Glazed Filling

by headless_rainbow

First published

Mocha gets kidnapped by Daybreaker and gets to enjoy extreme vaginal temperatures of her and Nightmare Moon. Somehow this nets him an unrelated harem, but he's more a collective toy than the head of it. Mostly femdom ensues.

Mocha Glaze is a hard-working builder who avoids the antics of Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, Equestria's rulers. Unfortunately, Daybreaker decides she wants an earth pony to break and invites him to her fancy dungeon. He's sure he's doomed as Nightmare Moon joins in while having a sisterly argument, but it ends up going pretty well! Circumstances cause him to not only to be let free, but also gets him assigned as a stud for Twilight as punishment for her last assassination attempt on Daybreaker. A harem with a stallion that would rather not be there ensues.

Much tamer than my normal fare on this account, sort of barely qualifies to be here really.

This occurs in an alternate universe in an Equestria ruled by Daybreaker and Nightmare. It's a commission from Mocha Glaze and should eventually follow Mocha and Twilight as she goes to Ponyville (as punishment for her latest assassination attempt on Daybreaker), where she tries to find friends to help her in her next (doomed) attempt. As Mocha’s harem grows, he's less in charge of it and more a collective toy. A whole lot of mare-dom ensues.

Cover image is an edited panel of Mocha from an explicit comic he’s in, by Novaspark, which can be found on one of the pony boorus by searching for “comic: working for a mad mare”.

See my subscribestar for early access to fics and to help pay my bills so I can write more. Commission info here.

Chapter 1: Daybreaker x Mocha, Nightmare x Mocha
biological sperm genocide, clerical errors, extreme vaginal temperatures, femdom, implied assassination attempts, implied death (having occured, not in-story), less-faithful students, promotions,  rape, reasonable justice system, sisterly bickering, vaginal
Chapter 2: Applejack x Filthy, Rainbow Dash x Thunderlane
attempted impregnation, cock torture, femdom, over-powered pussy, overly-speedy pussy, public sex, respectful murderous intent, vaginal
Chapter 3: Twilight x Mocha
anal, awkwardness, blow job, deep throat, crotch breasts, dick biting, impregnation, mirrors, reluctant sex, sexual exhaustion, vaginal

1. Mocha Gets a New Career

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Equestria had never been a stable place to live. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon had spent much of its history having civil wars, and they may have only stopped because the repeated conflict had tilted the gender ratio until stallions made up less than 10% of the population.

That wasn’t great for continuing the conflict since males were generally used on the front lines while mares took care of more intellectual tasks. It also didn’t give Equestria many disposable grunts for future conflicts in case other nations acted up, so eventually something known as ‘Harem Law’ had passed. Males were tested upon maturity, and the more fertile ones were designated ‘breeders’. They were forbidden from working normal jobs, instead tending to a harem, who in turn were required to have jobs that could support him and their children.

Maybe it made him strange, but Mocha Glaze felt lucky to have been designated a builder instead, and there was plenty of work for a builder to do. Despite the difficulty, Mocha enjoyed his job, and was presently assigned to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot. It seemed like a break since they just finished rebuilding a destroyed wing of the Royal Palace… again. Maybe one day he’d find out why it kept exploding.

Mocha also felt lucky that he didn’t stand out. His brown coat, matching brown eyes, and dirty blond mane and tails were what most would consider bland. The twin tails were generally missed when he kept them together, and the unusual lack of a cutie mark at his age usually made him stand out less. Was one even needed when all stallions were assigned either breeder or builder? He did have a green tie for a splash of color, and because otherwise he was too easy to mistake for all the other brown colts.

Currently, he was heading back for more load after carrying a large crate of decorations to the area in front of the castle, when he heard mare’s talking quietly as he passed.

“That looks like him,” said one. “He’s reasonably hot but otherwise bland, definitely seems like one she’d pick out of a stack of profiles.”

“Yeah, his file looks good too,” said a second. “Low rank builder, not a big social life to be missed from… let’s bring him in.”

Thinking it was quite an unusual conversation, he glanced behind him, only to see two royal guards, a pair of light blue unicorn mares in flame-patterned solar guard armor. They had their eyes fixed on him as they approached.

“Hold it right there,” said the first. “Mocha Glaze?”

“Uh, yeah?” Mocha paused nervously, looking around. Had they been talking about…

“You’re under arrest,” said the second. “For crimes against Equestria, or something.”

“Or… something?” Mocha took a step back, and the mares took a step forward. Their horns lit up and he heard their swords slide half-way out of the sheaths. “Wait, there’s a mistake, what exactly am I accused of?”

“You know what you did,” smirked the first.

“Everyone knows what you did,” added the second, glancing around at the other builders in the vicinity. “You all saw what he did, right?”

While he didn’t hate anyone on his team, until now at least, they weren’t exactly loyal either. They all nodded, not needing to have any idea what this was to agree out of fear at what Daybreaker might do if they disobeyed solar guards.

“Yep, looks like an open and shut case,” the first glared at him, then pulled her sword fully from its sheath and booped him lightly on the nose with the prickly tip. “So are you coming quietly?”

Ah, damn it. There was nothing he could do. “F-fine…”

His hooves were restrained and a bag placed over his head as they tossed him into a cart roughly with their telekinesis. It felt more like a mob kidnapping than an arrest, but this was how things were done in Equestria. He could do nothing but lay in the cart for the bumpy ride and wait until the bag was pulled off of his head.

Of course he was scared at what might happen, but the ride smoothed out after her heard some doors open. From there it was pretty smooth, except when they took him down about four flights of stairs while still in the wagon.

When the bag was removed, the place he’d been taken wasn’t what he expected. It wasn’t the common prison that criminals were typically taken to, but a pristine room that looked like he must be inside the palace itself. There were marble floors and walls, magic-resistant orichalcum bars separating five empty cells on each side of the long hallway. Each cell was empty aside from a small chandelier at the top of each to keep them well-lit, and cleaned to spotless perfection, as if nowhere stayed here for long.

He was untied and dropped like a sack of potatoes into the nice cell, but the beauty only terrified him more. Was this the rumored royal prison where Daybreaker or Nightmare held any new ‘toys’ they wanted to break?

It was never officially reported, but he’d heard rumors of bodies charred or frostbit and shriveled beyond recognition, depending on which Princess took an interest in them. The Princesses goddess-like powers rendered them unimpregnable by nature, but they still got horny. Since no stallion could survive sex with them, they wouldn’t waste their affections on an important breeder. Was this what the guards meant when they implied Mocha being a low-ranking builder was perfect?

When the mares left, he immediately went to the door they’d closed, checking its security. Panic was rising within him, because now he knew this could be so much worse than simply being hanged as a traitor for crimes he didn’t commit. It was of course hopeless, leaving him with nothing to do but wait in the empty cell, pondering whether burning to death or having his life icily leeched would be the more merciful end.

Mocha didn’t have to wait long to learn what was next. After less than a half-hour, the door at the end of the hallway opened to reveal his fate.

It was Daybreaker, standing so tall that she lowered her horn when passing through the doorway. Her bright white fur reflected so much of the prison’s light that it was near-painful to look at, but not as much as her mane and tail, which were both literally made of magical fire. She wore her royal attire, a chest plate emblazoned with her Sun cutie mark, connected to razors along the front of her wings, able to hack off a pony’s head with ease. Her gem encrusted orange helm and echoes completed the ensemble.

But not for long, since as she walked down the hallway towards him with a slight smirk on her face, she began leaving her clothing items behind. She first stepped out of each shoe, then dropped her helmet and armor on the floor as well. It left a trail of cooling armor behind her as she arrived at the door to his cell. She said nothing at first, simply licking her lips with a forked tongue that was even longer than her horn. Why couldn’t any sane mares have a tongue like that?

Even standing in her presence was intimidating. Mocha had never even attended a speech by her without being fearful, as if she possessed some kind of aura. But now, seeing her standing before him and licking her lips like he was meat on a stick, his blood was boiling with abject horror, though not as much as it might literally boil when she got ahold of him. Her first words to him didn’t help.

“Gotcha,” Daybreaker said as she drew her tongue back into her muzzle, voice as smooth as it was terrifying. “Time for my favorite pastime: hot dick-burning sex.”

He couldn’t control himself. As soon as the door was open, he attempted to flee, scampering beneath the legs of the massive mare and heading down the hall towards the door. He dodged her still scalding armor as he fled.

Hearing her cackle behind him, he knew it was pointless before she even grabbed hold of his tails with her magic and held him in place. Still, he couldn’t make himself stop trying, continuing to run as his hoofs smacked the marble pointlessly. Even her telekinetic grip felt unnaturally warm as she dragged him back by his tail.

Daybreaker purred, easily tossing him back into his cell and landing him in the center, on his back. Her motion seemed instinctive, like it was something she’d done a great deal. His head slammed into the hard surface, and he looked up at her as she approached. She didn’t even bother closing the cell door.

“Relax,” Daybreaker laughed. “You’re underground surrounded by thick rock that even I would take a bit to melt, and the path you were so determined to take leads to my own bedroom. By the way, don't worry about damaging anything. Everything here, except for you cutie-pie, is fireproof.”

Her terrible eyes, shades of orange surrounded by dark red where white should have been, stared down at him as he hyperventilated. He wanted to beg, but couldn’t even think of where to begin. How did you explain to a goddess that you weren’t an adequate sacrifice?

Needless to say, his sheath wasn’t exactly bulging with excitement, but she seemed determined to get him into her game. Leaning down, her tongue whipped out again, and traced slowly along one of his hind hooves. He jerked at the heat when it touched his sole, but she continued tracing it down his leg towards her goal. As her tongue whipped about like a slimy tentacle, it cooled enough that it wasn’t unpleasant when it stroked along his sack and over his sheath.

He gritted his teeth, trying to stave off an erection even if he knew she’d just use magic on him if he couldn’t get hard. It turned out she didn’t need to, her tongue was enough for him to start slipping free. She slid the slimy surface around, slathering it in her spit that somehow hadn’t immediately boiled out of her muzzle, and watched with amused eyes as it rose to the impossible task she had chosen it for.

“I’ve had such a long day,” Daybreaker rolled her eyes, booming voice somewhat slurred with her tongue still out. “Everyone thinks it’s great when the day gets longer, but you know what it means to me? More work! That’s it!”

“Am I your meal or your therapist?” Mocha asked, shivering as she pulled his sheath slowly back with her tongue, then began to lap up his chest as if wanting to taste every inch of her new toy. It might have been foolish to speak to her like that, but it wasn’t like she could do anything worse to him than what she planned.

“That’s clever, I like you,” Daybreaker chuckled, though her face tightened in slight annoyance. “Mister… oh I forget your name, I’ll go with Hamburger, because that’s how I’m going to eat you after I’ve fucked you to death. Between two slices of bread with tomato and lettuce. Consider yourself lucky; not many colts will get to enter two of my holes in one day.”

She placed a hoof square in the middle of his chest, feeling as hot as her tongue, and he grew dizzy with fearful anticipation as she moved to stand her midsection above his own. She looked down at him the same way he’d seen her look at cake.

“Sister!” Another booming voice came from the door, rage boiling within it as well. Oh gods not both of them! “What are you doing? Breaking toys must wait until after your daily duties and I refuse to pick up your slack!”

It was Nightmare all right. The midnight black goddess wore similar armor to Daybreaker, though themed to be light blue with the Moon mark on the front. As Nightmare trotted angrily down the hall towards Mocha’s cell, her translucent, starry mane and tail whipped about, leaving tiny icicles on the armor Daybreaker had discarded in passing.

“I deserve to relax!” Daybreaker shouted back at her. “I just had to sit through a meeting with the Duke of Maretonia where he complained that somehow our society is sexist against both mares and stallions! I had to nap through a good 15 minute lecture by that idiot!”

The Duke was probably lucky to have walked out of that meeting, but Mocha couldn’t think about that, not when Daybreaker chose then to sit her gigantic shapely behind onto him. Holding his erection upwards with her magic, he felt the scalding heat of her netherverse long before it touched him. As soon as her vulva parted to take him in, steamed pussy juice belched from it like a hot stove, filling the room with a strangely intoxicating aroma that he was in no shape to enjoy.

It felt like his erection had been suddenly slathered in hot cooking oil straight from a frying pan, her fluid literally boiling against his flesh as it flowed down to his sack. Her inner muscles thrashed as if it was also protesting her impossible biology, twisting and rippling over him as she pressed herself fully down onto him. One wouldn’t have known she was so much larger by her tight clench, keeping scalding flesh against every detail as she slid up and down.

“It’s always something with you!” Nightmare was screaming as Mocha was frying. “And you get even lazier around your stupid celebration! I’d blast your thick ass right now if we hadn’t just finished rebuilding a wing of the castle!”

Well, at least Mocha could die knowing why parts of the castle kept exploding. He just wished he found out while he could still be amused by it.

Daybreaker’s tail whipped about behind her as her massive body went up and down, singeing his tail and hind legs until he worried his fur might catch on fire, not that it would be more than a drop in the ocean of torment he was currently bathing in. The more excited she got, the hotter she got, so scalding that he couldn’t tell for sure if his shaft and balls were still intact or if she was just riding their flash-heated petrification.

“You’re just jealous that I got a cute earth pony to melt!” Daybreaker growled. “And I’m more tired this time of year because the days are longer. How long will it take you to figure out how day and night work? I guess you wouldn’t know, since all you have to do on longer nights is extend your dream-slutting!”

Mocha started to wish Nightmare would blast her, just because the explosion would mean an instant death to him. He had started sobbing at this point, though their booming voices were easily magnified over his own weeping. Daybreaker apparently enjoyed the crying though, as she leaned forward and turned a perked ear to him to take in the sound.

“As if you can talk!” Luna screamed, their voices getting louder with each moment. “Look how many cells you have in your private fuck-stash down here! Why do they even need separate cells when they’re never here more than a day?”

When there was a blinding flash of dark blue energy, Mocha was hopeful that his life was about to end quickly due to their petty bickering boiling over, but Nightmare had only shoved her sister forward, off of him and into a wall. When Daybreaker’s flaming cooch separated, Mocha could see that somehow his shaft was still fully intact if it looked like it’d just been spit-roasted, his balls swollen slightly as if they were about to explode. He half-expected his own steaming sperm to burst out from the heat in his gut.

Unfortunately, as Daybreaker landed against the far wall with little more than an annoyed growl, Nightmare didn’t press the attack, so it seemed the hope of dying in the cross-fire was pointless. Instead, he realized that she herself was now sitting down on his shaft, which was now held tall in her magic.

“No!” Mocha shrieked. “Just kill meeeeeeeee…”

But after Daybreaker heated his bits to near melting point, Nightmare’s nethers actually felt amazing. The frigid, yet still pliable flesh touching his was instant relief from the torment, at least at first. He moaned and actually pressed his hips upwards to meet her own as she lowered herself down, panting at the pleasant chill. It almost felt like his burning dick had been dunked in a tub of ice cream, which in any other circumstance would be weird, but now was pure bliss.”

“... this is the best pussy I’ve ever felt…” Mocha’s tune changed pretty quickly.

“Hmph, of course it is, mortal,” Nightmare smirked down at him, then looked over at Daybreaker as if holding it over her. “You’ll find feeding your life to me is far better than that overcooked cunt's cunt.”

“How dare you!” Daybreaker pulled herself up, her mane and tail blazing higher. “You come in here, bitch at me for stopping to break some unimportant prick, then sit on it yourself like the whore hypocrite you are!”

“Oh, stick a cork in your crusty, steam-dried muff,” Nightmare laughed. “Since I can’t seem to talk reason into you, I’m taking this from you instead. For annoying me!”

“Oh, Nightmare, you are,” Mocha drooled up at her, but the chill didn’t stop at soothing the burns and soon he was tensing up again. “Too cold! Fuck!”

Though his shaft was throbbing in joy and spurting the first hints of pre at the initially sweet chill, it soon became too much. The feel of her spasming tunnel around him went from chilled to liquid-nitrogen levels of cold in seconds, and he could feel his singed fur freezing as his balls seemed to shrivel slightly. It wasn’t just cold either, it was like her body was a heat-sink draining the literal warmth of life from his body.

“Please,” snorted Daybreaker, ignoring Mocha’s complaints. “At least my student isn’t stupid. Has yours ever made a single competent attempt on your life? Twilight’s last trap split my head down the middle all the way down to my neck with a blade she enchanted herself. If I remember, Trixie’s last attempt on you was shooting herself at you out of a cannon while wielding an ice pick. Quite a big difference, isn’t it?”

Though the chilled agony, Mocha was impressed that Twilight managed to do more than break Daybreaker’s skin. The idea that Daybreaker could survive that much brain trauma was a bit alarming, probably more so for Twilight who would have to deal with the consequences of failure to finish it. He wondered briefly if her punishment could possibly be worse than his.

“It was the Demon Pick of Impono!” Nightmare instinctively defended her student’s murder attempt for some reason, her already hip-cracking movements speeding up as she became angrier. “At least she’s never been implicated as an assassin! You’re more upset that your student got found out to be the perpetrator! Maybe you should teach her to be less sloppy!”

“Trixie made that name up, you nitwit!” screamed Daybreaker in return. “She doesn’t even want you dead; she just wants to compete with Twilight! And even if she’s never been implicated, it’s eventually going to get suspicious when every single accident during her performances ends up landing on you.”

“How dare you imply that my faithful student doesn’t want me dead!” Luna screeched.

Daybreaker stepped on his chest again, making Nightmare growl at her more loudly and barely staving off the frigid that was rapidly numbing his body, even though his tie literally caught on fire due to her stepping on it. Despite the numbness of the rest of his body, somehow it still hurt, like his very sense of touch had been replaced by the agony of having his soul sucked out. He couldn’t imagine what these two might be capable of it they actually went out of their way to torture him.

Mocha was so distracted by thinking he was about to die again that he didn’t even realize it was coming when his orgasm hit. Apparently his dick appreciated the hot-cold treatment more than his brain did, because he found himself spewing a geyser of seed that was still warm from Daybreaker’s previous heating. He squealed as he felt it immediately start to freeze inside the ice queen, icicles forming within her and then dragging across his flesh as she continued to roll her hips.

“Ha! See?” Nightmare took his orgasm as an opportunity to hold something over her sister. “You think you are the most desirable, but even my hapless victims manage to… cum quite a lot actually… mmm warm..."

Nightmare was actually panting slightly, as if she wasn’t used to a stallion expelling quite such a large load inside her. He was wishing his cock was as unenthusiastic as he was as it just kept spurting on and on to coat her frost-bound cave with sperm that were doomed to die cold and alone before they reached their goal.

There was another flash of energy, this time red and hot, and Nightmare was blasted off his shaft and into the cell bars behind her. His shaft still stood up, completely frozen and looking like it might shatter if someone so much as touched it, but all the same managing to shoot several more jets of sperm into the air above him.

For a moment Mocha was relieved again that the torment ended, until he considered that they might keep passing him back and forth, making his end that much slower. He glanced nervously at either of them as his body shook with chills.

“That’s an awful lot for a builder,” Nightmare commented. She was leaning against the corner bars where she landed, but instead of continuing to argue, was looking down at her own nether region. They were streaked with white down each thigh, though it had all frozen in place by this point.

“Guard!” Daybreaker called, and a nervous looking mare stuck her head in, probably having heard them arguing. “Fetch me this toy’s record. I want to verify something. Quickly!”

The guard nodded, ducking back out. The paper must have been in Celestia’s bedroom from where she’d chosen it, because the guard mare came galloping back with the paper in her magical grip fairly quickly.

“Please… somepony just kill me,” Mocha panted.

Ignoring him again, Daybreaker took the file, Mocha’s picture in one corner, and looked at it again.

“He is definitely listed as a builder,” Daybreaker said, then looked at Mocha. “Did you somehow trick the exam? You realize what a crime that would be, yes?”

“I-I didn’t,” Mocha shook his head weakly. “I mean… they said it was close and looked like they were deciding. Then I just happened to mention I would rather be a builder and… they said that it came out that way.”

“Hm,” Nightmare stood, looking over the page herself. “This date… his test was just after we destroyed a large part of the main palace in a dispute. If he was close, they may have ignored regulations and assigned him as a builder to get it done a little faster.”

That was indeed the first project they assigned him to, but Mocha had honestly never known that it’d been a dishonest assignment. He hoped that this wouldn’t somehow make his fate worse.

“Get me another toy,” Daybreaker handed the page back to the guard. “I’ll make sure the guards that fetched him are re-assigned to a particularly disgusting breeder. As for you soldier… do better or suffer an even worse fate.”

“Y-yes your Divinity,” the mare nodded and nervously galloped off, not daring to call Daybreaker on another unjust punishment.

“You are fortunate,” Daybreaker then looked down at Mocha. “Because I’m giving you a choice.”

“Y-yes… your Divinity?” Mocha squeaked. He hoped it wasn’t ‘ice or fire’.

“You can continue being fucked to death by me, my sister, or both of us,” said Daybreaker. “Or you can become a breeder. I even have a mare in mind for you to start your harem with.” She smirked. “It would be adequate punishment for her latest attempt at my life, since it stung a little more than usual.”

“Whatever,” Nightmare growled, getting up and strutting towards the exit, crystalized spunk flaking off her thighs as she moved. “Unlike some ponies here, I have better things to do with my time than manually assign breeding duties.”

“I… don’t suppose it’s much of a choice,” Mocha said as Daybreaker approached him again. He held his hooves out a bit timidly to try to reheat them in proximity to her mane. “So uh… breeder it is.”

He wasn’t particularly keen on being a breeder. While on the surface it might sound wonderful to have a harem of mares that were literally legally forbidden from failing to consent, in the end it was just a more complicated stay-at-home dad. He’d be expected to keep his mares pregnant and then would do most of the work caring for the foals, and Daybreaker’s student would be much too busy to assist. On the other hoof, at least she’d be financially secure, so he certainly wouldn’t want for anything.

“It might seem like an easy choice,” Daybreaker chuckled in a surprisingly good-natured manner. “But I have had the occasional stallion choose death-by-pussy. There are some pretty interesting fetishes out there.” She turned to walk out, tail flicking in annoyance behind her as she gathered up her armor in her magic. “Now pick yourself up and follow me.”

“D-do I get time to clean up?” Mocha asked quietly, barely able to stumble to a standing position, then falling several times before Daybreaker resorted to dragging him by his tail.

“No,” laughed Daybreaker. “It’s more fun to present you to your new foal factory like this.”

Mocha thought the hard stone floor was uncomfortable until he was dragged out through her bedroom which was padded with thick, if flame-proof carpet. He tried harder to get up to avoid rug burns, and eventually was able to stumble up to his feet, struggling to keep up with her so that he didn’t get dragged any further. He would normally be burning with shame as they passed by guards and other palace guests, but he could care less for the moment.

Where they went next was the palace library. Mocha had never been here, as it’d never needed to be rebuilt in his lifetime. It was probably one of the few places both Princesses would restrain themselves in due to all the knowledge contained within.

The purple unicorn Twilight was very angrily looking down at a book, flipping pages and having a stack of more books on either side of her. She was moving so fast that her darker purple streaked mane was bouncing about, and her equally purple eyes couldn’t have been more focused. Unsurprisingly, she had a magical star as a cutie mark.

A small wingless purple dragon was nearby, painstakingly taking the books that she’d read to put them back on the shelves one at a time rather than her using her magic to do so.

“Twilight, my faithful student,” Daybreaker sounded somewhat sarcastic. “And Spike, my favorite groomer.” Mocha imagined her only groomer since a dragon would be fireproof.

“Ah, your Majesty,” Twilight looked up from the book nervously. She had an intensely calm face, but was hyperventilating beneath it as if she expected something horrible to be done to her. “You’re looking… your head is already healed? I thought brain damage would be more… I mean… you look well! I’m so glad you’re okay!”

Twilight slowly hid the book she was reading, though Mocha caught a glimpse. It was on theoretical alicorn weaknesses; why did Daybreaker even keep that book in her library?

“Greetings, your Divinity,” called Spike from a high shelf.

“Say hello to your new stud,” Daybreaker said with no other context as to why. “Also you’re on a year-long required vacation from Canterlot, so put all those books back.”

“W… what,” Twilight stared for a moment, first at Mocha, then at her mentor. She had probably been expecting a punishment, but probably not this. “Um… with respect, Divinity, all my study supplies are here… where would I even go?”

“Hm, some hick town,” mused Daybreaker. “How about Ponyville? It's nearby, so you can still see Canterlot and long for all your study supplies. Go help with the Summer Sun Celebration there or something. Then you can make a detailed report of the citizens there over the next year.” Daybreaker turned to leave, pausing only briefly. “Spike, you’re not banished but can still go with her to help, so long as you still come back for my groomings. Also drop your fire-proof ass by my room before you leave; I’m stressed and want a nice fisting after work.”

“Happy to help!” Spike waved at her with a smile.

Spike’s smile only faltered after Daybreaker left the room and he looked down at Twilight and Mocha. Twilight, similarly, was looking at Mocha as if he was an unwanted gift, though it was more accurate to say that she was an unwanted gift to him.

“Sorry,” shrugged Mocha. He couldn’t have looked too hot now, either. Part of his fur was singed, his sheath still had a few icicles hanging from it, and his tie was charred and still smoking a little bit. Not to mention he smelled of fear and sweat. “We don’t have to if you don’t…”

“No, we legally do,” Twilight sighed, then started putting up the books she had taken down, glancing at each longingly as she did so. “I’ll be under too many eyes, so we can’t get away with skipping, even if I appreciate the… sentiment.”

She was being just polite enough to not frighten him, so it was a relief she didn’t take after her mentor too much. Still, she had her tail clamped down at the very thought of him, so there was obviously some reluctance, possibly even outright disgust. Aside from that, she was reasonably cute as well. Nothing compared to the ridiculously hot if unfuckable Daybreaker, but it wasn’t fair to compare anypony to that booty.

“Guess it was only a matter of time anyway,” snarked Spike as he hopped down from where he was putting up the book. “You know, I think the only reason you hadn’t been claimed up til now is that most stallions were afraid to be close to Daybreaker and you’ve been her student forever.”

“Yes, and I was hoping it would stay that way,” Twilight sighed. “I have important science to do, but I guess I’ll have to hope that at least some of the books in the Ponyville library are up to the task.”

“You really hate your mentor, huh,” Mocha sat down, tapping his front hooves together nervously.

“No, I don’t actually,” Twilight shook her head as she finished putting up the books. “I respect her greatly and she’s an amazing teacher, but she will also always be a challenge to surpass. I wouldn’t be worthy of her teaching if I didn’t challenge myself… and I think she’d probably punish me even more if I didn’t take initiative.”

“That makes sense,” Mocha lied. “My name is Mocha Glaze, by the way.”

“Of course,” Twilight sighed again, looking at Spike. “Spike, please help him get cleaned up and then join me for packing.”

“Sure thing!” Spike seemed permanently upbeat, hopping towards the exit and motioning for Mocha to come with him. “You look pretty beat up, guy. Had a bad day?”

“Something like that,” Mocha nodded as he staggered after the little dragon.

“I’ll cheer you up with one of my expert back scritches,” Spike claimed. “Afterward, I’ll tell you all about my favorite game, Ogres and Oubliettes.”

Mocha had heard of it, mostly from really enthusiastic acquaintances that wouldn’t shut up about it, so wasn’t looking forward to that. Though at the moment, he mostly hoped that Spike’s backscratchers weren’t designed for Daybreaker’s pleasure, because he wasn’t sure if he could survive that and he’d had enough near-death experiences today. Either way, it looked like he had a new life ahead of him, whether he or Twilight wanted it or not.

2. Mocha Settles In

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Fortunately, Twilight wasn’t enthusiastic enough to insist on Mocha breeding her that night, so he was allowed to rest for a bit until they left the next day. The trip to Ponyville itself was rather light since Twilight wasn’t being allowed to take most of her things with her, so it was just Mocha, Twilight, and Spike alone in a pegasus-drawn carriage. Twilight spent most of the time brooding, while Spike told Mocha stories about his Ogres & Oubliettes character that Mocha had forgotten already by the time they got to Ponyville.

“I’ll start my festival duties right away,” Twilight said as they finally approached their landing. “Spike, you get the library ready while I go check on the first things with Mocha.”

“Not with me?” Spike asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Relax, Spike,” Twilight smiled and patted his head gently. “There’s always a lot of stallions courting around festival times, so having a stud with me will keep them from bothering me.” She said ‘stud’ as if it were a disgusting meal item.

Mocha kept quiet, and tried not to eye up Twilight too much since she obviously wasn’t comfortable with him. He wasn’t particularly comfortable with her, though it was more because of what Daybreaker might do to him if he was a disappointment.

“First we’re stopping by a local farm,” sighed Twilight as she looked at the notepad in front of her, jotting things down as Mocha followed shortly behind her.

“I half expected you to immediately start researching another attempt at… you know,” Mocha chuckled nervously.

“My duties as Daybreaker’s apprentice come first,” Twilight scowled at him slightly before continuing towards the farm. “I will work towards her goals like a good student, my ‘other’ hobby is for my spare time. I’m glad you know not to mention it by name in public at least.”

There was quite a dissonance between Twilight’s respect for her mentor and desire to assassinate her, but after hearing the royal sisters speak of it, he got the impression that it was in a way an unofficial part of her duties as well.

They trotted over, finding a very large stallion slamming his hooves into a tree hard enough for all the apples to fall out, for some reason all landing neatly in baskets beneath it. That was part of earth magic that not even Mocha understood being one. Twilight turned and trotted towards him, chest forward and back straight as if attempting to keep a royal demeanor.

“Excuse me, farmhoof,” Twilight called loudly to him, her voice booming more than needed. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, protégé to Daybreaker herself, here to check progress on the festival. Where is the owner of this farm?”

The stallion jumped slightly at the booming voice, almost taking a fighting stance, then relaxed, though didn’t look any less nervous once she identified herself. He pointed at a red barn.

“That’d be mah sister Applejack,” the red stallion pointed at a red barn nearby. “Somepony else took ‘er behind the barn to breed, poor guy.”

“Poor guy?” Mocha asked, tilting his head in confusion.

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied cryptically, but there wasn’t time to speak with him as Twilight had already headed off behind the barn.

“Uh, should we wait until they’re done?” Mocha suggested politely.

“I will wait until they’re done,” Twilight assured, but her eyebrow twitched when he questioned her. “That doesn’t mean I can’t be ready to speak to her.”

They could hear the solid thump of the activity before they rounded the barn, the sound of a large object smacking against the ground, accented by the soft slurp of flesh stuffed in wetter flesh. Upon rounding the corner, they saw exactly what they expected.

A tan-coated blond-maned earth pony in a cowgirl hat of all things had a brown dark-maned earth pony pinned to the ground. Given his dollar-sign tie and money-bag cutie mark, Mocha assumed he was someone important. Either way, she was riding his shaft like she thought it was a rodeo. Even from many hoofsteps away, Mocha could see the splatter of her juice with each impact.

“Hm, that’s Filthy Rich,” Twilight said as they stopped about ten hoofsteps away from the two. They didn’t seem to notice her or Mocha yet. “He has too many ties with the palace for me to ask for his assistance, but the fact that somepony like him wanted to court this mare certainly says something about her.”

“Isn’t he a bit too old to be a breeder?” Mocha asked curiously.

“Oh, he probably used his connections or bribed somepony,” Twilight sighed. “It’s a little annoying, honestly.” But apparently not annoying enough for her to risk drawing more attention to herself by intervening.

“That’s it,” Filthy said smugly, putting his forelegs behind his head. “You know, I wanted your mother something fierce and she never showed interest. So glad the Princesses put these new laws into action so that… “ He paused suddenly. “Squeezing a bit too tight there, filly.”

“Well ain’t that interestin’,” Applejack clenched her teeth momentarily, but apparently wasn’t willing to come down on him too hard for what he said. Perhaps he was a business partner that she herself didn’t want to burn bridges with. Her hips only began rolling more firmly, putting both forehooves on his chest to brace herself, rolling her hips more smoothly and tightening up her muscles.

“Damn,” the stallion moved his forehooves to hers a little nervously, than continued. “You know, it’s too bad you don’t have an older sister… damn mare… loosen up a bit!” He panted, starting to look very nervous.

“Can’t do that,” Applejack grunted, her smile becoming just a bit more smug. “Like ah literally can’t… so ah’ll apologize beforehoof fer what’s prolly gonna happen.”

Mocha saw her whole body undulate as she clenched harder, and Filthy’s eyes looked like they might pop out of his head from the pressure. He gripped at her legs harder, his hind legs flailing slightly as he visibly clenched his teeth. Something had started to go very wrong for this stallion, the confidence draining from his face.

“Stop, please stop!” Filthy was suddenly trying to pull himself out from under her, in spite of supposedly being the one to initiate things, tears running down his face as he shook his head.

“Can’t stop, partner,” Applejack grinned down at him as her movements up and down seemed to become harder with each slam downward. Mocha could swear he heard the soft crack of bone now with each powerful impact of her hips. “Didn’t ya come here ta make this cowgirl yours? Mmph… gonna cum so hard now… prolly gonna clench even harder then. Sorry again.”

“No, don’t!” the stallion shrieked like a filly guide in a pit of spiders. “I changed my mind, you’re free to go, please don’t!”

“Sorry,” Applejack grunted as saliva dribbled out the side of her muzzle. “If some legal obligation forces me to accept any stallion that strolls up to claim me, then it also requires I give em the full ride, don’tcha think?”

“Hm,” Twilight said, tilting her head a bit as if somewhat fascinated by the tables turning in front of her. Mocha could see the gears in her head were turning as she watched this, though he couldn’t imagine what.

He couldn’t take his eyes off it either, though it felt more like watching a train crash than live porn. She was definitely talented, her movements seeming practiced, and her strength impressive. She was clenching so tightly that each time she raised her hips, he was pulled off the ground slightly by his shaft before she let him slide down to the ground again. She was drenched, and Mocha could see the splash of fluid as their bodies collided, both ponies covered in sweat that shined in the sunlight.

Applejack slammed her muscular hips down onto him several more times, body shaking as she arched her back and moaned into the air. Mocha could see juice spurting out all over the suitor’s body from the tight penetration, then suddenly stop as if she clenched too hard for more to get out. Filthy opened his muzzle, but couldn’t even scream anymore, as if in shocking pain, his whole body convulsing.

“Celestia’s flaming cooch,” the stallion swore, tears streaming down his face when he finally got words out. “You could crush coal into diamonds…” He gagged violently, body shivering before passing out.

“Sorry… agin… maybe try a mare yer own age next time?” Applejack said apologetically to the unconscious stallion, then added quietly to herself. “Kinda an ass, but sure hope he keeps doin’ business with us.”

As she stood up to dismount, her tightly clenched hole lifted his unconscious body off the ground, only dropping it when she finally relaxed. More of her pent up orgasmic juices flowed out over the discarded colt, but it didn’t seem stringy enough to contain any sperm. When separated, his own shaft spurted a few unenthusiastic jets of cum, too late to reach its intended target.

“Greetings,” Twilight said, refusing to look at the stallion and keeping her eyes on Applejack’s face. “Twilight Sparkle, royal celebration organizer, here to check on the food.”

“Howdy!” Applejack turned as if just seeing them, but greeted in return without missing a beat as she casually rubbed her rump in the grass to get off some of the stickiness. “I’m Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres and second in the family after Granny… she’s sleepin’... as usual.”

“Hm, so you’re next in line to head the family…” Twilight commented to herself, which Mocha found rude but ‘his’ mare didn’t seem very socially aware. “I’m just here to check on preparations for the Sun Celebration. Is food coming along well?”

“It’s goin’ great!” Applejack said, face tightening sternly. “Thanks fer standin’ there and waitin’ patiently. Yer a lot more… polite than other reps that visited, so that’s good.”

“I’m sorry?” Twilight tilted her head. “Look, I just want to know if you need any help or if the food is going well.”

“Oh yeah it’s swell,” Applejack nodded, her face relaxing. “Sorry… guess you don’t have anything to do with the mess over in Canterlot. We sorta got fined when some of the aphrodisiac apples we tried sellin’ made some breeders sterile. We were banned from sellin’ there and have sorta had to start over from scratch.”

“Ah, I see,” Twilight nodded. “I know how that is, I don’t know how many times I’ve performed an innocent experiment only to have someone brutally maimed as a result, and it’s not always my fault.” Not that Twilight could completely understand when she got special royal treatment.

“Not… entirely sure that’s tha same, but thanks anyway,” said Applejack. She finally turned to Mocha. “So are you with her or are you another stud lookin’ fer me? Ah mean ah can’t say no, but ya should think long and hard… sorta like yer thang. Not bad, by the way.”

It wasn’t like he could help having an erection when the air around them smelled of Applejack’s well-stirred juices. That and it hurt just to imagine that she was thinking about crushing his bits on ‘accident’ like she did with Rich.

“Ah, no,” Mocha took a step back, crossing his legs a bit to politely cover his boner. “I’m with… Twilight.” He didn’t specify he was her stud, since he figured Twilight probably wasn’t keen on starting a conversation about it.

“This is an impressive farm then,” Twilight tapped her chin, perhaps also trying to deviate from the potential tangent. “I was surprised how expansive it was, and now even more so that several core members of the family live here. To think so much food comes out of one location… I’m sure you’ll do quite well for yourself.”

“Ah well um…” Applejack peered at Twilight for a moment to try to decide if that was a compliment or a veiled threat, then shrugged. “Well anyway, nice ta meetcha. Ah’m gonna send Mac to get an ambulance for Rich’s ‘farm accident’.”

Applejack bumped her rump against Mocha in passing, sliding against him enough to leave a bit of juice and winking at him in passing. Mocha stiffened nervously.

“Well if ya do wanna try to claim me sometime, feel free,” Applejack added as she headed off with her tail hiked up behind her to show her drooling nethers, fluid drooling down her thighs. “Wouldn’t mind feeling that dick gettin’ squeezed inside me.”

Twilight watched thoughtfully for a moment as Applejack trotted off, then once she was out of earshot, trotted over to Applejack’s victim as she spoke to Mocha.

“You know, most of my former contacts that helped me out were probably executed or gone to ground after my last plan fell through,” Twilight commented as if it were nothing. “She wouldn’t be a bad new contact to make though, since I could help her rebuilding efforts in exchange, don’t you think? Her not being allowed to do business in Canterlot is an issue, but maybe my ability to get her that back might work as an advantage for me in negotiations.”

“Um… I won’t be executed next time you… make an attempt, right?” Mocha asked quietly.

“It’s hard to say, but there’s a good chance she’d have lethal intercourse with you like she originally planned to do,” Twilight said casually. “Though she might also consider executing you to be more of a reward to me than a punishment… no offense. It’s not like I want you dead, it’s just… you know.”

“None taken,” Mocha lied, but trotted over to the downed stallion alongside her.

"Don't worry," assured Twilight. "I'm fairly sure my next attempt will succeed."

"Great..." sighed Mocha doubtfully.

Twilight poked a hoof at the stallion’s battered shaft, his unconscious body twitching a bit at the merest touch as she examined him. She slid her hoof over his sack as well to check it, though it was all with a very ‘medical’ expression so it didn’t seem like a grope.

“I see,” Twilight mused. “He’s not ruined in a permanent sense, but she’s right that he probably won’t come to claim her again after getting out of the hospital in a few months. It looks like she clenched him too tightly for him to expel a load. That would explain why no breeding collar was magically placed on her. She isn’t legally his unless he comes back and somehow succeeds.”

“I didn’t realize a normal mare could mess a guy up like that,” commented Mocha, shivering.

“Well,” jested Twilight as she turned to trot back towards the entrance of the farm. “If anyone could survive her it’d be you, the stallion that somehow had sex with both Daybreaker and Nightmare and lived to tell about it.” Her jovial expression faded a little as she considered. “Hmm…”

”Well,” Mocha chuckled awkwardly. “It was less sex as it was a bit of burning followed by sisterly squabbling with me caught in the middle.” He hoped she didn’t think he was too impressive; it might result in her expecting too much from him at an inopportune moment.

She didn’t answer further though, so he followed her quietly as they went to her second appointment for the day.


“Why isn’t the sky already clear?” Twilight seethed with frustration as she trudged through the marketplace. “There are actually clouds sitting in the market at eye-level. What kind of a weather captain allows this?”

They’d been looking for her contact for hours, and she was getting so peeved that Mocha expected her to start leaving smoldering hoofprints like her mentor. Mocha looked around himself, not wanting her to be too angry during their inevitable forced courtship that night; she was already intimidating enough.

Not only that, but he wanted to get this tedious day done. Not doing any hard work all day was surprisingly exhausting since he was used to building. He was relieved when they finally found her, and probably shouldn’t have been surprised.

The cyan rainbow-maned pegasus was slacking off on a low-lying cloud, a few hooves off the ground in one corner of the marketplace. On the cloud with her was a black-coated pegasus with a white and light cyan striped mane, who had her pinned against the cloud mounting onto her back. In spite of the public nature of their act, it didn’t seem anypony in the market was taking note, which made sense as there was a lot of breeding that went on around festivals, and it wasn’t like public sex was illegal.

Rainbow didn’t seem to mind being dominated enough to push the stallion off her as his pulsating shaft lay against her rump, but it wasn’t like she had a choice if he’d come to claim her. She wasn’t giving him an easy time, though. As she smirked up at him, she shifted her rump over so that he slipped against her thigh instead of penetrating her with his first thrust. He tried to line up his shaft with a hoof, but she squirmed a little out from beneath him, forcing him to use both hooves to hold her hips steady.

“Keep your plot still, Dash. Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?” the stallion panted, quite okay with the lack of consent. “Finally got a breeding license and always wanted a go at you… all the guys are gonna be so jealous, such an athletic hottie as my first mare…”

“Yeah, good luck with that, Thunderlane,” Rainbow eye-rolled, but spread her hind legs and held still. “This isn’t going to end the way you're hoping it will.”

“Rainbow Dash is that you?” Twilight asked angrily, as if a mare colored like that could be anyone else. “Why haven’t you done your job?”

Rainbow glanced at Twilight, then eye-rolled again and ignored her. Thunderlane attempted to thrust again, but somehow still missed even when Rainbow was perfectly still, pressing against her at an awkward angle and popping out again. It probably didn’t help that he hadn’t gotten her properly wet, but even without that his movement was awkward. His hooves were shaking as he lined up his shaft again, so Mocha assumed he hadn’t done this before.

“Lay off!” Thunderlane growled at Twilight. “Watch me score if you want, but stop making noise when my dream fuck is coming true!”

“Well that’s brave,” Twilight growled, looking annoyed but knowing he was right under her mentor’s laws. “Just hurry and claim her so I can get her off her lazy plot.”

Twilight pulled out a notepad and jotted something down, and Mocha had to wonder if she kept a list of ponies that had wronged or insulted her. That made him even more nervous, just because he legally owned this mare whether he wanted to or not, didn’t mean he wouldn’t have to watch it around her.

Rainbow grunted in annoyance and grasped his shaft with a wing to move it to the correct angle. She moved her rear up enough to push his dick into her, but gave herself enough room to thrust before he could finish sinking all the way to the hilt.

“Buck yeah this is… “ Thunderlane started. “Ah!”

From Mocha’s perspective, Rainbow only thrust three times before she climaxed, but the movement was blurred. Juice burst from the penetration so violently that Mocha and Twilight had to step back to keep from getting splattered in a fine mist of mare juice. Thunderlane didn’t seem as happy as he should be, eyes going wide as his whole body tensed up before freezing in place as if suddenly paralyzed.

“Thanks for the quickie, Thunder,” Rainbow chuckled. “Looks like you need a little more practice though.”

As he clenched his eyes closed as if in great pain, Rainbow slid out from under him, separating with a lewd slurp and kissing his flushed cheek. She turned, swished her tail at Twilight dismissively, and then took off to fly across the market.

Twilight sighed, “Sleep.”

The magic washed over Rainbow, the pegasus suddenly going limp as she crashed to the ground, flipping head over hoof four times before skidding to a stop across the pavement and lying still, taking deep breaths as she slept soundly. A few ponies took notice, including a few guards, but they must have known who Twilight was because they didn’t interfere.

Mocha blinked, wondering why she put her to sleep instead of just binding her. Apparently Twilight wanted to keep her quiet while she looked at other things though, trotting over to the paralyzed stallion curiously.

“I’ve never seen a pegasus move that fast,” Twilight commented. “She thrust at least a dozen times a second there, but not even my eyes could count them all.”

Twilight turned Thunderlane over, the stallion remaining as stiff as a wax statue. Mocha had never seen a pony so stunned about anything. His shaft was throbbing repeatedly as if trying to cum, but the sensory overload had him shooting blanks; it was clear that he hadn’t fulfilled his goal of claiming Rainbow. Given the nasty-looking friction burns on his shaft, Mocha doubted he’d be trying again any time soon, if ever.

“That fast?” Mocha asked. “I only saw like… three.”

“Yes you would have,” Twilight said dismissively. “I’ve only ever seen Wonderbolt guards move that fast though. I've only seen the elite bolts make a stallion passed just from rapid thrusting. She’s too childish to really be on par with them at the moment though.

“Ahem,” a nearby pony cleared his throat, and they looked over to see a pair of medic ponies with a stretcher. “If you’re… done…”

“Ah, of course,” Twilight stepped back. “I didn’t notice you… were you actually standing by and waiting?”

“Indeed,” said a white, pink-maned pony in a nurse’s cap. “We had a report somepony was trying to court her… this always happens.” She sighed. “Here lately she and some other ponies in town have been keeping the hospital so busy that you’d think there was a pandemic… and that stallions would learn.”

“Fascinating,” Twilight’s eyes lit up with interest, turning to Mocha. She seemed to like having someone nearby to rattle on to when she had ideas. “The amount of pegasus magic that she has to channel to do that is impressive… and without even trying to from what I saw. She could be quite a powerful asset as well… if she stopped being quite so lazy.”

“Uh, yeah,” Mocha replied, afraid she’d get upset if he didn’t smile and nod at her observations. There were some scary mares in town for sure, even if he’d had scarier ones on him already.

“Also…” Twilight added, her face softening a bit. “I should thank you for not treating me like… that stallion was trying to treat her.”

“Ah… I would never…” Mocha blushed slightly, shifting a hoof nervously and glancing away.

“Anyway,” Twilight sighed. “Let’s go talk to her.”

Twilight trotted over to Rainbow, a few curious ponies backing away from the sleeping pegasus when Twilight approached.

“Wake,” Twilight said simply and Rainbow’s eyes fluttered open again.

“Damn magic,” Rainbow’s face immediately scowled up at Twilight, then pulled herself up off the pavement.

“I can do a lot worse than that with magic,” Twilight scowled right back. “If I decide that you’re not going to get to work keeping this sky clear! You know her Highness demands the festival area be cloudless for at least a week before the festival!”

“Look, it’s not all my fault, okay?” Rainbow grunted, dusting herself off. “I’ve had to deal with three stallions so far today. Do you have any idea how much energy it takes to do that?”

“Approximately 14.5 kilojoules?” Twilight said after only a brief pause.

“What?” Rainbow tilted her head, not having expected an answer.

“Was I right?” asked Twilight with interest, as if she found it deeply important to be right.

“Uh, sure,” Rainbow nodded. “Look uh, I’ll get right on that, okay? No problem.”

“Very well,” Twilight puffed her chest out a little with pride, then turned to head off once again. “Come Mocha. You need to keep close to me so nopony gets ideas.”

“I really don’t think you have to worry about stallions coming after you,” said Mocha as he caught up to her. “I don’t think anypony wants to be that close to Daybreaker on a regular basis.”

“Mmph,” Twilight glanced at him a little, face tensing. She sure was sensitive about disrespect to the pony she wanted to murder more than anything.

“Not meant as an insult!” Mocha backtracked slightly. “She’s just intimidating…” He quickly tried to change the subject. “A-about the other mares we met today though… I’m surprised to see so many mares messing up stallions. I mean it’s not like I paid attention to that sort of thing before, but I expected them to be… slightly less violent at least.”

“I suppose,” Twilight said as she hurried along, even if she didn’t seem very eager to head back to the library with him either.

As they continued, he started to worry about having to be with Twilight though. She was more dangerous than Applejack or Rainbow. Did that mean something terrible might happen to him when he tried to mate with her? He wasn’t keen on more abuse after what happened to him before; he’d have probably been in the hospital for months too if Daybreaker hadn’t had expert healers heal him to send him off with her apprentice.

But how to ask Twilight if she was going to make it painful for him without offending her?

“You know, I read somewhere,” Mocha said carefully. “That Nightmare’s apprentice Trixie has a kink where she likes to do it in a cannon that fires them into the air half-way through the act… and that’s one reason nopony wants to claim her.”

“And?” Twilight asked, annoyed at the mention of the other apprentice. Mocha realized too late that she was probably rivals with Trixie just as Daybreaker was rivals with Nightmare.

“Well I was just hoping,” Mocha stammered. “That you don’t have any… dangerous kinks like that.”

“Relax,” Twilight sighed, seeming to calm slightly. “Just because I can easily melt your brain or turn you into a bug doesn’t mean I will.“ That was too specific for his taste, but she continued. “Despite my discomfort at the idea, I will follow my mentor’s instruction. You will be allowed to put your seed in me without being harmed. Despite my attitude towards you I am a little curious….. given you're bigger than any of my toys.”

Did that mean she was discreetly eyeing his goods up when he was getting boners earlier? He supposed that was a little flattering.

“Ah,” Mocha nodded, but added a bit self-consciously. “I’ll try to make you um… happy with it too. I’m not really comfortable breeding you without consent, so I hope I can um… get you to um…”

“I appreciate it, but you are a very strange breeder,” Twilight quirked an eyebrow at him. “Then again you had the title forced on you less than a day ago much like you were forced on me, regardless we’ll do as needed until I figure out a way to break this contract…or I start popping out fillies.”

Mocha decided at that point that it was best just not to talk at all for the rest of the walk, but Twilight started talking again after a few minutes.

“We have more ponies to check with tomorrow,” she mused. “On another subject though… I wonder if a colt like you, that actually survived sex with Daybreaker and Nightmare, might be capable of successfully breeding mares like that. With a little magical assistance at least.”

“You’re not gonna experiment on me with magic are you?” Mocha asked nervously.

“I’m Daybreaker’s number one student,” Twilight said simply. “You can’t expect to have me in your harem and never be experimented on; you are perhaps the only colt in Equestria to have his penis soaked in two of the deadliest vaginas in all creation and still be intact.”

“I guess,” Mocha decided against arguing as it might only make it worse, though she did raise another question in his mind. “Why are so many mares hurting the stallions that come for them anyway? I guess I never really took note before… is that common?”

“Well,” Twilight explained. “Breeder law only got fully cemented less than a decade ago after the last sisterly civil war. They realized they couldn’t fight as much with the plummeting population, and didn’t want to have to hold back.”

“I know that part,” Mocha nodded.

“But we’ve been a matriarchal society up to that point,” Twilight said. “And still all government positions are held by females. It’s a bitter pill to swallow for many who were raised with that mindset, so they find ways to avoid an unwanted male being forced upon them, not to mention outside of Canterlot ponies tend to bend the rules they dislike more. I was lucky that I was always too intimidating as Daybreaker’s student, but might have tried to think up some way out of it myself if that wasn’t the case.”

“Yeah, well thanks for not doing something like that to me in advance,” Mocha gulped.

“In these two instances,” Twilight continued. “They males weren’t permanently damaged, and the injury was caused by the act itself rather than them just outright attacking the stallion. So the stallion feels enough pain that he doesn’t want to try again, but no law has been broken by the mare either since they aren’t stopping him from trying again if he wants.”

As she spoke, they arrived at the library they’d be staying at. It was rather nice, built into an enormous tree of all things. Mocha was glad it hadn’t been palace-like, so that should avoid some traumatic flashbacks while living there.

“Sup, Twi,” Spike opened the door after Twilight knocked. “I’ve settled in for us, but it looks like there’s only one bedroom so uh… hope you weren’t wanting too much privacy.”

“Really?” said Mocha, glancing in.

He blushed a bit when he realized the whole thing was mostly just one room, bookshelves surrounding the middle of the tree, with the bedroom area not even sectioned off. It was just on a raised area on one side of the room with stairs leading up between some bookcases to get to it.

Worse, Spike had been ‘thoughtful’ enough to light the bedroom area with romantic incense candles, heart pillows on the bed, and even a mirror on the headboard as if he thought they might like to look in it while in the act.

“Going above and beyond as always, Spike,” Twilight praised him, but her blush also matched Mocha’s. “Thank you, though that wasn’t necessary. Seriously, it wasn’t.”

“My pleasure, sister,” Spike smiled, then turned to Mocha. “Also, I told my buds in town that you might come to guy’s night. Get ready for some fun!... but I’ll let you get to some other kind of fun for now.”

“Right,” Mocha blushed harder.

“Indeed,” said Twilight stiffly, trotting in with Mocha. She hung the closed down on the door before shutting and locking it. “Let’s go ahead and get settled in, but I’ll be shutting the library during our mandatory… activities. Unlike some of the ponies in town, I don’t favor an audience.”

“Lucky guy,” Spike thumbed-up at Mocha, then turned to hop off. “I know you’re nervous dude, but a lotta guys would kill for a go at her.”

“Spike,” scolded Twilight, tensing up further.

Spike sighed and looked down dejectedly. “You’re about to give me busy work, aren’t you?”

“Not busy work, it’s a very important job in fact,” Twilight tried to make it sound good for his sake at least. “I need you to locate the other ponies I need to meet tomorrow and try to set up an appointment for me. I don’t want to have to search for one like I did today.”

“Right!” Spike saluted, easily won over by his Mistress making the job sound important. He took the notepad from Twilight and looked rather proud as he headed out of the tree house. Twilight locked the door behind him.

Mocha gulped again, having difficulty looking directly at Twilight. Even if he was supposed to be the stud of a new harem, it didn’t feel like he was in charge around somepony like her.

Twilight sighed and trotted over towards the stairs leading up to the bed area. She didn’t hesitate to go there, but had her tail instinctively clamped down over her bits as if she wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. Mocha more followed behind her, and though he was definitely nervous, his sheath was filling out rapidly in anticipation.

3. Mocha Engages in Legally Mandated Courtship

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No doubt Spike had meant it well, but the heart decorations and scented candles made the situation more awkward than it had to be. They weren’t two love birds after all.

Twilight ignored them as well, going straight to the bed and climbing up onto it. She huffed in exasperation before kneeling to lie belly down upon it, facing her behind towards him as she sat facing the front of the bed. She stared into space and Mocha could see her muscles tense as she forced herself to raise her tail for him.

When he didn’t hop on, she looked back at him, face tensed and forehead creased. She was like a predator examining her meal and finding it distasteful.

“Well?” Twilight asked matter-of-factually. “Do I need to explain things to you more or do you think you can handle it? We need to get this done because I’ll need rest before I continue my work for the Sun Festival tomorrow.” Clearly that was what was important to her and this was an annoying chore on the side.

Mocha didn’t think she was trying to be mean. It felt more like she found little worth in males and found being a breeding mare was an insult to her talents. And who could blame her? But when Daybreaker said to do something, it wasn’t a good idea to defy her for no benefit, and there never was any.

“Look, I know this is hard,” Mocha said, slowly edging towards the bed. “But the attitude doesn’t exactly make for a good mood setting for sex. I feel like I’m raping you and that doesn’t… sit well with me…”

“You’re frustratingly wholesome, I see,” Twilight’s voice softened slightly, then adopted a stern official tone. “I will reiterate then, that my ‘legally mandated consent’ leaves you free from any danger of criminal charges.”

“That isn’t the problem,” Mocha pointed out. “I feel like we’re two of Daybreaker’s dolls that she’s making kiss. It’s so fake, and being legally enforced just makes it more so.”

“I understand,” Twilight acknowledged his feelings at least, even if he wasn’t sure if she really did. “Think it this way, better to be made to kiss me then Daybreaker wanting to kiss you, other than sex giving stallions a burning kiss is fun for her.”

Though her voice was gentler and she forced a smile onto her face, it was obvious that her distaste of the situation hadn’t changed. It was good that she wasn’t blaming him directly at least. Mocha slowly moved towards the bed.

Too slow for Twilight, who apparently wanted to get things over with. Her horn glowed and her dark pink magical aura enveloped his body. He stiffened as the sudden handling startled him, and felt himself lifted off the floor and carried over to the bed. She placed him, still standing, directly above where she lay, semi-filled sheath directly over the intended target.

She moved her bottom up with enough force to knock the wind out of him when it hit his stomach, then she waggled her rump stiffly against him. It certainly felt good on his sheath, but his reluctant member still wasn’t in the mood. He felt like he really needed to stallion up, but it was just too weird of a situation for him.

“Fine,” sighed Twilight, clearly exasperated but trying to keep her tone polite. “I’ll help out.”

He felt movement beneath him and looked down to see Twilight turning around on the bed, still laying on her belly but now facing his sheath. She reached her muzzle for his, initially punching him in the stomach again, this time with her horn.

“Ow, pointy!” Mocha complained, almost moving to the side.

“Urrrgh,” Twilight grunted in frustration at him dragging the already unwanted affection out.

Suddenly he found himself grasped in her magic more firmly than before, spinning around and slamming his body onto the bed on his back. The bed creaked from the force of her movement, and the intimidation factor of being with a mare that could do that so easily probably didn’t help.

Twilight moved to stand atop Mocha instead, assuming a more dominant role in sheer frustration. Before he could respond further, he found the mare sitting directly on his face, the warmth and slight moisture of her nethers pressed against his nose as he took a deep breath of her inviting scent. One deep breath was intoxicating.

He eeped as he felt her breath on his sheath as well. She pushed her muzzle against his opening, sliding her tongue within and lapping at his turtled up member within. The mare’s warm breath and scent together felt exquisite, and it didn’t take him long before he started to emerge.

As Mocha poked free of his sheath, she cupped her lips over him, letting him slide between them as she lapped her tongue up and down, then swirled it around his growing length. She was better at it than he expected, more so than could be explained by reading up on it. He’d assumed her a complete virgin but she at least had done this part enough to get good at it.

Twilight moved her hooves gently upwards to his member, sliding over his sack and then roughly pulling his sheath back further, letting his entire length spill out. Once again, her movements were far more confident than he expected, because she tried to take his length too deep, slamming the back of her throat and immediately having a brief gagging fit.

To her credit, she didn’t back off while she choked, instead just allowing the spastic movements of her lips and throat to massage him further. She managed to force it down past her throat, and he could feel her neck muscles tense with determination. Her surprising talent felt amazing.

At this point he realized he should probably at least attempt to return the favor instead of just breathing all over her increasingly moist snatch. He didn’t have as much experience with this as she apparently had though, so his laps were a bit more awkward. As he licked awkwardly, she moved her one leg to nudge his muzzle up and down as if instructing him, and he began to lap deeper as he moved.

Twilight was getting as wet now as he was getting hard, and it began to dribble down into his muzzle. He gave an enthusiastic slurp, taking in her fertile flavor and letting his mind rush with arousal. It was probably enough at this point, and he couldn’t imagine anything getting him soft now, but he continued to drag it out as they both worked their tongue on the other.

It took a long time for Twilight’s gag reflex to catch up with her as she choked on him again. She finally backed off and resolved to twirl her tongue and bobbing her head about his tip. He was already rock hard by then though.

“Is that precum already?” Twilight said a bit disappointedly, pulling her head back a bit. “I know you’re probably pent up from earlier, but please don’t waste seed before we’ve even begun. Once Daybreaker has given an order, she can be very particular about how it is carried out, and there’s no guarantee she isn’t spying on us looking for us to make a mistake.”

“T-that’s not exactly something I have control over!” Mocha complained at her lecture, his voice muffled and a bit gurgly from the fluid gathering in his mouth. “I think you’re underestimating your skill here…”

Twilight could have easily stopped there and it been enough, but he wasn’t going to stop her from continuing either. Maybe it was a bad idea given how difficult it was for him to hold in his climax already, but getting a blow from a surprisingly talented nerd had him in a blissful moment that he’d rather not emerge from immediately.

“H-how are you so good at this?” Mocha couldn’t contain his curiosity.

“Ah, that,” Twilight seemed to warm further from slight embarrassment, but continued to slurp between phrases. “A previous punishment from Daybreaker… I had to suck off one of her toys for three hours straight… while not allowing him to orgasm.”

“That sounds… unpleasant… for you at least,” Mocha decided not to ask what the male’s final fate was; with Daybreaker it was probably at least unpleasant enough to counter a three-hour blowjob.

“Less unpleasant than you’d think… less than I admitted to her for certain,” Twilight sounded like it was actually a fond memory. “Edging the poor guy on for three hours… listening to him begging to cum… and I admit I got off on watching Daybreaker ride him.”

His own ministrations to her soft labia became erratic as she Twilight opened wide and took him in deeply again. Mocha choked a bit as her viscous nerd juice became far more prevalent as well, as if thinking back on that was turning her on more. It was good that she was enjoying herself, though in the back of his mind he was a little worried that she might become increasingly dominant until she was breaking pelvises for fun and profit.

Her horn glowed again, and he wasn’t sure what type of magic she cast, but it seemed to greatly nullify her gag reflex. It was like she had finally decided to put caution to the wind and go all in.

This time when she pushed him to the back of her throat, she swallowed him down without her throat complaining, and pushed him down into her neck until her snout smushed against his ball sack and her tongue reached to lap against his belly. He could see in the mirror to one side of her bed as her throat expanded visibly to accommodate his size, though her eyes were clenched slightly and her muzzle scrunched up as if still trying hard not to get too into the moment.

Even though he couldn’t take his eyes off the reflection, he concentrated on the feeling of her tight throat around his shaft, still rebelling enough to ripple her muscles over him in the process. She moved her head faster, managing to give him quite the hard suck, mane swaying back and forth hard like a headbanger in the process. He couldn’t have imagined a porn star doing a better job.

The tension in his thighs relaxed and he began to thrust in response, keeping in time with her movements beneath him. He lost himself in the moment as the nerd filly outshined his every expectation, feeling his heart thump loudly in his chest as an orgasm started to build within his loins.

When Twilight felt his cock expand, ready to release a load, however, she took action. Suddenly she bit down hard on his shaft, twisting her head slightly to dig her teeth in. They might have been dull equine teeth, but they were still teeth.

It might not have been quite so bad had her tongue not worked in contradiction, relentlessly teasing him, still squirming about his length and even working her tight throat against his tip. Daybreaker had rubbed off on her, because it was clearly intentional, the way she made sure he couldn’t cum while also making sure he’d need to even more. He felt bursts of seed trying to force their way through his tightly clamped meat and repeatedly finding their way blocked.

Mocha shrieked, though luckily she didn’t bite hard enough to injure him, just enough to put an emergency brake on his shooting into the less approved hole. She clenched her teeth for several seconds, though it seemed like much longer as he finally collapsed and went limp onto the bed, quietly gargling her juices as they continued to drool into his throat..

Twilight lightened the bite as his dick ceased its pulsing, taking it slow as if ensuring nothing tried to escape when he was released. Nothing more than a few drops escaped, and he was pent up enough that he couldn’t have gone soft no matter how hard he tried. She nursed on his shaft lightly for a few more seconds to make sure it was still hard before pulling the member out of her muzzle.

“Now remember,” Twilight’s voice softened. “This is your night, but you being my ‘master’ won’t stop me from having my way with you from time to time.” She paused to give his tip a loving kiss. “You better work hard tonight, in fact, because I’m going to torment this thing later for defiling me with its seed.”.

“That’s almost sweet, but did you really have to bite that hard?” Mocha said, glancing in the mirror again. “I think you might end up leaving scars!”

“As if scars would be anything but bragging rights to a stallion,” Twilight said, dismissing his complaint and moving into the same tone a disappointed mother might. “Now stay hard. I don’t want to have to resort to casting an arousal spell on you as those can have psychological consequences down the road.”

She pulled herself upwards, her nethers separating from his face with a lewd slurp and drooling profusely down her thighs as she stood. The mare turned herself back around to her previous position next to him, on her belly with her tail flagged upwards and rump pushed slightly into the air. The mare growled slightly in discontent, probably thinking she’d had to put in more effort than she should have needed to.

“Go on,” Twilight said like a teacher having to spell out something with giant crayons for a foal to understand. “Put it in and mark me as yours before you lose your nerve again.”

Though he felt for her being in this situation too, her haughty attitude was starting to piss him off enough to overcome that. Peeved at her expectations, he mounted her less reluctantly and attempted to shove in as hard as he could.

Which was harder than he expected given how shaky he was from the initial experience. On the first attempt he completely missed and slid his shaft downward, sliding against the soft breasts just below her crotch.

“Oh by Break’s flaming cooch…” Twilight swore to herself, giving his ego a bit of a punch to the gut.

He grunted in reply and shoved again, this time hitting the mark and sliding to the hilt. Though she wasn’t happy about things, it seemed the hole was, as he immediately felt her secretions slide down his length. The warmth somehow seemed more intense than her muzzle, which let him forget more of the awkwardness.

When he thrust forward again, he found her very tight. With the disdain she’d shown, and how determined Spike had been to make it special, it made sense that she was a virgin, back here at least. He didn’t meet any fleshy resistance though, so she’d played with herself enough to break her hymen at least.

Though with his current annoyance at her, a hymen probably wouldn’t have kept him from forcing his way in as hard as he could. As he felt her warm flesh envelope him so much more tightly than her muzzle, he could hear her stifling a moan by clenching her teeth. He pushed firmly, not stopping until his belly smacked against her behind, feeling her tail spasm slightly against him in time with her passage.

Mocha might have popped off sooner, but his dick still ached a bit from the bite. Instead he pulled back and began to pump her foal hole with as much force as he could muster, grabbing around her hips with his forehooves to steady himself and panting softly, letting his tongue roll out of his muzzle as he drooled onto her back.

“Warm…” Twilight squeaked when she was able to again. “I probably should have considered warming my toys before… I wonder if it would feel as good…”

At least her statement admitted that he was better than a toy, so that was a start. That was the extent of her compliment though, and she even moved her forehooves up to the top of her head, covering her ears and hiding her face as if not wanting him to see her expressions. Her voice had sounded much more sensual than before though, almost like she was having to put effort into continuing her superior attitude.

Mocha kept going, but curiously glanced at the mirror that Twilight seemed to have forgotten about. She’d probably be less guarded about her expression if she thought he wasn’t seeing it, and he had to admit he was curious.

Her expression looked like her mind had almost blanked with pleasure, but she was even now putting effort into not drooling or rolling her eyes back. Perhaps she was unwilling to admit even to herself of having a male have their way with her, like she was trying hard to rationalize that she wasn’t actually enjoying it that much.

He redoubled his efforts, changing his angle around and watching her face to see what she appreciated the most. He kept changing his rhythm and cadance, testing to see what would drive her the wildest.

“Sstop moving so muuuch!” Twilight voice spiked at the end, as if he suddenly hit the right spot and pacing, her voice shifting further away from arrogance until there wasn’t a hint of it remaining.

Her eyes widened, seeming stunned that it had started to feel even better, so he kept his exact motions to push her towards bliss. At first he’d been just ramming it with the intent to expel his load as fast as he could to get it over with, but now he wanted to do more. He wanted to prove to her that he wasn’t just some stumbling block Daybreaker had put in front of Twilight to put more space between her assassination attempts.

Twilight no longer held back her expression, eyes slowly rolling back as she salivated all over her pillow. Her face was slack with dreamy bliss, taking it all in. She bit down on her lower lip, trying to stifle the noises she was making to keep him from knowing, her hooves sliding slowly off her head and digging at the sheets beneath her instead.

Her eyes went wide with shock when her orgasm hit first, her body spasming as her pussy loosened and sent a gush of fluid down his balls, trailing down both their thighs as his movements continued.

Twilight grabbed her pillow with both hooves, pressing her face into it in an attempt to contain her moan, but the scream of delight was too much and filled the room. As that washed over his ears, Mocha knew he couldn’t hold his own in any longer.

The pain of being bitten a forgotten memory, Mocha blasted his load deep into her waiting tunnel, punching her cervix with his tip several times as he hosed it down with jet after jet of sticky seed. Twilight accidentally pulled her head back enough to moan aloud, arching her back against him and hammering her hips upwards as if milking every drop from his engorged shaft.

As he filled her with his foal juice, her neck suddenly glowed. A moment later, a tight black leather choker appeared around her neck. On the front was a heart-shaped buckle with a symbol of two tails within it, as if it used that instead when he didn’t have a cutie mark to symbolize his ownership of her.

His thrusting slowly subsided, though her pushing her hips kept going for several long moments. When she realized she was still moving after he’d finished, she blushed intensely, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes for a moment as if ashamed of how much she’d loved it.

“Ahem,” she cleared her throat, her voice slowly returning to something more official. “I… well… that’s that then, I suppose. Daybreaker won’t kill you for now at least, so that’s good.”

“You sure you didn’t enjoy it beyond that?” Mocha asked gently, slowly pulling himself free with a lewd slurp as his semi-erect shaft drooled onto the puddle of bliss on the bed. He patted her shaky rump a few times as she lowered herself back onto the bed.

“Of course not,” Twilight sighed unconvincingly. “It was simply something that was required, what would make you think otherwise?”

“Well I think you forgot the mirror,” Mocha pointed out. “I had a pretty good view of your facial expressions the whole time.”

Mocha thought she was embarrassed before, but her face somehow went even redder as she clenched her teeth tightly and flattened her ears. He felt her body tense beneath him, as she slowly looked upwards towards him, her eyes narrowed to slits. He’d meant it as light teasing, but it seemed she took the discovery a lot more personally than that.

He felt her magic grasp at him again, but this time he was on the bed so quickly that he could barely follow his own movement. Twilight’s magical grasp felt somehow hotter than before, reminding him of Daybreaker’s superheated aura a lot more than he’d like it to.

Twilight was atop him the next instant, again so rapidly that she may as well have teleported there. She was staring down at him with the same stiff expression, eyes peering down at him predatorially now.

“You know, ‘Master’,” Twilight said, even the cadence of her voice sounding more like Daybreaker. “We should keep going to make sure you filled me with plenty of seed. I wouldn’t want you to think I wasn’t putting all my effort in ‘submitting’ to you.”

She slid her slit across his semi-erect shaft, his previous load drooling onto him, but after expending all that energy, he was in no shape to continue for another round.

It turned out that didn’t matter, because she completely ignored her own earlier warnings about such spells as her magic washed over him, and he felt his arousal build in an unnatural and uncomfortable way, his shaft quickly springing to full erection again, and almost painful hardness.

At this point he wasn’t sure if he should beg for mercy. It might do good or it might make things worse. Given her previous story to him, it might just make arouse her further and make her go harder on him. He may as well be her sex puppet at this point, and there was no way out of it.

Not that it was the worst thing to have no way out of. He rolled his eyes back as he felt her juicy insides stretching over his achy shaft once again. Panting as she started rolling her hips, he attempted to grasp at her with his forelegs only to have them pinned down at his sides, holding him onto the bed. She held his hips too, not letting him thrust up into her at all, taking all the motion upon herself and merely using him like a toy.

In spite of having gone off hard already, the spell did it’s work, and he felt the need growing in his loins again. She must have felt it too, because she leaned over, panting as her saliva drooled out onto his face, placing her own front hooves against his chest to push him more firmly against the bed.

“You like this nerd’s hole, ‘Master’?” Twilight asked. “Well not to worry, because you’re going to get hole until you’re sick of it tonight.”

Mocha wasn’t sure if that were possible, but decided not to test his lucky by voicing that aloud. Even if his hips were held, he still flexed his muscles, bearing upwards against her telekinetic grasp with all his pointless might before finally expelling another jet of sperm into her pussy. It was somehow even harder than the first, and after a few jets from his cock-fountain, his balls ached twice as much than before.

“I’m not gonna dehydrate, right?” Mocha asked, barely able to breath with his body in her magical aura so tightly.

“No,” Twilight scoffed. “I won’t allow you to die; you brought this on yourself.”

She lifted herself off of him, a mixture of her and his fluids drooling down his shaft. At first it surprised him that she’d let off, but she simply sat back down at another angle. He felt his well-lubricated shaft push at her pucker, and she tensed up her face while continuing her glare down at him.

“Stallions like this, right?” Twilight almost purred. “You probably want to ‘dominate’ me in every way possible, right?” He couldn’t imagine anyone more dominantly submissive as this.

If it pinched going in, she didn’t give any indication of it as she hilted him in her behind, but it clenched every bit as tightly as one would expect a virgin rear to. Both of them clenched their teeth as she began moving, quickly working up to a rapid pace once again, milking him once again.

He expected it to take much longer this time, but thanks to her spell upon him, he felt himself rising towards orgasm just as quickly as before. This time rather than pressing upwards, his hips were instinctively trying to pull back. She allowed him to a little, seemingly amused at how his hips sank deeper into the plush bed, and simple spreading her hind legs further to fully press herself down upon him.

When he blew his load again, it was somehow the same amount of spunk as before, as if his body was in overdrive producing more and more. But each time was feeling less pleasure and more ache.

This time she came harder as well. Looking down on him like this must have really got her off, because her pussy squirted across his chest, far enough to splatter pussy juice onto his face, blinking his eyes at the burning fluid.

He felt dizzy as she raised up again and sat down to drive him into her pussy again, and he realized that she must have put some kind of energy spell on herself as well. There was no telling how long a pony already used to pulling all-nighters could keep this up.

Eventually time seemed to blur, and he lost track of how many times he got off, alternating from pussy to ass and back again with each powerful splurt. Eventually he felt himself loosing consciousness as she slipped her sopping wet cunny down over his painful girth, the engorged length still unable to deflate.

He wasn’t sure if she even noticed when he passed out, or if she even stopped when she realized, but it didn’t seem likely that even passing out would get him a very sound sleep tonight.

4. Mocha Goes Shopping for New Clothes

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Mocha couldn’t believe how sore he was when he woke up, or maybe he could. Luckily he wasn’t pinned anymore, as Twilight was lying quietly next to him sleeping. He didn’t want to wake her and get punished, so he carefully slipped out of bed. Stumbling as he hit the floor, he staggered in the direction that he remembered a bathroom.

The treehouse bathroom was as simply put together as the rest of the, and not something he’d have expected from a goddess’s pupil. Then again, maybe this was part of her punishment. He briefly looked at his disheveled fur in the mirror before heading towards the shower, which itself was somehow made of treated, waterproof wood. Even the shower nozzle looked wooden.

At first he just turned on the warm water and let it flow over his tired body. As he cleared his mind, he felt the water soak into his fur, cleaning out the fluids that he was completely matted with by that point.

He didn’t realize that someone else had joined until a groggy looking Twilight pulled the curtain back, giving him a silent appraising look before sighing and stepping into the shower with him. Without a word, she moved to sit next to him, leaning against his back as he sat there on his haunches and draping her forelegs against him. It felt less like affection and more like he was a convenient object to prop on.

“I wanted to keep going until morning,” grunted Twilight softly as she felt the water too, more to herself than to Mocha. “Maybe I should send a letter to Princess Cadance for tips.“

Mocha had only seen the pink princess of lust from a distance. Like every male that lay eyes on her, his dick was pulsing at the sight, and the memory caused his shaft to harden slowly in the shower too. He bit his lip, turning his body so that Twilight wouldn’t notice.

“Mocha…” Twilight did, and her response was what he’d expected. “You can really get that thing up so early after everything I did to you? More reason to ask Cadance for tips I suppose.”

“Sorry,” Mocha finally spoke, pushing himself against her. He was too timid to be any more affectionate.

“Was that erection for me or Cadance?” Twilight teased. “Probably Cadance, given she’s literally enchanting to see. Even I get wet around her… Maybe I should introduce you sometime. You might even get private time in the love princess’s bed.”

“Maybe?” Mocha couldn’t help but fantasize about breeding the pink princess. As he did so, Twilight moved around to his front side, starting to soap herself up, but also intentionally grinding her hips against him so that he pulsed softly against her.

But then he remembered his encounter with the royal sisters. Cadance was a princess of the same type, and there were quite a few rumors about her. Twilight glanced back when she felt his body stiffen instead of his shaft, noting his expression changing from pleasure to worry.

“Yeah, about time you thought of that,” Twilight chuckled perceptively. “She’s broken almost every male that she’s taken to bed. I think only her Main Consort, my brother, has ever survived a go with her.”

“Your brother?” Mocha asked.

She pondered. “If Cadance was the one that broke your dick, I wouldn’t be the one to get in trouble for it.”

“E-he,” Mocha hoped that was a joke and that she wasn’t really plotting. He nervously took soap and started to wash himself as well, but kept on his haunches since Twilight seemed fond of teasing him with her posterior. He tried to stray towards information that might help him in the future. “So how does your brother survive her… affections?”

“Shining Armor is a natural at magic barriers,” Twilight explained with a hint of pride for her family. “He invented a spell to help him survive an alicorn’s strength and ‘needs’. Granted, that doesn’t mean he’d survive Daybreaker or Nightmare; I don’t think his barriers would block the heat or cold that their bodies emit.”

Huh. So in a way Mocha had outdone this barrier expert, if only by luck that they didn’t want to finish Mocha. “I probably wouldn’t mind meeting him… he doesn’t fuck ponies to death too right?”

“No,” laughed Twilight. She’d stopped intentionally rubbing against him as they washed next to each other, but seemed more cheerful than she’d been previously around him. “I think the two of you would get along; you’re both males that have had sex with alicorns and lived.”

The two took one final rinse under the shower, and Mocha stepped out first. He pulled a towel down and started to awkwardly dry himself off.

“I don’t know if that would be the best thing to bond over with my ‘brother-in-law’,” Mocha commented. “Though… I didn’t actually know you had one. Is he aware of your ‘situation’?”

“I told him,” Twilight said, getting out of the shower after him. “He thought I was joking.” She mocked her brother in a deeper voice. “A stallion trying to breed Princess Daybreaker’s prized student would be suicidal.”

Mocha could only laugh nervously at the comment. The jury was still out on if his situation was suicidal.

Mocha and Twilight headed downstairs, finding that Spike had cooked them a breakfast to get going. The small dragon had a heart-apron on and was sitting a couple slices of apple pie on a small table for them to eat. The smell reminded him of the apple orchard from the day before.

Having a seat, Mocha munched on the pie, feeling the sugary goodness give him some of his energy back.

“Everything ready for the day?” Twilight asked as she sat down and momentarily ignored Mocha.

“Well!” Spike pulled his notes out from some mysterious place behind him and tapped a pencil on them. “I found Lady Rarity’s shop and she looks forward to seeing you. I also found Fluttershy…” He sighed. “... who kept me up for the night to ask my life story as a dragon. She’s open to meeting you later on. Due to Fluttershy’s obsession with anything non-pony, I didn’t get around to finding Pinkie Pie, the one in charge of the festival decorations.”

“Well we know Rarity,” Twilight said with her muzzle full of pie. “We’ll head to see her first, then Fluttershy, then hopefully we’ll find Pinkie by then. Surely someone will have seen her if she’s decorating.”


As they headed towards Rarity’s shop, Spike hopped onto Mocha’s back without so much as a request. Mocha jerked and inwardly grumbled, but the small dragon wasn’t very heavy at least.

“So how’d it go last night?” Spike leaned forward to whisper to Mocha.

“Started fine,” Mocha chuckled nervously. “Though Twilight got a bit too determined and I’m honestly surprised I didn’t sustain any permanent injuries.”

“Hee, figured something like that would happen,” Spike giggled. “Twilight can never take things lying down, literally I guess in this case. I expected you’d be worse for wear despite all the decorations I put up to keep things calm. Good for you, bro!” The dragon thumbed-up at him.

Mocha didn’t comment on how he passed out when Twilight went completely fuck crazy on him, letting Spike give him more credit than he deserved. The dragon slipped off of him after a few moments and hopped over to his normal ride Twilight instead, who seemed to be used to it enough not to even notice.

When they neared Rarity’s shop Carousel Boutique, Mocha found it decorated as its namesake with replicas of carousel decorations around the perimeter. He could see designer clothes in the window, which he was surprised sold well in a place like Ponyville. They seemed more like something wealthy ponies in Canterlot would wear.

Just as they were about to enter however, he felt Twilight’s telekinesis grab him and yank him away from the door. For seemingly no reason, Twilight pulled Mocha and Spike with her to leap behind a bush and hide.

“What’s going on-” Mocha started only to have Twilight place a hoof against his muzzle to shush him.

Peering out with Twilight, Mocha saw the front door to the boutique open. There were a couple of ponies leaving the shop wearing dark glasses and scarves. They even had bags covering their cutie marks. Though they did their best to hide, Mocha suspected they were Canterlot nobles given the clothing they had were all signature stitched. The scarf was pretty popular in Canterlot right now.

“Hm,” Twilight said, tapping her chin as if taking in every detail, and it was likely that she realized at least as much as Mocha did.

Once they were a bit away, Twilight casually walked back out of the bush, giving Mocha and Spike a yank with her magic so that they stumbled out as well. This time she went to the door, opening it up to go inside. She seemed to forget about them briefly, letting the door close behind her, but Spike pushed it back open and held it for Mocha as the three entered the shop.

Inside, it appeared to be a custom clothing shop geared towards high class outfits, as Mocha suspected. In the middle of the shop was a white unicorn with purple mane and three blue gems as a cutie mark. She was just closing a long black curtain over a wall, but turned to see them when the doorbell rang.

“Ah Twilight,” Rarity looked pleased to see her, if surprised. “I haven’t seen you since my last Canterlot visit, I didn’t know if I’d ever see you in Ponyville.”

Twilight smiled politely, trotting over towards Rarity and exchanging a friendly hug. Mocha hung back with Spike, a little confused that Twilight knew anyone in Ponyville already. Either way, his eyes drifted instinctively to Rarity’s neck to see if she had a breeding collar, which she did, though there was something odd about the leather choker that he couldn’t quite place.

“Rarity has many dealings with Canterlot Nobility,” Twilight glanced back to Mocha to explain. “Including some of the more ‘out of sight’ interests if you will. Oh… and Rarity, this is Mocha Glaze.”

“Mocha is it?” Rarity eyed Mocha like he was a new dress she was appraising.

“She’s good at giving us gossip in Canterlot,” Spike added. “A lot of ponies are reluctant to talk to Twilight directly, so it helps to have contacts like her.”

“So in exchange for that info,” Mocha guessed. “Did she give you a fake collar so you won’t be claimed by some random stallion?”

Both mares blinked as they looked at Mocha, a little shocked that he figured it out.

“Ah,” Mocha chuckled nervously. “It’s just… the collar looks cheap compared to Twilight’s or the other stuff in here, like maybe you want to have it there but not draw too much attention to it either.”

“Twilight’s?” Rarity only then noticed Twilight had a collar on as well, her face going slack in shock. “Oh darling… I heard you got in trouble with Princess Daybreaker, but to be claimed by a stallion.” She added in a slightly exaggerated tone. “I don’t know whether to feel sorrier for you or the stallion.”

“Very funny,” sighed Twilight with a deadpan expression. “But yes, I’ve been claimed by Mocha here under threat of all the things the Princess can do to me.” She pointed a hoof at Mocha and he waved a hoof nervously.

“Hm,” Rarity adopted the appraising eye towards Mocha again, this time slowly walking around him as she did so. “You must be made of sterner stuff to have the Princess’s blessing to take Twilight to bed.”

“More of an ultimatum than a blessing,” Mocha admitted.

“He is sterner stuff though,” Twilight said, seeming to take a small amount of pride in him. “You know he survived a dip in both Nightmare and Daybreaker, briefly at least.”

“He what?” Rarity paused her stroll and then peered at Mocha again, seeming to pay more attention to his hindquarters than before.

“Anyway,” Twilight brought them back to the subject. “Yes, the collar is fake, I didn’t want one of the nobles claiming her and potentially losing a good source of information if they took up too much of her time.”

“And I do appreciate that, darling,” Rarity nodded to Twilight. “Though I’ve learned a few clients have been snooping, trying to find the stallion that claimed me to ‘barter’ for rights. The whole thing is so uncouth.”

As Rarity spoke, she casually felt Mocha’s chest fluff, then trailed one hoof down his side, curiously fluffing at his double tails. Mocha glanced at Twilight wondering if she’d be upset, but she continued the conversation as if it didn’t bother her.

“Yes, about that,” Twilight shuffled a hoof. “It will be harder for that to work now that Daybreaker kicked me out of my room at the palace. The collar’s spell will eventually fail and your traveling stallion cover will be blown. That’s probably why Mocha was able to tell it was fake just now.”

“Oh my, that is troubling,” Rarity agreed, but continued with Mocha, putting a hoof on his chest to coax him up to his haunches, looking over his front before her eyes settled upon his sheath.

“Oh not to worry,” Twilight said, standing and taking a bit of a stroll around Mocha herself. “We have an easy alternative plan, especially since you seem to be seconds from fondling my consort. If you mated with him and he claimed you too, the collar you got would be one crafted by Daybreaker herself. No one would even think about messing with or bartering for you once you had that on.”

Mocha stood there like an ornament while they talked about him, watching Rarity’s hoof as she casually placed it on his sheath and pulled his flesh back. He was already firming up so he spilled out quite easily.

“Well he is cute,” Rarity decided. “But I was really hoping not to ruin my figure with a pregnancy yet. Such a bother.”

“Oh not to worry,” Twilight assured. “I know a few tricks to keep us from getting pregnant until we want to.”

“Isn’t that kinda illegal now?” smirked Rarity, continuing to stroke at Mocha. She sat up on her haunches in front of him and moved both surprisingly soft hooves to gently stroke over his meat, feeling it grow erect against her.

“Well, consider it this way,” Twilight said. “Anyone that questions why we aren’t getting bigger bellies from Mocha bedding us will have to take their complaints to Princess Daybreaker, which they probably won’t be willing to. Anyway, she ordered me to bed Mocha, not get knocked up by him, so while I don’t suppose we can avoid reproducing forever, we at least have a couple years to break Mocha in once Daybreaker is satisfied with my punishment.”

“Break him in or break him?” Rarity purred slightly and winked at Mocha, sliding her hooves in circles around his now fully-hard shaft.

Mocha felt annoyed at how Twilight was using him despite him being a ‘punishment’ for her, though it was offset by Rarity’s skill with her hooves. It was a little awkward, since Mocha wasn’t exactly used to having mares fawn over him. He moved to stroke Rarity’s shoulder with one hoof, earning a glance from her, possibly a warning that he wasn’t as free to touch her as she was.

“I think Mocha feels left out of the conversation though,” Rarity suggested. “Why don’t you let me ‘negotiate’ with him alone.”

“Uh,” Mocha offered but was ignored.

“Certainly,” Twilight agreed as if it were a common business transaction “I still need to go and see about the festival preparations anyway.” She turned to Spike. “Come on Spike…”

“Right!” Spike said, tearing his eyes away from Rarity and Mocha and hopping towards the door to open it for Twilight. As he did, Rarity used her telekinesis to turn the sign outside from ‘open’ to ‘closed’.

“I’m going to go see Fluttershy about the festival music,” Twilight told Mocha as she trotted out the front door, followed quickly by Spike. “I’ll see you later if you survive this… which I’m sure you will, considering what you’ve been through.”

As the door closed behind them, Mocha heard it lock from Rarity’s magic. Rarity stood and began to circle him slowly once again, getting another good look. She paused on the other side, tugging him back into a standing position and fluffing his tails with her hooves, seeming to admire them before moving one hoof down to his sack, grappling his testicles back and forth as she mm-ed in appreciation. He stiffened then as he felt her head move beneath his tails and her tongue slide from the bottom of his balls almost to his pucker.

Finally she finished examining and moved back in front, facing him. She kept eyeing him like a piece of meat.

“You know,” Rarity offered. “I’m still on the fence about the idea of you breeding me, but you are cute and have a nice tool between your legs, nicer than most of the tiny noble peckers I’ve given a lick.”

“You do that often?” Mocha chuckled and scratched a hoof on his head. He let his firm shaft continue hanging beneath him. “Like for business deals?”

“Some,” Rarity tapped her chin. “I’ve serviced some stallions at the shop with my mouth to show off some of my products, but...”

As she trailed off, Rarity turned to face away, spreading her hind legs and swishing her tail out of the way to give Mocha his first proper look at her. She had the daintiest little slit, smooth and looking a lot less well-used than Mocha had expected from the friendly unicorn. He unconsciously licked his lips at the sight.”

“... I’ve never had someone here,” Rarity continued, patting her belly. “I have toys, but you’d be the first to sink your fleshy meat into this end.”

“Wow,” Mocha felt his shaft grow harder than when she was handling it before. “Well… I can promise a good time if you want to have a go, that’s for sure.”

“Well, darling,” Rarity turned again, reaching a hoof to stroke across his face affectionately. Her voice was becoming more sensual like sweet verbal candy. “I believe you’d be good to me, but I’d have to insist that my first time be done my way.”

“Oh, what do you have in mind?” Mocha asked. After all the things he’d seen mares do, he started to get a bit more nervous.

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t be too rough,” Rarity said as her horn glowed brightly.

Mocha heard something shifting behind him, rattling slightly, from the direction of the wall she’d been covering with a curtain when he first came in. Her expression devolved into a wicked smirk, reminding him a bit too much of Daybreaker’s as she’d been pinning him down before.

He froze up for a moment, and before he had the nerve to look behind him it was already too late. He felt metal clasps clamping around his hind legs, then another two around his front, attaching chains to each of his limbs as he suddenly had all four legs yanked out from beneath him.



Twilight headed down the road, Spike casually riding on her back as they went to their next meeting.

“Was it really a good idea to leave him alone with Rarity?” Spike asked, idly scritching Twilight’s shoulders.

“He’ll be fine,” Twilight answered confidently. “He’ll survive at least. You did the first time we let her play with you.”

“Eh-he,” Spike blushed at the memory of their first meeting. Much like Fluttershy, Rarity had been interested in a dragon since she’d never met one, but unlike Fluttershy was quite a bit flirtier about it. That was the first blowjob he’d ever gotten and it was amazing. The bindings and ball gag were less amazing though.

“Which way to Fluttershy’s?” Twilight prodded him from his memory with her magic poking at his cheek.

“Ah, that way,” Spike continued to blush as he pointed the way.


Rarity’s eagerness in dragging him all the way to her bedroom had surprised Mocha, and he feared resisting might get him in trouble with Twilight upon her return since she clearly wanted this to work. Now he was laying on Rarity’s plush four-post bed, complete with a top with pink curtains that had been pulled back.

All four legs were still chained, and he’d been stretched out across the bed on his back, each one tied to a different post. The chains were iron, definitely not made for gentle play. He had to wonder if she got them from some prison surplus.

The more pleasant part was Rarity on top of him, their muzzles together as they made out hotly, their tongues playing wetly together in one another’s mouths. Her hooves stroked up and down his body, brushing his solid shaft and balls from time to time but not giving them the play he desired as of yet.

The rather one-sided exchange lasted a few minutes before Rarity finally pulled herself away from him, gasping for breath. It was the first time Mocha was able to speak since he was pulled onto the bed.

“Are these chains really necessary?” Mocha asked. “Don’t you at least have some that are a bit more plush?”

Rarity ignored his pleas as she slowly slid down his body, lapping all the way down. She bathed his neck and chest in her saliva, all the way down to swirl her tongue into his navel before going further. He was painfully hard by the time she gave him a long lick from his balls to his tip, leaving a glistening trail of saliva.

“I won’t do anything too harmful to you, darling,” Rarity finally assured unconvincingly. “Now shush like a good colt.”

Mocha was so distracted that he hadn’t noticed her horn glowing again, not until he felt a ball gag stuffed into his muzzle and wrapped tightly around his head. It didn’t seem like he’d be getting any words in.

“Now just be quiet for now and enjoy my work,” Rarity told him. “Because you WILL enjoy it.”

Rarity turned her body around atop him, and he found himself facing her delicate slit as her tail flagged up into the air. He watched it wink, fluid drooling down her thighs, some dripping down and landing on the ball gag in his muzzle. He felt his arousal surge as it made its way down into his muzzle.

She brought her muzzle to his dick, kissing it softly, spending a moment to make out with his tip, swirling her tongue around the tip.

“I haven’t tasted mocha flavor in a while,” Rarity teased. “I wonder how all of you will taste.”

She opened her mouth so wide that he wondered if she could unhinge her jaw, taking half of his shaft into her throat in one gulp, lapping around his medial ridge. Her throat swallowed around the tip, showing no hint of a gag reflex in the process.

Mocha gave a muffled moan as several more drops of Rarity’s fluid sprinkled his face. She sucked down his cock fast and hard, her nose pressed firmly against his ball sack and her tongue lapped out to give them a lick. She pulled her head back violently and forced it back down again, her neck swelling with his girth as she moved. Her man bounced back and forth from the head thrashing as she put all of her energy into the movement.

There was no doubt she’d done this plenty before, certainly more than Twilight. Her oral skills left Twilight’s in the dust. After all the teasing earlier, there was no way that he could last long under such an onslaught of pleasure.

He arched his back and blew his load quickly, sending thick ropes of seed into her muzzle. As he watched, Rarity stood higher with the tip of his dick in her mouth, greedily drinking the cum from him like his cock was a straw. He could see her cheeks move slightly as she ran her tongue along the inside to smear her gums with the flavor, and she didn’t let a drop escape. He must have pumped almost a liter of seed into her.

Only after he’d stopped completely and she carefully lapped his tip clean did she let him free. Her cum vacuum of a muzzle panted lustfully, her breath flowing over his shaft.

“I’ve never drank so much seed,” Rarity gasped. “Not from a single orgasm at least. You really are a breeding stallion.”

Rarity didn’t let him go soft, enveloping his length in her magic and massaging him quickly back to erection as she affectionately lapped at his tip to make sure not a drop remained. It was so relaxing that once again he didn’t notice when she brought another toy into the picture.

It was some kind of latex sleeve or band, which she gently slid down his shaft. Once it was at the base, she roughly tightened it on his member, making him squirm on the bed and whimper. Another piece bundled around his balls, trapping them in another tight ring, completely binding his dick.

“This is one of the toys I sell here,” Rarity said, admiring her work. “Admittedly, I wasn’t able to break even with just clothing, so I added some things that ponies would like regardless of their class. You’d be surprised how popular they are.”

Rarity turned around, looking down at him with a smug wicked expression, drops of her eagerness left across his body as she moved.

“You see,” Rarity said. “While males are being made into breeders, there’s always been noble mares who enjoy giving their mates orgasm denial until they beg and cry.”

Rarity squatted over his shaft, still held tall with her magic, taking a moment to slide her wetness against the tip and allow fluid to drool down the pulsating flesh. She rotated her hips smoothly as she pushed downward, letting her glossy lips slowly slide down his length. The binding seemed to make him more sensitive, feeling her gliding over every curve as if in slow motion.

Though she was beautifully tight, she’d obviously played with toys enough to have no problem taking him. He writhed within his binding as she reached his base, her puffy nipples pressing against his belly as she took him all the way.

“Oh you’re going to my favorite of all the toys I play with,” Rarity moaned softly as she squirmed in return, shifting her hips back and forth. She leaned down slowly and whispered in his ear. “I hope you can hold on. I like to cum several times with my toys over several hours so don’t expect to be finished before I am.”

Mocha started to worry a bit. He imagined that repeated fuckings without being able to orgasm might actually be worse than if he was, and he started to pull on his chains with a lot more effort, causing the whole bed to rattle.

Rarity giggled in response, confident that the chains wouldn’t let him go anywhere. She started to move on his dick, slowly at first and then speeding up while she got used to him inside her. She started drooling onto his face, grasping her front hooves around his chest as her movements changed from slow strokes to outright bouncing on his dick, the loud slap almost drowning out his thoughts as the pleasure filled him.



Twilight and Spike sat on the couch in Fluttershy’s cottage, sipping tea as they talked with her, but the conversation had gone on a wide tangent from the festival music.

“There’s manticores,” Fluttershy was telling Twilight about some of the monsters in the Everfree Forest, which was practically in Fluttershy’s back yard. “Timberwolves, cockatrice, oh and even star spiders.”

“Interesting,” Twilight pondered, sipping her tea as Spike half-dozed next to her. “I definitely am interested in some of the more dangerous creatures. I’ve heard of all those save for the spiders.”

“They’re only out during part of the year,” Fluttershy said. “And usually only around the castle ruins deep in the forest.”

“Castle ruins?” Twilight perked her ears, definitely interested now.

“Indeed,” Fluttershy said, reaching over to gently pat Spike. “I’m not sure of their history, it could be an old mansion but it’s large enough to house dozens of ponies.”

“Oh…” Twilight blinked. “I wonder if that was where Daybreaker and Nightmare lived before they started ruling Equestria proper. They rarely talk about their old home, and I have to admit a forest full of life isn’t where I expected to find it. More likely a smoldering crater, I should think.”

“Well it is in pretty bad shape, given the sisters' history and the state of the ruins from the outside I could see them having been there for a time.” Fluttershy nodded.

Twilight glanced out of the window, seeing the position of the Sun and realizing that they had been chatting for a couple hours. While she needed to focus on festival prep, her talk with Fluttershy had been far more productive than she originally thought. Even if it took another few hours, it might be worth asking more about the beasts and ruins in the dangerous forest, not to mention finding any dangerous plants.


Rarity’s whole body shuddered as she climaxed on Mocha’s rod for the third time. Both their bodies were drenched in sweat as she bounced freely atop him, enjoying the sight of Mocha’s struggling as his dick twitched within her.

Each time she came, the next orgasm would take even longer, but it was the opposite for Mocha. His shaft pulsed more and more often, trying futilely to expel his seed as climax was repeatedly denied him. He tried to calm down but his balls ached in the worst way. He was unsure if he wouldn’t have rather it ended with one of the princesses than continue going through this sort of thing over and over again.

“Like ripe fruit,” Rarity slowed her pace only slightly as he reached back to place a hoof on his balls, rubbing them to feel them filled to the brim. “But I’m not ready to eat your fruit yet.”

With that, her horn glowed again and he saw something pulled from the nearby dresser out of one corner of his eye. His eyes focused back on Rarity as a long item hovered to her. His eyes widened as he realized it was a rather thick black dildo. Rarity licked what he imagined to be her favorite dildo, aside from Mocha at least.

“Your dick has been a better toy than this thing, I admit,” Rarity said. “But I was curious about a rumor I heard. It seems if you put enough pressure inside a stallion’s behind, his dick will actually get bigger.” She ran her tongue up and down the full length of the toy again. “I think this should help me decide if that rumor is true.”

Mocha had had enough at this point, using all his strength to pull on the restraints. They held tight as he felt the dildo rubbing at his ass and Rarity prepared to insert it. It didn’t seem like she was even going to bother lubricating it first.

The chains around Mocha’s limbs were made to withstand an Earth Pony’s strength, like any chain meant to hold an unwilling prisoner. However what the chains were connected to weren’t necessarily as strong, namely the frame of the bed. Each one had been tied to one of the bed poles.

Suddenly the crack of splintering wood filled the room as one of the poles snapped, the chain going slack as his leg pulled free. The others followed one after another, the top of the bed tumbling to one side, curtains and all crashing to the floor.

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock before, with a rattle of chains, Mocha rose and tackled her. A moment later she found herself on her back with a peeved looking Mocha pinning her to the bed. She arched her back, pussy convulsing as she actually creamed herself again from the sudden violence from her lover. Mocha moved one hoof behind his head to unlatch the gag, spitting it out to loop around her horn and hang there.

“Take the bindings off my dick, cock tease!” Mocha demanded.

Rarity shuddered, coming down off her sudden orgasm as she used her magic to unwrap the binding from Mocha’s shaft. He throbbed forcefully, drooling on her face now as he was released. His shaft, red with distress, only barely returned to its previous lighter shade. He had a lot of stress to get out.

Without delay Mocha rammed his shaft down into her, impaling her on the first shove, not stopping until their bellies smacked together hard enough to knock the breath out of her. He pummeled her with his hips, blurring with the rapid movement. Rarity found out just how overboard she went with him as he unleashed all his pent-up turbulence into her at once.

It took seconds before he blasted a new load of seed into her, puncturing through her cervix and drenching her womb in thick surges of spunk. As Rarity squealed, he continued moving his hips and pumping what felt like several of his previous loads into her. As her insides began to feel like a bloated balloon, her pussy overflowed, leaking cum onto the bed. Strings of fluid were splattered outward as he continued moving his hips.

There was a flash of energy around Rarity’s neck, and a collar began to appear, nearly identical to the one Twilight had been given. Finally after hours of delayed lust, she was his entirely. He had to admit, the anticipation made this orgasm the most intense he’d ever had, it might have even been worth the grief getting here.

It seemed like several minutes after the collar appeared before Mocha’s hips finally slowed to a stop before he collapsed atop the unicorn, their bodies sticking wetly together as they lay in a puddle of his seed. They panted together, if for different reasons, both trying to get their wind back to speak.

“I-I can’t believe you broke-,” Rarity attempted a serious complaint, but her words devolved into a long squeak of bliss as he suddenly yanked his shaft free from her. Her pussy poured cum out onto the bed from the backfill, and she gave up her complaint to collapse back onto the bed.

“I’ll get you a new bed later, or something,” Mocha muttered, looking down at his finally spent shaft. It was even brighter red from the sleeve and constant rutting.

He looked down at Rarity as he staggered to his hooves above her on the bed. The cum drenching her bottom half matched her fur well, making it look like she’d half-melted there in the bed, another gush of fluid slorping out of her to spread across the drenched mattress. There was an explosion of white, even out to the edges of the bed.

Mocha wasn’t really sure what to do at that point, so he slid off the bed. Since Rarity seemed near-comatose, he staggered across the room and towards where he’d seen a bathroom while being dragged back to her room before. He wiped himself down with one towel, then headed back, grabbing two more towels with each of his tails on his way out of the bathroom.

“Where does Fluttershy live?” Mocha asked Rarity as he tossed the two towels on either side of her.

Rarity finally snapped back to reality, moving her head so look at him upside down from the bed, giving him one more seductive wink even with his cum all over her. It felt like the fact that he was just leaving her to lay in his cum was even more of a turn-on for her.

“Out near the forest,” Rarity panted. “Take the road towards Everfree and you’ll find her cottage on a hill just outside the edge of it.

“Thanks,” Mocha started to sound more like his normal self. “I’ll be back later… about the bed.” Luckily the bed was still usable, other than the corner poles being snapped so the curtains around the top weren’t much use. It might even be repairable with Twilight’s magic or he could make her a new one as a gift of sorts. Actually they’d probably need her magic for the drenched mattress too.

Heading out of the parlor and making sure the door was locked behind him, Mocha quickly found the sign that pointed towards Everfree. He passed a good half-dozen danger signs warning him about going there before he reached the edge of the forest, spotting the quaint cottage on a hill just as he was told he would. He knocked on the door and waited.

“Oh um… hello,” said a shy-looking yellow pegasus with her pink mane over one eye, opening the door just a crack before greeting him. “M-may I help you?”

“You’re Fluttershy, right?” Mocha asked. “Is Twilight here? Or was she here?”

“Oh you must be Mocha,” Fluttershy nodded, opening the door the rest of the way. “She said you might stop by looking for her, she’s still here.”

“Hello Mocha,” Twilight came up from behind Fluttershy as Mocha came in, tilting her head. “I’m actually surprised you’re done with Rarity already.”

“It’s already evening,” Mocha pointed out, motioning to the window where they could see the setting Sun. “I’m actually surprised you’re still here. I expected to need to get directions to where you went next.”

“Oh… my…” Fluttershy seemed to just realize how late it had gotten herself.

“Oh my indeed,” Twilight indicated the same. “Sorry Mocha. We lost track of time chatting about the Everfree forest all afternoon. I guess we should go ahead and go as late as it’s getting.”

“I-I’m sorry I took up so much of your time,” Fluttershy said, looking at Mocha for a long moment, her eye that he could see seeming to explore him briefly. “I know. Why don’t I let you stay the night as an apology so you don’t have to walk home so late? I have plenty of vegetables for you.”

“Well,” Twilight considered for a moment, tilting her head the opposite direction. Mocha could almost see her mind ticking as if she plotted something briefly before adding. “I suppose that could work. Sure.”

Mocha was a little surprised at Twilight’s kindness of accepting the offer, and wondered if she was up to something.

“So where’s Spike?” Mocha asked as he slowly trotted further into the room.

Twilight pointed to a nearby window where Spike was snoozing like a cat on the window sill. It seemed that he’d already got a head start on their sleep.


Twilight must have not been in the mood for him again after last night, because she took Fluttershy’s guest bed alone while Mocha got to sleep on the couch. He wondered if that was another reason she wanted him to find other mares, so that she wouldn’t be expected to spend as much time with him. At least he was snoozing well after all the day’s activities and the big supper Fluttershy had fixed for them.

What he didn’t know was the form of a pony silently moving through the cottage from upstairs, quietly heading towards the couch where he lay. Getting close and peeking over the back of the couch, she moved around, licking her lips as she went. Moving her head downward, she brought her muzzle to his balls.