> Sunset lost friendship > by Theresa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon-a-Miss had come and with her friendships were gone. Sunset had tried to get them to hear her out but it plain to see that they wouldn't and unless she could prove she wasn't guilty someone was going to get violent. Sunset as she wrote to twilight wonder if she ever had friends. After all twilight was more of pen pal and a hero than a friend and Tartarus would be better than chs right now. Meanwhile twilight and her friends were getting ready for hearth-warming and didn't realize sunset needed help. Now discord was going by the castle thinking about what to get his friends for the season and somehow to drive some them crazy at the same time when he noticed a book that was glowing and shaking. He took a peek and was shocked at what he read. Discord quickly teleported to the elements of harmony side. He smacked twilight with a newspaper and said " bad princess of friendship. Go to the bad princess corner. " Twilight and the others were very confused by this. "What is about discord?" Asked twilight. "Sunset has been needing help from you and where are you?" He said. "Having fun?! Not a good way to show your friends you care when they are in trouble and you aren't helping. " As he showed the book to her she yelled " I don't believe it! Discord teleport the mirror here now!" Discord quickly summoned the mirror to them. Twilight actived it and went through. She found sunset who looked like she didn't know what joy was anymore. Sunset cried as she said " all I ever wanted was a family . I guess I'm not allowed to be happy. " Twilight asked "where are they? " "Come back to Equestria nopony will hurt you there and I will be having a talk with some friends of ours" Said twilight. But what they didn't know was the low magic environment was protecting everyone from sunset trauma. Although very rare if an unicorn has been through something traumatic even as adults they can experience a magical surge which can be dangerous for other ponies around especially if something reminds them of the traumatic event. Usually Luna plus the peaceful atmosphere of Equestria kept such a thing from being a problem but being in the mirror world Luna couldn't help Sunset. As Sunset enter the statue and exited the mirror while twilight went to yell at some so called friends of theirs she saw the elements and promptly freaked out. The surge in her horn was causing a lot of commotion and a lot worse than twilight test surge did. Luna upon being woken by the commotion and seeing what was happening yelled for discord to knock Sunset out. He didn't understand why but snapped his fingers put her to sleep. At that moment though twilight came back looking pretty angry and asked "what is going on in the short time I was gone? ". Luna explains that traumatic events can cause surges in a unicorns power and control. Since sunset was experiencing a surge the only way to stop it would be to distract her or knock her out. Discord put her to sleep and she will use her power to see if she can help. Luna quickly used her power to enter sunset's dreams only to find sunset was tormented by Anon-a-Miss. In her dreams everyone was yelling at her and throwing stuff at her and trying to hurt her. Luna tried to show sunset it was just a dream but sunset didn't seem see somepony to help but just someone else who wanted to hurt her. Luna finally realized she could do nothing for sunset until she recovered more. She told discord to take to the castle of the two sisters and act like a friend but try not to upset her and to look after her. Unfortunately when she awoke her eyes weren't normal pony eyes and she kept saying over and over always be alone never wanted. Discord tried to get her attention but she gave no sign that she was aware of anything around her much less him. Worried he quickly took a look into her mind and found it filled with so much sadness that it was amazing that she even found happiness. He realized that she had put a wall around her heart and the elements had torn it down. Worried he went to talk with twilight and explain what was happening. "So what can we do?" asked twilight. "She needs an infusion of positive memories from someone else who cares about her" replied discord. "Then use mine". cried twilight. As Twilight enter sunset's mind she found herself in a very strange place it looked like the Celestia school for gifted unicorns. As she looked around she saw what appeared to be a young little sunset prancing about the school. Then princess Celestia approach little sunset and took her aside for a private conversation, nobody seemed to be aware of twilight presence . As she watched Celestia told sunset that her parents had been in accident and hadn't made it. Sunset began to cry with all her heart. Celestia as she tried to cheer the child up promise to always be there for her. As Twilight watch Celestia taught sunset but outside that she didn't provide much attention to the small child who needed a mother's love. Then blueblood appeared looking at young sunset as if she was no better than something he scrape off his hoof. He made clear that she was only allowed to stay because Celestia felt sorry for her and that her trying to win Celestia love would never happen. Then Cadence appeared. Celestia seems to spend every spare moment with the little alicorn while sunset watch from her room. Sunset was trying harder than ever to impress Celestia through her magic but Celestia refused to acknowledge it beyond the usual good job,now go make some friends. Sunset finally decided that the only way to Celestia heart was becoming an alicorn. Twilight wonder what was going on when a human sunset appeared beside her. "Wondering what happening and how you can hopefully help Sunset?" You need to find the happy memories that haven't been tainted by Anon-a-Miss or anything else and force sunset to notice them which won't be easy considering sunset hasn't had many happy memories. She started becoming truly happy after the sirens but that was ruined. > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you find a happy memory you have to try to use your magic to enhance it so that it becomes more noticeable. When you do that sunset will hopefully accept it which means she has hope again. " Who are you " asked twilight. "The problem-solving part of sunset. Her innermost self has locked herself up because she is hurting so much that she can't take anymore ". Twilight wonder what would happen if she couldn't convince sunset that she could be happy. Sunset sighed. She will most likely stay like this forever. Twilight hearing this gasped no there must be a way to save sunset. "Well if you can get past the dark side you could get to the core where everything that makes sunset sunset is and talk with the sunset there but the bad side isn't going just let you go and there won't be any elements to help you this time." Meanwhile discord was working on a solution for Anon-a-Miss. He pulled a trunk out of nowhere and began digging in it. He tossed different items out until "there you are you naughty wand." Discord told princess Celestia that the wand would start a lie counter . For each lie the number that would appear would go up. He smiled at the thought of the chaos that honesty would bring to the humans especially since 100% honesty isn't something many ponies can pull off how much more dishonest can Anon-a-Miss be when she letting sunset take the fall for something she didn't do. Now I wonder how twilight is doing? Well twilight wasn't having an easy time. Not one part of sunset personality like her so far some going as far as attacking her. Discord decided that he was tried of waiting to find out how things were going and snapped his claws and transport himself into sunset mind. "How it going twilight?" " terrible. Sunset doesn't trust me anymore because she thinks Celestia replace her with me and I didn't know what the human world was like so I have no clue how hard she had to be just to survive. The bully at school was one side and since I spent as little time as possible there only showing up when a hero was needed i must not really care. Discord sighed "maybe if you found Anon-a-Miss you could convince that you care enough for her to give you a second chance." "Why do I need a second chance." "A chance to know sunset in person without the danger factor." "Tell me that you know everything about sunset and her life in the human world." Twilight looked ashamed of the fact that outside the fact sunset used to be Celestia student and the stuff she wrote in the journal she didn't know anything about her or her life in the human world. She had barely spent any time there and never bothered to learn anything about humans. "All right but how can I find her?" Discord replied "don't worry i have the perfect solution for that." Snapping his claws and taking them both back to Equestria. Upon returning discord gave the wand to twilight telling her it would reveal Anon-a-Miss . All she have to do is get everyone in one spot and wave the wand and tell everyone to say I'm not Anon-a-Miss and look for anyone with an 1 above their heads. The ones will be guilty. So twilight went through the portal and talked with principal Celestia about the wand and getting to the bottom of Anon-a-Miss. She quickly called a meeting with everyone in the gym. Twilight approach the stage and spoke "now I know that you been having trouble with someone who calls themselves Anon-a-Miss." Someone loudly whisper sunset shimmer. Twilight asked And do you have any proof besides her past to say she did this.? Everyone was silent sensing that twilight was very angry about this. "I have a way to show you all who Anon-a-Miss is." She waved the wand and said repeat after I'm not Anon-a-Miss. Everyone looked confused but did as she asked. Three dings could be heard in the room. Those dings you just heard belong to Anon-a-Miss and she will have an one floating above her head. Everyone started looking around for someone with an one then someone spotted the crusaders and yelled the crusaders have ones above their heads. Principal Celestia said "scootaloo and applebloom and sweetie bell could you come up here" in a tone that brooked no argument. As the students began harassing them on the way to the stage the rainbooms looked shocked at the sight of the crusaders heading to the stage. Celestia asked girls "would you like to tell us why you turn the school upside down "? "We wanted our sisters to spend more time with us like they used before they became friends with sunset. We figured if we framed sunset and released a few of their secrets that they would start hanging with us more often and it. Then people started sending stuff to Anon-a-Miss wanting us to post it and we figured this stuff will make sure they didn't go back to sunset." "Girls my office now!" Yelled Celestia In the office she explained to the girls that their little stunt will have a huge punishment for them and possibly their families. "What do you mean ma'am" asked applebloom. "For one many students left school because of the secrets you revealed and I do expect a list of everyone who gave you secrets and those students who left can sue your families for emotional distress which you cause when you thought only about yourselves. Did you even bothering trying to talk with your sisters before you started all this?" "We thought they wouldn't listen." The rainbow who up to this point had been silent cried " are you nuts! We would have listened if you had bothered to talk with us. We are sorry for being busy and trying to make sunset feel better for the holidays because she doesn't have anyone outside us" her voice trailing off her friends remembering how they had treated her. Granny Smith was very disappointed in applebloom and told her so. > 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- now what nobody had noticed in all the fuss over Anon-a-Miss was the numbers hadn't disappeared and soon the chaos would be breaking out. Meanwhile applebloom looked at Applejack and said "I'm sorry please don't hate me sis." "I don't hate you but I don't know if I can trust you anymore. You spread secrets and you framed sunset for it all! How can I trust you again?" Applebloom suddenly realized that she lost her sister in her attempt to get her attention for herself. Celestia explained that "unfortunately because the girls actions there would be server consequences for their actions." Desperate for any leniency scootaloo cried out "but what about all the people who sent secrets to Anon-a-Miss." Luna replied "they will dealt with too but that doesn't mean you three in the most selfish act I have ever seen in this school will be getting off. I haven't seen behavior this bad since sunset and the fall formal." Aunt lofty asked "what is scootaloo punishment.?" Hondo wanted to know also. "All three girls will be expelled." "What?!" Everyone cried. "I'm sorry but the other parents will be calling like crazy including the school board members who will be hearing about this if I don't give the hardest punishment I'm allowed to give." "We understand" said aunt lofty. "Come along scootaloo we have to get your stuff from your locker and don't expect to be hanging out with rainbow dash anytime in the near future. You are grounded and unless we can find another school to take you I'll have to home school you which means you will have very little free time for a long time to come." "Applebloom go get your stuff" granny Smith said. "We will be having a discussion about this when we get home." Applebloom gulped she knew what that meant she would be too sore to sit for a while "Sweetie you get your stuff" Hondo said. "And don't expect to be hanging out with those girls again." "What?! Why?!" "Because they are obviously a bad influence on you. And you will be helping your sister with her work whenever you aren't in school or she isn't with her friends." Twilight looked on sadly as she watched the 3 girls leave the room. "So tell me how sunset just wanted revenge or was always bad." The girls looked guilty at each other and then Applejack said "well you gotta understand twilight everything pointed to sunset and with her history..." Gulping as Twilight seemed to grow angry and angrier till she seemed to be on fire. "No I don't have understand anything! I trusted you to teach sunset the magic of friendship and what do you do you turn your back on her at the first sign of trouble. I have get back to sunset and hopefully this news will help her because thanks to all of you her mind is broken!" The girls looked at each other shocked at this news. They had been upset and yeah they had part of them wish for something awful to happen to her to teach her a lesson for all the rotten things she did and the secrets she was revealing but they never wanted her broken. Twilight shook her head and said principal Celestia "you can have sunset journal until she recovers and decides to return. I have to return to Equestria now." Meanwhile discord was watching through a mirror he made to allow him to see and hear everything that was happening in the school. While the cmcs were getting grilled about their stunt the other students were sent back to class and were discussing how the cmcs could have gotten the secrets. Lyra asked Bonbon "if she had any ideas on how the cmcs had gotten all those secrets." Bonbon quickly replied "no,only a ding to ring out and the zero above her changed into a one." "Bonbon are you lying to me ?" "No! Of course not!" Two more dings rang out and the number changed to three. "You are, I can't believe you would lie to my face especially about something like this." As the other students noticed the fight they would soon hear something that would have the school at each other's throats. Principal Celestia announced over the loudspeaker "that it had to their attention that many students gave secrets to Anon-a-Miss and as soon as they gathered the list of names of people who gave secrets there will consequences which may be lightened if said students turn themselves in." The students began looking at each and remembering the argument between Lyra and bonbon quickly realized that their friends who were trusted with secrets were the ones to betray them. Meanwhile discord was watching through a mirror of his own and eagerly awaiting for the chaos that would break out when the students were forced to be honest with each other. Twilight soon arrived through the mirror back in Equestria with the news that Anon-a-Miss was gone and wouldn't be able to tell anyone else anything. Everyone back in Equestria was glad to hear that bit of news. Twilight quickly used discord device to enter sunset's mind. But none of the parts of sunset personality were happy to see her. Discord was curious so he decided to join twilight in sunset mind. He quickly discovered that no part of sunset personality like twilight. Discord asked "any ideas?" Twilight said "i don't know what to do i told them that Anon-a-Miss has been caught but they say it doesn't change anything." Discord quickly suggested "that they go to the core of sunset try there." As they arrived at what appeared to be a huge sea with an island in the distance. As they approach the water a figure approach while a storm rage all around them. As the figure approach it appeared to be demon sunset. She landed and said "well well what do we have here? A princess who thinks friendship can come from a few moments of getting along with others when you know nothing about them and a princess pet." "Hey" said discord! > 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey yourself" said demon sunset. "Sunset has never had anyone by her side that would be there through thick and thin. The princess despite adopting sunset was too busy for anything besides her lessons. You twilight took my place and left me in a magic less world to learn the magic of friendship. I learned that it doesn't exist among humans. You know nothing about humans twilight yet after barely 3 days most of which the girls looked after you you thought you understood the human world enough to say the magic of friendship exists there. Humans have trouble with kindness, generosity and honesty. Loyalty is something they value but not enough that they wouldn't reconsider for a better offer. Laughter can be kind and cruel in the human world and you thought leaving me in the hands of a bunch teenagers who Society can't easily live up to harmony was a good idea." "I thought they could help you learn about friendship." "Humans are better at living to the opposite of harmony even if they mean well. When was the last war in Equestria? Hundreds of years ago. Humans can't stay out of war even if they put a different name on to try to say it not a war." "I'm sorry sunset, Please give me a second chance to be a real friend to you." Demon sunset looked annoyed but finally said "convince the core sunset to leave the house on the island and you will have your second chance. Of course getting to the island will be a challenge in itself because of the storm. I'm not sure you can convince her though considering while the students of the school saw sunset as a monster she was living in abandoned train station and stealing lunch money to keep from starving. She volunteered at the local food bank so that other people could have food and work at the homeless shelter as a food server. She kept others away because she didn't want anyone to know about Equestria and magic. " "Why wouldn't she want anyone to know about Equestria or magic?" twilight asked. "Simple human greed. They often love power more than anything else and a world where gems and gold two very valuable items on earth are plentiful and magic could become a possible war development whether we liked it or not i felt it was best if they never knew. I have been lucky that Celestia was kind enough to cover up what happened at the formal especially for a few jewels that I was saving for an emergency and the sirens didn't do anything worse than brainwashed everyone or I be paying for that. The school might be closed and I would definitely lose my freedom to power craze humans who already have a ton of power but aren't happy. " Twilight stumble over her words for the first time "I never realized how much she cared about others. She was protecting Equestria from a possible threat but what about the girls. They had magic and nothing happened." Sunset scoffed" most of the people who saw anything or were effected by magic were teenagers the last person adults believe without hard evidence. And luckily movie magic is computers and makeup that can make it look like almost anything is real so any video recorded wasn't believed to be real. "So you were protecting everyone this whole time? By didn't you ever say anything? " Because you wouldn't have believed it. You spent all your time in the human world either with spike or the girls who treated you like a human teenager. And after the fall formal they weren't going complain about getting powers. If you actually had to live in the human world not just spend a few days with sleepovers and good friends and free food you find it's a lot harder than Equestria. When I wasn't spending time with the girls I was working my butt off so I wouldn't starve. But of course my replacement gets everything easily friends and magic and family. I keep the money and jewels that I brought from Equestria for a rainy day even if it is hard. If I used them all on a nice home and food I might not have enough for emergencies. So tell princess how will you convince the core sunset to come out when the rest of us see only the replacement who had everything handed to her on a sliver platter? Twilight responded "I don't know but I will find a way. Anon-a-Miss won't be spreading anymore secrets and those girls who started this have been suspended from the school and won't be able to return. The girls realize how wrong they were to jump to conclusions and I promise to be there more for sunset. " Sunset looked at her and said "the boat is over there, good luck getting through the storm. " The waves were huge and crashing all about except for the island. It would be a dangerous path for anyone to take especially without magic to protect themselves. But twilight knew she had to try. As the waves crashed all around twilight and discord they struggled to keep the boat from capsizing discord yelled" if I wanted a bath I could have stayed home but no I joined up with the only princess who doesn't have a quiet life ". It looked like they would never make it but somehow they did. As they approach the building he wondered if twilight would be able to convince sunset to come out when all the other pieces of her personality seem to think twilight was a fake friend. "So how are you going to pull this off?" Asked discord. "I'm not sure but somehow I will convince sunset I do care about her and I will try harder to be a better friend." As they arrive twilight began trying to convince sunset to leave only to get a go away!