Waking Up

by Omegathyst

First published

After a particularly nutty shift at Starbucks, Johanna watches the new MLP movie and then goes to sleep. The next four mornings are one wonderful surprise after another, centered around the lovely and melodic Pipp Petals.

Grumpy barista Johanna Waters has had it with the real world: her job, her insufferably repetitive day-to-day routine, and now her fandom's unappreciation for the incredibly sexy Pipp Petals. The next five mornings after that lead to one surprise after another, completely turning Johanna's life upside down in the most wonderful way possible.

Contest entry for the Woman X Mare Shipping Contest.
Cover art by pfeffaroo!
Contains Pipp X Human OC romance, Zipp/Human OC friendship, a pinch of Izzyscout, drinking contests, waking up married, sexy mother-in-laws, Starbucks commentary based on Reddit posts, and more pony shenanigans and wholesomeness.

to a New Life

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Kicking the door open to her room, a tall white woman with long dark brown hair walked inside and started taking off her Starbucks uniform like it was poison, shaking the articles of clothing off as it joined the unfolded clothes on the floor. She left the door open as she changed into a T-shirt and shorts, no need to close it when no one else was home, afterall. Johanna Waters could’ve tended to the sea of disorganization on the floor, but there were urgent matters to be taken care of first. Namely, the newly released My Little Pony movie.

Johanna walked to her desk, sitting down on her swivel chair as she opened her laptop and started playing the movie. Even as she was approaching 20 years of age, she saw no reason to stop indulging in something that relaxed her stressed mind. She could let the headache-inducing thoughts of customers throwing drinks at her and the one guy who vomited on the floor, leaving her to clean it up, to the back of her mind as she acquainted herself with a new cast of colorful ponies. Of course, besides the clear chemistry she could see between Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow, there was one pony that caught her eye. The shortest of the group, and yet the mare that kicked her heartbeat into high gear with her beautiful pink fur and alluring singing voice. Pipp Petals.

In the past, Johanna rolled her eyes at the people who found the cartoon ponies to be attractive and often thirsted after the ponies in their own artistic ways. Now, she felt her face heating up as she listened to the pink pegasus sing. She could see it now, Pipp Petals would be talked about non-stop, a fan favorite of the five main characters. After the movie ended, Johanna searched the internet, finding a lot of art of Izzy Moonbow. That’s fine, surely she’d…

Johanna froze up as she found a poll of the most to least popular character in the new movie, Pipp Petals at the lowest of the list with less than 10% of people voting that she was their favorite. Was this some kind of joke?

“This is bullshit!” Johanna shouted, waving her arms for a moment before she set her arms back down on her desk. What wasn’t there to like about her?! She sang like an angel, looked like an angel, and was a very talented shortstack of a pony.

With her shift and discovery of just how undesired Pipp was on the internet, Johanna felt drained as she struggled to keep her eyes open. She closed her laptop and took off her shorts, practically falling onto her bed and not even bothering to move underneath the blankets. Johanna grabbed her phone, set an alarm for the next morning, and tossed it towards the pillows as she closed her eyes and allowed her body to succumb to some much needed rest...

As the sun rested on Johanna’s face from the windows above, Johanna grumbled as she reached for her phone, her hand grasping nothing but air every time. Finally, she grabbed hold of something cold and her eyes jolted open. She wasn’t in her own bed, but rather an even softer one held by golden beams. There were several recliner chairs, a bowl full of fruit, and golden walls around the room. If Johanna didn’t know any better, she’d say she was in the-

“Hey dude.”

Johanna felt an imaginary bucket of ice cold water dumped on her as she sat up on the bed, strands of dark hair covering her eyes. And yet, the white figure with toothpaste hair was unmistakable. Shaking the hair out of her face, Johanna’s jaw dropped as she stared at the tall pegasus.

“Z-Zipp Storm?!” Johanna shrieked. “So if you’re here, then that must mean…”

“Slow your roll there, hairless monkey,” Zipp scowled. “Just how do you know what my name is?”

“I have a name, it’s Johanna. And I watched the movie, about how y’all saved Equestria?” Johanna explained, her brain still processing that she was in Equestria. “Well, technically it was Sunny that saved Equestria. How in God’s name did I end up here? And where’s your sexy sister? I want to talk to her.”

Zipp’s eyes widened as she stammered a bunch of sounds, none of them forming anything coherent. After a few moments, she stopped, and gave a long sigh as she pressed one of her hooves against her face.

“I need a drink…” Zipp groaned.

“Can I go with you?” Johanna got up, noticing that she wore the same clothes that she went to bed with. Forced to go barefoot, Johanna walked towards the bars and looked down at the pony that barely reached her waist.

“Fine,” Zipp rolled her eyes as she pressed a button, the bars moving to allow Johanna to leave the room. “But no leaving my sight, got it?”

“Yes ma’am,” Johanna nodded, walking at the same pace as Zipp instead of following the pegasus. “Damn, guess I won’t be able to clean my room now.”

Knowing you, you were never going to do it anyway.

“So spill,” Zipp looked up at Johanna. “You might as well tell me everything you know.”

As they reached the kitchen with two tall golden chairs against a marble counter, Johanna explained the entire events of the movie to Zipp. Zipp rolled her eyes as she got out a pair of shot glasses and a bottle of vodka from the nearby fridge, listening to the alien lady refer to her sister as sexy multiple times in her story. As Johanna reached the end of her explanation, Zipp finished pouring alcohol into the glasses as she stared up at Johanna.

“Dude, you don’t even know if my sister’s into mares, let alone whatever you are,” Zipp shook her head, pushing one of the glasses towards Johanna. “Here, we might as well see if your big monkey body can handle as much alcohol as mine.”

“...are you suggesting a drinking contest?” Johanna wiggled her eyebrows, slowly grinning ear to ear.

“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” Zipp took her own shot glass in her wing and downed it in one gulp. “Figuring out all this ‘alien monkey in Equestria’ shit can wait till tomorrow.”

“I’m not…” Johanna grabbed her shot glass, gulping it down in the same fashion before finishing her sentence. “...an alien monkey, I’m a human.”

“A what?” Zipp refilled their glasses. “What did I just say about figuring out this shit.”

“It can wait till tomorrow, I know,” Johanna rolled her eyes, already downing her second shot. “Can I at least meet your hot sister?”

“Tell you what, I’ll take you to her if you win,” Zipp told her.

In that moment, Johanna steeled her resolve, drinking shot after shot until everything became more blurry. One moment she was drinking shots, the other moment she was walking with Pipp, one of the guards behind her with a drunk Zipp on his back. Then, there were dresses and flowers, and even more Pipp…

Then Johanna blacked out as she finally crashed onto a bed much softer than the one she woke up in.

to a New Wife

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As Johanna felt a strong headache coming on, she felt something prodding at her arm as she turned to the other side of her pillow. Groaning, she inched away from whoever was touching her.

“No, Lisa, I’m not covering your shift again…”

“Who is Lisa?”

That voice!

Johanna sat up on the royal purple bed, her heart beating like a drum and her thoughts drowning in a mental wildfire as she stared at the pink pegasus princess on the other side of the bed. As she took in the vivid pink room with a pathway that led to a golden bathroom and big closet, Johanna put two and two together, her face turning a fierce pink as she looked away from Pipp.

“Did...did we-”

“No, even though it would’ve been fitting for our wedding night, I couldn’t make love to someone if they’re drunk. I mean, I’m a bit crazy, but I’m not a monster,” Pipp assured her.

“Well, that’s goo-wait, wedding night?!” Johanna screamed.

“Yeah, I might’ve not been as hammered as you, but I did have two glasses of wine before you and Zipp showed up at my room door,” Pipp ran a hoof through her mane as she stared down at the blankets. “I thought maybe I fell asleep and I was having a wacky dream about being romanced by a nearly hairless monkey with a way for words, if you will.”

“Way with words?” Johanna parroted, any coherent thought lost to the void as she processed just what had happened.

“Well, you could use a thesaurus,” Pipp shrugged. “Ya kept calling me sexy, even during the wedding vows. You promised to take care of me even long after I stopped being sexy, which was an endearing albeit weird vow.”

Pipp looked up at Johanna, a gentle smile appearing on her lips.

“Don’t get me wrong, I did believe it was very possible I wasn’t dreaming, and I was actually getting married to a foreign alien from another world.”

“And?” Johanna whispered.

Johanna eeped and moved back a little as Pipp flew up to her face, cupping it in her golden hooves.

“I didn’t care,” Pipp’s smile gave way to a wide grin that lit up the room for a few seconds before she frowned. “Unless you want to get the marriage annulled by my Mom? I understand if you have reservations about being married to somepony you just met, so soon after waking up in a new world.”

“You want to be married to me?” Johanna gasped. “Not any of the friends you made, or your fans, or Hitch-”

“Oh, Zipp told you about our friends?” Pipp asked, letting go of Johanna’s face as she landed on Johanna’s lap and looked up at her. Johanna squirmed a little, considering hiding under the covers and wondering just how a cartoon pony could be this damn cute. But alas, since Zipp knew the truth about her, her new wife needed to know as well.

Johanna proceeded to explain how the people of her world watch Pipp and many other cartoon ponies on boxes called TVs, and told her pony wife everything she knew about her and her friends. Pipp’s eyes widened as she heard the details that Johanna couldn’t possibly know any other way, so she knew the tall lady was telling the truth. As Johanna concluded her explanation, she paused and put her hand to her lips.

“So you really aren’t interested in any of your friends?” Johanna asked again. “The people back on Earth are going to be really bummed about that, with shipping being rampant and all.”

“No…” Pipp drifted off, looking away from her.

“But?” Johanna’s heart skipped a beat, daring to reach her hand out to gently brush her fingers against the unbelievably lush fur underneath Pipp’s chin.

“But I think that two of my friends might like each other,” Pipp smirked, looking back at her human wife.

“Oh my God, please tell me it’s who I think it is,” Johanna begged her, bouncing up and down in her spot on the bed.

“I’m pretty sure-”

Knock knock!

“Noooooooooo!” Johanna collapsed against the headboard, throwing her arms in the air at the conveniently-timed interruption to the conversation. Pipp laughed at the same time, her laugh and Johanna’s scream mixing into a melody that didn’t sound too different from an angry cat being thrown onto a piano. As their sounds died out, Pipp stood up on Johanna’s chest and leaned forward, pressing her muzzle against the human’s nose.

“Silly, just because somepony is at the door, doesn’t mean I can’t finish my sentence,” Pipp grinned before she pressed her lips against Johanna’s ear and whispered. “Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow~”

“Yes!” Johanna pumped a fist into the air shortly after Pipp turned away and flew to the door, opening it. Zipp walked into the room before Pipp could speak on the matter, and froze when she saw Johanna in her sister’s bed.

“You...cannot be serious…” Zipp breathed, each word taking a massive amount of effort to get out.

Johanna looked at Pipp, and then back at Zipp, before an unrestrained smirk appeared on her face.

“Guess she might be into me after all, hmm?” Johanna wiggled her eyebrows at Zipp, who walked over to her sister and shook her with her forehooves.

“Please tell me this is just a prank,” Zipp begged her sister. “You’re getting back at me for that time I switched your perfume for skunk spray, or that time I snuck hot sauce into your breakfast. Hahaha, very funny Pipp.”

“It’s not a joke,” Pipp told her, glancing over at Johanna. “I know neither of us know her very well, but she’s made me feel a way that nopony has ever made me feel before. That she sees through the lights and glamor, and she just sees me. Even now, I’ve only fallen back into the good graces of a few ponies. Everypony else still sees me as a liar, and a fake. And of course, I’d love to get to know her better...over coffee?”

Despite the vietnam flashbacks of customers demanding to receive their drinks within 3 seconds, Johanna grinned at the prospect while Zipp gawked and turned around and left.

“I’d love to,” Johanna told her.

“Mom will be hearing about this!” Zipp cried out as she disappeared from their sight. Pipp laughed as she shook her head, walking towards the open door before she batted her eyelashes at Johanna.

“You coming?”

Johanna couldn’t have bolted out of the bed fast enough.

“And so then the girl started yelling at me for charging her for the fruit she wanted in her water!” Johanna exclaimed, Pipp laughing throughout her rant. “Like, bitch we’re not giving you free shit because it’s in a cup of water. And don’t even get me started on this lady who wanted egg whites in her frappuccino.”

“Oh goodness,” Pipp tried to catch her breath from her laughter as they sat on the tall chairs in the kitchen, Johanna drinking her steaming mug of coffee as Pipp spoke. “So, what do you like to do when you’re not working?”

“Well, before I took on more hours, I used to read a lot and play high school volleyball,” Johanna explained. “Then I graduated from high school a while ago, got an apartment with a roommate, and got more hours to pay my share of the rent. With little time to myself, I just watched YouTube videos and cartoons till late at night. Now that I don’t have that job anymore, there’s so many activities I can do now. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of me.”

“Same here,” Pipp nodded. “Ever since Mom asked me to stay out of the spotlight for a little while, I haven’t had to worry about performances or commercials to appear in. I’ve even been able to make the occasional visit to Maretime Bay and Bridlewood with my sister, I’ve never felt more-”

“So this is the tall hairless alien that married my daughter.”

Johanna felt her blood run cold as she saw the taller pink pegasus with her periwinkle mane and multi-colored wings walk behind her, eyeing her like a predator staring at prey. While Pipp was the only pony that made Johanna’s heart go crazy, Johanna couldn’t help but notice what a MILF Queen Haven was in person. But she couldn’t tell her that, especially not in front of her new wife, that’d be weird right?

“Not to mention, the alien that seems to know everything about ponykind, my family included,” Haven paused, waiting for Johanna to turn around in her chair to face her before speaking again. “I don’t suppose you’re mute now, are you?”

“N-No, ma’am,” Johanna gulped, reaching her hand out. “My name is Johanna.”

Queen Haven stared down at the non-hoof as if it was mud on the floor, before slowly reaching her hoof out and shaking her hand.

“You won’t be leaving our home for the next two days,” Haven decided. “Zephyr Heights is barely adjusting to the fact that we have unicorns and earth ponies visiting, they’ll practically shit themselves when they find out some weird creature appeared out of nowhere and married Pipp Petals. I need to prepare everypony and myself for the chaos that’ll surely unfold.”

“I understand,” Johanna nodded. “Do...you know exactly where I was, and who found me?”

“Zipp found you sleeping in the garden outside of our castle,” Haven explained. “So she took you to the dungeons, where you were supposed to stay until the public eye was ready to learn about you. Obviously the circumstances have changed.”

Johanna blushed, glancing at Pipp, who looked like she was about to evaporate underneath her Mom’s harsh stare.

“I am not done with either of you, I still have to find out just how this marriage happened...” Haven turned from her daughter to stare at Johanna. “And I need to find out how much you know about my family. But luckily for the both of you, I have a lot of responsibilities to tend to right now. I expect to talk to the both of you tonight.”

Queen Haven looked away from the married couple as she left the kitchen, and Johanna had to take a deep breath from just how riled up she was from the Queen’s domineering voice. Pipp’s tense shoulders relaxed as she forced out a laugh.

“Sorry about that,” Pipp said. “This must be a lot for you to experience all at once without my Mom making it more stressful.”

“No, it’s okay,” Johanna stretched her arm out, resting her hand on Pipp’s shoulder. “Are you doing alright? You got chewed out by her a little too.”

“Yeah, I’m alright,” Pipp told her. “So tell me more about these customers at...Starbucks, was it?”

Johanna’s eyes lit up as she thought of another tale to share with her wife, the conversation with her new mother-in-law placed in the back of her mind.

to Her Best Friends

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Johanna felt something prodding at her feet on the bed, and giggled at the touch. Could it be Pipp, wanting to finally engage in some interspecies hanky panky, Zipp whining at Johanna’s marriage to her sister, or perhaps Queen Haven taking back the reluctant approval she gave to her last night after a long conversation? Johanna shuddered, she hoped it wasn’t the last one. Cracking one eye open, both of Johanna’s eyes shot wide open shortly after as she stared at the five ponies at the foot of her bed. Pipp and Zipp were to be expected, but seeing Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch in the room was a surprise to say the least. Hitch was on the right side of the bed, staring at various parts of Johanna’s human body like she was a frog in science class. Meanwhile, Sunny and Izzy were on the left side of the bed, both staring with bright eyes and smiles that widened as Johanna made eye contact with them. Before Johanna could comment on just how close the two mares were pressed against one another, Sunny shrieked loud enough to make Hitch jump and fall over.

“This is amazing!” Sunny exclaimed. “I knew there had to be more creatures out there besides ponies! Now that all of ponykind is united again, creatures from far and wide can bask in the beauty of friendship!”

As Sunny spoke, Johanna watched as her wings unfurled from her sides, one of them resting on Izzy’s back. As she finished speaking, she looked at Johanna once more, her horn as clear as day.

“Huh, so the change was permanent…” Johanna whispered, then she noticed Pipp and Zipp near the door, talking to each other. “Hey Pipp, did either of you tell them how much I knew?”

“We explained most of it,” Zipp replied. “So they don’t get freaked out when you ask questions to stuff you’re not supposed to know.”

“You have questions for us?!” Izzy jumped against Sunny’s side, lunging forward and resting her forehooves on the edge of the bed as she stared up at the alien lady. “Ask us! We’d love to answer!”

Johanna raised her eyebrows at Izzy, before glancing at her wife. Pipp was smirking at Johanna, before her eyes landed on Sunny and Izzy. Johanna figured it out, turning back to the alicorn and unicorn before her.

“Well, I did witness a lot of your friendship with Sunny,” Johanna pointed out, and Izzy’s smile faltered a little. Yet, she didn’t break eye contact with Johanna as she continued. “So, are you two still just friends?”

Izzy and Sunny's smiles wiped away altogether as they slowly made eye contact with each other, Sunny's wing still resting on Izzy. Johanna was pleased with the reaction alone, the way they were caught in each other's eyes like they were trying to talk via telepathy, the fact that Sunny didn't pull away her touch from Izzy. Johanna snickered, and turned to Hitch as he got back up on his four hooves. Just as Johanna was going to ask what mares Hitch was possibly smashing, Sunny broke the silence.

"N-No, me and Izzy have been dating for a few weeks now," Sunny's wing tugged Izzy closer, Izzy's vivid pink eyes staring right up at Sunny’s gentle smile. Johanna’s heart melted into warm fuzzies as for the first time since she got there, she longed for her home on Earth to tell her people the news. But alas, Johanna sighed, it was most likely that only snippets of their lives would be shown on the upcoming show. Their romance would be alluded to at best, but at least Johanna could take comfort in knowing.

Johanna looked over at the pegasus sisters to see Pipp grinning from ear to ear, and Zipp gawking as usual. But then as Johanna returned to look at Hitch, the stallion was smiling at the two.

“You knew,” Johanna deadpanned.

“I did,” Hitch nodded. “I kind of had a helping hoof in getting them together, but I suppose that’s a story to share for breakfast?”

“I am pretty hungry, would you start on the hay bacon strips for us?” Pipp looked at her older sister, batting her eyelashes. Zipp rolled her eyes, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips before she turned away and walked out the door. Johanna got out of bed, wearing oversized pony shorts and underwear from somewhere in the castle in addition to the same T-shirt and bra she had been wearing since she arrived in Equestria. At least they had washing machines, allowing Johanna to have the articles of clothing cleaned regularly. Johanna made a mental note to look for fashion designers to custom-make new outfits for her as soon as Queen Haven allowed her to be known to Zephyr Heights and the rest of Equestria. As she got up and passed by the pair of lovebirds, she brushed her fingers through Pipp’s mane, slowly moving her hand down beneath Pipp’s chin as she scratched gently.

“Do you cook, Pipp?” Johanna asked.

“I...um…” Pipp made circles in the carpet with her hoof as she looked down and said something that Johanna couldn’t hear.

“What was that?” Johanna sat down on the floor so she was a lot closer to Pipp’s eye level.

N-Never made food besides cereal and t-toast,” Pipp squeaked. “Anything beyond that was either made by Mom, Sis, or one of the professional chefs. All but two of them quit after they found out we couldn’t fly, so it’s mostly been Zipp.”

“I wouldn’t feel embarrassed, sweetie,” Johanna reached her arm out, Pipp moving closer till her face was pressed against Johanna’s neck. “I haven’t really prepared much beyond microwavable meals and sandwiches, y’all have microwaves here, right?”

“Mmmhmm,” Pipp’s response vibrated against Johanna’s neck, and the human shivered at the touch without thinking twice about it. If it weren’t for the three other ponies in the room, Johanna thought to herself, I’d be properly consummating my marriage to the cutest doll in Equestria. But I suppose this will have to do instead.

Johanna wrapped her arms around Pipp, lifting the pegasus into her arms as she walked out the door. The rest of their friends followed behind them, Sunny and Izzy chattering among themselves while Hitch caught up with Johanna and looked up at Pipp.

“Just how do you end up married to an alien from another world?” Hitch’s face scrunched up. “I need to hear that story over breakfast.”

Johanna giggled, wondering just how the cards fell that way herself. But as she smelled Pipp’s intoxicating fruity scent and felt an addicting warmth from the short pony, Johanna knew she wouldn’t have it any other way.

to Freedom

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It was time.

Early in the morning, Johanna woke up to see two pegasus guards outside the door to Pipp’s room. With Pipp curled up against her, gently snoring away, Johanna sighed as she had to nudge her wife awake. Pipp’s eyes fluttered open as she got up and stared at guards.

“Can I at least put on my makeup?” Pipp groaned, wiping the crust out of her eyes with her hooves.

“Ten minutes,” one of the guards decided before they both left.

“Damn,” Johanna grunted. “Feels like all this shit moved so fast. Talk about a short honeymoon.”

“Oh hun, I’m royalty. We’re getting a much better honeymoon than this,” Pipp assured her. “After all the news stations get their interviews in, we can go to the Zephyr Heights spa and get you the treatment you deserve.”

“Do you...think they can do human nails?” Johanna asked.

“They can certainly try,” Pipp remarked as she jumped off the bed, applying makeup to her face as Johanna got off the bed and walked towards Pipp, crouching down to be eye level with her. Over the three days they’d been married, Johanna hadn’t had the chance to press her lips against the pegasus’ presumably silky and fruity lips. When Pipp finished applying a basic amount of makeup to her eyes, Johanna reached her hand out and tilted Pipp’s face towards her.

“Yes?” Pipp whispered, her eyes on Johanna like a moth to a flame. Johanna was caught in her gaze in the same way, leaning forward and pressing her lips together as-

“Time’s up,” the guard said, but then Johanna thought back to Zipp attempting to interrupt them, and grinned a second before she kissed Pipp anyway. The texture was nothing like any of the men or women Johanna had kissed in the past, rather, it felt like kissing a peach. A soft, heavenly scented, sexy peach. Johanna had just placed her hand against the back of Pipp’s head when she heard somepony loudly clearing their throat right behind her.

“Listen, we’re comi-JESUS!” Johanna flinched and nearly knocked the stuff off Pipp’s desk as she turned to face Queen Haven herself, her narrowed eyes and tight frown closer than Johanna would’ve liked.

“You two had enough time to break that poor mattress,” Haven rolled her eyes. “Unless you want me to change my mind about you, I’d suggest you two go with us. Be excited, you don’t have to be cooped up in here anymore.”

Johanna turned to look at Pipp, rolling her eyes and grinning at her before getting up and following Queen Haven and the guards. As Pipp walked on Johanna’s left side, Johanna placed her hand on Pipp’s shoulders, scratching between the shoulder blades as she passed by Zipp.

“Hi Zipp,” Johanna nodded.

“Sup dude,” Zipp trotted over, walking on Johanna’s right side as she looked up at the human. “So, you and Pipp are really going to announce your love to the world, huh?”

“Ha, I guess we are,” Johanna chuckled, feeling her heart pounding and her head spinning as she processed Zipp’s words. “Wow, this is really happening. Zipp, if you’re upset, me and Pipp can totally lay on the down low till-”

“Jo, it’s fine,” Zipp sighed. “I know I was pretty freaked out to have an alien woman who knew everything about us crash land in Equestria and marry my sister, but to be fair, that last part was kind of my fault.”

“Oh yeah, it kind of was,” Johanna laughed. “So um, no hard feelings?”

“No, but it’ll still take time to get used to,” Zipp told her. “And you seem to be a pretty cool sister-in-law, so who knows?”

Johanna nodded, feeling warmth blossoming in her heart as Queen Haven and the guards led the human and two pegasus daughters to the doors. There was a lot of buzz Johanna could hear beyond the doors, voices chattering amongst each other to the point of not being able to hear a single word. Queen Haven stopped right at the doors and slowly looked over to Pipp, and then to Johanna.

“You ready?” Haven asked, pressing her hoof against the door.

Johanna thought to the moment she saw Pipp ‘flying’ in the air, singing Glowing Up and capturing her heart on the screen. Never did she imagine having the short mare by her side as her wife, getting to shout the news to the Equestrian world. Heh, maybe the real world if she was seen in the cartoon, but she highly doubted it.

Taking a deep breath, squeezing Pipp as the pink pegasus stared up and grinned at her wife, Johanna nodded.

“I’m ready.”