The Queen of My Life

by HAKDurbin

First published

Sonata and her sister come across her favorite pop star Feather Bangs after the Starswirled Music Festival, and he has instantly developed feelings for the adorable, ditzy Dazzling.

The Dazzlings are driving to their next gig after performing at the Starswired Music Festival when a tour bus almost hits them and they crash into a tree. The passenger on the tour bus is revealed to be Sonata's favorite artist, Feather Bangs, and the pop star is immediately infatuated with her to the point that he invites the Dazzlings to a ride to their gig. What happens between him and Sonata when the ditzy Dazzling spends time with her favorite pop star?

Set after Sunset Shimmer destroys the Time Twirler at the end of Backstage Pass

This is my entry for the 2021 May Pairing Contest:

Chapter 1

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It was the first night of the Starswirled Music Festival. For what was virtually three weeks for Sunset Shimmer, this day was repeated by her and Pinkie Pie's favorite band, PostCrush, using an Equestrian artifact called the Time Twirler. After confronting the band and destroying the Time Twirler, time was allowed to flow normally, and Sunset Shimmer was able to move on and further value her friendship with Pinkie Pie.

But while Sunset and Pinkie Pie performed on stage with PostCrush, Sonata Dusk finished performing with her sisters, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. Dozens of fans cheered, and after Adagio said a few words, the Dazzlings went backstage to prepare to leave on their tour van. The former sirens loved hearing the sound of fans cheering for them. It wasn't the same as having the whole world adoring them through magic, but it was proof that auto-tuning their voices were more than enough to make the humans love them again.

After getting paid for their performance, Sonata and her sisters got in their tour van and drove away. There was another music festival out in Baltimare, and the Dazzlings were going to audition to partake in it. Aria drove while Adagio sat reclined in the front passenger seat and Sonata sat in the back. Sonata and Aria each ate a slice of toast as the former talked, irritating the latter.

"Who wants a taco that isn't warmed up? I mean, the shell is crunchier, you see steam coming from the meat, and the cheese is nice and melted. I'm just saying, with a toaster capable of heating up food, how was I to know you can't put tacos in the toaster."

With a groan, Aria replied, "Because it's stupid. Because it will obviously set the toaster on fire. Because there are settings for only toast, bagels, and frozen waffles. Not tacos."

"Okay, fine. Excuse me for improvising," Sonata said, rolling her eyes and waving her hands in the air. "It's not like I used the stove."

"Will you two keep quiet and just eat your dinner?" Adagio snarled. "I'm trying to nap here."

"Yes, Mom," Aria remarked. "Not like toast really counts as dinner."

"I told you we have to save up," Adagio said. "We could only perform for one measly night at that festival, and we have to show we're worth more than that at Baltimare."

"Heh. That shouldn't be too hard after giving such a great show tonight," Aria said.

"I'll say," Sonata said with a cheerful grin. "Did you see those two boys asking security to let them come talk to us, and they ran away crying when he shook his head?"

Aria snickered and said, "Yeah, they wanted us to sign a poster of us too. I think they are from Canterlot High School too."

"For realsies? Wow. They booed us off stage, throwing food at us at the Battle of the Bands, and after one performance, they love us again just like that," Sonata said. "Thank God for vocal processing."

"More like thank God for humans being so dumb," Adagio said.

The three girls cackled for a few seconds, and then the van fell silent. They smirked as they stared at the road until Sonata frowned and lowered her head.

"But then again, we're humans without powers now," she said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Aria said with a deadpan voice.

"Well, I mean, should we think about the future and stuff now that we're mortal?" Sonata asked.

Adagio let out an irritated groan and said, "We've been over this, Sonata. We're going to face being stuck here with no magic one day at a time."

"But shouldn't we have a goal for how to spend the rest of our lives or something?" Sonata questioned.

"Like what?" Aria asked.

"I don't know," Sonata said with a shrug. "Improve our singing, so we don't need vocal processing? Aim to get so popular that we get enough money to buy a house? Maybe marry some guys that can support us?"

"Ugh, quit living in La La Land, Sonata," Aria rebuked. "We couldn't do that even when we had what little power we could get in this world."

"And besides, no boy would want to marry you compared to me," Adagio said.

"How would you know?" Sonata asked. "There could be someone."

"Because I'm the most beautiful girl anyone will ever meet," Adagio claimed. She waved her hands around her body to show off her slim figure. "Magic or no magic, any boy with half a mind would beg me to let him kiss my hand, much less marry him."

"Well, I guess that's true," Sonata said, her confidence faltering. "But maybe the next one would want to marry me."

"Don't be stupid. I would get married next," Aria claimed. "For that matter, why would anyone marry you when you're the worst out of all of us? You're so obsessed with tacos that you're wearing a taco outfit. Who would take you seriously in a childish getup like that when Adagio and I at least dress like normal people."

Sonata flinched and turned to Adagio with a pleading look.

"Do you really think that?"

Adagio let out a chuckle and said, "The way I see it, you'd be lucky if either of our husbands would want you to live with us."

With the final blow struck, the bluish-white Dazzling's mouth quivered. She sniffled and hung her head, trying not to cry as she ate the last of her toast. Adagio took her silence to go back to her nap, and Aria smirked as she drove, pleased that her youngest sister was put in her place. And yet, despite her spirit crushed, Sonata hoped that she might find someone special by some miracle.

Suddenly, while Aria was turning on a curve, a two-story tour bus drove in the opposite direction. The bus turned so hard that half of it was on Aria's side of the road. The driver honked its horn, waking up Adagio, and Aria took a sharp turn to avoid getting hit. But the middle Dazzling took such a sharp turn that she drove off the road and went into the forest. The three girls screamed until Aria hit a tree, instantly setting off the airbags in front of her and Adagio.

For several seconds, the van was silent. Sonata was shaking over the fact that she and her sisters could have died. Adagio and Aria pushed the airbags back, and the three girls got out of the van to find the front window in pieces, and the front of the van practically merged into the tree. Adagio growled with her teeth clenched and turned to Aria.

"Nice going, imbecile," she snarled.

"It's not my fault. That idiot driver was on my side of the road," Aria argued.

"And now we have no transportation and are stuck in the middle of the woods!" Adagio shouted. "How are we supposed to get to Baltimare now?!"

"What do I look like? A genie?!" Aria yelled

Adagio groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. Sonata stood in silence, worried until she turned her head and saw that the bus had stopped. A tall woman with light rose skin and brilliant gold hair came out from the driver's seat and ran towards the Dazzlings. Her footsteps caught Adagio and Aria's attention, and they turned around to see the driver stop a few feet away from them, panic-struck.

"Are you girls alright?" She asked.

"No thanks to you," Aria answered with her arms crossed.

"I'm so, so sorry," The driver said.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, sister," Adagio growled. "We've got places to go and not much time to get there."

"Please, let me call a tow truck," The driver said.

"And what? You expect to have our van fixed?" Adagio rebuked. "We live in this van. How do you expect us to wait until -"

"Cherry Berry!"

Everyone turned to see another person get out of the bus. He was a boy just short of eighteen with light gold skin and moderate orange hair with light amberish gray tips. His t-shirt, sunglasses, shorts, and sneakers made him look like he was on his way to the beach. Adagio furrowed her brow, and Aria scoffed that another person was coming. Sonata, however, stared at the boy with her mouth hung open as though she were looking at an angel.

"I don't believe it," she said before turning to her sisters. "Guys, don't you know who that is?"

"A big schmuck, who wears sunglasses at night," Aria answered.

"No, no, it's Feather Bangs," Sonata said.

The older Dazzlings turned to Sonata, and she looked at the two of them before she scoffed in disbelief.

"Hello? Feather Bangs? The biggest teenage pop star on the planet? I only listen to his music, like, every day. Did either of you read last month's issue of Canterlot Beat magazine?"

"No, because those magazines are a waste of time," Aria answered.

"Sorry, Mr. Bangs," Cherry said as Feather Bangs stopped next to her. "I turned too hard and nearly hit these poor girls. I was offering to call a tow truck for their van."

"That so?" Feather Bangs said. "Well, then, please allow my driver to help you, dear ladies. It will be my pleasure to pay for the damages."

"You better. We have somewhere to go, pronto," Adagio said.

"I feel ya, missy," Feather Bangs said. "I will personally make sure that -"

Feather Bangs's voice suddenly died in his throat. The boy took off his sunglasses to reveal his harlequin eyes, gazing at something. Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Cherry Berry stared at him, befuddled as he stood still like a statue.

"Mr. Bangs, are you alright?" Cherry Berry asked.

"How beautiful," Feather Bangs muttered.

It took a second before Adagio realized that the pop star was looking in her direction. Her confusion turned into a mischievous grin, and she posed with one hand on her head and the other hand on her hip.

"How kind of you to finally notice," she said, batting her eyelashes. "Perhaps you might want to lose those shades so that you can truly see the beauty in -"

But while Adagio was talking, Feather Bangs walked past her, not acknowledging that she was speaking to him. Adagio stayed in pose for a moment, stunned before she turned her head to find the boy walking toward Sonata. When he was only a foot away from her, Feather Bangs gently took Sonata's hand and held it up. His eyes looked at her in wonder as he smiled.

"Girl, I have seen so many amazing sights, but none of them compare to you," he said.

Adagio and Aria stared at Feather Bangs with their mouths hanging open while Cherry Berry tilted her head. Sonata's cheeks turned amaranth pink, unable to believe what she just heard.

"Wha...what are you talking about?" She asked.

"I'm talking about how you have stolen my heart from the way your eyes sparkle like raspberry-colored gems," Feather Bangs answered. "I don't know if there are such gems out there, but if there were, I'd find every single one just to show them how pretty you are."

He lifted Sonata's hand closer to him and lightly pressed his lips against it. The bluish-white girl felt goosebumps all over her body and her cheeks turning red. Aria was wide-eyed from the words coming out of the boy's mouth, and Cherry Berry felt uneasy, not knowing what to think of his sporadic actions. Adagio glowered at Feather Bangs with her hands turned into fists, her pride damaged. Feather Bangs held his kiss for a few seconds before he looked up to gaze at Sonata again.

"Are you being serious?" Sonata asked.

"I've never been more serious in my life," Feather Bangs declared without missing a beat. "Please, allow your humble servant to know your name."

Sonata hesitated and shyly answered, "Sonata. Sonata Dusk."

Feather Bangs let out a blissful sigh and looked up at the sky with a dreamy look.

"Sonata Dusk," he said. "What a beautiful name. Does that mean you have an interest in music?"

"Well, yeah. The three of us are in a band together," Sonata answered. "We're actually on our way to Baltimare to audition for a music festival."

"Baltimare? I'm heading in that direction for a concert in Fillydelphia," Feather Bangs said.

"Really?" Sonata asked.

"Really, really," Feather Bangs said, giving Sonata a wink.

Cherry Berry looked at Sonata, puzzled, and asked, "Wait a minute. If you're going to Baltimare, then why were you going in the opposite direction?"

"What do you mean?" Adagio asked.

"Baltimare is east from here. You were going west," Cherry Berry said.

Everyone stared at Cherry Berry for a moment before all eyes turned to Aria. The grayish fuchsia girl looked at everyone before she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Well, how was I supposed to know for sure if I'm going the right way when there's no service in the mountains?" She asked.

Adagio facepalmed and muttered words of contempt against her sister. Cherry Berry shook her head, and Sonata covered her mouth to hide a snicker until Feather Bangs turned his head back to her.

"Well, no matter the reason, I believe fate brought us together," he said. "Why don't you girls come join me on my tour bus, and we can go to Baltimare together."

"Y-y-you want us to join you on your bus?" Sonata stuttered.

"If it pleases you," Feather Bangs answered.

"And what about our van?" Aria challenged.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I have it fixed and delivered to you at Baltimare. Better yet, I'll buy you a new one," Feather Bangs answered.

Adagio and Aria looked at each other, unsure whether they heard the pop star correctly. The leader of the Dazzlings gave Feather Bangs a skeptical look.

"Do you promise to buy us a new van?" She asked.

"Girl, I'm a man of my word," Feather Bangs answered without skipping a beat. He turned back to Sonata with another look that made her cheeks heat up. "I would never break my promises, leastways, not to a lovely lady and her companions."

Sonata couldn't stop herself from bashfully looking away, giggling. Adagio and Aria mischievously smirked at each other, disregarding that the rich boy was attracted to Sonata and not them. Cherry Berry, on the other hand, furrowed her brow and asked, "Are you sure that's a good idea, sir?"

"Why not? They're going in the same direction we are," Feather Bangs said. "Besides, we still owe them for this little accident, and I just couldn't live with myself not helping them the best way that I can."

Cherry Berry muttered out incoherent words for a few seconds before she sighed in defeat. When her boss's mind was made up, scrupling did little good.

"Very well, sir," she said. "Ladies, please follow me."

Adagio and Aria's smirks grew as they grabbed their suitcases from the van and followed Cherry Berry to the bus. Sonata grabbed her suitcase and turned to follow them, but Feather Bangs stood in front of her, holding his hand. It took a moment before Sonata realized what he was doing and handed him her suitcase. He then held out his arm and gave her a wink. Sonata covered a high-pitched giggle before she wrapped her arm around his. Sonata struggled to look at the pop star as he continued to give her a kittenish while they walked.

"I can't believe this is happening," Sonata squealed in her mind. "Feather Bangs is here in person carrying my stuff while we go into his tour bus! I'm holding his arm right now! I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but I don't want it to end!"

Chapter 2

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Sonata and Feather Bangs crossed the road behind Adagio and Aria just as Cherry Berry opened the front door of the bus. Adagio and Aria took a couple of steps inside the bus before they stopped with their mouths agape. There was a couch with enough seats for twelve people standing on the left side of the bus with a marble coffee table in front of it. On the other side was a flat 70-inch TV installed on the wall with a large stereo set. At the back of the bus were a refrigerator and a spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Sonata and Feather Bangs came in after them, and the youngest Dazzling gasped at the sight with a look of awe that made Feather Bangs smile.

"There are phone chargers on both ends of the couch and some cider and snacks in the fridge. Help yourself," he said.

Adagio and Aria raced to the refrigerator without saying a word to their gracious host. Cherry Berry sighed and shook her head before she sat down on the driver's seat and turned on the bus. With his driver and Sonata's sisters occupied, Feather Bangs put his arm around Sonata, and she squeaked before turning to him with her cheeks heating up again.

"Do you like it?" Feather Bangs asked.

"I love it," Sonata answered. "I told Adagio and Aria that you're a big star."

Feather Bangs gave the youngest Dazzling a look of intrigue and asked, "You listen to my music?"

"Hello? How could I not?" Sonata answered proudly. "' Hey, There,' 'I'll Always Catch You,' 'Do You Remember Me,' 'Will I Find You Anywhere?' I only listen to your music, like, every day."

"My, my, my. Not just an angelic face, but a devout fan? I feel blessed," Feather Bangs said. He took her by the hand and led her to the couch, where they both sat down. "Please, tell me more about yourself."

"Oh, uh, I don't think there's anything else you might find interesting," Sonata said shyly.

"Try me," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata hesitated and looked away from Feather Bangs, playing with her fingers as she said, "Well, the three of us are in a band like I said. We just finished performing at the Starswirled Music Festival.

"I wish I was there. I bet everyone adored hearing you sing," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata grew uneasy as it came to her that Feather Bangs didn't know that the Dazzlings process their voices. She fought the urge to show it to him and said, "I don't think so. People really like seeing Adagio and Aria perform more than me."

"Now, that's silly. I wouldn't be surprised if your singing is as lovely as you are," Feather Bangs said. "Would you do me the honor of singing a song for me?"

Sonata's uneasiness grew, and Adagio and Aria stopped stuffing themselves on chips and cider. The Dazzlings looked at each other, afraid of what Feather Bands would do if he learned the truth; Sonata fearing he won't like her anymore, and her siblings fearing he'll kick them out of the bus. Feather Bangs began to wonder what was wrong until Adagio cleared her throat to grab Feather Bangs' and stepped in.

"We would love to sing one of our songs for you, but our vocal cords are tired after performing at the festival," she said.

"Oh, that's totally understandable. I'm no stranger to experiencing that after a concert," Feather Bangs said before turning back to Sonata. "Please forgive me for being so inconsiderate."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Really," Sonata said, thankful that he bought the fib. Adagio and Aria mentally sighed in relief and went back to eating. "Anyway, that's the gist of what there is to know about me."

"Oh, I seriously doubt that," Feather Bangs said. He took both of Sonata's hands and held them up while staring deep into her eyes. "In fact, there's one thing that I've been meaning to ask you."

"Y-yes?" Sonata asked, blushing once more.

"You might find this a silly thing for me to ask, but there's something that I've been dying to know from the moment I laid eyes on you," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata grew nervous again, thinking her favorite pop star might ask something that was a dealbreaker. Adagio and Aria looked at the two of them as they drank bottles of cider, curious of what the boy was going to ask. Feather Bangs continued to build up the suspense until he flipped his hair and said the last thing the girls expected him to ask.

"Sonata, do you like tacos?"

The older Dazzlings looked at the pop star, befuddled while Sonata's face lit up like a spotlight.

"Yes!" She squealed. "Yes, I love tacos! Tacos are my absolute favorite thing! I can't get enough of them! Do you like tacos?"

Feather Bangs let out a hearty chuckle and stood up while still holding Sonata's hands, saying, "Come with me. I want to show you something."

Sonata became excited with what her favorite artist was going to show her, like a child wondering what kind of presents she would get for Christmas. Feather Bangs led Sonata up the spiral staircase, and Adagio and Aria followed behind, curious. On the second floor of the bus were a dining table, kitchen cabinets, another TV hanging on the wall, and a single-sized bed and a closet at the far end. However, what caught the Dazzlings' attention was a rectangle table at the center covered by a black lid attached to the ceiling. Next to it was a small refrigerator against the wall and a microwave on top of it.

Sonata gave Feather Bangs a puzzled look, and he smirked as he flipped a switch. The lid rose up to reveal a plate of tortillas and taco shells, metal bowls full of ground beef, pork, and diced chicken with a hiss. There were heating lights under the lid, keeping the food warm. Sonata's mouth hung open, and her eyes widened as she turned to Feather Bangs.

"T-t-tacos," she stuttered. "So many tacos that can be made."

Feather Bangs chuckled at her reaction and said, "It just so happens that I was about to have my favorite food for dinner. There's lettuce, sour cream, and shredded cheese in the refrigerator."

"Do you eat tacos every day?" Sonata asked. Feather Bangs smirked and nodded. "But what about when it's Taco Tuesday?"

"Girl, in my world, every day is Taco Tuesday," Feather Bangs answered. "Wanna chow down with me?"

"Do I ever!" Sonata exclaimed.

Feather Bangs took a bow and gestured at the food, saying, "Ladies first." Sonata let out incoherent, high-pitched words as she raced to grab a plate and began filling up a tortilla and taco shell with meat. Feather Bangs smiled at the blueish-white girl, finding her enthusiasm adorable as he grabbed a plate himself. Adagio and Aria stared at their sister and the pop star as though they had turned into little children running wild.

"Oh, this is just great. As if one taco addict wasn't enough, now there are two of them," Adagio complained. "How annoying."

"Wanna go back downstairs?" Aria asked.

"Better than watching these two," Adagio answered.

The two oldest Dazzlings went back downstairs to grab more snacks and watch TV. Meanwhile, Sonata finished putting sour cream and cheese on her tacos and putting them in the microwave. Feather Bangs began putting toppings on his tacos when he noticed Sonata heating her food and grinned.

"Heating them up to make the cheese melt?" He asked.

"I sure am," Sonata said proudly. "It's still delicious when it's not melted, but melted cheese is much tastier."

"I know what you mean. I always melt my cheese, too," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata let out a long gasp and asked, "For realsies?"

"For realizies," Feather Bangs answered. "I do it every chance I get."

"Me too," Sonata said. "I've tried to melt the cheese with our toaster since we didn't have a microwave in our van."

Feather Bangs let out a cheerful laugh, almost dropping his plate in the process. Sonata's smile disappeared, and she lowered her head, struggling not to tear up until Feather Bangs lifted up her chin to face him.

"Please don't cry, Sonata," Feather Bangs said in a soothing voice. "I was not making fun of you. I was admiring your determination."

"Really? So, you don't think I'm really dumb for doing that?" Sonata asked.

"It may be unorthodox, I admit, but as a lover of tacos, your dedication is just one more thing to like about you," Feather Bangs answered.

"You mean that?" Sonata asked.

"Cross my heart and hope to die in your sweet arms."

Feather Bangs backed up his claim by kissing Sonata's hand again. Sonata's cheeks turned pink again, and she smiled cutely just as the microwave beeped, and she took out her plate. She sat down at the dining table, waiting for her favorite pop star to finish heating up his own food. When he was finished, he put his plate in front of the seat next to Sonata and then took out two bottles of apple cider. Feather Bangs sat down and opened a bottle before handing it to Sonata. Her smile grew as she took the cider, and then Feather Bangs opened his own and held it up to her.

"Cheers to us," he said. "May this be the first of many days where I shall be blessed spending time with the girl of my dreams, Sonata Dusk."

Sonata's face turned maroon, and she sputtered out, "Wha- what do you mean, the girl of your dreams?"

"Exactly what I said," Feather Bangs said.

"But, but how can you say that? I'm not that special," Sonata said. "I'm not pretty and smart like Adagio and Aria. They're much more worthy of being called that by anybody, much less an awesome guy like you."

"If that's so, then why did you catch my attention the moment I saw you?" Feather Bangs challenged. "I could care less about other girls like your sisters. I may have many fans who adore me, and I've met famous pop stars like Countess Coloratura and Sapphire Shores. They may be special in their own way, but I could never want to move heaven and Earth for them the way I would do that for you."

Sonata stared at Feather Bangs by the way he spoke passionately and without hesitation. All her life, the only adoration she ever knew was through the magic she had through her powers as a siren, and yet this boy may as well had declared his love for her even though she was nothing but a mere human like him. After a while, her shock turned into a sweet smile as her heart melted.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," Sonata said.

"Is that so? Then it's a good thing I was just telling you the basics of how I feel," Feather Banks said. "Until then, let's chow down on some tacos while they are still hot."

Sonata beamed and nodded before the two of them clinked their drinks. After they swung their cider, Sonata ate her taco and burrito vigorously while Feather Bangs ate at a regular pace. When Feather Bangs finished his first taco, Sonata was already filling up her plate with her second helping. For the next twenty minutes, the pop star and the Dazzling feasted until they had their fill. Sonata leaned on her chair and patted her belly before drinking the rest of her cider.

"That was heavenly," she said with a blissful sigh. "I've never had so many tacos in my life."

Feather Bangs chuckled lightly and said, "I actually eat tacos almost every day."

"For realsies? You're so lucky!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's my favorite part of being a famous pop star," Feather Banks said. "Speaking of which, how long have you and your sisters been interested in singing?"

Sonata hesitated, resisting the urge to tell him that she was a siren from another world. She played with her hair and said with a nervous chuckle, "Well, you could say we have been performing all of our lives. We just really want people to adore us.

"Is that so? Do you have any fans?" Feather Bangs asked.

"Oh, yes. Lots of people loved us when we sang at the music festival," Sonata said. "Too bad we were only able to perform tonight."

"Really?" Why only tonight?" Feather Bangs asked.

"That's just how they scheduled us, I guess," Sonata answered with a shrug. "We're hoping we can perform more shows at Baltimare."

"I think you will," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata gave him an appreciative look until she realized the conversation might lead to him asking if she could sing for him. Eager to change the subject, she cleared her throat and asked, "So, uh, do you enjoy being a pop star?"

"Absolutely," Feather Bangs said. "My music is important to me, and it warms my heart to see so many people like you love my work."

"I'll bet," Sonata said. "I've read your interview on Canterlot Beat talking about how you have been writing songs since you were like, ten."

"I sure have," Feather Bangs said proudly. "Of course, the real challenge is coming up with new songs to stay fresh. You know?"

"That does sound difficult," Sonata said. "Are you working on any songs now?"

Feather Banks grinned and said, "I was hoping you'd ask. Matter of fact, I was wondering if you could do me a big favor."

Sonata's eyes widened, and she leaned her head to Feather Bangs, immediately invested.

"There's a special song that I've been working on for a few months, and I need a second opinion on it. Would it be all right if I performed the song for you?"

Sonata gasped again and nodded vigorously. "Oh, my gosh! Yes! Yes, I would love to!"

Feather Bangs' smile grew, and he rushed over to take his laptop from his bed. He ran back to the table, turned on his laptop, and opened an audio track.

"Now, this is work-in-progress music for this song, so don't expect anything fantastic," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata smiled and nodded again cutely. Feather Bangs smiled back before he pressed play, and a soft melody began to play, starting with a piano followed by a guitar, drums, cellos, and violins. Sonata felt goosebumps as it hit her more that her favorite musician was performing right in front of her. Feather Bangs cleared his throat and began to sing. His eyes fixed on Sonata.

I'm still awake, alone

Lying on my bed again

I go outside with idea of where I should go

Feather Bangs got down on one knee in front of Sonata as the tempo built up, exciting the blueish-white Dazzling even more.

But when you appeared before me

My heart stopped beating.

I was in standing in awe

Didn't know if I was breathing

I rushed got down on my knees

And with my hands held high, I said

The music clashed into a thrilling crescendo as Feather Bangs sang the chorus.

If your smile can brighten the darkest night

And your voice makes me want to fly

And if you let me be your loyal shining knight

Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life

Sonata let out a squeal of delight, making her charming host grin. The music went back to a soft and slow beat before Feather Bangs continued.

I wanna know who you are

And where you've been all of my life

Cause time with you is as precious as your eyes

When you appeared before me

My heart stopped beating.

I was in standing in awe

Didn't know if I was breathing

I rushed got down on my knees

And with my hands held high, I said

If your smile can brighten the darkest night

And your voice makes me want to fly

And if you let me be your loyal shining knight

Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life

The end of the chorus was followed by a guitar solo screaming. At this point, Sonata was electrified, which pleased the musician all the more. Suddenly, Feather Bangs took Sonata by the hand and pulled her up, bringing her so close that her nose almost touched his. Her blueish white skin turned crimson, and she stuttered, "F-f-Feather Bangs, what are you doing?"

"Dance with me," he simply replied.

Sonata sputtered out words of protest, but the celebrity already had one hand on her hip and another holding her hand. Before she knew it, the two of them were dancing to the rhythm of the music around the table, with Sonata struggling to follow Feather Bangs's lead. Eventually, Sonata managed to figure out the moves, and her partner gave her a toothy grin before he finished singing.

If your smile can brighten the darkest night

And your voice makes me want to fly

And if you let me be your loyal shining knight

Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life

I'll worship the Queen of My Life

Will you please be the Queen of My Life?

Feather Bangs dipped Sonata with the last notes, and with a yelp, she wrapped her arms around his neck on instinct. Feather Bangs chuckled while the music ended, and he leaned his head close to Sonata, his harlequin eyes staring intensely into her raspberry ones once more.

"You don't need to be afraid, Sonata," Feather Bangs said in a soothing voice. "I'll always catch you when you fall."

Sonata's heart skipped a beat, and she responded with a heartfelt smile, her face still beet red. After a few more seconds, Feather Bangs lifted Sonata back to her feet. She looked away and played with the side of her hair again. The gold-colored boy waited a moment for Sonata to collect herself before he asked, "So, what did you think?"

"I loved it," Sonata answered. "I can tell you put a lot of heart into it."

"I'm glad," Feather Bangs said. "It means a lot to me that you feel that way."

"It does?" Sonata asked, looking back at him with a puzzled expression.

"Of course," Feather Bangs answered. "In fact, it brings me to a question that I want to ask you."

Sonata's puzzlement grew as her idol took a step closer to her. Feather Bangs paused for effect and flipped the front of his hair before he said, "Sonata, I realize that we've known each other for only a short time, but I feel very sure about how I feel about you. I realize this may be a tough decision to follow through with your sisters, but I don't want that to get in the way. Will you please join me on my tour and stay with me always? It would be my honor if you did. Heck, you and your sisters could be an opening act for my concerts if that is your wish."

Once again, Sonata's eyes widened, and she let out a long, loud gasp. Her mouth opened to say yes, but then she stopped herself, realizing part of what he asked. Feather Bangs's confidence faltered as the girl of his dreams debated with herself. Her guilt grew until she couldn't take it anymore, and she faced Feather Banks with an apologetic look.

"Feather Bangs, I would like to do that a lot. For realsies," she said, "But I don't think it would be right if my sisters and I went with you."

"I don't understand," Feather Bangs said.

Sonata paused to muster up the courage to say, "You see, Adagio, Aria, and I can't really sing. We used to sing very well, but now we have a...condition that ruined our singing voices. Ever since then, we've been masking that with vocal processing. That's the real reason people enjoyed our performance at the Starswirled Music Festival tonight, and that is what we hope will lead us to form at the Baltimare Music Festival.

The top floor of the tour bus became silent. Feather bangs stared at Sonata, speechless, which frightened her. She knew that Aria and Adagio were going to be furious when they found out that she told the truth, but that fear was nothing compared to the fear of what Feather Banks was going to do after doing so much for her. Eventually, he looked away from her and scratched the back of his head.

"Thank you for telling me," he said.

Sonata grimaced and said, "I'm so sorry. After everything you've done, I just couldn't lie to you anymore. You deserve someone honest, unlike me."

Feather Bangs said nothing in response, which made Sonata's hearts heavier. After a while, he turned back to face her with a small smile, "Well, you did eventually tell me the truth, and I can tell it took a lot of courage."

"I guess so," Sonata said with guilt still filling up her voice. "So... You're not mad?

"No, but I am disappointed," Feather Banks answered. "Are you really capable of singing without vocal processing?"

Sonata bit her lip.

"I mean, I guess we're not as terrible as before, but we can be a little off tune."

"Can you show me?" Feather Bangs asked.

"Why?" Sonata asked.

"Well, if you want to be honest with me now, then you might as well go this far,'' Feather Banks answered.

Sonata hesitated, not wanting to show the guy she liked how bad her singing was until she decided she owed Feather Bangs that much. She cleared her throat and sang the best she could, but she couldn't make it past the first four notes before Feather Bangs winced. His reaction made her look away, ashamed, and he quickly rushed to her side.

"Sorry. I wasn't prepared. It's not that bad. Really."

Sonata scoffed and said, "Now who's the liar?"

Feather Bangs took a moment before he let out a chuckle. Sonata chuckled too for a few seconds before the area was filled with silence once more. The two of them looked away from each other, feeling awkward until Feather Bangs cleared his throat.

"Well, if that's the case, perhaps I can help you improve on your singing."

"Really? You would do that?" Sonata asked with hope in her eyes.

"I don't see why not," Feather Bangs said. "I've had vocal coaches train me before I even started recording my first album, so I could pass their teachings to you." He took Sonata's hand once again and gave her an encouraging look. "I can't promise flawlessness, but if we work hard, I bet we can get you in the right direction toward what your singing used to be."

Sonata paused for a moment and gave a warm smile, and said in a sweet voice, "I'd like that a lot."

Chapter 3

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For the next few days, Sonata and Feather Bangs worked on her voice on the way to Baltimare. Sonata would stay in the first level to sleep on the couch with Adagio and Aria every night, but as soon as she woke up, she was up on the top floor to work on her singing with Feather Bangs or otherwise simply spend more time with him. On the other hand, Adagio and Aria continued to stay on the bottom floor of the tour bus, taking advantage of the luxuries the pop star had unashamedly, much to the disapproval of Cherry Berry.

Finally, the tour bus entered Baltimare. Sonata pressed her face against the window on the top floor of the bus, beaming at the sites of the large city. Feather Bangs chuckled, finding Sonata's behavior to be adorable. After a while, they went downstairs to the bottom floor of the bus, where they found Aria still watching TV and Adagio checking the time.

"Good, the auditions are in a couple of hours and not far from where we are heading,'' she said.

"Awesome. I'm glad Cherry Berry and I could help you get there in time," Feather Bangs said. "I hope you had a comfortable ride."

"Oh, I'd say those brats had too comfortable of a ride, sir," Cherry Berry grumbled so no one could hear.

"I hope you are going to uphold your promise for a new van after this," Aria said.

"Don't you worry, madam," Feather Bangs said. "I'm a man of my word."

"Good," Adagio said. "I expect us to get a better gig this time and be able to leave as soon as possible when we are done. We do not intend to stay in one place longer than we have to."

Sonata felt a tug in her heart as it hit her that she would soon be separated from Feather Bangs. Deep down, she was afraid of what life would be like without her sisters after being with them for well over a thousand years. As much as they were horrible to her, they were still family. And yet, she could not deny the feelings she had for Feather Bangs after a short time of him showing more genuine care for her than she could ever imagine. She stepped closer to the boy, wanting to stay close to him for as long as she could.

Eventually, Cherry Berry made her way to the other side of the city, where several people were setting up stages, tents, and food stands in a large park. Cherry Berry pressed a button to open the door, and Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Feather Bangs got out of the bus with Adagio carrying the equipment for the Dazzlings to use their vocal processing and a flash drive containing the instrumental track for "Let's Find the Magic."

"Wow, this is so much bigger than the Starswirled Music Festival," she said.

"Oh gee, what was your first clue?" Aria remarked, earning a glare from Feather Bangs.

"That just makes it all the more important that we get a bigger gig at this place," Adagio said. "The bigger it is, the bigger the crowd, the more money we make. We might even grab the attention of the right people who would want us to sing at other events."

Aria smirked in approval while Sonata became uneasy with her sister talking about entertaining people using technology to enhance their damaged singing voices. Feather Bangs placed his hand on Sonata's shoulder as they walked, and she turned her head to see him giving her an encouraging smile. His sweet jester made Sonata feel a little better as they made their way to the main stage, where a rock band was performing their audition in front of the festival director. The director was writing on his clipboard as the band finished their song. He thanked them for their audition before they exited the stage. Adagio wasted no time walking over to him and clearing her throat.

"Excuse me, sir, my sisters and I are here to perform. We are the Dazzlings."

The director turned to the oldest Dazzling and then looked at his clipboard.

"Oh, yes. The teenage band from Canterlot," he said. "We don't have anybody ready to audition right now, so are you three able to audition now?"

"We are," Adagio said with a confident grin.

"Good," the festival director said. "If you have your song in a flash drive or something, hand it over to the sound crew backstage. You can start when you are ready."

"Thank you," Adagio said. "Come, girls."

Aria immediately followed Adagio while Sonata hesitated and turned to Feather Bangs. Feather Bangs smiled and held out her hand to give it a peck.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "Just remember what we practiced and do your best."

Sonata gave Feather Bangs a heartfelt look. Then, without thinking about it, she took a step forward and kissed him on the cheek. Feather Bangs stood still in shock, and Sonata flushed as she ran over to catch up with her sisters without a word. Feather Bangs continued to stand still for a few more seconds before a goofy grin entered his face.

After a couple of minutes, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata entered the stage, each of them carrying a chair that they set up on center stage in a parallel line. Adagio gave the sound guy a nod before she and her sisters sat down, and he nodded back before pressing play on his laptop. As soon as the girls began singing, the festival director was captivated as though he was in a trance. Even the sound crew was amazed to hear the girls sing so beautifully while they performed.

Despite taking pleasure in the way the men were spellbound, however, Adagio and Aria occasionally glanced at Sonata. Though they didn't show it, the older Dazzlings were puzzled by their sister's voice. The way she sang the semiquavers or the vocalizing parts sounded like she didn't need to be auto-tuned through the entire song. It wasn't ruining the performance, but the three of them had been singing "Let's Find The Magic" long enough to know that something was different.

Feather Bangs, on the other hand, was smiling as he watched the girl of his dreams. Though he had never seen the Dazzlings perform before, he could see in her posture and how she was focused on her singing that she was using his teachings. It was impossible to improve her singing to the point of not needing vocal processing within such a short amount of time. They both knew it would take months, maybe years, before that was possible. Still, it was enough for Sonata that she was sincerely trying.

When the song ended, the festival director clapped his hands vigorously.

"Beautiful!" He praised. "What a splendid performance."

"You're far too kind, sir," Adagio said, resisting the urge to grin at how she had the man right where she wanted him.

"Tell me, do you have any other songs?" The director asked.

"Several," Adagio said.

"Splendid. How would you girls like to perform one song per night at the festival?" The director asked. "You will be paid for each performance, of course."

Aria smirked, and Sonata beamed like an excited little child. The bluish-white Dazzling turned to Feather Bangs, who smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"Why, sir, we would be delighted," Adagio said.

"Marvelous. Why don't you give me your numbers and e-mail addresses, and I'll fill you in once we have an official schedule," the director said.

"My pleasure," Adagio said.

The festival director grinned as Adagio and Aria got off the stage, and Adagio wrote down their contact information, keeping up her angelic behavior. Sonata, meanwhile, rushed over to Feather Bangs and jumped into his arms giggling. It took a moment before she realized what she was doing and immediately stepped back, blushing again. Feather bangs chuckled and pulled her into another hug that startled her at first, but then she smiled and hugged the boy of her dreams back.

"You sounded beautiful," Feather Bangs whispered into Sonata's ear.

Sonata briefly smiled before she pulled her back to look at Feather Bangs with a face of regret.

"I wish you could hear me sing naturally," she said.

"It's okay," Feather Bangs assured. "You did the best you could. You'll get there someday. I know it. The youngest Dazzling gave him another heartfelt look, and the two of them stared at each other's eyes. Sonata and Feather Banks slowly leaned their heads toward each other, but the moment was interrupted by Adagio loudly clearing her throat, forcing them to take a few steps away from each other.

"Everything is settled," she announced. "We have secured our spot throughout this entire Festival."

"I'm glad to hear it," Feather Bangs said with a smile. "I bet you girls are going to do fantastic."

"Of course we will. With my leadership, no one can resist the skill of the Dazzlings," Adagio boasted. She took a few steps closer to Feather Bangs and pointed her finger at him. "In the meantime, you have your promise to uphold."

Feather Bangs nodded and said, "Absolutely. Why don't we go back to the bus and head to the nearest car store?"

"As long as we get a van and we can go our separate ways, the sooner, the better," Aria grumbled.

Sonata felt a tug in her heart again, and her smile faded away. She turned her head to Feather Bangs, who gestured to her sisters to follow him with the look of dread. A part of her thought it was for the best that they went their separate ways since she wasn't the perfect girl Feather Bangs thought she was, but the idea of never seeing him again made her heart ache.


After the four of them went back to the bus, Feather Bangs looked up the nearest car stores that fit Aria and Adagio's demands on his phone, then texted the address to Cherry Berry. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata sat on the couch with their suitcases while Feather Bangs sat next to Sonata. The youngest Dazzling occasionally glanced at the pop star, and he would give her a small smile that warmed her heart, but at the same time, it made her wish all the more that they didn't have to part ways.

Eventually, they made their way to a car dealership, and Adagio in Aria wasted no time looking for tour vans, while Sonata and Feather Bangs followed behind. Sonata looked down at the ground as they walked, not noticing Feather Bangs looking at her. It was apparent to the light gold boy what was on her mind, and her downcast expression made his heart grow heavy. He wished there was something he could do to make her feel better, but he knew that her place was with her sisters.

After twenty minutes of searching, they found an expensive tour bus that made Adagio and Aria grin. They went to the nearest car salesman, and Feather Bangs bought the van and registered it to Adagio. With everything in order, the Dazzlings put their stuff in their new van, drove to the nearest supermarket with the tour bus following them for supplies, making sure Feather Bangs was still covering for them, and then went back to the park. They looked for a spot in the grass where the girls could settle for the week, and everyone got out of their respective vehicles to meet each other.

"So, are you ladies all set?" Feather Bangs asked. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, thank you," Adagio answered with a sweet voice. "We couldn't possibly trouble you any more than we already have."

"Oh, I seriously doubt that," CherryBerry grumbled.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," Feather Bangs said, bowing like a gentleman. "I could never stop myself from helping ladies in need." He turned to Sonata and gave her a smile that made her heart melt. "Leastways, someone as angelic as you."

Sonata gave him another sweet look while Adagio glowered at her, still somewhat bitter that the boy valued Sonata's looks over hers. She cleared her throat to break the moment again and said, "Anyways, we shouldn't keep you any longer when you still are on your way to Fillydelphia for your concert."

"Yes, you're right," Feather Bangs admitted. "It was nice seeing you, Adagio, Aria."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Aria said with her arms crossed.

Feather Bangs turned to Sonata, and the two of them were instantly downcast, knowing what was about to happen. Feather Bangs walked over to the bluish-white Dazzling, took her hands, and looked deep into her raspberry eyes.

"Goodbye, Sonata," he said. "I hope we'll see each other again."

Sonata's eyes began to water, and she shook her head to hide it from Feather Bangs.

"I do too," she said with the best smile she could muster.

Feather Bangs leaned in to kiss Sonata's forehead with a heavy heart and begrudgingly let go of her hands. Sonata's mouth quivered as she watched him walk back to the bus with Cherry Berry. Feather Bangs resisted the urge to look back as he walked, unable to bear to see Sonata's face again. Adagio and Aria walked back to their new van and began discussing plans for the Music Festival. Sonata, however, stayed outside, watching the boy she liked walk to his bus.

Sonata looked back at the time she had spent with Feather Bangs. She thought of how kind and caring he was without magic or vocal processing to gain his attention. For him to develop the feelings, she had for her. She knew she wasn't a bright girl, but what she felt for Feather Bangs was not something to let go of. At that moment, Sonata remembered what Feather Bangs said to her the night they met and began to wonder if he still felt that way. It was a long shot, but if there was a chance she could see him again, she had to take it.


All eyes turned to Sonata as she ran to Feather Bangs. Adagio furrowed her brow, and Aria scoffed, wishing Sonata would get over her favorite artist. When Sonata caught up with Feather Bangs, she took a moment to catch her breath before giving him a pleading look.

"Feather Bangs, about that offer to come with you and stay with you always," she bit her lip before she mustered the courage to ask, "Is that offer still open?"

Feather Bangs didn't say anything, putting Sonata on edge. Then he smiled, got down on one knee, and took Sonata's hand.

"Girl, nothing would make me happier."

Sonata squealed and jumped into Feather Bangs's arms just as he stood back up. Adagio and Aria, on the other hand, were astounded by what they just heard. Then, with a look of frustration on Adagio's face, the two of them marched over to the new couple, immediately catching their attention.

"What are you talking about?" Adagio snarled. "You can't just break up the band over some guy."

Sonata turned to her oldest sister and said with a brave face, "Yes, I can, and I am."

"Don't be ridiculous," Aria said nonchalantly. "You have always been relying on us for years. How can you have the nerve to just walk away?"

Because Feather Bangs cares about me," Sonata said confidently.

"And that's enough to stick around with some pretty boy who probably won't still be a celebrity when he gets older? Smart thinking, Sonata," Aria remarked.

"I don't care if that does happen. I want to always stay with Feather Bangs," Sonata said. "Besides, what do you care? You've never really cared about me, and you can do just fine performing without me. After all, you are the prettier ones. On the outside anyway."

The older Dazzlings looked at their sister, astounded as though she had cursed them. Then, Adagio's shock turned into anger, and she said, "Think very carefully about this, Sonata. You have been relying on us for millennia. And you're putting your trust in someone you have only known for a few days. How do you expect to live your mortal life away from us?"

Sonata paused until she figured out her answer.

"Just like you said we would when we were together, Adagio. One day at a time."

Silence took over the area with Sonata's response. After a moment, Adagio let out a loud scoff.

"Fine. Indulge yourself." She turned her gaze to Feather Bangs and said, "She's your problem now. Don't say we didn't try to save you from a life of annoyance."

"I'll take my chances," Feather Bangs said, putting his arm around Sonata's side.

Adagio scoffed and stormed over to the new van and grabbed Sonata's suitcase. When she came back, she tossed the suitcase in front of Sonata's feet and said, "Have a nice life."

"You too, Adagio," Sonata said. "For realsies."

Aria rolled her eyes and followed Adagio without saying a word to Sonata. Sonata, Cherry Berry, and Feather Bangs watched the two girls get back into their new van, and Sonata let out a heavy sigh. Feather Bangs turned his head to her and pulled her closer to him in a side hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Sonata was silent for a moment before she turned to him with a small smile.

"Yeah, I think I am," she answered. "It was nice to stand up to them for once."

"It looked like you had that built up for a while,'' Feather Bangs said. "I'm proud of you."

Sonata's cheeks heated up, and without thinking about it, she pecked Feather Bangs on the cheek. She looked away to hide her blush while Feather Bangs chuckled with a goofy grin.

"Not to break the moment, you two, but we do have to get moving," Cherry Berry said.

"Yes, you're right, Cherry Berry," Feather Bangs said.

He picked up Sonata's suitcase and offered his arm, saying, "Madame?" Sonata giggled bashfully as she took her arms, and the two of them followed Cheery Berry to the van. The bus driver opened the door and allowed the new couple to come in first before she went in and sat in the driver's seat. Feather Bangs and Sonata sat down on the couch as Cherry Berry turned on the bus. As it drove away, Sonata watched Adagio and Aria grow smaller and smaller through the window until they were out of sight. Feather Bangs took her hand, and she turned her head to give him a sweet look.

"So, I guess this means I'm going to see your concert in Fillydelphia, huh?" she asked.

"You sure are. And I'm going to arrange it so that you're watching backstage," Feather Bangs said. "Consider it a perk for being my girl."

Sonata tinted again and said, "Your girl. I like the sound of that."

"I'm glad you do," Feather Bangs said. "Speaking of Fillydelphia, though, I did some research on the city and found that they have a nice little restaurant that serves taco salads."

Sonata's face lit up, and she shouted, "Taco salads?! I've never heard of that!"

"I hear there's the best in town," Feather Bangs said. He scooted closer to Sonata and put his arm around her, making her blush grow. "I thought we could try that together a little before the concert? Maybe consider it our first date?"

Sonata's heart skipped a beat, and she scooted closer to Feather Bangs until their sides were touching.

"I'd love to," Sonata said. "I want to enjoy every taco-related thing with you forever, Feather Bangs."

Feather Bangs' smile grew, and he gently placed his hand on Sonata's cheek. Sonata was confused until she watched him lean his head toward her and press his lips against hers. She let out a squeak that was muffled by Feather Bangs' mouth, and after a couple of seconds, she closed her eyes and gave into the moment. The kiss lasted for half a minute, and when they parted, Sonata was looking away with a blissful smile as she rested her head on Feather Bangs' shoulder. The light gold boy pulled her closer to him with a loving look as he whispered.

"As you wish, Queen of my Life."

The End