Fluttershy’s Heavy Petting Session

by TittySparkles

First published

At least she doesn’t bite.

 Sometimes being the only creature stuck in Equestria that has hands, comes with its own set of perks. For Anon, those perks include constantly petting and stroking ponies whenever they desire it.

Unfortunately for some ponies, they like it a bit too much…

Contains: Spanking
Preread and edited by: SolidFire, Shakespearicles, and Skeeter The Lurker
Cover Art by: Xieril

$15 commission for one of my Discord users.

The blurred line between horse and whorse

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Anon opened his eyes. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep, nor how long he actually was out for. After a rigorous morning of working at Sweet Apple Acres, he was free to head home (by home, it was Fluttershy's cottage) to take the rest of the day off.

Feeling how stiff and tired his body still was, Anon prepared to pull himself up, only to find something warm on his thighs. Lifting his head up to see what it was, Anon just stared blankly at the sight of Fluttershy. She was laying on his lap, using her front hooves as a pillow against his knees, while her hindlegs were snuggly resting against his thighs. Her tail hugged loosely around her body, almost reminding Anon of a cat that would nap on its owner.

He stared longer, still trying to wake his mind up, but knew he wasn't going to be moving any time soon. Unfortunately, a growing need to get up and take a piss was starting to become apparent, and Fluttershy was going to move whether she liked it or not. Luckily for her, Anon's arms were sore, and lifting a small horse off his lap wasn't going to be easy. Instead a different approach came to mind, an approach that Fluttershy was too fond of.

Ever since he arrived in Equestria, he had come to learn that lots of the ponies in the magical land reminded him of horses and ponies back in his world. They loved to be stroked and petted constantly, and Anon was one of the few creatures that had smooth fingers in the new world. Ponies would always come up to him for the sole purpose of being scritched, petted, and even loved to have their bellies rubbed on the rare occasion.

Of course there were a few extreme cases to this, and one of them was currently sleeping on his lap. Despite being a timid and quiet mare, Fluttershy was also the first pony to let Anon stay at her place. It could have been the fact that Fluttershy ran an animal sanctuary and simply viewed Anon as an animal that needed love and caring, but he didn't want to dwell on the specifics of what she thought about him. She was quick to provide him with food, warmth, and shelter, all for the sake of helping her and other ponies when he was able. He was thankful to her, but a building feeling in his bladder brought his mind back to the present and he knew he needed to wake her up.

"Hey Fluttershy, wake up," Anon grumbled as he brought his hands up and gently patted her on her cutie marks.

She yielded no response.

"Fluttershy, wake up." Anon increased the volume of his voice and put a bit more power behind his next pat.

She still didn't speak, but a brief flutter of her wings told him to keep going.

"Wake up, I need to move." Anon spoke louder and patted her even harder to the point that a small 'pat' was audible.

Finally Fluttershy started to stir. Her eyes flickered open briefly and her tail started to swish against his stomach, but it was short lived, and she was quick to go still again.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Anon looked up at the ceiling and knew he would have to try harder in his approach. Bringing his hands up against her back, he tensed his fingers so only the tips themselves were pressing against her soft coat. Digging his fingers gently into her back, he began to scratch. His actions were greeted with a flop of her ears, and she sank her face more into her hooves, a gesture that only annoyed Anon further.

"Wake up, Flutter-butt. I need to take a piss," he spoke loudly, slowly trailing his digits up her spine to rub the center of her back.

"Nooooo," Fluttershy mewed so softly that Anon was barely able to hear it.

Her body finally started to wake up; her wings fluttered again, briefly outstretching themselves as Anon decided to move his fingers closer to her wings. As his hands started to come close, they came to a halt as his fingers pressed on the area where the wing and her body met, causing the appendages to go rigid.

"Ooh, that feels nice," she spoke louder, allowing Anon to hear her better.

"Good to see you're finally awake," Anon told her, his fingers continuing to rub into her as they started to trail back to her cutie marks. "Move your ass, I need to piss," he finished, giving her butt another few gentle taps on both sides.

Patting her butt made Fluttershy stir more than Anon thought it would. Her wings closed and her body straightened, allowing her hooves to shift and rest on the couch space between his thighs. Though her hooves were dangerously close to his junk, Anon didn't think much of it, but instead found himself surprised to notice that Fluttershy was only making herself more comfortable on him.

"Don't get more cozy," Anon told her as his hands started to pat her butt more and more out of annoyance. "Move your ass already."

All Anon got for a response was a whine and a whimper as Fluttershy's tail started to shift every time his hands patted against her flank. She wasn't moving, but seemed to dig herself deeper into the couch with every movement of his hands.

“Are we really doing this right now?” Anon asked in an annoyed tone, twiddling and scritching his fingers against her rump.

She didn’t answer him, but Anon instead found her tail starting to rise straight in the air. As it moved, her body shifted back, allowing her rear to be more presented to him. Her lady parts greeted his vision, but all he could do was frown, sigh deeply, and shake his head at her.

“Can you pet me, please?” Fluttershy suddenly asked, peering over her shoulder and giving Anon a not-so-innocent puckered expression with her lips. "You haven't done it all week."

“Is this why you’re being problematic right now? Because I haven’t spanked you all week?”

“Petted,” Fluttershy replied sharply as a red blush started to show on her face. “You haven’t pet me at all this week.”

Anon sighed and decided to not argue her position on it. To her, getting her butt slapped was a form of petting, and it was a mindset that was a bit too commonplace in a few ponies around the town. Unfortunately for Anon, Fluttershy was the most extreme case there was, and talking her down from her position was near impossible.

“That's because you always ruin my shirts in the process," Anon replied with a loud, annoyed groan.

“You could just take your shirt off, you know,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Last time I did that, I couldn’t get the scent of you off my body for nearly a week,” Anon replied, recalling the unforgettable memory of getting drenched on his chest and stomach with the equivalent of squash soap from one petting session.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy spoke quietly, blushing and giving him a sheepish smile. “You do such a good job petting me that I can’t help but get really excited.”

“It can’t be helped I guess,” Anon sighed, not wanting Fluttershy to break down and cry. “Alright, let's make this quick. Brace yourself and try to not ruin my shirt this time,” Anon answered as he relaxed his shoulders and brought his hands up.

Fluttershy did as he asked, and shortly after Anon brought one hand to her rump. A soft ‘tap’ echoed out, and it was quickly followed by another as his second hand came into contact. Her hindlegs fidgeted as he slapped her, but her body didn’t buckle as Anon delivered a quick stream of taps against her butt.


“Harder, please?”

Anon rolled his eyes and obliged, putting much more force behind each hand movement. Tensing his hand and cupping his fingers together, Anon was able to smack her hard enough that the taps became more audible pats.


“Oh, that’s perfect,” Fluttershy mewed as her rump wiggled back and forth in tandem with Anon’s slaps.

All Anon could do was look on with mild amusement as he continued to spank the pony on his lap.


He kept going, and with every slap Fluttershy’s body seemed to shimmy back until her face was resting against his thighs and her rear was almost aligned with his chest. Regardless, he didn’t stop, making sure to deliver the best pats he could in hopes he could quickly get it over with. Even on the thought of getting over it quickly, Anon decided to have a little fun on the side.


“No, don’t slow down!” Fluttershy spoke louder than her usual quiet demeanor. “You were doing good before.”

Anon smirked and resumed his usual speed.


For about five seconds.


“Anon, please stop teasing me.”

Anon decided to crank it up a bit harder. Putting much more force into his movements, his once subtle pats became hard wamps that were able to make Fluttershy’s rear sway back and forth with how much force he was putting in.

plap plap plap!

“O-oh! Do it like that!”

“If you say so,” Anon replied with a shrug before he smiled and started to…


Anon began to ease up on the strength of his slaps, quickly noticing her butt was already starting to turn red.


“No, keep going like you were!” Fluttershy begged, wiggling her butt faster at him.

Anon refused to oblige and instead started to…


“Anon, please…”


“Anon, Please!”


“Yes, like that!”

“You know, if somepony asks why your ass has been tanned, I still ain’t taking responsibility for it,” Anon told her as he transitioned back to fast, hefty plaps.


Five minutes later

Anon finished washing his hands and looked to the small waste blanket where his shirt now lay. A new shirt would have to be commissioned from Rarity as his old shirt now had a new permanent stain and smell to it that not even bleach could fully remove. It wasn’t the first time Fluttershy… came on his clothing as he spanked her, and no doubt it wouldn’t be the last time either. He didn’t fully care for it, and thankfully Rarity never questioned why he would visit her bi-weekly for a new stack of shirts.

Drying his hands and making sure all of Fluttershy’s horse cum was cleaned off of him, Anon shook his head in disappointment as the scent of horse was still prevalent all over his body. Thankfully a bar of soap was available, and just a few minutes behind Fluttershy’s cottage was a small stream he always used to clean himself up. Grabbing the bar and a towel that had Fluttershy’s cutie mark emblazoned at the bottom, he exited the bathroom and walked back into the hallway.

Coming back to the living room, Anon noticed that Fluttershy was still laying on the couch, panting quietly while basking in her afterglow. Her rump was beet red and Anon was sure he could almost make out a small hand print on it. Her eyes were nearly glossed over, her tongue was rolled out of her mouth hanging limp against the cushion, and her wings periodically twitched as Anon walked for the door entrance. Despite looking like a quivering wreck of a very satisfied mare, Anon just shook his head with unamusement.

“Hey, Flutters, I’m going for a bath,” Anon told her as he walked by.

She said nothing, still lost in bliss.

“Alright whatever, I’ll be back in a bit,” Anon added further as he came to the door and opened it, before leaving the house.

“Fucking pegasi and their insufferable libido,” Anon cursed under his breath as he looked up to the sky, hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with Rainbow Dash next.