> Stellar's Sunbursting Plans > by TheRayH > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Wrong Spell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone loves to visit their parents, nostalgic memories comming in of childhood and eating their delicious meals... or that's what most people think, except Sunburst. Sire's Hollow despite being a nice place to be born and raised, Suburst is not very happy to come for weekend, he was at the Cristal Empire in his studio making a new spell that could change everything in a good way for civilians and wouldn't have to worry again about other problems; but stress was making him drown in despair, the spell was not working and any try he did for casting was a failure. One day Princess Cadance came to Sunburst's studio and after seeing him struggling she decided to force him into vacations with his mother. But ended up taking direct orders from Cadance who didn't gave him another choice. The train to Sire's Hollow arrived and at the station, there she was... Stellar Flair, waving her hoove with a smile trying to catch her son's attention. "Sunburst, over here" She shouted at him. "Hi... mom" Said Sunburst walking out of the train not very convinced of this. "How did you knew i was comming?" he asked a bit confused. "Princess Cadance sended me a message that you were comming for weekend and as i knew, this i couldn't stop thinking of plans for your future" Sunburst eyes rolled from one side to other after hearing those last words, he's very done with her mother's plans "Come on, let's go home and we can talk a bit more." They arrived at her house, the place smelled like strawberries; all thanks to Stellar who baked a few strawberry muffins before his arrival; but with a touch of burned as well, the bin had a few of those burnned muffins, things like these makes him remember that she's a good mother that cares about him and the reason why she makes all those plans for him. Since last time he was there, alongside Starlight; explained their issues with their parents but it seems some things can't change from night to day. "How have you been Sunburst? Tell me" Stellar said with a helping voice. "Not good" He took a deep breaths and showed the scroll where he was preparing his spell. "I was working on a new spell for the Cristal Empire, but it just doesn't work. Anytime i try to cast it it just... fails and i don't know what i'm doing wrong." After ending, he bitted one of the muffins tasting it's sweet flavour and took back the scroll. "Well, it's good to see that you finally are planing. I'm very proud of you" Stellar had wide a smile while looking at her son. "But try to include me in your plans as well sometime soon" They kept the chat for a few more hours, both had a nice and calm conversation; thing that they didn't had in a while. Sunburst helped his mother with the chores, as he is very talented with magic they end very quickly. Suddenly, Sunburst felt a flow of ideas running inside of his mind; as quick as possible he run to his old bedroom with the scroll and started writing on it. The spell was taking it's form slowly until it was finally done, Sunburst was happy to finally have found the final lines to it. "It's done... it's finally done" Sunburst hopped in happyness finally seeing his work done. "Now, let's try it..." Sunburst concentrated as much as possible and glowing his horn brighter he managed to cast the spell, it was going well but suddenly a blast made him faint on the ground, after a few minutes he woke up and saw that it didn't worked as intended; he will have to rewrite the last lines but he felt tired suddenly so after leaving the scroll at top of his desk Sunburst went to the bed and slept with no more worries for that day... or mabe not, the scroll is starting to turn into ashes slowly by the sudden burst of magic it recieved without him noticing all due to his sudden tireness. > Chapter 2: No Turning Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning arrived, birds singing and the sun being rised by Princess Celestia in time, with those; Sunburst got awake pacefully and leaving the bed behind just to go to the restroom. With the eyes slightly closed Sunburst looked at the mirror, just a few seconds later, a high-pitched scream could be heared all across the house. Stellar heared it and run over to the restroom. "Sunburst? I'm comming in" She claimed before opening the door. "Son, are you... fine?" Stellar got speechless after finding that Sunburst was not anymore her son... now it's her daugther, she knew him very well; after all she watched him grow up and become such a great pony. Sunburst was a little smaller, no beard and obviously the other thing that him what he was not visible. "Sunburst? What happened to you?" Stellar asked still shocked about the fact that he was now totally different. "I'm not sure. Yesterday i was with the spell i was doing for the cristal empire and..." She stopped talking realicing something "The scroll! I have to get it" After finishing that sentence, she run to the desk where the scroll was but just to find out that it was a pile of ashes "Months of work... gone" Sunburst fell to the ground and broke into tears, Stellar couldn't handle seeing who was now her daugther crying like that, so as soon as she could wrote a letter to Princess Twilight, she had the hope that the princess of friendship would have a cure for that spell. Twilight arrived shortly after, Stellar recieved her and took her to Sunburst's room; but the door was closed from inside. "Sunburst?" She asked while knocking at the door. "Go away mom! I want to be alone" She claimed from the inside with a very sad voice. Twilight after hearing the voice, used magic to teleport inside the bedroom alonside Stellar, Sunburst was covering with the sheets completely, embarrased of how the spell changed completely everything. Twilight, with just one glow of her horn removed the sheet away from Sunburst and could evaluate the situation by just a look. "Stellar... Sunburst may have found a spell to change a pony's anathomy" She said with a not very happy voice "And i'm sorry for what i'm about to say but... this is way out my knoledge" "Of course it is" Sunburts raised her head and looked at both of them "Even if you knew the correct spell, the alicorn magic is not capable of such a thing like changing a pony's gender" She placed her head against the pillow and sighted deeply. "It took me months to reach that spell and this was just an accident" Stellar and Twilight walked out of the room and gave Sunburst some time to think; Stellar was a bit desperate to help Sunburst. Twilight told about an artefact called the alicorn amulet but it has it's limits and corrupts the wearer; not even with that would be able to turn her back to a colt. Stellar thanked Twilight for comming and seeing how the problem. The princess left the house a few minutes later, then Stellar went to Sunburst's room again, but she was waiting at the door and both connected their sights. "Mom... i've been thinking and..." She took a time to take a deep breath "I'm going to need one of your plans!" She said closing her eyes of embarrasment. Stellar eyes opened wide and a slight smile could be seen. "You're asking me for a plan?" She asked a bit surprised and Sunburts noded. "Oh this is great, i'll do a plan you won't regret about. I prommise" She run to her bedroom to grab scrolls, Sunburst had a bad feeling about it; but it was too late, there's no turning back and now is obligated to live as mare, even if that body feels weirder and stranger that she thouhg. > Chapter 3: The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stellar was writing intensily on the scroll thinking on everything that Sunburst could do, some ideas work for her and some otherd don't, one thing for sure she won't be giving up anytime soon. Meanwhile Sunburst was again on the bathroom, looking her new look in the mirror, she was smaller than when she was a stalion, bigger eyelashes and no beard at sight, everything else was completely as before: fur, hair and the need for glasses. She also felt a bit lighter than before, maybe because now is smaller, by looking more in detail there's another thing that was missing; Sunburst saw that just on anathomy books but never reached to see one that close and also never espected to have one, that made her curious so slowly slided her hoof against it, she felt like a spark going through all of her body from hooves to head; that certainly felt different. She keep sliding her hoof, that spark didn't stop and it felt more intense each second; she closed her eyes to inmerse herslef more into it. "I finished it" Stellar said while entering the bathroom, Sunburst stopped immediatly after she oppened the door and standed up with eyes wide open. Stellar could tell that she was doing something by just looking at her and the suspicious wet marks on the floor. "Sunburst, if you wanted to explore yourself... you just have to say so" "It was just... i was..." Sunburst was blushed by shame, getting caugth by her mom was embarrasing. "You finished the plan? Already? That was fast" She claimed a bit surprised. Stellar noded at her with a smile "Come to the living room and i'll explain... but first, clean that up" She pointed at the wet floor that Synburst did earlier. "I know it's new to you, but is not an excuse to not be clean" Sunbrst did as told, in the living room Stellar prepared a bit of tea for Sunburst and invited her to take a seat at her side. By a short glowing of her horn, Stellar unwraped the scroll and Sunburst started reading it, each line made her question a few things; Stellar detailed a plan about making Sunburst a Manehattan clothing model on a very famous company of the city, she wasn't sure if that was going to work so after reading it for a second time she looked at her mom and took a time to think all the questions needed. "Ok, now that i readed this twice, have a few questions" She took a deep breath and with calm asked "A Manehattan model? Do i really look like i can do that?" "Well of course, look at you; you have such a natural bright" She declaired after booping Sunburt's nose. "But if you want to keep being the Crystaller, then that would be fine too" "No! I can't be the Crystaller anymore" She claimed lowering her voice, Stellar looked confused. "The Crystaller is supose to be a pony with a big knowledge of spells and powerfull magic and is not allowed to make mistakes" She took a drink from the tea cup taking a break "Imagine if that spell were casted on the Crystal Empire, in such powerful place the result would have been devastating... or so like it" Stella hugged her daughter and patted her back "Sweetie, calm down. Don't worry" Her voice was calming and her hug was warm. "I prommise you, as your mother i'll make sure that your life as a mare won't feel bad for any of us" Sunburts grabbed the scroll and readed it once again "So, a Manehattan model... when do we start?" Sunburst asked waiting for a response from her mother. "Give me two days to get everything even more ready" She claimed. "And then we'll get this plan going". Sunburst smiled back at her and spend the day with her, Stellar didn't had a joy time with Sunburst since when Sunburst was a little foal, when the night came Sunburst felt very tired and fell asleep on the couch, Stellar just stayed there at her side; she will miss the old Sunburst, the stalion that refused to follow her plans is now a mare; Stellar didn't fell on the fact that she had to teach her a few other... lessons, but for those time will tell and the plan must go on. Two days later, Sunburst was waiting for her mom to arrive to the train station, the train to Manehattan would be arriving soon after the Canterlot one, Stellar arrived running with two suitcases; then she stopped in front of her daugther while keeping her hooves on movement. "Why aren't you on the train already?" Stellar asked in a quick. "Because is the Canterlot one... aren't we supose to go to Manehattan?" Sunburst asked trying to get a clarification. "We have to get in now" Stellar started levitating Sunburst and went inside the Canterlot train without giving him any time to ask her why are they going, as soon as they got in the train went on it's way to Canterlot. > Chapter 4: Glow Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunburst was confused, she was sitting waiting to her mom to arrive; she was told that they were going to Manehattan but they took the one to Canterlot for a reason that Stellar did not tell anything about. Stellar arrived shortly after and took a seat in front of Sunburst and looked at the scroll where the plan was writed. Sunburst wanted an answer and wanted it now, so with a slight move of her hoove, she moved the scroll a bit down from Stellar's face to make eye contact. "Mom, i think you owe me an explanation of why are we going to Canterlot" Sunburst demanded with a serious look in her face. "Well of course. Obviously you can't become a model looking like that" She answered shortly after and Sunburst changed the look to a confused one. "Look at you, your mane is a mess and these glasses take some of your charm away" "But you know i can't see sh... something without them. And dind't you said that i have a natural bright or something like that?" She was starting to get nervous all over the plan. "You do Sunburst, is just that we need to make that bright slightly brighter" Those words were a bit contradictory. If Sunburst had a natural bright then she doesn't need to change it, that was Sunburst was thinking but couldn't say because her mother once she has a plan... mostly goes until the end of it. They arrived Canterlot a few minutes later, classy unicorns could be spotted at every corner, restaurant, practically everyone there looked totally different from Sunburst and Stellar; but they ignored all of them because Stellar had in mind the next stop, a boutique with bright colors and pretty dresses on the vitrines; the both went inside and they got attention just as they walked in. "Welcome to Canterlot Carousel" A blue sky pony with an orangish mane walked towards them. "I'm Sassy Saddles, manager of this boutique and i'll help as much as i can" "Well so glad you'll do, because i need some help with her" She said while wlaking closer to Sassy and then pointing at Sunburst. "We're going to Manehattan and my daughter needs a glow up. Give her the best dresses you have" Sassy gave a quick look on her, with a measuring tape took all the measures needed form Sunburst just in case she's not like the average pony size. "I think i have a few that could work for her" She said just to suddenly levitate Sunburst leading her to the fitting room with some dresses behind. Sassy set all the dresses alongside Sunburst and looked at her with a smile. "These dresses are of your measure, by just looking at you i think they're made for you" "I... have no experience on wearing dresses... at all" She said nervous, Sunburst really never wore anything else than the cloak. "Nonsense, besides you don't need any experience to wear a dress; all you need is to know that you'll shine wearing it" Sassy's voice was calm and relaxing, and so Sunburst tried the first one; a bright red one with some black stripes where the seams were. When Sunburst saw herself in the dress, she blushed and in her mind all were the same thoughts; she was cute. But Sunburst felt something in her back, a tingly feeling like the one she felt on the restroom when touching herself; so she took it off as fast as possible to not make a stain on it. Sassy saw how she took it off and noticed something dripping down one of her hooves. "Oh, you weren't kidding when you said you never wore a dress. Does the fabric felt that good?" "I didn't meant to... it was just..." She sighed and then looked up again. "I'm going to need a lot of time to gt used to wearing them... they just feel different and i'm not sure if it is my thing" "Sunburst..." Stellar walked closer to her and hugged her. "I know this is very confusing and your body is not used to it. But mommy is here to help you with what you need" Sunburst had small tears running down and hugged back Stellar, after that she told Sassy to give her best dress she could give to Sunburst. Not a hard task, Sassy after a few minutes returned with a dark blue dress with small dots of glitter and a pin in the shape of a star. "I saw your cloak and well... it remembered me to this one, the designer based it on an old dress made for a friend" She gave the dress to Sunburst who quickly tried it on. "This one... i like this one" Sunburst couldn't hold on her tears, so they run down her face. "Excellent!" Stellar was surprised of how it looked on her. She turned round looking to Sassy. "But pack me a few more just in case, we want to give the best of impressions" Sassy noded and went to get all the dresses that could fit Sunburst style. They paid the total for each dress and went out of the boutique, but they weren't done; Stellar kept Sunburst close to her and showed the plan once again. "We have dresses covered, but now there's one thing left" After a few minutes walking they arrived a beauty salon. "A beauty salon? Ok, what you want to change from me now? I have to remember you that you always tried to cut my old beard... countless times" Sunburst said questioning some of the decisions of her mother related to beauty. "There are a few things we have to do inside. First is your mane, it's all messy and secondly your glasses; some doesn't find it attractive" Stellar replied without taking her eyes off the scroll. "I can't argue about the mane, but my glasses?" Sunburst almost shouted. "WIthout them i barely can distinguish a pony from a bush" But before Sunburst could notice, they both walked inside the beauty salon; and a gasp could be heard across the room; an earth pony stallion walked closer to Sunburst and with both hooves squished his cheeks. "Sweet Celestia! you need a treatment instantly" By ringing a belle, a mare unicorn came and levitated Sunburst to another room, a Deja Vu on her head in the same day; the mare leaved her on a seat. "I won't rest until making you a true beauty" Sunburst wasn't able to respond it was all happening very quick. The seat had a small hole for the head to be tilted backwards and a small water tap; they forced her to tilt it and then water started to wet her mane and a fruity smelling shampoo were slowly washing in; for providing the mane to get completely ruined they dry it off with magic, and while doing they brushed her mane cautiously so that not a single hair would get tangled. After a few minutes her was completely silky and without a single hair out of it's place. Following up, they took her to another room and they made her take another seat. In front of her a bunch of bottles of perfume and makeup that seemed to be very expensive. They took off Sunburst glasses to work on her eyelashes, carefully sliding the eyeliner at top of them, while she had her eyes closed she felt a lipstick running smoothly on her lips; it had a peach essence and with a quick tongue rub on it she even tasted it... not very smart of her part because it only had the essence and slightly the taste. Suddenly Sunburst felt that they were trying to open her eyes, they had a little bottle and with precision they dropped two small drops on each eye; a few seconds later Sunburst saw herself in the mirror perfectly without needing the glasses, that bottle were a small spell to help vision to become better for a limited time apparently, Sunburst reached to read that it lasts for a whole week. When she looked again, the lipstick was barely noticeable, it was the same tone as her fur and the eyelashes were even darker and more pronounced than before. Stellar was waiting for her daughter to appear, reading some magazines; she was a bit surprised that the workers knew who was the customer without saying a single word. Sunburst came and Stellar's jaw dropped down after seeing her with the complete treatment done. "Is it that good? I feel is a bit too much" Sunburst knew he looked good but wasn't sure how good. "Sweetie, have you seen yourself?" Stellar claimed with a happy tone. "You're stunning, now we're finally ready to go to Manehattan." They again paid for the service given, Sunburst was keeping her glasses on a bag; after all they've been part of her life for a long time. "We just have to get to the train and then head to Manehattan, there i'll contact with someone who will help us to get your career on sail" "Mom" Sunburst stopped walking for a second. "I wasn't sure at first of all of this; but i see how you're working to make it work. All i can say is that i'm proud of being your..." She stopped to giggle a bit "...daughter" They both hugged each other, and soon then they headed right into the station, it was the moment to get deeper into Stellar's plan... next stop Manehattan. > Chapter 5: Big City Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train movement was slowing down, with it a bit denser air could be breathed in and loud crowds deafen the ears, the station full of ponies waiting for getting into the train and most importantly... a city full of opportunities. Stellar Flare and Sunburst arrived with the whole set of dresses they bough at Canterlot, well packed inside a suitcase, Sunburst has been on Manehattan before but to buy thing she needed for when she was crystaller back on the Crystal Empire. "Where are we heading to, mom?" Sunburst asked to get some information. "We first have to go to 'The Mare Pearl Hotel' and then i'm going to present you who will be your manager on your potential new job" Stellar had a wide smile and for some reason her walk became wobbly and trembling from left to right, like she's under the effects of alcohol. They arrived to The Mare Pearl Hotel, every single room was classy, filled with tons of tiny details on walls and furniture; beds had a very silky touch to the hooves and well illuminated by magical lamps. They were unpacking until somepony knocked on the door, Stellar run to the door and opened it; there was a big earth pony, a stallion of yellowish fur, blue colored mane and very well dressed with very expensive clothes. "Stellar Flare, good to see you again!" He said with a deep dark voice. "I see you're still looking good as we last met" "Oh cut it! You'll make me blush" Stellar giggled and turned to look at Sunburst. "Sunburst, meet Golden Drill. He helped me with something years back and i talked him about you" "It's nice to meet you young lady. When i met her she was always talking about a son" Sunburst eyes opened and tried to pretend it was nothing. "She never mentioned she had a daughter" "We... had a complicated situation" Sunburst evaded everything about the gender swap spell. "I have no experience on modeling... so i don't know how i'll be doing" "No problem at all. I'm going to lead both of you to my company lounge and i'll present you my best star" Golden Drill convinced both, despite the small number of words he used. "I'm sure you're going to love her, she's a true jewel" He had a small edification, with no windows so no one can peek inside or take photos without anypony's permission. The smell of the place and the clean sight of the decoration remembered to both mares to the beauty saloon of Canterlot with the difference of that no one was helping to make anyone look good. Another pony walked closer to Golden and spoke to the ear, he excused himself for a few minutes; he has a thing to handle first. Sunburst and Stellar took seat waiting for him to come out, but Sunburst was dubious about one thing, so she looked at her mother and took a deep breath. "Mom, how did you met Golden Drill?" Sunburst asked wanting to know a precise answer. "Well, when you father... left, i was very down as you may remember. So i came here to look for a way to cheer up, and i met him on a disco" She was smiling remembering the moment. "He tend me a helping hoof and i accepted it. It was the first time in years i skipped my plans and let other to handle it, so he took me to a hotel room and he gently slammed his c-" "Mom!" Sunburst interrupted her. "The last thing i need is that image on my head. Also, you did it with him the day you met him?" "Sometimes even mothers need a relief, Sunburst" Stellar looked away with her eyes closed. "You should know, after all i caught you rubbing that hoof down there" Sunburst was about to answer, but then the door of the office of Golden Drill opened and called for both mares. They went inside and there was him with papers on his hoof. "Well, Sunburst was it? I think you can fit this company perfectly. I want to introduce you our best model" Another door opened and from it, a mare walked in; with orange fur, blonde hair, freckles, green eyes and dressed classy enough to make any pony jealous. "There she is, meet Applejewel" "Come on Golden, just call me Jewel" Sunburst knew exactly who was her, it was Applejack but she was acting way different as she met her before. She was even talking perfectly fine without any hint of her being a farm girl. "It's nice to meet the newest addition to Golden's roster, may i know your name?" "Well... we actually know each other already" Sunburst was completely shocked. "My name... is Sunburst" "Would you excuse us for a moment, i need from privacy with her" Stellar and Golden left the room and closed the door, then Applejack locked it and looked at Sunburst. "Sunburst?! What in the hay happened to you?" She asked losing her classy way to talk. "I could ask the same to you. I though you were a farm girl" Sunburst wanted an answer as well from the apple girl. "When Trenderhoof came to Ponyville someone came followin' him and took pics of him" She took a seat. "That pony was from Golden's company and they managed t take pictures of me while i was dressed as 'Applejewel'. After a few weeks of that they contacted me by my new 'alter ego'. Turns out that i looked better than i expected. And what about ya?" "Long story short, i messed up a spell" Sunburst had an inexpressive face while she told that. "After asking my mother for help she came with this idea" "Does Starlight know it?" Applejack asked nicely and Sunburst negated by just shaking her head. "I also guess ya know i'm goin' to say that ya should tell her" "I know but... how do you tell someone that knows you well about this?" Sunburst had a point. "I prefer to not tell her, i'm not sure if i'd be able to look into her eyes" "Calm down, i won't tell. Also i'll be here for a week; so if you need somethin'..." She stand up and started talking classy again. "Just ask your friend Jewel darling" Applejack winked and opened the door, letting Stellar and Golden come in. They discussed what she were going to do for the company, the designers already took measures of Sunburst body; she's quite smaller than average mares. But Sunburst wanted to demand one last thing before having a deal with him. "I don't know if it's ok but... could i use an alias?" Sunburst asked a bit quitely. "Well of course, there's no problem with it" Golden answered very open to that idea. "What do you have in mind?" "Something close to my name... i was thinking of Sun Blitz" Golden noded and Stellar was ok with that as well. "Excellent choice! I'll let everyone at the main stage that you will debut with that name this week" He grabbed some papers and prepared for leaving. "Some of my assistants will help you for the day" He stepped outside of the office and went to the main stage, Sunburst by other hoof was completely frozen after hearing that she will debut sooner than expected. Her breathing started to get faster, was not mentally prepared for that so soon; but Stellar hugged her and patted her on the head calming her daughter slowly. Soon, all Manehattan and all of Equestria will know about 'Sun Blitz'. > Chapter 6: Introducing... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost the day of the presentation, Sunburst is completely nervous about everything, she couldn't believe that everything went good; with no problems at all. Stellar is helping Sunburst with her mane, slowly brushing it humming lowly. Stellar also was happy that everything was as planned. They recieved early that morning a picture of what Sunburst will wear on that night, it was a volimonous red dress decorated with black lines imitating the shape of vines, a small cloth that would be hunged in the mane covering one of her eyes and two stocikings, with garthers that were hunged in her waist to what aparently was a lingerie piece; also two hoove gloves for her front hooves decorated with the same seams imitating vines and small heels for her back ones. "I think that's too much for a presentation" Sunburst said questioning a bit about the design. "I still don't get why does it need all that clothing" "Every single detail counts, they live of that" Stellar got a bit upset after hearing that from Sunburst. "It's all part of their plans, if every dress were exactly the same as any other dress by other designer no one would buy it. They need to stand out with their own and unique designs even if they're overloaded" "Like a spell book... same spell, different way to cast" Sunburst understood a bit the thing, but was still a bit skeptical about it; she still thinks that the dress is too much. Somepony knocked at the door, Stellar openned and Golden Drill came in, seeing Sunburst almost prepared and breathing really deep. "How's my new star doing?" He asked to Sunburst with a cheerfull voice while walking closer to her. "Nervous, like my heart and brain are about to explode" She took another deep breath. "But i still have some time to calm myself down, i mean the presentation is in two days after all" "That's what i came to tell you both. We've moved it to today!" He said out loud; making Sunburst to open her eyes as wide as possible. "Turns out that our best buyer came earlier than expected, and he noticed to the company we decided to do it today and be the cover of the best fashion magazine in all of Equestria. Isn't that great?" "Yeah... great" Sunburst was indeed nervous and nothing could make her calm down at that moment. Later that day, they were at the backstage preparing everything and everyone to get on stage. Sunburst was already wearing her designated dress; she was still not used to wear mare's clothing and felt a bit of arousal while wearing it, she had a mirror in front of her... Sunburst couldn't believe how good the dress was on her; no matter where she looked at, nothing bad to say about it. Then Sunburst saw Applejack comming inside the backstage with another dress designated especifically for her. "Applejack, thank Star Swirl that you're here. I'm about to explode, i'm not sure if i can do this" Sunburst voice was trembling and almost had no air to pronounce any of those words. "Calm down, every new model have gone through that" Applejack's voice was calmed, it could be told that she were doing this for a long time. "Ya have plenty of time 'till it's your turn, after all you're the big reveal. I know you Sunburst; ya faced the Pony of Shadows, helped us when the Crystal Empire was almost engulfed by snow... this will be a cakewalk for you" When Applejack finished that sentence, a crowd started comming to the inside; placing at the sides of the runway; and then Golden Drill came into the backstage and called everyone's attention. "Ok, you have five minutes to finish your make up and calm youselfes. Today is a great day, not let's make it even better" He said and the walked to the curtains that leaded to the runway. Sunburst was trying to calm down, taking deep breaths and also remembering some easy spells from Star Swirl the Bearded, after all she readed a lot of them while he was studying and when he was the crystaller. Applejack went into the runway, everyone there was cheering her; with mixed voice volumes, she was a total celebrity for the fashion workers. A few minutes later all the lights went lower and Golden Drill get into a spotlight. "Now, ladies and gentlecolts; this has been a lovely reception. But we have one last presentation to do" As he finished that sentence Sunburst went into the runway waiting to her reveal. "We have a new member, please be gentle with her; she shines through this runway and she's... Sun Blitz" The Spotlight changed to Sunburst, who despite of all the feelings she had mixed inside stepped forward into the runway; everyone was looking at her, the combination of her dress and her orange fur was completely bursting into the visitor's eyes; even some were taking pictures of her. When she reached the end of the runway she tried to pose with it, but not very suggestive. Sunburst turned around walking back to the backstage, as she was walking away the sound of hooves started to fill the room, they absolutely loved her and how she looked like. Golden Drill closed the presentation and started a small party where all assistants could discuss about the whole presentation alongside some of the models that were at it. Sunburst was alongisde her mother, who had a proud look in her eyes while levitatin a cup of soft wine. "Sunburst, i am so proud of you" She said while cleaning some tears. "I never doubted of you" "It's all thanks to your plan mom. I owe you one for this" They both proceeded to hug each other. "Now what's the next part of the plan?" "Keeping that same reaction they had with you for as long as possible" Then Stellar saw one of the interviewers checking on Sunburst. "But first, talk to that pony. He's an iterviewer and maybe he can help to spread your image" Stellar pushed a bit Sunburst towards the press pony, the pony in question started the conversation and wanted to ask questions to Sunburst. Most of the questions were simple, and if they were complicated Sunburst tried to answer as simplistic as possible while avoiding references to what she was used to be before the present time. After that he leaved, saying that he needed to publish the article as soon as possible so Equestria could know about her. Now in Ponyville, Rarity just went inside Twilight's castle holding the newest number of 'PONE', one the best fashion magazines of all Equestria, she was completely enthusiastic because she managed to get an article on that one. But Twilight almost panicted after seeing the cover... Sunburst was there, in plain sight dressing like a proffesional; she gulped nervously after seeing it, after all there was someone who didn't knew about Sunburst's new condition. Coming through the throne room door, Starlight Glimmer. "Hey Twilight, mind if i and Tr-" She got interrupted by being pushed by Twilight outside of the room. "Twilight, i know you have your things, but this is weirder than other times" "Nah, everything's good. Just Rarity getting over excited by her own things" She gigled nervously. "You know her" "Oh she made it into the magazine? I have to talk to her" Before Twilight could stop her, Starlight teleported herself inside the throne room. They started talking, but then... sundden silence, not a single word comming out of the throne room. Twilight came in, Starlight was levitating the magazine, with her eyes focusing the cover, she found out that Sunburst was there and different than the last time they've met. "Twilight... i think i need an explanation" To Be Continued... in next chapter > Chapter 7: Show Must go On! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer is heading to Ponyville's train station with a very angry look on her face, barely showing anything else, running towards her and almost with no breath, Trixie down in the floor recovering all her breath from being running behind Starlight since Twilight's castle. "Starlight... never run... like that" Trixie tried to said shouting, but she had no enough air to do. "Specially if you don't give me... the reason why you came here like that" "Don't try to stop me now Trixie, i have my reasons and i will take care of this alone" Starlight was obviously molested by what she just saw on the magazine and didn't wanted anyone to be there with her. Twilight explained all to her before she went out of the castle, with every word Twilight said Starlight felt a big pain inside her chest until she couldn't take more. The train arrived as they spoke, Starlight went in but then Trixie walked in as well, even if Starlight wanted to do it alone. "Trixie, i told you i'm dealing with it alone" "I know, but... The Great and Powerfull Trixie never leaves a friend!" She claimed loudly now that she has recovered all the air. "Also i want to know what made you run like that" With that, Starlight sighed deeply and took a seat in one of the train's seats. "I haven't talked to Sunburst recently and when i finally got news from him..." Starlight's feeling were almost at her limit, but she contained them. "Sunburst is now a mare and it's a model at Manehattan" "Oh! I though it would be something more... intense" Trixie spoke without thinking, making Starlight giving her a huge angry look. Trixie after seeing that she just stayed chill. "What?" "Sunburst is now a mare and has been modeling at Manehattan" Starlights tone were rising with every word. "And you say it's not intense?! Why he didn't told me? I've been her friend since we were foals... i though he could trust me more" "Ok... it is more intense that i was expecting. He may had his reasons too" Trixie tried to calm her down but Starlight's tears were comming out. "Look, this may not be the case, but i have to confess you a little something. When i was younger i used to be a colt" Starlight's eyes suddenly checked up Trixie up and down, but she had no clue of that; not even looking at her there was no hint of what she was before. "Starlight, changes sometimes are complicated. Listen to what Sunburst has to say and you may have the answers you want" "You're right" Starlight finally calmed down a bit, but was still afflicted to what Sunburst have turned into. She wouldn't have minded a simple scroll explaining everything but the explanation comming out of her mouth could help as well. They arrived Manehattan, the same deafening crowds at the streets were compeltely different from Ponyville; whenever the two mares looked at there was somepony doing something, important or not that was a personal choice for each pony. Both walked seeing the many stores with the many advertisements they have, from basic new collections to fetaured costumes in a recent musical; nothing related to Sunburst in sight, but then Starlight recognizes a face; Stellar Flare. She walked closer to her but she then is visited by another pony, one with yellowish tones. "Stellar Flare, over here!" She tried to call the attention of Sunburt's mother, but the noises of the city made Starlight's voice to not be heard by the mare. "She can't hear me, stay close Trixie... here we go!" Trixie did as told and then Starlight teleported her and Trixie in front of them, but when Starlight was about to speak a door opens interrupting her. After a mail pony came out, Stellar and the other pony went inside, closing the door afterwards. "Starlight, i appreciate your enthusiasm; but next time try to not teleport us in front of a door" Trixie claimed to the purplish pony. They went inside, the ambiance was classy and full of a great variety of ponies, it was Rarity's Manehattan boutique; one with some struggles walked closer to where Starlight and Trixie were, until she tripped and fell in front of them. "My apologies... we have more clientele than expected" The pony had a clear blue mane, a creamy colored body and something similar to a bow tie around her neck. "I'm Coco Pommel, how may i help you?" "Actually, we're looking for somepony" Starlight looked all over the boutique to find Stellar Flare, until she reaches to see her. "Her! Excuse me for a second" Starlight ignored Coco after she found who she was going to see. Both ponies went inside a backroom and she heard voices coming from inside. "Are you sure i should be doing this now?" A mare asked from inside, her voice was nervous. "Of course you should" Starlight recognized Stellar's voice so she paid attention. "This boutique is now on front page of one of the most known magazines. You will do very good Sunburst" Starlight heard the name, and then went inside the room, she gave a quick look inside, then Sunburst's eyes and Starlight's connected, Starlight was visibly shocked; Sunburst was indeed a mare with no sight of the past self. "Starlight!?" Sunburst steped back a bit and felt like she was going to have a meltdown. "What are you doing here?" "Turns out that being in the front page of a magazine is a good idea if you want to show everyone where you're at" Starlight walked closer to him, but gave a look to Stellar and the other pony in the room. "Would you excuse us for a moment, we need to talk in private" Stellar and the other pony left the room shortly after, Starlight immediatly hugged Sunburst letting some tears go down on her cheeks. "How did this happened?" "It's a long story... but i messed up with a spell and now i can't turn back" Sunburst voice was honest and deeply he doesn't want to remember it again. "It took me long to make the 1st part of the spell and way longer to make the mistake that turned me into a mare" "This is way far from any known magic" Starlight was not sure how to talk to her, everything was similar to before but also not the same. "Didn't you tried to write it all again to return back to normal?" "Like i can do it. After the incident my mind is blurry and i don't remember anything from the spell" She took a seat and gave a sad look to her friend. "Even if i wanted to go back to normal this is beyond alicorn magic, not even Star Swirl were able to do a spell like i did." "I know, the spell i did to recreate our foalhood was just an illusion" Starlight also took a seat. "But you could at least told me about this. For Celestia's sake, we're friends and i felt like you threw that away" "It was not my intention, but this was so sudden and got so worried that i felt like this could upset you" Sunburst felt Starlight's head on her shoulder, she had a sad look on her face. "I imagine how hard that was very to assimilate for you. But of all things a model?" Starlight asked and gave a quick look to Sunburst who was wearing a blue dress decorated with gold glitter simulating the night sky. "I gotta addmit, you look really good. I just wanted to know why you didn't told me. But seriously, like there are many things you could have done." "I could have done many things, that's true. The urge of the moment was so intense that i asked my mother for a plan and turned out to work well" "I guess it did. All left i can do is support you on your new life" Starlight giggled nervously and smiled widely. "I should be going before Trixie does something unnapropriate" Both hugged one last time and Starlight went all the way out of the boutique, Trixie followed Starlight from behind. "That was really quick, so you had your explanation?" Trixie asked. "Yes, i got them. I'm not going to lie, seeing Sunburst was pretty tough; but i'll support him... i mean her for as long as this goes" Starlight tried to hide the mistake of calling Sunburst for what she used to be. "I'm going to need some time to get used to that, how do you do it without mistaking one from another?" "Simple, we think in the present time. Not in the past" Trixie walked a bit ahead of Starlight. "You have now a new kind of friend that someday you both can do things that only mares do; i know that thanks to you" Starlight raised a smile and pushed the magician pony a bit closer to her "Well, Trixie, i owe you one. Thank you for cheering me up" A warm hug between them too ocurred both with smiles and no doubts... well, just one. "But just one thing, i want you to tell me things of when you were younger, as a kind of a pay off on our way back to Ponyville" Like that, accepting what the destiny gave them; Starlight and Trixie went back to Ponyville, ready to see what Sunburst is capable of.