Sunny Learns Magic

by TheyCallUsFoals

First published

After becoming an alicorn and returning friendship and harmony to Equestria, Sunny's friends decide to help her learn magic.

Now that all pony races have been united and Sunny is now an alicorn, she decides that she wants to learn magic like unicorns. Anypony would agree that that sounds like fun...if that wasn't the problem of the story.

Magic Time!!!

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"Sunny, just stop, you look like you're constipated." Hitch Trailblazer commented on the ailcorns stance and the sounds of the struggles she made as she tried to blast a magic beam at the target that sat before her and the four other ponies along with two birds and crab that followed Hitch around town.

"Well I'm sorry Hitch, I didn't know I was disturbing you. I'd like to see you try this yourself.

"I can't." Hitch replied.

"Why not?" Sunny Starscout asked smugly.

"Because I don't have a horn."


"At least try not to pop your head off." Zipp Storm chimed in.

"Please don't." Pipp Petals cringed at the thought.

"That would be a scene." Added Izzy Moonbow. Magic wasn't an easy thing to learn in life. Sunny figured it would be hard but not THIS hard. She and her friends had tried for days and days to help the pony learn at least one magic trick for the time being. But even the most simplest tricks were hard to master for poor Sunny.

"This is starting to bring me back to the old days when I was practicing magic." Said Izzy.

"I'm sure you didn't embarrass yourself as bad as I am right now huh?" Asked Sunny.

"One time when I was learning how to teleport I ended up in an outhouse with the door o-"

"Actually, I take that back." Sunny lifted her head back up in annoyance after a few more tries of blasting the target. "(Sigh), I just don't get it. Why can't I blast a simple magic beam?"

"Maybe your just not trying hard enough." Answered Pipp.

"Umm hello? Remember the constipated look from earlier?" Asked Hitch.

"Please don't say that again." Said Sunny.

"Don't give up hope Sunny. So you're bad at magic now, no biggie." Smiled Zipp.

"Yeah but, when I first became an alicorn I was able to easily fly without hesitation. (Sigh), Today was just another waste of my time. Let alone you guys'."

"On the bright side, we had so much fun wasting it." Izzy attempted to lighten the mood up.

"Not now Izzy." Sunny replied quietly.

"Maybe you're trying TOO hard." Answered Pipp again. "Too much of something is a bad thing ya know."

"Says the pony who spends hours upon hours on her phone going 'pipp pipp hooray' all day." Zipp mimicked her sister. Pipp gave Zipp a look and turned her back towards her. Then she took out her phone and began doing whatever she did when she wasn't talking to her fans. Zipp rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, I think Pipp's on to something Sunny. Maybe you are trying too hard." Mentioned Hitch.

"Your right!" Sunny said excitedly. "I've been stressing my body out this entire time. If I just calm down a bit, then I'll get the hang of it easily!" Sunny sat down and stared at the target. It was silent for a while. The only sound was the sound of a bird that flew nearby the lighthouse and through the clear blue skies.

"Okay, now you're not trying at all." Said, Hitch.

"It's not just gonna shoot out on its own Sunny." Said Izzy. Sunny sighed in annoyance.

"I have to learn this somehow." She said.

"Ya know, you don't HAVE to right?" Mentioned Zipp.

"Yes I do. It wouldn't feel right being an alicorn and not knowing magic. Did it feel right being a pegasus who couldn't fly?"

"You got me there." Zipp accepted her defeat.

"Not only that but a colt asked me to come to his sixth birthday party this Friday. His father said a magic performance would be the cherry that'll top the cake."

"Can't let the foals down." Said Izzy.

"Relax Sunny. It's only Sunday. You've still got four whole days to practice." Said Hitch. "Besides, I'm sure the cherry on top is you just simply being there. When a colt meets his female role model, there's no need for anything extra."

"Still. I don't wanna die and have 'Here lies Sunny Starscout the magicless alicorn' written on my gravestone. I'll look down and be embarrassed every time somepony comes by it." Sunny worried. Pipp, still focusing on her phone spat out a quick theory.

"What if you're just not thinking about what you're trying to do?" Everypony slowly turned their heads towards the pegasus.

"Wait somepony replay that." Sunny demanded. Izzy took out a voice recorder box and pressed the replay button. The box replayed Pipp's exact words. Then it hit everypony.

"That's it Sunny. You're not doing any envisioning, you're just trying to do it." Said Hitch.

"Could that be it?" Zipp asked herself.

"Izzy, give us an example." Hitch demanded.

"Oki Doki Loki." Izzy said. "What should I do?" Everypony began to think until Izzy eventually came up with an idea herself. "Wait! I got it!" Izzy got into a pouncing stance and looked directly at Pipp. Pipp, who was taking photos of herself, slowly looked back at the unicorn and grew suspicious.

"Uhhh, what're you doing?"

"You'll see." After a few moments of waiting, a beam of sparkly blue light shot out of Izzy's horn and hit Pipp's phone. The pegasus jumped in fright, as the cellular device began to sparkle and eventually turned into a blue ball of light. The shiny stars sparkled in everypony's eyes as they watched in amazement, except for Pipp who grew more and more concerned. After a few more moments, Pipp was now holding an apple.

"TADAAAAAAAA!" Izzy shouted. Everypony was astounded by Izzy's power...except for Pipp once again.

"Are-you-CRAZY!" She shouted in frustration.

"Now I know what your think-"

"You turned my phone into an APPLE!" Pipp shouted.

"I'm sure it's not that ba-AHHH!" Pipp launched the phone turned apple at Izzy who dodged it quickly.

"I am going to MURDER YOU!" Pipp ran towards Izzy and the two were now running in circles around the half repaired lighthouse.

"Well while those two are going at it, try doing what Izzy did Sunny." Said Zipp.

"Okay, I'll try." Sunny turned and faced the target. She stood and let the slightly breezy air run across her body. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Hitch and Zipp watched closely, getting the feeling that this was finally it. The moment their friend learned magic! Suddenly, a few golden sparks shot out of Sunny's horn. Then her horn began to glow. Hitch and Zipp could feel the energy of the alicorn now flowing through their bodies. Then, the sparkles began to come out quickly this time. Sunny lowered her body.

Then she took another deep breath. And said to herself: "Magic."

Then, a few golden balls of magic appeared from her body and swirled around her. The wind grew stronger but the alicorn kept her stance.

Then she opened her eyes, which were glowing as well now. And then, in an instant, Sunny shot a golden magic beam from her horn and the target exploded once the beam impacted.

The wind quickly calmed down and Sunny's body stopped glowing. She was breathing heavily but gasp when she saw the target burned to a pile of ash. Hitch and Zipp looked at each other.

"SHE DID IT!" They yelled together. They ran over to their friend and embraced her.

"Wow Sunny that was cool!" Said Hitch.

"20% cooler than anything I've ever seen!" Said Zipp.

"Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without your support." Sunny smiled. They all began to hear the sounds of an angry Pipp and a VERY apologetic Izzy come from around the corner.

"Just buy a new one!"

"Those kinds of phones are sold out!"

"Hey Sunny, do another trick to calm these two down." Zipp suggested.

"Okay." Sunny began to think of what she wanted to do next.

Pipp was about to launch herself towards Izzy when suddenly.


A bird did its business on her face. Making the pegamare fall to the ground.

"Ewww, why me?!" Pipp whined in disgust.

"Yikes, this just isn't her day." Mentioned Hitch.

"Hmmm. OH, I GOT IT!" Sunny lowered herself again and shot another magic beam out. Not paying attention to where she was pointing her horn. The beam was heading straight for Izzy. Fortunately, the unicorn looked back and back rolled to dodge. However, there was still one pony who wasn't so fortunate.

"Oh no." The magic beam hit Pipp, making everypony gasp in fear. Luckily she was perfectly fine. Then she looked down at what was now attached to her body.

"A jetpack?" Zipp asked confusingly. As if Pipp's day couldn't get any much worse, millions upon millions of sparkles began to shoot down from the rockets which were facing upwards. Pipp's eyes grew wide.

No, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" She screamed in fear and frustration as the jetpack sent her off high into the sky.

"Well that was sad to watch." Zipp said taking off after her sister. Izzy watched as the two flew higher and higher.

"Okay, that wasn't my fault."

"You guys wanna grab some pizza?" Hitch asked the two mares. After everything the ponies had been through today, Sunny and Izzy thought that was a great idea.