Hamoto's on the left, Foot on the right.” Cisco and Frostee wondered, “Clan?” Gabby chuckled in embarassment, “Oh I forgot to tell you, guys. My friends are ninjas.” Echo became very interested and asked, “Ninjas you say?” “No way.” Tony scoffed. Gabby answered, “Yes way. It's a long story.” Cisco cheered, “Awesome!” Frostee whispered to Cisco, “Dude, you’re in love with an actual Kunoichi.” Cisco covered Frostee's mouth, hoping Sonata hadn't heard that. “Anyway, if we’re going to be racing, I guess the government’s about to pay for my car’s new pump.” Tony suggested. Ms. Nowhere replied, “Oh you’re gonna need more upgrades than that,” She shouted at Gary who’s looking at the cute cat picture again, “GARY!” “Could you send me a link to that picture later please?” Fluttershy asked and Gary gave her a thumbs up. Ms. Nowhere directs everyone to the footage and explained the teens, “SH1FT3R Races are like nothing you’ve ever seen before. They’re all about pushing competitive technology to the edge. Smoke cannons, flash grenades, grappling hooks, rocket engines, anything goes.” Everyone nodded while some commented. Frostee commented, “Dope.” Cisco commented, “Sweet.” Echo commented, “Awesome.” Mikey commented, “Intense.” Raph commented, “My kind of race.” Ms. Nowhere continued, “Now there’s a tryout race in L.A. hosted by this woman.” Gary changed the screen to a woman who caught Frostee’s and Rainbow Dash’s attention. “What?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Oho, no way!” Frostee shouted Rainbow and Frostee excitingly cheered, “Layla Gray?!” “She’s the most awesome racer around.” Frostee looked at Tony, “Oh, except for you, T. No offense.” Rainbow exclaimed, “I watched her racing videos online. It was totally awesome!” Frostee looked at her and said, “No way. You’re a fan of Layla Gray too? I thought I was the only one in T’s crew.” Rainbow nodded, “Likewise with me.” The two fist bumped as Sci-Twi commented, “And here I thought soccer was your passion.” Rainbow told her friends, “I have a life outside of all of you.” Ms. Nowhere cleared her throat to grab the teens’ attention. She resumed explaining to them, “Layla Gray is SH1FT3R’s main recruiter. You need to win her race to infiltrate SH1FT3R.” Echo asked, “And you think she’s gonna just, let us tryout in a race?” “Hardly, SH1FT3R races are tightly guarded secrets. Only a select group of people know when and where one will be. But I pulled out a list of local suppliers and car customizers, then hacked into their databases to get a client list. At least one of these people should be in the race.” Ms. Nowhere explained. Rainbow told her, “I already got my invite.” Tony smirked, “We don’t need a list. We already know someone who might have an invite. Aria, Sonata, how would you two like to help me mess with Mitch?” The two girls gave a mischievous smile and nodded as their answers. Back in the streets of Los Angeles, Mitch received his tacos from a tacos food truck. Frostee explained in the background, “If we can get a hold of Mitch’s phone just for a minute, I can clone it and we’ll get all the calls he gets.” Aria and Sonata spied Mitch from behind, waiting for the opportunity to strike while Frostee and Tony exited from Tony’s car and they walked up to Mitch. “Alright, it’s a bet. Let’s get this over with.” Tony said. Mitch chuckled, “Heh. Well, look who it is. Soapy Toretto.” Tony pretended to laugh, “Haha, good one. Because Soapy almost sounds like Tony a little bit.” “Uh, no. I said 'Soapy' cause I called your car a Soap Boxer racer and you’re carrying soapsuds. Soapy doesn’t sound anything like Tony. What planet are you from?” Mitch replied. Sonata whispered, “What a jerk?” “Bet you’re glad that you were eyeing on that big boy since we met them. Tony's friends are a lot nicer.” Aria whispered back as Sonata’s face turned bright red. Tony sighed, “Can we just get this over with?” Mitch wanted to accept Tony’s permission, but he had other plans. He answered, “Ooh, actually, you can’t wash my car right now. I’m waiting for a call.” Tony suggested, “So wait for it while I wash.” Mitch replied, “But I might have to leave.” Tony said, “Well then I better get started!” Mitch shouted, “Just do it later!” “I don’t want to do it later!” Tony yelled as he knocked off Mitch’s lunch, but Sonata rushed pass Mitch quickly from behind and swiped his tacos. Mitch turned around and asked, “Hey, where’s my lunch?” Tony called his friend, “Frostee.” Frostee replied, “On it.” Tony started distracting Mitch, long enough for Frostee to swipe his phone. Aria whispered, “Seriously, Sonata?” “What? I'm hungry. Besides, he ain’t gonna like what I put in his pants.” Sonata replied as Mitch screamed in pain after pulling out a mousetrap in his pants. Tony used his wet towel and tried to distract Mitch while Frostee started cloning the code in Tony’s phone from Mitch’s phone. Mitch's phone went off just as he got the mousetrap off and asked, “Hey, where’s my phone?” Frostee signaled for Aria to stall and she said, “My turn. Watch this, my ditzy friend.” Aria rushed pass Mitch and replace his drink with a rat, which he kissed. Tony struggled not to laugh, but Sonata laughed as Aria rushed back to her. “He’s going to need mouthwash after his only kiss.” Aria told her ditzy friend. “Awgh, gross!” Mitch yelled as he started wiping his mouth with his shirt. Frostee completed the download and signaled the success. Sonata whispered and cheered, “Mission Accomplished.” Aria looked at her with a deadpan expression over the cliche. “What? I always wanted to say that.” Sonata answered as Frostee put Mitch’s phone back in Mitch’s back pocket and Tony stopped. Then, Aria got Mitch’s wallet, revealing that she stole it while swiping his drink. Frostee and Sonata crossed their arms and they looked at Aria, feeling unhappy. Frostee said, “That's not cool, Aria.” “I said I swiped his wallet. Didn't say I took what's in it.” Aria explained as Frostee checked and it was empty of everything. “I stand corrected.” Frostee apologized. Sonata reasoned with her, “But that’s still considered stealing.” Aria fired back, “You stole his lunch.” “She got you there, Sonata.” Frostee told her, knowing that Aria was right. Sonata groaned, “Can we just go before Mitch sees us?” “Can’t deny that.” Frostee answered. The three teens went to meet up with Tony while Aria put back Mitch’s wallet in his pocket quickly without Mitch noticing it. “You know what, I can see your busy and in need of mouthwash. So, I'll be on my way.” Tony said and walked off with his friends in tow. Mitch replied. “Whatever. I got tacos to Ord... Where's my wallet? Hey! You still owe me tacos! Toretto, I want my tacos!” Back in the agency's hideout, the ninjas and spies celebrated. Tony asked Ms. Nowhere. “Hey, pretty slick how we got that phone, right?” Ms. Nowhere ignored his question and was focused on finding the race, “Hmm, looks like the race will be right here. Downtown.” “Then that’s we’re going to race.” Tony stated as the ninjas and spies agreed, but Ms. Nowhere had other ideas in mind. Ms. Nowhere told them, “No you’re not. This op is over.” The Ninjas and Spies exclaimed in unison, “WHAT?!” Rainbow questioned in concern, “Any reason why?” “Because the race is tonight.” Ms. Nowhere answered quickly. Tony stood up to her and said, “No problem. I’m ready to throw down.” “Me too.” Rainbow replied and stood up with Tony by his side. “Look, according to this encrypted data, drivers need two forms of ID verification to enter. A retinal scan and a code that’s embedded in their cars.” Ms. Nowhere explained. Gabby suggested her, “So, you must have some spy gear to get pass security. Right? “I have the gear, but you don’t have the expertise to use it. I expect it to have weeks to train you kids while we chase down leads.” Ms. Nowhere explained. Echo questioned her motives again, “We found the race in two hours. Now that's a problem?!” Tony asked the boss lady, “So what you’re saying is that we’re too good?” Ms. Nowhere answered, “Mediocre at best. Anyway, I can’t risk you going into this op. And that includes you ninjas. Layla Gray can have you killed. More importantly, your cousin can have me killed. We’re going Plan Bravo everybody! Launch the surveillance drones!” “Look. Just put me in the car. I can win that race. I know it.” Tony suggested, feeling desperate. Rainbow Dash replied back to Tony, “Not if I win first.” Ms. Nowhere told him, “Tony, it would take us 48 hours just to build your car with the implanted codes. The whole plan was a long shot anyway. Gary, get Tony and his crew out... except those ninjas. I’m going to have a word with them privately.” Ms. Nowhere was in her office with the Ninjas and questioned the four boys, “Boys, did you really think those disguises of yours could’ve fooled me?” Mikey answered, “What? We’re not wearing our disguises. This is our real look.” “You sure about that, Mikey?” Ms. Nowhere raised her eyebrow and gave him an icy stare. The Turtles couldn’t believe she figured out who they are. So, Mikey broke the stare and dropped his disguise. Mikey begged her, “Don't kill us, please!” Ms. Nowhere snickered, “Ha! I knew it. You can drop your disguises now.” She laughed after that while Leo, Raph, and Donnie dropped their disguises too. “Okay, you caught us? Now what do you want?” Donnie questioned her. Ms. Nowhere calmed herself down and answered, “Oh, nothing. I’ve heard reports about the mutant incidents in New York and the strange magic incidents in Canterlot City. “ Sunset asked, “Really?” Ms. Nowhere answered again, “Yes. Your ‘pal’, Bishop told me about it.” “Bishop’s more of an ally to us. But, that’s a relief, but don’t you think we’re letting you put our friends on a dissection table?” Rarity asked. Ms. Nowhere replied, “Hasn't even crossed my mind.” Rainbow complained, “Can we hurry this up? I got a race to win.” Ms. Nowhere said, “Yes... Five of you do.” The ninjas exclaimed in unison, “What?” “Strategically speaking, sending all of you at once would raise suspicion. Five of you will go, while the rest of you stay here as back up.” Ms. Nowhere explained and the ninjas agreed to her terms. Meanwhile, Gary kicked Tony and his crew out of Ms. Nowhere’s temporary base of operations and Tony’s crew were frustrated after that. Gabby growled, “I can’t believe they’re kicking us out of the mission.” “Oh we’re doing this mission.” Tony ordered, feeling pumped and ready to get into the mission. Cisco wondered, “Wait? What are you talking about?” Tony remembered what Dom said to him and told them, “I’m not just following orders. I’m following my gut. We can do this.” “I don’t know T. Getting past that security would be tough. It would help if we have some of that spy stuff.” Frostee reminded his friends until someone outside of their group spoke up. “You mean this?” Sunset said and showed them Ms. Nowhere’s purse. Tony's group turned to see Sunset, Sonata, Rainbow, Casey, and Donnie standing behind them. Sunset explained, “I borrowed Ms. Nowhere’s purse. She was showing us all the cool gadgets it has.” Cisco asked, “You ‘borrowed’ it?” “I was going to give it back. Maybe.” Sunset smirked. Donnie felt inspired and assumed, “We assumed you guys would want to continue the mission.” Tony answered, “You guess right.” Cisco asked, “Okay. But where are we going to get a car?” “Easy, we'll borrow one,” Tony winked, “Wink.” Tony foreshadowed his plan, “Here’s the plan. Frostee, Donnie, and I will bust into the race complex and they’ll hack the retinal scan computers.” Up on the roof of a building, Donnie (back in his human disguise), Frostee, and Tony were all standing on the edge of it. Donnie was back in his human disguise and surveyed the area down below while Tony held Ms. Nowhere’s purse and Frostee being scared as always. “Um, I don’t think this is a good idea, you guys.” Frostee suggested, feeling scared already. Donnie replied, “Me and my friends have done more dangerous stuff like this.” Frostee said, “That doesn't comfort me.” Tony calmed his friend down and told him, “Come on, zip-lines are like the safest way to travel.” Frostee rebuffed, “What? No. No! We are definitely not.” “So I think we just hit this button and--“ Tony pressed the button and he ducked his head from the incoming zip-line cord shot from the purse. As Tony and Frostee rode across, Donnie ran across the wire like a skilled tightrope walker. Frostee screamed, “HOW ARE YOU TWO STILL ALIVE?!” Down in the streets, Cisco drove his truck with Echo and Sonata while Casey and Gabby followed them with the Turtle Racer and Sunset in her car. Tony contacted his friends, “Cisco and Echo, use that mirror to shut down Mitch’s car and then tow it away.” Cisco felt nervous and asked, “Okay, you guys ready?” Everyone told Cisco they were ready, but Cisco remained nervous. “Next light, we're doing this.” Cisco nervously said, Sonata asked him, “You okay?” “I’m fine. Don’t be scared.” Cisco blushed. Echo answered, “I’m not.” Sonata replied, “Me too.” Cisco continued being nervous and remembered what Tony instructed them to do. He grabbed a small gadget in front of him and said, “All right, yeah, because, uh, there’s no reason to be nervous. I know how this works. Shake the mirror twice, then the little red activation comes on.” Then, the light of the mirror started beeping and flashing red. Cisco saw it and said, “Oh, there’s the light.” “Cisco, no!” Echo warned him, but it was too late and Cisco’s truck lost power and slowly stopped in the middle of the road. Not only that, the cars behind them stopped and the drivers started honking their cars except Sunset and Casey, telling them to move their truck aside. Cisco sheepishly said, “So, that means...” “It activates the EMP and shuts down the engine.” Echo answered for him. Sonata added, “Which means, we’re going to have to come up with a Plan B.” One of the angry drivers shouted, “Move your truck, moron!” Sonata exited Cisco’s truck and walked over to the Turtle Racer. She asked Casey, “Hey Casey, can I borrow your taser?” “Uh, yeah. Sure. What do you need it for?” Casey wondered as he tossed the taser to Sonata. Sonata received the taser from Casey and answered, “You’ll see.” Echo saw what Sonata’s planning and walked towards Mitch's car. Sonata put the taser behind her back and walked up to Mitch’s car and greeted him, “Hello.” Mitch glanced at her and recognized Sonata earlier. He replied, “Huh? Oh hey.” “Would you by any chance have the time? I got something for you that you like.” Sonata informed Mitch as she secretly charged the taser. Mitch chuckled, “Well, you caught me. If you got tacos for me, thank you.” He tried to reach his hand, but Sonata smacked his hand with her empty right hand and stopped him, “Hold up. Get out of the car first.” Mitch didn’t catch what Sonata requested and said, “Say what?” Sonata demanded him, “I said. Get out.” “Uhhh, okay.” Mitch answered and he got out of the car. Sonata told him, “Good night.” Before Mitch could respond, Sonata tased him and he fell unconscious. Echo instructed her friend, “Cisco, wait here while I help your girlfriend.” “Uh, she’s not my girlfriend. Not yet at the least.” Cisco blushed. Echo and Sonata dragged Mitch into the alley. Sonata asked Echo, “How can he be so heavy?” “Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.” Echo answered while Sonata grabbed Mitch’s hat and tried it on. Sonata asked, “Too much?” “Nah, girl. It looks better on you.” Echo said. “Aww, thank you Echo.” Sonata replied. Echo drove Mitch’s car while Sonata sat right next to her and saw Mitch’s tacos wrapped in paper. She grabbed one of them and started eating it. Meanwhile, the three boys quietly entered the race complex and peeked at the server room. There was only one worker in there, watching over surveillance from the computer. Donnie informed his comrades, “I calculate we'll have 10 minutes to hack the retinal scanner after we knock this guy out.” Frostee nodded, “No sweat, D.” Tony sneaked up behind the guy while pulling something out of Ms. Nowhere’s purse and it was a perfume spray. The worker turned to see Tony and interrogated him, “Hey, what are you doing here? Is that a purse?” “Night night.” Tony said before he accidentally sprayed himself by the perfume spray, but it wasn’t just any normal perfume spray. It was a knockout spray developed as a spy gadget. Tony became sidetracked and panicked, “Aw, lug nuts, my eyes! Aw, dang it!” Tony sighed and fell asleep. Donnie and Frostee facepalmed, knowing that Tony used the perfume spray the wrong way. The worker looked at the unconscious Tony and asked, “Hey, are you okay?” Frostee entered the room and picked up the perfume spray. He told him, “Sorry, man. It’s our first time doing this.” “Wait, what? Who are you guys?” The worker asked until Frostee sprayed the guy with the perfume spray and the worker fell asleep. Frostee posed and answered, “We’re Spy Racers.” Donnie entered the room, “More like ‘Ninja Racers’. Nice job, Frostee.” “Thanks Don. And Ninja Racers. I like it.” Frostee smiled as they both high-five to each other. Donnie informed Frostee, “Just don’t tell Mikey that I named something without him. He’s very protective over that.” “Gotcha,” Frostee answered until he sniffed the scent of the perfume spray, “Hmm, sandalwood...” “We have a friend named Sandalwood back in Canterlot City.” Donnie reminded him. Frostee replied, “Really? That’s cool.” Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere and Gary used the computer to watch the surveillance from the agency’s drone while the rest of the Ninjas were bored. Gary informed his boss, “Drones are up. We have eyes on the racer.” Ms. Nowhere realized that something was off, “Gary... Who’s driving that car? And where's my tactical purse? Track my purse!” April and the rest of the Rainbooms took cover for the sake of their health except the Turtles. Minutes later, Tony woke up and slowly got up after getting himself knocked out by accident while Frostee and Donnie were working on the computers. Tony groaned, “Okay, I’m fine. You two good? All good. I’m good.” Donnie said, “We’re working on it.” “Okay, I'm heading down the street. Don’t let us get caught.” Tony ordered them. Frostee answered while feeling annoyed, “We’re working on it.” Tony ordered Donnie, “Donnie, stay with Frostee in case trouble comes.” “Can do.” Donnie replied. Then, Frostee's phone rang as Tony left. Frostee picked it up and greeted Ms. Nowhere, “Hey, girl.” Ms. Nowhere ordered him, “Frostee, I want you and your pals to get out of there right now.” Frostee rejected her request and answered, “Uh, we’d love to, but I’m too young to drive, and my ride just left, so...” Ms. Nowhere got serious and said, “Frostee, this is no joke.” Donnie answered too, “Yeah, we know.” “You two are in serious danger. If Layla Gray catches you, I can’t guarantee either of your safeties.” Ms. Nowhere informed the two tech geniuses while they continued to work. Frostee and Donnie were annoyed by Ms. Nowhere and replied, “We know.” Ms. Nowhere started venting like a drama queen, “And it’s not just your safety. There’s also my career to think about. I just made it up to Nowhere, “She started shouting, “And I will not get bumped back to Ms. Nothing. I was a Nothing for too long, boys!” The bossy lady calmed down and said, “Plus, SH1FT3R gets their hands on the nuclear codes or whatever.” “Relax, Bossy Lady. I got Frostee covered.” Donnie informed her. “Yeah, we got it! Can we work now? Bye.” Frostee hung up his phone and went back to work with Donnie. Back in the agency’s hideout, Raph was impressed and said, “Wow. Who would’ve thought Donnie could get someone mad like me.” Ms. Nowhere panicked, “Dom is going to kill us. We gotta get out of here, Gary. Are our clean identities ready?” Gary spoke in German and saluted to her, “Jawohl, Fräulein Nirgends.” The elevator doors opened and Tony exited the elevator as he looked around to check if anyone tried to sneak up on him. Tony ran towards the edge of the rooftop and he stopped on the edge. He looked down and gulped, feeling nervous. He fought his fear and screamed as he used the zip-line from the purse to safely jump off from the building. The zip-line stopped and Tony safely landed on the ground. “Yes! Sweet! Phew!” Tony celebrated and walked naturally like a cool person with a purse in his hand. Tony walked passed by a big dude who was standing around with his arms crossed and he commented, “Nice purse.” “I know.” Tony answered as Echo and Sonata arrived and parked next to Tony, “Your car... Mitch.” Sonata teased him. Tony replied as he entered the car, “Thanks. Nice hat, looks good on you.” Sonata smiled, “Thank you, Tony.” Cisco exited the car and saw the smoke coming from the rocket engine. He said, “C’mon Mitch, this hose is about to pop right out of the rocket engine. When that happens...” Cisco imitated the explosion sound, “Nothing a little bubblegum can’t fix.” He took a piece of bubblegum out of his mouth and placed it on the hose of the rocket engine. Meanwhile, Sunset and Casey along with Gabby parked their cars in the alleyway and took their keys with them. As for Mitch, he was sleeping next to the dumpster. Sunset asked Casey, “Is it okay to leave the chicken behind?” Casey replied, “Relax, she can drive the Turtle Racer to safety if she thinks it's necessary.” Then, Rainbow drove up and parked near the Turtle Racer. Rainbow Dash asked them, “Are you guys coming or what?” Gabby, Sunset, and Casey went inside Rainbow’s car and Rainbow drove her car again to search the underground SH1FT3R race. Few minutes later, Rainbow found the location and proceeded to go pass security first before Tony and his crew prepare to enter. Rainbow pulled up as the bodyguard signaled them to stop to get her retinal scan and the code embedded on her car. The guard asked Rainbow, “These three with you?” Rainbow informed him, “I don't go anywhere without my crew.” The guard took a retinal scan on Rainbow and checked the code beneath her car. After that, he said, “Alright, head on in.” “Thank you.” Rainbow replied as she and her friends entered the entrance to the SH1FT3R race as Tony and his friends looked on. “Where we at on that retinal scan, guys?” Tony asked the two tech geniuses. Donnie replied on phone, “Almost there.” “So are we.” Tony replied back via phone, “Hack faster.” Frostee growled and asked the unconscious worker, “I mean, do people treat you like this? ‘Hack faster’? They have no idea what we do!” “Tell me about it.” Donnie said, remembering what that’s like in the past. Tony and his crew rolled up to the guard and greeted him, “Hey, I'm Mitch. And this is my crew.” Sonata smiled and waved at him, “Hello.” Cisco got nervous again and said, “Yeah, just guys, you know... Have fun... Crew up.” The guard ignored Cisco’s comment and moved on to check on the car. Tony told Cisco, “Maybe you should just keep quiet.” “Uh, yeah. Good idea, T.” Cisco nodded. “I thought it was cute.” Sonata said as Cisco blushed. The guard took Tony’s retinal scan as Donnie and Frostee went to work in the security room. Just as they were about to be busted, Frostee and Donnie changed the retinal to match Tony's. Frostee sighed in relief, “Phew! Got it. High-five!” He and Donnie high-fived to each other as Frostee moved back in his spinning chair to tell the worker, “And high five to you...” Frosted remembered that he’s still unconscious with duct tape around his mouth and he apologized, “Oh, sorry.” The guard allowed Tony to head inside as he and Echo nodded to each other. Back in the agency’s hideout, Ms. Nowhere informed everyone, “My bag is packed. Let’s burn this place to the ground!” Gary stopped his boss and told her, “Hold on a second, they made into the race.” “See, I told you they’d make it.” Ms. Nowhere said and everyone else in the room rolled their eyes. As Tony rolled into the entrance, his passengers exited the car. Tony sighed in relief, “Phew!” “Hope you win, Tony.” Sonata told Tony. Echo told her friend, “Good luck, T.” “Yeah, do something, uh, drive, you go, man! Uh, I’m sorry, I’ll sit down.” Cisco calmed himself down and went with his friends to find some seats. After that, Tony was taking down to where the other racers are as the platform goes down like an elevator. The rest of Tony's crew entered the arena where the crowd cheered as Layla appeared onscreen. Layla asked onscreen to the crowd, “Y’all ready for some racing?” The crowd cheered hard as Tony’s crew looked around as Donnie and Frostee showed up. Frostee excitedly jumped up and down and celebrated, “Whoo! It’s Layla Gray! Haha! She’s really here! Ms. Nowhere said she’s gonna be here, but oh my gosh she’s really here!” “Think you got what it takes to roll with SH1FT3R?” Layla asked onscreen while the crowd cheered as the engines of the racers’ cars revved. Layla answered onscreen, “Yeah, well, we’re about to find out.” Rainbow Dash and Tony rolled up to the starting line, leading the racers to an underground passageway. Rainbow greeted Tony, “Sup, T. It’s about time you show up.” “Hope you enjoy seeing my tail lights later on.” Tony replied. Rainbow Dash scoffed, “You wish. This will be a walk in the park.” Tony fired back, “Not if I get there first.” Rainbow felt pumped up after hearing his words, “Oh, it’s on now!” Layla Gray explained to the racers about the race onscreen, “Now only one of you can make it in. The rest of you? Well, I hope you’re insured. I know most of y’all have been street racing and doing all kinds of bad things to make it into this molly, little crew. But one of you is a bit of a mystery man. So, as a special treat, I’m gonna hop into our race today and find out what he’s all about.” After hearing her announcement, Layla drove up and stopped between Rainbow Dash and Tony. Layla greeted Tony who’s pretending to be Mitch, “Hello, ‘Mitch’.” In Rainbow’s mind, she got nervous and reacted, “Uh-oh.” As the race was near commencement, that moment indicated that Layla knew Tony was not really Mitch and Tony gulped as the countdown to the race was about to begin. > Enter SH1FT3R > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The racers were all feeling confident and revved up their cars as the crowd continued cheering from the bleachers. Tony’s crew and his new friends were all in deep trouble and Echo alerted them, “Tony's cover's blown! Layla Gray knows he snuck into her race! Frostee, please tell me this isn’t as bad as I think it is?” Frostee answered, “Oh, he's in trouble. I once saw a video of a guy who cut her off in traffic. Layla ran her car into his trunk, through the seats and out through the windshield. And that was her prom date!” “She's completely insane.” Sonata added as she twirled her fingers together on each side next to her head. Cisco ensured his friends, “Tony’s got this, no problem, guys. Look.” Cisco showed them the map of the race onscreen and said, “He just has to drive through the tunnels and the construction site, jump off from one garage to another, and race back to the finish line in a car he’s never driven with a bunch of outlaws trying to destroy him with spy weapons. He’s good!” Echo exclaimed, “Forget about busting into SH1FT3R, those two will be lucky to live.” “I’m starting to wish I had time to modify Rainbow Dash's car before the race starts.” Donnie said after thinking about it. Rainbow glanced at Layla and Tony while they did the same. The lady held both flags up and moved them down, signaling the race to start. “Let's peel some paint.” Layla vowed as she and the rest of the drivers hit the gas and raced off in the SH1FT3R racing course. The race cars were racing against one another as Tony drove up right next to Layla’s car. “I think you should know, I really hate party crashers at my races.” Layla informed Tony as she steered to the right and hit Mitch’s car that Tony was driving. “Yeah, well I was really hurt that I wasn’t invited.” Tony told her as he hit her car back with Mitch’s car while Rainbow watched them fight. Rainbow Dash appeared onscreen in Mitch’s car and asked, “T, need any help?” “Nah, I got this. Besides, I'm sure Mitch won't mind a few scratches.” Tony answered as he slammed Mitch’s car right into Layla’s car. “Okay,” In Rainbow’s mind, she thought, “There’s got to be a way to get pass these two.” “You think that hurt?” Layla grunted and slammed right back into Tony, giving Rainbow Dash the chance to surpass them. “How is she even doing that?” Tony asked until he saw Rainbow passing by him and Layla, “Hey!” He exclaimed. Rainbow told him onscreen, “Sorry, Double T. It’s every racer for themselves. But hey, at least you can say the winner’s your friend.” Tony shifted his focus back on the road until he saw the tunnel and Layla was going to get him crashed on the side. He screamed and pulled over, leaving him in last place. Tony caught up to her while Layla saw Rainbow Dash in front of her and Tony catching up right behind her. Both of Layla’s opponents showed up on her screen. Layla asked them, “You two came to play?” Tony answered, “What’s that? That’s just standard LA driving.” Rainbow replied, “And I'm just used to driving around in New York City.” “Yeah, well here’s something you don’t see on the freeway.” Layla said as she pushed a button on the control pad and smoke pellets were launched from the back of her car. Tony struggled to maintain control. By the time he was able to see, he veered right into a tunnel. Back to the audience, Donnie and company were watching closely. Echo panicked, “Oh, no! Tony’s in the wrong tunnel.” Donnie was memorizing the map and told them, “Actually, it might pay off for him.” Tony continue driving in a different tunnel and stated, “Time to get back on track.” He drove Mitch’s car a bit faster and he jumped right off from the top tunnel. “Yee-hee! Woo!” Tony shouted as the car landed right behind Rainbow’s car and she couldn’t believe her eyes. Rainbow exclaimed, “What?!” Donnie and the others cheered as Tony caught up to the other racers. Layla asked Tony onscreen, “Still wondering why you weren’t invited?” Tony answered back onscreen, “Hey, I’m keeping up.” Rainbow commented, “At least you’re putting up a decent race.” “Are you though?” Layla said as she surpassed a racer with its car and it started shooting paintballs from the back while Tony started spinning out of control after the paintballs hit the car. “Don’t puke! Don’t puke! Don’t puke! Don’t puke!“ Tony yelled while struggling for control and not to vomit. Then, that same racer tried to take Layla out and pulled out a metal fist from the front of its car and it punched Layla’s car from behind. “Oh, you wanna fist bump?” Layla pressed another button and pulled out two mechanical arms with razor-sharped, saw blades at the end. The driver was frightened as his car got close to the saw blades and took out the metal fist. He struggled to control his car and flipped sideways after that. Rainbow saw what Layla did to the racer and commented, “She’s completely out of her mind.” Tony saw the wreck and manage to avoid it, but he got all excited, “Yeah-yeah! This is my kind of race!” While the racers were continuing to race around the course, Tony steered left to the tunnel and caught up with them. Tony spoke to Layla onscreen, “What’s the matter, Layla? You’re so quiet all of a sudden. Afraid of a little competition?” Layla replied, “Sorry, uh, are you talking? I’m too busy winning right now.” Rainbow appeared on Layla’s monitor and said, “Not for long.” She caught up to Layla and the southern racer asked Rainbow, “You think you can beat me?” Rainbow answered, “I’m sorry, did you say you something? I was too busy winning to pay attention.” While the two girls continued to race against each other, Tony glanced at the buttons on Mitch’s control panel, “Okay, Mitch. Let’s see what spy gear this thing’s got.” Tony pressed a button labeled “Bust Out” and said, “Bust out. Let’s try that.” The computer that sounded like Mitch and announced, “Ejection in five, four... Three...” “No, no, no!” Tony rejected and pressed the button to turn off the ejection seat. “Ejection terminated.” The computer said while Tony sighed in relief. Rainbow told Tony onscreen, “Yo Tony, better be careful what kind of buttons you press.” The racers exited the tunnel and entered the construction site. Tony’s friends continued to watch and Cisco told them, “They’re halfway done, headed to the construction zone.” Sunset said, “Rainbow Dash is going strong.” “And Tony's doing great.” Frostee mentioned while his friends looked at him with unconvinced expressions. Frostee added, “Well, he is alive.” Casey reminded them, “He’s also in last place.” Gabby said, “No, the guy who got wrecked is in last place. Tony’s in fifth place.” “Aren’t you little miss sunshine.” Echo commented while Gabby smirked. Then, Leo and his brothers (back in their human disguises) along with the rest of the Rainbooms and Dazzlings showed up. Mikey greeted Tony’s friends, “Yo! What up, party people!” Echo questioned them, “How did you guys get in here?” Pinkie smiled, “Back door.” “Plus, we’re also getting tired of Ms. Nowhere and she’s treating us like children.” Raph grunted and crossed his arms. Aria added and crossed her arms too, “Same.” Leo asked Donnie, “So, how are they doing?” Donnie answered, “Could be better.” Back at the race, Tony was catching up to another racer. Tony and the racer were competing neck-to-neck with their cars. “Let’s try this.” Tony pressed one of the buttons and a claw came out from the side and clamped down onto the side of the opposing car. Rainbow looked from the car mirror and saw the two cars behind them. She mumbled, “Maybe Mitch had a chance at surviving after all.” Tony saw an incoming column and turned left, causing the opposing car to crash. The crowd roared with cheers and the spies watched Tony ranking up to fourth place on the TV monitor. Echo cheered, “Yeah! Dump that trash!” “I hope the other racers are okay.” Fluttershy said, feeling concerned while Rarity felt the same and nodded. “Oh no, look out!” Frostee suddenly gasped as Tony skidded right off a ramp and crashed right onto another racer. Rainbow spoke to Tony onscreen, “Okay, that I know was luck.” Tony replied back onscreen, “Focus on the race Rainbow, or else I’ll be passing by you and Layla to win this race.” Layla was in the lead while Rainbow, Tony, and another racer were racing in the streets of Los Angeles, trying to catch up to SH1FT3R’s main recruiter. Rainbow suggested, “T, how about we worry about which one of us wins AFTER we take out Layla. Truce?” “Truce. Time to play catch-up. Here goes nothing.” Tony nodded as he pressed a button and a grappling hook shot out from the skull of Mitch’s car and it hit the spoiler of Layla’s car. Layla grunted while Rainbow mumbled herself, “Okay, now Mitch was being stupid.” Tony started slowing Layla down while Rainbow Dash and the other driver passed. He shouted, “Aw, yeah! Now I’m gonna reel you in!” “Really? You wanna get closer?” Layla questioned Tony’s tactics as she activated the saw blades again and Mitch’s car was getting close to it. Back in the crowd, some of Tony’s friends watched with concern. Casey commented, “Uh-oh.” Gabby replied with concern, “That doesn’t look good.” Echo informed her friends, “Tony’s gonna get sawed.” Cisco covered his eyes and panicked, “I can’t watch.” “Me too, bro.” Mikey said and he with Sonata, Mikey, Fluttershy, and Rarity covered their eyes too. Adagio commented, “I hope Mitch has insurance.” Back to the race, Mitch’s car got close to the saw blades and Tony yelled, “Let go! Let go!” He pressed some buttons and the saw blades were hitting the skull of Mitch’s car. Tony got rid of the grappling hook and pulled up alongside Layla. She commented, “Lucky punk.” Rainbow chuckled when she saw Layla getting ticked off. The racers headed towards an empty parking lot and drove all the way up like a circle. Tony glanced at Layla and then he saw a button that’s labeled “Wind Breaker”. “Please be something good.” Tony pressed it and the rocket engines gave him an extra boost and yelled, speeding all the way up to the top. He surpassed the three racers and cheered. Back in the crowd, Tony’s crew cheered for him. Cisco shouted, “Ha! Yeah!” Frostee cheered, “Ha-ha! Tony’s in first!” Back to the race, Rainbow commented, “Ha! That’s what you get for using this morning, Mitch.” Suddenly, the rocket engines started to sputter out and it didn’t take long for the rockets to run out of fuel. Layla appeared onscreen and told him, “Looks like you're luck just ran out. You need those rockets for the jump.” Tony was confused and asked, “Uh, jump?” “You’re already in a garage. You may as well park,” Layla said and pressed the button to boost her car’s speed. She cheered, “Whoo-hoo! Yeah!” “Sorry, T.” Rainbow apologized onscreen as she activated her rockets like the others and jumped across the gap. Rainbow and Layla landed safely and drifted downhill, but the other racer crashed because of the trajectory she landed. “It’s not over yet.” Tony shifted vowed as he shifted into high gear and Mitch’s car jumped across the gap, but the direction was downhill. “Oh I can’t watch!” Fluttershy covered her eyes and cried while Tony’s crew whimpered. Tony screamed before firing the harpoon and swinging safely down to the lower level in slow motion. However, the skull hood-ornament was knocked off. Rainbow commented onscreen, “Glad that eye sore is gone.” “I know, right? Whoo-hoo!” Tony said and he was in the lead in the rankings on the map from the TV monitor. The ninjas and spies whooped and cheered for Tony and Rainbow. Tony taunted Layla by throwing up a peace sign and winking at her. She exclaimed, “You gotta be kidding me!” The three racers entered a tunnel and Rainbow reminded Tony, “Remember Tony, doesn’t matter which one of us wins. As long as Layla loses.” “Then let’s leave her in the dust.” Tony nodded. Cisco watched them race and informed his friends, “Yo, I think either Tony or Rainbow’s gonna win! It’s a straight shot to the finish line!” “Yeah, you got this T and Rainbow!” Echo cheered. Frostee said, “Come on!” Rainbow Dash and Tony kept close to each other, making sure Layla doesn't get an opening. As the others cheered for their friends, Sonata and Frostee turned around and saw trouble right behind them. Two big bodyguards. Frostee whimpered, “Uh-oh.” Sonata told her friends, “Guys, I think we're going to wish we brought our weapons.” Tony and Rainbow were closing in at the finish line, but Layla growled and turned on the booster engines of her car to gain more speed. “Get out of my race.” Layla said as she rammed her car into Tony, who collided with Rainbow Dash, causing all three to spin out control all the way across the finish line. The crowd whooped and cheered as the race ended. It was nothing but spectacular. Tony exited out of Mitch’s car and cheered, “Haha, yes! I won! I’m the winner! Where is my trophy?” Rainbow got out of her car and confronted Tony, “No. You mean I won. Guys, you’re looking at a winner right here.” Then, The pair turnedaround and saw their friends being restrained by SH1FT3R’s goons. Rainbow gasped, “GUYS!” Leo told her, “We're fine, Dash.” Echo added, “But it ain't the best time for either of you to celebrate.” Layla got serious and told her opponents, “I hate to break it you two, but you both lost.” Rainbow and Tony were not convinced. Layla laughed, “Who am I kidding? I love breaking it to you guys.” She tilted her head at the guards, telling them to restrain Tony and Rainbow. Frostee chatted with Layla, “Hey, this might not be the best time, but my name’s Frostee. Big fan. Love what you do.” “Not helping.” Raph told him as Mitch's car exploded, which startled everyone. Cisco said, “There goes the bubblegum.” Layla walked up to Tony and interrogated him, “Now you tell me who you are and how you got into my race?” Then, a male voice popped up and told her, “Layla, ease up.” Out from the shadows, the spies’ main target, Shashi Dar, stepped in and informed Layla, “Don't you know this isn't just some nobody punk racer? This is Tony Toretto,” He then turned to Gabby, “And that's his cousin Gabby.” Tony and Gabby were surprised that Shashi knew about Dom’s family. He asked Shashi, “You recognized me?” “I recognized your driving. You’ve got Dom’s instincts.” Shashi answered. Gabby asked him too, “And what about me?” “I have a few friends in New York City who’ve told me about you.” Shashi smiled and got close to Gabby, which ticked off Casey. Gabby answered in an unconvincing tone, “Huh, interesting.” “And you must be Shashi Dar. I’ve heard you too.” Tony said. Shashi nodded, “Hmm. I’m impressed.” Tony informed him, “These are my streets. Nothing happens without me knowing about it.” Shashi replied back, “I used to think nothing happened in Layla’s race without her knowing about it,” He then turned to see Tony’s friends, “But then these people managed to hack pass her security.” Tony smirked, “I don’t go anywhere without my crew.” Shashi understood him well and said, “Just like Dom.” Layla: Well, it was nice getting to know you, but we're gonna make an example of y'all for anyone else who tries to break in. Get rid of them, but the Rainbow-haired tomboy stays. The guards let go of Rainbow while Tony and his crew were getting dragged by SH1FT3R’s goons. Tony questioned her motives, “Hold up. Is this how you treat everyone who wins one of your races?” “You didn’t win! Who wants to see us race again, right here, right now?” Layla shouted with anger as the crowd roared with cheers. Frostee cheered, “Do it! Yeah!” “Encore! Encore! Encore!” Mikey shouted Donnie informed everyone, “Actually, those cars are pretty busted. I don’t think they’re in any shape to drive.” Everyone, including Frostee and Mikey, booed at Donnie while Frostee kicked a can at Donnie and it nailed him in the head. Donnie groaned, “Ow! Hey, it's true! Don't shoot the messenger.” Shashi quiet the crowd and informed everyone, “Let's take this to the after-party.” The Ninja Racers were at the SH1FT3R after-party in the rooftop of a tall building, hosted by Shashi Dar. Leo, Gabby, Adagio, and Rainbow Dash stayed with Tony by his side and acted as his muscles while the rest were enjoying themselves. Tony sat across from Shashi and Layla and he said, “Ah ha-ha! This is the place to be!” “Yep, you know it T!” Gabby replied. Tony glanced over to the other drivers, “H-Hey! We know those guys!” Rainbow greeted them, “What’s up guys! How’s it hangin’?” The other drivers just glared daggers at them as their response. “C’mon now, don’t be sore perdedores.” Gabby reminded them. Tony nervously slurped his drink while Gabby and Layla continued to glare at each other. Shashi started his conversation with Tony and told him, “I like to take care of people. But don’t worry about them. Let’s talk about you. So you guys heard of SH1FT3R, and thought, ‘We could do that.’ And just stole a car and busted in?” “Go big or go home, right?” Tony answered as he resumed slurping his drink. Shashi answered, “Yes! That's exactly right, Tony. Go big, or go home. Now that you all made it inside, you survived the race...” Tony said, “Uh, I won the race.” “Actually, no. It was me.” Rainbow reminded Tony, pointing her thumb at herself. Layla told them both, “Y’all keep sayin’ that and I’ll smack ya so hard, your grandma’s dentures will fall out!” Gabby didn’t like her tone and glared daggers at Layla, “Watch your mouth there, southern belle! Or I’ll be really to show you how to tango!” The two girls continued staring daggers at each other for a moment until Shashi spoke up, “Ladies, ladies, let's keep this professional.” Gabby added, “And for the record: Nana Toretto doesn't need dentures. She always take care of her teeth.” Shashi replied, “Respect. Anyway, as you can see, we’re all pretty competitive around here. Let’s just say you three tied. So what’s next? What’s your angle here?” Tony answered, “Hey, I’m just looking to drive fast, have fun. Make some money.” Rainbow answered too, “Ditto, got boring around Canterlot City.” Shashi intimidated them with his stare until he got excited and said, “That’s what we’re all about! Gettin’ on that hustle on! That’s why you’re here now. You didn’t wait around for the world to give you something, you went out and got it yourself. You got the fire inside of you.” Shashi stood up and told them, “You see guys, I’ve raced all over the globe. Across the Sahara, the streets of Mumbai, over Arctic ice caps... And one thing I’ve learned is that good drivers are a dime a dozen. But good people, well, they are worth their weight in gold. Once you make it into SH1FT3R, the world is yours.” He motioned out to the city. But then he put his hand on Tony's shoulder and stared him and all of them down, “But you try to cross us, you try to come in here and play us somehow? Then like that, that dream turns into a nightmare...” After that conversation, Shashi walked off and left Tony, Gabby, and the others feeling uneasy. Tony nodded, “Respect.” Rainbow nervously answered, “Dully noted.” “Wow. He really knows how get the point out.” Gabby thought. Tony and his pals were walking alongside Shashi and Layla around the party. Shashi asked Tony, “So, what's the word on this Merry Band of Men of yours? They seem to know how to handle themselves.” Rainbow answered, “Oh, you know it.” “My name is Leo. These are my other friends, Rainbow and Adagio.” Leo introduced them to Shashi and Layla. “Nice to meet ya, ladies.” Shashi responded while the two girls nodded. Tony saw Echo and Casey skating down the skate ramp with spray cans in their hands, “That’s Echo. She built her own electric car that can crush most tunes.” Echo and Tony gave each other high fives. Leo told Shashi, “And that’s Casey. He and my brother, Donnie, built their own car to defeat an enemy of ours a long time ago.” Casey and Leo gave each other high fives as well. Rainbow pointed her two friends to Shashi and Layla, “That’s Applejack and Rarity. Rarity’s into fashion, while Applejack’s more into farming.” Gabby replied. “Yep.” She looked at Layla with a sly grin, “And that southern belle knows respect.” Layla glared at her while Rainbow suggested Shashi, “You so have to try her family's apple cider! It's awesome!” “I do enjoy a good cup cider.” Shashi answered. Suddenly, someone spilled their punch on Rarity’s dress and she gasped in horror. Rarity yelled, “SOMEONE GET ME A TOWEL!!!” Rainbow gave him advice, “And Rarity’s also a bit of a drama queen.” Adagio added, “Which is putting it lightly.” Leo saw Raph and told Shashi, “The guy in the cap is my brother, Raphael.” “The girl in the pigtails is my sister, Aria.” Adagio said. Rainbow added, “And the girl with them is my friend, Sunset Shimmer.” Leo gave Shashi some advice, “And let’s just say, you don’t want to get on either of their bad sides.” Then, three party-goers rudely shoved the three to the floor. They got up growling and walked up to the party-goers, tapped them on the shoulders, then punched them in their faces and spin-kicked them into the pool. Shashi was stunned and replied, “Group muscles, nice. You don’t look a lot like your sister, Adagio.” Adagio told him, “We’re sisters by a different means than blood.” Shashi said, “You don't have to go into details. I understand.” “Cisco over there is our resident mechanical genius. Also our resident bottomless pit.” Tony said as Cisco was eating some hamburgers. Adagio also said, “And the girl with him is my other sister, Sonata. What she lacks in brains, she makes up for it in the love of tacos.” Leo introduced Shashi to the two party-goers, “And those two dancing, that’s my second brother, Michelangelo.” Rainbow said, “And the girl with the pink hair is our friend, Pinkie Pie. And these two love to party.” Leo added, “Along with those two is a friend of ours, April.” Shashi nodded, “I see. I’m sure they'll all get along with Nacho and Rollie.” Cisco and Sonata were watching Nacho and Rollie competing in an arm wrestling match. Rollie beat her brother and laughed, “Ha! Ha!” “No!” Nacho yelled and he flipped the table with all the food on top out of anger. Cisco reluctantly caught the table and also caught two hamburgers with a basket on one hand, but he also ate a few chips. Sonata was amazed by Cisco’s strength and praised him with her starry eyes, “Wow. Can you teach me how to do that some other time please?” Cisco gave her a big thumbs-up while continuing to chew his food. And finally, Tony and his friends saw Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight talking to the DJ of the after-party. Tony said, “And those three are Frostee.” Rainbow said, “Twilight Sparkle.” Leo said, “And my third brother, Donatello.” “Our tech geniuses. They were the one’s who got passed your security measures.” Tony told Shashi. Shashi said, “Looks like they’re talking with Jun. She put in those security measures.” Jun asked them, “So, you guys are the ones that cracked my OpSec. How'd you do it? Backdoor? Botnet? Mimicked the OTR?” Sci-Twi replied, “Those wouldn’t have been fast enough.” Donnie added, “Or reliable.” Frostee answered, “They’re right. I RATed the system with a VPN, ghosting your encryption.” Jun groaned, “Argh! I knew that was weak!” “Ah, don’t worry. DJ Drone will cheer you up!” Frostee cheered and his DJ Drone appeared. Frostee’s DJ Drone flew up as the owner, Frostee, announced, “You are now about to get rocked by D-DJ Drone!” The power started to surge from D-DJ Drone and started playing some funky, hip-hop music. Pinkie, and Mikey were killing it on the dance floor while everyone else watched and continued dancing. “So, we had a great first date. Are we in SH1FT3R or what?” Tony asked Shashi. Shashi chuckled, “You racers, always moving so fast. There’s no doubt you have the skills and the right attitude.” He puts his hand on Tony’s shoulder and offered Tony and his friends, “How about this: You guys pull a job for me and you’re in.” “Really? Just like that?” Rainbow asked. Tony questioned him, “What’s the job?” Shashi answered, “Well, I have this ‘friendly’ bet going on with a rival crew led by a guy named Scadan.” Gabby asked, “A bet?” Shashi answered again, “Yeah, there’s some money in it for the winner, but it’s mostly just for pride.” Surveillance footage of a map showed the location of the trailer truck moving to the east to transport some Yoka. Shashi continued speaking in the background, “I bet Scadan that he and his crew couldn’t transport a trailer full of Yoka Spirit Water from Canada to the Mexican Border in less than 24 hours. Layla and I were planning on stopping them ourselves, but if you keep that Yoka out of Mexico, you’re in SH1FT3R. Of course, they know we might be messing with them, so they have some... ‘security measures’.” On the road, there was a trailer truck transporting some Yoka, but there were two black sedans guarding the truck from the front as its security. The people who were in the truck were Scadan and his big bodyguard. Scadan spoke in a Scottish accent and got a weird orange hairdo while his bodyguard was muscular and wore a black sleeveless shirt. Tony and company closed in on the rig. Gabby was riding with Tony in his car again, Cisco was driving his truck with Frostee inside, the Dazzlings were riding their motorcycles, Echo was in the Turtle Racer with Casey driving, Rainbow and Sunset were in their respective cars, and April drove the Party Wagon with the rest of the Rainbooms inside. Sonata commented, “Nice of Ms. Nowhere to let me and my sisters keep the bikes we took.” Tony replied, “I’ll say. How are we looking?” Frostee answered while using his laptop, “I got them on radar. We’re almost to the big rig. Shashi said if we pull this off, we get to keep the Yoka, right?” Rainbow answered through comms, “Yep. That’s right.” Tony reminded him through comms, “Hey. Frostee, focus.” “I am focused. On my favorite drink!” Frostee cheered. Then, a brief, animated montage appeared and Frostee explained to his friends about Yoka with the Yoka theme song in the background. Frostee explained, “What’s not to like? It refreshes the mind, body and, spirit.” Then, Frostee imagined that he’s drinking a can of Yoka and shouted, “Yoka!” Casey reminded his friends via comms, “I told you me and Mikey weren’t the only ones that liked it. “Well, at least their motivated.” Cisco answered. “Good. Cause we only have ten miles to get that truck. Leo, you think that rig of yours can hang back? We don't need them seeing us before we strike.” Tony suggested while driving his car. Leo responded, “Leo: You got it, T. Donnie, let’s move to the side and wait until our friends are in trouble.” Donnie nodded and drove the Shellraiser aside while Tony and the rest of his friends were chasing after the truck. “Ha! We’re almost there. We’re going to win the bet! What are you going to do with your money? I’m gonna see a movie! Get myself some buttered popcorn.” Scadan’s bodyguard said and started flexing his biceps. “It’s a good thing that you’re big. But hold that butter. Shashi never makes anything that easy. Keep your eyes peeled.” Scadan informed his bodyguard while Tony and his friends were closing in fast. Gabby looked through the car window and asked, “Tony, you sure about this?” “Of course I’m sure. When have any of my ideas not worked perfectly?” Tony replied. Gabby answered, “Literally, every time.” “True, but we got a whole lot of support now.” Tony said as the agency drone appeared up in the skies. Back in the agency hideout, Ms. Nowhere and Gary were surveying the scene. Tony asked Ms. Nowhere through comms, “How we looking, Ms. Nowhere?” Ms. Nowhere answered, “For the record, I don’t like this op. I don’t like that when you went behind my back, or I don’t like that I’m stuck here with Gary. Your little stunt put me in a real pickle!” Tony guessed, “And let me guess, you don’t like pickles.” Ms. Nowhere answered onscreen, “Are you serious? I love pickles! They're spicy and salty, just like me.” “At least she's better than Shredder.” Aria commented after thinking about the comparison between her and the Shredder. Adagio told her, “Big time.” Sonata added, “Hands down.” “Touchy.” Tony scoffed as Gabby covered her mouth and giggled. Ms. Nowhere didn’t catch Tony’s answer and questioned him a bit loud, “What was that? What did you say?” Tony answered, “I was saying thanks for figuring out a way to drop off this spy gear.” “That’s what I thought.” Ms. Nowhere said in a calm tone. “Closing in on the big rig. Gotta go.” Tony told her and turned off his comms with Ms. Nowhere. “Is everyone ready? If we pull this off, we're in.” He asked his friends and they all nodded and agreed with excitement. “We’re good to go, T.” Rainbow answered. Tony ordered Frostee, “Good. Launch the drones.” Frostee deployed two drones and it that latched onto the rig. “Drones in place. Projection is go.” Frostee signaled as one of the drones scanned the side mirror and when Scadan’s bodyguard looked at the side mirror, he didn’t see Tony and his friends’ cars coming right behind them. So, he decided to check out his right bicep and started flexing them again. Frostee informed his friends, “And we’re clear! They'll never see us driving right up behind them.” Sonata cheered, “This going to be fun!” “I love a girl who has a wild side.” Cisco commented while everyone was disgusted they heard that, except for Sonata who blushed under her helmet. Tony told his pal, “Cisco, do us a favor and keep the flirting G-Rated.” The Rainbooms, Turtles, and Tony’s friends pleaded Cisco, “PLEASE!” Cisco answered through comms, “Alright. Sorry that I said that.” Tony went back to focusing on the mission and informed his team, “Okay, I’m moving in. I’ll hop in and disconnect the trailer. Cisco, get ready to hook up and drive it away.” Cisco replied, “You got it, T.” Tony climbed up to his car while Gabby moved to the driver’s seat and took the steering wheel. As the car grew closer to the rig, Tony jumped and manage to latch onto the rig. Little did the groups know, as Tony was climbing up, they started approaching a rough patch of road. When all the cars were heading through the rough patch, one of the drones were starting to shake. Scadan looked at the mirror to his left and saw the drone glitching, knowing that the cars right behind him are going to stop the truck. “No!” Scadan shouted as the drone dropped after the truck went through a rough patch of road. “We got trouble. Look.” Scadan told his bodyguard as he turned around to see Tony trying to climb up the trailer. “I’m on it.” Scadan’s bodyguard told him as he got out of the truck and climbed up to meet Tony. Scadan called his other guards in their black sedans and told them, “We’ve got a problem. Coming right behind us. Deal with it! They can’t stop us making the border.” The black sedans backed up and started dealing with the rest of Tony’s friends. “That didn't take long. All right fam, time to improvise.” Echo informed everyone. Leo replied through comms, “We're on our way back to help.” The Shellraiser drove back on the road to help out Tony’s crew while dealing with Scadan’s goons in their black sedans. Tony made it up to the trailer, but Scadan’s bodyguard was already there on top too. After that, the two black sedans started launching explosives right at Tony’s gang. Gabby, Echo, and Sonata slid back to get behind Cisco's truck for protection while one black sedan moved right next to Cisco’s truck. Frostee alerted Cisco, “Uh, he's coming up along our side!” “I know!” Cisco shouted. The trunk of the black sedan was opened and Frostee alerted Cisco again, “The compartment’s opening!” Cisco felt annoyed by Frostee’s presence and yelled, “I can see that!” A turret popped up from the trunk and started firing paintball at Cisco’s truck. The two boys gasped as Cisco closed the side window and it was all splattered with paintball. After that, the driver drove his black sedan in front of Cisco’s truck and started shooting the front window with paintball again. Frostee yelled, “Aah! We got paint! He's painting us!” “I'm blind!” Cisco yelled as well. “I got you.” Frostee said as he leaned out and almost got nailed by a paintball, which hit Sonata’s helmet. Sonata shouted, “I can’t see! I can’t see!” “Hold on Sonata! We’re coming!” Adagio informed her and accelerated her motorcycle. Aria did the same and said, “Let’s go!” Two Dazzlings caught up with Sonata and helped her. Aria jumped from her motorcycle and landed on Sonata’s motorcycle and took control of the handle. Sonata informed her sister, “Adagio, I can only take one passenger. Help the boys.” Adagio nodded and helped the boys, Cisco and Frostee, out to take out the black sedan. She jumped onto Cisco's truck, surprising them. “Looks like you boys could use a woman’s touch.” Adagio told them as she went inside Cisco’s truck. Frostee stuttered, “Uh... yeah. A little help would be nice. Please?” “Where would you boys be without us? Hit the gas.” Adagio requested as Cisco nodded and hit the gas pedal to gain more speed to his truck. Frostee gave Cisco directions and shouted, “Left! Faster! Slower!” Cisco had enough of Frostee’s constant yelling and suggested him, “Maybe just clean it off instead?!” While the trio were struggling to drive, Tony was grabbing a spy glove to fight Scadan’s bodyguard. He asked Tony, “What is that?” Tony answered with his determined look on his face, “You’re about to find out.” As Tony approached the big bodyguard with his spy glove, the truck rode through the rough patch again and Tony slipped, making him lose the spy glove. Tony reached for it, but it was too late. “Oh no.” Tony groaned. Welp, he had no choice and started fighting against the big bodyguard head on. While that was happening, Aria grabbed the spy glove from the ground that Tony dropped. Aria told her, “Sonata, I’m going to get you aboard so you can help Tony.” “Right. Just don’t scratch my bike.” Sonata replied while Aria nodded. Aria took control of the motorcycle and gave her sister the spy glove while Sonata held on and put the spy glove on. As for Tony, he’s continuing to fight against Scadan’s bodyguard. Tony managed to punched him in the face, but the bodyguard blocked Tony’s second punch by grabbing his fist and he punched Tony, making him almost fall from the truck. He struggled to hold on while his friends were focusing on dealing with Scadan’s goons driving black sedans. Echo informed Cisco, “Stay close to the rig.” Cisco’s truck was getting rammed repeatedly by the black sedans and Cisco whined, “I’m trying, but I’m being rammed.” “You're in a truck, ram it back!” Echo encouraged her friend through the comms. “Oh, right.” Cisco remembered and floored the gas pedal hard, causing one sedan to collide and crash. Adagio asked him, “What does my sister see in you?” Leo told Cisco through comms, “Nice job. We’ll deal with the other ones.” Casey cheered, “Woohoo! Next stop: Yoka.” Muscles approached Tony while he continued struggling until Sonata jumped up from the motorcycle and climbed onto the ledge of the trailer. “Hey, T. Mind if I help you out?” Sonata asked him. Tony nodded, “Yeah, sure. Why not. Take out the big guy while I figure out how to get the trailer out of that truck.” “You got it T.” Sonata answered and she jumped up, landing on the rig behind the bodyguard. Scadan’s bodyguard asked her, “Who are you?” Sonata answered as she charged the spy glove, “The girl who’s gonna give you a black eye.” The bodyguard attacked her, but Sonata slid under him and punched him with her charged spy glove. Meanwhile, Cisco cleaned off his window so he could see Sonata beat up the bodyguard. Cisco wondered, “Can that girl make me fall anymore in love with her?” His daydreaming came to a halt when Adagio got protective, pulling her sword out and holding it at Cisco’s neck. Adagio warned him, “Just keep your eyes and hands to yourself, and we won't have a problem. Am I clear?” Cisco started sweating, “Umm...,” He gulped, “Yes ma'am. I'll be focusing on the mission now.” Sonata kept giving Muscle one kick and punch after another. She said, “Typically, all brawn, no brain. Good thing I've got my eyes on one whose both in heart.” The bodyguard looked at her and Sonata suggested him, “How's about you give up, Tiny. And those bruises will be the only thing you get.” Scadan’s bodyguard growled until Tony used his spy gadget to pin the trailer below the bodyguard. Muscles turned around and saw what Tony was doing. He said, “Ha! You missed.” “No, I didn't.” Tony said and he swung around, making the bodyguard tripped over the line and Sonata jumped over it. Scadan’s bodyguard got up and charged right at Sonata, only for her to use her spy glove and she punched the bodyguard with a lot of force from the spy glove. He fell down onto the trailer in defeat. “Glad Cisco ain't stupid.” Sonata sighed while Aria saw the whole thing and she was impressed. Meanwhile, Tony set the charge underneath the trailer that was connected to the truck and order Cisco, “Cisco, fire in the hole!” Tony and Sonata grabbed on as the device exploded and knocked the trailer into the air while Scadan’s bodyguard fell out of the trailer and onto the ground. Cisco moved his truck underneath and it latched up. The bodyguard got up and shouted at the teens from a far distance, “Hey!” “Oh, maybe next time, big guy.” Tony said while his friends whooped and cheered, moving the trailer out while Ms. Nowhere and Gary watched from their surveillance drone. “Not bad.” Ms. Nowhere commented as she took a bite out of a pickle from the pickle jar. Gary glanced at her and asked, “Can I have a pickle?” “Get your own!” Ms. Nowhere answered and she resumed chewing. Gary looked back at the computer screen, feeling sad and said, “Those are mine.” Hours later, Tony and his friends arrived back at the abandoned warehouse, they opened the trailer and took a look at what’s inside. Frostee, Mikey, Rainbow, and Casey dropped their jaws in awe and looked at the beauty of what’s inside the truck. A truck load full of Yoka cans and a giant Yoka head shining from the sunlight. “The mother lode!” Frostee cheered. Casey said, “It’s like a dream come true!” Mikey replied, “Ditto!” “So awesome!” Rainbow shouted. While Frostee, Rainbow, Casey, and Mikey were salivating the moment and the others celebrated, Gabby went to check on her cousin who was feeling worried. Gabby felt a bit worried about him and asked, “Tony, you okay?” Tony sighed, “I just realized that we’re undercover with a bunch of criminals, and if they find out... your lives are on the line. I don’t know, it’s kinda crazy.” “Not as crazy as what we go through on a daily basis,” Leo told them as Gabby and Tony turned to see him walking up to them. He continued speaking to the Torettos, “Trust me when I say this was a normal Tuesday for us.” Gabby suggested her cousin, “I can vouch and show you the scars to prove it.” Frostee said, “And we just dislodged a 70,000 pound trailer at 80 miles an hour.” Sonata added, “And I just beat up someone whose twice my size and body weight.” “The bottom line is, we know crazy.” Cisco answered while everyone nodded. Tony laughed, “That was crazy! I set off the charge and it was like,” He imitated the sound of an explosion, “And you caught that trailer with your truck.” “Nice job, handsome.” Sonata kissed Cisco on the cheek, causing him to faint and Frostee got caught. He struggled to get up until he managed to get off of him. Frostee got up and breathed heavily while Cisco continued dreaming about that kiss earlier. Tony exclaimed, “How did we even do that?!” Gabby chuckled, “You can’t stop family, primo.” Echo reminded her best friend, “We got your back.” “Yeah, if we can stick together, we can do anything.” Rainbow said as she wrapped her arms around her best friends, Applejack and Rarity. Tony chuckled, “I couldn’t have asked for a better crew. Old... And new.” Frostee handed everyone a can of Yoka and Pinkie cheered, “A toast... TO NEW FRIENDS!” Everyone raised their Yoka cans and celebrated until Ms. Nowhere showed up with Gary holding up binders. Ms. Nowhere told the teens, “Team, I don’t like how you did it, but I like that you did it. So, congratulations on a job well... done.” Gabby and the rest were surprised that Ms. Nowhere was actually congratulating them, for the moment at least. “That was a roller coaster ride of a compliment.” She said. Echo admitted, “I got admit, I like this spy stuff. It’s as if I was made secretly to mess with other people.” April embarrassedly giggled, “Ain’t too different from what we do.” Leo and the others nodded as Cisco regained consciousness and fixed his composure as he stood up. Ms. Nowhere took a deep breath and told them, “Now look, I don’t wanna be caught with our pants down or hands in the cookie jar, or whatever the saying is again, so we need to get serious about training. Gary, give everyone their binder.” Gary handed the Toretto gang some binders except the ninjas. “No need for binders. We already know the basics when it comes to being a ninja.” Leo reminded Ms. Nowhere and Gary. Ms. Nowhere replied, “Fair enough. Anyway, I’ve put together a beginner’s spy course. If you check your...” Echo stopped Ms. Nowhere after she finished reading her binder. “Hold up, Nowhere. Seems like we’re doing an awful lot for you. What’s in it for us?” She asked while Tony and his friends nodded. Ms. Nowhere glared at Echo, “What do you want?” Frostee grabbed everyone’s binders, “Well, for one...” He dropped them and used them like a stepping stool, “How about we fix this dump up?” Frostee pointed at the abandoned warehouse, “Looks like an abandoned rat food factory.” Ms. Nowhere sighed, “Fine. I suppose Uncle Sam could splurge on some ferns and an inspirational cat calendar.” Fluttershy cooed, “Awww.” Ms. Nowhere reminded them, “But only the essentials.” Few hours later, the warehouse was redesigned and reconstructed into a hideout for Tony and his crew. Tony shouted, “Guys, welcome to our new home!” Everyone cheered and started enjoying themselves in their new hideout. Echo, Casey, Mikey, and Rainbow were skateboarding in the skate ramp, Frostee, Sunset, and Donnie were playing video games, Cisco and Raph were sparring in the boxing ring, and Tony was riding a mechanical bull until he fell off while Gabby and Applejack laughed. Then, the garage door opened and Layla walked in to see Tony and his friends enjoying themselves in their new hideout. Layla asked everyone, “So, this is your place?” “It’s a work in progress.” Echo replied as Sunset nodded and they resumed spray-painting their respective cars. Frostee rode on his skateboard and told Layla, “Yeah, we got a boxing ring for Cisco, I put a bunch of computers in a giant Yoka head, Echo’s got that engine with like a...,” Frostee pointed at the lamp hanging on the ceiling, “Boat sail on it that’s... ‘art.’ What do you think?” “Subtle.” Layla commented after looking around the place. She walked up to Rainbow and Tony to give them their phones, “These are from Shashi. Layla: Welcome to SH1FT3R. We’ll be in touch.” After that, Layla noticed the mechanical bull right behind them and asked, “Y’all got a mechanical bull?” Tony answered, “Yep, that’s right. And you are looking at the garage record-holder right here. Six seconds.” Layla crossed her arms and questioned Tony, “Six seconds. A-And your proud of that?” Rainbow told her, “We got someone who’d last longer.” Applejack pointed at herself, “Me.” Tony asked the country girls, “You two think you can beat my time?” “Step away from the bull.” Layla got on and started riding the mechanical bull. She cheered, “Woo-hoo! Yee-haw! Uh-huh!” “I’ll go next when she’s done.” Applejack informed her friends as they nodded in response. Layla was having fun riding on the mechanical bull while Tony and his friends watched in the Ninja Racers’ new hideout. > Ghost Town Grand Prix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a bright, morning day, Tony was in his car and he’s focusing on the road as the engines of his car roared. He asked, “Ready?” Frostee answered, over the com-link, “Hit it, T.” Tony hit the gas and just went as fast as he car could go. When in truth, he was stationary on top of a large custom made hauler. The driver of the van honked the horn of his van and rudely shouted, “Move your truck, moron!” Donnie announced over the com-link, “Starting Phase 2.” Two wind cannons popped and blew high powered winds at Tony's car Tony continued driving his car and asked Frostee, “How are the diagnostics?” Frostee answered again over the com-link, “The car’s running great, Tony. Test the spy system.” Tony pressed a button and all sorts of modifications popped out of his car. “Everything is all green.” Twilight told him. Tony informed the tech geniuses, “This car is race ready!” “Okay. I’m bringing you back in!” Frostee replied over the com-link as Tony was brought back in and his car was secured right by the other cars. “That testing area is sick! My car is primed.” Tony cheered, feeling excited for the next race. Rainbow reminded him, “Don’t start thinking your faster than me.” “Wait until I load your new lightning kit on. Check this out.” Echo pressed a button and the rainbow lights started flashing from her car. Everyone laughed and whooped while dancing to the car’s tunes. “Ooh, I like how that light dances off my sweet, new spy watch.” Frostee laughed. Sunset contacted Frostee over her spy watch, “Looking slick, Frostee.” Frostee replied, “Right back atcha, tiny S.” Tony sighed, “I could get use to this spy life.” Gabby added, “I said the same with being friends with Ninjas.” “Hey Cisco. What's up with you and Sonata down there?” Tony called his friend. “Ah...,” Cisco laughed, “Pushing this truck to the limit... of changing lanes safely.” Cisco drove the hauler to the right lane smoothly. Sonata called them, “Betcha you didn’t even feel it.” Both Cisco and Sonata snickered while Tony and the rest of his friends were eating sone froyo. Tony answered, “That was so smooth, I didn’t spill my froyo.” “Froyo?!” The duo exclaimed and frantically searched for the froyo. Cisco asked Sonata, “Where did Ms. Nowhere say that self-driving button was?” “Here it is.” Sonata said, pressing the button and the AI appeared on the screen. The AI greeted them, “Thank you for activating self-driving mode. I am now self-aware.” Cisco and Sonata were surprised as Cisco asked, “Whoa! You can talk?” “That is correct. I am basically alive.” The AI answered while the duo listened and started getting freaked. The AI continued speaking, “I was a police officer, and the government inserted my mind into this truck so that I could drive you around.” Sonata clung to Cisco in fear. However, Frostee was playing a prank on the pair while everyone struggled not to laugh. Frostee spoke through the mic and continued speaking like a ghost, “My name was Sergeant McGuire. I had a family. All I want to do is hold my child.” Sonata jumped into Cisco’s arm out of sheer terror. “But now my hands and feet have been replaced with tires. I AM A MONSTER!” The AI exclaimed. Cisco carried Sonata into the back in a panic attack. The AI shouted, “Look away!” The duo exited from the driver cockpit and arrived to their friends in the surveillance room. Cisco alerted everyone, “Guys! Guys! Yo, this truck is haunted!” Everyone laughed and the couple realized that Frostee played a prank on them by pretending to be a ghost AI, which scared Sonata into Cisco’s arms. And they were not happy. Sonata crossed her arms, feeling frustrated and said, “Not... funny.” Casey snickered, “Yo, on the bright side, you were in Cisco's arms.” Cisco and Sonata blushed as Rainbow Dash took a picture of them from her phone and joked, “You may now kiss the bride.” Sonata approached Rainbow with anger and was almost ready to punch her while Cisco looked at the security footage from the front of the hauler until Ms. Nowhere suddenly appeared onscreen, making a jump scare on Cisco as he frightfully gasped. Ms. Nowhere announced her presence onscreen, “Hello! Is everyone there? Donnie replied, “We’re here, Ms. Nowhere.” “Good. You two need to get ready. This is the big time. The show. Going undercover in a SH1FT3R race is no joke.” Ms. Nowhere informed everyone in the hauler. “Yeah... Well, we’ve done it before, so I think we’ll be alright.” Tony informed his boss. Rainbow also told Ms. Nowhere, “Relax Ms. Nowhere, we got this. You got nothing to worry about.” Ms. Nowhere got serious and informed the team onscreen, “Listen, hotshots. Shashi used his last SH1FT3R race as cover to infiltrate a billionaire’s yacht and steal one of the keys.” Echo wondered, “Whatever those are.” Casey suggested, “Seriously, you guys think they’ll file a report to the police? At least then we could have a clue what the key could be.” Tony vowed, “That’s what we’re going to find out.” “Because our guys are...” Frostee started singing, “Spy Racers!” Ms. Nowhere ordered Frostee, “Please stop that.” Frostee couldn’t help it and continued singing, “Living dangerously! Finding out about the key. Yeah!” Sonata suggested him, “If you want help with the song, I’d be happy to help.” “Thanks, girl. Now, are you gonna stay in Cisco's arms all day?” Frostee asked. Sonata got off of Cisco’s arms and the duo looked away while blushing. Tony felt confident and said, “Frostee’s song is right. I am an awesome spy racer.” “Yeah, but we’re Ninja Racers.” Donnie reminded him while Sunset and the others liked the sound of that. Rainbow pointed herself and said, “I’m going to win this race this time.” Tony rebuffed her idea and replied, “No, I will. But at least you can say the winner is your friend.” Rainbow shouted, “That's my line!” Ms. Nowhere exclaimed to them onscreen, “Wrong! Your mission isn’t to win. the race. Your mission is to stay on Shashi’s tail. At some point today, Shashi is going to steal another key. And when he does, you two should be right behind him. The rest of you: Search the area and find Shashi’s target.” The Ninja Racers arrived in a ghost town where the next SH1FT3R race was held. There were hundreds of people attending the event including new racers. Tony and the rest of his friends exited the hauler before Layla drove pass the crowd and parked by Tony’s crew’s hauler. “Nice rig.” Layla complimented. After that confrontation, a driver with a parachute backpack walked pass Tony and Tony asked Layla, “Whose that?” Layla answered, “Santiago. He’s the best driver in South America.” Rainbow questioned her as well, “And why is he wearing a parachute?” “You'll see.” Layla replied again before glancing at Scadan who was sparring against his bodyguard until he spotted Tony’s group. Layla informed Tony’s crew, “That little guy over there is Scadan. And his bodyguard with him is Muscles. Recognize them from your adventure at the border?” Scadan glared at Tony, feeling bitter about the Ninja Racers’ stunt back at the border while Muscle shook at the sight of Sonata. Layla resumed, “He’s got a grudge against you for jacking his Yoka.” Tony ordered his friend, “Frostee, Yoka me.” Frostee gave him a Yoka can and Tony started drinking it. “Mm-mm!” Tony smirked at Scadan and Muscles. “Gggggrrrr!” Scadan growled and punched Muscles out of frustration and anger. Then, Gabby glanced at a vehicle that’s playing music to the crowd. She asked Layla, “What is that?” Layla answered as the driver got out of her car, “The Woofer. She blast music so loud it can blow your eardrums.” Sonata nodded, “I like music, but I like my hearing more.” Aria and Adagio rolled their eyes and Adagio said, “Tell us about it.” “I bet Vinyl Scratch can take on the Woofer someday.” Sunset said while the rest of the ninjas nodded. Another driver was drifting her car around on the sand like a circle and the crowd cheered. “That’s Touge-Dori. Her tuner takes turns like no one else's. And she’s great at nobodies like you off the road.” Layla stated her facts. Rainbow commented, “Hope she likes being knocked.” Layla resumed speaking, “Meet Bonegrinder.” The driver drove in a monster truck and it crushed a car. “He looks more comfortable at a demolition derby. I like his style.” Casey commented while Rarity and Fluttershy hid behind the rest of their ninja friends, feeling scared and shivering with fright. Raph calmed them down, reassuring the two girls, “Relax girls. It’s just a monster truck. I’m gonna drive one of those someday.” Last but not least, a driver sat on her car and was ready to show off her skills as Layla introduced the Ninja Racers to the driver, “And PizzaRave.” “Did someone say pizza?” Mikey asked while searching for pizza boxes. Everyone looked up as the barrel blasted off into the sky and exploded. PizzaRave pressed a button and fired lasers at the remains of the barrel. Echo commented while looking up, “That’s so PizzaRave.” “Love to see her equipment.” Twilight suggested. Layla asked Tony and Rainbow, “Nervous?” “Heck no! I’m not nervous. What about you, T?” Rainbow asked him. “Nervous? I wasn’t even driving my own car last time. This race, I’m completely un-nervous.” Tony stuttered while Layla smirked. Tony stuttered again, “Dis... dis-nervous? Un... nerve... ed?” Layla left after hearing the sounds of a car engine roaring coming to the race. Gabby facepalmed while Cisco told Tony, “Bet you’re glad that conversation was interrupted.” “What was the opposite of nervous?” Tony asked everyone. Twilight answered, “I believe calm is the word that you're looking for, T.” After the awkward conversation, the crowd started cheering as a nice, silver race car rolled right into the ghost town and parked in front of Tony’s crew. Shashi with sunglasses exited out of his vehicle looking and smiled at the crowd while Tony and his crew glared at him. Raph grunted and crossed his arms, “Well here comes Mr. High and Mighty.” “Take it from us: He's more pleasant to be around than Shredder.” Aria told Raph. “Girl, a pack of hungry bobcats are more pleasant than the Shredder.” Applejack reminded Aria while the other two Dazzlings nodded and agreed with the cowgirl. Shashi jumped on top of his car and stood in front of the crowd, asking everyone, “Who’s ready to race?!” The crowd cheered and applauded in response. Shashi pointed his finger at the new SH1FT3R racers that Layla mentioned earlier, “We got some new blood in the SH1FT3R line-up today,” Shashi looked at Tony and Rainbow, “We’ll find out if they can hack it,” He pointed his attention to the TV monitor, “Each lap is 25 miles. More if you get lost in the mines. First one to four laps wins. Now get ready for the hottest track on the planet! It’s race time!” After hearing Shashi’s speech, Leo nodded, “I'll give him credit. The guy knows how to work a crowd.” Shashi locked eyes on Tony, fiercely looking at him and said, “I’ve never raced a Toretto before. Let’s see if you can live up to the family name.” Minutes later, the race was all set and the drones were launched as a means of keeping track of the other racers. Frostee start communicating with Tony through the com-link, “Alright, T and Rainbow. Looks like you guys will head out of town, enter the mines - I don’t know what happens in there - then you come out, there are some switchbacks, jump over some dunes, and then you’ll race back through town. Sound good?” Rainbow replied, “Yeah.” Tony answered, “Awesome. What did you say about the mines?” Everyone started their engines. The crowd continued cheering and the drone counted down starting from red light to yellow right. Engines continued to roll, waiting for drivers to hit the gas. “Hope those cars have a decent roll cage!” Layla told Rainbow and Tony as the light went green, the competition was on. Th drivers hit the gas and their cars took off. Shashi shouted, “Here we go.” Layla cheered, “Yeah!” Scadan passed by other racers and took fourth place with Bonegrinder and Touge-Dori behind him. He cheered, “That’s what I’m talking about!” Frostee reminded his friends, “Okay, Tony and Rainbow, you’re entering the tunnels. Remember, you should be tracking Shashi.” As the cars entered the mines, the drivers struggled for control on the steep drop. Tony exclaimed, “Whoa!” Rainbow shouted, “Hang on!” “Okay, time to try out some of this new spy gear. Ooh, night-vision.” Tony suggested as he pressed a button and night-vision mode was activated. “Ha ha! Yeah! Now who can see in the dark?” Rainbow commented, “So cool.” PizzaRave got in front of the duo and switched on high-powered light. Tony covered his eyes and shouted, “Ah! Lugnuts, my eyes!” Rainbow closed her eyes as well, “I CAN’T SEE!” Tony and Rainbow were blinded by lights until PizzaRave accelerated forward and the lights were gone. The duo was able to see clearly, but they were about to collide with the walls of the caverns. “Whoa! Aargh!” Tony and Rainbow screamed as they drifted their cars. The rest of the Ninja Racers heard their screams from their com-links and Gabby asked them, “Guys, what’s going on?” Ms. Nowhere reminded the two racers, “Remember, neither of you are suppose to be winning the race.” Tony told her, “Don’t worry! We’re not!” Shashi was still in the lead with Layla in second place. Then, Scadan drove passed Layla and he hit Shashi’s car from behind before Scadan skidded to a halt. Scadan yelled, “Janey Mack!” PizzaRave was heading towards Scadan’s car and screamed before she drove off the road. She ejected out of her vehicle and pulled out her parachute before Tony and Rainbow Dash saw her gently gliding down. Meanwhile, a couple of drones from Twilight and Frostee were scouting the area of the ghost town. “Okay. Let’s look at some potential targets for Shashi’s heist.” Frostee said as the drones started scouting around the ghost town. Cisco got an idea and suggested the gang, “Ooh, what about the bank?” Echo rejected his idea and replied, “Nah, man. What would be in a busted, old, bank vault? It wasn’t guarded in the first place. We don’t have eyes in the mines. Shashi could pull a sick heist in there and we’d never know. Why don’t you guys get some drones in there?” Echo suggested the tech geniuses. Donnie answered, “We do have some little ones, but they have limited range, we’d have to drive them in there...” Echo ordered, “So? Go!” “I don’t want to go in there! I heard the miners hit radioactive uranium, and now there’s a bunch of mutant ghosts down there!” Frostee pleaded as Sonata hugged Cisco in terror. Cisco bluffed, “What? Man, you're crazy.” “Why do you think it's called a ghost town?” Frostee asked Cisco. “Because...” Cisco thought about it for a minute until he gave up and exclaimed, “Oh man! I was trying not to think about why!” “Just go, fools!” Echo shouted as everyone except Echo left the hauler. She then contacted the rest of the Ninjas and Allies over the com-link, “Yo boys, help Cisco and Frostee search what’s inside the mines. The girls and I will search the area around this ghost town.” Everyone agreed that it was the best course of action. Sunset suggested Echo over the com-link, “How about me and Aria stay around here as backup?” Aria added over the com-link, “Plus, wouldn't hurt to have some company.” Echo thanked the two, “Thanks, girls.” Frostee, Cisco, Sonata, Gabby, and Donnie exited the hauler and rode on Cisco’s truck to head for the mines, but Muscle was spying on them without them noticing. Muscles informed Scadan over the walkie-talkie, “The girl is all alone in Toretto’s hauler.” Scadan replied in an angry tone, “Perfect! That daft stook stole our rig. Now we’ll steal his. He’ll be whopper bawling before it’s all through.” Back to the race, Tony and Rainbow drove right passed Layla and they both cheered while Layla grunted. Shashi saw the pair gaining on him fast and told them, “C’mon, let’s see what you two got.” Shashi poured on the gas, leaving them in a cloud of dust. Thinking quickly, the pair activated the grappling hooks and sand tires and skidded safely across the road. Rainbow sighed, “So glad for this spy gear.” “Yeah! Whoo! Yeah!” Tony cheered as Layla came up from behind and passed them. Layla told them, “Took that turn too fast, small times.” Rainbow and Tony followed Layla while Santiago followed the Woofer, but he ejected himself out of his car and used his parachute before his car crashed after taking the fall. However, Tony and Rainbow avoid the car just in time. Tony asked everyone over the com-link, “Uh... Hey team, did we pack a parachute in here?” Cisco answered, “No, but I put in spare underwear.” Rainbow told Tony, “Relax T. I got your back.” “And how exactly would you having my back help? It's not like you can sprout wings or run super fast.” Tony commented and Rainbow wanted to tell him, but she knew it was too risky in case any of the racers overheard her. Then all of a sudden, the monster truck driven by Bonegrinder appeared from above the cliff and was ready to smash Tony’s and Rainbow’s car, but they reluctantly moved out of the way. After that, Scadan fired some paintballs on the back of Tony’s, Layla’s, and Rainbow’s cars. “Nobody filches my Yoka!” Scadan yelled while continuing to shoot paintballs at his enemies. Rainbow mumbled, “This guy knows how to hold grudges.” Layla bumped into Tony and he got too close to falling. “Tony!” Rainbow yelled as she was about to use her geode, but she stopped when she saw Tony regain control. Tony drove his car backwards while Scadan continued to laugh while firing paintballs at the front. Layla looked at Tony’s car and commented, “Your car’s turning into a work of art.” “Yeah, well...” Tony was about to say something until the Woofer drove by and blared her music very loud right next to Tony as he covered his ear. “Sonata’s right. Music might be good, but just being able to hear is better.” Tony remembered and he was able to escape from the Woofer and joined back up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow asked Tony over the com-link, “You okay, Double T?” Tony chuckled, “I’m golden.” Meanwhile, the Turtles, Gabby, Casey, Sonata, Cisco, and Frostee were searching through the mines with their flashlights. “Alright. Time to initiate Operation Bat Drones.” Frostee announced before getting bumped by Cisco. Cisco replied, “Wait, you made drones that look like bats? That’s creepy, man.” Donnie reminded Cisco, “They don't look like bats, Cisco.” Frostee launched the drones and also told Cisco, “They'll just map out the mine using echolocation.” Sonata reminded everyone, “We already know where Echo is.” “Please tell me you’re joking.” Donnie wondered. Sonata laughed, “Duh, your going to use sound waves like a radar in order to map out the mine like bat uses it's scream so it doesn’t slam into a rock.” Frostee and Donnie looked stunned of Sonata’s knowledge while Cisco just smiled. Sonata informed them, “I research bats as a hobby when I’m alone.” Cisco laughed, “Come on, you guys! I know all about sound propagation. You think...” Suddenly, a pair of glowing eyes appeared, floating in the air. Cisco screamed as Sonata jumped back into his arms, “Ghost! Ghost! Frostee, you were right!” Mikey, Casey, Donnie, and Frostee laughed while Leo and Raph shook their heads. As for Cisco and Sonata, they were unhappy for falling into Frostee’s prank. “Ms. Nowhere gave us drone cloaking.” Donnie laughed before the drone uncloaked and flew off. Mikey told them, “In your faces.” Cisco rolled his eyes and commented in an unhappy tone, “Hilarious.” “Getting comfortable in Cisco's arms, Sonata?” Casey asked. Sonata jumped down and crossed her arms, turning away from Frostee and Donnie. Frostee laughed hysterically, “You two should've seen... But you couldn't see drone because of ghosts!” “Ha! Classic!” Mikey laughed too. Sonata showed Cisco one her tonfas, suggesting she could hit Frostee as payback, but Cisco shook his head. Just then, the Quartet heard a strange noise. Sonata told them, “Guys, it's not funny.” Frostee gulped, “Yeah, now it's scaring me. Kill Ghost Drone Protocol.” Casey pleaded, “Please tell me the Creep's not here in the mines.” Frostee questioned Casey, “Who or what are you talking about, dude?” Sonata crept up behind Frostee with a flashlight on her hand and said, “You can't kill what's already dead, man.” Frostee, Mikey, Casey, and Donnie screamed in terror as Cisco chased them while carrying Sonata. Leo shook his head and facepalmed, “Unbelievable.” Raph crossed his arms and commented, “I can't believe they bought into that.” “I'm with you guys on that part because this is going nowhere.” Gabby frowned and crossed her arms while she, Leo, and Raph continued to watch the rest of their friends folling around in the mines. Back in the hauler, Echo was watching Cisco and Sonata chasing after the four jokesters. She sighed, “What a bunch of Double-0 knuckleheads.” “Yes, but they’re our knuckleheads.” Sunset communicated Echo over the com-link while Aria was more focused on Sonata being in Cisco’s arms. Echo was searching through the fault lines of the ghost town area from the computer until she found train tracks in the computer monitor. It peeked her interest and said, “Hold up,” Echo scanned them and called Ms. Nowhere, “Yo Nowhere. Why aren’t these train tracks on the map?” Ms. Nowhere replied, “Let me check,” She then asked Gary the same question, “Gary, why aren’t those train tracks on our map?” Gary answered, “No one uses them anymore. Besides, there’s nowhere to reach them from the race course.” Meanwhile, Tony and Rainbow took the road to the left and their cars jumped off to gain the lead and outsmart Shashi. Tony cheered, “First place!” “Not if I get there, first.” Rainbow said as their cars were racing neck-to-neck. Shashi was impressed and said, “It looks like Toretto and his friend came to play.” Tony called his friend, “Yo Rainbow, you sure know how to handle a car?” Rainbow replied, “Ha! You should see me on a soccer field.” Back in the hauler, Echo reminded the two racers over their com-links, “T, Rainbow, I know you guys are awesome, but you should be following Shashi, not beating him.” Tony groaned, “Alright. Let me see if I can let him pass me...” Before Tony can finish, Shashi rammed his car into Tony’s car and Rainbow’s car from behind. “Argh!” Tony grunted as his car and Rainbow’s car spun off to the side while the other racers passed by them. “I bought it.” Echo commented. Tony and Rainbow sighed as Shashi, Layla, and the other racers were heading towards back to the ghost town. Back to Cisco’s group in the mines, Donnie informed everyone, “Gathering data from the drones.” “Dang, there are all kinds of paths to get lost in.” Frostee said while looking around inside the mines. As for PizzaRave, she was still gliding with her parachute and asked herself, “Is this the end of PizzaRave?” Back in the hauler, the data was received from Frostee to the computer and Echo found something very interesting from the data. Echo exclaimed in excitement, “Oh shnap. There’s another exit from this mine, but it looks like it’s blocked by a wall of fire.” Back to the race, Rainbow Dash and Tony remained on Shashi’s tail. Tony told Rainbow, “I can pass him. It would be so easy to win this thing.” Rainbow replied, “I know.” Back in the hauler, Echo found a train using the abandoned rail system, alerting Tony and Rainbow over the com-link, “Tony, Rainbow, I’ve located the target. It’s a train. Shashi will use one of those secret tunnels to get out of the mountain. You have to stay on his tail.” “We are!” Tony shouted. “We’re working on it!” Rainbow added. The two racers were following Shashi as he appeared onscreen in Tony’s car, “You’re not living up to the Toretto name, Tony! Dom would be so disappointed.” “Uh-oh.” Rainbow said, over the com-link to Tony. “Sorry, Echo. He’s totally leaving his outside open. I gotta pass this guy.” Tony vowed. “Tony, wait. That’s not the plan.” Rainbow informed him over the com-link, but Tony ignored Rainbow and drove his car right up to Shashi, going neck-to-neck with each other. Shashi waited and let Tony to pass him, only to let Layla ram into him, resulting him going down to an alternate mine shaft. Layla said, “You just got rope-a-doped.” Rainbow saw what happened and said, “Seriously, she makes the Joker look sane.” Tony’s car spun out of control and Tony screamed as Echo chimed in through the com-link, “Tony, you’re off course. Layla and Shashi are heading the other way.” “I know!” Tony yelled as his car crashed and had his vehicle wedged in. “Er... Where did you guys put that clean underwear?” As for Layla and Shashi, they used the secret route blocked by fire. Without hesitating, the two racers exited the mines and reemerge outside without getting hurt. After that, Layla and Shashi head to the train tracks where the train is. Back in the hauler, Echo called her friends in the mines and ordered them, “Cisco, Frostee, and everyone else in there. Get Tony out. Layla and Shashi are heading for the train.” “You heard Echo, let’s move!” Leo shouted as the gang head back to their vehicles to help Tony. Then, Echo heard an alarm beeping and observed the surveillance footage to the right. She saw Muscles with his crowbar behind his back, but it slipped from his hands and fell on the ground. Muscles picked it up without no one noticing and walked to the back of the hauler. However, Sunset and Aria noticed him from afar and spied on him from the Party Wagon. “What are you up to, big boy?” Echo asked. Muscles used his crowbar and opened the backdoor of the hauler. Aria contacted Echo over the com-link, “Echo, the big guy is trying to break in to the hauler.” “Don’t worry. I got this.” Echo replied. Sunset suggested, “But Echo...” “It’s fine, Sunset. I can handle this.” Echo responded before turning off her spy watch and adjusting her cap, “You want in? Come on in.” Cisco’s group went back to their vehicles and rushed to help Tony. Frostee looked through his tablet and said, “Mapping fastest route to Tony.” Donnie spotted the closest tunnel and informed everyone, “He’s close.” Minutes later, the Turtles, Casey, Gabby, Sonata, Frostee, and Cisco found Tony’s car. Cisco got out of his truck and said, “You’re wedged in good, bro.” Tony felt upset and put his head down on the steering wheel, telling them, “I ruined the mission. Shashi and Layla totally played me.” Gabby reminded Tony, “Well, look on the bright side. You got a crew on your side, T.” Cisco struggled to hook up Tony’s car underneath with a bungee cord and told his friends, “I can’t reach the frame,” He passed the bungee cord to Frostee, “Here.” So, Cisco decided to lift Tony’s car using his strength and Raph helped too while Frostee told him, “Don’t drop it on me.” “Have I ever dropped a car on you?” Cisco asked. Frostee answered, “Not yet, but...” “We don’t have time, Frostee. Go!” Raph ordered. Frostee trusted his friends and connected the bungee cord to Tony’s car. Pretty soon, Tony was rushing to catch-up with Shashi. Tony asked, “Which way?” Donnie answered over the com-ink, “Follow the drone.” Meanwhile, Muscles entered inside the hauler and looked around until the lights were out. Lights were back on and Echo appeared right in front of him. Muscles threw a punch, but the lights were out again and he missed after it was turned on again. He looked around, but started to feel a bit worried. The lights flashed until Echo appeared again and knocked Muscles on the back. The roughhousing continued as Echo started ululating. Little do they don’t know was that Twilight’s drones were recording the fight inside the hauler. Sunset asked the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings over their com-links, “Girls, are you seeing this?” Everyone was shocked, but completely amazed by watching a 1-ton man getting beaten up by a 16-pound teenager. Pinkie cheered, “Whoo, way to go, Echo!” Back in the mines, Sonata watched the surveillance footage from the hauler and she was more ticked that Muscle was attacking her friend just for payback. As for Muscles, he landed into the back of the hauler with Echo looming over him. Echo threatened him before finishing him off, “You’d better run froyo life. Ha!” Muscles fell out of the hauler and ran away, shouting, “Ah! My brain! It’s freezing!” “Hm.” Echo hummed before licking her froyo. Sunset contacted Aria and asked over the com-link, “Never mess with Echo?” Aria replied over the com-link, “Top of my list.” Meanwhile, Layla and Shashi drove onto the tracks and behind a train. Once they were close, Shashi planted his car behind the caboose, making it stuck like a magnet. Shashi informed Layla, “Locked.” Layla did the same and said, “I’m a go.” Both members of SH1FT3R boarded onto the train's exterior and prepared to steal one of the compartments with the help of Jun, who was flying in a transverse-mounted helicopter. “Right on time.” Shashi said as he looked up to see their escape vehicle. “Extraction inbound.” Jun informed the pair as they ran across the top of the train, until they came across a specific ladder and climbed down. Nacho and Rollie rode down the train via two magnetic lines and secured them to the car. Nacho and Rollie said in unison, “Locked on. No, I was first.” Shashi shouted at them, “Guys, come on. Layla, let me know when you disconnect.” Layla jumped down to one of the train carts and tried to disconnect it, but she struggled to turn it, “Almost...” Suddenly, the security guard opened the door and shouted, “Hey!” He tried to attack Layla with his night stick, but she dodged it and knocked the security guard out with a kick to his face. Layla climbed up and shouted, “I thought you said this train was empty.” “It’s supposed to be.” Shashi shouted back as the incoming guard foresaw his attack and kicked the guard out of the train with a spin kick. Tony managed to get through the wall of fire and made it through the tracks. He said, “Rainbow, you go ahead and win the race. I'm going to salvage the mission.” Rainbow asked onscreen, “You sure?” Tony answered, “As long as I can say the winner’s my friend.” Rainbow smiled onscreen, “Always.” Tony hit the gas and made it out of the mines to chase after the train. Back on the train, Layla was fighting off against two guards while Shashi and Jun looked on. “I’m cutting the caboose.” Shashi informed his gang as he disconnected the caboose from the train cart while Jun tried to pull it using the helicopter. “Layla, we gotta go!” Shashi shouted while Layla continued to fight the guards. Shashi elbowed a guard down from behind and disconnected the train cart connecting to the head of the train. Jun used the helicopter to pull the train cart out and Shashi shouted while holding on, “Go, go, go!” “Layla!” Shashi called Layla while she used a leg sweep on a guard and did a backflip kick on another. Layla charged forward and jumped way up by using the guard’s head as a stepping stool. In slow motion, she was far away from Shashi and couldn’t reach him, but Shashi grabbed her arm of her jacket before Layla fell. Shashi shouted, “Hang on!” The SH1FT3R gang finally got what they wanted and Layla told her friend, “Don’t you drop me!” Shashi tried to hold on to Layla, but she slipped and screamed. “No!” Shashi yelled. Layla used her parachute and landed back on the train safely. The remaining guards inside the train jumped off and landed safely before it headed straight towards the weak, wooden bridge. The head of the train malfunctioned and collided with the bridge, resulting the train and the bridge to collapse. Shashi and his gang could only watch from afar as Layla lifted her parachute from her and saw she was heading for a drop. After ditching her parachute, she thought about jumping off. Only to see she was going too fast. Just as she was ready to accept her fate, Tony drove up from behind. Tony shouted, “I got you!” Tony drove up to the front of the train and, reversing his car, colliding head-on with it. He then pressed a button on his steering wheel, activating his car's traction spike wheels to slow down the train to a halt before it can fall. After a moment of silence, Tony sighed and celebrated, “Yeah! Whoo!” He exited his car while Layla jumped off the train and landed on the ground safely. While Layla was dusting off the dirt on herself, Tony went to check on her and asked, “You alright?” “I didn’t need you. I was gonna jump off right before the cliff.” Layla scoffed. Tony replied, “Oh... Really?” “Yeah. And it was gonna be awesome.” Layla said as she went back into her car. Tony ran up to Layla and said, “At least your car is good.” Layla groaned and drove her car back to the ghost town, leaving Tony behind and dusted him off. Tony coughed and replied, “You’re welcome.” Back in the ghost town, Rainbow Dash was celebrating her victory with the winner’s trophy in hand. As for PizzaRave, she survived and was talking to a few people about “Mole People”. As for Muscles, he walked by the Toretto gang's hauler and was met with a glare from Echo, staring daggers right through him. Muscles whimpered and walked away until he saw Sonata. She crossed her arms and asked in a serious tone while glaring daggers at Muscles as well, “Remember me, punk?” Muscles saw the fury in Sonata’s eyes and knew he was in for a world of pain. “Mommy!” Muscles cried and ran away until he found and reached up to Scadan. Tony drove back to the ghost town after the train incident. He exited the car and his friends ran up to him, but Gabby hugged him to make sure he was alright. “¿Estás bien, primo?” Gabby asked in Spanish. Tony hugged her back and answered, “Sí Gabby, I’m fine.” They stopped hugging and smiled until Scadan called Tony out, “Hey Toretto, you knackered after losing the race?” Tony turned to see Scadan and answered, “Nah, seeing how the winner’s my friend, my crew won the race.” Scadan growled, knowing that Tony was right. “Besides, I have Yoka,” Tony said before drinking some yoka and raised his cup without throwing up. He gruffed, “This stuff is terrible.” “It’s an acquired taste.” Frostee said. “Don’t sweat it, T. You’ll get use to it when you drink some more Yoka.” Casey informed before he gulped his can of Yoka. Then, Shashi arrived at the ghost town and exited his car to confront Tony with Layla following with her friend. “What were you doing following me out there?” Shashi interrogated Tony. Tony answered, “Well first of all, you’re welcome for saving Layla.” Layla scoffed, “I was fine.” Tony continued speaking, “Second of all, I’m a Toretto. I didn’t come out to race with these clowns any more than you do. I knew there was a score. I want in on the real action.” The two stared at each other, until Shashi put his hand on Tony’s shoulder and chuckled, “This is perfect. I got a mission coming up that could use the Toretto touch.” Layla scoffed and walked away with Shashi. Tony and the rest of his crew celebrated after that. Later in the evening, the Ninja Racers arrived back at their warehouse until Ms. Nowhere and Gary showed up inside. Ms. Nowhere berated them, “Welcome back, failures! Looks like Shashi got the train car and we didn’t get squat. Gary is furious!” However, Gary wasn’t angry and told them, “I understand. It’s tough without proper training. We should have...” Ms. Nowhere glared at him, making Gary stopped talking. “You blew it!” Ms. Nowhere yelled at them. Raph got angry and started shouting at them, “First of all, we’re not failures! And second...” Leo stopped him and said, “Enough Raph.” Raph crossed his arms and glared at Ms. Nowhere as Tony walked up to her and informed her the news, “Not exactly. We put a tracker on the train car. We know exactly where Shashi is taking it.” Then out of nowhere, Frostee, Pinkie, Sonata, and Mikey broke the fourth wall to sing their song together before fading out, “Cause we are Spy Racers!” > The Owl Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Layla pulled right up to the Toretto gang's base just as Donnie and Casey were working on the Turtle Racer and Cisco was working with Tony to repair his car while everyone else were just chilling and doing their own thing. Cisco turned to see Layla, greeting her, “Look who it is. The rodeo champ.” “For now.” Tony reminded him while Rainbow giggled. Layla called Rainbow and Tony, “Hey, sore losers. Shashi wants to talk to you both. He’s across on the other side of town.” Rainbow asked, “Right now? Why?” Tony suggested Layla, “He could’ve at least call us.” Layla replied, “He could have, but... Where’s the fun in that?” The three stared hard, glaring daggers until Cisco stopped. “Boo-yah!” Cisco shouted. Gabby chimed in, “I’m coming, too.” Minutes later, Rainbow, Tony, and Layla raced each other with their cars in the streets again with Gabby in Tony’s car. Rainbow contacted Tony through her spy watch, “T, lets leave Layla in the dust this time.” “Agreed.” Tony replied as the trio raced through public traffic and then into a dried-up water way. Rainbow thought, “Scootaloo would’ve loved this.” Tony asked her, “Who?” Rainbow answered, “Scootaloo is a very close friend of mine. She’s like a little sister to me.” “I’ll have to meet her sometime.” Tony said before Layla jumped over the pair, leaving Tony and Rainbow upset. Tony exclaimed, “Come on!” Rainbow said, “Unbelievable!” Layla threw a peace sign and winked at them, “See ya!” “You’re going to lose again, Tony. Let me drive.” Gabby suggested, feeling desperate before her cousin stopped her. “No. This is my car and I’m the one driving it.” Tony stated while driving. Rainbow and Tony struggled to pass her, but only manage to match her speed. Layla said, “You two are going to eat my dust, again.” The three cars raced towards the finish line until Layla’s car was in the lead and she was almost towards the finish line. Tony and Rainbow exclaimed in unison, “Oh no!” “Yeah!” Layla happily shouted as her car finished first and left Tony and Rainbow tied in second place. “Woo-hoo!” Layla cheered as the trio parked their cars in front of Shashi and his car. Gabby reminded him, “I told you, primo.” Tony shot back, “Don’t remind me.” Rainbow growled. “She beat us again!” “Yeah!” Tony agreed, in equal frustration. Then he smirked, “But on plus side, now we get to annoy her!” “Oh ho ho, so looking forward to that!” Rainbow grinned before, she, Gabby and Tony stepped out of their cars. “I win, again,” Layla said, smugly. “You sure did... damsel in distress!” Rainbow quipped, loving the angered look on Layla’s face. “You’re welcome,” Tony replied. “I know you feel bad after I had to save you from that train.” Layla pounded her fists on the hood of her car. “You didn’t have to save me from squat!” “Enough!” Shashi interjected. “You three are exactly the same.” “What?!” Tony said. “They wish!” Layla denied. “I’m totally better than these two!” Rainbow stated. “Oh no, Shashi got a point,” Gabby agreed. “And how exactly are we the same?” Rainbow asked rhetorically. Gabby listed off. “Well, you’re all wild drivers, you’re all extremely competitive, you hate losing, and you three won’t admit that the other is better at something than they are.” “As if!” The three denied in unison. “I have a job for you,” Shashi said before he walked up to Tony and Gabby, showing them a photo of a Russian man with his Russian cap and necklace on his tablet. He informed the Torettos, “Meet Sudarikov, a Russian oligarch and a high-end arms dealer.” Then, Rainbow Dash got an idea after hearing a few keywords. “Would you excuse me for a bit? I have to make a phone call.” Rainbow said before she stepped out and used her phone. Gabby asked Shashi, “And you’re buying weapons from this guy?” Shashi replied, “The weapons that Sudarikov sells are a little, old-fashioned for my taste. I’m looking to buy some codes.” “Like um... Nuclear codes?” Tony asked. Layla shouted at Tony, “Would you stop asking Shashi’s stupid questions and let him finish?!” Shashi answered to them, “No. Not nukes. These codes are much more valuable than that. Which is why I know Sudarikov will never sell them to me.” “So um...” Tony was about to ask until Layla glared at him. “This is where you and your cousin come in, Tony,” Shashi continued. “You’re both doing this job with Layla.” “What?” Tony asked. “Oh no!” Gabby groaned. “Gross!” Layla said. “Heh, gross? Seriously?” Tony asked, incredulously. “Just my knee jerk reaction to workin’ with you,” Layla told him. “Spendin’ time you and bein’ generally anywhere near you!” “Believe me, southern belle,” Gabby said, glaring at her. “The feeling is mutual!” Shashi called Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash, you’re with me.” Rainbow Dash hung up her phone and asked, “Uh, why?” Shashi explained, “Well, since Layla is going to be the one getting the codes, I need someone to help me keep Sudarikov distracted. Like some random driver showing up to challenge him to a street race.” “That, I can do!” Rainbow stated. Shashi also asked, “And uh, who were you calling?” Rainbow answered, “My uncle, Rocky Steader.” “Since I'll be busy, I guess Shashi has to settle for a slower driver!” Layla quipped. Rainbow frowned at her. “Alright then,” she said, nonchalant and walked around to Layla. “Good luck on your mission.” She held out her hand. Layla took it. “I just showed you why I’m the best!” She stated. “I don’t need luck.” Rainbow grinned wickedly before she grabbed Layla’s arm and flipped her over her shoulder and onto the ground with a thud. Tony and Gabby burst out laughing. “If that was your best, I’d beg to differ!” Rainbow said. “Sneaky,” Shashi commented. Before Layla could try to kill Rainbow Dash, Shashi interjected himself to stop the fight and informed them, “Now before you ladies try to kill each other, why don’t you guys get ready. I’ll send you the details later.” “Fine then. I’ll see you around, Skittles.” Layla said as she walked off. “That’s the first and last time you’ll ever call me that.” Rainbow warned Layla before she walked away to join up with the Torettos. As Gabby entered Tony’s car, she called in Rainbow Dash on her phone and asked her, “Yo, Rainbow. Who did you call?” Rainbow replied, “Rocksteady.” Gabby questioned her, “Rocksteady? Did he tell you anything useful? Maybe a clue about the key.” Rainbow informed her, “I’ll tell you on the way.” While Tony and his friends drove back to their base, Layla felt angry and walked up to Shashi. “I can’t believe I got flipped by an amateur!” Layla grumbled. “Well, she’s like a ninja,” Shashi noted. “Catching people off guard like that is kinda what they do.” Layla exclaimed, “I’ve done a million jobs. Why do I need the Deadweight Torettos?” Shashi informed his comrade, “This one is different, a test. We need to make sure they are someone I can trust.” Back in the Ninja Racers’ base, Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow explained to their friends about Shashi’s latest plan while Ms. Nowhere was exercising. Tony explained, “And then Shashi said he wants me, Gabby, and Layla to steal from this Russian guy’s high-security suite. No one else in SH1FT3R knows about this top secret plan.” “As for me, Shashi wants me to distract the guy that Tony mentioned.” Rainbow added. Echo surprisingly said, “Whoa. That’s some crazy trust fall stuff, you guys.” Aria added, “More like, insane.” Gabby continued, “Right? And since we’re going to know Shashi’s whereabouts for the entire night, it’s the perfect opportunity to use our drone data to infiltrate his hideout.” “Gary, bring up satellite blueprints of Shashi’s house.” Ms. Nowhere instructed her agent while jogging as Gary uploaded the blueprints of Shashi’s house from his laptop to the TV monitor. Raph noticed Ms. Nowhere jogging while observing the blueprints and he asked, “You got an off switch for those feet?” “I’m 4088 steps away from hitting my daily goal, so haters, back off.” Ms. Nowhere told them while continuing to jog. Adagio commented, “Touchy.” Ms. Nowhere informed the teens while jogging around, “We tracked the drone you planted on the train car in the last race back to Shashi’s crib. Is crib still a popular term in your peer group?” “Uh... you can’t pull it off.” Echo denounced while Mikey and a few others nodded. Ms. Nowhere ignored her comment and resumed explaining, “I have a team searching for a connection between the three billionaires Shashi has robbed. We think the keys and whatever else Shashi has stolen from those tech billionaires is likely stashed in his house.” “What are those keys again?” Sunset asked. Ms. Nowhere answered while jogging, “That’s what we’re going to find out. While Tony, Rainbow, and Gabby works with Shashi and Layla, you guys...” Ms. Nowhere noticed that Frostee and Sonata were missing. “Wait, we’re missing some people here. Where’s the kid whose name sounds like an ice cream? And the other girl who’s got the love for tacos?” Meanwhile, Frostee was in the café working on his medallion as the bell rang. The woman with an afro in the kitchen called him, “Frostee!” Frostee replied, “I’m working!” “No you’re not. That's why she’s yelling.” The little girl sniffed, “That stinks. What are you making?” Frostee bluffed, “A portal into another dimension where it’s quiet, sis.” “Why are you so weird? You missed a spot.” Frostee’s little sister noticed. Frostee nodded, “Oh yeah! Thanks.” The pony-tailed waitress came by and sniffed, “What’s that smell? Wanda, have you been messing with the curry?” Wanda noticed the smoke and answered, “Uh, that’s our son stinking up the joint, Tiffany.” “I told him that he was supposed to be working but he didn’t listen.” Frostee’s little sister said. Frostee explained to his parents, “I’m trying to embed an interconnect device into my medallion so I can wirelessly access my computer! This kind of tech takes exact precision!” Wanda replied, “Uh-huh. I need you to wirelessly access these tapas over to table five.” Frostee’s sister told his big brother, “Ooh, you’re in trouble.” “Don’t worry, I got this Mrs. Benson.” Sonata said as she grabbed the order and rushed it to the table. Wanda asked her son, “This girl is fast. Where’d you say you met her again, Frostee?” Frostee answered, “She and her friends are visiting from out of town.” “Nice to see you’re making new friends, Frostee.” Wanda smiled. Frostee grabbed the plate of tapas and said, “Yeah, but if you used my new technology, you could probably cut the service time here in half.” Wanda reminded her son, “Last time I used your technology, it cut my refrigerator in half.” Frostee groaned, “That was user error!” Sonata asked, “That really happened?” Wanda answered, “Yep, took five weeks worth of allowances for him to pay it off.” Just then, the door opened and Tiffany greeted the customers, “Welcome to Salchicas.” Frostee got scared when he saw who it was while Sonata hid behind him. Ms. Nowhere entered the café and said, “I’m looking for Frostee Benson and Sonata Dusk.” Frostee stuttered, “Uh... Yeah... That’s, that’s us.” Ms. Nowhere notified Frostee’s parents, “The three of us have never met, but I have good news. We’ve reviewed both of your applications to our exclusive cybernetics science and music camp and I am here to offer both of you a spot.” Ms. Nowhere handed Tiffany a pamphlet. She gasped and hugged her son, “A science camp? Frostee, my little future Nobel Prize winner.” She turned to Sonata, “And Sonata, I know we just met today, but congratulations.” Sonata thanked Tiffany, “Thanks, Mrs. Benson.” Tiffany opened up a pamphlet and start reading, “Welcome to Kids’ Music and Science Camp. For kids. Who like music. And science.” Wanda walked by and asked Ms. Nowhere, “So how long is this camp?” Ms. Nowhere answered, “All day, every day, for the entire summer. You won’t be seeing much of them as they’ll be busy learning stuff, building their skills, and making memories. Just like the authentic brochure says.” Wanda told Ms. Nowhere, “Do keep our son from blowing up the camp.” “Mom!” Frostee shouted while Sonata laughed. Then all of a sudden, laser shots were fired. Everyone found that Frostee’s little sister was messing with Frostee‘s medallion. “Uh-oh.” She said. Frostee cheered, “Ah cool, the laser cutter works! Thanks, Sissy.” Sonata commented, “Neat!” Tiffany told Ms. Nowhere, “They can go.” Wanda added, “What she said.” A few hours later, Echo, Frostee, Cisco, Sonata, Adagio, Mikey, Donnie, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike the Dog were traveling to Shashi’s house by boat. Echo informed Ms. Nowhere, “We’re on our way to Shashi’s house. Awaiting go-ahead.” “The watches are active. We can track them wherever they go. Or find the bodies afterwards.” Ms. Nowhere said before Gary reminded her the communication is still transmitting. “Just kidding.” Ms. Nowhere told them while Fluttershy whimpered after hearing that and it didn’t help ease Ms. Nowhere’s mind. Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Tony and Gabby were walking around the streets with Leo, Raph, Aria, and Applejack overseeing from the rooftops. Tony contacted their team over the com-link, “Once Shashi’s meet with the Russian starts, you can go.” “Copy that.” Echo replied. Then, the Torettos saw their partner, Layla, waiting on opposite side of the door as Sudarikov walked out. Layla informed Shsashi through the com-link, “The ushanka has landed.” Shashi drove up to him while Casey, Sunset Shimmer, and Rainbow Dash waited for the opportunity to race him from the shadows. He opened the car window to see Sudarikov and asked, “Nice ride, Mr. Dhar. Tell me, what kind of car is this?” “This is a Macallister Motors Superfin. One of a kind.” Shashi answered after he exited out of his car. Sudarikov was impressed and told him, “Ah, I love owning things and no one else can have.” Shashi called the Russian, “Sudarikov,” He tossed his car keys to Sudarikov, offering him, “Why don’t you, uh, take it for a spin. I've also arranged a couple of racers to go up against.” Sudarikov said, “Da, I haven’t raced in years. Not since my old business partner, Ivan Steranko, and I worked together.” Shashi offered him, “Trust me. In this car, they'll be in your taillights the entire time.” Sudarikov thought about Shashi’s offer until he answered, “Alright, you’ve convinced me.” He sat in the driver’s seat of Shashi’s car and drove really fast. While Shashi was distracting Sudarikov, Layla lead the way with Gabby and Tony following her. Tony contacted his friends over the com-link and he whispered, “You’re clear. Be careful, guys.” Back to Echo’s group, they were heading for Shashi's house while Ms. Nowhere and Gary were in the hauler and observed Echo’s group from their drone. She informed them, “Operation: Shake It Up is in progress. We'll launch a fake earthquake once you’re in position.” Echo’s group started climbing the cliffside as Cisco said, “I knew earthquakes were created by the government’s weather machine.” Sonata added, “Same here. Looks like I win. Five bucks, Adagio.” Adagio growled as she knew she lost the bet. Frostee said, “Did you see it? It’s a giant piston that slams into the ground creating a tremor. Echo commented, “I’ll connect one to my subwoofer.” “Might need my help with that.” Donnie told her. Echo replied, “Sure thing, D.” Back in Los Angeles, Sudarikov was racing with Casey, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer. But he was driving like he had a death wish. Sudarikov informed Shashi, “You were right, this is extremely smooth ride and leaving opponents in dust!” “Wait until you test out the defense systems.” Shashi informed him as Sudarikov kept driving like a madman and dodged the incoming cars. Sunset asked Rainbow and Casey through their spy watches, “Does this guy have a death wish or something?” Rainbow mentioned, “Rocksteady was right. He's insane.” Casey added, “I know, right?” Back with Echo’s group, everyone got into position. Cisco asked everyone, “Ready.” Back in the hauler, Gary activated the mechanism to create the fake earthquakes while Ms. Nowhere watched. The machine worked and they can now hear heaving thumping sounds. While Sudarikov continued driving, Shashi got an alert on his phone until Sudarikov asked, “What was that?” Shashi started making a phone call. Meanwhile, the security guard, the same guy from the entrance to SH1FT3R’s underground race, was stationed at the gate to Shashi’s house and heard a heavy thump sound. He reacted, “Whoa.” The fake earthquakes caused the alarms to go off in Shashi’s house. “Welp, time to reboot the alarm.” The security guard said as he started reprogramming the alarm system from his laptop. Unbeknownst to him, Echo’s group had manage to get the backdoor open. Frostee cheered, “Wham and bam.” “Show off.” Adagio scoffed. Twilight informed her friends while using her tablet, "Alright, I’m hacking Shashi’s security system. It’ll be live in ten seconds.” While Echo’s group were busy, Shashi called his security guard on the phone and asked, “What’s going on, Rusty?” Rusty replied, “Just a run-of-the-mill earthquake, Shashi. You see, your house sets on the San Andreas fault...” “I know about the fault! When will the cameras be back up?” Shashi interrogated his security guard. Twilight informed her friends, “Security cams back on in three, two... one.” The cameras came back on, but the group wasn't on screen. Echo questioned the tech geniuses, ‘Uh... You sure they can't see us?” Fluttershy added, “Or hear us?” “Oh man, I wish I couldn’t smell you.” Frostee said as he covered his nose. “Sorry. I get gassy when I'm nervous.” Cisco apologized before he accidentally farted again. “Eww!” Everyone shouted while covering their noses and Spike whimpered after covering his nose. Back to Rusty, he continued explaining to Shashi, “Your cameras are hard-wired to...” Sudarikov asked, “Trouble, Mr. Dhar?” “...of Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre...” Rusty continued explaining until Shashi rudely hung up. Rusty tried to called Shashi on his phone, “Hello? Hello?” Shashi answered to the Russian, “Just an earthquake. Now how about those codes?” Then all of a sudden, an incoming car was heading towards them and Shashi alerted Sudarikov, “Look out!” Sudarikov dodged the incoming car and the trio noticed it from the side mirrors of their cars. Casey asked his friends, “Does this guy have any common sense?” Rainbow answered through the com-link, “Not really. He actually sold hand grenades to a high school football team, stating they were going to use them for a prank.” Sunset exclaimed, “Seriously?!” “In Russia, car has right of way,” Sudarikov noticed some buttons on the control panel and wondered, “Hey, what does this button do?” He pressed it and it launched a grappling hook from the front. While the police officer was writing a ticket, the grappling hook hit the officer’s car and Shashi’s car dragged the officer’s car with it, leaving the officer speechless before he dropped his papers. “Whoopsie.” Sudarikov apologized while continuing to drive and Shashi got nervous all of a sudden. The eyes of Casey, Rainbow, and Sunset shrunk in horror and they shouted simultaneously, “We’re dead.” Meanwhile, Layla’s team were infiltrating the building through an elevator shaft with Tony hanging on to Layla and Gabby. The trio moved carefully to the next door and they clipped their bungee cords to their ropes to get ready to jump down. Layla and the Torettos jumped down and Layla used a device to access the elevator door. Gabby entered second and Tony made it out just in time before the incoming elevator went down. Tony panted, “Whoa! I nearly got crushed!” Layla asked the Torettos, “First time infiltrating a secure floor through the elevator shaft?” Tony said, “Er... Yeah.” “Seventh for me.” Gabby answered. Layla and Tony looked at Gabby in confusion and she explained to them, “What? I had plenty of adventures with my friends. And plenty of scars.” “Impressive,” Layla commented before she turned her attention to Tony. She told him, “As for you Tony, it shows. Step it up Toretto, we don’t have a lot of time. This entire floor is occupied by Sudarikov. Shashi said the codes may be housed in some sort of USB or CPU.” Back to Shashi’s house, Echo’s team looked around for the keys without touching or breaking anything in Shashi’s house and Spike was sniffing around for clues. Frostee looked around until he got all ecstatic and saw an electronic aquarium. He cheered, “Whoa-ho-ho. A screen-quarium! Guys, check this out!” Echo and a few others rushed to what Frostee found and he continued, “Holo-fish, holo-pusses... It's a Holo-shark from the hit movie, Holo-Shark!” Donnie cheered, “Ah, I love that movie!” Twilight added, “Me too!” Frostee exclaimed, “I know!” Echo asked, “How can a hologram eat people?” “You don’t get science.” Donnie sighed as he, Frostee, and Twilight crossed their arms and glared daggers at Echo. Sonata marched upstairs with Cisco, Mikey, and Pinkie Pie. She alerted everyone, “Guys, guys! I found it!” “The keys?” Adagio asked. “Better. Boo-yah!” Cisco said and presented them a portable froyo can. “Booyakasha!” Mikey cheered before Sonata, Pinkie, and Cisco were slurping down some froyo with Mikey joining them. Pinkie told them, “It’s portable froyo, yo!” Frostee whined, “Man, rich people have the best stuff.” Echo ordered them, “Cisco, Sonata, Pinkie, Mikey, put that back.” Mikey groaned, “Oh come on. You guys are no fun.” Adagio reminded the four food lovers, “Remember, Ms. Nowhere said to leave no trace.” Echo also reminded them, “We need to focus and...” Then Echo noticed a huge painting on the wall, “What in the world?!” Adagio looked and admired the painting in awe. She reacted, “Whoa! Is that an original Ang Chen on the wall?” “Whoa!” The rest of Echo’s team said. Ms. Nowhere popped up as a hologram from their spy watches and she reminded the team, “Hey! Focus. The tectonic imaging created from our fake earthquake shows a vault hidden under the infrastructure. Go find the entrance.” Meanwhile in Sudarikov’s suite, Tony, Gabby, and Layla were scaling across the wall, preparing to disable the security cameras. Layla informed the Toretto Cousins, “Ready? Three, two... One.” Gabby and Layla disabled the security cameras while Tony dropped down slowly. Tony informed the girls, “Clear.” Then, Leo contacted Gabby and Tony through their spy watches. He told them, “Guys, are you in the room?” The Torettos looked through the windows and saw Leo with Raph, Aria, and Applejack on the rooftop across from the building. They gave Leo’s team a thumbs-up, telling them that they’re okay and in the room. “Alright. We can see you. Just making sure you guys are okay in there. Let us know if anything happens.” Leo informed them as the Toretto Cousins nodded to them. Tony and Gabby turned around and spotted a rare owl with a Russian cap and a large diamond necklace resting in its cage. “Check out the rock on that bird!” Tony said. Gabby told his cousin, “Huh. That owl reminds me of Aunt Molly's parakeet.” “Minus the bling.” Tony added. “And minus the 'Tio want a cracker',” Gabby added, imitating the said bird. “Do you two always talk this much on a job?” Layla asked, uninterested. “Not often, just in situations like this,” Gabby replied, then she chuckled to Tony. “Hey, remember our family barbecue at Aunt Molly’s?” “How could I forget,” Tony replied. “What are you talking about now?” Layla asked in annoyance. “There was this one time aunt Molly's house caught on fire,” Tony answered. “Little bit of a rib incident. The whole place went up in flames!” “Sí, totalmente en fuego!” Gabby exclaimed in Spanish. “But Dom got everyone out, even the parakeet.” “Leave no family behind, that’s the Torreto motto,” Tony stated, while looking in a potted plant. “A bird’s not family,” Layla said, searching a bookshelf. “Now a dog, that’s family.” “Twilight would say the same thing about Spike,” Gabby said. “Same with Applejack and her dog, Winona.” “What kind of dog do ya have?” Tony asked, looking behind a chair. “What, you stalkin’ me?” Layla asked. “Just trying to get to know you,” Tony said. “Paranoid much, Southern Belle?” “Yeah uh, in case you two haven’t noticed, but I’m a lone wolf, shadowy, criminal type,” Layla stated, pushing past them. “Not some baby who rides on his cousin’s coattails or some tough girl from New York who both can’t stop talkin’ about their stupid family! Let's move. Okay? This isn’t the room.” “Ouch!” Tony said. “Brutal much?” Gabby asked, rhetorically. “You know, family's important,” Tony noted. “You gotta have some people you can trust.” “Family slows you down and trust is for suckers,” Layla retorted. “WHAT DID SHE SAY ABOUT FAMILY?!” Applejack shouted through the com-link, making Tony and Gabby wince. “Applejack, cállate,” Gabby whispered back through the com-link. Then she told Layla. “Familia is everything and trust is important. Especially to us. If our cousin Dom ever got kidnapped, we’d chase his kidnappers all over LA to save him.” “Yeah, uh, not like that happened recently or anything,” Tony added, and Gabby elbowed him before he said too much. “Right,” Layla said, doubtfully. “Look, these codes are goin’ to be in a high security location.” Suddenly, Echo spoke from Tony’s spy watch without full warning, “Hold up.” “What?!” Tony jumped, out loud. “What?” Layla asked. "What?" Tony asked back. “Huh?” Layla replied in confusion. “Oh no!” Gabby muttered, putting her face in her hand. Echo replied back, “I wasn’t talking to you guys.” "Were you talkin’ to me?" Layla inquired. “Um,” Tony stuttered. “Uh I-I was. Did you say something?” "Are you okay?" Both Layla and Echo over the com asked. “Er... Everything's fine,” Tony assured, walking past Layla. “Let’s keep doing what we're doing.” “Uhh!” Layla turned to Gabby. “Your cousin’s a doofus.” “Hey!” Tony shot back, insulted. “My cousin is not a doofus,” Gabby said. “Thank you, Gabby,” Tony smiled. “He’s only part doofus,” Gabby corrected. “Hey!” Tony shouted, feeling insulted. Gabby ignored him and continued, “Also totally reckless, immature, and never thinks anything through.” “No wonder he lost to me,” Layla said. “You know, Gabby, your cousin is clearly not as good as he makes himself out to be.” Gabby chuckled, “Don’t we know it.” Tony exclaimed, “Hey, I am too that good.” Gabby reminded her cousin, “Uh, you talked a big game to Mitch, and then totally lost to him. By a lot.” “Ha! You’re slower than I thought!” Layla quipped and the two laughed. “Girls!” Tony huffed. Back in Shashi’s house, Echo observed the painting until she spotted a button camouflaged in there. Echo noticed, “That doesn’t belong there,” She pushed it and a secret door hidden behind the painting was revealed. “I got this.” Frostee said before he yelped and accidentally shot a laser out of his medallion and it left a laser burn on the ceiling. Rarity gasped, “Frostee, what have you done?!” “Whoops. My bad.” Frostee apologized before he used his medallion to bypass security and the door was opened, revealing a secret passageway. “Yes! We’re in.” Donnie cheered. Meanwhile in the server room, Layla was using her laptop to find the codes while Tony and Gabby observed. Tony asked Layla, “So, that thing knows if the codes are in these computers?” “I really wish we brought our tech experts,” Gabby muttered. Layla answered, “It scans the servers for unusual encryption that might be hiding the codes.” “So it knows if the codes are in these computers?” Tony asked while Layla groaned from his questions. Back to Echo’s group, they discovered Shashi’s underground vault. Inside the vault, they were in awe at the three unique cars and display cases of Shashi’s treasures in front of them. Echo cheered, “Aw, yeah.” “Sweet!” Pinkie cheered. “Mm-mm-mm. Check out the awesome cars!” Frostee said. Mikey complimented, “They look so shiny!” Donnie added, “And futuristic.” Twilight noticed, “Strange. I might not be completely interested in cars, but I’ve never seen these models.” “I’m checking them and I like what I see.” Echo notified her pals before Ms. Nowhere chimed in from their spy watches. Ms. Nowhere ordered, “Forget the cars. Find the keys.” “We don’t even know what these keys look like, ma’am.” Echo answered. “Are they big or small? Long or short? Wide or skinny...” Pinkie asked, continuously. Frostee whispered the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms, “Is your friend, always like this?” Twilight’s friends nodded and Frostee said, “At least Pinkie’s fun to be around.” Ms. Nowhere reminded Echo’s group, “Focus. Scour the place. Try to find a memory stick or external hard drive.” Meanwhile, Shashi’s party were most likely going to end being on the reality show: Cops. Casey regretted, “Aw man, if we get arrested, we’re going to be in so much trouble! And my dad is gonna kill me.” “My parents will ground me till I’m forty.” Rainbow added. Sunset asked, “What are we gonna do?” Shashi heard their griefs and started feeling guilty about dragging them into this mess. He calmed the racers down by telling them, “Guys listen, if we get arrested. Let me do the talking. I promise I’ll make sure none of you get in trouble.” Casey, Rainbow, and Sunset nodded in agreement. “Okay. We trust you, Shashi.” Sunset answered. Shashi turned his attention to Sudarikov and offered him, “Final offer. My car, for the codes.0 “I will never sell you codes.” Sudarikov answered. Shashi pleaded him, “Sudarikov, I’m risking three good drivers to be here. I thought you came here to make a deal.” Sudarikov managed to outmaneuver the police well enough to cause their police cars to crash into each other. “I’m sorry I led you on. I just wanted to drive car I heard so much about.” Sudarikov apologized before he drifted Shashi’s car to the right. However, the police we’re still onto the drivers until the traffic light turned red. Sudarikov ran the red light and caused the police car to skid off the road. Sunset asked Rainbow through her spy watch, “Rainbow, did Rocksteady say why he ended his business deals with Sudarikov?” Rainbow answered, “He told me that the guy had no common sense, self-preservation, or restraint.” Casey commented, “That’d be putting it mildly.” Sudarikov got away with the police by pulling a parallel parking right by his hotel. “Whoo! It’s beautiful, da?” Sudarikov sighed. “But now, I must check Sova. This tête-à-tête is finito.” Sudarikov exited his vehicle and walked straight towards his hotel. Before Sudarikov was about to head inside, Shashi stopped him and hollered, “I have to ask you something,” He pointed his finger at Sudarikov’s Russian cap, “Isn’t that thing hot?” “Eh. It’s signature look. Sudarikov is slave to fashion.” Sudarikov pointed his finger at his Russian cap before he went back to his hotel. Back to Echo’s group, Frostee wondered, “What if it’s not a USB or a hard drive? Hm.” Donnie informed Tony over the comms, “Yeah, you can store a crazy amount of data in crystals now.” Back in the server room, Tony blurted out to Gabby and Layla, “Data crystals, that’s it! Genius!” Layla asked him, “Who are you talking to?” “It was me. I was talking to him. In fact, I know where the codes are,” Gabby answered for his cousin. “But we'll need this.” Gabby said before she grabbed Layla’s earrings. Layla exclaimed, “Hey! What are you two talking about?” Tony informed the girls, “Remember the bling on the owl? The codes could be stored in there.” “Makes sense to hide it in plain sight.” Gabby said. “We got to go back there and get it.” Tony suggested. Then, Shashi informed the group over the com-link, “Layla, Tony, Gabby, abort the mission. Sudarikov is heading your way.” After Shashi called, Layla retorted, “You two don’t even know if the data’s in the crystal.” Tony inofrmed Layla, “We can get in and out before Sudarikov returns.” Gabby added, “Relax Layla, I’ve done crazier stuff with my friends than this.” Layla rejected their idea and questioned them, “What’s this ‘we’ business? You heard Shashi. I’m out of here.” “Fine. I don’t need you. I’m gonna do what Torettos do best: Go back for the bird.” Tony stated before Layla walked away from the Torettos. Gabby walked up to Tony and retracted her cousin’s statement, “Don’t you mean, ‘we’ Tony? And I feel pretty bad we’re leaving Layla behind.” After their argument, Sudarikov was occupied on checking and looking at himself in the mirror first. As for Tony and Gabby, they rushed into Sudarikov’s suite and started replacing the crystals, but the owl shrieked and started to defend his necklace and attack the Torettos. Gabby reluctantly replaced the crystal on the necklace and closed the cage. “Got it.” Gabby said. After that, Tony and Gabby disappeared just in time before Sudarikov entered his suite. While Sudarikov was checking on his pet owl, Tony and Gabby hid behind the window curtains. Tony reached for the door handle and tried to open the door, but it was locked. The Torettos were feeling nervous and completely stuck inside Sudarikov’s suite with him and his pet owl. “Great job, Tony. Some escape plan you got there.” Gabby thought in her mind. Back to Echo’s group, everyone looked around and searched for the keys in Shashi’s lair. Cisco shivered, “It’s creepy down here.” “You’re right. Maybe we should leave.” Sonata suggested while shaking with fear. Echo retorted, “We haven't found the keys yet.” Adagio started getting a bad feeling and said, “Sonata, stay close to me or Cisco.” Cisco asked, “Now you trust me?” Adagio answered, “You have more to fear from Aria than me.” “It’s true.” Aria answered from the comms. Cisco doubted, “But what if Shashi comes back?” “I was wondering about that too. What if Shashi finds out that we infiltrated his house?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight told them, “Quit sweating, you guys. The Torettos will tell us if that happens. Right, Spike?” “Woof!” Spike barked happily. Later in the evening, Shashi drove his car straight back to his house. As for the Torettos, they were trying to figure out a way to sneak past Sudarikov without making a single peep. Sova landed on Sudaikov’s arm and he said, “Preeyét, Sova.” Sudarikov then noticed that his owl, Sova, was looking at the window. “You want to see the city view, eh?” As Sudarikov made his to the balcony, Gabby and Tony made themselves scarce. Sudarikov took a deep breath and said, “Take it in, Sova. Someday, this will all be ours.” Unbeknownst to him, The Toretto Cousins were hanging dangerously on the ledge. Leo and his team gasped and saw the Torettos hanging on to the ledge. “C’mon guys, let’s go rescue our friends!” Leo ordered as they rushed quickly to rescue their friends. Few minutes later, Leo’s team and Layla were using some spy gadgets to scale on the building. Layla whispered to the Torettos, “Let go.” Gabby whispered to Tony, “Tony, do it.” Tony whispered back, “What? No.” While Sova kept squawking, Tony’s right hand slipped, leaving only his left hand grasping on the edge. Hanging on to dear life, Layla ensured Tony, “I’ll catch you. Trust me.” “And us.” Applejack added. Sudarikov noticed Sova flapping his wings. He asked, “Do you have to go number dvah, Sova? Yes, you do.” “I’m jumping.” Gabby said. Sova started dumping his bird poop in front of Tony’s face, causing him to fall. Gabby gasped and jumped off to save her cousin. Layla and Leo’s team caught the Torettos from falling and used their spy gadgets. After that, the gang landed safely on the ground. Tony thanked his team, “Thanks for keeping us safe from splattering on the ground.” Leo nodded, “No problem, T.” Layla retorted, “If you’d fallen to your death, the crystal might have broken. And since I didn’t know which one of you had it, I wasn’t going to take that gamble.” “Seriously?” Gabby asked. Tony asked Layla, “Say uh, where’s Shashi?” “In the car heading home. Why?” Layla answered. Tony contacted Echo’s team quietly through the spy watch’s com-link and notified everyone, “Get out. Now.” Minutes later, some of Echo’s teammates started panicking. “Oh, no! Shashi’s coming, what do we do?” Cisco freaked out while Sonata hid behind him. “Quick, hide!” Frostee shouted while Spike ducked back into Twilight’s bag. Echo informed everyone, “It’s not a surprise party!” “Did you say surprise party? Where?” Pinkie asked while looking around in different directions. Ms. Nowhere ordered Echo’s team, “Get out of there. Stat!” While Shashi continued driving up to his house, Tony called him on phone to stall for time. Shashi greeted him, “Hey Tony.” Tony greeted Shashi by phone, “Yeah, it’s Tony. Is this Shashi?” “Um, you called me.” Shashi answered, curiously. Tony responded, “Oh! Oh, yeah! Where are you?” “Hold on, Tony.” Shashi said as he saw his guard, Rusty, right up the gate. Shashi asked his security guard, “Rusty. Anything happen while I was gone?” Rusty answered in a sad tone, “No sir, Mr. Dhar.” Tony chimed in on the conversation, “Hey, who's Rusty? Sounds like a fun guy.” “You're calling me Mr. Dhar? Is there something wrong?” Shashi asked, raising his eyebrow at Rusty. “Don’t matter,” Rusty frowned. Tony asked again, “What’s up with Rusty?” “I said hang on, Tony!” Shashi ordered before he put his phone down. Echo’s group exited Shashi’s vault without making a mess and Cisco shouted, “Frostee, hurry up, man!” Frostee groaned out of annoyance, “Argh! We have to reset it everything just right or Shashi will know it was tampered with!” Back outside of Shashi’s house, Shashi apologized to Rusty, “I’m sorry I hung up on you earlier.” “It’s okay. I know you’re... busy.” Rusty said. Shashi retracted, “Now, that was rude. You were saying about the first camera?” Rusty remembered, “Ah... Oh, it’s not important. We can talk about the discoveries of Louis Jacque Daguerre another time.” “Promise?” Shashi asked. Rusty smiled, “Yes sir, I guarantee. I guarantee you that. Have a good night, Shashi.” Shashi arrived at his house and exited out of his car, resuming his conversation with Tony on the phone. He apologized, “Sorry about that, Tony.” Tony replied, “No problem. Are you at home?” Shashi answered, “Just walking in. Why?” Tony informed Shashi, “The three of us had a crazy mission, and you might want to celebrate with us!” “So, you got the codes?” Shashi asked, feeling excited. Tony laughed, “No spoilers! Come out and meet us.” Back in LA, Tony, Gabby, Layla, Leo, Raph, Applejack, and Aria were walking on the sidewalk as Tony continued, “You’ll never guess what happened. Go ahead, guess.” “Just tell him.” Layla told him. “No, no, Southern Belle. We want him to guess!” Gabby explained as Leo’s team giggled. “Did you get the codes or not?” Shashi questioned them. With the jewel embedding the codes on Layla’s phone, Layla answered, “We got ‘em, Shashi.” Shashi cheered over the comms, “Yes!” Tony informed him, “It was all Layla. She’s a genius.” Shashi notified them, “I have to handle some arrangements, we’ll celebrate later. Great job, Layla. Those codes are going to get us into our next race. And Torettos, don’t worry about Dash, Sunset, and Jones, they’re okay. A little shocked, but okay.” The Torettos and Leo’s team sighed in relief after hearing that. Layla turned around and asked Tony, “Why give me the credit?” Tony answered, “We’d still be being pooped on if not for you.” Gabby added, “Not to mention a stain on the sidewalk.” “Without the crystal, we wouldn’t have the codes.” Layla nodded. Tony suggested her, “Maybe we make a pretty good team.” Layla replied, “Maybe you should shower.” “She’s got a point. After all, your face got pooped by an owl, primo.” Gabby mentioned. After hearing that, Leo’s team reacted, “Oooooh.” Layla also told the Torettos, “By the way, you two owe me a new diamond earring.” Tony answered, “No sweat, we’ll get you one tomorrow.” Gabby said, “C’mon guys, we gotta get back to our crew.” Before the Torettos were going to leave, Layla called them, “Hey, Tony! Gabby!” The Torettos got Layla’s attention as she continued, “My dog was a Lab. Her name was Derby. She loved birds.” Tony chuckled, “Thanks for trusting us with that, Lone Wolf.” Layla groaned, “Argh. You ruined it.” Before Layla could leave, Gabby called out, “Hey, Layla!” “What?” Layla asked. “I was wondering,” Gabby said. “You beat Tony and Rainbow Dash pretty good today.” “Of course I did, I’m the best,” Layla replied, smugly. “Yeah, but how well do you think you'd do against... me!” Gabby pointed at herself. Tony and Leo’s team said, “Oooooh.” “Are you challenging me, to a race?” Layla inquired, in amusement. “Depends,” Gabby replied. “You up for it?” Layla asked her, “Can you drive?” “Absolutamente,” Gabby said. “Tony here, taught me how.” “It’s true,” Tony confirmed. “I taught her everything she knows.” Layla laughed, “If you were taught by Toretto, then beatin’ you’s gonna be twice as easy, Latina.” “Then you won't mind humoring me then, Southern Belle?” Gabby said, with a smirk. “Alright,” Layla agreed. “Tomorrow. Same place I beat those two and the same time. And get ready to lose like they did.” And with that Layla walked off, but Gabby didn’t look worried. “Gabby, you sure that was a good idea?” Tony asked his cousin. “As Applejack's brother Big Mac would say, ‘Eeyup’,” Gabby assured him, walking off in the other direction. Applejack chuckled and patted Gabby on her shoulder, “Good one, Gabby.” Tony sighed and contacted Echo’s team. “You guys okay?” He asked. As for Echo’s group, they were dangling in a very uncomfortable manner. Echo told Tony, “We’re fine. Just hanging out.” “Can we head back to the garage now? Please?” Sonata begged. Layla called in Shashi while droving her car. Shashi asked, “So, tell me about those Toretto Twins. Do you trust them?” “They don’t seem that smart but they risked their lives for the mission. I trust them.” Layla answered. Shashi asked again, “You sure?” Layla honestly responded, “Yeah. They’re solid.” “Okay. Good job today.” Shashi confirmed. Layla drove in her car and she head back home. Wherever her home is. Back in the Ninja Racers’ hideout, everyone gathered around for a meeting. Tony said, “The codes aren’t the keys. Shashi said they’re for the next race.” Ms. Nowhere interrogated, “None of you found anything in Shashi’s crib?” Everyone except Twilight, who was reviewing some analyzations, gave a negative response. Tony answered, “We got nothing.” Ms. Nowhere informed everyone, “Well, not nothing. Stealing the data crystal from Sudarikov meant, he was unable to trade the codes for weapons of mass destruction.” Gabby suggested, “And we can safely rule out nukes. Thankfully.” “So, we did good?” Tony asked Ms. Nowhere. Ms. Nowhere answered, “I suppose, just this one time, you did not completely mess up the mission.” After Ms. Nowhere and Gary left their base, everyone decided to celebrate and take it as a victory. Back in Shashi’s house, Shashi sighed and relaxed for a moment until he noticed a laser burn on the roof, realizing that someone has been in his house. Spotting the security cameras in the room, Shashi got up and asked his security guard, “Rusty! Get me today’s surveillance footage!” “You got it. It’s a good thing we got digital images, not the old daguerreotypes.” Rusty said before accessing the footage and sending it to him. The next day, the Ninjas and Tony’s Crew stood by the hangout, waiting for Layla. “Dude,” Echo said to Tony. “I can’t believe your cousin’s gonna challenge Layla to a race?!” “Neither can I,” Tony replied. “Man, your prima’s got some guts, dawg,” Cisco said. “I’ll say she has!” Sonata added. “This here’s gonna be an interesting race,” Applejack stated. Inside, April spoke to Gabby, “Are you sure about this, Gabby?” “Sí, totally sure,” Gabby nodded. “Besides, someone’s gotta knock Miss ‘I’m The Best’, down a peg.” Soon, Layla’s car pulled up as the girl got out. “I’m here. So, where’s your cousin, Torreto?” Then, the garage door opened and Gabby pulled out, driving the Turtle racer. “Hola. We doing this or what?” Layla then caught sight of the Turtle Racer. “What’s that?” She asked. “Gabby’s friends call it, the ‘Turtle Racer’,” Tony explained. “It looks like a hunk of junk.” Layla commented. “Hey!” Donnie said, as he and Casey stormed over. “We built that hunk of junk!” “Yeah!” Casey huffed. Layla chuckled, “Well, that makes sense. Do you really expect to beat me in that hunk of junk?” “It’s not a hunk of junk!” Casey and Donnie snapped again. “Sí, Sí lo hago,” Gabby replied in Spanish. “You know it!” “Oh, this is gonna be fun,” Layla grinned. Later, the two were lined up in their rides as Frostee and Twilight were about to start the race. “Come on, Gabby,” Rainbow said. “If we couldn’t beat Layla, what makes you think you can?” “I’m not, you two,” Gabby stated. “Alright, on your marks...” Frostee began. “Get set,” Twilight chimed in. “Before we say ‘go’, I would just like to say... are you nuts, Gabby!” Frostee exclaimed. “You’ll never beat Layla! She’s too awesome!” "Yah got that right," Layla chimed in. Gabby just rolled her eyes in amusement, “Can we get this race started, por favor?” She requested. “GO!” The two tech geniuses shouted. Gabby and Layla stepped on the gas and drove off at full speed. “And they’re off!” Pinkie called. Then everyone got in their rides and drove off to where the finished line was. “I knew she was slower than dead weight Toretto!” Layla said to herself, when Gabby suddenly appeared driving right next her. “Hola!” Gabby said. “What?! Layla looked at her in surprise. “Where’d you come from?!” “New York, chica!” Gabby answered, before giving her the same peace sign that she gave Tony. “Adios!” And Gabby pulled ahead. Layla growled, shifted the clutch, pounded her foot on the gas, and sped after her. As the others where watching from their cars, they were just as surprised. “Whoa!” Tony gasped. “How did Gabby do that?” “She is full of surprises!” Adagio complemented. As the two were speeding through the dried up water way, they were neck and neck approaching the finish line. “Gotta give you props, Latina,” Layla called to Gabby. “You’re lasting as long as Toretto and Dash did. And you’re gonna lose like they did!” “That’s what you think!” Gabby shouted, as she activated the Turtle Racer’s energy boost and shot past her. “Rrrr!” Layla growled and activated her car's jet boosters. Then she knocked into the Turtle Racer, sending it spinning out of control. “Noooo!” Gabby cried. “See ya, Gabby!” Layla laughed. “Enjoy second place!” Then Gabby suddenly pulled up in front of her racer, driving backwards. Gabby smirked at her. “Yes, you will, perezoso!” Layla turned left and right to try and pass her, but Gabby did the same, and kept blocking her. “Get out of my way!” Layla snapped. “Oh, are you enfadada?” Gabby asked. “I ain’t angry!” Layla growled. “Now get out of my way!” She rammed into the Turtle Racer, pushing it forward. “Gracias, Layla!” Gabby called, as she spun the Turtle Racer around and floored the gas, speeding ahead of Layla and across the finish line. “What?!” Layla exclaimed in disbelief. “No way!” Tony and Rainbow said, shocked. “She beat Layla?!” Frostee shouted. “Yeah, Gabby!” Casey cheered. “Goongala!” “Booyahkasha!” Mikey, Pinkie, and Sonata exclaimed. Echo nudged Tony. “Told ya you should’ve used that car.” The two pulled to a stop and Layla stepped out. “I don’t believe it!” She said. “That’s the first time anyone has ever beaten me in a LONG time! How did you do that!” “It's simple,” Gabby replied. “One: I had the right vehicle. Two: I didn’t underestimate you.” Then she turned to Tony and Rainbow. “Like you guys did. And three: If I can’t be faster than the awesome Layla Gray, I’d be smarter then her.” “Ha! In your face!” Casey laughed at Layla. “You just got beat by our hunk of junk!” “Yeah! Eat it, Layla Gray!” Donnie said. “Eat, it!” The two laughed until Layla grabbed Casey’s hockey stick and whacked them both down in one smack. Everyone cringed at that until she went back to her car and drove off in defeat. As for everyone else, they celebrated and went back to their hideout. > The Celestial Vault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Salchicas, Tiffany and Wanda were video chatting with her son, Frostee. She cooed, “Look at you, out there in nature. Is that a lake? Oh, that's so fun!” Wanda said, “Don't anger the bees. Do have your Epinephrine?” Frostee shouted, “I'm not allergic to bees, Mom!” “You say that now. Wait until you get attacked and blow up into a giant blueberry.” Wanda retorted before she went back to work. Tiffany asked, “How's your science? Is our little baby making friends at camp?” “I'm not a baby! Can a baby build this?” Frostee showed Tiffany his jetpack. Tiffany gasped, “Wanda, look! It's like those wings he made when he was a baby.” Frostee continued, “Oh, yeah! That was pretty cool. But this is better! It's a drone suit that Sonata helped me with! Watch!” Frostee pressed a button his phone and the drone suit was activated, lifting Frostee a few inches off the ground. “I’m flying! Woo-hoo!” Wanda came by to take a look as Tiffany said, “Frostee, that's amazing! Look Wanda, our little angel is flying.” “Don't you bring that thing home to the restaurant. I just got all the laser nonsense fixed. I don't need you punching a hole in the roof.” Wanda reminded her son. Frostee replied, “This is totally in control. I can wait tables wearing this. Making it rain sobrassada like...” He flew in different directions, “Bam, bam, bam, bam. See? I'm not even spilling.” Then, his jetpack started to have a glitch and flew upward. “Argh!” Frostee shouted while losing control, much to his mothers' concern. Frostee said, “Hold on. Just needs some adjustments.” In truth, Frostee was filming it in front of a green screen outside the garage. Frostee yelled, “Sonata, look out!” “Huh?” Before Sonata could react, Frostee slammed into her and she held on for dear life. “Mm-hm!” Wanda nodded in an unimpressed tone and Tiffany gasped. Frostee panicked, “Argh! Hold on. Just need to make some adjustments. No that’s not it.” Sonata greeted Frostee’s parents, “Hi Mrs. Bensons.” Tiffany and Wanda greeted back, “Hey Sonata.” Sonata pleaded, “Frostee, please stop this ride.” “I'm trying.” Frostee answered. Wanda warned them, “Don't you two fly into that tree.” “We're not! Whoa!” Frostee grunted. Tiffany said, “That's my baby!” Wanda retorted, “That boy's brain is either going to get us rich or kill us all.” The pair crashed into a couple of trash cans, but were uninjured. “We're okay.” Frostee and Sonata said in unison. Inside the garage, Tony’s crew along with Gabby, Casey, Donnie, Rainbow, and Sunset were working on their own vehicles while everyone else was enjoying some free time. “Look dude, I'm just saying, you can't use your car to stop a speeding train, and then complain when it has problems.” Cisco told Tony. Gabby added, “He's right. That kind of damage is unavoidable.” Tony replied back, “If I didn't stop that train, we'd have bigger problems.” Layla unexpectedly appeared and entered the garage, telling Tony, “I told ya I'd be fine.” Cisco yelped as his head hit the hood of Tony’s car while Gabby silently giggled. “Oh.. I'm sorry.” Layla apologized. Tony replied, “Don't worry. He's done that six times today.” Layla asked Tony, “Need a hand? That thing is called the engine.” Tony sarcastically said, “Ahh... thanks.” “Here, let me hold this and you tighten.” Layla instructed him while she started working. Tony surprisingly said, “I didn't realize you got your hands dirty.” Gabby added, “Yeah, I'd figure you hire someone like Donnie or Casey to do your auto-repairs.” “Casey and repair in the same sentence. Has the world gone mad?” April wondered. Layla answered to Tony, “My fingernails have enough dirt to plant potatoes. You're the one with baby hands, So soft. What kind of moisturizer do you use?” Tony bluffed, “What? These mitts are like leather on iron covered in barbed wire.” “Oh please. You probably can't hold a cup of tea without squealing like a piglet.” Layla squealed as everyone started laughing. Tony chuckled, “Shut up.” “That was a good piglet call, Layla,” Fluttershy commented. “So did you grow up on a farm?” Gabby asked. “When I was toddler,” Layla answered. “The rest of my life was mostly on the streets in the roughest parts of towns.” “Sí, I grew up in Harlem,” Gabby answered. “So you gotta learn to be tough in order to survive that neighborhood.” “You don't say,” Layla said, intrigued. Rainbow asked Layla, “Uh, you here for any reason?” Layla notified everyone, “I came to tell y'all about the next event. We're going up to Mount Zebulon.” “What's that?” Rarity said. Layla answered, “It's Shashi's dream rally. He's always talking about it ever since I've known him. The whole mound is owned by some tech billionaire. Those codes we stole from the Russian unlock the security.” Gabby nodded, “Glad to know it was worth it.” Tony wondered, “So is there a diamond mine in there or something?” “Ooh, if there is one, I’m going to explore in there.” Rarity blurted out. Donnie asked, “Is it hollowed out like a giant vault?” Cisco exclaimed, “Ooh, is it a volcano?” “Why would Shashi want to rob a volcano?” Gabby asked Cisco in bewilderment. Cisco explained to everyone, “Duh, to get the pumice. To corner the soap market. Shashi loves cars, and nothing gets grease out from under your nails like pumice.” Echo shouted, “Everybody, step back! I'm going to slam the hood on Cisco's head to see if I get it working again.” “We're not stealing anything this time. Apparently, it just makes him mad that one guy can own a mountain. He wants this to be the biggest SH1FT3R rally ever.” Layla told everyone. Gabby informed Tony, “We'd better adjust your fuel mix so this thing runs at altitude.” Layla also told the gang, “Get your cars ready too. Shashi wants everyone racing in this one.” “YEAH!” Everyone cheered and scrambled to their tool boxes. Aria added, “Oh, this is going to be great!” Echo showed Layla her vehicle and told her, “Me and Donnie put in wide stance wheels for stabilization and tight turns.” Cisco slurped his drink before he placed it on one of the cupholders, “I put in mega-cupholders.” Donnie added, “Booster rockets for more thrust.” “Hot and cold cupholders.” “Top secret experimental government battery and a sick new paint job.” “And I’m the one who helped her with it.” Sunset added before giving Echo a fist bump. Cisco exclaimed, “Casey and I mounted on this sweet rocket, and in case I have to work on it, undercarriage cupholders!” Raph informed Cisco, “With all those cupholders, you'll need to go to the bathroom.” “Who needs a bathroom with all these empty cups?” Cisco said as he pointed a pile of cups on his truck. “Eww!” Everyone shouted in disgust. “Oh, that's disgusting!” Rarity said in repulse. Layla turned to Gabby. “I hope you bring your A-game to this race, Latina. Cause I'm gonna leave you in the dust!” “Aprobado, but I've got a lot more tricks you should watch out for,” Gabby warned her lightly. “Hey, never tell Toretto, but I was actually impressed that you beat me,” Layla admitted. “No one can do that.” “Well, an uncle of mine once said "You don't have to be faster than someone, miha, if you can be smarter than them",” Gabby explained. “It's a very useful tactic when your racing against a champion-level driver.” “You know, I'm starting to like you, Latina,” Layla said. “I'd even consider you a friend.” “Well... I'd already call you a friend, Layla,” Gabby admitted. Layla was surprised. “Seriously?” “Serimente, seriously,” Gabby answered. “I'll admit we didn't get on each other's good sides at first, but after that owl mission, I think I've seen another side to you, a sort of friendlier side.” Layla smiled. “Well, don't think I'm gonna go easy on you in the race, Latina.” “Right back at you, Southern Belle,” Gabby replied. Hours later, Tony’s crew along with Twilight and Spike were in the hauler heading to Mount Zebulon with the rest of the Ninjas and Allies following them. Ms. Nowhere appeared onscreen while jogging in place. She started to put the clues together and said, “I don't care what Layla said. Breaking into a secret mountain lair owned by a reclusive billionaire? Shashi is stealing something.” Tony spoke up, “I don't think you get it. Layla and Shashi trust us. We're on the inside, deep cover. They've no idea that we're all spies. We're just that good. We're pulled off every mission he's given to us.” Ms. Nowhere reminded him, “One mission.” Tony stated as Cisco entered the room, “Yeah. Every mission. If this were a heist, we'd know. Layla's like our best friend now.” Cisco gasped. Tony ensured his best friend, “Spy cover friend, Cisco.” Cisco sighed, “Don't scare me like that, bro.” Ms. Nowhere instructed her agent, “Gary, pull up a holographic map of Mount Zebulon.” Gary pulled up a map of Mount Zebulon and showed it to Tony’s crew. Frostee looked at the map and hummed, “Hm.” While everyone examined the map, Gary got up until Ms. Nowhere stopped him. She asked, “Where are you going?” Gary answered, “I’m just going to get some coffee.” “You want coffee, you can roll over to it.” Ms. Nowhere answered as Gary sat back on his chair and started rolling forward with it to grab some coffee. After that, another agent stood up and walked out until Ms. Nowhere noticed him. Ms. Nowhere questioned her agent, “What are you doing, Julius?” Julius sheepishly answered, “I have to go to the bathroom.” Ms. Nowhere answered the same thing to Gary earlier, “Roll, baby. Roll on.” Julius sat back on his chair and started rolling, but he yelped and slipped as he exited out of the server room. “These tools think they can outstep me in the office fitness challenge? They're sadly mistaken.” Ms. Nowhere then looked at what’s on the mountaintop of Mount Zebulon. The satellite dishes. “Look at the satellite dishes on the mountaintop. From up there, Shashi can hack air traffic control, shut down communication throughout North America. Who knows? Maybe the keys are the satellites.” Ms. Nowhere wondered. Tony asked everyone, “Were there any satellites in his?” Cisco shook his head, “Nah, man. But there was a lot of cool stolen stuff.” Twilight added, “Like some awesome custom cars. I loved the blue one.” Echo nodded, “She ain't wrong. Those rides were dope.” Frostee pulled up some pictures from Shashi's vault and notified his friends, “Check this out, guys. I took some pictures.” Tony said, “Sweet! What kind of car is that?” “I don't know. Frostee, Donnie, and I looked over it, but couldn't find anything about where they're made. They have these weird frames with an experimental alloy, a magnetic signature...” Twilight was interrupted by Ms. Nowhere. “Forget about the cars! It's always about cars with you people. We're looking for keys.” Twilight mentioned, “Casey was right. Might've been helpful if there was a police report or something.” Cisco said, “None of us found any keys, secret drives, codes, or nothing.” Echo informed everyone, “But the Tech Experts and I researched Delwyn Usk, who owns the mountain. Turns out, he has a connection to the other dudes Shashi robbed.” “Yeah. Check out this picture from 1993.” Frostee snickered and everyone laughed at the picture of Ms. Nowhere’s old picture from 1993 with the same pose that Ms. Nowhere's doing already. Ms. Nowhere turned them down, “If you're waiting for me to be embarrassed, keep waiting. I look good.” “Okay, okay, we're just playing. Here's what we found.” Twilight brought up the picture of Delywn with the guests in his party. Frostee started explaining about the picture, “Okay, so there's Usk, who obviously built all the cool rockets and space stuff; this is the software founder who had the bullet train; Williams, whose yacht got robbed. I don’t know these people are.” Ms. Nowhere suggested, “So they’re all connected...” “Of course they are. All rich people know each other, right?” Tony wondered. Echo answered, “That's right.” Cisco snapped his fingers and blurted out, “Hey, anyone here heard of the Illuminati?” Frostee told him, “You should be looking out for are the Bliderbergers.” “Yeah! The wizard people!” Cisco exclaimed. “How did you...” Ms. Nowhere interrupted Julius. “Shut up, Julius. Can we focus on the actual conspiracy please? Obviously this mountain is a target. Delwyn Usk must have a key here somewhere.” Tony told Ms. Nowhere, “I'll stick with Shashi the whole time, but if he we're stealing something, I'd know. I mean, we saw Layla opening up to us.” Echo said, “Yeah. Kinda made me sick.” Frostee reminded Tony, “Don't fall for the honey pot, T. See me using the spy talk?” “I agree with Frostee,” Applejack chimed in. “That Layla Grey is bad news!” “Is that because she talked smack about family?” Aria asked. “YES!” Applejack fumed. “And she knocked the Turtle Racer!” Casey recalled. “And hit me and Donnie with my hockey stick!” “She's definitely on my bad list!” Donnie put in. “Yes, I know Layla is not exactly nice, but maybe she's not all bad,” Gabby noted. “And I'm not falling for her. We're just friends. Colleagues.” Tony ensured everyone. “Suure you are,” Rainbow said, in sarcasm. “Yeah, it's written all over your face, dude,” Mikey grinned. “No it's not!” Tony retorted. “Yes it is,” Pinkie popped up behind him. “Right here, here, here, and here!” “Stop it!” Tony pushed her away. “There's no shame in admitting you like someone, primo,” Gabby said. “Is that so...” Tony grinned, mischievously. “Like you and Jones like each other?” Gabby covered her mouth and blushed, while the crew went, “Ooooo!” “I-I-I don't know what your talking about, yo?!” Casey said, nervously. “Or the more obvious,” Tony went on. “Like how Leo and Twilight like each other?” The said couple blushed, Leo looked away while Twilight laughed awkwardly and the crew repeated, “Ooooo!” Ms. Nowhere angrily reminded Tony, “You're neither. She's a criminal you're investigating. Get your head straight. You've been a spy for about two minutes.” Tony said, “Don't be so threatened by the next generation.” Cisco sighed, “Whoo! It is a long way up this thing. Glad I enlarged my cupholders.” Frostee raised his hand, “I'm taking a bucket-sized Yoka.” Ms. Nowhere informed Frostee, “You're not going anywhere, Frostee. You'll stay in the hauler and monitor those satellites. Besides, I'm not throwing a 13-year-old into a race with no operational security.” Tony said, “Let the kid come along.” Frostee was taken aback by this, “Kid?!” “Yeah, we've got this locked down tighter than Gary's flutes.” Gabby answered. Frostee thanked her, “Oh! Thank you, Gabby.” Ms. Nowhere ordered, “He's staying in the hauler.” “Oh, man! Science camp is boring.” Frostee whined. Tony apologized, “Sorry, Frostee. Want me to stay and keep you company?” “No, you go and race.” Frostee walked out, feeling upset while Spike whimpered. Twilight informed her friends, “I’ll stay here and look out for Frostee and Spike. You guys go on ahead without us.” Tony noted, “Will do, Twi.” Later on, Tony, Cisco, and Echo arrived at the base of Mount Zebulon from the hauler. Just then, Layla and Shashi approached Tony’s crew to greet them. “Tony!” Tony greeted Shashi, “Hey man!” “You all ready to tame that beast?” “You know it.” Echo answered. Cisco told Shashi, “I put in so many cupholders.” “Cool...” Shashi answered in a weird way. After that, Layla asked Tony, “So where's your cousin and her friends, Toretto? I'm so looking forward to a rematch!” Shashi chuckled. “Wish I could've seen that! You should've told me she challenged you to a race.” “Yep, and she beat her too,” Tony confirmed. “And since I taught her, that technically means I beat her too.” Layla responded by punching him in the gut, making him double over. Just then, they saw Gabby pull up in the Turtle Racer. Followed by Casey and April on the Steath Bike. Then Sunset and Rainbow in their cars. And the rest of the Rainbooms minus Twilight in the Party Wagon. The Dazzlings on their motorcycles. And finally Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey pulled up in the Patrol Buggies. “Dope!” Echo marveled at the Stealth Bike. “Nice rides!” Cisco said. Layla just chuckled at the brothers' rides. “And what are those?” "I call them, the Patrol Buggy," Donnie said. “Awesome,” Shashi motioned out to the environment, “I've been dreaming about this for years. My parents used to take me camping here before they passed. Then this rich jerk bought the whole thing and fenced it off.” Raph answered, “Doesn't sound fair to me.” “Right? How can one man own a whole mountain and keep everyone off of it? In America, land of the free!” Everyone, including Tony’s crew cheered. Shashi continued, “Well today, we're gonna roll right through the front gate. Today, we're taking Mount Zebulon back to the people. Let's roll!” After the opening speech, Layla and Shashi approached to their vehicles and Shashi informed her, “Stick close. We'll lead the way up to the top together.” “Everybody ready?” Leo asked his friends. Everyone confirmed they were ready and went into their vehicles. Shashi rolled up to the entrance to Mount Zebulon. However, there two security guards defending the gate. He stepped out of his car and asked the guards, “Excuse me! Can you guys help me? I'm looking for Mount Zebulon.” One of the security guards told him, “I'm sorry, sir, this is private property. You can't be here.” Shashi begged them, “Yeah. I'm just trying to get to this old campsite I used to visit with my parents. You see, they passed away, and it’s a special place for me.” “Sir, I'm going have to ask you to move along. Mount Zebulon is private property now, there's no admittance.” “The whole mountain is private property?” Shashi asked. “Yes sir.” Shashi got serious and questioned them, “And you think that's okay?” “If you don't leave the area immediately, we are authorized to remove you by any means necessary.” The security guard ordered Shashi as the turrets appeared on the gate, looking armed and ready. Shashi asked them, “Wait a second. Do the citizens of this country even get a vote anymore? Or is the whole system run by billionaires like Usk?” “You have ten seconds before we open fire. Please leave.” “Look at you, surrounded by technology you think makes you strong. But your dependence on it is actually your greatest weakness. Now get off my mountain!” Shashi switched the turrets on the gate and destroyed it. He walked back to his car and got in, notifying everyone, “Let's ride!” Pretty soon, every racer followed Shashi and Layla up to the top of the mountain while Twilight and Frostee stayed behind in the hauler with Ms. Nowhere on communications. Frostee groaned, “Uggh, I want to race up on the mountain.” Twilight said while putting her hand on his shoulder, “I feel the same way, but don't worry about it. However, I'm starting to get the feeling that something isn't right.” Ms. Nowhere got that gut feeling like Twilight and wondered, “I don't like this. Shashi is drawing attention. Something isn't right.” Twilight exclaimed, “I just said that.” Frostee then turned to Twilight. “So, you really have the hots for Leo, huh?” He asked, with a smirk. Twilight blushed. “Let's not talk about that!” As the racers raced up the mountain, the weather started to rain. Adagio wondered, “I'm starting to wish I was in the Shellraiser.” Aria added, “Same here.” “I'd take the Party Wagon or Cisco's truck.” Sonata suggested them. Then, Layla rammed into the Patrol Buggy. “That piece of junk is slowin' yah down, boys!” “Good thing this piece of junk's got a few surprises!” Raph retorted. “Oh yeah? Like what?” Layla inquired. “Like this!” Leo answered. Then the Patrol Buggy split into four, much to Layla's surprise. “Oh, and have I mentioned I also super tuned them?” Donnie asked, smugly. Then the disguised Turtles push some buttons and the four Patrol Buggies each shot off ahead of her. “A-B-See yah!” Mikey laughed. Layla growled and activated her car’s turbo boosters with a press of a button. “Woo-hoo!” She cheered as she surpassed the disguised Turtles along with the other racers and caught up with Shashi. Shashi asked Layla, “Didn’t I tell ya this place is awesome?” Layla replied, “It's incredible! I hope you don't mind if I take the lead?” “Not at all. But get ready for a few surprises.” Shashi informed Layla as he switched on his public com-link. “Attention SH1FT3R,” Shashi announced, over the com-link. “Welcome to our biggest ride yet!” Tony and his friends cheered while Frostee put his head down and dryly said, “Hooray...” Shashi continued, “Although we hacked Delwyn Usk's security to get in here, but there are already some federal agents on our tail. You see, Tony Toretto and his crew... are working for the feds!” The Crew and Ninjas were shocked. “Uh-oh!” Frostee and Twilight said in worry. “Oh no!” Sonata cried. “What?!” Casey exclaimed. “How did he find out?!” April asked in disbelief. Leo realized something else and said, “This is why he asked us all to race!” “It's a trap!” Pinkie cried from the Party Wagon. Shashi resumed speaking, over the com-link, “I know. Hard to believe a Toretto would turn rat. That's what the world is coming to. His crew broke into my house, went through my stuff, and even ate my froyo!" "Yep. That was our fault." Cisco apologized while Pinkie, Mikey, and Sonata groaned in shame. Shashi resumed, over the com-link, ”Some people would say this is bad news, but I like to take lemons and turn them into lemonade. So let’s have some fun: I've got a million dollars for each driver who sends Toretto or one of his crew off this mountain for good.” Tony and his friends knew what they had to do and started doing what they do best: Stopping bad guys. ”See, you never know what will happen at a SH1FT3R race. Now get cracking. I'll see you at the top.” Shashi announced, over the com-link. Cisco asked Tony over the com-link, “What do we do now, T?” “Should we get out of here?” Echo wondered. Ms. Nowhere stopped jogging and answered over the com-link, “Yes, your cover is blown. Get back down, we'll take it from here. I'll call in air support.” Tony rebuffed, “No, this is our last chance. I won't let Shashi beat me.” Ms. Nowhere exclaimed in worry, “Toretto, abort! This isn't a game! You're totally outnumbered and you have no plan.” One of the SH1FT3R drivers used its gadgets to activate a spiked tire on the left. Tony shouted and pulled away form the spiked tire. After that, he rammed over the SH1FT3R driver's car and Cisco's truck pushed the car aside for good measure. Tony informed his friends, “We just have to get to the top alive. We'll figure it out from there.” Scadan pressed a button for his car's gadgets and it activated the smokescreen from the back, making Tony blind. “Oh no.” Tony panicked. Frostee zoomed out on the screen and noticed the turns that's within the mountain. He told him, “Tony! There's a switchback coming up in 100 yards!” Twilight added, “Countdown to three seconds and then turn.” “Got it. Three... Two... One!” Tony drifted to the left without falling over and sighed in relief. Shashi apologized to Layla over the com-link, “Sorry to spring this on you, Layla. I know you trusted Toretto.” Layla admitted, “I can't believe he fooled me.” Shashi asked, “So you're not mad about this?” “He lied to us. He get what's coming.” Layla answered without hesitation. Shashi smiled, “That's my girl.” “What about Gabby?” Layla wondered. “Do think she was in on it with Toretto?” “I'm not sure,” Shashi replied. “But she and Toretto are close, so I doubt he would've kept her in the dark about it. But you'd have to ask her yourself. She is your 'best' friend after all.” “I thought she was,” Layla said, feeling hurt. Back to the Ninjas, Leo called Tony over the com-link, “Tony, some of us can't take a hit from these cars. You have any ideas?” Tony thought about it for a minute until he got an idea. “Alright, here's one. Adagio, you and your friends stay with Cisco and Casey. Raph, you’re with me. Mikey, keep Echo safe. Leo and Donnie, with the Party Wagon.” Sunset was taken aback and asked, “Wait a minute. What about me and Rainbow? We're driving our own cars. Remember?” “Yeah, but we can take a hit, they can't.” Rainbow replied. Leo added, “She's right, Sunset. It’s best for the seven of us to divide and conquer.” Sunset nodded and answered over the com-link, “Alright then. Good luck, my friends.” Then, two more cars entered the fray and chased after the Party Wagon. As two SH1FT3R cars rammed each side of the Party Wagon, Fluttershy became serious and used her magical powers to call her animal friends. She called on the bees to distract the drivers of the two SH1FT3R cars and Fluttershy slammed her foot down on the gas and the Party Wagon raced off at full speed before the two opposing SH1FT3R cars crashed into each other. “Nobody messes with me and my driving.” Fluttershy vowed with a wild grin on her face. After that, the Woofer approached the Party Wagon and blasted her boom box of her car right next to the said vehicle. “I got this, y'all.” Applejack said as she started to climb on top of the Party Wagon and jumped onto the Woofer's car. The cowgirl then used her claws to stab the roof of the car. “Hey, watch the paint job.” The Woofer said and started to shake Applejack off while she held on like she was riding on a mechanical bull earlier. Applejack grunted, “I've wrestled worst than this.” The cowgirl managed to open the car window, swung right through the window, and kicked Woofer unconscious into the passenger seat. “Hope you have some decent Country music.” Applejack said and gained control of the car while trying to catch up to the others. Then, Touge-Dori launched a grappling hook from her car and it hit the back of Tony’s car. As Raph hooked his buggy up to Tony's car, Tony drifted his car while Raph grabbed his sai and cut the rope of the grappling hook, making Touge-Dori’s car fall from the mountain and landed on one of SH1FT3R's cars. Tony informed Raph, “Thanks, Raph.” “No problem.” Raph alerted Tony, “Look out!” Tony and Raph looked up ahead to see two SH1FT3R cars coming at them. Toretto acted quickly by pulling a wheelie on his car and activated his car’s turbo boosters with Raph’s Patrol Buggy hooked up. They both jumped over the incoming cars “I don't know how long I can stay on this mountain.” Tony informed Frostee and Twilight over the com-link. Frostee pulled up the footage from the mountaintop and noticed that the satellite dish was moving under Shashi's command. Frostee alerted everyone, “Uh, guys? Shashi is moving the satellite dishes.” As for Gabby, she tried to stay on the road as Santiago kept hitting the Turtle Racer while Dr. Cluckingworth held on. Gabby shouted, “Guys, I could use some help here.” “I'm coming.” Mikey shouted back as he rolled up to Santiago’s car. Mikey accelerated his Patrol Buggy and helped Gabby with her problem. He hooked up his buggy to Gabby's car and grabbed his nunchucks. “Leave my friend alone!” Mikey said as he charged right at Santiago. While Mikey was helping Gabby, Cisco took down another car and he asked, “What do you think he's doing?” Echo suggested, “Giving out free cable.” Rainbow asked in disbelief, “For real?” Ms. Nowhere shouted, “No! Something bad! Hack in and shut down the mechanism.” Frostee responded, “I can't. He must’ve used his codes to override the system.” “Same here on my end.” Twilight noted. Tony panicked, “We got nowhere to go. They're herding me and Raph towards the edge.” Echo got that determined look on her face and told him, “I'll be there in 90 seconds.” Sonata chimed in, “Count me in.” “And Donnie makes three.” Donnie added. She zigged and zagged away from the SH1FT3R drivers and drove straight forward to find Tony. Sonata and Donnie followed Echo after that. Gabby asked over the com-link, “What about me? I’m your cousin. Let me help.” “Gabby, you got your friends to protect. Besides, if trust them, then I trust them with my life,” Tony reminded his cousin. “Okay. But be careful out there, primo.” Gabby warned him. Tony wondered in worry, “I don’t know if I can last.” Cisco and Aria spotted Tony and Raph in trouble. “Hold on, T. I'm coming.” Cisco shouted. Aria rephrased his words, “You mean, we're coming?!” “Hit the brakes!” Cisco hollered his friend over the com-link as Tony hit the brakes and Cisco activated the turbo thrusters from his truck and it smashed two cars in front of Tony. Tony sighed, “Thanks Cisco. I’m glad you added more cupholders.” “Big time.” Raph added. Cisco replied, “Yeah. I may have gone overboard with that idea. That soup stayed really hot, T. Really hot.” Aria reminded Cisco, “Towel off, Gazpacho. We've got work to do.” “Wrong cupholder, Aria. Gazpacho is served cold.” Cisco told Aria over the com-link while Aria rolled her eyes. Then, Bonegrinder appeared and drove straight towards Aria and Cisco. Aria looked from behind and jumped from the motorcycle. She landed on the hood of the monster truck while it wrecked her motorcycle. “Now I'm mad!” Aria stated as she swung inside and sat in the passenger side. Before Bonegrinder could react, Aria punched him in the left eye, knocking him out. Aria said, “What do you know. He had a glass jaw.” Cisco pulled alongside and asked, “Need a ride?” “No thanks. I'm good.” Aria answered as she started driving the monster truck. Raph saw Aria driving the monster truck and exclaimed, “Aw man! I wish I could've drive that monster truck.” Back in the hauler, Twilight informed the gang, “Layla and Shashi are almost up to the top.” She then looked over the satellite footage to see Tony’s crew, the Ninjas, and Allies driving straight to the mountain with the rest of SH1FT3R in pursuit of the said targets. Tony answered, “Let’s go get 'em.” Ms. Nowhere did some quick thinking and wondered, “I've contacted one of my agents to stop Shashi from commandeering the satellite but most of the infrastructure is down. It'll need to reboot. He's prepared. He knew we'd come after him.” Frostee suggested her, “Twilight and I will stop him moving the dishes if we hack in directly at the top.” “No, stay in the hauler.” Ms. Nowhere rebuffed. “We got this.” Twilight answered as she grabbed her pet dog and Frostee turned off the communication feed with Ms. Nowhere. Cisco continued to demolish SH1FT3R cars with his truck, dropping them like flies. After he did that, Echo, Sunset, Rainbow, and the Party Wagon dodged the falling cars. Echo exclaimed, “Watch where you dropped those cars!” Rainbow added, “You almost killed us back there!” Cisco apologized, “Sorry!” Twilight, Spike, and Frostee exited out of the hauler and took a moment to breathe in. Spike went inside Twilight's backpack before Twilight carried her backpack while Frostee put on his jetpack and goggles. After that, they used their phones to find the satellite dish. “I hope this works.” Frostee hoped as he started preparing to use the controls of his jetpack. However, Ms. Nowhere popped up on the screen of his phone and ordered him, “Stand down, you three. This is too dangerous.” Twilight rolled her eyes and told her, “Oh please. My friends and I have dealt with these kinds of situations before we met you guys.” Frostee rolled his eyes and ignored her warning, swiping her off the screen of his phone. And Twilight did the same. Cisco suddenly appeared onscreen too and warned him, “Nowhere's right, it’s crazy down here!” “Seriously, stay put. Let us handle this.” Tony ordered him as he appeared onscreen as well. Frostee disconnected them and vowed, “Don't worry, we're a part of this team too.” Twilight added after disconnecting their comms, “You're right about that, Frostee. I can't sit by and watch my friends suffer. It's time that we put our plan into motion.” “Yeah, we got this!” Frostee cheered and activated his flight suit. From there, he picked up Sci-Twi and flew themselves up to the top. “We're going to beat you all to the top. The Tech Experts are coming to save the day...” Frostee cheered until his jetpack had a few glitches. “Cut thruster! More thrust!” Frostee shouted. After fixing a few glitches, Frostee sighed, “Okay. I hope no one saw that.” Ms. Nowhere appeared onscreen in Frostee's goggles and commented, “I saw that.” “Yeah? Well watch this!” Frostee pressed a button on his phone and activated his jetpack’s turbo boosters, speeding the tech experts to their destination. Twilight panicked, “Frostee, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this.” Frostee ignored her comment and cheered, “Ha-ha! That's what I'm talking about.” The tech geniuses arrived and safely landed on the mountaintop where the satellite dishes are placed. From there, they rushed to the nearest dish. Frostee informed Twilight, “If I reboot the system directly, I should be able to override Shashi's commands.” They both get to work until their work was cut short as two large shadows suddenly casted over the tech geniuses. Frostee and Twilight turned around and their eyes shrunk in disbelief. Twilight gasped while Frostee said, “Uh-oh.” As they were racing to the top of the mountain, Rainbow spoke to the Turtles, “Guys, your wide open, you can beat Layla and Shashi to the top!” “But what about you guys?” Leo asked. “Don't worry, we got past more of the drivers!” Tony assured. “And besides,” Raph put in. “That way we can box them both in.” “And beat them too!” Mikey added. “Oh, I'm in!” Donnie stated. “I'll show Layla not to dis my rides!” Leo sighed. “Alright, just be careful, guys.” Then the Turtles slowly pulled the Patrol Buggies right behind Layla and Shashi. Then once there was an opening, they each activated the boosters and shot right past them. “What?!” Layla exclaimed in disbelief. “Impressive,” Shashi admitted. “How's this for a piece of junk?!” Donnie called to Layla, as the four reached the top first. “Yeah, victory!” Mikey cheered. Unfortunately, he didn't watch where he was going and crashed into Raph. “Mikey!” Raph shouted, as they both slammed into Donnie, then Leo and all four of them went swerving out of control before they crashed. “Mikey!” Leo, Raph, and Donnie yelled at their younger brother. “Well, at least we won the race,” Mikey noted, and Raph conked him on the head. Minutes later, Shashi and Layla arrived at the mountaintop and pulled into the clearing while the disguised Turtles hid themselves and waited for their friends to arrive. They both got out of cars as Shashi said, “Perfect timing.” Layla asked, “For what?” Shashi smiled, “For your surprise.” “Seems like I'm getting a lot of surprises today.” Layla said. Shashi replied, “You have no idea,” He then heard Tony and his crew arriving at the top. Shashi turned to Tony's crew and said, “You made it: You might not believe me, but I'm glad you did.” Tony walked up to Shashi, confronting him, “You're right. I don't believe you.” Then, the Rainbooms and Allies arrived, exiting out of their vehicles with weapons at hand and the disguised Turtles entered the fray with their weapons as well. Shashi cheered, “Ah, the more, the merrier. Perfect. I'm impressed that you all made it out in one piece.” Leo confronted him, “Give it up, Shashi.” Donnie said, “You're outnumbered.” Mikey stated, “Outgunned.” Raph added, “And outmatched.” “True, but not outsmarted.” Shashi chuckled. Layla said in disbelief, “I can't believe you're a rat.” “I'm sorry I lied. I didn't want to hurt you.” Tony sadly admitted. “Hurt me?” Layla retorted and slapped her former friend in the face. Tony shouted, “Ow!” Shashi liked what he saw and said, “Ha! Nice.” “And by the way, I beat you and Dash, again!” Layla added. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow retorted. “Well, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all beat you!” In anger, Layla punched Rainbow in the face, knocking her to the ground. “Oooo!” Everyone winced. “Double nice!” Shashi said. “They got lucky!” Layla growled. “Oww!” Rainbow held her sore face, which now had a black eye. “Why do they always aim for the face?!” After that moment, the rest of his SH1FT3R crew arrived at the mountaintop and exited out of their vehicles. Echo looked around and asked, “Uh, where’s Frostee?” Cisco whispered, “Frostee, where are you, bro?” “There it is.” Shashi said as he looked up to the sky. Layla looked up too and saw something coming down from the sky, “What the heck is that?” Shashi explained to everyone, “This is what we came here to get. I told you all this would be the greatest SH1FT3R race ever. Now, get ready for the grand finale.” They all looked up to see what was coming down from the sky. It was a space pod of some sort. Everyone was amazed except Tony’s crew, the Ninjas, and Allies. Cisco gasped, “What is it?” Tony wondered, “Whoa. What...” Layla asked, “What?” Cisco panicked, “Okay, are we fighting aliens now? Because I’m out.” Sonata hid behind Echo with Cisco and panicked, “Me, too.” Echo wondered in disbelief, “For real.” Layla walked up to Shashi and questioned him in shock, “So all this was just another heist? Why didn't you tell me?” Shashi informed his comrade, “You told me the Torettos were rock solid. I didn't know if I could still trust you.” Layla frowned and sadly admitted, “I messed up.” Shashi forgave her, “We all make mistakes. It's in the past. Now watch this.” The space pod started slowing down and started to land safely. Shashi told everyone, “Delywn Usk probably thought, when he sent this into space in one of his rockets, there was no way it could ever be stolen. But he never counted on SH1FT3R!” Everyone except Tony and his friends cheered. “I know that sounds super villainy, but he never did.” The space pod opened up, revealing a nice car that looked like the three cars from Shashi’s vault. Donnie said, in shock, “Whoa. It's another one of those cars!” Adagio remembered, “Like the ones from the vault.” Tony gasped, realizing that the cars were the keys. “Those are the keys! The cars are the keys!” Shashi turned to see Tony and his friends, “I feel sorry for you, guys. Sure, I've got a target on my back now, Layla and I, and all these people are going to be on the run, but come on, guys! We're outlaws! Look how much fun we're having! You all could've been a part of this!” Pinkie admitted, “I love having fun, but being a criminal is not the kind of fun that I want to enjoy.” Suddenly, everyone started hearing sirens from afar, meaning that the police were on their way. Tony told Shashi, “It's over, Shashi. There’s no way off the top of this mountain.” “So disappointing. You can't open your minds to all the possibilities. Take them.” Shashi ordered as the SH1FT3R gang members started restraining Tony and his friends, as they’re struggling to get free. Scadan handed over a launcher to Shashi and asked his enemies, “You think I drove up a mountain without a way to get home?” Leo answered, “Perhaps, but you made a very big mistake, Shashi.” Within seconds, the Ninjas and Allies took down the SH1FT3R members who restrained them and rescued Tony's friends. Tony thanked the Ninjas, “Thank you guys. We appreciated it.” “Oh, so that's how you're going to play, huh? Fine then. The bounty is still up for grabs, SH1FT3R. Get them!” Shashi demanded. The rest of the gang members of SH1FT3R charged right towards the Ninjas and their allies. “Let’s do this! Toretto Style!” Tony announced. The Ninjas, Allies, and Tony’s crew began fighting off against gang members of SH1FT3R. Layla and Shashi observed the fight from a distance until Layla saw Gabby. Therefore, Layla decided to storm over to her. “Did you know Toretto was a spy?” She demanded. “We're you in on it?!” Gabby didn't answer. She just looked away in guilt. “Answer me!” Layla yelled. “… I was,” Gabby finally said. “I'm sorry...” Layla was shocked and more hurt than she was with Tony. But that hurt soon turned to anger as she yelled and tackled Gabby. “Gabby!” Tony cried, and tried to rush over to her. “Hold up, Toretto,” Shashi stopped him. “Let them have their little cat fight.” As the two tumbled around, Gabby pushed Layla off her and the two stood up. “I don't wanna fight you, Layla!” Gabby pleaded. “Too bad, traitor!” Layla sneered, and punched Gabby in the face, knocking her down. Gabby got back up and hit Layla back with two punches. Then Layla knocked her back with a kick. Gabby retaliated by hitting Layla's side and tried to punch her but Layla blocked her hit then grabbed her threw her over her shoulder and onto the ground. Gabby got up as Layla rush at her throwing some punches and kicks which the Latina managed to barely block and dodge each strike. “I respected you!” Layla growled, as she attacked. “I actually considered you a friend!” “I am your friend!” Gabby shouted back, as she blocked her attacks. “That wasn't part of my cover!” “Liar!” Layla accused and tackled her again. “I'm coming, Gabby!” Casey pulled out his hockey stick only for it to be shot out of his hand by one of Shashi's goons. “I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Shashi warned him. “Aren't you going to stop them?!” April asked. “I know better than to get between Layla when she's settling a score,” Shashi rebuffed. “Besides, this is entertaining.” As the two tough girls tussled near one of the satellite dishes, Gabby flipped Layla off her. Layla got up and kneed Gabby in the gut and Gabby pushed her down. Gabby hit Layla with a hook punch and Layla kneed her again, but when she grabbed her Gabby send them both tumbling sideways and onto the ground right near the satellite building. The two got up and Layla hit Gabby with a hook punch and when she threw another, Gabby dodged, grabbed her, and slammed her against the building three times. “Go Gabby!” Rainbow cheered. Then Layla did a split and flipped Gabby onto her back. Then she held her down and punched her in the face three times. “You! Lied! To! Me!” Layla yelled with each hit. Gabby grabbed Layla by the head and rolled her onto her back then she held her down and punched her in the face four times. “I never! Lied! About! Being! Friends!” She yelled with ever hit. Then, Layla wrapped Gabby in a headlock with her legs and hit her in the head repeatedly. However, Gabby managed to grab her arm and bite her. “Aargh!” Layla yelled in pain, kicking Gabby off her and stood up. “You bit me!” “You forced me to!” Gabby retorted. After that, the two girls grabbed each other and Gabby slammed Layla against a rock, but Layla then slammed her into another rock and tried to flip her again, but Gabby hooked her arm around Layla's waist and flipped her as well. Then as they got up, Gabby uppercut Layla and she punched her down, but Gabby quickly got up and tackled her. The girls spun around and struggled against each other. But when neither of them realized was they were heading straight for a cliff! “Layla, remember that owl mission, you came back for me and Tony, despite saying you were out of there!” Gabby recalled, as they fought. “I did that for the mission!” Layla argued. “Deny that all you want, but I know you really came back because you cared about us!” Gabby retorted. “You're on the wrong side, Layla! You can be more then just a criminal! You-" she gasped as she saw they were right near the edge of the cliff. “Layla, cliff!” “What?!” Before Layla knew it, she lost her footing and fell over the edge, dragging Gabby with her. “Gabby!” Tony hollered. Luckily, both girls managed to grab onto the ledge and held on for dear life. “This is your fault, Latina!” Layla snapped. “Me? You started this fight, southern belle!” Gabby shot back, when suddenly she felt a jerk and she and Layla looked up to see the part of the ledge they were holding onto was starting to crumble. “Layla, don't move a muscle.” “And just how exactly is that help us?” Layla asked. “It'll help us not fall of this mountain,” Gabby replied. “Oh that's very reassurin'!” Layla snarked. Then suddenly, her part of the ledge gave way and she fell screaming, only to suddenly stop. Then she looked up to see Gabby had grabbed her hand. “I got you!” She called. “Why are you helping me?!” Layla asked. “Because I'm your friend!” Gabby replied. “And this is what friends do! That was never a cover! Now hold tight, I'm gonna try and swing you back up!” She swung Layla back and forth before she finally threw Layla up and she grabbed onto the ledge and climbed back over. Layla glanced back at Gabby and saw her part of the ledge was giving way. “Oh no!” Gabby cried, as the ledge broke and she fell. But, Layla quickly reached down, grabbing both her hands and pulled her back up. Gabby looked at her. “Gracias,” she thanked. “Now we're even,” Layla said, and turned away from Gabby. “And you owe me another rematch.” Layla ran up to the space pod as Shashi told her, “I'm glad you made it out of that fight, Layla.” “Whatever.” Layla answered as she looked away. Shashi used the launcher and launched a ballon to connect the pod. Once that was done, Shashi blurted out, “Bring them out.” While the heroes continued fighting, Twilight was tied up in ropes while being carried and Frostee was brought out restrained by the twins, Nacho and Rollie. Tony and his friends looked in shock and their eyes shrunk in horror to see Frostee and Twilight being held hostage. Tony gasped, “Oh no.” Cisco shouted, “No!” Echo yelled, “Frostee!” Layla was shocked that Shashi pulled something up from his sleeve. She asked, in shock, “What are they doing?” “It's just a little insurance.” Shashi answered. Then, Shashi grabbed something from his pocket and threw it on the ground right where Donnie was standing. It was a flash grenade and Donnie got caught in the middle of it. He shielded his eyes until Rollie knocked him out unconscious and dragged his body with him. The heroes were too busy fighting the SH1FT3R gang until Mikey and April saw an unconscious Donnie being dragged over to Shashi’s crew. Mikey shouted, “No!” April cried, “Donnie!” Shashi looked at his enemies, “You better tell your government pals to back off if you want to see your friends again.” From there, Shashi looked up to the sky and saw Jun piloting their escape jet. “There's Jun, just in time.” Shashi got what he wanted as he, along with Layla were airlifted off the mountain by Jun. Cisco, Leo, and Rainbow attempted to save their friends, but they failed and it was too late. Cisco cried, “No! Frostee!” Rainbow shouted, “Twilight!” Leo yelled, “Donnie!” After Tony and his friends defeated the SH1FT3R goons, three helicopters sent by Ms. Nowhere appeared and followed the space pod. The heroes looked on in disbelief and discomfort, resulting their mission to be unsuccessful. Tony begged Ms. Nowhere over the com-link, “Ms. Nowhere, don't shoot. They've got our friends in there.” > The Final Key > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Ms. Nowhere and her agents were carrying and removing all of the possessions in the crew’s warehouse since they paid for them in the first place and the operation was officially terminated. “Hey, easy! We're moving out, not robbing the joint!” Ms. Nowhere told her agents as one of them removed the TV set. While the Agency continued to remove the possessions of the crew’s warehouse, Tony and his friends arrived with Gary gasping and running away to notify his boss. “Ms. Nowhere,” Gary slipped all of a sudden before he resumed running up the stairs. “You wanted me to let you know when the team arrived. The street racers and the ninjas entered their base as Tony shouted, “Hey, what's going on?!” Gary informed Ms. Nowhere, “They're here.” “Hold up. I think she's robbing the joint!” Rainbow alerted everyone. “WHAT?!” Every one of Tony's friends exclaimed. “We're not robbing anything! I paid for all of this! And this operation is over.” Ms. Nowhere told them as her agents turned off the lights in the warehouse. “Aww!” Cisco sadly said until he saw the nacho dispenser being taken away. He gasped, “Aww! You're taking the nacho dispenser?” Pinkie gasped, “And the ice cream, cake, and candy maker?” “And the taco dispenser?” Sonata added. “And even my pizza maker?!” Mikey exclaimed. The four food lovers sobbed and whimpered while Leo and Tony comforted them. Gary and Ms. Nowhere walked passed them as she said, “I'm afraid this is "nacho" cheese anymore. She snickered, “It's funny, Gary!” Echo told the four food lovers, “Easy, guys, Never let 'em see you cry.” “That's my nachos!” Aria yelled as Adagio and Sonata held her back. Adagio calmed her down, “Take a breather, Aria.” Sonata added, “She ain't worth it, girl.” Tony and Leo went after Ms. Nowhere as Tony questioned, “Why are you pulling the plug? We know the cars are actually the keys!” “Yeah, and Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie's been captured! They're still out there!” Leo mentioned. Ms. Nowhere took a deep breath and said, “See, this is why I wanted to leave before they returned. Always have to explain everything.” She walked towards the gang and slowly clapped to berate them. “Congratulations, you found out that the cars were the keys. What do you want, a cookie?” Pinkie raised her hand and said, “I do!” “Well, too bad! Because you also blew your cover and, yes, I know, your friends are still out there! And who's gotta bring them home to their parents and clean up your mess? I do! And I hate cleaning.” Ms. Nowhere shouted before she walked away. The Ninjas reached for their weapons until Gabby stopped them. “Aún no,” she said. Gary apologized to the crew, “I'm really sorry about your friends, but it was great meeting you all. I hope we can spy together in the future.” Ms. Nowhere called Gary, “Gary! Hauler! Now!” Everyone raced outside and saw that the cars of Rainbow, Sunset, and Tony’s crew were being towed to the hauler. Plus, the Shellraiser, Stealth Bike, and the Turtle Racer were being towed too in a separate truck. “Yo, not the cars, too.” Echo said in disbelief as Dr. Cluckingwoth clucked with worry. “Yes, the cars. Those upgrades are property of the US government except yours, Hamato Clan, we're bringing them for inspection. We'll be sure to ship them back after we remove the tactical gear. Also, we don't cover shipping.” Ms. Nowhere informed the crew before she and the Agency left the premises. Raph shouted, “That's crossing a line!” “You can't take our rides. We worked hard building them together!” Leo said. Ms. Nowhere scoffed, “I can and I don't care.” “What about those cars?” Gary pointed his finger at the Party Wagon and the Patrol Buggies. Ms. Nowhere looked at it and replied, “Nah, leave it. I already checked it earlier and they got no government tech in there.” Gary nodded as The Ninja Racers looked on disbelief and felt frustrated that their vehicles were being taken away by Ms. Nowhere and her agency. “Man! She makes Bishop look nice!” Raph remarked. “Oh no!” Aria pointed. As if things couldn't get any worse, Layla’s car drove up and the girl got out. “Okay, good, I found you!” She said. “Layla!” Tony glared. Before Layla could say anything, Rainbow and Applejack tackled her from behind and pinned her down while everyone else stared daggers at her. “If you think you're here to start something,” Rainbow started. “Then think again!” Applejack finished. “Get off of me!” Layla struggled. “I'm not here to start anything!” “Likely story!” Casey scoffed. “She's telling the truth,” April said, holding the side of her head. “For now, anyway.” “How do you know that?” Echo asked. “Call it a gut instinct,” April replied. “Fine!” Rainbow relented, as she and Applejack let Layla go. “But we're watching your, criminal!” “And if you say ANYTHING bad about family, my boot's gonna get friendly with your face!” Applejack threatened. “And if you lay a hand on Gabby, you'll get this!” Casey threatened her with his taser. Cisco said, “I can't believe you kidnap our friends!” “I didn't know that was going to happen! I was in the dark, you gotta believe me!” Layla begged her former friends. Tony commented, “I don't.” “Me neither,” Echo continued. Adagio finished, “None of us do.” “Shashi's gone too far!” Layla stated. “He tried to turn us all into roadkill, and kidnapped our brother and friends!” Raph snapped. “THAT wasn't going too far?!” “Raph!” Leo eased. “I ditched them the first chance I got,” Layla explained. “You got out, how come didn't you save Frostee, Donnie, or Twilight?” Tony demanded. Layla looked down in guilt. “...I couldn't.” “Couldn't, or wouldn't, Lone Wolf?!” Gabby challenged. “And you came here to apologize? Sounds suspicious to me.” Echo retorted. Layla answered, “I didn't come here to apologize, I came here to warn you.” “About what?” Tony asked. “I know what those cars unlock.” Layla informed them. Then, the hauler pulled up and the Agency showed up towards the crew. Ms. Nowhere asked, “What are you talking about?” “Together, the five cars open a vault and inside is something called the Skeleton Key.” Layla explained. Ms. Nowhere bluffed, “Please! Take her.” “Wait!” Layla grunted as the agents pinned her down. She begged, “You have to listen to me!” “It's a little early for a bedtime story.” Ms. Nowhere said. “Wait? You've heard of this thing?” Tony asked her. “And what is this Skeleton Key that you know about?” Leo added. Ms. Nowhere explained to them, “Supposedly, Skeleton Key can control any technology within a several-mile radius. But it's just a myth.” The agents picked Layla up and she said, “It's real! No, think about it. Those billionaires had access to top minds and money. They created it. Skeleton Key exists.” “A device that controls technology? That doesn't sound so bad.” Mikey commented. Gary confronted Mikey and answered right to his face, “Bad? Bad doesn't come close to the apocalyptic catastrophe that Skeleton Key could unleash upon humanity.” He continued explaining it in a montage. “A person with that kind of power could lead armies with the wave of a hand. They could rain down fiery vengeance on anyone from anywhere at anytime. Skeleton Key could turn a mere mortal into an all-powerful god!” While most of the group was unfazed, some were cowering in fear. “Okay, melodramatic much? I think they get it. If Skeleton Key exists and the car unlocks it, then there’s only one thing left to do: Destroy the last key car.” Ms. Nowhere stated. “How? Do you know where it is?” Gabby asked. Ms. Nowhere retorted as she walked up to the hauler, “What is this, twenty questions? I know exactly where it is! Turns out, the last Key Car was owned by billionaire, Cleve Kelso. He practically begged the military to look after it with all these thefts going on. Probably he won’t be happy that I’m going to destroy it now.” ‘Cleve Kelso? What does he have to do with this?’ Applejack thought to herself. “You keep talking about the car, but what about our friends? You can’t leave them with that psychopath!” Sunset asked, feeling worried already. “Intelligence agents and every branch of the military are searching for him as we speak. I have no intention of leaving him but we must prioritize!” Ms. Nowhere explained. Raph pointed, “My brother and our friends should be your first priority!” Ms. Nowhere warned them, “Let me give you all a word of warning: Making decisions based on emotions leads to trouble. That’s how I ate six pints of ice cream last night,” The engines of the hauler started and she signaled, “Let's go.” The Agency drove away from the warehouse as the street racers and ninjas looked on with worry on their faces. Minutes later after most of their vehicles were taken, Echo, Sonata, and Raph found Cisco inside the Yoka head with computers inside. Echo cheered him up and said, “Yo, we'll get them back, Cisco. We never leave family behind.” Cisco cried, “I can't help but worry about Frost-bite, you know? Poor Tee-tee. He's all alone.” “Don't forget about my brother, Donnie, and our friends, Twilight and Spike.” Raph reminded him. Cisco sobbed, “I know he annoyed me something crazy, but… I'd do anything to have him here annoying me right now.” “Hey, if it makes you feel better, you don't have to worry about Frostee's safety.” Raph told the big guy. Sonata added, “Yeah, Donnie and Twilight know how to fight. They'll keep them safe.” “Thanks, guys. I'm glad to call you my friend and someone I love.” Cisco thanked them as Sonata blushed bright red at that statement. Echo said with sarcasm, “Way to be subtle, Romeo.” Cisco hit his head on the panel and a holographic Frostee appeared. As Cisco hit his head down, sirens started to blare and a hologram of Frostee appeared. “Nuh-uh-uh! Step away from the Yoka!” “Frostee?” Sonata wondered as she, Raph, and Echo covered their ears while the alarm kept blaring and the hologram continued saying its message. “Wow, you kinda got your wish.” Echo said. “I just… I just miss him so much!” Cisco cried. Raph shouted, “Does this thing an off switch because it's starting to annoy me now!” Tony swung by and rushed to their friends. He covered his ears and said, “There you guys are! What are you doing?” “Just having a nice quiet moment thinking about Frostee.” Sonata answered. Tony informed everyone, “Yo, come on. Our friends and I got an idea on how to get them back.” Everyone gathered around the ring to discuss about their plan to rescue their friends. Tony announced, “Okay, me, Leo, and Sunset discussed this and here's the plan: We steal the key car from Ms. Nowhere and give it to Shashi in exchange for our friends.” Leo continued, “We know we're asking a lot and there's a risk that we could get thrown in jail.” Sunset added, “So if anyone wants out, none of us will judge you.” Tony finished, “So, you're either in or out.” Everyone gave some time to think about the risks until Gabby spoke up. “It may be risky, but I like it. Muy bien.” Gabby answered with a determined look. “That might actually work, but are you guys cool giving Shashi the final key to a super weapon?” Rainbow asked. “She does have a point. You sure about making this decision?” Echo asked them all. “We don't have a choice. Our friends are family. We're not waiting for Ms. Nowhere to get around saving them.” Tony answered. Cisco stood up and cheered, “I love it! Man, for Frostee, and our friends, I'd give a key car to a monkey on a motorcycle.” “Darling, why would the monkey need a car if it already had a motorcycle?” Rarity questioned him. “I don't know. Rainy days?” Cisco answered. Sunset said, “Look, we'll worry about Shashi using the Skeleton Key later. Step one is finding where Ms. Nowhere has the car.” Tony thought to himself, ‘Maybe if I had a tracker… Nah, too late for that.’ “M-Maybe satellites and hacking?” Cisco suggested while sparring with Echo. “Like what?” Tony asked while Echo threw Cisco down with a simple arm throw. Cisco groaned, “I don't know. It's what Frostee would say.” “Or Donnie or Twilight.” Mikey added. “Well, we have to think quick. Ms. Nowhere is headed off to destroy that car and it's our only bargaining chip.” Leo noted everyone until Echo found something on her phone. “Got her.” Echo announced as she showed them the app on her phone. “"Steppin' On Up"?” Leo wondered. Echo explained, “It's an app that tracks Ms. Nowhere's steps. It also tracks her location.” “Yo, privacy. What happened to it, you know what I'm saying?” Cisco said. Casey added, “I hear ya, bro. It's sad thing.” Tony asked, “Where is she?” Echo answered, “Currently, in the desert outside of the city. Wait, hold up. The map's blacked out. Which means the location must be a military base or something.” “How are we supposed to get into a military black site, get the last Key Car and get out? We don't even have our cars.” Cisco said, with worry. Fluttershy raised her hand and spoke up, “Um, the only vehicles we have left are the Party Wagon and the Patrol Buggies.” Cisco replied, “No offense, Flutters. But, that's not much better.” Echo asked the ninjas, “Can't you guys just do some ninja tricks to get in?” Leo answered, “We're too large of a group.” Sunset added, “Not to mention we've never broke into a military base before.” Gabby asked everyone in the room, “So, does anyone have any suggestions?” Then, Tony had an idea. Tony contacted Shashi as he was watching them on his computer monitor in his lair. “You guys really do anything for family, won't you? It's a deal. If you can get me that last key car, I'll give your friends back.” Shashi demanded. Tony informed Shashi, “But there's just one catch. In order to pull off this heist, we're going to need our tech support. We gotta have Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight behind the computer.” Shashi signaled Nacho and he went to get the tech geniuses. After Nacho brought them to the computer room, they all gasped and saw their friends onscreen. “Tony, Echo, Cisco/Leo, Mikey, Raph, Casey, April, Gabby/Rainbow, Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Dazzlings!” The tech geniuses beamed and Spike barked happily. Frostee laughed, “Man, it's so good to see you guys!” Fluttershy ran up to the monitor and asked, “Are you all okay?” Everyone expressed their concerns as Cisco said, “Are you eating enough, Frostee? Blink twice if the mattress is too soft!” “We’re doing okay for a couple of tech geniuses who's been handcuffed and kidnapped and whose life is being threatened.” Frostee answered while feeling angry towards Shashi and his goons. Twilight continued, “Except, we're totally bored.” “And starving.” Donnie finished. Frostee continued, “Come on guys… I spy with my little eye, something that is gray.” “They haven't stopped talking for 12 hours.” Shashi annoyingly retorted. “It has a keyboard attached to it and rhymes with "flomputer"!” Tony stepped in and informed their tech support, “Frostee, Donnie, Twilight, we need your tech support breaking into a military base.” The trio looked at each and shrugged their shoulders. Frostee said, “Huh! Sounds exciting! When do we start?” “Immediately.” Tony replied. “Computer.” Nacho suddenly stepped in, “Yes! I got it!” He scoffed. The tech geniuses shook their heads in disapproval before they started going to work. Meanwhile, a helicopter landed in the military base as General Dudley looked on to see the car being transported from their chopper. “It's time to destroy the car.” Ms. Nowhere said as she and her agents made their presence. General Dudley stopped her, “Now hang on there, missy.” “Excuse me?” General Dudley explained, “This car is the private property of Cleve Kelso, and I don't think he handled it over to us just so we could blow it up. Besides, the way I see it, we got the car and we got Layla Gray. If we find Dhar's location, we get the rest of the cars and take Skeleton Key for ourselves.” “General, that's not the plan.” “Yeah, well maybe it's time the plan changed.” General Dudley said. “Get Gray to an interrogation room. We'll find out what she knows.” Ms. Nowhere stepped in and confronted General Dudley. “That's not going to happen.” “With all due respect, no one waltzes in here and tells me what to do.” “Well, I can assure you, General, that I'm not no one, I'm Nowhere. Ms. Nowhere.” “That supposed to mean something to me?” General Dudley questioned her motive. Gary gave Ms. Nowhere a document and showed General Dudley straight to his face. “It means I have full authority over this operation and as my first act, I hereby relieve you of duty.” Ms. Nowhere smirked, “This is my base now,” She called her agents, “Agents, get him out of my sight.” From there, her agents restrained General Dudley as Ms. Nowhere finished, “Now excuse me while I "waltz" wherever I please.” And then she started to dance in front of Dudley’s expense, “Although I'm more of a cat daddy lady.” Ms. Nowhere stopped and yelled at Gary, “Gary, let's destroy the car!” Later in the evening, The Ninja Racers waited outside the perimeter of the military base while a vehicle entered the property. The Rainbooms were already dressed in their ninja outfits with their masks on while the disguised Turtles, April, and Casey put on their masks as Tony contacted their tech support over the com-link, “Tech Support, we're in position.” Frostee, Donnie, and Sci-Twi were set up behind three separate computers and they cracked their knuckles to warm up. “Let's make it happen.” Frostee vowed as Donnie and Twilight nodded. The tech trio went to work while Shashi observed them and their work. Back at the military base, the security guard was on guard duty for the night shift until he heard a car coming from a distance and heading towards the base. “We got movement beyond the perimeter.” He said as the soldier drove the military’s vehicle from the base to check out the disturbance. The disturbance surrounded by dust was Mitch who’s revealed to be the driver, having been roped into the mission by Echo, who was hiding underneath his car. Mitch informed Echo, “You'd better not be messing with me this time!” “I'm not. You help us do this and you'll have the sweetest one-of-a-kind ride on the block.” Echo assured him. “All right.” Mitch replied. “Hey Echo?” “Yeah?” Mitch said, “Be careful.” “Toughen up, outlaw.” Echo said while holding on. The soldier grabbed his megaphone and ordered, “Pull over immediately! You are in a restricted area.” Mitch pulled over and the soldier did the same, allowing the military's vehicle to align right behind his while it was perfect timing for Echo to slid underneath and attached herself to the military vehicle's undercarriage. “I'm in!” Echo announced over the com-link. Mitch activated a rocket booster from his car and left the base, leaving Echo behind to do her work while the rest of the team looked on from afar. The soldier sighed, “Just a Flat Earther with a homemade rocket. We're heading back to base.” After the soldier head back to base Echo successfully bypassed the entrance security and entered the premises. From there, she exited out of the undercarriage after the soldier left while everyone else watched as Echo was smuggled in. As Echo snuck around, Frostee and the others monitored her progress. “Okay, so this is a secure facility, so step one is to blend in.” Frostee instructed Echo through the com-link. Echo disguised herself in a garb similar to Ms. Nowhere and walked passed the soldiers as they saluted to her. “Now that's some respect.” Echo said. While she bypassed the guards unnoticed, the tech support accessed the cameras of the base. Twilight chimed in over the com-link, “Step two: intercept and up-link the main security hub to us so that we have access.” “The station you need to get to is across the base, so stay hidden.” Donnie added. One of the security guards walked up to Echo and asked, “Excuse me ma'am. Can I see some ID?” Echo pulled out her phone and pretended to call Ms. Nowhere. “Ms. Nowhere, I got some snot-nosed officer fresh out of the academy is harassing me here. Permission to release the genetically-engineered, laser bees?” “No!” The security guard screamed and ran away. The tech experts watched as the guard fled for the sake of his mental state. Frostee was taken aback by this after he and his tech buds witnessed Echo scaring off a guard, “Okay, I said stay hidden, but you do you.” “Got to admit, it was pretty funny.” Donnie admitted as Spike was on the ground, laughing like a hyena. “Okay, the main building has a small annex station attached to it. That's where you need to go to intercept the transmission.” Twilight informed Echo as she made hew way into the building. Echo intercepted the transmission, allowing the tech support an extra degree of technological control. Frostee smiled after he slurped his yoka, “Nice job, Agent Echo! Now my friends and I can control everything on the base.” “Ooh, this is going to be fun.” Twilight smiled with glee. “Agreed.” Donnie nodded. Shashi then noticed Layla being held in a room as solitary confinement. “Looks like Layla's not welcomed anywhere these days,” He said. Donnie announced, “Okay, we got eyes and ears everywhere. I got eyes on the Key Car.” “Mine are on the Hauler,” Twilight continued. Frostee finished, “And I got everywhere else.” Tony, Gabby, Cisco, Rainbow, Casey, Sunset, the Turtles, and the Dazzlings sneaked past through the base’s security system. Frostee laughed over the com-link, “Haha, you made it past the landmines.” “Wait, actual landmines? There were landmines and you didn't tell us?” Cisco asked. “Yeah. I knew you might get nervous and accidentally blow yourself up! So, you're welcome!” Twilight added over the com-link, “Don't worry so much Cisco, Donnie and I already deactivated the landmines. You're free as a whistle.” Cisco was taken aback by this, “Oh… Uh, thanks?” Then, the door was opened and Echo popped out, ushering them to get in. “Phew!” Tony and Cisco sighed. “First time, huh?” Leo asked as he and the rest of the team entered the base quietly. After that, Echo gave Tony, Gabby, Cisco, and the Dazzlings some military uniforms. “I hope these will fit.” Leo informed everyone in base and over the com-link, “Guys, the rest of us are on stand-by and are awaiting the signal.” Tony replied, “Roger that, Leo.” Everyone listened over the com-link and nodded, getting ready to carry out their plan. Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere was testing out the military’s laser-cutting incinerator and Layla was sitting in her confinement cell and watching them work in a separate hangar. Layla contemplated, “The government spent a billion dollars on a watermelon juicer. Your tax dollars at work.” “It's an incinerator!” Ms. Nowhere corrected her. “I'm excited to use it on something other than melons and pictures of old boyfriends. Also, I can do it without the sass,” She turned to Gary, “I'm starting to question whether or not it was such a good idea to keep Layla so close.” Gary shrugged and his boss responded, “Great. Thank you for the thoughtful reflection.” Then she ordered her guards, “Get the Key Car in place!” While the guards get the Key Car, Tony and Gabby, impersonating as the soldiers, sneaked past the troops as Twilight instructed them over the com-link, “Turn right.” The Torettos turned right and entered inside the hangar quietly. As for the disguised Turtles along with Casey, Sunset, and Rainbow, they found their vehicles inside another hangar, but it’s guarded by Nowhere's men. Leo called his brother, “Donnie, can you get these guys to leave?” Donnie replied while typing, “Working on it.” Adagio asked, “What about the Stealth Bike? Any sign of it?” Frostee looked through the hangars from the surveillance cameras and answered, “Two hangars away from you. Right where the hauler is.” Aria answered over the com-link, “We're on it.” The Dazzlings left to find the Stealth Bike. Minutes later, the Dazzlings caught up with Cisco and Echo. Echo greeted them, “Hey girls.” Aria said, “We're here to help ya.” They locked eyes on the hauler and Adagio informed their tech support, “We got eyes on the hauler.” However, Cisco groaned in the back, “What size is this outfit? And what's it made out of? It's a polyblend, isn't it? It's making me sweat like crazy.” Echo asked, “More than your normal nervous sweating?” “Yes!” Cisco replied as he started tearing off his uniform. The girls cringed as Echo said, “Whoa. That's a lot of sweat.” Cisco sighed, “That’s better.” Aria requested, “Don't ever do that in front of us, Cisco. A little warning next time please?” “The Dazzlings and I will make sure the hangar’s clear.” Echo informed Cisco as the girls moved out. From there, Cisco and Sonata, impersonating the soldiers, attempted to gain access to the hauler, but Cisco's hand-print did not work. “Come on…” Cisco groaned. Sonata did the same and it didn’t work. She retorted, “Seriously?!” However, the two spies interrupted by a soldier approaching towards them. “Excuse me, you two. Can I help you with something?” Sonata whispered to Cisco, “Cisco, hurry!” Cisco and Sonata laughed nervously as they tried to put their hand on the hand-print again, but it won’t give them access again. The soldier helped them and said, “Let me get that reader for you two.” He put his handprint on and it granted access to the hauler. “My wife suffers from sweaty palms, too. You know, a hand deodorant works nicely.” Cisco gasped, “Thank you.” “Yeah. Great tip, officer.” Sonata added. Suddenly, Echo, Aria, and Adagio knocked him out with their punches and kicks. Sonata groaned, “Aw, why'd you do that? He was so helpful.” “Well, then let's put him somewhere nice and he'll wake up rested and refreshed,” Adagio suggested them. “He gave us some good advice on hand deodorant.” Sonata told her friends as she helped Aria picked him up. Later on, Tony and Gabby spied on Nowhere and her men getting ready to destroy the key car. “Is everyone ready? There's not much time.” Gabby notified everyone over the com-link. Cisco along with Sonata revved up the hauler and answered, “We're ready.” Everyone started up the engines of their vehicles with Rainbow and Sunset in their respective cars, the Turtles in the Shellraiser, and Casey in the Turtle Racer. Leo responded, “We're ready too.” Outside of the base, April was in the Party Wagon while Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie drove in the Patrol Buggies. April said, “We're good to go.” Adagio and Aria were in the Stealth Bike while Echo drove her Hyperfin and they all exited out of the hauler, “We're set.” The tech support drank their drinks as Frostee responded, “We're a go.” “We're all set, T?” Rainbow chimed over the com-link. “Let's make some noise.” Tony signaled. Echo turned on the neon lights under her car, blasting music. She bopped her head and pumped her fist to the beat then she stepped on the gas and drove her car out of the hangar. Laughing, she drove circles around a parked truck. "Woo! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Woo! Yeah, that's right, take that!" Then she drove straight into boxes of explosives, detonating them around the base. “We'll take that as a signal,” Leo said, as Raph drove the Shellraiser out, followed by Casey in the Turtle Racer. “Goongala!” He hollered. Aria and Adagio rode the Stealth Bike, almost running over some soldiers. Minutes later, Twilight opened the gates to the base. "Step on it, April!" Pinkie cheered. April floored the gas and drove the Party Wagon while the remaining Rainbooms drove the Patrol Buggies as they joined the party to create their diversion. The alarms blared and Ms. Nowhere alerted her men, “It's SH1FT3R! Stop them!” While Nowhere and her men drew their attention elsewhere, Tony and Gabby made their way to the key car, but they were attacked and tasered by Ms. Nowhere, who had anticipated their participation. “Tony Toretto and Gabrielle Rivera. I'm actually impressed… with myself!” Ms. Nowhere said. Tony wailed, “Don't destroy the car. Shashi might hurt our friends.” Gabby begged, “If you destroy it, we won’t get our friends back. Let us fix our mistake.” They both laid down in defeat as Ms. Nowhere reminded them her warning, “What did I tell you about emotions clouding your judgement? I will destroy the car and all of you will go to jail.” Then all of a sudden, Ms. Nowhere was attacked by Layla, who was unexpectedly released from her confinement cell. Back in Shashi’s vault, Shashi was surprised and told the tech geniuses, “I can't believe you guys let Layla out. You know she's a wild card.” “She's the only card we got.” Frostee vowed. Layla informed Tony as she helped Gabby get up, “Tony, get the car and get out. Gabby and I will hold her off!” Donnie pointed out to Shashi, “Oh, she's helping us! Yes!” “Layla Gray, so unpredictable. That's what I love about her.” Shashi stated. Ms. Nowhere got up and asked the two girls, “You two think you can take me?” She got into her fighting stance, “I do Pilates three times a week and Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” “My friends taught me the ways of ninjutsu.” Gabby stated and got into her fighting stance. Layla stepped up and said, “Yeah, well I grew up in Gum Neck, North Cackalacka.” “Maybe it'll be a scrap after all.” Ms. Nowhere threw her jacket at the two teenage girls and started fighting against them. “Go! Go!” Gabby hollered while blocking Nowhere’s kicks. Tony ran straight towards the key car while Gabby and Layla held Nowhere off, but he hesitated to climb in. Back in the vault, Shashi questioned Tony’s motive, “What are you waiting for, Toretto?” Twilight answered, “He doesn't want to leave them.” “It's either them or you.” Back in the hangar, with Tony finding himself unable to abandon his friends, Gabby kicked down Nowhere while Layla was forced to activate the mechanism Nowhere had in place to destroy the car. “I said, go!” Layla shouted. Tony had no alternative but he drove the car out of its hangar right before the lasers destroyed the car along with him inside. “Wild card.” Frostee commented with astonishment. With the Ninja Racers driving their vehicles around the base and evading pursuit while trying to do their best to survive, Echo contacted their tech support, “Yo, tech support. Did you find a getaway vehicle for us?” Donnie, Twilight and Frostee searched for a getaway vehicle around the base until they gasped and found a getaway vehicle that was big enough to carry their team. “Coming right now.” Frostee hit the "Enter" key and the hangar doors were opened, revealing an airplane inside. They hacked into an airplane and began to commandeer it remotely, much to Shashi’s shock and surprise. Donnie informed him, “Frostee... You're twisted.” “I've flown a lot of drones, but it's my first time piloting a flying cruise ship.” Frostee stated. Donnie and Twilight corrected him, “Our… first time, Frostee.” “Alright, alright, my bad.” Frostee apologized. Shashi walked over and said in disbelief, “This is the craziest heist ever! I can't believe you guys are still alive.” “I know, right?” Frostee added. Donnie commented, “I've been close to death too often.” Twilight added, “More than is healthy.” Casey looked up at the airplane and reacted, “Whoa!” Echo and the Dazzlings tried to escape from their pursers and Adagio asked, “How are we looking?” “As much as we like it, we can't hold them off forever!” Echo hollered. Then, Cisco rammed the military’s vehicles with the hauler from reaching his friends. He informed them, “We're looking good! Tony's got the car!” “And we got the plane! Everyone line up to load up!” Frostee instructed the team. “You got it, Frostee. Alright team, let's roll out!” Leo ordered as the Ninja Racers followed the plane. As for Gabby and Layla, the girls continued dodging Ms. Nowhere’s attacks, Layla turned to the Latina. “Gabby, I know this probably isn't best time.” She deflected a kick from Nowhere. “But I just wanna say I'm sorry for that mountain fight!” “I'm sorry too,” Gabby replied, ducking a punch. “And even though I was mad at you, I still consider you a friend, Layla.” “Well, I consider you my best friend,” Layla stated. Gabby smiled warmly. Until Ms Nowhere hit them both with a spin-kick. “You two can make up in your prison cell!” She said. “This mushy stuff makes me wanna gag!” “Yeah?” Layla began, as she and Gabby got up. “Well that cold attitude makes us wanna do THIS!” Gabby punched Nowhere in the gut and Layla locked her fists together and uppercut Nowhere off her feet. Then, Layla approached Ms. Nowhere and threw down her fist to punch her out, only for Ms. Nowhere to grab her fist and zap her with the taser stick, knocking her out. “NOOOOOO!!!” Gabby wailed. Ms. Nowhere stood up, “One down, one to go!” Gabby clenched her fists and charged at Ms Nowhere screaming, “YOU BRUJA!” But Ms. Nowhere grabbed and flipped Gabby over her shoulder and zapped her too. “Pathetic!” She stated, coldly. With Gabby down, Ms. Nowhere turned to go after Tony, when she stopped and had a funny feeling. Then she quickly spun kicked Gabby to the floor and then she brought out her taser. “Next time you're down,” Ms. Nowhere began, as she jabbed it toward Gabby. “You stay down!” But Gabby suddenly turned on her back and grabbed the taser in time. Ms. Nowhere tried to yank it out of her hands, but Gabby held on tight and was pulled back up. Then, Gabby threw a punch but Ms. Nowhere caught it, twisted her around, and put her in a hold. Gabby struggled and stomped on Nowhere’s foot. The woman grimaced but didn’t let go. After that, Gabby head-bashed her but Ms. Nowhere still wouldn’t let go. “You're beat! Give, up!” Ms. Nowhere said, as they struggled. ‘This woman's a machine!’ Gabby thought to herself. Then she shot back, “Not! Yet!” Then she leaned her head back and bit her in the cheek. Ms Nowhere yelled in pain and finally let go of her. Then Gabby pulled the taser out of Nowhere's hands and zapped her with it. “That was for Layla!” She growled, and then used it to whacked Nowhere three times. “And that was for Tony! And this!” Then she grabbed Nowhere by the sweater and rushed out of the hangar toward another one and slammed her into it. Then she punched her left and right across the face before she locked her fists together, like Layla did, and upper cut Nowhere of her feet. “That's for being a cruel-hearted jerk!” Ms Nowhere stood back up, cracked her neck, and raised her fists. “It'll take more then a few hits to take me down!” Suddenly, Leo came up behind her and nerve struck her in the neck, making her drop back down. As she tried to get up again, Leo hit another nerve in her neck and she was knocked out. “How about a couple of ninja nerve attacks?” He asked, then spoke to Gabby. “You okay?” “Yeah, gracias, Leo,” Gabby said. “But I thought you're with your brothers?” “I was, but I decided to go alone and check on you guys.” Leo answered. “Oh, that was very thoughtful of you, Leo.” Gabby said. “Come on!” Then she and Leo ran back for Layla. After they left, Gary pulled up to Ms. Nowhere in a truck, as she got up rubbing her neck. “Are you okay?” Gary asked. “Ugh, shut up and drive, Gary!” Ms. Nowhere snapped, climbing in. “We gotta stop Toretto!” She then called all of her agents on her walkie talkie, “Do not let the cars make it onboard that plane!” “Guys, the plane's exposed. I must get to the runway and take off!” Donnie alerted everyone over the com-link. Rainbow shouted, “Do it! We're heading your way!” “Guys, get in the hauler! I'll ram through!” Cisco told everyone as Echo and the rest of the team went inside the hauler with their vehicles… except for Tony, who was thinking about her cousin and Layla. Tony said, “Get on the plane. I'll meet you there!” “What are you doin' T? Come on!” Raph yelled. “I'm not leaving my cousin and her friends behind.” Tony vowed and drove back to base. Casey gasped, realizing Gabby's not with Tony as he mentioned. “You guys go! I'll follow Tony!” “Oh, not you too, Casey!” Pinkie shouted as Casey drove back and followed Tony. Frostee called Tony over the com-link, “Tony, Casey, we can't stop the plane!” Shashi slammed his fists down on the table in anger and ordered Tony, “Do not go back there, Toretto!” Casey wondered, “Can this guy be anymore bipolar?” Shashi shouted over the com-link, “I heard that!” “Don't worry, we'll make it!” Tony said as he and Casey dodged the incoming the cars from left to right. Cisco rammed through the incoming military vehicles blocking their path and drove straight towards the plane. Back at the base, Leo and Gabby carried Layla as she woke up while Tony and Casey arrived just in time to rescue them. “You guys came back. I guess we're family now.” Layla said. Tony replied, “Don't push it. Let's go.” Layla looked around and asked, “Where am I supposed to sit?” Gabby and Leo hopped in to the Turtle Racer and she told her, “Sorry Layla, party's full. No hard feelings.” “Heh, none taken.” Layla chuckled. Since the key car only had the driver’s seat and the Turtle Racer’s full, Layla sat on top of the key car as Tony drove through the base along with the Turtle Racer following them. “The plane's about to take off!” Layla alerted everyone. Gabby replied, “No te preocupes, we'll get onboard the plane in time, Southern Belle.” “Then we better get on it!” Tony stated as he accelerated forward and Casey did the same. Leo shouted, “Everybody hang on!” As the hauler climbed aboard, the others did their best to catch. “Guys, I got an idea.” Casey hollered as he moved behind the Key Car. Gabby asked, “Casey, what are you doing?” “Something either cool or painful. Well, here goes nothing.” Casey activated the turbo booster and the Turtle Racer surged forward, pushing the Key Car along for the ride and making Dr. Cluckingworth clucked loudly. “Goongala!” Casey yelled as they drove right past Ms. Nowhere and her men, much to her Nowhere’s surprise. “What?!” Ms. Nowhere shouted in disbelief. Suddenly, laser-shooting drones were deployed, armed and ready to shoot the two cars. “Serimente?!” Gabby retorted as Casey and Tony dodged the lasers from the drones. As one of the drones was about to lock-on the Key Car, Layla and Leo managed to destroy them with her punches and kicks while Leo used his swords to slice down the drones, paving the way for Tony and Casey to drive their cars clearly. “Whoo-hoo-hoo!” Layla whooped. Tony and Casey activated their car’s boosters with only seconds to spare as their friends gasped. Just as the plane was about to take off the runway, they both made it onboard the plane as Shashi observed the whole thing and grinned. “We made it! Tech support, we're coming to get you!” Tony shouted. The Ninja Racers celebrated and successfully completed their mission. However, Ms. Nowhere looked on and was completely disappointed. She told her agents, “Bring me my jet.” > Ignition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just hours after the heist, the tech geniuses were piloting the plane, but they were unable to remain steady, since Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie had never flown a real plane before and they’re having trouble with the turbulence. “HANG ON!” Frostee yelled. “What are you doing?” Tony asked while Layla and Gabby held on to the Key Car’s spoiler for dear life. Frostee shouted, “WE DON'T KNOW!” “Well, figure it out!” Tony called while the rest of the Ninjas and Crew were struggling to find their footing. Shashi warned the crew while observing, “My car's in there! Be careful!” “Our friends are in there!” Twilight told Shashi. Then, Shashi and the tech geniuses heard a beeping sound. “What's that beeping?” Shashi asked everyone. “I just said, we don't know what we're doing! This is easier with Jet Blaster 5000! There's way less turbulence in that game!” Frostee vented before Cisco appeared onscreen. “Game? Bro, this is real life!” Frostee retorted, “Hey! I'm 13 and remote-flying a giant spy plane!” “So everyone, just back off for a second!” The tech geniuses shouted. After they stopped venting, Layla and Gabby noticed that the Key Car was going to hit the back of the plane. Layla shouted, “Tony!” Tony glanced, “Uh-oh.” With quick thinking, Tony stepped on the brakes and the Key Car stopped before it got damaged. Tony sighed until he, Gabby, and Layla screamed and saw the hauler was about to hit them. However, the plane descended as everyone inside tried to hold on while Cisco tumbled. “Guys, I don't want to pile on, but you're shaking Cisco up like a Yoka bottle, and you know how gassy he gets.” Frostee informed them. Cisco heard her and shouted, “Hey, I can hear you!” “I can smell you!” Echo shot back. Aria added, “What does Sonata see in you?” The plane ascended again and the hauler was about to hit Gabby, Layla, and Tony. However, Layla and Gabby managed to release Tony from the seatbelts and they got out of the car just in time. As for the tech geniuses, they shortly managed to rectify the situation and the hauler didn't hit the Key Car, making the plane flew smoothly. “OK, we're clear. I think we got it.” Twilight informed her friends as they all sighed in relief. With Layla holding on to Tony, he thanked the country gal, “Thanks for your help back there.” Layla pushed him aside and replied, “Don't mention it. Seriously, I have a reputation to maintain.” While everyone got out of their vehicles, they all headed to the main room as Cisco fell down and coughed before getting back up, “Oh man.” “Check it out, yo! This is like the biggest plane I've ever been on!” Cisco cheered. “You and me both dude.” Casey added before they gave each other fist bumps. “It's the only plane I've ever been on.” Echo said as she entered the main room. The tech geniuses appeared onscreen as Frostee complimented, “Yo, that plane looks awesome! Wish we were there.” Tony sat on the smoothest couch and felt totally relaxed. “Check out this couch! Guys, you're gonna love it here when we rescue you.” “It's even got a kitchen!” Pinkie cheered before opening a drawer with cookies in a jar stored. “What?! Look! Fresh-baked cookies!” “Really? Give me some of those!” Cisco requested. “I'll have some too please.” Mikey added. “Me three.” Sonata finished. Pinkie gave each of them some cookies before she chewed one. “Oh, man, these are… these are good.” Frostee, Twilight, and Donnie glared at the four food lovers from onscreen as they continued to eat the cookies. “Mm! Oh, man! That last one was even better than the other one.” Cisco said. “Oh, man! We ate them all.” Pinkie frowned before she slumped down on the counter. However, the top cabinet opened automatically and another cookie jar appeared. Pinkie saw it and gasped, “Wait! There's another jar!” While Shashi continued observing, the tech support pretended to act all sinister and Frostee said, “Look at us and our cookies,” The Tech Trio looked at each other and gained a nasty smile on their faces. They shouted in unison, “VOMIT COMET, Y'ALL!” The plane descended down rapidly as everyone held on yet again with Cisco, Pinkie, Mikey, Sonata, and the cookies floating. “I thought we're friends, man!” Cisco said before taking another bite out of a cookie. “Oh sorry. We're just learning how to use this awesome spy plane.” Donnie answered. Shashi warned them, “Quit messing around and bring me that Key Car if you all want to get out of here. They all listened and calmed down, making them pilot the plane smoothly. Everyone onboard landed safely except Cisco. “Ow!” He groaned. “Sorry.” Twilight apologized. Then, they heard an alarm beeping sound and Shashi informed the tech support, “It's coming up behind them.” “Uh… Guys, we've got company.” Twilight informed the crew as a private jet flew in right behind them, flown by Ms. Nowhere and Gary. Ms. Nowhere appeared onscreen and yelled from the top of her lungs after Tony startled, “Delinquents! You need to land this plane immediately!” Aria said, “Polite as always.” Rarity added, “Manners of a rock!” Tony asked, “Ms. Nowhere?” “You guys thought you could ditch me that easily?” Ms. Nowhere questioned them. Gabby answered, “That wasn't easy at all.” “Not to mention, if you had let Frostee, Twilight, or Donnie take a closer look at those cars, then maybe they might have discovered that they were the keys!” Adagio stated. “But you said 'Forget the Cars', Ms. No-nothing!” Aria remarked. “So, it's kind of your fault we didn't find the keys sooner,” Sonata noted. “However, you were super awesome.” Tony admitted, changing the subject. Ms. Nowhere replied onscreen, “Aw, thanks.” Gabby smacked Tony at the back of his head. He shouted, “Ow! What did you do that for?” “Don't compliment her!” Gabby whispered. April whispered as well, “Seriously?” “What?” Tony shrugged. “Sure, she's a jerk, but she's still pretty cool.” “She's also trying to stop us from saving our friends!” April reminded him. “And that bruja took my friends' cars along with Dr. Cluckingsworth!" Gabby put in, as the mutant chicken clucked in agreement. “I can hear you!” Nowhere said, over the com. “And I don't know what bruja means?!” “Uh, Gabby called you a witch,” Gary told her. “No one asked you, Gary!” Nowhere snapped. Then she went back to being serious and berated the teens, “And you know what? No! You punks robbed me! Now listen to me, all of you. Skeleton Key is too powerful. Giving it to Shashi would be catastrophic.” Tony refused, “I'm sorry, but we have to save our friends.” “They're our familia!” Gabby added. The tech buds popped up onscreen and they cooed, “Aww!” Frostee added, “Thanks, T & G!” Ms. Nowhere became surprised that the three captives were okay. “Frostee, Donnie, Twilight! Are you OK?” “Meh.” Frostee answered onscreen. “He means we're okay.” Twilight reciprocated as Spike popped up onscreen and barked happily. “I will get you all back. Trust me.” Ms. Nowhere vowed. “Frostee and the rest of his friends are gone because of our mistake. It's our responsibility to bring them home.” Tony explained. Everyone in the room agreed as Ms. Nowhere retorted, “You're only making things worse, Toretto! Let me handle this. You think I want to tell his moms that I lost him, and admit that science camp isn't real?” “I think, deep down, they knew. That brochure wasn't good.” Gary commented. “That brochure was great!” Ms. Nowhere fired back. Frostee admitted, “Honestly, I wanted to go to that science camp.” “Thank you, Frostee,” Ms. Nowhere said before communicating with the Ninjas and Crew onscreen. “Tony, don't make me bring your plane down by force.” Shashi popped up right behind the tech geniuses and blackmailed her, “If you take out that plane, I take out your friends.” “Hold on. Is Shashi on this call? Typically, we don't let the bad guys listen in on our communication!” Ms. Nowhere informed the teens. “This communication is over. I-I'm sorry, Nowhere, but I can't abandon my friends and family. We're bringing Frostee, Twilight, Donnie, and Spike home now.” Tony vowed before he disconnected the call, wishing to save Frostee and his friends. “Did he just hang up on me?” Ms. Nowhere asked. Gary replied, “Well, 'hang up' is a bit of an antiquated term. Really, he disconnected from you.” “Fine! If they won't give me that car back, then I'll take it.” Ms. Nowhere vowed and angrily walked out. “Oh, boy.” Gary said. Back on the spy plane, Fluttershy was comforting Dr. Cluckingsworth. “It's okay, you're safe now,” she soothed, before the chicken clucked something and she gasped. “Ms. Nowhere was gonna have you dissected?! Pardon my language but... MS. NOWHERE, YOU'RE HEARTLESS!” “Whoa!” Rainbow said, in surprise. “If Fluttershy's calling someone heartless, then it must be true. And I totally agree! She's a total jerk! Except Gary, that dude's cool.” “Oh yeah,” Aria agreed. “Ms. Nowhere is absolutely the worst!” “And she didn't seem to care that much about saving our friends,” April stated. “She probably just doesn't want to look bad.” “With that warning, she gave us against listening to your heart, I believe that,” Gabby agreed. “Not to mention she treated us all like we're beneath her!” Leo stated. “She's almost as bad as the Shredder.” “Almost!” The Dazzlings stated. “And she took all of your cool stuff!” Casey added. “She's Ms. Jerkwhere, alright!” Mikey called. “Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call her now!” Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere used a flight suit and jumped out of her jet to chase after the crew's spy plane. Shashi alerted the tech geniuses, “She's launching something!” Cisco appeared onscreen again and asked, “She's what?” “Dang! Nowhere's shooting us down?” Echo questioned everyone. “Guys, can you dodge a missile?” Gabby asked the crew’s tech support. Donnie squinted towards the sonar, “I don't think that's a missile.” Pinkie looked at something on the sonar with the alarm beeping. She said, “Uh... speaking of Ms. Jerkwhere, she's right behind us!” “What?!” Everyone shouted. Frostee panicked and alerted everyone, “Ms. Nowhere's a jet! Ms. Nowhere's a jet! Ms. Nowhere's a jet!” Everyone except Leo and Raph rushed towards the observation window and saw Ms. Nowhere flying towards them with her flight suit in tact. As for the two disguised Turtles, they went back to the Shellraiser to grab the Portal Projector. Layla admitted, “Uh… OK. Th-That lady is kind of my hero now.” “For real, yo!” Casey added. Ms. Nowhere landed on top of the plane by using her magnetic heels, “Thought you could get away from me?” She picked up her magnetic heels to scale towards the glass window, “I'm Nowhere! I've forgotten more about being an international spy than you'll ever know!" Nowhere ordered them as the teens moved away, “Put that plane down now!” “I'm freaking out, T!” Cisco shouted. “She's nuts!” Sonata frightfully added. Tony told everyone, “Stay cool. We're safe in here.” As she was about to cut her way in, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to see Raph with his magnetic gadgets on his feet, without his disguise on. Luckily, the Crew couldn’t see him clearly. “You!” Ms Nowhere shouted. “Hello, Ms. Jerkwhere!” Raph smirked. “What did you just call me?!” Nowhere growled. “The good news is, you’re wearing a parachute,” Raph began. “The bad news…” Ms Nowhere interrupted him and threw a sharp punch and kick, but Raph grabbed her fist and leg. As he started grinning, he hurled Ms. Nowhere right off the plane. The spy quickly opened her parachute and could do nothing but watch the racers and ninjas get away with the plane and the car. After that, Leo used the Portal Projector again and the portal appeared behind Raph. He turned around went back through it, transporting Raph back inside the spy plane while the rest of the racers and ninjas noticed her heels were still in tact until they flew off in the sky. “I know they did not just buck me from my own plane!” Nowhere snapped. “This is why I do not have children!” “Is it though?” Gary asked over the com-link. “Shut up, Gary!” “At least it's a beautiful day to be skydiving.” Suddenly, two military jets flew passed by Nowhere and began to tail the spy plane. While holding on to her parachute from the turbulence, Nowhere contacted General Dudley, “General Dudley, what are you doing?” Back in the military base, General Dudley arrived back and took over the base again. He informed Ms. Nowhere over the com-link, “You had your chance, Nowhere. Now I'm taking that plane down.” Ms. Nowhere pleaded him, “Don't you dare!” “I’m hanging up.” General Dudley answered over the com-link before he ended his call with Nowhere as she gasped. “It's 'disconnecting' Grandpa!” With Nowhere out of the way, the ninjas and racers looked on and saw the two military jets flying above them. “Doesn't this thing have any spy gadgets or something?” Tony asked. “Probably, but we're kind of learning on the fly here!” Frostee answered. “It'll take some time.” Donnie added. “Well, learn and fly faster!” Applejack hollered. While the two military jets continued to circle around the spy plane, the tech geniuses found something about the gadgets of the spy plane. “It looks like this thing has… it has a cloaking device, but w-we need time to get it going.” Frostee informed his team. Back in the skies, Gary continued piloting Nowhere’s jet and observing the spy plane as the alarms started wailing. Then, the two military jets flew right past him and headed straight towards the spy plane. Gary gasped, “They're locking weapons. What should I do?” Ms. Nowhere was running out of options and thought about the teens’ safety. Nowhere took a deep breath, knowing that it would be a big gamble against the military and ordered her agent, “Save the kids.” Gary grunted and dived Nowhere’s jet down to save the teens in their spy plane. The two military jets engaged their weapons and fired its missiles at the spy plane. The ninjas and racers whimpered as the missiles were heading straight towards them. “AH, THE HECK WITH IT!” Sonata shouted as she grabbed Cisco and kissed him on the lips, much to his surprise and pleasure. Then all of a sudden, Gary swooped by with Nowhere’s jet and shouted, “Deploy chaff!” Nowhere’s agent then deployed a craft that took the hit from the missiles, and with the cover of the fiery explosion, Gary informed his boss, “The kids are clear!” “Activating cloaking.” Frostee said as he and his tech buds activated the spy plane’s cloaking mechanism, allowing them to fly freely and safely while everyone inside calmed down. “Ms. Jerkwhere saved us?!” Rainbow asked, in disbelief. “I take back what I said about her,” Fluttershy suggested. “I think we all misjudged her. She may act mean and cruel, but maybe deep down, she does have a heart.” Everyone thought about that for a moment. “Maybe,” Raph admitted. “But she's still a jerk!” “And how!” Everyone, except Fluttershy agreed. “All the way,” Tony said. Fluttershy sighed. Tony then chatted with Shashi from his lair and asked, “So, what are we doing?” Shashi answered, “We've got it from here. Your plane should land in about 15 minutes. See you then.” He then turned off the computer and ordered the tech support, “Put the plane in autopilot and have it land at these coordinates.” Shashi handed Frostee the map. Donnie answered, “Got it.” “I'm sorry it worked out this way, but your buddies are bringing the car,” Shashi started putting handcuffs on the tech geniuses including Spike as he continued, “As soon as we make the swap, you're good. No hard feelings.” The tech geniuses were appalled by his comment as Donnie exclaimed, “No hard feelings?!” “You don't get to say that!” Twilight yelled. “They're right. You kidnapped us!” Frostee shouted. Spike barked while Shashi told them, “Hey, don't forget, you were all snitches trying to stop me from getting the Skeleton Key.” Donnie told him, “You know the entire U.S. military will be all over you the second you get it, right?” “I know,” Shashi whispered to the tech support before he exited out of the computer room. “Man, we cannot let him get his creepy hands on Skeleton Key,” Frostee looked down on his medallion and he had an idea. He tried to sway the medallion with a bit of a struggle until Frostee got it. “Activate laser protocol.” Frostee pressed a button on his medallion, but nothing happened. He tried again and groaned, “I said, activate laser protocol!” The mechanism worked and started shooting lasers as Frostee dodged it and it hit the handcuffs in his right hand. However, he fell out his chair after that while Donnie, Twilight, and Spike giggled. “Good thinking, Frostee.” Twilight congratulated him. Donnie asked, “You okay?” Frostee replied, “Almost got a lot shorter, but yeah. Give me a sec to get you guys out.” “I'm surprised you don't want to bolt out of here alone.” Twilight said. “After all we've been through? A-no way! I trust you guys.” Frostee answered while Donnie felt guilty upon hearing that. After Frostee released his friends, Donnie opened the grate to the air vent and Frostee said, “Time to get our spy on.” They all crawled through the ventilation shaft to escape and dropped down towards the Key Cars. Donnie ordered his friends, “Twilight, take the red one. Frostee, the blue one. I got green.” Twilight and Frostee nodded as they all ran towards the Key Cars and went inside them. “All right, here we go. Just like driving a car in a video game, except the pedals are down there. All the way down there,” Frostee muttered, “Stupid high-tech car! How am I supposed to…” He then found the seat adjustment button, “Ah!” [Frostee] Spy Racer! Driving away in the key car! Try to catch me, but I've gone too far Frostee stopped singing, realizing he was being lowered slowly. He groaned, “Come on! Aren't you supposed to be some kind of supercar?” Twilight called Donnie, “Hey Donnie, I only have my learner's permit.” “Well that’s nice. Are you sure you know how to drive a fast car, Twilight?” Donnie asked. “I'm sure I can handle it.” Twilight answered as Spike ducked into Twilight's bag and zipped it to where he can still breath. As for Frostee, his feet were finally on the gas pedals as the seat stopped moving. He shouted, “Bam!” Suddenly, Frostee was plucked by the twins, Nacho and Rollie. Nacho requested, “The rest of you surrender if you don't want your friend to get hurt.” “No, I get to bring him back!” Rollie said. Nacho fired back, “Nah, I do!” Frostee begged, “If you keep yanking, you'll both get a half!” Rollie liked the sound of Frostee’s idea and replied, “That seems fair.” The twins laughed and Frostee realized his mistake. He begged, “No. No, no, no, no, no…” “Okay, we're coming out. Just don't hurt Frostee.” Donnie answered as he slowly exited out of the green Key Car. Nacho chuckled, “Smart move.” Rollie nodded, “Now it's fair,” then she noticed Twilight was still in the red Key Car and had a sly grin on her face. “Hey, four-eyes, why are you smiling?” “Because you idiots haven't realized that I'm sitting in a highly durable speed car and that you two, are standing right in my path...” Twilight explained, still grinning as she started the car. After a few seconds, Nacho and Rollie got the hint. “Uh, oh!” “Frostee, brace yourself!” Twilight called, as she pulled the gear shift and stomped her foot on the gas. The tires squealed and the car shot... backwards. “Y'aaahhhh!” Twilight screamed as the car crashed into the back wall with a jerk. “And... she put it in reverse by mistake,” Frostee stated, dryly. “I'm okay,” Twilight called, right before the airbag deployed and smushed her against the seat. Nacho and Rollie burst out laughing at her, while Donnie and Frostee facepalmed. Meanwhile, Gary and Nowhere landed right back on the military base, but they were surrounded by General Dudley and his troops as the two spies exited from their jet. Ms. Nowhere questioned the general, “General, what are you doing?” “Ms. Nowhere, you have aided and abetted enemies of the state. Arrest these traitors.” General Dudley announced. As the soldiers moved to apprehend Nowhere, Gary stepped in and started fighting them while Nowhere smirked. Gary first punched one soldier to the gut and sweep kicked another. Then, another soldier tried to get the jump on Gary, but he sensed it quickly and elbowed him followed by an overhead throw. After that, Gary caught the soldier’s leg, blocking his attack and threw him right at another soldier. Gary shoulder tackled two more soldiers, hit another soldier with an uppercut, a kick to another soldier, and threw another soldier on the ground. General Dudley and his troops were intimidated by Nowhere’s agent. Back in the spy plane, the Crew and the Ninjas were watching everything from the drone feed in the military base. “Whoa!” They all said in amazement. “So cool,” Tony said. “Holy chalupa!” Raph remarked. “Wowie zowie!” Pinkie gasped. “¡Increíble!” Gabby said, in Spanish. “Look at him go!” Cisco cheered. “Gary's awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed. “The dude's like a tank!” Casey stated. “Totally!” Echo agreed. “He's strong as a bull!” Applejack commented. “Yep,” Rarity agreed. “Amazing,” Adagio commented. “Wow,” Aria added. “Go, Gary!” Sonata cheered. Back in the base, the rest of Dudley’s soldiers moved in and piled onto Gary, but he used every amount of his strength and defeated Dudley’s soldiers. While the other soldiers slinked back, Nowhere told her agent, “Gary, stand down.” “Sorry about that.” Gary apologized while fixing his composure. The two spies stood down and let General Dudley cuffed them. He vowed, “Now I'm going to use the full might of the American military to take Shashi down, like you should have done from the beginning.” “You're playing right into his hand.” Nowhere informed him. “Take them away.” General Dudley scoffed while his soldiers escorted Gary and Nowhere to their prison cell. Meanwhile, in the garage carrier of the spy plane, Gabby was feeling guilty and thought about something. The ninjas noticed her behavior and April asked, “Gabby, is something wrong?” “I've been thinking,” Gabby stated. “Tony and the crew have been trusting us. Well, I just realized, we haven't really trusted them.” “Darling, whatever do you mean?” Rarity asked. “You know what I mean,” Gabby pointed to the Turtles. “I feel guilty about keeping Tony and the others in the dark like this. I don't think it's right to lie to them anymore.” “Just what are you saying, Gabby?” Leo asked. “I think we should tell Tony and the others the truth about you guys,” Gabby stated. “What?!” They all gasped. “Guys, I know it's a gamble, but they're our friends.” Gabby stated. Applejack remarked, “I'm all for honesty, but this sounds worst than the time mah sister and her friends had a box of fireworks.” Rarity nodded, “I agree.” “No way!” Raph rebuked. “No one is ever supposed to know about us,” Leo added. “Ever! That was the number one rule that Splinter always gave us!” “Oh really?” Gabby retorted. “Did that stop you from revealing yourselves to April? Or the Wondercolts at Camp Everfree? Or Crystal Prep when they visited New York. Or me?!” Everyone expressed concern for that. “Please, Leo, por favor!” Gabby pleaded. “We've all worked together with them. They trust us, so we should trust them.” Leo thought about it for a moment, before he said, “Gabby's right. We've worked together with them and they've trusted us. So they deserve to know the truth.” In the main room, Tony and his racing crew gathered around for a private meeting. “You realize the jerk who took our friend is about to get access to the most powerful weapon in the world?” Echo said. Cisco added, “Man, no matter what happens, we have to get Frostee back.” Tony vowed, “We will. He's family.” “And it's not just Frostee. My brother Donnie, and our friends, Twilight and Spike got caught in the middle of it. So we'll help.” Leo reminded them as the Ninjas entered the room. “Excellent. And I'll make sure we're gonna swap the car for them. No funny business.” Tony stated. April asked, “Then what?” Tony smiled, “Then we're gonna stop Shashi. Right, Layla?” Layla answered, “Want to play cops and robbers, you're on your own. I'm just here to get your friends back.” “Come on, you're the best driver we've ever met.” Rainbow said. “And you're our amigo, Layla.” Gabby reminded her. “You even tied me and Rainbow. We could really use your help.” Tony said. Layla retorted, “To bring down Shashi? The guy who stole a car from space? You'll need more than my help. I'm out. I'm sorry.” “I know you think you're a lone wolf, but I think you run better with a pack.” Tony stated. Raph added, “Believe me, I know the feeling.” Minutes later, the spy plane landed on an undisclosed location and the heroes exited the spy plane with their masks on. They walked on the sands of the desert and saw Shashi, Jun, Nacho, and Rollie on the other side with the rest of the Key Cars. They approached towards Shashi and his crew to get ready for the exchange. “Hey, Toretto, where's the car?” Shashi asked. “I want to see Frostee and our friends first.” Tony demanded. Shashi signaled his crew Nacho brought out Frostee and Donnie while Rollie got Twilight and Spike. Nacho told Shashi, “Hey look, they're like a hairy armpit.” “Smells like you never heard of deodorant.” Frostee muffled. Nacho asked, “Who?” “Ewww.” Twilight commented. Tony signaled Layla, who was in the spy plane, by phone, “They're safe. You're on.” The door to the spy plane was opened and Layla drove out with the Key Car. Shashi signaled the twins to let go of their hostages and allowed Frostee and his friends to walk back to their crew while Tony signaled Layla to drive up to Shashi in the spy car. Thus, the deal was complete. The ninjas and racers ran up to their tech support and hugged them. “I missed you, man!” Cisco cheered. Frostee replied, “Ah, that's the B.O. I like to smell.” Sonata took Frostee from Cisco and hugged him tight. “Frostee, I missed you too.” Sonata said. Sonata let go of Frostee as Echo laughed, “Yo!” They both did their secret handshake and Tony greeted Frostee, “Good to have you back, Frostee.” Mikey yelled, “Donnie!” “Welcome home, bro.” Raph said as he hugged Donnie. Leo hugged Donnie as well, “Welcome back, brother.” Then, April kissed Donnie, leaving him a gibbering mess while Donnie blushed really red. Tony noticed and asked his cousin, “Is he okay?” Gabby answered, “Happens every time April kisses him.” “Twilight! Spike!” Pinkie cheered as she hugged Twilight. Spike popped out of Twilight’s bag and barked happily. Rarity grabbed Spike and hugged him while Fluttershy joined the hug. After that, the rest of the Rainbooms gathered around for a group hug. Sunset told Twilight, “We're glad you are all safe.” On the other side, Shashi looked from afar and scoffed, “Touching.” Layla drove up to Shashi’s crew and Shashi told Layla, “Now, get out of the car.” “I don't take commands anymore. You guys don't seem to get it. I'm better as a lone wolf. Kiss your last key goodbye, Shashi.” Layla refused as she attempted to drive away from the scene. Shashi smirked, “Layla Gray, you are fun.” However, the Key Car stopped dead in the sand and Layla was unable to escape because the car was remotely taken over. “What the?” Layla wondered until a fiery explosion occurred and the Key Car was driven right back near Shashi’s crew. The five Key Cars cars began to flash their headlights, move around, and align in place to form a star-shaped position, opening a hole in the ground and the two teams found themselves being lowered like an elevator to an underground vault. Echo said with worry, “This doesn't seem good.” “I never thought I'd say this, but I hope this is a government weather machine,” Cisco hoped. Shashi explained to the ninjas and racers, “The cars are keys, and this is what they unlock.” Everyone observed around the area and Tony asked, “What is this place?” “A tomb,” Shashi answered. “My mother and father believed that if they came to America and worked hard, they could use their talents to create a better life and a better world. They were geniuses, but they were naive. They trusted five rich men who used their minds to create Skeleton Key. It was technology decades ahead of its time, able to control anything computerized. The men knew discovered something invaluable. They also knew they couldn't trust each other. So they built this vault to lock it away, made five keys to keep it safe, and then killed the only people who knew about it.” The ninjas and Tony’s crew gasped as Tony figured out who Shashi was talking about with a sad expression on his face. He answered, “Your parents.” “They buried them here, along with their dream,” As the elevator stopped, Shashi continued his speech, “Now I'm digging that dream up, and it's going to become those billionaires' nightmare. They've been using it to build the greatest fortune in the world, but all it has built… it can also destroy.” He approached towards the container and took possession of the helmet known as the Skeleton Key. “So, can that helmet really control any form of technology?” April asked. “Yes it can,” Shashi said. “You only robbed four of them. That means there's one left.” Tony realized. “Cleve Kelso, the one who pulled the trigger, he's about to see a ghost,” Shashi stated. Fluttershy sadly whispered, “Cleve Kelso killed his parents? Oh dear.” “That yellow-bellied snake. Ah knew he was up to no good again.” Applejack whispered back. As the elevator began to ascend, Shashi looked at the helmet until he turned to Tony and offered him, “I know you understand family, Tony. You understand justice. Help me.” “Help you what? I can't bring you parents back.” Tony replied. “But you can make sure that the next generation of people like them has a fair shot. Today, we can level the playing field. Help me use Skeleton Key to unlock all the vaults in the world and give everything away. I'm about to create a world without rules. In a world like that, I'm going to need some real outlaws. I need a Toretto. And your friends are more than welcome to join,” Shashi placed his hand on Tony’s shoulder, but he looked conflicted. “You're not made for a life on a government leash. Come with me. Help me destroy this entire corrupt system and take out the man who murdered my parents.” Gabby thought with worry, ‘Tony.’ Tony thought about Shashi's offer and decided he can't turn back on his family. He answered, “No. I can't. You've got it all wrong, Shashi. Family isn't about revenge. It's about helping each other. It's about healing. Destroy Skeleton Key and walk away from all this. I won't stop you.” “I'm disappointed. I thought all of you would understand. But what about the rest of you? Are you going to take Tony’s side or mine?” Shashi asked them all. Leo answered, “Shashi, my brothers and I know what it's like to lose a parent, but Tony's got a point. So we're not joining you on your quest of revenge. We side with Tony.” The racers stood up alongside Tony while the ninjas reached for their weapons and drew them against Shashi, letting him know that they made their answers clear. “Figures,” Shashi said, nonchalant. Then he smirked, “You know what, that reminds me...” then he announced, “Attention everyone, Tony Toretto and his crew aren't the only one's with a secret to hide!” The Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings gasped in shock. “Oh no!” Gabby said, eyes wide. “Secret?” Tony asked. “What secret?” “Your prima and her friends have been hiding something from all of you, Toretto,” Shashi explained, before putting on the face helmet. “Four somethings. Hiding right, in, plain, sight!” He thrusted his hand toward the Turtles and their cloaked, human disguises pulsed and flickered, nearly revealing themselves. “What's happening?” Raph asked, as Shashi clenched his fist and held it to his left side and their disguises really started to flicker, showing bits and pieces of their real selves. “Shashi must be using Skeleton Key to shut down our disguises!” Donnie whispered in a panic. In desperation, Casey charged at Shashi with a bat and leaped at him. “Goongala!” Only for Nacho to punch him down at the last minute. “Uhh, what's happening to the guys?” Frostee asked. “Nothing!” Pinkie interjected, jumping in front of the Turtles to shield them. “Nothing to see here!” But then, Rollie grabbed her and threw her off to the side. “You're about to find out!” Shashi answered. “NOOOOOOOO!” The ninjas cried. Shashi swung his hand out and in a bright flash, the Turtles’ disguises vanished and they were exposed. “Aww, not again!” Mikey moaned. Everyone except Shashi gasped in shock. Cisco, Frostee, and even Nacho and Rollie screamed at the sight of the Turtles. “What the?!” Tony gasped. “What in tarnation?!” Layla exclaimed. “Whoa! I did not see that coming,” Echo stated. “What-what are they?!” Nacho asked, in shock. “They're monsters, bro!” Rollie exclaimed. “Hey, we're not monsters! We take serious offense to that!” Mikey frowned. “I knew it,” Shashi said, removing the helmet. “Wait! You knew?!” Gabby asked, in shock. “But how did ya see through their disguises?” Applejack asked. “I didn't at first,” Shashi admitted. “But after I got to know them at the after party, I started getting suspicious. And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense!” “That doesn't explain how you found out,” Leo said. “Well, like I said to Gabby after that tie race, I have friends in New York,” Shashi explained. “One friend in particular told me all about you four. He goes by the name of... Hun!” “Hun?!” The ninja team gasped. “You know Hun?!” Sunset asked. “Of course I know Hun,” Shashi confirmed. “After all, we're business partners.” “Partners?” The Turtles gasped. Shashi rolled up his sleeve and revealed a Purple Dragon tattoo on his right arm. Frostee gasped, “I know that symbol! That's the symbol of the Purple Dragon street gang.” “It's a very interesting story,” Shashi began. “You see…” “Months ago, we had been planning to rob one of the Shredder's secret money stashes. But when we arrived, we discover that someone had beat us to steal: The Purple Dragons! Layla and the others wanted to duke it out and Hun was more than happy to oblige. But I had a peaceful resolution. We would let the Purple Dragons have the heist, if they shared half the goods with SH1FT3R. And although reluctant, Hun agreed, under the condition that SH1FT3R becomes the LA branch of the Purple Dragons, and a partnership was formed. But the Dragons never got away with the money though. And they ended up behind bars. But we broke them out and Hun explained that he had been foiled by the Shredder's adopted daughter, Karai, and one of four mutant Turtle ninjas who had been giving them all trouble. He also described that each turtle wore a multicolored mask; Blue, Red, Purple, and Orange. And your cloaked human disguises each wore that color. Hun also said they were allied with a red headed girl in a black jumpsuit, some punk vigilante with a hockey stick, and seven high school girls called, The Rainbooms. Remembering all that, I just put two and two together, and it all clicked!” The Ninja team stared in dumbfounded shock that Shashi had figured them out through all those details. “Wow!” Pinkie spoke up. “And we thought Batman* was a great detective!” “Now with that's out of the way, I guess I'll have to do this myself.” Shashi stated before getting ready to put on the helmet. “You're not getting out of here with that key!” Tony stated as he tackled Shashi, letting go of Skeleton Key in the process. After that, Shashi’s team and Tony’s friends soon followed and fought against each other. Tony battled Shashi while Cisco and Echo engaged in combat with Shashi's two guards. As Cisco knocked off Nacho, the yellow Key Car glitched and opened the door for Layla to escape and help Tony’s friends fight her former team. Frostee asked Jun, “You ready?” “Born.” “Let's… do this!” Frostee shouted as they both grabbed their phones and battled each other in a video game. Frostee was the mage avatar while Jun was the female warrior avatar. They mashed buttons with their fingers and their characters duked it out. Donnie hollered, “Hey Frostee, need any help?” “Nah, D. I got this. You and Twilight help the others.” Frostee ordered as the two ninjas rushed off to help their friends. “How can you see him as anything but a freak?” Jun asked while using her phone. Frostee replied while using his phone, “He's my friend. But I bet you didn't expect my mage to level so quickly.” “Watch out for my trap.” Jun said. “Aw!” Frostee grunted. “That's it! It's mana-drain time.” Shashi and Tony continued to battle as Tony called his friend, “Cisco! You got to stop this elevator.” Cisco asked, “How?” “You'll think of something.” Tony said while dodging Shashi's kicks. Echo struggled to get up and observed the fights between her friends and Shashi’s minions. She called, “Yo, Cisco! The key cars, they could jam up the elevator!” While Cisco and Nacho continued to match their strength against one another, Raph rushed over and flipped Nacho over for Cisco to escape. As Rollie was about to stop Cisco, Raph tackled Rollie. “Do what she says. I'll handle Tiny. Now go Cisco!” Raph yelled as Cisco reached towards the green Key Car and started pushing it with every ounce of his strength. Applejack came by and aided him to push the car. She asked, “Hope ya don't mind, Cisco.” Cisco nodded and they worked together to push the green Key Car. However, Rollie kicked Cisco, knocking over Applejack as well and stopped their plan. As Nacho was ready to finish off Cisco, Echo and Sonata gasped as they rushed towards Nacho and knocked him down. Back to the video game fight, Frostee told Jun, “Forgot to level your minions, I see.” “Shut up! It's oblique warfare!” Jun retorted. “It's dumb warfare!” Frostee laughed. Tony continued to battle against Shashi with the help of Gabby, Leo, and Sunset. “Come on!” Tony yelled before Shashi kicked him down and his head was about to get flattened by a big gear piece. Tony realized the incoming danger until Gabby pulled her cousin out of the predicament just in the nick of time. “Thanks, prima.” “You’re welcome, T.” Gabby replied as she and Tony stood toe-to-toe against Shashi. “We could have ruled the world, like a family!” Shashi stated as he kicked him, but Tony blocked his attack. “Stop Shashi! It's not too late to end this.” Tony said. Shashi cried, “It's 16 years too late! Sixteen years I spent alone!” Before Gabby and Tony prepared to fight against Shashi again, everyone heard the military jets soaring through the sky and explosions booming above them as the elevator reached to the surface. The fight was broken up and General Dudley’s military army arrived and placed their weapons and weaponized drones in front of them. General Dudley exited out of the military vehicle and ordered through the megaphone, “We have you surrounded! Drop Skeleton Key and back away, or you will be met with lethal force!” Tony informed Shashi, “It's over, man. The government's here.” “They won't be the government for long,” Shashi replied as he looked at Skeleton Key on the dusty grounds. He then dropkicked Tony down and picked up the helmet. “Not when every tank and every plane gets ripped from their control!” In response, Shashi donned the Skeleton Key helmet and targeted the army’s helicopters first and motioned his hand to spiral one of the choppers out of control. Luckily, the pilots ejected out of their chopper and landed on the desert safely. “I can feel my parents with me, their code racing through my mind!” Shashi stated as he continued using Skeleton Key’s power and gathered all of the military’s drones, turning them against the military. Tony was ready to charge right at his enemy from behind, but Shashi slammed his fist down and the drone crashed right in front of Tony, knocking him down on the ground. General Dudley ordered his troops, “He's got the key! Take him out!” The military choppers fired their missiles at both parties, but Shashi used the helmet’s power again and knocked the missiles away from them. The ninjas and racers laid down and took cover. Shashi then sent the other two helicopters down and the pilots escaped and parachuted safely before their vehicles crashed. After that, he used the weaponized drones and targeted General Dudley’s army. They took cover as well and General Dudley looked scared. With no other options left, General Dudley and his army retreated as Shashi turned their vehicles against them too. “I've got to warn Cleve.” General Dudley proclaimed. After Shashi scared off the army, the rest of the weaponized drones surrounded the ninjas and Tony’s friends along with Layla. With the twins and Jun by Shashi’s side, Shashi informed his team, “It's time we pay a visit to the man who killed my parents. And he's in the perfect place for the whole world to go bust - Las Vegas.” Shashi’s minions climbed aboard the three Key Cars as Shashi turned his attention to Layla. He told her, “This was was going to be your car, but you've ruined it.” He snapped his fingers and blew up the yellow Key car. “Oh, by the way, here's a little parting gift for you all!” Shashi waved his hand and another swarm of weaponized drones surrounded the Racers and Ninjas. “I warned all of you guys! Being in SH1FT3R's like a dream, but you try to cross us and just like that, that dream turns into a nightmare! Tell my parents I said hi!” Shashi said before he and his crew drove their Key Cars along with their military tech and left for Vegas, leaving the heroes at the mercy of the drones. “Well, it was nice knowing you guys!” Frostee said, in fear. Then the drones opened fire. Cisco screamed and the crew and Layla shut their eyes and braced themselves. But nothing happened. They opened their eyes and saw they were all shielded by some kind of diamond dome. Tony and his crew looked over and saw Rarity holding her hands out and grunting before she thrust her hands out and the dome knocked the drones away. As the drones started to come back, the Rainbooms all held hands and rose off the ground, then to the crew's shock, the girls sprouted pony ears, wings, and tails and their outfits changed into beautiful dresses. The Turtles, Allies, and Dazzlings drew their weapons as Leo shouted. “Ninjas, take 'em down!” “Booyahkasha!” Mikey hollered, as they fought off the attack drones. Leo, Raph, and the Dazzlings were slicing and smashing the drones up with their bladed weapons, tribaton, and tonfas. Donnie was twirling his staff, deflecting some drone blasts, when he got an idea. After making some quick calculations, he flipped away and threw some ninja stars in opposite directions. The stars bounced off some drones and nailed some others, shutting them down. He chuckled, “Nice!” Suddenly a bunch more drones were about to blast him, but they were knocked away by April's psychic waves. “Thanks, April.” “Your welcome,” April replied, before she destroyed more with her tessen and tanto. “Goongala!” Casey shouted as he shot some exploding hockey pucks that blew up more drones. “Yeah, boy!” Mikey was avoiding the drone blasts then he attracted the blade in one end of his chucks and hooked a drone. Then he pulled it around, making it blast other drones, before he yanked it to the ground, destroying it. As for the Rainbooms, Sunset was destroying some drones with her kunai. Twilight was using her spear and magic. Rarity with her sickles and diamond disks. And Fluttershy with her blow gun. Applejack was dodging some blasts when she picked up the blown up key car and used it like a baseball bat, swinging and smashing some drones. “Yee-Haw!” She hollered. Rainbow zipped around with her super speed, slashing away at some more drones with her nagatana. Then she used her wings and took to the air, flying over the crew. She smirked down at the shocked Tony as she destroyed more drones. Pinkie Pie did backflips and cartwheels as she was tossing her sprinkles at some drones blowing them up. "You need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!" Then she twirled around, throwing sprinkles at all the drones and they all blew up. Then one came at Tony, when Gabby grabbed hold of it then smashed it on the ground and stomped it till it was destroyed. After the Ninjas destroyed all the drones, the crew stared in shock before Frostee said, “That... was... AWESOME!” He started fanboying out until Cisco laid a hand on Frostee’s shoulder to calm him down. Tony’s crew glared at the Ninjas and Rainbooms, who looked sheepish. “So, I guess we got some explaining to do, huh?” Mikey said nervously, right before Echo threw a broken drone piece at his head, knocking him down. “Ow!” “You guys were giant turtles?! Like this whole time?!” She yelled. “Uh, technically, we're mutant turtles,” Donnie corrected her. “And you disguised yourselves with cloaking tech?” Frostee asked with interest. “How did you make that?” “Oh, well you see-” Donnie started. “Not the time!” Layla cut him off. “And you girls have super powers?” Cisco asked. “We sure do,” Pinkie said. “Cause we're magic!” “Magic?” Tony scoffed. “There's no such thing.” “Nope. She's telling the truth,” Spike spoke. The crew stared at the dog in shock and dumbfoundment. “Umm… did that dog just speak?” Cisco asked. “That dog just spoke, yo!” Echo said. “Really, four talking turtles, seven girls with magical powers, and you’re more shocked by the talking dog?” Spike retorted. “He's got a point,” Frostee noted. “Wow. I can't believe I just agreed with a talking dog! How weird is that?!” “Not as weird as you think,” Sunset said. “And you hid all this from us, prima?!” Tony snapped at Gabby. “I'm sorry...” Gabby said in guilt. “I wanted to tell you.” “But you didn't!” Tony retorted. “Don't blame Gabby, Tony,” Leo interjected. “She was only keeping our secret.” Then he explained. “As ninjas, we trained to embrace secrecy. And as mutants, we had to remain hidden from all humans as most humans just wouldn't understand us. And we weren't sure if you all could be trusted.” “Especially you!” Raph said to Layla. “A lot of humans we've encountered only saw us as monsters,” Donnie explained. “And they would run away in fear, or try to either destroy or dissect us.” “Yeah, some government jerk tried to do that to me and Mikey once!” Casey recalled General Griffin. “They do have a point,” Frostee agreed. “Jun did call Donnie a freak.” “And Rollie call them monsters,” Cisco noted, then he admitted sheepishly. “And me and Frostee did scream in fear when we saw them.” “Can't really argue with that,” Echo admitted. “And one time when we accidentally got exposed, our late Sensei grounded us,” Mikey recalled the Muckman incident. “And took away our TV.” “No TV?!” Frostee exclaimed. “That's the worst!” “I know, right!” Mikey agreed. “Same with us and our powers,” Sunset told their reason. “Mine too,” April added. “Okay, I get why you didn't tell us,” Tony admitted. “But still, we trusted you guys!” “I realized that a while ago,” Gabby explained. “So I convinced them to tell you guys the truth. And we were going to, but Shashi beat us too it. Also, do you think it's easy saying 'Hey, my friends are actually four giant talking turtles and my other friends are magical'?” “That right there sounds like crazy talk to me,” Layla noted. “And they all did just save us,” Frostee pointed out. Tony sighed, “Yeah.” He admitted, “So, it's fine, prima.” Echo said, “If you trust these guys, we trust them too.” Cisco smiled, “Yeah, these guys are cool in my book.” Frostee added, “Ditto.” Gabby and her friends were elated and sighed in relief. She thanked Tony and his crew, “Thanks guys. We appreciate it.” “Just don't keep anymore secrets like this from us, okay?” Tony said “Muy bien,” Gabby nodded, and the two shared a hug. Once they pulled away, Tony vented, “But I can't believe Shashi blew up my car!" Layla reminded him, “What are you talking about? That was my car.” “What? You were going to drive off and leave him. He wanted me to help him and get his revenge, OK, not you.” “I was literally on his team! There was a plan where I was supposed to drive that car away.” Tony suggested Layla, “Agree to disagree.” “Guys, please, por favor?” Gabby told Layla and his cousin. Layla apologized, “Sorry.” Echo asked everyone, “All right. So, what do we do now?” “We still have the spy plane and our cars. We just have to head him off and stop him.” Tony answered. “Didn't you just see what just happened? He can control all of our stuff with Skeleton Key. And when that thing gets to Vegas, he's going to be able to tap into the main electrical grid, amplify his power, and control the whole world.” Frostee informed everyone as Shashi’s army were heading straight to their next destination, Las Vegas. > The Key to the Strip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in Las Vegas, the greedy, Southern billionaire known as Cleve Kelso was sitting in his penthouse suite of his hotel casino, The Passline. From there, he started video chatting with five of his businessmen without looking at them. “Ah, quit your bellyachin'!” Cleve ordered. One of his businessmen pleaded him over the com-link, “Cleve, Shashi stole my key car and half of my operating capital! My board is trying to fire me, and half of them are my kids! Cleve turned his chair around and looked at the video chat on his phone. He berated his colleague, “You know what your problem is, Williams? You live on a boat. Man can't get a firm footin' on a boat.” “You're supposed to protect us, Cleve!” Another partner of Cleve’s, Delwyn Usk, exclaimed over the com-link. “It's not my fault that you can't keep your keys in the garage. Now, just relax. My key car is locked up tighter than a tick on a deerhound. Without that, that kid's got nothing.” Cleve stated. “But he's gonna try...” Cleve abruptly interrupted his other colleague, “Let him try! I made my bones on the Strip with Rudy the Fish and Big Poppa Umami. I can handle this punk. And, by the way, we should have taken care of this when we got rid of his parents. But no. 'Cleve, that makes us feel so dirty.' I hope you learned your lesson on that one, ya bunch of soft serves.” “But how do you know your car is safe?” Another colleague asked. “Because I got an old war buddy watchin' it, and he would eat a glass sandwich before he would let my car get snagged. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a blowing-up party to attend.” Cleve said before four of his colleagues hung up except one. “If you really think getting rid of that kid is going to make you feel any better, then I'm out Cleve, I can't help you on this one, neither. You're talkin' to a father here,” He rebuked. “I'd pull any mean, scoundrelous, swindling, cheating, low down, dirty move on anyone. But I draw the line when it comes to harming children!” Cleve laughed. “Then you ain't no real man, Arboost! You're just as soft as those other wussies!” Arboost glared, “Is that so? Well, how's this for a man? Consider our partnership closed, Cleve! Expect a call from my attorneys. That is, if you're still alive!” He laughed wickedly. Then, a tall woman who’s Arboost’s daughter, Jessie, walked up. “Your call is officially done, Cleve!” After that, she shot the screen with one of her guns. Cleve grunted, “Ah, I never liked Arboost anyway!” He then lamented with his trophy, “You know, the Passline was my first hotel. I'll miss you, old girl. Haven't felt this way since I had to put dow my old pony, Butterscotch.” Then he got fired up, “But my new hotel will make ten times more money, so, 'boom' goes the dynamite! What a bunch of candy canes.” Cleve’s phone rang and answered, “General Dudley, how's my baby?” However, Cleve was not pleased after General Dudley answered to him. “What? What do you mean you lost it?” Then, Cleve felt something rumbling around the area and looked through the window of his hotel and saw Shashi and his army entering the Las Vegas Strip. “Hello, Las Vegas!” Shashi announced over the P.A. before his tanks started firing in the air. Back in the Passline, Cleve got nervous as he watched and said, “Oh, applesauce.” “Please clear all traffic from the Strip.” Shashi said as he used Skeleton Key to move the cars out of his way until the police was coming towards him. He used its power again and snapped his fingers, causing the police cars to stop and the policemen escaped just in time before the tanks crushed them. Shashi called the tourists as they watched, “Attention, guests of Cleve Kelso's hotels. I need you all to please evacuate the Yo-Leven, the Ace Deuce, and the Horn Casinos. No need for alarm. You are all about to receive the biggest payout of your lives, the biggest payout in Vegas history!” He then ordered Jun, “Jun, head to the smart city hub. Connect it to the main power grid.” “You got it. I should be able to amplify Skeleton Key's range in about 30 minutes.” Jun replied as she drove the Green Key Car to work on the amplification. “And then we can hack the world and destroy every government on Earth. While you're doing that, I'm going to hunt down the man who killed my parents.” Shashi vowed as he used Skeleton Key’s power again to search Cleve through the security cameras and gain control of the entire Las Vegas Strip. “Where are you, Cleve? I'm coming for you!” Shashi shouted as Cleve continued to watch, feeling scared. Meanwhile in the desert, the ninjas and racers gathered around to come up with a plan to stop Shashi and his army. Tony spoke up, “There's got to be some way to stop Shashi.” “He's commanding a whole army!” Layla shouted. “Any of you guys have back-up?” Tony asked the ninjas. Leo answered, “All of our allies are in New York and we can't risk anyone else seeing us.” Adagio added, “And it'd take too long for the rest of the Foot to get here.” “Then we'll have to shut down Skeleton Key. Frostee, Donnie, Twilight, can you guys hack it?” Tony asked them. Frostee answered, “I don't think so.” Twilight suggested, “I could maybe Trojan-horse a virus to shut it down for like ten seconds or something.” “That's all we need.” Rainbow nodded. “Seriously?” Gabby asked. Tony replied, “It might be. I just need to get close enough to knock that helmet off his head.” “We would need a really powerful transmitter to project the malware.” Donnie said. “You're going to Vegas. Why don't you use Big Ben?” Layla told the mutant turtle. Donnie noted, “That might work. It does have that big antenna on top. But we need a massive power source.” “I was joking.” Layla said, dryly. Echo suggested, “How about the top-secret government battery in my car?” “Yeah!” Frostee cheered. “That'll work.” Twilight noted. Tony told Layla, “You see? We got something going here!” “That's the power of teamwork,” Gabby stated. “And friendship!” Pinkie added. “Look, even if this could work, you don't have enough time. By now, Jun is jacked into the main grid, and it's a matter of time before Shashi takes over all the world's computers, or whatever he's doing.” Layla said. “You were in his crew. Don't you know his plan?” Sunset asked. “Cualquier Cosa? Anything?” Gabby asked. Layla replied, “I like racing cars and stealing stuff. Politics is his thing.” “Of course it is,” Donnie sighed. “Any idea on what Shashi's gonna do after he gets his revenge?” Spike asked. Frostee got off of Cisco’s truck and said, “He'll probably eliminate the global banking structure, take control of all nuclear weapons, pretty much destroy modern civilization as we know it.” “Well that's real comforting,” Raph said, in sarcasm. “Then we better get moving.” Leo notified everyone. Cisco asked everyone, “But how are we gonna get close to Shashi if Skeleton Key can control all our vehicles?” “It can only control ones with a chip. We're going in old school.” Tony answered. Minutes later, Tony started removing the computer chips from his car. “All right! Yeah!” Cisco cheered as he ran towards his vehicle and removed the technological components inside. “Uh...” Frostee wondered as Cisco threw them away, rushed over to Casey, and took his hockey stick. Casey wondered, “Huh?” Cisco then started using the hockey stick to smash the equipment. “Yeah! Take that, Shashi!” “You don't have to break them! We can put them back in later!” Frostee informed his bud. Cisco apologized, “Oh. Sorry, man. I-I got carried away.” “Does that mean we can cancel the smashing we were about to do?” Sonata asked as everyone saw her, Pinkie, and Mikey getting ready to smash some of their equipment. Meanwhile, Layla, Echo, and the Dazzlings looked around the desert as Tony informed Echo over the con-link from her watch, “Echo, find some radios. We won't be able to use our watches to communicate.” From there, they found a small, storage building and Echo opened the door to see some vehicles inside. “Oh, snap!” Echo said while Layla and the Dazzlings smiled. While the ninjas and racers went to work, Echo arrived back to the group with an old-school car. “Check out this beast! I don't even have to rip anything out.” Layla arrived with her motorcycle, zooming and circling around Tony and Gabby before stopping. Not only that, the Dazzlings came by with their motorcycles too. Tony asked, “You love that, don't you?” “Just one to remember me by.” Layla said. Gabby asked, “What do you mean?” Layla explained, “I told you, I would stick around long enough to get your friends back. Well, they're back.” “But we can still stop Shashi.” Tony told her. “He's right, Layla,” Gabby said. "We make a great team.” Layla replied, “Great! Then law and order will prevail, and I'll go back to prison." “Maybe we can talk to Ms Nowhere about that,” Gabby suggested. “Yeah, I-I think I'll just hit the road and try my luck solo.” Layla answered. “After everything that we've been through? We really need you, Layla.” Tony said. “Please, Layla, por favor,” Gabby pleaded. “You need more than me. Try to stay alive, everyone.” Layla informed her friends. “And, Gabby...” “Yeah?” Gabby asked, before Layla pulled her into a hug. Although surprised, the Latina returned it. “You stay alive too, bestie,” Layla said, before the two girls parted. Then she rode off with her motorcycle and left. “Adios, amiga” Gabby waved sadly. Then she lowered her and shut her eyes, fighting back tears. Tony laid a hand on her shoulder. “You okay, prima?” Gabby wiped her eyes. “Si, I'm okay,” then she straightened up in determination. “Now let's go stop that psicópata!” Back at the military base, Gary was sitting in a cell playing the harmonica pretty good while Ms. Nowhere was taking care of her pet bird in its nest right on the cell window. “There you go. Who's a hungry, little guy?” She then fed Gary’s pet roach to her pet bird. “Nummy roach!” “Wait,” Gary stopped and sadly asked, “Did you just feed him Papa Roach?” “Nature is cruel, Gary. Only the strongest pets survive.” Nowhere explained to her agent until they heard a loud thud. The security guard was knocked out and the person unlocking their cell was none other than Dominic Toretto. “I thought I told you to keep my cousins out of trouble.” Dom reminded them. “Seems like trouble follows the Torettos wherever they go.” Ms. Nowhere stated. Dom said, “Let's move.” Meanwhile, Jun entered the main power grid and logged into the computer. From there, she informed Shashi, “Twenty-five minutes until global domination.” “I'm not picking up Cleve on any of the cameras. Time to flush him out.” Shashi stated as he looked through every security camera from his helmet. “Cleve! I know you're watching somewhere. Check this out!” Shashi called the southern billionaire out as he used his helicopters to fire their missiles on Cleve’s casinos and his drones to loot Cleve’s money, distributing them to the pedestrians on the streets below. “That's Cleve Kelso's money, everybody! Giving back to the people!” Shashi hollered. Back at the Passline, Cleve watched from the window and vented, “You son of a gun! I stole that money, fair and square!” Angered that the money he stole was being stolen from him, Cleve made his way to his elevator, which housed a security camera that Shashi hacked into, and called him out. “You think you can rob me? This is my town! You want to fight Cleve Kelso? Here I am!” Shashi pinpointed Cleve’s location. “Gotcha.” Meanwhile, the heroes raced their cars towards Las Vegas as Tony instructed his friends, “All right, Echo, Gabby, Sunset, Rainbow, Casey, Rarity, and I will run interference. Leo, you and your brothers will provide artillery in the Shellraiser. April, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, you guys are in charge of support with the Party Wagon. Dazzlings, cover Cisco. Cisco, tow Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight in the Hyperfin to Big Ben. Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight will hook up the battery, activate the transmitter, and launch the virus.” The three tech geniuses along with Spike were all crammed inside the Hyperfin and Frostee said, “I hope this works.” “You and me both?” Donnie agreed. “That makes three of us,” Twilight added. “Ditto,” Spike put in. “Wait, what do you mean?” Tony asked over the com-link. “I mean, it's not like we tested it.”Frostee replied. “He's right,” Donnie chimed in. “We haven't had enough time to test our hypothesis,” Twilight informed. “Guys, can you just stay positive, please?” Tony told him on his walkie-talkie. “The virus will work, and I'll take out Shashi while Skeleton Key is down.” Echo said, “In ten seconds.” Tony stated, “I'll do it in five.” “Hey Tony, in case we fail, thanks for being our friends.” Rainbow said over the com-link. Tony replied over his walkie-talkie, “Don't talk like that, Rainbow. But you're welcome.” As they entered the Strip, Nacho spotted the heroes coming after them. He alerted his boss, “Hey! Toretto's coming!” Shashi spotted them and said, “Hun was right. They're harder to exterminate than cockroaches. I'll handle this.” He then used his Skeleton Key to hack their vehicles but was unable to do so, because they have removed the technological components. However, the hack affected Frostee's medallion, glowing red and whirring noises. “Uh-oh!” The tech geniuses said before Frostee opened the car door and threw his medallion out, which exploded like a grenade. “I can't stop their cars! Toretto must have pulled out all the tech. Fine. If that's the way they want to do it, we'll take them out the old-fashioned way.” Shashi vowed and left his two cohorts, Rollie and Nacho, to deal with the Ninjas and Racers. “Today, I'll say goodbye to Cleve... and Tony Toretto,” Shashi announced as he hopped onto his drone and flew away to deal with Cleve Kelso. “There's Big Ben a mile ahead,” Gabby said as Shashi looked from above and used the water pipeline to create hazards on the road. The heroes dodged the hazards and Tony informed everyone from his walkie-talkie, “Scatter! We gotta keep Shashi busy while Cisco finds a way to the tower.” The civilians ran for cover as manhole covers fell from the sky while the heroes forged ahead and Raph noticed the empty streets. Raph called his brothers, “Hey, the streets are clear. I can snag me a bike and help.” “This is Las Vegas, Raph. We're more likely to be spotted here than New York,” Leo reminded him. “He’s got a good point, bro,” Mikey agreed. Raph groaned, “Agh, fine.” With Nacho and Rollie were heading straight towards the heroes, Tony drifted to the left while Nacho chased after him. As for Echo, she drifted to the right while Rolle chased after her. Meanwhile, Shashi was flying towards Cisco, Frostee, and the Dazzlings. Sonata alerted her friends, “Guys, terror from above!” Frostee whimpered, “Uh-oh.” Then, Shashi used Skeleton Key to blast water from below, blasting the manhole covers away while Cisco, Frostee, and the Dazzlings dodged them. However, Echo’s car was covered with gunk from the sewers. “Gross! Ugh!” Twilight said as she turned on the windshield wipes. Cisco sighed, “Glad I missed that.” Frostee stated, “Yeah, glad you missed it.” Cisco went through the watering hole and blasted water right at the Hyperfin. “Huh. There, that should be better…” Cisco said until he suddenly noticed a big army tank coming in front. “Woah! Hold on!” Cisco’s team drifted to the right before it opened fire on them. Adagio informed Cisco, “Cisco, go with Sonata and complete the mission. Me and Aria will draw Shashi away from you.” Cisco nodded as Adagio and Aria drove towards Shashi, drawing his attention away from the trio. Shashi noticed that he was being followed by the Dazzlings and sent his weaponized drones to keep them away from him. “That’ll slow them down.” Shashi said before heading towards Cleve’s penthouse. “Whoa!” Cisco dodged the shell and Sonata jumped aboard Cisco’s truck. Sonata told Cisco, “We can act and find another way to the tower!” “You got it, Sonata.” Cisco replied while driving away from the tanks. Jun informed Shashi, “Ten minutes until we launch worldwide.” As for Tony and Echo, they were continued being chased by Nacho and Rollie along with Shashi drone’s shooting lasers at the two teenage heroes. “I can't lose Rollie in this bucket.” Echo informed Tony over the com-link. Tony rounded the bend until Gabby had an idea. She asked her cousin, “Are you thinking what I'm thinking, primo?” “Oh yeah. Hey Echo, let's play some chicken. You ready?” Tony said over the com-link. “You know it.” Echo answered over her walkie-talkie. Just as Tony and Echo were about to slam into each other, they drifted to the side and speed down opposite roads. Nacho and Rollie weren't so lucky and crashed into each other. Tony asked everyone through his walkie-talkie, “How's everyone doing?” “Okay on this end,” April answered while driving as the drones swarmed over the Party Wagon, only for them to be turned into scrap iron. Twilight said over the com-link, “Try and salvage some parts.” Back to Cisco’s team, they were also being chased by Shashi’s drones and started shooting lasers at them. “Get ready to steer, guys.” Cisco told Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight over the walkie-talkie. Frostee asked, “Do what, now?” “Oh boy,” Donnie said, realizing what was about to happen. “Oh no!” Twilight squeaked. “I'm just gonna brace myself,” Spike said, ducking down in Twilight’s bag. Cisco released the tow cable and the tech geniuses screamed while skidding towards Big Ben. After the car stopped, they opened the door and proceeded to enter the building. While Jun continued prepping Shashi’s plan, she informed her boss, “Five minutes left.” “Should be just enough time to finish my business with Cleve.” Shashi said as he entered Cleve’s penthouse. “It's been a long time...” Cleve abruptly punched Shashi before he finished his greeting. “Oh, did I crack your glasses, four-eyes?” He then tackled Shashi to the ground. “You think you can take my money?” Before Cleve struck back, Shashi kicked him off before two of his drones tackled right at Cleve as he was about to charge towards Shashi. His drones picked Cleve up as Shashi confronted his parent’s killer, “I've waited a long time for this.” “You got sand, kid, I'll give you that. If someone killed my parents, I would do the same thing,” Cleve smirked. “Oh, my mission is about more than personal revenge. I'm about to create a new world order.” Cleve laughed, “Ha! That's what they always say when the tanks are rollin' down main street.” Then, Jun informed Shashi over the com-link, “Shashi, Toretto took Nacho and Rollie out. And our drones are getting torn to pieces. We need some help down here!” “Not now, Jun.” Shashi answered. “Trouble with the new world order?” Cleve cackled. “Shut up.” Jun informed Shashi again. “Forget the old man! We can get him later.” “Toretto can't touch me here. Finish your work and stop interrupting me.” Shashi ordered her. Cleve continued to push Shashi’s buttons and asked, “Being boss is harder than it looks, isn't it?” “Don't act like I'm one of your corrupt billionaire buddies. People like my parents don't have a real shot at the American dream because you rigged the game. But I'm gonna make the world a better place. I'm leveling the playing field! I'm gonna redistribute…” Cleve interrupted him, “Holy Moses! You here to take me out or make me subscribe to your newsletter?” Shashi then punched Cleve, knocking him out as a result. Back outside Big Ben, Frostee called his friends over the walkie-talkie, “Uh-oh. Guys, we got a problem. I threw away my medallion, and now I don't have anything to solder these wires.” Echo asked over her walkie-talkie, “Will a drone laser work?” Frostee replied over the com-link, “That will do.” “I'm on it.” Echo said as a laser drone continued to shoot lasers at her and made a U-turn to escape until a big army tank was targeting right at her. Echo looked back and gasped until Sunset drove right passed Echo and told her over the walkie-talkie, “We got you covered Echo.” Echo sighed in relief, “Thanks, girls. Stay safe out there and be careful.” “On it.” She put down her walkie-talkie. “Hold on, Rarity, and get ready to bail out when I say now!” Sunset said, as she drove toward a big army tank. “Oh no!” Rarity said in worry. Back to Echo, she ditched her car and hopped onto a drone and took control of it. Echo cheered, “Whoo! Wahoo! Yeah! Wahoo-hoo! Oh, yeah! Coming your way, tech support!” Sunset glared as she shifted the clutch and pounded her foot on the gas, driving straight at the tank. Then at the last minute, she cried, “Now!” Sunset and Rarity jumped out of her car as it ran into the tank as its cannon opened fire, making both vehicles exploded. “Darling, your car!” Rarity exclaimed. “I never really like that car anyway,” Sunset shrugged. Aria and Adagio pulled up on their bikes and Adagio asked, “Need a lift?” Sunset and Rarity nodded. While the tech geniuses waited outside Big Ben, they heard Echo coming with the laser drone, “Wahoo! That was awesome!” She then broke the laser drone in half, “Sorry, little guy.” “Wow! I'm glad DJ Drone wasn't here to see that.” Frostee ecstatically said before receiving the laser gadget. Meanwhile, Jun informed Shashi, “Two minutes until Skeleton Key is ready to launch worldwide.” Back to the streets, Tony and Gabby were being chased by an army tank as Tony used her walkie-talkie and asked, “How much longer Frostee?” Frostee finished building his laser gadget and replied over the walkie-talkie, “We're ready to go. But Shashi is on top of a building, and you'll only have 10 seconds to get to him and take down Skeleton Key! So… how are you going to do that?” Gabby looked at the map and found a building that they can use to get to the Passline where Shashi’s located at. “I think we just found a ramp,” Gabby noted. As Tony and Gabby were heading towards Shashi, they were stopped by one of the controlled helicopters. The Torettos turned around to find another way while the helicopter fired heat-seeking missiles at them. “Guys, we got a little problem here!” Tony said. The Torettos dodged the first heat-seeking missile, but not the second. “We can't shake it!” Gabby hollered while the other missile continued following them. Just then, Layla appeared all of a sudden and made the save by holding a lit flare while driving her motorcycle to draw the missile towards her. She screamed, “Wahoo-hoo!” Tony and Gabby gasped, “Layla?!” Layla told them, “I got the missile. Now, finish this!” As she turned into an adjacent street, the missile exploded as Tony and Gabby witnessed the impact and stopped the car, leaving them to fear the worst. “Layla! Are you all right? Does anyone have eyes on Layla?” Tony asked his team over the walkie-talkie with worry. Jun notified her boss, “Skeleton Key is linked into the West Coast grid. We're ready to launch worldwide, Shashi.” With Cleve continued to be suspended by the weaponized drones, Shashi told him, “I could do this all day, but sadly, I have other business to handle. Goodbye, Cleve.” Before Shashi was ready to finish off his Cleve, Tony ordered, “Fire up the transmitter!” Frostee activated the transmitter from the Hyperfin, planting the virus to Shashi’s server. “You got ten seconds, T!” Frostee said over the walkie-talkie. “Good thing you have a ten-second car, primo.” Gabby noted. “Thanks, Gabby.” Tony smiled as the Torettos headed their way to Shashi’s location. After the virus was transmitted, all of Shashi’s drone and Skeleton Key were shut down. Shashi questioned, “What's happening? Jun, I lost power.” Jun informed Shashi from the main power grid, “Someone is transmitting a virus! I'll have it handled in just a second.” While she’s working on removing the virus, the Yoka head emoji appeared and cackled. Jun realized who planted the virus and said, “Nice one, Frostee.” Back to the streets, Tony admitted while driving, “Really wished I hadn't yanked out that electric rocket ignition.” “Then let's go manual.” Gabby said and Tony nodded. As they were driving towards the pyramid, Rainbow noticed one of the controlled tanks was aiming its cannon right at Tony and Gabby. Rainbow gasped, then she glared in determination, pulled the gear shift, and stomped on the gas. At that moment, Tony and Gabby noticed the tank fired a blast. “Oh no!” Gabby cried. “Oh lugnuts!” Tony exclaimed. Suddenly, in slow motion, Rainbow’s car drove right in the way and the driver got out at the last minute, as her car was destroyed, then she activated her super speed and ran alongside them. “Whoa! Thanks, Rainbow!” Tony said. “Gracias!” Gabby thanked in Spanish. “Sorry about your car,” Tony apologized. “Hey, friendship's more important than any dumb old car,” Rainbow replied. “Now let's go stop Shashi!” Tony nodded as he turned his car to the right to grind against the sidewalk, which started the ignition. Then, the car drove up the pyramid and Rainbow jumped onto Tony’s car in slow motion before it jumped from the pyramid, launching right towards the Passline floor level where Shashi and Cleve are located. Shashi saw the headlights and reacted in disbelief, “No way.” Tony and Gabby exited from their car safely and Tony cheered at his survival, “Wahoo-hoo! Yeah! Did you guys see that?!” Gabby reminded her cousin, “Not the best time, primo.” As the ten seconds have passed, Shashi squared off against Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow while the Skeleton Key helmet came back online as Jun informed Shashi, “Got it! Shashi, you're back online.” Back to the fight, Shashi kicked Tony to the ledge as he was almost about to fall off the building. “No, no, no, no, no!” Tony cried until Gabby and Rainbow grabbed him just before he fell. Tony thanked them, “Thanks, girls.” Gabby replied, “Don't mention it, primo!” “Now go stop Shashi, T!” Rainbow yelled as she and Gabby launched Tony and tackled Shashi before he put on the helmet again. Tony grabbed the helmet, chuckling in victory. Shashi got up and started throwing punches at Tony, but he dodged them and rammed Shashi’s face to the window. “Let's see what this thing can do.” Tony said as he gained possession of Skeleton Key and donned the helmet. Once he gained possession of Skeleton Key, Tony veered the weaponized drones towards Shashi like he was possessed by its power. Shashi tried to run away, but he was cornered and cowered in fear as Tony was prepared to finish him off with the weaponized drones. “Nowhere to run, Shashi!” Tony said, darkly. “Tony, no!” Gabby exclaimed. “Don't sink down to his level!” Rainbow cried. Tony heard his friends’ cries and took a good look at his own reflection. He took off the helmet and whimpered, “This is how you took out Layla. Hiding behind a mask, letting machines do your dirty work.” He tossed the helmet to his car. “Get up. Let's finish this, Toretto-style.” “This Toretto-style?” Shashi challenged. “Three against one?” “We ain't fighting, el pelmazo!” Gabby said, smugly. “We're making sure you don't run!” Rainbow said, as the two girls blocked off any escape route. Tony and Shashi resumed to combat against each other once more as Jun tried contacting Shashi again, “Shashi! Shashi, come in!” She didn’t hear a response and Jun exited the main power grid until Echo made her way and knocked Jun unconscious. Echo cracked her knuckles and said, “Hack that.” After that, Twilight walked up to the computers and plugged a flash drive in. Twilight said, “There. That should allow Frostee and Donnie remote access.” Echo asked them, “What are you doing?” “Well, while we were hacking Cleve's network system, we found something very interesting...” Twilight answered, as they continued working. “And let's just say, they're making sure Cleve and his buddies get a one-way ticket... to jail.” Spike laughed. “Alright. I'll be outside if you need me.” Echo shrugged and walked away to let the tech geniuses do their thing. Back in the streets of the Las Vegas Strip, the tourists watched while Cleve emerged and said, “Come on! What's the hold up here? Let's blow this old gal!” With the explosives inside the building, as it was set for demolition, Cleve was set to blow her hotel with Shashi and Toretto’s team inside. “See you later, Shashi,” Cleve cackled. Tony and Shashi continued to throw punches at each other until Tony knocked Shashi unconscious just as Cleve pushed the plunger down, setting off an explosion. Tony smiled while clutching his fist, “That was a heck of a punch!” Gabby told him, “I don't think that was you.” The team gasped as the building began to rumble, getting ready to collapse into rubble. Frostee contacted his friends on radio, “Guys! The building you're in is exploding!” “I noticed,” Tony noted as the girls quickly went to his car and sat on the backseat while he buckled Shashi into the passenger seat of his car and threw the Skeleton Key helmet into the backseat before getting in the driver’s seat. “If we make it out of here alive, we're gonna knock you out all over again.” Gabby told an unconscious Shashi. Leo shouted over the com-link, “Get out of there guys!” Tony asked, “How?” With no way to safely exit the collapsing building, Tony thought of a desperate way to escape: the windows. “Hey, if Dom can do it, so can I.” Tony stated as he revved up the engines and drove his car back. “I hope you know what you're doing, T!” Rainbow shouted. Tony glared in determination, pulled the gear shift, and stomped on the gas. Everyone screamed as the car drove out of one of the windows in desperation and jumped off from the collapsing building. “They're not going to make it!” Cisco said while his friends looked up with with worry on their faces. Tony whimpered, “No, no, no, no, no.” As the car continued plummeting, it was snagged by a harpoon, fired from an airplane. Tony and his friends inside whimpered and panted except Shashi. “Are you seeing in this?” Is anyone seeing this?” Tony asked in disbelief. Frostee said in disbelief too, “I can't believe I'm seeing this.” Pinkie added, “Me neither.” Tony’s car was being towed into the plane and the door closed behind it while Tony and his friends sighed in relief. “Look who dropped in?” Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow recognized the voice and looked through the window. Tony asked, “Dom?” “Didn't anyone ever tell you cars don't fly?” Dom said as Tony, Gabby, and Rainbow exited from Tony’s car. Gabby asked, “Dom, what are you doing here?” “You two know I'm always there for family.” Dom answered while Ms. Nowhere and Gary walked up to them. Tony thanked his big cousin, “Thanks. I always wanted to be just like you.” “Same goes for me. I guess we didn't realize what that really meant.” Gabby smiled. “But you two stepped up and finished the job. And I'm proud of you.“ Dom hugged both of his cousins, feeling very proud of them while Rainbow, Gary, and Ms. Nowhere looked on while smiling. Back on the street, Layla drove up to the Ninjas and Tony’s crew. Tony gasped, “Layla! You're alive!” “Amiga!” Gabby cried in joy. And they ran up and hugged her. “Of course I am. You're the ones who needed saving... again.” Layla looked at the streets of Las Vegas, “You really tore things up here.” “Yeah, this was pretty fun. I've never been to Vegas before.” Tony said. “After this, we might not be invited back.” Gabby told her cousin. “Or any of us.” April added as the Ninjas agreed in unison. Just then, Tony noticed that Dom was approaching towards his crew and the ninjas, but the Turtles’ identities were exposed and they all panicked. “Oh lugnuts!” Tony exclaimed. “Turtle exposure alert!” Frostee cried. “Oh no!” Echo covered Leo's face with her cap, much to his annoyance. Cisco tackled Raph and Donnie, trying to hide them. “Nothing to see here!” Frostee stood in front of Mikey, waving his arms to keep the three from seeing him. “These four are not giant turtles!” “Uh... yeah, their... uh... cosplaying! Yeah!” Tony made up, quickly. “Really?” Gabby and Layla deadpanned. “Oh stop the theatrics, we know!” Ms. Nowhere said. “Wait, what?” Tony said. “You knew?” Echo asked. “Yes, she did,” Leo said, taking her hat off his face. “Surprised us too,” Mikey said. “Now get off of us!” Raph and Donnie yelled at Cisco. Cisco got off them and helped them up. “Sorry, guys,” he said, sheepishly. “Uh, what about Dom?” Frostee asked. “Nowhere already told me on the way here,” Dom explained. “Of course she did,” Gabby rolled her eyes. “It's cool, Gabby,” Dom said. “I've seen way crazier things than four giant turtles.” “Even stranger than a talking dog?” Spike asked, taking Nowhere and Gary by surprise. “Even stranger than that,” Dom answered. Leo announced for his friends, “All the same, sir. We're sorry we deceived you.” Dom smiled, “You guys had my cousins' back throughout this adventure. That makes you aces in my book.” Leo bowed, “Thank you.” Pinkie looked around and asked, “Uh, has anyone seen Adagio and others?” Before anyone could try and look for them, three of the key cars pulled up in front of them. The car doors were opened and the Dazzlings were revealed to be the ones driving them. Sonata in blue, Adagio in white, and Aria in green. Adagio greeted them, “Hey guys.” Sunset asked, “You girls took three of the Key Cars?” Aria answered, “No way we're letting these beauties go to waste.” Sonata suggested, “And the three of us figured we could use our own set of wheels.” Tony gave Layla an offer, “So, Shashi's gonna be locked up for a while. What are you gonna do now?” “We can still talk to Ms. Nowhere about the prison thing,” Gabby said. Layla asked, “What are-are you recruiting me to join your little spy squad?” Tony answered, “Yeah, why not? You get to travel around, play with cool spy stuff.” Layla politely declined his offer and reminded him, “What did I tell you, Toretto? I'm a lone wolf. I better get out of here before someone remembers to arrest me.” She got on her bike with a smile, knowing she has plenty of new friends. “See you around everyone. And you too, Latina,” she said to Gabby. After that, she rode off with her motorcycle and left town on her own terms. Tony smiled, “Later, Gray.” “Adios, Southern Belle,” Gabby said. Ms. Nowhere walked up to the group, “Looks like Cleve managed to get away in all the chaos. But don't worry, we'll find him. Any chance we'll find Skeleton Key in there?” Tony said, “Doubt it. I think the four of us survive.” Ms. Nowhere replied, “Probably for the best. It was too power. That thing in the wrong hands...” Gabby added, “Yeah. Imagine.” “Hey, we've got something for you.” Twilight announced as she gave Ms. Nowhere her flash drive. Donnie informed her, “Kelso made an interesting call you'll want to hear.” “Four arrests for the price of one.” Frostee added. Ms. Nowhere nodded with interest and said, “Nice work. I’ll hold on to this for safekeeping. And don’t worry, I’ll return your flash drive once I upload it in my base of operations.” “Hey, Gary,” Rainbow said to the big agent. “We saw you take down those soldiers and you, were, awesome!” “You were metal, dude!” Casey added. “It was so cool!” Tony said. “Yeah, you were all, POW!” Mikey said, mimicking Gary punching one of soldiers. “And after that you were, KICK!” Pinkie mimicked him kicking the soldiers. “And then you were, BODY-SLAM!” Sonata acted out him body-slamming the soldiers. “Ay, you were excelente,” Gabby commented. Gary chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “It was nothing. Just doing my job.” “Don't flatter yourself, Gary,” Ms. Nowhere remarked. Tony then stared at everyone with the same thought in mind. Back at the military base, Ms. Nowhere and Gary were walking onto a tarmac. “Gary, where did you park our plane?” Ms. Nowhere questioned him. Gary amusingly answered, “It was right here.” Just then, the spy plane passed by them with the Ninjas and Racers onboard along with Skeleton Key in possession. “Toretto, don't you do it!” Ms. Nowhere shouted, as she and Gary ran after the plane. “Sorry!” Tony called back as a smiley face appeared on Skeleton Key’s face. “Not sorry!” Rainbow called. “We'll bring your plane back,” Sunset said. “Eventually!” “Nothing personal!” Gabby shouted. “Just payback for trying to stop us from saving our friends!” “And taking all of our cool stuff!” Mikey added. “And for taking the Shellraiser and Turtle Racer!” Donnie said. “And being a jerk to us!” April added. “And for being very mean to Gary and Julius!” Fluttershy put in. “You can't take my plane!” Nowhere shouted. “It's mine!” “We can and we don't care!” Leo called. “See ya,” Raph called. “...Ms. Jerkwhere!” Gary looked on as the plane took off from the runway while Ms. Nowhere roared in outrage and shook her fists. While they were all flying in the plane, Gabby thought of something. “You know, guys. As much of a pain Ms. Nowhere was, she was right about one thing,” Gabby said, taking skeleton key. “This thing is too powerful. And we can't risk it falling into the wrong hands.” “So what should we do with it?” Echo asked, and Gabby smirked. Few hours later, the ninjas and Tony’s crew arrived in the streets of New York as Gabby floored the gas and ran over Skeleton Key with the Shellraiser, smashing it. Then she reversed and ran over it again, smashing it more. The Ninjas and Tony's Crew watched as she drove the Shellraiser back and forth, running over Skeleton Key until it was totally destroyed. “Yep, that'll do it.” Tony said. After they destroyed Skeleton Key, the Ninjas invited the Toretto Crew to the Turtle Lair. Leo announced, “Welcome to our home.” The Toretto Crew were amazed at the lair and Tony said, “I can't believe you guys live here.” “You guys weren't kidding that you're ninjas.” Echo commented. Just then, Fugitoid appeared and greeted, “Ah, welcome back Turtles and friends. I was just cleaning up and tidying up your home while you were gone. And…” He then looked at Tony and his crew, “Oh, hello there. I've never seen you guys around here before.” Tony and his gang gasped after seeing a robot and Pinkie told him, “That's because these guys are our new friends, silly!” Pinkie pointed the Toretto Crew one by one, “That's Tony. Echo. Frostee. And Cisco. The Toretto Crew.” Fugitoid smiled, “Well, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Fugitoid.” Frostee started fanboying, “No way! You're a robot! Like an actual robot! Tell me, are you an alien from outer space? Did someone created you? Do you…” “Easy there, Frostee. Slow down. It’s quite a long story, my new friend,” Fugitoid replied. Frostee smiled, “Really? Tell me more, Fugitoid.” While Frostee was busy with Fugitoid, Cisco opened the fridge and happily gasped, “Pizza! Mmm, I’m hungry for some pizza.” “Check the freezer for ice.” Mikey said. Pinkie added, “Yeah, we'll get the drinks.” Cisco opened the freezer door and when he did, he screamed and slammed it shut. Tony asked with a confused look, “Cisco, what's wrong?” Cisco frightfully answered, “There's something in the freezer!” The two pranksters giggled that their joke worked. “What? What happened Cisco? You look like you just seen a ghost.” Frostee noted. Cisco frightfully told his crew, “There's something in the freezer! Something alive!” The pranksters laughed at Cisco's panic attack and Mikey cackled, “Relax, it's just Ice Cream Kitty.” “Ice cream what now?” Echo asked. “Come see for yourself, guys.” Mikey offered Tony’s crew to look at what’s inside the freezer. Tony’s crew opened the freezer and saw Ice Cream Kitty. “Meow,” Ice Cream Kitty meowed. Tony asked, “Is that a cat made out of ice cream?” Pinkie answered, “She's actually a mutant cat made out of ice cream.” Fluttershy added, “She's actually a real sweetie.” April mentioned, “Before that, she was my pet.” Raph came in with Chompy shortly after the Toretto Crew met Ice Cream Kitty. Rainbow greeted Chompy, “Hey Chompster.” Cisco cooed, “Aw, who's this little guy?” Raph answered, “This little guy right here is my bud, Chompy.” “He's cute.” Cisco cooed again. “Uh, I wouldn't get too close, Cisco. Raph warned him as Chompy belched fire, narrowly missing Cisco. “Woah. That's awesome. He’s like a fire-breathing dragon.” Cisco complimented. Echo asked, “Where did you even find this little guy?” She then asked Raph, “Can I try petting Chompy please?” “It's a long story.” Rainbow answered as Raph nodded and Echo petted Chompy gently. “So this is where you live,” A female voice echoed as everyone turned their attention to see Ms. Nowhere along with Gary and Bishop arriving in the Turtle Lair. “How'd you?” Leo stared. “Find this filthy hole you call a home?” Ms. Nowhere finished. “Because I'm that darn good!” “We asked Bishop for your address,” Gary noted. “Shut up, Gary!” Nowhere snapped. “By asked, he means she threatened me with a missile,” Bishop explained. “And speaking of which...” Ms. Nowhere took out her purse and aimed a missile at the ninjas and racers. “Hand over Skeleton Key! NOW!!!” Everyone smirked at each other before they all answered in unison, “Okay.” Then they dumped the pieces at Nowhere's feet. The government agent stared in shock. “You destroyed it?!” “Nope. Gabby destroyed it,” Tony corrected, nodding toward his cousin. “You said it was for the best,” Gabby noted. Ms. Nowhere retracted the missile back into her purse. “Well, okay then.” “Really? Cause I remember you asking Bishop if the Utroms could…” Ms. Nowhere interrupted Gary, “THAT... was actually in case we couldn't physically destroy it.” "Though, apparently that is not the case," Bishop stated. “It was actually more fragile than you think.” Gabby said. “Fair enough.” Then Ms. Nowhere asked, “So, where's my plane?” Sunset grinned and answered. “Back in Vegas.” “What?!” Ms. Nowhere shouted. “Oooo, when I'm finished with all of you...” “Tell you what, Nowhere,” Gabby interjected. “You forget about us stealing your plane, and Tony and I will forget telling Dom that you tried to throw us in jail!” Tony chuckled. “Dom will not be happy about that!” Although she didn't show it, Ms Nowhere shuttered at the thought of an angry Dominick Toretto before she composed herself. “Fine. But keep your mitts off of my stuff!” “Okay, as long as you and your agency keep your mitts off our stuff!” Raph retorted. “That includes our vehicles!” Donnie added. “And Dr. Cluckingsworth!” “Fine,” Ms. Nowhere repeated. “And one more thing, Ms Nowhere,” Gabby said, before she grabbed Nowhere by her sweater and threatened, “If you ever, and I mean EVER, try to sacrifice our friends again, then Dom will be the last person you should be afraid of! Got it?!” “Loud and clear,” Ms. Nowhere frowned, before she swatted Gabby’s hands off her and yelled at her agent. “Let's go, Gary!” Then she, Bishop, and Gary left. But Gary glanced back at the Ninjas and Crew with a look that said, 'I know you lied about the plane being back in Vegas'. Gabby smiled and put a finger to her lips. Gary nodded and headed out. “Hey, you guys want to show us some of your landmarks? I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty.” Tony begged the ninjas. Leo smiled, “Give us a minute to grab our gear.” However, Gabby then thought of something and announced, “Actually, I have a better idea.” The next day, the ninjas and Tony’s crew were spending the rest of day on the beach with a beautiful sunrise shining in the sky. Tony, Echo, Gabby, Casey, Rainbow, Sunset, Aria, Leo, and Raph were racing each other in the ocean with their jet skis. Cisco, Frostee, Mikey, April, Spike, Rarity, Sonata, and Adagio were sunbathing while Donnie, Pinkie, Fugitoid, and Twilight were filming with Twilight’s drone as DJ Drone was serving a Yoka can to Frostee and drank it. “Wahoo! That's right!” Echo yelled as she rode on her jet ski, making a jump. “Whoo!” Tony followed her, “Yeah!” “This is a well-deserved vacation.” Sonata told Cisco. Cisco replied, “You said it, Beautiful.” “Indeed, Sonata.” Fugitoid answered, watching from afar. Just then, the ski racers splashed the sunbathers. Luckily, Fugitoid didn't get splashed. “Oh c'mon! Seriously!” Rarity vented. “Sorry, Rarity.” Tony apologized as everybody else started laughing at Rarity’s misfortune. “How mad you think Ms. Nowhere is over the state we left her plane in?” Sunset chuckled. Echo said, “Nah, she'll be fine. We deserve a little vacation.” “But first, I was thinking, maybe we could hop over to Japan and visit the Yoka factory? I hear they have all kinds of crazy flavors, like lychee and seaweed and platinum tiger.” Frostee suggested, feeling excited. “Not before my new boyfriend takes me to dinner.” Sonata suggested while Cicso smiled so hard, his face was hurting. “One more lap before we hit the road?” Echo asked. “Let's do it!” Tony cheered. [Frostee, Pinkie, and Sonata] Because we're ninja racers Riding jet skis While hearing the pranksters sing, everyone covered their ears and ignored their singing voices. Taking laps around the keys! “Ha-ha! Whoo!” Frostee cheered. Just then, Mikey came running with a few sheets of paper. “Guys, I've finished the song I was writing. Look.” The Dazzlings and Rainbooms looked at the lyrics and they were actually impressed. Adagio smiled, “Mikey, this is pretty good.” Pinkie complimented, “Really catchy.” Sonata asked him, “What's it titled?” Mikey answered, “Chasing Legacy.” Minutes later, the Dazzlings and Rainbooms along with Mikey perform their song at the beach while the Allies, Toretto Crew, and other beachgoers watched. [The Dazzlings and Rainbooms] Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah [Mikey] Yeah This is our family That's what it's all about We ride for life [The Rainbooms] Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah We run the world like we're family Speed it up, 'cause together we We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy [Mikey] Ride out, got the whole squad, yeah we on the go Go strap the whip, it's our tire smoke And the crew stay tight, yeah, everybody know We just havin' fun 'cause this is how we roll 'Cause they can't hold us, stay so focused The streets, they made us, never slow up Got your back for life, the bond can't be broke We didn't come to lose, so we doin' the most [The Dazzlings] Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah We run the world like we're family Speed it up, 'cause together we We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy [Mikey] From nothin' to somethin', got the whole city buzzin' Never hate it, we love it, it's all family runnin' It started off with a dream, they never stoppin' the team We goin' all the way up 'cause we kings and queens Have to fight our way in, pushin' through the limits They didn't think we could do it, but my crew stay winning We movin' country to country, the whole world is our throne It doesn't matter where we go 'cause family is home [The Rainbooms (with Mikey)] Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah We run the world like we're family (Like a family) Speed it up, 'cause together we We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy [Sonata (with the Dazzlings and Rainbooms)] Everyday we're lovin', fightin', pushin', survivin', changes, don't come easy We fall then rise, takin' chances, always light up, see us standin' tall Stronger, only makes us stronger, it's how family grows 'Cause I got your back for life (Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah) (Oh, ha-ha, ha-ha) [The Dazzlings and Rainbooms (with Mikey)] Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah We run the world like we're family Speed it up, 'cause together we We ride out, ride out, chasin' legacy (Chasin' legacy) Oh, oh-ah, oh-ah We run the world like we're family Speed it up, 'cause together we ('Cause together we) (We ride out, ride out) Chasin' legacy [Mikey] Yeah, we ride together We rise together We fall together But we get back up strong Every time 'Cause family is love And in my life, family is everything The Toretto Crew, Allies, and everyone else at the beach cheered for the Ninjas’ performance as they all bowed. After they returned from the beach, Donnie used his portal ray to make a portal back to LA. “That portal projector is awesome!” Frostee gushed. Donnie smiled, “Thanks.” Tony told him, “Donnie, don't even think about giving him the schematics to build his own.” Leo smiled, “Glad we got to meet you, Tony.” The two leaders shook hands as Tony smiled, “Likewise, Leo. Anytime you guys are in our neighborhood, look us up.” “Will do. And you guys are always welcome to come to New York and visit us if you need any help dealing with our enemies.” Leo informed him. “Or magical problems. And you guys can swing by Canterlot City anytime you want and we'll throw you a big welcoming party to you guys. The Toretto Crew!” Pinkie cheered as she fired her party cannon with confetti. “Consider it done.” Echo nodded as Cisco walked up to them, covered in lipstick stain. Cisco apologized while blushing, “Sorry I'm late, guys.” “Mm-hmm. Seems like you took your time with your girlfriend, Cisco.” Frostee smirked. Cisco saw his reflection in the mirror of his truck and quickly wiped his face clean. Tony patted him on the back, “Bro, relax. We're happy for you.” Echo stated, “Though, I'm surprised Sonata ain't seeing you off.” Cisco informed his crew, “She and her friends had some explaining to do.” Raph suggested, “Karai is probably steaming mad.” “Nah, she wouldn't be. But, she'll get over it eventually.” Donnie said. Gabby walked up to Tony and cried, “Before you go, T. I just want to say thank you for being there for me and having my back for me, primo.” “No problem, Gabby. After all, no matter where we go or where we are, family is home.” Tony smiled before he hugged Gabby, which she hugged him back too. Tony let go and went back to join his racing crew as they climbed into their cars. Tony glanced at the Ninjas, “Later guys.” Tony and his crew drove their cars and raced to the portal to Los Angeles before it closed while the Ninjas waved back at them. After the portal closed, the gang headed back toward the sewer, when Mikey noticed something. “Hey, Sunset, Rainbow?” Mikey said, pointing off to the side. “You two might wanna look over there.” The two Rainbooms looked and gasped. Parked there were two motorcycles with notes that read “to Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash” respectively. Sunset’s motorcycle looked like the one she rode in the Friendship Games and Rainbow’s motorcycle looked like it was specifically designed for her. “AWESOME!” Rainbow gushed, as she and Sunset ran over to them. Then they took the papers and found a message on the back. She took her note and read, “'To Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer.'” “'Thanks for not being total screw ups'”, Sunset read from her’s. “'PS, there are no spy weapons on these bikes so don't bother checking. A little payback for stealing my plane.' Definitely from Ms Nowhere.” “Looks like she wanted to replace your cars that blew up,” Gabby said. “Okay, maybe Ms. Nowhere's not totally the worst,” Rainbow admitted. “Told you,” Fluttershy smiled. In the end, the bond they now had with Tony’s crew was strong because that’s what they were: Family.