> Return to the Village > by FlameStar05 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Return to the Villa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was another lovely day in the quiet town of Ponyville. The sky was clear and full of Pegasi. The grass was teeming with a bright, lush hue of green. FlameStar was napping at his favorite spot under a mighty oak tree. He called it the Sunnetta Tree. The unicorn didn't have a care in Equestria. With no villains to defeat or any friendship lessons to learn, he could relax and have some time for himself... but today something big would change Flamestar's life forever. FlameStar enjoyed the Sunnetta Tree and its cool shade it gave him on a summer day. He could also unwind and have room for himself to think of things. The red unicorn was sleeping rather peacefully when a loud screech awoke him from his peaceful respite. "Hey!" Cried FlameStar. "Keep it down will you?" Just before he could start to curse out the noise, a Phoenix landed in front of him and stared. FlameStar didn't know what to do. He had never seen a Phoenix on his travels. So he just stared back at the bird. FlameStar then noticed something in its wing. "Hey friend. What's that in your wing?" FlameStar used his magic and carefully took the object out from the Phoenix's wing. "Hmm... Do not open until your with some friends, FlameStar..." it was a letter for FlameStar. "OK, buddy. You're coming with me to fetch my friends!" The Phoenix landed on FlameStar's back and off they went to find FlameStar's friends. A few minutes later, Flamestar called his friends together back at the Sunnetta Tree. "Thanks for coming you guys." FlameStar said. "See, this Phoenix came to me and had a letter addressed to me. But I couldn't open it until I had you all." FlameStar took the letter and carefully opened it. Inside was a strange little cube that the ponies never saw before. "What is it?" Asked Midnight. "Some kind of... device?" The cube opened up a holographic message. "FlameStar and friends... hi. If you're seeing this message, then you must know that we need your help. We live in Kadera Village just northeast to the Changeling Kingdom. A very suspicious pony was just elected Mayor and things aren't going well here. We need your help. Please come quickly!" The message ends abruptly. FlameStar began to feel anxious. "That's our Village!" Lumber cried. "ROAD TRIP!! WHOOP WHOOP!!" Midnight, Jayhawk and Lumber were excited to visit their old home. FlameStar however wasn't. "I'm not going." The red unicorn said flatly. "What? But those ponies need our help!" Midnight replied. "I'm NEVER going back to that villlage!" FlameStar ran off leaving his friends to worry. "Is he still feeling upset over what happened?" Lumber asked. Then a magic sound came from behind him. It was Princess Twilight who heard and saw the whole thing, "No. FlameStar has some bad memories with that Village. He lost his parents and friends and everything he ever knew." Twilight explained. "It was a hard life for him to live all alone." All the ponies agreed. They didn't want his friend to be sad still. Twilight then found FlameStar sitting up at the porch in his house. He was very glum. "FlameStar?" Asked Twilight. "Lets talk about this..." The glum unicorn sighed. "I don't want to go back to Kadera Village." FlameStar said. "But why?" "I'm afraid if I go back there, I might be banished again." He explained. "And now that I know how to master my powers, I'm worried I might burn the place down in a fit of rage and sadness..." FlameStar shook his head softly. "Then I'd be no better than those villains I thwarted." "But you're not a villain, FlameStar." Twilight replied. "When I first met you, I saw a heroic heart under a childlike spirit. I knew you'd save the day." FlameStar looked up at the princess. "Think about it, FlameStar. You may have not wanted to do any of the heroic work at some point, but you did it anyway out of the kindness of your heart." FlameStar was unsure. "You really think that?" "I know that." FlameStar sighed reluctantly. "Ok. I'll go. But as soon as we solve this predicament, I'm coming straight back here!" "That's the spirit FlameStar. C'mon. You'd best get ready." A few minutes later, FlameStar, Jayhawk, Midnight and Lumber all were loading up the Friendship Express, bound for Kadera Village. The ponies were getting ready to leave when they heard something. "Wait! FlameStar!" It was Lumine. She had a bag packed herself. "I'm coming with you!" "Lumine? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I heard everything from afar. We're friends remember? I want to help as well." FlameStar understood Lumine's feelings. He knew that if he was going to face his past, he needed all the help he can get. "Thanks Lumine. I'd be glad to have you along." FlameStar answered. He felt calmer with his friend. "All aboard!!" The ponies loved long journeys. "Train ride! YAHOOO!!!" As the train began to wheesh steam and depart, Princess Twilight was there with her friendship ambassador, Spike, bidding farewell to FlameStar and his friends. "Stay safe FlameStar..." The train rode on for many many miles. FlameStar's friends loved seeing the sights of Equestria. FlameStar, of course, has seen them countless times. While he looked on at the ponies, he felt more relaxed on the journey. Midnight and Lumine were trying out some spells and used one on Jayhawk, making his feathers scatter. He wasn't too amused but a slight chuckle came from him. Lumber went our and found food for the other five to eat. The ponies tore into the meal and layed there passed out. Eventually, FlameStar was having so much fun, he had forgotten all about his fears. Finally after what felt like a whole moon, The train entered the town. "Wake up, guys!" Lumine cried. "We're here!" The other ponies rushed to the window and viewed the sights of their old home. FlameStar slowly trotted to the window as he looked on. He felt his heart drop and his ears quietly ring. "You ok, FlameStar?" Jayhawk asked. FlameStar gulped. "Its a lot... bigger than I remember..." The Phoenix landed on FlameStar and softly nuzzled him, which calmed him down a bit. The ponies looked on as the train slowed to a halt. "Last stop, Kadera Village. All change please, all change!" The ponies trotted off the train as it went backwards to Ponyville. "Ok everypony, we need to go and find who sent this message." Jayhawk explained. "The sooner, the better." FlameStar said as he trotted forwards. The other ponies were worried about him. "So who do we need to look for?" Lumber asked. "Someone who looks like they're in charge." FlameStar explained. "Let's look around then." Lumine suggested. "Hopefully someone knows who this mysterious pony is." The ponies began to walk into the town. As they trotted through, FlameStar noticed the townsfolk looking at him and his cutie mark. Some ponies even began to murmur and gossip. This certainly didn't help FlameStar's self esteem as he already disliked having to come here. "I feel like the pony who summoned us will know our names." Midnight explained. "No crap, Sherlock." Jayhawk replied. "He called us-- well FlameStar--- by name." "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way." Said Midnight. "Unless... FlameStar..?" FlameStar chuffed. "I'll be fine. Let's go." However, as time went on, FlameStar wasn't fine. With every trot and clop of his hooves, he became more and more nervous. The time he had here was not a pleasant one. Being banished after rescuing a town would make anyone feel that way. As FlameStar walked to a bridge, he stopped and looked out over the river. It was quite the beautiful scene. The sun rays sparking the blue water and the trees quietly rustling as the breeze blew. FlameStar enjoyed scenery, what with him traveling so often but, even the most beautiful scene he could think of could not sooth his racing thoughts. The red unicorn sighed uncharacteristically heavy. "Sweet Celestia... why was I banished? What did I do wrong? And after all this time, why did they want me to come back when I know they don't want me anymore?" FlameStar sighed hopelessly. He looked back at his cutie mark. The flame was as bold and bright as ever. "Why... just... why?" He asked quietly. "You still don't get it?" Said a voice. "Who said that? Who's there?!" FlameStar looked around. No one was there. No one was watching. It was just him. "Where are you looking?" FlameStar turned and saw a darker replica of himself. "What? You... you look like me?" FlameStar said. "Because I AM you." The darker one said. "Your alter ego, Flare Solaris." FlameStar was surprised. "Why are you here?" FlameStar asked. "I am you, remember?" Flare said. "I can't believe you, FlameStar. C'mon. These ponies obviously don't want you here. So why do you torture yourself?" He asked condescendingly. "Why would you worry you tiny, fiery head?" FlameStar opened his mouth to answer but he knew Flare Solaris was right. The ponies already showed worrying looks the second they saw FlameStar and his friends. "Um... These ponies need my help!" "Yeah right!" Flare said. "I bet they just dragged your sorry ass here just to make a mockery of you." FlameStar stared at the ground conflicted and angry. "You feel that rage? Channel it. When you finally realize the Village doesn't want you, call on me. Together, we'll burn the Village to the ground and make the ponies pay for what they did to you." Flare Solaris disappears, leaving FlameStar on his own. Just before FlameStar can collect his thoughts and wonder, the Phoenix landed on him again. "Hey buddy!" FlameStar said. "Glad to have some company." The Phoenix chirped as it pointed its wing to the direction of what looked like a city hall. "Wuzzat? You want me to go there?" The Phoenix nodded. FlameStar understood and went towards the city hall. The pair arrived at City Hall just in time for a speech from the mayor. Jayhawk, Midnight and Lumber were there watching. FlameStar looked around at the banners and signs for the mayor. FlameStar took a few steps back to take in the whole scene. Suddenly, he got a massive migraine as the unicorn winced and struggled in pain. The Phoenix noticed this and started to worry. FlameStar saw visions flash of himself in the village. Eventually, FlameStar snapped out of it and began to run away. "FlameStar?" Lumine saw FlameStar and followed him away from the crowd. "... And let me be the first to say, that me as Mayor, i will right the wrongs and bring light and prosperity to our corner of Equestria!!" The ponies cheered and stomped their hooves. "That will be all for now. No questions please." The mayor trotted away. Away from the other ponies' view, The mayor's soft smile twisted to an evil smirk. Back in Canterlot, The Council of Friendship was about to call their meeting to order. Twilight and Spike were rather anxious. The pair knew what FlameStar was going through. Spike stood atop the table with a gavel. "Ok I call this meeting of the Council of Friendship to order." Spike declared as he sounded the gavel. "Twilight, you have the floor." "Thank you, Spike. Ok everypony, we need to discuss something important." "Is this about FlameStar?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "That's right. We all know about his troubled past in his old village." Twilight explained. "Earlier today, he and his old friends returned to his village to aid the ponies that reside there." "He went to face his past?" Fluttershy asked. "That sounds very scary... going back to a place you know you aren't comfortable with." "He's one brave little pony." said Rainbow. "I sure hope he'll be ok." Rarity sighed. "Nopony said it'd be easy to face your past." "Yeah..." "What if we went to go find FlameStar to help as moral support?" Pinkie asked. "Then he can smile once again! Tell nopony I said this but he has the sweetest and cutest smile I've ever seen..." "Are we all in agreement?" asked Twilight. "Yes!" They all said. "Very well. we'll go there day after tommorow. We'll need time to pack." "Ok then. i think now's a good time to adjourn." Spike sounded the gavel as the meeting was adjourned. Later that evening, FlameStar and his friends found a hotel to rest for the night. Unfortunately, the red cladded unicorn couldn't sleep. His mind was racing about what his darker self told him. Everytime he tried to sleep, he shoot awake by thr thought of his past. Eventually, FlameStar shook awoke himself and went outside for a brisk trot. His horn glistened with his magic aura lighting his path as he trotted down the dirt road. He then came to a stop at an old well. Peeking inside, he noticed something shiny at the bottom. "Those are bits..." He thought. "This must be a wishing well." FlameStar normally wouldn't wish at wells, but as it stood, he wasn't having a good day. He pulled out a bit, closed his eyes and made a wish. "I don't know who's listening to this, but I wish that... I can save this village before it's destroyed." He thought to himself. He threw the bit in as it made a satisfying drop at the bottom. FlameStar then looked at the well at its entirety. Suddenly, he began to have another migraine! This time, he had visions of his parents. They loved taking FlameStar to the well. The visions ended just as quickly as FlameStar winced. Lumine, who had been secretly following FlameStar, saw this and came to comfort him. "FlameStar? Are you ok?" Lumine asked. The red unicorn sighed. "I'm... *sigh* I'd be lying if I said I was fine," FlameStar said. "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked. "You deserve that much at least," FlameStar said. "Cmon. Let's get comfortable. It's a long story." The pair wandered off to an old place FlameStar remembered with soft grass to sit on. "Ok so from my friends, you probably heard how I got my cutie mark. There's more to the tale than what I told." Lumine listened intentively. "I'm listening..." "When I was banished from the village, I didn't know who started the rumors, but I blamed my parents for not helping me. Sure, they defended me, but why didn't we all leave the village if I wasn't welcome anymore?" FlameStar explained. He then showed a clear memory he had using some magic. "After that fiasco, my last words to my parents was, 'We all should have gone!! Not just me... I HATE YOU!!' And that was it. I never saw them again." Lumine was shocked. Her ears went down as FlameStar's story was pulling at her heartstrings. "FlameStar, that's horrible..." she replied. "I had no idea you had to go through that..." "My parents deserved it... if they really cared, they would've went with me to Ponyville," Growled FlameStar. "Now Im forced to relieve these painful memories... I just want to get this all over and done with." "I understand that..." Lumine sighed and looked at FlameStar. "if you really didn't want to come, what made you tag along?" FlameStar's ears perked up. "Do you still have a place for this village in your heart?" She asked in wonder. FlameStar couldn't answer... He didn't know why he chose to come back when it gave him so much heartache. He was too confused, so he let his ears fall as he chuffed sadly. "Its ok..." Lumine replied. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." FlameStar knew something drove him here to the village. Not just to save its residents, but something more... but he genuinely can't answer. "I'm sorry, Lumine. I can't answer that question yet... maybe some other time I can..." "I understand." she said sweetly. "Thanks for telling me this." "Thank you for listening. I feel better now that I talked about it." FlameStar lied down. "But... there is one thing that I still like... about my mom." "What's that?" "Y'know where 'Star' in my name came from?" Asked FlameStar. He looked up at the starry sky. "My mom told me that I had a sort of sparkle in my eye. Like the brightest star. It really hit close to home..." "I can see why." Lumine replied. "How?" "Even though you were afraid to face your past, you still faced it head on." She answered. "You never gave into the shadow or the darkness within your heart. i think... that's what I admired about you..." She smiled at FlameStar. "I can't take all the credit." FlameStar said. "You helped as well to make my success possible. if i never reunited with my friends or met you, id be in a much darker place." Lumine blushed, feeling modest. "Oh stop it, you..." The wind began to blow as Lumine shivered. "Must be getting cold. c'mon, lets go back to the hotel." The pair got up and left the lake. The next morning, Midnight, Lumber, Jayhawk, Lumine and FlameStar had arrived at City Hall ready to save the village. "You ok, FlameStar?" Midnight asked. "I'm fine." FlameStar said. "Lets go see this mayor..." Inside the City Hall was some fancy architect. A certain purple haired unicorn would've enjoyed the place very much. at the end of the hall stood a large double door. It looked worthy for a final battle room. the ponies and their phoenix friend came to a stop in front of the door. Bravely, FlameStar pushed open the door and what he saw made him freeze. The mayor... was his father. "Oh Hi there. wasn't expecting you..." He turned around in his seat. "Call me Cosmo." "You're the one who sent FlameStar away..." Lumine said. "Why did you do it?" Jayhawk asked. "Why did you make our friend suffer so much?" "Why? You have no idea how easy it was to rise to power when FlameStar left." "Is that why you abandoned me?" FlameStar asked quietly. Cosmo looked at the saddened unicorn and scoffed. "I thought you wouldn't care, FlameStar. You said you hate me and your mother." FlameStar stumbled and gained another migraine! This time he saw himself being banished from the village. "Do you understand now, FlameStar?" It was Flare Solaris speaking to him. "Now you know the truth. You deserve much more. And the way to achieve that is to eliminate your enemies!" FlameStar growled in anger and confliction. "You feel that anger inside of you? Embrace the anger... EMBRACE IT!! FlameStar's cutie mark began to animated as his horn glowed hotter and hotter. FlameStar's voice was furious and burning. "You... tear me away from my friends... you abandon me... all so you can become mayor?!" FlameStar stomped his hoof. Cosmo smirked. "So what if I did? What are you gonna do?" FlameStar looked ready to kill Cosmo, his own father. Just when he was about to unleash his rage, he closes his eyes and sighs. His cutie mark stopped animating and his horn stopped glowing. "What you deserve to get... I'm not the pony to do it. I'm not about to stoop down to your damn mindset." Cosmo was surprised. "While you should be burned and dethroned for the crap you pulled, it's not worth wasting my energy." FlameStar turned around and walked off. "Think long and hard about the bullshit you pulled. Maybe then you will understand..." The unicorn trotted off without another word. Cosmo was furious. "NO! I didn't raise you like that!" "You didn't raise me AT ALL!" With a stomp of his hooves, Cosmo was sent flying by FlameStar. "Don't you dare pretend to know what I've been through... I felt bad about my cutie mark, i felt guilty about the ordeal and guess what? I'm ok, thanks to all my friends." All of his friends stood by FlameStar. "Not something you'd know because you don't have any friends." All the ponies agreed. "Filthy rats... ALL OF YOU!!!" Just then, the authorities arrived at the scene. "Sorry, Mayor Cosmo but we have an arrest warrent on some of the charges made against you. and what you did to FlameStar way back then counts as child abandonment, which is a serious crime here." FlameStar just sat down with a satisfied smirk. "FlameStar. You have our formal apologies for the ban we had placed upon you unjustly. if you wish, you can come back and live here if you like." FlameStar's friends were happy for him. "Thank you sir." FlameStar responded. "But honestly, I don't feel like this is home for me. Home isn't about where you're born or where your family is. while home is where your rump is supposed to rest..." Jayhawk and Lumber snickered. "Enough you two. Home is about being surrounded by creatures that care about you. When im with my friends, im already home." "What does that mean now?" asked Midnight. "While i appreciate the offer, i will remain in Ponyville!" FlameStar announced. The Phoenix seemed happy about that. "I think that phoenix likes you, FlameStar..." Lumine said. "Yeah. come to think of it, this phoenix doesn't have an owner, right? I should adopt it!" The phoenix loved the idea! "But you need a name" FlameStar thought... "I got it! I'll call you Pyra!" Pyra like that name. "I guess everything worked out after all." Midnight said. Once the mess was cleaned up, FlameStar, his new phoenix friend, Pyra and his pony friends all rode the train as they went to return to Ponyville. FlameStar felt happy that he saved his old home. The ponies chatted about the village, Pyra and their adventures together. After such a long train ride, the ponies arrive back in Ponyville. The Council of Friendship was there waiting to greet them. "FlameStar! Everyone! Welcome back." Said Twilight. "Congrats on freeing the village!" Spike replied. "We received word about it and we're gonna go later to fix up the place." "Tell us all about how awesome you were! Leave no detail out." Rainbow exclamed. FlameStar yawned. "I promise I'll tell you all about it later..." He said. "For now... I think I'm gonna rest." FlameStar and his friends trotted off. They came back to FlameStar's favorite spot under the Sunnetta Tree. The ponies and Pyra sat down as FlameStar sighed happily and began to nap. "I see you have changed, FlameStar... but I know you'll embrace the darkness in your heart..."