Old Twilight Plans Out Her Bad Days

by BleuBlooms

First published

Old Twilght plans out her bad days. This day, doesnt go as planned.

Old Twilight sets herself up for a crap day. Until, life happens. She is still confused though, so their is that.

Authors Note: I found to my liking that listening to the story. Under the sites playback funtion adds, a certain something?

I tryed on my computer and my phone. The phone version sounded excellent. Rather charming. I hope this note finds you well. And at the very least try it , if applicable. Thank you kindly for the moment of your time.

Hasbro and co. own that purple flank and feathers, mlp,etc.

Its For Her Own Good, Probably?

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Twilight Sparkle stumbled out of the bar.

Her magic refracted the suns rays as She held her Bourbon aloft.

The drone of body's marching reached her ears. Her eyes caught some, they stared long enough to impart her pity.

She sipped for every pony that tried to say her name in their bastard tongue. Honey suckle and ginger played well together. She thought.

Twilight heard the name oath breaker.The worms of memory whispered in her skin, and her feathers.

Her cloak was damp. She shivered sipping her bourbon.

"Drinking in midday" She pulled her cloak stained with food and other ills, tighter.

Twilight took another sip allowing herself to savor the honeyed notes. She smiled at the taste. Twilight breathed in so to enhance the flavor.

Twilight's smile claimed the livelihoods of three citizens. When she heard about it, Twilight, laughed, all the harder. Face flush with red and tears of joy.

I'm going to play a game, she thought, Her Face a mask of tears.

Throwing off her miss Good Mare. Drop kicking it in the corner of the misbegotten homes and hovels.

She swept aside her long ratty coat.

The smell of her oils on her former wings lingered, even in the rain.

Twilight sat, stretching her long ounce pristine lavender wings. Now only bone and scant few feathers.

The crowd around and in front halted as a mass staring at the old mare. Lingering eyes did gaze the ruined flesh.

“Shes...that's...the,” one said.

Another sound so like her daughters friend ,Wasted Waste, seemed to speak. “All right, all right, this here.”, Wasted Waste, said.

The colt jabbed his hoof out of the crowds yelling in incoherent babbles. Bumping, kicking here and there. The sounds of groans, and scuffles at the foolish crowd.

Due to the growing silence, his walk echoed.

Wasted Waste stood resolute , a colt the size of a small wagon.

A wagon with that green hair, She thought with a sip and a memory.

A dream of another place on Jullis. She felt the smog of memory cloud her. She jolted. She looked around wiry.

She stared at a cloud passing by and dreamed of another life. She wished Spike was alive with her castle.

Wasted stomping his hooves into the dirt. Startled her drawing her attention.

He turned, watching in front of the ounce aghast crowd.

“You should feel ashamed! This a hero! Even though she failed at her one job.” Wasted Waste, reminded. Stomping his hoove for a point. ” Two points.” He whispered and did it again with a clunk on soft earth.

“One Job,” Said what sounded like Sticks In Mud. She always wonder about that name.

Twilight, frowned she reminded herself why she liked the kid. She was pretty sure that her daughter had a crush.

“Dated a cyclops. I always thought that was a point in her favor.” said Waste, a colt of just eight years old.

The ounce ashamed crowd now looked as Twilight looked over the colt up and down. She sighed.

“Ya, that was kind of hot!”, said Many Mares.

The bad day is worse, when you get hit on by a child, one fifty your age let alone your daughters friend. She looked away. She would be amiss not steer this the other way and. hmm, Twilight thought. The old mare versus the ambling dimwits.

The sun stretched on with its gleaming on both crowd and Twilight. She shifted. A void opened within, a child coughed and it was over.

She herself, did not wait. She had a store to run. Eager to see her daughter she walked ever faster towards her home and the solace of the still living.

She casted a lingering glance at the colt. Pride amide the lingering tinge of disgust. She knew not for who. She knew two things though.

One. Waste Waste has nads.

Two. She should have gotten rid of that coat as was suggested. It was disgusting. Ugh. If she was not so inundated with the smell. She wondered if it stank.

She shivered reflecting on Her Old Diamond Friend. Twilight grimaced at that.

She plucked the old garment off from the shallow earth. She tightened to so it hung properly. Its dusty surface clinging along with the filth.

She would wash it.

She tilted her head, listening to the rumbling when for a moment. She took a minute to stare at her stomach. Staring baleful. Ready and willing to go THERE.

I'm hungry, Twilight thought. “You ate, you old post.” She told her stomach.

I want food. I want food. I want food.

“Fine, Fine,” Twilight said. With a spot of luck, a thought rattled in her cage.

“You,” she began turning to stare at the colt still standing. Looking at her.

She sighed, something untoward.

She gazed at the sky. “Hes not here,” she whispered. Used to such maddening she scoffed and shrugged.

Looking at the colt. He had dug a half trench at her woolgathering.

“Wanna catch some food at mine daughters home,” Her voice and accent thick to his ears. His own ears pricked up. His eyes widening. Food!

“Yes!,“ He said. He pranced in place for but a moment. It was all to get her smile to see the better days. That had finally come.

They began to walk, the two. Down narrow streets past chanty’s.

Chant’s daughter waved at her. The slip of a thing adored her.

“What a crock”, she said her eyes drifting away from filly. Old enough to be her granddaughter in another life.

The crowd laughed and betted on what old paramour was the best. She laughed and smiled feeling a strange tickle of coziness.

She looked at the boy humming along trotting in place. She did not need to. She did.

“Hey!,” Twilight said. She glanced around. She pawed the earth.

" Sorry ,Wasted,"She began again.

He said nothing staring at her with this affable look to his eyes. Twilight sighed again.

With a name like wasted, no wonder. Twilight wanted to back down to stop to say what more then likely he deserved.

“OK, You do realize I'm old enough to be your grandmother, right?” She said.

“I...ya,” He said his hooves rubbing the back of his neck.

“You ,~” He sighed gazing the shattered moon in the sky. it stillness blended with his. “~You cant run off. I know that I don't understand you. I will never will but you cant run off like that. You have daughter. And I,~” He trailed off looking away the sounds of crickets could beginning their nightly song.

They walked in silence there after.

As dusk did fall their they sat in front her home. Her staring at the door. watching as if it condemned her. She Her Twilight of the Fell, the fall, the awakening, the changed.

“Its going to be OK. I cant promise, but~” His expression turned a mite confused.” I want you to be happy, I want Slips to be happy? I didn't know what to do. ~“He looked away, again. Twilight frowned. He began again. “and I read in Blind Dates What Everyone needs To Know. This was under section. What Mares of all kinds Needed. TM. “

“So, ya,” he said staring at her eyes unflinching. Her own experience could tell the small sweat drops and the little twitches. Her memory though.

Twilight got whiplash her face snapping. What the $&##!

She blinked slow and steady. All she could think was...


“Oh, yes. It has be proper Erulish after all.”Wasted Said.

Twilight stared, focusing on the little lipstick on his lips. It was purple like her coat. Standing markedly against his lime green coat.

The mass of scars that riddled his face damned her. Her throat seized. Her mind blank, She sighed. Sweat claimed her brow.

"Your a Great Colt,"

"Oh wow, thanks, Misses Sparkle!"

"You don't have to be a stranger, you know. I don't have to understand you to see how beautiful you are." Deep honest eyes fell on her calloused face. Her eyes, now set haunted by wrinkles long worn. "Instead of all that your daughter loves. Would you love her with me."

Her throat squeezed and she threatened to spew her lunch.

He looked ready and willing for a hug. She too looked away in defiance and longing. Wanting more then anything to be held.

He rubbed his hoove on small thin scar that ran the length of him.

Ignorant, honest he was so like her Slips Falls. She drew from the memory of her daughter. The facts of her presence so very near.

Closing her eyes and breathing in the stale air of a ounce vibrant world. The faint brush of a wing on her withers steadied her. Her warmth felt like kindness.

"Lets go inside." Twilight said, eyes still closed.

She would save it for tomorrow. Today she had food to eat. A Life to exist in. Two Children that needed some advice. And One Mare that needed a long long hug.

A stray thought fell into her mind. But, in what order?