Waifoal Academy

by BrawnyBold

First published

Button Mash plays a dating simulation game and flirts with the mares at his school.

Button Mash was completely bored from playing all of his video games. When Button sneaks in his brother's room, he finds a video game cartridge and decides to play it. Button will soon realize that the game in his brother's cartridge is about dating cute mares. Button then uses what he had learned from the game on most of the mares he knows.

Level Up Your Romances

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Inside a pixelated dungeon, a pony dressed in armor entered through an opened doorway to find a large, red dragon standing before him. The dragon let out a vicious roar before it breathed out a large amount of fire. Button Mash was pressing vigorously on his game controller. He was trying his best to prevent his knight avatar from getting burned from the fire. Button moved his knight so the dragon will have a hard time burning him. Button pressed some more buttons to make his knight perform a sword-swinging combo on to the dragon. This caused the dragon's health bar to lower at a fast pace. Swinging a sword while avoiding a dragon's fiery breath would be impossible for most gamers. Luckily for Button, he spent a lot of time on this level to know the dragon's fighting patterns. Button performed one last sword combo before the dragon's health bar was completely gone and the dragon vanished. Button moved his knight forward to be face to face with a golden chalice that was behind the dragon. The chalice moved towards Button's knight to receive it. The screen became black with white words appearing to say:

Congratulations! You Win!

Victory music started to play and the credits began rolling.

"Yes!" Button hollered while pumping his hooves in the air. He was really happy as it took him such a long time to complete his game. Button turned off his game and removed the game cartridge from his console. Button then put the knight game back into his shelf where he kept all of his other games. 'Alright, let's see if there's another game I can beat!' Button thought as he looked at his shelf. He soon realized that he completed all of his games. Button felt a bit shocked as he would usually have plenty of video games to play.

'I guess I can just play outside.' Button thought before he looked at his window to see rain pouring down. Button thought that playing in the mud could work, but he didn't want to get in trouble for bringing in muddy hooves again.

'Oh well, playing with my toys will be fun!' Button thought as he opened his toy chest to bring out his action figures. He started making explosion and crashing noises while moving his action figures all around. Button then hit two of his toys together to make it look like they were fighting. An hour passed before Button was done playing with his toys. He looked outside again to see that it was still raining. Button grumbled as he really wanted to play outside now.

Button looked at his shelf again to see if he could read any books or comics. Unfortunately, Button had already read all of his books; even the game manuals he sometimes reads if he gets stuck on a game.

Button then decided to get up and explore around his house to see if he could find anything to entertain himself. As Button left his room, he noticed that the door to his big brother's room was open. Button remembered that his big brother was still at his friend's house and won't come back until later. Button thought he could maybe sneak inside his big brother's room to see if he has any old toys or books that could distract Button. Button looked down the hallway to see that his mom and dad weren't in the kitchen. This was Button's cue to slowly trot inside his big brother's room.

Button saw that his big brother's room was really messy. The floors were mostly covered with dirty laundry, the desk was covered with wads of paper, and the tables had nothing but dirty dishes. Button felt bad for his big brother if their mom sees this mess. Button's mom would always tell her sons to clean up their rooms or they would be grounded. Button began trotting through the scattered clothing while looking for anything that interested him.

Button suddenly stops when he spots a large chest on one side of the walls. The chest reminded Button of those gilded treasure chests he sees in pirate stories. Button went over to the front of the chest and slowly opened it in hopes of finding any secret treasure. Much to Button's disappointment, the chest was only filled with his big brother's old school papers, music sheets that his big brother wrote, and trophies Button's big brother won when he was younger. Before Button closed the chest, he noticed something familiar inside. Button reached in the chest to pull out what looked like a game cartridge. Button looked at the cartridge to realize that it was for his game console.

'This must be one of my brother's old video games.' Button thought as he recalled that his big brother gave his video game console to Button. Button looked at the front of the game cartridge to see some pink words saying: Waifoal Academy. Button wasn't familiar with the game's title as he had never seen it on most of his video game magazines. Tempted from curiosity, Button closed the chest and exited his brother's room while holding the game with his mouth. Button hurried to his console to insert the game cartridge into the console's slot. He took a seat and turned on his game console. Button waited patiently as the game was loading up. The TV's screen lit up to show the game's menu screen. The menu screen showed a large school in the background and the title appeared at the center. Standing besides the Waifoal Academy title were several pretty mares wearing school uniforms. Button was confused on why his big brother would play a game that would look this girly. A part of Button wanted to turn off the game and throw it in the trash can. But Button thought that it wouldn't hurt to at least play this game for a few minutes. Button pressed the start button and began typing his name for his avatar. The game started with a cutscene showing what looked like a classroom. A white unicorn mare with pink and purple manes appeared in the screen. She wore a dark blue school uniform to show that she was a student. A text box appeared below the screen and it says that the mare's name is Cutie Belle and she is one of Button's closest friends.

"How are you, Button?" Cutie Belle asked through the text box. Three text boxes appeared and it showed different dialogues:

Button attempts to use his controller to move, but he could only use the up and down buttons to select which text box to pick. 'I guess I have to pick a box.' Button thought as he selected the first option and pressed the A button to see what happens.

It was nighttime when Button's mom went over to Button's room to see how he was doing. She looked inside to see that his son was sleeping soundly on the floor while the TV screen read: The End on it. Button's mom chuckled as it was regular to see Button sleeping from playing his video games. She trotted pass Button to turn off the TV and the game. Button's mom then picked up her son and tucked him in bed.

"Good night, Button." Button's mom said as she pecked her son a kiss on his head before she exited his room. As Button was sleeping, he started to mumbled certain words.

"Event flags...love letters...mares loving me." Button smiled as he was enjoying whatever dream he was having.

It was another school day at the Ponyville Schoolhouse where the foals and fillies were getting ready for class. Button was busy doodling on some paper while waiting for class to start.

"Hey Button," A filly's voice said. Button turned to see Sweetie Belle standing in front of him. Button knew Sweetie Belle quite well as they not only sit next to each other, but they sometimes become part of a group when working on school projects.

"Oh, hey Sweetie Belle." Button responded.

"How are you?" Sweetie Belle asked. Button started to remember that Cutie Belle said the same thing along with the option of dialogues he could say.

"I was just thinking about how pretty you look." Button responded automatically. Button's words made Sweetie Belle blush a bit.

"Oh, well...thank you." Sweetie Belle said as she took her seat. Button was surprised that he can flirt with mares just like in Waifoal Academy. Button would usually shy away most of his filly friends because he was so busy with playing video games. But after playing Button's big brother's dating game, Button felt more confident with talking to mares.

'This could get fun.' Button thought as he rubbed his hooves together and smiled in a mischievous way.

It was around lunch time and most of the foals and fillies were eating their packed lunches. Button opens up his sack lunch to see that it only had a box of apple juice, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich wrapped in foil, and some sliced apples. 'Aw! No candy!' Button thought as he didn't get any sweets. He looked around to spot Twist as she had brought some of her homemade candies with her lunch. Button came up with an idea and made his way towards Twist. He replays his memories of playing Waifoal Academy when he was flirting with a mare who was really good at baking sweets.

"Hey Twist," Button said nervously. Twist looked at Button with curiosity as he wouldn't normally speak to her.

"Um, hey Button. Is there something you need?" Twist asked. Button calmed down a bit and rehearsed what he said to Swirl.

"I couldn't help but notice that you made some tasty looking caramels." Button said with a smile. Twist glared at Button as she started to realize Button's intentions.

"I'm not giving away my candies, Button." Twist said sternly.

"Oh come on, not even just one?" Button pleaded.

"No," Twist immediately replied. Button took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Oh fine, I'm sorry for asking you. It's such a shame that I won't get to taste some of your sweets. I bet they would taste so sweet considering that they were made by a filly as lovely as you." Button's words made Twist blushed a little as she doesn't get called lovely as much.

"Well, I have been practicing to make other candies besides my usual candy canes." Twist said while rubbing her neck.

"I've noticed as well." Button said as he lifted one of Twist's hooves which made the filly blush more. "You not only have such a pretty look, you also have such skilled hooves. Any colt would be lucky to get a taste of your sweets." Button then formed a confident grin to show off his shiny teeth. Twist started to giggle like a dork while her face was complete red with blush. Button could tell that Twist was completely smitten by his words and charm.

"Well, I guess you can have at least a few of my caramels." Twist said as she offered some caramels to Button.

"Thank you, Twist." Button said as he slowly took the caramels. "I'll savor each one of these." Button turned and trotted away while Twist sighed as she was fawning over Button. The colt couldn't help but laugh in a sinister way as he was able to get his sweets. Button started to have fun with flirting with mares as he gets what he wants from them.

It was time for recess and all of the students were playing around outside. Button waited in anticipation with some fillies and foals as they were getting picked to play basketball. The two captains were Scootaloo and Rumble. Scootaloo has already chosen Snails and Featherweight while Rumble chose Pipsqueak and Snips.

"I pick...Button." Rumble said as he pointed at Button.

"Yes!" Button cried as he went to Rumble's team.

"Then I'll pick...Lily Longsocks." Scootaloo said. A short pink earth pony filly with dark pink manes hurried over to Scootaloo's team. Button panicked as he and everypony else knew that Lily Longsocks had incredible strength. Button knew that his team would be doomed for sure.

The game started and Scootaloo's team was already on a winning streak thanks to Lily Longsocks being strong enough to throw the ball right into the hoop. Button was getting frustrated as he really wanted to win. As Button watched Lily Longsocks spinning a basketball with one hoof, he suddenly remembered playing Waifoal Academy and it was during some gym class. Button was able to romance an athletic mare and she completely lost her focus when she fell in love with Button. Button thought that romancing Lily Longsocks could make Rumble's team lose the game. He quickly trotted up to Lily Longsocks while she was waiting to receive the basketball.

"Hey Lily," Button said to get Lily Longsocks' attention.

"Hi Button," Lily Longsocks said quietly.

"Your team is doing really great." Button commented.

"Thanks, I'm sorry if your team is losing." Lily Longsocks replied.

"It's alright, we're just having fun." Button said. "Besides, your team should be thanking you for scoring the most points for them."

"Oh, it's nothing." Lily Longsocks said with modesty.

"What do you mean? You're awesome! You're not only cute, but you're also able to lift the entire school! I find that very attractive for a mare like you." Lily Longsocks ended up blushing bright red and she covered her face with her hooves. She always thought that her incredible strength made herself look really weird until Button claim to really like that about her.

"Oh Button, you flatterer!" Lily Longsocks said as she used one hoof to smack Button so hard that he flew away. Button ended up crashing on to a tree and he was in a complete daze from impact.

The day continued with Cheerilee teaching another boring lecture to her students. The bell rang again for another class break.

"Alright everypony, our math lesson is over. Before you take your break, I'm giving you back your math tests from last week. Cheerliee started passing out the graded tests to her students. Button receives his test to see that he got a D-. He grumbled as he knew that if he showed this to his parents, they will take away his gaming privileges. Button remembered from playing Waifoal Academy that he was able to romance the teacher in the game. Another sinister smile formed on Button's mouth as he came up with an idea.

As the foals and fillies were hanging around in the classroom, Cheerliee was in her office grading some more papers.

"Ms. Cheerliee, may I speak with you?" Button said as he entered the doorway.

"Sure Button, come right in." Cheerliee said as she put down her quill pen. Button took a seat in front of Cheerliee's desk. "What can I do you for?"

"I want to talk about my recently graded math test." Button said.

"Now Button,I can't change your grade just because you don't want it." Cheerliee explains. "It shows that you have to put more effort into your studies instead of playing video games. There were a number of times I had to interrupt my lectures because I keep seeing you play your Joy Boy behind your textbook."

"I know, I actually want to say that I appreciate you for giving me my grade, Ms. Cheerliee." Button nodded. "It really opened my eyes that I need to study more."

"That is good to hear." Cheerliee said with a nod.

"I mean, you are one of the best teachers I've ever known." Button said. This made Cheerliee raise her brow as Button doesn't usually praise her like that. "You're always caring to your students and make sure we stay educated. I'm surprised that no stallion has ever asked you out yet." Cheerliee continued to listen Button speaking. "If I was your stallion, I would make sure that you are treated right. All I would ask in return is for you to treat me right as well." Button said with a tender smile on his face. Cheerliee suddenly formed a smile on her face from hearing Button's praises.

'It's working!' Button thought in excitement as he predicts that Cheerliee will change his grade.

"Why thank you for your compliments, Button." Cheerliee said as she got up and approached Button. "I'm now considering that I should alter your grade a bit so you won't have to study as hard."

'Yes!' Button cheered in his thoughts. He then noticed that Cheerliee placed a hoof on Button's shoulder and stared at him with bedroom eyes.

"But in return, you'll have to do something for me if you're stallion enough." Cheerliee spoke in a sensual tone. Button's cheeks blushed as Button remembered what happened after the teacher from Waifoal Academy said those exact words.

It was during the after school hours and Button was back inside the classroom. He grumbled as he had to write I will not flirt with my teacher to get a better grade. multiple times on the chalkboard.

"Keep going, Button." Cheerliee said as she sat on a stool while reading a book. "Prove to me that you are a stallion by writing more on the board." Button sighed in defeat as he continued to write the same sentence.

'Note to self,' Button thought as he kept writing. 'Flirting with mares will only bring trouble!'