Princess Cookieheart’s story

by MelodyStories

First published

This is about my oc, Princess Cookieheart. She finds herself in Ponyville, where she becomes friends with the mane 6 and the leader, and saves her true love, discord.

The lost princess of cookies, princess cookie-heart, was abused by her dad and mom. She runs away and visits Ponyville, and meets 6 new friends. Together, they defeat tons of villains! Cookieheart soon becomes the leader of the main 6, and meets Discord, her new true love. Will they marry each other? Or will the evil monsterfly take him from her?

The true love

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My name is Princess Cookieheart. I was abused as a little pony. My mom and dad hated me because I became the leader of the family. Princess Celestia made me the leader during a family leader contest. The winner gets to be an alicorn! Of course I won, and became the Princess of Cookies! I get to make cookies for each and every pony. Every pony wanted to be my friend in school when I won. The teacher even made me a substitute when she was sick! Of course, i did a great job. My parents were jealous of me because I got so much stuff. They got so mad, they forced me to move away from Canterlot and pretended I died. Everyone was so sad, they never talked about me again. 15 years later, I was 30 years old. I couldn’t take it anymore. I blasted my parents and turned them Into statues!

I ran away crying, because I had nowhere else to go. 100 years later, I was 130 years old. Usually ponies die, but I’m an alicorn! I flew up in the sky to look for a city to stay in. I saw a small town with a sign that says Ponyville!
I went there and said hi to every pony that looked at me. They looked at me so weird! They saw alicorns before! Then, I heard 6 voices.

“Are you, Princess Cookieheart!?” Said a voice.

“Yeah! Hi!” I said.

“I can’t believe you are real! I’m Twilight Sparkle! These are my 6 friends! Applejack, Rainbow dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie! Can you show us your special skills?”

I tried to make a giant cookie tower, but I couldn’t! I got worried. What if I used all my power to turn mom and dad into stone!?
“I lost my magic, and the only way I can get it back is to take all the power from another alicorn so they turn into a unicorn...” I said sadly.

“I’ll let you have mine!” Said Twilight.
She used a magic blast to turn herself into a unicorn and gave her power to me. The mane 6 then bowed.
“Wow thanks! I love new friends! I’m going to say hi to celestia!” I said happily.

“COOKIEHEART! I MISSED YOU!” said Celestia, crying happily.

“Princess!” I said.

“I’m not a Princess anymore. I decided to make you the ruler of Equestria!”

“Wow thanks!” I said excitedly. I was so happy I jumped up and down and squealed. I decided to make Celestia a royal guard and she agreed. I also made Luna and Cadence and Flurry Heart royal guards. The mane 6 were happy for me, and made me their leader. My element was friendlyness. We battled 1,000 villains. I defeated them all after blasting them one time. The main 6 loved my strength and made a party to celebrate me. I added a lot of cookies! At the party, there were a lot of stallions that wanted to be my king. But there was one creature talking to Fluttershy that I fell in love with faster than Twilight gave me her castle when I said I needed one. He was beautiful. My eyes turned into hearts and I flew up to him, but he kissed Fluttershy and I ran crying.

“COOKIEHEART!” yelled Fluttershy.

I cried in my pillow when I went in my bed. How could Fluttershy do this to me? After all these years I thought we were friends? Then Fluttershy came bursting in. I turned my head, mad at her.

“I’m so sorry for kissing discord! I didn’t know you loved him! I’ll divorce him so he can love you! Will you forgive me?”

Fluttershy’s eyes were sparkling with tears. I should forgive her. So I did.

“Everyone makes mistakes sometimes! I forgive you!”

Fluttershy and me went to Discord after the apology.

“Discord, I’m divorcing you so you can marry Cookieheart.”

Discord cried and ran away. I got really mad at Discord. How dare he break my heart? Fluttershy put a hoof on my shoulder and told me to put a spell on him to make him love me and make sure it doesn’t break. The only spell I can think of is the memory changer! It deletes memories and adds fakes! I went to discord’s house with Fluttershy and she said, “Stay still so Cookieheart can cast a spell on you.” Discord started screaming and crying and whining like a baby. He kicked at the air and yelled and pouted. He farted at me to try to get me away. I quickly put the spell on and he stopped and looked at me with heart eyes. I did too.

“Will you marry me Cookieheart?”

I started screaming with excitement.

I decided the wedding will be next year.

The fight

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3 months after we became marefriend and stallionfriend we saw a pony stepping on cookies. I got mad. Why would this pony disrespect the Princess Rules? I decided to tie him up. Discord laughed in the most cutest way ever. It was so dreamy. Then he turned the pony into a basketball and started playing. I laughed so hard. Then I had an idea! This pony needs a taste of his own medicine. I turned the pony into a cookie and ate it. Delicious! Discord then turned the cookie that the evil colt broke into a pony cookie filly with horns that look like discord’s. Our own kid! We played with her until it crumbled into pieces. I started crying. Discord said there is no way to make a baby pony like that. So we left and went to discord’s house. I cried about how I wanted a baby. Discord said he knows how to. My family didn’t tell me how fillies are made because they wanted me to be stupid. Then he taught me how to do it.
The next day I yawned. I forgot what happened. Then I remembered everything. I wanted to do it again! Then, I saw the calendar.

“Discord! It’s time for the party!”

We went to the party with a cookie pony, but it crumbled again. I started crying. Then I remembered I’ll have a real baby soon and smiled. We went over to our friends and said “hi!”
After the party, we went back home early because my stomach hurt, I thought maybe it was because I ate 3828 whole boxes of cookies, but I’m the cookie Princess! I can’t get sick from cookies! Discord called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more cookies for a while. go back to the bed.”

The doctor then said the meanest thing. He said

“I don’t like cookies.”

I slowly turned around to his ugly face. Then, I turned him into ice cream and swallowed it.

Discord was scared. His beautiful blue eyes were filled with tears. He started crying.

I turned him into stone. Then, I started crying. How could my boyfriend hurt me like this?

I told the mane 6. They all hated discord now.

“I wish we never let discord out of stone! How dare he hurt the Princesses feelings!” Said Twilight.
“What a big meanie!” said Pinkie Pie.
“What a hideous beast!” Said Rarity.
“What a monster! I’m happy we divorced!” Said Fluttershy.
“Yee hah!” Said Applejack.
“We should break his new prison!” Yelled Rainbow Dash.
“My Stallionfriend is in punishment. We’re teaching him a lesson. Don’t break him, but make him look ugly and draw on him!” I said.
Every pony left to make discord ugly. That’s what the meanie deserved. I went to say hi to Derpy.

“Want a cookie?” I said.
“I’m looking for muffins!” Said Derpy.
I understood why ponies hate her now. She’s so mean!
“Twilight! Get Derpy!” I shouted.

Derpy yelped as Twilight Sparkle tied her up.

“Send her to Tartarus.” I said.

The terrified pony started wailing. “No! I love you queen! I love cookies! I hate muffins! I will n-n-n-never eat a m-m-muffin ag-g-gain!” Derpy Hooves started breaking into tears when she said never eat a muffin again. I was satisfied. I reformed my first villain!

“Let her go.”

When Twilight let her go, Derpy stopped crying and smiled at me.

“Your new name is Cookie Hooves, and I will change your cutie mark.” I changed her cutie mark into a cookie. Cookie Hooves started shaking as she was being turned into a cookie pony. This made me excited! I had an idea. I ran over to discord’s statue and turned him back. Then I said these words.
“I will marry you again if you apologize and give me the best gift ever.”
Discord gave me a cookie and said,
“I am so sorry for being so mean. I really feel bad for not getting you a Princess doctor. I am the worst stallionfriend.”

I was still mad. “Indeed you are.” I said sternly.

Discord started crying and screaming and farting and whining again. I wouldn’t even care if something happened to him.

All of a sudden, a strange half pony half vampire butterfly called a monsterfly got him. We started screaming.

I get all the magic.

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I was very worried. If the monster got Discord, what if every pony thinks I’m evil! What if they hate cookies!? I have to get Discord back to make every pony see I’m good.

“Twilight! Rarity! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Applejack! Fluttershy! Let’s stop the monster!”
They all cheered. “Yes your majesty!”

We all started battling the monsterfly. I hit it so hard, it started crying. Twilight used special fart magic. Rainbow Dash splashed water on it. It tied up Fluttershy and tied up a bag of cookies with special powers that only I can use. He then stopped crying and looked at me with the most evil teeth in the world. Then he said,
“Your choice Cookieheart. Do you want Fluttershy back? Or these cookies?”

I looked at the cookies, then at the pony, and back at the cookies. I have to make the right choice. I have to prove I believe in friendship. But it was so hard! It didn’t matter to me. One choice is worthless and one is important. I finally decided to use the important choice, because friends are more important.

“The cookies!”

Cookies were my best friends. I’ve been with them my whole life. I’m the Princess of cookies! I can’t abandon them! Cookies were more important than Fluttershy. I got them and ate them.

“Good job Princess! You made the right choice! Never abandon your true friends!” Said Twilight.
“All right Princess!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Thank you for not choosing me!” said Fluttershy, smiling.
I quickly ate the cookies in ten seconds flat. Then my wings sparkled. They turned white. Then, my eyes turned white, then my element. So did the mane 6, and they grew big wings! but there wings didn’t turn white. We all sprouted chocolate cookie chips on our bodies. We became cookie ponies! Fluttershy escaped.

The monsterfly then screamed.

A chocolate chip rainbow came from is and turned the monsterfly into a giant cookie. We all ate it. It was delicious!

Then Discord started screaming and crying and said “I hate you!! And cookies!”
I told him to apologize, then he whined no like a baby.
I got mad and sad and cried. Fluttershy whispered in my ear and I smiled. I put a spell on him so he can love me again and we both had heart eyes. Then I said
“Will you marry me today?”

Discord said

5 months later, we had a magic alicorn cookie kid named cookie sprinkle. We also had a wedding party with cookie cake. Some pony said cookies smell bad so I started crying and said you smell bad and turned her into a giant cake. We laughed and ate it. Celestia decided it was time for my big moment.

Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Flurry heart all decided to give me and Discord all of equestrias magic. Every pony thought it was a good idea because I was the most beautiful, kindest, most powerful Princess of all. All the ponies started taking out magic and me and Discord grew taller and taller until we both looked like Celestia. The main 6 merged their elements into my element. I was the happiest. This was the best day ever!

Luna taught me how to raise the moon.

“We are no longer the elements of harmony. You and discord are.” Said the mane 6 smiling. “Yay!” I said excited.

My filly said yay too.

This was they happiest day ever. Until some pony named starlight glimmer said “NO!”

Everyone gasped. Me, Discord, and star sprinkle started crying and rolling on the floor and kicking the air at the same time. Discord farted and it smelled awful. I did too but I farted cookies that smelled good and my daughter farted cookies too, a lot. Discord then screeched and threw a temper tantrum then whined. “YOU’RE A MEANIE” he screamed.
Starlight was so mean!
Everyone started to boo starlight and they took her to Tartarus. I went in there and turned every evil creature into oatmeal cookies. We ate them happily.
Everyone cheered because they were happy. We all were peaceful and happy with cookies. We ate them everyday. I went from a hated unicorn by my parents to the most powerful pony in equestria. It took a few years, but soon I became the queen of the world. Every creature loved me. I killed anyone who hated cookies or couldn’t eat them. The new Equestrian flag was a giant Cookie. I made every pony have cookie cutie marks- even the creatures! Everyone loved me and I was the happiest cookie pony ever.