Kenjin: The Beginning

by Kitsune_Kenshi

First published

A displaced programmer with the knowledge of Japanese sword art, and a Dimensional Anime A.I he designed...

My name doesn't matter anymore, it was lost long ago, but now the locals called me Kenjin. This is my story as a wondering swordsman, journeying from Equestria to beyond...

(The Movie starts in about six chapters, which means storm king, skystar, and Silverstream won't appear until then, Main Six unfortunately, won't be the secondary protagonists for this book, but they'll appear for about four chapters though.)

Dimensional Anime A.I Character Status

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VOCABS to be noticed:

Dimensional Anime A.I: Or as Kenjin would call her, 'Aya', is an A.I which he'd designed back when Kenji's on Earth. After many dimensional journeys, 'Aya' had aquaired many dimensional power as well as anime, in this world of Equis, Kenji's cool anime powers are mostly coming from Aya. But let's not forget that Aya's an A.I, as the result, she may act like a human being as well...

Kenjin: A mysterious displaced swordsman who has been traveling to many types of dimensions and worlds. However, after Aya's energy ran out, h decided to take a break in the MLP world. After God knows how many years has passed, Kenjin has already forgotten his real name, although Aya did tried to remind him, but he went on with the nickname that the locals has given him, 'Kenjin' which means 'Sword God'. He's bit weird in personalty, but he's a good man to chat with; that's only to the friendlies, as for his enemies, you don't wanna know...

Senbonzakura: Kenji's katana, he got it from the beginning of his dimensional journeys, he named it after the Japanese song of course. This blade is easy to break, but it'd automatically repair itself in less than two seconds. The blade are made of thousands of tiny enchanted cherry blossoms, each sharp as fangs, and can tear open anything except for other enchanted weapons. The cheery blossoms can form into different shapes like shield, guns, missiles, and the random stuff as long as Kenjin himself likes it. Also, Senbonzakura can also be used as a dagger for assassinations and close-quarter combats.

Onikiri: Kenjin's shikigami and one of his weapons, originally received it when he visited the City of Heian back when he time traveled to the Heian period of ancient Japan. According to the legend, this blade sliced off Ibaraki Doji's right arm. It could from into a phantom of Ibaraki's claw. When in shikkgmai form, he's appearance is a young man around his 20s, with three katanas on his side.

XuanYuan Sword: Kenji's most treasured weapon, received from ancient China, by the Gods when he helped them against the attack from the Demons. It's nearly unbreakable and with mysterious powers that not even Kenjin himself has discovered.

Tsurugi Sword: Another treasured weapons of Kenjin; actually, it was given by Amaterasu herself during his time at Takamagahara. As for the reason the sun goddess had given to him... It's a story for another time.

Dimensional Anime A.I Character Status:

NAME: Kenjin

AGE: More than the age of universe itself

POWER LEVEL: 99999999999~ (Lowered it to 400,000 after arrival on Equis)

STATUS: Healthy (Immortal)

ABILITIES: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (With almost all of EMS's abilities from Naruto), Rinnegan (Locked by Kenjin until later), God's Presence (A coercion so powerful that even Celestia must respect him), Fire Style Jutsu, Lighting Style Jutsu, Rasengan, Wind Style Jutsu, Advanced Summoning Jutsu (Summon Shikigami or the gods; however, the second part is locked by Kenjin until later)

APPEARANCE: Dressed in a coat of blackness, wears a kitsune mask, medium length brown hair, and golden eyes.


Celestia; friend

Luna: BFF

Discord: Bruh

Silverstream: Little Sister

Skystar: Secret lovers

Queen Novo: good friends


Amaterasu: Partners + Pen-pals (Don't ask me how)

Tsukuyomi: friend

Susanoo: Dudes


Onikiri: Shikigami


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"Aya?" From the darkness of the Everfree forest, a strange voice, mixed with a male's and a females's, asked what it looks like to nobody. A bipedal figure stood there, with its face covered by a strange yet creepy fox mask, its brown hair slightly blowing due to the wind whistling through the wood. Behind his back were a sword inside its sheath, at least a hundred centimeters, it's decorated with red fabrics and golden handle. On the creature's thigh, hung a slightly different sword from the one on his back; it's a katana to be specific, one edged, yet sharper than any fangs, plus that the katana itself can be seen releasing slight amount of dark purple aura. On the creature's right hand, is a longer katana in its grip.

However, it's way more detail-looking than the two swords the creature carried; it has a black handle with diamond shaped red fabric as cover, and its cap shaped like a dagger, golden colored, slightly reflecting its cold flashes of sun's rays. The blade is the most unusual; it's pink by the back, but bloody red along its tips. I few observe close enough, many small shards can been seen forming the blade itself.

The creature, tiled its head, "Aya? You there?"

"I'm fine Ken." Suddenly, a robotic female voice came from the air next to the creature, who its name is now known as Ken. Then, in a flash of light, a smaller creature, but looked like the one before, appeared. She looks at least 7 years old, with a cute face and skin white as snow, "Stop treating me like a baby Ken, you know I exist way as the same time as you!" The girl had her arms crossed, cute little lips pouted.

The older looking creature scratched his head, "Relax Aya, I'm just worried... By the way," he then looked around his area, voice deepened, "where are we?"

Just a few minutes ago, those two bipedal creatures, Ken and Aya, were in the highway of multi-universes. By the way, Ken, or at least that's what the locals from other worlds would call him, is a displaced human; or ONCE a human. Before his displacement, Ken is a regular college guy with intense intersects in programming and sword arts. He went to Japan, were he met his ultimate job as a gaming programmer, although he likes programming, he can also design characters. Everything went well until one of his working partners lied and betrayed him, causing the young man's life to go downhills.

After he quitted his favorite job due to his 'friend', Ken began to pressure himself with Japanese sword arts. Training by himself, living by himself, slowly, Ken became a lonely guy with only his sword as his friend. He later started to read fan fictions, then watched anime, later, he was caught attention by this TV Show called 'My Litle Pony: Friendship is Magic'. Although he never liked this show in the first place, thinking it was too naive and immature. But later on, he was into the show after watching a few episodes.

Ken began to write his own fan fictions later on, and he begun to jokey, thought that one day, he would get displaced as well. As the result of this idea, Ken himself, using his extraordinary skill in programming, designed and built an Dimensional Anime A.I, and he called it 'Aya'.

But never have he expected that during the night after 'Aya' was designed, he got displaced.

For reason he'd most likely never understand. He went to sleep as usual, woke up, and there he is, displaced.

Luckily, Ken never liked anyone nor stuff about his own world, later, he was shocked to discover that his A.I, Aya came along with him as well. The A.I and the human began their dimensional journey between different anime universes, TV universes, and other mythological worlds.

One of his most special journey is to the ancient Japan, Heian period (794 A.D ~ 1185 A.D) to be specific, that's where he met his turning point of his future.

To be honest, this trio to Heian Period is an accident, Aya's dimension displacing power are low and needs to recharge, although she could do that herself, but it takes time, maybe a year, a decade, a thousand years, or worst.

In that case, Ken have to settle down some where to wait for Aya's regeneration. During his stay, Ken went to on elf Japan's most popular cities during its history; Heian City, where he met many historical people such as Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Abe Seimei, and others. Turned out, Ken was displaced into the game 'Onmyoji' that he used to play when he's back on Earth.

As what others would expect, Ken went along with Seimei, supporting him along his way to defeat Dark Semi and Yamata Orochi. Heck, during his ultimate battle against Orochi, his extremely destructive presence were sensed all the way up in Takamagahara; the realm of the gods. Not only the fact that Ken had killed Orochi himself, but also that he sliced off ALL eight of the snake's head in a single, powerful blow.

According to Seimei, he wouldn't forget that day in his life, the sky turned bright as the sun itself, then, the gods themselves, came as their own forms, not just any other ones like in the shrines, but their true forms. The the one who asked Ken as an invitation to become one of them is none other than the Sun goddess herself, Amaterasu. Ken still remembers the look on Seimei's face, priceless...

Of course, the pure energy at Takamagahara greatly increased Aya's recharging speed, and that's when Ken turned into a god, becoming immortal, saying good bye to his human body. To be honest, Ken never expected this, he wouldn't dare to one day interacts with the gods from myths that he once though never existed. But as time went on, he got used to it.

Heck, he became a great friend and a pen-pal of Amaterasu, hangs out with Suanoo, coming back all drunk, which the Storm god's sister sighed resignedly. He stayed at Takamagahara for a few hundred years before receiving the message that Aya's recharge completed. This is too sudden for him, but he must continue his journey as the Guardian of Dimension. before he left, the gods thought him an advanced version of Summoning jutsu, to summon one of them if he ever needs it.

Therefore, Ken begun his lonely journey once again...

But when he's passing a closed space between two universes, he's unlucky enough to get involved with a dangerous beast called 'Void', and the beast's goal is to destroy as much universes as it can. It was a gigantic battle, 'Void' is millions times more powerful than Amaterasu herself, as Ken would describe, not even multi shadow clones of the Sun goddess would beat this crap.

Lastly, Aya activated her dimensional bomb, which successfully blown away the beast into another realm, as the result, Aya, once again, have to recharge her energy. They were randomly displaced into another world, and this one, Ken remembers clearly, Equis; the world of MLP.

And that's what connects to the beginning.

Anyway, Ken and Aya later found a small passage that might lead them outside, "Ken, you still remember the plots?" Aya asked, they've been traveling for many years, so Ken might've forgotten the plot to MLP.

"Uh..." Ken froze, Aya sighed, "Welp, I guess were back to square one."

Suddenly, they heard three familiar yet unfamiliar screams coming from the woods in front of them, "Com' on Aya!" Ken said as he carried Aya on his shoulders, and disappeared into the direction where the screams were heard.

On the other side of the woods, a certain orangePpegasus filly, a red maned earth pony filly, and a white unicorn filly, found themselves cornered by a pack of Timberwolves.

"Ah told ya it was a bad idea to do our research project here!" The earth pony, said to the Pegasus next to her.

"What?! You're the one who started this idea anyway!" the Pegasus argued back.

"Uh... girls," the white unicorn gulped, "they're approaching!" The three fillies froze in horror, as the Timberwolves let out a hungry roar, now dashing at the fillies in full speed.

"HELP!!!" The white unicorn screamed.

Just before the fangs of the Timberwolf could cut into the fillies, a flash of red ended the wolf's attack, it shattered into a pile of sticks, the rest of the packs were surprised of the sudden death of their companion, then a few more slices of red flashes, the Timberwolves were dead before their brains can figure out what happened. Then, a pile strange yet dangerous black flames suddenly lit the left overs of the Timberwolves, burning them to nothing.

The three fillies were still shocked at their sudden save, then, their savior emerged from the shadows of the woods, the strange physical appearance frightened thelitle ones more, they're now shaking in fear as they saw the creature's weird shaped sword glowing in creepy dark red. It tiled its head, as if it were observing them.

"P-Please d-d-don't e-eat us." The Earth pony filly stammered in fear. A few second =s of silence later, the creature erupted into laughter.

"Ahahaha!!! Aw you girls are way too cute..." the creature said in a strange voice, sounded like a mix between a male and a female, "Relax, I'm not gonna eat talking creatures, or ponies in your condition, it's all right little fellas, I won't hurt little children."

For whatever reason, Ken's voice contains a special type of power that makes people-- or ponies believe it him, the fillies slowly calmed down.

"So, Konichiwa, hajimemashite, watashi no Ken desu." Seeing the confused look on the fillies' faces, Ken scratched his head, "Sorry, old habits of my native language, any way, that means Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Ken, and you girls are..."

"Ah'm Apple Bloom." The Earth pony filly said.

"Scootaloo's the name."

"Hi! I'm Sweetie Belle!"

"And we are..." Ken suddenly felt a chill going against his back, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!" Alright, that nearly ripped a hole through his ears.

"CMC eh?" Ken smiled, now that the plots are coming back, as for Aya, she went cloaked from the moment Ken met the Crusaders, just to hide his identity, "Anyway girls, as you can see, I'm lost here, so would you girls do me a favor and take me to the nearest town around here?"

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in happiness, "Of course mister! This way!" Then the crusaders ran towards the exit of the forest, leaving Ken and camouflaged Aya follow behind them.

"One great start huh?" Ken sighed, "Let's hope 'Void' won't find our location anytime now."

Aya, now asleep due to lack of energy, returned to Ken's pocket space. Now, Ken's brows narrowed, he could feel some of his powers locked up due to their over destructive power, even the gods summon is under lock down, but for some reason, the summoning jutsu 's glowing, as if the seal's gonna break anytime.

"Welp, guess time will do." Ken then went ahead to a familiar, yet different world...

Chapter 1: Celestia and Amaterasu (Part 1)

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"To be honest, I've never expected such welcoming for a random intruder from the outside world." Ken rubbed his Temple, under his mask, is a surprised expression. Now in the Canterlot Castle's throne room, sitting across the table with Princess Celestia and Luna.

It all happened a few hours ago...

After the CMCs had brought him to their hometown, Ponyville, Ken was immediately surrounded by numerous mares, stallions, colts, and fillies, all whispering and gasping in shock, surprised, and some terrified tones; as if he's some sort of preserved animal or crap like that.

Finally, the Main six were brought out by the huge gathering of the crowd. The look on Twilight's face is totally priceless once Ken mentioned the fact that he's the Guardian of the Dimensions. Luckily, Spike was able to keep the overly excited unicorn bookworm under restrictions before she could cause any ear damages to the demi-god.

"Okay, girls, let's introduce ourselves first," Twilight said after fifteen minutes of calming, although she's still working hard to keep her hooves from shaking in excitement, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, the librarian here at the Golden Oak Libary and a student of Princess Celestia!"

"Ah'm Applejack," said the orange Earth Pony mare as she took off her hat, "I'd like to thank ya for savin mah sister and her friends' lives."

"Indeed darling," said a certain white fashionist unicorn, "without you, they could've been trapped in there for a longer period of time; Oh how rude of me, I'm Rarity, the fashionista of this town."

"Hey there bud, I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest Pegasus in town that can clear out all the clouds in TEN. SECONDS. FLAT!" that's from a certain cyan Pegasus with rainbow manes.

"H-hi, I-I'm F-Flu-Fluttershy... N-Nice t-to meets y-you..." From a certain cute and shy Pegasus with cream-colored coat, cyan eyes, and bright pinkish mane.

Lastly, fast came a certain pinkish blur,"HIMYNAMEISPINKIEPIEWHAT'SYOURSOHDOYOULIKEPARTIESCUZILOVETHEMOHHLET'SHAVEA"LET'SWELCOMEKENTOPONYVILLEPARTYEEEEEEEP!!!!" Then dashed away in such incredible speed that Ken mentally asked Aya about it.

"Have no bucking idea." Came the A.I's reply.

You know what Pinks? I'm not gonna even bother asking.

"Ask what?!" Suddenly, Pinkie appeared right next to Ken, nearing making the demi-god jump.

"Nothing!" Ken replied quickly.

"Okie Doki Loki!" Then she sped off again to... Celestia knows where. (P.S Although Sunbutt herself has absolutely no idea as well ;)

"Uh... O...Kay?" Ken shifted a bit uncomfortably. Twilight had a sheepish grin on her face.

"That's just Pinkie being Pinkie."


Twilight's message reached Celestia not long after Ken's arrival, and the Solar Princess appeared in the Libary almost immediately after she read the message, surprising the main six and Ken.

"Sorry Twilight, but I may have to cut this quick introduction short due to our... Unexpected guest here." Celestia said, Twilight was surprised, this is the first and ever time that Celestia DID NOT call her by her student, her usual warm smile was gone as well, leaving a serious expression. She seems to know something about me. Ken's brows frowned slightly under his mask.

She then turned to Ken, "Hello there, I'm Princess Celestia, but just 'Celestia' is fine. I arrived here as soon as I received Twilight's message, and I wish to have a few sentences with you by... ourselves only." She gestured to Twilight as the unicorn nodded knowingly, before taking the rest of the six with her outside.

The white alicorn then turned to Ken, "You're... Not from this world correct?"

Ken's heart missed a beat, this is his biggest secret whenever he travels to other worlds, "How-"

"I sensed a small fluctuation in space and dimension, plus the fact that you have a very familiar presence of an old friend of mine from long ago." Celestia said, spacing out at the mention of her 'old friend'.

"Amaterasu?" Ken blurted out.

"She told you, didn't she." Celestia sighed., "We met back when I travelwed through that mirror which currently led to Sunset Shimmer. Back then, the portal was a bit unstable , so I ended up stummbling upon Takamagahara, where I met Amaterasu."

"However, when we both realized that traveling between worlds without gaining the dimensionms' premission would slowly damage each other's world's dimensional walls, as the result, Amaterasu sealed our portal using the Yata no Kagami*, while Starswril did his part as well." Celestia ended, looking at Ken with intersect, "And somehow, you're able to be granted premisson by the dimension itself to travel across worlds."

"It's all thanks to Aya." Ken said, smiling under his mask.


"Come on out Aya!" Light flashed as a 7 year-old cute elittle girl sat on Ken's shoulders, Celestia's brows raised with surprise, "This is my Dimensional Artifical Intellegence, Aya, she's the one helping me get across dimensions."

"Comparing to the time when I set hooves on Earth, how have the technologies advanced..." Celestia murmured. (P.S Celestia, as I mentioned before, accidentally went to Takamagahara, which is right above Earth, so it make sense right?)

"Anyway, Ken, my sister would like to see you as well, meet us in the throne room." Celesti asaid before teleporting away.

Ken's smile froze, he sighed, "How the hell am I suppose to get around this huge house of yours?"