> Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria > by zakan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Looking for friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Since he was thrown into this new world instead of being kicked out of the server of the game known as Yggdrasil, Suzuki Satoru has been resetting his new life, his body was no more a flesh one, now he had his in-game avatar body, that is of a skeleton mage of the highest order, an Overlord. Now, he not only does not need to sleep, eat or even breath, had gained all his avatar abilities, even his guild base, and come with him, and he was trying to verify his limits and/or if everything was working as in the game. The dressing room inside Momonga's quarters was full of all kinds of different items, almost to the point of running out of space, not only were their armor but there were also from staves to swords, there was no lack of anything, if there was an amazing item to the sale, many people could not avoid buying it, which resulted in the state in which the room had been. From the variety of weapons in the room, Momonga picked up a sword, since it did not have a sheath, the silver blade shone in the light, he took it and waved it around, it was as light as a feather; This was certainly not due to the sword being made of some very light material, but rather to Momonga's tremendous strength. Since he was a sorcerer, the abilities related to his magic were very high, but his physical abilities were relatively low, however, after reaching level 100, he had accumulated numerous strength points in his stats, which should not be underestimated. He assumed a striking position and made a cutting motion with the sword, but the sound of metal hitting the floor was immediately heard, and it now lay on the ground. Momonga didn't take it back and instead looked at her empty hands, this confused him quite a bit; If the behavior and the words of the NPCs implied that this was a real-world and not a game, in a game, his body had restrictions, in Yggdrasil, it was impossible that someone like him, who did not choose a warrior type class, could equip himself a sword, but if this world had become real, using one should be possible now, so, ¿why did not work? he shook his head and decided not to continue to bother thinking about this matter, in the absence of enough information, no matter how much he thought about it, he would find no answer. "Clean this up." The maids followed Momonga's order and he turned to look at a wall that was almost completely covered in mirrors, seeing that his so familiar body had turned into this strange shape should make anyone uncomfortable, but he felt completely indifferent, due to all the time he had played Yggdrasil before, he was already familiar with his current appearance, but there was another reason for his calm, just like his appearance, it seemed that his mental faculties had also been affected. In the first place, there were his emotions, the moment he experienced strong emotions, these were immediately discarded to calm him, it was almost as if something was repressing them, another point was his lack of any type of desire, be it hunger or sleep, at first. It seemed to him that he had a certain sexual appetite, but even after touching Albedo's soft breasts, there was no additional impulse, feeling as if he had lost something very important, Momonga couldn't help but look at his crotch. "Since I wasn't using it… has it disappeared?" Feeling frustrated by the situation, he said these words, but before he could finish half of the sentence, the feeling had completely vanished, Momonga believed that these changes were extremely helpful, particularly mental changes; Although he now possessed the body and mind of an undead, deep down he was still only a human, he could still experience emotions, but the moment those emotions became very strong they were instantly suppressed, although he was worried that with enough time his emotions could disappear completely, the existence of NPCs like Shalltear, who was also undead, suggested that perhaps being undead was not the cause of his lack of emotion, even if it was still too early to say something. "… [Create Great Item]." When using the spell, he was instantly covered by a complete set of armor, it was made of matte black metal and covered with gold and purple decorations, giving it the appearance of being very expensive; Momonga moved a little to check it, although he felt some pressure, the armor did not restrict his movements, it fits him very well and covered every part of his body, making it impossible for anyone to see his bones. Apparently as in Yggdrasil as long as it is an item created with magic I have no problem using it. Momonga admired the result in the mirror, wearing a helmet that completely covered his face, his reflection gave the impression of a majestic warrior, he nodded with satisfaction, swallowing his nonexistent saliva and with an innocent and playful face said: "I'm going out for a bit." "The guards are ready at all times." The maid immediately replied on reflex. But… This is getting annoying. The first day his guards followed him, he felt somewhat oppressed, the second day, he was already used to it and wanted to show off his guards, but when the third day came... he couldn't help but sigh, no matter where he went, his bodyguards followed him Furthermore, they all bowed when they stood before him, that was simply too heavy, he could have borne it if he could only walk normally with his guards, but since he had to maintain his role as ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, he could not show the slightest weakness, so it was very stressful; this mental fatigue was part of his human side. As the ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, it would be very dangerous if some emergency arose and he would find himself in that state, during such a situation he could make a fatal mistake, he needed to relax a bit. "It's not necessary ... I don't want anyone to follow me, I want to walk alone." "Please wait, in the event that Momonga-sama encounters any problems, we must act as his shield, in no way can we allow something to happen to Momonga-sama." It would be too cruel to ignore their feelings, however, it had already been three days since they arrived here, during all this time, Momonga was trying to maintain his dignity as a ruler, and his heart longed for a break, although he felt bad for them, Momonga had already prepared an excuse: "… There is something secret that I have to take care of, so I will not allow anyone to follow me." A short silence, Momonga felt that a long time had passed, when the maid finally answered: "Yes, Momonga-sama, please be careful." First, he would go and see the outskirts of Nazarick for himself, he had to confirm with his own eyes whether it was possible to go to other places, this was extremely important, shaking off thoughts of guilt, he activated the power of his ring, the place where had been sent was a huge plaza, using the power of Ainz Ooal Gown's ring, it was possible to teleport to the place closest to the surface, the ground floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the Central Mausoleum. Even if with only some steps he could be already outside, did not move, before he was something unexpected, there were three powerful monsters with three more behind each one in the way, making a total of twelve of them. One of them looked like a terrifying demon, his body was covered in scales and fangs protruded from his mouth, he also had sharp claws on his strong arms and in addition to the snake-like tail he had a pair of flaming wings, another of them was a female monster with the head of a black raven and wore tight-fitting leather gear, the last monster wore armor that exposed its chest and strong abdominal muscles, If it weren't for the bat wings on its back and two horns coming out of his temples, he would not look like a monster, even so, in his eyes one could see an insatiable desire. Their names were Demon of Wrath, Demon of Envy, and Demon of Greed, these were level 80 monsters, and behind them was some of their most powerful subordinates, all of which were created in the kingdom of Demiurge in the Underground Volcano, next to the door to the 8th floor and had the responsibility of guarding it. Why are Demiurge's soldiers here? A shadow appeared next to the monsters, then he finally understood the puzzle. "Demiurge ..." Upon being named, the demon showed a surprised expression that could have been interpreted as "Why is my master here?" or "Who is that mysterious monster?", for now, trying to ignore and circumvent the demons and leave them behind, he continued walking towards the wall, all the demons eyes were focused on his body, but Momonga used his willpower to suppress his cowardly emotions, he straightened his back and kept walking, when the distance between the two sides became small, all the demons got on their knees to greet him, Demiurge was in front, his movements were clean and elegant as if he were the incarnation of a prince. "Momonga-sama, why are you out here all alone? where are your guards? And also, why is that you are wearing that kind of... outfit?" Ah well there goes the cover, no wonder, after all, Demiurge can be considered the most intelligent being of Nazarick, besides they only had to add two plus two, after all, I am the only one who can freely teleport inside the tomb, no one else has the Ainz Ooal Gown ring. "Ah… There are several reasons, if it's about you Demiurge, I'm sure you should already know why I'm dressed like this." Demiurge's face showed a complicated expression, after taking a little breath he said: "Forgive me, I don't understand Momonga-sama's intentions..." "Call me Black Knight." "Black Knight-sama..." It seemed that Demiurge wanted to say something, but Momonga decided to ignore him, there was a reason why he wanted him to correct himself, although his servants were the only ones present, this place was originally an entrance, so there should be many different servants coming and going, so To prevent them from realizing who he was, he wanted to avoid mentioning his name, it was not clear to him how much of his intentions the archdemon had understood. At that moment, suddenly, it seemed to have a revelation. "I see… So that's what's going on." Huh? What? Momonga couldn't help but wonder, he couldn't guess how much the intelligent Demiurge had been able to understand, he could only sweat a non-existent sweat under his helmet, hoping that Demiurge at least understood his intentions. "At last I have a slight understanding of Momonga-sama profound insight… not, Black Knight-sama, of course, this is a problem worthy of a ruler, but I can't just stand by without doing anything about the matter of your guard, although I know what I'm going to suggest will cause some trouble, please, I hope you will mercifully allow us to accompany you. " "… It seems there is no other option, then I will allow only one person to come." Demiurge showed a graceful smile. "I am grateful that Black Knight-sama granted my whimsical request." "… Just tell me, Black Knight, there is no need for honorifics." "How could I! I will by no means allow anyone to refer to you in that way, of course, if it is some kind of undercover work or some special kind of task, I will obey that order, but inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick, no one would dare address you like that Momonga-sama… not, Black Knight-sama! " "I apologize, I will not make you waste more of your precious time," -the archdemon turned his head to his subordinates to give instructions- "so the rest of you, be alert, when you return, tell the others that I will be abroad." "Yes, Demiurge-sama" "Good, let's go." Demiurge who was kneeling got up and followed him. As he set foot outside the Mausoleum, the sight Momonga received was bewitching, a sky with some clouds, a full moon in the distance, and a beautiful aurora on the horizon, all captured on a starry night. The Great Tomb of Nazarick had an area of ​​200 square meters, it was surrounded by six meter-thick walls and had entrances on the front and back, the grass in the cemetery was kept short, giving it a refreshing atmosphere, but the cemetery had large trees with leaves that covered the entire area with shade, creating a sad atmosphere, the well-kept grass and the cluttered tombs created a great feeling of disparity and not only that, the area was adorned with beautiful carvings of angels and goddesses, along with other works of art, but one could not ignore the chaotic design of this cemetery, there were also in addition to four small mausoleums in the four corners of the cemetery, a large central mausoleum with a six-meter statue of a warrior being protected by soldiers. Momonga stood at the top of some wide stone stairs and calmly observed the landscape, originally the tomb was located in Helheim, an icy world with an endless night, but today's landscape was completely different, he looked at the sky, and He sighed excitedly, constantly shaking his head as if he didn't believe what he was seeing. To be able to do this in a virtual world it's impossible… this it's truly amazing… the air here is so pure, there are no traces of pollution in the air, people born in this world would never need artificial lungs or hearts… "I have never seen such a clear sky." Momonga wanted to use a spell, but the armor obstructed him, as long as he was wearing it, there were only five types of spell that could be used, sadly the spell Momonga wanted to use was not one of them, he reached out into the empty air and took an accessory from his item box, it was a necklace in the shape of bird wings, he put it on and focused his attention on it, activating its hidden power. [Flight] The Overlord ascended into the sky rapidly, while Demiurge followed him, inadvertently he had risen several hundred meters in a beat, then he stopped and took off his helmet, he was speechless... no, seeing this world left him speechless; the blue-white light of the moon and the stars drove the darkness away from the earth, the clouds moved, blown by the breeze, the ice and snow on the ground and the mountains around them reflected the light making it seem that the sky stretched to the ground so he couldn't help but sigh: "Beautiful… No, too beautiful to put into words… I have no idea what kind of face Blue Planet-san would make if he could see this…" Momonga thought while remembering his partner. ... A warm and kind man who loved the night sky, no, what he loved was nature, he loved nature, although it had been polluted and had almost fully disappeared, he spent much of his time and work in building and designing the sixth floor, especially the night sky, creating his ideal world, if you could saw this world, I could not tell how excited you would be, or how deep and passionate the discussion to have with you would be. He heard a flutter, and the hybrid form of Demiurge entered his visual field, on his back was a pair of wet-looking black wings, his face was something that looked more like that of a frog; some of the hetero-morphic races could transform, in Nazarick, in addition to Demiurge, also Sebas Tian and Albedo had alternative forms. Momonga looked away from the transformed Demiurge and looked again at the stars in the sky, and as if talking to his friends who were no longer there, he sighed: "... Even only with the moon and stars I can see the landscape ... it's hard to believe that this is truly a real-world, Blue Planet-san... The sky is pretty bright, like a jewel box." "Perhaps, the beauty of this world are gemstones, created just for the sake of decorating Momo… Black Knight-sama." Demiurge said these words of flattery that seemed alike at the strange delusions of his companions, so it annoyed him a bit, however, the anger soon disappeared, after seeing it from above he felt that the world was quite small, in his heart he began to think that continuing to act like an evil Overlord was a very good idea. "So these stars were made to decorate me, huh?… Maybe so, maybe the reason for my existence in this world is to get this jewelry box that doesn't belong to anyone." Momonga stretched out his hand in front of him and clenched his fist, the stars seemed to fall into his hand, he shrugged at her childish demeanor, turned to the demon, and said: "... no, this is not something I should only have; maybe I should use it to decorate the Great Tomb of Nazarick… to the Ainz Ooal Gown of my friends and myself. " "… A truly breathtaking speech, if you wish, I will immediately bring the Nazarick armies and take this jewel box; to be able to present this gift to my lord and master Momonga-sama, it would be the greatest honor I could wish for." At Demiurge's magnificent act, he could only smile slightly. "For now we do not know what kind of creatures live in this world, so I can only point out the error in your idea, our presence here is extremely small, however, conquering this world is a very interesting idea." Taking over the world would be something only the bad guys who appear on children's television shows would say; actually, it would not be easy to conquer the world, it would create a lot of problems if someone conquered the world since law and order had to be maintained to avoid a rebellion, there had to be unity between countries and things like that, just think of some of these things makes the idea lose its appeal. Although Momonga was fully aware of these things, he had allowed himself those childish wishes because the beauty of the world at his feet inspired him and also since he had to maintain his act as leader of the notorious Ainz Ooal Gown, added to that, there was another reason, more than once he remembered saying jokingly to his guild members "Together we will conquer the world of Yggdrasil." He knew that Demiurge was the smartest person in Nazarick, so he should understand that all this talk about taking over the world was just childish nonsense; If only he had seen what kind of expression the archdemon's frog face was making, the conversation would not have ended there, he did not look at Demiurge, he only looked at the horizon where the earth met the sky. "… An unknown world, but in this world… is there only me? Did the other members of my guild also come here?" In conclusion, being here was an abnormal situation, if this was caused by some unknown phenomenon, then others who were also playing the game could have been stranded in this world just like him, although he could not contact them using [Message], this could be due to different factors, for example being on a different continent, or some kind of magical effect. "… If so… If I let the world know the name Ainz Ooal Gown…" If any of my friends are in this world, they might hear about it and they would surely come. Immersed in thought, Momonga suddenly turned to see Nazarick and was impressed by the scene, skeletons were scattered all over the land being encased in a thin layer of ice and a considerable amount of Wrights and Specters were being positioned to unleash the AoEs. of his [Freezing Mist] or [Confusion of Banshees] abilities beginning to effectively cover all visibility of the tomb from any direction. "... Hooo, it looks like, to entrust the organization of the defense perimeter in a climate like this to the servants of the floor of Cocytus was the best idea" "It is as Momonga-sama says, the environment is perfect so that using the servants of the 5th floor was all that was necessary, with this an early warning and surveillance network is established that is practically free, there is no doubt that you are the definition of 'Unfathomable Wisdom' " Heeee, but what is Demiurge saying, I have named Cocytus at that moment because I was going to ask him if he would not mind if I put the captured bugbears that Sebas had found during his recon mission around the tomb on his floor, but I hesitated a bit and they immediately drew their own conclusions, it was not even in my mind! not even an early warning network yet! "Mmhm" "… Hiding Nazarick could take a long time, the problem is if we will be discovered during the process, how is the security situation around here?" "The first stages of the early warning system have already been completed, if there is any intelligent biological invasion, we will know immediately while keeping intruders unaware of the situation." "Good work, but… Are these early warning systems also made by the servants?" After receiving confirmation from Demiurge, just in case, Momonga felt that building another additional alert network would be appropriate. "… About the system structure, I have some ideas, come later to my room to give you in writing some points that should not be ignored, so that you please include them if you have missed any." "Yes sir, as soon as I have them, I will consult with Albedo, we will combine our efforts to meet your expectations, Black Knight-sama ..." "… Enough Demiurge, it's okay to call me Momonga." During all this exchange of words, Cocytus was organizing the defenses that would function as an early warning network, the forces had skeletons and POP zombies of level 15, Ancient Guards of level 30, Ghosts of level 30, frozen Wrights of level 30, and Level 43 Souleaters. *'Paji'* "Ha, I do not. understand why. Demiurge. Proposed. Something. So. Complex, all That. The Units. That Will. Serve. As The First. strike line. Need. To Do. Is attack. Whatever. intruder. that. approach *Paji* ha, but. there is. no choice, Momonga-sama. has indicated. that it should. be a joint. plan, so. I will. do it perfectly!" (AN: *Paji* is a sound effect of a sigh which frosted the air at contact, exclusive of Cocytus) Meanwhile, in the air, the conversation continued. "Understood… Could I ask what Momonga-sama is planning to do next?" "I plan to go down with Cocytus, and reward him for accomplishing his task perfectly..." Demiurge smiled, it was a gentle smile, completely different from what would be expected of a demon. "Receiving appreciation directly from Momonga-sama would already be a great reward... this... My apologies, but I just remembered something that I need to take care of if your destination is the location of Cocytus..." "No problem, you can go, Demiurge, I'm going to him right now." "Thank you very much, Momonga-sama." Once Demiurge started to float away, Momonga also began to descend to approach from Cocytus's back, while once again donning his helmet; the 5th-floor guardian noticed the approaching presence and raised his head slightly to look. to heaven… Seeing his master arrive, he was surprised; waiting for it to land, he approached and prostrated himself before the supreme ruler of Nazarick. "Welcome. Momonga-sama" "Mmhm, you can get up, the job you currently have is really important because the inhabitants of this world could well have an average level of 100 or more, if there are such opponents, even with the alert network, it will also be necessary to hide the Great Tomb of Nazarick from prying eyes, this is an important matter. " Cocytus, agreeing, nodded slightly. "So, I wanted you to know that you are doing your job perfectly and it satisfies me, that you are taking over this job makes me feel calm." Something that Momonga had learned from his experiences in society, is that superiors should praise the hard work of outstanding subordinates, all the guardians had given him high evaluations, so, in order to maintain their loyalty he also had to greatly evaluate them in their work, If the guardians and NPCs that his guild had created felt betrayed and disappointed after trying to maintain a perfect performance, it would be Momonga's fault as a leader, that was why he should always pay attention and maintain the attitude of a ruler in front of them. "So that's why I want to give you a reward for your excellent work." "HA! I am. not Worthy. Of such. Kind Words. Momonga-sama!" "... According to your job performance, it is only appropriate to give you an adequated reward." "No, no! Our only. reason. for existence. is. to serve. the Supreme. Ruler, so. working. is the most. natural thing. for us. to do! But. if it is. Momonga-sama's will. then. I will. accept it. with. the greatest. of pleasure." Momonga extended his hand and made one of the guild's rings appear, it was a beautiful gold jewel with intricate engraved details, adorned by a blood-colored gem that had the Ainz Ooal Gown insignia inside. "!¡ ... Surely. Momonga-sama. Is Kidding, that Is. The Ring. That. Is Only Worn. By. Supreme Beings. I would. never dare. Even think. Of touching it!" Cocytus trembled at the unexpected award and Momonga was also surprised by his reaction, of this ring there were only 59 - ... No, 58 rings that had no owner, this was truly a valuable item, so, to calm him down, he solemnly said: "Calm down Cocytus, think calmly, mobility between the floors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is limited, you will be the main fighter if the need warrants it, it is essential that you will be able to move from any floor to the entrance, not having the ability to teleport could bring many problems, of course, the ring cannot be downplayed, so I will establish some rules that will be communicated to everyone later " "Yes! If that Is. Momonga-sama's will. I will. Accept it. with The Greatest. Humility!" "Mmhm." "If I. may ask… Could it. be? that. the other. Guardians. have also. received one?" "Although I plan to give one to each, you will be the first because I am satisfied with your work, if I gave a ring to someone who did nothing then the value of the ring as a reward would be less; ¿do you want me to reduce the value of this ring?" "No! I would. Never. Dare. to Do it!" "Then take it, and continue to work hard for both, Nazarick and me. Cocytus knelt, extended two hands, and bowing his head accepting the ring with great respect when he put on Ainz Ooal Gown's ring, it instantly changed the size to fit his finger, he looked intensely at the ring on his finger, sighed with longing, stood up and then bowed deeply towards Momonga. "I am. Grateful. with All. my Heart. for this. Gift. That you have. entrusted to me. From Now. Onwards, I will work. Harder. to not. Disappoint. The. Expectations. Of. Momonga-sama!" "Then forgive me for interrupting you, you can continue with your duty." "Yes!" Now that I remember the creator of Cocytus is 'Warrior Takemikazushi-san', if I remember correctly, his settings are those of an old-fashioned warrior. Just when Momonga was thinking about this, the Vermin Lord asked a question. "If you. Allow me. To Ask. Another. Question. Momonga-sama? ..." "Go ahead, ask" "Why. are you. Wearing. That Armor? Isn't it. Better. Your Usual. Gear?" "... Eh, well..." Because I wanted to sneak away ... Of course I couldn't say that. How could he fool him? If this failed, then the act of being a solemn superior being would be spoiled, there is no subordinate in existence who would approve of a superior who wanted to sneak away and escape, Momonga was trying to find an excuse, but he couldn't think of anything, at that moment a voice spoke behind them. "It's simple, Cocytus" As Momonga turned, he was captivated, he could see a beautiful lady standing under the moonlight, which with its bluish light illuminated her, making her shine as if a goddess had descended, her black wings were fluttering under the blowing of the wind in front of them. It was Albedo; although Demiurge had also arrived, due to the beauty of the succubus, Momonga did not notice his presence immediately. "Momonga-sama does not wish to interrupt the work of his subjects, if someone saw him upon arrival, they would all interrupt what they are doing and greet him with respect, however, Momonga-sama did not want to interfere with everyone's work and that is why he disguised himself as a black knight. " "Is that correct, Momonga-sama?" Hearing Albedo's question, Momonga immediately nodded. "It was to be expected of Albedo, to be able to see through my actions." "As the Overseer of the Guardians, that's a fact, no, even if I wasn't the Overseer, I think I would still be able to understand Momonga-sama's heart." Smiling Albedo bowed deeply, while Demiurge showed a complicated expression, even if he did not agree with her, there was no way to correct her mistake. "I see. so That's. The Reason…" Cocytus agreed after hearing the explanation, and when Albedo focused her gaze on him, the supervisor's reaction was something incredible, her eyes suddenly widened as if they were going to pop out of their sockets, and with jerky movements pointed at Cocytus's finger; just when Momonga started thinking about it, Albedo's face suddenly returned to its original beautiful appearance, as if the scene from before had just been an illusion, leaving him aghast. "… Is something wrong?" -asked the succubus- "Ah no, everything is fine..." "Well then, you can continue your work Cocytus." "Yes! Then. Momonga-sama, I will. Withdraw. First." The Overlord nodded calmly. "Now that I think about it, has something happened that requires my attention Albedo?" "I apologize if I have made such an impression, I am here because I heard from Demiurge that Momonga-sama would be here, and I decided to give him my regards, I apologize that you have to see me with this dirty appearance." "None of that Albedo, your beauty will not lose its shine due to something like this, of course, having such a beautiful woman running around in this way does not seem right to me, but for now the situation is very serious, so forgive me, I hope you continue the hard work for Nazarick. " "Whenever is for Momonga-sama, no matter how difficult it is, there will be no problem!" "Thank you for your devotion, well… Albedo, there is something I want to give you." "… What... is?" Humbly bowing her head, Albedo asked in a monotonous tone, Momonga took out a ring and of course, it was a ring from Ainz Ooal Gown. "As Overseer of the Guardians, you will be needing this." "…Thanks... a lot." His reaction was very different from Cocytus, so Momonga felt a bit disappointed, but he immediately realized his mistake, the corners of Albedo's mouth began to spasm, her face was constantly changing, her wings were trembling and so on, it was because she was suppressing the desire to spread them when she took the ring she began to shake, it would not matter what kind of stupid the observer was, her emotion would be evident to anyone. "Continue your loyalty, as for Demiurge ... I'll give you yours when you come to my quarters later." "Understood, Momonga-sama, I will continue to work hard to earn the right to receive this great ring." "That's it, with this the things I wanted to do are done, I should go back to the ninth floor" Before I get a scold Seeing both guardians bow their heads in response, he activated his Ainz Ooal Gown ring and began to teleport, the moment the scenery started to change, he could hear the sound of a woman yelling 'Yoshaaaaa!', But the idea that Albedo could use an expression as unrefined as that was absurd, Momonga only assumed that he had misheard. For anyone who could witness the current scene, him, observing the world without a sound, it would be as if death itself was deciding if the time of the living beings on which its gaze rested had come, but it would be wrong, it was Momonga the master of the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown, who was sitting in front of a mirror fully decked out in his divine-class gear, the mirror in front of him was 1 meter high and instead of showing his reflection, it was like television, showing scenes from a forest unknown winter, it was the [Remote Vision Mirrior]. Momonga pointed at the mirror and gently waved his hand to the right, the scene reflected in the mirror changed rapidly, with this item, one could easily see the surroundings, and given the current situation it was a very useful item. "I can change the images by shaking my hand, then with this, I will be able to see different angles of the same place." He drew a circle in the air, the view of the stage changed, although he was changing the view in the mirror using hand gestures, hoping to find people, he could not find any sign of intelligent life ... preferably human, he continued to do this monotonous task, but the only things the mirror reflected after each change were snowy shores and winter forests, after looking at it for a long time, he felt bored, and therefore looked at the only person in the room besides himself. "Is something wrong, Momonga-sama? If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask me." "No, it's nothing, Sebas Tian." The other person in the room, Sebas Tian, ​​showed a smile, but what he had said, actually had another meaning, the fact that he had left without his guards had made Sebas Tian feel a bit unhappy, after his return from the surface, Sebas Tian had lectured him. "Well, I was right..." Aaah, Touch Me-san, I know it's your design, but, you didn't have to have designed Sebas Tian with an appearance equal to yours, even his angry face is just as scary. After silently complaining, Momonga looked at the mirror once more, teaching Demiurge the technique to manipulate the mirror to serve as an improvement in security was one of the ideas that he planned to comment on, although it would have been easy to give this responsibility to a subordinate, He still felt that he should do this personally, besides, actually, he had another reason, it was because he wanted his subordinates to see how he worked and to admire him for it, so he definitely couldn't let boredom get the better of him and make him abandon it halfway. "If only there was a manual..." With a bitter expression, the Overlord continued with the boring task of experimenting with the mirror; an indeterminate amount of time passed, it could have been a short time, but if there were no results, one could only feel that he had been wasting his time, with a blank expression, Momonga made a random expression, suddenly the scene increased in size. "Oh!" With an exclamation that contained Surprise, joy, and pride, he celebrated like a programmer who had finished eight hours of overtime; after some time of random hand gestures, the images had finally changed the way he wanted. "Congratulations Momonga-sama, really admirable!" After so much trial and error, he felt that obtaining a result did not merit such congratulations, although upon seeing Sebas Tian's expression of joy, he frankly accepted the praise. "Thank you, Sebas Tian, ​​since you have accompanied me all this time, I must apologize." "That is completely unnecessary, being next to his master and obeying his orders, is what gives meaning to the existence of a butler, there is no need for you to apologize, ...but, that you have dedicated so much time doing this, ¿wuld don't maybe this means that is Momonga-sama who should take a break? " "No, there is no need, for an undead like me, there is no feeling of tiredness, however, if you are tired, it is fine if you retire to rest." "Thank you for your consideration, but what kind of servant does rest when his master is working hard, with the help of some items, I too will never feel physical fatigue, please allow me to continue by your side until you have finished." From this conversation, Momonga realized something, and it was that they all used game terms as if they were the most normal, terms such as Special Abilities, Classes, Items, States, Damage, Negative Effects, etc... in the most serious way, they spoke in terms of the game, then thanks to that, it would be easier to give instructions. After Momonga accepted Sebas Tian's request, he returned to experimenting with methods to control the mirror, as he finally found a way to adjust the height of the view, with a satisfied smile, he began to look for places with people, and finally, the scene of a town appeared. Located approximately one hundred thirty kilometers from the Great Tomb of Nazarick, surrounded by forests, was a town, at first glance, the town was not so advanced, moving both hands expanded the view of the town, and felt somewhat strange. "Hooo, so are there Gryphons in this world too?" ... Wait a minute, are they wearing... scarves? and that other one has a hat? how is it possible? Don't tell me they are intelligent beings in this world!. "Their nests are strange, they seem more ..." "I beg your pardon for daring to interrupt, but don't they look more like houses in poor condition?" Coming to his side, and looking at the mirror with his keen eyes, Sebas Tian gave a steely reply. "You are correct Sebas, that seems to be the case, maybe they invaded the area and expelled the residents?" But that would not explain why they are wearing clothes. "However the 'houses' seem to be perfectly adapted for the beasts, doesn't it Momonga-sama?" Ungh, you're completely right, ¡I was so distracted by the clothes that I hadn't noticed! I have to be more careful, I can't portrait myself as an incompetent boss, ¡argh my pause was already too long, what can I say! "Mmhm, although that goes without saying we can't just override the other option." "I see, so that's why you have mentioned it first, my sincerest apologies Momonga-sama, I have exceeded my limits, certainly your wisdom is unmatched." "It's not important…" "What do you want to do with that place Momonga-sama, do you want to harvest it for ingredients?" "No, attacking is not the best option right now, mmhm… Sebas, summon the guardians to the throne room." The butler bowed and retired to carry out his task, a few minutes later in the throne room the huge doors that gave access to the room were opened, multiple pairs of footsteps were heard, all the figures posed before the throne while Sebas bowed and moved to the left side of the room. "I have brought them, just as Momonga-sama ordered." "Good work Sebas." Albedo stepped to the front of the line and spoke on behalf of the others, as she prostrated herself, the others followed her example. "We have heard Momonga-sama's call, we are here to serve him, we all prostrate ourselves before the supreme one." "You can get up, I thank you for coming so quickly." "As the overseer of the guardians I can assure that we all think the same, we are not worthy of the kind words of our master." "Umu, I have called you to tell you what are the plans to follow, and assign the roles that each one will have; first of all, we still don't have enough information about where we are, with the [Remote View Mirriror] we have only just managed to find around us something that looks more like a town or small city, it is located just over 100 kilometers south of us, apparently we are in a kind of large peninsula, which leaves us with the need to cover a sea ​​route to achieve a direct approach to the mainland, Albedo. " "Yes" "Get in touch with Titus in the great library of Ashurbanipal, if I remember correctly, there should be a good amount of materials to summon a fleet, make a complete inventory that indicates the costs of each unit, you have to verify if it is feasible to form an armada. " "So it will be done." "Demiurge" "Yes" "Form some exploration teams, prioritize units with stealth abilities that are around level 40, their objective will only be to gather information and report it, if they find some isolated intelligent individual and in danger of death, they can bring him to Nazarick as long as this does not expose them and they should cover up any trace of our interference. " "I will live up to your expectations, Momonga-sama." "Aura, Mare." ""Here, Momonga-sama."" "All indicate that this world has dense forests, you will go out to explore them and gather information on the flora and fauna you find, bring samples of the unknown, and locate species that could be useful." "As Momonga-sama order it will be done." -answered Aura for both of them- "Cocytus" "¡Ha!." "You will continue to be in charge of perimeter security, you can kill any beast that invades, but if it is an intelligent being your objective will be to capture it alive." "I won't. let you down. Momonga-sama." "Lastly, Shalltear." "Yes∼❤, Momonga-sama." "You will take care of all the recollection, when someone has something to bring, you will open a [Portal] for them, in addition, you will be the support of Cocytus if the situation warrants it." "As you wish∼ Momonga-sama∼❤" "Remember everyone, you must not be seen, this world must not know of our existence until we gather enough information about it." """!!!YES¡¡¡ """ With these last words Momonga stood up and when he finished he teleported to his room. Haaaa, how stressful, his eyes reflected an almost uncomfortable adoration, I have to work hard to be a good ruler, I can't disappoint them, aaahh, won't there be someone who will teach me to be a good ruler? Four days earlier in Canterlot. It was a beautiful night since she returned and was released by the elements of harmony, Princess Luna tried hard to make her night as memorable and beautiful as possible, intending to be able to be appreciated by her subjects again, although she still felt morally inadequate; it was very helpful that Celestia had not disbanded her nightguard, it was a relief for her that the Theseral who had followed her in his madness when she became Nightmaremoon, had not got caught in that evil, so which they were allowed to continue as part of the guard. After finishing decorating the night sky to his liking, she checked his appearance in the mirror of her room, his indigo coat was basically perfect, she just brush some areas, her ethereal mane and tail that moved with an invisible wind and seemed to have its own stars, was in good condition, its regalia* in onyx color with silver details were polished and presentable, finally its hoff covers (AN: I will call it hoffwear from now on because it is a headache xd) in blue steel color, They were well placed and polished, she observe her flank for a moment, it was still smaller than her sister's, however she was satisfied, because her cutie mark was the largest known so far, completely covering her hindquarters in a deep black color, crowned with an image of her waning moon that always attracted the gaze of stallions, she gave a small smile when she remembered it, once she was satisfied with her appearance she headed towards the throne room to bear the boring and lonely night court, but only a couple of hours after the court started did she feel it. * (female subject. HISTORY. Set of assets and exclusive rights of the sovereign of a country.) "Mmmh haaa, what a quiet night, lieutenant" "At your command princess" "Pass the nex-..." Then it happened, something so big and unexpected that I don't need any special skills or detection training; even if she had been waiting for it it would have been equally impossible to prepare, it was a magic explosion so big and sudden that surely any creature with a superior to the average magical sensitivity, would have felt it. Even though it was only a few seconds, Princess Luna could feel it with all clarity, a feeling so dark, so cold and so terrifying that it was as if life itself was going to abandon her, and as it came, the feeling disappeared. "Haaaaaah ..." "Your Majesty, are you alright?" This allowed her to release the breath she hadn't realized she was holding, as she regained her focus she realized that she was covered in sweat and trembling slightly, and all unicorn guards around were not faring better than her. "¡By the creator! ¿what was..." She barely managed some words and Princess Celestia appeared in front of her, the golden regalia encrusted with amethysts that she used to always wear was absent, even her gold-colored hoof covers did not grace her hoofs, her pure white fur was in a mess, lifted and swirled everywhere, her ethereal mane and tail despite keeping her turquoise, cyan, light purple and pale pink colors separate was a mess, even her sun cutie mark looked somewhat fuzzy, but it was natural; her violet eyes reflected the same fear as their sister's blue ones, in short, her condition was worse than Luna's, after all, she had already been to bed for a few hours. "!Sister, ¿did you feel that?!" "I believe that there is no creature sensitive to magic in all Cantrerlot that couldn't sense it, it was so dark and terrifying, I can assure without a doubt, that whatever the origin it will make all our previous problems see as mere trifles. " Just when Celestia was about to respond, a flash of purple cast the diarchy attention on the newcomer. "!Princeeeeeess!" ""!¿Twilight?!"" It was Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship and the newest among the other princesses, her lavender fur was stained with sweat all over the place, even her six-pointed magenta star cutie mark, surrounded by five small white stars seemed to be sweating, his indigo mane and tail with purple and magenta stripes running down their length was somewhat disheveled, his purple eyes reflected his concern and she ran to the throne with wings spread in nervousness. "Princesses, ¿did you felt that enormous magic burst? ¡it was terrifying! I came as soon as I managed to catch my breath, ¿what happened?" "We don't know fair Twilight, it was so big and so fast that we couldn't even know which direction it came from." "My dear Twilight, I know it is worrisome but we don't know anything yet, we will deploy the royal guard to investigate the surroundings, we will let you know what we find." "That's right good Twilight, though I think you'd better rest for now, and it wouldn't be a bad idea for the elements to stick together, ¡Lieutenant!" -exclaimed the princess of the night- "At your command, princess." "Immediately, bring in the captain of the moon guard along with three platoons." "¿Princess Luna? that will not-" "I know what you're going to say, Twilight, but we think the best thing to do right now is to think ahead." "Luna is right, we would not be calm if you're left alone, in the morning I will send another three platoons of the solar guard to be stationed in Ponyville." "But" "The moon guard that will escort you will also be stationed, Twilight, your castle is too big for only three inhabitants, we would be calmer if there were some guards with you right now." With a sigh of defeat and understanding, the princess of friendship accepted. "Fine, I agree." "¿You called your highness?" "Yes, good captain, you and your stallions will escort Princess Twilight back to Ponyville, upon arrival you will be temporarily stationed as her royal guard, in the morning three more platoons of the solar guard will reinforce you, make preparations to leave immediately." "At your service." Back to the present, Great Tomb of Nazarick, around noon. In Nazarick's throne room stood the Overlord, stately and 'calmly' receiving the report from his subordinates. EEEEEeeeeeee But what nonsense is this! First the Bugbears and now this! "Demiurge, is this report verified?" "This is Momonga-sama, unfortunately so far it has been impossible for us to find a humanoid, human or heteromorphic species, depending on the reaction of the captured individuals, it is possible that these species are not known or do not exist in this world, but there seems to have been some that are similar. " "What about populated areas." "The deployed teams have not encountered any notable resistance or skills that deserve mention, it has also been verified that the Gryphons are indeed the original inhabitants of the place that Momonga-sama found, they are not invaders as we had previously thought." "You mentioned some captures, I was confident that my orders had been followed to the letter." "¡Of course!, ¡ I would never dare to make less of any of his words!; yesterday afternoon we captured a griffin that was being attacked by monsters, so we arranged the scene to look like they had eaten it, we spread some blood and some feathers, we also captured the beasts that were chasing him, also, this morning we captured a pair of equines with a horn on their foreheads in a similar way to the unicorns we know, although there seem to be differences, they were dressed in what seems to be a kind of common striped vests and hat, they carried with them some curious objects that seem to work with mana, at this moment they all are in the caring hands of Neuronist, however, there seems to be a problem with language between us and them, even though they have no problems with a chat between different species. " "Mmmhm, for the moment they just keep them as prisoners, we need to fix the language problem first." "I will communicate your orders to the Neuronist immediately, Momonga-sama!" Aaaaha, I don't understand anything, now are there horses talking, what's next, cows chatting about the weather?... "Has the exploration yielded any fruit?" "Yes Momonga-sama, the Gryffin 'town' you discovered seems to in reality be a kind of train station that functions as the entrance and link with the mainland to and from a decaying kingdom, in addition to the vast sea around us, it seems to me that there is a volcanic island to the south area with a lot of activity, although it does not seem that said activity is of volcanic origin, it is very much possible that the area is inhabited by fire dragons or similar creatures. " "Dragons? That's something interesting." In Yggdrasil dragons were the most powerful race of monsters, I wonder if it will be the same here. "Unfortunately the units sent, do not have the necessary skills to be able to cross the sea that separates us." "If I remember correctly, the groups you formed are made up of Sadowdemon's and Hanzo's, right?" "You are correct Momonga-sama." "If we are going to send them out to explore dragon territory, it might be a good idea to add some eight-edged assassins to the groups to increase their chances of success." Mmmh? What is this, Demiurge seems to be uneasy. "It's Something's wrong Demiurge, is there anything else you want to report?" "I beg your pardon, but I'm not quite sure where I should start." "Say it bluntly, the simpler it is, the less chance it will be misinterpreted." "Yes... the scouts reported a phenomenon that I dismissed at first, but after I received similar reports from Cocytus and some of Shalltear's servants, I realized it was something important and you should be informed about it." "What is about it, Demiurge." "Yes, both the sun and the moon and the celestial bodies have strange behavior." "What do you mean with strange?" "The stars change every night as if someone designed the skies on a whim." Eh? Eeeeehh? "And both the sun and the moon rise and set rapidly over the same horizon, lasting almost the entire day or night at the same point in the sky." "What you're trying to imply, is that apparently, there is someone capable of controlling the stars in this world, is that right?" "I think the probability is very high, Momonga-sama." When they understood this, none of the guardians present could help but be surprised. But how is that possible! In Yggdrasil, there was no one with those abilities! Well, there were indeed specific spells that allowed changing the terrain, but control the moon and the sun! Perhaps it is better to be cautious and gather more information about the local population. "Mmmhm, then it will be necessary to modify the plans a little, later I will take care of the language problem, in the meantime, Albedo, what do you have to report." "Yes Momonga-sama, with the help of Titus and his subordinates, the inventory of materials for the summoning of naval mercenary NPCs was carried out without problems, we have ample reserves of [Gosht Ship Fleet] books that summon 30 frigates (Guard Ship) of level 32, 15, level 35 propeller ships and 5, level 60 warships, we have a large number of scrolls [Cargo Ship] that summons a level 25 cargo ships, to the same extent scrolls [Pirate Explorer Gosht Ship] of level 30 and 372 books of [Royal Ship] that summons a three-bridge ship of level 85, in short, we have enough materials to cover the entire sea with the largest navy in the world. " Woooho, I knew we had many, but I did not know we had so many, wait a minute, spending foolishly will be a problem if we do not have a way to recover the investment. "Mmhm, good job." "I am not worthy of such kind words." "Make arrangements for the summoning of 10 [Pirate Explorer Gosht Ship] to act as scouts and transport for the ground units and also a [Gosht Ship Fleet] to patrol and protect the shores near us." "As Momonga-sama ordered." Now that I remember it, I have to solve the language problem, I wonder if the translation item will work in this world, aaha, there is no other choice but to try it, right? Momonga raised his hand and introduced it into the void, when he took it out again, in it were two items, one was a beautiful and delicate manufacture lens with gold details, the second was a simple but beautiful necklace, made of Adamantite with platinum filigree, it was the [Translation Glasses] and the [Translator Necklace], the necklace was not very popular since most of the players preferred to team up with people of the same nationality, so it was practically given away as a bonus with other items, because of this he had quite a few, on the contrary, the glasses were an extremely rare item that could not be cloned and of a quite high price, for which there were only a few in his possession. "Demiurge, try these items and report any abnormalities, the necklace is common, it does not matter if it is damaged, but the glasses are an extremely rare item that cannot be duplicated, so take proper care of them." "Yes, I will treat your properties with due respect and care!" "Mmhm, alright, that's all for now, you can leave." Again it was Albedo who spoke for everyone. "Yes, then with your permission, we withdraw to immediately carry out your orders." Unknown date and day. Consciousness began to slowly return to him, he could feel humid and cold air, he began to see some light and gain focus on his surroundings, then he realized that he could not move his head when trying to reach it he realized that neither He could move his heels or his claws, he tried to open his wings to propel himself but they were fixed to his torso, also there was something in his beak that did not allow him to close it or speak, he could only stammer. Then he remembered, he couldn't make some money for food so he went deep into the woods to find something he could eat. -START FLASHBACK- * Wrrrrghhuu * "Hugh, if I don't get something to eat I think there won't be Guilldberg for much longer" * Grrrr * "Mhm ?, AAArrgh" He was ambushed by a pair of Manticores, with such bad luck that the first attack of the beasts severely injured one of his wings, leaving him running as his only way to escape, after a couple of minutes of running and trying to lose them, he felt a great shiver that ran from the nape of the neck to the tip of the tail ... the Manticores had stopped following him, but there was no silence, he heard them trying to get away from something, which caused him curiosity and made him turn around, what he saw was something impossible to believe, they were being held by strange creatures, they were as thin as paper, they appeared to be silhouettes with glowing eyes, they had long claws and what appeared to be wings, their height was slightly higher than that of the Manticores, they seemed as ethereal as A shadow,But what astonished him the most was the fact that these fragile-looking creatures had immobilized two adult beasts with only 4 of them and judging by the ease with which they were holding them, it would not be silly to say that only one of them could kill both beasts without issue. He came to this conclusion after seeing one of the Manticores struggle only to be torn to shreds in an instant, without any visible effort from his captors, at that precise moment his mind was screaming at him only one thing, 'run'" * Scared Eagle Screech * He turned around to flee immediately when he barely took two steps he heard something that seemed like a voice speaking in a strange language and immediately afterward he was paralyzed, his body did not respond to more orders sent by his head, he heard the voice again but this time directed in a different direction, then a shadow enveloped him and he lost consciousness. -End OF FLASHBACK- And now he was waking up in a strange place, gagged and immobile; observing his surroundings more carefully, he was looking for some way to escape, he was able to locate a large metal table that gave off an unpleasant smell of old blood, and near it something that looked like a small table covered with a cloth. "Ara∼ you finally woke up∼" Speaking in the same strange language, entered through what was, apparently a side corridor, a slimy-looking bipedal creature, as if covered in mucus, dressed in tight clothes that barely covered anything of its body, it seemed to be obese or swollen, The voice did not help to confirm the gender of the creature, it was quite androgynous, and it seemed that it had an octopus for a head, its skin was an unhealthy green-whitish color, Guilldberg tried to scream to demand his freedom, but it was not possible for him with what he had stuck in his beak. "Ara? Arara, how strange, I can't understand you mmm∼ it seems that there is a difference in language∼ that fills my heart with sadness so much∼ I already wanted to hear how will sound the voice with which had an eagle mixed with a lion, and how much beautiful would it sing∼ we will have to communicate this to Demiurge, maybe he has a solution∼ " The creature continued talking and suddenly seemed disappointed, I uncovered the small table, and then it was possible for him to take a small look at what was under the cloth, hooks, scissors, rods and other things with sharp points, all with tips and shapes as strange as diverse, some They looked like things that could be found in a hospital, from this table it took one of the syringes with the most normal needle of all, it contained a crystalline liquid inside, the thing injected Guilldberg it's contents on one of its flanks, even when he was trying to beg him not to do it, and again everything began to slowly darken. Unknown day and date "¡Wake up stupid ponies! ¡how much longer can you be able to sleep!" Guilldberg didn't know why, but he was grateful that the ball had been removed from his beak and that he had company. "Ungh, lower your voice brother, uuh, mmm, I think yesterday we got out hoof with the strong cider, my head is killing me." "I'm not your brother, you idiot! React now!" "Ouch ouch ouch, what happened? Where are we? Flim?" "Flam my dear brother, where we are I am not very clear, the last thing I remember is that we escaped from bad business in Grifinstone at dawn and we went into the forest to lose our pursuers, then we fell for a ... hole? my hooves hurt, wait, ¿why are we chained to the wall? did the griffin catch us? " "¡Shut up and listen to me you useless shit!" "But of course and by all the means that we will not my dear caged bird, you can stay here, we are leaving now, isn't it Flim?" "¡¿Are you retarded?! ¡¿did you don't get-?" "But of course we will not stay, you are right Flam, fortunately, these bird brains did not think of putting suppressors on us despite being unicorns, all you have to do is apply a little magic and ... AAAAAARRGAAaaaah" From the shadows of the hallway, in silence, Neuronist Painkill, Nazarick's special information collector, watched their interaction. "Ara, ara∼ mmm, apparently they are, able to communicate with each other despite being of a different species, it will surely be of interest to Demiurge, ara ara∼ whit out a doubt is urgent to solve the language barrier, mmh∼ "AAAAAARRGAAaaaah" "That sounded pretty good mmm∼ I hope Demiurge rushes with the language solution soon∼ they will form a great chorus of praise for the supreme." That same afternoon, after the guardians met to report their progress to his master, Demiurge walked thoughtfully towards the frozen prison on the fifth floor. Momonga-sama is truly insurmountable, to think that he would already have countermeasures even for a situation as impossible as the current one, not only that, the tranquility with which he takes the existence of someone capable of controlling the moon and the sun was as if was something not more important than squashing a bug, I am a complete fool, comparing myself to Momonga-sama, just to think how nervous we were to present such an ambiguous report, and yet not only did he not reprimand me, but he provided the necessary tools to advance my work, he is truly magnanimous, I cannot waste his kindness under any circumstances, ¡ I have to try much harder! "Ara ara∼ Welcome back Demiurge." "How is everything going Neuronist." "Mmhm∼ I think their voices would be great for the choir∼ It is unfortunate that they cannot speak our language, although they communicate perfectly with each other∼" "Then nothing new has happened." "I wouldn't say that∼" "Mmh? What do you mean." "I discovered that both equines are capable of using magic∼, although it seems to be very different from ours∼" "Oooh, that will surely be of interest to Momonga-sama, certainly adding this to the information we get out from them will be a good report to present to our master." "¿Mmmh? ¿that we get out, you say? ∼, ¿you won't have forgotten that they can't speak our language right∼?" "Fufufu, thanks to Momonga-sama's amazing foresight, we already have a solution for that problem." "! Arara! As expected from the leader of the supreme beings! So it will finally be possible for me to form the choir?" "Sure enough, Momonga-sama allowed us to use some items of his property and ordered me to report any anomalies." "That's great! ¡and your timing couldn't have been more perfect∼! they will soon wake up∼" "¿Wake up? Oh, I see, they tried to escape the chains of torment with magic, then they received the recoil and drained of mana, was that what made them lose consciousness?" "Exactly, they are quite weak∼" "Our visit will be postponed, for now, first I want to review the operation of one of the items as soon as possible to return them to our master, first we will review their belongings, and tomorrow morning we will start with them." "! Ara! If those are the orders of the supreme one∼ I have no objection, I can wait a little longer∼" Following Neuronist closely, Demiurge advanced with a sinister and devilish smile on his face, towards where they kept the prisoners' belongings. Guilldberg was sure that his mind would not last much longer, the torture was unbearable, he was dying of hunger and thirst, but he was not allowed that mercy, every time he was about to lose consciousness, one of those thin and huge creatures come and do something that restores his health almost completely. They had grayish skin, interrupted only by dark blue veins that ran all over their bodies, they wore a long apron that covered almost to the hind legs, as well a tight hood without holes, both made of what appeared to be leather, whenever they were inside the room, it was to prevent any of the three from dying. The first to reach the threshold of death were the unicorns, they tried repeatedly to get out of the chains, only managing to bleed out from the injuries they caused themselves to the brink of death while writhing in pain, then came one of those creatures and raising one of it forepaws, a circle of light formed in front of the extremity, filled with multiple and strange figures, while the ponies were enveloped in a light greenish glow. At first, he thought they were going to dispose of the corpse, but instead, the wounds closed and they seemed to regain color, Guilldberg guessed the creature had been nearby by chance so he waited a few minutes after they left to make their self attempt to end his torture, plus the only thing he achieved after tearing out his tongue with his beak, was to wake up with one of those creatures in front of him lowering his claw when later the ponies woke up and tried to continue with their escape obtaining the same results, then he understood that it was not a coincidence when they were about to die the creatures came and prevented it, prolonging their torments, then it came to mind they were not prisoners, they were being tortured. "Oh, what a misfortune, they seem to be barely conscious, that way they won't work for the experiment, Neuronist, would you mind? I need them to be able to reason to get something." "Sure∼ since it's to please Momonga-sama it's no problem∼ guys!" The torturers advanced and used the unique spell of the torturer profession, [Restore] healing their famine, after which the three regained consciousness, feeling much better than they had felt so far, the first thing they saw when they opened their eyes went to the disgusting jelly-like monster, but this time it did not come alone or with the same company of before, the new creature had a tail covered in metal, his clothes covered him almost completely and he wore glasses, he said something he did not understand, he brought with him an expensive-looking necklace that it was about to wear as he spoke and as soon as he put it on, what he was saying began to make sense. "Very well, let's begin with the experiment that Momonga-sama ordered me to do, (puts on the necklace) let's see how the translation necklace works, tell me, ¿can you understand what I'm saying now?" The answers were immediate, everyone spoke at the same time. "Who the hell are you?" (Guilldberg) "Why do you have us locked up?" (Flim) "Where do you keep us locked up?" (Flam) Apparently, this was no problem for the new creature. "To answer all your questions in an order that makes them coherent and does not make me repeat myself; my name is Demiurge, I am the guardian of the seventh floor, she is Neuronist Painkill, the special information collector" The first thought of the three was: Is that a female ?! As he introduced her, he handed her a second necklace just like the one he had just worn, but once it was around her neck it was completely hidden by her flesh. "Ara ara∼ how are you, little ones∼ in a short time I will help you form a wonderful choir for our master, we will talk later∼. "As for where you are, you are on the fifth floor of the great tomb of Nazarick, you were captured to obtain information about this world." Seeing an opportunity the selling pones immediately tried to take it. "If information is all you want, we will give you everything we know!" (Flam) "But please, for heaven's sake, stop this torture!" (Flim) Something they immediately regretted. The one who answered them was Neuronist. "Arara∼? Torture? Mmmhm∼ what are you talking about? Since we couldn't understand each other, we hadn't put a finger on any of you∼ but now that we understand each other, I can help you sing beautiful odes∼ praise to my master, ¡the most beautiful and compassionate being in the universe!, now∼ as a tribute to my creator who suffered from a disease named 'kidney stones' I will start with this ". She takes from the small table a long and thin rod with an oval tip covered with small spikes, but the one who put the last nail in the coffin was the archdemon. "You will be our guests permanently or until your life ends." Their faces showed shock, they were going to torture them to death. "Ah, but you don't have to worry, I assure you that the only cause of death awaiting you is natural." When the meaning of these words finally registered in their minds, they lost all color, voice, and will to live. > Touring the Neighborhood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Touring the neighborhood In Nazarick's throne room the guardians were gathered by order of Momonga. Aaaaaa, well, it's already been a week since we came to this world, the accumulated intelligence that we got must do to make a good decision on how to proceed ahead. "Well my guardians, I have gathered you here today because I wish to hear an updated report on the status of your tasks directly from your mouth." Because, to tell the truth, is too much trouble to read them all, they kept piling up, ¡there are simply too damn many reports! "So let's get started, Shalltear." "Yes∼❤, all transfers have gone smoothly, as Demiurge suggested, I have kept watch with my familiars in each place where I have opened a [Gate] for a couple of days, so far there has not been any kind of novelty Momonga-sama. " "Mmhm, keep it up, but stay alert, that no one has shown up so far did not means that there will keep the same later, take it as if it only means that no one has noticed yet." Shalltear bowed her head in acceptance "¡Yes∼❤!" "Now, Aura, Mare" ""Yes"" "The forests here are full of creatures, although there are many known there are also quite a few that are not, the vast majority of them are creatures without real combat strength, practically none exceed level 15, it can be assured without a doubt that the forests are already yours. " "A-about the f-flora, only a small part is known, and all of the known ones do not have any special properties." "Mmhm, I guess you've brought enough samples right? " "O-of course Momonga-sama, I've brought quite a few." "Ask the librarian for help and test the samples, we have to see if any can be used as a substitute for any of the materials for potions and others, meanwhile Aura will continue to investigate the fauna, the samples that you collect will also be delivered to Titus" "" Understood Momonga-sama "" "Cocytus" "Ha, there has been. No. News. At the. Perimeter, all. Traps. Are. Set. And. On hold." "Excellent, Demiurge." "Yes, first, let me thank Momonga-sama for your generosity." Haa? what you are talking about? "I was frustrated at not being able to get more information from the prisoners, aside from the physics, but thanks to the items you have entrusted to me, I was able to advance in my task, for which I allow myself to report success in terms of the use of the translation items." "Ooooh" So that's what he meant, he had already scared me, for a moment I thought he was making fun of me. "Mmhm, then bring Titus a necklace, instruct him to make enough copies of the necklace for all the Guardians and about 10 more as a backup, just in case." "As Momonga-sama wills it, it's to be done; regarding the information collected, we roughly confirmed that there are multiple sentient species, however, the human species does not exist in this world, among the species with a conscience are included: Minotaurs, Griffin, Dragons and ponies like the most prominent ones, in addition to a multitude of others that are present to a lesser extent, I also found out that this world is inherently magical, and of all species, it's the ponies the ones that are the most prominent in magic proficiency, I am also sorry to inform you that our previous hypothesis has been confirmed. " ¿Hypothesis? what is he talking abo- ...oh, right I remember it now. "Regarding the moon and the sun, ¿right?" "It is correct, the three prisoners confirmed it, the government of the ponies is conformed by different bureaucracies, these respond to the ruling diarchy, which is very long-lived it seems." "¿Long-lived? ¿how is that?" "According to the prisoners, they have been in power for more than a thousand years." A thousand years! Wow, they have to be excellent rulers or great tyrants to retain power for so long. "All point to the fact that the diarchs are sisters, one is in charge of the moon and the stars, the other is in charge of the sun, according to the prisoners they are what are considered 'Alicorns', which have capacities of the other three races of ponies, the Pegasi are in charge of controlling the weather, the terrestrial ones are dedicated to the production of food or heavy work, while the Unicorns do delicate to jobs or that require precision, it seems that their culture is not scarce at all, they are quite civilized. " Hummm, so, thy are not mere beasts after all. "Regarding exploration, thanks to the fleet that you order to deploy we were able to verify that the island to the south is in fact, inhabited by dragons, although the vast majority are quite weak there are some that are something to consider, the explorers managed to capture some that entered to wooded areas. " "Well done, we have to see if the dragons of this world will be useful as a replacement for the ingredients of high-end consumables; finally, Albedo." "Yes, the exploration ships are doing their duty while they are hidden in the fog, so far they have found some coastal cities and populated islands, to the south of the continent what appears to be an abandoned island-city was located, we stationed a group of explorers temporarily in the same to corroborate if it is completely abandoned, also, confirmation is still missing but apparently, there is another kingdom further south on another continent, at the moment we are waiting for the reports of the units deployed yesterday to confirm it. " An island-city? who knows, it can maybe turn into a foothold base in the future or something like that. "That would be it all about the reports from the guardians Momonga-sama." The ruler of death rose from his throne and said in a clear and powerful voice to all present. "Excellent work my guardians, continue to fulfill your duty with the same zeal with which you have done so far, and remember, we cannot do less to the rulers of Equestria, they are capable of moving the moon and the sun, until we have no a clear idea of ​​its level we must keep Equestria only in exploration, we must not reveal ourselves yet. " With these words Momonga withdrew, teleporting to his room. Meanwhile, in the throne room, the guardians had dismissed their master kneeling and with his head lowered, after a short time after he left, the supervisor of the guardians broke the moment by standing up, the rest followed suit after her. "Aaha∼❤ Momonga-sama, we will work for you until death." "Certainly" Demiurge replied. "Well, everyone with tasks to attend to, please address them immediately, Demiurge, join me for a moment." Once Everyone else has left the room, the archfiend got near the succubus. "... What's wrong, Albedo?" "¿Do you think the prisoners are keeping any information about Equestria and its rulers?" "I don't think so, they are quite weak to pain, I doubt they have saved anything, but now we will not capture more ... hmm, ha, I think I already understood what you mean, well, let's talk." Meanwhile, in the personal room of the supreme ruler of Nazarick, he is… tossing and turning like a nervous child. Waaaah, what nonsense, I could hardly remain serious, Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasus, if it were not for the Alicorns that can move the moon and the sun I would have drowned in laughter ...well if it is still possible for me without a tongue or esophagus, aaha, but leaving that aside, apparently, this is the limit of the information that can be obtained without making contact... "Mmmmh, then it can't be helped, I will have to go out personally, I think mingling will be an impossible task for the guardians, apart from standing out too much, they are like little children, they lack the experience necessary, they need to learn how to deal with creatures that inhabit outside of the great tomb first. " Aaarrgh, this is a headache, how can I make contact, so far we have not encountered any kind of undead, to begin with, will the race even exist in this world? "Hmm, I think there was an item that allowed to apply temporary skins, or something like that in the treasury, or was it not?" ¡It is true!, now that I remember about it, ¡I have not gone to the treasury yet!, ¿I wonder if Pandora's Actor has also come to life? "I think it would be a good idea to take Shizu with me, but she has a practically permanent poker face, it would be a shame not to be able to see someone else's reaction when entering the treasury for the first time, also if something goes wrong I will need help to win against Pandora's Actor " Considering the countermeasures from the treasury, it might be a good idea to bring Yuri and Albedo as well ... yes, that will be enough. Having decided what he needed to do, he got up and walked to the private study of his room, where Sebas was already waiting for him, and took a seat behind the desk. "Welcome back Momonga-sama." "Thank you, Sebas, call Albedo and Demiurge tell them that I wish to see them in my study, also bring Shizu and Yuri from the Pleiades." "As you wish my lord, with your permission." Well, even though I am going to tell them that it is to gather information, the truth is that I only want to get away from all the paperwork for a while, and be able to relax a little, since I have this body I do not need to eat or sleep, even physical fatigue no longer exists for me, but mental fatigue is a completely separate case, even though my emotions are forcibly calmed upon reaching a certain point, minor things like stress and annoyance are not nullified... well, now I must enter the mentality of a salesperson to get the guardians to 'buy' this 'vacation' idea. There was a knock on the door and after receiving permission, Sebas entered the room, closely followed by the two guardians and the two Pleiades. "Come in." "With your permission, I have brought them as Momonga-sama requested." "Well show them in." Upon entering, all summoned knelt in front of the desk. "We have heard your call and responded to it immediately." -voiced Albedo for everyone- "You can get up." Could it be that at some point I will get used to so much adoration? "I have called you here to announce some details of my next plans so that you can act accordingly, the information that we can obtain about Equestria without making contact is very limited, so it is necessary to carry out a covert incursion" At that moment Albedo and Demiurge let out a tiny expression of astonishment that they ruled instantly. "That said, it is necessary that whoever does it is someone with a great capacity to adapt and mix properly." It's showtime, all or nothing, I just hope that the logic I just put together can convince them. "For which there is no other in Nazarick more suitable for this than me." Demiurge put on a face of open surprise, while Albedo's twisted in anguish. "! Momonga-sama! I beg you to forgive my insolence, but that cannot be! We cannot allow the last of the supreme beings to expose themselves like that! You are the last one, the one who decided to stay with us until the end! If something happened to you, it would not only be a tragedy and shame for us, your guardians but also our downfall, without your leadership, we would not be able to advance a single step! I beg you to reconsider, if It is not possible for you to change your decision, at least allow me to accompany you to serve as your shield if the situation warrants it, I beg you to listen to my selfish request, I beg you, Momonga-sama! " Eeeeeh? what is going on? why so much insistence? now, what can I do? how can I discourage her a little or make her give up? if they accompany me it will be impossible to mix ... mix? That's it! "Albedo, tell me, are you capable of taking the form of any of the known intelligent species?" "!Nngh!" I knew beforehand that there would be opposition, but this exceeds my expectations, if so I cannot deny myself completely, but if I bring any of the guardians with me, ¡I will not be able to relax! "No, but it would be possible for me to use items that allow me to use 'Invisibility' or 'Perfect Unknowable' and keep it active." "Non-defensive items have the penalty of causing additional MP spending on you, if I remember it correctly, that would make it impossible for you to keep it that way, your MP's wouldn't be enough to keep it up all day." "¡Even so!, Momonga-sama, ¡we would never forgive ourselves if we allow you to be alone and some kind of emergency arises!" "Excuse me Momonga-sama." "What's wrong, Demiurge." "What you say is completely true, however, if I may object, wouldn't you have a similar problem?" "Normally you would be correct Demiurge, however, you are overlooking something, why do you think I have ordered Sebas to bring Yuri and Shizu as well." After his master dispelled his doubt, the light of understanding finally reached the archdemon's face. "Yuri is a brawler and Shizu is not only able to give support from a distance, but she is also familiar with all the security mechanisms of Nazarick, that means... ¡!, you're preparing to go for the first time in this world to the Treasury, ¿am I correct? " "Mmmh, but I will not only take the two of them I will also bring with me Albedo as a precaution, just in the absurd event that something does not work as it should, but I also intend to recover from the treasury an item that I intend to use, it is an ultra-rare item that it will allow me to be able to change my external appearance." The demon seeing that his co-guardian was about to talk again, beg for a brief time out to his master. "Excuse me, my lord, would you allow me to speak outside for a moment with the Overseer?" "Umu, go ahead." They left the room for a moment and when they entered again, Albedo looked calm and with a big smile on her beautiful face. Heeeee, what does this mean, what kind of magic did Demiurge use to cause in her such a radical change? "With your permission Momonga-sama, we have returned." "Then let's continue." "Yes, to tell the truth, I am of a similar opinion to Albedo, someone capable of buying some time must accompany you, just in case it is necessary to escape from some complicated situation, that also he or she must be able to change form to blend in, it's out of the question, considering these criteria, I think the most appropriate would be Solution Epsilon and Narberal Gamma." Haaaa, it seems that in the end, I will not be able to go alone, well at least with them I will not have as many problems as with the guardians, but, even so, two would be too much, I should not give as much. "I agree that the two of them would probably be the best option." "Then if you'll allow me, I'll call them right away." The victorious smile in the face of the demon froze after hearing his lord's next words. "However, taking the two of them would be too conspicuous, I'll only take one, which of the two, we will decide later, for now, give the indication to the explorers, I want them to look for a small town or city that is close to the capital of Equestria, that will be our start point. " "Excuse my daring, but wouldn't it be better to start from a big city or the capital itself?" -asked confused Albedo- No! If I did that, I couldn't have my vacation. Momonga blurted out the first credible reason that crossed his mind. "Although it might seem like a better idea, it is not like that, starting from a big city would create more trust problems in the short and long term, we will lack a solid background, on the other hand, in a small town we will be able to establish bonds of trust, this way, if we got investigated for some reason when we move or spread ourselves to a big city, we'll have a solid background. " "Ooooh, I see, now I understand, so that's the direction of your plans!, now your intent is pretty clear, it will be done as you order, Momonga-sama." Mmmh? It seems that there has been some kind of misunderstanding, or is it my imagination? ...It does not matter I doubt that it will be a problem. "Well, then, with this the topic ends, once we check the correct operation of the item that I will be using, I will decide who is the one that must accompany me, you can leave now Demiurge, to... arrange what you need." "With your permission." The seventh-floor guardian bowed and left to continue his work. "Let's go to the treasury, Shizu will go with me, Albedo you will take Yuri." With his instructions received, everyone nodded and complied with the orders and the four disappeared in a flash. As he walked through the corridors of the ninth floor, Demiurge wore a bitter smile on his face. "Momonga-sama is truly insurmountable, while Albedo and I were just discussing the issue he already had it completely resolved, I cannot even come close to my master's immeasurable intelligence, but I cannot allow myself to relax, I have to try harder, be more active, I must try to anticipate at least the problems that may arise in the way of his plans, he is the last of the supreme beings that we have left, I cannot dare to disappoint him. " By activating the guild rings, the four of them were transported to the entrance of the treasure room, after teleporting, what received their vision was a bright light, as if all the stars in the sky had gathered, with a ceiling so high that one would have to look up to know that it was there, there were walls so large that it was almost impossible for them to enter the visual field of a person, the vastness of this room was full of brilliant treasures, items, works of art and more, in the center, jewels and gold were forming a mountain that crossed the immense space, it was enough to make one abandon the idea of ​​wanting to count how much had accumulated. It was, literally a mountain of treasures, Momonga heard a sigh of admiration from his companions, the ones who had made that noise was two people. So it was two out of three... Momonga looked at the three women standing behind him, Albedo was observing the surroundings with a sincere expression of admiration on her beautiful face, Yuri Alpha, had the same expression, however, one person had not reacted and was silently observing him. Although her face had delicate features, her face looked as if it had been artificially crafted by hand, her reddish-gold hair glittered under the stars on the ceiling, her only visible emerald-colored eye shone with a cold light like a gemstone. , while the other one was covered by a patch, she belonged to the Automaton race, her name was CZ2128 Delta also known as Shizu. As part of the battle maids, its uniform was alike to the one of Narberal and Yuri, bot with some differences, the greatest one was the camo colored accessories and the merry sticker barely visible near the hem of her skirt with the phrase '1 Yen' in it, and the metallic pieces that folded around her waist as a half skirt, the next big difference was her weapon holstered at her waist like a sword, it was a magical weapon that was exclusive of the Automata race and Shizu's job, 'Gunner', all of which were add on's for the Yggdrasil expansion pack 'Fall of the Valkyrie'. Yuri fixed her black-rimmed glasses, and pushed ahead by the maid's sense of duty, she was unable to let go all the mess before her eyes, so, she asked: "Momonga-sama, why are these treasures in such disarray? even with protection magic, this cannot be considered a proper preservation state, if you give the order, we will immediately start cleaning..." "Look carefully." Taking in a breath, Yuri studied the surroundings and then apologized. "I have been rude, please forgive my superficial observation." "Don't worry though, that's the way it is, what's buried under this mountain of gold is of little value." Yuri followed Momonga's gaze, who was resting on what had caused her to apologize; Placed on the walls were numerous huge cabinets, tall enough to reach the ceiling, within these cabinets were treasures that shone even brighter than the mountain of gold. A wand with an encrusted bloodstone, scarlet gauntlets with precious crystals encrusted, black diamond lenses encrusted with silver on the ring-shaped bridge, a statue of a dog made of obsidian, a dagger made entirely of amethyst, an altar encrusted with countless white pearls, crystal lilies emanating rainbow-like light, delicately carved star-ruby roses, tapestries embroidered with the pattern of black dragons, a wreath made of platinum adorned with gigantic diamonds, a gold-plated incense bowl of precious gems, a pair of male and female lions made of sapphires and rubies, cufflinks inlaid with fire opals that looked as if they were on fire, a coat made from the skin of a golden beast, twelve plates made of Apoitakara *,silver anklets inlaid with four jewels of different colors, a magic book with a green andradite cover, a life-size statue of a woman made of gold, a belt with different pieces made of imperial topaz sewn to it, a chessboard with each piece made from a different type of precious gem, a figure of a fairy carved from a single piece of emerald, a black cloak with countless small gemstones sewn into it, a cup carved from a unicorn's horn, a gold inlaid tabletop of glass spheres, and more. (* Apoitakara - Precious metal, kind of prismatic ore) And this was only a small portion. These countless treasures made it clear to Yuri the correct answer, that there was simply no room to store them all. "It is time to continue." Two people said yes to Momonga orders, Shizu simply remained silent and nodded, after he invoked the [Mass Fly] spell, the four people in unison rose into the air, only then was it visible that there was a type of gas, a semi-transparent purple color, floating in the air. As they flew over, Yuri looked around to find the origin of the gas, however, she was unable to find an origin, at the same time as a confused expression formed on his face, a monotonous voice spoke. "… Yuri-nee, there is a toxic gas in the air." "¿What?" Yuri felt a cold gaze on her, the origin was Shizu's calm green pupil, an eye that did not show any emotion, although it would be better to say that in a sense, her facial features were like a mask because she had been created as an automaton, Shizu couldn't show any emotion, those were her settings. "… Blood of Jormungand." After Shizu revealed the name of the object capable of creating such a toxic mist, Momonga replied: "Ah, you were right, although I had not told you, this treasure turns the surrounding air into a highly toxic one, if you did not possess the skills or items to resist this toxicity, you would have fallen dead with just taking three steps." "So, is that why I… my apologies… Is that why the three of us were selected?" "Correct." Both the Dullahan * Yuri, who fixed her glasses, and the emotionless automaton Shizu, were immune to toxins due to their racial abilities, (* Dullahan - Headless Horseman, usually mounted on horseback carrying his head under one arm. ), being of the demon race, Albedo was not immune to toxins, but she had another method to neutralize them. "Right, that's why I have brought all of you here Yuri, but… it's not only that, I also wanted to confirm something else." So Momonga and the others using [Mass Flight] avoided the effort required to cross the golden mountain, and they arrived in front of a door on the other side, no, it really couldn't be called a door, it was shaped like a door, but it seemed more like a bottomless abyss placed on the wall, arriving before this peculiar door, Momonga was absorbed in his thoughts. This place is the armory, ¿what was the password again? "Momonga-sama, if there is an armory, does that mean there are also hidden treasures in other places?" …Huh? Albedo does not know all the relevant information about the contents of the Treasury Room? Momonga was surprised that Albedo asked him such a thing, however, it made sense, the treasures were not kept inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick, it was necessary to have an Ainz Ooal Gown ring to be able to transport to this place, it was designed in this way, to make an invasion extremely difficult, so it was normal that Albedo did not know, she had not received her ring until only 5 days ago, although Momonga wondered how much knowledge the NPCs possessed, he felt it was something trivial and answered the question. "Haha, I had a partner named Genjiro, he delighted in keeping things organized and orderly, therefore he should have separated the objects according to their function." "Wasn't he the Supreme Being who created our partner Entoma?" "Yes, Yuri, you are correct, although the fact, whether he truly liked the cleanliness, could be questioned, if it had been so, the treasures in the mountain of gold would be arranged in a more orderly fashion, and he would never have been able to describe his room as a mess, anyway... he should have organized the items into categories: armor, weapons, jewelry, auxiliary tools, consumables, manufactured items, etc ... additionally, in Nazarick, too there's a maintenance room… as well as a data crystal storage room. " During his long speech, Momonga pointed his finger at the wall, which showed a flat shadow instead of the door. "In reality, both rooms are connected, and it could be said that it is a single room ... Oh, excuse me, I digress too much." "You have nothing to apologize for, we are grateful to Momonga-sama for answering our questions so passionately." After Albedo said this, the two servants bowed simultaneously to express their gratitude. What am I doing, I can't waste time, *shigh* every time I brag about Nazarick, I can't stop... Momonga shrugged, then turned to the shadow in front of him, the door could only be opened using a predetermined password, perhaps with magic or a Rogue-class ability, one could have opened the door, but Momonga had never learned such a thing, therefore, it was necessary to repeat the password ... Ack... I forgot. This was understandable, in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, this type of mechanism was very common, it was impossible to remember the passwords for the places that one did not visit frequently, Momonga only came to this place to withdraw funds to pay for the maintenance of Nazarick, as fact, it had been several years since he had last set foot in this place. Having failed to remember the password, Momonga said the universal password: "Glory to Ainz Ooal Gown." The door responded to this phrase, and some words appeared as images floating on the surface of the water, the words that had appeared were: 'Ascendit a terra in coelum iterumque descendit in terram et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum' *. (* It is part of one of the passages of the text recorded in the 'Tabula Smaragdina', the Emerald Tablet, an object related to alchemy, the text says: Use your mind completely and go up from Earth to Heaven, and, then again he descends to Earth and combines the powers of what is above and what is below.) "… Tabula Smaragdina was truly a perfectionist." Momonga could not prevent himself from letting escaping these words, getting a slight reaction from Albedo; of all the mechanisms in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, two had been designed by him, abundantly sophisticated designs like this one consumed a lot of data available in the Great Nazarick's Tomb, causing other players to be unable to freely design and thus provoking their protests, he accepted responsibility, purchasing paid items to expand the amount of data available. This must be a clue, but what did it mean? Momonga spent some time searching endlessly for the answer hidden deep within his mind, soon after, he finally found the code in his deepest memories. "It should be 'This way you will gain glory in the whole world, and the darkness will come out of you at once.' * Right?" (* These are the words that complete the passage shown above.) After saying this, Momonga looked at Shizu as if he wanted to confirm it, Shizu nodded in response, apart from Tabula Smaragdina, one of the comrades responsible for designing the mechanisms, was the creator of NPC Shizu, his character settings included being familiar with the methods for unlocking mechanisms in Nazarick, because of this, previously Shizu should have been able to easily crack the password hint. Despite that, he had not asked her for help, simply because he stubbornly wanted to open the door using his effort, having come to this world had made the Great Tomb of Nazarick come alive, that was why he wanted to be the first to leave his mark on this ground, similar to how a person wishes to set foot in a fresh and pristine layer of snow, Momonga wishes to open the door himself. As if responding to his wishes, the shadow was sucked into a single point, and in no time it had disappeared as if it had never been there, only a black sphere the size of a fist was floating in the air. Since the shadow covering the door had disappeared, it was possible to see inside. Before his eyes a well-managed and ordered world was presented, totally different from the previous places, if an analogy were necessary, the most accurate would be to compare it to a museum exhibition, the dimly lit room was quite long, continually extending inwards, there was a space of around five meters between the floor and the ceiling, it had not been designed with the height of a human in mind, but to allow the entry of non-humans, the width of the room was approximately ten meters, the floor was covered with slabs emitting a black light, which seemed to be a huge single piece of stone, reflecting the dim light from the ceiling creating an atmosphere of silent solemnity, the walls on either side of the room were lined with numerous weapons, which was a sight to behold. "Let's goo." Without waiting for an answer, Momonga walked straight to the armory, inside there was a great variety of weapons, including broadswords, greatswords, rapiers, flaming swords, scimitars, legs, shotels, kukris, claymores, short swords, sword breakers. …Of course, there were not only swords on display, there were also one-handed axes, two-handed axes, blunt weapons, lassoes, bows, crossbows… so many types that trying to classify the weapons would only make one lose count. Apart from these, there were other very striking weapons, that could even lead one to wonder if they could truly be classified as weapons, some seemed impossible to fit inside their sheaths and their design was only focused on their appearance, these types of weapons were the most and almost none were made of base metals such as iron. There were bladed weapons made of blue crystal, pure white blades with gold patterns, black blades engraved with purple runes, even a bow with a string that seemed to be made of light, furthermore, there were weapons that had the appearance of being visually dangerous just by glancing at them, a double ax with blood spilling from its edge, a large black metal mallet with faces of agony that were occasionally shown on one of its faces, a spear that appeared to be formed of countless clenched human hands, like these, were numerous, although it was easy to guess that they were magical weapons, one could not even begin to imagine their effects, a sword with a blade covered in flames was quite obvious, but the magical effects of a whip-shaped sword with the appearance of a writhing centipede was simply impossible to predict. The group looked at these weapons from the side and silently walked towards the center of the armory, after about a hundred meters, they reached their destination, a rectangular-shaped room, this room, apart from sofas and tables, was empty, looking at one side, you could see an entrance similar to the one Momonga and the others had used to enter the armory, there was only one path in the opposite direction from where they had entered, and it had a different atmosphere if up until now it had been the of a museum, from this point on it was that of a tomb, although it was difficult to discern due to the angle of vision they had, it was possible to observe large depressions carved in the walls inside which it seemed that something had been placed. Hearing the alarmed voices from behind him, Momonga replied: "Before us lies the Mausoleum." "The mausoleum?" ¿Hmm?, Albedo ...¿Do doesn't she know the name of the next room?, even though I chose the name... seeing her react in this way, ¿could it be that she doesn't know who is in charge of the Treasure Room neither? "Then, ¿did you do know about Pandora's Actor?" "Yes, as part of my management responsibilities, I know about his name and appearance... Pandora's Actor is the Area Guardian of the Treasure Room, with a strength and intelligence comparable to that of Demiurge and myself, apart from taking care of this place, he was also in charge of preparing the gold consumed when the Nazarick safety net was activated and other responsibilities, in short, he is in charge of our finances. " "That description is more or less accurate, but not quite, he-" Momonga's words were cut down before he can finish, the sight of all his companioning NPC zeroed over the figure that had abruptly appeared in their way. It had a strange appearance, although its body was humanoid, its head was similar to that of a distorted octopus, the right part of its head was almost completely covered in tattoos with twisted words, similar to those that had appeared in the shadow gate earlier; the color of his skin was like that of a corpse -a dead white mixed with some purple- and emitting a glow as if it were covered in a layer of mucus; Each hand had four slender webbed fingers, their garments were completely black and decorated with silver accessories that went quite well with the shiny leather that held tightly to their body, they wore many belts hanging almost loosely and they wore a black cloak folded as if they had been about to put it on, six tentacles twisted from the sides of its mouth and reached almost to its thighs, its two pupilless eyes of a cloudy whitish-blue stared back at the group. Albedo let out with a surprised voice: "¡Tabula Smaragdina-sama!" This was one of the 41 Supreme Beings, in terms of destructive power, he was a stronger magic caster than Momonga. "No, ¡It's a lie!" Albedo exclaimed immediately. Following her reaction, the two battle maids got into position, Shizu took her weapon, resting the butt of the rifle against her shoulder and pointing towards the figure, Yuri clashed her fists in front of her chest, the metal gauntlets colliding releasing a loud sound like the thunder of a bell, immediately after, moved to Albedo's side, in front of Momonga and Shizu, this was the best formation to protect those unsuited for close combat. "Identify yourself! Even if you disguise yourself as a Supreme Being, I am not that foolish to not recognize my creator!" Faced with Albedo's question, the person with the appearance of Tabula Smaragdina, silently, simply tilted his head. "... So that's it, ¡kill him!" Hearing the order, the two maids briefly hesitated, even if they didn't know who it was, they still hesitated to attack someone with the appearance of one of the creators, plus Albedo was simply too good at making calm decisions without any hesitation, this order had Momonga's protection as a top priority, the supervisor clicked her tongue at the two who did not act, and just as she was about to attack herself, Momonga spoke: "That's enough, Pandora Actor, show your true form." Tabula Smaragdina's body twisted, a moment later, in the place where Albedo's creator had been, there was a strange-looking being, but it was different, it had a fairly flat face, with a nose and other parts, which normally would protrude, flattened, instead of eyes and mouth it had three holes without eyes, teeth or tongue, Only three holes that looked like those drawn by a child using a pencil, the egg-shaped pink head was smooth, without a single strand of hair in it. This strange character, like Narberal, was a Doppelgänger, this was Pandora's Actor, a level 100 NPC, designed by Momonga to take care of the Treasure Room, he specialized in transformations, being able to copy 45 appearances and also their abilities, but only at 80% of its original power. The insignia on his head had the emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown, but what he was wearing was a uniform from the European Ecological Infrastructure War of twenty years ago, which had caused quite a stir for its appearance quite similar to the uniforms dressed by the Neo-Nazi Schutzstaffel. He forced his feet together with a click and brought his right hand to his cap in a dramatic salute. "Welcome, mein creator Momonga-sama!" "… You look quite animated." "¡Affirmative!, ¡I'm full of energy every day!, speaking of which, ¿what brings your esteemed self here today?, you even brought the Overseer of the Guardians and these lovely maidservants with you." Watching the presentation of the Area Guardian, Yuri and Albedo retreated behind Momonga back to their positions, the three of them showed a different emotion, Yuri, who was proud to be a battle maid, adjusted her glasses and was annoyed at being called a mere maidservant, Albedo, standing behind Momonga, felt jealous after hearing that Pandora's Actor was his creation, she stood out of his sight and pressed her lips on a thin line, Shizu didn't show any reaction, she just holstered the gun in his hands. "I have come in search of a specific ultra-rare item, at this moment I am not completely clear about the exact name, it is a ring, its effect allows the wearer to disguise its appearance without changing the attributes or classes of the user, it reinforces the magic illusion casting and weakens the physical attack. " "Mmmhm, yes!, I think Momonga-sama refers to the item known as Loki's ring!" "Yes indeed, bring it for me." "Right away, Mmmm∼ Momonga-sama!" Immediately and with a redoubled step, Actor of Pandora left for the mausoleum. Arrgggh, I can't believe something like that triggered my emotion suppressor. Suzuki Satoru was frowning his nonexistent brow. Why did I make his actions so exaggerated? …No, he knew why very well. Momonga was the creator of Pandora's Actor, which was the same as saying that each of the movements that he performed had been considered 'great' by him and that he had been happy and proud at the moment he had given him those settings. ...Ugh, this is so... In the past, he had thought that those who wore uniforms were very cool, and since he was an actor, his actions must be more exaggerated but seeing him come to life and actually, do these things... "Wow... how grievous..." Momonga couldn't help but let out a whisper of his true opinion, a small whisper, so low that no one else could hear him, it was a really grim story, Pandora's Actor, a living relic of his dark past, if the other members of the Great Nazarick's Tomb were here right now, now that the NPCs had come to life, they would surely be dying of laughter. ...Ignore it, I need to recover, my undead self does not have time to suffer from psychological trauma. A moment later the guardian of the treasury returned with two small boxes in his hands, which made him curious. "As I order it 'mein got' here is Loki's ring, as this item reduces the attack, I allowed myself the freedom to bring the bracelet [Hand of Gilfaethwe] (AN: a Celtic deity), an extremely rare item that reinforces the abilities of transformation and the attack, also reduces the resistance to elemental attacks, it is probably more convenient for you to maintain your attack before your resistance " "Hooo, I didn't remember this item, who brought it to the treasury." "Yes, if I remember correctly, it was Talisman Variable-sama, it seems to me that he said he obtained it from a 'cursed Gacha', although I must admit that I do not know what kind of monster he was referring to." Eeehe, Variable talisman must have spent a fortune trying to hunt something big and that was all he got, surely he felt ashamed and that is why he does not talk about it with anyone ... wait a moment! Does it reinforce the transformation ability? "Mmh, it's a good suggestion, I'll take both of them, even though I didn't have known about the bracelet beforehand, it will serve my purposes. " "Excuse me for interrupting Momonga-sama, but will that be enough?" "I understand your doubts Albedo, but this will suffice, the ring grants the abilities of a Therianthrope, without making a dent in the rest of the user's abilities, ah, right, before I forget, Pandora Actor, has something unusual happened around here? " "Nothing at all, since everything here belongs to Momonga-sama and the Supreme Beings, ¿how could anything happen?" He said this in a dramatic tone and pointed towards his surroundings. "Have you checked the status of the world items?" "!Yes! ¡It was the first thing I checked when I received from the supervisor the instruction to report any news!, [Greed and Generosity], [The Chalice of Hygieia], [Billion of Swords] and [Image of Nature and Society], all world items are safe and in place, including the two of 'the twenty'." "Those two are the highest priority when ensuring the treasury always, since they can only be used once, due to their power we must keep them hidden until the exact and appropriate moment to use them is presented, or until we know how to obtain them again. after using them. " "It's true, those weapons are so powerful that they could be called killer trump cards, they make the impossible possible, they even possess the power to destroy the world." "Pandora's Actor, I want to put you to the test, in total there are two hundred World-Class items, how many are you aware of?" "My apologies 'mein got', I only know eleven." Momonga nodded, that was the number of World-Class items that Ainz Ooal Gown possessed, he did not know that the World Class item [Atlas] had been stolen from them in the past, there were things that he was not completely sure about, but the knowledge of the NPCs was affected by their settings and if there was any contradiction they would simply ignore it. Regarding the adjustments of the NPCs, Momonga had noticed certain things after several days of observation, when there was no specific adjustment for some part of the personality of the NPCs, they seemed to take on the personality traits of their creators, even The relationships between NPCs seemed to mirror those of their creators, in a sense, it was as if he was reliving the times he had spent with his companions, an example of this was the relationship between Shalltear and Aura, and in between Demiurge and Sebas Tian. In other words, they were like everyone's children, feeling that an aspect of his companions accompanied him, Suzuki Satoru felt happy but lonely at the same time, he shook his head to get rid of these sad emotions. "Ah, this… Pandora Actor, I asked you a pointless question." "Not in any way, my knowledge is limited, my sincere apologies." After this, he bowed, each movement exaggerated as if he were doing a great deed. ...Leave it already. "However, grief distresses me, since Momonga-sama came, I thought he had some kind of assignment for me." Right, I have thought about using it before, Pandora's Actor settings, either regarding his intellect or strategic thinking, were of the highest level in Nazarick, although he normally put his intelligence to a dark use, in a pinch it would be difficult to give up to the use of his intellect. What's more, Pandora's Actor ability had a wide range of applications, and depending on the situation, it could be as useful as all the Floor Guardians put together, however, the reason Momonga had created it was not even for battles or for him to take care of business, it was with the intent of preserving the identity of 'Ainz Ooal Gown', leaving behind the images of his companions. "…You are our trump card, I wouldn't want to send you to do routine chores." "…Your words are too kind." With an expression as if he wanted to say something —probably— Pandora's Actor exaggeratedly lowered his head in a bow. "I hear and obey, so from now on, I will continue to guard the Treasure Room." "Ah, good work." However, seeing NPC Momonga's dull posture felt guilty for always keeping him locked in the treasure room. "But if it becomes necessary, to fulfill a temporary or short-term role, I will take you into account." With this, the guardian visibly perked up. "!Yes! Understood, mein creator Momonga-sama!" He couldn't just keep him locked up, although Pandora's Actor was a treasure, it would be foolish to leave him idly if he was the best option for some delicate task. Having made up his mind, Momonga turned around just in time to see Pandora's Actor leaning down putting a hand on his chest, and he also heard the expressionless Shizu softly let out a surprised 'uwah' sound. This sound hit him hard but managed to calm his spirit, Pandora's Actor's movements were truly too exaggerated, from the perspective of his creator, both his posture and his behavior seemed to radiate a feeling of 'I'm great, if it had been treated by a handsome man, those gestures might look good, however, since the person was a literal egghead, they were simply too incompatible, what's more, they made their creator feel ashamed. Momonga silently watched Pandora's Actor for a moment before taking a ring from his item box and throwing it at him, the ring arcing in the air, landing perfectly in Pandora's Actor's hand. "This is… a ring from Ainz Ooal Gown, and the ability of this item is…" As Pandora's Actor prepared to continue with his explanation, Momonga raised his hand and made him stop, although he showed him a sad expression, this was not the time to worry about such things. "This is a preparation, Albedo, inform the battle maids of Nazarick about the existence of the guardian of the treasury, before that, Actor of Pandora, you are only allowed to move between the Throne Room and the Treasure Room." "I hear and obey." At the end of the conversation, Pandora's Actor brought his legs together so tightly that a * cluck * sound was heard when he hit his heels, his fingers were so straight that even his nails could not be stretched any further, this sincere greeting, it was simply too striking. Momonga shook his head slightly while looking at the egg-shaped head, his personality design was not bad, in fact, his skill and efficiency were impressive, it was more a shame that... "Uwah..." Why did I have to give him that kind of personality? my former me certainly thought it was cool, well, I still think that at least the uniform is still cool... If he could still blush, his face would be red as a tomato. "Hey, Pandora Actor, come here for a moment." Momonga took the NPC's shoulder and led him aside, he had also ordered the battle maids and Albedo to wait in their places. "Let me ask you something important, I am your creator, the person you are most loyal to, right?" "You're completely correct, Momonga-sama, I am your creation, even if you ordered me to fight the other Supreme Beings, I would not hesitate to do my best!" "Is that so?… Well, as a person, no, as a man… as your master, take it as an order or a request, it doesn't matter, but please stop making more salutations, okay?" Pandora's Actor's empty sockets stared straight at Momonga, voicing volumes about the confusion he felt. "Ah, that, how can I put it... is not something strange to do so all the time? so let's cut it off; the military uniform... it looks good on you, so there's no need to change it, but you truly don't have to salute anymore, seriously, stop doing it. " "Wenn is meines Gottes Wille ist.*" (* German: "If that is the wish of my God.") "… Was that German? Stop that too, though actually, it's okay, but please, not in front of me, please." "I-it's okay." As if this was the first time that he had been overwhelmed by someone else, Pandora's Actor gave a weak reply, before he knew it, the distance between their faces had shortened so much that they were practically kissing, Momonga pulled his face away and told him, don't, he implored weakly: "Seriously, I beg you, I truly didn't think that something like this could affect me due to my mental suppression… what the hell, I would like to have a calm conversation with you, but at the moment I have other things to do, later we will fix a time for it." The Overlord straightened his posture and talked with a commanding tone again. "For now, Albedo, Shizu, Yuri, let's go back to the throne room." They all re-paired with the person they arrived and were dismissed with a deep bow by Pandora's Actor, as the world around them was reestablished after using the rings, they all headed towards the throne of the kings with the inhabitants of Nazarick walking behind the guild master, upon reaching the throne, the Pleiades and the Overseer stopped, while their master ascended the throne and took a seat, then they knelt. "Well then, Yuri Alpha, CZ2128 Delta, you can retire and go back to your normal duties, Albedo." "Yes, Momonga-sama." "Summon Narberal Gamma and Solution Epsilon." "As you order." Momonga made a gesture with his hand indicating that they could retreat, the battle maids and Albedo rose in unison, bowed, took a few steps back, then turned towards the exit of the room, and once alone, the Overlord sank into thought. Mmmh, I wonder which of the two will be the best option, having Solution's skills at hand could be very useful, mmmh, but Narberal is a 'War Wizard', so it complements me quite well, both are good options, hhhuuuu ¿how can I decide? Aargh, it is a fact that I do not want to take both, to tell the truth, I would prefer not to take neither, but the guardians will not allow it... I know! I will select depending on the transformation, yes! that will be absolutely the best way. A moment after Momonga finished his internal deliberation, the doors of the throne room opened, Albedo followed by Solution and Narberal, they advanced until they reached the throne foot, as they walked Suzuki remembered what he had read about them in their descriptions when he discovered that he could still access the 'Master Source' while seated on the throne of kings. Solution Epsilon, an [Slime] of the predator type, specializes in detecting traps, assassinations, stealth, and surveillance, his specialization allows him to use different types of magic items, even when they have work prohibitions, that would be a rough summary of its qualities. This is what Momonga thought as he fixed his gaze on the blonde, she had the appearance of a beauty with large breasts, her maid outfit looked more like something out of a fetish magazine, her colors were black and white, she wore high boots that They reached above her knee, but they were not made of leather, they were covered with a plate armor in silver color, under them she wore mesh stockings that were kept in place by a garter belt that disappeared under the miniskirt, wich had some side openings that reached the hips, in the front she was covered by a small apron slightly shorter than the skirt itself, with a metallic ornament that looked more like a flower of throwing weapons, at the waist a belt of buckles that looked more like a chain, she was wearing a puffy-shouldered jacket that was closed at the front by the bottom with a huge zipper, under it was a corset with white lace, her arms were covered up to the elbow by black gloves, her mild-skinned face adorned by a seductive pair blue-eyed, it was framed by her hairstyle, which ended in curls and on her head was a maid's headdress. The second wore a more modest and casual style, she was not wearing her battle uniform, she was wearing a one-piece black maid dress trimmed with white lace, this had a long skirt that covered almost to her ankles, she wore leather ankle boots, and a white apron, her hair was gathered in a ponytail by a white ribbon, on her head, there was a maid's headdress in white, her skin almost as white as snow-covered her beautiful face that was adorned from disinterested eyes as black as her hair, in a nutshell, she reflected pure beauty. Narberal Gamma, a War Wizard, and a Doppelgänger, specializes in fast-cast electric elemental magic up to the eighth level, and is also capable of close combat, favors the spear and staff, medium-range weapons and has no limits with medium or low-level weapons, but from enchanted weapons, she can only use up to relic level. "I have brought them, as ordered, Momonga-sama." "Mmhm, good job, you guys can get up." Albedo got up and bowed, then took her place to the left of the throne. "Solution, Narberal, I have called you because I plan to go out and mix with the inhabitants of this world to obtain a more direct intelligence, for which I will select one of you to accompany me on this journey." A look of surprise and joy momentarily covered the Pleiade's face, but they quickly recovered and ruled their expressions. "To select which of the two will be the one to accompany me, both will transform into one of the most common residents of this world." The maids were about to expose their inability to properly carry out the mission, Momonga continued speaking. "And before you object to the fact that your levels do not allow you to take any further form." The Overlord extended his hand and out of the void took out a bracelet. "This item is called [Hand of Gilfaethwe], broadly speaking, it is a bracelet that reinforces transformation skills, increases attack and decreases resistance to elemental damage, you will equip it to transform, the first will be Solution." Albedo took the bracelet offered by Momonga and making a small bow, went down the stairs to give it to the predator slime, like the supervisor, she made a small bow before receiving it and equipping it, once the Maid had the bracelet on, Momonga continued. "If I remember correctly, neither of you has seen any of the inhabitants of this world, right?" They both nodded respectfully in silence to confirm to their master that it was correct. "Then, you need to see someone to be able to transform correctly." Momonga waved his bony hands and summoned the [Remote Viewing Mirror], and directed his gaze towards a small island located to the south-west of the tomb. On the island closest to the Griffin territory was the historic city of Trottingham, the night was beginning to fall on the ponies that were strolling quietly, among those ponies was Fancy Pants, a unicorn that had the grace of a gentleman, its fur was of a white tone that contrasted very well with the blue color of his mane and eyes, he wore a white shirt with gold buttons, with a navy blue vest and a lilac bow, especially he wore a black long-tail coat and a monocle over his right eye that had a golden frame, and it was secured with a gold chain to the first visible button of his shirt, he wore a casanova mustache that was as well-groomed as his mane and tail, his cutie mark consisted of three small Amethyst-encrusted crowns. The unicorn that accompanied him, had a pearl white coat contrasted with a curly tail and mane of soft pink tips with pale pink strips, her eyes were purple and she wore an eyelid shadow that matched them, the cutie mark that adorned his flanks were three fleurs-de-lis, two in purple on the top and one in golden yellow between the two slightly below, it was his wife Fleur dis Lee. They had been taking a walk through the picturesque streets, enjoying the views afforded by the classic buildings of the city while shopping. "Mmmhaaa, you can always enjoy Trottingham, don't you think so dear?" -told the mare after a deep breath- "Certainly, its atmosphere is relaxing, pleasant enough after a busy business schedule in Canterlot." -answered the stallion- "Oh look, isn't that your favorite restaurant?" "You're right, it is." "I think it's a good time to have the afternoon aperitif, tell me, do you feel like it dear?" "Only if we accompany the tea with a dessert." "Of course darling, whatever you wish for is fine with me." They took a seat at one of the outside tables and a waiter approached to take their order, they enjoyed their snack calmly, without realizing that they were being observed. "Momonga-sama, I have to assume that I am going to take the form of the female, am I correct?" "That's how it is." Eeeee, I did not know that Solution could take a male form too! ...¿it's because being a slime make her, basically asexual?, well, although it is better that she take a female form, it would be very strange if two guys lived alone in a society with many more female than male, no, no, wait I'm digressing a lot… Mmh, what happens? ho, I think they are expecting something from me, what will it be? ...¡shit, right! "You can start Solution." The battle maid concentrated on the shape she wanted to take and the bracelet began to glow up stronger and stronger, then her body began to take a jelly-like consistency when the transfiguration began, she bent her knees and placed her hands on the ground, his proportions changed, his legs shortened, his neck was stretched and his face elongated slightly forming a snout, finally a tail sprouted just above where his hip had been in which he could see the lower corner of the mark on his flanks, during the process his combat suit adapted to his new form without problems, since they are enchanted items As a final result, a soft almond-colored earth pony, with a golden mane and tail ending in curls, gazed at him with eyes as blue as the sea on a calm day. "Well done Solution." "Thank you very much Momonga-sama." "It could help indeed, tell me, how are you feeling? Is there any discomfort?" "No one my lord, although it is surely due to the fact that I am a Slime, the changes in my center of gravity do not affect me." Well this should work, as long as the bracelet is not lost I think there will be no problems ... but what if something unexpected happens and she loses it? Will that cause a problem? Maybe it is best to find out right here and not by accident. "Well, now without returning to your original form, un-equip the bracelet." "Yes" Solution removed the bracelet with some difficulty, and when she took it off she immediately felt a jerk that made her lose balance and almost control of the transformation too, she bent her four limbs under her and her face almost hit the floor. "Nnnghh" "!Solution!" -Momonga yelled as he saw her collapse- "I'm fine Momonga-sama, don't worry about me." "What is happening to you?" "It seems my MP's are quickly being consumed by the transformation." -said Solution with a face of pain- "!Return to your original form immediately!" "Yes" What does this mean? Is it that how equipment works have also changed? If I remember correctly, it is assumed that by removing a piece of equipment its effects should simply dissipate, Solution should have simply returned to its original form, but instead, something completely different happened, which means that then I need to continue testing the items that are possible to verify if their operation has changed, aaaaah, damned inconsistencies, they just keep stacking and stacking. "¿How much your MP's were drained Solution?" -asked the supervisor of the guardians- "Yes, Albedo-sama, from the feeling of wear and tear I think approximately eighty percent of my total was consumed." Eeeh, so much?, well, to begin with, she doesn't have that many, ¡but it's still a lot for that short time!, hmm, I don't like the idea of ​​causing them pain but there is no other option, I must be fair. "Now it is Narberal's turn" -said Momonga- Solution nodded and passed the bracelet respectfully to the Doppelgänger, who received it with a small bow before equipping it. "So now Narberal will repeat Solution's actions, and for a good reference, Albedo." "Yes" "Keep track of the time after the bracelet is removed so that it is identical to the one that Solution lasted." "It will be done, Momonga-sama." "You can start Narberal Gamma" Again the bracelet shone and the body the Doppelgänger took the consistency of a flesh-colored paste, twisting while slowly taking the shape of a quadruped, at the end of the transformation, in the place that the pléyade had previously been occupying, now was a unicorn with a Pearl-colored fur, she had a mane tied in a black ponytail, under the edge of the skirt you could see the tip of a tail of the same color, as with the previous one, her clothes had also changed to fit At his new figure, his dark eyes looked up at the throne and she spoke. "With your permission, I will now proceed to remove the bracelet." Narberal squeezed his eyes together, preparing to receive the tug from his MPs, and removed the bracelet using his snout. And then... nothing happened, she did not feel pain or discomfort, when she opened her eyes she noticed that she had not returned to her original form, the supervisor and the Overlord had their gaze fixed on her with interest, while she tried to think what her master should do. "Narberal, do you feel a difference?" "No Momonga-sama, beyond the change in my center of gravity… and the... rearrangement of some parts I don't feel anything strange." -She said the second part with a slight pinkish tone on her cheeks- It could be that... no, that would be strange, right? although everything seems to indicate that it is so, truly a happy surprise! "Mmmh, apparently the bracelet has a race preference ... you will continue with that shape, if after 24 hours there have been no strange symptoms, you can return to your original shape, but if pain or discomfort occurs you should change and equally and report it. " "As Momonga-sama ordered." "Then with this, it is decided, who will accompany me will be Narberal Gamma." In addition, with this it will be possible for me to see if the NPC's can gain experience or level up. "The bracelet will become part of your regular equipment until you are instructed otherwise, and something else, after you return to your original form, un-equip the bracelet and try to resume the pony shape, you will repeat this action every time you stop the transformation or you are free of your activities, also, after having been out of Nazarick, you will test it again to see if you are able to obtain a new form with the experience of being in it." Narberal bowed slightly to indicate his understanding. "Well then now it's my turn." Suzuki Satoru rose from the throne and activated the [Loki's Ring] Here we go it's showtime, all or nothing! The Overlord was covered in a glow that spread from his hand to the rest of his body, and once completely covered he began to change shape, reducing his size to approximately just over half his original height. When the brightness faded, in the place of the Overlord was a pony with a robust and imposing appearance, despite being covered with the divine-class tunic, it could be assured that it was a unicorn by the shape that the hood had taken, it had His head lowered, so the shadow projected by it covered almost his entire face, his tunic reached the ground, and his hoofs were barely visible when he lifted one to examine it, the first thing those present noticed was that it wasn't a skeletal one, it had beautiful bone-colored fur. The three women present gulped, they would be the first to see their master's pony appearance, Albedo couldn't help the slight spasms of her wings with excitement, and then the transformed face was revealed. He had a strong and defined jaw, his eyes were as red as blood and his mane was a real purple color, seeing his eyes Albedo thought that he had transformed into a vampire, which drove a stake into his heart (figuratively) but the pain disappeared as soon as her lover smiled satisfied. ¡There are no fangs! So that means his eyes are just red, ¡he's not a vampire! "Excellent, apparently there has been no problem with the transformation." Hearing the transformed voice of her master Albedo finally came out of her ecstasy. "Excuse me Momonga-sama, you will personally do the test to remove the ring, if you will allow me to equip it for the test, or if you prefer, we could use a high-level undead as well." Momonga raised the hoof where the ring was previously. "That will not be necessary, unlike the bracelet, [Loki's ring] can only be unequipped in the original form, since when using the transformation the ring does merge with the body making them one and the same, with this is clear that the infiltration will not pose any problem." There was a slight feeling of tension on Suzuki Satoru's new face, which he paid no attention to, at least until he noticed the stares of his subordinates, then the realization fell on him like a bucket of ice water, and when he was about to break into a nervous mess, his emotional suppressor activated. "Mmmhm?…!" Shit, shit, shit, I forgot that I have transformed myself into something with meat on my bones, I was smiling without restraining myself! Shit ... (Suppressor), well now we just have to control the damage. "Hehem, well, now we just have to wait for the results delivered by the Narberal experiment and the information gathered by the explorers, as soon as we receive this information we will move, that's all for today." With these words, Momonga pony said goodbye and immediately teleported to his room. While in the throne room, Albedo, Solution, and Narberal all had faces of utter surprise, eyes wide and mouths ajar, it was the overseer who brought the others out of their trance. "!His smile!, Momonga-sama's evil and beautiful smile, Aaahaan∼❤, I can't believe it, ¡ I witnessed his beautiful smile! yeah! take that lamprey! hahahahahahahaha." "" A-Albedo-sama. "" "Mmh? Ha, right, you can retire again to your work;… ha, right, wait a moment Narberal, I want to talk something to you." In the room of the supreme ruler of Nazarick The night before almost made a disaster, so as soon as the Over-pony was transported to his room, he returned to his original form, to avoid more gaffes, he was rolling on his bed until he calmed down, today he was remembering all this while checking some reports superficially. ¿But how big of a stupid I was?, how I was able to completely forget about facial expressions, I hope that at least I didn't make a ridiculous face, well, at least it seems that my 'vacation' can go smoothly. Momonga wanted to keep going over things in his head, but a sound interrupted his train of thought, it was the sound of a [Message] trying to connect. *Piri piri piri pirip* "Momonga-sama?" "What's wrong, Demiurge?" "The scouts have brought in new information, do you want to take some time to receive the report?" "Umu, I am in the office of my room, I can receive you, at this moment I am not doing anything that requires my full attention." "Understood, I'll go right away." (end of Message) Well I'll worry about it later when I have some extra time to verify the range of expressions on my pony face, for now, we have to keep working. Momonga was sitting behind his desk, he was giving a quick read to some of the reports when someone called at the door, and Sebas went to answer. "Momonga-sama, is Demiurge-sama, pleading audience." "Show him in." Upon entering, Demiurge stood in front of the desk and bowed. "Raise your head, on your call you mentioned some recent discoveries, didn't you?" "You are correct Momonga-sama, first of all, we have already defined the level of the dragons on the southern island." "Ohooo, great, what is the result?" About 87% are minor dragons, their level varies between one and forty, 5% are mature dragons, they vary between level 42 and 50, the remaining 8% are ancient dragons of an approximate level between 50 and 57, and there are quite a few 'Dragon Lord' above level 65. " "I see then dragons are quite weak in this world, no ancestral dragons were located?" "I'm sorry my lord, but so far nothing superior to a lord has been found. "They will still serve as raw materials, continue." "Yes, Aura and Mare have found a wild forest, near the center of the continent of Equestria, the results of the samples obtained have provided substitutes for almost all the low and mid-range consumables, as well as unknown ingredients that are being investigated." This is great! So I no longer have to worry about running out of minor item stocks. "Tell Aura and Mare to keep an eye on that forest, you have to check how often and deeply the locals enter, you have to see if it is feasible to install a collection center." "How long should vigilance be maintained, Momonga-sama? Would one week be enough?" "No, they keep watch until further notice or a maximum period of one month." "I will deliver their orders to the twins, continuing through the same area, the explorers have verified a town that lies next to the said forest and it meets your requirements for infiltration, there is even a minor noble who lives in it, and as the icing on the cake, the guards are rare and low-level. " "As for sapient species that present usefulness, a race that calls itself 'Diamondogs' has been located, they are excavators of minerals, mainly gems" "Ohoo, that would be a good way to replenish the expenses of the Tomb." "It's like you say it, I'm glad I was able to serve you." "Is that all you have to report?" "No, there is something else, apparently in this world there is a race capable of shapeshifting, but it is something we are still investigating." "Is it Doppelgänger's?" "It looks like that is not the case, the description does not match, the same as the name, the race is called 'Changeling', it is a race that we have not yet located, but we have spies looking for information about it, that would be all in my report for now Momonga-sama. " "Tell me, the dogs, are they in Equestrian territory or outside of it?" "From the information, we obtained in this regard when questioning the prisoners on the subject, there are multiple packs, each one under the control of an Alpha, they live in groups of unknown numbers within burrows, there is at least one within Equestria, and the explorers have located another to the south, outside their borders. " "Do not lose sight of them, we must wait for the perfect opportunity to get hold of them, they will be useful in the future." Although I still don't know what plans I'm talking about, I wish the 'unfathomable ruler of the tomb' could share his great plans with me. "As ordered, then I will post units to guard the pack." "I count on you." "As for your intelligence gathering project, I have to assume that you plan to use the prisoners' items as funds, am I correct?" Ah ... indeed, I hadn't even thought about the money problem! I'm a fool!, it's good that I have someone like Demiurge close by. "Mhm, that's right, but we will also use part of the funds obtained from the dragon that was captured yesterday, we will use the most common currency of the obtained if I remember correctly it was one belonging to the minotaur nation after all a merchant who comes from abroad can't be poor right? " "I see, so that was it, so that's what it's about, I'll coordinate with Albedo and we'll make the necessary preparations." Hey, what are you talking about? "By the way, is the additional equipment I ordered prepared already?" "You mean the infinite bags turned into saddlebags?" Momonga nodded to indicate confirmation. "I have been informed that there have been some complications, but they will be ready by dawn tomorrow." "Has there been any progress with the spells imbued in the unicorn gadgets?" "Yes, everything seems to indicate that what they have are magic formulas and not spells, more similar to what an arithmancer does, as such, so it is enough to transfer MP to the object to make it work, almost all the formulas are in the pieces, however, the control ones are absent, the unicorns were directly gestating them, from this it can be defined that they were not sellers, but rather..." "Scammers" Momonga interrupted. Now I no longer feel so bad that they are with Neuronist or Demiurge. "That is correct Momonga-sama, also according to the data collected with the help of Narberal, apparently the most basic levels of unicorn magic work autonomously with the will of the user, in short, this magic is quite efficient, it is capable of achieving maximum output with a minimum contribution, according to the data collected, constant use of the basic levels generates a maximum expenditure of 7 MP's per day. " Oh that's good, if it works with the will of the user I will have no problem using the most basic levels. "So I want to request your authorization to obtain more samples and to be able to do joint experiments with the librarian, I want to see if it is possible to apply this efficiency to our system." "Hooo, you took the words out of my mouth." "Momonga-sama flatters me, but I'm sure you've already thought of something like that." No, not at all, I was just thinking that it would be very dangerous not to know more about the magic of this world. "Mmh, still, it's nice to know that you're in tune with my plans." "I am not deserving of such gracious words, I am just trying to be of use to Momonga-sama." "Well, if that's all, you can return to your duties" "Then with your permission." Great, it seems that tomorrow I will finally be able to finalize the necessary preparations for my 'vacation' and if nothing goes wrong I could even leave the same day. > Planning the Welcome Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last week had been quite hard for Twilight, not only because of the nervousness that the presence of the elite troops of the princesses caused in the town, they had unleashed a torrent of questions, a trend that fortunately had almost disappeared, no, what had made her week heavy, was that there were not any further news from the royal guard, plus the small pulses (which could not be called small, after all, if she could feel them so clearly, it was sure that the other princesses felt it too) of magic that had been going on in all directions since the fifth day after the original, and they had proven to be quite elusive and difficult to track, they lasted very little, so no location spell worked, all this added to the constant questions generated by the presence of the soldiers, was what had made it unbearable. * BRUUP *, in the distance the sound of Spike receiving a letter from the princess was heard, but the Alicorn was so focused on finding a way to reduce the time needed for detection that she did not hear him. "Twilight!" A small, plump-looking dragon, with lavender scales all over its back and greenish-yellow on its belly, with green eyes and spikes, ran into the room with a scroll in its claws, it was the assistant/son/brother of the princess of friendship, a baby dragon that she had hatched herself during her entrance exam to the 'School for Gifted Unicorns'. "Hmm? Ho no, I think that's not good news; what's up to Spike? did the princesses find anything?" "I don't know, the letter is marked urgent, it asks you to go to Canterlot along with the others as soon as possible." "I think two hours should be enough, could you go find Pinkie Pie and Rarity, tell them to meet me here in two hours, ready to go a day or two to Canterlot, while I'll go get Applejack Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash; if I'm not wrong, the next train leaves in three and a half hours, so that will be enough time. " They were both about to run away when a guard interrupted them. "I will notify your escort immediately, princess." Arrrgh not again! "Sigh… okay, have one of your stallions accompany Spike, and a personal escort will suffice for me, Captain Blaze." Upon receiving his orders, he directed one of the guards stationed at the door to accompany the dragon, then the captain took one of the guards patrolling the corridor to accompany him as an escort. Two hours later, all the elements of harmony were gathered in the map room, the last to arrive was the farmer, the element of honesty, an orange earthpony that wore her blonde mane and tail tied by a red band, and on her flank was a cutie mark composed of three apples, on his head she wore her inseparable Stetson, a hat that had been a gift from her late father and on her back she carried the saddlebags full and ready for the trip. "Welcome Applejack." Twilight greeted her. "Now that we are all here, we can begin, I am sure you have all noticed the presence of six platoons of soldiers in Ponyville." There was a round of affirmative sounds and nods. "Did you also notice that they are not wearing the uniform we normally see?" This time the only one who answered was Rarity, a pure white unicorn with well-groomed purple mane and tail, blue eyes, a refined voice, and her cutie mark was three diamonds, she was the owner of the Carrousel boutique and the element of generosity. "I noticed my dear, but isn't that just a new uniform design?" "No Rarity, their armor is different because they are not the royal guard, but rather the solar and lunar guards respectively, they are the elite personal guard of the princesses." Before this news, there were only faces of confusion in response, who broke the silence was the somewhat hoarse voice of the sky blue Pegasus, she had as a cutie mark of single tricolor lightning coming out of a cloud, her eyes were of light cherry color and her mane and tail wore the colors of the rainbow, it was Rainbow Dash, one of the fastest pegasi in Equestria and the element of loyalty. "I don't understand, why did they send so many soldiers? did they don't remember that we are here?" The polychromatic said with great confidence. "You are wrong, Dash, it is because we are here precisely, that they were sent." "Huu?" "The princess has requested our presence, that's why I wanted to tell you first why these guards are here, I'm not sure if any of you will have felt it, but about two weeks ago, there was a great magical eruption, mmm ... although such Maybe it would be better to call it gigantic, and even then I am not entirely sure that the scale is sufficient. "Sorry sweetheart, but I think a' don't follow y'a" -interrupted Applejack- "Ok, to put it more clearly mmm… do you remember that technique that you showed us a long time ago? the one with which you could harvest apples from more than one tree at the same time with a single buck?" "O' course a' do, but what does tha' have to do with it?" "Let's say, comparatively speaking, of course, that's the same range a normal magic eruption has, like when a newborn unicorn uses its magic by accident, it is normally stronger than the magic of an average adult unicorn, using that same scale; we could say that the size of the eruption of which I'm referring to, would be as if you could use that same technique on all the trees from here to Appleloosa and probably further. " Then, everyone was able to understand a little better the magnitude of the event in question, multiple sounds and exclamations of astonishment were heard. "Now that you mention it, dear, a couple of weeks ago I felt a horrible chill that woke me up at night, and I was shaking for several minutes, you are telling me that..." "Exactly Rarity, normally only Alicorns are capable of sensing these eruptions, but this one was so big and so fast that we couldn't even pinpoint which direction it came from." A delicate-voiced pegasus that had a pale yellow coat, raised its head, poking out one of its kind but terrified aqua-colored eyes from under her mane, which was a soft pink color like its tail, and reached up to the knees of its front legs, while its wings were pressed against its torso. "By 'we could', you mean someone else could feel it, other than you and Princess Celestia?" "Princess Luna could also feel it, I felt it while I was reading and broke in two the book that I was holding in my magic accidentally, also, I almost suffocated, I couldn't even breathe for almost a minute by the lingering feeling, as far as I know, even Cadence, in the crystal empire, must have been able of feeling it, we all feel the same, fear, no, terror, despair, whatever caused the eruption, it is something evil, beyond anything else that exists on record. They were all like hypnotized as they tried to digest this information. "Also" -continued Twilight- "since 9 to 10 days ago, smaller pulses have been presenting all around, although not as big as the original, they are still powerful, and although its signature is dark it is not as dark as the original, but they appear and disappear everywhere, so I have not been able to locate anyone specifically." Even Poniville's official party planner pony, the ever cheerful and hyperactive Pinkie Pie, an earthpony whose cutie mark consisted of three different colored balloons, with a coat of a shade of pink like cotton candy, was focused on the subject, her blue eyes did not reflect her usual playfulness and her fluffy mane of a slightly darker pink than her coat, just as his tail was slightly deflated. "So wha' do y'a think the princess 's calling us for?" "I'm not entirely sure Applejack, but she probably got new information or maybe she managed to locate some of the smaller magic pulses, let's just hope it's not something bad, now we have to hurry, the train will not take long to arrive at the station, are everypony all ready? " "Y-yes" -said Fluttershy, showing her saddlebags- "Of course dear," Rarity said, with at least fifteen suitcases behind her. "Yeperoni!" -Pinkie Pie said as she put on her saddlebags from which streamers hung- "O' course a' do!" -Applejack said, tapping the saddlebags on her flanks- "Arrgh!, let's go nooow!" -Said Rainbow, who was already in the air- "We're ready" -said Spike, who was carrying Twilight's saddlebags in his claws- "Well then, let's go; Captain Steel Wing, have you finished your preparations?" Twilight asked the Soldier who was guarding the wall behind her. "Indeed, your highness, the four platoons are ready and waiting at the station, except for the two squadrons that will serve as the main escort." "Then let's go, Princess Celestia is waiting for us." The captain gave a salute and walked out behind the mares, leaving the castle, at the entrance were the platoons that would escort them all the way, for almost all of them it was strange and uncomfortable to be escorted to Canterlot, only Pinkie and Rarity were not being bothered by them in the least, the first maintained his jovial and bubbly attitude, the second enjoyed the escort and the glances she attracted as they passed, it goes without saying that as always she abused the lovely Spike, treating him like a pack donkey, to not carry a single suitcase herself... as always. The whole process passed without any problem, except for the curious glances and the occasional whisper; upon reaching the castle and entering the throne room, the view that received them was not entirely welcoming, the princesses had canceled the royal court for the day, in the throne room there were no subjects of Equestria, there were only representatives of the races most sensitive to magic; In addition to Luna and Celestia, they were: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the princess of love and ruler of the crystal empire, as well as Twilight's ex-nanny and sister-in-law, an Alicorn with soft pink fur, with a tricolor mane and tail of purple, magenta, and soft yellow, kind violet eyes that were happy to see them, were directed to them, in their wings, they had mixed pink and violet feathers that gave them a lilac gradient appearance, their cutie mark was a crystal heart with two garlands springs to the sides. King Thorax, a reformed Changeling that was covered of mostly light and dark green tones Chitin, with membranous, slightly purple wings and tail, the former protected by a carapace of a wine color, like that of beetles, his eyes of a solid purple color looked at them, on his neck were three shiny rhomboids that looked more like a diamond necklace, crowning his head were a pair of antlers that looked more like the pincers of an ant with a bright orange color and in the center of its forehead a slightly curved horn, with a small bifurcation at the tip. King Aspen, a white Deer that had an elongated soft caramel color spot that covered from its tail to his forehead, where it ended in the shape of a heart, he has antlers in which wore gold ornaments with encrusted gems at the base of these, his mint green eyes stared at them, his hooves were covered in a kind of guard of golden scales that reached halfway down his legs, and he had the tips of the ears and tail had a spot of black color. An Abyssinian delegate, it was an upright feline with most of its fur in black color except for the belly, the tip of the tail, and the ears, these were white, it had on its shoulders a kind of ornate cape with threads of gold and a silver garland on his head, a symbol of an emissary from his country, his yellow eyes with vertical pupils looked at them attentively. A delegate from Zebrica, with the typical hooves and the color pattern of her race, her sharp green eyes looked at him as if they were being measured, her mohawk barely exceeded the height of her ears, and her tail was clipped to half height. , the figure on her flanks was more like a mask, she wore loose earrings and necklaces made of gold and a half poncho on her shoulders in bright colors with embroidered figures. In the closest place to the princesses, was the Dragon Lord Ember, a dragon with diamond-like blue scales, her belly was covered by turquoise scales, her spikes and the fin of her tail were an indigo color, the inner part of its wings was cobalt color, its deep red eyes, framed by its elongated snout and the downward and forward-curved horns that emerged from the sides of its head, looked at them with determination. The M6 approached the throne and prostrated themselves. "Please Twilight, get up, did I need to remind you that neither you nor the elements need to bow before me, you are a princess of Equestria, and the others are the protectors of it, they are also your council, if I remember correctly your castle has a throne to each one isn't it? " -Asked Celestia kindly- "We all know it Princess Celestia, but we still do not feel comfortable if we do not do it, tell me, has something happened? The letter only said that it was an urgent meeting and that our presence was necessary." Princess Luna took the floor. "As you can see fair Twilight, representatives of both allied and neutral nations have gathered; those present here felt the magical eruption just like us, and came to express their doubts as they considered us the aptest to answer them." "I didn't know that dragons were capable of sensing magic." -commented Twilight surprised- "They are not, Twilight, the presence of the Dragon Lord Ember was what made me call you, the others have already been here for a couple of days." -Celestia replied- "We were stuck, and the arrival of the dragon lord Ember sank us even more, we need to know what you found, let's all go to the meeting room to take a seat and talk about it." -Suggested the monarch of the sun- Once everyone was seated in the meeting room, the servants served snacks and drinks for everyone present and after they left, Celestia resumed the conversation again. "Tell me Twilight, are the elements aware of the situation?" "That's right princess, I informed them of everything that happened before leaving for Canterlot." "So, could you please report what you've been doing or discovered?" "With pleasure, a little bit more than two weeks ago, a gigantic magical pulse of unknown origin was felt around all Equestria, I have searched at depth in the Canterlot archive, even the cristal empire one, but I was unable to find anything that gives even a silver of information about it, or any similar occurrence recorded in the past, after six to eight days of the original eruption, a series of smaller pulses started to appear everywhere, even if these smaller ones are on a lesser scale, they are still pretty powerful, they don look to have any kind of order, they are random and short-lasting, I have tried to pinpoint a location for anyone without luck, only getting vague directions, even with my best tracking spells, regrettably due to its short duration I have been awfully unable to triangulate any of them, so have been searching for ways to shorten the needed time to fully cast the spells, but I have not got any success until now." "I see, so that's what it was about, apparently because you are the element of magic, you have a greater sensitivity to pulses, we had been feeling some discomfort from time to time but we had not been able to identify the reason." "There is something else until now the pulses were daily, they varied in quantity and frequency, but they did not fail, however, three days ago they stopped completely." "Tell me fair Twilight, were you able to gather some information from the pulses?" -Asked Luna- "I only managed to get the general locations, and sometimes not even that." "Sister, are you suggesting that these pulses may be connected to the emissaries' visiting motives?" "What has happened?" -inquired curiously the youngest alicorn- "You see Twilight, the representatives are not here for a mere diplomatic visit, in all their nations there have been disappearances that have not left any trace, and in those that have remained something, it's not entirely convincing, in almost all cases the abducted has been just a problematic individual, scammers, assailants or potential dangers, of all representatives, only King Thorax has not suffered disappearances, but they have felt a drastic change around him, as if they were being watched, so they stopped moving in small groups or alone, he thinks that is why they have not suffered disappearances yet. " The one who spoke next was Cadence. "Twilight, the representatives came to ask if we knew anything about it, we were trying to reach a defensive agreement between realms, at least until Ember arrived, that's when we decided to call you." "Don't tell me, dragons have disappeared too!" "Exactly" -answered the dragoness- "That is the reason for my visit, to tell the truth, it had not caught our attention, young dragons are often lost, when exaggerating with something, but when an adult dragon disappeared from its cave along with everything it had accumulated, then we realized that it was not normal. " Twilight, who was able to feel the original pulse, didn't have such a big reaction, however, the others couldn't contain their surprise. ""WHAT? "" (Dash and AJ) "That's impossible!" (Spike) "How can that be possible? (Rarity) "Prrfffftt What ?!" (Pinkie was in the middle of drinking a glass of water for some reason, even though tea was poured into all the cups) "I-i-is there s-s-something more s-s-scary than a-a d-dragon?" (Fluttershy) Ember, who was bathed by Pinkie spit take, continued. "Yes... (shakes the wing with which she protected herself) but when I arrived, found the meeting, while we were waiting for you, Princess Celestia brought me up to date with what was happening everywhere." Ho no, it can't be, I hope I'm wrong. After hearing everything Ember had to say, Twilight became tense, nervous, and lost some color in her face, hastily pulling from her tight saddlebags the data she had managed to gather from the pulses so far, the more information she reviewed, the more agitated she turned, a trend that continued until Celestia became aware of her condition and interrupted it. "Twilight, you look bad, is something wrong?" -she asked with concern- When Twilight was pulled out of the vicious circle she had fallen into and seeing everyone's concerned looks on her, she used the breathing technique that Cadence had taught her, to try to calm down. Hoof to the chest, deep breath, hoof out and exhale... She mentally repeated the instructions with each repetition, when she could finally calm down enough, began to explain. "When the original eruption happened, chilled us to the bone, about 9 or 10 days ago, the smaller pulses began, although they can only be named as such when comparing them with the original since they were of pretty short duration, and inconsistent in the frequency of appearance as well, so I only got general directions, and all these small pulses stopped completely 3 days ago; adding to the mix the disappearances all of you talk about, I think I have already got some idea of what ​​are the smaller pulses, and I have bad news to give you. " There were expressions of worry from the representatives and Luna, but Celestia, Cadence, and the M6s were not accompanying them, the first ones, because they knew Twilight well, they knew her worried face well an there was something important to hear, and her friends, because they had already heard the full story and theories when they were with her on the train before. "The first thing," -continued the youngest of the princesses- "is that with the information that I had obtained and the one that you have just contributed, I concluded that the smallest pulses are probably some type of teleportation spell, now I think that the appearance of these is not something so random As I thought at the beginning, you guys have come to talk about a few disappearances, and the evil pulse from two weeks ago, however, I think there are even more disappearances than anypony think, I recorded hundreds of pulses, in all directions, including some within the borders of those that we do not have diplomatic contact or are not present." The princess of friendship turned her gaze on all the visitors, observing their reactions as they began to assimilate the new information, finally fixed her gaze on the other princesses and dropped the bomb. "The second, is that one of two things have happened three days ago, the origin of these pulses has reached its objective or somehow it has sensed my attempts to pinpoint their location and it has a way to conceal them now, no matter what has happened, it's obvious that whatever it is, it is something very dangerous, and greater danger than any nation can handle by itself; this brings my third point, princess Celestia, Princess Luna, if you will allow me, I have a proposal for everyone." "We hear you Twilight" -The sisters answered in unison- "I propose to inform the other allied and neutral nations, sending them a letter that invites them to a meeting disguised as a public event to justify a great movement, not only of personnel from each nation, but also of soldiers for their security, I was planning my first festival as Princess of Equestria prior to these events, but I suppose I wouldn't mind using it as a cover for this reunion." -she let out a sigh- "What I am proposing, specifically, is to launch invitations to all allied and neutral nations to participate in the festival of friendship." The Diarchs spoke. "That's a good idea Twilight" "It is indeed a wonderful idea, my dear Twilight, but since we are not the only ones affected, let us listen to the opinions of those present on the matter, King Thorax?" "Oh, hehe, heermn, if it does seem like a great idea to me, in the case of something or someone capable of taking an adult dragon away without making a fuss appears, it is definitely, not something that someone wanted to face alone, we will attend." "King Aspen?" -Asked Luna- "No deer had ever been lost in the forest before, those who were lost were veteran guards, there is simply no way they were eaten by anything in the Everfree forest, you can be sure that I will be there Princess Twilight." "Emissary Meiyer?" -Asked Celestia- "Prrr, I cannot affirm for my nation, but I am sure there will be no opposition once I report what happened, however, I would appreciate a written letter." "Emissary Sebara?" -Asked Luna- "For all the tribes I can not speak, but I'm sure that a letter will do the trick, this way I can show, that my words are not to be thrown, It is problematic on my own to be, but with that, I can assure affirmative the answer will be." "Dragon Lord Ember?" -Asked Celestia- "Although I completely agree, because of the size of mine subjects, I can only bring a small group, I will bring with me those who have the best disposition, even if I have to force them to have it." "It is decided then." -Continuous Celestia- "I will be in charge of creating the discreet letter for the negotiations and updating, Princess Twilight will be in charge of extending the invitation to the coverage event." The monarch of the sun fixed her gaze on the element of magic. "Tell me how long do you estimate it will take to organize your event?" "Mmmmh... I think three months should be enough to get everything ready, so that nothing is overlooked, and if I can count on the help of the girls, I will be able to get everything ready without any setbacks!" "Excellent, so in three months the event will be sponsored in Ponyville-" "Excuse me sister, but given the number of individuals expected, wouldn't it be better to host it in Canterlot?" -Luna interrupted her- "What's your opinion Twilight?" "Princess Luna is right, the event was not originally intended for so many nations, so I think it would be best to change the location if you agree." "Of course, that will not be a problem, then the meeting will be held under the umbrella of the festival in three months in Canterlot, I suggest to our allies that, during that time, they also work on a self-defense plan that does not affect joint defense; it would be unwise for someone to be left unprotected while we try to coordinate efforts." There were affirmative answers, letters were delivered, cordial words were exchanged and they said goodbye to take their way home, the only ones to stay were the M6 ​​and Spike, to begin planning the event. "As always it's nice to see you Twili, regardless of the circumstances, since I don't have much to do with planning the event, I'll go with Shiny to tell him about the plans and see what we can come up with with the crystal guard to support you." "Thank you very much Cadence, tell me, will you leave immediately?" "No, we have plans to be in Canterlot until tomorrow." "Good! Because I wish I could spend some time with you." "Of course, it would be a pleasure, we plan to have dinner at your parents' house, if you are free by then, we can have dinner together." "I'll be there! With that, Cadence hugged Twilight and said goodbye. "I also must take my leave Twilight, I have to rest a little before starting with my work and duties." -Luna said goodbye politely- "Okay princess Luna, see you later, well then let's start planning, princess, what do you think is the best location for the event?" "Hmm, given the number of visitors expected, I think it would be best to do it in the courtyard of the castle, so you can also avoid attracting attention when the emissaries or rulers go to the castle for the meeting." "Okay then we will plan for that location, Pinkie Pie, do you think you can take care of the patio decoration and all the necessary arrangements for the entertainment?" "Oki doki loki! It will literally, be the biggest party I've ever planned!" "Rarity, could you contact some celebrities and invite them to participate in the event? we will offer them compensation for their participation, of course." "I'm not sure how many I'll be able to get, but I'm sure Sapphire Shores won't refuse." "The invitation has also been extended to artists that other nations wish to bring, indications were sent to confirm how many and names no later than a month, do you think it will be enough time to organize them?" "That will be perfect, how wonderful, I will be able to meet artists from other countries!" -exclaimed with stars in her eyes the fashionist- "Applejack, do you think you can take care of organizing the food stands?" "It will be m'a pleasure, sugar cube, leave it in m'a hooves." "As with the artists, the invitation to local meals has also been extended, you will have the same room to organize as Rarity." "I'll do m'a best, don't worry." "Fluttershy" "Meep"… * Squeee * (embarrassed smile) "Don't worry, what I was going to ask you was if you could organize some kind of nursery for pets in the castle gardens, tell me, can you?" "Ooh yeah sure, it won't be a problem." "Lastly, Rainbow Dash, you will be in charge of coordinating the weather team, I want you to have a perfect sunny day." "Leave everything in my hooves, I'll take care of it, no problem." Lastly, all of you remember, if you are overwhelmed don't try to do it all alone, ask for help." "Very well, now, I am sure that all of you must be tired from the trip and the meeting, I had previously ordered that rooms be prepared for all of you to rest, if you wish to retire and rest, the servants will take you to your rooms." -offered the monarch of the sun- When they said goodbye and began to leave Celestia called her former student. "Twilight, can you wait a moment." The princess of friendship said goodbye to the rest of the M6s promising to reach them in a moment. "What's it princess, is something wrong?" -she asked when he saw her worried face- "Tell me have you seen Discord recently?" It was something that hadn't even crossed her mind. Discord? Discord! how is it that it hasn't crossed my mind!, he is more sensitive to magic than we are! He might have more information about it, how could I have overlooked it! "To tell the truth, I had not remembered him, if we called him, surely he must have more information than we do about the location or origin of the eruption!" "Indeed, something similar had occurred to me before, but he simply did not respond to my call, that is why I asked you if you had contacted him by chance, I am worried that he will be convinced to betray us again." "I doubt that is possible, he learned his lesson about falling into temptation well last time, I don't think is possible that something happened to him, but I will talk to Fluttershy anyway, maybe she knows something about him, knowing him, I'm sure he is watching us while eating popcorn or something like that. " "Hopefully you are correct." Four days before in the Nazarick throne room, the guardians had gathered to listen to the words of their master and report the most important news. I have to work hard so that my 'vacation' is not spoiled. "Okay, now, let's start with the reports, Albedo." "Yes, Momonga-sama, the ships that patrol our shores, have not reported any news, the [Pirate Gosht Ship], have reported the presence of some escorted transport ships, apparently they are heading towards Equestria, so far, they only have found two, one controlled by a bipedal feline race in the eastern sea, crossing between our peninsula and the island of dragons, and one controlled by zebras in the south-west sea, judging by the small size of the escort, it seems to be some kind of emissaries and not rulers, they will arrive on the continent approximately within the next 24 hours, assuming they maintain their speed. " "Hoo, interesting is sooner than I expected." Emissaries, why? what happened? *ghasph* don't tell me they had already discovered us and are planning something! ( ES) nonono, don't, calm down, it must be something else, we have been careful, aarrgggh, but- When he was about to continue falling deeper into this spiral of worry, Demiurge's face and exclamation of surprise interrupted him. "Sugoi Momonga-sama!" (Had to put at least one xd) "Mmmhm, what's wrong Demiurge?" "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you in any way!" "Albedo, is there anything else in your report?" "No Momonga-sama, that was it." "As you can see, you haven't truly interrupted anything, since you're next." "My sincerest apologies for causing you inconvenience, but I just couldn't contain my joy when I managed to catch a glimpse of your great intellect." Hey, what are you talking about? I just thought it would look awkward just nodding! "I'm sure you knew beforehand, but according to recent data, my report is connected to that of the guardian supervisor." "Still, I want to hear your thoughts, start with your report." "Yes, Momonga-sama! Even though you had already foreseen it, I am ashamed to say that I overlooked the fact that it was possible to discern our location somehow." At this comment, all the guardians tensed and turned their gaze to the arch-demon. "The explorers stationed in the town that you are going to visit, report that some inherently magical creatures of this world, are capable of sensing the use of powerful magic, according to their report, the minor noble, and probably other Alicorns, have been able to feel our arrival in this world, and the use of the portals, she has been trying to track the opening of these, but thanks to its inefficient methods, it has only been able to gather generalities, due to this I thought about proposing the use of blockers of high-level magical perception, but I'm sure that was already among the orders you were about to deliver, wasn't it? " "Your guess is correct Demiurge." Noooo, it hadn't even occurred to me!, please don't look at me like that, aaaha, if Punito moe-san was here he would have gotten mad at me for forgetting something so basic. "Since it has been proven that some can track our magic, from this moment on, any operative with a level higher than 75 that comes out of the tomb, must be equipped with anti-magic detection items, you still have more to report, right?" "Yes, reports have come from the explorers deployed to the south in the lands beyond the sea, they report that there is a militarized kingdom in these lands, it seems to be expanding by conquest in a relatively constant way, judging by the speed of expansion is He will probably try to attack Equestria in about three months, apparently he has in his possession an item capable of stealing the magic of the princesses, unfortunately, the spies have not been able to find how he will do it or what the item is, the leader keeps his mouth shut about." Too bad, this means that my vacations are not going to last or rather they are over before they start!, but I can't ignore it, such an item could be dangerous, well then. "We cannot ignore an item with those capabilities, order the spies keep us aware of all their movements, and that they find out as much as possible without revealing themselves, they cannot reveal themselves to anyone, facing the unknown without any preparation is the fool's way. " "I see, so that's your plan, it's splendid!" Ho no, now that was what you read between the lines. "I will do my best to follow your wishes and fulfill your expectations, Momonga-sama!" "Mmhm, I'm counting on you." Argh, I hope this doesn't come back to bite my skeletal butt! "Mare" "Y-yes, Momonga-sama." "How are the experiments with the materials obtained?" The dark elf was ashamed to have been startled when the word was addressed, and this was reflected in his flushed cheeks. "W-with the samples obtained, replacements have been achieved f-for all the potions and scrolls of minor tier, at the moment, Titus is doing experiments to see if something can replace the ingredients of the mid-range consumables, t-the samples more p-promising are those that have been collected in the forest in the center of the continent, the properties of unknown samples are also being tested, th-that s-it would be all in m-my report. " "Aura, has there been any news in the forest?" "Yes, Momonga-sama, I have found on the eastern side of the forest, near some ruins, a natural city with a druid appearance, inhabited by what appear to be deer, I caught some soldiers who engaged in combat with a beast that I was about to overcome them, while one was fighting them, others were surrounding them, also, almost in the northern part I managed to locate what seem to be the ruins of the previous castle of the rulers of Equestria, judging by the signs it does not seem to be completely abandoned, there are traces weeks to months apart, there are plenty of books inside, but I don't touch anything until I asked your opinion first. " "Well done Aura, your behavior was correct, we need information, so the books should be a good source of it, mmm ... talk to Titus, tell him to assign half of his direct minions to go with you to these ruins, they must make an inventory of the books as well as a copy of them, the copy is the priority, the translation can be done later calmly when we have them here, remember the priority is not to be seen if any presence approaches them they will have to withdraw immediately." "It will be done as you say Momonga-sama, also in the ravine next to the castle, in a cave almost in the depths, next to the river that runs through the forest, there is what seems to be a kind of crystal tree, it radiates a kind of AoE similar to the sacred element, although its range is not much it seems to be bad for creatures of the evil inclination. " "That's interesting, the castle books probably have some information on it." "That would be all in my report Momonga-sama." "Mmhm, Cocytus." "Ha, there has been. No new. Attempt. At. Meddling, the. Captured. Creature. Has. Not. Regained. Consciousness, it appears. that Received. More damage. Than. Anticipated, its. Nature. Has not. allowed. normal. healing. spells. so. we. can. only. wait. for. it. to. heal. itself, currently. he. is. in a. containment. cell. on. the. fifth. floor." "Excellent, whatever information is obtained about him, I want it to be communicated to me immediately." "So. It will be done. Momonga-sama." "Lastly, Shalltear." To say that the guardian of the first three floors was nervous and worried would be wrong, she was practically shaking with fear and shock, it all started right after hearing Demiurge's report, and the push that sent her to despair was to remember the Cocytus's combat, that's why as soon as his master spoke to her, she practically shattered like glass. "I'm so sorry Momonga-sama!" Eeeeeeehh "My failure is without excuse! I must have realized that the portals I opened were being tracked, I beg you to punish this incompetent doe! If you don't want to get your hands dirty with my useless per-" "Silence Shalltear!" -Commanded with a loud and firm voice, the Overlord, stood up and hit the butt of the staff on the ground. Aaaha, that's overdoing it with dedication, isn't it? Shalltear trembled, even more, thinking she had caused her master even more annoyance. Nooooo, but what did I just do! What if he thinks I'm too inept and discards me? ho no! Worse yet, if he decides because of me that we are not worth it and decides to abandon us? wild no be able to live with that even for a minute! But the words she heard, were not at all what she expected. "I never want to hear you talk about yourself like that again!" He separated his sight from Shalltear who was on her knees and with her head on the ground, to sweep her gaze from the rest of the guardians. "The same goes for everyone, none of you are useless!, you are all the wonderful creations of my friends, you are the testimony of the power of Ainz Ooal Gown!, you are not something useless or disposable." He returned his gaze to the kneeling figure and continued speaking. "Raise your head." The image he received was so unexpected, that his surprise activated his inhibitor several times, Shalltear, the true vampire, cursed knight, had the face of a girl who had never been scolded by her parents when she received the first call of attention, the eyes with waterfalls of tears, mouth agape, undecided whether to pout or speak, nose running, and all while having little spasms, then Momonga decided to use the outlet that Demiurge had created for him. "Shalltear, up to this moment you have not fallen in fault, it is the result of my plans, in other words, it is a result not only expected, but also desired, on the contrary, I apologize for the fact that you suppose you have failed, now listen to me well my guardians, even when failure is not desirable, this is not a shame when everything possible has been done to avoid it! but not learning anything from it and making the same mistakes it is a shame! " Woooh, that turned out great, I have to keep reading more of those books on how to manage staff as I have been doing until now at night, I think I should also start reading management books. Albedo interrupted the Overlord's internal monologue with her devotion. "We will engrave your words in our hearts and strive to death to fulfill your will Momonga-sama, this I swear!" The rest of the guards followed the example of the supervisor and while they were all on their knees they said in chorus: "" "" This I swear! "" "" Well, I think this has already been resolved, now I only have to think about how I am going to stay afloat in the town, I can't just have money for everything, that would be very suspicious, I have it!, a variety store would be a good idea, I think there was another in town if I remember correctly it was mentioned in one of the reports, bargain-something, but considering the quality of what you get with the creation scrolls there should be no problem in terms of competitiveness. "Your determination is pleasing to me, now let's move on to the next topic." Momonga said as he seated again. "Tomorrow we will use [Gate] to appear in a corner out of reach of curious eyes in the city of Manehattan, there we will look for where to sell or pawn what the prisoners were carrying, even though we already know that our Yggdrasil gold coins are worth twice as much as their counterparts in this world according to the [Exchange box] we will not use them, that would be simply shouting from the rooftops that we are not from this world, we only need to check the real monetary value of the samples we obtained, that is our main objective in the city. " Apart from getting rid of that garbage "After which we will take the train to Poniville, upon arrival, we will go to the mayor's office to buy a piece of land near the Everfree forest, and a place in the center of town, to establish the cover of our future income, this is a peaceful society, a place like this, we will dominate it with business easily." Of course, if the southern kingdom decides to attack Equestria, we will not waste the opportunity to offer assistance and build good relations. "Fufufu, of course, that we won't forget the south either, fufufu." Upon hearing the laughter of their master, the servants present could only reflect it, if Momonga had paid attention, he would have realized that of those smiles two were especially malicious, the owners of these were happy because they believed they had understood part of the secret plan hinted at by his master, a plan of which said 'master' was not even aware. > Meeting the Neighbors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day before Celestia's summons It was a lively and pleasant day in Ponyville, in short, it was not Thursday. While everything seemed normal, just over half an hour away, traveling by train, something that was anything but normal was approaching, traveling in a VIP cabin, they were in their pony version Narberal Gamma of the Pleiades and the supreme ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick, Momonga, the latter was reviewing for the last time the details of the mission with his subordinate. "Remember it well, at this moment you are not Narberal Gamma, you are Nabel Spark, a unicorn with a talent for electric magic, I am Momon Shade, a unicorn with a talent for design and business, not your master." "As you order Momonga-sama." "Momon, and without honorifics, they are not used here!" "I'm very sorry Momon-sama, but I could never dare to be so disrespectful to a supreme being." -Said the combat maid with her head lowered and with conviction- Aaaha, this is wrong, even the Pleiades are the same, I feel bad doing this to one of the NPCs created by my friends, but if I don't do it, all Demiurge's plans and my 'vacations' may be ruined. Suzuki Satoru, made his decision, he had to do what was necessary and that later he would more than reward his subordinate, he took a deep breath before speaking again, and to denote the seriousness of his argument, he released his [Aura of despair: Level 1 fear], and with all the seriousness he could muster, he spoke in a slightly low voice, slowly and calmly. (According to him Xd) "Narberal Gamma, are you telling me that you intend to ignore my directions?" At this moment, her eyes widened and she froze. "Are you telling me that you intend to ruin my plans on purpose?" Everything fell into place inside Narberal's head, she got up from the seat and threw herself to the floor with all her legs bent under her, almost crashing her snout against the floor. "I'm so sorry Momonga-sama!" -The maid yelled at the top of her lungs- Eeeeee!, luckily I applied anti-spy spells in the cabin previously, I did not expect a reaction like this! By the surprise, Momonga even completely suppressed his fear aura unconsciously. "I am very sorry to have given you such an image of disloyalty, let me pay for my sins with my death!" Narberal took out a dagger from his inventory and was about to split his neck open, and just as the point was about to graze his fur. "Enough, Narberal Gamma!" Whew, thank goodness, I barely managed to react in time. The pleiad withdrew the dagger from her neck and lowered it to the ground, the tip was just about to touch her skin under her fur, it goes without saying that she was very worried; he had not allowed her to commit suicide. Could it be that my master wishes to punish me differently? no, that's the safest thing to do. -she thought disconsolately- 'After all, a quick death could not pay for my sin, I have shown disloyalty.' -she thought as tears began to appear on the edges of her eyes- but the next words from his master were something she would never have expected, at least after what she had done. "I am not accusing you of being at fault, I was only showing you the error in your reasoning." "Please, I am not deserving of such kind words, I am very grateful for the infinite compassion that you have shown to this fool, and I am sorry that in the first instance I disrespected you in that way Momon-ss ..." Aaaha, still wasn't it enough to convince her completely?, just how jealous of duty did you make her Nishikienrai-san? -Momonga thought with some regret and stress- "Well if it is still very difficult for you, I allow you to use a double 'S', instead of the 'sama'" that way, at least, it will seem that she does it out of affection or as a slip. "I am infinitely grateful for your kindness Momon-ss!" "It doesn't matter, now make yourself presentable, we'll be there soon... ah, right, remember to suppress your thirst for blood too, I don't want another incident like the one in Manehattan." * FLSHBACK * Momon and Naberal were walking down the street after having made their first stopover. Mhm, in short, it was a very good idea to make the change first!, even though we already knew that every two Equestria coins had a value comparable to that of one Yggdrasil, just like the Minos coins, thanks to the [Exchange box ], knowing that the intrinsic value was even higher was a great bonus, thanks to that I now have triple the funds! "Whoa, whoa, hello precious, you are the most beautiful mare I've ever seen." They both stopped in their tracks, a simple-looking unicorn, with a short blond mane and blue-gray fur, which seemed to be under the influence of a few too many glasses, spoke to them suddenly, fortunately, Narberal simply did ignore him... at least until he blurted out the next sentence. "How about you put that loser aside and we go have fun for a bit huh?" Just at that moment, the mare turned to look at him coldly and suddenly the world had frozen for the stallion, he was shivering, sweating cold, and the bottle that he had been holding in his magic shattered on the ground without him reacting about it, the mare took a step towards him with a murderous look, he wanted to run away but his legs did not move a millimeter more than to tremble, when he felt that he was about to die of fear, everything stopped. With a stallion's hoof on the mare's shoulder, the sensation stopped abruptly, allowing the drunkard to release the breath he hadn't realized he was holding and then passed out. "It is enough, Nabel, it is better if we attract as little attention as possible" - Momon said in a low voice to the Pleiade- And with that, they turned and left. * END OF FLASHBACK * Poor stallion, I think that in addition to shit himself he gained some gray hair at that very moment. "No matter how annoying they are, as long as they do not attack you or me physically, you are not allowed to attack anyone, nor do you direct your bloodlust on anyone." I do not want to scare another attempt of a lover for life in a society that already has few males per se. "As Momon-ss ordered." "Mmh? what's going on outside, there's a lot of movement." Roused by the sound of hooves on wood, Momonga got up and opened the door a little to look into the corridor, he could see multiple mares and stallions with faces of shame or completely flushed and covering their flanks with coats or other things, then an unmistakable aroma came to him. …Oh, shit, I forgot that the [Aura of Despair], is one of my AoEs that I can't control its scope, to all of you, I sincerely apologize! He discreetly bowed his head once and returned to his seat. "It's nothing, they just got up to the bathroom." I need to be more careful when using AoE from now on. Little more than 30 minutes later, they finally arrived at the Ponyville station, where they did not attract much attention, mainly because there was almost no one waiting for the train when they left the station and walked towards the town hall, then, the story was different; foals and stallions felt envy and jealousy of Momonga when they saw Naberal by their side, mares and fillies were not able to take their eyes off the stallion that accompanied the one who, surely, was a model. This is not right, we are attracting a lot of attention. "Nabel, let's hurry up, we have to start the process at the mayor's office today, we'll take care of the lodging later." "Yes, Momon-ss." Kyyyyyaaaaaaaa, it's too embarrassing to speak so casually to the supreme ruler of Nazarick!, but it can't be helped, if I don't I will be the cause of failure, I just hope that when I return, Albedo-sama doesn't torture me too much. The rest of the walk passed without problems beyond the attention received, when they reached the mayor's office, they went to what seemed to be the receptionist, she was very focused on the paperwork that she had in her hoofs, so she did not notice the newcomers, despite being a earthpony, she was doing her best at her job, and after a quiet afternoon, the last thing she expected was something new, after all, it was almost nightfall, so that's why she almost fell from her chair when an unfamiliar voice suddenly speaks to him. "Good afternoon miss, is the mayor available?" After regaining his balance, she looked with embarrassment in the direction of the visitors, when his gaze fell on the stallion that had just spoken, all his thoughts made an emergency stop. Warning, 'INKIE.EXE' has stopped working, trying to restart the service, wait a moment (hehe, I couldn't skip this joke.) Before her, was the most handsome stallion she had ever seen, for her work, she once had the opportunity to see Prince Blueblood up close, but the specimen in front of her made him look like a rag, he was taller than Bigmac, that It was a fact, he was muscular, but not shockingly like Bulk biceps, he had good proportions, his mane was silky and slightly long, a royal purple color, a little lighter than Rarity's, but before she could stay lost In her thoughts, the pen she had been holding in his half-open mouth broke free from its bonds, landing pint first on the back of his left hoof, imparting the pain that freed his mind from the trance. "Eeeep!, Ouch!, ehehehe, sorry, it seems that I was distracted for a moment, umm… ah, yes! The mayor is at this moment, this… could you tell me what is the procedure you want to do?" I don't understand what happened, way she kept looking at me that way, could she suspect something? Nonono, that's impossible, even though this world is inherently magical, that can't happen. "I want to buy a piece of land to install a workshop, and a place near the town center to sell my finished products, miss...?" "Ah, but where are my manners! I apologize, my name is Inkie Form, nice to meet a hunk- I mean! to meet you! sir...?" "Momon, Momon Shade, and this is my cousin Nabel Spark" YAAYYY!, so that is not his special somepony or wife! neat!, I'm so lucky! I wonder if he has already a special somepony?-Inkie wondered- "Well, as for a place near the center, there is a medium-sized one of approximately 180 square meters, it is located near Sugar Cube Corner, the cake shop, it consists of a front of 12 by 8 meters as sales floor and a back room of 7 meters, it is of two floors and includes two bathrooms in each one. " The secretary handed him two sheets that she had been looking for while she was speaking, she had taken them out of the desk drawers, they contained all the property data, costs, dimensions, and more. "It has a cost of 250bits per month for rent, if you want to buy the property, it has a cost of 20,730 bits, the second is a smaller premise, it has an area of ​​90 total square meters, and the backroom is 3 by 4 meters, their costs are 150 bits of rent per month or a sale price of 9500 bits. " "Mmhm? Tell me Miss Inkie, what are these extras that are under the rental fee?" "Yes, it is about the quotas by the level of insurance that is offered for businesses, they offer partial or total protection to the property and/or products in the event of a sinister during the week, but all businesses have 95% coverage in any problem that could arise during a Thursday. " Eeeeh, why is that? it is that perhaps they are sure of what can happen depending on the day of the week? isn't that quite weird? "This difference applies because Thursdays can be heretical days since, in addition to our proximity to the Everfree forest, the bearers of the elements live here." Is that supposed to be an explanation? I didn't understand anything! "The bearers of the elements?" Well done Narberal! "Yes, the elements of harmony, Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, and Magic, the bearers are the princess of friendship and her closest friends." I see so that princess is the minor noble who lives in this place. "In terms of land for your shop, what kinds of accommodations will you need?" "As wide as possible with a budget of 170,000 bits, if possible near or next to the tracks, as I plan to expand my business as much as I can." "Hmm, with those qualities, I think there is only one, hmm ..." Inkie put her hoofs to work looking for the land papers. "Got it! Here it is, it's a one-acre lot near the tracks, it's west of town, it costs 154,000 bits." The secretary passed the page to Momon while describing the addition regarding the train. "A permit to build an extension of the tracks has an additional cost of 18,000 bits, this land includes the permit and the construction of the loading and unloading station" "It seems to be an excellent option, I will take it together with the medium place" "Excellent!, I will prepare all the necessary paperwork, and if it's approved, I will have them ready to sign for tomorrow morning!, you can proceed to follow the process from 10 in the morning, now, if you like to wait for a little, I will pass your request to the mayor so that she interview you and authorize your request. " "I appreciate it, we'll take a seat then." Inkie quickly prepared the necessary forms to take them to the mayor, when entering her office and closing the door behind her, she could not contain herself anymore. *NEEIIGHH* (happy equine sounds) "By Celestia Inkie, where is your professionalism?!" Behind the desk was nothing more and nothing less than Ivory Scroll the mayor of ponyville, a earthpony mare with beige fur and a mane and tail dyed by the experience of the years, (one that comes in bottles, although she never confirmed it or negated it) of grayish color, with half-moon glasses sitting on the bridge of his snout and his typical fluffy aqua bowtie accompanied by a white-collar to give her class, her blue eyes, normally kind, looked at his assistant with some reproach. "I'm sorry mayor, but I couldn't help it!, the most handsome stallion I've ever seen had just come over!, and he's going to stay here in Ponyville! and, he's outside waiting! here are the forms for his requests to start procedures." Inkie handed in the requests for review and the response was immediate. "Hehe, who could have seen it come, so waiting was expensive in the end for Filthy Rich, I don't think he can imagine someone with so much seed money could get to Ponyville." "What do you mean Miss Scroll?" "This land was already in Rich's sights before, but he hadn't bought it since he installed another branch of his chain in Baltimare, well, let them in, if I remember correctly, you said something similar when you met Prince Blueblood for the first time, once, I think you compared him to Big McIntosh if memory serves me, but if you want my opinion I would say that Princess Twilight's brother is much more handsome than both of them." "you will agree with me when you see it." Said the secretary before standing up and opening the office door, and indicated to the visitors that they could pass. Aaaha, youth, and its constant changes, jejeje, later she will tell me that she prefers Justin B... Ivory Scroll was not a happy-eyed mare, on the contrary, she was focused and conservative, more without a doubt, the stallion that entered her office, accompanied by a mare that although she was young, could easily dethrone any model, it was in short, the most handsome stallion she had seen so far, so blushing and going completely blank was the most natural reaction; the secretary, realizing the mayor's state, decided to give her a helping hoof, slamming the door hard when closing it. * CLAMP * "W-welcome!, my name is Ivory Scroll, I am the mayor of Ponyville" The mare said as she extended a hoof in greeting gesture, which was taken without hesitation by Momon as he replied. "It's nice to meet you Miss Scroll, my name is Momon Shade, she is my cousin Nabel Spark." Both visitors bowed their heads slightly when were named. "Anyway, it's already a bit late, I suppose you'd like to get straight to the point, right?" "That's correct Mayor, we have not looked for a place to spend the night yet, so I would appreciate it if you could speed things up a bit." "Right then let's get started, first, I'll ask you some questions, tell me, where are you from?" The mare had paper and ink on her desk, she intended to write down their data. "We come from Manehattan, well, we were born there, after the death of our parents during a business trip, we were left in the care of one of my father's former partners, he, after his death, left us some inheritance, and we decided to start an enterprise by our own." "I'm truly sorry, it must have been a bit painful." "Yeah, but thanks to old Red Horns we were able to get over it." "Under what name do you want to register your company and what will your line of business is going to be?" "The name of the company will be 'Multi products Yggdrasil', we will be manufacturers, sellers, and exporters of furniture, products, and services" "Marital status?" "Single." "Close family?…" The mare was left waiting for the answer, when there was no one she looked up noticing the look on the visitors' faces, then she realized and apologized, extremely ashamed. "Oh sorry, what an oversight of me!" "Don't worry it was a long time ago, my only direct family is Nabel Spark, my cousin, and business partner." "Had you bring your documents?" Nabel took them out of their saddlebags with her magic and handed them to Momon who placed them on the desk and brought them closer to the mayor. "Here they are." "Lastly, is the location, have you selected if are going to rent or buy?" "We will buy it." "Correct, so just sign on the marks and that will be all in terms of the pre-application, with this voucher you can go on to pay at the treasury window and tomorrow as soon as the property titles return, signed, and authorized for the princess, you can then come and sign both the archival copy and the ones that will be for you, then both will be legally yours. " "Will the actual authorization take just one day?" Momonga asked surprised. "Well before it took more than a week, but since the princess of friendship resides here, the government documents can be verified quickly." "Oh, I see, then I will pay and we will withdraw." "Poniville's inn is a couple of streets south of here, if you like, you can ask my assistant to guide you." "Thank you for the offer, but it will not be necessary, after all, it is not that far; then, thank you very much for your time and with your permission, we will see you tomorrow." "So long, have a good rest." With the goodbyes completed, Momon and Nabel left the office, paid at the treasury, and left the building, as soon as they left, the assistant entered the office with a smug smile on her face. "Well, what do you think?" "You're completely right" * weary sigh * "When he came in I felt like a filly watching her first love." At the inn, Suzuki Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, it occurred to me to make the [Eight Edge Assassins] take samples of the civil registry, to forge false documents and enter them as true in case they were needed later if I had not heard that couple talk about their son's registry everything would have been ruined, I did not expect there to be a civil registry! I just hope that the background story that I invented at the spot is not a problem later, in the game running into minotaurs with variants of nicknames that alluded to red horns was very common, hopefully, here was the same. "Momonga-sama, it is not suitable for you to stay here, this place is not worthy of your presence." Sama, again ?, aaaaah, well I think it shouldn't matter, after all, I already put up anti-spying barriers. "Narberal is not of the utmost importance, since I am an undead I do not need to sleep, it is about forming an alibi, also, it will only be tonight, from tomorrow we will be able to use our building and adapt it as much as necessary, We won't do anything else for today, you can start providing Albedo with today's report. " "As you order." As she passed the day's report to the guardian's supervisor, Momonga took a seat on the bed as he sank into thought. At last the first day is complete, thanks to all that the dragon had accumulated, we have sufficient funds for what can be offered, and thanks to the items that we sold or pawned from the prisoners, I had a good idea of ​​the costs of market, thanks to which I was well prepared to haggle if necessary, but I seem to worry about nothing, the properties are quite cheap here, well, it does not matter, it is better to have leftover than to fall short with the preparations. The next morning, after having gone through the mayor's office to collect their signed property titles, they dedicated the morning to putting everything in order inside the premises, making a show of transporting their things from the train station, being helped by a cart that They rented in it, also, some hidden units were located as permanent security measures in the building, in the afternoon, they went for a walk around the town to distribute flyers and introduce themselves with the businesses around them, while they walked through the main street, they saw a group of multicolored mares pass by in the distance, accompanied by a baby dragon, what most attracted their attention from the group was the mare at the head, which, as the reports indicated, had both the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn, it was a lavender Alicorn with magenta streaks running down both her tail and mane. So that is the appearance of an Alicorn, she must be the minor noble mentioned in the reports of the explorers, and if what the mayor told us yesterday is true, those that accompany her must be the elements of harmony, I think there was something in the reports about a pink pony that seemed to have a kind of low-level but wide-range magic detection, most likely is the one with the elements. "It seems that with the items that block the magical perception, she has not been able to detect us, today the receptionist at the town hall mentioned something about a welcome party, and that it was strange that it was not given yet; Nabel." "Yes, Momon-ss." "Go back to the local, and using the appropriate procedures, I want you to contact the group of explorers who were stationed here, you will give them the indication that two EEA go to the station, they must ride with them on the train, both outward and outbound, if there is a risk of being detected they will have to retreat and would be waiting at the station where they descended, also, they should contact us when they are returning. " "Yes, immediately." After the meeting with the representatives and the princesses Twilight and Spike, had dinner with their parents, in the company of Cadence and Shiny, where they spent the night, while the rest spent the night in the castle, in the morning they returned with the others to enjoy breakfast in the company of her friends and the princesses, while they discussed what they should prepare for the event. When they finished, they said their goodbyes and boarded the train back, arriving at the station, the first to notice the new announcement on the notice board was Rarity. "Uuuuu∼, but what is this, 'Yggdrasil, multi-product and service store', I didn't know there was a new store in Ponyville!..." After jogging in his place of happiness she continued reading. "Oh I see, it opened yesterday while we were in Canterlot, too bad we missed the opening." Said the dressmaker as she pouted when she finished speaking. The animal keeper came over to read the ad upon hearing the dressmaker, the others followed her example afterward. "Um, it says here that they only have furniture at the moment, but that they will start expanding their inventory starting next month." "Yes, if I remember correctly, the mayor sent me the paperwork to verify it the day before we left for Canterlot, I think its owners were only two ponies, a stallion and a mare." Said the Alicorn as she remembered. "As long as they don't have any flight equipment, I'm not interested, see you later." The speedster spoke disparagingly, taking flight and disappearing in an instant. "Well, a' don't care 'bout things too stylish, but a' don't miss anything if a' see, count with me." -Applejack said without much interest as she adjusted her hat- "Well then, let's go and welcome them, and by the way, see what they have for sale!" -Rarity said taping her hoofs excitedly hoofs on the station floor. "GRET THEM WITH A GREAT PARTY!" The party planner yelled with excitement. "Maybe it's better to go meet them first Pinkie if I remember correctly they hadn't been to Equestria since they were little, they probably don't have similar tastes to us." -The Alicorn intervened- "Oh, ok, you're right, I don't want to ruin it as I did with the yak's" -said the party girl with a slightly pained face that was quickly replaced by an ear-to-ear smile- "I'll go ahead, wait for you at Twilight Castle." -told Spike to tired to go shopping- Meanwhile, in Yggdrasil's shop, a warning echoed in Momonga and Naberal's head. * Pirip, pirip, pirip * Oh I see, so it was a kind of passive ability that allows you to get specific information of little importance in a certain range if it's just that, [Fake Data Bio] should be more than enough, I had already checked in advance with Narberal what is she supposed to show, so no problem. Momonga thought as he and the battle maid continued to serve the customers. When the M6s approached the store, they began to notice a certain pattern that was constantly repeated in all the mares and stallions they came across... they all had a happy idiot face as if they had just received what they longed for most in the world, seeing this Twilight got worried and decided to stop someone to ask what was happening. "Rose, what's happening to everyone?" "Mmhm? Oh, Twilight's you already back!" "Yes, we just arrived, tell me, why is everyone acting so strange?" "Oh that's right now I remember, you guys left before they opened, so you haven't met them yet! somepony opened a new store with interesting furniture and a new credit system!" "Credit?, well that's interesting though, it's not what I want to know right now, what I want to know is why everyone has that face!" The princess said emphasis, but if she had turned back she would have realized that Rarity seemed to have already found the answer if her wide eyes and the smile on her face could be taken as a sign of it. After understanding what she was referring to and turning to see the faces of some around her, Rose turned tomato red. "Oh, eheheh, mmmh… I think you better see for yourself, bye!" The florist hurriedly said goodbye and left discreetly, but quickly, leaving the group blank on what to expect. * Sigh * "Well, that didn't do any good actually, let's move on." When they arrived at the store, they were amazed by the quality of the furniture offered, but when they saw the centerpiece of the exhibition, (a kind of mix between wardrobe and chest of drawers) they were stunned, even Applejack who did not like ornate things could tell that it wasn't just pretty, it was full of intricate designs and fine finishes, but at the same time, it looked very sturdy. As Rarity admired the design up close, almost ecstatic, a kind but deep and powerful voice snapped them all out of their trance. "Hello good afternoon, welcome to Yggdrasil, can I help you with something." They all turned toward the source of the voice, and became practically statues, except for Twilight and Fluttershy's wings that spread out an instant later with an audible * Pomf *. As Momonga directed his gaze on each of the mares, he silently used [Discern Entity] on each one, to verify later, the one who broke the silence and then released the others was Pinkie Pie. "HUUuuuuuu", the party pony took a deep breath and then let out a chain of words that would easily embarrass any rapper from his original world. "HellomynameisPinkiePieandi'mtheofficialpartyplannerofPonyvilleiwastryingtomakeasurprisepartybutIdontknowthatyoumightlikeandIdontwanttooffendyousoiliketoaskwhatyouprefer…" Wooooo, how fast, I barely understood half of what she said! When the party pony finished her litany, that's when Twilight was finally able to react, and with great effort she controlled her wings and cleared her throat, causing the stallion's gaze to fix on her. "Ahem, my name is Princess of Friendship and I am Twilight Sparkle… I mean, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I am the Princess of Friendship! Welcome to Ponyville!" She said abruptly correcting herself after her mistake and almost losing the internal battle against shame. "It is an honor to receive you in my humble store, Princess." Momonga extended a perfect bow, with a front hoof in front, hips back, and bending the left front hoof inward, a typical equine bow. * Pomf *, the princess's wings spread again. "P-please get up, that's not necessary, I'm still not used to what the title entails." To her relief, the stallion got up on her instruction. "So I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable princess, and I apologized, but I didn't understand what your friend meant." "Oh um… Pinkie?" "I was asking if you had any special preferences at parties? "No, not really, since we hardly live in Equestria, we don't know many things, but I'm sure knowing new things will never be a bad thing." "Oki doki loki" "With your permission, I apologize, my name is Rarity, did you said 'we'?" Asked the seamstress with trepidation, thinking that this dreamy hunk was already taken. "Oh it's true, I haven't seen you before, where do I have my head? I haven't introduced my cousin to you, Nabel, can you come over for a moment?" "Let me introduce you to the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle and her friends." With Nabel's arrival and her calm, collected gaze, the mares managed to regain enough composure to introduce themselves. "Hello dear, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Rarity, I am the owner of the Carrousel boutique and the element of Generocity." -The dressmaker introduced herself while bowing, not caring about the beauty of the mare, since she was only his cousin, although underneath she was jealous of her appearance- "It's ma' pleasure to meet ya', the name's Applejack, I'm 'the element of honesty, you can find me at Sweet Apple Acres, the place where ma' family produce the best apples in all o' Equestria." -Said the farmer proudly while shaking the hoof of the newcomer, who was very strong for a unicorn she noted- "I'm next, I'm next!, nice to meet you, my name is Pinkie Pie, but everyone calls me Pinkie, I work at Sugar Cube Corner, I like to make others happy and make friends!, I'm the element of laughter." -The party pony introduced herself without caring about Nabel's neutrality, as she reminded her a lot of her sister Maud- "Eeeep, erm, m-my name is F-Fluttershy, I take care of animals, I am the element of kindness, nice to meet you." -The pegasus was introduced, and to everyone's surprise, both ponies nodded in confirmation that they had heard him, even though hardly any sound came out of her mouth- "Fluttershy, PinkiePie, Applejack, Rarity, Princess Twilight, it's nice to meet you all, my name is Nabel Spark, if you'll excuse me I must go back to the counter." Naberal bowed his head slightly and withdrew. "Ah, right, now that I remember, this piece, (the centerpiece of the exhibition), I had only intended to keep it as publicity for the moment, but after thinking about it I have decided to give it to you, princess." Certainly, the princess was surprised. "What?!, nonono, I couldn't accept something like that without paying for it, it's obvious that a lot of effort went into making it, I couldn't accept it in any way!" "Reassure yourself Princess Twilight, this is not a bribe neither I am trying to win with it some kind of favor, far from it, I have two intentions, the first is that I want to expand my business, as much and as fast as I can, so I will surely annoy you constantly with legal permits, so it is a gift as an apology in advance for the work that I will probably cause you, and secondly, if the noble and wealthy found out that you 'bought' a piece of furniture, it would increase the popularity of my business, in addition, if you do keep it, my humble products might interest the other princesses, and if they get one too, the popularity of my business would go even higher. " The reasonable explanation managed to calm the Alicorn's nerves a bit. "Oh, now I understand, you are completely right, then I will accept your gift." "Excellent, let me just prepare it for transport, and if you like, I can bring it to you first thing in the morning, is that okay?" "Yes, thank you very much, that will give me time to decide where to put it." After a short goodbye, the M6s minus one said goodbye, and each one headed home, except for Twilight who was accompanying Fluttershy to her cabin to try to help her calm her wings. The next morning, Twilight's furniture was delivered, and in the afternoon the welcome party was held in the central square, in the open air, which was attended by all the business owners in the town and some villagers, could It be said that the party passed almost without incident, the only problem was when Zephir Breze, a skinny and careless-looking pegasus, who was also Fluttershy's brother, was thrown into the fountain with a slap by Nabel when he wanted to hug her. Near the end of the party, Filthy Rich, a dark beige earth pony with almost black gray mane and tail and owner of 'Barnyard Rich Opportunities', learned that the land he craved had been won from him when he saw how The construction of the station was progressing, so he tried to convince the current owner, Momon Shade, to sell it to him, without any success, after the failed negotiation Rich left the party, but not before assuring his competitor that he would make it impossible his business in a low voice so that only he would hear, to which the latter simply shrugged, which is why the earthpony came out practically fuming from his ears. That same night Momonga received a message from Albedo. * Piripi, piripi, piripi * "Momonga-sama" "What's up Albedo" "I'm calling to notify you that everything is ready to take care of the Diamondogs of southern Equestria." "Excellent, tomorrow starts the weekend of this world, we will take it as an excuse to keep the store closed and advance the plans." "Understood Momonga-sama." > Buying a Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the deep darkness, the beasts moved incessantly in the bowels of the earth, constantly digging to make room for their growing population, to come to the surface was stupid at any time that the sky was not in complete darkness, this was understandable, after all, they were in the steppes, which were only in name, to call it dessert would be more accurate. It had been a day like any other, the foremen were supervising the excavators, the warriors were patrolling the tunnels and there were more who were stationed near the entrances waiting, prepared in case an intruder appeared, but the night was already about to get. "Howw borrring, do not know why we have ta look at the entrances during the day, no one is crrrazy enough to walk in the desert with the sun at its highest.", (Notice that he speaks as if the tip of the tongue were glued to the palate all the time) The deep voice of a soldier with a muscular body said completely bored, his body was covered in brown fur, his upper torso and head were covered by a simple iron armor and the helmet hid his eyes, there were some small spikes on the shoulder pads and helmet that would be the only noticeable adornment of the armor, it had short hind legs and long and muscular front legs, it looked more like a gorilla than a dog, it had a short tail that ended in a ball with some warts. However, his partner was the opposite, despite sharing some characteristics, his body was slimmer, but not skinny, this was a warrior obviously dedicated more to speed than brute force. "Hush! Whenever you complain something happens, I want my shift to end without problems!" Said the slightly grave and hissing voice of his partner, and just then they heard it, it was like a kind of reverberation, suddenly the sky darkened over the entrances, all the guards immediately came out to check if it was an attack, but what they saw left them astonished, a kind of dark cloud with faces that constantly changed, and made sounds of agony, floated in front of the entrances, even the secret and emergency exits, and little by little the sounds were unified until they were able to understand the message that was relaying. "We are the heralds sent by the great lord! we have come to declare your extermination! but by his grace you have been granted time, you have until dawn to prepare a futile resistance, before their armies attack! know that the great lord deeply despises cowardice, any attempt to escape his judgment will make the immeasurable anger of the great lord fall on you! offer a desperate resistance so that the great lord can smile with pleasure! resist stubbornly, mortals!. " And with that, the mysterious cloud withdrew to the sky and disappeared. "This is not good at all, we must notify Balto immediately!" Tuco said urgently to his burly friend. "Hurry, Brick, don't stand there like an idiot!" In the deepest part of the burrow, was the alpha of the pack, an imposing-looking Diamond Dog that stood almost 2 meters in height, was almost as tall as Princess Celestia, its fur was slightly long and of a gray color. opaque, his sclera was yellowish, while his pupils had a coppery color, his face was permanently puckered, giving him a fierce look, his muzzle was a little longer than usual, he seemed to be more of a wolf than a dog. (AN: The design belong to earthsong9405, i'm only have done some lesser modifications and colored it) It was Balto the leader of the burrow, with him his generals were gathered for the weekly update of the den, the first of the messengers to arrive, was the fast Tuco; concern dominated his assistants after receiving the notice of the strange clouds, and the camera submerged in total chaos. "SILENCE!, you look like a bunch of scared puppies!" * GGRRRRRGHHH * The growl that followed Balto's scream completely silenced the chamber. "You have to start from the beginning, the creatures, these… messengers, what exactly were, soldiers?" Tuco couldn't believe his bad luck, they had made him stay and participate in the meeting, and he hated these things. "That's the thing, we're not quite sure." "What do you mean with you're not quite sure?" "The creature was something we had never seen, it stank of death, but according to another of the guards, the weapons did nothing to the targets, as if they had nobody." "You mean they couldn't harm him?" "At least they didn't show it if we hurt them." "That smug 'great lord' will know what defeat is, we are the largest pack in the whole world, we will not allow him to belittle us!" -Said angrily Rocky, the captain of the alpha's personal guard, who looked like a blank bullterrier with orange eyes- "But if they had taken that position, it must be because he has an idea of ​​what he is facing, or thinks he will win without a doubt, after all, those creatures appeared in front of all the exits, even the emergency and secret exits; what I would like to know is how did they know the location of the latter ones!? " -spoke with annoyance Chester, the strategist of the pack, a black Diamond Dog, somewhat short, that had the appearance of a Schnauzer- "I don't like what you are implying, the guards have done their job correctly, and I'm completely sure none of them would ignore an intruder!" -Said annoyed Gumbo, the captain of the guards, a stocky brown dog with a black spot on his snout and nose, he looked like a Boxer- "Stop the nonsense, what matters is how we are going to face him, what I want are strategies and plans, not complaints and whining!" -The leader of the pack took the floor again- "Those things said something interesting, although first, they said that they would exterminate us, then they said that fleeing would be our sentence, they want to test us." "So they don't know our full strength, that means ..." -Chester, seemed to understand the situation when he directed his gaze to the Alpha, the response was a fierce smile- "So, I think this would be a good option ..." With this began the planning for the next battle. The next morning, just as dawn was about to come, all the Diamond Dogs soldiers were gathered, in addition to multiple volunteers from the rest of the population at the exit of the caves, they were waiting for the enemies to appear, as the first ray of sunlight shone on the desert, a great gale raised a huge curtain of sand and when it began to dissipate no one could believe what they saw. The enemy that was marching on the sand were a lot of skeletons, some had swords and shields, others had spears, and some more had bows, but they were not of any species that they knew, they were similar to those of a minotaur, but their heads They did not coincide, in addition to these there was a good amount of what seemed to be beasts, but they did not seem to have life, they seemed to be rotting exactly where they were standing, there were bears, wolves, wild boars, and some others, the strangest thing was what appeared to be skeletons of Equestrians, but they did not match the size, they were much larger and were mounted by what looked like minotaurs, a total of around 3000 individuals could be estimated, but none moved from their place as if they expected something, so the dogs began to execute their plan of attack. Seeing the territory through the [Remote Vision Lens], Momonga was in his office, next to him was Albedo. "Albedo, what is the state of the battlefield." "Yes, Momonga-sama, according to Entoma's report, not all of your expectations have been met." "Well, it is not the result that I expected, but the real question is what will be obtained as a result of all this, isn't it?" Diamond dogs live in areas with a high amount of gems to survive, once we get that land, I can put skeletons to mine the ground to obtain funds. "The fight is about to start, let's watch." The supervisor of the guardians nodded in affirmation, only the two of them were there, since everyone else was fulfilling their tasks, Shalltear was covering Cocytus' position on the first floor, the twins were exploring and as for Demiurge, he he was doing experiments on his ranch within Arimaspi territory southwest of the Macintosh Hills. Cocytus was also in a different place, he was in a small cabin between the limits of the forbidden jungle and the desert, at the foot of an area with large rocks, with him were some of his subordinates, his generals, all of them were of heteromorphic races, some were in the shape of praying mantises, others appeared to be ants, there were even some that looked like exposed brains, and there was also Entoma Vasilissa Zetta, one of the battle maids (who was definitely older than CZ), her dress was a version of a traditional kimono mixed with the maid style, her legs were covered by stockings that disappeared under the skirt that reached above the knees, her face was quite cute and her voice was somewhat childish, however, it was not his true face or his true voice. She was an arachnoid (human spider), her face was covered by a mask insect, of which the face was completely immovable with dull eyes like poor quality crystals, her voice came from a 'lip insect' that reproduced the voice she used Basically nothing of her body was in view, her modified outfit even covered her neck, the only thing in sight was her fake face. "These are [Message] scrolls ∼, hmm, but it's a lot∼, could you please clear the table?" Entoma asked the figure in the place of honor and he nodded slowly. "Tidy up. Things." "Alright∼ please clean up quick then." The figures around the table rushed to follow the orders of the maid, even though she was weaker than them; the power structure within Nazarick had nothing to do the individual strength, status comes from the fact If you had been created or not by one of the supreme beings, and from that point of view the maid had much more authority than they. As soon as the table was cleared, Entoma continued. "Well then, please accept this Cocytus-sama∼" -said as she lifted the bag and put it on the table to start taking out the contents- "These are [Message] scrolls ∼, according to Momonga-sama, they are made with the skins that were obtained thanks to Demiurge-sama's efforts, and ordered me to report any anomalies that might arise while using them∼ " "I see ... I understand, I'll try them" -said the guardian of the fifth floor as he took one with one of his four hands- "Demiurge. Is. working hard. I already. Had the. Honor. To be. Of. Use. For. Momonga-sama. but no. for that. I can. Settle. I must. Keep. doing my. best. " I had already heard that the reserves of low-level magic items were being affected, but this will certainly be a breakthrough, maybe he has even gone ahead of me, I must fulfill my task perfectly, I will obey the orders of Momonga-sama gave me to the letter! and I will get his victory! Cocytus had received three main instructions: - One: He was forbidden to enter the battlefield, this included his servants, he had to resolve the battle with the troops given to him. - Two: The lich that had been assigned as the commander had to remain in reserve until the last moment. - Three: He must accomplish his mission using his own judgment. There were a few other small details, but these were the main ones. "Thank you. For your. Hard. Work, take. My. Deepest. Thanks. To Momonga-sama." Entoma nodded weakly. "And. So ... are you going to. get back?" "Not at this time∼, I received orders to witness the battle to the end from here." So, she is here as an observer. Cocytus thought, he was excited by the great responsibility that had been entrusted to him, his forces included 2200 skeletons, 400 undead beasts, 150 skeleton archers, and 200 skeleton horsemen, an army of 2950, ​​not including the commander and his guards. "Well. our forces. Are already. In position. And the. Enemy. Troops. Are preparing. For. Combat. it's time. To start. The battle!" -Cocytus picked up a scroll and activated it to give an order to the troops- "Advance!" In the desert, about three-quarters of the dogs' troops had emerged from the burrows, while the remaining fourth was waiting in the tunnels of the burrow, despite not being very numerous, compared to their enemy, they were sure of their victory, the Diamond Dog army was comprised of 1,040 warriors equipped with sharpened stone-tipped spears or clubs, 230 slingers, and 130 elite guards from the alpha's personal guard, and 80 volunteers who joined the ranks to defend their home, giving a total of 1480 units. The formation of the Diamond Dogs was well organized, 100 elite guards were scattered every three positions between the first two rows, forming a diagonal pattern, leaving the third completely made up of warriors, the 230 slingers, would be defended from the enemies that Overcome the line, for 70 more warriors, and in the tunnels were 30 elite guards, 320 warriors, and volunteers. And then the battle broke out, the skeletons began to advance, for the dogs it would be quite easy, they saw with surprise and mockery the slowness with which the skeletons moved, they gave the first order. "Slingers!" The stone-throwers were sandwiched between the columns and came to the front, as soon as the enemy entered their range they began to fire, the skeletons without intelligence, did not do anything to cover or maneuver, they simply would not do anything without having received an order, so they began to receive multiple casualties quickly, as soon as the slingers realized that a shot to the skull made them fall permanently they began to aim only at the head and for a while, the only sound that prevailed was that of stone against metal, which was later replaced by one similar to that of poorly cooked vases, shattering. "Do they think that only with the numbers they will be able to beat us?" -Chester said, asking no one specifically- "Mmmm, no, I don't think so, it looks like more as if there were no commanders in charge of guiding them, HMN!, such arrogance It's going to cost them dearly." -Told Balto said confidently as he watched the battle next to the strategist- When the enemies were about to reach the defensive line, the slingers fell back to the rear, when both forces collided, the skeletons had already been reduced by almost a third of their ranks, and after starting the clash of swords they were at an even greater disadvantage, most of the undead hovered between level 17 and 22, the highest being the beasts; comparatively, the dogs had the advantage twice, first, the vast majority used blunt weapons which caused critical damage to the skeletons, in Second place if they were measured with the levels of the game would be between 15 and 20, it was a fairly level fight. However, the clash was not light for the dogs, when the close combat began the archers began to shoot arrows at their discretion causing the death of many dogs, the battlefield was full of the whining of the canines being wounded and the sound of clubs smashing bones or crushing iron shields. Seeing the sharp fall of his troops, Cocytus began to feel uneasy. "I think. It's a. good time. To send. In. Reinforcements." After receiving comments that agreed with him, from his subordinates, he took another message scroll and gave his new order. "Reinforcements. Advance!" The dogs were sure of their victory over their enemy, the battle was completely in their favor, for each one of their troops that dropped dead 10 skeletons were downed, and then, the enemy reinforcements had come, the undead beasts filtered fast and easily between files doing severe damage to them, these beasts did not fall with one strike to the head, multiple was necessary to do it, while these beasts trow in disarray the formation, mounted skeletons were trying to flank them. "Perfect!, it's time, loose off the traps!" -screamed Chester to the tunnels- The skeleton riders were halfway to reach the enemy's back when suddenly the ground began to give way below them, many suffered damage when falling, others did not fall, and some more disappeared completely in the pits, under the earth the excavators and volunteers smashed skeletons that had fallen, outside, slingers did quick work of those that could still move. The cabin was small only from the outside, it was a magical item that his master had lent him, [Secret Green House], but at this moment, for Cocytus, it felt extremely suffocating, he was losing, he could not believe it, how are they? beasts with practically no armor were defeating the army that Momonga-sama entrusted to him, he decided to swallow his pride and ask Nazarick's brightest mind for assistance, he used another scroll of [Message]. "It seems. I. Underestimate. The morale. Of the. Diamond Dogs, [Message] * tuuu tuuu *, Demiurge." "Mmh, yes my friend, why did you contact me?" "Actually. I have. A. Problem. And precise. Of your. Advice." "Tell me what can I do for you?" "I'm. Losing. The battle, if. Defeat. Were. Just my. Problem. I wouldn't. Mind, but. I can't. Bring. Shame. To. The. Great lord, I need. Some. Way to win. With. the forces. that. remain. " "Mmmm… tell me, in the first place, do you think Momonga-sama wanted you to win?" "I do not understand what you mean?" "Why did I form such a low-level servant army? If the idea was simply to obtain a landslide victory, then why did he forbid you or your subordinates to advance? Perhaps ... his intention was for you to think for yourself and gather information to help you win the victory, I think that is part of his plan at least, also the name of Nazarick was never presented, that means ... * Pirip pirip pirip * hu? " "Mhm, what. Is it. Demiurge?" "I'm very sorry Cocytus, but something has come up and I must attend to it immediately, even so, I wish you victory." The warrior shifted his attention from the [Remote View Lens] to the arachnoid beside him, and caught sight of the ashes of a used talisman falling from his forehead. "Then. It is. Too. Late. To do. Anything. Is it. Isn't it? Then. I will have to. Send. The backup. To. At least. Follow. All. Momonga's- sama. Directions; [Message], I give you an order, 'Elder Lich'. in command, go ahead. and show your power to the dogs! " On the battlefield the dogs were finishing eliminating all the skeletons, all that could be heard on the battlefield were the gasps of tired canines and the voices of the undead being permanently silenced by low crunching with each blow * tulkcr *. "Hurry to finish! take the wounded back to the den! later we will collect the dead! now everyone who is unhurt, follow me!" Gumbo shouted confidently, his forces had eliminated an army of more than double their numbers, losing less than a third of their own, Chester's plan had worked perfectly, the best thing was to advance a little and see if there were no more enemies. , or at least that was what he thought until a small flame flew quickly by his side and when it collided with one of his own behind him, exploded forming a sphere of fire of at least three meters in radius. Coming out of the sands that were raised by the desert air came out a figure wrapped in a dark purple robe somewhat worn, with a rather old black hood, it seemed to be almost as thin as the skeletons but it had a putrid-looking fur cape, it seemed that it would fall apart at any moment, around the creature was floating what looked like a kind of thick yellow ribbon with strange symbols, where its chest should be you could see a section as black as night and its eyes, completely red, had a look of contempt. The creature raised one of its claws and at the tip of its fingers, another small ball of fire formed that was launched again against the dogs that were still standing. "I a servant of the great lord will get your victory, hmp." -The Lich said with a smug expression on his dry face- (AN: originally I was using Iguva like in the series, but during translation, I finally remembered that he was a human experiment of Ainz, so here is a mere summon without name instead.) "Back off all those who are injured, warn Balto, this enemy is not like the others, the rest follow me, we will buy time so that the others can return!" Those who watched from the entrances were also surprised. "That one is powerful, it can throw fireballs from its claws, is it magic? It doesn't look like unicorns." -Chester said with some concern- "That does not matter, we will defeat him anyway, that about 15 of my guard accompany me, we will attack him by surprise from the tunnels, while those in front of him distract him as much as possible." Gumbo and around 35 soldiers were trying to get close to the enemy but it was quite difficult for him to advance, the creature had a range of around 100 meters, so they had chosen to separate as much as they could while advancing to avoid their shots, but when they had reached 40 meters away they could no longer get closer, now they were only avoiding his attacks to try to tire him, of those who advanced with the captain, 15 had fallen on the way by fireballs. "Stupid beasts, I am a lich elder in the service of the great lord, if you bow your head I will grant you a painless death!" The captain and his men were already tired, but they were standing firm, they had heard multiple footsteps running through the trap tunnels just a few seconds ago, victory was close. Right after his words, Iguva noticed faint signs of life coming from under the ground, when he saw that they were getting stronger, he quickly stepped back and used his summoning spell. "! Mhm !, [Summon Undead 4th]" The Alpha's personal guards came out of the floor to relieve those who were already tired and the one in front, having heard the words of the lich, gave him an answer. "So, we refuse!" "You will regret having denied my offer of mercy while suffering a torturous death!" The battle continued, the guards began to fight with the warrior skeletons summoned by the Lich, and although they were outmatched in strength they managed to avoid being pushed using the numbers. The undead was annoyed to see that his warrior skeletons reinforced through him, which thanks to their master's skill had reached level 31, were being held by the dogs, and when he was about to intervene, a pile of sand jumped in front of him, of which the claw of a dog hit his hand interrupting the spell he was about to cast, it was Balto the alpha male of the pack. "I won't let you do it!" * Boff * "Stubborn, ha suffer terror [Scare]" The Lich tried to gain the upper hand by immobilizing his opponent, but to his surprise, the Alpha only lost his balance for a second, then shook his head and continued attacking with his iron sword. For those who watched the battle, this was something unexpected, a dog that barely reached level 30 had already achieved two miracles in a row, in the first instance it was able to sneak in until it was face to face with the Lich, and then it managed to resist the effect of [Scare ], this was something that was definitely, worth looking into. The combat between Balto and Iguva was quite close, the dog was fast and managed to interrupt the magical attacks of the Lich, but the silent magic [Magic Arrow] was taking its toll. When his guards finally managed to defeat the warrior skeletons 8 of them were wounded, 4 had serious injuries and 3 had died, so they no longer had the energy to support their superior, unfortunately for the Lich, his adversary was tenacious and do not let him re-summon his skeleton warriors. "Damned beast!, you won't beat me!, [Ligh-" * Boff *. " After another attempt to cast a spell, Balto lunged forward with all his weight, driving it into the Lich's abdomen, but this did not stop him. "Damn beast, I am a servant created by the great lord, something like this will not stop me, die at once!" Taking advantage of the closeness caused by the thrust, Iguva took Balto's neck between his hands and began to use his negative touch, this caused pain like he had never felt before and made him drop the sword and twist. * Grrrr, hiin, hiin, grrr nhgh * The Lich seeing that he was finally making progress couldn't help but show a satisfied smile. He was in trouble, that was for sure for Balto, whatever the enemy was doing, he felt as if he was taking his life little by little, but he couldn't give up, he was in the best possible position, it was his chance to end enemy, it opened its eyes and began to raise its claws. "How can you move? Die at once, you damn monster!" But his enemy did not plan to stop, his target was the head of the Lich, arranging its claws in a position to penetrate the flesh. "This is your end monster!" He sank his claws with one blow, with all his might, through the temples of the adversary, causing a good quantity of rotten entrails to spill out, before this attack the Lich finally let go Balto before saying his last words in a low voice. "Momonga-sama… Exc-us-em-me…" Right after, the body of the Lich disappeared in a whirlwind of dark dust, leaving behind only Balto's sword that fell into the sand, only then the alpha allowed himself to relax and collapsed to the ground from fatigue, from the burrows his fellow dogs celebrated victory. "!We did it!" "Long live Balto, long live Balto, long live Balto!" "BALTO, BALTO, BALTO, BALTO!" Meanwhile in the cabin next to the forbidden jungle. The Vermint Lord was looking through the [Remote Viewing Lens] at his enemy as he celebrated his victory. "Cocytus-sama∼ Momonga-sama calls for your presence∼desu." "I understand" -she stood up- "it was truly close." -he said as he looked at the Image of the Alpha lying on the ground and breathing hard- After having observed the entire battle, Momonga began to doubt his thoughts, in front of his eyes there had just been a massacre, but the only thing he could think about was what would be best for Nazarick, his heart and his mind, lacking the feelings of pity, anger or anxiety that humans should have, it was like watching a television program about animals and insects devouring each other. Is it possible that after becoming undead, I no longer consider myself human? no, how could that be? Momonga desperately tried to find excuses to justify his thoughts, he was not a virtuous knight, although he was at least level 100, just as he had told Mare before, in this world there might be things that would take them by surprise, so they couldn't just jump into rash action, but as long as it was beneficial to Nazarick he didn't care about the methods. Momonga stretched out his bony hand and scratched his skull, thinking. After I became undead I am immune to mental effects, do I really not feel anything after seeing such a scene? ... Definitely not. "Mmm, why was it?" While he was deep in thought he had muttered this out loud, waving his hand again, the mirror stopped the celebration and stopped on Balto, which was just a coincidence. But for Albedo that meant that said creature represented some interest or benefit. "What do you plan for us to do with that individual?" Without listening to Albedo he was still trying to understand her detachment from her humanity. "Hmm, so many possibilities ... we will have to wait" The supervisor of the guardians was stunned, she was in a bitter silence and with an expression of regret on her face, even she with the intellect that her creator Tabula Smaragdina-sama had given her was only able to see two possible uses for it. dog, '! he was only able to see two possibilities!', that was the pain that afflicted him since his master had casually mentioned that there were many options, that is why in addition to the regret, he felt huge admiration for the immeasurable intelligence of his master, and it was reflected in his face. "Well for now we just have to wait for Cocytus to arrive." When Momonga finally paid attention to Albedo, he found her gaze filled with wonder and reverence. Hey, what happened here, why does he have that face? I thought he was going to be furious about his partner's defeat ... well, I'll find out if it's something important. "Albedo, contact all the guardians meeting in the throne room within two hours, also include the guardian of the eighth floor, I want everyone to be present for this meeting." "As ordered, Momonga-sama." Meanwhile, in the den of the Diamond dogs, everything was laughter and parties, the only ones who did not participate were Balto Chester, Gumbo, and Rocky, they had started a meeting as soon as Balto had recovered enough. "HA, we taught that great lord a good lesson." -said the captain of the guards with confidence- "We still can't relax completely," -the little strategist admonished him- "we won this battle, but that 'great lord who mentioned those things can still attack us." "No, while fighting him I heard him refer to himself as a 'creation' of that great lord, although I don't know what he was referring to." -Said the alpha, with a thoughtful face- "Well that may be the case, but we have to make sure everyone has morale up in case there is a second showdown later." -Said without regard to the captain of the alpha's personal guard- "For now the best thing is for everyone to rest, eat and regain their strength, let's go and participate in the celebration, but calm down, tomorrow we will have a meeting first thing in the morning." -Balto said goodbye to them, while he was going to lie down to continue resting- After a couple of hours, when Cocytus finished cleaning the camp from which he had commanded the troops, all the guardians were already gathered in the throne room. *! CLOOMMmmmg! * The impact on the floor of the throne room, caused by the butt of the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, marked the beginning of the meeting, everyone was already on their knees before the throne of the kings. "First of all, I thank you all for coming to this meeting, despite being given such short notice, first of all, Victim." From the ground, what looked like a kind of one-meter high fetus, unfinished developing, was raised floating in the air, it was completely pink like visors, all over its surface you could see the veins that ran through its skin, on its back sprouted two wings that looked more like dry branches, but had small sporadic white buds and his face was amorphous, the only recognizable thing in him was his black eyes and formed limbs, and the halo above his head revealed his angelic race. "If I remember correctly, this is the first time you've met the others, right?" Victim turned to see the other guardians, after all, he had no neck, so it was necessary to turn his entire body. (The original language of Victim is the language of the angels 'Enochian', but according to his description everyone can understand it as it has some kind of magical translation, and in the anime, they put it as if it has echo and reverberation at the same time, so I will write it normally because it's a pain to grammar check it otherwise.) "Hello everyone, my name is Victim, it's a pleasure to meet you." "Guardian of the eighth floor, I called you for a reason ... we are about to make an important move and we cannot be careless just because we have not encountered a real challenge, we must cover the possibility of any unforeseen event, that is why we will need your ability to be available most powerful, the one that is invoked with your death, in order to protect both the guardians and me, I'm sorry, I promise to bring you back to life, so excuse me. " "Please do not excuse your self Momonga-sama!, I was created to die, if my power can be of use to the supreme one, nothing will make me happier." "There is within Nazarick a phrase that goes like this: 'There is no greater love than that of a man who gives his life for his friends', that is a perfect expression for you, I appreciate your love." "It's more than I deserve" -Said Victim bowing in the air- "Now, Demiurge." "Yes" "First I congratulate you for always taking my call." "Of course! It is to be expected that you report to me as soon as you Summon me, Momonga-sama." The Archdemon said with utmost happiness, bowing his head again towards the end. "Yes, it is evident that the scrolls made with the skin you brought, are capable of withstanding low-level use, can I expect ample supply?" "Yes, it won't be a problem, I managed to get a large number of them." "I see, and what were those beasts called?" -asked the Overlord as he placed his hand on his chin- "Mhm, ha, they are known in this place as Arimaspi, it is a subspecies of a chimera between goat and another creature that I have not managed to identify yet, they have only one eye and their torso is similar to that of a minotaur, although there are two major differences, it walks on all fours and its front legs end in claws and not toes. " "I see, will they work for higher levels?" "At the moment we are investigating to what level of magic this skin is capable of accepting, at the moment the results are promising for anything of the fifth level and below." "Excellent, keep up the good work now, Shalltear." "Yes∼" "Has there been any news?" "No, Momonga-sama, no inconvenience has arisen so far, nor has there been a problem with the portals that have been opened." "Fine, but be vigilant." "Yes, Momonga-sama." "Albedo, have the spies reported anything else about the princesses?" "So far Princess Twilight Sparkle has no longer been able to feel the high-level magic we use, at least since anti-detection mid-range items were made mandatory for everyone who comes out of the grave, as for the diarchy, they are in total ignorance, those who have proven to be the most entertaining for our spies have been the Theserals of the Moon Princess, they have excellent night vision, but they are not a problem. " "Great, lastly, Cocytus." The Guardian of the fifth floor was extremely nervous, hearing his name raised his head to meet his master's gaze. "You were defeated." -Mumonga said in a calm and slow voice- "Yes. My lord, I am very sorry for this offense, I-" The warrior had his head bowed as he apologized, but was interrupted by the supervisor of the guardians who spoke to him with annoyance. "Cocytus, if you're going to apologize, raise your head." "I apologize." -after the frozen guardian's apology, Momonga spoke again- "Cocytus, tell me the reason they beat you." "Ha, I am very sorry. To have. Lost. The army. That you entrusted to me." "You're wrong; I'll start by telling you that I'm not going to reprimand you much for the defeat." At these words, the guardian of the fifth floor was shocked, while the others showed a smile. "Hm?" "The reason is that no matter who you are, everyone makes mistakes, that's true even for me." -With this last sentence all the guardians let out a sound of surprise from their mouths- "That said, Cocytus, what were your failures? How could you have won?" "Mhm, I underestimated. The. Diamond Dogs, I should have been. More cautious." "That's right, you should never underestimate anyone, no matter how weak, is there something else?" "Yes, I think. I had. Very little. Information, the enemy force, the topography, I understand that. Without considering. These things. My chances. Of winning. Were. Significantly. Reduced. No matter. What. I. Did, Hmm, the lack. of commanders. was another. factor, as they were. undead. low-level, I should have placed. whoever could. give orders. as. need. " "Anything else?" "I'm. So sorry, that's. All. I can think of. For now." -said the guardian with regret- "Great! Except for that Elder Lich they were all common undead, their fall does not affect Nazarick, considering what a guardian has learned from that, in the end, I benefit." "Thank you very much, Momonga-sama." "However, it is a fact that you lost and you will receive a punishment." Raising his bony hand and pointing towards the guardian with a single finger, Momonga said in a firm voice. "Cocytus, you will fix the problem yourself, you will exterminate the Diamond Dogs, this time without relying on anyone else." -Momonga sentenced him seriously- "Mhm?" "That's a wonderful idea," said the supervisor passionately, joining her hands in prayer, "that way you will erase your sin of having lost, along with all the Diamond Dogs, right?" "My lord, Momonga-sama!" -I speak with purpose Cocytus, which caused surprised reactions in the other guardians- "I have. A request. To make of you, I beg you. Momonga-sama." -said the warrior bowing his head- "Even after bringing defeat to the glorious Nazarick, do you dare to ask for anything? Remember your position!" the supervisor reprimanded him. But when she saw that there was no response from the warrior, she got even more upset. "! Cocytus!" "It's okay Albedo." -the supreme ruler intervened, cutting off the supervisor's fury- "can you raise your head and tell me what your request is?" The fifth-floor guard raised his head and gulped, * Glup * was nervous about what he wanted to say. "Well? I just want to know what you think and what you mean." "I am. Against. Killing. All. The Diamond Dogs, I ask. You. Have. Mercy." "! Cocytus, do you understand what you are saying ?!" -the supervisor intervened annoyingly- "! Albedo !, don't interfere with this." "I'm sorry, please forgive me." -The supervisor apologized, lowering her head- "Well Cocytus, you must have a good reason to ask, something that benefits the Great Tomb of Nazarick, tell me, what is it?" "Ha, I think. It is very. Possible. For. Great warriors. To arise. Among them, I think. It would. Be. Beneficial. For them to pledge. Allegiance to Nazarick. And become. Our. Subordinates." "It certainly is a compelling proposition, if we created undead from their corpses their level would be roughly the same as a human corpse would have, so there is no need to insist on Diamond Dog corpses." "In that case ..." The warrior was stopped by a skeletal hand that indicated that he had not finished yet. "But! Using undead created by me would be more practical than leaving the dogs alive." The frozen warrior was nervous, he did not want to destroy them so a small sound of helplessness escaped him as his master spoke * Mhhmp * "If there is yet another benefit, I would like to hear it." But nothing came to mind. "That…" "What's wrong Cocytus, if there's nothing else, you won't mind exterminating them, right?" The Overlord gave him a moment, intending for him to say something that never came out. "I see, it's a shame." But before he closed the subject Demiurge interrupted. "Momonga-sama." "Mhm, what's wrong Demiurge?" "What if we use the Diamond Dogs in a government experiment?" "Hooho, that's an interesting idea." "Yes, sooner or later we will wield different races and powers, I suggest conducting a government experiment by ruling over the pack of Diamond Dogs, by means other than fear as a practice for when the time comes." *! CLOOMMmmmg! * "A great suggestion Demiurge." "Many thanks." "We will accept Demiurge's proposal and move from extermination to occupation by the Diamon Dogs." Hearing their master's order, all the guardians answered affirmatively in unison. "Demiurge, I am impressed." "Why is it that you say so, Momonga-sama? I'm sure you already knew about my modest proposal, I was just waiting for Cocytus, right?" "You give me too much credit, I just wanted ... him to show me some of his reasoning, no matter what it was." Listen well my guardians, you must not obey all orders blindly, you must study them a little before acting, consider what will give Nazarick the most benefits. " Again a chorus round of affirmative responses was what he received. "Now, Cocytus, because of this your punishment will change, you will rule the Diamond Dogs, inspire loyalty to Nazarick, you cannot rule through fear." "As you wish, I Cocytus, will work. Very hard. To repay. The great. Mercy. You have shown me." "Very well my guardians, I order you to mobilize." -He said as he stood up- "one team will be a decoy, while another will show off our power with the diamond dogs, Albedo, prepare the soldiers, also activate Gargantua." "As ordered, can I assume that the decoy will show us as someone who enjoys watching them and gives the wrong impression of our objective?" "That's how it is." "Very good" the supervisor bowed to her master while wearing a malicious smile, which was the reflection of her desire to please her master while enjoying the despair of her adversaries. "Everyone get ready to move on!" With these last words, the overlord teleported to his room while waiting for the time of the raid. As their master retired, the guardians relaxed and began to talk among themselves, the first of all being the guardian of the fifth floor. "I am grateful to you, Demiurge." "That is not necessary Cocyus, it is probably the result that Momonga-sama wanted." The twins were surprised. "Huu?" "You say everything is going according to his plan?" Albedo said as she approached the others. "Momonga-sama is amazing!" Aura could no longer contain her enthusiasm at the greatness of her master, but her brother Mare still had a doubt. "Emm ... this ... g-tell me, in this case, did you already know in advance that Cocytus was going to lose?" "Not exactly losing, but he considered what Cocytus would recommend testing the dogs to find out whether or not he could beat them with his troops." "Momonga-sama is more than incredible, it is fair to say that assuming the role of coordinator of the supreme beings was not for nothing ∼de arinsu ne∼❤" Shalltear said, very excited as she blushed and held her cheeks in her hands. Meanwhile, in the room of said supreme being, he was lying face down on the bed drowning an idiotic laugh on the pillow. "Haha, hahaha, hehe" Then he rolled onto his back on the bed and began to ponder what happened just now in the throne room. That was incredible, I did not expect Cocytus to say that in Yggdrasil if you tried to do something without the ability, it was sure that it would fail, but he could get tactics and strategies from this battle, that proves that we have the potential to grow; But, growth indicates change, I can not assure that the loyalty of the guardians will not change, waaaah! how scary! I wonder if there will be someone who teaches me to be a king. "Well, it should almost be time to go out." The Overlord sat on the bed, but something caught his attention and he threw himself face down on the bed again. "Mhm, is there a floral smell? Did they put floral perfume on the bed? Is that what rich people's beds are like? In that case, I must remember it for when I pretend to be rich." At dawn the next morning, the most surprising sight was in front of the Diamond Dogs, Balto and his assistants until a few minutes ago were in a meeting deep in the burrow, when a soldier interrupted them to inform them that they had to come to the entrance immediately. The guard who brought the message arrived shaking and almost fainted, and now that they were seeing it too they couldn't believe it. "I expected it, but it was too soon" - the Alpha commented worriedly. "No, it can not be." -Chester said as he watched the enemy lines- "Impossible, this is a joke right?" -Gumbo said they are incredulous when paying attention to the enemy troops- "Have you noticed? Those armor and weapons are not normal, It seems that they have a strange shine that covers them, they are probably weapons with magic" -said Rocky worried- "They are also almost double that of yesterday" -Said Balto with resignation- Then an icy wind began to blow and black clouds covered the sun over the desert quickly, an icy wind over the desert was abnormal enough to cause doubt, but the clouds drew the attention of all the dogs to the sky, there was no pegasus moving them. "Don't give me that, is that great lord also capable of controlling the weather?" -Rocky said when he felt the drastic change in temperature- "They are moving." -Comment the captain of the guards- "But it doesn't look like it's to attack." -Chester said as he watched the enemy formation change- The four rows of heavily armored skeletons in the center of the formation began to march, advancing several steps and then taking a quarter turn in different directions, separating the columns in the center, when the columns finished reforming, behind them they left something that He opened his eyes wide, advancing through the gap was a skeleton, but this was not like the others they had faced previously, the tunic he wore was of high quality, the articles that adorned him were quite expensive in appearance and the staff in their hand was impressive, but the huge gems on the shoulders were what gave them an understanding of how expensive their wardrobe was, this was open in the chest where you could see its ribs and a red sphere in the lower part but what differentiated it the most from the rest of the skeletons was that in the sockets where its eyes should be there were two small reddish flames. "I think we can assure that it is about that such 'great lord', hmm, what is he doing, but what is that !?" -Asked the strategist with concern- The skeleton had raised one of its hands, and a huge dome of light with many different constantly changing markings, plus circles floating around it that did the same, appeared, spanning approximately ten meters in diameter with it in the center. "It sounds like magic, but I've never heard of or seen anything like this, whatever it is I think it's going to be pretty big." Then the unimaginable happened before his very eyes, the whole desert around him changed in an instant, it stopped being a pile of loose sand, it was covered with a healthy and lush grass as far as the eye could see, this fact caused all the dogs that were near the entrances directed their eyes to the floor right where they were standing, under their paws they no longer felt the desert sand. This distraction made them miss the appearance of a colossus, which they did not notice until they began to feel the tremors caused by its steps, looking up into the distance and to the right of the army, a gigantic creature at least forty meters high. height was approaching, the only thing they could differentiate at that distance were his bright eyes and lines that ran from his neck to his chest, he carried between his upper extremities a huge stone almost half the size of himself and to the surprise of all present, from that enormous distance he threw it, but his objective was not the entrances, at least that was obvious. When the stone fell into place, the skeletons with huge arches and shields began to move and one by one they leaned behind the rock forming a staircase to the top of it. "You're kidding right," Rocky said with a lump in his throat, from behind the army those who carried the banners began to advance through the central hole and when they came out in front they saw them clearly, they were more skeletons, but these were quite different of the rest, his armor was golden and covered almost his entire body, but the most amazing thing was that the magic in the latter was much greater than that of the other soldiers. When no one understood what they were doing, Balto said it in a clear voice. "Those are not banners of armies, those are royal banners, this is a royal procession." Then those who must have been the enemy representatives, passed through the path formed by the bearers of the banners until they reached the top of the rock, the first to ascend was the skeleton of the expensive tunic, behind him a creature with a mane long of a deep black color that wore a pure white dress with gold accents, the most striking were the wings that came out of her waist and the horns on her head, behind her came another individual who had a shorter and well-combed hair , he had round glasses on his face and a smile that gave chills, his strange clothing seemed to be something similar to what a minotaur would wear, then a ball of pink flesh that resembled a fetus floated up, this had a halo on his head and branches on his back, the next were two small creatures,maybe pups, they were identical to each other but their heterochromatic eyes were inverted, finally, a creature with wax white skin came up, wearing something similar to the pompous dresses that ponies wore at parties of black colors with accents in red, the only skin really uncovered from her was her face. When the skeleton came to the front, on the rock, something incredible happened again, behind the skeleton and out of nowhere a throne was created of what seemed to be crystal, which was quite high, and yes, there is no doubt in them, it was created, it did not appear suddenly, it was not stretched, it was simply created, it was born from the magic light, the other creatures that climbed all stood on the sides of the throne when the skeleton sat down, extended its hand and many of those appeared in front of its creatures that had previously named themselves heralds, these were immediately distributed to all entrances. "I bring you the words of the great lord, the great lord wishes to speak with you,! Let a delegate appear immediately! know that the time wasted is unpleasant for the great lord." The creatures floated back in front of the throne after delivering their message, and when they have reunited the creature in the pompous dress, it killed them all with the shock wave of a single clap of its hands. "It can't be, do I destroy them, that simple?" -Chester was incredulous- "Come on Rocky, join me to talk to that guy, given his numbers, I think it would be very counterproductive to go alone." -Said the alpha without taking his eyes off the enemies- He only received a nod as confirmation and they both went out to meet this great lord face to face. When they arrived in front of the great rock they presented themselves. "I'm Rocky, Captain of the Alpha's Personal Guard, and this is…" "I am Balto, the alpha male of the desert pack, the largest in the world." They both declared with pride. The melodious voice of the creature in white, allowed them to identify it as a female, then they guessed that the bulge on the chest was breasts, just like minotaur females. "My master doesn't think that posture allows you to hear properly, Demiurge." The creature in red stepped forward and spoke. "[Dessert!]" * Mmpff * Suddenly their bodies no longer responded to them, or rather they did what someone else ordered them to do. "[Don't resist!]" It was as if they were hypnotized, but without losing track of themselves, having someone capable of doing this was terrifying. "My master, you are already in a suitable position to hear his words." The female in white spoke again. "Good work, you can lift your head." -said the skeleton with a regal voice- "[They are allowed to raise their heads]" "First, let me thank you for your help in this experiment." The dogs swallowed the growl they wanted to give, they were thinking angrily 'that battle was just an experiment. "Now the main matter, you will be under my command." The reaction of surprise at these words, on the part of the canines, was no wonder. "But it is likely that you do not want to be under the orders of someone they fought and defeated, so, in four hours I will attack again, the aggressor this time will be Cocytus, one of my most trusted servants if they can also prevail against him. , I promise to leave you alone from now on. " Balto was sure that it was not a joke, he would attack with only one, after having attacked with thousands, which means that his strength exceeds that of thousands by himself, for which he reached his best conclusion. "We sur-" But he was interrupted by the skeleton as soon as he began to speak. "I hope they don't suggest something as boring as giving up without a fight!" "Will you make an example for us?" -Said Balto in a low voice- "Finish talking, you have four hours, enjoy it while you can." When the skeleton rose to its feet and began to retreat, the throne disappeared. "Wait a moment, could we know the name of the one who is going to rule us?" Shit, shit, shit, shit, I forgot to introduce myself, I was so focused on the monologue that missed it completely, what I tell them!, just Momonga? no! I'm already using Momon's identity, this must be able to expand our name ... our name! "Ha, it is true, I have not given you my name ... I am the master of the great underground tomb of Nazarick ... remember my name well! Once upon a time, there was no one who did not know this name, my name is ... Ainz Ooal Gown!" When he introduced himself, Momonga took one of the rulers poses that he had been practicing, inside his room and secretly during the nights, he had the staff resting on the floor close to him, while the upper part tilted it slightly outwards and backward, chin slightly raised and one hand forward with palm extended and down, while his body was at a 45-degree angle to the observer. Fortunately, the effect was as desired, the dogs were stunned by the majesty it projected and its guardians had happy faces, but all had a slight doubt underneath it. After introducing himself, he retired using the 'Gate' spell, after him, the guardians also passed through the portal, while each one said goodbye. "So, bye Diamond Dogs, [Gate]" -the Overlord said goodbye- "Goodbye Diamond Dogs" -said with a voice soft as silk Albedo- "!See ya!" -Aura said goodbye with great enthusiasm- "This is goodbye." -with purpose, Shalltear said goodbye- "T-this, please take care." -Mare said goodbye making a small bow- "Then goodbye." -Victim said goodbye with simplicity- "[You can move], and… try to have fun, Diamond Dogs." -Demiurge said goodbye with a cryptic tone- "Damn!" Balto shouted furiously. Back in the den, the meeting that started in the morning had resumed. "It seems that it will be like a ritual sacrifice, right?" Rocky asked. "And what do we do?" Asked Gumbo lost. "We have to form all the troops, I already underestimated us once, maybe we can achieve something." -Said Chester trying to come up with a plan- "No, I think the best thing is that they are only a few, half of my personal guard and the oldest of the guards, in addition to their captains and me, if their objective is to show overwhelming power, they will not kill us all, but the pack will need a central figure while the next alpha male emerges, to organize the remaining ones. " "Yes, why not, I agree" -said the captain of the guards- "So if we do, I think Chester will be the most suitable." -Said the captain of the personal guard with confidence- "Wait, you don't have to say that, I'm sure I can think of something!" -Said Chester trying to prevent the suicide plan from being accepted- "We have been given the chance to survive, that will be my last order as Alpha for the entire pack, you will be in charge until the next alpha male is born." -Balto told him- Arriving at the camp set up in the same place that Cocytus' had been before, Victim said goodbye and returned to Nazarick. "Well, Momonga-sama, I must withdraw for now." "Good job, keep the first floor of Nazarick safe until we return." "As you wish." -The guardian of the eighth floor answered with a bow- "[Gate]" -when his exit was created, Victim retired to fulfill his new task- "Well for now let's get on with the work, do you think our goal was achieved?" "Momonga-sama was perfect." -I reply happy Aura- "Of course, the faces of those dogs said it all!" -Commented Shalltear with the pride she felt for her master's ability- "I see, so the first phase of the demo was a success, now how about we watch what they're doing?" Momonga raised a hand and making a sign, activated the [Remote Mink Lens] that was in front of him, the image that was obtained was of the entrances of the tunnels, many dogs could be seen making preparations before the fight. "They are wasting their time." He waved his hand and the scene changed again, but it only showed common dogs. "Hmm, I don't see any of the commanders." "Mmh, I think their names were Balto and Rocky, right? They might be inside the tunnels." -Aura answered with a slight disappointment- "It's the safest assumption." -Momonga said- After which, he extended his hand, putting it into his inventory, he took out a bag, and from it a scroll, while he explained what he was going to do to the guardians. "Normally, the 'remote vision lens' does not allow to see indoors, but, using magic I can create a sensory organ, and by joining the two I can observe interior areas as if I were walking through them." The image that appeared in the lens, changed from the outside to the inside of the caves, Momonga navigated a bit through them until he found his objective, well below the burrow, the meeting chamber was, after seeing them for a moment, he decided that there was nothing special that warranted spying on their strategy. "Right, Albedo." "Yes, Momonga-sama?" "As soon as this fight is over and this camp is cleared, I want you to announce to all guardians, area guardians, and servants gathering in Nazarick's throne room, important notice needs to be given." "If I may ask, does it have to do with the fact that he presented himself to the dogs as Ainz Ooal Gown-sama and not Momonga-sama?" "Indeed, I have decided to change my name, although so far we have not found anything about it, we cannot be sure that there are no other players in this world, extending the name of the guild will be a good way to get the rats out of their nests, And if any of my companions ever find themselves in this world, they will know that they are not alone here until my companions reappear, and if they object, until then, this will be my name, I allow you to call me Ainz! " Hearing her master's reasons, the overseer became serious and ceremonious. "We understand your order, and we accept your wonderful new name-" Ainz interrupted the supervisor. "This is not the right time or place for that, wait for everyone to gather in the throne room." Please give me some rest, I don't want to have two ceremonies of this whim. "Understood, Ainz-sama∼" At the appointed time the Diamond Dogs were ready for battle, in the field were 55 elite guards, 120 guards, 15 slingers, the two captains, and Balto, then at a certain distance emerging from a circle of darkness in the same way in that the others had previously gone, an imposing four-armed figure appeared, it was almost 60 centimeters taller than the alpha, it had the appearance of an insect, but it walked on two legs as it approached, in two of its upper extremities it held an impressive halberd, there were multiple spikes all over his body, and from his back came out what appeared to be two huge chunks of ice, the enemy stopped at approximately fifty meters and drove the butt of his halberd into the ground. "So that's Cocytus, huh? He definitely looks powerful." Balto said as he examined his opponent. "Well, Ainz-sama. Is. Watching, show. All. Your power, but first, [Ice Pillar]" The Diamond Dogs were ready to start the battle, when the enemy made a strange movement, extended his hand, and out of nowhere halfway between them, on the grass that had been created previously two huge pillars of ice were born, then the insect warrior gave an announcement. "As warriors. Determined. To face. Death, I regret. To announce this, but this. Is the door. Of your. Doom, upon crossing it. You will find. Your destruction, if you advance. Further, death. Awaits you! " "But how kind, right?" Gumbo said as he advanced. "Mhm, that's right." -Balto said, and as he advanced, all the others followed him, crossed the pillars, and prepared to fight, announced that they were ready and the enemy only made a sign with one of his hands to advance, while he had the other crossed- "!Attack!" The slingers moved forward and began firing, but all shots ricocheted before making contact with the insect. "I'm sorry, but. We. Guardian. Class. Have. We. Have. Protection. From. Weapons. At a distance ... but this. Is annoying, [Piercing Icicle]" Cocytus raised one of his hands and threw a blast of sharp pieces of ice at a speed that the slingers could not avoid, all were impaled by the ice and fell inert to the ground, the contingent of soldiers was launched to the attack when they saw that the support had been removed. "I. Hate. Doing this. To. Warriors, but. I. Have to. Reduce. Their numbers, [Frost Aura]" The Vermint Lord waved his hand in front of him and a freezing air shot out in front of him, reaching the dogs that came running, in an instant they all froze, the only ones who could barely stand it were Balto Gumbo and Rocky, after this the captain The guard rushed to the attack, closing the last ten meters in an instant, the guardian extended his hand to the side and disappeared, when he reemerged in it he had a huge sword of beautiful manufacture. "[Imperial Sword Hunt Gods!]" And in a single movement I beheaded Gumbo when the latter fell to the ground, Cocytus felt movement under him and stabbed the earth three times in different places around him, the earth in those points collapsed staining red when the sword came out, immediately Later, seven individuals jumped from the ground around him, those who came out on his back were pierced from side to side by the spikes in their tail when they were hit and no longer got up, while the four who jumped in front they were split diagonally by the sword in a single-wide movement. Those had been the 10 elite soldiers that he sent to ambush him from below, with that all the additional troops were exhausted, only Balto and Rocky remained. "Mhm, there are only two left, Ainz-sama. I was expecting it and they certainly. Resisted. Until. The end." "It's just us, how are you?" the alpha asked his partner. "My whole body hurts from the cold, but I can still fight!" "That's. A good. Battle cry." "Well, this will be our last attack, we are sorry for the delay Mr. Cocytus." "It doesn't matter. I'm. Not so wild. As to. Interrupt. The farewell. Of two. Colleagues, get ready, no. I apologize, you were already. Before. We started, let me. Ask. Their names." "Balto, the alpha male of the desert pack." "Rocky, Captain of the Alpha's Personal Guard." "I will remember them. As names. Of authentic. Warriors, too. Let me. Excuse me, normally. I would attack. Them. With one weapon. In each hand, but, truth be told, they are. . " "Okay, let's go!" Balto shouted and they both charged at Cocytus iron sword in hand, Rocky jumped to give a downward blow, while the alpha attacked from the side, the guardian stopped the thrust of the enemy leader's sword with two fingers, then with a twist of the wrist cut vertically the captain of the guard with the sword, to his surprise, when he did so he felt that the sword in his left hand lost all the weight behind him and turned to see that the sword in his hand had been released from the alpha's left and right hand were approaching its trunk, but as the sword approached it was stopped by an invisible cloak before touching the enemy. * Tshing * "Haa, wonderful. brilliant. strategy, you ran. with the. center. of gravity. low. to pick up. another. sword and while. I got distracted. with the other. you tried. to stab. me. with. the. second. sword, sadly. I have. an ability. that allows me to. nullify. all. damage. from. any. low-level. weapon. " Cocytus turned to Balto, raised his hand with his sword. "From. The beginning. His attacks. Were useless, but…" That was the last thing Balto heard. In the camp the guardians were gathered after the battle, all were kneeling, in the presence of the supreme ruler. "Cocytus, you fought admirably." "Thank you very much, Ainz-sama" "But what you gave today was the stick, from now on you will give them the carrot, from today you will rule the Diamond Dogs, it must not be a reign of terror." "Understood." "Very well, listen my guardians, starting today, Cocytus will rule the Diamond Dogs, if he ever needs help support him." "Ainz-sama, how will you dispose of those. Two dogs?" "Of those two?" "Yes, the so-called. Balto and Rocky" "Yes, we will recover their bodies and use them as evidence for the creation of undead that does not depend on my ability." "I think there may be. A better option." "Mhm, what do you mean?" "Although. They were weak, I saw in them. The radiance. Of warriors. Who do not fear. Those. Stronger. Than them, I think. They. Have. The potential. To be. Stronger. Than we believe, no. He has. performed. experiments. to revive. the dead, what if he uses them for that? " The radiance of the warriors you say. "I see, it's truly something important, is there someone among the dogs who can represent them?" "Yes, there is one. Of black color. And short stature. Who did not participate. In the battle" Oh I see that one. "Well, how long will it take to bring it?" "I apologize, but. Assuming. You would ask, I have. Brought you. In advance, you are. Outside. Waiting. With my. Subordinates." "Hooo" the Overlord was impressed and turned to see Demiurge, who understood his master's look and shook his head, this time he had not helped him. "Mhm, very good Cocytus, your idea was the right one, good show him." "He has" A moment later the little schnauzer found himself inside the hut sitting on the floor and marveling at the fact that the interior was much more spacious than the exterior, but retained his calm appearance. "Tell me your name." "Yes great king of death, Ainz Ooal Gown." Albedo who was next to him got upset at the lack of respect and admonished the dog. "Show due respect to your new lord, he is Ainz Ooal Gown-sama to you and yours!" "I'm very sorry Ainz Ooal Gown-sama." -he said, trembling slightly at the thirst for blood coming from the supervisor- "My name is Chester, I was the strategist of the pack, but right now I'm the acting alpha." "Thanks for coming." "Yes, please accept the loyalty of the Diamond Dogs." Chester began to tremble more visibly when he heard the skeleton approach. "You see, I have an assignment for you." "If there is anything your servant can do, please ask for it." "Not as a servant, if you accept it, I will bring Balto back to life." "!Is that possible?!" "I am capable of manipulating both life and death, for me death is nothing more than a state of being." "So what do you want your faithful slave to do?" "It's simple enough, I want you to watch closely so that none of yours betrays me." "We would never betray him!" "I'm not fool enough to believe that." "At this moment you have in front of you the possibility of a miracle, but that miracle will not be available forever, in addition to reviving it, I will put a special spell on it, if I think they have betrayed me, it will kill it instantly, now,! Chester decides! " Ainz looked at the guardians and gave them an order. "Don't do anything, even if he refuses." "Now tell me what is your decision?" At the entrance of the burrow, there were many dogs gathered, it was something obvious, what it would not be, it was the reason why he was so weakened, the last thing he remembers is that he was fighting and then he was cut in half, at remembering this Balto tried to get up as best he could but he felt very weak, now that he could see better, he began to differentiate the faces of everyone around him, the closest of them was Chester's, that was a face that he never knew. had seen done. "W'a' ha'ened, sh'uld't I 'e dea'?" (What happened, shouldn't he be dead?) On the other side of him was someone he did not expect to see, the skeleton, he was the one who broke the silence in the place. "It seems that some levels have been lost, so that has not changed, first of all, congratulations on your resurrection" "Re'urec'on? Can you re'ive the 'ea'th?" (Resurrection, can you revive the dead?) "Death for me is nothing more than another state of being ... it looks like your speech is impeded, it should be enough that you rest a little to fix it." "My 'ord, I pro'ise to be alw'ys faith'ul and 'erv yo' wit' all my 'eing!" (My lord, I promise to always be faithful to you and serve you with all my being!) "I accept your loyalty, you can ask for anything you want." "P'osperi'y fo' mi'e" (Prosperity for mine) "I promise in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown that you will prosper like never before, Cocytus will be in charge of you, talk to him to find out what will come next." "I 'eally app'eciate 't, an' ... may I as' why 'ust 'e? Roc'y an' 'umbo woul' 'e hel'ful too." (I really appreciate it, and ... may I ask why just me? Rocky and Gumbo would be helpful too) "Mmm, their bodies must be out there, I'll think about it, keep your bodies well, Aura." One of the young came out from behind the skeleton, and now that it smelled closely, Balto could be sure that it was a female, she had the scent of many animals that almost hid her own scent. "Yes, Ainz-sama?" "We are leaving." The little girl nodded and with that, they began to move away from the Burrows, Balto could not believe it yet, his new master was capable of controlling both death and life. "Did we survive or did we evolve?" (We survive or we revive) "That doesn't matter, for now, hey you, don't stay there, come help me! You have to take Balto inside to rest." Throne Room. The room was full of people on their knees showing their loyalty, no one moved in the room, they were so wanting that you could hear the sound of their breathing, the only sounds, they came from Ainz and the sound that the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown made. hitting the floor. Ainz ascended the stairs and sat on the throne, he was watching the scene at his feet, almost all the NPCs were gathered here, a large crowd, it looked like the Hyakki Yagyō, the Great Hundred Demons Parade *, there was so much variety of characters, Ainz, in his heart, praised the imagination of his guild members, there was everyone except Gargantua the colossal golem and Victim, they could not leave their posts. (* From Japanese folklore) There were also many high-ranking servants, handpicked by the Floor Guardians, but even so, the Throne Room was so large that the scene did not look too crowded, he understood why his subordinates did not allow the servants of lower rank would go down to the heart of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, but Ainz thought there was no need to be so strict. It does not matter, that is not so urgent, I will discuss it another time. "First, I apologize for gathering you here." Ainz apologized in an unrepentant tone, this was only for the show, but apologizing was still important, bringing them together had been his decision alone, but this showed his subordinates that he trusted them. "Why I have summoned you here, Albedo will explain it to you in a moment, there is something more important that I wanted to inform all the members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick ... [Greater Item Destruction]." Ainz activated a spell that could destroy a magic item of a certain level, a large flag fell from the ceiling, the symbol of that flag symbolized Momonga. "I have changed my name when you refer to me from now on ..." -Ainz pointed to another place and everyone's eyes followed him- "Call me Ainz Ooal Gown ... Ainz will be enough." Ainz pointed to a flag behind the throne with the guild symbol, raised the Staff, and let it hit the ground, attracting the attention of everyone present. "All who are against, state your reasons." No one objected, Albedo walked towards Ainz and with a smile. "Now we all know the name of our Lord, Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama! The Supreme Overlord! All the members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick swear eternal fidelity to him." The Guardians said in unison. "Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, the Supreme Overlord who leads us! We will dedicate all that we are to you and swear eternal loyalty to you!" "Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama! Everyone knows his greatness and the fearsome powers he possesses!" NPCs and servants alike sang his praises, the Throne Room rumbled in applause, immersed in the praise of his subordinates, Ainz thought: My friends, what do you think of me hoarding this glorious name? Will they be happy? or are they offended? Tell me if you have any suggestions, tell me that this name is not just mine and I will change it back to Momonga without hesitation. "Well then…" Ainz looked at everyone in front of him. "I will announce the goal to everyone," -Ainz paused here, the expressions of his subordinates turned serious- "turn Ainz Ooal Gown into an eternal legend." The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in his right hand hit the ground, it seemed to respond and the crystals in it flashed their colors with intensity. "If there are any heroes, then we will replace them all, let the whole world know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the new hero! If there are people stronger than us in this world, we will find a different way to violence, if there is a magician with numerous subordinates, we will use a different method, this is just the preparation phase, to let everyone know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the best, let's strive together! " Expanding this name to the ears of everyone in this world will ensure that, if any of the former guild members who should have left Yggdrasil, but still existed in this world just like me, yes, this name that everyone would recognize, I have to. reach the realm of legends, whether, on land, air, or sea, there will be no conscious creature that does not know it! so this name could reach the ears of my companions if they are in this world. Ainz's majestic voice reached every corner of the Throne Room, everyone in the room made a sound and bowed their heads, a sublime sound known as prayer. The Throne Room emptied after the master left, but the air of excitement still lingered, receiving orders from the Supreme Overlord and acting in unison had motivated everyone, especially when he had given them an order. "Everyone raise your heads." Everyone crouched in prayer looked up when they heard Albedo's voice. "We will all carry out Ainz-sama's orders, the next thing is that there are important announcements to be made." Albedo's gaze fell on Ainz Ooal Gown's flag behind the throne, the NPCs and servants behind her also looked at the flag. "Demiurge, share what Ainz-sama told you." "Understood." Demiurge and everyone present was kneeling, but her voice was clear for all to hear. "Ainz-sama told me while looking at the night sky, 'I exist in this place to obtain that jewelry box that does not belong to anyone.' Then he said 'No, it is not something that only me should have, maybe I should use them to decorate the Great Tomb of Nazarick ... The Ainz Ooal Gown mine and my friends', the jewel box refers to this world, this is Ainz-sama's true wish. " Demiurge was smiling, but it was not a kind smile: "And Ainz-sama continued 'Conquering the world is a very interesting idea' so the conclusion is ..." Everyone's eyes were staring sharply, these are eyes that showed very strong determination, Albedo slowly stood up and looked everyone in the face, everyone looked at him in response, at the same time looking at the Ainz Ooal Gown flag behind her. "Understanding Ainz-sama's true intentions and making preparations is the way his prominent subordinates should act, everyone should understand that the ultimate goal of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is to take that box of jewels… this world for Ainz-sama. " Albedo smiled as she turned around and looked at the flag. "Ainz-sama, we will definitely hand this world over to you." Their voices reverberated off the walls of the room. "We will give everything in this world to the true Overlord Ainz-sama." > Getting a Gift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Welcome back Ainz-sama" Greeted Albedo cordially, as she prostrated herself, she had been waiting for him in his study/office, the Overlord had been working on the business of his company Yggdrasil, which was constantly growing, spreading throughout Equestria, it was a total surprise when during one of the meetings To get more contacts for her company, he received a call from the guardians supervisor. * FLASHBACK * -Start the conversation in Ainz's head- "It's something wrong Albedo?, I'm in the middle of a meeting, is it something important?" "I'm sorry to have interrupted you in this way, but you asked me to inform you of any unusual movements on the part of Princess Twilight Sparkle, I contacted you regarding that matter; I have a report that I think may be of interest to you." "I see, at the moment I am almost finishing the meeting, within 20 minutes I will go to Nazarick, to review this report." "Understood, I'll be waiting for you in your office." -End conversation in Ainz's head. * Sigh * "I apologize, but... is my presentation boring you, Mister Momon." "Mhm? Oh, no, that isn't the case, I was thinking how wonderful our profits will be when we start trading, after all your product is of quite high quality, I have never tasted such tasty peaches before Mr. Mustang." "Ha ha ha, you don't need to be so stif with a simple farmer, Cobbler is enough; but if those are your words, does that mean that you liked my proposal?" "Not only in your proposal, but I'm also interested in your technological developments, that is something that I have not seen anywhere else." "T-that would be great, the truth is that it all started from my father, I just started to follow in his footsteps, but my discoveries have not received as much support as I would like." "That will change, after all, I'm a ma-*hem*, a Stallion of business and word." * END OF FLASHBACK * Ainz took a seat behind his desk, after indicating to Albedo that he could get up using a wave of his hand, he got into the ruler mentality and asked about the special report. "Mhm, tell me, roughly, what this report is about." "Yes, apparently Princess Twilight has run into some kind of weakness in the sealing of an enemy from Equestria's past and fought against said enemy." "Mmm I see." -He started flipping through the report, reading between the lines- "Starswirl the bearded ... first bearers of the elements of harmony ... hoo, I see, this is definitely something interesting." The Overlord said as he placed the report on the desk. The supervisor of the guardians was delighted to witness the amazing processing capabilities of her beloved, she had a dreamy look and could not help but praise the owner of her heart. "You are amazing Ainz-sama!, that is a report of at least 35 pages, and you have read and understood it in just a few seconds, just as would be expected from the supreme ruler of Nazarick and the man I love!" He said with great enthusiasm, while his face was flushed and his wings trembled slightly. "M-mmh, well that's because it was so well written." "I am not worthy of your praise, Ainz-sama!" "Well, returning to the topic, we must investigate that place where the creature was sealed, it will be a good experiment to see if we are able to counteract and/or undo the effects of the magic of harmony, it will also serve to know a creature of evil alignment of this world." "Understood, I will immediately prepare the necessary forces." "Also, tell Pandora to take my place in the company until I return, I wish to fully concentrate on this experiment." "It will be done as ordered." With these words, the guardians supervisor bowed and left the study to carry out her orders. This is quite interesting, so, if there are creatures of evil alignment in this world, I wonder what kind will it be, a specter, a demon, maybe it is a kind of counterpart to harmony?, Mmmm, well we will see. in the place, 'Ponehenge' hahaha but what things, is it just another similarity of parallels? After all, there was 'Stonhenge' on earth, at least until that company bought the land and demolished everything to build its building ... well there's no point in thinking about that right now. " A few hours later they were in the place that was known as the hollow zone, a place northeast of Las Pegasus, at the foot of the mountains, Ainz, Shalltear, Demiurge, and several of their subordinates were gathered, the guardians were inspecting the area by intruders at the same time that they were erecting a double magic barrier, this would take care not only to chase off or prevent any intrusion attempt but would also prevent them from being detected or said creature from escaping, the barrier occupied a space of 100 meters around the ruins, as soon as they finished they were reunited with their master. "The barrier is ready and in place, Ainz-sama." Demiurge said while one of his hands was behind his back and the other on his chest, forming an angle of almost 90 degrees between his legs and torso. "Excellent, now, let's see, I can detect that there is a focal point of magic near, um, [All Place Detect Enchant]" The Overlord used the spell that allowed him to obtain the greatest amount of information from a magical object. Hmm, what? a forced door into limbo? I see, so it's really a seal, hooo, interesting, it also gives me some information on the sealed creature, let's see shadow pony, karma -200, heee, so It is not so negative, but finally we are going to get to work, hehehe, it is exciting to know if we will get any new creature! "Well let's start by testing a low capacity barrier/seal breaker, Demiurge, if you may, start from the lowest possible levels." "Yes, as ordered, you thief skeleton, use 'Barrier Erosion'." A mercenary skeleton, dressed in dark-colored rags with a hood that hid most of his skull, who had been summoned with Yggdrasil gold, approached the center of the room to use his third level spell, the results were disappointing, and at the same time not so much, that the seal was opened with the magic of such a low level it would have meant that the enclosed creature would have ridiculously low strength, and therefore useless; After several unsuccessful attempts to confirm the uselessness of the spell, it was then that the skeleton used [Seal Destruction], a fourth level spell, with which it was possible to see a reaction from the seal, in the eyes of Ainz who could see whether an object contained magic or not thanks to his previous spell, he could see the almost violent reaction of the seal, which meant that that was the limit of the abuse it could withstand, anything higher would shatter it. "That's enough, the seal won't hold anything beyond that level, Shalltear." "Yes∼, Ainz-sama." "Use 'magic destruction' to remove the seal, and tell the Pale Riders to be ready, I don't want this creature to escape by turning ethereal if it can do it." "Yes, it will be done as ordered∼ you have already heard Ainz-sama if this creature escapes, I will make sure to get an undead to beg to die, understood∼" Shalltear said with a sweetness that did not fit at all with her words, but the Pale Riders, simply nodded. "Well if you get it then let's get started, [Magic Destruction]" As soon as the magic took effect, it was heard as if a large crystal was breaking, and multicolored pieces were seen falling shattering on the ground, immediately afterward a black vortex surrounded by a bright multicolored halo appeared and from it a fast approaching echoing laughter. "hahahaha haHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! Now you see it Starswirl, your pathetic spell could not contain me!" From the portal emerged an amorphous shadow that began to take the form of a smoking equine, he was barely taller than Ainz when he was fully formed and standing, his face was adorned by an evil smile, and when he turned his gaze to whoever was In front of him, the shadow pony was speechless. "Now I just have to get Stygian back as my guest and then… you…" In front of him were a variety of creatures that he did not know and even a skeleton in a robe, if his memory did not fail him it was an undead, something that he had not heard in a long, long time, the creatures around him. Lastly, they were also rare, they were standing on their lower extremities, and they had almost no hair covering them, apparently, now that he was paying some attention, away from these were large equines, being ridden by similar creatures, and very close to him were three more skeletons, but their clothing was almost rubbish compared to the robed one. "Bah, I'm wasting my time." The shadow pony went up in smoke and tried to get away, but to his surprise, his intangible form was quickly brought to the ground and immobilized in just a few seconds by the mounted creatures, their weapons were capable of doing physical damage to him, something he had never seen before, or felt before. "AAAAaaaagrh, what's happening, why I can't get away, how can they stop me?" "Fufufufu, so you are simply a stupid beast that is unable to reason, Ainz-sama, I think this creature is of no use beyond the physical, if you would allow me to take it to my ranch, I am sure some parts of he can be useful in potions or scrolls ... how loud, [Stop Resisting], [Stay Quiet]" Hearing these words, the pony of the shadows could no longer move or speak at will, it took quite a considerable effort to even turn his body a little, as soon as he was immobilized, the smaller being approached him and I speak in a sweet but threatening voice. "Before you is a supreme being∼ if you do not behave and show due respect∼ I will burn you with sacred fire until there is nothing left of you∼ do you understand∼? Demiurge, could you allow him to answer? Unfortunately, I can't read minds. " "Sure it won't be a problem, [Answer truthfully], also [Answer all questions]." Again to the surprise of the shadow, something was happening that he was not able to prevent, his thoughts came out of his mouth and not what he wanted to say. "I understand the threat, but I don't understand what you mean by supreme being." "That, I can answer it for you." It was an absolute surprise, and he couldn't hide his look of shock, he had never known before that the undead could speak, the noises they normally made were harsh, but his voice was powerful, clear, and with authority. "My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and I'm who they refer by 'a supreme being'." Said the skeleton as he removed a ring from one of his claws, the next thing the shadow pony felt was fear, the being before him gave off an aura of death and despair as he had never felt before. "Now, you will answer, all, my, questions..." A couple of hours later they were all back to their normal work, while Ainz was in his study, reflecting on everything that had happened during the time they had been here since he and Nazarick arrived in this world. Man, but what a disappointment, in the end, it was nothing more than a kind of parasitic demon, I hope Demiurge can take advantage of it, otherwise the whole thing would be a total waste of time; Since we came to this place, you can hardly say that interesting things have happened, except for 'my' plans for world domination, basically nothing exciting happens. During the first month of the business, the extension of the loading and unloading tracks was built, the station and the workshop/warehouse were finished practically at the same time, and thanks to the quality of the furniture we offer (created with scrolls of the lowest level of 'creating object') in addition to the credit system that we created, the company has expanded rapidly, we already have at least one branch in Vanhoofer, Fillidelpia, Baltimare, and Manehattan, and soon it will be necessary to install another in Mustangia, of all the problems the more entertaining so far have been those of the company, that guy, what was his name mmm I think it was Rich something, his intrusions have been quite constant, but the one who has suffered the most with them has been the princess. The project in Griffonia is the slowest of all, it takes a lot of work to restore an almost dead civilization, but there is good progress, the idea of ​​generating income and jobs at the same time was the most successful, in that way the project is paying itself. After two months of having set the date for the friendship festival, Princess Twilight was back in Canterlot, and had met with her mentor in her private office, but her objective was not only to verify the progress of the preparations for the festival, they had received the notifications from the artists and chefs who would be joining their Equestrian counterparts during the event, and also to talk about the new store in Ponyville. "And with that, we finish with the issues related to the festival, everything is ready to start mobilizing all the materials and participants in two and a half weeks" "You've really put in a lot of effort with the preparations, I'm sure everything will be perfect..." Celestia said proudly to her former student, but her words took on a tone of concern immediately afterward. "As for the other, have you heard anything about it?" -Asked the monarch of the sun- "No, nothing so far * sigh * I hope he's just on vacation in another dimension or something ridiculous." Said the princess of friendship with a feeling of resignation that was reflected in her tone of voice. "Changing the subject, there is a new merchant in Poniville, he arrived a couple of days before we came to Canterlot two months ago, his furniture is wonderful, he has intricate and beautiful designs, he is also a pony of his word, every month he expands the products and services offered, at first I was quite suspicious of him, for the same reason I did a complete audit after the first month, but I could not find any problem or contradiction. " Twilight started walking in circles as she continued. "In parallel, I had been investigating the background he gave previously, but everything seemed to be in order, the goods he brought with him from Minos followed the appropriate procedures, entered through the horseshoe bay, and arrived by train to Poniville, apparently his story in Minos too it is maintained, according to Iron Will, the nickname of his benefactor, 'old Red Horns', belonged to a powerful merchant among the minotaurs, but he passed away a couple of years ago of natural causes, * sigh * without leaving any direct family. " "Excuse me for interrupting Twilight, but, there is something that catches my attention and I feel like I should ask, can you tell me why you have been blushing and restless for a while?" "Huh ? ooooh, um, that… is because it was so embarrassing when we met him." Said the princess of friendship with some embarrassment on her face. "Embarrassing, why, what happened?" "… Fluttershy and I had a wingboner." Twilight said softly and with a completely red face. "Sorry i culdn't hear you, you and Fluttershy what?" Celestia asked having barely managed to hear the first part. "We had a winboner!, we couldn't help it!, okay!" -Said the youngest of the princesses, almost screaming- "Hoooo" -Celestia covered her nascent smile with one of her hooves- "He is very handsome, he has a strong body for a unicorn, his voice is deep, to tell the truth, it was something that none of us were expecting, we just weren't ready for something like that, poor Fluttershy couldn't lower her wings for almost half an hour after we left his store, for heaven's sake, I didn't get mine down until I was distracted by the image of her cousin and business partner when she introduced her to us! " She finished her triad by throwing her hooves into the air and then covering her face that threatened to catch fire with embarrassment when she laid it on the desk. "If he could do that to my former student, who would practically not notice a stud even if she ran into it, then it must be a sight to behold." Celestia answered in a tone that implied that she would not forget to put the hoof on the wound from time to time, a tone that was accompanied by an almost imperceptible vulgar smile. "Putting my 'shame' aside," -said Twilight determined to move the subject in another direction- "They are creating many jobs that are well paid and with benefits far above the others, he has even managed to get products and contracts in Griffonia, they already export products of Sweet Apple Acres and Rarity for you, he once told me that his talent was design, but certainly his business savvy is no joke." "So he's someone skilled ... you know, I'd like to meet them, would you mind giving them a summons for me?" The curiosity of the monarch of the sun has been piqued, and she wanted to meet this merchant face to face. "No problem, I will gladly hand it over for you!" "I know." Celestia covered her mouth with a hoof to hide her smile, while Twilight get to understand the hiding meaning of her mentor's words, looked away and turned red as a tomato. When the moment of total blush passed for the young princess, her former teacher wrote the summons and handed it to her, they exchanged goodbyes and Twilight spent the night in Canterlot having dinner with her parents, returning to Poniville in the early morning of the second day. On the last Wednesday of the month, in the afternoon, the princess of friendship entered the Yggdrasil store to deliver the summons of her mentor. "Hi Nabel, good morning." "Good morning Princess, to what do we owe your visit, do you want to buy something, or is it regarding the transportation contracted for within two and a half weeks?" "Mnnhmn, I came to give you a summons from Princess Celestia, she wishes to meet you both, the summons is for a week from now, but if you have any impediments, the princess is willing to reschedule if necessary." "At this moment, Momon-ss is away." The alicorn looked downcast when she heard him, but corrected her posture immediately. "I'll let him know when he get back." "If you need to reschedule the visit, do not hesitate to tell me, I will take care of communicating it to Princess Celestia, well that's all for me, then see you later." "Have a nice day." As she left, the alicorn was lost in thought. Wow, I still can't get used to it, she's beautiful, but she's almost as monotonous when talking as Pinke's sister As soon as Twilight was gone, the battle maid was quick to be alone. This is something urgent, I must notify Ainz-sama and Albedo-sama immediately. "Cloudy Sky, cover me in the cash register for a moment, I need to go to the washroom." "Mhm? Oh right, no problem Nabel, I'll take care of it." As soon as she was alone, she took the necessary precautions and activated a scroll with the spell [Message] "Ainz-sama." "It's something wrong Naberal?" "The friendship worm brought a summons issued by the rulers of Equestria, they are requesting to see us in a week." "It's as an order, or is it not so severe in tone?" "No Ainz-sama, apparently it is more like a request, it can be rescheduled if you wish it." "At this moment I am supposed to be visiting one of the stores, so we will confirm our attendance tomorrow afternoon, for now, make the necessary preparations to transport a couple of pieces of furniture from my personal workshop in the warehouse, we will give them a present just like we did with Princess Twilight." "As ordered by Ainz-sama, I will prepare everything for transportation within a week." In the room of the supreme ruler of Nazarick "See it to be done." (end of message) "Sebas, summon the guardians, they must report to the throne room immediately." The butler bowed and retired to carry out the orders received. Haaha, it's very boring to be reading all these reports, even when I only read between the lines, remembering only names or things of interest, I just dedicate myself to signing them, after all, Albedo and Demiurge are much smarter than me, so there shouldn't be a problem... this is a great opportunity, I will be able to see in person the rulers that can move the sun and the moon, I am almost sure that there should be no problem; even though we have not had the opportunity to see the elements of harmony up close in action, their carriers are quite weak, according to what we have found out so far, none of them is a threat to us, the only real problem is the special abilities of some of They, the most dangerous would be the farmer who is a walking lie detector and the one who can talk to animals, at first I thought that the pink one would be the biggest problem, but blocking her was much easier than I thought. "We need to establish ourselves legally as soon as possible." Upon reaching this conclusion, the Overlord got up from his seat and teleported to the throne room to wait for the guardians, after a moment, the sound of the gigantic door opening, announced the arrival of everyone, upon reaching the staircase. In front of the throne, Sebas bowed, while the rest knelt. "I have gathered them as ordered by Ainz-sama." "Mhm, good job, all of you can get up." Upon receiving permission, everyone rose to their feet, while the butler moved to the left side of the room to take his position as a servant. "Thank you all for answering my call so quickly, I have gathered you together because I have received the report from Naberal Gamma that I had been waiting for." Albedo, who was one step ahead of the rest, took the floor. "It refers to the summons sent by the rulers of Equestria, isn't it, Ainz-sama?" "Mhm, I see that Naberal already gave you his report as well as me." "Yes, I received it while I was on my way to answer your call." "Indeed, we are being summoned as our disguises, the document was delivered to Naberal by Princess Twilight personally." Demiurge decided to speak when he saw that his master was looking at him. "You are magnificent Ainz-sama, and to think that with something so simple you could control so many without even suspecting it, just wonderful!" As the archdemon's praise ended, the overseer continued speaking. "That result was to be expected Demiurge, not for nothing was he, the coordinator and leader of all the supreme beings, for Ainz-sama, controlling the actions of a lot of stupid mares is as easy, as it is for us to breathe, everything I need was a low-quality piece of furniture to control the actions of that minor noble, and he controlled the rest simply by carefully selecting the order in which he extended his influence to the surrounding cities, taking into account the discreet timing of even the trips he shared with the other mares. " Eeeeee, where do I get all that? I gave the furniture to her to do goodwill, and the trips that I shared with the elements were completely a coincidence, if I run into them so often it is because the town is small! "M-mhm, I'm glad to see that you managed to see my plans." "We are not worthy of your generous words, we have not managed to do more than scratch the surface, we are still unable to envision the next steps of his plan," -said Demiurge humbly- "with the current information given to us, a little idea of ​​which are your plans for the festival has been revealed, after all, the scouts who were assigned to watch over the storm king reported that he has begun to send his outpost to the south of the continent, to secure a base of operations." "If I remember correctly, in the reports it's said that the storm king's troops move on some kind of mixture between a hot air balloon and a ship, if that is the case, he must de sure of his air superiority, in other words, he does not believe that his troops will suffer significant casualties, which means... " The Overlord was thinking aloud, but it was more for himself than for his subordinates, but the latter understood the pause at the end as if he were asking them a question, no, for them, it was as if their lord was indicating to them that with this information they should already be able to see their plans, so to say that they were nervous would be an understatement, they were terrified, they were not because of missing their answer, that could well be within the expectations of their master, what they really feared was disappointing the last of the supreme beings who had stayed with them, they feared that he would be so disappointed that he would decide to abandon them. Albedo and Demiurge's minds were working overdrive (needlessly), trying to understand the overlord's plans. The storm king is a buffoon who feels powerful, he thinks he is a genius in strategy and manipulation, but he is only capable of herding sheep, he advances confidently of his victory feeling invincible, without even looking back ... behind? ... rearguard! Upon reaching this conclusion in his mind, the light of understanding was reflected on Demiurge's face, something that did not go unnoticed by Albedo. "You are amazing, wonderful, the epitome of intelligence!" The archdemon shouted excitedly, which brought Ainz out of his meditative state. "Mhm ?, Aaa, I see that you have understood my plans, share with others what you have understood, but do it in a way that everyone can easily understand." So that I can understand it too. "Yes! The storm king is a buffoon who believes himself to be a great strategist, I'm sure that as soon as he finishes securing his base of operations in the south of the continent, he will bet everything on a direct attack on the capital, they will take advantage of his air superiority to reduce their casualties to a minimum and/or give their enemies time to react, the idea itself is not bad, but the plan is." Given this, the rest of the guardians showed a confused face except for the supervisor, she only showed her usual smile, upon realizing this, the guardian of the seventh floor decided to elaborate his answer further. "The plan is bad because it is not considering all the capabilities of the enemy, or that some external agent interferes, thanks to this and all the preparations that Ainz-sama has made beforehand, we can finally take the first step to fulfill the main objective. of our master, take over the world! " Eeeeeeeee, what are you talking about, at what point did my desire for peaceful coexistence turn into a plan for world domination! (ES) no, no, wait a minute, let's finish hearing what Demiurge says first "We will seize this opportunity to systematically eliminate the tyrannical rule of the storm king, and we will establish a new order, then, thus, we will establish a kingdom legally in the eyes of the rest of the powers on the globe!" To his surprise, Sebas could not prevent some words from escaping him. "But wouldn't that mark us as the greatest threat?" The supervisor looked at the butler and calmed her doubts. "That would be the case if it were someone else, or do you think that our master would present himself to any fly that requested his presence for no reason? I'm right?, Ainz-sama." Well, those ideas can work too, in the end, it doesn't matter if they know me for fame or infamy, as long as the guild name spreads. "As expected of the brightest minds in Nazarick, they have fully understood my plans!" "No, not at all Ainz-sama, Albedo and I are sure that this is only the tip of the iceberg that your plans are." -Said the guardian contemptuously about himself, but the response of the Overlord moved them- "You are giving yourself very little credit, and I am not going to make less of any contributions." "We humbly and wholeheartedly accept your words." -Said the supervisor, bowing with grace and elegance- "Now Demiurge, of all my preparations (which do not exist) which was in your opinion the most critical of all." At this question, the Archdemon took a pensive pose with his right hand holding his chin, and after a moment he stated his conclusion. "I think the most critical of all the preparations, was the creation of Momon the merchant, after all, if he did not exist, we would not have easy access to the cities and the raw materials that they could produce for Nazarick, although taking them by force would be seriously very easy, that would make it non-renewable, also when the kingdom of Ainz-sama is established, its presence in our lands will show us as a peaceful country with which it can be traded, this will allow us to establish relations with neighboring nations that have not been under the storm king regime, in short, I think not only is important, but also the key that will unlock the rest of the world for us! " "Indeed, Demiurge's assumption is correct, ultimately, that was the most important action of all." I just wanted to get away from the paperwork for a bit * sigh * "Ainz-sama" "Mhm, it's something wrong Cocytus?" "Yes. I apologize. For my. Impertinence. My lord, but wouldn't it. Have. Been easier. To have. Simply. Taken. Equestria?" "I agree with Cocytus Ainz-sama, aside from some interesting beasts and the occasional vegetation, I haven't seen anything worth preserving." Uuuuah, such a reaction was to be expected from a ranger, but the plants?... I see, she must also be speaking for Mare. "That's certainly an interesting point, and it would also be the fastest and most convenient option given our location," At these words, both were happy thinking that they had been useful to their master, but with the following, they felt ashamed of having spoken. "However, it would be at the same time the worst possible move, that move would make us seem not only as invaders but also as the main enemy, Cocytus, what do you think would happen if this case occurred?" "Yes, being the. Primary enemy… that. Would. Mean. Being the target. Of everyone… that. Could. Spark. chain. reaction of. Conflicts. On a large. Scale…" "But that wouldn't matter in the least, would it? After all, no one in this world is capable of matching or approaching Ainz-sama's power!" Mare spoke with a confidence and coldness that he showed very occasionally, which surprised the Overlord. "It is true, we have not found anyone capable of getting in our way so far, besides it would be very easy to reduce everything around us to ashes, but tell me Mare, is it your wish that I rule over a simple pile of ash and rubbish? " While everyone went cold as they understood the meaning of the last question from their master, Demiurge, and Albedo, only smiling bitterly wile nodding; being the one who had suggested such blasphemy, Cocytus hurriedly put his four fists on the ground and bowed head almost to the ground as he apologized. "I beg. your pardon. for my. indiscretion, Ainz-sama, it was not. My intention. at any time. To disrespect you!" When Cocytus finished speaking the twins understood and making a perfect 90-degree bow, both of them apologized in unison. ""We are sorry"" Shalltear remained silent but lowered her head in embarrassment as she was thinking the same as them at first. "Raise your heads, Cocytus, you can be calm, you are not at fault, none of you are, know that it is pleasant for me to see you expose your doubts or annoyances regarding the direction of the plans, because this avoids impediments in the future." The Overlord rose from his majestic throne and spoke in a clear voice. "Albedo, coordinate with Actor from Pandora, prepare the 'present' that we will bring to the princesses, it will be two dressers, one in white and gold, adorned with amethysts and the other in indigo and onyx, adorned with white gold and pearls." "As ordered, Ainz-sama." "Demiurge, as soon as they're ready take them to Titus and get them prepared, just like we did with the one for the princess of friendship." "It will be done, Ainz-sama." "Shalltear, as soon as the librarian has finished preparing them, you will transport them to my personal workshop at the factory, remember to take the necessary precautions." "Yes∼❤, as ordered, Ainz-sama∼ de arisu." "Finally, we have already verified that their detection capabilities are very bad thanks to Pandora's Actor raids and portal tests, so a large contingent will not be necessary, however, it is foolish not to prepare, Albedo." "Order." "Prepare a group of 15 units with infiltration skills, to serve as my escort." "I have to prepare them with the premise that they will be hidden all the time and will function as an interception network at the same time, am I correct? "Indeed, in addition, Naberal and Pandora's Actor will accompany me, he will be supplanting the delivery employee who has given the best results in the company so far, make sure he is replaced the night before his departure, when we return, his memory will be manipulated so that he thinks he has made the trip himself. " "I'll take care to start the preparations immediately." "Tomorrow we will take the first step to have the princesses in our hands, everyone can retire to carry out your orders!" All the guardians prostrated themselves before the great image of their master and answered affirmatively at the same time. """""Yes""""" > Visiting the Neighbors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful morning in Poniville, and for the princess of friendship it was a great morning, all the preparations for the festival were ready, and she still had time to correct any details that might arise before starting the mobilization of everything, so she no longer had the pressure of planning on his shoulders, however, the real reason why she managed to rest was that Filthy Rich had finally stopped whining his complaints and accusations against Momon Shade and his company Yggdrasil. When she came downstairs for breakfast, after washing up and getting ready for the day, she was greeted by Spike. "!Good Morning!" "Good morning, Twilight ... I see that this time you did manage to rest, today if you seem up beat." The alicorn took a seat at the table, while her assistant/brother/son served for both of them. "Well, that's because tonight I no longer had the pressure to check the preparations to make sure everything was in order, and the constant complaints from Filthy Rich has finally stopped." "Rich was complaining?, why?" "Hughh, you wouldn't believe it, he's been bringing me complaints and requests, at least twice a week, since Yggdrasil opened!" "Wow, really? but if Momon is a good guy, and Nabel is beautiful∼ ahem, well not as much as Rarity, but she is cute." Said the little dragon blushing, fortunately for him, the alicorn was so focused on the food that he missed that slip, which consisted of margarita sandwiches, alfalfa milkshake, and a fresh salad accompanied by an omelet stuffed with mushrooms for the alicorn; pancakes topped with sapphire chunks and whipped cream, a banana smoothie, and a fresh salad with ruby ​​topping for the little dragon. "Mmmhmm∼ The food is delicious, you have surpassed yourself Spike, sorry I was distracted, what were you saying?" "I said, continue with the story!" –The young dragon rushed to cover his previous slip, completely.- "Ahem, and thank you, I was worried because of how tired you looked these last days." "How considerate, thank you very much! Well, as I was saying, the first thing he brought was a complaint, claiming that Momon took away a piece of land that he had already set aside, I lost all day at the mayor's office reviewing documents, to finally find that there were, not, even, a single document or record that told he had given at least a penny as payment for that land, a few days later he accused the mayor of giving him favoritism for his appearance, I lost a full whole day checking that all the transactions between the mayor's office, and Yggdrasil were in order, which gave zero suspicious or incriminating results " * Munch, munch, munch, sluuurp, glup, aaah * (after all they are having breakfast lol) "Then for almost 15 days in a row he was speaking badly and insinuating that there were shady things in Momon's finances, until he made a full accusation, claiming that he was 'cheating' his clients with the 'credit' he offered them, I spent all nights, for a whole week, checking all their credit contracts to date, and the only thing I found was that the system that I create is not only user-friendly, it is also completely solid, financially speaking, I am sincerely impressed. " * Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah * "The following week, he made accusations of illegal practices and/or fake prices, and again I found nothing in either case, after that, his accusations got crazier and crazier." * Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah * "That same weekend, he accused him of having his workers threatened with their contracts, I lasted five days, reviewing each, and every one of his contracts, and you know what I found?!" "Eeemmm, nnnothiiinng?" -Spike answered uncertainly- "Ha, Rich would have liked that better! I found not only that they were honest, but also that their employees have the best benefits in all of Equestria!" "Wow, seriously?" * Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah * "Yes, probably the only workers with better benefits are those who work at Canterlot Castle, the week before I went to see Princess Celestia, do you know what he was accusing him of?" "From some kind of fraud?" asked the dragon starting to see a pattern. "No, he dared to accuse him of controlling his employees with magic!" "And I guess you didn't find anything again." "You're wrong, this time I did find something." "Huh?" Spike was stunned to hear this statement. "While doing interviews and reviews with a large number of their employees, I found some discomfort as Filthy Rich had been trying to convince and/or bribe them to reveal administrative issues, so the last three days that I was in Canterlot, I was trying to not think about Rich's accusations. * Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah * "When I came back, went straight to deliver the princess summons to Momon Shade's shop, while getting out, I ran into Rich again, and what he said at that moment was the last straw." -FLASHBACK- "See you later, come back soon." As the princess of friendship came out of the store, Nabel's almost monotonous voice said goodbye to her, as she walked towards her castle, while being flanked by her solar guard escort, was walking a little downcast, she hoped to have the opportunity to see Momon (thing that she didn't tell Spike), had barely gone a couple of streets when she ran into Filthy. "Aaah, Princess Twilight, I'm glad I found you." Hugh, not again "Good afternoon Filthy Rich." "I have learned something that I thought should be reported to you personally as soon as possible!" With what is going to come out now, "What is it about?" "I have reason to believe that the owners of the new store are Changelings or some kind of-" "Rich, stop it." "But I am-" "I have said, enough! I am already tired of hearing your unfounded accusations, which have only made me lose a lot of time! If it weren't for the advice that Momon Shade gave to my friends, on the train trips in which they crossed paths, I would not even be close to finishing the preparations for the friendship festival, and there is barely a month left! I had enough of your envy against the new merchants, and your whines because their products are of the same quality or better than yours, or because they have a better head for business than you." "Princess, it offends me that you sug-" "Lieutenant Comet Dust!" "At your orders Princess." "Notify your guard, and Lieutenant Solar Flare, if one more unfavorable comment or innuendo is heard from Filthy Rich's mouth, relating to Yggdrasil or its owners or any of its employees, he will be immediately arrested, under the charges of libel, attempted bribery and attempted corporate espionage, and will be sent to court before Princess Celestia." Hearing this, the owner of 'Barnyard Rich Opportunities' widened his eyes and his ears folded close to his skull. "That's right, I'm well aware of what you've been trying to do Rich, that's all Lieutenant, make sure you inform all your men and send a notification to Canterlot before the day is out." "As ordered princess" With this the princess turned and withdrew, leaving behind a Filthy Rich in total shock. -End OF FLASHBACK- "Wow, did you truly do it? I would have liked to see it!, this is the first time you have imposed your authority as a princess!" The little dragon was surprised and regretted that he had not accompanied her. "To tell the truth, I felt really bad after I thought about it on the way back, when I got to the castle I told the lieutenant that it was all words and that I was canceling the order." Said the alicorn with a bit of pity. "Well, he doesn't know that, so it probably won't bother you anymore." After this they finished their breakfast in calm, when they finished, between the two they cleared the table, when they were finishing cleaning they knocked on the door. * Knock knock knock * "Go ahead." "With your permission princess, there is a merchant at the entrance requesting an audience." Aaah Rich surely comes to complain, * sigh * well it doesn't matter, i have finally rested enough, I think at this moment I can handle the situation better than yesterday. "Okay, bring him into the hall on the right, I'll be with him in a moment." The guard saluted and went out to carry out his orders. * Sigh * "Well let's finish cleaning first." As soon as she was free, the princess of friendship went to meet her visitor, when he saw her coming, the guard at the entrance (a unicorn) gave a salute and using his magic opened the door, she nodded to thank him, and entered the room but who received her, was the last one he expected to find. "Ah, Princess Twilight, good morning." * POMF * Standing next to the hall table was Momon Shade, she was speechless and static for a moment blushing slightly. "I apologize, but… is it a bad time for my visit? If so, I will leave immediately." "Huh?" -This question brought her out of a trance, she controlled her wings and rushed to answer. "Oh, nonono, it's nothing like that, it's just that I thought it was a different pony, that's all hehe." She took a seat and indicated to Momon to take a seat as well to start talking, when they just got seated, the little dragon entered with tea and cookies. "Thank you very much, Spike." "No problem Twilight." -with this the princess's assistant retired- "Well tell me, how can I help you Momon Shade?" "I have come to talk about that summon that you brought yesterday to my store, have come to tell you that I am very grateful for this opportunity and in turn that we have no problem with attending it as it is scheduled, in addition, I would like to point out that I want to bring some presents for the princesses and a helper. " "That would be perfect, I'm sure there will be no problem in this regard, and taking advantage of the fact that you are here, allow me to apologize and also thank you." "Mhm, why is that?" "First I apologize for the inconvenience that Filthy Rich caused you with his unfounded accusations, yesterday I put him a stop, if he speaks badly of you again, that will have serious consequences for him." "That is no problem, it is normal for those who do not achieve what they want to look at those who succeed with jealousy." "Wow, what a centered way of looking at things..." Realizing that she said it instead of thinking about it, she hastened to continue. "Ehem also, I wanted to thank you for the help you give to my friends on the train trips they crossed paths with you, your advice saved them a lot of time, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have finished with all the preparations for the friendship festival, to tell the truth, I had planned to stop by your shop in the afternoon to bring it up, but since you took the time to come here personally I didn't see a reason not do it to at this moment." "Oh right, now that you talk about your friend, the polychromatic maned Pegasus, is she okay? I remember that she crashed very hard last week." * FLASHBACK * Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus captain of the Ponyville weather team, was finishing stretching early in the morning, standing on a cloud some 400 meters above sea level. "Great, I finally have some time to practice, I didn't think it would be so long and boring to coordinate so many teams to lend just one of their members ... well with the warm-up over, it's time to get serious." With this the Pegasus jumped from the cloud in which it was and began with speed exercises, after multiple laps around the town, then began to do fine control maneuvers and ended with rapid descent, recovery, and ascent exercises, she decided that the end of her third series, will do a sweep through the center of town, and take a look at the new store, as he had heard, they already had other things besides furniture, so he changed his last series for descent, recovery, and landing. The descent passed without any problem, and she was almost at the recover mark, but as she approached the store, saw the hottest stallion that had ever seen come out of it, with this second of distraction, in which his wings stiffened, she missed the time to switch to landing, and instead of slowing down, she spun uncontrollably until she crashed squarely into the fountain in the central plaza a couple of streets away. The impact, broke the upper part of the statue and it fell on the pegasus, Momon and other residents rushed to help it, he removed the statue, and took her out of the fountain, seeing her injuries, the owner of the new store, decided to put her in a more comfortable position, being between his hooves, Dash regained consciousness for an instant, in which she just blushed quite a bit, said a line and fainted again. "Ughn… * Blush * not cool." *Fainting* * END OF FLASHBACK * "Oh, yeah she's feeling better, she'll probably be discharged next week." In addition, now she is the envy of all the Poniville mares, after all, she is the only one who has been in that position with you, and above all, wet! The paramedics found many traces of blood, and all were far from the fountain, * sigh * I'm envious, I missed it !. "After all, it's not the first time she's hurt like this, she's always doing dangerous stunts, hee hee, but this is the first time that got hurt for this reason, hee hee." "Is this the first time she had crashed into a fountain?" "Not at all, but it's the first time she's crashed for having a wingboner…" * POMF * Seeing Momon's neutral face, Twilight realized what she had just said, and turned red as a tomato as her wings rose. "A wing… boner?" "Ehem, well, errr it's something that happens to pegasi from time to time when they ... ahem they get really 'excited', hehehe." Sorry Dash. "Oh ... I ... I see, well, in that case, tell her please that I send him my best wishes and hope she will recover soon." "Of course, it will not be a problem, I will deliver your message the next time I visit her." After crossing a few more polite words and unimportant topics, Momon was about to withdraw and Twilight decided to ask a question that she couldn't get out of her mind. "Hmmm… if it's not a bother… I'd like to ask you a question that has been hanging around me since the Dash incident… can I?" "But of course princess, ask, and if it is within my knowledge I will answer you with pleasure." (Since this is a memory of Twilight, she doesn't know what Ainz is thinking, but at this moment he's in the direction of, ' shit shit shit, what are you going to ask me, was it a mistake to have helped her, did she know something? have I spoiled Demiurge's plans, is my vacation over? ') "Well ... um, you see I heard from several ponies who saw you help my friend ... that you alone removed the fountain, and it's not light at all, it usually takes at least 2 unicorns to lift it with magic, but ... they all say you lifted it with your hoofs. " At this point, the princess was practically a beacon of so much embarrassment. "H-how are you so, s-strong?" Ainz sighed in relief, (not that he showed it, of course). "Oh that, as I mentioned when we met, I am not very good with magic, but that has nothing to do with how much I have but rather with how much I have learned, I am sure that having reviewed my papers you will be aware that I lived in Minos for a long time, didn't you? " "That's right." "My strength developed since I didn't use my magic, I did everything to ha-hoof, so living in a society where physical strength is something to be recognized, I cultivated mine to this point. " "I understand, yes, that makes sense, I'm sorry I took so much time, it was a pleasure to have/receive you!." "The pleasure was all mine, so if you'll excuse me I must make arrangements to travel to Canterlot this coming Monday." "Of course there is no problem, on the contrary, I thank you for taking the trouble to come personally to give me the answer, will notify Princess Celestia that you will be able to attend without complications" "Then we'll see you later Princess Twilight" Making a small courtesy, Ainz withdrew, the rest of the week passed without incident, the necessary preparations were made and the journey began. Traveling by train to Canterlot and traveling in a first-class cabin, Momon and Nabel met. Well apparently everything is progressing according to Demiurge's plan that he thinks is mine, but man, I was surprised the other day ... had it not been for the emotional suppressor, I would have screamed in surprise, at first, it would have been when immersed In the conversation I drank from the tea they served me, and I was truly able to drink it!, although it did not taste anything to me or gave me any benefit, I must be careful, apparently the body obtained with the ring can perform the organic functions that it should, when I tried to urinate in the private bathroom of my room in Nazarick, I was able to do it! Although not much, probably only an amount close to what I drank; But when I got most nervous, it was when the princess explained to me about the 'wingboner', I felt something that I had not felt since I arrived in this world, something terrifying, something that Albedo must not find out, under any circumstances! I cannot allow her to find out that this body is capable of having an erection! With the princess, the suppressor of emotions, and the fact that I am not a zoophile saved me from the embarrassment, so I must try to never use the ring carelessly inside Nazarick. "Narberal, get ready, we're almost here in Canterlot." "As ordered, Ainz-sama" "Hanzo." -A ninja came out of the shadows and knelt in front of 'Momon'- "Order" The pony-transformed Overlord dipped his hoof into his inventory and pulled out a red scarf. Wow, we still haven't discovered how it is possible to manipulate things with the hooves without them falling off, I hope we find out someday. "Take this scarf and tie it to your arm, you will be the leader of this infiltration unit, after our stay, you will be left behind, your job will be to keep an eye on all the figures of interest, you will not interfere with anything that happens and you will report everything, also, you will make sure that the princesses 'gifts' are always unobstructed. " "Yes, as ordered!" Huh… its just me or does he look very happy for some reason? When they reached Canterlot, a carriage was waiting for them to take them to the castle, behind them a cargo cart transported the gifts, the entire journey was covered without problems or delays, upon reaching the castle they were escorted to the throne room. Woow, this place is very well done, the doors are quite big, the sky is high… although it is true that it does not hold a candle to Nazarick, it is still very beautiful. In front of him, at the back of the room were the diarchy of Equestria on their respective thrones, these were located on a staircase of about 8 steps and there were small fountains on the sides of the platform, when arriving in front of the thrones Momon and Nabel were at the head, while Pandora who had taken the form of Swift Ride, an employee of the Yggdrasil company, was a little further behind along with an escort of Pegasus and unicorns who brought them, the three of them bowed deeply, and After receiving permission to get up, Momon spoke up. "You can get up" -said the monarch of the sun- "Princesses, diarchy from all over Equestria, I am deeply grateful that we were granted the honor of being personally invited to your court." "Your words are the most appropriate for a situation like this, but, you are asked to relax your posture, this is not an official congregation." Pointed in a calm voice the monarch of the moon. "Relax my little ponies, with the request that we meet if possible, I intended to denote with the letter sent that this was not an official meeting, although, I intend to congratulate you on the success of your business, if you continue to expand like this, you will soon be indispensable for Equestria. " Celestia spoke in her usual motherly tone. "I doubt that I will be so successful, but still appreciate your kind words." "The reason why I requested your presence here today was that we had desires and curiosity to meet the one of whom my former student and fellow princess speak with such high esteem and as a filly in love, from what I see she is not without reason, this stallion is probably the most handsome I have met in a long, long, long time however, I only know two names, would you mind telling me who is accompanying you?" "Excuse my manners, he is Swift Ride, he won the award for the most outstanding employee of the month in the transportation branch, and it seemed like a good idea to bring him, he is not only to function as an assistant who will carry the presents that we brought for the both of you but also, for spending the day with us during this visit, as if it were a third partner of my company." "I find this a wonderful recognition for an employee who works hard." Celestia said happily with Momon's answer. "If you don't mind? I'd like to see those presents, we heard from the fair Twilight that your designs are wonderful; guards, bring the presents that young Swift Ride brought here." Momon turned his gaze towards Pandora and gave his directions. "Swift, please accompany the guards and give them the necessary instructions to handle them properly, we cannot give the princesses a product in poor condition." The bone-colored unicorn said to his other companion with a kind but serious tone. Pandora gave a quick salute and left after the guards, shortly after, she returned with 4 unicorn guards, who carefully levitated both furniture, concentrating their auras on the base and backrest, both were covered with large silk cloths, and while Momon presented them, Swift discovered them. "Since Princess Luna was the one who requested it, it will be your first, an indigo and onyx dressing table, engraved with jasmine and orchid designs, adorned with white gold and pearls." When the furniture was uncovered, Luna sucked in surprise and covered her wide-open mouth with her hooves. "For Princess Celestia, a dresseing table in Pure White with pearl-gray accents, engraved with carnations and tulips, adorned with gold and amethysts." When the furniture was discovered, like his sister, she inhaled and covered his mouth, because the engravings were both defined and delicate, the ornaments were of good taste and with an excellent design. "I can certainly say that this is only the second time that Twilight falls short in her words to describe something, I think saying wonderful would not do justice to their design, I'm afraid that even saying artwork would probably not be enough, just there are no suitable words. " She turned to see her sister and they both nodded. "We wholeheartedly accept the presents from those who give us, now, what do you think if we go to the dining room to continue with the talk?" Momon looked at his companions, none of them had any objection. "There is no objection from us, after your Highnesses." Before leaving, Luna made sure the dressers were moved to a suitable location. "Guards, call the servants, place bot of our presents in our respective chambers, be sure to pass the young Swift Ride's instructions." Two of the guards who had brought the furniture to the throne room, gave a salute and retired to carry out their orders, while the princesses and their guests left for the royal dining room, where they engaged in light talk, enjoyed After the hors d'oeuvres, they talked about Yggdrasil's achievements, their broad plans for the company and their future participation in the friendship festival, when they finished, they returned to the throne room and Momon said goodbye to the princesses. "Well then, with your permission, we are retiring Your Highnesses, I will open a Yggdrasil branch in Canterlot, as soon as I find the right place for it." "When you do, we assure you that we will be your first customers." Luna said with encouragement. "Then I'll make sure to send you an invitation to the opening jejeje." "We wish you success and a safe journey." Celestia said goodbye politely. After her guests left the diarchy finally exchanged words. "Well, what do you think Lulu?" *Sigh* "He is handsome, mysterious, and polite, if he had shown the slightest interest, I would have offered him to spend the night in the castle, more specifically in my intimate company." "You've always been very promiscuous, to tell the truth, I'm surprised you didn't generate a bloodline." The sun monarch said with a playful tone. "That's because the fun was always worth more than the commitment." Luna answered with a tone equal to that of her sister and showing the tounge to the latter. "If not for the fact that I already started a bloodline, I certainly wouldn't mind starting it with him." Back in their hotel room, Momon and Nabel were about to go out to 'search' for possible locations for the new location when Ainz received a [Message]. * Pirip, pirip, pirip * Mhm, what is it Albedo? ... something interesting? ... hooo, I see, if it is definitely something that I have to deal with personally, prepare everything for a meeting tonight." Hearing the words of his master, when he finished speaking Naberal asked: "Do you wish to retreat to Nazarick, Ainz-sama?" "No, there is still time, when we finish the evaluation I will take care of receiving our… 'guest'." Everfree forest depths, southwest side, morning. A voice with a slight reverberation sounded annoyed, its owner had not only had a bad night, but she had also had a bad week, a bad month, in short, she had not had a good day since her moment of greatest misfortune, and she had not just a day without remembering, hating and cursing those who caused all his problems, and today was no different. "Aarrgh, you stupid and annoying forest! * huuuff *, but I have already started to obtain the necessary materials to carry out my plan, I just have to hold on a little longer and then, finally, yeah, I'll finally get my revenge! HAHAHA!" "Ooooh, I see, so that's why you've been stumbling all over the forest, jijijijij" His monologue was interrupted in the most abrupt and unexpected way, his posture tensed, his reflective dark carapace clicked with his movements, the pierced hooves parted slightly, his membranous wings buzzed menacingly, his head was slightly lowered as she tilted his horn slightly. forward, all this in the span of a few seconds. "Who is there? ... who dares to mock Queen Chrysalis?" "Queen? Aren't you more like a worker?" The mocking voice with a childish tone answered him. "Get out from wherever you are, brat, if the beasts of the forest did not tear you apart, I'll do it myself!" * Fooosshh * Chrysalis was enveloped in a green flare and when it disipated, there stood what would normally be known as a Gryphon, letting out of its beak a roar interspersed with the screech of an eagle; that moment will be something she remembered as her worst mistake for the rest of her life. Out of sight, on a tanned face, with heterochromatic eyes, a predatory smile emerged. "Tell me 'queen', are you one of the beings known as Changelings?" Chrysalis was taken by surprise, the last thing she expected was a calm response, this made her regain her composure and pay more attention. "You know, my master ordered me to capture unknown creatures, previously i have got a sample of all the creatures of Equestria, but one always evaded capture." Chrysalis was beginning to worry, whatever the creature that was speaking to her was not a simple filly, even when it continued speaking, she could not locate it, it was as if her voice was coming from everywhere. "Of course it wasn't because they were very skillful or powerful, it was because my master set rules for the capture, and they were always very cautious, but you? Yes, I can capture you without breaking the rules hahaha. " She returned to his original form, around her everything tasted like fear, but there seemed to be nothing that was causing it, a chill ran down Chrysalis's back, from the tail to the tip of his horn. This creature, whatever it is, is dangerous, I must escape immediately! Just when this thought crossed her mind, felt something settle on her neck, the next thing she knew was that his snout tasted like mud and mold, she turned her head a little and managed to see it, a bipedal creature, dressed in a strange outfit, it seemed to have hair only on the head, it was keeping her on the ground with only one paw, and even though she was larger than the creature she could not move it. * Creeeeak * *! Crack! * Chrysalis eyes widened, the creature was breaking its shell, the last thing he saw was when it raised the other closed paw, after that his world turned to darkness. Nazarick's Great Tomb, Fifth Floor, Frozen Prison. "Huh, what? Where am I? It's very cold here, that's... is that... ice?... did they bring me to the frozen north? That's not possible, that's almost three days away by train from downtown Equestria, I would have woken up several times. " She passed her hoof around her neck… she found nothing, she breathed in relief, but the next instant tensed again. * Fuuuu * "...! Nothing!? How can there be nothing? Without the healing wax, a fissure takes at least a week to heal! it is not possible that I lasted almost a month unconscious and not starve to death!" Queen Changeling continued to ruminate on her situation until exhaustion, after a few hours, the cold began to take its toll on her, then she felt a presence approaching her cell, the closer it got, the clearer the emotions that projected became, and The greater the fear that seized her, she could perceive happiness, and much, she tasteed pride, greed, and darkness, a very deep one that reeked of malice and sadism, with a tinge of death and despair that had permeated this individual, and that was what terrified her the most. What is it that is approaching?, Whatever it is, it means serious problems, no, that is to belittle it, this thing may well destroy everything around it, then set it on fire and laugh while standing in the center, my magic did not work since I woke up, but they have not taken it from me, I can still feel it, maybe this cell is made of a material similar to my old throne, if things are that way, my only option is to attack it as soon as the door gets open, this thing will regret having messed with Chrysalis! The only entrance and exit of the cell were opened calmly, the former changeling queen, launched the attack ready to use her fangs on the creature, and when it was just at the door, and Chrysalis was in her second step... [Kneel] * GRRruuughhhh * (sound of Chitin scraping on the ground, like a heavy acrylic box on rough ground) "AAaaaarrrggh!, what the Tartarus is wrong, why can't I stand up?! What it did to me?!" [Silence] "Mmmph… MMHmmhmmn!" "Goodnight 'queen' of the Changeling, or should I say ex-queen?" "…!" "Come on, there is no reason to be so surprised, why would we capture you if we did not know at least something about you? But hey, we can leave the talk for later, right now my master wants to see you, so we must hurry, [Stand], [Follow me] " Chrysalis could not understand, the chitin on her legs hurt when she walked, but she could not stop, she wanted to shout obscenities at the creature in front of her, but she could not make a single sound, however, it was not about mind control, her head was clear and could hate him without restraint. Then how am I following all his orders!? She was so concerned to understand what was happening that she did not realize that they had reached the bottom of the endless stairs, the creature had made sure that nothing was burned in her mind with a single instruction, this was canceled a while after starting to descend 'Focus your Attention on Me', was all the creature said, while trying to understand how, she was brought out of its reflective state when a very luxurious carpet began to appear under her hooves, even without being very understood on the subject of furniture, one thing was clear, not even Celestia had a rug like this, this revelation forced her to look up and what she found was even more impressive, upon seeing her reaction, the creature again spoke to her. "This place is called 'the lesser key of Solomon', and it is just the preamble to the throne room." Then at the end of the corridor she saw it, a gigantic double door, solid and magnificent in appearance, the engraving was so vivid that it seemed that it could move, when they arrived in front of them, they opened without the slightest difficulty or make the slightest sound of friction, something that the former queen did not ignore, as soon as she could see what was on the other side, she would have been speechless even without the creature's order. It was a room with gigantic columns adorned in marble and gold, chandeliers with multi-colored gems, however, what most caught her attention were the bipedal creatures at the back of the room, among all, for her two figures stood out, the First it was an insectoid like her, but this one was bipedal even though it had six limbs, with the two on its right side it held a huge halberd, from its back two protrusions that seemed to be formed of ice emerged, a wide repertoire of emotions was in the air, from hatred to curiosity. And what most caught her attention was what appeared to be a corpse that was placed on the imposing throne at the back of the room. Eeeeh, what is this about? Is it that perhaps the master of these creatures has a morbid sense of humor or do they just hallucinate that their dead boss keeps giving them orders? They were all formed in a column on the left side of the room, she was led to the front of the throne, where she was prostrated and forced to bow her head, then the creature in the red suit spoke. "Ainz-sama, I have brought her as ordered." "Good job Demiurge, hmm ... I'll need her to be able to turn to look at me directly and speak." To the utter surprise and horror of Chrysalis, the corpse, or what was to be just a pile of bones, moved and spoke, now that she paid more attention to it was able to notice the small red flames that were in the sockets of the skull, no emotion emanated from it, then she understood, the leader of these creatures was not wearing a disguise or a puppet, it was a lifeless existence, something she only remembered from ancient stories, the creation of a Necromancer. "As you order, [You can raise your head], [You can speak]" "Haa, heee, haaa ... Who the hell are you?, Necromancy was banned from Equestria and practically everwere for millennia! Even today only a few know that it ever existed, who the hell are you mo-? " Chrysalis's words were cut off abruptly, she felt like she was suffocating, an enormous pressure that turned her stomach and constricted her lungs paralyzed her, the various emotions in the room changed in an instant, the only thing she perceived in the air was hatred and murderous cravings, something she had never felt, it was the latter that seemed to threaten to crush her at that very moment, but a single word stopped it all. "Enough," Said the Overlord with a calm voice without hurry. "We are very sorry, Ainz-sama, but this stupid creature was about to insult you!" "That may be the case Albedo, but simply killing her is useless, besides, only a fool heeds the tantrums of a spoiled infant." "You are right, I beg your pardon for our recklessness." "Mmh, it doesn't matter at all, now." The ex-queen was just beginning to regain her composure and breath when they spoke to her again. * Pant, pant, pant * those creatures were going to kill me * pant * just for trying to insult their leader, and just with their presence!, I have to be- "Ex, Queen Chrysalis, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown, I am not just a necromancer, I am what is known as an undead of the highest bloodline, I am an Overlord." "Overlord? I've never heard of anything like this… wait, undead, does that mean you're truly a lifeless being?!" "That's right, longevity is a concept that does not apply to me, now, we could continue chatting all night, but I prefer to go straight to the point, we have managed to understand all the races around us, except one … The changelings, to tell the truth, we already know a lot about you, where you are located, what is your social structure and how many there are approximate, however, they have managed with some success, to prevent us from getting a 'sample' to study it, or so It was until today, but having you here today we can identify a quite marked difference compared to the rest of your race, which leaves us with two questions of interest, the first is ... Why? " "And w-what i-is the second question?" * GLUP * "What part of you will allow us to understand and assimilate your transformation magic?" The blood in the queen's entire body seemed to freeze at the same time, she could almost have sworn that even her heart stopped, in the next instant her blood was boiling and her heart was beating at a thousand a minute, but not with rage, which she felt was an absolute terror "! PPPPP-ppppart !, t-they are going to kill me, they are going to kill me! they are going to kill me! AAAAAaah" * Nngh, nngh * no, no, please no, no !, NO! " She wanted to flee with all her might, but her body did not obey her, nothing from the neck down responded, which perhaps was not so bad, otherwise, she would have been soiled by the terror that felt by the causality with which her death was mentioned. "[Silence]" * mmmpf, nnngh * "Thank you, Demiurge." "There's no need to give them Ainz-sama." "Former queen Chrysalis, being an undead, I have all the time that exists, (he change to a serious and threatening tone) but that does not mean that my patience is infinite, now listen carefully, and answer only when asked let him do it, do you understand? " Aaaaaha, I knew it would end this way, Demiurge is quite cruel to anyone other than Nazarick, well, I must continue, I do not wish to ruin 'his' participation in 'my' master plan, I hope the aura of despair has not been too much exaggerated. Meanwhile in the head of the changeling queen. What the heck was that, it was as if his presence was devouring everything around him for a moment! * Nod, nod, nod, nod * Clearly. "Excellent, you will see what awaits you will depend entirely on your choices, so these are your options, you will swear allegiance to me and you will comply with any order you receive, as well as the intention behind said order to perfection, or you can take the second option, with this you will not have to follow any order, you will simply exist. " So my options are a slave or a prisoner, you don't give me many options, don't you think? "As you may have already noticed, my subordinates are not exactly the compassionate type, so I can assure you that your stay in our care will be really long, furthermore, our healing magic is very good, so I can assure you that you will accompany us. As long as your natural life lasts, the first gives you relative freedom of movement, the second leaves you in the hands of my guardians. " "Now tell me, what is your choice? Demiurge." "Yes, [You can speak]" "Does that mean my options are prisoner or slave then?" Chrysalis asked with some displeasure and fear. "It's Ainz Ooal Gown-sama for you, you filthy creeping bug!" -growled angrily the overseer of the guardians- "You are being offered an unimaginably generous opportunity, I will not allow you to disrespect the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick you-!" "Enough Albedo, that's enough." The thirst for blood coming from what appeared to be some kind of female minotaur, with wings on her waist, almost caused Chrysalis to vomit and pass out, the only thing that prevented her from dirtying herself with fear, was the blockage that prevented her. commanding her body, and just like the previous time, it completely disappeared with the intervention of the skeleton, it was quite obvious that he had absolute control over his subordinates. "Demiurge, didn't you tell me that it was an intelligent being? It doesn't seem to have enough capacity to reason my words." The Overlord said nonchalantly when he saw that Chrysalis did not respond. "I apologize Ainz-sama, certainly this creature does not even reach the edge of the shadow of your intellect, but I consider that the reason for its poor performance is due to being in the presence of a supreme being for the first time." "Mmhm, certainly the probability that this is the case is very high, then I will be clearer; in the first option there is the possibility of rewards, I am generous with those who give results complying with my will, in the second I will also get everything i want from you whatever if you want or not, but everything you will know for the rest of your natural life, will be an inscrutable pain, I think that with this you should be able to understand it, now what is your decision? " Slavery or infinite torture? Well, at least that's easier to decide. The ex-queen thought sarcastically. At that moment the former queen of the changelings, voluntarily did what she had never done before anyone, tilted her head until she almost brushed the carpet with her mouth for the second time and with tears of bitter defeat in her eyes, she spoke. "I, *sniff* ex, Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis CorNigrum *sniff* solemnly swear *sniff* to serve my lord and master Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, be it in war or peace, I swear to bring benefits to your home of power, I swear that I will never betray or harm my lord and master Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, I swear *sniff* to serve in my lord's ranks until the end of my days. " "Our master is not limited by such trivial things as life and death, you must expand your oath." The supervisor of the guardians indicated with a cold voice, she did not understand it, but she obeyed anyway. "And *sniff* I swear, serve my master, even in *sniff* death." The Overlord rose from the throne spoke with a firm and powerful voice. "I accept your oath of service, and swear under the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, to ensure the continuity of your natural life, and to mete out punishment or reward as is fair." walking down the steps of the throne, he stood in front of the prostrate changeling, leaned down, and placed his skeletal hand where his neck and torso met, activating the undead touch that allowed him to infuse negative energy. "And I swear to bring the worst of suffering to those who abuse my generosity." * Ghhhen * * Nnnghh * * gaha, ghheeee, huuuuf, ghheee huuuf * When he released her, she breathed in as if she had just come out of underwater. "Demiurge, release her." "As ordered by Ainz-sama [Releasing Control]" The archdemon rushed to carry out the order while his master returned to his throne, meanwhile, Chrysalis had no presence to recognize anything that was happening around her, she had just gone through the most terrifying sensation that had ever felt in her entire life, she felt her magic and her soul being taken from her body at the same time, the only thing that could bring her out of her stupor were the words of her new master. "Stand up Chrysalis, from this moment you are one of my subordinates, what you have just felt is a spell with which I have infused you, with which it will be possible for me to find you wherever you are, in case you get lost or are captured, even if you die, I can find your corpse or what's left of it and revive you if your achievements warrant it; do you have any questions? " The ex-queen could not believe what she had just heard and the expression on her face made it clear. "R… Rrrrrr-rev-revive me!, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, do you have the power to revive the dead?!" "My name is too long to use constantly, I allow you to address me as 'Ainz', and indeed, for me, death is nothing more than another state of being, it can be easily remedied." This means that if I had chosen the second option, death would not have saved me from torture! * Glup * "Well then, Aura, Mare." "Yes Ainz-sama." -they answered in unison- "Later you will help Crysalis to settle on the sixth floor, she will be under your command for now." "Understood." "Albedo." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Make sure to inform all residents of the tomb of the new addition." "It will be done as ordered." "Now, Chrysalis." Fearing to cause the wrath of his new master, she decided to imitate those who had already spoken, bowed, and spoke. "Y-yes, Ainz-sama." "These will be your first orders, you will share all your knowledge, both tactical and general, then you will participate in the necessary experiments to find out how your abilities can best serve Nazarick." "A-as you order. " "Demiurge" "Yes" "You will be in charge of reviewing and documenting all her knowledge, you can use the anteroom of any of the empty rooms for it, if she has questions you can answer them, as long as it is not vital or secret information, regarding the experiments, Remember that she is now under the protection of my name, Titus help you so that you can maximize the results between the two of you, in terms of information, make sure you gather first what may be necessary for the next operations. " "Ooh I see, so that's what it's about, you're great Ainz-sama, it will be done as you order." By God Demiurge, give me a break, what did you read between the lines this time, Aaaa, I hope there are no more problems "Everything must be prepared for a perfect deployment, we have enough time to make any corrections if necessary, Albedo, how are the storm king's movements going?" "Yes, according to the spies, they are landing what would be the last shipment of supplies right now, our strike troops are positioned and ready to take control of their nation quickly and cleanly." "Excellent, we will take action to secure all their communication routes, we will do the least possible structural damage... at noon we will take its capital." "If I may inquire, we will take care of the regents tonight, won't we?" "Indeed Albedo, but to make sure nothing goes wrong, we will attack the strategic locations closest to their capital, that should make them rally, then we will take care of it." "I'll make the necessary preparations, that buffoon won't know what hit him until his head rolls." "Then, if Ainz-sama will allow me, there is only one topic left to discuss." "Expose it Demiurge." "Yes, now that Ainz-sama will have his deserved kingdom, I think it would be appropriate, to think of an appropriate title for a supreme being, after all a simple king would not be enough." "Hmm, I'm not against the idea, let's listen to everyone's suggestions, and then we'll select the most suitable one." The Overlord turned his gaze to the first to enter the throne room. "Sebas, what is your opinion?" "Yes, I think it is not necessary to complicate things, for me a simple king would be enough." "Albedo" "Yes, it is certain that there will be no female who is not attracted to you, what do you think of the king of love?" Hearing those unexpected words, Satoru Suzuki's emotion suppressor activated. (SE)Eeeeee, no, please not Albedo, that's too embarrassing. Uugh, at first I thought they were just my ideas, but this female is truly a 'fountain' of love and an eruption of lust for the skeleton, even though it's impossible for the skeleton to feel anything. -Chrysalis thought- With some reluctance that he did not let it be heard in his voice, Ainz continued. "Shalltear" "Yes∼, since it is the maximum representation of beauty, I think the beautiful king would be the most appropriate∼. Eeeeee, no please, that's even more embarrassing than the previous one. (SE) Uugh, this one too, but this one is more lust than love, even so, that makes it even more incomprehensible. -Chrysalis thought again- "Demiurge" "Yes, given his immeasurable intelligence, I propose the wise king." No, no way, if I use it, I will be finished with the first public mistake I make!(SE) Interesting, respect that could almost be called fanaticism. -reacted the Changeling- "Aura" "There is no one stronger than Ainz-sama, I think a mighty king would be the most suitable." Excellent aura, it is still somewhat embarrassing, but it is much better than the previous ones. Typical of a brat, easy to impress. - The former queen thought contemptuously- "Mare" "Y-yes, th-this, Ainz-sama is very compassionate, I think a merciful king would be appropriate." It would be a great idea if I just weren't a skeleton. Whoa, is this brat blind? That thing doesn't have a single ounce of compassion inside of it! The Changeling's troubled face caught Ainz's attention and then he had an idea. "Right, since Chrysalis is a resident of Equestria let's hear her opinion." When she felt the weight of all the gazes on her she cursed her luck and swallowed what was threatening to rise through her throat, took a breath, and spoke nervously. "Y-yes A-ainz-sama let me, I think I would have to highlight his power over life and death, I think the king of souls could s-serve." Sensing the approval of everyone around her, she relaxed a bit and breathed in relief. "Cocytus, you've been very quiet, don't you have any suggestions of your own?" -Asked Albedo to the insect warrior- "Mmmmh, Ainz-sama will be a king who rules over various species and will crush anyone who opposes him with his incomparable magical power… I think a sorcerer-king would be the most suitable option." They all turned their eyes to the throne, in the eyes of each one could see the same opinion, there was no better proposal, seeing everyone's expression, the Overlord stood up and expressed his acceptance. "Very well, then, once our kingdom is established, I will adopt the title of sorcerer-king, you can continue to call me Ainz." They all prostrated themselves, Chrysalis rushed to imitate them as soon as she saw them move, as they were all on their knees, Albedo spoke on behalf of the rest. "We received and accepted your orders Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!" "The most powerful king" -The twins said at the same time- "The king with the greatest wisdom." -Said Demiurge- "The king with the greatest beauty." -Said Shalltear with eyes of love- "The most compassionate king." -Said Sebas stoically- "The king with the most powerful magic." -Said Cocytus- "The king who dominates life and death" -Said Chrysalis- "The greatest king of all." -said Albedo- """MAY YOUR KINGDOM BE ETERNAL!""" > The Welcome Party Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital of the empire of storms, war room, two days before the invasion of Canterlot. In the room there were 4 individuals of multiple races, only two things had in common, the first was their rank, they were all division generals, they were below only Tempest Shadow, the commander of the armies and the storm king himself, in addition, They were the ones who managed the different territories of the empire. Originally they were gathered to be waiting and ready, in case of receiving new orders, however, everything had changed drastically that morning, since dawn began to receive reports from multiple locations around the capital, reports that indicated that the soldiers were facing off against enemy troops of unknown origin. "Another report has just come in, the iron mine to the north has fallen, we must do something now, we cannot allow this to continue like this any longer!" * TUMP * A furious scream was heard, while a powerful arm whipped a firm fist on the table, it was the general of the northern division of the empire, a sturdy minotaur with a short beard, his fur was of a sand tone, his eyes were of a gentle light brown tone, however, his gaze was that of an experienced warrior who did not flee from battle regardless of the enemy "Take it easy Strong Horn, we are not here to waste time! We came to devise a plan against the enemy." The one who responded was the general of the eastern division, Callista, a creature with a serpentine appearance from the hip down, and a torso more similar to that of a female minotaur, had a scaly bluish skin that framed a greenish-yellow tone that covered from his belly, down to the lower part of his chin, with ruby ​​eyes with vertical pupils, and what was on his head could not be called a mane, the most appropriate term would undoubtedly be a nest of snakes, and not as an analogy. "What I want to know is how the hell they got to the city gates undetected! If they didn't come by air, how come they weren't seen on the ground either!" Said with fury a Cypriot centaur, which seemed to be the youngest of those present, had black and robust horns that sprouted from his temples, had the signs of a silver beard on his chin, his skin on his arms and face was red, while his torso and neck were covered with a black fur, his eyes were yellow and the sclera around them black, the fur from his waist down (the quadruped part) was of a dark gray tone, he had a muscular body, but not excessively, clearly focused more on speed than power during combat, it was the general of the western section, Frienze*. *AN: Think of this general as a young Tirek, a little older than represented in the 'Fiendship' comics of MLP. "Are you retarded or just an idiot? That no longer matters, we must crush them as soon as possible or the storm king will cut off our heads! What we must focus on at this moment, is to guess their plans and then fight back before they can give the next step! " Who ordered the meeting was Jaidev, a Naga with a body of a snake four meters long, with a torso similar to that of a gorilla, however, his face showed the intelligence of a strategist and not the fury of a beast; the snake part of its body was covered by shiny black scales, interspersed with the occasional white one, the gorilla part was covered by grayish fur, its visible skin was black, and its eyes were bright orange. AN: This general must wait to be published, its pretty hard to do digital drawing with just mouse and keyboard Xb The second thing the generals had in common was the armor they wore, this identified them as storm king troops, the meeting had been in session since shortly after they received the first set of reports announcing unknown forces approaching key locations with raw material production. "It is obvious that they plan to cut off the empire supplies sent to the king and his campaign, but those fools have no air forces, so even if they try to encircle us it will not be effective, so, we can stay one step ahead of the enemy." Jaidev's speech would have continued, had it not been for the sound of the door slamming open and the childish voice coming from the hall. * SLAM * "! HAHAHAHAhahaha, very good that one! You can probably be a good buffoon for Ainz-sama." * Ahhhfuuuuu * All were dumbfounded for a moment by the sudden intrusion of what appeared to be some kind of infants of an unknown race, they were dressed in fine clothes of what appeared to be skin, their faces were devoid of hair or scales, and it was of a dark/golden tone, only the upper part of their heads was covered by a golden fur, their eyes were of different colors and inverted between them, one was green and the other blue, then, an easy to identify smell freed them of the trance. It was the smell of blood. The smell made them look away from the infants, in the corridor they could see six figures on the ground, it was the guards who had been guarding the entrance plus their escorts, they were covered in a sea of ​​blood. "You Damn-nnee" -the Minotaur tried to speak, being followed closely by the centaur- "Who-ee?" -the surprise invaded Calista upon hearing both unable to talk freely- "Ho-ooow?!" After processing what was happening and what he felt in himself, the strategist had understood what was happening, but not how it happened. "How the-ee h-eeell?" They all wished to express their surprise and stand up, confusion and the desire to ask a thousand questions was written all over their faces, they couldn't understand how they got here, and why they couldn't move; their thoughts stopped in their tracks when the words spoken for the intruders registered in their heads. "Oo-one-chan, i-it seems your ability has already taken effect, they are already under the effect of [Paralysis]" "Mmmhm? Oh yeah, you're right, they are weak, I was hoping at least one was worth something." Aura brought two fingers to her right ear and used [Message]. "Demiurge? Yes, everything is ready, you can send the Doppelgänger and also someone to clean... not just a few who were guarding the door... yes, they will still be of use, I did not smash them as before" -spoke somewhat irritated- …yes, that will be enough, I appreciate it." Jaidev's mind was trying to run a thousand miles an hour to understand what was happening. Ability, what it means? Was not magic? No, if it was a spell it would have been rejected by the armor... What is doing? Is talking with someone?, how?... HA, you're delusional, you guys could have been successful For being a small group, but no other group will be able to go that far, it is only a matter of time before the guards finds out. Behind the infants there suddenly formed a kind of ovoid shadow that was born from the ground, and was as thin as paper, six creatures emerged from it, four had egg-shaped heads, they were thin and with long fingers; where their eyes and mouth should have been there were only holes, the other two seemed to be female, they had dark hair, red eyes and skin almost as white as wax, the clothes they were using practically did not cover any of their hairless skin, these females took the guards who should easily weigh three times as much as they, one in each hand and both crossed what must surely be some kind of portal to after a moment return again, this time only one piked up bodies and crossed through the portal, the second approached to the spilled blood and absorbed it as if it were a liquid with its own will, Before disappearing again through the portal, but not before that she bowed to the infants, they were all stunned ... (apart from paralyzed of course) while listening to the words of the blond duo. "Well, now, Demiurge told me not to leave you in the dark, you should know the following before leaving for your next destination, or should I say your last destination?, mmm, well it does not matter; first, the fate of your kingdom and king has been decided three months ago, this kingdom will become Ainz-sama's and your king can be considered dead since the same time, second, you have played your role perfectly in my master's plans, so all of you will be imprisoned until is decided if you will be used or useful, but we assure you that any of which will be your end must be your election and can last as long as we seem it necessary, how much or what kind is, it will depend on you completely. Said the one with trousers, while showing a smile that was very out-of-place in one as young as it; As they listened to the creature speak, Jaidev was the first to understand it ... they had been dancing in the palm of its master's hand, now the attacked whites made sense, they wanted this meeting to take place, and their last doubt, how they would take the control of the kingdom with so few troops, it was answered when the faceless beings stood behind each one of them and turned them, then the most incredible thing of all happened, they seemed to melt and at the same time change shape, when they solidified again they could not believe what their eyes saw, standing in front of them now were found ... themselves. Perfect copies, each double approached its respective original and put a hand on the heads of the generals, upon contact they could feel, as if something was stirring their thoughts, the last thing they heard before losing consciousness was the words of the little one in pants. "These will be your orders: you must make sure that everything is ready for the succession in your respective areas, Ainz-sama wants to-" During the rest of the day, the Doppelgänger was in charge of giving orders and 'suppressing' the riots, the next day, they sent orders to their respective domains to put into motion the plans for the 'return' of their 'king', while, in meetings, they were engaged in misinforming the Tempest Shadow expedition and coordinating preparations for the succession. On a beautiful morning, inside the royal palace of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle was awakened by the first rays of Celestia's sun, the last five days she had been staying in the castle of the diarchy while supervising all the preparations for this day; Usually, for an event of this caliber she would be in a knot of nerves and worries about what could go wrong, but thanks to the efficiency of Yggdrasil's services, she had had enough time to review everything several times and confirm the assists, in addition, thanks to the help of her friends, everything was ready. "Mmmmmnnghhh, haaa, time to get up, today is the day!, I have to hurry and be ready, the opening ceremony is at noon and I must supervise that everything starts on time." The princess of friendship got up, took a shower, got ready, and went down to the royal dining room to have breakfast with the other princesses. "Good morning fair Twilight." -Said Luna who was the first to see her enter the dining room- "Good morning Twili." -Cadance directed his greeting upon hearing the words of the monarch of the moon- "Good morning my dear Twilight." -Said Celestia with her usual smile- "Good morning Twilight! How did you rest?" "Good morning everyone, and have a great rest, thank you very much, Spike." "Really? Then you have matured, the filly that was my student would be a ball of nerves right now." "The truth is, I haven't changed that much, (she blushes) to tell the truth, if it weren't for everyone's help and that everything is ready and in place since yesterday, I wuld not be this calm, if not, maybe Maybe I would be suggesting something as crazy as asking you to adjust the sun to a certain angle to play with the reflections." All she got from his attempt to make a funny comment, were neutral faces and looks that screamed 'yes, you definitely would!'. "Come on!, I'm not neurotic enough to do it!" Twilight said almost screaming and with some blush on her cheeks, upon hearing it her assistant decided to put the final nail to bust the tension. "Hmm, if I remember correctly, I think there was something like that in your original plan when the event was only going to be local, right?" Said the little dragon with a smug smile, causing laughter in the other princesses and making the lavender alicorn's face turn red. "Well, let's not waste any more time, it will be a busy day, you have to have breakfast at once." Breaking the uncomfortable moment of her former student, the monarch of the sun clopped her hooves and the servants began to set the table; After everyone finished having breakfast, each one left to start their work for the event. But before leaving the monarch of the night addressed a few words to her sister. "Sister, there is something I want to talk to you about, it is something that has been bothering me for a while, if you have time I would like to speak before the meeting." "Of course, we will speak after the official opening of the festival." Celestia stayed at the castle to make sure everything was ready for the diplomatic meeting, Luna met with Rarity to verify for the last time that everything was ready for the multi-star concert that would take place in the main courtyard of the castle, while Twilight Sparke and Cadence went out to check for the last time that the entire main area, where the stands and the general public would meet during the event, were ready. "And with this, we finished the last revision" -said the princess of friendship satisfied- "How about we meet the others in the main square?" "Sounds like an excellent idea to me, Cadence, I might even have a chance to ask Rarity how she went about getting Songbird Serenade." The main square of the castle was a center of activity, all the participants of the festival who had already finished setting up their premises or could leave it for a moment without problems, were here, they all hoped to achieve not only to hear the pre-opening words, if not also, see if they could get an autograph from their favorite artist or one of the foreigners. On the side of the square facing the castle, there was a simple stage that allowed 180º visibility of the show that was going to be presented, the simple but elegant ornaments that formed the background were also the entrance to the area suitable as dressing rooms, next to the stage were Rarity, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and the rest of their friends, seeing them, they decided to meet them. "Ah, fair Twilight, I see that you also finished with your preparations, we are all ready, in another hour you will give the official opening speech, right?" "Yes, I am very excited, also everything has worked out perfectly, many problems were avoided before they happened and the most complicated part of the logistics was solved by hiring the services of Yggdrasil, thanks to all that there was time to do multiple revisions to everything! " "All your effort has borne fruit my dear Twilight, after the opening speech you and the elements will be in charge of the festival start for a few hours, meanwhile I will start the meeting with the delegates, I will take care of covering as much as possible before calling you. " Twilight was about to respond when something that sounded like thunder interrupted her. "Storm clouds? Rainbow Dash!, I asked for perfect weather!, not storm clouds!" The princess of friendship yelled with annoyance, to which said friend responded with some indignation in her voice. "I'm sure those, are NOT storm clouds." Everyone's attention was attracted by the gigantic ball of black smoke that threatened to spread throughout the sky and completely cover the sun, paying attention, you could see a silhouette in the center of the closest part, with black and dark wine colors, It looked like a mix between a balloon and a ship, said ship, was descending from the sky in what seemed to be a controlled descent that slowed down the closer to the ground it was, everyone remained calm, they thought it was one of the guests at the meeting that decided to arrive with much fanfare. "Uuuuh∼ I hope it's the clowns I ordered." -Said the party pony- The descending craft struck part of the surrounding structure that adorned the plaza, composed of pillars and arches, causing a section to split and collapse with a loud crash, fortunately, no one was in the landing zone. Well, almost no one, when the ship went down the ramp, crushed a dog… of balloons. * POP * "Nooooooo!, Fifí!" Someone yelled in the background. "Eeerrrmm, I think, those are not the clowns I asked for." -said Pinkie- The rest of the M6 ​​thought 'seriously pinkie', but none of them took their eyes off the ship, it demanded their full attention, it did not have the appearance of a royal transport or that of an emissary, it was completely devoid of any ornament, it was obviously military, of a more functional than aesthetic use. From the side a hatch was opened that worked at the same time as a ramp, in the highest part there was a cluster of steam that came out through the opening, from among the steam a bipedal creature of short stature emerged, it looked like a mixture between a porcupine and a hyena, carried a metal cube between its upper extremities, when it reached the ground level, it lowered it and it was activated, transforming itself into something similar to a phonograph, it took a kind of microphone that was on one side and began to speak. "Ponies of Equestria, we come in the name of the fearsome, the mighty, the incomparable, the storm king!" (With these words, three huge flags were displayed on the side of the ship, one with the image of the storm king and two with his coat of arms flanking the first.) Even though the princesses and M6 were concentrated in the front, they would all swear they had heard the gnashing of teeth or something similar at that moment. "Let those hooves be heard, to receive the one who brings his evil evil message, the leader of the entire army, Commander Tempest!" With these words, all attention was focused again on the opening, the sound of hooves against the metal approaching was heard, amid the steam, a slender figure emerged, the mare had fine features, but her face showed the scars of a veteran in combat, a vertical scar ran over his right eye, her fur was cherry color, with a strong pink mane, with a punk style, and in his gaze, there was not an ounce of kindness. "Is she… a unicorn?" -speaked doubtfully the princess of friendship- "It seems so, but what happened to her horn?" -said the little dragon with concern- Commander Tempest's horn was broken, what remained of it on her forehead was just a memory of what was once a horn, the edges of the rift were jagged, almost sharp. Princess Celestia stepped to the front of the group and spoke in an authoritative but courteous voice. "Tempest, isn't it? Tell me, how can we help you." "I'm glad you asked, how about we start with your total and utter surrender." "Um, uh, hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm the princess of friendship, although I'm not really sure what your goal is, but I'm sure we can talk about it before and understand us." -Said the youngest of the princesses in a nervous tone- "If you want to talk about it, that's fine, this is how things are, I've come for your magic and we can do it the easy way, or we'll make it the hard way, for everyone!" "And why should we listen to you, you are few, and here we are hundreds!" "I was hoping you didn't choose the hard way." With these words the calm was broken, more ships came out of the smoke in the sky, others rose from the flyover behind Tempest and from all of them, lots of big creatures started to jump, they seemed to be a kind of gorillas mixed with a lion, with lower legs of feline appearance, while the upper extremities looked like more gorilla arms with black claws on the fingers, the hair around their heads was abundant and white, behind them, you could see a tail similar to the of a lion with a white tuft at the tip, its coats were gray and quite tall. The beasts were dressed in a half-plate armor, which covered their chest, shoulders, and back, they wore a tight black suit underneath it, on their heads, their face was covered by a metallic mask of a menacing appearance similar to the skull of a deformed dragon, which only revealed its eyes, their wrists were protected by metal bands, on its shoulders and chest it wore the insignia of the storm king. When she started the attack, Tempest used her unstable magic to create an explosion under his hooves and propel herself up and forward, turned a couple of times in the air to gain momentum and when she started her third turn, using one of his back hooves, kicked towards Celestia an orb that contained a dark crystal with a sinister green glow around it, Cadence who still kept her gaze on the commander, noticed the attack and leaped in front of the others to generate a shield and stop it. "Nnnggghh" ""Be careful!" *Fsssstssts* When the orb made contact with the shield, it did not bounce or activate harmlessly, instead, the princess of love could only see with despair as the orb began to vibrate and pierce her shield, hitting her square in the chest, the princess immediately began to turn to stone from the point of impact; Seeing him, Celestia could only cry out in concern. "CADENCE!" "I can't stop it nnnggh" (everyone was shocked and terrified) The monarch of the sun immediately turned to give instructions to her sister, but Tempest, who had already touched the ground after her jump, charged towards the diarchy, halfway, she slid turning on her back to kick a second orb towards Celestia. "Luna! Go south, past the plains, ask for help to the queen of the hipo- Aaaaah!" "Sister!" Seeing the monarch of the sun petrify, Luna pushed away her attackers with a concentrated blast of magic and launched herself into the air, she had barely achieved some height, when she was hit by an orb in mid-flight and after seeing herself enveloped in a small cloud of green smoke began to fall as she was being petrified. "AAaaah" * Cough, cough * Luna was on a direct course to broke herself to pieces, luckily, Twilight caught her just after she went through the roof of a tent and only a few inches from her hitting the ground, after stopping her, she gently lowered her, thus becoming the new target of the cherry colored pony. After focusing her attention on safely lowering the princess of the night, the youngest of the princesses found herself surrounded by gorillas, Tempest jumped again using the momentum of her magic to have free-range and trow with a kick an orb to the princess of friendship, when the latter see it she froze. "Twilight!" A multicolored patch passed taking her and leaving something else behind. "Hmp, it was a piece of cake." -Said the commander- "Aaah, cake, I adore cake, now boss, we already have all the princesses." -commented the hedgehog- But the celebration, turned out to be anticipated, the face of the cherry-colored unicorn went from calm to annoyed as soon as the greenish dust was dispersed, where the princess of friendship should be, a pegasus was found with eyes looking in different directions with a pose of surprise, on her head there was a purple party hat, it was not who it should be. "No Grubber, we still don't 'have' them all." After hearing his commander's words, the assistant finally paid attention and realized the difference. "Oh, that's not the princess of friendship." "Of course, it isn't! Move over and find her right away!" Giving a salute, the subordinate now known as Grubber immediately left to carry out its orders, after visually locating the fleeing princess, he ordered the gorillas to start the chase. The M6 ​​and Spike were fleeing from the enemy soldiers, when trying to cross a bridge, multiple gorillas carrying shields blocked their way, with the desire to continue forward, Twilight charged her horn and fired a blast of magic to the front to remove the blockage, But to everyone's surprise, the magic that should have knocked down the gorillas was bounced towards them, hitting the floor of the bridge and causing a small explosion, which threw them into the river that crossed below them along with the remains of the bridge. "" ""Aaaah"" "" *Splash, splash, splash* The short distance to the surface of the water and the vacuum created by the collapse prevented those with wings from taking air to avoid being dragged, the current in the river was strong, and the waterfall was very close; so they couldn't avoid being thrown into the void, Grubber approached the edge of the rock after descending by the side in the company of two gorillas. "Well, which one of you two is going down there?" The assistant commander asked his companions. *Grunt* *Grrrg* "Uugh, I would go myself, but I ate too much, and would sink and then give me a tummy ache, plus I'm brittle-boned." "Hooo, so he's not a complete idiot after all." -The owner of the voice watched the scene unfold through a glassy surface, the edges of which rolled up like thick glass- The Overlord who had been observing the events until now, waved his hand and the image returned to a top view of the main square, in addition to him, the guardians had also been observing the development of the event through the [Remote Viewing Mirrior], since the units designated to monitor the alicorns, reported that the princesses were preparing to leave the castle. "[Message]… Pandora's Actor" "Yes, at your command, Ainz-sama." "Make sure you capture one or two of those gorilla-like creatures at most, we don't want to raise suspicions, get in touch as soon as you're ready to transport them." "Right away mein Gott." (End of Message) "Tell me Demiurge, did you notice it too?" "...! If Ainz-sama is referring to the curious equipment and armor worn by the storm king's slaves, then I'm afraid I haven't been able to recognize them, even though the materials seem familiar to me, I apologize for my ineptitude! " "It does not matter, after all, mineralogy is not one of the knowledge you were created with; the material in the orb is Emerald Obsidian, it was clear to me as soon as I saw its shine." "T-this, e-excuse me A-Ainz-sama, but isn't emerald obsidian supposed to be a reagent f-for the creation of some potions and almost all upper-middle-range scrolls?" "You are correct Mare, however, there is something that few know about it, and that is that when you infuse it with mana, it begins to glow and pulverize on contact, causing the state of petrification." Hehe, I still remember when Amanomahitotsu-san and Ancient one-san found this secret, they tried to hide the mine entrance with magic and all the crystals around them imploded, petrifying them both, it was a shock to all the original members when we saw they had lost levels hehe. "In the past, we investigated about it, the effect can be activated using one or more spells of the eighth level or higher or also by infusing mana directly, depending on the amount of material that is activated at the same time, it could affect even me." At this news, the guards could not help but show an expression of astonishment and fear, realizing this, Ainz calmed them, before the first word of protest emerged. "I know what you are thinking, but there is no need to worry, the amount needed to affect me would have to be massive so that the effect could overcome both my defenses and my natural resistance to state changes." At these words, the guardians visibly relaxed. "As for the shields, they would be more of a curiosity, but well that's enough of the idle chatter, Shalltear." "Yes∼❤" "When Pandora contacts you act fast, while your subordinates take care of the gorillas, you will tie up Pandora and Naberal in the same way that the ponies were tied up." "Yes, as ordered by Ainz-sama∼❤" "Demiurge, make sure the units assigned to guard the elements follow closely, they must take care of anything that threatens their lives or ability to move, outside that it's no matter what happens to them." "Yes, I will immediately add the new point to the instructions that were given previously, do you want me to increase the frequency of the reports?" "No that will not be necessary, they can continue as before, but they can make special reports if the situation warrants it." "Understood." "Lastly, Albedo, what is the status of the tomb?" "Yes, currently our condition is relatively good, all defense systems, medium, and minor, are working without problems and can be maintained indefinitely thanks to the income we receive from the Diamond Dogs and the profits from your company, Yggdrasil, with the current scale of your business, it is possible for us to activate major and special defenses, for a period of time lesser than 24 hours, without causing a permanent deficiency in its integrity." "Excellent... right, I almost ignored it, how is the issue of marine exploration going?" "Yes, so far the ships have not encountered any hostile ships, the units stationed on the island with the abandoned city have confirmed that this is not the case, apparently its residents moved underwater to avoid being hit by the storm king." Oooh, that's an interesting thing, maybe we should do some research on it. "Hmm, maybe it's a good idea to thoroughly check the status of the mercenary NPCs and POPs with underwater capabilities on the fourth floor, they might be needed later." "Understood, I'll take care of it as soon as possible." "Guardians, keep up the good work and stay alert, there is no way to assure that we will not have another unexpected 'visit'. """""YES""""" Meanwhile, twelve figures covered by shadows or with invisibility ran down the slope of Mount Canter, a hoarse and dark voice spoke to the team leader. "Oy, Red (Hanzo with the handkerchief), do you think it was enough to remove them from the waterfall? Demiurge-sama said that they were level 20 at most, won't they die when they hit the water?" "Yes, but he also said that we should not intervene unless their integrity was seriously threatened, or there was a risk that they would lose their lives, we already took them out of the water if they cannot realize that three of them have wings; is when we will intervene in the last 30 meters of the fall, we will knock them out and see that they land safely." -answer confidently, the voice with a slight reverberation- "" "" Roger! "" "" > Unpunctual Guests First part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "AAAAAAAaaaaaahhh" The M6 ​​plus Spike were falling, they were dragged by the current of the waterfall, suddenly they felt they hit something and were thrown out of the water current, while they fell freely, all were screaming, all except for Pinkie, she began to enjoy the free fall as soon as they got out of the water. "Wiiiiiiiii, Wuuooooohoou" "Rainbow, Fluttershy, we have to lose as much speed as we can, we can't fall into the water this fast!" Both Pegasuses immediately understood what Twilight meant, they nodded in confirmation and took action, Fluttershy took Rarity, Rainbow took Applejack, while the alicorn put Spike on her back and took Pinkie with her front hooves; The three spread their wings to slow down as much as possible, the water prevented them from flying, but they managed to decelerate enough so that the blow when they fell to the water was not fatal, or they were injured, in the end, they only lost air from the blow, the current of the wide river pushed them away from Mount Canter quickly, they barely stayed afloat until the current pushed them to a sandy area in a curve, when their hooves managed to bottom out and come out of the water to dry land, they took a moment to regain their breath. Only a pensive Twilight and an Applejack waiting for her hat, stayed close to the shore, as soon as the farmer could finally fish her hat, she put it on and joined the rest, under a rock undermined by the current of the river. "is 'verypony all righ'?" "Oh no, I think have even got water between the ideas." -Said the dressmaker- "There will be no cake anymore!, they're the biggest party popper ever!" -spoke with annoyance the pink pony- "We need to go back to kick their flanks!" -Said Dash with anger in his tone- "You didn't see the size of those… gorillas!, are you crazy?!" -The little dragon spoke with concern- "A' now, what are we gone 'a do? We can't stay forever and 'e real, we can't go back t'ere." -spoke insecure, the farmer- While listening to her friends as background noise and after reviewing what happened several times in her head, the princess of friendship, made a decision. "No, we will not return." They all fell silent and turned to see him with an incredulous face. "But we will not give up either, we will fulfill the mission that Princess Celestia had entrusted to Luna, we will go south, we will ask the help of the queen of hipos!" "Eeeh, seriously, the queen of the hippos?!" -interrupted the speedster- "They are quite graceful for their size, but they are always hungry." -The party pony gave her opinion- "Hungry?" -answered AJ- After the interruptions, Twilight continued talking. "Luna can no longer, so I must find that queen, Celestia said they were to the south, past the plains." "B-but, we'd have to get out of Equestria, uuhuhu." -said the element of kindness trying and failing to convey a spooky feeling- "I haven't packed anything!" -Comment stressed the alabaster pony- "You don't have to go, but I must find her." "That 'ain't true at all, we're together 'n this." -added the farmer- "Yeperoni" Rarity fixed her mane with her magic before speaking. "I am ready to save Equestria." "Yeah, let's go on a trip!" -said the pink pony enthusiastically- "We will not abandon you sugar-cube." "Yeeeey" -said the pink-haired pegasus with a barely audible volume- "We all support you Twilight." -Spike commented the feeling of everyone- "Well if you all wish to join me, then let's go!" With this the M6 ​​began its journey. Meanwhile in Canterlot, in the throne room, the general watched the square from a side balcony. "How stupid, wasting time with parties while there is better use for it." Two gorillas entered the room calling his attention, one of them was carrying in his claws a small bottle containing a whitish-blue liquid, which gave pangs of light and a slight tittle like glass. * cling cling cling * Tempest arched an eyebrow as she gave them a boring look. "Well, what are you waiting for? Answer!" Nervously, the gorilla who was carrying the bottle approached a tray that was on a pedestal in front of the throne and emptied the liquid, when he finished emptying it, it began to raise a column of smoke that rose to a certain point, becoming denser and denser until suddenly, a voice began to be heard, followed by an increasingly clear image, it was a magical communication mode, which projected the image of the individual closest to the column together with his voice towards another column, the Potion was made in pairs, achieving a unique communication between two bottles, which when either of the two was activated, caused a reaction in the other, achieving what could be called a rudimentary video call for a limited time. "Already-dy-dy, when are you going to connect this thing-ing-ing?" The voice was heard with some echo. "This way your Excellency." "What-t-t, where-re-re?" "No, this way, no, to the right." "Right-t?" "Right" "Ah, there you are, you know the matter of 'the storm king', it is consolidating as something quite fearsome, but I have to support it, and do you know that it would be excellent to support it? A storm, a very big one! You promised me magic, a very powerful one, that could manipulate the elements, and what do I have so far? A rod, a stick branch, or whatever." *Blegh* "It is the 'Scepter of Sakanas' your Excellency, this will allow you to channel the power of the four rulers of this kingdom, which will give you the power of up to a hundred armies." "Then that would be a yes about having fully captured the four pegacorn or whatever they are called." "Give me three days, I promise I will have everything ready for your arrival." "Remember tempest, I am the only one who has the power to complete you, make this plot work and you will have your reward, fail me and your horn will not be the only thing that is broken." -Ended the storm king with a threatening tone- "There will be no problem." -The commander answered calmly- "Good∼!, i'll bwe reuady tro dowminuate gand ble twhe brig blooss!!" The last words of the storm king were distorted a bit because the potion's time was running out, when the message was finished and the column disappeared, behind where it had been, was Grubber. "Well, do you did capture the princess?" "Eeem well, funny story, it seems that she well... like she ran away, just a little bit, I know you're disappointed, but there is good news, there is cake!" Tempest activated her magic and shocked Grubber with everything and a slice of cake in hand. * Bzzzztrrgzz * "I need the four of them for the scepter be able to work!." Grubber shook his head and ate the charred slice as if nothing had happened. * Chomp, gulp * "I know, I want as much as you do for King Storm to fix your horn because it looks like a chipped and broken tooth, but it's on your forehead and the hats don't suit you." The army commander lost her cool for a moment upon hearing these words, charging magic on her horn that generated arcs and magic sparks as she turned to her assistant. "That princess ... is not going to stop me from getting my horn back! Prepare my ship!" The unicorn took a deep breath and slowly exhaled to regain control. *Ehhhh, Fuuu* "As if it matters, how far can a single pony go." The M6s had been walking for about 15 minutes through the forest at the foot of Mount Canter, it was obvious that the only one still in the mood was the party pony. "I see with my little eye, something that is not ugly at all, and it is colored ..." "Huuugh, Pinkie, please, I'm done with the game!" -the cyan pegasus interrupted her- "Twilight dear, if you don't mind my asking, what's your plan to get south? I'm sure you're not thinking of walking, are you?" "There is no other way, if we approach some populated place they will find us easily." "Hem, girls what if-" "Sugar-lump, t'a southern plains 're almost over two days 'way, and that's assuming you're going by train!" -The farmer exclaimed the problem with the idea- "Uh… what if-" "Huh, am I going to have to wait several days to kick those gorillas butt?!" -The polychromatic pegasus complained of annoyance- "Girls… what if-" "Tell me that's a lie please dear, my hooves won't hold up to such distances!" -Said the dressmaker with concern- "Heeeyy!" -Interrupted the little dragon, getting an annoying response from the mares- """""WHAT?!""""" "How about we ask that train driver for help?" "That was what I was trying to say." -said the element of kindness with a barely audible voice- In a clearing in front of the M6, where the river that came down from Mount Canter was crossed for the first time by a railway bridge, a train was parked, it was loading water into its cistern, its driver was nervous, he was sure of that the black clouds over Canterlot weren't normal, but he didn't know what to do. Before leaving Canterlot, his boss Momon Shade ordered him to refuel water on the first bridge after descending Mount Canter, in order to save time in Poniville and be able to continue with the delivery/collection as soon as possible, however, now he did not know whether to return or continue, all this was thinking as he looked towards Canterlot, so the voice that spoke from his back suddenly, almost made him jump out of his skin. "Hello!" "Ghaaaaaaah!" "Oops sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, ehehe." "Almost, huf huf, my heart comes out, huf huf, huf, but who-" His words died in his mouth as he turned around and faced the one who almost killed him with fright, in front of him were the princess of friendship and behind her the elements of harmony. *Gasp* "Princess Twilight Sparkle! What happened to you?" "It is a somewhat complicated story, in short, we should not put a hoof in any city and we need to get to the plains as quickly as possible, do you think you can help us, sir ..." "But where are my manners! My boss will be disappointed in me! My name is Swift Ride, I am the engineer of Yggdrasil's number five delivery and collection train, at your service Your Highness." "Nice to meet Swift Ride, and do you think you can help us?" "Swift is enough your highness, I am sure that Mr. Momon would not mind if I allow you to use the personnel cabin, as for the direction, he was about to leave for the town located southwest of the Arimaspi territory; unfortunately, that's the furthest south I can take you, barely around the bend into the plains, sadly there are no roads to the south beyond the borders of Equestria Your Highness." Hearing that they would be taking the train most of the way, they all sighed in relief. "That would be great, thank you so much for your help! When all this is settled I will make sure to talk to Momon Shade about how much you helped us." "I am not deserving of such grace, Your Highness, but I thank you for the honor," - machinist bows - "then, all aboard!" "How long do you think it will take us to get to the plains?" The sprinter asked the driver as they got on the train after the tank had been filled. "Hmm, I'd say we'll get there around noon tomorrow." "That's 'mpossible!, on t'a express train it ta'es three full days t'a get to Puerto Caballo!" -exclaimed the orange pony- "How did they manage to make a freight train go so fast?" -The princess asked with great curiosity- "I don't truly understand it at all, but it has to do with a design by Mr. Momon, something he call a double extraction system, the maximum speed at which we have run it is 160 km/h but according to my boss it can exceed the 200 km/h, but the truth is, we have not dared to confirm it. " "Spike do me a favor." "What's up Twilight?" "Please remind me to ask Momon about this double extraction system next time we see it, can you?" "Of course no problem." "Thanks." Six mares, a dragon and a stallion, got on the train and it began to move after a few minutes when entering the staff cabin, everyone was surprised by everything wich was available, the first to take advantage of the shower was Rarity, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat at the minibar to sample the available drinks, Fluttershy decided to lie down for a while in one of the seats, Pinkie Pie went straight to hobbies section along with Spike, Twilight decided to take the second shift in the shower and when she had finished, followed her shy friend lead and leaned back in one of the seats. Captain Tempest boarded her ship to pursue the princess of friendship, just a few minutes after taking flight she received the first news. "Commander, we've spotted them!" "Excellent, how far are they?" "They are about 700 meters ahead of us, they got on a train that is standing on the river bridge." "Just how inept is she?, there is no way that a train is faster than my ship, do not lose sight of them! and as soon as they are within our reach use the harpoon and board that train." "As ordered, boss." "It seems that I overestimated the princess, maybe asking for three days was too much." After a couple of minutes, the commander was forced to dismiss that opinion when her assistant spoke to her again. "Errrr… uh, boss… I think we have a little problem." Anger stained the commander's face and sparks began to come from her horn. "How can there be a problem if they are on a slow train and we are on a flying ship?" Tempest said almost gnashing her teeth, but the answer erased all expressions from her face, leaving only shock and disbelief. "It happens that… we can't reach them, in fact, they are gaining the upper hand." "What?" "Yes boss, they were almost within reach of the chains, but they are moving further and further away from us." "And what are you waiting for? Increase the speed you have to reach them!" "That's the little detail, boss, we're on full blast right now." "Impossible!" Tempest rushed to the instruments and indeed the ship was going at full power, then she approached the observation platform at the bow of the ship and again verified that it was true, the train was gaining more and more distance, angry at such an absurd outcome she slammed his right hoof angrily on the deck and took a deep breath to regain his calm. "To Tartarus!, the reports never informed of anything about a train so fast," *STOMP* *Inhale*… *exhale* "in the end there is no difference, this line has no forks, we will follow the track until we find the train again when we do it, I want you to also capture the driver, you have to get information about that train and who made it, keep up the speed! " "Understood boss." On the train the M6s relaxed all the way; when the afternoon began to fall (figuratively speaking since if you do not remember dear reader Celestia is petrified so the sun does not move) Dash wanted to go out to stretch his wings, she first tried to go out through one of the windows, but these did not open they were fixed, after cursing the windows between teeth, the pegasus headed towards the cabin door, and just when it was about to open it, a thick voice was heard coming from the connection between the carriagesat the oter side. "I can assure you that you will regret it if you do that." Everyone was surprised, Applejack and Twilight immediately jumped into action and were ready to attack; a pony almost as strong as Bigmac was standing at the door, his fur was brown, his eyes were yellow, and he had a beige colored mane, and was covered almost entirely in black blotches, on its flanks you could see a cutie mark from a pile of burning coal. "Wow wow wow, calm ladies, love and peace, my name is Burning Ground, I am the coalman on the train." "If so then w'a the hey did y'a threaten Rainbow?" -Asked AJ suspiciously- "I am very sorry, I often choose my words wrong at inopportune moments, it was not a threat, it was a warning." "Why would there be a need to give a warning like that to a pegasus?" -asked the alicorn- "By Celestia, I thought Ride was kidding me," -he bows- "princess, my partner and I tend to joke, I assumed your presence here was one of his jokes." "Don't worry about it, but tell me, what is this warning about?" "Of course, I will give you the version that Mr. Momon gave us to warn the pegasi, 'opening the door of the car while the train is moving is very dangerous, due to the speed, inside the cabin, a high pressure is formed and when opening the door the emptiness will pull you suddenly-" "Please, I am 20% more talented than any other pegasus." -boasted the cian mare with a smug face- "I know that would normally not be a problem for any Pegasus, but the difference in speed is such that it would be as if they plummeted from the top of Mount Everhoof and spread their wings fully 50 meters above the ground, they will simply snap." Upon hearing the full explanation Fluttershy fainted as soon as she understood the example, while Twilight and Dash turned almost white while caressing their wings, having them broken in flight was the worst any winged creature could experience because after the double fracture normally death would come, the rest just cringed and shivered at the thought of a double fracture. "Yes, I know, it's too graphic an example, but Mr. Momon said it would be the best way to avoid accidents, and so far it has worked." Dash withdrew from the door and headed for one of the seats as she spoke. "I think… I don't feel like stretching my wings anymore, I'd better go take a nap." "What a coincidence, I just came to suggest you take a good nap, we'll wake you up when lunch is ready." "Oki doki loki" -answered the element of laughter, while the others just nodded silently- "You will find blankets and pillows in the compartment under each seat." "Well, rest then, I am retiring, the coal will not be fed itself to the boiler." The rest of the trip passed without any inconvenience, 14 hours later, after having taken a break and a good lunch, they were reaching their destination and the driver arrived to notify them. * Knock knock knock * "Excuse your highness, we will come to the corner soon, so we will start to slow down, I recommend that you take a seat and do not get up until we come to a complete stop." "Thank you very much Swift Ride." The driver bowed and left. "Very good girls, you have to take a seat, we are almost there and they will start to slow down." The train made a total stop just after the curve, while getting off, everyone could feel the suffocating heat, the sun of Celestia had little more than a day at the top, so the plains, which more deserved the name of the desert, were in all its splendor. "Thank you very much for everything to both of you, from now on we will continue alone." The princess said goodbye in a grateful way to the train employees. "Take good care of yourselves, and remember 'a trot that lasts is better than one that tires'." The machinist spoke for both employees. "We will remember, thank you very much." -answered Twilight- After saying goodbye, the Yggdrasil employees continued on their way, and the M6s entered the desert heading south, however, the parched wasteland was not kind to them, after several hours of walking, they felt like if they were days, they collapsed almost in unison, completely dehydrated. "I think this should be reported to Demiurge-sama." A slightly hoarse disembodied voice spoke after two minutes, the answer came from a being that appeared out of nowhere, as if it were a mirage, suddenly emerging. "Yes, you're right, you have to ask for directions on what to do, I don't think they will get up to continue on their own, ask for instructions." Multiple individuals rose from the shadows of the mares, it was the group assigned to watch over them, made up of 'Shadow demons' and Hanzos, there was one demon per mare and three ninjas in total. One of the ninjas took out a scroll from his clothes that contained the spell [Message] and activated it. "Demiurge-sama." "What's wrong, do you have something urgent to report?" "We have a little mishap." "What are you talking about?" "The mares tried to cross the southern desert on foot and have been left unconscious, with the current conditions it is pretty shure that they will not wake up again." "Yare yare, it is true that they are stupid, *sigh* there is no other way, if they die it will be a problem for Ainz-sama, how far did they go into the desert?" "If I'm correct, a fifth of the total distance of it, from the curve of the tracks." "Keep them alive, I'll take care of the rest." > Unpunctual Guests Second part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say that Tempest was upset would be an understatement, she was furious, and the sparks on her horn were an indicator for everyone around her, however, Grubber did not seem to care or not notice. "Boss, we have a coastal city in sight!" "It's about time! Almost 24 hours have passed since we started the chase! Can the train be located?" "Yes, it is at the station." "Excellent, secure it before that anything else, and I don't need to tell you what will happen to you if they escape again!" With an alarmed face, Grubber sprang into action, giving instructions to the soldiers; as soon as the ship was within interception distance of the train, the gorillas jumped on it and secured it together with the conductor and its helper, after that, the commander came down finally and obtained information, but it was not what she expected to get. "Now, both of you are going to answer all my questions." -Said the unicorn, with a threatening voice as sparks flew from her broken horn- Taking a look around, the ponies decided that they should cooperate, they nodded hastily, after all, there was no way they would defeat fifteen gorillas on their own. "First you are going to tell me how fast this train is!" -The one who answered was Swift Ride- * Glup * "We don't know." "How the heck would you not know?! You were driving it!" "W-well, we don't know, because it doesn't differ much from a normal train, I just know that it has something to do with a design invented by Mr. Mo-" "Enough! We'll take care of that later, now tell me, where's the princess?!" This was what I was waiting for, I will disorient them, I will make them lose at least two days, that will help the princess a lot. Swift Ride was sure he could still help ... at least until Burning Ground opened his mouth, as he drew in a breath to speak. "She went south across the plains." "Moron!" -being immediately reprimanded by the driver- "I'm sorry I can not avoid it!" The unicorn allowed herself a small smile at this pair of idiots. "You six, take this train back to Canterlot, and put these two with the rest, when we get back I'll ask you more questions… personally." The commander said the last word, while sparks came out of his horn, she was already in a better mood, now that knew where to look for, to the south of the plains there was only one small town, and it was a nest of corruption, it would be easy to find them. Twilight was exhausted, and the desert heat was overwhelming, which did not make it any easier to bear, just a short time ago they had avoided death, they had collapsed in the desert sand, but they managed to wake up and move on by the mere heaven's grace, but they were already reaching their limit again. "The sand * huf *… is * huf * all over * huf * my everyplace." The cheerful Pinkie Pie, was not far from the alicorn, when tripping over a skull, probably a griffin, squeezed the last of her mind. "* Huf *… I must, * huf *… save, * huf *… Equestria, * huf *…" * Cloc * A solid sound, as if its hoof had struck an empty coconut shell, caught her eye and lifted the offending object on his hooves. "Uuuuuu, maybe he can tell us where to go!… What are you saying? Lost ?!, Hahahahahaha, Juhg Juhg -she trow away the skull- cough cough cough" Suddenly she tense as when she was very excited while laughing. "Hajijijijij" But with a face more suitable for a lunatic, then she fell and deflated. * Plof * * Prfffffffft * -Face in the sand- The next to give up was Spike, who fell to his knees and expressed his despair. * Plof * "Huuhuu, and if we are going in circles?, infinite sand, nothing for kilometers but sand and this rock, and this road." The young dragon fell on his belly to the ground, totally exhausted. "This path." And it was this second time that Twilight managed to catch what he said. "This road? Where there is a road, there is a... WOW." "What the buck are you talking about?" -Said the polychromatic haired pegasus- So she approached the top of the dune, and could see what had caught the attention of the princess at the front; hearing the words of the Pegasus, Pinkie jumped again to be attentive as if it were a freed spring that was compressed before. "Uuuuuh, a city, we are making it girls!" "A city! You know what they say, where there is a city, there is a Spa!" -Rarity said, shaking her tousled mane with a hoof as she spoke- They were all talking as they headed into town, but AJ couldn't let the dressmaker's comment go by. "A' dont want t'a be a party popper, but should 'a remind you tha' we're trying to sa'e Equestria?" "I can be a multitasker, you know?" With these last words from the dressmaker, they all continued towards the city. Upon entering the city, they were greeted by an atmosphere they were not used to, as soon as they put a hoof in the city, an aggressive vibe hit them in the face, in short, this place screamed at the top of its lungs 'Danger', it First of what they realized, was that in this place there were no quadrupeds, almost all had reptilian or amphibian features, there were even some orc-like creatures, on the way they came across a creature that was similar to a turtle, that was loading barrels onto a cart and failing miserably, the princess approached to help, levitating the barrels and arranging them vertically so they wouldn't roll. "Let me help you." "Uhu? Claws off the product! Get out of here!" But all she got was insults, slightly scared and quite surprised by the fuss, she reunited with the others immediately. "Girls, I think it would be best not to attract too much attention in this place if-" But her explanation was interrupted by a face that expressed concern, anger, and disbelief, all at the same time, the cause of this reaction was none other than Pinkie Pie. *HUUUuuuuggghhh* "Excuuuuuuse meeeeeee, is thereeeeeee somebody hereeeeeee that can guide uuuuuuuuus to the hippooooooos queeeeeeeeen?" She had separated from the group and started yelling at the intersection of two main streets. Ever since Twilight had tried to help the turtle, an Abyssinian who was seeng it all from the sidelines near a stall, began to follow the ponies with his eyes, his fur was a creamy brown color, his eyes an emerald green color, they reflected His intelligence and on his head, was a slightly long hair, of a deep ash purple color, he was dressed in a scarlet coat, with edges and ornaments in vibrant yellow, crowned with golden buttons, it was something that would not be strange To see in an aristocrat, however, only one word could describe the coat and it was 'trash', it was torn in multiple parts, it looked more like a rag, so it did not attract the attention of anyone in the city. "If you want something, offer something in return!" -told an angry amphibian- When she heard these words, Pinkie jumped into the amphibious creature's outstretched arms. "How about a hug from a cute pony?" -The creature growled slightly and released the pink pony- "Bha" But the party pony moved quickly, clinging to a lizard's neck. "How about this comb I've never used?" -she said as held a comb with a tangled strand of pink hair in his hoof, and immediately afterward changed to a turtle-man neck. "How about a picture of my sister Maud?" -she said while holding the said image in view, his next target was something similar to an orc, which carried on its back a kind of cage backpack. "A peppermint? Seriously friend, help me help you." -she tried to convince him with a stressed voice- The response was immediate. *BRUUUUP* A burp to his face, which made her turn green and fall to the ground. The rest approached nervously, and the princess, speaking softly at the attention they were attracting, scolded the party pony. "Pinkie! I think it's not a good idea for us to attract so much attention in this place." "Easy Twilight, I know what I'm doing!" -the pink pony answered him unceremoniously- Those most attentive to detail or sensitive to danger, such as Fluttershy or Rarity, could have sworn to see bright eyes in their shadow or have heard a cold, sinister laugh in a barely perceptible tone during a fraction of second. "How much for the giant gecko?!" -asked one that looked like a deep sea fish- "Who are you calling a gecko!" -the little dragon said annoyed, but he was stopped by Twilight before he advanced- "Um, sorry, but Spike is not for sale." "I'll give you two storm tickets for that purple mane!" -a reptilian female said, provoking Rarity's outrage- "Excuse me? Just two! Of course not! My mane is worth much more than that!" Said the dressmaker, causing incredulous looks from the rest of the group directed towards her, and a 'Hu' from the alicorn, after that the creatures began to surround them while shouting their intentions. "I want the pink one!" -said an amphibian- "I want the blue one!" -yelled a draconian-looking one- "No, I want the blue one!" -yelled an amphibian- "I want that lizard!" -yelled one that looked like a lizard man- "I accept your sister's photo!" -shouted a voice of doubtful sex- "I want all seven for my collection!" -A female lizard yelled- The demons in the mares shadows were practically savoring the blood they would spill, but the feline that had been staring at them earlier spoiled the party, leaping between the stalking crowd and the ponies that had been walking slowly in reverse towards a wall. "Back off, don't come any closer, you are in grave danger!" "Stay out of our business." -Multiple voices answered in the crowd- "You don't see it! Those colors are not normal, they are infected with coloritis pastelus." This statement won exclamations of surprise among those present. *GASP* "Hey you, 'listen to me well, that-" Applejack was about to protest, but the feline covered her mouth with her tail as he passed her by pretending not to have heard her, he approached the amphibian with whom Pinkie spoke first and spoke to him as if he were whispering, but with enough volume so that everyone around they will listen. "They have coloritis, and it is contagious." He said as he put an arm on the shoulder of a turtle man, and discreetly, using his tail, he applied some purple juice from a strange fruit that had been stepped on previously, to the amphibian next to it from the back. "But you can rest easy, as long as you don't start to get purple spots on your skin." As he said this, he moved slightly pulling the turtle man, to expose the spots on the amphibian, when this last saw them, screamed alarmed. "Aaaarg, nonononono, aaaaa!" Turning his gaze to the feline, the amphibian asked. "Oh no, what do I do now?" "Enjoy the rest of your life ... and be careful where you put your hands, because some parts may fall off." That was the straw that spilled the glass, everyone who was around, fled, with this show of skill and control, the cat impressed Rainbow Dash. "Well, that's it." "That… was… Great, you're great!" "And lovely!, Ahaha haha." -Added Rarity with the grace of a lady- The stranger, bowing, introduced himself in his silky, soothing voice. "Capper they call me, and because of my charm, they love me." He straightened up, adjusted his coat, and then continued. "Now to the hippos." The party pony had a smile from ear to ear, literally, after all, she had achieved her purpose, unfortunately, that smile did not last long on her face thanks to the intervention of Twilight, otherwise, it would have been disturbing, the princess stopped her and Covering the faces of both with one of his wings so that the feline would not listen, she commented on his concerns. "Pinkie, we can't trust him just like that." "Do not worry everything will be fine." Everyone was happy to have gotten help, the only exceptions were the princess of friendship, who still had her reservations about the cat, and her assistant, who was upset that the cat had managed to 'charm' Rarity. Shortly after they were walking in silence, Capper gave them a look and asked: "A fairly long journey awaits you, and you already look quite tired, wouldn't you prefer to take a break first to regain strength? If you like, I can offer you my humble abode." "You don't know how much we would appreciate it, to tell the truth, we are completely exhausted!" -said the dressmaker, fanning herself a little with a helmet- "All of you really look exhausted, haven't by chance tried something stupid, right?" "Hey, what are you implying?!" -Said Rainbow offended- "Wow wow wow, take it easy, it's a little local joke to make fun of idiots trying to cross the desert on foot, but you guys seem like a smart bunch, I doubt you were doing such a risky stupid thing, right?" After a little awkward silence, Capper stopped and turned to look at the mares, their pained, embarrassed, and/or nervous faces telling him everything he needed to know. "Noooo, are you serious or are you kidding me?" He was surprised, after all, even on a normal day, it was impossible to cross it on foot during the day. "You're kidding, right? It's almost 24 continuous hours of sunshine, right now the desert is worse than a sauna for anything with hair, and an oven for anyone without it!" Pinkie, who was the only one with no signs of shame on her face, answered for everyone. "Yeperoni, we just came from the other side of the desert." Wow, just wow, how come they are still standing? Normally that desert is difficult to cross, but at this moment, and with how long the sun has lasted in the sky, it is impossible! "To tell the truth, for a moment we collapsed, when we were almost reaching the village, fortunately, we managed to get back on our hooves." The princess replied with an embarrassed expression on her face. Wow, if what they say is true, I can use them to pay off my debt to the mole. After a few minutes, they reached their destination, a kind of windmill, which had the back embedded to the rock, almost to the top, when entering, Rarity was the first to speak when she saw the place. "Welcome to my humble abode." "Ooou, it has a baroque-vagabond style." "Come in, come in, make yourself comfortable." "Uuuuu, it has a lot of fragile things." -Said the party pony- "Well, yes, it's one of my hobbies, rest, for the time being, I'll go see if I can find something decent for a snack." Without waiting for an answer, the feline exited through the door leading from the upper level to the rock plateau at the back of the mill, after all, they were in the highest room of the mill. "Don't- *Slam* worry… he's already gone." After the alicorn tried to stop him without success, all the mares began to browse the gadgets that littered the room, Rainbow inspected what was hanging, Fluttershy curled up on an armchair, Rarity inspected the crafts, Pinkie looked at a little of everything, while AJ and Spike were content to take a seat and relax, as for Twilight, she was browsing the items on display, when she finished, she focused her attention on the books, and one caught her attention, it was red, with ornaments and borders gold and had on the cover, something that looked like an engraving on a map. When she was flipping through the book, Capper came back. "Unfortunately, there was nothing good, but I brought you some water to quench your thirst." Just as the feline reached out to reach glasses that were on a shelf, one of its arms was stretched to the side by an aura of a light blue-whitish color, an instant later, needle and thread were moving quickly over the unstitched area. of the sleeve repairing it on the spot, and then the lapels of his coat were pulled to receive two brass buttons that were fixed in the same way, attracting the gaze of the feline to the one who made said reparations to his coat. "Huh?" "This is all I can do at the moment, if we were at home, I could do something much greater." "What is the catch?" "There is no catch, it is simply a way of thanking you for all that you are doing for us." -The dressmaker finished- "Don't worry, you don't have to be so thankful ..." -said the Abyssinian as he continued where he left off the subject of the cups- "By the way, why does it have to be the queen of the hippos, can't it be someone else? I'm sure there must be more options, right?" "That is not so, to tell the truth, we were wrong." Twilight approached the center table and placed the book that was suspended in her magic, open on the central map. "We were looking for the wrong queen, it wasn't the queen of the hippos, but the hippogriffs, see, part eagle part equine." "You see, there is a problem" - Capper intervened - "nobody knows where they are" -said with a voice that augured mystery while moving his claws accentuating it- "It literally says here that they are on Mount Aris." -Twilight said with a frown- "You mean, the mountain that can be seen through the window?" -spoke cheerfully Pinkie Pie without denoting what her words meant- "Hehe, the images may be less mountainous than they appear, also, you will need transportation, not all of you can fly, it will be impossible for you to get there otherwise." Tempest Sadow, Grubber, and a few gorillas were walking down the main street of Klugetown, destroying stalls in their wake. "Tell me, boss, do you think they managed to get here? That desert didn't look easy at all." The unicorn took a couple of deep breaths and then turned her gaze to a barrel of rubble, on which, among some pieces of wood, were long and curly pink hair. "I am sure of it." -said when she saw the hair- She went to the center of the street and continued speaking aloud. "Attention, a little purple pony passed by here, tell me where it is, or very ugly things will happen." A fairly large amphibian, with yellowish fangs protruding from its mouth, which has clear discontent on its face, began to scream. "I don't know what kind of scam Capper, you and your friends are planning." "Friends, did you say?" -Asked with some incredulity in a low voice the commander- "But we won't be fooled again!" -the amphibian finished when he was already at face to face with the pony, trying to intimidate her- Something that failed miserably. Moving with extreme agility, Tempest turned on one of its front hooves and using the rear hooves it swept, knocking the creature down, after which it used its magic to catapult itself along with the creature in the air, making it a spin. and then breaking the movement and throwing it against the ground, she finally landed on the creature and while charging magic on its broken horn until enough sparks fly, he said: "Now, you're going to tell me who Capper is and where he took the ponies." -she spoke with a friendly tone that did not match the pony's actions- After the amphibian released all the soup, the group headed towards the mill, as their ship had landed in the upper part, their path took them back the way they had arrived, they approached the mill from the rear that hit with the plateau, outside it was a large cage and some thugs, the door of the mill was open, there was only one explanation. "It seems that someone is trying to snatch our prize, Grubber-" -said the commander with disdain- "ARE YOU SELLING US?!" A scream that came from inside, interrupted her orders and brought a smile to her, as she reached the door ordered her assistant to take care of the thugs that were outside. "Mhahahaha, what stupid ponies, trusting a stranger, a very, very bad idea." "Luckily for you, I can get you a ride." -Said the feline trying to calm the spirits of his' guests'- The door the Abissnian had previously entered through swung open. * TUCK * "Alright Capper Dapperpaws, here's Berto, those ponies better be able to shoot lightning bolts through their eyes, if they're going to pay for your debt, I brought the big cage, let's load them!" Everyone present was stunned by surprise, except for Rarity, who had more anger than surprise in her, but it quickly vanished when she heard a familiar voice. "ARE YOU SELLING US?!" "I knew it!, let's get out of here!" "Mhahahaha, what stupid ponies, trusting a stranger, a very, very bad idea." All eyes turned to the gate of the mill. "A big mistake, a ... very ... serious ..." "Error." -finished Grubber for the unicorn- The cherry-colored pony was standing at the door, next to her was her assistant and on the outside, two gorillas were peeking inside. Berto the mole, dressed in a suit and a top hat, turned to see who was speaking behind him. "My, my, what do we have here." -He said while taking Tempest's cheeks between his claws- "With that broken horn and that scowl, what can you do?" The pony was not very calm, after all, she was starting to run out of time, so she simply charged her horn and shocked the mole, until it passed out. "Okay, now, what were we on?" -said the commander, focusing her attention again on the room- "Quick, now, now!" -said the alicorn in a hurry- As Twilight had the map floating in her magic and was about to exit through the window facing the front of the mill, their gazes briefly met, Tempest in slight surprise and Twilight in concern, just before the latter flew out the window. "What are you waiting for? Go after them!" -Said the commander to the gorillas, who rushed to the window- On the outside, everyone except Rainbow and Twilight was hanging from one of the propellers of the mill, seeing that they were moving away, the gorilla stopped the next propeller and tried to push it in the opposite direction, but the two in the air reacted quickly, countering it and they began to struggle. After a moment of the struggle, one of the Hanzo's took advantage of the first blind spot that was formed to quickly hit the union of the stem and the propeller, cutting it off, when the resistance disappeared suddenly, the gorilla lost its grip and the propeller turned. hitting him in the face. Outside the reactions were immediate. "Wooohoooaa" the speedster yelled in surprise. """AAaaaaahh""" -the princes, the dressmaker Fluttershy and Spike yelled in surprise and fear at the same time- "Jijihahahaha, Wuuhuu" -Pinkie Pie yelled excitedly- "Woooha, daaaaaahaaarnit, woowo" -the farmer yelled with concern- The propeller bounced several times when it touched the ground, rising almost 10 meters in the air with each bounce, while everyone firmly clung to the blade in which they had hung, the ones that had been flying, were also clinging, the movement was very fast and if they let go they would be hit by the blade behind them. The propeller bounced three times, destroying everything in its path of everything that protruded, heavy debris or objects that could cause fatal injuries, were redirected or completely taken out of the way by the [Shadow demons]. When they rose for the third time, their guardians had had enough and threw them towards the nearby buildings, they fell in front, on the wooden scaffolding that protruded from the buildings, with the adrenaline of the moment, they recovered and kept running immediately. """""Ooofff!""""" "Where?" -Rarity yelled as the propeller followed them tearing up the path behind them- Twilight who was on the side of the group with Spike on her back, frantically turned around until she located her destination. "Over there, to the launch pad!" Inside the mill, when the gorilla fell knocked back, Tempest could not believe it, she quickly looked out the window and was speechless, the ponies were bouncing along with the propeller, after a couple of bounces, they were spat out of it, and they kept running, when she lost sight of them got inside again. "We go back to the ship, bring in the idiot and the jester." -The unicorn said annoyed while pointing to the passed out and Capper respectively- "At your orders boss, you bring the fainted and you the buffoon." -The helper ordered two of the gorillas- Once on the takeoff ramp, the gorillas threw the cat in front of Tempest. "Ooffh, come on, there's no need for so much violence," -Capper said as he got up and shook himself- "Now, you! You are going to tell me where the princess and the rest are going." "But of course, there is no problem." When the feline was about to say that they were heading to Mount Aris, he raised his left paw and remembered what Rarity had said and done as a simple thank you, he looked down and saw the golden buttons, they were the first creatures that had done something kind for him, his face contorted a little while he remembered who had destroyed his home and from the shame of what he was about to do, and he changed his choice. "They left for the east, they were looking for the queen of the hippos… well, it was a pleasure to be able to be of use to his majesty." -He said as he bowed and started to retreat- "But if you will allow me, I have a lot to do." *Weaarrghh* Two gorillas blocked his path, and Tempest spoke to him. "When I have my princess ... until then, your fate is rather ... unclear, secure him, we will leave immediately!" The M6s were already on board the ship that had just taken off, they had managed to reach it just barely, when they reached the dock, the ship was already sailing, but Dash went ahead and took a long rope that hung from the ship with its snout. "Quick, hurry up!" As soon as it was taut, Rarity Applejack and Spike walked on the rope, while she used all her strength to keep it taut. "D-don't look, down, d-dont" "What in tarnation... come on, hurry up!" -Said AJ hurrying the unicorn while pushing her with his head- Flying just above them was Fluttershy, and just behind them Spike followed, when all them were midway out of the flight deck, Pinkie caught up with them and took a big jump on the rope, causing the speedster to lose her stability and dragging her; fortunately, the others reacted in time and held onto the rope, unfortunately, the party pony did not have the same luck and began to fall into the void. "AAAaaaaaaaaahhh!" "Pinkie!" Twilight who was running right behind, seeing it jumped immediately to help her, was she so focused on catching up with her falling friend that she did not notice the fact that more than jumping, she was thrown by the shadow under her hooves; By launching into the void and intentionally increasing his speed with her wings, managed to reach her just a couple of seconds before they got to know the rocks of the place very closely, the others were thrown to the rear of the ship, thanks to a maneuver of Whip from Rainbow, while Pinkie was carried from the hooves by the alicorn to join the others, where she unceremoniously dropped her onto the deck, collapsing beside her from exhaustion. (Note, Pinkie sounded like a deflated balloon hitting the deck.) * Huff, huff, huff * "The best. Plan. Of. Escape. Of history!" "What?!" -exclaimed Twilight with exasperation- The princess was about to explode against the party planner, but was interrupted by a rope that tied them both, and pulled them between the load, it was Applejack. "Shhh, 'e quiet, they 'a close." -Said the element of honesty, almost whispering, they had all swirled next to the wooden boxes that contained the cargo to hide in their shadows- * Thump, thump, thump * -two crew members approached- "Hey, did you hear something?" *Crooot* "Yes, you're right, maybe it's the rats, if we find them, we eat them." *Croot* "Rats?" -Said with concern and in a low voice the dressmaker- > Unpunctual Guests Third part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the luxurious office of his room, Momonga was receiving the updated reports. "That would be all in the reports regarding Nazarick's operational status, Ainz sama." "Excellent, thanks to all your efforts the tomb is able to operate indefinitely at 60% of its capacity; although it is a pity that we still cannot find materials or substitutes for the medium-high and superior range consumables." "Yes, the explorers continue to expand the search constantly, we still need to know a good part of the globe, as for what you previously ordered, here is the list of the servants of the fourth floor, I also took the liberty of including an inventory of summoning scrolls of mercenary NPCs with underwater capabilities. " "Hooo, excellent job, I expected no less from the guardian supervisor." The succubus blushed at her master's words and replied while holding her hands on her cheeks, moving her hips and wings slightly. "I am not worthy of your sweet words, Ainz-sama-" "M-mhm." Uuhaa, Why did I had to alter her settings!? Feeling a bit uneasy, Ainz asked: "...Albedo, when you call me by that name, what do you think?" "I think the name fits you perfectly and that I love you- * ahem *, it shows how upright you are, our Supreme Master." "…This name originally belonged to all forty-one members, including your creator Tabula Smaragdina, I have ignored the others and assumed this name without permission, considering this, how do you think they would feel?" "...Although you may be offended ...please allow me to say this, if this bothers Ainz-sama, you may even order me to end my own life... if Momonga-sama used that name, I'm sure that the rulers who left us behind would have their own opinions on it, however, during the time the other masters abandoned us, only Momonga-sama stayed until the end, so if you were to use that name we would certainly feel full of joy." Albedo bowed her head and Ainz was speechless. The words 'abandoned us' echoed in his mind. All his former companions had had their respective reasons for leaving, Yggdrasil was just a game, there was no reason to abandon their real lives for it, this was also true for Momonga, but to leave Ainz Ooal Gown and also the Great Tomb of Nazarick... would not one feel a grudge against those former companions? They even abandoned me! (ES) did they? "...Maybe so, maybe not, people's emotions are pretty complicated ... there is no correct answer ... raise your head Albedo, I understand your feelings, I have decided ... that this will be my name; until my companions reappear and object, Ainz Ooal Gown's name will refer to me." "Yes, my Supreme Master... I am truly pleased that the person I love the most uses such a noble name." The person she loves the most... huh. The uneasy Ainz decided to ignore this problem for the moment. "... So that's how it is, thank you." Albedo treasured the ring she wore on the ring finger of her left hand, which she caressed with her right hand as she spoke, it was an Ainz Ooal Gown Ring, it was her own decision on which finger she wanted to wear the ring, but the reason why that she had chosen that finger was obvious, these were Albedo's true feelings, as a man he should feel happy, but his feelings were the result of the change that Ainz had casually made in Albedo's adjustments, causing her to feel guilty. "Albedo... your feelings for me are only the result of the alteration I made in you, they are not your true emotions, like this..." What should I say next? Was using magic to alter his memories the right thing to do? Ainz couldn't continue, looking at Ainz, Albedo asked with a smile: "What kind of person was I before I got altered?" A nympho. Ainz didn't know how to say that, Albedo looked at Ainz who looked cold on the outside, but inside she was panicking and said: "I think the current me is great, I don't feel sad Ainz-sama." "But..." "But ...? But what?" He did not reply, but still felt an unfathomable atmosphere from Albedo's smile, she continued speaking to the silent Ainz: "The most important thing is..." Ainz waited for her to continue, but only muttered with a sad expression: "It… if it bothers you?" He opened his mouth stupidly, looking at Albedo's beautiful face, her words were deeply marked in his mind (Although it was now empty) But Ainz knew what she was saying and answered hastily: "N-no way, how could it bother me?" He wasn't dissatisfied with being loved by a beauty like Albedo, at least for now. "Then everything will be fine, right?" "...Hey-" It just didn't feel right, this was what he thought, but Ainz couldn't find a reason to contradict her. "Everything will be fine, right?" There was a mysterious air emitted in Albedo's repeated question, Ainz tried one last effort and asked: "I modified Tabula Smaragdina-san's settings, don't you want to go back to your former self?" "If it is Tabula Smaragdina-san, surely he would bless us with the same feelings of a father towards a daughter who is getting married." "... Th-, is that so?" Was he that kind of man? While Ainz was thinking about that, a metallic sound was heard, looking at the source, they saw a sword on the floor, the Death Knight who was holding the sword had vanished, it had been summoned not long ago, which allowed the Overlord to shake off the uncomfortable topic. "...It disappears after some time if it is summoned by the normal method ...so if i use a piece of equipment as a means to summon the knights there is an extended time, but they are not permanent, but if they are summoned using a body, they yearn for this world and they will not disappear? If there were a large number of corpses, they could be used to reinforce Nazarick. " "Should we collect bodies en masse?" "...For the moment that will not be necessary, the opportunity will present itself at another time, this world has not presented us with any challenge that needs it, and the gold that we can obtain from business allows us sufficient solvency to defend ourselves without problems." "Understood, but we must think of a way to get fresh bodies." Well, there is no point in continuing to think about those issues for the moment, let's see mmm ... ooooh, good, it seems that it will not be necessary to use many scrolls, at least for the moment. Ainz thought as he distracted himself from the modifications he made to Albedo by reading the report that had just been handed to him. "Ah, that's right, it's been a little over 36 hours since the attack in Canterlot started, what is the status of Princess Twilight's group?" "According to the reports we have received from Demiurge, they are currently aboard a transport ship, from the storm king as stowaways, they are going in the direction of what will soon be his kingdom; apparently their objective is to reach the island of the people who have moved under the water, of which we now know its name, it is about Mount Aris, home of the hippogriffs, that is what has been obtained so far from the prisoner." -The supervisor answered her loved- Hippogriffs? Does that mean then that they are half horse and half griffon? But then how did they move underwater? "It means then that they have to possess some item or ability that allows them to change to some variation of the hippocampus species." Wait for a second!, did he say prisoner? "Did you say, prisoner? Who is it?" -The Overlord asked with a certain concern that he could hide well under his voice, which sounded like it was somewhat annoyed in the supervisor's ears, making her feel somewhat nervous- "Yes, the explorers had already seen it a couple of times before, but they had not been able to capture it since it was staying close to the water, but a few hours ago, the creature ventured further from its access point to the mainland, she is currently in one of the cells on the fifth floor. " "Have it been tortured for information?" "No, when he received it, Demiurge just asked her what it was and where it came from, she gave the information without resisting, after that she was placed in the cell to be interrogated later." Fiuuu, thats something good, I don't like the idea of ​​torturing an innocent being, at least not if I don't gain anything of value from it. "Well I want you to bring her to the throne room in 30 minutes, I'll question her myself." At these words, the succubus lost her composure, she was openly worried that she had annoyed her master, she believed that these words were impatience or discontent due to the slowness that she and Demiurge showed in the face of the matter. "Ainz-sama, I'm so sorry!" -Said the supervisor of the guardians kneeling and keeping her head down- "You don't need to bother with such trifles, I'll question her right away!" Uuuuaaahh, what happened? ... ha, I got it, I got it! "Calm down Albedo, I'm not upset, you can get up." -Said Momonga trying to reassure her- "Still, I apologize, it is a disgrace to cause Ainz-sama to waste his precious time on insignificant things." Aaarrrgh what a headache, I have to be very careful with how I speak. "None of that, I want to question her because I think it could be a great opportunity for us." Albedo's face quickly changed emotions, going from her initial regret that she felt for having disappointed her master, to one of happiness when she realized that she had not failed, then to one of adoration when she realized that her loved one showed his wonderful intellect and finally to one of resignation and seriousness when seeing that with only a brief description, her master had been able to find something that neither she nor the Archdemon, had managed to see with the full report, with much resignation, she got up, bowed and went out to carry out her orders. "As you order Ainz-sama, I will make preparations immediately, with your permission." "Mmhm, it's alright Albedo, go ahead, we'll see you later." Great, it seems that I managed to calm her worries, at least a little, haaaaah, I hope I can finish convincing her, I hope this shot does not backfire on me. Albedo left Ainz's room silently and saw the leading butler of the Pleiades, who was walking towards that place. "Sebas Tian you arrive at the right time." "Albedo-sama, Is Ainz-sama in his room?" "Yes, that's how it is." Albedo felt somewhat downcast, but quickly that was replaced by somewhat frantic joy, she felt some superiority, after reading her expression, Sebas Tian raised an eyebrow: "You seem to be in a very good mood, did something good happen?" "That's right." The reason Albedo had been so happy about the conversation she had with Ainz, she had told him that she wanted to marry him, and he had shown no signs of rejection or annoyance. That means... Albedo's expression instantly changed from joy to a smile of evil and lust, it was a smile that she never showed in the presence of Ainz. "Fufufufu, this will work, it will work without a doubt, the one sitting next to our lord will be me, Shalltear will have no choice but to give up." Those were the words that expressed her thoughts as a woman, not as a Supervisor, then she made a fist with her hand and declared to the butler with motivation: "My succubus blood is boiling ..." Skystar was crying uncontrollably, after the shadow creatures captured her, she was terrified, but the huge creature that they took her with was even more terrifying, her eyes shone with a deep red color, the wings on her back were similar to those of a dragon, but its figure was very different, more similar to a Minotaur, and the aura it gave off froze her blood when the creature spoke asking him her species and where she came from, she could barely complete her answer between stutters before fainting, to her horror, when she woke up she found himself in this frozen cell, the strange thing was that even though there was ice everywhere, she did not feel cold. * Sob, sob, snif, snif, sob, sob, snif * "Mom was right, I should have listened to her, * snif * I'm a fool, * snif, for ignoring her I was caught and * sniff * because of me, now the Storm King has a w-way to * snif * force her to obey him, Bwaaaahaahaa! " "Yare, yare, I have never heard something so ridiculous." A voice was heard from outside the cell that made her give a small jump in surprise, immediately afterward, the cell door opened, at the entrance a bipedal creature was found standing, dressed in an elegant red suit, with glasses and well-groomed, with a smile on his face that ruffled her feathers. "I'd rather be skinned alive thousand times than serve such a buffoon." In his office when he was about to leave, suddenly Ainz felt like if someone speaked to him and turned up. Mmm, is it my imagination? "W-what a-are you going t-to do to m-me?" "For now, I have orders to take you before the sorcerer-king, what happens to you afterward will be entirely up to him, so [Get up and follow me]." Demiurge used his 'dominance mantra' to make the hippogriff follow his orders, for him the expression of horror and surprise on Skystar's face as she realized that her body had completely stopped obeying her was quite pleasant. They left the frozen prison and walked to the entrance, on the way Sky was worried, she was in the form of a sea pony, if she walked through very rough terrain she could get hurt, but everything was unfounded, as soon as they reached the entrance, an ovalemerged from the ground as dark as the very bottom of the ocean, but as thin as parchment, the creature in the red suit crossed it unceremoniously, she tried to resist but it was useless, when she was about to cross, she closed her eyes in fear. After a moment the only alteration she could feel was the sensation under her limbs, she went from a hard and cold surface to the softest one she had ever felt, this made her open her eyes immediately, what she saw before its eyes left her without breath, had it not been for the 'dominance mantra' she would have collapsed from the impression. In front of her was a gigantic double door, it was easily more than 7 meters high, the surface was not engraved, it was sculpted, there were two opposing figures, one of the fine and delicate details, while the other had a rough and aggressive, the only thing they had in common was the level of detail, both seemed capable of moving at any moment. Although they appeared to be pretty heavy wood, when approached, they opened without generating the slightest sound and the room that was revealed behind them was even more impressive. The sky was so high as to force her to turn directly to see if it existed, huge gold chandeliers with exquisite engravings hung from the ceiling, full of inlaid jewels, these bathed the room in a slightly bluish light, on the sides were columns adorned in gold, so thick as to hide even the largest of hippogriffs, even if they had their wings fully extended, with the utmost ease. But indisputably the center of attention in the room was the huge throne that seemed to have been sculpted from a single obsidian crystal, and sitting on it, was the most terrifying entity Skystar's eyes had ever seen, it appeared to be a skeleton, but where the eyes should have been when the creature still had meat on its face, there were some small flames, when they arrived in front of the throne, the creature in red ordered her to prostrate, and it also prostrated, then the unthinkable happened, the skeleton spoke. "I have brought her, just as you ordered the supervisor of the guardians, Ainz-sama." "Good job Demiurge, I see you have her under the influence of your dominance mantra, mmm… that won't do, release her, I need her to be able to respond freely." "…Yes, as ordered!, [Releasing Control]" "Wh-where am I, u-you are not the s-storm king, are you?" Skystar stammered to the skeleton on the throne, as she was grateful to have been prostrate when released from control, otherwise, she would have collapsed on the ground in fear. "First of all, let me introduce myself, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King, and to answer your question, you are at this moment in my humble home." The hippogriff was dumbfounded, no, rather completely frozen, this thing in front of her was a king. A king? And I have been talking to him as if he were my jailer?! If I want to be able to go home, I must behave well! "I-I apologize for my disrespectful behavior, your majesty." The sea pony said, prostrating herself again, ignoring that the Archdemon beside her gave his approval to such a reaction. "It does not matter, given the way you got here, it is understandable, I have ordered you to be brought here because I wish to speak to you directly if you answer with lies you will be returned to your cell immediately if you do not answer what I wish, the same will happen. " Aniz said, putting a little more emphasis on the last part, causing a torrent of thoughts in the hippogriff. If I don't answer, I'll be locked up! I hope he don't ask me something I don't know anything about *Glup* "I will respond as best as i can your highness." "My first question is, Who are you?" "My n-name is S-skystar, I-I am, *shig* I am the heir to the hippogriff throne… although I think you already knew that, right?" Eeeeeeeeh, a princess, but what the hell was she doing alone in an abandoned city?! "M-mhm, it was more of a theory, tell me, how come you are a hippogriff, while you look more like a hippocampus?" "My people use the magic of a pearl to change shape." -Said the princess, sure that this would not be a problem, after all these creatures had not followed her to the water before, in addition, they did not know the exact location of Aquestria- Oooo, that's interesting, will it be a Yggdrasil item? What will its limits be? "I see, that's something interesting, how long have you lived underwater?" "W-we moved a-a little over two years ago after several of our allies were s-subjugated and we repelled the scouts of the storm empire." Now I understand, that explains the destruction in the city, it couldn't be just by abandonment. "What is the name of your current ruler?" "T-the current ruler of the hippogriffs is the q-queen Novo, my mother." "Lastly, what is your relationship with Equestria?" Hey, aren't you going to ask about our troops or how many of us are in total? "Politically, we are neutral, e-extra officially, we are on friendly terms, at least that's what my mother told me about it." "Very well, you see Princess Skystar, neither you nor your people are my targets, who I am after, is the storm king, I am going to take his empire." Hearing him say so casually that he would overthrow the ruler of the world's largest empire, Star lost what little control she had managed to gather. "What, what?! That's impossible, his army is probably the largest and most powerful in the whole world!" She could have continued, but her surprise was suppressed by the chill she felt, there was no need to turn, the creature next to her was upset, and judging from her eyes, the one standing next to the throne as well; Sky star hastily bowed her head and hurriedly apologized. "I beg your pardon for my outburst! Your majesty's words took me by surprise, it was something unexpected!" "It is not important, certainly, it can be said that the army of that jester is numerous, even so, for me it is nothing more than a small annoyance." The princess was speechless, the creature in front of her, this skeleton, is despising an army that numbers in the hundreds of thousands as a mere annoyance. But how powerful is his army? -The hippogriff princess wondered worriedly- "Since your people are not my enemy, there is no need to keep you a prisoner, but simply releasing you would be counterproductive." Of course, I will be a tool to force my mother to do whatever he wants. The hippogriff thought, but the next words left her stunned again. "Right now, the storm king's soldiers are very close to Mount Aris… Albedo." "Yes, Ainz-sama?" "Princess Skystar is no longer our prisoner at this time, from now on she will be our guest, at least until we take care of the jester who calls himself king, warn the servants of his stay, also orders the servants to Have one of the guest rooms set up on the ninth floor for her, and if the princess is feeling overwhelmed, or wants to get some exercise, let Aura take her to the sixth floor. " "It will be done as you order." -Said the supervisor of the guardians bowing- "You can retreat to carry out your orders." "With your permission Ainz-sama." The overseer of the guardians, after bowing, retired to do her duty, as soon as she was next to the stunned Skystar, she briefly met the Archdemon's gaze, a gaze in which an unequivocal sentiment was clearly stated both of them, 'Ainz-sama is second to none.' "Demiurge." "Yes, Ainz-sama?" "Go to Titus and prepare a group of 30 kelpies, we will send them as messengers to the hippogriffs, we cannot stay with the princess without notifying the queen, that would be kidnapping after all, you can leave." "It will be done immediately." The guardian of the seventh floor bowed and left to fulfill his mission, once the door of the throne room was closed behind him, he could not prevent a smile from threatening to split his face from the admiration he felt for his master. "I wonder how far into the future his plans go, one hundred, two hundred, no, maybe a thousand years? I don't know, maybe there will be an opportunity to ask him further ahead." Inside the throne room, an awkward silence stretched. Uuuuaaaahh, what an uncomfortable silence, I already prevented them from torturing her, but, now what do I do? Do I talk idly? No no no, ask more about her home? .. right, I can do it both ways! that will do! Meanwhile, in Sky's mind. Ho no, nononono, now what do I do! I've never been alone with a foreign dignitary! *GHASP*, I've been silent for too long, what can I say! Just when the hippogriff was about to say the first thing that came to mind and probably makes the situation worse, Ainz interrupted her. "Well Princess Skystar, while we wait a few minutes for your room to be ready, let's talk a bit, I will allow you to ask a question for each question you answer, now, is your transformation permanent or reversible?" Star was stunned by the change in behavior of the sorcerer-king, even the oppressive aura he gave off had completely dissipated in an instant, she was so shocked that it took her a moment to register that they had asked her a question. "I…i-it's reversible, your majesty." "Enough, you can just call me Ainz." Are you serious? His attitude is completely different from before! "I-if it's alright, * Glup * I'll call you Ainz-sama, just like his subordinates." "Mmhm, I have no problem with that, now, it's your turn to ask." "T-then, if you don't mind your-… Ainz-sama, could you tell me what are you? I've never seen or heard of any similar creature." The swing of questions continued for almost 15 minutes, during the exchange, Ainz revealed as little information as possible, while trying to get as much as he could. On the transport ship, after an hour's flight, the M6s and Spike were found by the crew while they were discussing whether or not to ask for their help. "Well, well, what do we have here." -Said the first officer, a kind of hominid parrot and with a patch that covered where his right eye should be, his plumage was green, as were almost the entire crew- * Croooot * croaked the hominin-macaw that seemed to have some kind of mental illness, judging by its face and the tongue that hung out of its beak. "Yes, you're right, we haven't had stowaways in a long time, I think we should flag them and sell them." -told the parrot in the patch said, causing surprised expressions from the mares- *Ghasp* "I say we should make them stew." -Said the plump cook of the crew, her plumage was a light pink color and she looked more like a love parakeet than a macaw because of her short stature, her words caused expressions of horror, while Rainbow and AJ prepared to fight- *GHASP* "Wait a minute, what does the manual say about stowaways, Captain Celaeno?" *Tump* *Tap* *Tump* *Tap* Footsteps were heard approaching, one leg sounded like it was made of flesh and blood, the other had the sound of something hard against wood, the steps were accompanied by the clink of small metal pieces, the captain had an appearance similar to that of a cockatoo, her plumage was creamy white, long lemon-green feathers were born from her head, which was covered by a black scarf, like the rest of the crew, she was dressed in the uniform of the storm king, in her hands can be found a thick book, from which many different colored markers were sticking out, opened the book in one of them and began to speak. "The storm king's manual says… throw them overboard!" The last part was said with a low and threatening voice, before the response of their captain, his men acted, one prepared the planck, while the others surrounded the ponies and just when the M6s were preparing to fight, a whistle interrupted them, it was noon. * FhuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH * "IT'S time for lunch!" -shouted the raspy voice of the ship's captain- A minute later, in the ship's dining room, both the crew and the M6s were sitting at the table, while the cook served them all, the natives of Equestria were so surprised by this turn of events that they couldn't react; the first one to recover was Twilight, she reacted just when the cook served her stew. "What?!" She was open-mouthed, she looked at everyone at the table, trying to find a logic without much success, while she followed the cook with her eyes, the next to react was the speedster. "Wait, wait, wait, you were about to throw us overboard and stopped for lunch?!" -asked incredulously the element of loyalty- Hearing her speak, the alicorn returned her attention to the table and leaned in slightly, while shooting a piercing look at her friend who shouted, 'Really Rainbow, are you truly asking that?!', in the direction of the pegasus, who completely ignored her. The answer to Dash's question came from a large parrot that was sitting next to Fluttershy, his voice was deep, he was a veteran navigator judging by the right hand that had been replaced by some kind of metal prosthesis. "The storm king only gives us an hour break to eat, then we must go back to work." "So… you are… some kind of delivery service?" -Spike asked incredulously- "Delivery males and females, *Shigh* the uniform does not favor us at all." The captain spoke with some self-pity as she stretched the neck of his uniform to the side while saying the last part, this news fell by surprise to the mares, he was not the captain of the ship, 'she' was the captain of the ship, a somewhat understandable mistake after all Celaeno's voice was not so feminine because she was always shouting orders. "So… you guys could take us to Mount Aris!" -said the princess of friendship with a big smile as the map levitated the map spread out next to her to emphasize her point- At last luck is on our side!, I will only have to offer adequate compensation and we could achieve our goal. The alicorn thought excitedly, but Celaeno's next words crushed her hopes. "I'm sorry, we do as the king tells us, or his anger will be worse." She said as she disdainfully manipulated the rule book in one hand, and her spirits were on the ground. "Uugh, sure, you will throw us overboard." -Comment in a controlled voice and with annoyance the princess, but the cook who had just sat next to her, heard her- "Oooh, don't feel bad, it's nothing personal, dessert?" This last question gave the dressmaker some joy. *ghasp* "Is there dessert?" But to her disappointment, what the cook served her was a second portion of the pottage. "Ooouuuu" "But you weren't always homing birds, were you?" Dash asked hesitantly. "What were they like before the storm king?" *Shigh* "Before we were much more adventurous." -The captain answered while with one hand she raised one side of the storm king flag that was behind her at the head of the table, revealing what was under it, getting first of all a reaction from Pinkie- "Uuuuuh, I met that guy in the desert!." The athlete could not believe her eyes and her excitement increased by the second. "That means… you were… Pirates!" "We prefer the term 'high-risk treasure hunters'." The first officer commented with a satisfied smile on his face. "you mean, pirates." -Rainbow went into 'fangirl' mode- "No, I can believe it, I'm on board a real pirate ship! The freest, the rudest, the ones who are not afraid of the unknown!" The Pegasus flew to where the flag was located and tore off the Storm King insignia to fully reveal the pirate flag underneath. "And you can be great again!." "Dash, I don't think this is a good time for a so-" The alicorn tried to warn her friend but was completely ignored, as she stood at the table to start singing. "∼If you are disappointed, ∼from what you expected nothing went well, ∼ and you think that everything i-is o-over∼" But to the shame of the Pegasus and the confusion of the rest, there was no follow-up, no one felt the compulsion to hum or follow the song, the most surprised was Twilight, and the discomfort soon caused the speedster to explode. "Nothing is impossible! Not even a sonic rainplosion!" Immediately she shot towards the deck, everyone came after her, while the alicorn, at the head, tried to stop her. "No wait, don't do it Rainbow!" But it was late, when they came out on the deck, the pegasus was already drawing behind it, multiple rainbow coils around the ship, on its horizontal axis, and just when everyone was on the deck the sonic rainplosion occurred in the bow of the ship and pushed all the clouds around her, while all the crew was amazed, the princess of friendship was worried, her ears were bent back and adhered to the skull while she was semi crouched. "Oh no." Grubber was very happy, as he kept the ship on course with one hand, while with the other he ate cake, and when he was about to devour his fourth slice, an explosion of color surprised him making him to drop it to the floor. "You saw boss, what a beautiful rainbow there is to starboard." Tempest went to the window to see what her subordinate was talking about. "Mmhm? But… that's not how a normal rainbow behaves… that's not a rainbow!, there's a ship in the center!" -she said looking with binoculars in the direction of the rainbow- "It's the princess!" The commander, abruptly removed her assistant from the helm, changed the direction of the ship towards the rainbow, and increased the march of the ship to the top, then turned to see her feline guide and said in a calm voice that gave her chills : "It looks like the princess was not in the direction you were taking us, what can you tell me about it?" Capper's nerves were running high, although he tried to control them, Tempest left the helm to Grubber who had recovered from the push. "What's wrong, did the cat bite its tongue?" The commander said as she approached the Abyssinian, while he tried to hide his concern under a facade of disinterest, checking his claws and cleaning them on his coat, but when the unicorn approached, he was no longer able to hold it. "Hehehe, how strange, surely they must have got the wrong ship when boarding." The cyan pegasus was satisfied, she had managed to save her pride in the end, using her best routine, her smile did not seem able to wane, at least until she put the first hoof on the deck. "Have you seriously do it Rainbow Dash?! We're trying to escape the storm king's forces chasing us!, and you do a sonic rainplosion?!" "Whoops, hehehe, relax Twilight, nothing will happen, we leave them biting the dust in the city." * Clang, clang, clang, clang * "Crooooot!" * clang, clang, clang, clang * "Crooooot!" The lookout sounded the alarm while aiming to port, they all turned, continued in the direction in which it was pointing, and indeed, in the distance, a ship could be seen approaching quickly, and on its prow, you could see the insignia of the storm king. "Stormtroopers" -said the captain with concern- The alicorn fixed her gaze on the element of loyalty immediately after seeing the insignia, her face reflected a complete and atypical annoyance that threatened to turn into anger, which only got a pained smile in response. "Hehehehe, hum… oops?" But Rainbow's intention had been achieved, the pirates had recovered their motivation after seeing something that was considered impossible to be done, so Captain Celaeno reacted immediately, went to her cabin and returned with a chest, placed it on the ground, and put it on the floor. It opened, when seeing it all the crew approached and began to remove things from it, while everyone recovered their usual equipment the captain began to give orders. "Very good vermin!" -shouted at the top of her lungs as the captain put on her hat- "It's time to show what you're worth, equip yourself and move!" Celaeno took his coat and saber, the first officer took his equipment, which consisted of a short saber and a dagger, the one with the stump covered in metal, took out a hook that he secured to it, and the lookout took a lifesaver that put on as a necklace, once the entire crew was fully equipped, the orders continued. "Secure the rigging, put the cargo away, and prepare for the boarding!" With these orders, one of the crew guided the nervous M6s towards the lower cargo compartment, as soon as they closed the doors, Tempest's ship fired a chain anchor that went through the hull of the pirate ship on the port side, fixing it while the chain it was retracted, bringing the two ships together rapidly without being able to do anything about it. *Creeak!* *Tumph* The impact caused the ship to tilt, causing almost everyone in it to lose balance, some of the pirates rolled, but the captain and the first officer only lowered their center of gravity to avoid being pushed, in the warehouse, the M6s. they ended up making a pile of ponies, Pinkie being the one who took the worst part, since she was at the bottom of the pile, on her were Rarity and Dash, in front were Twilight and Fluttershy who had Spike hugging, leaving Applejack between their pairs. When the ship returned to its normal position, the echo could be heard of the chain clicking as it was retracted. * Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang * Once everyone was again on their hooves, the polychromatic mare spoke with shame. "Hehehe ... do you think... they have seen my sonic rainboom?" "Are you seriously asking that?!" *Thump* *Thump* When the princess was about to continue, two heavy knocks on the deck silenced her. Outside, the ships were already almost in contact, from the direction of Tempest, two gorillas leaped towards the crew, touching deck almost at the same time. *Thump* *Thump* At that moment, the bow of the military ship drew close enough to allow it to calmly transfer the captain and her aide. *Clop, clop, clop, clop* Seeing her, Celaeno's eyes widened, with concern and understanding, they weren't running away, they were trying to achieve something bigger than themselves. "Very well, tell me where, the princess, is." The commander ordered with a level and authoritative voice. "Princess?" -the captain asked as she walked to one of the boxes to check the cargo record- "Princess ... princess ... mmm ... nope, we are not bringing princesses, we are only bringing merchandise from the storm king." Celaeno answered, and to accentuate her comment, the lookout took out a figurine that had a rocker head, he showed it while imitating the movement of the figure himself. * Croot * The unicorn began to walk slowly from one side to the other. "Do you realize, if you were sheltering fugitives, the storm king would get very… explosive?" Below deck, Twilight was very nervous and worried, which was as clear as day on her face. "We have to get out of here before they sell us." The alicorn said in a low voice, who responded to her concern was the polychromatic pegasus. "Easy Twilight, they are not going to betray us, you saw their reactions, we can trust them." -Said the speedster confidently- "The first stranger we trusted outside of Equestria, tried to sell us out!" -Said the princess letting some anger seep into her tone- "Easy, nothing will happen." Faced with her friend's passivity, the element of magic huffing annoying while she watched the others, Rarity was hyperventilating and had her four hooves slightly separated from each other as if she was dizzy, while Spike tried to calm her down, Fluttershy was in a ball. With her eyes closed and trembling with fear, Applejack simply leaned against the boxes of merchandise and covered her face with her hat and Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to climb the highest boxes and got into one, head first, only one of its hind legs could be seen that was kicking in the air. *Shigh* A tired sigh escaped her mouth as she put on a determined face and began to observe everything in the cellar carefully to catalog everything that could be useful for the escape. A large waterproof flag, a full spool of rope, and a large reinforced box made of wood, when her mind registered these materials, an idea formed in her head, which put a wild smile on her face, a completely uncommon sight. "I know what to do." Using her magic she gathered everyone in the center of the cargo bay, gave Applejack the roll of rope, and Rainbow the flag. "Hold this and don't drop it." That was the only warning she gave them before activating a lever. On deck, the tension only increased and increased, the pirates clutching their weapons and preparing for combat against the soldiers just a couple of steps in front of them. "Orale, this is really intense." -Grubber said while watching how everything developed eating cake- "I know that the princess is on this ship if you don't tell me where she is after I count to three, this ship will take a nosedive!" -continued the commander- All the pirates exchanged nervous glances, they were not sure if they could win a fight against the commander of the king's forces, the stories painted her as someone quite dangerous. "One two Thr-" "AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh…." > All Present for the Welcome Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh…." A chorus of receding screams prevented the commander from finishing counting, leaving her with a shocked face that turned to anger when she saw the satisfaction on the pirates faces. "What?!" Hearing them leave the ship, the pirates sighed in relief. The mares and a baby dragon, screamed for their lives as they went in rapid free fall, well, almost all of them, Pinkie stopped screaming and started laughing as soon as she began to glide spreading her hooves as she fell; Rarity flapping her hooves desperately as she screamed at the top of her lungs, but she changed her behavior when a mirror that came with the load passed by her, stopped it with one of her legs, fixed herself a little; then placed the back of one of her hooves on her forehead while her other hoof rested on her chest and she began to scream like a lady in distress that can be found in any drama or novel; Fluttershy, when she looked down, fear invaded her, and she became a ball covering her face with her wings; when she saw all this Rainbow just rolled her eyes and got ready to put herself to work, but Twilight was faster this time, she wrapped them all in her magic and placed them inside the box, went up to retrieve the flag that the speedster dropped just a moment before, took AJ's rope and began to work circling the box. "What t'a hay is tha' filly doing?" -asked the farmer surprised- The princess accelerated with each movement, when she finished tying the knots it was obvious that she had formed a balloon, she got inside the box, took Spike and squeezed his stomach while pointing the dragon's face towards the opening at the bottom of the makeshift balloon. * Ffooooooooosssssshh * When the balloon finally stopped its fall, the box broke the tips of some pine trees below them. * Crack, crack, crack * When they stabilized and gained a bit of height, Dash jumped out of the box and started to propel it in the right direction. "Yeah!, towards Mount Aris!" As for Tempest, she was very upset, she had ordered her soldiers and assistant to look for clues in the ship that would give them some indication of where they were going, after almost an hour of searching, her assistant finally left the interior of the ship. "What did you find Grubber?" "I found this sweetie down there, this one covered in strawberry frosting, colored sprinkles and what looks like a cherry." -He said while carefully examining the cupcake in his claw- "Oh!, right, I also found this, it looks like it's a map or something." -He said casually as he showed the extended map that Twilight had taken from Capper's house- The map now had annotations made in pink and red, some ridiculous drawings on Mount Aris and a line that extended from Klugetown to the mountain that ended in an x, hearts and a pink pony, obvious work of the element of laughter. As Tempest examined the map on the deck, the guards gathered the crew and the cat on the deck of the pirate ship, the unicorn, standing in front of them to address the Abyssinian. "It says here that they are going to Mount Aris." "What, really?!, hehehe, so, hehehe, it seems that maybe, um hehehe, possibly hehe, I'm really sorry ma'am, hehe, I don't know how to apologize, hehehe." The Abissnian said extremely nervous and making himself look small, while trying to look sincere. "Well then, that makes it clear that they are all traitors." Tempest loaded her horn and unleashed a chain of explosions across the deck and around the ship, returning to her own immediately afterward, moving away from the soon-to-collapse ship. The M6s almost managed to reach Mount Aris with the makeshift balloon, thanks to Twilight and Dash taking turns on their way to propel it, but just less than 10 meters from the coast, the flag got a rip down the center after being weakened by the constant heat, rendering it completely useless. After the dip, the mares and the dragon reached the shore, where they took a few minutes to catch their breath, then they continued towards the city of the hippogriffs, of which almost 30 minutes had already passed in ascent, and at this moment they were almost reaching the top, after this odyssey everyone was tired and the most vocal about it was Rarity. "Why, * huf * had to, * huf * broke, * huf * that coursed, * huf * balloon, * huf * right at the base * huf * of Mount Aris! I can't go on, * huf * the bad guys won!. " -Said the dressmaker between snorts, and then collapsed on the floor- "I'm so sorry! Hiiiiii" *plof* "But we are already arriving." -Dash answered, flying above the others, words that only caused a reaction of anger in the alabaster unicorn- "And you!, could you put that down at once?! It's kind of annoying!" "No, this time it's serious, in fact, we're there already." In front of the group was the entrance to the hippogriff kingdom, this was formed by the imposing giant statues in the shape of hippogriffs found, from their heads and backs a kind of crest emerged and what could be named as their mane, which reached the ground. As they entered the city, a feeling of restlessness invaded them more and more, there was not a soul around them, many houses were destroyed, vegetation and mold grew in every corner and they had crossed in front of collapsed buildings a couple of times, in short, it looked like a ghost town. "A' don't mean t'a sound pessimistic, but… a' don't think… anyone has been 'round here for quite a while." -The farmer said while poking with one of her hooves a moldy wall, which immediately collapsed- * Sigh * "They can't just have disappeared, they must have gone somewhere, we have to separate and search, maybe we will find some clue as to where they went." Twilight proposed, but not to give hope to the others, but rather to herself, they all nodded or gave affirmative answers, the alicorn and Spike went to what looked like the castle, Rarity and Fluttershy went to what looked like the area The city's elite, Pinkie and Dash headed for the lower area, while AJ took the agricultural area. They searched and searched, they continued until they were exhausted, after a little more than an hour, they all went to the central square, they had all returned with the same information, nothing, there was only one left to arrive. "Rainbow Dash, do you happen to know where our dear friend Pinkie is?" -Asked the dressmaker when she saw that the pegasus had arrived alone- "Eeeeerr… mmnnoooo… you see, as soon as we reached the area of ​​the houses we separated to look for each one on their own." -Answered the speedster- "Relax, let's give her a little more time, although I'm sure she must be fine, if she doesn't come back in 15 minutes we'll go look for her." They all agreed with the princess's idea, while they waited, they all shared what they had found. "T'a fields are totally neglected, there 'as been nothing planted there for a' least the last two years." -Said AJ- "All the upper-class residences are in a deplorable state! Not counting the fact that the doors seem to have been knocked down, inside all the ones I checked there were innumerable damage, they didn't even spare the curtains!" -Rarity said flustered, while Fluttershy nodded in confirmation of her words- "The regular area is much worse, many of the houses were collapsed, there are marks of fire in many places!" -Dash said, somewhat annoyed by the dressmaker's attitude- * Shigh * "So the whole city is the same, the castle also has a lot of damage, but it does not seem to have been from battles, it seems more that it was from vandalism, I looked for a good part of the castle, but all I found was destruction, I found absolutely no trace of a fight, not even in the throne room, just nothing, not a single clue." * Shigh * The princess spoke, while she found it more and more difficult to maintain hope, suddenly an unexpected voice almost made everyone's heart jump out their throats. "I did find something!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhh" As soon as she had recovered enough, the alicorn tried to reprimand her friend, but stopped short when she registered what she had just said. "Pinkie!, what the?! ... wait, did you just say that you find something?, did you find something?!, did you find something!" Excited, Twilight hugged the pink pony very tightly, using her alicorn strength without restraint, causing the party pony to let out a toy-like squeak, causing the princess to be shocked and let go. *Skwky* "Uuh? ... ooookaaaay, ahem, excuse me, go on." "Oki doki loki, just like I said before Twitwi tried to squeeze me, I found something! Something great and essential for any creature!" The words of the element of laughter gave everyone hope, but for the princess they meant something else, they meant that she still had a chance to save Equestria and all of her ponies from ending up in the hands of the storm king, and also, that she had not yet failed her mentor. "I found a lot of party supplies scattered everywhere! There were hats, streamers and many other things! But the balloons I found were no longer good." They all felt a certain degree of disappointment after hearing Pinkie's words, but for Twilight it was different, she had been accumulating stress since Canterlot was attacked by the storm king's soldiers, but she had kept it under control thanks to having a goal that continue, but her friend's words had just shattered her goal. "Don't you remember that we are trying to save Equestria? We are not in Equestria, we cannot do as we please! we cannot walk around, shouting from the rooftops 'this is what we need'!" The pony usually all smiles, was sad, her lower lip trembled in a pout, while her eyes prepared to release a torrent of tears, this was something she could not just laugh at, her friend seemed to be angry, and apparently It was her fault, seeing the state in which Pinkie was, the dressmaker intervened to calm things down. "Twilight dear, she was just trying to relax the mood." But this only managed to further fuel the flames of anger within the alicorn, who now lashed out at the others. "We also can't trust the first stranger that offer to help us!" He said as he looked into the dressmaker's eyes, then his furious gaze changed focus and settled on the cyan pegasus. "We also can't make sonic rainplosions while they chase us and after all that still hope everything goes well! We're a long way from Equestria!" "Sweetheart, all of us are 'ere to search for help, we're here t'a help y'a, you're not alone." -The farmer intervened firmly- "Well! is not enough!, I are not enough!" "'You're wrong, 'e are together, betwen all us 'e can go out a' seek help together 'til we find it." -retore Applejack- "This is my responsibility!, I'm the last of the princesses!, I'm the one Tempest is looking for! And the only one willing to do whatever it takes to save Equestria!" At this point Applejack could no longer remain calm and responded to her friend with the same tone. "Well a' least we're trying t'a help!" But this only caused the stress that remained within the princess to come out all at once, so when she spoke, she charged her horn to amplify her voice unconsciously. "Well, maybe I'd be better off without the help of friends like you!" As soon as all her frustration was vented, the magic in her horn began to fade, as her agitated breathing calmed down, as she was barely descending from the peak that reached her stress; the alicorn's ears failed to register the sounds of surprise and hurt voiced by her friends, but when she calmed down enough, her eyes finally registered the pain caused by the words that came out of her mouth and she tried to apologize. "Aapplejack… I…" "No twilight, 'e can't talk t'a you r'aht now." They all decided they needed to take time to think and relax their nerves. For the alicorn, this had a different meaning, the attitude of her friends was an indication that she had earned their contempt, this thought solidified when she saw the faces with which they were walking away, AJ was frowning, Dash directed an angry look without saying a single word to her before continuing on, Rarity had a face of indignation and annoyance, she did not even look at her, she passed with her eyes closed, and her chin raised, Fluttershy had her gaze lowered, or her wings dangled slightly, she seemed that she would burst into tears at any moment, and Pinkie Pie was the one that hurt the most to see like that, she walked with her face almost touching the ground, her lips were trembling and there were signs of tears in her eyes, even her mane and tail had lost a bit his usual fluffiness,the only one who stayed behind while seeing both parties go their own way was Spike. The young dragon had known Twilight for much longer than the rest, so he knew when stress caused her mother/sister/friend to say things that she didn't really mean and that she would need someone to comfort her later, when she went out. of the city with her head downcast, he followed her to try to comfort her. "Don't worry Twilight, you'll figure it out, you always do." The princess answered in a low voice, while she sobbed sitting on one of the boulders that overlooked the beach that was opposite the entrance gates of the city. "No Spike, * Sob, sob * this time, * Hic, sob * I ruined everything, * Sob, sob, hic * I have, * Sob, hic, sob * losed the only * Sob, sob * chance, Spike … Spike… Spike? " Not receiving a response from her assistant made the alicorn curious, when she returned to see why he was not responding, she only found terror in the little dragon's eyes. To her horror, her assistant/brother/son was being held in the clutches of one of the storm king's soldiers. She charged her horn to launch a blast at the soldier and just as she was about to fire it, a thick bell-shaped cage closed around her, bouncing off the magic she released causing her a sharp pain. "Ghaaaa, but what? No, nonono, Spike, Spike!" The little dragon breathed fire through its nostrils onto its captor's claw, and when it released it, it ran. "Twilight, Twilight!" When they reached Mount Aris, Tempest began commanding his troops. "Listen to me well, if I don't get that princess in less than an hour, I will start using you as fuel for the ship; now, you will separate into four groups of 15, to cover the four sectors of the city quickly, Do not leave a single corner unchecked! If the princess escapes again, I will throw you all overboard from the highest altitude while we fly over the sea! Now that that is clear, Mov- " "Well, maybe I'd be better off without the help of friends like you!" Twilight's amplified voice echoed across the deck, to which Tempest smiled. "Change of plans, only one of you will come down, we will trace that voice and capture the princess with the claw cage, mhahahahaha, this will be very easy..." After finishing giving her instructions, none of his subordinates moved. "What are you waiting for? Move!" The soldiers rushed to act and as soon as the capture was confirmed, they left immediately for Canterlot. Spike ran with all his might and without stopping, when he caught sight of the rest of the M6s, he wanted to immediately shout what was happening, but was out of breath. "Twah *huf huf* Tormh *huf huf* Twah *huf huf*!" They all looked at him surprised and when he got to where they were he took a couple of deep breaths and at last he was able to deliver his message. "Twilight was captured!" * GHASPH * (collective) "We must help her immediately!" Dash yelled. "A' how do y'a propose tha' we do it?, we ha'e no way to reach them!, t'a balloon broke!" -the farmer shouted furiously for the last words she exchanged with her friend- "Let's be honest my dear, probably only you, of all of us, will be able to reach the mainland." -Said the dressmaker with resignation- "Besides, we have no way to beat those brutes." -Said with a worried voice Fluttershy- Tempers were hot and the discussion would have continued for quite a while had it not been for the voice that interrupted them. "Mmmm right, I'd say even that would be impossible." They all turned in the direction of the new voice and the first to speak was Rarity. "Well, well, look what the kitten brought, himself!" -The bitterness in Rarity's voice was palpable- "Wowowo, calm down, my… 'slip', it happened before I treated all of you, and I really tried to help you, I was driving the storm king soldiers away, with a bit of success I must add, but you guys hung a rainbow-colored target on your flank, so I couldn't divert them anymore." With these words, all eyes left Capper to focus on the polychromatic pony, who just giggled as she scratched the back of his head with a hoof, as the feline came down from the rock he was standing on to approach the mares, continued talking. "And as for how to get to your destination, that won't be a problem, after all, I didn't come alone." From behind the rock on which the Abyssinian has been standing, several individuals jumped, and when they were standing on the ground, they could be recognized. "Captain Celaeno!" -Dash yelled in surprise- "We thought y'a were caught." -Added AJ- "No, that crazy pony tried to shoot us down, but it takes more than a few explosions to shoot down my ship!" The captain said with a superior tone as she adjusted her hat with one hand and her saber with the other. "Wow, and how did you get away?" -Spike asked excitedly- "Simple, we made them believe they had achieved their purpose, then we followed them at low altitude and hid in their blind spot." "So are you going to help us get Twilight back?" "Of course we are in your debt, you helped us get our 'Aarrrgh' back." -It was the first officer who answered Rarity's question- "That's all right? We didn't make friends with anyone else, right?" -Spike said as they looked out to sea for some reason- "Let's get out of here, or we won't be there in time to rescue her." -Said the speedster enthusiastically- With this conviction they all boarded Celeano's battered ship and set out for Canterlot. Since she was captured and during most of the return trip, Princess Twilight was in total isolation, during all this time she was trying to break her cage, but nothing seemed to work, neither the physical attacks, nor the magical ones, but after what It seemed to her a little more than a day of travel, she received her first visit, Commander Tempest walked in slowly, until she was in front of the princess. "Aaarrg!" *FSTsstss* *huf, huf* "mmnngh" *FSTsstss* "AAaaww, hehehe, the princess of friendship… jejeje With ooooout friendships, hehehmhmh and no way out." "Why are you doing this? You are also a pony!, we are similar!." The alicorn was trying to appeal to the commander's pony nature, but what she got was an aggressive reaction. "We are not the same!" *Clannng* Said Tempest furiously approaching her face to the cage with her horn flaring and giving a blow with her hoof to the cage, while she breathed deeply and the magic in her horn was absorbed by the metal, when the unicorn finally calmed down, she continued speaking. "I am much more than you could ever be!... it's time to stop🎵 and learn... the🎵... lesso..." Tempest's face filled with confusion, while Twilight spoke to herself in a low voice. *ghasph* "Again?, why is it happening?" But her voice wasn't low enough to escape the ears of the pony next to her. "What do you mean, again?!" *Shigh* "This isn't the first time I've seen a 'heart song' fail before it starts." "Hmmp!, that proves my point, you can't trust anyone, or anything that doesn't come from yourself, I tried to find a place among mine, but I was rejected, since I was little all the foals and fillies made fun of me, they called me by nicknames that I hated, they all turned their back on me. " "But your family!, your friends!, they can't all have abandoned you!." The princess was beginning to feel empathy for the captain. "HA! My so named friends were the first to abandon me, they simply stopped dealing with me, even after it was their fault that I entered the cave! They threw the ball away and then sent me to retrieve it, so that the Ursa cub would attack me and not them!" * Ghasph * -Twilight was surprised to learn how the unicorn lost her horn- "And my parents, hahaha, they stopped trying as soon as they were said no, they were constantly moving away from me, so I decided to go out myself to find a solution, I took as much bits as I could and left them before they abandoned me too! So no princess, you and I are not alike at all, that's why I'm here now, to make you see reality, so that you know the truth, neither life nor the world are fair." * Clong, clak, clak, clak, clak, clak * When she finished explaining her reasons, Tempest operated a lever and the cage began to rise, at first she could not see anything due to the drastic change in lighting, but when her eyes adjusted to the sun, she saw an image that froze her heart; At the same time she heard the commander shout a heartbreaking phrase. "Open your eyes princess, the world is not all colors and games, this is the truth!" Being on deck, Canterlot could be seen in the distance, but instead of the usual image of city neatness, everything was covered in smoke, making the city look like a doomed place, and they were heading for it, judging by the large number of traces in the sky, a large number of storm king troops were moving in its direction, when finally the image and words were understood, without changing the expression of surprise on her face, tears began to flow from her eyes. *Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap ... toc, toc, toc* *Click * "Yes? Oh, it was you, give me a moment." -said the steward of steel- "You my come in Albedo-sama, Ainz-sama was waiting for you." Inside his study was the Overlord seated behind his luxurious desk. "Welcome, tell me do you have a report for me?" "That's right Ainz-sama, the assigned units in Canterlot have confirmed the presence of the storm king, the presence of the item that he is going to use to achieve his objective has also been confirmed." "Excellent then, the time has come for this world to know us!" > The Guest of Honor arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the streets, the princess of friendship had seen the deep sadness that overwhelmed the ponies as they exchanged glances with her as she was transported to the castle in her cage, all she could do was look away, but the worst moment was when they entered to the throne room. Inside, everything was ready, in the center of the room a four-pointed pattern had been engraved on the floor, this was formed by a kind flower shape with four petals at 90 degrees each with respect to the other, a circle inside that crossed the petals at a third of the outermost part, all the formation was made by circular patterns, to engrave it the carpet of that section had been torn off. The lines of the pattern were formed by a multitude of runes constantly repeated, it was a magical formula, at the tips of each petal that were outside the central circle, the petrified princesses had been placed, leaving the diarchy on the side of the throne, while that Cadence had been placed on the side of the door, on the left petal from the entrance. The princess of love had a face of fear, her wings were wide open, her face was turned to the side, her hind legs were bent as if she were going to get up on them to start hitting the front with the front hooves and of these, one was collected, as if she were in mid-step. Luna had a face of surprise and concern, her limbs were extended as if she were in mid-step during a race, her wings were fully extended, they were at the highest point of a flap. Finally... Celestia, she had a pose as if she had been scared, she was standing on her back hooves while hitting the air with her forwards, her wings spread and her face looking down; with a countenance that had hardly ever graced her face, afraid. It was not until they placed the princess of friendship in her rightful place in the formation, that she was able to find her voice again. "Tempest, you don't have to do this, don't give the storm king-" "Magic?" -the unicorn interrupted- "Ooooww, don't tell me you wanted to keep it all to yourself, no, no, no, bad filly, it's time to share." -The commander finished mockingly and then spoke with a severe tone- "I would love for everyone to know what I can become." "Oohoo, fascinating." -said a playful voice that came from the door of the main terrace of the castle, surprising both, which became more serious immediately- "Tell me, what can you do by yourself?" The figure entered the room becoming visible, in the door frame an ape-like creature was standing, it was standing upright, its body was covered by somewhat long white hair, all its visible skin was of a grayish color, the armor he used consisted of complete grebas made of plates that covered his legs and reached the first joint after the ankle, these had a shape similar to those of a feline, he used metal wristbands, his chest, back and shoulders were covered by an armor of semi-complete plates, while on its head was a helmet that resembled a crown with double horns, two long and curved upwards that gave a similarity to those of a long-horned bull, and two small ones in the center, vertical and slightly curved outward, his mouth was full of sharp teeth and his lower fangs fully protruded over his upper lip, escaping from his protruding jaw, despite all this, the most distinctive thing about his face were his eyes, the sclera was light blue, slightly dark and had black pupils. The figure, had to bend down to cross the entrance that Celestia normally crossed without problems, this in order not to knock down his crown, it was no one other than the storm king himself. "Obey all your orders and will, of course, HO! Great mighty one!" - Grubber replied hurriedly, as he prostrated himself just behind Tempest, while she turned and stood firm to receive the king- At this time, when the commander's aide licked the king's boots, from multiple places on the ceiling, a small amount of dust fell, in many places, a pattern of eight holes was formed that were barely noticeable. After a moment, the captain's aide noticed the atmosphere in the place, and with an embarrassed smile, he got up and hurriedly left the room, at which the commander only rolled her eyes and slightly shook her head at the sides before turning your attention back to the king. "That's good, it sounds great!" The storm king approached the cage of the alicorn and, bringing his face closer, asked: "And you ... who are you supposed to be?" "I am the princess of friendship." -Twilight answered with a serious tone- "WAHAhahahaha, aaaaaah what things! How cute!" -The king mocked and accentuated his mockery by pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes, immediately afterward, he became serious and directed his gaze to the commander- "And why is it still moving?!" -asked clenching his jaw a little- "She and her friends… resisted a bit, but now she's alone, it won't be a problem." "Ha yeah, well, let's talk about problems." Said the ape as he walked to the center of the circle, as he passed by the side of the commander, the storm king, he passed his left hand through the commander's mane, stirring it a little, to which, Tempest, who was barely reaching his Waist, despite being taller than the average pony, only showed some annoyance on her face. "This place is very... I don't know, it's something like very... Cute! I've never liked cute things! That doesn't go with my style of powerful, magical, big and cruel type." During most of the monologue of the storm king, the commander maintained a clear expression of 'really?', With her eyes half-closed, her brow slightly furrowed, and her lips in a completely straight line. "Are you going to tell me the punch line Tempest? Because this seems to me like a JOKE!" Said the king angrily, when the last word was coming out of his mouth, he took with both hands the simple-looking scepter that he had been holding up to now in his right hand, raised it, and without any consideration struck the butt to the center of the engraving in the ground with all his might. *Mmnhhaaar* *CLOMP* The reaction was instantaneous when the dark wood with a petrified appearance was nailed into the ground, it released a magical pulse that started from the point of contact, the runes that formed the engraving on the floor began to illuminate starting from the center until all the engraving lit up, when the brightness reached where the princesses were the energy was much more visible, small electric arcs began to be visible between the ground and the princesses. "Huh…? Aah!" Then over the ptrified princesses began to form veins of light that rose from their hooves on the ground, towards their heads, causing their horns and eyes to shine without being able to do anything to prevent it. "Aaagghnnngh!, Gggaaahh!, no, NO!" Being the only one who was not petrified, Twilight was the only one capable of expressing the pain caused by the magic theft, when her eyes shone like those of the others, a beam of energy shot from the horns of all the princesses towards the part top of the scepter, in which was an elongated crystal of light cyan color, which was embedded between two ends of the wood that seemed to unscrew to reveal it, each princess emitted a bright beam, almost white of light, but with a colored shadow each one different, they all had a similar tint to the aura of their magic. But the drainage did not seem to be limited to them, behind each one formed strips of undulating colored vapor, which were thin next to them and thickened as they moved away. "HA, ha, look at this!, a light show!" When the draining was over, the storm king once again separated the scepter from the ground and it was covered for a moment in electric arcs. * Wggha * "HA ha ha, Let's get the storm started!... oh that was good, maybe I should record it, hmm..." He said the second part in a low voice, just to himself. After the draining was complete, Princess Twilight's eyes had lost a good deal of life and color; The forced extraction of magic left her exhausted, practically immobile, so she simply collapsed and when she hit the bottom of the cage, the groan that escaped from her mouth caught the king's attention. "Hoho∼, now, let's see what this thing can do." * Plof * * nnhnngh * "Ou" "Ah, I have an idea ..." The ape's face was adorned with a sadistic smile, he squeezed the hand with which he held the scepter, causing electric arcs to arise between the points and the gems and he turned to the cage behind him. Everyone outside the castle heard a big explosion, and those who were closer could see its origin, the wall with stained glass windows that led to the main terrace now had a large hole, a large amount of debris was scattered everywere, in addition to multiple pieces of a blackish metal and among all the pieces of it the Princess Twilight was immobile, her fur had scorched parts, she was missing some feathers, her mane and tail were a disaster, she also had many small cuts all over the body that had been caused by the metal shavings coming from the cage, but she was still breathing, everything hurt, but nothing was broken, she only groaned while rolled across the terrace before losing the inertia of the beam. "HA Ha ha! not bad… in fact, almost first class!" Said the storm king standing where the wall had been before, the commander following behind him. "Your Excellency, you promised to fix my horn, and now-" "Atatatatatata, wait a minute." The storm king silenced Tempest while waving his hand in a denial movement in front of the unicorn's face, then he advanced; seeing him approach, Twilight covered herself as best she could to defend herself from another attack, but this one did not arrive, he simply took a step over her, when she heard him walk away, she opened her eyes and looked at the unicorn, the princess's expression was clear, she asked 'are you still sure what you're doing?', to which the commander simply looked away uncertainly. "Let's see, what else can this thing do?" He squeezed his hands on the scepter and moved it slightly, the light around him changed, this made him look up to see in the direction of the sun that was in the distance, then he moved his hands again without taking his eyes off the horizon and a satisfied smile spread across his face. "This is not possible, I can move the sun!, hahahahaha!, woow this what I was talking about!, now, let's play ha ha!, day, night, day, night, morning, afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, HA hahahaha! " While the king was celebrating his new power, a huge eight-story cake was arriving from the upper-class district, with a dragon-shaped candle lit on top, whoever was transporting it was being detained on the access bridge to the nearest grounds. to the castle. "Okay guys, I get it, it's your job, but I have exact instructions to deliver this cake of… (looks at a clipboard with a sheet in its claws) 'congratulations on conquering Equestria and winning powerful magic' to someone named 'storm king' inside the castle as soon as possible, if I remember correctly, my boss told me something like if he does not receive his cake as soon as possible he will turn out something... 'explosive' * shigh * but hey, the problem will not be mine, I complied in coming and trying to deliver it." The feline with a creamy brown fur, turned around and walked towards the cake that was on a platform with wheels, this was pulled by five mares, when he was in front of them he made a sign on his chest with his right paw, He had the digits extended and began to lower them one by one slowly in the countdown when his count reached zero the guards cleared the way and the Abyssinian winked at the mares in front of him; It goes without saying that the feline in the apron and chef's hat was neither no one else than Capper Dapperpaws, and the mares pulling the base were the M6s that were disguised with chains and muzzles as if they were prisoners. They had already reached the halfway point to their objetive when the assistant of the commander came out sniffing the air from behind a pie stall. "Mmmh, cake" He said almost salivating, he hurried to catch up with his target, leaping up to the back of the platform, and immediately grabbed a handful of the cake and ate it. "Mmmhm, delicious, huh? Oh, but who puts eyes on the filling of a cake." Then the eye inside the cake blinked, processing what this meant, Grubber realized what was happening and raised the alarm, but was immediately silenced by a hand pulling him into the cake. "Waaaah, INTRUDERS!" *Sploch* "That's it, it's showtime!" -screamed Dash- The cian pegasus hitted the platform with one of his rear hooves, and in an explosion of frost and cake, the pirate crew and capitan Celaeno came out ready for battle. The surprise did not last long, just a few seconds, immediately after the fight broke out. The combat was fierce and quite close... at least for the Equestrians, a certain group of invisible creatures were having a great time, they even competed among themselves to see who could neutralize the storm king soldiers in the most creative way; but they did this not out of simply boredom, the reason why half of the EEA that were assigned to Canterlot were knocking out gorillas, was to carry out the orders of their superior; the guardian of the 7th floor had ordered them not to let the mares face the full thickness of the forces that were in Canterlot, otherwise they would end up seriously injured or killed, and that was not within their master's plans, it was necessary that they could reach the castle, or they could not fulfill their role in his master's plans, that was the real reason for their presence, it had nothing to do with boredom and much less with the fact that they had agreed that the one with the fewest numbers would have to watch the assistant butler Eclair for 72 hours while they were inside Nazarick, it was definitely not because of that! The M6s had been worried, but the fight was turning in their favor, it seemed that the soldiers were concentrated in the lower part of the city, and they had already reached the main balcony. The commotion in the castle courtyard drew the attention of those who were on the balcony, the storm king contemptuously viewed the combat. Tempest was incredulous. "How? ... but that's ... Impossible!" While Twilight regained hope. "They are my friends!" But before the moment took hold, the storm king spoiled it. "Yeah, yeah! It's wonderful, it's the magic of friendship!" -He said with a squeaky and mocking voice- *Bleeghh* "It's about time for a good storm! HAHAHAHA, hahahaha!" Pointing the scepter to the sky, he generated a huge bolt of lightning from the crystal at the tip, while laughing threateningly, after a few seconds, when the lightning finished its discharge, a furious wind began to be felt, it was the beginning of a gigantic tornado that was gaining strength quickly and had as its center the terrace of the castle. In the main square, when the wind started, the group of M6s immediately sought shelter, barely managing to get to the safety of an alley, when they were safe, they could observe how the wind dragged stalls and gorillas alike. "There's no way we're going to get through that, we would all have to be much faster than the average pegasus." -Said Rainbow- Hearing her, an idea appeared in Pinkie's mind, who took a helmet out of nowhere and putting it on, congratulated the speedster saying: "…!, Excellent idea Dashie, excellent iideeaaa…" While she kept a smile on her face that was unusual for her, one of which a certain red-haired maid would be very proud, that if she had not been turning her back on the rest, they would all have felt intimidated, on her face, there was a smile that was in equal parts sadistic and aggressive. "HAHAHAHAhahahaha, now I truly am the storm king, now the whole world will bow to me! Boom Baby! HAHA!" The storm king was enjoying his new power a lot, seeing him in a good mood, Tempest decided to get closer and make their deal effective. "Yes yes, your highness, you are all powerful, just as I promised, there is no one with more power than you." The commander was forced to raise her voice somewhat due to strong winds, but she did not care, her greatest desire was within her reach, she prostrated herself and continued speaking. "Now I ask you to fulfill your end of the bargain, restore my horn, and I will swear to you my magic and myself, putting both at your service." But the words she heard in response chilled her. "HA, who cares about your pathetic magic when I have all this power!" "But… but we had an agreement." She refused to believe it, which was normal, those words shattered the only hope of fulfilling her dream, but what followed, I take those pieces and incinerate them. "An agreement? Ha, go away unhorned, I was playing with you, I was using you, that's what I do, I never intended to honor those words." The storm king was about to attack Tempest with the magic of the scepter, but the storm was raging and lightning struck the terrace right between them, stunning them, trowing them away of the other and to the ground, it was a perfect opportunity to snatch the scepter from the king, but... the commander got too close to the edge and the strong wind began to drag her away. The unicorn regained consciousness when she felt herself float and as she passed near the railing she clung to it with a hoof with all her might, but the wind was too strong, seeing this the princess of friendship knew she had no time to lose, she had to choose, fortunately, the choice was easy. Tempest could not take it anymore, she was sure that this was her end, she closed her eyes full of bitterness and disappointment, not only had she not achieved her wish, but she had proven beyond any doubt that no one could be trusted, just as this thought crossed her mind, her hoof lost contact with the railing, but the sensation of a pair of hooves clinging to hers made her eyes widen in surprise, but the biggest surprise was whose hooves were, her surprise was such that only one sentence could come out of her mouth at that moment. "Why?" "Because that's what a true friend does." The princess replied as she pulled the unicorn to safety, this gave the king time to shake off his daze and stand up. "Hahaha, how cute, friendship is magic! Yes, of course, HA! You just missed the opportunity to snatch the scepter from me, now UNTIL NEVER!" Meanwhile, in the plaza, the crew members don't think this was good idea, and they try to discourage the mares one last time. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" The pirate first officer shouted with concern, while the cook, a boatswain, and he were around a big contraption, they had already finished preparing everything and now the first officer was holding an electric detonator, said detonator was the trigger of a huge cannon, but not it was any weapon of war, it was the cake cannon Pinkie had prepared for the event. "Just do it!" -the party pony yelled back with security from inside the cannon- And she was not alone, with her were the rest of the elements and little Spike, squeezed into the cannon. "I think, I'm starting to get second thoughts on this idea, dear." -The dressmaker spoke somewhat concerned, a feeling that Applejack shared- "A agree with 'er." -Aded AJ- The response that their concerns received was not what they expected. "FIRE!" *KAPOW!* "AAAAAAaaaaaahhh!" Being ejected from the cannon by the explosion, they all screamed as they soared through the sky, getting closer and closer to their target while forming a circle around Pinkie in the air, normally this formation should not have remained, but with fear, the mares completely ignored the shadows that formed from time to time on their bodies, the only one who did not scream in fear was the party pony, which is why the [Shadowdemons] left her in the center of the formation. After a few seconds of flight the vision of the group began to clear, they were passing the perimeter of the tornado, they could see the terrace, Tempest, Twilight, and the storm king, with whom they were about to crash, unfortunately for them, they were not in silence. "aaaaAAAAAHH" He was about to shoot a great lightning bolt at the mares that were on the terrace floor, but a scream that increased in volume quickly made him turn around, barely managing to evade the collision with five mares and a dragon that came flying. "Wooo" *Tud, tud, tud, tud, tud, tud* As they moved out of the way, the newcomers fell on the two who were on the ground, all rolling together and causing screams of surprise, followed by groans of pain from the impact. "Oowowowoww, I don't think I hit the mark." -spoke Pinkie Pie among the pile of ponies- Bad ass entrace They could have continued to complain or have gotten up to fight against the storm king, but a chilling sensation caused everyone to pay immediate attention to the dark circle that formed in the air, even though the princess of friendship already knew this sensation, she was stunned, Feeling it first hoof and at such close distance was overwhelming, so enormous was the amount of magic that the circle projected that even the Pegasus and the earth ponies could feel it, seeing their expressions, the storm king decided to rejoice in their success, without realizing realize what was behind him. "I see that you finally realized my greatness, that's why I'm the king and you are nothing! And since you bother me, I'm going to eliminate you!" With no distance limits and with a transfer failure rate of 0%, this was the most accurate teleportation spell, [GATE], noting that teleportation magic was not obstructed by anything, Ainz sighed with relief, being captured in Instead of saving someone, it would have been the worst outcome. *Clang* "I'm afraid if you did it would be quite troublesome." Hearing the new voice behind him, the king realized that he was not the one everyone was staring at with horror, when he turned around, what he found behind was something he had never seen before. What was behind him was a skeleton of an unknown race dressed in robes of excellent quality, in his right hand, was a golden staff that turned crystalline towards the hilt, this emanated a feeling of power. Behind the skeleton there was a black ellipse that looked more like a hole in reality, with a slight reddish tint turning inside it, when he turned around, he saw a third figure come out of the ellipse, this one was wearing a kind of maid uniform, it had its red and long hair tied in two thick braids. Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing. "It can't be, a human?" As she saw the maid leave the portal, the words escaped her mouth like a whisper, almost breathless, so low that no one else could hear it because of the ambient noise, not even the newcomers. The other creature that was already standing to the left of the skeleton, wore a full-body armor in black, and judging by its figure similar to that of a minotaur, it was probably a female, the battle-axe in its right hand had a slight greenish glow covering the edge. "Just who the hell are you? Get out of here before I turn you to dust!" These words, proved to be the worst possible choice for the storm king, because as soon as he finished speaking, the maid disappeared and reappeared next to him, an instant later, the castle wall that overlooked the terrace had a new hole that was created by the king, and where the latter had been standing now was only the maid with one arm extended in that direction with her hand extended. """""WHAT!""""" A reaction of absolute surprise was the only option of the Equestrians present, with the exception of Fluttershy, she fainted as soon as she felt the terrifying amount of magic that the portal was projecting. "Wh-who yu… who are thou?, no, who are ye?" (AN: she was trying to sound respectful.) The princess of friendship was about to say 'who you are' instead of 'who are thou', but when she saw the creature in armor, something told her that it would be a bad choice before she received a response from any of them, the maid again took a neutral position and walked until she was further back than the armored figure. "Mmmmh, horn, wings, and lavender, you must be the princess of friendship, am I correct?" The rather feminine and dismissive voice said from within the black armor. How do these things know who I am?! Twilight was desperately thinking of a possible explanation as she answered. "Y-yeah I mean yes!, t-that w-would be right, i-if y-you don't mind c-c-can I a-ask, who are ye…?" Asked the alicorn, arming herself with all the courage she could ... which was not much, rather just enough. "Haa, right, introductions, but this climate is not the most suitable for chatting." With these words and without any action on his part beyond the massive expulsion of magic that the princess could feel coming from the skeleton, which almost made her faint, a moment later the storm began to subside very quickly, the clouds twisted disappearing, there was even a cool spring breeze, despite being mid-summer. All the mares and the dragon were again speechless, the change was even faster than when the king started the storm, and the change was not only about the castle, all Canterlot was affected, the sky as far as the eye could see was clear, the skeleton's deep and authoritative voice snapped them out of their trance calling everyone's attention again and at the same time blocking the exclamation that Dash was about to spit out at full volume. "My name... in the past there was no one who did not recognize this name... Remember it well!" The M6 ​​Spike and the commander felt insecure, the skeleton's words seemed to be reproachful, of all, only Twilight noticed a specific inflection. Did he say 'in the past'? That means he has existed in Equus for a long time... but that means... that he precedes the known story! No, no, calm down, keep listening, maybe you will have some time to lose your head later *glup* and hopefully not literally. "I am the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown!" When he said his name, he spread his arms and the flames in their sockets became brighter, at this moment the figure before the mares seemed to be as gigantic as Mount Canter itself, the pressure that his mere presence exuded was terrifying, and whoever succumbed this time was Rarity. "Nonsense! I had never heard that name, even less that title." Shouted from within the castle the storm king, as he returned again to the terrace, even when he has seem something beaten, with some cuts, the armor dented in multiple points, the most noticeable being in the center of the chest and the crown on his head had lost one of his lateral horns, he could not be underestimated, this time he was not alone, the fact that the storm disappeared, allowed the gorillas to enter the castle, with him there were at least forty gorillas. "I've had enough of this bullshit! Maybe your warrior is strong, but she won't be able to beat the numbers!" He was about to order the attack when a deep laugh interrupted his thoughts. "fufuFUFUHAHAHAHahahaaa, warrior? Who is the one who is truly talking nonsense, my servant is not a warrior, but if you have so much interest in knowing the strength of a warrior… Albedo." "As ordered, Ainz-sama." The voice that came out of the black armor, in stark contrast to her appearance was elegant, upon receiving the order from her master, the female in armor placed herself at the front of her group. "ATTACK!" With the instruction given all the soldiers swiftly advanced to attack the armored creature, quickly closing the distance between both sides, both Twilight and Tempest expected it to be a one-sided beating by the gorillas or at least a very intense battle. In fact, they could have more easily accepted any other outcome, except the one that happened in front of their eyes. The creature raised its massive war axe with just one hand, and with a single lateral movement, it snapped the 14 closest gorillas in half in a horizontal line, while the air pressure caused by the excessively fast movement, knocked the rest by throwing them over the edge of the terrace. Seeing the corpses, the Equesters wanted to vomit but managed to hold on, at least until they heard the thrown soldiers hit the ground. * Splat, Crunch, Crack, Splat, Splat, Crunch * Hearing them, Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie immediately threw up. "Arrgghh, I'm surrounded by inept servants! This will take care of you right away, haha!" From his hip he took a crystalline orb with a slight green glow that came from the crystal sealed inside, it was emerald obsidian, the same thing that the commander had used against the princesses; The King threw it with all his might towards the skeleton, the orb hit him squarely on the ribs and a cloud of green smoke spread immediately, covering the Overlord almost completely. "Mmmh, I thought you were a buffoon, but it seems that you are more of an idiot, you are trying to petrify the meat of something that does not have it, a true stupidity." Ainz simply waved his left hand and with that dissipated the cloud around him harmlessly, he was intact. * Arrggh! * "I'll crush you personally!" * nngrrah * "Both of you, back off," Ainz said in a low voice. ""Yes"" The storm king threw a concentrated magic beam, intending to destroy the skeleton, the shot was accurate, the king smiled from ear to ear, no one is capable of surviving something like this, he was sure of it. "HmhmhaHAHAHAHA." But a sinister laugh made him stop the attack. "So this is taking damage? Is this what pain feels like?" Everyone was surprised, who gave voice to the general feeling was the attacker himself. "That's impossible, that amount of magic would have leveled any mountain!" But then a chilling sensation invaded everyone present, the armored creature was trembling slightly and its fists were clenched tightly. "You, YOU!, DAMN SCUUUMMMMM!, that an inferior worm has dared to cause pain to Ainz-sama!, to the one that I love so much, You, cursed trash, you should know your plaaaaaaace!" Everything seemed to indicate that she was about to attack the storm king, but when a skeletal hand rested on the armored female's shoulder, she suddenly calmed down. "Calm down Albedo." "But, Ainz-sama." "Don't worry, everything is going according to plan, even though it turned out to be much weaker than expected, well then, I already checked everything I wanted to check, so we can end this farce now, you see ..." Ainz disappeared from everyone's sight and a thousandth of a second later he was in front of the surprised storm king, with his left hand he took his head, squeezing it until the crown shattered, and after releasing his staff; that instead of falling he stayed floating where he dropped it; his right hand crushed the wrist of the storm king, causing him to drop Zakanas' scepter, getting a wrenching scream as the king's mind finally registered the pain, while the scepter simply echoed on the ground as it fell. "Your kingdom now belongs to me, your power never existed, after all, you have many slaves, but you betrayed your only subordinate, for me you are repulsive, but I assure you that you will pay for your crimes against 'my' kingdom, I assure you that your life will never be taken away, your only cause of death will be old age [Paralysis] " Suddenly the storm king stopped moving completely, the arm that had been hitting the skeleton until now, hung inert, the king was simply thrown aside, like a rag doll. "Albedo, make sure he's sent back, I'm sure that Neuronist would love to have a new voice for his choir." "It will be done as ordered, I am sure she will appreciate your gift." After those words, the armored figure now known as Albedo, put two fingers to the side of his head, immediately after another hole opened in reality through which the storm king was simply kicked and immediately afterward closed. Once it was free, the sorcerer-king took his staff again, he simply opened his hand, and it immediately floated to it, the maid picked up the scepter and kneeled in front of him presenting it, the skeleton extended his hand over it, and it got covered with a soft greenish glow. "Mmmmh… ha, I see… definitely useless, but interesting, well, now, let's continue where we were." The attention of the three creatures was back on the Equestrians. *GLUP* They all gulped nervously, got to their feet, and got ready to run if necessary, AJ placed Rarty on his back, while Pinkie carried Fluttershy. "Commander Tempest Shadow." What? How come that thing knows my name? I'm not as well known as the princesses! "Y-yes?" "It is 'yes, your highness', insignificant worm, show all due respect." The female in armor said, with an aggressive tone, but her words stopped as soon as the skeleton raised one of its hands, signaling it to stop. "It's okay Albedo, she hasn't confirmed anything yet, she doesn't have to address me with that title ... yet, as you can see, Tempest, there has just been a ... 'succession' to the throne, and I plan to make multiple changes, in the first instance, there will be big changes in the military structure, but it would be monumental stupidity to dismiss a capable commander, you have two options, continue in office or… leave it. " Without intentionally doing so, Ainz paused when he was going to offer the second option, because he had not thought of anything other than letting her go, and since he could not think of anything, he continued speaking, but the tone of his voice was gloomy due to the annoyance he felt with himself. "I-if those are my options, your majesty, I-I agree to continue in t-the p-post." Of course I will continue in the post!, maybe I can escape if I am still alive, but if I 'quit', I am sure it will not be breathing! "Ah, it's true, you are incomplete, that will be a problem to fill the position." The M6s who were conscious and even Spike all thought the same thing, 'how cruel', but for Tempest it was a low and heartless blow, to give him an option and then tear her to pieces; she was about to burst into tears, but the next words froze her the blood. "Lupusregina, eliminate the problem." "Right away Ainz-sama." The maid walked until she was in front of the unicorn, who looked at her with terror in her eyes, crouched and with her ears flat on her skull, in the hands of the maid, there was something that was not there a moment ago, a scroll when standing in front of her, the maid tossed the scroll into the air in front of her and it burned into blue flames. "[Restore]" When Tempest heard the maid speak, she immediately squeezed her eyes, her whole body felt warm and she heard exclamations of surprise from the rest, but one, in particular, made her eyes widen. Princess Twilight did not understand what her eyes were seeing, how was it possible that the maid had dragon magic? Or was it not a message sent? but an instant later both doubts were eradicated, a slight green glow covered Tempest's body, after that the unthinkable happened, which caused the princess to scream without reservation. "WHAT?!, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, ONCE SEPARATED THE HORN IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIX IT!" It had not been a communication, if not a spell that is not supposed to exist, not only did it remove all the scars from the unicorn, her horn was also completely repaired. Feeling the difference in her body, after the warm feeling disappeared, the unicorn sat down on the ground and her two front hooves rushed towards where there was nothing before, when her hooves felt and felt the hooves, she couldn't hold back any longer and began to cry. *Sob, sob, sniff* "M-my lord" *sniff, sob* Tempest began to speak with a trembling and cracking voice, but this time with happiness. "Y-you have fulfilled *sob, sniff* my greatest wish *sniff* without even it leaving my mouth." The unicorn got up to bow as deeply as she could and then began to speak. "Yours is all my gratitude and fidelity for the rest of my days or until you see fit to get rid of me, I promise to serve you with all my heart and ability and I also promise to do my best to carry out your orders no matter what they cost me." She took her oath of allegiance with her face practically pressed to the ground, which, although she was not aware of it, achieved a favorable impression of her before the overseer of the guardians. "I accept your oath of allegiance and establish you as commander of the local troops as a provisional position, your permanent position will be granted to you as soon as the army is completely restructured." "I listen and obey, Your Majesty Ainz Ooal Gown, Sama?" said the unicorn, while at the last word she directed her gaze to the entourage of her new master to receive confirmation that she was using the correct words and obtained a confirmation assent from them. "You can get up." -The Overlord spoke and then directed his gaze to the rest of the Equestrian and continue speaking- "Now, if I remember correctly, a festival and reunion is pending, isn't there, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" > Fraternizing with the Guests First part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even in the worst of her days, the Princess of Friendship might rejoice in some control and some ability to not get blocked, but today that had simply been thrown out the window, after seeing so many impossible things in a short period, just less than two hours, there was nothing she could do but be dumbfounded. But a certain voice commanding and backed by power shake her from her trance by asking a question. "Isn't that so, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" The voice belonged to a skeleton that without a single iota of meat on its bones was able to speak and move, the question managed to make her start on automatic pilot, and almost immediately she began to react again. "Huh, huh? O-oh yeah, but with the current state of Canterlot I don't think that's possible." "That will not be a problem, the solution is already in our hands." The skeleton began to walk towards the throne room, when he finally disappeared through the hole in the wall followed by his entourage and the renewed commander, they all came out of the trance and followed him with caution, when he reached the center of the throne, he staked the butt of the scepter in the same spot the storm king had nailed it earlier. *TUMP* Immediately tendons of magical steam began to spread everywhere to cover all of Canterlot, repairing all the disasters and damages of the last days, repositioning stalls and their contents, when the restoration was finished, the petrified princesses began to be covered with luminous cracks and when the last of the magical mist was finally introduced through the cracks, the layer of stone that covered them slowly crumbled, freeing them from their prison and allowing them to take a breath for the first time in almost 72 hours. After being completely de-petrified, they all fell to the ground extremely exhausted, as if they had used a huge amount of magic in one go, they were breathing heavily, their eyes were closed, and their heads lowered, but the unfamiliar voice made them open their eyes and turn towards the source. "Well, that solves the problem." The princesses' reaction was immediate, they all widened their eyes, Cadence simply stumbled while walking backward and fell to the ground when she saw the figure standing in the center, Luna and Celestia exclaimed at the same time: "A necromancer!" The Equestria diarchy immediately began to gather what little magic they had left to attack the creature, when a lavender blob that shot from the side of the room, interrupted them by tackling the monarch of the sun with such force that they reached up to where was the princess of the night immediately, becoming a tangle of limbs, when they stopped all that was heard were sobs, which brought the princess of love out of her stupor who immediately approached the pile of alicorns and asked cautiously: "Twilight, is it you?" The only response she received was a pull into a tight hug and a few words between sobs. *Sob* "I-I thought th-that *sob* l-I had l-los- *snif* l-lost you *sob* f-for *sniff * e-ev-ever" *sob* The emotional moment was interrupted by the door to the throne room, which was thrown open violently. *SLAM* At the door was a group of 30 gorillas commanded by Grubber. "Surrender in the name of the Storm King!" All the Equestrian inside the room directed their eyes towards the entrance, while Ainz gave a tired sigh and then turned around slowly, but the gesture did not go unnoticed by the diarchy, since it seemed something curious that a being without lungs would perform such action. "Haaah" Well, I already offered the carrot when preparing the city and Tempest, thank goodness we had two unicorns to test beforehand, it was a real surprise that the normal healing spells were not able to restore a broken horn, only the 9th level spells and higher worked or specialiced spells of the torturer job class, I still do not understand how it is a kind of curse that applies the 'crippled' status, but now... "Aah yes, the assistant." The calm and relief that the princesses felt when being released and reunited with Twilight, disappeared completely with those words that were said with a gloomy tone, their manes suddenly ruffle. For his part, when Grubber finally paid some attention to the individuals in the room, especially the absence of a certain king within it, he also noticed the new presences; which prevented him from notice about the rest of the changes of everything, who can notice out anything while having in front a skeleton that talks and walks; his immediate reaction was perfectly understandable. "AAaaaaaaah!, Attack, attack, attack!" The gorillas took the front with the shield in hand and began to advance, seeing this the princesses stood up and prepared for combat. An instant later, everyone inside the room froze, an overwhelming pressure that prevented them from even breathing properly descended on the entire room, everyone was paralyzed by the same feeling, fear, to the horror of everyone present the origin was clear, the skeleton was enveloped in a dark aura, similar to smoke, but much denser and darker. The princesses of the sun, the moon, and love, barely managed to breathe, were completely alarmed, while the M6, Twilight, and Spike already knew this feeling, and even that did not make it easier for them to bear it, the luckiest were those who already were passed out since they did not witness what happened next. Having deployed his aura of despair at the lowest level, he began to use something that he was not used to, after all, it was something that did not exist when Yggdrasil was a game, the bloodlust or killing instinct; at first it spread completely around him, but hearing the groans of pain from those behind him, he controlled it and began to direct everything in front of him, then he was concentrating and projecting it over the central columns of the soldiers. For the mares and the dragon, the story they witnessed was completely different, after the fear a wave of physical pain made them collapse on the ground and groan in pain, although it only lasted a moment, the impression they left was permanently recorded and fully cemented afterward. *Nnngghh* *Ggghann* *Wwrrghaa* (Bloodlust is directed forward) *Hhhhhhhuuuuuuuuu* *Cough cough* *GHASPH* (collective) As soon as they could regain their composure a little, they all realized that only they had recovered, while the storm king's soldiers were even in a worse state than they had been through. The image in front of their eyes forced the M6s and Spike to look away, the Diarchs of Equestria who had had a larger share of bloody conflicts than their peers were able to keep their composure more, but were equally stunned, while the princess of love was frozen with horror. The gorillas had dropped the shields that had been of little use to them and were writhing in pain, at least the little they could move, but the two central columns were practically immobile and bleeding from behind their masks, then the two central ones simply collapsed, their bodies turned a reddish paste on the ground. *GHASPH!* (Collective) *Gruwwlghhaghh* -Cadence was unable to endure it and retched- A few seconds later, the aberration was repeated in the second row and almost immediately after the third, until finally the former assistant commander was left alone in the sight of the Overlord. "You see, Grubber," -said the skeleton- "there are three things that bother me in a specific way," -the pressure on the assistant was increasing slowly- "the third is the waste, either of resources, personnel or time," -the hedgehog was completely immobilized on the ground by the pressure- "and you have absurdly wasted all three, the second thing is laziness," -the blood began to come out of his eyes, ears, and mouth- "those who are incapable of striving to fulfill at least the minimum that is required of them... they are scum," -said the skeleton with a voice that announced unfathomable torment to whoever incurred in that point- "and what bothers me the most is slavery, fortunately for you, you have only incurred two of the three, otherwise, your suffering would be as long as your natural life, just as it will be that of that foolish king." With these words, Grubber shared the same fate of the gorillas before him, now he was just a red paste on the ground. To say that the Equesters were horrified would be insufficient on all levels, Cadence had vomited after seeing the first gorillas die, even the diarchs were pale from the grotesque and incomprehensible way of killing, the M6s that were still conscious were not better, Dash had looked away immediately after seeing the first ones die, Twilight would have thrown up if she had something in her stomach, AJ and Spike weren't as lucky, they had eaten something on the ship, Pinkie Pie had followed the example of Rarity and Fluttershy as soon as the first gorillas died, as for Tempest, she was beginning to raise serious doubts about whether she had made the right choice when she turned to see the king's entourage, she realized that they had not been fazed as if they hadn't felt the pressure from just now, what's more, the maid seemed to be holding back her urge to smile as much as she could. At the precise moment that her former assistant died, all the pressure dissipated and the dark aura that had been surrounding her new master disappeared without a trace. I'm not sure what to think about this, even in the service of the storm king, I did come into combat, but even the bloodiest are not even the shadow of what I just saw, I think, if I hadn't seen at least blood on the battlefield, I would have thrown up too, but I still think I won't be able to eat anything red or ground for quite a while without retching. All this was going through the mind of the commander until her musings were suddenly interrupted by her new master. "Commander Tempest Shadow." "Y-yes, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!" "Take these soldiers, go around the city and organize the remaining troops, order the withdrawal, that they return to the outpost and wait for new orders, there should not be a single ship left in the city, oh, right, although the 'Rollback' should have taken care of everything, make sure no one is tied or chained, when finished, come back here." "It will be done as ordered immediately… erm *Glup* Your Highness… w-what should I do with whoever… resists." The unicorn asked, fearful that the answer was something she was unable to fulfill. "Mmhm? oh, yes, I'll take care of straightening the rioters later, just grab them, but just in case, Lupusregina Beta." "Order, Ainz-sama." "Accompany the commander, if a soldier belonging to my new kingdom opposes obeying the orders, you will assist the commander, and if those who oppose are Equestrians or their allies... just intimidate them without hurting them; it will be enough to just stop their meddle, you can withdraw." "It will be done as ordered." Both answered in unison, while bowing, when they got up, they took several steps back before turning around and leaving the room to carry out their orders, but not before herding the soldiers who were still alive as fast as they could, curiously for the unicorn, everything was much easier and faster when the maid smiled widely. Hearing the skeleton's words, not only had Tempest felt relief, the feeling was shared by the rest of the Equestrians within the room. Well, with this, this matter is settled, it only remains to clean up the mess and wait for the meeting, mmm... who will be better for the job? Ha! Right! I already know who I will entrust the heaviest part too. "Albedo" "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Order a group of Kyouhoukou's subordinates come to take care of most of the cleaning, after that, bring a couple of maids come to do the deep cleaning, I doubt that the princesses servants have the stomach necessary to clean it, besides, leave dirty the house of others after visiting, would be of bad manners of our part." Hearing the name of the area guardian, the supervisor of the guardians trembled slightly in a barely perceptible way and hesitated for a second to speak, which was not miss by the Equestrians, who noticed this slight change. "I-immediately, Ainz-sama." The female in armor, now known as Albedo, placed her extended left hand on the side of her helmet and seemed to speak to someone in a low voice, as soon as she lowered her hand, a new portal opened, and from it spiled a multitude of cockroaches, their sizes were quite varied, some even reaching the size of foals. The bugs did a quick job of all the remains, when they finished they left no trace, not even a piece of bone, the only thing that remained was the smell of blood and the metallic equipment, as soon as the cockroaches left; the portal closed and a new one opened a moment later, two females with maid uniforms came out, both had short blonde hair, wearing a different hairstyle from each other. Both maids bowed before the skeleton without even letting go of their cleaning implements, the bow was filled with deep respect and admiration, something that did not go unnoticed by the monarch of the sun, immediately afterward they began to clean. The speed at which the servants worked was astonishing, their speed and efficiency easily putting even the best servants in the palace to shame. When she saw the new maids arrive, Twilight couldn't help her surprise causing the words to escape her mouth. "More humans! How is that possible?!" Unfortunately, this time the silence of the room allowed her whisper to be captured by the Overlord's higher senses. What did she just say?! How does she know how one look like or about them at all? This is something that needs to be investigated as soon as possible! After a short moment, the maids finished cleaning and withdrew, but not before bowing once more before the skeleton, with the surprise that dominated the natives by what they had just witnessed, the fact that these last two portals were not felt got completely over their heads. After what he had just heard, Ainz was nervous and his concern increased and increased and when his nervousness reached its limit, the 'ES' activated, calming him down just in time for him to pay attention to the words of the monarch of the sun, who spoke cautiously and in a completely neutral tone. "If you can spare me a moment of your time, Mister Ainz Ooal Gown is-" But she was interrupted by the female in armor. "It's Ainz Ooal Gown-'SAMA'', for an inferior being to try to speak as an equal to a supreme being, it is grossly disrespectful!" The supervisor said annoyed as she began to lift her ax, an overwhelming pressure almost causing the princess to fall to her knees were was standing. "Enough Albedo, that will not be necessary, they are not my subordinates, in addition, we are both rulers, if she always spoke to me with such respect, we would only be able to generate friction between our nations for nothing, as long as she does not disrespect me directly there is no problem. " The last words were said while placing his gaze on the alabaster alicorn, which gave the princess chills. All this exchange was quite revealing for the princess of the sun, she understood that, firstly, apparently, they had no intention of taking Equestria, secondly, she had to maintain as much of the formalities as possible, and thirdly, apparently her subordinate was almost as powerful as he was. When Albedo's anger was completely controlled, Princess Celestia was able to continue. "Ehemm, I am very sorry if I have come to seem rude or disrespectful since all of you speak a perfect equestrian, I assumed there would be no communication problem, but it looks like I was wrong, for which I apologize." Celestia said while bowing slightly apologetically when she finished. "It doesn't matter at all, you can continue speaking normally." Ainz replied while making a gesture that indicated the null importance of the subject with one of his hands. The monarch of the sun was the only one who could maintain her composure, thanks to the millennium of politics that she had faced by herself, the others did not have the same luck, until a moment ago, for everyone present, the scene was impossible to digest, the creature that until a moment ago seemed more dangerous to them than the Tartarus itself, now projected an aura of royalty that was quite comforting. "Thank you very much, as I was saying, although we greatly appreciate your presence in this time of need, your appearance raises many unknowns and, to tell the truth, everyone present would be reassured, and would appreciate if you were willing to answer some questions." Celestia spoke, modulating her voice, choosing her words carefully in the face of the strange situation in front of her. "Mhm, it is something sensible, however, I think that at this time it would be a better idea for the rulers to show themselves, this would reassure their subjects, especially after a situation like the one that happened." The princesses were once again silent, they were so worried about what the creature in front of them might do, that going out to calm their subjects had not crossed their minds. "Besides," -continued the Overlord- "If I remember correctly, Princess Twilight has a festival to prepare, or rather re-track, although I am sure that the 'Rollback' function of the scepter should have corrected practically everything, the choice it remains up to her, for me, there is no difference in the order of events. " The one who was able to get out of the trance first and speak to answer was the monarch of the night. "So if I may make a suggestion, I think my sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends who are still conscious, should take care of the festival, while Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and I keep you company during that time, in addition to taking care of those who are unconscious." "I have no problem, however, I hate repeating myself, so questions will have to wait until everyone is assembled." The diarchy crossed their eyes and nodded slightly, then Celestia spoke up. "We agree with that, if you don't mind then we must retire to check on the status of my little ponies and the festival." "Mmhm, go ahead." Is it really that how she calls his subjects?!, I can't believe it!, I almost let out a laugh! Luckily my face can't make expressions!. -thinked the Overlord- After a courtesy farewell, the groups separated, in the throne room the princess of love, the princess of the night, and the three mares were still unconscious, while the rest left the room. But when the door closed, the words couldn't wait any longer. "With all due respect princess, but are you kidding right? It can't be that you're seriously thinking about leaving them in the company of that… that… THING!" The first to be heard was Rainbow Dash's hoarse voice, which fully reflected her disbelief and concern. "And what do y'a suggest that we do, huh? You've already see how powerful that thing is! f'r heaven's sake!, it made seven beings mush without even moving!" -The farmer answered furiously, releasing all the stress that she had been accumulating with her cries of impotence- "Applejack, I understand how you feel, but I think it's best to hear Princess Celestia's opinion on this first." -said Twilight trying to calm things down- "but I agree that we can't isolate ourselves completely, *shigh* I don't even want to suggest it, but I have to ask you, Spike, could you stay?" The princess asked her assistant in a voice that indicated that she would understand if he did not. "W-what? But why?!" "I'm not going to force you Spike, but we need someone who can stay and discreetly warn us if anything happens, I know I'm asking too much of you and I'll understand if you don't want to." "No, the others are still unconscious, it is best to have more help, but, what can I do? My physical strength is not a great thing, nor can I use magic that is capable of harming that." -The little dragon replied with concern- "And you don't need to be capable of it, what I want to ask you to do, is that you just be there, I want that if something bad happens you send me a piece of anything, no matter what it is, either to me or to princess Celestia and I also want you to take care of yourself, not to put yourself in danger for anything." The alicorn spoke trying to calm the little dragon's worries. "I-it's alright, I-I'll do it." For Rarity... well and for the others too. "Leave it to me, I'll take care of letting you know if something happens." Spike said as he tried to put on a mask of bravery. "I appreciate it very much, but please be very careful." The princess of friendship said goodbye to her assistant, with a look of concern and gratitude, everyone followed him with their eyes until he entered the room again, as soon as the door closed, her attention was focused again on her mentor. "Princess Celestia, what are your thoughts? For me, since he appeared through that portal, I have not been able to assimilate almost anything, everything happened very quickly, I would like to hear your opinion as we walk." At the request of her former student, the monarch of the sun simply sighed and nodded, after which they all headed to the exit to attend the preparations for the festival, as soon as they began to walk, the conversation continued, who broke the silence was Princess Celestia. "You see, it is a story practically forgotten, even for my sister and me, we heard it in our childhood as a story of yesteryear, sometime in the past of our world there was necromancy, the arcane art of controlling the dead , there were even those who practiced it among all species, all the knowledge of it came from a single creature of unknown race, the stories describe him as an individual so thin that he practically looked like a skeleton, his furless skin reinforced his cadaverous appearance, he was a bipedal creature, and its magic was very powerful, many of the races were horrified by its practices and when the most vile and heartless individuals of each people began to follow its teachings, many nations united to make war on them,This conflict lasted about two full years, the stories told that the first year was a bloody and somewhat balanced battle, but the second year, the battles were constantly tilting in favor of those who opposed necromancy, apparently everything was tilted in their favor after he was killed the first time." Hearing this, Dash became unbalanced and almost fell face down from where she was afloat. "Wait for a second!, what do you mean the first time? Isn't it supposed that when someone dies there is no going back?" "The stories told that the creature always reappeared one or two days after they killed it, but whenever it did it was weaker, the battles continued to take place that way until the creature stopped reappearing on the battlefield, that's how I knew what it was." Ecstatic to hear a story that practically no one knew, Twilight's excitement made her voice her conclusions. "I see, so that's why the moment you saw him screamed 'a necromancer'." The farmer, who was still somewhat upset, spoke in the most neutral way she could. "Excuse me princess, but a' don't understand, wha' that has t'a do with yer decision." "You see Applejack, in the stories it was said that the creature hated all life, sacrificed his subordinates as if they were something disposable, and with the short time I treated this being I realized several things, first of all, what he did in the throne room, it is something that the creature of yesteryear was never heard to do, so it is certainly more powerful than the one in the stories. " "Yeah, she's right, after all, he received a head-on attack that had the power of the four of us combined, without even defending himself, and he just laughed at it!" -spoke to herself Twilight- Hearing her former student, Princess Celestia's eyes widened and her mouth was ajar, she had to reconsider the level she had put him on. "O-ok, right, then it would be clearer to say that it is much, much! More powerful than the one in the stories, *shigh* secondly, I can say that the warrior who accompanied him is almost as powerful as him, and If I'm correct, he has more servants, thirdly, that presence, that way of speaking, *shigh* I'm sure not only is his strength monstrous, his intelligence should not be underestimated." These words left the mares thoughtful. "At least for now" -continued the princess- "All his actions and words point to the same thing, it seems that at this moment he has no intention of taking Equestria or causing damage, otherwise we would not be here, for now, we have to Concentrate on check out the status of Canterlot and all the ponies, we also have to reorganize the guard, I'm sure it is a mess. " The alicorn paused a little when they were about to reach the entrance, turned to the elements, and gave her instructions. "Later, when we are talking to him, try to get as much information from him and his subordinates as possible." After hearing the princess's motives and reasons, they all nodded, even though AJ and Dash were reluctant to do so. "Now, Twilight, it's your festival, where we help you." -Princess Celestia said with a slightly more animated tone- After some quick instructions, they all separated to carry out their tasks as quickly as possible and calm the masses, assuring them that everything had been resolved and that the festival would now take place with a slight change of schedules in the development table, since everything it had been delayed by several hours, even days compared to the original schedule. While all this was happening outside, inside the throne room different events were happening. AN: RIP grubber to tell the truth I kill him because I was unable to give him some kind of position anywere, so meh. > Fraternizing with the Guests Second part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Princess Celestia and company emerged from the throne room, the Overlord's keen senses caught up to a somewhat suppressed scream from the door. "And what do y'a suggest that we do, huh? You've already see how powerful that thing is! f'r heaven's sake!, it made seven beings mush without even moving!" Inadvertently to those outside in the hall, the start of their conversation, before they started to walk away, could be overheard by Momonga. Mmmh, I see, it seems that they still fear me, it seems that Demiurge's plan is going smoothly, although I couldn't hear everything, well, I will ask for a full report on what they talk about later. But his thoughts were interrupted by the princess of the night. "If it's okay with your mercy, would you like us to move to one of the adjoining rooms? This will allow us all to take a seat, as well as offering a better place to rest for those who are still unconscious." "Mmhm, I have no problem with it." They went to one of the simple, but elegant, adjoining living/dining rooms that were to the sides of the throne room, once inside, Princess Luna used her magic to organize groups of chairs to serve as a makeshift bed, on which she placed the elements; Once her work was done, she turned to her 'guests', finally noticing that there was a problem that she hadn't thought about, one not so small, the chairs around the table were all for ponies, none could accommodate the beings in front of her. When Cadence saw Luna suddenly freeze with a worried expression, she followed her gaze, looking at the two figures standing there doing nothing, she didn't understand it, but when she contemplated sitting down she understood. "We are very sorry, it seems that the chairs are not suitable for your physiology, but if you give me a moment, I will immediately bring more suitable ones." -The princess of love said hurriedly, with some concern in her tone- The Overlord approached the head of the table and removed the two chairs that were there with a 'little' push, bringing them up to the wall as he spoke. "That doesn't matter, (shove) that won't be necessary." The princesses were about to ask what he was referring to when the skeleton stood in front of the head of the table and began to sit down when suddenly, emerging from the ground below it, a throne completely made of black marble quickly formed, with intricate designs and the occasional white lines that allowed the material to be identified with the naked eye, but what impressed the princesses and the little dragon the most was not the material, it was not the detail, not even the imposing size that stood out at least a five feet above the head of the sorcerer-king, if not, rather, the fact that it had not simply appeared as when a unicorn summons something close to himself, no, the throne had materialized at a speed that the event was visible to them, the throne that began to form from the ground, it had finished forming as soon as the skeleton stopped moving. Cadence and Spike were more amazed by the detail, but Luna, who understood well what she had just seen, was completely speechless and almost sweating cold, the throne had been 'created' with magic, a completely solid object had been created with magic, If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have called the person who told her crazy, after a moment she managed to get out of his stupor and move on. "Eee… Ah, well, since that's not a problem, tell me, can I offer you a snack or a drink while we wait?" The skeleton's response was somewhat unexpected. "Hahmhmhn, calm down princess, breathe a little, maybe then you will realize that I am not exactly the kind of creature that eats or drinks." In her Luna state, she was stuck in shame for her mistake after hearing these words, realizing this, Cadence was about to intervene, but the Overlord continued. "Still, the gesture is welcome, although you guys do eat, um… ha, right, Albedo." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "From here, this will be a political meeting, go back and change for something more formal, your normal outfit will be enough, also order that Sous-chef prepare enough vegetarian dishes for everyone that will be here; one for a draconic hatchling and one regular for you, that they are to be served in two… no, two hours and forty-five minutes, yes that should be more than enough, have the serving group bring two drink options for each kind of course." "I have to assume that a simple but filling meal should be what you want to be served, am I correct?" "Indeed." "It will be done as you order, Ainz-sama." -The supervisor finished with a bow- "Mhm, alright, you can go, [Gate]." Having permission from her master to retreat, the armored female bowed, an instant later, the skeleton opened a portal, and she retreated through it, but this time the portal had an unexpected side effect, the mares that had been unconscious until now; jumped up frightened when they felt the magic of the portal, they tried to start a sprint at full gallop while they were half-asleep still, and all they managed was to scatter the chairs under them, causing them to fall to the ground, which ended up waking them up, It was helpful too, that at the very moment of the fall the portal closed, this allowed them to regain control, the first to speak was Rarity. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, I think I just had the worst nightmare of my life, and then I awake like this, simply 'wonderful'." -The dressmaker complained while rubbing one of her front hooves on which it had fallen, but the words of the party pony who was the first to stand forced her to open her eyes and turn to see her- "Erm… Rarity, something tells me that it wasn't a dream." -Said the pink pony with a nervous voice, while pointing with one of her half-extended hooves, towards the head of the table in the room- "Eh? What do you mean, I don't understand Pinkie, dear." When the element of generosity rested its gaze on her friend, she was able to notice three things, first, Fluttershy was also in the room, although she was in a ball and trembling, second, they were in one of the side dining rooms of the throne room judging by the chairs and third, Pinkie was stiff-faced, with a nervous smile, as she pointed one of her hooves to a point behind and the right of her, as her gaze followed the directionher friend was pointing couldn't stop an exclamation of surprise from escaping her mouth. *Ghasph* "The skeleton!" Just when she was about to start running again, Princess Luna's voice stopped her. "Generous Rarity, I ask you to keep calm, at this moment we are waiting for the arrival of the others to start conversations." Hearing this calmed her enough that she stopped to listen after a couple of steps. If they are waiting for the others, does that mean that they are all well? Or not? "Waiting for them?" -he asked cautiously, as she turned- "Where are they? Are they okay?" Who appeased the doubts of the dressmaker, was the little dragon. "You can be calm, everyone is fine, at this moment Princess Celestia, Twilight, and the others, are seeing that everything is ready for the festival." Hearing this, the pink pony was alarmed and intervened. "WHAT?! But if everything was destroyed! How long were we unconscious?!" "Don't worry, you don't have even three hours of being unconscious." Said the little dragon trying to calm her down. "But Spiki wiki, it is impossible to fix everything in such a short time, how is it that the festival can go on? Those brutes finished with almost everything, and the tornado finished the job!" Said the dressmaker with the stress of a damsel, but to Ainz it seemed as if she was acting it, more when he heard the nickname of the dragon, he almost laughed openly, but regained control thanks to the emotional suppressor. "I think the answer to that question... concerns me to deliver it." The Overlord's authoritative voice caught the attention of everyone in the room. Waaaah, what happened? They all got tense all of a sudden, why are they so quiet? ... ah, right, Lord of death *shigh*. "Fortunately, Zakanas' scepter had a kind of 'Rollback' function, this means, that it has the ability to undo the changes suffered in a certain area, the maximum range of the effect is up to 72 hours, so practically everything must be as if it has been left in place again, the same effect applies to the environment, that is to say, any object in the area. " It also applies to states and other things, but that is not necessary to tell them. "In short, it's like physically nothing has happened in the last three days." "I apologize for our meddling, but did you previously know about the scepter and its capabilities?" Princess Luna interrupted with her question after she had regained her composure. "Not at all, today was the first time I saw it, however, there is no magic item that I am not able to understand." All those who were capable of actively using magic were surprised, whidh was the most normal thing, that statement indicated that his arcane knowledge was immeasurable. Emmm, what does that reaction mean? Did I exaggerate with that line? Has it been too presumptuous? I hope not, mhm? Excellent!, they are finally come back!, now I will not be the only center of attention! The overlord thought that he had overdone his performance, fortunately, the approaching presence of the commander and the servant took him out of his negative spiral, a moment later the door rang and they both entered the room. *Knoc knoc knoc* "With your permission, Ainz-sama." -spoke Lupusregina with professionalism- "Mmhm, come in, I trust everything went well." -Said the skeleton while staring at the commander- "Yes, there were no setbacks mobilizing the troops, all those who resisted cooperated as soon as Lupusregina made her presence felt, the greatest resistance came from some citizens who felt indignant or annoyed, nobles the most part if I am not mistaken, but as per your orders, they were simply chased away, the retreat started without any delay. " "Good work, you can have a seat." "Then, with your permission." Tempest went to where her master was and took a seat to his left, taking care to leave an empty seat between her and the throne, when she was finally seated she began to reason what she had just done, discreetly turned to see her master More specifically his seat, it was a throne that matched him perfectly, definitely, it was not something that the princesses had at hoof reach. It is huge, how did it get here? Or who brought it? -The commander thought- After this interruption, the conversation completely stalled, Luna was nervous about not knowing how to deal with the situation, while the rest were simply afraid to speak and say something that condemned Equestria, the only moment the silence was broken was When Spike burped a letter from the princesses, who had worried after feeling the portal, but after a quick response and Ainz mentally noted to make an investigation into that kind of messaging magic, the silence was present again, after a few minutes, Momonga couldn't take it anymore. Uugh, this is quite uncomfortable, they are so afraid of me that it is difficult for them to talk, what can I do? If I don't find fast a solution for this, get a good relation with Equestria will be too hard… mmm… ¡Got it!, haha, sometimes I surprise myself. "Mmmmh, I think this silence is quite uncomfortable for you, so I'm going to break it, to tell the truth, I found it quite interesting that you are capable of using a messaging spell, after all, you are a dragon, if I'm not wrong, you name should be… Spike, right? " The little dragon had a nervous smile as he debated with himself what he should do. Oh no! The message caught his attention, what should I do, run? No, the others are still here, hide? No, it's too late for that, oh no, I've been quiet for too long! "Emmm… yeeeeeeessssss?" Are you asking me or are you answering me?! -The Overlord thought, having heard the young dragon's reply- "I'd like to talk about it, if you don't mind, this is the first time I've seen a dragon capable of using messenger magic." "Eeemm, this ... *glup* I'm so sorry errr, your highness, b-but the truth is I have no idea h-how my magic works, I just know that I can select the type of fire that I use, between normal fire and magical, s-surely Princess Celestia can give you more information about it. " "Mmhm, I see, so maybe I'll talk to her about it later." After seeing that it was possible to speak with him and after having heard that all his preparations for the festival had not been in vain, finally, Pinkie regained her fluffiness and joy, with which she decided to break the ice on the Equestrian side. "Uh, uh, uh, uh, Sorcerer King!, Sorcerer King!, can I ask some question? please, please, please with lots of whipped cream and a cherry on top?!" This change took the Overlord by surprise and he genuinely laughed, fortunately, managed to control his volume, meanwhile, the rest became even more nervous, Fluttershy, she had not moved from place or position, Rarity was begging for the sun of Celestia that the party pony was not going to say something that would offend the Sorcerer King, Cadence thought the same and at the same time tried to devise how to reduce the monster's anger in case the worst happened, Luna had regained her composure a moment ago and began to plot plans to avoid a political disaster that could be used against Equestria, while Spike was shocked and open-mouthed while trying to understand if Pinkie acted with great bravery or with absolute stupidity, but it was all useless, neither was prepared for the words that came out of the pink pony's mouth. "Fufufufu, I don't have a problem, you can ask." "I have two questions, the first is: can I make you a party of 'welcome to Equestria'?" "Mmmmh, I doubt that the Equestria ponies will receive me with their arms errr hooves open so soon, besides, it would be a lot of burden for you, with the festival developing, I am not against it, but I think it is best to leave it for my next visit." All the Equesters sighed in relief, and then the pink pony released the bomb. "The second is: Can you poo?" Because of how unexpected the question was, he couldn't keep the exclamation from escaping from his nonexistent throat in a low voice. "What?" Upon hearing it the blood of everyone present froze, and they even lost the color in their faces, the element of kindness fainted again, while the rest practically had their jaws on the ground as they looked at the party pony and then turned their Looking at the skeleton very, very slowly, if someone had paid attention to Tempest and Luna at that moment, they would have been surprised to see them go from dark cherry and indigo to strawberry and cyan respectively. Meanwhile, in Ainz's mind. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh, but what kind of question is that?!, how could she possibly ask me that?! (ES) wait, wait, wait, I think I've heard something similar to this before, but where from?... oh, I remember! Seeing how long it lasted without a single reaction, Pinkie herself began to worry, she hoped she was not wrong, she could not feel that it was the best with precision as if there was a wall between her and the voice in front of her, even her smile began to be forced. Lupusregina was furious. How dare this garbage, this mere animal to disrespect a supreme being, I am going to tear her to pieces!, no!, that would not be enough!, no!, I WILL TURN HER IN TO DUST! But just as she began to raise his hand to equip his cross-shaped 'scepter', his master's reaction caused her to stop and look at him curiously. Ainz-sama, he… is… laughing? "HAHAHAHAJAJAAJAHAhahahaha(ES)(ES)(ES)..." 'Tsk, damn suppressor' thought Momonga when the suppressor could finally calm him down, after several activations, then he had a 'great idea', he sat completely straight on his throne, linked his hands placing them on top of where his abdomen should be, speaking with all calm and dignity, answered. "I do not." He wanted to laugh with all his might at the reference he had just made to that anime that was so famous in the past. If my memory serves me right I think it was about pirates, there was a skeleton with a weird laugh, but unlike him, I can't eat or drink, it would have been much more comical if I could have a cup of tea while answering, arrrg I can't remember the title, well it doesn't matter, I must not laugh, why isn't anyone laughing? It was very funny! No one was laughing, not even a grimace, everyone was looking at him with the same expression that the pink pony received before, which now had a quite genuine smile on her face, as fact, it was so wide that it gave Ainz chills. Given the reactions they received, he was forced to ignore the misunderstood joke and his urge to laugh, continuing as if nothing had happened. "Ehem, as you can see, I do not have internal organs that allow me to perform biological functions, such as eating, sleeping, or excreting. " "Ainz-sama" -Interrupted the maid- "Hm? What's wrong Lupusregina?" "If you will allow me, can I immediately decapitate this creature that dared to disrespect you?" -I ask with the utmost professionalism- When listening to her, Tempest couldn't help but think about how radical the change in her behavior was, compared to the one she had while both went out together to fulfill their task, while the rest of the Equestres were concerned when they heard the maid's request, some were already preparing to intervene or at least do what they could, the only exception was Pinkie. Brrrr, that ear-to-ear smile shouldn't be possible on a living being, it's terrifying. -The Overlord thought before speaking- "That won't be necessary." "But my lord, she made fun of you! I must insist-" "Enough" -said the Overlord with more authority- "She has not disrespected me, but, rather, on the contrary, she has tried to help me." Hearing the skeleton's words, everyone including Lupusregina was stunned. "It is obvious that she is quite smart, but judging by the reactions of the rest in the room, it is obvious that they give little credit to her intelligence, after all, everyone has their own talent, you cannot judge a farmer of pumpkins for his inability to grow turnips, or would you? " Seeing that her subordinate didn't understand him, he decided to give her an example that she could understand. "Tell me Lupusregina, would it be fair for me to punish you for not being able to use [Under the Divine Banner], even though you can use [Lion's Heart]?" The werewolf's eyes widened, she knelt and gave her sincerest apologies. "I'm so sorry, Ainz-sama, I shouldn't have talked nonsense, I thank you infinitely for enlightening this stupid woman!" When he turned his gaze to the table again, he realized that several of those present still did not understand him. *Shigh* "Well, since not everyone has understood it yet, I will speak bluntly, your partner tried to help everyone relax a bit, it is true that I despise waste, but I am not so rigid as to not be able to appreciate the humor." Everyone's faces lit up with understanding and disbelief at the same time. "Well I think everything will move at a good pace from here, Lupusregina, wake up the yellow pegasus, use 'Lion's heart' on her, it would not be very kind of us to allow her to continue to faint from fear." "As ordered, Ainz-sama." Fluttershy felt herself awaken with a feeling of comfort that completely enveloped her and kept her calm, even when she had the face of the terrifying maid in frot of her face when she woke up, she felt nothing, curiously she felt uncomfortable having her so close, but she did not feel fear she turned her gaze and saw that the same ponies were still there. "Emm, good morning? What did I miss?" "Nothing really∼su, your pink friend just made a dirty joke on my master∼su." -The maid answered- "Oh, Pinkie Pie, that wasn't very nice of you!" -the yellow pony said to the party girl reproachfully using a raised voice ... which was in fact not louder than anyone else's normal voice- "Fluttershy dear, are you feeling okay? Don't you feel anything weird or out of place?" -Asked the dressmaker with obvious concern in her tone- "Emm, no, nothing" -she said while touching various parts of his body with her hooves- "I feel very calm, as if I were wrapped in a warm blanket during a cold winter... now that I think about it, why am I not afraid? Before I was terrified just seeing them, err, em no offense." The pegasus asked as she turned to see the Sorcerer King. As the conversation progressed, Princess Luna was finally able to find her voice and calm her mind long enough to think. "We were also interested in this, what kind of magic was that? I have never seen anything like that before." "It is a fairly simple spell, I am not going to go into detail about its operation, but, in summary, what it does is nullify the current fear in the individual and increase the resistance to it for a defined time." "But wouldn't that cause the affected person to become reckless?" -The love princess asked the Overlord with audible concern in her voice- "That would be impossible unless said behavior was normal for the individual, the spell does not cancel the part of the mind that feels fear, the individual can still feel it if some source of certain power is present, that is, it does not make her immune to fear, only much more resistant to it." They were all amazed, they had never heard something like that, they all thought the same thing, 'is that a simple spell?!', From here on, the Equestrians were able to relax a bit, just enough to do some conversation, the topics they focused on generalities or unimportant topics. A little over two hours after leaving, those who had left to put the festival on track, finally returned, on their way back, they saw with pleasure that the castle was finally beginning to regain its aura of normality; the servants verified that everything was in order in addition to renovate or changing ornaments that needed it, also the presence of soldiers from the princesses guard, were seen begin to occupy the empty guard posts. While they verified that everything or almost everything had effectively been restored to its original position and state, Princess Celestia took a moment to give orders to some troops, to look for the commanders and lieutenants, summoning them to give their instructions, this allowed For the troops to begin to regain order quickly, she took advantage of the meeting at the same time to order a message to be sent, instructing the troops to establish a higher quality air surveillance at the borders and give free pass to the retreating Storm troops. When they all finished their tasks, and gathered on the main stage, where they announced that the festival would start at sunset, to give everyone time to finish their preparations, after the announcement they immediately went to the throne room and that brings us to the situation currently. Upon entering the throne room they went to the adjoining room that Spike indicated they were using, the first thing that had caused them some curiosity and concern were the whispers that indicated a normal conversation inside, when they entered none of the newcomers could believe what their eyes saw, the second thing that caught their attention inside the room, was the huge black marble throne with details that were impossible, even for the most talented sculptors of Equestria, when seeing it, the monarch of the sun expressed the doubt in everyone's mind. "From where? How?" To their surprise, the one who brought them out of their stupor was the voice of the last pony they would expect to hear at that moment. "Oh! Princess Celestia! How good it is to see you back! Oh! The others have returned too." Fluttershy spoke happily, she looked as comfortable as when they met her in her cabin, maybe even more, who immediately worried about this, was the cyan pegasus, after all, she was the one who had the most time to know her, immediately After the pony finished speaking, yellow and cyan suddenly met, the speedster hugged her friend as she spoke and examined her everywhere with caution. "Fluttershy!, *thump* are you okay? Do you have a fever? Did you hit your head? Did you break something?" Seeing that the animal caretaker could not even respond to the rapid barrage of questions the cian mare unleashed, the element of generosity decided to intervene. "Rainbow Dash!, could you calm down?!, you are making a scene!, I assure you that our dear Shy is perfectly fine! I think she is even better than the rest of us." -He said muttering the last part- "How can you say that? Don't you see that she's not acting normal?!" -I speak with great annoyance the pegasus- "That's easy Dashie, King Gown erased her fear." -said pinkie- It took the newcomers a couple of seconds to process what they just heard. """WHAT?!""" Then they all spoke annoyingly, accusing the others, making their words incomprehensible, but that lasted only a moment, the monarch of the sun, who had remained silent until now, raised her voice. "Silence!" -After with a neutral face and a level voice, he asked: - "Sister, would you mind explaining to us?" The princess of the night nodded without moving from her place at the main head of the table. "Please, everyone take a seat and let me explain what happened in your absence." They all sat down while maintaining a look of insecurity. "The Sorcerer King ordered his bodyguard to withdraw and attend to other needs, she retired using a portal similar to the one she used to get here as she has told us, that caused the awakening of the elements that lay unconscious when they felt the magic of the portal, in their drowsiness tried to move quickly, causing them to fall from the chairs they were resting on. " Well yeah, that matches what Spike told me. -Twilight thought- After that, Tempest and King Gown's maid joined us, after some time the conversation started, but after a 'slight' misunderstanding, the kind Fluttershy fainted again; the sorcerer-king decided that allow fear to continue to stun her to that level would be bad for her health and inappropriate on his part, so he ordered his maid to use a spell called 'lay ons harto' or something similar. " "But that's impossible! You can't just remove a feeling with magic without causing damage to an individual's mind!" -Twilight intervened with great concern for her friend's mental health- "Your words are correct just Twilight, it is something impossible to do without causing irreversible damage, King Gown, kindly explained to us what made this spell broadly to calm our worries; what it does is suppress the fear at the moment of being used, while, at the same time, it increases the mental strength against it, in addition, the effect has a time limited duration." They were all amazed, even the monarch of the sun widened her eyes, the implications of what she had just heard were abysmal, the princess of friendship was about to continue with her questions when the sensation of a portal made them tense up and keep completely silent. To the left of the Overlord the ovoid of darkness was formed, to everyone's surprise, what came out of it was a creature with light and perfect skin, with long and silky hair that reached to the thighs that were born from its head; two forward-curved horns sprouted from its temples, its gentle-looking eyes were dominated by golden irises, while its pupils were vertical like those of a snake; from the small of its back a pair of wings covered with lustrous black feathers emerged her attire consisted in silky-looking white gloves that extended past her elbows, her luxurious but simple off-the-shoulder white dress, hugged her figure seductively, a necklace of fine chains that resembled the shape of a spider cobweb stretched over her shoulders and chest, around her neck there was a necklace that almost looked like a choker of a dark metallic color which reflected bluish flashes, adorned with beautiful silver-colored finishes that formed curious lines with a curled end. "Ah, welcome back Albedo." The shock was tremendous, to learn that the creature with a delicate and refined appearance in front of them was the same as the one in the black armor, their surprise was such that they did not register that behind her a group of servants with service carts had entered the room, at least until the object of his surprise spoke about them. "Ainz-sama, as ordered, the maids are ready to serve the table." -He said making a small bow- "Mhm, good job, you can have a seat." -Ainz turned his gaze to the princesses and continued speaking- "Well, a good meal is essential for you to have the necessary energy for later, and since I'm sure your servants still haven't normalized their routine, I took the liberty of ordering my servants to prepare something, I trust this will be no problem, will it? " "Of course not Sorcerer King, that will not be a problem, we are very grateful." -Cadence replied seeing the others go merely blank- With a simple gesture of their skeletal hand, the maids jumped into action, served quickly, orderly, and precisely, to everyone's disbelief, the cutlery placed on the sides of each plate was the correct one for each species. One of the servants approached the throne, bowed, and began to speak. "As ordered, the food is served, Ainz-sama." With these words, the servants removed the covers from the saucers. "Ten vegetarian dishes were prepared consisting of Asgardian vegetables, complemented by heavenly truffles, accompanied by a fresh salad prepared with Midgard cabbages, dressed with honey from the Vanaheim bees, a draconic dish consisting of a rainbow fish fillet, prepared with herbs and marinated in sweet pepper sauce, accompanied by steamed vegetables that were dusted with fire diamond powder and for Albedo-sama a hydra fillet bathed in herb sauce has been served, accompanied by fresh salad and a portion of Asgardian mashed potatoes. " By the time the maid finished reciting the menu, everyone was practically salivating, the smell of the dishes announcing a taste like the one they had surely never known before. "The accompanying drinks are at choice as per your orders my lord, for the vegetarian dishes, there is peach liqueur or golden apple juice, for the draconic dish there is mineral water from Jotunheim or fruit punch from Vanaheim, for the hydra fillet, there is Cheval-Blanc and Aurumred. " "Excellent choices, give my congratulations to Sous-chef when you return." "Of course Ainz-sama." -The maid finally answered, retreating to her waiting position with a bow and a big smile- Ainz-turned back to the table. "Go ahead, eat, don't limit yourself, regain your strength, politics is heavy on the body." Despite the appetizing appearance and smell of the dishes, they all began to eat reluctantly, but as soon as they took the first bite, they remained immobile and with eyes wide open, if they were not all in the same situation, those who would have delayed the moment would have worried, after a solid ten seconds everyone chewed and swallowed, the first to express her opinion was Rarity. "This dish… is… DIVINE!" They all nodded sharing the sentiment, after taking a sip of their drinks, everyone put an expression of joy again, all except for Applejack, on his face there was an expression of disbelief and bitterness. Throughout her life, the farmer had always been sure of only one thing, 'there are no apples or apple products better than those of the apple family', be it cider, pies, or anything else, so the drink that ended to prove was a ruthless blow to her pride, she did not want to accept it, but there was no way to deny it. By the yoke of my grandad, what kind of sorcery 's this?! ...It can't be! How 's possible? this juice ... is better than ours! it's as if 'a were drinking t'a juice directly from the most delicious apple in t'a world, AND WITHOUT ANY PULP! With this storm of thoughts, AJ continued eating like the others in complete silence, except for the expressions of joy that were born with each bite and promising herself to achieve this level of quality with her products. When everyone finished eating, the maids went into action again, lifted the dishes, and cleaned everything without making any mistakes or having any problems, in less than a minute with an impossible precision display they finished, the Overlord opened a portal again for the maids They all withdrew after making a farewell bow to their master, and then disappearing through the portal, after half a minute after it closed, a group of guards bursts into the room at full gallop. "Princess! We feel a pulse of dark magic! Are you okay?!" The reaction they had when they saw the overlord, had no price, Ainz would have liked to have had a camera to record it, had it not been for the surprise that the reaction caused him, he would have laughed at the top of his lungs. "M-m-m-monster!" Those in front came to a sudden stop sliding on the ground, while those behind them collided with them causing the entire group to collapse into a pile of ponies and metal. Well in their defense, they've recovered and reformed pretty quickly, hm? What are they going to do? The guards recovered and quickly took up formation, but when they were about to launch their attack, the princess of the night intervened 'kindly'. " "STOP YOUR ACTIONS IN THIS INSTANT, FOOLS!" Using the royal Canterlot voice. Oi oi oi oi, but what a pair of lungs! Luckily I no longer have a bladder, otherwise, I would have peed a little from the fright. Ainz thought with relief after his emotional suppressor was activated. With the shock the guards interrupted their magic, except for one or another who fired stray shots due to the unexpected interruption, when the soldiers turned to see the diarchy, Celestia took the floor. "I know his appearance is quite… impressive," -she said looking discreetly at the skeleton- "but the Sorcerer King is not an enemy of Equestria" -For now- "so he should be treated with the same respect as any foreign dignitary who visits us, and I hope that all the servants and soldiers in the castle understand this." The soldiers who had entered were part of the princess's personal guard, so they already had enough experience understanding the slight inflections or instructions disguised in her words that she gave when she could not speak openly, so they had no problem understanding the instruction, 'do not make a scandal, the situation is delicate, warn everyone, take care of your actions and words'. "Speaking of the dignitaries, gather them in the other adjoining room and have the servants serve them a snack, later we will start the previously planned meeting." The guards stood at attention, saluted, and immediately came out to carry out their orders. Uooooh, her troops were organized immediately, she has also maintained a lot of composure, mmm, maybe she is a good option to study how a ruler should act Ainz thought as he watched as the princess controlled the situation while holding the King Standby No.2 pose that he had secretly practiced inside his room. "I deeply apologize for this misunderstanding, King Gown." -The monarch of the sun spoke, lowering her head slightly- "It does not matter, as fact, it was quite... entertaining, -Celestia blushes slightly at the ridicule that her troops made- "now, let's move on to more serious issues, I will answer the general questions in the meeting with the rest of the dignitaries, like this that at this time I will answer any questions that are not about who I am, what I am or about my kingdom and future plans, any question outside of these topics is acceptable, now, let's begin." > Fraternizing with the Guests Third part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The nerves were on the surface in the living/dining room attached to the throne room, all the natives of Equestria, knew that it was a delicate moment, after reasoning the limits that had been previously imposed, Princess Twilight was the first to ask a question. "P-previously, w-when his majesty appeared, s-said that yesteryear there was no one who did not know his name, but in all the records, history books, poems, or epic stories that I have read or studied, I-I don't remember it t-to be mentioned, * Glup * i-is it that y-you precede them all?" Hey? Whoaeeee ?! Shit, why is there a nerd from history here? Now, what do I do? What can I say? I can't just tell you that we just arrived a few months ago! (SE) I already paused too long, what do I do, how can I justify my existence in this world?... existence ?, THATS IT! I'm going to use existentialist garbage to get away, I hope it works. Meanwhile, in the mind of the princess of friendship. What's wrong, why doesn't he answer me?... oh no, don't tell me I have insulted him, Arrrg, of course, you insulted him silly! You just told him that his name that he is so proud of has not been mentioned not once in all known history after being well known! oh no!, nonononono! What do I do?! Externally, the lavender princess's face began to show signs of her incessant spiral of concern, an increasingly forced smile, her ears lowered slowly, but before the cold sweat was visible above her fur and the nervous tic in her left eye was remarkable, the skeleton spoke pulling her out of the vicious circle of concern. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I think you must already know, but the sea does not run towards rivers, just as there is no mountain formed by a single rock no matter if it seems, only patience allows you to form a masterpiece." Hearing this, all the princesses understood what that vague answer meant, he had existed since time immemorial. As the alicorns ruminated on what they had just heard, the element of loyalty had a doubt that had been bothering her for a long time and decided that this was the best time to get her answer. "Errr, excuse me, your hignnnnn- no, your majesty?, this ... I have a question." -said the speedster with her hoarse voice- "Go ahead." "How ... How did you control the weather? I mean, you're not a pegasus, you didn't fly through the clouds either, so how do you make a cool spring wind feel in mid-summer?" "Ah, that party trick? With magic, of course." -Ainz answered while taking a position that shows disinterest- The same thought invaded the minds of the cian mare and the princess of friendship at that precise moment. *Gasph* He just called that a party trick! A heavy silence that lasted about two minutes descended on the room. "Well, if there are no more questions..." "I beg you to allow me a question" -Princess Luna interrupted the Overlord, when the gazes were concentrated on her, she continued- "Well, more than a question is a doubt." Nodding his head Ainz allowed him to continue. "It is our task to watch over the sleep of all our subjects to prevent the creatures of dreamland from wreaking havoc on their minds." Oooh, that's some interesting information, I can't believe she spilled it just like that. "And your question is?" *Shigh* "South of Equestria, many bizarre dreams and nightmares have been repeatedly sparked over the past two months." In the south? Did we carry out any operations in the south two months ago?... Shit! "The common theme of all of them was mountains, there have been mountains walking, mountains fighting, in short, all kinds of dreams and nightmares about mountains in motion, when the dreams were repeated for a whole week, I sent some of my fastest and better scouts, but all they found was that a large area west of the plains is now a green meadow, do you know anything about it?" Damn, it's obvious that it was Gargantua's fault, I thought that taking care of dreams was just an analogy! I'll have to find a way to protect the minds of common subjects. "Mhm, the prairie thing is simple, It was me, as for the dreams, I have no need, so no, don't cause them." Just propitiate the situation that created them. "Wait a darn minute!, that's impossible!, there's no way of making plants grow from nothing In a desert; it's impossible for anything to grow!" -Screamed AJ, who took some seconds to get what she had just do- "errr, s-sorry your greatness it was not m'a-" -tried to excuse herself nervously- "Fufufufu, impossible? What a joke, fufufu." -interrpted her a female voice- The one who shattered the disbelief of the element of honesty was the overseer of the guardians. "For a supreme being there is no such thing as the impossible, the only thing Ainz-sama needs to do to transform barren land into an oasis, a dense forest or any other landscape he wishes is to order it and the world itself will obey him, so simple like that, fufufu. " Those present could not believe what they had just heard and wondered if the power of the creature in front of them truly had a limit. "E-excuse me, Lord Sorcerer King, I… I have a question." I speak the element of kindness in a voice that was audible thanks to the resounding silence of the room. "Go ahead, miss..." "Oh, what a shame, where are my manners!" -She bowed her head and introduced herself- "My name is Fluttershy, your highness, I am the element of kindness, I am dedicated to caring for and treating injured or sick animals." "Mhm, I see, so you're a vet." "Oh dear, no, no way, I don't prescribe medication, I only treat minor injuries and ailments." "Ah, I get it, so you're more like a nurse or caretaker?" "Hmm… yeah, I think you could say that that's something that's the closest thing that I do." The scene was unreal for all the Equestrians, the more fearful one of them all, was chatting with the Sorcerer King as if she were someone very trustworthy. "Emm ... well, see, what happens is that every third Thursday of the month I used to have tea parties with a friend, but he hasn't shown up for several months, and... well... because of Discord's way of being... we think that Maybe you could know something about him, he is a Draconequus, his body is scaly and long, he has a goat's foot and a donkey's foot, a lion's paw and a hawk's paw; have you seen him?" Hmm, if I remember correctly, from the description, this is probably the creature that was subdued by Cocytus. "Tell me, does this… Discord, have any special powers?" "Umm, well he's… chaotic?" "If King Gown will allow me, I think I can offer some information on that." -The monarch of the sun, who until now had remained silent, interrupted- "He is the embodiment of chaos, his powers can manipulate matter and mind very easily, he can appear anywhere and he is also very sensitive to magic." Oh, I see, although what she says does not fully agree with what we have found out, but it is quite close, hmm… it could be that he was deliberately withholding the information from them or he does not know it himself. "Mmmh," -the Overlord placed his hand on his chin in a thoughtful pose- "That description resembles that of the creature that attacked my residence just over two and a half months ago." *GHASPH* (collective) "I-is he, he-is he d-dea?..." Celestia spoke with a concern that was shared by others, especially Fluttershy, who seemed to be on the verge of tears as she waited for a confirmation that she wasn't sure she wanted to hear. "Dead?" The mares' blood ran cold. "No, he is not, he was a very interesting specimen, so I keep it, at this moment he is imprisoned, waiting for his fate in one of our cells." Hearing this the mares breathed a sigh of relief. "As interesting as it may be, it has no real value to me." -continued the Overlord- At the end of the day and after many tests, the only thing that was worth something was its heart, and even so their properties were quite poor, they were not able to exceed the relic level; Well, it gave me a lot of work, but in the end, I was able to find the pattern in his mind and modify his memories, replacing the real information with false as a preventive measure in case he escaped, so... "I have no objection to returning him, but since he is your citizen and he attacked me, I expect adequate compensation for the trouble he caused." Hearing the words of her master, the supervisor of the guardians could not help but be surprised. HEH?!, Ainz-sama thinks to free and spare the life of a creature that dared to attack Nazarick! Wait, before spending a lot of time immersed in the memories of the creature, he said he had modified them as a preventive measure, just in case by some miracle he managed to escape, th-that means, he already suspected that he was coming from Equestria! Ahaahnmm, Ainz-sama is wonderful, and to think that since then his plans already had formed! to discuss this with Demiurge as soon as possible! Using all of her willpower, she suppressed her desire to moan and praise her master's intelligence and not allow her wishes to show themselves. But her lust was palpable for Cadence that blused because the amount. Meanwhile, the diarchs looked at the skeleton with suspicion and distrust. "And what are your demands, as far as this compensation you are talking about?" Said the monarch of the sun with her best political mask of neutrality. "Hmm, nothing complicated, it will be enough with some trade agreements between kingdoms, we will discuss the details later, that is if you accept my demands?" Hearing how little he was asking, it was impossible to not be flooded by the surprise, but just a moment later it was replaced by uncertainty, which slightly colored the faces of the sisters; they were quite aware of the disasters that Discord was capable of creating, so they were pretty sure there would be something else underneath that, but they had to get it back and maybe get some additional information on their subordinates. "Treaties will be then *Shigh* when can we expect the delivery of our fellow citizen?" -asked the monarch of the moon- "It could be right now, I have no problem." "Will it be necessary... to receive it with medical attention?" -asked Fluttershy- "No, he is physically fine, after investigating him he was simply confined, Lupusregina." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Bring the prisoner here, he will be our payment to deliver in the trade treaties [GATE]." "It will be done as ordered immediately, Ainz-sama." After the maid withdrew through the portal, Rarity could no longer contain her disagreement with the sorcerer king's bargaining methods. "Excuse my forwardness your majesty, but don't you think it's too cruel to treat a living creature as a bargaining chip?" "Cruel?" The tone and the posture with which the skeleton said this single word, made the dressmaker feel a chill, feeling that what was coming was not going to please her. "Cruel, did you say?... I see, then you are that kind of individual, are you one of those who kindly ask flies not to infect your food? Are you one of those who feed the pests that invade your house? Are you one of those who if someone tries to rob you, kindly tell them where your valuables are?..." With each question the skeleton's tone deepened, causing the dressmaker to begin to tremble. "He tried to invade my residence and caused some damage outside it, who dared to do the same a long time ago was pulverized! (ES) the only thing that allowed him to stay alive even when it was my right to have taken it was the interesting thing about his nature, so, no, I'm not being cruel, on the contrary, I'm being quite generous." * Glup * "Y-yes, you're completely right, how awkward of me to have even hinted otherwise, hehehe." The dressmaker replied, doing her best impression of Fluttershy; Just as she finished speaking, a portal opened and the servant girl came out of it, behind her, she was dragging the incarnation of chaos when she stopped, threw her load in an undisciplined way on the table, on the far side, close to his master and then bow. "DISCORD!" Celestia, Twilight, and Fluttershy shouted, at the same moment that the latter rushed at full speed to hold the incarnation of chaos between her hooves, trying to make him react while tears came to her eyes. "King Gown" -continued Celestia in a hard tone- "You said he was fine, could you tell me why he don't react?" "Princess Celestia, watch your tone towards my master, if your kingdom wasn't razed to the ground to take care of the storm king, it was solely out of His mercy that you-" The overseer of the guardians was interrupted by the Overlord. "Enough Albedo." "But, Ainz-sama." "I said enough, her reaction is understandable; (he focuses his gaze on Celestia) It is quite simple, he is completely without energy." It was a complete surprise when we found out that his MP and HP were combined, then it was enough to keep him drained below fifty percent to knock him out, hehehe, now. "But that's an easy thing to remedy, we just have to recharge it… with chaos." With the last sentence, Ainz activated his aura of chaos, immediately a reddish mass of a very dark tone formed around him at ground level that seemed to be alive, constantly moving to generate mini tentacles. When the aura formed, everyone was shocked and a moment later the Draconequus began to complain and slowly regain consciousness, when he was finally able to open his eyes and move, Ainz deactivated his aura. What things, to think that in the game it was nothing more than a visual effect, but here, it has a quite noticeable effect on living beings, is it due to the folklore of the game? The Overlord thought as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. "Uuggnnh, Fluttershy? Is that you Fluttershy?" "Yeah *snif* it's me, *snif* how do you feel?" "Uugh, I don't know, it's the first time I've found myself like this, I don't know how to describe it, but I feel quite weak, even more so than when Tirek." The Chaos Master tried to snap his fingers, but they were as smooth as noodles, literally. "Shh, shh, calm down, you're fine, you're safe, everything is fine." The yellow pegasus wanted to continue cuddling the Draconequus, but the skeleton interrupted the tender moment. "As you can see Princess Celestia, except for exhaustion he is perfectly fine." These words caused the Chaos Master to turn to the source of the voice in surprise. "Wow friend, it seems you have skipped a lot of meals, who are you?" "Discord! Show more respect for the sorcerer-king!" -exclaimed the element of kindness with concern- As he thought the title was too presumptuous, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, a very familiar one, one that no one around seemed to feel; Then he remembered, the invasion of his dimension, his battle, and his defeat, while he remembered he began to sweat cold, without looking at the source of fear he felt (Albedo), he continued speaking. " "Ehem, *glup* you're completely right sweet Fluttershy, I apologize for my words, they were a bit disrespectful." "Mhm, well, if I'm not wrong, it should be time." The skeleton's words were interrupted by the knocks at the entrance, which was opened by Lupusregina, it was the guard in command of the unit that had previously entered. * Knock knock knock * "Princess Celestia, all the emissaries are already gathered and waiting." The Sun Monarch nodded towards her subordinate in response. "Thank you very much, you are dimissed." The alicorn shifted her attention to the Overlord as the soldier retreated after giving a salute. "Given our previous conversation I have to understand that you want to participate in our meeting, am I correct?" "Indeed, I consider that my presence in it is indispensable, after all, the neighboring kingdoms need to know their new neighbor." After saying this, the Overlord got up and immediately the throne on which he was sitting vanished into specks of light, the reaction of surprise was general, however, the most surprised were Celestia and Twilight, both leaving their eyes wide open and her mouth wide open, earning curious glances from the rest of those present who failed to understand what was special about what had just happened. After a moment they managed to emerge from their stupor thanks to the help of Cadence and Luna, after which the monarch of the sun found her voice. "Ah, eee, Twilight, if you don't mind, could you take charge of starting the festival together with your friends? I think it will be necessary for you to come back as soon as possible, I think your presence would be useful at the meeting." "Sure princess, I will hurry as much as I can, I am sure that the rest will not mind if I leave the event in their hooves for a couple of hours, can I count on you?" The Princess of Friendship's question was answered by a chorus of affirmative expressions, after which the entire group split in two, the M6s, Spike, and Discord heading towards the festival to make sure everything went off smoothly, while the rest of the princesses headed for the boardroom on the opposite side of the throne room, where all the emissaries were located. After a brief goodbye, the group of elements left the room through the main door, after a short time of walking through the corridors they realized that 'everyone' was walking. "Errr, Discord, a' don't mind really but I'm curious, why are you walking and not floating like always?" -The farmer asked curiously- When listening to her, the others also noticed this curiosity and focused their attention on the master of chaos, this, realizing that all the attention was on him, understood that he could not evade the question, but what in reality made him answer was the insistence by Fluttershy. "Please Discord, tell us how you ended up like this, we are worried about you, could you tell us? Well, if it's not too much trouble, of course." *Mumble, mumble, mumble* "Okaaaaay, but I warn you, it's not a pretty thing, it's not something our dear Fluttershy can bear either." The Draconequus replied, trying to discourage the group from pressing the issue further. "I'm sure that won't be a problem." Spike answered confidently, which piqued the chaos master's interest. "Ooooh, seriously? And how are you so sure emh?" "Because the sorcerer-king made her immune to fear." In all his long existence and as far as his memory went, that was the first time he had tripped with his own limbs; After a brief check of the solidity of the ground, he got up quickly pulling himself by the horns, to direct a look that demanded an explanation with a certain tone of concern at the butter-colored pegasus; This, noticing the look she was receiving, hastened to respond. "Mhm? ... oh, you don't have to worry Discord, the sorcerer-king was worried that my health would be affected by my constant fainting caused by fear, as I understood, he ordered his maid to cast a spell on me, mmm I think it was called 'lay ons…' something? " "I think it was 'Lay ons har to' if I remember correctly." Said the little dragon contributing his grain of sand. "Yes, that," -continued the Pegasus- "as he explained to us, the spell does not take away my ability to feel fear, rather it makes me much more resistant to it." "So… you won't feel fear again for the rest of your life?" interrupted the master of chaos. "Oh dear, no, of course not, as the sorcerer-king said, the effect of the magic will only last for two or three hours or until I come across something capable of causing even more fear than the spell allows me to bear." Fluttershy said calming the Draconequus concerns somewhat, not that he was going to accept it this of course. "Well, now that I have answered your question, could you answer ours? We were also very worried about you." Seeing that he had not managed to divert them from the subject, he sighed and began to tell his story. *Shigh* "Okaaaay, but don't blame me if you can't sleep afterward hmp!" "Please Discord." -Speaking the princess of friendship- "we need to know as much as possible, he is very powerful if he ever attacked us even the smallest information about him or his followers it could be the difference between having hope or being doomed!" "I do doubt it," muttered the master of chaos, as he paused briefly with his back to the group, then continued walking to the exit. *Hmpf* "The story begins in the middle when I woke up in a stone cell" -Start Flashback- AN: Discord is narrating its memories so its narrative will be enclosed in 'single quotes' Ugh, what a pain, hm? Why can't I move? 'When I saw that I could not move my physical body, I left it to know what was preventing me from moving' When Discord leaves his body he sees how damaged it is, it is not encouraging. "Oh dear, so my body is this unwell, hmm... well while it recovers let's see where we are." 'So I threw myself into one of the walls to go through it with my astral form, but all it did was knock me out again!' -said the master of chaos in a desperate tone- 'those walls were harder than Applejack's flanks!' Hearing it, the farmer's ears, face, and part of her neck turned as red and shiny as the apples her family grew out of shame, and as she covered her flank with her hat and shot him a murderous look, she interrupted the story of the Draconequus, even Dash would have sworn she saw steam coming out of her friend's ears. "B-b-but what are you talking about, you sow water snake! "Applejack, we are listening to my story, we are not discussing the firmness of your flanks, we can discuss that some other time." -Answered the master of chaos- "Bu-bu- you… AARrrrrgh!" "Well as I was saying" -the Draconequus continued his story- 'A while after knocking out my projection, I regained consciousness in my body again and came out of it again, although I think I was not out of it for a long time, my body practically did not recover anything between one moment and another.' "Well, that didn't turn out the way I thought it would let's see why I can't get through the wall." The specter got to work, examining all the walls, the door, the floor, the ceiling, checking everything down to the last nook. "Mmm… it seems like there is a kind of blocking magic, and a powerful one to all this, even the door is protected in the same way, mmm… it seems that I will need to regain my strength before I can get through it." 'So I started to recount what happened while recovering enough to try to escape.' -Magic pulse day- 'I started my day as usual, just like anyone else I messed up my dishes, washed my garbage, and lengthened the grass, but when I was about to feed the plants, I felt the biggest jolt I had ever felt, so I decided to take a look.' "Mmhmhmm∼🎶 *Scrambled* Wooohoooouoo, what the hell was that?! Let's see mmhm, I think it was in this direction." Discord turned where he was in the other direction and focused his consciousness to observe the place where the gigantic disturbance occurred. "Huh, what is this, it looks a lot like the Neighpones, but I can't quite understand it." 'When I tried to take a look, all I could see was a black background with a constantly repeating red text, I could not see absolutely anything that was behind it! Then the message expelled me and then the problems began ' "Youch, hey, that wasn't sporting at all, mhm, what's that sound?" 'Then, out of nowhere, a large number of portals appeared, and out of all of them came a huge number of small-sized creatures, they were amorphous and, to tell the truth, most of them were quite grotesque.' "So you want to invade my humble abode huh? Well, I'm going to show you what the master of chaos is capable of, jujuju, *snap* huh? *Snap*, *snap, snap, snap* ohoh, grrr." Annoyed that his magic was not working, he directly attacked them with a blast of magic. *Fwoooosh* "what the?" 'All the creatures that entered my dimension wanted to attack me… well not just me, they truly attacked anything that moved; my magic was useless against them, I couldn't transform them, relocate them, I couldn't even make them float, I tried to attack them directly, but I only managed to destroy some' -Fluttershy interrupted the story worried that someone had been hurt- "D-did you k-kill them?" "No, to my surprise no, you see." -he calm the worries of the pegasus, and then continues with the story - "What?! They're made of magic!" 'As soon as I destroyed them they dissipated into a pile of dark specks, they were creations formed with magic, the more I eliminated the more resistant and faster they became until they reached the point where my magic attacks did not even tickle them, so I had to fight them at clean hand ' *Snap* -Discord made a baseball bat appear- "out, *paf* of, *sploch* my, *splat* dimension" *CRACK* -the bat broke and immediately brought up a piece of galvanized pipe- *snap* 'I kept attacking and attacking, for almost a full week I was giving and receiving' Amazed by the combat of which the master of chaos spoke, the speedster interrupted the story. "Wow, did you fight for almost a week?" "Hu huhuhu, yes, but I only succeeded because I hardly used my magic and I was forced to do so because there were thousands and thousands of them." Hearing the words of the Draconequus, the princess of friendship effectively lost her step falling face down on the ground, raised her head without worrying about the blow and exclaimed. "T-thousands!" -The alicorn got up and with outstretched wings continued as she began to hyperventilate- "you're telling me! *Heuf* he sent to your dimension! *HEuf* Thousands and thousands! *HEUf* of individual creatures! *HEUF* created with magic!" *HEUF, HEUF* When he saw her hyperventilating, Discord realized that if he left her like this, he would no longer be able to finish telling his story. "Pinkie dear, would you do me the favor?" "Okie dokie lokie" The party pony stood next to a pillar and from behind the took a bucket of water, the next moment she was next to the Alicorn with the panic attack, and the next moment she finished sucking air. *HEE-* *SPLASH* "Ghack, *cough cough cough* Why was that?!" "Well silly, because you were delaying the story a lot and you could bore the readers jijijiji." The pink pony answered allowing the story to continue. (AN: Thanks Pinkie) (PN: you're welcome) (AN: Wait!, what?, do you know what? I'm not going down that hole, moving on.) "Well, as I was saying after I got rid of all the creatures I threw myself to the origin of the pulse and when-" Only to be interrupted again by Twilight. *Gasph* Do you know the origin of the pulse? Tell me, please tell me!" -The soaked alicorn spoke urgently as she held the Draconequus head between her hooves- "Unfortunately I couldn't help you even if I wanted to try." "WHAT?! WHY?!" -Twilight answered feeling betrayed- The memory continues 'When I was transported to the origin, I felt as if I was slowing down for a moment, when I arrived I could not define where I was, I only knew that I was to the south, looking around me all that I could see were huge trees and in the distance, there were a kind of fortress, shortly after advancing towards it, a hairy creature came out of the trees, it had very sharp claws and rather large fangs, as soon as we exchanged glances, it roared fiercely and threw itself on me, to my surprise, when it tried I couldn't get away from it, and that thing cut off my hand!' -As he spoke, the Draconequus tone lost its playful tinge- 'In all my long existence, that's the first time I remember bleeding and feeling true pain' "Ghaaah!, what, how?, GO AWAY! *Snap* -a giant rubber chicken appears in his hand- OUT!, *skweaky* SHU! *Skweaky* SHU! *Skweaky*" 'I fought as much as I could, but that thing simply blocked my attacks or received them head-on without even flinching, but the worst came later, a lot of dolls made of branches started attacking me, unlike the beast the dolls were weak and they were easily destroyed, but when they touched me, a horrendous chill ran through me, it was as if the life was being torn from my body when I was finally able to regain my hand, I had already received many more injuries, as you will suppose the battle was not long, each time I tried to escape by flying, the creature appeared above me and threw me back to the ground with a blow and after a few more attempts to escape I was finally knocked out' The reactions of the audience interrupted the memory, everyone was surprised, first of all, by the lack of the playful tone that characterized the master of chaos, and secondly, by knowing that there was someone or something capable of doing him real harm, of all present, it was Fluttershy who voiced the doubt in the minds of most. "Are you okay? Or does it still hurt? I mean if you don't mind me asking," "Oh, don't worry, it's not a bother and I appreciate your concern... to tell the truth, I don't know how they did it, but when I regained consciousness in the cell, I was no longer in pieces or bleeding, just only pretty mangled, the only thing truly hurt at that moment was my pride, now let's go to the end." The Draconequus continued to tell his story. 'After I went over everything that happened, I spent a lot of time looking for some weak point in the cell enchantments, but I couldn't find anything, I felt like it was at least two days but I'm not sure, there was no source of light, but The whole cell was illuminated, I let much more time pass and then I returned to my body, by then I should have recovered enough strength to try to escape, or so I thought, but that damn place!' *mumble mumble mumble* "Eh? What did you say?" 'When I returned to my body I realized that not only was I not recovered, on the contrary, I was wearing myself out! That was where I realized that I was locked in a place where I could not recover, or where recovery was too slow! *shigh* so I just had to wait, I'm not sure how long I was in that cell, but it was something close to a week, until that she-wolf came in for me and dragged me here; As soon as they took me out of that place I immediately felt the change, my forces began to return much faster than before; so as soon as we left the portal at the entrance of the castle I went out of my body to see how things were, but I did not see anything interesting, everything just as boring as always! Suddenly an enormous amount of chaos swept over me and I must say that it is not what I thought I would find when I return to my body, the rest you already know it.' -End of Flashback- After hearing the story of the master of chaos, a part of the mares was thoughtful, and after exchanging glances, he exposed the contradiction that they had all seen. "Discord, even with the best estimate, your story would span a little over two weeks." After listening to it, the others also understood. "Mmmh, yes, days more days less, why?" This time answered the element of kindness. "Umm, Discord, the huge magic pulse was three months ago, not a little over two weeks ago." "…Oh, can you believe it, that means I took a lot more hits than I thought." "And that is just the beginning." -Said the little dragon- "What does that mean?" As they all attended to their chores, Spike brought the incredulous Master of Chaos up to date on the adventures they had experienced in the past three days. After giving herself one quick grooming with the help of Rarity, (fortunately, the Rollback had corrected the mess of her burned fur, tail, and mane, as well as the damaged feathers, she only had to comb her hair and dry the water that Pinkie threw on her) Twilight introduced herself on the main stage to start the festival, she intended to finish as soon as possible to immediately return to the meeting. Meanwhile, at the same moment that the M6 ​​left the throne room, the group that was left behind was preparing for the meeting and after giving themselves a quick check, the princesses were about to enter the room but stopped doubting. The monarch of the sun was worried that the emissaries would be very scared, or worse, insult the Sorcerer King for his appearance, so after thinking about it she turned to comment on it and try to minimize the damage, but to her surprise, the appearance of the skeleton had changed. "I beg your pardon King Gown, but… I'm afraid…" The tunic he was wearing had been closed up to the neck hiding his ribs, his hands were now covered by metallic gauntlets and on one of them was a red mask; This one had opaque glass eyes in green, had an expression difficult to define, like happy and furious at the same time and was adorned with gold details. Seeing her stop mid-sentence while putting on the mask, the Overlord spoke. "Is something wrong Princess Celestia?" "Ah, ahem, no, I was just about to comment that the emissaries might have had some trouble… accepting your appearance, but I see that you had already considered the possibility." "Of course, after all, it is in my interest that this be resolved favorably." After hearing it, the diarchs shared a look of concern, then the monarch of the night continued. *shigh* "Let us continue, the emissaries are awaiting our presence." As soon as the doors of the room were opened, all talk inside was immediately silenced, but as the last creatures entered, murmurs began to be heard again, some were doubtful, others were astonished at the magnificence of their outfits, there were even some murmurs of adoration before the beauty of the supervisor of the guardians, coming from the minotaur delegates, once all had taken their seats, the monarch of the sun started the meeting. "First of all, I want to thank you for staying at the meeting despite everything that happened, secondly, I want to formally apologize for the disaster that was the original plan, we prepared for a possible attack by a creature, but we were not prepared for an invasion, but the good fortune of Equestria has not disappeared, we received unexpected help in a time of need, let me introduce you to the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown." Said the monarch of the sun as she indicated with one of her hoofs to the Overlord, who simply nodded at being named. "The one who attacked us unexpectedly was the now-imprisoned Storm King; his goal was to obtain the magic of the four Alicorns, he wanted to obtain the power over the weather and the stars to use it at will." These words caused surprise among all the emissaries. *Ghasph* "But thanks to the timely intervention of King Gown, both the former storm king and the scepter of Zakanas that was used to steal our magic have been secured by him." As soon as the monarch of the sun finished speaking, the scandal broke out. "How convenient isn't it ?!" "This smells bad for me!" "That is too pretentious!" "But what stupidity!" "Who says he won't do the same!" There were many exclamations, anger, doubt, and disbelief, the only ones who were silent were those who had an idea of ​​who the unknown figure could be, Ember, Aspen, Thorax, Meiyer, and Sebara remained calm. Of all the colorful phrases that the emissaries released, there was one that exhausted the patience of the supervisor of the guardians. "What a scandal, we cannot allow an insignificant nobody to do what they want!" -said the emissary of Grifonia- Then a powerful sense of danger caused everyone to fall silent. "I apologize for the intrusion, but I see it necessary to remind you that if you are here at this time it is solely by Ainz-sama's will, if it weren't for his kindness you would be chained or tortured, so I recommend you measure your words." Even though his face didn't change, the smile on her suddenly stopped being gentle and calm, turning dark and sinister from the shadow his horns cast when he bowed his head. "I'm here to answer any questions that need to be answered, I usually hate wasting time, so let's continue; ah right, there is still someone to come to this meeting." *Knock, knock, knock* "With your permission Ainz sama" > Fraternizing with Guests Final part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A hole as black as night formed in the living/dining room, it was the [Gate] spell and two figures emerged from it. "Brrr, I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable using that way of transporting myself, it always gives me the creeps." "I doubt you can get used to it ∼su, after all, you are not able to use it constantly ∼su, even once on your own is impossible ∼su. "Ah, Miss Lupusregina, nice to see you!" "Hello, Lupu-chan!" "Shi shi shi, anyway, but we must move ∼su, Ainz-sama awaits you ∼su." The pair of figures were led by the maid, crossed the throne room, and made their way to the meeting of the emissaries and rulers. * Knock knock knock * "With your permission Ainz-sama." "Go ahead." "Queen Novo and Princess Skystar of Aquestria have arrived." "Excellent, show them in." When the hippogriffs entered the room they were surprised by the number of emissaries from other nations and some rulers, the attention of the newcomers was attracted by a large number of individuals, more quickly moved until they reached the well-known figures. The one who spoke for both was Queen Novo, while the princess was limited to return the greetings and pay attention to everything. "I apologize, I didn't know it was a formal meeting." "You don't have to worry Queen Novo," Celestia spoke- "I'm pretty sure that won't be the only unexpected thing during this meeting, please take a seat," -She turned his gaze to the Overlord and continued- "If you don't mind King Gown, I'd like to start this meeting by hearing about who you are and about your kingdom." Hmm, interesting, so you wish I didn't talk about 'what' I am… well, I'll play along for now. Ainz thought upon hearing the princess's question. "Mhm, I will begin by talking about my kingdom, currently, I rule over a wide expanse of land and sea to the south, more precisely I rule what was previously known as the empire of storms." Hearing his statement, the faces of all the emissaries were filled with surprise. "HA!, nonsense, such a large territory cannot be taken so easily, what he says is nothing but lies." -Said with a mocking tone a spider with a mustache- "Emissary Parker! I suggest you control your tone," -Celestia said with concern- "We are not here to insult each other." The princess was about to give a general warning but was interrupted by an authoritative tone. "Princess, it is no offense to me, it is a reasonable enough doubt," -the Overlord turned his gaze towards the arachnid- "even though the exposure was rude, Commander Tempest Shadow." Hearing her name, the unicorn immediately stood up and took a standing position, and raised a hoof to the side of her forehead in greeting. "Order me Ainz-sama." "Since you were present at the beginning and the end, indicate to Emissary Parker the number of troops mobilized to fulfill the objective of that buffoon." "Yes! 15 ships participated in the initial attack, each one manned by a company with which the capital was quickly secured. When the storm king arrived, he brought with him 3 more ships and his flagship with his respective crew, In total, 19 companies and ships were ordered to withdraw. " Everyone was surprised, the number of troops was not very exaggerated, but considering the size of the capital, it was a quite respectable number. "As the commander indicates, almost three regiments were concentrated in the city, however, I took the city away from them in less than half an hour, accompanied only by a little more than one squad." After hearing it, everyone looked at the monarch of the sun who understood the looks and nodded, implying that she did not doubt the truth of his words. "As for me, all you need to know is that I am generous to those who deserve it and the worst nightmare of those who provoke my anger." The Overlord said the last part in a gloomy and menacing tone that sent chills to many of those present, while others felt attacked, which made them furious and the Yak emissary could not control his temper. "That being a threat?! Yak's crush whoever threatens!" "Hahahahaha, no emissary..." Seeing that he was being laughed at, the yak got even angrier, hitting the table with his hooves so hard that a thunderous cracking was heard. "DON'T MAKE FUN OF EMISSARY YOLDE OR YOLDE CRUSH FACE!" As Ainz registered the emissary's screams, he immediately gave his subordinates a discreet nod to prevent them from attacking him. Oooo, so this is a species proud of its strength, I see, I see. "I apologize, emissary Yolde, I was not laughing at you, I was laughing at the fact that you considered my words as a threat, there is no need for such a thing after all." After watching him for a moment looking for some sign in his posture that would indicate deception and not finding it, the yak finally accepted the apology. "Well, Yolde accept my apology." Seeing the exchange the princesses relaxed a bit, they weren't sure they would be able to keep the food in their stomachs if they saw another sample like the one that was given in the throne room. "If that wasn't a threat, then what was it about?" -speaked with suspicion the dragon- Princess Luna, seeing that the tension rose, decided to interrupt. "I suggest everyone assembled here to introduce themselves as they speak, as King Gown's attendance was unexpected, there was no opportunity to bring him up to speed with those present." "Good" - the dragon replied reluctantly - "I am the dragon lord Ember, all dragons are under my command." HHHEEEEE, is she a dragon lord?, but it doesn't look like it!, although their, appearances are deceptive, mmm... well it doesn't matter, Albedo is here, so there won't be a problem even if she gets violent [Silent Magic: Dicern Entity] As soon as the dragon spoke her title, the overseer and maid became fully alert, ready to intervene at the first sign of aggression, then they heard their master say something that made them relax again. *Shigh* "Why do you call yourself 'Dragon Lord', when it is obvious that you are not?" "What are you talking about? I have the heliotrope scepter and command all dragons!" What?!, The heliotrope scepter?!, That… that's a Yggdrasil item! (SE) wait, wait, if there are legacy-level items, that means… exploring the globe is top priority! "It is true, you are of a draconic race, so you are able to use the basic functions, but it is unfortunate that 'Dragon Lord' has become a mere title available to anyone, in the past, those who possessed the level of Dragon Lord were capable of to open the heavens and level the mountains, for a dragon of your power to take the title for himself is something ... uncomfortable, it would be more appropriate to call you a ruler or a dragon commander. " They all shared the same thought. What is this madman talking about? As these were the thoughts that plagued the minds of those present, except for three individuals, for the diarchy, these words confirmed the fact that the skeleton preceded even the story they knew, but for Ember, it was something of a much higher level, this unknown king was saying things about the origin of dragons and the first 'Dragon Lord' that only the holder of the scepter and the ancient guardian of traditions knew, not only that, he also claimed to know things about the heliotrope scepter that even she and her father were unaware. "And to answer your question," -continued the Sorcerer King- "my words are a promise that will be kept to the letter." When he said these words, everyone present felt a chill run down their backs. "For several days, my subordinates have already under their control the capital of the storm kingdom, they kept the outpost ignorant while securing it." Everyone in the room was shocked, they weren't sure if what he was saying was true or not. "I beg your pardon for my words, but that is something quite difficult to believe King Gown, I am Murdoc Niccals, the emissary of the Beringei kingdom." The gorilla emissary spoke, exposing his disbelief over the statement. "I can perfectly understand the why of your stance Mr. Niccals, however, whether you believe it or not, does not change the facts." After being dismissed in this way, the gorilla decided to keep quiet and think more about his next questions. Outside the room where the meeting was taking place, a flash of lavender alerted the soldiers stationed in the throne room, all pointing their weapons at the source, ready to attack at the first sign of trouble, but they relaxed from immediately upon seeing who it was. "Well, calm down, this is just a meeting with representatives of all the allied and neutral nations of Equestria, plus a skeleton that may be able to level the entire city with a single spell." It was Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship and she was about to go into a panic attack, fortunately for her, one of the guards present was part of those who had been deployed in Poniville, and just when she was starting to hyperventilate. *Pinch* "YEOWCH" While the princess was rubbing the area of ​​her neck where she had just been pinched, the second lieutenant in charge wanted to eat the unicorn alive who did it for his transgression- "But what the hell was that sergeant?! A martial court awaits you for this! Attacking one of the princesses is a severe crime! Do you want to end up in Tartarus? about what-" "That's enough second lieutenant," -said Twilight when the pain finally subsided- "the sergeant has my explicit permission and expresses order doing so in case I am found or about to go into a panic attack, thank you very much, sergeant." "At your service princess!" The unicorn replied, who then directed a smug expression towards his superior, causing the latter to turn green with envy. Damn lucky bastard! How come this crapy earth pony got permission to invade her personal space? I envy him so much! *Shigh* I too wish I could put a hoof over one of the princesses, only Captain Armor has managed to be noticed by one until now, and for that he is the envy of the entire army. -The second lieutenant thought when he saw his subordinate's expression- Squashing his personal thoughts and complaints, the officer led the princess into the conference room. "Over here Princess Twilight, the meeting is taking place in this room." "Thank you very much, second lieutenant," -the alicorn performed the trick to calm the nerves that her sister-in-law taught her a couple of times- "Well, let's go." When the princess of friendship was announced and entered the room, there was a very tense atmosphere inside, everyone was quiet, there were many pensive faces, others were throwing glances of hatred towards the sorcerer-king, the princesses had a mask of neutrality, but a figure caught her attention especially. Why are they all so quiet, wait, those faces, what has happened? Well, at least it seems that nothing dangerous or unpleasant is happening yet, the princesses are calm, mhm? Why does Ember have that expression? Wait, don't tell me that what caused this atmosphere has to do with her?! Oh no, I hope it's not something irremediable! All this thought the youngest of the alicorns as she went to her seat, when she reached it, she decided to continue with the formalities to try to break the tension in the room. "Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle, I am the princess of friendship and the most recent of the princesses of Equestria, it is a pleasure to meet all of you honorable envoys from the allied and neutral nations." The princess's objective was achieved, everyone present began to come out of their stupor, they were presenting themselves as they were reacting, most with courtesy, while some others did it with disdain, such as the griffin and minotaur emissaries, it was not if not until the end that Twilight's expression changed. "Nice to meet you, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am Queen Novo, ruler of the Hippogriffs and this is Princess Skystar, my daughter." "Nice to meet you." "Errr, I'm sorry, but I think I heard wrong, I thought I heard that you're the queen of the hippogriffs hahaha." Upon hearing the words of the princess of friendship, the hippogriff queen took a more neutral tone denoting her annoyance. "You have not misheard princess, I'm truly the queen of the hippogriffs, is that a problem?" "Oh, nonononono, by no means, it's just that when the attack on Canterlot took place, my friends and I went looking for you with the intention of beg aid, but when we got to Mount Aris we couldn't find any hippogriff, what happened to you? we did not find a single indication of where you went not in the palace or the city and because of the damage we found everywhere we belive that you have been captured." After hearing the explanation, Queen Novo relaxed again, sighed, and answered. "We just moved, princess, but we can discuss this later if it is of your interest, for now, there are more important things to attend to." "Yes, you are absolutely right." With this, Twilight ended the introductions, nodded to Celestia to indicate that she was ready and she responded in the same way and continued with the meeting. "Now that the presentations are over, I would like to continue with a point that concerns everyone present, King Gown, several months ago there was a gigantic pulse of magic that was felt throughout Equestria, soon after they began to occur much smaller pulses, but still considerable power, thanks to your presence here today, we have verified that the signature of the minor pulses belongs to your transport spell, which leaves us with two questions, first is if are you the author or are you related to the original pulse?" The unexpected question made the Overlord nervous. B-big pulse? What the hell is she talking about?! (SE) wait a minute, does this mean that our arrival in this world was due to magic? Aarrrrggghh! I need to reason this more calmly later. "Hmm... to put it in simple terms, we could say that it was the resignation of the barrier that separated us from the world, although we could have kept ourselves isolated, that would not have been the best option." The monarch of the sun repeated the words of the Sorcerer King in her mind constantly until she was sure she had memorized them to discuss later with the others. "Second, according to the information we gathered, the minor pulses were everywhere," -the princess's voice took on a colder tone- "Are you related to the disappearances that occurred in these places?" Shit! Is it that I did wrong in allowing that procedure? Agnh, I can't deny my relationship with it, but I can't confirm it either, mmm... "I do not deny that there could be a relationship." All the emissaries were extremely attentive, the information that the monarch of the sun was indirectly sharing was interesting and disturbing at the same time, when they heard the answer that the Sorcerer King gave to the second question, most of those present were surprised. *GHASPH* (almost collective) "I send explorers, after all, it was necessary to know how different the world was, they were given clear and concise instructions; first, the topography of all explored terrain would be recorded; second, samples of flora and fauna would be collected; third, they would always keep hidden; finally, they were forbidden to harm any intelligent creature, but they were allowed to take care of the problem in case of being attacked, now, having said all this, I can assure you that my explorers have not been directly responsible, otherwise, you would have received notifications of at least one city or town razed. " The resumption of the conversation took a couple of minutes while his words were understood, when finally the princesses of Equestria memorized them, the monarch of the moon gave voice to the doubt that arose. "If you are so sure of that, how come you do not deny the possibility of your relationship, King Gown?" "It is quite simple Princess Luna, fear can make animals much more aggressive, likewise, they are much more sensitive to the presence of creatures around them that are more dangerous than themselves." As she listened to him speak, the princess of friendship kept adding pieces to the puzzle in her mind in hopes of unraveling the mystery. So that was the reason for the smaller pulses, I was comparing the current world with the one he saw before, I wonder how different it is? ... wait!, but then what about the-? Everyone's thoughts were interrupted by the angry voice of the Dragon Lord Ember. "That's lies! If it were true, you wouldn't have attacked a grown dragon!" Ainz focused his attention on her and replied. "You are right 'ruler' Ember, if that dragon had shown even some intelligence, however, it attacked blindly and growled like any other beast, it did not say a single word, when I received the report I assumed that the intelligence of the dragons had disappeared, it wasn't until I met Princess Twilight's assistant today that I found out that this was not the case for the vast majority of dragons." When the Sorcerer King finished speaking, the dragon lord crossed her arms and blew smoke out of her nostrils, she couldn't deny those words. That asshole! I always told him that one day his aggressiveness would make him bite his own tail!. After this though, the dragon continued. "Considering this misunderstanding as resolved, when can I expect my subject to be returned?" The one who answered the question was the supervisor of the guardians and the answer she received was not what she expected. "Take it back? Fufufufufu, it seems that this haughty lizard has been asleep throughout the meeting, fufufufu, you really think that the clarification of this misunderstanding has put you in a position that allows you to demand, fufufufu, but what a good joke." The dragon was furious, hitting the table with a clenched fist, she exclaimed. "What is so funny?!" Trying to understand the situation, Ember turned his sight on the emissaries and what he saw confused her, there were several mocking smiles, some pensive faces, others neutral, and a few looks that reflected concern; while the rest of the allied rulers had faces of anguish, then, the so-far calm voice of the Sorcerer King took on a more serious and authoritative tone. "Your 'subject', attacked my scout for no apparent reason, no reason whatsoever, without a single word of warning, and yet you're demanding his release on the erroneous assumption that he had no intelligence, so, tell me, why should I return it? " "What?!" -answered the stunned dragon- "Commander Tempest Shadow." Hearing her name suddenly be spoken, the unicorn practically jumped out of her chair and saluted. "Yes, Ainz-sama!" "Do 'ruler' Ember a favor, explain her situation." Ignoring the embarrassment she felt at being surprised, the commander began to speak. "As ordered by Ainz-sama," -turned to the dragon- "With all due respect 'ruler' Ember, his 'subject' attacked a scout from a neutral nation without giving a single word of warning or trying to drive him away, now, According to Ainz-sama, it was originally thought that it was a beast without reason, so there was no one to hold responsible, a kingdom is not obliged to stand up for what a wild beast does in its territory, but you had just confirmed that your subjects are sentient and a government is obliged to answer for the acts of its subjects against other kingdoms, especially when there is a problem caused by a diffuse border or territory of doubtful ownership." Ember heard what the unicorn was saying, but couldn't understand it, so her anger resurfaced again. "Doubtful territory?! How can you say that this is doubtful territory?!, there is no one who does not know what the lands of the dragons are!" Said the dragoness punctuating her argument by huffing a small number of flames and smoke from her nostrils. A perfectly valid comment 'ruler' Ember," -continued the unicorn making special emphasis on the title, fanning more the fire inside the dragon that was about to burst- "and I can assure you that a few hours ago I would have supported you myself, but now I differ, only a few months ago Ainz-sama resurfaced from his isolation, so it is perfectly normal that he does not recognize an unmarked border and if I may say so, I think it has been the most favorable thing that could happen to yours, otherwise he would have visited you at the moment to fix the problem and as he himself has said, he is the worst nightmare of his enemies. " At this precise moment, the dragon lord Ember reached her limit, she could no longer bear to be made less, some time later most of those present would swear they could have heard the exact moment when the control of the dragon was broken. *Snap* "Rooooaaaarrr" Ember got up with a furious roar that drew even the guards outside, spread her wings preparing to launch a quick attack, it happened in such a short time that the unicorn barely had time to tense up, but at the right moment in the dragoness was going to throw herself on the table to attack. "So much scandal." A harmonious and feminine voice spoke in an icy and threatening tone, these words were heard throughout the room, even when these were said at a normal volume, they reached the ears of all those present, not because they had been paying much attention to it, not because that caught everyone's attention with exaggerated movements, no, they were heard because a moment before being pronounced the entire room froze and fell into absolute silence suddenly. All emotions completely disappeared without any exception and were replaced by just one. Fear But to call it fear would be an understatement, the pressure that everyone in the room felt made them feel as if they were under the gaze of a hungry predator, the least affected were those who had already felt something similar but much more powerful before, so they could be assuring that this was just a slight annoyance, it was simply not as marked as the previous time and the origin was easy to define, but for the rest of the emissaries, it was as if they were looking at their own death. When the room reached the point where a pin could have been heard falling to the floor, the source of the pressure continued to speak as it increased slightly with each word. "Tell me 'ruler' Ember, is this all your race knows how to do today? Attack instead of speaking? If that's the case, your race is too dangerous for the citizens of Ainz-sama, isn't it? Could it be that we will have to eradicate your race to the last of your species?" When the female accompanying the Sorcerer King finished speaking, the pressure was at its peak and then it completely disappeared, all the emissaries trying to control the tremors as they moved uncomfortably in their seats. What the heck, was, THAT? it felt like my father when he is extremely upset! -Unlike the rest, Ember hadn't been scared, but she was surprised, even though the statement seemed ridiculous to her, she couldn't just ignore it- well, I have to calm down, I can't lose my nerves here or lower my guard. With her resolve formed, the dragon took a deep breath, returned to her seat, and spoke as calmly as she could. "That won't be necessary, I apologize for my shock, I just don't get used to being looked down on." Hearing these words, Tempest realized that she was almost the cause of the disappearance of a species, so she decided to commit herself to the dragon. "I am sorry that the title 'ruler' is not to your liking, would it be more acceptable for me to address you as a draconic queen?" "Why can't you just stick with Dragon Lord?" The dragon directed her question to the Sorcerer King, but the answer came again from the female at his side. "We have no special problem if you want to keep it, it is up to you if you want to dishonor a title of power by using it on someone who does not reach the cut for himself; after all, anyone can tell itself to be powerful, but only who really are, have the means to sustain that claim at any time." These words severely hurt Ember's pride, but she decided to put up with it, the female with wings on her waist was quite dangerous, so she put the issue aside for the moment. *Shigh* "If that's the mess I've gotten myself into, then let me change my words, is there any way you can acept to return my subject?" The dragon spoke in a neutral voice. "Mmmmh… yes, if there is, I require fair compensation for the attack." "Weren't my subject's belongings enough?" "Don't get me wrong Queen Ember, I'm not talking about financial compensation." The dragon looked suspicious and a slight blush at the Sorcerer King, while the rest of the room looked at him only suspiciously. "King Gown, are you suggesting that I pay you in kind?" The question was so unexpected that Ainz was speechless for a moment. Huh?, EEEeeeeeeeeh?! How the hell did she come to that conclusion?! Everyone in the room could almost swear they heard something rustling at that moment. "Mmnnno, that's not the case… what I really want, I doubt that you will be able to provide without thinking it twice, besides, as far as I know, you don't have a funeral rite, so I don't understand what a corpse could do for you." Upon hearing the response of the Sorcerer King, Ember realized that she had already lost the discussion, meanwhile for the rest of those present those words made them reconsider their positions, this foreign power had the strength to subdue and kill an adult dragon, doing an awkward movement would be dangerous; Usually, the Equestrians would be horrified, but having experienced firsthand the easiness with which the skeleton was capable of killing, they were able to remain calm. The rest of the meeting passed without incident, generalities were discussed, the new king's desire to establish commercial relations with all nations, and his intention to make personal visits to them in the not too distant future. After several hours of conversation, the meeting was coming to an end, and the monarch of the sun took the floor. "Well, I think that's enough for today, let's not completely miss the festival that Princess Twilight organized, tomorrow we can attend to any pending, after the odyssey that was the last days I think the best thing is to relax a little. " spoke the alabaster alicorn in a gentle and lively tone, keeping the same tone as she ask the Overlord. "Do you agree, King Gown?" "Sounds acceptable to me, Lupusregina." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "You will stay with Tempest, you will contact Albedo as soon as the festival ends for today so both of you can be transported back." "Yes" "Tempest Shadow" "Yes, Ainz-sama" "Enjoy the festival and if necessary, support Princess Twilight with whatever she needs." "Understood." "Also Queen Novo, enjoy the festival, you can stay a couple of days until my return if you wish, after all I think you have a lot to talk about with Princess Celestia, don't you?" "I thank you for your generosity, I humbly accept your offer, after all, it has been little more than two years that we did not meet." "Mhm" -the Overlord looked straight at the diarchy and with a firm voice announced- "The day after tomorrow, at noon, I will return to discuss the treaties that we will carry out, until then, a pleasure [GATE]." With his command a hole as black as the night itself was opened in reality, when seeing it, the emissaries and the allied rulers were speechless, while the most sensitive to magic could not help but feel a chill. After the Sorcerer King disappeared, the female followed him after saying goodbye. "See you later have a nice evening." She said goodbye with a small bow and disappeared through the portal, which was closed immediately afterward. > The party is over, Hello hangover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they came out, everyone enjoyed the festival, tasted samples of foreign gastronomy, and participated in traditional games from different nations, during this time, there was only a small splinter in Tempest's hoof, her companion did not seem to be enjoying the same as her. "Eeeemmh, Lupusregina?" "Mhm? What's wrong -su?" "You don't seem to be having fun, isn't there anything that catches your eye?" "Naaa, everything is interesting, just not too much -su." "I see." An awkward silence spread between them, it persisted even as they visited more stalls, after a while, they headed to the main stage where the main event was about to start. "Oy, Tempest, is she truly as good as they say, that Songbird I don't know what -su?" "Truly I'm not sure, to tell the truth, before the invasion I hadn't any contact with Equestria since I left if I'm sincere, so I don't really know much about it." Upon entering the main stage area, it was almost full, after a couple of minutes they reached the main section in front of the stage, there they found the group of the M6 ​​who was in full conversation and as soon as they noticed the presence from the unicorn and the maid, they turned to greet them. "Hello, Tempest!" -greet her Pinkie Pie warmly- "Hello dear", "Hello", "What's up", "howdy" Only Fluttershy separated from the group to meet the commander and without warning, she gave her a hug from which the unicorn did not know how to react, it was the first time that something like this had happened to her. "Are you okay?" -Asked the butter-colored pegasus- "Twilight was telling us that the spirits got very hot at the meeting and that the dragon lord Ember almost attacked you!" "Eeerr, yes… it was, but nothing happened, Albedo-sama intervened and a disaster was avoided." They all looked at her curiously because of the way he had just referred to the female who accompanied the Sorcerer King, but the most surprised one was herself. Sama? Why did I just use that honorific on her?...... Wait! First of all, how do I know it's an honorific? She was about to remain deep in thought when the voice of the event announcer caught her attention. "Mares, stallions, and creatures in general! It is time for the main event of the night! But first, let's give a big standing ovation for the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle!, who organized this event and was part of whom saw it to take place no matter what!" As soon as her name was pronounced, one of the reflectors illuminated her, being the center of attention, she raised one of her hooves and smiled sheepishly as she greeted everyone by turning slowly in her place, the ovation lasted until the moment when the reflector on her was turned off and the presenter continued speaking, that was when Tempest finally recognized the voice. "And now, the main event!" "Huh, the princess's dragon?" "One, two, one, two, three, four!" And with this the show began, all attendees enjoyed and danced to the rhythm of several of the songs performed by Songbird Serenade, after their batch of songs, artists from each nation took the stage taking turns that had been distributed previously by the dressmaker, each one presented the art of their nation with pride, there were musical acts, artistic works and folkloric performances. When the last performance, which consisted of a traditional Yak dance group, was about to end, Pinkie approached the commander and caught her attention. "You know Tempest, there is something that I have been wondering for a long time, what is your real name? I mean, there is no one who dares to name their filly that way at birth." At the pink pony's question, Tempest let out a small laugh. "Hehehe, no, of course not, that's a name I took later, but it's not the name I received at birth." -As soon as she finished speaking, the commander's face turned pensive, seeing this, the party pony hastened to excuse her question- "Is something wrong? *Ghasph* oh my gosh! it doesn't matter! Don't worry your little filly head, if you don't remember it doesn't matter." "Huh?, ah, no, it's not about that, I can remember it, it's just that I don't know why at this moment I feel my original name as if it were more of a nickname or second name, I'm sure that yesterday it still felt like my name." She said the last part in a low voice just for her, then turned to the maid. "Lupusregina, do you think something is wrong with me?" The Pleiad that had remained silent until now, replied: "I don't know -su, but when we get back we can ask Pestonia-chan to give you a check-up -su." "Maybe it's a good idea." When Pinkie heard the concern with which they spoke of the subject, decided to intervene to try to change the subject. "I hope it's nothing, so what is your original name?" Said the party pony, putting a huge smile on her face with the question she repeated, keeping a small smile, she approached the pink pony's ear and spoke in a low voice. "Fizzlepop Berrytwist" The reaction did not take long, the element of laughter inhaled deeply with a big smile on his face while his eyes spread like saucers and they seemed to have stars in them. "The best, name, EVER!" Pinkie exclaimed getting smiles and laughter from the whole group, when the laughter stopped, the princess of friendship approached the unicorn. "Tempest?" "Hm? Princess Twilight?" "How have you felt? Have you had any problems or discomfort with your restored horn?" The alicorn asked with a tone of concern that was palpable in her voice, but the one who answered her was the maid speaking in a cold tone and with a serious look. "Oy, what is the meaning of those words?" "Oh, no, it's not like that! My words have no meaning beyond the literal, I'm just curious about it, restoring a completely broken horn of a unicorn, is something that has never been achieved before, it was always considered impossible." As soon as the lavender alicorn understood the meaning behind the servant's words, she immediately rushed to launch her response, after which the latter's voice regained its playful tone. "Well that's to be expected -su, after all, for Ainz-sama there is no such thing as the impossible -su." During this brief conversation, Tempest was trying to understand herself, she did not know exactly where the anger she felt when hearing the princess's words had come from, so she decided to follow the maid's suggestion, took a deep breath, and answered. "To tell the truth, I have felt great, the constant migraine that I had practically gotten used to by now has completely disappeared, and my magic control has improved enormously." At that precise moment, the words of his new lord came to hermind. 'Enjoy the festival, and if necessary, support Princess Twilight with whatever she needs.' "Tell me Princess Twilight, are there any plans for closing the event?" "The original plan was to give a thank you speech to all the participants, but it was canceled in favor of a simpler farewell." Hearing the response of the alicorn, the commander was stunned, she could not believe the conclusion she had just reached. Is it possible?, not that is absurd, how could he know for sure?, but, his instructions were vague and concise at the same time, also there was no need for both of us to stay for the festival, how is it possible that he knew everything that would happen so far in advance as to generate such complex plans? It is simply impossible! But, if he had all this planned, why didn't he bring anything to represent him at the festival? The unicorn was abruptly pulled from her thoughts by the somewhat concerned voice of the friendship princess, whose gaze reflected her tone. "Tempest? Are you feeling okay? You have a worried face, did you forget something in particular that you should do?" These words, not only brought her out, or stopped her train of thoughts, they also gave her the logical answer, as impossible as it may seem. "Eh?... ha, yeah, I'm fine, no problem, it was just something that crossed my mind. *Shigh* maybe I can ask about it later. . The M6s looked at each other, but neither could think of anything they could say. "I just understood why Ainz-sama didn't bring any booths or exhibits to the festival despite knowing in advance how everything would unfold." The mares couldn't understand what she was talking about, so AJ decided to voice everyone's doubts after crossing looks with the others. "Pardon me sugarcube, but a' don't think we catch what you're talking about." "What I'm trying to say is that somehow Ainz-sama knows my talent, so now I am his contribution to the festival." The unicorn's words were greeted with faces that showed a lack of understanding, seeing this, Tempest sighed and continued speaking. "It looks like the best way to explain it will be a demonstration." She spoke with a smile while concentrating a lot of magic on her horn, at the same time keeping her eyes closed and as soon as she opened them, released her magic into the air. Just as the Yak group's performance ended, everyone's attention at the festival was drawn to the Canterlot night sky, where a huge explosion accompanied by lots of colorful sparks adorning the night, then a sequence of explosions. held the attention of the attendees captive, the sparks formed in the sky the cutie marks of the diarchs of Equestria, in the next the outline of Spike's face and Rarity's cutie mark appeared, to the pleasure of the little dragon, then Applejack's and Pinkie Pie, in the next one appeared those of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, after which there were a good amount of consecutive multicolored explosions and finally with a huge explosion and a lot of sparks the cutie mark of the princess of friendship was formed. The M6s were stunned, while the maid whistled at being pleasantly surprised to see the control the unicorn displayed. "As I already said," -continued Tempest- "I appreciate the concern, but it is unnecessary, I feel better than ever." The unicorn finished speaking with a big smile on her face, as the last sparks disappeared, the whole festival exploded in an ovation. "That was great!" -exclaimed the party pony who, suddenly, was hugging the commander to everyone's surprise- Even Lupusregina had not noticed when this happened, which caused her some annoyance, it was something that she should undoubtedly report. After the fireworks ended, Twilight teleported the group backstage, to her surprise, someone was missing, but when she was about to ask about her, her voice surprised her by coming from behind her. "Mhm? Where?" "How bad -su!, why you left without saying anything -su." *EEEPPP!* The alicorn jumped almost six feet into the air in surprise. "What? How? When? But I just turned around!" "Shi shi shi shi" In addition to the maid, Pinkie and Dash laughed, so according to them, it was a joke that her friend suffered, although the reality was different, the werewolf's equipements had prevented her from being transported with the rest, for What the servant immediately activated [Invisibility] and [Flight], to try to locate them and to her relief they had not gone very far, she found them immediately, and decided to take advantage of the alicorn's confusion to sneak behind her. The laughter continued for a moment, while Twilight tried to control her heart rate, when she finally managed it, she ignored the reactions around her and decided to change the subject in order to cut down on her embarrassment. "Haaa Fuuu, well, now that the event is over, it's time to give the closing speech, let's go." "Then I think it's time for us to retire," -said the commander- "I don't think the creatures who attended the festival would like to see me very much at this moment, Lupusregina?" "Mhm?" "Do you think we can retire now?" "Mmmh… I don't think there is a problem -su, we already complied with Ainz-sama's instructions after all -su, [Message]" While the maid 'burned' a scroll to spoke with her superior, the unicorn said goodbye to everyone and as soon as she finished, both of them retired through the portal that had just been opened, when the portal was closed, the princess of friendship turned to her friends and spoke. "Are all of you ready?" After receiving a round of affirmative responses, she continued. "Well then, let's go!" After they left Canterlot once finalized the gathering of nations, Ainz and Albedo exited the portal on the outskirts of Nazarick, after walking to the entrance and receiving their rings from Yuri Alpha at the entrance of the first floor, they teleported to the throne room, although he wanted to return and resume his position as Momon Shade, it was not possible, the report that Albedo shared with him in the brief walk outside to the entrance of the tomb, demanded his immediate attention. When they were finally in the throne room and the master of the tomb sat on the throne of the kings, he began with the confirmation, Ainz extended his right hand in front and started the command. "Open: Main Source." A holographic panel with the general data of the tomb appeared in front of him, after navigating through a couple of menus, he reached the section where the list of mercenary NPCs and self-generated POP monsters of Nazarick was located and to his surprise, it was there. How the hell did this happen?! That entry shouldn't be here! How or why did it happen?! It's absurd!, how was it that a new subordinate was added to the tomb!(ES) On the panel floating in front of him, in the Mercenary Area Guardians section, was a new 'Tempest Shadow' entry. "I see, so this is what you meant by something unexpected, right?" -The succubus nodded in response- "Yes" With some doubt, the Overlord selected the new entry and the usual screen was displayed that showed him the stats, levels, alignment, the only surprise there was that unlike everyone else it showed that it was still possible for her to gain a good amount of levels, when he select the history tab, came across another surprise, in this there was a complete background, not just what he already knew. After a moment of reading in a thoughtful position, he finished reviewing the information on the unicorn; It was then that he finally noticed the nervous and concerned face of the supervisor. Shit, I completely forgot that Albedo was here! Now, what do I say? "Well there is nothing to worry about." -Ainz said trying to calm the supervisor- "Ainz-sama, first of all, I verified it by the fact that it caught my attention, as soon as I entered Nazarick, noticed that something had changed, but when I did not find anything different I discarded it for the moment, assuming it was my imagination, but when I checked the list of servants to select those who would attend your order to serve meals, it was there that I realized that the number of servants had increased." "Mhm, nothing to worry about, everything is within expectations." -He said while maintaining the 'regal pose no.5'- And a shit!, I have no idea what the hell happened! "The experiment was a success." -he end up taking the 'wise king no.3' pose- "Experiment? So that's why you made her a servant just like the insect?" The succubus asked in amazement. "M-hm, that's right, with this I verified that Nazarick is capable of recognizing new additions under specific conditions." -Ainz turned to Albedo with the pose 'everything is under control no.1'- "That is why Chrysalis was not recognized by the tomb, her entry conditions were completely different, you are incredible Ainz-sama, there is no doubt why you were the coordinator of the supreme beings!" -speaked the succubus with deep devotion- "Y-yes, well, warn all the NPC's created by the supreme beings, to be ready for a brief meeting that will take place after midnight, plus the eighth and fourth floors are exempt from this call, this will be something special, they will welcome a new companion." "Yes, as you order… 'dear', Kyaaaaa!" With her last word, the supervisor blushed and squirmed like a schoolgirl talking to her first love. -Meanwhile, in the Overlord's mind- Wwaaahhh (SE) *shigh* it is not like I'm not happy, she is very beautiful, but I still feel guilty for having modified her configuration, *shigh* Tabula-san, would you seriously be able to forgive me for what I did? Tempest had been somewhat worried when crossing the portal, she had doubts about what would wait for her behind it, but she would never have imagined meeting what was in front of her eyes, she had passed from Canterlot to a mountainous and snowy region, she was sure that the closest location like this was a two-day train ride away, but she was sure it was even further away than the crystal empire since she wasn't able to recognize any of the mountains around her. But the most striking thing, without a doubt, was the structure that was in front of her, it seemed to be a kind of cemetery with a huge mausoleum in the center that could be seen over the wall, this, in turn, was surrounded by four smaller mausoleums, around the central structures a more normal cemetery extended if only sporadic graves and withered trees were taken into account, but what made it abnormal was the well-trimmed lustrous green grass that covered the entire ground, Except for the stone paths, besides all this, there were beautiful statues of creatures similar to Albedo, but with wings on their backs and without horns. And as if this impossible view were not enough, the whole place was surrounded by a perfectly worked stone wall of at least five meters high and six thick that only had two entrances; in short, a wall that no siege machine would be able to break through, so she couldn't help but stare at everything in amazement at the grandeur of the place. "Shi shi shi shi, great isn't it? But this is just the entrance -su," -Lupusregina interrupted his thoughts- "we have to hurry, Ainz-sama is waiting for us -su." The only answer the unicorn was able to give was a nod, as she walked silently following the maid closely. The first floor was undoubtedly a crypt, within a short distance of entering they were met by a maid with collected hair wearing glasses and a metal choker, but the most striking thing about her was definitely her gigantic metal wristbands covered with spikes. "Welcome to the great underground tomb of Nazarick Tempest Shadow-san, I am Yuri Alpha, I am one of the battle maids serving Ainz-sama." She spoke in a calm and melodious voice, accompanied by a friendly face that did not entirely match the aggressiveness of his uniform. "Ainz-sama is waiting for you, please follow me and we will leave immediately." Looking with interest and curiosity at the quality of the maid's uniform and armor, Tempest did as she was asked, she followed them through a portal, when she crossed to the other side she could not believe what her eyes saw, the huge doors, the statues, the carpet, everything was of a quality and workmanship far superior to anything he had seen before, she kept looking at everything around her in amazement until Yuri caught her attention for the second time. "Tempest-san, Tempest-san" "Ah yes, excuse me, everything is so wonderful that I was left blank." The unicorn replied somewhat sadly, seeing this the maid with glasses smiled kindly as she answered. "That is understandable, after all, it is the work of the 41 supreme beings, however, this is only the anteroom, its name is 'The Lesser Key of Solomon', and behind the doors behind me is the throne room. " Tempest gaped at the maid, searching for clues that tell her if it was a joke. 'Just' ... did she seriously just say that this wonderful room that surpasses everything known, is 'JUST' the anteroom, no no no, surely she must be joking with me. "We must hurry," -continued the maid- "It is not correct to keep Ainz-sama waiting." With these words Yuri turned around and started walking towards the door with Lupusregina walking behind her and the unicorn behind both of them, as soon as they were a couple of meters away, the huge solid wood doors with sublime carvings that would have to weigh altogether at least a ton each considering their thickness, were opened with practically no sound. She wasn't kidding, in truth that was 'just' the anteroom. It was the first thought that crossed the pony's mind when she saw the throne room, as they advanced, she could not help but notice the great diversity of creatures present; there were so many species, that it would be much easier to name the number that she knew, one, to her surprise it was a changeling, or so it seemed from the description she received in the reports about Equestria that she could remember. But what most surprised her was the fact that even though the throne room was flanked by creatures of such diverse appearances, almost all of them extremely dangerous to the naked eye and all their gazes were on her, she did not feel judged or threatened, quite the contrary, it felt welcome. When they arrived in front of the throne, the servants prostrated themselves side by side, while Tempest prostrated a couple of steps behind and Yuri was the one who spoke for the group. "We have brought Commander Tempest Shadow, just as Ainz-sama ordered." "Mhm, good job, you can take your places." Both servants stood up, bowed, and joined the rest of the Pleiades to the right of the room, once they took their places, the overseer of the guardians spoke. "Tempest Shadow, bow down before the supreme Overlord, your new master." These words were said with kindness to Ainz's surprise, the unicorn stood up and advanced to where the servants were previously and knell down again, after this little unforeseen event, the ruler of the tomb took the floor. "Welcome, Tempest Shadow." "Yes, thank you very much Ainz-sama." "You can get up, now, let's get straight to the point, later Albedo will inform you of what you need to know about Nazarick and your new colleagues." -said the Overlord while sweeping the room with his hand- "You see, this is a special occasion, this is the first time in a long time that a new member has been added to the tomb, your oath of allegiance came of your heart and I accept it with pleasure, so now your destiny is linked to the great tomb of Nazarick, now and always you will be at the service of Ainz Ooal Gown." Tempest couldn't understand why, but hearing her new master say those words made her very happy. "Then with that said, I will assign you your final role." At that precise moment, all the attention of the room left the unicorn and focused on the figure on the throne, no one wanted to miss a single word of their master. "Tempest Shadow, inside the great underground tomb of Nazarick you will have the level of area guardian!" With these words, the room erupted in shouts of approval and applause that were left to run for a minute, after which, Ainz made a gesture with his hand and the room returned to absolute silence. "Your tasks will be the following: you will be the regent of the sorcerer kingdom when the need keeps Albedo and me busy, so you will be trained in everything necessary in the great library of Ashurbanipal; while your nominal job will be to lead the troops of the Sorcerer Kingdom, you will be the secretary of defense, as well as you will be instructed in what is necessary for optimal performance of your position, while you are inside the great tomb of Nazarick you will be under the command of Demiurge as a defense troop, these will be your work. " Hearing what her new position entailed, she couldn't help but get nervous, 'What if I fail?' was the question that dominated her thoughts, she was not qualified to manage a government, but she relaxed a bit when it was said that she would be instructed in this regard, but when she heard that inside the tomb she would have the role of defender she was glad, even when she still didn't understand why. "Also, so that there is no doubt of your loyalty to Ainz Ooal Gown, repeat your oath so that everyone present will hear you." "Yes, as ordered by Ainz-sama." -the unicorn answered gladly- "you have fulfilled my greatest wish, without it ever coming out of my mouth," -she bowed with his muzzle practically on the ground and continued- "yours is all my gratitude and fidelity for rest of my days or until you see fit to get rid of me, I promise to serve you with all my heart and ability, I also promise to do my best to carry out your orders no matter what it costs me." Unlike when she swore her oath earlier, this time her face was dominated by a huge smile and slight wetness in her eyes. "I accept your fidelity." -answered Ainz- "perform your position with passion and serve with dedication." After the oath was completed, the room erupted again in a roar of approval, but among all of them, there was one individual who did not cheer, Chrysalis. What?! How is it that the newly arrived pony got such a position while I'm worth barely for a pet!? It is not fair! I also swore allegiance!, right? Why was she treated differently?, maybe I can ask Demiurge-sama in the next session. The former changeling queen thought annoyed. After a moment, Ainz decided that it was time to intervene, so he slammed the butt of the staff against the floor, immediately silencing the room. "The full extent of your tasks will be explained to you later, Yuri, take the defense secretary to my study, she needs to know the way after all." The Overlord ordered looking at the maid. "It will be done as ordered, Ainz-sama." "Well, that's it, everyone can retire to continue their normal duties; we are retiring Albedo." He said the last sentence as he stood up and as soon as he finished speaking and received a nod from the supervisor, they both teleported. At Canterlot Castle, the meeting of the emissaries and rulers continued immediately after Celestia raised the sun, they all had lunch in the same meeting room, when they finished and the table was cleared, the debates were restarted. "Now that we are all rested and have enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, let's get on with the meeting;" -spoke with a firm voice the monarch of the sun- "I would like to start with a suggestion, for those who decide to receive the visit of the Sorcerer king *heee fuuf* I recommend thinking deeply the words that you want to let out of your mouth twice before allowing it you haven't seen it as directly as we have" -with an anguished face she gave a glance to her sister- "he represents more than one kind of threat, although his power is overwhelming, I think the most terrifying thing about him is his intelligence." Hearing these words, emissary Niccals asked: "What do you mean, Princess Celestia?" *Shigh* "He has not yet shown all his power, that is a fact, besides, I think he is capable of forming extremely complex plans and executing them perfectly, I hope I am wrong, but I estimate that he is able to maintain that level with a scope of several years." Who expressed the disbelief that everyone present was withholding was the emissary of the Ararauna kingdom, an anthropomorphic cockatoo with pale pink feathers and a plume of blond feathers that emerged from its head, was dressed in formal but simple attire, consisting of a white blouse with a low-cut V-neck and a gray mini skirt, her face was graced by stylized rectangular glasses that had a silver frame. "Excuse our disbelief princesses, but don't you think you're exaggerating? There is no one who is capable of putting together and carrying out such plans." "Although your point of view is a valid emissary Celeina, we do not believe that we are wrong about it" -answered Luna- "in fact, we believe that it is quite probable that our estimates are short in scope." With a stern expression and a reproachful tone, the emissary of the Arachne country gave his opinion. "Bha! He may be a very good strategist, but he doesn't have an army yet and he certainly doesn't have the entire storm king's army under his complete control yet." "While it is true that it is still too early for he to have complete control of the troops, let me further warn you, even if his troops are scarce, the power they represent must be regarded as formidable." -announced Celestia in a grave tone- After this, the discussions continued until late in the afternoon, at which point all the problems presented for debate were finally finished, included an explanation about the original intention of the meeting. The final result of the meeting was that a joint defense agreement was signed in the event of a battle unleashing, in this agreement participated: the kingdom of Equestria, the Everfree kingdom, the Changeling kingdom, the kingdom of Abyssinia (cats), the Crystal Empire, the dragon kingdom, the kingdom of Zebrica, the kingdom Ararauna (Anthropomorphic Birds), the kingdom of Beringei (gorillas), the republic of Linnaeus (giraffes) and the head of the buffalo reserve Tunderhooves; while the kingdom of Diamondia (the only kingdom of diamond dogs), the country of Nubia (donkeys), the kingdom of Brezzie and the kingdom of Aquestria, decided to remain in neutral position, the kingdom of Grifonia, the republic of Minos, the kingdom of Yakyakistan, the Centauri kingdom and the Arachne country decided to maintain a more aggressive stance against the new king. The diarchy ended the meeting with allied and neutral rulers as with emissaries with apprehension, even during their departure they tried to convince them not to maintain an aggressive posture without any success, that same evening after the sun was lowered, and the moon raised, they began to review both as they could from their commercial resources, along with their assistants and secretaries of those resources, they wanted to be as prepared as possible for the next day's battle, they wanted to protect their resources as much as possible, they feared being left in an unequal agreement that would bleed them out; That day there was no night court and everyone continued until late at night, after which they decided that there was no more to be done with the time available, and the princesses sent everyone to rest. The next morning, the diarchy, Queen Novo and Princess Sakaystar had breakfast together, after which Luna went to take a nap before the meeting, while Celestia stayed talking with the hippogriffs, later, specifically an hour before the meeting, the diarchy waited for the rest at the main gate of the castle. Shortly before noon, Twilight, Shining and Cadence returned to the castle after spending the night and having breakfast at the home of the lavender alicorn's parents. "Good morning Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" -greeted Twilight warmly- "Good morning aunt, good morning Luna." -greet the princess of love with affection- "Good morning, your highnesses." formally salute the captain of the guard- "Welcome back" -said Luna while Celestia just nodded- "It's nice to see you again, but time is of essence, Raven?" The daytime court secretary distributed to the newcomers a copy of a document, the result of the joint efforts of the diarchs. "Is this your proposal for the treaties?" -asked the princess of friendship as she took her copy and the one who answered her was the monarch of the sun- "No Twilight, unfortunately, it did not occur to us what the Sorcerer King might want, instead of making a proposal we decided to concentrate on making a summary of the most delicate assets, that is, we summarized in that we must be careful not to lose since it is a central part of our economy, but we must not waste time, you can read as we move towards the throne room, it will soon be time for the meeting." After receiving affirmative answers from the group, they all advanced towards their destination, almost arriving, Spike who was riding on Twilight's back, noticed that someone was missing. "Huh? Excuse me princesses, but where are the hippogriff queen and princess? Weren't they with you?" "That's right, young Spike," -answered Luna- "but since this is an Equestrian matter, she decided to take a walk around town, they will join us once the meeting is over." With this the rest of the way passed in silence, once they reached the throne room, the Diarchs sat on their thrones, while the others flanked them, on the side of Princess Luna the rulers of the crystal empire stood, while that on Princess Celestia's side were Twilight and Spike. When everyone finished reading the reports that Secretary Raven had provided them, she proceeded to collect them and took her place to the right of the throne, just as she was organizing them to save them, a chill invaded her, one that was already well known to the rest, but being the first time that the secretary felt it, caused her to lose concentration and the documents fell to the ground. They all looked at the same point, to the center of the throne room, an ovoid with darkness comparable to that of a starless night emerged from the ground, the first figure to come out was the cherry-colored unicorn. "Announcing the entry of his majety the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!" > The crude reality First part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the luxurious anteroom of his room, the ruler of death is sitting behind his desk, but he was not alone, with him was the supervisor of the guardians, the objective of this was simple, they argued about the presentation of the newest addition to the tomb while they waited for it to appear to instruct her on her new duties and inquire about her current status. Wow, it was a big surprise that I got, I did not expect there to be so much acceptance, to tell the truth, I expected some more resistance, I had even prepared some arguments, but they were unnecessary. After gracing this train of thought for a moment, the Overlord noticed Albedo's gaze waiting for directions. "Albedo" "Yes, Ainz-sama?" "I want to hear your opinion regarding 'this experiment'" Hearing her master's instruction, the succubus lowered her gaze and brought her delicate hand to her chin as she reasoned the question. "Mmmm... even though I don't like the idea of ​​letting in creatures inferior to the glorious Nazarick, I can understand that it was necessary to check how the interactions with the outside world would work, or rather how the inhabitants of the outside would interact with us, you take as example three excellent special cases. " I? Three? What is he talking about? I have only accepted the loyalty of Chrysalis and Tempest. "You placed in yours service and made obedient Chrysalis, a proud and treacherous creature by nature, who, while swearing allegiance, was not recognized by the Tomb; also placed under your command an external group that was completely neutral towards us after defeating them in battle, although they recognized you and swore service, they were still not recognized by Nazarick and finally, there is the case of Tempest Shadow, mmm… " Aah!, right, the dogs, I had completely forgotten about them, how are they doing? So far Cocytus has not reported any problems, I suppose everything has to go smoothly, mmm I need to make time to give them a visit. "She has been the special case, she has been recognized by the Tomb, like the dogs she was from a neutral group towards us at the time, but her personal position was not clear at any time and like the others; she swore allegiance and servitude... I am very sorry Ainz-sama, even though the result speaks for itself, I still can't see what the exception is, but I agree that the experiment you carried out was perfectly planned and executed." When she finished speaking, the face of the succubus was frustrated for not being able to understand the intentions of her master, which was totally misinterpreted by him. Gha! She is very upset! Does she really dislike the idea of ​​adding individuals to the grave so much? I must calm her somehow, think, THINK !, (ES) well I have to cover one lie with another *shigh* "This experiment was not only necessary, it also served to increase my understanding of the individuals in this world, the fact that it gave the expected fruit was essential for the future of Nazarick, although the information and materials that Demiurge gathers in his ranch are wonderful, it was necessary to obtain even more about the mental and moral development of this world." Seeing that the face of annoyance on the supervisor disappeared completely, Ainz decided to stop babbling before screwing up again. "In short, although there are basically eternal things, like multipurpose items there are things that need to be replaced from time to time." Like consumables. "Unbelievable, Ainz-sama is unbelievable!" -exclaimed the succubus with joy- "And to think that your plans would have such a reach! We, as your servants, must try harder to live up to your expectations!" Huh, oh no, it seems that something was misunderstood again... but at least I succeeded in cheering her up, I hope nothing goes wrong as a result of this. Just when the Overlord was about to try to get some information out of his subordinate about what she had understood, a knock on the door interrupted him. * Knock knock knock * "With your permission Ainz-sama." "Go ahead" It was Yuri Alpha and the new member of Nazarick who had finally arrived. "I have shown Tempest-san the way to your chambers, just as ordered." "Mhm, good job, you can retire, when you go out send one of the homunculus maids." "Yes." After rising from where they had knelt in front of the desk, the servant bowed and withdrew. Okay, *Huff* now, what's next. "You can get up Tempest, come closer." "Yes, with your permission." The unicorn got up and stood in front of the desk, of which she barely reached the top with her eyes, which made her look so adorable that Ainz actively fought off an 'Aawww'. "Ehem, first of all, let's talk about your assignments, before any administrative work is given to you, you will have to cover the necessary topics for it, the most urgent and the first to remedy will have to be the language." "The language? I apologize, but I don't understand what you mean." The Overlord turned to the succubus and nodded, she is understanding the intention of his master, unequiped the translation necklace. "テ ン ペ ス ト シ ャ ド ウ を 教 え て く だ さ い 、 私 の 言葉 を 理解 で き ま す か?" (Tell me Tempest Shadow, can you understand my words?) To the surprise of the unicorn, what she heard was a series of sounds incomprehensible to her, the surprise was clearly reflected on her face. "I can see that you are not able to understand the original language, everyone uses a special item called a translation collar to facilitate communication, however, this only works for the spoken language, so you only have to learn the written language, we can't allow that you do not understand any notification for not knowing the language." "Is that the language of creation?" Tempest asked in amazement, but the answer she received only increased her impression. "Hahaha, no of course not." The unicorn breathed in relief only to tense again. "The primordial language is something much more complex, this is just one of the most notorious that existed before." This time the surprise not only existed in the Equestrian, Albedo was also surprised by the words of Nazarick's master, but he overlooked it. "For now, you will have to learn during your free time, when the necessary arrangements and changes that the storm kingdom will undergo to transform it into the sorcerer kingdom are fully determined, it will also be defined how you will be able to use your time." Trying to understand everything she was hearing coming from her new master's mouth, there was a question constantly recurring in her mind, 'how far did he saw what he knows or is talking about?' she couldn't imagine exactly how old his new master's existence was. "It is also necessary that you can locate yourself in the tomb, so today you will spend it knowing the accessible parts of the tomb, as well as its inhabitants, later someone will pick you up to accompany you, tomorrow will be long, we will be in Canterlot most of it probably, try not to stay up too late today. " To the delight of the overseer who had already reequiped the translation collar and the Overlord's surprise , Tempest's response was clear and with conviction. "Yes Ainz-sama, I will definitely be ready tomorrow!" "Well now the next point, tell me, do you feel capable of taking over the army as soon as it is formed?" "Yes, I am confident that I can handle and move troops without problems, but I consider that I lacked competence in terms of strategy." Answered the unicorn with honesty and some shame. "Mhm, that will not be a problem for now, you will learn about the art of war as second subject in priority." At that moment someone knocked on the door. *Knock knock knock knock* "With your permission Ainz-sama." It was one of the homunculus servants, when she received permission to enter, she approached the desk and bowed. "How can I help you Ainz-sama?" "I have a task for you Fiore, Tempest Shadow will be with us temporarily, prepare one of the guest rooms on the ninth floor for her, as soon as you finish you will lead her to her to rest." "It will be done immediately." -A huge smile and some moisture in the corners of her eyes, adorned the face of the servant, she felt very happy and impressed, not only for having received a task in a personal way from her master, but also for the fact that the Nazarick's supreme ruler knew the name of a simple servant girl- For Ainz this treatment of his subordinates was nothing more than professional etiquette, but that was not reason to ignore it, after all he tried to be the boss they wanted, that was the main reason why during his hours alone, he practiced in his room poses and comments. "Umu, you can retreat." After bowing the servant withdrew and the conversation resumed where it had left off. "Okay, now for the main topic, let's talk about the reason for calling you at my personal office, I want you to tell me what is bothering you." A strange silence was the only answer he received, but when he paid some attention he noticed the look of total surprise on the unicorn's face and the inquisitive look on Albedo's, then he reviewed what he had just said and realizing that his choice of words had been incorrect, he panicked, he had just screwed up in a massive way, but since there was no second reaction from those present he was not sure to what extent, in his nervousness he did not realize that he uttered some words that He must have thought until it was too late. "Well, how deep is?" it... shit, I just spoke out loud! Now what do I do? Albedo is very intelligent, surely she already realized that I am pretending! (ES) nononono, wait a moment, before throwing everything away I have to check the waters. Turning to Albedo and then returning to Tempest and poking at the honeycomb with a stick (figuratively speaking), Ainz asked with a nervousness that was not reflected in his undead voice. "What is the problem?" Keep making it worse, you idiot! But for Tempest, this last question was the one that brought her out of the trance and with a low voice and astonishment she spoke. "D-did you already know that, Ainz-sama?" (ES) Huh? What did she say? Hearing the unicorn's words, the supervisor's face changed from doubt to understanding and adoration, she being the one who answered the question instead of the surprised Overlord. "Of course! There is nothing that Ainz-sama does not consider in his plans, he is the most intelligent being there is! Something like that is child's play for him. No, please Albedo, don't lift me up so high or I won't be able to get up if I fall. The Overlord mentally wailed when he heard the supervisor speak. "To tell the truth," -the unicorn continued- "there are a couple of things that have been worrying me," *shigh* What has happened? This is something unexpected. "Oooh, what is bothering you?" "I've undergone some changes that I didn't expect, mental changes that I'm not sure where they came from." Interesting "Do you feel that your mental capacities have changed?" "No, that is not the case ... or at least I think not, where I have noticed changes is in my way of thinking." Oh oh, that may not be a good thing, has her karma changed? "What changes have you noticed?" "So far I have noticed three things, first of all, I do not see you as a boss or a king, I see you as my master, this suddenly came out of my mouth when talking about you and when I actively reasoned it was when I realized the change, this came to me during the last meeting in Canterlot." Mmmmh, how strange, is it a side effect of her being recognized? "When the diarchs spoke to you disrespectfully, my blood boiled." -The unicorn spoke showing some anger in her tone- Wait, don't tell me that- "But what worries me the most is my name, or rather, the fact that my original name, that is to say the one my parents gave me when I was born, 'Fizzlepop Berrytwist'; is now more like a nickname for me, I noticed this when I said my original name to the bearers of the elements." Uuuueeeeehh, was that your original name? It doesn't fit at all... wait, if your original name doesn't feel like yours all of a sudden, but you still remember it; that means that we not only accept you as that... but you were also register like that! As when creating or adding a new NPC! Recalling the background that he and his friends gave to the great tomb of Nazarick, a joyous laugh began to escape his mouth until it turned into an open laugh. "Mhmhmhm, mnhahaha, hahahaha, HAJAJAJA(ES)…" Tsk, damn suppressor. Tempest couldn't understand why her master was laughing, but even though his laugh was quite macabre, for some reason it was comforting for her and when her master seemed to be happier she stopped abruptly and after a brief moment continued speaking. "That is not something to worry in the least, on the contrary, it is a reason for joy, in fact, I would not be surprised if you feel happy or gratified by the mere fact of being part of Nazarick." Upon hearing the words of her master, a blush that was lost in the tone of her fur was felt on the face of the unicorn, as she had just experienced this a while ago in the throne room. "No, what you feel is the physical representation of your oath of allegiance, I can assure you that no physical or psychological change has been made in you, but" -the Overlord's tone became more serious- "from the moment in that you pledged loyalty by pouring all your heart into it, your destiny changed to be in the service of Ainz Ooal Gown." Well, it's just a very far-fetched way of saying that it's now part of Nazarick though. -Ainz thought when he finished and after this thought he spoke with some humor in his tone of voice- "Although it will be necessary to mess with your body later." When Albedo heard it, she made a face of horror as if she had seen a ghost, while Tempest tensed and blushes intensely, fortunately for the hearts of both, the next sentence relaxed them. "After all, I cannot allow a guardian to be weak, you have to be trained and strengthened properly." "Yes, I will do my best to meet your expectations!" The unicorn replied with a firm voice and a stoic expression. "Hahahaha, very good, but before all that you must rest." *Knock knock knock knock* "With your permission Ainz-sama, I have finished preparing the room for Tempest-san according to your orders." The maid announced as soon as she was standing in front of the desk while bowing. "Mhm, good job, now, if there's nothing else you want to talk about, I think it's time for you to rest." "I will not waste any more time, I am very grateful that Ainz-sama took the time to calm the troubled mind of his servant." Servant? ... oh well it doesn't matter. -thought the cherry-colored mare- For an instant the doubt resurfaced in his mind after noticing another change, but this time she simply dismissed it, his master had already explained to her where they came from. "For now rest, in the morning someone will pick you up in your room to give you the tour, you can leave." "Yes, with your permission." They both answered and said goodbye with a bow, took a couple of steps back and, turning around, left the room. Once they had both left, the supervisor's words were immediate. "Do you want me to take care of the preparations for Tempest-san training?" "Hmm, that's right, make it a good course on administration, also tactics and war strategies, although there is no rush, there is nothing wrong if the librarian takes his time to choose the best topics, mmm... order Sebas to take care of giving her the tour, as for the language... " "If you allow me, can I make a suggestion, Ainz-sama?" "I have no objection, do it." "I think the best option to teach the language of the supreme beings to Tempest would be Yuri Alpha of the Pleiades." Oooohh, actually, it's an excellent idea! Besides, she already looks like a teacher and being an undead she is less likely to lose her cool if she has trouble learning. "Mmh, it's an excellent suggestion, let her take care of it, oh right, I almost forgot, there's something else…" With each passing moment, Tempest thought more seriously about getting a muzzle, she could think of no other way to prevent her jaw from touching the ground every time she knew something new, this trend had been repeating itself since the night before, when she was led to her room, she simply could not believe she would be allowed to use it, after the most relaxing night's rest she had ever in his life, a butler with a gray beard and hair but very well groomed, was waiting for her in the anteroom to be her guide, despite the male's apparent advanced age, due to his posture and way of moving, it was obvious that old age was only present in his appearance, he took her to her first stop to enjoy a magnificent lunch, after which she was sure that it would not be possible to find anything outside Nazarick that even came close to it. After being shocked to meet the Sous-chef and freezing for a minute, she thanked him, and they left the dining room, for several hours, Tempest toured the ninth floor of the great tomb, guided by Ainz-sama's personal butler, Sebas Tian-sama, although she wasn't sure why she was referring to him with the honorific 'sama', she felt comfortable with it, so she decided not to question it. To say that she had been surprised by everything that could be found on the ninth floor, would be comparable to saying that the sun shone, this floor had everything in terms of comforts, so near the end of her journey she could not help thinking repeatedly 'And this is just the ninth floor?!' but after knowing the sixth floor she could no longer get any thoughts to cross his mind, specifically when they pointed out that they were still underground, when she heard it, she could not take her eyes off the 'sun' that she was seeing in the 'sky' until her eyes started to burn. She knew the sixth floor, the fourth and the first three floors, the fifth and seventh floors, she did not know them on the recommendation of Sebas, who warned her that she did not have the necessary resistances to know the flaming hell and the frozen lake, but with so much Just hearing a brief description of them, she decided that she did not want to visit them unless it was absolutely necessary and she was adequately equipped, when she asked if they would know the eighth floor the answer left her again astonished, that floor was forbidden to everyone for their own safety, it didn't occur to her that it could be more dangerous than literal hell. Throughout the tour, she met multiple area guardians, all of them of mixed races, but after a description by Sebas she decided to avoid the worst five residences for now. When they finally finished the tour and returned to her room, she had already spent most of the day and the rest was spent recapitulating all the wonders that she had just learned, as well as the large number of races that inhabited the tomb, after a couple of hours she had her dinner and went to bed, when she woke up the next morning, while preparing to go to breakfast, Yuri-san entered her room and announced the plans for the day, which brings us to the present moment, After having enjoyed her breakfast, she returned to her room where the maid was waiting for her again, only this time there was something metallic on the coffee table, when she approached the table they both exchanged greetings, then she could see that it was an armor and folded next to it was a layer to use under it,this in itself did not surprise her, she had already assumed that she would change her armor, however she did not expect something like what was in front of her. "E-excuse me Yuri-san, but I don't think I heard you correctly, could you repeat it? If it's not too much of a bother, please?" "Of course, it is not a bother, Ainz-sama decided that it would be prudent for you to use equipment that is commensurate with your position, so this equipment was assigned to you as your base equipment, the set consists of an under layer made of silk from infernal spiders woven with silk from the caterpillars of Jötunheim, this provides immunity to the effects of freezing and burning, also increases resistance to elemental attacks of ice and fire; the armor is made of star silver and Apoithakarah, provides protection against knockout, nullifies offensive spells received up to fourth level and reduces the damage received from spells up to sixth level, the hoof covers are made of Scarletite, increase speed and give protection against knockdowns, the helmet is made of the same material as the armor and protects against state changes and mental attacks as well as increasing reaction speed, finally, the morning star is a relic grade item that provides unlimited stamina and an increase physical strength, the set generally grants increased resistance to magic attacks." When the maid finished speaking, Tempest still felt insecure and couldn't keep her disbelief from escaping her mouth. "S-seriously, is it okay for me to wear this equipement? Aren't they legendary items from heroes from the past?" Without breaking her kind face, the maid answered. "No, that is not the case, none of these equipments exceed relic grade, it is no problem, even if they are destroyed the chief blacksmith can easily recreate them." Not only was she speechless, after what she had just heard she was starting to feel dizzy, so the last part slipped away. "I-if a relic is disposable, what kind of equipment do the floor guardians use?" The unicorn spoke to herself, but in her disbelief she said it out loud for which she received an answer from Yuri. "Most use at least one divine-class item, while the rest of their equipment is legendary-class." "Divine? What do you mean by 'divine'?" Seeing the doubt on the unicorn's face, Yuri couldn't help but go into teacher mode. "The divine-class items were mostly created by the 41 supreme beings, crafted from the remains of the gods that they slayed themselves." "Well, that's understandable, they were able to subdue Discord after all." Tempest said regaining some calm. "Discord?... ha yes, the Draconequus, he was a good entertainment for Cocytus-sama, but it was not a challenge, no, the gods I speak of are those that the supreme beings fought for fun, these were capable of destroying an entire continent with a single attack, some were even capable of destroying planets as I heard Yamaiko-sama say once." (Yuri was talking about the descriptions that some final bosses had in Yggdrasil, she had heard her creator grumble on a few occasions when she was alone about some especially annoying boss.) "C-c-continents and P-P-PLANETS !?, and they were facing them f-f--for F-FUN?!" "That's right, they-" *PLOF* "Oh dear, I guess she wasn't ready to know the greatness of the supreme beings yet." At Yuri's feet lay an unconscious Tempest that couldn't bear one more shock. In the throne room were Ainz, Albedo and Demiurge, in addition to a servant, the first sitting on the throne, the second standing to his right and the third at the foot of the throne, while the servant who had a service car next to him and on this there was a chest, he was standing to the right of the room, everyone had their gaze fixed on the approaching figures. "I have to assume that you are ready to go, aren't you, Tempest Shadow?" The Overlord spoke with a calm tone that despite being a question sounded like an affirmation to which the unicorn that had entered followed by Yuri prostrated in reverence before the throne while the servant stood to one side of the room after a little bow. "Yes, it is as you say, but let me apologize for my lateness." "Mnn, you arrive in a good time, we are about to leave, but tell me, how does your new equipment feel, have you already gotten used to it? Or maybe it feels inadequate in some way?" The response was energetic from the unicorn who immediately raised her face in surprise and at the end lowered it again with some shame. "No way Ainz-sama! It is wonderful, to tell the truth, it is I who think it is unsuitable for this armor, but I promise to do my best to be worthy of it!" After this brief exchange, the Overlord stood up and walked down the steps as he spoke, at the same time gesturing with his hand for Tempest to stand up. "Well then it's time to retire Demiurge, stay in touch in case of any further developments." "Yes, it will be done as ordered by my lord." -Answered the Archdemon- The Overlord turned to the unicorn and continued. "Since this will be an official visit, Tempest will go ahead and announce us as the etiquette dictates, we must not give a bad image." "" Yes "" -answered everyone present in unison, after which the portal was created and they crossed one at a time counting to ten between one and the other. The first thing that struck the princesses of Equestria was the imposing figure that emerged from the portal, they could hardly recognize her until she spoke. The first figure that crossed the portal, stole the words from those present, dressed in a beautiful plate armor in blue and silver tones, with a background that seemed to be made of silk that covered his body below it, the latter It was a deep black color that seemed to absorb light, while a platinum-white pattern made it look as if the entire garment was actually chain mail, the hooves were protected by sectioned ruby ​​red covers that reached up to mid-leg, the helmet on her head had a bridge that reached the tip of the muzzle, the forehead was adorned by a triangular profile that ended in a sharp blade, this almost completely covered the front half of the unicorn's horn, in the top and back of it, had a thin opening through which the mare's mane came out, which allowed comfort for long periods of use and the helmet had colors to match the armor, while the blade and profile had a color similar to the hoof covers. But this armor did not completely hide the identity of its wearer, the face was almost completely uncovered, but what was more impressive was not the beautiful manufacture of the armor, but the power and authority that the pony gave off using it, so it was a surprise that the pony's voice confirmed her identity no matter how absurd the result seemed. "Announcing, the arrival of His Majesty, the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!" The Overlord emerged from the portal, but this time instead of his usual clothing he wore a royal red tunic with silver details and buttons formed from precious stones, his figure exuded an air of royalty quite marked and the halo of darkness behind his skull only accentuated it, behind him, in his usual white dress with gold details, the female who had previously accompanied him emerged. "Announcing, the arrival of the prime minister of the sorcerer kingdom, Albedo-sama!" As soon as both were introduced and the maid with a moderate-sized chest in her hands crossed through the portal, it was closed, then, the rulers of Equestria descended from the throne and met halfway with the sorcerer king. "We give you the warmest of welcomes to the sorcerer kingdom head and its representatives." Speak the princess of the night with the proper etiquette of political meetings. "It is customary to receive the representatives of other nations with their banners, unfortunately, during the bustle of the last meeting it completely escaped us to ask about your emblem, I humbly apologize for this neglect of etiquette." -The princess of the sun finished making a small bow- "You don't have to apologize about it princess, our first meeting wasn't exactly… diplomatic, in fact, this could be considered our first royal meeting, Foss." With a wave of her master's hand, the maid now known as Foss, presented the chest in her hands with a slight bow to the diarchs, it was taken from their hands by Celestia's magic while Ainz continued speaking. "This is a small gesture on my part intended to express our desire to maintain cordial relations with your nation, while also taking care of the banner problem." While the sorcerer king explained, the princess opened the rather small chest and seeing the contents she was not sure of the purpose of the skeleton, inside was a royal purple cloth with an insignia that surely represented the sorcerer kingdom, it had a rim and beard of gold color like the insignia, when she saw the curious glances of the rest, she brought out the banner with her magic, but to her surprise, felt as if she was taking something that was much further away and was much heavier than What she expected, as soon as she put in a little more effort she was able to take out the banner without problems. As soon as she took it out there was surprise in the room again, it was for two different reasons, in the first instance, everyone was surprised that such a large object could have entered such a small object, the chest had measures of approximately 40cm wide by 25cm deep and 15cm high, while the banner was about a meter and a half long by 60cm wide and the material was at least 1cm thick, but while everyone admired the quality of the material and the small sparkles that seemed to produce when the fabric moved, Princess Celestia returned her gaze to the interior of the chest and to her surprise, another banner was seen inside, the one that was suspended by its magic passed to her sister, who when looking at the face of the Sun Monarch was curious about the content. As Luna took the banner and her face reflected surprise when she felt the weight of it, Celestia took out the second banner and passed it to Cadence, and again there was another one inside the chest, when Ainz received the inquisitive gaze of the monarch of the sun, he continued talking. "The chest is a present for the rulers of Equestria, inside are forty banners embroidered with my crest that represents the sorcerer kingdom." Twilight was about to state the impossibility of that argument, but was cut off by her brother's exclamation. "IMPOSSIBLE!" When all the princesses turned to look at him reproachfully, they realized that the stallion's gaze was not on the chest, what his wide eyes were staring at in disbelief was the banner. "Is something wrong, Shiny?" The youngest of the princesses asked, but her words fell on deaf ears. "This is totally impossible!" "What's up Captain Armor?" -Asked Luna hoping she was wrong in her assumption- "This is not cloth, this is metal!" To the surprise that engulfed the rulers of Equestria, Tempest could not prevent a smug smile from planted on her face for a moment. HA! If they saw the ones in the mausoleums on the first floor that are made of Adamantite and Orichalcum or better yet the one in the throne room which is made of metals never seen before, HA their tail would fall off in surprise. The one who threw the bucket of cold water at the ponies was the succubus. "I apologize, but I can't understand it, what's so special about it? I say they're just made of gold and Mythril." -Albedo asked with false innocence in her voice- Realizing this, Celestia decided to change the topic of conversation before tempers heated up. "Let's not waste any more time for King Gown, we will have time later to 'admire' the quality of the banners, let's go to the meeting room to start the negotiations." With these words, everyone went to the living/dining room where their first meeting had taken place, as soon as they approached, the guards stationed at the door gave a greeting and opened the door, the only difference was that this time there was chairs suitable for Ainz and Albedo, when everyone was seated the meeting began. "Very well, if there is no objection to this, I would like to start by listening to the proposal of the sorcerer kingdom." Celestia spoke with confidence, which received a round of affirmative responses, after which Albedo placed her attention on her master and after receiving permission, presented the proposal they had prepared. "What Ainz-sama wants is quite simple, we want to establish a free trade agreement between the Sorcerer kingdom and Equestria as its allied and neutral nations." This took the Equestrians by surprise, they expected unreasonable or very aggressive demands, not something like this. "Tell me Prime Minister Albedo, what is this free trade agreement going to cover?" -Twilight asked cautiously- "Basically exports and imports, likewise trade between companies and between nations, our intention is to promote trade, we want the sorcerer kingdom to recover as soon as possible from its previous 'administration', it will also be necessary to establish a rate of exchange, as well as setting base prices for multiple raw materials to standardize markets. " Albedo made a gesture with her hand and the maid who was several steps behind, approached while taking out of a small bag a number of folders equal to the number of Equestres and distributed them. "Right now Foss is passing out a written copy of the treaty proposed by us for scrutiny." After a brief moment of reading, the next to speak was the princess of the night. "I'm very sorry, but it seems like a somewhat difficult proposition to take seriously." At these words, the succubus face changed from its usual smile to a neutral expression. "What do you mean by that exactly?" *Shigh* "I'm very sorry if my words sounded disrespectful, but it is too 'sweet' a proposition, taxes are quite low, while it gives a lot of commercial freedom, it seems too good to be true." -spoke with an accusatory look the princess of the night- "That's because the treaty is not just about trade." Although Shinig Armor was already reading the third section of the treatise, it was not because he was a quick reader, in reality it was because he did not understand anything about economics, so he skipped pages until he came to something he could understand. "In order for the benefits to apply fully, an arms pact must also be accepted." -The stallion spoke with a hard look at Ainz, (which certainly made him look adorable according to Foss.)- "I don't understand, what is an arms pact?" -Twilight asked as she looked at her brother's serious face, but the answer to her question came from Princess Celestia- "It is something that has not been done in a long time, after all it is practically a death sentence for a small or weak nation." "In short, little sister," -continued Shining Armor- "this means that if they declare war against someone, we are obliged to go along with them, regardless of the motive or the enemy." *Ghasph* "But that's-" Twilight was about to voice her disagreement over the war, when a laugh interrupted her. "Fufufufufu, while it is true that this is the case, I remind you that the reverse is also applicable." the succubus declared. "Equestria is not so weak as to require help during a conflict!" -speaked with anger in her tone of voice the princess of the night- "Fufufufufu, how funny, I think I remember that Secretary Tempest, by herself, was able to neutralize practically all of you in just a couple of minutes, while the rest of her soldiers secured the capital in just a few hours, or did I get it wrong?" The rulers of Equestria were unnerved by Albedo's words, but before anyone could object, a warning voice caught everyone's attention. "It's enough Albedo." As soon as she heard her master's words, the supervisor returned to her usual smile. "Yes, I am very sorry," -directing her attention to the rulers of Equestria, Albedo apologized- "I apologize for my words with little tact, the arms pact has only one objective, to protect the investment of Ainz-sama, the The contract only requires their presence, not their participation in any type of conflict that could occur with any other nation, this clause was included due to your somewhat... suicidal tendencies, while being under pressure." Hearing this, doubt flooded the Equestrians, they did not understand what her words were referring to, but the youngest of the princesses did not remain silent about it. "In Equestria there are no suicidal tendencies, we consider the life of any creature important!" "Is that so, that's something… funny." These words caused all attention to focus on the interaction between the lavender princess and the Overlord. "What's so curious about King Gown? Is it so difficult that we want to preserve the lives of all creatures?" -Twilight asked with a frown and a tone of annoyance in her voice- "Hahahaha, no, that's not the case, the funny thing is that you are the one who says it, after all... mmnh, no, well it doesn't matter, it is no longer necessary to maintain protection." All the mares exchanged curious glances as the sorcerer king began to speak to himself. "You see, Princess Twilight, it's curious for a simple reason, of all those present, the one who has shown the most suicidal tendencies so far, is you." The blush on the lavender alicorn's face and the surprise on that of the others clearly showed that this was an unexpected response. "What?!" -Twilight exclaimed while blushing- "Hmm? Looks like a more extensive explanation will be needed, Red, report." A firm voice, but with a slight reverberation, caused everyone's surprise, but the surprise did not come from the voice itself, but from its origin. "Order, Ainz-sama." "HWAAAAHAA!" *Plof* Hearing the sinister voice suddenly behind her, Twilight jumped in shock and fell off her chair. Ignoring the alicorn on the ground, the creature immediately approached the Overlord and prostrated itself in front of him, the reactions caused by its revelation depended entirely on the angle from which it was seen, for those sitting at the table only felt surprise by its sudden appearance, for them, he just turned from behind the chair suddenly, but for the guards at the door behind it was a total shock, the figure just sprang up from the back of the chair in the most terrifying way possible, the first thing that was seen were two red lights, after which the body was formed from smoke that seemed to rise from the back of the chair itself as if it were a specter, most of the servants in the same rank paled and one or two in fact had fainted. "Submit a full report, summarizing everything that has occurred since you were assigned as guardian to the princess and her friends." This revelation caught everyone in the room, Tempest included, by surprise, so she decided to pay close attention. "Yes, my unit was assigned to the protection of the bearers of the elements by Ainz-sama a week ago, his orders were: to follow them closely and take care of anything that puts their lives and/or their ability to move around by themselves at risk, apart from that we should not intervene, we should also avoid being seen at all costs." Twilight wanted to interrupt and deny the creature's words, but remembering who he was giving his report to, she decided it was smarter to keep listening. "On the second day of being assigned, the Storm king attacked the city, while the elements escaped they were cut off and the princess attacked with a magic attack a formation of 'magic reflector' shields, her attack destroyed the bridge over the one who were standing and fell into the river, being in it they made no effort to get closer to the shore, while they were falling down the waterfall they were in danger of being drowned by the fall of the water, we intervened for the first time by pushing them out of the waterfall." While Twilight began to doubt her previous thoughts, the rest of the princesses felt guilty when they heard that the life of their fellow princess was in danger so fast. "After the fall, they got out of the water and walked until they met a train from the Yggdrasil company, which took them south." Huh? One of my trains, why?... it was true that I wanted to save on the refueling of the train and I told Pandora to give the order to the conductor to load water into the river when going down. "The trip was uneventful; Upon reaching the south, the group tried to cross the desert on foot-" This time, hearing Red's words, she felt there was an incongruity that she should point out, so the lavender alicorn interrupted the report. HA!, right there you are wrong. "Sorry to interrupt, but we didn't 'try' it, in fact we made it across." She speaked with great confidence, which was brutally trampled on by Red. "I apologize, but you are wrong." -Said the hanzo, making Twilight's smile disappear- "Am I?" "You did not manage to cross the desert, you are all hair covered creatures that tried to cross a desert with more than 24 continuous hours of sun, after your group collapsed every one would have sewn themselves in their own blood in less than an hour, you only managed to cover almost one fifth of the desert, you twisted the way much as the group advanced." "No that is impossible, yes we collapsed in the desert, but we managed to get up practically immediately!" -Twilight protested trying to defend her argument- But the one who broke her defense was her own brother, who was looking at her with a worried face. "Twili, fainting in the desert sun is a death sentence for any creature." "According to the report of my subordinates," -interrupted the Overlord- "they managed to advance just under a fifth of the total distance to their objective before collapsing, after which they were transported to a short distance from which it would not take them more than 30 minutes to reach their goal, and they were restored until they regained consciousness, "-the Overlord turned his gaze to Red-" you can continue." Hearing this, Tempest was finally able to resolve one of her doubts. Aaah, so that this is how they managed to get to the city so soon, I already said that the times did not add up. "Yes, when they entered the town known as Klugetown they caught the attention of the locals and they were going to be captured-" Hearing this, the Equestrians cast inquiring glances at the lavender alicorn, who responded with some nervous interruption of the undead's explanation. "Hehehe, um, Pinkie Pie caught the attention of the locals, and they almost got us caught up to sell ourselves as curios." -When she saw the stares she received, rushed to continue- "But everything went well, we got help!" The gazes shifted back to Red, but he did not continue until he received an approval from his master for it. "Yes, a local intervened, a feline known as Capper Dapperpaws, he was in charge of keeping the mob away, so our intervention was not necessary at that time, later they were about to be delivered by the same feline to pay their debt to a mole." The surprise was heard in the room after these words. *GHASP* "But they took advantage of the interference of the then Commander Tempest to go out the window of the mill and climb the blades of the mill, apparently they were trying to reach the roof but they were discovered immediately, the soldiers tried to catch them, so I destroyed the axis of the blades so that these came out rolling, when they approached the buildings we took care of launching them towards an escape route from them, after which they tried to board a ship to escape, but the pink pony fell into the void, the princess tried to rescue her, but with her speed wasn't going to make it, so we gave him an extra boost when she jumped to increase his speed. " "What?! That's not true, there was no one around me at the time!" -Twilight protest- "Mmmh, it seems that the princess needs a demonstration to accept it, do it." With the authorization received, the undead ninja got up and moved at high speed, for everyone it was just a blink, for Twilight it was as if he received a push and the next instant she was next to the skeleton, but she did not notice until his mind registered the change of location. "Eh? What? How? When?" Everyone was speechless and taking advantage of this silence, Red continued speaking, this allowed the surprise of the lavender alicorn to dissipate, with which he was able to teleport back to her seat. "Moving fast is not a problem, after that, shortly after starting the trip, they were hit by the commander, so they decided to jump from the ship and gathering objects that were in the cargo bay, they formed a balloon during their fall so our interference was not necessary, then they reached Mount Aris, there the princess was captured and I separated from the rest of my unit, when we were back in the castle, I again intervened, during the first attack of the Storm king I cut the back of the cage and take her out so that it would not receive the attack fully, preventing the princess from being in the fatal area of ​​the attack." I already said that it was inexplicable how she had survived with only minor injuries, even if the cage had absorbed half the attack the power was devastating, the scorched remains of the cage attested to it. -Tmpest thought when getting the answer to another mystery- "And the last intervention was made by the rest of my unit, it was carried out when the rest of the elements and the dragon baby got into a cannon to shoot towards the castle." The expression on the faces of everyone present when hearing this was so comical that Ainz almost laughed at them, their eyes were wide open, their jaws could only lower more if they dislocated, even a very high and faint 'ghaaaaaaaaaaa' was heard of which was impossible to define the origin, the only one in a different state to the rest was the princess of friendship, she was with what would be equivalent to her elbows resting on the table, while doing a double 'facehoof' and her voice was the only one to interrupt the moment. "Uuugh, I already knew they used something to get through the tornado, but I still didn't know what it was, *shigh* excuse me, Red?" -the ninja turned to see the princess- "If possible, I would like to know what the level of danger of that 'trick' was." When questioned, Red looked again at his master and as soon as he received permission he answered the question. "According to my unit's report, the power of the shot would have been enough to break their back legs in the best of cases, that is, if they had put some considerable mass between them and the gunpowder; as they configured it, without our Protection, in the best of cases, would have broken their spines, but the most probable thing would be that the tornado had scattered pieces of equine through the city." These words not only shocked the Equestrians, they also made them feel a horrible chill when imagining the scene that had just been described, but the most shaken was Twilight, she couldn't believe how close she had come to losing her friends and Spike. "Well, I think this should be a sufficient explanation for why that clause was included in the agreement." -spoke with purpose the Overlord- "Red, call the rest of your unit, when we retire they will leave with us." "Yes, immediately Ainz-sama." With this the ninja bowed and seemed to leak into the ground itself to the surprise and shock of the rulers of Equestria, but this did not last long, the authoritative voice of the skeleton brought them out of their trance. "Well, it's time for you to present your counterproposal, so, we are listening." > The crude reality Second part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, a creature dressed in a red suit with thin vertical lines in yellow, walked through the corridors of the ninth floor, although it would be very easy to mistake him for a human because of his appearance, that is if it were not for the tail covered with metal plates that wagged behind him as he walked and pointed ears that were visible on the sides of his head, it was Demiurge, the guardian of the seventh floor, and it was easily visible that he was in a good mood. "Ainz-sama is simply wonderful, whenever I think I have managed to get closer to his plans he always shows me otherwise, he is a master as kind as he is ruthless." The Archdemon was heading back to the throne room after having gone to his floor to put the finishing touches on his mission and carry out the orders he had received from his master the day before; any member of Nazarick would be able to perfectly understand the reason for his good humor, it was simple, everything was developing as the supreme ruler of Nazarick wished, as soon as he left his floor had received a message from his units in the castle of the princess of friendship, everything was ready for performing a thorough exploration of it. Ainz-sama's instructions were so simple that anyone would have considered them ambiguous, but after a bit of reasoning as he ordered before, the objectives were quite clear and concise. After this brief thought, the seventh-floor guardian repeated his master's instructions and the objectives behind them with the intention of reaffirming them in his mind. "First, 'look for new information', it is obvious that the objective is the same as when we gather information in the old castle of the diarcas, the only difference is that this time we will have to be especially careful with the position of everything we touch, second, 'record all the works and implements of the princess', it took me a bit to fully understand it, but in the end I deduced it, searching the entire castle for any kind of items from Yggdrasil, this was something to be expected after the discovery of the [ Scepter of Heliotrope], and special attention to the projects and inventions of the princess, we must find out how she knows about the human race, and third, "-A grimace of disgust appeared on Demiurge's face-" 'Take special precaution of who observes you', this is the part that I am not sure I have completely deciphered, it cannot refer to information spells, every external operation is always protected against it, unless we want it to be seen, nor is there someone there physically, we we've made sure of that, *shigh*, there's no other choice, I'll have to be fully alert." As soon as he finished his musings, he was in front of the door of the throne room, fixed his appearance and entered, inside the servants who would accompany him were waiting, in addition to them were Shalltear and Yuri Alpha, the latter being at the foot of the throne While the rest were in double rows at the sides of the room, each row was led by one of the overlord assistants from the great library. To the right of the room was Fluvius, behind him were 20 Elder Lich, this was the group that would be in charge of processing the library and the central area, to his right, was Aelius, behind him there were 18 Imp's floating in a row, this was the group in charge of processing the west wing of the castle, on the left side of the room was Ulpius, behind him was another similar group of Imp's, his group would be in charge of processing the east wing of the castle and to his left was Aurelius found, with him was the last group of Imp's, they would cover all the upper floors, only one was missing to complete the whole team, but he would join them as soon as they were in the princess's castle. "Excellent, I see that you are all gathered." The demon exclaimed as soon as he was close enough to the throne. "Ara? Welcome, Demiurge." Shalltear's refined voice greeted, being immediately followed by Yuri's who bowed. "Welcome Demiurge-sama." "I have to assume that everything is ready, isn't it?" The Archdemon asked as he looked at the pedestal mirror behind them. "Of course everything is ready -arinsu." -Spoke the vampire letting see some annoyance in her tone and posture- "Even pandora actor is ready to move, just need to tell him that everything is in place -arinsu!" The vampire turned her gaze to the mirror and her tone changed to one of adoration. "Haaha∼❤ and to think that Ainz-sama would have something like this prepared in advance, he's really magnanimous -arinsu." "Yes, when I found out about the furniture I thought it would only serve to gather information, but when Titus told me that spells were embedded in them, that's when I began to understand where Ainz-sama's plans were heading, really he is the definition of the insurmountable! ahem, but let's leave the praises for later, we must fulfill the mission that was entrusted to us." With these words said the demon removed the guild ring and gave it to Yuri to protect it until his return, she accepted it by holding a handkerchief in her hands, on which the ring was deposited. "Okay, then let's get started." With the indication received, Shalltear activated the mirror that transformed into a rotating vortex similar to that of the [Gate] spell, then the Archdemon began to walk towards it, 20 beings emerged from the ground that seemed to be made of paper, but at the same time seemed to absorb all the light around them, it was a group of SD that had been brought in from the seventh floor to specifically assist Demiurge and Pandora with the examination of the projects and investigations of the princess of friendship, and immediately after the first group crossed the portal completely, the other groups began to follow suit one after another. The image was not entirely clear since it was made up of sensations rather than being provided by organs or visual devices. Fear, this is called fear according to all the memories in me, but where did these creatures come from? If they weren't alive, I can only faintly feel six of them, they are everywhere and they move quickly, the two most terrifying are in the basement, they are very close to me and still, I can barely see them... but this is strange, I can clearly feel that they are not good, but they are not in disharmony either, how is this possible? I can't understand it, hahaha, the one in the yellow uniform is funny...! Everything was proceeding as planned, in all the sections progress was smooth, so the guardians chatted calmly, while one examined objects of different types that the demons brought him and the other examined the conclusions of the files he read before copy them. "This is very interesting." "Mhm? What do you mean my good Demiurge?" "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, I was just thinking out loud, it's just that I find it quite contradictory that despite her somewhat careless tendencies, the princess of friendship is so organized with her notes and research, as well as conscientious in doing them." -said the demon with a mocking tone- "That just confirms mein Vater's words, she has trouble working under pressure." The Doppelgänger replied while examining a kind of helmet with multiple embedded sensors, after which he handed it to the Shadowdemon to put it back in its place, then he turned to Demiurge and exclaimed while maintaining a pose of adoration looking up at the ceiling. "Mein got, he's always on the rigggggh-... !" Cutting himself off immediately, the doppelgänger began to look around until he fixed his gaze on one of the walls, this sudden change caught the Archdemon's attention. "What is it, Pandora's Actor?" "MMmnnnnnnn I'm not entirely sure!" -He returned to a normal position and continued with a more serious tone- "It's just that for a moment I felt like someone was watching us." This statement by his counterpart, caused the demon to be alarmed, he suddenly got up, knocking over the chair and table that he had been using until that moment. "Information spells?! IMPOSSIBLE! We all use proper concealment items! Besides, the anti-spy measures should have been activated!" Seeing the demon's reaction, Pandora immediately interrupted him. "Nein! What I mean is that I felt as if someone were looking at us through physical means, not magical, I thought I felt a presence from inside the wall, but that doesn't make any sense, mmmhn…" Using a wide movement, the treasury guardian took a thoughtful pose, meanwhile, Demiurge's mind was working at a thousand per hour, processing the information he had just received. Pandora's actor does not have the same abilities as an assassin like Solution, but his detection abilities are better than mine because of his race, so if he says that he felt a presence, it is most likely that there really is something, but in the wall? According to the information that we have managed to obtain so far, the princess's castle 'appeared' recently, so it is impossible that secret passages have been created, also no one has intervened, it was created... by, the... Tree of harmony! No, that's ridiculous... but the elements are the fruits of the tree and they choose their bearers...! At that precise moment he remembered the last instruction his master gave him the previous day, 'take special care of those who observe you', the demon cursed himself. "Damn, how could I have made such a stupid mistake!" "Mhn? What's wrong Demiurge?!" -asked the doppelgänger- "Ainz-sama knew it, he knew it and he warned me! But I stupidly misinterpreted his warning! Now it all makes sense!" The demon turned and gave an order to the closest group of SD. "You five, go immediately, warn the rest of the leaders to hurry everything to the maximum, we have to leave as soon as possible!" With their orders received, the five shadows disappeared immediately, at that moment Pandora interrupted, he wanted to understand what her partner was talking about. "What's going on Demiurge?!, what is that all about?!" "I'll explain later, we have to hurry, we must get out of here as quickly as possible!" Hey? What's wrong? Suddenly they started to move much faster, I think the one in the yellow suit noticed me a while ago, or am I wrong? A little over an hour later, they had finished their homework and began to leave. Mhn? Now they are leaving? What strange creatures, they did nothing, they only saw everything and they left, what?, Ooooh, so they were the ones who prevented me from seeing beyond myself, how curious. Immediately after they finished combing the entire castle, Demiurge activated the special function of the wardrobe and when opening it a portal was active behind the doors of this, and immediately everyone evacuated the castle. Once they were on the other side, they were on the outskirts of Nazarick, a security measure in case the portal was activated by accident, they all immediately headed towards the entrance. A task that was expected to be completed in 24 hours, had to be shortened to only 16 hours, but Demiurge did not want to risk the entire mission by staying longer without knowing exactly the extent of the consciousness of the tree of harmony. Damn, that was a colossal oversight, worst of all, I did it even after Ainz-sama warned me, I'm AN IMBECILE! The Archdemon's thoughts were quite charged with self-loathing, the anger on his face was evident to everyone who crossed his path, upon reaching the entrance of the first floor, he ordered all the groups to take all the information to the library, so that was processed as soon as possible, meanwhile, he went to his master's quarters, he should report his discoveries immediately, at the entrance Yuri had informed him that Ainz was in his room, catching up with the reports of the tomb Behind his luxurious desk, the supreme ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick was at work. *Shigh* Aaaaaaaggrrrr, although it hasn't been long since I've been out of Nazarick, a lot of work has been piled up! After this thought, the Overlord stealthily directed his gaze to the servant who was standing near the wall, it was Lumiere, one of the homunculus servants, her hair was of a radiant golden color, a flirtatious hair clip from Pink color made sure her view was not obstructed by her long bangs, her soft brown eyes were accented by stylized glasses with a thin burgundy frame and her face was crowned with a friendly smile, the uniform she wore It was the classic English model from the Victorian era but with slight touches of modernity, this had a long skirt, a white apron with lace that reached almost to the hem and a fitted jacket that did not cover the chest, revealing the white blouse that was worn underneath. and on her head was a lace headdress and although at first glance her uniform seemed simple, there was nothing further from reality, the attention given to the small details was impressive. Ah right, White Brim-san was a perfectionist when it comes to maids, I wonder if he still continue to torture his assistants with his level of detail? Suddenly, an abrupt knock on the door took him out of his musings, a moment later, with permission already granted, Lumiere allowed the applicant to enter, the face of concern and anger that he wore made the Overlord nervous. Eh? What's wrong? Has something bad happened? But the Overlord was not prepared for what happened. "I AM SO SORRY AINZ-SAMA, MY SIN IS UNFORGIVEN, I HAVE FAILED YOU!" A Demiurge in a dogeza position was something he thought would ultimately never be able to see. Eeeeeeehh!, but what happened ?! (SE), wait, wait, wait, let's go in parts. "You have returned earlier than expected Demiurge, what has happened?" The voice that spoke with a neutral tone to try to relax the conversation, had the completely opposite effect, for the Archdemon, the calm of his master meant the worst thing that could be, disappointment. "I'm really sorry Ainz-sama, even though you had already warned me about it! I HAVE NO EXCUSE!" Eeeeeeh, what the hell is he talking about? I don't remember giving him any warning about anything! (ES) "Explain." -the overlord spoke, interlocking his hands and leaning slightly forward- This action generated a new surprise for him, since, in doing so, due to his mental uproar, his 'aura of depression and despair' was accidentally activated, which caused the guardian to sweat cold and to had slight spasms. Damn, I made him more nervous!, now what do I do ?! ... Ah, I got it! "Start at the beginning and explain it slowly." By Ulbert-sama, Ainz-sama is extremely upset, he didn't even order me to raise my head! *Glup* During all this exchange, the maid Lumiere was doing two contradictory things at the same time, on the one hand, she was throwing abrasive glances towards the kneeling demon, these had begun as soon as she got over her initial surprise, and in the second instance, she was trembling, this was the first time she saw her master upset. "Y-yes, Ainz-sama," -the Archdemon began- "yesterday you assigned me to form a group, to be in charge of processing the castle of the princess of friendship while she was with you in Canterlot." Mhm, that was his mission for today, but I don't recall giving him any warning or did I? "When you revealed the objectives to me, I misinterpreted your words taking them all as orders, so I am ashamed to admit it, I failed to understand your warning, 'pay special attention to who is watching you'" "That's right, I remember perfectly saying those words to you." But I don't remember they were a warning, I was trying to remind you to be careful not to be seen. "It wasn't until after almost 15 hours on my mission when Pandora's Actor told me that he had felt as if someone were looking at him, while he was looking at a wall, it was until then that I finally understood his words and realized my mistake, You warned me that there was a conscience in the castle and I ignored your words, you already knew it and did not listen to it correctly, I am very sorry! " WHAT?! (SE), no, wait, this doesn't make sense, keep listening. "Although I had already seen the signals, the fact that the elements chose their bearers, the fact that the castle was born instead of being built, or the missions that the map in the throne room can summon and send whoever, or- " "Demiurge" -interrupted the overlord when he had finally managed to control himself and disable his aura- "Stand up." As soon as the demon carried out the order the Overlord continued. "Did you finish collecting the information?" "Yes Ainz-sama, as soon as I realized my mistake I ordered everything to be sped up to the limit, we finished after just over an hour of forced labor." "And when you retired there was no interference?" "Yes, before we retire we raised security to the maximum." Hhuuufff, thank goodness, it seems that nothing really happened. "No need to worry, everything is within acceptable ranges." "! ...Ainz-sama, I beg your pardon for my daring, but I have made an irreparable mistake, I have been the cause of damaging your plans!" -Insisted the demon- *Shigh* For Heaven’s sake!, he is exaggerating too much, how can I defuse the situation? "Demiurge, let me clarify the following, my plans have not taken any damage." Surprise flooded the face of the guardian and the servant who was present. "The fact that the elements had a consciousness of their own was just a theory, and thanks to your team it has been proven." Please, Demiurge, stop already your disgust, or I will end up tripping over my own words! "In fact, it has been more than that, it has allowed me to give me an idea of ​​its development, I would not be surprised if in the coming months it was able to show itself, but even so, I think it is necessary to monitor its development, furthermore rest assured, you didn't misinterpret my words, actually I intentionally left them ambiguous." Oh, it seems like she's finally calmed down, thank goodness, hufff. At that moment the Archdemon's face finally let go of its frustration and concern, immediately going from surprise to understanding. "I see, now I can understand, you are magnanimous! If I had understood your message correctly I would have contaminated your test results, but then that means ..." Ainz-sama knew that we would be seen, which means that we would expose ourselves as invaders, but that would be contradictory to his previous orders and that is not possible, also, he just said that the capabilities of the tree are expected to change... After processing his master's words in a couple of seconds, the conclusion he reached was something he would never have thought of. "The tree is leveling up! And to think that with so little data you would be able to understand the situation so deeply, you are simply unmatched Ainz-sama, something like that would not even have crossed my mind! Does this mean that the 'tree of harmony' is similar in the race to Punito Moe-sama? I have no fucking idea! "U-umu, although that seems to be the case, I doubt that it is, I think it is something completely different, that is why it is a good idea to keep abreast of its development, you have to know what we face, in addition to keeping us aware of how much it really knows about us, and as an additional objective, registering and investigating something new and unknown, who knows, it can be useful at a later date, that does not matter for now;" -said the Overlord, leaving his pensive posture to focus his attention on his subordinate- "Tell me, anything of interest in Princess Twilight's castle?" "Yes, Ainz-sama, there were many curiosities in the castle, but until I finished processing all the information gathered, I cannot be sure how much is really relevant, however, there were three especially interesting items, a mirror that shares some similarities with the one which is linked to the gifts given to the princesses, according to a quick examination carried out by Pandora's Actor, it is a timed activation portal, in addition, he believes that the instruments that are connected around it work as a kind of forced activation system." "Hooo, interesting, did you find out where it leads?" "Unfortunately we were unable to achieve it, apparently the princess is not as careless as we thought at first, the forced opening system needs a kind of key to be activated apparently." "Mhm, I see, it wouldn't be bad to find it." "Yes, I will make sure to give directions so that the assigned units remain aware; in addition to the mirror, a book emblazoned with the sun was found, this seems to be similar to a skill book between level 25 and 30, however, there was no problem duplicating it, so I doubt that is the case, as soon as the translations are finished, we will know more about it, however, the most curious thing was the table in the castle's throne room, according to what Pandora got, it is a multifunctional object, now that I think about it, I think it is one of the ways that the tree of harmony communicates with the bearers of the elements, it seems to be able to store detailed information about the terrain, according to a report from the units assigned to the princess, the map has been updated recently When comparing the places we realize that I simply add the places that were visited after the storm king attack." Mmmh, it will be that the carriers work not only as extensions and also as explorers, we will have to keep an eye on that. "Excellent work, report all your findings to me as soon as you finish processing the information." "Yes, it will be done as ordered." -The Archdemon replied happily when he saw that his master seemed to think something- Aaaahaa, I wonder what adjustments or new plans Ainz-sama just made. "Now we must start preparations for the day after tomorrow, in the meantime, that tomorrow evening the news of the regime change is announced, as well as the victory parade that will take place, also, that Tempest meets with the General prisoners to take full control of the armies, you have to take out the garbage before it stinks, I leave the details in your hands. " Hearing his master's new orders, a macabre smile appeared on Demiurge's face. "If you allow me to inquire, you want to leave a deep impression and that impression must be one of amazement, envy, and terror, or am I wrong?" "Mhm, you're correct, that's all for the moment, if you need anything contact me, you can leave." Wait, did I hear badly, or did she say envy? Naa it can't be, that envy has to do with the victory parade. The Archfiend bowed and left his master's room with a smile on his face, sinking into thought as he walked through the corridors of the ninth floor. Ainz-sama is simply incomparable, that was a great opportunity to ask the scope of his plans, but I lost it because I was a mess *shigh*, but well, thanks to my master I have managed to locate a defect in my way of reasoning things, it's as great as it is misery- At that moment, both the thoughts and the body of the guardian froze on the spot, he had just realized something that was not surprising. Ainz-sama had already realized my problem before... and gave me a task in which I would fail... all while fulfilling an important objective and a secondary objective... further more all while undergoing a test to make me see my mistake and correct it! "Wonderful! He is definitely the definition of insurmountable!" Demiurge's sudden scream surprised the masked butler who was passing by at that moment, causing him to throw what he carried in his arms in surprise, the masked man was one of the male servants who resided on the ninth floor, with an European butler standard suit and with a robust complexion without being too muscular or too thin, his head was covered with a balaclava, his only difference between these being the color of the ornament on the bow of his uniform, as for his cargo, this had a totally different problem, although now he was knocked out on the ground a couple of meters away, it was easy to differentiate it, it was a human-bird race, although its appearance was more similar to that of a rock jumping penguin, whose most outstanding physical feature were the curly feathers that were found on the sides of its head, likewise there were a few more below its beak, although these, unlike the first, looked more like a beard, these were united halfway through a bow brooch, similar to that of the butlers. "Aaatatatatatatatata, but who dares to attack the future lord of the great tomb of Nazarick!" The cry of annoyance from the penguin who was lying on the ground rubbing his head with one fin while using the other to get up finally brought the demon out of his fantasies. "Ah, but if it's the assistant butler, I haven't seen you in a while." It was Eclair Ecleir Eicleir, a creation of one of the members of Ainz Ooal Gown, in his adjustments was a fervent desire to occupy the throne of Nazarick, (but these adjustments had been written as a joke) despite his ego being so inflated and his exaggerated self-esteem, he vehemently respected the 41 supreme beings just like the rest. "Oh, but if it's Demiurge-san, it's true, we haven't met in a long time, but tell me, what's the fuss about?" "I was just lost admiring the greatness of the supreme beings." "Well that's perfectly normal, after all, they are great." At that precise moment, the penguin's face stopped being neutral, he lowered his head a little and one of the corners of his beak turned upwards, forming a smug expression on his face, while with a somewhat low voice he muttered. "But when I am finally the ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick, I will surpass them all." Ah, right, you are like that, you were created that way by Ankoro Mocchi Mochi-sama -thought the demon- "Ooooh, and how do you plan to achieve it?" "Cleaning, of course!" -the penguin extended his right fin and the hooded butler handed him a small comb, with which, in an exaggerated movement, he fixed his hairstyle- "No one in all of Nazarick can clean like me, I'll leave the bathrooms so clean and shiny that you will be able to eat in them! " "Marvelous!" -Demiurge replied happily, as the hooded butler picked up the penguin again- "I apologize, but I must continue with the execution of my plan, there is much to clean, HAHahahahahahaha." When Tempest was ordered to meet with the generals of the empire, she thought they would send her back to the capital, so it was an absolute surprise when she was informed that they were on the fifth floor, when she reached the entrance of it, a female similar to the supervisor was waiting for her but without horns or wings, she had bluish skin, her pupils had a milky gray color, while her long hair was as dark as night, her clothing had a style similar to that of dresses Traditional Neighpones and was pure white, it was one of Cocytus' servants, a [Frost Virgin], a level 85 monster which brought her to the current location, the frozen prison, inside two creatures more easily awaited her identifiable as Demiurge's subordinates, It can be said that the floor seemed beautiful to her, but judging by the amount of ice, without his current equipment, she would surely freeze to death in less than half an hour, however, inside the prison, the temperature was cold but stable and the humidity was very marked. "Wake up lazy, or are you planning on sleeping the rest of the day ?!" The unicorn spoke with a harsh voice to the four figures on the ground, these, upon hearing her, began to wake up. "Uuuughnn, mhn ?, *ghasph* Commander Tempest!, wake up idiots, the commander has come for us! They are finally rescuing us!" Callista's joy did not last long, because as soon as Jaidev paid attention to the unicorn, he knew that something was wrong and he warned the rest with his words. "Everyone, stay alert! I don't think the 'commander' has come to free us." The Naga spoke cautiously without taking his eyes off the unicorn, this caused the others to shake off their remaining sleep, then the difference was clear and who gave voice to the question in the minds of the rest, was Strong Horn. "Fiuuuuu, tell me 'commander', from were does that armor come from and where is your usual equipment?" -said the minotaur with a frown- "Oh, this?..." -asked Tempest with an innocent face as she put a helmet on her chest- "this is my new outfit, I received it as part of my promotion." "I see the storm king fixed your horn as well as promoting you." The Medusa interrupted, finally paying more attention to the unicorn. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble Calista, but the promotion and my current armor, do not come from of that fraud," -the unicorn's tone changed to an aggressive one as she frowned- "I'm sure that idiot must be wishing with everything his heart receiving death right now,"-back to his neutral tone-" well that's if at least a quarter of what I've heard about Neuronist is true, no, who gave me this amazing equipment and my current position was someone much bigger, my new master is not a mere mortal, he is a true supreme being, he restored my horn as if it were something trivial, even though the same princesses of Equestria said it was impossible." At this moment the naga interrupted. "I understand, what does your new master have planned for us then? He has already replaced us so I don't see what prompted him to keep us alive." "It is quite simple, in his mercy, Ainz-sama decided to give all of you a chance, all you have to do is swear loyalty and service, if you do so it is possible that your position will even be returned to them, otherwise your fate is uncertain. " "Are you crazy?! You're turning your back on the storm king!" The minotaur yelled angrily and tried to attack her, but was stopped short after his second step by the chains on his wrists and neck. But Tempest's response left them frozen by the amount of hatred with which was spoken, it practically dripped poison. "That wretch betrayed me! As soon as he got what he wanted, he told me, he was simply using me!" Hearing it, Jaidev and Callista were surprised, while Strong Horn and Frienze exchanged glances with a smile, after a moment, the centaur spoke. "It took time for you to realize 'commander', so you could finally recognize how delusional you are hahahahahaAHAHAHA." Incredible, Demiurge-sama was correct, this test actually revealed the traitors. The unicorn's surprised face was misinterpreted as a shock by the prisoners, but the centaur's laugh and the minotaur's mocking face were abruptly crushed by the smile on Tempest's face and her next words. "Congratulations Callista and Jaidev, you passed the test, you will be interviewed, and it is possible that you will regain your positions," -she focused her eyes again on those who until a moment ago had been laughing and now had a confused face- "as for You two won't be as lucky." From the door of the cell that was still open, two bipedal figures entered, one looked like a dragon, but its wings were covered with fire, while the other looked more like the hatchlings that had captured them, but the face and the wings on its back indicated that it was a totally different race. "All of my master's servants despise betrayal, so the two of you will be taken to a special place, enjoy your own hell, and the demon lord's Wrath and Greed will take you there personally." When they heard Tempest's words, they couldn't believe it, they all had the same question in their minds, 'demons? Are those really demons?', The question kept repeating itself in the minds of the Naga and Medusa, even when their companions were unchained and dragged like hatchlings throwing tantrums, it wasn't until the screams faded down the hall that Jaidev regained his sanity to ask the only question he was able to ask. "But, *Glup* Who is your new master who is capable of controlling demons?" "A supreme being, one who is above the gods themselves, even above life and death themselves, 'The Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown-sama." It goes without saying that in the capital of the empire of storms it was an absolute surprise when a regime change was announced, when the news began to spread, many rumors arose, from the most curious to the craziest, some said that the diarchy and The storm king had killed each other in battle, others said they had married and now the empire of storms was part of Equestria, among all the rumors there were only two things that were certain for the population or anyone who was not part of the army, neither would they miss him, nor would they wish for his return and second, the new king was a very powerful sorcerer. The next evening after the news was released, the main street of the capital was completely packed, as a triumphal march of the victor had been announced, on the faces of the inhabitants there was a strange mixture of hope and fear, in front Of the formation a group of gorillas that acted as soldiers of the storm king advanced, but everything turned to terror as soon as they saw the second section of soldiers, at first, when they saw them in the distance, they all marveled at the thick and strong armor of golden color adorned with a blood-red cape that was carried by those who were undoubtedly part of the new troops, however, the closer the details became clearer, the gold-clad ones carried the heraldry of the new king in a banner on high, It was the Master guards of Nazarick, more when they finally got close enough the faces of the observers were filled with terror, since they were non-existent, there was only bone with rotten flesh under the armor. The third part of the column of the march only affirmed the opinion that, what was parading in front of them were not living creatures, just behind the incarnations of brutality that were the Death Knight appeared a well-known figure, Commander Tempest Shadow was at the head of what was undoubtedly the royal escort, it was easy to identify this since the creatures in this section completely captured the attention of all those attending the parade and to the center of them a palanquin was transported, just behind Tempest walked A female that could easily be considered beautiful by any race and the envy of all minotaur females, she was decked out in a beautiful pure white dress with gold ornaments and exquisite jewelry, behind her advanced the royal purple palanquin,This was adorned with wine red curtains and intricate gold details, inside was the new king, even when the curtains were open, held by golden ropes at the edges, only those who saw the palanquin from the front could see the face of their new ruler and they were terrified of him. The red flames in his eye sockets were the only indication that it was not a simple corpse, everyone who saw those red flames felt a mixture of terror and amazement, it was the first time they felt the overwhelming presence of a creature like this, these sensations were amplified by the Death Knight who carried the palanquin, and immediately behind it, a group of 10 females and 10 males advanced in uniforms of maids and butlers, the maid-servants were led by what seemed to be a mixture of one of the females and a diamond dog, while the butlers were led by what appeared to be a male of the same species as the maids but somewhat older judging by his white mane and beard, as well as his somewhat wrinkled face, it was Pestonya Shortcake Wanko and Sebas Tian, ​​finally, closing the parade, a group of at least 60 Death Knight was flanked by a group of 80 ancient guards. The entire parade passed without incident or interference, which was mainly due to the shock in which numerous of those attending the parade stayed, and when they arrived in front of the palace; all the soldiers were formed in equal parts on both sides of the palanquin, only a couple of steps behind to the left of it, the servants formed in a continuous line, while the female with wings on her waist and Commander Tempest were to the right, almost half of the parade attendees, (mainly those not in the front row) mustered enough courage or curiosity to follow the parade, and once on the castle grounds, these mighty men received the first reward from their new king. Seeing the size of the group that entered the castle courtyard, Ainz became extremely nervous. Uwwaaaahhh, what is this, aren't there too many? How bad was the previous king's government? *shigh* I was hoping that hardly anyone would really come. Even without having an esophagus or salivary glands, Ainz felt the need to swallow, when his nerves reached the limit, his ES was activated, he took a deep breath and left the palanquin with all the royal bearing he could. The villagers murmured about the appearance of the seated figure, but all noise ceased as soon as it moved, being in front of everyone, the clear and authoritative voice of the Overlord was heard. "People, there are several announcements to give, first of all, the storm king has been deposed for his pathetic administrative abilities, as of today, I am your new ruler, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!" He made a small pause, and when there was no reaction from those present, he continued. "Second, this realm has changed its name, the realm of storms has wiped out its previous king, this is now the Sorcerer realm!" This time there was a reaction, there was shock and disbelief on the faces of those present and if the denial was not present, it was because everyone could see Commander Tempest to Albedo's right. "Third, my kingdom will not be one of terror! Anyone who wants to leave will be allowed to do so, but know that whoever leaves now will not be allowed to return later." He allowed a moment for the news to be processed and the murmurs resumed. "And lastly, know that there will be many changes!" When the hubbub increased and all the attention was back to the front, Albedo spoke up. "Everyone bow down to your new lord!" Hearing these words, the crowd composed of multiple races of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and some quadrupeds, hesitated a bit and crossed their eyes with each other, but they obeyed as soon as they felt the thirst for blood emanating from the female next to the king and a Once everyone had complied with the order, it continued. "Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, may his kingdom be eternal!" As soon as the succubus finished speaking, everyone present understood her purpose and repeated the phrase. "" Long live Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, may his kingdom be eternal! "" Soo yeah if you're curiouse about the Equestrian bussnes proposal it can be sumarized as: They were simply not prepared to be able to do a counter-proposal, they were just beating around the bush for a while before accepting. > The crude reality Third part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the long hours of debate on the points that the treaties would cover finally culminated and when the Sorcerer King retired after telling them that he would receive their answer in two months when they met again at the summit of the creatures, all was silent for a moment, This had been the last surprise they had received during the Overlord's visit that day, after which they decided that it would be best to rest and clear their minds to continue discussing the matter the next day, plus Cadence and Shining Armor announced that the latter had to return to the crystal empire to verify that everything was in order. The next morning, the princesses quietly shared breakfast until the youngest broke it. *Shigh* "This is very disturbing, how could he have found out about the summit of the creatures? It is simply impossible!, the date was long ago!" "We have been thinking about it all night and we think we have found the answer." After this comment, they all threw glances at the princess of the night that said 'well? What is it?' "The Storm King was taken prisoner, at least as far as we know, I consider it highly likely that he got such information from him." Leaving her cutlery on the plate after finishing her last bite, the Sun Monarch continued. "I don't know Luna, I don't think the storm king shared information that easily or at least not without ulterior motives." After finishing the last of her tea, the princess of love gave her own opinion. "I agree with Luna, if we consider what he is capable of doing without even touching someone *trembling* and considering the last thing he said about it, I don't even want to imagine what he is capable of doing to someone who falls on his hooves. , err, you understand." After seeing her former babysitter shudder a second time, the Princess of Friendship came up with her conclusions. "I think you are correct, after thinking about it a little it is something quite logical, if he took the kingdom of storms, it is certain that he has or is consulting all the available information, at least that is what I would do, *shigh* but, I just don't get it, what is his goal? " "What do you mean Twilight?" -asked Celestia curiously- "It is that I cannot understand the actions of the Sorcerer King, that is, he certainly has the power to destroy anyone who gets in his way (AN: Twilight is talking about military power since she is thinking about the guards who protected her and her friends) And it's certainly not a problem for him to do so judging by the casual way of taking lives he has, *trembling* and yet he ordered protection for my friends and myself, he also decided to save Equestria from the attack, and above all, he has proposed an extremely favorable trade agreement!" *Shigh* "I understand and share your concern Twilight, in fact, both Luna and I do, last night I couldn't get to sleep, so I talked to my sister for several more hours and after thinking about it we got to a conclusion." "We believe that it is very likely that it has something to do with how his new kingdom will be seen in the international arena," -continued the princess of the night- "we reached this conclusion after reviewing the little we got from Storm King, in the International field was seen as a looter and opportunist, in short, he was seen as someone evil." "When we agree on this, we move on to the next point," -continued the monarch of the sun- "he saved us from being conquered, why? When we asked ourselves this question after having reached the previous conclusion, we believe we have unraveled some of his intentions, if he had simply taken over the empire of storms, he would only have been regarded by all nations as 'the new evil ruler' of the 'evil empire', instead, when he saved us, he put himself in the spotlight of all the nations that visited us as 'the righteous king' who came to dethrone 'the evil king', after understanding this point and continuing to argue about it, my sister and I are sure of something else." "The Sorcerer King is extremely intelligent, so this cannot be his only goal, even though we are not able to see another one at the moment." -finished the princess of the night- When the conversation ended, Luna retired to rest while the remaining stayed to continue discussing the terms in the treaty of the Sorcerer King, the discussion extended until late in the afternoon, when they decided to take a break to eat, after which they decided that the best thing would be to continue studying the proposal separately and meet again in three weeks to make a decision. In the great tomb of Nazarick, four figures moved in deep silence, the reason for this silence was different for each one, at the head of the group was Tempest, who walked in silence out of respect for the supreme beings, behind her stood Jaidev and Callista who were sliding, the first one could not whisper a word because he was trying to understand what was happening, they had just been transported through a portal again; only this time they were brought to a magnificent room, and they were about to meet the new master of Tempest, for the Medusa the matter was completely different, she was speechless by the magnificence of the room, as well as by the beauty and quality of everything around her, everything was on a whole different level, at least judging by the sensation that their scales registered on the carpet on which they were sliding, finally, the fourth figure that walked behind them, closing the diamond formation, and it was the one that caused the majority of the silence, with their almost eight feet tall, what followed them was an incarnation of the word violence with the naked eye, so they had no desire to check the unicorn's words, 'This Death Knight was created by Ainz-sama, and he has specific orders to assist me in your escort, his orders are to obey me and take care of you if you make any strange movements.' As they reached the entrance to the throne room, the figure standing by the door snapped them out of their thoughts as they spoke. "Oh, did you come back so soon, Tempest? Aah, I see that demon was truly right." "Good evening Chrysalis, is there a new order from Demiurge-sama?" The two viperine were surprised, the figure by the door was exactly how the stories described changelings, an insectoid-looking pony with holes in the limbs, fangs, and a forked tongue, there were only two things that did not add up, her height, she was much taller than a normal pony, and the eyes, instead of being compound, were regular with vertical pupils. "I swear every time he's right I get the creeps *shudder* brrrrr, no, they just sent me to verify who they were and what their choice would be." The unicorn accepted the changeling queen's reasons with a nod. "Fine, then let's not make Ainz-sama wait any longer." With this the group went ahead with a changeling in front, seeing the throne room for the first time, the Medusa couldn't keep silent, while the Naga did not remove his gaze from the back of the room, where it was a huge throne that seemed to be cut from a single gigantic obsidian crystal. As soon as they arrived in front of the throne Chrysalis bowed and went to the right of the room, while Tempest stood at the foot of the throne, gave a quick but stern glance to her former companions, who had been stunned to be faced with something they could not understand, for a moment they thought that the unicorn had gone mad, but all thought stopped in its tracks when the skeleton sitting on the throne spoke. "Ainz-sama, I have brought those who had some honor as per your orders." "M-mhn, good job, you can get up." It must be Demiurge's thing, but this is quite curious, without a doubt they are a Naga and a Medusa, but from what I see they are very low level, between 25 and 30, exaggerating, but why aren't they humanoid? Instead of that, they are mixed with near humanoid races, why? With permission received, the unicorn, as well as the DK accompanying her, rose, bowed, and joined the Changeling. Okay, let's get started, hopefully, everything goes the way I want. -Ainz thought, but when he was about to speak Albedo beat him to it- "Insolent worms, you are in the presence of a supreme being, know your place, bow down before the Sorcerer King!" The succubus thirst for blood brought them out of their stupor and they obeyed immediately due to the terror they felt and just like that, the pressure disappeared as soon as they obeyed leaving nothing behind but two viperine breathing with great difficulty. Returning to her usual smile, the overseer of the guardians turned to her master and bowing slightly, spoke. "They are ready for you Ainz-sama" Ignoring the awkward moment, the Overlord began to speak. "Hmm, you have been brought here for a simple and straightforward reason... you may still be of some use, your administrative skills are at least above mediocre, and most importantly, you do know what honor is." The first to manage to mutter a word with some coherence and volume was Jaidev who without raising his head for fear of falling into fault or losing the little temper he had managed to gather, spoke. * Glup * "I-I apologize, your m-majesty, but wh-who are you? I have never heard the t-title of 'Sorcerer King' before Your Highness." "Raise your heads... that has a fairly simple answer, you have not heard about me because there is no one who has heard it in eons, so it could be said that the title is recent, and as for who I am," -Ainz activate his 'Aura of Depression and Despair', the effect 'Aura of Chaos' and the 'halo of darkness', in short, he activated all his visual effects- "I am the master of life and death, I am Ainz Ooal Gown!" -The Overlord stood up as he said his name to accentuate his point- "Everyone who serves me accesses a bonanza outside his imagination, whoever opposes me, knows infinite bitterness and despair!" He finished his sentence by squeezing the staff in his right hand causing his visual effect of suffering souls to be activated while he maintained his pose of 'supreme Overlord No. 1', it goes without saying that the impact was tremendous, Jaidev and Callista prostrated themselves again immediately, only this time they were trembling uncontrollably, even Chrysalis trembled in her place where she prostrated herself thoughtlessly, while mentally thanking herself for having understood who the true predator was and that it was stupid to fight the skeleton with much less pressure. While for Tempest, the feeling was somewhat comforting, while at the same time thinking: 'There is Ainz-sama for you, only an idiot would not recognize his greatness, Ha! If they knew that this is only a part of the strength of the supreme ruler of Nazarick.' Seeing them again prostrate and trembling with fear was an unexpected development. Wait, what? Why are they shaking?... well yes, I wanted to leave an unforgettable image in their minds, but not scare them to death!... description... shit, I forgot that everything obeys their description, * shigh * well let's get this over with or they'll pass out. "Well? What will your decision be? Will you serve me or will you oppose me?" It had been a pretty heavy week for Twilight, supervising the festival, the attack, the escape, the capture, the rescue, and the negotiations, but finally, she felt that she could relax a little, there was only one last thing pending, before leaving Canterlot she had sent a message to Spike to gather her friends at the castle when the train finally stopped at Poniville's platform, she trotted towards the castle while being flanked by her escort. *Shigh* There is no doubt that it is possible to get used to everything, I hardly notice the escort anymore. As these thoughts crossed her mind, she ran into her ward along the way. "Hey Starlight!" "Mhn? Oh, how are you Twilight, how did the reunion go?" * Shigh * "To tell the truth, a lot of things happened, that's why I asked Spike to get all the girls to the castle this morning, I'm going to inform them of everything, I think it's convenient for you all to know." "So it's good that we met, I was not aware, I was accompanying Trixie and I'm just arriving too." "Good then-" The conversation was cut short by the effusive reception of her friends and assistant who were standing at the entrance of the castle, since they had continued walking while talking, they arrived without realizing to their destination; the conversation remained stuck on unimportant topics until they entered the throne room, Twilight, who was leading the group, was the first to notice the difference. "Wow, did this all happen while we were out?" In front of her, the map that previously only covered Equestria, now stretched beyond its edges, seeing it, the expressions of the others did not wait. "Ugh, here's that dirty town where they almost sold us." -Said the dressmaker with annoyance- As she watched her friend express her displeasure, Dash hovered over the table until a detail caught her attention. * Ghasph * "Here's Captain Celaeno's ship, she and her pirates were great!" -But his comment only earned neutral stares- "ehem, well while they weren't throwing us overboard." -He said with some pity- The next to speak was the party pony. "Hey look, here's Mount Aris and Seaquestria!" For most of the whole group, the first to notice something strange was Applejack. "But what spoiled apples 's that?" Her exclamation gained the attention of everyone present. "What's up Applejack?" -asked the alicorn- "THAT!" To everyone's surprise, at the point where the farmer was pointing with her hoof, on the west side of the prairies, a wide area abruptly ceased to be desert and became a veritable prairie, but what had truly called the attention was the figure that appeared to be a statue, the surprise was on everyone's face as Twilight tried to assemble the new pieces in her puzzle. That is... no, it can't be!, it's impossible! -the alicorn's gaze was directed further to the south of the map, there was what was surely now the Sorcerer kingdom- This means that his kingdom already has a border with Equestria! But if the scale of the map is almost exact, how did they build a statue of that size? And where did they get the stone for it? That thing must be at least 30 meters high! At that moment she remembered what Luna had asked during the first meeting. It's true, I remember now!, Luna said that strange dreams had occurred in the south and the Sorcerer King did not deny the involvement of his subordinates completely! Everyone was worried, the alicorn had already had her mouth ajar for a long time and her gaze fixed on the figurine that represented Ainz. "TWILIGHT!" With a cry, the little dragon snapped the princess of friendship out of its mental loop. "huh? What? How? Sorry hehe, what were you saying, Spike?" *Shigh* "I was wondering if you know what it means for that figurine to be there." "To tell the truth I'm not entirely sure, but I can get an idea, also, I doubt that it is a figurine, I think it is the representation of a statue, take a good look at its base." When everyone followed the instruction of the alicorn, they were again speechless, the statuette seemed to still be forming at its base, but before anyone could interrupt she continued. "This only accentuates my decision, *shigh* we alone will not be able to solve all the friendship problems that arise, long trips are becoming more and more common, in addition, with the appearance of the Sorcerer King, the need to be united and cooperating has intensified more than ever." She looked at all her friends and realizing that they all had a continuous positive expression. "I have an idea that could solve the problem, but I will need your help to make it work." The response she received from everyone was quite simple, but from the heart, everyone exchanged glances for a moment between them to finally fix all eyes with a smile on their face on the alicorn, then Rarity took the floor for the entire group. "My dear, you can always count on us for anything." Twilight looked fondly at everyone hearing that she had their full support, but before she could say anything, AJ spoke up. "You have all our support, sugar-cube." (You have all our support, lumpy) "Now spit it out Twi, what do you have between hooves." -finished Rainbow- After taking a deep breath to control her emotions, the alicorn continued speaking. "We are in severe need of having all creatures one hundred percent, in addition to promoting good relations between all species, in short, we must ensure that as many creatures as possible know the magic of friendship." As she spoke, everyone nodded indicating that they agreed with the idea. "And the only way to do it is by teaching them, that's why I plan to found the school of friendship!" *GHASP* "The most, great idea of ​​history!" "Thank you very much Pinkie, but to make this idea work I will need your help, after all, there can be no better teachers in the field than us," -said the alicorn with a smug expression on her face that lasted only a few seconds- "I will be the director, I will take care of all the paperwork and prepare the study program, it will be up to you how to teach the classes." After the princess's words, the throne room was filled with excitement, after letting them talk for a while, Twilight decided it was time to address more bitter issues. *Shigh* "Girls, there is another topic I want to discuss with all of you." The change in her friend's attitude was so drastic that all conversation stopped immediately. "The meeting with the Sorcerer King revealed several things, but there are only two that concern me the most, the first is that we were never alone during our trip to Mount Aris." Confusion was evident on the mares faces. "But what are you saying? We were alone all the time, no one helped us!" -answered the hoarse voice of the speedster- "I understand your disbelief Rainbow, to tell the truth, I thought the same as you, but the truth was completely different." "A' don't understand sweetheart, how could they have been near us without being seen? a' mean, creatures like that are not easy to ignore." -Doubt tinged the voice of the farmer when she spoke- *Ghasp* "They can be turned fully invisible!" "Pinkie darling please don't be ridiculous, that's just impossible." -said the dressmaker throwing a slight grimace of annoyance at the party pony- "As a fact, Rarity, the reality is even stranger" -upon hearing her friend's words the alabaster unicorn gasped- "apparently the Sorcerer King has subordinates capable of literally becoming one with the shadows, the statement that they were with us all the time sustains itself, the captain of the group was with me until the day of the meeting and all the information he gave agrees with what happened." "Wait, wait, hold on your horses, since when did they are with us?" -The farmer interrupted- "No, the most important question is: Are they still here?" -exclaimed the cyan pegasus while looking accusingly at her own shadow- "No, they are no longer with us, during the meeting the Sorcerer King ordered Red, the captain of the group, to gather the rest of his troop and leave with him at the end of the meeting; as to how long they were with us, I'm not entirely sure, I was so shocked that I do not remember it, but I'm sure it was sometime before the attack on Canterlot." The more they listened, Fluttershy and Pinkie were more and more serious or immersed in their memories, while the farmer spoke again. "Are you telling me that those vermin have been with us all the time? And they didn't do a hay to help us!" -she raise her angry voice- "This is linked to the second point I wanted to discuss," -Twilight took a deep breath to calm herself, it was all over and she didn't want to yell or make her friends feel bad- Seeing the alicorn's actions, Applejack's anger quickly faded and was replaced by curiosity. "Captain Red, with the authorization of the Sorcerer King, revealed to us what his orders were, the troops that followed us had instructions to report our status, they should not be seen for any reason and could not intervene unless our life or ability to move was at risk." "HA! And we are so amazing that they didn't even get a chance to intervene." -the polychromatic pegasus said smugly as she thrust her chest out and wiped her right hoof on it- But the interruption was immediately countered with annoyance. "No Rainbow Dash, we are not!" The answer caused surprise in all those present, and after the brief pause that caused the start, the alicorn continued with a voice that could not hide the pain in her heart. "They intervened more times than I wish it had been necessary." "Twilight dear, are you trying to tell us that we would have been captured much earlier?" -Rarity asked with concern- But the response she received at first was no more than a whisper. *Mumble mumble* "I'm sorry dear, but we couldn't hear you, what did you say?" "I said *mumble mumble*" "Ehehe, I'm truly sorry, but could you repeat it?" But the answer was something far beyond what they imagined. "I SAID IF IT WASN'T FOR THEM WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD!" *GHASPH* (collective) "THEY SAVED US IN THE DESERT, FOR THEM I COULD SAVE PINKIE, AND THEY SAVED YOU!" These revelations plunged the room into deep silence for almost a full minute, during which time all that was heard was the princess's sobs. *Sob sob sniff hic* "I-I almost lost you all m-more than o-once." As she continued to sob, she suddenly felt herself being embraced by gentle hooves and enveloped by warm wings. "Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, that's it, it's all over, none of us were hurt." While Fluttershy consoled her friend, the little dragon approached and with its claws took one of the princess's hooves. "Calm down Twilight, that is now behind us and we are all safe and sound." At that moment, the rest were finally able to react and they all approached the alicorn to give her their support, after the emotional moment, she was finally able to calm down. "Twilight, I know maybe I'm asking too much, but I think everyone should know the whole story." -the little dragon suggested- "Yes Spike, *sob* I think *hic* you're right, *shigh* thank you all very much, I'm sorry I worried you, I feel better now." They all returned to their seats, but not without first reaffirming their support in their way, an extra squeeze, a tap on the shoulder, a pat on the back, or an extra tight hug. "Heeee, fuuuuuuu… well, this is how it all truly happened." A long conversation that was dominated by questions and answers dominated the room, lasted for several hours, until after lunch, when the questions finally stopped, all of them tried to process everything they had heard, the first of the group in Overcoming the shock was Fluttershy, to everyone's surprise. "Um, well then that explains a lot of things." "Errr, what are you talking about Shy?" -asked the polychromatic pegasus. - "Mhm? Oh!" -When realizing that she speaked aloud, the element of kindness proceeded to explain- "well, you see, a little more than a week ago many of my furry friends told me they had inexplicable fear sometimes as if a hungry predator was watching them, also when I started to receive animals in the festival nursery, it took a little longer than usual to calm the animals, also, during the trip to Mount Aris, when we fainted in the desert, for a second I thought I heard a voice with reverberation and when we were about to be attacked in Klugetown, for a brief moment I thought I saw menacing yellow eyes in our shadows. " Hearing this, the pink pony decided it was a good time to put up her two bits. "Hey, now that you mention it I saw them too, but I wasn't sure I hadn't imagined it." This finally allowed the rest to come out of the trance and the next to speak was the element of honesty. "Well, a'... then, should we be grateful or do y'a know, worry that those things are out there?" *Shigh* "I don't know Applejack, that's what the princesses and I are trying to decide, he gave us some time to think before giving him an answer." "What do you mean 'gave us time' dear?" -interrupted the dressmaker with curiosity- "Since we couldn't reach an agreement between the four of us, he made us a proposal." FLASHBACK "Mmmnh, apparently you are stuck and it is already a bit late, surely you are tired, mmmm ... I know it, since I do not need an immediate answer we will do it as follows, if I remember correctly, the summit of the creatures would took place in about two months, so I will receive your response during this one, this will give you enough time to think it over calmly." The surprise on the princesses' faces was quite obvious, who gave voice to the thought of the rest, was the princess of love. "Creature Summit... only takes place... every five years, how... how is it... what do you know about it?" The Overlord stared at the pink alicorn for a moment, and the answer they received the next moment made their mane stand on end. "Hehehehe, that's easy to deduce, isn't it? After all, if I'm a king I must be aware of everything that happens or is going to happen around me, isn't it?" The nerves were on the surface in the alicorns, Celestia took a deep breath, took a look at the others, from them she received slight nods in acceptance and then answered. "We appreciate your understanding, Sorcerer King, we'll take you at your word then." "Well then we are retiring, I'm sure Red and his team should have returned by now, hmm, Queen Novo should be in the castle by now, umu, Lieutenant Solar Flare!" "YES!" With a conditional salute, which was given without even thinking to the Overlord's commanding voice, the unicorn replied, when the soldier by the door realized what had just happened, he was first embarrassed, but immediately afterward froze so what his action meant. How do he know my name? -was the question that flooded the unicorn's mind- But the surprise did not last as the next words from the skeleton continued to flow. "Queen Novo and Princess Skystar should already be waiting in the surrounding corridors, show them to the throne room, we are about to retire." As he had no choice so as not to embarrass himself or the princesses, without saying a word, he gave a nervous look at the diarchy and when they nodded, the lieutenant gave a quick salute and went out to comply with the request, it must be said that the rest of the princesses were simply stunned, not only because he had given orders to one of their soldiers, but also because he knew his name, meanwhile, Albedo's smile took on a mocking tone. END OF FLASHBACK "So we all decided that the best thing would be to accept the offer, that way we would have more time to reason the points of the treaty and we would meet later to continue discussing them, the idea is to meet as many times as necessary before the summit of the creatures." At that moment, the door opened and Spike entered pushing a service cart, he had left the room in the middle of the question and answer session to prepare something to eat. "The food is ready!" With this, they all stopped talking and began to enjoy the food prepared by the little dragon. In the now Sorcerer realm, the master of death was sitting on his provisional throne in the palace that would soon be demolished to erect one more suited to his great presence, of course, this was simply the opinion of his subordinates, Ainz got tired of trying to dissuade them about it. "Mmmh, I see, so the princess has decided to create a school, it seems that she is unconsciously expanding the reach of the tree when leaving the pre-established grounds, that confirms that they work as indirect extensions of the tree of harmony, tell me Albedo, ¿ Has any new information about it been obtained from the documents recovered from the castle? " "Yes, Ainz-sama, some information has been obtained, but it does not quite square with the observations made." "Explain yourself" "Yes, the documents indicate that the creators, that is, those who sowed the seed of the tree, were those who are known as the pillars, however, their power and abilities do not match those necessary for the creation or invocation of a creature like the tree of harmony." Ainz took a pensive pose with one of his hands on his chin and his elbow resting on the armrest. Wait, so that group don't do it? So what could have created it? It couldn't have just appeared... no, now that I remember, I think there was a theory that was about something similar, mmm... I think it was... "spontaneous creation", also in Yggdrasil there were monsters that in their description said that they were created from clusters of something, but if so, that means that the pillars were... "simple means, mmh, so what I think was-" At this moment the Overlord glanced at Albedo who was standing to his right. Oh oh, why she has that face, she looks somewhat happy, why is it? Hmm... "Well, for now, we have to concentrate on other things, how is everything concerning the city?" The overseer of the guardians was in the fifth heaven, at least until her master's voice brought her feet back to the ground. Aaaahh, Ainz-sama, my beloved Ainz-sama, I'm not sure at all, but I think I just witnessed his incredible intellect, he already solved the mystery of that tree! "Y-yes, I apologize, I got lost in my thoughts for a moment, ahem, yes, everything is going according to your plans." Hey, what plans are you talking about? "The generals who swore allegiance to you are ready to serve, during these last weeks the doppelgänger have formed resistance with those who are still loyal to the storm king, most of them who have met are soldiers and ex-soldiers, in addition to some civilian or militia, all are being armed with the armor of the old regime, reports indicate that everything will be ready in due course." A malicious smile broke out on the succubus's face. "In order to feed the ranks of the traitors, all the public and military servants who have been found corrupt have been expelled, instead of being executed, the only ones who have been publicly hanged, have been those who had their slaves in deplorable conditions, as per your orders, with which it can be said that the entire system of government has been effectively purged of useless and traitors." What plan are you talking about! "Excellent, then, everything about this plan is going smoothly, is it?" "Indeed Ainz-sama." Come on, say something else, I want to know what plan you are talking about! -The Overlord thought desperately, but seeing that his subordinate would not say anything else, he gave up- "As for Tempest, how are things with her?" "Everything is going smoothly, according to her reports, there have been some attempts to challenge her authority by other races, but the secretary has been in charge of putting them in their place on the spot, after which she has been recognized by all races, she organized patrols around the city with units made up of some gorillas and a Death Knight, this has achieved that incidents or disorder are quickly solved, speaking of security, the legal document that you requested has already been reviewed, both by Demiurge and by me... and Mare, the new laws will be broadly announced over the next two days and will be published for the rest of the week." Ah yes Mare, it was a big surprise when he found the legal holes, hahahaha, Demiurge and Albedo's faces were priceless, they were fully worth it, although the original idea was to get the opinion about it from a simple mind, so the shot did not go wrong only for them, I also got played hehehe. "It is not a simple legal document, it is called a constitution, and we can say that it is the regulation of the nation; then proceed as necessary," -Ainz rose from the throne while saying the last part- "If you need me to make an appearance, call Pandora, contact me only if there is an emergency, it is time for me to close some more deals for my company." Albedo bowed and dismissed her lover with a playful smile. "Yes, have a lot of success ... dar-ling∼❤ Kyaaaaa!" Even though the tone was playful, Ainz felt a chill run down his nonexistent back, even though he was undead, so he decided to heed the alarms in his mind and flee as quickly as possible. "[Gate]" And with a sudden step, he crossed the portal. "Fufufufufu, at any moment my beloved will invite me to his bed, aaaahhhaaaaah∼❤ he has not rejected any of my advances so far, hehehehHAHAHAHA, you see lamprey, I'll be the first!" Fortunately for the sanity of everyone in the palace, the guard outside the throne room at the time consisted of only two DKs. At the train station, a pony with copper-colored fur and a mane bleached by the years was waiting, on his head, a top hat distinguished him, fortunately for him and those who accompanied him, the wait was about to end, the train they were waiting for had just arrived and was in the process of stopping. * FFFSSSSSsssssssshhhh * "AH, Momon Shade, welcome!" Hearing the informal greeting, Naberal wanted to rip off the disrespectful pony's head and it was starting to show when Ainz noticed he rushed to change the subject. "Oh, isn't it Cobbler Mustang! What a pleasant surprise, I didn't expect that we would be greeted personally." "Yes, well, I'm sorry to change the plans in this way, it's just that I wanted to show you my gratitude, after all, thanks to you my business has improved a lot, which has allowed me to advance my goals." "Hehehehe, that was to be expected, his inventions are great and they lighten the work or load of all the ponies, mainly the farmers, to a great extent." "Maybe so, but your idea of ​​adding mana storage crystals as energy sources was what opened the doors of new markets for me, as a fact, that is why I came to receive you, I wanted to invite you to eat at my house to discuss a new business opportunity with you. " "Sounds great to me, but would you mind if we lingered a bit? After all, I came mainly to open the Mustangia store." "Of course it is not a bother, on the contrary, it would be an honor if you allow me to accompany you." "Hahaha, it's decided then, let's go." While the two had been talking, a small army of almost 50 ponies, lowered all the merchandise from the wagons and loaded it into carts to take it to the store, at the same time, the secretary of the company, a slender and athletic Hippogriff with light blue fur. Clear and bright orange mane, had left first to go to the store in order to give a final review to the employees who would operate the store and introduce them to their trainers, who followed her closely on her way, these were composed of a unicorn, a pegasus mare and stallion, and a earth mare. Cobbler sent one of his assistants to announce his delay to the Mustang farm and immediately afterward they left for the inauguration; everything went smoothly, after a few hours they left the store in charge of Calm Tide, his secretary, and went to the house of the Mr. Mustang. After a good meal, the owner of the farm gave them a tour of it while he told them about the history of the farm and his family, all while taking them to an old distillery that was almost in disuse, being in front of the eldest one from the boilers, Cobbler approached the wall and was then interrupted by Ainz. "Well, this is all quite interesting, but if I remember correctly you mentioned something about a business proposal, or am I wrong?" "Hehehehe, of course not, it's just that I thought it best to give you something of the background that led to the proposal itself, you see, this here is the old Betsy the only thing that remains of the original distillery and she keeps a special secret. " With these words the stallion approached the wall located next to it and slid the face of a brick to one side, and pressed his hoof on the open space, a sound of pistons announced that something was happening and after a few seconds, the cover copper bell from the boiler split through the center revealing an inlet. "My proposal, Momon Shade," Cobbler continued, "I'm sure you will find it quite interesting." The old stallion turned around and entered, in that brief moment, a smile crossed the faces of the two disguised hetermomorphs, while they followed him inside, Ainz thought: Finally. A little foot note. The title of this arc is originaly 'La cruda realidad' and is a word play with hangover and crude, but that does not work in English, so if someone has a suggestion on how to keep the word play I will be grateful. > The crude reality Fourth part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After entering the old 'Betsy', which was a hidden elevator, the silence lasted only a moment. "How deep are we going to go down Mr. Cobbler?" -Asked the Overlord- "Unfortunately it will take a couple of minutes, see my dear Momon, since, before our first deal, I was already feeding a much bigger project; to tell the truth, I have many more technological developments than that you have seen so far." "Hoooo? Is that right? Have you developed them recently?" "Hehehe no, not at all, you see, for a long time, more exactly from the youth of my grandfather, an idea came up to facilitate the work of ponies, tell me, have you ever heard the term automaton?" Eeeeeeehhhh! Automata! Have you made automaton?! "Hmm... if I remember correctly, I think I visited an exhibition about them in Manehattan during one of my trips, why do you ask?" "The first automaton ever created was a work of my grandfather, his invention was revolutionary for his time, the intention was to reduce or, if possible, fully eliminate the need for ponies to carry out arduous and/or monotonous tasks, his invention could easily work a whole acre without a problem," -the pony's tone turned from jovial to harsh and bitter- "but instead of receiving the recognition he deserved, he was censured and ridiculed." All this made the Overlord curious, he had not received anything about it in the reports. Well that was something to be expected, an automaton is something very advanced for this society. "But who could be so closed-minded as to ignore a technological advance like that?" -Asked Satoru with feigned incredulity- For a moment Cobbler stared at Momon when he said these words, he simply saw him blinking like an owl, then a big smile was seen on his face. "Umu, now I'm sure that bringing you here was the right choice!" -he replied, recovering his cheerful tone for a moment- "the one responsible for my grandfather being branded crazy and ignorant was Celestia herself; as soon as she spoke against him, he was gradually banned from all commercial circles, in protest he created a revolutionary group with the support of many of the citizens of Mustangia who knew and respected him, the movement was suppressed with violence, many perished, but thanks to them, we gained some independence, my father always hated my grandfather's inventions, so he did not follow in his hoofsteps, but I was amazed, like all my compatriots, I grew up rejecting the government of Celestia, but it was not until... let's say several years ago when the matter became more... indispensable, that's when I truly started to do something to remedy it. " The hatred and pain in the pony's voice spiked Ainz's interest so he began to pay real attention. "She rejected my advances in prosthetics and let's say spare parts for living beings, she name them aberrations." "Now I understand, that's why in this place there are many more technological advances than in the rest of Equestria including the capital." -Ainz intervened- "That is Momon Shade, that is why I decided to revive the group that my grandfather started," -at that moment the wall stopped being concrete and began to be metal- "only that my intention is not the independence of Mustangia, no, to fulfill my objective I had to improve, innovate, in short, I needed more power, I intend to overthrow Celestia and her sedentary government that prevents technological advance, I am going to change this nation," -the wall changed again, it stopped being just metal, now one full side was glass and the image behind it was amazing, when he saw the slight change in the face of his guests Cobbler continued- "I welcome you to Techquestria!" Before Ainz's eyes was a gigantic cave that easily reached 150 meters in height and was almost twice as wide with a background that was lost from ordinary sight, but what do capture his attention was not the cave itself, but all the buildings with a much more modern appearance than what he had seen so far. Fiiiuuuuu, impressive, it certainly does not reach the technological level of my original world, but it is quite impressive, so the lack of technology in this world is as fact due to the rejection of it by the diarchy? This is something quite interesting and a great opportunity. "Tell me Cobbler, what is this all about? Do you wish to become the new king of Equestria?" -Said the Overlord while pointing a hoof towards the underground city- "Hehehehe, I understand that it may seem like it, but there is nothing further from reality, I do not intend to stay in front, once we are successful a House of Representatives will be established that will limit the power of whoever is in charge, it is not correct that Whoever is in power has absolute power or who governs permanently, this will be selected by popular vote, it will not be able to last in power for more than 3 periods of 7 years, I have no interest in the position, furthermore, there will be no future if the past governs, it is the job of the young to command the future." That is an ideal system on paper, but full of flaws once applied, it is something that has already been seen countless times in my original world, *shigh* sorry, but I don't think your dream will survive long. -Thought Ainz to himself- "No, what you see before you is the world's largest conglomerate of development and research, here we have advanced medicine, science, and weapons until we are at least 200 years ahead of Equestria." And it continues, it is quite clear that among all that there is an act of personal revenge, although he is disguising it quite well if I did not know more than what he is revealing, I would believe every word, we will have to investigate more about it. -After this brief thought, the disguised Overlord returned his full attention to the pony- "But all is not lost in the current government, the newest of princesses, Twilight Sparkle is a scientist and researcher at heart, like everyone else here." When they finally reached floor level, they received a tour of the facilities and met many of the researchers and some of the investors, but of all, there were only two things that strongly caught his attention, the first was the name of one of the scientists they met, but he would keep that to himself. The second was something that he should probably keep an eye on, it approached to them while they walked around the facility, it looked like an equine robot, but as soon as he caught a glances of 'it', Ainz knew what it truly was. *wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* *wrriil* *tss* "President Cobbler," -said the metallic reverb voice- "the results of experiments 187, 533, and 742 are Ready, do you want me to deliver them verbally or do I place them on your desk?" "At the moment I am busy with my guests, leave them on my desk, I will check them later." "Understood" The Overlord and the automaton crossed their gazes, the single yellow eye of the metallic equine fixed a few seconds on the new individual before continuing on his way, Ainz did not need to fake his surprise, it was completely written all over his face. Was that a? No, it's impossible! isn't it? But if it is, that means... "Ha, I see that unit 02 caught your attention." "Was that, a…?" "Mhm, it is a service robot, it is the second version, we are currently preparing a new version that is capable of more functions and with better capabilities." The slight sadness that crept onto the 'president's face when he said 'service robot' did not go unnoticed by Ainz. "I see, definitely that's more than I expected." "Hahahaha, that's great, shall we continue?" With a simple nod in response, they continued to visit the rest of the facilities. When they left they thanked him for introducing the new business, as well as assuring him they would have his support. I can't believe it, I never thought I'd hear such a Japanese name in this world, 'Umahara', I have to investigate that pony. While mentally reviewing everything he had seen during his visit, he and Nabel boarded the train that would take them back to Ponyville, as soon as it left, the Overlord communicated his objectives to his subordinate. "While we were walking around the facilities, I marked several points, now we already have free access to their facilities and documentation, we will have to investigate if something is of real use to us." "Yes Ainz-sama, it is just as you say, it is certainly impressive that mere beasts have been able to create some of those inventions." "Umu, [Message]… Demiurge." 'Yes, Ainz-sama, how can I help you.' "We finally got access to the Cobbler Mustang underground base, when I return to Nazarick I will share the locations I marked with you, I want you to get as much information as possible from all the highest-ranking scientists in the organization, also, Cobbler has a hatred more deep into Celestia that we thought initially you have to keep an eye on him, neither should you lose attention to his main projects, after all, he is the first in this world to create a real functional intelligence, even when he has not realized what he has truly created and what consider only one machine." "Oh, so he have built an automaton, I understand, I'll set up a surveillance and intelligence gathering group right away." "Umu, make sure they are of the right level, remember that almost any automaton has excellent detection capabilities." "YES" (ends message) Okay, now that that's covered, there's just one more thing left to do. "Naberal" "Yes, Ainz-sama." "As soon as we get to Ponyville you will be assigned to the town at all times until further notice, the units in it will report to you, I want you to keep me informed about any anomaly, novelty, or important event." "YES" Well with this everything is covered, for now, it only remains to see what happens later. During the following month, everything progressed, both in Equestria and in the sorcerer kingdom, at first, the school of friendship faced problems with E.E.A. and Chancellor Neigh Shy, but finally, the school started as it should, with its own guidelines and rules, the students showed their unity, opposing to break their ties of friendship or separate; the Diamond Dog of the plains had finished the monument to Ainz and in the sorcerer kingdom everything was going smoothly, those who still felt tied to the Storm King had been already expelled, all the citizens who could cause trouble or upset the masses left the cities as the new laws were preventing their excesses, the doppelgänger who replaced Strong Horn and Frienze fulfilled their role to perfection by forming their army in 'the shadows', In addition, all the information in the Princess of Friendship library was almost finished processing. While recalling all the steps that had been carried out in his master's plans, a certain demon in a red suit was reviewing the latest reports that had been delivered to him by the librarian's subordinates. Wonderful! Just wonderful, Ainz-sama is incredible, everything is going as planned, and to think that he has done it with minimal intrusions! The show is almost ready, *slip* excellent, mhn? I see, so most of the material in the library was fiction or useless references, but not all of it was rubbish, there was interesting material on arcane knowledge, that means that soon we will start testing, *slip* ohh, so they are already starting studying the book's with the sun enchantments, um… maybe I should make it's study a priority. When he began to read the reports on the school of friendship, a section especially caught his attention. "Oh hohoho, what an ambitious filly, so, Cozy Glow huh, I think it would be best to follow up on this, it may be of interest to Ainz-sama, but we can leave it to here, for now, we must continue with you." The Archdemon placed the reports on his desk and turned his attention to his companion. This was no longer the first time Chrysalis had been here, but that didn't mean it was more bearable, after all, what normal creature could get used to living in a literal hell? Ghack, I hate being here, I can barely stand the literal hellish heat, and on top of it all, the agony, despair, and fear that permeate the place turns my stomach, not counting the terrifying demons I usually encounter, *shigh* And to think that I am used to seeing demons and creatures that could easily end the world by themselves, hehe, if any of my ex subordinates had told me that I would end up in this situation when Thorax stole my hive I would have branded it as crazy or I would have accepted Starlight's offer. The ex-changeling queen would have remained deep in thought had it not been for the demon's voice that brought her back to the present. "Chrysalis" "Uh? Oh, yeah… erm, sorry, how can I help you Demiurge-sama, will we have another 'session'?" -said the changeling apprehensively- Maybe it didn't hurt, but the mental stress of being conscious while they dismembered her and made her use her magic and/or abilities, was simply too much, she always ended up passing out from shock for several hours, but apparently, the demon would take pity on her for today. "No, that's not the case, in fact, I think we've already gotten everything we could from you, at least physiologically speaking," Hearing these words a pessimistic thought crossed the changeling's mind. They don't need me anymore, they're going to kill me! But as if reading his mind the guardian continued. "But you don't have to worry, as long as you continue to serve Ainz-sama faithfully, you will be under his protection, no, you have to suspend your training for the moment, a mission has arisen for you" "A mission?" That is something new, I did not think that they would entrust me with anything so soon "What is my mission if I can know it." "It will not be complicated at all, what I plan, is to visit a couple of places, first of all, we will visit your place of birth, we need more information about what generated you; although we already investigated the place and collected samples, I want to make sure that nothing has been disregarded, after all, I need more information about how your 'mother' and your 'father' conceived you. " Hearing this, Chrysalis felt her face heat up, luckily for her, she couldn't blush, unfortunately, she could stutter. "B-b-b-but w-what is Demiurge-sama saying! I was born from a tree in a swamp! I have no mother or father, I apologize, but, I was born from a tree, just as I told you before." "That reasoning is partly wrong, it is true that your 'mother' as such does not exist, since you were born from a contaminated tree, but our investigation says that it is not enough for your creation, so after a little research, we managed to find who is probably your 'father'." The former queen was completely dumbfounded, she had no idea how to react to that news, her eyes were wide and her jaw almost on the floor, while a line constantly repeated itself in her head. I have a father, I have a father, I have a father, I have a father…. "Precisely, it is something that should not be possible, so we still have a piece or two of the puzzle that is your existence to find, so the need to get more information, for that purpose you will meet with your 'father', from which you will get more information about your conception, more specifically about your origin or the conditions that led to your birth. " "Chrysalis, pay attention." -the guardian of the seventh floor admonished her, making her come to herself- "it so happens that at the moment he is near the place of your birth, so we will take him to it, once there, you will face him and make him talk as much as you can about it, but you are forbidden to harm Starswirl." "MY FATHER IS STARSWIRL THE BEARDED?!!" "That's our suspect, at least with all what we have found." "It won't be easy, he is the most talented unicorn in combat to date." "No problem, we'll take care of the capture, you just get information from him." "So… do I have to brainwash him?" Demiurge slid a paper across the desk towards the former queen as he spoke. "Unfortunately, that will not be necessary, in fact, it would be quite counterproductive for future plans, we cannot allow it neither simply kidnap him and get everything he knows directly, his disappearance for a long period would be too noticeable, is that clear?" "Yes, it is very clear." "Now, we have prepared a story that you are going to stick to, study it well, you have a few hours, after that, we have to move." "Understood, I'll make sure to memorize it as soon as possible." "What will be the second place we will visit? Will I need to disguise up?" "It will not be necessary, in fact, depending on the situation we may delay it a bit, I intend for you to complete the ritual you wanted to do when we found you, I want to confirm some hypotheses." "I understand, but it will take some time to gather the necessary materials." "There will be no problem, the materials are already in our hands, there is nothing to worry about, you have until we leave to prepare what you might need, you can leave." "Yes, with your permission." When the changeling said goodbye, the demon lord of greed escorted her to the ninth floor, while the Archdemon sank back into his thoughts, and a smile formed on his face. There is very little left, if everything turns out within acceptable parameters we can win a new weapon. "An old unicorn was walking calmly on the dirt road, even though the color of his coat was a generic gray and his body was quite skinny, he was not someone easy to forget; his outfit consisted of a pointed hat and a marine-blue cape, both stamped with multiple stars, the hat was adorned on the edges and the tip with bells, which caused them to hang a bit; but the most noticeable was his long white beard, it was nothing more and nothing less than Starswirl the bearded. "But who would have guessed! This area of ​​Equestria hasn't changed one bit." *Rustle rustle* "Mnh?" *Rustle rustle* "Who is there? For your own good, reveal yourself!" Hearing noises around him, the ancient wizard became alert and readied his magic, ready to attack anyone who approached from the trees and bushes first, but suddenly something hit him hard on the back of his neck and he lost consciousness. When he began to regain consciousness, the first thing that flooded his mind was the headache, the second that he was immobilized with something that was not rope, it was some semi-rigid substance that fully restricted hid movement, when he finally opened his eyes and his sight cleared, he realized he was hanging upside down inside some kind of cave. He tried to use his magic to free himself, but this kind of hardened slime also covered his horn and prevented him from using magic, while he struggled to try to free himself he tried to recognize his surroundings, because of the color of the rocks and the ground had not been taken very far from Where he was captured, the cave seemed familiar to him but he was not able to remember where or when, suddenly a voice with a slight reverberation coming from behind made him freeze. "Ah, I see that you have already woken up, I am sorry for the rudeness, but I was not sure that you would accept my invitation if I simply extended it." The source of the voice kept getting closer as he spoke, Starswirl could hear the creature's hooves as it walked, this relaxed him slightly, at least they wouldn't try to eat it, after all, the cadence in the creature's gait and the fact that has hoofs, it marked him as an equine creature or similar, however, when the creature entered his line of sight, he was speechless, the entity in front of him was as black as coal, but at the same time shiny like an insect, the wings on his back matched that appearance, they were membranous, the mane and tail were a greenish color, but what truly left him speechless was not the appearance it had, during the multiple trips he had already known all kinds of creatures, no, what do left him speechless and stunned, was the last word that came out of the creature's fangs. "Or yes, 'father'?" It wasn't until almost a minute later that the unicorn's brain was able to form coherent thoughts. "But what nonsense are you talking about, creature?!" *Ghasph* "You hurt my feelings 'father', do you call me a creature and not a daughter? But how cruel you are! Stop lying! Or perhaps the next thing you will tell me is that you don't remember my mother either, huh?" The unicorn's neutral and emotionless gaze was exactly what Chrysalis desired, and continuing with her false pain, she continued to act. *Ghasph* "You dare to do it! Even though you were cruel enough to ruin her in her youth?" Starswirl wasn't sure if it was from his head or not, but he was beginning to feel his face heat up a bit. "Uh... excuse me young lady, but... I don't understand what you're talking about, I don't remember meeting someone like-" "Are you still denying it?! You're more soulless than I thought! So you just abandoned her after nailing her with your…!" -As she spoke, she made faces and gestures with his hooves- "Male tool, your… 'hammer'!" If he was not sure before, now there was no doubt, he felt that his face was boiling, while the former changeling queen felt great about herself, she was giving what was perhaps the best performance of her entire life, she barely managed not to burst into laughter at the burgeoning emotion of shame on the unicorn in front of her. "Errrr, young lady, I assure you I did not-" "Don't deny it! You just took your 'hammer', took aim and struck until 'satisfied', and then you just walked away!" It was official, this was the most ashamed the unicorn had ever felt in its entire life, it felt like its face was on fire. "Sorry young lady, but I don't-" "You just walked away and all you left her was a nail and a sign," Hearing these words, all the shame that Starswirl felt disappeared almost immediately and was replaced by doubt, this drastic change brought to mind the 'most complicated' thought that had crossed his mind in his entire life. Huh? "I can't believe you keep denying it! *Sob* even when you're in front of her!" The thought replayed in his mind as his gaze followed the limb with holes and when his gaze reached its target, the thought escaped his lips. "Huh?" Before his eyes were the withered carcass of a tree in the middle of a swamp that did not bode well for those who dared to approach, the tree had in its trunk a nail so rusty that it was practically unrecognizable and the remains of a sign that was about to turn to dust at any moment, after a few seconds of looking at it, the pony took another look at the cave he was in and the memories began to resurface, a cave, with a swamp and a dry tree in the center, then he finally remembered. Oooooh, now I remember, this is the place I came to get rid of potions and failed experiments, if I remember correctly, back then there were rumors that previously the place had been used as a landfill for executed criminals, I never found remains so I thought they were simply stories used to justify that it was a dead zone where nothing could subsist. Seeing understanding begin to reflect in the unicorn's eyes, Chrysalis used all her willpower to keep her face from twisting into a wide smile. "So... so long, I'm so sorry young lady, I had completely forgotten, but now I remember, this place and..." -a slight blush was seen on the unicorn's face- "what you were talking about, ahem, good, you are capable of reasoning in the same way that I can, if you lower me we can speak as civilized creatures." The changeling stayed in her act and pretending to think about it did sometime before answering. "I don't know 'father', I mean, you're not exactly famous for listening to other creatures before attacking." The unicorn had the decency to feel hurt by that statement before answering. *Shigh* "Yes, I am aware of it, however, recently I have been shown my error in that area, so I always try to keep the benefit of the doubt, so I propose the following, if you lower me and do not attack me, I promise you over my name that I will not attack you and I will listen to you, is that okay?" "That sounds good, but... mmmm, I don't know, mmm..." Hahahaha, you're already in my hooves old-geezer, besides, if you try anything there are already some SD's ready to submit you *shigh* "Okay, I accept your proposal, But at the first hint of attack I will respond in kind, understand?" "I agree" With a nod of acceptance, Chrysalis carefully lowered the cocoon, and with it on the ground, used a beam of her magic to opened it freeing the unicorn, which when free, stretched a little, letting himself hear some of its joints pop, but when he tried to fix his clothes he realized that he still couldn't use magic. "Ehem, I think you forgot a bit." -Starswirl said pointing a hoof towards his horn- "Mnh? Oh no, I didn't forget, it was intentional, I didn't want you to feel attacked, you can remove that yourself with your hooves, it's not so stuck." Chrysalis answered turning one of her hooves in front of her, downplaying the fact, and after a bit of struggle the unicorn was finally free, so they sat facing each other, separated by little more than a meter and Starswirl began. "Well let's get started, first of all, I'd like to start by asking you a question." "Very well 'father', I think it's a good idea, you ask and I answer, then I ask and you answer, that way we can both move forward." "Umu, first of all, how come you are so sure that I was the one who… intervened?" "For two things, first of all, for the memories of 'mother', she gave me all her knowledge, presences, images and sensations, second, because I still remember the sign that was nailed to it, it was signed with your name." Hahahaha, how am I enjoying all this!, I am not giving him practically any information, and even so I am managing to make a legendary pony squirm in discomfort in front of me, that is already more than enough, hahahaha. Chrysalis was feeling in glory right now and planned to enjoy it as much as possible. "It's my turn," - keeping the mask of innocence, she continued - "if you weren't here to 'nail' my 'mother', then what were you doing?" "I assumed this was a dead zone, I came here to dispose of failed potions or do dangerous experiments; my turn, why look for me now? I mean, you could have looked for me before." "Before I was busy procuring food for my siblings/subjects, now I am not, also a psychologist I was going to in disguise to try to understand why I had so many problems in life recommended that I face the problems with my parents with the intention of try to understand myself, so it was a bit of both, chance and intention that I brought you together today; it's my turn, what is this place where 'mother' is? I don't know anything about this place before the point where mother memories started, do you know 'father'? " "Ahem, just a few rumors that I heard before, only then I just dismissed them, but maybe they have some truth, this swamp was supposed to be a dump for corpses during wartime in the past." Their conversation lasted a long time and after many hours of talking, when they said goodbye something happened that the changeling did not expect. (AN: this conversation is expanded in Chrysalis in the Great Tomb of Nazarick if you like to know it) "Well, it was very nice chatting with you, but I think I should hurry to get to the next town, after all, it's getting late and I haven't eaten yet," -the pony got up and adjusted his attire- "I am currently traveling all over Equestria, but... if you want us to meet again to talk... just send a letter to Princess Twilight in Poniville, she knows how to contact me," -he secured his wagon and advanced, but when he reached the entrance of the cave he stopped for a moment and turning over his shoulder, he said goodbye- "See you later... daughter." Having finished, the unicorn continued on its way while trying to reconcile a thought. Who could have guessed it? I have a daughter! And although I have never had a lover, I never imagined that my first offspring would be created by a potion with my 'essence' that I consider failed and not begotten, incredible; good, but not everything can be a bed of roses, I need to check if that theory holds, I wonder if the list I wrote of my failed experiments will still exist? Well, I can verify that later, I have to get to town as soon as possible. Meanwhile, inside the cave, a stunned changeling was sitting on the ground on her hindquarters and staring off into the distance. So this is how it tastes? I would never have believed it, it was just a sip, a bite and diluted between pride and appreciation, but, even so, it was so sweet, so delicious... A voice interrupted her thoughts and when she turned to her right, she could see the portal from which the demon came out. "What's wrong Chrysalis, has something unexpected happened?" "Eh? Ah, Demiurge-sama, no, well something like that, do you know I feed on emotions? More precisely of love?" "Indeed, I am aware of your nutritional needs, what is the reason for your question?" "Actually I can feed on any emotion, but only love is capable of nourishing my race, however, from our appearance, the only way to survive was by stealing it and it is always a delicious delicacy, that's why I previously had Thorax as a idiot for accepting the friendship of the ponies, but at this moment, even though it was only a small sample diluted among other emotions, the love that that unicorn voluntarily gave to my real me, tasted infinitely better than any amount I had stolen before," -the changeling turned her gaze to the cave entrance again- "It's simply the tastiest and most filling I've ever tasted." "Is that so?" The response the Archfiend received was only a nod from the former queen. "I see ... Well, however we have to move, we have already obtained enough information to prove or disprove many of my theories regarding your existence, now we must leave immediately, there is still much to do." The demon took a couple of steps forward and created a portal, seeing him disappear Chrysalis finally came out of her stupor, got up and hurriedly followed him. Oh no, they are going to leave me behind! In the middle of a clearing in the Everfree forest, there were several figures, most of them small, but near them there was a huge one, it was a skeletal dragon, a level 40 undead that although its physical attributes were not a big deal, His special bonus made him especially useful for the current task, the rest were Red's team of Hanzo, and the last two figures in the group were Demiurge and Chrysalis, the latter was finishing explaining the spell she was about to use. "I see, so in short, the function of the spell is to make an exact copy of the targets?" "That is Demiurge-sama." "Okay, the materials are already prepared, I want you to perform the spell, in the meantime we will monitor the development, as soon as it is complete you will take the copies to the tree of harmony, I want to see what it's reaction to them will be." "Understood... what in the event that I achieve my goal?" "The elements of harmony are quite weak, they are mere extensions of the tree and the carriers, for me it is the same if they are destroyed or anything happens to them, but we should not draw attention unnecessarily, so in the remote case that you obtained them, you must return them to its site. " The demon took out a scroll from his pocket and used it, as the dragon faded from view, the Archfiend continued. "You can start, [Invisibility]" The moment she lost everyone's sight, the former queen decided it was a good time to start, took a deep breath and focused her magic. While watching the development of the experiment, Demiurge felt satisfied, the theories he had about the changeling's spell turned out to be correct, she could not control her creations, they even planned to betray her, but the funniest thing about the whole thing, was the fact that they themselves were not able to differentiate themselves from the real ones, apparently the latter entered the forest for some reason and had accidentally separated; the biggest surprise of the experiment was that the copies resulted with a very different karma than the real ones, when he examined the liar and lazy Applejack, realized that the event did not turn out inverse as he had expected, however, in the end it was in the range of expectations, the tree recognized the antithesis of the copies and with its energy tendons destroyed them. As soon as the former queen returned to the rendezvous point, the Archfiend collected the remaining pieces of wood for further study and returned to the rendezvous point as well. An instant later, the M6 ​​and Starlight, went down to the cave where they were going to camp and began to fix their tents. Back in the clearing, the first thing the former queen noticed was that all the damage the spell had caused had been repaired and the trees had been replaced with new ones. Their ability to modify the terrain naturally continues to amaze me, well, everything is ready, I have to continue. -Chrysalis thought briefly- She closed her eyes, took a deep breath to calm herself, gathered her magic and used the spell again, the result was exactly the same as the previous time, the copies of the M6s stood up and just by looking at them, the ex-queen realized which were exactly the same as the previous copies. *Shigh* "Listen well useless, everyone is going to obey, like it or not!" "And who is going to force us, you? HA! What a good joke!" -answered the copy of Twilight and immediately afterwards cast a magic beam with the intention of ending the changeling, but realizing that her target seemed immovable, she increased the force of the attack as much as she could while smiling maliciously, however, The laughter she received in response to her efforts wiped the smile off her face. "MhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" When the copy stopped its attack to try to understand what was happening, the unprecedented scene in front of her caused surprise in all the copies, between her and her target now was a pile of bones that stood up, all the copies followed it with their eyes upwards. The afternoon had fallen since the first copies had reached the tree of harmony, so the little light that illuminated the clearing came from the moon, so it was hardly possible to differentiate shapes, but something was very clear to them, whatever it was, it wasn't just a simple pile of bones, and the red flames glowing within what appeared to be the creature's eye sockets terrified them, just as most were about to scream, run or attack, a voice behind made them turn around. "Yare yare yare, the experiments shouldn't attack their creators, but hey, that was to be expected from rough copies." "Who are you calling crude copy?!, your piece of-" "[Be quiet], *shigh* but what noisy flies, this is what I meant when I said your plan was destined to fail from the start." -the Archdemon interrupted the attempt to insult him with his [Domination Mantra], when they were unable to speak, the copy of Twilight charged his horn to attack the newcomer with all his might and just when she was going to release her attack, the voice was heard again. "[Stop Resisting and Bow Down]" Instantly the attack faded from the horn of the copied alicorn and a look of alarm and fear showed on the faces of the copies. The former queen, approached until she was standing in front of the demon and prostrating herself asked. "Demiurge-sama, everything has turned out just as predicted, will we do any other tests?" "No, we have already accomplished what we came here to do, it's time to go back, [Gate], we have to leave" -he said with a smile that promised nothing good to the copies- "[Get up and follow me]" The demon crossed the portal, closely followed by the copies, behind them crossed the team of Red and the dragon, while Chrysalis took a last look around. "Well, at least they spared me the embarrassment of one last defeat, but, although I wish the worst for those pesky mares, I don't even wish them to fall into the clutches of that demon, *shigh* I think I feel sorry even for their copies" *trembling* The changeling crossed the portal and it closed behind her. > The crude reality Final part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- True to their word, Demiurge and Albedo had devised the plan to rebuild the palace of storms, after having presented multiple designs to their master, he finally approved one and immediately got to work, the first day, the previous palace was completely stripped of all useful or recyclable things and on the second day, after making sure that nothing was left, the palace was completely demolished by Mare's magic, after which a team of 200 skeletons and at least 50 golem's, commanded by 20 Elder Lich, worked tirelessly, first cleaning the area and preparing the ground, once this was finished, they began with the construction, the design for the new palace consisted of a semi-rectangular structure with protruding sections on the perimeter, while the throne room was made up of two circular walls 1m thick, concentric and reinforced, with an inner diameter of 80 meters, the inner circle was cut out by two parallel rooms that left a rectangular space in the center 30 meters wide. and with a vaulted ceiling almost 20 meters high, the entire first floor was on a solid granite base that raised the building at least one and a half meters above ground level. In just one week almost the entire first floor was finished, and in just two more they had already begun detailing the entire interior at an amazing speed, two days before they had finished with the throne room the Overlord he was in his office inside Nazarick receiving the latest updates on ongoing projects. "I see, so in the end, it was truly an outside intervention that created Chrysalis." "Exactly Ainz-sama, we are currently verifying if it is possible to recreate the situation that caused her appearance, we are also investigating if we can create scrolls for the summoning of drones." "Excellent, keep me posted on any developments, now, has something happened in Ponyville?" "According to the reports from Naberal Gamma, a couple of things have happened, but without real importance, the most notable was that thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends, Equestria now knows of the existence of the Kirin." "Ah, those creatures capable of engulfing themselves in fire, aren't they?" "Indeed, the elements of kindness and honesty were sent to the 'peaks of peril', to the south-east of the moors, by the tree of harmony, and speaking of this, the second interesting thing was what you had already foreseen, the tree made a projection of its consciousness, but it used the appearance of the princess of friendship to interact with some students in a cave system created under the school, most likely they have been created by the same tree; with this we have verified its thinking level, but it still hasn't given any indication that it knows anything about us." "Umu, good, but even if that is the case keep the surveillance." "Yes!, on another topic, all the books that we copied from the library of the element of magic have been processed, there is a significant amount of fiction and useless or incomplete theories about magic, but some interesting pieces about arcane knowledge were found, also we already have a preliminary report on the book with the sun on the cover, the translation indicates that it is a kind of diary, this is divided into two discernible parts, in the first part it is clear that the princess of the sun writes to a student named Sunset Shimmer, and she seems to answer her, this led us to discover the curious communication spell that it has, in addition, because of what has been translated so far, the second part is quite peculiar, in this the Princess Twilight seems to be in contact with the same pony that Celestia contacted, only that what is written seems to indicate that it is in another world or reality, since the descriptions they give are very different from what can be found in this world." "What do you mean, in what way are they different?" "It appears to be a human-inhabited world." EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH, humans!, (SE), wait, now that I remember, when we snatched the capital from the storm king and his subordinates, the lavender alicorn mentioned something about it, AAarrrrggh, I had completely forgotten it! now that I can do! "Mmmmhhn… that explains how the princess of friendship was able to recognize a non-existent race… Demiurge." "Yes, Ainz-sama" "I want full surveillance 24 hours a day on the mirror, I want them to record any movement that involves it, the same applies to the diary, also, I want a copy of the transcript of it as soon as possible." "Yes, I'll do it right away, translation and transcription will be our top priority!" "Excellent, I'll be waiting for you, you can leave." "Yes, with your permission." -With a bow, the Archdemon left the office- *Shigh* I wonder if it will be that easy, will there truly be humans on the other side of the mirror, will it be my world? And if so, can I find the rest of my friends? Hhaaaa!, hope it does not take too long with the translation. In a fairly spacious tent, two figures are sitting at the table while going through multiple documents. "Perfect, everything is going smoothly." -said the Cypriot centaur- "Yes, Demiurge-sama's plan is progressing perfectly, in about five days we will be ready to mobilize, but what about the allied troops, when will they join us?" -answered the minotaur- "They will meet us on the way, we will set up camp several hours away initially and move towards the objective when the summit has started." "Excellent, then we will soon be able to complete our mission and leave these pathetic creatures behind, who knows if we meet all his expectations maybe we culd be send to another important mission later." "May the supreme beings listen to you and take pleasure in our work." It was the doppelgängers who had replaced Frienze and Strong Horn, their preparations were almost finished, they would soon carry out the final steps of their mission. A few days later, everything was ready, the supplies had been loaded, the tents packed, all the soldiers had completed their accelerated training, the doubles observed the sacrifices that would be offered to their master for the greatness of his name, from a small wooden podium that raised them above the troops and in order to promote high morale, the minotaur gave his departure speech to the troops. "Ateeeeeeennhut!" (AN: I think that is like this) All the troops lined up in columns and ready to go came to attention with a loud stomp. "Riggggght flanc! Now!" Frienze ordered and again the stomp was repeated. Thanking his co-commander with a nod, the minotaur continued. "On this day begins our glorious quest to dethrone the false king, Ainz Ooal Gown! And free our true king, the storm king!" *War War War* -was the chorus that answered- "We will march to the Summit of the Creatures and we will take not only the head of the false king, but we will also take those of every ruler who opposes us! And we will restore the greatness of the empire of storms!" *War War War* "Leeeeeeeeft Flanc! Now!" *STOMP STOMP* "Maaaaarch! Now!" With his instructions received, the group of soldiers that easily reached the size of a brigade, began to march, dividing into companies as they advanced to board their respective ships, in total 35 airships were mobilized heading north-west. In the great tomb of Nazarick, all the guardians were gathered, they had been summoned by their master. As ordered, Demiurge had made the translation and transcription of the book with the sun on the cover top priority the day before, and by dawn, the complete copy had been delivered to the Overlord, as soon as he had it in his hands, he quickly leaf through the first part and read between the lines the second, stopping only in parts that caught his attention, as soon as he finished, he ordered Sebas to gather everyone in the throne room in an hour, time that Ainz used to ruminate what he had just read. "First of all, thank you all for responding to my call on such short notice." "Not at all Ainz-sama, if you call the most natural thing is to drop everything and attend immediately." -Said Aura confidently- "I-it's like my sister says, it's just the most natural thing to do." -Added Mare- All the guardians nodded in approval and confirmation at the twins words. "Well, then let's get straight to the point, with the mission that Demiurge was entrusted to gather intelligence from Princess Twilight's castle, a lot of information was obtained and some are especially interesting, among this, the ones that stood out the most were the following, first, it was confirmed that the tree of harmony as fact is an intelligent and independent entity that is constantly evolving and growing, at least while it remains linked to a carrier or representation of the elements." "Excuse me. Ainz-sama, Does. That. Means. That the. Tree. Of Harmony. Is Of. The Same. Race that. Punitomoe-sama." Oooh, wonderful, he is finally asking and not keeping his doubts! "It has no importance Cocytus, and no, that is not the case, it is apparently something totally different; The second thing is a mirror identified by Pandora's Actor as a some kind of timed portal it has a forced aperture mechanism to use it at any time, but they were unable to find the 'key' because this, it had been under constant surveillance, the third is a book, at the beginning was believed that it was some kind of spell or skill grimoire of the middle level nevertheless when translated its true purpose was revealed, it was not a grimoire of any kind, it was a diary, it was also confirmed that it has been a property for two different individuals, it is charmed to have the function of a 'Message' device and is linked to a twin one in some other place, the translation is what has brought it to my attention because it has confirmed one of my theories, at some point in the past existed the human race or something similar in this world." These words caused a wave of surprise and disbelief to unleash among the guardians, this lasted until Albedo intervened. "Everyone be quiet! Even if we haven't found any trace of them so far, if Ainz-sama says they exist, then surely it's true! So keep quiet and let's keep listening!" "Thank you Albedo" -The succubus was about to answer her master, but he did not allow her- "however, there is something in which you are wrong, the traces that confirm human existence are not scarce, quite the opposite, they are quite abundant." The guardians shock at this news was extreme, even the stoic Sebas showed a reaction on his face, seeing this, the Overlord rushed to continue. "But you can rest assured, you did not ignore them by omission, intention or lack of attention, I am sure that you would not miss anything from Yggdrasil, no, the reason you could not identify them was that those signs could only be found in the first world, the one from which both I and the rest of my companions came." The faces of the NPCs were plagued with doubt and despair. "I'm sure you will have many questions about it, but this is not the right time to answer them, later I will set a date for it," I also need to think well how to explain everything and how much to reveal. "For now I will tell you that at that time we were not limited to a single reality." With this everyone regained their composure and the supervisor spoke for everyone. "We are touched and honored that you wish to share this information with us, your humble servants, Ainz-sama!" "Umu, very good, now that we have accessed the diary information and we know that it is a means of communication, we finally know where Princess Twilight's mirror portal leads, and judging by the sketch of the mirror that Demiurge gave me, I can tell Without the possibility of being wrong, we already have in our hands a copy of the 'key' necessary to open it." Seeing the change of expression on Albedo and Demiurge's faces, Ainz continued. "I can see that you have already understood, as expected of two of the brightest minds in Nazarick, indeed, I intend to send a scouting team, my guardians, these are my orders!" As they were about to receive their master's orders, everyone present turned their full attention to the Overlord. "A team will be sent through the mirror, it will respond directly to Albedo, judging by the things written in the diary, it will not be necessary of much force, but it never hurts to be cautious, the team will be made up of CZ2128 Delta and Yuri Alpha; in addition, I will be sending Red's team as a backup," hehehehe, something silly had just come to my mind, hehe, CZ It's going to be an 'automaton with network equipment' as Pero-san would have put it, hehehe "Ahem, Albedo make sure the full team shows up later in my office to receive additional instructions." "Yes, I'll be sure of it." -answered the succubus- "Umu, now let's move on to other topics, first Demiurge." "Yes, Ainz-sama!" "Was Titus able to figure out what kind of communication spell the book has?" "Unfortunately this is not a known spell, but it is believed to be equivalent to a sixth level spell." "I see, so it's a low-level thing, umu, make him try to reproduce the spell on a couple of new volumes, we'll need a reliable way to communicate in case 'Message' doesn't work or something blocks it." "Understood, I will comunicate him your orders." "Albedo, is there anything new in the capital? " "No, everything is going according to your plans, the legal system has already shown its effectiveness, every minor problem has been resolved quickly, so far none have required your personal attention, the castle has already been fully finished, also the first two schools are ready to operate, along the same lines, another ten have begun construction, however, more trained personnel will be needed to fill teaching positions." "That will not be a problem, we will soon have all the necessary ones; to finish, does anyone else have any other news?" There were only negatives in response. "Then everyone can leave to continue with their tasks," -looking towards the supervisor and the Archdemon, he finished- "I'll see you in my office as soon as you finish with your tasks." "Yes!" The response of both was immediate, with the confirmation received, the Overlord activated his ring and withdrew from the throne room, and a few minutes later, the team that would be sent through the mirror was entering the study of his room. *Knock, knock, knock, knock* "Come in" "With your permission, we have brought the entire team as ordered." -Albedo spoke while they were all kneeling in front of the desk, with the guardians in front, the Pleiades in the center, and the summons team in the background. "Mnh, you can stand up" -with permission granted, everyone got up and the guardians stood to the right of the desk- "Yuri, Shizu, I suppose you've already been informed what your mission is about, haven't you?" "That's right Ainz-sama," -the Dullahan answered for the whole team- "Excellent, your mission is not complicated, but there will be certain things with which you must be careful and guidelines that you will follow, first of all, your mission will be to get information, as well as check that the 'Message' and 'Gate' spells work correctly, I want you to follow and investigate any rumors about magic and recover any magical artifact that is not in the possession of an individual if it is possible, also support with any additional tasks that may arise; while you are there both must mix properly with the locals and form a false life, Red's team will be your eyes, ears and additional hands if necessary, otherwise they will be limited to defense, now, the reason why I chose Shizu for this mission is simple, in that place there will be a certain level of technology, so I want you to check two things, the first is to know if you are able to interact with it and dominate it, the second is to know if you're able to infiltrate their information network, if is possible I want you to gather as much information as possible, giving special priority to getting copies of everything that is classified as secret or is strongly protected, in a nutshell I want you to get everything that is kept under key." The automaton responded in its monotonous voice. "Umu, I will do my best to achieve to accomplish the task." "Perfect, but remember that your safety is above any information, if you detect any danger you must shut down the connections on the spot, these will be your guidelines, first, you cannot initiate problems, you must avoid conflict at all costs, however, you are allowed to defend themselves as long as you do not leave any trace about it, second, you will have to mix with the locals, so it will be necessary for you to create a convincing facade, you will be provided with the necessary funds for it, and third, you will not be able to use your usual equipment unless the situatuion is an absolute emergency, instead, "-making a gesture with his hand, Increment, one of the homunculus maids with brown hair that only reached the height of her chin, advanced from the Overlord's room, located at the back of him, while holding two outfits in her hands- "wear these." *Ghasph* (normal) *Wuuaaaahh* (monotone) The moon shone in the sky, illuminating buildings and asphalt with its silver light, in the distance you could hear the occasional car that briefly broke the serenity of the night, the only place with activity was a school, more exactly, Canterlot High School, a group at the foot of the empty base of a statue was heading towards the main entrance, but instead of using the entrance, they jumped to the roof in a single impulse, once they were up, the figures began to vanish into thin air until there were only two left. "Okay, let's get started." The smallest figure nodded at the tallest figure's words, they opened the dome door and jumped inside. Inside a fairly wide tent, eight figures were gathered. "Welcome." -Spoke Strong Horn- "Hmpf, stop wasting time, let's get right to the point, when are we going to attack?!" "Easy Steel Beak, several of us have just arrived and our troops need some rest." -The arachnid reprimanded with a neutral voice to the griffin- "Commander Eddie is right, besides, not all the dignitaries has arrived yet." -said the canine- "Commander Remus has just hit the mark, indeed, we plan to attack tomorrow when the summit is in session" -Frienze took the word, as the commanders of the giraffe, minotaur, and centaur armies, nodded or looked approvingly- "For now" -continued Strong Horn- "the most convenient thing is for everyone to rest properly tonight and eat well, at dawn they must have a big breakfast because tomorrow at noon we will start the attack." -the minotaur finished with an aggressive smile on his face- In a large flying ship that was moving calmly several kilometers high, the Overlord reviewed the latest reports received in his cabin. I see, so the forces that are going to attack are already prepared, excellent, *Slip* ... Ooooh, great, so they are established... hehehe, that's no surprise, I'm sure that job will not pose any problem for she oh, great, I'm sure Shizu will do great too, *slip* Aaaah, great, the defensive measures of the castle have been finished, that means it is now basically complete. Ainz put the reports on the desk and took a thoughtful pose. It is a pity that the 'Message' spells or the 'remote view mirror' did not work to be able to communicate or see the progress of Yuri and Shizu, also Teleportation does not work either, fortunately, 'Gate' has no problem, however, the message book that Titus created has also no problem, the question is why? All this was brooding over the Overlord when a knock on the door took him out of his thoughts. *Knock knock knock knock* Tempest who had brought the reports was about to answer the door, but when she turned around she saw that the maid was already in it. They professionalism never ceases to impress me, I had practically forgotten that she was here. -thought the unicorn with amazement- "Ainz-sama, this is Demiurge-sama." "Thank you very much Increment, bring him in." After making a small bow, the homunculus accomplished her task. "Is there any news Demiurge?" "Nothing important Ainz-sama, I just came to notify you that we will soon arrive at the place where the summit of the creatures will take place." "Perfect, with this all the plans are progressing without any problem." Seeing that his master would say no more, the demon thought it was a good time to clear up his doubt. "I apologize for bothering you Ainz-sama, but could you please indulge me with a question?" Noooo, please don't ask me anything! "Umu, ask." "To tell the truth it's somewhat selfish, I just want to know where I am comparatively speaking, could you tell me how far your plans go?" Nothing beyond my nonexistent nose! (ES) The Overlord placed his hand on his chin without thinking as he pondered. Ok, the question is not as critical as I thought it would be, maybe the best thing to do is answer it with an enigma, that's not a bad idea, I've already got it! As was that saying... I think it was' the crane lives a thousand years and the turtle lives... "Ten thousand years"... mmm, I do believe it was so. If Ainz had not been so immersed in his thoughts, he would have noticed the faces of his subordinates, Demiurge was astonished and grateful in equal parts, Incremente had his hands over his mouth and his eyes were wide with surprise, but the Most affected was Tempest, not only did she have a face of absolute surprise, when she heard him, she practically slapped her face on the ground when her front legs stopped responding for a moment and when she managed to recover she simply sat where she was; while looking at her master with her mouth agape, but it wasn't until the Overlord was about to speak again that he noticed the change. Oh shit, what happened? Why do they have those expressions?! "What's wrong? Is there a problem?" "And to think... And to think that I wanted to even get closer to your greatness! I was deluded! I will try even harder to be of use to Ainz-sama!" When he said the last sentence, the Archdemon knelt and bowed deeply, it was then that the unicorn managed to find his voice again. "I… I, I already knew that my lord intelligence was incomparable, but, not even in my wildest fantasies had it occurred to me that had such a reach." "M-mhn" I don't understand, what happened? As she walked down the sidewalk from the luxurious apartment that they had found relatively close by, Yuri was heading to her destination, the job that would serve as a cover for her in this world, during the journey, the oldest of the Pleiades was completely immersed in her thoughts, marveling for the greatness of his master. Ainz-sama is incredible, he only read a book full of unjoined conversations, and yet everything has developed just as he said it, the inhabitants of this world gave me a considerable amount of their money for a simple necklace, a trinket With gems without any enchantment, thanks to Shizu coming with me, getting 'true' identities was child's play, this world relies a lot on machines without conscience and little defense capabilities, it only remains for Shizu to find a job to blend us completely. When she finally found herself in front of Canterlot High, she cut her internal monologue. "Umu, let's make Ainz-sama pleased." As soon as she crossed the entrance, the students could be seen beginning to arrive on campus in their various forms of transportation. The summit of the creatures took place in a gigantic building with a dome roof, this was located west of Equestria, on top of a plateau, multiple bridges connected the airports of the adjacent mountains with the plateau, ensuring that all The representatives had their own space, within the huge building, a large number of rooms allowed all attendees to make any preparations they needed and in the communal rooms, presentations, cultural and gastronomic samples of all nations were carried out, all this and more; the representatives of Equestria observed, but they could not relax, they would soon have to answer the proposal of the Sorcerer King, and they were not entirely sure in the answer to which they had arrived, for now, it was obvious that the new king attracted the attention of everyone in the room, as well as his companions. Uuuugh, I think we attracted too much attention, thank goodness I did not follow Demiurge's suggestion to bring half the maids, two are more than enough. Visiting all the exhibits and stalls, Nazarick's group stood out abundantly, Ainz for his clothing, a white tunic, whose buttons were made of diamonds, had intricate details on the silver-colored edges and a neck with abundant white feathers, a pair of metallic gauntlets, and an ivory-colored mask that emulated a serene face with delicate features, Albedo at his side, wore an elegant black dress that left her shoulders and most of her back exposed, she wore only platinum earrings with jewelry in the guild emblem shape and the translation collar, the dark lace dress contrasted beautifully with her fair skin, behind them both stood Tempest Shadow in her area guardian armor that made her as striking as the figure beside her, a man dressed in an elegant black suit with a white shirt peeking through the opening of the jacket and at the cuffs, the outfit was topped by a bright red tie and a handkerchief of the same color that peeked out of the pocket on the chest of the jacket With a goatee, a Casanova-style mustache and a friendly smile, his face denoted an intelligent and pleasant individual, only the small horns that emerged from his forehead suggested some aggressiveness; After wandering for a while, they came across someone they knew. "Oh!, but isn't it the Sorcerer King-sama?!" "Mmh? Ah, Queen Novo, oh, I see you have brought the princess too." "Good morning Ainz-sama." -the hippogriff princess said with a small bow, receiving a small nod from the Overlord in response- "Yes, she already has the needed knowledge, but she lacks the experience, and what better place for it than the summit, where she can observe politicians from many nations." "I see, it's certainly a good idea, although as a vassal state she could also train with us." "Oh no, no way, I would never dare to waste your time with little things like this; I see that you are accompanied by someone I have not met yet." "Ah right, this is Mephistopheles, he will be assigned as the archivist by the Sorcerer kingdom for the summit." Ainz said as he pointed his hand at the Demon, he stepped forward and gave a respectful bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Novo, my name is Mephistopheles To Diabolos, but feel free to call me Mephisto." "...The ...pleasure is all mine Mephisto, I am sure that you are someone exceptional, as are all the servants of His Majesty." The queen of the hippogriffs took a couple of seconds to respond, being taken by surprise by the true kindness with which the words were spoken. "I appreciate your kind words with all my heart." After this small intermission, both groups separated continuing their paths, two hours later, all the representatives and rulers were gathered in the conference room occupying their designated places, while the podium on the stage was the only well-lit part in the room, where there was a Minotaur who acted as a presenter, speaking to the audience. "And with this, we move on to new issues, the threat of the storm king that had affected multiple nations, has finally been neutralized," -at this news, murmurs were unleashed throughout the room- "this happened during one of his attacks," - the murmurs intensified, even some expressions of disbelief could be heard- "Today we have here the one who stopped him, now I give the podium to the king who stopped the tyrant's ambitions in his tracks, please, everyone welcome the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and his prime minister, Albedo." Before the sight of everyone a biped being sheathed in an expensive looking white tunic of exquisite make whit plentiful feathers in the neck, stepped in to the stage, it was using a strange mask that looked as marble with fine sculpted factions, and two steps behind him a female with a long and lustrous dark mane with a pair of curved horns coming from her temples and a pair of black wings that were born from her lower back wearing a luxurious dark dress adorned with lace which just highlighted her shapely figure that could put any biped female purple of envy; walked demurely. When both reached the podium, everyone was amazed by his commanding voice and respectful demeanor. "Thank you, Mr. White Horns," -all noise ceased, the full attention of the room was on the figure on the podium- "Rulers of all nations, I have come here with two intentions; first to formally announce myself in the international arena and secondly, to join my kingdom to this event, now, some of those present have already treated me before, but the rest have just heard my name for the first time, so I think a question and answer session will be needed, so let's get started." In the principal's office of Canterlot High, Principal Celestia and her sister, Vice Principal Luna, were in front of them, on the other side of the desk, Yuri Alpha was ready to start her day. "Very good day, I see that the punctuality of the Japanese is not a myth." -Luna said in a joking tone- "Putting the jokes aside," -said the headmistress casting a disapproving look at her sister- "I formally welcome you miss... errr... Fujiwara... Midori?" "You don't have to stress so much trying to follow the customs of my country, headmistress Celestia, you can just call me Midori." "Well, if you are fine with that, then I'll take you at your word." "By the way, your Engish is very good Miss Midori," - Luna interrupted again - "to be honest, we didn't expect it, it was a pleasant surprise during the interview yesterday, you must have studied very hard to eliminate your accent that way." "That's right, although unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid sometimes falling into the habit." "To tell the truth, your application fell to us like a god send, we were in a big bind since Miss Radiant Dawn left us, and that you had a specialty in math was great, by now the students must have already started arriving, and the rest of the teaching staff must be in the teachers room, later I will give you the lists and your role of classrooms, while I prepare them, how would you like to know the rest of your co-workers? " "I think it is a great idea." "Well then, shall we go?" -said Celestia as she stood up, an action that was imitated by Luna and Yuri- As they made their way down the hallways on their short walk to the teacher's lounge, looks of envy from the girls they passed and of disbelief from the few boys they crossed who gave looks that were a bit more than obvious; finally made it to the teacher's lounge and inside the reaction was not different, it could be said that many jaws touched the ground. The one who decided to break the awkward moment was Celestia. "Good morning everyone, let me introduce Miss Midori Fujiwara, she comes from Japan, she moved to our country for personal reasons, and she will be filling the gap left by the teacher Radiant Dawn, with her the teaching staff will be completed again, please introduce yourselves all appropriately while Luna and I prepare her lists and classroom rotation. " When the directress finished her introduction, Midori spoke up. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I hope we get along very well, from today I will be in your care." -Yuri finished making a formal bow- While the new teacher introduced herself, the sisters withdrew from the room, with Midori's introduction finished, the rest of the teachers began to come out of their stupor one by one. When the sisters were back at the direction office, the first to speak was Luna. "WOW! When you told me I couldn't believe it, but just, WOW, that figure is not possible naturally, is it? I mean, the size of those things is huge, and his face is... Perfect! Almost… as if it had been manufactured!" "I understand you perfectly sister, *shigh* it is not for throwing us flowers, but, it is a fact that you and I are beautiful, but she... simply make us just pretty at her side, I just hope it is not a problem with the students, it would be a shame to let go someone that good." Those words caused a raised eyebrow on her sister and as soon as she noticed her face turned like a tomato as she hurried to elaborate her words further. *Blush* "I'm talking about her skills and credentials!, she has such a good resume-!" "Jijijiji, *snort* hehehehe" -laughed the deputy director after having achieved her purpose- "GHA!, *humpf* Ha, Ha, very funny Luna," -the directress got up and gave her a little push with a folder full of papers- "here is the role of classrooms, hurry with the lists!" "Jijijiji, sure, sure," -Luna arranged the sheets and went to the exit- "And don't forget to show her the classrooms, or introduce her to the students, or bring the new student!" -The shame was just beginning to dissipate from Celestia's face because her sister's constant mocking tone- "Yes, I already understood 'mama'" When her sister finally left the office, Celestia let a few minutes pass as a precaution, then she touched her breasts, lifting them and moving them a little with her hands while mentally comparing them with those of the new teacher and after a few seconds she gave up with a sigh. Will they truly be real? *shigh* well, they at least seemed so. In the designated document storage room/library, archivists from various kingdoms were gathered, going through their stationeries and updating their documents, when a new voice was heard. "Here we are Mr. Mephisto, this is the archive room, oh look, here are some of the other archivists, hello Horwitz, how have you been?" "Mh? Raven dear! all good, huh, who's the one with you? *ghasph* don't tell me you've finally gotten your special someone!?" Old Yak archivist words caused a lump in the pony's throat. "Gha! Hu ta, plu, co." At least until the demon's laugh saved her from her shame. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" The melodious laughter caught the attention of the rest of the archivists who came over to see what it was all about. "You flatter me, but I'm sorry to disappoint you, that's not the case." -I spoke calmly the demon- "Horwitz, w-what are you saying?!, Ahem, no, this… gentlecolt, is Mephistopheles, he is the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom, he will join us from today." "The sorcerer kingdom? I had never heard of that kingdom, where is it located?" Asked the green dragon that had the tip of the snout in black as well as some spikes and details in this color on the body. "Ah, Blacktip, come closer everyone, let me introduce Mephistofeles the archivist for the sorcerer kingdom, Mephisto, these are Blacktip, the archivist of the dragon lord Ember," -the dragon nodded in greeting- "this is Urtica, the archivist of the Changeling Kingdom,"-the blue changeling with a green tail and wings wearing a white sweater, crossed his compound eyes with those of the demon and nodded- "This is Glenda, the archivist of Griffonia," -the short griffin with Traces of a wildcat give him a sheepishly salute with one of his heels- "and finally there is Horwitz, the archivist of the Yak kingdom." -The old female just gave a greeting with one of her hooves- "It is a pleasure to meet you all, you can call me Mephisto, and to answer your question Blacktip, my lord dethroned the Storm King and took his kingdom when he attacked the capital of Equestria, so it can be said that his territory occupies the one that previously belonged to the Storm Empire. The surprise was followed by disbelief, so everyone present turned to see Raven, she nodded in confirmation of the story. "The Sorcerer King took care of the storm king personally." -said the pony- "Wow, so he must be quite clever and powerful." -Glenda said, remembering the stories she had heard from the storm king earlier- "You have no idea, well, how about we get to work? I have a lot to catch up on, besides, at this moment my lord has to be answering all the questions that you yourselves have to all your nations." Everyone exchanged glances and accepted Mephisto's words as good and went to work, a couple of hours later, the Gryphon shyly approached. "E-excuse me while organizing the treaties between Griffins and Yaks I came across this document, it seems to be a treatise, only it is in ancient Equestre, could someone help me translate it?" "Of course, Glenda with pleasure" Raven took the scroll in her magic and began to read. "It is indeed a treaty, according to this, it is about a transfer of territory from Griffonia to Equestria." Hearing this, the demon who had been preparing the section where the documents concerning the sorcerer realm would be filed, stopped what he was doing and turned to get close. "Hmm, apparently in ancient times, the ponies bought a section of land from the griffins, that section today would encompass a good part of Equestria, it would even cover the territory where Canterlot is located, here it says that the land would once again be owned by the griffin unless Equestria paid out an enormous amount of gold a hundred years later." "Then, according to this document, a large part of Equestria would belong to the Gryphons." -the demon contributed- "Glenda, did you find any other document with this, parchment? Maybe some addition or additional page?" "No Mephisto, that was the only one, there was no other in the container." "Well then, how about we help you search?" "Thanks a lot!" The entire group searched in the Griffin and Equestrian archives, but in the end, no results were achieved. "I didn't find anything." -said Raven- "Neither do we" -said the Changeling- "So does that mean Equestria never paid?" -Asked the griffin- "So it seems Glenda, *shigh* I must report this to the princesses, all that land must be returned to the griffins." In one of the meeting rooms available for the use of the guests, the council of Griffonia and the princesses of Equestria who received the news delivered by Raven were gathered. "So is that true Princess Celestia?" "I'm afraid Lord Gestal, the treaty is from before our reign began, but my assistant, along with the other archivists, searched thoroughly and everything indicates that the payment was never made." "So the land belongs to us and must be returned, immediately!" interrupted one of the lesser nobles of the Gryphon council. "But there are cities in those lands, even Canterlot!" -the princess of friendship answered desperately- "Then you must move." "That's impossible!" "Silence!" -the leader of the council regained control of the discussion- "my compatriot spoke out of turn, but what he says is correct, the land belongs to us and the debt must be paid," -said Lord Gestal- "Maybe we could consider a deferred payment? Or we could just cover the original amount of gold promised in the treaty." Celestia was trying to reduce the impact on Equestria as much as possible. "Mmmm… yeah, that could-" "If you'll excuse me for a moment, your honor." But things don't always go the way you want them to. "I think we should accept the gold, but with full interest on the original sum." The one who had intervened was a Fawn Gryphon. "With interest?! But it's centuries! That would send the Equestria treasury bankrupt!" The monarch of the sun speaks with concern. "Seven times actually." -Raven contributed- "Well then I suppose they simply 'must' return the lands." -the aleopardated griffin inquired again- "I couldn't help but notice Lord Goldstone," -spoke taking again the word Gestal- "but if these lands were attached to Griffonia, it would greatly increase your territories." "How? *Ghasph* but if you're correct Lord Gestal, I had no idea!" -Goldstone spoke with a really sarcastic tone- "And what do the rest of you think my dear Lords." - Gestal asked the rest of the representatives- "If they can't hand over the gold, they must hand over the land!" "Yes!" -second the rest- After having the answers from his peers, the Gryphon leader gave his last plea. "So it appears that I have no choice but to 'demand' that the treaty be honored, Equestria 'must' hand over the lands." *Shigh* "I understand Lord Gestal, I only ask that you give me until closing time to make the announcement." "Of course Your Highness, not doing so would be… 'anti diplomatic'." As soon as the council left the room, Princess Celestia gave her orders. "Raven, Twilight, Glenda, I need to prepare an announcement on the treaty, in the meantime, I want you three to find something, whatever! As long as it's helpful, I'm sure there must be a legal loophole or something that has been missed, even if it only serves to gain time, the future of Equestria depends on it." With these words the group left, all the way back they thought about what to do, while Twilight tried to encourage them, when they returned, they asked for the help of the rest to review the files of each nation. "I apologize Princess Twilight, but wouldn't that be just wasting everyone's time?" "Uh? Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think I know you, are you…?" "Oh right, where are my manners? I am Mephistopheles To Diabolo, but you can call me Mephisto, I am the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom, if I may suggest, it is best to search the Yak archives first, after all, they are the ones who serve as witnesses in the treaty." At the demon's words, the Equesters regained hope. "It is true, I had completely forgotten! In the old days, when an important treaty was made, a third party was invited to act as a witness or take charge of imposing the treaty if necessary, the chances of finding something are quite big, let's get hooves on! " -Raven said with a big smile- At two thousand meters above sea level, as they flew over the sea in their ship, in the makeshift war room in one of the largest cabins, the doppelgängers were checking their progress. "Everything is going according to plans, in a few hours we will reach the summit, the advance that we sent yesterday reported that three hours ago ships stopped arriving, and the summit began an hour and a half ago, we will arrive in the afternoon." -said the centaur- "Excellent, I will report our progress to Demiurge-sama, make sure no one interrupts." -answered the minotaur- As soon as his partner left the room, from a bag he took out several scrolls that he activated in succession, all of them, precautionary measures, the last to be activated was the one that contained the spell he wanted to use. "[Message]" And like the rest, it was consumed in colorful flames. "Demiurge-sama?" 'Yes, what is it?' "I'm calling to report our progress, we will reach the summit in around three hours." 'Excellent, so everything is going according to plan, I'll make sure I'm ready for extraction at the right time.' As soon as the spell was over, a malicious smile appeared on the minotaur's face. "I wonder if Ainz-sama will be pleased with our performance?" After a couple of hours of searching, the archivists still found nothing and began to lose patience. "Grrrrraaaaghh, we've already been here two hours and we still haven't found anything!" "Blacktip is right, we even went through the section of that period several times and we have not achieved anything." -said the pony- "I don't understand, a hundred years after the treaty was during the Dromus period, he must have followed up on the treaty." -Commented the archivist yak- "Correct me if I'm wrong Miss Horwitz, but are we not looking in the wrong section?" "What do you mean Mister Mephisto?" -asked the changeling- "When I arrive, spend some time looking at the exhibits with Ainz-sama Miss Urtica, and if I remember correctly, the Yaks used a different calendar than the ponies previously, so the period in which the follow-up was done must be different, right?" *Ghasph* "That's right, how could I forget ?!" Hearing this, the Yak archivist threw herself on a pile of documents. "That means it must have been during the period of Prince Crompus!" After a couple of minutes, the old yak emerged from the pile holding a scroll in one of her hooves. "A-HA!" Reven received the document and after reading it confirmed it. "This is the annex! It is the confirmation that Equestria paid the agreed sum." While everyone celebrated their success, they did not notice a griffing entering. "My, my, it seems that the search was successful, or am I wrong?" Seeing her superior, the griffin archivist was quick to reply. "Lord Goldstone! We found a misfiled document proving that Equestria made good on the payment!" "But how wonderful!" The sarcasm in Gryphon's tone did not go unnoticed by the demon or the princess of friendship. "Will you allow me to see it for a moment?" "Of course-" "I'm sorry, but that won't be possible, at least not until it's reviewed by Princess Celestia and Lord Gestal." The princess of friendship interrupted. *Ghasph* "But why? Is it that you distrust me, Princess Twilight?" "Uuummm" "No? Well, you should! GUARDS!" A group of armored griffins immediately entered the room. "Nobody leaves this room, and captures all the archivists and the princess!" This order caused conflict that was reflected in the faces of the guards. "Sir?" "They have in their possession a document that must be destroyed or it will endanger the future of Griffonia!" "You have to escape while they are distracted." -whispered the alicorn to the rest- "Oh? You don't have to worry princess, I'm not here just as an archivist, I'll take care of it, let me have the scroll." -said the demon calmly- With the extended offer of help, Twilight gave him the document without thinking and did not react until it began to disappear inside his coat pocket. *Ghasph* But what have I done, if his subordinate gets hurt I don't even want to think what the Sorcerer King is capable of doing! "I recommend backing up a bit or you could get hurt." -Mephisto finished- Seeing that all the soldiers were pouncing on him, all the archivists and the princess instinctively fell back, because of the difference in numbers, they all expected to hear screams of pain, so they closed their eyes and looked away, but what they heard made them reopen them. *Squeak/Roar* "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHugugugugululgruu!" A battle cry followed by a gasp, only they did not belong to the unknown race but to a griffin, when they watched the fight again, they saw lying at Mephisto's feet a mass enveloped in black flames that twisted occasionally, in which could be seen a puddle of molten metal literally glowing and the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom standing engulfed in the same flames. "[Hellfire Manttle], I think I exaggerated a bit, it looks like there is practically nothing left with the slightest touch." The griffins were so terrified that they couldn't move. "Mh? What is it? Do you expected a different result when trying to touch a demon? Hehehe, you have no remedy, Lord Goldstone, my master sent me here not only as an archivist but also as a custodian of the archives and he authorized me to take care of any issues at my discretion, so sorry but I must take you to pay for your actions, [Shockwave]" The demon extended his hand and knocked the rest of the griffin guards unconscious, then he turned back to the archivists, they all took a step back, but stopped when they saw him extinguish the flames that surrounded him. "I apologize for the deplorable sight, but I had to neutralize them." The first to recover was the princess of friendship. "T-they are… they are all of them… they are all…" "Mh, oh no, merely unconscious, sadly I can't say the same about the one who attacked me at the beginning." Everyone followed the demon's gaze to the pile of ashes, not even the metal was saved from sharing the same fate, everything was completely reduced, the demon focused his gaze on the alicorn again as he took out the scroll from his coat. "Here is it Princess Twilight, with this you can anounce that the debt is paid, as, for the traitors, you may want to call some of your guards to deliver them." "Eh? Ah, yes, thank you." This finally brought the others out of their trance and the first to speak was the dragon. "That was amazing! I have never seen metal burned to ashes!" But the most focused of the room could not allow the elephant to go unnoticed. "Wait, did you just say you're a demon ?!" -shouted the Changeling- "That is Urtica, well the naked truth I'm an emancipated one if you mind, which is why I have no tail, I do not wish death and suffering as center ornaments, however, I can still use some of my demonic abilities, but my magic is mainly of divine alignment." They were all speechless. "And as for your question Blacktip, you have never seen anything like that because it was infernal fire, so hot that it is capable of burning even souls." These words started an awkward silence that was almost immediately broken by Raven who arrived with some of the equestrian soldiers. "These are the individuals, arrest them for treason and attempted fraud, bring them before Princess Celestia and one of you summons Lord Gestal to our room." Once the crime was reported, and the griffins were awakened, everything was quickly solved in a diplomatic way and when they were about to leave the room, one of the lookouts galloped in and stopped before the monarch of the sun. "Princess Celestia, Corporal Fast Hoff reporting!" "What's going on?" "Ships Your Highness, we are surrounded, they arrived by caravan, hidden behind the smoke from the first ship!" The princesses rushed out of their room and as they walked they kept talking. "Are you sure they are enemies?" "We tried to contact them, but they don't respond, they also carry the insignia of the storm king." "From the storm king? Have you already asked the Sorcerer King if he knows anything about it or if are they his troops?" "Yes, your highness, he answered that he only brought one ship and he had no need for more." "Maybe so." -said the monarch of the sun between her teeth- "Princess?" "It's nothing, could you get an approximation of how many troops we are facing? "The captain thinks it may be a full brigade." These words almost caused the alabaster alicorn to stumble, she stopped, turned to her soldier, and asked with 'calm'. "WHAT?!" -after which the princess of friendship continued- "But that's more than twice the forces that attacked Canterlot!" Princess Celestia shook her head to restart her thoughts. "Corporal! May all the rulers of the defensive pact be gathered together with the troops that they have brought in immediately, we must prepare a defense with what is available, that they all go to the main entrance, there we will meet." "Most are already there, Your Highness." "Good, then call only the missing ones." When leaving, practically all the rulers who had attended were there, they all tried to assess the situation and decide their plan of action, shouts and orders were heard, everything was in chaos. "SILENCE!" -Celestia yelled using Canterlot's royal voice- "We must act fast, we must form a defensive perimeter, form barricades and-" The orders of the monarch of the sun were abruptly interrupted by a deep and authoritative voice. "That will be a useless waste of lives, the numbers are completely against you." Standing at the front door was the Sorcerer King, flanked by his prime minister and Tempest on the right and left respectively when all the attention was on him, he began to walk towards the center of the crowd. "Tell me, Sorcerer King, then what do you think is the best procedure, if you have a better idea we will listen to you." "No one had notified me that the enemy forces wore the insignia of the storm king, all that is the equipment of which I ordered its destruction, so it goes without saying that this problem only concerns me," -some murmurs began to be heard among the crowd- "If I'm not wrong, it must be those who are still faithful to the storm king, I didn't think they would truly carry out their plan today." "Are you telling us that you already knew beforepaw that something like this could happen?" -A diamond dog who was Diamondia's representative asked in disbelief- "Not that 'could', I was sure it would happen, I just assumed they would understand how stupid it is to attack the summit, but I think I overestimated them, ah right, I almost forgot Albedo? "Yes, inmediatly Ainz-sama" The overseer of the guardians bowed slightly and took several steps forward. "[Mass Charm Species]" Before the astonished gaze of the Equestres, all the dignitaries except for them began to put on a placid and carefree face, some even put on an idiotic smile, upon seeing this, the princess of love was completely astonished from the front door where she saw everything that was happening. "Impossible, an attraction spell on so many individuals at the same time." While Ainz had been speaking previously, the missing representatives had arrived, so at this moment practically everyone was under the effect of the spell, even the changelings, with Thorax being the only one who was managing to resist it, then the succubus spoke. "From among the rulers and representatives, those who know that their government is supporting or personally sent support to the rebel army of the storm king, come to the front of the group." To Twilight and Celestia's horror, they watched as multiple figures moved unsteadily forward, a minotaur, a giraffe, the diamond dog that spoke earlier, an arachnid, and several of the griffin lords. "Now, everyone who broke away from the group, advance until you form a compact group to my left and close your eyes, nothing that happens is wrong, everything is normal, just a game." When those who supported the rebel army complied with her instructions, Tempest received an indication from her master and quickly tied them all in pairs with a rope that was provided by one of the servants, when they were all secured, the succubus ended the effect of his charm, finally freeing all from the spell, everyone shook their heads and tried to understand what had just happened. "Well now that this has been fixed, it's time to deal with the remaining enemies." -said Ainz as he advanced, when they saw him approach, they all stepped aside, opening a space in the center through which the Overlord passed alone, the rest of his entourage stayed behind, as soon as he stood on the edge of the plateau he began to think as he watched a good part of the army form. Mmmm, which spell will I use, I need it to be something colorful and to impress everyone, a super level one? No, the amount of MOB is not worth it, mmm, oh! yes I got it! "[Fly]" To everyone's surprise, even without wings, the Sorcerer King flew up and stopped halfway between the summit and the soldiers. "[Create Hig Tier Undead: Eternal Death!]" Ainz hoped that, by using his magic, the black smoke that usually creates the undead without a base would simply arise, so for both him and the rest of those present, it was a surprise what happened. From ground level, everyone had huddled near the edge of the plateau to try to see more clearly what was happening, even some of those with wings soared into the air, including the princesses of Equestria; when Suddenly, everyone heard him shout 'Eternal Death' and a moment later, the space to the right of the Sorcerer King began to distort, then a huge blade pierced the twisted space opening it, and from the opening, a creature came out, now it was obvious that The weapon that the creature carried was a scythe and although no one knew what it was or where it came from, even so, everyone felt being overwhelmed by a feeling of cold and desolation that caused them a great chill, even the immortal alicorns felt it, all those that had taken flight immediately returned to the ground. Once on the ground and still feeling fear, the youngest of the princesses asked herself. "What?, what is that?" And even when she did not expect it, she received an answer. "'That' is the eternal death." -Albedo replied calmly as if she were simply talking about the weather- "I guess my Lord called him to shoot down the aircrafts." As if confirming the words of the succubus, the Overlord raised a hand pointing towards the ships, the creature bowed and dissipated in mist, a few seconds later, the ships began to fall one by one and when the first one hit the ground, There was no boiler explosion or magic release as expected, instead, the ship broke like an egg when hitting the ground and when the interior was revealed, it could be seen clearly, even from a distance that everything was rotten and/or corroded, when the second ship followed the fate of the first, the result was repeated. As soon as the smoke that was supposed to manifest did not and a sound of cloth ripping was heard next to him, Ainz realized that something had not gone as expected. Oh oh, what went wrong? Has the spell failed? * Rrrrriiiiiip * Uh, that hadn't happened before, shit!, another difference! However, a hole, in reality, was ripped open next to him and an the Eternal Death emerged from it, but just as Ainz was going to relax thinking that it had only changed the mode of appearance, he tensed again as the summon prostrated and spoke. "Your humble servant has heeded your call my lord." -It enunciated with his voice from beyond the grave- Shit!, Eternal Deaths aren't supposed to speak! (SE), calm down, it seems to be servile, keep acting. "What do you know about yourself?" "I am the death of this world, you gave me a body that allows me to enter the mortal plane without any limit, in addition to increasing my power, I did not know that I was in need of a master to serve, you have called me and given me a new purpose, you have acepted me as your servant, tell me, do my lord have any orders for his humble servant?" "Yes, I have it, but before I give it to you I have one more question for you, do you feel limited by some kind of timer, deadline, or something similar?" "No my master, like any of our kind, the time has never limited me." Does that mean it will be a permanent invocation then? But how I did not use a corpose? "Well, your mission, for now, is to shoot down those ships, each and every one of them, you can test your new powers, but make sure you bring the commanders intact if ther is any one, they are mine." "Immediately my lord." With these words the Eternal Death disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke and after a few seconds the first ship began to fall, after several ships collapsed, the rest began to retreat, but they did not have enough speed, after 10 minutes. , all the ships had fallen and six generals were at the feet of Albedo, who kept them on her knees while holding her battle-ax in her hand, but the only one to realize this was the princess of love who was still in the main entrance and was gaping, the rest had not noticed as they were spellbound seeing the scene in front of them. "As you ordered master, six generals were secured, I leave them with Lady Albedo as ordered mentally." "Umu" Excellent, the mental link that allows me to feel it also allows me to order it! at least that did not change! "So now we have to take care of the rest of the garbage." When only a few ships remained in the air, the enemy army began the attack charge with a great war cry, they were not so close, but even so, they could be heard up to the plateau for the number they were, the soldiers at foot they were easily more than half of the original brigade when the leaders of the summit were about to order their troops to form up to receive the attack that would try to cross the main bridge, it was when the last of the flying ships fell and the creature reappeared next to the Sorcerer King in the air, after a couple of seconds, he raised one of his hands to the sky, the alicorns were the first to realize, the amount of magic he used did not stay in him, this made them look up where it quickly concentrated, and her surprise caused the others to follow her example. *GHASPH* "It all ends here, [Meteor Fall]!" A massive magic circle was created several kilometers high, which everyone could see attested to its size, and from it came a gigantic burning rock, it was a meteorite of more than 40 meters in diameter. Sensing the change in atmospheric pressure, the Gryphon mercenaries were the first to stop and turn to the sky, after a second of surprise, the screams took over the sky. "Spread out!" "Take cover!" "Withdrawal!" "Run!, go away!" Seeing the meteorite, Tempest's jaw dropped, but the general part of her mind immediately prevailed. "Emmmhh… excuse me Albedo-sama, the meteor is going to cause a lot of collateral damage, isn't it?" "Indeed, why?" "Errr… and does Ainz-sama wish this place to be damaged?" In just a few milliseconds, the supervisor understood what the unicorn was trying to say. "…! Take care of the prisoners!" The succubus dropped the ax that simply disappeared in particles of light, half a second later, she was on the edge of the plateau in front of everyone. *KRABOOM* "[Wall of Jericho]!" Just as the shock wave, heat, and debris were about to hit the plateau, a huge magical wall rose, blocking any damage it might have received from the explosion caused by the impact of the meteor. Fiiiuuuu, thank goodness Albedo reacted quickly, I hadn't even taken into consideration the fact that the collateral damage now has realistic reach, but what an idiot! *shigh* "Eternal Death" "Order Ainz-sama" "Search for the corpses of Generals Frienze and Strong Horn, a Cypriot Centaur and a Minotaur respectively, and take them with the other prisoners." "Immediately." The figure disappeared again and the Overlord began to return to the plateau, when he was in front of the wall, the supervisor dispelled it. "Good work Albedo." "I am not worthy of your kind words Ainz-sama." The monarch of the sun approached them both with a hard face. "King Gown, could you tell me how you justify the sacrifice of so many lives." Uuuhaa, now why is she so upset, they weren't her subjects! "There are several reasons, but the main one is that they forfeited it them themselves, the vast majority of that army were individuals loyal to the storm king, and if I am correct, their intention was not only to overthrow me, they wanted to take advantage of the summit to subjugate as many kingdoms as possible." "And how are we supposed to verifi that information if you killed them all?" "Mh? Oh, but I haven't killed them all," -they all turned to see the infernal scene behind the king with a face of 'seriously! I can not see how that could be'- "it looks like everyone was too distracted by what was happening in front that you did not notice the movement behind, maybe only the princess of love has seen it all." Nobody understood what the Sorcerer King was talking about, so when he pointed towards a place behind them, they all followed with their eyes until they found the place he was pointing at. "I ordered my subordinate to extract all the highest-ranking or important figures he could find." -Said the Overlord while pointing at the figures that were being held on the ground by Tempest's magic- In that precise moment a cloud of dark mist materialized itself and two barley breathing bodies fell from it, they were missing more than one limb and practically all their bodies were burnt, then a third figure materialized and the dark fog was dispelled, finally shreding some light over how had the prisioners got there; the creature was obiously the one called by the Sorcerer King but seeing it up close the chilling felling from before returned with a vengance, some losed control over his bowels and/or bladder, in the begining, the ones that had heard talk the first minister Albedo were dening that her words were literal but seeind up close that dark as night sythe with a cutting edge that shine as the moon the rothen tunic which moved even without a bezze and the dark hood that engulfed the face of the creature in complete darkness, give a strong suggestion to who it was something highlighted by the bony hands that could be seen coming from the sleeves and the ausence of limbs touching the ground; this creature... was death itself. "I have carried out your orders my master, they have already exceeded their time, I only await your permission to harvest them." "Good work Eternal Death, but it is not necessary to keep them on this plane, I just wanted to confirm their identities, for now, we already have enough witnesses." As soon as it received the permission of its master, the scythe moved like lightning through the two bodies, leaving a bright trail behind it, as soon as it faded, the bodies lost all signs of life. "Tempest, take the prisoners to the assembly chamber, and make sure nothing happens to them, they have a lot of questions to answer." "Right away Ainz-sama." -The unicorn answered, bowing and taking the prisoners away in her magic- "Albedo, let a specialized group come to repair the damage, leaving it like this would be irresponsible." "Yes, as you order, I will take care to notify Mare immediately." "Umu, now I think we should continue the summit, I have questions to which I will receive answers." The group of dignitaries could not move, the same question crossed everyone's mind at that moment: 'Who is this that is capable of commanding the stars of heaven and death itself?' After a short time after introducing herself and having exchanged words with all the teachers, the viceprincipal Luna returned to explain how everything worked; when they were about to finish, the bell rang and all the teachers went to their classrooms, but not before giving a discreet look to the new teacher, after a moment more, the introduction was finished. "So I think that would be it, any questions Miss Midori?" "None, everything has been a quite clear Deputy Director Luna." "Excellent, then let's go to the first classroom." They both got up and left the teacher's Lounge, on the way, Luna continued giving her directions. "You will be in this room until lunchtime, after that you will change to the second, I will come every hour to introduce you to the group and to verify that everything is in order... if any student becomes difficult to deal with, you can leave the classroom and look for me in the detention classroom." "I doubt that any inconvenience will arise, but if that is the case, I will count on you then." "Excellent, we are here, this is your first classroom, wait outside until I call you please." Yuri nodded in response and then Luna entered the room. "Very well, everyone be quiet and take your seats." The whole morning was like any other for the M7, they arrived, they got together, Pinkie abruptly disappeared, they chatted a bit and left for their classrooms, Twilight, Sunset, and Rarty shared math first thing in the morning, so they did not separate. "I wonder what that scandal was?" -Asked the redhead to the other two- "Pish posh!, you know the boys dear, they were surely showing off to the others their new erotic magazine, Blegh." "I don't know Rarity, it didn't sound like they were talking about an image." "Errr, Sunset, isn't it supposed to be impossible for minors to buy that kind of… 'stuff?" -Twilight asked with a red face- "Normally not possible, but guys-" *Riiiiiinnnnnnng* The redhead's explanation was cut off by the bell that indicated the start of the class, when they heard it they all forgot the talk and ran to their classroom, but to their surprise, upon reaching the classroom, Vice Principal Luna had not yet arrived, they all took their seats and kept talking, after a few minutes, Twilight changed the subject. "Assistant Principal Luna hasn't arrived yet, has something happened to her? I mean, she's never late." "Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine, otherwise the director would have already made an announcement." At that moment the door opened. All right, everyone, be quiet and take your seats!" -Once everyone was seated, Luna continued speaking- " there is an important announcement to make, starting today, the gap in the teaching staff that teacher Radiant Dawn had left has already been occupied, so I will no longer be your math teacher," -the reactions were varied, but the most dominant was a relief, which bothered the assistant principal a bit- "the new teacher comes from Japan and has a math specialty, please come in." The door opened and what entered left all the students speechless, even most men and women could not help but gape, through the door entered a woman with dark slanted eyes that were hiding behind rectangular glasses stylized with a silver and gold frame, a kind but serious expression on her face, her hair gathered in a bun with the front part lose, all her visible skin was white and perfect, she wore a silk scarf in gray color around her neck, was dressed in a barely loose white blouse that did not hide the volume of her ample chest, her waist and hips were covered by a tight wine-colored satin skirt that only accentuated her pronounced hips, this one had small side slits that ran from mid-thigh to just above the knee, where the skirt ended, her shapely legs were covered by gray stockings and her feet were encased in wine-colored low-heeled shoes. "Good morning everyone, my name is Fujiwara Midori and I will be your new math teacher starting today, it's nice to meet you." The new teacher ended her presentation with a small bow that caused envious glances in most of the girls, some even unconsciously put their hands to their chest for an instant, while the boys, who were stunned before, now their expressions varied between embarrassment, nervousness or utter shock, some even had their mouths wide open or their hands under the desk. *shigh* I hope nothing too serious happens. -Luna thought before continuing- "For today, there will be no class itself, I want everyone to introduce yourselves briefly as Miss Midori passes attendance so that she can get a little familiar with you." The vice principal's voice snapped the students out of their trance and they responded in the affirmative simply by nodding their heads. "Well then, I'll leave the class in your hands, Miss Midori, for now, I have other business to attend to, but I'll be back at the end of the hour, see you later." "See you later then." Yuri said goodbye with a slight bow, when Luna left, she took the folder with the lists and took out the corresponding one, and began to pass the roll. "Well, let's get started, Amethyst Star…" Luna paced the hallways toward the entrance as she thought about the reactions she saw in the room. "Well, at least things turned out better than I expected, fortunately, her appeal is natural and not magical, there is no risk that everything will suddenly change," -she stopped abruptly and brought a hand to her forehead with an audible *smack* - Damn, both Celi and I forget to think about what to say or do if a magical accident happens or sees the girls transform, *shigh* "I'll talk to her as soon as I'm done, now all that remains is to take care of the new student, take her to her classroom, inform her, alocate her and present her." -she look at the watch on her wrist- "sHe should already be waiting at the entrance as instructed." When she reached the entrance, her heart was not prepared for what she found. HOW CUTE!!! Looks like a giant doll!! NO! Calm down! Bad Luna, Bad Luna! When she managed to calm her thoughts and control her desire to pinch the girl's cheeks, the vice principal spoke up. "Ahem, good morning, you must be… Fujiwara Shizu, correct?" The girl turned to face her and the first thing Luna noticed was how cute she was, the second thing she noticed was the patch over her right eye, the answer she received was a simple nod accompanied by a barely audible sound. "Umu" At the short answer and the completely expressionless face, the deputy director could only blink in reaction. "Weeeell, please follow me," -Luna started walking through the corridors and while she was followed by the new student, she continued giving directions- "we will go to the directress office first to assign you your class role, after that, we will give you an introduction to what Canterlot High is, as well as what can be found in it, we will introduce you to the teachers between hours and then you will be taken to your first class for today." "Umu" When they got to the office, Luna began preparing the new student's schedules, while Celestia gave her the full introductory course. "That would be it for our school, do you have any questions?" "Nhn" * Riiiiiiiiiinnnnnng * "At this moment the second hour is beginning, the vicedirectress Luna should be with your sister, there is no time to lose, let's go." The directress finished by standing up, an action that was imitated by Shizu while answering. "Umu" After a brief pause for some to clean themselves, all the representatives were back in the main meeting room. "Well, we were practically finished before the interruption, are there any other questions?" Out of everyone present, only the Dragonlord Ember dared to raise her hand. "Yes, Queen Ember." "I would just like to ask one more thing, *Glup* your highness, who are you really? I mean, not even the god of chaos Discord is capable of standing between death and who is yet to meet it." *Shigh* "Well, since I reveal some of my power to you, I don't need to keep hiding my face." Or the lack of the same hehe. The gloves unraveled into specks of Light and skeleton hands full of rings were revealed underneath, the chest of the robe split open and a rib cage with a red orb floating where the stomach should be, and finally a bony hand could be seen removing the mask and like the gloves, it disappeared, red flames floated where the eyes should be, under the mask there were only bones, the reaction was as expected. *GHASPH* (collective) The Overlord spread his arms to his sides and exclaimed: "You will never find someone like me in history, in this world there has never been another like me, I am the master of life and death, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!" > Damage Count > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the first hour, the rumors and gossip had only increased, it was so much the increase, that even Applejack and Rainbow Dash had found out about them, and when they entered the room where they would attend history to the second hour, one of the boys had started to spout crazy stories that no one believed him about a very voluptuous Japanese woman, the class was silent when teacher Cranky Doodle walked in and class started normally, but after about ten minutes into class, the principal Celestia called him from the door And after a couple of minutes more the teacher came back in and after him, an incredibly pretty girl entered, she had strawberry-blonde hair with a soft pink shade that made it look between orange and gold, it reached up to the middle of her thighs she wore it gathered in two low pigtails tied with garters that had a white rose ornament, she wore a blue jumper-type dress that reached her knees, under this she wore a white blouse with slightly puffed sleeves and a red ribbon at the neck. In a bow, her dress was finished off by simple dark cherry-colored shoes and long white stockings that disappeared under the skirt, but the biggest surprise was when the girl turned to the front, her face seemed to have been made of porcelain, completely without imperfections, his right eye was emerald green and where the left was supposed to be was a patch with a white rose in a rather realistic relief, despite being completely expressionless, she had an adorable face. * Skwweeeeeeeee * A sound of adorable enthusiasm was heard, everyone would have turned to see its origin if not for the teacher who draw the attention of the room. "Silence everyone! do not interrupt! Ehem, from today we will have a new student, she is originally from Japan, she moved to our country recently together with her older sister, treat her with respect and get along with her." The teacher gestured and the student stepped forward. "My name is Fujiwara Shizu, it's a pleasure, let's get along?" The automaton clasped her hands in front and made a standard bow and when saying the last sentence, it raised its head and tilted it 20 degrees to the left. * Daaaawwwww * This time they all turned to the origin, but only found Rainbow asleep, hidden behind the history book that was upside down and open on her desk. After that the class continued normally, and it was not until the bell rang again that a crowd of students surrounded Shizu and bombarded her with questions, she answered some and then got up, approached Dash who was fervently denying AJ comments, and when she was standing right behind her, she stopped, the sportswoman turned and before she could react. "Cute" A round sticker with the legend 1 yen was pasted on the athlete's forehead, to which the farmer responded with a hearty laugh. "Uh, uh, what, how?" "HAhahahahahahahahahahahaha, you got caught Rainbow, hahahahaha." As the farmer laughed, CZ turned and headed off to her next class. The rest of the morning was uneventful for M7, the hours went by and in each class, there was more noise about the new teacher and the new CHS student, so when they met for lunch, this was the first topic of conversation. "Girls, have you all heard about the new additions to CHS?" -asked the redhead and after receiving nods she continued- "Well, as incredible as it may seem, I can assure you that they do not do justice to the teacher." "And let it be known my dear, her body is a bomb! the envy of any woman, and her face is that of an angel! I have never seen such a perfect complexion in all my life, and she was not wearing a hint of makeup!" Hearing Rarity's words, the rest cast inquiring looks at Twilight and she broadened the topic. "Vice-principal Luna had been filling the gap left by the teacher Radiant Dawn as a math teacher until now, we had math first thing today, but today the new teacher took the class, a Japanese woman named Midori Fujiwara, according to the vice-principal, she has a master degree in math and is certainly very beautiful." "Mhm, it's true, in the fourth hour I took a class with her, she seems to be a very nice person." -Contributed Fluttershy- "Well, a' had to meet the new girl 'n the second hour, and let me tell y'a that she is darn cute, as soon as y'a see her the desire to hug her, protect her and pinch her cheeks, 's unbearable, I'm pretty sure that if that sweetheart gives the puppy eyes to anyone she will kill it of diabetes, -The farmer shot a mischievous look at the athlete- "even Dash squealed of delight." The reaction of the rainbow-haired girl was immediate, but, with the blush and the sticker on her face, the denial was not convincing. "GHA! I already told you it wasn't me! I was asleep!" After a round of laughter from everyone, the farmer continued. "But, a' must admit, her face is beautiful, but it's almost as blank as Pinkie's sister." "Speaking of Pinkie, has anyone seen her? she had English with me in the fourth hour, but she didn't show up." -Twilight asked with some concern- The rest only shared a conspiratorial look until one gave voice to the thought in everyone's mind, Sunset tried to calm her friend's concern. "Don't worry Twilight, we'll see her very soon." At that precise moment, the door of the cafeteria was opened, and two figures entered, it was the new additions to the school, Miss Midori and Shizu, as the door closed behind them a bunch of small explosions and trumpets were heard that unleashed a shower of confetti and garlands. The results of the summit had been between surprise, disbelief and impotence, the surprise was that the hippogriffs had declared themselves a vassal state of the sorcerer kingdom, also, Equestria had signed a free trade agreement that made them practically allies for a period 15-year probationary after this, the Dragon Nation, the Changeling Kingdom, the Abissnia Kingdom, the Crystal Empire and the Zebrica Kingdom decided to sign similar probationary treaties, while the Beringei (Gorilla) Kingdom, the Everfree Kingdom (deer), the Yak nation, the Nubian country (donkeys), the Ararauna kingdom (birds), the Saddle Arabia kingdom, and a host of others decided not to sign, but remained open for trade, while a handful of representatives were sweating bulets, they were Grifonia, Arachne, Diamondia, Minos and the Jiraffide country, which was not unexpected since they had been declared non grata in the sorcerer kingdom, likewise, it was anounced that any action on the part of these kingdoms carried out before the pertinent investigation was completed, would be considered a declaration of war and would receive immediate response, the only thing that allowed them a little respite was that the investigation would not have a very long duratioin, a maximum of three months was announced as its limit, and the remaining bulk of those who were under this problem were given an official letter for their kingdoms, in which they were required to hand over the guilty as well as quite a considerable compensation. When the meeting ended, almost at dusk, again all the representatives left the building in a hurry, because they wanted to check with their own eyes the words of their subordinates and/or guards, when they left, simply no one was able to believe what they were seeing indeed, all the damage that the ground had received after the impact of the meteorite have been repaired, all the bodies of the dead soldiers and wrecked ships had been collected and the vegetation, that it was estimated that even with constant care of ponies and deer would take at least more than one year to fully recover, was already in perfect and healthy condition. That night, when the summit was finished, all the representatives withdrew with much to digest in mind, however, the most mentally fatigued had been the Overlord, who was now in his ship on his way back to the sorcerer kingdom. *SHIGH* Aaaaaaaahhhhh... I'm so tired, now that I use it for the second time I think that title makes me look very presumptuous, should I stop using it? *Shigh* and then there is the matter of the Eternal Death, how was I to know! that I would invoke the true death of this world!, arrrrgghh!; aaahaaa, at least he had no objection to continue with his usual tasks and intervene directly in this plane only when ordered, I hope that no other surprises arise, well, I must continue working. With this Ainz left his pensive pose and continued reviewing the reports he had on the desk, meanwhile, the supervisor of the guards was in her cabin, sitting on a wide sofa like a lady, and in front of her was a very nervous unicorn. "Tempest Shadow, I have called you for a reason, today you have rendered me an important service, so, as a thank you, I will grant you anything you want, you can ask for anything but only from the sorcerer kingdom, everything in Nazarick belongs to Ainz-sama, it's not up to me to give you anything of him, so what do you want? A mansion? Males? Servants? Ask and I'll see what I can do to make it up to you." The reaction of the unicorn, changed rapidly while the succubus spoke, the first thing that stunned her was the surprise of being recognized by the supervisor, the second, was shame when she offered males, IN PLURAL! At that moment she thanked the Supreme beings for the color of her fur, and immediately after disbelief invaded her, the supervisor was not known for her kindness towards those who had not been created by the supreme beings so it took her a couple of seconds to respond. "I… I apologize Albedo-sama, but I don't understand, I don't remember doing anything to win your favor." *Shigh*, "You may not have noticed, but even though it pains me to admit it, you have kept me from failing Ainz-sama, that is why you have my thanks." "I… I see, our master has already fulfilled all my wishes, so I have no desire for any specific benefit or material good, but, after witnessing some of Ainz-sama's power, there is something I would like to know." "Ask." "Have you ever seen Ainz-sama fight seriously?" "I see, what you want is to learn more about Ainz-sama's greatness, isn't it?" The unicorn responded only by nodding. "Your wish is easy to satisfy, the next time you are studying in the great library, ask one of the librarians to show you the recording, I will leave instructions on the authorization and which one you will see, you can resume with your activities." "Thank you very much, I will look forward to it, with your permission." With a respectful bow, Tempest withdrew. "I hope you enjoy it, after knowing its power no one tried to invade Nazarick ever again, the army that dared to invade the great tomb and was crushed, served for the glory of the supreme beings, fufufufufu." After her first day of work and have returned to the apartment, Shizu met her sister. "I'm back Midori-oneesama" They had decided that it was best to leave the facade only when they were completely certain that there was no chance of being discovered. "Welcome back, how was your day? Did you get a work of your like?" "Umu, the place Pinkie Pie recommended is ideal, signed the contract and worked the day." "Excellent, I will make some drinks for you if you want to have a snack before bed." "Umu" After their routine of preparing for the next day and laying down to rest, both were covered by SD who kept their form on the beds while they teleported to the roof of the building after activating the items that granted [Perfect Unknowable], then they used flight and set course to their destination, to avoid any information leakage, while they were collecting information, they communicated only using [Message] 'That's the place Yuri-oneesama.' 'Are you ready for the first test yet?' 'Affirmative, I have assimilated sufficient protocols and instructions, identify the common types of defense after examining their methods of attack or infection I defined that they are useless against me.' 'Well then let's go, I'll follow you.' With this, both held hands activated the second use of the item and left the tree line to quickly enter the shopping center, after reaching the main network node of the plaza, they used it to start browsing the network looking for servers and things locked to easy access, hidden contents and any relevant historical record for their master. Several tens of meters deep, under the ground of Mustangia. "Professor Cobbler, the processing unit for Unit 03 has been finalized." -announced the voice with metallic reverberation from Unit 02- "Great, put it in a storage container and take it to lab number 7, the body should be ready in a couple more months, tell the engineers team in charge that as soon as they have the results of the performance tests from lab 7, they must begin with the design and construction of the processing core for unit 04. " "Understood." After leaving the office, the 02 automaton went to carry out its instructions, but halfway stopped and turned its head, a lone yellow eye looked in the direction it was coming from after a moment shook its head, and continued on its way. After the first weeks of 'investigation', the first culprit of the attack against the sorcerer kingdom was found, with the participation of the diarchy as a witness, the prosecution of those involved was carried out... the entire administrative body of Diamondia. To the horror of the sisters, the fact was irrefutable, all its leaders had been seduced by Frienze's promises and blindly sent an army into combat, all for the ambition of profit and the promise of a prosperous reign under a just king, the trial was severe and the sentence carried out immediately, for wasting the lives of its citizens by mere ambition they were sentenced to be hanged, as compensation the sorcerer kingdom kept the territory of Diamondia turning it into a vassal state to the surprise of the alicorns. Instead of the complete annihilation of the country as they feared, the Sorcerer King established a new government with a specialized cabinet of well-studied Diamon Dogs, which initiated the change from absolute monarchy to a constitutional one that immediately began the application of rights and laws of the Sorcerer Kingdom, the monarch elected to the position was one of Balto's descendants who shared almost all of his father's features except for his eyes, they were a vibrant green color. When Celestia asked him about the origin of the new cabinet, Ainz extended an invitation to them to know the pack of the plains as their now underground city was known, an invitation that only the monarch of the sun took out of curiosity, she was certainly stunned when she saw the gigantic statue of the Sorcerer King just a couple of hundred meters from the city entrance, the second thing that made her head explode was the fact that inside it looked like a fully different world, nothing was left of the wild beasts that she remembered living in this area. A week and a half later, the Yggdrasil company began its business in the territory of the sorcerer kingdom, making important advances in the import and export of raw materials for other companies and the nations themselves, being the only company that dared to give the first step received as a reward from the Sorcerer King in person an exclusive contract for ten years, they transported technology and materials, the company personnel was encouraged as well to occupy well-paid positions in basic education institutions such as elementary schools and secondaries that had been established, Those who took the job offer had free personal travel plus an individual on all international means of transport in Yggdrasil and the Sorcerer Kingdom, which caused the positions to be filled quickly. The following week the trial of those involved in the Centauride kingdom took place, for which this time the presence of the Abyssinian kingdoms that sent Queen Aida and the emissary Meiyer, and the Changeling kingdom that sent Pharinx and a small escort. In this nation the trial was not so harsh, only some corrupt nobles thirsty for power were found guilty, as well as the nephew of the king who wanted the throne, his sentence was to be imprisoned, which the prisoners refused to accept insulting the Sorcerer King and his subordinates, so the place of imprisonment in their sentence was changed to the sorcerer kingdom. Even to this day, a hooffull of barely audible words continue to bother the captain of the Changeling guard, even when he decided to not comment on it with anyone, he is sure he heard the secretary Tempest say: 'there are destinies, worse than death, and idiots, who choose them of their own free will' In Equestria, Yggdrasil's businesses had caused a great boom by being joined to the free trade agreement, and even more, after having gained exclusivity, some materials that were scarce in Equestria were being imported in large quantities, which had made access to luxuries cheaper for Many middle-class ponies with Ponyville being one of the fastest-growing towns due to a large number of employees or creatures looking for employment in the Yggdrasil company, the sales of Sweetapple Acres, Rarty for you and Sugarcube Corner had skyrocketed allowing a stable growth of their respective businesses. But not everything was roses and games for the Overlord, one fateful day the accident occurred that would be recognized by the entire tomb as the turning point where everything became much more animated within it. In a Weakness moment after confirming that the stronger the flavor of food, the more taste he manage to get while disguised, so Ainz took the decision to test a different form than a unicorn, and test the difference in paladars of diverse species while eating apples of Sweetapple Acres, which were already pretty good as a pony; so after a quick shower in his personal bathroom and reaching for an apple from the desktop in his study wearing only silk pants, he find himself face to face with Albedo that was at the other side of the furniture piece and she was seeing him with eyes of absolute surprise; he turned back again when the supervisor extended her wings to jump an in the next instant and the next thing in his range of vision was the ceiling it was at this moment that the EEA jump to action but being unable to restain a 100 warrior, they beg help to Sebas who was coming in to give his report to his master. As a consequence of attacking her master, Albedo spent three days under house arrest, but at the same time, the maid on duty that day who had been completely ignored spoke with the rest of the maids about the wonderful physique that Ainz had in the form of incubus and theorizing how it would look in others, words that after a short time reached Solution who shared them with Shalltear, which started a fierce competition for the attention of their master inside the tomb. A week after that accident, the trial of the representatives of Minos was held, for which the presence of Zebrica and the Draconic Queen was requested to serve as witnesses, where only the treasurer and the emissary had been found guilty and However, just after the trial was finalized, an assassination attempt on the ruler of democracy by a hidden subordinate of Strong Horn caused a great uproar, the terrorist was quickly captured by Lupusregina, after which the dying man The ruler was rescued from the brink of death by the werewolf upon receiving instruction from his master, after his doctors were unable to neutralize the poison used by the killer fast enough,after which the grateful ruler requested that Minos be accepted as a vassal state, which the Sorcerer King rejected at first instance, telling him not to let himself be carried away by the moment, to think about it and consult with the rest of his citizens, which surprised to Representatives Sebara and Ember, two weeks later, the Minos democracy became a constitutional monarchy and vassal state of the sorcerer kingdom. Only five days later the arachnid trial was carried out, in this trial the witnesses were representatives of the Beringei and Changeling kingdoms, this trial lasted somewhat longer than the rest because almost the entire kingdom was aggressive, after sentencing the guilty To be hanged, a brawl broke out and everything turned into chaos... for exactly 15 seconds after which, the emissaries found themselves outside the underground city along with all the arachnid infants of less than 5 years or less were next to them, and the entire group was surrounded by large black spiders while a servant of the Sorcerer King explained what was happening, the entire city was involved, but their master would not sacrifice innocents, practically every individual who did not have malice had been excluded, the rest would perish inside the cave. An instant later, cries of despair were heard outside the cave, but all were cut off abruptly, after a couple of minutes the Sorcerer King emerged, there was only one announcement, 'the spider kingdom has ceased to exist', all the infants were taken to the different orphanages of the sorcerer kingdom. The following week the Jiraffide kingdom was the next, in this, the guest witness was the princess of love, the kingdom was found innocent in itself, but the chieftains of the wildlands who treated the females like cattle were found guilty and executed together with their remaining men, after rescuing all the females at night, all the territories that were controlled by caciques disappeared swallowed by the earth, the kingdom decided that the rescued females were too many to take them in at once, so it requested the sorcerer kingdom to give them asylum, a treaty was signed in which Jiraffide promised to pay the expenses incurred and with each batch of females that they could take back, another additional amount would be paid with resources and the kingdom would remain neutral to any conflict. Almost two weeks later the final trial was held, that of the griffin, for this, the presence of the Equestria diarchy was again requested as witnesses of the fairness of the trial, to no one's surprise, one of those involved was the ambitious Lord Goldstone, along with the other two nobles who supported him when he attempted to swindle the territory from Equestria, the evidence presented and the witnesses who testified to save their hides from the hands of the master of death, revealed them as the only guilty alive without a doubt, they paid off all the Griffin mercenary groups, even sending part of their own troops into battle. Such disinterest and greed bothered the Sorcerer King enough to the concern of the diarchs, but it was not until the defendants argued in their defense that it was their right as nobles to use commoners as they pleased, when the entire room in which they were being carrying out the trial, in the capital of Grifonia, Griffinstone, felt for the first time physically the 'annoyance' of the Sorcerer King, the only ones who managed to maintain their composure in the face of the pressure emanating from the Overlord, were the diarchy of Equestria, but It was not because they were not affected, but rather that they had already experienced it before to a greater extent more than once, when the pressure ceased and while everyone caught their breath, the Skeleton gave his verdict, imprisonment for life, for all it seemed A fairly light punishment compared to others, at least considering how much Ainz had been upset; but Luna noticed the chill that ran through Tempest who was standing right in front of her when she asked why she felt it, she answered that there was no worse punishment in the world, the princess of the night did not understand it and when she asked the unicorn for clarification, she received an answer for which she regretted having asked. "In my master's realm there are three absolute truths, betrayal is the worst sin that a subordinate or servant can commit, failing Ainz-sama is the worst of disgraces, but, above all, death is the greatest of mercies, the liberation." However, Luna would not be able to grasp the concrete meaning of the words that she had just heard, if not until the diarchy talked about it in the privacy of their carriage on the return trip. For his part, Lord Gestal firmly thanked the Sorcerer King for eliminating the corrupt nobles of the council from the game, he commented that he had tried to catch them several times, but they had been very cautious and had not been able to find evidence even though he knew what they were doing in the shadows, as an apology for what happened and the inconvenience caused by his compatriots, offered Grifonia as a vassal, which Ainz refused to accept to Celestia's surprise, claiming that accepting would make him look like he was abusing a nation in the necessity, so he instead offered him to participate in the same trade treaty that he had offered to other nations, to which Lord Gestal accepted in a way that alicorns believed impossible to witness a griffin do, with a deep bow and a smile on his face. Even though all these changes had greatly affected the international environment, practically only the heads of state knew what had happened or why, while the interior of the great nations remained completely ignorant of the subject or simply dismissed it. Beneath the floor of Mustangia, Professor Cobbler walked between the cubicles with one goal. "Mr. Umahara, do you already have the results… of…?" -the stallion who was the target of his words did everything he could to suppress his laughter- "What's so funny?" "Oh President, I'm sorry, I was reading the Mustang, today's issue is full of satires and jokes about the latest Equestria publications." "I see, putting that aside, do you already have the performance test results?" "That's right professor, everything is above the expected parameters." "Excellent, and you? Are you ready to go?" "I was just catching up on the news to blend in better, apparently a new king has done a business treaty with Equestria." "Anyway, that will not have any importance when we overthrow the Diarchs, we will simply offer him a treaty with better terms, remember that you must leave as soon as possible, unit 03 will be dispatched as soon as the first rays of the sunshine the day after tomorrow." "No problem, I have already bought my train ticket, it leaves in a few hours." In the sorcerer kingdom, the supreme ruler of death was in a hard battle with his worst enemy, reports, even though Albedo was in charge of a good part of the paperwork that was received, he could not afford to give the image of a bad boss or a lazy one, so he was in charge of reading and stamping as many documents as they gave him. While he was immersed in his task, a 'Message' trying to contact him, allowed him to take a little pause. *Pirip pirip pirp, pirip pirip pirip* "Ainz-sama, did I interrupt you?" "No problem Demiurge, has something happened?" "Yes, I call to report that Techquestria has already made contact with Princess Twilight, they sent an automaton while one of their scientists is undercover as a reporter in a hotel near the castle, although their plans have already met with a major setback, an electrical discharge from the storm prepared for the day hit it before reaching its goal causing failures in its memory, at this moment the element of honesty and his brother are taking the automaton to the hospital." "Umu, keep me posted on any other news." "As you order." -end call- Excellent soon we will be able to get hold of the magical technology developed by Cobbler and its scientists completely and legally way. "Albedo, warn Naberal, the professor finally made his move, it's time to start the plan." "Right away Ainz-sama" At the school of friendship, a small figure slipped through the corridors heading for the sublevels. "Jijijijiji, I finally have the last artifact, I don't know why it will be, but the princess and all the teachers have been quite busy, or distracted, thanks to that I achieved my first goal without problems, I must hurry and hide it with the others, then It just remains to wait for my 'friend' to send me the magic formula and then I will be in charge, hehehehehejehahahahaahahHAHAHAHAHA! " The little pegasus laughed very wickedly, unfortunately, her small body and adorable appearance greatly reduced the dramatic effect. In the Ponyville hospital, on one of the operating tables, there was a completely metallic pony. "Wow this is amazing, I had only seen automatons in a museum, but still I had never seen one as complex as this, and you say you found it in one of your fields?" -The farmer put on a nervous face- "To be honest, a' first thought it was somepony crammed in there, but I needed Bigmac's help to get it on the wagon and when Dr. Stable was finally able to open its chest piece was when we called you sugar cube. " The fillies looked at each other and Scootalo spoke first. "That's right, and when we realized that it was something and not somepony..." "We understood why her voice sounded that way when it spoke, so we thought it was your invention." -continued Switee Belle- "Incredible! Is it truly capable of talking?! Then it is even further from what I know!... wait, why did you think it was my invention?" -interrupted the alicorn- The fillies looked at each other again with some discomfort until finally, Applebloom spoke. "Because when we found her… she was repeating your name." They all looked back at the metallic pony on the table. "Spike, can you send a letter please." After nodding briefly, the little dragon took quill and parchment out of his saddlebags and when he was ready, the alicorn began to dictate. "Dear Princess Celestia." In a rather luxurious office, two unicorns and a minotaur were meeting discussing business. "Certainly your offer is quite generous Mister Momon, you know, I ever got to deal with Red Horns, and I am pleased that you have not learned their aggressive ways of doing business, as fact, I am surprised that he has taken someone under his wing." -said the minotaur- "Well yes, at first he was hard on us, but he appreciated our parents very much, and when the incident that took their lives occurred he rushed to welcome us with open arms, I think that while he was educating us he tried to make us the closest thing to our parents and the best way to make sure of it was not only with words but also with an example, over time we understood what he did when we grew old enough, the change had already taken root in him so he did not want to return to his former self after." "Hehehe, well then he doesn't truly change that much, he never took his word back, but hey let's get back to the topic, what is your real intention in buying my company?" "I'm sure you have already realized that my rail operations have become very extensive, or am I wrong?" -the minotaur nodded slightly in confirmation- "because I see the need for good maintenance and repair workshops, and if possible I want to avoid wasting time, obviously your employees would become my employees, as in fact new contracts would have to be signed Since the benefits that my company offers are different from yours, of course, any employee who decides to continue in their position will retain their seniority, I am not going to offer a penny less than what you offer them, after all, I understand that for you they are like your own family." "Indeed, so if I understand correctly when you buy my company, you plan to keep my current employees, offer a better contract than mine, and not make drastic changes in the company, all to avoid wasting time on building your own workshop? I apologize, but I find it hard to believe." "True, maybe it sounds too presumptuous, but that's just the 'official' reason." Hearing it, the minotaur raised an eyebrow and paid more attention to the unicorn. "But the real reason is a completely different one, you see, the old Red Horns had a great regret in his life, and that was to close the door in the face of one of his own, when he was on his deathbed, he told me to make my life and to try not to leave anything behind that I could regret, and he asked me if in my business I met Venderbull to offer him a good deal and his apologies." "Great was our surprise when looking for a quick solution to our current dilemma, we found the one we should and could fulfill 'Red Horns' request." -spoke Nabel for the first time- The raised eyebrow and the cautious expression, which disappeared from the minotaur's face, were replaced by a slight smile. "Well I am quite satisfied with your answers, but I still have some requests, if you accept them I see no objection to go ahead with the transaction-" At that moment, the secretary broke in without knocking on the door. "Lord Venderbull, I'm sorry to interrupt, but a message arrived that you should see immediately, it is from Princess Celestia." The minotaur got up, fixed his elegant clothes, approached the secretary, took the telegram, read it, and turned back to the seated unicorns. "I apologize, it is something urgent that I must attend to, it will only take a couple of minutes and I will be back, Jasmine attends to our guests for a moment." The minotaur left and they asked the secretary for a couple of cups of tea while they waited, when she left to bring the drinks, Narberal could not help turning to see her master with surprise, and what she saw put on an expression of astonishment on her face, her master was smiling. > The After Party First part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ainz was frantically trying to understand what was happening, not realizing that due to his nerves, one of the corners of his mouth was lifting slightly. What the hell, why did a telegram come from Princess Celestia! It must be for some other reason, she may not have realized that I am trying to monopolize the transportation branch right? The secretary returned with the drinks, taking the Overlord out of his thoughts, after offering them cookies as an accompaniment, she left again and a couple of minutes later the minotaur returned. "I apologize for the inconvenience." "You don't have to apologize, I understand perfectly, nothing serious, I hope?" Ainz spoke with some false concern on his face. "Oh no, you don't have to worry, now, are we still talking business?" After interviewing Venderbull and attending to some unfinished business in Manehattan, Momon and Nabel was entering the station again to head back to Ponyville, when a desperate cry was heard. "WHAT? There is no train to Ponyville today ?!" "I'm sorry Gadget, one of the drivers got sick and many had to rest, there was no one who could cover the route so all the departures were delayed until tomorrow." -Said the ticket seller from behind the window- "Uuuuugh, it can't be true." the mare complained, letting her head hang in despair while her hooves were on the ledge below the window. "Is something wrong miss?" *Shigh* "I need to get to Ponyville as soon as possible, but due to inconvenience there are no departures to that destination today." "Oh, but that's not true, there is a train whit that destination today, as fact, it shouldn't take long to leave." "Of course not, the box office just confirmed it for me!" -answered the young mare with some irritation- "Well, for it to not being in the role is normal, it is 'my' train after all." These words finally made the pony raise her head and turn around. "Nice to meet you, this is Nabel Spark and I am Momon Shade." The mare in front of him was a fairly young earth-pony, it could hardly be seen as mature, it was probably only a few years above the oldest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it had a cream-colored coat, a brown-colored mane and tail unkempt and light brown eyes, her most distinguishable features were her coat somewhat oversized for her height that had a huge number of pockets, and red-rimmed glasses that were practically lost in the blush that dominated her face at this moment, after what seemed like an eternity in which she did not blink or make absolutely no movement, Ainz worried a little, lowered the hoof that he had extended and took a step closer. "Are you okay? Miss..." Seeing him approach, the young mare was finally able to react, sadly not in the way she would have preferred. "Hah? Uh? GAaaAAah!" *CRASH* When she turned ended with one of his back hooves on a corner of her coat, so as soon as she reacted and wanted to move sideways, she immediately lost her balance and fell to the ground; from the whole accident what most caught the attention of Ainz was the metallic sound that accompanied the blow. However, the doubt did not last long, from under the coat, 4 metallic arms came out that moved like those of an octopus, but at the tips it had 4-fingered prehensile limbs, with which it quickly got up, accommodating its mane as much as she could and extended one of the metal limbs to give a salute, with the fall, her shame had increased, now she was red up to the tips of his ears. "Much gadget, my name is Pleasure." As soon as she finished speaking, the blush began to spread to her neck and small droplets began to form in the corners of her eyes, she felt her head begin to spin, she thought she would faint from sheer shame. While in the Overlord's mind there was only one thought: 'WOW, IT'S THE ARMS OF OCTO!, WHAT A RETRO!'; but when he noticed the signs of tears, he returned to the moment. Oh she's not about to cry, I think she is very embarrassed. "You don't have to worry, it's my fault for talking to you so suddenly, how about we start over?" -the mare nodded slightly without saying a word- "It's nice to meet you, she is Nabel Spark, and I am Momon Shade," -said Ainz as he indicated each one with his right hoof- "and you are...?" "G-Gadgette, Gadgette F. Giroux, I'm from Vanhoover, I work for Mr. Vanderbull's company." Fiiuuuu, thank goodness, it seems that the embarrassment is beginning to pass. -Ainz thought- "B-but you can call me Gadget," -she extended the metal limb again and seeing how the stallion stared at it, she felt his face heat up again- "I-I'm sorry, it must seem somewhat unpleasant to you." "Unpleasant? No, quite the opposite, I find it extremely interesting, where did you get it from? Do you use a complete neural interface? What is it called?" The unexpected answer followed by even more unexpected questions helped calm the young inventor. "Eh? Ah, no of course not, that would be very dangerous, I used a partial for the involuntary response, for fine control I use my own natural magic, it is of my invention, I call it the Pointdexter, wait, what? How do you know about these issues?" "I don't truly know much about the math behind it, but my special talent is design." Ainz began to examine the arm that was presented to him more closely, taking it between his hooves, using the inside to pass it over the metal and moving it in various ways, without noticing the labored breathing of its user until she spoke. "E-excuse me, but because of the connection mode and since it was necessary to work correctly with them, t-they have a sense of touch." At that precise moment, the disguised Overlord released it immediately. Shit, what did I do?! "I'm truly sorry, I didn't guess, I apologize if it bothers you." "Don't worry, such a haannn- I mean gentle stallion! You don't have to apologize." Gadget decided to return the conversation to the initial topic to try to avoid further embarrassing herself. "Ahem, were you saying something about a train going to Poniville?" "That's right, I came to attend to some important business in the city and with Venderbull, and now that I'm finished I'm going back to Ponyville, if you like you can come with us." *Ghasph* "With Mr. Venderbull!, then, that means that you are, by Celestia, the owners of Yggdrasil!, no, by no means would I dare to be the third wheel." -this comment caused a little blush on Nabel's face- "Hahahahahahaha, I think you are misunderstanding something, she is not my partner, she is my cousin, besides, it is not a bother to help one of my future employees." -While he spoke he approached the pony's suitcases and took one with the right hoof- "Be careful, they are very heav-" Gadget's jaw dropped again, it was the first time she had seen a unicorn carry a suitcase at hoof that was heavy even for an earth pony with such grace and ease, as if that were not enough, immediately afterward he took the second one and also put it on his back as if they weighed nothing. But how? Those suitcases are practically full of tools and materials, I ever carry my belongings in my saddlebags. A luxurious train with the name 'Yggdrasil' on the side stopped at the secondary platform of the station. "The transport has arrived, shall we go?" Still too shocked by the suitcases, she unconsciously nodded and got on the train, when finally the train began to move, she realized what had just happened. AAAAAAARRRRGGGH!, but how silly! I'm just going to keep humiliating myself in front of such a handsome stud, if I had known what would happen at least I would have gone to the beauty salon to fix me a little. Fortunately for her, throughout the trip, the conversation remained technical or about one or another company, which allowed her not to be embarrassed again. On the platform of the Poniville station, the princess of friendship and her assistant were waiting, making light conversation while they waited when the sound of an approaching train made them pause. "Hey look, here's a train coming, do you think that's it?" -said the little dragon- "Hmm... I don't think so, it's still too early." -answered the alicorn as she looked at the board where the arrivals and departures for the day were posted- "Besides, that doesn't seem to be the Friendship express, mmm ... *Ghasph* I think it's the private train from Yggdrasil!" Twilight was quick to spruce up her appearance with her magic and didn't stop until the train did as well. "Mhn? Oh, but it's Princess Twilight, but what a surprise, I didn't expect to see you around here, good morning to you too, Spike." The dragon returned the salute only by waving one of his hands as the most recent of the princesses spoke. "Hehehe yes, this... hello anyway, to tell the truth, we are waiting for someone who comes from Manehattan to help us with a project." Ainz lowered the suitcases from his back and put them on the ground, at that very moment, Nabel and one more mare got out of the train. "Thank you so much for everything Mister Momon, I hope I didn't… *ghasph* Princess Twilight, I didn't expect to see you here!" The pony hurried to bow and introduce herself. "I am very sorry if I kept you waiting, Mr. Vanderbull sent me along with his apologies, an important matter has been presented to him and I am afraid he will not be able to come, my name is Gadgette, I am the head of the research and development department, You can call me Gadget." "The pleasure is mine Gadgete, I am very grateful that you came so soon." "If you will allow me, I will just go quickly to check-in at the hotel and be with you right away." *Pffrrt* "None of that, you will stay with us in the castle." "A-at the c-castle with the p-princess! N-no way! I couldn't, I would never dare your highness!" A hoof on her shoulder stopped her desperate babbling. "Easy, take a deep breath, you don't have to worry, the princess is like me, she prefers the simple things, she dislikes the excess of pomp and etiquette." Hearing Ainz's words, the youngest of the princesses blushed and continued speaking. "It's like Momon says !, Ahem, if you just call me Twilight, I'll call you Gadget, now, shall we go?" The young dragon rushed to grab one of the suitcases, but after several attempts to put it on his shoulder, he gave up. "Heavens!, what do you carry here, lead?" "Hehehe, sorry, they are full of tools." "I think we will need a wagon." "Don't worry Spike, Nabel take care of the rest, I'll see you at the store later, I'll accompany the princess and Gadget to the castle." "Understood Momon-ss" "Oh, no, please don't bother, I'll take care of them." "Mnhn, it's not a bother," -Ainz shifted the suitcases on his back again leaving Spike speechless- "besides, I don't know how the rest of the town will react to the Pointdexter." The Overlord said, winking at Gadget, who immediately understood and with a big smile accepted his help. The whole walk went smoothly, the only thing they found along the way was a few residents, with whom they simply shared cordial greetings, this image before Demiurge's eyes, only confirmed the greatness of his master, while he was in the great Ashurbanipal library reunited with several of the librarians, ready to carry out the ruler of death's orders. "Well, it's about time, you are entering the castle, Ainz-sama ordered that we compare what we obtained from Techcuestria with the physical, each of you has a piece of the blueprints copied from different parts, using the 'remote vision mirror' we will review everything that they disassemble and assemble until we are completely certain that we have not overlooked anything. " "As Demiurge-sama ordered." -answered Ulpius and Fluvius in unison- Magnificent, Ainz-sama is truly terrifying, when did he realize the connection between Vanderbull and Celestia? He must have a good time, the business trip to Manehattan had already been planned almost a week ago, but I have heard nothing of that the perfect story he told Venderbull, the words in Naberal's report came as an absolute surprise, *shigh* I am barely able to scratch his shadow, I must try harder to at least follow in his footsteps. After an ordinary day of classes at CHS and rejecting the courtship attempts of the younger male teachers and the occasional female, Yuri finished her day and headed to the department; As it had become customary, along the way, some men would give her compliments, but she ignored everything, this would be a special day, today was Shizu day off and they wanted to go out 'for a walk' and buy three 'gifts' for someone special; When she entered the apartment, CZ was ready to go and waiting. "Welcome Midori-oneesama." "I'm back, I see you're ready to go, give me a minute and I'll be ready." "Umu" After changing to a more casual outfit, a light blue loose skirt that reached her knees and a simple and tight black tank top, over which she wore a white bullfighter-style jacket and a scarf on the neck of satin in silver color, the outfit was finished off by medium-heeled shoes of the same color, while the automaton wore a mustard-colored sleeveless one-piece dress with a camouflage-style coat in blue colors with military-style boots in white. They left the building and took the bus to their destination, a shopping center in the neighboring city; upon arrival, as planned, they hung out together for a while, ate something in the restaurant area, and then separated. Three figures were watching them attentively. When the older one went into a clothing store, the three figures followed the younger one who went out to wait on an outside bench while she ate ice cream; two figures smiled, it couldn't be easier, while one looked insecure. "Dagi... this is, I don't like this, it gives me a bad feeling, can't we try something different?" "Shut down your trap Sonata!, we can't keep surviving on the streets! We need money to get a decent place and fast or we'll freeze to death on the streets, and I'm not going to let some disgusting old man grope me at will!" "But Dagi, even so, this seems like something… bad to me." "Enough!, Aria!, get a useful car from the employee parking lot and avoid the cameras!" Rolling her eyes and not saying a word, Aria Blaze withdrew as she pulled up the hood of her sweatshirt to hide her hair and overshadow her face. A few minutes later, an old blue van was in position, they had to hurry, the girl was about to finish her ice cream, so the two remaining sirens sneaked up behind the automaton, and just when it stood up, the van stopped in front of her, opened the side sliding door and those behind pushed her in, throwing themselves along with her at the same time; between them, they quickly subdued her, tied her ankles and hands with adhesive tape and in the same way covered her mouth, and kept her still by sitting on her and covered her eyes by tying a scarf around her head, they had finished the whole process before getting to the first junction. As Yuri tried to find clothes that didn't look provocative on her, a disembodied voice spoke softly into her ear. "Yuri-sama, the targets fell into the trap." "Thank you, then it's time to begin with the second stage." She left what was doing, paid for what she had already selected, and began to walk around the square with some haste and 'concern' on her face that increased slightly with each lap, after several; she approached one of the guards of the shopping center to ask for help in finding her little sister, after some radio contact, the alarm was triggered among the security personnel; after reviewing the recordings and Yuri confirming the identity of her sister in a security video, the rapture report was made to the police dept. Shortly after a police car arrived at the shopping center to pick up Midori and take her to the station, the search for the vehicle had started immediately, after a few hours and has made a statement, the pleiad was in the police station shedding false tears for a credible performance with the help of an SD, at that moment she was approached by a detective accompanied by an officer. "Miss Midori?" *Snif* "Y-yes?" When she lifted her beautiful face with tears, the men felt their hearts break. "Miss Midori, the officer Steel Chain, and his partner will escort you to your apartment, later an additional car will be added to protect you while the investigation is taking place, I promise I will not rest until I find your sister." "T-thank you very much *snif* Detective S-Stone Will." Yuri got up and followed the officers, arriving at her building, thanked them with a melancholic smile that flooded them with determination to fulfill their objective without fail. As soon as she was inside the department, she left the act and put on the dark clothes that she used for her true mission, then a figure without features came out of a closet, it was a doppelgänger that immediately took on the appearance of Yuri, she put on the clothes that she had just taken off and followed the routine that had been instructed, while the Pleiade, for her part, climbed fast to the roof and activated two scrolls, as usual, rose from the ground and vanished into thin air. Outside an abandoned warehouse that was on the edge of the city, a van stopped, 4 girls got out, the one who was driving rushed to open the door for the other two, they got down to the fourth bound and gagged, one Once inside, they tied her to a metal chair, Adagio quickly returned to close the door, but when she had practically closed it stopped and opened it again, stared at the truck for a few seconds, then shrugged and closed it. "How strange, I could swear that for a moment I saw it in black… it does not matter if the color is easy to confuse it is better." Meanwhile, outside, under the truck, three pairs of bright and malevolent eyes could be seen for a moment, the shadow of the truck slightly trembled and they disappeared. In a speakeasy downtown, a smartly dressed but bully-looking man was quietly drinking wine in his office when the door suddenly opened. "Boss! Boss Shadow!" "What is the scandal due to, Shamrock? I hope it's something important, you know I hate being interrupted while I'm in my office." -said the man in a suit- "Sir, we found the vermin that took your money and ran away, we already know where they are hiding!" "Excellent… get the boys ready, we'll go right away, no one is making fun of Sombra!" In the abandoned warehouse, after having rummaged through the clothes of the abducted girl, they had found her phone and were now discussing who would make the call to ask for the ransom. "Aria, make the call." "The idea of ​​the kidnapping was yours, do it yourself!" "Of course not, 'I' am the lead voice, when we recover I will be easily recognized!" "Well then I don't know Adagio, maybe… it will work if you fake your voice!, or have Sonata do it!" "No way, if I leave it to her I'm sure she's just going to ruin it!" "You don't have to worry about something so irrelevant." Just as Sonata was about to try to defend herself, a sudden voice made them stand alert and on their feet. "Who's there? Go out where we can see you if you know what's good for you!" Adagio yelled as they all took pipes or sticks to defend themselves. "good for me?" The voice answered from a completely different point, causing a chill to run down the sirens' spines, but the following put them on high alert. "Adagio Dazzle" "Aria Blaze" "Sonata Dusk" With each name, the sound drastically changed its origin. "Three mermaids expelled from Equestria, expelled by Starswirl the bearded, he described you as dangerous and intelligent creatures." To the Dazzling's surprise, when the owner of the voice came out of the shadows, it was none other than the older sister, dressed in black tactical clothing. "It looks like he was wrong with both descriptions." They were all tense, the calm she showed despite they having her younger sister tied up, did not bode well. "Who you truly are? How do you know about Equestria?!" Adagio yelled as she tried to understand where the unarmed woman's confidence came from. Do you have help waiting or did you truly come alone? "You do not have to worry, soon all your questions will be answered, all you need to know is that your actual situation is by the orders of my master, now, time is short, we must hurry." *Clap Clap* The oldest clapped and out of the shadows, three identical figures with ovoid faces and only three black holes instead of mouth and eyes emerged from the shadows. *GHASPH* "Shizu, do you want to do the honors?" "Umu" *SHRriiiiiiiiignnh* *Snap, snap, snap, sanp* Deepening their disbelief, the metal of the chair to which the younger sister had been tied, wept in protest when the girl simply stood up, after which she tore the ropes that bound her with only the strength of her hands. "What the-?" "But how-?" "M-monster!" Before the sirens could even blink, the girl simply disappeared from their sight, all that was left was the cloth that had been covering her face so far, floating in the air for a second; immediately after, they did not know more, the conscience left them by a blow of which they mind barely managed to register the fact. "Now it only remains to close the operation, begin" -instructed the pleiade- After receiving directions, everyone performed their tasks while Yuri retired with the original mermaids; that was quite an active night for the old abandoned warehouse. When the assault group that accompanied detective Stone Will was about to reach the place where they had tracked Shizu's phone, a group of patrols caught up with him, to his surprise they were heading to the same place, when they arrived they saw multiple luxury vehicles outside, in addition to the blue van that had been reported stolen from the shopping center and an intense shooting could be heard, when the sirens of the patrols turned on upon arrival, several subjects tried to escape but were quickly stopped, with a rapid entry and controlled fire, the assault team quickly ended the shooting, achieving the arrest of several members of the criminal group Dark Crystal. As he navigated the building checking the bodies and securing the wounded, for a moment the detective thought the worst had happened when he saw so much blood spilled from the shots until he heard a sob, followed the sound, and for a moment was dominated by the fear. "This is Detective Stone Will, I am in the old Cloudsdale mattress warehouse outside of Canterlot, there was a shooting between rival gangs, there is a civilian injured, send forensics and ambulances immediately!" He put away his radio and removed urgently the body of the man that was ver the girl when he removed it realized that she was tied to the remains of a chair that had been broken, she had many bruises and small visible cuts, but there were none Major visible wound, the blood covering her was probably from the man who died on top of her. "Calm down Shizu, everything is fine, you are safe." The detective said as he removed the cloth and the gag and then continued with the ropes and pieces of the chair. "Don't cry anymore, everything is fine now." After having used a scroll to transport himself to a place near the apartment, Yuri wrote a message in the diary, immediately a portal was opened and some demons came out that made a small bow before the pleiade and then took the unconscious girls and Going back the way they came along with Yuri's written report, as soon as the portal was closed, she returned to the apartment in the usual way and resumed her role as Midori. The next morning, in the city of Canterlot, nobody could believe what they read in the newspapers, all the stalls advertised with an open shout, and the delivery men made announcements at the top of their lungs. "EXTRA, EXTRA, THE KING IS DEAD!" When the newspaper arrived at Pinkie's house where the M7s had stayed for a sleepover, they all tried to read the article at the same time without much success in crowding, luckily the party girl had the solution. "Hey everyone! It's on TV too." On the screen, a newscast was returning from commercials. 'In today's news, something shocking has happened, the cities of Canterlot, Cristal and Cloudsdale, woke up today hearing the impressive news, the king has died, on Saturday night a shooting was reported on the outskirts of Canterlot, more exactly In the old abandoned mattress warehouse of Cloudsdale, according to official reports, the leader of the crime group Dark Crystal, Rex Sombra, along with a handful of his men, faced the rival group consisting of three young women without registration, according to the confession of one of Sombra's subordinates, the girls owed a large sum of money to the aforementioned, so they tried to capture them, but they did not expect them to be armed, a CHS student was involved in the incident,' *GHASPH* (collective) 'according to the official statement of the authorities, the foreign student Shizu Fujiwara, was denounced as abducted by her older sister while they were visiting the Cristal Palace shopping center, around 4:00 pm. ' 'At the moment, the student is admitted to the Canterlot general hospital, in the confrontation the lives of Sombra and eight of his subordinates were lost, as well as those of the group of girls identified as the Dazzlings by one of the now prisoners.' *GHASPH* (collective again) 'According to the detective Stone Will who is leading the case, the young Shizu did not receive any serious injuries but is under observation for the multiple bruises and minor cuts she received, that's all on the local news; In the national news, new species of plants and animals have- ' Pinkie turned off the television, they couldn't hear anymore, they were in shock. "Poor thing, we must do something, we must visit her! she must be terrified!" -exclaimed a soft voice- Surprisingly, the first to come out of the shock was Fluttershy, the others seconded her words and rushed to get ready to be first in line at visiting time. Pain, that was all that their bodies registered, stabbing pain in the neck from a blow they did not remember and pain from the stones under them, but little by little more things began to register, the wind, the sun that warmed them, static clouds in the sky and magic in the air. Like in Equestria. This thought made them force themselves to open their eyes and sit up, they couldn't believe it, they were back. I am dreaming? Am I dead? If I'm back, why am I still human in appearance? These thoughts crossed the heads of the three as they saw their hands with doubt on their faces, then a sudden voice behind them almost made them jump with fright. "Welcome to my humble ranch." As they immediately turned onto their hands and knees, they saw a human in a red suit standing a couple of steps away from them. No, that's not a human, humans don't have such long tails or ears. -Adagio thought before speaking- "What or who are you exactly? You seem human, but I'm sure you are not." "Wow, what a surprise, there is some brain under all that hair after all." This comment elicited a giggle from Aria and caused the insulted woman to gnash her teeth. "Knowing what I am won't do you any good from now on, but who I am," *Snap* The man snapped his fingers and a pungent smell of blood filled the air, as well as screams of agony, reached their ears when they turned in front of them again before their eyes a scene unfolded that made them lose their color, and if they brought something in the stomach they would have vomited it on the spot. "My name is Jaldabaoth and I am in charge of managing this ranch, my master declared you useless for his plans, but he decreed that we should give you the best possible use, and you know, I am curious to know if more magical creatures are capable of procreating better mongrels. , hmjajajajajJAJAJAJAJA." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" A few days later, Ainz was in his office in the sorcerer kingdom reviewing the latest reports. Mmmm ... I see, so after recovering the mermaids' Demiurge kept them to perform experiments, I hope he follows my instructions... so after the farce of the abduction, the elements on the other side of the mirror got closer to Shizu and it looks like the scrolls of illusion worked perfectly, *slip *...the Sorcerer Kingdom is doing pretty well, conditions are beginning to improve, also the matter of basic schools is going smoothly, excellent, I was afraid that project might fail, *slip* Mnh?, what is this?… right, if I remember correctly Demiurge mentioned something about this, Cozy Glow, huh, a pegasus with growth problems and a twisted personality, *Shigh* is it perhaps too much to ask to have a time rest where absolutely nothing happens? *shigh* "Tempest." "Yes, Ainz sama." "Something is happening with the magic of this world, it can begin to fail at any time, I want you to add natural flyers to the patrols, the first one who fails the magic necessary to fly I want a total veto of the flight until the problem is solved, it is highly like that your magic is equally affected since you are a native of this world, do not overreach yourself. " "Yes, at your service… if I may ask?" "Go ahead." "Do you want me to form a group to investigate the problem?" "That won't be necessary, I already have a group in charge of monitoring the anomaly." "Understood, so with your permission, I am withdrawing." "Umu" The days passed and as Demiurge had stipulated after the investigation of the spell, the environmental magic was the first to wane and the more magic absorbed the arrangement, the faster it did, after the first five days, all the creatures began to have difficulties to recover their mana after using it, two days later, the creatures with less magical capacity were the first to be left without power, five days later the magical beasts began to lose their abilities; Being further from the epicenter, the first to notice was Starswirl, but after doing several tests, the absorption reached him leaving him without many options, he sent an urgent letter to the princesses hoping it was not too late. In Cloudsdale, a near-fatal accident happened with Yona the Yak and Starlight, when the latter's magic failed while they were on an excursion to the weather factory, undoing the spell to walk on the clouds so they both fell through them from, soon after being saved by Twilight, Silverstream, and Ocelus, they returned to the ground for safety and to investigate what had happened, the magic of the unicorns had already completely disappeared and the magic of the alicorn was beginning to fail, at that moment and almost drowning in the process, Spike spat out a letter from the diarchs requesting the presence of the elements as soon as possible in Canterlot; upon arriving in the capital and meeting the princesses of the sun and the moon, they realized that the situation was worse than they thought, well, a messenger arrived at that moment with Starswirl's letter that assured that things would only get worse. As Ainz and Demiurge watched what was happening in the throne room through the 'Remote Viewing Mirror', they commented on the development. "What foolish creatures, they didn't even consider what the letter that came to them implied." -said the Archdemon with disappointment- "Oh, it seems that the automaton did realize what it implies." "Hmm... if it seems that Turing Test has opened their eyes and have already decided on their plan of action, apparently her stored mana has not been fully used up yet, I wonder how long it will last?... it does not matter, we will only intervene if they are not capable of solving it by themselves, although it is worth making preparations, tell Cocytus to be prepared, we will go out if the occasion warrants it. " "Yes, I'll do it right away." With a respectful bow, the demon withdrew. Now let's see what the short pegasus is doing. -The Overlord moved his hands and looked away from Canterlot's image, redirecting it to Ponyville, then focused on the school of friendship and through its walls to observe the crystal caves below it. "Mhn? I see, the princess's apprentice must have discovered her and was locked in the formation, as she is essentially at the vortex she won't be able to get out and will send her to the void where all the magic will be sent in the end... ohoo, the other students already figured it out, let's see what they do." After a while of observing, Demiurge returned in the company of Cocytus, and together they continued to observe the development of all the events and after several hours of observation they were disappointed, the mares had not only taken the wrong direction, after hearing the comments of a student They went to the Tartarus following a useless track, now they had also lost Turing's support, the drained had finally reached all their mana containers and was left lying a couple of tens of meters from the entrance of the magical prison, where now the rest are locked in too, the student group's attempts to create openings had failed miserably, the short pegasus was proving to be much more capable than expected, she even took care of the annoying Chancellor with minimal effort, she proved to be very clever at manipulating others to achieve her goals and turning the entire school against anyone who interfered with her plans by making them look like the bad guys. *Shigh* -sighs the Overlord- "This seems more like a bad comedy, their time is running out, it is time to intervene before it becomes a more serious problem." The master of death rose from the throne of kings and walk down the steps. "Time to go Cocytus, you know what to do." "Yes, as ordered." The vermin lord responded with a respectful bow and immediately stood up, Ainz retrieving Thor's gauntlets and the mask of envy from his inventory. "Okay, then let's go, [GA- mhn? Oooh, it looks like I wasn't the only one watching what happened." The Young Six had finally managed to evade Cozy Glow with the help of the CMC, but now they had a problem. "Eh? Why is the pony taking us back to the caves?" -Yona asked as she descended, but there was no immediate answer to her question, everyone shrugged their shoulders and looked at Sandbar, the pony who was guiding them- "We alone will not be able to stop Cozy, we need help and we have come to get it." When saying this last sentence, the pony had just reached the balcony from where the magical vortex could be seen and pointed one of its hooves towards it, everyone followed it with their eyes to where it was pointing and Silverstream was the one who pointed out the obvious. "It's Starlight right! it's Starlight right?" At the center of the cavern, which looked more like a cellar with a vaulted ceiling, within the magical vortex was Twilight's apprentice suspended, upon seeing her, Yona the Yak immediately launched herself to take her out. "Yona release counselor pony!" However, when she was about to reach her goal, a hoof stopped her. "Wait! I think we shouldn't touch the arrangement." -It was Sandbar the earth pony who noticed the signs that Starlight was making- "I think she can't talk to us from there, but her signs seem to indicate that it is dangerous to touch the formation." Inside the vortex, the unicorn nodded with a smile. "We have to find a way to get her out of there!" With these words, everyone nodded and dispersed around the arrangement looking for a sign or clue on how to stop it. "Hey, this reminds me of Professor Twilight's Chapter 12 Magical Artifacts!" They all looked at Gallus in surprise, and noticing, the young griffin immediately defended himself. "What? I've been studying okay?!, the finals are coming up." -said the griffin as he floated with his heels crossed over his chest and his gaze averted, fortunately for him, Ocelus the Changeling cut off his embarrassing moment. "Yes, you're right, now that you mention it I remember it too, so if so… I think Cozy Glow configured the artifacts in the formula as mystical magnets to gather all the magic and then send it elsewhere." "So, to deactivate it you just have to remove them right?" said the slightly rough voice of the young dragoness Smolder, and as she was about to take one of the relics, Ocelus stopped her in alarm. "No, wait! If we do it like this it will stop, but that will cause a chain reaction of magical explosions that will destroy the school of friendship!" *GHASP* This made them all blink, although they were surprised, that had sounded much louder than six creatures could reach. "You want to destroy the school? What is wrong with you?!" Turning towards the entrance, there was a large part of the bulk of the pony students, and floating in the air in front of them, was Cozy Glow with a clearly false expression of surprise. "So you were the ones who stole the magic from Equestria!" The little pegasus said accusingly and then addressed the rest of the student body. "Chancellor Neighsay may have been wrong about a lot of things, but he was right about you! After everything Twilight did for you, and now you want to destroy her school!" She continued to launch her accusations as she advanced slowly along with the entire student body, seeing this the group of friends began to back down when feeling pressured, but Gallus steeled himself and faced her floating forward, getting on the same level as Cozy. "We don't want to! You are the one who is using these artifacts to make all the magic of Equestria disappear!" "I'mhhh? We all saw you with your paws on them! *Ghasph* now it all makes sense! They want all the magic to disappear because it's the only thing the ponies have that they don't." This time it was Ocelus who could not keep silent. "There is a magical component involved when Silverstream and I transform." The changeling spoke with a frown as the hippogriff nodded floating behind her. "Yes, besides, the friendship of Yona's friends is magic, Twilight said so!" -spoke the annoyed and desperate yak- "And you paid for it by sending her to Tartarus on a desperate and futile search! So you could destroy everything she has built, *ghasph* they even caught counselor Starlight in that thing!" Hearing the false concern, the lilac unicorn couldn't help but roll her eyes and grimace in annoyance. "We have to defend the school!" -Cozy Glow yelled- The rest of the students advanced ignoring Sandbar who came forward trying to calm the spirits, but their pleas were drowned out by the noise of the crowd, in the air, Gallus tried to get away, but was held back by a pegasus and when he got away he pushed so hard that it collided with the ceiling and fell into the vortex, the others broke free to try to save it, but as soon as they got closer they were equally absorbed and at that moment, a portal opened inside the magic circle that formed the arrangement, and the vortex it began to descend towards it slowly. When the ponies saw how they all sacrificed themselves to save one of them, they began to doubt what they were doing and although Cozy tried to silence the thread of thoughts saying that they had asked for it themselves and that they could not do anything about it, it was useless, everyone gave their opinion of how what happened contradicted everything they had learned so far. "Yes, yes, yes, the elements of harmony are very important, they just don't apply in every situation and since the magic left Equestria, I'm not sure that the tree of harmony is as useful as it was before." But she was so involved in gaining control of the masses that did not notice that each of the six crystalline pillars that extended from the floor to the dome, where they joined to form a stalactite that doubled as a chandelier, lit up with the colors of the elements and just when the vortex began to be swallowed by the portal, the chandelier was illuminated with great intensity and a multicolored beam shot out of it, this hit the vortex, stopping it immediately and reversing its advance, as soon as it was high, the six friends began to glow and were drawn from the vortex by the tree of harmony, Silverstream in pink, Ocelus in white, Yona in orange, Sandbar in yellow, Smolder in light blue and Gallus in lavender. "Look, they are shining like the elements of harmony!" A mare exclaimed when she saw the brightness that surrounded them. "HA! It seems our friendship IS truly magical after all." The hippogriff couldn't help but gloat at Cozy Glow's incredulous gaze, but the changeling interrupted him, there were more important things for now. "Quick, we must deactivate it!" They all took positions on the objects, each one according to its origin, but the one who gave voice to the doubt in everyone's mind was the hippogriff. "But didn't you say that would destroy the school?" "It's a possibility, but if we don't do it all the magic will disappear!" They all exchanged glances for a moment and nodded, while Sandbar turned to the students who were still present. "Emmm, maybe you should make up your minds soon." Everyone took an item from where they were floating in the air and began to pull, immediately the vortex began to rise and all the students who had followed Cozy ran out almost running over her in the process. "Wait, where is everypony going? Stop!" The vortex compressed around Starlight still within, increasing its brightness to a blinding level, and then immediately exploded into a magical pulse that spread rapidly throughout the world; leaving multicolored orbs in the air throughout the world their journey, which began to move rapidly towards their original owners. On the way, a third of the distance between Canterlot and Poniville, the Equestrian diarchy led an expedition of soldiers towards the latter, having received the alert about Cozy Glow from Chancellor Neighsay, who was accompanying them back, when the wave caught up with them and they regained their magic, and they immediately rushed to their destination with a smile on their faces. At the gates of Tartarus was the M6, along with the inert body of Turing Test, regretting having failed, when they were hit by the shock wave, it goes without saying that they were all happy to recover their magic, they hugged each other tightly, and to their surprise, the automaton was rebooting their systems, they waited a minute for it to finish and as soon as it was done, Twilight teleported them all back. In the courtyard of the school of friendship, the ponies ran everywhere, but a sudden flash caused one part to stop and pay attention, it was the Young six and Starlight who had teleported out as soon as the latter recovered her magic, they all fell to the ground in a pile after appearing almost half a meter from the ground, after a few quick words of thanks and hugs, an extremely annoyed childish voice interrupted them. "You ruined everything!" It was Cozy Glow that was fuming, figuratively and literally, after barely leaving the cave in time after the explosion of the first device. "And now Twilight and her silly friends can escape from Tartarus!" And because karma is adorable, at that precise moment, with a flash of lavender, the M6 ​​plus an automaton appeared right next to her and they all had anger on their faces. After a brief exchange of words and the short pegasus losing her temper and her adorable role, the latter tried to escape but was blocked by the annoying students who had heard her, she tried to change route but was blocked again; this time was blocked by the diarchs and Neighsay, finally tried to rise, but was blocked by the royal guard and taken into custody, then Luna took her along with the group that detained her to prosecute her, the princesses of the sun and friendship took advantage of that moment to chat. "I can't understand it, what didn't I do? What did I fail to do?" –Said with sadness the youngest of the princesses- "She was very kind to everyone and helped me a lot, I just don't understand." Seeing her former student in that state of depression, the monarch of the sun decided to share something of her experience *Shigh* "Unfortunately that's the way things are, sometimes the most promising individuals can be the most troublesome, don't blame yourself so much for her actions, along your way there will always be the probability that someone like this will approach you, some Sometimes they will simply be stray ponies that require some guidance to find the right path, however, there will be times that they are individuals who are like that by nature, after all, you have already helped me fix two of my failures, right? isn't that so? " -asked the monarch of the sun with a slight smile and a raised eyebrow as she wrapped a wing around Twilight- *Shigh* "You're right, I mustn't let the fact that someone has trouble understanding the true magic of friendship break me." The princesses shared a brief smile and walked towards the castle of the princess of friendship. At dawn the next day, the trial of the Pegasus took place, which got as an unexpected guest the Sorcerer King, who called the attention of the diarchy for allowing the transit of unverified mail from prison to the outside when it was revealed as Tirek and Cozy communicated, he also warned them that he would not tolerate that his subjects were affected again by the negligence of other nations, at the same time, he reminded them that by the treaty they could request help from the sorcerer kingdom if they faced a very big problem. A figure rests enjoying the little sun that passes through the dense vegetation of the swamp in freedom, for the first time in a long time, sitting on a rock ledge in his home. "I don't know how or why, but my prison dissolved for a moment, now I not only have my freedom, I have also recovered all my magic, mhmhnahahahahjajajajaJAJAJAJAJAJA" The sinister laugh of a dark voice heralded a bad omen throughout the swamp. > The After Party Second part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small figure walked with the grace and property of a lady down the corridors of the ninth floor of the great tomb of Nazarick, decked out in her velvety black evening gown with crimson details and lace, her face held a mischievous look and the honest smile that betrayed her good mood, it was Shalltear Bloodfallen, the true vampire guardian of the first three floors of the tomb and her smile was not unfounded, she could finally present interesting news to her master. Upon finally reaching his quarters, she stopped at the entrance, checked her appearance, looked at both sides repeatedly, and quickly adjusted the bust padding. *Knock knock knock knock* One of the homunculus servants answered the door. "Hello? Ah, Shalltear-sama!" "Ara? Lumiere, I wish to see Ainz-sama, hurry up, I have news to report -de arinsu." "Yes, immediately." A moment later she received permission and entered the room. "Good morning Ainz-sama." "Umu, likewise Shalltear, do you have something to report?" "Yes∼❤ that's right, as you order it, I have kept a watch for some time in all the places that we have opened a portal with my familiars, -de arinsu; a couple of days ago, after the dwarf pegasus affair, Mare picked up Some samples southeast of Equestria, the next day a creature got near the place like if he were seeking something around, it calls itself Grogar, a ram, and is able to use magic like unicorns through its horns, I followed his steps, he already passed through Appleloosa, seems to be gathering information on the most notorious villains of recent times -de arinsu." "Mmmh, interesting, a new element, do you already know what its direction is? his level? Or his objective?" "At the moment he has only been heard to say that he plans to create anarchy and destruction, in terms of his direction, at the moment he is heading to Dodge City, in terms of his levels, [Disern Enemy] threw a level of approximately 55 and his specialty is magic -arinsu. " Mmmh, I see, if he is looking for information on villains, does he plan revenge against any of them? Or maybe... does he plan to recruit them for some different purpose? If that's more possible. After this brief reasoning, Ainz dropped the pensive pose he had taken and continued speaking. "Umu, you were right to bring this to my attention, talk to Demiurge, make sure he 'finds' information about Chrysalis and her acts against Equestria in Dodge City, but before that, call her here, it's time to give her a trial run and see if she can be useful to Nazarick." "Yes∼ as Ainz-sama order it❤…" Noticing that the vampire did not retreat after her bow and strange behavior, the Overlord became concerned. Mhn? What's wrong? Why hasn't she retired? Don't tell me she thinks my decision was stupid! I'm sure it wasn't so pathetic, at least not that Shalltear thinks less of me. "Is something wrong Shalltear?" The little guardian constantly shifted her weight from her feet and upon hearing her master's question, she began to play with her index fingers. "This ... Ainz-sama, I heard some of the maids say that your ring allows you to take other forms, apart from that of a pony..." Oh oh, I think I already know where this is going. -the Overlord thought worried- "Do you think it would be possible for you to show it to me like Albedo?" *Shigh* I knew it. "Hmm, okay, I think it's fair, but! You're only going to see me in my additional form, nothing else will happen, there's still a lot to do for now." "Yes∼❤" -answered the ecstatic vampire- does that mean that later there will be time for anything else? Ainz stood up and walked in front of the desk, raised his right hand, and activated the ring, but this time instead of wrapping himself in a luminous mass, he was enveloped by a slightly reddish-black mist that seemed to have a will of its own, when it was beginning to settle, the first thing the guardian saw was blood red eyes with a cold and intelligent look, then, a pale and perfect face made her hold a breath that she did not need, even though her current equipment covered the majority, the long locks that peeked out from the sides of his head, indicated the presence of long hair as dark as night, but the drop that spilled the glass were the pectorals and abdominals that were visible through the opening of his tunic, all this made her knees shake already, but the coup de grace was delivered by the deep, soft voice of his master's new appearance. There was no doubt, the form her master took had everything she felt weak for. "Satisfied Shalltear?" "UOOOOOOOOOoeeeeeee!!" *PLOF* The result was something that should be impossible, from that day on, there were three things that Ainz decided to never look for the answer to, how was it possible for a vampire who had no pulse to have a nosebleed, how was it possible for a vampire to faint despite her immunity against mental state changes and exactly what the stain that shared the carpet and the vamp's dress was made of. *Shigh* "Lumirie, call a team to clean up this mess, also call Solution to see that Shalltear does her tasks, also, tell Entoma to bring Chrysalis here in an hour." The maid when called responded immediately despite the slight blush on her face. "Y-yes, immediately." She bowed and withdrew. I think it would be best to return to my original form to avoid further incidents. After the vampire was removed and quick cleaning of the carpet was done, Chrysalis entered, led by the arachnoid. "With your permission Ainz-sama, I have brought it as ordered -desu." "Umu, can you get up, Chrysalis, the time has come for you to show your worth, I have a task for you." A task? "Order me, Ainz-sama, what can I do for you?" "Tell me, are you aware of the most recent events outside the tomb?" "I'm sorry to say I've only heard rumors or comments about someone trying to remove all magic." Or at least that's how little I've heard Demiurge's-sama subordinates speak. "Umu, that's right, a pegasus named Cozy Glow with the support of Tirek tried such a thing, but your mission does not have to do directly with it, but rather with the results, the interruption of the magic released from its stasis or prison to Grogar." This caused immediate alarm in the changeling. "Grogar! Grogar the father of all monsters is real?!" But the menacing hiss coming from Entoma made her recover quickly from her surprise and she was quick to apologize. "I'm so sorry to have interrupted you Ainz-sama, it's just that the surprise was too much!" "Umu, it doesn't matter, as fact, it's good that you know something about him." And even better than I have taken that hour to consult the material translated by Titus, otherwise would have looked like an idiot. "Although I suspect what his objective is, I want to be completely sure, so you are going to infiltrate his plans and keep us informed of everything he does, for that you will use this," -the maid in the room approached with a box in his hands, she opened it and presented it to Chrysalis, inside there was a pair of black and emerald green earrings, as well as a black crystal ring- "the earrings will allow you to record what you say whenever you want, they transmit what is recorded to A storage glass cannot be blocked by any type of barrier, its range limit is within the world, so the distance will not be a problem, although if you find yourself in absolute need, you can destroy them to preserve your facade, no they are of the least importance." It's just a mere note recorder, there are lots of them in the treasury. As Ainz thought this, the changeling was speechless with surprise. How can he say that, but it is practically the perfect tool for spying! "As for the ring, it will protect you from changes of state up to three times a day, be it poisoning, mind control, or petrification, if it is used a fourth time in less than 24 hours, it will do its job, but it will be destroyed, be cautious to not exceed this number per day." * Glup * "I-I'll do my best to prevent that from being the case Ainz-sama." "Well, do you have any questions or concerns?" "Only one, my lord, how should I infiltrate his plans? Or rather 'where' will I infiltrate his plans?" "You don't have to worry, he will take you to his lair himself, all you have to do is leave the protection of the tomb, you will be with Aura in the Everfree forest assisting him until you are taken to him." "Understood, I will leave immediately." "Umu, I'll be waiting for your results." After completing her school day, having completed her part-time job at the cybercafe, and after returning home with some of the M7s, Shizu arrived at the apartment where Yuri was already waiting for her. "Welcome home Shizu." "I'm back Midori Oneesama." "Do you want something for dinner?" "Nmn, I ate with the girls at the mall." "I see, if you want you can go to sleep, I just need to finish preparing tomorrow's class." "Umu, good night." Both continued with their routine following the same procedure as always, when they were already on the flight to the mall, they began their real conversation. "Did you find anything interesting Shizu?" "Umu, I think Ainz-sama would be interested, I want your opinion." "With pleasure." After a little time, both were already inside the main node, the automaton connected and opened what it had found, after a few minutes of reading, Yuri gave the go-ahead. "You're right, this information will please Ainz-sama a lot, it's just what he ordered us to find, well done, now it only remains to be verified, Red-san?" "Yes, Yuri-sama." "Take half of your team to that place, I want you to confirm that this is completely true before reporting it to the supreme, no matter how long it takes, you have to verify at deep." "Understood." With this, the Hanzo disappeared into the shadows again. "Now we just have to wait, but in the meantime, we have to keep looking to see what else we find." "About that, the reports about the strange creatures, I investigated them." "And what was the result? "They are Equestrians." "Unit 02, do you already have Mr. Umahara's report of the phenomenon and why did it affect only the surface?" "Yes, here it is, I came just a moment ago." "Mmm, I see, so it was the work of a certain Cozy Glow... I understand, 'according to the remains of the magic circle used and the pieces of the artifacts, the effect was limited to the ground level where the arrangement was located' -read out loud the pony- I see, so that's why it didn't affect us down here, very well, so it's not expected that it can be repeated, that's good." Cobbler closed the document window on the screen. "Show me the updated report on the production of unit 04 and the status of our final project." The android's eye blinked rapidly several times and the documents appeared on the screen in front of the pony. "Mmm, excellent, unit 04 is almost complete and the final project is close, very soon Celestia will be forced to leave the throne." On a regular and repetitive day in Tartarus, Tirek kept trying not to lose his sanity with the incessant babbling of his new prison mate. "Look, I made a statuette to commemorate our friendship!" Said the little pegasus showing a figure formed with stones that crudely resembled the centaur with her on his shoulders. *Shigh* "For the last time! No! I am not! Your! FRIEND! Stop saying-" But the end of his sentence was not heard in Tartarus as they both disappeared in a dark flame with yellowish edges, leaving behind two empty cells and a Cerberus who came to sniff the statuette that collapsed on the spot causing it to whine for the lack of company. Somewhere in the Everfree Forest, the former changeling queen found herself wandering and grumbling. *Mumble mumble* How long is it going to take that idiot to summon me, it's already almost two days!, two days in which I had to wander through this insufferable forest... well, it is true that it is more bearable now that the little elf controls all the beasts, at least I can rest decently, *shigh* I don't want to dare to even think about it, but, was Ainz-sama wro- At that precise moment, her thoughts were interrupted by a dark, yellowish-edged flare with which she disappeared. "-silly stuff!" -ng in his prediction? Suddenly everyone was in another place and they were not alone, surprise invaded them for a moment when they realized the change of location and the fact that they were no longer alone, Chrysalis took an aggressive position and looked carefully at the others, but she had to play dumb. "Lord Tirek!" "A changeling! You see, she does know." -He said to the little pegasus next to him- "I am the queen of the changeling, or I will be again when I regain my throne, why did you summon me, what do you want from me!" -said Chrysalis holding the paper that the archdemon suggested- "Wow, hey!" Cozy immediately hid behind Tirek's legs- "we didn't bring you, as fact, we thought you got us out of Tartarus." -she said putting on a cute face- "The Tartarus? If you were taken from that place it must have been somepony very powerful." An evil laugh was heard and appearing on a raised ledge after concentrating a cloud of smoke, the figure of the best-known tyrant pony was formed. "King Sombra! Have you returned? Why did you bring us here?!" "Buffoons! Be quiet and pay attention, he's not the one who brought you together!" From the shadows of a side corridor, emerged a ram with cobalt blue fur, red eyes, and undeniable old age. "It was me, and you can refer to me as Grogar and you are going to obey me!" Tirek was shocked *Ghasph* "THAT! Grogar." Chrysalis pretended to be surprised. "The most notorious of all tyrants in known history." Sombra pretended to be disinterested. "I have heard of you, it is said that you are the father of all monsters." Cozy Glow was just having doubts. "Errr, I'm very sorry, I know that Tirek is already very old, no offense, you look very good for your age," -The centaur rolled his eyes with a grimace of annoyance- "and he had already heard about you, but I had never heard the name of Gorgar." "GROGAR! I must have been absent too long if my name no longer makes the heart of someone so small tremble." Finished the ram looking very closely at the pegasus, then he walked to the center where there was a crystal sphere that had the appearance of a ram's eye. "My kingdom was a great period of terror and anarchy when what is now Equestria was only a handful of scattered farms, I gave life to the most despicable and nefarious creatures," -the crystal sphere began to make shapes that illustrated its story as he narrated- "I let them loose allowing them to do whatever they wanted, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest, my reign of terror spread across all continents, and everything will be mine again! If you obey me you will be able to keep your pathetic kingdoms, but all will be mine." "Everything was yours until Gusty the great raised and banished you," Chrysalis interrupted smugly as she thought: And you have no idea what's around here today. "That fool believed that by taking away the cowbell she would defeat me, but she only weaken me temporarily, I recovered slowly, very slowly because of the spell with which she locked me up, as soon as I was free I investigated, which I think usually escapes your sight In making their plans, I read about all your pathetic defeats to the hooves of six pathetic ponies! And do you know why you lost each time?" "Because they are cheating!" -Exclaim Chrysalis- "Because they have maddening luck." -grumble Tirek- When Cozy was about to make her excuse, the ram continued. "You were defeated because they work as a team! Where one is weak, the other is strong, that's why they have always surpassed you! But there is no reason why their tactics should not work against them." "What are you suggesting?" -instigated the changeling- "I do not suggest anything, I order you to join me! And working together, the world will be ours." "I don't accept 'ours' I don't share with anyone, I just accept 'mine', I'll take the crystal empire on my own and defeat any pony that gets in the way, I don't need anyone's help." -Interrupted Sombra- "Oh!, how much confidence! it's okay to go away and try, what's more, I'll send you myself, but when you fail and come back licking your wounds, you will become my slave!" "What if I don't accept this... 'deal'?" "Then I will return you to the darkness that I brought you out of." "Well, it's just a waste of time, I will never be anyone's slave, I will achieve my victory and everyone will recognize my greatness, then-" Sombra's triad was abruptly cut off by a bored-looking ram; Having disappeared the object of his annoyance with its magic, he spoke to those who remained while activating her crystal sphere to observe everything. "Take a good look and let the stupidity of that useless serve as an example." "-I finally…" Sombra looked around and realized that he was in the crystal empire, and not only that. "Hahahaha, that fool has given me victory on a silver tray by transporting me inside the barrier, mhahahahahaha." After taking a moment to bask in his luck, the shadows king began to calmly advance towards the palace, along the way, with the small skirmishes with the guards trying to stop him, he began to form his force controlling the defeated soldiers, when finally He arrived at the castle, instead of going directly to the throne room, he decided to make a quick stopover to ensure his victory, he formed a staircase around the outside of the palace with dark crystals, with a specific balcony as an objective, when he arrived, he smiled evilly, he had found his goal, he could already taste victory. "NO FLURRY!" Cadence and Shining had been late, little Flurry heart was suspended in the magic of the king. "Release her this instant Sombra!" The princess of love was about to attack, but her husband stopped her, if she attacked could hurt her daughter. "Mhahahahahaha, it is not me who is at a disadvantage." -said the tyrant as he squeezed the little filly with his magic- "Ugu, moma!" The rulers of the crystal empire gave up, were chained, and had a suppressor placed on their horns, Cadence wings were also tied and both were taken to the throne room, to the horror of the family, the King Sombra had already redecorated the throne room, dark crystals sprouting everywhere and above where he sat, was the crystal heart pierced on both sides by dark crystals that threatened to shatter at any moment. "Long live the king... mhahahahahahah" -said the Umbrum as he sat on the throne- The next day, the King had already made himself comfortable and for his amusement, he had the royal family locked in a grille of dark glass in the same throne room, or so it seemed, it was all part of his plans, the suppressors had reached their limit a couple of hours ago, after that, between the two adults they were responsible for freeing themselves from their bonds. Ahhh, all that contempt in their looks, it will be a lot of fun when I destroy all their illusions, hahahaha, Aaah, they finally arrived. When the M6s broke into the throne room, the king stopped playing with the former rulers of the crystal empire and his inner monologue. After a fairly short battle and some struggle, the king achieved his mission, when they attacked him with the multicolored friendship laser, he immediately surrounded himself with the strongest shield that he could generate as soon as he was about to be hit; while the attack hit it quickly drifted through the floor in the form of smoke, after leaving his shield to crumble under the tremendous assault, believing him defeated, the mares retired on a quiet journey home aboard the train, unlike the rapid teleportation with which they had arrived, but this was not a setback for him, on the contrary, it served him since he had received some damage with the attack they launched. Well, I don't know where they hide them or where the elements come from, but I'm sure they will lead me straight to their source mhahahah. When the M6 arrived in Ponyville, the whole town, if it could still be called a town with its current growth, was all laughter and joy to the chagrin of the tyrant, the most notable was the beautiful white mare with a black mane that crossed the six annoyances that he was following. Mmm, yes, when I control everything I am going to make that Nabel one of my concubines hehe, but I'm not sure what it is, there is something strange since we got here, I feel observed for some reason. Predictably, the mares carried him to his goal, the only variable in their plans, was the strange mare in full armor that had joined them, but it would not make a difference, as soon as they left the tree of harmony after returning the elements, the umbrum found its moment to attack. "MhahahahaHAHAHA" The macabre and familiar laughter behind them caused the six mares and an android to turn immediately and they could observe the black cloud that was on the ceiling of the cave, as well as the dark crystals that began to sprout from the walls, damaging and breaking the tree of harmony, until finally, a huge crystal emerged from the ground hitting the trunk and shattering it. *Ghasp* collective "But how did this happen?!" -exclaimed the speedster- "The shadow king destroyed the tree and the elements of harmony!" -Twilight exclaimed with great concern and disbelief- "Did you think that you defeated me? Mhahahaha, stupid mares!" Using his dark magic, the king quickly locked the entire group in a cage of dark crystals. "Hahahahaha, it would be so easy to dominate every one of you right now," -he said in a deep voice as he approached- "but it won't be necessary, after all, I'm about to make your worsts fears come true." "Don't you even dare to think about it!" -screamed Rainbow furious- "Yes, I will start with your beloved home, but I will not stop there, now that you no longer have the power to stop me, I will dominate all of Equestria! Mhahahahahahahahaha." With these words, Sombra transformed into a cloud of black smoke and left the cave. "And now, how are we going t'a put a stop to that sow water snake? We can't let him get away with it!" -said the farmer annoyed- "What is the plan, Twi?" -asked the speedster- *Shigh* "I don't know, without the elements or the crystal heart we have no way of stopping him," -the princess got up from where she had been lamenting in silence, and spoke with determination- "but we have to get out of here as soon as possible, we cannot allow him to win," -seeing her regain her determination allowed the rest to regain hope- "We will find a way, no matter how but we will stop it, Turing, do you think you can break the glass wall?" "Wait a moment" -the metallic voice of the automaton answered and began to turn in its place slowly- "Analyzing... analysis complete, calculating, calculation complete," -Turing approached one of the walls of the cell and continued- "I recommend protecting yourselves, it is likely that many crystal shards will be scattered, activating 'E' mode." The automaton raised one of its front hooves, while the additional servos were heard that provided additional strength, Twilight's eyes widened and immediately afterward created a bubble shield around her and her friends. *CLASH, Clac, cling cling cling, tilt tilt* "The way is already clear, now we can move forward." The alicorn undid her shield and after hastily thanking Turing, she and the rest ran off in a hurry, but to their horror, when they reached the town, every pony they came across was already under the control of the tyrant and walking without apparent direction, they all tried to stop someone when they found him, Applebloom did not even blink at her sister's desperate pleas, Sweetie Belle simply walked around Rarty when she tried to stop her, the Cakes completely ignored Pinkie, the only one who did anything more than Blink her empty eyes, it was Starlight when Twilight tried to make her react, she just turned her around while speaking with a voice as monotonous and empty as her eyes. "I must go to Canterlot." *Snif* "It's useless, the only way to free them without hurting them is by defeating Sombra." -said the alicorn with resignation- "Emm, how are we going to do that? I mean, we don't have the elements." -asked Fluttershy- From here a debate/brainstorming on how to stop Sombra took place that lasted several hours, fortunately, there was no other problem within hoove reach that required their attention at the moment, but after walking in circles for a while, finally, one of the mares has despaired. "What if we contact the Sorcerer King?" -asked after a moment Dash causing everyone to look at her in disbelief- "What? I'm sure that with all that power he must be able to do something right?!" -said quickly to justify herself- "No, I don't wish to resort to that unless everything is completely lost," -answered Twilight- "Besides, I'm afraid of what it might do to all the ponies that Sombra has under his control, *shigh* also the only way to contact him Immediately, is in Canterlot, after the trial of Cozy Glow and after reprimanding the princesses for not having been able to control the problem from the beginning, he handed them a scroll, he said that it contained a communication spell with which they could easily contact him." "So what are we waiting for? If we still go to Canterlot to face Sombra, it wouldn't hurt for one of us to look for the scroll." -Rainbow interrupted- "The problem is, I have no idea where the princesses are keeping it." "Then you have to ask them!" -interrupted the party pony- "Pinkie dear, the princesses are in Canterlot, how do you suggest we ask them something? That ruffian has my poor Spikie waike too." "That statement is partly wrong," -interjected Turing's voice- "it is true that Spike the dragon is under the mind control of King Sombra, but the princesses are here." "WHAT?!" The alicorn turned 180 degrees and saw Starswirl, Celestia, and Luna galloping closer. "Twilight! Good thing everyone is safe!" Although the Sun Monarch spoke with relief, and gave everyone a kind smile, upon seeing Turing, her face turned neutral for a fraction of a second before ignoring her and continuing to speak. "Now that we are all here, surely we will have no problem fixing everything." "Princess, I'm sorry, because of me the tree of harmony and the elements were destroyed." "That is precisely why we are here," -interrupted Luna- "Starswirl contacted us as soon as he realized it." "Indeed, suddenly I felt as if a part of my essence simply disappeared, I returned to Canterlot immediately after I understood what it had been about, but tell me Twilight, how was it that the tree and the elements are no more? , I never believed that that could just crumble." "It did not just crumble, *shigh* it was destroyed by King Sombra who deceived us by allowing himself to be defeated in the crystal empire, he used us as guides to the tree and as soon as we returned the elements he destroyed everything, now he is going to Canterlot with all the Poniville residents as their strike force." *Ghasph* "And we left Canterlot unprotected" -said Luna horrified- "We were talking about possibilities, and we thought having a backup plan would be a good idea, so we thought we would ask you to lend us the scroll that the Sorcerer King gave you in case we finally run out of all options." The newcomers exchanged glances, the diarchs of apprehension and the unicorn of doubt when seeing the reaction of both. "That explains why they did not realize the state of the Everfree forest, the princesses and I already took care of preventing Ponyville from devastation, at least for now, and I think it is an excellent idea that they wish to have a backup plan," -Starswirl shifted his gaze from the young alicorn to his students- "But I don't think I know who this Sorcerer King is." "We will tell you when everything has calmed down, but I think for now we have to focus on what is most important," -the monarch of the sun took the floor interrupting his old teacher- *shigh* "I agree with you Twilight, I put the scroll in a safe box in my room, it is located behind the books on the lowest level of the bookcase to the left of the entrance, if you see the need to use it, remember that you should think about the name and appearance of the one who you wish to contact while saying his name when using the scroll." "Now go, time is running out," -continued Luna- "we will see to it that the forest does not spread, and you protect Equestria." With their resolve reaffirmed, the M6s immediately left for Canterlot, tried to prepare as much as possible, and in the end, they decided on a plan of action, as soon as they arrived, they would all distract the controlled ponies while Twilight along with Turing would take care to look for the scroll and they would return for the others as soon as they had it in their possession, after that she would transport them all to the throne room. As they had planned, Turing and Twilight appeared in a corridor that was practically deserted, since at the bottom of it there was only a closet with cleaning supplies. "Well, from here it should be a short way to Celestia's suite." -Said in a low voice the youngest of the princesses- "Wouldn't it have been better to transport us directly to her room?" The metallic voice of the automaton answered in an equally low volume. "to tell the truth there are two reasons for choosing this place," -the alicorn replied with some regret- "firstly, it is because Celestia and Luna's rooms are protected against teleportation after the last Chrysalis attack, and the second is because I wanted you to put on covers to muffle the sound of your hooves on the ground." -she spoke ending with an embarrassed smile- After receiving the answer to her question, Turing lifted one of his hoofs and stared at it for a few seconds, then looked up to Twilight. "Understood, it's understandable." They quickly fulfilled their objective in the closet and carefully slipped through a couple of corridors until they reached the doors of Celestia's room, fortunately, the only inconvenience was when they met a soldier almost to reach their destination, which was quickly knocked out with a spell by Twilight and immobilized with a carpet; as soon as they entered, Turing remained blocking the door, while the alicorn desperately tried to open the box where the parchment was, after little more than ten minutes, she finally achieved correctly remember the magic combination to open it. "I got it!" She teleported to the side of the automaton, they left the room and immediately teleported both of them to the entrance to the castle grounds, when she got closer she saw that her friends were surrounded by a large crowd, she repeated her previous action appearing next to them in the company of Turing, and immediately after, she disappeared along with the rest of her friends, the entire group reappeared inside the castle, more specifically, inside the throne room. "My my, it seems that these mares are not able to understand the reason, do you not?, mhahahaha, but since you have taken the trouble to come here, I will make you my private toys!" Sombra rose from the throne while purple smoke began to come out of the corner of his eyes and launched a powerful attack, but before it connected with its target, it was countered by Twilight's magic. "Maybe it may seem like there is no hope, but we will keep trying anyway, and I'm sure the one who is going to fall in the end will be you!" The alicorn launched a concussion attack with enough power, but a crystal was born from the floor in front of the tyrant, blocking and dispelling the attack, shattering in the process. "HA, you're stupider than I thought if you think that I can be defeated without the heart or the elements, mhahahaha." Rarity levitated in her magic all the ornaments and tapestries of the throne room and began to use them as projectiles or blunt weapons against the king, while Rainbow distracted him with acrobatics attracting his attacks, Applejack returned to throw the objects that he repelled from the attack of the Dressmaker with all the strength of her rear hooves, as well as any good-sized piece of stone or crystals that resulted from the others attacks, Pinkie threw cupcakes and cakes at him and made him miss targets distracting him by appearing next to him suddenly, Fluttershy was busied herself with preventing the others from any sneak attack that Sombra tried to connect, while all the fighting was going on, Turing analyzed King Sombra's magic to try to find a way to counter it while protecting the butter-colored pegasus. Analyzing... error, unrecognized magic, analyzing... error, unrecognized formula, analyzing... error, unknown properties, analyzing... The continuous failures in being able to recognize or find some way to counteract the tyrant's magic, were causing feedback that she could not recognize, she knew the futility of the attempt but kept trying, increasing the intensity of the cycle with each attempt, when she saw Rainbow being knocked down in her direction and falling unconscious, she finally understood, she was feeling frustrated, at the precise moment she understood this, she was no longer able to reason her reaction, she activated her 'E' mode, and launched herself at full speed against the target of her frustration, which was causing a new infinite cycle that she was not able to recognize and made her ignore everything else. When Sombra heard Turing start her charge, for a brief moment he thought, 'Red? Wasn't his glasses purple?' but the thought was immediately annulled by the surprising speed of the mare despite being in full armor, he created a crystal pillar as thick as an adult pony when there were only a few meters between them, but his triumphant smile faded from his face as he saw everything as if it were happening in slow motion, since the pony that must have fallen unconscious when it hit the glass pillar face first, smashed it running through it as if it did not exist so it no longer had time to react when it was finally reached, and the next thing his mind registered, was the deep pain in his left side face at the same time he felt the impact against the pillar on his right side. For the automaton, when she hit the king, the feedback that made her act stopped suddenly, but not only was she stunned, while looking at her hoof, she registered her damage, one of the cameras that worked as her eyes were out of line, the speaker that allowed her to communicate was crushed along with the profile that formed her muzzle and the sounds were out of phase, she had probably lost one of her ears, but this was completely ignored, what she was most interested in was that the cycle had dissipated. All the mares that were still standing were equally dazed and with their jaws hanging, but for a completely different reason, the first able to form a word was Twilight. "Sombra... was hit... he had never... been hit before... it was always thought that it was impossible to hit him physically!" But before the others could recover, the roar of a wounded beast caught everyone's attention. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Sombra seemed to have lost his left eye as well as a good number of the teeth on the same side and with blood on his muzzle, was furious, concentrated a great amount of dark power in his horn and with a shock wave knocked out most of the mares and threw them against Twilight who remained conscious, while she caught them with her magic so that they would not get hurt with the fall, a shadow appeared in front of the still stunned Turing and with a powerful attack he sent her flying towards the alicorn who was barely able to catch her weight, then calling out all his power, he created a crystal prison composed of the most resistant crystals he could summon. "I had just planned to turn you in my toys, but instead I will do a public execution, you will become an example! *Shigh* but first I must take a moment to heal my wounds, I cannot allow my subjects to see me hurt." "Then you leave me no choice, *shigh* I didn't want to do this, but I can't see another way out of this mess at the moment." Hearing her, Sombra, who was already retreating, turned around, saw her draw a scroll from under her wings, and spread it out in her magic. Is that why she didn't fly? Because she has that scroll under its wings all this time? "Ha, what are you going to do, give me a sermon that you had prepared?" But what happened next froze him in place, the scroll burned into blue flames and a great deal of magic was released, then Twilight began to speak alone. "Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama?" "What are you doing?" -Shadow couldn't help but feel confused, he had never seen anything like that- "Sorry to bother you on this beautiful afternoon, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria." "With whom are you talking to?" "I appreciate your time very much, I will be as brief as possible, we were attacked by an enemy from the past, we tried to stop him, but we failed the first time and we got overconfident, he destroyed our only way to stop him and we tried to face him a second time, but we underestimated his strength, at this moment only me and my friends are held captive by King Sombra, the princesses Celestia and Luna are in Poniville fighting the Everfree forest." You stupid mare! Now I know where to find the princesses mhahahahahaaj, but why has she a hoove over her ear, could it be that she received a blow to the head and I did not realize it? "Equestria would greatly appreciate your help if it could be provided, I know I have failed my nation so it doesn't matter what happens to me, but I beg you to protect my friends." "You are really stupid, mhahahah, if you are asking for help in front of me you are a bigger stupid than I thought, all the neighboring nations are quite far away and need time to prepare an expedition, you are giving me time to prepare-" A chill in his spine made him cut off his words, behind him a gigantic magic display took place and before he could turn around he heard a deep and commanding voice. "Well, unless you are able to manipulate time, I don't see how it would be possible for you to prepare." Between him and the throne, from a hole in reality as dark as night, an imposing figure emerged accompanied by two others in armor, and a third in a red suit with a long metal tail that ended in spikes. Sombra concentrated as much power as fast as he could and tried to bring the newcomers under his rule... But his magic just bubbled up and disappeared into thin air upon contact with them. "Impossible! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" He tried to attack again, only this time it was with a magic beam with the intention of pulverizing them, but the result was similar, the magic hit them completely, but it did not even leave a stain on the newcomer's tunic. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Shouted Sombra furious and when he was about to attack again, the Sorcerer King made a slight gesture with his hand and the figures in armor had the tyrant against the ground the next instant subdued with their scythes, Sombra tried to turn to smoke to escape, but To his surprise he couldn't, he was about to teleport, but the figure in a suit did something and couldn't even activate the spell. "[Dimensional Lock], ara ara, we just arrived so I cannot allow you to be rude and withdraw." "I would not go so far as to say that you have failed your nation Princess Twilight, after all, it is still standing and its rulers alive and you have asked for help to solve a problem that exceeds you, a good ruler knows how to admit when he needs help from others, who does not do it is just a clown who calls himself king." Ainz said, directing his gaze to Sombra as he said the last part, this caused him to open the only remaining eye as a plate. How the hell does he know what Grogar wanted?! "You, but how!" "[Silence], [Stop Resisting]" At that moment, to his surprise, King Sombra was no longer able to do anything. "What a pathetic prison, *shigh* Pale Raider, free the princess and her friends." -ordered the Overlord- With a small bow, one of the armored figures advanced to comply with the orders received and with a simple movement of the scythe, the most powerful crystal prison of Sombra was reduced to nothing. "Besides," -continued the Overlord- "I don't think the elements have disappeared, or are you telling me that your magic element contained all existing magic? Or that no one will ever tell the truth again? No princess the elements were mere representations, physical ways of interacting with the world." Then the alicorn had a revelation. "*Ghasph* that's true, but how could I forget?! This is not the first time the elements of harmony have been destroyed!" Focusing on the sensation she used to feel when using the elements, more exactly the one she felt when they faced Tirek, Twilight's eyes began to shine and she began to float in the air without using her wings after the rest of the bearers followed her example and they also began to shine and regain consciousness as Sombra looked at everything in horror from the floor. "It is true, the elements have not been destroyed, we represent them, after all, friendship IS magic." Dash who had finally regained consciousness and understood what was going on continued. "We always tell it to you, but you guys never seem to get it." The rest were already smiling and awake now that the magic of harmony had recovered them from the battle and increasing somewhat the level of the brightness that surrounded them, an expansive wave covered all Canterlot and Poniville, undoing the control and the crystals created by shadow, the latter, seeing that he had been defeated again, wanted to shout and insult them, but it was impossible, so he had to settle for throwing glances of hatred at the mares, even Turing had been repaired by harmony, but when they were about to direct their power over Sombra, the Sorcerer King stopped them. "That won't be necessary, I'll take care of it." The mares exchanged curious glances and let go of the power of the elements, after which they were again standing on the ground. One of the armored figures scooped up Sombra by the mane after receiving a signal from his master and presented him by placing the Umbrum's face at the height of Ainz's face. "I think you've already given enough trouble, so it's time for you to die for good." For a moment the mares thought they would see something like what happened in the storm king's attack, but all the Sorcerer King did was raise his hand and say two words. "[True Death]" Sombra's body convulsed for a moment and then was inert, a few seconds later his body began to lose color and dissolve like steam in the wind, from the bottom up. "What? What did you do to him, Your Highness?" -asked Fluttershy in a trembling voice- "I gave him true eternal rest, there will no longer be magic or ritual capable of bringing him back to life, the only way to do it would be for whoever tries to, must be more powerful than me." This answer calmed the concern of the pegasus a bit, a slight golden glow dissipated from the air when the man in the red suit raised one of his hands. "I have no way of thanking you for your help, King Gown, all I can offer you is that I will speak on your behalf with the rest of the princesses." "It doesn't matter, after all, it's part of the free trade agreement that they already signed." In the next instant with a flash and a *POP*, the diarchs appeared in the company of Starswirl the bearded, ready for combat, but the scene in front of them was not what they expected, everything was calm. I see, so it was him, this is a great opportunity, with the presence of Starswirl maybe we will get something. It was Celestia's last thought before starting a war of words. > The After Party Third part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The M6s were minding their own business, Twilight listened to Turing as she gave her damage report, and commented on her latest sensations, Fluttershy checked Applejack and Rainbow, while Rarity and Pinkie were busy rearranging everything that had not received any damage in the battle, but they all wore a calm expression; They were relatively happy, everything had been solved and the Sorcerer King assured that it would be impossible for Sombra to return once more; the only ones with a serious and immutable expression were the diarchs, which did not go unnoticed by Starswirl. "King Gown, on behalf of Equestria, I humbly appreciate the assistance provided at this time of uncertainty." -Said the monarch of the sun while bowing slightly- "and I apologize if I seem impolite, but I do not have the pleasure of meeting your companion, with us is Starswirl, one of the pillars of Equestria, recently rescued from limbo by the Princess Twilight." Said the alabaster alicorn as she indicated with one of her hooves the unicorn next to her and he bowed slightly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." "The pleasure is mine, this is Demiurge," -said the Overlord pointing with one of his hands to the demon who immediately bowed- "one of my most trusted subordinates, as for my help, it was not a big deal, the one who truly did all the work was Princess Twilight, she just needed a little reminder of what she was capable of." Hearing this, the monarch of the sun raised an eyebrow and was about to request more information about it, but was interrupted by the youngest of the princesses. "Hehehe, yes well, see princess, when King Sombra destroyed the elements and the tree of harmony, I felt that something had broken inside me," -said the lavender alicorn as she approached after finishing with Turing, while the rest of the mares came up behind as she spoke- "so I thought that the magic of the elements was lost forever." "I understand you perfectly when it happened, I felt as if a part of me had died suddenly." -added the unicorn- "That's right, but when the Sorcerer King arrived and subdued Sombra, he reminded me that the elements did not contain what they represented, then I remembered that previously we used the power of harmony, even without having the elements, which means that we are also a representation of the elements!" "As for that, later we have to meet to figure out how to replace the destroyed tree." -contributed the monarch of the sun- "That will not be a problem, later I will be in charge of summoning the rest of the pillars, we created it, I am sure we can recreate it." -Said the unicorn with confidence and a slight smile on his face- "Fufufu, but what arrogance." Demiurge's silky and calm voice interrupted the Equestrian's conversation, causing reactions of surprise and annoyance. "Exactly what do you mean by that, Mister Demiurge." -said Luna narrowing her eyes as she looked at the demon. "I apologize, I have spoken out of turn." -Answer this with a tone and a smile that clearly expressed that I was not sorry in the least- *Shigh* "Demiurge" -the Sorcerer King admonished his subordinate with a serious tone- "Yes, I apologize." -said the demon again bowing, and this time he seemed sincere- Well, I'm sure to let them known by now won't cause any havoc. "What my subordinate implies is that you did not create the tree of harmony," "WHAT?!" This caused an absolute surprise, it was something simply inconceivable. "That's ridiculous! We form it, we embed part of our essence in it!" The furious unicorn replied, this caused the demon to frown, but before he could do or say anything, his master interrupted him with a signal indicating him to wait, while the princesses briefly met each other's gaze with concern. "Besides, how can you be so sure? You are a newly crowned king as far as I know! The pillars and I created the tree over a thousand years ago!" The first to try to calm things down was Twilight. "C-calm down, please Starswirl, I'm sure the Sorcerer King hasn't finished speaking, you have to listen to all his words so as not to misinterpret what he's trying to say, hehehe." Taking a look around, the reactions of the princesses and the elements cast doubt on the unicorn, so he forced himself to calm down. "Indeed, you are still linked to the different facets of harmony," -continued the Overlord- "but you were not its creators, that is, you did not create the tree of harmony, harmony impelled you to create it to reinforce the links if the Everfree forest got out of control, it was due to the sudden disappearance of the tree," Although it also influenced that mare was inside it. "But Princess Twilight re-imposed the presence of harmony, I can assure you that there will be no problem with the forest again, and as for your question, I will only say that time is not a problem for the master of life and death." Ainz replied taking towards the end the 'wise king no.7' posture, lying a bit to the side and with his chin slightly raised. "Wait, are you saying that the tree of harmony has a consciousness of its own?" Twilight asked with a face that said 'please don't talk nonsense, has he lost his mind? "Indeed princess, as fact, I am completely sure that harmony has been keeping on track in important inflections which benefits it the most over time, at least since it gained consciousness, of which I am sure is much longer than what encompasses your modern history, you, the pillars and if I'm not mistaken there is a third group of creatures linked at this time to harmony, all of you could be considered its extensions." How did he say? One more group of creatures? I do not understand, only the pillars and I can use the elements before the sisters could also, but after Nightmaremoon it was no longer possible. Just when everyone had recovered from the shock and Twilight was about to ask a question, the king's subordinate cut her off speaking first. "Ainz-sama, it's about time." "Umu, well, if you'll excuse me I must retire, I still have a lot to do in my kingdom, [Gate]." With this the portal opened and the Overlord passed through, followed by the demon and finally the men in armor, but the guardian did not retreat without first giving a word of warning. "By the way, Starswirl-san, I recommend that you watch your tone when speaking with my master, not all of his subordinates are as controlled as I am, have a good day." With his last sentence he made a respectful bow to the princesses and withdrew, but, although the words and the gesture were cordial, Starswirl was sweating profusely and once the portal was closed, the unicorn let out a breath that he did not know he was retaining. * Wheezz * "For heaven's sake, what was that?! It felt like he was going to crush me with his very presence!" -said the unicorn alarmed- "Indeed" -said the princess of the night- "however, it is nothing compared to what the presence of the Sorcerer King is capable of." "Princess Luna, This is not a time for jokes, if certainly is true that judging for the amount of energy used to open that portal can be called overwhelmingly powerful, Its demeanor does not reflect a presence that powerful." -Spoke the unicorn with a reproachful tone- "This is not a joke," -answered the youngest of the princesses seriously- "I saw first hoof what even his mere servants are capable of doing, it is precise because of how much they are capable of changing their attitude and the aura it projects, which we think you have to be extremely careful when dealing with them, *shigh* when he dethroned the Storm King, using only his presence, reduced an entire platoon of soldiers to creature churning; if not for the help of Princess Luna, I'm sure I would still have nightmares about it; he has absolute control over the pressure that his presence exerts, or where it directs it." "I'm so sorry, Princess Twilight, but it's hard for me to imagine such a thing, your behavior completely contradicts what you're saying." *Shigh* "His intelligence is truly monstrous," -interrupted the monarch of the sun, causing everyone to pay attention- "I intended to control the conversation and with the help of Starswirl's intellect I would try to get more information about him, but it seems that he completely saw through my intentions and neutralized them before I could get anything done." They all had confused looks on their faces at her words, and upon realizing this, Celestia decided to extend her explanation. "The information he gave us about the tree of harmony, or simply harmony as he said, he had no reason to share it, he could have simply silenced his subordinate; using merely an affirmation, prevented us from controlling the subject and taking it for another course to get more information; Starswirl, personally think that the most terrifying thing about the Sorcerer King, is not his power, even though he has already shown that his title of 'master of life and death, is not simply presumption or self-glorification." "Master of life and death? What do you mean?" -interrupted the unicorn intrigued- "During the Creatures Summit, an event that takes place every several years in which leaders or representatives of all nations gather, when the troops that were still loyal to King Storm attacked, he invoked something, no, someone that no one was able to recognize by sight, but even so we all knew who it was, he… invoked death itself and it immediately recognized him as its master, bowing down before him." -Explain Twilight- "That's ridiculous! There is no one capable of controlling the cycle of life!" "Starswirl," -continued Celestia- "at this point, there is still much that we do not know about the Sorcerer King, but there are several of which we are pretty sure, his magic is immensely powerful." "He's able to even subdue Discord with ease." -Luna contributed- "His intelligence is unmatched." "We believe that he is capable of creating plans that span years and executing them to perfection." -Spoke Twilight- "He is capable, not of summoning like anyone else, but creating tangible objects with magic." "In the first meeting with him, he created a gigantic throne with divine finishes, completely made of solid black marble without any effort." -Added Rarity- "He is capable of controlling the weather." "He cleared in seconds a storm that covered all of Canterlot with a class five hurricane already formed, and he calls it a party trick! Not even someone as amazing as me is capable of doing that." -Said Rainbow Dash muttering with annoyance the last part- "The first time we saw him was without the mask and gloves he was wearing today, and the first thing I thought about him was 'a necromancer', but when I began to understand the extent of his power, I immediately discarded that notion, it could be that we may be meeting a true god for the first time." -concluded the monarch of the sun- The exchange of comments between Celestia and Starswirl, with contributions from the elements and the other princesses, continued as they explained the things they knew or commented on the things they knew, they only took a short break when one of the guards introduced himself and ordered him to coordinate a contingent to escort the villagers that Shadow had mastered back to Ponyville in the company of the elements and Twilight, after which, the diarchs spoke for a while more with the unicorn, it goes without saying that when the conversation ended, the unicorn already he wasn't so sure of his first impression. "If everything you have told me is true, somewhere there must be some indication of its existence in the past, I will contact the rest of the pillars so that they are attentive in case they find any information about him, if the name Ainz Ooal Gown or his heraldry are found somewhere, I'm sure we can find some clue to his goals." "Travel safe." -Luna said goodbye with a brief hug- "And be very careful, especially when you're following a trail." -finished Celestia- "Of course, I will be in regular contact every month." -Starswirl said goodbye and after making a small bow, he left the throne room to continue his journey- In Grogar's lair, a furious scream was heard. "THAT MORON!" When the ram's crystal sphere couldn't penetrate the walls of Canterlot Castle, he was shocked. "Wow, so they found some way to protect themselves from divination, interesting." Then he stopped trying, after several days his curiosity spiked him again and he went to see the state of the crystal that he used to summon him, but at the very moment when he used the magic circle linked to the crystal to confirm the status of the tyrant pony, the magical arrangement glowed and it just shattered like ordinary glass when hit, and the crystal that anchored the king's soul turned to dust, when the meaning of that finally registered, he became extremely furious and screamed his curses with contempt. Hearing it, Chrysalis and Tirek exchanged inquiring glances, but Cozy was the one who gave voice to the thoughts of all three. "I think that for someone things did not turn out as expected." "Mhm" -was the only answer from the other two- A moment later, a muttering ram came out of one of the bedrooms and when it was finally back in the bulge on which the crystal ball was located, it spoke to the rest. "The three of you should be enough for my plans, that idiot of Sombra managed to get himself killed instead of dispersed, there is no magic that can bring him back now." With this news echoing in their minds, Cozy Tirek and Chrysalis exchanged glances and wondered wordlessly 'Did Equestria kill? Is that possible?' but deep down, the changeling just looked back so she wouldn't look out of place. I wonder what Ainz-sama's main goal will be? "I trust that the death of this stupid will serve as a sufficient example for you to understand, now, you will obey me or share the destiny of Sombra." The three understood immediately, it was not a question, it was a threat and an ultimatum together, they all nodded repeatedly and quickly. "Well, this will be your task," -said the ram as he began to project shadows and images on the sphere to illustrate his explanation- "you will work together, you will recover my bewitching bell from the top of Mount Everhoof, it is inside a cave, the ascent will not be easy, you have to work together like it or not, the mountain is protected by ancient magic, so simply flying to the top or teleporting is out of the question." "Working together? You say it as if working alongside a leech is possible." Chrysalis spoke while looking suspiciously at Tirek, but he was not silent. "HA! Says the parasite of feelings." More insults were immediately crossed, and a moment later, Cozy contributed his own opinion. "I don't understand why you argue, you are both like mosquitoes, drink from others without their permission!" Then the discussion became a pitched battle of insults that lasted only a minute, Grogar had had enough, with a pulse of his magic he threw the three against the nearest wall fixing them in the process, he advanced towards them, and with each step that took the pressure on their limbs and necks increased. "Be quiet, buffoons! I don't care if you hate each other or want to kill each other, you are going to work together to get my bell back whether you like it or not, I am much more powerful than you, will! OBEY!! " -said the last part increasing his threatening voice- They all squawked affirmative answers with as much volume as they could, which was barely audible by the pressure on their necks, after receiving their answer, Grogar looked at them for a few more seconds and then released them. "But I can understand your skepticism, so maybe a demonstration is necessary." He cut off the flow of his magic by letting them fall to the ground, he touched one of the golden buttons on his harness and from this sprouted a sphere of condensed magic with a slight yellow glow, and with a movement of his hoof he threw it towards Tirek as if he had no Importance, he took the sphere and looked at it in disbelief for a moment, and immediately afterward he devoured it as fast as he could, the effect was immediate, his body increased in size and he regained his muscles, at the same time his horns grew, after leaving so behind his frail and old state, he couldn't help but bend his arms and kiss one of his biceps. "Grogar's magic IS powerful, that little sphere had as much magic as there is in the entire city of Manehattan." That is only a small sample of my power," -said the ram with a presumption- "now, move!, the faster my bell is brought to me, the sooner Equestria will be under my power!" Grogar finished at the same time that he transported them to the forests at the foot of the Yaket mountain range; after the change of scenery, Chrysalis was the first to separate. "Well, this will be very easy, I don't even need you, it might be impossible for the rest, but not for me." -Immediately took flight and flew away- As soon as she was at a safe distance and made sure she wasn't being followed by the little pegasus, she began her report. "This is my report for the day, Grogar tried to get us to work as a team to recover his bewitching bell after verifying the death of Sombra, he did not tell us anything about it, only that it is inside a cave at the top of Mount Everhoof, at this moment I'm headed towards the base of it." After giving the command to the earrings to stop recording, she waited a moment, the last time she didn't and she still felt ashamed when she saw Demiurge's face. It should be enough, I don't want to repeat the last time, it was an absolute shame when I received the 'Message' from Demiurge-sama saying that they no longer needed any more information about my anatomy, how on earth was I going to know that it took a few additional seconds to finish recording to the earrings! It's not my fault that in this swamp all the damn leaves are poisonous and I can't use any of them to clean myself after relieving myself! *Shigh* "I just hope that demon doesn't order me to do something impossible just for fun." In the cave of the tree of harmony, the Young Six were open-mouthed and running in terror, moving at full speed away from it, but to find out why it is necessary to go back several hours. After having agreed the day before that they should do something in commemoration of the tree and ask their guardians for permission on the recommendation of the directress Twilight, they all disagreed on which was the best option for it, until each one decided to carry out their own project finally, when the inevitable result happened and all their projects were ruined, at the same time, they finally worked together. "Okay, now we can agree that all of our ideas are a mess right now." Smolder spoke fatally when she saw the result of the accident, her statue's base was shattered and it collapsed over Ocelus fountain, the water from it, completely ruined the fresh painting of Silverstream mural, basically erasing it all, In the same way, it washed away the sapling that Sandbar had planted where the tree used to be and all this ruined Gallus's attempt to turn the place into a museum, then they all began to argue blaming for the whole disaster on one or the other, that It was the last straw, Yona had had enough. "ENOUGH!" After getting every creature's attention, she continued. "The only thing everyone to do is argue, that's not very friendly!" -Everyone lowered their faces in embarrassment- "Yona wanted everyone to work together as friends from the beginning, but everyone ignored Yona!" *Shigh* "She's right, maybe it would be best to all work together on something." -said Gallus, looking up slightly- "But what can we do? All our projects were ruined and there is nothing left of the tree of harmony." -said the young dragon with doubt- "That is not true, there are still all the pieces of the tree of harmony." Sandbar's words caused everyone to turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hehehe, well, you see, I had to clear and clean the area when I planted the sapling, so I took all the pieces to the bottom of the cave so they weren't blocking the way." -he explained as he looked away and scratched his neck with one of his hooves- With this they all shared a slight smile, except for Silverstream, hers reached from ear to ear; They immediately brought all the pieces and agreed on what to do with them, after a quick return to the village, they returned with all the materials and tools they would need and went to work, they worked for hours happily, the only one who frowned At some point it was Sandbar, when a song from the heart failed to start, but he just shrugged his shoulders and continued working, when finally everyone stopped and admired their work... the smiles began to wane. "Errr… guys? To be honest, I thought it would end better. "-Ocelus said when she saw the shabby mini cabin they had built- "Well, it was to be expected right? After all, none of us truly know anything about construction, did we give it a try?" -Commented Gallus shrugging his shoulders with some sarcasm- Everyone nodded and entered the cabin that barely fit the six inside, however, any comments that might arise were abruptly interrupted, the cabin began to glow slightly and the cave began to shake, everyone ran away from the cave and this brings us to the current situation. After feeling that they were already far enough away, they turned around and were surprised, starting from the cave, through the rock and towering over the ruins of the old castle of the two sisters, a huge treehouse, no, rather a mansion in a tree, grew and formed together with this one, which had a huge resemblance to a cherry tree, only that everything was made of glass in soft tones, their reaction when they approached the main entrance, at the level of the ruins, it was understandable. "Wooooooooooow!" "How did... that happen?" Gallus asked no one in particular, so receiving an answer was a great surprise that brought everyone out of their stupor, with a flash of lavender, a projection similar to the one they had found under the school of friendship appeared at the main entrance, only this time it seemed to be more expressive. "It was you, thanks to your dedication and affection, all this was possible, without that, the spirit of the house would have been lost, whenever you need comfort you can come here, your friendship and that of all creatures will be safe within these walls." Giving them one more smile, Twilight's semi-translucent image disappeared, and half a second later, the true princess of friendship appeared behind them with a flash and a 'pop'. "What happened? Is every creature okay? I felt a great magic explosion all the way from the school!" "We are all fine, but... somewhat confused." -Answered Silverstream- *GHASPH* "Where did all that come from?!" -exclaimed the alicorn- "Actually, we wanted to ask you the same thing Principal Twilight." -Smolder replied with a sorry smile- Seeing the inquisitive look of the princess, Ocelus began to explain what happened. "To tell the truth, we're not sure, we just used the remains of the tree to create something in memory of it, and then it just… happened." Hearing this, Twilight's eyes widened. *Ghasph* You guys are the third group! A second later his face softened into a smile. "The tree of harmony has always given us surprises since it was planted by the pillars, it has grown and has constantly adapted to new events, but the tree was only an extension of harmony, not itself, the mere destruction in a physical way it will not make him cease to exist." "So if the tree of harmony was not dead, why do it need our help to create something new?" -asked Gallus without understanding the situation- At that precise moment, the princess of friendship remembered her mentor's way of teaching and smiled. "I don't know, but I'm sure you will find out in due time, now, who's going to give me a tour?" The group of students exchanged nervous glances. "The truth is that... we have not entered yet Directress Twilight." -Sandbar answered for the whole group- "Jijijiji, then how about we all go in together." Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, the supreme ruler was in his office, reviewing the urgent report that Yuri and Shizu had sent. Incredible, no, is it true? "Albedo, has this report already been duly corroborated?" "That's right Ainz-sama, after being received a specialized infiltration unit was sent to check it, there is no doubt." -calmly explained the Succubus. So, not only have there been random portals that have been crossing animals and plants but there are also Yggdrasil items in a well-guarded place, *shigh* there is no other way. "Albedo" "Yes" "Order the team on the other side of the mirror to secure a clandestine area where we can install a well-hidden base, once this is prepared, I want them to send a team to verify why the portals are opening and if they are truly random, also, send Pandora, to infiltrate and get as much information as possible about the items in the base, so that there is not a single hidden data to be found." "Understood, I will deliver your orders immediately." That same night, while lying on her bed in the apartment, Yuri had in her hands, a hardcover book in black with metal reinforcements in the corners and a stylized skull on the front cover, it was the diary through which He communicated with Nazarick, and kept it with her all night, in this way she would receive any instruction immediately, and this custom today had paid off, after answering with an 'immediately', she got up, followed the usual protocols and met up with Shizu at the shopping plaza. "Good night Shizu." "Good night Yuri-nee." "New orders have arrived, we must find a location that can serve us to create a base on this side, it must be of a suitable size and be as clandestine as possible." "Umu." After a little less than two hours of searching, the automaton offered many options that met the limit of space and they began to analyze each option, and almost by the end of its available time, the list had been reduced to four possible places. "Red, check the status of these four places and report which one is the most difficult to access for the inhabitants of this world and which is most hidden." "Yes, immediately." With this, the Hanzo disappeared back into the shadows. The next morning, the M7 were gathered in front of the pedestal of the broken statue. "Um, Sunset? You seem a little worried, you can talk to me about it, I mean, if you want." -asked Fluttershy- "Mhn? Oh! No, I'm sorry if it worries you, it's just that Princess Twilight hasn't contacted me for a long time, and she did yesterday afternoon, it's just that, the things that are happening in Equestria are worrying, but I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it here, but if you're interested, I can talk to you about it later." The group nodded in confirmation, if they could they wanted to help with something. "Uh uh uh, girls, have you heard about the new species that have started to be found?" -spoke pinkie with great elation- "They found a wolf made of wood that moves by itself! Besides, when it collides strongly with something or is hit with the necessary force, it disarms! And what is even more surprising, it doesn't die for it, it just rearms in less than a minute!" "A WHAT?!" Sunset yelled when she finally put together all the information she had been unconsciously hearing in her head, seeing that she caught the attention of all the students walking around her, she took her seat again. "Pinkie, are you sure what you're saying?!" "Yeperoni, they even ran it on the news." The pastry girl rummaged through her hair and took out her cell phone, looked for something on the net, and showed it to the redhead, who the more of the video she saw, the paler she became. "That is not a new species of animal, it is a well-known and quite dangerous one, although that is only a baby, it is… a Timberwolf!" "A What?! But that beast is almost the size of Applebloom!" -exclaimed the farmer- "Dear, it's not that I'm doubting you, but how do you know that?" -Asked the dressmaker- "Because it's an Equestrian animal." This surprised everyone, but before anyone could continue the conversation, a monotonous voice interrupted them. "Where is it? I've never heard that name." "Good morning Shizu." -Greeted her Twilight a little nervous- "Umu." *Shigh* "Well, sooner or later you were going to find out, besides, I think another disaster is on the way, a-" * Riiiiiiinng * "But it's time to go to class, meet us for lunch and we'll tell you everything, okay?" "Umu" With this, they all stood up and ran to class, the day passed without problems, the only noticeable thing was the condescension that could be seen in a large part of the student body and almost all the teachers did Shizu, there was a lot that still had present in different levels the abduction that the girl suffered. When it was lunchtime, the M7 ate something quickly, and immediately after they went to the music room, where the automaton was already waiting for them. *Ghasph* Shizu dear, don't tell me you haven't eaten anything, that's very bad for your skin!" Rarity was the first to enter, so she was the first to be surprised by her presence, but the pleiade denied the fact. "Mnhn," When the rest heard the exclamation of the dressmaker, they hurried to enter, and indeed, on one of the benches in the room the girl with the patch was sitting with a box wrapped in cloth next to her. "Midori-oneesama made me an obento, I ate it here." She said with her monotonous tone patting the wrapped box, this calmed the group and they all got comfortable to start the conversation, who opened the topic was Sunset Shimmer herself. "First of all, tell me, what do you know about magic?" "Fantasy" -was the short answer that the question received- *Shigh* "Maybe in this world, but where I come from, it's a day-to-day thing." "Mhn?" "You see, I am not human, I am a unicorn, I come from a place called Equestria, I came to this world through a portal that opens by itself every 2 and a half years, for three nights in a row." During the next few minutes, the redhead explained roughly where she came from and what Equestria was like, after all the explanations, Shizu made sure to show the expected response in this world for such a situation, a look with a frown (really barely visible, the change was only noticed by Fluttershy and Pinkie) which said loudly 'are you kidding? right?', so they decided that a demonstration was necessary, one by one they all showed their magic, but when it was the turn of the redhead, she regretted showing it with the new girl. For a moment she could not see anything, there was only darkness, then she hear several shots, followed by the frantic screams of a man, 'Detective Stone Will here, there are many dead and a civilian injured, send ambulances and forensics immediately! calm Shizu, it's all over, you're safe' then, the darkness dissipated and the scene in front of her forced her to end the connection on the spot, as soon as her eyes stopped shining, Sunset ran towards the trash can of the living room and empty her stomach. *Blueeeeeeeegh* "SUNSET!" *Blugh*, *Bleghch* *cough cough cough* When she calmed down enough, she sat on the floor catching her breath. "Are you ok?" -asked Fluttershy with concern- "Y-yes, I'm sorry, it's just that, it's the first time I've seen such a massacre." The redhead got up and quickly wrapped Shizu in a tight hug as tears spilled from her eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, if you feel bad or need to talk about it, feel free to count on us." "Wait, wait, wait, I'm a little lost, what happened?" -Dash's hoarse voice interrupted, causing everyone to shoot her looks of 'Really? Are you asking?'- But the redhead answered her while still hugging the automaton. "I saw firsthand the outcome of the shooting that happened at the old Clousdale mattress factory." This finally brought understanding to the athlete who widened her eyes accompanied by an audible 'oooooh'. "Hehehe, this… I'm sorry, my fault." After a group hug and offers of support from all, the talk was interrupted by the bell and the classes continued normally the rest of the day, at night, when the Pleiades fulfilled their true task, they made their true conversation. "How was everything Shizu?" "Umu, just like Demiurge-sama said, I don't think they'll try to inquire again." "Excellent, SD guide us." A shadow detached itself from the ground, forming a winged humanoid figure that bowed and took flight, just before entering the square, they had received a report from Red, two of the places were too public, after watching them during the day, these received many visits; at this time they were heading to one of the remaining two, after almost an hour of flight at moderate speed, they reached their destination. It was a cave in the middle of the forest, the place was quite spacious and seemed to have gems that shine themselves on the walls and ceiling, the place was very good, but it had a great defect, although it did not receive a single visit ever, it was relatively close to a camp, so it was immediately discarded as an option, so they went to the second point. Upon arrival they had to use invisibility, it was a huge concrete complex, an abandoned resort in the middle of the forest that was in an excellent geographical location, surrounded by mountains, and with the sea relatively close, the place had fallen into legal oblivion after The bankruptcy of the company to which it belonged, occupying it, was a motorcycle gang, in their jackets, you could read 'the washouts', with an unknowable perfect still active, they gave a quick tour of the place, after concluding that this was the ideal place, the Pleiades met again at their starting point. "This is the best place of all, SD, you and another one stay watching what remains of today and all day tomorrow, I want to be notified if someone other than them shows up." The demon bowed, accepting Yuri's order, after which both servants withdrew. The afternoon progressed as usual, during the weekend they had made money participating in competitions and bought spare parts on Monday morning, but the following days would be dedicated to repairs, Rolling Thunder was dedicated to tuning engines, Lightning Dust was dedicated to the steering and the NOS (nitrous oxide) system, while Short Fuse handled the tires and wheels, while the rest did various jobs. Short Fuse, a short mature man, was removing a tire from his rim while cursing it, however, a noise made him stop short and take a fighting stance. *Crack* "Mhn? Who's there?!" From among the trees, the girl with the hottest body he had ever seen emerged. "Wow, what do we have here, did you get lost precious thing?" Fuse's previous scream drew the attention of the rest who came over to see what happened. "What's wrong Short, some intruder?" -Asked the girl with platinum hair and a slightly light blue complexion- "No boss, just a lost sheep ran into us." The short man said as he nodded in the direction of the girl with the evening dress with red details who was slowly approaching. "HA! He's your height, maybe with this one you will be able." –Answered the head of the band while making an obscene gesture with her hands, putting the extended middle finger through a ring formed with the thumb and index finger of the other hand- It was Lightning Dust, a former Cristal Prep student who had been expelled for her reckless and disrespectful behavior. "Ara ara- but what a dirty mouth, it doesn't seem like that of a young lady -arinsu." After that night, no motorcycle circle ever heard of the washouts again, and a vampire got new toys as a gift from her master for her hard work. That same night, a cleaning team was in charge of readjusting the building for use according to their needs, while a large group of Ent's was deployed to guard the perimeter, however, only a voice gave instructions. "Everyone hurry up with your tasks, this place must be ready for daaaaaawnmh!" It was Pandora's Actor the Doppelgänger, who effusively directed the different cleaning teams, the team that would be in charge of tracking and studying the portals that were opening and closing, they had already taken over a huge room and started their work, while the animated Shape changer observed the development of everything, a monotonous voice interrupted him. "Ready?." "Aaah, Shizu-san, it's nice to see you again, let's start right away, the sooner the better, if it's because of Ainz-sama, no difficulty will be enough to stop me!" After a few days of receiving instructions and training from Shizu on how to operate the different human devices, as well as soaking up the information and work of the person who was about to impersonate, everything was ready for the next step. "The time has come! It is time to fulfill my master's will, MmmmAinz-sama!" "Wuuuuaaahhhhh" "Blegh, I can understand that this place is top secret, but couldn't you at least improve the food a bit? I'm already fed up with the military rations." As usual, after finishing his experiments after very early hours of the morning, the scientist in charge of the experiments, Deep Search, was having a light dinner before sleeping for a couple of hours, he was just finishing his 'delicious' food when the lights went out for a moment. "Great, what was missing, now will we also have power failures?" But the blackout only lasted a few seconds, but when the lights returned, he was no longer alone in the dining room, sitting in front of him, there were two tremendously peculiar individuals, a beautiful young woman with very long hair and a patch on the right eye shaped like a white rose, to her right was a tall man with a strange military uniform, very similar to that of the German special forces of yesteryear, which included the raincoat, cap, and decorations, but the most striking thing about him was not his clothes if not his face, he had no nose, and where the eyes and mouth should be there were only holes as if it were a little child's drawing. "Gute Nach Herr!" (good night gentleman) "What the hell?!" -answered the scientist- "Two minutes" -said the monotonous voice of the expressionless girl- "Of course!" The man got up and walked towards him, at that precise moment Deep's mind finally registered the signs of alarm and danger that the presence of the two individuals caused, but it was too late. "Gu-" His attempt to warn the guards about the intruders were cut off abruptly, the man came around the table in a blink of an eye, and now he had him suspended by the neck with one hand, the pressure he was holding prevented him from speaking, but not from breathing forcefully. "I'm very sorry Herr Deep, but I can't allow you to decline our invitation so quickly." The faceless man placed his second hand strangely on his forehead and immediately began to feel an inscrutable pain that ran through his entire body, he felt as if they were piercing his brain with needles charged with electricity, the sensory overload was so great that almost instantly lost consciousness. "Mhm? Ooh, but what a peculiar form of security." When he finished obtaining the missing information, Pandora released the scientist and transforming her fingers into claws, he opened his arm just below the wrist, transforming the fingers again, he carefully took out a subcutaneous implant that the scientist had, and placed it on his arm with the help of his skill as he took the form of the scientist. "That is all we will do together, for now, we will see you later when I have all the necessary information." -Said the doppelgänger already transformed with the voice and personality of Deep Search- "Umu, I'll secure it for later." Shizu carried the unconscious scientist on her shoulder, and using a scroll with the spell 'Greater Teleportation' disappeared and Pandora rushed to retake Deep's position before someone came to investigate. During the next two days, Pandora dedicated himself to copying everything the scientist did, and discreetly analyzing all the items they were studying, using his own means, at this time he was able to confirm that of all the items they had in the place, there were Minors, such as potions, which were diligently studied, some higher-class swords, relic-class vestments, and a legendary-class armor that seemed to belong to a humanoid. To his surprise, using the potions as a starting point, they had managed to synthesize medicine for specific ills, although they still could not understand how the mere ingestion of the fluid could bring back a creature that was on the brink of death, something that no branch of current medicine was able to achieve, with weapons and armor, they had had less luck, because the metals from which they were made seemed to defy all logic, being only slightly scratched by the diamond and that only the sword, the The armor was not capable to get a scratch at all, not even with the diamond, they were much more resistant than any known material, they had managed to identify some of its properties by doing non-destructive tests, but they still did not know the half of it, the guardian, used [Silent Magic:All Place Dicern Item] in all the objects that he did not know, but after not finding anything exceptional or interesting in the areas guarded with greater zeal, he was about to terminate the mission on the third day, but while working he found that there was an archive area, so he decided to take a look before retiring. "Mmmm, let's see, what's around here?" -the Doppelgänger lowered a box from a shelf and began to review the contents- "mmmh, just scrolls, minor and medium, nothing special, let's see this other box." -continue with this rhythm, he checked the contents of a box and put it back in its place, the process was repeated at high speed for almost an hour- "mmmh, in this one there are only artifact level books, mhn? oh, this is a skill book, um… I see, 'Soul Shaper', um, well, I'll make a note about it in my report, so I think that's it." Pandora was already thinking about the processes he should follow to leave the place while he raised the box back to its place, then he noticed a box that was on the shelf. "Oh, but how awkward of me, I almost left a box unchecked." He followed the same procedure as with the rest, but just when it seemed that the effort had been fruitless. "Mmmh, what a disappointment, more artifact books, all these titles are already in the great library, at least as far as I know," It seemed that he would have to report to his creator that there was nothing important in this place and that filled him with fear, he did not want to even dare to think that his father could have been wrong, but just when he was beginning to form the question in his mind, 'Was Ainz-sama wrong?' He took the last book out of the box while using his magic to identify it, and the result snapped him back to reality. "Mhn!?" *GHASPH* It can't be! No, NO DOUBT! I must notify mein Vater immediately [Message], Yuri-san!, stop what you're doing immediately! notify Ainzzz-sama, I found some of his maximum interest!" Yes, something very, VERY interesting. > The After Party Fourth part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis was content as far as possible, she had worried when upon reaching Mount Everhoof she could not even approach the base by flying, but after verifying that she would not succeed, she received a 'Message' from the demon giving her new instructions, she had to obtain and test the bell, the best of all was that it did not matter if it was damaged or not, only that she delivered it at the end, the only bad thing was that since she could not reach it by herself she had to return with the others, to her surprise, Tirek had not even tried, he was simply resting on a recliner that he made himself apparently, as for the dwarf pegasus, she had returned almost at the same time as her, to tell the truth just a few moments before and she got quite frustrated since she can't find anyone to take advantage of all the way. Since she needed both hindrances to work for her benefit, she decided to take advantage of the vein that the Pegasus exposed in a moment of stress, so for much of the night, they spent making fun of the M6 ​​while the Changeling personified them by way of derision, Twilight being the most repeated. The next morning, everything developed to the hilt, between the three of them they reached the top relatively easy, the only bump in the way was that it took a leap of faith giving her magic to Tirek to be able to remove the bell from the cave Since it was protected by a very strong barrier, fortunately, she was able to show a pitiful enough image without being suspicious to the centaur and the pegasus to avoid being betrayed. "I think we shouldn't give it to Grogar." -she said- "I agree with Chrysalis, he doesn't inspire any confidence in me." -added Cozy- "Trust? It's a FACT, that he will get rid of us as soon as it no longer needs us, I agree, we don't have to give it up, but what do we do?" -Asked the centaur- "We will tell him the truth," -The changeling's words caused the other two to tense up- "We will tell him that we managed to reach the top working as a team, as ordered, but our 'individual' abilities were not enough to recover it." The former queen enunciated with a malicious smile that was soon shared by the other two, after agreeing implicitly, they all left the makeshift camp; once back in Grogar's lair, they faced his fury with a silly face, but not before hiding the bell in a hollow log in the swamp. "How could you not get the bell back? You're a bunch of useless! *Mumble mumble* but it's not like I don't have a backup plan, unlike you assholes!" The ram began to walk towards the exit, seeing this, the trio of villains exchanged curious glances and Cozy was the one who spoke for everyone. "You're leaving now?" "The bell is not the only powerful magical artifact that exists, I will be leaving for now, but I will return in two months at the most, you better be here when I return." With this, Grogar withdrew grumbling about the uselessness of today's villains, while the trio exchanged knowing and evil glances, but they were not careless, they waited a couple of days to be sure that the ram was truly gone, Chrysalis took advantage of this time, between her outings to eat delivered her reports and the day before she had received information if she had any problem using the bell, in the archives of the most restricted section of the Canterlot library there was a book that could help her. "Well, I think that was enough waiting." Tirek said entering the lair with the bell in one of his hands, upon hearing him, the other two joined him in the center of the place; For the next several hours, the three of them were trying to figure out how to use it without much success. *Shigh* "We can mock and insult the stupid princesses as much as we want, but there is one thing I must admit, they have amassed a great deal of knowledge and secrets." Although it is nothing if we compare it with the great library of Ashurbanipal, that place is colossal, I think the Canterlot castle looks dwarf in comparison, *shigh* if only it could correctly read the language of the supreme beings. "When I tried to take Canterlot, I did a thorough reconnaissance of the castle and found some sections forbidden to practically anyone, I'm sure there must be some information about the bell that can help us." The others looked at the changeling curiously when she paused for a long time, but her suggestion was a good one. "And how do you plan to get in? We can't exactly walk over and ask to be let in." -said the centaur sarcastically- "Oh, but we will not go directly to Canterlot, we must imitate the steps that Sombra did well." -Said Chrysalis with a smug smile on his face- "But destroying the tree didn't work and draining the magic has already proven useless on more than one occasion!" -Cozy answered as she raised an eyebrow and crossed the front hooves while staying in the air - "Of course it did not work, for this, it is necessary to attack the true source, we will take our time, we will spread mistrust, we will spread rumors and we will back it up with sporadic attacks here and there, that way we will weaken its power! muahahahahahaha." The centaur and the pegasus recognized that it was a good plan and laughed evilly with the changeling. Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, sitting on the throne of kings, was the master of death, he had been urgently summoned by Albedo to the tomb, but the report he received far exceeded his expectations, it was simply incredible. "A world item?!" "Yes, Ainz-sama, Pandora's Actor reported that in that place there are several items of varied ranges that it would not be strange to find in anyone's usual equipment, but these humans only concentrated on weapons, armor, and potions, the World item 'Two-world mandala', was found in an archive area, among artifact books and scrolls of varying levels." "I see, 'Two-World mandala', mmm…" But what the hell! How come there is a world item here? Isn't this supposed to be another world?!, (SE) no, wait... "Did Pandora investigate if the item is ready to use or does it have traces of having been used?" "Yes, according to his report, the item is in the waiting period, although it does not seem to be long before it ends, he reported an anomaly, the wait to use it again does not seem to be measured in time, but rather in percentage, everything points to that it has already been consumed more than 99% of the time but the last part progresses erratically, so we are not sure exactly how long it will take to be ready, based on his observations, Pandora estimates a year at most." That means a player used it before, but it didn't disappear, does that mean it's about to? Or is it just not one of the 20 and is going to stay in his place? Is it possible? I mean for heaven's sake it created a whole world?! "Hmm… could he find out how long all these items have been in the possession of humans?" "Not exactly, but according to Pandora's report it is estimated to be around 25 to 30 thousand years old." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH, SO MUCH! (SE), no, wait, that may truly be possible, if I remember correctly, the SDs reported something about the story of a necromancer that happened more than six thousand years ago, something that remained a mere legend even in the mind of the alicorns, that means that I am not the first to arrive here, the question now is... "Could the item's function be verified? Or, what was the last thing done with it?" At the Overlord's question, the succubus felt herself slump slightly. "Unfortunately it was only possible to get a vague description of its last use my lord, the report indicates that it was used to separate, apparently we cannot access its complete information until the waiting time expires." Hearing the answer, Ainz again fell into a thoughtful pose. Separate, but separate what? Mmm… 'Two-world mandala'… Two-world… don't tell me that! is it possible?! Ainz dropped the pensive pose that he had taken unconsciously and took the posture 'supreme ruler # 1 on his throne to give instructions. "I understand, so that's the way things are, Albedo, the team on the other side of the mirror will have to change its task from now on, it will no longer be necessary to investigate, I have already concluded what is happening, from now on your task will be to monitor the number and frequency of the portals constantly for the next thirty days, I want weekly reports on everything obtained." "Yes, it will be done as ordered." The weeks went by and many events unfolded, during the first week Aura and her beasts captured two ponies with interesting abilities scurrying through the Everfree forest hurt and tring to leave fast, the mare seemed to have esper abilities, while the stallion seemed to have Juggernaut classes, that they decided to send them to Demiurge, the first report from the other side of the mirror arrived with the first data gathered, during the second week, the biggest news in the international arena, was that Grifonia officially declared himself a vassal of the sorcerer kingdom, during the third week, Turing Test suffered an accident in the Everfree forest, getting stuck inside it, after having followed her, Aura felt sorry for her, after all she had helped one of the beasts that now obeyed her, so she created a clear trail for the ponies that came looking for her, making it easier for them to find her, the fourth week passed without notoriety for Equestria, except for some espionage problems that Venderbull's company suffered, fortunately for him, Nabel had electrocuted the guilty leaving him unconscious after they collided with her and tried to escape without apologizing and that same day, after handing over the spies to the authorities, the sale contract between Yggdrasil and Venderbull industries was carried out with the signature of both parties in the sunset, and the day after the purchase, Ainz confirmed his theory after reviewing the fourth report from the other side of the mirror, soon, he would cross to the other side personally, so he ordered Pandora to return; during the fifth week after the world item report, a stallion-like automaton, appeared in Poniville, fighting and defeating the M6 ​​and Turing, taking the latter with him back the way he came, causing the start of a relentless search by Twilight and her friends, after follow some traces that the information shared by Celestia provided when they notified her of what happened, they visited Mustangia, where they met the Peach family and were captured by Cobbler. When things started to get more hectic on the other side of the mirror, the M7s also had their share of problems, in some cities perfect doubles of multiple individuals began to appear, and increasingly mature and dangerous creatures began to appear. With the increase in doubles that suddenly appeared, the government began to give notifications through official channels, all civil trips, flights, trains and any other means of transport that allowed to move between cities, as well as the exits of these and any other Personal transportation and had been banned, officers constantly patrolled the streets to deal with any dangerous creatures quickly. With this atmosphere weighing on the streets, the M7s had met with the principal and vice-principal of Canterlot High School in the former's office to discuss the matter. There was concern on everyone's face. "Girls, have you managed to find out something?" -Asked Celestia- "Or have you received any response from Princess Twilight?" -Added Luna- "No, I actually just received extremely disturbing news from Equestria, *Shigh* Princess Twilight hasn't contacted me for several days, but today I received a response from Princess Celestia." This made the two women curious. "Princess... Celestia?" -Luna asked with some doubt- "Um, errr, yeah, I've already told you about Equestria's diarchy before." –Said the redhead playing nervously with her hands and after receiving a nod from the two women she continued- "The monarchs that control the sun and the moon respectively on the other side, well… are… you hehe." -finished with a nervous smile- The news was a bomb for everyone present, it was the first time that each and every one of them had heard it, the first to recover from the daze was Celestia. "Well, that explains some things, but this is not the time for that, what is the news you received from me, from Celestia, from the princess... ARRGg, you understand me!" The headmistress's reaction caused a small smile on the redhead. "Princess Twilight and her friends are missing, plus, just like us, many creatures in Equestria have been running into their doubles, but it hasn't been a big deal so far, the royal guard has focused on sedating those who get frantic and gather all the transported, explain the situation they are in and make sure they are safe; the bad news is that some have appeared in inhospitable or dangerous areas and have not been able to be saved, the scholars and ministers of magic are still looking for the cause of everything, but they still do not achieve anything, they also recommended not to open the portal for fear of worsening the situation on both sides." *Shigh* "The way things are going, I have no doubt that classes will soon be canceled as well." -Comment Celestia- "without a doubt what happens is something magical, I hope that you or our other selves will soon find the root of the problem." However, this was not the only meeting that was taking place at that very moment in this world, at the summit of nations, representatives of all nations fervently discussed the current problem, blaming each other and demanding solutions from no one in particular. "ORDER!, ORDER IN THE ROOM!" Everyone was frantic, the representatives had already been in the building for several days and with each passing day, only worse news emerged from all sides, and each day the moderator had more trouble calming down everyone. When everyone was finally silent for a moment, the moderator, a stocky man, dressed in a blue suit, a white shirt, and a red tie that was beginning to leave his best years behind, came down from the podium and gave the floor to the North representative. American, a man who shone more for his expensive outfit than for his looks. "Gentleman, fellow delegates, we must stop behaving like children, we are not here to look for culprits, we have come together to find a solution, the current situation is affecting us all! either in a lesser or greater way, but all we are also suffering from it! We need to calm the fears of the people, the results are necessary, for this we must arrive today at a temporary solution that allows us the time necessary to achieve a permanent one, we do not have the time to try to find the culprits, We have to create a solution!" With the state of total emergency, the extraordinary session of the summit was being broadcast live by a large number of television networks, all the people were watching the event, so seeing that the camera was filled with screams and accusations did not get up the spirits of any spectators, in the CMC classroom, teacher Cheerilee was taking advantage of the broadcast as an example for her students of how NOT to solve a problem, but the next thing that happened made her immediately send someone to the directress office. "As you can see, this is the best possible example of… cole… ctive… panic… Scootalo?" "Yes, Miss Cherrilee?" "Go as fast as you can to the headmistress office, I'm sure Sunset and the others are there now, told them that they must watch the news on the web." Not listening to the little girl leave, the teacher took her eyes off the screen. "NOW!" The scream finally brought the crusader out of the trance and she shot out of the room, fortunately, it was not far, only two rooms from her destination, the little girl opened the door without ceremony, suddenly, scaring the rest in the room, with absolute urgency, practically without stopping she reached the desk and yelled her message. *SLAM* "AAAAAAHH" *Heeee Ffffuuu heee* "News, online, summit, NOW!" Without wasting time, Celestia immediately opened the news site on her computer and put the broadcast live from the summit, thanks to the slight lag between the analog and digital signal, of the newscast, they observed the events almost from the same point in which the crusader had left her classroom. The moderator tried to restore order in the room without much success. "Order! Order! Order in the room!" With all the uproar, the North American delegate got annoyed at being cut off and spoke to himself in a low voice. "But what a bunch of idiots, don't they know who's boss? A bunch of idiots." To his surprise and regret, his last sentence was heard loud and clear in the room, all the representatives and delegates had suddenly shut up and the podium microphone was open when Patriot Charm realized what had just happened, and The political headache that this was going to feed ran through his mind, but when not a single word of reproach was heard he really paid attention, then realized that they were not looking at him, but at a point behind him, He turned and his face shared the same disbelief as the rest, a few meters from the podium, a vortex of darkness with light reddish tints was where before there was nothing but a wall, and he, who was the one closest, was the one first to hear it. *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* A rhythmic metallic pounding came from the oval, the reporters, who until now had not paid any attention to the much-repeated political discussion, immediately rushed their cameramen to begin recording. The first thing to appear through the portal was a golden staff similar to a caduceus in appearance, but with more snakes and a gem in the mouth of each one, but what truly caused everyone to panic, was the one who carried it, from the darkness a skeleton dressed in black robes with violet and gold details emerged, behind him, a man with pointed ears and brown skin, clad in a red suit with fine yellow vertical lines, which only the North American delegate managed to differentiate and closing the march, a stunning woman with long black hair and dressed in pure white with very intricate details and exquisite jewelry, left the portal, closing this finally, the beauty of the latter was so bewitching, that no one in the room noticed the wings in the waist or horns in their temples, at first sight, the scene was so unreal that no one was able to say a word, at least not until the skeleton broke the silence. Wuuuuaaaahaaaaa, but how uncomfortable! The atmosphere is so dense that it can be cut with a knife. Albedo took a couple of steps forward and threw the stunned Patriot Charm against his designated spot in the room, knocking him unconscious in the process, it goes without saying that no one could believe his eyes, that a woman with such delicate features threw a man adult with such aim almost fifteen meters using only one hand, it was truly not a common thing after all eyes left the man knocked out and concentrated in the front, Ainz approached the podium and began to speak while the man stood at his left and the woman to his right, both a step behind the skeleton. "Good morning representatives and delegates, I am the master of life and death, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!" In the director's office of Canterlot High School, everyone present was stunned by what they were seeing on the screen, Rainbow even pinched AJ on the arm. "YEEOOUCH! What the heck is wrong with y'a?!" Any additional comment was cut off by the exclamation of surprise Sunset gave when she heard the skeleton introduce himself. *GHASPH!* "What is the Sorcerer King doing here?!" "S-Sunset, do you know anything about that thing?" –Twilight asked still somewhat stunned to see a skeleton speak- "Just what Princess Twilight told me, but she never mentioned that it was a talking skeleton! *Shigh* this is what I wanted to talk to you about over lunch, but I think for now we shouldn't miss any details of what is happening." Hearing this, the others agreed with the redhead and focused their attention on the monitor again. The scene was total chaos, as soon as the attendees overcame enough the shock caused by the appearance of the newcomers, outrageous screams began to fly, some with demands, others with disbelief, but the vast majority was of terror, a good amount tried to run towards the exits and escape the room in a hurry, but as soon as they turned and/or started running towards the exits, to their horror the doors were being blocked by creatures of humanoid form, but with eight limbs ending in blades and each of the three exits was blocked by two of these creatures. It was a group of EEA that crossed the portal before the rest, their instructions were to put a blockade to the exits, but they did not have permission to kill anyone. "But how scandalous, Demiurge." The demon bowed slightly and took two steps forward. "[Silence]" They were all surprised to find themselves suddenly unable to produce any sound with their mouths, and the shock only increased. "[Go back to your places] and [Don't get up]" As soon as the order was carried out by all, the demon turned and bowed again, which he maintained as he spoke. "The worms are ready to receive your magnanimous words Ainz-sama." "Umu, good job." The women watching the screen in Celestia's office felt that the state of absolute shock was already permanent. "That guy! Did he really do that?! and only with his voice!" The athlete exclaimed in utter disbelief, to everyone's surprise, the unsolicited response came from Fluttershy. "His voice is… his voice is like mine!" -she spoke with surprise- This attracted the looks of the rest who asked 'how did you say?' "Erm, I mean, I can make the animals obey me by talking to them, but even when we get ponyed up I couldn't control such a large crowd... or so I think." -finished making herself small in her chair before she looks at the rest, but the voice of the skeleton coming from the screen, again claimed everyone's attention- "I stand before you for one reason only, the world as you know it is coming to an end." All the representatives and reporters widened their eyes, and not only them, by this time, practically everyone was watching the live broadcast, everyone was hugging their loved ones, some even committed suicide, but it was understandable, how anyone will not despair when death itself declared that the world was about to end, yet only one individual in the world was concerned for the right reason. Shit! Shit! (ES) SHIT! (ES), what an idiot! Why did I have to say it that way?! (SE) *Shigh* there is no other choice, I will have to say more than I thought to do. "However, this does not mean that everyone is going to die, but for you to understand it correctly, it will be necessary to reveal the reality of the world; first of all, there are two things that you must accept, the first is that your world is not complete, half is missing, and the second is that you are not human, you are humanoid or semi-human if you prefer." "But what kind of nonsense 's that thing yapping about?!" -said the farmer annoyed- "How the hell is the world incomplete! any fool can travel around it!" "Applejack dear, I think you are ignoring the most important part, he said that we are not fully human, only partially!" -admonished with desperation and anger the dressmaker- "This world originally did not exist, it was formed by taking a good amount of things from the original, I know there will be those who think that I am talking nonsense, but I can assure that anyone who pays enough attention to 'your' history, will realize that in reality, it does not fit perfectly further than 30 thousand years ago." *Ghasph* "The mismatch of history." -Twilight spoke in a low voice, but Sunset who was next to her managed to hear it- "What do you mean by 'the mismatch of the story?" "It is a theory that has always contradicted established history, it was formed by the great amount of incongruity between historical records and physical samples, all these incongruities stop abruptly when history reaches the period of approximately 30,000 years ago." "We know them too, but we always thought they were just paranoid inventions." -Commented Luna, while everyone returned to focus their attention on the screen- "I still don't know what exactly caused the division of the world, but judging by the speed with which the barrier that divides them is deteriorating, I am completely sure that it will not last beyond one more year as the best estimate, but it will cease to be habitable in less than six months; during this period, I can assure you that you will not have to worry about the beasts that have appeared, at this moment my subordinates are locating, containing and returning them to their natural habitat throughout the globe, at the same time that they are looking for the origin of the division, until then I can't assure how much time you have left, now, I will answer some questions, however,"-Ainz let out the least possible amount of his bloodlust to flood the room- "I hope it is not necessary to prove it, but I hate the disrespectful." Please, I don't want this to turn into a massacre! -the skeleton begged in his mind- The Overlord cut off his bloodlust and signaled to his subordinate who immediately complied with his master's indication. "Yes, [you Can Move], [you Can Talk]" Despite the fear they felt, the firsts to run to the front and form an orderly line and raise their hands to ask for the floor were all the reporters who until now were in the background. Wooooohohoo, they're acting like elementary school kids hehehehe, well I don't blame them for it. Ainz glanced at the reporters and pointed at one. "You" *Glup* "T-thank you very much your Highness, Bold Print, CNN reporter, you previously claimed that the creation of our world took a good part of another, was this other destroyed in the process?" "No, actually, it is in excellent condition." The reporter was about to launch her next question but was interrupted by Albedo's melodious voice. "Only one question per individual will be allowed at a time." This automatically created the second question. "You" "Q-quick Pen your highness, from Arabian News, is it possible for you to tell us who and/or what are the two individuals accompanying you?" "Mmnh, I don't see any problem with it, to my right is Albedo, my prime minister," -The succubus made a small bow, causing desire and lust to soar in all the reporters- "to my left is Demiurge, the leader of the branch of… research and development of my kingdom," -The demon repeated the actions of the supervisor, but his sinister smile caused the reporters to shudder-"As for their races, I do not consider it relevant to name them in the current topic, mmm, you." "Y-yes, Sweet Words from the Univisión network, did you come from the other world? I mean, is there easy access between the two?" "Not for you, but for me, it's completely trivial." The question session continued for a while, little by little, with each new glimpse of information obtained by the reporters, the delegates began to relax a bit, some even asked questions, it was an absolute surprise for everyone who watched the broadcast to find out that in the parallel world there were not only a multitude of creatures that had always been considered legends, but also magic was real. While they were listening to the information that would normally be labeled as a fantasy or nonsense of a madman, the fact that a talking skeleton was telling them, which had entered the room in full view of all, through a wall which has no door, through from a hole in space-time, gave a lot of credibility to his words, when the questions began to focus on the Sorcerer Kingdom, little by little messages or calls began to arrive at the delegates of their respective nations with orders of highest priority, all they followed a similar line, 'it is completely forbidden to anger the sorcerer king'. Ainz was about to select another reporter when a rude voice interrupted him. "How dare you treat me like that! ME, the representative of North America!" While the delegate was almost foaming at the mouth of rage, those around him tried to calm him down without success, then the enraged man took out from among his clothes a special firearm, made of a new generation amalgam that was invisible to the metal detectors, and pointed it at the Overlord, but before he pulled the trigger, one of the delegates in front of him grabbed his wrist and they began to struggle, causing it to be discharged multiple times in the abdomen and chest of the intercessor, the roar of the shots alarmed those around the incident, and the man bleeding on the floor caused horror, the only one with a different expression was the North American delegate, he was throwing a sneer at the Mexican delegate who was dying at his feet, suddenly absolute terror and a threatening voice caused everyone to freeze. "You are very scandalous." They all looked to the central podium. "I don't mind spending time with those who have questions," Upon hearing the words of the skeleton, Patriot immediately re-aimed at it and emptied the six shots that remained in the magazine, however, none of the shots hit their target, all were stopped in their tracks by a translucent blue colored barrier, everyone looked stunned at the Sorcerer King who continued speaking as if he hadn't even noticed. "But I have no patience for idiots [Grasph Heart]" To everyone's surprise, Patriot Charm who had just reloaded his weapon and was in the process of aiming, just spit out some blood and collapsed, if the room was silent before, now it had a sepulchral silence, after the summit, in different interviews, the emissaries closest to Patriot at the time of the incident swore they had heard a 'pop' as if a balloon exploded just before it collapsed. *Shig* "This has already become a disaster, now what can I do with the dead? It must be something that justifies me or does not make me look bad" -Ainz thought- "Demiurge, bring before me the one who tried to stop the attack." "Yes, immediately." While his subordinate collected the body, the Overlord circled the podium and went down to the clearing where the reporters were, and when they saw him approach, they backed away. In CHS, the M6s were stunned, while Sunset, Celestia, and Luna were terrified and the rest were just stunned, the first to find her voice again was the redhead- "H-he… he… he can just… wish for someone to die and they… will die?!." "That… seems to be… indeed the case." -the vice directress answered- "What is he going to do with that man's corpse?" -Dash asked as he settled Fluttershy on the couch since she had fainted when the Mexican delegate collapsed bleeding- They all made way for the man in the red suit as he carried out his task without any problem; unscrupulously, he simply drag the corpse to the skeleton's feet. "Every service well done must be duly rewarded." The Overlord raised his hand and pointed one of his fingers at the corpse, casting his spell. "[True Resurrection]" Before the gaze of everyone, present and viewers, all the spilled blood began to fade into specks of light, the wounds of the body began to heal and the body fixing did not stop until the few bullets that remained inside were expelled by the same wounds, then and only then, the inert corpse began to breathe and slowly opened its eyes, while just as slowly looked around. "Congratulations on your resurrection, your courage has earned you a second chance to live, enjoy it." -said the skeleton as if stating the time- "Re'urecc'ion? 'ou re'ive me?!" -exclaimed the man extremely confused- "Of course, for me, death is just another state of being; at the moment your speech is limited, but some rest will fix it." At that moment, a terrifying-looking ninja appeared from the shadows and knelt before the Overlord. "Ainz-sama, we found the origin and we are ready to act." "Umu, well, it seems that our time for today is up, I will attend to this problem, but in a week I will return to this same building, that will be the only opportunity for its rulers to talk to me, if they do not appear personally, I will consider that said nation is not interested in what it has found and/or may happen to this world, have a good day [Gate]" With this said, the skeleton opened a dark hole, just like the one it had used to get there and went through it followed by the other two, they made brief pauses to say goodbye. "Have a nice day, and enjoy the last months of your world." - the woman was the first to withdraw- "See you later, right, I was forgetting it, any nation that attacks our personnel will receive its due punishment, cooperation is not necessary, just don't get in the way, well..." As the man was finally retreating, they all noticed the spiked-tipped metal tail wagging behind him. In all nations there were people worried about the future and what the presence of the Sorcerer King meant, verifying that magic does exist, it was one of the hardest to believe, but of all the people who had doubts about the future, only one truly understood the situation, and when she put all the pieces together she went into a massive panic attack and hyperventilated until she lost consciousness without anyone being able to prevent it, after which she was taken to the CHS infirmary and when she woke up, the whole group was with her, the first to realize that the redhead was regaining consciousness was AJ. "Hey, she's waking up!" "Ooooouuuuuch, my head, what happened?" "That is what we would like to know dear, as soon as that abomination left the summit and the hole in reality closed, you collapsed." -The concern in the dressmaker's tone was palpable- Then little by little the information began to return to the mind of the redhead, the conference, the Sorcerer King, and his final words; As soon as everyone saw that she began to tremble again, Fluttershy and Pinkie who were closest to her, hugged her tightly immediately. "Easy Sunset, easy, we are all here with you." "Yes! Do not stress your worried little head with that, we are all here, we will come up with something." *Shigh* "You are right, thank you very much, I already feel better." "But why did you pass out? I mean the thing about the barrier that divides the earth and Equestria is something alarming, but I can't understand how that can cause you so much stress." -Twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses- "It's true, you don't know as much about magic as I do, that's why you couldn't understand all the words of the Sorcerer King, *shigh* not even magic is capable of creating matter out of nothing, the Sorcerer King said that the world had been split, that means that this side of the mirror was created with matter from Equestria, furthermore, he not only said that an unprecedented catastrophe is about to hit this world." "Didn't he say it was incomplete? That it was missing a half?" -Fluttershy intervened- "He said it would cease to be habitable after six months." -Twilight contributed- "Exactly, when something, whatever, is divided by magic and it disappears either gradually or suddenly, the reaction between both halves is violent, usually the one that contains the least amount of magic can suffer from slight damage to being fully shattered, it all depends on the amount of magic difference between both parts." This explanation finally got the message to its destination. *GHASPH* They were all horrified. "Does that mean… this whole world… is literally going to fall apart?!" -asked the directress Celestia- "Yes, and I think our only chance to survive the process would be to cross to the other side of the mirror, but I still can't communicate with Princess Twilight." "Wait, wait, wait, if I understood correctly, the world is going to end, but do we have a possible way out?" -said the athlete looking the redhead in the eyes, when she nodded confirming that it was correct, Dash continued- "then why did you pass out? I mean, it's not like there is no way out, is there?" *Shigh* "That wasn't what alarmed me so much Rainbow." -Everyone exchanged doubtful looks- "So what caused it?" -Asked Deputy Directress Luna calmly- "In Equestria, not even the princesses Celestia and Luna, who have personally moved the sun and the moon for over a thousand years and are capable of feats of magic completely unattainable by the average pony, nor the master of chaos himself, Discord, are capable of bringing someone back from the dead, and according to what Princess Twilight told me the last time I contacted her, in Equestria he summoned a meteorite that wiped out an army of almost five thousand soldiers in an instant and he repaired the damage caused by this in the impact area in just a few hours, when even the most adept at nature magic and potions would have easily taken more than a whole year of constant work to fix it, and in case everything this was not enough, *shigh* in front of all the representatives, he... summoned death itself, which immediately prostrated before him, Dash, it terrified me so much because that and the fact that he can bring someone back to life with such ease... made me understand that most likely... we are meeting and seeing for the first time in the history of either world... a deity." *GHASP* In a secret military base, located in the middle of the desert, alarms and gunshots were sounding constantly, while two figures advanced at a relaxed pace, a mixed platoon of DK and other types of lesser undead took care of all the soldiers, After taking the elevator that took them to the lower levels of the base, both figures had reached their destination. "[All Place Appraisal Magic Item]" …It is definitive, with this it is proven, I am not the only player who has come to this world. "We will retire in an hour, collect everything that does not exist in Nazarick, the rest can be left behind." -said the Overlord after analyzing a book presented by his creation- "YES! Immediately mein Vater!" > The After Party Final part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The assault on the military base lasted less than 3 hours, every soldier who attacked was immediately eliminated, less than a third survived and it was because they surrendered their weapons after seeing how the rest died without achieving anything, Pandora packed everything that spike his interest and then they withdrew, already at their base of operations, Ainz had asked the doppelgänger for a summary report of what had been collected apart from the WI, verbally. "Soul Shaper?" "Yes, Ainz-sama! It's a skill book, but I couldn't identify its level or affinity." –Said the guardian of the treasury with regret in his voice as he presented the item to its creator- The Overlord used its magic to analyze it and what it found was quite intriguing. Mhn? A skill? But the skills are supposed to come from the chosen species, right? ... HEEE?!, It has no daily use limit and the cooldown is!... practically non-existent!, mmmh?, Ooooh, I see, so this is a special prize item, *Shigh* the description is too vague, 'become the master of souls and command them at will' and their compatibility... ooh is compatible with any type of magic caster, but incompatible with any type of warrior, interesting. The Overlord lowered his hand and took the book from the desk with the intention of skim through it, but as soon as he opened it, it burned in blinding flames and disappeared leaving behind a letter, after looking at it in disbelief for several seconds, Ainz took it in his hands, he unfolded it and began to read. Congratulations! You have obtained the skill 'SOUL SHAPER', now you will be able to edit the description of any NPC under your direct control at any time!. Passive bonus: - Reduces the MP cost of all resurrection spells by 50% (+ 5% additional for each job level of 'Master of the Death' up to level 9) - With job 'Ruler of Death' at level 10 the loss of levels is reduced by 40% when using resurrection magic. (with 'Eclipse', reduce loss by 9% for each level) - With the 'Eclipse' class of level 5, there is no loss of levels when reviving if the target is level 50 or lower. - Others... Active bonds: - The effectiveness of all instant death spells and abilities is increased by 50% - All 'Stats' are increased by 20%. - Meta Magic Modifier 'Life in the Abyss'. (transforms any negative energy spell into positive energy) - Others... Lore Since the beginning of time, only the greatest master of death has been able to command souls, he is the only one who can create, eliminate, separate, unite or modify souls; for him, taking or giving life is as easy as snapping fingers, there is no one with greater authority over the souls of mortals and immortals, the true master of life and death... Deciding to stop reading this far, Ainz refolded the letter and put it in his inventory. DAMN SHITTY DEVELOPERS AND THEIR SELF-ACTIVATING CONDITIONS! (SE), now I won't be able to know if it was possible to duplicate the book, *Shigh* "Well, that was a surprise." "Vater! Is everything okay? What happened?" "Nothing of consequence, I just use the book." Because of the shitty developers and their fucking tricks! *shigh* well, at least I didn't go blank after using it, so the special notifications that in Yggdrasil appeared in a text box are now letters? Interesting. "But back to the topic, you weren't able to identify its level because it was a special item without a level imitation, its only limit was in the class, it could only be activated by a magic caster regardless of their alignment, but that we can discuss in another moment, let's move on, we already have the WI, now we have to make sure we get the most benefit possible from everything that exists on this side, are preparations complete for our visit to CHS?" "Yes, Ainz-sama, everything will be ready in a couple of hours, we will arrive just in time." "Umu" Excellent! this way I will have a credible excuse for my knowledge of the portal. The day started like any other cold winter day, the only thing different in CHS was the heavy atmosphere that was caused by the current situation, the entire city was on edge, a few days ago, before dawn broke, a Hydra and some other dangerous creatures had entered the city from nearby wooded areas, causing death and destruction in their wake, there were many injured, the only deaths recorded were beggars, homeless people and criminals, individuals who were in the street at that time of the day, the police tried to deal with the beasts, successfully stopping the weaker ones, but their service weapons were useless with the larger ones, but just when the hydra was about to attack them, it was practically nailed to the ground by a group of knights in black armor,This fact, coupled with the fact that said knights were seen throughout the city subduing the creatures without killing them, quickly became the main topic of all local news, the confirmation of its origin was obtained by a courageous officer who approached one of the knights who was giving orders to the group that subdued the hydra, the knights came from the Sorcerer Kingdom. Sunset had been constantly watching the news, the trend was obvious, the number of attacks increased with each passing day, on her way to school, she reasoned the conversation she had had the night before with her former teacher, Princess Celestia, without noticing her slow pace, she could perfectly understand her disbelief when she told her that the sorcerer king was on this side of the mirror, even when the portal was closed, in addition, Spike affirmed that the mirror was deactivated and duly stored, he also assured that they had not approached the mirror or talked about the other side with anyone after the great magic pulse with which the sorcerer king had arrived; how long it took the monarch to respond after she wrote to her about the king's ability to revive the dead, caused the redhead to worry for a moment, but she was relieved when the words flowed out again, although the fact that Twilight had not yet been found did not help lift the spirits of the unicorn-turned-human, and before she realized, she had just climbed the steps to the entrance of the school and was about to pull the door to enter while she was deep in thought, then suddenly, the strongest chill she had ever felt, froze her in place and a moment later, an authoritative voice reached her ears and made her turn on the spot. "Mhn? So a school, how curious." *Eeeepp* When she finally returned her attention to reality and after seeing the frightening image of the Sorcerer King personally, she noticed other things, first, the portal as dark as the night that was behind him, second, an older man in butler clothes and the terrifying ninja that was seen on the summit, they got out of it before it closed, third, there were no screams of terror or surprise or people running around her, this prompted her to take a quick visual sweep of the front yard, with which she confirms that there was no one. "Ainz-sama, there seems to be a young lady at the entrance of the school." -Commented the butler while his master examined the base of the statue carefully- "Excellent timing, this is the bleeding that accelerates the process, so some questions need to be asked." *Ghasph* When the three individuals began to approach, Sunset desperately tried to open the door behind her pushing it with all her might; when she finally remembered that it opens outwards it was too late, the skeleton had already reached her. "Good morning young lady, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, I want to ask some questions, could you take me to the person in charge of this school?" The appearance of the skeleton looking closely at her with the red flames burning in the skull sockets was terrifying, Sunset was not registering it, but she was sure that her legs were shaking, she had trouble even controlling her mouth. "Ggg-go-good dd-day to you a-also y-your highness." With her brain practically in a strike, habit answered first, and she bowed…. Equestrian style fully leans her torso while keeping her arms extended to the sides, bringing her left foot forward and slightly bending her right leg. "M-my n-name is S-sunset S-shimmer, I-it's a ho-honor to meet you." "Oooh, my, my, what a surprise, so there were already Equestrians living in this world." But what good luck, finally something works out! With that greeting now I have a credible excuse to know that it is equestrian, and the best thing is that I run into it as soon as I arrive! As Ainz thought about the good luck he had just had, in the redhead's mind, the alarms were blaring. What ?!, HOW THE HAY DOES HE KNOW I COME FROM EQUESTRIA?!, No! Before that, why is he here?! "E-excuse me, b-but I-I can't u-understand what-what do you mean." -Said very nervous- "The greeting you're using is the classic Equestrian bipedal greeting, it's unmistakable, it's just not human in style." I just give myself up?!, Damn! "And to w-what do we t-the honor of your v-visit?" I see, so she won't confirm it, well, it's understandable, she's very scared, how can I calm her down? "Mmnh, well, your origin doesn't truly matter at the moment, I'm here to talk to the person in charge of the place, although, now that I think about it, I think your presence will be necessary," -Ainz glanced at the main entrance of the school, remembering his original life for a moment. *Shigh* Such envy, in my world basic education, was given in a building with nothing but walls and rather crammed... oops, I'm digressing! "Yes, you and six more if I'm not wrong, I'm sure you must know them, right?" This unthinking comment from the Overlord made the alarms explode with greater intensity in the redhead's mind. WHAT?! How did he find out about the others? wait, don't tell me he can 'see' magic, and even through walls! As the inner monologue of worries and fears rapidly developed in her mind, on the outside, Sunset began to drip with cold sweat and when she finally came to a conclusion, she gave up with a sigh. WHAAAaaah, what's wrong with her, she is practically dripping off!–Ainz thought- *Shigh* "You've figured it all out already, right?" Huh, what is she talking about? "Umu, it could be said." "Princess Twilight was right, your intellect is totally out of the ordinary, *shigh* I'll lead you to the directress office, the others will catch up there if you please." Sunset finished her sentence by opening the door for the Sorcerer King and his butler; As they walked through the corridors, the redhead sent messages to the others through the group of magical emergencies that the M7 had created to keep everyone up to date if necessary when she finished, she realized that the Sorcerer King's gaze was over her. Mnh?, ooh, that's a Smartphone, such antique! I had only seen them in the history class. "Is something wrong your Highness?" –Asked the redhead- She was sure the king would ask about her phone, but the answer she received staggered her. "No, I was just thinking about how archaic your media is." "What?! UOoooaaah!" However, she did not fall to the ground, before that, the butler who, until a blink of an eye, was walking behind the Sorcerer King, had taken her by the shoulders preventing her fall. "Umm, hehehe, thanks." "It doesn't matter, just be more careful when walking." –The butler replied with a kind smile on his face- After the brief exchange, the girl regained her balance and was released by the butler, after which, he took his place behind his master. But at what point? No, wait, there is something more important to ask. "Excuse your majesty, but… did you say archaic?" Shit, I'm too relaxed from being in a mere school! I have to be more careful. "I apologize, but I'm sure there is no place in Equestria that has this level of technology." –The redhead insisted- "Maybe right now, but that doesn't mean things don't change." Soon there will be a tech boom in Equestria. Ainz finished just when they reached the door, so Sunset had to put the reasoning of the words she had just heard on hold, she knocked on the door and after receiving permission got inside. *Knock knock knock knock* "Come in… Sunset? Classes have already started, what… huh?" The woman's words died in her mouth when she looked at her student's face, then she understood that something had happened, but not even in her worst nightmares did it occur to her that she would see what came after her, as soon as she saw it, she stood up, but not out of respect, rather out of fear. *Ghasph* "The Sorcerer King!" "Y-yeah that's right, His Majesty Ainz Ooal Gown wishes to ask us some questions Headmistress Celestia, I've already called the rest, they will be here soon." -Comment Sunset- This finally allowed the wide-eyed woman to move, she pressed the microphone button on her desk and spoke. "Viiii-vis-vis vice directress Luna, p-p-please come to the d-director's office." Oooh, so they truly are full doubles except for race, interesting. -Ainz thought- "Y-y-you can t-take s-seat i-if you like y-your majesty, c-can I offer you s-some d-drink?" The Overlord turned and took a seat on the loveseat near the wall on the right side of the office while using the same practiced movement that he did on his throne. "I'd like to accept your offer, but I think it would be a bit difficult for me to consume anything, fufufufufu." Hehehe, there is no doubt that they are sisters. Fortunately for the woman, her shame lasted little thanks to the knock on the door again. *Knock knock knock knock* "Come in" -said the directress more out of habit than attention- After receiving permission, the door opened and a group of girls entered, the one in the lead was dying for answers, so as soon as the door closed, she was already in front of the desk and slightly bent over it. "By God Director Celestia! Don't tell me that the handsome gentleman behind the door is your boyfriend?! True, he looks a bit older to you, but he looks incredible for his age!" The conspiratorial dressmaker spoke, doing her best not to raise her voice with excitement, while, inadvertently to the rest of the group, Fluttershy waved and bowed to the figure that none of the others had noticed was in the room. Mhn, oh, I see, I gave him the scroll to use in case someone was about to die of fear seeing me, but I guess this will work too. -the Overlord thought when he saw the slight glow that surrounded the girl, as he returned the greeting without whispering a word- "Gentleman?" -Celestia replied puzzled- But before the redhead started to explain, an authoritative voice that everyone had heard before, answered, making everyone jump except for the animal lover. "Ah, surely she's talking about my butler." "GHAAA!" "Girls, that wasn't very nice of you." Being scolded by Fluttershy was the biggest surprise for all the girls, even more than hearing a skeleton speak. Hahahahahaha, in short, harmony also got involved here, HAHA(SE)... "Fufufu" The dark laugh of the Sorcerer King caught everyone's attention again. "I-I am very sorry for this lack of respect your highness, in my haste I forgot to tell them the motive of the summon!." -said the redhead hurriedly- "Mnn, it doesn't matter, it just seemed kind of funny that the two worlds were so alike." "Umm, what do you mean, your highness? I mean, if you don't mind me asking." -Said the animal lover shyly- "You see, just like you, in Equestria, the bearer of kindness also caught the attention of the others when we met to talk the first time, at least after my subordinate used a spell on her so that she could maintain her awareness." They all turned to see Sunset, who upon feeling the stares decided to respond. *Shigh* Well, if he can cross to this side without needing the mirror, I think it doesn't matter if he knows that I have a way of communicating with the other side. "That's right, Princess Twilight mentioned a spell that eliminated fear… so… it wasn't my idea, Fluttershy was truly glowing when she walked in!" But before another question could be asked, the last missing person entered without knocking on the door. "Sister, why is there a butler outside your office?" Then she notice the tension in everyone present and cast a look that said 'What's going on?' to her sister and she responded by indicating with her eyes to her right, her reaction was not what Ainz expected. Mhn?, How curious, I thought she would scream, run, or whatever, not that she would freeze with her mouth open. "Well now that everyone is gathered we can stop wasting time and get right to the point," All the women tensed, then the butler knocked on the door and entered. *Knock knock knock* "With your permission" After which he immediately stood to the left of the Overlord. "I'm sure you already know who I am, but etiquette is a must, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, and this one," -he said pointing with his hand to the figure next to him- "is Sebas Tian, ​​my butler." Upon being introduced, he bowed. "I have come here today following the traces of the magic that leaked into this world." Ainz gave the floor to the women making a gesture with his hand, but it took them a moment to react. ".....AH!, Yes!, *glup* I-I'm Celestia Faust, principal of Canterlot High School" -Celestia answered hurriedly with the calmest tone that she achieved while thinking, 'at least this magical creature do want to talk'- "She is my sister and deputy directress of CHS, Luna Faust" -she, upon being named, closed her mouth and nodded- "and the group of girls who accompany us are students, however, they are the most knowledgeable in matters of magic at this school." -Celestia finished indicating with her hand to the M7- These began to be presented one by one, ending with the redhead, the latter being the one who began the questions. "Umu, that covers your stay here, now, what's your story on the other side?" -Said the skeleton with interest, but before the redhead began to respond, he added something else- "I hope you do not try to sell me the idea that you were just an ordinary citizen, that would be something quite implausible, don't you think? After all, you had access to a portal attached to an object, of which I am sure there must have been an object or place, on the other side, that completes the connection, something that must be warded or secured from the common citizen." Also, I already read the entire diary. -Ainz thought about the end- WHAT?!, THAT'S IT!, BUT HOW?!, *Shigh* Twilight was right, her power is not the only scary thing, his intelligence has its separate level. The conversation continued, the Overlord asked the necessary questions to be able to justify his knowledge of everything that he was supposed to be unaware of, they talked about the pendants they wore around their necks, the events caused by artifacts or creatures from Equestria, and about the cave near Camp Everfree, for Momonga the most remarkable thing was how similar the two sides of the mirror were, when he had justified all his knowledge, he decided that it was time to take the next step. "Excellent, that ends my questions, now I'll answer yours if you have any." The first to raise her hand with some urgency was the athlete. "No Rainbow Dash, the effect is not permanent, in fact, the spell will not last beyond 24 hours." "What?!, but how did you know what I was going to ask?!, *ghasp* Can you read minds ?!" "Fufufu, it's something much simpler, your counterpart asked the same question while giving the same signs of anxiety, it wasn't difficult to guess your question." "Ehem, your highness? May I have a question?" But the one who asked the critical question was Celestia. "Go ahead" "What is the real reason for talking to us? That is, if you only came following the portal's trail, then why?" "Umu, it's quite simple, now that I found out what caused the division, and find out exactly how much time this world has left when I present myself to the rulers of this world again, I will need natives who have knowledge from the other side of the portal to back up my words, I simply followed the greatest bleeding that accelerated the destruction of this world to achieve my goal. " "How? Your Highness, what do you mean by 'hastening destruction'?" -Asked Twilight- "The barrier that separates both realities was not eternal, sooner or later it would collapse cause its wrong architecture, one of the effects of the magic bleeding was to accelerate the process." "Excuse your majesty, did you say one? Does that mean there are more?" -Asked Sunset- "That's right, as fact, there is only one other effect, the magic that filtered into this world, gathered naturally in different areas, these will have an easier transition to the other side; in resume, this entire state and some other regions of similar dimensions will cross with practically no damage, while the rest of the world ... not so much, it all depends on the concentration of magic in each area. " "So," -Spoke Fluttershy- "Your Highness came to ask us to accompany him?" "Umu, it is my intention to extend the invitation to the governing body of the institution and one of you, however, the invitation will only be extended to the natives of this world." Hearing this, the redhead relaxed for a second but tensed again when the skeleton's gaze left her friend and fell on her. "However, your friend does not have that benefit, with the current free trade agreement between Equestria and the Sorcerer Kingdom, I can order the presence of any of its citizens in a public event if I consider it necessary, either as a witness, social representative or to contribute on the topics under discussion, so… she doesn't exactly have many options." *Glup* "Ejejeje" After understanding Ainz's hint, Sunset laughed nervously, after several more questions, the Overlord's invitation was accepted, although more in support of the redhead than anything else, after which he indicated when and what time he would pick them up; after the talk was over, Ainz left the office and what he found surprised him. Sebas had returned to guard the door outside shortly after being introduced, when leaving the office, the skeleton king was met with a laughable scene, several teachers were trying to get the butler to accept an invitation to have a coffee, on a date or trying to get him to give them his phone number while he politely declined all offers. Woooo, Sebas is so popular, hehehehe. The latter, realizing that his master was at the door, excused himself from the women. "I apologize, ladies, I must withdraw, my master has already finished his meeting." The teachers followed the butler's gaze and froze in fear. "We're leaving" -said the Overlord and began to walk to the exit- The butler bowed slightly and followed his master; As they both walked towards the exit, the bell rang and the students began to leave the classrooms, the reactions were mixed, while some fainted, others rushed to their classrooms again, but the vast majority simply froze at the sides of the aisle, their jaws dropped in surprise and fear. *Shigh* How tiring it is to act. -Ainz complained inside and as soon as they left the building they teleported to the base- After a few moments of arriving and sitting in his temporary office, the communication diary vibrated, the Overlord took it and began to read a report that made him smile or at least would have if he had lips. "Ooho, so the battle didn't last, it's kind of unexpected, but welcome." The Overlord wrote his response and instructions for his subordinates. The day had started like any other, the morning court had passed without problems, but Celestia was not calm, it was already several days that she had not heard from Twilight, more precisely when she was about to start the meeting scheduled for the afternoon, after having taken a lunch break, an alert sounded, they were under attack. Even when the Canterlot forces were able to resist, they had a large number of wounded and some deaths, caused by the abysmal difference between the weapons of both parties involved, then the attackers gave a pause to promote their ideals, give their demands, and impose an ultimatum, while the diarchy argued with the delegates who were in the palace, they and all the assembled representatives were surprised when Twilight and her friends appeared in the room with a 'POP' to join the battle, but the monarch's of the sun hopes that they brought good news were crushed with the reports she received from the M6s regarding the ship, its crew and its capabilities, but the biggest surprise came when Discord was defeated by the ship's main weapon. All this hustle and bustle couldn't have come at a better time for a certain trio. "I don't know what's going on, but you have to take the opportunity." -Tirek said to the others as he saw the combat that the ship was giving to the palace from a distant alley- "Yes, the last time I was here the security was not that extreme." -said Chrysalis when she saw a little bird being thrown to the ground by the currents of air generated by the new security system when it approached the palace- "Then we must hurry, we must not miss the opportunity!" -exclaimed Cozy, while gesturing with his hooves for the other two to move, from their position in the air- While the troops were distracted in combat at the front of the palace, the trio of villains approached one of the less protected flanks, where Tirek blew open one of the closed entrances using a magical blast; when they reached the palace library, they discovered with glee that there was no one, they took their time and divided to search for secret entrances, the Changeling decided to be cautious and looked first in two other areas, she did not want to risk receiving 'discipline' from the devil for not having been cautious enough, and just as she was going to the place that Demiurge had indicated, they heard the announcement of the terms of surrender/ultimatum to the diarchy. "Tsk, that asshole is making the same mistake we've all made, he's giving them time, we have to- AHA! I found it! Quick!" The changeling shouted to the others when a wall opened, revealing a secret entrance, she entered immediately; the others hearing the scream of the former queen, rushed to follow her. "Chrysalis is right, we don't have much time left, we have to look for any reference to the bell and get out of here as soon as possible, we will check it as soon as we return to Grogar's lair." -Said the centaur when entering the secret area- When Cozy and Tirek caught up with the former queen, they found her standing where the entrance hall ended. "This place is bigger than I thought, we have to divide us, you look over there, let the brat look over there." -said this when they arrive- And as an added precautionary measure, she sent Cozy to search the area that she knew was the book they were looking for. Cozy Glow had complied with the changeling's order with a grimace on her face. That idiot, who she thinks she's calling a brat!, Grrrr, *shigh* but I have to keep up the deception if I want to keep my advantage. "Huh?... Hey, I found it!" -exclaimed the little pegasus when she found the book with the drawing of the bell on the cover- The others came closer after heard her scream and after giving a glance at the book, they confirmed that it was what they needed, then they hurried out of the palace with their loot in the direction of the swamp, for a moment they worried when they reached the walls, a powerful shield prevented their passage, but before they could think of a plan to cross it, it temporarily disappeared, a moment that they took the opportunity to rush out of the city. After a valiant attack on the New Dawn, the Cobbler Mustang ship, by Turing Test, in which it disabled its internal systems one by one at the cost of its integrity, it began to plunge, an action that was immediately taken advantage of by the royal guard and the Wonderbolts, who attacked as soon as the ship's anti-aircraft defenses fell silent, diverting it from its collision course with the castle towards the mountainside when the ship began to lose altitude, they all abandoned it, all except for Cobbler, he activated the main weapon with the intention of bringing down the castle, but the contamination in the power source caused a multicolored explosion that destroyed the tube-shaped ship, causing it to turn towards the castle gardens, destroying these and part of the castle outer wall, fortunately, the ship had already been fully evacuated, before this, however, Twilight's heart stopped in the instant of the explosion. "Turing!, can anyone see Turing?!" "Sorry princess, she stayed on the ship after I evacuated." -said heavily Cobbler Mustang, who was now cuffed, he had been teleported to the meeting room where the princesses, the elements, and the elected representatives of the main cities of Equestria were. "She overloaded her systems a lot to save me, I'm afraid her neural network was destroyed by the excessive load." "NO! Turing!, No! You're lying! She promised to come back! *Sob sob snif sob*" Twilight and Gadget burst into tears, while the rest of those present keep a minute of silence for the automaton in a show of respect, after the minute, Celestia broke the silence, there was still much to do. "Lieutenant Solar Flare!" "Order princess" "Organize a rescue group with a company and the fire department, extinguish the flames of the ship, and recover Turing Test as soon as possible, or... what is left of her." "Immediately!" The monarch of the sun turned to face the mayors of the most important cities in Equestria. "Mares and stallions, today I had gathered you intending to communicate about the full reach of the most recent commercial treaty signed by the crown, I know that none of you have heard anything from the Sorcerer Kingdom beyond rumors, I intended to talk about it with you and hear your thoughts on it, *Shigh*" Celestia's reaction spiked Cobbler's curiosity who raised an eyebrow at her. "However, now that we receive the attack from Techquestria, led by Cobbler Mustang from Mustangia, I am afraid that everyone will know the Sorcerer King at first hoof, the commercial treaty, requires that when receiving an act of war or attack, after this one must conduct a trial in which a third party will act as a neutral judge, *shigh* and since the only nation we have dealings with and no alliance is the sorcerer kingdom, it is the only option." -the monarch of the sun addressed the cuffed stallion- "I assure you, from the bottom of my heart, that I will do everything in my power to avoid a tragic outcome, Luna, could you contact the Sorcerer Kingdom please?" -said the alicorn with anguish on her face- "Yes, I'll take care of it right now." With a 'Pop', the princess of the night disappeared in the direction of her rooms, once in these, she went to her dressing table and from a chest similar to Celestia's, she took out a scroll. "Cobbler, I pray to the heavens that the master of death is in a good mood," -Luna spoke to herself- "[Message]… Prime Minister Albedo? 'Mhn? Princess Luna? What is your contact about? Has something come up again that you can't handle?' Hearing her condescending questions, Luna gritted her teeth. "No, Equestria is not that weak." -she answered barely controlling her anger, took a deep breath, and continued- "no, I am calling to inform you that we suffered an attack by a group that wanted to overthrow us, they are currently in our custody, due to the commercial treaty, we request your presence to carry out a proper judgment." 'Mmmh, I see, well, I will inform Ainz-sama about it, later we will confirm when and where the trial will take place.' "Understood, I will communicate it to the rest-" With this, and before Luna gave a proper goodbye, the spell was cut off by the receiver. "Wa-… WHAT?! she cut me out!, arrrrgggh but what arrogance!" -The princess of the night yelled with annoyance- Meanwhile, in the throne room, the president of Techcuestria could not remain in doubt, as soon as the princess of the night left, he decided to ask his question. "Who is this Sorcerer King you speak of, and why is the 'all-powerful and righteous diarchs' feeling stressed by his visit?" Although Cobbler's question was asked with the intention of being mocking and eliciting an annoyed reaction from the Sun Monarch, the answer did not fall at all within his expectations. "Mister Mustang, I am going to beg you for your safety and the future of all your subordinates, that when the Sorcerer King arrives, watch closely your words and/or actions, he is a very powerful sorcerer, as fact, it was him who saved Equestria from the Storm King, overthrowing him and taking his kingdom in the process." "I see, you are concerned about the power of their army and nation then." The pony was convinced of the frivolity of the diarchy, so he quickly came to this conclusion, but the alicorn had no opportunity to explain further. *Shigh* "That would be a more favorable scenario, but your assertion is w-" Celestia's response was cut off by Luna's return. "It is done, they agreed to communicate back to state the details or necessary preparations." The speed with which they got a response startled the chained pony. "You guys don't use the phone, how come you communicated so quickly with this 'Sorcerer Kingdom'?... well, it doesn't matter, I'll spend a few weeks in prison anyway." -said the pony with resignation- But at that precise moment, Luna brought one of her hooves to her ear, again drawing the pony's attention. "Yeeess?... very well... no problem... I understand... yes... we will have everything ready for your arrival." The princess of the night lowered her hoof and took a deep breath, letting her breath out very slowly. "I'm afraid you won't touch a cell before your trial," -this caused intrigue in Cobbler, but the youngest of the diarchs turned her attention to her sister- "the Sorcerer King will be here in an hour and a half, apparently he's taking care of matters of great importance, but not critical, so he wants to resolve this today, he will be holding the trial in the throne room and want all the prisoners to be present to expedite the process." I understand, thank you very much, Luna, *shigh* my esteemed mayors, I recommend that you go to the royal dining room, have something to eat and relax a little before the trial begins, you will need it, regarding the meeting of the prisoners?" -ended asking her sister- "You don't have to worry about that, I already gave the order for them to be brought to the throne room." -Said Luna when she returned from talking with the guards at the entrance- "Perfect then, maybe it's a good idea for us to do the same too." -making an indication with her hoof, the monarch of the sun called one of the guards- "also take the professor to the dining room, after he enjoys a decent meal that he is returned to the room and keep watch over them with a suitable group For the task." After receiving his orders, the stallion saluted and left to carry them out. "How about you and your friends join us Twilight?" After receiving a round of affirmative responses, Princess Celestia led the rest to the diarchy private dining room, to relax a little and update the monarch on everything that had happened to them during the days of absence from the M6. Just a few minutes before the stipulated time was fulfilled, they were all prepared in the throne room, it was quite full, the diarchs on they thrones, Twilight, standing to the right of these, at the foot of the throne The elements bearers were found, to the right of the throne was Raven the secretary of the diarchy, on the left side of the room were the mayors, while on the right side were all the prisoners who were cuffed, tied and/or with suppressors, depending on their race, these were closely watched by a cordon of armed soldiers. Just when Cobbler was beginning to despair and was about to ask when they would start, an ovoid as dark as night formed in the center of the room, from this, a creature emerged that most had never seen, it was dressed in an impeccable dress. white, it seemed to be a female minotaur, but the wings on her waist discarded that theory, in addition, she did not have a pronounced snout like the females of Minos, behind her, what appeared to be a male with pointed ears, behind him, a tail covered with metallic plates wiggled with his walk, he was dressed in an elegant red suit, although both seemed to be of different race, they had something in common, they only had hair on their head and it was black in color, they both stood to the side and bowed, immediately behind them, a group of 5 creatures crossed the portal, these seemed a mix between the first two creatures and a dragon, but unlike these, the resemblance between them was much greater, in fact they were almost the same except for details such as the color of their tight clothes or the colors of their eyes and hair, apparently all were female judging by their figure similar to that of the one in the white dress and like the first two, as soon as they finished leaving they stood next to the others and made a reverence, then, the last figure to leave the portal left everyone totally frozen. Clad in a blood-red robe, encrusted with ornaments and exquisite filigrees made of precious metals, holding a staff of divine and terrifying appearance at the same time, and with a halo of darkness behind his head, through the portal did not cross a mere King, that was immediately clear to them, what crossed the portal was not a mortal being, it was clear by the power that it projected even without letting it feel, it was not a mere sage of the arcane arts, the aura of wisdom that it projected It could be never mistaken for something so simple, no, what he walked through the portal, with his skeletal face could not be something as mundane as a mere king. When the Overlord emerged from the portal and it closed behind him, the princesses, the elements, and the mayors rose to their feet. "Welcome King Gown, we greatly appreciate your prompt response." -said, Celestia- "We also regret that our reunion is due again to unfortunate events." -added Luna- The Sorcerer King advanced and his entourage began to walk behind him as soon as he passed them, when everyone reached the immediate area in front of the throne, there was finally a response. "It is not the least important, it is part of the treaty, however, I have some things to do, so I would like to start the trial as soon as possible." -the Overlord turned his gaze to the right- "Are all the prisoners here already?" "That's right, at least all those who can stand on their own, those who can't, are being cared for, while those who couldn't are being prepared for a proper funeral." -Celestia answered as they all came down from the throne- "Umu, very good, then I will prosecute only the leaders of the movement, the rest will be prosecuted by my subordinates quickly." Hearing this, the princess of friendship raised an eyebrow and expressed her concern in the form of a question. "Aren't you going to give everyone a fair trial?" -asked the youngest of the princesses with clear concern on her face- "Princess Twilight, watch your words, I will not allow you to doubt Ainz-sama." "Enough Albedo," -however, this was interrupted by the skeleton- "Rest assured princess, I assure you that all the prisoners will receive a fair sentence, precisely, the subordinates that I have brought with me will act as quick judges for the rest," -said pointing with a hand to the females with membranous wings and dressed in very tight garments- "let me introduce you to the Furies." "Furies?" Woooh, her eyes are very red, was she crying? "That's right, they are demons whose special talents allow them to separate the guilty from the innocent with a single glance." His words caused alarm throughout the room "DD-DEMONS?! ARE YOU GOING TO TORTURE THEM?!" To the surprise of everyone present, the one who screamed at the top of their lungs was the element of kindness. "No, that is not the case Miss Fluttershy, we will only give judgment, the execution of the penance will remain in the hooves of the diarchy." Whoo, the mayors are shaking like jelly, mhn?, ooh, only the mayor of Ponyville is holding her own, is she already used to the unexpected with all the crazy things of the small town? yes, it must be it, anyone in that town could end up getting used to the absurd. -the Overlord thought as he saw how calm returned to the room- "Have one of your guards take one of my furies to visit the wounded, she will be in charge of listing the crimes of each prisoner and the verdict for them to record, meanwhile, the other four will be in charge of separating the guilty from the innocents found in the room. " With an indication from the princess of the night, a squad entered that after receiving their orders withdrew in the company of the Fury, while the remaining furies bowed and went to work immediately. "In the meantime, I'll take care of the ringleaders." As everyone watched in horror at the demons approaching the prisoners, they missed the moment when Ainz created a raised throne like that of the judges in front of the stairs of the diarchy thrones, hiding them completely. "Okay, let's get started, bring the first accused." *GHASPH* The surprise was quite clear in all those who had not treated the Sorcerer King before, but those who had not been affected exchanged glances and nodded. As Luna gave directions with her hooves for Cobbler to be brought forward, Celestia calmly laid the case. "Today, Equestria, more precisely its capital, Canterlot, was attacked by the self-proclaimed government of Techcuestria, which is governed democratically under an elected president, who in turn is the founder of said movement, Professor Cobbler Mustang , even if his motivation could be considered a valid basis to carry out a personal revenge, that does not excuse his actions, Equestria accuses him of the following crimes, kidnapping of a public figure, indiscriminate attack without the intention of negotiation, even when this was offered and terrify the ponies of Canterlot." "Umu, the charges brought by the affected party have been heard, now let's hear what the defendant has to say in his defense." Upon receiving the skeleton's attention and fiery gaze, the president of Teschcuestria gulped, but when he was about to start speaking, an overwhelming pressure descended on him and all his followers freezing them for a moment and made him sweat cold. "But know that I detest that my time is wasted and I take special offense in the lie towards my person, you can begin." With these last words, the pressure disappeared, but now the origin was absolutely clear. *Wheesse* What was that? I thought I was going to die! -Cobbler thought in alarm as he looked with fear at the king on the judge seat- *Glup* "Ggg-good," -the pony breathed deeply trying to calm his nerves and his heart- "T-the motives, development, and objectives of Techcuestria, really started from the time of my grandfather, who built the first automaton." The pony thought he would have to explain what he was talking about, but the question he received in response was one he never imagined he would hear here. "Hooo, with a conscience of its own?" "Huh?" -But he was not the only one confused, all the Equestrian looked at him with surprise- "...errr, not your highness, they were only capable of performing repetitive tasks that were programmed for them in advance." "Mhn, I see, then it would be more correct to name it a mere automatic machine and not an automaton to avoid confusion, continue." "Y-yes, my grandfather presented his invention, but it was discredited by Celestia, because of this, my grandfather became an outcast, an undesirable for the rest of inventors and researchers, even all his businesses outside of Mustangia collapsed because of the rejection that he began to receive even from the merchants, fed up with the situation, he started an independence movement in Mustangia, the only place in all of Equestria where he was still respected, the rebellion was suppressed with violence, for that reason, and his Averse attitude to technology, is that my hometown does not look favorably on the diarchs, Celestia being the most despised mainly, I learned everything I know about engineering and mechanics from him, but it was not until Celestia affected me directly that I restarted my grandfather's movement." The pony's words were loaded with hatred and resentment, in addition, they practically exuded poison every time he spoke the name of the monarch of the sun, however, Ainz needed more information to be made known. *Shigh* I don't want to do this, but if I don't I will reveal our interference and it could spoil Demiurge's plans. "You say that the princess affected you personally, in what way?" *Shigh* "I had a little girl, she was my adoration, her name was Georgia Peach," -Cobbler's words began to overflow with feeling- "she fell ill, suffered a disease that affected her heart, so she was added to the list transplants, but in Equestria, the most common cause of death is old age, in short, my little girl had no time to wait, so I decided that if there was no one available, I would build it! " Ooooh, so she took her first steps into implants, amazing! Ainz thought. "I carried out experiments on pigs, and little by little I was obtaining more and more promising results, I changed materials, I made adjustments, in my last failed attempt, the subject lasted three months, then, with the following sample I decided to present my research to obtain more resources and better materials, also to request the start of the tests on ponies, but not only did I receive a refusal, "-Cobbler's voice hardened with hatred again- "I was insulted, accused of creating abominations, they sacrificed the test subjects! They destroyed the prostheses! *snif* the artificial heart I was developing could have saved the lives of thousands! *snif* but instead of receiving recognition for my progress I was jailed! *snif* oh! but they pitied me after making sure all my research was fully destroyed, just to have me watch my little girl die in my hooves!" *Sniff sob* "I don't want anyone else to suffer the pain that I suffered, THE MONARCHY MUST FALL SO THAT NOBODY ELSE SUFFERS FOR ITS WHIMS!" -He finished with a cry from the depths of his soul- *Shigh* If I didn't know more than you about it, you could have convinced me. "You are a good pony Mr. Cobbler, I can see that you are innocent, yes…" These words of the skeleton caused a deep surprise among those present, it was something unexpected, everyone believed that the pony would be acquitted, but the next sentence crushed all hope. "In fact, you are so innocent that you are naive, you say that you want to overthrow the monarchy to prevent them from dominating the whims of a few, that you want to prevent others from suffering like you, but you did not even think about the cons of your plans, *shigh* idealists never look at the cons of their passions." Cobbler could not understand him, what was he talking about? He was not an idealist, he was someone focused who diligently scrutinized reality, why did this skeleton call him an idealist? "There is only one thing capable of fully proliferating, of getting the maximum possible benefit from a democratic system." "Of course, equality." -The sorcerer king's words were abruptly cut off by the confident words of the pony who would have been beheaded at the time for his insolence by Albedo, had it not been for his master's reaction- "Fufufufu, I'm afraid you missed the mark Mr. Mustang, what will always emerge to dominate everything in a democratic system is corruption." -said Ainz keeping a neutral tone- "I'm very sorry, Sorcerer King, but I don't see how that could be possible, what's more, Techcuestria was created with the principle of democracy in mind and we are free from corruption." -said the pony with great confidence and a smile on his face- "Oooh, and are you completely sure about it?" -Asked Ainz with a funny tone- "Without a doubt" -answered the pony, sticking out his chest with pride- "Then I recommend looking behind you, my furies have already finished their work." The pony turned and saw something strange, the prisoners had been divided into three groups of different sizes and each group was surrounded by soldiers, but a handful was in front of everyone, being surrounded by the fury as they licked their sharp teeth. "You could almost say that the biggest crime of the largest groups is blindly following a blind man, yet the group in the center of the room is not as innocent, Demiurge." "Yes" -the Archdemon bowed and took two steps forward- "[Form a line] and [Move forward]" The furies parted and the prisoners lined up side by side in disbelief, advancing orderly without being able to resist. "What?!" "My body doesn't respond to me!" "I can't stop!" "Help me!" Only desperate screams were heard. "How scandalous, [Be quiet]" A group of 15 mixed creatures between pegasi, unicorns, earth, and donkeys of various genres, looked with terror at the guardian of the seventh floor. "Now, you have already been found guilty, my furies will list your crimes for the record, but right now, I need you to answer a question, before I give my verdict on Cobbler Mustang, what was your goal in joining Techcuestria? That is, what did you want to achieve? " The Overlord nodded to the demon to give permission to continue. "[One at a time], [Answer truthfully]" The sequence of confessions destroyed the confidence of the president of Techcuestria, these were varied, some confessed to doing it out of greed, they wanted to be able to pass over others with their money, others because of power, they wanted to have a high position to act at their ease with impunity, Others simply wanted to be able to abuse their subordinates without repercussions and still others to commit violent acts without consequences. Along with Cobbler, the mayors, the elements, and the princess of friendship were stunned by what they heard, but he was the most affected, after all, the individuals who were confessing their dark and corrupt intentions, they were all individuals with high levels or candidates for high positions in the government and/or the new government to be founded. "I suppose that this has made my point clear, even though your group is considerably smaller than a battalion, corruption has already reached the highest levels, now it only remains to hear testimonies." *SLAM* Ainz was interrupted when the door to the room was slammed open. "Princess, I… will… you…" But the scene that the soldier covered in sooty-maned hooves encountered, was somewhat uncomfortable for him, so he quickly became speechless. "Ah, Lieutenant Solar Flare, just in time," -exclaimed Celestia- "I apologize very much for the interruption King Gown, before the trial was decided, I sent my troops to recover the one who saved us, an automaton that was created by Techcuestria and was recognized as a citizen of Equestria," -While she spoke, the monarch of the sun made an indication to her guards, who immediately approached and deposited the wrapped pieces of metal that the four soldiers were carrying next to her and when they were revealed, the crying began- "Her name is… or at least it was, Turing Test." *GHASPH* (collective) Fluttershy, Gadget, and Pinkie immediately began to cry, Twilight approached with shaky steps and collapsed next to the wreckage with an endless chain of 'no please, it is not true' in a barely audible volume, while the rest openly displayed their consternation. "Oooh, so this is the most recent robot model you have created?" -Asked the Overlord to no one in specific- "No, it's not, this is unit 03, there is a later model, unit 04." "I see, mhn?..." EEEeeeehh!, but what is the meaning of this!, I have not used neither 'mana essence' nor 'Life essence', but what the hell am I seeing?! [Silent magic: Discern entity]… Eeeeeeeeeh?!, this is it! (SE) no, no, I have to make sure. "Mmmmnh, interesting, tell me Mr. Mustang, how did you go from mere repetitive machines to this?" -Ainz said pointing with one of his hands to the remains of the automaton- These words from the Overlord brought the lake of attention back into the discussion, while the flames in the skeleton sockets were somewhat brighter than before. "Eerrr ... the nucleus or brain was created after the study of an ancient clay automaton, created by an ancient civilization and the development of computer programming, the body was developed thanks to the most advanced metallurgical and steel technology, in addition to the discovery made of new conductive materials, both electrical and thaumatic, it is one of the most advanced machines ever created." "Ah, I see, so that's the way it is." "SHE WAS NOT A SIMPLE MACHINE!" -the princess of friendship cried furiously- "She was a pony like any other, she felt happiness, sadness, fear, and love!" *snif snif sob hic sob* "Princess, I don't understand why you keep saying that, it's impossible for it to feel! it's just a machine built based on the mental structure of a pony!" Wait what? That explains a lot of things! So that was why in my original world the development of IRs was forbidden... they develope "Hnhmhahahaha" -Ainz's laugh interrupted the discussion and attracted everyone's gaze- (SE) Shit! "Ahem, I apologize, it's just that I find it hilarious that your technology has advanced so much that you yourselves stopped understanding it, in this case, they are both right and wrong"-the Skeleton fixed his attention on the youngest of the princesses-" I do not doubt her words, I saw her personally in operation and I am sure that she is perfectly capable of reason and even more, but she's not alive yet." In her state of stress, Twilight did not register the last inflection of the Overlord, but it was not ignored by the diarchs who immediately exchanged incredulous glances, while the king's attention shifted to the president of Techquestria. "And it is an undeniable fact that it is a machine, however, it is not a 'simple machine'" -With this, Cobbler's smile disappeared and was replaced by doubt- "Excuse your majesty, but I can't understand what you mean, it's just a machine made of cold minerals and metals." "Mr. Mustang, do you know what the first part of a living being is formed when the gestation of a new life begins?" The question seemed a bit out of place to the pony, but he answered it anyway. "The central nervous system, of course." "Fufufufufu, you are wrong, the first thing that is formed is his nucleus, his neural network, his brain, and then the nervous system." By now, most of the mayors, Fluttershy, Gadget, Umahara, the diarchs, Twilight, and Cobbler, as well as a good number of the prisoners, understood what the skeleton was claiming. Well, it seems they understood, use words from your summaries on purpose hehehehe. "And you copy the mental structure of a living being, place it in a blank brain and this in turn in an autonomous body, what I am going to Mr. Mustang is congratulations, I create four children without the need for a mother, they have a soul." *GHASPH* (collective) "No! That's impossible! you're lying!" -Cobbler vehemently refused to believe because the meaning of that words was haunting him- "Then let's check who is wrong, if I, the master of life and death, or the mortal who does not know how to differentiate between autonomous and automaton, Demiurge, the soul of Turing Test is generally complete, it should already be sufficiently developed, use a health potion in her, she's in very bad shape, but she hasn't died yet." "Yes, immediately!" -The man in red approached Turing and took from his coat a glass vial of beautiful manufacture that contained a red liquid. "Is she still alive? Can she still be saved?" -Twilight could not believe what he had just heard, when he saw the man in red approaching, she immediately got up and made room, he uncapped the bottle and poured the liquid over the central body and head of the automaton, all the pieces were covered of a slight green glow and they began to repair themselves and join quickly, pulling expressions of surprise from everyone present. "What my subordinate has used, is a potion that restores the body and vitality of a living being, it is impossible for it to work on a corpse or object without a soul, I believe that with this my point has been proven." As soon as the Overlord finished speaking, the automaton finished booting up its systems and began to stand up. "How did I get to the throne room?" -said Turing's metallic voice- Right after, the M6s and Gadget were hugging her. "TURING!" "We thought we had lost you forever!" *snif snif sob* -Twilight exclaimed with much relief- "Although the moment is something very emotional, I want to end this trial as soon as possible." The words of the skeleton again caught everyone's attention. "Turing Test, we are currently hearing testimony in the Equestria vs. Techquestria trial, do you have anything to contribute?" The automaton looked around and noticed everyone present. "Yes, your highness," she answered with her metallic voice and took two steps forward, "and I also have a message." In Grogar's lair, three figures were anxious, they had just finished reading the book they stole from Canterlot. "Well then, are you ready?" -asked the centaur- "Yes, do it!" Upon receiving confirmation, Tirek activated the bell and it floated in front of them, rang once, and bathed the three of them in a beam of energy, when the process ended and the bell fell to the ground, three ghoulish laughter was heard in the swamp. "MnhahahahahaahHAHAHAHAAHAHA" "MuajajajaajaHAHAHAHAHAHA" "JijijahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Hello everyone, I like to add something else, the 'soul shaper' thing can be called the last point to perfect the nigromant build of Ainz a hidden feature that even in its description do not list much of what it entails thas why the (others...) line is there, have a good day! we read us later! > Cleaning the house First part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in the great tomb of Nazarick, Momonga lay on his bed as he reflected on the outcome of the trial. *Shigh* Man, I never would have expected it, yesterday a lot happened, I almost fell from the throne, it had not even occurred to me that now I can truly see the souls, the only good thing is that I discovered that NPCs also have souls and they are not just empty shells, that would have depressed me enormously, the cherry on the cake was when I analyzed the automaton, his soul said that it had just completed its editing and fortunately with his testimony I was able to make a verdict of innocence credible for the majority of the charges, even the most guilty got away with minimal jail time, community service, or fines, with all three being the worst. *START FLASBACK* "Given the new information provided by Turing Test, we can give some lenience, although only a handful committed serious crimes, all attacked the capital of Equestria intending to take it and overthrow the current government, so all will have to face a punishment." The furies had divided the repentant prisoners into three large groups, to the left of the room were the minor criminals, those who participated for support and those who participated because they believed it was the right thing to do, in the center were moderate crimes, those who cheated and those who unintentionally hurt others, those who denied help when they were in a position to give it, in addition to sharing the minor crimes, to the right of the room were the most serious crimes, those who had attacked, lied and stolen with intention and little to no regret for their actions, in addition to sharing the crimes of the rest. The Overlord's hand rose to point at the group on the left and began to pass judgment. "All of you will do community service," -the hand of the skeleton moved to the group in the center- "all of you will have prison and community service after this," -the hand moved again and pointed to the group on the right- "all of you will pay a fine, have jail and community service, the amounts and duration, will remain in the hooves of the diarchy, and finally," - the skeleton's hand moved to the group in front of the rest, who was still under Demiurge's' Mantra of Domination'- " You will receive special treatment, you will be under the care of my furies for a week, after that, you will receive the combined punishment of the other three groups, that is, you will perform triple community service, serve double jail time and pay a fine, with this the Judgment is over, [Gate], Demiurge." "Yes, [Go through the portal]" The group of creatures advanced with horror on their faces, they wanted to scream, oppose and curse, but it was impossible, their last instruction was to answer truthfully, so they could only speak if they were asked something when the group finished crossing the portal, the furies left behind them immediately, but not before bowing to the supreme being; after these, the Archdemon did the same, and once he left, the portal was closed. "Rest assured princesses, the prisoners will be returned in a perfect physical condition; as for you, Mr. Mustang, your sentence will be similar to that of the group on the right, simply doubled, now, I have some final words for you, as well as for the diarchy." The skeleton took a completely straight-back stance that exuded authority. "It is good to be idealistic, to want to innovate and/or improve the lives of everyone around you, but you must always bear in mind that everything that can offer great benefit can also be used to do great evil,"-the Overlord he turned his attention to the sisters- "to be careful and scrutinize anything new, it is the responsibility of a leader, but to measure everything by its negative points ignoring the positive ones, it is the behavior of an inept," Hearing the words of the Sorcerer King, a slight blush formed on the faces of the diarchs, fortunately for them, the skeleton returned its attention to the earth pony- "Professor Cobbler, know that I am interested in your work, also, I am creating universities for advanced studies, when your sentences are up, anyone who wants to give it a try will have a competitive job opportunity as a teacher, as long as an initial interview is cleared." These words left everyone speechless, Celestia expected to have to defend the lives of the prisoners, but it was not like that, Twilight, hearing that he was in a hurry, thought that the Sorcerer King would simply limit himself to dictate them all guilty, but it was not like that, the fairness of the trial was undeniable, so much so that she was paralyzed with surprise, Cobbler expected a massive sentence, for having attacked the capital, but instead received a balanced sentence and a future job offer, but absolutely none expected the following. "Umu, fine, I guess we're done with the trial Albedo, we're leaving [Gate]" "Yes!" When the skeleton came down from the throne and touched the ground, it simply disappeared in a torrent of specks of light, the implications of this fact caused the unicorns and all the developers and/or technicians froze as they watched its occupant advance towards the portal, but he stopped right in front of it. "Oh right, I almost forgot, a reward is necessary for the one who gave so much, Turing Test." -When hearing her name, the automaton put all its attention on the skeleton- "Yes, your Highness?" You and your brothers are invited to my kingdom to receive a suitable reward for your help to Equestria, um I think some improvements should be enough reward given your nature." Turing couldn't believe it, they were offering him improvements, disbelief mixed with hope could be heard in his metallic voice. "Can I get eyelids?" "Hahahahaha, it will have to be seen if you are compatible, but I assure you it will be worth your time, Albedo, make sure to schedule a full day in my itinerary to attend them properly." "Yes, as you order, as soon as I verify your itinerary I will contact the diarchs to inform them of the date we expect the visit of Turing and his companions." "Umu, great, then that's it, have a nice day." With the goodbyes finished, both figures crossed the portal. *Shigh* "Well, since the Sorcerer King was kind enough to keep it simple, I think we should do the same, don't you think sister?" -Asked the princess of the night- "Errr, yeah, I think so." After a brief discussion between the three princesses, the punishments of the prisoners were decided, one month of community service, three months in jail, and 5000 bits as a fine, with the sentence handed down, the Canterlot cycle continued normally, at least as normally possible for the capital, at least until the return of the prisoners a week later. -A glimpse into the future- "Tempest Shadow, what is the meaning of this!" -exclaimed with concern and annoyance the monarch of the sun to the unicorn when the prisoners left the portal- "When they left they were defiant! now they seem dead in life!" -she finished standing up and spreading his wings- "I do not know exactly what happened inside, but after five days of being with the furies, they still had quite a challenge on their faces, so they were ordered to spend the last two days inside the black capsule." These words finally got a reaction from the prisoners, they began to babble, shake uncontrollably, and some even rolled onto the floor and rocked in a cold sweat. "And my master decreed that, if they committed any crime again, no matter how minor, they would spend another time inside, now, with your permission, princess, I am retiring." -the unicorn gave a little bow, turned around, and crossed the portal that was still open- -Return to the present- The master of chaos was in his home, eating a plate of grating cheese, wiping his mouth with the cheese after eating the plate, then he felt a huge magical displacement, although it was not nearly as great as the explosion with which he The Sorcerer King appeared, it was quite powerful, but instead of jumping straight at it like the last time, he decided to appear nearby and examine the area before, this after having learned his lesson, to his surprise, this time the place was one he knew, so he decided to approach with caution. "Well, well, well, I never would have guessed it, so it was you, how did you escape from Tartarus?" "Aaah, Discord, welcome, your arrival is very timely." -said the ex-changeling queen- "You look a little different, what did you do?" "Oh nothing special, we just took music classes hehehehe." -said Cozy as she hovered in the air with her wings- "Why don't you judge the results yourself?" -Tirek opened his fist revealing a bell- *Ghasph* "Wait, isn't that- ghaaaaaaaaaghhn!" But before the draconequus could react, the bell rang and a bolt of energy enveloped him, draining him completely of his magic, after this, the three villains made fun of him watching him run with his tail between his legs, almost twenty minutes later it was out of sight, they finally calmed down and began to discuss whether they should share the magic of the draconequus as well, but after a quick check, giving some of the magic to Cozy; they found that they could not control the chaotic magic, so they marked it as a bad idea and decided to continue with their plans to meet their goal and at sunset the next day, they completed the first one. "Very good group of useless maggots, I already returned and unlike you, I DID achieve my goal, now that the eye-… Arrgh !, where did these idiots go, they better not-" However, his words were cut off when the gem he held in his hoof was shattered by a beam of magic. "What?! what the heck?!" "Welcome back Grogar" -said the changeling as she came down the wall from the ceiling- *CRACK CRUNCH* The door of one of the bedrooms on the second level was ripped away along with the frame and the wall that surrounded it, and from the inside came Cozy Glow, which now had a horn on its forehead and its wings were larger. "You do take your time, right? Did you enjoy your trip?" "Impossible!" *CRACKOOM, gruble gruble gruble gruble* Immediately after, from the opposite side, breaking down the wall and door with brute force, Tirek came out of the other bedroom, now, the three villains were watching him from the second level. "I hope so because that will be the last." -said the centaur, revealing the bell in his hand that was activated- "The bell! Impossible! Have you had it all this time?! Damn traitors! Ghaaaaaaaaaah!" The dark yellow-tinged beam from the bell hit him leaving it defenseless. "Hahahahaha, now no one can stop us!" Well almost anyone. -Chrysalis thought to herself- While everyone was laughing, the former queen approached Grogar and quickly wrapped him in a cocoon, when she realized that the others saw her strange, she replied. "What? I already told you that I always like to save something for later." After this, they shrugged their shoulders and began to walk to follow their plans and after a moment they left the lair, then an oval of darkness opened in the center of it, and from it came one of Demiurge's general demons, the Demon Lord of Greed. "Oh, so that's what Demiurge-sama meant with the gift from his subordinate, hmm? Oooh, pretty sphere, I'm taking it as a fee." The demon took the incredulous Grogar, the sphere, and crossed the portal again. When Twilight finally returned to her castle in Poniville she had the intention of finally getting some rest, so she went straight to bed, but there was already another problem waiting for her in the map room, on the table, she found the diary with which she was communicating with Sunset, this had been sent back by Celestia when Cobbler started his attack on Canterlot, for fear of what it could do with him if it fell into his Hooves, it was constantly vibrating. The next morning, having rested adequately, the alicorn went down to the map room for breakfast after being awakened by a corporal of the solar guard. "Breakfast is almost ready, one of you could go wake up Twilight" -said in dragon to one of the guards in the map room- When she finally got down, after getting ready for the day, Twilight entered the map room and saw the journal vibrating. "Oh no, did something bad happen?!" But she was not prepared for everything she read, when Spike came out of the kitchen with breakfast for both of them, he found an alicorn who had a face almost as white as Celestia's coat. "Twilight? Twilight?! What's wrong? Answer me!" -the little dragon screamed- The screams of the princess's assistant caught the attention of the soldiers who immediately arrived at the place and found a curious scene, the little dragon was shaking the inert princess with all his might, then a small thread of prayers came out of the throat of the alicorn, causing Spike to stop. "Impossible, it can't be, this can't be happening!." Going into a frenzy, the alicorn summoned ink, pen, and parchment hastily formed a letter for the princess of the sun and handed it to the little dragon. "Send it to Princess Celestia right away Spike, there's no time to waste!" "Okay, * Fooooossssh * but at least tell me what's going on." "It's the Sorcerer King! He showed up at Canterlot High School!" "What?! That's impossible, the mirror is disabled and I took the journal with me when I went to Canterlot!" "I don't know Spike, I'm starting to think that the word 'impossible doesn't exist in the sorcerer king's vocabulary." *Bruuup* The letter that suddenly materialized through the fire of the little dragon was taken out of the air by Twilight with her magic, she opened it and began to read. Letter *Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle The summoning of an Equestrian citizen by the Sorcerer King is concerning, but, just as he can use the treaty that binds us, we can do it too; Since he is calling a citizen who resides outside of Equestria, the treaty allows us to request the participation of a dignitary as a legal representative to look after the interests of our nation. I know that I am probably asking too much of you, but you are the one who has the most experience with that world, so we find ourselves again in dire need of asking for your help; If you are willing, you will represent Equestria legally before the government on the other side of the mirror, the decisions you make will be supported by us and the treaties you sign will be valid as if we had signed them ourselves. If your answer is affirmative, we will contact the sorcerer kingdom to notify them immediately, but if you do not feel willing one of us will go in your place, under no circumstances acceptance is mandatory, I am sure that with all the information you have shared about the other side, we are probably the second and only best option. Sincerely yours Celestia 'Sol Invicta' Faust and Luna 'Dream Walker' Faust Sheet 2/2 PS: I know that the format of this letter does not have the familiarity to which you are accustomed, that is because it has the double function of informing you and corroborating your position, it is an official document, please answer it appropriately, either accepting or refusing to accept. I reiterate that regardless of your decision we support you. With love Celestia and Luna * End of letter "That's what it says, it even has the royal seal of both sisters and their signatures at the end." -explained the alicorn to her assistant- "And what will you do then?" -answered the little dragon- "Isn't it obvious? Of course, I'll go!, I can't let them face the Sorcerer King alone, but I'm not so sure how I'm going to help them." "Do not worry, I will accompany you, after all, the princess of friendship cannot go to a diplomatic meeting without her assistant, right? Besides, I am sure that a talking dog will be very helpful." "Thank you very much, Spike," -said Twilight with a fond look at her little brother/son/assistant- "write a quick but formal response saying I accept the position and please send it." "Of course, I'll take care of it." Spike jumped from the chair to fulfill the request, but a magical lavender aura engulfed him before he hit the ground. "But let's have breakfast first, I don't want your hard work to go to waste." -said the alicorn, placing the little dragon back on the chair- They both enjoyed their breakfast quickly, and immediately after they took action, the assistant created the letter and after its approval, he sent it to the princess of the sun. *Foooosssshh* A letter materialized in front of Celestia in a green fireball, the monarch took it in her magic, opened it, and after reading it quickly, closed it again. "Well? What did she answer?" -asked the princess of the night with anxiety- "Raven, please file this, with the copy of the document in which we assigned Twilight as the representative of Equestria, she agreed." With a smile on her face, the secretary accepted the document and immediately went to carry out the order. "Great, we may know what is on that side, but only she has the meaningful experience, *sigh* now we have to deal with the Sorcerer Kingdom." "Yes, but you don't have to worry, this time I'll take care of it." -The monarch of the sun answered taking out a scroll from under her right-wing- "[Message]… Good morning Prime Minister Albedo." "Mhn?, ah Princess Celestia, to what do I owe your call, another crisis that you are not able to resolve?" Celestia took a deep breath to calm herself and not fall for the provocation. "No, I am calling because a politically sensitive situation was brought to my attention; you have called Sunset Shimmer to a public event, a citizen of Equestria who resides outside its borders and my former student, so per the agreement that exists among our nations, I wish to assert our right to send a representative of Equestria to look out for our interests." "Very well, Ainz-sama gave the following instruction, only the dignitary will be admitted and no more than one companion, the meeting with the government of the other world will take place in a little less than forty-eight hours, therefore, someone will pick up your dignitary in 36 hours from your throne room, any questions?" It was to be expected, it is obvious that they were prepared for our reaction. -Thought Celestia- "No, that would be it, thank you very much for your attention and time." But before the princess could say anything else the connection was closed. "Oh my, it looks like the connection is lost." "At least it lets you give a proper goodbye." -said Luna somewhat annoyed- Time flew by, Twilight explained to her friends what happened, they all immediately offered to go with her, but they were all disappointed to hear that they could not go without causing an international incident or war, after updating them on all the details that Sunset told her, their faces were of absolute surprise, no one could accept that the Sorcerer King could bring the dead back, after assuring them that she would be fine and telling them that she would go in the company of Spike, they finally calmed down a bit, after saying goodbye to her friends prepared whatever she thought she needed, which if it hadn't been for her assistant she would have loaded the entire castle, finally, the next day they took the train and headed for Canterlot, once they had arrived, without wasting time she got on a march to the castle, and before noon she was enjoying an aperitif with the Diarchs as they fine-tuned the final points. Finally, the agreed time arrived, the three princesses were in the throne room, ready to face problems, then they felt the signature of the powerful portal and stood up. "Princesses." The figure that came out of the portal was not the one they expected, instead of an overwhelmingly powerful being, a familiar face emerged from the portal. Facing the throne of the diarchy, bowing respectfully, stood Tempest Shadow. "I have come to collect your envoy plus his companion." Twilight, seeing the unicorn, immediately went over to her and hugged her. "Tempest! I didn't expect to see you here! how have you been? does the Sorcerer King treat you well?" "The same Princess Twilight, everything has been wonderful, I have been receiving hellish combat training, however, I have enjoyed it a lot, but I am afraid we do not have time to fraternize, who will be the representative of Equestria? we should not make wait Ainz-sama." Hearing her, the little dragon approached clearing his throat. *AHEMM* "You have her in front of you, Twi and I will be the dignitaries sent." As she turned her attention to the little dragon, the first thing that caught the attention of the defense secretary was the huge backpack he was carrying. "…H-hi Spike… excuse me… but… what is all that?" "These are the things that Twi thinks may be needed." Isn't that something a bit... I don't know, extreme! Or is it? -the unicorn thought- "weelllll, we have to leave as soon as possible." The mare turned to the diarchs to deliver the rest of the message. "Your Highnesses, the Sorcerer King formally agrees to return your dignitary and her companion without any damage or delay within two days, she will be received with due honors at my master's abode, where she will spend a few hours before and after the meeting giving her time to relax properly." "I see," -said Princess Luna- "then she will be received directly in the palace before being transported, very well, we do not object." "I only have one doubt," -interrupted the monarch of the sun- "how did the Sorcerer King come to that other world?" "I do not know all the details, but I am sure that Princess Twilight will receive all the information that she requests in this regard, as far as I know, Ainz-sama already had suspicions since he returned to the world and the recent appearances and disappearances gave him confirmation." Celestia wanted to keep asking questions, but the portal that opened again in the room took the opportunity away from her. "Oh, it seems our time is up, with your permission Your Highnesses, we are retiring." -said the unicorn while making a small bow- "Follow me closely please Princess Twilight." The youngest of the alicorns looked back at the diarchs and they offered her a soft look and their support. "Be very careful fair Twilight, we wish you the best of luck." -said the princess of the night- "Do not be pressured, think that you are going to deal with spoiled foals, that nothing they say will surprise you." -said Celestia- As soon as the goodbyes ended, both mares disappeared through the portal that immediately closed behind them. *Shigh* "Do you think everything will be okay?" -Asked her sister the princess of the night- "I'm sure everything will be fine she is practically ready and the most recent events have made her grow even more." When Tempest told her that they would cross a portal, Twilight swallowed the knot that formed in her throat, closed her eyes, and advanced, when crossing it she felt snow under her hooves and opened her eyes, in front of a huge structure where two females in a maid uniform, the structure was made of wood and seemed to be a cabin, behind her, a colossal stone structure of imposing appearance dominated the background, she was brought out of her stupor when the servants indicated that they could pass, the doors of the cabin They were completely open and behind them, there was another portal, when she saw Tempest cross it, she followed her immediately, closing her eyes, when the floor changed from wood to a carpet, she slowly opened her eyes, more as soon as she could define the first details, her eyes opened wide on the spot, the magnificence she was witnessing was overwhelming, something she had never seen, after allowing herself a little laugh, the unicorn pulled her out of her trance. "Exactly my reaction the first time, just wait until you see the throne room." When the alicorn processed the words, she was about to scream in disbelief, but Tempest closed her mouth with her magic. "Twilight, at this moment we are in my master's abode, for your own good I recommend that you do not show any disrespect and raising your voice in these corridors or the throne room is something quite disrespectful, it can be said that at this moment you are walking through a place where beings superior to the gods walked before, do you understand?" -after an effusive movement of the head up and down in response, she released her, while the little dragon on her back was still stunned- "well, come on, Ainz-sama is waiting for us." The princess of friendship thought that nothing could beat the magnificence of the corridor, but when the huge doors were opened, the interior proved how wrong she was, the interior was practically divine, a huge obsidian throne dominated the back of the room and seated in it was the Sorcerer King. "Ainz-sama, as you ordered, I have brought the Equestrian representative." "Umu, good job." Seeing the unicorn prostrate, the delegate and her companion rushed to imitate her. "Ah, Princess Twilight, it's nice to see you again." "T-the pleasure is all mine, your highness, it is an honor to be admitted to your wonderful castle." "Castle? Hahahahaha no princess, this is my humble abode." Ha!, yes, of course, if this is humble then dye me phosphorescent from hoof to horn, with this I cannot even imagine what he would consider luxurious. -The alicorn thought- "Mhn? Oh! I see you brought the little dragon as your companion, very well, welcome to The Great Tomb of Nazarick, right now you are my guests, my subordinate Demiurge," -Ainz pointed to his left- "Will give you an advance of what to expect from the meeting, after that, we will cross to the other world and gather the rest of our companions, after which, we will go to the summit of nations, that is all for my part, we will see each other here again in three hours, Tempest, you can go back to your tasks." The Overlord got up and disappeared in a beam of light, whereupon the unicorn rose and give an affectionate farewell to the princess. "Very well then, please follow me." -said the Archdemon once the defense secretary left the room- The whole time she was inside the tomb, the alicorn was amazed, everything inside was of an overwhelming quality, after spending two hours reviewing what to expect in a place that seemed to be a bar, she was not even close to being tired, usually, when she got into books a lot and spent hours sitting she would cramp, but the chair she was in did not cause any discomfort, they took a 40-minute break, during which a light meal was served, after the glorious food, a heavenly dessert, was served that left both of them with a deep sense of comfort. "Well, I think it is time for us to return to the throne room, it will be three hours shortly." The male in the red suit said as he got up from his seat. "Uh? Ha! Yes, yes of course, of course." -the alicorn answered absentmindedly- I have never tasted something so delicious and I have no idea what that dessert was made of, but it was certainly divine, I don't think I can find something like it anywhere else. *Shigh* After a few minutes of walking, they were back in the throne room where their guide was answering questions about the place to an excited Twilight, but suddenly, the male cut the conversation turned back to the throne, and knelt, seeing the actions of their guide, the princess and the dragon rushed to imitate him, the next instant, the Sorcerer King appeared again on the throne with a beam of light, but this time his robe was different, instead of the black cloak with which they had received, a lustrous cloak of a deep navy blue, with gold details around the edge and buttons of a material similar to silver that had jewels that emanated a kind of aura, this was complemented by the necklace with rubies as large as the hoof of an adult pony, his staff, his rings, and even the halo of darkness behind his skull. "I hope your stay has been pleasant princess, but I am afraid that it is time to go, we must meet with the rest before leaving for the summit." The Overlord came down the stairs, but was not alone, next to him and with her ever present angelic smile was Prime Minister Albedo, dressed in a beautiful dress that accentuated her wonderful figure, it consisted of a long skirt adorned with fine lace of which the central section rose until it was lost under the top, this was formed by exquisite ruffles in the lower part and folded silk that covered and marked the shape of her breasts that, like the bullfighter jacket that only hid her shoulders and the high on her back, it was oyster white in color contrasting with the deep black of the skirt, the jacket, it had ruffles that faded at the base but were intense navy blue at the tips all the way around,the skirt and top were connected by a platinum pin with a sapphire cut in a marquise style, but almost as high as an apple, the outfit was finished with lace sleeves that anchored on the middle finger and forearm, in addition to an exquisite gold necklace with small rubies, sapphires and emeralds adorning it. "[Gate]" They hadn't even listened when the Sorcerer King cast his spell, but the magical jolt from so close brought the Equestrian out of their trance, and in shame, they crossed the portal after the Overlord. At Canterlot High, the Faust sisters were waiting for the Sorcerer King along with the M7s, however, they had not had easy days, there were no other students in the building, and the cause was simple. After photos and videos of the Sorcerer King visiting the school were posted by students on their social media and went viral that same night, government personnel showed up at the school and held the women for questioning, fortunately for them. , they had already agreed with Sunset that they would reveal everything if that happened, however, to the surprise of the officers and the women, when the secret agents tried to take them away, a group of men dressed as ninjas pushed the agents back, after that The ACE (American Council on Education) announced that the situation of the school was being investigated, as well as its permanence within the ACE was revoked, for which the classes were suspended until further notice. Celestia still couldn't believe it, that night, just as the agent was about to take her by the wrist to handcuff her, a sharp blade appeared just above the agent's neck, and before the rest could react, the others were in the same position, so they have no choice but to retire empty-handed; Luna still felt chills when she remembered the sinister voice of what was definitely not human, 'Ainz-sama order me to give these words to whoever interfered, all the administrative staff and student body of CHS are under the diplomatic protection of the sorcerer kingdom, This is the only warning, if a second offense is presented, your country will cease to exist' Suddenly, the sisters' memories and all conversation were interrupted when Sunset suddenly exclaimed. This feeling, I can't believe I didn't register it the first time. "It's here!" They all turned towards the office door, Celestia and Luna were behind the desk with Sunset while the rest of the M7 was on the side of the sofa preparing to see the imposing figure of the Sorcerer King enter, they heard a knock on the door. *Knock knock knock knock* "Come in please, it's open." -said the directress- But what entered was something that they did not expect, when the door opened, behind it was an extremely beautiful red-haired girl, with her red hair tied in two long and thick braids, she was dressed in what seemed to be a maid uniform that gave a strange mixture of innocence and sensuality, given the large opening that ran from the edge of the skirt to almost reaching the hip and the simplicity of the set and the friendly face that she wore, the most curious thing was the small headdress that she wore on the head, of which the lateral edges seemed to form a pair of canine ears. "Yoosu- good afternoon, I'm Lupusregina Beta and I was sent by Ainz-sama to pick up you, who's 'coming*' suu-?" (AN: Lupusregina is maling the word 'coming' as 'cumming') All for a moment were stunned, they could not imagine that someone so animated would work for the skeleton, after a few seconds, the sisters finally reacted, fortunately, the risque comment passed overhead for the students. "Ha! Yes, apart from Sunset Shimmer, it will be Twilight Sparkle, our best student who will be with us." -said, Celestia- "Ahem, yes, the rest are here just to say goodbye." -added Luna- "Very well then let's go, it's time suu!-" -said the pleiad leaving the office- The rest after crossing looks and quick goodbyes, followed her and when they get to the corridor they found an ovoid as dark as the night and the servant with a smile on her face who was pointing with a hand to it, directives and students exchanged glances, steeled their courage again and crossed the portal. After they had all crossed, the maid followed and after her, the portal closed. "See you suu-" "Um, well, 'a think we should go, too." -Said the farmer- They all agreed, after leaving school, Applejack, who the principal had entrusted her with the keys, closed it and they all left for Pinkie's house to watch the summit on TV. When crossing, the first thing the Equestrians noticed was that, unlike the previous times, when they crossed through the mirror, this time they had not felt the slightest discomfort or had changed physically, and instead of Arriving at CHS they arrived at what seemed to be some kind of resort, but instead of vacationers, around them there were a lot of terrifying creatures, (undead, and demons) and surprisingly, scattered sparsely among the monsters, some servants were moving around the place, after a few seconds of admiring the place, Twilight and Spike hurried to follow the Sorcerer King and prime minister who was leaving, finally they reached a fairly spacious room with tables and an exit to the terrace overlooking the sea, following the advice of the skeleton they sat on the terrace while enjoying a cold drink and when they were almost finished, the rest arrived. *Knock knock knock knock* "With your permission Ainz-sama, I have brought the representatives from Canterlot High School." Celestia, Luna, Sunset, and Twilight nervously crossed the portal, when they reached the other side and opened their eyes, the scene was not what they expected, they had assumed that they would go directly to the summit, but instead, they were in what It looked like some kind of resort hotel, which would be quite relaxing if it weren't for the creepy-crawling creatures that haunted the place. "Shi shi shi shi, I see this is your 'first time' suu-, you don't have to worry, Lupus-Oonesama will guide you down the 'most pleasurable' route." This time only Twilight missed the double meaning; While Sunset struggled to control her embarrassment to avoid blushing, the sisters looked at the maid with a frown, but before they could protest the risque comments, the maid kept talking. "Or so I would like, but Ainz-sama is waiting for you-, so we will go straight to where he is, follow me and don't go away suu-, if you are alone I cannot guarantee your safety suu-" When she said the last part, the face and the whole atmosphere that emanated from the maid changed drastically, turning cold and threatening for an instant, before disappearing immediately she turned around and started walking, after crossing looks that wondered if all they had seen the same thing, the two women and two girls followed the red-haired maid until they reached a large door. Just before the maid knocked on the door, the women witnessed another incredible transformation, the maid who had been covertly throwing spicy jokes up to now suddenly took on an attitude and aura of utter professionalism. *Knock knock knock knock* "With your permission Ainz-sama, I have brought the representatives from Canterlot High School." In everyone's mind, one thing was very clear at that moment, the Sorcerer King's subordinates felt the same deep fear and adoration towards him. "Good work Lupusregina, you can leave." -Said the skeleton- After receiving permission, the maid bowed and left, closing the door behind her. Mhn? What's wrong, why did they get that face?-the Overlord thought and followed their gazes- Ha, I see, so that's what it's about. "P-Princess Twilight? How come you're still in pony form?" -Asked Sunset- Meanwhile, the sisters and Twilight felt that they would get cavities because of how adorable the pony was, so it took them a few seconds to react to the redhead's question. "What?! That's Princess Twilight!" -exclaimed Celestia- "How?! That's Princess Twilight!" -second Luna- "Is that the other me?!" -Twilight yelled in disbelief- Well as fun as this is, there is a lot to do. -the Overlord thought before interrupting- "I know you surely have many questions, but they will have to wait until later, it is time to leave for the summit, I suggest you relax, your main function will be to answer questions and/or provide clarifications, [Gate]" The hole, in reality, appeared with the command of the Sorcerer King in the center of the room and he began to walk towards it with albedo two steps behind, seeing this the others rushed to follow his example. Well it's time, let the show begin. -Ainz thought as he crossed- > Cleaning the house Second part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the room where the summit was held, the noise was deafening, everyone was arguing and the room was much more crowded than usual, in addition to the representatives of each nation, in the room there were twice the usual reporters with equipment state-of-the-art and dressed as if they were reporting from a war zone, the moderator tried to restore order in the room without any success, however, when the portal appeared in the back, all conversation stopped and immediately all reporters began to transmit. "Here he is, the Sorcerer King is coming!" -spoke to the camera an African reporter- "Dear viewers it seems that the judgment of the world is about to begin." -Commented the English reporter- "The Sorcerer King is coming, it seems that the summit is finally going to start." -Said the Mexican reporter- All the reporters opened the transmission with similar phrases or variations of the final judgment, surprise, uncertainty and in some very rare cases, professional neutrality. From the hole in reality, the first to emerge was the sorcerer king, followed by the prime minister who stole the breath of all the assistants and viewers with her elegant and seductive beauty, previously, her white dress exposed her shoulders and sides to her hips, this time the dress covered her entire body except for her hands and the sides of her abdomen, behind both of them, figures that had not appeared before arrived, two women, two young girls and a horse? With a lizard on its back? As soon as they finished crossing, the portal closed, then, the women and the pony formed in a line behind the sorcerer king without making noise or looking away, while to the right of this was the prime minister. As the skeleton began to move forward, the moderator hurriedly left the podium and was replaced by Ainz, who slowly glanced at everyone present. Hmh, just as I thought, there are a lot more reporters now, good. "Well, since the moderator decided to give me the floor, I will start from the beginning, a week ago I appeared in this place, and I warned you about the events that are to come, I warned that your world only had months left before collapsing after the investigation of my subordinates, we found the origin of the division, studying it, it was finally possible to define how much time this world has left." After a long pause to allow reporters to translate his words, he dropped the bomb. "This world only has eight months to live, of which only the next three will be relatively peaceful, in the fourth natural disasters will begin to happen and after this, it will be uninhabitable until it reaches its complete destruction." The news caused a commotion around the globe, all those who believed the words of the skeleton were overwhelmed, those who were not sure whether to believe them or not were careful not to lose a word and form their decision and those who despised them launched insults and curses, ensuring that everything was a plan of some other nation to gain more power, and these were the ones that were closest to reality... but not as they believed. "However, as I said before, this does not mean that everyone will die, there is a safe place to evacuate to, but for that option to be available it will be necessary to reach agreements; on the other side of the division of the worlds, Multiple and proud nations rise up, and since only two of them have the ability to offer the option that will allow you to live, first it will be necessary for you to know who we are talking about, obviously one of those nations is mine, the Sorcerer Kingdom, which is composed of multiple races that inhabit a great territorial extension, the great majority of these represent minorities compared to the world." Mmmn, well it seems that there is no negative reaction to my kingdom. -After taking a second to observe the room, he continued- "The second nation that can help you is also the one that represents the vast majority of the population, the kingdom of Equestria, which is governed by a semi-constitutional diarchy, at the head of this are sisters, two mares of the Alicorn race who have ruled for over a thousand years and ensured the prosperity of their nation." These words provoked the first reaction, curiosity, disbelief and doubt could be seen in those present, the question abounded, 'How is it possible for a nation to be ruled by horses?' "But I am not the first to make contact with this world, I am only the one who decided to know all the details, who made the first contact were the Equestrians, using an incomplete portal they managed to pass matter from one world to another, the ladies who accompany me right now they are Canterlot High School Principal Celestia Faust, vice Principal Luna Faust, honor student Twilight Sparkle, the first Equestrian to cross into this world voluntarily, Sunset Shimmer." The statement that the redhead was not an ordinary girl caused surprise and curiosity, the sisters had managed to remain calm when introduced, but the girls were smiling and waving nervously. "And finally, the representative of Equestria, the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike the dragon." This was the straw that broke the camel's back, the room erupted into murmurs and after a while, loud comments began to be heard stating that it was all a farce prepared by some other nation, comments of disbelief that denounced the words as ridiculous, and in Many faces could be seen in doubt about the information received. Only one reporter had the courage to ask the question in everyone's mind, she raised her hand and waited for permission to speak, realizing it, Ainz pointed towards her and spoke. "Yes, what is your question?" The reporter lowered her hand, stood up, gulped and began to speak. "Iztli Xcaret, from Televisa Mexico, excuse me your highness, but how is it possible that a group of horses formed a nation? It is something difficult to accept." "Mhm, yes, I know there will be many questions, those who accompany me have been brought to answer those doubts after I finish my explanation, now, as I was saying, the object that caused the division of the world is already in my possession, it was located in a secret North American facility where they kept implements and objects that I believe caused the division in the first place, and yes, I have check if it is possible to simply reinforce the barrier, but unfortunately it is not possible due to the fact that the object can't be reused until the barrier has collapsed, at which point anything I do to maintain the current state will be totally useless." After giving a moment for the news to be absorbed by those present, the sorcerer king came down from the podium, everyone wondered why he was leaving, but then, a hole in reality opened on one side of the room and a group of servants came out of it, in addition to three huge creatures in armor, of which two carried a luxurious table that seemed to be quite heavy, they were certainly knights, but their appearance did not reflect at all what was described in human history, the figures They were more an incarnation of violence, it was about DK, of which, the first one approached the podium and ripped it from the base, removing it to the side, the other two placed the table in the center covering the space where the podium was and they withdrew again, later, a group of servants carrying chairs and other implements, they prepared the table quickly, a tablecloth as white as snow was spread on it, others placed a jug of water on each side of the table, in addition to multiple sculptured glass cups and when they retired the portal was closed, then, the creatures that had previously blocked the entrances, hurried and placed microphones on the table in front of each seat, plus one in the hole left in the center. All the reporters and representatives were stunned at the display of power and did not come out of their trance until a huge white marble throne with golden veins materialized just as the sorcerer king was about to sit in the void. "Well, now we are ready to start this conference, moderator, if you don't mind?" With these words from the sorcerer king, the moderator nodded, took the wireless microphone that was on the podium and stood a few steps to the left of the table; reporters scrambled to raise their hands trying to be the first to get permission to ask their questions. The summit went as expected, questions were asked to the Sorcerer King whether the division of the world could not simply be repeated afterwards, but the response was discouraging, it could be repeated, but nothing could be restored, everything would simply be returned to its original form, the object did not have the capacity to recreate an entire civilization, more questions were asked about the Sorcerer Kingdom and then the topic changed to the adults, the first thing that was asked of them after they gave their names and occupation, was to know what they had to do in the current events, great was the surprise when they revealed to be the ones who received the first current contact with the magic of Equestria, the portal at the base of the statue at the entrance of CHS was revealed and it was revealed that the opening of this was from the Equestrian side, when they were asked to clarify why they had said 'current', the floor was given to one of the young women, the redhead. "Ahem, yeah, *uf*, my name is Sunset Shimmer, I am... despite my actual appearance, I am not human, I am an Equestrian Unicorn, my appearance is similar to yours because of the portal through which I reached this world, but... I am not the only one who has come from my world, according to an investigation in the Canterlot archives that was prompted by an incident with a magical object, multiple objects that in my world are considered too dangerous for their negative effects, were sent to 'a world without magic' in the hope that they would lose their properties in the case of objects, or their powers in the case of individuals; um, yeah?" -Sunset said pointing to one of the reporters- "Al Jazeera Quick Pen!, Ms. Shimmer, what do you mean by 'incident'? Could you describe it?" *Shigh* "Almost a year ago, one of the CHS students found a relic of Equestria, it was capable of erasing the memories of an individual, or the memories of everyone about an individual, but thanks to my friends and the bond that unites us, we were able to destroy said relic, rendering it unusable." Following this, more questions arose about the things that had been sent into the world; After a while of talking about what she knew, as well as the Sirens event and revealing that the Dazzlings were indeed magical creatures from Equestria, the topic reached the friendship games, where the word was given to Twilight. "Oh hehe, *hee uuf*, previously I was a Cristal Prep student, I was mainly engaged in advanced projects, back then, my instruments picked up mysterious signals and I gathered information about the aforementioned events by Sunset Shimmer, these pointed to one place, CHS, so I put together a portable detector to locate that mysterious energy signature, unfortunately my device did not work as I expected, it ended up absorbing the magic of everything I was trying to analyze, when I released it under pressure from my colleagues and the then director Miss Finch, this one anchored to the nearest container, myself, there I learned something that is basic knowledge of Equestria, stolen magic is corrupted and corrupts whoever tries to use it, I am sure that the videos that my current colleagues uploaded to the 'My Stable' platform are still on the internet, I think that of all the events it was the only one that was successfully registered on the web; After all the events and having my current friends help me get rid of the corrupted magic, I transfered to CHS and have been helping Sunset understand how magic works in our world; Yes?" Hearing these words, many of the viewers and some of the summit attendees used their mobile phones to surf the net and search for these videos, which they found allowed them to understand the girl's words perfectly, but as far as finished his story a reporter raised his hand before the rest. "CNN correspondent Bold Print, you say magic behaves differently between worlds?" "That's right, at least as far as we understand it, I think Princess Twilight Sparke can give a better answer than I can on this." This comment unleashed a series of murmurs and expressions of discomfort, no one knew how it would be possible to communicate with a horse, and when the princess caught a specific comment she could not resist the annoyance. "I don't know how to neigh nor do I understand neighing, do you?" -Asked a reporter with curly hair and pearly skin- "AHEM! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't make those kinds of embarrassing sounds, I'm perfectly capable of speaking like any other Equestrian, thank you very much." -he said with a clearly annoyed tone- This shook everyone present and they immediately began to raise their hands to ask questions. After taking a moment to calm down and take a deep breath, the alicorn started. "You" "Public Speech, from Euronews, Princess Twilight, how did your races come to be possible?" "Hmmm, the answer to that question is long and complicated, I don't think we have the time for it, but, in short, the abundance of magic in our world, allowed lesser creatures to gain better cognitive abilities and develop new abilities, you" The redhead was in awe of how her friend acted like a fish in water during the conference. who could tought it, I would never have expected it after the first impression, it seems that she finally decided to embrace her position. The questions continued, on basic things, the governmental structure, cities, their technological development and multiple general topics until the issue of races was touched upon. "Excuse me princess, but in your world is it normal for unicorns to have wings?" -Asked a plump reporter- "Mhn?, ah, no, in Equestria there are a multitude of races, but the vast majority are divided into three; the earth ponies are capable of heavy work, plowing, cultivating and many other tasks that require strength or perseverance, they do not have neither wings nor horns, the Pegasi are in charge of controlling the weather, as well as making sure that the seasons come and go on time, they have wings, but no horns, they are also shorter and thinner in complexion than earth ponies, and unicorns are the ones who mainly deal with all the tasks that require finesse, control or special adaptability, such as dressmakers, decorators and others, of course the only ones with an exclusive task are the Pegasi, but sometimes you can find members of other races doing jobs they wouldn't normally do." A reporter who had previously asked about the socio-political organization chart was again selected. "If so, then what race do you belong to?" "I am one of the 5 alicorns that exist in Equestria, and each one of us represents or is proficient in something, Princess Celestia 'Sol Invicta' Faust, has ruled Equestria for more than a thousand years and is in charge of moving the sun, her sister Luna 'Dream Walker' Faust, is in charge of moving the moon, organizing the night sky and taking care of the dreams of the ponies, the princess Mi Amore Cadenza, rules the crystal empire, she can control love, helps relationships to to flourish or to stay together in the face of adversity, the fourth is my niece and daughter of the princess of love, Flurry Heart, unfortunately we still do not know what her affinity is, she is still too small for it, yes?"-she finished pointing to a reporter - "Sweet Words, princess, of the Univision network, when you say that they 'take care of', you do not mean in a literal sense... or? I mean, there is nothing that can do such feats or live for so long." "My words are literal, the Faust sisters have more than a thousand years on the throne and move the heavenly bodies, and as for living so long, as far as I know, we alicorns are immortal, our death will never come from natural causes, although I'm sure there are creatures that have lived even longer." -said the alicorn throwing a look at the Overlord that did not go unnoticed by anyone- "I apologize princess, but I couldn't help but notice it," -said a reporter who had previously asked about Equestria's technological level- "but, you share the name with the student Twilight Sparkle, and the names you have given from the diarchy are shared by the CHS principal and vice principal respectively, except for titles, why is this?" "To tell the truth, this is something that we realized from the first time both Sunset and I came to this world, and it has to do with the initial question about magic, originally the worlds were vastly different due to that ours always had magic, while yours did not, currently our two planes share a certain connection in the areas where there is a greater leakage of magic, which resulted in partial coincidences regarding the lives of the settlers, and the extreme physical resemblance between subjects on both sides, but we did not find out about this until thanks to the Sorcerer King and his much deeper understanding of magic, we discovered the cause and extent of this, in Equestria there are the elements of the harmony, these were considered simply magical artifacts of great power, but really they were only a means of interaction of the tree of harmony, or only harmony, as we know it today, it is a presence that until recently was basically incorporeal, a kind of silent guardian from our world that has patiently guided it towards harmony and peace, we believe that part of his magic reached this side, creating a kind of sapling of itself here, which is still developing; Yes?." "Princess, if both you and Sunset Shimmer are from Equestria, why are you not in human form?" -Asked a reporter who had previously asked why diarchs were named princesses and not queens, after receiving permission to speak- "That is because this time I did not use the portal that we normally use, as I mentioned before, we are keeping it closed to prevent the flow of ambient magic from increasing disproportionately, for this meeting, the sorcerer king had the kindness to allow me to cross through a portal of his make, which is much more stable than CHS's." "Princess, Xiao Ming (XD) of the Xinhua network, did you mention that this guardian 'guide', what do you mean by that, that is, can it physically interfere in the world?" "Not exactly, according to what we know about harmony, it makes sure to sow the seeds of friendship, loyalty, honesty, laughter, generosity and magic necessary to improve the peace and good relations of the inhabitants around it, it does not force anyone to do anything , only shows them the option and the most exemplary representatives of each of these facets receive magic from it to extend his influence, although in this world I think there is an additional element that I do not know, in Equestria there are six elements of harmony, while here there are seven, in fact that is the only clue we have that it is not the influence of the same tree, but of a sapling, a new entity." Questions continued to rain down on those present for another hour and would have continued had it not been for the Overlord standing up, taking the microphone again, interrupting to return to the main topic. "Very well, I think that is enough of generalities, all these topics will be expanded more widely in the document that will be made available to the nation that wishes to know more; now you already know more about what is on the other side of the division, It's time for us to start the real discussion." Hearing the words of the sorcerer king, the reporters retreated to the edges of the room, but the cameramen stayed to closely convey the reactions of everyone present, then the King continued. "The heart of the matter is simple, you do not have much time to choose, I recommend that you do it wisely, some areas will be protected in a specific way by my troops, these are the ones that will pass the other side with the least possible damage, those areas have no choice, those that remain within Equestria will remain under the discretion of this, while those that remain in the territories that belong to me, will be my subjects from that moment, however, this does not mean that the rest will simply be doomed, each nation will be presented with the same opportunities, "-Ainz raised his right hand as if to snap his fingers, and at that moment everything froze appearing to have lost color- Hehehehe, [Silent Magic: Time Stop] activated without no problem, excellent. The Overlord took out a large number of documents from his inventory and placed them on the table in front of him. Well let's hope everything works out, the tests I did were promising, if it doesn't work I'll just quickly do it myself. Gathering all his concentration, he focused on the sensations he had when using magic as a unicorn, he needed it since he was still an absolute novice in this magic and although he had been practicing hard in his spare time, teleporting multiple objects to different directions to the target at once it was somewhat complicated, luckily, having investigated the mind of the master of chaos gave him ideas for some shortcuts that so far were helping him a lot, and with a quite dark flash of blood red color, the stack of papers disappeared and a copy of the document appeared in front of each one of the representatives of the nations, satisfied with the result, he resumed the position he had and canceled the spell, as time advanced again, the snap gathered the attention of everyone in front. *Snap* "The document in front of you is the initial and only proposal of the sorcerer kingdom, whether you accept it or not is left up to your discretion." Everyone lowered their eyes and in disbelief held the document that had appeared in front of each one, incredibly they were written in the respective language of each nation, while everyone was stunned, the little dragon took out a large amount of scrolls from the princess's saddlebags and I place them on the table, then a slight lavender glow caught everyone's attention up front again. "This is Equestria's initial proposal for nations who wish to take refuge with us." -said the alicorn as she floated a scroll to each representative, when she finished, the Overlord continued speaking- "Well, I know that you are all merely representatives of your nations, so we will give you some time to discuss the documents with your pertinent aides and/or chambers, in a week we will return to hold a closed-door meeting and hear your final responses, for now, we are ending this information session, Albedo, distribute the documents with the additional information for the nations and receive any proposals they wish to submit." "It will be done as Ainz-sama orders." -answered the Succubus bowing her head- The rest got up from their seats and retired through the portal that the Overlord had just opened, the biggest surprise was that the marble throne disappeared in an infinity number of light specks when the sorcerer king got up, when the only remaining in the hall was the prime minister and the creatures who had set the table and the microphones, the conversation resumed. "Let's start at once, I don't want to keep Ainz-sama waiting." -said Albedo as she took out and arranged a number of folders on the table- Having crossed the portal, the group was back in the room from which they left the resort, served drinks and took their seats after the King did. *Shigh* Luckily they didn't throw any difficult questions at me, all that remains is to send them home. "Now that we are finished, the presence of all of you will no longer be necessary for the next meeting, in the next one it will only be necessary the presence of Princess Twilight," -the skeleton took a seat on a large sofa- "However, I recommend that you move temporarily to CHS for your own safety, I also recommend moving to the rest of your friends Miss Sunset. " "What is your majesty referring to? Why is it necessary?" -Asked the redhead after having dropped on a sofa accompanied by the others- "It is quite simple, at this moment you have become targets of the different governments to try to obtain information that they think you have, in addition, at this moment the school is basically a conjoined Sorcerer/Equestrian consulate, so you will be safe inside, while we were in the summit my subordinates were in charge of adapting classrooms as bedrooms and moving your belongings to them and explaining the situation to your friends; Touching on this topic, for now my troops are guarding the school, but I think it would be better for Equestria to provide adequate security for the consulate." -finished looking at the princess- "Hmmm, I think I understand what your majesty means, I'll make sure to bring adequate protection, I'm sure the diarchy will approve the decision." "Mhm, then I will leave, later someone will come to send you home, for now relax a bit." -Said the Overlord as he stood up and headed towards the door- The Equesters rose to their feet and, bowing slightly, dismissed him. "Thank you for your hospitality." While all this was going on, a group was meeting discussing recent events. "None of this makes any sense!" -Shouted a man in a suit- "Of course it has, it's all a trap, that creature wants to get all of our resources!" -shouted a man dressed in military clothing- "That is something obvious, none of the things that he said would happen have been presented, nothing has changed besides that now the creatures are contained or annihilated as soon as they appear." -said a bald and thin man who wore an elegant suit- "Without a doubt, all this seems to be a fallacy, a ploy to deceive us, but there are two things that bother me, how was it that it resisted the shots of the most advanced firearm without visible armor or something that generates a shield and how is that he killed Patriot Charm, do we have the autopsy results yet? " -Asked the figure at the head of the table- "That's right Mr. President." It was the cabinet of the North American government, the president and all his secretaries, twelve people in total. "Why did they take so long with them?" "The tests were repeated several times because the results seemed implausible to them." "Well? Hurry to give the results!" "The only damage to Patriot was his heart, it was..." "Poisoned, drugged, sick, WHAT?" -the president was already beginning to despair- "No, his heart just exploded inside his chest, but not from internal pressure, it was crushed… by a hand." Three figures were hidden by the shadows of the forest, gathered at the foot of Mount Canter as the sun began to rise. "So what is the plan? Where do we attack first?" -asked the centaur as he looked towards the city on the mountain- "Mmmmnh, I say that the best thing is to divide and attack from all sides, besides, I am almost sure that if that irritating lizard of Discord left the swamp alive, it went straight to the castle to warn the princesses, we should not commit the same mistakes from the past, I think we should split up like this…. " With a sinister smile on her face, Chrysalis proposed her plan to the other villains. "And that's all that happened at the summit of the nations on the other side of the mirror." -finished the youngest alicorn- After having made a quick stop in Poniville to rest and have something to eat, Twilight had left for Canterlot on the next train along with her friends who also wanted to hear everything that happened, after arriving they were received immediately and spent until late at night giving her report on the events. "I see, so my other me, her sister and Sunset helped you form an initial proposal for the representatives of the nations?" -said the monarch of the sun- "That is correct, Princess Celestia." "Twilight, I have already told you many times that you do not need to continue giving me titles, now we are equals, you can just call me Celestia, and will you have a copy of that proposal? I would like to read it." "Sure, here is pri… *shigh* Celestia" As the two looked at each other fondly, the princess of the night spoke. "And you say that he assure you that the Starswirl portal was incomplete? I still do not believe that, we all know that the spell allowed to open portals to an infinity of worlds, Celestia herself visited many of them, yourselves helped correct one of them!" *Shigh* "It's true, but when I made those same points in front of the king, his answer was quite simple, in fact, there were three questions, the first was that 'if in any of those trips we change shape? I remember in none of the stories of the… of Celestia or the reality that we visited, something like this happened, the second was that if we had been able to cross something from one world to another, apart from the travelers themselves," "Now that you mention it," -interrupted the monarch of the sun, looking away from the document to see the others- "in all the trips our clothes always changed and we were never able to keep a single memento." "And the third," -continued the youngest of the princesses- "was that if any of the other worlds opened automatically; when I realized that only one of all the mirror worlds of which we knew something or have visited, fulfilled all the conditions, then he explained to me that towards the object that divided the worlds, he told me that it was a book, an extremely powerful grimoire, with which its bearer could divide anything and separate attributes of a single object, creating two independent, at the same time that it create samples of minor changes that were getting closer and closer to the final product, a kind of trail around it, which no matter how extensive they were, did not reach beyond a continent." "S-so, all those worlds, were they fake? Mere lies?" -asked Celestia in dismay, who had finished reading the document halfway through her explanation and passed it on to her sister- "No, as I understood, they are samples of possibilities, basically tangible but immaterial at the same time, in short, they are not concrete facts." The princess approached her former mentor to comfort her, after all, that Sombra version was apparently the only love the monarch had had in her long life and when she began to calm down, the door to the throne room opened suddenly. "Celestia! An emergency!" -the Draconequus came in shouting, attracting everyone's gaze- *GHASPH* His appearance was quite bad, it seemed that he had run non-stop for several days through the wild territory, he was covered with dirt, leaves and all kinds of forest debris everywhere, he found himself covered with a lot of scrapes, bumps and scratches , but most shocking of all was that he looked completely and utterly fatigued, so much so that as soon as he reached the middle of the throne room screaming he collapsed on the floor. "DISCORD!" When they saw him collapse, they all approached him in a hurry, but it seemed simply that he had succumbed to exhaustion, something normal... which was exactly the strange thing, when the master of chaos was surrounded, he sat down and began to massage his dragon leg . "So these are the 'joys' of walking, I never thought I'd miss the convenience of finger snapping so much." "What happened to you, you look very bad, and what do you mean by emergency, what happened?" -Asked the princess of the night- "Ouch ouch ouch, *shigh* you see, a few days ago I felt another great magic pulse, but I learned my lesson the last time, it did not transport me directly to it, but I got close enough and saw that it was a place that I already knew, I kept approaching the source discreetly and when I arrived I saw three familiar faces, there in Grogar's old lair were Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. " "Wait a minute," -interrupted the speedster- "you said the 'old lair of Grogar', like, 'THE' Gorgar, wasn't it just an old legend?" "Mhn? Oh, no, of course not, Grogar was as real as you or me, I don't know how they got his bell, not even I was able to get it out, it was well hidden with ancient magic." "Let's focus on the problem with the hoof," -interrupted Celestia- "ignore for the moment about the lair, I'm sure the three would not be a challenge to you in their normal state, what happened?" "To tell the truth, I have good news and bad news for you." "You're saying it's not the bad news! What could be worse than those three vermin getting out of Tartarus?!" -yelled Applejack annoyed- "Excuse me, but they took all my magic from me, for me there is no worse news than that." -he answered indignantly- "Your magic was stolen? But that's impossible, Tirek need to absorb the magic of all of Equestria before he can steal yours the last time." -exclaimed Twilight surprised- "That's only half the bad news, the other is that for some reason I'm not getting it back, even though it was several days ago, I think it's an effect of Grogar's bell, I don't know how they found it , or they managed to obtain it, but as I saw they appropriated all their magic that was locked inside, now all three are quite powerful." "And then what is the good one?" Fluttershy asked. "When they stole my magic and believed that I had escaped, they stopped considering me as a threat and I could hear their plan," -the master of chaos tried to sink the mares into their memories with a snap of his fingers, but it didn't work- *groan* "well I'll have to give you the short version, they plan to undermine the friendship between the races of Equestria to disable the power of the elements so they are not a risk to their plans to dominate the world," -a sudden metallic laugh interrupted to the draconequus- "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" -but as soon as the center of all eyes was seen the automaton stopped- "Turing dear, you're feeling fine, I don't think what Discord is saying is something to laugh about." -Rarity said with a face between apprehensive and disapproving- "I am sorry if my reaction was inappropriate, but I understand that it is normal when something is funny to someone." "Exactly what was funny to you, Rinni (PP's nickname for Turing), I don't quite see it as funny." -answer to everypony's surprise Pinkie Pie- "Understandably, I don't know them, but judging by your faces, I'm sure they can dominate all of Equestria if they're cunning enough, but it's hilarious to think of them defeating the Sorcerer King." "And what makes you think that, Turing." -Asked the alicorn alabaster- "When my father's trial took place, after he repaired me, while explaining what happened, the sorcerer king used a spell on me that I was able to analyze, I'm not sure of its name, but it allows me to see the amount of mana in a creature or object, I have used it a few times, but always when I am fully charged, the spell consumes a good part of all my reserves, with the results I can assure that a powerful unicorn like Starlight is like a pond of magic, alicorns are like a medium lake in comparison, Discord is like a large lake, and considering the ease with which the sorcerer king uses his portal spell that consumes almost the magic of a large lake, I reckon he is like a great ocean." "Ok, I think we all got your point," -said Twilight after a long awkward silence- "for now we have to prepare, Spike, send a message to Starswirl, gather the pillars, we will need as much help as possible, thell them to take care to protect the edge of the capital, then send a letter to Shiny and Cadence, they will be our last line of defense in case everything goes wrong, I will warn Starlight, with Chrysalis loose, I'm sure she will soon turn in to her objective; they think they have us in their clutches, what they don't know is that now we understand better the harmony and magic of friendship, so we have to show them how wrong they are." "Well, in the meantime, we will take it upon ourselves to reinforce the vigilance of the city and prepare for the combat to come." -Luna added firmly- *Pirip pirip pirip pirip* 'Ainz-sama' "Mhm? What's wrong Albedo?" 'We have received the latest report from Chrysalis, the group of villains are about to start their attack.' The flames in the sockets of the master of life and death glowed brighter, he was pleased. > Cleaning the house Third part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire defense organization was going well, in the crystal empire, Cadence and Shining were in charge of reinforcing as much as they could the defenses of the citadel, meanwhile, on the outskirts of Canterlot the pillars were already watching the passage, ready For any contingency, in Poniville, Trixie and Starlight made sure to take all the local students from the school of friendship through the glass tunnels under the town, but not before having transported the students of the other kingdoms as close to their homes as possible, only the Young Six was left, but just as they were wrapping up, the first signs of trouble were heard. "STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" The thunderous voice with a reverberation of the former changeling queen was heard everywhere, she was flying over the town in search of her prey. "WHERE IS THE PONY I WANT TO DESTROY, COME OUT AND FACE ME!" After saying goodbye to Trixie, the pale lilac unicorn saw that her enemy was flying nearby, so taking a deep breath to control her nerves, she concentrated and disappeared from the library, to reappear a moment later on the roof of the school. "Ahh, just the headmistress I wanted to see, mhahaha!" The former queen stood on the roof in front of the unicorn while laughing maliciously. "I'm sorry, but you didn't make an appointment, grraaaaahh!" Jumping out suddenly, she caught Chrysails off guard, and as soon as they were in contact they both disappeared with a flash of turquoise. *POP* Following the inertia of the push, the changeling fell to the ground, but what was under her was not grass, no, what she felt was ice and under that frozen layer there was hard and rough rock only. What?! snow?! how did she do it?! "What is this place?! Where did you bring us?!" -the ex-queen shouted- "To a place where you can't hurt anyone." -the unicorn answered confidently- "Mhahahaha, wrong, I can hurt you!" With a scream full of thirst for revenge, the Changeling launched a magic beam with the intention of measuring the forces of the unicorn, but it eluded her by teleporting, to the annoyance of her attacker, the battle seemed to last a while and would be of great speed, but after several evasions, Chrysalis released a burst of energy close enough and the explosion hit the unicorn in the side, throwing her against a ledge, where she fell, losing consciousness for a second. "AAARRRRRGGGGHH!, stay still so I can hit you!" *POP* "Yes of course not!" *Foooossssshh* *boom* "GHAAA!" *plof* "Ugh" It's not just stronger, it's MUCH stronger than before, huh? Yeah! That will do! *POP* After shaking, she saw that a few meters above there was a large ledge covered with a thick layer of snow and she teleport just below it when Chrysalis saw where the unicorn escaped the former queen flew to where she was near to the cliff to try to surprise her, but she was met with a beam of energy to the face, from which she quickly recovered. *Fooosssshh* "GHAAA!, You will pay for this!" "Put it in my account" *POP* The unicorn disappeared and reappeared falling a few meters behind the changeling, making sure that it could not react, immediately launched a beam of energy at the ledge behind Chrysalis, causing a huge avalanche, and immediately teleported to the ground, just outside the area of collapse. "Oh, my-" -was all the ex-queen managed to say before being buried by the snow and debris- Once immobilized by the weight accumulated on her, she took a second to analyze everything that happened- *shigh* I still can't control this power, I'm sure the same thing happens to Cozy, probably the one who has more experience with this level is Tirek, but I didn't expect the bell to increase not only my magic, it also increased my speed and physical strength, following Demiurge-sama's indication to try my new powers without pushing too hard to understand them first, was a good idea, it's terrifying how smart that demon is, but it's time to finish this nonsense, I already verified that she is no rival for me and can't hurt me, JA!, I hardly even feel the full weight that is on me right now! Chrysalis's thirst for revenge so far was truly nothing more than a performance, but not everything came from herself, probably, if she had not known what true power is, everything she had done so far would not have been a performance, and that bothered her, now that she could see everything clear, with a cool head, she could recognize all the mistakes that she would have made otherwise, now there was only one more thing left to do here. Starlight took a few seconds to breathe and watch the debris and snow settle, after finally catching her breath, she turned around and began to retreat from the mountain, that bitter place where she had known defeat for the first time, but now it was a place that represented a great victory, or so she hoped, but after barely taking two steps a huge explosion threw her several meters into the ground, knocking her unconscious. *BOOOOM!* "Waaah!" *plof* "uuugggh" *faint* Seeing her target finally at her mercy, the former queen pounced on her and quickly wrapped her in a cocoon made from the silk produced from her throat, almost like a spider, and the swift rotating movement woke the unicorn up again. "Huh? Whoaahaa!" Hay, I thought it would last longer unconscious, now I have to get back on paper. "But now that I have you in my power, I can enjoy my revenge for as long as I want, Mnahahahaahahahahahahaha!" Maintaining a malevolent expression as she held the cocoon firmly between her hooves, the changeling rose to acknowledge her surroundings as she laughed, and as soon as she settled in, again continued with the pre-set plans, flying at full speed toward Canterlot south of her position. On the outskirts of Canterlot, two figures were flying over the area, very attentive to their surroundings, suddenly one of the pegasi believed to have heard something in the distance, it was Flash Magnus, one of the pillars of Equestria, trying to identify the sound, It floated motionless in place for a moment, then a rapid hiss was carried through the air to his ears. Mhn? What is that? It sounds like an arrow, but it is much louder as if it were something much bigger. A second later, a huge pebble of earth exploded against his back, damaging his wings only partially, thanks to his trusty shield that he always carried over it, however, the damage was enough to prevent him from staying afloat, as he fell and enduring the pain as much as he could, reduced his speed as much as possible using his injured wings, while he brought the shield in front of him to reduce the damage of the fall and if possible avoid it from being fatal. In the distance, a sound of something breaking apart caught Somnambula's attention, making her turn in that direction, a cloud of dust was suspended in the air and after paying a little more attention to the scene, she noticed the yellow pegasus that was falling quickly and she immediately understood the situation, jumping to the rescue. *Ghasp* "FLASH!" ARRRRGGGGHh, it hurts so much!, I haven't lost any speed, I think that's all for me. -This was the last thought that crossed the mind of the pegasus in free fall, before closing his eyes and gritting his teeth waiting for the impact- But the impact with the ground never came, a few meters from the ground he felt a tug under his armpits, but he did not register it until he opened his eyes, when he looked at them, peach-colored hooves entered his sight and when he lifted it, a face covered in sweat, but with a big smile received him and was gently lowered to the floor. "*Heee fuuu heeee fuuu* I *heee fuuu* I got *heee fuuu* you." A few seconds later, the rest were next to them, and immediately Rockhoof, who was the second to arrive, just after Starswirl, began to check the injured pegasus and question about what happened. "Somnambula, Flash, are you okay? What happened to you? Did you see who-!" But he was quickly interrupted by the unicorn with the great white beard. "Could you see where the thing that took Magnus down came from?" -asked the sorcerer severely- The injured pegasus only shook his head, but the one who responded was the turquoise-maned pegasus that had finally caught its breath. "Me neither, I only saw the cloud of dust in the air, as soon as I realized that Flash was falling I launched to help him." "This is bad, I think so-" Starswirl's words were cut off by an approaching background sound, it sounded like a stampede heading towards them and approaching rapidly, with the sound of a great blow on the ground to the noise momentarily ceased, the next instant, a few meters from them, a huge figure fell from the sky, it was the Cypriot centaur who smiled evilly at his targets. When Starswirl realized that their enemy was in front of them, he immediately began to attack and in the next instant, the others followed suit. Huh? What is this? I hardly feel their attacks, does this mean that the bell works very differently from how I do it? Well it doesn't matter, hahahaha, not only do I have more magic, now I'm stronger, faster, and much more resistant! hahaha. Tirek cut off his internal monologue as Rockhoof was speeding towards him; Raising one of his front hooves he hit the ground with all his might, causing a good part in front of him to snap up, and a rock that the land pony was unable to evade due to the speed he was charging appeared in his path, he crashed headlong into the new bulge and temporarily lost consciousness, while Mistmane and Starswirl constantly attacked him, Flash was a couple of steps ahead of them with his shield, ready for whatever the centaur might throw at them, while Mage, the earth pony hurled her potions at Tirek from behind the three of them. Everything seemed to indicate that they could easily retain the villain until Rockhoof regained consciousness, but when Somnambula tried to attack his back, the centaur took her from the air and with a quick movement threw her on the rest, knocking them all down, with a machiavellian laugh leaned over and absorbed all the magic from the pile of ponies. "Mmmmuha, delicious, age-seasoned magic, definitely great." "NOOOOOOO!" Rockhoof, who had just regained consciousness, lunged at the centaur, but was easily contained and received the same treatment as the rest, when Tirek finished, he took the 6 on his magic and entered Canterlot without considerable opposition. In the throne room, the elements, the diarchs, Discord, and Turing were gathered, the group was fine-tuning the details of their defense plan. "The pillars are parked on the outskirts of the city, they are ready for any event." -said the monarch of the night- Seeing the concerned face of her former student, the monarch of the sun added her opinion to calm her down. "You don't have to worry about them, Starswirl is a pony with a good head on his shoulders, if he is outmatched, he will escape to warn us of any problems he finds." *Shigh* "I can't help it, I'm worried for his and Starlight's safety, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling, *shigh* but I can't let that cloud my decisions!" -she finished firmly receiving the approval of those present- "Without a doubt," -continued the youngest of the Alicorns- "this is the darkest hour that Equestria has ever faced, all of them are dangerous enemies that we have faced before, however, we always come out victorious, this time will not be different, they think they have disabled the elements of harmony, they think they have victory assured, but we will show them that they are wrong!" The words of the alicorn were received with cheers and words of acceptance by all those present, the only ones who did not shout were the diarchs, they just exchanged glances and smiled at each other, they both shared the same thought, 'she is ready', after a couple of hours and much discussion, they had finished adjusting their plans and everyone took their respective positions, the elements and Discord, hid behind the throne while the diarchs and Twilight stood in front of it, stoic, waiting for the arrival of their enemies, and they did not have to wait long, when they began to feel uneasy about not receiving news from the pillars, sounds of battle began to be heard outside the throne room, these lasted only a moment and then the doors were opened suddenly. *SLAM* "Cozy Glow!" -the purple alicorn spat with disgust- "OH! How considerate! Were you waiting for me?" "Cozy Glow, are you…" -Twilight began- Rising a bit in the air, to be threatening, the alicorn began to speak but was quickly interrupted by the mini-villain. "About to sweep the floor with you!" With a cry from the dwarf pony, she released a magic beam, interrupting the alicorn's thought, who was knocked down as she fell by the distraction. *FFOOOOSSSSHHH* "GHHAAA!" *plomf* However, she quickly rejoined, helped by the diarchs who had also been surprised by the unexpected attack; a group of guards galloped in to support the princesses but was quickly dispatched by Cozy, transporting them to the pit outside the castle by opening a portal right in front of them as they charged. "Who would have guessed? It's true! Alicorns have more fun, hahahahahahaha." -said the pony in a mocking tone, and when she finished she launched a new attack against the group in front of the throne- But this was timely blocked by a shield generated by Twilight as she covered her face to avoid being blinded by the flash, the sisters met their gaze and nodded. "It's time sister" -said the monarch of the sun with a firm face- When the attack was stopped, the diarchs abandoned the shield that had just protected them, to rise into the air, and with a commanding voice, they ordered in unison. "Give up Cozy Glow, you can't win against all three." "But I'm having so much fun!" The alicorns briefly exchanged gaze and began their attack, combining their magic in a powerful spell that would easily turn a powerful unicorn into ash, this was the decision they had reached a few hours ago, after having made many plans, they came to the conclusion of that they must have a hidden ace, a trap prepared if they had decided to act so openly, so the sisters decided to be the bait to activate it. Seeing them leave the shield, all that Twilight could do was bite her lip, when she saw them combine their spell she hoped that the predictions were wrong, that there was no trap, but all hope was extinguished when the attack started. Out of nowhere, Cozy made the bell appear and activated it, neutralizing the princesses' attack and stealing their magic at the same time, causing them crippling pain that knocked them down. *CLONNNGGGG* "GGHHAaaaa" *plof, plof* "Noooooo!" When they hit the ground, Twilight rushed over to them as the pegasus bragged about her success. "HA! That's their problem! They rely so much on their specials powers that they don't use their brains for anything else." But the diminutive villain's gloating was cut off by the princess's words. "You talk about yourself, right?" "Huh?" "NOW!" From behind the throne, the rest of the elements came out, the speedster being the first to reach her goal, giving quick and tight pirouettes around her, spinning her uncontrollably and moving away again, the words 'surprise attack' echoed near Cozy, so she forced herself to regain its balance, the first thing her eyes managed to register, was the manic smile of the pink pony that was suspended in the air by a light blue aura and the mouth of the confetti cannon that It occupied a large part of her visual field, she immediately covered its face with a wing and the impact was immediate, the explosion of confetti made her back away coughing to try to get it out of her throat, to be immediately attacked by pink geese commanded by Fluttershy, but she was not able to hit the animals or the element of kindness since every time she pointed, a green flare was thrown at her by Spike, every second the chase put her at a greater disadvantage. Arrrrggghh, his coordination is too much! Why can't I make my power obey me?! Cozy Glow was trying desperately not to lose the bell as she tried to find a gap in her attackers' coordination, but a rope suddenly tied her up, causing her to hit the ground with a sharp jerk. "Gghhhhaaa" *PLOF* "UGHhh!" Finding herself on the ground and surrounded, she immediately secured the bell between her hooves, while casting aggressive glances at the ponies around her. Damn I'm surrounded, now what do I do?!, my magic isn't doing exactly what I want, I can't rely on teleporting far from here! But just when all seemed lost for Cozy, a glow illuminated the stained glass windows, realizing this, the smile returned to the little villain who immediately covered herself with a shield the instant that an explosion threw all those who were standing against the floor. Concentrating, Twilight quickly gathered everyone and generated a shield around them, while, through the newly opened gap behind the throne, the imposing figure of Tirek and the empowered figure of Chrysalis entered. "MNAHAHAHA, do you think your pathetic shield will be able to stop us? No Princess Twilight, the pillars were defeated and your school is abandoned, you have to accept reality, this time you have lost." *Hissss* -said the former queen with a threatening tone- "You may think you've defeated us, but you haven't, and even if you did, it doesn't matter, no matter how many of us you take down, Equestria will still stand and in the end, it will be you who will fall." The villains exchanged glances with a neutral countenance and immediately afterward laughed. "MnhahahahahaahHAHAHAHAAHAHA" "MuajajajaajaHAHAHAHAHAHA" "JijijahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Are they so blind that they haven't noticed?" -said Tirek being the first to recover- "in case you didn't know strange things have been happening all over Equestria, we've been busy." "A rumor here, a gossip there, a whisper from the shadows." -contributed the Changeling- "We take care to subtly destroy the trust and friendship of ponies, friendships can be damaged so easily." -continued the centaur with a mocking tone- "With the subtle accumulation of damage, it was very easy to turn the ponies against each other." -added Cozy fluttering around the shield- "We put the entire kingdom on edge, that all it takes to sink into chaos is the slightest push in the wrong direction." -Chrysalis continued- "There will no longer be friends or rainbow magic that can save you." -Tirek said- "Do you know what is more powerful than friendship?" -The Changeling interrupted, putting herself in front of Twilight- "the [Fear]" Great with this level of power I can use the spell without falling exhausted! Suddenly an intense panic flooded the alicorn momentarily, making her lose concentration, allowing the shield to be easily destroyed, but as it reached her, the alicorn expelled it from herself, she was not alone, fear could not dominate her. "And what makes you believe that the magic of friendship only extends to ponies?" "What?" The question so out of place with the rhythm of the conversation stopped the villains in their tracks. "TURING!" -shouted the purple alicorn with all her might- Suddenly everyone who was with Twilight burned in multicolored flames that distracted the villains for a second, the next instant a large object caught their attention, a huge piece of debris was thrown against them, clouding their vision with dust. Changelings! But how? I would have realized almost immediately, just by looking at them in the eye, when they changed with the originals. Doubt crossed Chrysalis's mind as she tried to spit the dust in her throat; then, pieces of metal were heard falling to the floor, followed by a voice with a metallic reverberation. "Overclock active, A mode active." The next thing the villains felt was the huge shock that threw them to the outskirts of Canterlot, near where Tirek had fought the pillars, they had been hit with the same spell that the diarchs had tried to use previously against Cozy when they managed to reorient themselves, they opened their eyes and found they were surrounded, Yaks, Dragons, Hippogriffs, Ponies, Kirin, Changeling, Deer, representatives of all the nearby races with which Equestria had friendly ties, they looked at them with fierce eyes, the sky was quickly covered with clouds dark, cold air rapidly lowered the temperature of everything around them, the Windigos had reached the center of conflict and misery; As they tried to assess their new situation, Twilight and her friends appeared a few meters in front of them. "The only deluded ones here were you," -Twilight spoke confidently- "the magic of friendship is not limited to ponies, the elements of harmony cannot be destroyed or deactivated, you have fallen into your own trap!" With these words the battle began, the attack signal was given by Twilight, charging a massive amount of magic in his horn, she launched a powerful blunt beam with which she knocked down Tirek, in the next instant a large number of pegasi caused mist around the villains to block their view when they tried to counterattack they lost their balance, the yak made the floor shake, they could not find the elements since a large number of Changeling imitated them, the dragons threw fire at them or attacked them with their claws, little by little they were overcome. "What annoying flies!" With a furious scream and using a large charged pulse, the villains knocked down everyone who was still fighting around them knocking them unconscious, when they searched around to see if anyone was still standing, a beam of energy drew a circle around them. "ENOUGH!, As you can see you are not as powerful as you thought," -said Twilight as they came flying- "the magic of friendship is found in everyone, not just ponies!" The villans crossed glances and launched a joint attack against the Alicorn with all their might. *FFFFOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!* *BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!* "HA, there you go, your friendship magic was of no use to you!" Cozy Glow yelled triumphantly, but the voice that came out of the smoke cut off her celebration. *SHIGH* "You know Cozy, I'm truly sorry I wasn't able to make you see the magic of friendship." "WHAT?! Impossible!" -Yelled Tirek- When the smoke cleared, not only was Twilight, all the elements were around her, suspended in the air by the power that surrounded them. "No matter how many times you attack, it will always end up falling, friendship does not only exist between ponies, all creatures have within themselves the magic of friendship, the elements were never tools of power, they were always mere representations, the true ones, and its magic has always been within its bearers and all creatures." The alicorn's eyes began to glow and the pillars that until now had been enclosed in the crystal caves under Canterlot appeared floating to the right of the M6, behind them, the Young Six floated to their left, all while the alicorn continued to speak. "As there will always be darkness in the world, there will always be those who will find the light, the pillars were the first and with the help of the light they sowed the seed of the tree of harmony, and although they did not create it, their efforts bore fruit in the elements that Celestia and Luna found, the same ones that chose me and my friends as carriers, and now, even without the physical need for them, a new generation of carriers has been chosen," During his speech, the pillars regained their magic and the Young Six gave happy looks to the princess of friendship. "That light is called harmony and it is within everyone, likewise we can all represent it, together." With these last words, Twilight crossed her front hooves over her chest, closing her eyes, the next instant, the pillars launched a multicolored beam towards Twilight as she felt within them the magic of harmony, then her friends and finally the Young Six, when the three energy beams focused on Twilight who floated higher than the rest, raised her head pointing her horn directly to the sky and a thick ray of light ascended, this, immediately afterward, was covered by rainbow spirals, when it reached his highest point, it caused a rainbow explosion that dispelled the black clouds and annihilated the Windigos, scattering them in frost across the sky. "Erm, this is bad, right?" -asked Cozy Glow- "Quick, use the bell!" -Answered Tirek- "Didn't you have it?!" -answered the pegasus- "They took it from us when they took us out of the castle, *shigh* that mare in armor has it." -answered the Changeling- "This is going to hurt right?" -asked Cozy- "You have no idea." With the last words of the centaur, a thick rainbow ray descended from the sky on the villains, removing all the stolen power, returning them to their original state causing them an intense feeling of emptiness. *pant pant pant* As the light waned, the first thing Chrysalis checked was that the items that had been loaned to her were still with her and in good condition, after confirming it, she breathed deeply, keeping the mask of hatred. Well now there is only the final act and my mission will be complete. "Friendship will not save you forever! we will return! we will always return! nothing will stop us until finally!..." Changeling's words were cut off by a huge muffing with strawberry frosting and colored sprinkles on top falling from the sky over them, followed by chocolate rain. All eyes turned to the master of chaos. "Don't look at me, I still haven't gotten my magic back." "Turing, *glup* did you use Grogar's bell?" -Twilight asked fearfully- "Negative, my reserves are not capable of storing chaotic magic." -answered the metallic voice of the automaton- "B-but you still have it, right?" "Negative, Pinkie Pie asked me to loan it to her for five minutes exactly one minute ago." "Emm, Pinkie? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" -Asked the purple alicorn- Everyone's gaze fell on the party pony that had the bell between her hooves and a strange smile, wide but without revealing her teeth, it vibrated slightly and from time to time an electric arc would jump around her. "Hmm, my body is tingling, I have some itchiness and also…" Before everyone's stare, she grew to over 10 meters in height, its mane expanded into tentacles that looked like cotton candy and its pupils took the form of glazed muffins, with colors included, while the sky was covered with pink clouds, balloons began to rise from the ground and fairground booths to float through the air. "WITH THE POWER TO TRANSFORM THE WHOLE COSMOS INTO A GLACE!" When confetti and streamers started raining down, Discord finally spoke. "Do you think I should…?" Upon receiving affirmations and assents from everyone around him, the Draconequus flew up to face the face of the pink mountain, took the bell from his hoof, and used it, removing all the chaotic magic of the element of laughter, it shrunk to its normal size and immediately fell to the ground where she was caught by Twilight, meanwhile, the master of chaos used the bell on himself to regain his powers, when he finished he snapped his fingers and appeared in front of the diarchy, activating the bell to return their magic, after which their manes and tails floated ethereally as usual. With all the creatures gathered around her, the princess of friendship turned to everyone. "Thank you all very much for your help, without your strength they would have destroyed all of Equestria." "You don't have to thank Princess Twilight," -answered the King of the Changeling- "Your plan was great, I doubt that any of us would have come up with something so unusual." "Besides," -continued the draconic queen Ember- "It is just as you teach it in your school, the more we participate in the magic of friendship the safer we will all be." The queen finished while giving Smolder a look full of affection and pride. Everyone's attention was drawn to the giant muffing when the three villains desperate for oxygen poked their heads out of it. *Ghhhasp heee fuuu heee fuuu heee fuu* "There is no punishment severe enough for you to expire everything you have done!" The angry faces of the monarchs of the sun and the moon looked closely at the villains trapped under the bread, but Discord approached them both and whispered his idea in their ears at the same time, having doubled up to do so without appearing in their midst, the smile on all four did not bode well for the villains. "Hmm, yeah, that seems quite appropriate to me." -Luna answered after hearing the proposal- "Can I help you?" -said the Discord on the right- "Pretty please?" -finished the one on the left and they both made cute eyes- The diarchs accepted and the three prepared their magic, (the master of chaos was unified again) casting their spells at the same time, the effect was immediate. The muffing flew into pieces and the villains saw how their skin began to petrify quickly with horror, the only one who kept the clear hatred on her face was the former Queen Changeling who tried to pounce on the diarchy, finally, the magic finished its work, where Before there were the three villains, now there was a statue with a pedestal of them, Cozy with a face of despair 'floating' in the air, Tirek trying to cover himself from the spell and Chrysalis jumping in charge with her mouth wide open revealing her fangs. "Together forever" -said the Draconequus- "I can't think of anything else that they have wished less." The sun princess turned to Twilight and began her speech. "When I sent you to Poniville…" "Mmmh, well, the battle is already over." The voice of the Sorcerer King commander rang out. But his words were not heard by any creature, the image became watery and then disappeared. "What is your opinion Demiurge?" "I think her ability to innovate with the materials at hand is acceptable, she can be a good pawn in the future." "Albedo" "I have the same opinion as Demiurge, her abilities are not a big deal, but she can still be improved." *Shigh* what I wanted was your opinion of the battle conducted by the princess, not whether it was to be worthy of serving Nazarick. "Umu, while her tactics weren't a big deal, we must admit his improvisational ability, that trick with the Changelings wasn't such a bad idea." "It is just as you say Ainz-sama," -the Succubus replied again- "but if Chrysalis had not been under our control, the distraction would have failed miserably." *Shigh* They're right about that, but what I wanted them to see first was the tactic, not the flaws. "Well, that was enough entertainment for today, you can return to your work, there is still a lot to do." Bowing, the guardians withdrew from the Supreme Being's office. Well, I have the rest of the afternoon to review reports and the night to continue practicing poses and reviewing the books I took from the library, let's get to work! After defeating the villains and taking care of their punishment, as well as thanking the support of all the neighboring nations and arranging an impromptu feast for all the combatants, the M6, Turing, and the pillars spent the night at Canterlot Castle, which fortunately had not received catastrophic damage, however, Twilight could not sleep all night and her friends noticed it when they shared the table with the princesses during breakfast, however, it was not for nothing, considering the bomb that Celestia dropped in front of everyone foreign rulers and their troops the day before as part of her speech. "Wwwaaaahhh mña mña mña, good morning everyone." After the chorus of greetings from the others, the dressmaker spoke immediately. "For heaven's sake my dear, you look terrible! Did you spend all night awake?" *Shigh* "No, well, something like that, the truth is that I practically did not sleep at all, I was thinking all night, trying to understand why they want to retire," -she said looking at the sisters on the other side of the round table- "but more than anything trying to understand why they chose me as the successor." Seeing her former student's stress, the Sun Monarch spoke fondly. "Twilight, it's simple enough, our reign was long and prosperous, but a paradigm shift is already needed," "We and our way of thinking comes from the past." -added Luna- "It is time for someone with fresh ideas to take the reins of the nation, we did not last so long in power because we wanted to keep it," "During all that time we waited for someone worthy to emerge to take the throne." -added the youngest of the sisters after swallowing the food from her mouth- "But that didn't happen until these last few years when we saw you grow as a pony, mature as a leader, and not only that but also correct our past mistakes." With this last comment, the sisters exchanged a look full of sisterly love. "We are sure you're ready for the position, Twilight." -the princess of the night finished after drinking the last of her juice- "When you took charge of the problem yourself, we decided not to intervene," -continued Celestia- "at that moment Luna and I decided that this would be your last test, the one that would confirm whether or not you were ready for the position, and I can assure you that each and every one of your achievements so far made me feel more and more proud of you, but none of them prepare me for how proud I felt when you took the problem by yourself and solved it in the best possible way." "But seriously, when they dropped the bomb, her face had no price, that I would not have given for having a camera HAHAHAHAHAHA!" -interrupted the hoarse voice of the speedster- The comment caused the purple alicorn's face to redden in embarrassment. "Hahaha, y'a right, it took almost three whole minutes to the poor filly before she could baste two words together." -added AJ- "Maybe so, but after those three minutes she showed her mettle and made a choice proper of a ruler." -said the dressmaker with pride for her friend- "Well, it was obvious that it is not possible to carry out anything with the throne room in that state, postponing the coronation until the repairs are complete was the most logical option, besides, the rest of the creatures also needed time to do their preparations." -the alicorn defended- "Okay, this breakfast has gone down well for us after yesterday, but I think it's about time we put our hooves to work, Twilight, now that everything has settled down a bit, I think we should start planning the extended proposal that we will deliver to the nations on the other side of the mirror who wish to take asylum in Equestria, furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, I believe that tomorrow is when they will return the prisoners who were sentenced to serve a week as punishment in the Sorcerer Kingdom, also, will soon finish the cleaning work in the throne room and begin the reconstruction, so I think we can receive them without any problem, as for the new 'statue', what would be good to do with it?" After meditating a bit on the words of her mentor, the princess of friendship still could not find a good answer. "Mmmnh, I think for now it has to be placed in a visible place, perhaps in the main patio is a good idea, and later we will take care of giving them the right place." "Speaking of the new garden ornament," Starlight interrupted, "there is something that has been bothering me since yesterday, it's just like something doesn't add up." "What is it that troubles you, noble Starlight?" -asked Luna- This surprised her momentarily, as she was not expecting one of the diarchs to respond. "Ah, this, yes, you will see when Chrysalis attacked me, I thought she had become quite powerful, her words reminded me how much she hates me, but her actions, they did not match at all, I mean, instead of simply torturing or weakening me she locked me in and while she wasn't looking directly at me she seemed disinterested." "Umm, I'm not completely sure, but she seemed quite motivated to me when she faced everyone outside of Canterlot." -spoke Fluttershy- "That is precisely what I mean!, when she fought me she did not use all her power if she had used against me the strength and speed that she use during the pitched battle, I would not have been able to even keep up with her, it was as if all her anger was fake while fighting, as if she was just acting, in fact when the pillars and I were locked up, in the crystal caves under the castle, she objected to the idea of ​​simply eliminating or torturing us at that very moment, it was as if she was diverting the attention of the other two." Now that she mention it it's true, also, if I remember correctly when Starswirl offered to bring the statue to the castle, he seemed to be a bit sad for some reason. -the purple alicorn thought- How curious, does that have something to do with Starswirl offering to stay to guard the statue tonight? -thought Celestia- The group was silent for a moment and the one who broke it was the pink pony. "Maybe she was not against us if not on our side, maybe it was all the plan painstakingly orchestrated by a great strategist, or maybe she was just following a complicated plan designed by a cunning demon, who knows?" -the pony finished shrugging her shoulders and sipping her milkshake- They all exchanged worried glances for several seconds and then simply accepted that it was just Pinkie being Pinkie. But the pony's words made Turing who had been observing everything in silence until now, doubt. I think I'll take another look at the statue of petrified villains. Meanwhile, on the seventh floor of the great underground tomb of Nazarick two demons were chatting about the tasks at hand. "Well then, those are the latest results of the experiments?" -asked the Archdemon in a red suit- "It is correct Demiurge-sama" -answered the amorphous demon that served as a messenger- "Well then- Achis!...?" "I-is Demiurge-sama okay?" "I'm sure it's nothing, but it's better to be safe, tell Pestonia I will visit her later." > Cleaning the house Fourth part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more beautiful morning saw its beginning in the city of Canterlot, the Capital of Equestria, while all the ponies woke up from their lethargy and prepared to start their work, there was a unicorn that had not moved from its place, had not even slept Since he stood in his place from the day before, for a time he had company during the night, who like him looked at the statue in silence for a while before re-entering the castle. The Pony sitting in front of the new 'statue', was none other than Starswirl the Bearded, the mentor of the diarchy, he had not moved from his place since he was meditating, organizing his thoughts after the battle of the previous day, without putting attention to time at all. I can't understand it, why did you attack Canterlot? Why did you ally yourself with those villains? Why? After you contacted me I felt very happy, I had a daughter! Now I am very sad, my daughter will be locked in stone for a long time, why did you do it chrysalis? "Starswirl?" The thoughts of the unicorn were interrupted by the voice of Twilight, when the old unicorn turned around, the princess of friendship was not alone, the rest of the elements, Spike, Turing, Starlight, and the diarchs were with her. "Are you okay? Wait, don't tell me you haven't moved from here since yesterday?!" "It's to be expected, isn't it? After all, I said that I would stand guard to make sure there were no surprises." -the unicorn answered with a tired tone- "but tell me, what brings you all? Has something happened?" -He finished leaving aside his sadness and fatigue, his face was serious and with a steely look- "Nothing bad has happened, we are just preparing to carry out a troop movement." -Luna replied as she looked with some apprehension in her eyes at her former mentor- "Movement of troops? Do you suspect there will be a second attack?" -asked Starswirl- "No, it's not about that, it has more to do with another matter that we have not discussed yet," -answered the monarch of the sun- "in fact, it has to do with your mirror portal and the world it leads to, many things have happened since we last talked about it. " "So, am I to understand that something has happened that urges the movement of troops? Hmm... even though crossing the portal will make them useless in the first place? I suppose you haven't forgotten that the portal changes anyone who does go through to agree with the environment you get to or is it?" "No, we have not forgotten, as I told you, many things have happened and new information has been revealed, unfortunately at this moment there is no time to tell you the whole story, but we will gladly do it later; what we will do at this time is send a detachment to protect the temporary Equestrian embassy on the other side of the mirror." While the alabaster alicorn spoke, in the background you could see and hear the organization of a company that had finished organizing and coming to attention at that moment. "Regarding the transformation, there will be no need to worry, we will not use the mirror to get to the other side, in what seems to be an altruistic gesture in pursuit of fairness for both nations, the Sorcerer King has offered to open a portal more stable with his magic to mobilize the troops, and allow us to secure the area ourselves; as Twilight told me about her previous trip, the sorcerer kingdom has already established its separate embassy." "I see, then it makes sense, a company cannot be formed comfortably within the throne room after all, does that mean…" Starswirl's words were cut by a tremendous wave of magic that originated a very short distance from him when a hole, in reality, opened a few meters from where they were all gathered, from this came a creature that the old unicorn never I had seen, it was a bipedal creature, practically without hair on the visible skin, it was only on its head, it had pointed ears, a tail covered with metallic plates and it wore an elegant and impeccable red suit with fine yellow vertical lines, behind his glasses, one could glimpse his eyes practically closed and in his mouth a smile that definitely did not convey confidence, when the old unicorn turned to see the rest because he did not know how to react to such an entrance, he saw that everyone was calm, therefore it must have been someone known. "Good afternoon princesses, and equally to the rest, I have been sent by Ainz-sama to lead your troops to CHS." -The demon formally introduced himself with a slight bow after approaching the assembled group- "Likewise and welcome Mr. Demiurge," -answered Celestia- "as you can see, the troops we will send are ready, unfortunately, or fortunately, given the problem we faced yesterday, most of the troops were already prepared and stationed in the castle, so organizing them quickly was no problem." "Oh right, the villain invasion." The fact that the words were said calmly, allowed almost everyone to let them escape, except Starswirl, since he was well focused on analyzing the individual from top to bottom, as well as Turing, but the unicorn spoke first. "I apologize for interrupting Mr. Demiurge, but how do you know what problem we faced yesterday? We haven't told you yet." This statement caused everyone to pay more attention to the conversation and realize the same thing. "Mnh? you should already know, right? According to the treaty, we officially informed the diarchy that we would enter an agent into their territory to follow up on a criminal who was petulantly strolling through the sorcerer kingdom." Seeing that everyone exchanged glances with the princesses and that they shook their heads that they were not aware, the demon sighed. *Shigh* "There is no remedy, then I will give you the short version, but first I must collect our command; I think it is time you stopped playing and introduced yourself properly." The Archfiend said as he looked in Starswirl's direction, which confused everyone, including the unicorn himself. "What?! Don't look at me like that! Of course, I'm not in the service of the sorcerer kingdom!" The pony assured, but the gaze was not directed at him, but rather at the statue behind him, which was obvious when they heard the stone crack and fall into pieces, this forced the unicorn to take a couple of steps hurriedly and Turning towards the statue, in view of all, the figure of Chrysalis cracked, while an orange light shone from the base of its horn, after the cloud of dust that formed, the silhouette of the Changeling could be defined. *COUGH COUGH cough cough cough cough… sneeze* "Uuuuggh, I think it was a terrible idea to stay with my mouth open, I think I swallowed some stones." Hearing the voice of their enemy, everyone became defensive, except for four individuals, Pinkie and Turing, they were sure that it was not a threat, Starswirl was shocked, trying to reconcile what this could mean and Demiurge simply enjoyed that everything continued within his lord predictions. That's not possible! she couldn't have freed herself from the petrification so easily! IT'S JUST RIDICULOUS! -Twilight thought stunned while she was ready to fight- "Chrysalis stop wasting your time and introduce yourself properly." -admonished the devil- "YES! Right away! *COUGH*, ahem, everyone knows who I am, but unlike before, now I have a different purpose." -said the changeling coming out of the cloud of smoke- "Or maybe it would be better to say that I found one while wandering the world planning my revenge against Twilight and her friends." "I... I can't, then, does that mean?..." -said the unicorn, beginning to understand what happened- "That's right father, the whole time I was with Tirek, Cozy Glow, Sombra, and Grogar, I was in the service of my new master, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, doing his will." "Stop, stop, stop, wait a minute," interrupted the speedster, "Discord had already told us about Grogar's lair, do you mean the same thing?" "Do you already have mental damage with so many crashes? Of course, I don't mean the lair! Only an idiot would refer to a place as if it were a creature." -said the former queen with sarcasm- "Are you saying that Grogar, the father of all monsters, is on the loose again in the world?" -Asked the monarch of the sun with an expression of steel on her face- "Of course not! Leaving such an annoyance in the world would be an insult to the position Ainz-sama gave me, I would never dare to allow it!" The seriousness with which the changeling spoke caused all aggression to disappear and be replaced by doubt, this moment of silence was taken advantage of by the Archdemon, drawing the attention of everyone present. "You see, the mission that was entrusted to Chrysalis is really simple, after all the magic of Equestria was about to be banned from the world, our patrols detected the creature known as Grogar and we learned of his plans to form a team of villains, so she was assigned as an infiltration unit to monitor and report all the movements of the criminal." "Just a moment!" -the princess of friendship interrupted alarmed- "Are you telling us that you were aware of everything? And you did not give us any notification about it?!" "I recommend that you think carefully about what you are implying, princess" -said Demiurge with a neutral face- "I will not allow it to be implied that my master does not keep his word in any way." This caused a chill in the mares, immediately after the princess of the night spoke. "We apologize if young Twilight's words seemed like an accusation, but I can assure you that it is far from the truth, I'm sure it is a question, even if the surprise caused her to disorganize her ideas." "If so, then I have no problem; according to our research, the magic drain affected a kind of magic prison that contained the creature, allowing it to leave without any problem, but as it entered the territory of Equestria, to enter the same force that followed him would have been a violation of the treaty, so we sent a specialist in infiltration and deception." -The demon finished while pointing a hand at the ex-queen- "Wait a darn second, y'a telling that a notification was sent t'a comply with the treaty, but the princesses did not receive even a note, they were not aware of what y'a say!." -interrupted the farmer- The words were seconded by statements from the rest, which 'surprised' the demon. "Ara! Is it that they did not verify the correspondence box that was given to them? The notification was even sent to both of them to avoid something like that, I'm sure an explained of how they worked was given." -he finished nailing his eyes on the diarchy- Seeing themselves the center of attention, the sisters met their gaze and blushed. "I'm sorry to say that, with everything that has happened lately, we completely forgot about the matter." -Celestia answered for both- Fortunately for both princesses, Turing's metallic voice interrupted their embarrassment. "If I may? I would like to ask a question, Mr. Demiurge." "Mhn? Of course." "How is it that the changeling isn't petrified? I'm sure she doesn't have the power to break the powerful spell cast by Discord and the princesses." "Ah, that's quite simple, she received Ainz-sama's protection against those simple spells." "Now I understand, that's why when I scanned the statue, only the Chrysalis figure gave different results," -commented the automaton as it turned to the former queen- "the ring is what protected her, isn't it?" "Oooh, I can see that you are quite observant, indeed, to prevent our agent from being killed or taken by surprise, Ainz-sama gave her a protection item; *shigh* I would like to continue chatting, but I have work to do, so, if you don't mind princesses." Before an answer could be enunciated, a sound of surprise caught the attention of everyone present, and the image they witnessed not only left them stunned, it generated an immense amount of questions. "EEPPP!" Starswirl the bearded, hero and one of the pillars that allowed the formation of Equestria, had tears in his eyes as he hugged a tense and frozen changeling, but what impressed them the most was her response to this 'attack'. "Now, now, you don't have to cry father, everything is fine, I will not go anywhere, I know you must have many questions, but for now I have work to do when I have the opportunity I will meet with you and talk about what you want, yes?" "It's okay daughter, I'm just so happy that you're okay and that you weren't our enemy, that's all." "Did I really just hear what I think I just heard?" -Asked Spike coming out for the first time from behind Turing- "Ooookkeeeey, I think, I think that can explain a lot of things, but at the same time it raises a lot more questions than it answers, but what I'd like to know most at this point is why her hatred of us seems to have disappeared." -added Starlight- *Snort* "You are just not my priority anymore." The changeling replied disinterestedly as she walked away from her 'father' smiling at him, then turned to the monarch of the sun and spoke to her with barely disguised revulsion. "Now, if it doesn't bother 'Your Highness', there is work pending," -to change her tone to a highly respectful one in an instant- "as soon as we are back I will hasten to deliver the last report of my mission unless you want to receive it verbally while we walk Demiurge-sama." -she said ending with a slight bow- A new fairly large portal opened next to the demon, this could easily allow the passage of the soldiers organized by sections. "There is no need to rush, the report can wait for us to return to the sorcerer realm," -Demiurge turned to the princesses- "now, if you don't mind, please follow me." The Archdemon gave a small bow and crossed the portal, followed closely by Crysalis, the order was given, the soldiers began to march, the five sections forming a column that crossed the portal, and after crossing glances for a moment with Luna, Celestia and Twilight crossed the portal following the Equestrian troops, when the parade ended and the portal closed, the first to speak was Starlight. "Ok, before I sink into my thoughts and try to drown myself in coffee to try to digest all this, I just want the answer to one question," -the unicorn stood in front of Starswirl- "so… DAUGHTER?!" One of the unicorn's eyes trembled slightly as a sign of the birth of a nervous tic as she looked with wide eyes at the bearded pony, when he saw himself the center of attention, knew that he should explain the situation. *Shigh* "Well, the origin of everything," *GGGRRRRUUUUUUUGggg* "hehe, maybe it's a good idea to explain everything while we eat something, don't you think?" "HOW THE HELL WE HAVE NOT ACHIEVED ANYTHING YET?!" In a room in which the light only completely illuminated a circular table, a group of people was gathered, ten of the twelve figures present were staring at one, wordlessly supporting the one who was shouting, around them, glass walls The blurring gave them some privacy, separating them from the people and workstations that occupied the periphery of the room. It was the secretary of defense who was yelling angrily at the head of the CIA, a man of average appearance in a generic cut, in fact, of the whole room he was the one who stood out the least, clear traces of his past as a successful agent. *Shigh* "It has simply been impossible for us, we have tried everything, but the same thing always happens, our agents are neutralized as soon as they try to cross the limits of the building, even the snipers we have placed have been found somehow no matter how far we place them, every armed agent is quickly neutralized, drones are bypassed or simply blown to pieces by something much faster than integrated cameras are capable of recording; the greatest success we have had in obtaining live images from the cameras. But they haven't revealed anything we don't know about, all we know is that the creatures have been refurbishing the building, but we still don't know what for." The defense secretary was about to explode again in anger but was interrupted, the door was thrown open and a man in a black suit entered, he approached the intelligence secretary without stopping for anything, the whispers were not heard by the rest of those present, but the surprise was clear on the ex-agent's face. "Has that report been duly confirmed?" -the man in the black suit nodded in confirmation- "have it projected here immediately," -the secretary of national security announced with a firm voice- "Mr. President, we have new information," -at that moment a holographic projection emerged at the center of the desk-. In a generic-looking white van with logos of a local electronics store, two agents were watching the CHS entrance with binoculars, this was just one of the four teams assigned to standard surveillance, after many attempts and unconscious agents, they found that only teams in which there was at least one armed man were neutralized, so the current teams only had simple radios with them to communicate, as well as rudimentary video transmission equipment that any amateur could assemble, this was the only surveillance capable of going unnoticed by the defensive line of the place and the insistence was paying off, there was movement, with a quick indication his partner began to record and transmit, the rest of the teams went on alert and the support units in different buildings around, also began to transmit. "Central, this is unit 03, do you copy me?" 'Affirmative 03, loud and clear.' "There is movement in front of the building, I repeat there is movement in front of the building; several of the shields are blocking access to the street, it seems that they are preparing for something, maybe..." "03?!, Central here! 03 do you copy?!" "Central, this is something the top ranks will want to see as soon as possible!" In the middle of the street, a huge portal opened, this easily covered from one sidewalk to the other, two figures emerged from the portal, one was the man who accompanied the Sorcerer King in his first appearance, the other was a four-legged, insectoid figure and equine at the same time, the figures advanced a few steps and then moved to one side of the portal, an instant later a parade of equines in armor that only varied in a few models, giving the appearance of being clones. "Do you think that's his version of the Stormtroopers from the galactic wars?" -asked the man who operated the camera- "Don't even joke you idiot!" -answered the man on the radio with annoyance- When the march that seemed to have no end, stopped, two more figures emerged from the portal before it closed. In the strategic meeting room, the secretaries and different heads of the branches that operate the government were deeply sunk in their thoughts while watching the parade of troops, when the parade stopped and the last two figures came out of the portal closing the procession, the first to speak was the president. "Secretary Phooka, tell me what the heck is exactly what I'm seeing!" "Mmmnh... of the last figures to leave the portal, one is already known, the purple alicorn is Princess Twilight Sparkle, the one next to her seems to be another alicorn, given her physiology; the troops do not seem to exceed the size of one company, it is very rare that there is so little variation between the soldiers, but since they come from a world with magic this could well be some kind of uniform." "Mr. Boroimhe, I don't want you to tell me the obvious! I want your guesses or what you've learned that might explain this display!" "Ultimately it is not an invasion, the force is too small, according to our data the CHS building is being considered as a temporary embassy/consulate for negotiations, I think it is merely a security force for the building." "So far your men have not been able to make any real breakthrough and you are telling us that they have brought in additional troops, don't you think that is a clear act of war?!" -the secretary of defense intervened furiously- "I think we are seeing the situation incorrectly." -said a man in a blue suit with dark hair and tanned skin- "What does Secretary Rich mean?" - Asked Phooka intrigued- "Until this moment we only know of the existence of CHS as a consulate, but if I remember correctly, the proposal of the Sorcerer King also considers a temporary consulate, I believe that the forces that his men have been facing are only those that protect the consulate of the Sorcerer Kingdom, being the one who is 'sponsoring' the whole event, I think his consulate has already been established beforehand." "If that's true, this is not good, to what extent are we dancing in the hand of that bastard." -answered the president, clenching his fists- While the country's leaders gnashed their teeth, at CHS, another important event happened, after the rapid organization and assignment of the soldiers to the guards and their respective jobs, a woman met a mare, the director Celestia, gaped at Princess Celestia who had a serene smile on her face. "Ggaaahh" "…." "I think that if when we met I had seen you as a pony I would have reacted the same," -vice directress Luna whispered to the princess of friendship- "Hee hee, Ahem, good afternoon Directress Celestia, let me introduce you to your counterpart in my world, Princess Celestia 'Sol Invicta' Faust." -interrupted the young alicorn "T… ti-it's nice to meet you, Your Highness." -said the woman after reacting mentally, but still physically frozen- "You know Celi, I must admit, as a pony you look majestic." -said the deputy director while constantly changing her view between her sister and the alabaster alicorn- "I truly appreciate the compliments, Deputy Director Luna, but unfortunately my visit will not be too long, I have come just for two things, the first is to thank you properly for helping my student the first time she arrived in this world." These words finally brought the headmistress out of her trance and she was quick to reply. "Ah, you don't have to be thankful, helping was just the right thing to do in that situation." "Even so, thank you, and the second reason for my visit is to warmly welcome you as advisors for this process, this, of course, will be accompanied by the appropriate remuneration if you decide to accept, currently a company of my best guards has been stationed To protect the building, they will relieve the troops of the sorcerer kingdom that have been with you until now, they will take care of protecting you whether you accept the position or not, this invitation also extends to the rest of you." -said the alicorn as she swept her gaze to the rest of the girls gathered in the director's office who was still surprised by the appearance of the mare- "If they accept the position, they will act as advisors to Princess Twilight who is our representative in this world." "Did they get anything else? Did the interior cameras show nothing?" Phooke asked the subordinate beside her. After a moment of speaking through the communicator over his right ear, he finally answered. "No sir, apparently they entered the management room, unfortunately, there is no camera inside, however, considering that these creatures can appear out of nowhere we assume that that does not indicate anything, they might have been talking for almost an hour as much as can the room be empty." "What about the things they installed around the building?" "They seem to be a kind of generators of some kind of shield or barrier when they nailed the last 'totem', a glow was seen traveling a spherical path around the building, we tried to bring a drone closer again, but it was not possible to get closer than a meter of the barrier, it appears to have repellent properties." "Mmmmh, so this confirms our suspicions since the modus operandi has changed, it is obvious that this is a changing of the guard, I want eyes on that building 24 hours a day, I want to know everything that enters or leaves, if it is possible I want to obtain thermal, X-ray images, or whatever it is, we need images of what is going on inside by yesterday!" The man in the black suit nodded and turned around, but after taking a step he stopped abruptly putting a hand over his ear, immediately afterward he returned and gave the new information to his boss when he heard it, he could not help a slight smile, with a gesture indicated to his subordinate that he could withdraw and returned his attention to the table. "Mr. President, we already know where the enemy's base is." The projected image changed from CHS to a satellite image, in this was seen a dense forest that surrounded a concrete complex in which a great amount of activity could be appreciated. "Five minutes ago the team that is in charge of satellite surveillance noticed the movement in this area, according to public records the place is an attempt to resort by a company that went bankrupt halfway through due to mismanagement, since then the land and its contents were seized, according to our information, the place should be only the concrete skeleton of what would be the resort, but as we can see in the image, the Sorcerer Kingdom was quite busy." -the secretary Phooka finished confidently- "Perfect! Now that we know where it is, we have to attack as soon as possible!" -said the defense secretary, hitting the table with his closed fist- "I propose an immediate attack with lethal force, we must secure everything we can find in the place and get hold of the technology that allows them to travel with portals!" "Tell me, General, do you have memory problems? Or are you just too stupid to consider known information in your plans?!" -said a woman dressed in a brown-gray suit reproaching the words of the military man- "Or do you have an ace up your sleeve that can take care of the troops capable of neutralizing everything that was thrown at them without even being seen? I beg you, General, Enlighten us!" The woman who was close to leaving her 40s behind had a commanding presence that demanded to be heard, her dark hair still did not have any gray, implying her vitality, it was the general minister of justice, Danna Mallette, a well-known woman by her iron will. "We already know that it is useless to fight with few troops against their units, the usual assault groups will surely be useless, probably only observers will be able to pass the perimeter of the place, I am all ears Secretary Strikes." -second the secretary of national security- While the others saw where the discussion was headed, the secretary of health and social services had been ignoring everything, he was deep in thought, while the discussion continued on the table, only after the last cry of the general took him out of his trance and cut off the general before he made his proposal. "Of course I have a plan of attack!" "Mr. President, can I have a few words?" -after receiving a nod as a continuous answer- "I think it doesn't matter how, but it is a fact that we must get hold of their technology and I am not referring only to weapons, no, I am talking about medical, I am sure he did not truly bring someone back to life, that is simply ridiculous, what it must have done was that it healed the body and reactivated its functions before all internal activity ceased, that type of technology would save an infinity of lives and change our definition of death, I propose to make a strategic attack and appropriate all their advances and/or a way to cross to the other side." After a moment of awkward silence, Artem finally recognized the looks that everyone was throwing at him, only two people did not, one was the president of the nation who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow, the other was the secretary of defense who was grateful with him as his interruption allowed him to cool his head momentarily and think about what to say, after all, he hadn't completely considered the enemy's ground capability and decided to take advantage of the opening. Who would have thought it, receive support from those who least expected it, incredible jejejeje. "I fully agree with you, Secretary Meadowbrook, we must get hold of their technology at all costs, if the president allows me, I would like to present my proposal." "General permission granted, we listen to you." In the direction of CHS, a group of people tried to digest everything they had heard, it had been more than two hours since the representative of the sorcerer kingdom, the insectoid, and Princess Celestia had retired. "Is it normal that I still feel a little strange talking to someone who has the same voice and looks?" -the directress asked the redhead from behind her desk- "Jijiji, it's perfectly normal, despite the physical difference, you are both practically the same, you must have seen when Twilight and the princess of friendship met, the poor thing almost got a mental collapse." "Sunset!" In response to the comment, the girl with glasses exclaimed in shame, while the purple alicorn laughed softly remembering the anecdote. "Wait, so they've met before? When?" -asked the deputy director- "In fact, it was right after the friendship games," -answered the alicorn- "after we solved the problems caused by who is now my pupil and the new directress of the school of friendship, I had just corrected a disaster of timelines when I saw that the diary had unread messages, so I immediately went through the mirror, the whole experience was very interesting for both of us, hahaha." *SHIGH* "Well, now that we will be your advisors, what should we start with, Princess Twilight." -Asked Celestia- "You don't need so much formality, Directress Celestia, you can just call me Twilight." "That would be pretty confusing, especially now that there are two Twilights in the building." -Comment Luna- "Oh right, hehehe, I had forgotten that detail, as when we refer to each other we know who we are talking to had not occurred to me, but now that they mention it I think the same thing happened with the others the previous time, mmmn..." "To not make it so complicated! Just use the same solution from last time!" -Dash exclaimed with boredom- "I don't think that's the right thing to do Rainbow, at least not with the current situation." -contributed the dressmaker- "As a fact, I think it's a great idea!" -I answered the alicorn- "as long as it is not an official meeting or a political event it is not a problem, now that I think about it, even if we invest it would be better, that way the occasion would not matter, tell me what do you think?" -asked the princess to her counterpart- "I fully agree, then from this moment on I will reply to Twili." -said the girl with glasses with a smile- "While I will respond to Twilight, now, it will be better to start, there are some things that need to be addressed to improve the defense of the building, here you will be a crucial part, the Solar Guard is quite good at its job, but they need to know what it is with they may face to further improve their performance, you have to bring them up to speed with this world." After discussing their plans and forming something definitive, they all prepared a presentation that would be screened twice in the school auditorium to cover the rotation of guards to learn about modern technologies, as well as question and answer sections on the various topics to cover any questions. The only awkward moment for Twilight was when Fluttershy and Applejack started stroking her fur in admiration and ended up getting mixed reactions from the rest, after which the animal lover wanted to go on and pet all the soldiers, at least until the words of the alicorn convinced her otherwise. 'They may look huggable to you, but each one of them is a warrior perfectly capable of fighting an adult manticore using only their spear, probably starting to hug them out of nowhere is not a good idea, considering they wear their full gear.' And the idea was only cemented when Sunset explained what manticores were like in Equestria. Time passed quickly for Ainz between preparations and reports when the day of the third and last visit to the summit of nations arrived. Well, it is practically time and I can see the building, unlike the previous times today we did not reach the building through 'Gate' and although I gave a different reason to the guardians, the truth is that I simply wanted to have some time to relax, maybe I should have come up with a much better reason to say instead 'it is to show the wealth of the sorcerer kingdom to all nations' *shigh* although, it is still impressive how much it looks like the UN building that appeared in the history books of my world. The Overlord's thoughts were cut off as the beautiful scarlet carriage adorned with fine gold engravings, crystalline windows obstructed by fine purple curtains, and the guild emblem, pulled by four of Sleipnir, majestic eight-legged horses that in Yggdrasil were known to be tireless, and he was escorted by twenty Death Cavaliers, he slowed down slowly as he reached the front door of the building, the reporters' cameras were constantly taking photos, the large number of flashes only accentuated the beauty of the carriage when reflected on highly polished surfaces; but the reporters had not met due to an official announcement, what alerted them that something was going to happen outside, was the path secured by the mysterious creatures in armor,as well as a good amount of skeletons with varied equipment that extended from the CDN building to the exit of the city, the only thing that still no one could explain was why a part of the street on the opposite side was also cordoned off, without However this was answered as soon as the chariot of the sorcerer kingdom stopped. At first, it was just a kind of hiss, the first to recognize the sound of the flapping was the spectators who gathered at the edge of the barrier, at the end of the closed street, the murmurs that turned into comments and ended in shouts and expressions of surprised to see a carriage flying through the air, pulled by four pegasi in golden armor and flanked by at least fifteen pegasi, behind it and in front of it, two similar chariots transported between them a mixed squad of unicorns and earth ponies when the procession touched the ground, the passengers were finally recognizable. In the beautiful open-fronted carriage made up of fine artisan work in pure white, and with gold ornaments and the Equestrian flag pinned on the sides, were the princess of friendship, Sunset, and the Faust sisters; Without stopping when touching land, the chariot continued to advance until it stopped behind the chariot of the sorcerer kingdom in front of the main entrance, only then both rulers got off their transports and advanced towards the building accompanied by their respective entourages, and the photographs began. The Sorcerer King wore a velvety robe of grass green color that had details and edges in gold, the buttons were small silver pieces that looked like small tree branches; behind his skull, the halo of darkness could be observed and in his left hand was his golden staff, his entourage was composed of the black-haired beauty two maids, one with a rather erotic appearance of curly blonde hair wearing knee-length metallic high-heeled boots and an outfit that left little to the imagination and one with a long red hair, tied in two thick braids that hung behind her, her dress looked more like a cross between a maid outfit and a nun's habit, but the long skirt had an opening that almost reached her hips, the group was flanked by four Death Cavaliers who had dismounted. While on the Equestrian side Twilight, who wore her regalia, and her entourage who wore formal outfits, spring colors for Celestia, winter colors for Luna, autumn colors for Sunset, and summer colors for Twilight, were flanked by the squad of the carriages and two pegasi. The procession advanced without any problem, when they entered the room, it was not surprising that, after the demonstration of the previous time, they now had a table prepared for the meeting and the last session began when the moderator gave up the microphone, while Ainz he sank into his thoughts as soon as he sat down I just hope I don't ruin anything, *shigh*, all this 10,000-year plan is stressing me out quite a bit and on top of that the result of that experiment that I commissioned Titus with the materials I gave him, it just threw more doubts, mmmh maybe I should tell him Is it okay to make mistakes?... no, with his loyalty that will not work, tell him that I made mistakes on purpose when it happens? No, that can make him lose confidence in me; how can I know the plans Demiurge and Albedo without them seeing me as inept? *shigh* "Ainz-sama wishes to start the section by answering the doubts that may have arisen with the points in the treatises." The session was started by Albedo, it was time to talk about politics, so, inside the room, there were no reporters, they would not be allowed to enter until it was time to sign documents. "Very good gentlemen, I am sure that you are all eager to do your duty! But I will not allow any mistakes! The enemy's location has been confirmed, now we have to remove it from our territory! NOBODY MESS WITH OUR NATION!" After transmitting his fiery message to all the troops, the rear admiral began to give the advance orders, in little more than an hour they would be close enough to their objective. "Advise the troops on the ground that the operation begins, we are going to show that bastard the true power of our nation." -He finished, adjusting his cap while he had his gaze fixed on the high seas- Upon receiving his orders, the radio operator rushed to carry them out. "Here the USS Hurricane, the operation status is green, I repeat, the operation status is green." The troops on the ground that were immersed in the forest, upon receiving the authorization of the mission began to close the hedge, a multitude of tanks and armored vehicles closed all the entrances large enough to the area, while in the Control mission tent, those in charge of coordinating the troops gave the orders that coordinated the deployment, but one man was carefully watching the satellite images that served as maps for the attack. "What's wrong Captain Magnus?" -Asked the lieutenant colonel, second in command of the amphibious operation- "Mhn? I'm sorry sir, it's just that, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling, I think… we're missing something, sir." "There is nothing to worry about, intelligence did its job correctly this time, we are well informed about the area and its deployed troops, nothing can take us by surprise, as soon as we receive the signal we will begin our attack." In a generic-looking bathroom with white walls and stainless steel fittings, a man dressed in an elegant black suit, entered looking askance towards the toilets, when he saw that the door of the only one who was occupied was opened, he stood in front He went to the sink and began to wash his hands and then went to a urinal, when the man finally withdrew, he made sure that no one else was inside, he secured the door and a wave spread from his body covering all surfaces. The man was not just any subject, nor was the bathroom, it was one of the many bathrooms in the CIA strategic room, several floors below ground level, and it was the least frequented of all, the man's face was one quite known in the building since he was the assistant to the secretary of national security but said assistant was not able to use the fifth-level privacy spell [Vault of Secrets] that repelled with a kind of 'Charm' to anyone who was would approach, as well as block any espionage attempts up to seventh level or lower, a spell that was easy to break with a direct attack and useless against anyone who used equipment or had resistances against the effects of 'Charm', Being the only fifth level spell that could be learned around level 30 and exclusive to 'spy' work, it was widely used in the early days as anti-information magic, but the man was able to use it for a simple reason. "[Message]… Demiurge-sama?" 'What's wrong Doppel 6? Do you have something to report?' "They are making their move." It was about a Doppelgänger, a mercenary NPC summoned with the gold of Equestria, one of many experiments carried out by Titus the librarian. Meanwhile, on the other side of the spell, the Archfiend was pleased. "Excellent!, then everything proceeds according to Ainz-sama's plan, continue with your mission (end of 'Message') now all that remains is to use 'the stick' hmhmhahaha." At sea, a group of five destroyers was approaching their objective, escorted by twelve corvettes, while all plowed the sea in formation, a strange event suddenly presented itself. "Damn fog, where the hell did it come from? It doesn't matter, it's not going to prevent our mission, tell all the ships to be attentive to the radar, as soon as we get out of this fog we'll be in a perfect range to attack!" Accepting the order with a 'Sir, yes sir', the communications operator gave the admiral's instructions to the rest of the fleet, but after just a few minutes of entering the mist, the men on deck began to get nervous, the mist It seemed to thicken with every second. "Rear Admiral, sailors report strange sounds and drastic temperature changes outside." -Reported by the communications operator, but before he could receive a response, a second report was transmitted- "Sir, the USS Dunham reports that sounds of banging are heard on the water, similar to that of an old paddle ship." The ship to the port end information? "HA so that thing has some ships, but what a good joke, it seems that the enemy had been at its base longer than expected, that the port corvettes intercept the contacts!" -The fog began to clear and the rear admiral He smiled- "and order the destroyers to advance, our objective is already in sight, fire at will as soon as they are in position; if that bastard has energy shields, just hit them until they explode." The communications operator immediately transmitted the orders to the rest of the ships and they all began to halt, pointing their cannons towards the resort that protruded a little out of the forest and after a few seconds, powerful roars were heard, all the destroyers fired their main cannons towards their objective almost in unison, generating a gigantic cloud of smoke and dust on impact. * BOOOMMm BOOOMMm BOOOMMm, BOOOMMm * A huge roar traveled throughout the forest, causing all the animals in the area to flee. "That's our signal! Troops, advance!" With the orders received, the armor advanced in a diamond formation, the infantry advanced in squadrons and each one of them was reinforced by a mortar squad, everyone was attentive, no one thought of belittling the enemy, that is a commonly fatal error in the battlefield, four companies formed a hedge that constantly closed and thickened as they approached the objective, a mixed section of light tanks and tanks made up the armored body that provided support, the tension was palpable, after the escape of the animals, only the sound of vehicles could be heard in the forest, accompanied by the occasional branch that was broken by the footfall of a soldier, the march advanced without incident for a kilometer, then they received the order to stop, something was wrong, gunfire from the destroyers was still heard, but there was no explosion on the ground. 'To all the troops, stop the march, I repeat, stop the march.' -was heard on the radio- "Hey, do you think we fell into a trap?" -asked a soldier nervous- "Easy rookie, follow the instructions and everything will be fine." -answered his direct superior- "Corporal Rayan, Lieutenant Burns, be quiet." -the squad leader intervened- "Captain Miller! I think I heard something move up front!" -Said one of the corporals urgently in a low voice, alerting the entire group who immediately pointed their weapons to the front- In the tent, they were trying to understand what was happening, the reports from the fleet were confusing, it seemed that they had suddenly encountered enemies and all their coordination was a disaster. "Officer, tell me exactly, what the hell is going on with the destroyers!" -demanded the general- "The reports are contradictory sir, the most repeated was that the enemies are old-style ships with masts and sails..." -the radio operator hesitated to continue- "What's up officer? Is there anything else to report?" "Yes sir, it's kind of ridiculous, but apparently most agree on it, just..." On the USS Hurrican, the observers were open-mouthed, they just couldn't believe their eyes. "Sergeant! Report! What happened to the target ?!" "Sir… the target is intact." "Impossible! They couldn't have missed all the shots! Is it an energy shield as we anticipated?" "It looks like a solid-looking earth wall appeared, it was suddenly raised to block the shots." But before the admiral could digest the information a new emergency report sounded, at the same time as the submarine attack alert. *WEEEEOW WEEEEOW WEEEEOW WEEEEOW WEEEEOW WEEEEOW* "Contacts, many contacts!" -shouted the radar operator- "How?! Where the hell did they come from?" *Grugle geugle grugle grugle* -A lot of bubbles were seen coming out of the sea- "Impossible, the wretch brought submarines?!" But as if to mock the admiral's discontent, right next to his ship, a large three-masted warship emerged from the waters, but it was not the only one, similar ships emerged next to each destroyer, the sight momentarily left them breathless, a ship of historical appearance, quite similar to those of the times of the great British navy, however, the appearance was not majestic, the ship had quite damaged sails, practically all the wood was covered by algae, barnacles and different types of marine life, only the deck seemed to be completely free of obstructions, the ship opened the broadsides and the calcified tips of the cannons came out, forty-two mouths pointed towards the navy ship, this finally brought them out of their stupor. "ENEMY ATTACK! AT ​​YOUR BATTLE POSTS!" -shouted the admiral through the ship's speakers- *BROROROROROROROROROROROROROM* The USS Hurrican rocked violently from the impact. "Damage report!" "Sir, the maintenance room was hit, as well as part of the cabins, severe structural damage to port side, about eight shots managed to penetrate the hull!" Those old cannons penetrated the hull, IMPOSSIBLE!, "I want a report from all the ships, that the corvettes support against the enemy ships, that all the artillery that can be aimed at that ship, and all the available marines present themselves on deck, I don't care what they attack with, we have to neutralize them as soon as possible and report our situation to operations control! The battle started with an almost unison firing of the 42 guns, the ship was so close that the main turrets were not able to target it, so only the secondary guns started firing on the enemy. *THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA THA* "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, all corvettes, we are under enemy fire, I repeat we are under enemy fire, we request immediate assistance!" -the radio operator called- "Mayday, mayday, this is USS Prowler" The messages began to arrive while on deck the shots of weapons, rocket launchers, and the explosions of grenades were heard, the situation was much worse than expected. "Admiral, all ships report skirmishes with ships that arose in a similar way, the corvettes that separated report serious casualties, two were sunk, three enemy ships were sunk, but they are outnumbered six to one! Sir, the Prowler requests assistance!" The officer gulped. "Sir, all the ships have different reports, but it appears the enemy outnumbers us three to one in general, and their ships are very resistant despite being made of wood!" *BROROROROROROROROROROROROROM* A second assault by the ghost ship struck the Hurrican, causing many of the soldiers on deck to fall into the sea, and as the ship recovered a large explosion rocked it, blowing off a good portion of the deck and bow. *BOOOOOOOM!* "Sir, the torpedo depot was hit, if we take another hit they'll sink us!" -shouted the artillery officer- "Deck report, we are being boarded!" -shouted another of the officers on the consoles "Report to command, we fell into a trap of the enemy, that the troops on the ground withdraw immediately!" -ordered the admiral- *KAPOOOM* "Sir they just blew up the communications tower!" "SHIT!," -the admiral slammed his fist on the console in fury and then took the microphone- "all the personnel, we are being boarded, repel the attackers, I repeat, repel the attackers!" When he finished, threw the microphone angrily. "Get us out of here before the enemy can fire again, that thing won't be able to reach us! Full blast!" The orders were given and the ship began to advance while turning to the opposite side of the enemy ship, as soon as it got far enough to make boarding impossible, the ghost ship unfolded its sails and began the chase, however, it was soon obvious that it will not be able to reach the destroyer. While they began their retreat, the admiral could see the state of the other ships, one of the destroyers had already been sunk, and judging by the few columns of smoke, most of the corvettes were also sunk and the few that remained were also undertaking the withdrawal, just as the enemy ship was about to enter the range of the main weapons, a sharp jerk caused everyone to lose their balance. "Report, what the hell was that?!" -shouted the admiral when he stood up again- "Sir, engine room reports a jam, something was thrown into the propellers!" "WITH A FUCKING DEMON! What the hell are those damn bastards?!" The admiral shouted full of fury as the ghost ship caught up with them and restarted the boarding, an arduous fight awaited them against skeletal sailors, zombies swelled from being in the water, and creatures that seemed mixtures between men and sea creatures. Under the water, semi equine figures fiercely watched their work, waiting for more prey to fall into the water, the scaly body and the fins revealed their underwater nature, it was a group of Kelpies that had torn chains and cables from the sunken ships to throw them in the propellers of those who tried to flee the combat; soon after their work was rewarded, the bodies began to fall into the water, it was time to eat. *CREEEEEEEAK* "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" "WITHDRAWAL, WITHDRAWALAAAAA! *GHUuu!* "A soldier shouted when suddenly a tree branch pierced his stomach to later be used as a hammer against another man- *Krunch* -the crunch of bones was heard on impact- In the forest everything was absolute chaos, out of nowhere, the trees around the troops, in front and behind them, pulled their roots out of the ground and began to move towards them, impaling the soldiers and vehicles with their branches, although in The latter always took a while to happen, they were hit and thrown until someplace sufficiently weakened in the armor was broken, at first, the shots seemed to do nothing, but little by little some trees began to fall, but the trees could also shoot, they spat a kind of poison dart that caused paralysis to convulsions and death to soldiers on foot, the armored ones were very useful, reducing many enemies to splinters with few shots, but at the time that most of the trees had fallen, they were surrounded by clawed beasts that cut through steel like cardboard. Multiple packs of wolves almost twice the size of a normal one that moved at an overwhelming speed and gave off a slight silver glow that was barely visible in the shadow of the forest, these attacked the tanks in groups, destroying them little by little until they were neutralized or useless; They were even more vulnerable to bullets, unlike trees, but they were a thousand times more difficult to hit them, due to the speed with which they were constantly moving, the use of grenades helped reduce their number, but all the armored vehicles had already been disabled, when they were completely overwhelmed, the troops began a disorganized retreat, however, many of the soldiers fell into traps, sinking in gelatinous masses, or these fell from the trees on them and the knives or bullets were completely useless against them, some soldiers lost their reason when they saw how they began to be dissolved and opted for suicide, detonating the grenades they carried, the screams of agony and pain they were mixed with those of terror, anguish and despair. The battle was short overall, lasting just over thirty minutes, but the sounds of explosions, screams, and gunfire dominated the forest during that time. At the command post, the men ran everywhere, trying to locate the troops, contact the ships or get any information about the battle, unfortunately for them, the information found them first, around the tent, the men began to fall decapitated or torn to pieces causing panic when some blood splashed his face and the last thing he saw was the face of his direct subordinate. "Lieutenant Colonel, you must escape-" *Slice* *splash* At that moment Lieutenant Colonel Iron Will lost his calm and the contents of his entrails, being the solid confined by his pants and underwear, he left the tent in a hurry, stumbling with the corpses, and what he found when he left was not It registered in his mind, his eyes had no chance to adjust to the brightness before he lost consciousness, he only managed to register a childish voice. "I'm sorry…" *Tock* *Plof* "B-but Demiurge said not to let anyone escape." "Mare-sama" -said an 'Enhanced Trent' who was quite battered- "all the survivors and those who surrendered have been secured." "Umu, good job, may the surviving 'Moonlight Wolf' gather all the bodies and arrange them in rows for inspection later; now we just need-" "Mare-sama," -spoke behind him a harsh voice- "the prisoners of the battle in the sea, as well as the ships that stay afloat, were brought to the beach, the earth elementals were in charge of creating a dock suitable." "Great! So everything went well, *shigh* is the count of the battle allready?" "It is Mare-sama, do you want me to hand it over?" -asked the lich- "Mnhn," -answered the dark elf shaking his head from side to side- "not yet, bring a group and count the battle on the ground together with the surviving Trent, we must report the results to Demiurge as soon as possible." "As you order." -With a bow the lich and the tree withdrew to fulfill their new task- AAAAaaahhhaaa, *shig* alright, we're finally done with the talk about politics, it's a shame that so many have ignored the offers, but that's not my problem, it's time to usher in the reporters. *Pirirp pirip pirip pirip* A 'Message' interrupted his thoughts. 'Ainz-sama' "Mhn? Has something unexpected happened Demiurge?" 'On the contrary, your plans have developed just as you predicted, the enemy navy and army have been destroyed.' They have done what?!... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?! > Cleaning the house Final part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the CDN building, the room was in absolute silence, the reason was the sudden heavy atmosphere emitted by the Sorcerer King, his subordinates looked at their master with intrigue, they were not sure what could have caused such a reaction in him. What has happened? A moment ago it seemed to me that he was receiving a 'Message', does that mean that he received unexpected news?... NO!, what nonsense am I thinking! Is impossible that my beloved can overlook something! Nothing and no one can escape his plans! -Albedo's thoughts were frantic as she couldn't understand her master's reaction- *Glup* How the hell I solve this, I can't just tell Demiurge that he misunderstood my words, that would depress him too much, maybe he would even try to commit suicide! if I tell him that I have changed of opinion I will not only be seen as an inept boss but also capricious, AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHH, *Shig*, there is no other way, I will have to go ahead and minimize the losses as much as I can. FLASHBACK -A few moments before- AAAAaaahhhaaa, *shig* alright, we're finally done with the talk about politics, it's a shame so many have ignored the offers, but that's not my problem, it's time to usher in the reporters. *Pirirp pirip pirip pirip* 'Ainz-sama' "Mhn? Has something unexpected happened Demiurge?" 'On the contrary, your plans have developed just as you predicted, the enemy navy and army have been destroyed.' They have done WHAT?!... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? How the heck did he come to that conclusion?!, (ES) no, wait, more importantly! how the heck did he wipe out all the military power of the nation without causing trouble?! (ES) After the 'ES' was activated several times in a row, the Overlord finally regained enough composure to try to fix things. "Umu, give me a summary report of the events." 'Yes, as requested, we kept abreast of all the movements in the country, repeating the operation used by Shizu and Yuri, we replaced the right hand of the central intelligence figure, as well as additional agents, replaced other figures close to the senior managers for the next step of your plans, as planned, we revealed the location of our 'embassy' at the same time that Equestria took possession of theirs, as you had already foreseen when selecting and/or requesting the type of location, we were the easiest option to attack, the enemy launched an amphibious attack that was neutralized with low-cost disposable units on land and the use of a 'Gosht Ship Fleet' at sea, the attackers who surrendered or survived were treated according to your orders.' Wait!, at what point did I give orders for a battle I didn't know would happen?! -thought the skeleton nervously- "U-umu, good job Demiurge, I'm pleased with your results." 'No way, I am not worthy of such praise, on the contrary, I apologize for taking so long to understand that I would apply the carrot and stick strategy, it would never have occurred to me that it could be used at the level of nations! Now that the excuse has already been generated, the only thing missing is to officially announce the punishment, as soon as you order it, it will be executed!' END OF FLASHBACK At least he didn't make all the military bases disappear from the face of the earth, *Shigh*, that would truly be Ulbert's way of acting hehehe. "Albedo, it's time for the reporters to come in, they need to be here for what's next." Her master's words finally pulled the succubus out of the worry spiral, her master wasn't worried or upset, he was simply taking the next step in his plans. Wonderful! His voice is commanding, as always, which means that everything is going according to his designs fufufufu -thought Albedo before speaking- "Right away Ainz-sama, unlock the doors! the political debate is over, let the reporters come in!" -she indicate to the moderator with an authentic smile on her face and joy in her voice- When the doors were opened and the correspondents of all the chains began to enter, in the first instance all stopped for a second, fighting the urge to flee, a few did not make it and ran away, while some seemed to simply feel calm, After a couple of minutes, all the reporters who dared to stay were ready and broadcasting, it was then, when Ainz realized that his aura of despair due to stress had been activated and deactivated it again. Mhn, why are you shaking like that?... oops, sorry I didn't notice! "Very well, the time has come to deal with the main issue, all the policy issues have already been solved, now it only remains to sign the treaties." As soon as the skeleton began to speak, the terrifying aura dissipated, allowing those present to organize their thoughts correctly, it was at this moment that Sunset was able to breathe normally and whisper into Twilight's ear. "What the hay was that?! I almost pissed myself out of fear!" -she asked as she wiped the sweat from her face with a handkerchief that Celestia offered her- "I'm not entirely sure, but it seems that something slightly bothered him, I thought I saw that he received a 'Message' just now." "Was that a slight annoyance?!" -Asked the former director, barely managing to control her voice, losing control of her body that began to tremble- "That's right, and believe me when I tell you that none of us would want to be within a mile of him when he gets really mad, I've already seen what his irritation can do and I won't be able to forget it for the rest of my life." A unicorn in armor and a Death Cavalier left their guard post behind their respective positions to fulfill the function of order, taking a position next to the representative of their respective nation when the moderator took the floor again. "Ahem, well, *huuff* the representatives are kindly requested to come to the front one by one if you wish to sign the agreement with either Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria or Prime Minister Albedo of the Sorcerous Kingdom, please just come the ones that are going to sign, those who do not wish to accept the treaty are asked to indicate it through their assigned microphone when their turn arrives." Starting from the bottom after receiving the order indications through their headphones, the representatives began to follow the process, to the surprise of no one, the first to receive a delegate was Equestria, but what weighed the most in the heart of the alicorn was the large number of nations that were refraining from participating, she was tempted to beg them to reconsider, but Celestia who was sitting on her right, stopped her, placing one of her hands on her shoulder and when she had the attention of the alicorn shook her head and spoke softly. "They have already made their decision, there is nothing that can convince them." The biggest surprise for many was the fact that some countries did not in fact ask for asylum, instead they requested to be adhered as vassals, this case was repeated more for the sorcerer kingdom, of which the first to request the status was the Mexican representative, Twili noted with curiosity that the countries that became vassals of the sorcerer kingdom were those that had the most deeply rooted the death in their cultures, Mexico, Ghana (Africa), Madagascar, Indonesia, Japan, as well as a couple of small nations of who cannot remember their names, these representatives received an additional document that gave them the instructions to follow for the transfer, as well as the guidelines and laws of the sorcerer kingdom, in the case of Equestria, only two countries decided to place themselves under their command, Mongolia and Egypt, curiously, It was easy for her to understand the first one since Mongolian culture has always been closely related to horses, but from Egypt she did not understand why, until the representative commented that their rulers wanted to request an audience with RA's daughter if possible. At the end of all the signatures, barely a fifth of the nations that made up the summit applied for asylum, Twilight was heartbroken, she wanted to do something for those who had decided to stay, be it somehow convince them or improve their abilities to survive, but The Overlord's next words cut off her train of thought. "With this, everything is finalized, the nations that decided to request asylum will receive instructions in this regard during the next few weeks, after being informed of their turn they will be given no more than two weeks to coordinate since unfortunately time is scarce; I regret that must retain you a little longer, it is assumed that the session would end here and everyone could withdraw, however, just before allowing journalists to enter, I received unfortunate news, I had assumed that my friendly offer would be enough, but it seems the greed was more powerful than the desire for survival for some reckless." The words of the Sorcerer King caused a stir, no one understood what it was about or what point the skeleton wanted to make. "A few days ago, I decided that it was time to announce the location of the temporary embassy of the Sorcerer Kingdom, to receive those who accepted to be refugees of my nation, the news I am talking about is that a few hours ago, the government of this nation, launched an amphibious attack on my embassy." *GHASPH* This information fell like a bomb in the room, the whispers and exchanges among those present were quite notorious, while the cameramen announced the shocking event, lengthening its live broadcast. "Although it had already been announced to them through an official statement that was delivered together with the proposal of my kingdom, in this I was notified of all the technical details of the place except for the location, as well as the compensation they would receive for the inconvenience caused during this contingency," The Overlord activated his [Aura of Despair level 1] again and a kind of dark smoke began to emanate from him. "However, as I announced during my first visit, I will not tolerate idiots, there will be adequate punishment for this insolence." The sounds of surprise were heard everywhere, the terror was beginning to be present, many of those who had not signed were trying to request that he not do anything abrupt and were trying to convince him to negotiate the matter, the most affected was the new representative of North America, but everything was cut off by the voice of the Sorcerer King. "How scandalous, Silence!" At the commanding voice and the gesture that exuded the skeleton's royal authority, the entire room fell silent immediately. UOOOOHHH, great! It's good that I practiced that line, I didn't think it would help me so soon. -Ainz thought when he saw that the room was not only silent, it had also frozen- "There is no need to be alarmed, the innocent do not have to pay for the guilty when the punishments are issued out under my command, the blame of the government will not fall on the citizens." The Overlord cast his gaze on several random cameras as he spoke, but in the end, he stopped on one, in particular, the cameraman's shirt caught his attention for a second because of its inappropriateness. Eeeehh is not that something inappropriate for this event, who goes with a printed shirt to an event like this, and those are... runes? and it seems to have a swordsman in front... wait what am I doing, I must not be distracted at this time! - He thought, and without moving his gaze so as not to give a bad impression, he continued- "As I announced during the first visit, I will not tolerate the idiots, all those high officials of North America who caused this mishap, I recommend that you resolve all your pending issues because you will not see another sunrise." The last sentence was said in such a dark and threatening tone that several of those present fainted, including Twili, who could no longer bear the pressure and fell head-on against the table, drawing the attention of some around her and a slight laugh of Albedo that she hid behind her delicate hand. "Fufufufu" In the White House, the president, his secretaries, and aides were with the creeps. "T-t-t-this is impossible!" -cried one- "I-i-it has to be some kind of trick! Yes, that has to be!" -scream another- The rest were completely silent, and it was no wonder, after silencing everyone in the room, the skeleton looked towards the news camera they were watching and not wanting to see him directly, they immediately changed the chain they saw, just so that the next instant, the skeleton looked straight at them again, several times they changed the channel, but the same thing always happened and when they stopped changing the channel, the red flames in the skeleton basins no longer moved to the other side and to top it off, the end was straight to the point. "Secretary Strikes, tell me that at least your mission was successful and they collected all the material found at the site." -asked the president- But before the defense secretary could reply that they still had no contact with the dispatched troops, the voice of the Sorcerer King coming from the screen made their blood run cold again. "I regret to inform you, Mr. President, that the mission sent as mere thieves, was a resounding failure, most of the ships sent were sunk, the troops by land annihilated and all the officers, as well as the survivors and those who surrendered, are under arrest due to their crimes against the Sorcerer Kingdom, they will answer for their respective acts and levels of guilt in a trial, that's all, strive to survive." With those words, the Sorcerer King got up and began to retreat, the rest of his entourage, as well as the representatives of Equestria, followed his example, but after just a couple of steps, he stopped and gave one last warning as if it were about something trivial. "Ah, right, I almost forgot, my troops will be withdrawn from all over this country, only the areas that will pass the barrier without suffering catastrophic damage will be protected, I recommend that you deploy your troops to protect your citizens." With business finally over, both groups withdrew in the same manner as they arrived and the soldiers prevented any further interviews from being given. Once on the carriage in which they had arrived and started their way back, Twilight still couldn't get over what happened, so the conversation had been turning to the same topic for the last twenty minutes. "I just don't get it! How can someone be so blind?!, so… so… Aaarrrgghh! *Shigh*" The rest of the natives on this side of the mirror, saw the alicorn with understanding and self-denial, while Sunset saw her with a melancholic expression. "I mean, what else could they need to know not to make him mad?!, for Celestia, he killed a man in front of everyone, for the Tartarus, HE REVIVED someone in front of everyone!" The alicorn held her head between the hooves trying to regain her composure as she breathed deeply, seeing that the princess paused, the former director spoke. *Shigh* "It is certainly something regrettable, however, it is human nature, or should I say semi-human? I think I remember that the Sorcerer King said something about it; Princess Twilight, your concern for our destiny is admirable, unfortunately, we can do nothing against the ambitions of those in high command, you should not blame yourself for the blindness that power caused them." After hearing Celestia's words, the princess turned to seek support from her compatriot, however, to no avail. "I'm sorry Twilight, but that's how things are on this side, it also took me a long time to get used to it when I arrived, this society doesn't work like Equestria's, maybe it's because the Harmony Tree didn't exist here during the same time as on the other side of the mirror." "Well, then I think it will be necessary to send a letter to the diarchy so that they are warned and know what to expect from the refugees." *Shigh* With these words, the princess of friendship finally accepted the fact that humans did not know the magic of friendship yet. At the White House, as soon as the broadcast ended, frantic movement was triggered immediately, evacuation notices to safe houses or bunkers were issued to all high government officials as they identified the level of threat their lives were under, In just a few hours each and every one of the officials was on their way to their designated shelters, with as many security measures as possible, however desperation did not end there, orders had been issued to mobilize as many soldiers as possible within the territory, as well as permits granted to mobilize heavy weapons within the nation, however, its deployment was very slow, as soon as the sorcerer king said in the transmission, all the knights in armor and different creatures scattered throughout the borders of the nation, withdrew to the different points that were designated for them and the effect was immediate, the magical beasts and predators of Equestria, suddenly finding themselves in a totally strange environment, began to destroy everthig, causing explosions, attacking pedestrians who were in the streets and were easily attracted by the lights and sounds of shopping centers, by the time the armed forces appeared in all the cities, the general population It had already been reduced by 30% in practically all of them, and it was even worse in the smallest ones, in rural towns, rarely was a survivor found, but the worst amount of damage was caused by a creature with a cute and innocent appearance, Similar to some kind of speck of hair, but reproducing at breakneck speed, the creatures devoured several cities in just a few days, before the most effective way to stop them was found, with fire; A call to the Equestrian embassy and the princess of friendship, was the one that identified them and told them how to reunite them, Parasprites. After leaving the city, the Overlord and his escort used 'Gate' to immediately reach their destination, upon entering the office that was prepared for him in the building, the Archdemon was already waiting for him. "Welcome back Ainz-sama." "Umu, good job, let's get straight to the point, are you advancing the plan without any problem?" "It's just as you say, everything is going exactly as you planned..." Seeing the expression on his subordinate's face, the skeleton mentally sighed, preparing to receive bad news. "What's wrong Demiurge, is there anything else you want to say?" "If I may inquire, why did you decide not to wipe out the entire nation? That would have been a greater show of power, wouldn't it?" FFfffiiiiiuuuu, thank goodness, it's not what I thought, fortunately, I already have the answer to that question. "Indeed, that would be the case in an ordinary situation." This comment from his master piqued the demon's curiosity. Oooh are you going to reveal some detail of your plan to me? Something I haven't seen yet? Or… maybe something that I overlooked in my ignorance?! Tsk. "Actually, my decision is due to several factors, firstly, the effort is not necessary, just by withdrawing the dispersed troops the effect will be noticeable, secondly, doing so can spoil the opportunity to obtain valuable resources or personnel that can be found among the natives, third, what is necessary in itself, is not to show an overwhelming power, at least not for the moment, what we want is to break their spirits so that they do not try something stupid again, that is why it is necessary to scare them into being hidden the best they can... SHIT I FORGOT THE REST! There are several more points, however, for now, those are the most interesting." "Oooohh, now I understand everything! That's why he gave those orders earlier, even though we could easily have kept our watch with Shizu's help, but what a fool I was to believe that the sole purpose was to conduct a field test of the new units! From the beginning, I planned to make only a surgical precision attack eliminating all the important figures to strike fear in the hearts of all governments! Great! Certainly wonderful! I will make sure your message is sent correctly, none of their pathetic security measures will do them any good, the announcement will be clear and precise, 'there is no place in the world that protects you from the wrath of a supreme being', mnhahahaHAHAHAHAAHA." Hmm, I guess if it was something like that I had thought to say before I forgot, hmm, meh. The president of the unified states, was in his office, inside a secret bunker located under Mount Cheyenne, next to him was his assistant, it was time for dinner, all the staff was complying with their rotation to take the lunchtime, so at that time the patrols were light, while he kept trying to think what the Sorcerer King would try, without being able to think something. *SHIGH*, I give up, I can't think of another way the skeleton could fulfill its threat, but this time I'm one step ahead, as long as I'm here it will be impossible to reach me, bombardment and radiation are useless in the face of a large amount of stone what is between the surface and this point, poisoning is impossible, all the base foods are dry rations made by ourselves and we have water and other supplies for a long period of isolation, an infiltrator is just as absurd, there is only personnel trusted in the base that was specially selected and extensively verified at this time, HA! you lost fucking monster. *Knock Knock knock* "Come in." The sound of someone knocking on the door brought out of his thoughts the man who immediately gave it permission to enter, who passed through the door was his assistant, a woman of simple appearance, dressed in a classic lady's suit, of a gray color Of course, with blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back, which as usual, she kept tied in a ponytail, her figure was not exuberant, but she was undoubtedly attractive and her honey-colored eyes were framed by glasses with black frame for eyestrain, in one of her hands she carried a covered tray. "Mr. President, I have communicated your orders, no one will bother you for several hours, only I will stay with you in case of any eventuality, also, here is your dinner, you must eat something, there are only a couple of hours left by midnight, you must keep up your energy." "I appreciate your concern Miss Smit, but it is not a good time, the sun is still a long way away, I cannot allow myself to relax..." The man interrupted his words when the lights in the room flickered a few times quickly. "What the hell was that?! are we under attack?!" "No, that it's not the case Mr. President, it's just a signal." -said the woman- Leaving the tray on the desk calmly, she proceeded to remove her glasses and place them over it. "A signal of what?, and why wasn't I informed about it?!" -said the man raising his voice and standing up- "Because the signal was not for you, but rather for me." -said the girl opening her jacket and taking from it two scrolls that she activated immediately- The skin parchments, being thrown slightly in the air, spread and were abruptly consumed in flames of a different color from each other, some were bright yellow, while the other flames were blue, the president immediately understood that they were was trying, a betrayal, in fury he was about to take the gun in his desk drawer to kill his assistant before she could complete whatever she was doing, but all her thoughts and actions stopped in their tracks, the scrolls were not the only thing burning. "TRAito…." The figure of his assistant was quickly consumed and engulfed in flames of an emerald green color and what remained behind them, he thought for a second that it was a charred body, but the bright green color on the head and the compound eyes like those of a bug, as well as the twisted horn, on the creature's forehead, told him that it was not like that, and the voice with a slight reverberation confirmed it. "It'S a ShAmE ThAt YoU hAvE rEjEcTeD yOuR lAsT dInNeR." The creature in front of him was a kind of bug with a strange face, the whole body was as black as coal, but at the same time it was reflective as if it was well polished, there were membranous wings on its back, it seemed to lack bits on its limbs, there were visible holes, some passed from side to side completely. "PuT dOwN yOuR gUn, YoU wIlL nOt NeEd It AnYmOrE." The voice of the creature was heard once more, accompanied by an additional glint in the eyes and the horn of the creature; that was the last conscious memory of the American president. The secretary of national security, Boroimhe Phooka, walked grumbling through the corridors of the security sub-basement, located several meters below the central CIA building, could not believe his bad luck. UHGgnn... I hope I can get there, I think with the stress it would have been better not to have dinner at all, Nngh... He was walking discreetly in a hurry, dinner had not gone too well on his stomach and the nearest bathroom was under maintenance at that time, due to a problem with the toilets, for some reason they were not getting water, so without even stopping, when he reached the bathroom farthest from his office he immediately entered a cubicle, pulled down his pants and sat down, finally feeling relief when he let out all the discomfort without restrictions, after a few minutes he felt that it was all and extended his hand to the roll holder, but it was empty. "...OH! FUCK ME SIDEWAYS! Only this was missing!." *Click clack*… *Fffussssss* Fortune smiled at him this time, someone had just entered and was washing his hands, he decided to ask for help and swear to be more careful so that it does not happen to him again. Wait for a second, aren't those my assistant's shoes? Great, I'm saved! "Who is there? Is it you agent Mulder?" "Secretary Phooka?" *Shigh* "I have some technical problems with the assortment of cleaning supplies, could you take care of that?" "Mhn? ... Ah! I got it! just a second." (AN: No matter how powerful you are, if you run out of paper in the bathroom you become the humblest of men no matter how great your pride is hahaha, it has happened to all of us at some time.) The agent opened the shelf of supplies and handed a new toilet paper to his boss from under the door, he thanked him and a moment later the toilet flow was heard and finally, he left, during that time his assistant used the urinal and both ended up washing their hands at the same time without crossing the gaze. Right when they finished, the lights quickly blinked a couple of times. "Now the lights too ?!, *shigh* What the hell are the maintenance guys doing?" Saying this, behind him he heard a sound like flames burning rapidly, like a somewhat large gas flame and when he turned around, he saw his assistant with a big smile, maybe even too big to be physically possible, but what else struck him was the fact that there were a lot of specks of light floating in the air. "OH, you don't have to worry my esteemed secretary Boroihme, I assure you this is not a technical problem, it is just the signal for the next step." The drastic change in voice and mannerisms stunned the CIA director for a second, but he recovered immediately and drew his pistol pointed at the agent in front of him. "Who the hell are you? You're not Fox Mulder!, where's my agent?! And how come you have the same face?! If you don't answer right away you'll regret it later!" "Okay, if that's what you want I'll answer your questions." -answered the 'agent'- However, again the armed man gasped, the man in front of him seemed to melt into a pink mass that quickly became a thin being with long fingers, with an egg-shaped head, but the most noticeable was his face or the lack of a normal one, in his face, there were only three dark holes, two for the eyes and one for the mouth, as if it were a drawing of a five-year-old child. "Director Phooka here, send reinforcements to the east wing bathroom immediately, we have an intruder!" The man spoke desperately on his radio, but all that was heard back was static, he immediately emptied his weapon on his assistant. *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!* The secretary of national security, seeing that the man in front of him collapsed, looked towards the door for a second to verify that it was not obstructed, but when he returned his attention to the front, he felt an enormous pain in his chest, he looked down and saw that long and sharp claws had pierced him, he lost all strength in his arms and his weapon fell to the ground, he looked up again with the little strength he had left and what was in front of him this time was a strange beast. "Sorry 'boss' but I'm a doppelgänger, as long as the weapon isn't magical it's completely useless against me." He looks more like a demon, or is the previous form his actual appearance? It was the man's last conscious thought and immediately afterward he lost consciousness from the brutal loss of blood. In a secret bunker located on the mountain 'Raven', the defense secretary had been coordinating the movement of troops throughout the nation, mobilizing the armed forces, the marines, the coast guards, and even the national guard and yet he still lacked a lot of troops. *Shigh* there is simply no way to do it, even mobilizing to the last available man, we can only keep the most important cities safe, it is always easier to maintain a border than to try to control an entire territory, Damn!, it seemed that they did nothing, but truly the sorcerer king's troops were taking care of a lot, just how many soldiers he mobilized within our territory without us noticing! *Knock Knock Knock Knock* The sound of the door interrupted his lamentations. "Come in." A man in a military uniform walked in with a folder full of reports, stood in front of the desk, and gave a formal salute. "Sir!" "At rest, what is it, Lieutenant? Do you have something for me?" "Here is the report of the troops that you requested sir," -he handed over the folder and continued speaking- "it has been possible to fully secure the most important cities and some smaller cities, but all the small towns and reserves are unreachable." *Shigh* Just like I thought. "And the casualties?" "Acceptable so far, but each time the beasts appear are becoming more dangerous and resistant." "Well, we must not wasting time, we must ensure the safety of as many citizens as possible." After another minute of reading the reports, the lights blinked rapidly for a second. "What the hell was that?! Lieutenant, find out right away what's going on! If we're under attack I want to know right away!" After giving his orders, the secretary leaned down to take his gun from the bottom drawer of the desk and prepare for whatever, but three things made him quickly raise his head and immediately point in front of him, the first was the absence of the steps in retreat of the lieutenant, the second was the sound of something burning rapidly and the third were the words uttered by the lieutenant, which did not contain an iota of the usual military respect. "It is not something to be alarmed about, it is only a signal for me." -said the soldier taking out two scrolls from his pockets and activating them on the spot- *FFLlluuoossssh* The secretary immediately understood that it was a trap. *Click BANG BANG!* -Two shots rang out from the 11.43mm automatic weapon, a German-made USP- The traitor collapsed in pain as he received two shots, one in the right shoulder and the other in the right thigh, the secretary hurried around the desk to question the traitor, but what he saw froze him in place, from the bullet holes blood came out, this was something completely normal, however, the color of this was not, it was a bright green, almost phosphorescent and an instant later the body was enveloped by a green flare, what was left behind left him fully dumbfounded. "What the heck are you!" "Hehehe, I dOn'T eXpEcT tHaT yOu WeRe ThIs FaSt At YoUr AgE, i'M a ChAnGeLiNg." Still aiming at the fallen creature, the secretary hurried to the door to request reinforcements, but it did not open, after a few seconds of seeing the bleeding creature, he holstered his weapon and tried to open the door with both hands, seeing that it was useless, he turned to go to his desk and use the phone, but the figure that was on the ground until a second ago, was now in front of him, only now his appearance was more monstrous, he seemed a mixture of wasp and praying mantis, and before he could draw his pistol again, his chest was pierced by one of the thick blades that made up the front legs, spitting out some blood he lost consciousness when the blade was withdrawn, and his life as he bled out away on the floor. In the great tomb of Nazarick, the master of life and death was receiving the mission report in his office. "Umu, excellent work Demiurge, so everything worked properly?" "That's right Ainz-sama, the 'Anti Divination Barrier' and 'Lockdown' scrolls worked as expected, the targets who tried were not able to communicate with the outside, either physically or by other means, and when the secretary Strikes attempted Opening the door was not possible, the only eventuality was the wounded changeling, although he still fulfilled its mission, we found that the chitin of the infiltrators is not strong enough to stop the shots of the military-grade handguns." "I see" well that's to be expected, a thief or spy has a pathetic defense after all. "that's within expectations." that's why each of them was assigned an SD for this mission so no one was lost. "Now, Chrysalis." Upon being summoned, the newly changeling queen who was a couple of steps behind the Archfiend came in line with him and prostrated herself. "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Have you had any problem with your subordinates?" "None my lord, since the Book was given to me as a result of Demiurge-sama's efforts after studying my biology, and I have used it under the supervision of Cocytus-sama, the entire company follows my orders without question, but on the contrary, all of them have shown a strong loyalty to me, in addition to considering your orders above mine without hesitation, according to their explanation, their master's master has the higher hierarchy so his orders are considered of greater importance." Mhn?, How strange, that did not happen with invocations before, in Yggdrasil, only the summoner could control said invocations, is it the effect that all the descriptions have become real? "And if you allow me to add, I want to thank you again, I never thought that I would have a hive again, you have helped me obtain much more than I ever expected, with you are my devotion and fidelity eternally... also, now that I truly have a connection with my subordinates, a hivemind, I feel fully complete, thank you very much for everything Ainz-sama, I promise to work harder to meet your expectations in the position you have assigned me." Well, the spy or inner vigilante position is the one that your race has the most value as, unlike the doppelgänger, you can also transform into objects. -the Overlord thought- "If you could enlighten me, I only have one question that I would greatly appreciate if you answered me." "Go ahead" "Why do they look like that?" Uff, thank goodness is a simple question. "Umu, it is a logical question, although I have my suspicions, we are still waiting for the results of Demiurge's experiments to confirm it, you can ask him when it is concluded." "As you order." The next morning, chaos broke out throughout the US system of government, half of the heads of state had been murdered in grotesque and bloody ways along with their assistants, only that these, unlike their superiors, perished peacefully, all while they were in the safest areas to which they could have access, without generating a single alarm until they were searched the next morning, this filled with terror to the rest of the legislative body, which despite everything that happened, managed to move the government forward after these events, the vice president, took the reins of the country to try not let it collapse, tried to contact the Sorcerer Kingdom, but all his attempts were rejected, his country had to face the days to come by themselves, as did those who refused to sign the treaties in the CRC. The weeks passed quickly and the situation began to deteriorate all over the globe, the bad weather became more and more marked; Those who had signed the vassalage or to be refugees, were given access to areas identified as points of concentrated magic, all varied in size, depending on the magic concentration, some were completely ignored as the concentration was too poor to offer any amount protection against disasters in the area that encompassed, while the area offering the greatest protection were carefully managed and controlled. At CHS, the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle closed the news portal and social networks that she had open on the computer located in Celestia's office with a sigh and began to speak with those present. *Shigh* "Everything is happening as the Sorcerer King predicted, as a fact, I think even faster, little by little the effects of the weakening of the barrier that separates the worlds are becoming more noticeable throughout this world." "It was to be expected, what I can not believe is that all those who did not sign still think that everything is a sham." -The redhead replied with frustration- "It is something very regrettable, but we cannot do much about it," -Luna intervened- "for a little over a week, a large number of people are being sent to the other side daily, both towards the sorcerer kingdom and towards Equestria, and even though our area is the largest of all those that offer protection, it will still be difficult to accommodate so many and prevent it from becoming an absolute disaster." "The troops that my other self sent and those of King Gown have helped to maintain order overwhelmingly," -added Celestia- "if it weren't for that, everything would be utter chaos, no, that's being very kind to my words, the truth would be something much darker and more terrifying, it would be similar to the blow of a holocaust." As the world slowly shattered on the other side of the mirror, in the castle of friendship, two figures walked down the main corridor towards the exit, making sure they were not lacking anything for the journey they were about to undertake. "Are you sure you're not missing anything Turing?" "I truly appreciate your concern Spike, but since I don't need to eat and/or sleep, I don't need a lot of luggage, I have some money, in case I see something that will be a good souvenir and my crank charger, in case that is necessary." "Okay... are you sure you don't need someone else to accompany you?" "You don't have to worry Spike, I will meet my brothers in Mustangia first to pick them up, we will take care of each other, asking any of the others to accompany me at this time would be impossible, they all have a lot of work with the matter of the refugees." "You're right, * shigh * just, be very careful, okay?" "Of course." With a hug they both said goodbye, the automaton went to the train station, bought a ticket to Mustangia and started the trip, after a little more than 8 hours later it reached its destination and immediately headed towards the Peach farm, the only difference from before the attack on Canterlot was that the ponies seemed to have lost some of their animosity, it was true that they were still smiling, but it was obvious that the news of Cobbler's actions weighed on them. When she arrived at the Peach ranch she was well received by the family and it didn't take long for her to find her siblings, they had already been notified days before the events that took place, so they were soon ready to leave, at the beginning, when she met them she communicated that everyone would receive updates from the Sorcerer King, there were great reactions from his brothers, 01 jumped uncontrollably of joy, 02 was skeptical and said she was sure they would receive something totally useless, 04 identified for the first time what emotion was thinking that he would receive combat upgrades, after taking a few hours while they waited for the train that would take them to the sorcerer kingdom, Turing brought the family up to date on the most recent events in the capital, finally saying goodbye and leaving when the time run out, the trip passed without eventualities, but everything around them was interesting, after all it was the first time that the automatons left Equestria or really traveled somewhere. After little more than two days of travel that passed between train, ship, and trot, they finally reached the capital of the sorcerer kingdom, as soon as they reached the gates, they were guided to a room in which they would receive an introduction to the regulations and laws of the kingdom, to the amazement of the captain who was in charge of the introductions, the newcomers did not show an iota of reaction when the first thing they saw was a DK, after thanking for the introduction, Turing asked the guard the way to the palace and the being questioned about her intentions, she showed the letter confirming that they were guests of the king himself; upon seeing it, the captain immediately ordered an escort to take them to the palace as soon as possible. On the way, they enjoyed the views and for 02 did not go unnoticed the large number of constructions and projects that were underway throughout the city, after a quiet march of almost an hour, they found themselves in front of the palace and were received by a servant girl who led them to the throne room, where the Sorcerer King and his prime minister were already waiting for them. *Click clak creeeeeeaak* The huge doors opened and the group advanced until they were in front of the throne, where everyone bowed showing proper etiquette before a king, as soon as their knees hit the ground, the servant began to speak. "I apologize for disturbing you, Ainz-sama, the visitors you expected have arrived." "Good work Fifth, you can retire." With permission received, the maid rose, bowed, and withdrew. "Everyone welcome, please stand up." Brrrrh, those two give chills, they look like more dolls from a haunted house. -Ainz thought as he looked at the first two prototypes carefully. "Thank you very much for extending your kindness towards us," -said Turing for the group- "we will do everything possible not to be a burden at this time that disaster is near." "Umu, now, first of all, you should know that the process will take some time, we have to be fully sure of the compatibility before trying to install any update, during the following weeks we will be doing several tests and evaluations on you, there may even be occasions when there is a need to keep any of you disabled for one or more days, so we will require you to be patient, if these conditions do not seem right, you can withdraw without any commitment, but if you wish to undergo the procedure anyway, I will allow you to use scrolls of 'Message' to communicate with whoever is waiting for you and tell them what will happen at that time so that they are not worried about you." After a quick visual deliberation between the automatons, they all decided that they would go ahead, upon receiving the positive confirmation, the skeleton made an indication with his hand and Albedo handed them two scrolls and explained how to use them. When they finished speaking with their respective contacts, the group was led by Albedo to one of the adjoining rooms, where the process of the automatons would begin. The days passed and the situation was constantly getting worse outside the areas protected by magic, communications by land began to fail en masse, many television networks could no longer broadcast, either because they had been destroyed by a storm or because they had withdrawn from the world. At CHS, the Princess of Friendship, her friends, and the Faust sisters worked tirelessly to mobilize all refugees. "There is good news, we are practically finished with the refugee movement, only a small amount is left, *shigh* relatively speaking, I think that if everything continues with the same speed, we will have finished our evacuation in the course of the next two or three weeks." -Twilight announced to those present- "That's good, this amount of daily work is exhausting, knowing that we will almost have a break is encouraging." -Added Luna from her desk- "Can you pass me the stamp of approval please." -Celestia spoke- But before Sunset could comply with the request, the door to the office (formerly the teachers' lounge) was slammed open by Rainbow Dash. "Sunset, Princess Twilight, a messenger from the Sorcerer Kingdom just brought this message!" The athlete screamed urgently, who was already by the desks before the door slammed against the wall. The youngest of the alicorns took the offered letter, broke the seal and began to read, after a couple of minutes, her face turned pale and the letter escaped from her hooves, falling on the table, with this, the rest could see her expression of horror, so the redhead rushed to ask. "Twilight? What's going on? Has something happened in Equestria?" When there was no answer, Sunset took the letter and read it, and she turned pale like the princess, but with a difference, there was amazement and understanding on her face. "OH, that is truly a BIG problem." Inside the palace in the sorcerer realm, the Overlord was in his office, diligently reviewing the reports on his desk while accompanied by Albedo. The door rang and the maid on duty verified who it was. "Ainz-sama, it's Demiurge-sama." "Umu, thank you very much, Foss, let him come in." With a respectful bow, the maid hurried to carry out her master's orders and a moment later, the Archfiend was in front of the desk and spoke as soon as he paid his respects to his master. "Ainz-sama, I have something of high priority that I wish to report to you, it has to do with the experiment you entrusted to me and the item 'Two-World Mandala'." "Speak." "Yes, after the experiments carried out with some of the captured soldiers, we corroborate that what happened with the Dazzling's is two-way, apparently it is one of the effects of the collapse of the barrier, according to the results, the effects are slower the bigger the group, but I think it is possible that the effect will accelerate exponentially when the barrier falls permanently." "Mmmh, has the effect manifested itself on any of Nazarick's subordinates?" "So far the only ones affected were the new subordinates of Chrysalis, the scroll was supposed to summon normal drones, but all the summoned individuals presented the same distortion." Hmm, so does that mean that the transformation will affect any new births or summons? -the Overlord thought- "This can be a problem in relations with Equestria if we leave it as is, *shigh* Albedo." "Yes, Ainz-sama." "Send a message to the diarchy, let them know what to expect based on the new information by written, and also send a copy to the refugee representatives, as well as to our new vassals." "Right away, then with your permission." With a bow, the overseer of the guardians withdrew to carry out her master's orders. "With that fixed, what happens to the WI?" "Yes, the constant use of magic from the other side seems to be accelerating the fall of the barrier, even though we have used a much greater amount and more constantly, our magic does not seem to affect it, but since the Equestrian magic began to be used, the effects are becoming more and more noticeable." That can be a real headache. *shigh* "Have there been any more incidents that could delay the evacuation?" "No Ainz-sama, since those flies were exterminated when they tried to invade the areas under your protection, there have been no more attempts, with the rapid deterioration of the climate and the first earthquakes, all the countries are too busy trying to maintain their functionality." Hufff, thank goodness, I don't want to keep wasting my time with skirmishes. "Umu alright, as for the evacuation, how long until it is complete?" "If no eventuality arises, it will be completed within the next seven days." Celestia was in the throne room along with a group of ponies, it was the group that was in charge of coordinating the location and rations for the refugees, after being confirmed, another large number of documents were delivered to the soldier who was waiting for them to be in charge of mobilizing another group of refugees, the corporal gave the appropriate salute and retired to carry out his duties and another large pile of paperwork began to be processed. This would be a huge problem for the nation if it weren't for Twilight making sure everyone brought enough food with them. -the monarch of the sun thought when she was distracted by the entrance of her sister- *CLACLOoomm* "Mhn, Luna? Did something happen? Why did you get up so early? There are still a few hours before the sun goes down and the moon goes up." -said the alabaster alicorn, rising from her place to hug her sister- The two shared a hug and Luna began to speak as soon as they separated. "Indeed, but when I returned from attending to my needs, I realized that there was a new notification in the messenger chest of the sorcerer kingdom and it is something that we must attend to as soon as possible, it seems that complicated times are coming again." -the princess of the night finished handing the letter to her sister- Celestia reread the letter a couple of times to make sure she understood what she was reading correctly, finally sighed, and decided to inform the rest of the staff and refugees of the new changes. *Shigh* "This will be a big headache, is it too much to ask that at least one of the world cataclysms can resolve itself peacefully and without affecting anyone?" -said the princess of the sun in an unusual way as she returned to her seat at the table- Her sister's unusual reaction caused the night princess to raise an eyebrow and turn around. "I'll retire then, I'll tell Twilight about this, I'll have something for breakfast and then I'll come to replace you so you can rest." In the teachers' room transformed into an office, the princess of friendship, Twili, and the Faust sisters were processing the refugee papers when the door opened and the redhead entered with the diary that worked as a means of communication with Equestria in her hand. "Twilight, a message came from the princesses, I think you should read it as soon as possible, it seems that the barrier is going to give more problems than we had understood in the letter." Upon hearing her name, the youngest of the princesses saw her friend and the diary that she carried opened in her hands, when she finished speaking, she sighed and took it in her magic to review it. *Shigh* She went over the information several times and each time she felt more doubts until she decided to consult it with the rest of the people in the room. "OK, apparently the barrier has a new effect that until now has been introduced little by little and the Sorcerer King studied this effect and in summary came to the following conclusion, not only the worlds are going to unite, also the magical natures of both worlds, that is, the magic of Equestria and the lack of magic on this side, this will cause a kind of fusion or magical regression that will affect all creatures causing physical changes, and the only reference to what types of physical changes will be, it is a single phrase, 'anthropomorphism of varied scale' and they ask me to make public the information for the refugees on this side; If I fully understand what he means by varied scale, that means that it will affect each species or individual in a different scale, but I don't understand what 'anthropomorphism' means It's a word I've never heard before, does anyone know its meaning?" "Anthropomorphic means human or humanoid form." -said Luna immediately without changing her face of surprise and curiosity- "So, does that mean that the inhabitants of Equestria will take on a humanoid form?" -Asked Twili- "Yes and no," -answered the redhead- "that is, yes, it will affect all the inhabitants of Equestria, but I don't see why it is necessary to announce it to the refugees who are about to cross to the other side, the only way into it makes sense would be if it were to affect them as if they were simply going to transform." *Ghasph* "They're going to pony up." The exclamation of the former Cristal Prep student caught the attention of the rest and the next moment the two equestrians exchanged looks of understanding and surprise. "It's true! Now that you say it, when you activate the power of your geodes, you transform, and you do so because equestrian magic is coming out to a great extent within you!" -Exclaimed Twilight- "Why didn't I think about it before! if the magical natures are going to unite, that means that both the inhabitants of our world are going to be humanized and the inhabitants of this are going to be ponyfied!" "So it is imperative that we give a warning as soon as possible, and not only to the refugees, we must also do everything possible to send a warning to the rest of the nations or those who survive will be extremely disoriented and terrified when it happens." -spoke Celestia seriously- "Sunset, do you think you and the rest of the girls can help me with this? We alone can't do both." "Don't worry, we take care of it, I think some of the girls are done with what they were doing and the others are about to finish, we will do it immediately." The announcement that not only was the world going to end, but that they were also going to mutate into a different species, caused a huge panic among the few nations that were still in a state of receiving news via satellite; among the refugees, it caused a lot of concern, but after a quick explanation by Sunset Shimmer, accompanied by a visual example of what they could expect, it greatly helped to calm people's anxiety and in the next few weeks, they completed the evacuation of the refugees, while watching how the situation outside the protected area became worse and worse, cataclysms began to happen, massive volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and storms never seen before, the countries that were standing were unable to leave their edges, the planes could not take off or stay in Flight due to turbulence and ground traffic was absolutely impossible. Many of the people who lived in the border of the areas with magic, were quick to move further towards the center for fear that collateral damage would reach them, some even asked to cross to the other side with the refugees out of concern, even though they were assured that they were safe. In the following days, all hell broke loose, the seas were turbulent and extremely violent across its surface, the currents were an absolute disaster, the earth was shaking wildly, collapsing buildings and mountains, the sky was splitting with massive electrical storms, pieces of land began to simply sink and disappear, all nations, individuals and animals that were outside the protected areas, that day ceased to exist. In the throne room of the great tomb of Nazarick, the overlord of death sat, reviewing the reports of his subordinates regarding the progress of the temporary relocation work for the new vassals, today was the calculated day that the effect of 'Two-World Mandala' ended and they had prepared for the worst, outside the tomb only summoned and/or disposable creatures had remained. "I see, so it's just as predicted, at any moment the effect will end and the worlds will unite again." "It is just as you predicted Ainz-sama." -Albedo answered who was next to him- Well it is not that I have predicted it as such, the truth occurred to me after studying the volumes of magic that Princess Twilight lent to 'Momon' to help him with his magic. "Umu, all that remains is to wait for the process to be completed, in the meantime, let's see how everything happens." With a wave of his right hand, the remote viewing mirror appeared before him and the reflective surface began to shake, turning watery and now on the surface, there was an image of the outside instead of a reflection. It was a quiet day like any other throughout Equus, the only difference was that all the creatures were following the warnings of their nations, since days ago they had prepared for what could happen, so they stayed inside their houses, then It began to be felt, the earth began to shake slightly, those who were close to the most affected areas saw how the ground cracked, forming deep chasms, which were quickly filled by debris that fell from the sky, most of these events occurred in areas completely remote from any settlement, but some occurred near rural or urban areas. In the seas, huge amounts of water and debris fell into them, and just as on land, multiple abysses were filled by debris and new ones appeared, preventing the sea from becoming very violent, the inhabitants of Mount Aris had received a warning about all from the Kelpies that their lord had sent to protect them, in case the beasts from the depths of the other world caused problems, so they had the opportunity to see how everything was happening around them. In Canterlot, the image that the diarchs could see from the balcony where they gave the announcements or special presentations of the nation for the people, both were with their mouths open, they could see how the land spread under their gaze, at the same time they saw with amazement how the sky seemed to approach, and this, which was supposed to be in the daytime hours, gradually lost pieces that fell wildly to the ground, revealing starry sections in the sky behind them, then they both felt it, their connection with the moon and the sun that they had moved for more than a millennium disappeared, leaving a void within them, this deeply alarmed them, since they could not explain why or if that meant that everything was lost for Equestria as well, but their doubts were put to rest when that void was temporary, they began to feel that something else filled them but they were still not sure what it was, however, they were sure that it was much more powerful, they could not be totally calm because of uncertainty, but they were stunned when the large pieces of sky that were still floating, rushed to the ground but did it slowly, then, they realized something, the ground was reopening to accept these pieces, which were not really falling a very large amount, given the proximity that the ground now had with respect to the sky, to their surprise, from behind one of these pieces, they could observe that a sun emerged that illuminated everything again and eradicated the semi-darkness that covered almost all the city, after the 'sun' that was in their 'heaven' would disappear along with the pieces it was in when they fell. Unlike her previous sun, Celestia did not feel a similar connection with it and when she tried to connect with it, she completely felt a great difference, she was not able to move it, but part of what had filled the void of connection was felt to glow by. one second. "!AAAAHHHHH!" Luna quickly moved away when she felt an overwhelming heat suddenly at her side, some feathers of the wing with which she covered herself had been burned and when she looked towards the origin her mouth fell open, her sister shone slightly, her regalia could be seen liquefying on the ground, then evaporated as the gems liquefied, her mane seemed to have transformed from its usual colors into a wild flare and her magenta eyes had turned like two incandescent fathoms, the ground below her was beginning to melt, but just as fast as it came, the glow faded from her body and she returned to normal. "S-sister? Are you okay?" -Asked the princess of the night- "Huh? What do you mean?" -answered the alabaster alicorn with uncertainty- When Luna pointed her hoof at the ground that was still red hot and slightly fluid under her hooves, a look of shock darted at Celestia. When all the movement of material finished, a great magical explosion originated over Canterlot (where the mirror was currently located), a dense mixture of pulses followed by voids began to cross the world, echoing from all corners, the effects seemed not causing anything at first for the Equestrians so they did not worry, but for all the refugees, the story was completely different, most of them had tails, with different shapes according to their race, some grew wings, others horns, into a lesser extent, others developed wings, beaks, and claws, some grew in size and had horns, some were more affected and underwent a transformation that gave them an insectoid appearance, others grew large antlers and a small upright tail, the changes were quite varied, but in most cases, they maintained a humanoid appearance. It was not until the next day when the Equestrians were affected by the changes, in fact, most of the changes were relatively minor, given the neutral alignment of their natural magic, in some of the races there was no change, such as It was the case of the minotaurs and dragons, however, most of the creatures underwent different changes, the most notorious being the change from quadruped to bipedal, being the most affected by these the ponies, if they did not cause a massive panic attack, it was only thanks to the information and warnings distributed by the diarchy. That morning, when Twilight woke up in her embassy room, the first thing she felt was the different sensation she received from her sheets, the second was the position of her body, but what forced her to open her eyes and get up immediately was when she took her hoof around her neck to scratch it and what she felt were fingers. "Mmmnnhm, *scratch scratch scratch* mhm...?!, *GHASPHP* HO NO!... *shigh* so, in the end, it did affect us." With the acceptance of the changes, she stood up and was again surprised by the sensation, and looking down she could see why. "Wait, it's not the same as before, my legs are still quite similar to how they were before, my cutie mark is also where it was," -she wagged her tail consciously- "before, when I was visiting Sunset, I didn't have a tail either," -she took her hands to her breasts and massaged them gently- "my teats turned into breasts, besides, they seem to be somewhat larger than before, is it because I have grown up?, mhnaaa" -when she felt an electric current asault her body she stopped suddenly, released her niples and blushed- "and they seem to be much more sensitive, I hope that's not a problem later," -when she touched her face felt a lot of relief- *shigh* "great!, it seems that my face did not change much , my muzzle is flatter but it doesn't look completely human,my ears are still pony and are on the high side like when we poy up on CHS, and the best of all is that my horn has not disappeared!"-she stretched to shake off the remaining sleep and when he felt the movement in her back she smiled - "My wings didn't disappear either! I think everything is fine, now, I have to dress, I don't think going out like this is a very good idea, after all, now most of my body is not covered by a full coat, only one light and short fur layer, it's funny how it is organized, there is only on my forearm, it goes up to my shoulders and it looks like it reaches the top of my wings, it goes from my thighs to my hips but there is nothing in the rest of my torso, except for this small amount that It seems to cover my crotch a bit, like when I was at CHS, thank goodness I decided that we would prepare ourselves and have some clothes on hoof... well now hand jijijiji." With her initial inspection finished, the princess hurried to get dressed and check if the others were okay, it was no surprise that Sunset ended up in a situation similar to her, the funny thing was the changes in the rest, Rarity won a horn, but she looked younger than her Equestrian self, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grew wings, and for some reason, the latter looked uncomfortable, she also walked somewhat hunched over, while the former looked depressed and frustrated, worried about her well-being, she asked about it and the athlete immediately released her frustration. "WE BOTH HAVE WINGS!, which is pretty cool, but why did only her breasts grow? IT'S NOT FAIR!... OH! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!" But her frustration only increased when she noticed that Twilight had also grown her chest compared to before, to which she could only giggle nervously and the athlete remained depressed until everyone gathered for lunch. Applejack and Pinkie Pie did not change much compared to when they were ponyfied, except that both seemed to have become a little taller and they all had a tail instead of a hair extension as before, the most curious case was that of her counterpart, which her only noticeable change was the tail and the horn on its forehead, at least until the Faust sisters arrived, they had certainly gained a couple of sizes in terms of chest and hips, both had both wings and horn and both came wrapped in sheets. "Emmm, sorry for bothering you Rarity, but it seems both my sister and I now have some difficulties that we would like to discuss later with the princess and Sunset, but I think the clothing area is more urgent." -said the older as they both sat at the table- After almost finishing lunch in the cafeteria, a group of guards entered for lunch provoking an immediate reaction from all the girls present. Twili turned tomato red and looked away, Fluttershy fainted, Dash had a wing boner, AJ blushed and looked away, but kept turning sideways from time to time, while Rarity watched with interest and a blush on her face, Pinkie was just smiling and was about to speak, but was quickly cut off by Twilight. "No Pinkie, we won't have a party like that!" Sunset just looked away somewhat embarrassed, the young princess sighed and headed towards the group. "Who's in charge of this shift!" Immediately, a stallion almost twice as muscular as the rest introduced himself and saluted. "Sergeant First Class Boldmove, Your Highness." When he stood next to the table, the attention of the girls looking at him was immediately directed to the only place that was moving freely, this finally broke the control of the sisters, and their wings spread into a wing boner, the sheet that covered Celestia, incinerated in a second, while the one who wore Luna became dust as soon as her wings spread when they felt completely naked, an eeep escaped them and both disappeared via one involuntary teleportation, triggered by shame and desire of being somewhere else. "Sergeant, your unit was the one on the night shift, wasn't it?" "Indeed your highness." *Shigh* "The princesses and I assumed that the enchanted armor would automatically engage in case you transformed, but it looks like it just changes shape, before you sit down for lunch, go to your barracks and put on the undersuit assigned to you to wear, in the bipedal form it is immoral that your privates are visible, even if they are inside your sheath, notify the rest also please, we cannot allow the girls to feel uncomfortable." With the words of the princess, the understanding reached the sergeant and a slight blush was seen on his face, he accepted the order and immediately withdrew along with his group to comply with the orders. "*Shigh*, It looks like the guards' armor will have to be redesigned, what a problem, girls, girls? GIRLS!" When she raised her voice they all reacted, returning to the present, Twilight asked them to help her find the sisters and give them some sheets to cover themselves, while Rarity began to make them something decent to use in the sewing club room, Before leaving, Twili approached to see the remains of the sheets that were destroyed, Celestia's were unrecognizable, completely charred, but when she took one of Luna's pieces, she felt a strong pain and immediately released it, repelling it from her hand with magic. "OUCH! ... it can't be, it's ridiculous, it's impossible!" That same morning, when it was time for the princess of the night to go to rest, after covering the night court and her duties as guardian of dreams and sharing breakfast/dinner with her sister, or at least that was what Celestia thought would happen. The monarch of the sun still felt strange, both for her new physical form, as it also still seemed inconceivable that the sun would rise without her intervention, but after the events of the previous day, she did not dare to connect with the sun again, at least not until she was sure what was happening, but when her sister came in, pulling her out of her thoughts, she greeted her, but she noticed that something was not right. *Clack cloong* "Oh! Good morning Luna, how was... your... What's wrong? Are you okay?" When she registered the voice that spoke to her, the princess of the night finally came out of her stupor. "Uhu? Ha! Yes! Yes, everything is fine, or so I think, it's just that, it seems that just like it happened to you, my connection with the moon also changed." -she spoke while she did not stop looking at her hands- "And does that have anything to do with the fact that you're naked even though Twilight instructed us that this was indecent in this form?" An embarrassed smile emerged on Luna's face as she slightly nodded her head. "To tell the truth, I did not notice when I transformed, I was walking through the dreams of our ponies and when I returned, I already had this form, when it registered I began to experiment with my magic and I realized that everything worked almost the same, the only difference is that now we can also channel magic through our… err, upper appendages?" -Making a sample of her words, she channeled magic with her hand and summoned one of the dresses from her room- "Hands, Luna, they're called hands." -interrupted the alabaster alicorn- "Yes, that, as I was saying, then I decided to test my connection with the new moon, before it disappeared over the horizon, just like you I am not able to move it, but unlike you, you seem to be invulnerable to the heat and call all the fury of the sun when making contact with it, while I became insensitive to the cold and my regalia fell to dust as soon as I moved, when one of the servants came to pick up the remains, he suffered burns... from frostbite, had it not been for her scream I would not have reacted in time, he would have lost his fingers to the cold, luckily I managed to reverse the effect somehow before he suffered permanent damage." While she had been speaking, the princess of the night put on the third dress of the day, she decided to leave the incident with the second one in oblivion since she had not canceled her connection with the moon when she invoked it and it was shattered as soon as she touched it; when she finished speaking, she had finished putting it on and taken a seat. "*Shigh* I just hope my little ponies don't panic about this." "As much as possible was done with Twilight's help to prevent it, we can only hope it worked." "It also seems that it is necessary to change the design of the armor of the guards, the current one does not cover their new forms all the necessary." -said Celestia- "But why? The view is great!" -said Luna with a mischievous tone and a smile that screamed, 'do you not like the new view?' - The days passed slowly while all the inhabitants of the 'New Equs' (it was how they decided to name the resulting planet during the last meeting of the various powers after the collapse), there were uncomfortable moments while everyone got used to the new rhythm, being the Equestrians the ones who took the most work to become accustomed to using clothes since the only ones who always wore clothes were the Yak. The cleansing was started by each nation in their territory, saving what they could of their old lives, taking out and rescuing what they could from all the destruction, giving priority to the refugees, since they were the ones who knew the most about what could be found, a small part of the nations was fortunate, since they managed to recover parts of their cities that arrived intact and from there they restarted their nations. In those days, in the Sorcerer Kingdom, a large number of weapons were gathered before the palace, by all the servants scattered around the globe, fortunately, the vast majority of the most dangerous, such as nuclear weapons, did not survive the violent transfer, but a lot of guns and small ammo did. Seated on his throne in the royal palace, the supreme ruler of death received the latest reports regarding the general progress of the transition. "Excellent, how are going the efforts to bring again into operation of the regions of our new vassals?" "Everything is going according to schedule, Ainz-sama." -answered Tempest who was prostrate before the throne- "Very good, Chrysalis." "Order me, Ainz-sama." The response of the changeling who was standing to one side of the room was immediate, she stood in front of the throne and prostrated herself, while both were in front of him, the Overlord's thoughts wandered a bit. Luckily Tempest's armor was created exclusively for her and being magical it quickly adapted to the change in physical form, which I don't know is from where Chrysalis got that kimono from, but it fits her well. "Ahem, have your units keep a close eye on the newcomers, I want you to report any attempted rebellion immediately, all issues must be dealt with before they flourish." "Yes, as ordered." "You can retire," -with permission, both Equestrians withdrew- "now, Albedo, has been finished the installing of the updates to Turing and her brothers?" "Yes, do you want me to call them before they leave?" "That's correct, the right thing to do is to give them a proper send-off." "Understood, it will be done immediately." With a small bow, the succubus withdrew as she placed a hand on her right ear. *Shigh* Governing is an absolute headache, thank goodness that the number of refugees was not that high, although, even so, I do not understand why there were so few humanoids, who formed the barrier was a reverend idiot, he did not know how to do things correctly, as I read in the historical documents, all the events that led up to the present are a string of nonsense, the builder was only interested in the fact that the final design was similar to the earth in the twentieth century, but the population was quite small, even the large cities did not have a large number of individuals, was it an effect of the barrier? ​​Or was it just a design error in the initial plan?... well, it doesn't matter, there is no point in thinking about all that. After having said goodbye to the Sorcerer King, the group of automatons, begun the journey back home, at the same time that they saw their transformed acquaintances for the first time, they were also surprised by the change, for a few days they stayed in Mustangia sharing anecdotes of what happened and waiting for his father who was about to finish his sentence in Equestria when he finally got home, they lived together for a few more days before separating again, after just over a week of being with his family, the scientist left in the company of 02 to attend the invitation of the Sorcerer King sent with his children before they left, and he was curious to ask if the offer that he extended to him after his trial was still available. Meanwhile, in Equestria, everything moved in relative calm, and with the repairs and regulations that allowed the integration of the new citizens, finally completed, the official announcement of the resignation of the diarchy and the assumption of the throne of Princess Twilight was given, handing out invitations to all friendly and neutral nations. In Canterlot, the preparations were running overdrive, in just a few days the date would arrive when Twilight would take the throne, each of the M6s helped in the planning, and thanks to the M7s, everything was going at a much faster and stable pace that if there were only one of each; AJ and her counterpart, made sure of the distribution and delivery of all the cider and snacks for the event, Rarity and her counterpart, worked together to create the dress for the coronation, it was only necessary for the star spiders to finish spinning the bandana which she would use as an accessory, both dressmakers had argued fervently over the material to use, until the ex-pony showed her what the magical Equestrian nature could offer, needless to say, the former CHS student was delighted with the softness and shine of the silk and with the time left over, they designed the dress for the cocktail, Pinkie Pie and her counterpart, were totally separated by unanimous vote, while one took care of the kitchen, the other would take care of all the decoration and coordination of the event, the two speedsters took turns taking care of the weather, together with the team gathered by the polychromatic pony, this team was the one that was in charge of explaining to the former sportswoman how the magic of the pegasi worked, in addition, the duo worked as an emergency parcel delivery when necessary, so despite the fact that the coronation was well into winter, the day of the coronation would be completely clear, Fluttershy and her counterpart were commissioned a chorus of birds,In addition to the animals that would fly at the time of the coronation, while the former student practiced the planned music, the equestrian was in charge of organizing all the preparations for the transport and feeding of said animals; In short, everything was going smoothly, the only thing that was not doing so was the humor of the future ruler of Equestria. In the castle of friendship located in Poniville, the youngest of the princesses was packing all her belongings to move to Canterlot again, but melancholy flooded her, after her tenth sigh, those who accompanied her decided it was time to intervene. *Shigh* "Are you okay Twilight?" -asked the redhead- "No… well yeah… *shigh* I'm not completely sure, I mean, I know I should be happy, but I can't help but feel like something isn't right." Sunset and Twili exchanged glances and the latter took the floor. "I think I know what you mean, when I left Cristal Prep, I also felt quite uncomfortable while doing it, but in the end, I understood that it was just a place where I had spent a lot of time and done a lot, so it is not impossible to miss that familiarity." -said the girl with glasses- "I will indeed miss this place very much, after all, it is full of priceless memories and anecdotes, however, I do not feel that that is what bothers me." "I think I got it," -interrupted the redhead- "I think I understand what you're going through, what hurts is not the fact but what it means, you will stay away from your friends and from most of the people you know and you're worried that you won't be able to see them again." "Y-yeah, I think that's it, at least it feels like that's the reason, but how did you know?" -said the alicorn with astonishment- "Well, I can understand how you feel, because I felt the same when I went through the mirror and came to that world the first time, after a few days I started to feel melancholic and constantly remembered everything I left behind, but you don't have to be sad, unlike my case, your friends and loved ones will be as close to you as a letter or a visit, and if things continue well, according to the last I heard from the Sorcerer Kingdom, soon we will have satellite communications again, at any moment we will have again smartphone's in our hands." -the redhead finished with a wink- This news finally began to lift the princess's spirits. "You're right, just because we're separated doesn't mean we won't see each other again, *snif* thank you very much." After a brief hug of comfort, they all continued packing all the personal items she had in the castle, the solar and lunar guard personnel who had been in charge of her safety in Poniville until now would be in charge of taking all of Twilight's items to Canterlot when they go as the princess's escort when they were already leaving the castle, they met Starlight Glimmer who gave a farewell gift to her mentor when she saw the diary with the photos that portrayed a large number of moments, She thanked the gift of the new director of the school of friendship with a big hug, and before they could get on the chariots that would take them to Canterlot, the rest of her friends arrived to say goodbye to her temporarily and assure her that she had their full support, and give her words of encouragement, it goes without saying that the farewell was emotional. with a big hug The next day, in Canterlot, it was the day of the coronation, the morning began peacefully, a simple but filling breakfast was shared by the princesses, Pinkie and Rarity, the latter two arrived earlier to finish all their preparations for the event, the rest would arrive later, bringing the rest of what was missing, the only thing that still caused some annoyance for all was the change in shape, being especially strange the fact of always being dressed, after finishing breakfast, the element of laughter and generosity apologized and left to finish their preparations, but Twilight noticed the diarchs' discomfort. "What's wrong princesses? I notice you are somewhat uncomfortable, haven't you got used to the change in shape yet?" The sisters exchanged a look and decided to respond. "No Twilight, it's not about that, the shapeshift hasn't truly bothered us much, except for the fact that we must remember to dress before leaving our rooms." -said the monarch of the sun- "Of these garments, the only thing that we still find something uncomfortable is this, teat holder or bra? I think it's called," -said the princess of the night, while she adjusted her breasts with her hands over the dress that looked more like a toga- "No, what still keeps us somewhat uneasy is the fact that the moon and the sun are no longer under our control, it is true that we still have a connection with them but it is no longer the same as before, just as they are no longer the same as before." *Shigh* "I think I understand you, I still find it difficult to accept that all this time we had only been seeing a dome above us and that all the stars in the sky were false." "True, but at this moment we don't have time to waste, today is a very important day for you and all of Equestria, after all, it has been more than a thousand years since there was a change in the regime, jijijijij." -laughed Celestia- "By the way, now that we bring it up, I must say that you look quite relaxed, I honestly assumed that you would be a ball of nerves by these hours or that you would not even have slept at all." -added Luna- "Well, that's because, with all the problems we've had lately, I finally accepted that I don't need to do everything alone and that I can always count on my friends no matter what the problem, that and the words Princess Skystar gave me, 'is okay to seek to be perfect, but we must not flagellate ourselves for not achieving it, since there is no one perfect'... well something like that, the truth is she said it with much simpler words." By noon, all the guests had arrived, the main courtyard was packed with rulers, dignitaries, reporters, and a large number of nobles and ordinary citizens, everything was prepared and ready, there was a single space that practically no one approached or wanted to approach, a table in which two figures were seated, behind them, standing, were two maids and a butler, it was the Sorcerer King and the prime minister, while they waited and talked in a low voice, Sebas observed all the creatures gathered together, the number of reporters was impressive, but that was not surprising, the newly 'reborn' nations were hungry for information about the world. "Ainz-sama, it seems the ceremony is about to begin." -said the succubus- Trumpets sounded announcing the start of the event, the Diarchy came out to the balcony, dressed in elegant ball gowns, the princess of the sun wore a pearl-colored dress with a long skirt that had a side opening that reached almost to the hip, at the top, it left her shoulders completely bare and had lace half sleeves that began below the shoulder, her usual regalia was changed for a fine necklace of exquisite gold and amethyst manufacture, on her head was the usual crown and on her hooves the golden covers that she had always worn, while the princess of the night, to her right, wore a sundress, a light blue just darker than the sky, which faded to a black color on the part of the skirt, it had a tail with the tip almost reaching the ground, and in the front just below her knees, she had silver details on the skirt and chest, which resembled constellations and she wore black lace gloves that reached to her elbows, like the one of her sister, around her neck, there was a necklace of exquisite manufacture with white diamonds, on her head was her crown and on her usual hoffwear covered her hooves. When the applause was stopped by a signal from the diarchy, they began a long speech that bored the Overlord, his attention was not piqued until almost the end when the waiters distributed the cider for the toast, it goes without saying that their table was served almost to the end when the head waiter scolded the rest and served them personally. *Shigh* I already thought this would be very boring, if it weren't because I don't need to sleep, I've already been snoring for a long time, mhn?... Oh, it looks like the end of the ceremony is near... Ooooh! interesting! they fused both crowns to form the crown of the new princess! However, Sebas's words brought him out of his thoughts. "Looks like something didn't go quite right." The birds that would sing around the princess and the butterflies that would adorn her image moved in a strange way, a group of doves came out from behind the princesses while two geese lowered the crown that was floating with the magic of the diarchs and the next instant everything went to hell. The Wondervolts arrived performing their maneuvers making smoke patterns that they had prepared for the event, but the stunts were thrown out of the way by the fireworks lit too soon by Gummy, coupled with the small creatures fighting around her head, Twilight felt the crown brush the tip of her horn and fall, realizing it tried to catch it. At the Overlord's table, everyone's attention was on the disaster on the balcony, but still, no one expected what they saw, the crown fell out of reach of the new ruler of Equestria, and in an attempt to catch it she fell over the edge of the balcony after tripping over her long dress. Ainz froze and would have reacted in an embarrassing way if not for the noise he heard next to him, Albedo did her best not to laugh, but still, some of the cider escaped from between her lips with a slight 'pfft'. *GHASPH* *Prffft* While the general response was one of surprise and fear for the well-being of the princess, the Overlord only bit his non-existent lips for the princess self-shame in the event. Fortunately for her, her wings were not below anything and she was able to stop just before hitting the ground, rising again towards the balcony with a smile of shame on her face and when she regained her place, finally the entire crowd reacted and exploded in applause and congratulations, then the waiters began to distribute the food to all the tables. After the party, the new ruler of Equestria was sitting at one of the tables with her friends. "I was this close to turning everything into a disaster." -spoke the new sovereign while almost making touch her index and thumb fingers- "Seriously dear, I'm very sorry I didn't notice that the star spiders got along with the bandana when I put it on you." -said the seamstress sadly- "Yes, I'm sorry too, we ruined your day, because of the worry when I left home I forgot the food for the birds and I didn't remember until it was time to feed them here in the castle, sorry *snif*" "You don't have to grieve Fluttershy, we were all quite nervous about the event, after all, there hadn't been a coronation in Equestria since the diarchy took the throne, besides, not everything went wrong, the banquet went perfectly." -the princess finished with a smile at her friend to cheer her up- "To tell t'a truth, it would have been also a complete disaster, if it wasn't because Bigmac and a' decided to use Yggdrasil's services to make the deliveries, a' too was an imbroglio of nerves, hahaha." "You mean, were we truly one step away from everything going completely wrong?" -Said the new monarch with concern- "It is possible, but we must not see what is hopeless but what to prepare for so that something similar cannot happen again." -Added a metallic voice that everyone knew well- Turing Test arrived at the table accompanied by the M7 and the Faust sisters who came to calmly congratulate their friend after helping with the farewell of all the guests, while they chated together, the princess of friendship stared at the new appearance of the automaton, she had a more human figure than the rest of the existing creatures after the collapse of the barrier, with a party dress created by the human Rarity of silver gray color, the new cover that was more similar to skin without fur, had a close hue mocha but a little clearer, her violet eyes had a fairly organic appearance, only if you looked closely at them it was possible to notice that they were mechanical, now she had a mouth that opened and closed while she spoke, the synthetic material that cooled her processor was replaced by a natural-looking hair in platinum white, the only thing that gave away the fact that it was not organic, was a pair of elongated appendages that worked as her ears and that in some parts, such as her knees, elbows and hands, signs of the unions could be observed. After a bit of being watched, Turing turned and greeted Twilight with a smile. It is still incredible how much the Sorcerer King can do, Turing can now enjoy life to the fullest, she not only received eyelids but the entire package, if it weren't for the small details it would be quite easy to mistake her for an organic being, jejejeje. And with this thought, Twilight approached the group and they all kept talking as evening fell. Notes The last arc is now finished! Only the epilogue remains, Also 'Chrysails in the great tomb of Nazarick' last chapter will get published with it as the penultimate one has been published with this one, Also thanks to 'The hat man' for let me make a reference to his story 'The iron horse', an excellent and pretty recommendable work. > EPILOGUE A new invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few years after the coronation of the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle as monarch of Equestria, many things happened in the global arena, but the one who most enjoyed concreted plans was the sorcerer king Ainz Ooal Gown; or at least that is the statement of the individuals around the Overlord itself. In the opinion of Demiurge, the guardian of the seventh floor of the great Tomb of Nazarick, the first 40 years of the 10,000 year plan, have unfolded as his master wishes, he only regrets not being able yet to see beyond of the goals for the next 200 years, he is still struggling to understand the magnificence of the plans of the supreme ruler of Nazarick. According to Chrysalis, the current deputy director of the secret service of the sorcerer kingdom, the last 39 years have been the best of her entire existence, not only her power increased considerably, since the new drones that her master gave her, require a minimum amount of love to survive, which has allowed her to increase its reserves considerably, she is currently perfectly capable of fighting hand to hand without being easily defeated with Solution Epsilon or Yuri Alpha of the Pleiades, without the use of magic or special abilities, although still She cannot beat them, for the rest of the world she is now practically invincible, in her opinion, the greatness and intelligence of her master has no comparison whatsoever, with the time she has spent training and everything she has learned in the grave, she was finally able to understand the opinion of the rest about Ainz-sama, he is definitely a supreme being, someone who is above the gods, so it is natural that his plans work perfectly. For Tempest Shadow, there is no one more suitable to serve, so every several years she consumes one or two of Idunn's apples in her food, which renew the youth of her body, which was a reward after completing an operation in the one that eliminated all the survivors of the collapse of the barrier who formed an alliance to try to attack the sorcerer kingdom for revenge, the mission lasted little more than two years, however she was able to find each and every one of the rebels killing the ones that were fighting and capturing those who surrender, once her task was completed, when reporting her success, she expressed that she did not want more than to serve her lord and regretted that hers body would age and stop being useful to her master, it goes without saying that those words won the approval of not only Ainz, but Albedo and the rest of the guardians, so when she was asked if her desire was to serve her master eternally, and she answered affirmatively, he revealed that even the old age has a solution, and from that moment, the dedication of the unicorn towards her master grew at a level similar to that of the Guardians. For Twili, who after the combination of the worlds, decided to do his higher studies at the faculty of Yamaiko, located in the sorcerer realm, where she obtained great results in magitech, and later worked under the director Clobber Mustang at the Center for Magical-Tecnológical Development Amanomahitotsu, from whom she learned everything she could, becoming her second in command, later, after his retirement, she was appointed chief director, where she has served since then and where she hopes to last for a long, long time, since, apparently, when the barrier fell and was permanently transformed, she received a longevity similar to that of alicorns, according to her own studies, she and the Faust sisters are now a subspecies of alicorn that has the longevity but not the physical endurance, something that she did not notice until the maturity was present in her friends but not in her; At this time she was ecstatic, announcing the latest advances in her field to the supreme ruler, as well as presenting him with the semifinal prototypes of said research for his approval, her main objective was to one day be able to achieve something that approached the perfection of Shizu or CZ-2128-Delta, as it was introduced when it was in the palace of the Sorcerer Kingdom for the first time; Upon being summoned to receive the job offer, she met for the first time the true nature of her friend, it was certainly a shock when she discovered that another of her friends was an automaton, but it was not until the Pleiad took off the patch and an arm in demonstration that the news could finally be absorbed by her mind, at first she felt betrayed by the fact that she had hidden the truth from her, but when the Sorcerer King revealed to her that Yuri and Shizu were monitoring the progress of the barrier and ensuring the safety of everyone at CHS, she was able to calm down and understand, plus her smile only returned when she approached her with the permission of her master and put her a sticker on her cheek with her usual 'cute', even today, that moment is still one of the most treasured by her for being the confirmation that their friendship was real, and the memory always prompts her to smile. For Shalltear Bloodfallen, it was another day like any other, the only thing that still held her attention was the imposing figure of her master, if it weren't for him, all the animals that inhabit this world would be nothing more than waste, only the greatness and compassion of A supreme being is able to achieve the miracle that is observed today throughout the world, with the development of the kingdom, many things began to be born and some of the guardians began with the practice of hobbies outside their duties in Nazarick at the request of Ainz; She, at first, could not find anything that caught her attention, until the day she saw a play, which to be honest, totally captured her interest, which prompted her to learn more about art and over the years she became a patron who promotes the arts in order to beautify the kingdom of her master, she was the founder of the Blodfallen School of Higher Art, where students can learn dance, sculpture, painting, goldsmithing, theater, architecture, drawing and much more, in short any type of art, this was undoubtedly her greatest achievement for benefit of the kingdom of his master and soon, the first classes will graduate with exhibitions of their works, where the most outstanding works of each category, will be received as complements for the palace. Sebas Tian, ​​chief steward of the great Tomb of Nazarick, was standing to the right of the room as were the rest of those present, while the director of the Amanomahitotsu Center for Magical-Technological Development, standing in front of the throne, reported her most recent findings; Seeing the expression of emotion and dedication in the young woman, filled the heart of the steel butler with joy, for him those expressions reflected the compassion and kindness of his master who allowed this world to flourish properly under his firm and fair hand. Albedo, the supervisor of the guardians and second in command of the kingdom, was as always next to her beloved, the current smile on her face was one of the most genuine she had ever had, this was not only due to the resounding success of the Overlord's at his side plans that began as soon as he realized the change in dimension, without a doubt the success of the Diamond Dogs as incorruptible worshipers and officials who served the kingdom mainly as evaluators and/or experts in investigations of any kind, also the fact that the Griffins became one of the most devoted to the service of the empire, mainly as soldiers, messengers or public workers, as well as the great technological developments that were constantly being implemented little by little and with which, the entire world and information in it will always be in the hands of the Sorcerer King, the memory was still very clear, when a few decades ago, the first Nazarick satellite created by Cobbler was launched, which served as a substitute for its predecessors that with the gravitational change of the planet during the collapse fell to the earth and within a few months, the new version would be launched through which absolutely all the information of the planet would circulate, and all this was possible only by the grace and compassion of her beloved, she looked forward to seeing the next steps in her husband's plans; as time passed in the room, her hands were occupied with two things, linked in front of her, her left hand, playing adoringly with the ring on her right ring finger, while she constantly caressed her belly, looking to the right of her beloved, she could see her great pride, her first-born, who a few weeks ago turned 8 years old, his birth was celebrated by the entire empire with joy and pride, while in her womb was her second pride, the child that was to be born in a few months; As she partially listened to the verbal report of the almost human Twilight, her eyes briefly crossed with Shalltear, her rival in love, who like her, her belly also indicated that she was just a few months away from giving birth, understanding and peace between them was difficult to reach, but thanks to her lover it was finally achievable and now the looks and discussions between them were more in a tone of friendly competition most of the time, next to the vampire, holding her hand, a small boy of scarce 5 years of age held her right hand. While seated on the throne, decked out in his night-black robe with purple and gold accents, stood the supreme master of life and death, pondering all the reports he had been hearing that day. They have been great years, it is a pity that I have not found more traces of other players in the world, but thanks to the relative peace and good development of the empire, everything has gone perfectly, practically the whole world belongs to me, in fact Everything is under my control but a small part is not, at least in public view, but I feel that something is missing, I mean, my current life is great, I have a loving and dark wife and a depraved and dark one hehehehe, what more a man can ask if it is possible for him to have any kind of fun that he can think of in bed, ahem, but this is not the time for those thoughts, I also have my two children and two more are on the way, when I was still in my old Earth and Yggdrasil was just a game, I never imagined that one day I would be a father, the company that I created to get me away from the stress of governing now dominates all the markets of the world and thanks to the innovations in magical technology, this world will not be destroyed by pollution like my old one, with time and everything that I have studied from the great library and what I have learned about my current condition, now I can do things like this, ramble in my thoughts while my mind takes and catalogs the information that happens around me, this has released much of the pressure on my mind, *shigh*, but I think I would like some action, explore the unknown, in short, go on adventures... The Overlord's thoughts were cut off and he returned to the present, when the non-princess Twilight finished her report. "And that concludes my report regarding the latest advances and new research Ainz Ooal Gown-sama." "Umu, good job Miss Twilight, I am pleased with your progress, I hope the launch of the new satellite takes the same due diligence." … Be… is… quel… art… l'uni… ma… su… me,… et… ante… lle qu… fo… moi… ise F… e… nc d… Va… heh… pri… écou… mon ap… l… rep… ma p…. "I assure you that all our efforts at this time are aimed at making everything run smoothly, we will not let you down!" While he spoke and received the answer, he seemed to hear a strange sound in the background, as if someone were whispering something incomprehensible, this caught the Overlord's attention, but when he saw that no one else seemed to hear it, he decided to ignore it. It seems like I'm tired, I think I'm hearing things... although... isn't that supposed to be impossible? A ma ser… est quelq… dans l '…. grand… divin… la plu… puissa… qui exis… du cœu… Louis… çoise le… la Valliè… prie d'é… appel et… ma priè… But his thoughts were interrupted for a second time, only this was a little louder and he heard something else. Wait, I think that's a different language, or so I think. Only this time, there was a reaction in the room, a specialized protection unit made up of Hanzo's, EEA, and DK that were guarding the throne room of the Sorcerer Kingdom, found themselves in an instant protecting Albedo and Shalltear, while the rest of everyone present surrounded a fairly translucent emerald green magical disturbance that appeared in the center of the room, while Sebas, Chrysalis and Tempest surrounded what seemed to be some kind of spell unfolding, Demiurge and Twili rushed to analyze what It was happening, while the first watched the formation, the second studied it with her own magic in a hurry. What the hell this happening?!, the castle is protected against information magic up to the seventh level, there cannot be a violation without alarms going off. -the Archdemon thought quite alarmed who was ready to summon his hordes as soon as necessary- *GHASPH* However, the surprised expression on Twilight's face told her that something strange was happening, even though it hurt him to admit it, the young woman's magical analysis was slightly below the capabilities of someone specialized in obtaining information like Nigredo, so his gaze focused on her waiting for the answer. A ma servan… qui est quel… part dans l'u…, ma grande, s…, divine et l… puissante fam… exists, du f… heart, moi… Franço… Blanc de… je vous e… écoutez m… et s'il vous… répondre… prière. Ainz heard the strange words again and watched as when they ended, the formation in the center of the room shone slightly in a wave started from the center and its color became more solid, this effect caught the attention of Twili who immediately repeated his Scanning, her mouth wide open and eyes wide open she turned immediately kneeling and reporting what she found. "Ainz-sama!, if I may report!, this formation appears to be trying to summon something!" "An invocation? What is trying to be summoned?!" -Tempest asked without looking away from the portal with her charged horn- "No, nothing is going to come out of it, is here… to take something elsewhere." This caused surprise in those present and intrigue in the Overlord. Is it then a trap? No, I do not think that is it, if it were a trap it is totally useless, it is not selecting or forcing entry into it to anything or anyone. A ma servante qui… quelque part dans l'uni… ma grande * snif *, supprême, di… et la plus puissa… famille qui existe * Snif, sob *… ond du cœur, moi Lo… Françoise le * sob, snif * Blanc de… llière, je vous en prie * snif, sob *… écoutez mon appe… s'il vous plaît répon… ma prière * sob, sob *. Ainz's thoughts were again interrupted by the words that he could now almost identify, they were some cut off, but it was a language he had heard before. That's French!, but it sounds choppy and it seems like a rather young voice, it also seems to have lost some of the nerve of the beginning, it sounds as if... The emerald-colored oval shone again, solidifying even more, when realizing, Twilight turned her gaze to her back and immediately returned her to the front, with a gesture of the skeleton, she immediately approached and analyzed the portal again without moving from her place she announce the new data. "It seems that with each flash the capacity of the portal increases! It is more and more stable for creatures or objects of greater power, at first an Ursa Major could be accepted by the spell, with the second flash, it would easily accept Discord, with the third, I think it might be possible that he accepted one of his magesty highest ranking subordinates, the power of the portal is practically beyond my analytical abilities." Then we must move quickly, there is no time to lose! "Demiurge, we must act fast, immediately bring the package that I ordered you to prepare for that special case!" "YES!" Doubt was shown for a second on the demon's face, but immediately the understanding came with a big smile and he immediately disappeared teleporting while a new thought danced in his mind. HAAAA! MAGNIFICENT, AINZ-SAMA HAS EVEN THIS IN THEIR PLANS, THATS WHY HE CHOSE THE KINGDOM OF STORMS YEARS AGO!, THATS WHY HE ORDERED TO LEVEL THE GROUND! SASUGA AINZ-SAMA! And as soon as he disappeared, the orders continued. "Tempest, Chrysalis, you may withdraw, this is not a threat, Miss Twilight, you may also withdraw, I'll be waiting for the news from the new satellite." With permission received, the women bowed and left the room, then the voice returned. A ma servante qui est quelque… dans l'univers * sob snif *, ma grande, sup… ine et la most puissante famille qu…, * snif * je vous en prie, du fond… on heart, moi * snif sob * Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Valli… vous en prie, je, Je * snif sob * vous en prie, écoutez mon a… et s'il vous plaît, * sob * s'il vous plaît, * sob snif *… ndez à ma first * snif snif sob *. Through the words that were less and less cut and clearer, the Archdemon returned with a small backpack that was a smaller version of the infinite backpack, it could only carry 200 kilograms of material, but it had the shape to be secured to the thigh, he immediately gave it to his master, this activated Loki's ring, taking human form and while he was putting it on, he gave instructions to those present. "Well, the time has come to take the next step..." No! wait!, damn I screwed up! I wanted to use the phrase from the moon landing! *shigh* Demiurge's face reflected his great admiration for his lord after those words escaped his mout. "Albedo, notify the rest of the guardians of the activation of the special plan, Demiurge, prepare everything necessary, even for the worst case scenario, Pandora must replace me while we make sure everything is in order." As he spoke, he heard the words again, but this time they were loud and clear. A ma servante * snif * qui est quelque part dans l'univers, ma * sob * grande, suprême, divine et la plus puissante * snif * famille who exists, je vous en prie * sob *, du fond de mon cœur * snif sob *, moi Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière * sob *, je vous en prie, * sob snif * je Je vous en prie * sob *, écoutez mon appel et s'il vous plaît * sob *, s'il vous plaît * sob snif *, replies à ma prière * sob sob snif *. "The time has come." AN: See the ending as the close-up with which each season of the Overlord anime ends, but since Ainz's face is covered by flesh, instead of the flame, only his eyes glow red. THE END I want to give my deepest thanks to all my readers for your continual support!, this work has reached its end but the story goes on in 'The Supreme Being of Zero' or 'El Ser Supremo de Zero' that can be found under my same pen name in the fanfiction site, my original work is in Spanish and I'm not sure when or if is going to be translated to English, but by the fimfiction site rules I can't publish it here, so I'm really sorry, also if anyone want to know how Albedo and Shalltear got married and pregnant, I leve the link to that story here, 'La Familia de un Overlord', is in Spanish and too sexual for fanfiction rules so its in PDF on my drive so enjoy! And again Thanks a lot to everypony