> My little pony Adventures Pilot > by Kayceejr91 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > my little pony adventures chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long ago, before Equestria was ruled by a powerful group of monsters. Known as the Titans! That is, until a heroic group of ponies Join forces and are led by the brave Sleipnir, as they rose up. against the Titan king Tirek, and imprison him and his allies into Tartarus! By using the elements of harmony on the beasts. And banished them, never to haunt the surface again. Centuries later, long after the War was won, Sleipnir and his Allies were still traveling. Queen Faust united the three races with kindness and harmony. Then one day they have birth to three children, Celestia The who guarded the day, Luna who guarded the night, Brightlight guarded the ponies. Then one day Brightlight met a strange ram. the name of Grogar. Grogar filled the young prince's head with dreams of power and conquest. Brightlight found his ideas intriguing. He felt that only he should rule Equestria. But Grogar deceived him. He embedded the young prince within. powers of dark magic and attempted to control the prince with his dark influence. But in a blind rage Brightlight released all The power of darkness destroyed Grogar. Expecting to be praised, Brightlight bragged to his father about how He had gotten the best of Grogar. But Sleipnir did not praise him, for he could sense the darkness. Within his son. Feeling shunned, Brightlight grew to hate and resent him. along with the rest of his family and plotted his revenge. He gathered all his forces that he could and raised a coup against His father and he took on a new name, King Sombra attempted to take the throne by force. The battle was fierce and lasted many years. But in the end, King Sleipnir won. Without the heart to banish his son, to Tartarus he stripped his son of his wings and then cast him to the Everfree forest. Then to prevent the elements from ever falling into evil's hooves, Sleipnir scattered them to the far corners of Equestria. We then see a young mare who is an alicorn she has violet eyes, her mane and tail is a dark sapphire blue with purple and raspberry streaks and her is pale, light mulberry and her cutie mark is a four white stars around a big pink star. She is in her private library reading a book. Twilight was reading the book, "And there they lie to this day, waiting for somepony worthy to wield them." Then a baby dragon entered the room his eyes where pistachio, his spikes harlequin, and scales light budish grey and his under belly and light lime green ear fronds his name is Spike Twilight's assistant. He then said "Twilight! Quit reading that old ponies tale, the king and queen want to see you now." Twilight sighed and then said, "Probably another stallion they're trying to set me up with." Spike then said, "Actually, Celestia is here to see you too." Twilight screamed "Eep!" and then she and Spike ran out of the library. She and Spike then made her way passing the royal Apple farm there she met one of her old friends named Applejack she is and earth pony mare who eyes were green and her mane and tail is blonde, light olive and her coat was a gamboge her cutie mark have three apples on it lastly she has freckles on her face. She works on the royal apple farm with her family and right now was carrying some apples, she then spotted Twilight running then she said "Well howdy there Twilight, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Twilight then said nervously, "Oh, nowhere princess stuff you know how it is." "Well." The apple farmer said "When ya'll are finished, maybe you can join us all for lunch." While she was saying that we see her family who were also working on the farm. Frist was Applejack's big brother Big Macintosh he is a big stallion with eyes that are sap green and his mane and tail is a orange and his coat was brilliant and his cutie mark is a big green apple. Then they're grand mother named Granny Smith she has light orange eyes and her mane and tail is light gray and she has a light lime green coat and her cutie mark is a apple pie. Lastly they're youngest is a little filly named Apple Bloom and she is very cute, she has gamboge eyes and her mane and tail is a red and her coat is pale, light olive. She also has a big pink bow in her mane. "Um." Twilight replied. "I have a lot of work to study today. Maybe some other time." Applejack then said, "Alright sugar cube! Stop by any time!" We then see Twilight and Spike waling up a flight of stairs but then a gust of wind passes by Twilight causing her to ship around. It was none other then Rainbow Dash the royal weather pegasus. She has cerise eyes and her mane is rainbow color. Her coat is light blue and her cutie mark is a cloud and a rainbow lightning bolt. She then said "Well hey there "Princess", up to anything royal lately?" Twilight then said, "For your information, Rainbow Dash, I happen to be on my way to see my parents." Rainbow Dash then said with a cocky voice "Well, when you see them, be sure to tell them their best weather pony is to join the Wonderbolt's at any time." Twilight then rolled her eyes and said, "I'll keep that in mind." Later in the hallway. Twilight then said "Honestly, what is with that pony?" Then they heard a voice. "No no, no, oh heavens no!" Spike then said, "I know that beautiful voice...Rarity." Rarity the royal dress maker and a unicorn her eyes are azure, her mane and tail are indigo, she also has a white coat, finally her cutie mark is three diamonds. She is working on a new outfits for the king and queen, and Twilight of course as she said "These color's simply won't do for the king and queen." She then spotted and then said "Ah, Twilight how are you this lovely day!" Twilight then said, "Well you know royal stuff mom and dad. Gotta go!" She was then running off and magical levitated Spike who was in a love trance and Rarity just stood there in confusion. Twilight rushes down the halls with Spike in tow. But then they came across a yellow-coated pegasus with cyan eyes, and a light pink mane. She also had three pink butterflies as a cutie mark; it was the royal animal care taker Fluttershy who has Twilight's pet brown owl named Owlicious. Fluttershy then said, "Oh hello Twilight. I hope you don't mind, but I took Owlicious for his brushing early." Twilight then said "Thank you Fluttershy he really needed a good brushing. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to go!" She then ran pass her then Spike while on her back said "Huh, rude much?" Twilight then said, "Sorry Spike, I have enough problems to worry about without a bunch of ponies trying to be friends." Then a pinkie earth pony with some balloon cutie mark popped out from nowhere. Her name is Pinkie Pie, and she shouted, "Hiya there Twilight! Guess who's planning your birthday party in 128 days? It's me, your extra special super fun party planner!" While she was still talking Twilight walked off trying to ignoring her then Spike said "Come on Twilight, they're just trying to be friendly they've been doing for years." Twilight then said "Well they're wasting their time. Friendship is a waste of time. Besides It's not like I can make friends anyway! I can't even leave the castle without the royal guards escorting me! Who would want to be friends with me out there anyway." Meanwhile a town called ponyville in the kingdom of Tambelon we see a young pegasus stallion running on top of a building being chase by some royal guards ponies. The captain/prince of the guards named Shining Armor who has blue eyes and mane, and tail and his coat is white and he shouted "Stop thief! We got you this time, Horse thief!" Then we see a young pegasus stallion name Flash Sentry his eyes mane, and tail are sapphire blue and his coat is gold and his cutie mark is a blue shield with a lightning bolt on it and he said "All this for a bag for grain?" Flash then slides down a laundry line, he gets caught in one. While that was happening one of the guards said "Do you think he forgot he can fly?" Flash then fell into a pile of laundry he then picked himself up and heard an angry voice of the captain of the guards "You won't get away so easily!" Flash then said, "You think that was easy?" Then he used that cloths from the laundry to cover himself and walked to three mares who was giggling at the sight and then Flash said "Moring ladies." Then one of them said, "Getting into trouble a little early, aren't we Flash?" Flash then said "Trouble, me? No you're only in trouble if you get caught." Then Shining Armor, who saw through his disguise and grabbed him, said, "Got ya!" Flash then said, "I'm in trouble." Shining Armor said, "And this time..." But he was interrupted by a barrel falling on his head. "Bullseye!" Flash then looked up and sees his friends and partners in crime Soarin Skies his is a pegasus stallion with emerald green eyes and his mane and tail are dark blue, his coat is cornflower blue and his cutie mark is a pare black clouds and a lighting bolt in the center and then there's Cheese Sandwich who his eyes green, his mane and tail are dark brown and his coat is orange, and his cutie mark is a cheese sandwich were laughing and high hooving each other. Flash then said, "Soarin, your perfect timing as always." They both said "We aim to please!" Flash then said, "Come on guys, let's split!" Flash "Gotta keep up!" he said. One jump ahead of the fruit stand One leap ahead of the horn We steal only what we cannot afford Soarin "(And that's everything)" Flash "One trot ahead of the soldiers that's all." Cheese "And that's no joke." All three of them "These guys don't appreciate we're broke." Shining Armor "Riffraff!" Guards, "Horse Thieves!" Another guard, "Scoundrels!" Another guard named Thunderlane "Agreed!" Flash "Just a sack of grain, guys!" Guards "Tear them apart, take it back guys!" Flash "I can take a hint, gotta faced the facts. You're my only friends, you two!" Flower ponies "Who? Oh it's sad these three have hit rock bottom they've become a three-horse team of crime!" Matilda "I'd blame parents, except they haven't got them!" Soarin "Gotta eat to live!" Flash "Gotta steal to eat!" All three Colts "Tell all about it when they got the time!" Flash "One trot ahead of the slowpokes" "One skip ahead of our doom!" Soarin "Next time, I'm going to stay inside my room!" Cheese "(You don't have a room!)" Flash "One trot ahead of the stallions" One hit ahead of the herd. Cheese "This day couldn't get any more absurd!" Guard "Stop thief!" Doctor Hooves "Vandals!" Flash and Soarin "Cheese!" Spoiled Rich "Scandal!" Flash "Let's not be so vicious." Derpy "Still, I think they're so delicious!" Flash "Gotta eat to live." Soarin "Gotta steal to eat!" All 3 "Otherwise we can get along!" Flash "One Trot ahead of the hoofbeat!" Guards "Vandals!" Flash "One hop ahead of the chumps!" Guards: "Horse thieves!" Cheese "One prank ahead of disaster!" Guards, "Scoundrels!" Soarin "They're quick, but we're much faster!" Guards "Agreed!" Flash "Here goes, better throw my hoof out" Everypony, look out! All we have to do is jump!" The song ends with Shining Armor and the rest of the royal guards landing in mud and covered in it. Later at their hideout "Another perfect pilfer pulled off!" Cheese said while Soarin was eating some pie. "Mmm pie." The pie loving pegasus said. But while his friends were relaxing and eating, Flash was looking out the window and seeing the castle. "Flash!" A voice said, "Yo Flash, anypony home!?" Then Flash snapped out of it and saw his friends who looked concerned. "Oh sorry guys." Flash said "I was just thinking, are we gonna sped the rest of our lives swiping food to get by?" Soarin then said, "Well, it's not like the key to the castle is going to fall in our laps." Then Flash said, "I know, I know, I just wish something would change." Meanwhile, at Everfree Forest, Mount Doom, and the Midnight Castle, we now see the evil King Sombra in his throne room. His eyes are brilliant scarlet with deep scarlet pupils, his flowing mane is black, and his coat is dark gray. Lastly, his curved horn is red, and he also wears silver armor on his legs and neck, a crown that makes it look like more horns are coming out of his head, and he has a blood-red cape. King Sombra then said "One thousand years. One thousand Years! I've been stripped of my wings! Forced to reside in this accursed forest! I Want that Lamp!" Then Cujo the leader of the diamond dogs who was wearing a fedora, his coat is black gray, he also wears a brown vest his eyes are dark green and lastly wears a black caller with diamond on it and he said "B-b-but King Sombra everypony we've sent in that cave is very picky." King Sombra then said "Of course that cave is very picky you idiots! Only one pony can enter that cave! The Diamond in the rough!" Cujo then said, "Well of course, I guess we didn't think of that?" He then turned to the other Diamond dogs, Rover (the medium-size diamond dog) and Cujo's second in command, Fido (the big one), and Spot (the small one), saying "Why didn't you morons think of that?!" He then slapped them silly. King Sombra then levitated Cujo to him and said, "Because I have a brain and you have none!" He then put him down and turn back and walked to his throne and said "Only the lamp can restore my wings to me." He then sat down on his throne and then continued "Within the lamp, their lies a titan so powerful, not even Tartarus can hold him. So father in prison him in a lamp for all of eternity. Now he must grant three wishes to whom so ever wields it. The only way he can be freed, is if he learns the true meaning of friendship. To this day, he remains within the Draconequus cave. And only a diamond in the rough can enter the cave and leave alive. Now go find him you Fool!" Cujo then said while running out with the rest of the diamond dogs, "Yes, Your Majesty!" After they left King Sombra then said sinisterly "Soon Father dearest, I shall have my revenge." > my little pony adventures chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we see the throne room of Tambelon, where King Nightlight and Queen Twilight Velvet were sitting. The king was a blue unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail; his eyes were amber, and his cutie mark was two crescent moons on opposite sides of each other. The Queen is a greyish white unicorn with light blue eyes; her mane and tail are purple and light gray, and her cutie mark was three purple stars. Both of them were wearing crowns. King Nightlight was pacing around the throne room with a worried face. Then Twilight Velvet said to him, "Sweetheart, I know we want Twilight to find a husband, but shouldn't we be more patient? Her birthday isn't for a couple of months." Then Nightlight said, "I know, I know! But she has to pick one sooner or later. Preferably before Celestia finds out!" Then they heard a voice that said, "And does Celestia need to find out." Then appearing from the sunlight through one of the stained glass windows was the Alicorn of the sun princess, Celestia. She is a tall white-coated Alicorn with larger-than-usual wings and horn; her mane and tail are light cerulean, light turquoise, light cobalt, and pale heliotrope, and her eyes are magenta. She wears a golden collar and golden crown, and her cutie mark is a sun. She is a very majestic and beautiful mare. Then King Nightlight and Queen Twilight Velvet both said, "Princess Celestia!? Alicorn of the Sun!" She is one of fourteen Alicorns in Equestria. Celestia then said "Greetings King Nightlight, Queen Twilight Velvet. My apologies for being so early. But I was so happy that my father let me off so soon now I'm free to visit my favorite student! Why I still remember the day mother and father deemed her worthy as an alicorn at only ten. Since then, I've taken under my wing teaching her how to wield magic, and one day earn her title." Then king Nightlight said "With all due respect princess, I'm more worried about her finding the right stallion. She's making it very difficult." The sun Alicorn then said "That decision is entirely up to her. After all, your son found found to perfect bride to be, just give her time." Then Princess Twilight entered the throne room and said, "Princess Celestia! I'm so glad to see you! What's the visit for?" The sun princess gave a grim look and said, "I'm afraid that I bring grim tidings to the kingdom. The pillars of Equestria have fallen. Betrayed by their former comrade Stygian. Starswirl, Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, and Mist Mane have been captured by my brother King Sombra. Now there's no telling what he can do. However, there is still hope since we are higher alicorns forbidden from interfering with the affairs of ponies only Twilight can retrieve the elements of harmony, save the pillars, and defeat Sombra." Then Twilight when wide eyed hearing that and said "ME!" King Nightlight then came in and said "But, Princess this mission sounds to dangerous for my daughter! Couldn't my son Shining Armor go in her place?" Princess Celestia then said "It's best not to question it. My father has the up most confidence in Twilight. Either way, she must do this or Equestria is doomed." She then whispered to the king and queen's ears "I have spoken to Cadence on this matter. She assures me Twilight will find true love on this quest." Then Twilight said "Very well, if king Sleipnir believes in me. I will find the element of harmony." Then Celestia said, "I'm glad to hear it Twilight, but you won't be going on this journey alone." Then we cut to the mane 5 with traveling bag who all said "Hi Twilight!" Then Twilight said sarcastically, "Wonderful. What else can go wrong?" Then later that night we see Flash Soarin, and Cheese back at they're place. They were asleep but then Flash open his eyes and when he did he saw four diamond dog Cujo Rover Fido, and Spot who where looking at him sinisterly. Then at that moment Cujo knocked Flash out with a big stick. Fido then stuff the blue maned pegasus and then he said "Hey boss, are sure this pony is the right one?" Then the leader of the diamond dogs said "We'll he better be, or it'll be our heads not to mention his own. Anyway it's not like his friends can help him." We then see Soarin and Cheese were tied up in another room then Cheese said "What kind of world is it when three ponies can't get a good night sleep without being tied up and kidnapped!" Then Cheese mane sharpen and cut the rope and it fell freeing the two stallions and then Soarin said "First of all, thanks you for that second how did you do that? And third we've go to save Flash!" They then break out of the other room and ran out side with Soarin saying "And...Their gone...Buck." The next day, Flash was dropped down in King Sombra's throne room while being tied up. He then looked up and saw the evil former alicorn who then spoke to Cujo. "This had better be the one, Cujo," he said. "For your sake." Flash then got up and said, "Okay, who are you guys, and why am I here?" King Sombra then turn to flash and then said "Allow me to introduce my self. I am King Sombra, true ruler of Equestria and I am about to make you an offer you cannot refuse." Flash then asked, "What kind of offer?" Then the evil king said "My terms are simple. You are a thief, and I require one deep in the Everfree forest there is a cave of untold magic. All you have to do is steal a simple lamp for me and if you do so you and your allies shall never have to scavenge for scarps again. In fact, you'll live like kings for the rest of your lives." Flash then thought in his head and think. "On one hoof, this guy looks like the pony from the black lagoon and not to be trusted. Not to mention he had his dogs knock me out and kidnapped me. But on the other hoof, I'm sick of swiping food and this guy could set us up for life." Then Flash spoke up "All right King Sombra, I'll get the lamp for you. But you'd better keep your end of the bargain." Then King Sombra said, "Trust me, my friend. You'll get exactly what's coming to you." Later at the Draconquus cave the young golden pegasus trot forward and then the cave spoke "Who dares disturb my slumber!?" Flash then said "Uh. it's just me Flash Sentry." The Cave said "You are the one who is worthy, touch nothing but the lamp!" The cave then open and trot into the cave and nothing happened. King Sombra and Cujo saw him entering the cave and the evil King said "He survived! He is the diamond in the rough! Well done Cujo, for once!" Then, when Flash got deeper in the cave and saw mountains of gold, Jews, and many different treasures, he gasped. Then he saw something in the center of it all; it was the lamp. When he did, he said, "The Lamp!" He then flies up to the lamp and then said "That Sombra had better be a pony of his word. Cause I didn't go though all this for a tacky reading lamp." He then picked up the lamp and place it in the sack that Sombra gave him. He then flew back down and then stopped at a screeching halt in front of a small pile of gold. Then he said "You know, it'd be a real shame to let all this gold to go to waste. I mean what does this Draco cave need if for anyway?" Flash then picked up some of the gold and he heard the cave shout "THIEF! You have stolen the forbidden treasure! Now you will never see the light of day again!" Then Flash said "Is it to late to say "I'm sorry"?" Then the cave started to rumble and explode and then the blue mane thief said "It's to late." Flash then flies for the exit as the cave falls apart and when it did a chunk of the cave crashes down oh him clipping one of his wings. Flash then lands right at the entrance, clinging for dear life. The cave falling apart behind him. while that was happening King Sombra looks over him looming over him. The flash said "My wings are clipped! You've gotta pull me up!" But King Sombra looks unmoved then he smirked sinisterly and then levitate the bag with the lamp to him and while he was he said "No, I think I'll take my lamp, and leave you to your demise." He then let out laughed an evilly. But while he was doing that Flash gripped one of his front hooves and bite it with all his might. King Sombra's laughter was brought to a halt as he cringes in agony and he let out a big shrike. But while he was doing so he accidentally dropped the lamp in the cave. King Sombra in rage he blasted Flash while saying "You little brat!" Flash then fell in to the cave himself. Then the cave clamps down shut just as King Sombra escapes. Then, after that, Cujo walked up to Sombra and said, "Well, that kid is done for." The King Sombra said, "He served his purpose, now I finally have my..." Then he stopped and saw that he doesn't have the lamp and while that was happening he said "What? Where is it? I just had it! How could it? no." Then he cries to the heavens, "Nooooooo!" Cujo speaks behind him, an infuriated Sombra "So...What now? Boss?" King Sombra growls, "Summon Trixie. Tell her that we're going to plan B!" > my little pony adventures chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile back at the Kingdome of Tambelon. We see Soarin and Cheese laying on top of a building that was near by the castle. The Cheese said "Our friends is gone, and the bottom line our trios down to two!" Then Soarin stand up and then said "Enough with the cheesy one liners! There's gotta be some way we can can save Flash!" Then they heard a voice from down below that said "So we need to find the elements of harmony? That's not gonna be easy!" Then the two looked down and the king queen and princess Twilight and also there was princess Celestia five other mares and a little baby dragon. Then the alicorn of the sun said Indeed it's not. My father once told me that the six elements were scattered across Equestria, in six unique locations. The element of honesty can be found in Appleoosa, the element of kindness, is in the Breezie Kingdome the element of laughter lies somewhere in the Dragon lands, the element of generosity lies in Seaquestria, and the element of loyalty should still be in Cloudsdale. The name and location of the final element is lost to us even my father removed his memories to keep it safe. But he once told me, when the other elements are found the final element will be revealed!" Then the young purple pony princess said "In the name of Equestria, you can count on us!" Then the mane six say their goodbyes to their respected families. But then King Nightlight said "Twilight, I apologies that Shining Armor could not join you on this mission. But we found a pony to take his place while he visits the crystal empire. Meet Lt. Thunderlane!" Then came a black coated pegasus stallion with a silver mane and tail and with eyes of gold along with golden armor he then bow to Twilight and said "I am at your humble service your majesty." Twilight then blush in embarrassment and then said "Oh please, don't do that while we're on our journey." Then while the ponies and spike were on their way Applejack then said "Welp, let's everypony! Those elements ain't gonna find themselves!" Then as they were leaving Soarin said while he and Cheese were still listening to what's going on. "Cheese, did you hear that?" Then Cheese said "I know! Why would the element of laughter be in the dragon lands? Wouldn't Las Pegasus make more sense?" "No air head!" Then winged stallion said "If we follow them to the elements, we can use one of them to get Flash back!" Then Cheese said "I don't know Soarin wouldn't that be stealing. I mean worse stealing than we usually do?" Then Soarin said "Come on Cheese, do it for Flash! He'd do the same for us. He's been our best friend since foalhood." Then Cheese said "Well okay as long as you promise we'll give it back when we're done with it." Back with the mane six Thunderlane, and Spike exiting Tambelon Twilight then said "Alright everpony our first stop on the list Appleloosa." Then Applejack said "Appleloosa! Why that's mah old neck of the woods! I didn't know there was an element there! Ya'll have nothin' to worry about! My cousin Brarburn and I know that place like the back of our hooves! What could possibly go wrong?" Meanwhile at midnight castle King Sombra speaks to his adoptive daughter Trixie she is a blue unicorn with purple eyes and silver mane and tail and her cutie mark is a light blue magic wand and a crescent moon. The evil king said to Trixie. "So my child since somepony cost us our chance at the lamp! We must now fetch the element's by hoof. My spies have informed me that my beloved little sister has sent out her student to find them one by one you must beat her to them, understand?" Trixie then said "Yes father. The great and powerful Trixie will not fail you!" "See that you don't." King Sombra said "Now, our loyal sorceress shall show us where they're going first. Catrina!" Then entered a anthro brown Cat with green eyes, and she wears a pink fur coat. She also whiles a scepter with a green cat eye on top of it and she also has a pet lizard named Rep. "Yes my master." She said. She then raise her scepter and shows with her magic and then she said "Behold, a frain bound for desert city of Appleloosa!" Then Cujo rolled his eyes and said "Show off cat. Using her magic to find stuff the easy way." Then Catrina said to him "Aww is the puppy jealous of my magic powers?" The Diamond dog leader the growled at her. But then King Sombra said "That's where you and the diamond dogs must go! Do not return until you've retrieved the element!" Trixie then stood proudly and said "Fear not father! The great and powerful Trixie shall retrieve that element, and being down anyone who stands in her way!" She then turn and place her bags and luggage that were a lot on the diamond dogs who were now having to carry them and then the blue unicorn said "Come along Cujo, we have an element to retrieve!" Cujo then sigh and said "The things I have to put up with." The mane 6 Thunderlane, and Spike made it to Appleloosa when as soon as they got off the train and then Applejack then said "Here we are ya'll! Appleloosa!" Then Twilight said "Wow AJ...It's very...Rural. It's going to be hard to find that element here?" Then bopped out from nowhere was Applejack's cousin named Braeburn his a gold coated and browned mane and tail, stallion with green eyes and much like applejack he has an apple for a cutie mark and he wears a western vest and a cowboy hat. Then he said "Well, howdy there folks, welcome to Appleoosa!" Then AJ said "Braeburn, it's good to see you listen we..." Then Braeburn interrupted and said "Now cousin Applejack, don't be rude, ya'll have introduced me to your friends yet. Let me give ya'll the grand tour! Here's the saltlick!" He then pushed them all in front of the said place. Then Applejack said "Braeburn." Only to be interrupted again with him pushed them again at a diffident place and then said "Barbershop!" Then AJ said his name again "Braeburn." Then he interrupted her for a 3rd time with him pushing them to another places "The Hotel, Horse draw carriages, wild west dance, and mild west dance!" Then he starts to sing. Braebrun "Appleloosa, where the breeze come sweepin' down the plain And the apple trees, attract the bees When the wind comes right behind the rain. Appleloosa, every night the buffalo and ! Lights a fire bright, and watch the night As the stars appear up in the sky! Sherriff "We know we belong in this town! Braeburn "And this town is a town of renown Towns pony Yeehaw! Ayipioeeay!" Braeburn "We're sayin' You're doin' fine, Appleloosa Town ponies "Appleloosa, hooray!" Town Ponies "Appleloosa, where the apple tree are big and small And the pies we make, they sure taste great with a glass of cider nice and tall appleloosa, every night the antelope and we watch the fire flies, up in the skies in this land that's open wide and free!" Braeburn and the town ponies "WE know we belong in this town and this town is a town of renown! And when we say Yeehaw! Ayipioeeay! We're sayin, you're doin' fine, Appleloosa! appleloosa hooray!" Apple-loosa Apple- loosa Apple-loosa Apple-loosa apples-loosa Apple-loosa Braeburn "We belong in this town and this town is a town is a town of renown and when we say Yeehaw! Ayipioeeay! We're sayin' You're doin' fine, Appleloosa! Appleloosa A-P-P-L-E-L-O-O-S-A Appleloosa! Yeehaw!" Then the annoyed Applejack shouted "Braeburn!" Then the hat wearing cowboy colt said "Yes cousin?" Then she said "Braeburn, we're all on an important mission for the king and queen! Have ya'll ever heard of the element of honesty?" Then AJ's golden coated cousin gulped and then said "The element of honesty you don't mean the cursed that lies in the rotten apple mines, where anypony who goes in has ever returned." After hearing that Fluttershy said "N-n-n-never returned?" fainted in Thunderlane's arms. Then as she did Braeburn continued "No pony in there right mind would ever enter into those vampire bats infested caves." Then he stopped and think and then said "Well, maybe not no pony." Then Twilight and her comrades goes to the saltlick saloon no where in Equestria you can find a worse collection of scum and villainy. They then enter the place there they see diffident kinds of monsters creeps and crooks. but at a corner of the place they found the two stallion they were looking for that Braeburn told them about the ones that made it out from the rotten apple mines. One is a unicorn stallion with a light brown unicorn his eyes are purple and his mane is blond and his cutie mark are orange argyle pattern with intercrossing lines he even wears glasses and a vest. Then other is another brown stallion but he is and earth pony he is bigger then other stallion and he's even bigger than big mac. His eyes were light green and mane and tail are dark brown, and a light grey muzzle and his cutie mark is a horse shoe. Then after Twilight told them about what they want from them and then the unicorn said "So you need a guide into the rotten apple mines? What's in it for us?" Then Twilight had Thunderlane throw a bag of bits on the table that they were sitting at and the purple alicorn said "30 thousand bits, take or leave it?" Then the unicorn said "My dear princess, I believe you have a deal. I am Trenderhoof the classy one in the operation, and this muscular specimen beside me is trouble Shoes." Then Rarity looks at Trenderhoof romantically. the stallion then continued "Now why don't you ladies prepare for our journey, while my partner and I discuss our strategy." Then after he said that he holds Rarity's hoof and then he kisses it making Rarity blushes but it makes Spikes steams in jealousy. Then after that the mane 6 Thunderlane and spike walks off Rarity then whispered to Twilight "Oh isn't he rather dashing?" Back with the two hired colt they both heard a voice that said "Trenderhoof." They then turn and see an anothro penguin we he wears a blue suite and he is a big bird and he also carry a cane with a diamond on top of it. Then Trenderhoof said "Ahh Charlatan, My main bird, what can I do for you?" Then the big bad crime boss bird said "You can give me the 30 thousand bits you own. That's what you can do for me." Trenderhoof then went up to him and said "Relax old chum, once I finish up this job, you'll be paid in full." Then Charlatan said "You'd better be, unless you like the smell of glue that is." Later the ponies made it at the rotten apple mines and then Trenderhoof said "Here we are ladies, just as promised." Then he turn to Rarity and said "You'd better stay close to me. Those fruit bats can be deadly." The white coated unicorn chuckles when he said that being flattered. But Spike grumble at the hole thing. Then after that the ponies and Spike had entered the cave but unknowing to them Soarin and Cheese popped out from rocks out side of the cave watching them going in it. Then Black mane Pegues said "All right Cheese, this is it you ready?" Then the yellow earth pony said "Well, maybe we should think this over a bit before we..." Then Soarin pulled him in the cave. Meanwhile with the ponies trotting throw the cave and it was dark but thanks to Twilight Rarity, and Trenderhoof they were able to light up the cave with they're horns. But they also saw some vampire fruit bats flying above them. Then when they did Trouble shoes protects Applejack from the bats and then he said to her. "Don't worry little lady, We've been through this cave plenty of times just stay close to me and you'll be find." Then Applejack said "Mighty kind of ya to offer, but this ain't my first rodeo either." Trouble shoes admiring Apple jack saying that and her bravery. But she also admirer her beauty and said in his head while blushing at her "She's mighty pretty." Meanwhile with Applejack she was admiring Trouble shoes back with his kindness size, and straight. She said in her mind while blushing at him back. "His bigger then Big Mac, and sweeter then honey." But then Trenderhoof came to a halt the party as he saw something on a wall and said "Huh, well this is new." He then point at the thing and said "You think I would have noticed a gem that size before." Then when Twilight saw it and flew up to it as she said "It's the element of honesty. If only I could just..." She is now trying to remove it from the rocky wall. But then suddenly the cave started to shake and rumble then the wall that the element was on started to move and showed two glowing orange eyes then when Twilight backed away and it showed that it is a rock monster and it moved to the ponies and then it said "Who dares awaken the guardian of the element of honesty!" Twilight is now quivers by her friends and she said "Oh boy." Then the rock monster said "All who seek to use the element of honesty must be destroyed! Do you seek the element?" Then Rainbow Dash said "All right ponies, time for action!" Then she flew charging at the rock monster and Twilight said "Rainbow wait!" But the rainbow pegasus ignored her and try to attack the rock monster only for it to swat her like a fly. she landed next to Thunderlane and Fluttershy Rainbow is now dizzy from the hole thing. Then Applejack then said to her friends "Hold on everypony! Let me try reasoning with it." She then approach the rock monster who lower it's hand down and the blonde mane earth pony got on the hand and the the rock monster picked her up and then the apple pony said "Yes, we are here for the element, but we only want it to protect Equestria from Sombra. Please let us have it." Then Rock monster paused for a moment and then said "If you had lied, I would have known you were not worthy of the element." The rock monster removed the element removed the element from it's four head and then gave it to Applejack. Then said "Go the fate of Equestria rests in your hooves." It then lows Applejack back to her friends and then Twilight who was surprised that worked and then she asked "How did you knew that would work?" Then the country mare said "In my family, honesty is always the best policy." The six mares the three stallions and the baby dragon were now heading to the exit. Then Twilight said while putting the element in the bag "Well everypony one element down, five to go." But as soon as she said that a flash of blue swoops down and snatches the element. Then they saw that the one who swooped it is Soarin who is now on top of the cave with Cheese at his side and then he said "Sorry princess! But we need this more then you do!" Then Cheese said "We'll bring it back as soon as we're done." Then they soon zoomed to the exit while Twilight said "Stop thieves!" Then Thunderlane said "I know these thieves! It's time to put a stop to them once for all!" The black coated Pegues then flew after them and then when he got to them out of the cave and when he catches with with them he then said "I've got you now you little..." Then he saw that the two was holding up their hooves and that they and himself were being surrounded by Diamond dogs and a lot of them. Then the rest of the ponies and spike noticed it too when they got out of the cave. Then a blue unicorn with a silver mane it is Trixie appeared in front of the viscous Diamond dogs. Then she said "Greetings ponies and smallish dragon! The great and powerful Trixie, daughter of King Sombra, and I demands that you hoof over the element!" Soarin and Cheese back up with the rest of the group. Then Soarin said "You want this thing, give us our friend back first you creeps!" Then Cujo walked up and said "Well ain't this familiar. Hate to brake it to you kids but you're friend is literally six feet under." > my little pony adventures chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile back at the Draconequus cave we see Flash Sentry survived the cave in and then moan and said "My aching head. Where am I?" He then looked around and see that he is trapped in the cave and then said "The cave! Served me right for trusting that creep! Him and his stupid lamp!" He then saw something that got the corner of his eye, it was the lamp lying there he then walked to it and said "Or not." He then picked it up and continued "All this trouble for a tacky reading lamp? Why did he want it so much? Is there something written under this dust?" He the begin to rubbing the lamp. Then a pillar of smoke begins to raise from the lamp and a large ominous figure begins to rise. Then it is revealed a creature that is serpent like he had a head of a strange pony he had right arm of a lion, and a left arm of an eagle he had a right arm of a goat and his left was a lizard and he also had goat beard and horn of an antelope and a antler of a deer and he has a tail of a snake. His eyes were yellow and his pupils are red and has larg pointed ears and a large fang. His was a mis shapped creature l and he also was wearing golden brass on his arms and neck. The the creature was now dress like Walt Disney and pulled Flash to him and had him wear mose ears and then he said "A charming street urchin teamp up with a being of phenomenal cosmic powers! Their destinies intertwined! Now where have I seen this before?" He is now holding and Aladdin poster. Flash just stood there dumbfounded and then the creature snapped his claws and is now wearing a leather jacket and sucking on a lollipop and leans on Flash and said "What's a matter kid never seen a Draconequus before?" Then the blue mane pegasus just said "Um..Well I..." The creature then puts a claw on his mouth and then said "Oh where are my manners Allow me to introduce myself." The Draconequus the dress like a host and then said with brightl latters behind him with his name on it. "ITTTT'S Discord! Live from the and..." He the dress as a butler and said "At your service master..." Then gold coated pegasus said "Flash... Sentry..." Then Discord said "Flash! master Flash!" Flash is still dumbfounded and then said "What is even happening right now?" The Discord dress as a professior and said "Allow me to explain. One thousand years ago, I was an all powerful titans of chaos. Entire nations crumbles at the mention of my name! Then Slepnir imprison me in the lamp as if that weren't bad enough, now I have to grant three wishes to whoever owns the lamp." Then he began to sing. Discord "Somnambula she had that giant sphinx, Starswirl the bearded had a thousand spells Well buddy you're in luck 'cause in you hooves You got brand of magic never fails You've got chaos in your conner now Some heavy fire power in your in camp You've got some punch,, pizzazz, yahoo and how See all you got a do is rub that lamp Then I appear Master Flash Sentry, sir What will you pleausre be? Let me take your oder write this down You won't never have a pal like me Life is your frech Cafe And I'm your waiter see Just whisper it is you want You never had a pal like me My boy, I pride myself on service You're Celestia, my queen s Say what it is you wish It's really yours, you dish How bout a little tasted of something greens? head cash Have some from section A Try all from Section G I do desire, to help you sire You ain't never had a pal like me Can your pals do this? Can your pals do that? Can your pals go fish, out of their little hat? Can your pals go PKT PKT PKT PKT PKT PKT! I'm Discord, this is my lamp I'll conquer all equestria, just give me the chance!" Flash "What?" Discord "Nothing...Mister Flash Sentry sir! Have a wish or two or three This is my job! Slepnir you nob You won't never have a pal, never have a pal You ain't never had a pal,, never had a pal You ain't never had a pal Like Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! you ain't never had a pal like me Ha!" Then Flash said "So, I'm your master and I can have any wish I want? Then Discord dress as Truch Bull with a ruler then said "Hold on a minute mister! There are rules to these wishes! Much to my dislike." He then pull up a board with the list of the rules of the wishes then he said "Rule number 1 You can't wish me free. Trush me, I've tried Rule number 2 I can't kill anyone Rule number 3 I can't bring anyone back from the dead. Not a pretty picture Rule number 4 Inxnay on the wishing for more wishes Rule number 5 I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else Rule number 6 I cannot make the Elements of Harmony appear like magic." The Flash said "Wait, what are the elements of harmony?" Then Discord hushes Flash and said "Ubububu, nevermind that. What's important now is, what is your frist wish?" Then Flash said "Well, I guess I wish I was out of this cave and with my friends." Then the Draconequus said while snapped his claws and said "So you wished it! So shall it be!" Then a poof happen and both of them disappear out from the cave. Then back with Twilight and the others who were still surround by Diamond dogs but then a large poof appeared and then came from it was Flash Sentry and he was holding then lamp of which Discord when back into. Then Cujo said "Say what now?!" Then both Cheese and Soarin said "Flash!" Then Flash turned to his friends and said "Guy's! It's great to see you and..." Then he turned and look around and see's the battle is about to start then he said "Did I come at a bad time?" Then Trixie appear besides Cujo and said "Actually, you arrived at the perfect time. Because now we can retrieve both the lamp and the element!" Then Flash stand besides the other ponies and said "Yeah, I don't think so sister." Trixie then commanded the diamond dogs "Get Them!" Cujo signals for an attack then a fight break out. Twilight Rarity, and Trenderhoof were zapping some dogs left and right. Rainbow Dash Flash Sentry, Soarin, and Thunderlane attacked from the sky. Troubleshoes and Applejack use their earth pony strength to knock out some diamond dogs and Pinkie and Cheese used their wacky and zany skills to take a few other dogs down. Then during the fight Flash and Twilight bumped into each other and then both of them said "Oh sorry I..." Then when they saw each other they both were in shocked as the recognizes each other. Then Flash back ten years ago when they were both kids. Back in Tambelon when Twilight was in a small cage by a big mean minotaur named Long Horn and she screamed "Aaahhh! Help!" Then Long Horn said "Aww, don't worry little princess I'll let ya go. Just as soon as your parents pay your ransomed! Till then, just make yourself comfy." Then a rock was throwed on the minotaur then he looked to the and see who throwed it and it is a young foal Flash Sentry and he said who is on top of a building "Hey fathead! Let her go!" Then Long horn said "Why don't you come down here and say little punk!" Then Flash Sentry said "Okey Dokey!" The young pony then flies, down and kicks long horn in the face which cased him to dropped the cage and braked it and set Twilight free. Then Flash shouted to her while being on top of the mainour's descanting him. "Run!" Then the purple princess said "Right running!" Then the minotaur attempts to punch Flash off his head but Flash dodged it and got off his head. Then the minotaur shouted "Why you little!" The he gave his goats an order "Get her!" The the goats said "Okay Boaaass!" But then two barrels dropped on both their heads stopping them in their tracks and they said "Heaaaay!" then up topped of the building we see the throwers were non other then a Cheese and Soarin looking down from above a building and the young pegasus said "Look out below jerks!" Then the Minotaur said "You boys are makin' a big mistake! When I catch you I'm gonna..." But before he can finish he saw that a tidal wave of wooden crates that Flash pushed falls down upon his head and long horn shouted "Nooooo!" Then we see Flash on top of the crates and then said "That's what I call a bull in a china shop!" Then Twilight said "That was incredible! Thank you!" Then Flash said "Oh know that's just how I do." Then from above, Soarin and Cheese laugh at Flash and Twilight. Soarin "Smoochy, smoochy! Someponies in love!" Then both of them blushed at this comment and the blue mane pegasus shouted back "I am not! I hardly know her!" Look back at Twilight embarrassed and then he said "I mean...That is...I gotta go...See ya!" Flash then took off with his friends leaving a sad Twilight who said "Bye." Then back at the present Flash said "It's..." "You!" Twilight finished Then Flash a bit confused and said "Wait I don't remember you having wings?" Twilight then responded in a bit annoyed "Well, I remember you being smaller and cuter!" Then Flash said was blushing "Wait you thought I was cute?" The purple princess blushed and said in her head "Why did I say that!" Then Fash shouted "Look out!" She then turn a diamond dog was charging to attack but Flash was able to kick him away and then guard's her while saying "Fight now, talk later!" Cujo then said "You ponies are really starting to get on my nerves!" Then Spike snuck up him and then bite him of the leg making him shouted "Yeeahoow!" Trixie then beings to floating, a blue aura surrounding her, as her cape and hat flap about in the air and she says. "Alright princess Twilight now you face me and all the power of..." But before she could finish Twilight blasted her with her magic. Which leads her to fall to the ground on her rump. Her cape and hat are burnt to a crisp. Then she said "Uuuuhhhmm...Retreat!" Then the diamond dogs begin running away. Then Flash Soarin, and Cheese star as the Diamond dogs run off. Then the blue mane pegasus said "Well, that just happened." Thunderlane then approach the three street thieves and then said "You know what else is happening? You three are under arrest!" Then Twilight teleport in front of the black pegasus and then said "Lieutenant! These ponies just helped us fight against those dogs. Regardless of there crimes. As princess I here by grant them a royal pardon." She then turn to Flash and said "Um...Sorry, I never did catch your name?" Then Flash bowed and said "It's Flash, Flash Sentry and it was an honor you majesty." Twilight and Flash stare at each other lovingly but then Thunderlane appear between them, backing Flash away. Soarin then said Approaches Twilight and (coughs) then said "Excuse me Princess, but I believe this is yours. We don't really need it anymore now that we have our friend back." Then Rainbow Dash appears him and swipes the element from Soarin and then said "Yeah well, you're lucky the princess let you off easy! Next time you won't be so lucky!" Then Soarin flitting said "Whatever you say bebe." Then Rainbow Dash angrily said "Babe!" She turns to tail slapped Soarin and shouted "The name's Rainbow Dash and no pony calls me babe!" She then storms off. Then Soarin said "Oh yeah, she digs me." Then Flash said to Twilight "Excuse my friends, they mean well, but they're not used to visiting royalty." Then the black maned pegasus said "Sir Soarin." Then Cheese said "And the earl of cheese sandwich." Then both of them said "At your service you majesty." Then Twilight who was embarrassed and then said "Oh please, none of that thank you. Well, I believe it's time we continued our quest." She then turn to Thunderlane and said "Lieutenant!" Then the guard pony said "Yes, your majesty?" Twilight then said "I want you to escort Flash and his companions back to Tambelon right away." Then Thunderlane said "But Princess. Your mother and father ordered me to..." Then Twilight spoke back "I know what my parents asked you to do. But right now all I need is spike and my...Acquaintances on this quest. So I'm sorry, but for now I need you to return to Tambelon." Thunderlane then sigh and said "As wish your majesty." Then Twilight turn to Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes and said "As for you two Trenderhoof, Troubleshoes you have my thanks as well for helping us find the element." She then gave them a bag of bits she owe them." Trederhoof then took the bags and said "Anything for royalty. Just so happens we need a guide to Tambelon as well safety in numbers and all that. Besides we have an old friend to meet." Trenderhoof cozies up to annoyed Tunderlane after he said those things. Then Flash said "Thank you princess and, it was good to see you again." Then Twilight said "Yes well thank you for helping us when we need it." Then they both said sadly "Bye." Then mane six and spike begin to part way with the stallions. while that was happens Fluttershy said to Twilight "Are you sure about this?" Then Twilight said "I am, they're good guys, but they'll just slow down our mission." The mane six and stallions six travel in opposite directions Then the purple princes said "Besides, we need to find the elements before Sombra." Meanwhile somewhere else. Trixie and Cujo were talking to King Sombra by magic screen and he is not happy. Then he shouted "You mean to tell me that my own daughter was bested by a couple of ponies and a baby Dragon?!" Trixie was quivering and naked and Cujo was snickers at the hole things. King Sombra then said "You disappoint me Trixie!" Then Trixie said "Sorry father I..I.." Then King Sombra stopped her and said "No Excuses!" Then the blue unicorn said "Yes father." Then Cujo said "Yahahahahaha! Who's the idoit now, eh boss!" Then suddenly Cujo's mouth is magically muzzled shut and Cujo when "Mhmhm!" Then the dark unicorn said to the diamond dog "Did I give you permission to speak Cujo! Luckily for you two, I Still have a few ticks up my hooves! But your sisters will take over from here!" To Be Continued > my little pony adventures chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main six and Spike are now traveling in a forest, and they are getting tired. Then Spike asked, "How much longer till we get there?" Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance and said while looking at the map, "We'll get there when we get there." The Pinkie Pie said, "Where are we going again?" Then AJ said to her, "Like I keep telling you Pinkie, we're going to the Breezie Kingdom." Twilight is getting a bit more annoyed. Then Fluttershy trilling said "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm actually about to meet the legendary Breezies! Who watch out for all the animal an nature!" Twilight is becoming more annoyed. Then Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah well, I just hope that this element will be easier to find than the last one." Twilight is becoming more annoyed. Then Fluttershy said, "I hear that every type of animal in existence lives in the Breezie kingdom! The flowers are so beautiful there that..." Then Twilight's face turned red, and she turned to the rest of the ponies and screamed, "Would you all be quiet!" But while she was saying that the grass around them began to grow. But while that is going on Twilight was still talking to the others. "We have one shot at getting this element and I'd appreciate it if you all..." But she was then interrupted by Rarity, who said, "Twilight dear, I'm sorry to interrupt, but does the grass seem to be growing at an exceptional rate!" She then looked at the grass and saw that the grass was growing and then vines popped out and tangled the mane six and spike. Then they screamed in terror. Then a scary voice echo out "Pooonies! You are intruding on the sacred frost! Leave this place, or be trapped here forever!" Then Rainbow Dash said "Hellooo! How are we supposed to leave when we're trapped in these vines?!" Then the voice said, "Well... I... Obviously, I'm going to let you go before you leave this place!" Then Pinkie Pie said, "But if you let us go, how are you going to trap us here forever!" Then the voice said, "Well...I...Um...Look I am a disembodied scary voice!" But as she counted Twilight noticed something in the distance and while she was doing so the voice said, "And when a disembodied scary voice gives you an order you'd best listen or else!" Then Twilight levitates something to her, and the thing screamed "Yieeeee!" She then saw that it is a tiny creature it looked like a cross between a pony and a bug it was none other then a breezie. It had a blue skin and wears black, his mane and tail were pink and he speaks in a Irish accent. Then it said "Let me go ya' yopty dopty flopty dodger!" Then more Breezies started to appearing from with in the grass as they untangle the ponies and spike. Then Fluttershy said in joy "Look! The grass and the vines are filled with Breezies!" Then Twilight released the led breeze and then said "You can talk?" Then the led Breezie said "I can." Then he pointed at the rest of the breezies "Clearly they are not the brightest bunch." Then Rainbow Dash step forward to the led Breezie and said "Why the heck did you twerps scare us like that!?" Then the Breezie went up to Dash's face and said, "Because you are agents of King Sombra! Here to find and take over our Kingdom!" Then a new voice that also speaks in an Irish accent, but it was much more sweet. "Now Sea breeze darlin', that's enough now." Then a giant flower appears before the ponies it then begins to bloom and out from it was the Alicorn of the nature Epona. She has a light green coat and dark green mane she also had flower pellets in her flowing mane and tail and wears a grass green crown. Her cutie mark is a bouquet of roses. Then Twilight facing Epona begins to bow and said "You're Epona! The alicorn of nature!" She was then followed by the rest of the ponies and Spike. Epona touched Twilight's face and said, "Now, now darlin', no need for any of that now." She then turned to Sea Breeze and said, "Sea Breeze, these ponies are sent by my niece Celestia. We should welcome them with open hooves." Then Sea breeze the shook his head yes and flew off with the other breezies and Epona then begins to lead the ponies through the forest. The tree begins to part around them by Epona's magic she then said "Ya must forgiv' the wee ones for the cold welcome." she then looks up at the trees. Dark eyes look down on them. She then said in a scared voice "We've all been a bit on edge since Sombra's forces been on the march agin'." Twilight then said, "You mean Sombra's power reaches even here?" Epona looked down and said, "Oh yes, darlin', it most certainly does indeed." They then made it to the Breezie Kingdom and said in a much happier voice, "But enough of that now. Welcome to the Breezie Kingdom!" They then saw the Breezie Kingdome and it is beautiful. It much bigger then the mane six thought and they see the Breezies and some animals and rare ones too. Fluttershy was really giddy at the sight and began to fly around, saying while cuddling some animals, "Oh my goodness! Look at that! Look at that!" Back with ponies and Epona who is leading them through the Kingdome and said "Yur' friend certainly seems to be enjoyin' herself doesn't she?" Then Rainbow Dash said to the nature alicorn, "Yeah, she's always had a thing for animals." Twilight then said "Excuse me your majesty I don't mean to be rude. But it's extremely important that we find the element right away." Epona nervously said "Well I'd love to give it to you unfortunately..." Then Twilight is a little upset hearing that last part she then said "Unfortunately what?" Epona then counted as she pointed at a temple nearby, "Unfortunately, my brother Sleipnir placed the element in a temple, guarded by a ferocious beast." Rainbow Dash then said, "Okay seriously!? Why are these elements guarded by ferocious monsters!" Applejack then said, "Maybe so that not just anypony can come up and steal them." Then the rainbow-mane pegasus crossed her hooves and said, "Well... Yeah. But still." Applejack just gave her a sly smile. Then Twilight asked Epona, "Do you have any idea what kind of beast guards the element?" Then the green alicorn shook her head no and said "Sadly no. No pony has been to the temple of fear in over a thousand years." Then Rarity said while Fluttershy hides behind her after hearing the fear part "Temple of fear? Well now...Isn't that wonderful." Later the mane six and Spike made it to the terrifying temple then the baby dragon said cowering behind applejack "Why did it have to be the temple of fear? Why couldn't it be the temple of fluffy bunnies or gemstones?" Then Twilight said "Fluttershy you're an animal expert what kind of beast do you think guards the temple?" She then turn to the timed mare and said "Fluttershy?" We see that Rainbow Dash was dragging Fluttershy by the tail. While that was happening, the yellow pegasus said "No! I don't want to go! Nopony allowed in the temple of fear!" Then Rainbow Dash said to her, "Come on Fluttershy! The fate of Equestria depends on this quest! Do you really want to let down all of Equestria?!" Then Fluttershy said, "Well when you put it that way...YES!" Then Pinkie Pie looked down at her with a smile and said, "Fluttershy, if King Sombra takes over Equestria, he'll take over the animals too!" After hearing Fluttershy gets up and said "Fine let's go into the temple." Then Rainbow Dash slaps herself while Pinkie Pie smiles. The ponies are seen within the temple it was dark and spooky but the ponies shuck together though it. Then Rarity started to giggle and then said "Pftt..Hehe.. Pinkie Pie stop tickling me it's very inappropriate to do so." Then the pink pony said, "Um...Rarity, I'm over here." Then when hearing Twilight lights up her horn. Then it is reveled that they are surrounded and covered by spiders. Then they started to freak out (except Fluttershy). But with the yellow pegasus just said "Aww...They are so cute." Then Rainbow Dash shouted, "You think she's cute?" Then she spotted a giant spider coming down to them and shouted "You might think that one must be really adorable!" Then Rarity faints and Spike catches her as the giant spider hisses. Then Twilight said "Okay everypony it's time for action!" The Ponies begin to surround the giant spider who begins to attack and said "Poniesssss!" Then Applejack kicks the spider's leg while Twilight zaps it with her horn, also Rainbow Dash attacks from above! lastly Pinkie fires her party cannon. But while that was happening Fluttershy was trying to get her friends attention first she tries Twilight "Um excuse me..." But she didn't hear her. The she tries Applejack "Excuse me everypony." But AJ also didn't hear her. Then she try to speaks to Rainbow Dash "If you could just listen to me for a moment." But she also didn't listen. Then the yellow pegasus had all she can stand but can't stand anymore she then shouted at the top of her lungs. "STOOOP!" The everypony freeze at soon as she said that. Fluttershy then flies up to the giant spider and pets it on the head, saying "There, there everything's alright now." She looks down at the others with a glare and says "Shame on you everypony, how could you attack this defenseless spider." Then Rainbow Dash said, "Attack it?! It was attacking us!" Fluttershy then flies down and points to to the smaller spiders and said "She" was just trying to protect her babies because she thought you all were going to crush them." Spike next to Rarity, who woke up from being unconscious. "That thing's a she!?" Then Fluttershy points to the giant spider and said, "Yes, and she is very upset that you've intruded upon her home." Then Twilight said "Fluttershy, need I remind you we're only "Intruding" is to find the element of kindness!" The after hearing that the giant spider said "Elemennnnt?" Then the next thing the ponies and spike knew the giant spider pulled them all in a hug and spoke in a voice that sounds like a house mom "Well why didn't you just say so?" She then introduces herself to them while they expected for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. "I am Charlette, guardian of the element of kindness." She then reach up and removes from a stone pillar, the element. Then she said "You know if you wanted the element, you could have just asked! That's what the element of kindness all about!" Then RD mumbles, "Well how were we supposed to know that?" Then Charlotte said, after giving the element to the ponies, "Now, would any pony like some tea and cookies!?" The ponies and Spike (except Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie) look nervous in the spider's arms. Then Twilight gets the element in hoof and said "Um...Thank you for the offer but we really need to get going." Then Charlotte let them down and then said, "Well, okay, maybe next time. Good luck on saving Equestria!" The ponies and Spike are now leaving the temple, and RD said "Well that was...crazy." Then Pinkie Pie sadly said, "Aww...I wanted to stay for tea and cookies!" Twilight turned to Fluttershy and asked, "How did you know that the spider was harmless?" Then the yellow pegasus said "Simple everypony knows that arachnis gigantus is a vegetarian." Twilight then walked forwarded of the group and said "Well everypony, that's two elements down and four too.." But before she can finish Twilight and her friends were trapped in a orange and blue sphere of energy. Then two figures appeared from the bushes on is a red and yellow mane and tail unicorn mare, her coat was also yellow and her eyes are green and her cutie mark is a red and yellow sun. Then another figure appeared she was also and unicorn but she has a dark purple mane and tail with blue strikes, her eyes are purple and her coat is light purple and her cutie mark a purple and white star with two two-toned blue glimmering streams. Then the yellow unicorn said while bowing, "Greetings princess Twilight. Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Sunset Shimmer." Then the other unicorn spoke, "And I am Starlight Glimmer. And we are the daughters of King Sombra!" Then Rainbow shouted, "Seriously! How many kids does this guy have?" Then Sunset said as they beings to carry them off deeper in to the woods "Don't worry You'll find out soon enough." to be continued Hope you enjoy it and please tell me of the character of the Alicorn of nature Epona. I base her of Demeter the Greek gods of harvest. > my little pony adventures chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night we see a express rides train through the night the stallion six are seen inside the sleeper car. Cheese then speaks to Flash on his bunk while wearing a warried face. "What's the old buddy you look pretty down in the dumps for someone who just got a royal pardon." Then the blue mane pegasus said "It's been so long since I last saw her. should I have stayed and helped?" Then both flash and cheese were hit by pillows right in the face by Thunderlane and then the guard pony said "Enough talk! Time for sleep!" Then all six stallions were now on their bunks and soon one by one they all begins to close they're eyes. Frist Flash then Soarin, Cheese is next, Fallowed by Thunderlane, and soon Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes. Two hours had passed, then a small glimmer of light from the window flouts into the car then a loud crash sounds as the blue light explodes filling the room then the alicorn of the moon Princess Luna appeared she has a black coat and her flowing mane and tail are night blue and her eyes dark blue and her cutie mark is a crescent moon with black purple background. Much like her older sister Celestia is was very beautiful. Her horn then glows while said "Stallions heed my words." Then next thing that happens the stallions were now floating in an endless blue void of starlight then Soarin said "Um...Where are we?" Then Cheese said "Heck if I know! Last thing I remember I was climbing up a cheese mountain with my faithful sidekick Boneless!" Then a Flash of light appears before the stallions and Luna showed herself to them and said "Hello stallions!" Thunderlane then bows and said "Princess Luna! We are honored by your presences!" While he was doing that the rest of the stallions looked confused. Princess Luna then said "No time for that Thunderlane. I bring urgent news from my sister Celestia." She then showed an image of Twilight and her friends being held prisoner by King Sombra and Luna said "Twilight and her companions have been captured by Sombra's forces." Flash then said "Twilight." Then the alicorn of the night said while now showing the evil king himself "Only you six can enter midnight castle and free the princess and her comrades from Sombra's clutches." Then Trenderhoof said "Hold on a second, your are an alicorn! Why don't you go there and recuse them yourself?" Then Thunderlane elbows him after saying that. Then Luna explodes into white hot rage and shouted "Imbeciles!" Then the Stallions fly off in different directions. Then she said "The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance and you question the princess of the night!?" She then calms down and said "I know my instructions may seem confusing, but each of you have something necessary for this journey." She then flies to each of them one by one and said "Troubleshoes.. Strength! Thunderlane.. Bravery! Soarin.. Speed! Trenderhoof.. Keen Sight! Cheese.. Sandwich Insight!" Finally she came to Flash Sentry and said "And you Flash Sentry. You shall have the most important role of all and you just have to figure it out on your own." Her eyes and horn then begin to glow and said "Now go! The fate of Equestria rests in your hooves!" Then stallion six wake up to a train whistle! It was also morning, then the conductor pony shouted "Next stop! Ponyville station! Tambelon castle and beyond!" Flash then speaks to the others "You both had that same dream didn't you?" Then the stallions all said yes and then Cheese said "Oh good, I thought it was just me!" Flash then said to them "Guys we've got to go after them!" This surprise Thunderlane seeing this very horse thief (and his partners who were in on the idea) wanting to help save the princess and maybe even all of Equestria. The he thought "Who a thought that these thieves wanting to save others maybe...maybe me and the other guards have been wrong about these guys. Well even if they'll go back to be thieves at the end of this I must save the princess and go under orders by Luna." Then He spoke out loud "Indeed we must" He then put his hoof on Flash's shoulder and said "You all heard Luna the fate of Equestria rests in our hooves and only together can we save it!" Then the stallion's listen to the conductor pony who said "Now Arriving! Ponyville station!" Then Trenderhoof then picked up his things and turn to Troubleshoes and said "Well this is our stop. Let's go Troubleshoes." Flash was then surprise of what they were doing and then he flies in front of them and said "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! You guys had the same dream we had didn't you!?" Then Trenderhoof said "Yes what of it?" Then Flash said "What of it? Princess Luna told is Twilight and her friends are in danger!" Then Trenderhoof said "Well that's not really our problem is it?" Then they were able to get pass Flash and then said "Come along Troubleshoes." Then as they walked off from the train and while they were doing so Flash shouted at they saying. "Those ponies fought side by side with you! Doesn't that mean anything to you!?" Then Thunderlane said to Flash "Just let them go Flash ponies like them only care about themselves. Not like you three of you. I must admit I'm surprise that you three are willing to help princess Twilight...Why though." Then Flash said "Well it won't be right if we just leave behind anyone and if one of the alicorns says that we have imported role in this then it's all the more reason." Then Soarin said "And where ever Flash goes we go right Cheese!" Cheese then saluted and said "Sir yes sir!" Then Thunderlane said "Well then let's get going." Then the four were now off to Midnight Castle with the three pegasi (Soarin carrying Cheese) flying there. Meanwhile back with Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes then con artiest unicorn said "Next stop Charlatan's place." Then Troubleshoes had all he can stand from hi and stared to glare and him going "Hmmmmmm!" Then Trenderhoof said "Oh don't be like that way Troubleshoes I know what I'm doing." Troubleshoes again goes. "Hmmmmmm!" Trender then said "What good is repaying a debt if we don't live to see it!" Trouble then got in his face this time and gave him a bigger "Hmmmmmm!" Then Trender said to him "You know as well as I do that if we don't give this money to charlatan, it'll be our hide! Besides those ponies can handle themselves." Meanwhile back at the midnight castle we hear the evil laugh of King Sombra. "Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!" Then within the castle, within the throne room we see him laugh as he floats the elements above him. His minions (Witch includes Queen chrysalis and her changelings, Ahuizotl, The Arimaspi, Catrina Cujo and the diamond dogs, doctor Caballeron, Shadowbolts, Hydia the grundle and her her kids, and many different creatures) are all around him. Then he said "At last! The elements of harmony are in my hooves!" Then he turn to Sunset and Starlight and said "You've done well my darling daughters!" Then he glared at at Trixie ands Cujo and said "Clearly you should have been my first choice for this mission!" Both Trixie and Cujo held their head down after hearing that. Then King Sombra said "No matter now victory is nearly mine!" Then he started to sing. "I never thought ponies essential They're shrewd, but unbelievably kind But perhaps they're a glimmer of potential It they follow my vision and mind I know that your power of perception Are as thick as a timberwolf's hide But dim as you are pay attention My worlds are a matter of pride It's clear your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking Sleipmir's successions Even you can't be unaware So prepare for the fall of Celestia Be prepared for sensational news A shining new empire Is entering by fire!" Cujo then said "And where do we feature?" Then the evil king sang "Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sorted But you'll be be rewarded When at last I have given my dues And injustice deliciously swears Be Prepared!" Then Spot said "Yeah be prepared!...For What?" Then Sombra said "For the fall of Sleipmir!" Then Fido said "Is he going somewhere?" The King Sombra said "No fools, we're going to remove him and my family as well!" Then Rover said "Great idea! Who needs alicorns!?" The the dogs sang "No more alicorns, no more alicorns na-na-na-na-na-na!" Then King Sombra shouted "Idiots there will be an alicorn!" Then Cujo said "But you said?..." But then King Sombra interrupted and said "Yes, But I Will Be The Only Alicorn! Stick With Me, And Equestria Shall Be Ours!" Then the diamond dogs cheered and said "Yeah Long Live The King!" Then a swam of changelings shouted "Long Live The King!" Then the squadron of Shadowbolts "Long Live The King!" Then all of King Sombra's forces begin to to march in front of the evil king while he is standing on a podium with his cutie mark sign on it which is a green eye with a red pupil on it while purple stream surrounding the eye. Then the minions sang "It's great that we'll soon be connected to a king who'll be all-time adored!" Then Sombra sang "Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To fill certain duties on board My empire is littered with prizes And while remain addressee The point that I must emphasize is You Won't get a sniff without me! So prepared for the darkest of plans Manicous planning Tenacity spanning Centuries Of Denial Is Simple why I'll Be king undisputed Respected, Saluted And seen for the glory I am! Yes, my hooves and ambition are bared! Be Prepared! The minions then said "Yes, our Strength and ambitions are bared!" The they all sang "Be Prepared!" But then after the song ended Catrina approach King Sombra and said "Master...I hate to interrupt but need I remind you we still have four elements left to find." Then King Sombra said while turning to the Trixie "Oh very well. Trixie why don't you go interrogate our prisoners." Trixie then frowned as he continued "Surely even can handle that." Then Trixie said "Yes father." We now see the mane six and spike in the dungeon. Rainbow Dash was trying to break down the door but no avail and then Applejack said sarcastically "Yeah Rainbow try it 30 more times maybe then it'll work." Then Rainbow Dash glared at her and said "Yeah well I don't see any of you coming up with any ideas!" Then Fluttershy got between then the two before things got too hectic and said "Stop both of you! Fighting is not going to solve our problems!" After hearing that both RD and AJ just looked away grumping knowing that she's right. Then Rarity came up to a sad Twilight who is at a corner with tears in her eyes. Then the fashion mare asked "Twilight darling are you alright?" Then Twilight said "I'm sorry everypony." Then Pinkie asked "For what?" She then turn her head and said "For getting you all into this mess." She then turn her back in the corner as she counited while her friends watch "I knew I should have gone on this journey alone. But Celestia insisted that I bring you all with me." Applejack then go to Twilight and comforts her while saying "Sugar cube we came along cause were your friends." Then Rarity then said "We have all known each other since we were fillies." Then Fluttershy ruffles spike's head to his annoyance "And we all worked together to raise Spike." Then Rainbow Dash put her hoof over Twilight's shoulder and said "And there's no one we'd rather go down with you princess Twilight sparkle!" Then Pinkie Pie said "Yes sir, ma'am sir!" Twilight then turn and gave her friends a small smile then got back up and then said "Thanks girls." But then the mane six and spike are interrupted by the dungeon door slamming open. Then we see then blue unicorn Trixie with Cujo and a few other diamond dogs behind. Then she said "Awww I hate to interrupt this touching moment. But one way are or the other you will tell me the locations of the elements of harmony!" Trixie placed herself in front of them and counited "The question is will tell me before the pain or after?" Then Rainbow put on a brave face and told the blue unicorn. "Do your worst! We'll never talk!" Then Trixie smirked sinisterly and said "You are right. you ponies are strong..." Then she levitated Spike by the tail to her who shouted "Ooooohhhh!" "But he is weak! Hahahahaha!" She then slammed the door behind her. While that was going on the mane six screamed "Spiiike!" Meanwhile out side of the wall midnight castle we see the stallion six flew behind the rocks near there to avoid being spotted by guards. Then Soarin said "Okay, we're at the the castle. Now how are supposed to get inside." Then Flash said "I think I have an idea." He then pulled out the Discord lamp and started to rubbing it. Then out came Discord who is now wearing a game show host and said "Well, Well, Well, Stallions and Mares! It's Discord with wish number two!" He then picked up Flash and the other stallions and pulled them in for a hug and then said "And tonight we have some guests! Tambelon's Lt. Thunderlane of guards and Flash Sentry's little partners in crime!" Then Soarin said "What the heck is going on?" After Discord puts them down Flash then said to Soarin and said "Well guys this is Discord he the one who got me out from the cave and bring me to you guys." Then Thunderlane said "Discord, the Titan of Chaos?" Then Discord said to the LT. "Bingo there soldier colt!" Then Flash thought "I was hoping to use one of these wishes to find my family. But now it's looks like I would have to use my second one to save Twilight and her friends and just have one last wish after words." The he just got a better idea and then thought "Or maybe I don't have to!" Then Flash turn to Discord "Hey Discord, Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about Discord. Turn out, we don't really need your help anymore." Then Cheese asked "We don't?" Then Soarin Knew right away of what flash was up to and then put his hoof on cheese and said "Yes Cheese we definitely don't need any help with anything at this time." Then Cheese was able to catch on and then said "Oh right! After all princess Luna said we don't need any help to save princess Twilight from midnight castle what so ever!" Discord then glared at the stallions and said "Excuse me?! Did you just say princess Luna said you wouldn't need me? I'll have you know, that I am more powerful the n Celestia, Luna, and all the alicorns combined!" Then Thunderlane say this before from those three. He knew what they where up to and then join in and said "Really because if I recall it was Sleipmir who imprison you you one thousand years ago." Discord then was dumbfounded and then said "Wha..Bu..Uhgh!" Then he said in a burst of rage "THAAAT'S IT!" He then furiously lectures the stallions saying "Excuse me?! Did you steal my lamp!? Did you wake me up!? Did you bring me here!? To this castle!? With these Stallions! And now You're Walking Out On Me?! I DON'T THINK SO! NOT RIGHT NOW! NOT EVER! YOU'RE GETTING YOUR WISHES PAL SO GET READY!" Now Discord was now being dress as Patton "All right stallions! We're going to War!" The stallions are now wearing army helmets. The Stallions and Discord can be seen dodging land mines and going under the trenches. The A-team plays, and discord fries a machine gun. Meanwhile back with the mane six who were still moping in the dungeon and Pinkie Pie plays a harmonica. But soon they was interrupted by a wall crashing down. Though the hole in the wall we see Flash, Soarin, Cheese, and Thunderlane. But discord disappeared be for the mane six could see him because he wanted to save himself to meet the mane six for later. Then as soon Twilight sees Flash she said "Flash!" She then leaped to him giving the blue mane pegasus a big hug, making him blush, then he hug her back said "Twilight it's good to see you're alright." Then they soon realize everypony in the room is staring at them. They soon break away from the hug felling embarrassed and then Twilight said "What are you all you doing here? I thought I told you can we handle this mission ourselves. But thank way." Then Flash said smugly "Frist off your welcome and second from what I can see you ponies could use all the help you can get. Besides we are sent here especially by princess Luna!" Twilight the looked at Flash suspiciously. Then flash noctes that and said "What we were..." Then Thunderlane said "Enough talk! We must leave this castle before Sombra's forces catch onto us!" Then Flash stood up and said "Than we can't waste any time! We'll have to slit up! Rainbow AJ, and Soarin will go to recuse spike! Pinkie Pie Cheese, Rarity, and Fluttershy will try to find a way out of here! Then the rest of us will try to get the element of harmony!" While he was saying that Twilight was very impress of Flash's courage and drive to take command. Then ponies break into their selected groups. Applejack and the two pegasi runs to the lower into the dungeon. Then they scream "Ahhhhaaaaa!" It belong to spike and it was from the edge of the corner. Then Rainbow said "I'll distract them you two rescue Spike!" AJ and Soarin shook their head yes and were on it. We then see spike were being tied to a rack and is tickled on the feet by Trixie's magic and the little dragon said "No! Hahahaha! P-please! Stop! I'd rather do algebra!" Then Cujo laughs mockingly "Hahahaha!" Then both Trixie and Cujo heard a voice that said "Seriously!?" Then they turn their head and see Rainbow Dash who said "This is the best you guys could come up with?" Trixie the pointed at her and shouted "Get her!" Cujo then jump with claws drawn but then the rainbow pegasus kicked him away with a single hoof. But he soon got back up and began to fight RD. But while that was going on AJ and Soarin appear behind the rack and freeing Spike. Then the orange earth pony said "You alright sugar cube?" The purple kid dragon then gasped and said "Yeah...I'm fine...Thanks..." Then Spike then jump on AJ's back, while Rainbow was still fighting the leader of the diamond dog. Applejack then gesture for her to fallow. Then Soarin took a look at her fighting skills speed, and bravery and said "That's somepony." Then the four of them race up the dungeon stairs, as an army of diamond dogs that was called by Cujo who said "Don't let them get away!". chase after them. Twilight Flash, and Thunderlane look into one of the upper rooms to find the elements then they found then in one and they saw them in a glowing sphere of orange and purple. Twilight then said "Well there they are." Then the ponies slowly approach the elements then flash asked "How in Equestria are we supposed to get them out of there?" Then they hear a voice "That's the least of your worries." They then turn and see Sunset and Starlight appeared both with sinister grins. then Starlight said "Right now you have to content with us." Then the two unicorns shoot beams of energy at them. But then Twilight forms a shield to surround herself and the two stallions, she is now struggling to keep the shield up as Sunset and Starlight slowly approach. Then the yellow and red mane unicorn said "Face princess alicorn or not you're no match for the both of are magic combined!" Then Twilight's eyes glow bright white and then she said "I wouldn't bet on that!" Then a bright beam of purple light blasts out from Twilight's shield. Sunset and Starlight are knock backwards by the blast and slammed them into the wall knocking them out. Then the ball that was holding the elements disappear and the gems where about to hit the floor but Flash and Thunderlane catches the elements just before they fell to the ground and shatter. Twilight gestures the stallions and said "Come on we've got to get out of here!" The three run out of the room leaving Sunset and Starlight unconscious. They then ran through the halls of the dark place with changeling looking down on them high above. Twilight then sees Rainbow Soarin, AJ, and spike and they meet up with each other and then Twilight said "We've got the elements!" Then Applejack shows Spike and said "We've got Spike!" Then from out of nowhere Pinkie Pie appear and said "We've got bad news!" Then Rarity Cheese, and Fluttershy race up to them. Then the shy mare said "We've looked everywhere in the castle and we couldn't find a to escape!" Rarity then begins crying dramatically amongst the group "We're doomed! Doomed!" Then they heard a terrifying laugh that when "Bwahahahaha!" then a scary voice that said "You couldn't be more right!" Then King Sombra came from a open door behind them then as the ponies and spike saw him they were scared but things got worst when King Sombra's force appeared behind him and begins surrounding them. they were Changelings Shadowbolts, Ogres, Minotaurs, Goblins, Diamond Dogs, Cyclops, Bat-ponies, and many other different creatures. Then King Sombra then said "Well what to have here, a rag tag group of ponies who think they can defeat me." He looks on as his minions surround the group. Then Flash trying to protect Twilight amongst the group then King Sombra said "And Flash Sentry I'm legitimately surprised to see you survived the cave." King Sombra then said "Give me the elements, and perhaps you will to see tomorrow." Then Rainbow Dash looks upset a sudden "Whrrring" Sound above them. Then they all looked up and see a massive blimp high above them. Then a rope ladder begins to lower down, then they heard a voice that said "All aboard for the S.S. Rescue!" Then King Sombra looks and sees as the the ponies grip to ladder rope and escaped and then the evil king then said "What!? They Can't!" He then turn to the Shadowbolts and said "Shadowbolts after them!" Then the evil flyers flews forwarded and begin they're attack. But then Twilight started to blast them out of the sky one by one, then after that the ponies were able climb in to the blimp. Then in the cockpit of the blimp Trenderhoof calls to Troubleshoes at the wheel "Troubleshoes time for take off!" The blimp begins to rise away from the castle. Then King Sombra shouted "NOOOOOO!" Then after that furious look grows in the eyes of the evil king. His minions back away, leaving a petrified Trixie at the center then the King Sombra with in rage look on his face approaches the terrified blue unicorn and said "You had one job to do Trixie! One Job To Do!" Then King Sombra then hears a voice, just as he's about to pounce on Trixie. "Father wait!" Then Starlight and Sunset who away from being knock out and they approach him and Sunset said "We were the one's who allowed the princess to steal the elements." Sunset continued "So if you're going to punish anyone your should punish us!" Then King Sombra gives his daughters a solemn look then said "Very well." Then a magic chain appear around Trixie's neck and then levitate her. While that was happening Sunset and Starlight watch in horror as he lift her up by the chain. Then the evil king said "Unless you two bring the elements to me you're sister will take all three of your punishment!" To Be continued > my little pony adventures chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now see the ponies on the blimp going higher and Trenderhoof is now pulling in Rarity onto the main deck and then the fashion mare then hugs tightly the unicorn con artiest and said "Oh you saved us, you heroic stallion!" This made Trednerhoof blush and made Spike made jealous. Flash then to trot to Trenderhoof and said while cynical "I thought you two had business to attend to. What made you change your mind?" Then Trednerhoof said while pointing to to his big colt partner "Don't look at me, this was all Troubleshoes idea!" Troubleshoes glared at him with a annoyed look. The next morning came and now we see the ponies and Spike on the main deck looking over the edge, chancing charts. Thunderlane Twilight, Flash and Trendeerhoof are gathered around a map. Then Thunderlane asked Twilight "What's our next course of action, princess Twilight?" Twilight then said "The remaining Elements lie in Cloudsdale, Seaquestria, and the Dragonlands." She then turn to the others and said "The Dragonlands are said to be exceptionally dangerous. So we should avoid them as much as possible. Then Trenderhoof gestures to trouble, who is piloting and said "Well, whenever you're going you'd better decide quickly, because after that we're out of here." Flash was shocked after hearing out and then angrily said "Seriously!? What is with you guys and ditching us!?" Then Trenderhoof barked back "You're not the only one with problems you know! In case it's not obvious we owe a large amount of bits to a very dangerous character. Which we just wasted on this blimp to rescue you!" We now see the entire blimp while Trenderhoof shouted in a rage "Aaahhh!" Then Twilight then walked to him and said "You did all of that for us?" Then Trender said "Well it was mostly Trobleshoes idea. But I was the one who had the bits." Then the purple princess said "How's this for a compromise I will personally pay off all of your depts if and only if you help you help us find the remining elements of harmony." Then Trenderhoof shakes Twilight's hoof and said "I suppose those terms are acceptable." Then Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Cheese are looking over the edge of the blimp. Then Pinkie then said "Let's see I spy with my pinkie eye. Something purple!" Then Spike said "Is it the blimp?" Then the pink pony said "Yay, you got it right!" Then Cheese said "Well I spy with my cheesy eye something that's purple and green." Then Pinkie said while picking up the little dragon "It is Spike?" Cheese then noogies the young drake and then said "Yes you got it right!" Then Pinkie said "Okay I spy with my pinkie eye something purple with a little shade of pink." Then Cheese said while he points to Twilight and said "Is, it princess Twilight?" Then Spike freaks out between the two party ponies and said "Oh for pony's sake! Can't you guys spy anything that's not on the ship!?" Then Cheese then said "Okay I spy with my cheesy eye something black with a skull and cross bones and it's headed this way!" Then Spike panics and said "Whaaaaat!?" Then we see a bigger blimp with a skull and cross bones on it. The ponies gasp as they see the air ship approach them. Then as it got closer we now see pirates and lots of them not as big as Sombra's but still plenty of great numbers. Then we see a silhouette on the main sail and as soon as Tredner saw this he said "Oh no. not him." Then the silhouette came down on the main deck of his ship. We see that he is a griffin he had a head claws of a black hawk and a body of a black panther. He wears a blue pirate captain suite and a red scarf. Then he said in a Italian accent while raise his sward "Shipmates! Let us pillage and plunder!" The monstrous crew roars in agreement "Yaaaarr!" Then he and the pirates started to sing. The pirate chorus "Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh Yo-oh Yo-oh!" Then one pirate "Avast yo ponies! Fainthearted!" The pirate chorus "We rule the skies uncharted cruel and vicious creatures we who sail across the skies and not the sea!" Then the griffin captain said "'Tis I who lead this fearsome crew! With swagger, Moxy, and daring do!" He said that last part while holding a daring do book but then to counted "Handsome and fearsome and suave!" The chorus sang "He the famous captain Don Gri'fain! Hoist the flag and weigh the anchors circle the ship and pull to flank'er hi-oh, he live to plunder!" Then Gri'fain "It's true, I live to plunder!" The chorus the sang "High up in the sky amidst a sea of storm and thunder!" Gri'fain then sang "No back to me, the main event a pernicious, vicious griffin gent! A frustratingly charming braggart!" Then the chorus then sang "He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart!" Gri'fain sang "And now we dance! Ha!" The chorus then sang "He's Don Gri'fain!" Then Gri'fain sang "That's me!" Chorus sang "He's don Gri'fain!" Gri'fain sang "Still me!" Chorus sang "Pilfer the loot to fill our coffer!" The captain's parrot sang "Be a pleasure takin' off ya!" The chorus sang "We'll put on a show! Then steal into the clouds, away we go!" Gri'fain "To the clouds, away we go!" Chorus "Yo-Ho!" Then after that see the pirates begins to board the ship and then the ponies start to fight the pirates. Applejack and Troubleshoes started to kick away some pirates while spike and Fluttershy hide behind Thunderlane who is punching some other pirates, and Rainbow Dash and Soarin got ropes around their wing pulling them down then tied them up. The next thing the ponies knew they were all tied up and cornered by the pirates. Then the griffin sky pirate captain came out in front of his shipmates with his sward in claw pointing at the ponies "Congratulations ponies!" He said while standing proudly. "You have the great honor of being captured by the greatest pirate in the skies! Don Gri'fain!" Rainbow Dash then said with an confused "Who?" Don Grif'ain then freaks out and said "Hav...Have you not been paying attention!? We sang and song about it and everything!? I am the famous Don Grif'ain!" Then a goblin pirate appears behind him and sings "He's the famous captain Don Grif'ain!" The griffin captain then turn a looked at him with annoyed glare. Then he kicked him the pirate goblin off the edge of the ship and fell to the ground (don't worry he doesn't die he just got a big owie) He then scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then Don Grif'ain gestures to the ponies with his sward and said "I do believe they get the point." Then he glare at the rest of the pirates and said "I trust there will be no more interruptions?" The pirates shook their heads no then he turn to the ponies but mostly Trenderhoof who he points his sward to his neck and said "Anyway it has been a long time Trenderhoof!" Then Trender sweats beside the others ponies and then said "Hey Grif'ain Buddy I was just on my way to pay Charlatan back." Then the griffin pirate said "Do not think you can charm your way out of this one! Charlatan has placed a large bounty on your heads, luckily I got to you first!" Then Trender sighs and then he gestures to the other ponies beside him "Fine do what you want to me just let rest of them go." Then the pirate griffin waves a wanted poster of princess Twilight on it and said "I think not King Sombra will pay a hefty prince for the princess and her friends!" "No!" Trender said Then Don Grif'ain ordered his crew ""Take them to the bring!" Later at the bring the ponies are once again imprison. Then Rarity approach Trenderhoof giving a stern glare and said "I can't believe you would associate you're slave with such riff raff!" Then Trenderhoof angrily replied "Well excuse me not all of us can live in a fancy!" Then Rarity replied "Well I'm sorry that you we're clearly raised in a barn!" Then Trender said "And I'm sorry I spent my payment to Charlatan saving you all!" Then huffs away to the other side of the bring and while doing so he said "You're welcome by the way!" Then Rarity felled ashamed of herself by sounding ungrateful. But while that going on Spike sits on a bench next to Pinkie playing harmonica and the little dragon said "Well what do we do now?" Applejack then said to the others "Come on everypony! This ain't our first time breaking out of the slammer!" Troubleshoes then stand next to her and said "She's right ya'll we've been through worst then this and we've always gotten out of trouble." Then Flash smirked while he pulled out discord's lamp and said "Good to hear and I believe I know our way out of this." He then rubbed the lamp and then out came a giant puff of smoke appear between the ponies then Discord emerge from the and he was wearing a monocle and a top hat and held Twilight's hoof and shake it very fast and said "Princess Twilight Sparkle a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He then pulled Fluttershy in for a hug and said "Flutter bear! I haven't seen you since fim!" Fluttershy has no idea what's going on and looked confused. Flash then said "Everypony this is discord he's been helping me out through this entire journey." Then Discord begin to tap dance and said "Yes! the all powerful, wish granting Discord titian of chaos!" Flash then said to Discord and said "Yes and I'm ready for my second wish..." But then Discord interrupted him by saying while raises his ear and said "Do'st my ears deceive me?" He appeared a foam figure and then he said "You are down to one my boy!" Flash then smirked and said "Actually I never wished us into the castle you did that yourself!" After hearing that Discord just stood there dumbfounded, breaking his confidence. He also does a double take "Duh! Buh! Ohhh.." He then pulled up and Aladdin poster and said "I should have paid more attention to the movie." He then snaps his claws and now he is dress and look like the godfather with the other ponies setting around a poker table and turn spike in to a cat on his lap and then he said "Okay sonny Jim you've made an offer I cannot refuse but no more freebies." Then Flash then sakes his claw and said "Deal. Now I wish you would help us take back are ship." Then Discord snapped his claw and then he dressed like jack sparrow and then the ponies stand behind him in pirate attire, while spike has turn to a parrot. Then Discord said in a Jack Sparrow voice "At ease mates we'll take back this vessel dead or alive but most likely alive." Then back on deck, the pirates turn when they hear a bang. They now see the ponies and Discord dress in pirates costumes and began to fight the griffin's crew. We see Rainbow dash and Thunderlane sward fighting with some pirates, Pinkie shoots off a party cannon with cheese inside and blast some scurvy dogs and Spike then pecks some others on the head. The Don Grif'ain then shouted "What is going on here!?" Then he heard a voice that shouted "Grif'ain!" He then turn and see that discord now dress as Arrol flynn on the mast and raises his sward and said "Your time has came!" Then The griffin flew up and drew his sward and then said "Who or what in Equestria are you!?" Discord then has a batman mask on and then said "You're worst nightmare." Then they started to sward fight and the griffin started freak out as he he sees that it started rain chocolate milk and then said "What is going on here!?" Then Discord appear in front of the wheel of the ship while wearing an aviator and a toothpick in his mouth and then said "All right boys and girls It's time we take this bird to go!" Then Twilight said "Wait? Weren't you just on the..." Then discord slams down on the wheel and the blimp starts flying downwards dramatically. Don Grif'ain panics and said "My fateful crew retreat! Retreat!" Then the pirates flew back to their ship and the ponies and Spike scream in panic as they scream. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!" Then Pinkie said holding his hooves and said "Goodbye Cheese!" Then Cheese said while holding hers and said "Goodbye Rose!" Then the pink pony replied "Wait who's Rose?" Just as the blimp is about to hit the ground it screeches to a halt. Discord points to a dial on the controls and said "Huh Would you look at that out of gas." Then Twilight said "What !? It doesn't work like that!" Then suddenly the blimp crashes into the ground and falls to pieces. Then ponies and Spike lie scattered amongst the rubble thankfully no one was hurt. Discord lies on the ground and drums fingers in annoyance "You just had to bring logic into it didn't you princess?" Then got out of the rubble and said "Well, that was fun! See you all for wish number three!" Then he disappear back in to the lamp. Then ponies twelve and spike pick themselves up examining the rubble then Rainbow Dash said "Well that guy gets around." To Be Continued > my little pony adventures chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next thing the ponies and Spike new they are around a field of rocks dart, and volcanos left and right. They were also seeing their wrecked ship. Then spike spotted something move behind one of the rocks and then he pulled Twilight's tail and said "Did anypony else see that?" Twilight then said while still looking at he wrecked ship "Not now Spike I'm trying to assess the..." Then out from the rocks were a group of teen dragons appear and surrounding the freaked out ponies and spike. Then we see the leader of the teen drakes he is a tall red dragon with a orange under belly and dark orange spikes and sharped teeth and his name is Garble and lough "Yeahahahahaha!" Then Rainbow Dash tries to defends Fluttershy and said "What do you guys want from us?" Then Garble tripped RD and said "We just want to have a good time!" Then they started to sing. Garble "Don't have no problems!" the other dragons "No problems!" "Don't have no soft bed!" The other dragons "No soft bed!" "Don't have no clothes to worry about!" The other dragons "No clothes to worry about!" "Don't have a house, a home, a shirt, or shoes." "I just throw down my fat toe" The other dragon "throw down fat toe!" "We're the flamenest bunch in the land!" The other dragon "In the land!" Then on dragon name Back Draft "We don't have much!" the other dragon "Oh." Then the other dragon name name fume "We know how to party!" the other dragons "Oh." Then Garble sang "But mostly we just wanna have fun!" The dragons "Have fun with fire gang! Think small with the fire gang! Bad news with the fire gang!" Black Draft said "Like some dragon said, don't lose your head!" The dragons "When your things get down, have fun have fun with the fire gang!" Then Fume said "Hey I know our job." The dragon gang "Act tall with the fire gang!" Then Black Draft said "Whoo, walk tall!" The dragons sang "Good times, bad new!" Then a fat dragon the said "Yeah!" Then the dragons sang "When your things get down have fun, have fun!" Then Fume said "So when things get to tough!" Then the other dragons said "Get to tough." Black Draft sang "And your claws are dragging on the ground." The other dragon sang "Dragging on the Ground!" Garble sang "And even down looks up." The other dragons sang "Down look up!" Clamp sang "Bad luck, Ha Ha Ha!" Garble sang "We can show you a good, time!" The other dragon sang "Show you a good time!" Then Garble sang "We don't charge nothin'!" the other dragons sang "Nothin' at all!" Black Draft then said "We strut our nasty stuff. Jiggle in the middle yeah. Get the folks talkin', fire gang!" Then the dragons sang "Have fun with the fire gang! (Thanks for the small!) Thanks of the small with the fire gang (Bad news) bad news with the fire gang." Then Garble sang "Hey, listen up!" Then the dragons sang "When your thing get down have fun! Have fun!" Garble "I, take your puny pony head!" Dragons "Act tall with the fire gang!" Garble "Take your puny pony hoof!" Clamp "Come on, come on!" The dragon "When your things get down! Have Fun.." Then after the song the dragons were tossing around Pinkie Pie and Cheese, while Thunderlane and Soarin are pinned down as they attempt to fight back. Then Garble picked up Spike by the tail and showed to the other dragons and said "Look at this guys! Is this dragon or a pony with scales?" The the other dragons loughs at Spike. Then Twilight shouted at the red dragon "Leave him alone you jerks!" She was know charging at the drake. But Garble kicked her away and said "Well why don't you make us?" After seeing that, Flash was angry and then charge at Garble and said "Why you!" Then a dragon grabs Flash by the tail and toss him to the other pile of ponies. Then the teen drakes lough, while spike is still in Garble's claws as he when "Bwahahahahaha!" Then Rainbow from under Soarin and said "Well has anypony else got any bright ideas?" But then a volcano erupts in the background a till mysterious figure stands on a ridge, hammer in hoof. Then the figure shouted Scottish accent "Dragons! Leave those ponies bee!" Then Garble dropped Spike and panic then said "Run of it!" Then the dragon teen run pass the confused pile of ponies. Then the ponies saw the figure jumped down from the volcano and slammed to the ground and It's none other then an alicorn stallion he was a big colt with a brown coat and his fellow alicorns and beard he even a metal 3rd leg and wears a workers uniform. He also wears goggles and a crown a scar on his left eye and his cutie mark is a hammer above some flames. He then jumped from the volcano and slammed to the ground then stand proudly in front of the ponies and spike. Then Twilight looks up to the Alicorn and said "You're Enbarr! the forger Alicorn!" Then Enbarr said "Aye lass." Then he raised is hammer and the volcanoes erupt and dragons soar through the air. After seeing that Fluttershy faints and Trenderhoof turn to Twilight and said "I thought we were trying to avoid the dragon lands." Then Twilight said "Well we'll just have to take advantage of the situation." Then Enbarr turns away from the ponies as they picked themselves up and the forger alicorn said "You're luckily I arrived when I did most ponies wouldn't be fool enough to enter dragon territory." Then turn to the ponies and told with a glare. "You're also luckily those were only teenagers." Spike then freaked out and said "Those were Teenagers!?" Enbarr then points to the adult dragons in the sky above and said "Aye lad the real thing will be much more terrifying." Then Fluttershy who woke but faints again after seeing the drakes. Then Twilight said to the scared unicorn "Excuse me you're majesty but we're on an important mission from..." But then Enbarr interrupted her and said "I know about you're mission lass. Personally I was never fond of me cousin Celestia. But seeing as she is still family I'm willing to help with you're mission and you're wreckage and as for the element, it lies in the claws of the fiercest dragon in all the land." then Fluttershy fainted the 3rd time while Rainbow Dash said "Of course it does." Enbarr then said while pointing at a near by mountain and said "Go to the highest mountain where the gems flow like the sea and there you will find the element. If you survive." Then Flash said to the stallions "All right guys let's get going!" But then Enbarr slams his hammer to the ground in front of the blue mane pegasus and said while glaring down at him. "Where do you think you're going?" Then Flash said with a nervous look (with the other stallions behind him who are also scared) Then said "To go find the element of laughter?" Then Enbarr gestures the stallions towards the wreckage. "The male folk will stay behind to help repair the ship." Then he lifts Cheese's arm and then said "Besides you could use the extra muscle you're limp as wee stick." Then after hearing that the stallions agreed and the mane six are now going to the mountain and RD said to the colts teething them "Bye boys have fun!" After hearing that Soarin just rolled his eyes. But during that spike just follow the mares but with a guilty look but then he soon was levitated back to the one who was doing so and it was Enbarr and the the forger alicorn said "And where do you think you're goin'? Spike then landed in front of him and then the little drake said "Me?" Enbarr stands before Spike and said "I said the male folk would help rebuilt are you a male or mare?" Then spike rubs his shoulder, staring at the ground and said "I'm neither." Then he begins to trudge away from Enbarr glumly. "I'm not a mare I'm not a stallion I'm barely even a dragon. I've been pretty much useless on good at is getting captured." Then the forger alicorn got closer spike from behind as he continued "Why'd I even go on this quest? I'm not as strong as everyone else. I'm not even aa strong as a dragon and today prove it those teen dragons toss me around like salad." Enbarr then slaps the little drake on the back and then flames just out from Spike's mouth and they were big ones. Then after that Enbarr then place his wing around him and said "A dragon doesn't need to be a big and strong in order to breath fire." He then leads Spike back to the stallions, who are struggling to put the blimp together. Then we see the mane six can be seen climbing the mountain with Twilight leading them with Pinkie bounces happily, and Rainbow Dash pushes Fluttershy (Who is scared out her mind) forward. Then the purple princess said "Alright everypony! Everything I've read about dragons says that they're extremely dangerous. So will have to be extra carful." Then Fluttershy said "No kidding..." Rainbow dash said while she was still pushing the timed mare. "Come on Fluttershy! You we're fine with the giant spider back at the temple." Then Fluttershy said "Yes, because she wasn't a dragon." Then Rarity approaches her and said "What about the pirates? You stood up to them." Then Fluttershy said "Yes because they weren't dragons." Then Pinkie said to her "Spike is a dragon, and you're not afraid of him." Then we see the view of the mountain with Fluttershy said "Yes, because he not a big, mean, totally all grown up dragon." Then Twilight said to the others "Okay everypony, we're almost.." Then a thunderous roar makes the ponies jump. Then Rarity said "What was that?" Then the mane six peak over the peak of the ridge there they see the cave where the dragon is in and then they enter the cave and they see a sea of jewels and at the center lies the biggest and ugliest dragon they ever seen. The drake strangely resembles a donkey it had brown scales black spikes, and an tan under belly. After seeing the drake Fluttershy cowers behind Twilight but then the purple princess spotted something and said "Look." Then they see the element in the dragon's claws and then Twilight said "The element it's underneath him." Then she turn to the others and said "Okay girls here's the plan..." But while she and the other were strategizing, Pinkie Pie was leap over the ridge and the she happily hop towards the massive sleeping dragon and then the pink pony taps him on the nose and said "Excuse me mister dragon!" Then the donkey like dragon open his eyes and glare at Pinkie. Then he got up and roar "Heeeee Haaaw!" Then after it did the other ponies turn and saw Pinkie standing right in front of the now awake and angry drake who was still roaring wildly. But in spite of that of that the parky loving mare said to him. "Hey there Mr. Cranky pants that's no way to act!" Then suddenly a spotlight appears to the party pink pony who was wearing a red bow tie and had a microphone at hoof. Then she said "I know what you need!" Then after seeing that the ponies all shake their heads in horror and the dragon just standing there dumbfounded and then she begin her act "Hey, hey, hey, everypony!" She spook in the microphone and the dragon was just standing there confused. Then she continued "I just flew in from Equestria and boy are my arms tired!" The dragon still looked confused. But then he roared at her again. "Heeeee Haaaaaw!" Then the pink pony said "Yeesh tough crowed!" Back with the other ponies who are watching as she when on. "Okay so you're not into to jokes how about prop comedy?" Then Twilight said "What is she doing?! Come on everypony we've got to rescues her!" While the ponies ran to her Pinkie was now riding a unicycle juggling pies. Then Twilight said while she was coming behind her. "Pinkie Pie Run!" Then she turns in confusion and said "Huh?" Suddenly her unicycle trips over on a jewel then she falls to the ground and the pies were flying in the air then fell on her face one by one. The ponies and the dragon stared at Pinkie dumbfounded. Then the drake tries to hold it in but the he started to burst out laughing. "Hw haw he ha he ha he ha he ha haw!" The dragon then falls to the ground laughing while the the cave shook and while that was happening the ponies comfort Pinkie. But then a magical puff of smoke appears around the drake and then it disappeared. Then the ponies looked around in disbelief and Rarity said "Where'd the dragon go!?" Then a voice got their attention. "Why don't you take a look and see?" Then they saw an old mule approaches the mane six and then Fluttershy asked "Who are you?" Then the donkey said "Formerly Cranky the dragon. But now just Cranky the donkey." Then Rainbow Dash said "You were the dragon?" Then Cranky said "I was one day I was so cranky I just turned into a dragon. That's the problem with magic ponies you never know what you get turn into!" Then Twilight asked the old mule "Excuse me but, you wouldn't happen to have an element of harmony would you?" Then Cranky said while pulling out the element of laughter "You mean this silly thing? Here take it I've been guarding that thing for over fifty years!" He then toss the element to the ponies who catch it and he trudge away. Then Twilight turn to Pinkie and asked "Pinkie how did you knew that would work?" Pinkie then said while hold out the script to the comic "I read the script!" Twilight just gave a confused. Later the ponies head down from the mountain and then they saw the airship is repaired and the stallion six Spike, and Enbarr in front of it. Then Twilight said to them "Wow! great job boys. You got it done a lot quicker than we thought." Then Flash said while flexing his muscles trying to impressed her "No problem Twilight, nothing a few stallions and a dragon can't handle." Soarin then whispers to Cheese "Not to mention a whole lot of help from Enbarr." Enbarr and spike then approach behind them and the forger alicorn said "Have ya lasses retrieved the element?" Then Rainbow Dash said "Yeah and thank you for telling us that the dragon was a donkey!" Then Enbarr gave a confused look and said "He was?" Twilight then boards the ship and said "Anyway let's start charging a course to the next element!" Then Stallions six begin to boarding but then Enbarr said to them "Hold on a moment there lads! I have one more thing to discus with ya." Then the boys looked nervous but then the forger alicorn said "Years ago, I crafted the weapons wielded by the original pillars of Equestria. They're in the hooves of Sombra now and so the princess and her allies require new guardians. Luna informed me of your coming and so I have forged these." He then showed the colts weapons for them and one by one Enbarr gave them their weapons that had their cutie marks on it. "For Troubleshoes the hammer of might. For Trenderhoof the bow of perception. For Thunderlane the shield of lion heart. For Soarin the daggers of swift. For Cheese Sandwich I don't know why, but my cousin requested you the bazooka of cheezyness. and for Flash Sentry the blade of the shining light. All of them forged in dragon fire." He said while winking at Spike. Flash just gave a confused look and said "Thanks Embar not sure if we'll need them. But we'll put them to good use." But then Soarin struggles to lift his daggers and said "How are we supposed to use these!? There so heavy!" Then Cheese just looked confused at his bazooka. Then Enbarr said "You'll learn to live with them." Then the ponies and spike took off and Enbarr watching them take to the air and he shouted "Good luck ponies!" Then when the ship was out of sight the forger alicorn said "You're going to need it." To Be Continued > my little pony adventures chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now see Sunset Starlight, and Cujo meet up with Don Grif'on on his ship and the mares were not happy as Starlight asked "Let me get this straight you sent us a message that you had captured the princess and the elements of harmony and now you're telling us you lost them?" The pirate griffin was now sweats where he stands and said "It wasn't our fault! It was all the work of the horrible monster!" Then Sunset raised an eyebrow and said "Monster?" Then Grif'on said "Yes! He was here and there and he was everywhere! He had the paw of a lion and a claw of an eagle!" Sunset and Starlight then looked and each other as they both realize who this monster was and then they both shouted "Discord!" Then Starlight turn to the pirate griffin and said "Listen captain how would you like to form a temporary alliance?" Then Don twiddles his feathers with a smirk and said "Keep talking." Then Sunset put her hoof to him and said "You work for Charlatan we work for King Sombra. We want the princess you want the ponies. You help us find that ship we'll make sure your rewarded by both charlatan and our father." Then Don shakes her hoof and said "Well when you put that way I say..." He then turn to his crew and said "Crew! Prepare to sent sail!" Then his crew shouted "Arrrg" Then the captain turn to Cujo and said "You dog! Weigh the anchor!" The Cujo replied angrily "I don't work for you!" Then Grif'on said "Then why are you on my ship?" Then Cujo pointed at Sunset and Starlight "I'm with them!" Then Starlight points him away and said "Just do what he says and weigh the anchor Cujo!" Then the diamond dog walked off and did as his told. and then said "Find." Meanwhile back with the ponies who were flying over the sea. Then Twilight said as she was looking down at the sea. "I don't get it." She was then companied by Flash and Spike looking down with her as she said "According to the map, the location of the next element should be right here." Flash then said "Maybe it's under the sea?" The pony princess then rolled her eyes and said "Oh please no pony lives under the sea." But while that was going on Rarity spots Trender and then came to him and said "Trenderhoof I really must apologize for earlier in the brig." Then Trender turns to her and said "It's fine I'm used to ponies treating me like that." He then points to Troubleshoes who was helping Applejack with the mast and said "Troubleshoes and I have been making deals with shady people for as long as we can remember." Then Rarity said "Well it's never to late to make a change." Trender then said "That's what Troubleshoes always says." Then Applejack looked up to Rainbow Dash who was sleeping on a mast and shouted "Rainbow Dash! Throw down the line!" But Rainbow Dash was still there sleeping but then a hook and a line crashed on the RD's lap, waking her up from her nap. She then saw who dropped the stuff on her it was Soarin smiling slyly and said "Wakey, Wakey, Rainbow Crash." Then Rainbow dash gave him a angry look and said "Arrgghh! Seriously! What's your deal!?" Then Soarin said "My deal? You're the one who's over reacting?" Then Rainbow said "Only because you keep driving me crazy!" Then Soarin said while mocking her "Lighten up toots you may fool everyone else with that tough girl act. But you can't fool me." After hearing that Rainbow Dash's face turn bright red. Meanwhile down with Fluttershy who said "Oh my goodness I hope that we're King Sombra will strike again?" Then Thunderlane said to her "Everything should be fine ma'am why don't you check on your crazy friends over there." Then Thunderlane watches Fluttershy walk off to where Pinkie and Cheese are while Thunderlane whisper to himself and said "I'll protect you my some pony." Fluttershy approaches between Cheese and Pinkie who were enjoying another play game of I spy. Pinkie said "I spy with my Pinkie eye something blue." Then Cheese said "Is is the ocean?" Then Pinkie said "No! It's Rainbow Dash tiring up Soarin to the mast." The Cheese said "Oh good one! Let's see...I spy with my Cheesy eye something black!" Then Pinkie said "Is it that pirate ship heading right this way?" Them Fluttershy shouted "Whaaat!?" Then we see Captain Don Gri'faun's ship approaching the blimp. With Sunset Shimmer looking through a telescope and shouted "Fire at will!" Then we the ships side by side! The pirates ship firing on the blimp. Then Twilight shouted to the panic ponies. "Everypony brace for Impact!" But while Rainbow Dash fights off some pirate griffins, but while Soarin is still tied to the mast. Meanwhile with Cheese is about to Pinkie out of the a beam of light while and Don Gri'fain watch from the background the yellow unicorn said to the pirate griffin "Excellent work captain almost adequate." Then Gri'fain said "Thank you my dear. You should see me when I am fully adequate." Cujo watches this in a jealousy from behind and then turn to Rover Fido, and Spot. "Dogs grab that cannon!" Then we see Twilight and Rarity fire off magic beams from their horns but then the purple princess notices a large cannon being loaded and targeting them and the she said Every pony! Look!" She points to the diamond dogs dragging a huge cannon across the pirates deck. Cujo lights the cannon and then said "Hasta la vista ponies! Ha ha ha ha ha!" But then Don Gri'fain walked to Cujo and said "What do you think you're doing with my cannon!?" The Cujo said "I'm about to waste some ponies! Than we'll see who's Ad-Quo-Cuit!" But then Don points the cannon up wards and said "Listen here you dog! I am the captain of this ship and if anyone is going to waste some ponies it is going to be me!" Then Cujo points the cannon back to the other ship and said "Back off bird cat!" But then the sky pirate then points the cannon back up and said "You back off you underacted, illiterates." But then the cannon fires upwards to Cujo and Grif'aun's surprised. The cannon ball was now in the air and the villains feared that the cannon was going to hit them. Cujo then said to the Diamond dogs "Quick! Turn the ship around!" Then Fido said "But innocent creatures could get hurt." Then Gri'fain said "Turn the ship around!" Then Spot said "It'll send the wrong message to children." Then both Cujo and Don shouted "Turn the ship arou...!" Then the cannon ball hit the ponies ship and when that happened Cujo and Gri'fain looked in surprise the blimp explodes. Then Cujo, Grif'ain and the dogs look over the edge of the ship at the burning wreckage. Then Gri'fain said "Well that was lucky. Back on the ponies Thunderlane shouted "Everypony! Abandon ship!" Then Rainbow Dash was able to untied Soarin while Rarity screams in a panic. While Pinkie Pie does a cannonball, Flash flies Spike away from the burning wreckage. We now see the burning ship crash into the ocean. Then when Sunset and Starlight stare silently at the burning wreck, the crew behind them then Starlight turn to face crew and said "Um... Which one of you destroyed their ship?" Then Cujo points to himself proudly and said "It was me!" Then Gri'fain get's in Cujo's face and said "What are you talking about fool!? It was I who sunk the galleon!" Starlight and Sunset watch irritated as Gri'fain and Cujo argue as the diamond dog said "What gallon? It's called a ship bird brain and creatures say I'm dumb!" Then Don shot back and said "Of all the unbelievable, inconceivable!" Sunset interrupts them and said "You do realize our goal was to capture the ponies not destroy them?" Then Starlight join in and said "And now thanks to you the elements among other things are sinking to the ocean floor?" Then she points her horn at them and said "So I asked again which one of you is responsible for this?" Cujo and Gri'fain points at each others and said "It was him!" meanwhile under the sea the mane six stallion six, and Spike are sinking but thanks to Twilight using a spell to create a air bubble around their heads so they can survive under water. Then Flash said "Okay did anyone else know Twilight could do this? Because this is awesome!" That comment made Twilight blush with flattery. Pinkie and Cheese do the backstroke in the background while Soarin said "Hello! Does anyone realize in the sky!?" Rainbow Dash said "Yeah! How are we supposed to find the element now!?" Then Thunderlane "Everyone remain calm sooner or later some pony will come and find us." Then when Spike saw something big coming their way he said "Something did!" Then they turn and see in terror a giant creature with a head of a shark and a body of a octopus it was a Sharkotopus and he is Hungary. The monster reaching it tentacles for the ponies who were swim away just in time and while that was happening Rainbow Dash said "For once can we come across a monster that doesn't attack us!" Then Flash said "Everypony evasive maneuvers!" The ponies dodging tentacles left and right. But while that was going on Rarity said to Fluttershy "Fluttershy! Can't you do something about this?" Then the timed mare said "Sorry I don't speak octopus." Then Pinkie Pie spotted something she views something behind a reef and said "Hey! Did anypony else spot the seapony!" Then Twilight then said to the pink pony "Pinkie! There's No such thing as a...!" But she was soon stopped her in track by seeing a school of a fish swarm the sharkotopus and drag it away. Then Twilight smile as she sees the sea monster being dragged away and then she said "Nice work Fluttershy!" Then Fluttershy said "Um...That wasn't me" Then the ponies hear a giggling behind them, and they turn and then they saw a silhouette rises from a reef and then saw a seapony she is had light yellow scales and blue eyes mane, and fines. Then she shouted "Oh my gosh! you're land ponies!" Skystar grabs Spike and squeezes him and said "And a baby dragon too! You're so adorable!" Then Pinkie gave a sly smile to a disbelief look and the princess said "You're a Seapony I thought you were a myth!" Then the seapony swam into Twilight's face and said "I thought you were a myth!" She then turn to the reef and shouted "Everypony! Come on out!" Then a whole lot of seaponies appear from everywhere, surrounding the land ponies and Spike. Then The led who is the princess of the sea who is named princess Skystar starts to sing "The Ocean is always empty When your not beneath the waves you think the whole word is up there But that is a grave mistake Just look at this gorgeous Kingdome Right here on the ocean floor Such wonderful things to see here! What more are you looking for? Seaquestria Seaquestria Come take a latter Down where it's wetter Beneath the suds Here the Seaquestria on by While all the fish, they seem to fly No time for snoring Time for exploring Seaquestria The chorus "Seaponies down are happy." Then Skystar sang "We ride through the waves for fun?" The chorus "Land ponies are less than happy." Then Skystar sang "It's hot underneath the sun. Still ponies up there are lucky Down here the sun's always late And when ponies here get hungry The seaponies sang "The food floats right off the plate." Sky star sang "Seaquestria Seaquestria It's such a treat here Creature to meet here It's always fun We have the coral reefs to grow While dolphins pat on their little show We got no their little show We got no troubles look at the bubbles Seaquestria (Seaquestria) Seaquestria (Seaquestria) Down in the ocean We're always in motion naturally (naturally) Even the sharks that swim on by Will take the time to bike you a pie We got the music Come on and use it Seaquestria The bubble fish blows And the glow fish he glows The clown fish he hams and the jelly fish jam The cat fish will play When the dog fish's away The squid is the kind on ink! The bob fish (grin) The Skystar sang "The octopi dance While the Sea horses prance The lobster all brine While the Star fishes shine The crab and the whale They tell quite a tail And the blob fish is always (Yeah!) Seaquestria (Seaquestria) Seaquestria (Seaquestria) When all salmon Start with their jammin' Then fun has begun (The fun has begun!) You ponies think that we're amyth? Look all around, The Chorus Sang "This place is a grft!" Skystar sang "Here where mussels All do the hustle." The Chorus sang "Seaquestria!" Skystar sang "All of the flounders swimming around here!" The Chorus sang "Seaquestria!" Skystar sang "All of the fishes Granting your wishes It's always harty Come join the party You're gonna love it No one's above it!" The Chorus sang "Seaquestria!" Then Soarin said "Is anyone else getting wielded out?" Then the seaponies surround them. Then a guard seapony approaches Twilight and said "You must come with us to the royal palace!" Later the ponies and Spike approaches Seaquestria, a glittering city with gorgeous palace at it's center. They are now in swimming into the under sea throne room and seeing on the thrones are Queen Novo who has dark purple mane eyes, and fines and her scales are light purple and king Hippocampus His is larger white with blue a beard flowing mane and fins (one with his cutie mark on it which is a trident) and eyes and his scales are ocean blue. Then the sea king said cheering "Welcome ponies to seaquestria!" Then Twilight attempts to bow to the throne along with the other ponies and then Twilight said "Hippocampus! We're honored to meet you the king of the sea." Then Hippocampus said "Yes, yes my niece Celestia informed me you we're coming. We shall start you're welcome with a feast! Followed by a noble parade and then we shall..." But he was then interrupted by his wife Queen Novo who said "Sweet heart perhaps we should stay focused on the task at fin." Then the princess of the sea who is named princess Skystar appear between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and said "Mom! Dad! There are land ponies in Seaquestria! Isn't amazing!" Then Queen Novo says to Skystar "We know dear could you do us a favor and fetch the royal pearl?" Then Skystar swam up to the pearls that was hanging on the ceiling and grabs one of them and brings them down to them and while Queen Novo said "Long ago I was a hippogriff who lived on the land just as you do." Then Queen Novo shows the ponies the pearl, between the ponies and said "Now I give it to you!" The the pearl staring to glows and then the ponies and Spike started to glow and then after that they all turn in to Seaponies and a puffer fish. Skystar then gave the pearl to Twilight. Then Spike who got turn into the puffer fish said "What is happening?" Then Queen Novo continued "In order for you to achieve your next mission you'll have to learn to adapt to the sea." Then Hippocampus speaks "Indeed you must you're next task may be you're most difficult yet.The element of harmony which you seek lies in the trench of eternity." Then Rainbow Dash said "Let me guess, it's guarded by a monster?" Then Hippocampus said "Actually it's guarded by a thousand monster!?" Then Hippocampus points down to a surprised Rainbow Dash while he laughter and slaps on his fin and said "Yes! Ha ha ha ha! You should have seen the look on your face!" While he was saying that Rainbow Dash looked annoyed. Then Hippocampus said "There are many dangerous beasts in the trench. But you should be worried about I've dealt with him before, and be... difficult." Then Applejack puts her arm around Twilight and said "After everything we been through on this quest, we can handle anything!" Then Flash said "She's right guys! Let's get going!" Then ponies and Spike swim away from the king and queen while Pinkie Pie said "Goodbye you're majesties!" She was waving goodbye while Skystar waves back. Then Queen Novo said nervously to her husband king "Do you think they'll survive?" Then the king of the seas who is also nervous said "It's not their survival I'm worried about." The ponies and Spike are now swimming down the creepy trench creepy creatures crawl around every corner and while that was happening Trenderhoof is helping out Spike who is being got by a tentacle and he was able to save the dragon puffer fish. Then Rainbow Dash said "Ugh...Where is the guardian to be anywhere?!" While Pinkie and Cheese were making faces with a blob fish Twilight said "It should be around here somewhere. We just have to keep looking." Then Fluttershy and Rarity both hear a noise that when "Ooh hoo hoo! Ooh hoohohohoho!" Then timed pegasus hide behind the fashion mare. Then Rarity said "Can anypony else here that?" Then Soarin said "Yeah! What is that? A whale with a Head cold?!" Then Troubleshoes points to a crack in the trench and said "What ever it is it's comin' from down there!" Then the ponies peek inside of the crack while the sound got louder "Ooh hoo hoo! Ooh hoohohohoho!" They now see a fancy cave with seashell décor including a seashell chandelier seashell mirror, and sea seashell couch and they also see were the noise was coming from it was a giant purple sea serpent with a golden mane and a mustache while half on one anyway and he was crying on his seashell couch in the center of the room. Then the serpent shouted "Oh what a world! What a world!" Twilight then swims into the cave then said to the sad sea serpent. "Excuse me sir but, what are you crying about?" Then the serpent looked at the ponies and Spike and said "Ooh, and I have guests! How could this day possibly get any worst!?" Then Applejack whispers to Rainbow Dash "And Ah thought Rarity was dramatic." Then Rainbow Dash giggles hearing that. But Rarity hear that and the said "What!?" Then the serpent continued to cry falls on his back on to the couch while the ponies try to comfort him. Then Flash and Twilight sit by the serpent's head and the blue mane pegasus said "Maybe you could tell us what's going on Mr..." Then the serpent said "Magnet...Steven Magnet. Well you see just this morning I was grooming gorgeous moustache with my faithful crab." Then he shows them his butchered moustache and then he said "When the poor dear suddenly lopped it off! Now I look horrid!" Then gestures dramatically. Then Spike Trender and Soarin stare in annoyance with Spike saying "That's it?" Then Rarity swam angrily in front of them and said "That's it! How can you boys be so insensitive?" She then swims up to Steven and said "Just look at this luxurious creature. With it's glistening scales and long flowing mane. All ruined by this horrid trim job." Then Steven cries again "Ooh hoo hoo! Ooh hoohohohoho!" Then Rainbow Dash said "Well what are we supposed to do about it?" Then Rarity turn to Twilight and said "Twilight give me the pearl." The purple princess then did so and then Rarity holds the pearl and used it to transforms herself into a unicorn again and while she was holding her breath she used her magic get get one of Steven's scales. She then holds up her tail and with one single motion she lops it off. After seeing that Steven then faints shouting "Ooooohhh!" Rarity then swims to the unconscious Steven on the couch with her magic she reattaches the moustache with her cut off tail. Then all off a sudden a bubble appears around her head she then gasps for air. "Huuuggh!" Then Rarity looks to Twilight who shows up behind her and then she said "Thank you Twilight." Steven blinks his eyes open and then he rises in front of the ponies and then he said "Ohh! my beautiful moustache! It's back!" Then Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and said to Soarin "Great now can we go back to looking now can we can go back to looking for the element of harmony?" Then Steven smiles after hearing that and said "Did you say the element of harmony?!" He then pulls a clamshell from behind him and then he open it revealing the element he then gave it to Rarity and Twilight and then he said "I've been waiting a thousand years for somepony generous enough to wield this element!" Then Rainbow Dash said "Wait! You're the guardian!?" Steven the said "I know creatures always say I'm much to nice to be guarding an Element of harmony." Then Soarin said "But Hippocampus said you would be extremely difficult?" Then Flash elbows him and said "Have you met this guy?" Spike then said "Well, at least he's not trying to eat us." The Steven said "Eat you?! I would never I'm a vegetarian." Twilight and Fluttershy then take Rarity on either side and the purple princess said "Well thank you very much for helping us on our mission." The ponies then swims out of the trench then Twilight and Fluttershy helps Rarity along while saying goodbye to Steven. Twilight then asked Rarity. "That was incredible Rarity." Then the fusion mare exhausted and said "Well you can never be to generous you know." The ponies swim towards Seaquesrtia and then they approach the throne room. Twilight then said to King Hippocampus Queen Novo, and princess Skystar. "Your majesty. We just got the element that's four down and two to go!" The the king of the seas slaps his fin in excitement and then said "That's the spirit! You're doing Celestia proud!" Skystar hugs her daddy while Queen Novo looks at him with a small smile. Trender then said "I hate to interrupt the celebration but how are we supposed to get to the next element? Our ride has literally been grounded!" Then Applejack gestures to the other ponies forward and said "Better start swimmin' everypony! We've got a long journey to cover!" Guard Seaponies halt Applejack in her tracks. Then Hippocampus said "Hold on a second!" He then rubs his chin and then said "That reminds me." He then gave a loud whistles. Then a brilliant flash of light falls down from the surface towards Seaquestria. The flash of light zooms around the throne room much to the shock of the ponies and Spike. Then Hippocampus said "Everypony, there's somepony very special I'd like to introduce you to..." Then the flash of light came to a stop and then we see a tall and slim alicorn stallion his coat is lightning white and his flowing mane he is also wearing a helmet with wings on it and his cutie mark is a stick with two snakes raped around it and he also carrying a large chariot. Then Hippocampus said "My nephew Areion!" Then Areion shakes Twilight's hoof vigorously, much to the amazement of the other ponies and while that was going on Areion said in a very fast talking voice "Areion, meggenger alicon, cousin of Celestia, Luna, Enbarr, Sombra! It's a pleasure to meet you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and the dragon, and you!" Then Hippocampus said "He's a marvelous pony with a brain of a bird." Skystar chuckles at that. Then Areion glared at him and said "Hey!" But the he choose to ignore that he begins to circling the harmony twelve and spike and then Twilight knew what he was doing she then said "Next stop cloudsdale!" Then Hippocampus slips his fin and said "Ha! Now that's the spirit!" Then an determined look came across Twilight and Flash's faces and then the golden pegasus said to the sea king "We won't let and Equestria down!" Then the cyclone appears proppeling the ponies upwards. The Hippocampus and Novo smile happily as they watch the cyclone rise to the surface then Skystar waves goodbye happily while the sea king said "Good luck ponies!" Then a brilliant beam of light shoots out of the ocean right in front of the pirate airship. Then Sunset Shimmer looks at the beam of light through a telescope, with a wickedly smile while Starlight Cujo, and Don Grif'on watching from behind her and then she said "Captain set a course!" To Be Continued > my little pony adventures chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now see Areion pulled the ponies, and Spike in a golden chariot in the skies and then Pinkie Pie said "We're back to normal!" Then the speed alicorn speedily said "Yeesss, seapony magic only works under the sea! cousin Skystar once said she would like to make the transition to the land world!" He then continued talking fast but while doing that Rainbow Dash and Spike lean over the edge becoming annoyed with Areion. "But auntie Novo was all "No pony or griff under my castle is going to move to the surface!" Of course cousin Celestia tried to convince her!" Then Twilight attempts to interrupt him but was unsuccessful. "But uncle Hippocampus was all "Why do you want to leave me!" And So..." But then Twilight was able to get his attention and said "Excuse me Areion?" Then the message alicorn came to a screeching halt, pushing the ponies and Spike to the front of the chariot and then he turns to face Twilight then said "Yes, Twilight?" Then the purple princess said "I was wondering how long it will take us to get to Cloudsdale?" Then Areion said "What are you talking about?" He then gestures the ponies forward. "We're already here." Then they all see that they made it to the city in the sky and it was incredible they see a whole lot of pegasus ponies there. Then Rainbow Dash flew up and said "Aww yeah! Now we're talking, we are in my neck of the woods!" Then Rarity looks up at the pegasus in the sky and said "My goodness I've never seen so many pegasus on place." Then Flash and Soarin look up in the skies in awe then the blue mane pegasus said "Wow...I've never been to this place before." Then Soarin said "Neither have I." Then Thunderlane approaches them from behind "You two are pegasus, but you've never been Cloudsdale?" Then both of them shake there heads no. Thunderlane looks downward ashamed of himself now knowing that these two pegasi never when to the greatest city in the sky. Then he said "That's unfortunate." Then Twilight attempts to get Areion's attention. "Excuse me Areion If you could just tell us where." Then Areion put's a hoof to Twilight's mouth and said "Hold that thought princess! Let me give you the grand tour!" He then flies high above Cloudsdale and said "Here we have Rainbow factory, the cloud factory, the snow factory, the rain factory. We have a lot of factories here. The mail ponies Las Pegasus, and last but not least the Wonderbolts Stadium!" They are now seeing said stadium and the ponies are watching the wonderbolts taring with in the coliseum high above them, Areion and his chariot fly. The Soarin and Rainbow Dash both said in unison las they look down in amazement "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" The Rainbow Dash turn to Soarin and said "Wait! You're a fan of the wonderbolts!?" Then Soarin said "Who isn't? I've wanted to be a member of the since I was a colt!" Then Rainbow Dash blushes and looks down embarrassment and then said "Yeah me too." The Twilight look over the edge at Areion and said "Excuse me Areion I don't mean to be rude but could you please tell us where the element of harmony is?" Areion then said "Slow down princess! We're getting to it! We're getting to it!" Then Soarin roll his eyes said "Let me guess it's guarded by yet another monster that wants to eat us." Then Rainbow Dash chuckles and snickers at his comment. Then Areion raises a hoof shaming the ponies and then said "Don't be Ridiculous! It's at the top of that unsurpassable, completely impenetrable mountain!" Then they see the mountain. "Behold mount Everhoof! Though many a pony have tried to climb it none have succeeded!" Then they are sits at the base of the mountain with the ponies. "So high it literally rises above the the clouds, luckily that gives you guys a head start!" Then the ponies and Spike are not amused. Then Twilight said "Come on everypony we'd better get started." Then the ponies leads forward. Then Areion waves goodbye as the ponies head up the mountain. The ponies pass through pile of snow with Spike rideson Twilight. Later The Troubleshoes help Rarity over an edge along with several females ponies. We now see ponies climbing up a rockface at 90 degree angle with a rope. Then Rainbow Dash said "How longer till we reach the top?!" Then Soarin said who had a hard time hearing "What?" Then Rainbow Dash said "How much longer till we reach the top!?" Then Soarin said "What?" The Rainbow Dash said "How much...?!" An Adam west looking mountain goat pokes his head out from the side of the mountain and shouted "Holy Rusty Metal! Could you keep it down!? I'm trying to sleep in here!" Then Twilight's horn glows as she leads the ponies through a blizzard. Then Twilight wears a scarf Spike rides on her back the storm starts to clear as Twilight see's something in the distance. Atop the of the mountain the twelve and Spike see the element glimmering in the sunlight. The princess said while gazes up in awe with the other ponies. "The element of loyalty." Then Twilight flies upwards, away from the other ponies and towards the element, but she struggles to removes the element from the frozen peak. "Tcch...Almost...Got it." But then a loud roar sounds from behind her. "Roar!" Then ponies on the ground turn to see where the roar is coming from. Birds fly away as something climbs up the mountain and then a giant paw lands in front of Spikes and the ponies. It was a giant bear creature with a longer tail and its coat are clear sky blue with star all over it and a big yellow star on his four head. This creature then gave a motive roar. "Rooooaaar!" Then Flash points upward and said "What is that thing!?" Twilight who could be seen at the peak and shouted "That's an Ursa major! But she's supposed to be up in the sky!" Then Rainbow Dash yelled "We're up in the sky!" The ponies then scatters as Ursa slams a paw down. Then Fluttershy trips as she begins to run away Ursa is about to slam his paw down on her. "Roar!" Then Thunderlane shouted "No!" Then he races to reach Fluttershy in time and he draw his shield to protect him and Fluttershy. Then as soon as the bear like creature's paw clashed with Thunderlane's shield then after that it attack been repelled. Thunderlane watches, while Fluttershy is behind him, then the giant bear falls backward on front of him. Then Thunderlane calls to the other stallions. "Everypony! Draw your weapons!" Then Trenderhoof starts to shoot off arrows as the Ursa cringes. Then Soarin and Flash slash their blades in the air above the beast. Then Pinkie holds Cheese up in his own bazooka and then the wired pony said "Fire when ready Pinky!" Then when she fires as Cheese flies though the air from the bazooka, towards the Ursa who is swiping at Flash and Soarin as he "Roar!" Then Cheese cannon balls on the Ursa's head, knocking him out. Then Troubleshoes watches as the Ursa falls to the ground Troubleshoes slams his hammer into the side of the mountain peak begins to shake then snow begins to tumble down the mountain. Then we see the snow falling down on the Ursa major. Then avalanche crashes down on the Ursa, pinning it down and the Ursa major roar in pain. "Roar!" Then the stallion six stands atop of the Ursa major, weapons in hoof Soarin smiles confidently down at the girls and Spike. Then Soarin said "Well ladies what do you think of that?" The girls and Spike stare up at Soarin in horror and then the white coated pegasus stallion said "What? What's going on?" Then Rainbow Dash said "Guys there's something very important you need to know." Then Soarin confused and said "Huh?" Then Rarity said "That's not the Ursa major." Then Applejack points upwards amongst the girls and said "That's Ursa minor it's baby." Then Soarin said "Pardon?" Then Soarin turns around in confusion and then sees and larger giant bear creature and it is the Ursa major floats alongside it in the sky, as big as the peak, it's nostrils flaring in anger. "Hff." Then Soarin said "Oooohhh...So this an Ursa minor and the the really, really big one is the mom..." Then a few moments of silence he the shouts "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" The ponies and Spike then start running as the Ursa major gave a greater roar. "RAOR!" Then Pinkie Pie said while running "Talk about an un-bear-able situation!" Then Rainbow Dash said "Pinkie Pie! Is this any time for..." She then saw that the Ursa major was about to swipe her claws atop the peak where Twilight is who was still trying to get the element. Then she desperately flies upwards and shouted "Twilight!" In a flash, Rainbow Dash get's Twilight out of the way just in time. We then view the Ursa major as she completely destroys the peak of the mountain. Then Twilight stares in awe, held up by Rainbow Dash and said "Rainbow Dash you just saved my life." Then they watch as the Ursa major snuggles her baby. Then RD said while putting Twilight down on the ground "To bad we didn't get..." But then the next thing they knew the element lands on Twilight's lap. "The Element!" Then they turn and see the Ursas major who winked at Rainbow Dash, the giant bear and her baby then walks off into the starry sky. Then Twilight turn to Rainbow Dash and said "Thanks for saving me Rainbow." Then RD said "Eh, you know I never leave a friend hanging." Later we see then ponies and Spike going down the mountain then Flash said to Twilight "So we've found five of the element. Where's the last one?" Then Spike ride's on Flash's back. Then Twilight said "I don't know." Then all the other ponies and Spike get in Twilight's face dumbfounded and said "YOU DON'T KNOW!?" Then Twilight said "Well no pony does not even alicons. According to legend king Sleipnir removed his own memory of the location, all to prevent them from falling in the hooves of evil." Then Rainbow Dash said "So how in Equestria are we supposed to find it?!" Then Twilight said while taking out the elements from her bag. "According to legend when the other five elements come together the sixth element will be revealed." Then Flash revels an element next to Twilight and said "Well we have five of them let's bring them together." Then the 12 ponies and Spike hold the elements together at the center of the group then the five elements begin to glow. But then a sudden explosion turns the ponies attention away. They then look down from the mountain to see Cloudsdale in smoke with a pirate ship fly above the city. Then Applejack calls to the other ponies "Every pony! Time for action!" Then they them rush down the mountain towards Cloudsdale. We now see Diamond Dogs and pirates terrorizing the pegasi in town. The wonderbolt's try to take down the pirate ship to no avail. Then we see the ponies rushing into the panicked town and then the purple princess said "Everypony split up!" Rainbow Dash Flash Sentry, Thunderlane, Soarin, and Fluttershy works to save young pegasi from burring clouds while Flash said "How do clouds even catch fire!? It doesn't make sense!" Meanwhile with Applejack, Trenderhoof, and Troubleshoes fight off Dogs and pirates also with Twilight and Rarity blast beams of energy at those evil doers and Spike riding on the princess's back and then just before Pinkie was about to fire Cheese out of a bazooka they then heard a voice that scouted "Enough!" They then turn to see that it belong to Sunset Shimmer who with Starlight are using their magic to part the flames reveling themselves. Amongst a group of cowering pegasi, Derpy Hooves floats upward holding her hostage. Then Sunset said "Unless you want us to tear this town asunder leaving nothing behind but a pale of fog you'll give us what we want!" While she was saying that Cujo, Grif'on and the other minions sniker behind them. Then Twilight looks back at her friends with concern face. She then knew she had not choice. Then her horn glows as she brings the elements forward placing them in front of the two unicorns and said "Fine take them and leave this place be." Then Sunset and Starlight glared down at the elements then suddenly they blast the them with beams of intense light. Then the ponies and Spike look down in horror at the shattered elements at Sunset and Starlight's hooves. Then Sunset said "Do you think we're like King Sombra?" Then Cujo said "What are you two doing?! Why would you?!" Then Starlight used her magic to enchants Cujo muzzle shut and then she said "Do you think we spend every minute of every day obsessing over ruling Equestria?" Then Twilight said "But...I?" Then Sunset said "WE Didn't come for the elements of harmony! WE came for the lamp!" Then Flash glances down at the ground next to Twilight and knowing he had not choice he then pulls out the Discord lamp and then said "Here just leave the others alone." Then Starlight magics a chain around Flash's neck and then one by one the other stallion's necks as well and then pulling them forward and as for Sunset she used her magic to get the lamp while letting Derpy go. Then Starlight gave the stallion six to Don Grif'on and then said "It's been a pleasure doing business with you captain." Then Grif'on stares down at Trender and Trouble and then said "I only came for these two." Then he pulls and looks at Thunderlane Soarin, Cheese, and Flash by their chains and then said "But I suppose the others shall fetch a hefty prize!". And while that was happening the mane six and Spike stared helplessly at the whole thing. Then Cujo who now had the magic muzzle off him looks towards the other ponies and Spike and then said "What should we do with them?" Then Sunset said "Leave them they're nothing without the element of harmony." Then the mares and the baby drake all looked in horror as they see that their stallion allies who are now prisoners of the prates and the elements who are on the ground shattered to pieces also with Sunset Starlight and Cujo on their own ship with the Discord lamp . Twilight looks ashamed, as the other ponies and Spike comfort her as the mane six watch from the edge of Cloudsdale, as the pirate ship and King Sombra's ship fade into the sunset. Then the purple princess said "We failed." To Be Continued > My little pony Adventures chapter 11 finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now see King Sombra's blimp fly over Equestria. The ship begins to dock with a much larger blimp bearing the evil king's symbol. Then we see inside of the ship Sunset Starlight, and Cujo enter into a large hallway, with the diamond dog being nervous and at the end of its King Sombra himself on his throne with Trixie sitting beside him in magic chains. King Sombra glares at the three, his teeth bared and then he said "Have you brought me the elements of harmony?" Then Sunset and Starlight glared back at him and then the red and yellow mane unicorn said "No." Then green flames appeared behind King Sombra's throne showering the two unicorn mares and Cujo in a menacing glow and panic fills Trixie's eyes as they all see the fearsome anger upon the evil king's face. But then Starlight pulled out Discord's lamp showing it to him and said "We brought something better!" Then King Sombra's anger is suddenly quelled at the sight of the lamp. While that was happening Trixie, crouching in fear, at the sudden halt to the flames. The King Sombra magically hovers the lamp to him, away from Starlight and then he said "It cannot be..." Then all of a sudden the evil king laughs maniacally, while the lamp in his hooves with Trixie and Cujo cowers in fear and Starlight and Sunset just watch. "Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Finally the lamp is mine!" He then turn to the scared Trixie with a satisfied look and then said "Trixie a deal a deal you're off the hook." Her magic chains then disappear and she drops to the ground. Trixie then said "Thank you father." The evil king then turn to the other two unicorns with a sinister smile. "Well you've done you're father well my daughters." Cujo snarls after hearing that. "At long last all my desires will be granted!" He then begins rubbing the lamp as the others watch then a large pillar of smoke came out of it. Then a silhouette of Discord appears then the titian of chaos said "Alright Flashy boy! It's time for wish number..." He then looked and see that it was not Flash but King Sombra holding the lamp and then he said nervously "I don't think you're him..." He then pulled out a script with a pear of glasses on and then said "Tonight the part of Flash Sentry will be played by a tall, dark, and sinister, ugly stallion." Then evil king then pulled Discord's goatee bringing him to his face and said "I am you're master now!" Then Discord said "I was afraid of that." Then King Sombra said "And now Discord Lord of Chaos! You will bring me the Elements of Harmony!" Then Discord wags his eyebrows at the reader, a sly smile on his face. He then walks around King Sombra shrewdly and replied "Well master I would Love to give the elements of Harmony." He then held his claw out matter of factly with a smile and then he said "But I can't." Then the evil King screamed angrily with green flames behind him "WHY NOT!?" Then Discord poof's the evil king at a desk with a dunce cap and then he said "Glade you asked master!" Then the nest thing that happened Discord is now dressed as a lawyer look over files at a long desk with Starlight Sunset, Trixie, Cujo and King Sombra sit across from him. Then he said "Now there are couple of provisos a couple of quid pro quos." Then he pulls out a long list and then said "Rule number 1 I can't wish me free trust me I've tried. Rule number 2 I can't kill anyone." King Sombra started to get annoyed. Meanwhile back with the mane six who are not sad about losing both the stallion and the elements are gone. Twilight is the one who is most upset about the whole thing and is now sitting alone on a cloud being sad. But back with Spike and the girls Rainbow Dash whispers to the others "Somepony should say something." Then Applejack approaches Twilight from behind and then said "You alright sugar cube?" Then Twilight turn to her with tears pouring down her face and said "No! I'm not alright! Nothing is right!" The rest of of Twilight's friends and Spike come from behind to comfort her. she then said "I was supposed to collect the elements! Princess Celestia picked me specifically! And I failed her!" Rarity placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and then said "Twilight, Darling.. You didn't fail Celestia.." "You're right Rarity.." Twilight replied. She then shouted into the sunset, far beyond the edges of Cloudsdale, "I failed all of Equestria!" The friends quickly gathered around the young Alicorn as she began to weep. Their comfort to no avail, Spike finally shrugged and said, "Well I got nothing.. Anyone else got an idea?" A stubborn look suddenly appears across Rainbow Dash's face, "I've got one.." Without warning, the blue Pegasus pulled Twilight Sparkle directly in front of her face, "Twilight! I'm about to say something so sweet and sappy, that I can't believe I'm about to say it!" Rainbow Dash floated above Twilight and then pointed to her triumphantly, "You Don't Need the Elements of Harmony! You Never Needed the Elements of Harmony! And if Celestia Doesn't Realize That, who Cares? Look at all you accomplished! Look at What we Accomplished!" Rainbow Dash gestured to her friends behind her, and then pointed back to Twilight, "You Outsmarted the Giant Rock Monster!" Twilight frowned, "Actually that was Applejack.. "You Defeated the Giant Spider!" Rainbow stated. "That was Fluttershy!" Twilight cried. Rainbow started to become discouraged, "Broke us out of the Castle?" Twilight was quickly becoming annoyed, "Trenderhoof.." "Freed us from the Pirates?" Rainbow asked. "Flash and Discord.." Twilight stated. Rainbow Dash desperately turned to the others, "Could Somepony help me out here!?" The friends looked at each other in contemplation. Finally Fluttershy stepped forward, "We couldn't have done any of those things without you.." Fluttershy approached Twilight with a smile, "You're the one who led us on this Entire Journey.." Twilight Sparkle wiped away a tear from her eye, "But.. I was the one who was supposed to gather the Elements.." Spike came up to her, "Twilight.. Don't you remember what Celestia said.." The young dragon then gestured to the other five ponies, "You can't go on this Journey Alone!" Twilight Sparkle looked upon the numerous friends that had accompanied her on her journey. As she did so, a sudden realization dawned upon her. The purple Alicorn smiled confidently, "Everypony, I know what we have to Do!" Pinkie Pie threw balloons and streamers into the air, "Throw a Super Duper Party to celebrate the End of Equestria?!" "No," Twilight stated. She stood confidently, her mane blowing gracefully in the Wind, Friends and Spike close behind her. "We're Going After Sombra!" Back on King Sombra's Blimp, Discord continued to read from his list of wishes he could not grant. The parchment had extended out from the scroll at ridiculously long lengths, covering everything in the room from tables and chairs, to King Sombra himself! It was perfectly clear to everyone in the room that Sombra was becoming exceedingly annoyed. His eye began to twitch as he held back his fury, ready to snap at any moment. Discord continued to read with a smile, "..Rule Number 123.. No Wishing for Somepony to Drink Orang Juice! ..I don't really know what that rule's about, but.. "Enough!" Sombra exploded into blind rage. Discord cringed backward, his list rolling back up like a window shade, "I'm just trying to get you to change your mind.. "More like you were stalling!" Sombra fumed, getting directly into Discord's face. Discord watched along with Sombra's minions as their master threw his tirade across the room "If I can't have the Elements of Harmony, I'll just have to settle for the next best thing! I wish to Be Ruler of All Equestria!" A sad look came across Discord's face as he gloomily raised his fingers, "As you wish Master.." Snap! In the city of Tambelon, dark clouds began to form at the center of the city. Most of them forming directly over Tambelon Castle. The King and Queen however were to preoccupied to notice this. Within the throne room, King Nightlight paced back and forth in a nervous wreck, "Ooohh I don't understand It.. I assumed the that Twilight would be back by Now! Off to the side Queen Velvet watched as her husband continued to panic over nothing. At her side stood a steadfast unicorn in a suit and tie, his mane combed back in a neat and tiny manner and his cutie mark is a pocket hanky his coat is brown and his mane and tail are black. This was not the first time that he had dealt with the King overreacting. For as the head of castle staff, Spik n Span had been advising both King and Queen for quite some time. "Relax your Majesty.." the Spik n Span spoke up as he approached his King. He rubbed his chin as he thought back to when Princess Twilight was just a filly. "Back when they were younger, the Princess and her Little friends would get into all kinds of trouble!" With a wave of his hoof, Spik n Span quickly blew off the nervous King's worries, "I'm sure the Princess is just enjoying her time outside of the palace.. What could possibly go Wrong?" All of a sudden the entire castle began to shake, much to the shock of everypony in the room. The King, Queen and Spik n Span looked upwards in an utter panic. "Sweet Celestia!" Spik n Span cried out. "What is Going On?!" Let did any of them know, that outside the throne room, a massive Eagle Claw and Lion Paw had begun lifting up the Castle from it's base. Throughout the city of Tambelon, numerous Background Ponies began to panic as they watched the Castle being lifted up from the city and into the skies above. Towering over the city stood a giant, muscular version of Discord, holding Tambelon Castle within his claws and lifting it into the dark clouds above! Back in the throne room the King and Queen held each other tightly, while Spik n Span ran about the flailed about the throne room screaming like a little girl. Finally King Nightlight spoke up, "What in Equestria is Going On?! "I'll tell you what's Going On!" a mysterious voice cried out catching the attention of the King and Queen. At the entrance to the throne room stood King Sombra, an army of his most menacing minions behind him. "A Sudden Change in the Monarchy!" All across Equestria, dark clouds could be seen forming around the floating Tambelon Castle! Including form the deck of a certain pirate ship. The fearsome captain Don Grif'aun watched the scene along with his employer. A cruel smile came across the massive penguins face. "I really must give my regards to my good friend, Sombra.." Charlatan commented. "Indeed.." Grif'aun chimed in, "It is only thanks to him that I was able to capture Troubleshoes and Trenderhoof!" A sly look crossed his face, "Among others.." "Yes.." Charlatan replied cracking his knuckles, "Once we reach Manehatten, we'll have to give our Guests are Warmest Regards!" From a barred window on at the floor of the deck, Trenderhoof watched as Charlatan and Don Grif'aun laughed wickedly. Down in the brig below, Thunderlane, Trouble Shoes, Cheese Sandwich, Soarin, and Flash Sentry sit locked and chained. Trenderhoof looked down at his friends, a nervous wreck, "Guy's we have to get out of Here!" "No Duh!?" Soarin cried out exasperated, "We've go to help Rainbow Dash! Cheese responded, "And Pinkie Pie, and Twilight, and Rarity, and Fluttershy, and Applejack, not to mention Spike!" "Oh right.." Soarin blushed, "Them too! Thunderlane turned to Flash Sentry, a look of discouragement across his face. "Flash Sentry.." Thunderlane spoke up, "What are your thoughts on the matter?" "Me!?" Flash stated dumbfounded, "Why are you asking me? "You're the one who brought us all together.." Thunderlane continued the rest of the Stallions behind him. "Without you we'd still be total strangers!" Trenderhoof stood next to Troubleshoes, "That's true, without you the two of us would still be pulling scams.." Soarin and Cheese came up to Flash from behind, "..And we'd still be robbing crumbs off the street!" Thunderlane placed a hoof on Flash's shoulder, "You Inspire us and give us Hope.. Soaring slapped Flash on the Back, "You always have our back.. Now we have yours! Flash took out the sword that Enbarr had made for him. As he looked down at the blade, he suddenly saw his own reflection looking back up at him, he then remembers what Luna told him that night his role of the group leadership. A confident smile suddenly crossed his face, "Guy's.. We're getting out of Here!" Outside of the Brig, two pirates whistled as they walked by the door. The taller of the two goblins spoke up, "Hey Bud, How's it going?" "Pretty good.." the fatter of the two goblins responded. "Think'n of taking some time off this weekend." "Sounds good," the goblin named Lou replied. "Mayne I should join.." All of a sudden the door to brig exploded blowing both of the pirates against the far wall. The Stallion Six stood proudly where the doors to the Brig once stood, weapons in hand. The two pirates looked up at the stallions towering over them in utter confusion. "What is Happening?" Bud blurted out. Flash smiled confidently holding his sword to Bud's throat, "Next time, you might want to try taking our weapons away before you lock us up!" "Lou quietly whispered to Bud, "I told you we forgot something.." More pirates quickly entered the hallway upon hearing the explosion. The stallions began to fight them off one by one, making their way through the ship. Don Grif'aun entered the hallway upon hearing the noise. "What in Equestria is Going on Here!" A series of Arrows suddenly appeared pinning Grif'aun to the wall. Trenderhoof approached him, Bow in hoof. He smiled slyly into the Griffon's face. "Tick, Tick, Boom!" All of a sudden the arrows around Grif'aun began to glow. His eyes grew wide as he quickly realized what was about to happen. The six Stallions stormed out onto the main deck, just as the Brig exploded behind them. Standing directly in front of them stood the menacing figure of Charlatan towering over them. He cracked his knuckles with a sinister smile. "You know.. You Ponies have become more trouble than you're worth.." He held out his fist shaking it with a smile, "I guess that I'll have to take care of you Permanently!" He the clutch his fist and then said "A good boss knows when it's time to step in and get his flippers dirty!" Flash and the other stallions raised their weapons preparing to fight, "Bring it on Bird Brain!" Charlatan and the six stallions charged each other. Troubleshoes whacked the massive penguin with his hammer in a single swing. Unfazed, Charlatan threw a massive fist towards the Stallion. Thunderlane managed to block it with his shield just in time. Meanwhile Cheese Sandwich pulled out a leg beneath Charlatan's flippers. Caught off guard, Charlatan stumbled backwards, nearly falling overboard. Charlatan looked winced as the six Stallions surrounded him, pinned to the edge of the ship. Furious, he cried out, "Wait! You can't do this to Me!" Flash Sentry flew up into the air with a smile, "Don't worry.. I hear Penguins Fly!" With a flap of his wings, Flash Sentry landed a kick directly onto Charlatan's Jaw, sending him over the edge. The stallions watched as the massive bird fell to the ground far below. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" "Oops.." Flash Sentry chimed in, "I was wrong!" Cheese looked over to Soaring with a bit of concern, "Is.. He gonna be Okay? Far down below, an old pony in a large floppy hat shoveled a large pile of compost, whistling while he worked. All of a sudden a massing object plummeted into the pile of compost, startling the Greenhooves pony. Charlatan rose from the massive pile a look of Fury across his face, "Compost! I HATE COMPOST!" Upon Grif'aun's ship, Flash Sentry stood confidently at the wheel, his fellow stallions close behind him, "GentleColts.. Let's set our Course!" The pirate ship sailed off into the distance Stallions in tow. Far behind it a tiny lifeboat floated in the sky, the entire pirate clew piled into it. At the bottom of the pile sat Don Grif'aun, burnt to a crisp and smoldering. As the ship sailed away, Lou spoke over to Bud, "Yep we definitely should have taken their weapons." Don Grif'aun raised his fists in the air in blind fury, "MORONS! I am surrounded by MORONS!" Back at the Palace, now floating in the sky, King Sombra confidently strode past King Nightlight and Queen Velvet, approaching the Throne, "Ahh.. It's been so long since I've sat on a proper Throne! Upon seeing this, Spik n Span quickly regained his bluster. "Now see here Sir!" Spik n Span halted Sombra just before he reached the throne. "You cannot just Enter this Palace Unannounced and pretend as if you own the Place!" Without hesitating, King Sombra blasted Spik n Span transforming into a frog. The King and Queen watched in horror as Sombra walked over their former servant. "Who say's I'm pretending!" Sombra sat upon his new throne glaring at the King and Queen. Cujo approached the two of them from behind, a cruel smile across his face. "So what do we do with these two Boss? Sombra dismissed the two ponies with a wave of his hoof, "Toss them over the edge, we're about to make some serious changes here! Starlight, Sunset, and Trixie watched sadly as the Diamond Dogs began to drag the King and Queen away. Meanwhile Discord attempted to sneak away unnoticed, "Well I see you have a lot going on around here." A suitcase and fedora suddenly appear with Discord, "I'll just be on my way then.." "Not so fast Trickster!" Sombra glared at the Draconquus. "I still have two Wishes Lest!" Discord slumped over in annoyance, "I was hoping you'd forget that.." "Now for my second wish!" Sombra stated confidently. "I wish to be an Alicorn Once Again!" Discord rolled his eyes, "Whatever you want Master.." With a snap of his fingers, an ominous green glow began to surround Sombra. Soon a pair of large black wings began to sprout from Sombra's back. His horn, once mangled, began to grow longer and straighter. Sombra's minions and Discord watched as their master rose to air, a full blown Alicorn once again. "Finally! After so long! The Universe is mine to Command once again! Sombra smiled wickedly, "Well.. Not yet anyway.." A massive beam of magic blasted out of Sombra's horn, up towards the ceiling. "I believe it's time I paid a visit to Dear old Father!" The beam of magic quickly spread throughout the entire palace to, causing it to radiate in Sombra's cruel green glow. Slowly yet steadily the Castle began to float away the city of Tambelon, and made it's way to Canterlot Mountain far in the distance. Down on the Drawbridge of Tambelon Castle, Cujo and his Diamond Dogs began edging the King and Queen closer and closer to the edge. Nightlight and Velvet both held onto each other tightly as the Diamond Dogs taunted them from behind. "Don't worry," Cujo snickered, "it's just a little itty bitty drop a Million Miles Down! The King and Queen looked at each other realizing the inevitable. With one final kiss, the two ponies leapt over the edge ready to fall to their doom. Cujo smirked as the King and Queen vanished over the edge of the drawbridge, "Well, we've done all we can.." As the leader of the Diamond Dog's turned to leave, he suddenly noticed something behind him. Out of nowhere, the King and Queen rose back upwards, seemingly floating in mid air. Cujo was completely dumbfounded, "What..! How..? Who..!?" The King and Queen were equally confused. As they rose up higher a mast appeared, followed by sails, and soon a ship. It was entire ship made completely of clouds, and atop of it stood Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike. Rainbow Dash, "Hey guys.. Miss Us? The Diamond Dogs Panicked as the Mane Six and Spike leapt for them! "Attack!" Twilight stated. Applejack bucks a diamond god while Pinkie Pie fire her party cannon. Spike roasts a diamond dog's tail while Rainbow Dash kicks another in the face. But while the mane six and the young dragon was fighting his dogs he ran up the stairs of the castle. While Twilight was zapping magic at a diamond dog she turning to see her confused parents with a smile. "Hi Mom and Dad!" The king and queen look on in surprise and then Nightlight said "Twilight what in Equestria is going on?" Then the purple princess explain while still fighting "Oh, well our ship got destroyed over Seaquestria! so Pinkie Pie came up with he idea to build one out of clouds! Then Rainbow Dash pushed us all the way here." Velvet and Nightlight watch on and then they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces and then the queen said "Sweet heart! She has friends!" Then Nightlight said "Now if only we could get her a boyfriend." Velvet rolled her eyes at that remark. But back with Cujo who is running up the stairs in a panic shouting "Master!" He then slams the throne room door open, reveling Sombra and his daughters. "Master! The princess and her allies are storming the castle!" Then Sombra turns to Sunset and Starlight with a furious glare. "How it this possible? I thought you destroyed them?" Then Cujo points to Sunset and Starlight accusingly a wicked smile across his face "No! They let the ponies go! Not only that they destroyed the elements of harmony!" Both unicorns glare at Cujo. Sombra turns to Sunset and Starlight darkly but while that was happening Trixie and discord look nervous behind him. "Is this true daughters." Starlight confidently strides forward, Sunset behind her. "Father you never needed the elements of harmony all you needed was Discord." The spirt of chaos appeared behind her with angel wings and a halo. "And now that the elements are destroyed are gone, there's nothing the princess can do to stop you." Sombra think "Hmmmm good point excellent work daughter." Cujo drops his jaw dumbfounded. He then started yelling. "Are you kidding me?! Master they are clearly trying to betray you!" Sombra gesture to the two unicorns who smirk at Cujo. "Starlight and Sunset are my loyalist followers. I believe either would ever betray me." He then turn to Trixie giving her an evil glare. "The "great and powerful" Trixie on the other hoof." The evil king then puts magic chains around the blue unicorn's neck again and lifts her up as she screamed "Not again!" Sombra then points to the remanding two unicorns mares accusingly. "Tell me the truth or your sister shall suffer the consequences!" The two bite their lips nervously. But then Sunset confidently approaches Sombra, a look of fury in her eyes. "Sombra you are a monster! You attacked our villages! Took us from our parents! Held us prisoner! And I can't count the many times you made Trixie cry!" Starlight was the next to step forward to the evil king. "You may be the ruler of Equestria, but you're not the ruler of us and we won't be you're lap ponies anymore!" Sunset then said "So take you're anger on us not on Trixie!" Sombra shrugs. "Very well...I will." He then toss Trixie out a stained glass window. She then fall to the clouds, and bits of the window with her and she screams. "AAAAAAaaaaggghhhhhhh!" Sombra glances back at a horrified Starlight and Sunset. "Next time It'll be one of you!" That made Cujo rings his paws happily and made Discord away nervous. But Sunset grabs ahold of Starlight both with furious looks on their faces. "There's not going to be a next time!" They then disappear in a flash of magic. The two unicorns suddenly appear beside a still falling Trixie and were able to grab ahold of her tightly, all three then vanish in a flash of magic. Sombra looks over to Discord who holds Cujo close "At least you still have us!" He gestures at himself and Cujo mockingly. The evil king glares out the shattered window then said "They'll be back." Cujo then shouted at Discord. "Get your claws off me ya freak!" Meanwhile after Twilight and her friends beaten the diamond dogs they race up the stairs to the throne room. Twilight then said "Come on girls! It's time to finish this!" The mane six and spike burst trough the throne room doors. "It's over Sombra!" The evil king the laughs wickedly. "Mwahahahaha! You're right princess." We now see from the throne to see an army of Shadowbolts in front of him. "It is indeed over!" We see the dark and twisted castle approaching Canterlot, Thunder and lighting fill the skies. A platoon of Shadowbolt's prepare to attack. But at Canterlot theirs and army of pony soldiers ready to fight and leading them are two Alicorn one is a am mare with a silver coat and light blue mane tail, and eyes and her cutie mark is a spear and a shield which are her weapons of choice, she is also wearing golden armor. The other his a stallion with a dark red mane tail, and eyes and his coat is bright red. His cutie mark is a shield with a sword on it and he is also wearing armor. They are none other then Xanthus alicorn of wisdom and Balius alicorn of war. They both stand in before an army of royal guards. Balius then sad while he lifts his sword. "Finally! I haven't had a good war in ages!" Xanthus glances at him annoyed and then she rolled her eyes. "As usual brother your barbaric nature knows no means." He then shot back. "Better then being a great big egghead like you sister dear!" The wisdom alicorn then said "Balius let's put aside our differences this once and focus on the task at hoof." Then the war alicorn said "Finally Xanthus! You've said something I can agree with!" The two alicorns charge their forces into the sky, while Shadowbolts also charge into the sky. The two sides fight each other Balius and Xanthus at the canter. But while that was going on Trenderhoof looks through a telescope at the fight, the other stallions behind him. The blond mane colt then said "Well guy's looks like were to late. anypony want to head home and call it a day?" Then Troubleshoes glares at him while Flash shouts "Seriously!?" Trenderhoof then said "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But seriously what are we gonna do?" Later as the fight goes on between the cloud passes by in the background. Soarin and Cheese poke their heads out of the clouds. Soarin whispered "I can't believe you talked us into this!" Then Flash pokes his head out to join them. "Hey, It's working isn't it?" Then a few Shadowbolts notice them then they charge into the cloud. Then punches kicks and blows can be heard from within the cloud. Later said cloud made to the castle and then popped out from it to enter the palace were the stallion six exit the cloud dress as Shadowbolts. The blue mane pegasus then said "See I told you this would work." Soarin just rolled his eyes. The reminding Shadowbolts have the mane six surrounded. Then Sombra laughs wickedly again. "Bwahahahaha!" He radiates power before Twilight "Face it princess! You are nothing without the Elements of Harmony!" Twilight then smiles confidently "You're wrong Sombra." She then gestures to her friends behind her. "The Elements are right here!" Sombra fumes his eyes spewing flames. "What are you talking about the Elements were destroyed!" Twilight then said "The Elements can never be destroyed! Applejack was honest even in the face of danger represent the element of honesty! Fluttershy who was kind to even the most monstrous of creatures represent the elements of kindness! Pinkie Pie who lifted a curse with only her humor represents the element of laughter! Rarity who gave up her own tail to help out a sorrowful serpent represents the element of generosity! and Rainbow Dash who risked her own life to save a friend represent the element of loyalty!" The mane six stand behind Twilight, all glowing with the elements. Sombra is shocked to see the ponies powered up. Then he furious said "So what? You still don't have the final element!" Then Twilight begins to glow along with her friends. "Wrong again. My friends at my side give me the final Element of Harmony and the element is magic!" Then a rainbow cyclone surrounds the six ponies. Sombra look's on in horror as the mane six radiate with the elements. The scared evil king desperately turns to Discord. "Discord! It's time for my final wish! Send these ponies to oblivion!" But Discord just stood there files his claws nonchalantly as he see and know what Sombra doesn't. "I'd love to "Master". But regrettably you don't have the lamp anymore." Sombra then shouted "What are you talking about!? I have it right..." "Here." He then looked and see his hoof was empty. Then turns to see they someone was behind him. "Ahem." Flash stands before the stallion six still in disguise, and holds out the lamp and then said "Don't you just hate it when you can't hold something." Thunderlane places a hoof on Flash's shoulder as they look at Sombra. "Finally your skills as a thief paid off." Sombra then said "Uh oh..." Then Flash shouted "Let er' rip girls!" Then he and his friends got out of the blasting range. Twilight glows with the other ponies then a rainbow beam of energy shoots from them. The beam of rainbow light encases Sombra. We watch as Sombra's wings fade away and his longer horn shrunk and then he and then Shadowbolts are now blasted out of the castle. The rainbow beam surrounds the castle no notice the fighting ponies. The Shadowsbolts are blasted away from the Canterlot soldiers. King Nightlight and Queen Velvet picked up a frog Spik N Span sadly. But then he was transformed back to normal in the arms of the confused king. The royal guards cheer around the floating castle along with Balius and Xanthus. But then there was Cujo who was trying to sneaks out from hiding beneath a table. When suddenly he was notices Spike who smiles at him slyly. Cujo falls out the same window Sombra did, with green flames chasing him and he shouted. "Yeeeaaaaghhhh!" The mane six float down their magic gone. The stallion six and Spike join them hugging and contradicting them. Flash holding Twilight in his arms and said "You did it Twilight!" Then Twilight hugged him back "No Flash We did it!" Then Twilight's parents entered the throne room with Spik N Span and see Twilight hugging Flash. Then Nightlight said "Twilight who is this?" Twilight then turns to her mother and father and then said while blushing. "Mom, Dad. this is Flash Sentry. He's my...My friend." Velvet smiles at Nightlight. "Sweetheart it's a boy." Then a nervous look cross the king's face much to Velvet's amusement. "Oh no." Then Pinkie speaks to the others. "Hey guys? If King Sombra is gone, then how is the castle still...?" She would have finish but all of a sudden the entire throne room begins shacking. We watch Tambelon castle begins falling apart, tumbling to the ground. The ponies scream as they fly into the air the castle collapsing. Discord then desperately comes behind Flash and said "Come on kid! You've got to make a wish now!" Flash rubs the lamp desperately, up in the air. "I wish the castle was back where it belonged! And that everything was back to normal!" Discord planarly hold out two claws and said "That's two things!" Flash shouts. "It's a twofer! Make it work!" The chaos snaps his claws and the castle vanishes from the air in a Flash. The castle magically fade back into position at the center of Tambelon. The mane six, stallion six, Spike, and the royals pick themselves up in amazement. Then Spik N Span lowers the draw bridge, allowing them all to look out. All the ponies in Tambelon Kingdome cheer for the ponies in front of the castle. Many familiar faces are seen including the families. Trenderhoof adjust his collar in front of Rarity and said "I could get used to this kind of treatment." Twilight waves besides Flash and then said "We did it. We saved Equestria!" Then the alicorn king himself Sleipmir appears and said "Indeed you have." He was a very tall stallion with eight legs and bigger wings and longer horn. He had a bright light and facile hair eyes mane, and tail and his cutie mark have three black tringle. With him are all the alicorns the ponies met on their journey, including Queen Faust and a few others and even Shining Armor was there with his bird to be Cadence. Then Twilight said "Then Alicorns of Equestria!" Exclaim with her friends behind her. Sleipnir put's his hoof on Twilight's shoulder and said "You've done well princess Twilight by defeating Sombra, you've not only protected your Kingdom but all of Equestria." Sleipnir turns to Celestia and said "My daughter was wise to choose you as her student." Shining Armor and Cadence appear beside Twilight. "We're so proud of you Twily." As he hugs his younger sister, he suddenly takes not of Flash behind her. He then got out of the hug and points an accusing hoof at Flash. "What's he doing here!?" Flash then puts a hoof around Twilight. "Relax Captain the princess has already given me a full pardon." Twilight then smiles at Flash and said "It's true BBBFF." Shining Armor begins grinding his teeth in fury. Thunderlane then comes up beside him and said "Don't worry sir I can vouch for these gentle colts." Shining Armor's rage quells then he brushes the subject. "Yes well we must prepare a rescue for the pillars of Equestria." Then they heard a voice that said. "No need captain!" They all turn to see Star swirl and the rest of the pillars behind him. "We're already here." Twilight approaches him and the other pillars and asked. "Star Swirl the bearded! How did you escape?" RockHoof then said. "There was some big commotion back at midnight castle." Then Flash Magnus spoke. "Once the guards were gone, it was easy to escape." Later at the throne room where Sleipmir and Celestia stood beside the king and queen. The alicorn king look down proudly at the 12 ponies and Spike and all Equestria watch from behind. "You ponies have done Equestria a great service. Twilight Sparkle and her friends in retrieving the Elements of Harmony! And Flash Sentry and his allies in defeating King Sombra." All the ponies were now wearing metals awards. Discord suddenly appears besides the alicorn king. "Ahem aren't we forgetting some one?" He coughs into his fist. Then Sleipmir gesture to Spike placing a metal around him. "Yes Spike the dragon for his nobility and courage." Then Discord's jaw drops to the floor. A bunch of arrows lights up behind him as he points up himself. "Helloooooo!" Sleipmir then rolls his eyes and then said "All right you can have you're freedom again." Discord gives to thumbs up. Sleipmir gestures Discord towards the 12 ponies and spike. "But Flash Sentry and his friends will be keeping an eye on you!" The chaos titan then crosses his arms in frustration. "Hmph...If didn't know any better I'd say you don't trust me." Then Sleipmir "I don't." Then Discord appears and hold Flash and Fluttershy tightly. "Well at least I'm back with old friends again!" Then Celestia approaches Twilight and Flash and said "Twilight you have accomplished so much more than you know on this journey." The sun princess the look over the mane six, stallion six and Spike. "You, and your friends still have a great adventure ahead of you." Then Rainbow Dash flies between Twilight and Flash the said "Well whatever it is. We can handle it!" Pinkie Pie hugs Cheese tightly and said "Together as friends!" Soarin chimes besides Applejack and said "Fighting whatever evil forces we come across!" TrenderHoof then whispers to Rarity besides Troubleshoes "Personally I'd rather spend a day at the spa." That made Rarity giggles. Back with King Nightlight who whispers to Queen Velvet nervously. "But what about the marriage plan?" Then Queen Velvet points her husband towards Flash and Twilight who were laughing. Queen velvet then said to her husband. "I think we can hold that off for a while." Then a fat light purple alicorn with a curly mongo color mane and tail and his eyes are pin green. He is the alicorn of parties named Liamire appears before a surprise Celestia and Sleipmir and shouted "Enough talk! Let us get on to the victory party! What, What!" He then turn to a white coated unicorn with a spikey blue mane mare with headphones and sunglasses and said "DJ Pon-3 drop me some nasty victory party beat!" Then she hits her turntables and the boom boxes sound "D-D-D-DJ Pon-3 Gonna get freaky! V-V-V-Victory party style!" We see random ponies dancing together. Spike has a lampshade on his head and dances with Pinkie and Cheese. Discord dances between an annoyed Luna and Enbarr. Liamire blows a noise maker before Celestia and Hippocampus. Thunderlane watches as Fluttershy Soarin and Rainbow Dash dancing. while TrenderHoof sitting next to Rarity. Troubleshoes notices Applejack and her family. Then with Shining Armor glares a Flash dancing with Twilight. But then her pink alicorn lover approaches him and said "Let it go Shining I have a feeling this is meant to last." Meanwhile from a cliff, three sets of hooves look down at the lights of the party at Tambelon castle, it was Trixie Starlight and Sunset watching on. Then Trixie looks down sadly with the other two at her side. "They sure look like they're having fun down there." Starlight put's a sympathetic hoof on her as she said "I sure wish we could join." But then Sunset smiles as she places her hooves around Starlight and Trixie. "Wed don't need them or Sombra! We have each other!" Then three ponies leave the cliffside, and the lights of the party behind and then Starlight asked "So what now?" Then a hoof appears behind the trio of unicorns and the owner of it said "Perhaps I can be of assistance." Then appears another unicorn mare she had a dark red coat and her mane and tail are dark pink she has a scare on her right eye and she also wear black armor. But most knowability her horn is broken and also there was a large blimp behind her. Her armor and the blimp had a golden horse on them. Then Sunset asked "Who are you?" "My name is Tempest Shadow I'd like to talk to you about an organization called H.O.R.S.E." Meanwhile back at Midnight castle that is now burnt to ruins yet some how still standing. We see leading a limping Sombra into the ruins of his Throne Room. Cujo then said "Well this is just great! Frist we lost the lamp! Next we lost the battle! And now the castle trashed!" Sombra's eyes flame as he glares in Cujo's face then the diamond dog leader loses his bluster. "But hey, what I know." Cujo then places Sombra on his broken throne. "You know very little Cujo." Sombra places his hooves together in dark contemplation and said "This is only a minor set back." Then Cujo nervously approaches Sombra's throne with his diamond dogs behind him. "So...What are we gonna do next boss..." Then a new voice enter the room that said "I have a suggestion." It was Catrina appears from the shadows and then she said "The elements of Harmony is not the only power in Equestria." She the place past the diamond dogs and Sombra. "There is another power in Equestria a darker power." The feline witch then holds her orb, an image glowing in it. "And I know how to release it." Then we focus on the orb to see the silhouette of the Titans lord himself Tirek. This took longer then I thought but It's done join more of the ponies in My little pony adventures