> A MAGICal night to the heart FLUTTER > by WinterFang > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight. There's a letter for you." Said Spike as he entered the library late one evening. The alicorn of friendship looked up for her latest book towards Spike and asked "really? Who's it from?" "It's from Princess Celestia. She asking you to come to Canterlot for something important." replied the young dragon holding out the letter for Twilight to read. "Dear Twilight Sparkle. I hope you are doing well. In any case, I have sent this letter to formally invite you to the Centennial Ball at Canterlot Castle. Enclosed is your ticket that you'll need for the event. This invention does allow you bring a guest with you. The Ball will be in one month. Hope to see you there. Your friend; Princess Celestia. Twilight was a little surprised to say the least. Princess Celestia was not only inviting her to a ball, but she was allowed to be a date. The idea of having a date made Twilight blush slightly. "Well? What does it say?" asked Spike. "It's an invitation to a Ball. I'm also allowed to being a guest with me." replied Twilight "Sweet. Who are you going to take with you?" Twilight went at the question. Who was she going take to the Ball? The only name that came to her mind was Fluttershy. Ever since Twilight first met the shy mare, the purple alicorn has felt something towards the yellow pegusas. "So? Do you know who are going to ask?" inquired Spike. "Yes. However, it's going to be a surprise." replied Twilight with a small smile. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following morning, Twilight nervously made her way to Fluttershy's cottage to ask the shy pegusas to the Ball as her date. Twilight soon arrived at her destination and knocked on the door. "Oh. Hello Twilight. What brings you here so early?" asked Fluttershy. "Good morning, Fluttershy. I'm here to ask if want to be my date to a Centennial Ball being held at Canterlot next month." replied Twilight blushing as she said it. Fluttershy began to blush herself at what Twilight had said. Did Twilight really just her out on date? The whole situation had left the shy mare rather speechless. She never thought that she would get asked out on a date. Especially, not by one of her closest friends. Seeing this, Twilight tried to snap her friend out of her daze. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" "Oh, sorry. Yes, I'm alright. You're question just surprised me is all. But, yes I would l love to go with you." replied the shy mare. Twilight felt overjoyed at Fluttershy's answer. She suddenly felt the urge to kiss the pegusas mare, but managed to restrain herself from doing so. Twilight soon excused herself to prepare for the Ball. Her first task was to drop by Rarity's boutique. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the next couple of weeks, Twilight and Fluttershy got ready to attend the Centennial Ball. Each had gotten a dress from Rarity, when she learned that they were going together. The fashionesta was excited at the news and did her best to make the dresses outstanding. For Twilight's dress, Rarity made it as an updated version of her original Grand Galloping Gala dress. Rarity did struggle a bit with Fluttershy's dress, but ultimately did something similar to Twilight's. The night of the Centennial Ball finally arrived and both Twilight Fluttershy made their way to Canterlot. Once at the castle, Fluttershy and Twilight were surprised at the decorations in the main hall. It was decorated with light blues that had white trim. The pair soon spotted Celestia near the staircase and made their way towards her. "Twilight. I'm so glad you could make it. And I see you invited Fluttershy to come along with." Said Celestia as the duo reached her. "Thank you for the invitation. I'm glad to be here. And yes, she was the first pony I asked to come with me." Said Twilight. "I'm happy hear that. Well, I hope you two enjoy yourselves." Said Celestia as she excused herself. After Celestia left Twilight and Fluttershy, the couple spent sometime mingling with some other guests including a familiar gray earth pony and a white unicorn mare duo. The latter seamed somewhat bored to be to there. Unfortunately, the pair had a brief encounter with Prince Blueblood, where he tried to hit on Fluttershy. He gave up his attempts when Celestia came over and placed a sternum hoof on his shoulder. After the couple had danced to a few songs, Twilight lead Fluttershy out the palace gardens. "Tonight has been fun so far, hasn't it?" inquired Twilight. "Yes. Even when Blueblood got scolded by Celestia for hitting on me." answered Fluttershy. Both mares laughed remembering seeing Celestia telling off her sorry excuse of a nephew, before she had him sent to his room. Once they had caught their breathe, the pair walked for a few minutes in silence before Flutershy asked the question that has been on her mind. "Hey Twilight? Can I ask you something?" "Sure Fluttershy. You can me anything." replied Twilight. "Why did choose me to be your date for this centennial ball?" asked the shy pegusas. The question caught the princess of friendship off guard. It took a few seconds before Twilight could compose herself. She debated on whether or not telling Fluttershy the truth before settling on just her the reason. "Well, it's because I love Fluttershy and I mean more than a friend. Ever since we first met, I always thought you were the prettiest mare that I ever saw. I just never had the courage to say anything until now." Said Twilight blushing out of embarrassment. Twilight's confession stunned Fluttershy speechless. She never had anypony say that they had been in love with her: even her friendship with Discord was more of a sibling relationship. But looking back on her solo interactions with Twilight, the yellow mare always seemed more relaxed with just the purple alicorn around. "You don't feel the same, do you?" asked Twilight after a minute or two of Fluttershy not replying. "Actually Twilight, I think do feel same way. I just never noticed before is all. Nopony has really show any interest in me like that before. But, I'm willing to give this chance if you are." Said Fluttershy. Hearing Fluttershy not only say that she has feeling for her as well, but willing to become her marefriend made Twilight the happiest alicorn in all of Equestria. She told Fluttershy that she would love to be in a relationship with her. Both mares embraced each other in hug with sheer joy in their hearts, before taking their first as a couple. The two stayed out in the gardens for five more minutes gazing at the night sky, before returning to the of the ball. > epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *FIVE YEARS LATER Ever since they went the Centennial Ball, Fluttershy and Twilight's relationship only grew stronger. So much that, they got married two and a half years after becoming a couple. It did seem to somewhat upset a certain spirit of chaos, but he still wished the pair a long and happy lives together. Since then, their lives have been the best it ever been. Especially when, they decided to have foals of their own two years after getting married. Twilight had found a spell that allow two mares to have foals if they wanted. Fluttershy bravely stepped up and said that she would carry their future foals. The suggestion did made Twilight a little nervous, but her wife seassured her that it was something wanted to do. Fluttershy's answer calmed Twilight's nerves down enough for to cast the spell. Fluttershy is now six months with hers and Twilight's first foal and the two couldn't be any happier.