> Enter Gemini > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alone: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Of course, I have Twilight in the room, but as a tiny Pony; she can never grow up to be a Sister, let alone one I could play with. I want a sister, one I can go out with, sharing anything and everything with. I can hear the sounds of Octavia's Cello, as if it had been on the radio; since I am wearing my head-set, the once I had originally designed for Twilight Sparkle the first day. She had appeared on my table, then promptly established Twilight Town. I had enjoyed her company, just as I had enjoyed the company of her friends; who later moved into her village, one by one. Twilight Town may still be small, but at least it is a home for Twilight. I talk to Twilight every day, she is always there; even if she had established a number of activities and hobbies of her own. I could not blame her, she needs something to do, aside from keeping me company. What a friend would I be; if I had been expecting her to be waiting for me, every instant of the day? None, no friend at all. While I had a few other friends, aside from Twilight; just as I had been making a few, mostly with and even for her on the few occasions. Maybe I should have been proud? Of course, then the glaring issue is staring me in the face. I am looking up, reminded of the issue. It is my birthday, in but a few days. "If you want a friend, the best way is to be one yourself!" Twilight had told me, and I know she is right; "If I want a gift, maybe I had to give one first?" I ponder; "But how do I do it and what do I give?" I ponder, while I had known it all along. She had told me, already; but it had not occurred to me, exactly how and what to make out of it. I had seen several sketches of dolls and Mecha's already. Just that none of these would give me, what I had in mind; even if I knew, she loves her Mecha's. Just as I know Neko still loves her Hitomi very dearly. How could I blame her? "If you want a sister; who is she, and what do you want her to look like?" Pinkie had interrupted me, as I browse the files I have on my Stylus. "A Sister, of course.." I mumble. With that, I notice a file appearing on the screen, before I notice it is starting to render. "This should be just about right?" Pinkie exclaims. "She will need a wardrobe, so she can go out in public; but I guess you have a few on file, Darling!" Rarity intones, snickering with a wide grin spreading over her muzzle. "Thank you.." I respond. "Ping!" is heard, as the render is completed. A new Mecha is lying on my bed, looking almost exactly like me; but clearly having all the characteristics of Twilight Sparkle, in a Human form. Empty, the Mecha is still unconscious; unmoving and unresponsive. "Let me help you, May!" Twilight exclaims; as she is teleporting over to the Mecha, who opens her mouth to permit Twilight to step in. Twilight quietly steps in, and the Mecha is closing her mouth; Twilight finds herself teleported from within the mouth and right into the head of the Mecha who stirs to life. "Huh, this does feel weird; but still eerily familiar, in a comforting manner I just can not quite put a hoof onto!" she points out. The next moment, Twilight is sitting up in my bed; turning and slipping her bare feet out of my bed, sitting up in a fluid motion. With a thump, of her feet hitting the floor; she is standing up, scanning the room in bemused recognition. "May, could I borrow some of your clothes; assuming they will fit me, in this form!" she puts forth. "By all means, please do!" I merely confirm, generously; and why not, she is after all my friend. "Thank you, May!" she responds, as she is walking over to the wardrobe. She is opening the doors to the wardrobe, with practiced ease; scanning the content, before she is choosing what to wear. After a moment, she is extracting a pair of black cotton panties; stepping into them, pulling them up with one fluid motion only to afford the garment a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. "Surprisingly comfortable.." she observes, enjoying the close fit based on the similar built. Now, she is extracting a brassiere; pulling it down over her head, affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Since I had matching underwear on one hanger, it had been only too easy to pick out the matching top. Well, why not? Why would I enjoy spending time on searching for the top or brassiere, to match the brassiere or panties? It is easier, to just hang them and store them together in this manner. "Black underwear goes well with your complexion.." Rarity observes, as she is looking at Twilight in the newly put on underwear; "Maybe a deep blue would go well over these?" she then adds. "Thank you, Rarity!" Twilight responds. The next moment, she is extracting a mini-skirt, in a deep, bright blue; stepping right into it, pulling it all the way up. From there, she is affording the skirt a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice; in order to achieve that ever elusive perfect fit. Largely, because it feels better. Ill fitting clothes are not comfortable, after all; but rather distracting, and quite uncomfortable to the effect. Twilight now extracts a matching short cropped Blouse top; slipping her right hand through the sleeve, before she is slipping the left hand through the other. Once she is comfortable with the fit; she is buttoning it all the way up under her chin. "Quite fetching, Darling!" Rarity exclaims; "These are perfectly you!" she adds, as if it had been an afterthought. "While I never was much into wearing clothes, as a Pony; but I don't mind to be presentable, and enjoy to wear these!" she responds, with a snicker. "I had not expected to feel the clothes, on my body; while in this Mecha, but now I realize it had been intended for me to appear fully Human!" Twilight now realize, in stunned chock. "Since I know what you like, I will not make you wear dresses or gowns in an informal setting; but a pair of knee-length socks should still be right for you, Twilight!" Rarity points out; "Even if you don't need to wear these, while indoors!" she continues. With that, Twilight is extracting a pair of matching black stockings; slipping her feet into them, right and left. "Would you mind, following me out on an Antiquing adventure, May!" Twilight inquires. "Should be most interesting, checking out a few stores selling old and use books and other curious nick-nacks!" I respond. "Thank you, May!" she responds. With that, I am following her out to the cloaking room. I notice her choosing a pair of brand new blue high heels Rarity had rendered for her for this occasion. True to Rarity, the shoes are fitting her perfectly. Once I wear a matching pair, I open the door and step right out; Twilight in tow, closing the door behind herself. --- --- --- Next chapter: Antiquing > 2 :Antiquing: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . "How does it feel?" May inquires, as she is watching me critically; "You look quite giddy!" she then continues. "Excited.." I respond; "but, what had you been expecting?" I inquire; "While I know, I have not been Antiquing in this town with you; but I have always loved Antiquing, and you know how I love books and reading!" I state, matter-of-fact. "It feels a bit strange, to have a Twin all of a sudden; but I love having her by my side, and everything is so much easier and fun with her hand in hand!" May considers, as I notice her grabbing my hand in hers. I do not mind it, it is just feeling so right right now; hand in hand, side by side, as we are walking along the street. Her hand feels so warm and soft in mine, but I imagine it feels the same to her; it isn't, as if she had designed my Mecha to be hard and cold. Why would she bother, if it had been her idea or intent? "This feels, as if I had been holding my Human counterpart, or Sunset Shimmer or Starlight Glimmer!" I ponder; "Or, possibly Rarity?" I then consider, in bemusement. While I am still Twilight, May had made me into her Twin; but how could I complain, when it feels this good? I had had a brother, a big brother; back in Equestria, that is. However, I am not there in Equestria; I am on earth, living in Twilight Town. Now, I can finally go out, as an Equal; going out with my friend, and none were to give me any second glances. I enjoy the coziness, of the informal familiarity; I had never been comfortable with the formality, as a Princess. While I guess my complexion still is standing out, but by the side of May; my hair looks fairly normal. I am her sister, her twin; so my hair is not setting me apart. "Thanks, for lending me your clothes.." I mumble, letting her in on how I feel. "You are quite welcome, my dear Twilight!" she merely responds. Of course, we have friends; I have met several people, in the guise and form of my Horse. However, in that form; I will still get several second, and third glances. Curiosity, mostly. Or, at least; so I hope, and like to tell myself. Now, in the form of a Girl; I may have to reestablish my relations, up to a point. At least, once they recognize me for who I am; I can continue these relations, as the Girl I am here. As opposed, to the Pony I had always been back home, and the Pony I had been born as. My sister, May is supplying me and my village with most everything. We have homes, and she offers us all the food we can eat; aside from the supplies, for us to have meaningful activities. Armed, with the experience from my adventures and miss-adventures at the Canterlot High; I can walk with relative ease, as I walk with my sister May. Of course, the Mecha had been designed as a Human Girl; intended for bipedal stances and motion exclusively. As we continue down the street, we are passing the gates to the residents of people and possibly a few friends along the way. However, none of them are out; right now, so I can't identify any of them. While I am walking unhindered, by the side of my sister May; it is still new and uncertain, in the body I had just been given. Of course, she is pointing out various sights, as we continue down the street, towards the town center. While I had seen her hands before, it hits me, I have hands looking exactly like hers, just in the lavender hue I had been born with. I lift my free hand up to my face, critically observing it; only to gasp, in surprise. I had seen this before, but this is still new and different. "Wait, she had redesigned the hands; for something more, but I guess I will have to wait and see what she had in mind?" I ponder. My appearance had been designed to be inconspicuous, avoiding any second glances; but she had apparently added something a little extra to me, something I had not and could not have been prepared for. Maybe, just maybe Rarity had been influencing the design as well. The Inch-long, semi-square and highly glossy finger-nails is a clear giveaway. I guess these does look good; but I can only hope they will not get in the way, or draw too much attention. If I am looking closer, I could also see the highly sensitive touch pads covering the tips of each of my fingers; from the final joint of the finger, reaching all the way in to the nail itself. "I may have to be careful; but these touch pads could be very useful, or highly exciting in the right setting!" I ponder, snickering. "Oh, you noticed you have sensitive touch pads?" she inquires; "Yes, I guess I did!" I respond; "They should prove quite useful and convenient; when you can't flip a page with nary a thought, and I foresee you enjoying them in other settings as well!" she points out. "Oh.." I exclaim; "Everything, for my dear sister!" she just points out. There is a second revelation, as I notice the silicone white suction cup covering the entirety of the palms of my hands. Just that I fail to realize the scope; largely due to the fact that I only see the optical effect, as opposed to the inner workings and just how strong she had opted to make them. "The palms of my hands looks, as they had been lent the colour of Rarity?" I inquire. "You can explore this, once we get home; out of sight, and out of the public eye!" she explains. "Oh, Thank you, Sis!" I exclaim, in response. "You are quite welcome, Sis!" she merely responds, giggling. "Should be very interesting, to explore when we get home; but for now, I will be focusing on the Antiquing adventure ahead of us!" I respond, snickering with her. "An outdoors adventure, with a bit of indoors experience; so you don't run out of books to read, and a variety of experiences to explore.." she prompts; "but now, I think we're getting into Town!" she points out, making me lift my gaze up. "Yes, we have.." I respond. "So many stores, shops and boutiques; but we only need to find one of interest, right now!" she suggests. "Yes.." I respond; "so long as we find a few interesting books and curious nick-nacks, I am happy!" I ponder; "How about that one?" I inquire, as my eyes fall upon a door. It looks like little more, than a hole in the wall; but something tells me, there should be something of interest inside. My eyes go wide, in excitement; my breath is quickening as I start to tremble in overtly obvious excitement. I can not quite control myself. I am happy, I have May by my side right now; or I may lose myself, in the store. There is a sign, on the wall above the door; "Antiques" the label reads. The door is not exactly eye-catching; but maybe, just maybe this is the idea in the first place? Who's to say? "Is it the name, or the style?" May inquires. "How about both?" I generously offer, still in a good mood. I open the heavy wooden door, and step right in; May in tow, closing the door behind herself. "Curious!" I ponder, snickering. At first, the room seems empty; but then I notice three doors, each on one of the previously bare and empty walls. "Enter" reads the sign over the door on the right; "Exit" reads the door on the left; "Emergency" reads the middle door before us. "If it had not been for these doors, I would have found the room empty!" May exclaims, giggling hysterically. "Yeah.." I agree; ignoring the doors labeled "Exit" and "Emergency"; instead turning my attention towards the door marked; "Enter" --- --- --- Next chapter: Antiques