> The land of Strowlets > by MelodyStories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is loop fruit. I am the daughter of Milky, who is the daughter of Cookiemilk, who is the daughter of Cookieheart, who is the daughter of Paperclip and heartsugar. They were my great great grandparents and they were mean to their daughter, or my great great grandma, Cookieheart. I live in the milky kingdom. 29 years ago It used to be the cookie kingdom, but it was destroyed by nightmare tirek. My family has been around for 319,382 years. Almond spice is my dad and Cookiemilk is my mom. They were all perfect, except me. My family is always annoyed by me. They say I ask so many questions. I’m a curious pony, so I can’t help it! I always get bored in the Milky kingdom. I used to love punishing discord, but it got boring and I felt bad. Every day we do the same thing. We sit in the castle all day doing nothing but banishing rude ponies to a planet. I always wonder if they have more fun there. I went to bed one night and dreamed the milk kingdom was more fun. Then all of a sudden I woke up and heard a boom. I screamed and went off my bed. I trotted down the disgusting chocolate sticky floor. I used to love it but i soon realized it was unsanitary. I then went outside and saw a fire. How strange. I decided to investigate tomorrow and went back upstairs. 3 hours passed and I didn’t get a blink of sleep. I checked the time. It was 2:49 AM. How great. I tried to not let curiosity get the best of me, but I couldn’t resist the urge to check. As soon as I took a step out of bed, I saw the crack in the door light up. I flinched and quickly scrambled into bed. I pretended to sleep in case my parents barge in. I waited for 5 minutes until I heard them getting closer and closer until I was able to make out words. “Should we check on Loop Fruit?” “We should check the fire first.” “Ok. You check outside and I’ll make sure loopy is ok.” I hated that nickname. I quickly closed my eyes and stayed still when I heard the door open. I felt her hoof on my face. It was disgustingly sticky from the gross chocolate floor. After she left, I swiftly checked the window to see what was going on. My father was trotting towards the fire that was somehow still burning. The fire started rising and my father quickly ran away. As he got closer to the castle, I saw a terrified look on his face and I saw his mouth moving. I kept watching him until he disappeared into the castle. I then paid attention to the strange fire. This was a very odd phenomenon... I rarely see fire, but I know it only burns for a few minutes. This one however, burned almost 4 hours. That can’t be normal! I decided to investigate. I put on some slippers so I don’t touch the awfully designed chocolate floor. I slowly opened the door to avoid as much noise as possible. I peeked from the opened door to check if my parents were around. When I saw the coast was clear, I quietly walked out of the room and threw the front door. I looked around to check if anyone was around. When I finally left the house, I finally set foot to check out the fire. It was much smaller than the last time I saw it, but it was still there. I was smart enough to not touch it, but I was consumed by curiosity. I daringly and slowly put my hoof in the fire expecting a painful burn, but suprisingly, it felt cold, as if I was putting it in cold water. I kept putting it in deeper until I felt something hard in the middle. I flinched and quickly pulled my hoof back out. It still had fire on it. I quickly tried to shake it off, just to be safe if it starts burning me. Curious about the strange hard feeling in the fire, I stupidly walked right into it, my eyes tightly shut. When I opened my eyes, I saw the outline of a pony. It looked a little bit oddly shaped though. As I got closer, the outline got more detailed. Then, I realized why the outline was so strange looking. The pony looked nothing like a pony. It’s “hooves” were so pointy-looking they didn’t even look like hooves. It’s body looked like it was completely made out of gas, and it lacked back legs. The scariest part was the pony even had fangs... I was terrified of this horrifying thing. What was this abomination? “Who... are you?” I said when I finally had the courage to speak. The thing said nothing. It just looked scared. His pitch black eyes filled with fear. As I slowly came closer, it kept backing up, until finally, it hissed and zoomed away and the fire I was in all of a sudden turned hot. I felt scorching hot pain all over my body, and everything turned black. When I opened my eyes, I looked down to see myself in my bathtub, in freezing cold ice. What happened? I thought to myself. I tried to get out and gasped so loud I would be surprised if I didn’t wake somepony up. I slowly looked down at my hooves. They were so burned up I only saw a glimpse of my original color. They were painful and it really hurt to move them even an inch. My parents would kill me if they found out what happened. I looked around the bathroom to find the grey creepy ghost pony hybrid staring at me, emotionless. There was no other pony awake outside, so there could be only one explanation to this. “You saved me?” I said in disbelief. The thing nodded, then turned himself into a blue duck and jumped in the bath. I was taken aback when I saw that. This creepy pony thing can shapeshift too? I couldn’t run away though for two reasons. It hurts to make the slightest movement, and this, thing would probably kill me if I did. I just sat there, fearful and miserable. The pony hybrid duck thing looked rather playful, however. Usually wicked dangerous monsters would attack the enemy on the spot. Maybe the pony isn’t is terrifying as i thought it was. “Thank you..” I said unsurely. The duck nodded. I sadly looked down at myself and sighed. It would be impossible to recover such an extreme injury in only a day. I decided to go to sleep and hope for the best. As soon as my eyes closed, I heard the door slam open and I flinched. “LOOPFRUIT, WHAT IS THIS!?” Mom yelled. I knew I was in big trouble...