Cadance's Lustful Needs

by Nagiman

First published

Cadance is in heat, alone, and now has to put up with Anon showing up at her castle. What's a mare to do?

It's summer time, and Shining Armor has gone to Canterlot to greet the newest of guards to the line up, leaving Princess Cadance, all alone in the Crystal Empire, and to top it off, she's in Estrus with a heat that would rival Celestia's sun. Frustrated, and horny, the princess just wants to have a nice meal, then she hears it, the sound that all the ponies dread. Anon. Having been stuck in Equestria, he's been a thorn in the Royals sides, and now he's at her home.

Contains - Human in Equestria, Human on Pony, Cheatdance, Oral, Vaginal, Estrus/Heat, Anal Masturbation, Vaginal Masturbation, Bestiality, Creampie, Feral x Human, Magical Dildo, Magical Sextoy

Cover art by - Shoutingisfun on Derpibooru >1129337

When The Heat Is Hotter Than The Sun

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The pink alicorn princess trotted down the hallways of her giant castle. Her golden horseshoes tapping against the crystal floor, echoing her motions through the empty halls and touching the few ears that happened to be in nearby areas. Her preened wings, stretched out and fanned herself as the summer heat was hitting her hard, but not as hard as her estrus was beating into her. Sadly Shining Armor was away and would not be able to help her this time and the other guards knew not to even indulge the idea for fear of castration by the captain and prince himself.

Cadance stopped and starred out across her kingdom, with all it's busy citizens as her body flared up, letting a bit of juice leak down her leg. "Dammit Shining, why did this have to be of all weeks the one where you had to go to Canterlot and greet the new guard in. I swear it seems like it was planned." She thought to herself, as she slammed her hooves against the window sill, a scowl covering her usually cheery face. With her pent up frustration she continued to walk down the hallway towards the dining area, thinking that maybe something to eat would at least help with that.

Two guards, held opened the big wooden doors for the princess as she walked towards them, the seeming fury in her eyes, and the smell of heated musk coming from her body. Both kept silent and starring ahead, making sure to control themselves in her presence as to not anger her further. Once she had passed, they closed the door behind her, and let out a deep sigh of relief as it was hard enough dealing with her beauty, let alone mixing in her pheromones to entice them further. Becoming a royal guard was a task in of itself when it came to Princess Cadance, as she seemed to be the worst when it came to holding standards compared to Celestia and Luna, or even newly crowned Twilight Sparkle. The pair looked at each other and nodded in agreement to just remain silent until she was out of the area to return to their previous banter.

Taking a seat at the table, she rang the bell for the cook with her magic, summoning a stallion with great speed to her side. She looked at the cook with a foul scowl and said in a grumpy tone, "Wine, the older the better, a salad, and platter of crackers and cheese. Now go." Her purple pupils narrow and sharp as she watched the stallion bow and run back towards the kitchen with full speed, as if his life depended on it. Left alone again in the dinning room, Cadance tapped her hoof on the oak table, the other holding her head up as she waited for her food. Her mind wandering away at thoughts of cock filling her moist and leaking pussy and how much it would feel amazing right now to end this torturous week. Visions of her bent over and being rutted like a teenage mare by anyone who would be willing to do the deed at least began to crack a small smile over her, as she closed her eyes and let her imagination go wild.

As she sat there, the sound of the door opening behind her stirred her eyes open, and ears turned to the sound of footsteps and a loud greetings. Turning her head around she was greeted with the sight of the infamous human that one day turned up in Equestria and had been watched by all... Anon. Cadance let out a groan, already feeling the headache that would be coming on from the loud and obnoxious human. Her happy day dreaming turned into a walking nightmare as she let out a dull "Hello Anon." She waved her hoof with as little enthusiasm as possible trying to drown him in negativity.

"Hey Princess Pink Butt, how's it going. Big place you got around here. Must say that I thought I'd just get lost in the streets but this place is just as crazy itself. Anyways, Sunbutt sent me this way, saying that I should enjoy the sights of the north. It was pretty cold looking with all the snow on the outside, but seeing it nice and hot after crossing that border was a big surprise. So how's your day?" He pulled out a chair taking a seat next to her, a wide grin across his face.

Cadance covered her face with her hooves, wanting the day to just end right there. Having to deal with a pest and estrus was going to be the world's worst episode for her. "Look Anon, it's good auntie sent you up north here to see the kingdom, but I'm not in a place or mood to entertain you at the moment. Could you please just go away and view the sights yourself. We even have tour guide places over the kingdom that would show you around." She let out an annoyed sigh. Starring at the door behind Anon waiting for her food and drink to come so she could get out of there fast.

Anon shook his head as he put his feet up on the table and leaned back in his chair. "No way Lovebutt, not gonna happen. I was told strictly by her royal heiny to stay put with in the guards and royals areas to stay safe incase something were to happen to me." His stomach let out a growl as he sat there, his face scrunching a bit as he looked down at his belly. "Say, when's lunch coming cause I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

The pink mare's head shot back, with a look of both disgust and confusion at his words. "Really, that's not something one should do or even say in public. That's more for bedroom banter. Please control yourself Anon, you maybe a guest, but you're still in our lands and under our rules. Things are different here than back in your home." Cadance used her magic and lifted his feet up off the table and set him back in a normal position. "Now if you wouldn't mind, my food is here, if you want anything just let the cook know now." She pointed to the stallion who set her food and drink on the table.

"Well if it's that easy. I'll have a burger and fries, with a beer to wash it all down. Can you do that my man?" Anon slapped the stallion on his side, giving him a startle. He received sharp looks from him as he turned away and went back towards the kitchen. "Guess he doesn't speak much does he? Hopefully he understood what I wanted."

"He knows what you want, and we stocked up just in case you'd swing by some day. Though we're not to happy keeping meat around, we have it just for you because auntie said you need it as part of your diet." Cadance shook her head as she began to eat away at her salad. Her magic hovering her fork around to lift the lettuce to her lips with grace.

The sound of whistling filled the air as Anon began to try to pass time, twiddling his thumbs around, and rocking back and forth in his seat as he waited for his food. Watching Cadance as she chowed on hers. As he sat there Cadance slid her platter of crackers and cheese over to him with an annoyed look on her face, hoping the food would shut him up. "Oh, don't mind if I do." He said before stacking the crackers and cheese into small towers and devouring them as if he was lost in a desert starving. Crumbs sprayed from his mouth as he asked, "So where's your male accessory that you drag around everywhere? I figured he be here too."

Cadance shoot daggers at him, her patience wearing thin at Anon's presence. "He's over at Canterlot greeting the new guards and drilling into them that he's still in charge even though he lives all the way out here. Now if you'd stop bothering me, I'd like to finish eating." Her voice growling at him as she took a drink from her wine, the sweet taste with a tiny bit of bitter after taste gave her nerves just an edge that settled her.

Anon stopped his munching on the crackers looking at her with confusion. "Wait he's in Canterlot? I didn't see him at all in any part of the castle. Sunbutt was the one greeting new guards along with the stationed captain." He slid the tray of crackers and cheese back as his food arrived for him. The burger steaming hot, with fresh fries and a cold brown bottle of beer. He took a sip from his beverage to clear the dry crackers from his mouth and throat.

"No, he's in Canterlot. I'm positive of it. He goes the same time every year." Cadance tapped her hoof on the table, trying to end the conversation right there. Her thoughts leaning on Anon just trying to get a rise out of her.

"I'm serious Lovebutt. He's not in Canterlot, otherwise I would have seen him at some point meeting with her heiny. He never met up with her at all." He bit into his food, watching as the mare was going through her emotional turmoil. Her face going from upset to confused, back to angry, to out right befuddlement. "Look, you can choose to believe me or not, but your hubby isn't there little miss Cadance."

Setting her head on the table, her eyes filled with rage drenched tears, she gulped down her wine in a single go. Turning her head she glared at Anon, her heart filled with a mixture of rage, lust, and sorrow, drowning her in a tidal wave of emotions. Letting out a sniff, as she kept her head on the table her mind lost, she opened her mouth and let out sigh. "Of course. He's off somewhere, lying to me, and leaving me in estrus, while getting stuck with you Anon. Where did things go wrong for me." Her tone drowned in doubt.

Anon set his burger down on his plate, looking at the broken mare. "Hey now, that's not the Lovebutt I know." His tone serious, with a touch of concern as he got up from his chair. He walked beside Cadance and patted her back. "Things are just a bit wrong for you right now, and it stings. I know the feeling, considering it's been months since I got here and still no signs of being able to get home, but I'm living life to the fullest as I can. I never even thought I would be treated like royalty in my life and here I am being guarded and watched nearly all day long. So, what are you going to do about your problems, let them build and weigh you down, or are you gonna tackle them to the ground and walk away."

Cadance's eyes were in a lull until the words sunk in deep enough and woke her to the world around her. Those purple orbs turning wider than the sun and moon as she pieced together her thoughts. She pushed herself back away from the table, and got up from her seat. Her face filled with a big smile, as she turned to Anon, giving the same smile back to her, before she lifted him into the air with her magic.

"Hey, what are you doing, set me down. I haven't finished eating, and my beer is only half gone." He struggled to get himself free from the grasp, his arms flailing like a toddler trying to wriggle free from their parent's grip. "At least bring the beer with us too." He held his arm out trying to reach it as it got further and further away from the two of them.

Walking down the halls, the guards starred in disbelief at the sight before them of the princess carrying the human through the halls like a doll. They thought he had done something bad enough but Cadance just waved them off as she continued her trek with new found speed. Their walk lead them through the halls and up the stairs and arriving at the highly adorned door, which opened to the bedroom with heart shaped bed.

Cadance set the human down on the bed, while she kicked the doors closed with her rear legs. Her face filled with a grin that screamed his doom. She swayed her hips as she approached, her tail slightly raised with wings spread on full display. Her eyes becoming filled with a glaze of lust, as her magic sparked from her horn. "Well Anon, you're right, I'm gonna deal with my problems. My husband isn't here, and I'm in desperate need for a good fuck, and he's not where he's supposed to be, so being the bearer of the news, I think it's only fair to give you a just reward." She gave her lips a lick as she reached the foot of the bed.

Confusion swept over Anon's face as he sweat bullets from Cadance's advancements on him. "I... well... I'm glad I could help. Maybe we could go outside and see the sights or we could go for a swim or we could..." He let out a yelp as he felt her magic push him onto his back. "Look Cadance, you don't need to do this. Just stop and think about what you're doing."

Her front hooves set onto his legs, pinning him in place. "You are right, I should think of what I'm doing." She paused for a couple of seconds and looked back at him, her grin having grown bigger. "There, thought about it. Now hold still and I'll show you why I'm the princess of love." Her magic gripped his shorts by the waistband and pulled at them and his boxers underneath. With a few forceful pulls, she managed to get them down to his knees, letting free his cock free, with it's flaccid size laying still.

"Look, I get it, your lonely and need some help, but in my world this is total wrong, in fact it's usually against the law, I'm pretty sure it's the same here right?" He held out his hand trying to keep the mare's head at bay from his groin.

Cadance shook her head, "There is no laws about humans around here, so why not indulge in something different." She stuck her tongue out and gave his dick a lick like a lollipop. The warmth of her tongue and taste of his sweaty junk with a salty blend sent shivers down her spine as she began to lick some more. Her work being rewarded with the hardening of his pecker with each and every lap of her tongue across the fleshy object.

Anon's body exploded with pleasure, as her tongue flicked his junk like it was just a small toy compared to her big mouth. "I... ah..." he stammered as he tried to find words, before just letting it all happen to him. "You know what, it isn't that bad. Just a little weird in my opinion." His legs shook a bit as Cadance adjusted herself around to make sure not to crush him with her weight. Then her whole mouth took hold of his shaft and sucked on it harder than he had ever had felt. He swore it could have been a vacuum cleaner on full strength doing it, as her tongue danced around the bottom, sides, and top of his dick.

With a spark of magic, Cadance formed a yellow clear dildo and teased her puffy pony pussy with it as she sucked away on Anon's cock. The magical object rubbing along the folds as her clitoris winked, anticipating the penetration from the device. Her lower lips leaked lubrication onto the form, getting it wet and ready for it's entrance into her love tunnel. With a few more rubs, she shoved the dildo into her snatch, stretching it open as she pounded herself with her magic. Her sucking let up for a bit as she found her breath once she penetrated into herself. The sloppy sounds of her pussy being pleased filled into the room, as they continued their sexual encounter. The pink princess picking up the pace with her blowjob as she began to bob her head up and down the smaller length than what she was used to, but it's shape and taste playing into her enjoyment of it even more.

Moans grew louder from Anon as he felt the mare going wild on his dick harder than any woman back on earth ever had. Her lips nice and thick, tightly wrapping around his shaft, her tongue soaking him with her saliva. Her own moans giving an angelic song to his ears. Reaching out he stroked along the side of her face, was he didn't want to touch her horn for fear of hurting himself from her magic, just like touching a hot stove would burn. Her soft fur feeling wonderful against his skin. "You certainly know what your doing. I would have expected a bit more teeth coming from a horse, but you'd certainly surprised me lovebutt."

Cadance smiled as she felt his hand stroke her, taking her wing she reached under her chin and began to tickle his sack with the soft feathery down of her appendages. His balls rolled with the few pokes she did, but it seemed to please him more as she explored his body with the soft feathers. Cadance's magic expanded the dildo to be longer than it was currently was to get nice and deep to prod at her cervix. The magical mass, now vibrating as it worked in and out of her pussy, sending fluids all over the floor as her body leaked more than a broken faucet.

Anon felt his body being toyed with, and enjoyed the feeling of the mare, exploring something different. His heart racing from the adrenaline overload and taboo feelings from the act of having sex with a horse. His body began to twitch and tingle as he felt his orgasm coming over him. He grit his teeth and grasped hard onto the bed sheets as his voice stumbled trying to say, "I'm... I'm... I'm gonna..."

A rush of sweet salty semen leapt from his cock into Cadance's mouth, and painted over her taste buds and cheeks. The white sticky fluid flooding out as fast as it could while the mare's lips locked around his length to prevent any of it leaking out. Cadance felt the warm fluid filling her maw, but it was a much smaller amount than what she was used to, so she let it sit and build up before she would swallow it. However the orgasm didn't last long, as she watched Anon fall onto his back, panting like he just ran a marathon. She released his dick from her mouth, and swallowed the little amount of cum that had compiled into her. With a gulp, she had swallowed the entire load with no problem, giving her fuzzy feelings, as she continued to please herself with her magic. Climbing up onto the bed herself, she crouched down, with her face next to Anon's head. "Don't tell me you're finished already, we're just getting started. I could really use your penis in my juicy wet cunny."

Rolling onto his side, Anon looked into Cadance's pleading eyes. He let out a great sigh as he panted away like a dog in the sun. "Just give me a few minutes to recover. Never had that done so well before, it took everything from me." He rolled back onto his back, laying a hand across his chest. His heart was still beating like a race car going through a grand prix. His hand feeling the beating, as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.

Cadance, waited patiently for the human to return to form, not being used to one to be done so quickly, let alone taking time to recover. In her waiting time, she shifted her magic out from her pussy, and began to toy with her own ponut instead, as she could then please herself with both Anon, and her magic at the same time. Her butt hole expanded to let the magic dildo in, as she morphed it again, this time to have some small spines, and being thicker instead of longer, to give her anal cavity a big stretch. Her tail raised even higher into the air, with her wings being spread on full display, as she let out a loud moan of delight.

Anon looked at her, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes. He sat up and crawled behind the princess to see her fucking her own ass with her magic, and seeing her thick vulva dripping wet with her mare juices, with her heart shaped clit sending out flicks of the fluid as it peeked out from it's home. Reaching up, he stuck a couple fingers into the lovely lower lips, and felt the warm fluids against his skin before they were practically sucked in from her pussy aching for a fucking. It was tight and warm inside her tunnel, and his fingers felt like they were going to be pulled off when he played with her for a bit while recovering still. The sight of her gaping ass was also a nice little show, watching as the yellow magic pulling at the ponut before disappearing back inside with it's girthy build.

As Anon's face was behind her, Cadance couldn't hold back anymore and released a spray of mare cum right at his face as she had a small orgasm. The sweet smelling fluids dripping down his face, as he sat there stunned from the spray that had caught him off guard. He wiped his face clean of the liquid, feeling the sticky nature of it as he pulled it off. "Seems like you're quite the squirter. Not something I'd expect." He got out of crawling behind her, to standing up on the bed, his groin at the same height as her ass as it was held up in the air, her face in the bedding.

"I'm so sorry, but I just can't control it. Please, please, please, just rut me like a teenage filly for her first time after the prom." She said as she swayed her hips a bit and waved her tail out of the way for Anon to access her aching pussy.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, and now fully recovered with his member at full mast, Anon took hold of Cadance's tail in one hand to give some stability on the bed, and to give himself some leverage when pounding her pony pussy. He rubbed his shaft along the leaking juices, picking them up for some extra lubrication before slowly sticking his dick into the vacuum that was her cunny. Once his tip had sunk in he felt the heat beat against him, as her body pulled on him, trying to suck him deep into her womb. The magical dildo in her ass still kept moving in front of him, but passed through him when it did touch him, letting him have free reign without being hit from her attempt to pleasure herself to the max.

As Anon sunk into her heat riddled hole, Cadance let out a moan, as the penis tapped against sensitive parts that were in her more shallow areas. Knowing full well he wouldn't be able to reach to her deepest depths, those little extra sensitive parts would have to make up for it all, and boy was it working wonders for her. Her mind filling with blissful orgasmic haze, along with the tugging of her tail as he held himself up with the hair of it. The slapping of his body against her, in such an act of defiance against her husband. She felt better, with each second burning off more of her estrus.

Feeling the tight walls squeeze against his cock, Anon began to keel over Cadance's rump, as his legs began to waver in their strength. His grip on her tail only increased as his strokes became more shallow. "Holy fuck, you really want this don't you. Feels like you are trying to consume me whole with how much you are milking me." He grabbed onto one of her wings to get a steady rhythm. His breathing becoming more and more shallow as his grunts becoming primal like. His need to cum growing and growing as his body began to drip sweat from the constant motion.

Cadance had her tongue slip out as she slipped away into a land of pure bliss, from her pounding. All the action culminating into her having another orgasm, and clenching down just right on Anon's dick causing him to blow his load as well. Her magic snapped ending her spell, leaving her with a gaping ass, as she sprayed against Anon with such force to drench his groin and inner legs with her mare cum, while his body was stuck in her expelling it's sticky semen as deep as he could into her, giving a cooling sensation compared to her heat. The full experience with something new, and relieving herself of all woes was simply the best thing she had ever done, and now with full knowledge it didn't feel as bad sleeping with another to help with her problems.

Anon's legs gave out on him as he collapsed onto Cadance's ass and back, leaving him stuck in her pussy with cunny honey coating him and the bedding below, as he blasted her with the small amount of cum his body could put out compared to a stallion. Still it was a pleasant exchange of sex to him, and the feeling of such a unique vagina gave him more appreciation for those back home who talked about such things online. To him, this world was beginning to open up with new possibilities to pleasures unknown. His face finally laid down on Cadance's back, as he groaned in pleasure as his breath rushed in and out from orgasmic bliss.

The mare let the human lay on her, as she herself was contempt with the situation. Her body recovering just as much as his. Her urges were slowly dying down for now, and bringing her back into a stable mindset. "Thank you for that Anon. Thank you for telling me those things as well." She let out as her wings slowly began to close to their folded state.

He patted her back, letting her know he heard, but couldn't speak just yet. His eyes getting more and more drowsy as he tried to stay awake, eventually coming to his weariness of going twice in such a short time.

Cadance lifted the man from her back with her magic and set him down on the bed beside her. Laying his head on Shining's pillow, as she took her place at his side. Thinking to herself, "a nap sounds good right now. Then later we can go again to keep this estrus in check. I didn't think he'd be this useful at a time like this. Hopefully human's cum can't make mare's pregnant." Her eyes growing just as weary, before shutting. The heat from the inside didn't feel as bad as that coming from the sun now.