lost Sunset

by horizon-redeemer

First published

Sunset confronted Wallflower determined to restore her friends memories, along with anyone else's memoires that had been stolen. Even if that mean forever loosing who she became as well as reliving a past she would rather forget.

When sunset learned about the memory stone as well as how little time she had left to save her friend's memories from oblivion she rushed to find and undo it was too late. With the unexpected, but welcome help of Trixi she found the culprit in one Wallflower blush. Yet when she confronted the vengeful teen who would see no reason Sunset made the choice to save her friends as well as prevent the memory stone from being used ever again.

Through her selflessness came at great cost.

Now her friends both in Equestria and Canterlot high have to deal with a side of Sunset that hadn't been seen since Celestia first took her in as a student. Not the prideful, arrogant mare who charged through the mirror at the false belief of power. But a scared filly as they realize the memory stone does not work exactly as they thought it did as they try to get their friend back.

chapter 1: shattered (edited by Autum breeze)

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Author notes: Autum Breeze was gracious enough to edit this for me. so please be sure you thank him for making this story better.

“I hate you!”

Today was not Sunset’s day as she was stuck between a literal rock and a hard place as she stood between her friends who hated her and an angry Wallflower blush, who pulled out a powerful equestrian artifact from her bag. An artifact that could easily wipe the memory of anyone it was used on forever if not reversed before the time was up.

The Memory Stone.

A terrible magical artifact once thought a myth, a figment of people’s imagination even by Celestia. Yet it was now Sunset’s nightmare as it had wiped all the good memories her friends had of her, leaving only the bad memories of the terrible things she had done. Causing them to abandon her as they only remembered the demon that once haunted the school. A demon that Wallflower clearly still resented.

Behind Sunset, her friends, even Flash sentry from his car, watched on in a mixture of confusion and shock seeing what was going on as they observed the confrontation.

Though even now Sunset knew that they didn’t trust her, hated her even as they only remember who she was. A fact that only compounded her need to hurry as there was no telling just how little time was left before her friend's memories would be lost forever.

Though their emotions paled in comparison to her own. Sunset could feel a cold sweat pouring down her brow and back. Her heart beating in her chest like Pinkie Pie’s drum set on a solo. She could feel every muscle in her body go weak on the verge of collapse. She also felt faint, light-headed even, as she stared down the proverbial gun barrel in front of her.

Sunset was scared… no, terrified of the Memory Stone’s power, wishing she was several counties away from the awful little rock.

She wasn’t scared of her own mortality, or no more than anyone else was. But she always believed that even in death she would still be herself. But the idea of losing one’s self, to change as a person like her friends had been changed against their wills scared her more than anything at that moment.

Even at her worst, she never once considered using such power on anyone, too afraid of it backfiring. In fact, the only time she ever used a similar ability was when the demon took control over her, lowering her inhibitions and getting her to do things she never would normally. She would never fling around power so carelessly because it was too tempting to abuse it, as Wallflower was demonstrating before everyone’s eyes.

Now, not only was she dealing with a girl who had given in to that temptation, but she was running out of time to save her friend's memories with sunset fast approaching.

“I wanted to easer your friend’s good memories of you, but, obviously, that didn’t work,” the green-haired girl explained, an angry fire in her eyes as she held the stone before them like a weapon.

Sunset reeled at the sight of the thing as though it were a gun from those safety films they showed in school about crime or bullying. No longer would she be laughing or thinking the reactions of the actors in those films to be unrealistic anymore, as she was now living one.

Behind her, all her friends reeled in shock as they saw Wallflowers’ true colors begin to unfold. The air around them began to turn cold as they began to realize not only their perception of Sunset may have been wrong, but also a sense of danger as they started questioning their safety.

Then, Sunset saw an evil glint in Wallflowers eyes that made her shudder as the girl seemed to come up with an idea. “But what if I erase all their memories of high school?” the girl self questioned.

Sunset felt her eyes go wide in her skull, blood running cold as the words left Wallflowers lips. She knew that Wallflower was mad at her, something she could understand after all she had done, but this was too far.

At the same time, shocked gasps, as well as expressions of confused fear overcame the others near enough to hear what was happening. But none noticed the growing number of eyes watching from afar in curiosity as the event transpired.

“You can’t! You will be stealing their memories of each other,” Sunset gasped out, pleading for the girl to stop, not wanting her friends to suffer any more than they had already.

Wallflower, however, only looked angrier at this remark as she began to move around the human shield Sunset was making of herself. The girl moving with purpose, anger barring no hesitation at their actions.

“They will think of each other the way you think of me.” Wallflower declared as she wielded the stone in her hands with a fluidity that could only come from experience. “Which is not at all!” she added raising the stone over her head before thrusting it down like a wand.

With this, the Memory Stone began to glow a blue-green light as it charged up its magic. Several magic circles formed before the relic as the familiar hum of magic that Sunset had rarely sensed coming to this parallel world began to hum. The relic was going to fire and there was nothing she could do to stop it without her Equestrian Magic.

As Sunset stared at the relic as it charged to fire, she felt her heart race. Time seemingly stopped for a brief moment as the Memory Stone began to project its power forward.

She was out of time, she knew it. Any minute now the sun would set, both on the world as well as on her friend's good memories of her’, and who knows how many other people’s memories that had been stolen. even worse there was nothing stopping Wallflower from just taking her memories of the Memory Stone before making a getaway. She needed to stop the girl now before it was too late. Before anyone else got hurt.

This has to stop. This has to end. I can’t let my friends pay for my mistakes again, not like this.

With equal parts dreaded reluctance, as well as equal parts determination, she made her choice as she thought of her friends one last time.

Sunset blinked as time seemed to move again. Her body moved forward, towards Wallflower and the Memory Stone. Swiftly in tandem, she dug a hand into her pocket, fishing for the small swiss army survival tool, one she started carrying with her after the incident at Everfree.

In a single leap, she was in front of Wallflower grabbing onto the girl’s arm with her left hand, making the green-haired girl gasp in surprise. This in turn locked herself in the Memory Stone’s line of fire, just as the energy discharged into her chest.

“Ahhhh!” she screamed as the point-blank blast struck her. The energy felt like electricity as it flowed throughout her body making her body cry out in agony. Even when the beam stopped only a second later, the pain did not, her body feeling as though it was on fire, tears pouring from her eyes.

“What are you doing?!” Wallflower demanded, her voice practically spitting poison as she tried to wrench her arm free.

Yet it was to no avail as Sunset was far stronger than Wallflower, who held on with an iron grip despite the pain. At the same time, she grabbed her swiss army knife, pulling it out flicking the blade forwards in a well practice motion below Wallflowers line of sight.

“I’ve ruined their friendship once before,” she began, deep-set guilt forming in her chest at the memories as the effects of the memory stony began to take hold of her, mind-numbing over. But she hid these away as she looked to the girl with a protective glare making her gasp in surprise. “I’d rather give up my own memories than let it happen again!”

With that, Sunset, despite the pain she was in, despite her mind beginning to drain away before her very eyes, held the girl’s arm in a death grip. The action made Wallflower cry out in pain as she brought the knife up. The sight of the short blade made the girl’s cry go quiet, her eyes going wide thinking that Sunset planned to stab her as she tried to pull away in vain.

At the same time, the girls behind them reeled in shock, some, like Fluttershy, paralyzed by fear. Others like Rainbow and Applejack justifiably thought that Sunset was going to Hurt Wallflower, preparing to rush to the girl’s defense.

But it was too late. By the time Rainbow even called upon her speed enough to move, the blade came down. Though not upon Wallflower, but the Memory Stone.

The blade, though not made to cut such a hard substance, plunged a fraction of an inch into the stone’s surface. While to an ordinary stone, the damage would only count as mild defacing. But to one constructed by magic, one that was in use no less the damage was catastrophic. And Sunset knew this.

Within seconds, the once largely under control power of the stone began to arc all over the place as if it were a tesla coil. Large fractures began forming all along the rock’s surface following the chip, glowing brightly as they grew. Small beams of light began to appear on the stone making it look like a disco ball. All while a small orb of energy began to encompass the stone, alongside Sunset and Wallflower’s hands.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Wallflower demanded.

She received no answer though, as the deed was done.

Sunset let go, her body no longer able to support itself from the pain she was in no longer able to fight it. As she began to fall, she saw some of her memories orbiting the stone, but unable to be drawn within due to the damage to it.

With a tired sigh, knowing what was happening she closed her eyes, a smile upon her face, satisfied that she had saved her friends from a fate worse than death.

Just before her mind went black she thought of her friends one last time. “Please don’t forget… me,” she wheezed, her last thought passing her lips just loud enough for her friends to hear.

Not a moment later, as Sunset passed out, a loud explosion rocked the school, rattling both ears alongside windows, setting off car alarms, as well as panicking all those that heard it.

A bright flash accompanied the explosion, akin to lightning, blinding all those unfortunate enough to be looking in the direction of the Memory Stone, as well as kicking up a massive cloud of dirt as the stone shattered like a grenade.

The blast knocked Wallflower, as well as the Rainbooms, back upon the ground in heaps, taken off guard by the blast with startled screams.

Yet Sunset saw non of this, nor did anyone else see the dozens of memories that were stolen returns to their rightful owners all across town. People who would quickly be overtaken with both confusion as well as headache as they remembered things in a flash that should not have been forgotten. Though most of all, they would remember Wallflower, who wielded a strange glowing stone at them.

But, of the dozens of memories that began to find their way home after the destruction of the stone, one set of memories did not return, having never entered the stone to begin with.


chapter 2: fall out (edited)

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again thank you Autum breeze for your help in editing this chapter


Canterlot High School was in a state of pandemonium in the wake of the Memory Stone’s destruction.

As the last echoes of the exploding Memory Stone reverberated in the air, like thunder, panicked shouts or cries could be heard filling the air in the wake of the blast as people recovered from the shock, trying to process what was happening.

All around the school, as well as the neighboring blocks, various students, facility members or passers-by, were running for cover or laying upon the ground in various states of panic. Others began to make hastily calls to the authorities or ran to check on those they cared for.

In the area where the Memory Stone exploded, a large cloud of dust covered everything in a large ring, dust and dirt that was kicked up by the blast billowing into the heavens or raining down upon those nearby like snow.

In the epicenter, six of the mane seven felt like their heads would split open as they lay upon the ground in various states of disarray. All recovering from being knocked back from the exploding artifact.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were splayed out on their backs facing the sky too stunned to move as they blinked the light the spots from their eyes. Twilight was knocked back, landing on her side atop Pinkie Pie with said pink girl having landed face-first upon the ground, her Pinkie Sense not saving her. Finally, Fluttershy had landed upon her side, curling up into a ball using her body as a shield for Angel Bunny.

All of them were so out of it in the wake of the event, none even noticed a certain green hair girl crawling away, battered and injured, all of them too distracted from the pain alongside confusion of their memories returning as well as processing what just happened.

Applejack was the first to recover, being the hardiest of the seven. Sitting up with a groan, clutching her head, eyes closed with her hat nowhere to be found, coughing several times due to the dust in the air as she try to get her lungs working again.

For a moment, she simply sat upon the ground in a state of confusion as she processed the large amount of information poured into her head in the wake of the Memory Stone’s destruction.

“What the hay… ahh I feel like Sunset threw that rainbow beam thing at me,” the farm girl muttered in confusion.

There was silence for a moment before cold realization washed over her as she processed the name. “Sunset!” she cried out in shock, her eyes snapping open.

In an instant, Applejack was on her feet looking for the fiery girl as she remembered everything. The fall formal, Sunset’s reform, Ponying Up, the Friendship Games, the Sirens, Everfree. Everything came back to her like a crashing wave. But, more than anything else, the way her friend Sunset had stabbed a knife into the Equestrian relic.

Looking around, she could hardly see anything through the thick clouds. The dust was so thick, she began to choke, forcing her to try to cover her face with her hand in an attempt to stem the tide of dust. While it barely helped, it was enough for her to continue her search for Sunset.

It did not take long to find her flame-haired friend, nearly tripping upon the poor girl, who lay face down upon the ground. When she did see her, Applejack fell to her knees at Sunset’s side her body in a cold sweat, her heart in her moth.

At first, she shook the girl’s shoulder a few times, only to receive no reaction. Seeing this, she turned the girl over only to gasp in shock when she saw Sunset’s face. Many small cuts and lesions littered the poor girl’s face. She looked to Applejack like Rarity’s cat had taken to using her face as a scratching post.

She didn’t let this distract her for long, as she noticed Sunsets very still form. In a panic, afraid for her friend’s life, she put her head to the girl’s chest near where her heart was, immediately breathing a sigh of relief when she heard the slow strong thump of Sunset’s heart in her chest.

“Oh man, Sunset, you sure enjoy givin’ a scare, don’t ya?” she remarked in relief, trying to resist laughing in hysteria. Though, despite the tone, she felt no joy, still worried about her unconscious friend. “Ya think you could cut it any closer next time, sugar cube?”

There was no chance for her to process or recover from her panic as a familiar male voice echoed in the air.

“Sunset!...., Twilight!..., Rainbow!..., Fluttershy!..., Sunset!...., Rarity!..., Twilight!” the voice of Flash Sentry echoed through the air as he began calling out for them.

Looking up in surprise, she saw the faint shadow of Flash moving through the cloud. Applejack raised an arm above her head waving it about to get his attention, calling out, “Over here, Flash! This way.”

Flash’s head turned towards the sound of Applejack’s voice, before rushing towards her. He appeared through the cloud as quickly as his name suggested, creating a small breeze in his wake. When he did appear, his panicked sky blue eyes first met Applejack’s green, his mouth opening, a question clear on his lips. Yet no word left his mouth as, not a moment, later his eyes fell upon Sunsets unconscious form.

“Sunset!” he cried out in panic, his face morphing into one of horror.

Flash dived to his knees, reaching out to Sunset, preparing to take her in his arm, having lost all his senses… only to be stopped by Applejack, who used her strength to restrain him before he accidentally hurt Sunset in his panic.

“WHOA! Slow down there, cowboy,” Applejack cried, getting his attention.

Flash looked back to Applejack in anger, a snarl on his lips as he tried, in vain, to wrench himself free. “Let go Applejack!”

But the farm girl refused, shaking her head, a serious look in her eyes. “Now, see here. I get that you care about her, but she may as well have been thrown over the farmhouse. Ya need to be careful with her or you’re just going to make things worse.”

Flash paused, his eyes widening as he took another look at Sunset’s injured face. The face of anger he once wore evaporated, morphing into shame as he realized what he could have done to Sunset in his panic.

Seeing this, Applejack let go of his hand, before placing her own upon his shoulder, giving it a tap, redrawing his shame-filled gaze. “Now, now, don’t look so glum, loverboy,” she remarked, trying to sound reassuring despite her own worry. “Ya just need to be careful. She might be hurt and we can’t risk acting recklessly around her a—”.

A sudden loud groan drew their attention to where the others lay upon the ground, where they watched as Rainbow Dash sat up. The poor girl was in a daze, clutching her head while moaning as though she had a stomach ache.

“Oh, what happened?” she questioned, looking about, oblivious to the conversation she interrupted.

Before either of them could say anything to the confused athlete, the sound of sirens began to fill the air. Emergency vehicles fast approaching that were unquestionably drawn by the explosion that rocked the school parking lot.

Hearing the sirens Applejack began to panic as she realized the gravity of the situation they had accidentally gotten themselves in… again.

Firstly, not only did she not know exactly how legal of a citizen Sunset was or if it would be brought into conversation if she was found at the sight of an explosion given her past. But second, and most importantly, she wasn’t sure what state Sunset would be in once she woke up.

The last thing they needed was a confused Sunset blabbing about Memory Stones or magic to the police which would immediately get her taken to the hospital for examination where she knew her records, or lack of them, would be taken into question.

Realizing the danger Sunset was, in she turned her attention back to her fallen friend, quickly summoning her strength before scooping the girl up into her arms.

This drew the attention of Flash, who watched her actions in alarm, clearly uncertain by this. “Wait, Applejack, shouldn’t we wait for the paramedics?” he questioned as he rose, moving to prevent her from standing.

Applejack felt her heart glow at seeing Flash caring about Sunset, even after everything that had happened between them. But, now was not the time for such things and Applejack knew this.

“Flash, we got no time for ceremony. Sunset is from a magical world of talking horses. What do ya thinks she’s got for records?” she asked in a deathly serious tone.

Flash made a distressed grunt, turning his gaze back to Sunset’s face for a moment, worry clear on his own. Then, with a sigh of defeat, he looked back to Applejack, giving a nod. “Alright. Go, just be careful with her.”

Then, his cheeks went red his eyes widening in embarrassment, “I-I’m not in love with her.” he stuttered, as he only just realized what Applejack had said a few moments ago.

“Heh, heh, sure you aren’t,” Applejack jabbed playfully as she stood up with Sunset cradled in her arms, her head resting over her shoulder, legs dangling in her arms. The flame-haired girl’s full weight upon her, yet Applejack barred it as though it were nothing as she motioned to Flash, moving towards the school.

“I’ll take her to hide out with the nurse. You go deal with the others and make sure they get inside out of sight where they can recover and run interference. At least till we can talk to Principal Celestia and her sister.”

Flash’s face turned to one of determination, nodding again in confirmation. “You can count on me,” he said with passion, letting her pass. “Just make sure she is alright.”

Applejack answered with her own nod. “You betcha Ah will. I’ve had enough stress for one day. I ain’t about to let anyone or anything near her after today.”

No more needed to be said between them as they left to go about their separate tasks.

Applejack swiftly carried Sunset into the school as though she were as light as an apple. And just in time to as first responders began to appear on the scene. Half a dozen police vehicles pulled into the parking lot from every side, with twice as many officers. All of them exited their vehicles, weapons drawn as they began securing the scene. With many more on the way from the sirens in the air.

The farm girl was only able to imagine what was happening outside as she rushed Sunset to the nurse’s office, where Applejack hoped to have the girl looked at while hiding from the police.

At the same time, Flash began dragging the other girls from the blast zone, who groggily complied, unsure of what was going on as he moved them into the shadow of the school to safety out of sight.

By the time the police congregated onto the sight of the Memory Stone’s detonation as well as entered the school both, Applejack alongside Sunset had already made it to the nurse’s office, where she gave a hasty explanation of an accident involving magic.

With no further explanation needed, they moved sunset out of sight, while Flash watched over the remaining five as they recovered from the shock of the explosion, waiting to tell them what happened as well as to play ignorant to the police for Sunset’s safety.

What followed was a sweep of the school by the police as the grounds were locked down. No one was allowed into the school nor out save for the police, paramedics, as well the bomb squad as the whole school was searched for any more explosives and all those present were questioned.

When the bomb squad searched the nurse’s office over, Sunset was just another student in bed who was in the nurse’s waiting for pick up to go home. The nurse explained she was sleeping off a fainting spell that caused her to fall face-first into the ground, resulting in her scratches.

After the bomb sweep was done, Sunset was laid to rest again not even stirring and the authorities moved on.

While this was happening, outside, the remaining five of seven gave their own referenced statements once the paramedics cleared. After being told what happened by Flash they all together came up with a story to tell the police, with Twilight insisting they all switch up the order of events slightly to keep the stories from being too perfect.

By the time the five plus Flash were released by the police, the sun had set completely, the moon high in the sky.

A full sweep of the school had been made with no other explosives being found, to the surprise of no one among the students or staff, who all had long since grown used to magical accidents.

With the teens cleared to leave, the lead officer insisted that their parents be called so they could be sent home, a fact that did not sit well with any of them as they wanted to check on Sunset.

Thankfully, before any of them could protest or cause a scene, Principal Celestia, who had arrived to deal with the police stepped in, suggesting they wait for their parents to pick them up in the nurse’s office, where the nurse could keep an eye on them so they would stay out of trouble, to which the officer agreed, seeing no harm in it as the school had been cleared.

He completely missed the wink the principal gave the five and Flash.

Realizing what Celestia was plotting, they let all protests die in their throats, happily complying as they were led away towards the school, much to the surprise of the officer not expecting the group of six to comply so easily. As the kids walked away the officer was quickly distracted by Celestia who directed his attention back to the crime scene with questions.

As soon as the doors closed behind the group as they entered the school, whatever good or even neutral mood they pretended to have in front of the officers were gone. All six of them could not hide the extreme worry they felt for their absent friend as they shuffled through the halls towards the nurse’s office.

All of them processed what they saw as well as what they remembered in the wake of the Memory Stone’s destruction. None of them were able to believe how they treated their dear friend, or the pain they put her through.

Fluttershy openly wept, much to Angel bunny’s worry, with Rarity only just keeping it in. Twilight hugged herself in self-comfort while leaning on Rainbow for support, having sprained her ankle in the fall, who in turn was doing her best to keep her anger at Wallflower in check, knowing better than to let it show right now.

Flash silently brooded in shame, wishing he had done more for his ex, still caring for her despite not fully reconciling their differences. All the while Pinkie Pie made various noises or talked to herself as she tried regaining her hearing, the blast having temporarily thrown it for a loop.

“Oh, I hope Sunset’s ok,” Fluttershy whimpered as she wept into Angel bunny’s head, the rabbit now a little annoyed as its caretaker practically squished him. But did not complain all the same, sensing her distress. “I just feel so awful how I treated her. I hope she forgives us.”

Murmurs of agreement echoed through the group at Fluttershy’s statement. All of them were still reeling at how they behaved.

While they knew it wasn’t their fault, it frightened all of them how they behaved simply because their memories were taken. Wasn’t the point of giving each other, as well as Sunset, a second chance a lesson in judging others simply by their past? It made them wonder if they had truly learned anything

Twilight took a tired breath as she took her glasses off her face, her head still hurting from the overload of information. “I’m just glad no one got hurt to badly. Had it not been so late, there’s no telling how many people could have been hurt by that exploding rock.”

“Mmhm.” Rarity sounded in agreement. “Yes, we should also be glad that the nurse was here today thanks to volunteering for tennis and volleyball practice. There is no telling where Applejack would have put Sunset if not.”

“Forget that! I just hope we don’t get in trouble for magicking another hole in the school.” Rainbow Dash quipped nervously, remembering the stern talking to they got after Applejack accidentally ripped her locker door off its hinges.

The whole group shuddered at the thought. They had only seen the sibling leaders of the school truly angry on a few occasions, even less at them specifically. And while Celestia let them go to check on Sunset somehow knowing something, they knew the sisters would have a few choice words for them later.

“WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT!” Pinkie Pie shouted, somehow appearing in the center of their group despite being in front of them a moment ago.

This startled the group, making them lurch back in fright at the sudden outburst the girl gave, Fluttershy nearly fainting from shock while only to be caught by Flash, who rushed to her side, while the others formed a wide ring at the pink-haired girl.

For a moment, the group just stared in fright as Pinkie looked at them expectantly, waiting for an answer. Though it did not take long for her patience to wear thin as she dashed to Twilight’s side, grabbing her head before shouting in her ear, “CAN YOU HEAR ME?”

“OWW!” Twilight cried, immediately pushing the confused girl off her ears, now ringing from the shout.

Seeing this, Pinkie Pie reeled back in panicked surprise as she tried to catch herself. “OH! SORRY ABOUT THE FOOT SCI. I DIDN’T MEAN IT,” she remarked apologetically missing the point completely. It did not take long after for a spark of realization to wash over the girl’s face at this. “WAIT! DOES THAT MEAN I AM NOT SAYING ANYTHING? CAN YOU HEAR ME?” Only it was the wrong realization much the group’s chagrin.

Seeing that they were getting nowhere, Rarity let out a tired groan, shaking her head as she drew a notepad from her purse. Without wasting a moment she quickly wrote a message down, before putting the pad in front of Pinkie’s face for her to read.
“We can hear you just fine. You have just temporarily lost your hearing. So please stop shouting.”

Pinkie Pie blinked at the notepad several times as she read the message. Then, when she was finished she looked up to Rarity again with a smile. “Oh well, why didn’t you say so?” she asked innocently in a way only she could.

A hiss escaped Rarity’s lips, followed by a smack as the purple-haired girl slapped her forehead in disbelief. “I—! You—! We are… oh never mind.”

Pinkie Pie, seeing this looked at Rarity in confusion, unsure of what her friend was doing, while the rest of their friends watched on in amusement, glad for the distraction. Fluttershy even giggled at the sight of her friends, no longer crying. A feeling that soon became infectious as they all began laughing lightly in relief, their stress and fears finally finding an outlet in the form of laughter.

Seeing Pinkie being Pinkie again was a relief, even to Rarity, no matter how much the girl infuriated her. It was like a sign that everything was going to be okay, that everything, now that the Memory Stone was gone, would go back to normal, so they all could move on.

How wrong they all were.

A few minutes later after recovering from their giggling fit, the group finally made it to the nurse’s office. Flash cordially opened the door for the group, ushering them in, to which the five thanked him for his kindness.

All of them had nervous, hopeful smiles upon their face after the incident in the hallway, all of them feeling much better, unable to wait to see their friend, hoping she had awoken from the shock of the Memory Stone’s self-detonation.

However, any joy they had received before quickly evaporated upon entering the room when they saw the state of the room’s occupants.

Across the room ,standing before one of the nurse’s examination spaces, which had its curtain drawn, were Applejack and Redheart.

The pair were standing, facing one another, their expressions somber, as though a dear friend had passed away. Dots of unshed tears were in Applejack’s eyes, her hat still missing from the blast. While Redheart held a hand over her mouth biting the skin between her thumb and forefinger, barley holding some terrible emotions in.

The pair’s heads turned to face the new group as they piled into the room, their grim expressions frightening the others.

Rarity’s hands flew to her mouth, letting out a shocked gasp leaving her lips. “Please, no. Don’t tell me she’s...” the teen began thinking the worst almost speaking the words the others felt.

The air seemed to be sucked from the room as the new group took in the terrible idea that their dear friend didn’t survive the blast.

It was a thought so terrible that many couldn’t bear it. Fluttershy began to silently cry again. Twilights closed her eyes, letting out a sob, her legs buckling, forcing Rainbow, then Flash to carry her to a nearby chair to rest.

At the same time, both teens looked fit to burst into rage their anger focused on the one who caused this disaster. While Pinkie Pie still unable to hear, she was easily able to read the room enough to tell something was wrong and began bouncing in her toes in worry, her hands clutched to her chest.

At this Redheart stepped forward, drawing the teenage ensemble’s attention to her. Seeing this reaction the nurse’s medical professionalism took over allowing her to recompose herself.

“Now girls,” she began tentatively hesitating slightly.

Redheart then went silent. Her mouth remained open, though no words came out, only a few incomprehensible sounds as she tried to find the right words to say.

The others seeing this wanted to know what was going on, their patience thin due to concern for Sunset. A fact that was only worsened by Redheart’s inability to find words to speak.

Several eyes went to Applejack, who rubbed the back of her neck nervously, looking away from them. She too was clearly at a loss for words by whatever happened in their absence.

Eventually, it became too much for Rainbow, who stepped forward with a growl, confronting the nurse. “Would you just spit it out already?! What happened to Sunset?!”

In reply, a startled whimpering filled the air around them confusing the group.

Though more startling to the friends, was the familiarity of the voice, it being one they all recognized as it belonged to their friend and honorary leader. It was Sunset’s voice.

Without waiting for an explanation, ignoring the cry of protest from Redheart and Applejack, Rainbow Dash in a colorful blur. She dodged Applejack’s arm with little effort when the farm girl tried to grab her. Rounding the pair, appearing before the curtain of one of the rooms, a hand on the white fabric ready to rip it open

“RD, wait!” Applejack protested as she and Redheart dashed to stop Rainbow from opening the curtain.

But, it was too late. Rainbow was beyond listening as she threw the curtain open in a flash, revealing what was beyond for all to see. Yet, when Rainbow Dash looked past the curtain, her face morphed into one of confusion, as she saw nothing.

“Where is she?” she asked in bewilderment.

The other girls, minus Twilight due to her leg, as well as Flash soon forced their way past Redheart and Applejack, heedless of their warnings, looking into the area, desperate to make sure Sunset was alright.

At first, they saw only an empty spot, the single bed and a stool being all they could see. Yet there was seemingly no sign of Sunset, despite the whimpering.

For a moment, they all stared in wonder of what was going on, Rainbow even wondering if she had the wrong curtain.

Yet, it was the observant eyes of Rarity that noticed something, or rather, someone hiding under the bed.

With a well-natured humored hum, Rarity stepped into the area, leaning down, followed by the others. “Now, now, Sunset dear, why are you hiding under the bed i? If you had a nightmare you can talk to us.”

However none of them wear prepared for what happened next.

Sunset, now clear as day to all, but Twilight who sat and listened nearby shirked out in fear. She was curled up in a ball, her arms over her head, hands collapsed into fists as she tried to shield herself. Her bloodshot tear-filled eyes were just barely visible through her arms as she looked back to them. Looked at them in fear, as though she didn’t recognize them.

Upon realizing they could see her, she curled up tighter, pressing her back against the wall as if trying to vanish within it, shocking her friends.

“Please leave me alone, don’t hurt me!” she pleaded, sounding like a frightened child. “Why won’t somepony save me?”

By this point, Applejack, out of patience, used her super strength to get in front of the group, quickly pushing the group back out into the main office where Redheart and Twilight waited. Once the group was clear she turned around closing the curtain behind them as they left once more leaving Sunset alone.

She spun round on her friends, giving them a heated glare. “Don’t you lot know when to listen? I told you ta wait didn’t I?” she chided to the group, though despite the words there, was no heat to them. Rather, they were more words of distress than anger.

Yet it didn’t matter whether Applejack was angry or not, the damage was done. Everyone, even Pinkie Pie, despite her hearing, quickly realized what was going on. Their friend, Sunset Shimmer had lost her memory thanks to the stone. And, it unlike their own didn’t come back. She had forgotten them.

Their friend had amnesia.

chapter 3: what now?

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A little while before others arrived.

“So hows she lookin?” Applejack asked watching Red heart as she examined Sunset’s head who lay unconscious upon an examination bed, medly of bandaids upon her face.

It had only been a few minutes since they had been allowed back into the school by the bomb squad. Both of them were near dripping with sweat due to stress making them shiver from the dropping air temperature with the setting sun. though neither one truly carried to relieved that the officers who took their statements believed their stories. Nether one suspecting anything of magic with their story. For now at least

The officers wear even kind enough to help them get Sunset back inside to rest till her “guardian” picked her up. One of them even joked that she will sleep better sense she missed all the excitement. Though neither Applejack nor Red heart laughed at the joke as they nervously agreed with the officers as they left.

During the whole affair, Applejack felt like she was on death’s door. From the moment officers burst into the nurse’s office, to when they were let back inside. Unable to keep from worrying that the officers would find out about their deception.

So when the police finally left them Nether her or poor nurse Red heart could be live they succeeded.

Applejack knew there was always a chance that some law enforcement agency would come to the school in the wake of a magic incident. They had gotten lucky thus far but to actually face both the police and bomb squad and skirt by… at least for now was a miracle.

The nurse looked up from where she was examining Sunset’s face with a tired smile. “Outside a few scratches, which I already treated she looks just fine.” Red heart answered happily.

“In fact.” she began as she took off her gloves “She will probably wake up before long in my professional opinion” remarking as she tossed them into the trashcan nearby.

At this apple let out a tired sigh as stumbling back into the wall behind her before sliding to the floor unable to stop herself. Her legs simply unable to hold her up any longer giving out as stress of the last hour or so took its toll.

“Oh sally, that’s a load off my mind,” Applejack remarked whipping the sweat from her brow with a backhand letting.

“Heh heh,” Applejack laughed nervously with a shake of her head. “now I know how Grannysmith felt when I had that wreak on the tractor. Won’t be calling her a worrywart again.” She joked, though her voice sounded strained as she did so.

This caused Read heart who finished her examination to start giggling good-naturedly. “I should think not.” she agreed as she join Applejack on the floor.

“Though I do wonder?” she added with a humm

Applejack hearing this turned her head to look at the nurse’s brow raised her curiosity peaked as to what she was going on about. “Oh and what’s that?” she asked nervously. Almost afraid to ask after everything that had happened today.

“Well, I was just wondering since we keep having these magic problems after twilights first visit you think she can send over an assistant for me and that I could charge her? I mean she is a princess and all.” the woman remarked obvious sarcasm in her voice.

It was a terrible joke, they both knew it but within seconds both of them had burst out into laughter. Applejack knew it was rude to laugh like she was at Princess twilight’s expense but couldn’t help it. After dealing with as much stress and confusion from everything she felt like a balloon ready to pop, begging for release. And laughter was exactly the release she needed.

By the time the pair stopped, they were gasping for breath with tears in their eyes. Their sides ached painfully from the strain, but neither cared as it felt great after everything that happened.

Applejack especially felt great as she recovered. Her friend was safe, her memories were back as they should be, and was already planning the apology she would make to Sunset when she woke up. For the first time since this mess with the memory stone started things were looking up

She would not have to wait long however as a short while later a low groan. This immediately drew the attention of both Applejack and Red heart who got to their feet at Sunsets side in a Flash.

When they arrived they saw Sunset moving in her sleep, her face scrunched up as though she were having a nightmare. At the same time, her body moved in strange ways like a dog would in its sleep.

Had anyone else been in their place Applejack knew that they would be confused as to why Sunset was moving in her sleep as though she were a quadruped. However, she along with all her friends knew from Sunset’s own words that she occasionally had dreams of being a pony again resulting in this behavior.

Sunset also told her that it occasionally resulted in some embarrassing explanations on the rare occasions she got caught sleep-walking.

As such this sight was of little concern for Applecjak or Red hear who knew of Sunset’s “condition”. who patiently watched with bated breath as she slowly came around.

Eventually, Sunset’s eyes fluttered open, her cyan eyes lazily looking up at the two moving shadows above her. She winced at the ceiling light moaning in pain bringing a closed fisted arm up to cover her face as she rolled onto her side facing the curtain. Then after seemingly getting comfortable her eyes closed again nuzzling into the bed as though it were a five-star hotel bed as she did so. Then after a few moments of this let out a breath before her breathing evened out.

Applejack and Red heart leaned forwards at this examining Sunset in curiosity wondering if she went back to sleep.

“I guess she’s just tuckered out, magic can take it out of ya in all,” Applejack remarked casually.

Applejack heard Red heart open her mouth to speak but no words came out. As not a moment later Sunset’s eyes snapped upon in alarm the frightened gasp leaving her lips. In turn startling Applejack as well as red heart making them jump having not expected her to react that way.

“Slow down their sally. Relax your alright,” she said in as calm a way possible reaching out to place a hand upon Sunset’s shoulder.

This however was a mistake as Sunset flinched in a way to Applejack it looked like a viper bite her. Then watched in shock as Sunset reeled back oner her hands and knees nearly rolling over the side of the bed. Seeing this Applejack gasped in surprise moving to catch Sunset before she fell.

Though it turned out to be unnecessary as Sunset found her balance a moment later. She then watched in silent worry as Sunset looked about the room with a bewildered gaze.

Applejack licked her lips nervously unsure what she should or even could do right now. She wanted to say something to her friend but wasn’t sure what to say that would frighten her in this delirious state not wanting to make things worse.

‘Shoot… now what do I do?’ she wondered as she turned to look at the nurse.

She noticed how Red heart looked almost eerily calm, despite the freak out watching Sunset with calm calculating eyes. Making it clear to the farm girl the woman was trying to judge her approach from years of training, no doubt having done this before.

Then watched with trepidation as without warning Red heart slowly approached sunset raising her hands in front of her in a nonthreatening way as to not startle her again.

Applejack seeing this wanted to tell her to stop not wanting to scare Sunset again, but could not find the words. Instead, she forced herself to remain where she was, reminding herself that Red heart knew what she was doing being a trained nurse.

“Sunset?” Red heart said calmly. But the girl didn’t react, too out of sorts to notice the nurse’s efforts.

Seeing this the nurse cringed but didn’t let it deter her, instead, she repeated “Sunset?” a bit louder.

This time the girl reacted looking up in the nurse’s direction in alarm. It was heard that Applejack sensed something wasn’t right as she saw her friend’s eyes, saw the fear, saw the lack of recognition in her eyes.

Before any more could be said Sunset let out a pain hissed as she raised her left arm over her eyes to shield her eyes from the lights above clearly too bright to her tired eyes. It was what Sunset said next that would shake Applejack to her core.

“Ehh. what sorcery is this… why is it so bri-” Sunset began to say only to stop when she noticed her head

It was then she watched as the girl gave out a panicked scream that rang AppleJack’s head forcing her to cover her ears. While holding her hand in front of herself acting like it had been amputated in her sleep.

“W-Wha-what’s happened to me, what is this,” she asked in a frenzied panic. It was at this point Sunset turned her attention to the rest of her body looking herself over in dual bewilderment and fright. “what am I? Where are my hooves? Wh-what did I do wrong? Why am a I-”

Then Applejack saw her gaze fall upon the both of them her eyes wide looking at both her as well as Red heart like they were aliens. And given what she knew Applejack was beginning to realize to Sunset they were aliens. It was here that she saw a look that she never Sunset would ever give her.

Fear. Sunset was afraid of her.

She watched as Sunset screamed again in fright pointing her fist at both of them in fear. “Who? Who are you ponies? What have you done to me.” Sunset screamed in fright as tears began to fall down her face

(present time)

“And that’s more or less what happened…..” Applejack explained to the group as she set down a now-empty paper cup upon the nurse’s desk after she finished her story to the other.

“After that, we left decided to leave her alone in their seise we didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to scare her more,” she added a moment later. It was here that she regarded to group reaching up to her bare head in remembrance, “By the way has anyone seen my hat?” she asked suddenly looking about the room for her missing stetson.

Others meanwhile stood around in a wide circle minus Twilight who sat in the Nurses chair having her ankle looked at, by the nurse. While unnecessary the paramedics already clearing her twilight didn’t mind realizing Red heart just wanted something to distract herself.

Fluttershy and Rainbow dash were also absent as the meek girl excused herself halfway through the story unable to bear it anymore having. The poor girl became hysterical, blaming herself for the incident before running off with rainbow hot on her heels. The Rainbowette only stopping a second to let the others know she would deal with it.

Rarity silently wept leaving her makeup a travesty as the tears ruined it, a hand over her mouth in shock as she leaned against the wall for support. Her skin was even paler than normal, as well appearing a bit faint.

Pinkie pie on the other hand had practically lost all color looking almost gray. Her hair had deflated completely hanging low on her body going past her waist. A large frown upon her face while large tears fell from her face into almost cartoonishly large pools on the ground. It was possible the saddest they had ever seen PInkie pie in their lives.

Flash sentry however just looked bitter and angry as he looked away from Applejack having turned away at some point during the story. Why he was angry was hard to say but they all had a fairly good guess as to what, or who. But no one said anything to him knowing that he needed time which he was grateful for.

None of them could believe what they were hearing. None of them could believe that Sunset had lost all her memories when they themselves had all their’s restored not too long ago. Nore did anything understand why.

“It doesn’t make any sense.” twilight said the first to break the silence as she vocalized what they all were thinking. “How did all of our memories were returned despite being gone much longer while Sunsets memories didn’t.” her voice trembling nervously.

Applejack rubbed her forehead at this groaning in frustration. “None of this Equestrian magic stuff makes any lick of sense. This was always Sunset or Twilifghts thing,”.

It was here that Applejack realized what she had said before giving a nervous chuckle looking towards Twilight with an apologetic face. “Ah, the other Twilight…no offense Twilight.”

“None taken.” twilight returned with a weak chuckle clearly putting on a brave face.

The brave face did not last though as strain crept into her features once again, “you are right though. I still don’t understand this magic stuff. We should ask my counterpart should know what to do”

“The princess?” Flash echoed suddenly his voice becoming equal parts hopeful and longing.

In an instant, his angry face lit up like christmas, the sullen frown turning into a small smile. A fact that none missed clear to all that he still had a thing for the Princess even after all this time.

“Yes let’s ask twilight she will know what to do,” he exclaimed already moving towards the door without thinking.

At this Applejack stepped forward intercepting him as he pulled the door open placing her arm upon it before shutting on him. He pulled back in surprise quickly becoming angry glaring at her demanding to know why she stopped him.

“Ahh in case you forgot casanova we need Sunsets journal for that. And last I checked the only one who knows where it has amnesias.” Applejack reminded Flash with no small amount of smugness.

Hearing this Flash’s face went red, ether in embarrassment at Applejack’s words or shame for snapping at her, though it was hard to say which. Regardless he immediately began to babble both apologies as well as any romantic feelings he had for the Equestria princess. Much to Applejacks amusment

The display caused Twilight to slap her forehead in disbelief kicking the ground in frustration. Only to regret the actions she struck the ground with her injured leg causing her to grab it in pain while Red heart chided her carelessness.

As this went on from the sidelines Rarity who by this point had regained some composure scribbled down a brief overview of everything that was being said for Pinkie pies sake. All the while trying to suppress a groan of frustration at the lack of common sense on display.

But instead of bringing up her friend’s behavior, she cleared her throat getting everyone’s attention as she brought up another matter. The fashionista silently hoping that it would take their minds off the twilight situation, for now at least.

“If I may? She asked calmly doing her best to keep her voice even drawing all eyes to her. “I’d like to ask if anyone knows why Sunset was scared of the electric lights?” rarity pointed out astutely as she continued to scribble notes for Pinkie pie.

This drew confused looks all around as until now none of them had even put any thought into why she was scared of them. All of them were too distracted by Sunset’s amnesia to pay any mind to it. None of them offered any form of explanation or even tried to, too confused by her words to answer.

Seeing this reaction Rarity elaborated on her question, “I remember talking with twilight about such things last time she was here when asking about her world for ideas for a new line.” beginning simply for her friend’s sake not wishing to confuse them.

She paused for a few seconds to make sure she hadn’t lost them with her explanation. But a few seconds later saw a few nods of confirmation from her friends and continued.

“During one of these talks, she explained the difference between her world’s technology and our own. And the pony’s while primitive by comparison have all manner of electrical apparatuses. Both domestic, military, and medical. She explained.

“Seems rather odd to be scared of something you have access to back home.” she added before turning back to give Pinkie pie the pad.

“HUH that is strange.” Pinkie pie commented putting a hand under her chin looking up at the ceiling in thought when she read the note. “Maybe lightbulbs weren’t invented yet.” Pink proposed a moment later while handing back the pad.

The friends assembled in the room were all quiet, while most did want to want to protest that the idea sounded silly. At the same time, they couldn’t deny the possibility either. As well as the fact that none of them had any other decent explanation for it ether having never been to Equestria before. As far as any of them knew.

It was here that Red heart decided to step in entering the friend’s conversation. “It may not be so simple.” drawing all eyes from rarity to herself.

This caused the science expert to raise a brow at this statement, “What do you mean?” twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses curious what the school nurse was getting at.

At this Red heart finished with twilights leg of stood up turning slightly to face the group before she explained. “While I don’t know much about lands full of magical talking ungulates, but in Sunsets case they may not have been widely available where she was living before coming to earth.”

“True Twilight… the other twilight may have access to electricity now. It took till nearly the 1940s for electricity to be largely available country-wide in the U.S Equestria may be the same. So to Sunset it may seem like sorcery,” Red heart explained, stuttering only once at the mention of twilights name.

Red heart looked back to twilight for a moment with an apologetic expression at her mistake. Though twilight just gave a weak smile waving off the woman’s worries having long gotten used to people mixing her up for the other Twilight. After all, having another version of herself was confusing enough on its own. She could only imagine other people’s confusion when she first arrived at CHS.

Instead, her attention was put to a more pressing matter that pledged her mind. “Ok I can accept that Equestria may not have had electric power a few years ago, we won’t know unless we ask someone from Equestria,” rationalizing her thoughts on the matter which everyone quickly agreed with.

“BUT” Twilight began sharply raising her free hand pointer finger raised high. “What I want to know is how all this happened in the first place and why such a thing was on earth, to begin with.”

“That is what I would like to know” a new voice suddenly added as the nurse’s office door was opened.

Everyone Including the nurse jumped startled by the sudden intrusion. Turning their heads towards the sound they all saw standing the doorway was a very cross-looking, Celestia.

The normally bright-looking Principle looked at all those assembled her expression bitter clearly very upset. Her clothes wear creased somewhat dirty below the knees spattered with dirt or dust, likely from the explosion site. Her hair was a frazzled mess, eyes somewhat bloodshot from stress. While her left foot impatiently tapped the ground as she closed the door behind her.

In her free hand was a small stack of papers as well as a few contact cards that wear threatening to fall from her grip. While in the other Celestia had a large coffee cup that she tried to not drop as she closed the door behind her.

The room was taken aback by Celestia’s appearance both figuratively as well as literally. None of them had ever seen the woman this upset before in their lives. All of them even nurse Red heart found themselves subconsciously backing up towards the far wall. With Pinkie pie, in particular, sinking out of sight behind the nurse’s desk in fright not needing to hear to know the woman was angry.

“Anyone care to explain to me why I was wondering why I hadn’t expelled sunset after the fall formal? Only to remember how she became a model student before the parking lot was blown up. Not to mention why the bomb squad found Trixi locked in the yearbook room?” She demanded sternly practically spitting vinegar as she spoke.

The others looked at each other in surprise as well as fear at this statement unsure what to say. All of them were still too taken aback by her sudden appearance to speak.

Seeing this Celestia growled impatiently clearly very upset. “WELL?” she demanded raising her arms with the words causing some coffee to fall from her cup onto the floor.

Suddenly without warning the cabinets above the nurse’s desk burst open revealing pinkie pie inside. This action startled Celestia as well as the nurse making them step back in fright seeing Pinkie pies strange abilities.

“Would you like the short version or the long version?” pinkie pie asked looking at the principal nervously from inside the Cabinet ignoring the glare she got from the nurse.

“Also my hearing is coming back but my ears are ringing so you might want to speak up a tiny bit.” she added a moment later bringing her hand before her with her pointer and thumb close together as she said “a tiny bit.”

Celestia opened her mouth to speak pointing her cup towards Pinkie pie in bewilderment. But closed it a moment later likely thinking better of it. Instead, she brought a hand up to her face pinching the bridge of her nose letting out a groan, “short?” she started hesitantly clearly sounding unsure of herself.

For a few seconds Pinkie pie was quiet looking at the Principle in uncertainty. Prompting Celestia to repeat herself a little louder. Which seemed to do the trick as Pinkie pie’s face lit up in recognition as she took in an enormous breath before…

“OH! Well, the short version is that wallflower blush apparently was still mad at sunset for the whole bullying and the demon take over the school thing despite saving the school three times with our help. So then she used a magical stone that she found that can erase memories, only it doesn’t erase memories to make everyone think that we hated sunset still so we would be mean to her. Then Sunset figured out it was Wallflower somehow before confronting her in the parking lot. Wear Sunset then broke the stone causing it to explode like my sprinkles restoring all our memories. But now she doesn’t remember anything and now we are all standing here talking about it while the police are outside.”

Following this high-speed explanation Celestia watched wide eyed as the grayed-out pinkett caught her breath before once more shutting the cabinet with her still inside it.

Though it soon became clear that Celestia didn't understand what was being said when the poor woman muttered a mystified “What.”. Seeing this Twilight sighed as she turned her body on the nurses wheeled chair moving it with her good leg to sit in front of celestia.

“Wallflower found magic pony rock. Used said rock to erase all good memories of sunset. We hate sunset, wallflower gets revenge. Sunset finds out, breaks the stone, gets our memory back, and loses her own memory in the process...Better?”

Celestia stood there for several long moments in shock as she processed what she was told. Taking several long shaky breaths as she did so before uttering out a breathless “Oh.”

“That’s what I said.” pinkie pie suddenly called out appearing from thin air behind

Poor Twilight yelped in fright at this whirling around on the chair nearly colliding with Celestia, while the Principle and Nurse gasped in surprise. Both adults looking between the girl and the Cabinet the girl was in just moments ago in disbelief. Nether able to believe how the girl could seemingly apparate out of thin air as she did.

“Pinkie Pie! How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?” the girl asked in frightened anger. But as always the Pinkiette ether could hear or wasn’t listening as she giggled like a maniac at Twilight’s expression. The girl said she looked funny when angry

This caused Rarity and Applejack to try to defuse the situation as Flash stood about unsure what or if he should do something. Watching the girls almost envious of how close they were.

As this happened Celestia then moved to the nurse’s desk setting the papers down upon its surface. This caused the woman to grumble about trying to keep a clean desk. Once she was sure they wouldn't fall she brought her cup up taking a large gulp from it then turned to face those assembled once more.

When she looked at everyone they all went silent as the Principle gave them all a look that demanded their full attention. One that made it clear that she would not tolerate any interruption, argument or distraction with what was about to be discussed.

"Where is Sunset now? And is she alright," she demanded her professional tone returning giving no room for question.

"Currently in their scared out of mind about everything," applejack said pointing to the examination room behind her over her shoulder. “But otherwise alright, minus a few scratches.”

Celestia nodded in recognition at this satisfied with that answer, “Do we have a plan for getting her memory back?” she asked next

“We do,” flash said drawing the principles gaze to him. “we are going to get in touch with Princess twilight she always knows what to do. We just need to find Sunsets book to do it.” he remarked fondly at the mention of Twilights name.

Celestia raised her brow at the boy making Flash’s already red face turn even redder. She was tempted to comment on how a relationship with a princess from an alternate reality likely wouldn’t work. But thought better of it deciding to keep her comments to herself.

Instead, she chose to focus on the book not deal with her student’s personal lives. “Leave finding the book to me and the custodians,” she declared plainly. “If it is on school grounds it will be found soon enough. I will contact you as soon as I have it to message princess Twilight”

It was Rarity that spoke next raising her hand up as well as waiting for Celestia to grant her permission to speak out of habit. To which the Teacher did telling her to go ahead a moment later. “What will we do with Sunset in the meantime we can’t leave her in the nurse’s office till the princess arrives?” the fashionista asked.

Celestia thought about this for a moment as it was a good question, one she had no good answer for. But one she needed to take care of for her student’s sake.

“Leave Sunset to me I will take care of her for now till we sort things out with twilight or make other less last-minute arrangements,” she answers doing her best to sound confidant.

This got a number of protests the girls and even flash wanting to help care for their friend Celestia was having none of it.

While it warmmed her heart to see Sunsets friends so willing to care for her. Celestia knew that if the girl truly had amnesia she needed adult supervision until they knew what they were dealing with. Sending her off to one of her friend’s homes to stay right now would be unfair to their parents on such short notice.

Once all arguments were silenced Celestia asked if any of them had any more things that needed to be brought to her attention. When no one did aside from Fluttershy running off she Celesita concluded their impromptu meeting. With this Celestia had one more task ahead of her. Getting the teens to go home.

As expected this brought upon her many arguments the girls and Flash not wishing to leave Sunsets side. But Celestia was having none of it, it was past ten they needed to go home. So with some help from Red heart called for the teen’s parents. Though just as they wear about to leave Celestia had one more thing to say.

"Twilight before you go I need your help with something?" she asked making the girls pause in the doorway.

All of them the poor teen staring at their principal nervously as she saw the woman’s expression. Making it clear that whatever was going on she couldn’t say no, if not for her sake then for Sunsets

“Yes, principle Celestia?”


3 chapters in I hope everyone is enjoying it. Ive never really done this before much less as a brony so I hope I am living up to everyone's expectations. it's a lot of fun to write a story about my favorite character and the comments and advice I have been receiving are very helpful and I will try my best to improve thanks to it. so I thank everyone for helping me in the right direction.

chapter 4: Is that legal?

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“You want me to what!?” twilight exclaimed in shock, staring wide-eyed at Celestia as though she had grown a second head.

The room was now mostly empty with only twilight, Nurse red heart, and Celestia herself remaining. in the room. While Sunset could still be heard weeping inside the examination room now and then. A sound that made all the room’s occupants’ hearts clench, Celestia’s most of all as only that morning she had been ready to expel the girl.

As she stood there before her student and colleague Celestia wanted a vacation. She felt like she was going to explode after what must have been the twentieth magic-related incident this quarter alone.

This school year is going to kill me, and we still have two months left, she thought tiredly.

She had started the day working on paperwork to expel as well as preparing to make a criminal report against Sunset. The entire time wondering why she had even let her stay, to begin with.

Only to then remember all the good things sunset had done sense fall formal. At the same time as nearly being shaken from her seat by an explosion. Which was apparently caused by a magical artifact from a land of talking ponies. And to add insult to injury one of her students now had amnesia while the one responsible was nowhere to be found.

Already her mind wandered to someplace with some sun and surf away from all the madness. A place to unwind and get away from the craziness that seemed to now occur on a near-weekly basis.

I hear Hawaii is nice this time of year, her mind thought in longing wishing she and luna had paid vacation for a break away from it all.

She loved her students and was greatly amused and enthralled by the magic they made. However, some day’s she felt like strangling them as their magic-related accidents caused her so much trouble. Like blowing a hole the size of a sedan in the parking lot as a recent example.

But alas it was not to be as she stood in the nurse’s office with a wide-eyed Twilight sparkle sitting before her upon the nurse’s stool. Her mouth was upon a slack hinge looking as though it would fall off. Eyes wide as saucers while her skin was turning rather pale. Even looking as though she were going to faint.

Not far away Nurse read heart stood near the doorway into the room where Sunset now dwelled. Watching over it in case sunset needed anything or tried to escape.

Yet like Twilight she too stared slack-jawed at her request of the teen unable to believe what she was hearing. Looking at her as though she had been set on fire, a fact she could not fault her for feeling given the illegal nature of the request.

It made her grateful she had the foresight to insist the others leave before she Asked for the teen’s help. After all, if this was Twilights and Red Heart’s reaction she shuddered at how long it would take to justify herself to the whole group.

Sighing thirdly Celestia pinched the bridge of her nose from stress as she thought how to best explain her request. “I need you to edit the security footage of the school around the time of the incident,” she repeated regretfully trying her best to stay calm.

I wish there was another way but this needs to be done, she bemoaned silently at the laws she was going to break.

Unlike her sister who frequently bent rules wear she felt necessary, believing more in the spirit rather than the letter of the rules. She followed the letter of the rules with little exception deeply disliking breaking them, or she did before the fall formal a few months ago.

With magic now being a constant problem, she had to regularly make exceptions to the seven when accidents happened. Now regularly letting people off when they accidentally misused magic to cause harm to others. Or giving reduced punishments to prevent the police from getting involved and finding out that real magic existed. Not to mention regularly explaining to parents about the goings-on at the school

A fact that made her grateful that most of the school population, agreed to keep quiet about it. While the few that didn’t or didn’t want to were wise enough not to risk sounding crazy with so many against them.

But this time was far different.

“But tha-that’s illegal, I can’t tamper with the school security. What would the police say?” Twilight exclaimed in horror shaking her hands before her frantically in panic as if to protect herself.

Celestia felt her headache swell at this, her temper involuntarily flaring slipping free. “The police will have far more to say when they see magic being used on the security recordings, or Sunset being carried away from the crime sense outside by Applejack when they look at them later if you don’t.” she countered raising her voice speaking more sharply than she intended. Even nearly spilled her coffee again as she brought her arms up unconsciously to exaggerate her point.

Twilight launched back letting out a panicked gasp unable to believe her ears. Her skin quickly paled, her hands quickly going over her mouth. Her eyes went wide with a mixture of, fear, and betrayal at Celestia’s heated words. At the same time, her body shook in fright as though she had seen a ghost.
Then ask quickly as she reacted her eyes closed unshed tears in them, body slumping forwards, arms falling to her sides in defeat a whine on her lips before asking, “what do you want me to do?” she asked fearfully her eyes not making contact with the principal.

Seeing this reaction Celestia was instant. filled with regret horrified that she snapped at one of the precious students. “Tw-Twighlight I-I’m sorry,” she said her voice ghastly as she stumbled back into the Nurses door. Her body felt weak and she had to force herself not to fall to the floor or drop her coffee cup.

Her words however had little effect on Twilight who only just looked up at her in frightful anticipation, as if expecting to be struck again. It was a sight that Made Celestia’s heart shatter in shame at what she had done. What, what have I done? I lost my temper at an innocent student. This mess isn’t her fault why did I do that? She questioned but had no answer, no good one at least.

I can’t wait for this day to be over.

As Celestia stood there a moment longer looking over the girl, she wanted to rush to the girl’s side. To apologize, to embrace the girl, tell her that it was alright and she didn’t mean it. But she couldn’t, though not for lack of wanting but rather for she could not find the words to speak.

Instead, all she could do was look away in shame while taking a long tiring breath before answering the girl’s question. “I need you to adjust the security footage so that when the police look at it they don’t see Sunset or applejack anywhere near the explosion, or any magic of any kind. If we can do that then that should be just enough to keep the police from finding out about everything,” her voice slow and lifeless as she spoke.

Twilight was quiet for a few moments at hearing this request. Her body still shook slightly in fright at the principles anger unable to believe that her new Principle would snap at her. But tried not to dwell on it, instead she fought through her fear for Sunset’s sake.

“How much time do I have?” Twilight asked drawing one of the Principles eyes to her, though the woman did not face her still too ashamed to. “ even if I started now it’s going to take a while to make the dummy footage you requested. And what’s keeping the police from just taking it?” asking bringing up a good point.

“Thankfully luck is on our side this time, we have at least until Tuesday morning to get this done,” she answers confidently.

This answer caused Twilight’s brow to raise her mouth opening slightly in silent asking.

Realizing an explanation was in order Celestia took a quick sip from her cup before turning to face her student. Thought her face was still trapped in a frown still bitter at herself for losing her temper. “Fortunately I am not authorized to give away security footage without the district superintendent’s permission or a warrant.”

“but the superintendent is on vacation and the courthouse is closed tomorrow, meaning unless the lead detective can find a judge willing to sign a warrant on essentially a day off he will need to wait till Tuesday.”

Twilight thought about this a moment bringing a finger under her chin, her brows furrowed in thought as well as worry. “That’s still not a lot of time though,” she muttered still sounding unconvinced.

“I know which is why you won’t be doing it alone,” Celestia added.

“What!? What do you mean someone is going to help me? Who could you possibly ask outside chips? And I know for a fact he would never agree to what amounts to hacking? More against rule-bending than I am!”

Celestia quickly raised her free hand up to Twilights mouth to silence her shouting student before someone overhead them. Sparing a glance to the door she watched in bated breath praying that an officer wouldn’t walkthrough.

A moment later She watched a frantic Red heart dash to the door. The nurse opened it before stepping out to look into the hall checking for anyone who may have been listening. During this time Celestia didn’t speak as she waited for Red heart’s response afraid she would jinx it. The whole time waiting she felt her heart in her throat beating like a drum. When she spared a glance down to Twilight the girl looked worse than she felt.

Before Twilight looked like she had seen a ghost, now she looked like one so ghastly pale was she. Her body shook like a leaf in the wind. Her hands were holding onto the seat of the rolly stool in a white knuckle grip. While tears of fear fell from her eyes.

Again Celestia wanted to comfort the girl, to tell her it was alright, but again she couldn’t. Though this time it was out of fear unable to look away from the door.

Thankful after what felt like hours which in truth was only about a minute Red’s heart returned. The moment she stepped inside she shook her head as she gave an “all clear.” while closing the door behind her. Only to fall against the door a moment later with a sigh shaking her head.

Immense relief washed over Celestia as she let go of twilights mouth to wipe some sweat from her brow. She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her lungs burning from strain.

Twilight on the other hand quickly muttered an apology before whipping the tears from her eyes at the close call.

For a few minutes after this scare no one spoke, all of them too busy recovering. Celestia sat upon the nurse’s desk sipping from her cup ignoring the disapproving glances of Red heard who went back to check in on Sunset through the Curtin. The trained nurse was taking the stress the best, having previously worked in a hospital. While twilight sat hunched over on her chair a hand on her chest as she did the breathing exercises her sister-in-law taught her, while her glasses rest loosely in her nondominant hand her eyes closed.

Eventually, though Celestia sat her cup down taking a series of deep breaths to still her nerves before getting off the desk to look over her student.

She watched how the girl fidgeted nervously as she tried to calm herself. Twirling her glasses in hand, while also counting silently to herself to still her nerves. It reminded her very much of Princess twilight who behaved similarly when she visited. A fact that even now still unnerved her, her the idea of an alternate reality Canterlot was still something she struggled to wrap her head around.

Celestia didn’t let it distract her for long though, reminding herself that it was well past ten and twilight needed to go home if they were to have any chance at helping sunset.

Clearing her throat Twilights eyes snapped open with start. She recovered quickly though and turned to look at her with a weak smile, one which she tried to return while pretending not to notice her fright.

“Now then.” she began nervously her voice warbling slightly causing her to clear it again “I already contacted a… “friend” of mine from my school day’s when I finished the police.” I’ll be it reluctantly, she remarked silently at benign forced to ask the man for help.

Celestia saw the way Twilight noticed her slight stutter as well as the way she almost ground out the word friend, her brow raising in silent question but said nothing merely nodding

“He said he would be willing to help, but he would need some assistance which is why I asked you. He and luna said they could deal with applejack and the hallway but would like someone else to cover up the explosion given the amount of time we have. And you are the only one I can think of who would be even remotely available to help him.” she explained
Twilight was silently taken aback by the mention of luna’s name as she took in the explanation, not expecting the vice principal to be a programmer much less to a degree she could help.

This state of surprise didn’t last though, as soon her gaze drifted down towards the floor her right pointer finger under her chin. Clearly thinking it over or debating if she was actually going to do what was asked of her. Though Celestia wasn’t sure which it was.

“How do I get in touch with this person? she asked looking back up to her with a look that told Celestia she would do it. “I need to make sure I see what he is doing so our work is seamless. It will look less staged that way,” she explained knowingly.

Having a feeling that the girl would ask this she came prepared. Pulling a business card she had written on previously from her pocket hading it out for Twilight to take.

Seeing this twilight put her glasses back on blinking a few times as her vision adjusted before getting a good look at the card. Seeing what it was Twilight took her business card looking at the front seeing the familiar contact information for the principal. It was just like the one Celestia gave her parents when she transferred after the friendship games debacle. However, it was when she flipped she saw a rather odd user handle written on the back.


“That’s his harmony account user, you can get in touch with him there, though I recommend keeping it brief. He has a habit of getting carried away and playing with people,” Celestia explained, waving her free hand slightly as she spoke.

Twilight looked back to Celestia a look of uncertainty on her face as she heard this warning. “Can I trust him?

Celestia had to resist a chuckle at this question, as she and her sister had been asking that same question about the crazy man since high school. Even now neither one of them had a good answer, and she doubted she ever would.

“You can trust him not to tattle on you to the authorities or snoop. Beyond that you never can tell with him,” she answered honestly.

Twilight didn’t look entirely convinced by this she stared into Celestia’s eyes with uncertainty. Though eventually ether out of faith or simply not voice her thoughts she pocketed the card. “I’ll start working as soon as I get home … provided no one notices me pulling an all-nighter I should have the dummy footage by tomorrow evening. Promis!,” declaring her intent with confidence despite her appearance.

Celestia smiled weakly her eyes dampen in gratitude to her dedicated students and how much they cared. It truly was heartwarming to see the girls willing to go so far for one of their own. She almost wished that she could keep them for another four years … almost.

Yet she couldn’t help feel a large pang of regret as twilight made her intentions clear. She had no idea how difficult programming or editing was, but she did know it was time consuming as her sister regularly complained about it.

I’ll just need to make sure she gets an extension on her homework as well as some rest if necessary to make sure she doesn’t fall behind, she thought reasonably reminding herself to speak with Twilights teachers the next chance she got.

“Um… principle?”

The sound of Twilight’s voice brought Celestia from her thoughts with a jolt. Looking down embarrassment flooded her cheeks when she realized she had left the girl hanging due to her distraction.

“Yes?” she asked meekly to embarrassed to say much more.

“I was just wondering if you needed anything else? because as if I am going to do this I would like to get started soon.”

“Oh!” Celestia exclaimed glancing towards the clock, realizing her parents or sister-in-law were probably wondering where Twilight was as it had been nearly thirty minutes since the others left.

Realizing how late it had gotten Celestia turned back to Twilight an apology on her lips, “I’m sorry for keeping you Twilight. Yes, if you don’t have any more questions for me you can go.” she answer

Twilight shook her head at this denoting she had no further questions before trying to stand up. Only to sit back down a moment later with a yelp forgetting about her sprained ankle again. Making it clear to all that she still couldn’t walk on it, nor was it likely she would be able to without help for some time. It made Celestia wish she had simply called the girl from her home rather than keep her.

What’s done is done, no point complaining now Celestia. She told herself with a sigh as she reached a hand to the girl’s shoulder. “Do you need any help getting outside?”

The question caught twilight by surprise who immediately tried to refuse out of politeness not wishing to impose on the principle. But Celestia was just as stubborn poking holes in any argument the teen had.

Eventually, the girl relented allowing Celestia to help her to her feet draping one arm over her shoulder allowing her to hobble. Once sure of the girl’s footing she began to lead Twilight away towards the main entrance, where she explained Cadence waited outside with the rest of her family busy.

As they left Red heart told them she would stay behind to keep an eye on sunset till Celestia returned, for which the principal was grateful.

The walk through the halls was mostly quiet the only sounds to be heard aside from Celestia’s steps or Twilight’s hops alongside the occasional creepy sounds of the empty school or the odd officer who was doing who knows what. Nether wants to break the silence, the principal due to her guilt of asking so much of twilight after her behavior, while Twilight was unsure of how to approach an authority figure due to Cinch’s actions.

Because of this an awkward air formed between them. Both of them dreading the silence, but neither felt comfortable breaking it.

This torturous silence was made even more so as the minutes slowly ticked by. The usually short walk from the nurses office to the front door took much longer due to the poor girl’s injuries.

Their silence was so torturous as well as long Celestia began to wonder what would become of her precious student. She wondered if princess twilight would truly be able to save sunset. She worried what would become of the girl who now remembered nothing of her time as a human. She questioned her own ability to help sunset for allowing Wallflowers darker thoughts to fester for so long unchecked. Even questioning if she was fit to lead the school after being so easily manipulated.

She was scared, only just keeping her fear in check for the sake of the others. Silently stewing as she tried to think of a way to help her students through this disaster.

So deep were her thoughts on the matter that she nearly missed it when Twilight asked her a question.

“We will get her back, right?”

Celestia turned to look at the girl who she carried through the halls in wonder, wondering where this sudden doubt came from. “I have every faith that princess twilight and her friends. Why do you ask?”:

She watched as the twilight chewed on her lip, her eyes downcast towards the floor, while her free hand played with her skirt. Obvious tells that she was nervous, that something was wrong. Though before she could even open her mouth twilight cut her off.

“It’s just before when Sunset. Before when she. After Wallflower. ” Twilight stammered weakly but didn’t finish the words dying in her throat.

If Celestia wasn’t worried before she was now panic rising within. Forcing them to stop she leaned twilight against the wall facing her. Though Twilight’s gaze remained fixed to the ground as though it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Seeing this Celestia brought a finger under the girl’s chin forcing the girl to look at her.

It was then that she saw all the unshed tears in her eyes making her bite back a gasp of worry. “Twilight what’s wr-

“The last thing I remember before flash carried me to safety.” she began her voice cracking as she spoke. “Before I blanked out Sunset asked us not to forget her.” she finally got out her unshed tears finally falling.

“I know the princess will think of something, everyone else says she always does. But, but-”

Twilight couldn’t finish as she was overtaken by powerful sobs that shook her body. The poor girl falling into Celestia’s arms in grief, unable to hold herself up any longer as the stress of the day became too much for her to bear.

Celestia herself was so surprised by this she nearly fell over, only just remaining standing due to being far heavier and a bit stronger than the shorter girl.

She had dealt with distraught students before, it, unfortunately, happened all too often in high school. From bullies to nasty breakups there was almost always someone in need council. but rarely was anyone so distraught that they embraced her of all people.

Yet in all her time counseling distraught students rarely did they ever get physical leaving her unused to such contact. And yet …

Eventually, she did the only thing she could think of wrapping her arms around Twilight in a tender embrace. It felt foreign to embrace one of her students this way. Regularly holding herself back to not breach the fine line between educator and student. Though just this once she felt that is was necessary. As they both needed it.

Though as she held twilight she began to wonder how much longer her students would have to deal with this madness. when would all these terrible events end?

Today has really outlived its welcome.

Once twilight had cried to her last she finally brought the girl to a worried sick cadence who had been waiting behind police tape for over half an hour. After telling the deen of Twilight crying spell that seemed to be enough to placate the woman for the time being. The woman prioritized her new sister-in-law over her own rabid curiosity.

Working together the pair got Twilight into the car just as the poor girl fell asleep. Seeing the sleeping teen was enough to momentarily make the pair forget about the disaster around them.

Though just as they were about to leave Cadence demanded to have a full explanation of what happened when things settled down. To which Celestia agreed without question, knowing the girl would need to know if Twilight was to continue to attend CHS.

Once the pair were gone Celestia made the trip back to the nurses, silently praying that Sunset regained her memories in the short while they wear gone, or that at least Red hart made some headway with the girl.

Though when she entered the office she was not surprised to see Red hart exactly where she last saw her. The woman was standing by the sunsets room the curtain drawn looking in with a somewhat worried expression as she stared into the room. A sight that did not put her ill thoughts at ease as she approached

“How is she” she asked as she joined the Nurse next to the room.

Red heart turned from her vigil to look back to her a weak smile upon her face before turning back, “Asleep.”

The answer surprised Celestia having not expected it as she gazed into the room.

she spied a large mop of red and yellow hair on the floor. The girl’s hands were still on her head guarding it while the rest of her body was curled into a ball that was shivering slightly from the cold tiles. Her hands were still cuffed into fists while her legs were angled an odd clearly uncomfortable angle for a human. Though her face was hidden she half expected her to have a grimace on her face as though having a nightmare.

“She must not have fallen asleep very long ago if she is still laying like that.” she thought knowingly.

Though she couldn’t help but wonder if the girl was actually asleep or was merely pretending to get them to let their guard down. A stunt that a scared teen with no memory may pull as a way to defend herself.

Though this thought was quickly discarded when she noticed the girl’s calm even breathing as well as the way her body twitch slightly ever so often. Making it easy to tell the girl was genuinely asleep, it was only a question of how deeply.

“The poor girl cried herself to sleep not long after you left. She must be ghosted after today.” Red heart said somberly not looking away from the girl.

Celestia nodded at this but said nothing too deep in thought to answer, trying to decide what she should do.

“I had planned to move her to someplace more comfortable than the floor, but I decided to wait till I was sure she wouldn’t wake before I did so I didn’t scare her.” the woman added starting to ramble from stress as she was known to do from time to time.

Again she nodded as she pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her contacts looking for Luna’s name. Already her racing with worry as she hit text before typing out a message.

“Though she will need to be moved somewhere else, she can’t stay here forever. Especially not when the school is allowed to reopen.” the woman rambled on while Celestia silently agreed as she thought of her dilemma.

She hesitated for a moment when she was about to hit send, afraid of what her siter would say but pressed it a moment later before placing her phone back in her pocket.

She heard the ping of her phone but didn’t bother checking it she knew what the answer would be already. Instead, she turned her head to look at red Heart who had continued to ramble, not noticing the principal spacing out on her.

“Do you think you could help me get her to my car?” she asked suddenly

Red heart’s head turned in surprise at the request her mouth opening in a silent gasp, eyes going wide. ‘C-Celestia? What … you? Do you know what you’re suggesting?” she stammered in shock.

Celestia didn’t answer right away as she turned to look back at the girl laying on the floor. A heavy sigh left her lips as all the good things Sunset had done sense the formal circulated in her mind.

“Like we have a choice,” she answered curtly, though not meaning to be rude.

Without warning, she walked forward into the dark, crossing the room to only stopping once she was at the girl’s side. She stared down at the girl for a moment before bending down kneeling down to her side slipping her jacket off as she did so, laying over the sleeping girl.

The results were near instantaneous as she immediately grabbed the garment holding it close to her body. While by no means a blanket Sunset didn’t seem to mind as she nuzzled her jacket letting out a satisfied sigh before going still once again.

As Celestia watched, she had to resist giving an “AWW” or whipping out her camera to take a video. But she resisted as she brought a hand over the girls face brushing some hair out of her face bring it behind her ear

Though strangely Sunset flinched when her fingers traced the skin of her face surprising Celestia unable to remember a time the girl was truly scared outside the fall formal.

It must be my imagination. Celestia thought brushing the flinch aside for now.

Instead, she turned her attention once more to Red heart, “please will you help me.” she asked pleadingly.

“I know you’re a trained nurse and she needs medical help but you can’t keep her in your apartment your neighbors will call the police if she starts screaming again. At least at our house, we can keep her till princess twilight can come to help us,” she explained.

Red heart looked conflicted something she could understand but what choice did they have? She couldn’t send her off to one of the girl’s homes without talking to their parents or guardians, and she couldn’t stay in the school, it was the only option they had.

Eventually, Red heart relented with a grumble, “alright but I do this under protest.” she muttered before joining Celestia.

Celestia mustered the best smile she could grateful to have Red Heart’s help as they got a wheelchair for Sunset and prepared to move her. Setting her in the chair before moving her out into the hall towards the faculty parking lot.

Though the entire time, Celestia couldn’t help but wonder what became of Wallflower. The police never mentioned anything about her, nor do I suspect she would stick around after starting that disaster outside. So wear is she?

A shudder ran through her as a terrible thought ran through her mind remembering the size of the hole in the ground, and what it nearly did to the girls. “Oh please don’t be gone,” she muttered silently.

When they made it to her car they sat Sunset into the passenger side draping an emergency blanket over her from her trunk before buckling her up. Once they were sure she was secure Celestia and Red heart bid her farewells going their separate way’s though not before promising to message Red heart when the girl woke up for another health check.

Before starting her car she checked her phone, only to chuckle when she saw a message from luna.

“Of course, you can bring her over where else are you going to put here, inside her locker?” It was a typical Luna response when she was stressed, though it made her smile all the same.

She was tempted to ask how the editing was going but decided against it not wishing to bother her, knowing that her sister would likely get less sleep than she did tonight. If she slept at all.

As she started her car Celestia let out silent thanks glad the day was nearly over for her. While there was much to do come morning she could finally rest. Her pillows, sheets, alongside a frozen meal calling her name already before she even left the parking lot. For now, she would let her work wait till morning, it could wait a few hours for her to rest.

“I really need that vacation.”

chapter 5: one shall sleep & one shall wake

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Twilight felt like her hooves would fall off as she paced about the Canterlot library. Her mane was a frayed mess, her eyes were bloodshot, her movements jerky and uncoordinated. She felt like she was carrying Big mac on her back. She was a physical and emotional wreck with no relief in sight.

She had looked nearly the whole forbidden section of the library over for information on the memory stone with Celestia and Luna's help. Though aside from a few more notes from Clover the clever on his theories on how the stone worked there was nothing. Not a single shred more in the entire wing of the library on that accursed artifact.

This left her alone in the forbidden section with only her thoughts as Celestia and Luna left some time ago to perform their duties with Celestia promising to return later.

While Celestia assured her she would return as soon as her royal duties were done it was past midnight now. While she understood the princess must have been busy being alone was driving her nuts. It made her regret not going with Sunset back to the human world. There was only so much waiting she could do before she would go crazy.

Glancing once again at the journal that sat open on the table alongside a collection of other books from the forbidden section. Again she saw nothing, nor any sign that Sunset would write her anytime soon

Turning to look at the grandfather clock she saw it was nearly Four AM. The sight made her heart drop in worry afraid for Sunset knowing it was well past the time she should have messaged.

“Ohh what is taking so long?” she asked in worry as she looked away from the clock. "I know I said I would wait till she contacted me. But this is taking too long, it's not like sunset to make people wait."

Sunset was a lot of things but she was never one to keep others waiting. Even when she was a bully If she said she was going to do something she would just do it instead of making people wait.

Twilight began to pace again, her mind starting to wander wondering what could have happened. "Maybe she just forgot after she saved her friends' memories and they went to a pinkie part to celebrate. Or just lost her book or pen she said she occasionally did that. She could also just be tired, resting after dealing with everything. Yeah that has to be it”

Despite her voice being strained, it wasn’t an unreasonable idea that Sunset got distracted. Celestia literally knew how many times she got sidetracked by her own friends. However it wasn’t good enough for her sleep-addled mind. she felt something was wrong, very wrong with her friend.

“Then again she promised me she would message me as soon as she found out anything. Besides, she sent me messages at 4 in the morning before it wouldn’t be hard to imagine her sending one now,” she concluded fearfully, poking holes in her logic.

“Oh who am I kidding, something must have happened.” she moaned, her breathing getting away from as she thought of all the terrible things that could have happened to sunset.

First, there was the memory stone. There was no telling what that could do having never seen it herself. Then there was this wallflower person unable to remember meeting her and not knowing how dangerous she was, or could be. There was also the fact that there was no proper magic there without the elements of harmony present. Not to forget there was no telling what government people could have been watching much like her counterpart had.

As all the vicious thoughts began to stir inside her head like a blender she began to hyperventilate. Her sleep-deprived mind began to crack under all the strain from studying and worrying. She could feel her heart in her ears while her legs began to tremble with strain. There were so many terrible things that could have happened to Sunset.

“No stop it!” Twilight shouted forcing herself to sit down slapping her cheeks with her hooves giving her a headache but she didn’t care. Placing a hoof on her chest, taking a deep breath beginning to count in silence just as Cadence taught her. For a short time, she held her breath, cursing her heart rate to slowly drop. Her

“Calm down Twilight I am sure it’s nothing to worry about,” she told herself again fighting hysteria. “There is no reason to panic, it's not like she’s in any danger, I mean things worked out perfectly the last time I helped them.”

Thinking back to all the times she helped the others save the human realm calm herself. From stopping Sunset from harming Equestria, to stopping the sirens, even helping the girls get used to their powers so they wouldn’t accidentally destroy anything. She had helped her friends in so many ways since meeting them that just thinking about it started to put her mind at ease.

“Just remember Twilight their friendship can get them through any magical peril. Even Sunset was saved after we told the police there was just a gas line explosion,”

Twilight stopped her pacing, her eyes going wide in panic as she remembered the human authorities who arrived to investigate the explosion. “Oh no, what if the police came to the school and found out about magic?!”

So many terrible thoughts filled Twilight's mind at the thought of the human government finding out about magic. Images of a number of the scary movies Rainbow dash tricked her into watching on her last visit filled her head. From the torture to cloning and super soldier programs she woke up with nightmares for weeks afterward. And now she realized the same could be happening to sunset.

“ahhhhhhhh! What have I done?!” she wailed in terror collapsing to the ground covering her head with her hooves.

An image of her friends strapped to metal slabs while people in strange medical gear prepared to do experiments on them flashed in her head or them being turned into weapons of war. This thought turned into a far more terrible one as she realized an evil organization would want more than six soldiers.

“Oh no, what if the earth military decides to come after ponies in Equestria if they turn Sunset and her friends into weapons there will be nothing I can do to stop them. ahhhhhhh!”

Falling into complete hysteria she did not notice the hoofbeats coming towards her nor the doors of the forbidden section flying open with a slam. Her mind was far too gone by sleep deprivation, stress, and exhaustion to notice.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia shouted in a panic running to her student’s side in fright at the wailing girl on the ground.

She called her name several times but got no response. Seeing this she draped a wing over Twilight creating a calming aura around her wing that had the faint scent of chamomile and lavender.

The effect was near instant as Twilight's labored breathing and sobs slowed. She took several slow deep breaths inhaling the smell of lavender and chamomile in her lungs, the aromatherapy calming her down. While the Aura put a feeling of relaxation in her that she made all the terrible thoughts wheeling in her head feel so much smaller.

Lowering her arms looking up, Twilight saw her mentor looking down at her with a kind smile, her horn glowing softly with magic. The older alicorn raised a hoof up and began rubbing the back of Twilight's head gently to further soothe her dear student.

“You need to get a hold of yourself Twilight,” she ordered, but not uncaring. Rather her words carried with them the authoritative care of a doctor concerned for their patient.

Twilight nodded realizing she was right practicing Cadence’s exercises again with renewed vigor. What followed for a time was simply the sound of Twilight’s breathing between her silent counting.

Eventually, she regained enough control over herself to stand once move again, sliding closer to her mentor's side. “I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me,” she said, nuzzling into her ethereal mane that seemed to ever blow despite there being no wind to carry it.

She had often wondered about how the mane flowed as though a constant breeze blew through the air. But Celestia always told her she would understand one day in good time.

Celestia merely smile as she returned the nuzzle laying down next to her student to give her more comfort. “It’s all right. I am just glad you have regained your senses.” the princes of the Sun said her voice tender as a mother’s love.

For a short time, they simply remain held in their nuzzled embrace. Twilight was grateful for her teacher’s embrace as her nerves began to settle. She was still nervous for Sunset's safety but her mind was no longer playing out every horror movie scene in her head. In fact, she was so relaxed she began to doze off her eyes slowly drifting towards sleep. Had it not been for Celestia’s voice in her ears she may have fallen asleep.

“I am sorry I am late. I would have been back sooner but a royal matter demanded my attention after I lowered the sun. and Luna was busy with a break out of magic nightmares” Celestia began to explain reasonably,

“It's ok I understand,” Twilight said long since gotten used to Celestia being busy.

Then she let out a nervous chuckle looking away, a light blush on her face causing Twilight to look at her with a raised brow at the odd expression, “I sent you a letter but I may have forgotten that you left spike home in ponyville.” she confessed meekly, unable to make eye contact.

The confession sent a light laugh through Twilight as she put a hoof to her muzzle to stifle it. Soon both of them began to giggle the joyful sound of laughter filling the air between them. A feeling she wished she could let last as her chest began to hurt from the mirth.

Twilight's worried expression return not long after as her laughter died. A fact that Celestia noticed when seeing the deep seated frown on her face. Bringing her head back to look over the purple pony who lay at her side, Celestia’s humored expression swapped for a worried frown.

“Sorry” twilight muttered looking away from her mentor realizing she killed the mood.

“It’s just am worried about Sunset It’s almost dawn and I haven’t heard anything, I guess I let it get to me” she confessed with a nervous whine as she once more looked to the ticking clock seeing how late it had gotten.

It was now ten past four her freak out had wasted nearly twenty minutes before Celestia came to calm her down. All while Sunset and her friends were doing who knows what. This left Twilight feeling ashamed at losing herself to worry so easily.

Celestia noticed the time as well before giving Twilight a look of knowing her eyes filled with understanding, though her lips were still in a worried frown. “Well clearly staying up till near dawn isn’t helping you, my child. You have been up for nearly three days straight. Even an alicorn needs sleep.” answered sensibly in jest.

Twilight knew she was right as she almost wanted to doze off then and there. However, she was hearing none of this as she stood up upon shaking legs, her body groaning under the strain surprising Celestia.

The older princess immediately protested her actions telling her to sit, to rest before she collapsed. But she would not listen to reason this day, not even from Celestia, she needed to make sure her student in friendship was ok.

“I can’t rest. I need to make sure that Sunset is ok.” she countered, resisting a yawn.

She began to walk towards the door towards the forbidden section but it was slow. Her steps shook as each hoofbeat sent painful shockwaves through her joints. Her vision started to swim, warping the world around her like rippling water. Her body was also sluggish like walking through Pinkie pies jello flood at the sugar cube corner.

Yet her determination was unshakable as she charged ahead as fast as her tired body would carry her. She forced her body to move through sheer force of will, and would even use magic if necessary. She needed to know if Sunset was alright, and nothing would get in her way.

Nothing but the white body of her mentor who quickly got ahead of her forcing her to stop.

Looking up at Celestia a flash of anger crossed her mind upset that her mentor would stand in her way to make sure her friend was alright. Surly Celestia knew how important this was only just reconciling with the pony. Yet in her hast, she missed the look of worry upon her teacher’s face

“Please move Celestia we need to see what happened to Sunset,” she demanded with a level of impotence that was uncommon for the girl

Despite the tone and behavior, Celestia didn’t budge or even look upset by her student’s spite. Instead, she spread her wings wide blocking the door behind her, at the same time her horn glowed with magic forcing sunset to sit down upon the ground holding her in a telepathic grip.

Twilight gasped in shock at the action, opening her mouth to berate her teacher for trapping her. Yet not a single word left her lips as Celestia placed a hoof on her shoulder silencing her before speaking to herself.

“My little pony It fills my heart with joy that you care so much. Even for one who wronged you so many moons ago.” she began tenderly, her voice filled with the love only a mothering figure could give. A gentler smile replaced her frown for a time as she spoke.

The sight of which made Twilight freeze, her anger evaporating in an instant. Instead, it was replaced by a feeling of dread as the smile that once crossed her face vanished into a sad frown that she saw Celestia wear all too often at court.

“But you can’t do this to yourself, my faithful student, I can’t let you go” she spoke with a calm authority that only a seasoned leader could.

This however only triggered Twilight in her tired state, her temper flaring to heights that Rainbow struggled to fly at, her wings flaring, and her horn shining trying to free herself by any means necessary.

“Why not!” she demanded bitterly. “Sunset could be in danger. I have to go.”

Despite the heated shout Celestia was not deterred or upset, simply staring down at her student with a sad frown at seeing her student pushing herself so hard. Twilight would even swear she saw Celestia looking back towards the door with a look of longing on her face.

“Believe me Twilight I know how you feel. I myself threw myself in that mirror when sunset first vanished. Only to return empty-hooved to a kingdom in turmoil when I could not find where sunset had gone on the other side.” Celestia’s voice broke slightly unshed tears visible in her eyes.

The tone Celestia used made Twilight freeze even in her angered state seeing her mentor look so distraught. She had never seen the mare look so broken so defeated emotionally before. She looked fragile like glass waiting to break away in the wind at any moment. He made a tiny spark of regret bloom in her despite the anger.

It did not last however as Celestia banished her tear filled face as though they were never there. Taking a slow breath before finishing “My actions nearly had disastrous consequences for the country. And while your going over would not have the same effect as mine you can barely stand what good would you be to anyone in your state even if I let you go?”

Her words were reasonable, more than reasonable, Twilight was tired she knew this, her vision was swimming, body aching, there was even a buzzing in her ear that was driving her mad. She desperately wanted to sleep.

However, with her exhaustion she was too far gone to see reason putting her hoof down while putting on the fiercest face she could once again rivaling Rainbow Dash as she stood up to her teacher. She was bound and determined and in her mind would not be denied her desire to know what happened to her friend.

“Sorry … Yawn … but I need to make sure Sunset is alright she has been gone far too long. And I …. I need to … to … to check on her and I won’t let you stop me.”

Despite her tone it was impossible to take the young mare seriously as she yawned and stuttered between words trying to look tough for her teacher.

She then watched as Celestia sighed sadly looking down at twilight with regret as her horn shone brighter. “I know which is why I need to apologize.” the mare answered cryptically.

This got her attention causing her ears to perk in concern. “Celestia wh-” she began to say but was cut off as her mentor's magic took over.

Twilight felt the hold of the binding spell on her tighten holding her still as a spell began to take form in front of her. “C-Celestia, what are you?” Twilight never got a chance to finish as a purple flash struck her face a moment later that caused her drooping eyes to finally close as sleep finally claimed her.

“I’m sorry twilight but this is for your own good,” Celestia said as she looked down at her sleeping student who would now hopefully be in Luna's caring embrace.

She understood, truly she did, she felt the same way when Luna fell, as well as when Sunset went through the mirror the first time. And more than anything she wished she could let twilight go, she wished she could go herself. But now was not that time, she would not let her student kill herself despite her noble intentions. Much less when she wasn’t thinking clearly.

Even so it was late, even if someone did go now everyone would or should be in bed like Twilight should be. But even if they were not she knew she could not go, not now at least, not yet.

“The weight of the crown is just as infinite as it is limited. If only I could go and see her again.” Celestia said, shedding a tear as she picked the girl up in her magic. “As much as I would love to have you check on Sunset you have done enough and now need to rest,” pledging to keep the girl contained for a few days to recover, whether she liked it or not.

Once she had Twilight she approached the table where the new journal lay. Gazing at it in longing hoping to see the girl she tried so hard to raise write back for the first time in years. It was unlikely that sunset would choose now of all times to write back, but couldn’t help but silently hope she would.

But after a few minutes of waiting and seeing nothing, she let out a defeated sight before picking the book up in her magic alongside Twilight. Then with a slow tired gait, she made the walk back out of the restricted section, unable to teleport till she was in the library proper.

I’m starting to regret making the anti teleporting wards so strong. She bemoaned silently.

The walk up the stairs was slow, painfully slow as she thought about Sunset and her now sleeping student. Her hooves echoed off the walls ominously as she was left to her own thoughts

Sparing a glance at the girl as she prepared to take the girl to a bed-chamber to sleep she knew she would hear of this when she awoke. And knew she may even need to force Twilight to rest till she recovered from her three-day research project, but it was for her own good. A pony, even one of Twilight's caliber, couldn't keep pushing themselves. It wasn't healthy.

Yet at the same time, she thought of Sunset the book slowly floating in front of her as she walked. Wondering what she should do until Twilight rested enough to go through the mirror again.

The mirror…

For a brief moment, she thought about the accursed mirror in longing wanting even if for a moment to pop over even just long enough to sense her presence.

But she quashed it just as quickly, “no I can’t just vanish without trace again even for a moment. I have a kingdom to run. And it would be hypocritical of me to go when I just told Twilight to stay. Besides, I have no idea where I would even look and magic doesn’t work here as it does there. I just have to have faith in my subjects and those beyond.”

Just like that his thought was brushed aside she promised she would do the best thing a royal could do and send somepony capable in her place. While it still pained her whenever she had to send somepony else in her stead, that was politics. You can’t always be everywhere you want.

“I’ll send Starlight glimmer if Sunset or her friends haven't responded by tomorrow, that should give them plenty of time to respond. She has an idea of what earth is like, and where the others might be. I’ll have her go over if they haven't responded on the situation there. Hopefully, by the time my sleep spell wears off there will be no problem to resolve.

With this now free of the teleportation wards she charged her horn to bring twilight to her old room. Her last thoughts as she snapped out of existence with a flash were ones of longing as she gazed upon the book again. Wishing she had never let her temper get the better of her that day.

“I am such a fool. I never meant to dismiss her, never meant to cast her aside. I was just so angry for putting herself and others in danger for her obsession,” she muttered as memories of that day played out in her mind again. “If only there was a way I could make things right.”

Then just like that, she was gone to parts unseen to put Twilight to bed before getting some sleep for herself before morning court began. Though somewhere within Celestia’s mind she knew sleep would not come easily or restfully.


Warm, so warm. As consciousness began to return there was nothing but a feeling of warming. So warm like wrapped in summer’s warm embrace. Even as the faint white glow filled their vision the warmth was too divine to open their eyes. It felt so good that they almost wanted to fall back asleep.

Moving slightly they pulled the coverings closer out of instinct noticing nothing wrong or out of place. Instead of snuggling tight till once more, they wear bundles as tight as they could hope to be. Already their mind starting to drift away to sleep once again their mind barely awake to think

It’s so warm. their mind thought happily in waking innocence nuzzling the pillow under their head. Laying this way a while their consciousness began to slip from them once again.

The light began to fade from their eyes as their thoughts slowed once again towards dreams. The only thought pressing into their mind was the gratitude at being warm and not the cold she remembered so vividly till now.

Nice, warm, not cold, they thought in gladness.

Then as though a bucket of ice water was dropped over them their eyes snapped open in shock only to be blinded. Their body immediately recoiled into what they thought was a sitting position only to roll off the bed in a tangle of blankets into a heap with a painful thud.

“Oww.” the person moaned.

Yet they stiffened as they realized they did not recognize their own voice escaping their lips. Immediately they brought a hoof up to rub their head, but only to find out they couldn’t move their body now bound in bedsheets.

This panic at unfamiliarity didn’t last though as a new wave of worry hit. Reminding them that they needed to wake up, to get out of bed quickly before they got into more trouble. Yet no matter how they struggled it was all for naught, it was like being caught in a spider’s web ready to be devoured. Though she would have taken the spiders over what would become of her if she didn’t free herself soon.

How late is it? I overslept again. I need to get out before anyone notices. I don’t want to be-, It was then their eyes finally adjusted all panic momentarily dying in their veins.

All thoughts of panic froze in their mind as they finally saw the room before them.

It was a plane room, with gray-white walls and a white ceiling. On one side, the side they fell on to the left there was a nightside next to a large fluffy bed. The bed was far larger than any they had been allowed before, with a simple four-post frame painted white, with two boards one at the foot and one at the head with the head being larger. Behind the bed above the headboard was a large window that was veiled by a white curtain letting in light. While just visible over the bed on the right side of the room they were sprawled out was a large set of dressers beside what looked like a closet.

A single stylized photo hung on the wall of something they didn’t recognize. but it looked like a bunch of weird black and blue balls with panels on either side chased by another long thing with two crossed wings on a starry background with text they didn’t recognize at the bottom.

There was also the strange faint smell of vanilla in the air that baffled her. Alongside a small white device that looked like a shiny wooden bear with a bunch of small holes in its stomach. As well as an odd disk-shaped object embedded in the ceiling as well as small rectangular ones along the walls that they couldn’t identify.

Their mouths dropped in shock at seeing where they were. She had never seen this room before. Never even been in this room before, much less slept in it.

“What’s going on? Where am I? Where did those scare creatures go?” she asked, her own voice still foreign to their own ears.

Moving slightly trying to get a better look at the room a mop of red and yellow hair got in their face blinding them. Immediately they let out a disgruntled huff as they blew the hair from their vision.

“This, this isn’t… home. Is it?”

Looking down they saw the odd shape their body was contorted in not remembering being so long or flexible. There was an odd feeling in all four legs that made them feel like they didn’t belong to them. Moving them didn’t make the foreboding feeling any better as memorize of the monsters began to resurface.

Everything was starting to come back to her, she remembered who she was, the monsters that found her turning her into one of them. She remembered how they looked at her, how it scared her. But she couldn’t remember why.

There was little time to ponder what was happening as the sound of fast-approaching hoofbeats entered their ear. Whoever it was was running, though their hooves sounded strange to their ears.

“Sunset” a strange voice cried muffled through the walls and door one.

Panic returned to her causing her to fully fall off the bed trying desperately to free herself. To hide from this stranger in this strange place. But no amount of struggling allowed them to be free, it only made the tangle even worse. Leaving her trapped tangled in a white cocoon.

Unsure what else to do, unable to think straight with this person running towards them she angled her body before rolling under the bed to hide. It was a poor hiding space, especially with much of the sheet still visible from where she hid just as the door opened with a slam.

“Sunset!” she heard a mare say again, her breath labored able to hear the panting from where she hid.

“Sunset, are you alright?” the woman asked again

From under the bed, she could make out blue-purple feet monster feet attached to legs covered by loose-fitting pants with a cartoon star pattern on them. She watched as the feet slowly stepped into the room before the door closed behind them.

She felt dread in her chest at the sight of the door closing as it meant she was trapped inside this room with the monster. She wanted to rush out to flee this monster, to hide someplace these creatures could not find. A place somepony might save her, as even her worst punishments didn’t involve monsters.

“Calm down Luna, relax, Sunset is probably more scared of you than you are anxious from falling asleep at your desk.” the luna creature told herself. “Just find and take care of her while your sister is away dealing with the authorities.”

She wanted to snort, scared was an understatement. She was terrified, terrified of where she was and what this creature would try to do to her after turning her into a monster.

The Luna person then walked further into the room slowly, cautiously as though she was afraid a predator would pounce on her. All the while calm careful hums escaped her lips while talking to herself.

“I hate to admit it but I am glad mother kept mine and tia’s old baby monitors in the attic. Had sister not set them up she might have run out the door before I woke up.”

She didn’t know what a baby monitor was but assumed it was meant to be an Insult, after all, why would monsters of all people be nice to her? Monsters only wanted to find and gobble pony’s up in one bite. Instead, she silently watched praying that this monster would leave her alone.

“Well your not in bed anymore, and you didn’t leave your room as I didn’t hear the door opening so where-”

There was silence for a moment as the monster stopped speaking and she felt like her heart would burst. Part of her wondered what the mare was doing or why she stopped, while the other part

“Ah hah!” the monster exclaimed, sounding excited.

Then she saw the feet move to the foot of the bed before beginning to move around oddly. Before she could question it a strange blue hoof more like a griffon talons or a monkey paw appeared on the ground making her gasp. Yet her shock was only furthered when a blue face appeared.

“Hello, Sunset.” the strange monster mare said, trying to sound pleasant.

Tears began to form in her eyes as the monster looked at her. Her face was strange just like those other ones that she saw waking up after being turned into one of them. Her face was almost purple with dark purple lips and teal eyes with bags under them. Her purple and lavender hair was unkempt and in need of washing. While covering her torso was a button-up shirt with the same star pattern as her pants.

A sob left her lips in fear, she didn’t know what this creature wanted but she wanted it to leave. She was scared, her hooves were gone, her horn was gone, everything was different and she was surrounded by monsters. This was her worst possible nightmare.

Luna looked upset, biting her lip but smiled a moment later, it was a fake smile she could tell but she did not dare call Luna out for it.

The mare then reached a hand out to her and she squirmed back in her white prison. Even snapping at the weird talon with her teeth when it came to close cussing Luna to real back in the fright. Luna looked strangely worried at this as if she actually cared for her

Why would a monster care about me, it must be a trick to eat me. She concluded fearfully tears falling from her eye

“Now Sunset, would you let me help you out of there?” the mare asked kindly.

She shook her head in response, too scared to accept as she held in sobs t. Not only was she trapped inside her blankets with no magic, nor any idea how her body worked, but a monster was staring her down.

The Luna person looked frustrated muttering something that she couldn’t hear but it didn’t sound happy. Something about Tia being better with children, whatever that meant. But clearly, she was trying to suppress whatever it was she was feeling from her. And that scared her, afraid of what would happen to her when the mask came off.

“Come now Sunset I won’t hurt you, I just want to help you. We found you in rough shape. I just want to make sure you are alright. And maybe get something to eat, you look hungry.”

She didn’t think she looked hungry nor did she believe that this person would help her. She didn’t want her help nor her food, she wanted to be alone away from this monster.

But her stomach betrayed her as a loud growl escaped her tummy. Heat filled her cheeks as Luna chuckled at her expense feeling so embarrassed by her body’s betrayal. But she couldn’t deny the want for food as her body begged for it, her twisting into painful knots. It felt like she hadn’t eaten in days, something she knew all too well.

“Seems your stomach is more honest than you are, now would you let me help you get out of that mess so we can eat? I don’t think you want to wait till Tia gets home, and I’m not that scary … unless I want to be,” she asked again with an honest smile on her face as she tried stifling her mirth.

Thinking about this for a time she thought about her strange new form and how tangled it was. While she didn’t trust this person, she knew she would never be able to get herself unstuck alone without her magic with her body not acting the way she remembered. There was also the fact that if the mare tried to come after her by force there was little she could do to stop her. She also couldn’t deny the hunger she felt.

I could always escape after she frees me. She concluded before reluctantly nodding.

She didn’t trust the woman, but she needed to get free, needed to eat. So for now at least she would obey this woman's command, pretend to behave while she waited for a chance to flee.

Luna seeing her response got on her belly as she shimmied under the bed to reach her, it was a tight fit but one the woman took in stride. Sunset meanwhile did her best not to bite the woman not wishing to anger her when her clawless talons got close.

Instead, she closed her eyes as she felt Luna tug on the sides of the linen prison she was bound in. This began the slow process of dragging her free of the bed’s protective shadow. It was rough as she was dragged around, her body on high alert, but the only outward indication she gave was the occasional whimper or her tears. She would not allow herself to show fear to a monster.

When she was her eyes opened again Luna stared back at her as she began to unwrap her from the blankets like a present. The whole time talking to herself in frustration wondering how someone could get so tangled.

Throughout it all Sunset dared not move; she did not want to anger Luna. Even as she was rolled around by the mare this way or that she did not act out. There was no telling how strong these monsters were or what would cause her to drop her kind mask, nor did she want to know.
Thankfully it did not take too long to get free as Luna finally got the last of the blankets unwrapped who cheered in jubilation at her accomplishment. A jubilation she did not share.

But as she got onto her hooves her trouble’s wear not over, her body felt wrong as she toon on all four. Her hind legs wear too long or her front legs were too short, she was not sure which but it made it possible to walk on all four. The long wispy things attached to her hands wear not helping either. She missed her hooves they were more comfortable to walk in than these talon things. Her horn was also missing and she missed it terribly she could no longer sense the flow of magic in the air which made her feel empty. There was also her fur she could feel she had none and she missed it, the air was chilly without it leaving her to rely on the strange white coverings she was wearing like Luna wore for warmth.

But worst of all was the feeling of wrongness within her. Despite being on all four as she was used to there was something physical in the back of her mind that told her she wasn’t supposed to be on all four, which didn’t make sense to her, she was a pony ponies walking on all fours.

What did the monsters do to me?

“They’re all free,” Luna said cheerfully, drawing her mind back to reality causing her to look up at the mare.

The mare stood up approached the door placing her hand upon the handle turning it with a click “Now let’s get to breakfast” she said opening the door.

She was scared, very much so, this mare was standing on her hind legs and was not four times her height from where she stood on her fleshy hooves on the floor. But another painful groan from her stomach convinced her to follow this woman. At least for now.

Yet as she picked up her front hooves to carry herself towards the door, Luna let out a giggle. Looking up she saw the mare placing a hand upon her lips, her tired eyes filled with humor as she watched her. The sight of the woman laughing at her made her angry, her cheeks filling with air. She felt her body flash in heat of embarrassment again but held her tongue afraid of upsetting the monster.

“I’m sorry.” the mare confessed a moment later lowering her hand as she bent down reaching out a hoof to her. “Here let me help you to your feet.” she offered with a smile.

“Feet?” she parroted in fright as she looked at the hand in mistrust.

The mare nodded at this before pointing to her hind hooves upon the ground. “Yes Sunset your feet see?” she responded, wiggling her toes for good measure. “you’re supposed to walk on them not your hands” she explained as she once more put her “Hand” out to take. “Let me help you.”

“Hands? She asked looking down at her new hands bringing one up to her face, opening it for her to see. She wiggled the digits feeling the range of control she had over them and was surprised that they felt so normal. It was like she had them all her life as much as her hooves.

Turning back she saw her “feet” sticking out of the sleeves of her coverings and did the same as she did with her hands. The wiggling of her ties felt strange to her as much like her hands they felt like she had them and some part of her knew how they were used.

What’s happened to me, I feel weird and not weird. I am so confused.

Her question went unasked or said still too afraid to speak out of turn and upset the monster. Instead, she turned her head to look at Luna’s outstretched hand. She didn’t trust it, trust Luna or her promises, but if it kept her sake she would abide, for now.

Just until you can get to somepony safe.

With this and with great hesitation she raised her shaking … hand up to Luna’s own, almost expecting the woman’s kindness to vanish, to snatch her hand up to drag her along the ground.

But she didn’t instead her hand found itself inside Lunas with scarry efficiency like she had done it before frightening her. But she hid her fear as best she could as Luna’s hand wrapped around her own with a weak smile in an attempt to make her feel better. It didn’t work, she was afraid nothing would make her feel better aside from being a pony again.

But then what? A voice inside her head asked. What then, what will you do once you’re a pony again? Where will you go? It was a good question, one she didn’t have an answer to, and that scared her.

What followed was an exercise in not tripping and falling as she struggled with her balance holding onto Luna for dear life. Standing on two hooves or feet felt strange, she kept wanting to lean forward to go upon all four. Yet her body seemed to want the opposite, her muscles wanting to stand straight up like a standing cobra.

The experience left her feeling dizzy, even a little seasick, her cheeks turning a bit green as her mind and body fighting each other on how to stand.

The whole time Luna stood by her side helping her get used to standing. Using her own body to support Sunset while speaking to her in calm even tones to encourage or instruct her on what she was doing wrong. She didn’t trust it, or the mask the woman wore, but she was reluctantly grateful for the support.

Eventually with Luna’s help as well as plain trial and error she was able to stand using the woman as a crutch and eventually Sunset managed a slow stumbly walk. her mind and body are still clashing with one another.

Entering a hallway she hated the cold feeling on her feet which made her shutter disliking the cold wishing she had hooves.

The hall itself was mostly plain with white walls and a blue ceiling alongside an oak brown floor. While on the walls to the left were a series of doors going down the hall. While on the right was a collection of pictures of people, places, or even abstract ones she could Identify. A few even looked like small family photos as she could see Luna with three other people in them all smiling… most of the time.

This must be her family, she realized looking at the photos that gave the place a homey feel that even Sunset had to admit felt nice.

When they made it to the stairs there was a lot of grumbling from Luna about how they shouldn’t have put her on the second floor when they both nearly fell down trying it.

For a time she was stuck at the top of the stairs while Luna tried to find a way for her down that didn’t involve broken bones or head injuries. The wait while not terrible would have been better had she not felt seasick getting used to walking upright.

Eventually, after some more trial and error, they made a slow decadent down, one step at a time. Again she didn’t mind this, preferring the slow approach if it meant not throwing up on the stairwell.

Yet when they made it to the bottom turning a corner at the front door she felt her jaw drop in shock as her eyes laid sight upon the living room.

It was a massive room easily six or eight times the size of the room she woke up in. It was the same white, blue, and oak combo as the hall or stairwell. There was a fireplace on one wall surrounded by several chairs alongside a large couch that formed a large U shape. While between them all was a collection of end tables with a large glass coffee table as the centerpiece with a few books, a remote, and a chessboard. Above it, all was a blue ceiling of constellations with a large chandelier above while on the far wall. While a large double door cabinet, alongside several bookshelves, laid upon one wall. While a large gold and brown grandfather clock rests upon one wall.

She staggered at the sight, the room the house all looked so expensive. She had seen expensive houses before, it wasn’t hard where she lived. But she couldn’t believe she had been taken inside such an expensive house and laid in what must have been an equally costly bed.

Who are these monsters where am I? Why are they doing this?

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Luna said with a hint of mirth in her voice.

Her head snapped to Luna in fright having forgotten she was there for a moment causing her to jump nearly making her fall. The mare apologized frantically as she tried to keep Sunset from falling.

Once Luna was sure she would not fall she began to lead her through the living room towards an opening on the far side that she hadn’t noticed before that led to another well-lit room. “Our family was quite wealthy in the past. Old European money or something like that, I never really cared to listen when it was explained. But me and my sister inherited it from our parents when-”

Luna stopped mid step for a moment as her words trailed off something sunset took notice of eyeing the woman. At the same time, a feeling of cold dread gripped her heart at the mention of her parents, her breath hitching suddenly becoming labored. However, she held it down.

“… well we inherited it.” Luna finished a moment later her voice losing its joy going grim at the end.

Sunset caught the sudden shift in tone when she spoke, the way her voice changed or how she now looked suddenly sad with wetness to her eyes at the mention of her parents. She knew that tone it was the tone someone used when someone wasn’t coming back, that her parents were gone

Her breathing was still somewhat labored, while her body became hot with stress at the thought of this woman's parents. Fear started to prickle into her heart like needles in a pincushion. Thankfully Luna seemed too lost in her own grief to notice Sunset’s anxiety as they moved on to the kitchen.

When they made it to the kitchen she had regained some of her composure as luna sat her down at the counter. It was hard to sit upright in the chair, she has seen some pony’s sit this way before but she had never tried it, it looked unnatural. However, she couldn’t sit the way she was used to on the high-top chair at the counter.

Why do monsters sit like this?

Though once she was seated Luna began to rummage around the kitchen for who knows what. Searching through the various cabinets and things around her.

The kitchen itself looked like it belonged in a mansion with its wide array of gadgets that she couldn’t name. Every surface was either white or blue with silver or black kitchen objects littered in as well with all of it cleaned to a polish. There was a long counter that could seat at least five on each side, large windows that let in so much light it was near blinding. While the strangest icebox alongside the stove she had ever seen rested on one side. It was a kitchen fit for a princess.

Behind her through a doorway was a dining room that looked like it came out of a child's fairy tale with a long table that looked like it could seat twenty in a deep redwood color. A chandelier hung from the ceiling while facing the head of the table were three windows forming a half hexagon. Each chair was even made from the same marvelous wood while also inscribed with beautiful carvings. It made the house feel so regal like a castle, yet also humble at the same time due to its simplicity.

This place is so fancy, it’s like those mansions in Canterlot. I can't believe a monster is treating me like a guest. Why would rich monsters treat me like a guest, if they can afford this why am I here?

While she knew her analogy was a tad off it wasn’t wrong either. The place was definitely upscale, not as large as she was used to but more than what most could afford.

Just who are these people that they could inherit such a noble place… are they nobles?


The sound brought her attention back from her looking around as she looked down to see a bowl with a spoon in it. Confused, she looked up just in time to see Luna take a colorful purple box in hand as she poured a large portion of colorful shapes into the bowl. Each one hitting the bottom with a melodious clatter as though keys on a xylophone.

“I know it’s not much… BUT Tia doesn't trust me with the stove, toaster, microwave, or anything that goes wherrrr.” the mare said dryly rolling her eyes when she mentioned the name Tia. “So cereal will have to do. I hope you don’t mind. She finished.

She nodded with a gulp, not wishing to upset the monster by rejecting her offer.

Her body shook at the idea of eating cereal, she had heard of it but never seen it. She had no idea what it could be or what it could taste like though she assumed it had tasted bad. Many elites said you only ate it if you were dirt poor or were punishing someone.

Maybe these people are not as kind as I thought. Then again they did kidnap me.

Luna frowned at the nonverbal answer but chose to say nothing which she was grateful for. Instead, she simply poured what smelled like milk into the bowl of shapes before nudging the bowl forward before grabbing another bowl for herself.

She isn’t going to eat this too, is she? She wondered in disbelief as Luna poured herself a bowl before picking up a blue mug with what looked like a crescent moon cutie mark on it.

Soon the sound of crunching cereal filled the air as Luna began to eat in silence between sips of what she assumed was hot tea from the steam coming off the brown liquid.

Returning her gaze to the bowl that was beneath her gazing at the rainbow of colors bits floating in milk in suspicion. It looked good, very colorful, it also smelled very sweet, reminding her of a bowl of fruit making her stomach growl again.

Turning her eyes towards Luna again she saw the woman eating her cereal in disinterest. Her spoon held lazily in her talons between bites. While in her other hand she held a rectangular-shaped object with the same moon cutie mark on the back which she observed lazily interest.

Sunset was astonished by the sight, not only by the fact that this looked completely normal. But how dexterous Luna’s fingers were. The way she held her spoon seemed so different from the way she was used to with her hooves or even with magic.

Can I do that too? She wondered turning back to her hands which rested on the counter.

Lifting the right one she opened then closed her digits a few times getting a feel for them, fast surprised by how smooth they felt. Turning her attention back to the spoon she reached out taking it in hand tightly and was surprised by how easy it was. Her fingers hurt slightly with how tightly she held it but brushed it off as she tried to scoop up the cereal.

It took a few tries as she constantly spilled her mind and body still fighting one another. But eventually, she managed to fish some out bringing them up close to her face to see only spilling a little of her milk on the counter.

She sniffed it a few times again smelling the sweet almost too sweet fruity smell but didn’t smell dangerous, she hoped. There was also a strange crackling sound similar to broken glass as it was settling. It also didn’t look very appetizing despite the smell with the odd colored bits looking more like styrofoam than food. The rich colors akin to that of bug shells also didn’t fill her with hope.

She gulped as her stomach growled again, she was hungry very much so. Sheas thought she hadn’t eaten in days but was afraid of this cereal, as well as the monster who held her prisoner.

Eventually, hunger won out though as with one last fearful gulp she opened her mouth to accept her colorful bounty.

The moment that the cereal touched her tongue Sunset thought she was in pony heaven. Her eyes went wide her, breathing stopped momentarily, a delighted squeal even left her lips.

The taste was as sweet as well as fruity as it smelled, it was like eating a bowl of fruit all in one bite. But without any of the seeds or pulp that she hated and wrapped in a crunchy bread-like substance. It tasted so good that she almost forgot to chew it as she took several more spoonfuls messily in her mouth each one sweet as the last.

How have I never eaten this before? it’s so good. Why would the rich ponies not eat this?

She had no answer to this question nor cared as she was too engrossed in stuffing her face like an excited filly. Before long a small mess of milk and half-eaten cereal started to spill down her chin onto the counter.

Ordinarily making such a mess might horrify her but no she could care less. So lost in rapture at the taste of the food that she even forgot she had an audience who watched her with interest.

Not far away Luna watched in mirth at the sight, a bright smile on her face as she texted on her phone. After spending so long dealing with a scared sunset she was happy to finally have a break from that seeing the girl smile again as she ate. Even laughing lightly in good nature at the sight.

It’s so weird seeing sunset this way, even after everything she always holds her hand close to the chest. It’s rare to see her show this much emotion so openly to someone outside her friend group. Much less to what may as well be a total stranger to her.

That thought made the smile fall away from her face as she remembered the text she got about Sunsets amnesia. While she would be lying if she said she cared about sunset, or at least any more than she did about all her students. She would never wish harm upon the girl, much less for her to lose her memory

Seeing sunset looking so weak, caring her into their home, seeing her actually cower as if she was a child chilled her to the bone.

Maybe Sunset deserved more than most for her actions, I can only imagine what Tia was thinking when she allied her to get off the hook with a light punishment. But losing your memories…. She was unable to complete the thought as a shudder took over her.

She could only imagine what losing one’s memories was like to experience and see sunset she never wanted to find you. Sunset was almost like snow now, pure undyed, with seemingly nothing of her own to make herself. Aside from her understandable fear waking up how she did.

No that’s not true she is dyed snow, just lightly.

She still believes that she is a magic pony from a land across a mirror. She has only lost all memory of being in high school if the story Tia got is to be believed. But that’s still over a year of memories gone. Anyone would be within their right scared out of their mind at losing over a year of their life.

It was a sobering thought as she looked over the messages Tia sent her throughout the morning while she ate. It was almost noon now so many of them were hours overdue for a response she felt no guilt. After all, she stayed up all night on a Sunday editing the school’s security tapes to cover for sunset she could take it easy just this once.

Though I should respond to a few of them, looks like Tia could use some help.

Scanning through the texts she got made it clear that while Tia and the school were not in trouble it was also clear she had her hands full. Between the police and getting ready to address the public on what was being classified as an attempted bombing, Luna knew that her sister was likely fit to be tied with a work overload.

That was overlooking the fact several middle schoolers got injured when a stamp to get away from the blast occurred. Nothing too serious, just a few sprains and a broken nose, rather it was the parents that were the problem.

“The least I can do is be a good sister and take some of the load off her shoulders.” She muttered with a sigh putting her phone away as she resigned herself to what would be a busy few weeks.

Yet just as she was about to take a sip from her coffee a stray idea struck her making her pause for thought. Wait? Wasn’t Sunset in middle school?

Turning her gaze back towards Sunset who was still gorging herself messily on Cereal before her seemingly forgetting her presence entirely she began to ponder. While not working with the middle school directly she could have sworn that Sunset was among the middle school graduates.

Pulling her phone out again she quickly scrolled through her texts again to the first that Tia had sent regarding the incident. It was hard to forget she was in the middle of an important ranked match when it came in. A match she was proud to say she won with only a single usable hand. However, she could have sworn her sister said she only forgot high school.

No sooner had she wiped out her phone did she find the message in question reading it again like lighting.

Luna had no time to explain, call discord and get his help to cover up an incident at the school. Sunset has magically induced amnesia and has forgotten high school and thinks she is a pony again.

While brief it was enough to get her attention, after all when your school was the center of several similar magical incidents it was hard not to jump into action at a moment’s notice.

Yet there was still a major problem. If Celestia said she forgot high school, but she thinks she’s a pony… is Tia wrong, or is my memory of Sunsets education wrong.

It wouldn’t be the first time she had miss remembered something, though she could have sworn that Sunset was in middle school before high school. But if Sunset thought she was a pony their was no way to know for sure without going to school and checking over her files or asking Tia.

The first option was out as she had no intention of putting real pants on unless she had to that day.

The second was also out having no interest in asking her sister to check her files to confirm a curiosity.

Shame I can’t just ask Sunset, it’s not like this is important I just can’t help but want to know now. But if she thinks she is a pony then it would be like asking a bush where the gardener put the trimmings.

It was here a lightbulb went off over her head with an idea, her attention returning to sunset…. “I wonder.”


Her word had an instant effect as the girl jumped as though punched in the gut. Her face became wounded with fear growing almost scarily pale as her eyes found Luna’s. The girl’s breath became ragged as though she were sick. while the spoon that she held in a death grip fell from her hand clattering to the counter.

In short, she looked as though she saw a ghost or a nightmare.

“Yes?” the girl asked meekly through her flaming hair that fell in her face from her scare.

Luna was taken aback by the reaction as well as the response to her words. She had seen Sunset scared before, several times at this point, though never to such a degree as now. The girl looked like she was about to wet herself where she sat. And judging from her now reddening face may have.

Ok, calm down worry about that later, focus on calming her down. Try to be like Tia casual and approachable when a student is having a problem.

With this in mind, she tried placing a kin smile on her lip the kind Tia was always better at. folding her hand in front of herself making sure the girl could see them not wanting her to feel threatened. At the same time, she leaned forward lowering her stature to appear smaller for the girl’s sake.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked sound awkwardly.

Immediately she wanted to kick herself for the forward approach as well as the forced tone in her voice. She may as well have raised a flag of attack towards the girl rather than make her feel more comfortable. Good Lord save me.

Despite this, she saw the look in Sunset’s eye through her hair, the way she bit her lip. She was contemplating her request thinking it over silently in her head.

After a minute the girl gave a slow nervous nod as she reclaimed her spoon putting it back into her bowl before beginning to stir her remaining cereal the now colorful soup of milk.

Luna cringed slightly at the sight unable to help think of all the contamination on the counter. A thought that made her want to gag wondering how pony’s avoided getting sick walking on all four hooves. But wisely chose to say nothing, deciding instead to give another smile before speaking.

“I was just curious if you knew what year it was,” she asked simply trying her best to keep her voice even.

It wasn’t the best question she knew as Equestria’s current calendar was apparently a thousand years younger than earth’s but reasoned it would be a good enough place to start.

The question seemed to surprise Sunset who looked up slightly her hair parting to reveal more of her face. Though it was only for a moment as her fearful expression returned a moment later as she shook her head.

So she doesn’t know what year it is. I guess that shouldn’t be too surprising, her memory of Equestria might be a little foggy. Alright, what else can I ask her?

She was silent for a moment trying to think of something else to ask the girl that would confirm or debunk her suspicions. Something simple that a teenager might not think much of a stranger asking.

“How old are you?” she asked internally cheering herself on at the question. Yes, this is perfect all Sunset has to give me is an age. If she thinks she is thirteen or older then I know she wasn’t in middle school. And if I keep this up maybe I can get her to open up before her friends always do.

Despite her internal pleasure, she knew she should feel a little ashamed at prying on the amnesiac. After all tricking, someone into answering questions just to satisfy a curiosity was rather unbecoming of an educator. There was also the fact that she could lie. Besides, nothing was keeping her from lying her way out of things like she used to. Nor any easy way to know for sure when she turned bad in the first place.

Again sunset was quiet for a time seemingly contemplating her answer or if she would answer at all. A surreal experience for Luna seeing the girl seemingly lose the fire that fit so well with her name.

It’s hard to believe this is the Same rambunctious teen that had me and Tia running in circles before she reformed. I don’t even think Fluttershy is this … well shy.

Before Luna’s attention could wander and further Sunset brought her left hand up in a fist holding it like she had seen some kids making cat’s paws. At first, she wondered what the girl could be up to watching with interest as she brought it down to the counter with a knock. Then slowly dragging it back raising it up then knocking again, and again.

At first, she wasn’t Sure what sunset was up to as she wrapped her hoof hand against the counter three times in slow succession. The nonverbal response puzzled the vice principal.

It was when the fourth hit that it hit her, she’s counting her age out.

With realization, she watched in understanding as well as anticipation as she began counting to wanting to know how old sunset thought she was. With a little luck, she was wrong and sunset would only use around two years of memory give or take.

Alright, she lost all memory of high school if Tia is right, that means she thinks she is at least thirteen or fourteen. Alright, that means five knocks down another six or seven more to go if I’m wrong. She concluded silently calculating the girl’s age from what she knew as the sixth knock came. While it was a rough guess it was close enough for her and may give them a place to start helping her regain her memories.

However, when she dragged her knuckle away from the sixth knock the girl stopped. Her hand quickly slid away out of sight under the counter as Sunsets eyes looked away finding the floor more interesting.

For a moment Luna just started blinking at Sunset, waiting for the girl to start rapping her knuckles on the counter again. For several minutes she waited in silence while Sunset meekly started eating her meal again.

Yet no more knocks came only an awkward silence filled the air between them.

When she heard the clock start to ring signaling that it was noon Luna was starting from her stupor. Her mouth fell open as a staggered intolerable sound left her lips as she tried to speak. “Six?” Luna began her voice cracking. Clearing her through in embarrassment before repeating herself. “Six, your six years old?

Sunset glanced up through her mop of hair for a moment her teal eye just barely visible through the red and yellow locks. She held this gaze for a moment before giving a gentle nod.

Luna felt like she would collapse as she sat their no longer paying any attention as she began texting her sister in panic. Already she began to feel herself start to hyperventilate as the realization of what Sunset confessed hit her like a tsunami.

LUNA: Tia we have a problem.

Setting her phone down as she sent the text she looked at the girl again who was nervously eating in front of her as she tried to comprehend what was going on.

Ok breath Luna breath. Six years old, I have a high school teenager who thinks she is six years old who lost her memory thanks to a magic rock. If she is telling the truth, oh good heavens we are in so much trouble.

No wonder she was so scared she has the mindset of a child.

Her thinking she was six explained a lot, firstly it would explain why she was so scared of everything as she found courage was something most children didn’t get at that age. So waking up in a strange bed in a strange room in a strange land must have been terrifying. Combine that with waking up as a completely different race, a bipedal hominid one rather than an ungulate.

She physically shuttered at the thought of what Sunset must be experiencing right now.


Both sets of eyes glanced at the phone on the counter. The teal set with fearful interest, the other in alarm.

Luna snatched up her phone, opening it in a flash, her eyes quickly saw the text bubble on the top of her notifications bar. With a swipe and a tap, she opened her text app reading over the sister’s words before sending her response.

Celestia: Luna I got your message. What is it I need to speak with the police again soon?

Luna: It's sunset. She thinks she is a 6 year old.

There was a short pause that followed Luna’s message as a few seconds after it was sent her three yellow bubbles started bouncing at the bottom of the screen letting her know her sister was typing back.

Celestia: what do you mean she thinks she is six that doesn't make sense. She lost her memories of high school, not nearly two thirds of her life.

She could practically see Celestia’s flustered, possibly angry face through her phone, but had no time to worry or enjoy it right now as she typed out her next response.

Luna: Well then how do you explain me sitting with a girl who is acting like an adolescent who said she was 6 when I asked her 2ice.

… Celestia: you really need to work on your spelling.

Luna growled at this only to have to console Sunset, having startled her quickly pouring a bit more cereal into her bowl to cheer her up. Kids always perk up when you give them junk food right? Or she hopped

Luna: worry about my spelling later this is serious. If she thinks she is 6 then forget just catching her up on the last year or so of school. We will have to catch up with her up on nearly ten years.

As Luna sent the next message she could resist shaking her head with a tired sigh trying her best to keep her temper under control. She knew her spelling left something to be desired some days but it was the last they should be worried about. Honestly, my spelling is the least of our worries right now. Classes will start again on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest if what Tia sent me this morning is anything to go by and she is worried about my grammar.

A buzz brought her back to attention back to her phone as she pulled it up again to see Celestia’s response.

Celestia: I'm sorry you're right. Ok, I have Sunsets magic book. It was brought into lost and found this morning so we can contact princess Twilight once we gather the girls together. I’ll message them we will meet in my office tomorrow morning to discuss everything in person.

Luna stared at her phone for a moment in almost morbid fascination as a cocktail of emotions stirred within her. One small part of her wanted to smile at being told she was right. But the other side wanted to tell Celestia to just call for princess Twilight’s help. They were clearly out of their depth, while she didn’t know about Tia the only thing she knew about magic was a card trick their father taught her. Real magic was beyond her understanding.

Calm down Luna, it’s not like you know how to use Sunsets magic book anyway. Besides, you were not even there, neither was Tia. It would be better to have everyone on the same page … so to speak.

Not a moment later another text came in from Celestia.

Celestia: Luna can you ask her what the last thing she remembers is sense you got her talking? That may help Princess twilight and the others with their magic.

Reading the text over a few times she had to think about the question for a few seconds turning her attention to the girl who was not eating again. Though not as messily or as excitedly as before.

Luna: Hang on.

Sending the text she refocused her attention on the girl before her debating for a moment what to do or say not wishing to scare her again. Silently she debated the appropriate choice of words in her head.

“Sunset?” she said as tenderly as possible.

Teal eyes looked up into her own after a moment of brief confusion as well as hesitation. She saw the girl gulp nervously, her eyes wet with unshed tears showing a level of fear she didn’t think Sunset possessed. It was a sight that made her heart weep seeing someone who was making genuine change be punished for sins that wear long sense paid in both guilt and service.

For about a minute no more was said, Luna waiting in silence watching the girl before her wishing to give her a chance to answer. Eventually though after another minute past it became clear that Sunset would not speak and Luna reluctantly took, “I was wondering if I could ask you one more question? If that is ok of course.”

The next look Sunset gave her told Luna all she needed as a surge of what could only be described as unrelenting fear washed over the girl's features. It made it clear to her before she received a silent nod that Sunset would give her consent out of fear of displeasing her.

At the same time, there was something else in the girl's gaze, something she could identify. Something sinister, something dark. What on earth has this girl so afraid of?

“I was just wondering what the last thing you remember is. We found you unconscious in the school parking lot and were just wondering how you got there. That way we can help you get home” Way to be blunt luna. She chastised herself silently.

Despite her choice of words it seemed to do the trick as the girl’s face scrunched up, a humm escaping her closed lips clearly beginning to think.

Luna watched in silence for a while as she let sunset think, knowing better than to rush the girl after everything that had happened. Though when she noticed the girl stick her tongue out while bringing her hands up to touch her head her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Is she having trouble remembering?

It made sense to her as if she truly thought she was six then Sunset lost nearly ten full years of memory. It likely wouldn’t be long before she realized that what was left of her existing memory was faded at best.

After she knew that unlike what the movies would lead others to believe that losing one's memories wasn’t like setting the clock back or going back to a previous save in a game. Lost memories were gone while old ones were often faded at best, or forgotten at worst.

Magic related or not sunsets memories would be the same … or she believed. Sunset's mind is like a computer that has a corrupted backup that’s missing a bunch of files.

“I was staying out of everypony's way before the summer sun festival,” Sunset muttered nervously at a volume that Luna nearly missed having to strain to hear it having been taken off guard by her sudden words.

Sunset looked nervous as she lowered her hands into her lap, her fingers twiddling together nervously as her eyes scanned the room over. Seemingly looking for anything other than Luna herself to look at.

“Princess Celestia was supposed to come and I wasn’t supposed to be there. I was told I wasn’t allowed to be there. It was only for the rich ponies.”

Luna had to do a double-take at the words, having to remind herself that her sister's counterpart was royalty. A fact that even after months she still had trouble wrapping her head around. Though she didn’t let it show instead listened patiently as the girl finished her tale.

“I think I was just trying to avoid being seen after being locked out when I walked … I walked … I walked into someone?”

Sunset looked uncertain as she said this all but confirming her theory that Sunset was living on borrowed memories of her past at this point. But it was good enough for her as she typed everything down as Tia asked her to.

While a small part of her wanted to ask for more details, Sunset already looked on the verge of tears so she didn’t want to push her luck.

It took a few minutes to get everything down but once the message was sent she set her phone down reaching a hand out to pat the girl on the shoulder. That was when all heck broke loose

The moment her hand made contact with the girl’s shoulder she let out a frightened scream. Sunset stumbled out of her chair tumbling to the floor her eyes wide in terror. In her panic knocked the cereal bowl off the counter where it smashed upon contact with the ground. Then with an almost bestial behavior, Sunset scrabbled on all fours with only her cries remaining to be heard as she hid.

Luna for her part stumbled from her own chair nearly falling on her back from fright at the reaction. Standing arm still outstretched ears ringing from the cry of terror the girl gave a stupified expression seemingly paralyzed as though in rigor.

“What?” Luna uttered meekly as her hand finally fell to her side.

Unbenoiced to any of them, however, elsewhere in the dark alleyways of Canterlot city a lone person sneaked around in the shadows.

Constantly looking over their shoulder at the slightest sound never straying too far from darkness. Always keeping a ratty old dark hoodie pulled over their head. Their feet treaded almost silently if not for the strange, seemingly random erratic jitters that pledged the person every step. While the figure's right arm looked strange in its sleeve looking bulbous in places as though it were deformed or badly injured.

The figure growled gripping the side of their head with their good arm cursing lightly under the breath in pain. Their body ached, their headache, everything felt wrong, yet right all at once. A raging storm raced in their mind, what a burning inferno ran repent in their skin. The colliding pains making it almost too torturous for them to even be awake, much less walking.

Needing to rest she went to the nearest pile of debris large enough to hide their form from sight. Sitting down with a gasp sweat started to drip down their face as though they ran a marathon. Every muscle in their body was alive with pain that coursed through them in waves. While tears stung at their hidden eyes. All while loud panting could be heard as their ribs felt as though they would snap from strain.

The figure wanted to rest, to sleep, having not done so all night nor had any food or drink to quell their hunger or thirst.

However, they knew that they couldn't rest now, possibly not ever. There was too much going on, too many risks, too many foreign alarm bells ringing in their head that told them to be vigilant. Making even the simple act of closing their eyes for more than a moment impossible.

There was a new voice in their head, one that they did not fabricate that told them to keep going. Told them to go somewhere safe where none would find them, as well as how to go there.

The voice was annoying, the figure hated it, but also begrudgingly thanked it as it kept them from harm so far. And to ignore it now after so many close calls would be foolish.

So with great reluctance, they forced themselves to their feet at the little whisper's insistence. Their entire body protested at the act but the whispers wouldn’t stop pounding nails in their skull till they did as the nagging voice told.

So they stood, they walked, they hid moving between shadows or hiding places with the same jitters as before which had lessened some with their break. Yet there was still an awkwardness to their walk. It was as though two people were controlling the same remote control car with each controller wanting to act differently.

This continued onto the street when they entered the light after careful calculations and waiting, watching for people, police. When they saw that they were safe they moved with careful precision keeping a close eye for cameras or onlookers who may be watching. Trying to move with a casual suave grace.

At the same time there was a carelessness to the way they walked as though they had read a manual on karate but never practiced the moves. leaving a hint of obviousness to their stride that was easy to see.

Only to duck into alleys again as soon as they found one that lead closer to their goal whatever it was.

They continued this march through the city with unwavering determination brought upon them by a mixture of fear and hatred. Only stopping to rest once per alleyway to breathe, their body unable to carry them far without it.

Yet it was as they made their way past a small electronics store that caught their eyes that they stopped without warning. It was a risk the voice in their head now screaming at them to run, to move on as swiftly as their legs would take them. But they couldn’t even as the pain in their head threatened to split their skull open.

No, the figure was transfixed by the tv display as the local news was aired. Watching with a bitter grimace when she read the muted report on the screen as the news anchor's words were displayed in the subtitles.


She is wanted for the bombing of Cantterlot high school if found do not approach and call the number on the screen. She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous; all citizens should remain vigilant until further notice.

Below this was a large photo of a girl's school ID was on full display. From her greenish skin and hair to the striped shirt she almost always wore. To the near permanent frown, she bore on her face. All of it was there for all to see who walked by or watched the news take place.

It was the very same face that now watched the news report in disgust from under her hood before walking away in anger. The hateful rage boiling in their chest like an open festering wound on their soul.

“Sunset, you ruined everything again!” she spat as she disappeared into another ally out of sight, unable to resist her rage taking hold as her life was again ruined.

But as the shadows took Wallflower once again they swore revenge, they swore that sunset would pay for everything she did to her. “She will be alone just like I am if it’s the last thing I do.”

chapter 6: five become six.

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It was an unexpectedly busy day in Canterlot as many students went about their way this Monday morning. School was canceled for the day due to the explosion leading to no shortage of students with too much free time on their hands. Leading to many of them who had nether homework or chores to attend to, or simply wandering the streets for something to do. Provided their parents didn’t force them to stay home.

While many of the businesses welcomed this sudden day off with gladness for the extra business it brought in, others cringed as they wear understaffed to handle the sudden unexpected rush on a Monday morning.

Yet despite many of the shops or restaurants excitedly taking advantage of the event many more were afraid. There was a feeling of dread alongside sorrow hanging in the air. Most going walked around with fear looking over their shoulders at the slightest sound. Others hid in their rooms either in fear or at the order of their parents who wanted to protect them. All were still in shock by the explosion that echoed through the city the night before.

Yet some wondered if the school was even safe for their children now. Many parents considering withdrawing their children after all these accidents in the last school year sense the fall formal.

But to those who knew about magic, those who kept it secret were afraid for another reason. They were no longer afraid of harm or even their memory being taken anymore. Instead, they were afraid for another who had lost their memories.

Inside the sugar cube corner, the original five sat alone in their usual spot in the corner booth away from everyone else. The five looked depressed beyond reckoning, her bodies laying in uncomfortable heeps in their seats.

From right to left Applejack and rarity lay shoulder to shoulder their heads resting against one another. The farm’s girl’s hat was still missing her eyes lazily looking at her phone while one arm was draped over Rarity’s shoulder. While Rarity sat with her eyes closed, her usual makeup was gone the distraught girl not even bothering with it, or even showering this day. So distraught was she that she cared little for her appearance.

Rainbow Dash sat in the middle lazily looking up at the ceiling with a dead expression. Her arms were sprawled out wide on the backrest while one leg sat crossed under the table. While her once hot drink was left largely forgotten in front of her.

Fluttershy meanwhile sat laying her head on Rainbow’s chest prickles of tears in her eyes as she hugged herself. Her mane of pink hair hiding her face with only the occasional sniffle or whimper to be heard.

Lastly and certainly not the least was pinkie pie who was the worst off of the lot. By this point, she looked like a character from a black and white cartoon with all colors seemingly vanishing from her form. Her hair was completely deflated with a permanent frown that seemed glued to her lips as she sit with her chin to the table. Pinkies eyes were red from tears and seemed almost vacant more so than even Rainbow as she gave a hundred-yard stare

All of them had next to no energy and seemed to create a cold depressing spot in the joint with their very presence, as though they were five human airconditioners. All who saw them gave them a wide birth while casting concerned looks their way, but none had the courage or confidence to say anything to them. All who saw them respectfully giving them their space as they processed the events of the last day thanks to the rumor that had spread like wildfire throughout the student body.

Sunset had amnesia

“How do you think twi is doin?” applejack asked breaking the silence as she lazily thumbed through her phone. Her eyes lazily looked over the various posts about the school or Sunset on the private web page sci twi made for reporting magic after the everfree incident.

Rainbow dash shrugged listlessly with a grunt, “probably blaming herself like are the same way she did after the midnight sparkle thing.” she responded bitterly.

Applejack gave Rainbow an evil look at the casual way she spoke about Twilights’ past fears but said nothing. In truth, she knew the athlete didn’t mean anything by it, not truly. Rather she was merely making a somewhat rude statement of fact in her depressed state.

Fluttershy moved a hand up to brush a pink lock of her hair away to see revealing a single worryingly bloodshot eye to the group making all who saw it cringe. “We should go visit her to cheer her up later,” she rasped out horsly with a slight cough, concern dripping from her lips.

“Yep sure why not.” Pinkie pie drawled out lifelessly continuing to stare unblinking as she spoke.

They all spared a worried glance to pinkie who was neither acting or looking like herself. But none of them could find the words to speak simply nodding while giving grumbles of agreement. All of them were still hurting, reeling with guilt blaming themselves for what happened to Sunset.

While they all knew that it was not their fault what happened to Sunset was not their fault. They still couldn’t shake the guilt as memories of how they treated their friend continued to pledge them be it awake or asleep.

“I suppose we should check in sense she hasn’t messaged us since we left her last night,” Rarity chimed flatly her voice barring no emotion as it was all she could do to keep herself from crying again. “I’m sure she will appreciate the distraction,” she added, while no one said anything they knew Rarity was more referring to herself needing a distraction. Frankly, they all needed one.

Silence before them again for a few minutes as they simply lounge about lazily. The only sounds meeting their ears were that of the cakes working overtime on a Monday morning, or the occasional whispers of the other customers.

They all heard the whispers, saw the looks, they hated each and every one. Somehow for reasons unknown to the five word had spread like a wildfire about Sunset’s condition as well as about Wallflowers actions.

While Wallflowers actions being found out so soon was to be expected after the memories stones destruction, given how many people knew of magic. Yet what was a mystery to the group was how word traveled so quickly about Sunset’s condition. While true a few students may have seen an unconscious Sunset being carried away by Applejack no one outside a select few knew the truth. As far as the five knew outside the two principles only their parents knew the truth having known about magic for some time and they had all promised to keep it a secret.

“I wonder who spilled.” Rainbow quipped her eyes not leaving the ceiling above.

Applejack frowned glancing over to Rainbow letting out an annoyed huff as she did so “No idea RD. but I’d sure like to get my lasso around them to teach them a thing about subtlety.” she answered her words dripping with dry bitterness at the thought, a fire of anger growing in her chest at the thought.

A deep audible breath passed rarity’s form a painful moan quietly leaving her closed hips. “Do tell darling.” rarity remarked pressing herself closer to the farm girl. “Honestly if I should find out who had the indecency to share such information without consent I shall give them a piece of my mind,”. though none doubted her calm her words bore no heat nor passion they were so accustomed to making the others wonder if she would follow through.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at Rarity’s statement to burnt out by sleeplessness and guilt to care about revenge, even against Wallflower. “So what now,” she asked waving her hands lightly as she spoke getting the attention of the others.

“The principal has the book and the place is crawling with police. Even I couldn’t slip in without being spotted given how I couldn’t sleep, not without … slamming into a wall.” Rainbow added with a yawn her eyes struggling to stay open.

“Did ya read the message Pricaple Celestia sent us RD?” applejack asked irritably, looking to the girl with an accusing gaze.

This gaze went unnoticed as Rainbow continued to stare at the ceiling grunting in disinterest. “No … yawn …. Too tired,” Rainbow said with a mumble another loud yawn escaping her lips as her eyes finally closed.

Applejack felt a flash of anger at Rainbows behavior hit her a sharp remark forming on her lip as she glared at the athlete. Only to have that flash of anger die a swift death as she noticed the large dark rings under her eyes as the girl began to nod off. Taking in the athlete’s form she looked ready to pass out causing a pang of sympathy to wash over her.

In truth, she knew that they were all tired with none of them getting any meaningful sleep. It was a wonder that the five of them had even been able to stumble into sugar cube corner at all with how they felt.

Applejack herself felt like she was walking with cement strapped to her ankles after spending most of the night tossing and turning. Sunset’s frightened screams kept her awake whenever she closed her eyes. She imagined it was just as bad for the others if not worse.

So instead she pulled up the message they had all received from the principal that morning. “She messaged us asking to be ready to get the book tomorrow or the day after when she can finally get away from the police.” applejack explained in a hushed tone turning her phone around towards Rainbows face tapping the screen to get her attention.

Rainbow forced one eye open to look at the screen shown to her by the farm girl as she began to explain again. “She said once we get the book we can discuss what to do then, and that the five of us, six if you count sci twi need to figure out a place to keep Sunset when school starts again. Personally, my vote is the farm as it’s out in the country, big mac and granny will be there and there is no chance she is walking into trouble without someone noticing. Plus our nearest neighbor is four miles from our house so there will be no chance of anyone bothering her… well easily.”

Mummers of agreement filled the air around the group at Applejack’s words. “Alright, then I’ll let them know,” Applejack remarked at their approval before texting her brother letting him know to talk to Grannysmith about her plan.

while non of them liked waiting especially where Sunset was concerned but they had little choice. They had already discussed using their powers to get the book early, but that had been dashed after they passed by the school that was crawling with authorities.

Applejack, pinkie pie, and Rarity’s skills would be of little use. Twilight had to see her target to control it and the police would likely notice a floating book. Fluttershy’s animals would draw too much attention carrying a book, and Rainbow dash would draw too much attention even if she was awake enough to use her power safely. In short, they had no choice but to wait until later.

“I wish my power was invisibility,” Fluttershy remarked weakly as she lay next to rainbow her hair once more hiding her face, “then I could help get the book without being noticed.”

Before anyone could speak Rainbow dash let out a humored snort drawing everyone’s attention as the girl began chuckling. “Fluttershy even if you did turn completely invisible you wouldn’t be able to see,” she remarked casually through a yawn.

Immediately everyone turned to look at Rainbow with an inquisitive gaze in disbelief at what they heard. Fluttershy even pushed off Rainbow dashes chest to sit up to look her best friend over. Her hair fell away from her face as she changed seating position revealing the most confused look any of them had ever seen on the girl.

“Do what now?” AppleJack asked in befuddlement.

When she felt Fluttershy move alongside apple Jack’s voice she craned her head down to see her friends. Only frown when she saw them staring back at her as though she grew a second head. “What?” she asked accusingly at those present.

Rarity blinked breaking from her stupor first she regarded Rainbow with her usual critical eye, “what? What do you mean what you are the one not making and sense darling.” she counter accused pointing a finger towards Rainbow’s chest. “how does being invisible mean going blind?” she asked a slight annoyed edge to her voice.

Rainbow stared at them for a moment as her mind processed what she was hearing, only to have a wide smile grow upon her lips in mirth as a laughing fit began to overtake her..

“Oh, that?! Ha Ha Ha!” she laughed jubilantly her tiredness momentarily leaving her as she felt a burst of energy causing her friends to frown at her. “If your completely invisible light will pass through the things in your eyes that let you see that’s basic science even I know that.” Rainbow boasted as she once more leaned back in her head to look back up at the ceiling as the last remnants of her laughing fit ended.

Again everyone simply stared wide-eyed in shock their jaws dropping at hearing such a scientific response from their friend. While they knew Rainbow wasn’t stupid despite the girl’s claims to being all about sports it was a shock to know she had such knowledge. After all that was something they expected more from Twilight either of them or even Rarity or Pinkie pie.

Applejack raised a hand to massage her temple feeling a headache coming on as she took in this information. “So let me get this straight.” she groaned in disbelieve looking to the prismatic athlete, “you’re tellin’ me that despite all your bragging about hating to study you are secretly rarely smart?”

“Well ya.” rainbow dash struggled as though it were completely obvious. “Cantterlot high school rules you need an above B average score to participate in any team sport. So If I want to play on the team I need to have at least a B in all my classes” she explained to her friends with a lazy wave of her hands for dramatic effect. “And I’ll have you know I have an A - this year” she added proudly pounding her chest with her right hand.
The group was momentarily broken from their depression by the declaration of Rainbow’s academic scores. So much so they missed the sudden arrival of a familiar and often unwanted out-of-breath blue-haired girl entering sugar cube corner.

Said, girl scanned the crowd searching for something earning more than a few annoyed looks at her presence. Yet she ignored them as her eyes fell upon a familiar group sitting in the far corner away from everyone else. Without a word she stormed over to the group with all haste, ignoring or even pushing aside all those who tried to intercept her. She would not be denied as she approached the original five.


The five jumped in their seats letting out a series of frightening yelps as they sat up straight, their body’s going rigged from surprise as they turned to see who disturbed them. Applejack raised her arms into a fighting pose, Rarity raised her arms to shield herself, Pinkie pies hair looked as though she touched a static glob her arms raised up in surrender, Fluttershy was hiding under the table, while Rainbow was now fully awake moved to defend Fluttershy her arms out ready to attack.

They all turned to see who would approach them in such a manner only to collectively groan when they saw who it was that now looked upon theme expectantly.

“Trixie Lunamoon. To what do we owe the displeasure.” Rarity’s voice dripped with venom with each word as she lowered her guard again glaring at the staff mage.

Surprisingly Trixie ignored Rarity’s statement as she leaned over the table gasping for breath. Her usually pale cheeks were red from fatigue while her forehead dripped with sweat upon the table. Her entire body trembled like an earthquake where she stood as she stared at them with a fire the likes of which they had never seen. The very sight of which made the girls look at Trixie in worry afraid she was going to collapse.

“Trixie has … little time for you or your … pointless words for … Trixie brings … important news regarding Sunset shimmer.” she managed to get out between gasps.

Hearing this as the group regarded their new guest Rainbow looked around Luna to the other students who eyed the girl. Each of them looked ready to step in to get rid of her with more than a few looking like they wanted to let their fists do the talking, likely suspecting she had something to do with Sunsets memory. But Rainbow showing great patience raised her hands up and waved at them to leave.

Luna noticed this action turning her head to what it was. Only to let out a panicked gasp turning round gripping the table for support at the somewhat large crowd that had gathered around them at her arrival, specifically at their displeased faces.

Many of the teens did not budge at Rainbow’s silent command but jumped in fright when Applejack stomped her foot upon the ground making the floor shake with her geode’s power. This combined with the disapproving look of the five as well as another shake of Rainbow’s head got the message across.

Soon the assembled teens went about their business after a few cast some untrusting gazes at Trixie only to be chastised and kicked out by the cakes for trying to start trouble in their shop.

Once it was clear that the threat had passed Trixie let out a sigh of relief as she turned back to the five again. Her face was now far less red, while her breath was now more under control, even her posture was more stable allowing her to stand upright crossing her arms over her chest as she regarded the group.

“Now that the distraction is dealt with will you heed Trixie’s words?” she asked accusingly eyeing the group a brow raised slightly as if challenging them.

As expected of the athlete Rainbow scoffed at Trixie waving one of her hands as if shooing a fly away. “Oh please, and since when do you know anything help with a magic problem?” she asked picking up her drink sipping it with a cringe as she stated the now frigid drink from sitting too long.

Trixie however only smirked at this question as a tight-lipped chortle filled the air. “Then perhaps Rainbow dash can tell Trixie how the memory stone works and how to undo Sunsets amnesia like Trixie does when she returned from Equestria,” she said knowingly raining a hand spinning it around playfully shocking the assembled group.

Rainbow Dash began Choking on her drink, spiking some on herself at the same time. Pounding on her chest as tears began to fall from her eyes.

Rarity recovered quickly as she scooted over to Rainbow’s side to aid her. Taking the drink from Rainbow's hand while placing a napkin at her lips to cover her cough.

Fluttershy similarly recovered, leaning rainbow forward to pat at their multi-colored friends back. All the while speaking soothing words to the girl to get her to calm down.

At the same time while this happened Applejack and even Pinkie pie eyed Trixie suspiciously. The pair having regained some of their lost fire at hearing about Sunset and the accursed rock.

"Alright, missy what do ya want? For that matter how do you and everyone else know about Sunsets amnesia?" Applejack said in a low dangerous tone, “after all we only told our parents so how does the whole town know?” "And be quick about before I lose what little patience I have left." She warned threateningly.

"Pretty please, we could really use some good news." Pinkie pie added suddenly appearing in the girl’s face.

Trixie lurched back in fright at seeing pinkie practically teleporting into her face. She chuckled nervously several times before reaching a hand out pushing her away as she cartoonishly slid across the floor out of frame.

Once Pinkie pie was sufficiently far away Trixie regarded the group again eyeing Applejack nervously pulling at her collar as though it were too tight when she saw the look on her face. R-right.” she returned clearing her through, “To answer your second question first you can thank your sisters and Rainbow dashes sidekick. They have been spreading word of this travesty wherever they go.” she answered while reaching back for a chair pulling it up to the table before sitting with the group.

“Th-ho-s, ats ar-e go-n to ge it.” Rainbow croaked out painfully in a barely audible whisper.

Rarity’s gaze became molten with anger at the accusation turning away from cleaning up Rainbow to look towards Trixie. “For one I agree with you Rainbow dash, those three are in for it this time. You would think they learned their lesson after the whole anon-a-miss mess they caused.” her words were sharp practically spitting vinegar as she spoke her face turning red with anger.

The sight made Trixie very grateful she had switched sides almost pitying the three girls who would likely be hearing it by day’s end. It made her regret not switching sides sooner not missing being on the receiving end of the Rainbooms ire.

“Worry about those babber mouths later,” applejack chided as she tried to keep them from getting distracted. “Ok that answers one question, but what about the first. You say you can undo it… well I say prove it.”

Trixie put on a face of bravado smiling nervously trying to hide her worry. “B-but of course allow Trixie to explain her tail of how Trixie came to be in possession of this knowledge. But only if the five conceive Principle Celestia and luna to remove my detention for supposedly breaking into the yearbook room.” her words getting their complete and undivided attention as they all leaned forward to hear her story.

“Only if we like what we hear.” Applejack answer clasping her hands in front of her in a white knuckled grip both hands shaking terribly.

“I-if you wouldn’t mind” Fluttershy added meekly as she look up from her task still doing her best to help Rainbow.

With a curt nod Trixie told her story, and what a story it was.

For nearly thirty minutes she explained everything, from bumping into Sunset in the hall to helping her search for the stone. She told them how they found the recording of Wallflower after the girl erased their memories of her and locked them in the yearbook room. As well as how she let herself become locked in the yearbook room after magicking Sunset out of the room much to their surprise answering the question of why she was locked in the yearbook room. Only leaving out the part where she bribed Sunset for her support, deeming it nonessential information.

By the time she was finished the five were speechless. Trixie’s story left all of them even Rainbow on the verge of tears, or in the case of Fluttershy in tears holding onto Rainbow dash for support.

While there was much speculation, mistrust, and questions for the stage mage by the end of it they had all the proof they needed. All of them believed Trixie was telling the truth, yet at the same time couldn’t believe it.

“After finding out about Sunsets amnesia Trixie began searching high and low for Sunsets friends. With some well timed information, Trixie heard that said friends would be here at sugar cube corner. Now here we are.”

As the story came to the end the group regarded Trixie as they processed the information in their own way. All of them tried to come to terms with everything they learned about the Memory stone. Not to mention learning more about Wallflower blushes motivation which answered some questions but also raised others. Namely, why did wallflower run, and why go after sunset specifically when she had never once been bullied directly.

“Ah feel lower than a snake’s shadow.” Applejack said her voice soft-spoken and somber as she nursed her head in her hands.

Rainbow sniffled as though she were Fluttershy unshed tears in her eyes croaking something in response but no one could make out what she said. Though judging from the way she pounded the table it was a curse of some kind.

Fluttershy and Pinkie pie were the worst off with one weeping openly, while the other looked more like a black, white and gray melting snowman.

Rarity reached a hand out gripping Applejack’s shoulder getting her attention before giving a weak smile, “do not be so hard upon yourself darling there is no way you could have known,” her head fell her expression becoming crestfallen a thoughtful look overtaking her face. “There is no way any of us could have known. Not truly, not until…” she never finished as a sob overtook her.

Seeing Rarity’s distress Applejacked angled herself enveloping the girl in a sideways hug letting her head rest upon her shoulder.

Trixie for her part looked and felt genuinely guilty, seeing the group before her, how they felt raising a hand to grip her heart. The sight made her regret many of the things she had done to the group over the years, it made her wish she had tried harder to let the magic of friendship that they had perched for months into her cold arrogant heart. For even in their lowest moments they still had one another, they were never alone. And alone was something she didn’t want to feel any longer.

“Y-you, you don’t need to fear.” She declared confidently once more drawing their gaze. “Trixie knows how to fix everything Trixie can restore Sunset’s memory for you…” she said her voice faltering her eyes falling to the floor as she spoke drawing more than a few curious gazes.

For a moment the others thought that her little speech had ended only to be surprised when Trixie looked up a fire in her eyes. “Trixie can repay her friend for showing her kindness.”

This drew looks of surprise from the others unable to believe what they were hearing from Trixie of all people. The girl who regularly got on Sunset’s case or antagonized her after the fall formal wanted to help Sunset.

Yet at the same time, they couldn’t help but smile at the display as they saw the familiar spark of friendship in the girl’s eyes.

“Well, what are we waiting for let’s fix sunny right away then!” Pinkie exclaimed appearing behind Trixie wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Trixie chuckled nervously again unused to the contact as she pried Pinkie pie off her once more pushing her out of frame as she responded. “O-of course the great and powerful Trixie always keeps her word,” she said with a slight stutter. “Trixie just needs what’s left of the memory stone and can do the rest,” she explained confidently.

All at once, the group looked like had been punched in the gut as they looked to one another in disbelief. The sight filled Trixie with dread as she watched to proceedings her once confidant face falling into worry.

“P-please tell Trixie you still have what’s left the stone?” she pleaded weakly.

No one answered right away as they again looked to one another with worried expressions as though they wear silently communicating some terrible truth to one another. Rainbow dash even shedding a few tears at this which left Trixie stunned. Making Trixie realize she likely already knew what the terrible truth it was that they were communicating to each other.

But she couldn’t allow herself to believe it as if her thought was true then it would mean everything she had done to redeem herself in the last day would be for nothing. She had finally done something worthwhile with her life and she didn’t want it to be all for nothing.

“M-maybe Trixie can make something work with the pieces then,” she began unshed tears in her eyes as she practically begged, “surly Trixie can manage something with i-insider knowledge…. I hope.”

At this, it was Rarity who finally had the courage to break the silence as coughed into her hand to get Trixie’s attention. At the same time stalling to prepare herself for what she was to say next something she wished she didn’t have to.

“I wish you told us that this morning.” the fashionista said regretfully as she raised a hand to wipe her eyes letting out a sniffle.

“Please don’t tell Trixie.” the girl's expression frightened as the pieces fell into place.

She was silent again for a minute leading to another torturous silence that was only broken by the sound of the sugar cube corner. While she desperately wanted to tell Rarity to spit it out, she refrained knowing better than to rush the girl no matter how much the wait killed her.

Eventually, the girl found her courage as she locked gazes with Trixie and spoke the words that would crush the girl’s redeemed, heart. “Last night before the police locked everything down we gathered all the glowing magic stones shared we could find, to keep them out of the wrong hands,” she explained slowly her voice even, but it was clear she was keeping back a sob. “And-and t-to ensure what we all agreed was Sunset’s final wishes on the matter regarding the stone we-we,” rarity could finish as the sob she had been holding in finally escaped forcing the girl to place a hand over her mouth to stifle it.

Seeing Rarity’s distress Pinkie pie took it upon herself to “Rarity had me blow them up to keep the police or anything else from using them.” Pinkie pike confessed weakly tapping her fingers together not making eye contact.

“N-no,” Trixie strangled out as her tears finally began to fall from her face.

She was too late to keep her promise to Sunset, she was too late to make up for all the years of trouble she had caused. The memory stone was now nothing but harmless powder in the wind due to the others wanting to honor Sunset’s sacrifice.

“Oh! what will Trixie do now.” she cried as her head fell into her hands in defeat.

Seeing the girl’s genuine sorrow the five made possibly the single strangest decision in their life as they got up from their seats. They embraced Trixie in a group hug as they consoled her as their small band grew once more

First, it was Sunset, then sci twi, now Trixie.

Their little group had changed a lot over the years; the five became six in the wake of the last night’s tragedy. But they for Sunsets recover so the six would become eight as their group could be made whole again.

chapter 7: principles student.

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The afternoon sky was aglow in reds and oranges as the light of the sun slowly faded on the horizon over the Canterlot Skyline. The was worthy of a work of art made real over the city. It was the kind of thing so close to summer that made one think of warm beaches or celebrations.

It was weather like this that made one almost forget the tension in the air around the city from the explosion the day before.

Though for one principal however driving down the road, the day was anything but pristine.

“I’m almost there just wait a little longer,” Celestia said allowed, more to herself than anyone.

Celestia was in a state of near panic as she drove as quickly as the speed limit would allow. Every muscle in her body demanded she go faster to get home as soon as possible. A desire that was only tempered by the knowledge that she couldn’t draw unwanted attention.

Her entire body had broken out into a light stress-induced sweat as well as shaking from jitters. Leaving her feeling hot, uncomfortable, and close to a nervous breakdown. One of the worst she had felt since her parents passed away, or when her sister was in hospital from a car accident.

She wanted a break, she wanted that sweet vacation she was promised right now. But today fate had other things in store.

From a half dozen meetings with several government agencies, the school council, and the police. Not to mention addressing the public the next day. as well as the fear of losing her job for the fourth time since the start of the year.

And that was ignoring all the magic.

From rainbow lasers to talking dogs, magic sing seahorses, a scared girl tearing apart reality, or even some of her students gaining magic powers. That alone left her on pins and needles on a near-daily basis.

Her only relief was the fact that her sister was exempt from the investigation from an airtight alibi. And for the first time in her life she was grateful, that her sister was wasting time dressing up at a convention.

So to say she was near the point of breaking was an understatement.

“At least discord, luna, and twilight were able to alter the footage of events enough to convince the police nothing mystical happened on the school grounds. Or that sunset was involved” she remarked with strain.

Ever since Luna texted her already frayed nerves nearly tore at the seams. Not only did Sunset think she was six but apparently begged luna “don’t send me back,” or “ill be good.”. The implication of Sunset's words left her feeling very uneasy.

Thankfully before she could think about it any more she subconsciously turned onto N, palace street. With her and her sister's castle of a homecoming into view not long after.

Seeing her home with its pristine white wiles with blue accents, the green lawn, the blue roof, and even the almost tower-like extension coming out of the one side like a castle put a sense of ease within Celestia. Even as the usually disconcerting empty streets or yards in the overpriced neighborhood could not sour her.

“Never thought I would be so happy to live on a rich street where hardly anyone is home,” she remarked pulling into the driveway.

Once the vehicle was parked in the garage she had to force herself to slow down to make sure the parking brake was on before all but tearing out of the car and into the house.

The moment she entered her home she could hear the sound of her sister's muffled voice echoing from the bathroom. She couldn’t tell what she was saying but knew she was talking to Sunset from the desperation in her tone.

The sound both hurt her as well as made her joyful. Joyful that her sister was so dedicated to helping her once most hated student. As well as pained her to hear her sister sound so helpless.

Wasting no more time Celestia raced for the first-floor bathroom, desperately wanting to know what was happening.

When she finally arrived at the Bathroom she stopped a few steps away from the open door as she noticed a lack of light coming from the room. It’s just like the nurse's office. Is she scared of electric lights or is it something more?

It was then that she heard her sister's voice fill the air once again, “Sunset please I am sorry I scared you, there is nothing to be afraid of,” Luna said in a low hushed tone

In response Celestia heard a loud whimpering followed by, “I won’t be bad, I won’t be bad, I won’t be bad.” the voice of Sunset repeated like a mantra sounding close to tears.

The sound broke Celestia’s heart, she had thought she had seen Sunset at her worst. But clearly, she was wrong. If Sunset's memories had truly regressed to that of a child… a shiver went down her spine as she finally realized just what baggage the girl was caring all these years. Baggage that may even explain Sunset's bullying and need for power.

Unable to wait any longer she rushed into the darkened room her feet echoing off the tile, only to be startled when a loud “Ow!” rang out.

Celestia while frightened had no time to question this as at the same time she felt something catch on her foot tripping her. Feeling herself fall Celestia lurched backward grabbing the door frame with one arm while bracing her hand against the wall with the other. All while straining to stay standing as her legs threatened to buckle from underneath her.

Thankfully after fighting with her balance for a moment she managed to pull herself up slumping forward as she let go of the door placing a hand upon her chest letting out a sigh of relief.

“That really hurt you know, what is it you always tell students about running in the halls?” Luna spoke with annoyance making Celestia jump in surprise.

Looking down wide-eyed she saw Luna laying on her side staring back venomously as she held one leg to her chest rubbing it tenderly. “Would it kill you to announce yourself while we have a vulnerable minor in our house?”

Celestia’s mouth hung open in shock for a moment too flabbergasted for words to speak. Only to them immediately start stammering out a string of stress-induced apologies

Luna was not amused but said nothing about it, instead of rising to her feet before embracing Celestia in a tight hug catching the older sister off guard. “Am I glad to see you, I need your help” she exclaimed her voice cracking like glass.

At these words Celestia overcame her shock, her face hardened as she was reminded of her original proposal for rushing home.

“Where is she?”

At this question, Luna broke the hug stepping to the side to let her pass while pointing to the dark side of the room.

At first, Celestia thought Luna was playing some sort of cruel joke. As outside the normal amenities in their guest bathroom, the tiny sink to her left, the blue tired floor at her feet, as well as the toilet across from her she saw nothing. No Sunset shimmer.

While old sunset might pull such a mean stunt, her sister certainly would not. Though that didn’t explain why Sunset seemingly vanished into thin air in such a small room.

Yet as her eyes adjusted to the dark space she noticed a small pair of bundles on either side of the toilet.


She heard a tinny gasp the cyan eye locking with her own for half a second before disappearing into the dark again.

Blinking looking closer she realized that the dark form hiding on the ground wedged behind the toilet was Sunset. The girl somehow managed to get herself into the tiny gap using the piece of white porcelain as a shield. Her body curled around it with her arms over her head while her hands were in awkward fists, at the same time her legs wear bent at odd angles as though she wasn’t sure what to do with them.

“How long has she been like this,” she asked her sister not taking her eyes off the girl who she could hear the occasional sob from.

She heard Luna give a haggard sigh followed by the lazy shuffling feet, “Sense she ran away from breakfast after she woke up.” Luna answer defeatedly her voice sounding very old and tired.

Celestia bit her lip at this answer as it was exactly what she didn’t want to hear. That means she has been here for at least five or six hours. I need to get her out of here before she makes herself sick.”

For a moment all was silent again, with no words being spoken save for the odd babbling from Sunset. No one dared to speak, Luna was too tired to ask what Celestia was thinking, and Celestia was too lost in thought as to what she needed to do. All while Sunset herself tried her best to ignore everyone as if pretending that she was alone.

Alright, let’s see. She’s distancing herself from everyone. Trying to push herself away from the reality that's in front of her. She is clearly still in shock about being a human… as well as possibly thinks she is a child which isn’t helping. She is promising that he will behave to worry about also. And she is ether easily startled or trigged if what luna said is to be taken at face value.

“Hmmm?” she hummed wondering curiously at everything she had learned so far.

There was still much that she didn’t know, like exactly what had triggered Sunset despite Luna’s texted-based recounting. As well as why Sunset was behaving like she was not, though she had a good guess that she prayed she was wrong about.

A prayer she hoped would be answered when a particularly loud sob echoed from Sunset's lips. “Oh, Sunset just what made you like this?” she whispered painfully.

However, all that could wait as right now she needed to earn the girl's trust first. Starting with dealing with food as she turned back to her sister.

“Luna, can you deal with dinner tonight? With will likely take a while and the poor girl is probably famished. “ she asked patiently. She knew what she was asking especially given how her sister couldn’t cook to save her life, but she knew Luna was likely at the end of her rope and needed a break.

Though she paused a moment later when she remembered something important, “Oh, and make sure it is vegetarian, Sunset can’t eat meat, she is a pony after all.”

Luna seemed to deflate at the idea of vegetarianism, the girl very much loving her meats. But she thankfully didn’t remark on it simply nodding in agreement. “I’ll think of something, leave it to me,” she answered prompting Celestia to open her mouth in worry.

“And don’t worry I won’t set the kitchen on fire” she promised in exasperation cutting Celestia off rubbing her tired eyes and moving towards the door without another word.

Yet as she watched her leave Celestia saw luna pause as she was about to leave. Luna then turned to look back at her, her eyes silently pleading in obvious gilt, her lip trembling nervously as she played with the hem of her nightshirt.

“Just-just do what you can so I can finally apologize properly,” she asked meekly before looking away.

Celestia was stunned for a moment her eyes going wide with surprise having not expected her to say such a thing. Only to then smile a moment later knowing how much the girl struggled with guilt.

“You have my word, I won’t rest until she is free.” Celestia knew she might come to regret those words but right now all that mattered was helping her sister.

Luna did not look back simply nodding quite before deciding to exit the room her feet echoing down the hall as she went.

Celestia stared at the doorway for a moment listening to her sister as she went. Eventually, the sound of her sister rummaging around through something cursing openly faintly filled the air as she looked for what she amused was a take-out menu.

She was not sure why she eavesdropped on her sister as she did. Maybe it was because she hoped her sister would return and make her problem go away. Or maybe just the sound of her sister's voice helped comfort her nerves. Whichever it was she knew she was stalling and needed to get to the bottom of this current problem before she let it fester any longer.

Looking back to sunset her eyes now fully adjusted to the dark she could see the girl was a wreak. Her borrowed sleepwear was a mess of wrinkles and stains. Her hair looked like it hadn’t been groomed in days, which given the last few days was quite possible. Her posture was that of clear discomfort caused by laying where she was. And her body shook from what she assumed were chills from the cold floor as well as the plumbing sucking away heat from her body.

Seeing this she knew there was no more time to dawdle as she got down upon one knee to get closer to Sunsets level like Luna had done.

It was here when the sound of her shoe clicked upon the floor that a cyan eye came up to look at her. Yet this time instead of immediately looking away the girl seemed to stare as if looking at her for the first time. Not only that Celestia could have sworn she even heard a slight gasp of aww leaving her lips as she took in her appearance.

Seeing her student look at her with such reverence made Celestia uncomfortable, it felt almost like Sunset was looking at her as if she was some sort of religious artifact, a notion she did not enjoy.

Yet she brushed this aside for now as she tried speaking to the girl.

“Sunset?” she asked causing the girl to squeak in surprise as if only now realizing she was being watched as well.

Immediately she whimpered pushing herself deeper into her poorly chosen hiding place her body curling up tighter trying to make herself smaller. Her entire body trembled like an earth quack from fear. But unlike before she didn’t look away her eyes seemingly glued to her in awe of her presence.

Celestia saw this but decided not to say anything, instead, she simply smiled trying to look as pleasant as possible under the circumstances as she adjusted her approach slightly.
“Sunset?” she repeated again, “that is your name right?” she asked this time hoping that giving her a question would goad her into responding.

For a time Sunset was quite saying nothing as she simply looked at her with uncertainty as if trying to decide something. A fact that Celestia took notice of Leaving Celestia concerned as she wondered what this delay could mean.

Eventually, Sunset nodded quietly before letting out another shiver.

Celestia nodded approvingly trying to sound encouraging as she continued to think. Ok, so she knows her name is Sunset that’s a start at least, now let's try something else.

“Alright, Sunset you have a very pretty name,” she started doing her best to sound positive to warm up to the scared girl. “By chance, you happen to know who I am?”

This was it she knew, this one question would determine everything going forwards.

If she remembered her then that would mean Sunset was only missing a few meager years of her past, and not three-quarters of it. It would mean they wear dealing with a scared child who only forgot her friends and not absolutely everything. While it would leave a lot of implications on how old she was alongside pony aging rates. But all that could be dealt with at a later time more convenient.

But if not then that would mean that they were dealing with a vulnerable adult who thought she was only a five or six-year-old pony from a land of talking horses. Legal problems involving Sunset thinking she was a pony aside if her memory never returned there was a real chance that she would be forced into special needs and even dropped down a few grades, or even put into a special needs home if no caretaker or other solution could be found.

While it was not a solution she wanted to consider it was a real possibility. Especially if they couldn’t get princess twilight to help them or if necessary take her back home.

While she didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing one of her students in such a way. She needed to be ready for it as the equestrians would likely be better equipped to handle such an incident.

Yet it was what the girl said next that nearly sent Celestia on her behind.

“Princess Celestia.” the girl muttered weakly sounding almost unsure herself of her own words.

Celestia felt like her eyes would explode out of her head. She had heard of princess Celestia it was hard not to after everything that happened. After the battle of the bands, she had asked Twilight and Sunset to tell her everything about magic and Equestria. And while she was a little skeptical at the time after the friendship games she fully believed that there was an alicorn version of herself that was Sunset’s old teacher. And apparently a monarch.

The irony of which wasn’t lost on her especially when she realized she live on a street named palace. Which even for her and Luna felt a bit too coincidental even for a parallel universe version of herself.

Yet the shock did not last as the depressing reality set in not long after. If Sunset believed that she was Princess Celestia, not principal Celestia, then it meant that all their fears wear realized. Sunset shimmer had truly lost all her memories of the human world

While tempting to let her believe that she was the princess to get Sunset to behave she quickly decided against it. While Sunset may have believed she was a child she wasn’t stupid and would likely figure out that she was not the princess easily enough given time. Which would defeat the purpose of building up trust with the girl.

“No I am not Princess Celestia,” she returned with a shake of her head. “it may be confusing but I am principal Celestia, The princes and I simply share the same name but are not the same person.” she tried to explain delicately not wanting to panic the girl.

Sunset seemed to visibly deflate culling in slightly at this new information. This caused Celestia to panic realizing that Sunset may shut down again knowing that her old mentor was not present.

“But!” she added, “Princess Celestia knows about your situation, that is why I am here,” she said hastily, thinking quickly regaining the girl's attention her eyes going wide with shock.

“I-in fact those girls from before my sister and I were all given a mission by your prince Celestia through princess twilight to watch over you. That’s actually why you are here in fact. You had an accident and you're here with us for your safety. Princess Celestia herself is having us watch over you until it’s safe for you back home in Equestria. Until then we are here to protect you till it’s safe.”

Celestia wanted to cringe at the hastily chosen words and her very loose interpretation of the truth but she had little choice in this situation.

I can’t feel guilty now, I need her to trust me and the others, I need her to feel safe or she will never cooperate with us. And we can’t have her getting scared and running off somewhere there is no telling what might happen then.

Besides if this Celestia knew what was happening here I have no doubt she would ask us you protect her until we could sort something out. So it’s not a lie it’s just a necessary premature truth till we can contact the princess” she rationalized, though it did little to help with the guilt.

Her thoughts were interrupted however when she heard a small meek voice speak up. “T-th-the princess sent you?

Celestia did a double-take the way Sunset spoke sounding young, full of wonder at the notion that her mentor sent her. Though she did not let it show as nodded quickly not wishing to let the girl see her deception.

“Yes I am,” she confirmed with a smile. “I and the other girls are here to keep you safe as best we can. But to do that I need you to let us help you. Can you let us help you so that the princess can stop worrying?” she asked tenderly again putting the ball in her court.

Sunset at hearing this question looked away her cyan eyes closing and a hum escaped her lips. Her body tensed again as if thinking about her answer.

Celestia watched this in interest praying her little scheme worked. From what little she knew of Equestria she had heard that ponies revered their Celestia almost like a god. So with a little luck Sunset would believe her story that the princess ordered them to guard her, at least until they could get in touch with twilight. If she did it would make dealing with her easier till they could get ahold of Princess twilight.

Thankfully her wait was not a very long one as a few minutes later Sunsets Cyan eyes opened again before she gave a small nod.

Celestia gave out a small sigh of relief uncaring if she was heard or not. Simply grateful that the worst was hopefully over as well as whatever episode Sunset was having seemed to have ended.

“Never thought a day would come where I was glad to be mistaken for an older woman.” remarking with a chuckle at the absurdity.

“Now then would you mind coming out? My sister is worried about you, you gave her quite the scare and I think she would like to know your alright.”

Her question got a startled gasp out of the girl as she seemed to fold in on herself her body trembling once again making Celestia worry that she had gone too fast and was back at square one.

Though whether it be for good or ill a moment later sunset seemed to relax slightly. Then slowly the girl started to crawl out of her hiding place. She got stuck a few times due to narrow space as well as not knowing about her body. This prompted Celestia to interfere much to Sunset's panic but the girl never protested only stiffening or whimpering whenever Celestia touched her causing the educator distress, though she didn’t let it show.

Eventually, after Sunset got free Celestia was taken by surprise as Sunset seemed at first content to crawl upon the ground. Only to have to remind herself that Sunset thought she was a filly and likely forgot she didn’t have hooves again.

It took her a few minutes to get her to walk on her feet. A few minutes filled with several stumbles and near falls lead to Sunset using Celestia as a living guild bar. Though much to the girl's embarrassment who looked away red-faced every time she used the educator as a crutch.

Celestia also internally cringed as Sunset smelled horrible. Of urine, warmed milk, as well as just bad body smells, making it clear that they needed to give her a bath.

Poor thing, she must have been so scared that she wet herself stress, she thought sadly sighing through her nose. As soon as we establish communication with Equestria we to find out what Sunsets' living condition was at this age.

If I am right and I pray I am not, she might need a counselor. And probably should have had one the entire time.

Despite this possible terrible future, she said nothing of it. Instead, she simply looked ahead at what she could do in the here and now as she helped Sunset shuffle out of the bathroom and into the light of the hall.

When they stepped out the sun had long set resulting in turning on some time ago. But Sunset still seemed afraid of the light even as they slowly walked as though it would hurt her. looking at the lights with new eyes as though never had seen them before.

This behavior confirming the theory that Electric lighting was a foreign concept to Sunset cursing the already highly stressed teen even more unneeded anxiety.

Seeing this Celestia decided she needed to put a stop to it now before it caused her any more stress. After all, living in a city in North-America it was basically impossible to escape electric lights. So the sooner she introduced the concept to the girl the better she decided as she altered her path to colid with the light switch panel at the end of the hall.

“Sunset.” she began calmly

The girl looked her way worryingly as though she were a kicked puppy making Celestia’s heartache. But she didn’t let it show as she reached a hand out to the light switchboard

“You're not in trouble I just want you to watch,” she said trying to sound reassuring.

Sunset said nothing in response but she didn’t need to. Celestia could see the way she avoided eye contact or the way her body shook. The girl was clearly terrified despite the promise of not being harmed. Yet once again Celestia pretended to ignore it for her sake not wanting to frighten her further by letting her know she was on to her as she went to explain.

“Now Sunset this is what is known as a light switch. The lights that are lighting our home are called electric lights. They run on something called electricity that is operated by a switch panel like this one. It’s perfectly safe and used in almost anything from lighting homes to emergency services,” she explained dutifully.

To demonstrate her point she flipped the switch causing the light in the hall to turn off casting them in darkness as well as causing a startled gasp to leave Sunset's lips. Then just as quickly as it went it came back in a flash with another flip of the switch making Sunset jump slightly as well as blink away a daze as she seemed momentarily blinded.

This blindness didn’t last, however, for as soon as sunset recovered her mouth fell open in shock as she looked between the light and the switch on the wall in fascination.

It was here that Celestia could have sworn that she heard the girl whisper “magic,” in no more than a whisper.

This made her chuckle at the thought as she decided to speak up., “No Sunset it isn’t magic, though I can understand the confusion. But it’s a form of science, like how air pressure keeps a kite up, or water turning to ice works. So not magic but it certainly feels like it doesn't it?” she explained knowably.

For a brief time, Sunset was speechless as she looked at the light above in fascination unmoving making Celestia wonder if she broke the poor girl.

Then slowly with great hesitation, Sunset began to move, her arm slowly reaching up for the switch.

Celestia watched with interest Sunset reached for the light switch wondering what she was going to do. Then as though answering her question Sunset closed her eyes, then with a click, they wear both plunged into darkness.

Then before Celestia had even a chance to have her eyes adjust to the dark the light was turned back on. At her side, Sunset opened her eyes to see the light that she herself had cast causing a wide toothy smile to shine on her lips a giggle of excitement escaping the teen.

Then almost as if a switch within Sunset was triggered Sunset began to quickly cycle the light between on and off. First slow with a few seconds in between each, only to get faster till it was as fast as a strobe light. While pure delight in her discovery was plan upon her face uncaring of what she was doing.

Before long it got so fast in fact that Celestia was getting a headache

“Ok ok.” Celestia said chuckling amused by the childlike wonder the girl had, “you can play with it more later, but Luna is waiting for us.” she reminded her.

Sunset shuddered her smile vanishing in an instant before looking up to Celestia with a hurt look. Looking very much like she got caught doing something wrong. Only to look away a moment later seemingly still afraid of being hurt or scolded.

Seeing this Celestia immediately placed a comforting hand upon Sunset's back and began rubbing small circles

It’s ok your not in trouble,” Celestis said trying her best to sound reassuring, “Luna is just waiting for us and I don’t want to make her wait for you just curious your not in trouble. alright?”

Sunset simply nodded at this request as she looked down at the floor appearing on the verge of tears. It disheartened Celestia to see but she knew better than to call it out. “Good.” was all she said as she began to lead her into the kitchen

Though just as they entered the kitchen her eyes lit up in recognition of something. “Also Sunset, make sure to check that someone isn’t using a light before you turn it off as that’s rude,” she added quickly.

Again Sunset simply nodded as they entered the kitchen. Only for both of them to stop to be met by an odd sight.

Before them, the kitchen looked like a battlefield with the one counter cleared of all things. The sink had at least a dozen items within that the pair could see. All of the chairs at the countertop were removed looking hap haphazardly strew about the kitchen. While a mop buck laid about. the mop handles sticking out at a precocious angle as though it would fall with several water spills literally about.

Luna herself was also in the right state. Her hair was a tangled mess that she tied back. There were several stains as well as water splashes upon her arms and face. Several buttons from her nightshirt had also come undone. All while her arm moved so fast it looked like it would fall off as she feverishly scrubbed the counter.

Celestia had to bite down a giggle not wishing to insult her as her sister went about… Cleaning.

But instead of laughing, she decided it would be best to announce herself to let her know she was going to take Sunset up for a bath.

Yet this proved unnecessary as Luna looked up at that moment with a flustered expression. One Celestia knew well, as it was the one that she wore when she was a few words away from completely snapping in frustration.

“I ordered a pizza from the place on twelfth it should be here in like thirty minutes there having a busy night and a delivery boy is sick,” Luna remarked bitterly from where she was cleaning up the counter from that morning making Celestia flinch.

While Celestia didn’t want Pizza given their current charge it was good enough. Plus she figured some fast food might make Sunset happy like it did most kids, or she hoped it would.

“Alright sounds good.” Celestia returned, while you take care of that I will take Sunset upstairs to get cleaned up. She looks like she could use it, and a clean set of clothes,” she said back to her sister who began muttering curses under her breath when her washcloth hit the dried milk.

Instead of answering Luna just gave a thumbs-up before waving them off. Taking this as her cue to leave She deading a very unstable Sunset up the stairs, being careful to take her time remembering Luna’s text about her unsteadiness.

At this Celestia decided to worry about cleaning the mess in the guest bathroom later. instead of taking Sunset upstairs to give her a quick bath, a bath that consisted of Sunset fearfully sitting in the tub while she did all the washing. As well as change her out of her filthy pajamas for some clean green ones.

By the time they wear done the mess from the sunsets episode was cleaned up by luna, and the Pizza had arrived waiting for them on the counter for them. Luna herself sulked at the counter and red checked over a large helping of Pizza alongside a cup of soda two-liter bottles. All while muttering something about Celestia being the lucky one when Celestia and Sunset returned.

Celestia gave her sister's hand a disapproving look she noted the redness of Luna’s cheeks. But again decided deal with it later when Sunset was asleep.

Setting Sunset down at the table was a difficult affair under the circumstances. As she was still unbalanced in her human form. But after a few adjustments, she got seated right against the counter using her elbows to support herself.

Once, Celestia, was satisfied Sunset would not fall she took her own seat not far away just in case.

Before Celestia could even get comfortable though two low splat sounds rang out. Looking up she saw two plastic plates, one each in front of herself, and Sunset with a single slice of pizza.

Casting her gaze towards Luna she noticed her sister's downtrodden face as she looked away, “your welcome,” she muttered before looking away sipping her drink as she sulked.

Celestia watched her sister for a moment as she saw the jealousy plan on the girl's face. It was an emotion she had never hidden well since they wear children and it wasn’t hard to see why. Luna was clearly jealous that she had gotten sunset out of the bathroom in a little maybe ten minutes. while Luna despite spending hours trying failed.

It made Celestia feel somewhat guilty as she knew her sister was trying to be more approachable. But she was often told that there was something about her that children found comforting that seemingly gave her an edge. An edge her sister was very jealous of.

However, that was also another matter as she turned her attention back to sunset who looked at her food suspiciously as though deciding if it were going to bite her or not. Shaking her head she realized she was going to have to help once again

“Sunset,” she said getting the girl to look at her worryingly again like a kicked puppy, or pony Celestia realized.

“Like this,” she said picking up her own pizza in both hands slowly with porous, while also exaggerating the use of her fingers for Sunset's sake. Then slowly took a bite knowing the girl was watching and learning from her.

All the while through the Conor of her eye she watched as Sunset mimicked her actions. Trying her best to manipulate her fingers the same way she did to hold the pizza.

It was clumsy at first as the girl's grip went from too loose, to too tight, to even nearly tearing the pizza in half. But eventually, after a few tries as well as a few stains on her face from missing her mouth she got the pizza in her mouth and…

A high-pitched squeal of delight filled the air the moment the pizza hit Sunset’s tongue which put a smile on both sisters' faces.

Soon after Sunset practically inhaled the slice she was given as though it were air despite Celestia’s protests. With Luna only laughed impishly before handing the girl another slice, as well as sliding a glass of soda over to the girl. Only saying “here try it with this” as she ignored her sister’s attempts to stop Sunset.

Sunset naturally eyed the Soda with suspicion but was clearly not too suspicious. Before long, she was eagerly drinking her soda giving out another series of loud Squeals of delight.

After this, there was no stopping the girl who quickly devoured all in her path heedless of Celestia and eventually Luna’s warnings. By the time she was finished, she had eaten nearly four slices of pizza and two full cups of soda.

After which her full stomach combined with the stress of the day seemed to make her doze. As within minutes of finishing her meal she began to fall asleep at the counter.

Seeing this (and under Luna’s insistence) they brought her to the Living room where they laid her on the couch. Then tucked her in, it was a bit early still by this point, but the girl was clearly exhausted and both sisters were happy for the break.

“Well, that was not how I wanted to spend my day!” Luna declared as she flopped into an armchair earning herself a shush from Celestia which she ignored.

“I didn’t exactly want to spend my Monday in meeting after meeting with various government and the authorities. All while playing cat and mouse with the truth trying to keep all references to magic hidden.”

“Would you have liked to do all that instead Lu lu?” Celestia asked more sharply than she intended.

Luna let out a tired sigh through her nose looking away dejected as she muttered out a “point taken.”

With that Celestia looked away from her sister towards Sunset checking on the girl to make sure their argument hadn’t woken her. Thankfully it hadn’t and she was met by the peaceful face Of sunset resting her head on a pillow putting a smile on the principles face.

Feeling a rare moment of tenderness at the sight Celestia decided to sit herself down near Sunset's head. Reached out to the girl brushing her hair out of her face as well as adjusting the blanket. All while wondering if this was how her mother felt as the moment went on.

A moment that was quickly ruined by her sister giggling.

“Carful you wouldn’t want to smother her with all the cakes you stuff in that butt.” luna remarked cheekily.

Celestia’s head wiped around to glare at her sister for the remark. But wisely chose to say nothing, knowing better than to give her sister more material.

Instead, she chose to start stroking Sunset's cheek, just like how their mother would in the past. A fact that reminded her just how much she missed her parents after the accident. As she spared a glance back to her sister to see the look on her brow she to was also reminded of the bitter memory.

“So what’s the plan, Tia?” Luna asked suddenly worry lacing her tone.

“We can’t leave her to hear Lu Lu.

“By Wednesday or Thursday, we may have class back. And even if not we will both have to return to work eventually and we can’t leave her home only that long. Especially one as mentally scared She seems to be right now.

“I mean just mentioning her family seemed to set her off. There is no telling how she could have hurt herself had I not been here. And until we get a lid on what's happening at the school we can’t just place her in the special needs room. There will be investigators and onlookers spying on the school for weeks after this. Especially with Wallflower still at large.” Luna said finishing her tangent before betting up to head to the kitchen.

Celestia sat quiet thinking about what Luna said. She knew her sister was right having the exact same thoughts throughout the day between meetings.

While she had silently prayed that Sunset would have recovered enough not to need a babysitter that was clearly not the case. Worse still Sunset seemed to have some form of PTSD or some other form of mental trauma that was leaving her on a hair-trigger.

In short, there was no way in clean conscious that she could leave Sunset alone even for a moment. Nor could they higher someone to watch her till the heat died down without drawing attention.

Before she could think of an answer Luna returned to her seat with the glass from dinner. The slight smell of alcohol in the air as she went caused Celestia’s nose to scrunch up in disapproval.

Luna quickly noticed this disapproving glare she received “what? It’s been a long day.” she countered before taking a long drink.

“Instead of Judging me for getting something out of this torturous day do you have a plan for Sunset? I mean she can’t stay here, especially after the school reopens.” luna countered.

Celestia wanted to scold Luna’s drinking in front of an impressionable minor. But knew Luna again was right this was now was not the time.

So breathing a sigh through her nose to destress she began to explain the bases of her plan.

“For now the plan is to get sunsets and meet with Sunsets friends to contact Princess Twilight. Then till we hear back from her or on the off chance they can’t take Sunset back to find temporary housing for her and her lizard in the meantime.

Her plan seemed so simple spoken out loud in the way she did. But In truth, there were a number of small details that needed to be discussed.

like who would watch Sunset's pet lizard long term, or make sure she wasn’t missed in the public or Sunset's apartment. Not to mention her school absence and so many other things. But for now, that was all Luna needed to know, as the rest would need to be figured out as they went.

Luna’s brow rose at this statement her head turning in confusion, “Sunset has a lizard?” she asked befuddled.

“Yes, a leopard gecko I think,” Celestia answered

“Fluttershy texted me saying she wanted to pick him up today to make sure he was alright but we couldn’t find Sunset's keys. I have the extra set of keys she gave me in the event of an emergency. So she and I will go to Sunset's apartment tomorrow to check on him, as well as get some of the Sunsets' clothes.”

“Ah-huh?” luna answered still sounding befuddled but saying no more on it.

“Alright then.” luna began, “where shall this meeting take place, it might be a few days before school the school is released. And we can’t bring the students here, that would look far too suspicious.”

It was a good question but thankfully one that Celestia had already thought about ass he explained her thoughts. “if the students can’t go to school we just need to drop off the communication book to one of them. Probably Rainbow dash or Twilight sparkle as they have the best chance of avoiding police notice with their powers.”

“Once they send a message to the princess they will contact us and we will discuss Sunsets arrangements. With a little luck, all we will need to do is discuss how we will bring Sunset to the portal unnoticed.”

“But?” Luna asked interrupting sensing there was something Celestia wasn’t saying.

Celestia felt a pit in her stomach at Luna’s question, not wishing to admit this part. While she hated to see her student go she knew Sunset needed help they couldn’t provide, she also knew there was a chance that Twilight would turn them away. As such…

“But in the event Twilight can’t, I sent a message to the Apple matriarch explaining everything. My hope is that by this time tomorrow we can move Sunset to the Apple family farm where they can watch over Sunset. That way she will be away from the police’s attention and hopefully far enough away to avoid Wallflower coming after her, as the farm is nearly ten miles outside the city.” Celestia explained in detail.

Luna’s face darkened at the mention of Wallflower’s name sending a chill down Celestia’s spine. It was no secret that Luna disliked had a distinct dislike for troublemakers, but luna’s expression told Celestia that Wallflower earned an especially dark place in her heart.

“Do you think she will try it?” She asked coldly, her words biting like steel in the night.

Celestia shrugged. “I don’t know, but given how far away the farm is, as well as the fact that no one knows where Sunset is with the manhunt going on I am hoping it will be enough to keep her away. Not to mention that the farm is surprisingly hard to find from the city if you don’t know the right way.”

It was wishful thinking she knew but it was all she had. Everyone else lived too close to one another, and the apple farm was far away from the city. With any luck, Wallflower wouldn’t think to look there once they moved her. While she didn’t think Wallflower would try anything no one was going to be taking any chances.

For a time Luna simply sat and stared at her thinking about what she was told. The look on her face told her she wasn’t entirely happy with the plan. But as she offered no counterargument it was clear that she didn’t object either.

Instead, she finished her drink before rising to her feet with a bit of a wabble. “Alright, if that’s all I am going to punish some noobs before going to bed while I can still feel buzzed and have some fun.” She said venomously her words starting to slurry

“Then tomorrow I will sign myself up for classes in dealing with people with trauma at school. that way you won’t show me up again,” she added pointing a finger towards her and Sunset before storming off into the kitchen in a huff.

“This day has been far too long for me” Celestia could faintly hear Luna mutter as she left

For a few minutes, Celestia heard Luna rummaging around the kitchen before returning only to storm up the stairs. Likely in an attempt to punish her fellow man in some FPS she had in her collection to blow off steam.

Celestia all the while watched her go in dismay. While her behavior was unbecoming of a teacher on a school night Celestia also felt bad for her as well.

“I’ll need to find some way to make it up to her for this.”

“Still she has the right idea after today I could use some sleep myself. It;s been a long day and I still have a few meetings tomorrow.”

With that in mind a taking one last tired breath Celestia made to stand, too exhausted from the day to do anymore. While wear wear a few things she should do going over paperwork and talking to some people being on of them. Between Sunset and the crater in the parking lot she decided that she could shrug off her work for the night.

Only when Celestia attempted to rise she let out a surprised yelp, as instead of standing she nearly fell forward as something anchored her to the couch.

Reacting quickly she reached out for anything to stop her descent. Only to have her hands eventually find their way to the coffee table in front of her. Bracing herself on it to stop her fall before she along with what was holding her was pulled to the floor.

She didn’t remain down for long however pushing off the coffee table carefully and back into a sitting position in a flash a curse on her lips as she desired to know what happened.

Then all words died on her throat as she looked down to see what had stopped her. For holding onto her arms wrapped tight in a warm embrace around her middle was Sunset shimmer.

The girl looked so peaceful to Celestia’s eyes. The once fear or even joy smeared face now rest with a light smile as she nuzzled into her middle. The hair she once brushed away again partly obscuring her face. Her body now relaxed as though unaware of everything that was happening. In a word she was peaceful.

Celestia smiled widely at the sightseeing sunset so content shaking her head in amusement. Despite everything, the day brought her this one sight alone was worth it all seeing her student seemingly so at peace again.

I’m glad I gave you that second chance, seeing you here like this, makes that leap of faith worth it knowing what you became, and if necessary what I know you could become again. She thought in silent knowing as a dense shard of pride grew inside her heart.

At this with equal parts joy and dread she laid herself down beside the girl not having the heart to move her. Pulling her close as she got comfortable before using her phone to shoot off the lights.

While she knew that she would hear no end of teasing from her sister, if this was what it took to help the girl who had worked so hard to better herself then she was willing to pay that price.

“You are such a special girl Sunset,” she commented brushing her hair from her face again. “It makes me wish I could have gotten to know you before, maybe then you would never have felt like you needed to be a bully to feel good about yourself,” she remarked tenderly before closing her eyes to sleep, silently praying for better fortune tomorrow.


well, this has been a chapter and a half. Sunset likes junk food no surprises there, and Celestia is showing her maternal side a bit to the Principle. as well as Luna's jealousy for not being able to help, but I think Luna can take some solace from the fact that it was least because it was her sister and more because her sister reminded Sunset of the princess.

now a few questions about what will happen when they finally get in touch with the princess or what Sunset is so afraid of. not to mention where has wallflower been in all of this. so many questions. so little time. but for now, those questions will have to wait. unless your reading this in the future when the story is finished. in that case, you might find answers in the next few minutes.

in the meantime thank you all again for tuning in and take care.

chapter 8 dark nights in the Cantterlots

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The night in the City of Canterlot was dark, a sudden fog front had moved in just after midnight leaving the city cloaked in a spooky white vail. If one were out in the fog they would be unable to see more than a few feet in front of their faces. While the only sources of light to be had to pierce the fog were the city lights, which did little more than make the already off-putting weather even more so.

Limping through the fog was a lone figure wearing torn-up old clothes with a hood pulled over her head. Wallflower blush limped with purpose down the street her eyes scanning the fog like radar searching for something, anything yet to be seen. While at the same time keeping careful watch for anyone who may recognize her.

Wallflower was exhausted having not slept well or even at all since the explosion in the parking lot and it was starting to show.

Her feet staggered with each step as though she was drunk. Her vision was marked by white spots as well as blur visions. Her ears constantly deceived her with strange voices that she both recognized as well as foreign to her. While her mind was a collider of different thoughts and emotions that smashed into one another. The whole experience leaving feel both weak as well as angry, very, very angry.

She had never been so angry before in her life and the whole thing left her emotionally as well as physically drained.

Her body as well as her mind just wanted to sleep for what little good it would do. Her short naps did little more than staving off a hard crash. For every time she closed her eyes all she saw was a raging fire of images that quickly woke her from slumber.

It was a vicious cycle of constantly being so tired all she wanted was rest, but unable to sleep for if she did she would be awoken by nightmares. A cycle that only further fed her anger as she stumbled down the various streets and allies of Canter lot towards her destination.

“Almost there, all most their, just a little father, I can keep going” she muttered in an exhausted slur

In truth she wasn’t exactly sure where she was going, she just knew she had to get there and soon. Because she wanted a safe place to sleep for the night, a place to think, to eat, to plan her next move.

Then a sudden stabbing feeling raced through her head making her fall to her knees in pain. She raised a hand to her head while biting her tongue to keep herself from screaming out as the electrical currents of pain raced in her head.

All around her a kaleidoscope of colors, images, and sounds played in her head.

Some images like the school or her teachers she recognized. Or the sounds of cars alongside the voices of some people she knew from around the city. But there wear many she didn’t, strange places that didn’t make sense. Things that were impossible, should be impossible yet she somehow knew they were possible.

With each passing moment, she felt as though she would slip further and further into madness as she fell further down the rabbit hole.

Ever since Sunset called her out nothing had made sense. Nothing felt right. All the headaches, police, her visions, the lack of sleep, her arm, all of it. And it made her angry.

“I’ll make you pay for what you did to me, Sunset shimmer, Mark my words” she cried out venomously into the night as she vanished into the fog towards her goal for the night.


Elsewhere upon the tallest spires of the royal palace, alone princess garbed only in her white fur and flowing mane sat silently watching the night in quiet contemplation free of all the jewels or gold dressings she normally wore.

For right now she was alone and just a pony like everyone else as she stood dressed in only her fur and mane.

Her regal gaze looked over her and her sister's home in equal parts wonder, as well as dismay. For the royal queen despite having power unrivaled within the borders in her lands, and to an extent beyond, she felt very powerless. For all alone on her spire unable to sleep, she wanted so desperately to know what was wrong with her dear Sunset.

“How I wish I wear like my little pony’s some day’s.” she said wistfully looking at the various homes and buildings of Canterlot, or even the small hamlet of Pony vile. “So young and full of life while looking to me for support and guidance.”

“Yet while they look to me for support, who do I have to look to for support. For even Starswil looks to me my teacher no longer filling the role I once did,” she said bemoaning her fate.

While she would never trade her station not only for the immense joy she got seeing her ponies prosper. But also she wouldn’t ever have anyone else cursed with her lonely immortality as she as well as her sister were. No one else should have to carry such a burden as a thousand years of loneliness of unaging beauty while those you cherished faded around you.

“What do I do? She asked the stary sky as though it held the answers.

“What can I do?”

“I am the ruler of an entire nation I have the power to move the sun for the cosmos' sake. And I can’t even visit my own former protege for a few without risking an international incident!” she exclaimed painfully.

With a heavy sigh, she flopped down upon the ground culling up around herself knowing she was alone and non would see her. She was alone on this balcony and she would stay that way for a little longer for awake as she was, not even Luna would find her easily.

“It just isn’t fair,” she complained winningly.

It was unfair, she was being unfair. The situation was more complicated than that, it always was. Between the petty disputes of the upper classes, the open courts with the ponies. As well as the other matters she had to deal with day to day even leaving through the portal for a meager stroll could cause major problems with her schedule. Problems that if not handled well could have far-reaching consequences like knocking over a domino.

Yet even then, even then despite everything she couldn’t help but want to be selfish just this once for one of the few pony’s she cared for most.

“Out on your own sulking tia?”

The sudden intrusion startled Celestia to her hooves with a frightened gasp having not heard anyone coming. Quickly turning around in place her horn lighting out of habit to defend herself. Only for the glow to wither and die when she saw who it was before her.


Her sister stood before her in all her lunar beauty befitting her name. With her many royal embellishments, alongside the well-composed Vistage she had crafted since being freed she was the picture of royalty.

“Sister you should be in bed,” she said stepping forward her hooves clopping against the ground with each step. “You have a big day tomorrow with the ambassadors from saddle Arabia. As well as dealing with that matter with the dragons. And stopping that land dispute between the noble ponies. You will need all the rest you can get.” her sister reminded her sensibly while beginning to circle.

“Not to mention keeping Twilight contained long enough to rest is proving to be a hassle even for me,” she added a moment later as she walked up to her side.

Celestia felt Luna’s strong muzzle nuzzling into her neck, her ethereal mane blocking out her vision as she did so. The gesture was a comforting one, one she had dearly missed when Luna was banished. It was one of her favorite things about her sister before she grew cold. Sitting with her sister contemplating their lives, their sadness at living so long, and their dreams to live normal lives.

But today it was of no comfort.

Her first student in years was dealing with a threat like none she had ever found before. She had dealt with ponies with amnesia or mind alerting spells before on numerous occasions. It was just one of the many things that she had to deal with as ruler of Equestria. As well as another brand of magic that was band expect under the most extreme of circumstances.

Yet this was beyond anything she had faced before.

A stone that could literally rip parts or possibly even years of life away from someone's mind with such ease. It was nothing like she had ever heard of before, much less thought was possible. Not without magic on her level, and even then she wasn’t sure even someone like herself could pull it off. Perhaps discord could manage it but she didn’t think she could.

And even if she could, what then she had asked herself. The power to remove painful memories was used in extreme cases now and then when absolutely necessary. But to then store those memories was another matter entirely, a feat that she doubted even Starswirl would know how to do.

So to let Sunset face such a threat, and face it alone while she simply sit around and deal with court matters left her feeling anxious.

What made it worse was the fact that it would be who knows how long before she could plan a trip. Nor could she tell any to check on her till Twilight's friends responded. The mirror was still a closely guarded secret, one which she had no intention of giving any time soon. The risk to the safety of the humans was too high if rumors of a gate to another would begin to flourish.

Already too many artifacts or criminals from Equestria had gone through and brought so much pain to so many. Barring the elements or their close friend Starlight she could not risk any more knowledge of it leaking out. Both for the safety of her people as well as the earth.

Thus leaving Celestia with her problem, she can not send anyone outside the elements or Starlight. Who she had yet to hear back from having sent a letter not long ago. Nor could she go herself. Leaving her with one horribly agonizing duty… waiting.

Once more sitting around and waiting while she was left to think about her greatest mistake.

Eventually, her sister pulled back, but she closed her eyes before Luna’s met hers, she didn’t wish to see her sister's face. She knew if she looked at her sister now with how she felt, she would begin to cry, and she didn't wish to cry tonight. For if she did she knew it would never stop.
“Sister, what troubles you so?” Luna asked her voice dripping with concern.

Yet no answer came, Celestia would neither speak nor even look at her sister. Instead, all she did was curl up in on herself as a tremble shook her body.

Her behavior greatly worried Luna who began to shake her sister with her wing encouraging Celestia to speak with her. But all this did was make her curl into herself more as several heavy breaths left her muzzle as she try to block her sister out. The actions making Luna worry more as she try to get through to Celestia.

Yet nothing seemed to work as Luna’s words would reach her.

Her mind was filled with worry, already it had been well over a day since sunset left to save her friend's memories. Nearly three days since she and her student finally reconciled their differences. And many agonizing hours since she last heard her first student's voice making her anxious. She had already failed her student once letting Sunset turn into what she became till Twilight came along. All because she gave the girl too much freedom and not enough parental guidance.

It was at times like this that she thought back to all the other ponies she had failed over a millennium she had been ruling.

So many lives or ruined lost due to one poor decision. So many crimes she let slide only to preserve peace for all while sacrificing few. So much political playing and subterfuge she had to allow for the greater good. So many good ponies that lost everything simply so that others might not suffer the same fate.

Many called her infallible, a goddess even. But the truth was she had made more unforgivable mistakes and decisions than anypony in history. The only difference was none of her individual actions were so unforgivable to warrant her imprisonment alone. And that she had the curse of living long enough that most of her past miss deeds had been lost from living memory. And those that did were either blinded by her presence like Twilight, turned to evil like Sunset had, or believed anything for the greater good is all that matters like Starswirl once believed.

Yet now she was filled with regret like she hadn’t felt in many moons. A regret that would once more lead her mind to a dark place as she thought of all the ways she had failed her ponies.

“I should have done more, I should have known she needed more.” Celestia moaned pitifully her heart feeling ever so heavy.

“Oh sister this is all my doing, not only did I push Sunset away, I endangered so many humans for countless years unknowingly. For what? to shrug off our responsibility and take the easy way out to get rid of our problems?” she exclaimed in pained grief.

Before Luna could say anything to counter her grief-stricken sister Celestia got to her hooves as quickly as she could, too quickly. Only to immediately stumble forwards forcing her to use her wings to keep herself upright.

This frightened Luna who rushed to her sister's side to help. But Celestia would not hear of it as she simply walked away from her sister towards the railing. Throwing her front hooves and head over the railing as two rivers of tears fell down her face. All the while miserable sobs left her muzzle.

“Equestria banished, I banished who knows how many criminals to the lands of the humans through one means or another. Banishing countless magical artifacts that could have caused the humans untold levels of devastation over the centuries. All simply on faith that they could do no harm wear they were sent merely taking others at their words. Never once bothered to check to make sure that where they wear sent was safe, both for them and for those that may live there.

“We without knowing it we used Earth as a dumping ground for our worst criminals and most dangerous artifacts. How many more people have been hurt because of our negligence?”

“Even before we both took the throne before we were even born for that matter earth has been used to dispose of that which ponies did not wish to deal with out of convenience. If the documents I have found are true even princess platinum banished more than a few to earth simply as a way to rid herself of them.”

Celestia paused for a moment as she turned her head slightly her left eye finally opening to look upon Luna. At the same time, Luna took a step back in shock as she saw her sister as she saw Celestia’s tear-filled bloodshot eyes.

“I am disgusted by our ancestors. Hundreds of humans suffering who knows what ill fates because of our forestalions who left who knows what on their planet. Who knows how many possibly innocent ponies were banished, never to see their families again at the whims of the various rich or nobility.” she explained waving a wing towards her room as if motioning to the documents of which she spoke.

“How can I-” Before she could finish however a blue aura engulfed Luna’s horn before striking her distressed sister with it.

The effects were near instantaneous as Celestia’s eyes quickly rolled up into her head, her body going weak head sliding off the balcony before slowly collapsing to the ground.

Yet before she could strike the ground a blue aura engulfed Celestia’s form in a warm glow. Then as though defying gravity Celestia began to float raising upwards till her hooves just floated off the ground.

Luna stepped forwards with a sad expression on her face. her heart weeping for her sister as she looked upon the sun princess who now floated in her magical grasp. Her sister was normally the stronger of the two of them. Now laid low by grief over crimes committed against earth long before their birth.

“I am sorry my sister but you need to stop blaming yourself. This is not your fault, you didn’t know,” she said to her now sleeping sister apologetically.

Luna understood her sister's grief, after all finding out that you were responsible for banishing some of the worst criminals and dark relics to a world full of innocent beings. All because they never investigated something that had been done for centuries till Celestia outlawed the practice sometime after banishing her to the moon out of guilt.

Celestia dreaming the practice unethical as it gave the convicted no chance to redeem themselves. While at the same time also deciding simply casting dark artifacts to a realm unknown was too dangerous if someone found their way back to Equestria.

A decision that all who knew of Earth would agree was most wise as Sunset demonstrated when she stole Twilight's crown.

Had the sirens or any other malevolent power crossed over with the various artifacts that had been dumped on earth over the years… The thought made Luna’s body tremble with fear at the thought.

But she brushed such thoughts aside for now. What was done was done and no amount of wanting would change the mistakes of the past. Instead, Luna would focus on the present, focus on her sister who now slept in her grip. ‘Despite what you believe of yourself you are not to blame for these events. you will have only good dreams this night. I will make sure of it.”

Celestia would not hear her she knew, but it didn’t matter to Luna as she started to weave a pleasant dream for her sister as she carried the sleeping alicorn inside.

Luna’s hooves clopped lightly upon the stone floor as she made her way across the lavish bedroom closing the door to the balcony behind her. The light from the moon illuminating the room in a pale light, guiding her way as she went. All the while her mind was abuzz as she tried to make the perfect dream for her sister that would help her rest.

Ordinarily, she would only banish nightmares contrary to popular belief. As Luna believed that giving to making too many good dreams would cause more harm than good leading to others becoming overly reliant on her for rest.

But this was a special case. Her sister needed her rest and just this once she would make sure she had the best sleep possible.

By the time the dream was finished, she had already tucked Celestia into bed. The blanket pulled up just below her chin while her head rested upon a pillow, her soft breaths barely noticeable save for the slight rise and fall of her barrel.

Though more than that there was a content smile upon Celestia’s face. A smile Luna returned.

“Sleep well, my sister,” she whispered softly into Celestia’s ear before kissing her forehead, just as their mother had done in the past.

She watched her sister for a time in contentment a warm feeling in her barrel. Pleased that she was able to do something to help her sister after all she had done.

While it was true her sister never blamed her for turning into Nightmare Moon, she still blamed herself. Forgiven by all the ponies of Equestria or not the guilt she still harbored was not so easily erased. Yet taking care of her sister was a start.

“For a thousand years you watched over me from afar after practically raising me yourself. Even as you toiled and suffered under sole rule of our ponies, to guide and watch over them. Now I think it’s time someone watches over you”

It was here thought struck in her mind as she remembered all the times before she and Celestia ascended when her sister cared for her when she was unwell with a mischievous grin. “It’s almost a shame you aren’t awake for me to embarrass you. Just like you did to me as a filly,” she remarked with a chuckle.

She laughed for a time amused by her joke however, duty called to her.

Already she could feel nightmares afflicting ponies in their sleep for she had been away far too long. So with a grumbled sigh, she shuffled away from Celestia’s bed as quietly as she could not wishing to chance to wake her as she made her way towards the door.

Though just as she was about to leave Luna stopped in her tracks. Turning her head over her shoulder to gaze upon where her sister lay tucked in asleep.

For a brief moment, she just stared, but then a sighed saddle while a sad frown formed on her lips. “Say what you will about yourself sister. But you did not fail Sunset.” she declared defiantly.

“You cared for Sunset as if she wear your own. You wept for her when she left as though your heart was torn out. Even now you suffer because you believe she is in danger. You have only ever tried to help her as any mother should. Your only mistake was not seeking help from someone more experienced in raising a filly. You did well raising her despite your shortcomings and pride, she has grown into a fine mare.”

The door was then cast in a blue aura causing the door nob to turn seemingly on its own as it was taken by her magic. In a flash, the door was quickly opened, with luna only stopping occasionally when the door squeaked.

Once it was open Luna began to stop through into the dimly lit halls. Only before Luna left the room she stopped midstep her head turning to look back. Her eyes quickly falling to where her sister slept in the shadows of the room.

Her face morphed into a frown as an uncomfortable feeling grew in her stomach. It was as if she had been spun around too much and was on the verge of falling ill as a tired sigh left her lips.

“You tried your best sister, but sometimes our best efforts are not enough as I know all too well. But that doesn't mean you are to blame. I just wish you could see it.,”

With these parting words, Luna left to attend to the night court and the dreams of her ponies with grim resolve. All while wondering to herself how this mess would end, or if it ever would knowing all too well what dark magic was capable of.