The Reformed Ghostly rabbit...

by Ghostbrothr

First published

Ever wondered what would have happened if you was given the chance of having a new life ?, well an white rabbit didn't get that choice.

This is the story of how a normal rabbit Evolved into someone everycreature can look up to, one where they mostly care about keeping his owner, her friends, and Equestria after being given a second chance of his life , But with one Teeeeeeeeeeeny problem. He was changed into a extinct species.

1-Chapter: The "Normal" nap

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It all started via by a white furred rabbit taking a relaxing nap dreaming about common stuff like carrot's, kale, hay, and playing in the meadow's with other rabbit's while his owner brought him snack's no questions asked but something about this world didn't feel right, Yet he shrugged it off resuming his dream feast but it started to get a little...Dark.

When he took a bite out of the carrot it tasked a little hard so he tossed it behind him and picked up another carrot which was also very hard so after a few more carrot's he finally looked to see what he thought was carrot's but instead in his wake he spotted they were in fact bone's, So he quickly jumped back a little and hopped out of his throne as around him the world slowly started to shift into some horrific.

Some bunnies laid in a red dried up puddle with some part's of them missing which almost made the rabbit hack up his lunch but he swallowed it back and after turning back to see his owner it appeared that they were a giant black furred monster munching down on prey glancing at him with it's white eye's.... It has spotted it's new treat and begun it's chase so he had to run on all four's to get away from it and down a burnt grass field until a rock have appeared cause the poor rabbit to lose it's balance and rolled down the said hill, The creature started to step towards it and was about to eat it but suddenly a creature nopony have seen with a white glow and a fiery aspect to it's fur made the Dark daemon disappear instantly and looked back at the bunny and said something but they didn't hear a single thing but was getting pushed by something invisible and then he heard something.

"~Angel...? Angel it's time to wake up~"

Angel who was the rabbit's name slowly opened it's eye's followed by him huffing a little as he did enjoy the dream..... Well the first part but not the rest as he may have read too many scary book's when his owner was asleep but they did get up, rubbed his tired eye's, and then yawned while his owner was making him a salad for breakfast.

When she finally finished his salad she gently placed it in front of her favorite bunny for him to eat since apparently her friend twilight needed her and since the last time angel was left alone and had the cottage in ruin's she had to bring him everywhere since then until she trusted him to behave next time in the future, when he finished eating his owner trotted over to him.

"~um.... Angel ? I'm going to Ms.twilight's castle and you know i can't leave you here after last time so it might be a while till you can play.~"

In response Angel huffed once again as he sat watching Fluttermum put saddlebag's on and tapped her back and so he hopped on with his paw's crossed, after she trotted out of the cottage and closed the door she and him made their way to where her friend's castle laid but along the way she took notice of a fight going on in ponyvile but when she tried to stop it she only got a bleeding nose, so she had to make a pitstop at her nearest friend on the way to the castle.... The sugar cube corner where pinkie was making some cupcake's for her last order.

"Hello! I'l- Fluttershy!?"

Her pink friend ran over to her friend and up the stairs to where she came rolling down in a ball made up of bandages but quickly escaped her cloth prison and started wrapping her friend's nose up, meanwhile angel was staring at Gummy where everytime he get's confused on how their eye's worked if they were staring at opposite side's before his ear's got nommed on by them to which needed him to pry the gatter... Thing off but since Gummy didn't have any teeth he had both ear's.

Once her friend fixed up her nose Fluttershy notified angel and he got back onto his mother's bag and she went back outside to go on her way to Twi's castle, yet after his mother's nose got hurt he was a little less stubborn this time.

He would start to recognized the time she found him in the wood's as a filly since his actual mother didn't survive a timberwolf attack but his new mother stayed there and didn't let the wolf attack the helpless kit so she adopted him and luckly her mother and father allowed her to keep him, but he had to sleep on her since he wasn't a pegasi so he could fall through the cloud's.

The rabbit snapped out of his memories once she was given access to enter her friend's castle where she trotted over to her so she can ask what they needed of her since what the purple alicorn needed of her friend was to solve a conflict involving a pony race called Kirin.

Angel however was getting bored of the conversation and hopped off his owner's back without the two's attention of him disappearing and looked around the castle but stumbled apon a room he didn't notice before which had a large metal bowl in the room that had some timber underneath it leading him to guess it was a cauldron which he didn't think twilight was something to do, another red flag was that the wall's had shelf's containing potion's in all sizes and shape's but noticed a golden carrot on the top of a shelf, so he quickly climbed up and to the tasty treat but when he reached it.... it wasn't a carrot but a potion and then...... CRACK!

The rabbit would start to freefall into the cauldron as potion's randomly started to fall in with him, with the mixture creation by the substances leading him to undergo a transformation.... one into something that didn't exist in this world anymore...

2-Chapter: A Unknown creature!?

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The rabbit would stare up as the potion’s fell within his own grave since what flew past his head was that this was where he was gonna end up as ash, but it did end up creating a huge explosion which the two ponies in the grand hall heard. They instantly ran to the explosion ignoring the fact that there was a new room not even twilight remember having put in.

Angel was on the ground in bruises and scrapes with some smoke rolling off him yet something was off, like the fact that he was still breathing and in one piece, another was that the fur on his forehead was a little bit longer making it look like he have some hair. Fluttershy picked up her rabbit within a millisecond worried that something hurt her bunny.

Spike would round the corner almost slipping on his own tail after the explosion. Breathing heavily he looked at the room confused that twilight had a room filled with potion’s.

“Hey.....Twi... What’s with... The potion’s ?”

He panted feeling like his leg’s were gonna pop off any second from all the running yet Twilight just looked at the room trying to dissect who ordered her guard’s to have somepony make the room and why ? Angel slowly and weakly opened his eye’s now back at his owner’s cottage with his right leg, and both paw’s along with his right ear was covered in bandages as the mane 6 was discussing to eachother.

“Wait a room just filled with potion’s ? And you don’t remember having somepony build it ?” Said the Rainbow haired one.

“Well Ya’ll seems like somethin’s up” responded the Western pony.

“Yeah! Maybe it’s a surprise birthday present or a SUPER secret Surprise Birthday present!” Came from the Annoying party one.

“But Darling~ who would have a room built and furnished just to hide it within your own castle ?”

“M..M..Maybe they wan..n..ted to hide something awful...”

Angel groaned as he rolled over but saw his Rival... Spike.... Seems like he was the one keeping a eye on him as the friend’s tried to piece together what the purpose of the room was as it all just seemed too strange.

“But Shy, that’s not the weird thing, it’s that your pet bunny found it before us and more importantly Survived a Explosion inside it!”

“It just mean’s They are a SUPER BUNNY!”

“Yet its got’in a new haircut but seems ok”

“I mean, it is odd that they survived that no creature would have lived, could run test’s on him if that’s ok with you Flutters ?”

His owner would look back at her bunny while he huffed unable to move while sticking his tongue out at spike but... He kinda look’s a little taller ? Yet she shrugged it off since it might have been stress.

“W...w..well, if he’s ok with it then i’m ok with it twi”

Spike stared at Angel but did get distracted by a little chill, when he turned back he noticed that he was now tall enough to be neck height but he also shrugged it off as he was a small dragon so it could be his eye’s playing trick’s.

“Say, is it getting a little cold ?”

“Oh Sorry! Thought about opening a window since it was getting heated in here”

They continued to talk but angel started to change little by little, his ear’s started to turn blue and had a slight glow with them, along with the same blue having pattern’s form on his side’s, feet, and paw’s. His limb’s started to also grow and morph into a mix of something you would see on a teenage dragon and diamond dog, his height was of now a filly...and he have grown a tail also similar to a dragon but with some fur on the end

“Um... Darling!? Your “Bunny” is starting to grow! And is kinda changing!”

“Wait what !? Flutters what is happening to your bunny ? And what are they even changing into!? I never seen this kind of creature before!”


Now he had audience watching him undergo the painful transformation he had no control over as his height was now of a adult pony, his fur had a very slight blue hue to it, his eye’s having a blue iris, the said tail now grown the same length of a dragon. And his bandages snapping... Falling to the ground but, something was off as there was a voice coming from where he was...Did he have a voice now ?

“G.r..gah!!! Gruagh!!”

The creature groaned in pain and started to scream out while they held their stomach before a bright light filled the room. After the blinding light faded away the creature was on the ground knocked out for a short time but started to get up and sat on the ground with his feet and paw’s on the floor looking at the ponies in front of him as he thought.

“Ok why are my Owner’s friend’s looking at me now ?”

“We’re looking at you cause what the heck are you!?”

“So that’s weird... Purple unicorn pony is reading my thought’s now ?”

“Purple unicorn ? Do you mean me twilight ?”

“Still never gonna remember that name, but again why is she looking into my thought’s ? And when have they forgot what a rabbit look’s like ?”

“That is not a rabbit! Like, What are you eve-”

His owner started to trot up to him a little scared but not scared enough before asking “a..a..Angel ?”

“Ok now what does mum want now ?”

“W...w.....wel..l you are k..kinda............Talking out loud and... Don’t look like a rabbit anymore ?”

“Wait... Talking out loud ? Don’t look like a Rabbit anymore!? Ok first....... I CAN TALK TO YOU ALL NOW!? Second...................Mirror” The creature waddled over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror to see his new look, speechless, confused on how he was supposed to react to being told that he’s not a rabbit anymore but...... What even was he now ?

3-Chapter: A.....Second chance ?

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Angel stared at the mirror looking at the creature in his reflection with a face of Fear and...disbelief on what he was now, along with the mane 6 who didn’t really know how to react towards his new....self, but he just stayed there trying to recollect his thought’s and what to even do at the moment.

“What........Even am i anymore ?”

His owner would trot up to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder to try calming them down

“You’re angel~”

“That was that rabbit, Who isn’t even here anymore cause they are some.....Thing!”

The creature shouted at his owner as he doesn’t truly know what to do since the type of creature he was now didn’t exist anywhere in equestria! But twilight stepped towards them after his owner’s hoof was smacked away

“Well she’s not wrong, just cause you aren’t a rabbit anymore doesn’t mean that you are somepony new, but to be honest.... I really don’t know what you turned into angel, But we are gonna try our best to revert you back...yet you might want to be a little careful since we don’t know what other ponies might think”

“Twilight’s r..right angel, you might look a little scary outside but... We will try our best”

The unknown thing just huffed a little but looked at a framed photo of him with his owner when she was still a filly and he had his first birthday, it was that day where he had his happiest moment with his owner but as he grew older along with her he started to act more and more stubborn, But he ignored the memory and waddled over to his now tiny bed.

“Oh and you might want to maybe get accustomed to visiting my castle for some research and how to use your new..... State, but what should we....erm, Refer to you as now ?”

Angel looked up at the ceiling in thought as he began to also question much that he didn’t realize he was starting to float along with looking transparent until somepony called it out to him.

“Uh............ Well we can check that off but- HEY!”

The princess shouted to get his attention causing him to fall onto the floor and cease being transparent but that did give him a idea for the name Via by it reminding him of Ghost’s and since he still looked like a rabbit, He would now be Referred to-

“A Ghostling! That shall be what this species name is!”

Everypony would stare at him while a confused look on the random name... Well except Fluttermum who did like the name since it was easy to remember and so everyone else started to agree on the choice he made. Angel stared at them while he was having trouble getting comfy in the bed as again it was too small for him now.

“, Angel ? I think it might be time to swap bed’s but you can have the couch if you like ?”

After she said that he would hop onto the couch and laid down on it slightly mad that he can’t use his old bed anymore due to his size difference but at least it’s nothing big. He watched as her friend’s trotted back home and waved goodbye to their friend while she planted a kiss on angel’s forehead and went upstairs to sleep, after all... It was pretty late.

“So this is it Angel.... You woke up, turned into a new species, and can now talk.... But this is a good thing, Since you can try being a better pet now so hopefully we can stick to that”

~A couple month’s later~

The ling would start another new day as a ghostling with him snoring aloud by it was cut off by also him rolling off the couch and onto the floor with a loud Thud! Angel groaned loudly but quickly got back up and stood on his two back leg’s which he have been practicing to do with Purple alicorn pony ever since he transformed into a ghostling. As he stretched his paw’s some of his animal pal’s hopped up to him wondering what had happen.

“Eh, it’s fine guy’s... You know this always happen right ?”

He would explain to them almost everyday but he went back to topic, hopping into the kitchen he started to cook some breakfast for his mum as this was a new chance for him to be a better pet instead of a bratty one in the past, Sadly his owner would trot down the stairs with his mane ruffled up thanks to bedhead, but she went to check what was the smell downstairs And found Angel cooking for her.

He would instantly jump at the sight of her thinking it was a Scary ghost coming to haunt him for his sin’s but only noticed it was Fluttershy now awake.

“~Aww........ But I wanted to surprise you~”


Due to her still being tired she could barely speak yet did sit at the table within where her kitchen laid while her Reformed pet brought her some toasted bread and kale, with only a little bit of fur in it but she didn’t mind the extra protein while she ate.

“I sorta noticed that there’s not any food for the animal’s yesterday and thought that we could maybe go to The market place and get some more Mum ?”

She happily agreed to the thought while she ate the last bite’s but had to go to the bathroom so she could fix up her mane and fur coat by taking a semi quick shower as angel stood at the doorway, It only took a few minute’s for both of them to leave the cottage and make their way to Ponyvile which seemed rather busy lately... Must be brimming with ponies today! The ghostling smiled as he had some saddlebag’s rarity made to fit around his body that way he could store some item’s just like ponies.

Angel however didn’t really enjoy the thought of ponies looking at him like he was a freak but it didn’t bother him that much since he chatted with His mum and some of her friend’s they met while shopping but.......... Something happened. When they bought some carrot’s there was a large boom within the center of ponyvile as some Ponies stood there with a large one wielding a Cannon for a replacement of their left front hoof.... Bandit’s...

They have ordered the ponies to stay on the ground as they took what they found useful without question, But they did spot the two and took the yellow mare since they were a element so they thought about using her for ransom to get some bit’s from celestia, Yet angel just stayed there not moving or breathing out of pure terror... Scared to move a inch that would make the bandit’s do something to his mothershy.... Thought’s filled his head instantly but something sparked.....and connected with his body as he acted on his own, running to a vendor’s shack and hopped over it while the bandit’s blasted magic at it, within a couple moment’s he took the pair of replica wonderbolt goggle’s and put them on along with wrapping his forepaw’s with some scrap’s of cloth. When the Cover he was using started to break down he jumped up and took what remained of the canopy, turning it into a makeshift cloak with hood putting it over his head leaving his ear’s exposed.

When the big guy started to shoot cannon balls at the stranger Angel landed on the roof of home’s and ran along them snatching a flag from canterlot that have blown off using it for a scarf. Quickly jumping off the roof’s he appeared behind the bandit’s with the wind blowing and the air now colder... And with a crazy idea!

“I noticed you all didn’t say please there, Name’s ghostbit and uh....I’mma gonna beat your butt’s”

4-Chapter: The New Vigilante...Ghostbit!

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The brute stared at the creature gritting his teeth while Ghost was strangely....calm ? Just looking at said brute with a normal look staring down at 1 out of 3 ponies which got under The brute's mane fur tossing Fluttershy away and blasted their cannon at the ling but he simply jumped up in time and bounced off the ball of steel now on the head of the brute, Ghost simply chuckled surprised by his new-found confidence while a mare bandit flown towards the ling so in response he jumped up again and kicked her square in her left cheek knocking them down out of the air while appearing in front of the brute yawning.

"You know.... This is getting really boring right ? like c'mon! spice it up!"

This caused the brute to snap at this creature swinging his cannon arm at them for Ghost to use it as a bounce board slamming his paw's down on The brute's head followed by a kick. When he was about to Swing his paw at them his paw was wrapped up in chain's and slammed into some vendor's losing his breath and gasping out "G..GAH!"

The culprit was another mare... A unicorn with some mechanical wing's and a hood hiding her face, She would continue to slam the ling into object's and building's but it was until ghost wrapped the chain's around a pole so she couldn't swing him around anymore.


Ghost grunted and held his left ribcage getting a idea as he used his scarf to swing from building's and bounced off one towards the mare landing a hit on them but only to get pushed back by a magical shield but he got straight back up ready for more, Quickly running towards her on all four's as she used magic to throw debris at him but only hit him twice.... And then he landed another hit on the mare to the ground knocking her out but did break his paw in the process.

".....O...Ok, Now my paw hurt's and so does everything else"

Ghost muttered to himself and almost like luck had hit him some guard's arrived as he checked on his owner giving a sigh of relief as she was ok, just having a couple of scuff mark's.

"Heh... Guess i did a pretty good job.........Whatever i did but anyway, let's get ho-"

He was suddenly caught off guard by....Well guard's pointing spear's at him while they had detained the Bandit's,
Now he wonder's where they was gonna take him.