> Chrysalis Coup Countered by Cuddles > by nobody495 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning and The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It appeared to be a normal day in the land of Equestria. It was fairly calm, fairly non-threatening… it seemed as if the night’d lulled any conflict out of anypony in the world, and the sun helped to cradle them in the morning. One of the monarchs would have to thank their fellow ruler for that. Speaking of… The same applied to the city of Canterlot, a large city built into the side of a mountain consisting of many large spires, and a general collection of gold and purple shades painted over the lot of the ivory buildings. This would also be the city at which one of said monarch’s castle laid at. It was one of the many ivory buildings tipped with gold, it appearing nice and regal. It was surrounded by a thick wall, while boasting many different guard ponies on them, boasting shining armor and steely glances d own at the ground, just in case anything was amiss. And past the walls was a road leading into the castle itself, a large gate leading into the main, large building. And right now, this thing would be the source of a dangerous foe’s approach. From within the shadows of Canterlot, an odd-looking pony was going through the streets, walking in such a fashion as if trying desperately to fit in with the environment. Said pony was a mare with a smokey blue coat, her wearing a trench coat that was cut low enough to expose a cutie mark shaped like a domino mask. Nopony would be able to say who she was or where she lived, which made since considering she may as well’ve been born today. She slinked closer and closer to the castle, at which she ducked behind the corner of a building and looked on towards the wall. And at this point, her form was wrapped in green flame, which danced across her coat as quickly as a cough, the original blue coat fading to reveal a whole new form beneath. She boasted a black, chitinous body, a green shell over her back, moth-like wings, and spider silk-like hair, those on top of her head draping messily over her head. In addition to that, her body boasted a black crown on top of her head, disturbing-looking holes peppering her hooves, wings, and tail, and a unicorn-like horn that twisted oddly. Of course, this was none other than the former queen of the once villainous race of changelings, Chrysalis. Once she was the proud ruler of the race and had led them to enact deceptive magics in order to fool ponies so that they may then drain the love out of them and feed themselves. Unfortunately, after an attack, and a brilliant one if she had to admit, one of those ponies were able to track her down to her throne, and completely uproot her rule when they spread friendship to their people. Friendship… Chrysalis reared her head back before hurling it downwards, hacking as if the word had left a foul taste in her throat. She still remembered the name of the ponies that tore down her rule. Starlight Glimmer, who’d let them learn about the power of sharing love to sate their bellies, and Thorax, the changeling who’d shared his love in the first place and enacted a chain reaction to destroy her kingdom. She’d have many long nights of imagining what she’d do if she were to ever get her hooves on those two, but she’d never be able to sneak back a crowd of changelings, and Starlight was smack dab in the middle of the territory with Equestria’s most prolific heroes. This right here wasn’t an easy option, but she didn’t have a lot of other options. Her path to destruction required a lot of planning and care on her part, so she’d have to set herself up just right. And what’d be a better way of setting herself up than having drained not one, but two alicorns?! She licked her lips hungrily just imagining that before snickering to herself. First, though, she needed a good plan to get herself past the gate, but how? She rubbed her chin curiously as she imagined what kind of pony would be let in that wasn’t already past those walls… As she watched, she noticed a pair of stallion guards that were along the trail and towards the castle. Perfect. She first tucked into cover and let those green fires dance over her again, allowing her to take form yet again. Now, she bore a bright white coat with large wings, a long horn protruding from her head, and an ethereal, multicolor set of tail and hair extending from her. Right now, she adopted the form of one of the two princesses, Princess Celestia. She may’ve been in the castle, but these guards were sort of, kind of, notoriously inept. A part of her imagined she could march into that field and turn their attempts at fighting her into the aftermath of a game set piece developed by some sorta team of ninjas. However, at the same time, they probably had enough on their side to at the very least weaken her, plus they could definitely expose her to either alicorn, and if that were to happen… Well, at the least she could fool these two. The two guards walked on, when they heard a sharp “psst” to the side. Both of the guards turned curious, and saw a truly odd sight. Their princess was out past the walls and hidden behind some common pony’s house? What the hay was happening? They approached curious, the stark ruler waving her head towards herself to try and usher the two closer. They were soon near and looked on with cocked brows, their confusion only growing as the larger pony had only her head poking out. “Princess Celestia? What’s wrong? And why’re you out here?” one of the guards asked. “Oh, it’s the sorriest tale. I thought to stretch my wings last night, and in the process, lost my gear to the city. I tried to get down to find them, but I was forced to hide my exposed body from the onlookers!” “O-oh, we should gather searchers-!” “No no, I mustn’t be tardy much longer!” “Celestia” declared! “Quick, behind this wall so I may procure your gear!” With that, the group rushed to the back, before suddenly, twin blasts of green magic resonated behind the wall. And then from behind the wall came a “guard”, dressing up in the discarded armor one of those stallions left behind. Chrysalis, while donning her disguise, continued up the trail and towards those gates, where another pair of stallions awaited the worker. They nodded as “he” approached, before raising the gates and letting them pass. It took all of Chrysalis’s willpower not to brandish a smirk as she walked towards the main building. A part of her wanted to break into a sprint to get there and devastate those princesses, but another part of her savored that calm before the storm, allowing joy to rise in the enemy before she snuffs it out swiftly. She continued through the courtyard and walked, soon arriving at the big doors to the castle. She took a deep breath and adjusted her armor ever so slightly, and pressed forwards, opening the door as much as her disguised body would allow, and pressing through carefully. She walked through the hall, soon finding the red carpet leading to the throne room. She walked and walked, feeling almost like she had to physically hold her chest to steady her rapidly beating heart. A part of her feared that somepony would hear her anticipation. She needed to be careful. She walked on and on, following the carpet and approaching another set of doors, these ones looking more regal. The deposed changeling ruler took a deep breath and exhaled, steadying herself. And then she straightened her form, took on a stone face, and pressed forwards, opening the door. And inside, she saw a very fancy room. It had a very blue hue to it and had several glass-stained windows on either way, detailing the victories of those detestable ponies Chrysalis grew to hate. And the carpet she followed led to a pair of thrones, one a gleaming gold and one a cool ivory. And behind those thrones stood two doors that were each before a set of stairs that curled behind the thrones, one door brandishing the image of the sun, one brandishing the image of the moon. And meanwhile, sitting at the gleaming throne was the pony Chrysalis had disguised herself as moments ago, bearing white fur, a rainbow mane and tail that flowed as if they had no weight, and shining armor, shoes, and a crown. Chrysalis found herself looking upon Princess Celestia herself. She found herself considering what words to say, realizing she’d spent so much time contemplating how she’d rob her, she never actually considered what she’d do to make herself out to be a friend of her. However, fortunately it seems that the ruler was happy enough to provide her something. “Ah, greetings, my loyal subject,” Celestia said, giving the “guard” a bow. Chrysalis bowed in response. “Greetings, my ruler,” Chrysalis answered. “I’m here to take my post of course.” “Ah, of course,” Celestia said, nodding and giving her a gaze that’d warm up even most of the coldest hearts. Most of. And then, she extended one of her wings and motioned beside her throne, prompting the pony to approach. She’s just letting me walk right beside her… how amusing~ Chrysalis thought to herself. She approached, and sat right beside the alicorn, who, given her current disguise, appeared alarming large. Chrysalis grew so used to looking down on foolish subjects, so it was always a little startling to look up at fellow winged/horned rulers. Still, she needed to make sure she wouldn’t look upon her too long, so as not to look to suspicious. No, she needed the right time to find out what form she should take so that she could suck that love right out of her and become strong enough to grind those heroic ponies to dust. No, now she had to sit and wait for Celestia to expose some sort of chink in her armor. The duo sat and waited, watching as Celestia went through her various meetings today, Chrysalis not really caring, instead trying to pay attention to whatever feelings might flare up between Celestia and whoever might enter. Unfortunately, Chrysalis’s answer might be a bit closer than she realized. Partway through, Celestia stretched her wings up, very understandable given that she’s sitting in place pretty much all day. And then… she lowered one wing down, bringing it across the adjacent pony’s shoulders? Chrysalis couldn’t hide her eyes widening in shock, her only able to move her eyes to make sure what she was seeing was matching with what she was feeling. Celestia had tucked one wing back into place and towards the back of the chair, while the other draped over Chrysalis, almost possessively. It was as if they were watching a show and Celestia decided to make some sort of move on her! It lingered on her back for a while, her too scared to act on it, until eventually she pulled it away, leaving her back bare and slightly colder than before. Chrysalis peered towards Celestia confused and uncertain. The changeling herself had a skewed perception of social interaction in general, constantly seeking out signs of love. Was she merely imagining that notion from the princess? … Eventually, the meetings would end, and the princess realized what time it was. Chrysalis meanwhile, aside from that odd moment earlier, didn’t pick up on any feelings popping up between Celestia and anypony else. Anyways, the “guard” got off her rump and began trotting towards the outside, figuring this brief mission a failure. “Come now, your duty isn’t finished yet,” Celestia said. With that, the guard paused, and turned curious. “My chambers could use your watchful eyes, surely you haven’t forgotten that much.” “O-of course, Princess Celestia,” the guard said, perplexed. Now this alicorn was leading her straight into her chambers?! Score! With that, the royal pony turned and walked to the door with the sun emblem. “Please don’t be long, my little pony,” Celestia said as she magically opened the door and stepped through. Chrysalis, meanwhile, stood there perplexed. This seemed almost too easy. She went after random guards, stole one of their two identities, and Celestia apparently trusts him enough to let him close? There’s no way she’d pass up the chance to rob her while she’s asleep! So, she giddily trotted towards the door, though tried desperately to muster the strength to bury that down. She made it past the door and walked on and on, soon approaching Celestia’s bed chambers. And once she approached the door, it opened up, revealing an odd stallion. He had a purple coat, an orange and black mane, and a cutie mark on either flank resembling a stethoscope. “Hey, what are you doing in Celestia’s chamber?” Chrysalis asked the stallion. “Oh, you haven’t heard of me?” he asked. “Celestia summoned me here so that I can be on standby should anything happen.” “But I’m here to make sure nothing happens to her.” “Oh poor thing, I’m not here for her sake,” the doctor pony assured. Chrysalis cocked an eyebrow in confusion at whatever this odd fellow was implying, but decided she didn’t real need to inquire into him more. “Ooooook…” Chrysalis said as she walked in a wide arc around him, as if afraid of catching some sort of illness or curse from him should she get too close. “Well, I have a duty to fulfill.” “And I have mine,” the stallion assured, giving a bow. Chrysalis now finally turned away from him and rolled her eyes, now pushing the door open and let herself in. And inside was a room with various crystal-shaped architecture about, seeming intent on giving it this gaudy, divine look. Other than that and some of the aesthetic, it appeared pedestrian enough. Celestia’s relatively large bed with golden sheets even had a cute little dresser with a lamp on it. And laying on that bed was Celestia, in the process of lowering the sun past the horizon, casting the skies in an amber hue before night overtook. And meanwhile, her gilded wear was set neatly aside, her emblem and crown on another dresser, and her shoes on a carpet nearby. She then turned and saw Chrysalis, putting on her smile again. “Ah, my guard returns,” she said. She then stretched her legs a bit, before laying back in her bed, sighing. Chrysalis, meanwhile, stood there and waited, looking over her form and waiting for her to go to sleep. However, as she waited, the larger pony peeked towards the “guard”. “Well don’t be a stranger, this is where the fun begins~” “H-huh?” “You’re to watch over me, remember?” Celestia leaned back in the bad, lowering a section of the blanket beside her. Chrysalis felt weirded out. She appreciated a good opening as much as the next villain, but even she had to admit this was moving along too fast. She almost wondered if her hypnotic powers were going off passively or something. “I-I am, your highness,” Chrysalis assured, silently cursing herself for her nervous stutter. “You could certainly watch me better from over here, couldn’t you, my guard?” She waved a hoof before the opening in the blanket invitingly. The changeling felt the part of her warning against this shrinking more and more. She was certain this was a trap, but Celestia spoke in this oddly inviting way, the likes of which almost drove her to kneel to her. So, trying to remain silent, she walked forwards about as gracefully as a deer on a butter-soaked road. She stepped and hobbled and approached the opening, when Celestia gently pushed down on her shoulder to keep her from coming in. “Well you can’t rest in all of that~” Chrysalis looked down, realizing she was still in armor. “O-oh, right,” she said, not even in the right state of mind to look at the problems such a decision could cause. She was quick to remove the helm, plating, and shoes, putting the various scraps of outfit down uncharacteristically carefully, and would find herself just in her coat, just as Celestia was. Sure it wasn’t uncommon for ponies to be undressed in public, but to undress in front of each other… that was a special kind of scandalous. Surely this would be confirmation in Chrysalis’s mind that she’d unintentionally hit the jackpot, and yet she couldn’t completely celebrate the victory. No, a good portion of her mind was still considering this too easy. She had no idea who this guard was, and they didn’t appear to be of any high rank. Had she won the disguise lottery so easily? Was there secretly some sort of conspiracy on the princess’s part to court any guard that wanders too close? Or was this all a trap? Unfortunately, Chrysalis remained uncertain in her ability to snap at the alicorn, so she couldn’t exactly strike her down before she tried anything. She supposed the best she could do was lie down, and wait for an opening to reveal itself. So, she climbed onto the bed where Celestia motioned, laying beside her. “Ahem, so… how’re we going to… do this?” “Just leave everything to me, my little pony,” Celestia assured. She then worked one foreleg beneath Chrysalis, hooking around her and bringing her close to her, before bringing her other foreleg up and around her other side. Chrysalis found herself facing the alicorn’s form, smushed chest to chest with her. She found herself, in her disguised form, measuring only partway up the alicorn’s neck, which Chrysalis was certain was Celestia trying to intimidate her. Too bad her victim had more than a few tricks up her sleeves! For now, however, she figured it’d be better to wait and see if she’d expose herself. Celestia, meanwhile, while her hooves were stretched behind Chrysalis, curled them back to brace the, in her current form, smaller pony against her. Chrysalis couldn’t help but grunt as she was pinned to Celestia like she was put into some sort of stock. Celestia’s body was a lot firmer than her appearance might suggest; there was some divine muscle beneath that fine coat after all. However, said coat did provide a layer of softness between Chrysalis and the foe’s intense body. It was like being shoved into a mattress that hadn’t been used once; it’s firm and resistant upon initial touchdown, but the more Chrysalis feels herself pressed against it, the more it begins to giveway to let her lay in. Chrysalis was certain to compare this pony to an inanimate object, but even still, she couldn’t help but feel slight humiliation as she seemed to still have the upper hoof on her. Celestia, meanwhile, kept her pinned against her with her forelegs, and while holding her, she spun onto her back, now letting the impostor lay on top of her. Chrysalis felt the larger pony gently spread her forelegs a little, before reaching down her back. The deposed monarch couldn’t help but blush and grimace as she feared where those hooves would go, but fortunately, they stopped at just above her hips, resting on either side of her spine. And then, while keeping those hooves pressed, she brought those hooves up her back, dragging along and gently massaging. Chrysalis gave a shudder on top of Celestia as she stroked her, getting up to behind her forelegs, before those hooves rubbed down to her hips again. “I haven’t felt you move in the slightest,” Celestia said. “Well, aside from the occasional shudder~” Chrysalis wasn’t dumb to the chuckle the alicorn’s words carried. “Feel free to feel me as well. You wanted to feel my fine coat, didn’t you, my little pony?” Chrysalis gave pause at the ruler’s words. Did she want her to…? Chrysalis carefully spread her forelegs, reaching down to the fine furred pony’s sides. She pressed her hooves into them, and began stroking in circular motions, even if her muscular physique gave her a slight bit of resistance. That mattress feeling from before definitely applied here, and it proved a little tricky, though Celestia gave a sigh of relief as Chrysalis caressed her. “Oh, you probably realized these little sessions are a bit of a boon for myself~” “Y-yeah, I-I just didn’t realize you needed this as badly as I did,” Chrysalis said, still trying to play along. “Oh, I’m sure I could manage,” Celestia said. “But, you know, it doesn’t hurt to get the extra support. You meanwhile… You’ve been so painfully starved, haven’t you~?” “Y… yeah…” the changeling admitted. That part wasn’t even her trying to play along, truth was that she struggled to feed ever since her hive turned against her. Meanwhile, she didn’t even realize that her hug was tightening around Celestia’s side. Not in a “I want to crush you like a nut” kind of way like Chrysalis would fantasize, in a more loving way. Celestia, meanwhile, gave a slight shudder, her wings extending out in slight alarm. “Oh my, you’re a little stronger than you look!” Celestia said comfortingly. Chrysalis gave pause at the remark, before she realized she was holding the alicorn tightly. She gasped and pulled her forelegs away. “Aw, did you get shy~? Very well, I should have plenty for both of us~” With that, she then curled her fine wings around behind Chrysalis and held them in tight, covering everything between the changeling’s neckline and hindquarters. And it felt to the queen like she was suddenly covered in a fine blanket as thin as paper, yet still offers plenty of warmth and comfort thanks to the many feathers. And meanwhile, Celestia craned her neck up so that she could softly curl around Chrysalis’s head and pressing against her cheek. In that moment, the queen felt as if she was covered in love and warmth, a feeling almost alien to her for ages. She was stunned into position, her eyes wide and her limbs splayed, her forelegs only hugging out of whatever primal instinct exists in ponykind that encourages them to keep a tight, loving hold on another. She could only lie there and let Celestia nuzzle into her cheek, before she moved onto the other cheek. Chrysalis wasn’t even aware, at first, of the blood rushing to her cheeks. “You feel so tense,” Celestia commented. “Am I doing something wrong?” “O-oh no, your highness,” Chrysalis assured. “Just… y’know, a long day guarding…” “Yes, I suppose it’s easy for work to eb away at your nerves. Well, since you need it, I hereby permit you to take a snooze on top of me. I’ll be sure to keep you nice and comfortable in the meantime~” Celestia held the “guard” gently as she retracted her head, giving Chrysalis’s cheeks some time to recover from the loving strokes. Her wings meanwhile, remained on her back while her hooves gently rubbed, a combination of sensations altogether far too comforting for the coldhearted villain. She felt she should remain awake, just in case this was part of some nefarious plan on the alicorn’s part… but the combined sensations had a fine grip on her senses… Chrysalis actually found herself giving out a yawn and hugging Celestia. One of the monarch’s hooves traveled up her neck and rubbed into it softly, the changeling giving a soft shudder, but still feeling drowsy. Her hoof traveled higher, and got right behind the foe’s ears. “A-ah~” Chrysalis cooed, kicking a leg slightly. Celestia couldn’t help but giggle at that as she rubbed, getting Chrysalis to crane her head more and more and to kick slightly harder. The one below didn’t want to abuse this position, however, so she simply lowered her hoof so that the changeling may rest. Chrysalis, now no longer bothered by the hoof behind her ears, felt the laze begin to overtake her. Her eyelids began to flutter shut, before they grew too heavy to open… … Chrysalis’s slumber was shaken away when she felt the ground beneath her shift. The doppelganger’s eyelids craned open, she began to clench her body up, and she shook her head. She began to wrench her head up, and realized she was in an odd territory. Apparently she’d slumbered so deeply she’d almost figured that last night was merely a dream. However, the shuddering white mass beneath her made her realize that what had happened had happened. Chrysalis realized she should move, and thus climbed off of her and onto the bed beneath Celestia. The princess of the sun yawned loudly and climbed up onto her hindquarters, her looking unnaturally serene for someone just waking up. “Ah, I don’t think I slept that well in ages,” Celestia said. “How did you sleep, my little pony?” “Oh, I’ve never been better,” the disguised pony said. The alicorn smiled softly at her. “I’m so happy to hear that~” Chrysalis started to get up, and Celestia gently put a hoof on her back. “Now, my sister is about to rest, so I believe it’s time for you to appeal to her.” Chrysalis’s eyes widened at this. Was she really being allowed access to both rulers so shortly apart from each other?! “I-I probably should, yes…” “You can make it on your own, right? Or did I snuggle that information out of your noggin?” “I can make it,” Chrysalis said, now feeling a little offended. She saw the moon door near the sun door, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out where the other ruler slept. Celestia nodded in approval, before hopping off of her bed and beginning to don her outfit. “Don’t forget to dress this time. You wouldn’t want the others getting ideas.” “O-oh right, that’ right…” Chrysalis said, now hopping off of the princess’s bed and scrambling to her discarded guard uniform. She gathered the stuff and was quick to put it on. Celestia, meanwhile, had already put her nicely organized gear on, and had went out the door, leaving the changeling alone. Chrysalis briefly considered using the opportunity to stake out ways of sabotaging this room. However, there would probably be ponies questioning why she took so long to get out, so after getting her armor, she stepped out, and began walking the halls. … She took a slight bit of an issue to get where she needed to, but was eventually able to arrive at the moon-wing, and followed the hallway. She walked more and more, and saw that odd doctor pony from before. “Hello, soldier,” he greeted. “Hey,” Chrysalis said, giving him a half-hearted wave as she stepped past him and towards the door. “Sounds like you handled Celestia well. You did, right? No internal injuries?” “Don’t patronize me,” Chrysalis said, deciding she didn’t need to bother acting nice to him. “Is Princess Luna in her chambers?” “Oh yes, she’s been waiting dearly for you.” “Perfect.” With that, Chrysalis began to storm past him. The doctor stallion raised a hoof to indicate he had something to say, though the changeling didn’t care. She simply pushed the door open and stepped in, looking out over the moon princess’s room. The room reminded her slightly of Celestia’s, albeit a few less crystals. A dark carpet with purple-ish swirls was on the ground, with a separate ivory carpet boasting a set of shoes. The windows had dark purple curtains, there were what looked like trees with a bunch of lightbulbs around the room, and there also stood a, too Chrysalis anyway, gaudy-looking bed. Its frame was curved to resemble a crescent moon, it boasted a set of curtains hanging from the upper crest, and a blanket with stars on it. And underneath that bedsheet was one of Chrysalis’s top 10 ponies to destroy. She boasted a deep, black-ish blue coat, and a dark blue mane and tail that flowed ethereally, kind of like Celestia’s, and she had the telltale large wings and the long horn of an alicorn. Of course, this was Princess Luna. “You must be the loyal subject Celestia told us about,” Luna answered, waving at the disguised pony. “Uh, yes I am,” Chrysalis answered. “I understand you wished for company?” “Huh, and here we thought you were the one craving attention,” Luna questioned. Chrysalis blushed at that, though the darker alicorn waved off her embarrassment. “We tease, subject. Come, it’ll be a long day today.” “Yes, you’re right.” With that, Chrysalis trotted over, on the way kicking off her shoes and undoing the straps of her armor. She carefully set them down, before coming closer. Luna lifted the covers, and Chrysalis climbed in, the alicorn setting the covers over her. And now that the changeling sat, it felt a lot more comfy than it looked. She figured the curvature would make it harder to set against, but there was enough padding over in the lumbar area to make sure the curve wasn’t too extreme. It felt sort of like sitting back in a recliner. “Now, seeing how you appear experienced, do you wish to start, or shall we take the lead?” At Luna’s question, Chrysalis contemplated. On one hoof, she felt she might looks a bit suspicious if she were to try and cuddle her. On the other hand, she couldn’t help but feel a little repulsed at the idea of doing that. Her detestable hive had given their love away, and look what happened. She was lucky her previous cuddle was induced by dreariness and not compassion. “Uh, c-could you start, please?” Chrysalis asked. “Oh, that is perfect!” Luna declared. With that, she suddenly swung her body forwards, quickly bringing one foreleg around Chrysalis’s back, before she swung back and held Chrysalis up against her chest. Upon being gripped, Chrysalis would find Luna was ever so slightly softer than Celestia. There was still a bit of muscle on her, though not as much. Perhaps her time imprisoned on the moon had limited the amount of workout she could realistically have. Either way, her softer form let Chrysalis more easily sink into the moon alicorn. “Mmm~ You are really nice to hold,” Luna admitted. Chrysalis could feel her hooves stroke around her form, and gave a nervous shudder. Especially when she felt said hooves come upon her neckline. And those hooves merely got closer to her head. “C-careful, my ears are sensitive…” Chrysalis muttered ungraciously. “Oh? We didn’t realize,” Luna admitted. She’d given pause… only for her hooves to travel up. “Princess?” “Juuuuust checking…” Her hoof got behind Chrysalis’s ears, and began stroking between them, and the changeling felt her leg kicking again. “A-ah~” she moaned, her tail flicking out. “Oh my, you spoke truthfully!” Luna said with a slight snicker to her voice. She brought her hoof down and simply crossed both forelegs behind her back, hugging her tight. “Worry not, we shall be merciful.” Chrysalis sighed gratefully now that the “danger” had passed. Now, instead the darker alicorn held the changeling against her, and worked her forelegs to pull Luna up ever so slightly. She got her up near her head, and gently nuzzled against her cheek while rubbing circles on either side of the small of Chrysalis’s back. The deposed queen felt that familiar warmth return as Luna gently worked her body. She realized she’d been tense and coarse throughout her separation from her hive, but feeling not one, but two different sets of hooves work on her… she felt a comfort her body hadn’t known for years, even as a ruler. “O-oh wow~” Chrysalis sighed, leaning down to place her head in the crook of the alicorn’s neck. Luna sighed and brought her wings around, covering the guard pony’s back in a fashion similar to how Celestia had earlier. “You’re free to touch us back, you realize?” “Oh, right.” Chrysalis brought her forelegs down, and began to wrap around her, though gave pause. She began to realize she was falling for this pony a little too easily. Ever since she stepped in, she hadn’t imagined destroying her in any way, and by now she’d almost managed to command her to hug her back. And the whole while… This was surely a trick employed by the two princesses, right? They just happened to drag the one guard that was the changeling in disguise into either of their rooms? Surely this was some sort of psychological ploy on their part to sedate her or something! “A-actually, I should probably be going.” “Huh?” Luna muttered. “I think I’ve been using you both a bit much, I should go home and rethink my life.” “We don’t mind in the slightest!” “No, surely, I need to leave you be for a while.” Chrysalis cursed herself for trying to sound considerate of their feelings, but she needed to not seem like a heartless monster if she was going to get out of here alive, just in case this wasn’t a trick. So, she started to tug away from Luna, though her forelegs held tight. “Uh, princess?” “A shame you feel that way… Then we need to show you you are welcome. Sister?” The deposed queen’s eyes widened, and she looked back towards the door. And in came the pony she’d just seen a short while ago, Celestia! “You needn’t feel inadequate, my little pony,” Celestia assured, walking forwards. “Celestia? Don’t you have duties to attend to?” Chrysalis asked. “Today’s a slow day anyways,” Celestia said, giving a dismissive wave. She came closer, Luna using her magic to lift the cover a little to let her big sister climb in. And once she was in, Luna swiveled around such that Chrysalis was sandwiched between the two, Celestia’s firmer body on her back while Luna’s softer one was on her front. The two rulers brought their forelegs around each other, and held each other, smushing the changeling between the two of them. “And now, the cuddling has doubled,” Luna said softly, still holding Chrysalis. The changeling grunted as she was smushed between them, nervously looking between the two. It felt odd, she’d always imagined her foes attempting to crush her as execution. Instead she’s being given a more comforting hold. Despite her former ambition, she felt her resistance slowly fade. “Feels nice, doesn’t it, your majesty?” Celestia suddenly whispered. Chrysalis tensed up when those words finally hit her ears. She peered back towards Celestia, who looked back at her with a knowing grin. Chrysalis considered denying it, though felt she didn’t need to demean herself anymore than she already had been. “You knew?” Chrysalis simply asked. Celestia nodded, as did Luna. The two then spread away from her, giving her some slight space on that bed. The changeling gave an undignified groan, and was wrapped up in green fire, soon transforming back into her true self, now donning her malicious image. “How did my disguise fail?” “Thorax thought to teach us a bit about your magic,” Luna answered. “We still need to learn a bit, but we learned enough to see through you.” “Of course, that little traitor was involved,” Chrysalis said with a scoff. “Well if it’s a fight you two wish, I’m more than willing to go down swinging.” “We’re not going to hurt you,” Celestia assured. “I had groan a little weary of you when you appeared at our throne, but… well, I sort of came to realize how empty you were.” “Empty?” Chrysalis repeated. “You keep taking, and you always end up hungry,” Luna pointed out. “Did it not feel fulfilling, us just sharing our love with you?” Chrysalis glared at Luna, though gave pause at her words. She appeared actually shaken at what she explained, seeing some slight truth to it. However, she shook her head. “I-I’m not here to get friendly with you! I am using you! Deceiving you!” “Then why is it that for your stay here, you have not made an attempt to steal our love?” Celestia asked pointedly. Chrysalis again paused, a blush appearing on her face. She thought back, and considered the opportunities she would’ve had. Could she’ve gotten away with draining them those chances she had? She thought on the effectiveness of her spells in the past. Maybe she could’ve…? She grunted in annoyance and threw her head up, as if physically trying to raise her voice. “Don’t act all high and mighty, you two!” she declared. “I lost my hive because of your underlings, because you put it into my children’s heads that your friendship is just what you need to continue! I will defy you, I will destroy that pink pony, and I will grind Thorax into paste!” The two alicorns seemed taken aback by her persistence in the ways of evil, before glancing at each other, either princess looking past Chrysalis. The latter, meanwhile, saw a devilish smirk cross either of their face. Chrysalis rose a brow and darted her attention between the two. “She needs further convincing, dear sister,” Luna remarked. “Oh she certainly does. I’m going to convince her alright. Are you up for it?” Celestia asked. “Oh absolutely!” Luna declared. At that, the two of them shifted their stance and raised their forelegs, Chrysalis repeatedly glancing at either of them in concern. “D-don’t either of you come closer…” Chrysalis ordered. However, they merely improved their pounce stance. “I-I mean it! If you touch me, I-I’ll puke! I’ll puke, and I’ll die!” However, the queen’s attempts at scaring them off fell on deaf ears. In the next moment, the two rulers rushed forwards, tackling Chrysalis between them while hugging as tightly as they can! The villain felt herself sandwiched in a fleshy vice, her gasping at the crushing force! This love came packed with a heaping of intense force! It felt similarly smothering and just like what the doctor ordered! She squirmed in their grip like a bug, groaning. All the while, she could feel her heart beating faster and faster! “Let me go!” she demanded. “Hold tight, Luna!” Celestia ordered, her body struggling to contain Chrysalis in the hold. “I am!” Luna declared, tightening her forelegs! However, the two princesses felt their grip falter. “Alright, Chrysalis, you asked for the full force!” “Full force?!” Chrysalis’s question would soon be answered, for Celestia would bring up her hind legs, and send them out and around Luna’s back. The moon princess would respond in kind, completing the leg lock and firmly pinning the deposed matriarch in place! Chrysalis’s struggles were now lessened against the prison of bodies around her, and she was left to do nothing but squirm whatever little bit she could! “Ngh! Let… me… go…” “I-I think we got her…” Celestia sighed. “Let the cuddling heal you…” Luna said soothingly, her bringing her head down to nuzzle against Chrysalis’s neck. Celestia would follow this notion, wrapping her head around the other side of the changeling’s neck. Chrysalis was actually stunned by the gesture. From hindleg to head, she was concealed in a fuzzy prison, firm on one side and soft on the other, but altogether very welcoming despite her past. Chrysalis felt as if she’d been transported to some other land, where she was almost… free to start over… to actually enjoy this… A quiet voice in the back of her head begged her to not fall for this ploy, but it was drowned out by the fuzziness around her, the comfort lulling her, and the sound of her own heart beating. Despite her demeanor, she felt the urge to hug back however she could… … The three’d stayed in that bed for a good few hours, never realizing how long it’d actually been. But by now, Chrysalis had enough sense of mind to realize she should probably get moving, and by now the two sisters got a little too tired to keep up their grip. Chrysalis groaned and softly shifted either of their body, her noticing a distinct lethargy to her movements. She almost felt as if her stomach was filled with turkey or something. She lurched forwards and stumbled out of bed, falling upon her vanilla colored hooves-. Chrysalis stopped in confusion and looked down at her appendages, or at least she thought these were her appendages. Where was the black hue? And where were those holes in her legs? These were her legs, right? She focused on her hooves and drew her sight up the legs, before spying her orange-ish neckline. Chrysalis was confused, before a horrifying thought ran through her mind. She dashed to the bed behind her, and began pushing on the two alicorns to rouse them awake. “Get up!” Chrysalis demanded. “Show me to your nearest mirror!” The two ponies grunted and groggily awoke, clearly trying to adjust to the awake world. They looked towards the one that woke them, before their eyes opened wide in startlement. “Who are-?!” Luna began, her jaw dropping. “W-wait,” Celestia muttered, her narrowing her eyes and trying to get a read on the one before them. “That long hair… that horn… Chrysalis?” “Don’t you dare act like you’ve never seen me before!” Chrysalis demanded. “Just let me get a good look at myself, or wake me from this nightmare!” The two alicorns seemed surprised, though Luna was able to utilize her magic to grab a mirror off of a nearby nightstand, and bring it between the group. Now, Chrysalis had a good view of herself, and she wasn’t too chuffed. Her black shell was instead shades of vanilla. Her threatening-green midsection now a happier leaf green. Her cobweb-like hair now healthier and a sea blue. Her weathered and threatening body looked brand new and full of life, and exactly like her traitorous hive. Her eyes shot open in shock and she stumbled back, falling on her rump! “Wh-what have you done to me!?” she gasped. “I-I’m ruined!” “Chrysalis, this was of your accord,” Luna said. “Changelings change like this by their choice. You must’ve gone through quite the personal change,” Celestia said. “By… choice?” Chrysalis muttered, looking at her hooves. “At the very least, you won’t be as hungry as you have been. Plus, seeing how you’ve taken steps to change yourself, surely others will think you worthy of redemption,” Celestia said. Chrysalis was busy staring at her hooves, though she could still hear Celestia’s words. Hearing them, she angrily stamped her hooves down. “D-don’t think this some sort of victory!” she spat. “I’m still the cold-hearted and rightful ruler of changelings! And I will show my worth when I smite you and your little friends!” she declared, pointing determinately at them. “I-I’ll bake you both the biggest cake so you won’t be able to move an inch! I’ll commission all of the concerts outside your kingdom so you’ll never have a wink of sleep! I’ll buy you puppies and kittens so you will face emotional devastation anywhere from one to ten years from now!” With that, Chrysalis stormed past the alicorns and towards the door. She opened it and glared at the two. “Mark my words, Celestia and Luna! Chrysalis’s vengeance will be realized!” And with that, she galloped out and down the halls, making a mad dash out the royal chambers, to the courtyard, and out into the main city, making sure to transform herself just right. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna couldn’t help but be… confused. They sat there and glanced at the space Chrysalis once occupied, before the two sisters turned to face each other, simultaneously asking each other the same, wordless question. However, Celestia soon felt she had an answer. “Well… I guess this can be defined as a win.”