Breaking Up Is Fun to Do

by headless_rainbow

First published

In the episode "A Road to Friendship", Starlight decides dating Trixie was a bad choice. Cucking, rape, and possibly snuff ensue (two endings).

A bad end (or better end) to the "Road to Friendship" episode where Starlight and Trixie go on a road trip. Starlight decides dating Trixie was a bad choice, so she's going to cuck her with a random stallion, have her raped by said stallion with Starlight's help, and then either (depending on which of two endings you read) keep her as a live sex slave or a dead sex toy. It uses MarsMiner's OC Keith with permission. Sorry it took so long to actually write this after getting said permission.

It's based roughly on images by MarsMiner. While I can't post direct links to them on FimFiction, you can look up the following searches on ponibooru or twibooru to find them: "artist:marsminer,starlight glimmer,oc:keith" and "artist:marsminer,trixie,oc:keith". It'll be obvious which ones.
Also for the alternate snuff ending, used an image by an Anony Mouse as inspiration. That can be found with the search "starlight glimmer,trixie,snuff,hanging". Again, obvious which one.

Contents: ball slurping, bigotry, bondage, blowjob, cuckolding, difficult breakup, disproportionate retribution, double penetration, futa, impregnation, infidelity, leg breaking, mind break, out-of-character characters, racism, rape, shitty ponies with shitty opinions, threesome vaginal, violence, voyeurism (forced), watersports
Additional contents for ending 1: bright future, borderline-scat (slurping used cock)
Additional contents for ending 2: decapitation (post-death), hanging, necrophilia, reverse blowjob, consensual (due to mind break) snuff

See my subscribestar for early access to fics and to help pay my bills so I can write more. Commission info here.

This story is fiction. Thinking that writing or reading this stuff makes people evil is akin to thinking that people who write or watch horror films want to put on a mask and stab teenagers at a campsite.

These characters are not meant to be role-models, and aggressors are depicted as unlikeable by decent people for that very reason. Don’t take things that characters say personally because their opinions are garbage. Don’t get insulted because the POV character is an evil rapist who thinks like an evil rapist.

Breaking Up Is Fun To Do

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The wilderness area between Equestria and Saddle Arabia was an interesting one, mainly because it created a tempting legal situation. Due to long disputes over whose laws applied in different areas, there were some sections of land where they’d never been able to decide, and thus neither's’ laws applied. It was quite a winding road if one wanted to avoid them all, so some ponies gave in and took the more dangerous route.

Because of this, Keith often took little vacations here, hoping to find a lone foolish traveler that he could get his rape on with. With his tan coat and black mane, he blended into the wilderness in the area quite a bit, so could often sneak up on ponies on hoof.

Granted, other ponies did so as well, and some even lived in lone shacks in the area for that very reason, so he often found himself the one that was getting plowed, but it wasn’t like that was entirely unpleasant either. Besides, it was worth it. He’d met some hot mares doing this, and knocking up a mare that couldn’t legally have you arrested or force you to pay foal support had a special place in his heart. With any luck, he’d be able to create another bastard foal on this trip as well.

As he trotted down the road during this trip, he saw the blue unicorn stagger out of the bushes with twigs and leaves in her mane. He immediately wondered if he’d lucked out faster than usual.

While raping a unicorn could be a big chance to take, especially one with a magical looking cutie mark, she also looked pretty whipped, possibly having already been used since she just staggered out of the bushes. Sloppy seconds weren’t the best, but they’d do in a pinch.

Though it was strange that she was sleeping outside when there was a perfectly good wagon right there next to where she staggered out. It’d be odd to sleep outside when you had a wagon, and also odd if it belonged to her attackers and they hadn’t left after doing her, but it turned out it was neither.

“Where’s my wagon!?” the blue unicorn gasped after looking frantically around and apparently not finding her own.

“I traded it to that pony from Saddle Arabia for his,” a pink pony with purple mane said as she trotted out of the wagon he saw. “He even threw in a pair of robes!”

As the pink one showed off a set of traditional Saddle Arabian robes, the blue one just turned to her with a stunned look on her face. Though it was very unlikely he could take on two unicorns, Keith crept closer to see what was going on.

“You what?” the blue one shrieked. Keith couldn’t help but think how nice her squealing or sobbing might be when pinned down.

“I traded that old, worn out wagon,” said the pink one, coming down the stairs from the wagon they did have. “That was too small for us, for this nice, new, spacious one that we can both enjoy! No more not having room to get it on when we’re on the road!”

So they were lesbians? Well that made raping them potentially hotter, but Keith still couldn’t take on two angry unicorns so it was probably a moot point. Still, if they got into a real fight, he might have a chance to drag the loser off, so he crept closer.

“But…” the blue one made a great deal of noise, sounding more like she was being choked during a blowjob than having a conversation. “Who said you could do that?!”

“Nopony,” said the pink one, not seeming to care at all. “I just did it.” That was a mentality he agreed with at least. She turned to walk back towards the wagon.

The blue one appeared speechless as Keith snuck closer again.

“Ah,” the pink one continued when the blue one just stared in shock. She loaded some suitcases onto the wagon as if it was all okay. “Now we both have plenty of room, and you didn’t even have to give anything away.”

“Au contraire,” the blue one said with tears streaming down her face now. “I did give something away. I gave away my wagon… and my best friend.”

The pink one dropped the box she was holding and turned as the blue one was crying.

“Best friends?” she growled. “You want me to take our relationship seriously when you won’t even call me your marefriend or lover? You could at least call me fuckbuddy!”

“This isn’t what any of those things would do!” claimed the blue one. “Starlight how could you do this?”

“You know what? I’m done with you Trixie,” Starlight replied. “Done with this relationship for good. You. Over there.”

Starlight suddenly pointed at Keith, and he froze midstep.

“Uh… hi?” Keith took a step back, not realizing how close he’d gotten while listening.

“You’re looking for a mare, right?” Starlight smirked. “Somepony you can bone or knock up with no repercussions. Yeah, I know how it works around here, I just don’t care to trot around because I can take out anyone that tries something with me. But you… you’re convenient…”

“How what works where?” Trixie didn’t seem as well-educated, doubly shocked now as she turned around to see the pony she hadn’t noticed before.

“You didn’t research the path you were taking?” Starlight rolled her eyes at Trixie, then looked back at Keith, smirking. “Wanna help me cuck my bitch girlfriend? Don’t tell me your name either, it’ll be more humiliating if it’s some asshole predator I don’t even know.”

“What are you talking about!” Trixie screeched again. “You’re gay, Starlight!”

“What difference does it make?” Starlight shrugged. “It’s not like I haven’t used magic to give one or both of us a dick before. We’ve both taken plenty of cock!”

“That’s different!” Trixie shook her head. “You… If you so much as touch his dirty mud pony dick… I’ll leave you I swear!”

“Leave where?” Starlight laughed. “We’re in the middle of nowhere.” She looked back at Keith. “You coming and cumming or not? I’m looking forward to hearing this thankless moron beg for forgiveness.”

“Uh… sure!” Keith wasn’t going to question it.

Starlight trotted into the wagon, swishing her tail towards Keith, and he trotted in after her.

“Don’t you dare put anything of yours in hers!” Trixie screamed, shoving him out of the way and running into the wagon after Starlight. “Only the Great and Powerful Trixie owns your holes, do you hear me Starlight?”

“Oh please,” Starlight called from inside. “Your great and powerful magic can’t hold a candle to mine, I’m only your assistant out of pity and you know it.” She added to Keith. “Hey, Mr. Probably-a-Serial-Rapist, get your plot in here!”

Keith brushed himself off, trotting into the wagon after her to see where this went. Helping a dyke cuck her girlfriend would definitely be a new experience!

When he entered, he found himself in a spacious wagon that, as with most wagons and houses, seemed a bit bigger on the inside. There were bunks, storage trunks, but not a lot more since they hadn’t exactly decorated it. Trixie was standing on one side, blue face turning red with fury as Starlight chucked off her robe and turned her rear end towards Keith.

“Breed me, stud,” Starlight said, spreading her legs and hiking her tail up, turning her head up to look back at him over her tail. Apparently she was in the mood already, her vulva lustrous with her arousal. He wasn’t sure if it had gotten that wet for him, or for Trixie before Starlight realized she wouldn’t be putting out today, but it didn’t matter much. He’d never had a mare actually demand he knock her up, especially knowing that he had no intention of helping with the resulting brat.

“Don’t you do it!” Trixie shook her head, tears rolling down the face, choking on sobs at this point. “Starlight, stop this! I’m sorry, okay? I’ll say I’m sorry for anything if you stop this!”

“Not sorry enough,” Starlight glared at Trixie, waggling her rump at Keith. “Come on, colt. No foreplay, no build up, just do the only thing that stallions are good for and plant one in me.”

Her horn lit up, as did the insides of her passage that was visible through her gapingly aroused pussy. She’d obviously casts a fertility spell on herself to make sure, so she was very serious about this. She was one vindictive mare when angry, so he was kinda glad she didn’t want to know his name or anything about him.

Keith grinned at Trixie as he trotted up behind Starlight, his own equipment having drooped from his sheath while he was fantasizing about them earlier, and now was pulsating so hard he could barely think. He pushed his front legs up onto the shapely mare’s behind, pulling himself up atop her and feeling the warmth of her nethers approach his shaft.

She kissed him, her head still upside down as she looked at him, and he deepened it to toy with her tongue. When he saw Trixie staring in disbelief, he pulled up one of Starlight’s hind legs, the one closest to Trixie so she’d get to see the tip of his shaft nestled against her marefriend’s twat. He looked her right in the eyes with a smug look as he pushed into Starlight, feeling the heated flesh slide down his shaft. He felt her pussy juice drool down to his balls as it did the same down Starlight’s inner thighs.

As gaping as she’d been from the arousal, she squeezed until it felt virgin tight, rippling down his length and up again as she massaged him. He wanted to pummel her with his hips and blast a load into her immediately, but he took it slow, watching Trixie’s shocked face and wanting to drag out the experience for her. This was a kind of trauma he’d never afflicted on a pony before.

“Have you eve had a…” Keith panted.

“Have I gotten cock from a real male?” Starlight chuckled. “No, actually, this is the first… you’re taking it slow to torment her though aren’t you? Good colt.”

“I can’t believe this…” Trixie pouted, starting to turn away, covering her ears to block out the smack of their bodies together.

“Oh no you don’t,” Starlight growled. Her magic easily overcame the other unicorn, turning her around and forcing her to uncover her ears, keeping her eyes aimed directly at where Keith’s shaft penetrated her. “You are going to watch every thrust and hear every lewd slurp of your marefriend getting impregnated. All because you weren’t good enough to satisfy me.”

“I can’t imagine that,” Keith helped, holding Starlight’s leg higher so she could see. “Being such a lousy bitch that even your dykefriend would rather take cock from a stranger on the road than give you the time of day.” He panted. “Wow though… why does a lesbian’s pussy feel so much better?”

“Because it’s so much more forbidden,” smirked Starlight, her horn glowing again to hold Trixie when she tried to move to the door. The door shut and locked, trapping her there with them. She winked back at Keith. “It even feels better when she’s unwilling, hm?”

As they talked, Keith slowly stood up on his hind legs, pulling Starlight up with him. Turning to face Trixie, he gave her a better view of his shaft invading her favorite pussy, keeping Starlight’s one hind leg raised with one front hoof as the other braced Starlight’s opposite side. Starlight looped a hoof around his shoulder to hold them up too, tongue sliding out of her muzzle as she enjoyed the random screw. Their fur matted as their sweaty bodies stuck slightly together, the sound of their mating growing louder from the change of position.

Trixie couldn’t do anything but watch as Starlight forced her too. Her eyes were streaming tears still, both from the emotional abuse and the fact that Starlight wasn’t allowing her to close her eyes even to blink. The pouting mare was dragged closer, putting her face so close to their penetration point that Keith could feel her breath on his balls, Starlight’s fluids splashing into her already reddening eyes.

“Starlight this hurts…” Trixie sobbed.

“You sound like you know about rape from experience,” Keith smirked at her, slowly speeding up his movements. “Surprised a mare like you was shacked up with this loser… Mmm, so close to blasting a load into that unused foal factory. I hope Trixie is ready to see this hole used for what it’s for for once.”

“Let’s just say I used to be mayor of a nice little town,” Starlight purred as she rocked her body against his. “And pretty much every mare had my dick in her at least one. It was more coercion than physical force though. Damn I still miss those days sometimes.”

“Fuck you’re hot,” Keith groaned, his whole body tensing up.

"You're kinda gross... but still better than this bitch. Proceed," Starlight shrugged, but her hips pushed back against him all the same.

He stopped holding himself back, lifting her leg higher and forcing his way upward as fast as he could. He pushed her body downward with his other hand, and she rolled her hips in turn to increase the impact. He inched forward to where Trixie was in front of them, letting his balls smack the tip of her muzzle, her eyes perfectly to watch her marefriend’s delicious vulva flex around his length with each moist slide in and out.

“Please don’t,” Trixie wept pitifully now. “I said I was sorry, I really was, don’t let him… “ She added to Keith, delightfully desperate. "Please don’t cum in her, if you have any mercy at all…”

“If I had that kind of mercy, you dumb slut,” Keith grinned down at her. “I wouldn’t have been out here looking for cunts to put rape-foals inside.”

“Shut up and put your foal in me!” Starlight groaned.

Her insides exploded around him, showering Trixie’s face with her favorite viscous pussy juice. Trixie couldn’t help but lick it off her own face, but when she tried to lean forward to get a lap, Starlight pushed her muzzle to Keith’s balls instead. Starlight’s magic forced Trixie’s mouth open and her tongue out to suckle his balls. Trixie’s disgusted expression was delightful as a real stallion’s seed sack pushed against her tongue. Her stomach heaved as if she were near vomiting from the experience.

It was all too much for Keith, and he unloaded fast and strong inside Starlight. He felt her pleasure furnace milk his seed eagerly, and continue ramming each shot of fertile spunk inside. She clenched hard around him as if trying to hold every drop in, but some still drooled down his shaft and to his balls. Trixie was there to lick it off, whether she wanted to or not.

“You like that, Trixie, you worthless slut?” Starlight looked down at her too as she panted, hips still grinding against him, soaking up every drop of his load. “You just watched a complete stranger knock my cunt up, and I had a better time with him than I ever had with your pathetic skills. You’re as incompetent at sex as you are with magic, after all.”

“Sta-ight,” Trixie could barely speak as Starlight continued to force her to suckle the fluid coated balls, but she was finally thrown back onto the floor.

“Hey, stud,” Starlight winked at Keith before she let herself drop back to all fours on the floor, pulling away from his slick shaft, but clenching her lower lips to keep his spunk inside. “You said you liked rape, right?”

“W-what?” Trixie looked up, having been trying in vain to clean off her tongue with her own weaker telekinesis.

Keith panted. He was tired, but it was a good tired, the kind that made him even more horny after a new experience. He let his still hard shaft flop beneath him, grinning as he trotted towards Trixie.

“Hey, Trixie,” he chuckled. “Wanna fuck?” He sure hoped not, that way he could still get a rape in out here.

“Haha, NO!” Trixie mock laughed at him, rushing forward more aggressively than he expected her too. “Trixie doesn’t fuck with earth ponies so fuck off!”

Apparently his race was even more disgusting than his gender to her, not that it mattered. The more she hated everything he was, the more he’d love her hating this. Still, her violent steps forward caught him off guard, and he crouched back slightly.

“Up to you, stud,” Starlight laughed from behind him. “I’ll keep the door closed so she can’t run, but you still have to pin her down for happy-fun-rape-time. Don’t worry, her magic sucks.”

“Starlight!” Trixie shouted, as if unable to fathom each thing Starlight did more than the last. “Trixie will NOT be… fucked by… a mud pony stallion like her slutty EX-marefriend!”

“Especially one that just fucked a foal into your slutty marefriend, hm?” Starlight mocked her from behind him. “And don’t fool yourself. You won’t leave me willingly because no one else will have you unless it’s as a rape toy.”

“If you think you can pin Trixie down, then go ahead and try!” Trixie shouted louder, her eyes dilated to near specks as she zeroed in on him, her nose pressing against his in an attempt at intimidation.

“That’s the idea, dumbass,” smirked Starlight. “You really are slow, huh.”

Though aggressive, Trixie was also small-framed, like most unicorns. Her magic was an issue, even if it was as weak as Starlight claimed, but since she was stupid enough to get so close to him, that was all too easy to take care of.

Keith reared up and slammed both hooves right into her horn, knowing it was the most sensitive spot for a unicorn, even more than kicking a stallion in the balls. Even a tap would break the concentration of most unicorns, and he gave her quite a bit more than that as he slammed his hooves down against her head.

“How dare you strike Trixie!” Trixie screamed, apparently prone to speaking in third person when trying to act tough.

It wasn’t a good act though, as she tumbled back to land on her behind. Starlight clearly didn’t care if Trixie was hurt in the process, so he came down on her head again. Her cry was even louder, already too dizzy to do much dodging from the impacts. He wrangled his hot sobbing victim to her side, flipping her onto her back, but she only lashed out with her front hooves at his face.

“My cum is drenching your ovaries whether you want it or not, lesbo!” He backed up for a moment, barely avoiding a clumsy strike, then looping around her to grab some rope from the nearby supplies.

Even now, Trixie looked at Starlight pleadingly for help, but the other mare simply watched, tongue slightly out of her muzzle as she sat up on her haunches and rubbed her moist slit with both hooves at the rape show.

“It’s your own fault for being an ungrateful nag,” Starlight told her. “But do resist, ‘sweetheart’, I want to see him have to hurt you.”

Trixie tried to spark her horn again as she rose up, only to have him smack it again with a front hoof. The blue unicorn turned to wail on him with a hind leg, but he caught the clumsy strike, twisting it around and buckling at her knee. She squealed as bent her knee back the wrong way as hard as he could, even louder when there was a crack of bone giving slightly. She should have known better than to try physical combat with the strongest pony race.

“Remember not to kill her,” Starlight smirked. “I haven’t decided if I want her rubbish plot dead yet, and if I do, I’ll be the one to snuff it.”

“Starlight!?” Trixie looked at her in utter shock as Keith let the leg go, too distracted at the comment to avoid him grabbing her other hind leg and twisting it in the same manner. It didn’t crack quite as loud, but when he let it go, she could barely stand up on her hind legs. Her squeals of agony were every bit as delightful as he first imagined they'd be.

“Holy buck, she really hates you,” laughed Keith. “You must be one bale of a bad lay. But at least you wouldn’t die without getting some proper dick in you!”

Now that Trixie had lost the use of half her legs, the other half were easy to take care of. He ran around her to grab hold of them, giving her horn another hard smack before looping the rope around her front legs. He yanked them hard over and behind her head, then secured them tightly together. Flipping her on her back, her hind legs spasmed uselessly in the air.

“Oh Celsetia no no no,” sobbed Trixie as the grinning stallion walked back around her, eyeing her pussy. Needless to say, she wasn’t moist as Starlight had been, pretty bone dry from fear and anger in fact without a hint of moisture, lips sealed tightly together. That was fine, he was used to forcing it in, and it’d get wet eventually whether it wanted to or not.

“What a sorry excuse for a unicorn,” Starlight chuckled. “That’s really the best fight you could put up? You’re a disgrace.” She gave Keith’s sack a light squeeze. “Go on stud, give her a bad time with that wicked dick.”

“Well, at least if she does end up snuffing you,” panted Keith as he pulled Trixie’s twitching hind legs up. “You won’t have to worry about the rascal I’m putting in you.”

Trixie just shook her head, face red with anger and shame, as he propped his chest on her hind legs, putting all the pressure he could on the strained limbs. pulling her rump slightly up, he wasted no time pushing his tip against her opening. He grunted as the lips resisted, but soon popped open letting him into her hot unwillingness.

“That’s it,” Keith rolled his eyes back again. “You know I liked your marefriend’s wet pussy, but there’s just something about prying open a dry hole with my dick that has a special place in my heart.”

“Please don’t just…” Trixie begged, then twitched when he smacked her horn again. “I-I won’t resist, just stop hurting me!”

“Pathetic,” Starlight sounded gruff, but he could still hear her rubbing her drenched, impregnated hole behind him. Trixie’s belly glowed slightly, apparently Starlight deciding to magically make sure she was fertile enough for pregnancy too.

“That’s it, good filly,” Keith groaned, moving to put more pressure on her legs. “Your pussy was made to pleasure every invader, there’s no point in resisting.”

As she closed her eyes and went limp, he leaned forward to lick the tears from one side of her face, letting his breath flow over her. He didn’t hold back, giving her arid hole no time to juice up before going full blast. He could see how much it stung as her body tensed around him, face clenching in pain. His tip slammed right into her cervix without her passage lengthened from arousal, and he hammered it as hard as he could to make sure it hurt. He didn’t want her able to feel pleasure by the time it did get soggy.

Which it did despite her intentions. Her instincts kicked in with her pussy stretched tightly over his shaft, and soon the forced ramming became easier as her juices coated his dick. He took deep strokes, shaft pulsing inside, leaning down to lick and kiss at her face to layer on to her defilement. Even if, depending on Starlight’s decision, Trixie might not have much time to live with the trauma, it was still delightful to put a pony through this.

To him, her spasming pussy was too much, so he didn’t think he lasted very long, though knew that it seemed like forever to her, and that was what mattered. He grinned down at the agony on her quivering face as she wept, expelling another fertile load into another fertile pussy.

Trixie’s disgust to a stallion cumming inside her was delightful. Her stomach heaved as she retched, looking like she threw up in her muzzle a little and had to swallow it back down. He showed no mercy, drilling his sperm in as deeply as it can go. He felt Starlight’s magic clench at her pussy lips to tighten her around him, but his blast of spunk still overflowed and ran down her shapely behind to the floor.

“Phew,” Keith panted, finally pulling out of her. Starlight’s magic clenched her vulva tightly to slurp his shaft clean and keep as much of the load inside her as possible. Trixie let her legs drop down, her knees swollen from her aggravated injuries.

“Not so great and powerful now, hm?” Starlight said. She strutted over to Trixie’s face, then turned to squat over her. “Open wide, no spitting and and keep your eyes open.”

Trixie sniffled, but did as she was told, done with any resistance. She strained to hold her eyes open and widened her maw, a disgusting look remaining on her face. Starlight relaxed as she let out a stream of urine, light yellow with white streaks of Keith’s sperm swirling about as it puddled in Trixie’s maw.

Clearly not used to watersports, Trixie gagged from the moment it entered, but tried to guzzle it as quickly as she could as it came close to overflowing. Her eyes were red, straining to stay open as much as she could, but twitching violently at the addition of splattered urine burning at them.

Well, Keith often had to take a good piss after a good rape, so he joined in the fun. At first he let his stream of darker urine splatter over her belly, moving slowly up as it increased in force, then targeted it for her muzzle as well. It began overflowing rapidly as Trixie strained to keep up, the puddle darkening with the addition of his. He always made sure to drink plenty of anything that would make his piss and cum taste bad before going on a trip like this.

“That’s it,” Starlight continued draining her pregnant pussy onto her equally-pregnant marefriend. “Now Trixie, I’m sure you have something to say to me. You know why this happened and who’s fault it is, right?”

“I-I do,” Trixie gargled out the words, gagging each time she tried to speak again, but not daring to disagree or wait to answer. “M-my fault being b-bitch… I deserved… I’m sorry… please Starlight… don’t want die.” It seemed she no longer doubted Starlight might really kill her, and neither did Keith.

As Starlight’s stream tapered off, Keith moved forward to push his shaft against Trixie’s muzzle. She literally hurled, but his shaft was blocking the path so she had to swallow it again. He pushed into her throat, pissing directly into it until his own relief trickled to a stop.

“Well that depends,” Starlight smiled, but pushed Keith back and away again, her horn lighting up as magic enveloped Trixie. “That was a truth spell. Now Trixie, when we get home… you’ll claim fucking a stranger was your idea and that you pushed it on me with a threat that you’d leave me if I didn’t. You’ll say that you want to take care of both our foals with your own income, alone. And you’ll never disobey me again. Hm… maybe I’ll enroll you in one of Pinkie’s special parties, the one where a pony gets to know the stallions of Ponyville by taking all their dicks several at a time… and you’ll also come to Twilight’s school to be an example during sex ed class for the male students to practice on, try out some more variety in your cock diet.”

“I-I swear… I’ll do all that,” Trixie sobbed loudly again, swallowing the last of the fluid in her muzzle. “Please just don’t kill me, Starlight! I’m seriously sorry! I’ll do anything to get you back...”

“Is she telling the truth?” Keith asked. He hadn’t generally murdered victims unless it was on accident, but it would sure be interesting to watch an intentional one.

Ending 1: Sex Slaves Are Fun to Do

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“She is,” shrugged Starlight. She sounded disappointed, though that might have just been a further insult to Trixie. “Well I guess she’ll live for now. I do miss having slaves, and she’d make a pretty fun one if I keep a tighter leash on her uptight ass.”

“So uh, should I go now?” While Keith was all up for staying for more fun, Starlight was clearly enjoying the release of some inner sociopathy and he didn’t want to be on the menu since she wasn’t going to off the rape-bait.

“Rape her up the asshole first,” Starlight smirked down at Trixie. “And you, little bitch, are going to turn around and raise that ass for him like a good piss-covered fuck sleeve, and suck my cock in apology for being an annoying little shit for this whole trip.”

“Starlight, my hind legs are broken…” Trixie soaked on a sob.

“You mean these legs?” Starlight narrowed her eyes, twisting Trixie’s knees further, eliciting a surprised scream. “I hope that wasn’t a ‘no’ to my order, because you don’t have permission to say no anymore, to any creature, got it? I don’t care if it’s a friend or a complete stranger wanting to plow you in a public park.”

“I’ll do it, I’m sorry!” Trixie gave in quickly. As Starlight released her legs, she rolled herself weakly over. It took her several attempts as she tried to prop her bottom half to push her rump into the air, her swollen legs shaking as she whined in pain.

“What a whore,” said Starlight. “A conniving slut that constantly cheats on her faithful marefriend or talks her into three-or-more-somes that she doesn’t really want to participate in but can’t risk losing you. That’s the reputation you’ll have for the rest of your life, drawing the well-deserved hatred of anyone worth being friends with, not that anyone worth it would be friends with you.”

Trixie tensed again when Keith grabbed her behind, clenching her teeth but flagging her tail upwards. His cock still slick from her foal-loaded snatch, he pushed it into her behind without hesitation. At first she tried to relax the pressure on her legs in hopes that he’d hold up her behind at least, but he only put more pressure on them. She nearly collapsed several times, but growls from Starlight made her renew her effort and stay up despite the increasing torment in her legs.

Starlight tugged the ropes from Trixie’s front legs, then lifted her front half up, forcing her to put more strain on her hind legs. She gave Trixie a mocking kiss, and a thick shaft dropped down from between Starlight’s hind legs as she cast a spell. When moved the pulsing meat forward, a few inches longer than Keith’s natural equipment, Trixie opened her muzzle, her only complaint was another whimper as Keith intentionally jarred one of her injured knees.

“Starlight this is making my knees worse, what if they have to take off my legs…” Trixie muttered before Starlight stuffed her throat. Starlight didn’t pause any more than Keith would have, forcing the magical meat back to her throat. Trixie’s eyes widened as if Starlight wasn’t usually this forceful with their futa fun, her throat swelling as Starlight pushed it right down her neck, not stopping until her balls slapped on Trixie’s chin.

“If that happens,” Starlight smirked. “Then you’d be the sluttiest cripple in Equestria. Doubly cripple, since you’re already one with magic.”

Keith moved a hoof to feel of Trixie’s throat, chuckling at the thickness sliding in and out. He and Starlight rammed her back and forth, letting her move farther than needed to punish her kneecaps even more. Trixie had stopped crying, her eyes glazed over at this point, clearly broken from the treatment from someone she had trusted. Fuck that was so hot.

“You’re not trying Trixie,” Starlight warned, and Trixie began to rotate her ass and head more, working the cocks in either end, even tensing her ass to put actual effort into getting the stallion inside off.

“I think this arrangement will work better for your uh… relationship,” chuckled Keith. “Damn she can squeeze that ass though.”

“And you,” smirked Starlight, leaning forward. She shared a deep kiss, but then whispered. “You can say what you want to this slut to torment her, but I trust that you don’t really think some of that, right? You realize that the only thing that stallions are good for is loading us with foals, and not even that when magic is available. I’m only letting you do this because it’s more humiliating to her. Do you agree, you filthy mudpony whose balls I could crush like rotten grapes and choke you on them?”

“Uh, yeah, of course,” Keith nodded, not daring to disagree when Starlight might still be aching to murder somepony. Her words weren’t quite as damaging to his ego as they might have otherwise been, since he’d been pinned down out here during his trips too. Racism was a favorite dirty-talk for a lot of unicorns, and females never missed an opportunity to talk down to males when they finally managed to pin one down.

“That’s a good dirt horse,” Starlight smirked. “Never forget that you’re inferior in race and gender.”

Starlight doubled her efforts and their two bodies moved gradually faster. He was able to last a lot longer now that he’d gone off twice in two hot bodies, so just casually enjoyed the misery of the broken mare beneath him. It was always delicious when a well-raped victim reached the point of accepting their status as a sex toy, and this one had earned a traumatizing future as a sex slave instead of just a single event.

He really felt like he’d done a good deed.

Even after his previous orgasms, the whole situation and knowing what would happen to Trixie now was too arousing for him to hold for long. He shoved down on her hard enough for her to collapse again, then drilled hard into her to expel spurt after spurt of rich cum into her posterior. It was a much less useful load, but all the same it was intense to use the broken mare in every way.

“Fucking hair-trigger,” Starlight rolled her eyes as she continued to ram Trixie’s throat. “I’ll never understand that. Mares do fine with magic cocks, yet ponies born with them can’t hold it in long enough for proper fun.”

“Sorry,” Keith said as he slowly withdrew. “You fillies are just… really hot.”

“Well I know that,” smirked Starlight. “If for different reasons. How about you move here to choke her on your shitty dick while I take her pussy. After that, you can leave her to me. I want to take a nice relaxing day tormenting her on my own here.

“S-sure thing,” Keith said, both happy to do so and a bit relieved that it looked like Starlight wasn’t going to murder him. Mares were so unreasonable anytime rape was involved, regardless of if they were giving or receiving.

Trixie tried to turn herself around, but was forced around by Starlight’s magic when she took too long. She stared at Keith’s brown-tinted shaft cross-eyed as he waited a moment to smell herself on it, then pushed it forward to her lips. With a new look of disgust, she opened her muzzle obediently.

Starlight leaned forward to watch her slurp the organ with an evil grin, grasping her bottom and pounding her filled pussy from behind. She didn’t make Trixie stand all the way up, but forced pressure on her hind legs all the same, one of which was now bent the wrong way at her swollen knee.

“That’s it, you deserve this, don’t you,” Starlight purred down at Trixie, then purred again as Trixie nodded in agreement with no hesitation. “You’re more broken than anyone in my village was. It’s so liberating to do this in such a violent manner instead of taking time to get into someone’s head the hard way. Right, random rapist I just let knock us up?”

“Wouldn’t know,” chuckled Keith. “Never tried the hard way… she’s pretty good at sucking the taste of her shit off my dick though.”

“She should be as much shit comes out of her muzzle,” grunted Starlight.

Keith had to admit, he was getting more nervous the longer he spent with Starlight, so at this point was keen on getting done and getting out of there. He pulled Trixie’s head closer to his gut, shoving deeper into her throat and enjoying the familiar fear of a pony choking on his dick. He panted, moving a hoof to feel the shape of his shaft through her neck, shivering as he slid towards one last orgasm.

“You know, I’ll have to knock you up next,” panted Starlight as she grasped Trixie’s rear-end harder. “But I thought it was important to teach you a lesson by letting some random loser do it first. He’s lucky I want him to get away scot-free as part of that humiliation too, or he’d be taking your place on the snuff menu. Still tempted...”

That was his cue to leave, but luckily the situation was still incredibly arousing, so he blasted off in her throat quickly still. He gave several powerful pumps directly into her gut, then yanked back, pulling her eyes open and letting the rest splatter over them to let them burn just a bit more.

As Keith backed away, Starlight renewed her efforts on Trixie’s puss. She slammed Trixie’s head onto the floor hair, eliciting a yelp as she yanked her plot up and nailed it with such force that it was surprising to not hear bones breaking. Starlight groaned soon as well, but kept ramming her dick even as she orgasmed, not even slowing down as she pumped another load inside.

As Keith exited, her could hear Trixie’s sobbing renewed, now not wanting to be left alone with the one she’d been in love with earlier that day.

“We’re not even half done, slut,” Starlight told her, still not having slowed down her movements, merely switching it up to ram her tailhole instead. “Once I’m done with you, you’ll never sit comfortably again.”

What a beautiful relationship.

Ending 2: Corpses Are Fun to Do

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“No, she’s lying,” chuckled Starlight, then leaned down to lick Trixie’s ears. “Good, this trip would have been a waste if I didn’t do what I planned to do.”

“P-planned?” Trixie shook her head, unable to believe it.

“So, uh,” Keith wasn’t typically a murderer, but his mind still went there. “Can I be fucking her as she dies?”

“Give me some alone time with her while you just watch,” smirked Starlight. “But I’ll tug you over in time. Sharing a mare’s deathgasm with a friend can be fun… so sharing one with a stranger might be even better.”

“S-Starlight, I won’t… I swear I won’t ever tell,” Trixie shook her head. “Just wipe my memory or mind control me, I know you can!”

“Hm, Twilight will get mad if I mind control anyone,” smiled Starlight as she dragged Trixie towards the middle of the room, untying the rope around her legs as she did. “But if I just tell her you were tragically killed, she’ll pretend to comfort me and then breathe a sigh of relief in private. She’ll be too glad you’re gone to even question it.”

Trixie didn’t resist at first as she was dragged over, but when Starlight started to tie the rope in a hangmare’s knot around her neck, she flailed away from it. Starlight laughed, easily holding her down to pull it neatly around her.

“Starlight!” Trixie was sobbing now. “D-didn’t you love me?”

“Of course not,” Starlight rolled her eyes. “I knew you were desperate and would put out any way I wanted, until it came to this at least. But I don’t need you now. I’ve met Maud since then and she’s much more open and kinky. Even invited me over to fuck her sisters if I wanted, the shy one unwillingly.”

“But…” Trixie tried to think of what else to say as Starlight firmly tied off the knot, but didn’t pull it tight.

“That’s right,” Starlight leaned over, lapping the tears from her face again, rubbing herself with both hooves. “Beg for me, Trixie.”

“I don’t know what else to say…” Trixie admitted.

“That’s because you know you deserve this,” Starlight continued licking her face. “You’re worthless trash in every way, and I was your last chance. You would have killed yourself if I hadn’t scooped you up anyway.” Starlight’s face twisted into a more evil grin. “So I don’t mean ‘Beg for your life’, get it?”

“I get it,” Trixie nodded slowly, going limp once again. “Starlight, end my miserable life, please… if the only thing I’m still good for is getting you off one last time… then do it.”

“Oh, you won’t get me off one last time,” Starlight pulled her head back. “I can keep your corpse fresh indefinitely.” She looked over at Keith. “You like necrophilia, right? I’ll let you have a go with her before I take her corpse home.”

“Never tried it,” Keith admitted. “But damn it is stunning how hot this is… so I’m definitely game. Long as I’m not next…”

“No, you’re not,” laughed Starlight. “You would be, but it piles on the humiliation for her worthless soul if the stallion that helped me torment her in her last moments in Equestria gets away scot-free.”

“Go ahead,” sighed Trixie, tears still streaming down her face, but no other expression there to speak of. “At least if I’m your corpselight, you can fuck me without having to be annoyed at my nagging.”

“Corpselight… I like that phrase.” Starlight cast a spell on herself, her gut bulging and twisting into a shaft and heavy balls beneath her, so it seemed she really was going to get off on or in Trixie. She didn’t jump on her yet, though, seeming to want to take things slow.

She pulled the rope upwards, not tightening it yet, and simply looping it over the beam at the top of the wagon before tugging the other end down. Trixie still remained limp, whimpering but not resisting as she was pulled up into a sitting position.

“Tell me again how you deserve this, meat,” Starlight purred as she watched with eager eyes, slowly stroking her shaft with one hoof. “Make it good or I might have second thoughts about wanting to kill you.”

“No, don’t let me live!” Trixie almost started outright sobbing again, then tried to calm herself. “You know I deserve this, and I don’t want to live with what a bitch I’ve been anyway. I’ve been worthless my whole life, and the world would be better off if I was manticore shit instead of your marefriend. Can’t you see it now? Watching me suffocate, raping my corpse repeatedly as I grow cold, then taking me home as your personal toy. No one with miss me, and you might make a few friends if you meet someone into necrophilia.”

“That’s it,” Starlight groaned. “That’s how I wanted you to die, mind completely broken beyond repair.”

Trixie seemed to be getting into it as well, strangely enough, like Starlight was really getting into her head now. Keith wasn’t sure if it was magic or manipulation, but Trixie was now rubbing her own well-raped pussy with both front hooves as she was pulled up onto her haunches. The rope tightened around Trixie’s neck further as her hind legs were useless to hold her up now, but she kept talking, barely able to get air to do so.

“Use my corpse however you want,” Trixie moaned as well. “Tear my limbs off so I’ll be a true body pillow. Wrench my head off and ram your cock into my neck hole and cum out my filthy muzzle! Have the foal that that asshole fucked into you fuck me too! Oh Celestia… so many horrifying images coming into my head… all the things you’ll do with me… fuck this is ho…” Finally her air was cut off completely.

Starlight didn’t yank her up off the ground, so there was no jerk to snap Trixie’s neck, instead letting her die by slow suffocation. As she was raised up off the floor, Trixie continued to rub at her own nethers as fluid drooled down her thighs, eyes focused on Starlight’s as they stared at one another, seeming to take in the look of perverse pleasure that each had.

“Good,” Starlight continued to pull slowly. “Such a slutty look… die with that on your face, and I’ll remember this moment every time I rape your corpse, every time I share it with somepony else. The only difference between you and a sex toy is that at least they’re worth something when you buy them.”

Finally Starlight stopped tugging the rope further. Trixie swayed from the ceiling as she continued to masturbate, hanging so that the tip of her dangling tail was about even with Starlight’s horn as she sat there. Starlight purred, opening her muzzle as Trixie gagged there.

Though she didn’t have breath to moan, Trixie finally came, the first orgasm she’d had for the entire ordeal. Starlight let it wash over her, shivering with delight as she enjoyed every second. After her inner convulsions had splattered Starlight in Keith’s seed and her own pussy juice. After that, Trixie’s body loosened up, letting her shivering body hang limp, her front legs instinctively moving to her neck but then growing still as her muscles burned from lack of oxygen.

“That’s right, conserve your energy,” Starlight told her. “Suffer for as long as you can.”

Keith was near to orgasm from stroking himself just watching this, unable to believe how hot something like this was. The only reason he didn’t cum, is that Starlight noticed and squeezed his balls hard with her magic, cutting off his pleasure enough to hold him from it.

“No spraying it everywhere,” Starlight told him. “It’s for the inside of her freshly-murdered cadaver.”

Trixie’s body began to twitch harder, and Starlight looked up at her again as Trixie lost control of her bladder. Instead of dodging it, Starlight opened her muzzle, closing her eyes but sticking out her tongue to taste the death piss of her ex-marefriend. She took a deep breath and let some spray directly into her muzzle, swallowing it down as if it were the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted.

“Mmm, it’s time,” Starlight said after taking a moment to gargle the urine.

As the trickle started to fade, Starlight picked herself up with her own magic, still holding the rope but floating her own body up to Trixie’s front. As she savored the life rapidly fading from Trixie’s eyes close-up, she lifted Keith as well, bringing him around to Trixie’s other side.

Starlight hugged her close, and Keith could hear the slurp of juices as Starlight forced her erection into Trixie’s spasming pussy. Keith followed suit, pressing his own shaft against Trixie’s tail hole. She was loose there as well, so Keith was glad she hadn’t needed to go out that hole. As it was, he could just push inside her, feeling the shivers within her as she grew closer to her end.

“Good, now die,” Starlight licked Trixie’s nose almost romantically. “Die so we can defile this worthless flesh like it deserves.”

Starlight had timed it right, because only a few seconds after he and Starlight were bouncing her bottom back and forth between them, Trixie’s whole body went into a fit of convulsions. No raped hole he’d ever been in could compare to the waves of pleasure as the explosion of muscular contractions within her washed over his shaft. Starlight had called it a deathgasm, but he hadn’t known it was that literal.

Keith pulled close, savoring the first time somepony died with his throbbing cock inside them. He slid his legs around her, hanging onto her and feeling her heartbeat as it fluttered to a stop within her. Her shudders intensified for a few more moments, and before they were done, he was unloading himself inside her dead posterior, the act of rape deliciously sliding into an act of necrophilia.

“Fuck yes, finally!” Starlight groaned, having no less luck holding it in under the onslaught, going off so hard that Keith could literally feel the pressure of the ropes of seed through Trixie’s insides. The mare’s insides swelled with the only thing she was good for holding now.

Starlight slowly released her magic that was holding herself and Keith up there, but neither stopped pounding Trixie as they all three swung back and forth together. Gripping around her as her neck creaked from the added strain, they rammed their sperm deep into her. Reaching over one of Trixie’s limp shoulders, the two kissed deeply over their mutual victim.

Keith might have been disappointed that he only got to knock up one mare on this trip, but the new experience more than made up for it. He wasn’t sure how long they were up there, but both kept going until Trixie’s strained and twisted neck gave out. Both of them fell to the floor with her body, a spray of blood pouring down over them and bubbling out of the rest of her corpse. Starlight caught Trixie’s head when it fell like a champ.

“Bet you’ll be adding a new hobby next time you visit here,” Starlight grinned at him, handing Trixie’s head over to him, pushing the bloody neck against his twitching shaft.

“Maybe,” Keith chuckled. He carefully found the opening so as to not jab himself with Trixie’s fragmented spine, then pushed up through her throat. “I still like the idea of giving the mares something to remember me by for the rest of their lives. Though… I imagine stallion deathgasms feel good too, and there’s always females too young or old to leave with foal.”

“So wicked,” panted Starlight. “Oh, I missed this.”

Starlight took a moment to kiss Trixie, slurping at Keith’s shaft as it pressed out of Trixie’s muzzle. She purred, then stood up and walked around Keith to behind him. She coaxed his bottom up, and he tensed a bit in realization of what she was about to do. Still, he didn’t dare resist.

He sat up on his haunches more, raising his tail as she pushed her tip against his own back door. He wasn’t exactly a virgin there, so was able to take the shaft that was already wet with the last of Trixie’s pussy juice. He groaned as it slid inside, rocking his hips to enjoy it since she wouldn’t let him do otherwise.

Keith kept thrusting into Trixie’s head, and Starlight curled her head around his right side as she continued to thrust into him. She gave Trixie another kiss, flexibly moving to sucking his tip through her face even as she plowed his rear-end.

“I know you’re mostly a dyke,” Keith panted. “But you sure we can’t trade information and meet again later… cause you’re hot as fuck.”

“Well I honestly hate you,” said Starlight between slurps. “But you know, posthumously defiling someone’s memory with so much intensity actually does affect their soul… that’s why I’m keeping her body as a family heirloom. So maybe we can meet up here again for some more fun with whoever is passing by, or whoever I get to come with me if I decide someone else needs to go.”

“Hate me all you want,” chuckled Keith. “But you won’t find another pony that will help you do any horrible thing to passerbys.”

As Starlight gripped around him, her horn continued to glow. Nearby, she twisted the legs off of Trixie’s corpse one at a time, bending them brutally to snap them off in a burst of splintered bone. After snapping off her tail, she began to sand down the stumps with her magic, working them into a smooth surface before she sewed the flesh back over them. It seemed she wanted to make Trixie a true body pillow. All that was left on her body was her fuck holes, her breasts, and a torso to grip while one rammed her.

“A fitting fate for a meaningless whore,” Starlight groaned around his shaft, grasping him more firmly.

He rolled his hips harder, both back into Starlight’s thick shaft and forward into Trixie’s neck. Starlight’s magic gripped Trixie’s neck hole tight, moving her tongue to coil around the other end even as her own had. The combination of hot and cooling tongue flesh was incredible, and soon his shaft was jerking again as he exploding through one muzzle and into another.

Starlight suckled him down, but continue to thrust both her and Trixie’s head against his increasingly sensitive shaft. Keith tensed up further, rolling his ass up and down her shaft to try to get her off soon, but she was determined to show him how it was done. She didn’t cum inside him until after she’d finished with Trixie’s torso, and he pushed back hard against her to take in the warm seed.

“That’s it,” Starlight shivered as she finally pulled back. “Now write your information down for me. I’ll tell all my hottest friends in Ponyville how amazing Saddle Arabia is to try and tempt them to make the trip.”