> A Banished Glimmer > by Starlight Fan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Court Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How could this visit go so terribly wrong? It was just a simple visit to Canterlot and she, Trixie, and Spike were hanging out at Pony Joe's when suddenly the royal guard captured her and brought her to a prison cell putting an inhibitor ring on her horn so she can't use magic due to her being rumored that she was attacking Blueblood when she never did, what's worse is her friends actually believed she did it, well a few believed her, Spike and Trixie knew she didn't do it and Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Discord believed her when she said she was innocent but Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity didn't believe her for a minute. She teared up knowing she had gone so far and was about to lose it all thanks to Blueblood. Blueblood Starlight thought with bitterness That vile scum will pay for what he's doing to me. Starlight shook her head where did that thought come from, no she can't seek revenge on him, it leads to nothing but pain. Starlight's thoughts drifted to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity she knows that if she were to ever get out of this predicament she would never have the same relationship with them again. They'd have trust issues for sure after this. The cell door opened, Starlight was thankful to see that it was a Crystal Guard and a Moon Guard, Luna and Cadence came to visit and revealed they believed her too. They then walked into the court room where they saw the Mane 6, Spike, the Princesses, Discord, Blueblood, and the jury, they all had mixed reactions, half were concerned and half glared at her for what she presumably did. "Ugh why did you bring this filth into this court she should be banished for what she did." Prince Blueblood said angrily. "Patience nephew we must give her a fair trial first." Celestia comforted while giving the pink unicorn a look of disappointment showing she thought Starlight was better than this. Starlight sat at her seat next to Twilight who was her lawyer and began speaking "I'm really nervous Twilight." "Don't worry Starlight we can prove your innocence, and you'll get to go home." Twilight comforted putting a wing around her. "Starlight Glimmer, you have been charged for attacking a royal how do you plead?" Celestia said in her Royal Canterlot voice. Twilight gave Starlight a confident nod and Starlight spoke "Not guilty." "Liar." Blueblood angrily shouted. "Silence, Twilight how do you defend Starlight?" Celestia asked. "Simple I call to the stand Spike The Dragon." Twilight said. Spike then walked to the stand while Celestia began asking questions. "Spike, you must tell the truth here, why do you believe Starlight is innocent?" Celestia asked in a serious tone. "Simple I was with her and Trixie the whole time at Pony Joe's it can't be her I would've known." Spike explained hastily. "Does the Prosecution have any evidence against that?" Celestia asked to Blueblood. "Yes your honor there is a singe mark on my body and it was created by that vile pony over there." Blueblood argued showing his singe mark. "Unicorns can create clones so she must have used a cloning spell." "What?!" Twilight asked. She couldn't comprehend this she knew Starlight was innocent but the trial was not working in her favor something had to be wrong. "Objection." Twilight shouted in defiance. "Overruled the evidence is right there on his body, so jury we shall now here your vote, who believes Starlight is innocent?" Celestia argued angrily. Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Discord, Luna, and Cadence were the only ones who raised their hooves or claw in Spike and Discord's case. "Who believes Starlight is guilty?" Celestia asked angrily. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the rest of the jury raised their hooves. "Starlight you are hereby pronounced as guilty, your punishment for attacking a royal and regressing is banishment." Celestia boomed in her Royal Canterlot voice. "What? No." Starlight spoke with tears. "Ha, yes." Prince Blueblood said excited that the pony who he hated was about to get banished. "You may now say your goodbyes." Celestia proclaimed. Starlight in tears walked up to her friends but Rainbow Dash punched her in face sending Starlight to the ground. So this is how it ends huh I should've expected this. Starlight said with her head low. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight berated angrily at the cyan pegasus. "This monster attacked Blueblood she deserves this." Rainbow Dash argued. "No she doesn't. I was with her the whole time she's innocent!" Spike angrily shouted at Rainbow Dash who was taken aback by this outburst Spike made. "Ugh, your impossible." Twilight said angrily but then turned to a heartbroken Starlight. "Starlight we're going to get to the bottom of this I promise." Twilight said in tears hugging the pink unicorn. "Okay Twilight, I'm so scared." Starlight spoke weakly. "It's okay Starlight you'll get through this." Spike said embracing Starlight. Discord, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy joined the group hug with some tears in their eyes as well. Celestia then tapped Starlight on the back alerting the pink unicorn. Starlight then turned to Celestia and holded her head low. "It's time." Celestia told Starlight with anger in her voice before she blasted Starlight sending her away from Equestria. "No, Starlight." Spike said in tears. "She deserves it that good for nothin' traitor." Applejack said angrily. Rainbow Dsh and Rarity nodded in agreement asthey left. Spike glared at the apple farmer before he flied off in a different direction. Chrysalis looked through the window in her bee form and was pleased, she knew pretending to be Starlight would result in this, now she's lost the respect of almost everyone in Equestria and she was banished, oh she was pleased with herself. Now Starlight will suffer the consequences for taking her hive and it was all thnks to her checkered past and her friends not trusting her How lovely. Chrysalis thought happily before flying off waiting for the chance to strike. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight called a meeting at the castle, the only ones who showed up were Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. "Thank you for coming girls, we need to get to the bottom of this we all know Starlight's innocent." Twilight said to the three. "I was with Starlight the whole time and she didn't make any cloning spells or flare her horn. I would have known if she did." Spike told everyone. "Starlight's smiles were pretty much always genuine and sweet and I know when somepony fakes a smile." Pinkie Pie said in her own way. "Plus she was always nice to us so this seems so unlike her." Fluttershy admits curiously. "Hey Twilight how come Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity aren't here?" Pinkie Pie asked confused. Twilight sighed before answering "After that little stunt they pulled yesterday they shouldn't be at this meeting we need to collect some evidence that Starlight did not do it and get Celestia." "We could always set a petition around the school so some students who believe she's innocent can help." Spike said happily. "But what about Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity?" Fluttershy asked meekly flying up to Twilight. "Those three will be a problem but we gotta try anyway." Twilight said. The four put their hooves and claw together and shouted "For Starlight." Meanwhile Starlight was in her new cabin sighing, she was beyond the Badlands at Klugetown, it was a scary place and she did not enjoy it one bit, every day she had to scour for food and water avoiding the perverted citizens along the way, her mind drifted to one thing her friends. Some friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were, they turn their backs on me even if the evidence for me is flawless, what a bunch of- Starlight began before shaking her head. No Starlight thought she couldn't think like that The cloning thing does make some sense. But I never casted a spell Spike saw me the whole time and he knows I'm innocent so this is bullcrap. Starlight thought bitterly. She then walked through her new home bumping into a strange cat. "You don't look like you're from around here." the cat said intrigued. "I'm Starlight Glimmer what's it to ya?" Starlight said bitterly. "Ah the princess' old student huh, well Capper's my name charming's my game." Capper introduced. "How flattering I already dealt with enough perverts here why not another?" Starlight asked sarcastically. "Yeah sorry about them I ain't like any of them but seriously this town isn't the nicest place but ever since the Storm King's left it's been better for example we don't sell things for Storm bucks and slavery is illegal."Capper said in a matter of fact tone. "Good to know, well I'll be on my way now." Starlight said angrily going past Capper. "Well how about you stay at my place I've been watching you for a little bit and you don't seem to be quite happy in your living place." Capper offered. Starlight thought for a moment and figured this would be better than sleeping in the crappy cabin. "Fine but try anything dirty with me and you get blasted to Tartarus." Starlight said in a serious tone. "Sure thing." Capper said before leading Starlight to his house. > Sunset Hears The News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer was writing to Twilight asking her how Equestria was doing, she’s been worried ever since she heard about the Storm King and wanted to make sure everything was doing okay. She then saw a message on the book. Not good, apparently Starlight was framed for a crime she didn’t commit and now she’s banished from Equestria. From Twilight Sparkle Sunset gasped at the news, Starlight was banished from Equestria, she had to tell the girls but first she had to relay a message to Princess Twilight. Dear Princess Twilight Stay there I’m coming back to Equestria, I need to be there to help you and Starlight. From Sunset Shimmer Sunset then texted the girls to come over to her place which they did. “Sunset we got your text what’s the big news?” EQG Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m glad you’re here, apparently Starlight’s been banished from Equestria.” Sunset explained scared. “What?!” EQG Pinkie Pie asked shocked at this revelation. “It seems very unlikely Starlight would try and commit another crime, we’ve all met her and she seems nice.” Sci-Twi analyzed. “Well I have my doubts about her but considering what happened last time we mistrusted Sunset, again really sorry Sunset, I guess it’s fair to assume Starlight’s really reformed I mean she does seem nice.” EQG Applejack ponders holding a finger to her chin. “Well I wanted to tell you I’ll be leaving Canterlot High for a long time, and I just wanted to give you a proper good bye.” Sunset explained. “What, but why?” EQG Fluttershy asked with sadness in her voice. “Ever since I’ve left Equestria bad things have happening and I haven’t been there when I should be, well that ends today, I promise I’ll come visit but for now I must return to Equestria and help Starlight.” Sunset explained putting her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. The 7 girls group hugged. “We understand your choice Sunset.” Sci-Twi said. “We’ll miss you though.” EQG Pinkie Pie said in tears. “I’ll miss you too, but I feel this is what I have to do.” Sunset said. “Here’s my journal, you’ll need it to contact me.” Sunset said giving the journal to Sci-Twi. Sci-Twi nodded and Sunset then went to the mirror portal and ended up in Twilight’s castle. Twilight then helped Sunset up. “So what’s been going on with Starlight?” Sunset asked. > Feeing “Betrayed“ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity met at Applejack’s farm, the three looked serious as they began speaking. “Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are goin’ down a dark path y’all I cannot believe they would spread rumors that Starlight is innocent when she ain’t.” Applejack said angrily. “And poor Spikey Wikey is being dragged down with them.” Rarity said in tears. “This is going too far, the students are getting into fights because some actually believe Starlight is innocent.” Rainbow Dash said with some fear. “I say we cut those three off as friends until they realize truth on how Starlight is really guilty.” Applejack suggested with a sigh showing she was not happy to do this. “I say it is for the best darling, even if we don’t want to we must.” Rarity said with reluctance. “I’ll miss them too Rares but we gotta make sure Equestria knows the truth that Starlight is guilty.” Rainbow Dash said determined. “Yeah!” The three mares cheered. A figure was watching the meeting it was shown to be Chrysalis peering through a window she smirked her plan was beginning to work perfectly. > The Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike, Sunset, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight were still calculating ways to prove Starlight’s innocence they’ve been doing research on what it could be but still found nothing, soon Twilight had an idea so she decided they had to question Prince Blueblood himself. Twilight then answered the door and found it was Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash looking angry. Twilight rolled her eyes and began speaking “What do you want?” “We wanna talk to you about corruptin’ our sisters.” Applejack angrily said. “Yes they for some reason think Starlight is innocent which is clearly false.” Rarity explained. “Yeah so keep your stupid protest and false information away from them and stop trying to prove Starlight’s so called innocence.” Rainbow Dash commanded enraged. “We’re just trying to defend our friend maybe you forgot about that she was our friend.” Fluttershy said angrily. “Yeah was is the key word here.” Applejack says angrily. “You’ll be sorry when we prove you wrong.” Pinkie Pie shouts loudly. “No we won’t because she’s guilty.” Rarity argues. “INNOCENT!” Pinkie Pie shouts. “She is our friend.” Twilight proclaims. “So were we but I guess we ain’t anymore.” Applejack proclaims. Twilight then tears up “Get out of my castle.” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity then leave angrily but showed to feel some guilt before leaving. Twilight began crying as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy embraced her. “Oh Twilight I’m so sorry.” Sunset apologizes. “No if they don’t wanna be friends I guess that’s their choice, we’ll see if they change their mind at one point but for now let’s leave them alone.” Twilight said. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Prince Blueblood stated. “Prince Blueblood please have a seat? I think I have a theory as to why you think Starlight hit you with a beam.” Twilight said. “Very well but this is a waste of time I know Starlight Shitter is the one that hit me with that beam.” Prince Blueblood exclaimed. “Okay, well I have a theory but first what color of the aura was Starlight’s horn glowing?” Twilight asked with a smirk. “It was green, why?” Prince Blueblood asks incredulously. “Just as I thought, Starlight’s magic is turquoise I should know I teach her magic so that means the culprit was none other than a changeling but not any changeling it was Queen Chrysalis.” Twilight explained. > Telling Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilght, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sunset, Spike, and Blueblood all ran into Celestia’s throne room where Celestia and Luna were. “Auntie. I can’t believe I am saying this but I was wrong, Starlight Glimmer is innocent.” Prince Blueblood admitted. “How can that be possible?” Celestia asked. “Celestia, Blueblood told me Starlight’s horn glowed green, and we all know that green isn’t the color of Starlight’s magic, it’s turquoise.” Twilight pointed out. “Ha, I told you Starlight was innocent sister.” Luna bragged. “But it still doesn’t make sense how did Blueblood see Starlight Glimmer if it was a fake? Wait Chrysalis. She is the only changeling who hasn’t reformed it must be her.” Celestia said in shock. “If she really has returned, Equestria must be on guard. We must find Starlight Glimmer, DISCORD!” Luna yelled. Discord then showed up. “What is it Luna?” Discoed asked annoyed. “You must find Starlight Glimmer and tell her she is unbanished.” Celestia said. “Ooh did Princess Celestia finally learn she was wrong.” Discord smirked. “While I am not happy with how you are acting, yes I admit I was wrong. I may have rushed the trial just a tad.” Celestia admitted. “Well don’t worry Princess I will find Starlight Glimmer.” Discord said before leaving with a flash. “Good, now we must be on the look out for Chrysalis.” Luna said. “Indeed my sister.” Celestia agreed “And Twilight I am so sorry I banished Starlight.” “It’s alright Princess Celestia, what’s important right now is that we stop Chrysalis and get Starlight back.” Twilight said in determination. Meanwhile Chrysalis in bug form smirked. “Oh you may have found out about my plan but now it is too late, next stop Ponyville.” Chrysalis smirked. > Attack On Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were talking back at the barn. “Y’all think we went too far back at Twilight’s castle?” Applejack asked. “I believe we did darling, I mean sure we might be right about Starlight being guilty but we probably should not have cut Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy as friends even if it was temporary.” Rarity sighed. “I guess we should go apologize and hope they forgive us, even if we have differing opinions on Starlight’s innocence.” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah, she’s already banished. She can’t harm us no more and soon Twilight will see she’s guilty.” Applejack said. “Agreed, let’s go back to Twilight’s castle.” Applejack said before all three began going to Twilight’s castle. When they went to Ponyville they were shocked at what they saw, Chrysalis was attacking the ponies and draining the love from them. “What in tarnation?” Applejack said in shock. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity thank goodness you’re here, Chrysalis has returned and there is no sign of Twilight, Pinkie, or Fluttershy.” Mayor Mare said running up to the three. “Oh dear what if Chrysalis got to them already?” Rarity said in fear. “Then we better stop her.” Rainbow Dash said before flying and tackling Chrysalis who turned into an Ursa Minor and threw Rainbow Dash off of her. “Ah if it isn’t Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity what are you doing without your friends, oh your ex-friends should I say.” Chrysalis asked sarcastically with a smirk. “Wait a minute how did you know about how our friendship was doing?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. “Oh Rainbow I have been watching over you; and my how petty you were to let one argument ruin your friendship.” Chrysalis said. “Hey, we were just about to apologize to them and besides it was about how Starlight Glimmer turned evil again, they thought she was actually innocent.” Applejack argues. “Ah Applejack, did you ever once find it suspicious how Starlight suddenly turned to the dark side again.” Chrysalis once again smirked. “What, no it can’t be.” Rarity said in shock. “Yes I was the one who framed Starlight.” Chrysalis laughed. “You fiend you turned us against our friend.” Applejack yelled. “Oh I merely framed Starlight Glimmer it was your choice to distrust her and end your friendship with her.” Chrysalis pointed out. The three looked down ashamed, realizing what they have done before Rainbow Dash looked at Chrysalis enraged. “Well it’s time we redeem ourselves for Starlight.” Rainbow Dash said motivated. “For Starlight.” Applejack and Rarity agreed as they began to fight Chrysalis. Chrysalis merely rolled her eyes and blasted the three. “Oh so much love you have for your friends it’s time we see how much you have.” Chrysalis smirked before draining Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity of their love making them feel weak and Chrysalis feeling stronger. “Ah, so refreshing. Now to deal with you fools. Nyahahahahahaha.” Chrysalis laughed as she began cocooning Rarity. “Oh not again.” Rarity said before she was fully cocooned. “You’ll pay for this.” Rainbow Dash yelled before she too was cocooned. Chrysalis then cocooned Applejack who said nothing as she looked down in shame. “That was too easy.” Chrysalis smirked before laughing evilly “Let it be known that I Chrysalis am your new queen.” All of Ponyville shook in fear as Chrysalis began laughing maniacally. > Looking For Starlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord was going across all the lands outside of Equestria to find Starlight, and couldn’t find her anywhere. He checked the Changeling Hive, Mount Aris, the Dragon Lands, and even Griffonstone and still couldn’t find her, he then stumbled upon Klugetown. “Hmm could this be where Starlight is?” Discord asks himself. Meanwhile Starlight herself was talking to Capper. “So that’s how I was banished from Equestria.” Starlight grimaces. “Well that sounds a bit unfair I mean you even had a solid defense.” Capper said. “I know, I’m kinda starting to think they never trusted me at all, though I guess that’s sort of my fault.” Starlight explained. Soon Discord saw Starlight through the window of Capper’s place and gasped with delight. “Starlight I have a surprise for you!” Discord said happily once he teleported in. “Oh hey Discord, I’m bummed out, and I’m not in the mood for your games right now.” Starlight sighed. “No no I have good news Celestia revoked your banishment, turns out Chrysalis was the one who impersonated you, now we can go home, defeat her, and everything can go back to normal.” Discord said excitedly. “Wait? Really? I’m so happy about this, but I’m kinda worried about seeing Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity again after all that’s happened.” Starlight explained. “I understand how you feel but we have to go back to Equestria, I fear that Chrysalis might have taken over.” Discord told Starlight. “Well I better go then, it was nice meeting you Capper, and thanks for the help.” Starlight told Capper. “No problem Star, I’ll catch you later.” Capper waved. “I’ll catch you later as well. Bye.” Starlight waved before Discord teleported away. > Battling Queen Chrysalis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We then see Discord and Starlight teleport into the Canterlot Castle. “Starlight!” Twilight cheered before immediately embracing her former pupil. “I almost thought I’d never see you again.” Twilight said with tears of joy in her eyes. “I missed you Twilight, I missed you all.” Starlight said happily as she looked at Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, Luna, Discord, and Sunset. Celestia and Starlight then locked eyes before Starlight awkwardly looked away. “Starlight I must speak with you.” Celestia said in guilt. “Uh okay.” Starlight said awkwardly. “Look Starlight, I may have been unfair at the trial when I banished you. The thing is Blueblood is my nephew and when I heard that you or as we now found out that Chrysalis attacked him I was furious and wanted to make you pay but I disregarded your side of the story I’m very sorry.” Celestia apologized. “Not gonna lie it’ll take a while for me to trust you again but I forgive you.” Starlight said. “I guess I’m sorry for falsely accusing you.” Blueblood apologized awkwardly. Starlight rolled her eyes knowing that’s all she’s gonna get from Blueblood “I forgive you but we’re not really friends though.” “Oh definitely not.” Blueblood shook his head. “I hate to interrupt this apology fest but we still need to stop Queen Chrysalis.” Discord said. “Right, but where could she be now?” Sunset asked. Soon they hear laser blasts and Pinkie Pie began pointing outside the window. “Oh she’s right there.” Pinkie Pie said before she saw Chrysalis with three cocoons being levitated and in those cocoons were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. “And she’s got Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity.” Fluttershy said in fear. “Oh no we have to stop her.” Twilight said, in a scared tone. “But how?” Sunset asked. “Me and Discord could sneak attack her while you all distract her.” Starlight suggested “She probably doesn’t know that I’m back.” “Good idea.” Discord complimented Starlight. Soon Chrysalis was seen flying through Canterlot smirking “Oh Celestia, come out come out wherever you are.” “Halt Chrysalis!” Celestia said angrily before we see her and Luna flying in the sky. “Ah your majesties, what are you going to do against me, I’ve already taken half of your Element Bearers so you can’t use those pesky elements against me.” Chrysalis smirked. “We may not be able to use the Elements of Harmony but we can still show you a world of hurt.” Luna said before she began blasting Chrysalis but she dodged. Chrysalis then blasted again but Luna also dodged. “Guards, attack!” Celestia commanded. Soon multiple guards showed up and began using their horns on Chrysalis and tried blasting her, they had little effect on her and soon Chrysalis blasted some of the guards, knocking them out. While Chrysalis and the guards were fighting, Pinkie Pie walked behind her with a Party Cannon “Surprise Attack!” Soon the party cannon blasted cake on Chrysalis making her fall over, while Fluttershy was with a bunch of birds “Fly my pretties.” The birds then peck at Chrysalis before she blasts them away from her. Sunset also blasted Chrysalis with magic of her own and Spike used his fire breath to burn her horn a bit making her scream before snarling “You three are fools to challenge me.” Chrysalis before she began flaring up her horn and aimed fire on Pinkie Pie, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Spike before Twilight jumped in front of them and fired a blast of her own deflecting Chrysalis’ beam. Soon Celestia, Luna, and Twilight combine their blasts against Chrysalis but the former queen was evenly matched with them and fired a beam of equal power. Starlight and Discord were seen behind Twilight and the Royal Sisters when Starlight fired a beam at Chrysalis blasting her since she was off guard, she fell to the ground and soon multiple guards surrounded her with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Discord, and Starlight in front of her. “Give up Chrysalis, you’ve lost.” Starlight said angrily. “Not yet.” Chrysalis smirked before she blasted Starlight with a bunch of power making Starlight collapse with a singe mark on her stomach. “Starlight!” Twilight and Spike screamed as they ran up to their friend. Celestia and Luna then restrained Chrysalis with their magic, “Guards put the anti-magic ring on her now!” Celestia commanded. Soon a sun guard used his horn and placed the ring on top of Chrysalis’ horn. “Now you have truly lost Chrysalis.” Celestia smirked. Chrysalis just maniacally laughed freaking out the many ponies surrounding her. “What is so funny?” Luna asked angrily. “You may have defeated me, but you haven’t exactly won. Who knows if Starlight will survive the blast I set upon her, I put a lot of power into it.” Chrysalis smirked. “Starlight is a strong mare, she will survive this.” Celestia said confidently. “Don’t be too sure, besides this all never would’ve happened if you didn’t banish her. All you had to do was trust her word for it, let the trial go on for a bit longer, and MAYBE you would’ve found out the truth.” Chrysalis said. “Unfortunately you are right, I should’ve heard Starlight out...” Celestia began before Chrysalis interrupted her “But you didn’t, did you? After all you most likely didn’t trust her even after being reformed for years. What if Discord gets framed too, you gonna banish him too? Or what about your precious sister?” “I would never do that to Luna or Discord!” Celestia yelled. “But you did it to Starlight, so who knows if that would happen.” Chrysalis smirked. “Take her away to Tartarus.” Celestia growled. The unicorn guards nodded before grabbing Chrysalis with their magic and walking away with her being levitated. “You know I’m right Celestia, and I always will be.” Chrysalis maniacally laughs before she’s put in a cage and the cage began being levitated. “Sister, you mustn’t let Chrysalis’ words get to you, you made a mistake based on your emotions besides I somewhat understand why you probably didn’t trust Starlight.” Luna comforted Celestia. “What have I done?” Celestia asked horrified.