> BIG Business > by BottleH2O > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- Attention seekers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep inside the woods there lay a small campfire, still smoking lightly as if it had just been put out. “Why did we have to put out the fire again?” asked a voice. “Because my dear, I thought I heard a noise, but it was just a bird,” another voice replied from the shadows. Out of the darkness a group of cloaked, hooded figures emerged. Simultaneously they removed their hoods revealing who was underneath. The first was Prince Blueblood, spoiled nephew to Princess Celestia and Luna. He currently sported a dark brown cloak with a comically large hood and wore a saddle bag that was draped along his left side. On Blueblood’s right, was Sturdy Step, the mare he was currently dating and got roped into this. Not that she had a problem with what they were doing. Sturdy was a unicorn who had a stark white coat with a matching mane to boot along with her trademark blue headband on. Her cutie mark resembled two dumbbells. A third-generation professional boxer and winner of nine championships in a row. The two had literally bumped into each other when he was leaving one of her matches after it was over. Blueblood had congratulated her on her eight (at the time) victory in a row before offering to buy her dinner in congratulations. Sturdy was (naturally) very surprised at the offer but nevertheless agreed (albeit hesitantly, probably due to the fact he was the prince). For a bit they both silently regretted this spur-of-the-moment decision because of how awkward it was but after a bit of talking they eventually opened up to each other. After the meal was concluded, they had decided to keep seeing each other. On Blueblood’s left was Enterprise Pursuit. Enterprise was a middle aged unicorn stallion who sported an extreamly thick black mustache, a dark gray coat and black mane. Underneath his dark brown cloak, he often wore a light grey suit vest with a gold pocket watch complete with a gold chain. Not to mention the fancy golden monocle he wore on his right eye. His cutie mark was a pile of gold coins. Enterprise was about as tall and well build as the previous caption of the guard, Shining Armor. Enterprise owned a vast number of stores and factories that made carts, normally the ones stallions pulled in big cities. He served as mentor of sorts to Blueblood, teaching him how to handle a business and finances. Lily Shine, Enterprise’s wife had a cream coat and a styled orange mane. Her cutie mark resembled a Lily on it's stem. Much like her husband, the unicorn was pretty tall as well. Probably a product of her occupation. She was a supermodel who shared a rivalry with Fleur de Lis. She was (usually) extremely kindhearted and caring to all, though, (in Blueblood’s opinion) she was a little bit of an airhead and kind of ditzy at times. Maybe it ran in the family because that was how she described her second cousin who worked as a mailmare. Jet Set and Upper Crust were the final two that were present in the group, but for some reason they wore tie-dyed robes. When asked why they said it was because it was a relic of their wild teen years in the university as hippies (a fact they managed to hide well now that they had an image to uphold as nobles). The two of them were fairly high up there on the nobility scale, due to the fact that Upper owned multiple hotels throughout the kingdom and Jet owned a company that made airships. Now you may be wondering: Why are a group of nobles out randomly in the middle of the woods? Let’s find out. “Did you bring the book?” asked Sturdy, glancing at Blueblood. Blueblood nodded, while lighting up his horn. A soft glow surrounded the saddlebag, opening the flap, revealing a large book inside. “Got this right out of the restricted section of the library,” Blueblood said “the librarian didn’t bother telling me not to go in there because I’m the prince. I always have access to any part of the library,” “So we all know why we’re doing this right?” Asked Upper Crust “Yup, it’s because the Princesses constantly ignore our requests to expand our businesses, and now our competitors are starting to take advantage of that!” replied Enterprise, his mustache flaring slightly as he huffed indignantly. He nodded to Upper Crust and Jet Set as they shared similar sentiments “We’re all starting to lose profits!” “She won’t let me rent out the entire castle do photoshoots!” wined Lily Shine. “Auntie won’t give me an extra 3,000 bits a week so I can get my mane done properly at a salon every day,” complained Blueblood as he opened the book and started flipping through the pages. “Once she sees us after we cast the spell on ourselves, she won’t be able to ignore us anymore. We’ll literally be the biggest things in the kingdom,” “Yes, we’ll go to the castle last, after we pay a visit to our businesses around Equestria and make sure our competitors know, up close and personal, that we don’t appreciate them taking away our profits,” declared Jet Set, stamping a hoof. “I really don’t have a reason to be mad at the princesses, but I would love to walk around the kingdom and say hi to my itty-bitty little fans,” Sturdy Step said, prancing happily “Oh I’d just love to scoop them all up and give them a big ol’ hug! And once we do this, I’ll literally be able too at every town and city.” Lily Shine smiled a bit “I wouldn’t mind going for a little stroll around the kingdom and say hi to the little ones. Wouldn’t you dear?” She asked Enterprise. “Of course not honey. It would be fascinating to see Equestria from such a different perspective. It’s not often we get to literally look down at everypony.” “I don’t mind splitting up,” Upper Crust said “Jet and I will walk to and around the cities and pay our competitors a little visit, Enterprise and Lily will go for their stroll around the kingdom and deal with any business they have to get out of the way, Sturdy will walk around the kingdom and meet fans, and Blueblood you will deal with Canterlot mountain and distract the princesses until we get back and make our demands for them. Stall them, maybe make a few demands of your own while you’re waiting for us.” “But won’t my aunties be able to overpower me if they try to use any spell on me?” Blueblood asked with a hint of worry in his voice. Upper waved her hoof dismissively “Nonsense, you’ll be a giant Blueblood, which means your magical prowess will have increased 1000-fold as well as your durability. I doubt once you grow your aunts will be able to leave much of an arcane scratch on you,” “Ok,” Blueblood said relieved “Is everypony ready?” The gathered nobles nodded, eager to continue. Blueblood ignited his horn and the book started to glow brighter, wisps of blue arcane smoke began to ooze out of Blueblood’s horn and latch themselves onto the nobles present. All at once the nobles began to shudder at the foreign feeling, similar to when your leg falls asleep, and you feel pins and needles. Only this time it was all over their bodies. And slowly, their height began to rise. A family of birds were sleeping peacefully in the topmost branches of the huge trees. It was calm, peaceful, and tranquil. It wouldn’t be that way for long. RUMMMMBLEEEE The birds awoke with squawks of fear and flew off as fast as they could as slowly beneath them, and closing the distance fast, six figures began to rise. First, they closed the distance to the branches, then the top of the trees, and continued to rise with the tree line continuing to shrink around them. The internal shuddering eventually stopped as the six titans looked around them, observing their new surroundings. The camp where all this had started had been reduced to a speck on the ground, barely noticeable with the equally tiny, still open book, laying on the ground. The tree line, once standing tall and mighty, had been reduced to the same size as moss around their colossal hoofs. All around, in the distance and beyond lay the structures of extremely miniature sized towns, cities, and even tinier denizens, all of whom were blissfully unaware of the six titanic nobles at the moment. And in the distance, once arcing high and proud into the sky, now standing at stomach height, was Canterlot mountain. Nestled snugly into the side of the mountain was the diminutive form of the capitol. “I can’t believe it, it really worked!” exclaimed Sturdy Step happily as she flexed her muscles, trying to get any lingering soreness out “We’re Huge!” “I’m surprised nopony has noticed yet,” Enterprise remarked, the colossal business stallion glancing at the teeny towns in the distance before leaning down to examine the puny trees. Far, far, FAR down below the little critters of the forest looked up in awe as the clear blue sky was replaced with a gargantuan, hazel brown eye. The eye blinked once before withdrawing back up into the heavens. “This feels so invigorating!” Upper Crust exclaimed as she began to walk around the group, taking in the new landscape. “I can’t wait to get started!” Each step shook the world and consumed the green landscape, her dull yellow hooves making crater sized hoofprints in the ground and leaving behind the crushed, brown dirt. “Oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun!” Sturdy Step said happily “I can’t wait to show my teeny-weeny fans the brand new supersized me! Well, I’m off. Can’t keep them waiting for long. Bye everypony!” And with that she directed her attention to the first town and set off with a spring in her step, sending more tremors along the ground as the titanic boxer strolled off to see the miniature town. “Well, my dear I think young Sturdy has the right idea, I do believe it’s well past time we deal with our, little, problems,” Jet set said with a small smirk while adjusting his pince nez. “Shall we start with Manehattan? I’m pretty sure my competitors have quite a few airship warehouses there that need to be flattened.” “A little romp around the city? Well, I see no reason why I can’t let loose for a bit and let off some steam,” Upper said, a similar smirk slowly began to creep onto her face. “That’s the spirit dear! Let us go and have some fun.” Jet set said while putting a foreleg around her and the two set off, heading towards the city in the distance. Lily Shine turned to her husband with a smile “I think we can put off on dealing with our competitors for a bit honey. Let’s go for a walk around the kingdom! I rarely get to see other parts of Equestria because I’m always cooped up in Canterlot doing so many of those silly exclusive shows.” Enterprise Pursuit smiled and nuzzled his wife “Of course my dear. As I said before, I’ll admit, I’m quite fascinated to see things from a different perspective.” The two turned to their last member Blueblood, who was busy squinting down at their speck sized camp site “We’re off lad, see you in a few hours.” Enterprise said before trotting off with his massive wife. Blueblood nodded, not taking his eyes off the ground “Bye guys. Now where is that book? I can’t see it.” After a few more minutes Blueblood sighed and shrugged, his search yielding nothing “Well, might as well go pay auntie a visit. I’m sure she’ll be more willing to hear me out now.” Blueblood thought as he turned around and began to walk to the mountain, stepping over Ponyville as he went. He could almost see the tiny capitol trembling at each one of his mighty steps. Meanwhile back at the campsite, the book laid discarded next to two pairs of tie-dyed robes, still open. Underneath the spell, in fine print that Blueblood didn’t see, was the following: Warning: The spell is incomplete; the use of unfinished magic will yield uncertain results. Must be casted with EXTREAM caution. The incomplete spell only lasts for a limited time before self-terminating. It was a normal day in Canterlot, merchants selling their overpriced goods, long lines at museums and shops, as well as ponies pulling carts to and fro. One family in particular; one stallion, his wife, and two foals; a filly and colt, were enjoying their morning at an outdoor café in celebration of the foals passing their music lessons with flying colors. The stallion smiled and sipped the coffee he was drinking. All was well. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The family quickly dove under the table as the capital was assaulted by short, rhythmic earthquakes. Each occurring in succession before suddenly stopping. After checking if his family was alright, everyone slowly made their way out from under the table. “Earthquakes?” Thought the stallion, putting a hoof to his chin “I can’t remember the last time there was an earthquake in Canterlot. In fact, how come there were so many and so short? They almost reminded me of-” “What’s that over there?” His filly asked innocently, cutting off this train of thought. The stallion looked around at his daughter and saw that she and her brother were pointing straight up. The stallion and his wife looked straight up as well. And felt their hearts drop into their stomach. High above them, they didn’t see the sky and the sun peeking out from behind some clouds. The sky had been replaced with an eye. And enormous, gargantuan, blue eye. They eye continued to stare down at the now silent and fearful population of Canterlot as they caught onto the immense presence in the sky before the eye withdrew a little and a new object took at place. The stallion’s blood ran cold as he (and everypony around him) realized what it was: The grey underside of the titan’s hoof. All at once panic erupted in the streets as the giant hoof lowered itself towards the capitol. Everypony thought they were doomed to be squashed before the hoof changed directions and moved towards the side of the city. Then under it. And before anyone realize what was going on, there was a resounding CRACK as the city, palace, and denizens was lifted into the air. Canterlot sat perfectly in the center of the giant’s hoof. Blueblood examined the capitol as he raised the entire city towards his face, taking in every detail. Faint high-pitched squealing filled the air as the gnat sized ponies were scrambling around, running back to their shops or running around in circles in the streets. Blueblood smirked at the display before turning his attention to the tiny castle. Before, he always used to think that Canterlot castle was one of the most exquisite pieces of architecture in the kingdom. But now he stood bigger than the mountain the castle rested on, with said castle in the frog of his hoof. From way up here it just looked so unremarkable. Small, fragile and pitiful. And speaking of pitiful: Blueblood squinted his eyes and was able to make out several multicolored specks residing in the highest tower of the castle. Standing there, all with their jaws dropped was Princess Celestia and Luna along with Celestia’s student Twilight, her 5 friends, and Spike. All of whom were visiting that day. Blueblood chuckled, his laughter shaking the miniature city and castle on his hoof and said, “Hi down there auntie,” > Chapter 2- Larger than life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town of Oakenwood was known for being quiet. Ponies who resided here lived their everyday lives in peace while their foals went to the local school. One such foal was a young colt by the name of Thimble Turner. Thimble turner was a small coffee colored colt sporting a dark brown mane and had some thread and a needle as his mark. Thimble was a bright young lad who was currently in the process of learning the trade of the family business. Making hats. The process of creating a well-made hat was tricky one that required lots of concentration. Couple that with the loads of schoolwork he had to do, and the poor colt was pretty much swamped. With so little time to himself Thimble relished in the rare opportunities he got indulging in his favorite hobby/escape from his reality: Keeping up with the major league boxing matches. To him, they were amazing! All the cool moves and techniques, the fast-paced action, and watching the contenders duke it out. What wasn’t there to like? Thimble’s favorite boxer had to have been the unstoppable Sturdy Step. He loved seeing her matches more than any other competitors. The way she always started strong in the ring, wearing down her opponent before going in for the final strike was always a joy to watch. Thimble sighed as he plodded through the marketplace, a large bundle of supplies resting on his little back, all of which were items his parents had sent him to get so they can finish a project for a client. His head was in the clouds as he daydreamed about one day meeting his idol. But judging from the way things were going in his life right now, that day may never come. He’d be lucky if he even got the chance to leave Oakenwood one day due to the currently low demand hats had in the market. Throughout all his daydreaming Thimble didn’t even realize he walked straight into a street sign. He bounced back with a small squeak and landed on his hunches, the bundle falling off his back. Thimble rubbed his sore muzzle with his front hooves and began to pick up the goods before setting off back towards his parents’ house, dreading the long hours he was going to spend learning the boring process of creating the client’s hat. “I really wish something interesting will happen here for once,” Thimble though glumly as he turned into his street “All the exciting stuff always seems to be happening at that town close to the capitol.” Looks like Thimble Turner spoke too soon because all at once he began to jostle around as a bunch of rhythmic earthquakes began shaking the town. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Thimble bounced around on the ground, somehow ending up in front of his house before a shadow fell over him. No, over the entire town. Thimble shook his head and coughed a little, trying to clear the bit of dust he inhaled before looking around trying to find the source of the shadow. And then he looked up. And felt his jaw drop in awe. There, looming over the entire town like a mountain, standing larger than life, was his idol Sturdy Step. Sturdy smirked as she looked over the puny town she had just arrived at. It was the first town she had stopped at she really wanted to relish in the moment. Observing the town revealed several dozen different little houses and shops. Oh yeah, and the many tiny ponies running around in the streets in a bit of a panic. Sturdy’s smirk wanned a bit, she didn’t want anyone afraid of her! She only wanted to show off to her fans how awesome she was now. Trying to salvage the situation, she put on a winning smile and waved down to the ponies below her “How’s it going everypony? Don’t mind me, just your friendly million-foot-tall boxer coming to say hi!” Whatever the ponies were expecting the giant to do, it wasn’t that. The panic stopped and everypony looked up at her in confusion, as if wondering why she wasn’t trying to go on a rampage or something else from a children’s storybook. “Hi everyone!” Sturdy tried again, albeit a little nervously now “It’s me, Sturdy Step! Boxer extraordinaire and long-time champion. Just thought I’d pop by and say hi now that I’m…you know, all big and stuff.” The ponies looked at each other and began to creep towards Sturdy’s ivory legs towering in the sky. Soon a crowd formed in front of the titanic boxer, still weary of her but happy that she didn’t come to their town with ill intentions. “It’s all right everypony! I mean no harm. Here, let me prove it!” Sturdy lit her horn and a few ponies yelped as a white glow surrounded a bit of the crowd and they were effortlessly lifted up and deposited onto Sturdy’s upturned hoof. Sturdy Step dropped them safely into the frog of her hoof, grinning down at them, her old confidence starting to come back. “Hi down there little guys!” The tomboyish mare said happily as she leaned in and began to assault the bug sized ponies with nuzzles, the more ticklish ones in the group breaking down laughing as her fluff rubbed against them. With the tension in the air now gone, ponies felt their fear of the titan melt away as they began to cheer for the huge celebrity, some brave ponies even asking for autographs and pictures now. Smiling, Sturdy Step gently set down the little crowd she was holding as ponies began to line up, happy to meet such a (literally) huge star. Thimble picked himself off his stomach, spluttering. All that shaking had really disoriented him, but he was really in for a shock when her saw his now gigantic idol looming high over the town. The town had gotten over their initial fear of her (“Why be afraid at all? Thimble thought “It’s Sturdy step!”) they were now lining up for autographs. Thimble’s eyes widened, this could be the only chance in his life he could meet Sturdy, he had to get to the edge of town and ask for an autograph too! Struggling to his little feet, Thimble began to race forward “Wait! I’m coming! I’m com- ACK!” with a yelp the young colt tripped over one of the many packages he had bought and fell to the ground again in a heap. Coughing some more dust out of his lungs he got up again and began to trek forward. He was actually making good progress this time, only for Sturdy to take a small step back from the ever-amassing crowd in front of her building sized hooves. The resulting tremor caused poor Thimble to fall yet again and into a puddle of mud. Small tears began to well up in his eyes from the sting of the fall, but he knew that he had to push forward because he may not likely have this chance again. Getting up once more Thimble shook a bit of the mud from his already brown coat, and the brave little colt soldered on and finally made it to the crowd. But try as he could, there was no way he could make his little voice heard over the roaring sound of grownup ponies chanting for Sturdy Step. Thimble stood on his hind legs and began to jump up and down wildly, trying to get his massive idol’s attention but nothing seemed to work. The grownup ponies and Sturdy were too big, and he, too small. Thimble whimpered, sad that he was completely unnoticed to all the bigger ponies. What was even worse, was the fact that Sturdy Step was beginning to wrap up her impromptu meet-and-greet “Awww, it was so nice to meet everypony!” She boomed, her powerful voice sweeping over the town like a gale, knocking poor little Thimble back a bit from the force “I’ll be sure to stop by again someday little guys, ta-ta!” The crowd cheered one last time before dispersing, chattering happily about the autographs and pictures as Sturdy Step look over the small town one more time before starting to turn around. Thimble was left sitting by himself in the middle of the street, covered in dust, dirt, and mud. He had gone completely unnoticed by the larger ponies and was left behind, tending to the scratches he had accumulated by himself. “At least things can’t get any worse,” Thimble thought with a small sniffle, tears beginning to build up again in his eyes. As if tempting fate itself, the young colt suddenly found himself in a dark shadow. He looked around confused, not seeing anything around him before looking up. And squealed in fear as Sturdy’s building sized tail fell towards the ground on top of him. Thimble tried to run but it was no good, the tail was too big. It landed on him and the surrounding landscape with a small THOOM before lifting up and away as the colossal Sturdy Step turned around and began to stroll off towards the next town. Completely unaware of her new tiny passenger trapped in the long, thick, strands of her white tail. Thimble bounced around from the movements of the titan, silently hoping that the nauseating ride will come to an end soon so he could just go home. Back at Canterlot, Blueblood still held the tiny capitol in his massive hoof, smirking down at all the tiny, multicolored specks in his mighty grasp. “Blueblood! Put us down this instant!” came the faint squeaks from Celestia and Luna. Blueblood chuckled, the noise reverberating through the air “Sorry, what did you say auntie? You’re so puny now I can barely hear your teeny tiny little voices,” Blueblood’s smirk only grew wider when he heard another faint squeak of “Guards!” From out of the castle, many white and gold specks came out, some holding infinitesimal weapons like spears and crossbows while others simply flew. Now, Blueblood may currently be the biggest and most powerful unicorn around at the moment, but he certainly did not consider himself a villain (at least from his perspective) and did not wish to actually hurt the extremely tiny guards. So how did the gigantic noble remedy the situation? Well, like all members of the nobility he must look his best, so Blueblood always has a small bottle of hair gel with him to style his gorgeous golden locks. Said bottle just so happened to be in his pocket at the spells activation and grew alongside him. Blueblood, still with that mischievous smirk present on his face, lit up his horn and pulled out the small (to him) bottle of hair gel and squeezed out a few mansion sized drops down and onto the little capitol. Entire platoons of guards yelped in surprise as the gargantuan globs of extremely expensive, high-end hair gel landed on top of them with a SPLAT, pinning them in place and unable to use their magic. Thanks to Blueblood’s surprisingly good aim from such a great size, even the pegasi guards had a soft landing after the gel landed on them. With the guards taken care of safety, Blueblood turned his attention back to the diminutive forms of his aunts and the element bearers. Only for a blast of rainbow magic to hit him right between the eyes before he could say anything. Blueblood blinked, not feeling anything, and looked back down at the castle. Down below, Twilight and her friends were floating back down to the floor, having just blasted him with the full might of the elements of harmony. “Looks like Mrs. Upper Crust was right after all,” Blueblood thought ecstatically, a small grin beginning to spread across his face “I’m now so large my magical resistance really has improved a thousand-fold. Even the powerful elements of harmony couldn’t work on my new size!” With his newfound confidence that nothing could hurt him as a titan, Blueblood finally gave the little spectators in the castle’s tower his full attention. The element bearers and the Princesses were looking up in dismay at the realization that the kingdom’s most powerful weapon did little more than tickle him. “Really auntie, did you really think those silly little relics would work? They’re so small and fragile!” Blueblood said “What do you want Blueblood? Why are you doing this?” demanded Luna “Well, auntie Luna, I guess you could say I’m not too fond of certain things currently, and since you and auntie Celestia barely give me any time of day anymore, I, unfortunately had to resort to more drastic measures to get your attention,” Blueblood explained, trying to keep things vague so he could buy his cohorts more time to take care of whatever they wanted to do. “And what, pray tell, are these things you aren’t too fond of?” Blueblood though back to what Upper Crust had mentioned before “Stall them, maybe make a few demands of your own while you’re waiting for us,” Blueblood’s smirk was back on full display as he eyed up the tiny pony specks standing helplessly in the tower “Let’s just say I have a few, shall I say, requests for you auntie.” > Chapter 3- Big, Bigger, Biggest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At a more secluded village, there was preparations for a town wide party going on. The mayor of the small town Rosenville’s birthday was coming up and everypony wanted to contribute to the celebration of their beloved mayor. A stage was currently being built in the center of the town, here, ponies will gather for songs, dance, and refreshments. So far, the stage was still undergoing construction, with several huge logs laying on the other side of town, tired earth ponies having left it after carrying it for miles from a forest. Banners were in the still in the process of being set up, tables lay midway assembled, and chairs laid strewn about. Absolutely nobody could work in the sweltering sun. “Oh, how horrible!” one Pegasus stallion thought in dismay “We’ll never get these decorations finished in time for tomorrow, everypony is just too tired. Whatever will we do now?” All around him, the stallion could see other volunteers plopped down either on benches or on the ground, too tired to go on. All of them metaphorically baking in the hot summer heat. “What does Princess Celestia think she’s doing with the sun right now? It was not supposed to be this hot today! Is she under a lot of stress or something and forgot to tend to the sun?” Shaking that ridiculous thought out of his head, the stallion got up from his spot on the ground and shakily made his way over to a pile of streamers. He took a bundle in his mouth and spread his wings, trying to fly up to the stage to hang them up, but collapsed shortly after a few wing flaps. He seemed to jostle around on the ground for a bit after falling back to the Earth, the ground seemingly shaking on its own accord. The stallion just chalked it up to him being tired “It’s no use,” he thought sadly “The other volunteers and I are simply too tired to keep this up. Now the party will have to be cancelled. Oh, what to do? The poor Mayer will be so said now!” While lost in his thoughts, the stallion got a brief reprieve as a shadow covered the town, blocking out the sun’s sweltering rays “Oh thank goodness, at least now I can focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about collapsing from the heat!” chuckling to himself, the stallion picked himself back up from the ground again from where he crashed and turned around, looking to check back in with the volunteers. The stallion blinked, for some reason all the volunteers had already gotten back up. They were standing in the middle of the street, muttering amongst themselves, and looking up at the sky. “That’s odd, what could have gotten them in a tizzy?” the stallion wondered as he made his way over to where the crowd was and looked up. And then proceeded to scream like a little filly. Looming high above them all, covering the entire town in their shadow, were two colossal unicorns, looking down at all the tiny ponies. Lily Shine giggled with happiness as she and her gargantuan husband walked past another little town, the miniature inhabitants stopping their morning activities to gawk at the two titans as they passed by, the world shaking with every one of their monumental steps. “What a wonderful feeling!” she said happily to her larger husband, who was effortlessly keeping pace beside her “the feeling of being so big, powerful, and not have a care in the world! It is most wonderful; don’t you agree Enterprise?” She asked. The gigantic gray stallion chucked and gave his wife a little nuzzle as the two nonchalantly stepped over a lake “Of course my dear! I never dreamed we would get such an opportunity.” Enterprise said heartily, his eyes occasionally looking back down at the ground, keeping a keen and watchful eye for any puny houses or even smaller ponies that may unwittingly be in their path. The colossal couple continued their stroll through the equestrian countryside, which continued to quake from their steps, as they happily took in all the sights. Lily looked on with glee, thankful that she finally got to go out for the sake of her pleasure, and not because it was mandatory for her job. Enterprise on the other hand, was closely examining his surroundings, taking in the sight of the miniature landscape in awe. “It’s amazing,” Enterprise thought as he took another casual step over a cluster of trees “It wasn’t long ago I would have been looking up at those little weeds in the ground with the same admiration as I would with another similarly tall structure. Now look at us, we’re so huge, entire forests are practically the size of moss!” Enterprise chuckled again at the irony of the role reversal. Many of his colleagues in fact, always used to tell him he was quite tall, Enterprise could only imagine their faces if they could see him now. “Oh, look over there honey! I see another village!” Lily said excitably, pointing to a spot in front of them “Let’s stop by this one and say hi to all the little ones!” Enterprise nodded, smiling at his wife’s energy “Of course my dear, we can say hi and also get to inspect them up close.” Beaming, Lily literally pranced up to the tiny rural spot on the ground. Her stomping causing even more tremors to the poor denizens down below. When Lily stopped at the edge of the town, she leaned down to get a better look. None of the houses were even remotely taller than her hooves. Even the town’s clocktower only made it about quarter of the height. Enterprise caught up with his wife and also leaned down to examine the miniature settlement. “Hi everypony!” Lily greeted enthusiastically “How’s it going way down there?” her booming voice drowning out a tiny scream coming from somewhere below them. The townsponies continued to stare up at the two massive nobles, seemingly uncomprehendingly at the situation. “We’re doing good Miss,” one pony finally managed to squeaked out timidly. “Wonderful!” said Lily as she looked around “So what’s going on here little guys? You doing some construction or what?” The townsponies glanced at each other cautiously before answering “We’re setting up for a party Miss giant,” another pony called up to her. “Ohhh a party? Who’s the lucky pony?” “It’s the mayor. His birthday is coming up, so we all wanted to do our part and show how much we appreciate him.” “That’s wonderful! Looks like you guys made some good progress here! How about I lend a little helping hoof?” Lily said as she lit up her horn. Orange magic swirled around it as down below, all the streamers, balloons, lumber, and tables were surrounded in a similar light and with practically no effort, the gigantic model easily set everything in place. Tables, balloons and streamers were neatly hung up and set, and the lumber was magically shaped into planks and fitted gracefully into their place on the stage, securing it in place. The townsponies looked on in awe before bursting out in applause at the feat. Lily smiled and took a graceful bow, happy to have helped. “Well done dear!” Enterprise said, beaming at his wife. Lily blushed “Oh it was nothing Enterprise,” Smiling, Enterprise leaned down again and once more, continuing to observe the bug sized equines. Many were running towards the newly built stage to inspect it, while others went to check out the decorated square, some ponies even left to retire to their homes. Enterprise’s nose flared, his nostrils flexing as he sniffed the little town gently, taking in the multiple scents of the festival now that ponies had started preparing for it at last. Unbeknownst to him, to the perspective of the mite sized ponies, the sniffs weren’t so gentle. To them it was a powerful wind blast. Several tiny ponies squealed in fear as they even got sucked up towards the gigantic face above. Luckily for them, they didn’t fall into the gaping dark hole but instead landed with a soft thump inside Enterprise’s bushy mustache. The diminutive ponies held on tightly to the thick, tube-like strands of hair as the gargantuan business stallion began to stand back up, their world rumbling from the movement. “Well, my dear, I think it is best if we head off now, I believe we are scheduled to meet up with Mister Jet Set and Missus Upper Crust in the city around this time to take care of our, ah, little problems.” Enterprise thundered Lily giggled “of course sweetie. There’s just one problem, you seem to be carrying some additional little passengers in your mustache,” Enterprise blinked and went cross eyed, trying to see the puny ponies that had been unfortunate enough to get stuck. Lily stifled another giggle behind a hoof “Here honey, let me help,” she said as she lit up her horn again. Tiny little specks began to glow inside Enterprise’s mustache until several little ponies floated out and were deposited safety in Lily’s huge, elegant hoof. Lily and Enterprise leaned in, looking down at the tiny stowaways. “Is everypony alright?” Lily asked kindly. After a few quick headshakes Enterprise leaned in a bit more, his gigantic face filling up the ponies field of vision “I’m terribly sorry about that little ones, it was never my intention to put you in harm’s way. Can you forgive me?” The little ponies in his wife’s hoof all nodded enthusiastically. While the experience had been a little abrupt and scary, it had been pretty cool to see the world from such a great height, even if it had only been for a few seconds. Relief swam across Enterprise’s face as he gently took the tiny ponies from Lily’s hold and deposited them carefully in the town square. The ponies look back up at the sky and waved the two titans good-bye as they set off towards the city. Enterprise and Lily could already see the faint shapes of two gigantic ponies already there, strolling around it. Jet Set and Upper Crust. The two nobles picked up the pace slightly as they made their way over to their two titanic colleagues. “…And really, what is it with the ponies at the Gilded Cuts barber shop always raising their prices? Simply outrageous! I swear, it’s because they know I’m a prince they do that. It’s all so unfortunate, which is why I need the extra bits now so I can continue to go there and get their excellent service. Of course, now I may need a little extra if they intend to cut through these gigantic locks. Look at them, they’re even larger than most buildings here.” Snores filled the air as many ponies had to listen to the long tangent Blueblood had been going on for the better part of the day. Well, it wasn’t like they could go anywhere considering the titan still held the entire capitol in the frog of his hoof. Many had fallen asleep by this point; some ponies had their shops closed already with the doors and windows locked. Of course, that did next to nothing when it came to drowning out the thunderous voice. A few ponies laid strewed in the street while others managed to make it back to their homes. The guards on the other hand couldn’t really do much as they were still stuck in the gigantic globs of hair gel Blueblood had dropped onto them. Some however had taken advantage of the situation and used a bit of their expensive prison to style their manes in the high-end stuff. Because let’s be honest, this is probably one of the few times they’ll have access to the same brand royalty uses. Up on the castle, most of the staff, much like the rest of the city, had fallen asleep from having to endure the tangent Blueblood had gone on. The Element bearers and princesses weren’t doing much better, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, Spike, and Celestia had all fallen asleep by this point, leaving only Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Luna still awake. Luna had tried to shout Blueblood down at some point using the royal canterlot voice but was quickly shut down by Blueblood who casted a simple mute spell on her. Now all she could do was mouth what she wanted to say with an angry expression and continue to glare up at the gigantic prince as he simply continued. The other three element bearers weren’t doing much better and were clearly starting to get woozy. Even Twilight, who could sit and listen to lectures for hours was getting tired listening to Blueblood prattle on about how unfortunate his life would be without the extra bits. The elements of Harmony laid forgotten on the ground near them, with the bearers getting clonked out they had just been left there. “…I can think of so many things I could get with the extra bits,” Blueblood went on “A new suit, that wonderful boutonnière I saw the other day, of course I will have to supersize them to account for my wonderful gargantuan size, Wonderbolt tickets, are you getting this auntie Luna? Oh, wait I won’t be able to hear you. Anyway, there’s this wonderful new museum that opened…” “Wow! I’ve been talking for so long I almost didn’t realize what time it was. It’s almost time for the others to show up. Only a few more hours. Well, might as well let auntie know what I want before then or else they’ll just hog her all to themselves,” Blueblood thought to himself. “How much more of this incessive prattling do I need to listen to?” Luna thought, bags growing under her eyes from tiredness. “Where was I? Oh, right the museum!” GROAN And with that, Luna plopped down onto her stomach on the balcony, trying and failing to cover her ears with her hooves. > Chapter 4- Big trouble in the very little city > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiny, high-pitched screams filled the air as the little ponies of Manehattan rushed for cover, trying to avoid the colossal hooves of the two giants, who had just arrived in the city and were now strolling about it. Entire streets disappeared under the immense gray and yellow hooves. Carts were squashed and humongous craters were left in their wake as they walked by without a care in the world. “Well, look here dear Jet Set, looks like we did make it big in the city after all!” Upper Crust jokingly said as she stormed down main street, buildings only coming up to her ankles. “Agreed my dear!” Jet Set said as he followed his wife. The entire city trembled from each one of their steps, bouncing the bug sized ponies in the air. Upper Crust rounded a corner, her tail brushing against a building, at her new size, the powerful strands easily peeled away a section of it, exposing the tiny office and even tinier workers inside. “Make way little dears! We’re coming through!” Upper Crust boomed as she passed more clusters of buildings. Down below, ponies huddled together as the gigantic noble passed over them, her hooves barely missing the frail, little cart they were in. The ponies sighed in relief as Upper Crust walked by, and continued down the street, only for them to be caught inside another shadow. The ponies looked up and squealed in fear as they saw the underside of Jet Set’s hoof lowering itself towards them, the titan completely unaware of the mite sized ponies below him. All they could see was the underside of his muzzle as he looked ahead, following his wife. The ponies clamored out of their cart, scrambled off the sidewalk, and into the closest building just as Jet’s hoof came down with a thunderous THOOM, shaking the entire city, before the gigantic hoof lifted up and flew forward, leaving behind a hoofprint that took up the entire city street, and the splintered remains of a small wooden cart. Jet Set caught up to his wife and gave her a quick nuzzle as the two continued downtown, side by side, with little bits of destruction left in their wake and rattled ponies forgotten far down below. “Hello Upper and Jet! We have finally arrived!” another familiar voice thundered from behind them. Jet Set and Upper Crust turned around (sending more ponies below into more of a panic as they tried to avoid their hooves) and beheld the mountainous forms of Enterprise Pursuit and Lily Shine, the two of whom had just arrived to the city, Enterprise and Lily both stood a head taller the Jet Set and Lily. Some of the tiny ponies groaned in exasperation, it had been annoying enough trying to avoid the two colossal noble ponies before and their nonstop annoying talking but now there were even more! Will it ever end? “Ah! About time you got here old sport! Jet Set said happily as the two groups met up in the center of town, taking care to avoid any crowds. The little ponies in the city let out a collective sigh of relief at the brief reprieve. Happy that the earthquaking hoofsteps had stopped for the time being. “So how was the sightseeing?” Upper Crust asked her two associates. “Oh, it was so wonderful!” Lily said squealed excitedly, prancing in place, to the dismay of hundreds of other ponies “The ponies were so tiny and cute, and so were their teeny weeny widdle towns. This was the first time in years I got to see the countryside and I never dreamed it would be like this!” “And how was it for you Enterprise?” “I must admit I did have fun looking around the kingdom as well and interacting with the locals. Though if I am being honest, I sometimes forget how powerful we are now,” Enterprise replied, a little bashfully however, as he recalled the mustache incident. Upper Crust giggled “Well, since we’re all here now, shall we get started and conduct our business?” she asked The others nodded enthusiastically, as the whole reason why the business nobles became giants in the first place came back to them. Confused? Here’s a quick recap: Because the Princesses constantly ignored the nobles’ requests to expand their businesses, their competitors were now starting to take advantage of that and managed to expand theirs. Resulting in the noble ponies starting to lose profits. So why were they in the city now? Well, they wanted to give their competitors a little payback because there had been a rumor going around that Enterprise, Jet Set, and Upper Crust’s major rivels had banded together to try and put them out of business. Whether or not this was true was another matter in of itself, but one thing was clear, the three were indeed starting to lose their hard-earned money. “Since our competitors are in different locations in the city, I say we should probably split up again for the time being,” said Jet Set “Upper and I will go pay my rivel Currency Trade a little visit further downtown, while you two go and see your competitor,” Enterprise and Lily nodded “I can’t wait to see Stock Value’s face when he see’s you,” Lily giggled, putting a huge hoof on Enterprise’s chest “If he was intimated by your size before, wait till he sees you now!” Enterprise chortled good naturedly “Now dear, I don’t want to hurt the poor young colt, just give him a stern reminder of who’s in charge of the cart industry,” Lily nodded “Of course dear, I was just thinking a little scare would be pretty funny,” Chuckling, the gigantic couple turned back to Jet Set and Upper Crust “So it’s all agreed then? After we finish let’s head back to Canterlot. I believe Blueblood should have distracted the princess long enough by then,” Upper Crust said The others nodded and turned around, the city rumbling as the two gargantuan groups set off to their intended targets. Upper Crust and Jet Set watched the little building tremble as they strolled trough the city, faint Thooms echoed through the air as they went. Their destination? The Second tallest building in the city, owned by Jet Set’s rivel Currency Trade, the tallest building owned by Jet himself. Currency was a dark green stallion with a line green mane to match. His cutie mark was two piles of bits with arrows pointing at each other, symbolizing trade. The two made their way over to Currency’s building, with Jet Set taking special care to carefully step over his own building. As soon as they arrived, Upper Crust kneeled down and peered into the offices. Her gigantic blue eye filling up several stories of windows. Upper Crust smirked as she heard several high-pitched squeals of fright emanating from within. She focused in on one particular individual and narrowed her eyes “Well, hello down there Currency Trade, aren’t you looking well?” The stallion in question, who, just a few minutes ago, was yelling at his colleagues over a silly proposed idea for updating his latest model of airships, was now hiding underneath the meeting table. With his tail tucked between his legs, Currency Trade crouched down low on the ground, staring back at Upper’s giant eye in fear. “Why so scared darling? My dear husband and I have been looking all over for you!” Upper Crust exclaimed coyly “We have a few things we’d like to discuss with you in person,” She then pouted slightly (which Currency didn’t even see) “But…It’s so hard to see you in that itty bitty building! I’ll just have to get you out darling.” And with that, Upper Crust’s horn began to light up, with a similar glow beginning to surround the entire building. And slowly, the entire building, no bigger than a box of matches, began to rise into the air. RUMMMMBLE Currency Trade squealed in fear as he felt the little haven begin to ascend into the sky, the frame of the building left behind on the ground, completely removed from the earth. Upper Crust gave the building a little shake, jostling around everypony inside a bit before focusing her powerful magic on Currency. The tiny stallion let out an “Eep!” as he also began to rise into the air. Currency was carried outside of the building through the window by Upper’s powerful magic before the glow around him vanish completely, sending him into a free fall. Before Currency Trade could even scream, he landed with a soft plop onto what looked like fabric. Upper Crust looked down with a small smirk as she dropped the little stallion into her shirt pocket. She was so huge that the pocket was about as deep as a building was tall. “And speaking of buildings…” she though as she turned her attention back to the teeny office building, she still held in her magical grasp and began to slowly lower it back into the hole that it was effortlessly plucked out of. Once it was set back down, she and Jet Set watched as dozens of tiny little specks flood out of the doors and run off in different directions. Jet Set and Upper Crust chuckled at the sight, ponies now just looked so small and helpless to them. Why, they were practically unstoppable with their newfound size. They were already at the top of the social ladder with their status as nobles, giants in their own right, in their social sphere, so why not have their new gargantuan size as an added bonus? To physically show off how big and unstoppable they were now. Turning their attention to the speck in Upper Crust’s pocket, Jet Set leaned in “You know something Currency? There have been several rumors circling around that you and a few others have been trying desperately to put me and my associates out of business. This wouldn’t have anything to do with the plans for my latest airship model going missing last week, would it?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Currency Trade squeaked out “Tisk Tisk, you know how much I hate liars little Currency,” Jet Set boomed “Why don’t we go over to your airship production warehouse and see for ourselves?” “NO! You don’t want to do that! That’s a very bad idea!” But Currency’s words fell on deaf ears because the two titans had already set off, with Currency squeaking in despair. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The city continued to quake as the two noble giants continued through it, a few buildings cracking from the tremors and the ground getting demolished wherever a hoof landed. Within no time at all Upper Crust and Jet Set made it to Currency Trade’s airship warehouse. Jet Set reached down with his massive hoof and peeled away the roof of the warehouse like it was a wrapper, exposing the mite sized ponies below, sending them all into a panic. All the minuscule ponies streamed to the exits and out of site as the colossal couple leaned down to inspect the air ships. Jet Set felt a ping of anger flare up in him. The models laying by his foot were exactly the same as the ones he had just made plans for! “Currency! Explain yourself!” Jet Set boomed as he looked down into the pocket containing the little stallion, Upper Crust glaring at him too. Currency had made it to the top of the shirt pocket and had been peering over the edge but at the sound of Jet’s voice he had fallen back in. “Ummm well….” Currency Trade stammered, wilting at the sight of the two giants looking down at him. Jet Set’s horn flared to life as he lifted up the pony and suspended him in the air in front of His and Upper’s faces. “Care to explain how you somehow managed to produce airships that look exactly like my prototypes?” Jet Set asked in his thunderous voice “Did you or did you not steal my blueprints?” “I-I-I did!” Currency wailed, completely intimidated by the mountainous business pony “My company was falling behind yours so much we had to take drastic measures! I took the blueprints in hopes that if we managed to produce top of the line aircrafts before you, we’d get the business instead of eveypony looking to buy off you all the time! Then everyone would think you were trying to copy us and that would dirty your reputation and generate more business for us!” Jet Set sighed, the force of the breath buffering the speck sized stallion still hanging in midair “Well Currency, I can’t just let a little stunt like that pass. Looks like you need to be thought a lesson the hard way.” Jet Set raised his hoof into the air and brought it down with an earthshattering THOOOM! Completely flattening the warehouse and everything inside it. Currency watched on, slack jawed, as all the airships he worked so hard to steal get sent up in smoke. Upper Crust and Jet Set just let out a huff at his reaction before walking over to a nearby building and dropping Currency onto it. Currency landed on his rump with a small “Oof!” Rubbing his sore rear, he looked back up at the two giants as they stood back up to their actual height, glaring down at the little stallion. “Let that be a lesson to you Currency Trade,” Upper Crust said, “Don’t ever do something like that again.” Currency nodded, letting out a little whimper. And with that, the couple turned and headed off, their business rivel delt with and taught a lesson. “Come dear, it’s time to meet up with Blueblood,” Jet Set said as he stepped over a few buildings “Do you know what you’re going to demand from the princesses?” “Of course. I want them to give us more bits to compensate for the business we lost because of that dolt,” Upper Crust sniffed, her muzzle in the air haughtily. “An excellent suggestion my dear,” Jet Set exclaimed “We’ll be back at the top in no time!” Laughing, the colossal couple exited the little city and set off across the tiny Equestrian landscape, towards the capitol and Blueblood. > Chapter 5- Taking care of very little problems. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuckling, the gigantic couple turned back to Jet Set and Upper Crust “So it’s all agreed then? After we finish let’s head back to Canterlot. I believe Blueblood should have distracted the princess long enough by then,” Upper Crust said The others nodded and turned around, the city rumbling as the two gargantuan groups set off to their intended targets. Enterprise and Lily strolled through the streets, the city no bigger than that of a miniature model. The tiny ponies on the ground however were able to breathe a little sigh of relief because these two colossal nobles seemed to be making a conscious effort to avoid stepping down near crowds of ponies or near buildings. Trying to minimize as much damage as possible. “So, my dear, how should we proceed from here?” Lily Shine asked her husband, who had his eyes trained on the ground still. “Well, all I plan to do I go see Stock Value in pony and determine if he was really part of the scheme to put me out of business I kept hearing rumors about,” Enterprise answered honestly. Lily nodded, as she gently pushed aside a cart full of ponies to the side and off the road, out of harm’s way “Of course sweetie, no sense in acting so brash and brutish like I know Jet Set and Upper Crust plan on doing,” Enterprise let out a hearty laugh, the booming chuckles shook the ground around him “Touché honey, they seem more invested in throwing their weight and size around currently than actually solving the problem at hoof,” “Indeed, my dear, they can be so obnoxious sometimes. Honestly, it’s unbecoming of the Noble class. And speaking of which, we’re here,” Enterprise looked up and saw the minuscule form of Stock Value’s office building in front of him, only about the height of his ankle. It was so small too the two titans they could simply tap their mighty hooves against it with little force and it would topple over like a stack of dominos. Smirking slightly, Lily Shine and Enterprise Pursuit leaned down and peered inside the little building, their muzzle brushing against each other. Within the office complex, facing away from them, they could see the diminutive form of their business rival Stock Value sitting at a desk alone, currently going through a stack of forms he had to look over and sign for his next potential new contract. “My goodness, I never dreamed that I would see the day that I would get so swamped with all these contract forms,” Stock Value thought “Guess that’s the benefit for being as smart and good looking as I am. Looks like I finally got a chance to see for myself all the hassle being an important businesspony is all about. Ha! Take that Enterprise Pursuit! You’re not number one anymore, so much for being so big and bad!!” Stock Value gasped, a small blush coming over his face, at the realization that he said that out loud. He quickly and quietly glanced to his left and right to ensure nopony was there. Seeing nothing, he let out a sigh of relief and a little laugh “Goodness,” Stock said out loud “Look at me, acting like a school filly because everything is finally going my way. Thank goodness nopony was around to hear that embarrassing display.” “AHEM,” the booming sound of somepony clearing their throat literally shook the building. Stock Value squealed in fright, much like a certain butter yellow pegasus, and shot up like a rocket from his seat, before landing on the ground in a heap. Scrambling to his feet he turned around in a panic and totally did not scream like a little filly. Staring back at him through the large picture windows was the biggest hazel brown eye he had ever seen, complete with a humongous golden monocle. …a very familiar golden monocle. “E-E-Enterprise?” Stock Value squeaked out in shock. Deep, thunderous chuckles made the office building tremble as the gigantic eye zeroed in on him. “Well dear little Stock, what was that about me not being, ah, big and bad as you put it?” Enterprise asked teasingly to his tiny rival, his voice reverberating throughout the building like a loudspeaker. Stock Value stared at him blankly for a second before his face turned completely red “Y-y-you heard that?” he asked numbly Mirth sparkled within the titan’s eye “Well, I suppose congratulations is in order for you little one, for surpassing me so quickly recently in sales, though if you don’t mind young lad, I do have some questions for you.” Stock Value’s face turned pale as he got out of his seat and began to slowly back away from the window and the giant eye staring back at him “Oh, um, well you see…I have…you know…stuff to do Mr. Enterprise sir. Looks like you’re gonna have to wait for another time, and you know, make an appointment with my secretary, and maybe not be so scarily huge when you do so.” Enterprise's hearty laughter once again shook the complex, sending Stock Value to the ground, crouching down as he did so to prevent himself from falling over. “I really must insist Stock Value. Come now my colt, indulge this colossal old stallion,” Enterprise said, his horn lighting up. Stock Value squeaked in fear as the cloud of magic enveloped him and levitated him through the window, plopping him onto the titan’s outstretched gray hoof. Immense shadows fell over him, gulping, Stock Value looked up to see the gigantic forms of Enterprise and his wife Lily Shine looking down at him, smiling, not unkindly. “Oh, be nice Enterprise! The poor colt looks like he’s about to pass out,” Lily playfully chastised her husband, bumping his side with her hip. Enterprise chuckled cheekily and winked at Lily “Of course my dear, I wouldn’t dream of it!” Turning his attention back to the little speck in his stadium sized hoof, Enterprise leaned in “Well now Stock Value, I do have some questions to ask you,” Stock Value just nodded “So recently your cart company has seen an influx of profit, is that correct young one? Enterprise asked “Yes sir,” “I see, well, excellent job Stock. But how exactly did you manage to surpass me? After all you only started you business ventures a few years ago and I have been doing this for decades,” “I-I-I can’t say! It’s a trade secret!” “Really? Well surely It has nothing to do with the malpractices I have seen you and your associates conducting around by businesses,” If it was possible, Stock Value’s face went even paler at these words “Let’s see here; hiring ponies to obstruct our conferences, crashing the unveiling of our latest models, posting ponies in front of my office building to hinder potential customers, the list goes on and on. Playing dirty is no way to get to the top lad, which is why I felt you needed a more, shall I say, drastic lesson, instead of simply calling the police for being a nuisance,” Enterprise said sternly, raising his hoof to his eye, peering down at Stock Value’s diminished form. “Now begs the question, why? Why did you bother stooping to such lows Stock? What could you have possibly gained from this?” Enterprise asked It was like someone flipped a switch, from that instance, Stock Value’s face went from frightened to absolutely furious. With renewed courage that he pulled from…somewhere, Stock Value was back on his hooves and pointed up accusingly into Enterprise’s gargantuan face. “It was all because of you!!” He hollered as loudly as he could Enterprise and Lily blinked, glancing at each other briefly in confusion before turning their attention back to the, now fuming, and still tiny, Stock Value. “Would you like to explain yourself Stock? Because we are not following what you mean. How is this my doing?” Enterprise asked, cocking his head to the side, and raising an eyebrow. “Indeed! Explain yourself this instant young colt!” Lily chimed in, glaring down at him Stock Value glared up at them, seemingly trembling in rage, before blowing up at their vast faces “You! You! YOU! IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU ENTERPRISE PURSUIT!” Stock Value screamed “Ever since I moved to this blasted city three years ago it’s been borderline impossible to elevate my company because all contractors want to do is commission cart models from your company! Nopony wants to work with a new company because they’re unfamiliar with them. And the worst part is, you knew, and you lorded that fact over us! Trotting around like you own the place all the time, meeting up at fancy venues to talk with clients, and taking expensive vacations! All that success belongs to me! I deserve it!” Enterprise glowered down at Stock Value and sighed “Son, did you honestly expect industry success to be hoofed over to you overnight?” Enterprise asked “I worked hard to get to where I am just like you did, but I didn’t stop there, after I got set up for the first time in the city, I didn’t sit on my rump in the office waiting for something to happen! I went to go talk to investors, get to know board members, make friends with ponies in high places. All this was able to pay off in the long run because I never stopped working even after I got my company set up. I never had to resort to such petty measures to get ahead. All you’ve done with the stunts you’ve pulled is harm you and your company’s reputation. Stop this before the damage you’ve done here becomes irreversible,” Stock Value’s eye twitched before he began to laugh hysterically “Stop? STOP? Why would I stop now? Look at how much good this has done for me! Ponies are getting so annoyed at your unveiling conferences thanks to my obstructions that they don’t show up, crashing your meetings helps us so much because we can get ideas from you, and who doesn’t love the advertisements that were set up right outside your building promoting my company. Why take their business and bits to your company when they’re better off at mine? We’ve gotten so many requests from customers to make carts now that you’re going out of business we can barely keep up, so of course we had to cut a few corners to keep pushing out carts. Teaming up with Currency Trade was the best thing that ever happened to me! Not only did we take care of those other two upstarts Jet Set and Upper Crust but now you’re no longer top Stallion in the cart industry Enterprise! So much for being a giant! Who’s bigger now? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!” Lily and Enterprise’s eyes widened as they watched their young competitor seemingly devolve into a fit of mad laughter. “Honey?” Lily murmured “I think he completely lost it,” Enterprise said, not taking his eye off of the cackling speck in his hoof “He was so obsessed with being number one and making it big in the city that he knocked a few screws loose.” “What should we do?” Lily asked, looking up at her husband “What we can, deal with this like responsible ponies. Do you have an empty perfume bottle by any chance dear?” Enterprise asked “I can check, just a second dear,” Lily said. She lit up her horn and with a small pop a skyscraper sized purse materialized into thin air, before slowly lowing itself onto the ground, shaking it with a small THOOM. Lily opened it up and began to rummage around it, pulling out eye shadow, powder, lipstick, and much more before finally pulling out an extremely small one-ounce bottle of empty perfume. “Will this do? I got this as a sample from the mall and went through it quite quickly. I never did get a chance to throw out the bottle,” “That’s perfect,” Enterprise said, taking the bottle in his magic, removing the cap and leaving it in the purse, Enterprise levitated the clear bottle towards his hoof and very gently turned it, letting Stock Value (who was still giggling madly) slide into it. Enterprise levitated the bottle up to his eye and watched Stock Value plop down into the bottom of the house sized bottle. Satisfied with his work Enterprise set off again with Lily right behind him, causing another series of earthquakes throughout the city as they walked, stepping over streets and buildings easily before stopping at a white building with a red cross on it. Enterprise set the bottle down onto the street as he watched a few itty-bitty pony doctors come outside the building, curious as to why the giant couple had stopped there. “I trust you’ll give that poor colt the help he needs, correct?” Enterprise boomed. Hearing a chorus of tiny affirmation squeaks, Enterprise nodded and turned around setting back off the way he came. “Where are you going now dear? Canterlot is the other way.” Lily said as she rushed to catch up. “I just wanted to stop by and check Stock Value’s Cart production. He mentioned in his rant that he had decided to cut corners with production to keep up with demand. Let’s see just how much,” Enterprise said as he stomped up to the factory where Stock’s carts were produced. As he approached, he saw several mite sized ponies streaming out of the exits like ants fleeing off into different directions. Rolling his eyes, he walked up to the factory and peeled off the roof, looking down at the tiny, completed carts below. Enterprise lit up his horn again, took one cart in his magic, and raised it to his eye, inspecting it. Enterprise frowned and gave it a little shake, even from his great size he could hear all the small parts jiggling around, from being haphazardly thrown together. “What is it sweetie?” Lily asked, now too eyeing up the little cart “It’s worse than I thought, Stock was so focused on obtaining orders from clients he completely neglected to make sure the safety was up to code with these carts. It’s such a mess I’m pretty sure the axles will fall apart by itself if somepony tries to ride in this,” sighing, Enterprise dropped the miniature cart into his vest pocket before leaning down to inspect the remaining carts in the factory. They were all lined up in the completed lane the same way as the first was and even then, with his keen eye, Enterprise could see the poor quality the carts were in. “There’s simply no way the city would allow such an obvious safety risk,” Lily observed “I’m almost certain that little Stock must have been paying off somepony to give him the alright so he could keep producing these awful carts.” “I believe you may be right,” Enterprise said, still leaning over to look at the carts. But as he made to stand back up, his giant monocle fell off his eye, towards the factory, before landing on it with a SMASH! Completely squashing all the equipment and carts beneath its enormous weight. “Silly thing never wants to stay on,” Enterprise sighed, reaching down with his hoof, and putting the monocle back onto his eye. Blinking, he looked back down at the squished remains of the factory “If I’m being honest, I probably did most ponies a favor with that accident,” he said as he turned back to his wife. “Well, my dear, shall we be off then?” Lily asked. Enterprise nodded and took out his pocket watch, opening it, he quickly glanced at the face. “It’s almost time to meet up with Blueblood, shall we head off to Canterlot?” He asked Lily nodded “Of course dear, when we arrive, let’s ask the princess to reimburse us for all the profits we lost because they didn’t allow us to expand our business more thanks to Stock Value,” Enterprise nodded “Agreed honey,” he said. And with that, the colossal couple set off through the city again, unstoppable and unopposed, rocking it and the little inhabitants with each one of their mighty steps before finally stepping out onto the miniature landscape, and towards the tiny capitol. > Chapter 6- Garnering attention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Awww! I love you little guys too!” Sturdy Step said happily as she looked down at something being held in her magical grasp. Far down below an entire town rested on a chunk of earth Sturdy Step had effortlessly torn out of the ground like it was soft sand, hundreds of speck seized ponies below were cheering for her, after she had arrived and done another one of her meet and greets. Giggling cheerfully, Sturdy lowered the town back onto the ground gently, setting it perfectly back into the hole she had torn it out of like it was a puzzle piece. With another quick flash of magic from her horn, the damage and cracks around the town and inside the town was magically fixed thanks to the insanely powerful magical boost Sturdy Step had received as an extra benefit from her new size. Sturdy Step stood back up, now at her full height, looming over the town, her massive shadow completely covering it, “Bye little guys! Hope you had a great time seeing big ol’ me!” Sturdy said, as she turned around and began to walk off across the landscape. All around her, the world trembled and shook with each one of her steps, powerful THOOMS reverberated through the air as she walked, entire towns and cities were jostled from the simple act of the colossal boxer walking. Ponies on the ground looked up in awe as the mountainous mare passed by, effortlessly stepping over little towns and the even littler inhabitants. “Today has been so wonderful,” Sturdy sighed contently to herself as she continued her kingdom wide trek, not really having a particular destination in mind, this had been her first quiet moment all day “I got to see so many fans, visit out of the way towns my ridiculous manager wouldn’t have let me set hoof it before, and I even got to give everypony that humongous hug I wanted to this morning. Today really was something special, I’m so happy all the little ones got to see the 100% genuine Sturdy Step love for her fans and got to go home with smiles on their faces,” smiling to herself at the recollection of the hundreds of tiny ponies happy to see such a (literally) big star really made her day. Truly there was nothing that could ruin her bliss and this moment Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Sturdy blinked at the sudden noise and came to a stop, looking around her. All around her was the bare landscape with a few mountains in the distance. “Ummm, is there somepony here?” Sturdy asked out loud looking around herself. With nothing around her she did feel a little foolish for asking but it still couldn’t have hurt to try. “Did I imagine that noise?” Sturdy wondered “I must be getting tired from all the meet and greets I did today. Look at me, I’m hearing voices now,” She was about to start walking again when she heard: Squeaky Squeak! Sturdy’s ears shot up. She was positive she heard something just now! It almost sounded like a mouse squeak. “I heard that!” Sturdy exclaimed, looking around her again, and then lifting up her legs to make sure it was clear “Um, where are you?” She asked, “I don’t see you,” Sturdy was treated to another round of squeaking before she finally pinpointed the noise: it was coming from behind her. With a victorious grin she turned around, expecting to see the mystery pony, only to once again reveal nothing. “Hey what gives? I know I heard you behind me?” Sturdy said indignantly, only to hear the squeaks again from behind her. “That’s weird, why do I keep hearing that noise behind me? It’s almost as if it’s stuck to my-” Sturdy cut off her train of thought as her eyes widened. The truth began to crash down on her. Lighting up her horn again, a cloud of magic began to brush against her tail, around it and inside it, before long, it zeroed in on something. Sturdy concentrated for a second and very gently, brought her magic to her face. There, in her magical grasp, was the diminutive form of an extremely tiny pony, a young colt. Sturdy gasped in shock as she beheld her find, the little colt looking up at the colossal mare’s face above him, sheepishly waving at her. “Oh my goodness! How did you get there little guy?” Sturdy asked in shock. “I…um…got stuck here when your tail fell on me miss,” the tiny colt squeaked out Sturdy blinked again, now that she thought about it, she had felt a little irritation in her tail most of the day but she kept writing it off because she thought it was nothing, now however… “Uh, little guy, how long exactly have you been there?” Sturdy asked, a pit starting to form in her stomach “W…when you visited Oakenville this morning Ms. Sturdy Step,” said the colt “Oh crumbs,” Sturdy mentally sighed. The side of a nearby mountain shuddered and cracked as the huge frame of Sturdy Step braced back against it, reclining back, and put her hooves up onto a few tiny hills, completely smooshing them into the ground. Getting her bearings again she silently watched as the little colt floated, in her magic still, by her head. With a small snort she levitated him over to her and very gently dropped him onto her chest where she could easily look down at him while she was laying back. “So, um, what’s your name kiddo?” Sturdy asked awkwardly “I’m Thimble Turner Ms. Sturdy Step!” the colt squeaked happily, gazing up into her colossal eyes Sturdy chuckled at his enthusiasm “Nice to meet you Thimble,” she said with a smile, before it slowly faded “Hey, look, I’m really sorry about what happened back there kiddo, I had no idea you were stuck in my tail, all day no less, still that really isn’t an excuse for not being more careful watching out for you tiny, little guys, right?” “It’s ok Ms. Sturdy Step!” Thimble called up to her “it was a little scary at first because of all the shaking, but it was alright because I was with you! You’re awesome and there’s no way I could have gotten hurt with you around!” Sturdy cocked her head to the side in confusion, that certainly wasn’t the answer she was expecting, but then again, the colt was still pretty young. …wait “Hey Thimble, how old are you exactly?” Sturdy asked, concern starting to grow in her chest “I’m nine years old!” Thimble answered excitedly, blissfully unaware of the growing horror engulfing the gargantuan mare “And you said you’ve been stuck in my tail all day? As in, from the very first town I went to, Oakenville?” “Uh-huh,” “Your parents must be worried sick! If you’ve been with me all day than they would have had no idea what happened to you! Come on, I’m taking you back home right now kiddo,” Sturdy said, as she made to get up. “Wait! Do we have to go right now? Please! I finally got to talk to you after all this time!” Thimble pleaded to the giant, giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes, he could muster. Sturdy paused, conflicted. On one hoof, she had every intention of bringing this colt back home, but on the other hoof, he had been trapped in her huge tail strands for the better part of a day trying to get her attention. And if he had gotten caught there that meant that he had been trying to see her at the meetup, meaning he was one of her fans. A fan that she, sadly, had accidently overlooked. “I guess it couldn’t hurt,” she thought hesitantly “a little while longer shouldn’t be a problem, and besides, I do kinda owe him that much for putting the poor thing through all that,” “All right Thimble, we can wait a bit,” Sturdy said with a small smile, settling back down against the mountain. “Yay!” Thimble cheered ecstatically, burying himself into Sturdy’s chest fluff as he tried (and adorably failed) to hug her. Sturdy couldn’t keep the genuine smile off her face as she watched the little one’s happiness. She raised one of her mammoth sized hooves and very gently, patted him on the head, Sturdy giggled musically as she watched Thimble bop up and down from her soft hoof. “So why did ya come to the meetup Thimble? First time seeing a big and powerful giant like Moi?” Sturdy teasingly asked, ceasing her pats. “Well, actually, I really wanted to meet you.” Thimble said, his voice taking on a shy tone as he averted his eyes, staring down “Oh? I guess you must know me by my stellar reputation well then? Hope it was a good stellar reputation,” Sturdy joked “Though sometimes my agent would beg to differ.” “Are you kidding? You’re the best! You’re my favorite boxer in all of major league boxing! I’ve seen all you’re matches and got posters and even shirts!” Thimble exclaimed, a tiny passion for his favorite sport beginning to sparkle inside him as he looked back up into Sturdy’s eyes with delight. “Oh ho! A super fan huh? So how many of my matches did you go see in pony? Let me guess, 4 or 5? Maybe 6?” Sturdy asked with a grin. A grin that faded just as quickly as she noticed the glum look on Thimble’s face as he turned away from her again “Hey, what’s the matter Kiddo? You good down there?” Thimble glanced back at Sturdy sadly “Yeah…it’s just that…I never got a chance to go see one of your matches Ms. Sturdy Step. I really wanted too but I just never had time.” He said. Sturdy Step blinked “But, you’re nine. How could you not have time?” she asked. “My family makes hats for a living, and to ensure that we have the best quality we grow our own cotton in our fields so we can harvest it ourselves and use to make the hats. My parents are teaching me how to sow hats too, so that alongside the fieldwork, getting supplies from the store, and schoolwork I barely have time for myself anymore. I can only hear about your matches from the radio or in Daddy’s morning newspapers.” Thimble explained. “But what about your friends? Surly you have time to spend with them, right?” “I don’t really have any friends,” Thimble said sadly “I only stay at the schoolhouse long enough to get my work done before I have to leave and help my parents. They constantly get commissions from ponies in Canterlot so they need all the help they can get,” Sturdy’s ears drooped as she listened to the young colt, all her life she had trained to be the best and reaped the rewards for her hard work, this colt was clearly trying to do the same but had so much on his plate he was practically drowning in his own responsibilities. He didn’t even have any close friends to spend time with. Sturdy wished there was something she could do to help. But as she thought about this, her mind flashed back to a speech Princess Celestia had given some time ago when her sister Luna had returned. About how Equestria was founded on the basis of friendship and how now, even today, everypony needs a friend in their life. All it takes is one brave pony to make a difference in someone else’s life. Sturdy sat up a bit, with a new goal in mind, to be the one brave pony that will make a difference in another’s life. “Well look no further Thimble, because I will gladly be your first friend,” Sturdy announced. Thimble Turner’s ears shot up and his eyes went wide “R-r-really? You want to be friends with me?” he asked hopefully, before the same sadness began to settle in again “but, I’m just a nopony. You’re famous. Why would you want to spend time with somepony like me?” In response to that, Sturdy Step wordlessly enveloped Thimble in her magic as she sat back up off the mountain, and lowered Thimble to the ground slowly by her hooves. Thimble landed on his rump with a plop and a tiny oof! As he shook his head clear, his eyes widened as it downed on him where he was now, with a small gulp, he slowly trained his eyes skyward and beheld the gargantuan form of the titanic boxer looming high above him, Sturdy looking down at his diminutive form in between her hooves with narrowed eyes. “Listen here Thimble,” Sturdy rumbled “It doesn’t matter that you haven’t seen any of my matches in pony or that you’ve led a busy life. Everypony needs a friend or somepony there to support them. But this will never be accomplished unless somepony is brave enough to make the first step, and I want to make that first step so I can be there for you. So will you accept my friendship?” Sturdy watched as emotions began to flicker back into Thimble’s young face; first apprehension, then hope, and finally joy. Sturdy smiled as she watched Thimble began to bounce around below her happily chanting that Sturdy Step was his first friend. She chuckled at the display and lowered herself to the ground, before giving the little colt a nuzzle “Ready for me to take you home now, new friend?” she asked. “Ok!” Thimble replied happily, latching onto her nose and hugging it joyfully. Sturdy laughed and magically lifted Thimble from her snout and deposited him safely into her mane, giving him a great view. “All abord the giant pony express, Destination: Oakenville!” She announced as she set back off across the landscape, earthquakes starting back up from every impact of her mighty hooves. Up above, Thimble looked around in awe, clinging onto a cluster of strands from Sturdy’s mane. As an Earth pony, he never dreamed of ever being this high up, to see the entire beautiful kingdom was truly a spectacle to behold. But sadly, the ride came to an end, which was to be expected considering Sturdy was thousands of feet tall. “Ok Thimble, which house it yours?” Sturdy asked, lifting Thimble from her mane and setting him down on her snoot. Thimble pointed towards the back end of town “That one right there! The one with the biggest field!” Sturdy nodded and activated her magic again, levitating Thimble off her and down towards his home. Upon setting him down, she saw from her great height, Thimble’s parent’s burst out of the house and tackle him into a hug. They told him how worried they were for him when they saw the packages, he had gotten earlier left on their steps but he was nowhere in sight. It was here that Sturdy stepped in and explained the whole situation to them. About the meet and greet that morning, Thimble’s accident, and what had transpired afterwards. Thimble parents were understandably upset at first but as Sturdy went on, with Thimble providing backup to fill in any missing story gaps, they did thank her for getting their son back safety and expressed their gratitude to Sturdy for becoming Thimble’s first friend. It was around this time Thimble’s parents brought him into the house for some food and rest, because all three of them were gonna have a long day in the fields tomorrow picking cotton for their next line of hats. Here, Sturdy intervened once again. “Actually, would you mind if I leant a helping hoof you guys? I could pick all the cotton myself and give you little guys the day off tomorrow,” Sturdy offered “That’s very generous of you dear, but there is quite a bit of cotton in the fields, are you sure you’re up to the task?” Asked Thimble’s mom. “Of course! I can handle this no sweat!” “Then that would be wonderful dear, we would really appreciate the extra help,” “No problem, Mrs. Turner! Sturdy Step is on the job!” “There is just one thing I have to inform you of before you start Sturdy, the cotton is very fragile, please try not to tear out any of the roots or else it can’t grow back,” said Mrs. Thimble “No worries, Mrs. T, I can handle it just fine,” Sturdy said, levitating a stack of baskets towards her as she turned her attention towards the little fields, and carefully began to pick out the cotton bunches one at a time, to ensure there was no damage. “This is gonna take a while,” Sturdy thought as she concentrated “I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to meet back up at Canterlot with the others by now. But honestly, I think this is more important. Forget about the capitol, the others can give the princesses their requests, I’m gonna be sticking right here to help out my little buddy!” > Chapter 7- Executive decisions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “…I mean seriously Auntie; how could you expect me to not want to look as gorgeous as possible? Having those extra bits will do wonders for my perfect royal physique, just think about all the wonderful hooficures I could get, or all the heir styles the extra allowance could get me. Of course, with the perks of my wonderful new size, our tiny little ponies will need to work a little extra hard to cover my gargantuan hoofs! Hahaha!” Blueblood chortled at his observation, thinking about how humorous it would be to see a bunch of little specks tending to him, trying to give him a hooficure. “Is he quite done yet?” Luna silently wondered, frustrated beyond belief. her hooves still covering her ears as she rolled onto her back, staring upside down at Titan Blueblood “He’s been prattling on all day about that incessive allowance of his! I might as well give the bits to him by this point to shut him up but he cast that incepted silencing spell on me so I CAN’T EVEN TELL HIM!” Blueblood on the other hand, finally stopped his rambling, happy to have gotten to say everything he needed to, he was confident that his little aunts had gotten every detail he had to say. Beaming, he looked back up at the sky, verifying the sun’s position because, well, he left his pocket watch on his desk and it was now too small for him to check. “Wonderful! The others should be here in just a second!” Blueblood said happily. “Others? What do you mean others?” asked Celestia in slight alarm. She had finally woken up as she gently nudged Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, and Spike, who all awoke groaning, before turning her attention back up at Blueblood’s enormous face in the sky “There were more ponies that became giants alongside you?” she asked with worry. “Of course, auntie, good afternoon by the way, there were five other noble ponies who also became, uh, rather big,” Blueblood confessed with a bit of a sheepish grin on his face, happy to have kept the secret all day. “So why aren’t they with you?” asked Rainbow from far below “Well, let’s just say they had some business to take care of, BIG business if you will,” Blueblood chuckled at his own joke before continuing “In the meantime, I decided to pay everypony here a special visit first while they delt with their problems around the kingdom. Oh, and by the way auntie, I just know once they show up, they’ll all just hog you to themselves so I wouldn’t be able to get a word in, I’m glad you got to hear everything I needed before they arrived.” “What do you mean they’re ‘dealing with their problems around the kingdom,” Celestia asked suspiciously, her eyes narrowed “Oh, it’s nothing drastic, I assure you auntie. They, like me, felt like some changes and rules needed to be established so they went to make sure their business rivels got the message. They went to villages and cities like Manehattan,” Blueblood said “They went to major cities?! How we’re we not notified about giant pony sightings there?” Celestia exclaimed, looking around wildly at the mane six around her, Spike, Luna, and the dozens of guards still stuck in hair gel. “Oh simple, I was stopping the letters from everywhere they were visiting from reaching you while you were sleeping,” Blueblood said happily. He lit up his horn and a bunch of letters floated up to the tower the ponies were perched on. While Celestia, Twilight, Luna, and Spike began rifling through them, Blueblood turned his attention away from the capitol in his hoof and looked back down at his suit jacket pocket, smiling, he addressed the mail pony stowing away inside, who had been kind enough to wait until the nobles arrived. “Thank you for waiting Ms. Derpy Hooves, I’m sorry it took much longer than I anticipated, I will be sure to compensate you for the extra time you spent here, safe travels back home,” Blueblood said There was a rustling from inside the pocket and seconds later, the speck sized gray mare poked her head above the opening, grinning happily and give a small salute with her front leg, before flapping her wings and began the journey back to Ponyville for a good nap from all the flying she did today and a delicious chocolate muffin. As Blueblood watched Derpy get further and further away, the others finished skimming through the letters neighboring cities and towns had sent in their initial panic upon seeing the titans. “I can’t believe this! Those absolute ruffians Upper Crust and Jet Set are giants now?” Rarity exclaimed, lowering one letter she just finished skimming “And look, it says here they made quite a mess in the city. Absolutely no shame at all! Quite unbecoming of the noble class!” “That’s not all, it looks like Mr. Enterprise Pursuit and his wife Lily Shine are giants as well, and that boxer Sturdy Step became big as well,” Twilight added “What do we do? There has to be some way to fix this right? You know, like shrink them back down to normal?” asked Spike “I wish that was possible dear Spike, but without the spell book used to make them grow in the first place in our possession, it would be nearly impossible to return them to their normal state. All we can do now is play along and see what they want from us,” Celestia said solemnly with Luna next to her, silently nodding furiously. It wasn’t a moment too soon, because as soon as Celestia said that they all heard the chorus of thunderous THOOMS echoing through the air. And over the horizon, the enormous faces of four of the giant nobles rose into the sky as they stomped across the landscape towards Blueblood. “Ah, and here they come now. Not a moment too soon,” Blueblood said, unaware of the growing apprehension Canterlot was beginning to feel. Within seconds the other giants had caught up to Blueblood, happy to have finally been reunited, their immense shadows looming over everypony in the capitol, making them feel even smaller than before. “Hey, I think I just saw my second cousin Derpy pass by our legs just now!” a gigantic Lily Shine exclaimed happily “Blueblood!” boomed Enterprise happily, slapping a huge hoof on his shoulder “Good to see you after so long lad!” he joked Bleublood’s knees buckled under the huge stallion’s city sized hoof, he weakly looked back at Enterprise with a pained smile “Yes, ahem, it is good to see you too Mr. Enterprise. Where’s Sturdy Step?” “Oh? I’m sure Ms. Sturdy will be along soon lad, don’t you worry,” Down below, there were several tiny, high pitched cries of panic as the citizens of Canterlot beheld the immense forms of the newly arrived titans, and Blueblood’s knees buckling sent another massive quake throughout the tiny capitol, jostling the little residents. The noise caught the attention of the rest of the nobles, the rest of them walking over to inspect the now hoof sized Canterlot. “Awww, it’s all so tiny!” Lily said in a playful voice as she leaned in, the colossal snout slowly descending from the sky like an asteroid. Her nostrils flared, trying to pick up the exotic smalls of the miniature city, the powerful gales of wind blew several ponies, carts, and goods around while the others held onto the nearest structure for support. Lily’s echoing giggles of foalish delight booming through the air as the giant withdrew her great head. Only for Jet Set and Upper Crust to take her place, the humongous couple smirking down at everypony, their eyes set on the little palace. “Well, well, well dear, If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was little Rarity and her country friends all the way down there,” said Jet, looking at his wife “Aww you’re right honey! Look at them, so small and tiny. They’re like little ants just scurrying around helplessly on the top of their little marble white anthill,” Upper Crust laughed condescendingly, her snooty smirk on full display before turning her attention to the princesses and Spike. “And what do we have here? The Queens of the ant hill and a purple flea are infesting this place as well, hmmm? My, my, Jet Set, will have to show these little insects who’s really in charge here now. The glorious nobility!” “How absurd!” came Rarity’s small indignant voice from down below, the mare in question had her snout in the air defiantly “You two ruffians truly have no class!” “Really my dear? I must protest, I’d say our grand new size goes along perfectly with our status,” Upper Crust said, laughing into her hoof pompously “We truly are the biggest and the best now, true nobility!” “True ruffians more like,” Rarity said with another huff, the rest of the girls and Spike nodding their heads, muttering agreements as well. The two snooty titans smirked again, their horns lighting up, all at once, glows surrounded the Princesses, the mane 6, and Spike as they were effortlessly lifted up off their safe haven in the castle with an “Eep!”and deposited in a heap on Upper Crust and Jet Set’s squishy, city sized hooves. The speck sized ponies and dragon shook their heads to clear it before turning their heads skyward to behold the giants looming above them in the sky. “Alright, you two, that’s enough playing around, I believe it is time we finally got down to business,” Enterprise said in his deep voice, moving over to peer down at the tiny ponies held in their grasp. “What do you want?!” Princess Celestia yelled up to the five giants. Blueblood opened his mouth again, but Celestia quickly cut him off “Not you Blueblood! We’ve been listening to what you want all day! I want to hear from the others now,” Blueblood’s ears folded against his head as he pouted and backed away while Jet Set and Upper Crust leaned it, ginning “Well Princess,” began Jet Set “Do you remember a little while ago my wife and I came to you with a request to expand our businesses because we saw an opportunity to make new profits? Well Princess you turned us down, and because of you our business rivels took advantage of that and took sales away from our companies. Now both Upper and I have lost precious bits and we demand to be compensated for that! That is why you will pay us the number of bits that we had lost as well as give us new territories that we can use to renovate and expand our current businesses,” “Indeed!” thundered Upper Crust, glaring down at the specks “The audacity! The two of us having to practically beg you last week for the extra benefits. Are we nobility or not?” Celestia blinked before glaring up at the two giants again “You didn’t even complete the proper procedure to even procure new lands! The paperwork wasn’t even complete! That was why I turned you down!” “Yes, yes, details. All we want now is the land and the bits we are owed, and we will be on our happy, gargantuan way little dear,” Upper Crust said, pointing her muzzle in the air haughty “With our new size and power we will practically own Manehatten as well as the airship business and hotel business.” Stopping her belief rant, Upper Crust looked at the sky dreamily “Oh, imagine how convenient things will be from now on, Jet. Traversing the entire kingdom with mere steps for meetings, being the most powerful Unicorns in existence, and owning the largest businesses in the kingdom. This will be a dream come true honey.” “Agreed my dear,” Jet Set said, leaning in to nuzzle his wife. Far down below in Jet’s grasp, Spike and Rainbow were pretending to make retching noises as the colossal couple looked into each other’s eyes lovingly. It was here that Enterprise and Lily stepped up make their requests, their larger shadows covering the tiny ponies below “I’m afraid Princess, that I am in a similar state of mind as Jet Set and Upper Crust here, I too will have to demand a compensation of bits that I have been denied because of your refusal to take my claims of somepony sabotaging my businesses seriously.” Enterprise said, lighting up his horn and depositing Celestia and Luna onto his great gray hoof. Celestia looked up at him with some slight desperation in her eyes “Enterprise, please, you and Lily have always been some of the more levelheaded nobles out there, please reconsider what you’re doing,” Enterprise shook his enormous head slowly, with a sad expression “I’m sorry Princess but unfortunately it is a little too late for that, the damage has already been done and my company stocks have gone down ten percent because of this, I must now have the bits to recover from this economic blow delt to me. Lily and I saw who was responsible for this, a young colt by the name of Stock Value. He had been hiring ponies to sabotage my meeting, cart unveilings, and overall make a general nuisance of himself outside my stores. When my wife and I went to go confront him about this, the poor colt just seemed to snap. We took him to a hospital, so, hopefully they’ll be treating him soon, but as it stands, I will need to financially recover as fast as possible.” He said. Celestia and Luna then turned to Lily Shine, who up till this point hadn’t said anything to add. “And what about you Mrs. Lily Shine? Why did you feel the need to take up such drastic measures to get our attention?” Asked Celestia, Luna nodding her head frantically. “Well, if I’m being honest, it’s because I want to take photoshoots inside the castle for my next show because of all the attention it will garner in magazines and newspapers. So I came here to make sure that will happen!” Lily said Celestia face hoofed “Lily, you’re currently bigger than a mountain, Blueblood is holding the entire capitol on his hoof right now as we speak, how were you planning to pull this off?” she asked. “Yeah…maybe I didn’t think this through enough, but hey, I’m perfectly fine with getting photoshoots of me holding tiny cities and villages in my grasp. No pony has ever done that before. So yeah, I think I’ll just do that!” Lily said, her happiness sparking up again. The other nobles chuckled at Lily’s enthusiasm as they surrounded the puny ponies again, their huge frames looming above them high in the clouds “So, what’s it gonna be princess?” Upper Crust asked in her usual snooty voice, smirking down at them. “Yeah, are we going to get our benefits or not?” Jet Set added, popping up next to his wife, while the other giants looked down at the ponies expectantly. Celestia looked like she was struggling to form a sentence, before finally opening her mouth with a sigh, a look of defeat in her eyes “I-I-alright, you win, I’ll see to it that you get everything you want,” “YAY!” all the giants cheered happily, Enterprise was nodded approvingly, Lily and Upper Crust was prancing around in circles gleefully, Jet Set was doing what could only be described as a “happy dance” and Blueblood was struggling to keep Canterlot steady in his hoof amidst the world shaking around him, the Princesses, Mane 6, and Spike now safely back on the tower clinging onto the ground as the titans, unaware in the jubilation, shook the land around them, the rest of the citizens hiding out in their homes. “Oh this is wonderful!” Lily said, ceasing her dance as she nuzzled up against her husband “I’m so happy for you sweetie, now you’ll definitely financially recover from earlier!” Chuckling, Enterprise kissed her on the snout smiling “Thank you dear, I’m happy as well, both for the recovery, and that you finally get your exclusive photoshoots,” “I think you guys forgot about something!” yelled a tiny voice from down below. Lily shine broke apart from Enterprise and the two walked back over to Blueblood, leaning down together to look at the castle, there on the tower, Lily was able to identify the speaker as Spike, who was busy cowering behind Twilight as he stared up at the two enormous faces in the sky with slight fear “Oh, and what might that be dearie?” Lily asked the young drake, not unkindly. “You-you guys are still really big! Don’t you guys want to, you know, shrink back down to normal?” Spike asked hopefully Enterprise and Lily blinked, glancing at each other before looking back down at Spike “Well actually young lad,” Enterprise began “We were going to do it after the Princess-” “Sorry little guy but we’ve all taken a liking to being giants!” Upper Crust interrupted, popping into view with Jet Set right next to her, blocking Blueblood’s face “like I said before, being ginormous really fits well with our noble status, we’re the biggest economically and socially, so why not literally as well? In fact, this worked so well, I can think of a few associates of ours that would mind becoming huge as well to, ahem, request their own benefits from the Princesses, now that we know how, we can make anyone we want into giants!” “WHAT?!? YA’ALL WANT TO MAKE MORE OF THEM GIANT NOBLES?!” a tiny Applejack hollered up to Upper Crust incredulously “AIN’T THIS HERE GROWTH ENOUGH? YA GOT WHAT Y’ALL WANTED!” “True, my itty-bitty little country girl, but you could never have too much as I always say, besides I can think of many associates of ours who feels like they are owed a favor or two from our dear Princesses because of how many times they have contributed to one of their charity events, and besides, since none of your magic actually works against us now, it’s not like you can actually stop us now, can you?” asked Upper Crust smugly. “Oh that’s a wonderful idea honey, I can’t wait to get started!” Jet Set added approvingly, while Enterprise and Lily looked at each other with mild concern “I don’t think that will be necessary, do you?” asked Enterprise. “Oh nonsense, it’ll be perfectly fine!” Upper Crust and Jet Set said as they both lit up their horns, looking around at the tiny capitol “All we need is the spell again and our associates and we’ll be all set to go, lets get started right away!” “NOOOO!” dozens of little ponies (including the mane 6 and the princesses) down below cried out, not wanting more snooty nobles to become titans. But as the spells began to charge up, all of the titanic nobles began to glow again in a near blinding light. “What’s going on? What’s happening to us?!” Blueblood asked in a panic as the familiar feeling of when your leg falls asleep, and you feel pins and needles began to envelop all of them again Back at the forest, the forgotten spell book was vibrating violently, jostling left, right, up, and down. Spikes of Blueblood’s arcane lightning flickering off of it as the book opened again to the growth spell, and on the page in fine print was the very familiar warning from chapter 1: Warning: The spell is incomplete; the use of unfinished magic will yield uncertain results. Must be casted with EXTREAM caution. The incomplete spell only lasts for a limited time before self-terminating. …before self-terminating Dun, Dun, DUNNNNNN! The titanic nobles were in a panic as they saw the spell’s light engulf their entire bodies, and to their horror, they began to shrink. With an anticlimactic POP! All of the, now, normal sized nobles and Canterlot were left suspended in midair, it took everypony a second to realize that just happened before gravity kicked in. With a shriek of fear, the nobles, Canterlot, and all of the ponies in the capitol began to fall from their immense height in the air, higher than the surrounding mountains. “OH NO! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? WE’RE DOOMED!!” Twilight screamed over the rushing air as she clung to the ground, Spike holding onto her tail desperately. None of the others seemed to know what to do, the Princesses couldn’t use a levitation spell because Canterlot was just too big. It looked like all hope was lost, but like some miracle, at that moment, the elements of harmony began to glow from their discarded spot on the ground. They 6 gems slowly began to rise, glowing with their signature rainbow light, before a magic beam blasted out of them in full force, circulating the torn-out chunk of pony capitol and falling equines, with another blinding flash of light, Canterlot re-attached itself into the side of the mountain with little to no damage at all, and all of the falling ponies suddenly found themselves on stable ground, safely in the capitol. Groaning, Spike, the mane 6, and the Princesses shakily got to their hooves at the top of their tower. “Is it…over?” asked Spike apprehensively. Celestia looked around at the others making sure they were safe “I believe so,” she said. “Wow, that was wayyyyy to close for my liking,” Rainbow Dash said, trying to remove a still quivering Fluttershy from her back “I mean seriously, we fell out of the sky like a rock!” “That was so much fun!” Pinkie exclaimed in her usual bubbly voice as she bounced “We got to go skydiving together as a group! I’m so happy!” Pinkie seemed to be completely unfazed by what just happened. Below, the rest of the citizens slowly came out of their homes now that the danger was over, and the guards shook themselves free of the hair gel, thanks to the elements of harmony freeing them with it’s magic. “Where did those nobles get off to?! I’m gonna kick their sorry flanks into next Tuesday for freaking out everypony!” Rainbow growled, cracking her hooves, having finally removed Fluttershy from her rear. “Oh, they’re right there, trying to sneak back downstairs!” Pinkie said innocently as she pointed to the door to the tower where the previously titanic nobles were trying to tip-hoof to. Upon hearing Pinkie say this, they froze up and slowly turned back around with sheepish grins. “GUARDS!” yelled Princess Celestia All at once the five nobles found themselves surrounded by dozens of fully armored unicorns, Pegesi, and Earth Ponies, all of whom were pointing either spears or their horns at them. “There was one more who was part of their group, Sturdy Step, find her as well!” the Princess commanded. A squadron of Pegesi nodded and took off, leaving the nobles with an angry Mane 6 and Princesses to confront them. “Well, it’s a good thing their growth spell died out,” Twilight said “I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t ended itself. And it looks like the elements of Harmony cancelled out all the damage and spells Blueblood cast,” Blueblood’s eyes widened “Wait, it did?!” he asked in fear “Yes…” Twilight began slowly “Why would that matter?” As if in response to that, the tower seemed to shake violently by itself, followed by an unholy screech of "bLuEbLoOd!!!" All at once, the ponies, Celestia, poor Spike, and the guards was blasted off to the side from the very force of Luna’s royal canterlot voice as she advanced slowly and menacingly towards the cowering group of normal sized nobles, the mute spell from earlier had finally been broken. Her eyes were glowing pure white and her horn sparking with magic lightning. “THY MADE US LISTEN TO THAT SPEECH FOR A FULL DAY! A. FULL. DAY!!! HOW IN HARMONY’S NAME CAN THOU SPEAK OF BITS FOR THAT LONG! THOU ART A PRINCE FOR GOODNESS SAKE! SHOW SOME CLASS THY UNRULY LITTLE WELP! WE SHALL THINK OF A PUNISHMENT FOR THOU MOST SEVEAR! THIS WE SWEAR!!!!” Blueblood let out a squeaky “MEEP!” of fear and ducked behind Upper Crust and Jet Set, pushing them in front of him while the two scrambled to get back behind Blueblood and away from the pissed off moon Alicorn. Fortunately for them, Celestia intervened and attempted to calm down her raging younger sister. After Luna had semi-calmed down, Celestia ordered for Blueblood and the Nobles to be taken to the dungeons for the time being while they tried to figure out their punishment. During that time, the guards had managed to locate Sturdy Step at a remote village called Oakenville. The poor mare was in hysterics as the guards carried her to the dungeons. She kept going on about how she wasn’t ready for the slammer and that she didn’t get a chance to finish helping her ‘little buddy.’ Luna, the mane 6, and Spike were all waiting in the throne room for Celestia when suddenly she burst in panting. Celestia looked at the assembled creatures in the room with a tired expression “Everypony outside is demanding justice Sister, they want the nobles to pay for frightening them and all of the damage they had done,” Luna snorted “We say just feed them to the wolves and get it over with,” she said with a flick of her ethereal mane. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash agreed, pumping her hoof in the air “Let’s give them what they deserve!” The other ponies and Spike were murmuring with agreement, but Celestia however looked thoughtful as she put a golden clad hoof to her chin. “What is it sister?” asked Luna “Well, we could do that Lulu, but, at the same time I don’t think that will be the appropriate action to take,” Celestia said “WHAT?!” everypony exclaimed in shock “Please hear me out. Punishment must fit the crime, what does throwing them in the dungeon for the rest of their days accomplish? All that will do is make them miserable and they’ll learn nothing from that,” Celestia said. “Ok, but then what do you suggest we do Princess?” asked Twilight “I’m glad you asked my fateful student,” Celestia said smiling at Twilight briefly before addressing the rest of the others present “I believe the best course of action here will be for the Nobles and Blueblood to give a public apology for everything they had done and personally pay for any and all damages they have caused all around Equestria. Any footprints they left behind as well as any damages to buildings they had caused in major cities. And to top it all off, they will all have to do 300 hours of community service each.” “The reason why is because of how Jet Set and Upper Crust viewed those less fortunate than themselves. This way they get to experience the lives of other ponies from a different perspective, not from Canterlot looking down at everypony else, but grounded with the common folk. This way I truly believe they’ll learn their lesson in opposed to just locking them up in a room alone. But there is one thing I would like to address; according to reports Luna and I have gotten, it appears Ms. Sturdy Step did little to no damage wherever she went. And any damage she did cause, she fixed immediately, according to reports, at the worst she did was make a polite nuisance of herself, nothing serious. Therefore, I believe we should give her a reduced sentence. She will still be punished for her affiliation with the others, but her punishment will not be as severe. What does everypony think?” The ponies and baby dragon present took a few minutes to think about Celestia’s proposal, but amazingly, it was Luna who broke the silence first “I agree sister,” she said, surprising everypony present Celestia smiled “Wonderful Sister, thank you for-” “But we wish to have a hoof in punishing Blueblood ourselves!” Luna interrupted while grinning devilishly. Celestia stared at her before letting out a tired sigh “Very well Lulu, as long as it’s in the realm of reason than it’s alright.” Shortly after the Princesses had reached a consensus, they instructed the guards to set up the announcement stage in front of the castle while they paid a visit to the dungeons. There they rounded up the nobles and told them what was going to go down, they agreed albeit reluctantly, but hey, this was still better than jail time. The nobles were marched up to the front of the stage, in front of the entire population of Canterlot. From there they made their apology for everypony to hear, with some reluctance, however. The only ponies who seemed genuine in their apology was Sturdy Step, Lily Shine, and Enterprise Pursuit. Blueblood looked outright terrified as he kept looking over his shoulder at his Aunt Luna as she glared unblinkingly at him with predatory eyes and a wicked smile on her face as she concocted her plan for his punishment, as for Upper Crust and Jet Set, they just tried to blow it all off, that is until Luna gave them some “encouragement” by threatening to deal with their punishment herself like she was going to do with Blueblood unless they gave a more convincing apology. Something about the overly excited look in her eyes about dealing with their punishments herself was enough to convince the couple to try again. Each one of the nobles were assigned their own parole guard, who will help them keep track of their punishments, they will make sure that the nobles one, pay for any of the damages they caused in full, such as the carts that Enterprise accidently crushed, the warehouse Jet Set squashed, any hoof print craters that were not filled, giant globs of hair gel, and any damaged buildings or houses they had ruined, Sturdy Step was exempt from this because she didn’t really damage anything or fixed what she did damage. The next task of the parole guard was to ensure that the nobles kept up with their community service hours and weren’t skipping out. And the final job they had was to keep a general eye on them, to make sure they didn’t try to meet up for another size related rendezvous. Study Step however, had a specific request for Princess Celestia in regard to her community service hours. There was one particular place she had in mind to help, if the Princess could contact the owners and get their permission of course. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! A stallion’s ears perked up as he heard somepony knocking on the front door “Honey, could you get the door please?” He asked as he delicately continued to sew together the hat he was working on. “Ok dear!” came a mare’s voice as she walked down a flight of stairs. Unlocking the door, she was able to behold who was outside. “Honey, it’s our new recruit!” came the mare’s voice. The stallion blinked, before getting up from his pillow on the ground and abandoning his workplace. On his way to the front door, he called for his son so he could come see the hired help for himself. Once at the door, the stallion broke out into a smile as he beheld the pony at the door “Well, are you back for more exciting adventures on our humble cotton farm Ms. Sturdy Step?” he asked, “I hope you can keep up with us little guys,” Chuckling, Sturdy stepped forward and shook the stallion’s hoof “I’m happy to be back sir and thank you for you and your wife to let me work off my community service hours here,” she said. The couple nodded and turned to Sturdy’s parole officer who had cleared his throat. “Mr. and Mrs. Turner, I trust you have seen and finalized all of the arrangements,” he asked in his gruff voice. Mrs. Turner nodded “Of course officer, Sturdy will be staying at our home with food and board while she works off her hours. The Princess was kind enough to compensate us for the time herself,” The Officer nodded “Very well then, everything seems to be in order here. I’ll leave you all to get settled and then I’ll come back tomorrow when Sturdy starts her first day on the job,” The family waved the officer goodbye and headed back inside their house, calling for their son again to meet their newest guest. There was a scurry of little hooves pattering their way down the stairs before the small coffee colored young colt came into the room. “Hey son, want to say hi to our new guest?” asked Mrs. Turner. “Ok mom!” squeaked Thimble as he tried to look past his parents to see the mystery visitor. Smiling, his parents stepped to the side revealing Sturdy Step, who was grinning at him sheepishly “Hey kiddo, I’m back,” she said. Thimble gasped loudly and ran forward, tackling Sturdy Step in a huge hug with all of his little might “You’re back! And you’re small like us now!” he said happily as he nuzzled into her chest. Stopping for a second, he pulled back and stared at her with wide curious eyes “Where did you go?” He asked, “A few scary looking guards came down from the sky and took you away with them.” “Well, the thing is, I got into a little trouble kiddo, but your parents were kind enough to let me stay here for the time being so I can work out my community service hours,” Sturdy answered honestly. Thimble blinked and cocked his little head to the side “So does that mean you’re grounded? That’s what happens when you get in trouble right?” Sturdy and Thimble’s parents burst out laughing at the innocent question while Thimble looked around in confusion, wondering what was so funny “Yeah, you could say that,” Sturdy said grinning as she wiped a tear of laughter from her eye “For the time being I’ll be living here though,” Thimble gasped again “Does this mean you’re gonna be my new big sister?!” he asked. Sturdy nodded with a smile “Yeah, that definitely makes me your big sis Sturdy kiddo. And I’m more than happy to be here right now,” All at once Thimble Turner began to jump up and down ecstatically “YAY! Sturdy’s my new sister!” he chanted, prancing around in a circle. Everypony laughed happily at the young colt’s enthusiasm as they all went together into the family room to get settled in, Sturdy happy to now be part of the family. Blueblood awoke from his sleep with groan. Shaking the sleep from his head, he groggily looked around. He blinked sleepily as he only saw pitch blackness around him so he rubbed his eyes again, but this yielded the same thing. “Why is it so dark in my room? Shouldn’t Auntie Celestia have risen the sun by this point?” he wondered as he made to roll out of bed, only to roll completely onto his back “What’s going on here? Why aren’t I in bed?” Blueblood wondered out loud as he tapped the floor, which made a high pitch Tink! Tink! Tink! sound every time he tapped it. Shrugging, he began to walk forward, only to not get far before hitting his head against a seemingly invisible barrier with another Tink! Clutching his head with a hoof, he reached out again and tapped the barrier. Only to freeze as his hoof came into contact with it again. “What is this?” he wondered “This is no magic barrier I’ve ever seen, it’s almost like it’s…glass?” An unsettling feeling began to grow in his stomach as he felt around, trying to find out how far the glass wall spanned for, fear beginning to settle in now as he realized the glass wall made a perfect circle around him. “W-Where-Where am I?!” Blueblood yelled, now fully panicking. Suddenly, he felt his entire world around him shake from the sound of earthquakes, Blueblood crouched down towards the ground to stabilize himself from falling over as the thunderous noise reverberated through the air. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Suddenly, sunlight poured in as something was removed from his glass prison. Blueblood squinted in the sudden bright light, trying to make out his surroundings as his eyes adjusted to the influx of light, but as soon as they did, he stared up and let out a high-pitched squeal of fright. Towering above him, was the monstrous, mountainous form of his gigantic Aunt Luna. But the fear didn’t stop there, because Blueblood looked past Luna in his panic and was able to make out the background setting. That being Luna’s room. A pit formed in Blueblood’s stomach as he realized what was going on. Luna wasn’t giant, he was tiny, like really, really, REALLY tiny. And his glass “prison” wasn’t even a prison, it was a glass jar. Smirking, Luna tossed aside the black cloth she had been using to cover up the jar as she leaned down, pressing her muzzle against the smooth surface. “Well, hello down there my VERY little nephew,” she said grinning as she heard Blueblood squeak out in fright and back away against the back wall of the jar. Luna chuckled darkly at the sight, as her eyes began to glow with magic “I hope you’re ready to face your punishment dear nephew, I am, as they say, extremely unhappy with the way you and your associates acted yesterday. You not only scared many innocent ponies with your little stunt, but you just had to keep rambling on about your insipid need for bits. And for that, you will pay dearly by my hoof. And I will see to it PERSONALLY!” Luna declared loudly as she stood back up at her full height, towering over the jar while ignoring Blueblood’s incomprehensible squeaks of fear. Magic began to swirl around Luna, engulfing her in a dark blue glow, down below Blueblood averted his eyes from the bright light, and when he opened his eyes again to look up at Luna, he promptly screamed like a little filly again. Luna was gone, and in her place, grinning evilly down at him, was the titanic form of Nightmare Moon. “Oh yes, how I have waited for this,” Nightmare Moon hissed through her fangs. “Wh-Wh-What are you gonna do to me?!?” Blueblood squeaked out in terror, his legs quivering uncontrollably “Oh my goodness it’s really true isn’t it? You really do eat foals when they misbehave don’t you Auntie Luna! You’re going to eat me too aren’t you!” Nightmare Moon deadpanned at him “Of course not you silly little colt. One, that’s gross, and two, you’re probably spoiled rotten inside, pun intended. I have other plans for you,” she said, another devilish grin beginning to creep across her face “L-l-l-like what?” Blueblood stammered Nightmare Moon said nothing as she plopped down on her hunches, still grinning. The impact of her gigantic moons hitting the ground shook Blueblood off his hooves and onto the ground. As he got back onto his hooves, he looked upwards and saw that his mountainous aunt had materialized a skyscraper sized book into her hooves. Nightmare Moon glanced down at Blueblood with another evil grin “Your punishment I have laid out little colt is this: since you forced the entire population of Canterlot to listen to your boring speech about what you wanted to do with the extra bits, now I’m going to make you listen to the most boring book in existence, Moby Dick. You will remain shrunken down for the whole day as you listen to me read this to you! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Nightmare Moon cackled as she opened the book, ignoring Blueblood’s high pitched squeals of terror “No! Not old, classic literature! Please! Anything but that!” He cried out. But his pleas fell on enormous deaf ears as Nightmare Moon began to read in the most boring, monotone voice she could possibly manage “Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.” “This is going to be a long day,” sighed Blueblood as he plopped down on his stomach, holding his hooves over his ears as he tried, and failed to block out his titanic aunt’s loud, thunderous voice booming above him. The campsite where this all started was left abandoned. In the excitement of the day, nopony even thought to go back to the place where it all started and recollect their belongings. The noble’s hooded cloaks laid forgotten on the ground, the campfire had long gone out, and a familiar spell book still lay activated, pulsing uncontrollably with wild energy. …wait, what? Slowly the spell book began to levitate, Blueblood’s magical residue still left on the book because he never ended the spell. It was still activated. And it was growing in power again, preparing to unleash one final growth spell to expel all the remaining magic inside it Blueblood foolishly left unchecked. …The End?