Interspecies Review: A Homo-Erotic Bioverse Tale

by nameundetermined

First published

Aydin Ulsu is just your average Online Product Reviewer. In the coming months, he will be getting some very interesting products to review.

Online MLP Product Reviewer and Hasbro Affiliate Aydin Ulsu lives a fairly good life. He gives his two-cents on the latest thing in the fandom and the other bronies seem to eat it up, so he makes a decent earning off of it.

Unfortunately, reviewing Pastel Ponies doesn't quite pay the bills, and when a Hasbro Representative contacts him in regards to his Onlyfans account, he is presented with a much more complicated product review than he was ever hoping to experience putting together when he is made to review one of the new Mark Two MLP-***-ES units.

Contains Gay Romance, A Lot of Gay Sex Between A Dude and
His Colorful Horse, Domination, Programming Play, and probably some feels along the way!

Contains interactive elements, see the author's note!

Chapter One

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Aydin smiled softly as he gestured to the colorful, glitter-laden box on his desk surrounded by a small menagerie of colorful equine dolls. He spoke kindly to the camera in front of him. “So as you can see, while the Gen 7 Collecter’s Edition Figurine Box Set might be a bit less impressive than some fans might have been hoping for, it’s still a high-quality product and makes a lovely addition to any fan’s menagerie of merchandise. Tune in next week when I review the latest episode of Season Three and weigh in on the addition of Sleipnirs to the show’s mainline continuity. Till then!”

He gestured with a hand to his computer to end the recording, the device confirming it with a soft beep and projecting the recorded footage onto a hard light Holoscreen for him to view and edit at his leisure. He gave a sigh and ran a slender hand through his dark, fluffy hair. Maybe he would go out and get something to eat. Recording always made him feel sort of peckish after the fact.

He exited his office and moved through his modest, spartan one-bedroom apartment. It was small, but it was all he needed. Just because he could afford a bigger apartment did not mean he needed one, after all. He searched for a moment and found his jacket and keys before making his way out into the cold.

Lucky enough for him, his favorite place to grab a bite to eat was right down the street. He was able to walk right on in and make his order without spending too much time tramping through the snow. Unfortunately coming here meant he had to deal with-

“Hello, Valued Customer!”

Ugh, he couldn't stand the Bio-Droid they had manning the front desk. The strange, uncanny-looking thing, pale and hairless, with smooth, pseudo-human features and a slender frame that the uniform it wore hung off of limply. God, he was so happy that the Mark Ones were getting phased out for the new models in this franchise. He was hoping they would get around to this one soon, but it had already been six months since the official release of the gene sequence for base Mark Two production, and they still hadn’t bothered.

“Yeah yeah, hey there. I would like a meatloaf sandwich please, extra sauce, extra onions, no pickles, add tomatoes.” He said In a polite, cordial tone. Sure, the thing didn’t really have feelings, it was a robot of meat and bone, only capable of executing whatever rudimentary tasks it was trained to perform like any standard Mark One All-Purpose Unit. But even so, he felt the need to at least put on the facade of polite conversation with the thing in front of him, if only from the force of habit.

The Droid smiled at him, and he gave a small shiver before it began to speak. “Sure thing, Aydin. I’ll be sure to throw in your usual extras,” it said from rote as it did for all regular customers. It was standard protocol for the droid to learn more about regulars the more they visited to enhance the customer experience. It was meant to make the interaction more pleasant and organic.

“Yeah, thanks man,” he said with a small, tired smile. The Droid typed his order into the touch screen in front of it and the one in the kitchen began to whip his order up. He went to sit down, placing his face in his hands and drawing a small breath. “Ugh…”

About fifteen minutes later he was finally back in his home, greasy treasure in tow within a damp-bottomed paper bag. He sat down and unpacked it, mouth-watering as he unwrapped the wax paper. Droids be damned, the Meatloaf Sandwiches at the Loaf Barn were definitely worth the hassle.

Sadly, it seemed as if his gratification would be delayed just a bit longer. Right before he got to take his first bite, his phone rang. He gave a small sigh and set the sandwich down, wiping the grease from his fingers off with a napkin before answering.”Yes, Hello, Aydin speaking.”

“Mister Ulsu, we need to talk,” A familiar voice on the other end of the line said evenly.

Aydin’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh! Dave, what’s up man!” He said to the Hasbro Representative In a jovial tone. He was panicking a bit internally though. Usually, they would not call so quickly after sending him a new product. Something was up. “I was just about to start the editing for that video on the Gen 7 Collecter’s Edition Figurine Box Set you guys sent me. I think it’s gonna be a real banger.”

“That’s great to hear, Aydin, but I am afraid we have a bit of a problem. I’ll be blunt. We found your Onlyfans.”


“Oh uh...well shit.”

“Indeed. As you know this sort of conduct is a breach of your contract with our corporation. You face a considerable risk of litigation should this become public.” The representative said plainly. It was not a threatening tone, but that was to be expected. After all, the threat was already plain enough.

Aydin swallowed softly and responded. “Should it? You mean you are not simply going to out me over it and void my contract?”

“Oh mister Aydin, of course not, you are far too valuable to us for us to simply cast you aside that way.” the rep said in what he probably thought was a reassuring tone. “That being said, the nature of our business relationship will have to change somewhat in light of this. You are aware of the release of the Mark Two Open Source Sequence, yes?”

“Ah uh, yeah, I read about that a while back online. What about it…?” He said, feeling a bit uneasy about where this might be going.

“Well, The boys down at RnD have been cooking up something we think will be revolutionary! Real-life Ponies.” he says with a small cackle. “Real Ponies that show genuine emotion and bond with the users. And testing with kids is going amazingly, they love the things. However, we aren’t stupid. We are aware that there will be those who purchase these items for...less wholesome purposes.” He says, sounding almost disgusted for a moment.

“And that’s where you come in! We want you to take one of these bad boys for a test drive and record your experience with it over the course of six months. All expenses paid of course, and if you aren’t satisfied with it at the end you can always drop it off at a Bio-Recycling Center to be reprocessed.”

Aydin winces at the use of the term “reprocessed”. It always made him wince how it was considered acceptable to just toss the things into a glorified meat grinder when they weren’t useful anymore, even animals got treated better than that. “I appreciate the offer sir but erm...As you are probably aware from my Onlyfans Content, I am er…”

“Gay? Yes, we are aware. Luckily the planned releases include male ponies, gender-bent models, and er...more exotic standard configurations. We will send you a catalog of models to choose from out of our upcoming MLP-***-ES line of Escort Droids. The Boys down at the lab call ‘em ‘Clopper Units’,” The rep said with a slightly uncomfortable chuckle. “We only have units from Gen 4 and 5 Right now though, since we estimate that the audience that grew up with those will be the most profitable Initially. Admittedly, between you and me, I think it's also to try to make sure that some kid watching G7 doesn’t accidentally get traumatized by seeing their favorite pony getting a piledriver from some fat dude with a neckbeard on Twitter.”

An awkward silence ensues after this last comment, as it rightfully should.

“In any case, we have already E-mailed you a beta access key to the website to order your unit. We have a good few already prepared for shipping and we are counting on you to really make these things look fun for the degenerate crowd. Don’t fuck this up and you’ll be just fine. Hell, you’ll probably get a significant bonus.” Dave said reassuringly as he seemed to be wrapping his little spiel up. “So, are you gonna play ball and fuck some tiny horses or are we going to have to get lawyers involved?”


Two Days later, Aydin was waiting outside for a package to drive. The Amazon Delivery Droid should have been here an hour ago! He was tapping his foot nervously, impatiently as he waited for-


Ah, there it was, the proximity notification from his phone told him the Droid would be here shortly. And soon enough there it was, coming down the sidewalk with startling speed and carrying a rather hefty looking crate. It was presumably part of a team that worked outwards for about a block from a single truck making deliveries by hand. The All-Purpose Unit deposited the Crate gently on the ground in front of him, and Aydin signed for it before the thing smiled at him and dashed off again, even faster without the weight holding it back.

He shuddered slightly at the inhuman display and brought the crate inside with some difficulty. Getting it inside was not a fun experience. Neither was getting it open. He Finally managed to bust the exterior wooden box open to reveal….

Chapter Two

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He finally managed to bust the exterior wooden box open to reveal the package within. It was…about as glittery and soothingly colored as he was expecting. It seemed to be an attempt to recreate the experience of buying one of the smaller toy dolls, with a large container fronted by a plexiglass window that allowed you to see inside to the actual droid, held safely in place by padding and restraints and sitting placidly within the container.

It was an MK2-MLP-PLA-ES-M. To break that down into English. It was a male variant of the Mark Two Princess Luna Escort Unit. The Label on the box referred to him as “Prince Astra”.

Aydin had to admit, they were certainly quite impressive, from a technical standpoint. Although he had never been much for the…less savory side of the fandom, as a product reviewer he certainly had a sharp eye and a deep appreciation for a well crafted, high-quality piece of merchandise. And although he was far more experienced with the appraisal of plastic over flesh, that did not dull his appreciation of what he had before him.

The Prince stood at about 9 hands tall at the withers, and with his head up high and proud he would likely be nearly eye level with the man. His eyes were large and striking, and the Bio-Engineers who were behind this design had done an immaculate job of translating the artstyle into a three-dimensional appearance that carried over a mix of equine and human characteristics without dipping into uncanny or unattractive territory. All in all, it did seem to be a fairly faithful one for one of Princess Luna, Save for that it was modeled to be masculine rather than feminine. The snout and head were shaped in the more traditional, sort of blocky stallion manner for one.

The Model also possessed fetlocks as some males in the series did on occasion. They were notably more toned and a bit more broadly built than the default female model. The flanks were supple, and pleasantly shaped, and definitely plentiful enough for what it might be expected they be used for. Other than those sort of dimorphic, subjective changes, eye color, mane color and fur color and the like were all one for one identical.

His horn was about eight inches long, and tapered to a fine point, his wings large and soft looking. And while they were unable to actually allow the droid to fly, he could certainly believe it if he did not know any better. His eyes were striking and commanding in the pose the item had been left in pre-activation. Almost challenging the consumer to stake their claim on him, to tame him. The fur looked immaculately soft from this distance, and Aydin was left with no doubt that it would feel absolutely wonderful beneath his hands given the chance to pet them, or to…touch them in other ways.

Honestly, the more he pondered the majestic appearance of the creature he had been entrusted with, the more he felt almost a bit guilty that such a beautiful blend of form and function, such immaculate cultivation of the latest technology, would be used as nothing more than a method by which his balls would be emptied and his lusts satisfied.

He swallowed dryly as he used his phone to take a picture of himself next to the box. His initial reviews would all be via text and still image. He had decided that as soon as he had made the choice to go through with all of this. After all, fucking a horse and then being made to brag about how great it was on the internet was already a big ask, doing it in front of a camera or god forbid, a live audience was something far outside of his comfort zone for the time being, something he would need to work up to before he could bring himself to do so in a way that would come across as natural and enjoyable to the viewer.

But all of that could come as it came. For now, he just needed to get the damn thing unpacked before he worried about anything else. Thankfully, instructions on how to actually get the box open were present on the back, and he was able to extricate the product from its packaging without too much trouble.

He undid the clasps at the corners of the box that kept it together, letting each side fall to the ground. He then grabbed the instruction booklet that had been inside of the crate and read the step by step.

He removed the intravenous drip carefully. The hole sealed up almost immediately, leaving no trace, he then unbuckled it from its restraints and stepped away as he read the pamphlet that had been provided with the item.

Thank you for purchasing this Limited Edition My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Mark 2 Escort Unit. We here at Hasbro Research and Development have spent countless hours crafting and perfecting every design to ensure that each model produced is of the highest, most consistent quality, and we hope that this purchase brings you joy for many years to come.

We urge you to remember that dispute being your legal property, the Item is in fact, a sapient living being, and will act as such. It will not flawlessly obey any order given and will have its own likes and dislikes. Treating your Unit more like a person than a pet will help to not only create a closer, more rewarding bond between you and your Bio-Droid, but also substantially decrease wear and tear and defective behavior produced via unwarranted stress. That being said, The Unit is calibrated to form a bond with its owner upon activation, which will render it much more amicable to any requests or desires its owner may possess, which should still render the Unit effective for its intended purpose in most circumstances. For more information or for instructions on safe and ethical disposal call *************

You may also find that after the first week or so, the unit begins to physically change slightly. This is an intended function. The Unit is simply adapting to more properly suit your tastes based on available biometric and sensory data and the changes should subside within an additional week. This will happen yearly around the same to ensure maximum user satisfaction…

There was a bit more, instructions on proper care feeding and grooming and the like, some likes and dislikes of the particular model, a small primer on what the Droid was programmed to come out of the box thinking. Apparently, The Princess (or Prince Models) in this case came out of the box under the impression that you are their Prince(or Princess) Consort. They require a bit more pampering than your typical model of this sort but they apparently have substantially above-average out-of-the-box performative ability. Lucky him.

It stood stock-still and straight once out of the box, automatically balancing itself as he looks from the pamphlet back to it. He swallows softly as he looks back to the box, then back at the Droid, then back at the paper again. This was it. He only had to speak a simple phrase, and he would be in charge of the life of another sapient being. They would be at his beck and call, and he would decide their fate. It was honestly kind of heavy for him, he trembled slightly with the perceived weight of what he was about to say as the words weakly escaped his lips.

“Awaken, My Prince. The Moon Rises.”

As the words left his mouth, its ears twitched towards him, swiveling to zero in on his voice. Its head followed suit. It looked at him as if absorbing his appearance, its pupils dilating as its stance loosened slightly, and it began to breathe, seeming much more fluid, much more alive than it did a second ago.

His chest grew a bit tight and he felt…nervous as it appraised him. It slowly walked over, almost sauntering as its inquisitive eyes roamed over his body, taking him in slowly.

“Hm…..we suppose we certainly could have been paired with worse. Greetings, Our Consort. Our name is Prince Astra of Equestria, and we shall be your…companion for the foreseeable future. We hope that you will find Our company to be suitable to your needs. “Its voice was rich, regal and smooth, and commanding despite the delicate tones of his countertenor voice. “So then, would Our companion be so kind as to show us to our lodgings?” he asked, slowly slinking closer to the other, eyes locked to his, almost amused by the unsure hesitance of his new owner. “We have been standing for quite some time, you see, and Our hooves are a bit sore.”

Aydin was brought back to the reality of his situation by the simple request. Of course, they were a living breathing thing just like he was. They would have needs, and now it was his duty to fulfill them. As much as it was the other's purpose to…fulfill his own needs. He nodded quickly and gestured down the hall. Right this way erm…My Prince…” he said somewhat lamely, not sure what the protocol was here. He owned them of course, but they still certainly carried themselves with dignity, their humanoid face bearing the obvious and well-practiced countenance of proper royalty.

“Hm, you are a polite one, aren’t you, my dear companion?” he asked with a small chuckle as he walked past his new owner. The prince’s tail flicked gently against his nose as he passed, flashing the reproduced royals assets for a brief moment before they were covered again, Aydin only catching a glimpse of that succulent, well rounded set of firm, muscular flanks. He looked to the hallway, then back to the human expectantly. “Well, aren’t you going to direct Us to the correct door? We are a guest in your home, after all, you are the one who knows the way.”

Aydin stuttered a clumsy attempt at an apology as he turned ever so slightly pink. He had been caught out, distracted by the little peep he had been given. For all of his initial misgivings about the form of his new plaything, having them here now in person with him, seeing the way they owned it, how the Prince carried himself so fetchingly, so confidently. Well, it was certainly more than enough to get him to re-evaluate his stance on the matter. A bit of perspective did seem to have a beneficial effect in any case~

The human nodded quickly and strode out in front of his Prince, opening the door to his bedroom at the end of the hallway. “A-ah yes, right this way, please. This is our bedroom. It's a little small I know, and we will have to erm, share a bed. I hope that isn’t an issue…” What the hell was he saying, he was going to be fucking the damned thing on a regular basis for at least a month, sharing a bed shouldn’t present much of an issue.

The Prince seemed to be on the same page there at least. They strode into the room, appraising it “Hm, nice and tidy at least. A bit casual for my liking, but we can make this work until you can acquire more…suitable accommodations. I cannot simply avail myself of my consort in such…modest accommodations…not too many times at least..” he said with a small smirk as he looked back to the clearly surprised Aydin.

He turned his attention back to the bed as the other simply watched as if…enraptured by the other. He chuckled and hummed softly, presenting his shapely back half to them again with a slightly wider stance as he made a small show of running his hoof along the sheets. “Hmm…this thread count is simply subpar, we will have to see about acquiring something befitting the lover of a celestial ruler for my lovely companion, will we not?” he said before slowly crawling onto the mattress with a soft creak.

He shimmied his way onto the bed properly, turning onto his side and giving a soft, begrudgingly content sigh, as if not wanting to admit to himself that he found the softness of his resting place satisfactory after having made his previous comments. “Companion. Lay with me, I wish to see if this is sufficiently comfortable to share with you.” He said as he directed his gaze to Aydin once more, smirking softly at them with a set of almost demanding come hither eyes, staring down his snout in a half-lidded inviting manner that would have been a bit silly were its execution not so resoundingly effective.

Aydin coughed into his hand, tugging at the collar of his tee-shirt and nodding “O-of course, Prince Astra…” He said slowly as he walked to the side of the bed, climbing in and laying a bit stiffly, awkwardly next to the equine with his arms to his sides on his back.

The Prince tksed in audible annoyance with the other. His horn glowed a soft blue and after a few brief moments, Aydin squealed softly in surprise as he found himself being lain on his side, facing Astras back, his hands being dragged from their previous position to be wrapped around the firm, warm barrel of the elegant equine.

He laid there and hugged them a bit tighter as the Prince let out a soft satisfied noise, his ear flicking a bit. “Mphh…there, that’s better. What is the matter, does Our companion not find Our form…suitable?” he asks, feigning hurt feelings in his tone with a hint of playfulness as he pressed his haunches back onto the human.

“N-no! That’s not it at all, I just erm…” he slowly leaned in, burying his face somewhat shyly into the soft, exposed fur of the other's neck. He inhaled slowly, they bore the elegant scent of a well-aged wine, paired with a subtle hint of a comforting, warm masculine scent that drew to his imagination the mental image of a roaring campfire under a carpet of stars shared with that special someone as you shared with them a fine elderly vintage bottle before a night of deep, intimate passion.

He shivered slightly at the thought, feeling himself begin to grow excited by the pressure, but the firm press of the others shapely backside to his hips, and the pressure they placed upon him to act in a manner…becoming of a proper consort when called into his Liege's bed chambers. “It is just that erm…forgive me please, I am simply a bit awkward is all. I am not sure what to er…do?”

Granted he knew full well what was expected of him, but that did not mean he knew how to get himself from a to b, b being of course, short for balls dee-

The author's terrible wordplay was interrupted by the narrator drawing attention to Astra’s next line of dialogue. “Mnnnn, well We certainly have a few ideas, Our clumsy little consort.” The Prince said in a more sultry, low tone as he slowly began to swivel his hips ever so slightly against Aydin’s pelvis. “But perhaps you are not so incompetent as to be unable to determine some of them without our insight. Touch us, you delightful oaf…~”

This last part was said more firmly, with almost a hint of desperation to his tone. Ah yes, it must be that bond that the manual was referring to, Aydin pondered. The Droid must be attempting to act on its programming and reaffirm that its new owner is satisfied by…running a benchmark. That was probably the most tasteful way to put it.

Aydin gave a small sigh and resigned himself to being busy for the evening, his hands slowly trailing down the others' belly. The muscles beneath quivered and trembled at his light, brushing touches. The Prince relaxed noticeably in his arms, giving a soft, breathy “Yessss….” as Aydin's hands drifted down to squeeze and knead his inner thighs. “Mphh…yes, that’s a good boy, put those dextrous digits of yours to work for Us, you adorable thing….” The Prince said contentedly, spreading his legs in surrender at the kneading and allowing himself to be pulled more firmly back onto the other's hips as Aydin began actively grinding back against his rump.

Astra gave a small, diminutive mewl at the feeling of the other grinding their slowly growing erection into the velvetine, twitching valley that dipped between his haunches, his hooves twitching and moving as if walking on nothing, giving puppylike kicks as his inner thighs were massaged and rubbed. The pony’s wings flared and stiffened in arousal, twitching and pressing up against the chest of his lover while Aydin gave a small series of kisses along his neck. He whispered into Astra’s ear as he grew a bit bolder in the knowledge that the other wanted him. “Is this what you were after, my little Prince?” he asked them in a low, somewhat husky tone that made the equine shiver and give a small nicker of anticipation as he silently but very vehemently nodded his head. Aydin could hear something wetly slapping against the other's belly, and making a very reasonable assumption, moved a hand up and grasped at what he found.

The Prince drew a sudden, hitching breath at the feeling of a warm hand firmly grasping around the base of his unsheathed cock, moaning softly as Aydin slowly began to stroke them up and down, the other hand moving from the pony’s thigh to cup and massage his heavy, soft ballsack, gently kneading the treasures within as the other hand squeezed and stroked it’s way up all…Aydin hazarded a guess of nine inches. A fair bit smaller than his own augmented equipment, but respectable for the size and mass of the equine.

“O-oh, you naughty boy…~” The Prince cooed in delight at the feeling of his stallionhood being clumsily, firmly manhandled by his new owner. His wings beat uselessly, erratically against the other’s front as he fondled the vulnerable little horse. “Mnnnn yes, that’s it…explore Us…avail yourself of the glorious bounty afforded to you, peasant. You should be so lucky as to be allowed to experience Us thusly…”

They are clearly having some fun teasing him, so he decided to tease back, a bit more explicitly. “The only experience I will be having is the experience of your tight little ass milking every drop of cum out of my balls until we both go limp,” he said more firmly, giving his cock another firm squeeze before pushing them away to sit up on the bed and start to do away with his clothes.

The Prince whined softly and rolled onto his stomach, looking up at the other indignant and clearly a bit flustered by the other’s comment as those luxuriously flexible, articulate hands left his nethers. He watched the other remove his shirt to reveal a toned, slim figure, his muscles flexing pleasantly beneath his pale skin. A soft blush covered the equine’s cheeks as he watched Aydin start to unbutton and unzip his pants, speaking up weakly in protest. “A-a proper Prince does not submit himself to his consort in such a way. You would be lucky if We were to deign to allow you to lay beneath us while we…we…”

His eyes widened and his feeble protest drew to an end as the other’s pants fell around his knees and Astra was treated to the sight of his thick, heavy 14-inch cock. It pulsed and kicked softly above a set of turgid. Heavy balls, clearly full and neglected during the wait for his lover's arrival to ensure that the experience was properly…rewarding.

The replicant royal drew a soft, shuddering breath as Aydin grabbed the base of his wrist-thick shaft, moving it to rest atop his snout as he lay there, looking up at his master helplessly. His eyes glazed over slightly at the feeling of the heat radiating from it, the sound of its pulse in his ears. The raw, masculine scent of the potent organ clogged his sensitive equine olfactories with every ragged, halting breath he took. Every gasping pull of air through his flaring nostrils only further served to drown his reason, his dignity in an ever-deepening pool of desire.

“Y-you dare…?” he asked, equal parts incredulous and enraptured as he slowly leaned in, pressing his snout firmly to the other's heavy balls and taking a slow, long inhale before exhaling again with a long, soft moan. “You cur, you vile cad….” he cooed softly, starting to slowly pepper his sack in kisses with those plush, soft lips of his, just as velvety as any actual equines maw entrance. “T-this is a villainous ruse of the highest order, how could any pony be expected to face such…” he slowly dragged his tongue along the tender flesh, taking one ball into his mouth and swirling, suckling gently with a satisfied groan before popping back off to continue speaking. “Overwhelming exotic virility and not fall to their belly in worship…”

He whimpered as he slowly dragged his wide, flat long tongue over the base of the human’s shaft. His entire body trembled in anticipation as the raw, potent flavor of them slowly washed over his taste buds with every moment spent dragging the wet, flexible muscle over his lover's rod. He never broke eye contact, looking up at them helplessly, pleadingly as he finally reached the tip and swirled his tongue around it slowly before enveloping the head and suckling vehemently. He moaned, sending vibrations down the length of the monstrous shaft as his tongue slid and prodded the slit at its end to coax out more of the delicious liquid slowly seeping from it in small spurts.

His eyes fluttered shut and his wings twitched uselessly, splayed and displayed in utter arousal, too stiff to even beat now as he rolled his hips against the sheets under him, mewling as he greedily suckled, savoring every drop he milked from the other’s broad, swollen tip.

Aydin was in complete awe at the performance being given by his lab-tested lover. He wasn’t sure if the droid was simply designed to be enticed by the scent of their partner, or if the Prince was simply a massive slut by nature. But either way, he was certainly enjoying the end result.

He chuckled softly, a hand sliding to grip the pony by the root of their mane right at the back of the scalp. The equine’s eyes filled with a mix of surprise, fear, and somehow even more intense desire as Aydin firmly gasped them and spoke. “Mphh…I suppose you are right, it isn’t very fair of me. Let me make it up to you by showing you how to worship it properly.

He grinned wickedly down at his little pony paramour and applied a firm, constant pressure to the back of his head. They gagged heavily as the head hit the back of his throat, but never properly retched, the opening to his esophagus spasming against the tip of the battering prick invitingly as Aydin continued to speak and Astra looked up at him with eyes that pleaded for mercy. “You don’t worship at the tip, you go down to the base to pay your respects!” As he said ‘base’, he forcefully bucked his hips forward and pushed the other down against his hips at the same time, forcing every inch of that heavy battering ram of a fucklog into the Prince’s defenseless, convulsing gullet with one harsh stroke.

Prince Astra scrambled for a few moments, weekly, ineffectually beating his soft little hooves against the other's belly and chest as their throat spasmed until they eventually grew used to the feeling and calmed. He breathed through his nose, giving an annoyed huff as he looked back up at Aydin again defiantly in what was clearly meant to be an annoyed glare. The effect was sadly ruined, however, by the heavy flush that had settled onto the royal’s cheeks, and the slow, constant suckling and tongue swirling occurring against the human's prick within his hot, hungry maw as the equine’s forelegs rested complacently against the man's stomach to steady themselves.

After a few more moments, the Prince of the Night gave a small groan and started to drag his head up and down the heavy, pulsing shaft lodged in his throat, hollowing his cheeks on every exit and swirling his tongue greedily on every push back down. He winced slightly as Aydin’s grip on his scalp tugged at his mane, but persisted with an eager dedication that sent the human’s heart fluttering as he watched his partner devour him again and again.

“Mphhh..” he let out a single satisfied grunt before deciding to take control of the situation. He gripped them more firmly and started to push down and pull them off in time with the other's own bobbing. It seemed to excite the droid, who rewarded this initiative by going faster, harder with Aydin keeping pace with his hand.

But then the human beganpushing them to go even harder, more roughly, more quickly. He saw a moment of hesitation, of doubt in the pony’s eyes before it is quickly wiped away, replaced by a glassy-eyed, shocked expression as his master started property face fucking them.

The sound of wet, gargling gagging and moaning filled the air in the tone of the Prince’s rich, high-pitched voice, which only seemed to pitch higher, more feminine as he succumbed to the treatment being foisted on him by his overeager owner. A moist, muffled “Glrk-glk,gffk…mllk…” could be heard sounding from the abused mouth of the soft little creature as he practically melted into Aydin's grip at the sudden rough treatment.

But before the other could grow too accustomed to the pace, the human pulled his spit-soaked shaft from their suckling lips and slapped it gently against his cheek a few times. Astra panted and gasped for air, looking up at the other looking disappointed that they stopped, his tongue initially tried to chase after the thick fucklog that had been lodged in his throat before he gave up and spoke to Aydin again.

“Gah…hah…you utter reprobate, how dare you treat your Prince in such a manner. Do you think you can simply approach Us in such a…dashing…headstrong manner and present Us with your big, heavy…virile, succulent cock and just abuse Us however you please, you recalcitrant, uppity little-EEP!”

His voice shot up an octave or two for a moment as the human released his mane and instead gripped his neck, squeezing on either side of it with his fingertips ever so carefully, firmly. The equine’s eyes widened and he squirmed, more in excitement than panic as his attempt to retain some measure of composure in the face of this overwhelming treatment quickly began to crumble once more. “As a matter of fact, I do, my little Prince,” he said, the title dripping in an immaculately saccharine irony as he kissed the little horse on his snout gently in stark contrast to their current arrangement. “But if it is any consolation, I will attempt to pin you to the bed like a cheap toy and fuck every drop of cum out of your little balls as respectfully as possible.” He said, squeezing them just a tad tighter, eliciting a gasp from the Prince as he was suddenly lifted by his neck and pushed onto his back.

Astra let out a plaintive little helpless whinny, his legs kicking softly, almost playfully in mock defiance of the human's desire as they pressed down atop him, mounting him belly to belly. “N-no! I-i could never allow myself to be…s-sodomized in such an indecent, crass manner..” he said, very weakly beating his forehooves at the chest of his larger, insistent lover even as he looked up to them, large eyes filled with an overwhelming desire.

Aydin held back an amused giggle, allowing the Price to have his little show of “defiance” as he lined himself up with their pucker. From what he had read, they should be quite more than able to take whatever he dished out without fear of damage, especially after such a vigorous, passionate spit-slicking on the part of his soft, skilled little maw.

As the hot, pulsing tip of his member met the wrinkled passage tucked beneath the pony's tail, Astra’s eyes widened a bit and he whimpered adorably, seeming to melt beneath the strong, demanding embrace of his bipedal breeder as he prepared himself for the inevitable. “F-fine! If you must, ravish me as thou wilt, you ravenous beast…~” he said, locking eyes with the male atop him, licking his lips in clear anticipation as his hind legs slowly moved to wrap around Aydin's waist. He grunted softly and squeezed them, forcing the human to buck forward and penetrate.

Aydin gave a small gasp as he was rammed roughshod into his lover, biting his lip and giving a low, slow groan and allowing himself to sink slowly, steadily to the hilt inside of the other in a single, fluid motion. His eyes roll back for just a moment as he is enveloped by the hot, velvety tightness of the others clenching, virginal ponut. “O-oh, fuuuuuuuuuuck yeah…” he said softly as he rocked his hips with a pleasant grunt “mphhh….such a tight little thing, you like that? You like that big fucking dick in you, Astra?” He asked eagerly, having certainly come a long way from his initial hesitance. Far from that now, he was dominating and staking a claim on his property and enjoying every second!

A cursory glance would make it very obvious that yes, the Prince is very much enjoying it. His face was caught in a rapt, delectable ahegao, tongue lolling out and eyes glazed slightly, his forelegs up with his hooves pressed to the sides of his head as if he was attempting to hold himself together in the face of the massive prick stirring his stomach. An imprint of it was visible as the other slid in and out of him. The sound of flesh slapping wet, furred flesh echoed dully through the room as Aydin’s hips slapped against the firm, shapely flanks of the helpless little horsey.

The bed rocked and creaked underneath the pair of them as Aydin fucked harder, deeper into his new boy toy. The man leaned in and bit his neck, eliciting a few loud whimpers and whinnies from his target. The scent of them was even stronger, and bordered on intoxicating. He mused there might be some sort of mild aphrodisiac at play, driving them both to further heights of desire, of primal need.

Astra whimpered and whinnied and whined for them, throwing his hips upward on every stroke to meet them. His thick equine cock slapped against his own belly, neglected save for the heat and friction of the human’s toned stomach rubbing it with every rutting push into the pony’s body His forelegs left the sides of his head and wrapped firmly around Aydin’s neck. He leans in close, shivering as he pants and attempts to whisper needily into the other's ear. “P-please..please Our Consort…”

“Hm, yes…? What is it, my little pony?” he asked them sweetly as he slid a hand up to wrap around his neck again. The Equine squealed and shuddered as the man squeezed his throat again. “Tell your devoted Consort what it is that His Highness desires? What does he want from me?

“P-please, cum…please cum in Us, please. We…We need it…” He said pleadingly, squirming softly in the grasp of the domineering male. “We are so close, just please fill us…” he whined out, clutching the human closer to him, drawing a deep breath as they inhaled his scent, shivering as his thick member kicked and twitched and wept a steady stream of sticky, slick pre that spathered both of their bellies sloppily, making the sounds of their lovemaking even more pronounced and indecent.

Aydin paused for just a moment after hearing this, his ears burning before he snaps back to reality and begins slamming down into them harder than ever! The encouragement of his partner driving him to push to the very limit of what he can dish out. As Astra cries out wordlessly underneath him, bleating out his pleasure Ayden muttered roughly into his ear “You want me to cum for you, you little slut? You got it…” He said as he pinned them under his full weight and finally pushed himself as deep as he could manage. He shuddered, his thick, hot cum pouring from him in heavy, potent ropes into the equines hungry, milking innards.

A triumphant, satisfied whinny filled the room, and all fell silent, for the sound of hot panting and murmured sweet nothings as an afterglow settled on the couple, sated, satisfied, and definitely over any misgivings on the matter~

The MK-2 MLP-PLA-ES, Model M: An Initial Impression


Heya! Aydin here again with another product review! I’m sure you were all surprised to hear that this one was going to be posted on my Onlyfans. I’m sure a lot of you were surprised that I had an Onlyfans. What can I say, I’m full of surprises >:3

And so is this excellent model of Bio-Droid! I initially had some misgivings after my experiences with the uncanny, uncomfortable demeanors of the Mark One models we all know fairly well at this point. And of course, I also had some meditations regarding the er…ethical concerns regarding a sapient companion that I er….own.

But I’ll admit, my doubts were very quickly put to rest once Astra dragged me back to the bedroom to put me through my paces. The entire experience was…well I’ll be honest, it was probably some of the best I’ve had in a long time, maybe ever!

But you can find out just how good the performance on these bad boys is for yourself when you buy one! Let me highlight some of my favorite things about the Unit.

The personality that comes pre-programmed on the Unit is honestly fairly good! It isn’t quite what I would expect from a one-for-one from the actual character, but whoever did the research on those old episodes clearly was a fan of the character at the very least, and I find this interpretation of them quite refreshing and pleasant. The actual design, however, si a solid 10/10 recreation in terms of physical appearance and er…function .///.

I’ve only had them for a day or so, but I am certainly pleased with my initial experience with this product. I am very thankful to the Hasbro corporation for providing this item for me to test and review, and I am hoping they will be a staple in my home life for quite some time. Look forward to an upcoming live product demonstration sometime in the coming months!