Canterlot High Casanova

by Wildcard25

First published

Spike Cynder just started school at Canterlot High and made friends with seven special girls who plan to make his high school experience memorable

Join Spike Cynder as he starts high school in a new city. At Canterlot high he'll make friends, rivals, and have all sort of fun and adventures with seven new friends.

*Takes Place in an Alternate version of the Equestria Girls setting*

*Twilight has no pet dog named Spike*

*Rainbooms don't have magical powers*

*No rogue Equestrian Magic or banished magical beings*

A New School

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As the sun rose up and cast its warm morning glow over the Canterlot Valley, the people were ready to start their day. But the day was just the beginning of a new life for a very special young man who had no idea what the day was going to bring for him.

We cut to the inside of a boys bedroom that had posters of superheroes or magical and anime girls on the walls, action figures on a shelf, comic books and manga held together by book ends, a desk with a lamp in one spot, a TV with a video game system, and a bed with blue covers and pillow cases.

Sprawled out underneath the covers was a fifteen year old boy with green spiked hair. He slept with his head buried underneath his pillow, until a woman's voice called out to him.

“Spike! Spike, are you awake?!” the boy known as Spike groaned, as he tried to keep on sleeping, “SPIKE CYNDER, YOU GET UP RIGHT NOW YOU'LL BE LATE!” the woman shouted.

This caused Spike to spazz around before tumbling out of his bed and onto the floor with a thud, “Oh!” he groaned, “Damn, mom, it's enough to wake up the whole block.”

Spike looked at his clock and saw what time it was, “Oh, crap, I'm gonna be late!” he got up and grabbed some fresh new clothes to get changed.

When all was said and done, Spike was dressed in his sneakers, blue jeans, a short sleeved light spring budish gray shirt with a left breast pocket, and a purple unzipped hoody jacket. He rushed to the kitchen to grab a bagel to eat, before reaching into the fridge for a diet cola.

As he closed the fridge door he turned to see his mother Natasha. Natasha was a beautiful young woman with long black hair, and wore a purple blouse and khakis.

“Hi, mom.” Spike greeted his mother.

“Cola this early in the morning?” Natasha asked dryly.

“Hey, it's diet. And I need a wake up call,” Spike voiced his reasons, “Well, gotta go. See ya later.” he kissed his mom's cheek and headed off, grabbing his skateboard right by the front door.

As he exited the house he walked by his father who was about to get into his car. Spike's father Craig looked like an older version of Spike with a Tony Stark style beard.

“Morning, dad.” Spike greeted his dad.

“Morning, son. You better hurry, or you'll be late.” his dad reminded him.

“No kidding. I'll see you later.” Spike put his skateboard down got on and started to roll off down the street.

As he rolled down his block he grabbed the back of a pick-up truck that carried him along on his skateboard. As the truck took him into town, it made a turn. Spike let go and rolled forward before grabbing onto the back of a jeep that carried him along like the truck did. Spike looked all around town enjoying the various stores and cafes.

Eventually the driver looked back and saw Spike holding onto the back of his jeep. Spike waved casually at him, while the driver rolled his eyes, and continued to drive. Eventually Spike let go and decided to roll on his own.

Spike continued to skateboard down the street before pulling to a halt outside a huge building. Spike looked at the building and sighed, “Canterlot High, where my high school life begins.” he told himself.

Indeed it was Spike's first day of high school as a freshman, but also his first day at a new school in a new town. Around the end of summer, his dad got a job transfer to Canterlot which meant he and his family had to move. Because of the move and settling in, Spike spent his last few days of summer getting settled in and had no time to get to know anybody in town. So suffice to say starting a new school without knowing anybody had him partly nervous, and yet still intrigued to see where this would lead him.

He picked up his skateboard and headed inside the school. Upon entering he looked down the halls with classrooms and lockers on both sides. Throughout the hall were several other teenagers ranging from all four high school grades. The students were gossiping with each other, lounging around, or checking stuff on their phones. Spike sighed before sucking in the gut and walked down the hall.

He walked until he stopped before the Principal's office, and knocked on the door, “Come in.” came a woman's voice on the other side.

Spike opened the door and walked inside. Inside the office were two women. The first one seated behind a desk had long flowing hair that had various colors of light green, pink and blue. She wore a yellow jacket with a purple shirt underneath and matching long pants with golden healed shoes and a sun broach on her jacket. The second woman standing off to the side of the desk was a bit shorter than the first one. She had hair long and wavy dark blue hair hair with light and dark blue streaks. Her attire included dress shoes, dark blue pants, a purple shirt with a white collar that had a crescent moon symbol on it, and a white belt around the lower torso area.

Spike was not only awestruck by their feminine beauty alone, but also by how busty they both were. Keeping his eyes above the neckline, Spike spoke up, “Good morning, I'm Spike Cynder. I believe you're expecting me.”

The woman at the desk spoke up and smiled, “Yes, Spike. Welcome to Canterlot High. I'm Principal Celestia; head of this fine institution. And this is my sister; Vice Principal Luna.”

“Good morning.” Luna greeted him.

Spike nodded his head towards her, and Celestia spoke, “Now then, everything is in order for you. I have your schedule and locker number listed here.” she handed Spike a form, and began studying it.

“Thank you.” he told Celestia.

“I can understand how much of a big change this is going to be for you, since you're not only beginning high school, but had just moved from another town.” the principal said in sympathy.

Spike answered, “I know it's tough, but don't worry. I'll be fine.”

“I do like that confidence in you, young man.” Luna commended him.

“Just remember if you have any questions my door is always opened.” Principal Celestia said.

“I appreciate it.” the boy replied.

“And don't worry, the students here are very nice.” Luna added.

“Glad to hear.”

“Well, off you go.” Celestia dismissed him.

Spike took his leave, and walked down the hall before finding his locker. After entering the combination he put his hoody inside and some of his new school books for later. As he closed the locker a voice called out.

“Heads up!”

Spike looked back and saw a soccer ball flying right for him. He quickly raised his hands up and caught the ball. Spike lowered his hands and looked at the ball he caught feeling relieved it didn't get him in the face, or in worst places.

Sliding over his way was a seventeen year old girl who had an athletic physique, and her hair was in the colors of the rainbow. Her outfit was a short sleeved blue hoodie, dark blue pants with a rainbow lightning bolt on each leg, and blue high top sneakers.

“Nice catch, kid!” the girl laughed before taking the ball back.

“Thanks,” Spike answered sheepishly, while trying not to look down at the girls impressive bust, “That ball was really flying. You must have one serious kick.”

“I have all that and more,” Rainbow smirked, “So you're new here.”

“Am I that obvious?” Spike asked rhetorically.

“Well, if you weren't new, you'd already know I'm Rainbow Dash, the best athlete at Canterlot High.” the girl boasted with pride.

“You are?” Spike raised a brow.

“Sure am. And that's because I'm so awesome.”

“You must be if you're able to kick a soccer ball that hard.” Spike noted.

“So you got a name, kid?” Rainbow asked.

“I'm Spike. Spike Cynder.” he introduced himself.

“Well, Spike Cynder, here's hoping I'll see you around.” Rainbow winked at him before heading down the hall.

“Bye,” Spike said, though she had already left. The bell rang, and Spike jumped and hurried for his first class.

As the day went on, Spike went from one class to another. Because it was the first day the students didn't have any real work to do other than getting to know what to expect in their new courses. As he walked through the halls he took in all he saw knowing which classroom was where, and where were other places like the gymnasium, auditorium, music room, and cafeteria. Speaking of which, Spike was on his way to the cafeteria for lunch.

He entered to see the students enjoying lunch. After filling his tray up with food from the counter, Spike walked to find a table to sit at. With every one he passed he saw it was occupied by students, be it friends with friends or group with group. He sighed feeling it was gonna take a miracle to find a vacant table.

“Hey, Spike!” Spike looked to see Rainbow Dash waving his way, “Over here. Come on!”

Spike looked around seeing so many other places were filling up, and this girl he just met was offering him a seat felt it was best to not refuse. So he walked over to the table and sat his tray down.

“Hi, Rainbow. Fancy seeing you again so soon.”

“I know, right. But I'm glad. Now you'll have a chance to meet the rest of my friends.” she said.

Spike looked curious, “And what're they like?”

“They're a good bunch. And I'm glad to have them as my friends, and I know you will too. Of course with those looks I'd be careful.” Rainbow smirked.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked sounding nervous.

“With a cute face like that, I'm surprised half the female student body hasn't fought for you yet.” Rainbow laughed.

Spike blushed at what Rainbow referred to him as he looked away to hide his red face. Unfortunately for him, Rainbow had already gotten a good look at him, “Dude, are you blushing?”

“No!” Spike denied.

“Liar! I can totally see it.”

Spike sighed, “It's just I've never really been called cute before.”

Rainbow smirked, “Well, I can guarantee that's gonna change real soon.”

“How soon?” Spike asked nervously.

Rainbow looked over and answered, “Like right now.”

Spike noticed another girl approaching. She had long flowing pink hair, and green/blue eyes. She wore an aquamarine dress with see-through sleeves and pink lace-up sandals.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” Rainbow greeted the girl.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash.” the girl named Fluttershy greeted in a soft sounding voice.

“Shy, I'd like ya to meet Spike.”

Fluttershy looked and saw Spike, before her cheeks turned pink, “Oh, my goodness.”

“Uh, hi.” Spike greeted.

Fluttershy got closer to Spike until their eyes met, “Hi. I'm Fluttershy,” she began, before putting her hands on his cheeks. Spike was awestruck from the beautiful girls holding onto his face with such warm hands, “My gosh, you look so cute, like an adorable puppy dog.”

“Uh, thank you.” Spike smiled sheepishly.

Rainbow chuckled, “Careful, Fluttershy, or you just might make a scene.”

Fluttershy quickly let go of Spike's face while looking embarrassed, “I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to invade any personal space.”

“It's fine. I just wasn't expecting that.”

“Hey, girls!”

Spike, Rainbow, and Fluttershy looked and saw two more girls coming their way. The first had dark bluish purple hair, with pink and purple streaks, in a long ponytail and had glasses over her eyes. She wore a light blue blouse with purple stripes, a purple skirt with pockets, and dark blue dress shoes with pink laces. The girl with her had wavy red hair, with yellow streaks all over, and turquoise eyes. She wore a black leather vest over an orange shoulderless top, a magenta skirt, and punk-styled boots the same color as her vest.

“Twi, Sunset, how's it going?” Rainbow asked the two.

“All good for the start of the new semester.” Sunset admitted.

The girl in glasses noticed Spike, “Who's this?”

“A freshman I ran into today this morning,” Rainbow explained, “This is Spike Cynder.”

Sunset looked to Spike and smiled, “Nice to meetcha, Spike. I'm Sunset Shimmer.”

“And I'm Twilight Sparkle.” the girl in glasses greeted him.

“Nice to meet you both.” Spike replied.

“So which Junior High school did you come from?” Twilight inquired.

“None from this town I can tell you that.”

“You mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“I just moved here before Summer ended.”

“So you're not just a freshman, but an entirely new face in town as well?” Sunset asked.

“That's about right.” Spike confirmed.

“Oh, you poor thing.” Fluttershy said, as she embraced Spike making him blush as he felt her bust press into his chest.

“Being new as a whole is nothing to be ashamed of, Spike.” Sunset said.

“Sunset's right. I was once a new student, but eventually I started to fit in no problem.” Twilight explained.

“Thanks to us.” Rainbow stated making Twilight smile and nod, before she continued speaking to Spike.

“And if you'd like we could help you in fitting in here at CHS.”

After Fluttershy released Spike from her embrace, the boy looked at Twilight with hope, “Really?”

“You betcha, partner.” came another girls voice that had a western accent to it.

Spike turned and saw standing next to him was a girl wearing a cowgirl hat on top of her blonde hair, and freckles on her face. She wore a white t-shirt with green sleeves, a denim skirt, and cowgirl boots. Both her shirt and shoes had apple designs.

“Who're you?” Spike asked.

“Name's Applejack.” she tipped her hat towards Spike.

“Well, I'm Spike.”

“Well, Spike. It's a pleasure to meetcha.” Applejack said, as she shook Spike's hand.


Applejack got a good look at Spike, “Ya know, out of all the fresh new faces I spotted today you've got to be the cutest one yet.” she winked.

Spike gasped upon Applejack's words and felt a little embarrassed, as Fluttershy hugged his side, “I know. He's just the cutest boy I've ever seen too.”

Sunset spoke up, “Ok, you two, dial it back before you embarrass him too much.”

Fluttershy immediately let go of Spike, “I'm sorry again for invading any personal space!”

'Jeez this girl likes to apologize a lot,' Spike thought until suddenly his vision went dark, “Hey!”

“Guess who!” came a new voice from behind him.

Spike realizing whoever was behind him had her hands over his eyes and was playing this game with him.

“I literally have no way of knowing since I'm new here.” Spike answered honestly.

Suddenly his vision was clear again, and Spike looked back to see who was messing with him. It was another girl with poofy fuchsia hair and blue eyes. She wore a white tank top, a three ruffled skirt in different shades of pink, and blue wedge sandals.

“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!” the girls greeted brightly while sporting a grin.

“My name's Spike.” Spike greeted.

“I love it!” Pinkie cheered, “And I just know you and I are gonna be the bestest of friends!”

“Ok.” Spike said awkwardly.

Twilight spoke to him, “Don't mind Pinkie. She may be hyperactive, but she's harmless.”

Spike looked to Rainbow, “You really got a lot of friends here.”

“And it's not complete yet.” Rainbow smirked.

Spike was curious until another girl's voice called out sounding sophisticated, “Hello!”

They all saw coming their way was a girl who had smooth purple hair done up with an elegant curl, and deep blue eyes. She wore a light blue Peplum Dress shirt with a light purple skirt and purple high-heeled shoes. Needless to say, she was super gorgeous.

“Hey, Rarity, what took ya?” Applejack asked the girl.

“Probably struggling to get her extra layer of makeup to look right.” Rainbow joked causing her, Applejack, and Pinkie to laugh.

Rarity just gave the three a dry look, “Forgive me if I find your attempt at humor lacking, Rainbow Dash.”

“In any case it's good you made it, Rarity.” Twilight said.

“We got us a new face ya gotta meet.” Applejack added.

Rarity looked and saw Spike, “Oh, my,” she gasped, before getting closer, “Well, hello, cutie. And what might your name be?”

Spike blushed at how close the beautiful girl was getting towards him, “I'm Spike Cynder.” he said nervously.

“Spike. What an adorable name for someone as equally adorable looking,” Rarity continued to smile sweetly at him, “I am Rarity, or Ms. Rarity if you prefer.”

“Ok.” Spike replied.

“So now that everyone's here. How about we get to know more about our newcomer?” Rainbow suggested.

“Good idea, Rainbow.” Twilight agreed, as they all sat down at the table with Rarity and Twilight sitting opposite sides of Spike. As the girls leaned forward to get closer to Spike the boy in question couldn't help but feel both out of place among these juniors, especially girls. And the fact each of them sported a rack size comparable to several anime girls he crushed on hard.

“So, Spike, were did ya come from before moving to the Canterlot Valley?” Applejack began.

“I used to live in Obsidian City where I was born and raised in.”

“I hear Obsidian City is known for it's hot summers.” Twilight noted.

“It sure is,” Spike confirmed, “I'm basically used to hot weather the most. After I graduated Junior High I spent Summer time having as much fun as I could, until my parents dropped the bomb that we were moving here.”

“How'd you take it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Naturally I was shocked, but eventually I accepted it was inevitable. My mom told me to look more to this move as a sign of a new beginning.”

“Your mom was right about that,” Sunset said, “Moving to new places just means it's the start of something new. It may be scary but you'll find it won't be so bad.”

Spike smiled and nodded, “Yeah.”

“So, Spike, what're you into the most?” Rainbow wondered.

“Well, I like comics, tabletop games, video games, trading cards, anime, manga...”

“In other words you're a geek.” Rainbow replied.

“Hey!” Spike scowled.

“Rainbow, that is quite rude.” Rarity huffed at her.

“Yeah. How would you feel if someone made you feel bad just for liking sports?” Applejack challenged her.

Rainbow realizing her insensitivity spoke to the boy, “Sorry, about that. I really shouldn't have called you that.”

“Hey, it's ok. I knew it's kind of thing I'd be classified as by others.” Spike replied, “So, what can you girls tell me about yourselves?”

“Ooh, me first!” Pinkie called, “I work part time at the Sweet Snacks Cafe.”

“Isn't that the 50s themed diner?” Spike asked.

“That's the one,” Pinkie confirmed, “I'm also part of the school's party planning committee. I just love to throw parties for just about any reason or occasion.”

“Even for minor reasons.” Sunset noted.

Twilight spoke up, “I'll go next. I'm into astrology so I like to spend plenty of time at the local observatory. I also like to read a lot, both fiction, non-fiction, and mostly just for research.”

“Yeah, Twilight's our resident egghead.” Rainbow laughed.

Twilight scowled at Rainbow, “At least my grades aren't below average.”

“Meh, I'm good with it.” Rainbow answered like it was no big deal.

Spike recalled something Twilight said earlier, “Twilight, you said you were once a new student that had a hard time fitting in. What'd you mean by that?”

Twilight spoke, “Well, before I attended CHS I used to attend Crystal Prep. And I wasn't exactly the most social student there. I was more focused on studying and research I didn't really care much for making friends. My parents realized this wouldn't be good for me as I grew up so they transferred me to here. While I was against it at first and tried to avoid social contact, I met these girls and eventually I got comfortable with the idea of having friends.”

“Good to know.” Spike said feeling more comfortable about making friends at CHS.

Fluttershy went next, “I volunteer part time at the local animal shelter. I love animals so much and I want to do all I can to help those who don't have a home. I always make sure the right animal is adopted into the right family.”

“You might even say Fluttershy is an animal whisperer.” Rainbow said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Fluttershy always has this connection to critters big and small and can always tell what's on their mind.” Applejack explained.

“Are you Dr. Dolittle?” Spike asked the animal lover.

“Oh, no. I just happen to be good at reading an animal's feelings.” Fluttershy admitted.

“She even once stared down a lion at the zoo, making it turn tail and back off.” Rainbow put in.

Spike looked at Fluttershy in disbelief, “You did that?”

Fluttershy looked embarrassed, “It wasn't exactly something I'm proud of. The lion was just getting fussy because it was close to his feeding time.”

“My turn!” Rarity said in sing song, “I work part time at Carousel Boutique here in town. I'm a fashion designer who always enjoys looking my best as well as making others girl and boy dressed to their best. This outfit I'm wearing right now is one of my own originals.”

“Well, I may not be so fashion savy, but I like how it looks, especially on you.” Spike confessed.

“Oh, you really think so?” Rarity asked, as she leaned closer to Spike, “Well, I'm glad you do. I have other outfit choices I think you might find even better than this one.” she batted her eyes seductively at Spike who started feeling stiff below.

Applejack then pulled Rarity back, “Alright, Rarity, better dial it back before you take it too far.”

Rarity just pouted at Applejack ruining her fun. The country girl decided to tell Spike about herself, “I live with my family over at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Spike did a double take, “You said Sweet Apple Acres?”

“That's right.” she nodded.

“But that-that business is legendary. You guys make the most delicious and tasty apple based products ever.” Spike said in awe.

“No denying that.” Rainbow confirmed.

“It's true. Family's been working the Apple business for generations,” Applejack began, “And I'm proud to be part of such a hard working honest family.”

Spike smiled sensing the honesty in Applejack's voice, before turning to Rainbow, “And Rainbow, based off what you told me when we first met, you're a sports star here at the school?”

“Only the best there is.” Rainbow boasted.

“She's president of just about every sports club.” Pinkie put in.

Spike blinked, “How can you handle so many teams?”

“It's a talent.” she answered.

“Guess I'm last,” Sunset said, as she spoke to Spike, “I'm the school's top artist, but my specialty is graffiti art.”

“Really? Well, I do have nothing but respect for graffiti art, as long as it's not dirty and vulgar.”

“Never with my work.” Sunset assured him.

Spike smiled feeling better after talking to the girls and getting to know them more, “I'm glad I had this chance to get to know you girls. I thought starting a new school in a new city would take awhile, but you all made it so much easier. Thank you.”

“Of course,” Twilight replied, “What're friends for?”

Spike continued to smile, “Friends. I'd really love to have that with you. If you'd have me at least.”

“Of course we will.” Fluttershy smiled, as she and the girls gathered around Spike for a group hug.

“Let's capture this moment.” Sunset suggested, as she pulled out her phone and got all eight of them on a selfie together.

Later as school let out, the students were all taking off for home, while some stuck around. Spike and the girls were on the steps of the school ready to take off themselves.

“Well, I gotta get going.” Spike said, as he put his hoody on.

Twilight hugged Spike, “We'll see you tomorrow, Spike.”

“Take care until then.” Fluttershy said while giving Spike a hug too.

“See ya later, buddy.” Rainbow playfully punched his shoulder.

“Until tomorrow, darling.” Rarity said giving Spike a hug.

“We'll be waitin', sugarcube.” Applejack said, as she ruffled Spike's hair.

“I'll be counting down until tomorrow when we meet again.” Pinkie promised while hugging Spike tightly.

After Spike got out of Pinkie's bone crushing hug, he got a gentler hug from Sunset, “We'll make sure your time at CHS is a memorable one, Spike.”

“Thanks, Sunset. I'll see you all tomorrow.” Spike put his skateboard to the ground, and started boarding off for home.

“He's a nice guy, isn't he?” Sunset asked the girls.

“He's very sweet.” Rarity said.

“I think having Spike around is gonna make things a whole lot more interesting.” Applejack suspected.

“I hope so.” Pinkie agreed, as they watched Spike board off into the distance.

That night at Spike's place, the boy was laying on his bed in his sleepwear, while looking at the selfie of him and his seven new friends.

“These girls sure are something, and if I can make friends with them making friends with others at CHS should be just as easy. At least I hope so. And I can't deny they're gorgeous in so many ways than one.” he fantasized about their impressive racks bouncing and shaking which got him grinning ear to ear.

Spike eventually shook it off, “Regardless I should continue to be a nice guy and not let them think I'm a perverted pig or something. Although with how close they were getting towards me, that's gonna be easier said than done.” he soon enough laid back down and fell asleep knowing tomorrow was going to bring all sorts of surprises.

First Day

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At Spike's place, the boy was up and getting dressed for today was his official first day of classes. Yesterday was a day for him and other students to prep themselves before their official first day, and now they were all set to begin their new school semester.

After slipping into his sneakers, he grabbed his skateboard and his bag and headed out the door. Once outside he got on his board and headed off. While boarding through town he thought about what happened yesterday.

'I'm glad I met the girls yesterday. After talking to them I feel much more confident about today.' he thought to himself.

He boarded through town before coming up on Canterlot High's block. As Spike got closer to the school he spotted the girls arriving as well in the opposite direction. When Spike reached the CHS statue, he pulled to a halt.

“Morning, girls.” he greeted them.

“Good morning, Spike.” the girls greeted him.

“How're you this morning?” Rarity inquired.

“Doing great. How about you girls?”

“We're awesome.” Rainbow answered.

“How're you feeling about your actual first day here, Spike?” Sunset asked.

“Actually, I feel more confident compared to yesterday.” he confessed.

“That's good.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Just remember, Spike. We're here for ya if ya need us.” Applejack reminded him.

“Thanks, Applejack.”

“Well, come on, we better get in before the first bell.” Twilight reminded them.

So they entered the building as Spike spoke up, “Well, I guess I'll catch you all later.”

“Hold on, Spike,” Pinkie said, before giving him a big hug, “A big warm good luck hug for the day.”

Spike blushed, feeling Pinkie press herself into his body, “Thank you, Pinkie.”

“No problem.” Pinkie said, as she let go of Spike allowing him to head off.

Spike went through the day attending his classes like the rest of the students. Some classes were easy enough, and some classes were difficult. The difficult part of some of his classes were either because it was a subject he didn't excel in or the teacher was too tough on the students. But whatever difficulties he faced in class or outside, the young man just pressed on.

When lunch time came, Spike walked to the cafeteria and entered. Much like yesterday several students were already seated and enjoying their food. As he continued to peer around the place he spotted the girls sitting together at their table from yesterday. He started walking over, until Rainbow was the first to spot him.

“Hey, Spike. Finally made it.”

“Hey, girls. How's it going?” Spike asked, as he took a seat.

“We're super!” Pinkie grinned.

“How's your day going?” Twilight inquired.

“Not bad. I mean I have nothing to complain about, if that's what you mean.” he answered.

“What do you think of the teaching staff?” Sunset inquired.

“Some of the teachers seemed nice, although I think Mr. Cranky Doodle has an attitude problem.”

“Don't you worry about Mr. C.D,” Pinkie replied, “He may look like a grouch, but he's ok once you get used to him. I should know.”

“Yes you should.” The girls responded dryly.

“Have ya made any other friends besides us?” Applejack asked.

“Well, so far I made one other while in Ms. Cheerilee's class.”

“Did you both meet while drooling over Ms. Cheerilee?” Rainbow sneered.

Spike blushed, before speaking up, “No!”

“Hey, I can't blame you. I mean so many of the boys can't resist her charm.” Rainbow continued, until Rarity spoke up.

“Hush, Rainbow Dash!”

“So who is this friend you made?” Fluttershy asked Spike.

Before Spike answered, he looked over, “Oh, there he is now.”

The girls looked and saw walking over was another boy about Spike's age. He had short silver hair and blue eyes. His outfit included blue cross trainers, black jean shorts, and a red shirt with the symbol of two hockey sticks crossing each other.

“Puck!” Spike called, as the boy stopped.

“Hey, Spike.” the boy named Puck greeted back. When he took notice of the girls he stopped in his tracks, “Spike, have you been holding out on me or something?”

“Ha-ha,” Spike laughed sarcastically, “Puck, this is Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Girls, this is Puck Shot.”

“Nice to meet you, Puck.” Sunset greeted.

“Likewise.” Puck replied.

“So how'd you boys meet?” Twilight inquired.

“During Phys. Ed, two periods ago.” Puck answered.

“We thought Coach Spitfire was gonna drill us all to the ground.” Spike said.

“And yet, none of us seemed to have minded her loud voice barking orders.” Puck admitted, as both he and Spike had a faint blush on their faces.

“Well, in any case it's nice to meet ya, Puck.” Applejack said.

“Anything you're looking forward to here at CHS?” Rainbow asked.

“I'm hoping to try out for the hockey team. It's my passion in life.” the boy explained.

“It's also violent,” Rarity noted, “I can only imagine how many people lose teeth playing that game.”

“I haven't lost a single tooth in junior high, and I'm not about to lose one now.” Puck said confidently, “In any case, I'll catch ya around, Spike.”

“Later, man.” Spike said, as Puck Shot took his leave.

As Spike sat down, Fluttershy spoke to him, “He seems nice.”

“Yeah. He's a good guy.” Spike admitted.

“And he's just the beginning,” Pinkie said, “Keep this up and you'll be making more friends down the line.”

“She's absolutely right.” Rarity agreed.

Spike smiled at the possibility and started to enjoy lunch with the girls while hearing about their days as well.

As school let out, the students took their leave and headed for home. As Spike and the girls exited the school, Rarity spoke up, “Now then, shall we have a gathering at one of our homes to do homework?”

“Sounds good to me.” Applejack confirmed.

“So who's turn is it?” Sunset asked the girls.

Before the girls could ponder, Rainbow spoke up, “Hold on, girls. I think it's only right that we gather at Spike's place.”

“Me?” Spike asked in surprise.

“Huh. I can dig it.” Applejack said in approval.

“It does sound fair.” Twilight agreed.

“Would that be ok, Spike?” Fluttershy asked, as the girls looked at him hopefully.

“Sure, but I mean I haven't invited anybody over since I moved here.” Spike explained nervously.

“Well, it never hurts to start now.” Rainbow said.

“True,” Spike pondered before reaching a decision, “Alright, let's go to my place.”

“Yay!” Pinkie jumped and cheered, “Study session at Spike's!”

“This way.” Spike got on his board and rolled down the street making to sure to go at a slow pace so the girls could keep up with him.

When Spike reached his block with the girls following, he rolled up to his house and got off his board, “Well, girls, this is it.”

“Nice place ya got here.” Applejack looked impressed.

“I hope your folks won't mind us showing up unannounced.” Fluttershy said in concern.

“Well, my dad's not home yet, so it's just my mom. But she should be fine... hopefully.” he muttered to himself.

He walked to the door, unlocked it, letting himself and the girls inside, “Mom, I'm home!” he called out.

“How was school, Spike?” came Natasha's voice from the kitchen.

“Oh, good,” Spike answered, “Listen I hope you don't mind, but I brought some guests home.”

“You brought friends home already?” Natasha asked, as she walked out of the kitchen to see Spike.

“Yeah, I did.” Spike said, as the girls walked into view of Spike's mom.

Natasha stopped in place upon seeing the seven beautifully girls older than her son. Pinkie broke the ice by waving, “Hi!”

“Hi.” Natasha greeted in surprise.

“Mom, these are my friends, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy.”

“Hi, Mrs. Cynder.” the girls greeted.

“The girls and I decided to do our school work here together. I hope that's not a problem.” Spike said.

Natasha got herself together and spoke politely, “No. No problem at all. Please, girls, make yourselves at home.”

“Thank ya kindly, ma'am.” Applejack said.

So the girls relaxed and explored Spike's home to get the layout. Soon Spike brought the girls to his bedroom, “And this is my room.”

The girls walked in and looked at Spike's place, “Well, it certainly is organized.” Twilight admitted.

“Especially for a boy,” Rarity added, “No offense, darling.”

“None taken,” Spike replied, “I mean you wouldn't wanna see my mom's reaction the time my room looked like a trash heap.”

“I don't know what sounds worse the reaction of your mother, or this place looking like a trash heap.” Rarity said with a shudder.

“Well, make yourselves comfy and I'll get us some drinks,” Spike said, as he walked out of the room but spun around and continued, “And don't touch anything. Trust me, I'll know.” all eyes fell on Pinkie who was about to touch one of Spike's action figures and Rainbow looking ready to pull out one of the comic books on his shelf. The two winced, as they backed away. Spike left leaving the girls to themselves.

“Ya know, Spike does have a lot of neat stuff here,” Sunset admitted while looking over his collection of video games, “Hey, he's got the new Robot Rumble game!”

Rainbow without touching looked over his comics, “Hey, check it out. Spike reads the Power Pony Girls.”

“Well, he did say he was a collector of superhero merch.” Applejack reminded the athlete while looking at the posters of heroes.

“I wonder if he has any porn stashed somewhere around here?” Rainbow began looking high and low behind any of the shelves or books set up.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy gasped with a blush on her face.

“What, he's a guy and he is at that age, isn’t he?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

“Still, we shouldn't stereotype him like that.” Twilight warned her.

“And watch where you're lookin',” Applejack added, “Spike said not to touch anything.”

“Relax, I'm not.” Rainbow replied, as she continued to look for any potential hiding places Spike could stash away porn.

Fluttershy listened close and heard footsteps, “Spike's coming!” she warned Rainbow who backed away from the shelves.

Spike came in carrying a tray with soda on it, “Come and get it.”

“Thank you, Spike.” Sunset said, as she took one.

“So generous.” Rarity smiled.

“Ok, everyone, we got work to do.” Twilight said, as they dropped their bags and opened them up to get their school work of the day.

Soon Spike and the girls were hard at work on their homework. Spike, Twilight, and Rainbow were on the bed, solving math equations with Twilight helping both Rainbow and Spike every so often. Although she was helping Rainbow Dash the most.

“So you girls get together at either one's place once a week to do school work?” Spike asked the girls.

“Yeah, just a little chance for us to get our work done quicker.” Applejack explained, as she was working on a science problem.

“It's a weekly tradition.” Pinkie added.

“And now that you're our friend we may have to add your place as part of our selective locations to meet as part of our Weekly Schoolwork Group.” Sunset said.

“Well, I wouldn't mind it.” Spike replied.

“And it'll be good for you to come over to our places.” Rarity added.

“Yeah, I'm sure our families would love ya.” Applejack said.

“Thanks, girls. Truthfully this is a good way to enjoy a day after school.” Spike said while looking around seeing the girls all spread out be it Twilight and Rainbow sitting on his bed with him, or the rest of the girls spread out on his floor.

“And this is just on a weekday,” Rainbow said, “When it's a weekend we're always looking to have fun.”

“At least as long as we're all not too busy.” Applejack reminded Rainbow.

“I''m usually not too busy on the weekends.” Spike said.

“Good, because there's so much in town for us to show you.” Pinkie smiled.

“And I can't wait to see it all.” the boy confessed.

The girls smiled knowing they had a lot to show Spike, and were certain it would be the best time of his life since he moved to the Canterlot Valley.

Some time later, Spike was showing the girls outside, “Are you girls sure you can't stay for dinner?” Spike asked the group.

“Maybe another time sugarcube.” Applejack answered.

“But we really must get home ourselves.” Rarity added.

“Right. Well, it was fun having you all over today.”

Pinkie went to Spike and hugged him close, “Thank you for having us, Spike!” Pinkie let go and hopped off for home.

Applejack embraced Spike, “See ya tomorrow, Spike.”

“Until tomorrow, Applejack.” Spike replied, as Applejack took her leave.

Rarity embraced Spike warmly, “Have a goodnight, darling.”

“You too, Rarity.” Spike said, while blushing from the feeling of her rack pressed into his chest.

As Rarity left, Sunset wrapped an arm around Spike for a side hug, “Thanks for letting us come over.”

“Any time.” he said, as Sunset took her leave.

Fluttershy hugged Spike, “Let's do this again, Spike.”

“Sure thing.”

When Fluttershy left, Twilight hugged Spike, “I hope our study sessions were a big help to you, Spike.”

“They were, Twilight. Thank you.”

When Twilight left, Rainbow was the last one left, “Well, Rainbow. I'll see ya around.” Spike told her.

“You bet you will.” Rainbow replied, as she put Spike in a head lock pressing the side of his face against her breast.

“Rainbow!” Spike groaned, as he tried to break free.

“Admit it, you love this!” Rainbow grinned.

“I have nothing to say!” Spike struggled.

Rainbow feeling he had enough finally let him go, “I'll get you to admit something perverted eventually. Until then, I'll let you be.” Rainbow smirked, as she took off for home.

Spike watched, as Rainbow left while thinking about his day, “Today turned out to be very good. I really could get used to things around here.” he said before going back inside.

Car Washing and Foamy Fun

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Saturday afternoon, Twilight, Sunset, and the rest of the girls were walking to Spike's place. After a long week of school, the group just wanted to relax and have some fun over the weekend. And they thought it would be good if they invited Spike to hang out with them.

“Sure hope Spike's available today.” Applejack told the girls.

“You sure it's a good idea to just show up unannounced?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, I'm sure Spike wouldn't mind it.” she replied.

“Plus it makes for a good surprise.” Pinkie agreed, as they walked down the block.

As they got closer to Spike's home they started hearing music playing, which got louder as they got closer.

(Cotton Eyed Joe)

When they reached Spike's place, the stopped in their tracks and looked on with blushes on their faces. There they saw Spike using a sudsy wet sponge to wash his father's car, while enjoying the music he had playing on a radio set up close by. What had the girls all flustered was seeing Spike was washing the car wearing only sneakers and purple shorts, and wasn't wearing a shirt.

The group of girls watched Spike wash down the car with the sponge covering it with suds, while dancing around to the music while unaware of being watched. As Spike scrubbed the hood of the car he had his back towards the girls and began shaking his hips to the rhythm. Girls like Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie couldn't take their eyes off Spike's butt swaying from side to side as he shook it.

'Oh, I want me some of that.' Rainbow thought to herself.

As Spike finished with washing the car, he took the hose making sure it was on full blast and sprayed the suds and soap off the car. Twilight finally decided to speak up loud enough to be heard over the radio, “Spike!”

Spike managing to hear her, looked to see the girls standing there, “Oh, hi, girls!” Spike said, as he went over and turned the music down, “I wasn't expecting to see you.”

“Well, we just dropped in to see how you're doing.” Sunset said.

“And it looks like you're hard at work here.” Applejack noted the state of the washed car.

“Well, I promised my peeps I'd wash their cars today.”

“Well, it is a nice day to do it.” Rarity admitted while admiring the weather.

“Especially to do it topless.” Rainbow snickered while motioning to Spike's bare chest.

“What, is there something wrong with me?” Spike asked looking down at his torso.

“Not at all, Spike.” Twilight replied.

“Yes, I think you look good and toned.” Applejack confessed.

"Oh, yes. You're absolutely right, Applejack." Rarity concurred.

Spike looked away with a blush, as Rainbow continued, “And I loved the way you were shaking that butt of yours our way.”

“You saw that?” Spike asked in shock.

“We all did.” Sunset admitted with a smirk, as the girls nodded in confirmation.

“You've really got buns of steel there, Spike.” Rainbow laughed.

Spike squinted before smirking, “You know I'm the one holding a garden hose that's cranked to full blast, right?”

The girls knowing what he meant looked nervous as Rainbow spoke, “You wouldn't.”

“I would!” Spike declared, as he aimed the hose at them with the nozzle in spray mode.

The girls screamed and laughed as they ran from the spraying water. But no matter where they ran Spike kept trying to follow them with the hose.

“Spike, stop it!” Twilight laughed.

“I don't wanna get this outfit wet!” Rarity ran around.

“Yeah otherwise Spike'll see right through it.” Pinkie added making Rarity blush deeply.

After teasing them enough, Spike lowered the hose, and spoke, “Sorry about that, girls. But I really should get to my mom's car. And I can't do anything else until I finish.”

“Seems like you could use a little help to make this go faster.” Applejack noted.

“Well, look no further, because we're gonna help you.” Rainbow offered.

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Sure. After all we all wanna spend time together today and we want you to join us.” Pinkie added.

Spike smiled, “Thanks, girls.”

So after getting some extra sponges and another bucket of soapy water, the girls and Spike were washing Spike's mom's car making sure to get all the areas clean. As Spike cleaned one spot with Rainbow and Pinkie, the girls looked at Spike and at each other exchanging grins. The two girls dabbed their soapy sponges on Spike's bare chest getting soap all over it.

“Hey!” Spike laughed.

“Just thought your chest could use a clean.” Pinkie giggled.

“Consider that payback for the hose.” Rainbow added.

Spike knowing how to get back at them, reached down into the bucket of soapy water, gathered some suds into his hand, and put it to Rainbow Dash's cheek.

“Spike!” Rainbow laughed.

“Now we're even.” Spike smirked.

“Suds fight!” Pinkie lathered her hands with suds from the buckets and started pelting Spike and the girls.

“Pinkie!” Rarity cried, as the suds got in her hair, “Not my hair!”

“Them's fightin' actions, Ms. Pie.” Applejack squinted at the party girl.

“Girl's let's try to remain calm.” Twilight tried to keep everyone calm, only for everyone to start getting suds on each other.

“Come on, Twilight, lighten up.” Sunset said, as she playfully put some suds over Twilight's glasses.

Twilight wiped the suds off her glasses to reveal her glaring eyes, “Oh, I'll lighten up.” she took some suds and covered Sunset with it. Soon all eight teens were getting suds on each other laughing in enjoyment.

Later after they hosed the car down, the group was sitting down brushing any leftover suds off themselves.

“Oh, my poor hair.” Rarity said, as she was straightening her hair after getting the suds out.

“Relax, Rarity, it looks fine.” Spike calmed her.

“Do you really think so, darling?” Rarity asked him.

“I swear on my mother's eyes.”

Rarity smiled, and hugged him, “Oh, thank you, Spike,” Spike blushed from the hug, before Rarity remembered and let him go, “Sorry, I forgot you're still shirtless.”

“Yeah. Pardon me while I go in and put something on.” Spike said.

“Or you could stay that way,” Pinkie suggested, as Spike gave her a dry look, “Just saying.”

As Spike went inside the house to get a clean shirt, Rainbow spoke, “If I knew we were gonna wash a car we should've worn our swimwear.”

“Yeah. We could've done a sexy car washing bit.” Pinkie added.

“Girls, have some self respect.” Twilight reprimanded them, as the other girls blushed upon hearing the suggestion. Rarity's blush was a bit more on the intrigued side, while Fluttershy's was more on the embarrassed side. Sunset and Applejack remained neutral on the idea.

“I respect myself plenty, Twi,” Rainbow replied, “Besides, I'm sure Spike would've wanted to see something like that.”

“Well, we already had a sudsy fight, and that's about as close to it as we could get to it.” Applejack reminded Rainbow.

“It was fun helping Spike.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yeah. If he ever needs to do this again we should ask him to let us know.” Sunset added.

“Yeah, then we'll really know to bring our swimwear.” Rainbow grinned only to receive an annoyed glare from Twilight.

Soon Spike stepped out of the house with a shirt on much to some of the girls disappointment, “Ok, girls, what to do?”

“Let's go into town and see where things go from there.” Applejack suggested.

Twilight sighed, “You know there's nothing wrong with making a schedule.”

“Don't turn Saturday into school, Twilight.” Rainbow groaned.

“Yeah, if you wanna do something you do it on your own time.” Pinkie added.

“Alright.” Twilight sighed.

“Come on, let's go!” Sunset called, as the group raced off for town eager to see what they could find.

Out with the Girls

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Spike and the girls had just entered town and walked around seeing so many other civilians going about their day doing whatever. Everywhere they walked Spike spotted several of his classmates and other students at CHS.

“Wow, it's almost like I'm at school without even being there.” Spike told the girls.

“Yeah, in a tight community like this it's easy to see someone you know every day no matter where you go.” Twilight replied.

“And this whole community's got a lot to offer.” Applejack added.

“Like food. How about we grab a bite?” Pinkie offered.

“Sounds good. I'm famished.” Spike admitted, as the rest of the girls agreed.

“And I know just the place. Follow me!” Pinkie declared, as she led the charge with her friends running after her.

Soon the group was at a 50s-themed diner, white sitting in a booth enjoying lunch. Spike dipped a nacho into some cheese and ate it, “Not a bad place.” he looked around at the décor also styled from the 1950s. There was a disco floor section, a jukebox, old pictures and records hanging on the walls, and every booth had an antique radio from that time period.

“That's the Sweet Snack's Cafe for you, Spike.” Pinkie said, as she ate a nacho covered in cheese.

“And you work here?” the boy asked.

“Part time. And it's great. I've only worked here for a couple of months now, but I always can tell what many of my regulars need, even when they don't know it yet.”

“Well, this place is definitely awesome,” Spike admitted, “I may think about coming around here more often.”

“You should,” Pinkie said, “I wouldn't mind having a new regular.” Pinkie said slyly while leaning close to Spike.

Spike blushed, as the girls looked envious of Pinkie getting too close to him. Rarity spoke up, “If I may make a suggestion, how about after we lunch we take a detour to the mall? I'd like to see what new designs are on display.”

“Saw that comin'.” Applejack replied.

“So predictable.” Rainbow agreed with a laugh.

“I don't mind it,” Spike replied, “I'd like to know what sort of stores the mall here has to offer.”

“Well, it has a lot to offer from clothing, music, videogames, sporting goods, books. Especially books.” Twilight explained, while sighing heavenly on the concept of books.

“Nerd alert!” Rainbow announced, followed by her and Pinkie laughing, while Spike stifled a laugh himself. Twilight on the other hand gave them a dry look.

“Very funny.”

“So finish, and let's boo-boo.” Spike said.

“Boo-boo?” Fluttershy asked, “What's that?”

“Something my and my old friends used to say,” Spike explained, “We remember in our old theater classroom on the wall there was a poster that said 'Exit, pursued by a bear' from that Shakespearean play. What was it again?”

“The Winter's Tale.” Rarity answered.

“Yeah, that's the one. And whenever me and my boys needed to make a quick getaway for whatever reason, we'd say 'Exit, pursued by a bear!' then we changed it to ' Exit, pursued by Yogi Bear!', followed up by, 'Let's Yogi and Boo-Boo', finally we just settled for 'Let's boo-boo!'.”

“Not bad.” Sunset confessed.

“I know right?” Spike asked with a smile.

Afterward, Spike and the girls made their way to the mall, and upon entering Spike looked around awestruck. It was indeed true what Twilight said about the mall having stores that focused on anything from fashion, to sports, to literature, and entertainment.

“Whoa! This place has everything.” Spike looked all around.

“Just about.” Applejack confirmed.

“Come on, girls. Let's not dilly dally.” Rarity said, as she scooted everyone along.

First stop was of course one of Rarity's favorite clothing stores Fashion Fling. Inside, Rarity was checking out so many outfits on display giving critiques on whether or not it was something she wanted or needed, while most of the girls were just sitting around with some like Applejack and Rainbow looking bored.

Spike on the other hand watched Rarity look at the various types of outfit and imagined her wearing them. As she held up a lovely purple backless dress, Spike blushed as he imagined her wearing it, while finger motioning Spike to come closer.

“Spike!” came Rarity's voice, as the boy snapped out of his daydream to see the real Rarity standing before him.

“Uh, yes, Rarity?”

“Be honest, darling. How would I look in this thing?” Rarity showed Spike the same dress he imagined her wearing.

“Honestly, I think you'd definitely do it justice.”

“You really think so?” Rarity blushed.

“Of course.”

Rarity smiled as she felt flustered, until Rainbow groaned, “Come on, Rarity, will you just get what you need so we can get out of this place?”

Rarity scowled at Rainbow having interrupted a moment with her and Spike. But she sighed and did what she needed by purchasing what she needed, and they left the store.

The next shop the group ventured into was the book shop, and Twilight wandered through it like it was Wonka's Chocolate Factory. She wandered into the science section and checked through various books on scientific studies and astrology, as her friends watched.

“Oh, I've been waiting for this new volume on Astrology's Greatest Discoveries.” Twilight said in joy.

“Oh, stars, awesome,” Rainbow Dash said dryly, “I can't believe we have to check here when I could be...” she paused, before looking at a display stand, “No way! The new Daring Do book is finally released?!” she ran to the display stand and looked at it, “I've been waiting forever for this!” she suddenly noticed her friends giving her cheeky looks, “I mean... About time.”

Spike walked over to her, “So, you like Daring Do too, huh?”

“Like is an understatement,” Rainbow replied, “I love this series. Whenever I read it, I imagine it's me in place of Daring Do.”

Spike looked at Rainbow and the image of Daring Do on the book cover, “You know you do kinda look like her.”

Rainbow did a double take, “You think so?”

“Yeah, only cuter.”

Upon hearing those words Rainbow started to blush, and thought to herself, 'Cuter than Daring Do?'

Suddenly Rainbow imagined herself dressed as Daring Do swinging through the vines of a jungle before jumping from one tree branch to another. Suddenly she saw Spike appear in her daydream dressed as an explorer. He jumped from various tree branches along side Rainbow before the two caught a vine each and started swinging around before their vines intertwined with each other bringing them closer together. Both Rainbow and Spike stared dreamily into each others eyes as the warm jungle sun washed over them. They leaned closer puckering up their lips, as her daydream faded to show Rainbow had a silly smile on her face while leaning against a shelf.

“Rainbow!” Applejack called, snapping the girl out of her daydreaming.


“Twilight got what she wanted. You gonna get that book or what?” the cowgirl asked.

“Uh, yeah.” she replied, as she went to purchase the book while glancing at Spike while recalling her daydream about it and blushed slightly.

As the group walked through the mall, the girls were contemplating on where to go next, until Spike looked ahead and gasped, “Oh, my gosh! Girls, look at that! A card game shop!” he motioned to a store that had a big pair of dice hanging above the entrance, and in the display windows were several games, and trading card game standees of monsters.

“That's Wildcard's Shuffle,” Sunset explained, “It has some of the best card games and board games ever made.”

“Let's check it out, can we? Can we? We've been walking all day and I'm exhausted!” Spike said laughing excitedly, as he ran like crazy to the store.

“He sure don't run exhausted.” Applejack joked, and the girls giggled.

They entered to shop seeing shelves stacked with board and card games for children and teenagers. Spike looked at the Table Top section seeing stuff for a specific RP game, “Wow, check out all these new additions for Ogres and Oubliettes. Oh, I've hit the jackpot here.”

The girls smiled to themselves while giggling at Spike's childish behavior, until someone approached, “I see you're a man of fine tastes, my friend.”

Spike looked seeing it was a college aged man with blue hair, wore glasses, and his attire was composed of a black and white checkerboard styled vest, red sneakers, blue jeans, a yellow shirt with an eight ball on it, and around his neck was a necklace of three dice.

“Thanks, and you are?”

“Wildcard. Welcome to my shop.” he welcomed them.

“Thanks. I'm Spike. This is Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.”

“Not a bad business you got here.” Rainbow looked around.

“Thanks. It's really popular among the Tabletop gamers and card duelists.” Wildcard explained.

Spike looked over at one wall displaying packs of monster cards, “Wow, you have more packs of Battle Monster cards than the shop I used to go to collect these.”

“I aim to please.” Wildcard answered.

Spike began looking at several packs trying to determine which themed sets he should get and which he felt had a better chance of having good cards. The girls watched him decide, as Sunset spoke, “Looks like Spike already found his favorite store here at the mall.”

“Not surprising given the décor of his bedroom.” Rainbow reminded her.

Wildcard spoke to Spike, “You know, Spike, I do like to host dueling get togethers here at the shop. If you like I can forward you my schedule for it.”

“Please.” Spike requested.

After leaving the store, Spike was looking through one of his card packs and looked at two specific cards, “Ah, Rainbow of Light and Rainbow of Darkness. They're excellent spell and trap cards. Just what I need to strengthen my deck.”

“Sounds like sombody's excited.” Twilight noted.

“Of course,” Spike confirmed, “I really appreciate you girls bringing me out today.”

“No trouble at all, sugarcube.” Applejack answered.

“We really should do this more often.” the boy recommended.

“Yes we should.” Pinkie agreed.

“Especially since there's still so much in town to show you.” Rarity added.

“But that's gonna have to wait for another time.” Twilight noted how late it was getting.

“Right. Well, what say we head back?” Spike suggested, and they all agreed.

"Come on, let's boo-boo." Rainbow said, as the group laughed before heading off.

The girls and Spike walked back to his place before stopping in front of his house, “Thanks, girls. But you didn't have to walk me back home. I could take care of myself.”

“We know, Spike.” Twilight replied.

“But we just didn't want you walking back alone.” Fluttershy added.

“Well, I do appreciate it. So I guess I'll see you all around.” before Spike could walk to his door, Rarity called.

“Spike!” Spike looked back and saw Rarity walked up close to him before leaning forward and pecked his cheek making the boy's eyes wide in surprise, “Have a goodnight, darling.” she smiled sweetly before taking off and giving the girls a victory smirk.

Some of them looked envious, before Rainbow smirked, and went over to Spike, “Catch you later, buddy.” she pecked Spike's cheek before heading off.

Pinkie bounced over and pecked Spike's cheek, “Bye, Spikey!” she skipped off.

Applejack walked to Spike and gave him a peck of her own, “See ya later, hon.” and she took her leave.

Sunset smiled, as she pecked Spike's cheek, “Today was fun.” she left and Fluttershy walked over to Spike shyly before giving him a smile and pecked his cheek.

“Goodnight, Spike.” Fluttershy headed off.

Spike who was already flustered from the six girl kissing his cheeks, he saw Twilight was all that's left. She fidgeted before walking up to Spike and nervously leaned forward kissing Spike's cheek. Spike looked seeing Twilight looked more embarrassed than he was feeling sheepish.

“Well... Bye!” Twilight said before taking off.

Spike watched Twilight head off, while feeling both of his cheeks. He was still processing what had just happened, until he let it sink in, “Wow.” was all he said before heading inside.

Meanwhile, as each of the girls headed for their own homes, each of them were blushing from what they each did. Especially Twilight. Still they all had no regrets over what they did and smiled to themselves. Things were definitely gonna be different now.

After School Activity

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At Canterlot High in the gymnasium, Spike was dressed in the school phys ed uniform of a white t-shirts, and blue shorts, and was running laps with his fellow classmates.

As Spike ran he met up with Puck running next to him, “How ya hanging in there, Puck?”

“Never better. This is good for the heart.” Puck admitted.

“I hear ya.” Spike agreed.

“And you know what's also great about this phys ed class?” Puck asked rhetorically.

“Enlighten me.” Spike replied sarcastically.

“We got a hot woman gym teacher.” Puck answered, as they looked over seeing a woman with orange hair that was spiked up along with light amber highlights, giving it a fire-esque look, she also had orange eyes and blue track suit which was zipped up only halfway to her upper half, showing her white T-Shirt. What was really captivating about her was how big her bust looked underneath that track suit, but how it looked like she had a nice ass as well.

“Coach Spitfire,” Spike swooned, before shaking it off, “She may be hot, but she has a reputation for being strict.”

“As long as we're not slacking then we're on her good side... I hope.” Puck said, as the boys continued to run laps.

Later on, the students were doing regular exercises from push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, toe touches, stretches, and more. Spike was currently doing push ups, as Coach Spitfire was circling him.

“Come on, Cynder, is that the best you can do?!” Spitfire barked at him.

“I'm just getting warmed up!” Spike answered, as he kept at it.

Spitfire got down on the gym floor and spoke to Spike's face, “Come on, rookie, you can do better than that!” Spike continued to push himself up and back down faster. As he focused on his push ups he hadn't noticed Spitfire was smirking at him as she was secretly planning something.

As gym class came to an end, the students went back to locker rooms to freshen up and head onto their next period. As Spike left the locker room, Spitfire called out, “Cynder! Over here!”

Spike curiously went up to the coach, “Yes, Coach Spitfire, ma'am?”

“Come by my office after school today.” she instructed much to the boys confusion.

“Am I in trouble or something?”

“Not at all. I just need to discuss something with you. And don't tell anybody about it.” the coach answered.

Spike was concerned by her warning, before answering, “Well, ok I'll be there.”

Spitfire smirked, “Good. Now go on get out of here.” Spike nodded, as he headed off.

Spike headed off to the cafeteria, and got his lunch. He looked over seeing Twilight, Rainbow, and the rest of the girls already seated together. He walked over and sat down next to Applejack and Rarity.

“Hi, girls.”

“Hi, Spike.” they greeted back.

“How're you doing today, darling?” Rarity inquired, as she leaned a bit closer to him.

“I'm good. Just came from phys ed.”

“Coach Spitfire got you guys working your butts off?” Rainbow asked cheekily.


“Hey, don't sweat it little buddy. You'll get used to it.” Rainbow replied.

“Easy for you to say, Ms. Legs of Steel.” the boy retorted.

“Hey, don't hate on the legs.” Rainbow leaned closer to him from across the table.

“Never said I was hating.”

“Ok, you two, let's dial it back.” Sunset spoke up.

“How about the rest of you girls?” Spike asked the group.

“Never better.” Pinkie smiled.

“Mr. Cranky Doodle once again put me to sleep with his boring lessons.” Rainbow explained.

“Maybe if you took an interest for once you wouldn't fall asleep.” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

The girls and Spike chuckled while Rainbow scowled. Wanting to diffuse the tension, Fluttershy spoke to the lone boy, “So, Spike, do you have any plans after today?”

Spike looked at her while recalling he was supposed to meet Spitfire, but remembered he promised not to tell anyone about it, “Well, nothing specific. Why?”

Sunset answered, “We were wondering if you'd come to the music room after school today. There's something we wanna share with you.”

Spike raised a brow, and thought, 'Now they have something they wanna share with me? Well, this day is really all about secret meetings after school now isn't it?' he spoke up, “Well, ok. I'll get over there asap.”

The girls smiled, “Great!” Pinkie cheered.

“We'll see ya then, sugarcube.” Applejack said, as they continued to enjoy lunch.

As the day concluded, the students left the classrooms, headed for their lockers or stayed behind. Spike went to his locker to grab his stuff before going to his first stop, Coach Spitfire's office.

He walked to the gymnasium and went inside to the back where the coach's office was. He knocked on the door, and heard Spitfire's voice, “Come in!”

Spike opened the door and walked inside seeing Spitfire at her desk, “Coach?”

“Ah, Spike, you made it.” Spitfire said, as she got up.

“So what did you wanna talk to me about?” Spike asked curiously.

Spitfire walked around her desk and took Spike's hand into hers, “Come with me.” Spike blushed, as Spitfire held his hand and began dragging him out of her office and into the gymnasium.

Spike looked around before seeing a spare mat on the floor, “Ok, what's going on?”

“Spike, ever since the semester began I've been watching you in my class. And while you're not exactly a bodybuilder,” Spike pouted, “You do however have potential.” Spitfire finished raising his spirits.

“You think so?”

Spitfire nodded, “I do. And you've been performing exceptionally well in your exercises. Dare I say color me impressed.”

“Well, I'm just trying to stay in shape and pass class.” Spike answered modestly.

“Still, I admire a student dedicated to keeping in shape. Reminds me of Rainbow Dash.”

“I'll bet.” Spike smiled humorously.

“And I like to reward students who put a lot of effort in their exercises during my class.” Spitfire continued.

“Reward?” Spike asked taken aback.

“That's right. Lay face up on the mat!” Spitfire ordered him.

Spike grew nervous, but obeyed his teacher as he laid down on the mat looking up at her, “Ok, what now?” he asked while shaking.

Spitfire smirked, as she turned back and spoke, “Don't move.” Spike watched as Spitfire lowered herself down pressing her sexy butt on Spike's torso and proceeded to rub it across him.

“C-C-Coach! What're you doing?!” Spike stammered, while blushing.

“Giving you your reward, of course,” Spitfire smirked, as she looked back downward at Spike, “Are you not satisfied?”

“No! I mean yes! I mean, why?” Spike asked in shock.

Spitfire continued to rub her butt along Spike's torso, and spoke, “I like to reward students who do a good job in my class once in awhile. And lucky for you, you're the first one to get rewarded this semester.”

“You've done this before to other students?”

“Oh, yeah. But I made sure they never tell a soul, otherwise that would get me in serious trouble with Principal Celestia. And I love my job here.”

“I can tell.” Spike replied.

“And I chose this as one of my means of rewarding hard workers to show while I may be tough and strict during class, I can still be a flirtatious head turner.” Spitfire winked.

“Well, you showed me that.” Spike admitted, as he laid back and continued to enjoy his reward.

Soon Spitfire got off Spike, and offered her hand to him. Spike took it and was pulled onto his feet, “That should be enough,” Spitfire began, “Keep up the good work in class and I may end up rewarding you again another day.”

Spike blushed, “Sure.”

“And remember, this is between us, ok?”


“Good. Now get going,” Spitfire dismissed Spike who hurried off. As he left, Spitfire watched the boy licking her lip and thought, 'That boy's one fine piece of work.'

Spike finally arrived at the music room, and entered. He saw the girls were sitting down looking bored knowing they had been waiting for him since classes ended.

“There you are, Spike.” Applejack spotted.

“What kept you?” Rarity asked.

“I took the scenic route.” Spike humored them.

“Oh, I hear ya,” Pinkie agreed, “The halls can be a mess when school lets out.”

“So, what did you girls want to talk to me about?” Spike wondered.

“Well, we wanted to show you something.” Sunset said, as she and the girls took an instrument.

Rainbow grabbed an electric guitar, as did Sunset. Applejack grabbed a bass. Rarity picked up a keytar. Fluttershy held a tambourine. Pinkie Pie got behind a drum set. Twilight plugged in a mic into one of the amps.

Spike saw the girls take positions and spoke up, “You girls are a band?”

“You bet we are,” Rainbow confirmed, “We're called the Rainbooms!”

“Rainbooms?” Spike asked before thinking on it, “Actually that does sound cool.”

“Isn't it?” Rarity asked with a smile.

“We all are good with an instrument and when we participated in the school's musical showcase we wowed so many of our classmates and more.” Applejack explained.

“We were hoping you'd like to listen to us perform.” Fluttershy said hopefully.

“Well, I am curious to know how you girls sound. So why not?” Spike asked, as he took a seat. And so the girls got their instruments ready, and soon started playing.

(Shine like Rainbows)

Applejack: Once upon a time

You came into my world and made the stars align

Rarity: Now I can see the signs

You pick me up when I get down so I can shine

The Rainbooms: Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

Rainbow Dash: Friends, you are in my life

And you can count on me to be there by your side

Sunset Shimmer: And when the music comes alive

We sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine

The Rainbooms: And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes a crescendo

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Together we stand

As the rain begins to fall

And holdin' our heads up high

As the sun shines through it all

Spike while listening was moving his head to the rhythm clearly getting lost in the melodious sound of both their singing and their music

Rainbooms: And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes a crescendo

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

As the Rainbooms finished, Spike jumped out of his seat and applauded, “Bravo! Bravo! Good show!”

The girls smiled at Spike's reaction knowing they made a good impression, “You really liked it, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“I loved it!” Spike continued feeling excited, “Not only do you girls have some set of pipes, but the way you play those instruments is like magic.”

“We try.” Pinkie grinned.

“And that song was so beautiful.” Spike added.

“Well, you can thank Fluttershy for that,” Rainbow boasted, “She's the song writer.”

“It's nothing special.” Fluttershy blushed.

“Nothing special?” Spike asked in disbelief, “It's all kinds of special.”

“Well, thank you.” Fluttershy continued to blush while smiling.

“I also supply us with costumes,” Rarity spoke up, “After all, if we're going to perform, we might as well do it in style, right?”

“Good point.” Spike admitted.

“Have you ever sang, Spike?” Sunset asked.

“Me? Well, not in front of an audience. Mostly when I'm alone.”

“Any chance we can get a demonstration?” Rainbow inquired.

“Here? Now?”

“Of course.” the athletic girl replied.

Spike pondered on it, before deciding, “Well, alright. But I need a good tune, so I'll need you girls to work with me ok?”

“Just tell us what you need.” Applejack said.

So Spike instructed the girls in what type of music to play and he would do the rest. When the girls started playing the music Spike requested he began to sing into the mic Twilight offered him.

(Go the Distance-Michael Bolton)

As the girls played they took the time to listen to Spike sing. Much like his reaction to their performance, the girls were equally amazed by Spike's singing. They listened to Spike while noticing the passion he was singing for the song knowing he really was reflecting himself through song.

When Spike finished his song, the girls put down their instruments and cheered, “Spike, you were amazing.” Twilight congratulated him.

“You think so?” Spike asked.

“It was like a little slice of heaven.” Applejack said dreamily.

“With ice cream on top!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“It was so beautiful.” Rarity agreed.

“Kid, you're even more impressive than I thought.” Rainbow commended him.

“Thank you.” Spike said feeling pleased.

“I don't suppose you'd like to join our band as an additional singer?” Rainbow offered.

“Well, the offer does sound temping. I may consider it.”

“Great.” Sunset said.

“Well, we better head home before it gets too late.” Twilight said, while checking the time.

“Then let's go.” Spike said, as the girls collected their stuff and left the music room.

As Spike boarded home he thought to himself, 'What a day. I get some intimate attention from my hot phys ed teacher, and I got to jam with a band. CHS is one amazing school.'

Morning Jog

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Saturday morning at the Cynder house, Spike was in bed sleeping away with weekends being his days to sleep in. It didn't last long, as his door slowly opened up and stepping inside was Rainbow Dash who smirked upon seeing Spike still asleep. She crept up to the sleeping teen before standing above him.

“Morning, Spike! Look alive!” she announced.

Spike groaned before opening his eyes and saw Rainbow looking down at him, “Rainbow?”

“That's right, baby.” she confirmed while still bearing a grin.

Spike let out another groan, “Rainbow, it's too early to be alive. Not to mention it's a Saturday. What do you want?”

“Don't tell me you forgot?” Rainbow pouted.

“Forgot what?” Spike asked, as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“We're supposed to go jogging today.” Rainbow said exasperated.

“Was that today?” Spike asked suddenly feigning ignorance.

Rainbow noticed the smirk on his face and playfully slapped his shoulder, “Come on, you, get up.”

“Alright, alright,” Spike said, but saw Rainbow wasn't leaving, “Uh, I need to get ready.”

“So?” Rainbow asked clueless.

“I can't do that if you're in here.” Spike said dryly.

Rainbow looked down at Spike and smirked, “What are you naked under there?” she laughed, as Spike held his covers close.

“Just get out!” Rainbow laughed as she left the bedroom, while Spike blushed. Truthfully he was in his boxer shorts, but he still didn't want Rainbow to see him like that.

Soon enough both Spike and Rainbow were out in town jogging while wearing sneakers, jogging shorts, and tank tops.

“How ya doing, Spike?” Rainbow asked, as the two jogged side by side.

“Doing good. I'm feeling the burn!” Spike said sounding pumped.

“Well, if you need a break let me know.”

“Let me know and I'll give you a break.” Spike retorted, and the two kept on jogging.

They jogged on through the park before Rainbow started slowing down as she looked ahead and spotted someone she knew sitting on a bench. She wore sneakers, jeans with tears in them, and a purple tank top. What stuck out most was her long white hair.

“Hey, Dash!” the girl greeted, while drinking gatorade.

“Gilda, what up?” Rainbow asked, as she and Spike stopped. The two girls fist bumped, as Spike watched the two.

“Getting in a morning jog, I see?” the girl known as Gilda asked.

“You know me, Gilda.” Rainbow replied.

“Obviously,” Gilda replied before noticing Spike, “And who's this? Some new arm candy?” she teased.

Spike blushed at Gilda's words, as Rainbow answered her, “This is my buddy Spike. He just started attending CHS. Spike, this is my long time friend Gilda.”

Spike shook the girls hand, “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, kid.” Gilda replied.

“Gilda and I met at a summer camp when we were kids, and we've been tight ever since.” Rainbow explained.

“Well, except for the falling out.” Gilda said sounding guilty.

“Falling out?” Spike asked.

Rainbow explained while sounding dismal, “When I made friends with Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others, I tried to introduce them to Gilda and vice versa. It didn't go so well.”

“How come?”

“That one's on me,” Gilda confessed, “Back then I was a real hothead and thought so little about others I deemed lame. I was rude and insulted Rainbow's friends, and when she confronted me on it I gave her an ultimatum about joining me or staying with them. She chose the latter and I left.”

“We hadn't spoken for months, until eventually we both came around and talked it over.” Rainbow finished.

“I was just scared of losing a good friend I knew for so long, I ended up being the cause of losing her in the end.” Gilda admitted.

“But we buried the hatchet, and we're all good.” Rainbow said, as the two girls fist bumped again.

Spike smiled seeing how close they looked and were willing to make amends, “Well, Spike and I better go. We'll see ya around, Gilda.”

“Later, Dash. Later, Spike.” Gilda said, as the two jogged off.

As they jogged on, Spike spoke to Rainbow, “So you have friends outside the rest of the Rainbooms?”

“Yeah. I mean, each of us has that special friend outside our group. Gilda is mine.” the sports girl explained.

“Good to know.” Spike admitted.

The two continued to jog before stopping by a farm in the outskirts of town. Spike looked seeing a barn, a house, and a whole orchard of apple trees.

“So this is Sweet Apple Acres?” Spike asked looking all around.

“It sure is,” Rainbow confirmed, “You won't find a better place to get apple based products than here.”

They walked into the place before hearing a familiar cry, “Yee-haw!” the two looked seeing Applejack setting some bushels of apples down by the barn before coming back.

“Hey, A.J!” Rainbow called.

Applejack looked over seeing her friends, “Howdy, Rainbow,” she said as the girls fist bumped, “How ya doin' today?”

“Awesome as always.”

Applejack turned to Spike and smiled, “Hey, Spike. How's my sugarcube?” she ruffled his hair.

“Doing great.” Spike chuckled, before Applejack removed her hand from his head.

“What brings ya'll by?” the cowgirl inquired.

“Spike and I were just getting a jog in. And let's face it, Spike needs some meat on those chicken legs.” Rainbow motioned to Spike's legs while laughing. Applejack held in a laugh for Spike's sake, as the boy protested.

“I do not have chicken legs!”

“Yeah. Coach Spitfire sees to that.” Rainbow continued to laugh making Spike pout.

“Alright, Rainbow, knock it off.” Applejack said feeling she better stop before she milks it too much.

Spike looked around the farm, “So this is what working on an apple farm is like?”

“You betcha. We Apples take pride in our work here.” Applejack said tipping her had back.

“Eeyup.” came a male's voice.

Walking up to them was a blonde haired boy older than all three of them wearing jeans, and a red unbuttoned shirt and a white shirt underneath.

“Hey, Big, Mac.” Rainbow greeted.

“How's it goin', Rainbow?” the boy asked.

“All good.”

Applejack smiled, “Spike, this here's my big bro, Big Macintosh.”

Big Mac walked up to Spike who looked up at how tall her was, “Well, it's nice to finally meetcha, Spike.”

“Likewise, I guess,” Spike shook his hand, “So you're A.J's big bro?”

“Eeyup. Applejack's told me so much about ya. I hear you're an avid Ogres and Oubliette's player.”

“Well, I do enjoy a good quest.” Spike confessed.

“Great. You and I have something in common.” Big Mac said overjoyed.

“You play too?”

“Eeyup. Next time you're around we should get together and have a quest.” Big Mac offered.

“Hmm. Sounds like a plan to me.” Spike smiled.

“Hey, what's goin' on here?” came another voice that sounded familiar to Spike.

Walking over was a girl about Spike's age with red hair and a pink bow in it.. She wore orange boots, jeans, and a green shirt.

“Hey, Apple Bloom, look who showed up here today.” Applejack said.

The girl known as Apple Bloom looked and saw Rainbow Dash which didn't surprise her, but when she saw Spike her eyes lit up and a blush started to form on her face. She walked up and spoke up in a stammer.

“Uh h-h-hi, Spike.” she greeted, while trying to avert looking into Spike eyes.

Spike himself felt a bit nervous but answered, “Hi, Apple Bloom.”

Spike remembered Apple Bloom because they were classmates at CHS, and when Apple Bloom first noticed Spike on their first day she had this immediate attraction to him. And when she found out her big sister and her friends were hanging out with him she felt jealous, but Applejack seeing this told her she wasn't trying to make her jealous and was open to sharing him with her since she liked him too just like her friends.

“I'm sorry if we're interrupting your work.” Spike apologized.

“It's no problem. We're actually just finishing up.” Applejack replied.

“Just got to get a few more bushels into the barn.” Big Mac said.

“You two go wait by the pond, and I'll be with you.” Applejack told her two friends who nodded and headed over.

Spike and Rainbow were waiting by a pond that had a tire swing hanging from a tree close to the water. They soon saw Applejack walking over to them, “Sorry if I kept ya waiting.”

“It's fine.” Spike replied.

“So now ya got a good look at the Apple Family's business,” Applejack told Spike, “Whatcha think?”

“I think it's amazing to see you all doing so much to keep the business going.”

“Well, we ain't the only ones making it work. My parents do most of it, but right now they're visiting mah Grandpa Pear. And praying he don't mess mah pa up.” Applejack laughed.

“What do you mean by that?” Spike wondered.

“Well, Spike. My parents came from two families that were more or less bitter rivals.”


“Oh, yeah. There was the Apples on my dad's and Granny Smith's side. Then there were the Pears where my mother came from. Both families focused on different fruits and would compete against one another. But my mom Pear Butter and my dad Bright Mac weren't swayed by their families rivalry and actually were seeing each other in secret. But when their relationship was revealed the Apples and Pear were pretty much ready to go in an all out war blaming each other for 'corrupting one of their own'.”

“Jeez.” Spike gasped seeing how serious it got.

“Then both my parents finally stood up to their families and got them to see their own immaturity and embarrassing behavior got them nowhere. So they buried the hatchet and allowed my parents to continue to date. Although Grandpa Pear still feels like my mom could've done better.”

“Standard behavior from a father who loves his daughter so much.” Spike understood.

“Just hope my dad won't be worse as Grandpa Pear was.” Applejack said, as she and Rainbow chuckled..

“If he has a problem he can take it up with me.” Rainbow nudged Applejack.

“Oh, Rainbow.” Applejack said, as the girls smiled at each other.

Spike looking back and forth between the two and their behavior started to realize something, “Wait a minute. Applejack, Rainbow, are you two...”

The girls smiled, as Rainbow answered, “Yeah, we're actually in a relationship.”

“That's right.” Applejack confessed.

“Bu-but that night you both kissed and...” Spike remembered how they each kissed his cheek the night after they spent the day together and flirted with him before at school and such.

“Well, we may be dating but we go both ways.” Rainbow admitted.

“In fact, we wouldn't mind adding a guy to our relationship.” Applejack added, as the two looked to Spike.

“What, me?” he asked incredulously.

“Why not?” Rainbow asked rhetorically, “We like you, and you like us. Don'tcha?”

“Well, yeah, I do...” Spike said while blushing.

“He admits it!” Rainbow called it.

“Hey!” Spike scowled seeing he was baited.

“Alright, settle down, ya'll,” Applejack said, as she and Rainbow sat beside Spike on both sides, “Joking aside, Spike. We really do like you. And we'd be more than willing to share you.”

“Unless you're afraid wanting us both will make you look more like a pervert.” Rainbow teased.

“I have nothing to say to that.” Spike pouted and looked away.

“Shoot, now ya got him all upset, Rainbow.” Applejack chided her.

“Hey, it was all in good fun. I meant no harm.” Rainbow defended herself.

“Well, you gotta make it up to Spike now.”

“Ok, ok. I know what to do,” Rainbow replied, as Spike who had been listening hadn't even looked at her, “Hey, Spike!”

Spike sighed, “What?” he looked back at Rainbow and was suddenly met with a kiss to his cheek taking him by surprise. Rainbow then kissed his other cheek before pulling back to reveal her smiling face while Spike looked dumbstruck.

“Oh, yeah, that face says it all. You really like us.” Rainbow smirked.

Spike looked down, “And what does that still make me a pervert to you?”

“Far from it,” Applejack answered, as she lifted Spike's chin up allowing him to look at her, “If anything, we're both flattered ya like the both of us, just as much as we like you.” she leaned forward and kissed Spike's cheek before switching to the other cheek giving it the same treatment.

When she pulled back, Spike's dumbstruck look softened before feeling his right cheek and smiled, “Wild.” he said softly.

The two older girls smiled at how happy he looked, before Applejack spoke up, “Well, Spike, how's about givin' Rainbow and I a little sugar in return?”

“It's only fair.” Rainbow agreed, as they turned their cheeks to face him.

Spike looked at the two girls who waited patiently, and knew it'd be rude to deny them after how nice they've been, especially since they were ok with him. So Spike leaned forward and pecked Rainbow on the cheek before giving one to Applejack as well.

When Spike pulled back both girls laid a hand on their cheeks and smiled while blushing at Spike, “How was it?” he asked in concern.

“Couldn't have been better.” Applejack answered.

“Ya got that right.” Rainbow winked at Spike making him smile in return.

Later on Spike and Rainbow returned to Spike's house, as they stood outside, “Well, thanks for morning jog, Rainbow.”

“Anytime, Spike,” she replied, “If ya ever wanna do it again, let me know.”

“Will do.” Spike said, as suddenly found himself embraced by Rainbow who pressed her rack into his chest.

“Just so you know, mine and A.J's offer to you still stands. Think about it.” she gave Spike another kiss to the cheek before letting him go and jogged off for home.

Spike once again felt moved by Rainbow's gesture. He watched her jog off while noticing how tight her butt looked in those shorts. He blushed before smiling and shook his head in disbelief, “Man, I really am a pervert.” he chuckled to himself before heading inside.

Costume Modeling

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At Canterlot high one afternoon, Spike was in his last class pretending to listen to the lesson while keeping an eye on the clock with it being only a few minutes until school lets out.

'Come on. Come on.' Spike thought as he watched the biggest hand move closer and closer until it hit its mark.

As the bell rang, the students got up and collected their things before taking off. As Spike left the class he suddenly got a text. He checked his phone and saw a text from Rarity.

:Spike, meet me in the auditorium after school:

Spike blushed when he saw at the end of the text message was a kissing emoji, “Wonder what Rarity wants?” he asked himself before grabbing his stuff from his locker and walked for the auditorium.

Upon entering through the main doors he saw the place was vacant. He looked around seeing no sign of Rarity, before stepping onto the stage, “Rarity, are you here?”

“Back here, Spike!” came Rarity's voice from backstage.

Spike walked backstage to see Rarity standing by a whole rack of costumes hanging up, “I got your message.” Spike noted.

“Glad you did.” Rarity smiled.

“So, what's going on?”

“Well, I have one last costume to work on for the school's Fall Production of Journey of the Dragon Warrior; a forbidden romance adventure between a dragon with the body of a man and a lady warrior wishing to restore honor to her family.”

“Sounds like an interesting plot.” Spike admitted.

“Oh, it is. I mean who doesn't love a forbidden romance?” Rarity asked rhetorically.

“People who're biased.” Spike joked, and the two chuckled.

“And the outfit I'm working on is meant for the leading male role; Shenron the Dragon Warrior. And I need someone to model for me.” Rarity said shooting Spike a smirk.

Spike caught on, “Me? You want me to model?”

“Of course, darling. At least I hope you won't mind.” she said with a bat of her eyes.

Spike blushed as Rarity was working her charm on him. But never one to ignore someone who needs help answered her, “Well, sure. I mean, I was just going to go home and rewatch old episodes of Aliens of Morbrook High, but this can fill in my time.”

“Wonderful!” Rarity said clapping her hands all giddy.

And so Rarity began setting up, while getting to work on the last costume. Spike waited around fetching materials for Rarity. When she finished putting it together. Rarity had Spike standing on a stool for her to make some quick touch ups. The costume was composed of purple pants, and a long sleeved sweatshirt with the sleeves purple and the shirt part colored green with patterns on it to look like a dragons underbelly. The pants and the shirt were also decorated in purple plastic scale designed pieces to make the costume look more like a dragons hide.

As Spike stood on the stool while making sure to be still as Rarity did the touch ups, he was able to glance down and admire the costume he was modeling.

“I have to say, Rarity, when you told me your designed outfits and costumes for a living I knew it had to be hard work. And looking at this my hunches were right. How do you do it?” he asked curiously.

Rarity looked up at Spike and smiled, “When you have a talent for something you love, Spike, it matters not how hard it is as long as you love doing it.”

“Huh. Makes sense.” Spike admitted.

“Even when it keeps me busy I always know when to pace myself and take breaks. The last thing I ever want to suffer from is burnout.” Rarity feared.

“Nobody wants that.” the boy replied.

“Oh, but regardless I love my work. Especially when it catches the attention of some VIPs.” Rarity smirked.

Spike looked to her, “So you've done work like this for important people?”

“Indeed I have. Some include Pop stars Sapphire Shores and Countess Coloratura.” she boasted.

Spike did a double take, “Wait a sec. You've made outfits for two of the biggest pop stars in the music world?”

“I certainly have. And they were very satisfied and have made me their go-to girl when it comes to fashion.” Rarity added.

“That's amazing.”

“It sure is. And it helps that when I need a type of favor called in, they and many others I've done work for have my back. I've managed to get backstage passes for me and the girls to some of their concerts whenever they're in town.”

“Your line of work has a lot of perks.” Spike said.

“Yes, I know. Maybe next time one of them is in town and need my help I can get you a backstage pass with me.”

"Awesome," Spike said, before continuing, “Though is your outfit making reserved for just special functions or VIPs?”

“My outfit making isn't just limited to dresses, suits, and celebrity outfits. I've also designed chic for other events like circus performers, Renaissance fair workers, even LARPers hosting one of their events.”

Spike looked at the girl feeling more awed than ever, 'How can one girl handle a job like this that a whole line of seamstresses would be needed for big orders? And I thought Applejack was a hard worker, but Rarity? She's a miracle worker.'

Rarity looked up seeing Spike was deep in thought, “Is something wrong, Spike?”

“No. I Just see you in a new light, Rarity.” he said smiling down at her.

Rarity blushed upon seeing Spike's smile, but quickly composed herself, “Well this should be the last bit,” she finished one last stitching, “Perfect.”

Spike stepped off the school and onto the floor. He looked himself in the mirror and admired his appearance, “Wow. This is amazing.”

“Only one last thing to complete this piece.” Rarity said, as she grabbed a latex purple dragon head mask and put it over Spike's head. Spike's face peeked through the mouth piece of the mask and saw he really did look like a humanoid dragon warrior.

“Now this really brings it out,” Spike admitted, “Rarity, now you've really impressed me.”

“I aim to please.” she replied.

Spike started posing in front of the mirror like a warrior hero as Rarity watched him. As Spike posed, Rarity started to blush imagining Spike as a gallant looking dragon soldier. The macho looking Spike turned to face her, “Hey, Rarity.” he spoke in a suave voice.

Rarity sighed heavenly, “Yes, Spike?”

Her daydream broke and was brought back to reality where Spike still spoke, “Should I take it off now?”

“Oh, not just yet, darling. I want to keep admiring how you look wearing it a big longer.” Rarity said, as she sashayed up to Spike.

Spike watched, as the older girl moved around Spike before backing him up against the wall. She smiled while using two fingers to walk up Spike's chest, “Spike, it's as if this outfit was made for you.”

“Ya think?” Spike asked feeling flattered.

“Oh, yes. Maybe you should consider auditioning for the play come Fall.” Rarity suggested.

“Thanks, but I'm not much of an actor.” he confessed.

“I see. Well no matter. I still like how you pull this look off.” she said removing the dragon head mask uncovering Spike's face.

“Rarity.” Spike panted, as the girl leaned closer.

“Please, let me have this.” she whispered before kissing his cheek.

Spike stood in surprise as Rarity's lips laid on his cheek. He remembered how it was when each of the girls kissed his cheek, and yet to him it felt so new, even with the recent act done by Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

When Rarity removed her lips from Spike's cheek, she looked seeing the blush on his face which only got her blushing more.

“That was, very generous.” Spike admitted.

“Thank you.”

Spike upon impulse and desire to return such a generous act leaned forward and kissed Rarity's cheek too. The older girl's eyes opened wide in surprise, as she felt Spike's lips on her cheek. Truthfully she expected Spike to be as still as he was that day she first kissed his cheek, but hadn't expected him to return it to her.

When Spike pulled away, he spoke, “Was that ok?”

Rarity looked to Spike still blushing, but a smile formed on her face, “That was absolutely perfect, darling.” she embraced Spike pressing herself against him.

Spike enjoying the feeling of Rarity's body pressing into his, but kept himself under control, until she released him.

“Why don't you get out of that costume and I'll treat us to a bite?” she offered.


“I insist.”

“Sure, give me a moment.” Spike said, as he went into a dressing room to get out of the costume.

As Rarity waited, her thoughts went back to the moment she shared with Spike, 'Oh, Spikey-Wikey. He's so adorable. And probably one of the sweetest boys I ever met. I hope what we shared today will go further even with the other girls pining for him.' she looked in the direction of the dressing room Spike was in knowing only time would tell.

Bad Girl Turned Artist

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Inside Canterlot High's art classroom, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and other students taking the course were busy painting away on their blank canvas'. Some were trying to figure out what to paint, while others knew exactly what they wanted to draw. Some were painting like pros and some were just going with the flow hoping for the best.

Sunset was painting away as if she had it all planned out before the assignment was even made. On her canvas was a beautifully painted array of sunflowers. Spike who was sitting next to Sunset glanced over and looked amazed and what she had made.

“Sunset, that's beautiful.” he gasped.

“Thank you, Spike.” Sunset smiled.

“How did you know what you wanted to paint?”

“Well, sometimes I just paint a subject that I think is awesome. Something that makes me really happy.”

“Like sunflowers?” Spike asked.

Sunset giggled, “Yeah. So what've you got?”

“Well, it's nothing compared to yours, but I went with my gut.” Spike answered, as he turned his easel so Sunset could see. On Spike's canvas looked like an anthro dragon wearing sneakers, black shorts, a black opened vest, sunglasses, and a cap worn backwards. It wasn't perfect that it could be put on display in an art museum, but it was still an impressive piece for a high school student.

“Wow.” Sunset marveled.

“I call it MC Drago.” Spike said.

“Catchy. A hip hop dragon?” Sunset raised her brows curiously.

“Yeah, two of my favorite things.”

“So why a dragon?” Sunset asked.

“Well, why not? In some cultures dragons are symbols of wisdom and strength.” the boy explained.

“Huh? And I always thought they were just fire breathing lizards who hoard treasure, terrorize towns, and keep princesses captive.” Sunset chuckled.

Spike playfully rolled his eyes, “Yeah by medieval times and viking times standards. But there's so much more to them than some legends and stories let on.”

“You're so insightful, Spike.” Sunset smiled.

“Thanks, and you're very artistic.” Spike added smiling back.

Sunset's smile soon turned downward and sighed, “Well, if you knew what I was like back then artistic wouldn't be the first thing you'd say about me.”

Spike looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“I wasn't always like this, Spike,” she confessed, “Not nice. Not a friend. I was a real bad girl, and I'm not talking a rebel. I mean a bad person.”

“Why is that?” he wondered.

“Before I met Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the others I was a bad girl,” Sunset explained, “I ran with a bad crowd, did things behind my parents backs, lied, cheated, and so much more. At first I loved it, being bad, and breaking the rules, but when my 'friends' were ready to do something that really crossed the line it was too much for me to go through with, so I backed out. And my 'friends' didn't take kindly to it, and tried to make me pay for backing out.”

“Whoa.” Spike gasped.

“But luckily, five angels came to my defense,” Sunset smiled, while thinking of Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, “It's because of them I was saved and those I thought were my friends were arrested. That moment opened my eyes to a lot of things. That I shouldn't be doing bad things, and that I should be better for myself and for others. Since then I did do better. I started acting nicer to my parents instead of being stand offish. I treated others with kindness. I helped out the community one way after another. Doing good things for others really made me feel happy, and I didn't wanna go back to the way things were before. I'm the way I am today thanks to my friends. And because of them, I was able to help another friend come out of her own shell.” she said thinking about Twilight.

Spike started to tear up as Sunset finished, “That's a beautiful story. I had no idea you went through so much.”

“Yeah, well, it's a part of my past I don't really enjoy bringing up.” she replied.

“I understand. It's never easy talking about a part of your past you're not proud of.” Spike admitted.

“Do you have something like that?” Sunset asked.

“A bit. When I was a kid, I was a real wimpy crybaby. That's why a lot of kids picked on me and mocked me. I was really impressionable back then.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. So how'd you get over it?” the girl wondered.

“My dad talked to me, and taught me a thing about being brave. You might even say he told me to 'find my inner dragon'.”

“Inner dragon, huh?” Sunset asked while crossing her arms.

Spike nodded, “Since then I was no longer a crybaby. I changed for the best of myself, and here I am now.”

Sunset smiled, “Looks like the both of us had some growing up to do back then, huh?”

“We sure did.” Spike agreed.

“I'm really glad we had this chance to talk, Spike. I feel like I got to know more.”

“I feel the same way.” Spike agreed, as the two embraced even if they got a bit of paint on themselves.

As school let out, everyone was going to their lockers to get their stuff. When Spike stopped at his locker, Sunset spoke, “Well, I got to go. See you tomorrow, Spike.”

“Later, Sunset.” he replied, as he started putting stuff into his locker and taking stuff out to bring home.

“Oh, and Spike?”

“Yeah?” Spike turned around and suddenly found himself getting kissed on the cheek by Sunset making him blush.

Sunset smiled, “You're a great friend.” she walked along, as Spike watched her before feeling his cheek and smiled.

Sunset returned home, and got straight to her homework. After she had a snack she thought about Spike and the talk they shared today. She knew more about him now than she did when she and the girls first met him, and it made her happy knowing it. The more she thought of Spike the more inspiration started building up inside her, until finally she decided she needed to do something.

(Landslide Fleetwood Mac)

Sunset went back up to her room and sat up her easel with some tarp underneath it and put a blank canvas on it. She got her paints ready and started painting away. As she painted she made sure to get everything right down to the last detail, while making sure she mixed the right paints to get the right color of the topic she was working with.

As nighttime descended upon the sky, Sunset had just finished with her painting. She put her paints and brush down and let out a sigh of relief.

Oh, if you climb a mountain and you turn around, if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills. Well, the landslide bring it down

The painting she had been working on was a face portrait of Spike who had a smile on his face and looked so real it was like you were looking at Spike himself.

Sunset looked at what she just made and felt as if Spike was right there smiling at her. She smiled at the painting while shedding a few happy tears.

After washing up, Sunset had gotten ready for bed. She opened her clovers, climbed into bed, before turning the lights off. She looked across her room and saw Spike's face portrait set up in the corner. She smiled at it and spoke softly, “Goodnight, Spike.” and with that the girl fell right to sleep.

Happy Party Girl

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After school inside the gymnasium, Spike was helping Pinkie decorate it with all sorts of party favors from balloons, streamers, and Pinkie's personal favorite confetti. The balloons were in the shape and appearance of sports balls from basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, and baseballs.

“How did I get talked into spending after school decorating the gymnasium for a party in dedication to our schools sports teams?” Spike asked himself, before it revealed Pinkie Pie was clinging to Spike, cheek to cheek pleading to him.

“Please-please-please help me, Spike!”

“That's how.” Spike answered himself dryly.

Pinkie let go of Spike, before spreading more streamers on the floor, “Thanks again for helping me, Spike. Normally I could handle this no problem. But I felt like having some company this time. And who better to join me than you?”

“Well, I feel flattered,” Spike admitted, “But this looks like it could still take awhile. And we really need to get home soon otherwise my mom's gonna nag me about being late for dinner.”

“Not to worry, Spikey. I have just the thing to make it go faster.” Pinkie said confidently.

“And that would be?”

Pinkie smirked, as she rolled out a colorful cannon, “Pinkie, is that a real cannon?” Spike asked in shock.

“It's my party cannon, silly.” Pinkie giggled.

“Party cannon?” Spike raised a brow.

“Yup. Let me show you what it does.” She grabbed the cord.

“Pinkie, wait-” Pinkie pulled the cord, and shooting out from the cannon was lots of glitter and streamers.

Spike covered his eyes fearing the worst, until he opened them and saw the whole gymnasium was perfectly decorated and ready for the sports teams party.

“Whoa.” Spike gasped.

“What do you think?” Pinkie asked.

“Amazing. And your cannon did all this?” Spike asked.

“It sure did.” she nodded.

“Why didn't you just use this from the beginning?”

“Then it would've been too easy. Sometimes it's best to put in the hard work at first and then finish it with a bang!”

Spike blinked, “That makes sense in a way.”

“And now that our work is done, we can head home.” Pinkie smiled.

“Awesome.” Spike smiled in response, as the two grabbed their bags and headed off.

As they left the school, they walked down the block together, as the girl spoke, “Thanks again for helping me decorate, Spike.”

“Hey, no problem.”

“Seriously. I know Rainbow Dash and the rest of the athletes are going to love it.”

“I hope so,” Spike replied, “It astounds me you're able to do all these parties yourself.”

“Well, not always by myself,” Pinkie confessed, “I admit whenever there's a party that's too much to plan for, even for me I always have additional help. Either from the rest of the girls, or any of our fellow classmates. And now I have you to that roster.”

Spike looked at the girls seeing she was always filled with happiness and smiling. To him it was almost impossible for someone to be that happy. But Pinkie made it look so easy.

'An enigma, this girl,' Spike thought to himself, before deciding to get to know her more, “So, Pinkie. If I may, how did you become such a party girl?”

Pinkie smiled, “Ooh, we sharing life stories now?”

“I'm just curious about my new friends. You and the rest of the girls are so unique and different and yet the differences between you all seem to make your friendship all the more special.” Spike explained.

“So, true. A girl like me should be mostly found with non stop party people. But honestly, I provide fun for the girls. I mean if Twilight didn't have fun in her life she'd just be a recluse who would have no idea how to socialize. And even Rarity needs to know when not to work so hard and learn to relax.”

“Fair point.” Spike admitted.

“But really, ever since I was little all I've ever wanted to do was put a smile on people's faces, even those that're more stubborn.”

“But why?”

“Seeing a bright happy smile just fills me up with so much joy. That's why I want to spread as much happiness as I can. And parties are just one of the many ways I know how.”

“What're some of your others methods?” Spike asked.

“Well, I like to make music, do stand up comedy, dance, make balloon animals...” Pinkie began listing off so many examples it was becoming hard for Spike to keep up with her. Finally Spike clamped Pinkie's mouth shut silencing her.

“I get the picture.” he said, before removing his hand from her.

“Bottom line, seeing people happy makes me happy.” Pinkie concluded.

“You're amazing, Pinkie. I don't know how a girl like you is still single.” Spike said, before noticing Pinkie's smile shifted a little.

“Well, I wasn't always single, Spike.”

“You weren't?”

Pinkie shook her head, “I was in a relationship once.”

“With who?” Spike wondered, as he thought about several of the boys at school wondering if Pinkie had a thing for either of them.

“A real funny guy named Cheese Sandwich.” Pinkie answered fondly.

“Cheese Sandwich? I don't know of anyone by that name at school.”

“That's because he doesn't attend CHS. Not anymore.” Pinkie sighed.

“What happened?”

“Well, first time we met both of us competed on who could throw the biggest and bestest party ever. For the first time I never met anyone who was capable of hosting and preparing a party as exciting and lively as me. It was almost too much I was ready to throw in the towel, but Cheese told me that the only reason he was so good is because I was his inspiration.”

“You were?” Spike raised a brow.

“Yeah. Surprised me too. So instead of competing we both worked together to throw the best party there ever was.”

“Sounds like you two were quite a pair.”

“Oh, we were,” Pinkie smiled, “Since that day we did all sorts of things together, we planned parties, we went on dates, we shared candies. Except for doing anything deemed too mature in the eyes of the readers.”

Spike looked confused, “What readers?”

“Never mind.” Pinkie replied.

“So what happened between you two?”

Pinkie sighed, “Well, two years ago Cheese and his parents moved away.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Yeah. It was unavoidable, and Cheese couldn't stay. I tried to assure him we could make our relationship work out, but he said we'd be living too far apart even for a long distance relationship. I tried to help him see we could make it work, but his flawless logic couldn't be argued.”

“I hope you two didn't leave on bad terms.” Spike said in concern.

Pinkie smiled slightly, “No, we didn't. Before Cheese left, he told me he would always love me, but I shouldn't waste my life away waiting for him. He told me to find someone who would love and cherish me the same way he did. And I promised him I would.”

“Oh, Pinkie.” Spike gasped.

“But it's not like we've stopped talking to each other,” Pinkie assured him, “We still text, call, write letters, be it to know how we're both doing, and sharing party tips.”

Spike smiled, “That's comforting.”

“I know. Cheese will always have a special place in my heart as my first love. And hopefully won't be my last one.” Pinkie said, as she scooted closer to Spike as they walked. Spike noticed the older girl scooting closer to him as they walked, but just went with it.

Soon the two arrived at Pinkie's place. Spike walked her up to her door, and spoke, “Well, I better get going myself. See you tomorrow, Pinkie.”

“Bye, Spike. Oh, Spike, before you go,” Pinkie walked back to Spike getting closer and closer to his face making him blush, “Thank you for being so sweet and helpful.” she hugged Spike close and started to kiss his cheek multiple times.

“Pinkie! Hey, take it easy! Someone could be watching!” Spike protested, as he tried to separate himself from her, and yet he wasn't trying hard to do it.

Pinkie then nuzzled against Spike's cheek, “Let them look!”

“Pinkie, I really should get home.” Spike said, as he got out of Pinkie's hold.

“Ok,” Pinkie pouted, before smiling, “Catch you later.” she blew Spike one last kiss before going inside.

As Spike walked onward to his home, he remembered what Pinkie had just did to him and felt his cheek. He couldn't help but smile and knew Pinkie once again succeeded in doing what she does best.

“She really does know how to make you smile.” he told himself with a small chuckle.

Help at the Animal Shelter

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In the afternoon, Spike and Fluttershy were walking around before stopping by a building that had an image of a dog and a cat above.

“Welcome to the Animal Shelter, Spike.” Fluttershy welcomed him.

Spike looked at the place, “Not bad. So you work here?”

“Part time, actually,” Fluttershy confessed, “But I do love it here. I get to interact with so many animals who're in need of a home.”

The two walked inside, as Fluttershy led him in back before putting their backpacks on the desk counter.

Spike noticed the lack of people around the shelter, and asked, “Is it just us here today?”

Fluttershy sighed, “I'm afraid so. Some of the others who work here had other things to take care of. And I was the only one available,” she perked up and smiled at him, “But I'm so glad you decided to join me after school, Spike. I know there are probably a lot of other things you'd rather be doing instead.”

“On regular days, yes. But today I'm actually glad to be here with you.” Spike answered, as Fluttershy did a double take.

“You are?” she asked hopefully.

“Well, yeah. I mean I made time to spend with the rest of the girls, it's only fair I give you the same treatment.”

Fluttershy blushed, before looking away to hide it, “Well, that's sweet of you to think about me.”

“Why wouldn't I think about you, Fluttershy? You're my friend.”

Fluttershy continued to feel flustered from Spike's kindness looked back at him smiling, “Thank you, Spike. So shall we get started?”

“Lead on.” Spike nodded, as the two got to work.

For the next hour or two Fluttershy had showed Spike around the shelter so he could get the layout as well as meeting some of the animals that were there. From dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, bunnies, mice, the two worked together feeding them, and brushing some of them. When Spike was having a bit of trouble trying to brush a dog that wouldn't stay still, Fluttershy calmed the pooch allowing Spike to gently brush its fur.

Soon all the animals were fed and tended too. Spike and Fluttershy were in the lounge of the shelter with Spike enjoying a soda and Fluttershy a water from the vending machine. As they sat on the lounge sofa, Spike spoke, “Who would've thought taking care of animals would be so hard? Especially this many. Fluttershy, how do you manage it?”

Fluttershy giggled, “Well, animals are my specialty.”

“Right.” Spike recalled.

“I just see so many animals here who look like they desperately need a home. Some of us would find strays out in the streets looking for food or trying to stay safe. And some of the animals that were brought in before previously came from some bad places.” Fluttershy said sadly.

“Bad places?” Spike asked in shock.

“Oh, yes. Some of these animals were abused by their previous owners one way or another. From malnourishment to even being physically beaten. When I saw some of the bruises hidden under some of their fur I got so angry... Who would abuse a sweet animal like these little ones?”

Spike sighed, “Some people just aren't really meant to be pet owners, but ended up getting stuck with them somehow and made the most of it in the only way they know even if it's violent.”

“It's still no excuse with how they're treated,” Fluttershy spoke up, “If someone wants to have a pet then they have to be responsible and not treat them like they're playthings or inanimate objects.”

“I hear ya,” Spike agreed, “Even I hate the idea of someone abusing animals. It's no different than abusing people.”

Fluttershy nodded, “That's why we at this shelter are doing all we can to see to it these animals are treated and cared for properly until we find the right homes for them to go to.”

Spike looked at Fluttershy seeing how truly passionate she was about the animals at the shelter, “You really do care about them, huh?”

“I do.” she confirmed.

“Were animals all you had for friends before you met the others?” Spike wondered.

Fluttershy looked at Spike and explained, “Truthfully, yes. Despite how shy I am now, there was a time I was more shy back then. And because of that I was often the target for bullying and mocking. It got so bad I was almost willing to lock myself in my room and never want to come out. But Rainbow Dash was there and defended me, she introduced me to the rest of the girls and soon enough I started to see even someone as timid as me could make friends.” she smiled.

Spike nodded, “Guess Sunset Shimmer wasn't the only one lucky to befriend Rainbow and the others, huh?”

“Yes. Although there have been various times the girls tried to get me to stand up for myself whenever someone tried to take advantage of me. But there was a time I subscribed to Iron Will's Self Help Lessons on being Assertive.”

“Iron Will?” Spike asked, “Uh, wasn't that guy arrested for hitting an old man in public after accusing him of giving him a funny look?”

“The very same,” Fluttershy confirmed, “At first when I took his course I felt more assertive, like nobody would mess with me. But I started taking the lesson too seriously and ended up turning into a bully because of that. Got me detention because of that.” she sighed.

“Whoa. You're the last person I'd ever think would get detention.” Spike said in shock.

“It surprised me too. After that I unsubscribed from Iron Will's lessons and took it one step at a time.”

“Good call. Especially if the guy was arrested anyway.” the two chuckled.

“Sometimes I can get too into a character I lose sight of myself.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, yeah? How?”

“Well, there was a time I was asked to help out Rarity at the shop while she had to meet with an important client. At first I was nervous, but then I decided to take on a new look to match the persona of the customer I was working with. I ended up creating three personas Pinkie dubbed Snooty Shy, Flutter Goth, and Hipster Shy.”

“Doesn't sound so bad.” Spike noted.

“Maybe not at first, but as I said sometimes I get too into a character I take them too far. Soon my behavior in my three personas were starting to anger several customers because of some insults I ended up giving them while under the influence of my new characters. I even behaved the same way to the girls when they came to see how I was doing. I ended up kicking them out of the shop. When they brought Rarity back she snapped me out of it by firing me, but it took three tries. When all three of my personas were fired I finally snapped out of it and apologized.”

Spike blinked in surprise, “Wow. You really do get into character.”

“I know. It's something even I didn't think I was capable of. Though the girls did say it made me look like a very talented actress.” she blushed.

“Fluttershy, you truly are something.” Spike said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean aside from the fact you have a natural gift with animals you could also make for a good actress if you put yourself into it.”

Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment, “You give me too much credit.”

“Or maybe you don't give yourself enough credit,” he countered, “I mean I can tell sometimes you can go overboard when acting, but it just means you get so into character it only makes you all the more better when acting. Not saying you should go for that in life. Just saying you should still try it more.”

“Well, you bring a good point, Spike.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Plus, I'd like to see those three personas of you up close... As long as you don't act mean to me with them.”

“Oh, I'd never be mean to you, Spike.” Fluttershy said, as she scooted closer to him.

Spike looked seeing Fluttershy move closer to him which made him blush, “You're one of the sweetest and nicest boys I've ever met. And if I'm being honest, you're probably the cutest boy I ever met.”

“What, me?” Spike asked in faux surprise.

“Yes, Spike,” Fluttershy began, as she leaned her hand out and caressed Spike's cheek, “In fact you're about as cute as a puppy, a kitty, a bunny, and a hamster combined.”

“Wow, that's quite a description.” Spike stammered sheepishly.

“And it's true.” Fluttershy said, as she took Spike's head and hugged him to her bust while stroking his hair, “Oh, Spike, if you were a puppy I'd adopt you in a heart beat.”

“Well, if you were my owner I'd consider myself a lucky pup,” Spike humored her, as he was held to Fluttershy's bosom, “I think I'm losing my air supply.”

Later on Spike and Fluttershy walked back with the boy leading the older girl to her house, “I appreciate you walking me home, Spike. It's not always safe walking back at this hour alone.”

“Don't mention it. Always glad to be there for a friend, just as you and the others.” Spike replied.

Fluttershy nodded, before leaning forward and kissed Spike's cheek. To Spike it felt soft and gentle sort of like how his mother would peck his cheek. Fluttershy hugged Spike, and whispered, “I hope you and I can continue to spend more time together, Spike.”

“I'd really like that.” Spike admitted.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat, causing Fluttershy to immediately let Spike go. The two looked and saw leaning against the house was Fluttershy's younger brother Zephyr Breeze who was shooting them a smirk.

“Oh, please. Don't stop on my account. I mean how often do I get to see my big sis get so close to a guy. Consider yourself lucky, Spike.” he winked.

Spike chuckled sheepishly, while Fluttershy's face was red from both embarrassment, and rage as steam poured from her ears and gritted her teeth, “Zephyr!” She ran to her brother and started pounding at him with her fists, “How dare you spy on me when I'm with a friend! I have never met such an insensitive eavesdropping fool in all my life!”

“Ow! Sis! Please! That hurts!” Zephyr cried, while trying to shield himself from Fluttershy's pounds, “Spike, help a brother out!”

“Sorry, Z, but I can't risk hurting this adorable mug. Fluttershy would hate herself if she were to end up hitting me unintentionally. So good luck.” Spike said taking his leave, while Zephyr was left to take the pounds from his sister.

Constellation Observation

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As the school bell rang, the students of CHS all left the school for home or other places. Outside on the school steps stood the girls minus Twilight, who appeared to be waiting for said girl. Soon Twilight exited the school with Spike accompanying here.

“There you both are, what kept you?” Applejack inquired.

“Sorry, girls. I just had to get some more books from the library for my constellation studies tonight.” Twilight explained.

“And I was helping her.” Spike added.

“In other words, you were roped into it.” Rainbow teased causing Spike to get flustered.

“Hey, you'd be amazed at how helpful Spike is,” Twilight spoke up in his defense, “Why I'd bet he'd be able to organize your exercise schedule and sports programs better than you do on your own.”

“Hey, I didn't mean anything by it,” Rainbow replied, “I do like a helpful guy.” she winked at Spike who looked away to hide his increasing blush.

“So now that you two are here, let's go grab some frozen yogurt!” Pinkie cheered.

“Sorry, Pinkie, I'm gonna have to pass this time,” Twilight began much to Pinkie's dismay, “I need to set up to study the stars tonight. And Spike agreed to join me.”

The girls looked to both Spike and Twilight inquisitively, “Did he now?” Rarity asked with a smirk, while crossing her arms under her bust.

“Well, yeah,” Spike replied, “Tonight's clear skies, and the perfect chance to see the stars.”

“Right, the stars.” Sunset smirked.

“Let's hope that's all you intend on seeing.” Applejack teased them as well, while Fluttershy catching onto her words put a hand to her mouth and gasped.

“Oh, dear.”

Spike and Twilight who also caught on blushed, as Twilight waved her arms around in protest, “It's not like that! We're just studying the constellations, nothing more!”

“If you say so.” Rainbow chuckled.

“We better go! Come on Spike!” Twilight said, as she took Spike by the arm and dragged him off before any of the girls could embarrass them even more.

“Girls, that wasn't very nice.” Fluttershy told them.

“Oh, come on. It was all good fun, Fluttershy.” Rainbow replied.

“Besides, we need to get Twilight to lighten up more.” Sunset added..

“And since each of us has had a chance to be with Spike in the last week, maybe he'll have the same effect on her.” Pinkie put in.

“Spike has brought out the best in each of us,” Applejack agreed, “Here's hoping he does the same for Twilight.”

Both Twilight and Spike had walked from school before reaching Twilight's home, “Finally we're here.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, with you power walking both of us here it took less time to get here than it does to get to school.” Spike replied, as he rubbed the spot on his arm Twilight had been holding onto.

Twilight realizing what she did spoke apologetically, “I'm sorry, I just didn't wanna keep listening to the girls teasing us.”

“Well, that's what they're like,” Spike replied, “Not that I have to tell you that.”

“I know,” Twilight giggled, “Well, come on.” she unlocked the door, and showed Spike inside.

“I'm home!” she called out.

Spike looked and saw something coming from the kitchen. It was an adult woman who to Spike looked incredibly beautiful. She had nicely shaped legs, big breasts, and a face that looked like it was carved by angels. Her hair was long with a mix of moderate purple and light gray. Her attire included slip on shoes, a gray skirt, and a purple blouse.

“Twilight, welcome home. How was school?” the woman asked, as Spike felt entranced by the sweet sound of her voice.

“It was all good, mom.” Twilight replied.

Twilight's mom took notice of Spike next to her, “Oh, and who have we here?” she asked walking over.

“This is my friend from school. Spike Cynder. Spike, this is my mom, Twilight Velvet.”

“Nice to meet you, ma'am.” Spike greeted respectively while trying not to look at the lovely lady wrongly.

“Pleasure's mine, darling. So you're the Spike my Twilight's been going on about since the semester began.” Velvet said.

“Really?” Spike asked looking to Twilight who looked sheepish.

“Very much so,” Velvet confirmed, “She said she never met such a young man as sweet and kind as you ever.”

Spike blushed hearing Twilight thought that about him, while Twilight was getting embarrassed, especially with what Velvet had to say next, “You were right, Twilight. He's every bit as handsome as you said he was.”

“Mom!” Twilight cried, as her face turned red as did Spike's but for different reasons.

Velvet just giggled at their reactions, until Twilight took Spike's hand, “We'll be in my room setting up for the star observation tonight!” she dragged Spike up the stairs leaving the woman to herself.

“Oh, those two look so cute together.” she giggled to herself.

The two entered Twilight room with Twilight closing the door behind them. Spike looked to the girl who grumbling to herself, “I can't believe mom would just say that so casually!”

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike asked hoping she was ok.

Twilight looked to Spike still feeling embarrassed, “Spike, I am so sorry you had to hear that. Sometimes my mom just does that.”

“Hey, it's ok,” Spike calmed her, “Believe me, my mom can be just the same.”

“Right.” Twilight said calming down, “Well, let's get started setting up.”

“Let's.” Spike nodded, as they got to work.

Both teens were hard at work setting up graphs on a cork-board displaying the constellations, making sure the telescope on Twilight's bedroom balcony was in shape and clear. As Spike was putting up some graphs, he took the time to look around Twilight's room seeing it had framed awards and plaques on the walls all honoring Twilight for being a straight A student and hard worker. She had two bookshelves set up with one being for fiction and non-fiction literature, and another with science, astronomy, and math books.

Twilight noticing Spike gazing off snapped him out of it, “You ok, Spike?”

Spike looked back at her, “Oh, yeah. Just admiring what you've done to the place. Definitely a room befitting for an academic achiever.”

“Well, thanks. A lot better than what Rainbow says.”

“And what would that be?”

“She says my room is an ideal Egghead's room.” Twilight sighed.

“Well, I can see where she's coming from,” Spike admitted, only to see Twilight giving him a look, “But still, I do like the set up. Everything has it's place.”

“Thank you. Despite my room being for an egghead as Rainbow puts it, the girls do find my room the most spacious and tidy whenever we have group studies.”

Spike smiled, until he looked over and saw a picture on the dresser closest to her bed. He saw it was of Twilight, her mom, and adult man he assumed was her dad, and another couple that was much younger holding a baby girl.

“Hey, Twilight, who is everyone in this picture?”

Twilight stopped fixing her telescope and saw what Spike was looking at. She went over and sat on the bed before taking the picture, “My family, as you can tell me and my mom. That's my older brother Shining Armor, his wife Cadence, and their daughter Flurry Heart.”

“Your older brother looks like quite a guy.” Spike noted.

Twilight smiled, “Yeah. Before I knew the girls, he was actually the only one I had for a friend. He was my BBBFF.”

“Huh?” Spike raised a brow.

Twilight giggled, “My Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Oh, clever. So what does he do?”

“He's captain of the Canterlot City Police Department.”

“A cop? Wow, that's a big responsibility.” Spike admired.

“I know. Though if you knew him like I did you'd never imagine a guy like him being a cop.”

“How so?”

“He used to always play O&O with his friends in high school on weekends while others would be out dating.”

“Sounds like he was a dork.” Spike guessed.

“He still is, but he's the best sib I could've ever hoped for.” Twilight smiled happily.

“So who's this lucky lady?” Spike inquired, while looking at the girl next to Shining.

“That's Cadence, she also attended school with my brother, and was regarded as the school's goddess of love for her skill in matchmaking.”


“Oh, yeah. She'd know exactly who would be perfectly matched with who for an ideal couple. And yet she herself was too high on the social chain in school most boys felt completely out of her league. But my bro despite the difference in his standing compared to hers was determined to become her ideal guy.”

“And I'm guessing he succeeded?” Spike asked rhetorically.

“Oh, yeah. I knew her because she also was the ideal babysitter for hire. And she was not only good at matchmaking, but she loved kids as well. She was like the big sister any kid could ask for. And when I learned those two were planning to marry I was so overjoyed.” Twilight smiled.

“And now they got themselves a daughter?” Spike motioned to the baby in Cadence's arms.

“Yes, Flurry Heart is their daughter and my niece.” Twilight explained.

“Amazing, you're already an aunt while in high school.” Spike said in disbelief.

“Yeah. How lucky am I?” Twilight asked with a laugh.

Spike then looked to the man next to Velvet, “And I take is this is your dad?”

Twilight's happy mood suddenly shifted into a somber look, before answering, “Yes. Night Light.”

“Twilight?” Spike asked noticing her mood shift.

“Sorry, Spike. It's just, he passed away a few years back.” Twilight sighed.

“Oh, my,” Spike gasped, “I'm so sorry.”

“It's ok,” Twilight replied, “It was a sudden heart attack no one saw coming. We were all sad that day, me, mom, and Shining Armor. Oh, but he was a great dad, and a loving husband. He always used to call me his little star in the sky.” she smiled fondly.

“Cute.” Spike replied.

“And I know he'd be so proud of me and how I'm doing in school, as well as how Shining has been doing.” Twilight said looking upward.

“He sure would. What parent wouldn't be happy to see their son or daughter going on and doing great things?” Spike said.

Twilight smiled at Spike, “And I know he'd like you, Spike.”

“Ya think so?” Spike wondered.

“I do,” the two smiled at each other, until Twilight realized, “It'll be dark soon, we better make sure everything's properly set one last time.”

“On it.” Spike agreed, as the two did one last check on everything.

Soon as nighttime arrived, both Spike and Twilight were taking turns looking through the telescope and chronicling the constellations they could make out. All while enjoying some pizza they had ordered.

“The stars sure are beautiful tonight.” Twilight marveled while looking up.

Spike looked at Twilight seeing the moon's glow shine down on her and thought to himself while blushing, 'Not the only beautiful thing tonight.'

“Spike? Spike!” Twilight called snapping Spike out of his stupor.

“Huh? What? Did you say something?” Spike asked.

“I was asking if you could get us a drink, please?” Twilight asked, as she took some more notes.

“Sure thing.” Spike said, as he got up and headed downstairs.

Spike headed for the kitchen, and opened the fridge to grab himself and Twilight a cola, “This'll do.”

“Having fun up there, Spike?” Came Velvet's voice.

Spike pulled his head out of the fridge, and saw Velvet standing in the kitchen, “Uh, fun?” he asked hoping she wasn't hinting at anything. It didn't help that Spike noticed Velvet's top three buttons of her blouse were now unbuttoned giving him a good view of her cleavage. He kept his eyes up so not to appear to be ogling the woman.

“Studying the stars with Twilight.” Velvet giggled.

“Oh, yes, actually. Though I could do without the whole taking notes thing.” Spike admitted.

“Yes, but that's my daughter, always doing research,” Velvet sighed, “But I'm glad you're here, Spike.”

“You are?” Spike asked with his cheeks turning pink.

“Oh, yes. My daughter never brings a boy home for any reason. Usually it's just her friends from school. So it's a good change up.” Velvet smiled.

Spike chuckled, until he looked closely at Velvet and thought about what Twilight told him about her father, 'I can't believe a woman so beautiful could be a widow.'

“Spike?” Velvet asked noticing him dazing off.

Spike came to his senses and spoke, “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

Spike sighed, “Twilight told me about her father. About your husband.”

“Oh, she did?” Velvet asked in concern.

“Yes. I want you to know I'm so sorry. I know how it is to lose family members. I've lost my fair share,” Spike explained as Velvet smiled knowing she and Twilight weren't alone, “Night Light must've been a great guy.”

“Oh, Spike. He was the best,” Velvet explained, “I remember the two of us met in a bookstore when we were in college. We both purchased the same book, 'Tales of the Forbidden Love'. We decided to read together, and during that time we started to get to know each other, and next thing both of us knew we were dating.”

Spike nodded, “Classic.”

“Eventually, Night Light worked up the courage and proposed to me. Oh, I was the happiest girl that day. And even more happier on our wedding day,” Velvet fondly reminisced, “And then we became proud parents to two children and they've grown so well.”

“So I heard.” Spike said remembering what Twilight said about Shining, and knowing how Twilight is.

Velvet sighed sadly, “But when Night Light had the heart attack, none of us were prepared for it. I'm just glad we were all there to give him our final goodbyes.”

Spike nodded in understanding, “So it's just been you and Twilight here since then?”

“Yes. We both comforted each other until we were able to get past it. But I still think about my beloved Night Light.”

“That's good to know, but have you ever considered dating again?”

“Sometimes, but I just could never bring myself. Besides I'm content with my life. I have my kids, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter.” Velvet said feeling happy.

“And I'm glad to know you still have them.” Spike said.

Velvet nodded, and spoke, “And I'm glad you're friends with my daughter.”

“You are?”

“Oh, yes. While I'm glad my daughter started making friends after transferring to CHS, I'd hope she managed to find herself a nice young man to call her own. But unfortunately Twilight hasn't gotten to the point where she wants to date, mostly because she never really knows how to behave around boys. Even when Cadence and I would coach her, it still wasn't truly enough. And then one day I hear her come home and talk about this wonderful boy she met. A sweet caring young man who managed to make her feel so calm and relaxed.”

“And who's that?” Spike asked in faux curiousness.

“You, Spike.” Velvet answered.


“Yes. Twilight's never spoken so highly of any other boy before until she met you. Whatever you did you managed to get my daughter to open up in a way I never thought she would.”

“Really, I didn't do anything. I was just being myself,” Spike explained. Suddenly to Spike's surprise he found himself embraced by Velvet. He could feel her wrap her arms around his neck while pressing her voluptuous rack into his chest while resting her head on his shoulder, “Uh, Mrs. Sparkle?”

Velvet whispered into his ear, “That makes me happy knowing you just had to be yourself in order to get Twilight to open up. You're very special in your own way, Spike. And I'm glad you're friends with my daughter.”

“I'm glad to be friends with her too, as well as the rest of her friends.” Spike admitted, while trying to keep a tent from forming in his pants due to what Velvet was doing to him.

Velvet continued whispering into his ear, “I would really like it if you continued to come around here more often and spend time with Twilight. And I know she would love that as well.”

“You really think she would?”

To Spike's surprise, he felt Velvet peck his cheek causing his whole face to turn red, “I know she would.” Velvet told Spike before releasing him from her hug.

Spike quickly snapped out of his embarrassed and aroused state spoke, “Um, I better get these drinks to Twilight. I'll see you.” he took the drinks before heading back upstairs.

Velvet watched Spike frantically take his leave and giggled, “Such a cute boy... Hm, I wonder if he wouldn't mind if I used him in a demonstration to help Twilight know how to behave on a date?” she blushed at the idea.

Later back in Twilight's room, after Spike returned he and Twilight continued to chronicle the constellations until they finished up. They decided to just sit out on the balcony of the room and look up at the stars.

“Just look at them all, Spike.” Twilight marveled.

“Yeah for being balls of gas thousands of miles away they make something beautiful in the night sky.” Spike marveled as well.

“They sure do.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Hey, Twi. You ever wonder if there's life out there beyond the stars?” Spike inquired.

“Well, rationally it would feel impossible, but I like to imagine there would be intelligent life out there millions of years evolved past our time,” Twilight answered, “I mean as long as it's a benevolent race and not world conquering types.” the two shared a laugh.

Twilight looked to Spike smiling, “I'm really glad you came over to study with me, Spike.”

“Hey, thanks for inviting me.” he replied.

“I've never actually invited a boy to watch the stars with me.” she confessed.

Spike remembering what Velvet told him about Twilight and her relationship with boys acted surprised, “Really, not even once?”

“I know it sounds silly, but I've just never known how to truly act around them. Granted I'm friends with several of the guys at school but not on a personal level.”

“Well, I feel really special all of a sudden,” Spike admitted, as Twilight looked at him, “I'm the first guy you actually feel comfortable around enough to be invited to work on something.”

Twilight smiled, “I really don't know what to say. There's just something about you that's so warm and welcoming.” she gazed lovingly at Spike.

“Twilight.” Spike gasped.

“Spike.” Twilight said dreamily, as the two started leaning closer to each other while drowning out everything around them.

The two leaned closer until their lips met, and began kissing passionately with their eyes closed. Needless to say both Twilight and Spike felt lost in the passion having never truly experienced a true kiss before. As Twilight and Spike's eyes slowly opened, Twilight was the first to realize what they were doing and broke lip contact with the girl speaking frantically.

“Oh, my gosh, Spike, I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me!” she said waving her arms around in a panic, “I mean I've never done that before in my life, so I wasn't prepared for it. Don't get me wrong though there was nothing wrong with you. That felt great, in fact better than great it felt-” Twilight was silenced by Spike who put a finger to her lips.

“Twilight, you ramble too much.” he said with a smirk.

Twilight blushed before calming down, as Spike removed his finger from her mouth, “Sorry.”

“Truthfully, Twilight. I liked it too.” Spike said.

“Really?” she asked, and Spike nodded, “I'm glad. Can we...”

Spike answered, “Yes.”

And so the two once again resumed their kiss while wrapping their arms around each other wanting to be closer. Spike enjoyed Twilight's lips against his before suddenly feeling her tongue against his, and her breasts pressing into him.

'Oh, goddess. Did I bring this out of her?' he thought to himself.

Later on after Spike returned home, Twilight was in bed staring up at the ceiling while remembering what she and Spike did following the research. Though she was still embarrassed like she was before, it wasn't as much now that she got comfortable with it. But she was still surprised having never expected she could've been capable of expressing herself like that. And yet to her it felt like the greatest experience of her life.

She thought about Spike, and said to herself, “Spike is an amazing guy. No doubt the girls would all agree with me. But now that we've shared this moment of passion, where do we go from here? I guess that's something to be discovered.” she yawned before falling asleep.

Street Gang at the Market

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Saturday afternoon, and Spike was with Applejack and Rainbow Dash taking some of the Apple Family Produce to the market square in Canterlot City. Applejack was driving the family truck with Spike and Rainbow Dash up front. Spike found himself caught in the middle between A.J and Rainbow. Not that Spike minded being in the middle, in fact he found it enjoyable. Especially for Rainbow and Applejack.

When they arrived at the market, Spike looked around seeing all the various other fruit stands and vendors were already in the middle of setting up shop with all their fresh produce on display. Just the sight of all the freshly picked oranges, apples, melons, peaches, and bananas make Spike's mouth water.

As the three teens got out of the truck, they began unloading all the Apple family produce and cider to be given to one of the stands that sells their products.

“Thanks again both of you for helping me take all this produce to the market today.” Applejack told Rainbow and Spike.

“Hey, anything for you, babe.” Rainbow replied, as he leaned closer to Applejack.

Applejack leaned closer smirking, and said teasingly, “And you're not just doing it for the bottles of Apple Cider waiting for us back home, are ya?

Rainbow blushed, “You know me so well.”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack confirmed, as the two kissed.

Spike watched the two kiss while feeling stirred below the belt. Fortunately he kept himself under control, as the two parted. Applejack looked over at Spike smiling before walking up to him.

“And don't think I forgot about you, sugarcube.” she kissed Spike's cheek making his blush increase.

“No problem, Applejack.” Spike replied.

“Now come on, ya'll. Let's keep on unloading.” Applejack ordered her friends.

So the three continued to unload more produce and help set them up for any bystanders to see and purchase. As they finished, Applejack spoke to Rainbow and Spike.

“Ya'll wait here. I need to discuss business with the manager here.”

“Ok, Applejack.” Spike replied, as he and and Rainbow kicked back while keeping an eye out for any customers looking to buy the produce with the salesman of the stand.

“Boy, this place sure is busy.” Spike said taking note of all the people wandering around purchasing various fruits and vegetables from the stands.

“Ya got that right,” Rainbow agreed, “This is usually where Applejack and her family sell their produce, and just like how I can't get enough of their apple cider, the people here can't get enough of their apples.”

“Do you and Applejack usually come here together to drop off the goods?” Spike inquired.

“Sometimes if I'm not too busy and if Big Mac has other orders to deliver.” Rainbow answered.

“And you're sure inviting me here isn't getting in the way of your special time together?”

“What? No! Applejack and I glad to have you here, Spike. Makes it all the more fun.” Rainbow leaned closer to him making Spike sweat.


“Yeah, Spike?”

Before Spike could say anything, they heard panicked screams all around them causing them to jerk back from each other and look.

Coming into the fray were a group of seven young adults composed of four guys and three girls. What they each had in common was each of them had the same tattoo on one of their arms. This tattoo in question looked like the head of a purple equine with a pointed horn with a moderate cyan colored eye.

The sight of them put everyone in shock, especially Spike and Rainbow.

Suddenly the scene froze becoming black and white, as Spike walked out carrying a pointer, “Ok, let's pause it here and let me tell you all about these guys. These are members of the Purple Nightmares. A Gang in Canterlot who think they own the streets. They've been running a lot of illegal activity as of late, from gambling, drug dealing, smuggling, selling on the black market, thievery, and as of late running protection rackets.”

Spike used his pointer to point at the muscled one with blonde hair in a thin ponytail, “Muscles here is their ringleader Night Terror. But just because he's big and strong doesn't mean he's stupid. Oh, no. This guy is one tough cookie, I should know. Oop, I said too much!” he stepped off screen as it returns to normal and the scene resumed playing.

“Purple Nightmares?” Spike and Rainbow gasped, as Applejack came out.

“What's all the ruckus?” Applejack began, until she spotted the street gang, “Oh, no!”

Night Terror looked right from left at all the stands looking terrified of their presence which put a smile on his face, “I love the sound of fright in the afternoon,” he turned to his gang and addressed the girl holding the chain rope, the guy with a mohawk, and another guy wielding a bat, “Crunch Bar, Rift, Clubs, go check out the peaches and oranges stand.”

“Sure thing, boss.” Rift answered, as he gripped his crowbar weapon.

Night Terror then looked to the other three, the first guy who was bald while holding a knife, a girl carrying an alleyway pipe, and the final girl carrying a sledgehammer.

“Switchblade, Stryke, and Pierce, check out the melons, and the bananas.”

“What about you, boss?” Stryke asked.

“I'm gonna check out the most popular stand here.” Night Terror smirk, as he started walking and the other gang members split up to harass the other fruit vendors.

Spike and the girls watched, as Night Terror stopped before the stand where they were and looked, “My-my, Sweet Apple Acres apples look so tasty today.”

“Ya want any ya gotta pay for them.” Applejack warned.

Night Terror smirked, “See I'm a little short on cash at the moment. Forgot to bring my good wallet. How about you just give me all you have and I walk away no harm or mess?”

“I got a better idea, how about you just walk away, period?” Rainbow argued.

Night Terror turned to Rainbow frowning, “Shut it! I'm discussing business here.”

“We don't like you varmints coming around here trying to start trouble with honest hard working citizens like us,” Applejack argued, while motioning to the other Nightmares messing up the other stands, “Unlike you fellas who wouldn't know anything about honest work.”

“Oh, I assure you our work is plenty important,” the gang leader continued, before grabbing Applejack by the arm and squeezing it, “Now I suggest you cooperate otherwise there may be consequences.” he gripped A.J arm tighter making the cowgirl groan. As tough as Applejack was, against this guy she was out of her league.

“Hey, lay off her!” Rainbow punched Night Terror's shoulder who barely flinched. Night Terror looked back at Rainbow and shoved her.

“Get lost!” Rainbow fell back landing on the ground, as Night Terror continued to squeeze Applejack's arm.

Spike who was startled by what Night Terror did to Rainbow Dash and looking ready to break Applejack's arm started tightening his eyes on Night Terror and frowned. Suddenly he couldn't stand by anymore, and let out an angry yell before running at Night Terror from behind and jumped onto his back wrapping his arms around his head.

This caused Night Terror to let go of Applejack's arm, as the girl rubbed it. Night Terror looked back seeing Spike wrestling him from behind, “What's this? Get off me!” He stumbled around trying tog et Spike off, as the boy held onto him.

“Spike!” the girls gasped.

“Hang in there, Spike!” Rainbow called.

“Oh, I'm hanging!” Spike called, as he kept his grip on Night Terror whose screams alerted the rest of his gang.

The gang members saw their boss wrestling a teenage boy clinging to his back and rushed in to help. Applejack and Rainbow knowing Spike wouldn't last long blocked the Nightmares path and wrestled them, but Stryke, Clubs, and Rift got past them, while the other three managed to restrain A.J and Rainbow.

Night Terror finally reached back and grabbed Spike before throwing him to the ground and planted his boot on his chest, “That was a bad move, boy,” he told Spike with a frown, before smirking, “I like that in a punk. How about joining our gang? We'll make it worth your wildest dreams.”

Spike looked up frowning, “Eat me!”

Night Terror chuckled, “Well, since he won't take my offer, guys. What shall we do with him?”

“Let's beat him until he cracks!” Clubs suggested, and Rift chuckled sounding on board with the idea.

Stryke looked down at Spike and licked her lips, “Hang him on a hook, and let me play with him.” she reached down wanting to caress Spike's face only for Night Terror to pull her back.

“No!” he answered, “I say we teach him what happens when you mess with the Purple Nightmares.” he smirked.

And with that the four punks started punching and stomping down on Spike as the boy cried out from the pain.

“Spike!” Applejack cried, as she tried to get past Switchblade.

“You leave him alone!” Rainbow shouted but the Nightmares weren't stopping.

The gang stopped what they were doing as Spike laid battered and bruised, before Night Terror pressed his foot down on Spike's stomach while leaning down close to him, “Let this be a lesson to you, kid. No one stands up to the Purple Nightmares and lives to tell the tale.” he taunted.

Suddenly police sirens could be heard and getting closer, “It's the fuzz!” Rift called.

Night Terror looked and saw it was true, the cops were coming their, and knew it was time to bail, “Nightmares, let's split!” he got off Spike, and the Nightmares made a run for it.

When Applejack and Rainbow were freed from being blocked, they ran to Spike and got down seeing how bruised her look, “Spike are you ok?” Rainbow asked in worry.

“What hurts?” Applejack asked equally concerned.

Spike just looked up at the two girls as tears started coming down his face before he started to cry and didn't bother trying to conceal it. The girls quickly lifted Spike to sit up as they hugged him close to comfort him.

“It's ok, sugarcube. It's ok.” Applejack tried calming him, as the cops showed up and started speaking to the other fruit stand vendors.

Later on at Sweet Apple Acres, inside the house Spike was sitting on a kitchen chair with his shirt off to reveal more bruises from where the Nightmares nailed him. Though he stopped crying he was still sniffling, as Applejack applied a cotton ball dabbed in rubbing alcohol to one of the bruises making Spike recoil.

“You were very lucky, Spike.” Applejack told him.

“Yeah, you gotta be crazy jumping Night Terror like that!” Rainbow added still in shock.

“I don't know what came over me,” Spike answered sounding ashamed of himself, “When I saw what he was doing to you two, I just snapped and acted without thinking.”

“Well, as I said you were lucky you weren't killed!” Applejack scolded him.

“I just didn't wanna sit by and let him get away with it!” Spike cried, “But it didn't matter! Look what happened.” he cried a bit more while motioning to his bruises.

Applejack spoke calmly, “We both appreciate what ya did, Spike. Really. We just...”

Suddenly the sound of the doors flying opened and loud footsteps approached, and the three saw Twilight, Sunset, and the rest of the girls enter the kitchen looking worried.

“Spikey-Wikey got beat up by the Purple Nightmares?!” Rarity cried.

“Spike, how do you feel?” Sunset asked in worry.

“Lousy.” Spike answered.

“Do you need a doctor?” Twilight asked ready on speed dial.

“Don't worry, it's just some bruises.” Rainbow assured them.

“Those look like they really hurt.” Fluttershy gasped.

“You have no idea.” Spike replied.

“The fact you're still here means you're a lot tougher than you look.” Pinkie noted.

Spike dropped his head looking down at the floor, “I don't feel all that tough. I tried to protect Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and look what happened.”

“No one is blaming you, Spike.” Twilight laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Some things are just beyond anyone's control.” Sunset added.

Spike sighed, “I guess so.”

Applejack looked around seeing everyone was in a dismal mood, and knew something had to be done to lift their spirits, “Ya know what, I say we all have ourselves a slumber party here tonight to take our minds off what happened. All of us.” she finished while looking at Spike who was confused.

“Even me?”


“Please, Spike?” Pinkie pleaded.

“It would be nice of you to join us.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Indeed so.” Rarity agreed.

Spike thought about it before answering, “Well, ok.” he smiled.

“Great!” Rainbow cheered.

“But what are you going to tell your parents when they see your bruises?” Twilight asked.

“I'll just tell them I got them playing tackle football with Rainbow and some of the guys from school.” he answered.

“If they've seen the way you play football they'd believe it.” Rainbow joked followed by a laugh which got a smile out of Spike knowing how true it was.

So the girls went back to their places to get what they needed for their slumber party. When Spike went back home to get his things his parents did question about his bruises, but Spike used the story he made up, and while they were skeptical they decided to accept his story.

Soon everyone returned to Sweet Apple Acres and were relaxing in Applejack's room in their pajamas. Spike was in a pair of purple sweat shorts, and undershirt. He looked around at the rest of the girls in their own sleepwear and couldn't help but see how cute they looked in them.

Rarity was wearing a violet nightgown with a fiddled white collar and a blue bow. Fluttershy was wearing green long pants and a long sleeved button shirt with butterflies on them. Rainbow Dash was wearing a white shirt with red sleeves with the image of a cloud and rainbow colored lightning bolt, and blue pants. Pinkie was wearing a long blue sleeveless shirt with yellow balloons and matching shorts. The shirt had purple straps and a pink bow above the chest. Applejack was wearing blue footsie pajamas with pale blue apple prints. Twilight was wearing a light blue shirt, and dark blue sweat pants with star patterns/ Finally Sunset Shimmer was wearing a magenta shirt and long pants with the image of a shimmering sun on the shirt.

The group was relaxing in Applejack's room, with some like Sunset playing a game switch game, Rarity doing selfies with Fluttershy, Twilight reading, Pinkie relaxing, and Applejack and Rainbow sitting close together. Everyone was enjoying food from pizza, chips, and soda. Spike ate a slice, he looked around at the girls while thinking to himself.

'Even if it was foolish of me to do, if anything happened to Applejack or Rainbow Dash I could never live with myself. If anything happened to any of them I couldn't live with myself.' when he noticed the girls giving him concerned looks from being quiet, he just smiled and joined in on the girls fun.

That night, Spike was sleeping in a guest room, before waking up. He looked at the time on his phone charging to see it was 11:30 P.M. He sighed, and decided to get up and walk. He quietly left the guest room and creeped down the hall making sure not to wake anyone. He creeped past Applejack's room to hear the faint sounds of snoring coming from it. He saw the door was creaked opened enough for him to see the girls all asleep with Applejack and Rainbow sharing the bed, while the rest of the girls were in sleeping bags. Knowing better than to wake them, he kept moving quietly before going downstairs.

In the kitchen, Spike sat at the table with a simple nightlight plugged into counter's wall providing him some light. He sighed to himself, while remembering how Night Terror and his gang really nailed him. Though it had been hours since that happened, he could still feel a slight twinge in his body from the places he got hit in.

“If only I was stronger. Strong enough to at least defend myself from lesser punks than them.” he dropped his head down and shook it.

“Hey, Spike.”

The boy shot his head up to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack standing in the kitchen entrance wide awake, “Whatcha doin' up so late?” Applejack asked, as they walked over.

“Couldn't sleep. Had a lot on my mind.” Spike replied dismally.

“Still thinking about what happened?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

Spike said nothing, as his silence was his answer. Applejack sat beside him, “I know you're upset, but what's done is done. And you're still here.”

“I know, but what if something like that happens again, and someone else tries to mug me or any of you when I'm around. I just want to be strong enough to defend myself and all you girls when you can't defend yourselves.”

“Well, that doesn't happen to me too often,” Rainbow boasted, only to get nudged by Applejack, “But it's nice of you to think about us that way.”

“Look, when I was a kid I was always the subject of some form of bullying and I had no way of actually defending myself. When I got to junior high it all stopped like I was finally free from that curse. Until today.” Spike continued, “I just wish I could defend myself even a bit.”

Applejack and Rainbow looked at each other before smiling, “Well, what if we can help with that?” Applejack offered.

Spike looked to A.J, “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is how about Rainbow and I help train ya in self defense?”

“How are you two going to do that?” the boy wondered.

“Well for one thing keep up with your jogging with me.” Rainbow began.

“And I happen to be good at boxing, and if you want I can help train you in a few moves in case any kinds of bullies mess with you.”

Spike looked surprised at A.J's proposition, “You'd do that for me?”

“You betcha,” Applejack confirmed, “I'd do anything for my friends.”

“Same here.” Rainbow agreed, as she sat down on Spike's other side.

Spike looked between the two girls who were offering to help him get stronger even slightly, and blushed while smiling, “Thanks, girls.”

“No problem, sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

Rainbow then put her hands to Spike's cheeks, “Now come here. I wanna repay you for coming to our aid.” and she leaned forward planting her lips onto Spike's while closing her eyes. Spike was surprised at what was happening, but suddenly found himself closing his eyes and returning the kiss to Rainbow.

The two came up for air, as Spike spoke, “Wow. That was very gracious of you.”

“I know.” Rainbow replied.

Suddenly Spike found himself turned to face Applejack who smiled at him, “I wanna give ya some thanks too.” and Spike once again found himself kissing another of his friends whom he started to see very differently thanks to this new display of affection. When the two parted, Applejack and Spike smiled at each other.

Rainbow yawned, “I don't know about you guys, but I'm going back to bed.”

“Me too,” Applejack let out a yawn before getting up with Rainbow Dash, “What about you, Spike?”

Spike got up, “I am starting to feel sleepy.”

“In that case how about joining us in bed?” Applejack offered.

“With you two?” Spike asked in with a blush growing.

“Relax, we're just gonna be sleeping, you perv,” Rainbow chuckled before smirking, “Although, I can't be responsible if my hands go wandering in the bed.”

Applejack shook her head, as Spike raised a brow, “Now who's being the pervert?”

The three just laughed, as they headed back upstairs with Spike putting his arms around both girls. Rainbow managed to slip her hand down and grab Spike by the butt making him jump a bit.

The next morning, as the teens were enjoying some homemade pancakes, they were in the living room watching the morning news.

Suddenly the newsman spoke, as images of Night Terror and his gang were shown, “This morning's big news, Canterlot City's worst street gang the Purple Nightmares have finally been apprehended and are now facing multiple accounts of criminal activity. All of the city can rest easy knowing these juvenile lawbreakers are locked away behind steel bars.”

Spike and the girls sighed in relief, as Spike thought to himself, 'Well, at least that's one trouble in my life I don't have to worry about anymore. And I'll still take Applejack and Rainbow up on their offer to train me. After all I don't want to be remembered as some scrawny guy.'

Froyo Snack

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When school let out, Spike and Pinkie left the building and started walking towards town. They walked with Pinkie holding onto Spike's hand. Spike himself felt sheepish walking hand in hand with Pinkie, but seeing how happy she looked didn't wanna spoil the mood.

“So, Pinkie, where are we going again?”

“The Froyo Shop silly.” Pinkie smiled.

“There's a Frozen Yogurt shop here?” Spike asked sounding intrigued.

“Sure is. It's got the best flavors and toppings you'll ever find.” the girls explained excitedly.

“You had my curiosity about the place before, but now you got my attention.” Spike said eager to see the place.

The two stopped outside the Froyo shop, as Spike looked up at it, “Not a bad set up.”

“Just wait until you see the inside.” Pinkie grabbed Spike by the arm and dragged him inside.

Inside Spike and Pinkie looked around seeing several teens from school and other people were inside enjoying their frozen yogurt or waiting in line. There were stools by a counter, and tables and chairs set up. Spike looked at the yogurt dispensing machines and a whole wide selection of yogurt toppings.

“Wow. You weren't kidding, Pinkie.” Spike marveled.

“I'd never kid about a place like this, Spike.” Pinkie assured him, as the two got in line.

When they got up front Pinkie spoke to the girl at the register who had a retainer and wore glasses, “Stella Sprinkles, what it is!” Pinkie greeted the girl.

“Hi, Pinkie, good to see you,” The girl spoke with a lisp. She then took notice of the boy accompanying her, “And who's this good looking guy?”

Spike blushed, as Pinkie answered, “This is Spike Cynder. My newest best friend! He transferred to CHS not long ago.”

“Well, it's nice to meetcha, Spike,” Stella greeted, “We hope you enjoy our frozen yogurt like all customers do.”

“Looking forward to it.” Spike replied eagerly.

The two paid for their orders, as they take their yogurt cups and fill them up with a few flavors. They stopped before the toppings on display, as Pinkie spoke to Spike.

“Careful, Spike. You see before you a wide variety of toppings. Too many good ones to know what you really want.” Pinkie warned him.

“Oh, that makes it tougher.” Spike groaned, seeing so many good choices.

“Go with your instinct Spike, pick what your stomach is asking for,” Pinkie encouraged him, “That's what I do. And it's telling me today go for the candy cherries!” she scooped some candy cherries and spread them over her yogurt, “Success!”

“Well, I'll got with my instinct as well.” Spike said, as he looked at the toppings determining which seemed to speak out to him the most. He started to eye the chocolate bits before scooping some up and spread them over his yogurt.

“An excellent choice,” Pinkie commended, “And now comes the best part. Eating!”

“Indoors, Pinkie.” Spike calmed her.

“Sorry.” Pinkie grinned before the two went to sit down at a counter.

As they sat down, they scooped bits of their frozen yogurt and ate, “Mm, now this is a treat.” Spike said licking some of the yogurt off his lip.

“What'd I tell ya?” Pinkie nudged him playfully.

“Another place to add to my list of places to go for a good bite.” Spike made a memo.

“Mm, delicious!” Pinkie cheered.

“I appreciate us getting a chance to get together like this, Pinkie.”

“So am I. Especially since I know you've gotten closer to Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash of late.” Pinkie leaned in with a smirk.

Spike got nervous, “What do you mean?”

“Oh, I think you know what I mean,” Pinkie continued to lean in closer to Spike, before whispering into his ear, “I know you got to kiss Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.”

Spike's eyes widened as he backed away a bit, “Uh, well, that is to say...”

“Come on, Spike. No use denying it.”

“But how would you even know that?” Spike asked incredulously.

“Just a hunch.” Pinkie grinned.

Spike double blinked, “You figured all that out on a hunch?”

“Yep.” she nodded.

Spike sighed, and reminded himself, “Remember, Pinkie is unpredictable.”

Soon enough the two finished their frozen yogurt and disposed of their cups, “That was good.” Pinkie said.

“Sure was.” Spike agreed.

“Well, come on, Spike. Let's go!” Pinkie grabbed Spike by the arm again dragging him out of the shop.

The two started walking around the park taking in the nice weather and seeing so many other people out and about relaxing in their own ways.

“Nothing like a good stroll through the park, am I right?” Pinkie nudged Spike.

“Yeah. Helps me relax.” Spike answered, as he kept close to Pinkie.

As they walked Spike noticed just how energetic Pinkie was, “Pinkie, how can you have so much energy after all the planning you put into the parties you just threw from Cranky and Matilda's wedding anniversary, to that kids party, even that baby shower for that couple down the block from you.”

“It doesn't tire me out so much because I love doing it,” Pinkie explained, “I mean does playing your favorite card game several times in a row against opponent after opponent tire you out?”

“Well, not so much.” the boy confessed.

“Because you love doing it, right?” Pinkie smirked.

“Of course I love doing it.”

“There you go.”

“Pinkie you have an amazing outlook on thing,” Spike smiled, “Even in bleakest times you always look for a positive. And when work look tiresome and exhausting you always find a way to make it fun.”

“That's because work goes faster if you make it feel fun to you.” Pinkie explained still smiling.

“That's a good philosophy. I'll have to remember that when I get back and work on my homework.” Spike chuckled.

“Right, we better head home!” Pinkie gasped, before smiling, “Walk me home?”

“Delighted.” Spike said, as he walked with Pinkie arm in arm back to her place.

They stopped on the porch as Spike spoke, “Thanks for taking me out for frozen yogurt, Pinkie.”

“Anytime, Spike.”

“Next time I'll take us out to eat.” Spike promised.

“I'll hold you to it.” Pinkie smiled, as she and Spike looked into each others eyes feeling entranced.

They started moving closer before their lips connected and they kissed, while wrapping their arms around each other.

'Dang, Pinkie's lips taste so sweet.' Spike thought to himself.

'Mm,' Pinkie moaned in her thoughts, 'I haven't had a wonderful kiss like this since Cheese.'

The two teens parted and smiled at each other, before Spike snapped out of it, “Well, see ya tomorrow.” Spike took off leaving Pinkie swooning before walking into her house.

Inside she saw her three sisters Maud, Limestone, and Marble on the sofa acting casual before she smirked, “I know you three were just recently watching me and Spike from the window.”

The three turned to Pinkie with Limestone and Marble nervous while Maud had a blank expression, “No we weren't!” Limestone denied.

“Mm-mm.” Marble shook her head.

“We were.” Maud confessed in a dry tone.

The other two sisters turn to her in shock, with Limestone shouting, “Maud!”

Maud turned to her and answered, “There's no use lying to Pinkie. You know she has a knack for knowing things.” Limestone and Marble sighed.

“It's ok, girls. Just as long as you don't scare Spike away.” Pinkie said not mad at all.

“That's the last thing I'd wanna do to you.” Maud said.

“Yeah. Seeing you with Spike like that was how happy you looked when you dated Cheese.” Limestone recalled.

“Mm-hm.” Marble nodded.

Pinkie smiled, “Yeah. Spike may not be Cheese, but he sure knows how to make a girl happy.” she blushed while recalling her kiss with Spike moments ago.

Shopping Day

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At Canterlot mall, Spike and Rarity were out shopping. Well, mostly Rarity was doing all the shopping for new fabrics and materials. Rarity carried a few bags, while Spike was carrying a couple on each arm. Usually Spike would feel like it was too much for him, but this time he looked like he was really handling it.

Rarity looked back at the younger boy, “Spike, are you sure you don't want me to take another bag or two? I don't want everyone to think I'm exploiting your services.”

“Don't worry, Rarity, I'm good.” Spike assured her as he carried them.

Rarity took notice how Spike looked like he had no trouble with them, “It is amazing you're able to carry them with no problem. You've gotten stronger since last time.”

“Thank Applejack and Rainbow Dash for it. Ever since I started training with them I've been getting stronger and faster then I've ever been in my life.”

“I do hope they're not working you too hard,” Rarity worried, “After all, Rainbow Dash has a tendency to act like a drill sergeant when trying to help get her fellow athletes into shape.”

“Yeah but it's nothing I can handle.” Spike replied, as the two pressed on.

“Well, don't worry I just need a few more things and we'll be done.” the girl promised him.

Soon Rarity had just gotten the last of the materials she needed, and they left the shop, “Sure are a lot of material. What're you going to be working on this time?”

“Well, just a little spoiler,” Rarity leaned in and whispered to him, “I'm making a new outfit for Songbird Serenade for her to wear at her next concert in a month.”

Spike's eyed widened, before whispering back, “Songbird Serenade?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Man you really do have connections.”

“When you have a reputation like mine in the world of fashion you do attract the attention of the finest.” Rarity boasted.

“No kidding.”

“And now for the next stop.” Rarity said, as they continued on.

“Next stop?” Spike asked in confusion, “I thought you said we were done?”

“Oh, we are with my stops. But this one is for you.” Rarity answered.

“For me? What's that?”

“You'll see.” Rarity winked.

Spike walked curiously with Rarity wondering where she was leading him. Soon the two stopped as Rarity spoke up in sing-song, “And here we are.”

Spike looked up and saw a familiar shop that he dubbed his favorite place at the mall, “Wildcard's Shuffle? Really?” he asked Rarity with excitement.

“You didn't think we were just going to come here for me now, did you?” Rarity asked rhetorically.

“Well, you sure surprised me.” Spike chucked sheepishly.

Rarity took the bags Spike had and sat them down on a bench outside the shop, “You go in and indulge yourself. You've earned it.”

“Thanks a bunch, Rarity. I'll try not to be long.” Spike said, as he went into the shop.

Inside the game shop, Spike was walking around checking out all the games, and card packs on display.

“Hmm, these looks good, but these look even better,” Spike said as he was checking out two different types of card booster packs, “Decisions, decisions. Listen to me, I'm starting to sound like Rarity myself.” he chuckled.

“Having trouble, Spike?” came the voice of Wildcard the shop owner.

“Oh, hi, Wildcard. I was just trying to decide which booster pack of Monster Battle cards I should get.” Spike said, as he showed the owner two of the packs he was debating on.

Wild studies the two packs, “You want my person opinion?”



“Neither?” Spike repeated in confusion.

“While Spellcasters of Suaron have some decent magic cards, they're lacking good monster cards. And Metal Alliances only got a few really good trap cards in their packs. Odds are getting the good ones are very slim. You need to pick a booster pack that has the right amount of good cards monster, spell, and trap.”

“So what do you have in mind?” Spike inquired.

“Well, and this is just my opinion. I'd go with something more on the lines of...” he pulled out a different booster pack, “Chaos Chronicles. It has the perfect balance between all three types of cards, and they're all winners.”

Spike smiled, “That's my kind of card pack.”

So Spike purchased three Chaos Chronicles booster packs, before leaving the shop. As he met back up with Rarity, the girl spoke.

“Did you find what you needed, Spike?”

“Yeah. Exactly what I wanted.” Spike confirmed.

Rarity smiled, “I'm happy you got what you wanted just as I did. So shall we head back?”

“Let's.” Spike agreed, as the two headed off back to Rarity's place.

Once they arrived, they had placed the supplies in Rarity's room before going back downstairs into the kitchen. Spike sat at the table, as Rarity poured him and her some tea she had just made.

“I do appreciate you going out of your way this Saturday to shop with me, Spike,” Rarity began, “I always find it more enjoyable when doing it with a friend.”

“Don't you do this with the others?”

“Well, yes, but they're not as good or attentive like you've been,” she explained, “They just don't understand things the way I do.”

Spike thought to himself, 'If what the girls have told me about whenever Rarity invites them to help her shop for stuff, I can believe it. Luckily I'm not one so easily annoyed. Especially while in the company of a lovely lady.'

“Hey, I'm back!” came a voice.

The two saw a girl about Spike's age enter. She had hair colored grayish mulberry with pale, light grayish rose streaks. Her attire included pink boots with two yellow belt straps on each one, a yellow skirt, a white and pink striped shirt covered by a pink short sleeved jacket.

“Sweetie Belle, welcome home,” Rarity greeted her, “How was your movie club meeting?”

The girl named Sweetie Belle answered, “It went great. Today's movie choice was Sorcerer Astros. A movie about a young wizard in training that everyone always thought wouldn't amount to anything who worked his way up through the ranks to become the best sorcerer there is!”

“Oh, I saw that movie too. It was sure awesome.” Spike spoke up.

Sweetie Belle did a double take as she saw Spike sitting with her sister, “Spike! I-I didn't know you'd be here.” she started to blush.

“Yeah, Rarity asked me to help her out today.”

“I see.” Sweetie Belle said smiling sheepishly.

Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle, much like Applejack's sister Apple Bloom took an immediate liking to Spike on the first day of school. Rarity despite already in competition for Spike with her friends for his full attention was willing to make an exception.

“Care to join us for some tea, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity offered.

“Uh, thanks, but I just remembered there's something I got to do.” the younger girl hurried up to her room.

Rarity smiled, “Oh that sister of mine. So young, and so sheepish.”

“Right.” Spike chuckled.

“But she still has good tastes, doesn't she, Spike?” she batted her eyes.

“Well, I guess so.” Spike blushed sheepishly.

Rarity got up from her chair and sat closer to Spike, “Once again I'm ever so grateful you came to help me today, Spike.”

“No problem, Rarity, what're friends for?” Spike asked with a blush.

Rarity leaned closer, “I'd like to think we've become more than friends over these last few weeks, Spike.”

“You think so?”

“I do. Surely you must feel the same.” Rarity said leaning closer to Spike.

Spike looked deep into Rarity's eyes and suddenly found himself entranced by her beauty and loving voice, “Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't. The times I spent with you and the rest of the girls has really made me the happiest.”

“I'm so glad to hear you feel happy around us.” Rarity smiled.

“Yeah, me too.” Spike agreed, as the two leaned forward.

As they got closer the two ended up kissing each other. Soon the two parted, as they smiled at each other.

“Wow, that was...” Spike began.

Wonderful,” Rarity finished, “Um...”

“Something wrong, Rarity?”

“Oh, nothing, it's just that... I love you, Spike.” she confessed before they kissed again.

“Well, I love you too, Rarity.” Spike confessed.

“Thank you, darling. And even if the others are all for you, it still won't change how I feel about you.”

Spike blushed at Rarity's words, while thinking about the rest of the girls and how they are around him as of late.

'Maybe I should give Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer a chance too.' he thought to himself.

Game Night with Sunset

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One afternoon, Spike and Sunset Shimmer were taking a walk through the city. As they walked down a street they were happening upon some walls that had graffiti art on them. The two stopped to take a moment to look at the pieces of art.

“Feels like we're in an art gallery, huh?” Sunset asked Spike.

“Oh, yeah. Difference is the art here I can actually get when I look at it.” Spike replied, as the two chuckled.

“Good one.” Sunset laughed.

“But seriously, these are some good ones, Sunset. You once again outdid yourself.” Spike commended her.

“Thank you.” she smiled.

“Hey how about we get a coffee and doughnuts?” the boy offered.

“I'm in.” And the two headed off.

Later on at the coffee shop, Spike and Sunset sat at a table inside enjoying coffee and doughnuts. Spike took a piece of doughnut and ate it.

“Mm, these are the best doughnuts ever.” Spike said in joy.

“You can never go wrong with Doughnut Joe's.” Sunset agreed, as she took a drink of her coffee.

“So, Sunset, I was thinking. Tonight my parents are staying out late and I was wondering if you'd like to come over and play some Battle Warriors?”

“Are you kidding me? I'd never pass up a chance to play that with someone.” Sunset said excitedly.

“Same. Of course I could've asked Rainbow or Applejack, but those two play rough. And in Rainbow's case. She'd quickly hit the reset button if it looks like she's gonna lose.” Spike noted.

“That's her all right.” Sunset confirmed.

“So, my place at five?”

“You're on.” Sunset confirmed, as they continued to enjoy their coffee and doughnuts.

Later on at five, Sunset walked over to Spike's place, and the boy let her inside. Soon they were in Spike's room playing videogames while enjoying pizza he ordered for them.

“That's it! That's it!” Spike said focused on battling Sunset Shimmer.

“Not this time!” Sunset replied, as she fought back.

Spike struggled, until his avatar was defeated, “DOH!” he groaned, “This isn't over yet.”

“Well, I commend you for not giving up.” Sunset replied, as she ate a slice.

“That's something I wasn't taught to do.” Spike replied, as they started their next game.

Soon the two ceased their gameplay and decided to relax and rest, while still enjoying their pizza and colas.

“Well, that was fun.” Sunset admitted, as she took a drink.

“Definitely.” Spike agreed, “And I'm just glad you didn't lose your mind when I started making a comeback.”

“When have I ever lost my mind when playing videogames?” the girl asked in confusion.

Spike smirked, as he pulled up a video on his phone of Sunset doing a live gameplay vid of herself and Fluttershy playing a squirrel videogame. Fluttershy was dominating the game, while Sunset Shimmer was performing terribly at it, almost as if her game squirrel was losing on purpose. But what was funny to Spike was in the vid Sunset was game raging at her squirrel while Fluttershy remained calm and played happily while having fun.

Sunset blushed in embarrassment as she looked at Spike who smirked smugly, “Ok, I may have lost it a bit that day, but at least I wasn't a bad sport to Fluttershy.”

“And she did look like she was having fun for her first time playing.” Spike added.

“I was just so embarrassed I was losing in such a simple game.” Sunset continued.

“I'm assuming you vowed never to play that game again?”

“Well, not against Fluttershy.” the two chuckled.

“Well, I'm glad you wanted to play against me.” Spike said gratefully.

“Of course. I like spending any kind of time with you, Spike. From enjoying art, having doughnuts, and even playing video games.” Sunset said sheepishly, as Spike blushed.

“Well, I enjoy being with you too, Sunset.”

“You do?” Sunset asked as she looked at Spike.

“Of course.”

Spike and Sunset looked at each other gazing deeply into their eyes. They started moving closer as their lips got ready and met. The two kissed passionately while holding each other close.

'Wow. This feels amazing.' Sunset thought as she kept up her kiss with Spike.

The two came up for air as they smiled at each other, “Good one, Sunset.” Spike said.

“Thanks. Not so bad yourself.”

“You know we still got awhile before my parents come home.” he reminded Sunset who replied.

“Good, because I'm not expected to get back home for awhile either.”

“So let's make the most of it.” Spike said, as he and Sunset continued to make out some more while holding each other closer.

Zoo Date

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At Canterlot High, classes just let out, and the students were heading to their lockers and going home. As Spike walked through the halls with Puck Shot, they were conversing.

“I tell ya, Spike. After today I am sleeping in tomorrow.” Puck began.

“I may just do that myself.” Spike agreed.

“Spike!” came a voice, as the two looked back and saw Fluttershy hurrying over.

“Fluttershy, what's going on? He asked.

“Um, I was wondering could we talk? Privately?” she requested.

Spike turned to his friend, “Puck, could you?”

“Say no more. I'm gone. See you on Monday.” Puck said, before taking off.

With Puck gone, Spike and Fluttershy had a moment to themselves, “So what did you wanna talk about? he asked.

“Well. I was wondering if you had any plans for tomorrow?” Fluttershy began.

Spike remembered how he was humoring Puck about the possibility of sleeping in tomorrow didn't want to give that answer to Fluttershy, “Actually, I'm all free.”

Fluttershy's smile brightened, “Really? That's great! I mean it's not great you don't have anything to do, but this makes it easier.”

“Easier for what?”

“Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me to the zoo tomorrow?” she requested.

“The zoo?” Spike asked.

“Yes. I normally do a monthly trip there just to see all the animals and how they're doing.”

“Coming from you it makes sense.”

“So will you join me?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, I could use a break. And it's been awhile since I've gone to a zoo.”

Fluttershy smiled, “Thank you so much. Come by my place and we'll go together.”

“Sure thing.” Spike confirmed, and with that the two went their separate ways.

That night in Spike's room, the boy was laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling while thinking about tomorrow.

“A date with Fluttershy. It's sure to be fun. Especially since we're going someplace she really likes and I can enjoy myself. I can't wait for that.” Spike smiled, as he fell asleep.

The next day, Spike got up and started getting ready. After conditioning and changing, Spike stepped out of his room and spoke to his parents who were in the kitchen.

“Alright, you two I'm taking off!”

“Have a good day, Spike.” his mom said.

“Thanks.” Spike said, as he headed out the door and began walking to Fluttershy's.

As Spike reached the girls home, he saw her sitting on her porch, “Hi, Fluttershy.” he greeted.

Fluttershy saw the boy and smiled, “Hi, Spike.”

“Were you waiting long?” Spike wondered.

“Oh, no. I just got out.” Fluttershy answered with a faint blush.

“Well, then, shall we go?' Spike offered.

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes.” the two headed for the bus stop before getting on.

The two enjoyed the bus ride relaxing and talking to pass the time. Eventually the bus stopped outside the entrance to the Canterlot Zoo letting the passengers off there. Spike and Fluttershy stepped off and looked at the entrance of the zoo.

“Wow. Nice set up.” Spike admitted.

“Uh-huh,” Fluttershy agreed, as she took Spike's hand, “Come on!” the two hurried inside.

Once they were inside, they grabbed a map of the place with Fluttershy taking the lead. They checked out the habitats of the zebras, hippos, bears, and elephants. As they were currently at the elephant habitat, the two watched some elephants walking around, before one of them stuck its trunk in the water trough. It lifted its trunk, aimed it at the crowd and sprayed them. Many people screamed and tried running away while the kids laughed from it.

Spike and Fluttershy laughed a bit before backing it up, “I think he did that on purpose.” Spike told Fluttershy suspiciously.

Fluttershy giggled, “He was just playing.” the elephant trumpeted in response to her.

The two continued on to the big cat exhibit. They passed various habitats housing some of the bigger cats from tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, panthers, and leopards. When they stopped before one housing the lions they were amazed to see several lions, lionesses, and cubs laying about or playing.

“Oh, look at all the little cubs,” Fluttershy cooed, “I wish I could pick them up and take them home with me.”

“Well, if you did you'd better be prepared for when they grow up.” Spike reminded her.

“I know.” Fluttershy replied.

“But it's nice seeing such creatures up close and in person,” Spike said looking at the lions in their habitat, before looking nervous, “As long as they stay in their habitats.” Fluttershy chuckled.

Later Spike and Fluttershy found themselves checking out the monkeys and apes in their habitats. The two chuckled watching the monkey and chimps swing around the trees and play around. Spike made Fluttershy laugh further by acting like a chimp doing a little dance and making monkey noises which cracked her up.

“Oh, Spike, that's so funny.” Fluttershy said between laughs.

“Glad ya think so,” Spike said, as he looked back at all the monkeys, “Though do you ever wonder?”

“Wonder what?”

“If apes ever did take over the earth?”

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy gasped, imagining the possibility.

“Maybe they'd spare you from being a prisoner.” Spike joked.

“You think?” she blushed.

“Sure. With how nice you've always been to animals.”

“That's nice of you to think, Spike.” she said trying to hide her embarrassed blush. Spike smiled in response.

The two had walked to the petting zoo section, where Fluttershy was feeding a baby goat some feed, while Spike was petting a little lamb. As he did he looked over at Fluttershy smiling at how natural she was with animals not just at the shelter.

“She sure is something, isn't she?” Spike asked the little lamb who baahd at him, “Yeah. With how good she is with animals, she might end up making a great mother one day. Of course there's a difference between raising a human baby then there is a baby animal. Still with motherly instincts like hers, how can any resist her?” When the baby lamb reacted with another baah, Spike replied, “Yeah, even I can't resist that side of her. Guess it's part of her natural charm.” he smiled and blushed while watching Fluttershy.

Afterward Fluttershy was sitting on a bench waiting, until Spike came back with two bottles of water, “Here you go.” Spike gave her one.

“Thanks, Spike.” Fluttershy said, as she took a drink.

Spike sat down beside her, “I'm glad we got a chance to hang out together here, Fluttershy.”

“I'm glad to hear that. And thanks for agreeing to join me.” she said gratefully.

“Anytime.” Spike replied, as the two looked to each other.

They gazed at one another as a blush grew on both their faces, 'Wow. She is so sweet.' Spike thought to himself.

'So cute.' Fluttershy thought.

The two ended up inching closer to each other completely drawn to one another before their lips connected. They sat still lip locked while feeling as if everything around them was nothing and all that mattered was each other.

When they parted they looked into each others eyes lovingly, “Wow.” Spike gasped.

“Yeah. Wow.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Even I never expected you to be this bold, Fluttershy.”

“Sometimes, I surprise even myself.” she said sheepishly.

Spike laid a hand on Fluttershy's, “We should do this again some time.”

“Yes. I think we should to.” Fluttershy agreed, as they shared another kiss.

That night at Fluttershy's place, the girl was looking through her phone of all the selfies she took of herself with Spike before several of the animal habitats making sure the animals they were observing were in the shots with them.

The girl smiled and thought to herself, 'I really had a good time with Spike today. We even got to kiss twice,” suddenly Fluttershy did a double take, “I kissed Spike... Twice?” she remembered how she kissed him at the zoo knowing they were in public. Her face turned red and she cried in embarrassment, “I can't believe I did something so bold like that in public with Spike!”

She continued to panic, while outside her parents were passing by and overheard her. They looked at each other nervously, before deciding to walk on and leave their daughter to her thoughts, no matter how she sounded.

Movie Night

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As the bells rung at Canterlot High, students were leaving classes and hurrying to their next one. Spike and Puck Shot were walking through the halls discussing stuff.

“I'm telling you Masked Matterhon is the best of the girls.” Spike argued to Puck.

“Nuh-uh. If anyone's queen of them it's Zapp.” he argued back.

“If by queen you mean Queen of Leroy Jenkins!” Spike joked.

“Oh, you got jokes now?” Puck asked, as he crowded Spike and the two laughed.


The two looked over seeing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and a third girl known as Scootaloo. She had moderate cerise hair, and her attire included grayish black boots, green cargo shorts, an aquamarine colored shirt underneath a grayish black hoodie. Scootaloo was the third member of Bloom and Belle's movie club group. What she was mostly known for was how much of a devoted fan she was to Rainbow Dash, complimenting her and commending her whenever she could. Rainbow was so taken by Scootaloo's devotion she made herself Scoots honorary big sister, which Scoots had no objections to at all.

“Oh, hey, girls. How's it going?” Spike greeted.

“Same old, Spike.” Bloom answered.

“Looking forward to today's history lesson?” Belle asked.

“I'm hoping it's about something less depressing that happened back then.” Scoots said.

“You and me both.” Spike agreed.

“Well, I got to split for biology. See ya later, Spike.” Puck said before heading down another hall.

So Spike walked with the movie club trio for History class, while Spike was unaware of the trio shooting each other looks like they want to tell Spike something.

“Hey, Spike.” Scootaloo spoke up.

“What's up?”

“We were wondering if you'd like to join us after school at my place for a screening of Journey through Zombie Island?”

“Really?” Spike asked, as his curiosity was piqued.

Bloom spoke, “Yeah, we could use a fourth perspective on it.”

“And when was that last time the four of us did something together?” Belle asked rhetorically.

“Well, I can't say I know.” Spike admitted. Truthfully he hadn't spent too much alone time with either of the three. Even though he'd go by Sweet Apple Acres or Rarity's place it was mostly because Applejack or Rarity invited him to do something with them.

“So then what do you say to our offer?' Scootaloo inquired, as Belle and Bloom looked hopeful.

“I say I just got something to do today.” Spike answered with a smile which brightened the trio's faces.

“Perfect.” Bloom said in joy.

“Come to my place one hour after school, ok?” Scoots asked.

“Deal. Now come on, we got history to learn.” Spike joked, as the four went into the classroom.

Later on after school, Spike returned home to freshen up and take care of what little homework he had before heading out again. He skateboarded off for Scoots place which was a couple blocks away.

Spike arrived at Scootaloo's home where he went up the porch and rang the bell. Answering the door were Scoot's aunts Holiday and Lofty. Though they were out of Spike's lead in many more ways than one, Spike still found the two very beautiful and attractive.

“Hello, Spike.” Holiday greeted sweetly.

“How's it goin', kid?” Lofty asked.

Spike blushed, “All good, Ms. Holiday and Ms. Lofty. Is Scootaloo around?”

“She's upstairs in her room with the rest of her friends.” Holiday answered.

“You can go up, but you better knock first. You never know what they might be doing.” Lofty winked making Spike blush, before he hurried upstairs leaving the two women to laugh.

Spike made his way upstairs before stopping for Scootaloo's bedroom. He was about to open it, but remembered what Lofty warned him about. Even though he felt there would be no reason they'd be changing now he didn't wanna risk ending up in that kind of awkward situation. So Spike did the sensible thing and knocked on the door.

“Girls, I'm here!”

“Come in, Spike!” came Scootaloo's voice from inside the room.

Spike opened the door seeing Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were all there getting comfy with snacks all around.

“Hi, Spike.” Belle greeted.

“You're just in time.” Bloom said.

“Great.” Spike said, as he popped a spot between Scoots and Bloom.

“Alright, you guys. Let the movie begin.” Scootaloo started the movie, as they all watched.

As the four watched the movie while enjoying their snacks, they each took the time to point out parts in the movie that may have a deeper meaning or hidden easter eggs in various scenes. As they watched, Spike relaxed while enjoying the time with the girls, while they themselves also enjoyed being with Spike.

When the movie ended the credits started to roll, as the four teens relaxed, “Now that was some movie.” Bloom said, while kicking back.

“I counted at least ten zombies that reminded me of other people.” Belle pointed out.

“Really?” Spike asked, “I caught fourteen myself.”

“And it was such a good movie it's guaranteed a sequel.” Scootaloo finished.

“Might not be as good as the original.” Spike warned her.

“Most sequels aren't.” Belle put in.

“But still fun to watch.” Bloom said.

Spike smiled, as he and the girls kicked back before the girls glanced at Spike before at each other. The trio nodded, as they scooted closer into Spike who took notice of this.

“Spike, we really appreciate you coming by to hang out with us.” Scootaloo began.

“Hey, thanks for the invite.”

“Truth be told we were kinda afraid you'd say no.” Belle admitted.

“What? Why would I do that?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Well, ya always seem to be spending time with our sisters and the rest of their friends,” Apple Bloom started, “We were worried you'd like spending more time with them than you would us.”

“Apple Bloom, that's crazy talk. Sure I've been hanging out with Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, and the others a lot, but it doesn't mean I prefer them over anyone else. Especially if it includes you girls.” this put the trio at peace.

“We're glad to hear that,” Scootaloo said, “After all, we're girls too, and we got needs just like others.”

Spike looked and saw the trio had started crawling their way up towards him putting a blush on his face, 'Oh, wow.' he thought.

“Spike, do you like us? And not just as friends?” Bloom asked putting on her best cute face.

“Well, I have thought of each of you in my own way.” Spike confessed, as the girls brightened up more.

“Really?” Belle asked.

“Of course.” he admitted.

“We were hoping you'd say that.” Scoots said.

“You did?” Spike asked.

Bloom nodded, “Applejack and the others actually talked with us about you, and they said if you really liked us the way you like them then they'd be willing to share you.”

“They said what?” Spike double blinked.

Belle smiled, “It's true. So, Spike. How about showing us the same kind of love you show them.”

“As I said, we have needs just like them.” Scoots said, as the trio cuddled up closer to Spike.

Spike couldn't deny he was finding himself rather cozy with the girls. He saw Bloom crawling closer and started puckering up her lips. Feeling consumed by his desire to try her out, Spike leaned forward and kissed Apple Bloom.

'Wow, she has the same taste of apple like Applejack.' Spike thought as he kissed Apple Bloom who had her own thoughts on the matter.

'Wow, my first kiss. And I'm glad it could be with Spike.'

When they parted and came up for air, the two blushed and smiled at each other, until a pouting Sweetie Belle leaned in and captured Spike's lips with hers. Spike taken aback by her forcefulness nevertheless returned the gesture. When they parted, Scootaloo finally took her turn and kissed Spike who kissed her back. Soon Spike was alternating between the three who were more than willing to share.

As the four were about to engage in a four way kiss, there was a knock at the door which caused the four to back away from each other in case whoever knocked walked in on them.

“Yes, what is it?!” Scootaloo asked startled.

“Scootaloo, your parents are on video chat.” came Holiday's voice.

“My parents?” Scootaloo asked as she smiled widely, “I'll be right there!”

“Your parents?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, remember? They observe and handle wild and dangerous animals for animal documentaries.” Scootaloo reminded him.

“I know, I just can't believe we can meet them.

“Well, come on!” Scootaloo said, as she, Spike, and their friends got up and left the room.

They went to the living room where Holiday and Loft had a laptop set up on a table displaying a video screen where a married couple were on camera. It was Scootaloo's parents Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

Scootaloo went in front of the camera to see them, “Mom! Dad!”

“Hey, there, Scoot!” Snap greeted.

“Hi, honey. How's home?” Mane inquired.

“It's all good, mom.” she replied.

“How's school going for you? Any problems?” Snap asked.

“Nothing I can't handle, dad.”

Snap laughed proudly, “That's my girl!”

Mane noticed her daughters friends, “Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! It's good to see you girls!”

“Hi, Mr. Shutter and Ms. Allgood.” Apple Bloom greeted.

“How's work?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Never been better. Had to handle a pair of crocs, but once they knew who was the boss they fell in line.” Snap joked.

As the group laughed, Mane took notice of Spike's appearance on screen, “Oh, and who's this handsome boy?”

Spike blushed, as he looked at the screen. Scootaloo decided to introduce them, “Mom, dad, this is Spike Cynder. He's a classmate of mine.”

“And you've brought him home?” Mane asked with joy, “Oh, Scootaloo, you're growing up so fast!”

“She sure is.” Lofty agreed with a chuckle.

Scootaloo started blushing in embarrassment, while Spike spoke up trying to divert some of the attention away from Scootaloo, “It's nice to meet you both. I've seen some of the work you do with animals on some of the documentaries. Your skills with handling animals is very impressive.”

“Well, thanks, son. It's just what we were made to do.” Snap boasted.

“So how long until I can expect you both to come home?” Scootaloo asked the two.

“Actually, we called to tell you we'll be back home by Friday.” Mane explained.

“What? Really?!” Scootaloo asked excitedly.

“That's right.” Snap confirmed.

“It'll be so nice to finally get back home and see you and the town.” Mane told her daughter.

“This is great news!” Scootaloo cheered.

“We'll have to celebrate when you get in.” Holiday suggested.

“Good idea, sis.” Snap smiled.

“Apple Bloom you and Sweetie Belle are more than welcomed to attend.” Mane told her daughters friends.

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked in joy.

“Thanks, Ms. Allgood!” Sweetie Belle said gratefully.

Mane smiled, before smirking at Spike on screen, “And you're more thank welcome to join as well, Spike.”

Spike taken aback blushed at her tone, “Uh, sure. Thanks.”

“Well, we just wanted to pop in and check on things, but it looks like we were worried for nothing.” Snap chuckled.

“We'll talk to you again soon, honey.” Mane told her daughter.

“Ok, mom. You both take care.”

“See ya soon, Scoot!” Snap said, as they ended their video chat.

Scootaloo cheered with her aunts, “My parents are coming home!”

“Oh, I know. This is so wonderful.” Holiday said happily.

“I'll say.” Lofty agreed.

Spike watched with Belle and Bloom at how happy Scoots looked with her aunts, “She's really excited about this.” he said.

“Of course. I mean she hasn't seen her parents in days.” Belle reminded him.

“Well, we know she'll be glad to have them home and not just automatically take right off again.” Bloom said.

Later as it was started to get dark, Spike, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were getting shown out by Scootaloo, “Thanks again for coming over today, you guys.” she thanked the three.

“Anytime.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Next movie night's at my place.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Deal,” Scootaloo smiled, before turning to Spike, “Hope to see you there too, Spike.”

Spike smirked, “Try and stop me.”

Scootaloo leaned forward and kissed Spike who returned it, before he left with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo looked back and saw her aunts in the window before they quickly backed away hoping they weren't spotted. Scootaloo shook her head and sighed at them.

As Spike, Bloom, and Belle walked each of the girls split up to head back to their own places, but not before each gave Spike a kiss before taking off. With Spike alone he continued his way home alone, but smiled and blushed happily at how lucky he really has it.

Canterlot Fair

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At Canterlot High in the school's music room, Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, were kicking back, clapping their hands, and tapping their feet to the rhythm of the Rainbooms who were jamming away on their instruments.

When they finished their practice, Sunset asked the four younger teens, “So, what'd ya think of that?”

“It was incredible!” Scootaloo cheered.

“I really liked it.” Apple Bloom added.

“So did I.” Sweetie Belle put in.

“Amazing as always.” Spike smiled.

“Thanks, we want to make sure it's perfect for when we play tonight.” Twilight explained.

“Ah, that's right,” Spike started remembering, “Tonight's the annual Canterlot Fair.”

“That's right.” Applejack confirmed.

“It's one of the best events of the year around this time.” Apple Bloom said.

“I remember last year Pinkie volunteered for the dunking game.” Rainbow chuckled.

“Barely anybody was able to hit the target. I was getting chilly waiting to be dunked,” Pinkie explained, “Luckily, Rainbow finally came along and nailed the target dunking me. It felt so refreshing.”

“Can't wait to see what they got lined up this year.” Apple Bloom said in excitement.

“This'll be especially good for me since this is the first time I'll be seeing it.” Spike told everyone.

“Well, you'll have plenty to look forward to, Spike.” Twilight assured him.

“Speaking of which, we better head home and get ready.” Rarity suggested.

“We'll see each other at the Fair.” Fluttershy said, as the Rainbooms began packing up their instruments, as Spike walked out.

“See you later!” Spike called, as he headed off.

Spike returned home to freshen up before he headed back out to the location where the Canterlot Fair had been set up. Spike walked through the entrance and marveled at everything, from the food stands, the game booths, the rides, and everything.

“Wow. This is so incredible. Definitely bigger than the fair in Obsidianville.” Spike looked around in awe.

As Spike began to walk around he heard his phone ring. He looked at it seeing a group text from the Rainbooms and the CMC.

Are we all here? I'm with Rainbow, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

I'm with Fluttershy and Sunset.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle are with me!

I just got here.

Well, let's do our own things right now and we'll meet up at the photo booths in an hour, ok?

Fine by me, darling.


Awesome plan.

Ok. I'll go around and if I meet up with any of you I'll see you then.

And with that, Spike continued on through the fair spotting several students from Canterlot High enjoying the Fair, even several members of the faculty like Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Mr. Cranky Doodle, and Cheerilee were enjoying themselves as well without having to be school figures for the night.

Spike looked and spotted Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack by the Hi-Striker game.

“Hey, girls!” Spike greeted.

“Hey, Spike, what up?” Rainbow asked, as the two slapped some skin.

“You're just in time.” Scootaloo said.

“We were all just about to try this here game.” Apple Bloom explained.

“Figures I'd find Applejack and Rainbow at a game like this.” Spike said looking up at the Hi-Striker game.

“Well, we just thought we'd get in a little friendly competition, ya know?” Applejack said sheepishly.

“What she said.” Rainbow agreed feeling the same.

“And we're sticking around to make sure it stays friendly.” Apple Bloom added.

“Got that right.” Scootaloo agreed, as the older girls felt embarrassed.

“Well, count me in on this.” Spike said.

“I'll take the first strike.” Scootaloo said, as she picked up the mallet and whacked it down sending the puck up half way.

“Not bad, squirt.” Rainbow commended her.

“My turn!” Apple Bloom said, as she whacked the mallet down making the puck go up a bit higher than Scootaloo, “Yeah!”

“Way to go, Apple Bloom!” Applejack ruffled her sisters head.

“Lucky.” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Don't worry, Scoots. There's always a next time.” Spike assured Scootaloo making her blush.

“Ok, everyone. Watch the pro at work.” Rainbow said, before dropping the mallet down making the puck go up higher than Apple Bloom and Scootaloo made it, “Oh, yeah, top that, A.J!” she boasted.

“You'll be sorry.” Applejack smirked, as she picked the mallet up and slammed it down causing the puck to go up higher than Rainbow made it. Applejack smirked at Rainbow who had a sour look on her face.

“Well, done, Applejack.” Spike applauded.

“That's my sister!' Apple Bloom said proudly.

“Alright, Spike, you're up,” Applejack offered him the mallet, “Just don't take it personal if ya can't get any higher than us. Especially me.”

Spike calmed himself and concentrated while focusing down at the game, before raising the mallet up and announced, “Drop it like it's hot!” He dropped the mallet down as hard as he could sending the puck upward. The girls watched as the puck went up far enough to make the bell ring before it fell back down.

The girls looked in shock, as Applejack asked the three, “Did I just come in last?!”

“I think you did.” Rainbow admitted flabbergasted.

“Wha-how?!” Scootaloo asked in confusion.

“Spike!” Apple Bloom gasped.

“Wow,” Spike gasped, “Looks like all that training with you really paid off, Applejack.”

Applejack who was still in shock started to smile before letting out a joyful laugh, before putting an arm around the boy, “Well, I'll be. Guess you really learned well, Spike. I'm proud of ya!”

“Me too.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“Yeah, so are we.” Rainbow admitted with Scootaloo nodding.

“Thanks, girls. I'm gonna keep checking around and see if I can find anyone else.” Spike said.

“Ok, we'll see ya at the Photo Booths!” Applejack said, as Spike walked along.

Spike walked around before spotting Fluttershy at a whack-a-mole game, but had zero score. Turns out, Fluttershy wasn't whacking the moles, but was actually petting them when they stuck their heads out. He walked over and spoke.

“You know you're supposed to whack them, not pet them, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, Spike. I could never whack cute little moles.” she answered.

“You also realize they're not real moles?”

“That still doesn't stop her.” Sunset said, as she came by with Twilight who were holding drinks.

“How're you, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Doing great. I ran into Rainbow, A.J, Bloom, and Scoots at the Hi-Striker.”

“Another one of their competitions?” Sunset asked dryly.

“Yeah, but they kept it friendly. In fact I actually beat all four of them.” Spike smirked.

The three looked at Spike in surprise, “You beat them all?” Twilight asked with her glasses sightly slipping off.

“Even, Applejack?” Fluttershy asked in disbelief.

“Surprised me to. But I thank Applejack and the training we've been doing together to help me get stronger.”

“They must've really paid off.” Sunset noted.

“They sure did,” Spike chuckled, “Well, I'm gonna grab something to eat. Catch you girls later.”

“See you soon, Spike!” Fluttershy said, as the three watched him take off.

Spike had went to a food stand where he got himself a hotdog and a drink. After getting his food he sat down at a picnic table to enjoy his food.

“Mm, this sure hits the spot. Still don't wanna have too much otherwise I may end up upchucking it on any of the rides.” Spike chuckled.

“Spike, darling!”

Spike looked over seeing Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Pinkie Pie coming over each holding onto a cotton candy with Pinkie's being the size of her own head.

“Looks like you had the same idea as us.” Sweetie Belle said, before taking a piece of her cotton candy and ate it.

So it seems,” Spike agreed, before looking at Pinkie, “That's a lot of sugar even for you, Pinkie.”

“Meh, I'm good.” Pinkie said, before taking a bite out of her cotton candy.

“And how've you been enjoying the fair so far, Spike?” Rarity inquired, as the three sat down at the picnic table with him.

“Doing great. Met up with the rest of the girls on their own times. I even beat Rainbow and Applejack in Hi-Striker.” he boasted.

“WHAT?!” Pinkie gasped in shock.

“How is that possible?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“Yeah, those two barely lose in anything.” Sweetie Belle recalled from what her friends tell her about them individually.

“Applejack's training with me obviously worked wonders for my physical strength.” Spike shrugged.

“Makes about as much sense.” Pinkie said accepting it.

“It does?” Rarity and Sweetie Belle asked in confusion.

“So what've you girls been up to?” Spike inquired.

“Well, Pinkie's been going on a non-stop sugar binge through the fair, from ice cream, snow cones, cotton candy, the works.” Rarity explained.

Spike looked at Pinkie in surprise, “Where does she put it all?”

“Never mind that, darling,” Rarity replied, “We better rendezvous with the others by the Photo Booths soon.” the others nodded, as they continued to enjoy their cotton candy.

Soon all over the fair the three groups were heading through the place before they all arrived at the Photo Booths.

“Good we're all here.” Twilight said doing a head count.

“Let's go take some commemorative pictures!” Pinkie cheered.

“Um, how're we all gonna fit in one?' Fluttershy inquired.

“We'll squeeze in. That shouldn't be a problem,” Pinkie explained, before eyeballing Applejack and Rarity, “At least not for some of us.”

“What're you implying, Ms. Pie?” Rarity asked insulted.

“Are you calling us fat?” Applejack asked equally insulted.

“Well, you do have the appetite of a horse, Applejack.” Rainbow reminded her.

Applejack scowled, until Spike spoke up, “I don't think that's fat, Rainbow. That's muscle. Beautiful muscle.”

Applejack's scowl turned into a smile as she hugged Spike, “Now that's a mighty nice thing to say, sugarcube.”

Rarity pouted in jealousy, “And what about me, Spike?”

Spike looked at her, “You have a flawless hourglass figure, Rarity.”

Rarity started to blush, “Oh, Spikey-Wikey, you say the sweetest things.”

“Come on, you all let's get some pictures in.” Sunset suggested.

So they all tried squeezing into one booth, and while they managed to get in together it still felt a bit cramped, especially for Spike who kept finding himself smothered on all sides by the girls bodies.

'So much softness.' Spike thought while blushing.

“Here we go!” Pinkie put some money and soon pictures were being taken as each of them smiled and tried posing silly.

Some of the girls even took the chance to kiss Spike's cheek, while the others struggled to get close to Spike to give him one themselves. When the pictures were done being taken, the group managed to get themselves out of the booth and saw the pictures were being printed up. Each of them managed to get their own set of the pictures, as Sunset spoke up.

“Well, we still got time before the show, so let's go have fun together!” Sunset declared as everyone cheered.

And so the group continued to enjoy the wonders of the fair together. They went into a fun house while trying to drag Fluttershy in who was crying not to go int. Soon they all came out screaming in fright with Fluttershy completely casual as if there was nothing scary at all. They were all on the bumper cars with Spike sharing a car with Twilight as he was driving them around making them bump into several of their friends who were all laughing.

The group were soon on a roller-coaster partly laughing and screaming. After that they were on a carousel ride with each one on a horse, with Pinkie's surprisingly looking like an equine version of herself. For amusement, they each walked before some trick mirrors to see how ridiculous they each looked. Rarity looked in one that made her head look big and bulbous, Apple Bloom looked in one that made her legs look incredibly long, and the one Spike stood before made his torso look incredibly muscular much to his enjoyment. Rainbow stood before a mirror that made her look incredibly flat, Sunset stood before one that made her arms look tiny, and when Pinkie stood before a mirror, to everyone's surprise her reflection looked normal.

Twilight checked her phone to see the time, “Oh, showtime soon! Girls, we better get to the stage.”

“Right!” they agreed.

Sunset turned to Spike and the CMC, “Make sure you get a front view of us.”

“You know it.” Spike agreed with the CMC.

The Rainbooms headed for the stage set up where their band was meant to perform. Upon arriving earlier at the fair they had their instruments set up there where they were being guarded by security until it was show time. Eventually everyone was gathering around the stage, as the mayor walked on stage and she spoke into the mic.

“Good evening, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the annual Canterlot Fair!” the people cheered with excitement, “Yes, I am, as well. Now before we have our traditional fireworks performance, let's give a big welcome to the hottest high school band around. Give it up for The Rainbooms!”

The crowd cheered, as the mayor walked offstage before the curtain opened up to reveal the Rainbooms all dressed up and with their instruments ready before they began rocking out.

(Perfect Day for Fun)

As the Rainbooms jammed, the crowd were cheering and rocking out to the best. Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom who were up front got the best view to see them perform. Spike watched as the girls played they were shooting him some flirtatious looks making him smile and blush. When the girls finished their song, the crowd cheered and applauded, as the girls waved to their fans.

Some time after the performance, Spike and the girls found a spot outside the fair grounds to watch the fireworks.

“Ooh, it's almost time!” Pinkie cheered.

“Next to our performance this is the best part.” Rainbow said, as she took a swig of her fizzy apple cider.

“It's even better when we're all together to watch.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Especially since we got a new face to enjoy it with us.” Applejack said, as she sat beside Spike.

“I feel the same way.” he admitted.

“We all do.” Twilight put in.

“Oh, look!” Rarity pointed as a firework shot up and burst in the sky.

“Pretty!” Sweetie Belle marveled.

“Here comes another!” Apple Bloom called, as another shot up.

Soon more fireworks kept shooting up and burst lighting up the sky in colors. Spike and the girls watched them in awe, before Spike looked at them all.

“Girls, this has been the best night of my life. And I have all of you to thank for making it feel this way.” he began.

“It's our pleasure, Spike.” Sunset answered with a smile.

“And having you around makes us feel even better.” Twilight added.

Spike smiled, as the ten girls started scooting closer to him. Then one by one Spike found himself kissing each of them.

“I love you all.” Spike said.

“We love you too, Spike.” Rarity said happily.

“We all do.” Fluttershy added.

“Forever.” Apple Bloom said, as they all sat close together continuing to watch the fireworks display.

Spike thought to himself while glancing around at each of his girls, 'Life in Canterlot City just got a whole lot better. And I can't wait to see what else the future holds for all of us.'