> Stranded Paradise > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well, We're Stranded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of the seagulls flying in the air, the ocean waves crashing and receding from the sandy beach and trees rustling in the wind were all that it took to wake up Halo Knight, a recent high school graduate with bright green skin, brown hair and blue eyes with glasses. He let out a groan as he sat himself up, rubbing his head as if he hit it against something. "God, that freaking hurts!" he said to himself. His eyes squinted, trying to look around him and see where he was exactly. In front of him was the sea. Blue skies, white clouds, seagulls in the air... and a broken cruise ship that hit a couple of boulders and was barely staying afloat by using the boulders for support. And behind him... an island with rows upon rows of trees, he couldn't even see the other side. However, the biggest surprise... was who he found resting on the beach. He recognized her by her light minty green skin and her dark forest green hair. She had beautiful brown eyes and was wearing a black, one piece bikini that hugged her body tightly in all the right places.He recognized her as Wallflower Blush, CHS' former invisible girl and former president of the Gardening Club. Before he could talk to her, she turned his way and gasped in surprise before running towards him and checking his condition. "You're awake! Thank goodness, I was getting a little worried that you wouldn't wake up." she said. "What... happened?" he asked, still feeling a little woozy. Wallflower, however, just sat him down on the beach and stayed by his side. Before explaining what happened... 14 hours ago, Halo was just saying goodbye to his parents. His mom was crying tears of joy, proud of her son for all that he's accomplished so far. His dad looked at him with a proud smile, giving him the biggest hug any dad could give to their own kid. After bidding goodbye to their son, Halo joined his friends on the cruise ship before sailing off to their next destination: paradise. Later on during the cruise, Halo was enjoying a nice, funfilled day having a bite to eat with his friends and drinking soda, or even fruit juice, or just plain water, whatever everyone was drinking. Halo then turned his attention to the wide-open sea, admiring how calm it was from the way the sea sparkles, then turned his attention to the few clouds in the skies. He had a lot on his mind to think about now that his high school days were over. 'Where do I go from here? I could always apply to a good college, but... those tuition fees are a nightmare, I'd have to get a part-time job to cover the expenses. But I think I'll worry about that later, I've got a whole Summer to think about that and I should have fun.' he thought. As he took a few sips of his can of soda, he turned back to his former classmates and then headed inside the ship where some of them were just chilling or napping. Specifically Rainbow Dash, who used this opportunity to snooze away like the napping champ she is. Rarity was getting a well-deserved spa treatment, back massages, face mask treatment and fruit smoothies all around, which made Halo chuckle. It's no surprise she'd take advantage of something like this, but considering the misadventures she and her friends went through, she deserved it. Sunset and Twilight were out on deck, having some ice cream with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. AJ was... well... thanks to her family, they gave her some pills to take on the trip since she gets seasick. Halo was happy to know everyone was enjoying their time. All those struggles, whether it be schoolwork or some crazy magic running amok and birthed some power-crazed magic diva, it'll be nice to enjoy a little peace and quiet for once. Just then, Halo's eyes land on a certain girl with long, pine green hair and minty light green skin, looking even more sad than usual, staring into her cup of water. Halo knows her as Wallflower Blush, the former president of the gardening club. Unlike the rest of the school, who didn't know of her existence, Halo paid attention to her and even acknowledged her as one of his good friends. So, like any good friend, he walked over to her and tapped Wallflower on the shoulder, making her jump a little bit. "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you," Halo said. "N-No, it's... it's fine, really." Wallflower replied. "Why aren't you out on the deck, mingling with the rest of your classmates or even swimming in the pool?" "I could ask you the same thing. You're one of us, aren't you?" Halo asked. True to her last name, Wallflower's cheeks heated up, turning ripe red. "I... I am, but... I'm still kinda trying to get used to being around big crowds. But right now, I'm... s-still kinda nervous around them. I still feel like I need to mentally prepare myself until then. So until then, I'll stick to small groups." Halo nodded in understanding. "That's fine. I can respect that." Wallflower gave her good friend a hug as a thank you for being so kind and understanding of her. "Hey, if you can, could you get me a plate of spaghetti with no meatballs?" she asked. "Sure, no problem," Halo agreed with a chuckle. The young man then stepped away to get his friend her refreshments while she stared out the window, feeling a bit more happier with herself. However... her smile suddenly went away when she saw some really, REALLY, big clouds heading their way and they didn't look too friendly. The clouds were dark grey-ish and she could just ever so slightly make out the flashes of lightning. Wallflower was getting worried about the danger getting closer towards them and there's no way to outrun such a fierce storm. "Here you go, Wallflower, I brought you--" Halo paused when his eyes caught sight of the storm coming closer and so he put the plate of food aside. "I'd better alert the others." Halo then ran out onto the deck to warn the others, but he wasn't fast enough. It looked like the storm clouds had caught up to them and everyone was in a blind panic. But, for the Rainbooms, they took drastic measures by getting the life boats ready and getting nearly everyone on board. The only ones who were still on board were Halo and Wallflower Blush. Rainbow Dash tried to fly over to them, but the lightning strikes and huge tidal waves were preventing her from doing so and Twilight couldn't keep the boat steady because it was too big. The waves rocked the boat like it were a toy. Halo and Wallflower were still trapped inside, unable to escape and soon a big wave came and not only flipped over the entire ship, but also separated the two remaining friends from the rest of the entire group. As the ship was flipped over, Halo felt like he was weightless and saw Wallflower fainting from the thought of her actually dying. Halo reached out and grabbed her, holding onto her tight before feeling the impact of hitting something solid and blacking out. "After that, I woke up and saw that we were stranded on an island. I got worried that you might be seriously hurt, so I brought you out of the ship," Wallflower finished. "I... I guess we're lucky to be alive, huh?" Halo brought up. She nods. Halo takes another look at the island they're stranded on and thinks to himself. And then... "OH!!!" Halo then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, but when he turned it on... no service. What's worse, his battery was low. "Ugh... well, it looks like we can't get into contact with the outside world. We're gonna have to try and hold out and make do with our current living quarters until help arrives." "But what if no one finds us?" Wallflower asked, worried. "They will. We just have to find a way to relay a distress signal so they can be able to find us. I'm gonna head back into the ship and see if I can get one out." Halo said, getting up. While he headed inside, Wallflower just sat there, still kinda worried for her friend and for their lives. No doubt her family is worried sick about her, thinking that she might be dead. Wallflower wanted nothing more than to make it back home and the thought of never seeing her loved ones again left her in tears. Meanwhile, Halo was back inside the ship, looking for a way to turn on the ship. Sadly, he found nothing, so he left the ship with a defeated look. Once outside, he saw Wallflower crying. Halo went over and sat down next to Wallflower, hugging her. "Shhh, it's okay, Wallflower. Look, I understand how you feel, but we can't just sit around doing nothing," Halo whispered. Wallflower hugged Halo back, not knowing what else to do. She was, by far, grateful that she had a very close friend by her side. In her vulnerable state, she needs all the encouragement and support she can get. And right now, the two need each other if they're going to survive on this deserted island. And so, after stealing their nerves, Wallflower and Halo got to work in setting up a spot for shelter. They both worked hard throughout the entire day with Halo working hard to build a proper shelter while Wallflower went around the island, gathering food. Halo had to make sure that he set up their shelter close to the beach, but not too close to the ocean waves, otherwise they'll catch cold when they sleep on the ground or their shelter falling apart. Sadly, the only thing they could use for blankets were the clothes they had brought with them on the trip. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but the thought of sleeping near the opposite sex under the same roof... topless, was kind of embarrassing, but it's not like either one had any other choice. With the sun setting over the horizon and their straw beach hut nearly halfway done, the two friends decide to turn in for the night and have some of the food Wallflower gathered. It was an awkward dinner that night. Like, they didn't know what to say. All that was heard was the awkward silence... well, unless you count the ocean waves crashing and receding and the wind brushing against the many trees on the island. Finally, as they were half done with their meals, Wallflower set down her food and turned to Halo, who looked back at her. "What's the matter, Wallflower?" Halo asked. "It's just... I really owe you a big thanks for what you did for me earlier. I felt so defeated... helpless... hopeless... doubtful... and yet you gave me a small glimmer of hope with your optimism. Even so, I still feel like we're pushing our luck here. Who knows how far we are from civilization. It'll probably be days, weeks, months... or even years before we're rescued." Wallflower said, looking down. "We'll be found eventually. Not sure when, though. But until then, we gotta make do with the life we have right now and try to stay as positive as possible. Who knows, maybe our stay here won't be such a bad thing, considering we're on vacation," Halo replied. "I guess. But I'm still kinda worried about whether or not we can get off this island. I mean... I had plans to open up my very own flower shop. Maybe even set up my own green house to grow plants that only grow in different climates of the year. Maybe even sell some garden accessories to people who want to make their gardens look so beautiful." she said. "What about you? What plans did you have after high school?" "Hmm... well, now that you mention it... I have been dreaming of earning a degree and get some kind of trade job, or maybe become a National Guard or join the Navy." Halo replied. "Wow. Sounds like you wanna aim really high. I bet your parents must be proud of you. At first, my parents used to worry about my social life since I never had many friends in the beginnning. Now, they're a little more relieved that I have so many friends to turn to after that... well... you know. But still, now they're more concerned of what I wanna do now that my high school days are done. I haven't told them about wanting to open up my own flower shop, but hopefully I will tell them... if we ever survive," she said, looking down at her half-finished dinner with a saddened smile dawned on her face. "We will, Wallflower. We will," Halo assures. "As long as we've got each other's back, we'll get through this mess together and return home with bells on." Halo's confidence lights up a glimmer of hope within the blushing Wallflower and the two continue to eat their dinner while basking in the sounds of the ocean waves. Both parties looked out the doorway of their hut, seeing the beautiful full moon rising high in the sky. There's always something so magical about the moon illuminating glow that makes people so content. Perhaps this is one of life's ways of showing that even when things are tough, hope will never die out on anyone as long as they truly believe. And so, after dinner was finished, Halo and Wallflower turn in for the night and lay down in their straw mats and slowly close their eyes. Though they aren't fully asleep yet, the evening winds brushing past their bodies and the sound of the crashing waves are enough to help soothe their minds and bodies to make them fall asleep. 5 minutes later, they find themselves snoozing and exploring the wonders of the dreamland. The next day, the early morning seagulls cry out over the horizon, stirring awake the two stranded besties, but Wallflower was still too tired to do anything. With Halo having gotten plenty of rest, he got up from his mat and stretched out his body before heading out to grab some more building material for their hut. There's no telling if a strong breeze or summer rain might fall from the sky, so Halo had to act quick. An hour later while he was still gathering building materials, Wallflower woke up with a cute yawn, stretching her arms out and taking in the morning sunlight. She comes out of the hut and sees a whole bunch of straw and tree bark that Halo collected and put them in an assorted pile instead of cluttering them all together. Speaking of which, Halo is seen coming back from the island forest with a very large coconut split in two. "Hey, nice find. I was feeling kinda thirsty." Wallflower said. "Drink up, there's bound to be more of these on the island," Halo replied. He gives her one of the halved coconuts and the two drink up the sweet-tasting coconut water. Now that they're hydrated, they get to work on finishing the hut and gathering supplies and food. After all, there's no telling how long exactly it will take for help to show up on the island. Eventually, they both drank their coconut water and upon finishing, Halo resumed working on their hut. Wallflower, on the other hand, ventured back into the forest in search of some more food, including a spot where she can get herself cleaned up. She couldn't really bathe in salt water, not with the knowledge of what goes on in the ocean below. "There's gotta be something on this island I can work with," she said. She kept on venturing deeper into the forest, then stopped when she realized... "Hold on... how will I know where I'm going and which direction I've already been to?" she asked herself. Wallflower looked around to find something she could use to help keep her from getting lost. Then, at the corner of her eye, she finds a jagged rock, big enough to fit in her hand and sharp enough to cut into wood. "Bingo." she said triumphantly. She picked up the little rock and marked one of the trees with an X and kept on going into the forest. With her trusty tool, Wallflower marked every other tree and then eventually... she stops when she hears some kind of sound. It sounded like... like running water. But it wasn't loud like the receding ocean waves, it was more like... a type of medium waterfall noise. She followed the sound of the water, marking the trees she got closer and eventually, she came across a most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. In the clearing, there was a fresh, clean spring lake with a beautiful spring waterfall. The perfect spot for Wallflower to freshen up and even rehydrate herself, as long as the water isn't tainted. Best of all, it was all fresh water and it was the perfect spot to freshen up and so with no witnesses around, Wallflower got out of her swimsuit and made her way into the water, only to be met with how cold it was, so she stepped out, shivering like a leaf. "This... could take a while," she said. "No! Just hold your breath and just jump right in, you'll feel better afterwards!" she told herself, stealing her nerves. Taking a deep breath, she backed up and then bolted towards the lake and jumped right in before resurfacing, panting heavily from how cold it was, but it wasn't too cold. She quickly swam towards where the waterfall to take care of business. She climbs onto the rocks and sits against the waterfall, letting it wash away all the sand and dirt and dust from her body, enduring the chill. Within 5 minutes, she gets used to the cold water and even takes a few gulps and swigs of it, basking in its fresh taste. It was almost as good as filtered drinking water. After finishing, she get right to cleaning her swimsuit using the waterfall. Wallflower even hums a melodious tune as she's cleaning up her only piece of clothing. Another five minutes go by and she was finally all fresh and clean. She puts on her clean swimsuit and leaves the spring lake to return to her friend. "I hope he's not too worried." she said, concerned. Meanwhile, back at the beach, Halo had nearly constructed a door for their hut and even carved open a window so they can get some sunlight in. Halo had been working nonstop and decided to take a break and rest against the sand, exhausted. "I sure hope I'm not pushing my luck. But I gotta keep a positive attitude, at least, for Wallflower's sake, if we're ever gonna get outta here." he said to himself. He stayed in the sand, resting without a care in the world, letting the small ocean waves brush against his legs, keeping him cool in a way. Not a minute later and he sits up, taking one more look at the crystal clear ocean and how inviting it looks. "Ah, what the hell," Halo shrugged. He took off his shirt and with nothing on him except his swim trunks, he stepped into the salty water and went for a little swim. The water was just right and he swam and swam, splashing about like he was a little kid again. "Yeah... I needed this. Whoever thought up the phrase "all work, no play" obviously had major issues. He let out a chuckle before diving underwater. Halo Knight felt like he was free as a bird as he swam with the ocean waves. Despite the fact that he and Wallflower are stranded here, they were still on Summer vacation. Eventually, after 10 minutes of swimming, Halo came out of the water and shook himself somewhat dry and sat down for a little fruit snack. He took an apple and let the munchies take over. Around this time, Wallflower has now come back and saw how much Halo's improved on their hut. She walked over towards her friend and sat down next to him, grabbing a mango. She peels the skin off with a knife that Halo carved out from a rock and then took a bite while watching the horizon. "Did I miss anything?" Wallflower asked. "No, you're good. So, you didn't find any other fruits on the island?" Halo asked. "I tried following my usual path, but... no dice. Sorry." Wallflower said. "Aww, don't worry. As far as I can tell, we've got plenty of food for now. I feel like we've been working really hard lately, so I say we deserve a break." Halo said. "You sure?" Wallflower asked. "What about if it rains?" "That's a good question, Wallflower. You never know when it's gonna rain. But then again... even if it does rain, we'll still be okay because I made sure our hut's solid." Halo explained. Wallflower sighed with a smile. "You're something else, you know that? Here I am, worrying about what will happen to us and yet you're always a positive thinker," she replied. "I understand how you feel, Wallflower. To be honest, I'm worried about whether it rains or not, but at the same time, I also want to make sure I enjoy myself in case that ever happens. You see, Wallflower... life is filled with a series of events that we don't know will happen. But if we allow our fears to take control over us because we don't know what'll happen, then how can we enjoy the good aspects of life? The world is cruel and unforgiving, yes, but it can also be kind and rewarding at the same time. You just gotta know where and when to look at the bright side and that time is right now, do you understand?" Halo asked. Her eyes shrunk in disbelief. Perhaps he's right. No... she can't deny the fact that he's 100% right about that and all she's done is question how long this peace'll last. "I... I understand." Wallflower replied. "Halo... thank you. I guess I've been letting my fears dictate me my whole life and I never even got to enjoy life in such a way that you do. You know what, I think I've decided... no more doubting myself or anything else. If you say help is gonna come for us, then I believe you. If you say we're going to make it out of this alive, I'm with you every step of the way." "Now, there's the attitude I like to hear," Halo chuckled with a thumbs up. "Alright, what do you say we get back to work on building our hut?" "Right behind you," she nodded. She and Halo stood up from their spots and then resumed their work, now having a more positive attitude driving them. Wallflower would help tie together some of the thick straws with rope while Halo set them up in different parts of their hut. Eventually, as the sun began to set, the exterior part of the hut was finally complete. The only thing they had to get to work on was a couple of beds, but that can wait until later when the sun has arisen tomorrow. Now, as the sun is setting, Halo and Wallflower look at each other, smiles all around. Before he knew it, he's hugged by the blushing Wallflower. "Thank you." she said. In turn, Halo returned her affections with a hug of his very own. "You're welcome." Halo responded warmly. To be continued... > Spring Lake Wild Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 days went by since Halo and Wallflower wound up stranded on an island with no means of communicating with the outside world for help. Since then, they've made it their mission to try and enjoy their vacation on the island while also gathering food and supplies to help survive. Thanks to their effort and teamwork, they managed to get their hut done. And with all the fruit they've been gathering in those 20 days, they shouldn't have to worry about starving to death. Wallflower even made a clear path leading to the spring lake she found that one time and has since put it to good use when she needs a good soak in the refreshing spring lake, keeping herself nice and clean or having a drink of its fresh, cold water anytime she ever got thirsty. During their stay at the island, Wallflower and Halo have been somewhat close with each other and even developed feelings for one another. It's not long until their 15th day on the island that they eventually make their relationship official and become a couple. Wallflower really likes Halo and has always appreciated how kind and caring he's been with her. His optimism gave her a sense of hope, his handiwork with the hut helped give the two some shelter, what more could a girl ask from a boyfriend? Halo also felt lucky to have Wallflower. They had been good friends back in high school, despite the memory stone incident and trying to ruin Sunset's life. Halo always thought she was a misunderstood girl with the way she was always overlooked by her peers. But now, all that's changed for the both of them. And it warms his heart to know she's beginning to open up to him and hopefully to everyone else little by little when they get home. Although it might take some time for her family to process the fact that they're now a couple once they get back, but with a little time, patience and a few talks here and there, it might just turn our alright. Now, veering away from the topic of romance, there's another factor regarding their survival on the stranded island. On the subject of food, the young couple have mostly fed on the fruits that the island has naturally grown, including some of the coconut water. There was no point in dining on refrigerated/frozen foods found on the ship, because they've all but spoiled and are now unfit to eat. But the same cannot be said for the food found in the pantry. Food kept in boxes, like crackers, cookies, stuff like that. It even had an abundance of 24 packs of bottled water, but they were all warm due to the Summer weather. But it wasn't something Wallflower couldn't figure out, so she took those bottles of water to the spring where she usually bathes to cool them down. Aside from the food, the two even found some spare blankets and pillows among the wreckage of the ship for whenever it got too cold during the night. A perfect substitute instead of having to sleep in their own clothes every night, no doubt. Of course, while this was all good for their survival, they still needed to keep sending out a signal so they can be found, but even the ship has a limit to how long it can stay operational. And with the amount of damage its taken from the ocean and the rocks it's wedge into, Halo and Wallflower just weren't sure how long they can last without a signal to give off. Which is why Halo did a little deep digging within the ship to see if he could find anything to use on the ship to power it up. Miraculously, he stumbled upon an open storage unit with a sign that read "Do not open, unless an emergency has arisen at anytime." Well, being stranded without a signal definitely classified as an emergency, so he took a look inside the unit. Halo stumbled upon gold that day. Inside the unit, he found multiple emergency first aid kits and medicines, along with what looked like a generator and a couple of gas cans to give it some fuel and what better way to use all this equiptment than to keep the ship going strong. However, there's only 4 full cans of gas, along with a full tank the generator has, so they'll have to ration out the amount of power they have and hope for the best out of all this mess. Right now, Halo and Wallflower are currently out in the ocean water, having a little swim while the generator is hooked up to the ship, keeping it alive. "Wallflower, I did a little digging on the generator. It looks like it can run for a maximum of 18 hours, but I doubt we can waste all of our gas within a few days. So, in order to conserve power, we'll keep it running an hour a day, 30 minutes in the morning and another half hour in the afternoon. This should help keep our gas rations steady up until we're rescued." Halo explains while backstroking. "Sounds simple enough. So, how long has it been running so far?" Wallflower asks. "I'd say at least 10 minutes. We've still got plenty of time before we gotta turn it off. But let's not worry about it and focus more on... this," Halo then swims up to Wallflower and pulls her into a warm kiss, to which she happily returnes with a warm kiss of her own. They keep themselves afloat above the water while wrapping themselves in each other's arms. Their tongues dancing elegantly, lips smacking against each other, the occasional inhales to catch their breath, it's so magical. They eventually pull away for Halo to boop his cute girlfriend on the nose. She giggles and boops him back, making him laugh a little. The young couple continues to swim around on the beach for another good 15 minutes before returning to dry land. Eventually, the time comes to get cleaned up. Wallflower has also shown Halo the spring she located during the beginning of their stay on the island. Frankfully, she had to tell him so he could get a good wash in and thanks to that, he was able to look good as new. But right now, Wallflower is heading off into the direction of the spring, so Halo has to stay behind and watch the generator. With his sweetheart freshening up, Halo decided to check on the ship's interior, see if the signal was still going strong. He climbs into the ship and heads for the control room. Entering, he checks the monitor and sees that the signal is working just fine. "Good. As long as this baby's still kicking, we'll be good to go." Halo said to himself, pleased that the ship's still working to some degree. Patting the machine lightly, he leaves the ship, satisfied that it's working perfectly. He comes out and goes over to the generator and sits down to relax a few feet away from it. Still, even though he's trying to be optimistic, a part of him is still worried that he might not be able to escape the island with Wallflower. The thought of building a raft might be helpful, but let's face it, the ocean larger than some people imagine and the seas might turn messy in a storm and that could spell trouble for both of them. Not to mention the ocean contains many vicious predators, so venturing out there could mean suicide and Halo knows he and Wallflower have so much to live for. 20 minutes later and Halo finally turns off the generator and around that time, Wallflower has returned from her daily spring lake bath. "Okay, babe. The spring lake is all yours," she says, while drying herself with a towel that was scavenged from the ship's storage unit also. Halo gets up from his spot and makes his way into the hut to grab his own towel and comes out, making his way to the spring lake. With Halo tending to his bath business, Wallflower decides to check to see what she should cook up for a bite to eat and they have plenty of options to choose from. Meanwhile, back in the spring lake, Halo is sitting naked by the waterfall, letting the cold water crash onto his skin, ignoring the chilly feeling coarsing through his body. He looks down, sighing before looking up at the sky, thinking about his loving family back home. He can only guess how worried they are. His mother is probably crying herself to bed at night while his dad... well... he's probably grieving in Halo's room right now, wondering if Halo's still alive and if he'll ever come back. Halo, himself, feels homesick. He tries his hardest to be strong, but even his heart has its limits and the thought of being away from his parents like this brings tears to his eyes. Everyone has their breaking point, no matter how strong they are. Even if they try to hold back their sadness, it'll eventually come out in the end. He misses his family and his old life back home. If he and Wallflower ever do make it back home safely, the first thing he'll do is give his parents a great big hug. After that, Halo calms down a little and steals his nerves. He sighs and gets up from his spot and goes to the top of the spring lake and checks on the water bottles they've got stashed in the cold water. He pulls out one of them and takes a drink of the fresh, cold water. "Ahh, refreshing," he says before guzzling it down faster until it was empty. After that, he goes back under the waterfall to finish up his bathing routine, washing all the sand out of his hair and off his body. As an extra precaution, he also washes his swim trunks to keep them clean and refreshing. After finishing his routine, he gets himself dressed and gets out of the lake. He dries off a bit and then heads back down the path to the hut where his sweetheart will be waiting. He can hear the sound of the seagulls in the distance, flying over the ocean sea, seeking some tasty, tasty fish to eat. He smiles as the beach comes into view and he sees his girlfriend waving at him, smiling. 'Look at her. The way she's smiling... a smile full of hope... and I'm the one that gave her hope and now... she's sharing that hope with me. I truly am lucky,' he thinks to himself. Later that night, Wallflower and Halo are out by the beach, enjoying a delicious dinner under the light of the full moon and enjoying each other's company. Wallflower had cooked up a tasty bowl of hot soup with some tasty fruit kebabs on the side and a couple of bottles of water. She cooked the soup in a pot over a campfire that Halo had also made for them. Needless to say, Wallflower's cooking is terrific. "Mmm, good soup," he says. "Thanks. Guess it's a good thing we found all that food in the pantry. It would've been nice if we have some meat, but not for me, and some vegetables. If only we could use the generator for food, then we'd be able to live a bit more comfortably out here for the time being." Wallflower replies. "I know, babe. But remember, we gotta ration out the power we have on hand. Otherwise, we might as well just be a couple of sitting ducks." Halo reminds. "Yeah, I know." Wallflower nods. She and Halo keep eating their food some more until the whole can is empty and their sticks are bear. After their meal, they stay up for a little while longer to enjoy the beautiful night sky and the moon towering over them like a beacon in the night. On a night like this, it feels like all their troubles just fade away in an mere instant. Especially since they have each other. Wallflower turns to face Halo and vice versa. Their eyes meet, smiles all around. "I gotta say, your eyes shine brighter than any star in the night sky." She giggles. "You dork. Still, thank you." She scooches towards her boyfriend, interlocking her fingers with Halo's with one hand and going in for a kiss. He returns the kiss and strokes her long hair. "Halo... I really can't thank you enough for all the times you've been there for me. Both back at high school and here. I would've lost all hope if I had washed up here alone. Now, I feel like we're gonna be okay. So... thanks again for giving me a sense of hope and staying strong for me. I love you so much." "I love you too, babe." Halo says wholeheartedly. They share another passionate kiss under the moon's illuminating gaze, exploring each other's mouths. The setting cannot have been more perfect for these two. With the moon as their witness, their hope for salvation might just be right around the corner. Who knows? Only time will tell. Eventually, both lovers separate from each other and pick themselves up off the ground. Halo escorts his beloved Wallflower with him back to their hut for another good night's sleep. With another day behind them, they rest up in their shared bed, awaiting for another new day to begin anew. Next day, Halo wakes up a little later than usual, unsure of what time it is. Getting out of bed, he notices that Wallflower isn't sleeping next to him. "Huh... that's odd. Where'd she go?" he asks himself. He leaves the hut and checks outside to find where she is, but finds no trace of her out in the open. Which can only mean one thing, "Hmm... I guess she must've gone into the forest to get some food or grab a quick bath by the lake." Now that he has a grasp on where she might be, he might as well make a quick stop by the lake, not for a bath, but to grab a cold bottle of water. He walks into the forest, following the path leading to the lake. He arrives there, only to find something he'll remember long after he's gone. There, in the middle of the lake, is his girlfriend. Wallflower was swishing her wet hair left and right while she rubs her naked body with her bare hands. Her eyes half closed, looking down at herself all calm and peaceful-like. His heart races a thousand miles, seeing how beautiful she is and feels a tent pitching down below in his trunks. The sun's rays beat down on her flawless body, making her skin shine so beautifully. She looks like the radiant spawn of mother nature herself. As she turns around, her eyes then lock on Halo. She gasps and covers herself, bending down in the water, blushing heavily out of embarrassment. Halo snaps out of his trance and approaches his girlfriend, but keeps his eyes averted from her just to be a gentleman. "S-Sorry for barging in on you like this, Wallflower. I... should've waited until you got back before I came out here, I hope you're not too mad at me." Halo says with sincerity. "It... It's alright. I mean... I know you didn't mean it. And... l-look, I know we're dating and all, but even so... it's hard for me to show off my body. I'm still pretty new to this whole dating thing and you're the first boyfriend I've ever had in my whole entire life. And the truth is... I'm actually kinda insecure about how I look, so... I hope you understand, Halo," she confesses, still having a big blush across her cheeks. "Don't worry, I understand perfectly, babe," Halo says, blushing a bit, himself. "But you know... when I saw you earlier, you... actually looked incredibly beautiful. And i mean it, too." "Th-Thanks. Uh... that actually makes me feel a little better," she responds, slightly hesitantly. "Hey, could you, uh... come into the water with me?" she still keeps herself submerged in the lake with only her head sticking out, still blushing a little. Not wanting to leave her hanging, Halo steps into the water and approaches his lovely little sweetheart, reaching ever closer to her until she lunges at him, wrapping her arms around his body and pressing her naked body against him. Now, despite them having been dating for almost 2 weeks, Halo still feels a little timid and hesitant about taking the next big step forward. And still... he loves her to no end and he hugs her back, feeling her soft, wet, smooth bosom squish against his bare chest. Wallflower leans up to whisper in his ear, "Lose the swim trunks, please." Such a bold request surprises Halo, but he does not deny her. They let go of each other and Halo reaches underwater, removing his swim trunks, leaving himself completely naked and tosses his swim trunks onto dry land. Wallflower latches onto her loving boyfriend once more and delivers a wet, passionate kiss on the lips. Halo melts into it and kisses her back while getting a little handsy with his beloved. His hands reach behind her and grab her soft, plump booty underwater. He squishes and kneads her ass cheeks like they're a pair of balls of dough. Wallflower moans in the kiss and thrusts her tongue into his mouth, swirling it with Halo's tongue, slowly turning him on and getting him erect. She can feel his thing poking against her flower underwater, making her shiver from how big it is. It scares to think she'll be taking that thing inside her. And yet... she's excited, too. Even now, she can feel her body heating up at the thought of having sex. After a minute goes by, the two break the kiss and take their little love session onto one of the rocks where the water was barely ankle deep. The two sit down and gaze into each other's eyes, Halo then reaches to grab her ample bosom. Wallflower's cheeks heat up, creating a blush across her face, moaning adorably to his touch. Wallflower even finds herself unable to resist the urge to pleasure her lover back. She touches his shaft with her soft, tender fingers, rubbing it softly. She gets a bit hesitant when it throbs a couple of times, but she quickly copes with it. Halo gives a soft hum and caresses his girl's beautiful body just as she's tending to his needs with all her love and affection, taking things slow. He then moves his hand down towards her wet flower and fingers her, causing her to sway her hips left and right. The lovers look at each other with their half-lidded eyes and scooch towards each other and then Halo feels his girl pin him down slowly. The water beneath the guy ripples and splashes slightly as he's laid down, but keeps himself propped up with his elbows. This is so he doesn't drown underwater due to it being deep enough to reach his ankles. With her lover now in a relaxed state, she moves herself downwards, leaving a trail of kisses all over his body, even licking parts of his chest and abdomen. She then came down and reached her boyfriend's hardened shaft, unable to do anything other than look at it. "I still can't believe you have such a huge monster like this tucked inside your swim trunks and even your pants when we were still in high school. How do you walk around with that thing?" she asks in awe, taking a closer look at his manhood. Halo doesn't know how to respond, since he rarely ever got an erection back in high school... unless something excited him that much. But... "Well, there were times when I'd wake up with morning wood, but it goes down with time." Halo replies, scratching the back of his head, embarrassed. "I see." she nods in understanding. Keeping her sights set on her boyfriend's stick, she had this weird urge to want to lick it like a popsicle. Opening her mouth, she licks his thing. It has a strange taste to it, yet it makes her want more of it, so she goes for another lick. She then repeatedly continues to lick his shaft, going up and down from his base to his tip. Halo gets all tingly from his girlfriend licking his shaft. He's never had sex before, so experiencing his first foreplay like this is gonna be one hell of a ride he'll never forget for as long as he'll live. Halo looks down at his girlfriend, feeling like he's being mesmerized by everything that's cute about her. He loves his precious little Wallflower with all his heart. She then feels the need to want to do more than just lick his man meat. She then opens her mouth a bit wider and then captures his entire manly shaft. She bobs her head up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm, sucking on his manhood. Her tongue swirls around the base, turning her boyfriend on further, which makes her happy that he's enjoying it. Her first time giving her first boyfriend a blowjob and she's actually doing a very good job, even for a beginner like her. Wallflower hums while slurping her lover's meatsicle, feeling her face heat up from how embarrassed she feels about this whole thing, but at the same time, she loves it all the same. But the fun doesn't stop there for her and Halo, not one bit. Reaching underneath her, she grabbed a handful of Halo's ballsack. She notices his legs twitching, making the water underneath them ripple a few times. She doesn't stop proving her love to her man, bobbing and slurping up his phat cock and playing with his family jewels. Halo moans and groans in pure ecstacy, reaching over to his girlfriend and stroking her long, wet, luscious hair. Wallflower lets out a cute purr, resulting in that tingling sensation within Halo's family jewels. With all this happening at once, Halo feels his sack down there churning. He tapped Wallflower on the head, warning her that he was ready to blow. But, does she stop? As a matter of fact... she doesn't stop. She deep-throats him and sucks on his hard member some more, making a few choking and gagging noises here and there. But she's on a mission to get him to climax and she isn't stopping until she's made his volcano erupt. Try as he might, Halo's efforts to control his orgasm aren't holding up and the lucky guy eventually lets out a loud groan. He can't hold back and released all of his hot, sticky seed down her throat. Wallflower's caught off-guard as loads of his cum shoots into her mouth. Her cheeks bloat a bit, taking her by surprise at how fast his cock is flaring and ejecting all that manly milk. She quickly gulps down his cum in huge chunks to avoid choking. It tastes strange at first and she almost coughs it out, but she powers through it, remaining strong as she keeps guzzling down his massive load until his cock has none left to give to his blossoming wild flower. Afterwards, she frees his massive dick from her warm mouth and breathes down on it a little more for added pleasure. "Oh god! Oh, that felt so good!" Halo pants heavily. "You sure know your stuff, Blush." "So... So good." Wallflower utters. She slurps the remaining cum residue off her face, cleaning herself up a bit until she's now ready... for more. "Halo... please..." Her pleading eyes gaze into her lover's soul with endless loving intent for the guy. She crawls to him, then... she turns around and presents her minty green, plump, shiny booty right in front of his face. Her legs spread out wide, revealing it... her special spot, her sacred flower... her glistening virgin pussy in all its glory. Halo's entire face has now turned ripe red like a tomato. His own girlfriend presenting her sacred spot to him like this is all so new to him. Her wet body, accompanying the juices leaking out of her womanhood make her all the more irresistable. With a deep breath, Halo steals his nerves and grabs both of her ass cheeks. Halo leans in and gives her leaking flower a good licking or two. He can hear her yelp and moan so adorably. He keeps going, savoring her ever-flowing juices as they flow all over his taste buds. She tastes kind of like... a jicama. As expected from a girl who's a complete vegeterian. But hey, veggies do the body good. And Halo's definitely going to do her body good after he finishes tasting her lovely, wet flower. His beautiful forest queen moans in ecstasy, eyes closed, deep blush bridging across her face, head pointed upwards, which only means Halo hit a sweet spot. "Please! Don't tease me anymore! I... I want you! Please! I beg of you!" she pleads, feeling slightly short of breath and unable to control herself. Halo retracts from her special spot and gets on his knees before grabbing his erect, stiffened shaft. He takes aim at her dripping snatch, about to cross that road. But... before he does, he checks with his beloved to make sure. "Now, you're sure you're ready for this, Wallflower? If you're positive you wanna do this, I'll do it, but if not, we can just stop right here," Halo says. "Halo..." Wallflower pauses and looks over her shoulder, smiling at her boyfriend. "...there's no need to hold back or worry about me anymore. I'm... I'm ready now. Any doubts I had about this are long gone now and it's all because of you, dear. So don't worry about my consent, because I gave you my consent long ago when I asked you to join me in this very lake. So, go ahead... and make me your woman. I'm ready now." And there it is. The words Halo wants to hear. However, he never expected her to say it like that, but hey, if the lady wants it, then she'll get it. Now knowing she's okay with it, Halo takes his cock and aims it at her dripping pussy one more time. This time he inches it close and once his tip connects with her pussy lips, she flinches, giving a cute yelp, but turns back to nod at Halo. He keeps going and slowly slides his cock inside of her warm, wet passage, groaning from the slight resistance. "Ah! Wow, it's so tight!" he comments before inhaling deeply. He doesn't stop until he finally reaches straight at the entrance of her womb. Wallflower gives a sharp gasp. "It's... all the way in! So... So big!" she says. 'My god! This is my first time doing this and... ahh, he's so big, it feels so good inside of me!' she thinks to herself. Halo is also having similar thoughts about this as well. 'Oh, sweet lord! I can't believe I punched in my V-card with the most beautiful girl in the world! She's so tight! But it feels so right!' Any other guy who's experienced this sort of pleasurable feeling the first time would probably lose it and start humping away, but Halo knew better than to rut her like a savage. He plans on taking his time with her. Without further ado, he grabs her hips and thrusts his own hips back and forth, pumping his hardened dick in and out of her tight love quarters. She gives off beautiful moans, taking in the sweet bliss of her first time having sex with her lover. Their little fun time is making little ripples in the shallow water below them. Halo pants quietly, still keeping a steady rhythm and makinf sure he doesn't hurt his beloved. Luckily, she was having a wonderful time, feeling his powerful dick shape her insides to only fit his magic meat wand. She keeps making beautiful, lewd moans, blushing beautifully and looking so cute while doing it. "That's right! Right there, Halo! Give it to me harder!" Wallflower urges. Halo does as she asks and goes a bit harder, slamming his powerful pussy punisher deeper and harder, making her yelp and moan loudly. They don't worry about being loud on the island since they're the only people residing on that whole island anyway. Wallflower's face forms a smile from Halo's rough pounding of her pussy, forming a deeper blush across her face to boot. Her insides tighten around his magic meat rod like a vice grip while secreting more of her lady juices from how good it feels. With her insides squeezing him tightly down there, Halo can't stop himself from wanting more than just boning his adorable girlfriend, so he grabs her plump, round butt cheeks and massages them, making her yelp and moan before pressing her ass up against his crotch even more. Now she turns it up a notch, moving her hips in a clockwise circular motion on Halo's crotch, still moaning passionately from the sweet love the two are making. Halo's mind reaches a whole new level of cloud 9 and feels his instinct slowly starting to kick in. His instincts are telling him to kick it to high speed, but he wants to savor his first time with Wallflower. But with the way she's pushing his buttons, it's hard to keep himself in check right now, so really... all he's doing is just blueballing himself. "Come on, Halo! Faster! Do it! Fuck me like you own me! Make me remember our first time! I know you want to, as well, so don't hold back, baby! FUCK ME!" she hollers. Halo is surprised. To think Wallflower would go so far as to cuss like that. 'Guess it's true that sex brings out the wild side we keep hidden deep down. Alright! No more holding back. If she wants this, she'll GET IT, so prepare yourself, Wallflower!' Halo screams in his mind. Now, there's no stopping him. Halo plunges his cock faster inside of her, deeper, reaching past her entrance and into her womb. And it as it goes on repeatedly, he leans over his girlfriend and gropes her lovely bosom with both his arms. Wallflower is having the best day of her life. Her tongue lolls out and her smile remains and most of all, her eyes keep shooting upwards. "Yes! I love you, Halo! I love you so much!" she hollers. "I love you too, Wallflower! You're the best!" Halo hollers with her, still giving her all his love. Her inner walls get tighter and wetter as he continues to drill her. Her climax is getting close and Halo is also feeling himself ready to explode at anytime. "Wallflower, I... I can't keep it..." he tries to tell her, but she turns around slightly to peck him on the lips for a moment. "Just shoot it all out! I don't care! Make me cum hard!" she urges. Now, Halo feels a tad concerned since this is their first time and he's not sure if it's a safe day for her today. Then again, another part of him is telling to just let it happen and he'll worry about it later, so he keeps pounding her wet love chambers to his hearts content. Wallflower and Halo are now panting heavily and she keeps adding her sexy moans into the mix since she's feeling absolutely wonderful. She feels his cock growing bigger inside her love canals and knows when he comes, it'll be big. She keeps squeezing him tighter and tighter, trying to milk him for all he's worth, which is really paying off. At long last, Halo and Wallflower can't hold in the pressure any longer and let loose their respective orgasms at the exact same time. Both lovers shout at the top of their lungs. Her liquid love honey spraying all over his body and in parts of the water while his hot jizz erupts from his meat volcano and into her baby-making chambers, filling her up to the brim. Wallflower jolts upwards, sitting on her knees while her boyfriend supports her upper body by holding onto her bosom. His member keeps flaring and pumping more of his hot man milk inside her. Eventually, he runs out after his 23rd spurt and now he's completely spent, as is his girlfriend. The two remain as they are, panting heavily and trying to catch their breath from that heavenly experience. Halo then moves his hands away from her breasts and hugs her mid-section while nuzzling her cheek to cheek. Wallflower purrs cutely and giggles at her handsome boyfriend's affections and pecks him as a little reward. "That... was the best sex I ever had," she says in a soft tone. "It sure was. You were incredible, Wallflower," Halo replies in the same soft manner. So, the two stay as they were, cuddling for just a little while longer before getting out of the water and drying themselves off and putting their clothes back on. Halo and Wallflower then make their way back to their camp. It's up at this point that Halo brings up a very serious topic with his precious nature girl. "Listen, babe... what we did earlier... it was fun and all, but... are you sure you wanted it to end that way, I mean..." "Halo... I know what you're trying to say and to be honest... I am a bit scared. I mean... this way my first time and today was not a safe day. But, you know... as long as it's someone I trust... someone I love deeply with all my heart... it puts a lot less pressure on me." she replies. "You sure?" Halo asks. She nods in response. "Well... if you're willing to accept this, then... if it does happen, I'll definitely stay by your side no matter what. Yours... and possibly our child." Halo says, rubbing her tummy, which makes her smile and shed happy tears. She hugs him tightly as they keep walking back to their shelter and once they arrive, the two rest up in the hut. Their bodies still feel a bit chilly, so they decide to enjoy the nice warmth of their hut and snuggle next to each other for a bit. Then, 5 minutes later, Wallflower turns to Halo with that look in her eyes. "Halo?" she asks, making him turn towards her, seeing her seductive stare. "You wanna go another round?" Before he can respond, he feels his swim trunks pitching a tent down there. Wallflower giggles upon learning his answer and strokes his revived boner. "Well, you woke up the beast down below, so... I don't mind another round of fun, cutie." Halo smirks. "Good. But this time, I'm in charge," Wallflower says, straddling on top of him. "You got the green light, Blushie," Halo replies. She giggles at the cute nickname he calls her and before you know it, the sounds of wet slaps and sexual moans fill the air. Just goes to show that with young love, sharing your first time with each other just isn't enough. It's clear she wants more and because of her, now Halo wants some more of his sexy, hot girlfriend. But man, this is gonna be one hell of a story they're gonna have to tell their parents if they ever get back home from their stranded paradise. Oh well, they'll worry about that later down the line when the time comes. To Be Continued... > A Miracle of Nature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been almost 7 months since Halo and Wallflower wound up stranded on a deserted island with nothing but the food and electricity from the boat and the natural grown foods the island had and during that time, Wallflower's belly grew with each passing day and she was now officially 6 and a half months pregant wirh Halo Knight's child, so now the two were gonna be proud parents one day. And because of this, Wallflower had to limit herself with her daily workload and Halo did most of the heavy lifting. Especially with the cold season kicking in. Due to the cold weather, they had to set up another hut deep in the island forest and stay mostly indoors. Their normal clothes were mostly in tatters, but they luckily had some warm blankets on hand that they found from the boat. And at the moment, Wallflower is currently resting up in the hut, staying nice and warm and having a nice, cooked meal Halo made for her. Halo, on the other hand, is currently out by the beach, over by the boat, turning off the generator to save up what little energy it has left. Over the months, Halo had carefully perserved the energy they had up until now and it won't be long before there's nothing left to start up the boat and send out a distress signal, so he has to make it count. "There," Halo says. And during the months since he got stranded, his hair grew out and was now so messy and unkempt, long enough to be at shoulder blade length. His face also grew hair, making him look more and more manly, but his beard was highly itchy. Of course, another thing that's changed is that thanks to all the heavy lifting he's been doing, he also gained a bit of muscle in his arms and legs. He even got himself a 6-pack from the sit-ups he did over the months, which got Wallflower so horny, they wound up doing anal a few times. Anyways, with his daily task done, Halo looks over at the horizon, seeing a few dark, angry clouds. From what he can tell, there's gonna be a hell of a storm brewing and he's gonna have to stay vigilant and not take any risks. Halo then leaves the beach and heads back into the forest to meet up with his girlfriend. Once there, he checks inside the hut to see how Wallflower is doing. Surely enough, there she is, happily looking his way, holding an empty bowl, which meant she ate all of her food. Now, just like Halo, Wallflower's hair also grew, nearly reaching the back of her knees. Still, she looks as beautiful as ever in his eyes. "Well, the generator's on its last legs. After that, it looks like we're gonna be stuck here without a means to power up the boat and send out the distress signal. Sorry, babe." he says, too ashamed to even look at his beloved girlfriend. "I feel like such a failure." But Wallflower wouldn't have it. She can't stand to see him this way, so she gets up and walks over to him and hugs him close to her and presses her lips onto his. "Listen," she begins after pulling from the kiss. "We're going to be okay. We've held out this long, baby, we can hold out for a little longer. And if we use up all the power, then we'll just have to improvise. I'm not sure how, but we'll get through all of this in no time. You said so yourself when we first got here." "I... I guess I did." he confirms with a nod. "Well now, it's my turn to be your pillar of strength, just as you were mine at the start. We're a team, Halo and that's never going to change. And I know our child knows it, too." Wallflower adds, rubbing her swollen belly lovingly like any loving mother would do. Halo is astonished and impressed at how much his girlfriend has grown and become so strong-willed over these past months. Halo feels like he doesn't truly deserve this amazing young woman, yet here he is, being cheered up by her. "You're right, love. I guess I should know better than to give into despair so easily." Halo replies, hugging her back and then kissing her deeply. "By the way... what do you think our child's gonna be when he's born, is it gonna be a boy or a girl?" "Not sure, but all I want is for our baby to be healthy and happy when it's born. But right now, it's getting cold, so we should head back inside and get warmed up." Wallflower then hooks her arm around Halo's and pulls him inside of the warm hut. There, they take this time to rest themselves up and relax. It's now the next day and currently, it's early in the morning, but there are still plenty of clouds up in the sky and it's still fairly dark out. Halo wakes up a little bit when he hears what sounds like shouting in the distance and he lets out a groan. "Five more minutes," he whines, trying to cover himself. But then, when he tries to wrap his arm around Wallflower, his hand only feels her bed where she should be. That's when he blinks his eyes awake and notices that she's no longer sleeping in her bed. He gasps and springs up to his feet. "Wallflower?" he asks, looking around, but can't see her anywhere. "Wallflower, where are you?" he calls out again. But he gets no answer and now he feels a tad bit worried. Suddenly, he hears her voice in the distance. He listens again and finds out where her voice is coming from, giving him a small glimmer of hope. "The beach!" He quickly runs out with his blanket wrapped around him and goes to check on her. When he arrives on the beach, he sees her looking in the distance, waving her arms up high in the air, shouting. "Heeeeeey, over here, we're stranded over here!" Curious, he takes a look over the horizon and spots what looks like a little dot in the air, only upon closer inspection... it's no ordinary dot in the sky. It's a helicopter! He gasps and looks to see that the boat is currently on. Wallflower must've turned it on in order to relay the distress signal to this chopper. Halo wastes no time in joining his girlfriend. "HEY!!! OVER HERE!!! WE'RE STUCK! HEEEEEEEELP!!!" he shouts, startling his girlfriend. It's only natural, since he didn't tell her that he was there until now. But she wasn't gonna scold him right now, because all that was on her mind was getting the chopper to notice them. "HELP!!! HELP!!! OVER HERE!!!" "TAKE US BACK HOME!!!" Wallflower adds. They shout for what feels like hours when only 10 minutes have gone by and at this point, they're not sure if they're gonna be noticed. Then, in those final moments, the boat shuts down and the generator powering it up now runs out of gas, using up what's left of its fuel. They can only hope that their distress signal had gotten to the pilot of the chopper and that they might be on their way to get them. Halo still keeps on shouting to get their attention while Wallflower stops, feeling winded and prays for the helicopter to come. She prays with all her might, wanting to get off this isolated paradise and go back home. Soon... Halo stops midway and Wallflower looks to her boyfriend, wondering why. Then, as she looks to the horizon, she gasps as the chopper is seen flying in their direction. Their prayers have been answered and the nightmare will soon be over and done with. In about 5 more minutes, the chopper lands on the beach and Halo and Wallflower are huddled together, smiling with bliss as their salvation has finally arrived. One of the pilots gets out of the chopper and rushes over to Halo and Wallflower to check on their conditions. He begins to ask a series of questions, just to see if they're alright, to which both of them respond to the best of their honest abilities. They even shared a brief summary on what happened to them that made them wind up in this place. "You kids are very lucky to have survived out here for this long. I can tell you two have been through a lot, so let's get you two out of here and back to your homes," the pilot says. "That would be wonderful. Thank you," Wallflower says. The pilot then brings them into the chopper and sits them both down and buckles them up before closing up the doors. After they're safe and secured, the pilot climbs back into the cockpit and phones headquarters on the radio. "Rescue Force 01 to Headquarters, we've followed the distress signal and secured two stranded young adults, one man and one pregnant woman." the pilot says. "10-4 Rescue Force 01, proceed back to the mainland to have them transported to a hospital, but watch out for the storm on your way back." Headquarters replies. "Roger, Headquarters." the pilot replies before preparing for take-off. In mere moments, the helicopter is airborne and turns to one direction. "Hang on tight, back there. You're heading home now," the co-pilot says. Halo and Wallflower nod and soon, the chopper flies off into the distance, being careful to avoid the storm clouds. Wallflower and Halo still can't believe their luck and are finally going home. They look at each other and hold hands. Their faces lean in close, then connect their lips in a warm, passionate smooch. Wallflower then rests her head against Halo's shoulder, letting out a content sigh. Now that she can relax, her body remembers how early she woke up and she falls asleep real quick. As she sleeps on his shoulder, Halo turns to the window of the helicopter. Although the island is no longer within his sights, he still can't get over all of the events that happened up until this point, from the simple cruise turned into an overseas nightmare and then washing up on shore. No signs of civilization anywhere on the island paradise, just the two of them. This whole fiasco was a nightmare at one point, but then again... Halo's glad it happened because of what he got out of this new experience. A loving girlfriend, a newfound strength... and a future bundle of joy. Those happy thoughts flood his mind as he slowly drifts off to sleep. Moments later, Halo wakes up to find himself staring up at a ceiling and hears the sound of beeping, which can only mean he's strapped to a heart monitor on a hospital bed. He looks over and his suspicions are confirmed, but he's fine with it. He then turns to his right and sees his parents, both with warm smiles. His mother has tears flowing out of her eyes and holding his hand. His dad looks like he wants to cry, but knowing him, he holds them back just so he can stay strong for his own son. "Mom... Dad... I missed you guys so much," Halo says in a tired voice. "We missed you too, sweetie!" his mother replies, leaning over to hug him. She cries onto his shoulder, never wanting to let him go. "I'm so sorry we didn't find you sooner! I was so worried you might've gotten hurt when that storm came in and swept you away, or worse! I don't know what I'd do if I lost you! But now, it feels so wonderful to hold you in my arms again. And now I can finally say... welcome home, sweetie!" "We're so glad you made it back alright, son. I'm so proud you held out this long. When we get home, we're gonna celebrate your return with a big feast," his dad adds. "Thanks, guys..." Halo responds, hugging his mother back. His dad also joins in on the family hug and Halo can feel his muffled chuckles, as if to hide his tears. Halo and his parents keep holding onto each other, never wanting to let go until... "By the way... if it isn't too much trouble with you guys, can we also invite Wallflower and her family over for the feast?" "Oh," Halo's mother responds as she pulls away from the hug. "Funny you should mention her, because we've actually been talking with her and her parents." His mother replies. "We also found out about how you two... got really close. And while I am shocked that you have gone and taken such a step, I'm also proud that you found someone to love and cherish. It practically took a lot of convincing from Wallflower and her mother to not have her father strangle you. And you know how overprotective most fathers can be about their daughters." His father adds. "If he's mad at me, how about bringing him over here?" Halo suggests. "You sure, son? He's a pretty hard case and he's highly overprotective of your girlfriend. I'll go and get him, but are you sure you'll be alright?" he asks. "I survived nearly 7 months being stranded on an island, I should be fine," Halo insists. It doesn't seem like he's gonna change his son's mind. So, he reluctantly leaves the room to go and get Wallflower's dad and prays to God that he won't kill Halo. Halo's mom stays by her son's side, wanting to make sure that when the man does arrive, she makes sure he doesn't hurt her. An overprotective daddy to his daughter can only be matched by a mama bear protecting her special boy. A few minutes later, Halo's dad comes back with Wallflower's father. The man has faded, short green hair and a thick goatee on his face. He wears glasses, has silver colored skin and blue eyes. And just as Halo expected, he's not looking too happy. "So, you're the boy who's responsible for my daughter's situation." he says in a stern voice. "You're lucky my little girl and my wife convinced me not to come after you, otherwise you wouldn't be hearing the end of it... especially since now she has to deal with a child on the way! For your sake, boy, I hope you're prepared to take full responsibility for this whole mess." "Now you just wait one minute, mister--" Halo's mom intervenes. "Mom, it's fine. I'll handle this." Halo assures. He then clears his throat. "Sir, I understand you're frustrated about all of this and I don't blame you. Wallflower's special. I've known it for quite some time ever since we were just classmates back at high school. But over time while we were standed on that island, I grew to love and appreciate Wallflower from a whole new perspective in life. She means the whole world to me just as much as she does to you and on top of that, I wanna be there for our child." "Are you being honest with me?" he asks, squinting his eyes at him. "100%, sir. This experience has changed mine and Wallflower's life. I know life's gonna be hard for us, but that's a road I'm willing to cross if it means Wallflower'll be happy. And our kid." Halo vows. There's a long, silent pause in the room for who knows how long. Halo does not break eye contact with the man who could potentially be his father-in-law to show he truly means it. And then... the man smiles and chuckles. "I like you, kid. You've got guts and a lot of heart," Wallflower's dad says. Halo gets confused because now his own mother is chuckling with Wallflower's dad. He has a smirk on his face. "I'll bet you're probably wondering why we're laughing, huh?" Halo's mom asks. "Sorry for deceiving you like that, son, but the truth is, Wallflower had already talked him down and even vouched for you on what a kind and caring man you've been to her. You could say he was moved to tears and for a good reason." "Yes. My daughter, she was always a recluse when it came to her social life. But thanks to you, she seems much more happy than she was before. So, thank you for saving her. Oh, and before I forget, I also wanna say to you... welcome to the family." he says with gratitude. Eventually, Halo and Wallflower were both discharged from the hospital after tests came back showing they were both healthy... and so was their baby. As time went by, Halo got himself a haircut and shaved his face as well and Wallflower also got her hair cut back to its original length. Their families got together for a big feast as planned and talked about what had happened while they were stranded. The young couple learned that their faces were on the news for the duration of the first month and all of their friends and families were worried sick about their safe return. And as the months passed, some of their friends even thought that they were never gonna find them. Luckily, now that they're home, their friends are in for a big surprise. Wallflower and Halo eventually met up with their friends and they were all relieved to see them still alive. Some tears were shedded that day and the young couple received congratulations from their friends for coming back home and for the pregnancy, though this news shocked them the most. But still, they supported Halo and Wallflower regardless. As time went on Halo decided to start his own business and partner up with Wallflower. His girlfriend's mom owns a flower shop and Wallflower wanted to run the business when her mother retired. Halo decided to contribute to the business by starting his own landscaping business as a way to expand the business and to stay close to his girlfriend. His parents, girlfriend and in-laws were very supportive of his decision, having faith that he'll go very far with this kind of business. A few months later, Halo is once again in a hospital, but not as a patient. He's sitting outside of a hospital room, looking anxious because at this moment, Wallflower is going into labor. He prays to God to ensure that his child and Wallflower will be okay after this. But then, the door opens and the nurse in charge approaches him. "Ms. Blush says she wants you with her." she says. Halo blinks as he turns to the nurse, wondering if she means it. The nurse nods and Halo rushes inside. "Thanks, ma'am!" he says hastily. He approaches Wallflower, who's dripping in sweat and her belly is still swollen as she tries to deliver her baby. "I'm here, babe." "I... I need you. I can't do this alone," she says, grabbing onto his hand. Halo nods and comforts his girlfriend before the nurse comes back and the three begin once again. Wallflower then starts pushing again and the nurse keeps urging her to keep pushing. While she's delivering, Wallflower grips Halo's hand tightly and even screams in pain in the process. "You got this, babe. Breathe, just breathe in and out." Halo instructs before demonstrating how to, making his very own breathing exercises. "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" she yells in frustration before glaring daggers at him. "WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CUM SO FUCKING MUCH INSIDE ME?! I'LL KILL YOU AFTER THIS!!!" Despite what she says and how scared he is, he still stays besides her and endures her tight grip and loud screaming. The laboring process goes on for what feels like hours until they finally hear a beautiful sound... The sweet melodic sound... of a crying newborn baby. "We got it! We got it! Good job!" the nurse says, getting the baby and holding it in her hands. Upon further inspection... "Congratulations, you two, you're now proud parents... of a baby boy." Wallflower and Halo look to the nurse with big smiles and happy tears. Moments later, after cutting the cord and cleaning the baby up, the nurse hands over the baby to Wallflower. She cradles her newborn in her arms, crying tears of joy at how sweet he looks. Halo is also happy to see his brand new son. His son has minty green skin like his mother and his hair is a combination of forest green and brown. "Isn't he wonderful, Halo? He's just... perfect," she says softly before kissing his forehead. "He sure is. Look how cute he is." Halo says, then gets up close to his son. "Hey." he calls softly, then clicks tongue while wiggling his finger at him and makes a funny face. Wallflower giggles at how funny her boyfriend is acting right now. "He can't see you, silly. But good effort nonetheless," she praises lightly. "Heh, I know. Anyways... what do you think we should call him?" Halo asks. "Well... let's think..." she suggests. The two try thinking up a few name ideas for their kid, but the majority of them don't seem to fit, until finally Halo thinks about the time the two of them were stranded on the island. "Hmm... strange, every time I look at him, I can't stop picturing all the times we spent on that tropical, stranded island paradise." And then, it hit Wallflower. "Wait, that's it! Babe, you're a genius! We'll name our precious little boy Tropical Knight Paradise, or T.K Paradise for short," she replies. "T.K... Yeah, that's perfect. But are you sure you wanna use my last name for his middle name, I mean he does have a lot of your features." Halo points out. Wallflower laughs it off. "Oh, don't worry, Tropical has similar characteristics like my name, Wallflower. So in a way, there's plenty of me inside of our son," she assures. "Well, if you insist. Alright. T.K Paradise it is." Halo submits. The two then embrace each other, along with their precious little boy and can't wait to embark on the new journey that awaits them. Time goes by once more and we now turn our attention to a happy couple in a beautiful two-story house, where Wallflower is cooking up breakfast and Halo on the couch, buttoning up his son's shirt. T.K is now 5 years old and is currently about to start Kindergarten. Wallflower looks over at her two favorite boys and smiles brightly at T.K. "Aww, look at you, T.K, you look so handsome in your little outfit. Mommy's so proud of you." she chimes. "Halo, can I trust you to take him to school since I have to help mother open up shop?" she asks. Halo nods. "Thanks, love." So, after a quick breakfast and a bathroom break for the kid, Halo left with T.K to drop him off at school, all while Wallflower stood home to clean up before getting ready to head to work. While she's cleaning, she passes up a family portrait of her and Halo on the day they got married, which was held over a year ago. And right beside the married couple, their little boy jumped in and photo-bombed them, making their memory all the more memorable. Wallflower giggles at the picture and looks out the window as a bright and shiny new day has come. She sighs and then turns her attention down to the beautiful ring she has on her left hand's 4th finger. A silver ring with a sapphire gem on it. Yup, her life has been a rollercoaster of adventure ever since high school. But she wouldn't have it any other way as it's helped her discover a more confident side of her. And she definitely has Halo Knight to thank for that. The End