> Ghosting > by Lucy_Marigold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10:00 AM, September 1st, 2 S.E. The Everfree Hive. The lavender coloured mare shifted awake, opening her fanged maw with a yawn. Twilight Sparkle moved the veil of purple hair from her face before smiling. The young changeling greeted her friend with another yawn. “Good morning Chrysalis.” Queen Chrysalis rolled her eyes, shifting her gaze away from the book in front of her. She sat by the nearby desk. Her mug of coffee steaming as the green changeling responded. “Good morning, Sparkle. I got the reports from Thorax today.”  Twilight shifted up, running a hoof through her hair before levitating the stack of papers over to her. “Now this is interesting.” “Hmm. Agreed. I’d of thought our love supplies would have risen since August but according to our records, things have been slightly declining. It’s more concerning than interesting.” Chrysalis took a sip of her coffee, sighing. “In decline? That’s not good.” “Not at all.”  “The summit’s in a few days.” “I know.”  “Hmm.” They devolved into silence as Twilight read over the report again. There was a small knock on the door. Twilight glanced up before somepony entered the room. Rainbow Dash trotted in, accompanied by Bee.  “Good morning, My Queens.” Bee chimed, smiling.  “Hey Rainbow, come look at this report.” The lavender queen indicated, waving over her friend. The undisguised Rainbow Dash walked over, grasping ahold of the report before frowning. “Now I ain’t no lover collector but that don’t seem right, Twi’.” She muttered. “What coulda caused it?” “There’s been reports of strange magical activity in Canterlot recently. I think it’s been putting a bit of a damper in ponies spirits.” Bee spoke up, withdrawing another report.  “Magical activity?” A smile appeared on the queen’s face. “Oh don’t you start,” Chrysalis grumbled as RD chuckled. “We’ll ask Celestia when we see her in a few days, alright?” “Okay…” ??? “Mother. Somethings wrong.” A teenager stated as she entered the room. She held a clipboard firmly between her dark grey fingers. She pushed her glasses back up to her face. “You know my ongoing research in magical and scientific anomalies?” A middle-aged woman lowered what she was reading down to her desk, running a hand through her wavy lavender hair. “Yes?” She said, raising an eyebrow.  “Well, my machine got a spike in magical energy. Near Canterlot High.” The young teenager held up her clipboard before passing it over.  “Magical energy? It’s not us is it?” The elder one questioned.  “No. Definitely not. Although part of the magical signature is rather familiar, it’s unlike anything I’ve seen.”  “Now this is interesting.” > Chapter 1 - Through The Portal. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chapter 1 - Through The Portal.~ 12:01 AM, September 5th, 2 S.E. The Canterlot Castle. “Stop!” Twilight shouted, darting down hallways after the cloaked thief. The cloaked mare skidded to a halt, entering Celestia’s study and rushing towards an ornate mirror. “What did you do with my crown?”  The cloak flew back as her hood fell. An orange unicorn with a red-streaked mane smirked, crown hovering in her magic. “Sorry, it had to be this way… Princess.” And she disappeared into the mirror. Chrysalis halted, narrowing her eyes. “Sunset Shimmer.” She hissed.  “Who?” The lavender one tilted her head, confused. “Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia spoke with a heavy sigh, entering the room. “A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown.” “She’s alive? You told us all she died!” Chrysalis snapped, turning on her hooves towards Celestia, wings flaring. “Odonata, she-” “What else could I say Chrysalis?!” Celestia turned away for a moment, a look of pained sadness on her face. “Why did she steal my crown?” Twilight whispered as her friends entered the room, tailed by Princess Luna. “I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony. “But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?” “This is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons.” “Sparkly!” Pinkie rubbed a hoof against the mirror frame. “It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. But recently my sister has decided to relocate it.” “I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened.” “Twilight, without your crown, you’ll be powerless. That could be a devastating blow to the hive.” Chrysalis muttered, concern shifting onto her face. “If we can’t get it back, it would take years for you to get a new one as intune with you as that one is.” “If you don’t mind me asking, but why is her crown so important?” Fluttershy questioned mildly, wings folding against her side idly. “Well, think of it as a magical artifact attuned to a certain magical signature. The crown basically amplifies my magic so I can maintain the hive even if some of them are across Equis.” Twilight studiously said, raising a hoof.   “Without it, I’m as limited as I was before I got my crown. Even though it’s ponymade, my magic automatically attracted to it because it was the first receptive material. If I was to do it again, it would take years for the magical signature to fade from the crown before I could even attempt to reattach.” Her friends merely nodded, all expect for Chrysalis who rolled her eyes. “Then you must go at once to retrieve it.” Celestia said. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's going, we're going with her.” Rainbow Dash stated. “Or at least a few of the guards! Right, girls?” “Oooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, smiling. “I'm afraid I can't let you go.” The regent of the sun frowned. “What?! Why not?!” The girls shouted. “Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something Twilight must do alone.”  Twilight nodded, sharing a glance with Chrysalis. “Time is of the essence. On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return.” Luna ushered her towards the portal. “Look after the hive, Chrissy.” With that, she stepped through the portal. The last thing she saw was Chrysalis suddenly bolting towards the mirror, the other’s shouts echoing behind her. And then she landed somewhere else. > Chapter 2 - This Isn't Normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chapter 2 - This Isn’t Normal.~ 12:01 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. ???. A veil of pale purple hair interfered with some of her vision but the first thing Twilight realized was different was her hooves. Dark grey claws. She tensed as she glanced down at them before someone crashed into her from behind. “By Vendallia!” Chrysalis’s voice echoed in her ears, a tumble of limbs obstructing her view. “Chrysalis! Get off me!” Twilight grumbled. “Oh no. This is horrible! I hate having claws!” Chrissy grumbled, crossing her forehooves together. Shakily they rose to their backhooves, grabbing onto the marble statue that was seemingly there. “What are we?!” “I have no idea. But better yet, where are we?” The duo glanced around the area, eyes darting as they absorbed the new information. It seemed like a school, although a lot less wonderful or neat as Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. A pair of eyes spotted them from across the courtyard they found themselves in.  “Hi! Are you guys the new students!?” A chirpy voice questioned, a pink blur darting over to them. “Welcome to Canterlot High! I’m Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you!”  It was obviously Pinkie Pie, her springy pink hair littered with sprinkles. She held a fleshy pink claw out in offering. Hesitantly, Twilight grasped it, nodding along. “What’s your names? Where are you from?”  “Uh… my name is Twilight, this is Chrysalis.” She awkwardly squeaked out. “We’re-” “-From out of town!” Chrysalis finished. “Oh! That’s so cool! Let me give you a tour!” 01:01 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. Canterlot High. “And that concludes our tour! I’ll drop you off here so you can find your lockers!” Pinkie Pie halted at the end of the hallway, waving goodbye before leaving the two changelings alone. “Oh thank Vendalia. I thought she’d never shut up.” Chrysalis grumbled, sighing. “That’s Pinkie for you,” Twilight smirked. “It seems they exist in this universe as well. Perhaps that’s why Celestia didn’t want the others to come. Anyway, we should find Sunset Shimmer and get my crown back.” “I thoroughly agree. I can’t stand being here for much longer.” The green-haired one complained, crossing her forehooves before they began to walk down a hallway. “You really are one of the smartest Queens.” “Pfft. You’re just saying that because I convinced Pinkie to leave us alone.” “Oh no! The blasphemy! How dare I compliment you.” She dramatically threw back her forehooves, close her eyes before bursting out into laughter. “Stop it.” Twilight playfully nudge her in the side, smirking. “Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it.” A meek voice squeaked. The duo turned to corner to see a girl holding her forehoof above another. “Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.” The larger one snapped. “It... doesn't really belong to you, either.” The other one whispered. “Excuse me?!” “N-n-nothing…” Another whimper. “That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.” The girl sneered, withdrawing a book from an open locker. “How dare you speak to her that way!” Twilight said, walking forward. “What did you say?” The girl seemed peeved, almost pissed off. She radiated anger. It was almost sickening. “I said, ’How dare you speak to her that way!’” “You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want.” She leered closer, her muzzle awfully close. She slapped the locker door shut, storming off. “I can't believe you did that!” The girl with the pale pink hair stared at her with awe, a faint smile on her face. “I know, it was incredibly stupid of you.” Chrysalis playfully chided. “Well, I couldn't just stand there.” “Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer.” She gasped out. “Sunset Shimmer!? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Twilight pushed the centre of her claws against her face, sighing. “Ugh. Now we’ll never find it.” She started to pace back and forth, nibbling on the tip of one of her claws. “You've heard of her? I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?” The girl questioned. “Yes. Yes, we are. My name is Chrysalis and this wreck is Twilight.” Chrissy indicated. “I'm... Fluttershy.” “Of course you are.” Twilight sighed, rubbing a claw along her face. “Uh, Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?” “How did you know? “Uh.” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at that. “Lucky guess? Do you still have it? “Mm-mm.” Fluttershy shook her head. “But you know what happened to it?” Twilight pressed. “Mm-hmm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.” She fiddled a little with her hair, nibbling on her lip. “I have no idea how it got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.” “Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?” Chrissy hissed. “You could say that. Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.” The meek girl squeaked out. “Where is she now?” “Probably in her office. Third door on your left.” She pointed down the corridor. “Thank you!” Twilight shouted as she grasped Chrysalis’s claw and bolted down the hallway. ???. “The spike. It happened again, Mother.” A grey finger pointed towards the spiking chart, mechanical beeps echoing around the room. A room dimly lit with purple and green lights. “Right at Canterlot High.” “This doesn’t make sense. The results from the first one says it’s our magic. Not some otherworldly magic, starlight.” The elder one said, shifting the stacks of paper off of a nearby swivel seat. She crossed her legs neatly as she palmed through the documents.  “What kind of magic specifically?” The other questioned, adjusting her glasses. “Queen magic.” “Queen Magic? But the others, they died a long time ago.” The young one spluttered. “That’s impossible. Utterly and completely impossible.” “Not everything is impossible, starlight. Do you still have them stationed in Canterlot High?” “Yes. I’ll let them know about it.” > Chapter 3 - Applejack. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chapter 3 - Applejack.~ 01:05 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. Canterlot High. “Come in. How may I help you?” A voice echoed forward as Twilight shakily opened the door. Chrysalis stood out in the hall, watching. “Um, uh... Whew. My name's Twilight Sparkle. I-I'm new here, and... Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.” She awkwardly muttered, stepping into the ornate office. It reminded Twilight a little bit of her Celestia’s study with the rows of books lining the walls and the oak wood desk. “Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn. Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?” This Celestia spoke.  Twilight had noticed quite quickly that nopony here possessed a horn, let alone wings. This Celestia seemed unnatural and alien to her. “Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually- Princess of the Fall Formal?” She began but spluttered, tilting her head in confusion. “It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance.” “Like the Grand Galloping Gala?” It was Celestia’s turn to be confused. “Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?” “Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school.” “And was there a princess?” She questioned. Twilight found herself fiddling with her fleshy claws. “Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student. “Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives her crown at the Fall Formal.” The younger one paused, thinking. “Hmm. You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?” “Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?” Celestia lowered her quill, glancing back up at Twilight. “The planning committee should be in the gym.”  “Um, nope! That was it!” “Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open.” With that, Twilight took her leave and left the small office. Chrysalis was waiting outside. “Did you ask her for it back?” “Uhh.. I was going to, but imagine if one of them showed up in Equestria saying they came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, two-legged creatures with these? We'd think they were crazy!” “What’s your point?” Her friend narrowed her eyes, scowling. “Look, if I want my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. So that’s what I’ll have to do.” “That is a terrible idea.” “I know! But it’s the only one I have.” “I take back what I said earlier, you are most definitely not one of the smartest Queens.” Chrysalis smirked. “Hey!” “Just telling the truth, am I not?” And then they laughed. 01:32 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. Canterlot High. “Celestia said the committee was meeting in here.” Twilight pushed the doors open, being greeted by an assault of balloons. “Incoming! Oh! Twilight, Chrysalis! What brings you here?” Pinkie greeted them, pushing the balloons aside. “Celestia said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee. I’m here to be on the ballot.” “Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow.” “I told her it was a terrible idea.” Chrysalis grumbled, sitting down on the nearby stands. “I'm brand new here, remember.” “Oooh! Yeah! Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike?” Pinkie Pie tilted her head, smiling. “Uh, maybe?” “Thought so. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.” She withdrew a clipboard from her mane of hair, passing it instantly over to Twilight.  Hesitantly, Twilight left the pen and attempted to write down her name. By Celestia, it was difficult. She’d certainly have to practice when she returned home. “Wow! You have really bad handwriting. It's like you've never held a pen before.” “Is it?” She nervously chuckled. She rubbed the back of her neck, earning a look from Chrysalis. “Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?”  Twilight felt her stomach drop, eyes darting over to the figure in the entryway. The world became blurry as her breath quickened. It couldn’t be, could it?  Applejack, although visibly different, stood there. She lowered a crate of cider to the floor before her gaze darted over to her. Twilight felt tears welling her eyes. How long had she been crying? “Are you okay?” Pinkie’s voice questioned. Someone’s hand-that was the word for it. Someone’s hand grasped her own.  Applejack darted from the room, leaving a startled Pinkie behind. “It can’t be real. She-” Twilight muttered under her breath. “Hey! AJ, wait up!” Pinkie chirped as she ran out of the room. Twilight grasped onto Chrissy’s shoulder as her eyes wandered upwards. Concern, worry and regret littered her friend’s face. “I’m fine. Just… overwhelmed.” “Are you sure?” “She’s alive. How is she…?” “You alright down there?” A voice stated from above. Gracefully, a figure descended from the ceiling with a series of flips and movements. A cyan blue girl smiled, her untamed rainbow mane instantly giving away who she was. “Now the question is, what are you doing here, Twi’?” “Uh…” Rainbow cocked her head, smirking. “Last I checked, you weren’t here. Now isn’t this an interesting development.” > Chapter 4 - Ghosts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Chapter 4 - Ghosts. ~ 01:37 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. Canterlot High. ‘Let’s just follow along with it. Perhaps she’ll be able to help us get the crown.’ Chrysalis whispered through the hivelink. It was quiet, eerily quiet. Just like it was before they combined hives. Twilight mentally sighed, following after the lean figure of Rainbow Dash through the halls. ‘Applejack is alive, Chrissy. What else is different here other than appearances?’  ‘I don’t know.’ “We should get you back home, Twi’.” Rainbow Dash had led them outside to the statue, leaning against as she crossed what she called arms. “Listen, I know you’ve always wanted to be the princess of this stupid formal thing, but you’re not supposed to be here. You know, she’d be livid to know you came over here with a mere guard.” “We aren’t-” Chrysalis gritted.  “Nice try. Nothing is getting past Primrose!” She signalled over what looked like a large enclosed pony-less carriage. “After you.” She held open the door, ushering them inside.  The carriage bumped along in silence, Twilight idly reaching a hand towards Chrysalis. Her friend held tightly to it. ‘Wherever we’re going, don’t let go, you hear me?’ Chrissy firmly stated.  ‘I won’t. Even though this is Rainbow Dash we’re talking about, something’s off. I just don’t know what.’ There was a moment of silence. ‘Was this what the link was like for you? When you were growing up?’ ‘Even lonelier. Can you still hear them?’ ’No. It’s quiet. Something is preventing me.’ Chrysalis turned away, staring out the window as they passed streets. “We’re here.” Rainbow Dash said listlessly, opening the door.  Emerging from the carriage, Twilight’s eyes wandered upwards. Spires reached into the sky, flags waving from banisters and points. Made of smooth obsidian, the palace-like structure vanished into the clouds at its peak. Figures walked back and forth on walls, spears clutched tightly as black armour plated them. Chrysalis nudged Twilight the side, indicating they should follow swiftly after Rainbow Dash. She led them inside and through some winding tunnels until they reached a grand courtyard, eerily similar to the one Twilight knew they had at home.  Realisation hit her, eyes going as wide as saucers.  This was the Enigma Hive.  “Oh.” A voice said, a girl standing at the edge of the balcony as she glanced down at them. The room became silent. A figure dressed in a neatly buttoned-up blouse and a pair of long pants stared back at Twilight. The girl’s lavender bangs hung over her face before she pushed up her glasses. “Well, this is interesting.” “You’re me!” Twilight spluttered. ‘How is this possible?’ ‘I have no idea, Sparkle.’ “Or are you me?” The other Twilight said, adjusting her glasses yet again. She ran down the steps quickly. “That’s the question! I knew something was off. What are you? If you’re me, why are you taller? Perhaps a clone? No. That would be impossible. Perhaps you’re a long lost descent from Enid? We don’t have all her history.” “Too many questions, not enough answers.” She coughed. ”Uh. Did you say ‘lost descent of Enid’?”  “Yep! Are you? That would make a lot of sense. Are we cousins?” She questioned, smiling and beaming. “By Enid, Mother is going to love this!”  “Mother?” Chrysalis and Twilight said in tandem, sharing a concerned look. Twilight’s double tilted her head in confusion, muttering something under her breath.  Another figure stepped out of a room, shifting a veil of poppies aside as she emerged. Lavender hair flowed in curls, loosely tied into a bun. A crown sat idly on her head, shining in the afternoon light that streamed through the skylight above. Odonata turned her gaze towards the group, a look of utter shock on her face. “Why am I not surprised?” Chrysalis muttered, hand clenching tightly to Twilight’s. “No matter what, this world keeps surprising me, but this, this doesn’t.”  More realisation sunk in as Twilight stared. This version of her had never lost her mother, never lost her friend, never got to know Celestia. This version of her had only ever known this. Her hands grew clammy, slipping in Chrissy’s grip.  “Mother, I-” Twilight’s counterpart began but was cut off by Odonata raising a hand, silently indicating something to her.  “I’m aware of it, starlight. Who are you?” Odonata coldly muttered, tone instantly shifting. “Travellers,” Chrysalis paused, sharing a glance with Twilight. “Just travellers from out of town.” “If what my daughter says is true, you are from a lost strain of Enid, yes?” Odonata gazed at them, seemingly drinking every detail from the way they held themselves, to the way they were dressed. “I do believe I should properly introduce myself. I am Queen Odonata of the Enigma Hive and this my daughter Princess Twilight.”  Twilight’s counterpart bowed respectfully, pushing her glasses back up before they slipped too far.  ‘Should we tell them the truth?’ ‘No. We’re here for your crown. We shouldn’t mess with this dimension too much, we could change Equis for all we know.’ Was her response, a solemn tone lacing her words. “Could we talk quietly, Queen Odonata?” Twilight spoke, a bittersweet taste in her mouth. “If we must. But only briefly as I have an important meeting with some of my guards.” Odonata nodded, indicating to a nearby closed door. > Chapter 5 - Whispers. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Chapter 5 - Whispers. ~ 02:27 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. The Enigma Hive. “Would you like a cup of tea?” Odonata asked, shutting the door behind them. The room was decorated with chairs and cushions, a simple tea table sitting in the centre. “Tea and a chat, a wonderful way for Queens to chat.” “How did-” Twilight spluttered as Chrysalis placed a palm against her head. “-I know? It’s obvious. You both are much taller than my daughter.” Odonata sighed, pouring a cup of tea with a faint smile on her face. “Is it that obvious?” Chrysalis grumbled. “Absolutely. So why don’t you enlighten me of it all?” She sat down, ushering Twilight to do the same. “You seem awfully similar. And you look so much like an Xenica changeling.” ‘By Vendalia, lie. Just lie. We can’t tell her.’ Chrissy’s panicked voice mentally screamed.  “Well, our grandmother, uh, Queen Rose, she was, uh, banished by her mother for, uh….” Twilight paused, coughing. “Messing with her changeling genetics.” “Yes. She spliced herself with different DNA from the other Queens and it resulted in her creating a very strange genetic line.” Chrysalis said, hand still held tightly in Twilight’s hand. “Technically speaking, we’re both still princesses, but due to our genetics, we enter Queenhood quite early.” She paused, squeezing her hand. “We’ve been living a very solitary life away from conflict since grandmother’s death. My sister, Dusk and I have only recently left the Hive. My name is Dawn.” Twilight watched as the lies flowed out of Chrysalis as easy as water. Although Twilight personally attested lying, in a situation such as this, it was a necessity.  “Yes, Dawn and I have just enrolled in the local high school. It was Mother’s idea.” It sounded a lot more awkward than Twilight intended. “I would love to open relations with another hive” The lavender queen chirped, smiling. “It has been a long time since any of the hives have interacted with one another,” Odonata said wistfully. “It has been centuries since I’ve seen any of them. I haven’t seen them since my childhood.”  “Oh? Why’s that?” “Disagreements between the previous Queens. But I doubt you’d want to hear such stories when you, yourself, possess so many.” “Of course. But it has been a rather long day, we should leave.”  “Where are you staying?” “A hotel. Near the school.” “I must insist you stay, you are family after all. I can’t in my good conscious let you stay in a hotel!” Odonata protested, darting upwards as she clasped her hands together. “Come, I’ll have Twilight set up a room for you both.” 03:01 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. The Enigma Hive. Twilight paced back and forth in the large room she had been given. It reminded her greatly of the dusty rooms she had uncovered back home. But this time, the air was laden with perfume and sweet-smelling flowers. It was almost sickeningly sweet, like a dream you weren’t meant to wake up from. Her mother was alive. She could have that relationship she desired so much but at what cost. She had to leave before the portal closed. They were on borrowed time. Her fingers, as her alternate self had explained, gripped the soft curtains, eyes gazing out the foggy window. Shapes blurred together as others walked past, eyes straining the longer she looked.  ‘Hello Twilight.’ A voice mentally whispered eerily. “Who are you? You’re not Chrissy” Twilight snapped back, eyes glancing around the room.  ‘I’m merely here to help. It’s been a while since we last talked. You were so upset last time. How are you feeling now?” They questioned.  She frowned, sitting down on the ornate bed in the centre of the room. “Death?”  ‘Not quite. We do know each other though.’  “Are you from this world? What do you want with me?” Twilight stared around the silent room. ‘I am not from this world. As I said, I’m here to help you, Twilight.’  “Help me, how?”  02:29 PM, June 30th, 2 S.E. The Canterlot Castle. Twilight Sparkle raised a shaky hoof towards her cheek, wiping away more stray tears that fell. Her heart felt heavy and broken. She coughed, hacking up ichor as it slipped down her chin. Her body felt weak and so tired. She stared at the window at the ambulance carriage in the castle grounds. A stretcher covered with a cloth was pulled inside as Celestia bowed her head. Their lips were moving but Twilight couldn’t hear what they were saying. She screwed her eyes closed as images flashed through her mind. “It’s my fault.” Twilight hoarsely muttered, falling to her haunches.  ‘It’s not your fault, Twilight.’ A voice whispered in her head.  “It is. It’s all my fault. She’s gone. She’s the only one other than Celestia I had linking to-to…” A hoof fell down against the glass, fracturing at the impact. Ichor slipped out, mingling with the broken glass shards. The afternoon sun shone through the windows, the recent spider web fracture making the light dance around her.  ‘It’s their fault, Twilight. It’ll always be their fault. Rhene was going to kill Chrysalis, not you. Applejack died not for you, but for HER.’  “I don't like her, but I’ve got to try. I’ve got to become her friend even if it hurts me in the end.” Twilight solemly muttered, staring at her fractured appearance in the glass.  > Chapter 6 - Death’s Fourth Prophecy. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Chapter 6 - Death’s Fourth Prophecy.~ 11:59 PM, September 1st, 2 S.E. The Everfree Hive. Chrysalis stirred from her sleep, shifting to her side. A pair of hooves were wrapped around her barrel and her gaze wandered downwards. Twilight Sparkle clung to her, muttering things in her sleep. A half-opened book sat among the sheets, a small ink mark on Twilight’s cheek. “You have come far, Chrysalis.” “Who’s there?” Chrysalis whispered, eyes darting around the room. A pair of eyes blinked into existence at the edge of the bed.  “I am Death, a creature of prophet. I have given many prophecies but there have been only three so far that have been as dire as the one I am about to tell you.” A toothy muzzle emerged. “Darkness lurks where sadness grows. Beware the world behind the glass, for misguided love will fracture it, leaving little behind.” “What do you mean?” “I mean what I mean, Queen Chrysalis. That is for you to find out, not me. This place has been plagued by me for centuries. The most recent, the bloodshed you caused.” Death glanced around the room as tiny bulbs flickered to life, bathing the room in a cool light.  Chrysalis turned away, a frown on her face. “It was something I regretted, and continue to regret, for years. You have not appeared to my kind for centuries, not since the first civil war according to the documents we’ve gathered. Why?” “I come when death lingers, when hatred, rage and spite are engraved in the land. I come when changelings need me the most. I come before the others can come.” Death, illuminated by the light, folded her great wings. There was an ethereal beauty about her, the way her mane waved and flowed. “The others? Who are the others?” Death shook her head. “I cannot tell you, Chrysalis. I must go now but do not tell Twilight Sparkle of my prophecy, for if she knew, it would worsen it.”  And then Death was gone. 03:59 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. The Enigma Hive. Chrysalis eased the door open with a hand, slowly glancing inside. Twilight was pacing back and forth, muttering to herself before staring out the foggy resin and into the hive. Her saddlebags lay, scattered, on a nearby ottoman. The rest of the room was untouched. “No. I can’t. That would be too difficult to pull off.” She paused. “No, no. You’re right. It would be the easiest option but how?”  Mentally, Chrysalis tried to reach out, her mind snaking towards Twilight’s. But she bounced off like a rubber ball. Physically recoiling, she gripped onto the door to hold herself steady.  “No. Chrissy can’t be involved.” Another pause. “Why? Because she’s with child. I thought you knew that.” The lavender queen sighed.  The cold feeling of dread doused her as she heard Twilight mutter her next words “I know she can’t lose that nymph, why do you think I don’t want her involved, Obscurum.” Panicked, Chrysalis shut the door as quietly as possible. She held a palm against her raging chest as she slowed her breathing. Her hand shook as she slowly sat down on the floor. Obscurum, a name she had not heard since her nymph hood. A name never to be uttered. A being never to be associated with.  And Twilight was speaking its name. 04:04 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. The Enigma Hive. “Twilight. The plan is simple. Wait until the Fall Formal, and simply steal the crown. What don’t you understand about it?” The voice whispered. Twilight lowered herself onto the nearby ottoman, head leaning against her palms. “It’s too much of a risk. I can’t. How can I even trust you?” “It is a risk you must take.”  She sat there, silently pondering. “You didn’t answer my question, Obscurum.” “Because I know you better than anyone else, Twilight.” “Are you going to elaborate?”  “I have no need to. You already know I’m right. I just want to help you, Twilight. Nothing more.” “Why do you even want to help me?!” Twilight suddenly snapped, hand flying towards her nearby saddlebag. It toppled over, books and parchment slipping out. A faded and worn journal fell to the floor with a loud thunk. It clattered open, a pressed flower adorning the page. Idly, she picked it up, tracing a finger along the dried petals as her eyes grazed the paper. Her mother’s most inner thoughts stared back at her through the page. “We’ll talk about this later. I don’t want to think about it right now.”  “Twilight-” “I said no, Obscurum. Not now. I need to go speak with Chrysalis.” She snapped, jolting upwards as she moved towards the door. “It was her fault, remember. Be careful around her, Twilight.” “Yeah, okay.” She sighed, leaving the room. 04:11 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E. The Enigma Hive. “Ah, Miss Dawn, are you alright?” A voice snagged Chrysalis’s attention, a figure tapping her lightly on the shoulder. She turned to see Twilight’s counterpart. “You seem rather distracted.” “I’m fine. There’s just some things on my mind.” “Oh. Well. Um.” Twilight tapped her fingers together, coughing before speaking again. “Mother said I had to check to see if you wanted to join us for dinner.” “Of course.” “I was also wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your hive?” She withdrew a small clipboard, a pen grasped between her fingers.  Sighing, Chrysalis spoke. “Go ahead.” “What’s life like in your hive?” “Rather boring actually.” She smirked, walking down the hallway as Twilight’s counterpart tried to match her pace. “Nothing much to do anymore since Dusk got involved.” “Oh. Was she not always in the hive?”  “Uh. No. Mother sent her away from the hive for some time to attend school before she began her growth into a queen.” It was a complete and utter lie but lies weren’t new to Chrysalis.  They rolled out of her as naturally as speech.  But lies wouldn’t prevent that prophecy. Not when Chrysalis already knew darkness was lurking around them. “May I ask you something?” “Sure.” The small lavender one shifted her glasses.  Leaning towards the younger one, Chrissy grabbed a hold of the other’s shoulders, whispering. “We lost something rather important at Canterlot High. Something we need to recover quickly. The Fall Formal crown was switched with Dusk’s crown and we desperately need it back. That’s why we’re really here.” “Oh.” Was all she responded with. “Mother-” “You cannot tell Odonata. Not at all. She must not have a hand in this at all.” “Why?” Silence. Chrysalis turned away, raising a hand to her chin. “I cannot tell you. Too risky. I said I wouldn’t tell.” “I promise, I won’t tell. I swear it.” Twilight firmly stated, a look of determination on her face.  More silence and a single glance back at the younger one, Chrysalis finally spoke. “We aren’t who we said we were. My true name is Queen Chrysalis, former ruler of the Xencina changelings and current co-ruler of the Everfree Hive. And that,” She pointed a finger at the door to her Twilight’s room a little bit down the hall.  “Is Queen Twilight Sparkle, the last surviving Enigma Queen, a former Princess of Equestria, co-ruler of the Everfree Hive. And she is you.”