A Cultivator in Equestria

by Staadnauthursil

First published

A person from another world is brought to an AU MLP universe, where their body is transformed and adapted. Into a Kirin, a very unusual kirin.

Equestria, the nation of the pony folk. A nation strong in heart, soul, magic, and sword. For almost a thousand years, the nation held itself against the tides of its rivals through its unified strength. And currently has a hundred years of peace made the nation a bit more docile than it was in the past.

Yet that is about to change. And not even the nation's ruler, Queen Celestia, will be unafflicted by it.

The date is 1092 AD (After Discord), nearly a millennia since the banishment of Nightmare Moon. And the stars begin to align in preparation for the approaching release of the Princess of the Night from her prison. During this celestial shift in the constellations' alignment, there shall be a sudden change in the weaves of fate and reality. As someone intervenes and acts against the will of the heavens.

Meanwhile, another plane of existence is a recently reincarnated man working diligently to be accepted as a cultivator of his sect. Totally unaware of what this rebellious act against reality will cause him.

The drums of war shall sound in the world of Gaia once more. Warriors from all over shall stand up to show their might and valour through the art of war.

There shall be a great age of upheaval, armies shall rise and fall, swords shall be bloodied, lives shall be lost, lives shall be spared, spells shall sunder the world. And the art of the cultivator shall rise to challenge all.

And you are all, there to witness it.

Author's Note: This is a side project I have started since I am currently in an uphill fight with my writer's block in Maleficus Victoria. I hope it will be interesting for those who enjoyed that story and that it will ignite my inspiration again.

A Second Rebirth (Pre-Beta)

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A Cultivator in Equestria

By Staadnauthursil

Chapter One: A Second Rebirth

Theme Music: Kirin Theme (Original Concept Music) by Nathanaël Wsiaki


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

[Location: Mountain of the Eternal Storm]

[Guo Long's Point of View]

My target is on the defensive, this is the time to initiate my assault. Left side strike to the head area. Release the staff. Kick target in the gut. Kick up staff with knee and catch it with the right hand. Spin around and spin the staff for extra momentum before striking the-. "Outer Disciple Guo Long!"

I nearly fall over at the sudden voice calling me out and I slam my staff into the ground to not lose my balance and turn around to see an inner disciple calling my name, his dark grey uniform with blue lightning bolts along the sleeves marking him as an inner circle disciple. While my plain dark grey robes mark me as an outer disciple."Huh? Yes? I am Guo Long."

The other disciples on the training ground turn to see the commotion and start whispering about what is going on. My senior punches a fist into his palm and bows politely to me as he speaks to me in a loud and clear voice. "The Sect Elder Wang Xin wishes to speak to you! He has a task for you!"

It is not wise to leave any elder or master of the sect waiting so I punch my fist into my palm and bow to my senior, hands held in front of my head. "Outer Disciple Guo Long shall immediately go to the Elder Wang Xin!"

"Excellent! He is waiting in the Hall of Elders. Do not take too long or the old goat might punish you with some 'personal training'!" Not bothering to respond to the rude comment I just put aside my training weapon and began to jog out of the training area and towards the high stairs to the Hall of Elders.

The staircase is over ten thousand steps high and branches out into twenty different areas along the way. It leads up a very wide and severely high mountain upon which a small city's worth of buildings, monuments, training grounds, fields, gardens, and statues are built. It houses over eight thousand civilians, five thousand disciples, one thousand graduates, two hundred trainers, one hundred masters, the twelve elders, and the grandmaster.

This place is the Mountain of the Eternal Storm, home to the Léiyǔ Sect or Lightning Storm Sect. I have lived here for eight years now. When I was six I was recruited by one of the elders while they were visiting my home village.

My family was farmers, and I was the youngest out of ten children. There was some hesitation since they wanted the help on the farm but the elder paid them several gold coins, more money than what a farmer's family would see in generations.

I did not know why I was so valuable in the elder's eyes. But then I got the brutal truth when we left my village. He needed someone to carry a large sack of ingredients and artifacts he had been collecting and he could not be seen carrying stuff around like a common man so he essentially brought me to keep face. He admitted that I had some glimmer of potential but not much natural talent.

The sack wasn't even that big, probably about two kilos. I carried it for him through the Raging Storm Mountains, the mountain region where his sect was located. It was filled with spirits, beasts, bandits, and dangerous lightning storms. It was a week's journey on foot.

I did as I was told and I think the elder was impressed with how I didn't complain once during the entire trip. Even when I had to run for my life to evade a stone lion I didn't scream. That was one of the reasons he kept his word and let me into the sect.

Though I was only able to handle those scary situations because I was a bit hardened. After all, this is not my first life. I am what some would call a reincarnated person, only I was not reincarnated in the world I was first born in. Instead, I was born into another more primitive world with supernatural powers and monsters. An isekai situation if you will.

My original name I have forgotten, but I remember some of my old life, well not the details. Most of what I remember were basic physics, history, math, some engineering, and a lot of entertainment. I was quite an otaku. I can't even remember the voices, faces, or names of my family and friends.

After a week of travel, we reached a large gated wall blocking off a large cloud-shrouded mountain. The elder pushed open the door and lead me inside where the interior was vastly different from the exterior. Sakura trees, fields of vegetables begin tended to, training disciples, massive bronze bells, and escalating stairs and buildings spread out all over the mountain.

That was when I realized that I had entered a cultivation world, sure the rock lion should have been a better hint but in my defence I was a bit too busy running to properly inspect the rock lion's rock-like hide.

And I was way out of my league back then. I was many things but knowledgeable about the wuxia or xianxia worlds involving cultivation is not something I can properly relate to.

Each story about cultivation has a unique nature of its qi system, so it would not be helpful to rely on my old knowledge about cultivation in this world. It would be like trying to determine which pokemon was in a Pokeball without opening it. I would have to learn from the basics just like anyone else, no super cheats for this disciple.

I was given the outfit of an outer disciple and for the past eight years, I had been taught the basics of the Lightning Storm Style unique to the sect. As well as medicine, pill crafting and even a bit of qi channeling. The sect doesn't want any of its disciples to be without the knowledge of these matters as even if you cannot practice some of it, will the knowledge still be of great use in the future. If you can remember it.

The Lightning Sect, as we are commonly called, utilizes various kinds of weapons and unarmed combat. All trainers keep a careful watch on disciples to determine which style fits with their personality and affinities. Apparently, I am proficient with quarterstaffs and unarmed combat, a common theme for this sect. But what did surprise them was that I was apparently very skilled with one of the less common weapons.

Its shape is a thin metal loop with a sharpened edge that is utilized as a dancing tool and a medium-range throwing weapon. It is known as the chakram. In essence, it is a thin circle-shaped throwing blade that can cut off body parts when thrown with a high-speed rotation.

When I first saw it on the practice weapons I thought it was a frisbee. Without so much of a thought, I grabbed a set of them and walked over to the throwing range. There I spun them a bit in my hands, to get a feel for them, before throwing one, two, three, and finally a fourth at four different targets.

The first target had its left side slice open, the second had its right arm cut off, the third had its skull diagonally cut up, and the fourth decapitated the target. And that was not all, the chakram is sort of like a boomerang, at least, if thrown properly. and I had managed to do so with all four.

At that moment the trainer spotted the four blades heading for me and screamed for me to get down. I do not really know to explain nit but I just reached up with my right hand and caught all four chakrams inside of their loops with my index finger and they all rotated a bit on my finger before finally stopping.

The sight of the trainers' jaws dropping had been the highlight of that year. That was probably because afterward I was punished with four months of harsh physical training to not try out new weapons without a nearby teacher.

I flinch a little as I remember balancing on top of bamboo while carrying jars of water in both hands. I had also been forced to give aid to the teachers by making them tea, carrying scrolls, delivering messages all the while wearing iron weights on my wrists and ankles. It had not been a pleasant four months.

Ahead of me, I can see the large gate separating the outer section of the mountain from the southern section. There stand two guardians dressed in dark steel and blue coloured armour bearing the symbol of roaring lions on their chest plates. Marking them as Mid-Tier Cultivators within the sect.

I bow my head and clasp my left fist into my right palm and speak out politely. "Outer Disciple Guo Long, called upon by Elder Wang Xin to the Hall of Elders."

The two guards press their left fists against their chest plates and nod before turning around. Facing the large gates. and I straighten myself and look up at the over ten-meter tall structure of stone and wood.

Above the gate, there is a sign bearing the sect's symbol. The symbol is simple, a storm grey marble circle with the Chinese letters for, lightning, and storm, shaped in lightning blue metal embedded onto its surface. That is the symbol of the Lightning Storm Sect.

There is a similar sign at the gate at the outskirts of the mountain. And it has the same simple and yet strong feel to it. It is not overly complex and yet you can feel the barely restrained power those letters hold just by looking at them. Like lightning made solid.

I am broken out of my thoughts at the sound of the doors opening. The two guards pushing the two massive wooden frames apart. Bowing in respect I enter the inner circle of the mountain. From here I can see the large waterfall pouring down from the southern edge of the mountain's peak.

At the base of the waterfall is a large pond with a garden of sacred fruits. At the entrance to the garden, there is a small mansion built, well small for this place. Only big enough for two hundred people. And that is my destination. The Hall of Elders.

Though some of the disciples like to call it the Old Folk's Home as a sort of joke. But never within hearing range of any of the elders, not much humour left in most of them. And those who have a sense of humour are just as likely to make jokes back at you, but with pranks in the shape of impossible tasks or made-up junk martial arts techniques.

I was nearly fooled five years ago by Elder Laizan Ling, who made up a technique called the Soft Rock Breaking Technique and gave it to the outer students. He claimed it was a test but the technique was pure garbage, with hip thrusts and jumps that made it look a more acrobatic version of yoga with pelvic thrust motions. And not to mention that the Elder was later scolded by the Grandmaster in public for wasting the time of the students with a crude pun named false technique.

Yeah. Soft Rock Breaking Technique actually was a play on words. It actually meant Softcock Penetration Technique and was combined with yoga and various exercises for treating erectile dysfunction. It turned out even the elders were a bunch of perverts.

But Elder Wang Xin is not one of those jokesters. He's a very serious man and will often go down to investigate the activities of the outer and inner disciples training. Elder Wang holds the Lightning Sect close to his heart and always has a look of pride in his eyes whenever he looks out over the training ground. He's one of the ten oldest elders of the clan and is even older than the Grandmaster himself.

So when he calls for you, he excepts you to arrive within fifteen minutes or less. And that you do not act without manners or respect to him. There is a good reason he bears the title [Wise Man of the Storm].

And I was not going to get punished like Yin Lian was last month. He was forced to run up and down the stairs of the outer circle, thirty times. Only one set of the outer circle's stairs is more than a thousand meters. He kept doing so for two days, falling over constantly and sometimes even rolling down. And the Elder was there to make sure that he had to start over if he stumbled.

Slapping my knees I suck in a deep breath of air before slowly exhaling. I then bow before the door to the Hall of Elders and I clasp my hands and speaks out in a loud but controlled voice. "Outer Disciple Guo Long has come at the behest of Elder Wang Xin!"

The door opens and an elderly woman with pure black hair tied in a bun and a kind grandmotherly smile greets me. She's dressed in a fine silk robe bearing a pattern of dark grey storm clouds that shimmers with blue glittering lines stitched into the shape of lightning. Her name was Elder Chun Pa and she was one of the more liked teachers of the sect. "It is good to see you again little dragon. Wang Xin is waiting for you in the garden. Better to not keep him waiting."

Bowing to her I give a respectful reply with my hand still clasped. "Thank you elder Chun Pa for your aid." And then I start moving towards the garden, keeping a steady pace as to not give any of the elders a reason to be upset at me for being hasty or tardy.

"Hehe, such a polite boy. So unlike my grandchildren." I barely have time to register Elder Chun Pa's giggling as I get out of hearing range. She truly was a kind and motherly figure to many of us disciples, many call her the Kind-Hearted Elder as a show of affection. Moving past a few of the servants clearing the area around the mansion.

I might only be fourteen but all disciples of the sect were given strict training no matter their age. We were driven to the brink of exhaustion several times a week, given ample time to rest and recover as well. Our sect focused on teaching a strong foundation of the basics for all outer disciples before teaching techniques and fighting styles.

The average time for an outer disciple to finish his basic training was four years, a bit longer if you were over ten when you joined. As your body did not have the same amount of growth potential after a certain age. Even adults could join the outer disciples, but their older bodies limit them greatly.

So I was lucky to be taught from the age of six. I completed the base training four years ago. I learned and mastered the basics of the chakram, the staff, and around seven unarmed fighting styles. At the moment I am being taught the ways of Qi Channeling, Meditation, Qi Sensing, Qi Manipulations, and Qi Manifestation. These are all required for learning the basics of how to control and use Qi in techniques, styles, and weapons.

I have just recently managed to manifest an aura of Qi around my body, which makes me a Second Tier Low-Grade Cultivator. It was a bit of a month ago when it occurred and I was not really told much more than that I had attained a higher rank of understanding. Part of the course when it comes to cultivation I guess.

But I know that it was a big thing since the requirement for becoming an Inner Disciple is to become a 2nd Tier Low-Grade Cultivator. Well, there are some other requirements but those are not told to any of the outer disciples since it is considered part of the test to keep us ignorant. Becoming a 1st Tier Low-Grade Cultivator requires one being able to develop cultivation, so in essence, all beings except for a few rare cases start at that rank from birth.

All I can guess is that the fact that Elder Wang Xin has summoned me today involves the possibility of promoting me to an inner disciple. That's all I can guess but I will not assume, that way I will not become disappointed and disheartened.

Stepping out of the back entrance to the mansion I see the garden for the first time up close. Trees, bushes, flowers, and even several kinds of mushrooms, are growing across this almost overgrown garden. All of the unnatural plants here are worth more than their weight in gold. To damage or stealing even one of the plants, or even seeds, or fruits is deemed punishable by having your left hand cut off before being expelled.

Directly in front of the stairs leading down is a stone platform set by the pond, a circular stone table with some cushions placed around them. Sitting by the table is a man dressed in the same storm cloud patterned elder uniform. He has a long dragon whisker-like mustache that reaches his lap, with a small trimmed goatee decorating his lower face.

His left eye is covered by a large scar. His head is clean-shaven and he has a small hood that is currently lowered. Long thing fingers are stirring a cup of leaf tea in a bowl cup. His limbs look thin and aged, making him look less of a martial artist and more like a dried-up husk. But looks can be deceiving, especially when it involves someone who has reached the 7th rank in the Tier High Grade of Cultivation and nearly breached the limits of mortality.

This man is Wang Xin, [Wise Man of the Storm], the oldest elder of the Lightning Storm Sect. Said to be over a thousand years old. More than four hundred years older than the Grandmaster himself.

I walk over to the table and I repeat my respectful bow to the elder. "Outer Disciple Guo Long, has come as requested honorable Elder Wang Xin."

The elder nods as he finishes stirring his tea and slowly sips it before humming in content. He then points at the cushion located opposite of his own. "Good. Have a seat young Guo Long."

As I kneel on the cushion presented to me I keep my back straight and my face facing straight. Looking directly at the Elder's face. As I sit there the ender adds some more green leaves to his cup. "Tell me young Guo Long. Do you know about the Three Arts of Qi?"

I give a small bow with my head and shoulders and speak without raising my head. "Yes, Elder Wang Xin. We learned it two months ago and were told to memorize as much as we could about the subject."

Nodding the elder stirs his teacup gently. Mixing the hot water and tea leaves smoothly into a jade green liquid. "Good, good. Recite them for me."

Closing my eyes I slowly suck in air and slowly let it out. Then I start explaining the first lesson I was taught by the teachers for two weeks. "First Art: External Qi. It involves channeling Qi through your body, raising your physical attributes, and breaking the limits of the human body to perform superhuman physical feats. It is often used with the combinations of weapons, because of its physical nature it is an art that makes it near impossible to detect the wielders when they are not actively using their techniques. Thus most assassins, scouts, and spies utilize this art. It is the most common of the Three Arts."

Elder Wang Xin lifts his cup and sips his tea, eyes closed. "Mmmhmmm... continue."

Without much pause, I explain the second Qi art. It was not a really easy thing to remember but when you would be forced to read said text out loud several times a day you were prone to remembering more than the basic information. "Second Art: Internal Qi. It involves the utilization of the mind and soul as a medium to manifest your inner Qi energies as a physical force. It is often shaped by the wielder's affinities, personality, bloodlines, and willpower. It is mostly used to manifest Elemental Qi-based techniques and styles. But can be used to manipulate blood, alter terrain, exorcist spirits, affect meridians, control plants, tame beasts, and much more. Many clans base their fighting styles on the Internal Arts. It is the most obvious of the three arts because of the Qi auras they emit because of this."

Nodding slowly the elder sniffs his tea and slowly rotates his cup and the tea inside it. "Very good. The third?"

A bit tired I just keep going. Thankfully it did not affect my verbal presentation of my knowledge. "Third Art: Circulation Qi. It is a combination of both External and Internal Qi. An External Qi user is limited to being unable to wield Internal Qi as proficient as an Internal User. But the opposite is true for the Internal Qi user as well. Circulation Qi combines the first and second arts to allow a wielder to improve their bodies and their internal energies. It is the least common art as it is among the most difficult to cultivate in. Many choose to specialize as they cannot see it worth the effort to increase your strength at half the speed of the other two arts. It is not as stealthy as the first art but it is not as obvious as the second art."

Drinking some more tea Wang Xin hums a bit more. "Indeed. Now. What does the Third Art offer that the other two do not?"

That was a loaded question. There was actually quite a lot that one could answer to that question. I personally had a lot of personal opinions about it. And since I don't think this is all about book knowledge I give my personal opinion about it all. "Utility, versatility, insight, adaptation, and unpredictability."

Pausing a bit Elder Wang Xin slowly lowers his cup down and gives me a curious look. "Oh? Clarify."

Swallowing a little I suck in some air before slowly letting it out, a drop of sweat trickling down my brow. This was far more exhausting than I'd imagined. "A user of the first art would be strong and sturdy up close but would be unable to utilize the various flying technique that allows second art users to keep a distance. They will also have fewer ranged attacks that don't involve weapons. In short, they are lacking ranged options and will not win against second art users unless they get close or hit them with a ranged weapon."

Closing my eyes I try to keep my composure, gripping my knees to keep myself upright. IT was as if a heavy pressure was trying to push me over. "A user of the second art would be strong at ranged combat but if they get corned or somehow hit, their bodies are far more vulnerable than the first art users. They must keep a distance to not risk injuries, making them very cautious and prone to fleeing if things get bad for them. In short, they are too vulnerable and a proper first art user can beat them if they manage to get up close."

I could almost feel my bones creaking in protest as the pressure intensified. Sweat is now dripping down my chin and jawline as if I was in a sauna. It was only then that I realize that the pressure being pushed down upon me was emitting from Elder Wang Xin. He is pressuring me with his Qi somehow! "The third art, however. It allows you options from both fields. You can fly, you can endure, you can attack at range, you can attack up close. Most of the time your opponents will have an advantage over your external or internal qi. But you will always have an advantage on the other end of the spectrum. Not to mention you can combine both external and internal qi techniques and arts to alter the flow of battle. Making you highly unpredictable. Something both external and internal qi users are prone to not being. Not to mention you are taught in both styles, thus you have a good insight of how to opponents of either side"

Gritting my teeth I take another breathe and keep my focus, my body is painful and I can hear the flow of my blood through my ears echo like drums. Whatever this test was it was hard to keep talking, but I only have a few more lines to say. "In short. The third art of circulation gives you more options, and will always give you an edge over the other two arts. It may be more difficult to cultivate and train, but it makes up for it with how much you can use with it."

After a few moments of awkward silence, the elder opens his eyes and gives me a smile and nod. "A very insightful description there young Guo. One I haven't heard before in my lifetime."

I was not prepared by the sudden change in the elder's behaviour nor the fact that the pressure I had been under to just go away. My shoulders were shaking and my face and back were soaked in sweat. So when I tried to speak out to him what he meant I managed to say was. "Huh?"

Elder Wang Xin's smile widened a bit and he chuckled a little. His earlier stern and imposing expression shifting to a more relaxed and friendly one. I could practically feel my body's exhaustion dissipate as he talked. "Did you not know? Most people just think that the third art lets you shift between external or internal qi. Very few ever consider using both at the same time. Only a handful told me it grants you a great deal of adaptation and advantages against the other two arts. But no one, well no one younger than five centuries, has ever told me that the third art's advantage lies in how it makes you unpredictable to the other two arts as they are too predictable."

He lifts his cup again and drains it of its content. A smile still on his face he looks down into his now empty cup as he lowers it, a strange nostalgic look in his eyes. "Tell me young Guo Long. Why do you think the Lightning Storm Sect teaches our students the foundations of the Third Art? And yet we allow all inner disciples to decide which art to use rather than make you all learn the Third Art?"

I think for a moment, the sound of the waterfall in the distance echoing out over the silent garden. I had not really thought about it until now. And I slowly realize what the answer was. "...Because the style that you learn is not meant to be forced upon you. It has to become a part of you, and if it a style that is not fit for you, or you personally reject... it will not flourish and become just become stagnate as students will be unable or unwilling to learn. A mountain cannot force a rock to become a diamond, the tree cannot force the grass to become a flower, a dragon cannot force a rat to become a snake. Thus it comes to reason, a man cannot force another to become someone else. So thus we are taught about all the three arts so that we know our options, and so that the teachers can see what path suits us as we learn."

Elder Wang Xin slowly put down his cup and slowly clapped his hands four times, a bright smile on his wrinkly and scarred face. I had never seen him so happy before. "My dear boy. I have not been given such a clear answer by an Outer disciple since I became Elder five hundred years ago. You, young Guo Long, have a mind beyond your peers. You may not have a lot of physical talent or an excelling amount of qi for your age. But your insight and intellect, it is beyond most of your pears. And your wisdom is definitely higher than even some masters."

"Huh? But I am no one special. I am just Outer Disciple Guo Long. No matter how much I might know, that doesn't change anything." Well, that's not entirely true with me being a reincarnated person. But compared to some of the other disciples I am no one special. I am not talented or overly intelligent, sure I have a bit more world smarts but knowledge-wise I am nowhere close to many of the other disciples. My reincarnation did not make me better than others. It just gave me a second chance.

The Elder stares at me as if I am a wild monkey writing a poem. He then suddenly rears his head back and starts laughing like crazy. His laughter overpowering the distant rumbling of the waterfall. "Hahahahaha! A bright mind and humble soul! Hahahahaha! Oh to be young again! Hahahahaha!"

I just stare at him with a confused look on my face. It takes him a few seconds but he slowly calms down, coughing a little into his left hand to regain control over his emotions. Still smiling. "Ahem. Apologies I did not mean to make you feel ashamed. No, I was just so happy to find such a bright and yet humble soul in one so young in this sect. It makes me happy to know the future of the Lightning Storm Set will be secure for another generation."

Again, I am no one special. Stop making this such a big deal!

He then slowly stands up from his seat by the table and folds his hands into his sleeves and gives me a slight bow as he speaks out in a kind and warm tone. "Now. Outer Disciple Guo Long. I, Elder Wang Xin, will take you to the Peak. Where you will undergo your trial to become an Inner Disciple."

I stand up and push my fist into my palm and I bow deeply to the elder. Expressing my gratitude in a clear but not loud voice. "Thank you for this chance honourable Elder Wang Xin. This Disciple Guo Long shall do my utmost to show my worth."

Elder Wang Xin straightens himself and gives me a nod. "Good attitude young Guo Long, you don't lack a spine. Let us go."

He leads me out of the Elder's Hall and further up the mountain. Disciples, elders, masters, and members all stare with various expressions at the sight of a smiling Elder Wang Xin leading me up the long stairs towards the peaks of the mountain.

Though I am curious if it is the sight of Elder Wang leading an Outer Disciple up to take his trials or if it was the fact that he was smiling? I personally think it's the latter.

After twenty minutes of climbing the stairs, we reach the gates to the inner sanctum of the sect. The peak of the mountain itself. Above the peak, there is a spiraling storm cloud that sparks with lightning but lets out no rumbling thunder.

There are no guards by this large gate, instead, is the gate engraved with a massive formation seal. Formations being a sort of ritual circle using specific focus points, natural energies, environmental features, and the flow of the Qi in nature to alter the laws of reality.

A seal is only as strong as the comprehension of the one who made it. Thus someone can make a seal the size of a town and have the power of a 9th High Tier Cultivator, and still not be able to utilize it if they cannot comprehend it.

And this seal is part of a large complex network of seals that surrounds the peak. I only knew this because it was explained to me and the other outer disciples during our training in calligraphy.

Elder Wang Xi holds up a jade token shaped as a circular disk, it glows with clear green light and the seal on the gate glows the same as the token. The two large stone gates then open up for us, their hinges sounding like grinding stone wheels.

For the first time since we left the Hall of Elders, he speaks out to me as we slowly walk past the open gates. "The peak is a dangerous place, young disciple. So be sure to not stride too far from me."

I keep close to my elder as I slowly look around the strange landscape around us. A rocky landscape covered with a thick layer of moisture and bamboo that goes upwards like a forest of stone fangs sharpened by rain and wind. A singular path of large flat rocks leading up between the jagged rocks.

There is no clear water source other than the moisture on the rocks and in the air. Even though we are so far up the mountain the air feels thick and it almost makes it difficult to breathe by pressure alone. It was like I was in a dense jungle and not at the peak of one of the highest mountain tops in the world.

We pass by small shrines with statues of dead cultivators of the sect placed within and around them. Only those who had done great deeds for the sect, or the world itself were placed here. and there were several thousands of these small stone statues laid out along the several dozens of shrines we walk past.

It makes you feel a great deal of pride in your sect's history. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like these honoured dead cultivators feel... lonely. Like they are isolated and forgotten by the rest of the world.

As if reading my mind Elder Wang Xin clapped a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "Do not worry young Guo Long. Those who are placed with respect here are all buried in the Sect Burial Chamber within the core of the mountain. These are only tokens of gratitude placed upon the peak to honour their memories. So even it might feel gloomy and depressing for them to stand here like lonesome tombstones, is this peak, not their actual burial site."

It makes me feel a bit better but I still can't shake off the uneasy feeling of solemn isolation in this place. But it might not actually have anything to do with the tribute statues placed here. Though what else could it be?

We soon reach a large paifang gate made out of solid stone. Upon the top of its archway was the name of the Lightning Storm Sect engraved in old Chinese letters. It was not even painted, only carved out of the stone's surface and yet this doorway felt far more intense and powerful than those I have previously seen. It was like comparing the pressure of a stream to that of a river.

I am quite certain that if whatever power the gate contains deems you unworthy. You will not only be denied entrance but you may very well be harmed or killed. I can't explain why but it's the feeling I get from this dense structure.

The elder walks up to the open archway of the paifang and signals for me to come with him. "Come on child. The gate will not keep you out as long as I am here."

I carefully walk up the ancient stone steps leading to the large gate. Its three archways having a mirage-like shimmer beneath them that I could not see from afar.

Seeing Wang Xin giving me an encouraging smile I take a breath before slowly releasing it after ten seconds, calming down. I then walk forward and move past the shimmering field. And a rush of cool mountain air strokes my face and the taste of static fills my mouth.

Before me lies a small valley, seven-pointed mountain peaks surrounding it, lightning striking them every few seconds, lighting up the valley in a dim blue glow. Moss and grass cross upon soil and rock, with strange herbs and flowers that glow with an unnatural illumination. As if they had evolved to become natural batteries for the lightning hitting the mountain.

A small lake of clear freshwater lay still in the center of the valley, and upon it lies a small island. The island is covered in strangely shaped rocks and stones overgrown by moss and herbs. At the center of this overgrown rocky island was a large leafless willow tree, its branches looking like gnarled bones. Blackened at some areas from lightning strikes no doubt.

But the most peculiar was not the dead-looking willow tree. No, It was those strange rocks scattered across the island. They were laid out in a rather unnatural and ugly pattern. Like someone saw a big pile of similarly shaped rocks and scattered them all around in a mixture of order and chaos.

Giving off a jagged and wild appearance, some of the stones were long, thin, curved, and pointy like fangs of dragons. Others were hollow and crooked with carved pointy bits carved out from the center. Others were lined up between the jagged bones in lines that started small but ended by the strange hollow rocks. If not for the moss I'd suspect they were shaped like a... spine.

Elder Wang Xin breaks my thoughts with a question. "Do you see something strange young disciple?"

Shaking my head clear I try to speak up but have a little hard time finding my voice. But eventually, I get it through. "Those... those are bones... all those rocks on the island are bones... And definitely not human ones."

"Oh? And how do you know that? Surely one cannot determine the species of the bones from such a far distance?" It was a legit question, we were at least five hundred meters away from the island. But I could tell, I had seen the bones of animals and humans during my earlier years of this world. And I had some of the knowledge of my old world to compare to. None of these were human.

Clearing my throat I speak up the most obvious things I could see. The size and amount of the ribs, the spine's length, and the skulls and their "pointy bits". "Because humans do not have so many ribs, nor of that size, the spine is far too long, the skulls look more like a deer, horse or possibly some kind of reptile. And we definitely do not have horns on our foreheads. They are obviously the bones of some kind of animal or spirit beast."

Elder Wang Xin breaks out into a hearty laugh and nods at my deduction. "Hahaha! Very true my boy! Indeed. This place is a spirit beast graveyard. A place for them to lay down and die when they feel they no longer belong in the world for one reason or another. But it is more than that, it is the home of our sect's great benefactor. The one who taught our Founder how to wield the art that let him found the Lightning Storm Sect."

It did not take long for me to conclude what our benefactor was. The clues were all here. "Our Sect's benefactor? Could it be a spirit beast?"

Elder Wang Xin nods and starts walking down the steps towards the lake. I follow him by his side, careful to not stray away from him in this ancient site. The ground and air were thick with Qi energy and I would not risk my life by wandering around here. "Indeed. You are a bright boy. Our benefactor is a powerful and ancient spirit beast who is also the caretaker of this ancient burial ground. He's well over six thousand years old and has lived in our sect ever since its founding two thousand years ago."

As we approach the island a low rumble echoes out over the air and a deep and resounding voice booms out over the valley. "Aaaaah. Young Wang Xin. It has been quite some time since you found a disciple worthy of the trial."

Still walking the elder made a bow as he kept walking, clasping his fist in his palm to show respect. "Junior Wang Xin greets Senior Tiān Léiyǔ."

Wait. Tiān Léiyǔ? Heavenly Lightning Storm? Our sect was named after the benefactor himself? I feel awe at this, the benefactor must have made a deep impression on the founder for naming his very sect after him.

The voice rumbles out in chuckles before speaking once more. A rumble from the sky seems to echo with his voice, whomever this benefactor was, he was powerful. Very powerful. "Hohoho... No need for formalities my friend. It has been two centuries since you last came here with a disciple. They must have great talent to have caught your interest."

We both are approaching the lake and Wang Xin gives a casual reply as we walk. And it makes me realize that even though it should have taken more than ten minutes to walk down the path, we were already by the lake before elder Wang Xin stops talking. "Indeed. Though young has this boy has shown incredible insight, wisdom, and intelligence for his age. Though his cultivation, physical, Qi, and knowledge is of average quality is his mind bright and yet still humble with a keen insight to things people half my age have yet to understand."

There is a humming sound in the wind. I can feel a powerful gaze slide over me. It comes from the island, I am sure of it. "Good. Good. Cultivation, martial arts, strength, power, intelligence, knowledge, none of these means anything good if the person who wields them is lacking in character. A good heart is worth more than a strong body."

I feel a tingling sensation through my body, powerful Qi energy is being manipulated. A low rumble of grinding rock fills the air. Then five stone pillars rise from the once calm waters of the lake, quivering ripples moving over its surface. In just a few moments had the ancient algae-covered rock pillars shape a path to the island.

Wang Xin holds me by the shoulder and slowly guides me up the steps towards the island. I can see the reason why he needs to hold me, the pressure in the air around the stone pillars is enough to make me dizzy. I feel a bit sick actually. Ooooh... solid ground good. I nearly threw up there.

I feel a strong hand hit my back and I feel an acidic sensation along the back of my throat. "The first trip is always the worst young Long. Do not worry you will stop feeling it after you complete your trials."

Elder Wang Xin is patting me on my back to reassure me but it not really what I'd call a good thing right now. I would appreciate it if he let me recover first.

As I slowly regain control of my body I feel a sensation of movement through the air. Something large is approaching. I can hear the sound of steps hitting moss, rock, and stone, they have an air of strength and weight. And yet there is not even the slightest sensation in the earth of a tremor. A large shape is approaching us from the other side of the island where I can see a grove of blooming cherry blossom trees. "You were no different yourself young Wang Xin. At least this young boy isn't throwing up over my fifth brother's second son's bones."

All I think to myself as I see a large four-limbed creature stepping out into the sunlight was that I had no idea kirins could become so big. Its body was a mixture of dragon, deer, horse, and snake. It stood towering over us, reaching a staggering height of seven meters, with the horns adding another meter making it a total of eight. But even with a body mass larger than an elephant it had a graceful appearance and light trot.

Its back portion of the body was covered with pinkish silver coloured scales which turns into light gray, almost white, fur on the front body. Three horns were growing out of its skull. Two magnificent antlers from the back sides of the skull and a singular curved horn from the forehead. The hindlegs had hooves of a horse while the front had three-toed hooves like a mixture of a deer hoof and a dragon's claw.

It had a long mane of pale yellow colour growing from its neck and chin to the tip of its long serpentine tail. Similar patches of hair-like fur were growing along its legs by the hooves and thighs. And to finish it off was a pair of yellow reptilian eyes upon a dragon-like deer head with a long pair of flowing whiskers sparkling with lightning.

This kirin was not only large but ancient. The sheer age of its body and spirit enough to infuse the air with its energy just with its presence alone. It felt suffocating for a moment.

Unlike me was Wang Xin not affected by the awe-inspiring sight. Instead, he snorted in an undignified manner, crossed his arms, and looked to the side. Acting upset, but speaking in a humorous voice tone. "I thought we both agreed to never speak about that after I spent a month washing the bones every dawn."

The kirin Tiān Léiyǔ just chuckles at that. Then his eyes turn serious and he slowly walks up to me and I instinctively straighten myself and stand at the ready for his scrutiny. He looks me in the eyes and asks in a soft voice, that still felt like a barely restrained earthquake to my soul. "Young disciple of the Léiyǔ Sect. May I inquire to know your name?"

I clasp my fist with my palm and I give a respectful bow to my sect's benefactor. My voice is clear and crisp as I restrained my rapidly beating heart and shaken soul to not appear undignified. "This disciple's name is Guo Long, it is an honour to meet you senior."

Tiān Léiyǔ slowly inspects me, his eyes feel like they are penetrating my very soul. As if he can gaze into my very mind and heart and discern any truth or lies within me. I feel like he can tell that I am a reincarnation. Then he speaks up with a smile on his face and I feel relief. "Hmmm... indeed you have character... and a rather pure Qi for someone of your age and cultivation rank... very well. I, Tiān Léiyǔ, caretaker of the Storm Bone Burial Ground, shall give you your trial as a disciple."

Not raising myself from my bow I just lower my head and give my gratitude. "Thank you for this opportunity senior Tiān Léiyǔ, this Guo Long shall do my utmost to succeed."

The old kirin laughs at my fervor, not mockingly, but approvingly. "Hahaha. A good character, humble heart, and yet with a decent spine too? I can see why you like him, Wang Xin. Very well. Come with me and let us get started."

I straighten myself and I follow the kirin towards the center of the island where the dead and burnt willow tree stands. "Yes senior!"

Right in front of the old tree is a large flat circular shaped stone plate, across its rim are deep carvings of old Chinese letters, I cannot much so quickly but I can read the words 'appraisal', 'unity', 'power', and 'Qi'. Old Tiān Léiyǔ motions with one of his forelegs towards the stone plate as we both stand before it. "Kneel at the center of the stone platform placed before the Storm Bone Tree. Then start meditating and focus your Qi, make it circulate within your body. This will start the ritual. And do not worry about what happens afterward. Just keep circulating your Qi. You will know when to stop."

"Un!" I bow in salute again before I step forward onto the moist rock plate. Using my foot to just push aside some small rocks I get down on my knees at the center. Raising my arms above my head and focuses upon activating my Qi. It was a bit of a habit of mine, but I swear I had an easier time feeling the flow of Qi in my fingers when I have my arms raised and thus allow me to focus my Qi better.

I feel the warm energy in my hands now. I slowly lower them down and hold the left palm beneath the right, leaving a small gap between them in my lap, not resting them on my legs.

I start to circulate my Qi. It is hard to describe it but I personally think it feels like a sensation of warmth within my body that I can move around and alter with my cultivation.

I flow it from my left hand to my right, then from my left foot to my right foot. Then from my head to my pelvis. And then, I start to flow it out like a wave, moving clockwise through my body, almost like a radar.

A sudden sensation of weightlessness fills me and I can sense my Qi being drained out of my body, slowly. I speed up the circulation so that the ritual cannot get hold of my Qi too easily.

I hear voices in the distance, the rumbling of thunder, my eyes closed since the start. The voices are hard to hear but they have a sense of curiosity and awe in them. I do not know how long this goes on I just focus on circulating my Qi.

But that's when something changes. The voices turn from curious and awed into frightened and confused. A cold chill runs down my spine and I feel that something is off. But I cannot stop the flow of my Qi for some reason. I am trying to halt it but it is like some otherworldly will is controlling my Qi on its own.

I hear a loud and sudden crack of lightning and a dense wave of force flow through my body. With my eye's closed I do not know what is happening nor can I seem to open them. Both my Qi and my Body were under someone else's control! I was sure of it.

Try as I might I cannot scream out to Wang Xin or Tiān Léiyǔ. And then a sudden sensation of force fills me as I can feel my body moving upwards at a rapid rate, spinning wildly. I can just feel the control of my body come back, but as I open my eyes a sudden brightness blinds me and I scream out in pain and shock.

All I know after that is darkness.

[3rd Person's Point of View]

Wang Xin and Tiān Léiyǔ both look on with eager smiles on their faces at the young disciple as he enacts the ritual that is his trial. A light blue mist emits from his body and flows into the bones around him. The bones light up and shimmer in a blue glow and then rabbit-sized figures in the shape of kirins start to flow out of the rocks and dance around the young disciple.

The Trial of the Storm Bones was for the ancient spirits of the kirins in the graveyard to inspect the disciples and discern their characters, potential, and heart. The size of their Qi was roughly determined by the number of spirits summoned, while the reactions of the spirits determined the rest.

And currently was over a hundred kirin souls floating in the air around the young disciple. They were closing in on his location as the final spirit passed by the threshold of the stone circle Tiān Léiyǔ stomped the ground with his left hoof. A low hum fills the air as a golden pillar of Qi flows up into the storm clouds above the mountain peak. Sealing in Guo Long and the souls for a short amount of time.

Nodding with a satisfied look on his face Tiān Léiyǔ hums before speaking out to Wang Xin. The human was currently standing with both hands behind his back, inspecting the process of the ritual. "Ooooh... so many of my brethren's spirits have risen to inspect him? It seems that your sect has a bright future ahead of it Wang Xin."

The old cultivator nods with a smile on his face. He had not been so impressed or happy with a disciple for well over two centuries. *I might even take him on as my personal apprentice.* "Indeed. I count around one hundred and ten I believe. I'd never imagined he'd be able to arouse the interest of over one hundred kirin spirits considering how average his Qi reserves are. It is not the highest but it is within the top hundred results since the sect's founding. Very impressive for one so young."

"Indehrrmmm..." The kirin suddenly stops and turns his head towards the glowing pillar of golden Qi. His eyes narrow and he slowly starts to walk towards the pillar, which was now glowing yellow. He could see the spirits of his brethren swirling around Guo Long. But it had been five minutes already. *Far too long. They should have already left the ritual circle. Unless... they are unable to leave!?*

Wang Xin blinks a bit at the sudden odd behaviour of his sect's benefactor and slowly walks up to him as he inspects the glowing barrier. "What is is Senior Tiān Léiyǔ?"

Tiān Léiyǔ frowns and circles the barrier. Noting how it was no longer a solid and straight structure. It looked almost like it was... bending? Or rather... the Qi energy making it up was... wavering? Shifting? Something was odd in the flow of the Qi. And he did not like it. "Hmmm... this is the first time that the Qi of the Ritual of Recognition has reacted like this... I have never seen anything like it."

"Senior, something does not feel right. Is... is something interfering with the ritual?" Wang Xin looks at the old kirin whose frown grows deeper as he looks at the glowing pillar of Qi start to shift and twist, not unlike a tornado.

Wang Xin's words and the sudden shift in the ritual made it more than clear to the old kirin. Someone was interfering with the ritual. And the sudden fury filling his mind and soul was accompanied by a low crumbling rumble from the sky and his throat as lightning begins to arc over his whiskers and mane.

With a wordless rumbling like thunder, Tiān Léiyǔ roars out in utter fury as he sees more and more of this sacred rite being despoiled by some unseen interloper. He ignites his horns with lightning and he summons forth his might, a formation of seals forms above the ritual itself and he tries to cancel whatever was despoiling the rite.

But a sudden boom of power erupts from the twister of Qi and the formation is shattered. Tiān Léiyǔ is staggered back by the backlash but remains standing. His fury growing larger and he lowers himself and slowly scrapes his foreleg into the dirt, readying himself to charge at the twister.

"[Horns of the Heavenly Stag]!" Screaming out his technique Tiān Léiyǔ charges like a bull towards the twister. His horns glowing blue as dense Qi is charged through them. He rears back his head, arches his spine, and then leaps forward, heads moving down into a headbutt, and with a loud bell-like clang he headbutts the twister.

Cracks and holes form in the rampaging energy flow but then the motion of the twister intensifies and Tiān Léiyǔ is sent staggering back again, golden blood dripping from his nostrils as if he had been punched in the face.

Glaring at the twisting spire of Qi the kirin roars out in anger. He would need the aid of the Léiyǔ Sect to stop it! "Interlopers! How dare they interfere with the ritual! To insult me and my brethren's sacred ritual like this is to court death!"

"Wang Xin!" The massive spirit beast turns towards Wang Xin who is already kneeling to receive orders. The elder kirin's horn was sparkling with lightning and lightning was arcing over his entire body in utter outrage, the bleeding of his nostrils over in an instance. Wang Xin had never seen Tiān Léiyǔ so angry before.

Wang Xin looks his elder in the eyes with barely restrained anger himself, keeping himself disciplined to not risk harming Guo Long by interfering in the unstable ritual. He knew he was far less able than his elder and to intervene would only end up with him, Guo Long, or both, dead. So he would follow his elder's guidance. "Yes, Senior!"

"Call forth the Grandmaster and retrieve the Jadestone of the Storm Sage! We must-WHAT!?" A high pitch hum fills the air and Tiān Léiyǔ turns to look at the ritual and his eyes widen as he sees the twister of Qi being sucked up into the raging storm clouds above the mountain peak. The lightning of the mountain was striking at the twister but it kept going and going until it disappeared beyond the sight of the clouds. Taking with it Guo Long.

"GUO LONG!!!" Wang Xin and Tiān Léiyǔ both scream out the name of the young disciples as they realize that the Qi twister had taken with it the promising young boy. Abducting him.

Wang Xin falls to his knees and he mumbles in utter shock as he stares at the empty ritual site where the bright young boy had been sitting previously. Now gone. Possibly lost or dead to the sect forever unless they manage to track down the twister. "No. How could this be..."

After a few moments of silence, Wang Xin slowly staggers himself upright and he turns to look at his sect's benefactor, to tell him that he was going to inform the Grandmaster. But as he did he saw a white pale and horrified Tiān Léiyǔ staring at the ground. "Senior?"

"They stole not only the boy but over a hundred of my brethren's spirits as well... some of them were my children... they even took one of my siblings..." Tiān Léiyǔ was staring with wide eyes and open mouth, horror clear even upon his inhuman face. As he gave a response to Wang Xin his voice was shaking in shock and sorrow. As he had just realized that over a hundred souls of his kirin brethren had disappeared along with the young promising disciple into the skies. He could see several spots on the islands where the bones of his kin had collapsed into dust and grime, the spirit once housed within gone.

Wang Xin felt nauseous. This crime was beyond a mere kidnapping. It was on the scale of destroying a temple of the gods. To kidnap the resting souls of a spirit beast burial ground is to laugh at the gods of heaven and shit on the seat of an emperor's throne. In public. *Why... who would do this? To steal not only a disciple directly from his sect!? But also over the spirit beast souls of a burial site right in front of their caretaker!? Not even the Kuángxuè Sect is so sacrilegious!*

"I swear by the bones of my brethren. I will find out who has abducted disciple Guo Long like this, and when I find them. I, TIĀN LÉIYǓ, SHALL BRING DOWN A DIVINE PUNISHMENT UPON THEM! IF I FAIL TO DO SO! I, TIĀN LÉIYǓ, SHALL NOT HAVE A BURIAL!" Powerful crack erupts from the mountain peak, the entire mountain momentarily shaking with the oath sword by the ancient kirin. Oaths made by spirit beasts are serious, and for one to proclaim to not have a burial is the same as to have your body and essence scattered to the wind to disappear.

Something no spirit beast would take lightly.

With sparks flying off his horns. whiskers, mane, and eyes the kirin turns towards his old human friend and speaks up in a deadly serious voice that shook the air with a sense of power and authority. As he gave a command to the sect he had been supporting for so long. "Go to the Tower of Bells and sound the Bell of Distress sixteen times Wang Xin, call forth the Meeting of Masters. This insult to me and your sect shall not stand!"

Wang Xin does not speak, he does not bow, he only nods.

[Location: Planet Gaia, Country of Neighpaal. Date: 1092 AD]

A country was laid in flames beneath an armada of black ships. Its inhabitants were either quelled or killed by the invaders.

This was Neighpaal, a nation founded by a group of a peaceful group of monks from the Mǎ Empire to the east. Here they practiced various forms of meditation and philosophy to gain enlightenment of the world.

Even before the age of chaos had these peaceful monks worked diligently to spread teachings and enlightenment to those who sought it. Discord had apparently evaded the place for some reason during his reign and thus the monks held a great deal of respect among the nearby nation for their dedication to philosophy and peace.

Sadly for them was the individual called the Storm King not in their nation to learn about their peace and philosophy. He was there to bring war and destruction.

It started a month back when a wave of black airships flew over the mountain range surrounding the nation. The people of the area were too unprepared for the attack that they didn't even realize that the black ships were a bad omen and just waved at them in greetings.

That stopped after the ships landed in the fields and rows of large hulking warriors in black armour began to march out into Neighpaal, tearing down houses, cutting down fleeing civilians, pillaging temples, burning fields, raping the females, torturing captives for amusement, and ruining the Fengshui of the temple gardens by moving the decorations around.

At the second week had one-third of the nation been put to the torch, axe, dagger, needle, and mismanaging hands of the invaders. An armada of ships covering much of the sky above the isolated nation, chanting out the name of their ruler. The Storm King.

People fled to the grand temples or into the twisting paths of the mountains to seek refugee. Most of the monks left as well, while some remained, hoping to educate the barbaric warriors in how to properly act, not to mention how to get a feel for proper placements.

It was not a good idea.

"Ah, so you wish to teach me about peace and philosophy to make me change my ways? How... disgustingly noble. I think I am just going to teach you that the Storm King does not need such useless things. By torturing you, of course, no better teacher for useless peace-lovers. And let us make it more fun by doing it in front of those holy statues of yours." And with a wide wicked grin on the large horned yeti warlord, the monks were dragged off to the holy chambers where statues of honoured monks, ancestors, and butha had been placed.

An elderly goatman dressed in black robes claps his hands at the display of evil by his master. He bows and speaks in a voice filled with flattery. "A fine show as always Storm King. You truly are a master of the evil arts. Though, we still need to find information about the temple. So while you have your fun, may I question them for information?"

The Storm King grinned in content at the prospect of some new victims to torture. Clapping the old goat by the shoulder he pointed towards the temple with a happy smile on his face. "Of course, you can even give them some sort of hope by saying you will convince me to let them live or something. And then deny it to them and I just keep torturing them. Hehehehe. It's good being evil."

As the duo enters the temple together the screaming begins. Many would later say that the pained screams of the peaceful Neighpaalian monks would be heard for weeks after they expired, their sorrowful voices held within the echoes of the Feng Hoof Mountains. Like a mournful warning to those who would act as they had.

But none of that mattered to the invaders nor their leader. And they went from temple to temple, scouring for information through scroll or blood. Until they found what they wanted.

It took one week of research and torture, the duo squeezed out any information they could of the monks and the ancient scriptures of their temples. But they had what they came for and without so much of a glance back at the death and destruction, they'd caused. Behind them the temples laid in ruins, the tortured bodies of the monks impaled upon the flagpoles of the buildings.

"Well, that was a fun week. Even got to use that technique involving tearing off toes. Glad one of them was a monkey." The Storm King said with a grin on his face as he cleaned his blood-stained fingers with a piece of silk from a monk's robe.

Guldan nods and bows to his king as they step up the walkway to the flagship of the armada. "Fine work as always great Storm King. I have amassed information about the temple. And it is just as the legends say, a place of great power where a group of religious nutjobs worshipped the power of the weather. It speaks of a ritual that shall pierce the heavens and bring forth great powers to those who are worthy."

An eager look appears on the twisted face of the yeti warlord and he turns to look at Guldan as the old goatman slowly steps up the stairs. Excited to obtain the power he had sought for so long. The power to rule the world. "Well then let us not taddle! This temple and its secrets shall be mine to use soon!"

[5 hours later]

The Storm King and Guldan standing in front of a massive mountain temple constructed within the isolated peaks of the Feng Hoof Mountains. It had been located near the eastern border of the Mǎ Empire, close to the waterfalls feeding the Golden River.

Most of the Storm Warriors were impressed by the massive structure, feeling that this was indeed a temple worthy of its purpose.

Guldan was gleefully smiling as he looked up at the large gates as he stood in the courtyard of the temple. Most of it was covered with snow, ice, and moss. Much of the stone had corroded. And yet it stood tall with a still-intact roof and everything. Yet it was far over a thousand years of age.

The Storm King did not find the temple too impressive however and just gave the place a criticizing comment. "So this is the so-called Temple of the Divine Storm? Doesn't look very magical or stormy if you ask me."

Chuckling the old goat unfurls a scroll to read its content. Seemingly not faced by the ignorance of his lord. "Looks can be deceiving my King. This temple may seem ordinary, but it is far from it. I can sense deep and powerful magic through its entire structure. All we need to do is get to the central chamber and we can have you claim the power of the temple to become not a Storm King but a Storm God."

The horned yeti smirks and hums in content at the title the old goat mentioned. It was a most compelling title for one such as himself. "Ooooh, nice choice of title. I was thinking of upgrading my branding a bit. Storm God... hmmm... I like it!"

A large set of stone doors blocks the path into the temple. Upon them is an ancient scripture along with images carved out, showing people venerating a twister of wind and lightning. Eight stone pillars stood outspread along with the courtyard, each of them marked with a symbol and a brazier.

Obviously to get past the doors one would most likely have to solve the riddle.

But the recently rebranded Storm God, copyright pending, was not a patient person. So he pointed at for of his Storm Warriors and shouted out a command. "Bring the enchanted battering ram and smash those gates open!"

Two rows of ten storm warriors came dragging a large structure on wheels. It was a battering ram, held with chains and pulleys. The front of the ram was covered with a layer of black metal shaped like a sphere. Its surface is engraved with runes.

As the battering ram reached the gates to the temple the warriors grabbed the loose ropes and began to heave, pulling the big log backward. Before releasing it. The pommel-headed battering ram slams into the stone gates with a loud crack. And yet the stone remains undamaged.

They try again, and again, and again. After over twenty times had the ancient stone gate not even gotten a fracture. Looking at each other in confusion the storm warriors didn't know what to do.

But the Storm God knew what to do, he points a halberd at the ram and shouts out orders with a twisted frown on his face. "Activate the gate breacher charge on the ram and blow up that gate!"

One of the stone warriors walks up to the front of the ram and slices a dagger across his palm before smearing blood over the sphere. The runes on its surface glow green and red and the ten warriors pull back the ram one final time before letting go. And jump prone on the ground as they let go.

A loud thunderous boom erupts from the gate and fragments of wood, rope, and metal flies out as the enchanted battering ram and the structure that held it explodes into pieces. As the dust cloud clears all that be seen is a deep crack in the left door of the gate.

There is a momentary pause before the lower half of the left door falls over, revealing an entrance into the temple.

"Haha! My plan worked perfectly! Let us go and claim my price!" The Storm God cheers out as he strides forward, Guldan and thirty more storm warriors following his lead. Leaving the twenty storm warriors who worked the battering ram to be taken back to the ship for medical care.

The halls of the temple were eerie quiet, only the echoes of the party's marching footsteps could be heard. Walls and pillars once decorated and finely carved were covered in decay and rot. Only the pure stone carvings remained and even those were heavily damaged from centuries without any proper care.

A large open pathway leads into a large inner courtyard, statues and monuments with lost purposes lay in ruins. At the other end of what had once been a beautiful place is a large desolated stone structure. A half-rotten gate engraved with ancient writing lost since the age of chaos blocking the path.

There was not even a pause when the Storm God kicked in the door and enters the large stone structure. At first, it looked like a roofed building but as they move forward they all note how the roof only covers the edges of the building. There is a perfectly square hole at the center of the roof. And beneath it, lit up by the midday sun, is a large hole that reveals that there is a drop over a thousand meters, leading straight down into the valley below the mountain.

Within this gap in the floor is four bridges connecting to a central stone platform. Upon this platform stands a scorched willow tree, bones of various species scattered around it. And before it stands a circular-shaped stone plate with intricate carvings engraved upon its edges.

"This is it Storm God. The central chamber of this ancient temple. Here we will have to activate the ritual for you to receive the blessing."

"How does it work? That is something you still haven't told me." The overlord asks in a curious voice as he looks at the bizarre-looking tree and the bones scattered around it. His evil senses were tingling.

"You have to kneel at the center of the stone circle and channel the power within you in a circular pattern to summon the spirit of the storm to have them bless you with their gift."

A calm and serene expression is on the Storm God's face as he smiles and seemingly accepts the answer. "Ah, it's that easy-FUCK YOU!!" Before he brutally punches Guldan in the gut.

The old goat, not expecting the reaction. Hunches offer clutching his stomach while the storm warriors just watch.

"ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME GULDAN!? I DON'T HAVE ANY MAGIC! WAS ALL THIS FOR NOTHING!?" And with another brutal punch to the old goat's gut the Storm God reached forth and grab him by the throat and lift him into the air.

"Curgh calm down gah I hargh prepargh prepared for aghh this." The old goat clutches at the strong fingers holding him by the throat. Fear clear in his eyes.

Glaring into the eyes of his advisor the horned yeti drops him on the floor. "Hrmmmm... explain before I have you thrown down this hole."

Standing up rubbing his stomach and throat the old goat coughs and gasps a few times before straightening up. He pulls out of his left pocket an amulet of jade with a black and white ying-yang symbol on its center. "Agh. Just listen. Ahem. I have an amulet that will emulate the magical energy flow required to start the ritual. It's like the motion of a watch but more rapidly. It will deceive the ritual circle so you may claim the blessing."

Still frowning the Storm God stares at the old goat as he grabs the amulet from him and examines it. "And what would this ritual grant me? I am not some easily deceived thug on the street stealing donuts. What will I be granted?"

"Look. This is the historical description of the ritual." An old scripture scroll is unfurled and it reveals an image of a person, probably a monkey, kneeling in the circle. The second image shows the person sitting with their hands in their lap over one another, a show of energy in the shape of waves moving in a circular pattern in their image. Next, an image of small horse-shaped sprites flying around the figure. Followed by a pillar of light surrounds the figure and the stone circle. Next, the spirits flow into the person, and their body overflow with lightning. It then shows the person flying into the skies, mountains, and trees crumbling beneath their lightning aura.

"Are those windigoes?" The Storm God comments as he takes note of the eerie similarity of the sprites in the image to the cold-hearted frost spirits.

Guldan shakes his head, still, a bit shaken but mostly recovered by now. "No sir. Those are storm spirits, the depiction of the spirit may appear different for each individual. But those are the spirits who will grant you, the power described here."

Nodding the Storm God puts his hand on the old goat's shoulder and leads him to one of the bridges. "Good. Do I need to do anything else or is it just wear the amulet and kneel in the circle?"

"Yes, that is all you need to do sir," Guldan says as they walk up the bridge towards the stone platform.

"Good. Then I no longer need you. Thank you for your service, and mind the drop." And with his hand still on Guldan's shoulder the Storm God pushes the old goat off the bridge, letting him fall to his doom.

The last thing the wicked old goat Guldan, grandchild of Groghar, can do is scream in utter terror as he falls down the mountain towards the rapids down below. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Without so much as a glance, the Storm God hums to himself as he puts on the amulet and walks up to the stone circle. "I am so happy he explained everything to me before I threw him down the hole. Hmmm, nice scream. I should have recorded it for when I am throwing mute people off high places."

He steps up onto the stone circle and kneels. Holding up the amulet he smirks as he sees the blue wave of energy flowing through it and he nods.

A bluish mist flows out of the amulet and ten small sprites flow out of the ground around him. They start to flow circularly, making him feel a slight discomfort. It was then that a loud rumble was heard and suddenly a pillar of golden light covers him and the sprites as it rises into the heavens. Once free of clouds, now covered in sparking storm clouds.

Smirking the soon-to-be-true Storm Godexcitedly looks up at the heavens. "Come on now. Give me the power. I want it. I need it."

Then suddenly a powerful pressure fills the air and lightning arches across the clouds, forming a massive shape of a large roaring elk-like creature's head in the clouds. Its glaring eyes staring down at the temple below. It disappears as soon as it appeared.

Blinking a bit in confusion the promotional Storm God looks at the sky curiously. "Huh. That old fool's scroll did not include that."

A powerful crack is suddenly heard as lightning strikes in the distance, a vibration running through the mountains. And then several more came, and soon the entire mountain was shaking as lightning bolt after lightning bolt arcs down from the heaves and lashes out like the whip of the gods themselves.

"So when are you sparkly little twits going to enter me and give me my power?" He asks the still swirling storm spirits floating around him. None of them give a reaction, let alone an answer.

The lightning keeps falling. Several Storm Warriors keeping beneath the roofs of the old temple to not risk getting hit themselves.

A sudden twisting motion appears in the barrier and a hole appears in the cloud above. Revealing a glittering night sky even though it is midday. And that's when the Storm god hears a voice call out from the entrance. One of his messengers.

"My lord Storm King. Several lightning strikes have struck several of our airships and completely demolished them. We only have two left and the storm is expanding out and I fear it might hit the rest of the armada! We need to pull back now!"

But he would not have it and roars back at the messenger without looking away from the swirling mass of golden light containing him. "Not until I get the power I've been so painstakingly scheming to get!"

It was then that he saw the sprites that once was flying around hi suddenly fly up into the twisting barrier, seemingly sucked up by the unstable energies. And he could see several more being sucked out from the ground beneath him. He tried to reach out for them but their shapes just moved through his fingers. And he began to realize that if the sprites were not there to grant him power, then it was all for nothing. "No no no no no... Nononononono! NO!"

He then looks to the roof and his eyes widen as he sees a second golden light in the clouds in the northern direction. Somewhere else someone else was performing the same ritual!? What are the odds!?

Realizing the problem he feels rage and despair fills his body as he screams. "Let me out!" He stands up and slams his fist into the barrier to no avail.

Cursing he turns toward his troops. "Dammit! Storm Warriors!" The hulking figures salute their leader, ready to receive his orders.

He points at the other golden light shining in the distant north and screams out in utter fury, drooling and spitting in a frothing rage. "Find where that other golden light is! Find it now and stop it!"

The warriors rush out of the temple even as the lightning kept rumbling.

For over ten minutes all the incomplete Storm God hears is rumbling lightning. Snarling and growl in his captive state. Regretting having killed the old goat until after he had gotten his powers. But he would probably never know now.

Suddenly the golden twister where he was att disappears upwards, taking with it every last spirit held within the temple. The failed Storm God rushes through the temple, frantically trying to catch up with the disappearing promise of power. "Stop it! That is mine! That power belongs to me!"

[Start Dramatic Music: CRUCIBLE - Original instrumental inspired by Mass Effect 3 by Miracleofsound]


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own.

Yet as he gets out of the temple he can no longer see the golden light. Signifying that the ritual was over. Someone else had claimed his prize.

He falls down the stairs of the temple and lands in the snow undignified. He looks up, snow falling off his horns and he stares with empty eyes at the burning remains of his airships. Not only had he lost the power of the temple to someone else, but his flagship and nine more ships were also all wrecked, leaving him and his surviving forces stranded in the mountains until his armada could track him down.

"When I find out who stole my powers I shall show them a fate worse than death! You hear me!? I am not done yet! I am still the Storm King! And I will get my revenge!" His voice echoes out over the mountains, overpowering the rumble of the lightning storm itself.

Unbeknownst to him. No aid would come. Not anytime soon.

[Location: Neighpaal]

Dark storm clouds emerged out from the mountains. Lightning rained like rain over the valley of Neighpaal. The survivors of the invasion stared in awe as airship after airship was struck down by what could only be described as divine punishment.

Storm Warriors can be heard screaming in panic and terror throughout the valley as their ships were struck down. Several exploded on impact, others crashed and burned, while some fled the raging weather. The people of Neighpaal cheered and prayed to the gods for granting them deliverance from the invaders.

Even as the last damaged airship fled south to lick its wounds the storm kept expanding. And for five days it would rage, scorching much of the mountains and its lands black. While releasing waves of freshly melted water to quench the fires below.

It would later come to be named the Purging Storm.

[Guo Long's Perception]

My body aches. It feels like I have been forced to work out nonstop for a week without rest. My muscles spasm and my stomach heaves even though it is empty. I can't seem to feel anything even though I am lying on something.

The darkness is gone and yet the world is so bright I may as well be blind. Even though my eyes are closed I cannot escape the bright light. I suddenly feel something wet and cool placed over my eyes, soothing my discomfort and removing the intense light. I hear a male voice speak to me. "Hmmmmm... his fever is gone. But he's still severely dehydrated. He's conscious but his nerves are still too damaged to properly respond. Better get him to sleep some more."

I feel strong sharp nailed fingers pry open my jaws. Though... it feels strange as my mouth opens. Like my... mouth's shape doesn't feel the same. A cool liquid is poured down my throat and I feel finger pressing some of my nerves, stimulating my throat muscles to swallow.

I black out again.

I wake up a second time. This time my eyes are already covered by a moist cloth. My body is no longer sore, but it feels tense. Like a spring too strung up and in need of maintenance. I slowly lift a hand I grasp the cloth and I slowly slide it off my eyes. There is no intense bright light this time.

I see an unfamiliar ceiling made of thatch or some similar weed-based roof. A window is covered by a curtain made of pieces of bamboo. A large cupboard and cabinet with a small chair stand in a nearby corner. To my side, I can see a bamboo and rice paper screen of plain white colour blocking the view.

This is a medical clinic, possibly even an infirmary. But not the one associated with my sect. I reach up to rub my face when I see my hand. It is scaly, like a combination of lizard and bird talons. Four fingers, one thumb, each decorated with a curved claw-like nail.

My once tanned skin is replaced with a grey scale-like hide, not too dissimilar to what I saw on Tiān Léiyǔ's rear body when I meet him. Shock rings through me and I quickly feel my face, panic starts to set it as I feel more and more how I had changed.

Rolling out of the bed I stagger to my feet, well I better call them hooves now. As I can see a three-toed hoof on an inhuman leg as it straightens itself as I try to stand. Gripping the edge of the bed for the support I stand up. I see a large mirror by a small simple desk made of wood. Grasping the sheet from the bed I tie it around my waist and I slowly walk up to the mirror.

What I see is not anything I had seen before in any of my two lives. The being in front of me did not look a bit like the old Guo Long. What I saw was a humanoid kirin. Dark grey and bluish scales on a body that combined the muscles of a human with those of a kirin. I had a near-white mane running down from my forehead to my tail tip. The serpentine tail had a tuff of hail not too unlike a lion's tail with a more bright blue tint to it.

Upon my forehead was a cone-shaped spiral horn that looked like it was made out of some manner of dull, almost gray, gemstone. It reminded me of the horn a creature I saw in a game in my first life.

Slowly I look down at my chest and I feel the place where my sect token had been before I blacked out. I look around to see if I can spot it along with my clothes until I hear steps and voices approaching. Stepping back from the door I enter a corner and drawback my Qi and through breath control remove my presence from the room as best as I can.

Who, or rather what, enters the room is a short humanoid turtle, or possibly tortoise dressed in what looks like medical or scholar robes. And a female humanoid horse lady around my chest height dressed in a farmer's outfit with a basket of some kind of fruit or vegetable held by her hip. She was very colourful with a bright green pelt, blue mane, and tail. Her body was well built, obvious from a lot of physical labour, but I have to admit what draws most of my attention is her butt and chest. Feels like I am looking at an Amazonian warrior dressed as a farmer.

"When do you think he will wake up Elder Hardshell? It has been nearly a week since we found him in the river." The horse lady asks in a concerned tone as they enter the clinic.

The tortoise/turtle strokes a long beard growing from his jaw as he enters the room. "Why don't you ask him yourself young Berry Juice. He's hiding in the corner for some reason."

Not expecting to be spotted so soon I quietly step forward, the sheet still tied around my waist. I look at them, taking note that the woman was staring at me with an odd look in her eyes. I then bow and cover my right fist with my left palm. "I apologies for hiding but I am not sure where I am or how I got here."

The old tortoise/turtle snorts and steps over to a table where he picks up some medical tools and points me at a small chair. "Hmph. At least you're not a bandit. Someone willing to apologize and show proper manners is hard to find even among decent folks these days. Well, we can start by checking your body for anything wrong. Then we can do some small talk."

"Un." Nodding in agreement I step over to the chair and slowly sit down, my bones creaking a bit in discomfort.

After a few minutes of prodding and poking the old reptile nods before putting aside his tools. "Well, you still have some nerve damage of whatever happened to you. But other than that you are in good health. I should explain how you got here then."

The old reptile pulls forth a small scroll and unfurls it to show a nation bearing the name Mǎ Empire, several dots laid around its shape and one of them was the most western one he was pointing a clawed finger at. "This is Freshriver Village, it lies in the westernmost border of the Mǎ Empire, the third-largest nation in the world of Gaia. Ruled by the Golden Horse Emperor and his War Lords. Five days ago we found you floating down the waterfall by the village that leads to the Golden River. We fished you up and have been caring for you ever since."

I am in yet another world. Had I not already gone through this I would probably be going through a panic attack. But instead, I ask about my belongings, at the very least my sect token was something I needed to find no matter what. Without it, I could not prove my identity as a member, not as I was now. "Did. Did I have anything on me? Clothes? A token? A weapon?"

"You were naked when you were found, covered in burn marks that disappeared after I gave you some treatment. But you did have this around your neck." He hands me a small jade token engraved with my name and my sect's name, tied to a thin leather strap. It was my identification token as a member of my sect. It was worth more to me than any weapon.

Letting out a sigh of relief I bow in gratitude. "Thank you for saving me and my sect token, had I lost it I would not know what to do."

The elderly tortoise/turtle just nods to this as he pulls out some paper, ink, and quill. "Hmmm. Not sure what kind of religious sect you come from with such a plain token. But could you explain how you get injured and how you got here?"

"And what is your name?" I and the turtle/tortoise turn to look at the horse lady who looks a little abashed and turns her head to look at a wall. Makes me feel a bit bad putting her on the spot like that.

"My name is Guo Long. I am a member of the Léiyǔ Sect, an order of cultivators who seek enlightenment through physical and spiritual achievements. We do not seek divine enlightenment nor do we proclaim ourselves to be servants of gods. We reside in the Mountain of the Eternal Storm where we train, study, and cultivate ourselves to obtain enlightenment through our own efforts and understanding of life and combat." At least that's my view on it. There were very few cultivators who didn't kill at least one person through their journey to reach enlightenment through combat. It was just how things worked, even though it sounds painful is it not possible to change such a baseline thing.

"Hmm. Fascinating." The short reptile was taking notes of my explanation, clearly fascinated by my origin for some reason.

I keep explaining, emitting some parts as to not reveal I had come from another world. Not very eager to be called mad and possibly executed or imprisoned for it. No, it was for the best to omit some details. "I was participating in a ritual conducted by my sect's benefactor when something went wrong. I do not know how or why but something interfered in the ritual that my clan's benefactor had created for us. It caused something to go wrong and the last thing I remember before falling unconscious is that something had taken control of my body and Qi before releasing me. Why I do not know."

Tapping his chin with the feather part of the quill the elder hummed in thought as I described what had happened to me. "I personally have never heard about such a way of obtaining enlightenment before. I know of the Neighpaal monks and the Way of the Butha but I have never heard of cultivation before. You must come from a very isolated place in the Feng Hoof Mountains or even further."

I shake my head and motion at the map with an open hand. "It is not on any map as we do not wish for others to steal our secrets for ill-begotten reasons. A sect's cultivation is kept private and secret to not risk unworthy villains from learning them."

"Hmmm... A good reason as any to keep yourself isolated. Doubt you manage to obtain many willing to learn by being so isolated though." At those words, I clasp my hand into my palm as he reaches for a cup of tea and I correct his assumption.

"As of the current year, we have over ten thousand members in our sect." The poor elder spits out his tea coughs a bit, giving my proudly smiling face a light glare. As if knowing I did that on purpose.

He cleans his face with a napkin before snorting at my cheeky behaviour, though clearly not too upset about it. "Hmph. Cheeky brat. Well, you are healthy enough I suppose. If you wish to find your belongings they might have washed up onto the shore by the lake beneath our village. Or sunk to the bottom. There are some rice farmers down there that sometimes scavenge for lost items in the banks. they might be able to help you find what you lost."

This is great news and I stand up and bow with my palm on my fist. This kind elder and his village were truly helpful folks. I would have to thank them in the future. "I, Guo Long, thank you deeply for this aid you have given honoured elder. I shall do my utmost to repay you and your village."

Things got weirdly silent for a moment and I straighten myself to look at them. Only to see the turtle/tortoise smirking behind another cup of tea, while the horse lady was staring at something on my waist with an absent look on her face. "Oh my..."

The old reptile covers up a laugh with his fist before speaking out to the blushing mare. "Hrhrhrmph. Might want to get the lad some clothes miss Berryjuice."

Ah... crap. The sheet I had worn had dropped when I stood up and now I am standing naked in front of a woman and an elder. I thought I felt a breeze. I cover myself swiftly with a light blush on my cheeks. "Ahm. Yes. Sorry. Some pants would be good."

[Meanwhile: Equestria]

Within a magnificent throne room is a gathering of nobles, officers, merchants, commoners, and more gathering within. Upon a throne of gold and rubies sits a female figure dressed in armour and cloth that together with her tall buxom shape form what can only be described as a desirable yet powerful presence.

This is the Warrior Queen Celestia, ruler of Equestria, and the Alicorn of the Sun. As depicted by her horn and wings revealing her immortal nature.

For half, a day had the court been going through its weekly meeting. Nearly approaching its completion there is a sudden upheaval as the doors to the throne room slams open as a messenger comes running into the throne room. The tall alicorn ruler looks at the exhausted messenger before getting off her throne. "Messenger, what is so important that you would come barging in like this?"

Panting with exhaustion the messenger has to spend a few moments regaining his breath. After he does he reports what he had been told. "A report from General Star Blade was sent by dragon fire your highness. While visiting the Imperial Court of the Mǎ Empire across the Lunar Sea with his new son-in-law he took note of something strange going on. Messengers and officials were running in and out of the Imperial Palace for several days. With no clear explanation."

"He received words just hours ago what had caused it all. It is apparent so that the Warlord known as the Storm King had been seen near Neighpaal, and from the reports, it was a month ago that he was seen approaching the area." There a frown on the lips of several members of nobility and military ranks. The Storm King was a well-known warmonger and conqueror who not only was brutal as a demon but as slippery as a snake. Over five countries had been claimed by him thus far, most of them peaceful and not equipped with a proper military defence.

"But not only that. The entire region has apparently not only been plundered but also razed to the ground within two weeks. For that time the Imperial Court had been completely unable to decide in time to aid the populous of the area." A frown appears on Celestia's face as she hears of the neglect of the current Gold Horse Emperor. She had thought he would have proven a decent character like his father.

"So Neighpaal is destroyed then? Another nation victim to the Storm King?" A random pony asks the messenger, an uneasy look on their face. As they had visited the peaceful nation in the past and did not like to think of it as destroyed.

"No that's the thing. The Imperial Court is in a total uproar now as it was discovered that a massive storm suddenly erupted from the dept of the Feng Hoof Mountains and brought ruin upon the Storm King's armada and raged over the mountain range for five days. He was last reported fleeing to the arctic north with barely a tent of his forces remaining. This last information is only twelve hours old." At those words, a moment of pure shock filled the room. Then excited looks appeared on many ponies' faces. As they realized what this meant.

Excited chatter begins to fill the throneroom.

"Then he won't be able to lay sieges upon nations until he rebuilds his strength!"

"The nations can have a breathing space to bulk up their defences!"

"Or even hunt him down!"

Celestia however was still curious about the disorder in the Imperial Court. "Then why is the Imperial Court in disarray because of this?"

The messenger swallows a bit before explaining. "Apparently have several members of the court been exposed as being bribed by the Storm King to delay aid to Neighpaal with promises of wealth from the region. Without their intended payment coming some of them ratted the others out to the Emperor. The Gold Horse Emperor is cleaning his court with a brutality not seen for centuries in his bloodline. There are mentions of geldings, beheadings, implements, and even the infamous death by quartering."

Silence reigned over the court of the Sun Queen once more before Celestia sighed and looked towards one of her old advisers. "It is not up to us to interfere in the affairs of another nation. Hopefully, the current emperor will have enjoyed this moment of bloodshed. But should he prove to act like his great grandfather Emperor Sowing Sword, then I want our own forces to be prepared. Send word to Captain Fire Storm to start-up recruitment into the army once more, least we let another Mad Sword of Mǎ raid our lands."

The adviser bows and moves away to do his queen's bidding. Meanwhile, the court feels a bit tense so Celestia looks at the room and gives them a nod. "We will stop here for today and resume tomorrow. I expect many of you have some history to look up."

As the throne room empties itself she sighs and rolls her left and right shoulder. Removing the tension of court work.

She then walks out to the garden and smiles as she sees her personal apprentice Twilight Sparkles with her small dragon companion spike. It had only been two years since she first meets the young unicorn. And her days would always be a bit brighter as she educated her in manners of magic and other subjects.

"Ah! Queen Celestia! Are you done with court already?" The happy young filly asked her teacher as she saw her getting closer. A pile of books by her side in the grass on a blanket with a sleeping spike in a small basket on her right.

"Indeed. It was interrupted because of important matters and we will have to resume early tomorrow. But that only means it won't even be half as long tomorrow." She said with a smile as she sat down next to her happy little bookworm of a student.

"Oh great! Then could you teach me about this?" She holds up a book containing the title [The Lost Art of Cultivation] by Sergeant Iron Kick.

That was something she had not been expecting. She takes the book and opens it, treading lightly through the content as she remembers the old battles a millennia ago against her first hated foe. And of the people who fought against him and his cult. "Oh? That is an art not even I am proficient in I am afraid."

The little filly gasps and holds her hands in front of her mouth in shock at the news of Celestia not knowing something. "What!? Really!?"

Nodding she reads the section detailing the various sects and the arts, only descriptions, however. So many powerful techniques and styles. A painful cost they paid willingly to stop Discord, something she respected deeply. "Mmhmm. You see Twilight, the Cultivators were rather reclusive and would not just teach anyone their ways. But those they taught became powerful and even attained an increased life span. But they were all killed during the Age of Chaos by the Cult of Clucking Chaos. For the Cultivators fought against Discord and even managed to push him away. And so the mad people of the CCC started to assault the Cultivators."

Climbing up onto her teacher's lap Twilight looks into be book with a sad expression. "Oh no! Did it end badly?"

Celestia smiles a sad smile and pats her student on the head as she looks over the various names of the people written into the book. Most of them were honourable warriors who fell in battle. Some of them were traitors. Others even close friends of her childhood who sacrificed themselves to protect her and her sister from Discord at least ten times. "Very badly. They were far too outnumbered with the cult also having mutated monsters on their side adding to the mayhem. And they sacrificed themselves to protect others without hesitation. There is said that the few Cultivators that remained fled into the distant corners of the world and disappeared. Yet not even I know of what happened to them."

Young Twilight frowns a bit at that but sighs and looks at the book with a longing feeling. It had sounded so interesting, she would have been happy to learn it if possible. "Oh. I would have wanted to try to learn it. But for now. I guess I will focus on my magic."

Closing the book Celestia hugs her little student into her bosom, the little filly looking up at her from between the valley of flesh hugging her as her teacher hugs her. "Oh don't be so down Twilight. There are a slight chance Cultivators still remain. But if they do, it is probably for the best to not harass them for their secrets. Better to make the want to teach you."

"And I have no doubt they'd want to teach such ha bright little student like you." Teacher and student break down into giggles and hugs after that and enjoys some cool lemonade and pasties in the garden. The warm summer sun shining upon them.

[Back with Guo Long]

As I sit by the bed waiting for some clothes I suddenly feel an itch in my nose and I sneeze loudly. The old tortoise, which he told me was after I asked, looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Seems like someone's talking about you lad."

I can't help but agree with him.


Spirit Oracle (Pre-Beta)

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A Cultivator in Equestria

By Staadnauthursil

Chapter Two: Spirit Oracle

Theme Music: Kirin Theme (Original Concept Music) by Nathanaël Wsiaki


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

[Location: Freshriver Lake]

The clothes I was given were of a higher standard than I'd expected. They felt more the robes of a scholar, magister, official, or even a wizard. Not something a mere Disciple like me should wear. They were purple in color with gold trims on the sleeves and bottom edges of the robe. With a sash made with a similar colour theme. Beneath it, I wore a clean white silk shirt and a pair of dark blue silk pants with my hooves left bare.

Looking at myself I ponder just where they got such expensive clothes from.

As if reading my mind the old tortoise known as Elder Hardshell spoke as he was writing down something on an unfurled scroll. "Those clothes were used as payment for medical treatments by a traveling scholar twenty years ago. I would have denied him the need to pay me seeing how he had been injured by bandits and needed what little money he had to get home. But he insisted on paying me back with his clothes and just took some average clothes in return. Nobody here wants to wear them but I thought they would fit you. He was a kirin like you, though you are a bit larger and with less fur."

"I see." I look at my clawed hand, unlike the ancient kirin Tiān Léiyǔ was my body more scales than fur. I still had some of it on my head portion from the neck up, along my back, and over my thighs and buttocks. But other than that I was mostly covered by scales. Not counting my mane or the small patch of hair growing above my hooves.

I need to get used to this body and fast or my training and cultivation will be hindered exponentially. "For now I need to have a light exercise and get a feel for my body. See what might have changed during my short coma."

The old tortoise nods and puffs a mouthful of smoke as he writes. "A wise decision. The courtyard at front of my house is open for your usage as long as you do not block the way to the door."

"Thank you Elder Hardshell." Giving him a light bow I move out to the courtyard. It was not the biggest but not the smallest I'd ever seen. Only a simple road going through a slightly overgrown field of grass. No real bushes or flowers, but no weeds or moss either.

Walking over to a decent spot a bit away from the path leading to the house I untie my newly acquired robe and fold it up, placing it on the edge of the veranda. Without the weight of the robe, I flex and shift my joints, stretching and jumping to soften up my body.

After five minutes or so I feel properly warmed up and I get into a stance. My seven unarmed fighting styles were straightforward in their purpose and I have decided to learn them since they let me combine many of their moves. They were named for the purpose as well.

[Bone Breaking Ape Art] focused on heavy punches, grips, and kicks to break bones or bruise the body. [Savage Tiger Art] was a type of lethal martial arts similar to muay thai kickboxing art with a focus on using the hands, fingers, feet, elbows, and knees to deal cut-like damage to foes. [Bending Grass Art], was a bit of a combination of yoga and jujutsu, using a strong and flexible body to use the weight and momentum of your foes against them.

[Graceful Crane Art] was a movement art that involved using light steps and jumps along with good control over your body to seemingly glide or fly over the ground, not even disturbing the grass beneath you. [One Strike Kill Scorpion Art] is a pressure point art that involves using pinpoint finger and toe jabs to target the nerves, meridians, and other vital points of the body to cause various effects from weakening, paralyzing, numbness, pain, or even death.

[Iron Turtle Art] was a solid defence art that involves blocking, grappling, and counter striking your opponent while enduring their blows without moving too much. [Soul Tearing Dragon Art] it was a basic full-body art that focused not on solid heavy blows but soft heavy blows. Using a smooth, simple momentum of your body to get close to the target. Get one part of your body in contact with the target and then push your entire body's force through the area of contact, pressing into the interior of the body to harm the insides.

I know people normally focus only on a single art or a selection of arts that fits the same category. But I picked these seven arts because of one simple factor. They were so basic and easy to comprehend that I could very easily combine various moves into combinations or even new techniques.

Imagining my opponent I steady myself. A featureless humanoid entering a similar stance of my own. The best combatant to learn from is the one who uses the same techniques.

Taking a soft breath I narrow my eyes and then dash forward, my opponent does the same. We meet on the grass with him trying to kick me in the gut, I slide to the side and try to punch his left shoulder. He sways to the side.

I focus entirely on my opponent and just let my actions speak through my new body's muscles.

Straight punch to the gut. Sudden frontal step. Slam shoulder into foe's chest area. Hold hands together and use the strength of both arms to slam an elbow into the opponent's solar plexus. Press up with palm and push strength into their chest, targeting the left lung.

The opponent punches at me, I parry with a wrist. Then I lash out with a stomp kick at his leg. He evades. Body free I step forward with three light skips. Moving left, right, and left in a short but quick zigzag pattern. I then slam my fist into the opponent's side, he blocks with an elbow. I kick with my knee into his other side.

He clutches broken ribs and falls to his knees. I raise my left arm, fold it, elbow held high, and I slam it down upon the head of my foe. The strength of his neck and head will determine if he lives or not. But in the end, it is my victory.

Standing straight I slowly stretch out my arm, holding my fingers together. I then raise them, and I start to stretch. After five minutes or so I go through the katas of my unarmed combat styles. I need to get used to the lightness and strength of my body. Not to mention my tail adds a whole slew of problems and possibilities. For none of the arts I know have accounted for one having a tail.

So I improvise, lashing out with my tail in a low sweep a couple of times, I have a wide reach. Then I strike at the air, seeing how fast I can move I can tell it is three times as fast as my jabs if I truly focus. And though I cannot physically hit anything without the risk of possibly damaging myself or the object can I still test out my tail's strength. And I do so by laying down on my back and using my tail's muscles to lift my lower body. It is not even a challenge. My tail is strong enough to hold my entire body in the air for a long amount of time.

My tail can be used for new techniques adapted into my combat techniques. And not only the unarmed ones.

"Good I have some control over my tail now. But my Qi is the most important thing." Sitting down in a classic cross-legged position I focus my breathing and try to circulate my Qi as I did during the ritual. I feel a sudden surge of warmth flow through my body and I can feel my Qi flow like water through my veins.

Opening my eyes I look at my hands and blink in shock. Earlier had my Qi aura been the light blue mist of a 2nd rank low-tier cultivator. But what I was seeing right now was a flowing and blue glowing liquid that was floating out of my body. I trace my finger through it and indeed. It feels like water to the touch.

This was the 5th rank of low-tier Cultivators. How did I break from 2nd rank to 5th in an instance!? This was surreal.

I would have to keep from cultivating for a while and focus on building up the base abilities of my body and learn to control my Qi. The problem was that I was lacking manuals. I had no way of obtaining the knowledge of how to properly cultivate as I was right now.

If forced to I might have to improvise, and that is not really a good idea when your cultivation is at the lower tier. A mistake might cost you years if not permanent loss in your cultivation progress. There was a reason for why our sect taught us only what we were ready for rather than showing it all down our throats at once.

What do I do?

A voice suddenly speaks up inside my head. "We can aid you."

"Gah!" Yelping in surprise I fall over from my seated position and jump up, looking left and right with my hands ready should there be an attacker.

But there was no one there. Slowly lowering my arms I slowly relax, though still attentive. "Did I imagine it?"

"No. You did not." My left eye twitches a little as I hear the voice again.

Once more I look left and right, still, I see no one nearby. But maybe... the voice is not what I think it is? Could it be that someone is speaking to me telepathically?

"Well sort of. But not really. It is more like we can comprehend you through your emotions. And because of your bond to us, we can send our intents to you in reverse. You can do the same once you improve." Again the voice speaks and I rub my head in contemplation for a bit. Unnerved with having someone reading my mind, even if through my emotions.

Sighing I cross my arms and sit down cross-legged on the grass again. "So who are you?"

"We meet you back at the burial ground during the ritual. We were to be the judges of your promotion in the sect. When whatever disaster struck that brought you here, it brought us with you. Fused us and some others to your body."

My eyes widen as I see small sparkling blue fairy-like sprites in the shape of kirins emerging out of my body. "You're spirits... kirin spirits. But how?"

The spirits float together to shape a singular head-sized kirin shape, a structure made up of many spirits. Its lips move as the spirits speak to me. "We do not know. But we do know that whatever brought us here with you changed your body into what it is now by fusing our essence into your Qi. Binding us together and altering you into a strange new kind of kirin."

Rubbing my forehead I cannot help but swear a little as I ascertain the situation. "Ah... well, fuck this is awkward... I would apologies if I didn't already know it would be pointless to... not to mention you do not sound very upset right now."

The spirit manifestation nods and floats around me a little, seemingly with approval as I cannot feel any hostility from the spirits. "You are indeed bright-minded and understanding. Your soul has an age to it that does not fit your body. Similar to that of a shaman or spirit oracle."

Okay, that was not something I've heard of before. Sure I had heard about oracles before, but that was in my old world. I had some knowledge of the shamans of the jungles in the world of cultivation I was reborn in. But I have not heard about anything called Spirit Oracles. "I've heard of the shamans in the southern jungles using spirits and blood magic. But spirit oracles is not something I've heard of before."

It floats in front of me once again its body suddenly shifting into the image of a robed man with a staff with rings on the top. Small sprites of various spirits floating around him. "It is a lost profession. They were people who gained insight through spirits to cleanse lands of corruption and to prevent disasters. Many called them seers or oracles. But in truth, it was the spirits they contracted that gave them their powers. They died out a thousand or so years ago during a great pandemic that claimed many lives of beasts, cultivators, and common folks alike."

The floating image of the oracle starts moving in a walking position, small piles of bones along its path release small pricks of light that join the oracle's body. "They would bind spirits to their Qi and bodies, gaining parts of their powers in return for letting the spirit experience the sensations of life again. It is not completely identical to what happened between you and us. But it still applies."

I just nod and look at the image of the spirit oracle as it resumes the shape of a kirin spirit. "Ah... that does sound a bit similar to our situation. So what did you mean by that you could help me with my cultivation?"

In the warm morning sun, the sparkling mass of spirits waved a hoof a bit nonchalantly. "All of us died with at least centuries worth of knowledge and memories about the cultivation of not only spirit beasts but humans and other beings as well. Your body is a combination of man and spirit beast, thus it stands to reason that the cultivation techniques of both apply to you. And since we know a lot of both human and spirit beast cultivation we will be able to guide you during your training so you do not lose your foundation."

This was indeed a good thing, but why exactly were they going so far to aid me? It made me feel a bit confused, not anxious, the spirits had ample opportunity to harm me or even deny me knowing their existence yet they did not. "I see. This is indeed a great opportunity for me. But two things. With my rapidly expanded cultivation will I not already be handicapped? And, not to sound rude, but why would you help me? If not for me you would not have been taken her with me."

The spirit floats around me casually as it speaks, my nose itches as some of the sparks hit my cheek. "You are not at fault for that. We are members of your sect through our kin Tiān Léiyǔ and will aid you to grow stronger. Plus we can get a second chance to experience life through this bond and to even witness an entirely new world. Why would we not want you to survive?"

I think I get it. There's no need to thank them for anything, I am helping them as much as they are helping me. Because as spirits they are unable to feel the physical world. But through my body as a medium, they can.

They float over to a nearby patch of weeds and touch it, I can see the grass bending beneath their touch, and yet I somehow know no one else but me can see them. It was hard to describe it but I just know that anyone else would only see a piece of weed being pushed down by an invisible force. "And secondly. Indeed, your cultivation was rapidly enhanced by the ritual. But that was its purpose. The ritual will enhance those who are able and worthy to become 3rd rank Low tier Cultivators. Though even if you broke into the 5th rank is your body already adapted to it because of the ritual. But from here you have to train and cultivate properly to enhance your future possibilities as a cultivator."

Nodding I cross my arms I thought, closing my eyes as I do so. I had already made that guess after I realized how strong my body was. It might have been reinforced and improved in all aspects but I needed to get used to it before I accidentally hurt myself or someone else. "So what I need to do now is start learning how to control this new strength and how to utilize my already existing techniques into it. Though I do not have any Qi techniques beyond the basics do I have a lot of physical arts."

The manifestation speaks again, its voice echoing through my mind as I close my eyes in thought. Approving my decision to take it slow. "That is a wise decision. No need to rush through anything. Reaffirm your control before improving yourself further. That is the basic law of Cultivation. One who does not learn how to control their own strength will be ruined by it."

Nodding I stand up and the spirit floats up with me as I do. Putting on my robe again I look towards the entrance to the garden leading out to the village. "Hmmm... well I guess for now I have at least attained some control of my body at least. I will work on the rest later but for now, I need to get hold of my weapons if they survived the trip."

A loud rumble echoes out of my gut, causing a bright red colour to ride up on my checks. "Ehe. Though I might need to eat first."

The spirit gives off a gentle laugh before fading away. "Also a wise decision young Master."

I am a bit curious about what kind of food is available in an anthropomorphic society. I mean, I guess they have some non-intelligent animals to eat, possibly monsters? But I will not eat anything sentient, which doesn't feel right to me.

"Hello! I am back!" The young mare Berryjuice comes walking into the garden carrying what looks like two large bamboo steamer baskets on her head, a clay pitcher in her left armpit, and a ceramic bowl with a lid in her right hand.

Bowing slightly to her in greeting I step over and offer my aid, carrying the large steamer baskets, they are hot to the touch. "Let me help you carry that."

She smiles in gratitude as we enter the small mansion of the elder. "Oh thank you. Elder Hardshell asked me to get some extra food up here for you two since he is not a decent chef and you need a lot of food to recover from your deep sleep."

That was mighty kind of them. Though I do wonder why she said that he asked for extra food. Does he always get his meals from Berryjuice and the other villagers? "I see. Thank you. Does Elder Hardshell rely on the rest of the village for his food?"

We enter the living room where a low round table with cushions for seats is placed. Several cupboards and shelves decorate the walls with various trinkets, artworks, and ceramic bowls and cups.

Nodding she puts down the ceramic bowl and pitch on the round table. Before moving over to a cupboard to take out round bowls and cups. "Oh yes. My mother told me that he has never had the time to learn how to cook because he has always been busy learning or working for the village and giving medical care to others since he was young. So we pitch in and give him some food now and then so he doesn't accidentally starve himself."

Placing down the two steamers on the table I help her place out the bowls and cups. "That is mighty kind of you all to aid the elder like this."

She just smiles and places down plain wooden chopsticks by the bowls. "He has always done his best for this village and though he might not look like it is he a magic-user who has fought bandits many times over the years. Even if he is only considered middle-aged for his kind is his body not that strong."

I look up at that. this was the first time I had heard about magic. This world was far more fantasy-aligned. "Magic-user? What kind of magic?"

We jump slightly as the elder enters the room, reading a book with his pipe in his mouth. Explaining his magical powers as he walks over to the table. "I utilize a combination of barrier and physical enhancement spells. I am just a grade 1 mage so my magical power is not what I'd call impressive. But I do have a higher energy capacity than your average grade 1 mage."

Bowing in greeting to the elder as he takes a seat I too take a seat and I am too curious to not ask further. "I see. How does the grading of a mage work? I assume it involves tests of some kind?"

Nodding Hardshell taps out his pipe in a small bowl by his seat as he explains it to me. "Most magic users are graded using a magical reagent, item, object, or creature. The mages channel their magic into the chosen test item and depending on the reaction of the item your base strength as a mage will be determined. There are some ways to improve this but the most common is to spend many years of training and studying to improve your magical abilities. The grade of the reagent is also a factor since the higher the grade the higher the requirement of making a reaction."

As we discuss this Berryjuice starts removing the lids on the baskets and the ceramic bowl. Revealing one basket filled with steamed rice, one filled with various steamed buns, and a bowl filled with what smelt like a spicy meat stew. "So a grade 1 mage would be the lowest tier?"

Shaking his head the old tortoise pours himself a cup of juice from the pitcher on the table. It smells good. "No. The grading system for magic users is a bit unique. We utilize titles for it. From lowest to highest it goes like this. Commoner. Acolyte. Apprentice. Mage. Archmage. Sorcerer. High Sorcerer. Wizard. High Wizard. And finally Arcane Master."

"Each title bears a separate Ranking. From 1 to 5. Making it a total of 50 ranks in the Magic-User Grading. And believe me. Even if I am categorized as a grade 1 mage is it because I am specialized. Had I tried to learn all magic I could, would I not even have become an apprentice. You can bypass ranking by being a specialist in your chosen field of magic and ignoring the rest. It took me twenty years to reach the rank I am at now and I am content with that." Finishing his explanation the old tortoise picks up a steaming bun from one of the baskets and chomps into it with a content hum.

"Thank you for the explanation elder Hardshell." Giving a light bow to him I take a bowl and I fill it with rice before filling the other with the fragrant stew. I can see bits of meat, I think chicken, in the sauce. Thankfully I won't have to go vegetarian here.

Chuckling the old tortoise swallows another mouthful of his bun before sipping some more juice. "No worries. It is good to ask questions if you feel ignorant. Otherwise, how will you learn?"

Very true. And as I look at the table I see no spoon, only bowls, cups, and wooden chopsticks. This nation was very similar in traditional eating manners to my earlier world. Though even there we had spoons to eat stews and soups, can't have everything I guess.

Thankfully I know how to use chopsticks to eat stew and rice together, a necessary skill to learn in a world of asian culture. Taking some of the stew and placing it in the rice bowl I chew on it and the flavours hit me instantly. It was tender meat, it had a mild flavour like chicken and with the vegetables, in the spicy soup, it made it easy to eat with the rice.

A sip of the spicy broth and some more rice enters my mouth and as I chew I can't help but feel euphoric. It is as if my tastebuds are dancing. The stew has a citric tang to it with a decent thickness with the sweetness of some kind of fruit. With the almost overboiled vegetables melting into the sauce as I chew. I want more.

I blink and see that the rice and stew are gone. Reaching up to rub my chin I can taste spicy stew in my mouth as well as some corns of rice. My stomach is filled and I feel content. A couple of chuckles shakes me out of my stupor and I look to see Berryjuice and Hardshell chuckling together.

"I had thought you would be hungry but for you to devour enough rice and cockatrice stew for three people in one sitting was rather surprising." Elder Hardshell said with a grin as he lights his pipe to take a smoke.

Rubbing my neck in embarrassment I look down at my empty bowls. It was rather bewildering and frustrating, I'd have like to enjoy that meal more. "I... well I guess I was more hungry than I thought. Can't even remember eating all of it."

"The living body can act in mysterious ways and this is not one of the strangest I've ever seen," Hardshell comments as he blows out a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

Berryjuice just munches on a steamed bun with a grin on her face as I quietly pour myself a cup of juice. I think I need to hydrate myself after all that spicy stew.

The rest of the meal was spent with some light conversation as I asked about the immediate areas and their dangers. And there was plenty to learn.

Apparently was the region Freshriver Village was located in named the Golden Hills, famous for its farming communities and the fact that the largest and longest river in the land, the Golden River, starts its journey from the western Feng Hoof Mountains. It is controlled by the Minister of the West, who is chosen by the Gold Horse Emperor's Imperial Court.

Beneath the Minister of the West is the Regional Lord, who is the equivalent of a General in ranking, or War Lord as they are called in this land. The current Regional Lord is an elderly bull by the name of Skalderus Ironskull. Apparently, were the naming traditions of different species quite different from one another. This elderly lord was a bit of a passive person who gave most duties over to his lower ranking followers who in turn gave instructions to the War Lords, the City Lords, and the Clan Lords.

And apparently are there no titles for higher or lower lords, only a ranking to determine their wealth, land ownership, military strength, and so on. Though only in three measurements. Bronze, Silver, and Gold. A rather lackluster way to handle the titles of nobility. So far I had only heard of Lords, Emperors, and Ministers. Just adding extra bits to your titles instead of making new words for them was a very lazy way and a very wordy way to describe a noble title.

The current Minister of the West was a horse stallion by the name of Bright Might who had been ruling the area for ten years. And his reputation was high among the nobility, but not so much among the military, trade, and common folks of the land.

There were several monsters in the region, most of which were the main source of meat for the people of the region since apparently there were no real tame animals or beasts in this country. Or, well, nobody has ever tried. Horse-sized chicken lizards called cockatrice, giant variations of reptiles, ground swimming reptiles land sharks, meat-eating plant canines called grass hounds, and many other beasts.

Bandits were a common sight in the region as well, with the numbers increasing every couple of years because of the lack of military presence in the region. Elder Hardshell even commented on the fact that many nobles and ministers were more focused on their own success than the health of the region. Even the Minister of the West didn't seem to care much for the region, since he never seemed to leave the Imperial Palace.

I can't help but feel anxious about this. This region was a hotspot for lawlessness and monsters. How could the officials of the nation not realize that not maintaining the order of the region would cause harm to the rest of the country as well? Not to mention the lack of action will more than likely cause many villagers to turn to banditry themselves just to survive.

No doubt some good souls were trying to maintain order. But they were most likely outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the corrupt elements of the region.

In short, the Golden Hills was a mess of lawlessness and corruption. And I can only hope it is not as bad as I fear. Or that the rest of the empire is worse than this.

For now, I just need a bit of time to digest my food and thoughts. Then I can search for my weapons.

Wait... why am I so certain I had weapons with me? Didn't I leave them in my room?

I trained with practice weapons when I was summoned to the Elder... I left my training weapons behind when I left... I did not go to my room to retrieve my personal weapons... so why can I not shake off this feeling that something is missing?

The spirits within me give me an answer, speaking into my mind without manifesting as I sit by the table. "It might be possible that when you were brought into this world, you brought something with you from the burial grounds. There were several items among our bones and it is quite possible that one or two was dragged into the vortex."

I... am not comfortable knowing this. That's the equivalence of stealing from the sect! That's not a light crime!

"You should not worry about it for now. Try only to retrieve what you find yourself seeking, then you will know for sure." Their words comfort me and I calm down.

They are right. I should not worry about this until I know more. There is too much I don't know. Cannot act in panic and fear without even knowing what happened.

But I definitely need to search for whatever it is that is calling out to me.

[Location: Freshriver Village]

[3rd Person's Point of View]

The village of Freshriver was located in a rather isolated location. By the eastern border of the Feng Hoof Mountains, the village was put right next to a place where the fresh mountain waters poured forth out of the rocky terrain in a powerful rapid river. This river is called the Fresh River, and it ended into the Freshriver Fall which spills out into a large lake known as the Soothing Lake that in turn has a small rapid river that feeds into the Golden River.

This was one of many water paths that feed the massive Golden River. The area directly around the lake is mostly flatland covered with fields and trees. But further out is a thick old forest growing all around the village and its farmlands. The vast forest grows from the side of the Feng Hoof Mountains and eastwards before stopping suddenly at an uneven border next to the fields and hills that names the Golden Hills. The woodlands covered over a week's journey on a wagon and almost a month of walking. It was one of the largest forests in the Golden Hills, known as the Sorehoof Woods.

There were several other villages and small towns in the woodlands but the Freshriver Village is located furthest to the west.

The village itself was split up into two places. The walled-in region on the cliff next to the river rapids that flow out into the waterfall. This is where the village elder lives along with a holy shrine to the gods, a barrack for the militia, a brewery, a warehouse for food and tools for emergencies, and the local herbalist and alchemist, an old goatman by the name of Joorgin Halfhorn who not only works with salves and potions but with the planting and harvesting of rare plants and materials in the region. It was also the main meeting point of the village during emergencies, the four watchtowers built along the walls offering good protection against bandits and beasts.

Down by the side of the lake and the fields were the lower section. It was more of a spread-out mass of buildings for families of farmers, fishers, crafters, and the occasional shop. Close by the lake were several water fields for rice plants, but the majority of the fields were wheat and potatoes. With around a dozen orchards of fruit trees planted close by the woodlands. The main source of profit for the village were their rare herbs, food, and alcohol.

But there was one additional source of income the villagers got from the lake itself. Because of how the Fresh River flows through the Feng Hoof Mountains is there always some chance for items, treasures, ore, and even valuable gems to come pouring down into the waterfall. The mountains were filled with ancient temples, bandits, treasure hunters, and so on. So more often than not one could find some trinkets or even valuable items on the sandy shores of the large lake.

Which, had become one of the favourite past time of the village children. To search for treasures among the sandy beaches.

A group of kids with shovels and sacks eagerly ran across the soft sands of the lake's shore. A nearby villager who was sitting on a dock fishing shouts out at them as they start digging into various spots in the sand. "Oi, kids! Don't dig too much now! It will be dinner time soon and you don't want to make your parents upset!"

The kids were too excited about looking for treasures to hear the villager who just chuckles and adjusts his straw hat before tossing out his line after removing a fine-sized carp from the hook.

A soothing wind blows over the lake and the children cheers as one of them find a pebble of jade among the sand. Leaves blow out from the nearby trees and flies through the active fields and streets of the village until they pass by a smoking chimney sticking out of a central building in the village. A tea house with food in their service as well.

There were two kitchens, a large stone stove with a cauldron with boiling noodles by the counter, and a second stone stove inside where broth, vegetables, and meat were being prepared as part of the noodles. The small eatery was running full time to prepare for the lunch hour. A family of four young and two middle-aged horses working together to prepare everything.

A gust of wind blows a small handful of dried herbs off the counter and out over the nearby rice fields where farmers can be seen wielding sickles and spears to cut out weeds and to spearfish whatever fish might cause harm to the rice plants.

The well-scented breeze travel past the rice and out over grain fields where farmers carry pots of fresh lake water. Laid out across the field was a network of pipes made of carved-out bamboo. Following the lines of wheat and vegetables planted there. Together the farmers empty the freshwater in the pots into the lines of bamboo. The water flows down along the half pipes and starts watering the crops as the lines of small holes lining the bottom of the half pipes allow the water to drip down onto the half-dry soil beneath the pipes.

Rain was not rare in the Golden Hills but there had been droughts in the past so people were well learned in maintaining their crops with various watering systems.

The wind blows through an orchard of fruit trees bearing peaches and apricots. Where various species were working together to harvest the fruits with ladders, magic, or flight. A young pegasus mare places a peach in her baskets before suddenly sneezing as the herb-filled air blows past her face.

It flies towards the woodlands, past the small huts and houses built near the main road leading through the woods. In a nearby watchtower can a pair of guards be seen watching the surroundings. The green dried herbs finally end their trip as they fly through the branches of a large tree and are caught in the web of a black and purple coloured spider the size of a hand.

The spider doesn't react, its eight eyes motionlessly looking over the area. As beneath the tree where its web is spun, a pair of hooded figures are hiding among the vegetation. Looking out at the village with a pair of binoculars.

One of the figures hums and looks at the other while lowering their binoculars. "Hmmm... I can't see any possible dangerous people over there. Only a few militia members around Levy strength from what I can see. What do you think?"

The other hooded figure nods while still looking through the binoculars. "These people are nowhere near enough to handle us with the boss and our new weapons giving us support. Can't see anyone dressed in even mid-ranking robes or casting advanced magic so no magic users of high note either."

Nodding the first figure looks up at the midday sun before looking over at the shadow of the tree. It was almost perfectly aligned with the straight center of the tree, leaving only the shadow of the branches. A good indicator that the day was soon to be entering the afternoon hours. "Well, we still have until sunset before we need to make a report. Better take a moment to rest while we still can."

[Back with Guo Long, still 3rd person]

Elder Hardshell was not very old for his kind. Several tortoises had grown well over five centuries old. He was just a bit over 150. He had seen a lot of through his one and a half-century though. The prosperity during the rule of Emperor Silver Grain, the civil war that ended with the 3rd prince Golden Armour claiming the title of Emperor.

After that mess came the mad rule of the war-loving Emperor Sowing Blade who ended up disintegrated by the Queen of Equestria along with half of his army. The two weak emperors who came next were too afraid to act even within their own nation, Soft Song and Jaded Tree, content in hiding in their palace until they died. Then came the rule of the current Emperor, Iron Judgement, who was as harsh as he was fair.

Though even Iron Judgement was by no means an excellent ruler with his inability to aid the common folk of his nation. Elder Hardshell had not seen a decent person of high rank of any sort within this nation for over fifty years.

That is why he was so impressed by the newcomer who went by the name of Guo Long. Though he was young and obviously of higher birth than most, was he a humble and down-to-earth kind of person. The young kirin was currently walking next to him down the long path leading down to the lower areas of the village, and he was careful to keep pace with the old tortoise as to not rush ahead.

Young Berryjuice, bless her heart, had left to check on her family home to make sure they had eaten as well. LEaving him alone to guide the youngster through the village. But that was fine, he needed the exercise.

Taking a blow of smoke through his pipe the tortoise spoke as they kept walking slowly down the path. "So young man. Can you explain to me a bit about this thing you call Cultivation? From what I can make out does it sounds similar to the teachings of Buthism combined with the base teachings of Warriors."

Shaking his head the young kirin calmly explained that it was not a proper description. "From what I can tell so are your warriors mostly if not only, focused on the achievements of battle and the grade of their gears. And if Buthism is what I think it is, am I afraid it is not like it, well it shares in baselines the same purpose but a completely different manner."

Humming Hardshell blows a cloud of smoke as he carefully slides down a steep part of the path, landing gently on his feet without so much as falling over. "I see. Please enlighten me."

Carefully kicking aside a branch off the path to not let anyone trip the kirin looked out over the village below them as he explained some more. "Cultivation has a long and ancient history. Nobody truly knows its purpose or origin. But the basic of it is that it involves the teachings of breaking the limits of your body, mind, and soul to achieve great strength in various forms of combat. Though this might sound similar to your warriors, is the means far different as we focus almost entirely on our physical, spiritual, and mental development to achieve the enlightenment that grants us the ability to break our limits and reach for greater heights."

Nodding Elder Hardshell stepped down the final steps of the path and began to slowly walk down the road leading to the village square. His right hand holding his pipe to his mouth and his left hand held behind his back. "Hmmmm... that does indeed not sound like the warriors. They are almost completely focused on just getting better gear or obtain achievements to raise the ranks. It is said that most warriors nowadays are far more greedy than they were in the past."

Once more the youngster seemed to be thinking deeply. A good sign for one so young to be able to contemplate and understand things. Hardshell had to say he had not met many warriors who could think as deeply as this young cultivator. "I cannot say I understand for while I do know weapon specialist among cultivators are there not even internal qi users who would let their physical development hinder their progress. Our bodies are our foundations, what we build ourselves upon. There is a common saying among us cultivators 'If the mighty oak's roots are weak, it shall be felled by the wind.' In short. Without the proper foundation to hold you up when you start to develop your fighting style, you will fall to your own haste and hubris."

Nodding the elder just hums a bit as they move past the small home of one of the local fishers. "We have a similar saying, though not many use them nowadays as many warriors do not appreciate being talked down to for not training in anything else than techniques. 'Even the tallest mountain may crumble if its body grow weak.'"

"Indeed. Maintaining your body's health and strength is important. But to grow complacent and not improving because you consider it enough is spitting in the face of the ancestors who fought for your survival when they did not have such luxuries. 'Do not live in the past, but learn from it.'" Once more another set of wise words from the young kirin. It felt a bit awkward thinking of the learned youth as a fighter when he had such depths to his character beyond combat.

It reminded the old tortoise of his own father.

Sighing Hardshell looked over the lake he had known his entire life, the faded figures of long-dead friends and family. Including the large tortoise warrior who had raised him carrying him down to the water to cool down during the high summer. "True words there. So many people forget how harsh the world can be or how things were for those who fought without the luxury of improving past their limits. I myself do not remember much of those times, but I remember that my father was built like an ox and could crush boulders with his hands. Yet he was also a kind and intelligent old tortoise who had seen much ill of the world, I can still remember the scars on his body and shell when he was put to rest when I was thirty."

The youth folds his hands into the sleeves of his robe, and looks out over the children running back to their families as the call for food is sounded. "My family's current fate is unknown. I was recruited when I was six. And sect members live among the sect, cutting off most contact with the outside world until we are deemed ready to leave on our own. But they were farmers, it was a harsh life. I never actually had anything to do but help with the chores at home."

"I see. Did the sect compensate for recruiting you?" The unsaid 'Or did they steal you from your family?' could still be heard even if he did not say it.

If he knew of Hardshell's sinister comment Guo Long did not seem to react. He just nodded and kept talking. "Yes. They paid my family enough money to keep them fed for ten years. But, do not think I am angry about it. They were farmers, family members die almost every year from disease or starvation. For one of their young to be recruited was an honour for sure, but the money would keep them alive for close to a decade if they managed it properly. I doubt they do not regret it a little, but they know it was for the best for them and myself."

Quietly watching the young kirin the old tortoise taps out his pipe before putting it aside without a word. And the two walked silently through the village. He thinks to himself with a bittersweet smile on his lips as he remembers similar tales from the farmers of not only his village but the entire region. *Indeed. It is not a sad fate for the son of a farmer to be recruited and taken from his family. One of their children will be given opportunities they never could grant them, and it would mean that their child would survive to adulthood as well. While also ensuring that the family would have a better chance to improve their lot in life with the money granted to them.*

Looking out over the fields of rice, grain, and vegetables the old tortoise just thinks of the harsh life of the common farmers. To be able to even handle such workloads they have to have large families to have workers that do not demand too much in upkeep. It is sad but true, the life of a farmer is one of work, work, and more work. Though many learn to appreciate the reward of labour, there are still many who are born into such families who are totally unfit for such work. *Sure it is a sad and depressing thought not knowing of the fate of your child. But it is also a blessing for the family and the child. Even if the heart hurts, it will recover with the knowledge that the child will have a future beyond farming.*

Moving past the local eatery the smell of the broth filled the air. Hardshell enjoyed visiting the eatery every once in a while, but most workers in the village ate there during the midday hours to get a quick but filling meal before working once more. Sitting on benches and rocks around the eatery were over two dozen workers and ten children eating noodles.

One of the servers, a teen filly by the name of Soft Grains, waved at him as he and Guo Long walked past the fenced area of the eatery. "Hello, elder Hardshell. Are you here to get a meal as well?"

Waving back the old tortoise smiled kindly at the youngster. "Not today child. I and my new friend here are going to the pawnshop to see if some of his belongings might have washed down the river."

Her eyes look at the kirin next to the elder and they grow wide as she recognizes him. "Oh! You're the one papa fished up from the river!"

Guo Long bows in respect, his left fist pressed into his right palm, and he thanks the soon-to-be mare and her family. "Greetings. I am Guo Long, Disciple of the Léiyǔ Sect. I am eternally grateful to your family for saving my life. I will repay this debt to you, this I swear."

Young Soft Grain was completely uncertain of what to do. This tall kirin was bowing to her in respect. Something normally only reserved for when greeting officials, nobles, and officers of the empire. She shyly covered her face with her serving tray and started stuttering while blushing cherry red.

Her mother Soft Dough came to the rescue, carrying a tray of bowls she walked over to her blushing daughter and patted her on the shoulder while laughing. "Oh, no need for that young man. One should not ask for rewards for doing the right thing."

Guo Long just keeps bowing but nods his head. "That may so be, but I am still indebted to you. I do not know when or how, but I will do what I can to repay you for this kindness."

Soft Dought just snorts good natural while shaking her head. "Hmph. Stubborn child, no need to think about such things. Just enjoy the fact that you still have your life to live and cherish. You only live once after all."

For some reason, Guo Long looks like he's trying to stifle a sneeze or snort. He just silently nods and begins to walk away, his lips twitching as he's restraining himself from laughing for some reason.

Not that everyone saw this or understood it as such.

Elder Hardshell was one of those people but he let the amuse kirin be, it might be that he was feeling a bit of relief for being reminded that he had nearly died but been saved and almost burst into tearful laughter of relief.

It was all wrong but no one but Guo Long knew the truth. And so it would remain a mystery for others.

[The Two Spies Outside Freshriver Village]

Meanwhile out by the two skulking figures in the woods, one of them is looking over the village as the other one sleeps by the tree. Having concluded that one could rest half the duration while the other kept watching before they switched places.

The spy notices a flash of gold in the village and focuses his attention on the center of the huts. His eyes widen as he sees a young kirin dressed in purple and gold robes, talking with the village elder, a blue-robed tortoise. "Hey wake up. I see robes. A newcomer. They look expensive. Purple silk with gold trims. What does purple mean now again? It's not a mage, warrior, magister, officer, or thief."

At the word purple, the other spy broke out of his slumber and grabbed the other one, and spoke with an excited tone in his voice. "Purple!? Did you say purple with gold!?"

A hand covered his mouth as the other spy made a hush motion to him. "Shhhhh! Yes. I did. Now quiet down."

Snatching the binoculars from the other spy's hands, forgetting he had his own, soon sees the person in question. "Purple is not used often. It used to signify a scholar before they changed it to white, nowadays it signifies a member or relative of nobility. The gold marks them as either a leader of a low ranking group or a member of a mid-ranking group."

The younger person just starts writing down the details on a piece of wood with some coal as the older scout speaks out all the details he can make out from the young kirin. Before he became part of their group he had been trained as a thief before he was abandoned during a mission, he might be an outlaw but he still had the skills of a trainee thief. "From his age, he must have obtained them recently, thus we can disclose the scholar theory. I can tell from the quality of those clothes he could be related to one of the magisters if not the imperial family. The gold trim on the cloth is an indicator he is a member of a wealthy group. Possibly a guild or a private club. From the looks of him, I think he's either a poet or a painter."

His colleague pauses in confusion before asking. "Why those two occupations?"

The older outlaw starts explaining all the details he could see that let him assume the young kirin's occupation. "A few things. He's talking with the village elder. They seem to be in a deep and contemplating conversation. He keeps examining his surroundings and doesn't stop talking even as he does. And the elder seems to be in deep thought of what he says. Plus, he is not carrying any instruments on him, and I could have spotted a flute in the folds of his robe if he had it on his person."

A blank look appears on the younger outlaw's face as he tries to follow the 'few details' the older outlaw was talking about. "He must be a very skilled poet or painter. Few non-combatant professions require such attention to their surroundings and not many fighters have the depths to discuss such matters with a person far older than them. And he's far too young to be a philosopher. This marks him as either a poet or painter."

Scratching his cheek in contemplation the younger spy once more voices his thoughts. "What is such a big shot doing out here in the bonnies? Seeking inspiration out here seems like a waste of time."

Shaking his head the older outlaw hands back the binoculars. "Who knows. But one thing is for certain, he will regret having come here when we take him prisoner. A ransom for a relative to a noble is worth more than ten years' worth of loot put together."

A look of glee appears on the other outlaw's face as he realizes the opportunity they had now. "Return early to inform the boss then?"

Nodding the other outlaw starts packing up what little gear they had. "Indeed. We can't risk this golden goose getting away."

[Back with Guo Long and Elder Hardshell]

In the village's general store was a large fat boar male sitting fanning himself in the summer heat. He was smiling at Elder Hardshell and Guo Long as they stood in front of his counter. His name was Grubber and he was the owner of the store and also acted as the head salesman for the local scavenge finds in the river and lake.

Elder Hardshell was speaking with the large boar as he looked over the store in contemplation. Remembering the past generations that used to work it. "You found something in the lake yesterday?"

Nodding the boar stood up from his seat and walked over to a small shelf behind his counter. "Yes. I thought it might have belonged to our young guest so I put it aside just in case it belonged to him."

Guo Long once more found himself bowing in respect to a member of the village. Touched by their kindness. "I am Guo Long, Disciple of the Léiyǔ Sect. I am eternally grateful for this village's kindness."

Laughing the old boar pulls out a bundle of cloth from one of the shelves. "Heh. You sure are a polite one. So unlike that ill-mannered son of mine."

Elder Hardshell suddenly turns and gives the old boar a judging look. Like a grandparent would give their unruly child or grandchild. "Were you not as ill-mannered yourself Grubber? I remember you brawling with wild beasts whenever you could in your youth and ended up a mess. Messes I would have to clean up and treat nearly every week."

The boar gets a bit of a nervous look on his face and laughs nervously. Looking left and right like a chided child, no one in the village could not forget how the old tortoise was when he wanted to teach you a lesson. Many painful bottoms and ears could be remembered. "Hehe. Please do not speak of my dark past Elder Hardshell, I have learned my lesson."

Huffing in amusement the old tortoise shook his head at the old boar in front of him. "Hmph. Show us the items you found."

"Ah yes. Here they are." Grubber places the bundle on the counter and the eyes of Guo Long seem to lit up at what he sees.

Though unheard by anyone else. Were the kirin spirits inside Guo Long's body speaking to him as they sense the artifact. Telling him the name of the artifact on the table, one he recognizes.

A name Guo Logn speaks out loud. "[Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky]."

It was a pair of chakrams. both of them were not complete circles like normal chakrams were. And for good reason. These were twice the radius of normal chakrams and were designed with a handle in the center with long fangs carved into wicked blades going out from both ends of the handles.

As if speaking their name was a trigger the two primal chakrams start to vibrate and twitch on the table. Before suddenly flying out towards Guo Long's face. Grubber and Hardshell both opened their mouths to shout out a warning.

Only for Guo Long's hands to smoothly reach up and catch the inner curve of the two chakrams and catch them with his index fingers. The two blades spin on his fingers for a few seconds before hanging limb on his fingers. A gust of wind blowing through the shop emits from the two chakrams for instance as they stop.

Slowly he lowers the lethal weapons and turns and bows to the gaping people in the room. "Thank you for returning these artifacts of my sect."

[At a Bandit Campsite, Two hours Later]

Two hours past midday the two spies of the band of outlaws came running out of the woods to the large clearing where their campsite laid. Seven large tents, twenty outlaws in total, with four large cages on wagon wheels covered by cloth located in the center.

For the past ten years had their bandit group raided the region known as the Golden Hills. They were not the largest but they were all strong and well equipped. Though normally they would seek easy targets were they now more daring than ever after receiving a blessing in the shape of good enchanted weapons that came floating down the river a few days ago.

Of course, they were not the ones to find the items. They just took them from the scavengers who were taking them to sell at a nearby town. Now with twenty enchanted weapons, they were more than eager to raid the large village of Freshriver.

Their leader was no fool however and had ordered them to make camp and scout the village for possible dangers. But the two scouts had only seen a single mage and a lot of trash. They knew the time was right and it was

Together the two spies rushed into the largest tent in the center of camp and shouted out together to the one inside. "Boss Gold Seeker! We have news!"

A tall unicorn stallion with a dark blue pelt and black mane was sitting in the tent cross-legged with his torso bare. Revealing his cutie mark, a dagger stabbing into a gold sack, placed on his back. As the cry from his underling comes the unicorn hums as he looks at something shining on the table in front of him. "Hmm?"

"We have scouted out the village for you. And there are no real threats there from what we can ascertain. Only peasant farmers and a few Commoner grade militia members and two mages, the highest being the elder with a rank of Mage. But you already knew this."

Nodding the unicorn's horn shines as he telekinetically pulls a flask of wine over to his open hand and uncorks it. "Good. But if that was everything you would not have come here so early."

The older of the two nod and begin to explain what they knew. "There is a newcomer in the village. He is a young kirin, hasn't even grown his beard. We saw him wearing an expensive-looking purple robe with gold trims. We assume he is a painter or poet with a distant relation to a noble family. He has no clear escorts, nor a carriage, so we can tell he is alone."

Sipping some wine the bandit leader digests what he has heard and grins as he finishes registering what his underling just told him. "Ohooo? This sounds interesting. Not often even one only associated with nobility would so brazenly wander in the Golden Hills. Without an escort at that."

Standing up the unicorn points his open hand out at the entrance while looking down at his two underlings. "Let us get ready for our raid upon Freshriver Village. We cannot let it go to chance that the noble will leave the village before we can reach him. We must act quickly." The two bandits bow and run off to inform their comrades. Leaving their leader alone in his tent.

Slowly turning around the unicorn looks upon the shiny object on the table and slowly steps towards it and then grabs it and lifts it to look at it. The dim blue light of the object lighting up his facial features in a creepy fashion.

"Hehehehe. So many blessings in one week. New weapons. An isolated village with few protectors. A lone noble. And not to mention you my pretty." The unicorn's face grows into a deranged and twisted grin as he throws away the wine bottle and strokes the object like it was a lover.

"Yes. My first raid with you will be. Glorious. First we shall clear out the wealth of the west. And then. We take the rest. Bit. By. Bit." A burst of deep reverbing laughter fills the air of the tent as outside bandits start putting things into action, carrying out gear and weapons in preparation for their big raid upon Freshwater Village.


Warrior vs Cultivator (Pre-Beta)

View Online

A Cultivator in Equestria

By Staadnauthursil

Chapter Three: Warrior vs Cultivator

Theme Music: Kirin Theme (Original Concept Music) by Nathanaël Wsiaki


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

[Location: Freshriver Village]

Hardshell stared at the polite young kirin as they left the general store. The two chakrams he had received were hidden beneath the cultivator's purple robes, held by his waist by a leather strap attached to the belt around his pants.

He had seen various manners of weapons in the past. Chakrams were no different. He had seen sky grade swords and spears during the civil war and he had heard the tales of heart and soul grade artifacts used by great warriors, warlords, and even the emperor's personal weapon. The sword polearm is known as the [Render of Rivers] and was told to have the power to split open paths through rivers and lakes that lasted for hours. Which in turn could be used to tear apart entire formations of troops.

There were many tales of how artifacts of heart grade and above had their own will. He had more than once heard tales speaking of that of people who were not accepted by the wielder. No matter how much they tried to swing it they would never be able to properly use it or even be injured by the artifact itself.

Those chakrams were more than definitely at the very least heart grade weapons, which only deepens the impression that Guo Long's sect was far more powerful than he thought. At first, he thought they disliked the young kirin and attempted to kill him. But he could now see that it had been a test by the weapons, a test to see if Guo Long was worthy to use them.

And with how casually the kirin had caught the weapons and they just stopped moving, he was certain that he had succeeded. And it also showed that the young cultivator was not talking out of his ass about his abilities as a fighter. The tortoise was only middle-aged, he was still quick-witted and clear of sight. And yet he had not seen Guo Long's arms move as the chakrams flew towards him.

The young kirin might look like a greenhorn, but he was obviously a skilled and experienced fighter from his movements. It makes him wonder just how dangerous the lands around the Léiyǔ Sect were for such a young disciple to be so skilled.

Then the voice of Guo Long broke his thought. The cultivator was bowing to him again and speaking with a grateful look on his face. "Elder Hardshell, I am truly grateful for all you and your village have done for me and in turn my sect. But for now, I want to ask if you know of a good-sized boulder surrounded by green grass and possibly some fruit-bearing trees?"

Blinking a bit at the odd request Hardshell thinks for a moment. Trying to remember if he knew of such a location. "Hmm? Well, there are plenty of glades among the fruit trees but no boulders. We only have rocks by the lake and mountain. Although there is a large boulder out in one of the local fields no one has been able to move aside."

"Can you permit me to move the boulder to one of the glades? I need a proper place to practice cultivation and such I need a suitable environment around me for it." Again, blinking slowly the tortoise looked at the young kirin who was still smiling.

He was completely honest. For some reason, he intended to move a boulder to a glade to get a proper practice ground. *Well it's not the weirdest thing I've heard of. Though it sure isn't normal.*

While he knew that the fruit planters would not care about it, since they just used ladders and baskets. It would be safe to assume a single glade could be spared. But the problem was the farmer who owned the plot with the boulder. "Well I cannot speak for the farmer who owns the plot but the orchards will probably allow you to do so as long as you do not put it next to a tree. Although the boulder is at least two tons in weight, how would you even move it?"

With a grin on his lips like an honest lad seeking a challenge, Guo Long said something crazy. "Through physical efforts."

There was an awkward silence before Hardshell just gave him a blank stare. "Are you sure you don't need to lie down?"

[Some Time Later, Guo Long's Point of View]

I silently stare at the massive rock sitting on the grain field. It's bigger than me by a long shot. When he said it was big I thought he was exaggerating. But this thing is even bigger than I thought. It is big. Around the size of a car in mass, I guess. No wonder they haven't been able to move it.

"Indeed. This rock would be a challenge for many. Even many cultivators would find it hard to physically move it." The fact that the kirins agree with me makes me feel slightly anxious, but I will not give up yet.

The farmer who owned the field it laid on was a tall muscular bull who was giving me the stink eyes for some reason. "Well if you want to try to move this big lump of rock then I won't stop you. But I sure as the underworld won't help you."

Bit rude but I am not going to be bothered. I am just grateful the boulder isn't located too far from the orchards. Only about five hundred meters. And there was a decent pathway to use to roll the boulder there once I got it out of this field.

But I better inspect it first so I get a feel for how to move it.

I walk around it and feel the stone for any uneven edges or possible grips. There are a few points where there are some minor cracks. I will be able to get at least a half-decent grip to try and move the thing.

"Alright let's give it a go," I mutter as I remove my robes and put them aside on the wooden lid of a nearby basket. I place my chakrams on top of the robe to not risk injuring myself with the more getting them dirty.

I stretch my arms and legs and do some small breathing exercises. Need to be properly warmed up for this.

This was not the first time I had been forced to move a big rock. It was part of a punishment I had to go through when I accidentally fell asleep during a lecture. Teacher Fai Jung was kind of an asshole. He had me exercise one of those old philosophy questions to show me the limits of myself, but I think he just wanted to make me suffer in reality.

He told me that "no one can move mountains", or in this case "you can't move this rock". I might have been feeling a bit salty that he had been forcing me, a ten years old kid, to try and move a one-ton boulder. So when he told me to try and move the boulder, until I succeeded or until sunrise came. Instead of just failing his little 'test' I proceeded to do a little thing called, rocking back and forth.

I do not remember where I heard the tale that used this method. But it was a tale of an old badger whose den was blocked by a large rock. The old badger tried to push the rock by force but did not succeed. So instead he began to slowly move the rock, left and right, little by little rocking it. Until it managed to build up enough momentum that allowed it to push the boulder free.

After five minutes I had moved the boulder to the other side of the field as instructed. Once the momentum was built up the rock rolled pretty easily on its own. When the elder found me ten minutes later eating dinner he had been furious, think I had slacked off. When I pointed at the boulder he had asked me to move, the sight of his face is something I will cherish every day.

Now let us see if I can do the same now that I am older and a 5th ranked Cultivator of the Low Tier. My physical capacity should be five times greater than the limits of my body. And while I do not know the limits of this new body of mine can I tell that it is far stronger than that of your average human body.

Okay, I have my grip, now just move right, then left, right, left. There! I feel it wiggle a little! Need to up the speed. Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! It's really heavy but it is moving! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right!

The massive boulder is now rocking back and forth at a rapid and wide path and I can hear the surprised murmurs behind me. But I cannot lose focus!

Left! Right! Left! Right! Now! Breath in and heave! And push it! "Haaaaa!"

The rock rolls forward and I take a step to my side and follow the momentum, pushing the rock further along. When suddenly my hooves slide in the soft soil beneath me as it grants me no leverage and I slide sideways and the big rock nearly rolls onto me.

Thankfully it only shifts a little before sliding back a meter or so, leaving me on my side in the dirt with the rock only around two meters from where it had laid.

Elder Hardshell shouts out from where he stands by the field, as some of the farmers laugh at my failure. "Are you alright Guo Long?!"

I just stand up and wave at him. Might need to have these pants washed later. "I am okay!"

More laughter echoes out over the field and I wipe the sweat and dirt out of my brow with a rag. That had not been a pleasant experience. I had not realized that the soil here was so soft I could not dig in my hooves for leverage.

Gods, these things are going to force me to relearn my footwork and movement techniques. Not to mention none of the kicks account for double-jointed legs.

The tortoise looks at me with a concerned look in his eyes as I finish cleaning my face. "So I take it you will be giving up on it?"

No, I am not done yet and I shake my head at the suggestion. "No. I made a mistake by not accounting for the softness of the ground. I will try again."

The spirits once more speak to me through our bond, sounding apologetic. "Indeed. We also forgot to make note of this. We apologies for our lack of judgment."

No. Worries. Cannot expect everything to work out on the first try. Let's try again. This time though. I need to focus qi into the bottom of my hooves and spread it out like a sort of platform to keep them from sinking. It should work like that water walking technique I once saw one of the masters' use. It should be easier too since this is just soft earth and not pure water, right?

They hum in thought before agreeing with my idea. "That is indeed a decent idea. By channeling your Qi out through your hooves and spreading it out over the soil you should be able to spread the weight out."

Getting over to the other side of the boulder I press my hooves into the dirt to test it, and indeed it is very soft and easy to dig yourself into while not offering any kind of resistance for your hooves to maintain their position.

I take a small breath and hold it for a moment, focusing my Qi through my body. This was a basic technique called Body Enhancement, it allowed you to increased the capacity of your body for a short moment. But that was not what it was meant for this time around.

Instead, I shift the Qi downwards, the voices of the kirins bound to me guiding me how to move it to a specific point in my body. I can feel the energy flow down into my hooves and I start to spread out a thin layer of Qi from the bottom of my hooves.

At first, I struggle with the shaping, the sensation of the energy is a bit difficult to shape. It's like an invisible muscle I have to really focus on to shift and shape. But the guidance of the kirins is letting me get over this issue. "Use your body to feel the energy, use your mind to shape the energy, and then use your will to maintain the shape of the energy. These are the three base concepts for channeling Qi out of your body and shaping it."

Shaping out the field, radius half a meter centered around the middle part of my cloven hooves. Step onto the ground. I am not sinking. Good. Now let us try again.

Right. Left. Right. Left. Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! HEAVE!

Pushing it up again, the rotation and speed are the same as before and I press down my legs and push up with my arms and I roll it up onto the path by the field with a loud thump!

Instinctively I reach out with my tail and I grab my robe and the chakrams. carrying them with me as I push up the big rock onto the field path.

I must not let the momentum slow down. Stepping up after the rock I start rolling it by pushing upwards against its rolling shape, maintaining its rolling speed. With the qi fields maintaining my balance I start channeling Qi into my hands and my fingers gorge into the surface of the rock itself, letting me keep it straight.

Slowly but surely I push it forwards. The speed is not slow even with it being such a large and heavy piece of rock. After five minutes I roll through the orchards. The spot should be just straight ahead, a glade centered between several peach trees with a small patch of blue flowers growing between the roots of every tree.

There it is! Gods be merciful! This thing is heavy! But I am almost there!

With a final push the big rock slams with a thump into the green grass of the soil. Hopefully, that big trail I left behind me will not make anyone upset.

But enough of that for now I need to get my Qi training started, but I cannot do that until I get one thing handled first.

Getting up onto the rock I look over myself. My face is no longer overheated or sweaty as I feel a cool sensation as I breathe in the air around me. And while my body is a bit dirty and sweaty, is it nowhere close to what I normally experience while exercising.

I hope Hardshell forgives me for getting these clothes dirty already but I cannot make a decent effort of this without the proper attire. After all, no chakram artifacts worth their edge will allow someone who does not dress in fine clothes to wield them. Not really something I had ever considered when I found my talent for this weapon.

While I had managed to defend myself against the two chakrams called [Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky], and gain their acknowledgment. I had yet to gain their respect and in turn, I had not obtained the permission to wield their full strength in combat.

Artifacts differ greatly from one another. But chakrams are very picky and known to be fickle. They want their wielder to be able to dance, dress, and kill, all at once. It was not for not that wielders of the chakrams were sometimes called War Dancers.

"We can guide you and show you how to properly perform the dance techniques needed for these artifacts young Guo Long. The [Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky] is made from the ribs and fangs of a Sky Steel Snake. We know how to properly entice and charm the materials of the artifact to allow you an easier time to gain its respect." The kirins whispers to me.

It would be a great thing, to be able to use the most optional technique and with the guidance of ancient kirins, I would get the artifacts' respect. Sky Steel Snakes were famous for being highly aggressive but also very graceful, capable of flight and wind-based qi attacks that could rend the flesh and steel of low-grade cultivators and artifacts. And its temper is no doubt placed within these chakrams, along with its haughtiness, and vanity. To have a proper guide to aid in the taming of an artifact is something many cultivators would accept without hesitation.

However, I am not one of them.

Sure it would be safer and easier with the aid of the kirin spirits. But then it would not have been earned by me nor would it have been my achievement. Call me vain but I do not want to feel like I cannot do something on my own. Least of all taming my first artifact.

I look down at the chakrams resting on my lap and I slowly grip their handle bandstand up. Dressed in my robe again, the spirits look at me questioningly. And I shake my head slowly. I would not take the easy way out, that was not what I wanted. "No. This is not something I should take lightly and just cheat at. To use guidance during something as personal as proving my worth to an artifact might be the best solution. But I doubt I'd be able to live with myself knowing I'd never know."

After a few moments of feeling the gentle summer wind blowing in my face, the kirins speak to me in a curious voice. "Know what Guo?"

Sighing I look down at the chakrams in my hands, and I look at the small scars lining my hands. From the many hours of training, I had gone through. Fought for. Earned. By my own work and efforts. "If I could have earned their respect by my own merit and not by outside interference. It would be disrespectful to not just the artifacts as I would be essentially lying to them to earn their respect, but to myself as well. As I would be spitting at my own training, the pain, the joys, the struggle, the challenge, all of it would be pointless if I did that."

I relax for a moment, then I open my eyes and slowly widen my stance, lower my body, and spread out my arms, in a presentation. Imagining the sound of drums beating I tap my left hoof, getting a rhythm, as I speak up one final time. "So sorry spirits but this, this I have to do myself."

And then I start dancing with the chakrams.


[Author's Note: This is a scene from House of the Flying Daggers that inspired me to make this specific training technique. I was looking for pictures of chakram dances in games, animes, etc. Most of them were pretty pointless and didn't offer much more than a few blurry images or straight-throwing attacks. And while the long silk sleeves are not really part of the fiction dance, do I think it is easy to imagine it being the moments the chakrams are thrown. Was no real male dancers but this is still one of the better dancing scenes I've seen that could fit into what I wanted.]

My robe flowing like a liquid in the wind as I spin my arms wide as take a small leap into the air. The blades whisper gently through the breeze, leaves flowing over the blades, yet never touching them. I land without a sound and I make an upward thrust with both blades before swinging them back and I make a slow backflip.

With my [Graceful Crane Art] I could control the momentum of my body in the air, slowing myself, extending the time I remained in the air. Combining this with my strong Qi, I could make myself as light as a feather and practically fly. But that was not the purpose of this dance.

I only knew the basic dancing styles of the weapon art of the chakrams. But I did know the elemental alignment of the [Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky]. They were a pair of wind chakram blades. And wind-based weaponry was extremely rare in the region my sect was located in, seeing how lightning is the opposite to the wind. But that is a bit of a misconception.

Air is good against lightning because lightning normally needs a conducting element/material to be effective at a distance. Air is not a conductive element. And yet lightning can overpower wind with sheer might and cannot be dispatched by air. So both elements essentially cancel each other out.

And this brings us to my new training area. In cultivation, there is a reason why you need to think of your surroundings when you decide to meditate, train your qi, perform breakthroughs, and other such matters. If the Feng Shui of the area you are in does not work well with the element you are using, then it might even sabotage you.

There is a wide-open space in the glade with sunlight hitting the grass, allowing blue flowers to bloom. The blue flowers represent water and their energy supports the energy of the trees. As the wind travels through the glade will small leaves or even some ripe fruits fall to the ground. Combine this with the stone qi of the large boulder, granting me altitude that allows more wind to flow around me, I have a decent place to show these two wind-based weapons I am serious about earning their respect.

In Feng Shui, there is Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. They represent the physical and mental energies of your surroundings. It is not totally the same as the feng shui of earth. It is a specific form of nature-based qi that can be utilized to create formations, rituals, training grounds, and so on. In truth, there are more elements to this, but producing them requires supernatural effects on the world or an area with extreme weather conditions.

I do not know more than this as I was only taught the basics. But I knew that I needed a combination of a high rock seat, to represent a mountain, the flowers feeding the trees makes them strong and allows them to drop their leaves even when green, thus granting me both water and wood, with the wood flowing int the air, allow me to attain an air qi in the area. With the sunlight acting as the fire element, warming up the plants and giving them life.

And the metal was my chakrams metal blades. Allowing the air qi to become represented by both wood and metal as I dance on top of the large boulder. When a sudden gust of wind blows a large number of leaves and peach flower petals over the glade.

Leaping upwards in a half spin I stretch out my arm and the left blade flies out of my hand and spins through the air like a frisbee. As I land I spin around on my hoof and I throw out the right blade, it flies in the opposite direction. Both of the chakrams spin and flies in arcs before turning back towards me as I leap up into a second half-spin leap.

The first chakram slices through the air towards my left side, my left hand, stretched out in the movement of the dance, suddenly sways and reaches down and grasps the chakram by the handle. At the same time, the other blade flows towards my lower back as I begin to fall back towards the rock. My free hand is held with a bent elbow, I slowly tilt to the side, and as my hoof hits the rock my right hand reaches out, uncurling like a snake from its position, and my fingers grasp the old leather of the handle.

And without pause, I keep dancing. The sunlight glimmers over the blades as I repeat this, throwing them out, catching them. Spinning them around in the air in circles before once more catching them. I did not control their flight, they themselves did.

With my qi as potent as it was now I could sense the movement of the chakrams, but it required my training with the weapon to be able to grasp it. And with my body as strange and unfamiliar as it was, I still managed to keep up the rhythm of the dance without losing my posture or affecting the grace of my movements.

I keep this up for what feels like forever. But barely an hour has gone by as I feel a sudden sensation flow into my body as I once more throw and catch the chakrams. And a rush of air flows around me, and I can distinctly hear the telltale sound of hissing snakes.

Again I lash out with the chakrams, I can see them fly through the wind, but the motion is different. Before their flight was curved or straight U-turns. But now, they were swaying around in the air. Almost like leaves, or slithering snakes. And I see leaves and petals, shredded up by the powerful wind fields surrounding the blades.

Pushing past my limit I keep going, maintaining the flow. The rhythm and pace of the dance increasing more and more. Until I made a final leap into the air, catching both chakrams. And I land as the final beat of the drum fall silent on both of my hooves.

I stand with my arms crossed in front of my chest, both chakrams held by my hands, glowing green as I slowly let my rapidly beating heart calm down. Sweat dripping down my face. But a wide smile on my face of what I had just achieved.

My legs are like jelly, my lungs are burning and my arms feel heavy like lead. But I did it. I managed to gain the respect of the chakrams, through my own work and effort. It feels rather good knowing that these artifacts found me worthy to wield them.

I probably could never have done this had I not been changed as I was with my cultivation increased. But I know this. Had I managed to reach rank 5 of the low tier of cultivation without the ritual of my sect, I still would have tried this.

Sitting down I slowly place the chakrams back on my belt, wiping my face with a rag as I regained my breath. "So what did you think spirits? Did I do good?"

Their voice was both chiding and proud. Making me feel like a boy whose teacher had caught him training something dangerous and succeeding. It did not feel too bad. "You were extremely reckless and there were more than a dozen flaws in your dance. But you had a lot of heart and emotions in your dance, and we believe that the [Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky] chakrams respected you for being so daring and succeeding. Even if barely."

Shrugging I lay back on the rock, looking up at the afternoon sun. "Well, I only know the basics of the chakram dances. I never learned the more unique techniques. Not to mention channeling my qi into artifacts I had yet to earn the respect from could be dangerous. So I combined my training and my improved qi senses to the best of my ability. Not much else I could do."

I can imagine the kirins nodding as they respond to my words. "Indeed. Wielding a sentient artifact without earning it can prove fatal even to mid-tier cultivators even if the artifact is not weaker than them. Most artifacts with a will of their own will not allow anyone to use them completely in combat unless you prove yourself to them. Though not all of them will test your talent, some will test your character, others your conviction, some will even test your soul. Artifacts might have limited power without a wielder, but when it comes to testing those who would wield them, their options are fairly limitless."

"Indeed. I rem- What was that?" There was a sudden crackle of lightning in the distance. I slowly stand up and I look northwards. My eyes narrow as I hear the clanging of a large bell and can see a column of smoke rise into the sky.

It appears my first combat challenge in this new world has arrived. Bandits.

Dammit. I haven't even had time to stretch!

[Back with Elder Hardshell and the farmers, 3rd point of view]

A young bull farmer by the name of Valteus stared with a gaping mouth as the kirin, who was probably his own age, rolled away a several-ton boulder. "How did he... do that?"

Hardshell shook his head to clear out the shock he was experiencing and tried his best to figure out how it was possible. But he could not figure it out and just admitted it to the farmers. "I personally have no real clue how he did it. Though he has told me that the combat arts he is learned allow one to break their limits. I did not think it would be like this but... I must admit I am impressed."

The patriarch of the bull farmers, Sparthos, took off his straw hat and rubbed his head a bit as he looked at where the giant rock had been sitting since before the village was founded. Ever since his family had expanded their wheat crops to this location thirty years ago, they struggled to remove the thing and yet failed. "Who'd have thought that a young lad like that could move a boulder not even I or my father could on our best day."

Sipping a cup of water given to him by a young cow by the name of Thylia, the youngest of the family, the old tortoise hums a little as he looks towards the orchard where the kirin had rolled the big rock. "When he told me he wanted to use physical efforts to do it I thought he had some kind of head injury from his trip down the river that I'd missed. So do not fault yourself for doubting him, even I did. I thought his combat style relied on speed and not on physical strength."

Young Valteus walked over to his little sister and helped her put back the jug of water on the wooden crate by their field. "Guess it is true as that old merchant told pa last spring. One cannot judge a book by its cover."

Hardshell just nods and finishes his water before walking over to the improvised table and gently placing his cup onto the crate. "Indeed. Though sometimes it is hard to swallow the truth without proof."

Laughing a little Sparthos just shook his head before putting back his hat. Walking over to the table he takes his own drink of water before looking at the now clear spot in his wheat field. "Well, I am more than convinced he's not talking out of his ass. That boy may look like a beansprout but damn he can lift some weight."

Elder Hardshell was about to follow the young cultivator into the orchard to witness his practice when suddenly young Freshy came running down the road. He was a young adult black panther who was part of the militia. His skills as a hunter and climber making him an excellent lookout."Elder! Elder! There's a trail of wagons with armed guards approaching on the road!"

There was a momentary pause from the bulls and the tortoise before the old tortoise looked towards the road leading into the woods. His eyes narrowed as he suddenly got a bad feeling in his gut, and it was not from his lunch. "No caravans or merchants should be heading to our village. The last merchant only left a week ago. And the last to leave the village was Grubber's eldest son transporting scavenged goods to the town for appraisal."

Walking over to the hunter Hardshell patted him on the shoulder. "Tell me all you can about those wagons you saw and how far away they are."

Using his curved short bow Freshy drew a crude image of a large four-wheeled wagon with a tied tarp covering it, with several figures carrying polearms. A total of twenty-two. "The wagons are covered by cloth, but I can tell by the wind blowing against them that they are cages. Big cages. They will arrive in less than two hours or so if they keep up the pace."

Sparthos frowns and looks over the drawing, it was hard to make out details but at least it gave them the numbers. "What did their gear look like? Did they have any emblems?"

Freshy shook his head. "None. They were mostly dressed in leather and splint mail, with some helmets. I saw ponies, horses, goats, lizards, and at least two bison. Sitting on the front wagon was a unicorn dressed in a green and blue painted splint mail. But there were no sigils or markings. Their weapons were long black polearms with large two pointed triangular trident heads."

Sparthos was not a well-educated person but he knew of the weapons used by the local garrisons and he had never heard of such polearms being used anywhere. "I've never heard of such weapons before, but a blue and green splint marks a person as a representative or officer who is part of the retinue of the Grassblade family."

Frowning Hardshell feels his unease grow. The Grassblade family was a minor power in the region but their lands included the Freshriver village. But he had met the young lord when he was made lord when all the local village elders gathered at the inheritance ceremony when he obtained the title from his father who died from a hunting accident. That had been twenty years ago and from what he had heard was the lord was still an arrogant and self-important twit. "The local lord hasn't sent a representative ever since he was made lord. He's just been staying at his manor ignoring his responsibilities. Why would he send messengers now?"

After a moment of silence, Sparthos made a loud snorting sound before he growled a little. His left hoof stomping the earth a bit in agitation. "I do not like this."

Hardshell nodded. These strangers were approaching his village armed to the teeth with covered wagons that probably were cages. Either case was bad. But if they were beast hunters it would be easy, but he had a feeling that was not their purpose. The reason why he doubted the possibility? The weapons, he had a nagging feeling he had heard or seen those weapons before from the description. But he could not remember from where."I do not like this either. Hmmm, those weapons... I feel like I've seen or heard of something like them before."

There was a bit of murmur in the air as several farmers who had gathered, along with a few militia members on guard duty, were being debriefed of the situation. Words would spread fast over the village. But to make people realize the possible danger was another question.

Spathos looks out at the forest with narrow eyes and he hums disgruntedly before he speaks. "What should we do if they prove hostile Elder Hardshell?"

Hardshell looks over at the tall bull with steel in his eyes and a spark of energy flows from his body for a short moment, showing the magical power he could wield. "We shall do what we have done for generations, flee and fight. Sparthos, go with your children and spread the word. Make sure to sound the warning bell if these strangers are what we suspect them to be."

He then turned towards Freshy and the nearby militia members. "Go and gather the militia and have them gear up if things turn hostile."

As the militia members ran off to prepare the tortoise looked at the remaining farmers as Spathos and his family began to jog up towards the village center on the cliffside. "Spread the words to everybody. We do not have much time. Have all unable or unwilling to fight to go to the walled section of the village. They knew the escape route if things turn sour."

His orders given the old tortoise began to walk with a bit more fervor to a large open area connected to the road. It could be described as a large gathering place or square made up of sand and gravel. The stump of a large tree left on the western edge acting as a podium in various situations.

A new air was filling the village, he could hear the clattering of doors, tools, and running legs. Thick tension and unrest were making the hot summer sun feel less of a burn and more like a chill. In the distance he could hear people running, some children panicking or crying.

Closing his eyes the old tortoise cranked his neck a little to ease the tension. When he heard a big thump from his right side and saw the old boar Grubber standing on the field, dressed in his merchant's clothes with a two-meter long wooden club covered with iron dubs.

Giving the fat pig a scrutinizing look the old tortoise cannot help but comment on this behaviour, for he had not seen the merchant wield that club for nearly thirty years. And for good reasons. "I thought you said you had given up on your 'dark past' Grubber."

With a frown the boar sighs as he lifts the massive club, resting it over his shoulder as more and more villagers and militia members gather on the sand field. "You cannot expect me to not stand up for my home now can you old Hardshell? I am not a greed-driven person, my children and grandchildren are worth more to me than any coins. So if I have to break a promise and break some skulls to keep them and my friends safe, then so be it."

Without reacting the old tortoise just gave the boar a calm look in the eyes. "Promises are not something to take lightly my boy. You know this more than others. You remember what you swore when you gave up that club?"

Grubber doesn't even blink as he looks the elder in the eyes. "I swore to never act like my old self and learn responsibility, principle, discipline, and purpose. I became a merchant, I became a father, I became a grandfather. And now my purpose is to protect those with discipline, lest I break my own principles."

The two look at each other for a few moments of silence before Hardshell breaks the standoff by smiling and nodding with approval. He was proud of Grubber's words. To hear how much he had improved since his reckless younger days was wonderful. "Good. Good. I am glad you realize this, even if it took you thirty years."

Chuckling a little Grubber rubs the pommel of his log-sized club with a grin. "Hehe. Better late than never right?"

One of the militia members, an elderly deer stag, looks at the approaching wagons through a plain spyglass. Putting down the spyglass he hands it over to the Elder. "I recognize that unicorn Elder. He's Gold Seeker, he was in the Imperial Army when I was serving in it. He was part of a family of officers but ended up demoted to sergeant and deported to the Golden Hills as part of some minor lord's retinue because of his ill behaviour. Last thing I heard of him he had left the service of his lord and become a leader of a group of bandits masquerading as mercenaries."

Hardshell looks over the approaching group and he looks at the strange weapons they were wielding. Tall black, twin pointed trident-like weapons. Clearly of some magical make or he doubted these bandits would have the courage to approach a village like this. "Their weapons look enchanted. So we can safely assume he's here to try and raid us."

Spitting on the ground the stag snorts and nods, gripping a spear tightly. "Indeed. That guy will do anything to earn easy money, one of his ill behaviours was when he tried to take part of his troops' payment for himself. He was also prone for claiming 'lost items' found on battlefields."

Nodding the elder returns the spyglass to the old stag and turns towards the militia members gathered in the market square. "Then we know to prepare. Have all militia members pull back to the guard towers in the outer and inner circles of the village and crew them. If these bandits have any surprises that let them breach my barrier I want you all ready. Volunteers are to act as the first line of defence against the raiders, but please do think of your families and future before deciding."

All the militia members nodded and began to act on the old tortoise's orders. Most of them moving back to the village to arm whatever defensive positions and towers within.

Five militia members, including the old deer and Grubber, would remain by the square while Elder Hardshell stepped back until he reached two stone pillars built on the left and right side of the road in front of two wooden guard towers. There was a network of these stone pillars spread out across the village. and their purpose was not decorative.

It was a more military purpose.

The old tortoise sits down on the sandy road and begins to trace his claws into the sand, the air, and on the chest portion of his shell. Blue light is channeled through his claws and takes the shape of intriguing symbols. As he does this, he begins to chant and murmur a spell. "La capa of empara gran àmbit enèrgetic producte desmentir ingrés of ens."

"La capa of empara gran àmbit enèrgetic producte desmentir ingrés of ens." He repeats the chant a second time and glowing blue lines emerge across various stone pillars spread out in a circle around the village. The two pillars on his left and right being the first to light up.

Two of the volunteers look on nervously, knowing things were serious with the elder activating the layered defences of the village. It would lock them out with the bandits, but it was for the best since it would keep their families safe. Others are stoic and silent, looking ahead towards the approaching intruders. Grubber and Old Stag both gripping their weapons, ready for combat.

"La capa of empara gran àmbit enèrgetic producte desmentir ingrés of ens!" By the final and third time, he spoke the chant had his voice become a rumble. and with the final word shouted he clap his clawed hand together. Beams of blue light erupt from the pillars across the village and gather at a point above the village, forming a bird-like cage. Which soon emerges together to form a singular dome of transparent blue energy around the village.

The bandits falter a bit at this sight but a command from their leader has them resume their march. And soon they are approaching the other end of the sand-covered field. As they come closer the volunteers step forward, weapons ready. and old Grubbers roars out at the approaching intruders.

"You are not welcome here! Go away before we have to get violent!" The bandits stop at this and look at each other before laughing at the glaring village militia members.

Then Gold Seeker, smirking from his seat on the lead wagon, as the other two are driven up on the left and right side of the one he is driving. "Heh! Why so hostile farmer? We are here for a proposal for you kind peasants. One that might benefit us all!"

Grubber blinks before frowning and looks at the Elder behind the barrier who just seems to shrug, just as confused. He then turns back to stare the bandit leader down. "I highly doubt scum like you have business with a poor community like our own that has anything of interest for us. So I suggest you drop the act and leave boy."

Gold Seeker just widens his grin and points with an open hand towards the village. As if he knew something Grubber did not want him to know. "Oh, I highly doubt that. You see. I have been informed that you have a very exclusive guest in your village. A noble even. And I would be more than willing to simply leave your dirt poor schmucks to the dirt and muck, in return for this one noble. A kirin boy dressed in royal purple robes with golden trims."

There is a sudden silence before Grubber groans and facepalms while Elder Hardshell chuckles a bit nervously. Clearly having forgotten that little detail about that purple robes was no longer commonly used by scholars. "Blasted stupidity of youth. That boy you wish for us to give you is not noble. He's a poor chap who was washed up here a week ago and we gave him those robes to wear."

A slight frown replaces Gold Seeker's smile as he hears this. But he soon resumes his fake kind smile again, clearly not believing what he had been told. "Now I don't believe that. Such exquisite clothing does not belong in a dirt poor village like this. Yo would have sold it ages ago if that was true."

The Old Stag walks over, holding a spear ready, and glares at the former soldier. "People like you will never learn. Not everything is about money. You greedy little shit."

"Oh, I beg to differ. Gold is everything in this world, and if you intend to keep me away from it I will have to get violent." The bandits heard the words of their leader and began to form up into ranks, their polearms held ready to start combat. Gold Seeker just smirks at the five old villagers who would try to defend their home, but once he got past them he and his troops would destroy the barrier with their new weapons and take everything of value. Including the noble, these peasants were trying to protect.

An angry snort gushes out of Grubber's nostrils and he glares at the bandit leader along with the other volunteers. They had known greedy people most of their lives, among all lives. But this unicorn took it to another level. "I suggest you go away before I crush your skull boy. It would not be the first time I've killed self-confident bandits with my club."

One of the older bandits frowns and looks closer at the large fat big, pointing his massive club towards them. And his eyes widen as he realizes something. "Wait a moment. Could he be that Mad Boar that rampaged around these parts thirty years ago? Known as the Gorger of Bandits!?"

A bit of murmur emerges among the bandits but Gold Seeker swiftly ends it with a laugh. Clearly not impressed by the fat boar. "Hah! What about it? He's just fat and old by this point. No need to worry about him. Just kill them all and let us get this raid on the move!"

Standing up Gold Seeker points a hand forward and the first row of ten bandits raises their polearms and begins to march forward as he screams out his orders. "First-line forward! Second-line act as rearguard and prepare to attack at my command! Clear out these peasants!"

The old stag rears back one of his spears and chucks it. One of the bandits blocks it with his polearm. But then two arrows are shot from two other militia members. The arrows strike a weak point in one of the bandit's armor and penetrate through the left elbow and the right shoulder. A bandit collapses screaming in agony at this, clutching his wounds. But he is swiftly silenced as a second spear strikes his face as he lays there on the ground, the spearhead splitting through his faceguard, tearing through the left eye, and socket, before exiting through the back of the head and out the back of the helmet.

With one of them dead the bandits begin to charge forward. Grubber and a militia member with a metal spear charge as the others keep firing at the bandits. The spear wielder evades two polearms and makes a swift thrust with his spear through the neck of one of the bandits.

Grubber charges forward and lowers his head. He deflects the polearms with his club and strikes the stomach of one of the bandits. His tusks tearing apart the armor-like tinfoil and ripping into the flesh beneath. Raising his head he drags out a good chunk of the screaming bandit's intestines before shaking them off, leaving the bandit dying on the ground.

With a pommel strike with his club, he knocks one bandit silly on the head, disorienting him. He then spins around to evade a polearm slice at his calf. And with a sideway swing, he cracks apart the bone and armour of another bandit's left leg, causing him to fall clutching his blood spurting mess of a leg before a cloven hoof crushes his neck.

Another volley of arrows and spears strikes at the bandits and this close some of them are injured or have to stop charging to block the projectiles. Yet another bandit is killed as the old stag jumps forward and head buts them, his antlers piercing through the eyes, the eye sockets, and into the brain in a spray of eye matter and bloody gore. He lifts the corpse, bleeding blood over his head before tossing it aside with a twist of his neck.

With another swing, Grubber crushes the head of the disoriented bandit into his own neck. A geyser of blood and gore erupting over the boar, the corpse, and the sand around them. Leaving a bloody mess.

Resting his blood-soaked onto his shoulder club Grubber stares coldly at the corpse in front of him. "I warned you."

By now was more than half of the first wave dead and the remainder of it was panicking. And then the remaining bandits routs and runs back for the second line. Which has yet to act as they had not been willing to risk hitting their comrades. Nor had they been given orders by their leader.

Who. By this point. Was pretty pissed.

"Don't just stand there! Front troops hold the peasants at bay while the rear guard takes them out before they have a chance to get to cover!" But Gold Seeker's orders were ignored by the first wave as they just kept running away screaming in terror.

Grubber lowers his head and charges after one of the cowardly thugs. After just a few steps he hefts his log-like club and with a powerful side-swipe, strikes at the fleeing bandit's left side. The wooden frame of the club slams into the head of the earth pony, there is a sound of crunching metal and fracturing bones.

Blood ruptures from the impact of the club, the arm is crushed, the splintered bones spraying blood out of the useless limb, while ribs and organs are crushed and shattered. Causing the bandit to barf up a spray of puke mixed with blood. The bloody carcass flew and rolled along the road a dozen meters before falling limp in front of the anxious bandits as they readied their polearms. The remainder of the fleeing bandits running behind them or joining by raising their own polearms.

A frustrated Gold Seeker growls at this lack of discipline but relents. These are not the large numbers of troops he used to command, even if they were mostly former soldiers. Each death was felt more because of their lack of numbers. That was not something he could get past.

The militia volunteers ready their weapons, expecting a charge from the bandits. When the polearms begin to glow and crackle with electrical energy as the bandits begin to channel magical energy into the shafts to activate the weapons' hidden power.

Elder Hardshell's eyes widen as he sees the gathering electricity at the end of the trident-like polearms. And it clicks, he recognizes those weapons. He had heard about them from old contacts in the capital. The weapons used by the minions of the renowned and feared Storm King for their ability to channel and fire lightning. "All of you scatter! Those are Lightning Polearms! They are Sky Grade artifacts!"

But his words came too late as lightning bolts lance out of the spear tips, the old stag has no time to react as his antlers catch the lightning and his head erupts in a geyser of ash and blood as the conducted energy flows directly into his cranium, flash boiling his brain. His spears scattering across the sand.

One militia screams out as electricity arcs across his body as several bolts strike his pure metal spear. In a flash of light, all that remains is a standing burnt-out skeleton that soon falls over in a pile of ash and bones. The spear burnt and bent from the heat.

Another falls over, their stomach and chest struck by the volatile energies. Flesh and hide burns, fur burns, fat melts, blood boils, and bones are fried. The ribcage burst open as the lungs explode, spraying blood, ash, and pieces of organs. Then the lower intestine and stomach follow as the stomach burns open. Revealing a scorched black mass of flesh and organs that collapse beneath the villager as they fall.

Old Grubber barely manages to roll to the side as lightning strikes the ground around him. The fourth volunteer screaming out in agony as their left leg is blown off before a second bolt strikes their head, leaving only the burnt-out cranium.

Bolts strike at Grubber as he tries to get to cover and he barely manages to get behind a large rock as a lance of lightning strikes the corpse of one of the dead bandits. A shower of shrapnel and molten metal erupts and Grubber collapses on his side against the rock as a large piece of molten metal from the fractured armour strikes his side.

One of the braver, read foolish, bandits rushes forward over the boulder and screams out a battle cry as he makes a downward stab at the boar. He strikes the boar in the stomach but the club of the Mad Boar hits his head and the sound of breaking bone is heard. The bandit falls limp to the ground, their head bent so far back that their nose was pointing at their tail.

But the damage was done and Grubber looked down at the spear protruding from his stomach. It had pierced his stomach and intestines down to the pelvis. Only a healer of magical or medical expertise could cure something like this, and they were rare and far between. Especially in the communities of the Golden Hills.

Grubber knew he was a dying pig. But that did not mean he would not take some of those bastard bandits before he perished. Grabbing the spear he takes it out, he has no idea how to use it, and would never learn to. Not with what little time he had left. So he stands up and throws it like a javelin.

The spear strikes and pierces through the breastplate of a horse bandit. A scream erupts as lightning crackles across their body and is just as swiftly silenced as only a burnt-out husk remains after a few seconds. Leaving the bandits terrified of the brutal death. And looks at their weapons, nervous if something like that would happen to them if they got taken from them.

Gold Seeker points at one of the bandits and roars out in fury and disdain at the constant failure of his troops. "Finish the fat bastard already! He's injured and helpless! Just keep out of range from his club! You have polearms!"

The bandit gulps in fear and walks forward, unwilling to risk the wrath of his leader. Walking over to the injured boar by the rock he carefully keeps out of reach as he raises his polearm, tip pointing downwards, and makes ready to strike down at the badly bleeding boar.

But as he moves to thrust a strange wind blows over the area. Blowing sand into the air. Obscuring the view for an instance. And as everybody's view was cleared an instant later. They heard a thud and saw the bandit still ready to make a thrust. Only, he was a head shorter. Literally.

All the bandits gaped in shock at the headless body of their fellow raider. His body still standing upright even as his confused head rolled down the sandy square like a tumbleweed. Villagers gasped in shock while the bandit leader stares with frustrated anger and shock at the impossible sight. "What!? What did that!?"

As if time resumed there was a sudden geyser of red blood spurting out of the headless corpse and it slowly swayed before dropping down to the ground with a loud thud.

And that's when everyone saw a figure standing behind the fallen bandit, it was Guo Long kneeling by Grubber's side as if he had appeared out of nowhere.

The fat old boar chuckles as the young kirin try to stem the bleeding in his gut. He had seen only a green blur as something flew by and sliced off the bandit's head. Before Guo Long came out of the wheat fields and instantly moved to aid him. It had been a very swift and impressive sight. One that made him glad to know the kid could defend himself. "Hehe... hurgh... You're a bit, late kid."

Kneeling by the dying boar Guo Long was pressing his hands against the open gash in Grubber's gut, channeling his qi in hope of staling the bleeding. Offering the old merchant a sad smile the young cultivator tried to reassure Grubber as he tried to keep him alive. "I am sorry Mr. Grubber. I came as soon as I heard the bell ring. Do not worry, I will keep you alive."

The old boar just chuckles and grabs his hand, slowly pulling it away from his gaping wound. Even as he felt his body grow cold the old merchant gave the young kirin a serious look. He knew he was dying, no one in the village could treat such an injury. "Do not apologies kid... do not do good deeds because of obligation... do it because you care... but do not waste efforts on the dying... I am too far gone for aid..."

"But I cou-" The boar silenced the protest before it could be voiced with a glare, making the young kirin flinch a little. Though it softens as he sees the young kirin nod, agreeing to his request, blood-stained hands still held by the old pig's larger one.

"Although... you could do me a small favour... kick their sorry asses and send their dark souls to the afterlife... I will be waiting for them theereeee..." With a final slump, the large warrior went limp on the ground. His hand's grip on Guo Long's hand lasts for a few seconds longer until it went limp and fell to the ground as well. The Mad Boar of Freshriver was dead.

Elder Hardshell lowering his head in sorrow as he kept the barrier up protecting the village as several of his friends died fighting the bandits. Five more death of the many people he had seen grow up in this village. It hurt every time. But he could not falter, his duty was to protect the village, he would not disrespect Grubber and the other villagers by lowering the barrier.

Meanwhile was a certain pair of bandits staring in shock and confusion at the kirin who had effortlessly killed one of their fellows. Thoughts about how it was possible were running through their brains when a heavy stomp sounded out behind them and the duo turned around to see the furious face of Gold Seeker.

The older bandit sucked in air and gently pushed the younger bandit to getaway. "Hey, boss."

Glaring at the ones who had given him the report Gold Seeker speaks up in a very tense and upset voice. "I thought you told me he was a painter or a poet."

Closing his eyes the bandit tries to explain why his assumption was incorrect. He knew he would not succeed. So he resigned himself to his fate and just started talking. "I don't know what to say, boss. He did not look-"

There is a sudden end to the bandit's words as Gold Seeker draws a fine blade from his side and slashes up the bandit's throat. He could not forgive nor have fools in his group that made him look bad and making the gang question his leadership. The former army officer had not been a bandit leader for so long for it to be lost because of fools.

Even if he was no different himself.

The remaining bandits did not even look at the corpse of the old bandit, unwilling to risk anger their leader further. Instead, they remain silent and stand in line, though some had a bit of bad twitch as fear shook their bodies.

Gold Seeker walks in front of his troops and looks at the young kirin as he slowly stands up after placing the old boar's hands over his chest. Gripping the fine blade, a nine-ring dao saber glowing with a blue shimmer, the bandit leader glares and growls at the young kirin. Seeking to intimidate him. "You better hope you are worth the lives of my men boy. Or I will be making your life real nasty. So you better give up before we have to get brutal."

Guo Long stands up and looks at the bandit, a bit confused but also too infuriated to care about the nonsense of bandits. Slowly he makes a stance, his legs spread forward and back with his left arm bent to the chest while the right was held forward, the index and middle fingers held out. "The only brutal thing that is going to happen here. Is your death."

"Capture him! Break his bones if you have to!" At the loud command of their leader, the bandits charge forward like a mob, polearms held with the pommels up to bash the young cultivator unconscious. Would not do to ransom a corpse.

But Guo Long. Was not easy prey.

[Start Combat Music Part 1 (No Lyrics): Beautiful Chinese Music - Rapid As Wildfires]


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

A metal shaft flew at his head as the first bandit reached him, a panther. But before it could hit his face he weaved left, the pommel streaking past his head and neck. His left hand darted forward while his right moved at the bandit's face. The right hand was a distraction, forcing the bandit to flinch or move his head. He moved his head.

And Guo Long's fingers lashed out like a coiled snake, the sharp claws on the end piercing the fur-covered pelt of the throat.

*[Flesh Rending Pincer]* Even as he felt the sickening sensation of his fingers buried in living flesh Guo Long didn't flinch as he mentally called out his technique. Not even as his face was splattered with blood. The bandit gurgles and gasps as he tries to reach for his arm and pull out the fingers in his throat. Instead Long moved forward, pulling the bandit with him, tearing up his throat and sending a spray of blood into the air.

With a sickening thud and gurgle, the panther bandit collapses, clutching his torn-up jugular. Blood staining the sand.

Two others reached him, a pair of horses. Much larger than him. He shifts his stance and makes a single sideway steep that seems to grace the ground for several meters as if he had been gliding on the ground. Two well-aimed strikes from the charging horses' polearms were evaded.

With the heavy momentum leaving them overreached Long suddenly leaps a fairly high distance and uses their backs as landing points. Both bandits collapse to the ground, alive but disoriented. But Guo Long was already gone from their back. He jumps forward, tucks, and rolls, to evade the remaining seven bandits as they try to charge him.

It succeeds, partially. Two of the bandits managed to hit him in the sides as he rolls past them but he managed to evade most of them. And without giving them time to turn around his tail lashes out and wraps around the head of the rearmost bandit, a lizard. Tugging the bandit backward Long leans sideways and kicks with his left leg, the hoof impacts the neck portion of the armour.

A loud clang sounds, followed by the sickening sound of tearing flesh and bone, as Guo Long's tail rips off the lizard's skull by the neck like a cork off a bottle. Another spray of blood fills the air and the kirin flings the head behind himself, unwittingly hitting the chest of Gold Seeker who stares in shock at the bloody mess of what had once been a head and helmet, now a mess of crushed metal, bone, and gore.

Three bandits charge together, a bull, a unicorn, and a fox, this time wielding the pointed end of their polearms. Bolts of electricity arc across the tips of the polearms, though not at full power as the bandits intend to stun the kirin with physical violence and the lightning enchantment of the polearms at low power.

Guo Long ducks the bull's strike to his head- He then uses an open palm to catch the polearm's strike by the shaft and deflect the strike from the fox without risking shock. The unicorn lashes out with a thrust to his chest and he jumps back, trying to dodge away from the strike.

When suddenly the polearm leaves the unicorn's hand and flies, covered by a magical aura, with a similar aura surrounding the unicorn's horn. And Guo Long grits his teeth in preparation for pain as the polearm hits him, and pulses of electricity hit him and he is forced onto the ground, the unicorn pushing the weapon into his chest, keeping him in place.

There is a lot of cheer from the other bandits while the village militia behind the barrier could only watch in horror as the brave young cultivator was pushed down to the ground.

"Some of you get back here and get the chains! Three of you remain and keep him in place! He is at least a Soldier Rank Warrior!" Gold Seeker cries out. And soon Guo Long is held down by the bull, fox, and unicorn while the other bandits left to retrieve chains to tie him up.

Even as all this was going on, Guo Long was... confused. electricity was coursing through his body but unlike what he had felt before when struck by electricity during the teachings of his trainers, he did not feel the intense muscle spasms nor the burning pain. He felt a slight tingling sensation instead.

*I will figure this out later. For now. I better get these thugs off me before they can tie me up.* Putting his fingers into a claw-like grip he starts to twist and circulate his fingers as if stirring something in the air. The bandits do not react to this, thinking it is an erratic motion from electrical shock.

The unicorn sneers down at him and taunts the seemingly struggling in pain 'noble' as he and his fellows keep him in place. "You are going to be our big payday b-" only for his voice to go silent as suddenly his two fellows stop channeling magic into their rods and just stop moving altogether.

He stares at them in confusion and tries to speak, only to note he could no longer speak. Then a gust of wind blows past and he suddenly feels himself falling. He hits the ground, and yet he can see his own body still standing there. Only the head is missing. He hears two more thuds and sees the confused expression of the bull and fox staring back. His last thought was. *What happened?*

"Boss! I saw it! He has a pair of weapons!" One of the bandits cries out and points up at the sky above them.

All of the bandits, and even the militia, look up to see two flying circles surrounded by streaking green coloured wisps of light that look like a cutout portion of a twister. And as Guo Long stands up from the ground, the headless corpses collapsing onto the ground, the two circles fly down in a helix pattern towards him.

Jumping up with a graceful leap he catches both of the spinning circles, revealing the two wicked look chakrams Grubber had given to him a few hours earlier. Landing on the ground as soft as a crane the cultivator stood in a crane stance, the chakrams held outwards, his right leg held up in a bent form with the knee touching the chest.

Bandits and militia alike stared in awe at the magical weapons that seemingly could move on their own. Those were most definitely mid grade artifacts at least, even higher than the polearms of the Storm King the bandits were currently using.

But Gold Seeker reacted differently. Fearfully. For he knew that if they let that kirin remain unharmed, they could very well lose a lot of men to his weapons. So he points with his dao at the robed form of Guo Long and screams at his men. "Shoot him! Destroy his limbs before he can attack! Incapacitate him!"

The remaining bandits all raised their polearms and began to fire lightning bolts at full power towards Guo Long. The small village square was painted in the light of an immense thunderstorm as the scent and taste of ozone fills the air. Some of the bandits panicking enough to fire their weapons at full strength at the kirin.

"Get to cover Long!" Hardshell screams out as he witnesses the sight that had killed so many of his fellow villagers.

But the kirin was too busy focusing to hear the old tortoise cry. He jumped up into the air and began to spin with the momentum. Swinging his chakrams along the path, powerful winds flow from the chakrams as the green light once more emerges from them, and he utilizes this to glide through the wind, looking like he is dancing in the air.

Even as lightning lashes out towards him, it misses, striking rocks, trees, ground, or even nearby corpses. For the wind aura of the [Wind Serpent, Fangs of the Sky] Guo Long was using to glide was by no means just for show.

For air was the least conductive element, and by surrounding himself in a constant flow of small wind currents, Guo Long was essentially forcing the lightning to move to easier targets. He was not as much deflecting the lighting as he was misleading it to other targets.

After a minute of constant lightning volleys, the bandits have to stop to regain power, since the weapons utilized their own internal magical power. But even as the sandy square was covered in small craters, burnt corpses, scorched rocks, and smoldering corpses. Guo Long landed on the ground, completely unharmed.

The bandits did not know what to do and looked towards their leader for answers.

But Gold Seeker was also too busy staring to know what to do.

Meanwhile was Guo Long trying hard to control his breathing, he was far too inexperienced to utilize the artifacts nonstop like that. Channeling qi without pause was not easy for a beginner, his control had been highly insufficient and he had nearly drained himself of all energy. He would have to hope that it would take the bandits a bit of time to regain their senses.

He was not so lucky however as Gold Seeker comes up with a plan. "Release the beasts! Let them soften him up for us!"

*That doesn't sound good.* Guo Long thinks as he sees the bandits scramble to the three wagons they had driven into the village. There is a large tarp over each wagon and without the sound of battle one could now hear the sound of unruly snarls and growls from the wagons.

Roars echo out from the cages as polearms are pushed through the gaps of the bars as the bandits prod whatever lies within out the back of the cages. And soon Long stares in dismay at the sight of three large beasts made of lion, scorpion, and bat parts. Those were manticores. Though the wings were tied to the manticore's bodies with cloth and ropes. Preventing flight.

Slowly but surely were the large angry beasts pushed forward to the sandy ground of the square by bandits poking them with the enchanted polearms. Guo Long could tell from the many scars and burn marks on their bodies, these beasts knew not to mess with their captives as long as they had those weapons. So he highly doubted he could convince them to fight for him.

"Go! Attack that kirin! Damage him if you must but do not let him die! If you kill him I will have you all skinned and sold at the market as fur-covered toilet seats!" Gold Seeker's threat seems to affect the manticores and they begin to move forward, growling and snarling even as the bandits raise their polearms threateningly, sparkles acting across the tips.

Slowly the manticores move forward, snarling and growling. They sniff the air and prowls towards the young kirin who was trying very hard not to show himself as nervous. But they seemingly caught onto his fears as all three suddenly open their jaws and roars out before charging towards him.

Shaking his head Guo Long puts aside his artifacts, for now, he could not use them carelessly. He would have to not exhaust himself. But he was very uncertain if he could handle those large cats. *Great. Just how is this going to go?*

"Follow our guidance young cultivator. And let us show you how spirit beasts persuade each other." The kirins growl in his head as he looks ahead at the massive beasts the bandits had released. Clearly not impressed by the rhino-sized lions with bat wings and scorpion tails.

*Very well. Let's do this.* Slowly inhaling Guo Long infuses the air with his qi, and lets it brew and fuse in his lungs, crossing his arms before his chest he looks with cold eyes at the charging manticores. His clawed fingers bent as if ready to rip and tear.

The jeers of the bandits nor the screams of the concerned villagers do little to disturb his concentration as he feels a tingling sensation flow over his body as the kirins' guides the flow of theirs, and his own qi through his meridian network. Blue light seems to flow from his horn, along with the fur behind his hooves, and the hair of his mane from head to tail tip. But he doesn't notice.

Not even the voices of the kirins within him calling out the name of the technique. "[Kirin Spirit Beast Art: Roar of the Storm]!"

He is too busy pulling down his arms, fists clenched, jaws open wide, as the kirins pushes the qi through his throat. An unnaturally loud ear tearing howl erupts from his jaws. An invisible wave of force pushes back sand and gravel around the kirin cultivator as his roar keeps going for nearly fifteen seconds. Lightning arcs through his body's mane and fur, as well as the horn and eyes, whilst the sleeves and lower rims of his robes bellows in the wind caused by the roar.


Lightning arcs out from Guo Long's body, his mane and fur temporarily turning into a near energy state as the hairs ignite into blue-white plasma-like flames that arcs with bolts of azure energy. His eyes glowing like stars.

The manticores roar out in fear, eyes wide, they grind their paws against the ground, kicking up sand and dirt as they scrambled to run away from the fearsome monster before them. The powerful aura of intimidation was stronger than any beast they had ever seen, the sheer force of hostility and bloodlust enough to make them run past the bandits. Ignoring even the polearms as they struck their hides, and disappear into the woods like frightened kittens.

Guo Long's intimidating aura diminishes and he is left there on the now empty field, alone, staring at his claws as he can see small sparks arc between his claws. Deep in thought about what he had just done. *Did... did I do that? That... that was awesome.*

Meanwhile, the remaining bandits were panicking. Badly.

"What is this!? How could such a young kirin be able to use his Nirik form!?"

"I have never heard of a kirin with a lightning-based form! What is he!?"

"How do we handle this!?"

Gold Seeker, seeing his men faltering. Screams out in anger as he overcomes his own shock. "He obviously cannot hold that form for long! He only lasted a few seconds! I doubt he can do it again! Charge at him together! Take him out before he takes out his artifacts!"

The remaining bandits move, they are less than eight, including their leader. But hey, and him, charge together at the young kirin.

[Combat Music Part 2 (No Lyrics): JAPANLOVANIA 2]


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

Guo Long ducks beneath a jab at his chest from a badger. He grabs the offender's arm and kicks with his knee into the elbow, breaking it. The bandit screams and falls back clutching his arm.

The two horses charge together and try to spear him in the gut. He barely manages to evade as he was about to take out the badger, but catches their movement before it was too late. One of them still manages to strike him in the head and he stumbles back, bleeding profoundly from a long cut on the left side of his skull.

With a clenched fist he punches the left horse in the jaw, forcing his head upwards, he then lashes out with a kick, breaking the other horse's left leg at the inner knee. Then with jaws of his fingers as he moved past them he pierces their throats from the side and rips out his fingers, leaving them to clutch their bleeding throats. *[Flesh Rending Pincer]*

A rat and snake both jump at him and grabs him by the leg and side. The snake moves to bite his throat and the rat prepares to stab his ankle with a dagger. But then lightning arcs out of Guo Long's body as he tries to imitate the lightning field the kirin spirits had guided him through before. Both bandits let go and fell back gritting their teeth in pain from the shock.

Guo Long sees a polearm come swinging down at him, he ducks aside, yet the stubborn bandit, a bear, swings the weapon sideways to hit him in the side. Seeing a window of opportunity Guo Long reaches out with his right arm and catches the shaft of the weapon. There is a momentary pause as the bear blinks in confusion.

*[Spear Sundering Grip]* Long suddenly grips the shaft and with a powerful twisting motion of his fingers, the metal shaft of the artifacts breaks apart in a circular twisting domino effect. Shrapnel of metal and sparkling crystal pieces fly out of the sundered weapon.

And as the tearing reaches the hand of the bear the motion continuous up the bear's limb and he roars out in agony as bone and flesh rip and tears, tearing out of his limp as it is twisted in a screw-like motion. The bear has no time to duck as a hand still gripping the end of the torn apart polearm stabs him in the eye and into the brain, the residue electrical enchantment frying the brain.

Even as the bear slowly collapses Long dashes forward and pulls out his two chakrams, and with two diagonal slashes he cuts open the chests of the rat and snake before they can get out of reach. The two bandits collapse on the ground, dead.

Two bandits run away, one of them clutching a broken arm. Leaving only Gold Seeker and Guo Long on the field.

The bandit leader, who had been at the rear, was beyond furious. He was beyond mad. This was supposed to be his day, the start of his rise to glory and riches beyond the meager wagers of an officer.

And yet this kirin noble, barely old enough to be out of school, had killed almost his entire gang forced the rest to flee!?

Seeing red the bandit leader howls out, his horn igniting in a dark golden aura as he fires a bolt of magic at Guo Long who ducks aside. "UNACCEPTABLE!"

He then makes a charge forward, saber held hey, its form glowing and eerie blue.

*Oh boy.* Was all Long could think as he found himself trying to read the movements of a berserker unicorn bandit leader.

Gold Seeker slashed wildly with his glowing saber at the young kirin who evaded several strikes before being forced to block one with his two chakrams. But even then is the strength of the far older fighter enough to push him back and Long has to shift aside to evade a brutal kick to the chest.

The frothing mouth of Gold Seeker spits out foam and saliva at the kirin as he headbutts him, making Long nearly blacks out. He had to duck aside as a cone of fire erupted from Gold Seeker's horn and nearly incinerated him. "You have cost me everything! Screw the ransom money! I shall cut your limbs off and sell you as a living sex toy at the black market!"

"No thank you I am not interested," Long said back with a disturbed look on his face.

"IT WASN'T A SUGGESTION, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Gold Seeker roars out as he raises his dao and slashes at the kirin again.

Leaning to the side Long feels a bit lightheaded and bruised. His body was sore from training, his torso was covered in bruises, he had a big bleeding cut on the head, some of the kind people he had met had been killed. And currently, he had one of them, a maniac of a bandit intent on making his life a living hell. All in all, he was not having a good day.

The ground beneath him turns into sharp spikes and he barely has time to react to it, tearing some of the lower rims of his fine new robe, which by now was rather dirty with gore, grime, and dirt. Another thing to the checklist of bad things that had happened thus far.

Another clash of chakrams and saber occurred and another headbutt was heading his way. But this time Long retaliated.

Slamming his head upwards he struck the tip of Gold Seeker's horn, there was a sudden weird sensation through his skull, the pain was rather big but he still endured it. Even if it felt painful. But then as he pushed upwards, using his new weird legs to push up against the unicorn's head.

There was a sudden boom.

Blinking slowly Long found himself on his back, with a ringing sound in his head. Slowly standing up he nearly falls over, completely disoriented.

His vision is still clear and he can see the standing shape of Gold Seeker clutching his head screaming in pain, blood spurting from between his fingers. On the ground in front of him laid the broken-off half of a unicorn horn.

"Alright. Let's finish this." Holding his fingers together he focuses his qi and rejuvenates his body from some of the fatigue and pain. Although not permanently.

Gripping his chakrams he can feel their spirits hum in eagerness, to end this fight. And without so much as a thought, he throws both chakrams forward.

The first hit the ribcage, splitting past the skin, bones, past the lung, and through half of the heart. The second is more of a curve and slices through the left arm by the elbow before sinking into the neck, past the throat, into the neck, before ending half-buried in a diagonal angle into the neck.

And then after a few moments of ominous silence, the bleeding shape of Gold Seeker kneels, before falling over to its side. Dead.

Guo Long staggers a bit but remains standing, his hands falling to grip his knees to not keel over. Slowly controlling his breathing he lets the fatigue return and focuses on breathing.

*That... that was by far... not what I'd except my first real fight to be like.* Closing his eyes he felt the smoldering sun on his body, and began to reach over to his robes and tried to get more air to cool his torso.

His arms were too painful to properly do so, however. He could barely raise them to his shoulder.

Long suddenly feel a big hand pat him on the shoulder. He slowly turns his head to see the concerned face of Spathos the old bull looking down at him. "Hey boy. You can lay down and relax, you deserve some rest after that bloody mess."

But Long doesn't agree with that. The bandits had come mostly because of him after all, he still needed to help. To repay his debt.

"N-no. I need to help wi-" But his words are silenced when a blunt turtle claw touches his temple and a cooling sensation fills his body and his vision starts to dim.

The voice of Elder Hardshell is the last thing he hears before falling over, feeling gentle hands catching him before he hit the ground. "You've done more than enough for us young Guo Long, Disciple of the Léiyǔ Sect. Please. Leave the rest to us."


The Journey Begins (Pre-Beta)

View Online

A Cultivator in Equestria

By Staadnauthursil

Chapter Four: The Journey Begins

Theme Music: Kirin Theme (Original Concept Music) by Nathanaël Wsiaki


Disclaimer: I do not own anything copyrighted. This includes all of the youtube videos I use to give a touch of flair to my stories, please support the official releases along with those who work hard on these great youtube videos. As well as those YouTubers who make fantastic original works on their own

[Freshriver Village, Two Days After The Bandit Raid]

There was a solemn air over the normally lively village of Freshriver, a thick mist was veiling the air as the distant morning sun slowly rose. But amid the white mist rose a large plume of black smoke from the market square. The villagers were gathered around watching five pyres bearing the bundled-up corpses of the five villagers who died two days ago.

Things had been hectic and painful, with many children being too afraid to even leave their homes. Fearing more bandits would come from the woodlands.

There had not been such a brutal attack on the village for nearly a century, Elder Hardshell could confirm it. Yet it had been a far less bloody affair than most bandit attacks. Normally around ten people would be dead, permanently injured, or crippled. With many more major or minor injuries.

Most bandit raids attacked before the defences could be put up. It was because of the confidence in their enchanted weapons that allow it. Many were thankful for it but many were also quite disturbed by how big a chance of their attack being a success.

The ones who fought to protect them took down over a third of the arrogant thugs before they were shoot down with lightning. Those weapons would no doubt have allowed the bandits to breach the barrier if firing enough times at it. So the fact that a young kirin fought the rest of the bandits, ripping and tearing them apart in a bloody and yet beautiful dance-like fight, the militia members' words, was doubtful.

At least until they saw the state of the bandits' corpses, and the two chakrams buried into the body of the bandit leader. No one in the village knew how to use such weapons, and the fact that they were weapons made by Long's Sect made it hard to doubt the truth.

Though it also made some of the villagers afraid of their saviour. For how could such a polite and humble person be able to so brutally kill people, even if they were bandits?

Whispers of unease filled some of the households. And Elder Hardshell was well aware of it, seeing how many of the formerly curious children were dragged away by worried parents giving worried looks at his house where Guo Long was resting. Mere hours after the fight.

Guo Long had not realized how much his combat skills would affect the people of the village until he woke up the morning after the bandit raid. He had been lying in the medical bed he woke up in before, only this time it was a bit into the afternoon and Elder Hardshell was talking with an old-looking goat who had a young ram assistant with him.

The old goat's name was Joorgin Halfhorn and he was a herbalist with some knowledge of alchemy. When Guo Long raised himself the young ram let out a yelp of fear and ran out the door. The way the two old villagers had looked at one another at the assistant's reaction made Guo Long feel a bit uncomfortable.

He was well and properly healed through the duo's potions and medical care, though would need a day of rest to be healthy enough to travel. And Elder Hardshell had explained to him the reactions of many of the villagers of the sight of the dead bandits, and though many were still thankful and not fearful of him in the least.

"The current generations of this village are open and welcome to all nonhostile people. But sometimes a few will become hostile to outsiders for a time, or even their whole lives, because of attacks like this. And even if you saved many lives do I not want to risk people building up such feelings by having you as a scapegoat with the bandits all dead." Guo Long felt a bit sad at this, and a bit insulted, but he had seen how people could react to things they did not understand or feared.

So he agreed. It was probably for the best. He had been intending to leave the village anyways. There was a whole new world to explore, and he had a lot of training to do. Not to mention if more artifacts had fallen through the vortex with him he would have to find them. Plus, it might give him clues to get back to the Léiyǔ Sect.

It still hurt to realize that the people of this world were just as possible to turn fearsome and hostile like his first and second world. Trust was apparently a hard currency among all people across all dimensions.

"I was enjoying our discussions about alchemy and reagents. I would have loved to learn more." Guo Long, Disciple of the Léiyǔ Sect comments as he stands by the entrance of the village. His robes had been cleaned and repaired, and a sack of provisions laying by his legs. Joorgin Halfhorn the village alchemist and herbalist was standing next to him while Elder Hardshell held the ceremony for the burial pyres.

The old goat just nods and hums a bit. Being the second oldest member of the village he was rather famous for his deep knowledge and yet after he had helped in treating Guo Long's injuries the old alchemist had started asking the kirin about his sect.

And through some common grounds on medical knowledge, he had found a new source of knowledge based on Long's medical knowledge from his sect's teachings. "It is indeed a shame. I was learning quite a bit from our discussions. To think that some of the life energy of some beasts can cause affliction and that the cure is sometimes linked to the creature's diet or part of the creature itself."

Guo Long sits down on the stone fence, looking at the crowd by the pyres. He felt guilty still but no one was blaming him for the situation, though the uneasy looks from some of the villagers made his decision to leave a bit easier. "One of my teachers told me that the best cure for sickness and poisons caused by beasts is more often than not directly linked to it. There was a snake beast that caused hair loss and to cure it you had to eat the snake's heart raw. Another is a beast-like worm that spreads a burning rash that causes severe inflammation, the cure is a plant that is nurtured by the worm's defecated soil."

Reaching into a pocket the old goat pulls out a small handful of dried nuts and slowly chew on them before spiting the mushes out nut paste into his palm before smearing it over his hands. The oil of the nuts restoring the dry and damaged skin from working with herbs and potions. "Truly fascinating. That would explain my teacher's lesson that potion making involves more than plants and fungi. To think it might be possible to make potions with beast parts."

Guo Long looks at the small pouch by the old goat's waist, vials of various colours held within leather straps. He had seen one of those potions be poured over a patch of dead soil, rejuvenating it to a dark healthy soil once more. Another had simply cured a fever and stomach ache. "Your potion making is a fascinating thing as well. I know many of my teachers would be willing to trade knowledge with potion makers to improve their knowledge and skills in pill alchemy."

Joorgin strokes his beard as he looks at the distant pyres. "I personally do not know much in potion-based alchemy compared to the shaman brewers of Zebrica. My master was half zebra and learned most of his trade from his father. But he died from Green Toad Flu before he could finish teaching me and I never found another master."

The discussion seems to end there and they sit in silence for a bit.

Then Joorgin seems to remember something and he makes an 'aha' motion. "Now I remember. While I personally am not of much use so are there various branches of the Alchemy Guild across the world. I think there are four of them here in the Mǎ Empire. One at the Capital, one in the capital of the west, the trade port of Cob Bay. It is located near the center of the Golden River, a two weeks' journey to the east. The other two should be placed to the north and east. The only place without one of those guilds is the southern region, but it is mostly a coastal trade area so they have a lot of travelers that include alchemists."

Nodding Guo Long agreed with the assessment. "Coastal regions have access to more than inland, clearly they do not need specific buildings for things if they can just have people enter their ports. A coastal city can have up to ten times more educated people of various crafts than even the capital if it has enough sea routes."

The old goat looked at the kirin with an impressed look and commented on the youngster's knowledge. "Hoo? You seem quite familiar with the workings of society and trade. Does the sect teach you such things as well?"

Chuckling a little Guo Long nodded before answering, he had indeed learned much in the sect but he had a lot of knowledge from his former life. But he could not exactly tell Joorgin that now could he? No sane person would accept such outrageous words from a stranger. "Some. Mostly basic history, geography, biology, religion, and so on. But we are freely able to read books available to us, based on our ranking in the sect. I read quite a bit about various subjects during my free time. Of course, a lot of it was hidden from us since many books contained a lot of dangerous information or techniques not for the inexperienced or overachieving to try."

Smiling Joorgin imagines a place of such deep knowledge to learn from. It reminded him of one of the great libraries he and his master visited so long ago. "That is a wonderful concept. Sadly books in this land are kept strictly under the control of the rich, the noble, and the guilds. They see the concept of free knowledge as a threat to their prosperity."

The kirin raises a finger to the sky with a slight smile on his face. "Give a person wheat and they are fed for a day. Give a person knowledge and they will never starve. That is an old saying. But there is another truth to it that I understand many people of higher standing fear. Sometimes rightfully so. But mostly it is just ignorance or greed."

Blinking a bit Joorgin tried to imagine what the other version sounded like. He had heard the first one before, but not that there was another view to it. "What version is that?"

Sighing a bit Guo Long leans back and crosses his arms in contemplation. "Give a person wheat and they are content. Give a person knowledge and they realize they are in chains. For whatever reason, most people when they learn things about the truth of the world rather than remain ignorant. Will realize they are trapped in a society that exploits them for the privilege of the upper classes. Starting the possibility of rebellion."

The old goat looks at Long as he keeps talking. Seeing the image of a taught scholar in white robes emerge over the young cultivator for a short moment. "Knowledge is dangerous not just because it makes people think and realize. It is dangerous because people might use that knowledge to cause destruction and death in defiance to what they see as a flawed society."

"Knowledge does not mean wisdom. This is true. Very few people are wise enough to realize that change is not always swift nor good. Far too often are those with knowledge misusing it or blinded by it." Joorgin comments he listens to the young kirin's words. They were rather profound for someone so young. And yet he found himself agreeing. He had seen it himself how people who obtained knowledge would try to use it to help others, exploit others, or even kill others. Some even ignoring facts that contradicted their education.

Long raises two fingers and takes another turn in the discussion. "But there is another point of view. If knowledge was openly shared and taught between people. Then different points of view might coexist without violence. All one needs is to understand a simple fact of people. We are all different. To demand that everybody will act as you envision them to is just an act of tyranny. To offer everyone a chance to learn from, of, and about each other, so they may accept each other's differences, is an act of benevolence."

"Though it will be up to the people to show if they are ready for such things. Even the most well-meaning person might cause disaster if those he teaches prove unworthy of it. For knowledge is power, and power is known to corrupt even the best of people." Another moment of silence emergence between the two, the discussion giving them both something to think about.

"Well, you two seem to be in a deep discussion again." The two jumped a bit at a sudden voice close by and turned to see Elder Hardshell standing next to Joorgin, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Snorting the goat waved a hand at the tortoise, speaking up in a joking tone. "Indeed. Your lead feet would never have snuck up on me had I not been distracted."

Chuckling Elder Hardshell just jokes back as he walks over to his old friend. "Excuses, excuses."

"I will return to my hut for breakfast now. Boy. Remember to go to the guild in Cob Bay, there is a public area of the guild where you can read some of the basic guides to plants and potion brewing. Nothing beyond emergency aids and facial cremes though." And with those words, the old goat walked back towards the upper portion of the village.

[Start Solemn Music: Beautiful Chinese Music -Tranquil Departure]


After a few moments of watching Joorgin walk away, Elder Hardshell turns towards Guo Long and bows deeply to him, his head touching the ground even. "Long. I, and my village, will always be grateful for your aid against these raiders. I hope the fear of a few won't taint your memory of this place."

Long just smiled and bowed in gratitude to the Elder. "As Grubber said, one should not be obliged to help others. I understand how people can grow fearful of someone like me Elder. We are all taught to kill those who would attack us and those in our areas in my sect. I will not apologies for killing the bandits. But I will apologise for frightening those who saw the result of it."

Humming the old tortoise slowly pulls out a small pouch and opens it, looking inside. "Hmmm... Grubber was wiser in his later years. But damn it if I don't wish he didn't volunteer to fight in his poor physical state. In his youth, I saw him break a child-sized boulder by headbutting it. He was far less athletic, not keeping up his exercises like he used to."

Long smiles a small sad smile as he looks at the point by the rocks where the old boar had died. "A peaceful life offers many joys and pleasures, but no motivations. Those who are content to live peacefully have the right to do so, but it makes them vulnerable to those who struggle or fight to survive. I cannot speak for Grubber. But I could tell he was still strong, it was not the lack of exercise or his big body that made him fall. It was age and sickness."

Hardshell looks up sharply with wide eyes. "Sickness? Grubber was ill? How could you tell?"

Long lift his left hand and a small blue glow starts emitting from it as he channels his qi through it. "When I was channeling my qi into his body to try and stabilise him I felt unnatural growths within the lungs. They were almost half-filled with blood, but I could sense these unnatural growths in them. They were most likely making it difficult for him to breathe properly. I believe he had some kind of lung disease, possibly even a cancerous growth."

"I do not know what cancerous growths are, nor have I ever seen or felt anything like them before during my own inspections. But. He had been coughing a lot more from his frequent smoking, even though he had been doing it for several years." Looking thoughtful Elder Hardshell thinks of the last time he inspected Grubber for any diseases. It had been a few years ago during a small influx of diarrhea because of bad flour. He had not sensed anything wrong back then. Or was it possible his health inspection spell could not detect issues like the one Long was describing? He had never heard nor sensed such growths in any part of a living being's body.

Closing his eyes, and the pouch, the tortoise dismiss the thoughts for now. It was not like he could do anything about it now. He would make sure to investigate it a bit in the future. But for now. He could not let it cloud his thoughts. "I last inspected his health around four years back, but I felt nothing wrong back then. I do not know if the spells I used can detect these growths you describe, but it is not like I can do anything about it now."

Long just nods, it was probably not a smart idea to dismiss the possibilities of the spells used being flawed. The kirin knew nothing about magic so he had no idea how it worked. But anything could have flaws, no technique was perfect, no person was perfect. Everything and everyone had flaws. "I at least hope you will be able to discover the truth for yourself in the future when you have the time to investigate."

"That I hope too. But for now. Here, take this." With a soft smile Hardshell holds out the pouch in his claws and Long gently takes it.

Opening the pouch the kirin blinks as he sees around thirty silver coins, each shaped like rectangular plates with an oriental style dragon on the front and a horse armed in Chinese warlord armour at the back. He looks at the smiling tortoise in shock, he did not know the value of these coins. But he knew it was much more than your average farmer would see outside of a harvest season. "Are you sure-"

Raising a claw Hardshell interrupts the young kirin and shakes his head. "These 37 silver yuans are half of what was made from the sales of scavenged weapons and items this month by Grubber. He would always give half of his profits to the village. We do not need these coins as much as you do, you are separated from your sect and have no monetary assets. Please. Take them and use them well."

Sighing Guo Long places the pouch in a pocket inside the folds of his robes and he mutters gently to himself. "Why does it feel like I will never be able to repay these kind actions?"

Chuckling softly Hardshell just smiles. "As Grubber said, good deeds are not obligations. Someone demanding payment for a good deed did not do it out of the good of their heart. But to offer a gift to those in need of it is a kind of good deed as well. Is it not?"

Chuckling in return Guo Long just gives a deep bow to the old tortoise. "Heh. Well. I cannot deny your words. And I will accept this kind gift."

Tapping his walking cane against the ground the village elder nods. "Good. Do you know where you intend to go next?"

Patting a small cylinder made of bamboo tied to his waist the kirin nods, next to the cylinder was a sheath holding a familiar-looking blade. "The map you gave me shows around three villages between here and the town of Cob Bay. It should be my next destination, even if only to learn more about what is going in these areas. Plus, the potion guild sounds interesting."

Hardshells pat the young kirin on the back and nod approvingly. A wise and logical decision to seek more knowledge and possibilities in the larger towns than to remain out in the countryside. Especially when one seeks information. "Then I will not hold you back any longer. Fair travels Guo Long, may you find what you seek. And know that you will be welcome back here, just let things settle down a little."

Guo Long reaches down to his small burlap sack of supplies and shoulders it. And then he gives another bow to the Elder. "I will, and thank you once more. For everything." and then he began to walk down the road leading into the woodlands. The dense morning mist swirling over his robes as he strides forward.

*No. Thank you young kirin, for keeping this village safe.* Hardshell thinks as he looks at the slowly disappearing figure of the young cultivator for a good while until he is long gone into the woodland road.

Some of the villagers watched on as the young kirin began to walk away. A few of them, among them the bulls, waved after him. But the kirin never saw it as he never looked back. Even as the smokes of the pyres coloured the morning sky in black clouds of mourning, there was still a tranquil feeling over the village.

The village elder lets out a soft sigh and closes his eyes for a moment. The crackling of the pyres echoing out through the air. Then he opens his eyes and walks over to one of the three cage wagons by the road. He does not need to hunch down to look at the wheels with his short height, and his eyes narrow in anger. Upon them is a familiar-looking emblem, engraved upon wheel caps made of solid bronze, in the shape of two swords planted in a field of wheat.

He did not openly say anything to the young kirin about his suspicions. But for a group of raiders to obtain wagons meant to hold wild beasts with that marking meant that dark deals were being made in the Golden Hills.

Afterall. No decent lord would let wagons bearing his family mark be kept by bandits. Unless he was discretely supporting them. But the one whose mark bore the shape of a sword planted into a field of wheat was no decent lord.

"I have a feeling I will need to send a report to the Regional Lord about Lord Grassblade making deals with bandits."

[Later at the Evening, Greenfield Village.]

The sun is slowly settling in the distance. Its golden beams turning orange and red. Painting the small village of Greenfield in a pretty array of colours. The village is located in the center of the Sorehoof Woods and is the second village one reaches after entering the forest from the east or west. Its name originates from the large open field surrounding the village that was cleared out to prevent beasts or bandits to approach the wooden walls unseen.

A wide stream of powerful rapids flows next to the village, a bit further east and it will join the other water flows from the Feng Hoof Mountains and become the Golden River.

Located just north of the village stands an artificial hill with a walled-in three-story mansion. This is the home of the lord in charge of maintaining order and prosperity among the various villages under his control. But Lord Daring Grassblade was by no means a proper lord or even a decent person.

In his late thirties, he was an overly obese toad of a family renowned for their martial prowess, but Daring was no warrior, not even a scholar or a decent schemer. He was lazy, gluttonous, greedy, and more than anything, lacking in any kind of decency. The only thing he had for him was his size and physical strength, which he used ruthlessly to keep his subjects in check or to have some fun.

Currently, the massive toad was sitting on a large pillow by the garden smoking out of a water pipe while four servants were washing his half-naked body with scented oils, feeding him various delicacies, and one was even orally pleasing him. He looked like he was in heaven, and if not for the broken empty eyes of the so-called servants, one might even have mistaken them for doting concubines or wives.

The peaceful, though distasteful, scenery was broken as the door to the garden veranda slid open, revealing a fat boar dressed in fine black robes with silver trims, marking him as a high-ranking advisor, and a and official. The boar's name was Verger and he was the Grassblade clan's Chamberlain, the one in charge of all domestic affairs, and unofficially all of them. "My Lord Daring. I have received some disturbing news."

Snorting out smoke from his nostrils the large toad closes his eyes and enjoys the ministrations of his slaves as he sits there. He let the old pig control the clan because he didn't want to deal with it. Why did he have to interrupt him now!? "Hmmph. Be quick about it."

Respectfully bowing to the spoiled brat of an adult the old boar gave his report. "The bandit crew lead by your 'former retainer' Gold Seeker have been destroyed. Most of them are dead. One of them arrived at the village badly injured. They had apparently managed to obtain low-grade artifacts from a traveling scavenger group and tried to raid a village where a noble was located. Said noble apparently tore them all apart with mid-grade artifacts and even frightened the manticores to flee."

Frowning the large toad is about to speak when his lips form an o and he closes his eyes, leans back, and groans out as he blows his load into the gut of the slave deep throating his prick. After his release subsides the slave proceeds to clean him up. He looks at the old boar with a frown."Humph! Such nonsense. There is no nobility in this region that I do not know about. Their visits to this place have been tightly observed and discouraged. We have no need for such people. Execute him."

Ignoring the degeneracy happening in front of him Chamberlain Verger shakes his head. "I am afraid the poor sod expired just hours after arriving. His wounds were too severe. But he was adamant that what had he spoke is what happened. The person in question is a young male kirin, dressed in old-styled purple robes with golden trims. Wielding a pair of circular blades that can fly through the air like birds. He also physically killed most of the bandits with unarmed attacks and martial arts. Even Gold Seeker was torn apart by him."

Looking up in thought Lord Daring hums to himself as the slave finishes cleaning his loins and stands up, disrobing. Before turning around to lower herself down onto his still erect girth. He keeps talking like the far smaller female slowly pushes herself down his length. Even as blood leaks down her legs. "Hmmm... that sounds like an issue. He may be one of those bastard-born nobles, possibly even a fraud, or a spy sent by another faction. Have the gangs and guards keep a lookout for him. And if he either causes or is here to cause, trouble for our operations. Deal with him."

Bowing to the toad lord the old boar nods and begins to move back towards the door of the house. Knowing the unspoken command to leave from the tone of the lord's voice. "As you command Lord Grassblade."

The door closes, leaving only the noise of the birds and the wind. And the sound of the sex slave's voice gasping for air as she impales herself up and down the girth of the corrupt lord, even as more blood begins to flow out of her body.

[The Following Morning, the Sorehoof Woods. Guo Long's Point of View]

"Aaah the morning air of the woods smell sooo good!" I guess I look a bit silly stretching myself in the middle of the road. But there's no one around except for the spirits bound to me. So no worries about that.

It's been a day since I left the village. I followed the dirt road from morning till sunset, and there is a wide stream going alongside the road, so I am not without fresh water. Though unless I run out of the freshwater I already have will I not drink from it, since I will need to either filter or boil it to safely drink it.

I slept in a tree crown, using a blanket and some large leaves to make soft bedding to not risk getting bitten by insects. It felt rather good actually, reminded me of the survival training the sect had me go through last year. Brushing my teeth has become a bit of a challenge, it is easier to clean them than my human ones but they are far deeper into my mouth and I have to really open my mouth to properly reach my molars at the back.

Good thing that kind of alchemist gave me those cotton tail-like herbs. They work rather well as toothbrushes, have a minty flavour and scent even. Wonder if they're natural or cultivated?

Not that there was much to clean, the food I was given is either dried or liquid. I have two bamboo bottles of dried food, one meat, one fruit. I have a large gourde bottle filled with water, around three galleons worth. And I had a third bamboo bottle filled with freshly made soup. But I drank it up yesterday. So now it is empty, though cleaned in the stream as to not risk mold growth in the container.

So for now I have to live with dried goods unless I can get hold of some fresh food to cook. They gave me a lot of basic survival and camping gear, well no tent or hammock, but I can make a hammock myself with some time and effort. There's even a small set of foraging tools, a knife, a scissor, and a woven basket you can flatten up when not using.

There's still some good space left in the bag they gave me and it is not too heavy.

Hmmm... now that I think about it. Weights huh? I will need some in the future. "I should put some heavy rocks in my clothes or bag. That should give me a bit of weight to carry around as I walk."

"We should start focusing on your cultivation of qi first Long. You have yet to adapt to it." The voices of my internal guests speak up. And I open a hand and make a small glow flow between my fingers. I have a lot of strength, but I lack the focus to use it.

Yeah indeed. I really cannot disagree. I need to train this before I focus on my physical exercises... "Indeed. I need to get into the flow of practice. Even on the road, you have to keep up your training."

Let's see. I guess I should start training my stamina first as well as my qi control. The way I was wasting energy back during the bandit fight would have ended up with me going through a lot of back-breaking training by my teachers.

Let's take a deep breath, start circulating my qi. And now start slowly letting out the air, but do not let it all out, instead suck in more air, and keep this up as you walk. This will strain my breathing and qi channeling but also slowly increase my control over both as I keep making it more difficult.

*I will start with controlling my qi and breathing as I walk. I have spent a day just walking so for now I better focus on practicing as I go.* Mentally communing with a spirit is far easier than speaking out loud, especially when you are focusing on breathing, walking, and circulating qi.

A chorus of proud and slightly joyous voices is my response. Which does not help me concentrate. "That is a good decision. We will be here to monitor your progress, should you get distracted we will jolt your body while explaining how to correct yourself. The burden of a teacher is to keep track of their student's path as to not let them lead astray."

Then why do you all sound so happy about giving me a shock? *Yeesh. You don't have to sound so sad about it.*

Whoops, they look a bit irritated with me. Why? ...wait... Oh yeah... These guys were probably also taught similarly like I was. "No back talking to your teachers!"

"GaaaaGH!" Hurt! Pain! My body is locking up! Falling!


"Mmmph..." Hello, dirt my old friend. I apparently am here to taste you again. Why do I keep falling face forward? And why can I not stop being sarcastic to people in charge of my education!?

This is going to be a long trip.

And there's the voice of my now impatient trainers. Gods I should not have been cheeky. "Now get up and start jogging down the road for a kilometer. Keep your breath steady and keep circulating your qi through your body as you jog!"

Better get going. Getting to my fee-, no hooves and start trotting down the road! "Yes, teachers!"

Restart the practice!

Wow, the woods sure are pretty this morning. There is just enough sunlight to light the dew drops on the leaves and a light mist is strolling over the sandy road. A slightly moist scent filling the air as the moisture in the air flows into my nostrils.

This body sure can smell a lot of things that I cannot even compare to my human body. I am quite certain that I can smell something alive moving in the trees, it smells like acorns and tree bark with a hint of wet fur. Maybe a chipmunk or a squirrel?

Well, at least I won't be bored during this trip to the Capital of the West, Cob Bay. I wonder what such a city will be like? I haven't been in a city since my first life.

"Don't get distracted!" GAHHHHH!!! Quit it with the jolts already!

[Equestria, Canterlot, Late Evening, 3rd Person's Point of View]

Queen Celestia was deep in reading about some of the old books and tomes which spoke of the Cultivators. A lot of it was just theories and assumptions made on what had been discovered among the ruins of the lost sects. She did not know much about them outside of their strict teachings and powerful skills as fighters. But she would not correct other people's theories, for even those that sounded insane or wrong could hold a grain of truth.

The talk she had with her student had made her remember much of the old times during her early years as an alicorn and made her want to try and read a bit more about it to remember more of those days. Possible even some of the few lessons she had witnessed the cultivators perform.

One of these texts reminded her of the recent discussions of the Mǎ Empire. As it spoke of one of the larger and stronger sects which had been located within the Feng Hoof Mountains.

The Frosthorn Sect was spoken of as one of the strongest of the cultivator sects in the western regions of Gaia. Their sect temples were placed on high mountain peaks with constant snowfalls, below glaciers in massive underground caverns, or on islands in cold lakes or seas.

Infamous for their proficiency with cold and wind-based qi techniques they are assumed to have been able to manipulate weather and even fly without wings.

Though many speculate that these abilities and powers might be more connected to the various powerful artifacts they had been known for crafting out of beast parts and secret crafting techniques.

Through my long years of studying the Frosthorn Sect, I have concluded that there was a massive evacuation effort during the Age of Chaos. Many old temples are empty, riddled with traps, or sealed with strange magical arts. Yet very few bones of the cultivators themselves can be found, making it possible that they fled the mountains.

It might be that the cultivators themselves died off, but that much of their lore, arts, and artifacts were spread out over the regions around the Feng Hoof Mountains and eventually left to gather dust as old antiques. I doubt anyone would be able to unlock the power of these ancient items without knowing the secrets of the sect. But no doubt there would be much to learn if one could find and identify even a few of these rare objects.

Still looking over the page Celestia pauses in her reading and hums to herself as she ponders what she just read. Specifically about the possibility of forgotten cultivator objects spread over the nearby regions of the Fang Hoof Mountains. *Hmmmm... that gives me an idea.*

She then resumes reading the book and flips the page. Revealing a sketch of a sealed sect temple gate, two large guardian statues of some kind of beasts standing on either side. Several texts are pointing out various parts and materials, and even details a magical scan of the gate, revealing a network of strange carvings tracing the door and doorway.

A voice speaks up from behind her chair as she reads the author's few speculations about the seals used by the cultivators as a form of rune language... "Agent Lotus, reporting for duty my queen."

Celestia doesn't openly react and just keeps reading, not even glancing over her shoulder to look at the spy she had called for. Instead, she slowly and calmly finishes the last part of the chapter and puts a bookmark in place before putting down the book on her desk.

Then she turns around to see the kneeling shape of the agent. A fairly short earth pony mare dressed in head to hooves in dark fabric. And she has to hold back a smile from a century ago when the design for her nation's agents stealth suits first came to play. *By the sun that was a mess.*

The agent was dressed in two specialized gear. A dark blue, nearly black, bodysuit made of enchanted crystal thread, going from the top of the hooves to the neck and elbows. The suit could protect its wearer from most manners of spells and weapons, though it left little to the imagination because of how tightly it fits the body. Many agents would complain about how the suit made them look like prostitutes or gimps.

Not only mares but stallions as well since the suit molded to their bodies, perfectly. More than one person got an eyeful of pony genitals and nipples during the initial trials of the suit.

Ironically the suit was too eye-catching for its intended stealth purpose. And more than one of those who made the design had almost been pummeled by angry mare agents. Had it not been for the fact that half of those who designed it were mares themselves who saw it as using their bodies to distract the opponents.

Did not really convince the rest of her agents to essentially reveal every detail of their bodies from curves, to abs, to nipples, and whatnot. Since only underwear made of the same material could work without making the suit's enchantments risk malfunctioning.

The interior enchantments of the outfit were designed to attune to the body to make it far more efficient, but if you wanted to wear underwear it meant you had to either special order them or risk having the suit malfunction. That had been a riot, almost literally, until they showed it was true by showing how someone wearing a regular set of underwear caused that portion of the suit to malfunction and melt.

Thus the second gear was added, a dark blue coat made out of artificial leather made out of grounded-up dragon scales. The coat was not just to make the agents feel less revealing, it was enchanted to protect against various environments, and was equipped with a variety of engineering features for situations where open spellcasting was not an option.

And since it could be worn over the bodysuit without interfering with the material, there were no malfunctions.

Nowadays, nobody seems to see it as wrong to wear only the bodysuit, but she thinks it's because her subjects' sense of fashion can be skewed at times. "I have a mission for you Agent Lotus. As you might have heard was there a second report sent from General Star Blade about the situation in Imperial Capital of the Mǎ Empire."

The agent doesn't move and only responds to the Queen's inquiry. "Yes, I read both the reports. Apparently, has a network of corruption and perversity been revealed among many of the Imperial Court and the various Lords. There was even a mention of several lords hiring bandits or disguising their retinues as bandits to raid their own or other lord's lands to claim wealth without paying taxes."

Standing up from her seat Celestia magically summons a map of the Mǎ Empire and unfurls it on her desk. A pair of ink wells and paperweights were placed on the edges to prevent it from furling up. "Indeed. But what is obvious is that this network has not sprung up on its own. It is far too detailed and connected. And so the Golden Horse Emperor, Iron Judgment, sent a request for aid in tracking down the masterminds behind this organization. Since his own agents are too recognizable and not skilled enough to handle it."

Summoning a simple rapier blade from its sheath on a wall over the fireplace she points with the tip at the map." I decided to accept since it would offer me an opportunity to rebuild relations with the Mǎ Empire. But also to offer me a chance to get hold of some information I wish to obtain."

The agent nods, knowing that her queen will most likely use the current situation to get hold of more than political influence with the Golden Horse Emperor and his Imperial Court. "Shall this be part of my assignment my queen?"

Resting the tip of the rapier onto the capital of the nation Celestia looks close at the map whilst she speaks. "You may do so if you wish, this is not an obligation but an optional mission. I wish to obtain any information about the lost art of Cultivation and its users. The Mǎ Empire is located close to one of the regions where one of the strongest sects was located. So there might be some information to be found, possibly even artifacts or tablets from the sects themselves."

Agent Lotus thinks of this and she realizes that this might be something she can do. She will most likely have to investigate and research a bit about the Cultivators and their artifacts before reaching the Mǎ Empire. But she could do it. "I will do my best on this secondary assignment. But should I fail this, I will still succeed in finding and capturing the leaders of this organization of corruption."

Smiling Celestia nods to her before jamming the rapier into the map of the Mǎ Empire, specifically at the location of the westernmost city of the entire empire. Cob Bay. "Excellent. You and a few more agents will move out at once. As you are the senior agent you will be the leader Lotus. An airship will be waiting for you by the airship skyport. The best location to start inspecting not just for the artifacts but for this network of corruption as well is in the largest trade city of the land, Cob Bay. Good luck."

[The Sorehoof Woods, Three Days Later]

A large serpentine beast slitter up over parts of the road. Its ten-meter long body is adorned with a layer of thick plate-like scales along the upper portion of the body, the head is shaped like a viper's with five horns sticking out of its skull, one from the center of the skull, two from the sides of the skull. These horns are what has earned this kind of beast the name Five Horned Viper.

It is a poison snake beast originally from the more eastern regions of the land, its eggs were valuable as alchemy components and delicious food ingredients. And one such traded egg had been on a caravan that was attacked and it was left behind. The egg hatched because of the summer warmth and for close to ten years has grown to a massive size compared to its normal brethren.

But size meant more food was required for it and when a band of angry manticores chased off most of the animals and beasts in the woods it had been having a hard time finding food in its normal areas. It could last a month on a single meal. But its last meal had been a little over a month ago.

Food was currently hard to find and its body requires more sustenance than your average Five Horned Viper. It was starving and desperate enough to try something new. And so, it has left for the forest road where it had sensed many being travel for the past ten years.

Hoping for a chance for an abundance of easy prey it now must find a good ambush point. It slowly coils up on the road and looks with its four eyes along the path, flicking out its tongue while doing so as it tries to find prey.

Nothing. There was no prey there yet. Maybe it should move on and search somewhere else? There was no real proper ambush point except for the tree branches stretching over the road.

The serpent turns to slither into the woods once more when it suddenly freezes as it starts to feel a slight tremor from the earth. Like a real snake, it is sensitive to vibrations. And it can feel something approaching at a rapid rather from the west.

It climbs up a large tree and coils around a branch overshadowing the road. It readies itself to assault the approaching pray. From the sensation, it might be a carrier beast or maybe a lot of people running away from another beast? It feels its stomach grumble in anxiety and it opens its mouth and lowers its head down, curling up while doing so, ready to pounce.

Something approaches at rapid speed. It flings its open jaw down, revealing four upper poison dripping fangs on the upper jaw and four smaller gripping fangs on the lower jaw. The head moves in a diagonal angle downwards, at the first sense of impact, it will bite its prey and inject its paralytic neurotoxins into its prey before swallowing it whole.

Only for a loud voice to shout out into its face as it feels a small fist slam into its lower jaw, slamming its mouth shut. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY! [IRON SHELL UPPERCUT]!", the Five Horned Viper could not comprehend what had happened as its head bent backward from the impact of the counter strike and its own speed. It flew upwards and out of the tree lines before slamming down in a heap on the ground.

Dazed it tried to slither away when it feels the same vibrations approach. And it freezes as it hears the savage voice roar out again. "I. SAID. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. MY. WAY! [APE'S HEAVY STOMP]!", it tries to move but a sudden sensation of two hooves slamming into its neck is all it feels along with the sound of shattering bone and a sudden jolt of pain. Before it dies.

It got some revenge though as the young kirin cultivator Guo Long found himself stuck in the neck of the giant snake he had just curb-stomped to death and fell forward and began to tumble down the dirt road, dragging the corpse of the snake beast with him. With a loud sound of flesh impacting wood, he struck a tree by a Y path and he lies there entangled with the massive snake beast's corpse, groaning a bit.

Shakingly the young cultivator drags himself free from the corpse and tries to stand up, only to fall over. His legs were as heavy as cinderblocks and he couldn't feel anything below his thighs. Rolling onto his back he just mutters softly as he lays there. "I can't feel my legs..."

The kirin spirits float above him, crossing their forelegs, and nods at him. "Very well. This should be enough training for today, disciple."

Sighing in relief Guo Long channels qi through his body and slowly drags himself to a seated position by the tree and begin to stretch his legs and arms as best as he can. He did not want to end up with cramps or muscle pains because he didn't stretch.

He had been training nonstop for three days now. Only allowed to stop to stretch, wash, eat, and sleep. Long was only glad the spirits stopped shocking him after the first day. Being electrocuted was not damaging his body but it sure stung a lot. Even more so than the lightning bolts from the bandits' artifacts, possibly because the kirins were using his own body's qi to do it?

Either way, he was glad to not experience it further.

Rotating his left arm he slowly looks at the big corpse by his side in a bit of confusion. "Wonder why that thing tried to attack me. It is not any of the beasts that Elder Hardshell warned me about. Maybe it's an invasive species?"

The kirin spirits consider this and float over the carcass. Inspecting its characteristics. "Possible. This beast feels like it belongs to more humid and warm climates. Spirit beasts that enter new environments have been known for pushing out the competition. This beast might be the cause for the lack of beasts in the woodlands. It would explain why the road has not been as dangerous as implied by the elder?"

"Well, We're not too far away from a village, though we did pass by a village two days ago by accident." Giving a criticizing look at the 'innocent' kirin spirits Guo Long slowly begins to stand up. His legs were aching but he needed to properly stretch and get ready to rest.

With an innocent, and yet snarky, voice the spirits spoke back to him while looking away. Practically confessing while denying that they had been enjoying giving him the cultivator equivalent of Boot Camp In Hell. "We don't know what you are talking about. It is not our fault that your training to priority before orientation and navigation."

Gritting his teeth a little Guo Long forces himself to remain calm as he rotates his hips and raises his arms up and down. "So it was not because you saw that nice lake filled with bamboo and thought it would be a good idea to make me cross the lake using acrobatics on the bamboo? And thereby made me miss the turn that went to the first village in the woods?"

"No of course not. It was an ample opportunity to train you in how to handle your qi and to rapidly increase your proficiency with your new body by challenging yourself!" The spirits said with a wide 'innocent' grin on their collective avatar.

As much as he wanted to deny it could he not. The results were far more than he had been expecting. By using only the basic physical and qi channeling training regime, along with some extreme physical challenges. Guo Long had found his qi control and efficiency increased by more than three times.

Which did not speak well of him as the spirits still commented on how some of the earlier disciples they had seen training like this had been able to improve more than ten times in the time he had spent.

*I always knew I did not have a lot of talent or raw qi but it still stings to hear it from somebody else.* He thinks to himself as he bends forward a bit with his arms held out in front of him. Long then bends in the other direction until it looks like he is about to start standing on his hands.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure." Sighing Guo Long straightens himself upright. He then looks at the sign that would lead him to the third village in the woods. Wonder why it was called Greenfield, perhaps it was originally farmlands?

Either way, it would be good for him to take it easy for a bit and get some warm food and restock his supplies a little. He still had two days worth of food and he could scavenge or hunt if forced to. Didn't mean he couldn't appreciate some decent food. He was a Cultivator, not a bloody monk.