> Alternate Becomes Reality > by TheSuperTransformerFan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight Sparkle’s Army > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreword: Before we delve into this alternate ending to this 2-parter episode, I would like to make a few points! One...for the start of the story, before Twilight teleports away, the characters will be named normally, but when she gets to the alternate reality...I will name the the prime villains ‘Evil Cozy’, or ‘Evil Tirek’, because there are good versions of those villains in this story, and we want to avoid confusion over who’s who! And second...I am also adding villains from the IDW comics, Equestria Girls, Pony Life, and the G5 movie, as well as previous villains from the TV show that the Mane Six have only faced once or so, and I will be adding Guardians of Pondomia as well. Third...this is my own and honest sole opinion on what I thought could have happened in The Ending of The End. So, if you do not like any of the characters, or series I referenced...I respect your opinion, but I will not change it. I think that’s all we have to explain to you fellow readers. So, without further ado, sit back, relax, and enjoy the alternate ending fanfic to The Ending of The End. I got the idea from the Bricklayer, and Shattered Glass Transformers...I’m surprised no one has thought of this for an alternate ending! Anyways, that all I wanted to tell you! Enjoy! Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, Princess of Friendship, as well as the soon-to-be new ruler of Equestria was facing a LOT of stress, power and battle damage so far today. She, and her friends were taking on Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow all at once! And somehow, Grogar had brought them together to bring about her downfall by them, only to find out that it was all Discord’s doing. So far, her friends had protected her with shields, but so far that only helped temporarily. All three villains were about to finish her off, and everyone else braced for impact. However, she quickly pulled a slab from the castle’s damage to hold their fire back. So far it was working, and the blasts were repelled, but the legion kept blasting and it seemed like the slab was about to break. Her friends rushed over to the slab to hold it back, as well as the immortals to protect themselves. Rarity turned to her friend. “Go, Twilight! Get help!” she told her. “We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!” Applejack agreed, as she and Rarity held back the slab. Twilight was shocked that her friends wanted her to leave and get help, especially when a group of villains were blasting them! She didn’t want to leave her friends...Not like this, ESPECIALLY NOT in danger! “No! I can't leave you here!” she pleaded to her friends. “It's our only chance!” Fluttershy strained and shouted, as she came. “You'll come up with something to save the day!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “You always do!” Pinkie Pie said in agreement, while Celestia and Luna came to help block the attack. “We believe in you!” Spike said as he continued to push the slab against the blasts with the others, but the slab was about to crumble apart! Discord grabbed Twilight, and placed her away from the slab. “Fly, you foal!” he shouted frantically, as he came to help the others block the blasts. Twilight was shocked and worried and sad at the same time. She didn’t want to leave her friends like this! But, she had to! Her friends told her to get help, and this would be the only way she would save Equestria! She slowly walked away from the team and advanced toward her throne, and felt worried and sad that she wouldn’t make it back in time! She looked back at her friends one last time, teared up, and started up her horn to teleport away from the team to get reinforcements. However, RIGHT as she was about to get help, her horn ignited and shown brighter than ever before! Twilight looked up, and gasped in horror upon seeing this. She tried to stop it. But try as she might, she couldn’t control her horn, which seemed like it had a mind of its own! It was too late! Twilight was unable to avoid being enveloped in her own magic, as she felt vaporized, and disappeared, leaving only her cutie Mark scorched into her own throne! Twilight kept on screaming, as she tumbled through what could only be described as a time bubble. At last, the bubble spat her out on the familiar grounds of Canterlot. Something puzzled her, though...she was just there! So, why would she suddenly reappear where she was? She then saw the castle get blasted by a huge blast...just like earlier, only the blast wasn’t red...it was more like a white light! Twilight tried to get a closer look, but she was still landing from her recent mishap with her horn, and somehow, her wings were unusable! She screamed, hoping that someone would help her, but she kept falling and falling as if inertia was dealing it’s cruel card on her! Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle, five or so creatures were fighting RIGHT where the Mane Six were...only, they weren’t the Mane Six! And, the Mane Six were fighting RIGHT where the legion of Doom was! In the Mane Six’s place were Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Grogar The Necromancer, King Sombra and their leader...alicorn Empress Cozy Glow! Pretty shocking! But wait, there’s more! In the Legion of Doom’s place were the Mane Six with Spike! Chrysalis laughed evilly as she took a shot at Evil Rarity, who kept dodging her blasts, as she hid behind a column of the castle nervously. Evil Twilight ran towards her, and fired a shot at her, as she dodged. Evil Rainbow Dash & Evil Applejack ran up to her. “Rarity!” Evil Rainbow Dash said. “Get off your flank and follow us! We need to take over Canterlot!” Evil Rarity nodded, as she followed them. However, they were almost blasted by Grogar’s horns, as they gasped. Evil Twilight got in front of them, and activated her shield. “Come on, girls!” She said to them seriously. “Once we take care of the Legion of Light, Equestria will be ours for the taking!” The others nodded as Evil Fluttershy, Evil Spike and Evil Pinkie Pie arrived, and once the whole team was assembled, they charged towards them. Cozy Glow took her shot at Evil Twilight spot on, making her fall down. “TWILIGHT!” The evil Mane 5 gasped in horror. “Look!” Evil Pinkie Pie shouted in horror, pointing up to Chrysalis, who was flying above them. She readied her horn. “You’re finished now, Twilight Sparkle!” She shouted, as she blasted the Evil Mane Six from above. “Let me give you a hand!” Tirek shouted as he clenched his fists, and tried to suck their magic, only for Evil Spike to block it out with his fire breath! He backed away, and canceled out his power. “Back off, Spike!” He shouted, as they all blasted him. “Beat it, Fluttershy!” Sombra shouted as he took a blast to Evil Fluttershy, enveloping her in Crystal, Only for Evil Twilight to break her free. “They’re too much for us!” Evil Fluttershy groaned, rubbing her head. “We know when we’ve had enough!” Evil Rainbow Dash said, as her teammates nodded and retreated the scene, vacating the castle. Cozy Glow watched them leave, and smiled not evilly...but proudly as she flew to her comrades. “Thanks to all of you, Twilight and her friends are finished!” She said to them. “Yes. But for how long?” Grogar asked her. “I don’t know...” Cozy wondered. “But, If they ever return, we will still be ready for whatever challenge they throw at us!” She crossed her arms in victory, as her team cheered...not knowing that a purple blur was coming right at them from behind. “Hey, what’s that?” Sombra asked, pointing to the fast-approaching blur. Cozy and her team turned around, and were surprised as they saw it. “I don’t know.” Cozy said, as it got closer. “But, whatever it is, it’s headed right for us!” She turned to her team. “Everybody duck!” They all got out of the way, as the blur landed...leaving a crater in the castle floor. They were shocked to see a violet alicorn lying there motionless as if they had just faced her earlier. As for Twilight? She suddenly groaned, her eyes visibly straining. She didn't look up, but from the shakes from Cozy’s team’s hoofsteps increasing every moment, indicating they were getting closer. Twilight fluttered her eyes open for a moment. The last thing she saw was the villains getting closer for a brief moment, before her eyes shut, and fell limp on the ground, fading into darkness. Twilight was motionless and unconscious as she lay there, her arms and legs outstretched and her body perfectly still. She had battle scars on her legs and cuts on her body. Her wings were also bruised as well! Her horn was scratched too! She then heard blurry voices, that sounded like they were having a discussion about something important. Her eyes started to blur open as the voices too notice of her awakening. “Ah.” One voice said with concern. “She’s starting to come about.” “Is she gonna be okay?” another voice said, sounding like a little girls voice. “Oh, I'm so worried!” another voice said, sounding like a leader’s voice. “Is her face gonna stay that way?” Yet another voice asked, sounding like a cool girl’s voice. Twilight eyes slowly opened, as she saw blurry shapes for now. The shapes started to unblur, and they kept unblurring until she could see clearly what was there! She was shocked at who she saw, surrounding her! She saw Tirek, Chrysalis, Grogar, Sombra, Cozy Glow, Adagio, Sonata, Aria, & the Mane-iac...all having looks of concern, and resentment on their faces. She screamed as she tried to raise her head up, attempting to brighten the room…but she could feel no magic coming from her horn. Blinking in confusion, she again tried to cast her magic, yet she could feel nothing. Nothing at all!! “TIREK? GROGAR? COZY GLOW? CHRYSALIS? SOMBRA? ADAGIO? ARIA? SONATA? MANE-IAC?” She asked, frightened. She screamed in horror, as she tried to use her magic to escape, but she couldn’t. “My magic isn’t working. WHY IS MY MAGIC NOT WORKING?!” She panicked. “This..t-this can’t be happening!!!” The Mane-iac, facehooved in frustration. “Ugh, why am I always the last one introduced?” She asked. She also found that her arms, and legs were refusing to budge, further making her frightened. “W-What? What’s going on?” she stammered out in confusion. “It seems those horn locks really do work.” Chrysalis said, as the others nodded, as they looked at Twilight as if they were ready to kill. “You can drop the act, Twilight!” Cozy growled to her. “Your ploy failed!” “We’ll teach you to play games with us!” Adagio snarled as she started to dive for her. “You’re making it too easy, Twilight!” Sombra said, as he was ready to fire. “At last, we get to bring you down!” Grogar thundered as he marched up to her, as the Princess shook in fear. “Your days of crime are over!” Twilight only whimpered in sadness, as she needed her friends...but they were in another dimension! And the friends SHE knew in this dimension were taking a beating from them! There was no way out! The jig was up! The villains got ready to aim their horns, and powers directly at her, as she cowered in fear. “Now, everyone!” Cozy commanded. “Destroy Princess Twilight!” Twilight covered herself in her wings as she was about to be decimated...her own worst fear was coming true before her eyes, and her friends wouldn’t be around to see it! “No!” She shouted. “STOP! Hold your fire!” Twilight started to calm down, but still felt frightened. “Just what’s going on here?” “Don’t act like you don’t know!” Tirek growled at her. “You and your friends are charged with many crimes against Equestria!” “What?!” Twilight asked in shock. “Crimes?! Like what?!” “Arson, destroying property, taking magic away for yourselves, manipulating, and supposed forbidden dark magic!” Aria answered. “And, you are the prime suspect! Public enemy No. 1!” Twilight turned to see that there was a wanted poster, and was horrified to see that she and here friends were on it! “What? No!” She panicked. “That can’t be! I would never do any of that!” “You expect us to believe any of what you are saying, prime suspect?” Cozy asked her. “You’d be wise not to harm any of the protectors of Equestria!” Adagio barked at her. “After the elements of Harmony were destroyed!” Just then, Twilight’s mind clicked. “My horn! Somehow instead of taking me to the Crystal Empire, it must have taken me to an alternate reality where my friends and I are the villains!” she realized. “What I’ve said is true!” Twilight said worriedly. “I’m not from this world! I’m from an alternate reality!” “No tricks!” Sombra said, as he readied his horn. “...or we’ll bring you to justice!” Just then, Chrysalis noticed her damages, and stopped the two from hurting them. “Stop!” She said, getting in the middle. “Can’t you see she’s hurt?!” “I bet it’s just a trick, Chrysalis!” Sombra said, gritting his teeth. “What’s wrong with her?” Cozy asked, as she flew to her. Chrysalis softly touched one of the alicorn’s injuries, as Twilight groaned in pain. “This isn’t a joke!” She told them. “She’s really injured! She’s taken a real beating!” “I don’t trust her!” Sombra said, as he got ready again. “Ow! Don’t be ridiculous!” Twilight said in pain, and worry. “Does this look like a trap?” She showed them her injuries. Adagio looked, and was shocked at what she saw. “There IS something different about her, Cozy!” She said. “Don’t be too sentimental, You two!” Cozy rolled her eyes in disgust to both Chrysalis and Adagio. “There’s only ONE way to be sure!” Grogar said seriously. “We’ll do a brain scan!” He turned to Twilight. “Will you submit?” “If that’s what it takes to convince you.” Twilight said, taking in a deep breath. “I’ll do it!” Grogar nodded, as he ignited his horns, and used the chance to cast a quick spell, looking for memories in her brain that would prove to be correct. He was shocked with what he found. In fact, that shocked them even more. “It seems like she is not who we think she is!” Grogar told them. “How can you be sure about that?” Tirek asked him. “Judging by the memories I saw, I found out that this is not the Twilight we know, but a version of her from a reality in which she protects Equestria!” Grogar answered. “...and I think it is we that should not exist.” “Alternate reality?!” The others gasped, as they saw her memories and were shocked. “You’re from an alternate reality?” The Mane-iac gasped. “Yes. I am!” She answered. “Where I come from, my friends and I all fight for good to keep Harmony safe!” Twilight confirmed, as the others gasped. “Not to destroy Equestria and harm it!” “She’s telling the truth!” Sombra said in realization. “The rulers of Equestria should hear about this!” Cozy said in shock, as they took Twilight over to them. “Oh, it’s about time.” Twilight said in relief, as they carefully took her by the legs over to the throne room. “By the way, I can’t wait to tell those rulers that this is no way to run Equestria!” They arrived at the door, where Sonata rang the doorbell. A voice went off, that made Twilight’s nerves jump. “Who is it? And, it better be important!” The voice called out. “Uh, forgive us from barging in, your highness...” Sonata answered. “...but, we have someone here who claims to be Twilight from an Alternate reality.” The door opened. “Come in.” Another cool voice said. Twilight gulped as they all came in, and the saw two similar alicorn bodies. She sighed in relief, and thought she was safe...until they turned around to reveal two familiar darker sides she and Starlight knew all too well! “So, what can we do you for?” The same voice from before asked. Twilight’s eyes widened in horror, as she backed away in fright. “Daybreaker & Nightmare Moon!” She said softly as she slowly walked backwards. She thought this was all a nightmare, as she was about to faint any second! Luckily, Tirek, Cozy, Aria, Sombra & Chrysalis all caught her before she could hit the floor. They started fanning in front of her eyes to check if she was okay, as Daybreaker and Nightmare were both concerned about her as well, as they had looks of concern on their faces. “Can I get you a glass of water, Sparkle?” Aria asked, tapping on her forehead. Twilight then recovered quickly, as she got up. “No...I’m fine. Thanks.” She said weakly, pushing her fin out of the way. “You gave us quite a fright.” Nightmare said, as she and her sister helped her up. “Careful!” Daybreaker warned her, as she was getting up. “Not too fast.” Twilight nodded, as she was back on all fours in a few seconds. “You ready to tell us what’s going on?” She asked, calmly. “I think I can explain.” She said. “Go on.” Nightmare said, as she and her sister sat down. “We’re listening.” “Tell us everything we need to know.” Daybreaker said in agreement. Twilight took in a deep breath, wondering where to begin, and decided the best place she should start at is...at the beginning. She sighed as she started to tell them. “Where I am from...many moons ago...there were two regal sisters who were just like you that ruled together and created harmony for all the land. There names were Celestia and Luna. Celestia used her powers to raise the sun at dawn; while Luna brought out the moon to begin the night. They maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, Celestia’s sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.” The villains widened their eyes with curiosity, as they leaned in to hear her story. “One fateful night, Luna refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. Celestia tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon...similar to you.” Nightmare and the others gasped as they heard this, and wondered what happened next. “Reluctantly, Celestia harnessed the Elements of Harmony, and used them to defeat her, and banishing her to the moon. Then, she was forced to take on responsibility for both...” she continued. She kept telling them more important details to the story, as the listened. She told them how she was sent to Ponyville, her brother’s wedding, her becoming an alicorn, her finding all six keys of Friendship, her castle coming to be, her time travel fight and reformation with Starlight, Starlight’s victory in reforming the changelings, her bringing back the pillars, she and her friends stopping the Storm King, the School of Friendship, the Elements being destroyed, Celestia & Luna’s retirement being announced, the Festival of the Two Sisters...leading to what happened recently, and what led her to be brought here. The others were surprised and didn’t know what to think after hearing all this. “Wow.” Aria said in surprise. “That was...pretty lengthy, and it did have a good explanation.” “Wait...so you were brought here?!” Cozy asked in shock. “...after your friends told you to retreat? Where were you originally planning to go?” “The Crystal Empire.” Twilight answered. “But my horn had a weird surge of magic, and it brought me here! It was something I couldn’t explain!” “And is it these friends in your dimension that help you keep Equestria safe?” Daybreaker asked, concerned. “I guess so.” Twilight said, bowing her head down. “Time is a river, where even the tiniest changes seen can lead to a cascade of effects downstream.” Daybreaker answered, thinking about what she just said. “I guess somepony DID produce a multiverse theory...” Nightmare Moon added. “Although, it could be more of a bubble universe.” “That’s besides the point!” Mane-iac said as if to get serious. “We need to help Twilight before it’s too late!” “But, she’s in no condition to get back there!” Sombra pointed to her body. “Can’t you see she’s taken a beating?” Chrysalis saw her bruised body and got an idea. “Grogar, hand me one of your orbs.” She told him. Grogar nodded, as he handed it to her, as she mashed it up, and mixed it with a little bit of her magic and changeling delicatessens to make a soupy substance. She put in front of Twilight. “Here. Drink this!” She said. Twilight wondered what the changeling Queen was giving her. Nevertheless, she shrugged as she drank up the liquid, and swallowed, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, within mere seconds, her cuts, bruises, scars, and scratches were fading away quickly, as if they were healing all by themselves. “It’s working!” Chrysalis smiled with amazement. “She’ll be fine!” Tirek agreed, as Twilight’s injuries were healed in just a few seconds. After that took effect, Twilight took notice of her healed body, and smiled brightly. “Wow! Chrysalis, you’re a miracle worker!” She said happily. Chrysalis blushed, as she smiled. “I aim to please.” She said. “Okay. Cozy’s...” she looked at Cozy, who cringed. “Evil Cozy’s legion has taken over.” Twilight said, starting to think of a plan. “Everypony in my Equestria is so scared and divided. My friends told me to go to the Crystal Empire to find a way to stop your evil doubles. But, how can I stop them without them?” “Just how did you know about this legion, huh?” Mane-iac asked, quizzically. “But, she sure knows what's going on.” Aria said, as she turned to Twilight. “Don't you, Twilight?” “My friends and I have faced them all before in our reality, and we’ve used the Elements of Harmony along with Discord to stop them.” Twilight said, now getting worried. “...but I don't know where my friends are, or how to find them.” “In our world, we fight for good, Twilight.” Cozy said, reassuringly to her. “Maybe, we can be of some assistance.” “I appreciate the concern, everyone.” Twilight said, as she smiled weakly. “But, If I don’t save my friends soon, my Equestria will be one giant wasteland.” “You need friends to take on this legion you speak of?” A voice said, which made Twilight jump. “It looks as if you can’t take on this challenge alone.” “Who said that?” Twilight asked the heroic syndicate. They chuckled. “It looks as if they think you might need some help.” Tirek answered, patting her on the back. “They?” She asked, confused. “That’s right, Twilight.” The voice said, as a familiar female Pegasus pony with a purple and black wonderbolt color scheme suit, and yellow goggles came out of the shadows. She wasn’t alone, as a pair of titanic stallion figures flanking her on either side. They all had blue aerial manes, as well and they were smiling...not wickedly...but rather, friendly. “We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of one of the the best flyers in Equestria.” The female one said. “Who’d have thought she’d be a princess in an alternate reality fighting for good?” Twilight faltered. "Who?" Wondering as her ears perked up, how they knew about her, and why they were interested in recruiting her. "Why, you, of course." The female said again, as she slowly walked up to her, as the stallions did the same. Twilight blushed, as if she were being sweet talked. “Really?! I mean...me?! Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya?” She asked, nervously. “Because, Rainbow Dash is already part of your group, and she’s been trying to get into that group for like, ever.” “Rainbow Dash?!” The leader asked in disgust. “The element of treachery?! Why in the world would we want her?!” Twilight realized that she wasn’t in the world she knew, but a different one. She had to keep telling herself that, so it could sink in her brain. “No. We want you to work with us, The Shadowbolts.” She said, as they raised their chins as one. Twilight’s ears perked. “The Shadowbolts?” she wondered. “That DOES sound familiar...” “We're the greatest aerial team to come out of Cloudsdale...” the leader continued. “...and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need the most magnificent-“ “Wait. Hold it!” Twilight said, stopping them. “You come in, no introduction? It’s like you’re leaving me out of the know here! Come come, who are you three, and don’t you mean the Everfree Forest?” The leader blushed, as she nodded to her subordinates. “Oh, sorry.” She said. “How foolish of us to not introduce ourselves.” She walked up to her, and shook her hoof. “I’m Nightshade.” She said, smiling. “...and these are my members!” “Well, I’d offer you an autograph, but I didn’t bring anything to write with,” Twilight said, as she weakly laughed. “I’m Stratus,” the first stallion said, shaking her proffered hoof. Taking one large step, all but looming over her, the twin nodded. “And I’m Charger.” “Well, you stallions are - uh…” she sputtered, somewhat overwhelmed by their imposing stature. “Those two don’t talk that much, I’m afraid,” Nightshade giggled, breaking the tension. “But, We need... you...or rather, you might need our help.” “Help with what?” Twilight asked. “Why, the Legion of Doom, of course.” A voice said, as Twilight turned to see two other ponies walk up. One, a unicorn mare in a well-dressed principal outfit, and the other a Pegasus stallion in a wonderbolts veteran jacket. Twilight instantly recognized them as... “Principal Cinch and Windrider!” Twilight said in shock. “What are you doing here?” “We thought we decided to help you out with your big calamity, Princess!” Windrider said, patting her nicely. “You got our attention, Twilight. And Cinch and I have some strong thoughts about this legion of yours in the prime world.” Cinch nodded in agreement. “You have fought many villains and creatures in your home reality before...did you not, Ms. Sparkle?” She asked. “I did.” Twilight answered calmly. “And you happen to recall who won every time?” Cinch asked. “Me and my friends did?” Twilight asked, as she smiled nervously. “You always won.” Cinch confirmed, as Twilight felt a little chill in her stomach. “I can’t believe we recognize you from earlier!” Another voice said behind her. Twilight jumped, and turned around to face... “SUNSET?!” She was about to shout in horror. But she just giggled. “Nope, Twilight...I’m her demonic version...Sundown Shimmer!” She patted Twilight on the wings. “I didn’t know your horn would even get you here to an alternate dimension where everything is backwards!” “Backwards?” Twilight was confused. “What do you mean?” “I’m saying you’re in a world, where everything bad is good, and everything good is bad.” Sundown said, as she smirked playfully. “It’s just minor setback for you, Princess.” A gold unicorn mare with red frizzy hair walked up to her. “You don’t know the first thing about working alone. Good thing we’re here to help you!” “What happens when you bring an good Princess into an alternate world?” A blue unicorn stallion With a black flat mane asked, as he walked out of the shadows. “You don't know? You get a casserole of villains who are heroes helping you face evil doppelgängers of those villains.” He smiled nicely to her. “What were the chances you’d find all the villains you’ve known as bright as us in one place?” A red unicorn mare with a silver mane asked, gleefully, catching her off guard. “I’d say Slim to some, wouldn’t you say?” “I know you three!” Twilight gritted her teeth. “You’re those pseudocorns who tried to take Rainbow Dash’s wings! Put them up!” But, those three giggled. “In your world, yes. But in this world, no.” Goldcap answered. “Once we help you find a way back home, we’ll help you take on this anti-version of Cozy Glow, and her cronies!” “Just think, Twilight! Not only that, but you could be the first pony to actually travel to a backwards reality!” Zappityhoof squealed, as both Twilight and Goldcap covered their ears. “Can you shut her off?” Twilight asked. “Sorry. But trying to shut her off is like trying to wrestle a Timberwolf!” Goldcap simply answered. “Once we stop the anti-Cozy with Anti-Tirek and Anti-Chrysalis, Equestria Prime will be yours once again!” Decepticolt agreed. “You just need some teammates to help you. And who better than us to assist?” He smiled nicely to her, as she blushed. “You need an army to help you, Twilight.” Goldcap said as well. “And we’re here to help you set things right!” As Twilight pondered this, she felt a little uneasy. “I Bet I couldn't get back there without getting slaughtered.” She said uncomfortably. “Try us, Twilight.” A voice said, as a green pegasus mare and a pink earth pony mare walked up to her as well. Twilight was shocked upon seeing them. “Let us show you what we’ve got!” The Pegasus said, smiling. “Lightning Dust? Suri Polomare?” Twilight was frozen in surprise. Suri chuckled, as they ran and hugged her. “I'm so glad you’re here, Princess Twilight!” She said happily. “I think you may have broken her, Suri.” Lightning Dust joked, as Suri blushed. “Me too.” Twilight finally said. “...but everything just seems to keep working out!” She got confused. “Didn’t you copy Rarity’s fashion line?” They just giggled. “Rarity? Uh-Uh. I’ve ALWAYS made my own fashion from scratch!” She said. “We want to be part of your team.” Lightning said, as she put a wing around her. “Isn’t that 20% more awesome?” She then heard another voice that made her jump again. “Oh. There you are, Princess Twilight! From an alternate reality, huh? Not something or somepony you see everyday!” She turned to see two villains who she also knew too well. A grey armed Tirek, and a weirdly blue jackal like creature. “The Storm King?!” Twilight asked in fright. “Ahuizotl?! Please don’t destroy Equestria!” She balled up. “We wouldn’t do that!” Storm King said. “If we did, then who would protect Equestria with us? Here's the deal...Ahuizotl and I were on the can, and we heard your plan to save your world. But you know what? We need to help you back it up.” “You know what we need to back it up with? A storm!” Ahuizotl said excitedly. “That would be great! And all of us has the magic that could control the elements.” “Right now, we got the staff of Sarcanas which will channel the magic of every dimension. Even yours.” He pointed it at Twilight for emphasis. “You'll soon have the power of a hundred armies.” Twilight gulped to which at that moment, two draconniqus like creatures appeared before her. Well, one a draconniqus, the other...I’d say a anthromorphic eagle Princess. Both were female. “Maybe we could get to places on time if you let me do some of the chaotic chores instead of always doing everything yourself.” The draconniqus said as she and the eagle both entered. “Maybe I would if you did them the right way, Cosmos.” The eagle...Eris said calmly to her friend and saw that the others were gathered. “Oh. Sorry. We're not the last ones, are we?” she asked. “No, you aren’t, Eris.” Chrysalis said. “Not by a long shot.” Also, two human-like Equestrian Magic villains arrived as well. “Hi, everyone! Sorry, we’re late!” They then took notice at who they saw. “Princess Twilight!” They squealed, as they huggged her close, making her feel like her insides were collapsing. “Better release her, Gloriosa.” Cozy said calmly. “Twilight needs all the oxygen she can get.” They gasped as they released her, letting her catch her breath. “Oh, sorry. Where are our manners?” The second one said, smiling. “I’m Juniper Monstar, and I see you’ve met Gloriosa Daisy! Think of us as your friendly guides.” “Think of me as that awesome girl... who should always be invited to fun things.” Another pony said, as she entered. Her appearance had a grey coat, and a sea green mane. “I’m Swift Foot, by the way. And I think we’ve met before...the Feats of Friendship?” Twilight gasped. “How did you know?” “I guessed?” Swift Foot asked, as she blushed. “You seem to come all over just to arrive in a different reality.” Twilight smiled with her. The doors swung open, as a basketball like banner appeared, and a hedgehog popped out of it, ala Dungeons and Discords. “Princessth Twilighth of Equethtria, I come on behalf of the the powerful, the almighty...Thtorm King!” he said. Twilight gasped as she too recognized him. “And now, to deliver the methage...” he cleared his throat. “I mean...message, put your hooves together for none other than Grubber!” He said, as music went off, and confetti bursted everywhere. “Grubber likes to make an entrance.” Cozy whispered to Twilight as they nodded. Just then, they heard a cringe noice like nails on a chalkboard, as they shook rather violently. They turned to see a pony sitting there wearing a red beanie with a white sleeveless shirt and a stain on it. They gasped upon seeing him. “Man, this pony reeks!” Sonata exclaimed, covering her nose with her fin. “‘Nata, don’t say that in front of him!” Swift Foot scolded her, also covering her nose with her hoof. “But surely, he needs to take a bath.” Nightshade said as well, covering her nose with her wing. “Ohhhh, so you're princess Twilight Sparkle.” He said. “I've heard you're the best of the best.” He got up, and tapped on the wall. “But is that legion the best at being the worst?” “Uh... what?” Twilight asked, as if he were out of his mind. “I am Dishwater Slog.” he said, introducing himself. “Nothing special. I’m the best...at being the worst.” Everyone was speechless from what they just heard. “You're joking, right?” Twilight chuckled. “I never joke. I’m serious.” Dishwater said, smugly. “Worst is what I do best.” “No wonder why he’s so bad at being bad.” Twilight whispered, as they all nodded. “So, Princess Twilight Sparkle, huh?” Another voice said, as Twilight turned to see a pony who looked a lot like Chrysalis, walking up to her, but she had no holes inside her. “Sounds like you’re quite the hero all over in Equestria!” She smiled, patting her mane. “I’m Lusterious.” She stuck out her hoof, which Twilight shook. “Charmed, I’m sure.” Then, an astral dark body, similar to Luna’s posture had appeared, transformed from it’s ball form into an alicorn body. Twilight started to back away in fright. “What’s wrong?” Lusterious asked. “The Tantabus!” Twilight shouted, pointing at it. They just giggled. “Twilight, come on.” Goldcap said calmly. “The Tantabus is friendly.” “That’s right, Twilight.” It said, which shocked the young alicorn. “It's true, you and your friends defeated me in the prime reality before... but what will you do now without a resistance here to help you?” Twilight pondered this, and wasn’t sure how. At that moment, a loud thud arrived in the room, startling her to which she saw another dark astral alicorn body...which appeared to be male, with a green flame surrounding it. Twilight gasped, as she recognized it as the Pony of Shadows! “Are you...?” She asked in shock, horror and awe all at the same time. “Yes, it is me!” The pony spoke. And by hearing the voice, Twilight knew who it was. “Stygian?!” She almost screamed. “But, I reformed you!” “In your world, you did!” The shadow pony said, smiling. “But, I won’t hurt you! I’m here to join you! In this world, I have always fought for good! And, that legion in your reality who claims to be the 'conquerors’, shall know our might! I am the avatar of their failure.” Twilight was surprised upon hearing this, and tried to comprehend and process what she had witnessed. However, to her surprise, a pair of feather dark wings sprouted up from behind her, and she was confused. Then, frightened as she saw a dark version of herself and she knew it was... “MIDNIGHT SPARKLE?!” She screamed in horror, upon her arrival, as she covered herself in her wings. “No, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!” She said frightened. “No! This can’t be! You’re not real!!” “But, I AM real, Twilight!” Midnight said smugly, as she landed right before her light counterpart. “I was a part of you in a different world! But, I’m actually good.” She smiled sweetly, as she stuck out her hoof. Twilight hesitated, but them shook it. “Trust me, not every version of me is evil.” They both shared a chuckle. “I see you’ve met everyone here!” Cozy said, as they smiled at her. Twilight smiled back. “I guess so.” She said. “But, why is everyone all here?” “Twilight, we’ll be honest.” Cinch explained. “We’ve seen you defend your world against any force of nature with your friends in your world. You and your team have always come out on top.” “The important thing is you are expected to beat your world’s Cozy Glow, Tirek & Chrysalis, and you have a reputation to live up to.” Windrider added. “And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?” “I guess.” Twilight said calmly. “Oh, don't be modest, Twi!” Nightshade said, as she gave her a pat on the back. “You're Celestia’s best pupil, and princess Equestria has ever seen.” “Look, we know you’re scared at what’s happening right now, but this is kind of a big deal. Plus, you could really use our help.” Stratus agreed as well. “And let’s face it...lf this were your legion and your kingdom, Twilight, You’d run things differently.” Zappityhoof piped up as well. “Well, I guess I could...” Twilight started to say. “That’s why this time will be different.” Sundown told her. “We’ll help you come up with a plan to save your Equestria. But, in doing so, we’ll all have to go to your dimension.” The others gave cheers of agreement as they all smiled at her. “This seems pretty well, and all...” Twilight said, reaching her decision. “But, I have a world to save...mine! I’ve got to head to the Crystal Empire.” She was about to take off, when a hoof pulled her down. "Hold on now!" Lusterious said sternly. "Twilight, there’s no possible way we're going to let you go face those creeps alone, after what happened to get you here.” "I'll be fine.” Twilight said, getting back up. “Besides, Shining and Cadence are our final defence if we fall.” She was about to take off, when Chrysalis used her magic to bring her down again. "But that's just it," Chrysalis added. "There's just one of you. And there's only so much you can do to save everyone.” The others all nodded. “I appreciate the concern. Really I do.” Twilight said sympathetic, understanding their concern. “But, right now, I’m scared and I don’t know HOW I can save everyone by myself.” "Which is why we're going with you.” Cozy said, smiling, much to Twilight’s surprise. Twilight’s eyes widened as she heard that. “You—you are?” She asked. Chrysalis nodded. “This is too dangerous for one alone!” She said. “If you went on your own, that would be considered suicide!” “Not to mention that if you fall, nothing could stop those three carbon copies of Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis from coming here and hurting the other kingdoms too!” Sombra agreed. “They already took down Canterlot.” Cosmos piped up as well. “...and if you fall, with or without your friends or anyone… there’s a good chance everything else you love may fall as well, which could lead to your home being doomed. If you want to protect your friends and your land, we need to come with you.” “It’s not them or us, Twilight.” Charger told her as well. “It’s either all of us or your world’s downfall.” “And, since we heard of what you went through lately...we want a chance to do the things you do.” Daybreaker replied. “Save the day! Adventure with friends...meaning you!” Midnight added as well. “No matter what happens, no matter how we face it, we face it together!” Cinch agreed. “We understand how you feel, Twilight, and we want to show you that together, we can take down this diabolical legion with the most important magic of all...” Windrider said as well. “...And that’s the Magic of Friendship!” Lightning Dust finished. Twilight looked at her and smiled. “So let us come with you, Twilight.” Sundown added as well. “Let us show you there’s another way to overcome all this....just like someone once did for us.” “Besides, when have your friends ever been able to get themselves out of a jam without your help?” Suri asked. “Is that legion afraid of a wittle friendly competition?” Dishwater asked, teasingly, before shifting to seriousness. “Well, that’s not gonna happen! We gotta help you!” “Don't fret, Twilight.” Stygian reassured her, resting his wing on her side like a father would. “Once we extinguish the evil and darkness of your enemies, those fakers won't remember any of this.” “And together, we're going to make everyone adore the princess that you are!” Adagio agreed, as she put her fin in Twilight’s shoulder. “So, you in?” Twilight looked at the heroic syndicate, and sighed. “Okay, I guess there is safety in numbers.” She said, giving in. “We need a plan to save my world.” “Right you are, Twilight.” Nightmare Moon said from behind her. “It's time to save Equestria you know, and with just the right touch...” And with that, the armored alicorn got into a fighting dancing pose, as she and the villains broke into song. Nightmare Moon: This could be quite the place... Grogar: Full of wholesome, happy faces... Cozy Glow: ...Hanging out... Nightshade: ...Feeling fine... Storm King: Where everyone's a friend of mine Mane-iac: Inside this heroic joint... Tirek: ...Every guest gets to the point! Cozy Glow, Lusterious, Tirek, and Stygian: This day will live in infamy! Chrysalis: The Legion of Doom is history! Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, Tirek, Sombra, and Grogar: It's our turn now! All villains: It's our turn now! Shadowbolts, Juniper, and Decepticolt: It's the fact you can't ignore... Goldcap, Dazzlings and Swift Foot: Open the windows! Daybreaker: Unlock the doors! All villains: It's our turn now! Ahuizotl: Raise your mugs, you guardians and abusees. Pseduocorns: Join the rabble-rousing crowd! Gloriosa, Suri Polomare, Eris, Cosmos, and Nightmare Moon: It's our turn now! Lightning Dust and Nightshade: All the cool cats fit in so perfectly... (Both Hi-five) Stygian: Every nightmare force gets due respect Tantabus: Love your work. Grubber: You'll forget your troubles, put your trust in us... Midnight Sparkle: They’ve had their fun... Sonata, Aria & Zappityhoof: They’ve made their play... Swift Foot, Storm King, Cinch, Windrider and Dishwater Slog: But, every villain has their day! All villains: It's our turn now! Sundown and Cozy: Down and dirty! All villains: It's our turn now! Stratus & Charger: We’re ready! Tirek: What a place for breakin' bread! Chrysalis, Grogar, Lusterious & Juniper: Hate your enemies... Sombra: Off with their heads! All villains: It's our turn now! Stygian: What a party! All villains: Join the fun with no regrets, Only greedy, dirty deeds are allowed! Cozy Glow: Get those fakers! Tirek: Game over, Discord! Chrysalis: Hit the road, Cozy! Grogar: Take a hike, Chrissy! All villains: It's our turn now! They won’t bother comin' here! It's our turn now! Chrysalis zapped open a portal with her magic to her dimension, as the villains gathered around their leader, Twilight Sparkle, awaiting their call. “Okay, everyone. This may be our only chance.” Twilight said. “Come on.” The villains all cheered with excitement as they were going to help her save her world from behind destroyed. “To Canterlot!” A few shouted with glee. “Let us go!” Chrysalis said, as they nodded. With the bravery Twilight could muster, she slowly stepped inside the portal, the space-time continuum rippling and glowing with every step. Then, one by one, all the heroic villains followed Twilight into the portal, as they had vanished through it, and to her reality, where the ultimate unlikely battle of heroes and villains vs doppelgängers would decide the fate of Equestria...forever! In Twilight’s Equestria, time stood still...and then warped, as a portal opened and Twilight Sparkle and her heroic syndicate stepped through into the now-decimated ruins of the Canterlot Castle. As they emerged, Nightshade flew by her, and landed bravely. “Never fear!” She shouted. “We are here!” She and the others saw the ruins of the castle and gasped in horror upon seeing this. Twilight was the most horrified as she saw her soon to be kingdom destroyed. “Oh.” Every creature was shocked upon seeing this, and tried to comprehend what had happened. Finally, after a few seconds, Stratus broke the silence. “Wow!” He said silently. “I never thought I’d live to see the day Equestria got destroyed.” He was a little shocked upon seeing all this. Twilight picked up a few pieces of her new throne, which broke easily, as she touched them. She felt like she wanted to cry after what she saw. “No...” she started to weep. “No....” she hung her head down low in sadness as what was supposed to be a happy day, turn into a devastating one. Cozy, and the others surveyed the whole building to see that some of it was still intact, but unfortunately the roof of it was blown to bits! They all were sad upon seeing her world suffer like this. Goldcap picked up a shard of Crystal and gasped. “What happened here?” She asked. “What happened everywhere?!” “Chrysalis, Tirek, & Cozy...” Twilight said before she was looking at them. “MY world’s versions of them, successfully separated the three pony kinds together, and made them turn against each other.” They walked up to her to continue to hear her story. “They took my student, Starlight Glimmer, drained the pillars’ magic, and attacked the castle.” They all looked on in shock upon seeing this, before turning back to Twilight. “Just as they were about to finish me, my friends...and the Princesses...they...!” She started to weep loudly as she said those next words. “They made me...go and get help!” Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis were shocked upon hearing this, and didn’t know what to expect now! So were the other villains. Twilight sighed sadly, and bowed her head down. “For the first time in my life...I don’t know WHAT I can do!” She said sadly. The others felt some sympathy and bowed their heads down, understanding what she had been through. Dishwater, however, looked down at the crackling remains of the shattered glass. His eyes became angry, as he turned to them. “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do.” He said seriously. “We’re not going to let Twilight’s world die in vain! We’re going to get there, find her friends, free the others and we’re going to take those evil counterparts down!” “Then, we’re going to need a plan!” Swift Foot said bravely, trying to figure out what the plan was. She turned to Twilight, and patted her back. “Okay, Twilight! What’s the plan?” They all smiled bravely, as they were ready to help. Twilight was shocked, as her eyes widened, and her ears flopped. “I...have no plan!” She said surprised. “What?!” Lightning Dust said in shock. “No plan?! But if you don’t have a plan, how are we going to save Equestria?” “And if we can’t save Equestria, we’re all doomed!” Grubber added. “Slow down, you two!” Eris said. “I’m sure she’ll figure it out.” At that moment, Twilight groaned in pain. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” Twilight didn’t answer, as she just groaned. Sombra scanned her aura and saw inky black darkness around her. He was surprised as he saw this, as he took her in her iron hooves and hugged her. "You feel it, don't you?" He whispered softly as he looked at her. "Something's wrong, in her world." A horrifying laughter followed them, which scared them. "I say we are in deep trouble." Cosmos whispered nervously and Sombra nodded in agreement. "We need to warn your friends." He said. “They’re not here!” Nightshade said worriedly. “We don’t know how to tell you this, Sombra!” Decepticolt said as well. “Where are they?” Sombra asked. “I’m afraid they got captured by the evil version of Cozy’s team.” Nightshade said, boarding on worry. “They’re in the dungeons.” Stygian said as he came to him. “I’m sorry, Sombra.” “Oh dear!” He said now. “If they take over Equestria there’s no telling WHAT will happen!” “Wait!” Midnight said, as she flew up and saw a tower surrounded by be what appeared to be green shards. “Did anypony notice the tower?” They all looked up, and realized that she had a point. “Well, how come none of us noticed that?” Mane-iac asked in surprise. “How are we going to get into there?” Windrider asked. Chrysalis saw the shards, and she realized what they were! “The castle is surrounded by shards of my throne.” Chrysalis said. “And, Thanks to Star Swirl from Twilight’s world, its anti-magic powers are now tuned to stop anyone from using a spell to get inside.” “We can just burst in the Pegasi way!” Charger said happily, as he started to take off. “So, let’s go beat some doppelgänger butt!” “Settle down, Charger!” Nightshade stopped him, biting his tail, and pulling him down. “You do know that it also affects those that can fly!” Charger cocked his head up. “Meaning...?” “Meaning that we can't fly in, either.” His teammate said seriously, as he groaned. “And those shards can even block out magic.” Cinch said, as everyone else gasped as well. “If we get too close, unicorns could lose their powers.” She pointed to those with horns. “This can not happen!” Dishwater said seriously. “We won’t let it!” Twilight pondered and pondered, until she came up with an idea. “I’ve got it!” She said excitedly. “Chrysalis, your shards were used by Star Swirl! There’s one thing though...the shards aren’t from the alternate world! If we can use our magic to break the shards together, it might get us inside, and enable us to rescue my friends!” “Yes, but the shards block out all magic for any of us to get through!” Sundown said, reminding her. “Not any of us!” Twilight said, as she looked at Chrysalis. The Queen’s eyes widened, as she knew what she was talking about. “Chrysalis‘s magic can get us in there in a jiffy!” “But, what if it cancels out my magic too?” She asked. “You’re not of this reality.” Twilight reassured her. “So, if your magic can cancel out the prime you’s magic...” “We’d be in!” Chrysalis said in excitement. “Brilliant deducing there, Twilight!” “No problem!” Zappityhoof said bravely. “We’ll break in and get your friends back!” “You said it!” Adagio agreed. “Let’s go save Equestria!” Juniper said, as everyone cheered. “Not so fast!” Twilight said, stopping them. “I also need to get the Crystal Empire without being spotted.” “Grogar and I will get you there!” Sombra said to her. “Sorry, you two.” Twilight warned them. “Thats too dangerous! They don’t know you’re not from this world, and could capture you in an instant!” “More dangerous than stopping your evil doubles?” Grogar asked, grinning. “You’ve made your point.” The alicorn said in realization. “Let’s get you there immediately!” Grogar said. “Climb aboard, Twilight!” Twilight did so, and grabbed onto her horns. “Let’s go!” And, they took off with Sombra turning into his smoky form, streaming along side them as they headed to their destination. That left the rest of the team outside the tower. They needed to take action as well! “Alright, everyone!” Chrysalis ordered. “We need to assemble! Goldcap! Decepticolt! Zappityhoof! Adagio! Sonata! Aria! Take off for the top of the tower!” The sirens and pseudocorns nodded as they hopped on and took off. “I’ll take the next order!” Storm King said, as he readied up his staff. “Tirek! Cozy! Nightmare! Midnight! Daybreaker! Eris! Sundown! Cosmos! Lusterious! Stygian!” He commanded. “Head for the door!” They nodded and took off for the entrance. “Shadowbolts, fly for it!” Chrysalis shouted as the took off after the other group. “And finally...” Storm King started. “Hold the last order, Storm King!” Ahuizotl said. “I want to throw some dark on the subject!” He turned to the others. “Juniper! Gaea! Swift Foot! Lightning Dust! Suri! Tantabus! Windrider! Let’s go!” He took off for the tower as well, as they followed him. “As for the rest of us...” Chrysalis said, as she turned to the rest. “Let’s roll for it!” They nodded, as they took off for the tower! This was it! The big battle of alternate reality proportions would unfold! Inside the ruined castle...in the sharded dungeon, the legion of Doom was celebrating their latest victory! They had captured the mane six, princess, Starlight, Pillars and Discord! It looked like this was the end for them. Evil Cozy Glow flew up to the captured heroes and laughed in glee and wickedness along with her team who was joining her in this victory! “And now for your complete destruction!” She said evilly toward them. “Won't that be fun?” She smiled in delight. “Patience, Cozy.” Evil Chrysalis said to her. “Destruction is so... permanent. We need to show the rest of Equestria that we've broken their heroes first. Besides, we should have fun with our guests.” “No!” Evil Tirek objected to the plan, as he came in. “We should hunt down Twilight Sparkle! As long as she’s out there, she’s dangerous.” “Is that big, strong minotaur that scared of one little pony?” Evil Chrysalis joked as she asked him. “Relax.” She reassured him. “It's not like her friends are going anywhere.” The prisons blocked out any magic blasts that they would try. It was a hopeless mess so far. Evil Chrysalis jumped onto Starlight’s cage “The fools brought the remains of my throne to Canterlot to protect themselves.” Evil Chrysalis said, looking at the shards. “Hah! Those shards block their magic.” She then noticed Evil Cozy heading for them, and stopped her. “Careful, Cozy. Too close and the shards cancel even our powers.” She marked an area for their territory.“But on this side of the cavern, we're the most powerful beings in Equestria, thanks to Grogar’s bell!” The evil changeling said, her team smiled evilly in agreement. “Isn't that right, ‘Grogar’?” She pulled on a chain that led to his leg, pulling him close to the villains. As they were inching toward Discord, evil Cozy took a step closer to the bell, and decided to add his powers to hers. She was ready to have a go at it, when... “What are you doing?!” Evil Tirek shouted in shock, as he turned to her. “You saw what happened when you tried to take Discord AND Grogar’s magic.” “Yeah, but there's Alicorn princess magic in there now, too!” Evil Cozy said to the team. “I could be so much more powerful if I just could have—“ “What do you mean you could be?” Evil Chrysalis cut her off, with impatience in her voice, “Um, hello?” Evil Cozy said, reassuringly. “I'm the best one out of all of us! Nobody sees...” she looked down at the floor and how destructive it was. “What are you talking about?!” Evil Tirek said to her, wanting answers out of her. “The best at what?!” Evil Chrysalis asked, wanting the same thing out of the evil chess filly. Meanwhile, Chrysalis, and her squad arrived at the tower. That part was easy. Now, they had to get in and free the captives. The Queen felt around for a hollow area that would give them a way inside. “What are you doing?” Cinch asked as she came to her. “I was feeling around for a hollow entrance to get us inside.” Chrysalis started to snarl. “Turns out this is taking longer than I figured.” “You and your shortcuts!” Dishwater said, scoffing. “That’ll take forever!” “I still think this is the best way to go!” Chrysalis said. “You’ll see!” “Stand back, Chrysalis!” Storm King said, deciding to take a Jab at it. “It’s my turn.” Chrysalis made way for the storm Tirek copy. “I’m not tired.” She said. “But, if you insist.” The Storm King readied up his staff, and aimed at the rock, blasting it to rubble, as everyone got out of the way. The rubble cleared to reveal a more hollow rock, shocking everyone. Lusterious raced over to the stone, and felt that it was really hollow. Her eyes widened as she heard the voices of the arguing villains. “Everyone! Over here!” She called out, as they raced over to her. “Listen!” They all put their ears together and heard it. “I hear it!” Grubber said. “It’s Cozy, and her bunch!” “Evil Cozy, that is.” Chrysalis reminded her. “How are we going to get in there under all that rock?” Dishwater asked. “Only ONE way!” Lusterious said. “Nightmare! Midnight! Daybreaker!” The dark alicorns zoomed over to her. “It’s time to blast that rock open! Let’s laser us a tunnel!” They all nodded. “One instant entrance coming up!” Nightmare said, as she, Midnight and Daybreaker blasted the rock open, fully exposing the prison where the captured prisoners were. “Well, that’s one way to do it.” Chrysalis said, as she dusted herself off. “Now, let’s get inside!” Dishwater said, “...before we get claustrophobic!” “Right!” The others said, as they ran into the tunnel sneakily, so they wouldn’t be seen by their evil versions. Meanwhile, The remaining ponies who were in the cages were already facing rock bottom as they were trapped in the cages by the evil legion. Little did they know, they would have some unexpected alternate reality help. As they were watching the legion argue, they started talking amongst themselves. “This is really bad.” Fluttershy said sadly. “We gotta find Twilight.” Applejack said, pounding her hooves together. “She's probably already figured out some way to defeat those monsters.” “Any idea how we get out of here to do that?” Rainbow asked. As they pondered, Spike ran up to the cage, only to find that it was too sticky to break out of. “Too sticky.” Spike groaned in disgust. “There's no way anypony could get through this.” As they were talking, nopony noticed the dark alicorns and Cinch sneaking past them, as stealthily as can be. I'm so sorry.” Discord said sadly, as they turned to face him, his head bowed down. “It made so much sense in my head. Twilight defeats her worst enemies and is filled with confidence.” He smiled, before shifting back to sadness. “I truly did have the best intentions. I swear I'll make it up to you.” “That's gonna need to be a pretty epic make-up.” Rainbow scowled, as the others were glaring angrily at him. At that moment, Midnight Sparkle had already arrived to the cage where they were held, and heard their voices. She smiled. “Bingo!” She thought, as she whistled and signaled them to come to where she was. The others nodded, and stealthily went over there with no one noticing. Midnight landed on the ground right before them, as they saw and were surprised by her appearance. “Twilight!” Rainbow said excitedly. “You’re here!” “Shhhhh!” Midnight said quietly, as she readied up her horn. “I’m gonna get you guys outta here!” She quickly used her magic to cut open the cage and unlock Discord’s leg manacle. The legion was still arguing about who would get the bell, as Midnight waved to the others, who nodded, and used their magic to break the prisoners out. “Stay away from the Bell, you pest!” Evil Tirek shouted, as he tried to zap Evil Cozy, who dodged his attack. He took the bell. “None of us can use the Alicorns' magic until we figure out how to handle that fool's ridiculous chaos magic!” “I could always tell you how.” Discord said, as they turned to him. “It would give you power over all reality.” He said with an evil grin. “But you'd have to ask nicely and spare my friends.” “No, Discord! Mmph!” Spike said, but Midnight silenced him, placing her hoof over him. “Shush! Will you be quiet?!” Midnight berated. “Discord, could you pweeeease—?” Evil Cozy asked kindly, as she flew over to him. “Threats are more my speed.” Evil Chrysalis said, as she pulled her away. “Speak!” “He's lying.” Evil Tirek said gruffly. “He won't tell us.” “And, he never will!” a voice said, as Midnight, Daybreaker, Lusterious, the Storm King and Nightmare Moon arrived before them. They were shocked upon seeing all the dark alicorns. “Well, it looks like the princess of Friendship has come back to save her friends!” Evil Cozy snidely remarked, as Midnight’s eyes just went angry like. “The Storm King?!” Rarity asked in shock. “What the heck is he doing here?” “Celestia?!” Evil Chrysalis said in rage. “What are you doing here?!” “I’m not Celestia!” The fiery alicorn answered. “I am Daybreaker!” “Are you trying to mock us?!” Evil Tirek asked, getting more flustered. “Thou would be wise to watch your tongue!” Nightmare snarled, as she readied up her horn. “You want Discord?” Lusterious asked angrily. “You’ll have to get to us, first!” “I don’t care!” Evil Chrysalis roared. “Get out of the way!” She readied up her horn, only to be blasted by Daybreaker. “Oof!” She groaned. “That was a kick.” Starlight saw the dark alicorns and instantly started to freak out. “Oh, no!” She yelled. “Not this dream again!” she started to hyperventilate as she saw this. “What’s her problem?” Nightmare asked quizzically to her sister, as she shrugged. Midnight seized this chance to run up to Evil Chrysalis and blast her, and her comrades to the ground easily. They groaned as they got up. “Whoa, Twilight?” The evil centaur asked, as he got up. “Have you been working out?” The dark violet alicorn landed at him, and readied her horn again. “I’m not Twilight.” She snarled. “I...am...Midnight...Sparkle!” She screamed so loud, she glowed so brightly, as fired a supernova beam towards him, knocking him down and out. Evil Chrysalis was furious. “WHAT THE FLANK?!” She asked, as she blasted her, to which she gasped, and reacted by shielding it. “Ow!” She grumbled. “That was rude! Didn’t your mom tell you not to put an eye out?!” “I don’t care!” The evil changeling growled. “You don’t see me doing that to you!” Midnight shot back, before coming up with an idea. “As a matter of fact...” she fired at her face, almost putting her eye out. The Queen growled in rage. “I will destroy you!” She said. “If you can’t play nice, Anti-Chryssy, then you’ll have to beet it!” Midnight said, as she dodged her blast, and Lusterious ran up to the evil Queen, delivering a powerful sucker punch, sending her to evil Tirek and Cozy. Daybreaker, Nightmare, Storm King and Cinch nodded as they all fired beams, from their horns and staff at the trio with Dishwater and Grubber deflecting the blasts, making them go every which way, hitting all the cages, and releasing all the prisoners. Evil Cozy laughed a little bit. “You missed!” she said. “But, did we?” Cinch asked, coming to Midnight’s side. “Look again!” They villains all turned around to see Starlight out of her cage. “WHAT?!” They asked in rage, blood boiling up. “Get them!” Evil Chrysalis ordered. “Get them all!” They tried to blast Starlight who kept dodging their blasts. She blew playful raspberries just to get their attention. But, not matter what, she kept dodging them like it was nothing. “Nopony is meant to handle this on their own!” Storm King shouted, as he fired his staff at the evil trio, sending them down and out. “Let us at them, Storm King!” Grubber shouted, as he and Dishwater tackled Evil Cozy to the ground. “Dammit, are you kidding me?!” Evil Cozy said off screen, trying to thrown them off of her. As Evil Cozy was dealing with them, the Storm King readied up his staff as the alicorns set up their horns. “Time to let the dogs out!” He said, as they nodded and fired at all the cages, freeing the rest of the prisoners. “I guess we didn’t need you after all!” Applejack said angrily to Discord. “What?!” Discord yelled, as he got into her face. “Listen here, Applejerk! I didn’t think that Midnight, Nightmare and the Storm King would show up, okay?!” “Why I oughta!” Applejack said, getting into a fight position. “Not important right now!” Spike said, splitting them up. “Let’s get out of here, before they recapture us!” The ponies saw the fight unfolding, and agreed that it was best to retreat. Starlight was still taking on the legion with the help of the good villains, who were doing good riling up the evil versions. The evil legion felt like it had enough, as they were about to aim at Starlight. And they would’ve too, it it weren’t for that meddling Midnight Sparkle, who blocked the blasts with her bare hooves, and fired at them with her own magic. So far, the magic blasts were on a collision course, and they were about to explode any second! Midnight had to warn Starlight! As she and her team were taking on the legion, she turned to her. “Go, Starlight!” She shouted. “Get Twilight!” “No way!” Starlight cried out. “She's always needed her friends!” “Don’t argue with me, Starlight!” Midnight commanded her. “YOU NEED TO GO! NOW!!!” Starlight wanted to stay here and protect Celestia, Luna and the pillars. But, the order Twilight’s dark self gave told her that she had to go with her friends! Her eyes teared up, and she looked down. “As you command.” She said calmly, but disappointed. She looked back at the Princesses and the others one last time, and took off to join the Mane Six. As she left, Midnight turned to the others. “Chrysalis!” She called out. “You and the others go find Twilight! The rest of us will meet you at the battlefield! Go!” “Roger!” Chrysalis said, from the passage as she started to dart off, out of the castle while Midnight and her team were fighting the evil legion. “Adagio, Goldcap, Cozy, Tirek, Stygian, Mane-iac, Ahuizotl, all of you!” She called out to them. “To the battlefield! We must get to Twilight!” The others stopped the scouting, and turned to the good queen. “Alright, then let’s go!” Sonata said, as the others nodded. “Ready, Chrissy!” Lightning Dust said, as she and Suri gathered with their team, while the others all gathered with theirs. “Let’s go, Cozy!” Tirek said, as he landed down on the ground, feet first. “Let’s roll!” Cozy said, as they all took off, following Chrysalis onward, heading to where the biggest battle would take place. This was it! The ultimate battle for good and evil was coming directly to Equestria! And the heroic syndicate would be ready, once Twilight arrived on the battlefield! In the Crystal Empire, Twilight herself, was in a research room, flipping through the books, and trying to find a way to beat the evil legion. So far, nothing. She checked a few more books. Unfortunately, they all showed null results. “No, no, no... no, no, no!” She said in frustration, and groaned, throwing herself down in defeat. She was trying to find a way, and she might as well have felt like she failed to save Equestria. But just as she was about to admit defeat, the windows swung open, and so did the door. Twilight turned to see what was there. But, there was no one there. She turned back to the window, and saw the smoky pony king in Vapor form seeping in. She gasped off guard, falling on her butt. Sombra turned back into his pony form, and immediately shut the windows as Grogar shut the door as he reappeared, making a few books fall. “Are you okay, Twilight?” Sombra asked her. Twilight got up angrily. “Look, I KNOW you can turn into smoke and seep into the windows!” She said frustrated. “But, can you just use the door next time?” “If I did that, the Crystal guards would catch me, and lock me up on the spot.” Sombra warned her. “Good point.” Twilight said in realization. “Did you find anything?” Grogar asked her calmly. Twilight shook her head. “So far, I've searched every book, scroll, and spell, but I haven't found anything.” She said sadly. “I failed.” “Don’t give up, yet!” The necromancer said to her. “There’s gotta be some way to fix this! Did you check all the books?” She nodded. “This is a toughie.” “Even if I did, I’d still be scared, and I wouldn’t know what to do!” Twilight said sadly, as she bowed her head down. “How am I supposed to find a solution in this mess?” Just then, Sombra found an open book on the floor, and saw a picture of a bell absorbing the rainbow laser. His eyes widened, as he found something that could be useful. “Found it!” He called out, as he tossed the book to Twilight. “Here! The Fibulus Nebula Sanctum: The evil limbo sealing spell." “How did you find that?!” Grogar asked in shock. “It landed on the floor, as soon as you came in.” Sombra told him. Twilight read through the page, and gasped in excitement. “Of course!” She said excitedly. “This is just what we need!” “Oh, so that’s the spell used for turning Discord into stone!” Grogar said in realization. “A spell that will seal any evil force in stone or banish it to limbo.” Twilight read, as she read through. “Ooh, it looks really difficult...” “So, you do study old ponish spell history?” Sombra said, as he admitted.. “Usually.” Grogar told him. “Then, you should also know that the Fibulus Nebula Sanctum is the spell the pillars used to seal this world’s Stygian to Limbo.” Twilight told the two, as they nodded. “Then, that’s what we use to stop the legion.” Sombra said to her. “But there's a catch.” Twilight got to the worry part. “There’s a chance that I might send the good versions of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy there by mistake!” “Well then, we'll just have to try to figure out who the evil one is then, and send them back.” Grogar said to her bravely. “...Which shouldn’t be too hard.” Just then, Chrysalis clung onto the window of the room Twilight was in. She politely tapped on the glass, getting the alicorn’s attention. She turned to see the changeling, Cozy and Tirek, holding on for life. “Twilight.” Chrysalis said to her. “We’re going to help you stop the legion. And this time, we’ll do it right.” Twilight smiled at them, knowing that they would listen to her plan, and that they would help her. “Thanks, Chrysalis.” She said happily. “We were looking through the books of the library.” Sombra said, handing her the book. “There’s something we think you should see.” Chrysalis gingerly took the book, and saw the page that had the spell on it. She smiled. “Fibulus Nebula Sanctum...of course!” She said in realization. “Why didn’t any of us think of that?” “Perhaps because Twilight’s mental abilities are so limited.” Grogar replied. “Yeah, I...” Twilight’s eyes widened. “HEY!” She shouted angrily. “Was that a shot?!” “Well, now that we have the spell we need, it seems like we have the chance to stop that legion.” Cozy said happily. “Yes, but there’s also a chance that you three could accidentally get turned to stone or sent to limbo.” Twilight warned them. “And, I don’t know of a counterspell that could reverse it.” “Then, we need to use absolute caution when performing this spell!” Tirek said to her. “That legion has to be stopped...no matter the cost.” Twilight nodded, as she turned to her team. “So, what are you waiting for?” She asked, as she and her team left to go stop the evil duplicates. However, they left out the window so Candace and Shining couldn’t spot them. Once there, they decided to meet on the battlefield. Back at the ruined castle, Evil Tirek and his bunch were watching the sky, as it got colder and snow flurries were falling. So far, they were happy that everyone’s spirits were broken. “Every prisoner must have escaped by now!” He said, pounding his fists. “At least Now we can hunt down the rest of the— Windigos?” He saw the swirling ice-like horses circling around the valley as if causing a tornado. “I'm not hunting anypony d-d-d-down in this weather!” Evil Cozy said, shaking herself in a huge robe, trying to keep herself warm. “Can't we magically get rid of them and w-w-w-warm things up?” “I don't think we should.” Evil Chrysalis said evilly. “This could work out quite well for me.” “You mean us.” Evil Tirek corrected her. “The harsh weather is the final blow to break the ponies' spirits.” The evil changeling said happily. “Once Equestria is a frozen wasteland, we'll use our magic to destroy those windy beasts.” She continued to smile evilly. “Ponies will be so grateful, they'll do whatever I want!” “The windigos are ancient magic.” Evil Tirek explained to her, getting into her face. “It would be unwise to leave them unchecked. Best we deal with them now.” Evil Chrysalis snarled at that. “We probably should deal with Starlight and her friends before anything else.” Cozy suggested. The two villains took a look to see Starlight and the rest of the Mane Six rushing up to the battlefield. “Starlight Glimmer?!” The changeling asked in shock. “I thought Twilight was coming with them to fight!” “And, I thought it was too cold for you to hunt anypony down.” Evil Tirek said in shock. “I thought so too.” Evil Cozy said as well. “But, Starlight’s there instead, and they’re coming right there!” “Dammit!” Evil Chrysalis said upset. “They escaped!” “Let’s go deal with them now!” Evil Tirek said, as they nodded and went after them to the battlefield. At the battlefield, where the battle was about to take place, the evil legion of doom arrived on the scene, ready to fight them! Starlight and the others were ready to fight too, even without their leader. “CHARGE!” Starlight shouted bravely as they all charged towards them. “FOR EQUESTRIA!” The rest of the ponies said as they were ready to start off this fight! The legion was ready to do their power play on them! Evil Cozy fired at the ponies, who dodged her blasts. Rainbow flew up, and flung her about, spinning her like a top. “Holy shit!” She said in shock. Evil Tirek charged, and stopped as he saw Starlight. He readied his energy and hurled a few rocks at her, as Starlight jumped the rocks, and angrily fired a beam at him, making him fall down easily. He got back up, ready to face her again. “Would’ve been a lot easier if Twilight was here!” Starlight thought out loud, as she was ready to fight the centaur again. Pinkie then showed up at Evil Chrysalis. “Step right up, evil fillies and gentlevillains!” She announced as she got out a wheel with pictures of each of the Mane Six and Starlight. “Try your luck!” The evil Queen angrily blasted the wheel as Pinkie rolled off on it. She blasted the wheel, which disintegrated, and blasted various areas, trying to get to the pink mare. “Missed me!” She shouted, as she tried to blast her again, but to no avail. “Close, but no cherrychimichanga!” She said slyly. “Thanks for playing!” She darted off before she could get blasted again. So far it was tough trying to blast them, as they kept running every which way from them! It was like trying to herd cats, which is something you can’t do! “Do they have to be so annoying?!” Evil Cozy asked her teammate in rage. Evil Chrysalis took notice of the ponies, trying to get the bell, and zapped them, as they retreated. She then took notice of Spike, and zapped him from behind. “SPIKEY-WIKEY!” Rarity shrieked before turning to her angrily. “Now, you’ve had it!” She conjured a Diamond shield to block the blast, but it instantly broke. She was about to get to Rarity, when Spike got in the way and used her fire breath to block out her attack. Rarity joined in using her magic, to send Evil Chrysalis a few feet back, before their dodged her blast, leaving a crater in the ground. Evil Tirek was trying to blast Applejack, just as she was about to get the Bell. She tied her lasso around it, and was about to grab it, but the evil centaur flung her off, and broke the rope that held it. Fluttershy was trying to race for the bell too, only for Evil Cozy to race to her side. “Now, now, professor. We all know you're not the fast one.” she said, before zapping her down to the ground, as they regrouped and Rainbow caught her. "Enough! Or the dragon's wings get plucked!" Evil Chrysalis gloated as she, and her team held Spike in front of Starlight and the others. The young dragon winced loudly in pain as she continued to tug at his wings in a painful manner. "Please! Don't hurt him!" Starlight desperately pleaded as a look of horror flashed in her eyes! Since coming to view Spike as her little brother figure she had become more determined than ever to ensure that no harm ever came to him. "Don't worry about me!" Spike cried in pain. "Just get—!" He then was thrown violently towards the ponies as Starlight caught him, all while giving them a menacing look. “Turns out that the Magic of Friendship is your biggest weakness.” Evil Tirek said, as they marched towards them. “A fitting end to your pathetic story.” The readied their horns and claws, ready to the final blow to them. “No matter what, we face it together!” Rainbow shouted, as they all huddled together, ready to brace for impact. The windigoes were howling, Equestria was getting cold, and the heroes were about to face their end. The villains fired upon the seven heroes as they stared death in the face. They would not falter. They were together, and that was all that mattered. The blast would be true. The end would be near. Or would be...if they weren’t enveloped by a fully erected violet shield, protecting them. “What happened?” Spike asked, worriedly. “Can I open my eyes?” “Ya sure can!” Applejack said excitedly, as they saw the shield protecting them. They saw a violet alicorn in front of them, and they instantly recognized it. “TWILIGHT!” They all said in excitement, upon seeing their friend. The villains kept firing at them, but to no avail as Twilight’s shield blocked their attacks. “I got the shield up!” She said in amazement to her friends. “But, I don’t know if I can for long!” The villains took one final jab at the shield, which blocked it, and Twilight took it down. They trio was shocked to see her there. “So, you finally come to play the hero again?” Evil Chrysalis sneered in delight. “What?!” Twilight said, confused. “That wasn’t me.” “But, didn’t we just face you in the castle?” Evil Cozy asked, shocked and dumbstruck. “You were dark and demonic like!” “That was Midnight Sparkle!” Twilight answered. Once the villains realized that it was a different version of her, they groaned in anger. “I told you guys!” Evil Cozy said in rage. “Let’s try that again!” Evil Tirek said, as they readied their energy at them, and fired. Twilight immediately braced for impact, and that blast would have hit them, had it not been for a peach-coloured shield protecting them at the last second! “What?!” The legion shouted in rage. “Who is responsible for this?!” Evil Chrysalis said angrily. “Way to go, Twilight!” Applejack said, patting her friend. “It's not me!” Twilight told them. Suddenly, the three good villains...Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy landed before Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy! It may look like you’re reading double, but wait...there’s more! The ponies were shocked, but the legion was more shocked upon seeing them here. “Who dares to interfere?!” Evil Tirek asked furiously. “You want the Princess of Friendship?” Cozy asked bravely. “You’re gonna have to go through us!” She and her team posed bravely before their evil doubles. Evil Tirek readied his magic up. “Prepare to meet your fate, you intruders!” He shouted. The evil Divas eyes widened in shock, as they recognized themselves. “Wait!” Evil Chrysalis said, stopping him. “Don’t you know who THAT is?” She pointed to the heroes who landed. Evil Tirek stopped his attack, and was shocked to see themselves right before them. “I see it.” He said in shock. “But, I don’t believe it!” “It’s us!” Evil Cozy said surprised, as they were about to be confronted by their doubles. The ponies were shocked at this recent confrontation of two versions of the legion that now, they didn’t know what to think! “Do you see what I’m seeing?” Rarity asked in sheer surprise. “TWO Tireks?” Applejack asked in shock. “TWO Chrysalises?” Pinkie asked in surprise. “And TWO Cozys?” Rainbow asked in shock. “Okay, what’s going on here?” “Twilight, do you know anything about this?” Fluttershy asked in shock. Twilight just smiled to her friends. “I think this battle has just reached a turning point.” She said, happily. “Get comfy, Everypony.” Her friends just showed looks of confusion. The good legion was about to face off with their evil counterparts. This was it! “Someone’s been chosen to protect Equestria!” Cozy proclaimed to her double. “And we’re the ones to do it!” “There is only room for ONE version of us!” Chrysalis said, coming to her side. “...and we are it!” “You three are just imposters!” Evil Tirek said, as he pointed to them angrily. “You’re the ones who are imposters, imposters!” Cozy shot back at them, as she fired a beam at her double, who freaked out and dodged the blast. “Don't make us laugh.” Evil Cozy gloated to her. “Everybody knows you're scared of us.” “That may be true...” Tirek said, as he nodded towards the two. “...but they’re not!” “What are you talking about?” Evil Chrysalis asked. They got their answer as all the villains arrived from the hilltop and posed before them! “Behold...the legion of Light!” Tirek announced, as they shown them all the villains that were standing before them. “Oh, man!” Evil Cozy said in surprise, as she and her evil team were shocked at all that they saw. There was King Sombra, Grogar, The Sirens, The Pseudocorns, Juniper Monstar, Sundown Shimmer, The Shadowbolts, Ahuizotl, Grubber, Dishwater Slog, The Mane-iac, Princess Eris, Cosmos, Midnight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, Lusterious, Lightning Dust, Windrider, Suri Polomare, Swift Foot, Gloriosa Everfree, The Storm King, the Tantabus, Abacus Cinch, and Stygian...the Pony of Shadows! They all posed, and were ready to show this evil legion a thing or two! “Is that?!” Starlight asked in shock upon seeing all the villains arrive in one place to help the Mane Six. “It’s gotta be!” Applejack said in amazement. “Oh, man!” Pinkie piped up as well. “Could this get any better?!” “Oh, yes it can!” Spike said as he jumped up in excitement. “No Way!” Rainbow said shocked, and excited by all the villains that surrounded them. “This...this can’t be!” Evil Chrysalis said in shock. “How is this possible?!” “Twilight Sparkle gave us all a purpose to unleash our freedom!” Nightshade shouted. “Our freedom to fight back!” “You mess with her, you mess with all of us!” Suri proclaimed as well. “Is that so?!” Evil Tirek said, as he got his knuckles ready. “Well, no matter! Let’s strike at them!” “Give up nicely!” Windrider called out. “...or we’ll make it difficult for everyone!” “And why should we cower before you?” Evil Cozy shouted to them. “You’re all weaklings, whereas WE are supercharged!” Her comment, offended them greatly as they all prepared to march towards them. “Fine.” Nightshade growled, as they all readied their attacks. “You have chosen your fate!” They were all ready for their leader to give the call. “I was expecting SOME resistance...” Grubber said nervously, before they all got ready. “But, this...” “This...is what we live for!” Windrider said bravely, as they awaited the signal, ready to fight. “Let’s get them!” Evil Chrysalis shouted, as they started to charge. It was time for them to fight as Cozy Glow gave them their first order. “ATTACK!” She bellowed, as the entire good legion rained down on the bad legion, and were ready to charge at them with all they had...attacks, weapons, and everything at the ready! The good and bad legion clashed, as they started punching, and kicking them down. Evil Chrysalis got ready to fire with her horn, only for the Shadowbolts to knock HER down! She growled. Evil Tirek and Evil Cozy were ready to fight too, as the Sirens, Pseudocorns, Sundown, Nightmare and Daybreaker all fired their magic beams at them, overwhelming them. The sirens themselves sung a powerful spell that started to make them fall asleep. The two baddies started to succumb to their spell, as they got drowsy. “Golly, This is so strange.” Evil Cozy said to Tirek as he started to doze off as well. “How could we suddenly feel so sleepy?” They fell to the ground easily, under their spell. They all jumped up and zapped them down and out for the count, as they screamed in pain. “So far, so good!” Nightshade said happily. “Better hurry!” Sundown warned her. “There’s still more coming!” They all turned to see Evil Chrysalis coming right towards them. “You Wanna go easy or ugly?” Goldcap asked, snarky. “I WILL END ALL OF YOU!” The evil Queen snarled as she raced towards them. “Ugly it is!” Decepticolt said, as they all started to charge at her. They jumped up, and performed a Super Dynamite move similar to the Dynamen Sentai, and rammed into her, as she yowled in fury and in pain. Meanwhile Eris jumped up, and used her staff to slash Evil Tirek, which was easy as he was easily slashed down to the ground. “Need a hand, Eris?” Storm King asked, as he arrived, and slashed him down, as he kicked him. “Sure do!” Eris said. “Let’s handle this!” Her teammate nodded, as the centaur got back up, and got ready to suck their powers. Unfortunately, that proved to be no good, as they both teamed up to slash his horns brutally. He growled as they clashed with his gauntlets, and tried to go for them, only to be slashed by surprise by the two, while the Storm King fired a Storm beam at him, knocking him down. Lightning Dust and Windrider were tackling Evil Cozy as she tried to get a good shot of them, but they were too fast for her, as they zoomed by her swiftly. The evil filly groaned. “Hold still, and let me blast you!” She growled, as she kept blasting every which way, but so far, nothing. She then got blasted by another beam, and yelped. She turned to face her good double, smiling smugly at her. “So, we finally meet, me!” Cozy said to herself. The evil double growled. “Is that how you want to play it?” She asked. “I don't play. I win.” Cozy said to herself, as if she just roasted her. “Is that a fact?” The evil double snarled at her, as she tried to blast her, but she swiftly dodged it. “Yeah, it is.” Cozy said to her, as she dodged another evil blast. “In fact, if you’re asking if you think I can beat you, I’d say there’s one way to find out!” “Big talk for a little pony such as yourself!” Evil Cozy said to her snarky. “Actually, I think you'll find I'm average height.” Cozy shot back, smugly. “Average height?! Oh, please!” The double said to her. “You’re just a little filly!” “The only ‘little filly’ that’s talking around here is you!” Cozy shot back again, as her evil self growled. “You’re gonna wish you took those words back!” She said, as she was about to blast her, but Lightning and Windrider arrived and kicked her in the face. “Argh! That’s it!” She shouted, as she tried to get a clear shot of them, only for Lightning to clip her with their wings swiftly, and Windrider to flip her over, as she screamed in shock. They regrouped, and Cozy fired the shot on her evil double, sending her a few feet back, and in pain. Twilight and Suri Polomare were handling Evil Chrysalis as they ran up to her and delivered an uppercut, sending her sprawling back. The two smiled, as they hi-fived each other! Evil Tirek was trying to handle the Sirens, as he fired with his horns. “Hit the dirt, Girls!” Adagio said, as they all went down safely to dodge his attacks. “You’re doomed!” He laughed. “No one can stand against a centaur like me!” However, he was blasted by another red beam, and the sirens smiled to see the good Tirek arrive and take him down. The evil double gasped upon seeing him and growled. “Please!” Tirek said, as he fired from his horns towards his evil self. “Back of the line, Pea shooter!” His attacks overwhelmed him, as he couldn’t deflect them all with his gauntlets. Daybreaker joined to take on Evil Tirek, and fired a few beams at him, as he opened his mouth to suck hers, only to be blasted from behind. He got back up to face her, as she gasped and hers and his blasts collided. Tirek joined in to help her. “This works a lot better when my sister is with me.” Daybreaker started. But at that moment, Twilight showed up, and zapped him in the gut, sending him down again. “Thanks, Twilight!” They thanked her, as she saluted them to help some more villains. Lusterious and Swift Foot were zooming from Evil Chrysalis, who was zooming to get to them! She tried to get a clear shot at them, but they swiftly moved away from her as they jumped and delivered a kick to her back, while Swift Foot used her horn to conjure up her red goggles and strike her down with her magic. “That’s one clown down!” Swift said. “Two more clowns to go!” Lusterious said, as they went to help more of their comrades. Ahuizotl jumped over one of Evil Tirek’s blasts, and slashed him immediately down. “Why don’t you try some of this?” He bellowed, as he delivered a few punches to his face. The evil centaur staggered back, and felt his face was scratched. He growled as he ran up to the guardian, as he jumped up and delivered a ferocious punch to his neck, sending him down and out. Mane-iac used her magic mane to entangle evil Cozy into it. The filly angrily yelled, as she struggled to break free. But, the mare smiled, as she used her mane to whip the filly around, and toss her overboard into Evil Tirek’s face. “Ahh!” He said in shock. “Hah!” The Mane-iac said bravely. “You should never have come out to face me!” Her mane grabbed them both and threw them out like a man would spin a woman in a dance. “None of you are immune to my power!” She used her mane to crawl up, and deliver a powerful fist punch to them. Evil Chrysalis tried to go for Juniper, but she chuckled, as she jumped up, and kicked her in the face. “You think you can handle a Queen?” She asked snarky. “Darling!” Juniper said. “I look almost like a Queen myself. Can you handle this?” She swiped at her body, as she groaned in pain. “Take a picture! It’ll last longer!” She called out, as she got out her mirror and fired at her, blinding the evil Queen and sending her down as well. Chrysalis and Gloriosa joined in on taking down the evil changeling double, as Gloriosa summoned an array of vines to block the changeling from view, only for the evil double to blast through it! They gasped in shock. “Can nothing stop her?” Chrysalis asked. “It’s useless, me!” Evil Chrysalis gloated to her. “I’m your perfect copy!” The divas tried to blast her, only for the blast to get knocked to the side. “Shot for shot...weapon for weapon...you’ve got nothing new to bring to the table!” “Wanna bet?” Chrysalis asked, as they nodded and Chrysalis turned into a clone of Celestia, only for the double to do the same! They then took on various different forms...Twilight, Starlight, Cadence, Spike, Thorax, Cozy, Shining, and finally Pinkie Pie (who did her usual happy face). “Meh.” Chrysalis said. “We’ve seen better!” She readied her horn to fire at her double. “Don’t worry, Chrissy!” Gloriosa said, as she entangled the evil double into her strong vines. “We’ve got this!” Chrysalis nodded, as she fired at her double, and sent her down and out. Stygian threw a punch at Evil Tirek, who staggered back in pain. “Come on!” He growled. “Is this all you got?!” The evil centaur, tried to fire at him, but the shadow pony fired a shadow beam at him, enveloping him in darkness, and swiftly slashed him down. He got back up, only to be blasted again from behind. He turned to see Sombra ready up his horn, and fired a shard of black Crystal to him, sending him a few feet back. “Twilight has joined classier company, Faker!” Midnight said, as she divebomed him and fired at him from above, as Sombra fired at him again. Their combined attacks all overwhelmed him, as he couldn’t handle that many dark attacks. Meanwhile, Goldcap and Sonata were having a little trouble of their own, as they were caught in a powerful magic tidal pool by Evil Cozy! She cackled evilly, as she had them on the ropes! “This hardly seems fair!” Sonata said, as she struggled to hold the tide pool back, while Evil Cozy tried to keep it going! “I’m always here to help a few ladies make a splash!” Evil Cozy gloated, as she used her magic to make the pool intensify! Sonata was about to be violently thrown off! Luckily, Goldcap came and zapped her in the face! “Aah!” She groaned in anger. “You don’t see the water doing THAT to you!” She tried to make the waters go higher, which almost became unbearable for the divas. Luckily, Charger and Stratus grabbed them both, and lifted them up in air. “Hey!” Evil Cozy said in response to the two Shadowbolts. “Where are you going?!” “Thanks, Stratus!” Goldcap said, happily to her escort. “Don’t thank us, yet!” Charger said, looking back to their attacker on the ground. “We’re Kinda on the retreat, right now!” Evil Chrysalis was trying to get to Sundown next, as she tried to get a clear shot at the fiery demon, not knowing Nightmare Moon was behind her. “You can’t fly forever, Flame Brain!” The evil changeling copy snarled, as she tried to get to her. Sundown gasped, and tried to get a boost, but she kept inching towards her. “This is almost entertaining, and a challenge!” Sundown said, as she tried to get another boost away from her. Evil Chrysalis tried to shoot her, but she swiftly moved away from her blasts. “I almost regret saying this...” The evil Queen said, as she sped up towards her. “There was no thrill in fighting Starlight Glimmer!” “I hear you!” A voice said, as Evil Chrysalis turned to see Nightmare Moon behind her. She gasped, and tried to retaliate. But, Nightmare charged up her horn, and fired at her. “But, while you don’t have Rainbow Dash’s speed...” This made her stumble and tumble on the ground! “Whoa...whoa...whoa!” The evil Queen shouted, as she rolled repeatedly on the floor in pain. “...you don’t have Starlight’s skills!” Nightmare proclaimed, as she landed, and Sundown fist bumped her. The evil changeling got up to fight again, but a cyan blur knocked her out repeatedly, making her unable to fight. She collapsed, as the blur stopped to reveal Rainbow Dash! “You’re quick, Evil Chrysalis!” She snidely remarked. “But not quick enough!” She took off to help her friends. Fluttershy was having a tough time fighting, as she was scared for her life. She saw evil Cozy, and curled up into a ball nervously, just as she was about to shoot her. But, she never got the chance as Aria showed up and punched her from behind, and threw her off to the side. She helped the kind pony up, as she smiled. Applejack, and Twilight stood back-to-back to each other ready to fight Evil Tirek and Evil Chrysalis...only for Twilight to change into Evil Chrysalis! Applejack screamed. “What the shit?!” She asked in fear. “That’s COMPLETELY messed up, y’all!” However Evil Chrysalis got blasted by the good Chrysalis right to the ground. Applejack saw her, and smiled. “Thanks.” She said to her. “No one hurts Twilight’s friends...but me!” Chrysalis said, as she zapped her double a few feet back, and the farm mare took off to help her friends. Twilight, meanwhile was taking on Evil Tirek as she conjured up a supernova-like beam at him, and greatly amplified it. The evil centaur tried to deflect it with his gauntlets, as a pile of scorched earth formed between them, shaking the ground. The centaur was pushed a back few feet as a result of the blast...but he wouldn’t go down yet! “You really think you can take me on, again?” Evil Tirek asked her, to which the alicorn jumped up and prepared to blast him again, only for him to blast her first. Twilight strained, as she teleported from his grip and to his feet. She took a shot again, only for him to push her magic aside, use his magic to lift her off the ground and throw her to a nearby mountain. She hit it with tremendous force. Daybreaker and Cosmos took notice and were shocked. “TWILIGHT!” They cried out. “She’s in trouble!” Cosmos warned her. “Let’s take him on!” Daybreaker said, as she fired her magic DIRECTLY at his face, making him scream in discomfort. “LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” Cosmos said in fury, as she ferociously gave him an uppercut, and slammed his face down to the ground with her bare claws! The evil centaur got up to find both divas snarling at him. Quickly, they combined their powers to jettison him from the ground a few feet back, and slam him down again. Twilight was about to fall down to the ground, when Windrider, and Cinch arrived to catch her. “Gotcha!” Windrider said in triumph. “Stay down, Twilight!” Cinch warned her. “We’ll provide you cover!” They took off to take on the evil legion with cinch firing a laser beam, and Windrider flying up to deck another one. She looked up, and saw Evil Cozy about to strike her down, and gasped, covering herself in her wings. However, Grogar got in front of her, and blasted the evil filly, who tried to dodge his attacks, scared. “Stay back, Twilight!” Starlight said, as she joined in on the Ram’s attacks. “We’ll take care of this!” “Good to see all of you are safe.” The alicorn said, as Midnight delivered a ferocious kick to Evil Cozy. “Yeah!” Midnight agreed, as she blasted her. “But, it’s like there’s no end to them! Any ONE of these is fair game, though!” Zappityhoof and Decepticolt ran up to Evil Cozy and zapped her in the gut. “You stupid FAKERCORNS!” She screeched. “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!” “Not even close!” Zappityhoof shouted, as she blasted her in the gut again. “We shouldn’t give up!” Grogar said to them! “This should be over soon!” He blasted Evil Tirek, who was about to come right at him. “And, we’d anticipate reinforcements anytime soon!” Decepticolt agreed and they kept firing and taking shots. And right now, all Twilight could do was go find more of her friends. Evil Tirek got back up, and cracked his knuckles to show he meant business. “END OF THE ROAD!” He shouted, as he sent some rocks to squash them. “Halt, interloper!” Daybreaker shouted, as she and her sister arrived on the spot. “We shall handle this!” Nightmare Moon declared as they charged their horns up, and flew towards him. As the evil centaur hurled the rocks at them, The two demonic sisters jumped them and combined their powers to fire at him, making him fall down to the ground. “Bring it on!” Nightmare shouted, as she blasted the centaur again, making it hard for him to get back up. “STOP...STEALING...MY...THUNDER!” Evil Tirek roared furiously. “The two of you are not enough to stop ME!!!” “You wish!” Daybreaker said, as they divebombed him brutally, and sent him down. He got back up, only to see Lightning Dust and the Tantabus hurling towards him. “Follow the bouncing Washout!” Lightning shouted, as she body slammed him down and hard. “Tantabus, switch!” She commanded, to which the creature nodded, as they switched positions. Lightning attacked his feet, and the Tantabus punctured him, as he went through like a 1,000 degree knife through metal! “DAMMIT!” He shouted in rage and shock. “Geez. Is that Tantabus strong or what?” “You think a centaur and force of nature will make a difference?” The Tantabus said bravely. “I haven’t begun to power up, yet! So, take that!” “Oh, yeah? I’ll handle you, and douse you out!” Evil Tirek said and he readied his energy. The battle still had a ways to go. “In your little evil dreams!” Tantabus shouted, as they both fired the beams together, and collided. “They’ll tear Equestria apart!” Cozy said in shock as they watched the fight. Tantabus knew he had to do something, so he focused all his energy and power in one shot. “Dream scape gun! X10!” He shouted, as the blast overpowered the evil centaur’s and sent him flying. “Tirek!” Both evil divas shouted. “No!” “I’m okay!” He said, as he got back up. “But, that Tantabus won’t be!” They got up, and were ready to strike him down. Adagio, and Swift Foot both blasted evil Chrysalis from above, as she screamed and fell down to the ground. “Take that!” Sombra said, as he fired at shot at the evil Queen, joining in on the assault! Juniper took Evil Cozy and Slammed into her, and tossed her aside, while Gloriosa wrapped her in her vines, and almost squeezed the life out of her. Grogar, blasted Evil Tirek, as he tried to reach the Tantabus on one side, while Mane-iac entangled him in her mane, and tossed him about. The two regrouped and their blasted and entangled any villain that came towards them! “We’ve gotta finish things here!” Grogar shouted. “I’m right behind ya!” Mane-iac agreed as they kept blasting every which way to the villains. “Mind if I cut in?” Rainbow asked, as she flew to them. “Do we ever!” Mane-Iac said happily. “Come on, Fluttershy!” The speedy pony said, as her friends nodded, and they rammed into evil Tirek super hard, knocking him to the ground. He sure didn’t expect this! Rainbow caught sight of the bell, and caught it. She cradled it in her hooves. “I got the bell!” She called out. However, that would turn out to be a mistake, as that caught the attention of the three villains, who growled. “She’s got the bell!” Evil Chrysalis shouted. “Well, not for long!” Evil Cozy shouted as they all started to dive for it! Rainbow and Fluttershy saw the villains about to go for it, and gasped. They had to keep them away from the bell! She tossed the talisman over to Lusterious, who was in range. “Lusterious! Here!” She shouted. Lusterious took notice and caught the weapon. “I got it!” She proclaimed, only to be tackled by Evil Chrysalis, as she tossed it. “Give me that bell!” Evil Chrysalis shouted, as she pinned to her down the ground. But, Lusterious wouldn’t give up so easily, as she mustered her strength to toss her off. “I got it! I got it!” Evil Cozy shouted gleefully, only to be knocked out of the way by the good Tirek, as he caught the bell. “Give me that bell right now, you faker!” His evil clone shouted as he went after him. “No...you take it!” Tirek said, as he tossed the bell to Adagio, who caught it with ease! “Darn you!” Evil Tirek shouted, as he dived for the siren, as Adagio tossed it to her sisters. “Catch!” She called out. Aria and Sonata took notice, and tried to catch the bell! “We got it!” They both shouted. However, Evil Cozy knocked them out of the way. “Wrong!” She said, as she got the Bell. “I’ve got it!” However, she was quickly tackled from behind by Suri and Rarity as they pinned her down to the ground, and she lost her grip on the bell. “Not for long!” Suri shouted, as Rarity held her down with her magic. “Now, just stay down!” Rarity yelled at the filly. Nightshade took notice and caught the bell. “Got it!” She said, excitedly, and laughed gleefully. She then saw Evil Tirek coming right towards her. “Oh, no!” She gasped in shock. She got ready to throw the bell again. “Stygian! Catch!” She called out, as she tossed the bell, as it missed the evil centaur, and once Stygian saw it, he caught it. “I got it!” He said in triumph, and took off for Grogar who was taking on Evil Chrysalis. “We’ve got to act fast!” He said, as he got to him. “Evil Chrysalis is already off the injured list!” They took notice of the angry evil Queen about to head for them, and needed to take initiative! “Done!” Grogar said, as he reconfigured his bell just in time. “Now, let’s fire at her!” Stygian ordered. They aimed it at Evil Chrysalis who was about to divebomb them. She readied her horn.”NOW!” And with they rang the bell, The bell fired an energy blast at her. Their aim was true. The bell not only took the beams that Evil Chrysalis sent to them, but also stripped evil changeling of her super magic and armor she received from the bell. She fell to the ground easily, and was shocked to see that her Armor was gone. “NO!” She shouted in pure anger. The good Chrysalis arrived to them. “Time for a power boost!” Grogar said, as he released the evil Queen’s super magic and gave it to her. Now the good Chrysalis had her evil self’s super powers. Her double gasped upon seeing this. “Who’s regal now?” Chrysalis asked, to which her evil counterpart growled and she fired at her bad self a few feet back! “No one messes with my magic for evil!” Grogar proclaimed as they went for the evil changeling double. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the alternate Equestria, a giant red pony-like robot was scouting the area, and it beeped when it picked up a disturbance inside. Inside the robot were an amount of villains. Three of them were dark magic unicorns, one of them was an elderly version of Tirek, there were also two well dressed unicorn stallions, two mares in togas, a giant Sphinx-like creature, evil Royal versions of Celestia and Luna, a goo slime creature, a mare clad in golden armor, a bull, a cat, a cosmic plant, a red stallion with a greasy golden mane, an umbrum, a diamond dog, six cloaked figures, and a well-dressed version of Starlight Glimmer! These good villains were none other than Bubbles, Hawthorne The Third, Sendak, Blonn Di, Shining Light, Rabia, Sphinx, King Longhorn, North Star, Terri Belle, Blue Moon, Black Belle, Shadow Storm, Violet Shiver, Smooze, Rover, Fauxlestia, Dupluna, Snowfall Frost, & Deputy Sprout! The six cloaked figures were the Knights of Harmony! They saw the attack unfolding in the prime dimension, and were shocked at what they were witnessing! “You were right, Sprout!” Dupluna said in shock. “The evil versions of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy have attacked Twilight and the others!” “With that bell, they’ll turn Equestria into a dead husk!” Rover said in alert! “We’ve got to stop them!” Sprout said, pounding his hoof for emphasis in all seriousness. One of the cloaked figures took it down, to reveal its face...a cyan lion with a multicoloured mane. “Quick, men!” He ordered. “Move out, and get ready to attack!” They all nodded, as they jettisoned the robot over to the prime world, taking them with it! Looks like the ultimate turning point of the battle was about to begin! Back in the prime Equestria, the battle was still going on. So far, the evil legion was kept busy with the legion of light, as well as the Mane Six and Starlight. They were getting overwhelmed, and with the bewitching bell in the good Grogar’s control, their chances had just improved! But, the legion kept firing at them. It was already hard enough for them since Evil Chrysalis was stripped clean of her armor, but the heroes were still going at it. Evil Chrysalis had just taken another beating by Rarity as she ran over to Applejack, & Lightning Dust who had just beaten Evil Cozy. “We just took down Evil Chrysalis!” The fashionista explained. “Any luck?” “Eeyup.” Applejack replied. “Lightning Dust and I took on Evil Cozy.” Lightning Dust nodded in agreement. “With Twilight’s legion of Light, things are evening the odds of this fight. Grogar and Stygian even got the bell!” “But even so, it’s hard to continue keeping up with all their attacks!” Lightning Dust said in agreement. “It’s like you take one down, and another takes its place!” “We shouldn’t give up hope yet!” Starlight said, as she rushed over to them. “We’ll still have a chance beat them, and save Equestria!” She then shot Evil Cozy down quickly. “Stay down!” “I know we will!” Applejack said. “But with all these attacks coming, it seems that right now, we need a miracle!” Just then, Evil Tirek showed up, and got ready to blast them, as they gasped. “Alright, ponies!” He snarled, as he smirked. “Time to get flattened!” He was about to fire at them, when suddenly a few unknown blasts struck him in the chest, knocking him down. “WHAT?!” He asked in shock and rage. “What the?” Evil Cozy asked in shock, as she and Evil Chrysalis saw that too. “Who did that?!” Evil Chrysalis asked. “Show yourself! Right now!” The Evil divas, Light Legion, and Mane Six all turned to see the area where the unknown blast took place, and were all surprised to see a portal open up. And through that portal, stepped a few ponies and cloaked figures, as well as a few identifiable creatures! Sprout and his team had arrived before them, and it looked like the battle had finally reached a turning point. “One mega miracle coming up!” Sprout called out as he jumped out of his robot, and smiled, posing before them. The cloaked knights threw off their cloaks to the side, fully revealing themselves. One was a lion, one a squid, one a anthro dragon, one a Misty falcon, one a bull-like creature, and one a ancient looking falcon. They all had armor on their bodies that shown in the bright sky. “Looks like we got here just in time!” The ancient bird said, smiling. The others were shocked at the new arrivals, they didn’t know what to think. Cozy however gasped in surprise and amazement that reinforcements had arrived for all the heroes. “Just to make sure...these creatures...” Rainbow asked in confusion. “Good or bad?” “They’re good! They’re good!” Cozy said in glee as she flew over to them. “Sprout! Wh—? How...?! How did you guys know we were here?!” “Midnight put in the call to us, after Grogar got the bewitching bell from Evil Chrysalis!” Sprout answered. “She’d thought you guys would need backup...which you obviously do!” He saw the battle still going on in the prime world. “We got there as quick as we could!” The lion knight...Danu said, as he looked and saw what was going on. “We can tell things are a disaster here!” “The battle’s taking longer than we’d thought.” Pinkie said, as she zoomed up to them. “It should’ve been over by now.” Cozy said, as Pinkie nodded. “Something might have gone wrong.” “We’ll get Twilight and bring her here, while you guys cover the ground!” Pinkie relayed. “We need to use whatever that thing is...” she pointed to the robot that Sprout had. “...and hope that it’s strong enough to stop them!” “Sounds like a plan!” Danu said, as he smiled. “You guys go help your friends! We’ll get this fight under control!” Pinkie nodded, as she and Cozy took off to help Twilight. They saw Evil Chrysalis about to attack, and knew it was time to step in and fight. “Let’s go!” Fauxlestia said as they were ready to charge at the legion. The rest nodded as they jumped to battle. Meanwhile, Starlight fired at Evil Chrysalis, who deflected her blast, and sent it back to her! The others came to her defence easily. “Starlight, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked with worry. She nodded. “She’s too tough for us!” “Don’t give up yet, y’all!” Applejack said determined. “No pony’s too tough for us!” “Well, I’m nopony, and I’m much too tough for you to handle...even without my armor!” Evil Chrysalis shouted, as she aimed her horn at them, as they huddled themselves. “This can’t be happening!” Starlight said in fear. “But, it is!” Evil Chrysalis said, smiling evilly as she got ready to fire at them, but never got the chance as two magenta like blasts fired at her, knocking her down. “Huh?!” Everyone else asked in shock. “Wha?!” Evil Chrysalis asked in rage, as she got up, wondering who did that. “Who did this to me?” “I did!” A voice said, as she turned to see a cyan lion in a robe, slowly approaching her, along with a few other figures. “You have no authority wrecking havoc on this land!” Another voice said to her. “HOW DARE YOU!” Evil Chrysalis said, pointing at them. “Who even are you?!” Danu stepped forward to her. “If you have to know, I am Danu of Cunabula...leader of the Knights of Harmony!” He said to her, as he ushered his team to step forward, “...and these are my team members.” He continued as they all nodded when he called them by name. “Ceridwen, Balor, Tarannis, Morrigan, Mannah, Rover, Fauxlestia, Dupluna, North Star, Blue Moon, Rabia, King Longhorn, Blonn Di, Terri Belle, Shining Light, Sphinx, Sendak, Black Belle, Violet Shiver, Shadow Storm, Smooze, Snowfall Frost, and Deputy Sprout.” “Knights of Harmony...” Evil Chrysalis asked angry, and curious. “You are merely a 1,000 year old myth!” “How little you understand!” Danu said as he took a few more steps forward. “I ask you and your legion to stand down, and we won’t be forced to fight you.” “And, why should I listen to a mere knight?!” The evil Queen scoffed. “We are more powerful than you will ever be!” Danu just smiled. “I was hoping you’d take the hard way.” He said, as he turned to his team. “Balor, Snowfall...I think it’s time we show this legion how we handle things around here.” He turned to the legion. “Let’s show them what we can do!” “Right!” The one called Balor said, as the knights threw their robes to the side, and posed with the others for a fight! “You want to deal with us, than deal!” “This will be easy!” Evil Chrysalis said, as she got herself ready. “ATTACK!” Sprout commanded, as the new team went into battle. “I’ll start off this fight fair and square!” Tarannis said, as he swung his staff up into the air. “You may not know it yet, Anti-Chrysalis, but your own pride will be your downfall! So, it’s time for you to be blown away!” He went up in the air in a tornado motion, as he swung her hard, sending her back to her teammates. “Always with the Wind Puns!” Danu facehoofed in frustration. “Is THAT really necessary?!” “Yes! Because my power is wind!” Tarannis called out. “It IS NOT!” Pinkie called out from nowhere, as the others looked in confusion. “Perhaps that may be my element of acceptance speaking...” Mannah said, charging towards Evil Cozy and Evil Tirek. “...and while some things can stay the same...some things can change!” She conjured up a pool of water from the ground. “And, it’s time for you to take a splash!” She sent the water high up, and aimed it towards the two evil cronies. “I think we’re gonna take a plunge!” Evil Tirek said in shock upon seeing the giant waterfall heading right towards them. Cozy saw the waterfall, and gasped in horror. “Oh, GOD!” She said, scared as the waterfall hit them, and sent them swirling a few feet back. “Aaah! Calamity!” She screamed. Danu turned to the rest of his team. “No doubt, you all have some utility...” he said to them, as he turned to Evil Tirek. “But, I will always prefer the straightforward strength of my element...” he pounded on the ground, creating an earthquake, and making the Earth crack. “...and the ground!” The two evil baddies saw the ground give way, and they had to jump off. “Shall we jump to higher ground?” The evil filly asked nervously. “I say we should!” Evil Tirek said, as they all jumped off, and got to a level piece of ground, safely. Danu just nodded as he smiled. “You just don’t know WHEN to quit, do you?” He asked. “Well, we’ll just have to pump up the volume!” He turned to the others. “Morrigan! Balor! Go!” They nodded. “You got it, Boss!” Balor said, as they charged into battle, striking Evil Tirek down hard. Evil Tirek got back up, and growled as he was ready to duke it out with him. “Trust me, Tirek! I know a lot about those things!” Balor said, as he marched up to him. “I’m Balor, and I can dabble in magic!” He got his hands ready. “Watch this!” “I’d rather not!” Evil Tirek said, as he jumped up, and landed a few feet away from him. But, he just nodded. “Tsk. Tsk. Looks like I’ll have to teach you the hard way!” He said, as he jumped up and decked him in the horns. “Yipe!” Evil Cozy said, as she tried to fly away, only to be blasted by a Boulder by Tarannis! “ANY ONE OF YOU MORONS GONNA STOP THOSE DAMN THINGS?!” Evil Chrysalis asked, when she saw them with their hands full. She sighed, disappointed. “It’s gonna be me, isn’t it?” She fired her horn, only for Danu to block it, and use his hand beams to send it back to her! The blasts hit her brutally, as she was violently thrown a few feet back, as she hit a rock slide. “AUGH! DAMMIT!” She cried out, as she hit the ground. “Avenge me!” Ceridwen landed in front of Evil Cozy, and aimed her staff at her. “Good to meet you, Anti-Cozy!” She said smugly, as she used her staff to shrink her and Evil Tirek down to size. “My name is Ceridwen, and I hope you don’t mind that size matters to you!” The two evil Cronies saw that they had been shrunk to the size of toys, as she picked them up. “Don’t worry. I’ll turn you back once this is all over!” The bird knight said, happily, dangling them by a thread. Needless to say, they were not liking this one bit. “PUT US DOWN RIGHT NOW!” Evil Tirek shouted, flailing his arms around, as was Evil Cozy. “If you insist.” She said, as she tossed them to the side, as they screamed, and turned back to their normal size. They looked up to see Morrigan fire an ice beam at them. “Shit!” The filly said, as they were encased into a ball of ice, and were tossed to a rock slide, as the ice broke and were freed. But, they were in pain due to how much the knights were giving them. Evil Chrysalis was about to blast Starlight, and throw her into a cocoon. “Now I'll have all eternity to take my revenge on you!” Evil Chrysalis said, as Starlight cowered. “I don’t think so!” Black Belle said, as she kicked her to the ground. Sphinx flew over to Evil Tirek, and picked him up. “I owe you one from Sommambula, Evil Tirek!” He shouted angrily. The centaur tried by break free of his immense strength, but the Sphinx was much stronger than him. “What makes you think you can fight?!” He asked. “Watch me!” Sphinx shouted, as he threw the evil centaur to a rock wall, and ran up to him and punched him repeatedly, making him feel like he’d be bruised. Evil Cozy was about to fly down, and strike at Rainbow Dash and Rarity, as they slowly backed away. “We’ll assist you two!” Violet Shiver said, as she and Storm Shadow aided them. “You have friends who are also skilled at magic!” Storm Shadow shouted, as they fired upon the evil filly as she gasped and dodged the blasts, only to be hit by Storm Shadow’s blast. “Gasp!” Evil Cozy said, as she was hit and struck down. “I’LL SHOW THOSE PUTRID UNICORNS HOW TO FIGHT!!!” Evil Chrysalis roared with hate, as she flew over to the ponies who shot Evil Cozy down. She readied her horn, about to strike at them. However, North Star showed up on the spot and aimed his horn at the incoming changeling. “Hey, Anti-Chrissy!” He called out. “Your pilot’s license just expired!” He shot at the Queen, who screamed in horror as she landed to the ground. Evil Tirek got back up, all bruised and beaten by Sphinx and ran back to his teammate. “Hot enough for you guys?” A voice called out. He looked up, and saw Blue Moon and Juniper ready to fire at him. He gasped as they both fired upon him as he tumbled down to the ground, as Evil Chrysalis landed on top of him. “GET OFF OF ME!” Evil Tirek shouted, as he threw her off him. Evil Chrysalis got back up, and snarled with rage. “I’ve got morons on my team!” She yelled out. She then got unexpectedly blasted again in the chest by her double. “DAUUHGGHH! DAMMIT, COZY!” She shouted. “Somehow, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT...AGAIN!” She collapsed. “That was not mine for once!” Evil Cozy shot back. However, there was no time to argue, as more heroic villains started heading right for them. “Let’s get these bumbling abominations!” The evil divas flew up to the sky, and were ready to dive bomb them. “Go get them, boys!” Danu commanded as they ground heroes took off the stop them. Evil Tirek got back up, and was ready to take them on. “You think you can out-smash me?!” He sneered, only for him to be rammed in the gut by King Longhorn, and Rover. “Actually, we do!” Longhorn shot back as he delivered an uppercut with his horns. “So, why don’t you take a load off!” Rover suggested as he threw him down with his bare hands. “Ah!” Evil Tirek shouted muffled, as he tried to get up, but couldn’t as he was pinned down by the two strong heroes. Evil Chrysalis and Evil Cozy flew down to get a closer look at the heroes, but Rabia took notice, and flew up to strike at them! “You hear the winds of change calling you?!” Rabia called out, as she grabbed them, and enveloped them in her smoky body. “They’re saying ‘get outta here’!” The evil divas chocked, and gagged on her smoky body, until finally, they were flung out, but were still gasping for breath! “Can’t handle the heat?” Midnight asked, as she and Stygian flew up, and blasted at them as they screamed, being hurtled through the air like there was no tomorrow! All was not over for them just yet either as Blonn Di, and Shining Light ran up to them, and jumped off a cliff. “All right, sis!” Blonn Di called out. “Let’s go!” Shining nodded, as they each got onto both the evil divas. “Aah!” Evil Chrysalis shouted, as she tried to fling them off. “GET OFF ME!” “Ouch!” Evil Cozy shouted as well. “Get off me before my spine telescopes!” “Okay, Bug for brains!” Shining called out on top of The evil changeling. “Let’s see how tough you are!” She steered the changeling to the side of the forest, while Blonn Di was steering Evil Cozy to a canyon. “Check out this move!” Blonn Di shouted, as she took control of Evil Cozy’s wings. “Yeee-hah!” The evil alicorn filly felt like she was going to hurl, as her face turned green...both from Blonn Di’s weight, and the altitude she was force cruising at. Luckily, she had a plan as she smiled evilly. “The only thing you show offs are getting...” she said, as she was ready to fling them off. “Is me!” “Huh?” Blonn Di asked, to which she was flung off easily from Evil Cozy’s body. She screamed, until she realized she could sue her toga as a parachute...which she did. As did her sister, as she too was flung off the Queen. “Hey, I get the feeling our ‘Jet Judo’ needs a little more work!” Shining called out to her. “Oh?” Blonn Di asked quizzically. “What makes you say that?” Meanwhile, Evil Tirek got back up only to see Sendak ready to approach him. He snarled as he got his fists ready. “You destroy everything you touch, Tirek!” Sendak bellowed, as he got himself ready to fight. “Everything I touch, Sendak, is fuel for my power!” Evil Tirek shouted. “My power for Equestria!” “No!” Sendak said. “I’m gonna end your hunger once and for all!” He punched his evil Centaur enemy to the ground. Almost, Sendak!” Evil Tirek said, as he got back up. “But, almost doesn’t get the job done! You can’t stop me!” “You’re old, Evil Tirek!” Sendak sneered to him. “Yesterday’s big shot...ready for Tartarus!” “We’ll see who’s ready for Tartarus!” Evil Tirek shouted, as he fired a beam, only for Sendak to dodge it quickly. “A cheat! THAT’S what you are!” Sendak shot back. “A cheat!” “SILENCE!” Evil Tirek shouted, as he whacked Sendak to the ground, which only made him get up quickly. “When, I’m through with you, Sendak...” he sneered. “...there won’t be any pieces to put together!” Sendak wouldn’t give up, as the two kept ducking it out...muscle for muscle! So far, it was evenly matched! Neither could get to the other! So far with the Evil Divas, they had knocked off the sisters easily. But, there was a much tougher challenge awaiting them! Evil Cozy felt suddenly entangled In Gloriosa’s vines, and she couldn’t break free! “What the—?!” She asked in shock. “I’ve got the chance of sending you to the thorns!” Gloriosa shouted as she flung her over to a tree. She recovered there, eventually as she got back in the game. “Back off, Evil Chrysalis!” Sprout shouted, as he jumped on her, and spun kicked her off to a rock wall. She was knocked unconscious, but got back up. “Well, since you put it that way, Deputy!” She said, as she eventually came back to her senses and flew back to them. Meanwhile, the Shadowbolts, Bubbles and Dishwater Slog were high above the evil Queen as they were ready to fire upon her. “Anti-Chrysalis is in range!” Stratus called out, as Dishwater loaded up his stink balloons. They were in perfect firing range! “Now!” He called out. “Bombs away!” “She must be stopped!" Bubbles commentated as the Shadowbolts fired Dishwater’s stink bombs directly at the Queen. She looked down and up in shock to see her being fired down upon by the bombs! “Wha?! Holy cow! That’s one hell of a stench!” She gagged in queasiness. Unfortunately, she was struck from behind by more stink bombs that Bubbles deployed. She screamed in horror. “We’ve broken through to her defence system! We have to make a call here!" Bubble announced boldly, as they kept deploying more bombs, which overwhelmed the changeling to her extent. “Take the pie!" “Sacrifice the bomb wiches!" They all shouted, as they laughed and gave a hi five! The evil Queen was then bombarded unexpectedly by a few laser blasts, which scared her. She turned to see not only Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, but also Fauxlestia and Dupluna...all four with their horns at the ready! She was shocked at the four demonic Princesses ready to shoot her. “I'm seeing double!” she cried out, trying to brace herself. “Double...” Fauxlestia said, smiling. “...trouble!” Nightmare shouted as they fired repeatedly at the Queen, making her scream in exasperation as she couldn’t handle much more of this! “Just wait till we get our hooves on you, you pretender to the throne!” Dupluna shouted, as she flew up with Daybreaker following her, as they fired again. “You've given me enough trouble, you pesky Princesses!” Anti Chrysalis shouted, as she tried to cover herself from the blasts...but, to no avail. “Sticks and stones will break our bones! Batter up!” Fauxlestia called out as she flew up, and whapped the Queen hard with her arms. “Don't you know when to quit?” She asked, smugly, crossing her arms. Nightmare flew up to join the other alicorns. “Now, this is what I call a real battle!” She said. At that moment, Snowfall arrived and was almost blasted by a beam, as she gasped in shock. “This is what I call getting slaughtered!” She said nervously! Evil Cozy fired below to Ceridwen, Terri Belle, Balor, Violet Shiver and Rabia, to which they responded by firing at her as well. “Eat Shish kebab!” Terri Belle shouted, as she tossed her spear in a javelin-like position to the evil filly, who tried to dodge it. “What’s this senseless violence all about?” Balor asked. “That’s what I want to know!” They just shrugged, as they kept firing. Ceridwen and Violet Shiver both hit her wing, making her almost flightless. “Help!” Evil Cozy screamed. Evil Tirek was fighting Sendak, and he heard the evil filly’s screams. “What the—?!” He muttered, as Sendak seized this chance to wallop him to the ground. “Who’s the stongest now, Evil Tirek?!” Sendak asked, as the Smooze arrived. “You’ll never stop me!” Evil Tirek looked up, and saw the Smooze ready to come up to him. “Tirek!” He said, gleefully! “Now, you’re talking!” “Smooze?” He asked in agony. “Why did it have to be Smooze?” He braced himself for impact, as Smooze was about to get to him, which he did, and spat him out like a regurgitated meal! Evil Chrysalis was already taking a beating by the 4 alicorns, but she wasn’t about to give up, yet. “I refuse to be beaten by such a TERRIBLE IDEA!” She erupted, as she flew by her winged companion. “Fire me, boy!” She ordered. “Yeah, OKAY BAWSS!” Evil Cozy said, as she flew up and their readied their horns to shoot at them! “CHARGE!” Sprout shouted, as he and Sombra, Black Belle, North Star, Cinch, Windrider, Morrigan and Danu all ran up to the flying duo, and fired at them, as they tried to dodge all the incoming blasts. “What the devil?!” Evil Chrysalis asked in horror, at the sight of the bombardment of blasts. Black Belle, and North Star jumped up and fired at their wings, while Windrider and Morrigan circled around them like sharks, overwhelming them and spinning them like a tornado, making them scream as they swirled out of the sky, and back there again. Sombra took a few shots at the flying divas, as they dodged the blasts. Cinch arrived as well, as she fired at them too. “Two dark blasts are better than one, Evil Cozy!” She cackled, as she blasted the evil Queen by the leg, as she screamed in agony. “Cozy, have you actually considered HITTING ANY OF THEM?!” Evil Chrysalis shouted in rage to the evil Filly. “Well, I’m trying.” Evil Cozy answered, as she tried to get a clear shot, but couldn’t. “...but, you’re not making it easy for me!” They screamed, and took evasive action as Sombra fired a clear shot at their wings. Meanwhile, the good Cozy Glow arrived with the Storm King aiming his staff at them. “FIRE!” She shouted, as they took the shot. Terri Belle joined in. “Need a hand?” She asked, as they nodded, and she got out her spear, aiming it at them. “I hope you like being grounded, Anti-Cozy! Because, that’s where you’re headed!” She threw her spear to them as well. Evil Cozy gasped at the sight of those shots and spear, and fired at them, while the Storm King & Terri Belle both blocked the blast with their shields, while Cozy flew up to her evil double. “It’s just you and me now, Evil Cozy!” She said, as she arrived to her. Evil Cozy was ready to fight herself, as she cracked her knuckles. “Then, you’d better get some help, me!” She said, reading her horn. “Oh, no!” Cozy said to her, as she readied her horn too. “I’ve been waiting for this chance!” Evil Cozy flew to her, as she dodged her. “Only ONE of us is gonna win!” “It won’t be you, Cozy!” Evil Cozy shouted, as she grabbed her good self’s body, which she threw off her. Cozy was about to throw a punch at her, when she felt her flank get fried. “AAH!” She screamed, groping her butt. Ceridwen and Midnight flew up to the two Cozy, horns and staff at the ready. However, since there was two of her, it was confusing. “I can’t tell which one of you is the real Cozy Glow!” Ceridwen said, aiming her staff at both of them. “Let’s finish off that clown!” Evil Cozy shouted, as she readied her horn. Midnight and Ceridwen thought that was the real Cozy, so they aimed at the good one. “Uh, okay!” Midnight said, as all three flying divas fired at her. Cozy dodged all the blasts her friends were giving her. “Ceridwen! That’s the wrong Cozy Glow!” She called out. “She’s lying!” Evil Cozy said, as she flew to them. “Finish her!” They nodded as they fired at the good filly again. However, she divebombed them quickly. “THAT DOES IT!” Midnight shouted as they flew up, and got ready to fire at her again. “Girls! No!” Cozy called out, as they chased her. “Now, we’ve got her!” Ceridwen said, as she aimed her staff at her. She gulped, wondering how much more of this she would be able to stand! “Can’t either of you tell the difference?!” Cozy yelled in shock and frustration as they tailed her. It was then at that moment, they heard Evil Cozy’s laugh, which was immediately a dead giveaway! “Waitaminute!” Ceridwen said in realization. “I’d know that laugh anywhere!” She aimed her staff at the imposter, sending her hurtling towards her good counterpart, as she delivered an uppercut to her. “Ow!” She said, as she rubbed her head in pain. “Damn you! Didn’t your mom tell you to play nice!” “You’re finished, evil me!” Cozy said, as she grabbed her wings, making her unable to move away from her. She shook her tastefully. “Call it off! CALL IT OFF!” “NEVER, ME!” The evil filly shouted. “You, and Equestria will be destroyed!” However, she was blasted by her good self, sending her back to Evil Chrysalis! “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that!” Cozy said, smugly as she rejoined her teammates. Dupluna and Fauxlestia flew up, and saw the attack from the ground. The sun princess had an idea, as she smiled. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” She asked her sister, who was smiling and was thinking the same thing. “You got it, sister!” Dupluna said, as she reached into her pocket, and whipped out Hawthorne the 3rd! “Go, get them, Hawthorne!” She called out, as she tossed him to the legion. Hawthorne smiled, as he saw the legion, and quickly turned into his giant form easily, looming over the legion, who saw and backed away in fright. “What IS that?!” Evil Chrysalis asked, as Hawthorne reached out, and grabbed her screaming. “Oh, great!” Evil Cozy said in shock. “It HAD to be a monster!” She and Evil Tirek were caught in the plant’s grasp and were eaten. Hawthorne chewed on them, and spat them out like ABC gum! They each got back up, and were super frightened as Hawthorne grabbed the apples from Sweet Apple Acres and tossed them directly at the legion, as they jumped away from them. Snowfall watched the battle, and got an idea. “Don’t worry, boys!” She called out, as the Pseudocorns came to her. “I’ll use this BATTLESTATION...that I always all the time have!” They raced around Hawthorne and aimed at the Evil Flying Divas. “And, call a BATTLESTATION!” They fired at them spot on...well, Evil Cozy that is! “Oh, crap! I’m hit!” Evil Cozy shouted in shock. “Well, If you’re going to go down, at least take somepony with you!” Evil Chrysalis called out to her. “You got it!” The evil filly said, as she flew over to her partner, landing on her. Evil Chrysalis was shocked upon being topped on by her partner, that her weight dragged her down. “NOT ME, YOU IDIOT!” She screamed in shock, as they were about to hit the ground hard. “HOLY CRAP!!!” They hit the ground head first in pain, as their teeth were gritted. Evil Tirek got back up, rubbing his head and snarled. Now, he REALLY meant business. “Alright, that’s it. That is IT!” He literally shouted in rage, as he got his horns and muscles ready to fire at the enemies. “I AM GONNA KILL THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THESE THINGS!!!” But, he never got the chance as Balor rushed up to him. “Time to make this centaur lose a few pounds!” Balor said as he grabbed His horns, immediately dousing his magic. He jumped off him, as the evil centaur was ready to use his magic. But to his shock and horror, he couldn’t make a single beam come out of his horns. “My magic!” He said in horror. “I can’t use any of my magic!” Balor landed to him smugly. “I know. Great trick, isn’t it?” He asked. “And, That’s not even the best part!” He motioned Morrigan and Grogar to come to him, which they did. “Morrigan embodies the element of Faith in her land.” He said to her. “Listen to her closely, and she’ll change your mind.” Morrigan nodded, as she wrapped her tail around the centaur. “You must feel so alone, being force to fight in battle in which you never have the chance to win!” She bellowed, as her enemy was entranced. “Normally, I’d put you under my control...but if that won’t do, how about this?!” She grabbed Evil Tirek and threw him off to the side. He came to, and gasped in shock. “SOMEONE FAT GET IN MY WAY!” He shouted, as he hit the landslide hard, his teeth gritted. “Time to put my plan into action.” Morrigan said, as she motioned to Grogar. “Now, Grogar!” She shouted, as they both used the bell to suck his strength, reducing him to when he was before he used the bell. “What the?! No!” Evil Tirek shouted in shock. “It can’t be!!” “Here you are, Sendak!” Grogar said, as they fed Sendak with the stolen magic. Now, Sendak was powered up with Tirek’s strength. “Oh, fig nuts!” Evil Tirek said, as Sendak gave him a ferocious uppercut, sending him down and out. However, he wouldn’t give up that easily as he got back up, and saw The Storm King ready for him. He snarled. “I got a bone to pick with you!” He grabbed a tree branch, and broke it in two and raced over to him. “Is that a fact?” Storm King asked, as he tackled him to the ground and pushed him, making him stagger back. He dived for him. “Take that!” He shouted, as he had his arms pinned, as did Evil Tirek had his arms pinned. “Yield you, Jackass!” Evil Tirek shouted, as their strength was now evened out. “Spinning Bird Kick!” A voice shouted from behind him. He turned to see Balor behind him. “What the?!” He said in shock upon seeing him. “And twist!” Balor finished, as he and Storm King sent him hurtling up. The evil centaur saw that he was about to hit Nightshade and Ceridwen, and braced for impact. “YA-SPIIINNNNNN!” Nightshade shouted, as she took Ceridwen’s staff and spun it, making the centaur get spun as well, as he hit the rock wall again. “DOH!” He shouted in anger. “Ha!” Nightshade shouted as She, Ceridwen and Storm King arrived right to him. “The Shadowbolt is mightier than the lightsa—!” “EGH! Light-waver!” Evil Tirek said, as he got back up. “Light-waver...very different from what you were about to say.” He smiled as he saw Danu coming up to him. “Anyway, I don’t need that to defeat you. I’ll ask him!” “Hey, would you kindly shut his noise hole?” Storm King asked Danu, who nodded. “I would do that, considering that I’m a knight and knights are really tough!” Danu said, as he ran up to him, and grabbed the evil centaur by his legs. “Wait!” Evil Tirek shouted in protest. “Don’t be swayed by his good manners!” He was picked up by the lion. “They’re only going to use you as a taxi!” He was then tossed into the air by the lion. “TREACHERY!!!” The evil changeling Queen got back up flying, and saw their muscle member taken down, and got ready to divebomb them. “Did somepony say TREACHERY?!?!” Evil Chrysalis asked in rage. “Uh, Tirek Did.” Ceridwen said, as she motioned for Cozy to hop on. “Hop on, Cozy! Time to take to the sky!” Cozy nodded, as she got on Ceridwen’s back, as they took off for her. “Oh, I see!” The evil Queen said, as she chased them from behind. “First, you try to steal my thunder, and now you want to play traitor?!” She readied up her horn at them. “I’ve got a better idea!” She said, as she smiled wickedly. “How about we play Chicken instead!” “You do realize that there’s no chance of us losing!” Ceridwen said, as she smiled snidely. “What makes you so damn sure?!” Evil Chrysalis asked, as she was ready to fire at them. “Because, we have this!” Morrigan said, as she flew up to Ceridwen’s side, and got into a surfboard position. “Hop on, Cozy!” “What?! Are you crazy?!” The filly gasped in shock. “You’re vapor! I’ll just fall through!” “No, I’m not!” Morrigan said seriously. “I promise you’ll be safe!” “That's not true!” The filly objected, as she saw The evil changeling fire a beam at her, which she dodged. “Now listen, Cozy!” Ceridwen said seriously. “What Morrigan is saying to you is the honest truth. Hop on, and you'll be safe.” Cozy took a look back at her killer, and Morrigan. Then, without thinking, she closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and jumped off Ceridwen, as Evil Chrysalis fired. She screamed as she was falling, and falling. But to her surprise...she saw that she was suspended in midair, and what surprised her even more was that she was on Morrigan’s back, and the Vapor falcon was smiling at her. Cozy smiled in relief. “I’m safe.” She said happily, as Morrigan changed course for the Queen. “You dare try to mock me with that Vapor bird!” Evil Chrysalis as she tried to fire, but Morrigan knocked her off, sending her tumbling through the sky! To her horror, she realized she was losing altitude pretty fast. “Oh, wait! I forgot to factor in the power-to-weight ratio!” She screamed, as she hit the ground brutally, as if an explosion took place. Back on the ground. Sombra and the Tantabus had just fired at Evil Cozy. So far, the battle was overwhelming, but they needed to finish things! “Twilight! Over here!” Sombra called out. “Sprout has a plan!” Twilight heard and flew over to them quickly. “What is it, you two?” Twilight asked seriously. “We need you to change tactics!” Sprout said, as he ran to them. “Every time we beat the evil Legion of Doom, they keep trying to retreat to face another of our side.” “Right! We need to strike at them NOW!” Sombra ordered seriously. “How do we do that?” Twilight asked them. “I’m glad you asked!” Sprout said, as he called for his robot (which was a giant robot-like version of Sprout, by the way) which treaded over to them. “Say hello... to Sprouticus Maximus!” he announced. “I know it may seem like much for you, Twilight! But, with the battle to cover you...” Twilight looked at the robot, and gulped. “I don’t know HOW to do that! I’ve never ridden a vehicle like thing like this before!” She gasped in shock. “I can help you out there!” Sprout put in. “I know WHERE you’re going with this, and the answer is ‘No Way!’” She said to them. “I’m not leaving you like this!” “We can handle ourselves!” Sombra said to her. “I don’t like it either, Twi!” Sprout told her. “But, the longer we drag out this fight, the longer Cozy’s double has time to do, whatever her plan is!” He put his hoof out to her. “So you in?” Twilight looked at Sprout’s hoof, and nodded as she took it. “Charger!” She called out. “I need a boost!” Charger flew over to her, and grabbed her by the arms. “You got it, Twilight!” He said, raising both the alicorn, and emperor like pony, over to the robot as they landed in the cockpit, with Charger heading back to his Shadowbolts. They both were in the cockpit, and Twilight was in awe at what she saw. “Riveting.” She said, excitedly. “No time for that!” Sprout warned her. “The sooner we do this, the sooner our friends are safe!” “Right!” She said, getting back in the game. “Let’s do this!” She saw a lever, and thought that would used to start it. She pulled the lever, as the robot started to tread forwards to the evil legion. Now, the real tide was about to be turned! Sprouticus Maximus Rolled towards the villains, who took notice and were extremely shocked and horrified by what they saw. “What in the name of Celestia?!” Evil Chrysalis asked in shock. “What IS that?!” Evil Cozy asked as well. “It looks like some glorified wind-up toy!” Evil Tirek said. “No matter! We may not have our powers! But we can still get to that thing!” They nodded in agreement. “Let’s go!” Evil Cozy said as they took off towards the giant mecha. “What do we do now?!” Twilight asked upon seeing the legion charging towards her! “Use the splat-a-pult to fire at them!” Sprout said to her. Twilight looked around for a button that would help her, until she finally came to a green one. “Ha!” She said, as she hit it, and the robot chucked out spinner-like arms, which fired an array of green goo bombs towards them. “Splatter up!” She called out victorious. The villains gasped, as they tried to dodge the blasts, but a few of them stuck onto them as they screamed and tried to shake them off. “Aaahhh!” Evil Cozy shouted. “Oozed!” “Get it off! Get it off!! GET IT OFF!!!” Evil Chrysalis shouted in shock and rage. The good side was easily beating the other villains, but they kept coming and coming. So far, it was as if there was no end to them. Starlight, Rarity, Tantabus, and Goldcap were firing at Evil Tirek, but so far, he kept swatting them away. They were already overwhelmed by the blasts. “Things are looking bad!” Rarity said in shock. “But, they’re starting to sound good!” Rainbow said, as she flew to them. “You hear that?” They all heard the sound of a giant lawnmower robot heading RIGHT for the villains. They smiled in excitement as they knew who was piloting that mech. “Ride them down, Twilight!” Starlight said in excitement. “Whoo hoo!” Goldcap called out, as the mech burrowed its way over to the trio. Twilight hit another button in the machine, and it unveiled an array of missile launchers. THAT made them stop dead in their tracks. “This can not end well!” Evil Tirek said in horror, as they turned tail and started to run and the missiles fired at them, making their flanks fried and thrown off the ground. Rainbow and Applejack were watching the fight, and were happy at what they saw. “Even with that new mech, Twilight is premo!” The wonderbolt said happily. “Eeyup!” Applejack cheered in agreement. Ahuizotl delivered a firm punch to the evil centaur, and saw a white rock with Rarity’s cutie Mark on it. He had an idea, as he tossed it to Chrysalis. “Here!” He called out. “Use this for something!” Chrysalis saw the incoming rock, and blasted it to form a clone of Rarity. The clone awoke as it rubbed her head. Spike took notice of the clone and gasped. But that wasn’t all the clone could do! The Tantabus took notice and went inside the Rarity clone, and clone transformed into a version of Rarity with an ethereal purple mane, and a dark body as well as jewel entrusted battle armor. She cackled, and looked at herself. “Finally, I am given a real body!” She said happily. Tantabus...or Nightmare Rarity was back and ready to be unleashed. Spike screamed. “Not this nightmare again!” He said. Tantabus Rarity took notice of the fight, and knew what she needed to do. “I’ll assist you, Twilight!” She said, as she jumped off the ground, and landed on the Mecha’s head. Evil Chrysalis saw the clone, and snarled. “Your primitive clone is USELESS, SPARKLE!” She shouted, as she fired at her. But, to her surprise, Tantabus Rarity fired a jewel beam at her, easily overpowering the blast, sending her back to her baddies. “Or not!” She said, scared. Twilight and Sprout were ready to do one final blast on the villains, as was Tantabus Rarity as she readied her horn at the villains, as they were shocked. “Okay, Evil Cozy!” Sprout said, as they were ready to finish them off. “This... ends... now!” they both said in unison, as Sprouticus Maximus fired a torpedo at the villains, sending them high into the sky, which fell down immediately after the blast. “Take this, Evil Tirek!” Tantabus Rarity shouted, as she fired a supernova blast at them, easily overwhelming them, as they were instantly beaten and bruised. “Oh, man that hurt!” Evil Tirek said, as he slowly got up. “Never knew she was THAT powerful!” Evil Cozy said, weakly and still frightened at the robot’s immense height. “THAT’S IT!!!” Evil Chrysalis shouted. “I’m going to smash that little pony to bits!” She readied up her horn to fire at the mech. “EVIL COZY, EVIL CHRYSALIS AND EVIL TIREK!!!” Twilight boomed out, loud enough for the villains to hear her. “You all have powers that you do not understand! But it is nothing compared to the Magic of—!” “I think we know what it is, Twilight!” Cozy said, as she flew to her side. “Let’s light em up!” Chrysalis, Tirek and Tantabus Rarity nodded, as they readied up their horns while Twilight and Sprout ejected themselves out of the mech, as they too got ready. The others were getting overwhelmed by the battle as well, but they saw Twilight and the others revving up their energy. Starlight saw it, and whistled for the others to arrive, which they did on the spot. “Everyone!” She called out. “We need to combine ALL of our powers to help Twilight save Equestria!” “Who will join us?” Rainbow asked. “Who will help give us the power to finish off Evil Cozy and her legion?” “I will!” Windrider said, as he came to her. “So will I!” Cinch added. “Count me in!” Stygian said, as he and Ahuizotl nodded. “And me too!” Spike shouted as well. “Alright, let’s do this thing!” Rainbow called out. “Right!” The rest of the Mane Six, Legion of Light, and Spike all called out as they reached out, illuminated gold, and rose up to the sky, where Twilight and her team were already risen. Danu and his Knight team saw the light show, and decided to join too. “We’ll go too!” He called out. “To protect everyone’s future in Equestria!” He turned to his team. “Let’s get them, guys!” “Right!” They called out as the Knights of Harmony illuminated gold, and rose to join the others. Twilight turned and saw her friends and the rest of the legion and knights join them, and smiled as if she was about to cry with joy! “Girls!” She called out happily. “You all came!” “Of course, we did!” Rainbow said, smugly to her. “You thought we’d leave you hanging?” Juniper asked, as Twilight nodded ‘no’. “But, enough talk!” Fauxlestia said, as she tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “Let’s finish them off!” Everyone else nodded in agreement, as Twilight turned to them. “All right, Everypony!” Twilight proclaimed. “Let’s show them, what we can do!” “TOGETHER!” They all shouted, as they jumped up, and did a somersault, leading them to form a rider kick formation similar to Kamen Rider 1! Evil Tirek, Evil Cozy and Evil Chrysalis were left agape in horror of what was to come for them. “This is bad, isn't it?” Evil Chrysalis asked, as she was gripped with terror. The silence of her allies answered her question just as a brightly colorful orange tornado swirled to them, and rammed into them fully! This ultimate attack enveloped them as they couldn’t comprehend with all these attacks coming straight at them! They were then enveloped into a powerful rainbow, which not only depowered the three, but also, they felt stiff, as a layer of stone started to encase them quickly, further horrifying them. “I don’t believe it!” Evil Tirek said, as he was being trapped in his stone prison. “No! Nooo!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Evil Cozy shouted horrified, as she was now trapped in her hard body covering prison. “No! Argh! This can't be...happening! Ahhhhh!” Evil Chrysalis screamed as she too was enveloped and encased in stone too. Finally, the stone transformation finished, as all three of them were now a combined statue, which immediately fell to the ground firm, cracking a little bit of sod and dirt. At that moment, all the heroes landed bravely on the ground, boldly. Twilight turned to see the statue, and smiled. Each had different expressions. Evil Cozy was braced for impact while her eyes were closed, Tirek showed an expression of fear, as his hands were stretched out in shock to see his stone prison, and Chrysalis had an scared expression while her arms were crossed. She couldn’t believe it! She had managed to successfully petrify the evil trio...all without Celestia, Luna or Discord’s help! They would be proud of her to see this one moment of triumph. “I couldn’t think of anything they’d want less!” Twilight said, calmly as she smiled brightly. She turned to her team! “We did it!” She then raised her voice higher for emphasis! “WE DID IT!!!” Everyone cheered, as they hugged Twilight in excitement as they were all proud of her. “Twilight, you’re a hero!” Sombra said, as he and the others hugged her firmly. “You sure are!” Danu said, as he and his team hugged her too. “Alright, Twilight!” Rainbow said, as she and her team, including Starlight hugged her immensely. “That’s my girl!” Spike said, as he hugged her. “Way to go, Twilight!” Cozy said, as Pinkie tackled her, to which they both got back up. “You’re our kind of princess!” Pinkie said, as everyone nodded, and showered her with praise and hugs for the successful defeat of the evil trio. “And, you finally beat that legion at their own game!” Dishwater agreed. “Twilight may be short, alright!” Chrysalis said happily, as she measured the height of the other Princesses. “But, all heroes are ten feet tall!” “You've more than proved your worth!” Adagio said, as her sisters came to her. “Without even having to study!” Sonata said as well, as Aria nodded. “I agree with everyone here as well.” Cinch said, as she smiled. “Though, honestly, I think there's more knowledge that your mind carries than any independent study program could offer.” “You really were not only a great princess, but also a great warrior!” Sprout agreed. “And this battle signified just that!” Grogar said in agreement. “I have to agree with Sprout.” Ceridwen said, as she came forward. “We all do!” She motioned her team, and her friends, as well as the alternate princesses to come to her. They all smiled brightly. “We’re all proud of you, Twilight Sparkle.” “Since you've come to Ponyville...” Fauxlestia said as well. “...you've displayed the true charity...” “...compassion...” Dupluna added. “...devotion...” Daybreaker said. “...integrity...” Starlight said. “...optimism...” Spike said. “...strength...” Tirek added, as he flexed his muscles for emphasis on that sentence. “...bravery...” Cozy added. “...healing...” Nightmare Moon added. “...beauty...” Chrysalis added. “...hope...” Sombra added. “...sorcery...” Stygian added. “...equity...” Tarannis continued. “...honesty...” Applejack piped up. “...faith...” Morrigan agreed. “...loyalty...” Rainbow continued. “...love...” Balor added. “...kindness...” Fluttershy said as well. “...pride...” Danu continued. “...generosity...” Rarity said. “...acceptance...” Mannah said. “...LAUGHTER...” Pinkie said, a bit too loudly, as she jumped in the air. “...Magic...” Tantabus Rarity said, as she and Sprout nodded. “...empathy...” Ahuizotl agreed, as Sundown nodded. “...and above all, the leadership of a true princess.” Ceridwen finished, as she smiled happily. “You are truly an inspiration to us all. A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.” They all bowed before her as she smiled. “After all, you do have the markings of a leader.” Lightning Dust said as well, as she smiled. “Thank you!” Twilight said happily. “But, I didn’t do it on my own. I did it with the help of my friends!” They all smiled as she said that. “We did it.” “TOGETHER!” Everyone else said, as they gave her the thumbs up. “I couldn’t have done it without all your help!” Twilight said happily. “And, what an amazing feat that was!” A voice said. They all turned to see none other than Princesses Celestia and Luna, and the Spirit of Chaos walking to her, happily. “Twilight Sparkle! My most prized student!” Celestia said happily as she was about to cry with joy. She held her arms out to hug her. “Princesses!” Twilight cried out, as she rushed forward to embrace both Celestia and Luna, as they both gave her the most powerful embracing hug ever. “Oh!” They saw the hug, and all smiled. “Awwwwww....” Rainbow and Danu said, as they shared a smiled as tears came out their eyes. After a while, they broke the hug. “I’m so glad you’re safe!” Celestia said happily. “Me too!” Twilight said, as she saw Discord and winked at him. The Draconniqus looked surprised, and smiled and winked at her too. “It was good to be back!” They nodded. “Yes, it sure was!” Luna said as well. Twilight quickly motioned for Grogar to hand her the bell. “Now, Grogar!” She said, urgently and quietly, as he obeyed and handed her the bell. She aimed it at the immortals and fired it at them, instantly returning all their magic to them. Discord snapped his fingers, and was happy to see that a munching pineapple appeared by him. He smiled, knowing that his chaos magic was back, as were Celestia and Luna, as their horns illuminated up. They smiled. “It looks like we got our magic back.” Discord said, as the Princesses nodded. They then turned their attention to the good versions of Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis and they snarled, as they slowly walked towards them, giving them a look that was ready to kill. "There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!" The sun princess shouted at the trio. Twilight was confused at first, but realized that she was talking to the good versions of those villains! She gasped in shock. She didn’t want them to suffer a fate like the one they were about to face. Her blood ran cold, and she knew she had to act fast! As the Princesses gave them menacing looks, Discord...well, two of him began to talk with Celestia and Luna. After a brief moment of whispering, Luna said, "Oh, that does seem fitting." “May I help? Please?" Discord asked. The two princesses nodded and they readied themselves to cast their spell. The good versions of the villains were shocked as they saw they were about to be shot! They all had a nervous and scared look on their faces, and the rest of the legion, Knights and Mane Six all gasped as they saw what was about to happen! Right before the spell would be cast, Twilight zoomed over to those good villains. "STOP!" Twilight shouted in fear, as she got in front of the villains and the three immortals. The princess and draconniqus powered down their horns, and claws, and saw Twilight, clearly showing a look of fear at them. "Twilight, why did you do that!?" Discord asked, less than satisfied. “We were right in the middle of giving those three the punishment they deserve!" He pointed to Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy as he said that. The alicorn was completely distraught as she shook with terror. "Please don't do this!" She pleaded to them. The others nodded in agreement with what Twilight said to them, but there were a few who disagreed with her. "Twilight, with everything they have done, they have to be punished." Celestia firmly started. "Look, I know you three are mad at them!” Twilight shot back. “But, you don’t understand! You can’t do this to them! They’re not who you think they are!” “Twilight, you expect us to believe such a story like that?!” Discord said firmly as well. “I'm not sure what is going here, but those three were a destructive team that nearly destroyed Equestria. Celestia is right, they need to be punished." Twilight’s gaze remained unchanged as she saw them. “Please, you can’t do this!” She pleaded again. Celestia groaned. "Alright, Twilight.” She said. “Give us ONE good reason why we shouldn’t punish them!” Luna saw the statue of the evil legion and was surprised, as she got her sister’s attention. “Sister what is happening?” Luna asked. “What is it, Luna?” Celestia asked stressed. Her sister leaned closer to her ear. “Why is there two of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow?” She asked. Celestia and Discord both saw the statue and the unpetrified trio, and were surprised. Luna was right, why WERE there two version of the legion of doom? “BECAUSE, those are the good versions of Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek from an alternate reality!” Twilight said seriously, to which all the immortals gasped in shock as they heard this. Celestia and Luna were dumbstruck. Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis good? And from another dimension? “An alternate reality?!” Discord asked in shock. “Wait, what?” Both royal sisters asked as well. “Is this true?” Discord asked, as he stepped forward. “Yes, it’s true.” Cozy said, as she stepped forward. “We are from an alternate reality in which the bad guys are good, and good guys are bad.” “We’re assuming you’ve researched the multiverse theory?” Chrysalis asked quizzically to them. Celestia pondered through her brain’s library of infinite knowledge she learned over the years. Then, the memory hit her as she nodded vigorously. “Yes, I believe I have. The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes.” She said. “Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: The entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.” “But, what does that have to do with them?!” Luna asked. “I believe you’ll be surprised at who you are also seeing.” Tirek said, as they stepped forward to reveal all the villains that have helped Twilight take on the evil legion. The sisters and chaos lord couldn’t believe what they were seeing. “What in the name of Galaxia?!” Luna asked in shock. “Grogar?! Sombra?! But my sister and I defeated you!” “Storm King?! The Sirens?!” Celestia asked in surprise. “I thought Star Swirl had banished you!” Discord too was shocked upon who else he saw! “Cosmos?!” He asked in surprise. “What are you even doing here?! I thought I sealed you back into the moon!” “Wrong, Discord.” Cosmos said, as she smiled. “That was the prime version of me.” “And by the way, we’ve always been good in the reality Twilight went to.” Eris added. “How...how in the...I have so many questions!” Discord said stressed, and confused as he was trying to wrap his head around this. Celestia saw her reflected self, as well as her demonic counterpart and gasped in shock. Luna was also shocked, as she saw found two versions of herself she hadn't seen since millennia ago. “Oh, sweet Faust, no.” Luna said, as she also saw the Celestias she knew from the dream realm and reflections world, Daybreaker & Fauxlestia. If anything, Both were terrified. “Since you two are surprised to have not seen us in a long time, you should look the part for a reunion.” Daybreaker said, as Dupluna nodded. “Honestly, you've been alive how long and you still can't figure out how to talk to each other?!” Dupluna said, sarcastically, as she giggled. “Nononononono....Twilight I demand you tell us what’s going on!” Celestia said in horror and surprise. “Daybreaker cannot come back, and neither can Midnight Sparkle, our other selves, Sunset’s demonic form, OR Nightmare Moon, we left those days behind!” “Have you really?” Sundown raised an eyebrow. “You used to argue like a bunch of whiny teenagers, how did you manage to keep Equestria running this long?” “Twilight Sparkle, you must explain how this all happened!” Luna said horrified as she looked at her demonic selves. Twilight took a deep breath, and decided to explain. “No need.” Nightshade said, as she put her hoof on her. “We’ll explain everything.” Twilight nodded. “Go on then.” She said, as Nightshade nodded, and they came forward to explain what had happened recently. “When you told Twilight to retreat, she was originally going to head to the Crystal Empire.” The Shadowbolt said. “That was...until her horn had a mind of its own!” “Instead, Twilight was somehow teleported to an alternate reality, against her own will.” Aria added. “It was a world in which all the villains you faced are the good guys, and all the heroes are the bad guys.” Snowfall agreed. “Call it a backwards reality, if you will. We were facing the alternate versions of the Element bearers.” “When Twilight landed there, we thought Twilight was a public enemy there!” Sombra explained. “Until we found out that she was from your world...incapable of destroying Equestria. We took her to Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon...alternate versions of you two...and we gathered up all the team members, and we came here.” “We even broke into the prison where you guys were held.” Lusterious added as well. “Midnight Sparkle and some of us freed you and Discord there.” “Midnight Sparkle?” Starlight asked, as her mind clicked. “Hey, that’s the pony that LOOKED like Twilight when we thought she came to save us!” “It sure was.” Cosmos nodded. “Later, when The evil versions of Cozy’s legion attacked you, Twilight and the others arrived just in time.” “But, it wasn’t until Sprout and the Knights of Harmony arrived to turn the tide.” Suri said as well. “Twilight and Sprout used a giant robot to take them on! It was impressive! There was a huge explosion!” “...and then, well, you know the rest.” Twilight finished, as she bowed her head down sadly. “You’re the alternate versions of Tirek, Chrysalis And Cozy Glow?” Luna asked in surprise, as they nodded. “We had no idea.” “All of you...are from that alternate dimension??” Discord asked, surprised as he pointed to each of them, to which they all nodded. “Then, it’s true.” Celestia said in realization as she came to hug her pupil. “The multiverse theory IS true! Oh, Twilight. We’re so sorry. We didn’t know those were the good versions of the villains until now.” “I agree with my sister.” Luna added. “It appears they ARE the good versions of them after all. We should’ve realized that sooner. We hope you can forgive us.” Twilight smiled, as she kindly returned the hug. “Thank you, Constance.” She said calmly. “WHAT?!” Everyone else asked in confusion. Twilight blushed. “Nothing! That was a unknown reference!” She said quickly, trying to cover it up. “I didn’t mean to make that one! Forget I ever said that.” “Sure we will, Egghead!” Rainbow said, as she giggled, as did everyone else! Twilight smiled from that, as she giggled too. Just then, they heard a rumbling of immense footsteps as they turned to see an army of immense creatures arrive in the hilltop, which were a massive array of Ponies, changelings, yaks, Buffalo, Kirins, Dragons, Hippogriffs, Griffins and many more creatures. As it turned out, all the creatures have come to save the Mane Six and the others! But... “Well, it seems we came by just in time!” a familiar voice called. It was Smolder from Twilight’s school of Friendship, which was a totally unexpected sight. “We came to help you at the urging of one of us.” Another voice called out. It was Sandbar. “...but it seems that wasn’t necessary, since you already had it under control.” “Well, at least we came to...” Smolder saw the ponies with the Princesses, and her eyes widened. “Aw, what?! We missed the battle?!” She asked in shock. Rainbow chuckled. “Sorry, Smolder.” She called out. “But, it looks like you were too late!” “Aw nuts!” Smolder shouted angrily, as she crossed her arms and kicked a divet in the ground, while the rest of the student six came to comfort their disappointed friend. Everyone giggled. “Well, one thing’s for sure...it was an honor to fight by your side.” Cozy said, as she bowed to the Royal sisters. “Congratulations on your success, Cozy Glow.” Celestia said proudly. “My sister and I definitely sense a big change in Equestria’s future.” Luna and Discord nodded as well. “Knowing Twilight, and what she did to save Equestria...” Tirek said happily. “...a big change is definitely coming!” “It’s about time you noticed!” Rainbow said, as they all nodded too. “Equestria is in good hands!” Chrysalis said, smiling. “There’s nothing you and your team can’t do!” Danu agreed. “As long as you do it together.” Storm King said as well. “You are all one heck of a team!” Windrider said, as he and Lightning Dust hoof bumped. “You definitely are!” Lightning Dust added as well. “Thanks.” Fluttershy said, as they all came to Twilight. “That means a lot to all of us.” “Especially coming from good villains like y’all!” Applejack said, pointing to them as they all smiled. “We must return to our own reality.” Lusterious said as she nodded to the others. “Ready, Chrysalis?” Chrysalis fired at an area, forming the portal. “It's all ready, Lusterious.” She said, as they all started to head to the portal. “Then, let’s go!” Lusterious said, smiling. “Take care!” Pinkie shouted, as they all started to come through. “Bye!” Rainbow called out, as they all went through the portal which vanished from view just seconds after the last few villains went through. Once they all waved goodbye to their new alternate reality friends, Rainbow smiled with a tear in her eye. She wiped the tear off, and turned to her friends. “Now, THAT was epic!” She said happily, as they all cheered in agreement. Celestia walked towards Twilight and her friends, ready to make her announcement to her former student. “When I sent you to Ponyville, I had high hopes.” She said happily. When you became Princess of Friendship, I knew I made the right choice.” Twilight blushed as Celestia put her wing around her. “But nothing could prepare me for how proud I am right now. Equestria is definitely in the right hooves.” She broke the hug and went to the other two immortals. “You are ready.” They all bowed before her, as she smiled. “You know what?” Twilight said, making her decision. “I think I am.” “Thank goodness.” Applejack said, as her friends came to her. “First question, your Highness. What do we do with all these creatures?” She pointed to the creatures on the hilltop. “We're gonna need a lot more chairs for the coronation!” Pinkie jokingly said, as they all shared a giggle. “Actually...” Twilight started, but she never got a chance to finish her sentence as the portal reopened, and she turned to see it. She saw Cozy, and some of the other villains come out of the portal excited to see her. Cozy raced to her. “Come with us!” She said to her. Twilight was surprised at this suggestion, and started to get concerned. “Come with you?” She asked shocked. “What about my friends?” “You’re the one who we helped save, as well as help us save your world.” Lusterious said as she came to her as well. “We know a lot about how badly Equestria fared without just one group of friends. Because even when one friendship dies, the results can be disastrous.” Twilight bowed her head down. “I know that all too well.” She said, as she raised her head up. “And that's why we’ve asked you to come back with us.” Cozy told her. “If you're willing to spread the magic of Friendship far and wide across our Equestria, we’ll be willing to teach you what we all know.” Everyone else nodded in approval and smiled at Twilight. Nightshade put her hoof on her shoulder. “You'll have the power to make this Equestria an even better place.” She said sweetly. Twilight bowed her head down again, as tears started to trickle through her eyelids. “Why so glum, Twilight?” Cinch asked, as she and Ceridwen looked at her, proud. “Are you not happy that your battle is complete and you can come with us to Harmonize our Equestria?” “But, that’s just it.” Twilight said glumly. “Just when I made a whole bunch of new friends, I have to leave my old friends.” She looked back at them, and then to the good villains. “There’s got to be another way! I can’t leave them! I’ll think of something!” “If all of your friends went with you, it could disrupt the balance of both our worlds.” Aria explained, as she rested her fin on Twilight’s mane lovingly. “This would cause chaos with the balance of order in separate dimensions.” She gently lifted the alicorn’s chin. “Please come with us. We’ll help you Harmonize this Equestria.” “No!” Twilight said, as she sobbed sadly as her ears flopped. “I can’t do this! I can’t lose my friends!” “Twilight...” Chrysalis said, as she gently lifted Twilight’s head. “Your friends will always be there for you!” Twilight receded her tears, and looked back at her friends, who were smiling at her. She slowly smiled back at them, and then turned to the good villains. “Okay.” She said, happily and sad. “But, can I say a few words to them, before I go?” “Take all the time you need.” Cozy whispered, as the others smiled at her. Twilight smiled back, as she turned back to her friends, ready to say her final parting words to them. “So, you thought about it, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked her. Twilight nodded. “Yes, Applejack.” She said, barely holding back her tears. “I’ve made my decision. I’m going to help Cozy’s Equestria harmonize and spread the magic of Friendship far and wide there.” Applejack smiled sweetly at her and nodded while the others gasped in surprise, and Pinkie was mortified. “Wait!” She cried out. “Does this mean...” she raced to Sugarcube Corner and raced back to the group with a special farewell cake that said, Happy Farewell Party, Twilight! On it. “...goodbye?!” Twilight nodded sadly. “I’m afraid it might.” She said, as the party mare gasped sadly. “I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.” “Hate you?” Everyone asked in shock. “Your magic, as well as your decision are parts of who you are, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, as she patted her friend. “..and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.” She started to cry a little bit from her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re actually going.” “And, we may not see each other much anymore now.” Rainbow said, as she flew to her friend. “But we want you to know that all our fun memories with you have been fun.” She teared up with joy, as she hugged her friend. “Super fun.” “Hating you is one thing we could never do, especially since this is your decision.” Fluttershy said, with her voice starting to break, as she smiled as well. “Oh, you’re moving away from us already, and it's terrifying!” she hugged her friend close. “I'm scared, too.” Starlight agreed. “Rattled to the core.” Rarity said sadly. “I just can't stop thinking about how much things are going to change!” She hugged her friend as well, and smiled. “But, of all the bittersweet things that could happen, this is THE. BEST. BITTERSWEET. MOMENT. EVER!” The others looked at her confused. “What? I really mean it, and I’m both happy and sad at the same time!” “We’ll all miss you Twilight!!!” Pinkie wailed out as she sobbed in her coat. “And the worst part is...we might never see You again!” “Goodbye, Twi!” Rainbow said, as she patted her. “You may be an egghead, but you’re MY egghead!” She then felt her sadness rising up, as she erupted. “OH, who am I kidding?! You’re the best egghead ever in all of Equestria!” She cried out, as she hugged her friend. “I know that we may not talk to each other as much...” Fluttershy said, smiling as she started to cry. “But, that doesn’t mean we will forget you!” “You’re the best friend we had since Celestia sent ya to Ponyville!!!” Applejack blurted out. “And, now this might be the last time we ever see ya!” She cried in her hat loudly, catching the attention of her friends. “I thought you cried on the inside.” Rainbow said. “Oh, I know it!” Applejack wept. “But, how can I hold my tears back when our best friend could possibly be leaving us?!” The others looked at her and smiled, knowing that she was right. This was something to let out your tears about. “Oh, come here, Everypony!” Pinkie said, as she roped the entire Mane Six and Starlight and Spike into a giant group hug, as they all cried and smiled about Twilight leaving for an alternate Equestria and wondering how the future of her friends would turn out. After a while, they broke the hug, and all looked at Twilight, who just smiled. “This isn’t goodbye.” She said to them. “But rather, so long for now until next time.” “But you'll come back and visit, right?” Applejack asked. “Just try and stop me!” Twilight said, smirking as her friends smiled brightly. “I think she’s got it, AJ.” Rainbow said to her. “I know she does.” The farm mare said as well as she nodded. Twilight then turned to the two royal sisters, and went up to them. “Well, I guess this is it.” She said to them. The two sisters were shocked as Discord spat out his popcorn can. “You’re leaving?!” He asked in sheer surprise. Twilight nodded. “You’re actually leaving?” Luna asked to which Twilight nodded. “We always knew that whatever adversity you faced, that you and your friends would find your way through it together.” Celestia said, as she slowly let tears trickle out her eyes. “I know Equestria is in the perfect hooves with you and your sister looking out for it.” Twilight explained to them. “And while I’ll always be here if you need me, it's time for me to be on me way.” “I’ll miss you, Twilight!” Celestia said sadly. “You were always my most precious, faithful student! Not only that, you were like a daughter to me.” “And, a nephew to me as well.” Luna said as she too teared up. “We will miss you a lot.” “I know I will!” Twilight said, smiling as she took Luna’s hoof and smiled. She turned to see Starlight crying as well, as she ran up and hugged her. “I’ll miss you, Twilight!” She sobbed into her mane, “I can’t believe you’re leaving!” “I’ll miss you too, Starlight.” Twilight said to her, as she returned the hug. “But, this isn’t the last time we’ll ever see each other!” “I know it won’t.” Starlight said, as she broke the hug, and smiled. “You were always like a sister to me!” Twilight nodded in agreement. “I know.” She said, softly stroking her mane. She then turned to her friends. “It’s now time for me to rule on my own. And, we will meet again soon.” She started to cry with joy. “After all, you never know what the future holds.” They all nodded as they came together for a huge group hug, with the sisters wrapping their wings around their subjects. Twilight then noticed Discord being left out, and smiled. “You too, Discord.” She said, bringing him over to the group. “Come on.” Discord smiled upon seeing his friends. And joined in the hug as well. “Thank you, Twilight....” Celestia said in between tears. “...For everything.” “You’re welcome!” Twilight said, as they slowly broke the hug. She turned back to the good villain syndicate. “I’m ready to go now.” They smiled. “Then, let’s go.” Cozy said, as she calmly took Twilight through the portal, and the alicorn...with the syndicate started to vanish through it. "Good-bye...everyone!" Twilight said, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "I love each and every one of you as if you were my family. I just want you to know that I will never forget any of you." She gave a sad smile. "Nor will we forget you!" Starlight called out. “All of us have been through so much together as friends. And as long as you remember the memories here, we will never truly be gone!" She also gave a tearful smile. "And no matter what, always remember that..." Twilight started. "FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!" The Mane Five, Starlight, Spike, the two sisters, and Discord all cheered out, as they all waved goodbye to their friend. "Twilight, wait!!!" A voice called out. She turned to see Spike flying towards her. He stopped about two feet in front of her, gazing at her with sad eyes. "So...I-I guess this is good-bye...forever." Her loyal assistant said. Twilight looked down and nodded. "Yeah..." Her voice cracked. Spike wanted so badly to give her a hug. The next thing that Twilight knew, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him. Twilight tensed up and her eyes widened, as her face turned a bright shade of red. She heard her heart pounding in her ears and her vision blurred. After recovering from her surprise, she closed her eyes and hugged him back. After about fifteen seconds, they broke apart for air. They stared into one another’s eyes, their face equal shades of red. "I love you, Spike." Twilight said softly. “I will never forget you.” "I know I won’t forget you too." Spike replied, as he flew back to the others, and watched his sister vanish. They smiled and Twilight turned to leave. She took a deep breath...and passed through the portal for the last time. “Goodbye, Twilight!” They all called out, as their friend vanished through the portal. Twilight was gone. All that remained now were the Mane Six...minus their leader, a dragon, a former star pupil, as well as two now-depressed sisters and a sad draconniqus. “We’re gonna miss...Twilight Sparkle...so much!" Fluttershy cried out, sobbing between almost every word. She clung to the remainder of her friends. "Oh, I can't stand to see her upset." Rarity said with a sob and a sniff. "Oh, we're gonna miss her!" She said, completely breaking down as she hugged them. The rest of the group joined in as they all hugged each other. Spike stood there, mixed emotions danced crossed his face before he gazed sadly at the six mares and joined the hug. The drake sniffed and Starlight Glimmer completely broke down crying like he had never cried before, making everyone feel more pain. Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy hugged their friends harder, trying to comfort them, but not even they could prevail. "It doesn't...matter what hap..pens...she all...will...al..ways have a special...place in my heart." Starlight said through her sniffs and sobs, which caused the others to seem to cry more. Applejack started crying and she hugged whoever was nearest really hard. "We're gonna miss her, girl." Applejack said with a sad smile, as she cried out loud too. “I wonder if...dragons cry!” Spike sad softly, as he embraced the remaining friends that were still standing there. The girls continued to embrace one another sadly. Finally, they gathered enough strength to let go of one another. The two Royal sisters watched the scene, and smiled sadly as well. “Twilight Sparkle was a great student, Tia.” Luna said, as she felt tears trickle down her face. “I can’t believe she’s gone.” “I know, Dear sister.” Celestia said sadly, as she lowered her swan-like neck, placing her majestic head right in front of her sister, her flowing mane was wrapping around her head. “I thought we were ready for this...but, this was something that we ended up NOT being ready for.” Tears trickled down her face as well. “I guess we’ll have to keep ruling Equestria for a thousand more years.” “We might have to, Sister.” Luna agreed, as they hugged each other, unable to hold back their sobs. “So much for our retirement.” Everyone was sad as the disappearance of their most best friend, the princess of Friendship and the no-longer soon-to-be ruler of Equestria had occurred. It looked like the end of an Era, but then...Kinda not. The age of Celestia wouldn’t end, and the age of Twilight would never happen now! The Era of the sun and moon would have to continue for many more millennia. Suddenly, Rainbow noticed that the portal was still open and was surprised as she flew right by it. She waved her hoof to see what would happen. “Uh, shouldn’t the portal be closing?” She asked, confused. Everyone else saw, and were all surprised and confused. The portal should’ve closed by now. Why was it still open? “It should’ve closed.” Starlight said. “Wonder what’s happening?” At that moment, an alicorn stepped through only halfway the portal. It was Twilight, and she was a little concerned, as she saw her dragon assistant. “Uh, Spike?” She asked, as he flew to her, confused. She extended her hoof out to him, and once he saw, he smiled brightly as tears flew through him like a waterfall. He hugged his sister figure happily. “Of COURSE, I’ll go with you, Twilight!” He said happily, as he lept into her arms, making her cradle him sweetly like a baby. Twilight smiled, as she sniffed a little bit and nodded. They started to turn back through the portal, as he waved goodbye to his friends. “Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity shrieked out in shock, upon seeing her special some dragon leave too. “Goodbye, Rarity!” Spike called out, as he waved towards her and the others. “Bye, Discord! Bye, Starlight! Bye, everypony!” Everyone watched Spike leave through the the portal, and waved to him as well, smiling as their eyes teared up. “Goodbye, Spike!” They all called out, as they saw him go. “Goodbye, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity said, as she hugged him close. “You were always a special somepony for me!” His eyes widened in shock. “You really mean it?!” He asked, wondering if this was all a dream. She nodded, and smiled. “Yes, I do mean it.” She hugged him one last time. “And now, it pains me to watch you leave!” She returned to the others as they watched. Pinkie Pie couldn’t bear to watch another one of her friends leave, as she chased after him. “Spike! We’ll never forget youuuuuuu!” she called out as she chased after him. “Bye, Pinkie!” Spike called out, as he and Twilight had vanished through the portal, which closed in a mere matter of seconds. Pinkie was too late. Twilight and Spike were gone. “No.” She said, as her eyes widened, ears flopped, and she held her tail close to her face. Her friends came to her, and rubbed her gently as if to comfort her. All that remained now were six ponies, two alicorns and a draconniqus. The Princesses fondly then looked toward the area where the portal closed. “Do you think we’ll ever see Twilight again, sister?” Luna inquired. “I am not sure…but, I think with friends like these…she has a chance.” Celestia stated. She and her sister exchanged knowing looks and winked, and teared up at the sight of where they once saw their former successor. They all bowed their heads down in respect and sadness upon seeing both Twilight and Spike gone. The Royal Sisters now couldn’t pass down ruling of Equestria to their successor, and the Mane Six had no leader. Worse for Starlight, she had no teacher now. They all felt tears leave their eyes as they looked down at the ground. Rarity saw the area where their friends once were, and erupted with tears as she sobbed loudly for everyone to hear. “BAW!” She cried out, as she wrapped herself in her hooves. “Oh, no. What's wrong, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, as they all came to comfort her. “I miss them already!” Rarity cried out, as she looked down sadly, and her friends came to comfort her in her time of need. It felt like the saddest moment in recorded history that Equestria has ever witnessed. The battle for the land was won, but with a tremendous cost: Twilight Sparkle, and Spike had left for the Alternate Equestria to spread friendship across the world. Everyone looked down, as they couldn’t bear what to think now that the Princess of Friendship was now gone. Not even Discord could even comprehend with the happy, yet sad ending that was unfurling in the pages of history. For the first time in his life, he actually felt true emotion. Not even his usual fun and antics could stem the tide of his first real tears. Tears of both sadness at his loss, and anger at those that had caused it, as well as himself for allowing it. Twilight’s cheerful face dominated his thoughts, only to be constantly swapped with the three evil villains swallowing the image for themselves. He hit himself in the leg, knowing that It was all his fault. But, he remembered Twilight did forgive him, and that he really did have the best intentions to get Twilight ready for her rule...even if it was in an alternate reality. He even remembered the best moments when Spike and Big Mac invited him to their Top-Secret Guys Night, to make him feel wanted. And, he loved those memories...but with Spike gone, he felt like a fun part of him would be remained missing, as he would be down a fellow for Guys Night, and he and Big Mac would have to find someone else. He remembered also, that If he hadn’t been so stupid, this never would have happened in the first place. Discord was powerful, but even he couldn’t turn back time, and change the Princess’s mind. Deep down inside, he knew her mind was made up. He even recalled Sombra’s second defeat, which brought back painful memories of him and his friends. He vowed that he would never forgive himself for that incident. And now, she and Spike were gone. Two heroes now going to an Alternate reality of the Equestria. Two heroes worthy of such a sacrifice. The remaining friends...who weren’t on the hilltop just couldn’t cry anymore. There was nothing left to give. Just a hollow feeling that dominated their souls at the thought of their two friends’ fate. So, they sat in silence, conflict, regret, remorse, evaluation, and memories...all things that made their emotions damper down to a pure pulp. No happiness remained that day. Equestria had lost its greatest Princess of Friendship, and though others would take her place, nothing could ever truly replace her or Spike So, they grieved. The portal to the Alternate Reality Equestria opened up, as the Legion of Light stepped through with Twilight and Spike being carefully tugged along in tow in the Alternate Canterlot Castle. They approached the throne room, and so far, the two prime heroes’ eyes were covered, as if they were getting a surprise. “Here we are, Twilight and Spike!” Cozy said, as she uncovered both their eyes. “Welcome to your new home!” The two gasped in amazement and awe as they saw the castle repaired and with a nice throne room, looking almost identical to the prime castle’s room. What also surprised them were the ponies clad in golden, regal guard armor, who were lining up both sides of the red carpet in the room. “Cozy, what is all this?” Spike asked, as he saw the guards on both sides of them, as well as the throne room. “These ponies over there are your personal guards!” Cozy said, as she flew to either side of them, showing them all the guards at their side. “Personal guards?” Spike asked, as the legion nodded. “No way!” Twilight said, hushed with excitement as she stepped through, and saw a throne at the Center...this throne in particular, had an entirely purple border with golden cushions, and a golden outline. She felt it, which was cold to the touch. “Amazing!” She turned to her legion. “Who’s is it?” “I believe it is yours, Queen Twilight.” Daybreaker said, smiling, as her sister nodded in agreement. As did the others, as well. Twilight’s eyes widened in amazement. “Really?” She asked. “Mm-hmm!” They all said, as they nodded, and walked up to Twilight. “That’s right, Twilight.” Chrysalis smiled happily, and put her hoof on her back like a mother would. “From here on out, you are no longer just Princess Twilight...from this day forward, you shall now be known forever as Queen Twilight Sparkle.” "L-Like, the Queen of Equestria...the highest form of royalty?" The bookworm alicorn asked, hoping she wasn't just hearing things. “Of course.” Chrysalis said, as she hugged her gently and sweetly. “There’s nopony more worthy than you, Twilight.” Lusterious said, as she walked over to her. “Over the years, you’ve faced task after task...” “...challenge after challenge...” Nightshade said, as she flew to her. “...And no matter what, you've always prevailed.” Cosmos said, as she put her claw on Twilight’s shoulder gingerly, as she smiled at her. “You have done many extraordinary things since you’ve lived in the prime version of Ponyville.” Storm King said, as he lowered his staff, gently. “You even helped reform the prime version of Nightmare Moon.” “But today, you’ve done something extraordinary.” Cinch said, as she smiled proudly at her student. “You have stopped the evil versions of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.” “...and we helped you along the way.” Mannah said. “As, the most strongest weapon of all was your friendship.” “You and your friends were right to embody the Elements of Harmony in your world.” Ceridwen said, as she smiled. “The Elements showed you and your friends how strong friendship really is!” “And, you worked to bring harmony to Equestria!” Morrigan continued. “...But there will always be more to do! Which is why you can teach others about the Magic of Friendship!” Balor added. “Other generations will continue your mission many millions of moons later! You and your friends truly understand!” Tarannis said proudly to her. “The Elements were just symbols!” Danu said to her. “But, they’re more than that...they are what make the true power inside you grow.” “And, you learned that the real magic has always been right here!” Stygian agreed. “And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be!” “We are all proud of the work you have done in the past, Twilight Sparkle.” Sombra said smiling, as he gently lifted her chin. “You’ve done a great impact for the world around you, and that has helped everyone embrace that magic for the better.” “We’re all your students now.” Tantabus Rarity said happily to her. “And now, you rallied all of us against the evil versions of Cozy’s legion...” Eris proclaimed happily. “...proving without a doubt that you are indeed ready to be crowed Equestria's newest Queen.” Twilight’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, as she blushed happily. "Don't worry" Adagio said, resting her fin on her shoulder. "We're all here for you." Like a mother holding a child, Fauxlestia wrapped her hooves around Twilight, hugging her. The rest of the legion followed suit as they did their best to comfort her. It was... heartwarming, and also comforting. “And, we always will be.” She said happily. “Whatever challenges your new life will entail-" Goldcap started. "-We can get through it together" Midnight finished off. As the Legion of Light was welcoming her with open hooves, Twilight felt like she truly was at home. It was as if all the stress and worries was now nonexistent to her. “You ready to meet your guards, you two?” Mane-iac asked them. They nodded. “Alright then.” “Here they are!” Cozy said, as she showed them. “On the left side, we have Sour Sweet...” “Glad to be of service, Your highness.” Sour Sweet said, bowing down to her. “...Indigo Zap...” “Pleased to meet you, Queen Twilight.” Indigo said, as she bowed. “...Lemon Zest...” “We will always take pride in what we do.” Lemon said seriously, as she bowed to her. “...Sugarcoat...” “We are glad to be of service.” Sugarcoat said, as she bowed down. “...and Sunny Flare.” Cozy finished. “We are ready to serve and protect you, my Queen.” Sunny said as she bowed. “And on the right side...” Rover explained, showing the two the right side of the room. “...we have Rolling Thunder...” “Charmed.” Rolling said, as she bowed. “...Short fuse...” “HEY! GET OFF MY—!” Shortfuse said, as he got cut off, by a serious nudge by Rolling, pointing at the Queen. He gasped in shock, and bowed down. “Oh, Queen Twilight! Your Highness!” He said nervously and calm. “I’m so sorry about that outburst! Ah, nice to meet you.“ He stuck out his hoof at them, as they shook it carefully. “...Starry Skies...” “Queen Twilight.” Starry said in a silky voice, as she bowed and smiled. “...Blueball Blitz...” “Pleased to meet you, your Highness.” Blueball said, as she followed suit with the other guards. “...and last but not least...” Rover finally finished. “...Radiant Hope!” Twilight saw Radiant and smiled at her, as she bowed down. “We live only to serve you, my Queen.” She said, as she smiled. Cozy glided over to Lightning Dust, and whispered, “I think we’d better give them a little test.” Lightning Dust nodded, as they went to the Center of the room, ready to give out their command. “Attention, guards!” She shouted. “About face!” The guards set the spears down twice on the floor. The two looked at each other, and smiled as they turned back to the guards. "Tell us...Who are you?" Cozy Glow asked them. "We are the Royal guards!” The guards all said as one. “We live only to serve our queen!" "And, who is your queen?" Lightning Dust asked them. "Twilight Sparkle is our one and only Queen.” The guards responded. “We will do anything to protect our Queen at all costs.” "Good...Good......” Cozy said, as she clapped her hooves together happily. “I think we got through to them.” She turned to Twilight, who smiled, knowing that the guards and her legion would help her get through this new Era in her life. Her eyes started to well up with tears. “Twilight, are you crying?” Chrysalis asked, as she came to wipe her tears. “Oh, don’t worry about me!” Twilight answered as she smiled. “I’m crying because I’m happy.” “Awwwwww......” everyone said, as they all smiled happily at her. “I love it. Thank you so much. But, I don't want to only look back.” The alicorn told them. “When my former teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville, she wanted me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you.” The legion all smiled at her with tears of joy flowing through them. “Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful.” Twilight continued. “Obviously, we might hit some snags along the way, but that doesn’t matter! It's our relationships that really count, and we have to maintain them.” “We all realize this is a lot for you to take in, but—“ Nightshade started to say. “I want you to know that we all got this!” Twilight finished. “We sure do, Twi!” Suri said, as she hugged her. “If you're all on board, which I know you are, I am, too.” Twilight said to her friends. “There’s gonna be plenty of time for all the challenges and struggles and adventures to come!” “It's like the end of an era.” Snowfall said, tearing up with joy, as she came and patted Twilight. “...Or rather the beginning of an even better era!” Grogar said as well. “It is now your time to shine, Twilight.” Tirek said to her. “Everypony wants to hear from you.” “You are in charge now.” Dupluna said, nodding. “It's your destiny.” Twilight smiled for the first time like never before. She knew all her new friends and old, as well as her kingdom would all be there for her. “All I know is whatever comes next is going to be perfect.” She said, happily. “Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!” She hugged Dupluna, as she and the rest of the legion and Spike gave a great big hug to their new Royal leader. The guards even smiled as they saluted her proudly. Twilight winked at them, as she went to her throne and sat on it, while Daybreaker, Fauxlestia and part of the legion sat on her right, while Dupluna, Nightmare Moon and few others sat on her left. A few even surrounded her on the back side of her throne. They all surrounded her, smiling. They knew Twilight has got this, and that whatever challenge she would entail, they all would face it...together. “So, Twilight?” Spike asked her. “How do you know that whatever comes next is going to be perfect?” Twilight smiled at her no. #1 assistant. “Trust me, Spike.” She said. “With you guys by my side, how could it not?” They all nodded in agreement as they all looked beyond the throne room into the future. It would be a new Era of Friendship and harmony, as the new ruler of the Alternate Equestria, Queen Twilight Sparkle, would help spread that magic far and wide with the help of her new Legion of Light, her guards, kingdom, and of course...her number one assistant and Royal advisor, Spike. They knew that whatever came their way, they would all get though it together. Knowing her, how could things not be perfect? And so, for the new ruler, the Age of Twilight has begun. “I am so not confident about this at all!” Starlight said, stressed and shocked in the Castle of Friendship. “You want me to be leader?!” “You're the perfect choice, Starlight Darling!” Rarity said, confident. “You're a good leader at the School of Friendship in the past and an expert in friendship just like Twilight was. We trust you to lead us exactly as she would.” “Uh, that's a pretty big responsibility.” The pupil said, nervously, as she took a deep breath. “I'll feel much better—” “—once you make a plan?” Rarity finished. “Yeah.” Starlight then did a double take at her, as if she knew what she was saying. “Oh, wow. It's like you—” “—knew you were going to react this way?” Rainbow asked smugly. “We did.” “Classic "Starlight-ing".” Pinkie piped up, which further shocked Starlight. “Starlight-ing"?” She asked. “You... You made me a verb?” They all nodded, as she facehoofed in stress as she looked down at the cutie map. “It's not a bad thing, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, comforted. “We just know you have a... process.” “Stage one – you get big news and you're like "Nooooo!", but then you pace, and you chart, you worry...” Rainbow chimed in. “It's okay, Starlight.” Fluttershy said, coming to her side. “You go ahead and "Twilight", and we'll be here for you.” Starlight was both astonished and surprised at the same time, as her friends comforted her. “You're all acting so calm!” She said in wonder and shock. “But this is a big deal! What do we do if something big happens and the neither the princesses nor Twilight are there to help?!” She was about to go into another stress-out phase as she said that. “Um, if you think about it, they literally almost never help.” Rainbow said, reminding her. “Shut up, Dash!” Starlight said, annoyed as everyone gasped in shock. “Hey!” Rainbow said annoyed. “I was just stating the obvious!” She crossed her arms. “That’s all!” “Now, Starlight!” Rarity said to her. “Don’t be rude! So what if Celestia and Luna don’t come to help us? At least they try to offer you moral support on each of our missions.” She patted her carefully. “I know you’re all trying to help, but this is big! Like REALLY big!” Starlight said, getting even more worried and stressed by the minute. “But even still, we’ve always won!” Pinkie explained. “Like when Evil Sombra almost took back the Crystal Empire, or when Evil Chrysalis pretended to be Cadance, or when Evil Tirek came back and absorbed all the magic, or the other time Evil Chrysalis tried to take over, or with Evil Cozy Glow and the school!” She took a deep breath, before asking. “Am I missing anything?” “Pony of Shadows.” Rarity said. “Starlight when she was evil.” Dash agreed. “Not helping!” Starlight groaned. “Discord when he was evil.” Fluttershy also agreed. “Also, not helping!” Starlight said angrily to them. “Sorry.” Fluttershy confessed. “Do Flim and Flam count?” Applejack asked. Starlight cocked an eyebrow. “Well, normally no.” She answered. “But, if you count an alternate reality in which they destroyed your orchard...then, yes.” Applejack was shocked, then facehoofed. “Shoot!” She said in realization. “She IS right!” “See?” The wonderbolt said confidently, getting into the mare’s face. “We've almost always done things without the princesses' help, and now...Twilight will be part of that fray! Which makes sense now, because it was all just training for you to take over! I mean, if you think about it, there hasn't been a single villain that we couldn't defeat without Twilight’s help in the past!” “YOU’RE the next generation, Sugarcube!” Applejack agreed. “Now, it’s your turn!” The others nodded in agreement, as they smiled at her. “I don’t know...” Starlight said, still unsure at all this. “Being a former cult leader was hard enough.” “Which is why we’ll help you every step of the way!” Pinkie piped up. “And, it Makes perfect sense.” Dash said as well. “We're awesome. Sure we may not get Twilight’s powers...but, you know what I mean!” “If Twilight thinks it's time to move on to a new rule, you’re not a bad choice. We always have been Equestria's best interests at heart, and now you’re with us!” Applejack replied. “That's a fair point...” the pupil pondered. “...which should be taken into consideration when we have a round table discussion—“ “Well, I'm in! Darlings, we'll all need a complete leadership update!” Rarity cut in as well. “And, I would love to pick your brain about mane maintenance when you have a moment.” “As long as we all have each other, and as long as you got the skills like Twilight does...which I’m sure you do...” Fluttershy started. “We KNOW you do!” Pinkie interrupted. “...then, I'm sure we can do it!” The kind Pegasus finished. Just then, Starlight’s eyes widened in realization. “How do I start?!” She asked in shock. “I haven't even made one single friend!” “No, you haven't.” The speedy Pegasus said. “You've made five special friends, right here.” She gestured to the rest of the mane six, as they all smiled. “Yay!” Pinkie said in excitement. “Can you believe it?! I can! We get Starlight as our new leader, and we’re the new heroes now! Even better! Starlight gets her own element of harmony!” The others looked at her confused. “What?” Starlight asked quizzically. “Well, maybe not yet, but still...this is so exciting!” Pinkie squealed, as she put her hoof in, as Everypony else did theirs. Now, all they needed left was Starlight’s hoof. “‘Protectors of Equestria’ on three! One... two...” Everyone looked at Starlight, smiling. Starlight took in a deep breath. “If you're all on board, I guess I am, too.” She said, as she put her hoof in. They all raised their hooves in victory and broke. “Protectors of Equestria!” The six ponies shouted, as they cheered. Starlight collapsed into Twilight’s throne, as the others hugged her, which she hugged back too. “Yeah, we could have planned that a little more better.” Starlight said in realization. “See? You’re almost exactly like Twilight is!” Rainbow said. Starlight thought about it, and perhaps her friends were right...she did have the makings, and traits of a true leader just like her former teacher, Twilight did. “It'll be a bit of an adjustment, and this could be the most important thing I’ve ever done.” The pupil explained. “I can't lead the Elements of Harmony without my best friends.” She turned to them. “Can I count on you?” “Of course you can, darling.” Rarity said happily. “Would we be a good team if we weren’t there for you?” Rainbow asked, as they pulled her in for a hug. Starlight felt the hug, and it was very...heartwarming. She smiled as she returned the hug. “Everything you've gone through over the years with Twi has been a training program.” She said happily. “And, The friendship journal you helped Twilight sell and contribute to is a better guide than anypony could provide.” Fluttershy said as well. “But, there’s no better guide than us!” Applejack said happily, as they all nodded. “We have the utmost confidence in you.” Rarity said to her. “And we hope you have the same in yourself.” Pinkie said, rubbing her mane. Starlight smiled. She really did have the confidence she needed...and all without the Princesses, Twilight or Discord here to help her. “Trust me, girls!” She said happily. “I think this is start of a brand new friendship!” “Awwwww....” the Mane Five said, as they smiled warmly in response to her complement. “I'm absolutely certain I do!” The pupil said to her friends. And, she was right. She DOES have the utmost confidence in herself, and the best part is, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy would be there for her every step of the way! Once a former cult leader, now the new leader of the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer was ready to lead her friends into a new Era of Friendship...just like Twilight had taught her. And, she could always use her lessons as a reminder as well. Whatever problems she and her friends have along the road, they would get through it, no matter what. It would be a lengthy transition, but a worthwhile one as Starlight would now take control living in Twilight’s Castle, running the school of Friendship, and leading her new team along. She had friends who believed in her, and she believed that she could also do this as well. She would have to break the news to Sunburst, Trixie and Maud later on...but, no matter what happened, her friends would always be there for her. Besides, with her new friends, what was there to worry about? In Ponyville, Discord was walking about, and saw the going-ons in the town. He then was surprised to see that in addition to ponies, there were also creatures in Ponyville. Some creatures were talking with the other ponies walking and leaving the stores together. It seems that after the Legion of Doom’s attack, the creatures and ponies became more united than before. He smiled, as he walked by and saw ponies like Lyra and Bon Bon hugging each other, the Young Six conversing with other ponies at the town square, and even the Cutie Mark Crusaders exiting Sugarcube Corner with a few other creatures in tow. He couldn’t have been more happier to unite all of creaturekind together. He wanted to give his friends confidence, and this was his result of all his hard work. However, he felt that one important piece was missing from the collection. Actually, two...and, they were Twilight Sparkle & Spike. He remembered how he first met the Mane Six, and tricked them into being the opposite of what they were. But in time, he became an ally to them. He even gained Spike as a friend when he joined their guys night. As he felt that feeling, a small tear trickled from his eye, as he looked down at the ground. He knew Twilight forgave him for his little boo-boo. But, without her and Spike, it would be difficult to find a replacement for guys night, or to annoy Starlight with his antics. He went over to where the Golden Oaks library once was, and saw the crater that Evil Tirek had made because of it. He closed his eyes, as the tear left his eyes and landed on the spot near the crater where he had defeated Twilight. He opened his eyes sadly, and looked up. He sniffed. “Farewell, Twilight.” He said downcast. “You really were a good friend.” He walked away from the crater, but not before he looked back at it one last time. He smiled happily, as he walked out of the town, and slowly faded into obscurity back to his dimension, where he would have a nice tea party with Fluttershy in remembrance of Twilight. At Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was writing some papers in her throne room. But, somehow...something was no doubt bothering her. “A ‘tax-deferred cooperative share’ at any time means that a share (a) issued within the past 10 years by an agricultural cooperative corporation...” she read off on her paper. “To a pony or partnership that is at the time the share is issued an eligible member of the agricultural cooperative corporation pursuant to a...” But unfortunately, she just couldn’t concentrate as tears trickled down her eyes, which were tired red. She was sad about one thing...her most prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle along with her son, Spike were both gone. Unable to focus on anything else, she dropped the paper down, and sobbed into her own hooves. Luna came in as soon as she heard the sobbing. “Sister!” She cried out. She was then surprised to see her crying like this, as she flew closer to her. “Sister? What’s wrong?” She asked softly. Slowly and carefully, she conjured a steaming cup of tea. Her eldest sister took the tea, but didn’t drink it, instead just staring at it like she’d never seen a teacup before. Finally, she let out a soft laugh. “I can’t concentrate, Luna.” she whispered in dismay. “I miss Twilight.” Luna understood her misery, and patted her down in the shoulder. “Twilight Sparkle was great student, Tia. And a close friend.” She told her. Celestia laughed again, but there was no humor in it. “I remember when I took her under my wing, Dear sister. She was not only my student, but she was the closest thing I had to a daughter. I officiated Shining Armor’s wedding and made her the organizer, I made her a Princess, and gave her a kingdom and on top of it all, I was going to pass the throne down to her to rule Equestria.” She took a slow sip of tea. It burned her mouth, but she didn’t care. “It was all supposed to happen. But, now she’s ruling in an Equestria that’s not ours.” She looked down sadly, before facing her sister. “So much for our retirement. I guess, we’ll have to cancel our stay at Silver Shoals.” “Oh, Tia,” Luna murmured. “I’m so sorry.” She touched one hoof to her sister’s shoulder. “I’m sure that we wanted this to happen too. Twilight Sparkle was ready for this. But, her going to an alternate reality to rule...was something we weren’t ready for.” The sound of hoofsteps announced another arrival, as Discord appeared out of thin air into the room. “Hello, Everypony!” He said, gleefully. He took one look at Celestia, and a frown crossed his face. “Did I miss something?” He asked. Luna turned to him. “Tia’s just had to try to recover from the sadness of our former successor leaving us,” she said quietly. Discord was confused. “She misses Twilight.” She explained. Discord blinked, then looked down sadly. “I’m so sorry about this, Celestia.” He said in discomfort. “It was all my fault! If I hadn’t taken the form of Grogar and rallied up the evil legion, none of this would’ve happened!” He put his claws on his face. “What have I done?” Luna shook her head, as she came to her side. “Do not think less of yourself, Discord.” Luna said in a comforting, motherly tone. “You did what you had to do.” She paused, then smiled slyly. “Besides, Equestria will now face its longest period of Harmony in eons. More importantly, if Twilight was never sent to Ponyville, she would never have had the chance to make friends or even reform me, or befriend you, or Starlight, or become a Princess!” Discord was a little surprised by all this. “Don’t you see?” Luna asked, excitedly. “It was because of Twilight that you got to be friends with Fluttershy, have ‘guys night’ with Spike and Big Mac and, also you boosting her confidence.” Discord thought about all this, and realized Luna was right. If Twilight hadn’t come to Ponyville, she would never have met the Mane Six, Discord would never be reformed, the Harmony Chest would never be awakened, the school of Friendship would never be open, and Discord would never be united with his dear Fluttershy. “You’re right.” He said firmly as he smiled. “If I hadn’t have done that...well, I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened. I just want to focus on the now.” He took Luna into his arms, and held her close. Luna smiled. “Of course.” She said. “Just don’t think about the past, just focus on the present.” She took Discord’s face sweetly, bringing it to hers. “Everything will be just fine.” She closed her eyes, and kissed him softly on the lips, which shocked him. Nevertheless, he returned it, as their lips were locked together. After a few minutes, they broke the kiss and looked at each other, blushing. "Wow," they both whispered in unison, blushing even more at saying the same thing at the same time. Celestia was shocked upon seeing this, and then silently scowled. "But you know sister, besides Discord, making his mistakes in the past, you haven't really been taking threats seriously yourself." Luna said, as she turned to her sister. "What are you saying?" Celestia asked, cocking her head to them. "What we’re saying is that every single time a threat comes to Equestria, you always make Twilight stop it.” Discord explained. “For example...when I got set free, Twilight had to defeat me. While you just sat on your big fat butt and did nothing, she has every right to quit....which is what the big point is.” “You have called her your student, and daughter in the past...” Luna chimed in. “But, in reality, you've just been using her as a tool to get attention and glory, when it all should've gone to her, plus the fact that you're always relying on the elements of harmony...which aren’t there anymore...to solve everything, so what Discord and I are trying to say is... that it's partially your fault too." Celestia lowered her head in shame, as tears started to leave her eyes. Slowly, she shook her head. “Do not be sad, sister.” Luna said, putting a wing aside her. “...because it has only now we have decided to tell you this.” Celestia nodded mutely, taking a sip of her tea. It tasted of salt. She just sighed. “But, what happens now that Twilight and Spike are gone, and the evil legion is defeated?” Discord asked, curiously and nervous. “Will Equestria really face its longest period of Harmony? Is this the end of the Elements of Harmony?” Luna was curious too, as she pondered this with him. “You have a lot of questions, Discord...” Luna started to say. “Get out.” Celestia quietly grumbled, looking up to them. “What was that, Dear sister?” Luna asked. “Get out! Both of you!” Celestia shouted angrily, making both her younger sister and the spirit of chaos jump in fear. “JUST GET OUT!!!” The two felt like it was a good time to leave. “Come on, Discord.” She said. “Let’s go spread the news.” “I agree.” Discord said, as he put his arm around Luna, as they both walked out. “Celestia needs some time alone.” Luna nodded, as they both left the throne room, leaving only the Princess of the sun alone with just her thoughts, and her sadness, knowing that her most faithful student was gone. “Oh, what will I do with my life?” Celestia asked, as she sobbed into her wings. “What will I do without my faithful student gone from the world?” Her mind just couldn’t accept it! It felt all too real for her! Her body wracked by sobs as she finally broke. She couldn’t contain herself. Her planned successor to rule Equestria was gone, she and Luna would have to keep ruling Equestria for eons. It was as if all the celebrations she planned for were all for nothing! It was a happy ending for the land, as the Legion of Doom was defeated, but there wouldn’t be any coronation for the newest ruler now. “I could have gained a new successor to take my sister’s and my place someday, but instead…I just lost a student, and a fellow princess of Friendship.” She choked between tears. “Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle. All of your heroic deeds for Equestria will never be forgotten.” She looked at the stained glass window that had Twilight defending Equestria with her friends. After looking at that, she bowed her head down in utter grief, and closed her eyes. “I’ll never see her again.” However, just when she was about to cry out her last tear, a golden light shown through the window and into the castle. It shined into the eyes of the Princess. The light blinded her, as she awoke and shielded herself from the bright rays. She then saw two blurry figures, and tried to make out what they were. The figures came closer, and closer until they stopped, and the light dimmed a little bit. Celestia uncovered her eyes, and was shocked to see the figures unblurred and fully revealed. They were Cozy Glow and Cosmos, and they were smiling down at the Princess. “Wha—?! Cozy Glow???” She asked in surprise. “Don’t get too lonely, Celestia.” Cozy said to her, sweetly as she smiled proudly. “You’re not alone. We can assure you that wherever you go, Twilight Sparkle will always be there to watch over you.” “You will get a chance to see her again, soon.” Cosmos said, as she too smiled. “Wherever she is, she will ensure that Equestria will endure a period of great harmony and friendship.” She gently raised her chin up. “Never say never, Celestia. After all, she will always come to visit you, AND your friends. You taught her well in the magic of Friendship.” “Just remember Celestia...” Cozy finished “...friendship is magic!” The two legion members smiled, as they faded back to their world, as did the light. And in just a few seconds, all that shown bright was the sun through the stained glass window. Celestia looked at the stained glass window shimmering through the light, and for the first time in so long...a smile curved on her face, and before she knew it, she smiled. She actually smiled a real, genuine smile, for the first time today since she made her announcement to Twilight. “They’re right.” She said, softly. “They’re right!” She started to cry tears of joy, as she rose up from her sad resting position, and stood up with her wings unfurled, and high up in the air like never before! “I know that all is not lost.” She said happily. “I know that Twilight will come back one day to visit, and we will be together again! This is not the end, but rather a new beginning!” She smiled so brightly, that it almost hurt to keep that grin stretched out, but she didn’t care. She knew that she would see her faithful student! “I know she’ll come back...and maybe, I can...no, I will come visit her! And so will Luna, and Discord, and her friends as well! We will see each other again! That I know! After all, tomorrow...is another day!” Celestia was more happier than ever before! So many eventful things had happened that day! The Legion of Doom’s defeat, The birth of the legion of light, Twilight the new ruler in the alternate Equestria, and Starlight the new leader of the Mane Six...as well as the School of Friendship! She was happy, knowing that this was not the last time she would ever see Twilight. No! Not by a long shot! She would see her again! And so would Luna, Discord, and the rest of the Mane Six as well! She stood, and watched the sun way up in the sky, as the pictures just stood there, shimmering in the light, marking a reminder for all good things to come. Maybe, she could live with this after all. After all, in the magical land of Equestria, tomorrow really was another day!