> Treasure Planet: The Equestrian Voyage > by GTthe4th > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Keystone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia’s sun felt hotter than usual today for Sandy Shovel as she wiped the fresh coat of sweat off her golden brow. Not even the cold water or the wide-brimmed hat she wore helped in any way. If anything, she only felt the effects of the heat even more. Still, she pressed on; the ruins she and her team were studying weren’t going to dig themselves out of the dirt, after all. It had been the Earth pony mare’s dream since a shy little filly from Manehattan to become an archaeologist, and when she had made that dream a reality, her next goal in life was to follow in the steps of her (admittedly fictional) idol, Daring Do. Unearthing buried treasures, rediscovering old ruins, maybe even having the odd adventure or two, it was all she wanted. But the problems with plans is that they never survived first contact with their eternal nemesis: reality. In truth, archaeology wasn’t exactly the heroic and adventurous life that she had dreamed about as a filly, but she loved it all the same. While she may not be battling ancient guardians or facing down disgruntled rivals, she still felt that rush of excitement when she and her team unearthed a piece of Equestria’s past. So when the Princess of Friendship and scholar extraordinaire, Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, hired her and her team to investigate some recently rediscovered ruins near the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest, Sandy Shovel could hardly say no to such a challenge. Sandy had heard many stories about the Everfree and its strange properties: wild, untamed magic; murderous monsters that prowled through the underbrush; plants and creatures that defied imagination entirely; and even uncontrolled weather patterns that baffled Pegasi scientists to this day. Truly, it was one of the most dangerous places on Equus, and yet despite all the warnings her colleagues had given her, she accepted the job. And now here she was, with the blistering sun glaring down at her from space, regretting her decision and silently swearing to always read the fine print before signing her name on any document. “You okay, boss?” a voice called from behind her, and she heard hooves trotting towards her. Sandy swivelled her head around and smiled. “Yeah, I’m good, just resting a bit,” she replied. “Good morning, Onyx.” The blue-furred, black-maned Earth pony stallion that approached her sent a warm smile her way. “Mornin’. Just checking up on things here and thought you could use the company. Found anything new yet?” Sandy shook her head, and her ears drooped. “Still nothing. Eight weeks, and still nothing to show for it. Remind me again why we’re still here?” Onyx shrugged. “The Princess insisted that something interesting would be found here. Personally, I could do away with the Timberwolves, but if she wants to keep paying us to dust a few stone arches and dig up a few old pots, I’m not going to complain. Royal bits are better than none.” Sandy rolled her eyes. “Always about the money with you, huh?” “Hey, what can I say, I’m a pragmatist.” “As well as a total bore,” Sandy laughed, wiping her brow once more. “Celestia’s mane, it’s hot...” The flapping of leathery wings signaled the arrival of another member of the dig team. Sandy and Onyx looked up and saw a violet, slightly breathless Thestral mare flying towards them at blinding speeds. She looked about ready to crash into them at the speed she was moving. The two Earth ponies exchanged a knowing, mischievous glance before stepping to opposite sides, letting the Thestral mare slam face-first into the dirt. The mare yelped, bouncing and rolling through the dirt for several meters before slamming upside-down into a tree trunk, sliding down slowly. Onyx snorted, holding back his laughter, while Sandy had to force herself to keep a straight face. “Good morning, Whistler,” she said as flatly as Equinely possible (a feat that inwardly surprised her). “Guys, whyyyyy...?” the mare whined, her voice muffled from her face still being planted in the dirt. “Because it’s always so funny,” Onyx replied in a sing-song voice. Whistler lifted her head up and glared at him, pouting. “I hate you.” Onyx blew her a kiss. “Love you too, honey!” Sandy shook her head and trotted towards the downed mare. “Alright lovebirds, that’s enough of that.” She held out a hoof to help Whistler up, which the mare gratefully took. “Now, what’s all the hurry, Whistler?” Whistler gave her bat-like wings a few flaps to shake the dirt off. “Princess Twilight, she’s on her way here to check on our progress, along with that dragon of hers. She’ll be here any second. Dawn Star and Rainstorm are at the main dig and told me to get you two.” “Holy horseapples!” Sandy exclaimed, spinning around and following the path through the trees to the main dig site. “Onyx, Whistler, move it! We’ve got to find something to show her!” Onyx ran after her, with Whistler flying close behind him. “What about those silver plates we found the other day?” he yelled after Sandy. “Onyx, this is Princess Twilight!” Sandy cried. “She eats off of golden plates! Silver is nothing, we need something more!” “The tablet?” Whistler offered. “No, even more!” “We’ve...got nothing more?” “Ponyfeathers!” Sandy gasped, picking up the pace. The dig site could now be seen through the trees. “Girl, it’s nothing to panic about, relax,” Whistler said, flying to Sandy’s side. “I met the Princess before, she’s chill.” “And she has our funding,” Sandy reminded her, slowing to a stop as they arrived at the dig site. “We’ve found nothing of real worth! We’ll be fired! I can’t lose this job!” She ran into her tent, opening a large chest and digging through its contents. “Always about the money with you, huh?” Onyx echoed, smirking as he watched her. “Don’t you sass me, mister!” Sandy deadpanned, slamming the chest shut and dating into the next tent. “Come on, there has to be something...” Whistler leaned in to Onyx’s ear and whispered, “This is gonna be one of those days again, huh?” Crash! “Oh great, as if that didn’t already cost a few thousand bits...” Sandy whined from inside the tent. Onyx nodded and rubbed his two front hooves together deviously. “Oh yeah.” It had taken several minutes of talking and at least two cups of tea before Sandy had been properly calmed down. By this time, the other two members of the dig team, the Pegasi twins Rainstorm and Dawn Star, had joined the group in waiting for the arrival of the Princess. Rainstorm and Dawn Star were the team’s muscle; they built the camps, they dug in the ground, they protected the team from any danger, and they worked the machines. Sandy had rescued the two brothers from poverty after they had been fired from a mining company from Canterlot a few years back, and they had been loyal to her ever since. Now, however, they simply stood silent and alert as the team watched the Princess’s chariot descend from the sky, being pulled by two Pegasi and followed by a small retinue of other Royal Guards. The chariot landed in a clearing the dig team had prepared earlier to accommodate visitors, and out stepped a young, lavender alicorn: Princess Twilight Sparkle, followed by a small, slightly pudgy purple dragon holding a scroll and quill. Sandy had only met the young Princess of Friendship once before, when she had been offered the contract, but seeing her again still brought a sense of wonder to the archaeologist. She was in the presence of royalty, and a world-renowned hero and scholar! Not to mention the prodigy student of Princess Celestia herself! Every step Twilight took sent ripples of power through the very earth that Sandy stood on, and the Earth pony magic inside her could sense it. Twilight Sparkle may have been the Princess of Friendship, but sensing the raw magic inside her compelled Sandy to do what most ponies would normally do in the presence of royalty. She and her team knelt down on their forelegs, bowing their heads low. The Princess halted mid-step, one foreleg lifted up. She made a face when she saw what Sandy and the others were doing. “Oh, um, you can...stop that. You don’t have to bow.” Onyx lifted up his head first. “Apologies, Your Highness, we’re just very thrilled to have you visit our humble, uh, ‘home’.” Twilight shook her head and smiled. “Please, just call me Twilight. I’m not that big on the whole ‘Highness’ thing.” “O-of course, Your--I mean, Twilight,” Sandy stammered, standing up. “Welcome to our dig site!” Twilight looked around, grinning at the uncovered ruins. “It looks like you five have been making good progress,” she noted. “I’m happy to see I chose the right ponies for the job.” Whistler lifted her head up proudly, flashing her fangs. “We try our best, ma’am.” She motioned with a hoof towards the camp’s central tent. “We’ve stored most of our findings in there, if you’d like to take a look.” “Of course!” Twilight beamed, following the three of them into the tent with a slight bounce in her step. “It’s always fun to see artifacts from ancient Equestrian times.” Rainstorm nudged his brother in the ribs once they were out of earshot. “See, just like I told ya, like a cat to milk.” Dawn Star rolled his blue eyes and pulled out a small bag of bits from the pouch at his side, tossing it to his brother. “So what’s this, then?” Twilight asked, holding up a broken piece of slate with writing on it in her telekinetic grasp. “Ah, that’s probably our most interesting find,” Sandy answered, gazing down at it with pride. “It’s a tablet fragment of some sort, with some kind of language written on it. My linguist, Onyx, can’t make heads or tails out of it.” Twilight squinted at the tablet, newfound wonder in her eyes. “An ancient tablet with a possible dead language? Amazing! Have you sent a sample to the Canterlot museum for study?” Sandy nodded. “We did. The eggheads got back to us within days. It’s a few hundred years old, at least.” Twilight frowned. “But...then it can’t be a dead language, then. Even languages from before the era of Nightmare Moon are still spoken today by a few several long-standing families and nobility.” “Which is why it’s currently our most fascinating find,” Onyx spoke up, trotting over to them. “Unfortunately, it’s only a fragment. We couldn’t find any other pieces.” “That’s a shame,” Twilight murmured, placing the tablet piece back on the table. She sighed, looking across the table of artifacts in front of her. Most of them were broken clay pots or tarnished pieces of silver. Quite valuable for museums, but when she had been told of these ruins by Celestia, she had been hoping for...well, more. Frankly, she was now starting to understand her friend Rainbow Dash’s obsession with adventure. Ever since Cozy Glow’s plan to take over Equestria by draining its magic had been stopped, things had simply quieted down. Granted, Twilight enjoyed the quiet for a while, as it allowed her to catch up on her own studies and various scientific endeavors, as well as teach the students of the School of Friendship, but she’d be lying to herself if she said she didn’t miss going on adventures with her friends. Simply put, she was stuck in a monotonous loop. Twilight’s ears drooped slightly. She had hoped that something in these ruins would excite her again, or, in a best-case scenario, even start a whole new adventure for her to partake in. Not the world-ending kind, Celestia forbid, but something at least. Even a little one? “Whoa, what’s this thing?” a young voice said from across the tent, interrupting her thoughts. Twilight and the others turned to see Spike, Twilight’s dragon assistant, holding up a small ball that had seemingly rolled off the artifact table. At first sight of it, Twilight could tell that it was not at all like the other artifacts. This ball had swirling, circular markings all over it, seemingly with no set pattern, and it was perfectly spherical. In fact, she had to compliment the dig team’s precision, they had dusted and polished the ball to a shine. Wait, a shine? Twilight took a step towards Spike, staring at the ball. Now that she was closer, she could see that it wasn’t made of stone, like she had previously thought. Rather, it was metal. Interesting... “Oh, of all the...” Sandy muttered under her breath, stepping towards Spike. “Thank you, young dragon. I had wondered where that had gotten to.” “What is it, though?” Spike asked again, looking at the ball with curiosity in his gaze. “It looks cool!” “We...don’t know,” Sandy admitted, placing the ball on the table. “We found it a few weeks into the dig. It’s unlike all the other artifacts we’ve found, but we can’t tell what it is.” “Why wasn’t it on the table?” Twilight asked, inspecting the markings. Onyx shrugged. “Darn thing keeps rolling off, no matter what we do.” As if on cue, the ball slowly tipped to the side and rolled off the table again, coming to a stop at a corner of the tent. “See?” “Hmm...” Twilight hummed. Her horn lit up in a magenta glow, and a similar aura enveloped the ball, lifting it up to her eyes. “And the markings?” “Same thing, we’re not sure. Although...” Whistler’s voice trailed off. “I did have a suspicion, once.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Go on.” “I took a picture of the ball and sent it to a friend of mine in Cloudsdale. She told me that the markings reminded her of stars in the sky.” “Stars?” Spike asked. “Yeah,” said Onyx. “Apparently Griffons used to carve stars into stone spheres and use them as maps for sailors. The knowledge on how to use them has been lost to time though, and the Griffons don’t exactly have a navy anymore, so those things are very rare.” He looked back at the ball, still in Twilight’s magical grasp. “But we’ve never seen one made out of metal.” “Which brings me to my next point,” said Whistler, causing groans to come from both Onyx and Sandy. “What, it’s a legitimate theory!” “Nopony wants to hear your conspiracy theories,” Sandy scoffed. “Says the mare who thinks it’s a toy. What kind of pony makes a toy out of metal?” You’d be surprised, Twilight thought, but she shook the thought out of her mind. “Uh, guys?” she spoke up, raising a hoof. “What’s this about?” Onyx rolled his eyes. “My loving, naive wife here thinks that the ball isn’t from this world, which of course is preposterous.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” she asked sweetly. “What makes you say that?” “Because there are no other worlds that can sustain life beyond our own,” Onyx declared, lifting up a hoof to his chest. “I may be just a linguist, but I have friends in several scientific circles in Canterlot. They assure me that no such world exists, and that Starswirl’s thesis on the subject was based on a flawed understanding of thaumaturgy at the time. Modern science has advanced our knowledge on this subject quite considerably, enough to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that without magic life is simply unsustainable.” He straightened himself up. A fond memory of Sunset’s world flashed through Twilight’s mind briefly, before she remembered her promise to Celestia to keep quiet about the mirror portal. The less panicked their little ponies were, the better. “Yes...” she replied carefully. “Many mages have theorized and debated over the existence of other worlds before, and I suppose that if many of the experts in that field of study are saying otherwise based on studies and observations, we might have to conclude that there aren’t any.” Onyx smirked and nodded towards his wife. “Precisely!” “But,” Twilight continued, lifting a wing and sending a wink Whistler’s way. “knowledge continues to advance, as does our understanding of science. Sooner or later even these same experts and their conclusions can be challenged.” “Exactly!” Whistler exclaimed, undaunted by her colleagues’ disbelief. “It obviously has to come from somewhere, but then why is it so unlike anything we have here on Equus?” “What makes you think we can’t make it ourselves with the technology we have now?” asked Twilight. “Metal can be easily bent and reshaped, especially with magic.” “Because, while it may look like a Griffon sphere chart, it’s too perfectly shaped. Even the Griffon spheres were nowhere near that smooth, nor were they metal. I used to apprentice under a blacksmith in Stalliongrad, and I’m telling you, the metal is not like any metal I’ve ever seen, and the shaping technique used is far beyond even our current level of magic. I even saw it glow once!” At this all eyes turned towards her. “You saw it do what?” Sandy asked, her voice cracking slightly. “I did!” Whistler nodded. “It was a few nights ago, I was heading to our tent just before midnight, and I saw some of the markings glow a faint red color underneath. I thought I was going insane, and when I rubbed my eyes to check again, the glowing vanished. It never did it again afterwards, so I thought nothing of it.” “Why didn’t you tell us?” Onyx asked. “Because you all already think I’m nuts with my theory,” Whistler answered, leaning against the tent’s entrance. “Besides, I just figured it was a trick of the moonlight.” “Twilight?” Spike asked suddenly, looking up a the ball with a thoughtful look on his face. “Can I see it for a sec?” Twilight lowered the ball and plopped it onto his claws. “Sure, just be careful, Spike.” “I know, I know,” Spike said, moving the ball around in his claws. With one talon, he poked at one of the circles on the sphere. With another, he knocked on its surface a few times, listening to hear if it was hollow. When nothing happened, he gripped the sphere tightly in both claws and tried to turn the upper and lower halves in different directions, to no avail. Finally, he tried to dig under one of the grooves the symbols made on the surface with one of his talons. When nothing seemed to work, he frowned and held it up to Twilight again, who was watching him with keen interest. “Well, that was a bust. Dang...” “Actually,” Twilight said, picking up the ball with her magic. “You may be on the right track, Spike. See these big circles in the middle of the spirals? Those are closed off from the rest of the symbols, and look like pressure points.” “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too,” Spike agreed, looking glum. “But it didn’t work...” Twilight rubbed his head with a hoof, smiling warmly. “Don’t feel bad, it was a good idea. Maybe you were just using the wrong tools to press them with,” she mused. The magenta field around the ball swirled about, forming several finger-like appendages. “Maybe it was made so that it could only be opened by magical pressure?” Sandy raised an eyebrow and stepped closer. “Well, we’ve never tried that before. Worth a shot.” “Almost...” Twilight murmured, sticking out her tongue in concentration. A click was heard as one of the magical appendages pressed down on one of the circles. “Yes! Got it!” As soon as the words left her mouth, her jaw dropped as a red glow emerged from the ball, illuminating each and every curling symbol. A red mist poured out of the circular spirals and flowed into the air, startling everyone in the tent and causing Whistler to yelp and hide behind the table. Several Royal Guards, seeing the red glow from the ball from outside the tent, rushed in, brandishing spears, only to stop and gaze in wonder at what they saw. A massive, glowing, magical map had appeared over their heads, showing sparkling stars, planets, nebulae, moons, comets, and more stellar phenomena. A grid had formed under their hooves and across the walls of the tent, layering the map in perfect square sections. Solar systems and galaxies flew past them with twinkles of light, and slowly, curling lines began to form from planet to planet, like roads between cities. Small dots could be seen traversing the lines, some even jumping ahead vast distances by flying through small circular “gateways” in the voids between galaxies. Twilight and Spike stared in wonder at the ball and the map, their slack jaws slowly transforming into broad grins. “Whistler?” Sandy called softly as her eyes widened with every passing star. “Yeah?” Whistler replied, still hiding behind the table. “I think I love you.” Onyx glared at Sandy. “Mine,” he grumbled. “Twilight, look at this!” Spike cried, pointing at a planet with five rings around it. Three moons orbited it, each one larger than the last. “Oh, Princess Luna is gonna be over the moon when she sees this, I know it!” “What, again?” Onyx quipped, but he too stared in awe at the sight. “So it is a map...” Twilight whispered, her eyes glimmering with raw excitement. She felt the urge to squeal but resisted --- barely. “And there are more worlds out there besides...” Her voice trailed off before anypony could overhear her. “But if it’s a map,” said Sandy, stepping forward and squinting at a peculiar, crescent-shaped mass near one of the planets. “Where does it lead?” Twilight wished she could answer that question, but she couldn’t. At that moment, all she knew was that her life’s growing monotony had just shrunk to the size of a pinhead, and that there was a treasure trove of information here. So much, in fact, that it would take her weeks, if not months just to decipher the very basics! The endless possibilities made her shiver in delight and anticipation. And somewhere in all that information was the answer to Sandy’s question, and by Luna’s night, she would not rest until she found it. But first, she was going to need documentation. Without taking her eyes off the map, she said, “Spike, take the chariot back to Ponyville and get all my blank journals.” Spike looked up, surprise etched into his features. “A-all of them?” She nodded. “All thirty, yes. And my star charts. Oh, and my pillow, toothbrush, saddle bags, and coffee thermos. And get Starlight here while you’re at it.” Spike slouched forward and gave her a flat look. “What is this, a scavenger hunt?” he muttered under his breath, only to gulp and salute when Twilight raised an unamused eyebrow at him. “Eheheh, I mean, sure thing Twilight.” “But first,” Twilight spoke up, flaring out her wings. “Please take a letter. The Princesses are going to want to see this for themselves.” Darkness. Emptiness. Loneliness. It was all that he had felt for the last few hundred years as he gazed out into the beautiful expanse of the Etherium. He was the Guardian of the Trove, and had been charged with keeping others away from the Six. The Seventh was but a decoy, the Six held the true secrets of the universe. But the Keystone was hidden. Safe. Secure. Captain Flint had made sure of it, before he had gone off on his final crusade of plunder. The Six could not be found without the Keystone. The Great Trove was safe. It was the Guardian’s solemn duty to keep it that way, and Flint had promised him a great reward. And so he would stand ever ready, ever watchful, waiting for the moment when he was needed again. A twinge. A shiver down his spine. He felt something. Something elusive. Something ancient. Somewhere, something had stirred that he had not sensed for many years. The Keystone! It had been found! It had been...opened! Rage filled his mind. Red entered his vision. Mechanical bones that once laid dormant twitched and moved. Gears and gyros clicked and whirled, and the Guardian rose up from his slumber. The Great Trove was in danger. The Six could never be found. He would not allow it. He turned his mighty gaze to his right, seeing the small ship that Flint had left for him all those years ago. “The hunt begins...” the Guardian’s voice boomed, and for the first time in eons, the Etherium trembled. > Chapter 1: Same Ship, Different Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was said by those of the Proto-Solar era that the stars of the Etherium burned brightest when a soul of unquenchable courage and inner strength sailed among them. If the legends were to be believed, then on this night, as a graceful, blue and golden galleon gently glided across the empty blue expanse of the Etherium, the stars could not be brighter. The galleon’s white, rounded sails blazed with solar energy, funnelling it through to its engines and propelling it forward, twinkling space dust and blue flames following in its wake. A white flag criss-crossed with red and gold was displayed proudly over the galleon’s main mast, a symbol of its Imperial allegiance. And as it sailed silently into the night, a small streak of light followed it: a surfboard-shaped vehicle with a triangular sail, manned by a single human. Its driver grinned with anticipation even as he moved it behind the ship’s engines, feeling the heat on his bare skin. He closed his eyes and laughed, slamming his back foot on a switch behind him and bending down to grab the board with his right hand. The sail folded instantly, and the solar surfer swooped downwards under the hull of the ship, its small plasma engine kicking into overdrive. The pilot swerved to avoid the ship’s thruster fins, then flipped his body horizontal and spinning the entire board like a corkscrew, emerging out from under the forecastle of the ship. As soon as he was clear, he slammed his heel on the back switch again, and without looking he lifted his hands up to catch the sail’s handlebar as it jumped into his grasp. The sail’s solar scoops immediately reacted to the light of the stars, and the sail flared up with light once more, pushing even more power into the engine and causing a massive burst of speed, sending the vehicle flying through the Etherium once more. “Yeeeeah baby!” the pilot whooped, pumping a fist into the air as he circled the ship’s masts, the rush of wind blowing back his dark brown hair. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” He was in his realm, and nothing could stop him! “Mister Hawkins,” called a stern, feminine voice from the ship’s deck. “If you are done fooling about on that silly contraption, we have something to discuss in my state room.” Well, except for her... James “Jim” Hawkins, Ensign of the Imperial Navy, second officer of the RLS Legacy, and born adventurer, sighed as he brought his solar surfer in closer to the main deck, acknowledging the woman with a nod. “Aye, captain,” he answered, his face morphing from a look of euphoria to a more professional one. He circled the ship once more, bringing the surfer into the small hangar bay underneath the ship, where two longboats lay docked. He closed the sail and hopped off the board, grabbing it and locking it onto a rack on one of the walls, before making his way to the stairs at the end of the room. He could almost run the entire route from the hangar to the captain’s cabin with his eyes closed. He passed by several alien crew as he walked. A burly avian with red and blue plumage was carrying a pile of ropes to the cargo hold. A tall, cycloptic humanoid sat at a table playing poker with two others, a short squid-like creature with seven eyes and a large snail-like alien with tentacles all over his face and back. Most of the crew he recognized from previous ventures, while others were still new from the ship’s latest stop in Crescentia Spaceport. But as he walked along the main deck, he spied a sinister-looking spidery alien swinging across the masts with ropes in her dark blue pincers. She wore the red jacket of an Imperial Navy commander, and her large, bulbous eyes glowed yellow in the dark. Jim grimaced when he saw her. He knew he shouldn’t, since it had been years since the Treasure Planet Expedition (which he had been sworn to keep quiet about by Captain Amelia), and it was not her fault that her species, the Mantavors, were seen as cruel by the rest of the galaxies, but whenever he saw Commander Graven, he could only be reminded of that evil pirate he once worked with. To this day he could still feel Scroop’s claws around his neck, or his sinister eyes glaring down at him with disdain. He shivered at the memory, trying to forget. It was a long time ago, and things had changed since then. Commander Graven was different. Even though she never truly cared about Jim and simply did her job as the ship’s First Officer, she was never unfair, nor did she treat him without respect or common courtesy. They were both officers of the Navy, and they treated each other as such. It was a strained but professional relationship, which worked for the two of them. Commander Graven silently crawled down the rigging of the main mast, siding up to Jim as he made his way across the deck. “Ensign,” she greeted, her voice hissing each syllable. “Commander,” Jim replied with a respectful nod. “Tell me, young one,” said Graven. “What do you believe the captain has called us to her state room for?” Jim shot her a look, careful to hide the bafflement in his eyes. “The captain hasn’t told you?” The Mantavor shook her head. “No, and it’s irritating. As First Officer, I am supposed to be privy to any and all information the captain receives, but I have heard nothing.” “Maybe she has only just heard about it herself?” Jim wondered aloud. “Perhapsss...” Graven allowed. “Still annoying though. In any case, what are your thoughts?” “You’ve never asked my opinion before.” “I’m asking now.” Jim brought his right hand to his chin. “A change to our standing orders, maybe?” Graven shrugged, crossing her large, crab-like pincers over her chest. “Maybe, but I do not see what it could be. We have been tasked with patrolling the trade routes between Montressor and Merilon Prime and protecting it from pirates. There isn’t much else between here and there besides the Carrion Abyss.” “I suppose we’ll see when we get there,” Jim sighed, walking up the steps to the Legacy’s quarterdeck, where the captain’s cabin was located. After knocking three times on the door, he and Graven stood silently, waiting to be addressed by their captain. “Enter, if you please,” came a voice from beyond the door, and Jim and Graven obeyed. The captain’s cabin was not large, but it was opulent. Four lanterns illuminated the room, reflecting off the curved glass windows at the back of the room. Red carpet with gold trimming lined the oak floorboards, and the ensign of the Imperial Navy was emblazoned in the center. Bookcases and shelves lined the walls, along with two closets and a small weapons rack. A globe and a locked log book lay on a small table near the entrance, and a vase of roses stood next to them. In the center of the room sat a large, beautifully-carved mahogany desk, covered with star charts, maps, and navigation tools (and one wine glass). Four empty chairs stood in front of it, while behind it was a small, elegant chair on which sat a tall woman with cat-like features in a sharp blue uniform, a blue tricorn hat resting atop her head. Her face was stern, but her piercing green eyes betrayed a hidden sense of calm cheerfulness. Jim had known Captain Amelia since the Treasure Planet Expedition, before she was made the Legacy’s permanent captain and before Jim joined the Naval Academy. Her discipline helped shape him into the man he was today, and although she carried an aura of professional stoicism, Jim knew better. Out of everyone he knew, she was probably one of the bravest and most dependable, and likewise she thought of him as sort of a little brother. Whenever he needed help, she was always there to teach him with a smile. She was kind, honest (sometimes brutally so), and benevolent to a degree, and cared greatly about the crew under her command. Amelia looked up at her two visitors, and a small smirk appeared on her face. “Ah, Mister Hawkins and Miss Graven, so good of you to come. Please, take a seat.” Jim and Graven sat down in two of the empty chairs, and Jim folded his hands over his lap. Amelia stood up from her desk and narrowed her eyes at the door. “Shan’t be a moment longer, I trust...” she murmured. “Captain?” Graven asked, but her answer soon came when two other people joined them in the room: a man with soft canine features wearing glasses and scholarly clothes, and a tall, spindly copper robot with a white compass on his chest plate. “Ah, apologies Amelia darling, I was burning the midnight oil, as it were,” Doctor Delbert Doppler spoke up quickly as he entered the room, depositing the scrolls he was carrying onto the desk. “You really should read the works of Dr. Arthur Lemonfield, his work on astrophysics is astonishing!” Amelia smiled warmly at her husband. “Perhaps another time, love. We have more important things to think about right now.” Before anyone else could say anything, the other newcomer threw his metal arms around Jim and laughed. “JIMMY!” he cried in a shrill voice. “Oh, it’s so good to see you again! How was your surf? Did ya beat your record again? Well, did ya, did ya, did ya?!” Jim chuckled and slipped out of the robot’s embrace, giving him a fistbump instead. “Hey BEN, good to see you too. And yeah, you were right, those Breemian crystals worked perfectly for the engines, boosted my speed up at least fifteen percent.” “Ah-HA, I knew it!” the Legacy’s navigator cheered, waving his long arms in the air. “I knew we could make it faster! Oh, I can’t wait to try it out!” “Ahem,” Graven hissed, drawing everyone’s attention to her. “I believe we’ve been called here for a reason, we mustn’t keep the captain waiting.” BEN shrunk back and gave a small, apologetic smile. “Eh, heheh...sorry. Shutting up now.” He lifted two of his fingers and made a zipping motion over his mouth. Amelia cleared her throat. “Right then, lady and gents, I shall make this brief. Only a few moments ago, I received an urgent transmission from the Imperial High Command informing us of a disturbance near Arcturius Prime. Several Arcturian merchant ships have been destroyed or hijacked, and we’ve also received reports of rising pirate activity near the Carrion Abyss. All Imperial ships have now been put on high alert, and until told otherwise, we are to remain at a battle-ready stance.” Pirates. The word brought a look of disdain to all in the room, and Graven gave a low hissing growl as her pincers clenched. “Just say the word, captain,” she snarled. “Say the word and I will carve a path through every pirate ship from here to Arcturius Prime in the Emperor’s name.” Amelia held up a hand and shook her head. “While I appreciate your boundless enthusiasm for the hunt, commander, we have other plans. The transmission also informed me of a change to our orders. The trade routes will now be monitored by the RLS Oxford and the RLS Aurora. We are being sent to the Outer Reaches to investigate something far more...peculiar.” “Peculiar in what way, my dear?” Delbert asked. Amelia hesitated. “High Command is not positive on what they have detected, only that it’s a strange, very faint energy signature coming from one of the planets. They did a cross-reference, and it appears to be quite similar to the remains recovered from the destruction of Treasure Planet.” Jim blinked, startled at this revelation. He exchanged a worried glance with BEN, who only shrugged. Despite having the most knowledge of Flint’s trove, BEN was just as clueless as he was. “Treasure Planet?” Jim echoed. “But...how could that be?” “We’re not certain, all that we know is that the energy signature wasn’t there before, but now it is,” the captain explained. “High Command is adamant about not repeating another Treasure Planet disaster, and seeing as we have the most experience in dealing with this sort of thing, they are sending us to locate the signature and, if necessary, contain the situation.” “And if it’s nothing?” Graven hissed. “We will have abandoned the trade route for nothing and wasted too much time chasing ghosts of the past instead of protecting the Empire’s capital planet.” “Treasure Planet was a masterpiece of pirate engineering and organization,” Amelia reminded her calmly. “The things I saw on that cursed place...commander, should a second portal be found, heaven forbid, the entire known reaches of the universe will be in danger from pirate attacks, and we’d be helpless to stop them. We cannot allow that to happen.” “I agree with the captain,” BEN supplied. “That Captain Flint guy was a huge piece of work, and if there’s another one like him running around, we oughta kick his butt! Pow, bam, bang, hi-yah-foom!” Graven rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine, but if this turns out to be a waste of time, I’m throwing this rusty idiot off the ship and you can’t stop me.” “Permission granted,” Amelia replied without hesitation, a smirk forming on her face. BEN’s jaw dropped. “Wha--? You...hey!” Graven gave a sinister cackle of unrestrained eagerness. Delbert sighed and his ears drooped. “I guess I’ll go tell Sarah that she’ll have to watch the children for a little while longer. She’s going to kill me...” “Oh shut up, darling, you know she adores the little beasts,” Amelia chuckled as her husband left the room, turning her attention to the maps on her desk. “I’ve calculated the distance from here to our destination. At full sails, we should reach the planet in question within three days. Our supplies should hold out until then, barring any disastrous circumstances.” BEN shot up straight from his chair and gave a sharp salute. “Just give me a heading, cap’n, and I’ll get us there in a jiffy!” Without looking up, Amelia reached into her desk and pulled out a small black disk the size of her palm, handing it to her navigator. BEN snagged it and opened his chest plate, slipping the disk in. His blue eyes suddenly blinked out as lines of computer code shifted across his optic lenses, before flickering back to blue. He then hopped out of the room with a delighted cry of “Adventure, ho!”, running up the stairs outside to the ship’s wheel. “Commander,” said Amelia, looking up to Graven. “Inform the crew about our change in heading, and then prepare a series of battle drills. I want this crew whipped into shape before we reach our destination, am I clear?” “Crystal, ma’am,” Graven replied, standing up and saluting before exiting the room. “What do you want me to do, captain?” asked Jim as he stood up. “Mister Hawkins, I am putting you in charge of the investigation. You are to document everything we find, and report to me every day,” said Amelia, holding up a scroll. “This was all the information provided to me in the transmission regarding the energy signature. Read over it, and then pick out a team for planetary exploration once we’ve arrived.” Jim took the scroll and opened it, scanning its contents briefly and warily eyeing the Emperor’s signature at the bottom. The Emperor never personally signed any orders given to any single ship, that duty was usually carried out by the Lord Admiral. To have him sign this one personally meant that this mission was of far greater importance than Captain Amelia had let on. “Aye captain,” Jim replied, rolling the scroll up. “I’ll pick a few people out in an hour.” “That’ll do,” the captain nodded. “Dismissed.” Jim saluted and was about to leave the room when Amelia called out once more, “James.” Jim froze and looked back at her. The captain gave him a warm smile, and she said quietly, “You’ve become an excellent spacer. I just want you to know that I’m proud of how far you’ve come since...since our first voyage. I trust that you will accomplish this task with utmost care and the same professional excellence you’ve shown me thus far.” She cleared her throat. “Now then, good luck, Mister Hawkins. Goodnight.” Jim smiled back. “Goodnight, captain.” Jim opened the doors to his quarters, peering into the room with a suspicious glare. He knew what lay inside. He could feel its presence, and he knew that it knew that he knew it was there. He calmly closed the door and stepped into the darkened room, flicking a light switch on the wall. He tip-toed over to the room’s only chair and draped his uniform coat over it, making sure not to disturb anything else in the room. He then scanned the room itself, noting the prepared cot, the picture of his mother on the night stand, the racked plasma pistol on the wall, the extra pair of boots on the floor next to his tool box, and the bookcase on the far side of the room. He cast his eyes over to the boots and stared at them for a moment before pouncing, grabbing both of them. “Aha! Gotcha!” he cried, only to receive a gurgling giggle in his ears. He looked down at the boots in his hands, puzzled, then turned around, only to see one of the books on the shelf float into the the air and swirl around into a pink blob with eyes and a mouth. The blob was laughing uproariously at his expense, slapping its tiny belly with one of its small appendages. Jim shook his head and laughed. “Alright, alright, you win this time, Morph. Good to see ya, buddy.” He held up a finger, and the little shapeshifter floated over to him, nuzzling his finger with a soft coo. The mischievous shapeshifting blob had grown slightly in the years since the destruction of Treasure Planet, but it seemed that he never truly outgrew his playful pranks. As Jim stood back up, Morph floated about, wagging his tongue at his master in anticipation. Jim smirked and dug into one of his trouser pockets, pulling out a cookie. “As long as you don’t tell anyone. I had to swipe that from ol’ Haggard down in the galley.” Morph’s eyes grew as big as saucers (literally), and he enveloped the cookie with his mouth and ate it in one gulp, licking his nonexistent lips and belching. Jim scratched the top of Morph’s head with a finger and said, “Hey, guess what? We’re going to someplace new in a few days, and the captain gave me a mission to lead personally. I’ll be picking a team.” “Oooo!” Morph bubbled, and he slid onto Jim’s shoulder and shifted into a miniature version of him, whispering into Jim’s ear, “What are we doing, what are we doing?” “Not quite sure yet,” Jim replied, sitting down on the cot and opening the scroll he got from the captain. “All I know is that this planet was charted centuries ago, but was never really explored beyond the basics, so that’s gonna be interesting. Oh, and it’s apparently a paradise planet, so you know what that means.” “Fun, fun, fun!” Morph cheered in his squeaky voice. “Heheh, you bet. Who knows what we’ll find?” Jim held up the scroll and read its contents. “Oh look, it’s got a name...Equus, huh?” “Equus?” Morph asked, shifting back into his normal form and looking at Jim quizzically. Jim shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t know either. Sounds a little like ‘equine’, to me.” Then he closed his eyes and smirked. “Heh, most planets I know are named after the inhabitants, like Acturius Prime. What’s this one gonna be like, I wonder?” Morph giggled, then pointed at Jim. “Team?” Jim snapped his fingers. “Right, that. Wanna come with?” Morph did several excited twirls in the air and then settled down on Jim’s head with a grin. Jim tossed the scroll onto his cot and grabbed his coat once more, putting it on as he left the room. As he walked up the stairs to the main deck, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “A planet full of intelligent horses. Boy, that’ll be the day.” > Chapter 2: Visitations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Twilight, I must say, when you wrote to me about a newly-uncovered map of the universe, I thought for sure that you were pulling my leg. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done that to one of the Royal Sisters, after all. Tia has told me of the dastardly pranks you used to pull on her when you were but a foal. Starswirl would be either proud or stunned if he knew, bless his heart. But these notes you’ve sent me...they are beyond astonishing. And quite correct, from what I can decipher from your scribbles. I must see this map with my own eyes to be sure of the veracity of your findings, however. I shall meet you in the Castle of Friendship on the sixth of June, along with the rest of your friends. There are some things I must check with this map that may prove to be troubling in nature. I pray to Mother that I’m wrong... I look forward to seeing you again; it has been far too long. Your friend, Princess Luna Ponyville. Never was there such a place so quaint and yet so unpredictable in all of Equestria. The sky above was almost always clear and sunny, the inhabitants friendly, and the surrounding meadows as picturesque as the rising sun. The sprawling town was home to over a thousand ponies (most of them of the Earth tribe), and its rustic houses give any visiting tourist the distinct impression that life here was idyllic and quiet. That had been the case several years ago, but after Twilight Sparkle moved in, the townsfolk saw a tremendous transformation in their town. Ponyville was situated at the very edge of the Everfree Forest, which often made it a tempting target for many monster attacks and general weirdness. This had been fairly normal for the inhabitants of the town for decades, and over time, they had grown almost indifferent to it. But when Twilight arrived on that fateful Summer Sun Celebration, the quirkiness of the town was said to have risen about twenty-and-a-half levels. It had finally come to a head when four years ago a crystalline tree castle in the shape of a star grew out of a chest in the ground after a centaur demon who could suck magic out of his victims was defeated. From that point on, the townsfolk decided to call it quits in their endless struggle with their world’s insanity and simply accept that their lives were never going to be “quiet” ever again. So when their resident Alicorn Princess was seen galloping through the town square with her dragon assistant flying next to her holding a weird ball thing in her magical grasp, the townsfolk didn’t even bother turning their heads. They simply smiled and waved, and then made mental notes to break out their window and door barricades later in case of an emergency. Twilight weaved in and out of the crowds, dodging wagons and haggling merchants as she made her way to her castle, the large grin never leaving her face as she kept glancing up towards the map sphere caught in her magical grasp. She flapped her wings a few times as she bounced into the air, giving her a slight fluttering in her jump as she squealed in delight. “I still can’t believe it, Spike!” she cried, her eyes shining. “This ball, this map, has not only completely changed how we see the universe, it also proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that we aren’t alone!” Spike, who was straining under the weight of thirty journals (and a pillow, thermos, and toothbrush), gave a grunt of acknowledgement. “That’s...great, Twilight...” he grumbled, hefting the sack of books once more. His poor wings ached. Twilight, heedless of her number one assistant’s troubles, surged forward, breaking through the crowds and making a break for the crystal castle just on the outskirts of town. “Come on, Spike, we’re almost there! Starlight is going to love this!” “I’m sure she will,” Spike groaned. “But can you...ugh...remind me again...why did we bring all this stuff into the forest...huff...if we were just gonna bring it back?” The sack slipped in his claws, and he dove to catch it again before it could spill its cargo. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his brow with his tail. “Come now Spike, you should know me by now,” Twilight reminded him as she skidded to a stop in front of the castle doors. “Initial documentation is one thing, experimentation and thorough observation is another.” A magenta aura surrounded the doors and swung them open, allowing the two of them entry. “Thirty journals?!” Spike cried, dropping the sack on the floor of the castle’s foyer and falling on his back. “Is that what you call initial documentation?!” Twilight rolled her eyes, smirked, and waved a hoof his way. “Pfft, that’s nothing. You should’ve seen my third grade science project, now that took some serious studying, even for me. And besides, it’s your own fault for not getting Starlight like I had asked, she could’ve taken a few back with us.” Spike lifted a defeated wing and then let it flop back to the ground. “She was on tour with Trixie at the time and only just got back...” “Excuses, excuses, young dragon. We have dragon-breath scrolls that can go anywhere.” “You were the one who told me those were for world-ending catastrophes only!” Spike argued. “Which, for the record, happen a lot more than they statistically should around Ponyville, I mean, come on!” Twilight giggled and turned her attention to the castle hallways, inhaling a breath before shouting, “Starlight! Prepare the lab, we’ve got work to do!” There was the sound of shattering glass, followed by an annoyed yelp, and then the sound of hoof-falls on the floor as a pink unicorn with a purple mane with a cyan streak running through it stumbled through one of the hallways, looking irate. “Twilight...” she hissed through a fake smile when she got close. “That glass that you just heard breaking was part of a birthday present for one of the students who I have been helping. I had been working on that for weeks. And in a single moment, you’ve ruined it all. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t stuff you into a box full of Poison Joke for a month and hide every antidote in all of Equestria?” Twilight floated the ball over to her. “This is why.” Starlight arched an eyebrow and gave Twilight a flat look. The Alicorn and unicorn stared at each other for a brief moment, Twilight’s gaze occasionally flickering to the ball hovering in the air, her grin never leaving her face. Starlight blinked slowly, her frown deepening. Spike waddled between the two of them and sighed, dragging the journals behind him. “Twilight, I don’t think she accepts your reasoning.” “Ya think?” Twilight snarked through her grin, before sighing. “Okay Starlight, we found this in an archaeological dig in the Everfree. It’s a map, Starlight! A map of the universe!” Starlight’s face morphed into one of curiosity, and she cast a glance at the orb. “A map? Of the universe?” Twilight nodded quickly. “Uh-huh! Come on, let me show you!” Before Starlight could protest, Twilight had grabbed her tail with her telekinesis and dragged her back through the castle’s main hallway, leaving Spike alone with the journals. Spike glared after the retreating pair, mumbling under his breath as he dragged the heavy sack behind him. Only a few hundred meters to go before he reached the stairs, and then...the second level, and from there, the lab. ...His feet ached. “Sooo, what do you guys think it is?” Applejack’s ears flopped downwards as a sigh escaped her lips. “Pinkie, that’s about the fifth time you’ve asked that in the last ten minutes. Simmer down an’ just be patient. We’ll be at the castle soon enough, an’ then Twilight will tell us what it is.” A snort from above made the apple farmer’s eyes roll. “AJ, we’ve known each other for how long now?” asked a slightly raspy voice. “Too long, Rainbow,” Applejack muttered. “And in all those years have you ever known Pinkie to be patient?” the rainbow-maned Pegasus continued, flying down next to Applejack. “Pinkie and patience don’t exactly mix, like hot sauce and cupcakes.” “Now now, Rainbow Dash,” chided Rarity, the white Unicorn trotting up beside her. “It’s not nice to make fun of friends. Isn’t that right, Pinkie darling?” “Yeppers!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing after them with a smile on her face. “Besides, hot sauce on cupcakes tastes totally amazing! You should try it some time!” Rarity coughed into a hoof and smiled politely back. “Eh, heheh, maybe some other time darling.” “I could try some tonight,” said a quiet voice. Everyone turned towards the butter-yellow Pegasus following close behind the group, who immediately blushed at the attention. “I-if that’s okay...that is...” Rarity’s eye twitched. “You poor, unfortunate soul,” she whispered to herself. Pinkie zoomed up next to her friend and squeezed her barrel with a hoof, eliciting a squeak from the Pegasus. “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy, you’re always welcome to try new things with me, you know that!” “And it was then that Pinkie found herself a new guinea pig for her culinary experiments,” Rainbow Dash narrated sarcastically as she flipped onto her back in the air. “I’ll let the hospital know they should expect a throat burn victim later.” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded, snorting. “Must I tell you again?” “Okay okay, sorry, yeesh...” Rainbow muttered, flying ahead of the group towards the castle. “I’ll see you guys inside.” “What’s gotten into her?” Applejack wondered aloud as the four friends stopped to watch her leave. Pinkie put a hoof to her chin and hummed. “If I know Rainbow like I know Rainbow, I’d say she’s missing all of the adventures we used to do together and that she feels useless while she’s grading papers for students at the School of Friendship which is something she normally would never even think about doing in a zillion years and so feels like her life is just passing before her eyes in slo-mo while she withers away inside even as she keeps up a brave face for the rest of us so that we don’t have to constantly worry about her and her feelings, which is another thing that she hates, but luckily it shouldn’t last too much longer because deep, deep, deep, deeeeeep down inside, she’s just as excited as the rest of us for what Twilight wants to show us, even if it might just end up being a new book, because it at least means something exciting has happened in her day if only for a few minutes.” Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity stared at Pinkie for several moments even as Pinkie took a deep breath. Rarity coughed again. “Well...that certainly, ahem, took quite a downward spiral into misery.” “Ah’ll say,” Applejack agreed with a slow nod. “Although Ah think Ah’m more surprised that she managed to say all that in one breath an’ one long sentence.” “I’m full of surprises!” Pinkie squealed, standing up on her hind hooves and throwing confetti into the air. Where the confetti came from was anypony’s guess. “And capricious vitality,” Rarity added flatly. “And capricious vitality!” Pinkie echoed. “Whatever that means!” “Poor Rainbow...” said Fluttershy, looking back at the castle. “I hope whatever Twilight has to show us will help her get her adventurous side back again.” “Aw, she’ll be feelin’ better than a rattlesnake in a mice convention in no time, sugarcube,” Applejack reassured her with a small smile. “Just trust me on this one.” “I hope so,” said Fluttershy. She remained silent for a moment before whipping her head towards Applejack with a look of shock on her face. “A what convention?” Applejack laughed. “An’ there it is! Don’t you worry about nothin’, Fluttershy, it’s just an expression.” Rarity tittered. “Don’t scare the poor dear, Applejack. She looks worried enough as it is.” Pinkie bounced ahead of the group, a tray of cupcakes on her back. Nopony dared to question it. “I’ve got the fix for that, riiiiight here,” she said with a grin. The four friends shared a laugh, before Applejack straightened the stetson on her head. “Well now, that’s enough of that. C’mon ponies, we’ve got a castle to get to. No use sittin’ around here.” “Quite true,” Rarity tittered. “Come along, Pinkie, Fluttershy. Mustn’t keep Twilight waiting, she must be dying to tell us what this is about.” In the heart of the Castle of Friendship lay a very special room. Most ponies would assume its importance was based on the six large thrones surrounding a round crystal table in the center of the room (as well as a smaller seventh), or even because of the table itself. Or maybe it was the giant chandelier that hung from above, made from the tree roots of the old Golden Oaks Library, tragically lost to the attack from the centaur Tirek four years prior. Truthfully, the room’s importance was based on all of these and more, but for Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack, it was something even beyond what the normal pony saw. To the six of them, it was a reminder of how far the six of them had come since their first adventure into the Everfree eight years ago. It was a symbol of their bonds of friendship, everlasting and unbreakable. But above all else, it was where they could gather together as one unit, one council, and one family. They had shared so many secrets and hidden emotions in this room, and shared in so many adventures. Each and every one of them had earned their thrones at the table, and had proven themselves as the protectors and heroes of Equestria. And now there was one more secret to reveal, promising a potential new adventure. As the other five ponies settled down in their thrones (or as settled as Pinkie could be, anyway), Twilight planted her forehooves onto the table and announced, “Thank you for coming, everypony. I know you’re probably curious about why I’ve called you all here, and trust me, I’ve been dying to tell you all what this is about.” Applejack glanced slyly at Rarity and the white Unicorn chuckled into a hoof. “But first,” Twilight added, planting one forehoof on the table and raising the other. “I’d like to introduce somepony who I invited to see what I’m about to show you. Princess Luna, you can come out now.” The other five mares in the room gasped as a dark shape emerged from the shadows of the room cast by the light of the chandelier. A tall, dark Alicorn with a flowing blue, starry mane stepped forward, a smile etched onto her face. “Greetings, my little ponies. I trust you all had a pleasant sleep last night?” “Thanks to you, Princess, Ah’m sure,” Applejack said with a tip of her hat. “Mighty thankful for that stunt you pulled a couple nights ago with Applebloom’s nightmare. Poor girl was more scared than a chicken in a locked coop with a fox. You helped her perk right back up.” “’Twas nothing, Lady Applejack,” Luna replied with a slight incline of her head as she trotted over to Twilight’s side of the table. “Nightmares should never trouble one so young, after all.” “Soooo Princess Luna,” said Pinkie, sliding up next to the Princess of the Night. “What can we do for ya, huh? Any parties that need planning? Oh, is it a secret birthday party? Is it Princess Celestia’s?! Oh please, please, please tell me you’ll let me throw it for her!” “Pinkie darling, please have some manners,” Rarity chided, grabbing Pinkie with her telekinesis and setting her back down in her own throne. “Let the Princess speak.” Luna raised a hoof. “It’s no trouble, Lady Rarity. No, it’s not a party that I’m here for, although I must admit, the thought of setting up a surprise party for Tia is terribly amusing. Put one down for Thursday evening.” Pinkie let out a long, loud gasp and jumped ten feet into the air above her throne. Rarity’s horn lit up and a light blue aura surrounded Pinkie, bringing her back down. Rarity didn’t even blink. “No, the reason why I came is because Princess Twilight invited me here to see something that she has found in the Everfree,” Luna continued, motioning towards Twilight with a hoof. “Twilight, the map, if you please?” At this, Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and leaned forward in her throne. “A map?” Fluttershy peeked out of the long pink locks of her mane to look at Twilight. Twilight rolled her eyes. “I was getting to that, Princess...right then, this is the reason why I invited you all here. Spike, put the map on the table please.” Spike, who was sitting quietly on his smaller throne next to Twilight’s, nodded and reached into a bag, pulling out a metal ball. He hopped up onto the table and placed it in its center, making sure it wouldn’t roll off before hopping back onto his throne. Twilight flared out her wings dramatically, lifting her head up proudly. “Behold, the Orb of the Universe!” “Name pending approval,” Spike said flatly. “And I have reason to believe that it’s not of Equus origin!” Twilight continued, ignoring the jab. Gasps of surprise and intrigue came from each of the mares present, although Luna merely raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t look like much,” she noted. “Not now,” Twilight admitted. “But, if you apply a little pressure...” She raised the orb into the air with her magic, pressing the pressure points on its sides until a resounding click filled the air, making Twilight smirk. “You may be surprised to see what happens. Brace yourselves.” As soon as the words left her mouth, the rest of the room became encompassed in a spherical red grid pattern, startling the mares into silence. Soon planets, nubulae, and other objects began to populate the empty space within the grid, as well as dotted lines, routes, and labels for everything in a strange language. A stunning array of galaxies and stars revealed themselves next, followed by finer details such as ring-shaped objects occasionally floating in empty spaces between the galaxies. Sometimes small specks of what the mares had thought were dust particles would float towards the rings, only to disappear in an instant upon entering them. Luna took several steps back, her eyes wide with awe and...fear. “It can’t be...” she whispered. Nopony heard her, or if they did, they weren’t paying attention to her words. “Look, that’s us!” Rainbow Dash cried, pointing a hoof at a planet at the far edge of the map. A small star and moon orbited it, and the tell-tale continent of Equestria could be seen on one side of the planet. “It’s Equus!” “My word...” Rarity breathed, fanning herself with a hoof. Fluttershy fainted, with Spike rushing to catch her. “Oh. My. Celestia!” Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and pointing at a cube in the air. “Is that a cube-shaped planet?!” Twilight shrugged. “It might be, I’m honestly not sure.” Pinkie’s grin widened. “Best. Planet. EVER!!!” Then she paused mid-air and added, “Besides Equus, that is, heehee!” “No, this is...this is impossible...” Luna said, louder this time, causing everypony to turn towards her. “I...I must go. Celestia and I must prepare.” “Prepare?” Twilight repeated, glancing at her friends. “Prepare for what, Princess?” Luna grasped the orb in her magic and closed it, causing the map to disappear back into it. She floated it towards Spike and deposited it into his claws. “Twilight, it is imperative that you keep this map a secret. Do not reveal it to anypony outside this room, am I understood?” “Um, I kinda showed Starlight already?” said Twilight. Luna sighed. “That is fine, she is trustworthy enough. For now, I must ask you show nopony else. For the sake of Equestria’s future, you must hide that...that thing.” “Whatever is the matter, Princess Luna?” Rarity asked, stepping off her throne and trotting towards the Alicorn. “If it’s anything we can help with...” “No!” Luna declared, more forcefully than she intended. Her features softened and she looked down at Rarity. “No Lady Rarity, you cannot help me or my sister with this. We must prepare for this alone.” “Prepare for what, Princess?” Twilight repeated. “What aren’t you telling us?” Luna bit her lower lip and backed up a step. “I...I’m sorry, Twilight. I promise I will tell you everything in time. But first, I must speak to my sister. Farewell, everypony. Please, forgive me for my rudeness.” Before anypony could say anything else, Luna disappeared in a flash of white, leaving only a sparkling residue of blue magic as evidence of her ever being there. Applejack huffed. “Well, that’s a mite strange. What coulda made her so tense?” Rainbow Dash eyed the orb suspiciously. “Something in that map upset her. Wonder what it was?” Twilight sighed, stepping off her throne. “Well, in any case, we--” A loud belch interrupted her, and she whirled around to face Spike, who was scratching the back of his head sheepishly with one claw while holding a scroll with Luna’s seal in the other. “Eh, heheh, sorry. Message for you, Twilight.” Twilight took the scroll in her telekinesis and read aloud, “’By the way, you have another visitor.’ It’s from Luna.” She looked up from the scroll and raised an eyebrow. “Another visitor?” DING-DONG. “We have a doorbell?” Spike wondered aloud, hopping off his throne and racing outside the room. “I’ll go get it!” The mares all looked at each other and shrugged. “We might as well go see,” said Twilight, jumping into the air and flying out of the room. Rarity lifted a still unconscious Fluttershy onto her back and trotted out of the room, followed by Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, leaving the room empty. A few moments after they had left, another door on the opposite end of the room opened, and Starlight trotted in, holding a tray of cookies and tea in her magical aura. “Ooookay everypony, I’ve got chocolate chip, oatmeal-raisin, peanut butter, and...” she froze, seeing nopony in the room. “Oh. You’re...all gone.” She sighed, setting the tray down on the table. “I guess I’ll just wait here then. Alone. Yahoo...” Silence greeted her ears, so she grabbed a cookie and began munching. Grumpily. The dark maroon Unicorn at the door shuffled back and forth on her hooves nervously. It had been a long time since she had seen Princess Twilight and her friends, after all, and she had no idea what to expect. For example, the large school built into the cliff to the right of the castle was clearly new, and took her by surprise. Then again, a lot of things had probably changed since her last visit. The last time she had visited Ponyville, the circumstances were...very different. Namely, the town was under the control of the Storm King’s forces, and the inhabitants enslaved. The Unicorn grimaced at the old memory and slapped a hoof onto her forehead, where a broken, sparking horn was displayed for all to see. She was not that cruel pony anymore. The Storm King was dead and gone, and she no longer followed his commands. She was an Equestrian citizen again. A normal pony. A friend. That is what she told herself every night. Sometimes she even believed it, much to her shame. No, she may not be Tempest Shadow, the dark commander of an evil conqueror, but in the eyes of Equestria, she was no friend of theirs. Even now she could feel the hate-filled glares being shot her way from the townsponies behind her. Nopony dared step near her out of fear or distrust. She was still Tempest Shadow, the traitor. Tempest may have been pardoned by Princess Celestia for her part in destroying the hated Storm King, but she knew in her heart that she was never truly forgiven, and especially not forgotten by those she brought harm to. Which is why she had decided to visit the only true friends she had left in Equestria, ironically the very same ponies she once labelled her enemies: Princess Twilight and her friends. She raised her hoof to ring the doorbell once more (which was also new), only for a small slit to be opened in the door. A set of reptilian eyes peered through, eyeing her with interest. “Who goes there?” said a voice that was attempting to sound menacing. Cute. “It’s...Tempest Shadow, Spike,” Tempest replied with a small smile. “I know it’s sudden, but can I come--” The doors flew open, sending Spike flying to the side and Tempest tumbling backwards onto her rump just as Pinkie galloped through the opening and embraced her. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my goooosh, it’s Fizzy!!” Pinkie shrieked for joy, bouncing up and down even as she squeezed the air out of Tempest’s lungs. “Ack, Pinkie!” Tempest squeaked, pointing a hoof towards her neck. “Air. Dying. Please.” “Oh, sorry,” Pinkie said, letting go and dropping back down to all fours. Tempest gasped and put a hoof to her chest, giving Pinkie a weak but friendly smirk. “At least you haven’t changed.” “Good heavens, is that who I think it is?” came Rarity’s voice from inside the castle, just as the remaining five mares came to the door. “Tempest!” Twilight exclaimed, fluttering down to the ground next to her and draping a wing over the Unicorn. “It’s so good to see you again. Or is it Fizzlepop Berrytwist now?” She winked. Tempest felt her face flush and she shook her head. “I’d prefer Tempest, thanks.” “So what brings you ‘round these parts?” asked Applejack. “Last we heard, you were goin’ around the Storm King’s old stompin’ grounds to spread the magic of friendship.” Rainbow nodded in agreement. “Yeah, how’s that going, by the way?” Tempest’s smile turned upside down, and her head drooped low. “It’s...not. It’s a long story.” “Well, why don’t you come inside, then?” Fluttershy offered warmly, holding out a hoof. “You can tell us all about it over some tea.” Spike, who had finished dusting himself off at this point, raised a claw. “I think Starlight was making some tea and snacks for us already.” Twilight slapped a hoof to her face and sighed. “Oh, dang it, I totally forgot about her. I hope she’s not upset.” Tempest arched an eyebrow at the mares. “Who’s this ‘Starlight’?” “Oh, that’s right, you never met her when you were here before,” said Pinkie. Then she froze, and her eyes widened. “And that means you can make a new friend! C’mon Fizzy, you’ve gotta meet this mare! She’s like you in that you were both villains who tried to destroy us through many different ways but she’s really nice now and makes an AMAZING tray of cookies! You’ll be besties in no time!” Before Tempest could respond, Pinkie had wrapped a hoof around hers and had dragged her into the castle, while the other mares merely watched with bemusement. “Help, I’ve been foalnapped!” Tempest pleaded before she disappeared down a hall, Pinkie rambling all the way. “Come on,” said Twilight with a giggle, spreading out her wings. “We better make sure that Pinkie doesn’t overwhelm Tempest.” “Ah think she already did,” Applejack noted as they departed. Far up in the heavens, beyond the sun and moon of Equus, a ship lay motionless, its solar sails having been secured mere minutes ago. The crew stood on the main deck, looking over the railing with wonder in their eyes. The planet was indeed a paradise, just like their orders had said. There were no ships coming from it, no mining colonies causing pollution in the atmosphere, no large-scale metropolises that covered entire countries. There weren’t even any artificial satellites in orbit. Such a beautiful sight was rare in the universe. “Upon my word...” whispered Delbert from one of the Legacy’s observation balconies as he pulled out a notebook and began writing. “A geocentric planetary system! There hasn’t been a recorded sighting of one of these in centuries.” He stopped writing and gazed at the planet in awe. “I could win the Varkellian Prize for Scientific Discovery!” “It’s truly astounding,” Amelia said as she stood near BEN and the ship’s wheel. “Amel--er, captain!” Delbert called, stumbling away from the balcony in a joy-enhanced daze. “You simply must allow me to join the expedition team to the surface. I must see it!” “Doctor, you know the regulations,” Amelia replied with a smirk towards her husband. “No civilians are to set foot on an unknown world until properly cleared by a first-contact team.” “But captain!” Delbert cried, motioning wildly with both of his hands towards the planet below. “It’s a geocentric paradise planet! Two of the rarest sights in the universe combined into one! The odds of that are astronomical!” “Doctor...” Amelia warned, pointing to her tricorn hat. Delbert sighed, crestfallen. “Yes captain...” Amelia smiled. “Don’t worry, love, once Mister Hawkins returns from his mission, you’re free to come and go as you wish. Speaking of which...” She leaned over the quarterdeck railing and called out, “Mister Hawkins, front and center!” Jim ran up towards the main mast and saluted the captain. “Ma’am!” “Gather your team and prepare a longboat for departure. Remember to keep a low profile until you can determine that the planet’s inhabitants, if any, pose no threat to us.” “Aye, captain!” Jim answered, dropping his salute. “You heard her, boys! Hendricks, Tucker, Spanner, with me!” As Jim and his team went below to prepare their longboat, Captain Amelia spared one more glance at the beautiful planet below, a smile forming on her face. This mission was promising to be very interesting. Three star systems away, near the Machtor Nebula, a much smaller ship glided across the Etherium, its singular black solar sail waving gently in the breeze. Its lone occupant stared at the navigational computer, noting with interest the tiny energy reading it was picking up coming from a planet many parsecs out. The Guardian chuckled, a deep mechanical sound that barely resembled amusement, before spinning the ship’s wheel to correct his bearing. The Six would never be found. The Guardian would find the planet, and then the secret would be buried once more, no matter the cost. Soon. > Chapter 3: Sugar, Tea, and Rum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There you go, Tempest darling, fresh from the pot,” Rarity said with a smile as she poured a cup of tea for their guest. “Enjoy!” Tempest looked down at the teacup in silence. Her horn sparked as she tried to activate her magic, and gradually, a shaky, somewhat unstable blue aura surrounded the cup and brought it slowly to her lips. The light, fruity taste of the tea brought a small smile to her face as she set the cup aside. “Thank you, Rarity.” “You’ve gotten stronger with your magic, I see,” Twilight remarked from her seat at the table. “Yeah...” Tempest replied, glancing her way. “It’s not the easiest thing, but the breathing and concentration techniques you showed me before I left for the Storm King’s old kingdom helped me a lot.” Twilight smiled and sipped at her tea. “I’m always happy to help a friend.” The doors to the castle’s dining room opened, and Pinkie and Starlight entered the room, each bearing a tray of cupcakes and cookies, respectively. Spike, sitting next to Twilight, felt his stomach rumble at the sight of Starlight bearing gem-encrusted cookies on her back. “Who ordered the double chocolate fudge cupcake supremes with extra sprinkles and cream cheese icing?!” Pinkie exclaimed with a large grin and a small, careful bounce in her step. “Mine!” Rainbow Dash cried from her seat, jumping up and charging towards the air with reckless abandon, only for Applejack to clamp her mouth onto her tail and yank her back. “Girl, you got the patience of a puppy with a treat on its nose,” Applejack scolded her. “Let Pinks get here first.” “Oh sure,” Starlight snarked with a hint of a mischievous smile on her face as she set the tray of cookies on the table with her magic. “You mares all jump at the chance to get Pinkie’s cupcakes, but when my cookies are out of the oven it’s all business as usual.” “I think your cookies are good, Starlight,” Fluttershy spoke up quietly, picking out an oatmeal cookie and taking a bite. “And so do I!” Spike proclaimed, grabbing two of the gem cookies with his claws and tossing one up into the air and into his mouth. “Succulent, as usual.” Starlight chuckled and patted him on the head. “I’m just teasing, Spike. And you know I’d never make you anything you didn’t like.” She looked up, noticing Tempest for the first time. “Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know we had a guest coming over.” Tempest shook her head. “Please, don’t trouble yourself. My name’s--” Pinkie jumped up next to Starlight and pulled her close to Tempest, wrapping a foreleg over each of the mares’ shoulders. “Oh yeah, this is your first time meeting! Starlight, meet Tempest Shadow. Tempest, meet Starlight Glimmer. Both of you were baddies turned goodies, and I just know you’ll both make great friends!” “Uh, right Pinkie, that’s what we were getting to...” Starlight grunted. “But yeah, she’s right. It’s nice to meet you, Tempest. I’ve heard a lot about you from Twilight and the girls.” Tempest’s head lowered. “What have you heard?” Starlight came over and placed a hoof on Tempest’s shoulder, smiling warmly. “That you’re a good friend and a very courageous pony who risked her own life to save Equestria from a monster.” “Did they also mention that I was the pony who brought said monster here in the first place?” Tempest fired back. Starlight hummed. “They might’ve mentioned that at some point. I’m not sure, I didn’t pay attention to those parts, only the parts that made you the pony you are today.” She paused, choosing her words carefully while the others watched in silence. “Honestly, even I did care about what you did, I would have no right to judge. Do you know what I almost did? I nearly wiped out the present when I changed the timeline in an attempt at revenge on Twilight and her friends. Millions could’ve died because of my actions....” She lowered her head in remembrance. “By all rights, I should be locked up in Canterlot’s lowest, darkest dungeons with the key thrown into a volcano. But instead, Twilight forgave me, and gave me a chance at redemption. She gave you the same chance, and you took it gladly, and that’s all that matters to me.” Tempest looked up and gazed into Starlight’s eyes, seeing no lies in them. Starlight smiled again and finished, “The past is the past. We shouldn’t try to change it, only ourselves. A brighter future awaits us if we choose to fight for it, and that’s exactly what you’re trying to do. A few weeks after the invasion, you took it upon yourself to venture out alone into the unknown and give others the same chance that you were given, no matter who they were or what they did. That tells me all I need to know about your character.” Tempest gave a weak smile back. “You’re good at this, you know.” “Why do you think I asked her to become the School of Friendship’s guidance counsellor?” Twilight spoke up, bringing both mares’ attention towards her. Twilight giggled and raised her teacup in a small toast. “Have I ever told you how proud I am of you, Starlight?” Starlight blushed and shuffled on her hooves. “Once or twice...” “Try eighty-three and counting,” Spike chimed in with a laugh, pulling out a scroll from the satchel at his side and making a tick on it. “You count them?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. “Dude, I live with Miss Perfection over here,” Spike replied, pointing at Twilight with a thumb. “I count everything.” Twilight narrowed her eyes playfully at him. “Including my mistakes, hmm?” “Especially your mistakes!” The entire table let out a round of laughter, and Tempest found herself joining in. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help it. These ponies were simply too much. Despite all the struggles life threw at them, they all kept going and remained as positive as the day they were born. Being with them made Tempest feel things she hadn’t truly felt in a long time --- love, joy, and peace. She never wanted it to end. As the laughter subsided, Rainbow Dash finished off her cupcake and asked, “So Tempest, how have your adventures been going? Made any new friends, seen new places?” Tempest smirked. “You could say that, I suppose. Although the new friends part...debatable.” “Oh?” Rarity said, raising an eyebrow. “I smell a story. Do tell.” “Not much to say, really,” Tempest said, finishing off her tea. “A few days after I left for the Storm King’s old territories, I found myself in Klugetown. Not much has changed there, but I did meet up with that Abyssinian friend of yours.” “Capper?” Fluttershy asked. “How has he been?” “He’s doing well for himself, managed to get out debt with the reward Princess Celestia gave to him, and he’s made himself a small business in helping out less fortunate people in Klugetown by creating a mail service,” Tempest replied. “Unfortunately, that’s about the only good thing that came out of Klugetown. Most of that place is still as rotten to the core as it always has been, and the less said about it, the better.” “Too true,” Twilight agreed, shuddering as she remembered the market stall in Klugetown selling Unicorn horns. Just where had that creature gotten so many, and whatever happened to the ponies he had taken them from? “So anyway, I left Klugetown in a hurry after getting supplies, thankfully without being noticed, and headed south from there,” Tempest continued, eager to move on. “I avoided the Hippogriff colonies, since I didn’t know how they’d react to their former oppressor arriving out of nowhere, and instead hitched a ride on a merchant airship heading towards the Storm King’s lands.” She grimaced at the memory. “But when I got there...things didn’t go so well.” The other ponies in the room sent worried glances at each other before turning back to Tempest. “What happened?” Pinkie asked quietly. “Let’s just say that not everycreature is as open to the idea of friendship as ponies and hippogriffs are,” Tempest answered. “When I got to the first village, everycreature recognized me immediately, despite my attempt at a disguise. Apparently word of my actions in Canterlot had reached them before I did, and they reacted appropriately. They...” She froze, her gaze becoming distant. “I...I shouldn’t say what they did. Let’s just say I left as quickly as I could and headed for the next village after that, hoping that the reception would be better. And it was, to an extent.” Starlight put a hoof on Tempest’s shoulder in comfort and sympathy as Tempest continued, “I met up with Grubber there. You know, the little hedgehog guy who used to follow me around? Well, he had made his own way back, and he had formed his own little circle of buddies. They...tolerated me, since Grubber was the closest thing I had to a friend in the Storm King’s army, but no other creature in that village would even listen to me or my message of friendship. Grubber, bless his heart, did his best to help me out, but they treated him worse than me. In the end, I was thrown out of that village as well.” “Oh, Tempest...” Rarity whispered, putting a hoof to her mouth in sorrow. “I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be, none of this was your fault,” Tempest replied, before stumbling back as something nearly tackled her from the front. She looked down and saw Pinkie’s forelegs wrapped around her in a tight hug, with Pinkie sobbing gently into her shoulder. Tempest blinked and gave Pinkie an awkward pat on the back. “Er, thanks, Pinkie. You can let go now.” “Never!” Pinkie whisper-shouted. “Not until the story is over.” Tempest sighed. “Well, long story short then, the pattern continued until about a week ago, when I decided that I wasn’t doing anycreature any favors down there, so it was time to head back to Equestria. Nocreature was willing to help me leave, until by pure luck I stumbled upon a merry band of former sky pirates led by one Captain Celaeno. They had heard about me, and said that they were willing to take me as far as the Hippogriff kingdom. Said that helping out a friend of Twilight’s was helping out a friend of theirs.” “Hey, I remember them,” Rainbow Dash spoke up, waving a hoof. “Those guys were cool!” Tempest nodded. “Yeah, they were. They knew who I was, but they didn’t really care. Like you, they had forgiven me, and were willing to give me another chance. It was like a breath of fresh air. Anyway, they dropped me off at the new train station at Hippogriffia, and then left for parts unknown. From there, I boarded a train to Ponyville, and the rest you know.” Twilight hovered over to Tempest and gave her a warm smile. “Well, you’re among friends now, Tempest. Nopony will treat you badly here, you have our word.” “Darn tootin’,” said Applejack, swinging a hoof in front of her. “If anypony treats ya wrong, just let me know an’ Ah’ll let ‘em have it!” “Hear, hear!” Rarity agreed. “She’s not the only one!” Rainbow Dash declared, punching forward with her forehooves and doing a flip in the air. “Yeah!” Pinkie cried, letting Tempest go. Fluttershy only nodded silently in her agreement, but Tempest could see a determined fire in her eyes that wasn’t normally present in the shy mare. “Don’t forget us!” Spike added, pointing at himself and Starlight. “You’ve got a dragon and a powerful mage backing you too. You’re basically set for life!” Tempest chuckled and bowed her head. “Thanks guys.” “How long do you plan on staying?” Twilight asked. “Honestly, I’m not sure,” Tempest admitted. “I was hoping I could stay here for a few months to rest and recuperate, maybe get a job in town somewhere and earn my keep.” “Nonsense!” said Twilight, wrapping a wing around the maroon Unicorn. “There’s no rent here, stay as long as you like!” “Even so,” Tempest emphasized. “I don’t want to just sit around. I want to do something while I’m here.” “Well, we could always use an extra hoof at Sweet Apple Acres,” Applejack offered. “Or, if you’d like, the animals at my sanctuary would love to have a new friend to help care for them,” Fluttershy added. “I suppose I could try out both of them and see which one I prefer,” Tempest said with a shrug. “And besides, if it doesn’t work out, there’s got to be other jobs around.” “Exactly!” Starlight said, trotting over. “There’s even a job board by the town hall if all else fails. There’s always something going on in Ponyville.” A yelp from Pinkie interrupted the conversation, and everypony turned to look at her. Pinkie’s tail twitched, then her right foreleg flopped like a limp noddle, then her mane puffed out into an afro (oddly enough with a squeak sound accompanying it), and finally both of her eyes blinked one after the other in slow motion. “Whoa, speaking of something going on!” she said. “That was a doozy!” Tempest gave her a flat look. “What.” “Pinkie Sense. Don’t question it, that way leads to madness,” Twilight quickly explained. “What was that one, Pinkie? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the bit with the mane.” “Yeah, that was new for me too,” Pinkie admitted, shaking her mane back into place. “At first I thought something was gonna fall, then it changed to something that shouldn’t be able to normally fly was gonna fly, then it changed again to...I don’t even know what! And the slow blink means that whatever it is, it’s heading this way!” “That’s...oddly specific,” Tempest noted with some concern. “Don’t question it,” everypony but Pinkie repeated. “Should we go check it out?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We don’t even know what it is or where it’s coming from, though,” Twilight replied, stepping away from Tempest. “Then why are you trotting to the door?” Spike pointed out smugly. Twilight looked down and realized that she was actually moving towards the door. She blushed, then stuttered, “Well, I...uh...” “Oh come on, darling,” Rarity said with a wink. “Admit it, you want to go searching for whatever it is Pinkie sensed as well.” Twilight sighed and nodded. “You know me too well.” “Then it’s settled!” Rainbow Dash cried, flying out the door at blinding speeds. “I’ll see you all outside, byeeeeee!” As the others began leaving, Tempest got out of her seat and called out, “Can I come with?” Twilight paused and looked at her. “You sure?” Tempest rolled her eyes. “What’s the worst that could happen, way out here?” Spike let out a groan and sacked his face with a claw. “You did not just say that...” Twilight put a hoof under her chin and hummed. “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Come on, we can let you know what’s been happening since you left.” Tempest smirked and joined Twilight and Spike in leaving the castle. “Good, I’ve been wondering about this school I keep hearing about...” “I can’t believe he chose us for this assignment.” “I know, right? I’m so happy to be useful!” “I meant that sarcastically, idiot...” Several gassy honks and snorts erupted off to the side of the longboat, and the other two occupants stared at the source in silent disgust and outward annoyance. “Nobody asked you, Spanner,” muttered the first person, a broad-shouldered, bald human with a cybernetic eye. Spanner, the Legacy’s Flatulan gunner, honked back in derision and made a rather rude gesture with two of his back tentacles as he worked on the longboat’s engine. “Well, I for one am glad to be part of this team, Hendricks,” said the final occupant, a moustached Zirrelian rigger by the name of Tucker. He placed one of his long tentacle arms on his chest and raised his head proudly. “It’s my honor to work alongside Ensign Hawkins. The man is a true gem, and a hero to boot!” “Could you be any more smitten?” Hendricks muttered as he finished loading the longboat with supplies for the mission. Tucker gasped and his eyes widened. “You dare?!” “Yes.” A farting sound came from Spanner, sounding like a low chuckle. “I am not ‘smitten’!” Tucker huffed, placing his tentacles on his hips. “I’m worshipping my idol, there is a difference.” Hendricks rolled his eyes, just as the object of their discussion came down the stairs to the longboat bay. He quickly dropped his sack of purp fruits and saluted. “Officer on deck!” The other two immediately followed suit. Jim winced, still not used to the whole protocol thing. “Guys, relax, it’s me. You don’t have to do that.” Spanner let out a gassy whine, and Jim’s eyes watered slightly as he made a half-genuine, half-squeamish smile. “No need for apologies either, Span, we’re all friends here.” “I am not friends with either of these butt-kissing morons...” Hendricks muttered, sitting down in the longboat. Ignoring Hendricks completely, Tucker shook Jim’s hand and put on his best smile, stars glimmering in his eyes. “Mr. Hawkins, can I just say what a privilege and a pleasure it is to be going on this historic venture with such a tremendous hero of legend such as yourself?” “I rest my case,” Hendricks called out. “I...wouldn’t call myself a ‘hero’, all I did was find a map that led to a planet,” Jim replied. “AND stopped a gang of bloodthirsty pirates from getting access to only one of the most dangerous portals known to the universe!” Tucker exclaimed, his grin becoming wider. Spanner huffed and crossed two of his arm tentacles over his chest, letting out a long flatulant honk in Tucker’s general direction. “Whiiiiich included your idiot cousin Snuff, I know Spanner,” Tucker amended without missing a beat. “Look, my point is that I’m just a normal guy, there’s no need to treat me an different,” said Jim. At this, Jim’s left pants pocket bulged and Morph popped out, swirling in the air and shapeshifting into a miniature Jim Hawkins. “I’m just a normal guuuuuuy!” he echoed in a high-pitched, sing-song voice. Jim quickly snatched Morph out of the air and stuffed him back into his pocket, his face flushed. Tucker gasped again and had one of his eye stalks peer into Jim’s pocket with a rather unmanly squeal of delight. “Oooohohoho, is that the little tyke I see in there?!” Jim sighed, sitting down in the longboat next to Hendricks. “Yes...” Hendricks chuckled and checked his plasma pistol. “You know the captain doesn’t approve of you taking the little guy with you on missions. He tends to get into trouble.” “We’re not having this conversation again,” Jim replied. “I’m taking Morph with me, and that’s final.” Spanner and Hendricks looked at each other, and Spanner nodded slowly. “Fine, can’t say I didn’t warn ya when the captain finds out. Again,” Hendricks relented. “Future Jim’s problem,” Jim said, nodding to Spanner. “We’re good to go, Span, take us down gently.” Spanner let out three short honks followed by a salute and a snort that made his mouth tentacles blow upwards. He then slapped an arm on the longboat’s control stick and disengaged the boat’s magnetic lock, causing it to float out of the hangar bay. The longboat’s solar sail then unfolded and caught the light coming off the planet’s sun, sending the longboat shooting forward towards the planet. The trip down to the planet had been short and relatively uneventful. The four Legacy crewmen talked about the mission and what they would do when they touched down at the chosen landing zone, but for most of the trip Jim sat in silence, watching as the ground beneath them slowly got closer. The planet was gorgeous, no doubts about that. The skies were clear, with no sign of pollution anywhere, and the landscape as picturesque as he had imagined it to be. Tall mountains stretched across the horizon, and dark forests covered the surrounding valleys. At one point he swore he saw a small, somewhat rustic village sitting at the very edge of one of the forests, but he couldn’t quite be sure at this distance. In any case, there was much to explore and little time to do it, so the team’s best course of action would be to locate some shelter and then set up camp before they started off. As Jim scanned the land below them, he pointed at some ruins in the middle of one of the forests, located just south of one of the tallest mountains he had ever seen. “Look, that looks like a good spot. Protection, a roof over our heads, even some defensible spots in case we’re attacked.” Hendricks nodded, gripping his plasma musket on his lap. “Sounds good to me, boss.” “Spanner, set us down nice and slow,” Jim instructed. “Tucker, prepare the mooring lines.” Tucker and Spanner both saluted and went about their tasks. Eventually, the longboat hovered a meter above the ground, so Jim grabbed a musket and hopped off, feeling the soft sponginess of the grass under his boot for the first time and taking in a deep breath as he scanned the surrounding treeline. The forest looked dark and somewhat menacing from above, but down here, it was much more so. It reminded him of Treasure Planet in a way in the creepiness factor. He could barely even see ten feet past the treeline, it was so thick with underbrush and vines. Hendricks jumped down next to him, holding a musket in his hands as well. “How quaint,” he muttered. “Truly a welcoming sight for newcomers.” “Let’s just set up camp in the ruins and get this over with,” Jim replied, warily turning away from the forest and slinging his musket over his shoulder as he reached for a bag of supplies. “Hendricks, watch our backs. Spanner, Tucker, with me.” Hendricks nodded and stepped away from the group, squinting with his cybernetic eye, causing it to zoom in on the trees. Already he could see a few small creatures scurrying about and looking curiously at the ship of newcomers. Hardly worth mentioning, but that could change at any moment. He gripped his musket a little tighter and waited. The eight ponies and dragon stared at entrance to the Everfree Forest, some nervously and others with impatience. Fluttershy looked at Pinkie and asked, “A-are you s-sure we need to go in...there?” Pinkie scratched at her mane with a hoof. “Hmmm...honestly, I’ve got no clue, but my Pinkie Sense hasn’t failed me so far!” “Flutters, you’ve been in the Everfree like a bazillion times,” Rainbow reminded her. “Sometimes even alone. And you’ve got us with you now, why are you so scared?” “I mean, it is the Everfree, darling,” Rarity said. “Just because we are older and wiser now doesn’t mean we should take it lightly.” “Well, ‘wiser’ is a bit of an overstatement for some of us...” Applejack muttered under her breath. Thankfully nopony heard her. “Oh, come on guys, where’s your sense of adventure?” Rainbow cried, flapping higher into the air. “I, um...don’t have one?” Fluttershy answered. Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder and nuzzled her. “It’s okay Fluttershy. Just stick together, and we’ll be fine.” Tempest shrugged. “I could just blast whatever creature comes at us, no biggie.” “I wouldn’t,” Starlight warned. “Last time somepony did that, Fluttershy got mad. Don’t make her mad.” Tempest stared at Starlight, then at the quivering Pegasus, then back at Starlight. She raised a hoof and pointed it at Fluttershy. “This Fluttershy?” “Yeah.” “Right here?” “Yep.” “What did she--?” “She grew a single fang and bit down on somepony’s hoof, before apologizing eighteen times and then going off to suck on an apple,” said Pinkie, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Probably because of that whole vampire fruit bat episode a few seasons back. She’s still in remission.” Tempest blinked and raised an eyebrow. “...Huh. Wait, what do you mean, ‘seasons’?” “I’m going to say autumn,” Pinkie replied with a wink. “Enough talking!” Rainbow whined. “All we’ve been doing for the past few hours is talking! We’ve got an adventure on our hooves and we’re still just standing around and talking!” “I mean, that’s kinda half of our thing,” said Spike. “That, and solving friendship problems.” “She is right, though,” said Twilight. “We should get going. Pinkie’s sense hasn’t led us astray before, and if there’s something in the Everfree that might cause trouble, we better find it now before it does.” With that, she stepped forward and entered the forest, her horn lighting up to push away the darkness. Rarity shrugged. “Tally ho.” “Now we’re talkin’!” Rainbow exclaimed happily, flying after her. “We were talking before,” Starlight pointed out as the rest of the group entered the forest. “Can it, Starlight, let me have this!” An hour had passed since the landing, and the team had finished setting up camp within the ruins. Four tents and a small fire pit had been made inside one of the ruined buildings, and Hendricks had retreated inside to provide cover while Spanner cooked up some rations for use in the field. Tucker and Jim were going over a geographical map of the area, graciously given to them by BEN, who had drawn it up from scans of the planet earlier. Jim pointed to the outer edge of the forest. “Right, so if our flyby was anything to go by, there should be a village of some sort around here.” “Should we pay them a visit?” Tucker asked. Jim shook his head. “Not just yet. The captain doesn’t want us making contact until we can be sure they’re friendly. So, with that in mind, you, Hendricks, and I will make our way to the edge of the forest and observe from there. There’s some hills just east of the town next to a river, we can use those as cover.” “Sounds like a plan,” Hendricks said from the ruin’s doorway. A few honks came from Spanner, and Jim nodded his way. “Spanner, you’ll be staying here to mind the camp and the boat.” Spanner grabbed a plasma musket and saluted, and one of the tentacles on his back let out a quick, flatulent puff that almost sounded like a “yes sir”. Jim picked up a pistol and charged it, before holstering it at his side. “Alright, let’s move. Morph?” Morph flew out of a bowl of soup he had been drinking from, blinking innocently at his master. Jim held out a finger. “Come on, we’re heading out.” Morph let out a squeal and flew forward, nuzzling Jim’s finger with a purr. As four of them headed into the forest, Jim kept his right hand on his sidearm, a cautious expression dawning his face. Most of the forest had gone dead quiet and still, which was almost universally never a good sign. Still, they trudged forward. They had a mission to accomplish, after all. Besides, they also had guns. What could a little forest throw at them that a little concentrated plasma couldn’t handle? An hour later, Jim found his answer. “I’m beginning to think that going through the forest on foot wasn’t the best plan!” Hendricks yelled as he fired several plasma bullets behind them at the oncoming wolves. “What the hell even are these things?” Jim fired two shots over his shoulder as he ran. “How am I supposed to know? Tucker, any guesses?” Tucker blasted a wolf in the head, only to sigh in annoyance as the head seemed to magically repair itself with the surrounding branches and sticks lying around. “Some kind of wood wolf, I think.” “That’s stupid!” Hendricks cried. “Tell them that!” Jim, Hendricks, and Tucker all jumped behind a pile of rocks and let loose a new barrage of plasma bullets at the wolves, sending splintered wood limbs and hide pieces flying through the underbrush. It bought them only a few seconds to reload as the wolves rebuilt themselves, bigger and tougher than before. “Tucker, if this is the last time I see you, I just want you to know--” Hendricks began. “Don’t talk like that!” Tucker hissed. “--that I hated you the most.” Hendricks finished as he slammed a fresh plasma pack into his musket chamber. “...Well, now that’s just impolite.” “FOCUS!” Jim screamed. As the three of them prepared to make their last stand, however, the rebuilt wolves seemed to hesitate, glancing at each other nervously before backing away and swiftly running deeper into the forest. The three Legacy crewmen stared at their retreating forms in curiosity and confusion, before glancing at each other and shrugging. “Didn’t expect that,” Hendricks said at last. The ground rumbled beneath their feet, and the three of them looked down at the ground in worry. Suddenly, on the other side of their patch of boulders, the ground erupted in a shower of rocks an dirt and a large worm-like creature burst out, opening its mouth and revealing several rows of large, sharp teeth. It roared at them, blowing their hair back. It then backed away slightly and stared at them, as if expecting an answer to its challenge. Tucker leaned slightly towards Hendricks and whispered, “Did ya expect this?” “Shut up...” All three crewmen raised their weapons and fired at the same time, only to have the color drain from their faces when the plasma bullets bounced off the worm’s hide. The worm’s eyes narrowed dangerously and it hissed, preparing to lunge at them. “Run!” Jim yelled, scrambling to get up and get away. What followed could only be described as a mad dash through the forest as the worm slithered after them, snapping at their heels every so often. Their weapons were useless, they were too far away from their camp to get in the longboat, and they all doubted that climbing the trees would do any good. At this point, Hendricks was considering religion if it meant he would be saved from a gruesome death, Tucker was considering his resignation if he survived, and Jim was considering his relatively short life and his decisions therein. The chase was short, but decisive. As the worm reared its head for a final lunge, the three men screamed. Pinkie sneezed, then flopped to the ground like a boned fish, and her eyes spun in circles. “Another one!” Applejack’s eyes widened. She had seen that Pinkie Sense combo before, a long time ago. Just before her parents disappeared. “Ah know that one...” “Somepony’s in trouble!” Pinkie cried, galloping into the forest. “This way!” “Does anypony hear screaming?” Spike asked as he ran after the group. “Yeah, now that you say it, I hear it too,” Starlight agreed, charging a spell on her horn. Tempest frowned and charged her horn, sending sparks flying off of its stump. She might not be able to do magic as proficiently as she used to, but she was still able to fight. “Let’s not keep them waiting, then.” “Scatter!” Jim yelled, just as the worm’s head surged towards them. The three crewmen dove out of the way, causing the worm to smack its head into the ground. Startled, it shook off its sudden dizziness and roared defiantly at them. It then buried itself underground and burrowed through the earth at alarming speeds, beginning the chase once more. As Jim ran for his life, he scanned the area around him. There was nothing that he could see that seemed it would make a difference against the worm, but as he looked closer on his right, he did see something that gave him an idea. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled at the other two. “Guys, there’s a cliff on my right!” “So?!” Hendricks yelled back. “Soooo, we can use that! Lure it this way!” Jim explained, running towards the cliff. Hendricks sighed and ran after him, followed by Tucker. The three of them reached the cliff in moments. The difference between the cliff and the forest was almost like night and day. No longer were they shrouded in darkness, and instead the summer sun shone gently on them, and illuminated the massive valley before them. It was covered in rivers and rolling grasslands, and seemed almost idyllic. A complete contradiction to whatever it was that was chasing them. “What’s the plan now?” Tucker said, catching his breath. Jim paused and looked down the side of the cliff, seeing a single tree sticking out of its side. He smirked. “Just follow my lead,” he said, and jumped off the cliff towards it. “Boss!” Tucker screamed, reaching after him. “I said follow!” Jim shouted up at him from his seat on the tree. “This is your plan?!” Hendricks asked. Jim grinned up at him. “The worm tracks either from scents or from vibrations, from what I’ve seen. So, we jump off the cliff. It follows us, but it can’t grab the tree.” “That’s stupid!” Hendricks retorted, just as a large mound of dirt and stone appeared behind him. “I’m already committed, and you’ve got nothing to lose!” Jim fired back. Tucker dove off the cliff without hesitation and latched onto the tree with his tentacles, taking care not to lose his grip on his musket. Hendricks let out an annoyed breath and jumped after him, landing squarely in the center of the trunk with a pained grunt. He’d definitely be feeling this later. “Just for the record...” he began as he got himself into a more sustainable position. “You’re insane.” “Had to be if I was going to escape Treasure Planet,” Jim snickered. A moment later, the cliff side shook, and suddenly a large hole appeared just to the side of them, and the worm tumbled out, roaring in confusion and defiance as it fell. Jim laughed after it, feeling vindicated. “Can’t fly, eh sucker?” His mirth was short-lived as two hidden, scaly wings unfolded themselves on either side of the worm. A few massive flaps later, it hovered next to the three crewmen, and almost seemed smug. Hendricks and Tucker glared at Jim, and Jim chuckled nervously. “This may not have been my brightest idea...” “That’s this entire day in a nutshell,” Hendricks deadpanned, now thoroughly resigned to his fate. He was going to die next to his idiot superior and his idiot...acquaintance. Just as he imagined he would go when he first got shanghaied into this mess. Just before the worm could make the three of them its latest meal, a large purple bolt of energy struck its side, causing it to screech in pain and surprise. The trapped crewmen and the worm looked back at the cliff, only to see eight multicolored equines and one small lizard standing there, looking upset. Some of them had horns, some had wings, some had neither. One of them, the purple one, had both, and was slightly taller than the others. “Back!” the purple one yelled. “Get back!” “Or come get some!” added the blue, rainbow-maned pony, punching two hooves together. One of the ponies’ horns sparked with blue electricity to prove a point. “Come on Bartholomew, you know better,” one of the flying ponies chided, flying up to the worm and glaring at it. “It’s not nice to scare people.” The worm shook its head and roared at her. The pony barely even flinched, and simply narrowed her eyes at it. “Bartholomew...” she warned. “I know you’re hungry, but there’s plenty of other things you can eat. Come by my cottage later, I’ll give you something.” The worm seemed to resist the pony’s words, but as the pony continued to intensify her stare, it eventually gave in, hanging its head and flying away. The pony gave a small smile and flew back to her friends, who were currently observing the Legacy’s crewmen from the cliff’s edge. Silence permeated through the air as both parties stared at one another. Nobody said a word. Finally, Jim spoke his first words to a new alien race: “They’re talking horses. I need a drink...” The pink pony giggled. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a cliff-hanger! Or three!” Everybody groaned. > Chapter 4: Making Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both groups stared at each other, silent and blinking. It wasn’t like they had planned to meet, or that they had been prepared to do so. Jim’s team was never meant to contact the locals, only observe from afar. Fate, it seemed, had a bigger sense of humor than he gave it credit for. And on the other side of the fence, both Pinkie and Twilight were inwardly cursing their lack of preparedness. Pinkie, in her rush to get to the Everfree, had forgotten to pack her “welcome to Equestria” emergency party supplies. Now she’d have to make do with a few measly confetti bombs. Twilight, on the other hoof, didn’t even have any scrolls or quills on her. This was a momentous occasion, and here she was just gaping at the humans and weird cephalopod creature like some kind of idiot! ...Wait, humans? Twilight scrunched up her face as she stared at Jim and Hendricks. How could humans be in Equestria? Had the Mirror been opened without her knowledge? Jim was the first to break the ice by clearing his throat. “I hope that face you’re making isn’t because we’re ugly. I mean, Hendricks, sure, but I try to look my best every morning.” “Hey!” Hendricks protested. Jim smirked. “What, I call it like I see it, old man. That eye does you no favors.” “He’s right, it doesn’t,” Tucker agreed with a quick nod. “I hate you both.” Twilight gasped, then coughed. “Oh! I-I-I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude. Ahem! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and you?” “James Hawkins, ma’am,” Jim answered. “Ensign of His Majesty’s Imperial Navy. These are Tucker and Hendricks, my crewmates.” “What are you?” Tempest demanded, eyeing the three of them with suspicion. “I’ve been all over the world and I’ve never seen your kind before.” “That’s because we aren’t exactly from this world, ma’am,” Jim replied. “Tucker here’s a Zirrellian, and Hendricks and I are--” “Humans!” Twilight squealed giddily, beaming down at them as she clapped her front hooves together. “I know!” Jim and Hendricks exchanged a glance before looking back up at her. “Um, excuse me?” Jim asked. “You’re humans! I’ve visited your Earth before,” Twilight attempted to explain. “But this makes no sense,” Starlight spoke up, causing Twilight to turn towards her. “I thought humans could only exist in--” “Sunset’s world, yes!” Twilight affirmed. “And I thought that they couldn’t exist as humans in--” “Yes, because they turn into us if they cross--” “The Mirror threshold, which is--” “In my castle, I know!” Twilight froze. “Then...how...?” “Exactly,” Starlight concluded pointedly. “Will you two stop that?!” Rainbow groaned, rubbing a hoof down her face. “Stop what?” Starlight and Twilight asked together, turning towards her. “That!” Rainbow cried, pointing at them. “You’re finishing each other’s thoughts like a married couple! It’s giving me a headache...” Twilight and Starlight glanced at each other and blushed at Rainbow’s wording. Not deigning to even acknowledge Rarity’s giggle of secret delight, Twilight coughed again and turned back to the Legacy crewmen, who were giving the ponies mixed faces of curiosity and awkward confusion. “Ahem, sorry about that little interruption.” “Oh, no worries, we’re kinda used to this sort of thing from the rest of the crew,” Tucker replied. “How have you seen humans before?” Jim asked. “The Empire hasn’t visited this world since it was charted by the First Expeditions centuries ago. Pardon me for saying so, but you don’t look that old.” “I...thanks, I guess?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you come from Earth?” When she received only a shrug in response, she added, “Does Canterlot High ring a bell?” Hendricks shook his head. “Not to me. Ever hear about an ‘Earth’, boss?” “No,” Jim answered with a shake of his head. “Montressor’s my home. Sorry ma’am, I think you got the wrong humans.” “Montressor...” Twilight echoed, then she froze and her pupils became pinpricks. “Wait...you said that you’re not from this world. You didn’t mean the Mirror Portal, did you? Are you...from outer space?” “If by ‘outer space’ you mean the Etherium, then yes ma’am,” Jim replied. Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, or her good fortune. This was a far bigger discovery that she had first thought. Not only were humans on Equus, they weren’t extra-dimensional like the ones from Sunset’s world, they were extraterrestrial! As in, they were from their own universe, and here! On this planet! This was unprecedented, and once more she cursed herself for not having any scrolls or quills on hand. She needed documentation, and she needed it now. She had so many questions, and thoughts of Noble Prizes swam through her mind. Another one of said questions was forming on Twilight’s lips when she felt a light tug on her mane from Spike. She looked down and saw that he was giving her a flat look, pointing at the tree with a claw, then at the stranded crewmen, then at the cliff. He then put his hands on his hips and arched an eyebrow at her. Twilight blinked, then face-hoofed. She took a deep breath to calm her increasingly jittery nerves and called down to them, “We should probably get you three up here before I ask anything else.” And before I blow about fifteen gaskets, she added inwardly. She signalled Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Spike forward with a hoof. “That would help a lot, yeah,” Jim agreed, holding up his hands as the four flyers in the pony grew made their way towards them. The sun was at its apex in the sky, giving all the lands below it a gentle, golden hue. Even the mighty Mt. Everhoof of the Frozen North could not compare, no, not even hope to touch the heavens like the sun did. And Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, Firstborn of Faust, and Mistress of the Sun, smiled and basked in the warm glow of her charge as she gazed out over the grandiose city of Canterlot, watching as her little ponies went about their business. They all looked so happy, enjoying their lives and chatting amicably with their neighbors and friends. Everything was perfect. With a sigh of content, her horn lit up and lifted a cup of mint tea to her lips... The door to her chambers flew open. ”TIAAAA!” Celestia squawked and leapt ten feet into the air, spewing her tea up and over the railing (and probably onto some poor sod’s head, although she preferred not to think about it). Coughing and hacking into a cloth she conjured up, she turned around and scowled at the door. “Luna!” she scolded. “It’s been eight years. Eight. Years! What have I told you about using the Royal Canterlot Voice within earshot of your intended victim?” Luna paused, her forehooves still planted on both doors and a slight blush in her cheeks. “To...never do it again?” She wilted slightly under the world-ending look that Celestia sent her. “Because it causes ruptured ear drums and hearing loss?” Celestia stood and crossed the room to stare down at Luna, a frown on her face. “You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood, young lady, or it would be no pineapples for you for a week.” “...I’m only three years younger than you.” Celestia couldn’t hold it in any longer and let out a laugh, embracing Luna with her large porcelain wings. “I’m only teasing, Lulu. But seriously, you don’t have to do the Voice when you’re standing a few hooves away from me.” “Force of habit, sorry sister,” Luna replied. “But it’s for a good reason, I swear.” Celestia poured herself and Luna fresh cups of tea and settled down into a plush red pillow near the fireplace as Luna closed the door. “And what reason would that be, dear sister?” She lifted the cup to her lips... “The Keystone has been found.” For the second time within five minutes, Celestia’s tea went flying, this time straight at Luna. Without even moving, Luna sighed and raised a magical barrier around herself to block the liquid projectile. Celestia wiped her mouth and said, “This is no time for cruel jokes, Luna. That’s real imported Farasian mint tea I’m wasting because of you.” “It is no joke, sister. I am beyond certain it is the Keystone Captain Flint buried here before he went off on his fool crusade of piracy centuries ago,” Luna calmly declared. Celestia shook her head. “Greedy fool of a man. I should never have let him escape when he tried to make this place his home base. And how do you even know about him, anyway? His existence and incursion into Equestria is a state secret. Not even Cadence, Twilight, or Discord know.” Luna rolled her eyes. “Just because I was on the moon at the time doesn’t mean I wasn’t privy to what went on in the skies above Equestria. I saw his ship entering the atmosphere, and through a scrying spell I watched as he created and buried the Keystone. I saw what its map led to, and I saw the power he had at his command. As Nightmare Moon I intended to use that power for myself once I gained control of Equestria, but...” She held back a breath and winced at the unpleasant memory. “We must not let the Keystone’s secrets be uncovered.” “Agreed,” Celestia said without hesitation. “Where is it now? Do you have it?” Luna lowered her head. “It is in Princess Twilight’s possession at the moment. I thought it best to keep it there until I could inform you about it first and let you handle the situation. She trusts you.” Celestia’s features softened. “She trusts you too, Luna. Had you explained I’m sure she--” “No, it’s not that,” Luna shook her head. “You should have seen her, sister. She was like a little school filly again, ogling over the Keystone’s lost knowledge and hidden secrets with stars in her eyes. Had I attempted to explain the situation myself, she would’ve told me that she had it under her control, and I cannot force her to give it up. No, you have to be the one who asks her to relinquish it. She trusts your judgment more than anypony else.” Celestia nodded slowly. “Very well, Luna, I will visit her soon. How many others know about the Keystone?” “Just her former student, her assistant, and her friends,” Luna answered. “I’ve already sent my Night Guard to...discreetly handle the archaeologists who uncovered the Keystone, as well as any associate they’ve been in contact with about it.” Celestia reared her head back in shock and her jaw dropped. “Luna!” she cried, scandalized. Luna guffawed. “Oh please, what do you think I am, some barbarian from the Discordian Era? I simply told them to erase their memory of it with one of those...er, what do you call those fancy new silvery tube things with the little red lights at the top again?” “Electro bio-thaumic neural transmitting zero synapse repositioners,” Celestia recited with annoyance. “The wizards at the School for Gifted Unicorns call them Neutralyzers for short.” “Yeah, them,” Luna said, waving a hoof. “I then asked the Night Guard to pay them all a handsome fee for their trouble. That trail is now as cold as the moon’s surface.” “Good, good,” said Celestia. “Then that just leaves--” The door to her chambers opened once more, and a Royal Guard poked his head inside and bowed. “Sorry to disturb, Your Highnesses, but there is an urgent message from the scryers at the Royal Observatory: a strange object has appeared in the atmosphere.” Celestia raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with her sister. “What does it look like, Corporal Steel Blade?” “Like a large sailing ship, Your Highness,” the guard answered. “With its sails folded inwards towards the mast, rather than upwards. It’s most peculiar.” Luna frowned. “This complicates matters...” “Agreed, sister,” said Celestia, rising to her hooves. “Corporal, inform the scryers to remain vigilant. Princess Luna will look into this matter, while I attend to an even more pressing matter in Ponyville.” The guard tilted his head, confused. “More pressing than--?” “Yes, corporal,” Luna answered sternly. “We know our duties, now see about yours.” The guard saluted. “At once, Princess!” As he swiftly exited the room and ran through the corridors of the Canterlot Palace, Luna turned towards Celestia as her elder sister prepared her teleportation spell. “Sister...if the Keystone has been unearthed, you know what this means, right?” “Yes, I know,” Celestia whispered. “The Guardian is coming. You must see to Canterlot’s preparations for when that happens. Mobilize the Night Guard and Solar Guard, and tell them to prepare for an attack. Quietly, we do not want a panic. Good luck, Luna.” With a flash of golden magic, Celestia disappeared, leaving Luna alone in the room. Luna let out a low sigh and whispered a silent prayer to Faust before leaving. This was turning into a very bad day. “It’s a fine day, is it not, captain?” said Commander Graven as she leaned over the ship’s rail to look down at the planet below. Amelia smirked and tipped her hat to Graven. “I suppose it is, my friend. What brings you topside? I thought the cook was serving Garuvian beet stew today?” Graven gagged. “If that’s what Garuvians eat, then I would happily decline any and all invitations to a banquet in their Queen’s honor.” Amelia frowned. “I like their stews...” she muttered. “In any case, I am glad you’ve come. I wanted to talk to you about getting a team together to go down to the planet. Not right now, though, only when I feel it is necessary.” Graven squinted at her quizzically. “For what reason, if I may ask?” “...We have no idea what lies below us on Equus. In case Mister Hawkins does not return...I want to have him and his team recovered.” Graven shook her head. “It doesn’t do you any favors to think that way, captain. Hawkins is a good man, and he knows how to get out of scrapes. He and his team will be fine.” Amelia nodded. “I know, and I trust him. After all, I chose him for this mission because I knew he could handle it. Still...” “You worry about him,” Graven finished for her. “He has served with you for years, and he has become as close as family to you.” “You know me too well, commander,” Amelia relented. “Not well enough, I would hazard,” Graven replied solemnly. “I just understand the feeling, and know what it is like to worry for someone you care for.” She paused, then closed her eyes. “Or to lose them.” A painful memory of Amelia’s former first mate flashed through her mind, and she closed her eyes, determined to move past it. The two women remained silent, neither of them daring to delve into the past. Together they watched the planet below, admiring the waves of the sea and the gentle clouds above the land. Simply looking at it made them feel at ease, and Amelia’s pain slowly melted away. “Thank you, Graven,” she whispered. Graven smiled despite her menacing appearance, and she put a claw on Amelia’s shoulder. “My pleasure, Amelia. Don’t worry, I’m sure Hawkins is in good hands. He’s probably having the time of his life right now, exploring a strange new world and seeing new things.” “Kill me with fire.” Jim shook his head and laughed. “It isn’t that bad, Hendricks.” “Hey, you’re the one having the time of his life answering questions with a fellow egghead, I’m stuck with Pinky McPinkerton over here,” Hendricks retorted in a salty tone. Pinkie gasped loudly and bounced in front of him. “Your first nickname for me! Oh boy, we’re going to have sooooo much fun!” Hendricks groaned. “Just end my existence, right here, right now...” Jim, Tucker, and the rest of the ponies had a good chuckle at Hendricks’ expense as they trekked back through the Everfree (which Jim learned was the forest’s name, according to the ponies). Now that they had more numbers, most of the monsters in the forest decided to leave them alone, which was fine by everyone. During this time Jim and his team had gotten to know the ponies a little. There was Twilight Sparkle, who was apparently a “Princess of Friendship” (he didn’t even want to understand how that was even a thing) and an Alicorn, sort of a mixture between the Pegasi and the Unicorns from what he could tell. She reminded him of Doctor Doppler in a way, given their shared love of the sciences. Then there were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, the two Pegasi of the group. Polar opposites in almost everything, but he could tell they were great friends in the way they talked to each other. Fluttershy was timid, humble, and shy (surprise, surprise), while Rainbow was boisterous, boastful, and loud. Still, he found sort of a kinship with the rainbow-maned Pegasus. She loved flying and adventure just as much as he did. Next were the Earth ponies, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Applejack was the most down-to-earth pony he had seen so far, as well as the least crazy. Aside from the odd accent, she reminded him of his mother in a way --- honest, hard-working, and fair. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum was Pinkie Pie, who was currently pestering Hendricks to no end (although Jim doubted she meant any real harm). Pinkie Pie was like BEN and Morph combined, multiplied by ten, and far more...bouncy. She exuded joy and laughter with every step she took, and seemed all too willing to share that joy with others. Jim admired that, but still kept his distance. The pink pony didn’t seem to know the meaning of personal space, much to Hendricks’ dismay. Then there were the three Unicorns: Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, and Tempest Shadow. Rarity was refined like Amelia, but perhaps a little too much of a prude. Still, she was friendly and kind, and even offered to help fix the few tears he, Tucker, and Hendricks got in their uniforms during their mad dash through the woods, free of charge. As for Starlight, she was like a second Twilight, although a bit less egghead-y and more trigger-happy. Even standing a few meters away from her he could feel the magical power radiating off of her in waves. She was a powerful mage, and she more than likely knew it too. Then there was Tempest...she was an enigma. Dead serious almost all the time, but she at least attempted to be friendly like her fellow ponies, although she seemed less inclined than them (as well as far less experienced in the art of doing so). Undoubtedly her most interesting feature was her broken stump for a horn, but Jim knew better than to pry into something like that. He could see in her eyes that she had a bad past. Still, he wondered. And finally there was Spike, the little Dragon that followed Twilight everywhere she went. Jim loved the little guy. He was inquisitive, snarky, a little bit of a nerd like Twilight, and a lovable goofball at times. Throughout their trek he had kept trying to show Jim different tricks he could do as a Dragon, which mostly amounted to some fire breath and a few tricks in the air, but at least he was doing his best. Jim could see him going places. Jim’s thoughts were interrupted when Twilight cleared her throat, after having finally stopped scratching out some information on a piece of grey slate from the cliff (Jim had to admire her ingenuity and determination to write stuff down). “Now, what were we--OH, right! You were going to tell me about this ‘Monstressor’ place?” Jim nodded with a smile. “Yep, Montressor. Where do I even start?” He scratched the back of his head and hummed as he brushed a large vine out of his way. “Well, it’s a lot dustier than this place, being a mining planet, after all. Lots of stone, lots of fumes from the mining camps, lots of fog and ash.” Twilight made a face. “That sounds...less than ideal.” Jim shrugged. “Hey, it’s home. Besides, the canyon mazes make for some great places for solar surfing, and the sky above is still blue, so I can’t complain. And the purps there taste like heaven.” “Purps?” asked Pinkie, hopping over to them. “Little purple fruits, sort of a mixture between apples and pomegranates. Here, I’ve got one in my pocket, I’ll show you.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a purple fruit the size of an apple, only to yelp as the “fruit” suddenly wobbled and jiggled like jelly, transforming into a pink, bubbly blob in the air. “Morph! There you are, wondered where you went. You ate my lunch!” Morph giggled and blew a raspberry at him, before flying three circles around his head and settling in his hair. Twilight stared at Morph with eyes filled with wonder, and Pinkie looked about ready to burst (into song or otherwise). But the real surprise came from Fluttershy, who squealed in sudden delight and launched herself into Jim, knocking him onto the ground with her sitting on top of his chest, her forelegs wrapped around Morph in the cutest, most cuddly hug Jim had ever seen. “He’s PRECIOUS!” she whisper-shouted as Morph literally melted into her embrace. “What is he?” Jim rubbed his head and chuckled. “His name’s Morph, and he’s a shapeshifter that an old friend of mine rescued from Proteus I. He’s about 10 years old now, I’d wager. Still a baby by his species’ standards.” Morph purred and nuzzled Fluttershy’s cheek, causing her to giggle. He then changed into a white rabbit and squeaked. Pinkie let out a gasp and pointed at him. “H-h-hejustchangedintoabunny! Oh my Celestia! The possibilities, the sheer amount of cuteness, the potential for pranks! I can’t take it! I can’t!” She promptly flipped onto her back, her four legs hanging in the air, her face frozen in shock and pure bliss. Tucker leaned in and whispered to Rarity, “See, someone gets it.” Rarity tittered in reply. “Yeah yeah, cute blob monster with a penchant for eating everything in sight, such joy, much wow,” Hendricks muttered. “We should keep moving, I’d rather not waste more time and be wood wolf chow.” “That rhymed!” Pinkie exclaimed, before resuming her previous pose. “Oh, let them have their fun for a moment,” Tempest chided as she walked up to him. “They’re in their element here, and they know the danger around them well enough. Believe me, they’re much smarter than they look.” Spike shot her a glance. “Is...that a compliment or...?” Tempest snickered and lightly nudged the dragon in the shoulder. Hendricks shook his head. “You people are all crazy. Anyway, how much farther before we reach that town of yours?” “Ain’t much longer now, partner,” Applejack responded. “The Everfree’s pretty easy to get through when ya know where to go an’ what paths to take.” “Perfect, that means less time in the forest and more time to work on stitching you boys up,” Rarity declared. “Oh, you’re a medic too?” Tucker asked. Rarity snorted. “Hardly, although I suppose I could stitch somepony up that way too if I had to in a pinch. No, I meant your lovely uniforms. Can’t have you boys running around in rags now, can we?” “Ah, right. Are you up to the challenge, though? Alien clothes, and all that.” “Oh, pish-posh darling, you’ve seen Twilight and her magic, but you have not seen me work my magic. I’ll have them fixed in a jiffy.” Tucker gave her a charming smile. “I look forward to it.” “Hey look, there it is!” Rainbow cried, pointing forward. Everyone looked where she was pointing, noticing a break in the tree line. Blue skies and green fields could be seen beyond the trees, as well as the tips of buildings. “We’re there?” Jim asked. “Yep! Ponyville, dead ahead!” Pinkie cried, racing forward at speeds that made Rainbow jealous. “Hey, wait for us!” Twilight called to little avail. Pinkie was already in Ponyville by now. She let out a laugh and shook her head. “She’s probably already preparing your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party. Don’t mind her.” Hendricks froze, and his pupils shrank in disbelief and horror. “Our...what?” he managed to squeak. “Oooo, will there be snacks?” Tucker asked, his stomach grumbling. “Our what?” Hendricks echoed silently. “More importantly, will there be rum?” Jim added. “I still need that drink after today.” “OUR WHAT?!” Hendricks bellowed. “Party, yes,” Twilight answered innocently. “And yes to both, I suppose. We don’t usually have alcohol at our parties, but I suppose we can make an exception this time. The Cakes probably have some stashed away for their rum cakes anyway.” “On second thought, the forest doesn’t seem so bad,” Hendricks said, turning on his heel and marching back. “Besides, someone’s gotta check on Spanner and make sure he’s--” “Ooooh, no you don’t,” Tucker said, wrapping one of his tentacles around Hendricks’ arms and dragging him towards the tree line. “We’re all in this mess together now.” “But I detest crowds,” Hendricks moaned as he watched his only escape route slip through his fingers. “Don’t be a baby. Besides, they’re ponies, how bad could it possibly be?” “Put me out of my misery, please...” “Later.” On the dark side of Equus’s moon, a small ship lay in wait, its lone occupant staring out across the Etherium at the galleon that lay dormant above the planet. The flag that waved from the galleon’s main mast bore the colors of the Imperial Navy, and the the name emblazoned on the hull in gold lettering was the Legacy. The Guardian frowned. An Imperial ship. Here. Now. This would complicate matters. But no matter what stood in his way, the Six had to remain a secret. The time had not yet come to reveal their treasures, or their power. With a spin of the ship’s wheel, the ship changed course. And with a press of a button, the automated cannons on the ship activated, charging plasma shots. He would make this quick. And painful. > Chapter 5: Party Crashers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Castle of the Two Sisters had stood in the Everfree for a little over a thousand years, ruined and abandoned. Much of the surrounding ruins that were, at one time, part of Equestria’s capital city of Everfree were now gone, buried under countless tons of dirt, sediment, and foliage. Only the castle and a few small buildings remained, a stark, cold reminder of sadder times. And yet, throughout its long decay, one occupant had refused to leave. It had no other choice but to stay and to guard the Castle for all eternity, for that was its sole purpose. Its existence was a secret Celestia had kept from everypony, as was its name. The ponies of old had called it the “Pony of Shadow”, but Celestia knew better. Contrary to popular belief, the Pony of Shadow in the Castle was unrelated to the Pony of Shadows that Twilight and her friends had defeated just prior to the Storm King’s invasion. No, this “Pony” in the castle was an Umbrum golem, a creature of darkness that bore some similarities to Sombra, but was subservient to the one who summoned it to the mortal realm. It was not a demon, nor an angel, but something...different. Alien. And it was the perfect guardian for what Celestia had hidden in the Castle. The air shimmered and rippled in front of the Castle’s great doors, and a soft light began to glow from the center of the vortex. Then, with a white flash, the alabaster Alicorn of the Sun appeared before them, her face bearing a mixture of worry and determination. Without a word, her horn lit up with a golden aura and pushed the doors open. With a tremendous creak, the doors opened and revealed the shaded, shattered great hall beyond. Celestia briefly regarded the destruction with a sad sigh, memories of her ancient battle against her sister raging through her mind. To her little ponies, the Castle was a relic of a bygone era, meant to be studied and preserved for historical significance. But for Celestia, it had been her home for centuries, and that of her sister’s. She remembered her first time walking these hallowed halls, playing and laughing alongside Luna without a care in the world. And now it was dust. She gently ran a hoof across a fallen column as she walked past it, feeling the dust being disturbed after so long. Tattered tapestries and flags covered the floor she walked over, their colors long faded. She closed her eyes and with a thought banished the memories from her mind. All but one. “Sylidus.” She had whispered it’s name, but her voice carried throughout the ruined great hall, amplifying it a hundred fold. She sounded like some ethereal ghost of some old mare’s tale, and probably looked the part as well. A cool draft whipped past her, blowing her mane to her side. She halted, waiting patiently. It had heard her summons. It was close. She didn’t have to wait long. A shadowy, shapeless form rose up from one of the fallen pillars, its bright yellow eyes glaring at her from across the hall. It bent down and glided across the ground towards her until it rose up mere inches from her face, now in the form of a large male pony shrouded in darkness. The Princess stared down its glare with unflinching, expectant eyes. “Celessssstia...” the creature snarled at last, its voice echoing throughout the great hall. “After so long...you have returned?” “Is it safe?” she asked. “What, no ‘hello’?” the shadowy golem hissed. “No ‘how are you, Sylidus’? Just bussssiness? How long has it been since we have seen each other?” Celestia shook her head. “I have no time for--” “CENTURIES!!!!” the creature roared, and the Castle shook with its rage. “Centuries of abandonment, of slavery to this cursed place! And for what?! For a trinket?! I am an Umbrum, a master of darkness and a high-ranking praetorian in the Empress’s Shadow Court! There is no honor in what I do for you, only humiliation from my kind!” Celestia waited until its ranting was finished, before calmly replying, “You could have left the Castle, explored the Everfree.” “And do what? Torment a few Timberwolves with a meal they cannot snack on? Been there, done that a billion times, finally caved and bought the bloody tee-shirt! With no money!” The golem lifted a leg, and a ghostly blue chain and shackle appeared on it. “I am bound to this cesspit, don’t you remember? I cannot leave the boundaries of the old city.” “Then tell me what I wish to know, and I will release you from your bonds,” Celestia countered. “Now, is it safe?” Sylidus groaned and took a few steps back, the chain on its leg disappearing. “Yes, mistress, your stupid thing is safe.” It held up another hoof, and a small sphere of metal covered in symbols appeared on it. “It hasn’t left my sight since you charged me with keeping it secret and safe.” Celestia’s horn lit up once more, and the metal sphere floated up into the air in front of her. “Thank you, Sylidus. You have done Equestria a great service today.” With a flash, the sphere disappeared again into hammerspace, and she turned around towards the door. “Mistress, do not forget me,” Sylidus reminded her. “I didn’t forget you,” Celestia called back, having already reached the door. “A promise is a promise. You are free to leave this Castle.” Sylidus’s eyes widened, and without a moment’s hesitation it reformed back into a shapeless blob of shadow and flew up towards a crack in the Castle’s ceiling, finally leaving its prison with a maniacal, ecstatic laugh. Freedom! It was free! Free! FRE--! A golden beam of light rammed into it from underneath, and Sylidus screeched as it felt its form being incinerated from the inside out. As the last of its body disappeared it glared down at Celestia, its eyes filled with hatred, before it dissipated into nothingness, its soul having been banished to much darker realms. Celestia’s horn powered down, and she regarded the sky with a look of contempt. “Oh Sylidus, my poor, dear ‘friend’. I never promised you your life to be one of true freedom,” she growled. “I have never forgotten you, or what you did as a member of the Shadow Court. It took me centuries to find you again after my battle with Nightmare Moon, but when I did, I had it all planned. And then that Flint showed up and ruined everything. I needed your services once more, but now that they are no longer required, our contract is void. The suffering you will feel in Tartarus is but a fraction of what you inflicted upon my sister as you poisoned her with your darkness, your lies, and your nightmares. She was in agony, and she couldn’t stop it from tearing her apart. And now...so shall it be for you. Farewell, and good riddance, leech.” Without another word, she disappeared from the Everfree in a flash of light. Her destination: Ponyville. Spanner stared in silent awe at the space that once held the alabaster horse. He had heard the entire conversation from his camp on the other side of the castle, thankfully far enough away and hidden from the intruders, and had come over to investigate. He had heard it, but did not understand the significance. All he could do was drop his musket and blink stupidly as the horse vanished in a flash of light. And then he fainted. Two humans, one Zirrelian, one Dragon, and seven ponies stood in front of Ponyville, staring at the empty streets. A newspaper blew past their ankles, and only the sounds of birds chirping could be heard. Wagons and carts lay abandoned by their owners, and everypony had pulled their welcome mats into their houses. A few ponies had even boarded up their windows and doors. And then boarded up the boards. And then locked them. Twilight gave a nervous laugh and looked up at Jim. “They normally aren’t this bad...” she explained sheepishly. Then she coughed and whispered out the side of her mouth to Rarity. ”I thought we fixed this with Zecora years ago?” Rarity shrugged. “I thought so too, darling.” “Weeeeell, looks like the party’s cancelled,” Hendricks declared, turning around towards the forest. “Back to camp!” Tucker snaked a tentacle around Hendricks’s neck and yanked him back without even looking at him. “Bad Hendricks. Stay.” “I hate you.” “I heard you the first fifty-seven times.” “Fifty-eight, actually,” Spike corrected. Tucker rolled his eyes. “Pinkie?” Starlight called. “Where are you?” “C’mon, Pinkie!” Rainbow jumped in, flying into the air. “You can do better than this!” “Well, no point in staying here--” Tempest began. “Exactly!” Hendricks exclaimed. “--Soooo, we might as well head to the town square, maybe we’ll find somepony there?” she finished. “I give up...” “Finally!” Tucker cried, throwing up his four tentacle arms to the sky in praise. “Thank you!” “Ah agree with Tempest,” Applejack said. “These ponies are actin’ mighty strange, an’ Ah want to know why.” “Well, you ladies lead the way, then,” said Jim, motioning towards Ponyville with a hand. “Right! Rainbow, Fluttershy, you girls head to the town hall to see if you can find Mayor Mare. Starlight, head back to the castle and prepare it for housing guests. The rest of you, let’s give our new friends the ten-bit tour,” Twilight ordered. The ponies (and Dragon) all nodded and went to their tasks. The now smaller group of ponies led Jim’s team down the main road into town, occasionally pointing out various buildings of interest. There was Davenport’s Quill and Sofas shop (which sold exactly what it said on the sign), the Ponyville spa, and the Ponyville Hayseed Diner (which Twilight assured Jim would have plenty of other food not involving hay). Eventually the group reached the town square, where a large fountain with the statue of an unnamed pony lay. From here multiple other streets led this way and that through the town, leading to other buildings of some importance. Rarity wanted to show Jim and his teammates her Boutique, claiming that she could fix their uniforms in mere minutes, while Applejack wanted to show them the farm and Twilight wanted to show them the town’s new library. This, of course, led to a three-way argument between the mares that Jim decided was none of his business to disrupt. Ultimately, however, the group took a fourth option: Morph’s sense of smell. The little shapeshifter had sniffed the air and had gotten a whiff of something sweet and potentially tasty, causing him to instantly fly away from the others down one of the streets, much to Jim’s dismay. As the group chased after the pink blob, Twilight realized just what it was that had gotten Morph so excited. A large gingerbread house soon appeared in front of them, one of its windows creaked open slightly, where Morph was attempting to squeeze through with Jim pulling him back. “You know,” Tucker huffed and he bent down to catch his breath. “That little guy can be pretty fast when it comes to his appetite.” He looked up and observed the house. “And speaking of food...” “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner,” Twilight explained. “This is where Ponyville gets its baked goods, and most of its candy as well.” “Yeeeeeah, that means we keep Morph out of there at all costs,” Jim said, yanking Morph back and stuffing him into his pocket. “The last thing we need is him going on a sugar rush.” Rarity reared up on her hind legs and peered through one of the windows. “Odd. I half expected Pinkie to be here.” “Nah, too cliche for her,” said Applejack. “You bethca, AJ!” Pinkie exclaimed. Everyone jumped out of their skins and screamed, with Hendricks and Tucker pointing their plasma pistols at the pink part pony that had inexplicably appeared next to them, and Tempest charging up her broken horn with a spell that, had she launched it, would’ve probably vaporized the poor Earth pony on the spot. Pinkie didn’t seem to mind in the slightest, and her smile only grew. “Wow, you guys have some quick reflexes! We should do a cowpony showdown one day, like in the Clint Westwood movies!” “Pinkie!” Twilight hissed. “Where have you been?” “Oh, around,” Pinkie answered mysteriously (or tried to). “Speaking of which, you all should really come to--” “Mah barn?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. Pinkie coughed. “Ahem, noooo...” she quickly whipped out a walkie-talkie and whispered something into it, before stuffing it back into her mane with a laugh. “Noooo, ha ha ha! I was going to say--” “The castle?” Tempest guessed. “Will you stop that?!” Pinkie cried, standing on her hind legs and swinging her front hooves in the air. “You’re giving away our position!” “Just tell us, Pinkie, we promise we won’t say anything else,” Twilight said, glaring at Tempest and Applejack. “Nope, moment’s gone, AJ and Fizzy ruined it,” Pinkie muttered, walking away. Spike looked at the others and shrugged, and then began to jog after her. “We might as well follow her, now that we’ve found her.” “Quite right,” Rarity concurred, trotting after him with a smile. “Besides, my boutique awaits!” The group, still slightly frazzled by Pinkie’s sudden reappearance, followed the pink party pony back to the center of town. Throughout it all, the ponies remained quiet, although Jim could swear he saw a few shapes moving in the shadows of the alleyways. Whenever he turned to look, however, the shapes vanished from sight. Eventually they stopped in front of the fountain statue once more, but something seemed different about it now. The water had stopped flowing, and there was a conspicuous lack of sound. Even the birds had stopped chirping. Twilight noticed it too, and paused mid-step to tilt her head to the side in confusion. “That’s odd...” Hendricks, despite himself reached for his plasma pistol once more, only to be stopped by Tucker, who shook his head and pointed to Pinkie, who had plopped her rump into the ground and was staring at statue in silence. “Pinkie dear, what is it?” Rarity asked, stepping forward. “That’s far enough, Rarity,” Pinkie said, her voice calm. “I’m afraid the tour will have to be cut short.” “Oh...” Rarity blinked. “Oh?” “Boss,” Tucker whispered nodding his head towards one of the alleys. “We’re being watched.” “Yes,” Pinkie continued, standing up once more and turning to face the group, her grin wide and...unnerving. “After all, our new friends can’t leave until they get what’s coming to them.” She then put a hoof to her mouth and whistled. “Light ‘em up, boys!” Eight ponies suddenly appeared on rooftops surrounding the group, each one pointing a large, somewhat antiquated cannon at Jim and his team. Before Jim could even wonder how the ponies had managed to sneak eight heavy cannons on top of thatched roofs, and before Twilight could protest the situation, the cannons’ fuses were lit, and with the sound of rumbling thunder... ...confetti and air was blasted into Jim’s face, four cupcakes flew into Tucker’s four arms, Hendricks was smacked face-first with a banana cream pie, and two long banners flew across one end of the town square to the other, one bearing the words “Welcome to Ponyville!” in colorful lettering, and the other having the names of the three Legacy crewmen. “SURPRISE!!!!” a thousand voices bellowed, followed by Pinkie’s bubbly, joyful laughter as the Ponyville townsfolk quickly exited their homes to greet their new guests with warm smiles, each of them holding trays of cupcakes, pies, donuts, salads, punch bowls, and various games and party hats on their backs or heads. Jim blinked furiously at the display, his jaw dropping. Tucker’s jaw had already hit the floor, as had his tentacles (though he managed to keep the cupcakes from getting dirty). Hendricks simply sighed and wiped his face off, although he did manage a chuckle. Pinkie bounced up to the three of them and, with big puppy-dog eyes, asked, “Sooooo, what did ya think, huh?! I know it was a bit haphazard, but I wanted to try a little something new for a change. How’d I do?” “Very...surprising,” Twilight said at last, having gotten over the shock of seeing Equestria’s first real aliens seemingly being threatened with death from one of her closest friends. “That’s one word for it,” Applejack muttered. Rarity simply fell backwards into a faint, with Spike rushing to catch her (not that he minded). Tempest, meanwhile, had the flattest look on her face that Twilight or her friends had ever seen. She was neither surprised nor startled, just confused. “What.” “Did ya like it, Fizzy?” Pinkie asked. Tempest didn’t answer, instead smacking her forehead with a hoof. “I thought we were going to have a simple party among friends, not a full-scale celebration in town.” Pinkie tilted her head to the side. “But this is a simple party among friends. I made friends with the whole town! Why wouldn’t I invite them all?” “...You know what, I’m not even gonna argue with that,” Tempest admitted, letting her hoof drop. “I’m just going to accept it and move on. Aliens, talks about other worlds, Twilight somehow knowing about humans despite only meeting them today, and now giant parties organized in seconds. This is a new record for weirdness for me.” Applejack smirked. “Welcome to Ponyville, Tempest. ‘Weird’ is a Tuesday for us.” Seemingly satisified, Pinkie bounced over to Jim and waved in front of his face. “Helloooooo, Equus to Jimmy boy! Wake up, silly!” Jim finally shook himself out of his stupor, and let out a small whimper of disbelief. “How did you...?” he whispered, then he yelled, “That’s not possible! How did you get all these people organized in the five minutes between the forest and here?! Where’d you get the cannons? And the banners? Is nobody going to question any of this?” “Stop!” Twilight cried, waving her forelegs frantically in his direction. “That way lies madness.” “But...she...!” Jim sputtered, only to have one of Twilight’s hooves placed over his mouth, with her shaking her head rapidly. “That...” Tucker finally stammered. “Was the best...thing...ever!” “Of course you’d say that,” Hendricks snarked, smearing cream off of his face. “Why the pie, Miss, uh, Pie?” “Oh, call me Pinkie, please,” Pinkie replied from behind (which scared the daylights out of him), pulling out a cloth from her mane and handing it to him. “And I had heard that you didn’t exactly like seeing surprises, so I figured that if you didn’t see anything, you’d only be surprised by the pie covering your eyes! And...the whole shout of ‘SURPRISE!!!!’ by everypony. And me shouting ‘SURPI--’” “I get it! I think,” Hendricks exclaimed. “I appreciate the thought, although the logic makes no sense--” “Madness!” Twilight repeated. “--so, thanks, but no thanks.” Pinkie’s ears drooped. “So, you’re leaving?” “Yes,” Hendricks answered, wiping the remaining cream from the pie off his face. “The boss and the idiot can stay, but I should go.” “You won’t stay for a little bit?” Pinkie pleaded. “Nope.” “Not even for some punch?” “...Is it spiked?” Pinkie put a hoof under her chin and smirked. “Weeeell...not the public stuff.” She winked. Hendricks sighed. “...Alright, one hour.” “Yaaaaay!!” Pinkie squealed, jumping (and somehow hovering) in the air, her legs and tail splayed out. “This is the best day EVER!” Now it was definitely official: this was the worst day ever. The ship had come out of nowhere. One moment Graven was standing on the main deck and checking some of the rigging, and the next, someone screamed as a large plasma ball slammed into the side of the hull, opening up a large hole and sending two unfortunate, scorched crew members tumbling out into the Etherium. “Battle stations, you morons!” she roared, drawing a plasma pistol and firing at the small ship attacking them. “Move, move!” Amelia flew out of her state room, fury written all over her face. “Commander, report!” “Unknown vessel, captain,” Graven called back. “No markings, black hull and sails, at least six guns.” “Evasive action, Mister BEN!” Amelia shouted to her navigator. “And someone please explain to me how we could have possibly missed an entire bloody ship sneaking up behind us?!” “Ask Sinoo, it was his turn in the crow’s nest!” BEN answered, before squealing and ducking as a plasma blast flew overhead. Amelia glared up at the short Optoc crewman in the crow’s nest. “Mister Sinoo!!!” “Couldn’t see ‘im until he vas on top of us, captain!” Sinoo yelled down from the mainmast. What bloody use is an Optoc who’s blind in all six eyes? Amelia though, running up to the quarterdeck to regain some form of command over her panicked crew. “Get to your guns, everyone! I want that ship gone!” “Aye cap’n!” the crew answered, jumping to their stations. One burly Aviar crew member with red plumage broke into the armory and began tossing plasma muskets to her fellow crewmates, while two humans, a Densadron, and a Tuskrus all manned Legacy’s four point-defense cannons and began returning fire. Meanwhile, Doctor Doppler poked his head out of the captain’s state room, his eyes filled with worry. “Amelia, is that what I think it is?” “Delbert, get back inside!” Amelia bellowed. “We can handle this!” “Oh sure, stay inside where I can’t see where I’m being fired at!” Delbert retorted, stepping outside and straightening his vest with a huff. “Besides, I’m a member of this crew and your husband, and as such, I deserve a chance to--” A wayward plasma bolt from one of the crewmen on the main deck flew past his ear and scorched the wall next to his head, causing him to hit the deck and scream. “GAH! Then again, what do you need me here for? You obviously have this handled. Stay safe, honey!” He quickly ran back inside the state room and slammed the door shut, locking and bolting it. Amelia, despite herself, fought to hold back a chuckle. “It’s coming back around!” someone screamed, just before a smaller blast of plasma blew a large crack into the main deck, causing the mainmast to buckle. Sinoo shrieked and leapt out of the crow’s nest, shimmying down the rigging as fast as his little legs and arms could carry him. “Captain!” BEN cried, his chest’s computer out and his left hand flying over its keypad. “If my calculations are correct, if that mast goes, we’d lose over forty percent of our ship’s power supply. We’ll be slower to move and to evade.” Amelia’s eyes widened and her pupils shrank. “Riggers, ropers, secure that mast!” She leaned over the quarterdeck’s railing and yelled down at Graven, “Launch our remaining longboats and see if you can board them. They should be more maneuverable with Mister BEN’s adjustments.” “It’s too late, captain!” the Mantavor commander retorted, pointing with a claw. “Look!” Amelia followed Graven’s gaze and watched in horror as a large plasma ball impacted one of the Legacy’s cannons, killing its gunner and sending flaming debris flying into the air. But the damage didn’t end there. The plasma continued to burn into the hull, and it weakened the main deck, causing the main mast’s supports to crack and bend. The riggers and ropers struggled to hold the mast up, but the ropes began to snap, and with each snap, the mast fell further. Soon the power lines and conduits on the mast shut down, denying the Legacy its much-needed solar power. The Legacy was now dead in the Etherium, and all Amelia could hear was her crew screaming from pain, and the hull of her weakened ship cracking and creaking under her feet. As if sensing the Legacy’s imminent demise, the smaller ship flew off, heading towards the planet’s surface even as the last three guns on the Legacy fired plasma balls after it. “Mister BEN...” Amelia spoke, her voice grave. “Send a distress call to any ship in the area. We’re abandoning ship.” BEN’s jaw dropped. “But...captain!” “DO IT, you bucket of bolts, or so help me--!” “Aye captain!” Graven crawled up to the quarterdeck railing and glared at her captain. “Captain, the Legacy may be weakened, but there’s no reason to abandon it. We can still repair it.” “I know that, commander, but we cannot do it while it’s burning underfoot. We need to attempt to dock somewhere on the surface so that we can survey the damages and fix it properly. I want you to take everyone who isn’t needed onto the longboats and escape to the planet. The rest of us will remain to move the ship into position.” Graven’s arms hung limp at her sides, and she sighed. “Very well captain, but this is under protest.” “I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t,” Amelia replied, turning to her state room and knocking on the door. “Delbert, it’s over now. Sort of. Please open the door and come out.” The door creaked open and Delbert poked his head out. His eyes widened when he saw the carnage in front of him. “Amelia...the Legacy!” “I know, Delbert,” Amelia replied softly. “I want you to get your journals and charts, if they survived. You’ll be getting your chance to see the surface after all.” Delbert’s ears flattened. “I should feel happy about that, but I’m not.” He sighed. “Stay safe, my dear. Don’t keep me waiting down there.” Amelia leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “I won’t. BEN and I will keep this creaking tub afloat until we make it down to the planet. Commander Graven will keep you and the rest of the crew safe until then.” Delbert nodded and embraced his wife, before heading to the lower decks. Meanwhile, the smaller ship, too far away to retaliate against, entered the planet’s atmosphere. Princess Luna’s mouth dropped open as she alone watched the battle replay on the Canterlot Observatory’s scrying table. She watched as the black ship fled towards Equus, and as the larger galleon burned, its main mast falling to the deck with a crash and crushing two more of its cannons. Its crew had put up a valiant fight, but the black ship had been too quick and too surgical in its strikes. But none of this was what worried Luna. The affairs of the aliens was none of her business. What mattered was that both ships were now on a direct course towards Equestria. More specifically, Canterlot. “CAPTAIN BRIGHT STAR!” Luna bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, which echoed throughout all of Canterlot and shook the entire castle. That ought to get that Pegasus’s attention. Moments later, a black, blue-maned Pegasus Royal Guard with a white splotch of fur around his left eye flew through one of the Observatory’s windows and landed in front of Luna, kneeling before her. “What is your command, Princess?” “Mobilize the Royal Guard, all divisions, and tell the mages in the Wizard’s Quarter to charge up the city’s shield,” Luna ordered. “Go!” “At once, Princess!” the Captain of Canterlot’s Royal Guard saluted and flew towards the window once more, stopping and turning around to glance at Luna one last time. “If I may ask, what are we looking out for?” Luna gazed at the black ship in the scrying table, her eyes narrowing as she watched, no, sensed it getting closer. “Hopefully something we only have to fight once and never again.” Not at all confident or satisfied with the answer he was given, but not willing to press even further, Bright Star nodded and flew out the window, bellowing commands to the Royal Guards below him. As Luna watched him leave, she whispered a silent prayer to Faust that none of her little ponies would be hurt today. Worlds away, in a solar galleon bearing the name Billy Bones and the black flag of piracy, a distress signal was picked up on the ship’s navigational computer. A large, mechanical hand tapped a few keys on the keypad to check the source of the signal, and the hand’s owner grinned when he saw the ship’s name: RLS Legacy. “So...that’s where ya are, lad. What trouble are ya in now?” Without another word, he shouted an order to his crew. They had a new heading, and their captain had a feeling it was going to be mutually beneficial for all parties involved. In a nebula, much closer to Equus, a small boat bearing no allegiance to anyone or anything lay floating in the Etherium, its sole, hungry Mantavor occupant snoring lightly. A beeping noise startled him awake, and he snorted in derision as he glanced at his navigational computer. He gasped at what he saw...and then he snarled, now fully awake. He swung off his hammock and slammed both his red claws against the computer’s sides, glaring at the name on the screen: RLS Legacy. He spat at the name, and his orange eyes narrowed in rage. He smacked one of his long, spidery legs against the engine, causing it to sputter and puff out a cloud of smoke, before it roared to life and the boat’s solar sail gathered the energy it needed. With one claw he held the ship’s steering stick and yanked it forward, sending it flying towards the Legacy’s last known coordinates. With the other claw, he grasped a plasma musket and loaded it. Scroop’s mouth morphed into a mixture of a scowl and a smirk as he imagined the pain he would inflict on Jim Hawkins. That miserable cabin boy was going to pay for spacing him. And this time Scroop would finish the job. > Chapter 6: Rage and Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia flashed into existence in front of Twilight’s castle, just as Starlight was closing the gate. Starlight turned around and, upon seeing Celestia’s flowing mane, cried out in fright and stumbled to the ground. Reacting quickly, Celestia gently caught her with her magic aura and placed her back on her hooves. “P-P-Princess!” Starlight stammered, quickly bowing. “I didn’t know you were coming!” “It’s alright, Starlight Glimmer,” Celestia assured her with a smile. “It would’ve been highly suspicious if anypony knew I was coming in the first place, seeing as how last-minute this was.” She looked up at the castle and frowned. “Is Twilight inside?” Starlight shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Your Highness. Twilight and her friends are currently at the town square, celebrating a party with our newest guests. I just finished preparing a few rooms in the castle for their stay and was headed there, myself.” Celestia’s ears swivelled back, and she did indeed pick up the sounds of celebration and happy laughter coming from further inside Ponyville. How interesting. “Well then, it would be rude of me to not show myself,” Celestia said. “Do you mind if I tag along?” “Of course not, princess! You’re always welcome anytime,” Starlight replied with a smile as she led Celestia down the hill towards the town. As they trotted, Starlight looked up to the princess and said, “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here? Is it about that map that Twilight found?” Celestia hummed, wondering how much information she should divulge. Knowledge about the Guardian and Captain Flint could be dangerous if spread willy-nilly, but Starlight Glimmer was a trusted friend, confidant, and former student of Twilight’s. Perhaps she could be trusted. “Yes, it is. There are some things she must know about that map, but they aren’t exactly for all ears. I wish to gather the Element Bearers together in private to tell them everything. You are welcome to join us, of course. Twilight trusts you, and that’s good enough for me.” “I understand completely, Your Highness,” Starlight nodded. “Actually, on a similar note, I think you’ll find our latest guests most...intriguing.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Why’s that?” Starlight chuckled and slowed her pace, just as the town square came into view. She pointed with a hoof towards the center of the commotion. “See for yourself.” Celestia followed her directions and reared her head back, stunned at what she saw. Her jaw dropped comically, and Starlight smirked at her, closing the princess’s jaw with a subtle telekinesis spell. Two humans and a strange, cephalopod-like creature were in the middle of a cider-drinking contest between them, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash (who, along with Fluttershy, had returned shortly after the party began). The townsfolk were mostly cheering for their reigning hometown champions, but a fair amount of them were also cheering for the opposing team. Bits were flying left and right as they made their rounds across many different hooves, and several betting stations had been set up, their owners trying frantically to keep up with the competitors. The elder of the two humans seemed to be also be the most competitive of the three strangers, easily draining mug after mug of the addictive liquid, while Rainbow Dash eagerly matched his current record with a smug smirk and a “bring-it-on” look in her eyes. Neither of them said a word, but both of them were determined to win. Spike, who was officiating the contest, had a microphone in his hand he had borrowed from the town DJ, Vinyl Scratch, and was currently standing on a barrel and doing commentary. “And that’s another mug for Pinkie! Pinkie now leads eight-to-seven in her everlasting battle against the newcomer, Tucker!” “I have not yet begun to fight!” Tucker cried, shaking a tentacle in the air and slamming his mug onto the table in front of him. “I have not yet begun to drink!” Pinkie yelled back, grabbing two mugs of fresh cider with her fore-hooves and a third with her tail. She raised her head up and opened her mouth, draining all three mugs into her mouth as the crowd roared their approval. Smacking her lips, she leaned against the table and said, “Beat that, Tucky!” “HA! Rookie numbers!” Tucker laughed, grabbing a mug in all of his upper tentacles and downing them one after another. “Go back to baking!” “Oooooh, good one!” Pinkie admitted with a giggle. “Wow, what an upset!” Spike exclaimed. “Tucker now leads thirteen-to-eleven as he beats Pinkie at her own cider-drinking trick! I’ve never seen anything this bizarre, and I’ve been teleported into a comic book once. Boy, that was strange.” The younger human, meanwhile, was far calmer against his opponent, Applejack. Like Rainbow and the older human, they didn’t say a word, but they downed their drinks with purpose and with vigor. Applejack smirked. The human grinned back. They both toasted each other and then downed another mug, and the crowd cheered. The human’s grin grew wider, and Applejack laughed. Pushing herself away from the table, she tipped her hat his way and forfeited. She wasn’t as competitive as the others were, and she knew she had met her match. He had put up an admirable fight, and she wasn’t about to take that from him. “Congratulations, partner,” she said. “Haven’t had that much fun since mah sister an’ her friends challenged me an’ mah brother to a lassoin’ contest.” The human tilted his head towards her gratefully. “Gonna be honest, you nearly had me beat there. Hadn’t drank that much in a while, not since my academy days.” “They trained ya well, then,” Applejack laughed, bumping her hoof into his fist. The crowds behind her moaned in disappointment but congratulated the human and his victory, passing more bits between them. Celestia, meanwhile, stood transfixed on the spot, staring at the newcomers in shock and, to Starlight’s confusion, horror. Starlight glanced between the contestants and Celestia, then back again. “Um, princess? Is something wrong?” YES! Celestia’s mind screamed. Something was very, very wrong. Humans were not supposed to be here, and this “Tucker”...she recognized his species now: a Zirrelian. Flint had a few Zirrelians in his crew, and all of them were as blackhearted as the vilest villains she and her sister used to fight in their early years of ruling Equestria. It was happening all over again. This changed everything. “What are...they...” Celestia whispered. Starlight, misunderstanding what she meant, answered, “Two of them are humans: Hendricks and Jim. The third is Tucker, and he’s a...um, what did he call himself again?” “Zirrelian,” Celestia hissed. “Yeah, that!” Starlight finished. Then she paused and looked up at Celestia. “How did you know that?” Before Celestia could reply, Twilight noticed the two of them and gasped, teleporting in front of Celestia and beaming at her. “Princess Celestia, I’m so glad to see you! We’ve got visitors, and get this, they’re not from the Mirror, but from outer space! All three of them come from different planets, and they travel in large ships that can literally sail using star power, and, and, and...GAH! Princess, it’s all just so amazing! You have to meet them!” “Twilight,” Celestia said slowly. “I want you and your friends to gather in the Castle of Friendship, and I want these...visitors to join us. There are some things we need to discuss.” Twilight tilted her head in puzzlement and looked back at the party. “But princess, what about--” “Now, Twilight.” Celestia’s voice was stern and surprisingly cold. She never took on a tone like that unless things were serious. Twilight wilted a little under Celestia’s gaze, wondering what she did wrong, and nodded. She quickly flew over to Fluttershy, Rarity, and Tempest and explained the situation to them. The three mares glanced at each other in worry before nodding in agreement. Twilight then flew over to Spike and motioned for him to give her the microphone. Spike, wondering what was going on, complied, and Twilight held it up to her mouth. “May I have your attention, please?” she said over the microphone, causing everypony to swivel their heads towards her. “I’m sorry to have to do this, but our new friends and I have to convene at the castle for a moment to discuss something that has come up. Don’t worry, we will return shortly to continue the party. Please, don’t wait for us, and enjoy yourselves! There’s no use in wasting a good party, am I right?” At the crowd’s nods of understanding, Twilight handed the microphone to Vinyl Scratch. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Hendricks, and Tucker all looked at their half-finished mugs in disappointment, before setting them down to join Twilight as she led her friends and the three Legacy crewmen over to Celestia. When the group reached the princess, Celestia closed her eyes and her horn shone briefly, before the entire group disappeared in a flash of light. Spanner stood on the bow of the longboat, staring suspiciously at the forest around him with his musket raised, and having a loaded plasma pistol and a second musket close by just in case. After witnessing what happened in the castle ruins only moments earlier, he wasn’t taking any more chances. Powerful creatures roamed these lands, possibly having powers beyond his scope of imagination. That, plus the screams he had heard a few hours before, as well as the rumbling noises, had put put the Flatulan on high alert. He wanted to go out and investigate, but that would mean leaving the camp, and Jim had ordered him to stay here. Spanner may not have been the brightest naval officer the fleet had, but he knew better than to disobey an order from an officer, even if all his instincts were telling him to find his missing comrades. And so, he waited. Patiently, but cautiously. A beeping noise interrupted his thoughts, and he nearly fired off an errant shot in panic until he realized it was coming from the longboat’s nav computer. With a sigh, he looked over to the screen and raised an eyebrow when he saw that it wasn’t a proximity alert, but a communique from the Legacy. With one final look around at the forest, he pressed the button and listened to the message as it played: ”This is Captain Amelia Doppler to Surface Exploration Team 1. We have been attacked. An unknown vessel appeared from behind the planet’s moon and disabled us, and is now heading towards the planet. You should be picking them up on your scanners momentarily, if navigator BEN’s assessments are correct. Be advised, we are not able to offer support at this time, and are coming in for an emergency landing for repairs at the coordinates we’ve provided your computer. If you can, find a defensible position and await for our signal so that we may pick you up. Amelia out.” Spanner blinked as the message ended, and his musket dropped to his side. This...wasn’t good. And he had no way of contacting Jim or the others. He had to think of something, and he had to do it fast. Nearby, several hungry pairs of yellowish-green, wolfish eyes gazed at him from the shadows, and soft growls emanated from the underbrush. Luna leaned over the parapets of the castle walls, staring into the sky and watching for any sight of the Guardian’s vessel. She knew it was coming, but from where? The scholars and observatories couldn’t follow it, nor could they predict its next movements. As such, she had prepared accordingly. Scores of Pegasi guards swarmed the skies, wielding crossbows and javelins in their hooves, while Unicorns and Earth ponies covered the walls and manned the ballistae and cannons. The plan was the pepper the ship’s sides with roped harpoons and forcefully hold it in place or pull it down, where the cannons would then finish it off before it could even get a proper shot off. If all else failed, the Pegasi would swoop in for the kill and skewer the Guardian. And if that failed, four entire legions of Thestrals armed with every weapon imaginable stood ready to send a message to the stars: Equus was protected, and unwelcome visitors would be turned away. It was a good plan, Luna decided, and it had worked brilliantly against the Griffons during Continental Wars in Equestria’s early years. But this wasn’t a Griffon they were facing, nor were they dodging cannonballs, but highly energized plasma bolts. Luna shivered. From her scrying pool on the moon, she had seen the aftermath of Flint’s arrival on Equestria centuries ago, and the attack was devastating. She had never seen such terrible burn wounds on her little ponies. If the technology of the stars had only advanced since then... She shook her head and growled. Thoughts such as those were dangerous for morale, and would only hinder her leadership. No, this was a good plan, and it would work. All they needed now was the guest of honor to arrive. It seemed he was a bit shy today. A Thestral stallion in heavy plate armor fluttered to a stop and landed carefully next to her, somehow not making a sound. “My Lady,” he hissed through his helmet’s visor. “The Fourth Lunar Legion is in position. We are ready for orders.” She cast a glance at him. “Commander Solar Eclipse, have your Watchers seen any sign of the enemy?” The Thestral shook his head. “Unfortunately no, My Lady. They continue to be elusive.” Luna nodded. This was to be expected, she supposed. The Guardian wouldn’t just announce his arrival like Flint had done. The Guardian was designed to be swift, deadly, and precise in his attacks --- an assassin, everything Flint wasn’t. “And the evacuations?” “The Canterlot populace has been notified of the danger and the evacuations are almost complete. The bunkers within the Canterhorn Mountain are fully stocked for a siege, should it come to that,” the commander reported. “With any luck, this should be over swiftly,” Luna remarked, once more staring into the sky. “Return to your post, and fire a signal flare should any of the Watchers report a contact. Do not engage until I give the signal.” “What will the signal be, My Lady?” Luna’s eyes narrowed and twinkled in dark delight. “When you see your namesake appear in the sky, then you will know when to strike.” Solar Eclipse nodded in understanding, saluted, and flew into the air, gliding towards his legion. From the depths of the Etherium, a small, one-man vessel approached Equus from the shadows of its moon. Its lone Mantavor pilot growled in disdain as he stared at the planet below. It bore a passing resemblance to the Imperial Homeworld, only much more blue than green. He hated oceans. It didn’t matter; he wasn’t going near any water anyway. Rather, he followed the trail of smoke leading from the upper atmosphere to the one of the continents below. The tell-tale signs of a battle clued him in to what had caused the smoke, and judging by the torn bits of solar sail floating about, as well as its make-up, it was an Imperial vessel. Clearly the RLS Legacy had been here, which means that stupid boy was here too. He tapped at his nav computer with a claw, scanning for any signs of civilization. He spotted several large cities and towns across the continent, but some were too far away for the damaged Legacy to reach, he knew. They would head to a flat plain, where they could safely set down and do repairs. Based on the trajectory they were taking, his estimation was correct. They were headed towards a large flat area near a massive mountain in the center of the continent. According to his scans, there seemed to be two major cities near that area, which narrowed down his search area considerably. At the very least, it was as good as any place to start. What surprised him, however, was the second energy signature of another ship, this one much less damaged and far smaller than the Legacy. Perhaps this was the other combatant in the battle? Whoever it was, they seemed to be heading to the same general area as the Legacy. He didn’t care, however --- it wasn’t his target. He angled his descent and followed the Legacy’s trail. Twilight, her friends, the visitors, and Celestia all appeared in the Castle of Friendship’s throne room, and before Twilight could say anything, all doors to the throne room slammed shut from Celestia’s magic, and several ethereal chains latched onto them from every direction. A bubble shield encased the room, and then the lights darkened somewhat. Then the doors locked themselves. “Yeesh,” Pinkie remarked. “I haven’t seen this much magical protection on a room since Twilight locked herself in the Golden Oaks Library on April 1st years ago.” “Somehow you still got in and switched every book on the shelves backwards. Twilight was catatonic for a week...” Spike muttered. “Celestia,” Twilight interjected, eager to move on to the subject at hoof. “What’s going on? What’s with all the secrecy?” “Twilight, do you know with whom you and your friends are consorting with?” Celestia said, eyeing the three Legacy crew members warily. “Um...” Twilight looked back at the three of them and shrugged sheepishly. “Two humans named Hendricks and Jim Hawkins, and a Zirrelian named Tucker?” “Under normal circumstances, it would be a pleasure to meet them, but them being here is a great danger to us all,” Celestia continued. “If they’re here, the Guardian is sure to be close behind, and he is a danger unlike anything you’ve faced before.” “The...Guardian?” Starlight asked, tilting her head in confusion. “I’m so lost...” Tucker said. “Welcome to the club,” Tempest snarked. “Where is the map, Twilight?” Celestia asked, realizing she was going to have to explain a lot shortly. Faust, she didn’t want to have to do this so soon! Twilight blinked, then her horn lit up. A moment later, the sphere appeared in a flash of light, summoned from the castle vaults. “It’s here, princess, but I don’t--” Celestia grabbed the map from the air with her own magic, depositing it onto her hoof. Noticing Twilight’s flinch, Celestia’s features softened and she lifted Twilight’s chin up with a wing. “I will explain everything, Twilight, but I need you to trust me, just like you have always trusted me in the past.” She looked at the rest of the group. “That goes for all of you. Promise me that nothing you hear in this room will be spread outside.” Spike and most of the mares present knew what that meant, and immediately did the motions of the Pinkie Promise, which seemed to satisfy Celestia. The three Legacy crewmen and Tempest, however, looked more lost than ever. Nevertheless, the four of them nodded in agreement. Celestia sighed and motioned towards the thrones. “Please, everypony, sit.” The Mane Six and Spike sat down on their thrones, and several wooden chairs appeared out of thin air via teleportation for the others. As the group got comfortable, Celestia held the map aloft and placed it down on the table for all to see. Jim, finally getting a good look at the sphere, opened his mouth in shock and leaned forward. “It...can’t be...” One of Tucker’s tentacles flew to his mouth. “That’s...!” “A map,” Celestia replied. “A map that leads to Flint’s Trove.” “But Treasure Planet was destroyed years ago,” Hendricks protested. “The map is useless now.” Celestia shook her head. “Treasure Planet was but a drop in the bucket. I know for a fact that Flint had many more treasures and secrets he wished others to never find, so he created the story of Treasure Planet to fool the rest, and planted a fake map to lure others away from his real treasure horde.” “But I was there!” Jim exclaimed. “The treasure was real. I saw the portal, I saw how he stole the Loot of a Thousand Worlds. I saw the planet explode.” “Mere child’s play,” Celestia countered. “The planet was artificial, as you no doubt saw if you had seen the treasure. The treasure was as real as you or I, but it was but a fraction of what he stole. Before he became Dread Pirate Flint...he was just a simple pirate, hardly known to the Empire. But he had a plan, and when he discovered Equus, he put that plan into motion.” “How do you know so much about Flint, Treasure Planet, and the rest of us?” Tucker asked. Twilight and the others nodded and looked at Celestia expectantly. Celestia sighed. This was the moment she revealed everything. “Flint visited Equus centuries ago, long before Treasure Planet was constructed. He...attacked Canterlot, and slaughtered hundreds of my little ponies, all to make a point: that he was stronger than we were, and that he required our complete cooperation.” Twilight’s eyes widened in horror, and many of the other mares gasped. Tempest only frowned and narrowed her eyes in disbelief. “But...but that can’t be!” Twilight cried, leaning over the Cutie Map and planting her fore hooves on it. “There’s nothing in Equestria’s history that mentions such an encounter, nor such a terrible loss of life from an attack.” Celestia nodded. “And you’d be right. There isn’t any record of it in history, because officially, it never happened. Could you imagine just how much chaos would occur if word actually got out that Equus had been visited by aliens, and that it had nearly destroyed the planet? It would destabilize Equestria beyond repair. I couldn’t take that risk, so after Flint left, I wiped all memory of the event, and blamed the damage to Canterlot on a severe earthquake. The lives lost were the ones lost in the earthquake, and nopony was the wiser. Everypony mourned, and then life went on. But I remembered everything, and I will now tell you what really happened.” Everyone waited patiently as Celestia took a deep breath before continuing. “Flint saw my little ponies’ magic, and he saw my power to move the sun. He wanted both for his purposes, and so he attacked, knowing that I would do anything to save them from more death...even work with him. “He told me of his plans to steal from one thousand worlds, and make a name for himself that would last for millennia. At first I refused, but when he told me that until I relented he would keep killing twenty of my ponies at random, I gave in.” “Why?” Tempest asked suddenly. “Why not just blast him to kingdom come and be done with it, and then repair the damage?” Celestia shook her head. “Flint was a genius, and he had studied me and my ponies for several months, and had planned accordingly. He had a second ship in orbit, this one armed with a powerful super-weapon aimed directly at the moon. If I killed him, they would destroy the moon, which would not only kill my sister who was stranded up there at the time, but it would also doom all of Equestria. If I tried to destroy that ship, he would detonate a bomb he wore around himself and kill me, which would also doom Equestria. If I tried to do both, the ship circling the city would reduce it to cinders. I could not let any of that happen, so I agreed to his terms. In exchange for letting my ponies and all of Equus live...I would create Treasure Planet for him, as well as the map that led to it.” Tucker gasped and Jim’s eyes widened in shock. “You made Treasure Planet?!” Celestia nodded with a small frown. “Flint knew that if he were to build it, it would take most of his life, which, long as it was, he couldn’t wait for. He saw me handling the sun with ease, so he figured that I would be of great use to him. He was right, of course. From the confines of Canterlot, I used my magic to assemble the pieces of Treasure Planet to his specifications within a week, only pausing to eat and to raise the sun and moon each day. I even included the booby trap he had planned.” At this, she looked pained and sent Jim a worried glance. “I am sorry that you had to experience it. Had I known that you were the one who destroyed that infernal machine, I would not have been so quick to judge you and your companions.” At everyone’s silence, she continued. “Once the planet was complete, he ordered me to create a map that would lead to it. I, of course, had no idea of how to accomplish this, and told him as such. I had never been beyond the confines of our Equus, so I had to resort to...alternative means.” She sighed, and looked at Twilight in shame. “I summoned the Shadow Court.” The reaction was instant. Pinkie and Fluttershy immediately hid behind their thrones, Rarity fainted and slid off hers, Rainbow growled, Applejack tipped the rim of her stetson over her eyes and frowned, Starlight took on a worried expression, Tempest’s horn sparked in anger, and Twilight... Twilight burst into flames. “YOU SUMMONED THE UMBRUM?!” Twilight shrieked in the Canterlot Voice, both in fear and anger. Normally she wouldn’t dare dream of screaming at her friend, former mentor, and fellow princess, but the subject of her anger was more than enough to override her usual convictions. “Undead abominations! Creatures of shadow, death, and Eldritch horror! Princess Celestia, you yourself outlawed even speaking their names! The last time ponies encountered them, th-th-they nearly destroyed the entire world!! Even Grogar of ancient times, the Father of All Monsters, was appalled, and vowed to destroy them if he ever saw them again. How could you?!” “TWILIGHT SPARKLE,” Celestia bellowed, flaring her wings out. A blinding light began shining in her eyes, and the room’s temperature instantly went up about twenty degrees, and was steadily rising even higher. “YOU WILL CALM DOWN THIS INSTANT, OR I SHALL HAVE YOU REMOVED FROM THIS ROOM. REFRAIN FROM YOUR ANGER, AND LET ME EXPLAIN.” Most of the mares (even Tempest and Starlight) had already shrank back and lay prostrated on the floor, their eyes clamped shut in fear. The flames around Twilight were doused immediately and she slumped back in her chair, breathing heavily. A single tear fell down her cheek. Celestia returned the room to normal and looked back at Twilight with sorrowful and deeply apologetic eyes. The three crewmen and Spike peeked out from underneath their arms, wondering if it was over. “I’m sorry, princess...” Twilight whispered fearfully, trembling in her throne and sobbing. “I don’t know what came over me...” Instantly she was enveloped in a warm embrace from Celestia, who looked mortified at what she had just done. “Shhh, it’s alright, Twilight. You have nothing to be sorry about, for it is I who should be sorry. You and your friends deserve better, and I promise you, I am not angry at you. Please...don’t be afraid of me...” Jim knew that tone. Celestia’s words were spoken in a way that reminded Jim of his mother. He remembered when he was young that he used to argue with his mom, and moments later both of them would be holding each other close and telling each other how much they loved each other. They had experienced enough pain already, so there wasn’t a reason to add to it. This wasn’t just one ruler consoling another, nor even a friend being comforted. This bond went much deeper than that, almost as much as a mother and daughter. Both Celestia and Twilight were terrified, and needed to be reminded of that bond. The two Alicorns were silent for a long time, simply trembling in each other’s embrace. Spike and the rest of the mares had picked themselves up and slowly returned to their seats, while the Legacy crewmen discreetly moved off to the side to give them some room. After a while, Twilight sniffed and whispered something into Celestia’s ear. Celestia nodded and let her go, and both took a moment to breathe before turning their attention back to the sphere on the table. “...Yes...” Celestia said, her voice cracking slightly. “I-I summoned the Shadow Court of the Umbrum. I knew from our dealings with them in the past that they had more knowledge of the stars beyond our world than even Luna or I had. With their help, I was able to construct the map that led to Treasure Planet. But that wasn’t the end of it.” She looked at each mare in turn. “There was another reason why I summoned the Shadow Court besides to make Flint’s map. Do you remember Nightmare Moon?” “You mean old Black Snooty?” Pinkie asked. Celestia snorted in amusement. “I’ll have to remember that one, but yes. I’m sure you have all heard the story, about how my sister became jealous of me, and upon transforming into Nightmare Moon, attempted to create a world of eternal night. Well, have you ever wondered where those thoughts of jealousy came from? Granted she was annoyed that our little ponies fawned over the day while not appreciating the work she put into her precious night, but it was never really enough to make her do what she did. No, something pushed her over the edge. That something, or rather, someone, was Sylidus, a powerful Umbrum of the Shadow Court who escaped from his bonds. He met Luna one night, and poisoned her mind with thoughts of jealousy, knowing just how to prey upon her and knowing that we would clash. After Luna was banished to the moon, he fled Equestria, and I had been hunting him ever since. “When I finally summoned the Shadow Court, I discreetly asked if they knew of his whereabouts. They were hesitant to betray one of their own, but when they learned about what he did, and that I was ready and very willing to destroy them all as compensation if they didn’t give me his location, they relented. Using a scrying pool, I found his hidden lair, and teleported him straight to me.” Celestia sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing. “There was so much I wanted to do to him for what he did. I wanted to make him suffer like Luna had. But I had more pressing issues to deal with, so I made him a deal: he would be my spy. In return for his wretched life, he would find the other locations to Flint’s trove, and create a second map for me, which now sits before you.” She pointed lazily at the sphere with a wing. “I had intended it to be a final stab of vengeance against Flint for killing my subjects, for if someone knew about his trove, then someone could steal from him, and he would know how it feels to be the one attacked. But Flint discovered my ploy. He realized I was up to something, and laid a trap on the second map. Whoever activated it would summon a powerful entity, who would then be drawn to whoever held the map and destroy them and all those they loved --- an assassin of the highest caliber.” “The Guardian?” Starlight guessed. Celestia nodded. “Indeed. Flint had not been idle while he waited for Treasure Planet and the map to be completed. He grabbed my court wizard at the time, Desert Iris, and had her enchant a powerful mechanical golem, which he then programmed to act in his stead against me should I ever activate the second map. He then took the map and buried it in the Everfree Forest.” Twilight groaned and face-hoofed. “Which I then opened...” “Don’t blame yourself, Twilight, you had no way of knowing what you were releasing,” Celestia reassured her with a small smile. “Besides, Flint may have beaten me at my own game, but I beat him at his.” Jim leaned forward. “How so?” Celestia reached up with a hoof, and with a flash of light, a second sphere appeared on it. She smirked. “I made a backup map, one that wasn’t trapped, and that he didn’t know about. I then captured Sylidus and forced him to guard it within my old castle in the Everfree, until I felt for sure that ponies were ready to venture out into the stars. If nopony else was to find Flint’s Trove, then we would, and would give back what he stole from others. Unfortunately, the second map was found first, so my plan had to be scrapped and I had to dig out the third map early in case the second map was destroyed.” Twilight almost hesitated to ask, “And Sylidus?” Celestia looked at her grimly. “He is now in Tartarus, where he belongs.” “So what now?” asked Applejack, speaking at last. “We’ve got two maps, and a big bad guy on the way. What do we do?” “Simple,” Tempest replied, her horn sparking. “We send him back.” “And we,” said Hendricks, reaching for the sphere on the table. “Will take these maps off of your hands, er, hooves. We have the resources necessary to--” “No.” Everyone turned to Celestia. “What?” Jim asked. Celestia shook her head. “No,” she repeated. “I will not allow these maps to leave Equus, not yet. There is...something else you must know about Flint’s Trove. He was building something on each of the six planets, something terrible--” There was an explosion that shook the castle, and screams erupted from outside. (Minutes before...) A red signal flare shot into the sky over Canterlot, and Luna immediately took to the air. “Contact west!” somepony roared. “Unknown craft, heading south!” South? Luna hovered in the air, her eyes widening. It isn’t heading towards Canterlot? “CONFIRM REPORT!” she yelled in the Canterlot Voice. “Confirmed!” a Pegasi officer shouted. “Contact is heading south towards Ponyville!” A second flare shot up into the air, followed by a cry of “Two contacts east! Unknown crafts heading south!” STUPID! Fool! Thrice an idiot! Luna roared mentally as she whirled around to face the city. She had been duped! Of course the Guardian wouldn’t come to Canterlot, it would head straight to the holder of the map --- Twilight. And now her little ponies were in danger because of her stupidity. “ALL UNITS, STAND DOWN, REPEAT, STAND DOWN!” she roared. “COMMANDER ECLIPSE, CAPTAIN BRIGHT STAR, TO ME!” Moments later, the Pegasus captain and the Thestral commander were at her side, panting at the speed at which they flew. “You called, Your Highness?” Bright Star said when he was close enough. “Take four battalions and make haste to Ponyville!” Luna ordered. “We’ve been deceived. The enemy is not heading to Canterlot, it’s here for a different target. FLY!” Eclipse had already bolted away as the last syllable left Luna’s mouth, and Bright Star took to the air and began bellowing commands at the Pegasi squadrons and Unicorns on the wall. Luna looked south towards Ponyville, noting the three ships that began to converge on it, two from the east, and one from the west. She only hoped that the Royal Guard wouldn’t be too late to stop the carnage to follow. Twilight, Celestia, and the others burst out of the Castle of Friendship and gasped at what they saw. A floating ship loomed over the town, its cannons smoking from recent firings, and several homes were in flames. Most of the townsfolk were scurrying about in a panic (as was instinctual for them at this point), while some of the braver ponies remained behind to douse the flames as best as they could. Jim, Hendricks, and Tucker glared up at the ship. They knew the flag that was flying over the mast: Flint’s Jolly Rodger. All three of them pulled their weapons out of their holsters. Rainbow immediately took to the air and tried to assess the damage to the town. From her vantage point, she couldn’t see any bodies, so that was a relief. However, the ship’s cannons seemed to be charging for another shot, so she quickly dove low and rejoined the group. “Welp, we’re not attacking from the air, that’s for sure.” “Then how?!” Applejack cried. Celestia spread her wings protectively and stepped forward. “Stay behind me, everypony. I shall handle the Guardian, the rest of you will focus on evacuating the townsfolk.” “You’re gonna need some more firepower against that thing,” Tempest said, joining her side. “I’m at your disposal, princess.” “Same here,” said Jim, holding up his plasma pistol. “It ain’t much, but we’ve dealt with Flint’s goons before.” Hendricks and Tucker nodded solemnly. Celestia nodded. “Very well. The rest of you will move away when the battle begins.” Pinkie sharply saluted, a camouflaged military helmet inexplicably on her head. “Yes, ma’am!” The others nodded. “You can count on us, princess,” Twilight declared. Somewhere in the distance, a mare screamed, bringing their attention to the western side of the town. “That’s Roseluck!” Spike cried. “I’d recognize that scream of horror anywhere.” “W-w-what is t-that?” Fluttershy stammered, pointing out into the distance. A large shape was coming in for a landing to the west in the plains, shaped like a galleon. Jim squinted at it, trying to determine its origin. “Is that what I think it is?” he murmured. “It’s an alien invasion!” Pinkie screamed, grabbing Fluttershy and hoofing her a red crowbar. “Take this, you’ll need it for the crabs, trust me!” “It’s the Legacy!” Tucker said, smiling and raising his musket in the air. “Reinforcements!” “She’s damaged,” Hendricks noted glumly. " See the smoke? I don’t think we’ll be getting many reinforcements from her.” “Uh, guys?” Twilight spoke up, pointing at the ship. “It’s opening up.” Celestia narrowed her eyes and her horn lit up with a magic bolt spell, just as a gangplank lowered from the ship to the roof of one of the intact houses. A large, mechanical foot stepped off the ship, followed by another, both attached to a huge golem made of solid black plate metal. Piercing yellow eyes shown from underneath its helmeted head, and its gaze passed over each member of the group, before finally pausing on Twilight. Spike gulped. “We’re screwed, aren’t we?” The eyes flashed red. The final wolf blew apart in a spectacular display of sap and wood splinters, and Spanner finally let his arms fall to his sides and he let out a long sigh of relief. First shadowy demons, then horses with wings that could talk and use magic, and now wolves made of wood that regenerated after being killed the first few times. This world was messed up. He had originally planned to meet up with the rest of the crew from the Legacy at the pre-determined landing coordinates, but then the wolves had attacked, and he had no time to prepare the boat, set a course, and defend himself all at once, so instead he hunkered down and let the wolves have it. Thankfully, the pack was small, so once they were down the first time, he was able to pick them off one by one until finally the green glow in their eyes flickered out. He took that to mean that they were dead at last. He hoped. Plans had changed, however. Just as the captain had predicted, he saw the enemy ship fly overhead and head towards the village on the outskirts of the forest. Now, Spanner wasn’t exactly the bravest member of His Majesty’s Navy, but he wasn’t about to let some innocents be killed by no-good pirates. Besides, he had a duty to his team, and he wasn’t going to leave them behind. If they hadn’t seen the ship, they would have definitely heard the sounds of the plasma cannon-fire. Within moments, he had boarded the longboat and punched in the coordinates for the town. As the nav computer performed its calculations, he checked his plasma musket’s charge: fifty percent. It was good enough for now, but his other weapons didn’t have any charge left in them. He’d have to be sparing in his shots. Once the computer was finished, he tapped at his destination on the map and pulled the joystick forward and down, launching the ship out of the clearing and into the sky. The golem crouched low and then leapt off the roof, slamming into the ground in front of Celestia and sending a shock wave through the ground, knocking everyone off their feet. Pinkie pinballed through the air and slammed into the castle’s doorbell button, making a “ding-dong” sound. With a groan, she raised a hoof and squeaked out, “Fight!” Jim regained his footing first and fired a salvo of plasma bolts at the Guardian, which bounced harmlessly off its armor. The Guardian didn’t even look at him, and instead lumbered closer to Twilight. “Oh, no ya don’t!” Applejack growled, throwing a lasso around the Guardian’s neck and yanking back as hard as she could. To her credit, it did stop the large golem for a moment, but it quickly grabbed at the lasso with one of its massive claws and pulled it off of its neck, with Applejack still attached to the other end by her teeth. The Guardian glared at her, and Applejack gave it a half-hearted wave. “Um, howdy?” she chuckled nervously, before the Guardian swung her around twice and flung her towards Ponyville. Rainbow cried out in alarm and raced after the screaming mare, catching her in mid-air and setting her back down on the ground. “Face me!” Celestia roared, blasting the golem with a beam of holy light. “I’m the strongest one here! Face me!” The golem did face her, only to let out a booming laugh. “But you’re not my target.” Without another word, it shrugged off several more magical bolts from both Starlight and Tempest and broke into a very alarming sprint towards Twilight, its sharpened claws outstretched. Twilight teleported out of the way, only to panic when the golem suddenly reversed course and rammed into her, as if it predicted where she would go. Twilight cried out in pain as she flew backwards and rolled through the dirt. Fluttershy and Rarity ran towards her, Fluttershy grabbing her and pulling her to safety and Rarity erecting a shield to block incoming attacks. Spike flew at top speed towards the golem and latched onto one of its arms, before biting into it with his teeth. After all, if dragons could eat gems and rocks, why not metal? Several chipped teeth later, he found the answer to that question, and the Guardian threw him off as if he was but a simple gnat. Celestia raged and flew at the golem, intent on tearing it limb from limb. Hendricks and Tucker joined her, firing their muskets and pistols at the golem, while Jim helped Fluttershy and Rarity with Twilight. Tempest looked over the golem, noting the greenish gleam coming off its armor. She knew that old charm, some of the Storm King’s other lieutenants had it too. “It’s been enchanted with Stoneskin!” she yelled over the din. “We can’t break through that unless we have more firepower. A lot more.” Rainbow blinked and looked up at the ship, before looking back at her with a grin. “Are you pondering what I’m pondering?” “Silly Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing towards her and dodging a laser beam from the golem’s fight with Celestia, looking none the worse for wear. “Where are we going to find a baker’s dozen of gunpowder-laced blueberry cupcakes in this economy, and at such a late hour?” “No, Pinkie...” Rainbow face-hoofed. “The cannons! We can use them against that thing!” Tempest nodded. “That could work.” Pinkie raised a hoof. “Ooh, ooh! I can go get my party cannon and help distract the meanie while you two play pirate!” “Yeah, you do that,” Rainbow said. Just as Pinkie galloped away, Rainbow called back after her, “And we’re not pirates!” “Sure thing, Dashiiiieeeee...” Pinkie yelled back as she disappeared into the town. Tempest looked at Rainbow, ducking as a beam of light fired past her head. “So, how should we do this? You fly me up and I figure out how to use the cannons?” “Yeah, something like that,” Rainbow agreed, grabbing onto Tempest’s barrel. “You ready?” “Yes, go already!” Rainbow rolled her eyes but complied, flying up towards the ship. Pinkie ran through the town, humming a tune to herself. Sure, her friends were in danger, but they were holding their own, and she was about to bring them a little useful present, so why not be cheerful while doing so? Then again, the town was in flames. That did deflate her mane a bit. But hey, nopony had been hurt! But the party was also ruined. But hey, it was still a success, so that counted for something, right? Right. She looked up and saw the roof of Sugarcube Corner sticking up over the other roofs of the town, and she let out a happy giggle and surged forward. Then she turned a corner and slammed face-first into somepony’s leg, sending them both tumbling to the ground. She quickly bounced up and exclaimed, “Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, I’m so sorry! I’m in a real big hurry right now, and there’s this big meanie machine attacking Twilight because she activated a map, and I need to get my party cannon, and--” She froze, and looked up, seeing just who it was she was apologizing to. Her jaw dropped. “W-wow, you’re definitely n-not from around here, are ya...?” He smiled and leered at her. “What’s this about a map?” Tempest rolled to a stop on the deck with a groan, and then glared at Rainbow, who, despite herself and the situation, was laughing her fool head off. “It’s not funny!” Tempest hissed. “Oh come on, you gotta admit, it’s a little funny,” Rainbow replied, landing on the deck with a final chuckle of amusement. Tempest’s still-smoking rump begged to differ. “You try laughing when a errant magic bolt singes your rear end!” “Okay, okay, fair point,” Rainbow conceded, looking around. “Now then, where to next?” “The lower deck, that’s where the cannons were,” Tempest replied, standing up. “Let’s go, they won’t last that long against that thing.” “Right behind ya.” The two mares ran down the stairs to the second deck, where their luck held and they found the cannons immediately. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite what they were expecting either. “That’s...a lot of wires. And batteries,” Tempest remarked, carefully stepping over a pile of rope. Rainbow flew over to one of the cannons and tilted her head, looking over the firing mechanism. And the dozens of buttons, levers, and glass screens. “Yeeeeah, this is way outta my league, and I trained on the cannons in Canterlot when I became a Wonderbolt. What do you think?” “I think,” said Tempest, lifting up two wires with her fore-hooves and watching a spark jump between them. “That we may need to start thinking like Pinkie, and just stop thinking and start doing.” “...Weeeelp, I’ll be topside. Let me know once you’ve figured it out,” Rainbow said, spinning on her hooves and walking back up the stairs. With some slight strain, Tempest yanked her back with telekinesis. “You’re staying right there, and you’re going to follow my directions exactly, you hear me?” Rainbow groaned and nodded. The battle wasn’t going well, Jim quickly decided as he looked over at Celestia. Celestia was holding her own admirably enough, to be sure, and so were the others (most of whom had quickly abandoned the original plan and were instead joining in on the fight), but the problem wasn’t so much the fact that they couldn’t fight the Guardian, but rather that they couldn’t keep it down. No matter what they threw at it, it kept rising back up and moving towards Twilight at a steady pace. Fluttershy and Rarity were currently holed up with Twilight in the castle, while he and Spike stood guard at the gates. Twilight had fallen into unconsciousness from the blow, so her being out in the open was too risky. Rarity and Fluttershy reasoned that the castle would provide a suitable barrier between her and the Guardian, and Jim hoped they were right. With each brawl with Celestia, it had made its way closer to the gates. “STAY. DOWN!” Celestia bellowed, bucking the golem in the chest and sending it stumbling backwards a few meters. It responded with grabbing her back legs and flinging her away. She quickly recovered and flew at him again with renewed anger. “It’s not stayin’ down!” Applejack yelled from atop its helmeted head, punching it with a hoof. “ENOUGH!” the Guardian roared, sending lasers out of its eyes and scorching the ground around everyone’s feet, sending them stumbling backwards. He reached up and grabbed Applejack, throwing her to the side. “You miserable lot have wasted my time. I won’t be denied! I will complete my mission! Captain Flint has commanded it!” “Over my dead body!” Celestia proclaimed. “You will not harm one hair on my little ponies’ heads!” “The Keystone was found and opened, and the price for doing so must be paid in full!” “I’m here! Take me in her stead!” Celestia retorted, spreading her wings wide and stamping on the ground with a snort. “If you’re so willing to die for her, then so be it, but I will complete my mission. You are inconsequential. The Great Trove will never be found!” “Hey, ugly!” a voice yelled from above. The Guardian, Celestia, and the others looked up and saw Rainbow waving from his ship with a smug grin. “Hope you like fried food, ‘cause you’re about to know what it feels like. Badda-bing, badda-BOOM, baby!” As the last word left her mouth, a large ball of plasma shot out of one of the cannons on the ship and slammed into the Guardian’s chest, melting through the armor plating instantly. The Guardian looked down and held its claws to its chest, then looked back up at the Pegasus, dumbfounded. “Hey, that worked! Did we get him?” Tempest called from below-deck. “He’s still standing!” “Fire two!” The second plasma ball was another direct hit, this time to the Guardian’s face. The Guardian swayed on his feet for a moment before falling forward and landing on the ground in a heap of molten metal and sparking electronics. “Ha! Smile, you son of a mule!” Rainbow laughed, flying down from the ship. “Your one-liners suck!” Tempest yelled after her. Rainbow laughed harder. The group gathered around the remains of the Guardian and stared in silence at it, just as Rainbow touched down in front of them. Applejack tipped her hat to the Pegasus and grinned. “Nice work there, partner.” “Yeah, that was awesome!” Tucker agreed. Hendricks nodded and flashed a thumbs-up. “Thank you, thank you, I deserve every praise,” Rainbow boasted, puffing her chest up in pride. “I did all the work!” Tempest yelled angrily from the ship, shaking a hoof at the rainbow-maned Pegasus from a porthole. “I got my rump roasted because of you!” “Pay no attention to the angry mare inside the ship,” Rainbow said, smirking. Celestia teleported Tempest to the ground and swept both of them into a hug. “Tempest, Rainbow, you have both earned yourselves medals today. You’ve just saved Twilight’s life, and ended another great threat to Equestria. What few weapons we had would not have made much of a difference, if your guess was correct about it being enchanted with a Stoneskin barrier. You have my eternal gratitude.” Tempest blushed and looked away, smiling a little. “It...it was nothing, princess. We both saw what we needed to do, so we did it. That’s all.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Girl, you need to learn to take some pride in your work.” Tempest couldn’t resist the opening. “Like how I took pride in locating you and your friends after you performed a Sonic Rainboom to give away your position?” Applejack let out a guffaw. “She’s got ya there, sugarcube!” Rainbow coughed. “Yeah, yeah...okay, fine! Ya did good, Tempest.” “You both did,” Celestia said, looking down at the with pride. “And now that the town’s been saved, we can repair the damages and meet our new friends properly.” She turned towards Jim, Tucker, and Hendricks. “I am most grateful for your assistance in dealing with the Guardian, and for helping to protect Twilight.” “Begging your pardon, lady, but we didn’t really do much,” Tucker pointed out with a frown. Celestia shook her head. “You did your best with what you had available to distract the Guardian long enough for Tempest and Rainbow to succeed in their mission, and Mr. Hawkins helped get Twilight to safety. As far as I’m concerned, that’s more than enough to be worthy of praise and respect.” She bowed her head towards them. “Thank you, roamers of the stars.” “Heheh,” Hendricks chuckled. “’Roamers of the Stars’. Has a nice ring to it, I suppose.” Rarity opened up the gates to the castle and poked her head outside. “Is it safe to come out now?” Jim laughed. “Yes Rarity, the big bad bot is dead.” “Oh, thank heavens,” Rarity sighed, stepping out. “I must say, that was quite an impressive fight. I’m sorry I wasn’t much use, but Fluttershy needed somepony to guard her while she treated Twilight.” “Nah, it’s all good, Rares,” Rainbow replied. “We had it covered.” The group once again descended into silence as they looked at the Guardian’s remains. Finally, Starlight cleared her throat and asked, “Well, what do we do now?” “Now,” said a deep, raspy voice. “You give me that map of yours, and I don’t kill your little friend here.” Everyone whirled around to see a tall, spider-legged creature walk out from Ponyville, holding a plasma musket in one of his claws and Pinkie by the throat in the other. Pinkie was pulling at the pincers around her throat, her face one of terror. The creature’s yellow eyes gleamed with malice, and his sickening smirk was aimed at one person and one person alone. Jim Hawkins. Jim gasped and raised his plasma pistol. “I saw you die!” Scroop raised his musket and pressed it against Pinkie’s head. “Ah-ah-ah, none of that. Put down your weapon, or I pop her head like a balloon.” Reluctantly, Jim lowered his weapon and motioned for Tucker and Hendricks to do the same. The mares all looked ready to charge, but they held their ground. They knew that if they moved, Pinkie died. Scroop cackled. “Good, you understand me perfectly.” “How are you alive?” Jim growled. “I saw you die. You floated up into the Etherium, and the planet exploded. There’s no possible way you could have survived.” “You’d be surprised to know what Mantavors can live through. We’re a hard race to kill,” Scroop answered. “I latched onto one of the pieces of the planet and let it carry me until a trader found me. They were more than willing to help a ’poor, innocent Mantavor’ stranded in the Etherium.” He pointed his musket at Jim. “But enough about me, cabin boy. A little pony told me that you have a map in your possession. Hand it over. Now.” “What map?” Jim asked. “Don’t play dumb with me, cabin boy!” Scroop roared. “Your little friend here squealed like a pig the moment I caught her.” “I’m sorry!” Pinkie cried, tears welling up in her eyes. “I broke my own Pinkie Promise! I’m a horrible frie-he-hend...!” “Shut up,” Scroop hissed in her ear. “We will do no such thing!” Celestia declared. “You do not know what Flint has done with his trove! He built a--” BAM! Celestia gasped, and Starlight and Tempest immediately rushed to her aid as she slumped to the ground, her side bleeding from a fresh wound. Rainbow screamed in rage and leapt into the air, only for Applejack to yank her back by the tail and anchor herself into the ground. “Damn it, Scroop!” Jim yelled, raising his weapon once more. “I’m not screwing around, boy!” Scroop roared. “Give me the map, or I’ll do much worse!” “Okay, okay, fine! Just...calm down, for the love of God,” Jim relented. He turned to Tucker. “Get the map from the table. Go!” Tucker hesitated, but when he saw how serious his boss was, he nodded and quickly disappeared into the castle. Moments later, he returned holding the sphere in one of his tentacles. Jim grabbed it and looked at it for a moment, as if reconsidering what he was about to do. Celestia had tried to warn them that there was something more to Flint’s Trove, but at the moment, he didn’t care. One of his new friends was in trouble, and Celestia was hurt. So what if Scroop got a bit richer? He’d be a dead man anyway once Jim reported today’s events to Captain Amelia. Without a word, he tossed the map to Scroop, who let it roll on the ground in front of him. Scroop smirked and swung his musket over his shoulder, and bent down to pick up the map, spinning it around in his claws in satisfaction. “Good boy. And now that our business is concluded, I’ll take my leave.” He placed the map in a satchel on his side and grabbed his musket once more. He then placed the muzzle against Pinkie’s head and began to walk away. “Scroop!” Jim yelled. “Let her go.” “Sorry,” Scroop shouted back. “You never asked for her back, and I could use a hostage. Don’t follow me, boy, or she dies, and then you will follow her.” “Jimmy!” Pinkie cried, only for Scroop to squeeze a little harder. She yelped and swung her fore-hooves at him, but his arms were too long for her to reach him. A plasma blast rang out, and Scroop cried out in pain as he slumped to the ground, one of his legs scorched. Jim, Hendricks, and Tucker looked around in shock. None of them had shot him. Scroop stood up once more and glared daggers at them, but then looked up and narrowed his gaze at what he saw. A Legacy longboat floated above the Castle of Friendship, and a Flatulan in Imperial Navy garb was holding a musket and pointing it at him with a rather angry look on his face. He let out a few snorts and honks of air and fired his musket again, missing Scroop’s legs by inches. Scroop immediately booked it, pulling Pinkie alongside him and climbing the walls of the buildings to get to the Guardian’s ship. “Don’t let him escape!” Jim yelled, and he, Tucker, and Hendricks took off in a sprint after the Mantavor pirate. Rainbow blasted off past them, her eyes filled with rage and single-minded determination. Scroop swung his legs over the side of the Guardian’s ship and threw Pinkie into the captain’s cabin, sealing the door shut with his musket’s laser. He then ran up to the quarterdeck and grabbed hold of the steering wheel, spinning it around just as Rainbow slammed into his side. Scroop kicked her off of him and aimed his musket at her, only for him to flinch as it was shot out of his hands from Spanner in his longboat. Rainbow tackled him again, punching him repeatedly before being kicked off once more. Scroop grabbed the wheel and spun it hard, spinning the ship a hundred and eighty degrees and causing Rainbow to lose her balance and fall off the side of the ship. He then grabbed the ship’s launching lever and slammed it down, putting the ship into full throttle and blasting off into the sky. Spanner’s longboat followed in pursuit, but it soon fell away. The Guardian’s ship was just too fast for it to keep up. But it wasn’t fast enough to escape a Sonic Rainboom. Rainbow rammed into the hull at full speed, grabbing onto the edge of the ship as it began to skirt the outer atmosphere of the planet and pulling herself up onto the ship with great difficulty. Scroop noticed her out of the corner of his eye and smirked at her determination to catch him. It was rather cute. Pointless, but cute. Leaning over, he kicked her off one last time and sent her tumbling through the air with a malicious cackle. Rainbow could only watch in despair as the Guardian’s ship escaped the planet’s atmosphere and flew off into the Etherium at speeds she couldn’t hope to match. Scroop, and Pinkie, were gone. > Chapter 7: Ponies...IN SPAAACE! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say that the mood was icy was to say that the sky was blue. No one and nopony felt like smiling as they picked up the pieces of the battle and scraped away the remains of the Guardian’s rampage. When Rainbow had come back, nopony understood why she had come back empty-hooved at first. The haunted and horrified expression on her face spoke volumes to all of them. Applejack was the first to react, putting a hoof on her Pegasus friend’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, only to be shoved away as Rainbow stormed off with a growl. Most of the others reacted to the news about the same --- disbelief, then denial, then horror, and finally sorrow. Fluttershy was inconsolable, and had curled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep on the steps of the castle. Rarity and Twilight (who had recovered and had been helping the others clean up) sat down in the grass in complete, stunned silence, never once saying a word. Rainbow had long since flown off to either hide in shame in her home or help in the repairs of Ponyville, also in shame. Applejack tried her best to put on a mask of determined strength, but Jim could see it was quickly failing. Starlight and Tempest were equally devastated, but they had a far more pressing concern to deal with: Princess Celestia was wounded, and needed a doctor as soon as possible. With Tempest’s help, Starlight had managed to slow the blood flow and was using some of Rarity’s emergency thread to stitch up the wound the best she could, but she was no physician. Tucker, Hendricks, and Spike had gone into Ponyville to get Nurse Redheart and Dr. Horse, while Spanner had flown off to report the day’s events to Captain Amelia, leaving Jim to coordinate what few cleanup efforts were being done at the castle. The Guardian had already been loaded up onto a cart, but that was about it. Nopony’s heart was in anything else. So it was a pleasant and welcome surprise to see Luna and several contingents of Solar Guard Pegasi fly in from Canterlot, each of them ready to help in any way they could. Captain Bright Star took control immediately and ordered his troops to secure Ponyville and help in the clean-up effort, while Luna’s attention was drawn to her sister. In a flash she was at her side, her eyes wide with fear. “Tia...oh Faust, what has--?” she stammered. “It wasn’t the Guardian...” Celestia hissed through the pain. “It was...someone new.” “His name’s Scroop,” Jim spoke up, getting the sisters’ attention as he approached. “He’s a Mantavor pirate I faced a few years back. He’s bad news.” Celestia gestured with a wing to Jim and then to Luna. “Luna, this is Jim Hawkins. Mister Hawkins, meet Princess Luna, my sister and fellow diarch of Equestria.” Jim bowed. “A pleasure, Your Highness.” Luna eyed the human warily. “Likewise...” she murmured before looking back at Celestia. “Sister, what happened here? When I saw the Guardian’s ship heading here I feared the worst.” “The Guardian attacked, and we managed to drive him away from Twilight,” Celestia replied. “Rainbow Dash and...Tempest Shadow, who was visiting, managed to use the beast’s own weapons against it, and they destroyed it.” She gestured towards the cart, which was being cautiously inspected by several Solar Guards. “The Guardian is no more.” “That’s...that’s brilliant!” Luna breathed. “It means we’re free to use the map to--” “No, sister, something else happened after the Guardian was defeated,” Celestia interjected, standing up on her hooves with great difficulty. Tempest and Starlight were at her side in an instant, helping their ruler up with concern in their eyes. “The Mantavor, Scroop, appeared. With a hostage --- Pinkie Pie.” Luna’s eyes narrowed, and when she spoke next, her words had a dangerous, icy undertone. “Celestia...where is she?” Celestia’s eyes fell, then she looked up at the sky. Luna, confused at first, followed her gaze. Then her eyes widened in realization. “After shooting Celestia, he took the map, stole the Guardian’s ship, and kidnapped Pinkie as insurance,” Jim reported glumly. “Rainbow and one of my team tried to stop him, but...” Luna closed her eyes and exhaled, her throat rumbling. It seemed like the air around them dropped several degrees, and when her eyes opened again, her pupils were slits and her fur had gone slightly darker. “Doth thou mean to tell Us...that some vagabond pirate scum has ponynapped one of Our most precious subjects...and has taken them into the depths of the Etherium, far beyond even Our reach?!” “Luna!” Celestia shouted. Luna blinked, and her eyes and fur returned to normal. She shook her head and took a step back. “I...apologize, Jim Hawkins. It is out of concern that I am angry, not because of you. Tell your team that they have our thanks for trying to save Lady Pie, but...” She looked up to the sky. “How are we to save her now? Without the map, we have no way of tracking them.” “Actually...” Twilight said, speaking for the first time as she stood up, a plan beginning to form in her head. “We still have a chance.” With a flash of light, she disappeared for a moment, before reappearing, this time with a runed sphere floating in her magic aura. “We had a second map.” Celestia’s eyes widened and she smiled. “My faithful student...you are a marvel.” “Don’t celebrate just yet,” Jim said, grabbing the map out of the air. “We may have a means to track them, but we don’t have a means to follow them. Our ship, the Legacy, is heavily damaged. If it’s actually gone so far as to land near the town, that means it’s in no condition to fly, much less fight. And I don’t know about you, but you ponies don’t seem like you’ve invented solar sails or Etherium ships.” He looked at Celestia. “Unless you have?” Celestia shook her head. “We have not...not yet. It had been my plan, but not for a long while still.” Twilight’s face fell. “Then...we can’t save Pinkie...?” Jim knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight, listen to me, I swear to you, we will rescue Pinkie. We will find a way. We just need to regroup and consider our options right now, and try to come up with a plan.” He glanced around him, noticing how the rest of Twilight’s friends had surrounded them, looking at him with hopeful gazes. Even Fluttershy had awoken from her tear-induced slumber to listen. “That’s a promise to all of you, too. On my honor as an officer of His Majesty’s Imperial Navy, I won’t rest until Scroop is brought to justice and Pinkie is brought back to Equestria safe and sound.” Before he could stand up he was engulfed in three tight embraces from Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, nearly tackling him to the ground. Despite the situation, Starlight found herself snickering and quickly joined in on the hug, motioning for Tempest and Applejack to join in too. Applejack smirked but shook her head, while Tempest quickly shuffled back to Celestia and made a show of “helping her walk” (much to Celestia’s amusement). Jim smiled at the mares and hugged back the best he could, which made quite the tangle of limbs as he tried to free his arms. Rarity pulled back from her embrace and poked him in the chest with a hoof. “You best keep that promise, dear, or I Pinkie Promise you, you will not like what I will do to you while angry.” “Oh, lay off, Rares,” Applejack interjected, helping Jim to his feet after the pile of mares got off him. “Let the man work.” “Well, Mister Hawkins, where to next?” Celestia asked, and all eyes turned to him. Jim straightened his tunic, painfully aware of how dirty it was. “First I need to report back to my captain. She’ll be able to give us some advice on how to catch Scroop, since she’s been hunting pirates longer than I have. That, and I want to make sure my crew is safe.” Luna nodded. “A wise course of action. We shall handle matters here and get Lady Dash up to speed.” At Celestia’s giggle at the unintended pun, Luna rolled her eyes. “And I shall get Sunbutt over here to a physician.” “Hey!” Celestia objected. “Only Discord has the ability to call me that and get away with it. And besides, at least I don’t have a full moon.” Luna lowered her head and groaned in frustration, much to the merriment of the mares. Jim looked at Tempest in confusion, and the disabled Unicorn only shrugged in response. The galleon crept closer to the planet, its black solar sails only halfway unfurled --- just enough to give them speed, but also enough for them to move undetected. The pirate crew onboard looked at the system in wonder, marvelling at the small moon and sun revolving around it as if by magic. Such a sight was rare in the Etherium, and even pirates like them could appreciate the beauty of it. Their captain on the quarterdeck, even more so. He gave a small smirk as he watched the sun and moon shift positions just slightly. Wherever Jimbo had found himself, it was certainly a crazy place. “Mister Onus!” he called, emphasizing his R’s as he looked up to the crow’s nest. “What be makin’ ya look so consternated?” “Ship pieces, captaaaain!” the short Optoc yelled down, plucking one of his eyes from the spyglass he held. “Imperial be my guess by the solar sail configuration.” “Damn...” Silver muttered as he shifted the ship’s wheel to the left slightly. “Meltdown, what’d ya think?” A tall, fat Repton with a gold earring and brown vest stepped up. Meltdown was Silver’s second-in-command, being one of the few surviving members of Silver’s doomed Treasure Planet crew. Only he and Onus elected to stay with their captain, while the others went their separate ways. He wasn’t smart by any means, but he was loyal and a good shot with a musket. “Dunna, cap’n. Methinks Legacy got hit good. Big fight.” “Sir, I’m tracking an Etherium-drive trail exiting the sector,” said Brock, Silver’s navigator. Brock was a Macriki, a strange, eel-like species with eyes in their mouths. To this day Silver didn’t even try to understand how that worked. “They left several hours ago, and did so in a hurry.” “Probably the bastards that got the Legacy,” Silver muttered. “Right then, here’s the plan, lads. We’re headin’ down there by longboat. We’ll see what we need t’see, and then head back if there ain’t any survivors.” “Why should we care if anybody survived?” a brutish Densadron pirate growled from the main deck. Several others nodded. “We’re pirates! We don’t care about no one, unless they’ve got goods we can acquire!” “Because down there’s a boy that I’m quite fond of, and if any of ya’s want to remain onboard MY ship, I suggest ya be startin’ to get real fond of him too by lookin’ for him and his mates! Now hop to it, or I start haulin’ yer worthless hides overboard!” Silver answered with a roll of his natural eye. His cybernetic one, meanwhile, flashed red and shone a laser at the Densadron’s head. The threat was clear. Meltdown gave a sadistic grin while Onus giggled gleefully in the crow’s nest. There was a reason they stuck by Silver, after all. The crew gulped, knowing better than to anger one of the Etherium’s most notorious pirate captains, and immediately went to work. Silver handed the wheel over to Meltdown and made his way down to the main deck, intending on boarding one of the longboats heading down. No worries, lad, I’m on me way. Still got some fight in these wee old metal bones, after all. Jim’s return to the Legacy was a somber one. Many of the crew were happy to see him again, but there were a few new scars, and some missing faces. They tried to hide it, but Jim noticed. The Guardian had done a number on them, and even though he was gone now, the damages he caused would be felt for a while. Still, Jim put on a smile as he, Tucker, and Hendricks greeted their fellow crewmates once more. An Imperial crew was nothing if not a sturdy lot, and their captain made sure of that. Said captain was currently making her way towards the three of them as they disengaged from the rest of the crew, her husband and Spanner hot on her heels. “Mister Hawkins!” she called. “It is delightful to see you hearty and well. Pray tell, how went your scouting trip?” “It was...quite eventful, captain,” Jim reported. “Ran into some wolves made up of living wood, then a giant worm, and then magical ponies.” “Ah, so Mister Spanner was indeed telling the truth, then,” Amelia said with a nod. “This is certainly a strange little planet.” “You don’t know the half of it, ma’am,” Hendricks muttered. “I’m sure I don’t, judging by what Mister Spanner has told me,” Amelia agreed. “Which means that you three can fill us in on the half we don’t know immediately. My state room, if you please.” The three of them nodded and followed the captain to the ship’s forecastle. As they went, Delbert patted Jim’s shoulder with a smile and a sigh of relief, to which Jim smiled back. Both of them knew that nothing more needed to be said. Once inside the captain’s state room, she closed the door and stepped behind her desk. Jim was about to continue his report when Amelia raised her hand and shook her head. “You need not regale me about the wolves or the giant worm, those can wait for later. What I want to know is the situation in the town and the...ponies, and with that ship that broke through the atmosphere an hour ago. And please, spare no detail.” Jim nodded and began giving his report, with Hendricks, Tucker, and Spanner offering their own sides of the story to fill in any gaps. He told her of his team’s meeting with the ponies, and their meeting with Celestia. He told her about Flint’s incursion into Equestria (with Delbert interjecting to ask several historical questions on that point), and about the maps. He finally ended his report with the battle against the Guardian and Scroop’s appearance, as well as the kidnapping of Pinkie Pie and his acquiring of one of the maps. Throughout it all, Amelia stayed silent, listening intently with a calm face. Once his report was finished, Jim and his team stood and waited for the information to sink in for the captain and the professor. Husband and wife eyed one another for a moment before Amelia rapped her fingers on her desk in thought. “So...that scoundrel Scroop has resurfaced, has he? Mighty tough bastard to kill, he is. I suppose it can’t be helped. I’m afraid, however, that there isn’t much I can do to help. We simply don’t have the ability to lead a rescue mission at this time.” “Isn’t there some way of fixing the engines so that we can fly again?” Tucker asked. “No. This Guardian of yours was highly efficient. It’s not even the engines that are truly damaged beyond repair, but rather the hull, the sails themselves, and our thrusters. Without them, an engine can only get you so far,” Amelia replied. “For the time being, it’s an all-hands-on-deck situation. Every member of this crew must pull their weight if we’re to reach the Etherium again.” She turned to Spanner. “You have engineering experience, do you not?” At Spanner’s nod, she continued, “I want you below deck in five minutes. You are to report to Mister Gibbs for repair duty. Dismissed, Mister Spanner.” Spanner saluted with a flatulent honk and waved at his team before exiting the room. “Darling, surely there’s something we can do?” Delbert asked in a low voice. “We can provide aid to the Equestrians in rebuilding their homes, once we’re finished fixing our ship,” Amelia allowed. “As for their missing friend, I’m afraid that, for the time being, they’re on their own. Scroop’s got too large of a head start on us. Even if we were to rush repairs and be up in the Etherium within three days, he could be anywhere within the galaxy.” “But Pinkie might not have that time!” Jim insisted. “Not to mention whatever has Princess Celestia scared. She’s a powerful being with even more powerful magic at the tip of her horn, captain, and yet she’s scared of whatever Flint has done with his trove. What if he hid something else there, something that a thug like Scroop would love to get his claws on?” “Then he shall find the Imperial Navy biting at his heels, and we’ll hunt him down until he’s nothing more than a grease stain floating through the Etherium like chaff in the wind.” “We can’t just do nothing, though. Not while a friend of ours is out there alone and in the hands of a pirate,” Hendricks said, surprising Jim. Out of all of them, Hendricks liked the Equestrians the least, or seemed to. To have him consider Pinkie a friend was extraordinary. “I’d chase after him in a bloody longboat if I have to.” Heh, go Hendricks, go, Jim thought with a wry smirk. Amelia sighed and stood up, her hands pressed against the desk. “I admire your determination, Mister Hendricks, but--” The door opened and BEN poked his head in. “Ah, heheheh, hi! Just wanted to report a teeny-tiny-little-itsy-bitsy-weeny-whiny problem, captain.” Amelia rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mister BEN?” “Well, maybe not that much of a teeny-tiny-itsy-bitsy--” “Get on with it!” everyone yelled at him. He immediately fell onto his knees and hugged Jim’s legs. “It’s not my fault they found us, I swear! Oh gods above, they’re here to take me away! Don’t let them turn me into scrap, Jimmy! I’m too young and huggable to dieeee!” he squealed, crying oily tears. “BEN, just tell us what’s going...” Shouting erupted from the main deck, as well as several jeers and the roars of multiple Etherium-drive engines. Jim blinked and finished, “...on?” “Captain...” Graven’s unsure voice rumbled from the doorway. “We have company, and they’re not exactly the friendly sort.” Narrowing her eyes, Amelia stepped out of her state room and onto the quarterdeck. What she saw caused her to hiss aggressively and flick her ears back. Jim and the others followed her outside and dropped their jaws. Three longboats with black sails were encircling their ship, each full of jeering, laughing pirates of all shapes, sizes, and species, each bearing a weapon of some sort. However, to everyone’s shock, the pirates weren’t making a move. Rather, they simply floated around the ship, weapons drawn, but not attacking. They seemed to be waiting for something, or someone. “I see ‘im, captaaaain!” came a high-pitched voice that Jim, Amelia, and Delbert knew all too-well. “Was that...” Jim began. “Mister Onus?” Amelia finished. “Ahoy there, lad!” came a jovial, boisterous voice. The pirates on one of the longboats parted to let a large, one-legged cyborg through. He smiled and tipped his tricorn hat at Jim and the group, waving his metal hand at them. “Lovely day for a reunion, eh?” “Silver!” Amelia hissed, drawing a hidden pistol from her coat and pointing it at him. The pirates reacted accordingly, aiming every single musket her. This, in turn, led to all of the Legacy’s crewmen pointing their muskets at the pirates. Interestingly, Silver hadn’t lost his smile, nor had he drawn from his own myriad of weapons he had hidden over his body. “Aye, that be me. ‘Tis a fine sight to see yer wonderful and efficacious face again, Cap’n Amelia!” Silver laughed. “But there be no needin’ for any of this funny business. I can see yer in enough trouble as it is. Got yer distress call, by the way.” “We weren’t sending that to you!” Amelia growled. “Well, ya got me anyway,” Silver rebutted with an innocent shrug. “Not like ya got much of a choice in who yer friends are.” “What do you want, Silver?” Jim asked. “We’re a little busy right now.” “Aye, I can see that, lad. Fancy meetin’ you lot here on this strange little planet. Talkin’ horses, lad? What nonsense have ya gotten up to this time?” “It’s...complicated,” Jim replied. “Well then, let’s try to un-complicate things then, shall we?” Silver suggested. “Tell ya what, I’ll have my boys stand down if you lot do so as well, and we can discuss things in private like civilized people. Me crew will help protect yer ship, and in return ya can tell me what’s been happenin’ ‘round here.” Jim glanced at Amelia and nodded to her. “It’s alright, captain. He won’t hurt us.” “He’s a pirate,” Amelia spat. “They exist to hurt others.” “Now, that’s just hurtful,” Silver called out. “I’ll have ya know I’m a galaxy-renowned cook and I donate to orphanages.” “He won’t hurt us because I’m here,” Jim confessed. He looked up at Silver and winked. “I know he won’t.” Delbert put a hand on his wife’s outstretched arm. “Amelia, listen to Jim,” he said. “I know that this is going to feel uncomfortable, but we don’t have a choice. Shooting at them will only make the situation worse.” Amelia looked between her husband and Jim, then back at Silver, then back at Jim. With a long sigh of resignation, she lowered her pistol and holstered it once more, motioning for her crew to do the same. With great reluctance, they followed her orders and put aside their weapons. To their shock, the pirates did the same, although they still laughed and taunted the Legacy crew under their breath. Silver lowered a gangplank from his longboat and stepped aboard the Legacy with a large, toothy grin. “Now then,” he said jovially. “Anyone want to tell me what’s become of my former ship?” “So, Scroop stole the bucket instead of kickin’ it, eh?” Silver said with a chuckle. “Ha, knew we hadn’t seen the last of ‘im.” “Yeah, and unless we don’t catch up to him soon, Pinkie’s life is in danger,” Jim said. SIlver hummed and sipped at the rum on his glass before setting it down on Amelia’s desk. “Aye, that’s good stuff. Now then, it seems to little ol’ me that what ya need is a ship and crew willin’ to ferry ya to Crescentia Spaceport. Sound about right?” Jim and Amelia eyed each other before turning back to Silver. “Yeeeeah?” Jim answered slowly. Silver immediately let out a full-bellied laugh and slapped his thigh. “Oh, heheh, oh that’s lovely! I knew comin’ here was a great idea! Beats robbin’ the same merchant vessels every other week.” Amelia hissed at him, which only made Silver laugh even harder. “Come on Silver, this is serious,” Jim implored. “Oh, I know that, lad, I’m just joshin’ with ya,” the cyborg replied, wiping a tear from his eye. “It’s just, hoohoo, it’s just ridiculous, is all. Here we are on a planet full of magical talkin’ horses--” “Ponies,” Tucker, Hendricks, and Jim all interjected. “Ponies,” Silver corrected. “And fairy tale castles, and rainbows and hearts and sunshine and flowers, and this was the planet that laid ya low. Ya survived an entire planet explodin’ but the minute ya step into this little girl’s playground yer ship just goes ker-plunk. And not only that, but ya’ve actually resorted to askin’ one of the pirates ya hate the most to ferry ya back to Imperial space like a bunch of galactic hitchhikers, bah-hahaha!” “Isn’t that what you were intending to do from the start, though?” asked Tucker. “Oh, aye, but it ain’t makin’ it less funny,” Silver said, putting his metal hand on his chest to wheeze out his last few laughs. “Hoowee, haven’t had a good one like that in a while.” “I fail to see the humor in rescuing a young lady from a monster like Scroop,” Amelia growled. Silver’s smile faltered somewhat, and he focused his cybernetic eye on her. “Aye, nor do I, cap’n. I never did. These people --- ponies --- on this planet...they ain’t got any stake in this galaxy. Pickin’ on ‘em ain’t right, no ma’am. No self-respectin’ pirate would even try. We may be scoundrels, but we’ve got a code of our own, y’see?” “Didn’t stop Flint,” Hendricks countered. Silver shook his head. “Flint was a rogue, even fought and killed other pirates. He was a true pirate with no scruples and no regulation.” Amelia scoffed. “You’re telling us you scoundrels have a system of rules and governing?” “Not as much as ya may be thinkin’, but yes, we do,” Silver replied nonchalantly. “It’s more of a book of guidelines, but the Code is real as this ship. Those who keep to the code are given territory that they operate in, and we leave ‘em alone. Those who don’t, like Flint, are fair game for other pirates, and we even sell out a few of the rogues to you Imperials to keep ya off our backs.” “You’d betray your own kind?” Delbert asked. Silver shrugged and chuckled. “I’m a pirate. I go where there’s profit, and some people pay a pretty penny to have a pirate’s hide as their office rug.” Delbert blinked and made a face. “...Fair point.” “Now then,” Silver said, standing up and downing the rest of his rum. “If we’re done discussin’ pirate politics, I’ve got places to be. If ya wanna chase after Scroop, we leave in an hour. Get whoever ya want to come with, and then let me know.” Without another word he trudged out of the state room, chuckling lightly once again. Jim stepped up to the desk. “Ma’am, I volunteer to go after Scroop.” “Of course you would,” Amelia sighed. “Us too,” Tucker said, motioning to Hendricks and himself. Hendricks nodded in agreement. “I can’t just send my entire crew after one pirate,” Amelia said. “We need people to repair the ship.” “So ask the ponies to help,” Delbert suggested. “I’ve been studying their town from afar, and it seems they have a fairly competent grasp of metalworking and woodworking. And with the Unicorns’ magic, we could have this ship, uh, ship-shape in no time.” Jim pointed at him and nodded. “See, there you go, now you can afford to lose us.” “Please put it another way...” Hendricks muttered. Amelia sighed again. “Very well, I probably wouldn’t be able to convince you three otherwise anyway. Let the ponies know what we’ve decided. I’ll see if I can set up a meeting between myself and this Princess Celestia so that we can come to some kind of mutual understanding and agreement. Dismissed.” “Thank you, captain, you won’t regret this!” Jim said, saluting and exiting the room with his team in tow. Delbert kissed his wife’s head and massaged her shoulders. “You’re doing the right thing, Amelia.” Amelia grasped one of his hands and purred slightly. “I know, darling. I just pray he doesn’t get into too much trouble.” “Oh please, it’s not like he’s saving the galaxy, just one pony. How hard can it be?” “Soooo, what do you think?” Jim asked at last, crossing his arms and waiting for the ponies’ response. He, Hendricks, and Tucker had arrived back in Ponyville by longboat and had quickly located Twilight and her friends and explained the situation to them. Twilight had initially been wary by the appearance of more pirates in Equestria, but after Jim’s assurances that these pirates were, for the time being, friendly to an extent, she decided to listen to what Jim was proposing. Once he had finished, the result was instant. Rainbow shot into the air and was in Jim’s face with a look of smug determination. “I’m bucking IN!” she declared. “As am I,” Rarity added, putting a hoof on her chest and smiling. “We’ve travelled with pirates before, and they were a fine group of individuals. If Jim says that these ones are willing to help, then so be it. Let’s go rescue Pinkie.” “Now hold on, everypony,” Applejack cautioned. “These pirates ain’t nothin’ like what we’ve seen before. These ones see rougher an’ a mite scarier, even if this Silver fella seems like a good egg.” “I agree, Applejack,” Twilight said, looking at Jim. “How can we be sure they can be trusted?” “I don’t trust them at all,” Jim admitted. “But what choice do we have? This is our only way to rescue Pinkie, and we’ve only got one shot. Once Silver leaves, that’s it. We’ll be dooming her.” “And we can’t have that,” Starlight said, stepping up. “Count me in.” Spike crossed his claws over his chest and flapped up into the air. “Me too.” “Me three,” Tempest said, much to everypony’s surprise. She turned to them and scowled. “Pinkie was the first pony to truly accept me back into Equestria. Despite all I did, she never once stopped believing that I had changed for the better, and worked tirelessly to make everypony else see it too. I...have to do this. I won’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t.” Twilight smiled at her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Then it’s decided,” she said, looking back to Jim and his team. “We’re all going. For Pinkie.” “For Pinkie!” the mares, and Spike, cheered. Jim grinned. Now this was a crew he could work with. “Alright then, pack whatever you need and head to the Legacy as soon as you’re ready. SIlver has his longboats waiting for us there.” “We’re going into space!” Rainbow shouted, pumping her hooves in the air. “This is gonna be awesome!” “It would be nice to see what the stars look like from up there,” Fluttershy admitted quietly with a shy smile. “Oh! That reminds me!” Twilight cried, her eyes wide with realization. “Spike, grab my journals from my lab. I’m going to need documentation. Lots of documentation. Enough to fill a library! No, two! Maybe even three!” Spike sighed, saluted, and left the castle throne room, muttering about “having enough books already” under his breath. “Slow down there, Twilight,” Tucker said. “Jim said to take only what you need.” Twilight stared at him incredulously. “And what makes you think I don’t need my documentation? Don’t you dare impugn the honor of well-documented field notes!” “This isn’t a field trip, Twilight,” Rairty chided. “But I’m going into spaaaaace!” the lilac Princess of Eggheads whined and slumped in her chair. “Why did my first venture into space have to be because one of my friends was captured? Whyyyyyy...?” Hendricks leaned in towards Rainbow and whispered, “Methinks she’s a little...” He twirled his finger around his right temple and made a two quick whistles. Rainbow giggled and nodded. “Fine, two journals, but no more,” Jim said. “Rarity’s right, there’s more important things to be worried about right now. When this is over, I’ll take you up again and show you around, maybe even show you Montressor.” Twilight’s eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth in a wide, adorable smile. “Really?!” Jim laughed and nodded, and was instantly rammed by a lilac blur who squealed as she embraced him. Silver sat in the longboat, tossing a platinum drubloon into the air over and over again as he waited for Jim to return. He knew the boy would. After all, this pony that was kidnapped seemed to have made an impression on him, and if he knew Jim liked he thought he did, the boy would go through hell or high water to save his friends, just like he did on Treasure Planet. Silver had never been more proud of anyone or anything than on that day when Jim opened that portal to Crescentia. The memory still brought a smile to his worn and world-weary face. “Captaaaain, we’ve go company!” Onus called from another longboat, pointing out over a nearby hill in the direction of the town. Silver put the drubloon in his pocket and fished out his spyglass, following Onus’s keen gaze. As he focused, he saw Jim, Hendricks, and Tucker start down the hill, followed by what seemed to be a small herd of locals. Female locals. Silver doubled over in laughter and called out, “Hey lads, looks like we’ll be entertainin’ some guests of the feminine kind soon. Best make yerselves presentable.” He went to the longboat’s controls and gripped the steering lever, pushing it forwards and down. The longboat surged forward to meet Jim’s group, followed close behind by the other two. The longboats slowed down once they were within shouting distance of the group, and Silver leaned over and yelled, “Jimbo, when I told ya to bring whoever wanted to come, I didn’t expect ya to bring half the town!” Jim waved at him as Silver’s longboat pulled up above them. “Silver, I’d like you to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The pony who Scroop took, Pinkie Pie, is one of their closest friends, and they want to get her back.” “No matter whose butt we have to kick to do it,” Rainbow added, punching her two fronts hooves together as she hovered in the air. Silver snickered. “Oooh, I like her! Feisty thing, ain’t she?” He leaned over and tipped his hat at the mares and Spike. “Ahoy there, ladies! Fancy meetin’ ya on this day of days, and in such fair weather. Name’s John Silver, but ya can just call me Silver or Captain. And who might you lovely mares be?” Rarity giggled. “Well, he certainly has manners,” she remarked. “My name is Rarity, Captain Silver. Fashionista and owner of the Carousel Boutique.” “Name’s Applejack, but folks ‘round here call me AJ,” Applejack said, tipping her stetson. “Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt, fastest flyer in Equestria, weather control officer, and professional butt-kicker,” Rainbow boasted. Silver raised an eyebrow but grinned even more. “I-I’m...Fluttershy...” Fluttershy whispered. At Silver’s shrug, she made a little squeak and whispered louder, “F-Fluttershy...” “Ah, picked that one up that time,” Silver nodded. “Don’t worry little lady, I used to be that way when I was a wee lad meself.” He tipped his hat again. “Ahhh, good times.” Fluttershy blushed and her her face behind her long pink mane, but smiled nonetheless. Starlight stepped forward. “My name’s Starlight,” she said simply. “Tempest Shadow, ex-warlord,” tempest said, giving a smirk towards him. Silver met her gaze and the two began studying one another. Silver had to admit, she certainly looked the part, and had the fire in her eyes to match. The scar was a nice touch, too. “And I’m Spike!” the little Dragon said, puffing out his chest and pointing his thumb at himself. “Twilight’s number one assistant.” “And I...” said Twilight, flaring out her wings to look as regal as possible. “...am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.” Several of the pirates scoffed at this, only for Silver to silence them with a raised finger. “Interesting titles and names, ladies. Glad to make yer acquaintance.” He looked at Jim and smirked. “Quite the herd ya have here, lad.” Every mare immediately blushed, and Fluttershy squeaked again and hid herself even further in her mane, her face as red as a beet. Silver raised an eyebrow. “Was it somethin’ I said?” “Erm, boss?” one of the pirates behind him said, tapping his shoulder and whispering something into his ear. Silver’s smile turned sheepish and his eyes went wide. “Ack, my apologies, ladies. I meant no disrespect nor insult nor discourtesy.” “It, ahem...it’s no problem,” Twilight murmured, still blushing hard. Silver shook his head. Of course the planet full of pretty pink ponies was also a planet of prudes. “Ahem, right then, lad, we best be off now. Climb aboard!” The pirates lowered their longboats and placed down gangplanks, allowing the the ponies and Jim’s team to climb on. Due to the longboats already having pirates onboard, some of them had to split off into different boats, with Jim, Tempest, Starlight, Twilight, and Spike boarding Silver’s. Once all of them were onboard, all three longboats took off immediately, shooting off into the upper atmosphere. The only mare that didn’t scream was Rainbow. She instead was laughing and demanding even more speed, much to her friends’ dismay. Silver was more than happy to comply with the Wonderbolt. Then, just as their ascent started, it ended. They began to float much slower through the air, and then the ponies realized they weren’t actually in the air anymore. Stars surrounded them, and a bluish-black expanse lay before them, peppered with a rainbow of nebulae and star clusters. They were in the Etherium. As Spike and the mares looked on in silent awe at what they were seeing, SIlver suddenly slapped his thigh and glanced at Jim. “Doh! Before I forget again, where’s that little Morphy, Jimbo? I haven’t seen ‘im in ages.” Jim facepalmed. “Gah, I completely forgot. Morph, you can come on out now, the danger’s gone.” But Morph didn’t show. Jim blinked, then checked his pockets. “Morph? Where are you, buddy?” Onboard Scroop’s ship, huddled in a corner of the cold and empty state room, Pinkie lay shivering as she stared at the bolted iron door. Her hooves gently nuzzled the little pink blob nestled near her fur, who was probably even more terrified than her. He had hitched a ride in her mane when the battle was taking place, not realizing what was happening before they had been tossed into the ship. Now they were both trapped. Morph gave a little whimper, and Pinkie nuzzled him with her cheek. “It’s okay, Morphy, we’re gonna be okay. Just keep smiling and giggling at the ghosties with me, okay?” she pleaded softly. Morph could only nod as he looked out the window, watching as the stars of the Etherium zipped past them.