> The Way of the Cowboy > by Hayseed Hunter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 1 “And it’s a great day to be alive I know the sun’s still shining When I close my eyes, There’s some hard times in the neighborhood But why can’t every day be just this good Ah, yeah”… “OK, OK, I’m up Mr. Tritt,” I mumbled, while begrudgingly reaching a hand out from under the warm confines of my bed to switch off my infernal 6:00a.m. alarm on my iPhone. I glance out the window and the sun hasn’t quite come up yet. At that moment, while also yelling out that first dawn yawn mid stretch, I hear movement in my room. A couple of dog yawns later, I knew it was time to make my move. Moving to bring myself out of bed, two excited fur balls are there to greet me. “Good Morning Shay.” I said to my Catahoula/border collie mix, while also petting her head and scratching her ear a bit. Shay had an all black coat, except her chest had a bit of white, her left hind paw was white and the very tip of her tail was… white. I felt a nose trying to nudge my other hand. “And an excellent morning to you too, Lyra.” I chided the Heeler/Hanging tree mix while giving her her ear scratches, too. Lyra was an all merle color, a mixture of white, gray, and black. Both were cattle dogs trained by me, and they were damn efficient at their jobs. They are worth their weight in gold. In nothing but my boxers, I walk from my bedroom to my front living room to the front door. The pathway being pretty short because of the standard trailer house design. “Come on girls, outside.” I open the door, letting them out to go run around doing their early morning “routine”, living on a cattle ranch in northeastern Montana with the closest neighbor being 5 miles away, has its perks. I close the front door and head back to my bedroom to use the master bathroom to take care of my morning routine. After draining the dragon, I showered, brushed the pearly whites, and combed my glorious beard. I came out of the bathroom feeling fresh. Donning a pair of Cowboy Cut Wrangler tough skin blue jeans from out of my closet and threw on a turquoise George Strait Collection Wrangler long sleeved button up western shirt. After tucking in said shirt, I reach for my belt, and started slipping it through the belt loops. Grabbing my handy dandy “Surge” model Leatherman in its sheath, attaching it to my right side on my belt. This genuine handcrafted leather belt, built from a long-time friend, had my father’s last name on it. That name was Thompson, elegantly stamped into the leather on the back side band of the belt, along with a basket stamp pattern for the main embodiment of the cincture. The ending tip of the belt had another tooled stamping mark, containing only three marks, T T -. A Montana Silversmith Trophy buckle, with a saddle bronc rider, adjourned the front. With “Miles City Bucking Horse Sale 2018” professionally etched on it. Getting mostly done dressing, I head out into the kitchen, grab two eggs out of the carton in the fridge, then crack ‘em on to a heated cast iron pan on the stove. I decided I wanted a couple of egg and cheese on English Muffins sandwiches, can’t beat homemade. Even the eggs were fresh from my older brother and his wife’s little chicken coop, (mainly hers and she knows it). While I was building my breakfast, my automatic coffee maker had about a third of the way full pot, having turned on about the time I got out of my shower. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, what’s not to love. I Usually just eat on the go, so I wrapped up my breakfast in some paper towels, grabbed my green growler sized coffee thermos and filled it with coffee and added some fru fru coffee creamer. I NEED CREAMER IN MY COFFEE! With all my food and coffee gathered, I head to the back room porch to put on my stovetop Olathe square-toe cowboy boots. With the tops being cherry red, and reaching mid calve length, making them great for protection from nasty things like sneaky rattlesnake bites and razor sharp thorns from bull-berry bushes. The oiled brown foot covering, shows is share of battle scars. Currently on the back above the heel, sits a set of silver spurs with half inch bands and lady-leg shanks and 16 point rowels. Makes little sense to take ‘em on and off when I’m riding horses every other day, especially this time of year. I reach up to grab my felt hat that was hanging on a 5x5 Mule deer shoulder mount I had shot a few years ago. My current lid is an open crown silver belly Resistol, though it used to have the standard butt crease style. I had received it from my grandfather when I was young, before he died. I was 12 then, now I’m 28. By the time I really grew into it, I had my own way of how I like my hats shaped. During my college years, I think that was one of the best skills to learn, and it wasn’t even a college course. We had a big rodeo team in college, and our biggest pastimes, besides rodeoing were, 1 drinking, and 2 roping the steer head dummy in the college dorms, and 3 hat shaping. I grab by shoulder holster rig and start strapping it on. Within it, lays an 1871 Navy Open-top revolver in .38 Special with a 6 1/2 inch barrel. It’s an Italian made Uberti, though I did updated all the internal springs with aftermarket Wolf Springs. I’ve owned it for several years and have shot quite a few varmints with it. Hell, sadly, I had to put down one of my favorite mounts a couple summer ago, because of a severe case of colic. By the time I got to him he was in the death shakes, so I did what any sane person would do I that situation, he was only 8. On the shoulder strap that runs diagonal is a few bullet loops, enough for 9 shells. Grabbing my wallet, phone, making sure my battery phone case was all the way charged, my fully charged JBL Flip Bluetooth Speaker and its power cord. Slipping on a pair of rose colored aviator style sunglasses, and grabbing a few bottles of water, I head outside. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 2 The sun kissed my face with it’s early alpenglow rays, the Big Sky state truly living up to its nickname. I take a deep breath of the cool air, the bold smell of the nearby alfalfa fields and the slight trace of flowering sagebrush tickles my nose with their intoxicating aroma. My ears pick up the distant sounds of whinnying horses from out in their pasture, the brood mares and their foals playing from the sounds of it. I can hear the crunch crunch chomp chomp from the dogs partaking in their breakfast from the food bin. It’s truly looking to be a beautiful day indeed. Fencing, the job that is never truly done, but one a rancher pecks at when they have the time. Today’s to-do list is to plant a few corner posts and a couple H-braces out in the BLM lease ground. Without the H-braces, you can’t keep a 5 wire fence good and tight. The damn bulls got to fighting each other last summer and they ended up destroying a few corner posts and braces. I kinda put it on the back burner to make a plan to repair it, and since we will need to move the main herd of cows to a new pasture, I might as well get to it. As I walked over to the shop, Shay and Lyra noticed I had finally come out of the house. They started to trail behind me, too worried about getting left behind and not being able to partake in the day's activities. Or maybe it's that they caught a whiff of my breakfast and they just wanted a little sample. “Sorry girls but this is my breakfast.” I told my furry companions. “You should have already eaten your breakfast when I let your two outside, that’s why I bought that big bulk self feeder,” I added. Two rapidly wagging tails was my only reply. Walking up to the big roll up door of the white tin shop, I reach down to grab the handle and lift it up out of the way. Inside was the green rig we will be driving, it was a 1987 MFWD John Deere 4650, a dueled up 4 wheel drive. On the back were four radial tires, two on each side, with large floatation tires on the front. It had a nearly new, 740 Classic loader with an 8 foot bucket and a 5 tine grapple fork on the front end. It had the good ole Soundguard style cab, complete with an ice cold air conditioner and a warm heater. The tractor overall was in extremely good condition for the age it is, almost showroom quality, and was my personal pride and joy. With only 1330 hours, she’s basically brand new. I bought it once I had attained a certain amount of cows of my own, that was a rule from my father. My brother had to do the same thing. Walking up to the only door on the left side of the machine, I crack it open to set my portable speaker, breakfast, coffee, and the few water bottles I had, up into the cab. Walking over to the oil shelves to grab the grease gun, I start going over the entire tractor, and start greasing all the zerks. With that done, I checked all the fluid levels, including hydraulic oil and engine oil and antifreeze. Everything seems to be right, I head to the back of the tractor to make sure I have all my fencing tools and supplies that I'll need. On the three point of the 4650, I have a steel tray rack that I built to be able to hold a few bundles of steel T-posts (about 15 posts). I also have room for my hand post pounder that is spray painted orange, a hand post hole digger/clean out tool, a fence stretcher, and a pair of fencing pliers, also painted orange. Also included is an axe, claw hammer, small pull saw, a solar powered electric fence charger, and on the very back side of the rack there are 4 mounted steel spikes that point straight up with an old disk on the base of each so I can conveniently pull and stretch out 4 rolls of barbed wire at a time. Each one had a new ¼ mile roll on currently. I had my bucket of clips, ring nails and staples in a self contained spot on the front of the rack. In the loader bucket I will carry a couple of railroad tie posts along with my hydraulic tamping bar, and a small toolbox full of tools. Inside the cab was a gun rack built to hold a single rifle horizontal on the right side of the cabin. The rifle , a Model 94 Winchester chambered in .30-30 Win, is protected in a leather scabbard with just the butt stock sticking out. The rifle held 7+1 rounds, 7 in the tube and 1 in the chamber. I also had a partial box of ammunition (roughly 40 shells) in the small space on the console's dash. Other notable things that had made a temporary home in the cab is a very well used hunting knife, used mainly to cut net wrap off of hay bales. Stuffed under the seat was a small emergency kit. I had an obstetrical chain complete with hand hooks, stuffed inside a small Tupperware container along with some iodine and a bar of soap, I usually keep it in the cab during calving season just in case. After a final check of everything I will need, I climb up into the cab of the 4650 and turn the key, and she starts right up. I press the clutch in and select the range lever into range A, then I grab the gear lever and slide it into slot 1, and let out the clutch slowly, and the tractor lurches forward. Now out of the shop, I pull over to the bulk fuel storage tank to top her off with some diesel fuel. Just when I was about to load the dogs in the cab, I got a text alert on the ole cellular device. It was my older brother Trace. (Trace) Morning Ty, think you’ll be able to get that fence fixed by around noon tomorrow? I think I'll be able to round up a few riders to help move the cows. (ME) ya I think so. Shouldn’t take too long, I'll be able to plant those ties in the holes we dug the other day, that hydraulic pounder makes quick work tamping dirt. (Trace) Ok sounds like a plan, you gonna ride that bay 3 year old mare? How many rides does she got now? (Me) She’s around 48 rides so far, it’ll be a good ride for her though, should end up with some wet saddle blankets! I’ll Text ya this afternoon or early in the morning about my progress. (Trace) ok sounds good, l8er. With the furry crew and I loaded up in the tractor, I plug my FM transmitter/phone charger into the cigarette lighter port so I can play some tunes. We set off down the two track dirt road at 7:15, it’ll be a bit of a trip to get to where we are going, about an hour's drive. I consumed one of my sandwiches and nursed on my coffee thermos on the way. I decided to save the other for later. With a few turns here and there, we finally get to our destination. Grabbing the clean out tool from the 3 point rack, I clean out the bottom of all 6 holes, then I start shoving ties in. Hooking up the Hydraulic tamper, I lined the posts up and started shoveling dirt into the holes to tamp. The girls just mostly watch my progress, but Shay always wants to make sure I can still throw the stick, and of course I comply every 10 minutes or so. Lyra on the other hand just likes to pester Shay by trying to be sneaky and steal the stick and then play keep away. After a few hours of manual labor it was finally time for a lunch break, and by that time it started to get a bit hot outside. The dogs and I loaded into the tractor and into the awaiting air conditioning to sit and cool off a bit. By now I had drunk half of my coffee, and I was contemplating if I should eat my second breakfast sandwich, when suddenly, in a blink of an eye, my surroundings immediatly changed and looked a whole lot different than it did a few seconds ago. “Why the hell is the sky pink?” I questioned myself, while looking out the windows of the 4650. Shay and Lyra were glancing out as well. Shutting the tractor off, I open the door and take a step outside, I command the girls to stay put in the cab. The air smelled vastly different than what I was accustomed to. I started to walk around the tractor to try and locate the posts I had just planted, but there was nothing. Not even a trace of the trail I drove in on, in-fact the entire landscape looks nothing like northeastern Montana. There was no prickly pear cactus, no crested wheatgrass, no cottonwood trees, no sagebrush, NOTHING looked familiar. “What the fuck is going on?!” I yelled out. My surroundings confused me to no avail, I was in some sort of forest, in the bottom of some coulee or jorge, with high rising cliffs opposite of eachother. The area that the jorge fed into, looked like some sort of swamp. It smelled like a swamp too. Looking to where the coulee comes from, I can't quite see where it leads to, due to it making a relatively sharp left turn further up the valley. I rub my eyes in case I'm not seeing clearly, but as soon as they come into focus again, nothings changed. Hearing a low growl from Shay, glancing at her and I notice she has her nose pointed to the pink colored sky. I look up, locking my eyes on…a floating tree… I rub my eyes for the second time… and the floating tree is still there, only it moved slightly to the left. “ Hmm, that's a tad bit odd.” I thought out loud. Suddenly I noticed the sun start to sink out of the sky at an alarming rate, then just as quickly the moon rose up to replace it. I stare at the celestial body, the hair on the back of my neck, couldn't get any more raised. I had goosebumps in places I didn't even know could get goosebumps. Feeling like i had ants in the pants, I promptly decided I had better get the fuck out here. As I start to walk back to the tractor I notice that my moon shadow started to get taller and larger, with an additional three other shadows of the same size accompanying it. I hear both dogs start to growl loudly, I slowly crank my head behind me and stare out into the middle of the boggy swamp. Staring at what I thought was four tall trees jetting up from the murky water, I noticed some slight swaying from all four. With it now being supposedly night time now, I couldn't quite see anything and everything, only the vague outline from the casting moonlight. Then as soon as it disappeared, the sun shot back up to the oddly colored sky. Shay and Lyra ceased their growls, and proceeded to whine, I looked back to odd looking trees out in the swamp, only to not see four trees…but four very long necks with heads. Four very large heads, each with a pair of green eyes, each eye staring directly at little ol me. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 3 Way up high, in a rugged old tree, sat a nest, built out of a mixture of sticks and grass. Within the cozy home sat a sleeping blue bird atop three small sky blue eggs. She sat contently, thankful that she picked such a well hidden location, away from the prying eyes of predators from both the ground and sky to hatch her offspring. Though the small bird sensed a change, the tree's leaves rustled back and forth a great deal more than they did normally. Peering outside her nest, the little blue bird takes notice that she's not surrounded by a thick forest anymore. Perplexed, she darts and flies further out onto one of the outer limbs of her tree to get a better understanding of the unusual situation she had found herself in. The look of confusion adorned the bird's face once she reached the outer portion of her tree. The blue bird realized that her tree was floating, high above the forest, in a pink colored sky. A sudden loud yell brought the hen out of its stupor, darting its eyes to where the noise originated from. At the mouth of a canyon that opens up to a swamp, she saw a strange looking creature on two legs. The creature, for the most part, was the same color as her feathers she noticed. It started to quickly move to a large green thing that was just as odd as the creature. Just when she was about to let her curiosity get the better of her, an even louder monstrous roar, shook her floating home. Knowing what terrifying monster that roar belongs to, she frantically flies back to her nest to protect her eggs as best she can. She hears a strange low rumbling noise get loud then start to get quiet as it leaves, but she also hears the large foot stomps of the monster treading through the boggy water and reaching dry land. She hears another roar and the quieting foot stomps of the gigantic beast as it gets further and further away. The little blue bird huddles her eggs and sits safely in her nest, while silently wishing the best of luck to the strange creature. ********************************************************************************************************** POV of Ty Thompson “HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS THAT DAMN THING!!!” I yelled out in the cab. I had the 4650’s throttle wide open and in the highest gear that she could go. I headed up the canyon, mainly because it was the only way I could go with the tractor. I thanked my lucky stars that the bottom of the canyon was relatively smooth, I was cruising along at 25 miles an hour according to the gauge. But every once and a while there would be a washout that I would need to maneuver around. The obstacles were a pain in the ass, especially with a damn four headed monster chasing after me…”HYDRA! That's a goddamn HYDRA!!!” I yelled as it finally clicked inside my head. I glanced in my rear view mirror, and saw the monster. Four heads, four big long necks that connected to a large single body, and complete with a long whipping tail, That confirmed my assumptions. Though the monster was a ways back, every obstacle I come to, the hydra gained some ground on us. “What the fuck are we going to do?!” I chanced a glance at my rifle, “I doubt a .30-30 would do shit in this situation except just to piss it off, even more.” I spoke to myself. “I just pray to sweet baby Jesus that this canyon leads to somewhere, and not just a dead end!” Coming up to a bit more difficult washout, I slow down so I can cross it without ripping the front axle off, one of my rear tires falls into the trench then starts to spin. “SHIT NO NO NO!!!” I shout. Looking back the Hyda is roughly 300 yards away, but closing that distance at a rapid pace. I hurry and shift to neutral, and stomp the DIFF LOCK in to engage both rear wheels in sync. I set the loader bucket down with the blade getting a good grip to use as an anchor, I use the hydraulics and rock myself forward while also putting it into gear. The outcome was a success, but now the hydra was less than 150 yards away, I could feel the tremors from the monster's foot stomps, which motivated me to immediately put it into high gear again. After what feels like 5 miles since the bog, I came to a sharp left curve in the canyon, and once I made the turn I stumbled upon quite the site to see, that left me in both a state of awe, and shock. I was left awed due to the site of a very large dilapidated stone castle outside and overlooking most of the canyon. I was then left in a shocked state and almost feeling the blood start to drain from my face. We faced what looked like a dead end to the canyon. To the left of the castle was a wide and winding stairway carved into the canyon's side. “Shit I wonder if I can climb out of here on those with the tractor!” I said to my dogs. I drove over and started to climb the steps, but I started to spin out due to steep irregular shaped steps. Back where I started at the bottom of the stairway, with the hydra just now making the corner, I frantically tried thinking about what I should do. There's no time to ditch the tractor and climb out of here on foot, by the time Shay and Lyra got out of the cab that monster would have pretty easy targets. I glanced back up the canyon and noticed a cave that I didn't see earlier, it looked big enough to fit the 4650 into, but small enough to escape a hungry hydra! “FUCKING CREEPPY CAVE IT IS THEN!!!” I yelled, and aimed the John Deere to the entrance of the cave with a rather large reptile hot on our heels. Reaching the cave entrance I chanced a glance back and saw four large mouths, all with extremely sharp looking teeth on an outstretched necks reaching town to go for a bite. Heads 1 and 2 snapped their jaws shut, just narrowly missing the cab of the tractor. The other two were a different story, head number 3 must've accidentally bitten head number 4, who was wailing up a storm trying to get free. With the hydra still charging as fast as it could move, 1 and 2 tried to go for another bite, but ultimately slammed their heads into the cliffside. We made it safely into the cave just in the nick of time. “Holy shit we actually made it girls, WE MADE IT!” I spoke to my companions. Shay and Lyra poked her heads up and peered out the back window, not quite 100% ready to believe me. Once they saw that the giant hyda can't reach us, they calmed down a bit. I checked the tractor quickly, she was running just fine, nothing was broken, and the fuel gauge still read FULL. Putting the 4650 in gear I slowly drove deeper into the cave. I Almost had to turn the headlights on, but the cave started to get brighter and brighter the further we ventured into the cave. It looked like there were very large deposits of amethyst on the ceiling and walls of the cave, it looked as if the stones were glowing. Coming into a rather spacious chamber, I take notice of yet another strange sight. What stood in the center of the underground room was a very large tree. I parked the tractor next to the strange tree and killed the engine. I got out of the cab and let the dogs out too, though they kept close to my side. Walking up next to the tree, I take note of something odd. Trees usually have bark, but this one did not. Reaching a hand out, I placed my hand upon the trunk of the tree, it was cool to the touch and very smooth, a lot like how petrified wood feels like. Withdrawing my hand, I start to look up at the massive tree, stopping when noticing a couple odd symbols on the trunk. The first was a crescent moon with a small star, above that was a sun. Taking a few steps back I looked further up the tree to see a large six pointed star in the center. The tree looked devoid of life, it looked lonely all by itself in this cave. Was this some kind of shrine? I reached up and was able to run my fingers over the lower moon symbol. It wasn't carved in, it was as if it grew like that. “Very strange.” I muttered quietly. An extremely rank odor flooded the air and my nose. I knew what that was, I scowled at both of my dogs who came from behind the tree. I go look and sure enough, two big piles of excrement sat not two feet away from the trunk of the petrified wood tree. “Well at least you two didnt do that inside the cab when we were getting chased…Hell I'm lucky I didn't let a brown trout out by accident myself!” Looking back towards the mouth of the cave I can see that the hydra must have given up, it was waddling its way back down the canyon. Pink colored rain clouds were following it overhead, and head number 3 had its mouth wide open and pointed to the sky to catch the rain. I shake my head, still not sure what the hell is going on or where the hell we are. Then entirely without warning the sky turned to blue, the trees in the air vanished, the clouds were white. Behind me a faint white glow caught my attention, I turned to face the tree and to my surprise, it had a slight glow to it. It started to get brighter and brighter. “ God damn it dogs! You done pissed off a dag gum petrified wood tree by shitting on its roots!” I shouted out. The tree continued to get brighter and brighter to a point where I had to shield my eyes with my hat and hands, I felt my dogs lean up against my legs. Within the crazy few seconds, I felt my whole body go numb and tingle, as if everything went to sleep, feeling like pins and needles. Then as soon as it started, it stopped, I uncovered my eyes, to see the glowing tree losing its luminescence, and returning to its former state in which I found it. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!” I shouted to whoever could hear me. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 4 Silence…resonated within the cave, save for the heartbeats pounding inside our chests, along with the steady intakes and outtakes of breath. I pulled out my phone, and it had no bars, all it said was “NO SERVICE”. I opened my Maps app and the only thing that was showing was a gray grid line background. “What the hell is going on? Where are we?” I thought, while having a little mental breakdown. “Am I…dreaming?” I pinched myself on the arm…nothing happened. I pulled on one of my ears…nothing. I wound my hand back as far as it could go, then proceeded to give myself the biggest slap to the face. “ARGH!!! Damn that hurt!” I complained after I had just successfully bitchslapped myself, though I was grateful my beard was there to help cushion the self induced blow. I hit myself so hard that my hat went askew. Straightening my lid back to normal, I kneel down to the cave floor, and pick up a handful of the cave soil and run it through my fingers. It feels just like how I would expect it to, cool and damp. The cave itself smelled earthy, a lot like the fragrance of a dirt floor root cellar, or the smell after a heavy rain in the summertime. Well so far, four out of five of my senses tell me that this is all very real and that I am very much awake. Standing back up, I carefully walk towards the cave entrance to get a little better understanding of where I am. No sign of a four headed monster, “Thank god it's gone…I hope.” I quietly prayed to myself, then glanced up to the sky, “Now it's a regular looking blue sky.” Looking to my right I see the stairway that I tried to climb with the 4650. My eyes get wider as I start to remember what I had seen at the top of the cliff directly up above me. Walking past the cave entrance, I stumble out just far enough to be able to see bits and pieces of the high points of the castle. Looking at the top of the stairs, I look right and see a rope bridge I hadn’t noticed earlier. It spans a smaller canyon that feeds into the drainage I’m currently standing in. “ I need to climb out of here and get a better look,” I determinedly said. I walked back into the cave to see the dogs patiently laying by the Deere. I climbed up into the cab to retrieve my thermos. I held it to my lips, and drained it dry, the now cold coffee quenching my thirst. I grabbed a couple fresh bottles of water and climbed back out of the cab and went to the front to the bucket of the loader. “Lyra, Shay, come get a drink, I bet you two are thirsty also,” I offered. Pouring 1 bottle into the bucket, the two cattle dogs came over and lapped it up quickly. With only a few bottles of water remaining, we better use it sparingly, unless we find water. Looking at all the vegetation, I assume it either rains a lot or there is a nearby creek. I climbed back into the cab, and saw that my breakfast sandwich still hadn't been touched, and it was about that time my stomach decided to give a little growl, so I ate it quickly. Pulling my rifle from its scabbard, checking to see that it is indeed fully loaded with 6 shots in the tube. I climbed down from the cab with the rifle, and headed to the back to the 3-point to grab my fencing pliers and stuffed them in my back right jeans pocket. I stuffed the bottle of water into one of my shirt pockets. I pull my revolver out and check it over once then place it back into my shoulder holster. “Alright dogs, we can't just stay here, we need to find a way out of here, maybe that there castle has some answers.” I declared. With my right hand grasping the receiver of the Model 94 Winchester, I set off towards the entrance of the cave. Once more, I peered around to make sure that the hydra was indeed gone for good. Seeing no monster, I set off towards the stairway. Once there, I started to climb, with Shay and Lyra following my every step. The three of us had our heads on a swivel, but I was climbing a bit slow. About every four or five steps I'd stop to listen and look around. If you had a giant lizard monster chasing you, you'd be a little leery of your surroundings too. About halfway up, the carved stone steps started to get a lot better and were more unified. I suppose the lower steps were more susceptible to erosion from snow runoff, or heavy rain. The width of the stairway itself had to be at least 15 feet, if it wasn't for those few odd shaped steps I could have easily made it up here with the 4650, but I regress. Reaching the last few steps, we slowly stepped out of the canyon and were almost immediately surrounded by a dense dark forest. The overgrowth even partly covered up the pathway that led up to the bridge. Taking in the view of the rope bridge and the castle beyond, the rickety bridge looks to have definitely seen better days, but it does look sturdy enough to bear our weight. Though on second thought, maybe we should cross one at a time, just to be safe. “Shay, Lyra, sit, stay.” I commanded, both obeyed immediately. I grab hold of the rope and justle it around a bit, it seemed sturdy. “Well here I go” I said. Stepping out onto the first few boards, I test my weight, so far so good, I grab the left side rope with my left hand to brace myself just in case. Half way across, everything is still going smoothly, even the squeaky boards are holding up ok. Judging by the thickness of the boards, they look like they were built to withstand heavy loads. Stepping onto the solid ground on the other side, I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding. Looking back I shout out “LYRA! COME HERE!” The merle colored k9 slowly tiptoed across. Once she made it back to my side, I hollered for the other, “SHAY! COME HERE!” She was a bit more braver, she was skipping over planks. With that obstacle out of the way, we continue our journey on the path to the old castle.The closer we get, the better I can see what remains of the crumbling fortification. Arriving at the foot of a stairway that leads up to a set of heavy looking doors, I try to get an understanding of what is left of the castle. A few towers remain standing, one on the left and one on the right, each with their own set of dark windows here and there. A hall of some sort resides in the middle. The surrounding forest has shown no mercy to the fortress, trees jutting here and there, growing where they can. Tree roots push and buckle the castle's stone bricks, thick bushy vines cover portions of the walls. Nature, slowly taking everything back. Walking up the ten or so steps, we are left standing on a wide landing just before the doors. I reach a fist up and knock on the door three times. The resounding noise echoing within. “Guess nobody's home.” I hummored. I push on the right door and take my first glance inside. We stumble into a rather large and long entrance hall with high ceilings complete with big gaping holes to the outside. “This place sure does look bigger on the inside than it did on the outside,’ I thought. On each side of the long hall, were three entrances that led off to other parts of the castle. The pathway leading down to the far end of the hall ended in a short but wide staircase. On top of said staircase sat two very large chairs, one a dark blue and the other a golden yellow. Two large tapestries of the same color hung above their respective chairs, but what was on them is what really caught my eye. Each wall rug had an image of a pegasus, with a unicorn horn, one a dark blue, the other a bright white....”umm…OK,” I demurred. Each had familiar looking symbols above them, the blue horse had a crescent moon, and the white one had a sun, the same symbols I had seen on the petrified tree down in the cave. “Girls I swear, this day is getting weirder and more confusing by the minute.” I said. “Is this a throne room? Are these not chairs, but a king and queen throne?” I questioned out loud. To the left and right of the thrones, was a staircase that went up. Each leading to different parts of the castle. I headed up the side with the sun. Following the corridor, I noticed that what was left of the castle decor was mostly sun or moon themed. Coming up to a large wood door that had a large sun on the face of it. I pushed it open to see what I could find. Looks to be a very spacious bedroom, complete with a very large four poster framed bed with a huge mattress. The theme of the bedroom was the sun. The room itself looks to be in much better condition compared to the rest of the castle, it even has well sealed windows to keep out the elements. There was a large fireplace with a small pile of logs, on the far left side of the room, large luxurious looking cushions sat next to it. There was a wooden dresser vanity that had a cracked and tarnished mirror. Pulling the drawers open I found an intact wool blanket. “How the hell have mice or some critter not found this room?” I asked the castle. Looking closer at the mattress, it too looks to be in decent usable condition. A small bookshelf with very few books on it was next to the bed against the wall. Walking up to it, I grasp a book and pull it from its place on the shelf and flip it open. “What the heck is this language? I can’t read a thing!” I exclaimed. The letters looked nothing like I’ve seen before. Closing the book, I slide it back in its home on the shelf. Hearing a dog sniffing out something, I turn my head to the bed. Shay was sniffing around the mattress. She then jumped onto the bed and started rooting around with her sniffer. I leaned the Winchester against the wall and I walked over to the bed “What did ya find girl?” I questioned. Shay had found some white feathers, “must be from an old down pillow,” I thought. “It's just some old chicken feathers dog.” I said. But that didn't stop Shay from sniffing through the feathers. I start to brush some of the little feathers off the bed, and that's when I take notice of some larger feathers. I plucked the best, most pristine looking feather I could see. It was an easy twelve inches long, and a flawless white color, the veins were all straight. Grabbing my hat off my head, I slide the feather through my hat band, and place it back onto my head. The room was getting darker, I glanced out the windows to see that the sun was starting to set. “ Well I guess this is as good of a place to stay for a night as any.” I told the girls. I looked at my Phone and the time read 7:30. “I suppose I better take you girls back outside to go to the bathroom, myself included,” I discussed. Walking out of the bedroom door, but not without some “reading material”, the three of us head back down to the throne room, and down the large hall and out the entrance doors to go do our business. Just when we were going to go back insideI I decided that I had better grab some sticks so I can build a small fire in the fireplace back in the bed chamber. In my search for wood, I had found a few bushes of wild strawberries along a portion of the castle wall. If there was more daylight I'm sure I'd be able to find all kinds of edible plants around the old castle grounds.I ate ten or so berries and offered a few to the dogs, they just curled their nose up and just gave me a “Seriously?” look. But their hunger got the better of them. We walked back inside and headed back to the bedchamber with my armfull of sticks. I set the bundle of wood down next to the fireplace, and start to strategically place the sticks into a teepee formation. With that finished I grab some cloth from the floor and stuff it into the center of the sticks. I grab my leatherman from its sheath and pull out the little magnesium and steel stick out of its slot, then I fold a blade out and shave some magnesium flakes off and set them on the cloth. Now using the knife against the steel striker, I aim it at the Magnesium pile and strike. I had a nice little fire going in no time. The sun had officially set, and the moon had risen. I checked the time on my phone, it read 9:00. With the fire giving light and warmth to the room, I walked over to the door, it had a deadbolt, so I shut the door and locked it. I walked back over to the fireplace and added a couple logs to the fire, “That should last till morning.” I murmured. Over at the bed, I brushed the feathers off as best I could, and I retrieved the wool blanket I had found earlier. Slipping my boots off and setting them at the foot of the bed, I slip my hat and my shoulder holster off and hang them from one of the bed posts. I pulled my phone and wallet out and set them on a bedside table, the phone's battery read 50%. Deciding it'd probably be best to leave my clothes on, I crawled into the bed, and draped the blanket over myself. Shay and Lyra joined me on the bed, one curled up by my side, the other by my feet. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 5 Early the next morning in Canterlot Castle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celestia's POV Princess Celestia, with her internal clock, and connection with the sun, awoke from her slumber. The all white mare with an eternal flowing mane and tail, arose from her warm bed. She stretched each appendage one by one, starting with her hooves, then her wings, then lastly her tail. Strolling over into her personal powder room for her early morning ritual. Clean, Celestia pranced out of the bathroom, and her personal maid was there to greet her with a winning smile. “Good Morning Princess! Did you sleep well after yesterday's ceremony honoring the Elements of Harmony's defeat of Discord?” the reddish violet brown mare chimed in a bubbly voice. Celestia smiled and spoke, “Good Morning Miss Cedar Breeze, to answer your question, yes, I did rather enjoy my slumber. Do you know if Twilight and her friends headed back to Ponyville after the celebration last evening?” “Twilight, Spike and the other elements were so exhausted, they decided that it would be best if they stayed here at the castle, your Highness, I believe I heard that a few of the poor dears were nodding off to sleep on their way to the guest chambers. They were positively pooped!” Cedar answered, while helping Celestia with her royal regalia and continued, “Do you wish for me to inform them of breakfast in an hour?” “Yes, it would be quite a delight to be able to enjoy their company. I need to go raise the sun, and I shall inform my sister of the plan for breakfast. Thank you Cedar, you may go.” Celestia said soothingly. Cedar respectfully bowed. “Your Highness.” she said and quietly exited the room. Celestia strolled out onto her balcony, which in part connected to her sisters balcony which in part leads to her sisters bed chambers. Whilst arriving on the balcony, she notices that her sister is exactly right on time with herself. “Gooood Moorning Luna!” Celestia said in a sing-song voice while giving a nuzzle to her dark blue violet coated sister. Luna returned the nuzzle affectionately. “I bid the Good Morning dear sister,” Luna returned. “Art thou ready?” Lighting up her horn, she takes hold of her moon and begins its descent. “Of Course Luna.” Celestia in turn, powers her own horn and reaches out to her sun and sets it on its course. The sun now peaking its way over the horizon, starts to shed its light and warmth onto Equestria. With the changing of the sun and moon successfully completed, Celestia informs Luna of the breakfast with the girls and Spike. “Oh that sounds wonderful, sister, I shall indeed be there, but first I must go freshen up. T’was a long night within the realm of dreams, no thanks to Discord. Ponyville suffered the worst. I even helped some buffalo to alleviate their fear of ballet dancing, complete with pink frilly tutus. ” Luna ended with a snort, then continued, “We will see you at the dining hall with the others.” Celestia smiled warmly, enjoying how the morning is turning out so far, “OK Luna, see you after a bit.” With that Luna returned to her chambers, her eternal flowing tail and mane trailing behind her. Celestia remained on the balcony, observing the exquisite view of the land below. Her eyes trailed down the railroad tracks that led to Ponyville and beyond. She could see a few recognizable structures, especially the massive apple orchard just on the outskirts of the small village. Just when Celestia was about to turn and head back inside, her vision caught a glimpse of something on the horizon. Out past the border of Sweet Apple Acres, was the Everfree Forest, but out in the middle of that forest she could see a subtle trail of black smoke rising up past the trees and into the sky. Judging by the smoke and its location in the forest, she concluded that it should be near her and her sister's old home. “Guards!” she yelled out, Almost immediately four white coated pegasus guards adorned with armor were there on her command. Luna, accompanied by two of her guards, upon hearing the commotion, walked back out onto the balcony. “Sister? Pray tell what is the matter?” Luna questioned her older sister. Without saying a word, Celestia pointed a wing towards the smoke trail out in the middle of the Everfree Forest. All present followed her wing and took notice of the oddity. “Dragon?” Luna questioned. “I do not think so. It looks almost like a campfire type of smoke, but who would want to camp in the Everfree? The only pony I can think of is Miss Zecora and her hollowed out tree cottage, But her home is much closer to Ponyville than the location of the smoke. Sister, it looks as though it may be originating from our old castle ruins.” Celestia said. She looked over at two of her guards, “I will teleport the three of us there, Luna, Inform Twilight and the ohers when they all wake up.” Celestia looked at her other two guards, “Be prepared for more possible commands.” They both gave a proper salute. Luna continued to look at the smoke and questioned her sister, “Are you sure you don’t wish for me to accompany you?” Celestia looked at her sister and answered, “I am sure sister, besides you just got off your night shift, I will inform you if I need assistance, but I thank you for asking me Luna.” she gave Luna another nuzzle. She looked at the two guards that will be accompanying her, “You two ready?” she asked. With two nods, they stood by her side. Powering up her horn and in a flash, all three vanished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outside the Castle of the Two Sisters Celestia and the two guards pop back into existence just past the rope bridge, leading to the castle. Celestia glances up at her ancient home, memories flooding back to her mind, to when the castle was still full of warmth. Immediately Celestia catches sight of the smoke trail, it was drifting out of the chimney from her old bed chamber. “Follow me please,” she said to the two male guards. Strolling up the path and reaching the steps to the front door. Celestia stops, and holds out her wings to stop the guards from moving any further. Her twitching ears were picking up a strange noise from within the castle. “Did either of you hear that?” she questions. They were both working their ears in the same fashion as hers, honing in on the strange sound. The guard to her left nods his head while the one on the right answers for both of them, “It sounds…like…music, your Highness.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside the Castle of the Two Sisters, Celestia's old bed chambers Ty Thomson’s POV “And it’s a great day to be alive I know the sun’s still shining when I close my eyes There’s some hard times in the neighborhood But why can’t every day be just this good Ah, yeah”… “Ugh damn.” I reach out to turn my loud as hell alarm on my damn phone, my hand palm slapping the bedside table multiple times trying to locate the cellphone. Successfully clicking the alarm off, I withdraw my appendage back under the itchy wool blanket. My stomach starts to grumble, I open my eyes to the sight of the bedchamber, the fireplace still has a small fire going. The sun is out and shining brightly through the windows, “Is the time off on my phone?” I thought. Getting up from the mattress, and performing a few stretches and a few ball scratches. I grabbed the bottle of water I had brought, twisted the cap off and drank about a third of it, then put the cap back on and set it on the nightstand. I stuck my phone in my pocket, right when Shay and Lyra were waking up and crawling off of the mattress. “Morning dogs, I bet you need to go to the bathroom, well so do I.” I pull my boots on and tuck my shirt back in, then I slip my shoulder holster on. Just before I headed out the door, I grabbed my hat and set it atop my noggin. Opening the door, we started slumping our way down towards the throne room. Arriving at the top of the staircase that leads down to the two thrones, I start stepping down the stairs and once I was about half way down the steps, movement from further down the great hall from the entrance, startled me in my groggily state. My feet decided to have a hiccup right then and there. “Shit! Fucking HELL!” I start falling head over heels down the stone steps, cursing out as I go. Down the steps I rolled, all while my spurs were jabbing me on the ass with each roll. Arriving at the bottom I slammed my head on the closest yellow throne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celestia's POV (post fall) Celestia and the guards winced each time the strange looking creature fell down the steps. The situation was an unfortunate accident. After witnessing the first tumble, she tried reaching out with her magic to catch it, but her magic did not respond to it. The creature wasn't moving, which was a concern. Moving closer she could see red start to pour from its small nose. Alarms started going off in her head. Celestia moved even closer, but was stopped when a pair of dogs appeared from behind the short wall of the stairway. Both dogs were between her and the creature, and crouched down low while growling and showing their teeth. The closer she got the meaner the growls got. Celestia was at a stalemate, she powered up her magic and tried to gently grasp the two canines, but the same thing happened and her magic did not work on them. Not wanting to harm the dogs with force, she backed off and quickly magiced up a letter out of nowhere and quickly scribbled out a letter to Twilight. Dear Twilight Twilight, I am in IMMEDIATE assistance and time is of the utmost importance. I am currently at The Castle of the Two Sisters. I need the assistance of Fluttershy. I will teleport a guard back to inform a paramedic team. Princess Celestia With a flash and a “POP” the letter was gone. “Now I will teleport you,” she said to the guard to her left, “back to Canterlot Castle. Inform Princess Luna, and Captain Shining Armor, and get a non magical emergency medical team out here fast, and tell them to bring the extra long creature stretcher. Have the captain teleport you all back here, including himself.” the Guard saluted. Celestia nodded and lit up her horn and sent him on his way. Turning to her other guard she resumed, “For now, you and I will clear some of this rubble out of the way and prop the entrance doors open, It's about to get a bit more crowded in here.” Yes Princess!” the remaining guard called out. They got to work swiftly and just when the guard was propping the doors open, they both heard a “POP” noise from outside. A lavender coated mare strutted through the entrance at a quick pace, followed by a butter yellow coated mare. “Princess Celestia!” she yelled and ran up to nuzzle her mentor. “I got your letter saying that you needed our assistance? What's wrong if I may ask?” Twilight asked quickly, with Fluttershy standing by her side. Returning the nuzzle Celestia talked to the mares, “Twilight, thank you for arriving quickly. The Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, I need your assistance with an animal problem.” Celestia said. Fluttershy softly replied “Of course Princess, I'd be glad to help. What kind of animal do you need help with? If you don't mind me asking, that is.” Celestia backed away and revealed two dogs, both of which were intensely staring at each of them, with their teeth exposed in a threatening manner. Fluttershy could see they were guarding something behind them. “Princess, what's…that,” she gestured with one of her wings, “behind the dogs?” Fluttershy asked. “I honestly do not know, but I think that myself and the two guards accompanying me, accidentally startled it, causing it to tumble down the stairs and hit its head. The emergency team should be here shortly.” Celestia said. About that time Fluttershy noticed the blood pouring from the creature's small nose. “OH MY GOODNESS! It could have easily fractured something!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Exactly why I called you her dear Fluttershy, You see, I am met with resistance with the dogs, can you calm them down enough for when the emergency team arrives?” Celestia asked. “I’ll certainly try my best Princess.” Fluttershy determinedly said in a quiet sweet voice. Gathering up her courage, the butter yellow mare walked past Celestia, and towards the dogs. Celestia and the others stood back and quietly watched, her remaining guard leaned over and quietly asked. “Princess, I heard the creature shout out something just before it fell, but I didn't understand what it said.” Celestia carefully watched and studied the strange creature, looking for the slightest sign of life, she then answered her guard, “I'm glad I wasn't the only one to have noticed that.” Watching what she guessed was the chest of the creature under a light blue shirt, Celestia noticed a slow but steady rise of its chest, an indication of breathing. Celestia looked back to Fluttershy, who was much closer to the dogs than she ever was. Fluttershy was crouched down and sweetly talking to the dogs, who in turn, were not growling and brandishing their teeth anymore. Fluttershy then started to back up and make her way back to the group. “Does anypony happen to have some water? I think these dogs are thirsty.” Fluttershy asked the group. Celestia's horn flashed and a dog dish full of water appeared, and she set it on the ground in front of the dogs. “Thanks Princess!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed. She walked back over to the dogs and nudged the bowl with her muzzle towards the dogs. Stopping, she lifted a hoof and gently tapped the water to make a splashing sound, then backed off a few feet to sit on her haunches. The white merle dog came forth slowly, sniffed the water carefully, then started to lap at it. The black dog walked forwards, stopped at the bowl and lapped at the water for a bit, its eyes not leaving Fluttershy for a second. Raising its head back up , the black dog inched closer, to Fluttershy, who continued to talk in a calming voice and held out a hoof. Fluttershy remained perfectly still, the dog sniffed at her hoof, then further up her leg. The other dog, seemingly finished with its drink, walked over in front of Fluttershy and sniffed her hoof, then laid on its back and revealed its belly. “Does somepony want a belly rub?” Fluttershy cooed. She placed her hoof on its belly and proceeded to gently rub. The fear leaving the black dog, and the intense glare leaving its eyes, sat down in front of Fluttershy. Fluttershy brought her other hoof up and ever so gently patted the black dog's head, then ran her hoof down in a petting motion. Noticing that both dogs were in fact both female, she spoke, “You two are just Oh so pretty, you are such nice friendly dogs aren't you! Yes you are!” Both dogs were enjoying her loving and gentle petting, and she was quickly becoming their friend. Fluttershy sponke again, “My friends here are here to help your master, will you please let them help?” she asked the dogs. Fluttershy Gestured to the others to come forth, “slowly please.” The dogs stood up and walked out to each of the ponies, sniffing each one here and there. Celestia patted both on the head, the white one showing its belly to the guard. The guard rubbed the dog's chest, its tongue hanging out. Fluttershy then spoke up, ``I'm going to try and have the dogs follow me outside, maybe they like to play fetch.” Celestia nodded her head in agreement. Getting the attention of the dogs again Fluttershy coaxes them outside, onto the castle grounds. The group heard several “POPS” outside the castle entrance, and trotted the guard Celestia had teleported, followed by an emergency medical team of four white coated ponies and a white coated Captain Shining Armor.. The Guard saluted and spoke, “ Princess Celestia, an Ambulance Chariot is being flown here, and should arrive shortly.” Celestia replied, “Thank you for being quick.” She looked to the emergency team and spoke, “Thank you for coming, but we must be quick, follow me.” Celestia led them all to where the creature was sprawled out next to her old throne. “Now, from what I've come to understand, this creature does not seem to react to magi…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The COLD COLD stone floor of The Castle of the Two Sisters Ty Thomson POV “Ugh…Ugh damn,” my mind starts to stir, “Why…does my everything hurt so bad?” I crack my eyes open, and I'm staring straight up at a stone gray ceiling. I try rolling my head but wince in pain, bringing a hand up to the back of my head I feel a small bump forming. I suck on my teeth as soon as I touch it, “AwwDamn!” I complained, I looked to my right and saw the jackass staircase. I start to gain my senses back, not feeling anything broken, just sore as hell. As I start to sit up, I am greeted by a room full of small horses. Brain goes “What?” There were a total of nine, each had larger than normal eye sockets, and all those big eyes were staring at me. Eight of the nine were white, while the ninth was a purplish color. Some of the pony horse things had armor, some had funny looking uniforms on. A few had wings, some had a horn protruding from the top of their head between the ears. One large white pony had a horn, wings and a crown, and an armor looking thing on its chest. Reaching a hand up to grab onto the throne I hit my head on, I hoisted myself up wincing the whole way up, every bruise was letting themselves be known. The largest white horse took a few steps towards me. While looking directly at me with a look of concern, It made a series of feminem whinnies and knickers. “I must have hit my head a bit harder than I thought girls…girls? Shay Lyra?” I said out loud, then I whistled. The whistle resounded loud through the castle. I heard some commotion outside the entrance, in ran Shay and Lyra, followed by a yellow horse. “There you two are.” I said as they wagged their tails. Shay had a small stick in her mouth. The large white mare again made a series of knickers and whinnies at me, but this time it was much slower, her eyes piercing into mine. I looked at this pony more carefully, her eyes were purple. She had an all white coat, with a slight pinkish color. I caught movement behind her, I saw that her mane and tail was waving back and forth, much like a flag would do in wind. Her mane and tail colors were blue, pink, and green. I looked back at her face, and slowly spoke, “Are you trying to…talk to me?” She tilted her head a bit and nickerd slowly again, her eyes never leaving mine. “I…I can’t...I don’t understand you.” I replied. She brings a hoof up to her head and lightly taps it, then points her hoof at me. Ok, I have lived around horses my whole life, hell for all I know, I was conceived a horse back, but that's another story for a different time. But in all of my 30 years of life, I have never seen a horse's leg do what this mare just did. After getting over my little shock, I think I understood what she was trying to say. I lifted my hand up to the bump on my head, and lightly winced. Nodding her head a couple times she turned her head and knickered to four white ponies who each had a emergency uniform on., each with similar colored red manes and tails. The four trotted up to the large mare before me. One of the mares had a horn and she pulled out a small bag from a set of saddlebags on her back. Her horn started to glow white, and what looked like several ice cubes, formed out of mid air and dropped into the bag. “WHAT WAS THAT?!” I pointed at the bag. The poor mare dropped the bag at my outburst, causing an icecube to giggle out onto the castle floor. Everyone's eyes were back on to me again, the large white mare got my attention again and knickered at me again. I bent my knees and knelt down and grabbed the single ice cube, lifted it up high, then dropped it, my other hand catching it just before it could hit the ground. I looked at both the mare who dropped the bag and the large white mare with a puzzled look. A whinny and a knicker from behind them, made the larger mare crane her head back, the purple one was talking now to the big one and was walking up closer to where I was. The purple one got my attention and pointed at the ice bag then pointed at her horn, then waited for my response, I shook my head up and down in understanding. The purple ones horn lit up, I think the color was magenta, then the ice bag started to glow and lift up from the ground. My eyes do nothing but follow the floating bag. The purple mare floats it over to the big white mare, whose horn was just lighting up a golden yellow. The ice bag turns from a magenta color to a golden color. I look to see that the purple mare's horn is not glowing anymore. Watching the display, I waved my hand over and under the bag nothing was touching the bag, “What in the Willy Wonka Hell is this?” I whispered. The purple mare must have caught my questioning tone, and responded with a short knicker. “Ok Purple horse, I think I get what you're trying to say.” I nodded my head a bit at her. She looked pleased and had a bright happy smile. “Well that was cute,” I thought. Big White knickered to me while holding the ice bag in her hoof, gesturing for me to take it and place it on my head. “Ya that is a “swell” idea! Damn I should become a comedian.” No one laughed. I grabbed the bag and gently placed it on the bump on my noggin, “Thanks,” I gestured to Big White while giving her a curt nod. Then I looked at the mare in uniform that got the ice and ice bag in the first place, “And thanks to you also,” and gave her a small nod as well. She gave a small smile and a nod in return, then pointed a hoof to her nose then to her chest, then repeated the same gesture a couple more times, then pointed at my chest. I immediately looked down at my chest and saw some large droplets of blood, “What the hell?” I said, with my other free hand I reached and felt my nose and beard, Both were a bit crusty with dry blood, “Well Damn, Anyone got a rag?” I said. By the time I looked back at the paramedic pony she had some clean towels, and was holding one out for me to grab. I grabbed it and just noticed a bowl half full of water. I was about to dip the towel in the water, when another bowl surrounded by a golden glow appeared out of nowhere, full of water. I Looked at Big White for an explanation, but she had a bemused looking smile, and was busy petting Shay and Lyra…”Ah…I get it now. Thanks.” I said to her. I cupped my one hand and splashed the water up into my face and scrubbed the blood off, then used the towel to dry off. Once I was clean, Big Whites horn lit up and the bloody water bowl and towel disappeared. Back in front of Big White, Purple Horse, the paramedic pony, and now the Yellow Pony. Yellow Pony was busy playing with my dogs, and boy let me tell you they were absolutely loving her. I best be careful or else she might spoil them. I spoke to Big White, while pointing a finger at my chest, “Ty Thomson…Ty Thomson…T y T h o m s o n,” > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 6 Big White and Purple Horse tried to say my name, but the first few attempts were so bad, I couldn't help but give a little chuckle. I heard some of the other ponies trying to say my name as well. From further in the back I heard a deeper voice attempting and coming very close to saying my name correctly. I looked up to see who it was, a white stallion with a multi blue striped mane and tail. The stallion strutted up to where Big White and Purple Horse were sitting like a dog would and joined them. Upon arrival, the stallion gave a quick nuzzle to Purple Horse, and in return, she gave one back, “Are they an item?” I wondered. I said my name again slowly to the stallion. “T Y T H O M S O N… “TYY THOOMSOON” He struggled, I nod my head and urge him to try again. “TY THOMSON.” I nodded my head and pointed at myself and repeated my name. “Ty Thomson, Ty Thomson. Yes you got it!” I exclaimed. The Stallion then started to knicker to Big White and Purple Horse. The next few tries from the mares were completely different, they used an entirely different tone. I could tell that it was a bit more difficult for them but they both managed to say my name correctly. I nodded my head when they got it right, then I heard the rest of the ponies in the room start to say my name correctly. “Ty Thomson,” Big White called for my attention, she pointed at her chest and proceeded to whinny a short phrase. “That must be her name. How the hell do I whinny?” I thought. “Neeiighh.” I said, trying to match Big Whites tone. The entire room proceeded to erupt with laughter, Big White, and the Butter Yellow were trying their hardest not to giggle but were failing. The Big White Stallion was completely losing it, he was booming out laughs while slamming one of his forehooves against the stone floor repeatedly. The two with armor on were trying so hard not to laugh, but smiles were starting to form on their lips. The Paramedic team were also trying to hold in their giggles. Purple Horse on the other hand wasn't laughing and had a shocked expression on her face. “NNEIGGH!” I tried again, Every pony was laughing so hard, not one pony was left standing, including Big White. Purple Horse was rolling on the ground next to Big White Stallion. “Damn, I think I could make you guys actually piss yourselves from laughing so hard. Speaking of.” As soon as I mentioned the word piss, my full bladder decided to let itself be known again. “Um White Horse?” I caught Big Whites attention, she looked at me again as she wiped a few tears away from her eyes. “I Need to go outside to use the mens room.” She tilted her head in confusion. “I need to find a way to communicate better with them.” I thought. I looked around the room for anything that could help me, meanwhile Shay was dropping a small stick for me to throw for her. Acting on auto pilot, I reached down with my free hand and grabbed the stick and got ready to toss it, when an idea came to mind. I looked at the stick and held it in my hand like I would an oversized pencil. When I again had the attention of the room again, I walked over to the stone wall and started to scribble and display a writing pattern. Both Big White and Purple Horse both whinnied something out loud and both of their horns glowed. A few sheets of paper and crayons appeared, and were floated and set down next to me. I reached down and picked them up and brought them over by one of the thrones to use as a writing desk. I quickly drew a crude stick man figure, I was in a hurry after all. Then I drew a slightly arched dashed line from the groin area to the ground, then held the drawing up to the ponies to see. I pointed to the drawing then to me. Still not getting the point across, I quickly drew another stick figure, this time of a pony, then drew a similar arched dashed line from the groin area to the ground then showed the drawing to the ponies. I pointed to myself then to the door that led outside. Realization hit them in their faces, a few of them even had blushing cheeks, “How the hell does hair blush?” I thought. Big White grinned and nodded her head then looked at Big White Stallion and knickered a few syllables. He Saluted and whinnied back to her. Big White Stallion stood up and started to follow me, “I guess you're coming with?” I said to him, Neigghh, Ty Thomson neiggh.” I heard the stallion say. Shay and Lyra were following me close as we headed outside. Heading off to my perfect pissing tree, I stepped behind it to get a bit of privacy. Unbuckling my belt, unbuttoning my pants button, and zipping the zipper down, I quickly whipped out Ty Junior, I took aim and just let go. Simultaneously on the other side of the tree, I heard the undeniable sound of a horse taking a piss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside the Castle of the Two Sisters Celestia's POV (The Moment Ty and Shining Left the Castle) Celestia watched the creature leave, whose name they learned is Ty Thomson. In all of her extremely long life, she's never seen anything like him. A bipedal being, with clothes covering its entire body, except its head and hands. Its hands looked like those of a monkey or a minotaur. This Ty is obviously a male, with the low voice, she assumed. The drawings he made, made it quite obvious. Some giggling and conversation brought her out of her train of thought. “Oh my goodness, what he said made me laugh so hard, I couldn't control myself. I hope I didn't hurt Ty’s feelings. Fluttershy said. “Ooooo I think my sides are going to be sore from laughing tonight,” Twilight conversed with her friend as she rubbed her ribs with a hoof. “But I don't think you hurt his feelings. In fact I think I saw him smile a bit at our outburst. I'm sure once he finds out that Instead of repeating Princess Celestia's name correctly he accidentally said “Bean Toots”!!! How does sompony come up with that!” she looked to her mentor and continued, “ I'm sorry Ty got your name wrong Princess.” Celestia just smiled and answered her faithful student, “It's quite alright Twilight, I too was giggling at his first attempt. I hold no judgment upon Ty Thomson, but his second attempt was truly a joyous treat. I don’t think I've laughed that hard in the last 100 years. “Love Sexy Trees” will definitely be one to remember, I can't wait to share this with my sister.” she started to get in another giggle fit. Twilight got over her laughter, then asked her mentor, “Princess, have you ever seen anything like him? I've never read a book or seen a reference of any kind that describes a creature like Ty Thomson. He walks on two legs. A bipedal!” “I'm afraid I haven't, Twilight. In the thousands of years of my existence, I have never stumbled upon a creature quite like Ty Thomson.” Celestia answered her student, then continued, “Tell me, what do each of you think so far of Ty Thomson?” Fluttershy answered first “Well, I didn't get to talk to him as much as you guys did, mostly because I was too distracted by his two cute and adorable dogs. They were both extremely healthy and fit, and you could tell how much they loved and adored their master, they were willing to protect him even at his most vulnerable. I think that says a lot about his character, your highness.” Celestia added this to her thoughts, and she couldn't help but agree with the Element of Kindness. Twilight spoke next, “I’ll have to agree with Fluttershy, Princess. Ty Thomson’s dogs seemed to be fiercely loyal, and they did look healthy and well kept. A good indication of a responsible pet owner. For the most part, his tone while trying to communicate with us seemed to be a combination of curiosity and shock. His eyes were glued to that ice cube and ice bag. It's almost as if he's never seen magic before, but how can that be?” “When myself and the guards first arrived here and witnessed him stumble down the stairs, I tried reaching out with my magic to catch him before he could hurt himself, but it was as if nothing was there. The same could be said about the dogs, I could not sense them in my magic grasp. This is truly a mystery.” Celestia recalled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leaving The Great Pissing Tree, Outside The Castle of the Two Sisters Ty Thomson POV Walking back to the castle entrance, with my co pisser walking next to me on my right and my dogs on my heels, my stomach gave a loud grumble. The stallion must have heard my complaining stomach, and gave me a questioning knicker. I pointed over to the strawberry bushes, he looked and nodded his head in agreement. When we got to the strawberry bushes I picked enough to carry in one hand. My other hand was still holding the ice bag to my newly formed bump on the back of my head. A flash of magenta caught my eye, I looked over to the stallion and his horn had a magenta glow to it. A type of wicker basket appeared, floating in the air next to him, then another flash of magenta encompassed a portion of the strawberry bush and at least 30 strawberries floated up into the air and landed inside the basket. “How the heck are you doing this? Tell me your ways.” I said to the stallion, while I was most likely expressing a look of amazement. He just just chuckled and started heading back towards the castle, so I followed after him. Reaching the entrance Shay and Lyra headed in first, followed by Big White Stallion, then me. I stopped in the doorway when the other group of ponies came into full view down the hall. They were all conversing with each other in their own horse language. While I was enjoying munching of the couple of strawberries I had, I took notice of the marks on the thighs some of the ponies. The marks were located between the “point of hip” and “croup”. The ponies all had various marks, but the mark that struck me as odd was the one upon Big White’s. A large sun, “I know I’ve seen that sun before.” I thought. As I pondered, I looked past her and up and that's when realization struck. The Large tapestry, which had an image of a white horse with wings and a horn, with a large sun depicted over it. Then I remembered the sun adjourned bedchamber, the white feathers! The sun on the tree down in the cave! Her golden crown on her head! This is her Castle! Big White seemed to sense that something was wrong, she spoke with a concerned question, “Knicker, Ty Thomson, knicker?” “That's you?” I pointed to the tapestry then at her. “Big White, that you?” I repeated the gesture. She followed my pointing and her eyes landed on an ancient tapestry depicting her image. She looked back at me and pointed to the tapestry with a hoof then to her own chest, then nickered quietly then nodded her head. Big white turned around and trotted up to the thrones and climbed up and sat upon the gold colored throne and looked out at me again, further making her point across. Before I could think of anything to say, I felt a sharp pain on both ass cheeks, and I felt myself being launched forwards in the air, completely scaling over Big White Stallion and my dogs and crashing onto the the two unsuspecting guard ponies, but not without the armor hitting the back of my head. “Fucking Hell!”l was all I got to say before darkness clouded my mind again. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 7 Wind…blowing through my hair, was the first thing I could feel, the same feeling one would feel when cruising down the highway with all the windows rolled down, on a late summer day. The next feeling I sensed was that I was gently swinging from side to side in a rhythmic steady pattern. A strange noise was coming from all around me. It made me think of pigeons flapping their wings. “Ugh…wha…ughwhats goin on?” I opened my eyes, and once my vision cleared I found myself looking up to the sky, but what I saw up in the sky directly above me had me a bit puzzled. About 15 feet above me was what looked like the underside of a white furred flying horse. ”Not the first thing I wanted to wake up and see,” I thought after noticing the flying horse's crown jewels bouncing around. The stallion was wearing a harness that was draped over his body, four straps were hanging off him and hung down to me and connected to a type of stretcher to which I was laying down on. I was fastened to the stretcher, unable to really move my body. As I was wiggling around a bit, I felt a literal pain on my ass. I quit moving and just layed there. “HEY! YOU!” I shouted up at my ride, The stallion craned his head down between his front legs to peer down at me, the stallion was one from the paramedic team. “YA YOU! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, AND WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE I GOT MY ASS KICKED!” I shouted over the wind. “Ty Thomson nicker nicker,” I heard a familiar femanine voice say to my right. I looked over to see Big White flying next to me, she had a look of concern on her face. She held out a hoof and lightly tapped my right shoulder. “What the hell happened, why does my ass hurt, and where are Shay and Lyra?” I said loud enough for her to hear me over the wind. She tapped my shoulder again in a calming manner. “Damnit, she can’t understand me,” I thought. Then she surprised me by pointing a hoof behind her in the sky. What she pointed at was a pinkish hot air balloon, inside it was a collection of 5 ponies of various colors. Two I recognized as the Butter colored pegasus pony with light pink mane and tail, the second was the purple unicorn. The others consisted of an orangish colored pony with a yellow mane and tail, an all around pink pony with some crazy pink hair, and a white unicorn with a fancy looking purplish mane and tail. Next to Butter and Purple Unicorn I saw that my dogs were with them, Both Shay and Lyra had their heads popped up and looked in my direction. “At least they are safe,” I thought. Then I caught a glimpse of a sixth pegasus pony behind the balloon basket pushing. It was cerulean blue, with a rainbow mane and tail. I looked back to Big White then nodded my head. Looking to my left, I saw another three pegasus ponies, two were stallions in armor, and the other was a mare from the paramedic team. The mare was constantly flying right next to me, and checking my straps, and flying up to Mr. Ballsack, and checking the harness and connections to make sure everything was running smoothly. I tried to look at the ground , but the stretcher was limiting my field of vision. “How high am I off the ground?” I thought, The only ground I could see was the occasional high hill tops. “Well where the hell are we going, Big White?” Big White again just tapped my shoulder gently with her hoof. I looked down my body as best I could, I still had my revolver strapped on, and I didn’t lose any of the 9 shells in the bandolier. My boots were still on, as were my spurs. Then I thought of one thing that I was missing. “MY HAT! WHERE THE HELL IS MY HAT?!” I yelled in my head. “Big White, Where's my Hat?” She looked at me with a puzzled look then nickered to the paramedic mare, and they had a short conversation between each other while Big White was pointing at my restraints. The paramedic nodded her head in agreement and reached down with her teeth and loosened the restraint that kept me from moving my arms. Once my arms were free she rechecked all my other straps to make sure I wouldn't fall off the stretcher. Big Whites horn then lit up, and a blue crayon and a small drawing pad appeared. She held both out to me, but only had half of each object glowing the same as her horn. I grabbed the side that wasn't glowing on both the drawing pad and crayon, and then she dropped them both. “Thanks Big White!” I thanked and nodded my head to her. “Nicker wyhinny, Ty Thomson,” Big White replied with a nod of her own. With crayon and drawing pad in my grasp I attempted to draw the best looking cowboy hat I could manage, while flying through the air. My first try was so atrocious that I abandoned it and flipped to a different page. My second attempt was much better, I Turned the pad to Big White, who looked at it and then back at me, then nodded her head. “NICKKER WhinNny!” she boomed, One of the armor wearing ponies flew to her side and she had a quick discussion with him and motioned to the hot air balloon. He saluted, then flew to the basket. In no time he was back with my hat gripped between his front hooves. He held it out for me to grab. “Thanks good buddy,” and gave him a respectful nod. He nodded back and returned to his position. Up above me, Mr. Balls the paramedic, whinnied, loud enough for everyone there to hear. I then felt myself start to decent, with the two mares on either side of me descending at the same pace. The lower I got, the more I could see the ground. I started to see the tops of trees, then I started to notice more flying ponies up in the air, all were looking in our direction with curiosity in their eyes. Lower and lower we went, and I started to see thatch roof buildings, fields of various crops, an orchard or two. A village was becoming more and more visible, and there were ponies of every color of the rainbow, literally. There were pegasi, unicorns, and regular ponies, each unique. The same could be said out their manes and tails. There were mares, stallions, colts, and fillies, some were young, some were advancing in age. The whole village seemed to have hit the pause button, everyone was looking in our direction. Mr. Balls started to fly in place and lowered me to the ground. I felt the stretcher gently kiss the ground, and the paramedic mare wasted no time undoing the straps connecting to my stretcher. Once free, Mr. Balls descended to the ground himself. We were in front of a rather large building, a white + emblem was on the sign followed by unreadable words. “Must be some sort of hospital,” I pondered. The hot air balloon landed not too far away, and all of its occupants were getting out, Butter being very careful of my dogs, “They seemed to listen to her well,” I thought. Five of the ponies started moseying over to Big White, while the rainbow one slowly made her way over too, her head hung low and with droopy ears. She practically avoided looking in my direction. Big White, who was standing broadside to me, her sun mark on display, knickered to the Purple one. I started to look at the thighs of all the other ponies. They each had a unique mark. “How did I not notice those before, Are they a brand?” I wondered. Getting tired of being strapped down to this stretcher, I start to undo all my straps, starting with my chest. The paramedic mare, who was helping Mr. Balls out of his harness, noticed me undoing my restraints, was immediately to my side, trying to get me to stop. “Hey I’m ok, let me stand girl.” I told the mare. Big White, upon hearing me speak, and seeing me trying to undo my restraints, nickered to the paramedic mare. With an annoyed breath, the mare stopped trying to stop me, and proceeded to help me with the rest of the straps. When the last restraint was un done at my feet, I swung my legs off the side, my boots touching the dirt path that led to the building. Both Mr. Balls and the mare were behind me and leaned both of their heads down and underneath my arms. The mares head poked out from under my left arm, and Mr. Balls’s head popped out from under my right arm. They both looked up at me and waited for me. Catching on to what they were wanting to do, I put my hat on and winced a bit as I felt two bumps on my head. Taking a deep breath, I nodded my head, and they both lifted me up, working in unison. Once I was more than half way up, the mare switched positions and placed her right front hoof on my back to help steady me up all the way. Once I was standing, they both remained at my side, they had me sandwiched between them, each had their inner front leg pressed to the outsides of my legs to help stabilize me. From my waist down to my feet, they had 100% contact, on both sides, both of my arms were drooped down around their withers, my hands palming their outer shoulder blades. Once I was sure I wasn't going to fall, I tapped the mare's shoulder with my left hand and nodded. She understood and backed off and away but still remained relatively close just in case. “Tyy ThOmsoon, nicker.” the mare spoke and pointed to the hospital building's entrance. I looked at the building then back at her, then nodded. We started heading into the hospital, Mr. Balls insync with me step by step, with my right arm still wrapped around his withers, I looked back to see all the ponies in our group following, but the rainbow one was in the back, still practically dragging her hooves. Walking into the building, I was led to a rather large room on the ground level, all in all there were eleven ponies in our group. Big White, two pegasus guards, the mare paramedic, Mr. Balls, and the six mares from the hot air balloon and Shay and Lyra. “Where's Big White Stallion and the other two paramedics?” I wondered. About the time I was about to ask, in walked a brown/tan colored stallion with a brown mane and tail. He had what looked like a heart monitor screen for a mark on his thigh. He noticed Big White and bowed, and started to converse with her. The Doctor had his horn lit up and was levitating a clipboard and pencil, quickly writing everything down. While Big White, and the paramedic mare was explaining, I could see the rainbow one in the back start to slouch and try to make herself invisible, trying her damndest to not look me in the eye. I could see that the corners of her eyes had been damp recently. Once Big White and the mare were done, the doctor walked over to me, I was still standing with Mr. Balls still by my side giving me support if I needed it. The doctor held out a hoof and spoke in their language. “KniCkEr kniCker whinNeY, knicckEer.” I just looked at him and just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. Then I remembered the drawing pad and blue crayon. I pulled it out and shook it in front of me, then I looked to Big White to see if she understood. “KnicKeRr Ty Thomson.” she nodded her head. Her horn lit up and a dry erase board with markers appeared in the room. Then she spoke to the Doctor, hopefully explaining how to communicate with pictures. I left Mr. Balls' side, and walked up to the board and grasped a marker, and popped the cap off. I quickly drew a human stick figure, complete with a cowboy hat and boots, then I wrote out my name underneath the stick figure. Then I circled the drawing and my name. I stepped to the side so everyone could see, then pointed at the drawing and then myself and said “Ty Thomson,” then I pointed at my written out name and said “Ty Thomson.” The ponies who weren't there for my first lesson tried speaking my name, it took them a few tries, but Purple horse said something to them and pointed at her throat. Whatever she said did the trick. All the ponies within the room were reciting my name. “At least now they can address me to get my attention.” I thought. The doctor then walked up to the board, and grabbed the marker and drew a shirt, and pants. He then drew an X on both items then drew an arrow pointing at my stick figure. He turned around once he was done and looked at me for an answer. I looked him in the eye, and grabbed a handful of my shirt and said “ My clothes? You want them off?.” I questioned The doctor. Sensing my questioned tone, the Doctor thought for a minute the turned around then drew another picture, this time it was a drawing of a band aid and he drew lines to my stick figure. The Doctor again turned around to face me, to find my reply. I nodded my head and gave my answer, “Ok, I get it now, gimme a sec.” I walked back over to where Mr. Balls had brought me to earlier, there was a hospital bed there, and I decided to use part of it as a table. I unfasten my shoulder holster and place it on the bed within hands reach. Next I peel my boots off one by one and set them next to the bed. Next I start unbuttoning my shirt and peel it off and drape it on the bed. With my back facing the crowd, I heard a few of them gasp then I heard a few call my name. I turned back around to see what the fuss was about, then I heard even more gasps. “What's wrong?” I asked. The paramedic mare walked up to me and pointed at certain spots on my body, I looked down at what she was pointing at. I had several black and blue bruises starting to form. I gently ran my hand over most of the bruises, they were sore, and I winced a bit, but nothing was broken, thank god. I gave her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up and said, “Ty Thomson Ok.” She nodded her head then backed away again. Undoing my belt buckle, and pants button and unzipping my Wranglers, I drop em and go to sit down on the bed to step out of them one leg at a time, but as soon as my ass hit the bed, I felt a jolt of pain on my ass, “OUCH GOD DAMN IT!” I yelled. The Doctor and the two paramedics moved in to assist me, but I held a hand out to stop them. “Definitely feels like I got a huge bruise on my ass.” I told the audience. With my clothes off except my socks and boxers, I looked at the Doctor for more instructions. He turned back to the board and drew something that resembled my boxers, complete with an X crossing it out. He looked back at me, I looked back at him, and said “You cant be fucking serious!? What about all of them?” I pointed at my audience while shaking my head. The Doctor looked at the other ponies in the room, then back to me then nodded his head. He trotted over to a part of the room and started to bull out a curtain from the wall.once it was almost closed, he started to ussur everyone out except the two paramedics and himself, from our side. “Should I have a few of them in here? I thought. “Big White, Purple Horse, Butter, Shay and Lyra.” I spoke out. Each one funneled into my side of the curtain. Once they were in the Doctor knickered to the ponies on the other side, then closed the curtain. “Well I guess if you guys are ready?” I looked at each of them, the Doctor nodding his head. I turned around and gathered up my shirt, and placed it over my package then hooked the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down. With my bare ass facing towards the smaller crowd, I heard several gasps, Butter was up and by my side in no time nickering and whinnying to me in an extremely worried voice. The Doctor and the Paramedic mare walked up to me also with sympathetic stares. Seeing a mirror. I walked over to it and turned around to see my ass’s reflection. Right there on each cheek, was the perfect outline of a hoof print, and they were both black and blue. I stood up with one hand still grasping my shirt over my groin, I limped over to the curtain and started to pull it back, but Mr. Balls was there to do it for me, “Thanks,” I said quietly to him. The other members of our group were revealed to me, the two guards were watching the door, and the other four mares were sitting on some waiting chair cushion things. Three of them were sitting upright and watching my every move, the fourth was curled up like a dog, her head pointed to the wall. When I had most of their attention, I turned around and showed them my bruised bottom. They all made their own version of a shocked gasp, including the two guards. Then I stepped in front of the rainbow one, and waited for her to turn around and look at me. The orange pony was sitting the closest to her and reached out with a hoof and tapped the rainbow one on the head. Rainbow lifted her head up and turned her head to look at her friend, then she caught sight of me standing in front of her, she slowly stood upright and faced me. I turned around and showed her my bruised backside. “Did you do this to me?” Her eyes shrank to pinpricks once she saw the damage, her eyes started to moisten a bit, then she then looked up into my eyes, she nodded her head then she spoke. “Knick KniCkerR! WhinnY WhiNny Knicker knicinny….” she kept going. I couldn understand anything she was saying. I held my hand out and motioned her to follow me. She hesitantly followed me to the board. I erased everything and drew a castle on the far left, then put three big dots in a row at the bottom of the board, then I drew Mr. Balls and his harness with me on the stretcher in the air along with all the others that were with us in the air. I turned to face the crowd and Purple whined out loud and clapped her hooves together several times. Purple trotted up to the board and cleared my beautiful art and took the marker in her weird levitation ability and got to work. In the meantime, I walked over to the bed and layed belly down to let the Doctor, doctor me, while I watched Purple draw a picture book of the events that led us to where we are now. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 8 I just laid there on my belly, on the bed, with my sweet cheeks facing the ceiling. The doctor left the crowded room for a bit, but was back soon enough. Within his glowing magical grasp, he held a bottle. I'm going to take a wild guess that it’s a type of ointment for my bruises. Turns out I was right! The doctor applied the stuff onto the various bruises all over my body, it was warm at first contact, then started to get ice cold. Whatever it was, it seemed to be working, the pain was dulling away significantly. He wasn't able to use his magical ability, as soon the glowing thing came into contact with my skin, it wouldn't work. Now I’ve definitely had my fair share of bruises, don’t get me wrong. Working on a ranch for 30 years you tend to get a bruise or ten, and don’t even get me started on rodeo! I've been thrown off, stomped on, and have had my fair share of broken bones, so you could say I'm no stranger to pain. Can’t say I’ve ever been rubbed down by a horse though, that’s definitely a new one. I first expected the Doctors hooves to be rough, and at least kinda scratchy on my skin, but they were smooth and warm. Infact, now that I actually have a moment to just relax and just gander at these ponies a bit, I learn something new the longer I study them. The hindquarter marks, most every pony had one, all were unique. Apples, butterflies, diamonds, balloons, a sun, a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, a six pointed star, a heart monit…wait a minute…”I've seen that star before…I know I’ve seen it. It was on that tree!” I thought. The star was on the Purple one. Speaking of Purple, she was diligently putting my crude human stick figures to shame. She was definitely putting every inch of that marker board to good use. “YeOUCH!” I yelled, I turned my head to glare at the Doctor, he had just started to apply the ointment on my buttocks. “That area is a bit tender there Doc!” He just gave me a “get over it” look and a low snort. I just laid my head back down to the pillow, and let my left arm hang over the side of the bed. Shay and Lyra must've decided that was a signal and an opportunity to get some ear scratches, because the next thing I knew they were both booping their heads into my open hand. The hand surrendered to the onslaught of boops, and went back and forth, petting them both. The ponies in the room were conversing amongst each other, some were helping Purple with her story, while others were having different conversations, but I felt like I was the centerpiece for everyone to stare at, not that I mind, I mean, they all seem to be naked, apart from the few uniforms I've seen. I was too far in deep thought that I had barely noticed that I had a visitor by the side of my bed. It was the white one with a trio of diamonds for her mark. This blue eyed mare had quite the elegant purple mane and tail, she had light blue makeup on her eyelids. The mare wasn't looking at me though, she had her eyes locked on my blue jeans. It looked to be as if she was studying them. “Girl aren't you a curious one.” I quietly said to her, so I didn't startle her. She looked up at me once I had opened my mouth. “NeiigHh nickEr, Tiy ThomSOOn?” she said to me. “Damn that's a beautiful voice!” I said in my head. She pointed a hoof at my pants then spoke again “WhyinNey NicKker? “You…wanna look at my jeans? Probably never seen pants before I assume. I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Mind if I call you Diamonds? Is that fine?” I Said to her. She tilted her head sideways a bit in a confusing manner. I pointed to her mark with a finger, and said “Diamonds” then pointed at her then said “Diamonds”, then I pointed at myself then said “Ty Thomson.” She nodded her head slowly, as though she was still trying to process my words. She pointed a hoof at her chest and struggled out the word “Diamonds,” I nodded my head. She repeated the word over and over so she could remember it. Meanwhile I had grabbed my jeans and pulled its contents out of the pockets and sat them on the nearby bedside table along with my revolver. I then held out my jeans for her to grab, her horn lit up a pretty light blue, but nothing happened. She looked up at her horn and gave a pony snort. She then just grabbed it with a hoof, and walked back to her earlier spot. I watched her for a bit longer, she seemed very intrigued about the copper rivets and the WRANGLER patch on the back. Two of the ponies she was sitting by were the two regular ponies, the orange and pink ones. The green eyed orange one had a trio of red apples for a mark, while the pink one had a trio of balloons and blue eyes, I guess I'll just call them Apples and Balloons. Apples had a straw yellow mane and tail, both ended with a red hair tie. She had what looked like a cowboy hat sitting atop her head. Does that make her a “cowpony?” Apples kept glancing over at my pants that Diamonds was looking over, but was more focused on my belt buckle. Balloons was a pink pony, an all pink pony. Her messy pink mane and tail just went all over the place. Not seeming interested in the pants, Balloons had bounced over to Rainbow, and started a conversation with her. It must've been a touchy subject because Rainbow's magenta eyes shrank to pin pricks again, she jumped into the air and started to flap her wings to keep herself aloft. She flew over closer to my bed and seemed to be staring sorrowfully at my butt. Rainbow must've made a discovery she didn't like, she floated back down to the floor, she was in tears, and repeating the same “Neigh neiGhhH!” over and over again. “What's wrong now Rainbow?” I asked her. She cocked her head in the same confusing manner as Diamonds. “Dang it, I'm tired of this, HEY EVERYONE, ALL YOU GUYS LOOK AT ME!” I yelled at everyone in the room, and clapped my hands a few times. Once I had everyone's attention, I started from one side of the room and pointed at each pony and recited their name that I had for them. I started with Apples, “Apples…Diamonds…Balloons…Rainbow…Butterfly… Purple…Big White…Guards…Mr. Balls…Paramedic Mare…Doctor.” I repeated myself again just to put my point across. I got mostly nods back but a few of them recited the name I had given them. I turned back to Rainbow to figure out what was making her so upset. “What's wrong Rainbow?” I asked her, while shrugging my shoulders. She started off on a horse speech tangent, so fast that even if I did understand their language, I still probably wouldn't understand what she was saying because of the sheer speed at which she said it. Giving up on trying to understand her, I grab the crayon and drawing pad and hand it to her, urging her to try and draw something that I can understand. She takes the crayon in her mouth and starts to scribble on the paper, slowly a stick figure that kinda resembles me, took form on the page. She kept drawing though and adding to the stickfigure, and once she was done she spat the crayon out of her maw and hoofed me the drawing pad. I grabbed it and turned it around so I could see it, a drawing I'm assuming is me. Looking at it closer, it depicted me having a tail…a tail. I looked back at Rainbow again and questioned her as I held up the picture and pointed at the tail on the drawing, “I have a tail?” She grabbed the pad again and popped the crayon back in her mouth and added to her drawing. Once done she gave it back to me to look at it again. This time there was a pony behind me in a two rear hooved kicking stance with the two hooves connecting to the drawing of me’s butt, then a big X was crossing out drawing me’s tail, then the tail was re-drawn flying away. I look away from the drawing to look at Rainbow, and my god are these ponies faces expressive. Rainbows ears her splayed out and drooping to the sides, she had that “I fucked up and I’m sorry” look going on. “Heh, heh, heh,” I couldn't help myself from chuckling, “Heh Heh HEH HEH!” The absurdity of the whole thing was just mind bogglingly laughable. “HEH HEH HAHAHA!” I bellowed out laughing. The other ponies in the room were now watching me again, including Purple and Big White. Here I am in some ponytopia, found by a group of ponies after I had stayed a night in some castle, with my tractor still down in that petrified tree’s cave, and ending up in a hospital getting some bruises rubbed by a horse doctor, because a pony kicked my ass for some still unknown reason, and the remorse and regret is hitting this mare hard. Now she's worried that she kicked my non-existent tail off. How could I not laugh at my predicament! “HAHA HEh heh Rainbow…I don't have a tail, I never did!” I told her. I grabbed the drawing pad and the now damp crayon and drew a human stick figure and put a circle around it and placed a check mark over the whole thing. Then I drew a tail on the side and placed a X over it. I showed her my drawing and it seemed to click in her mind that she was worrying about nothing, she whipped the dampness from her eyes, then gave me a curt nod. About that same time, Purple had finished her masterpiece and turned around and called my name to gain my attention, to which I replied, “I’m all ears Purple.” The Doctor had finished with me some time ago, and was off somewhere to clean up I imagine. Purple's drawing was precise and easy to follow and understand. Apparently, Apples, Diamonds, Balloons and Rainbow weren't even supposed to be there, but they didn't want to leave their friends hanging out at the castle without them, so they rode the hot air balloon out to the castle. And once they had reached the castle, Rainbow had thought she had seen a big scary two legged monster getting ready to attack Big White Stallion, because it was following him into the castle entrance. Rainbow thought she would save the day by flying down from the balloon to give that monster a good kicking. “Well I’ll say she’d done did a good kicking.” I mentioned. The monster, aka me, was shown kicked into the air and landed onto the guards, and getting knocked out again. This had apparently triggered my dogs into an aggressive and protective mode. Butterfly was shown to have calmed them down enough for the ponies to help me. Apparently the ponies wanted to teleport me to this hospital, but their magic wouldn't work on me or the dogs. Their next choice was to use the stretcher and fly me out. Being pretty obvious, the drawing/story thus ended. Looking at Purple I nodded my head, indicating that I understood, she returned a nod and added a cute smile. Getting up from the bed, I grab my boxers and slipped them on gently, the pain was definitely dulled now, thanks to the Doctor and his ointment. I pulled my shirt on and started to button it back up, then I stood next to Rainbow. She was still looking at me, remorse still strong in her facial expression. I understand why she did it, she thought that I was some monster about to attack a defenseless pony. She was worried about her friends, worried enough to put herself at risk to defend them. That just screams loyalty to me. I kneeled down so I was eye level with her and stuck out my hand. She looked at my hand and cocked her head slightly, and lifted up her own hoof and placed it next to my hand, I gently yet firmly shook her hoof up and down and I said “Rainbow, I forgive you.” I heard some horse language from Purple. She must have been talking to Rainbow, because Rainbow's entire mood seemed to have flipped like a switch. The pegasus started to flap her wings, that frown was starting to form into a smile. Then all of the sudden, she flew into me and gave me a quick hug around my chest, reaching her forelegs around to my back. After a couple seconds, she backed off away me and gave me a happy look and said “Ty ThomsOOn, Whinny Nickker niCkerWhinNicker.” I did the only thing I could think of, I gave her a smile and a thumbs up. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 9 This ointment is some damn effective stuff! It kinda reminds me of that Icy Hot stuff, but if Icy Hot was about 110% more potent. I was feeling much better, the soreness was fading away quickly. I strolled around the room a bit and offered a handshake to all of the guests in the room, all of them returned the handshake in the same fashion as Rainbow. They would hold one of their forelegs out and I would closed my hand around their pastern and shake it up and down gently and firmly. As I was greeting them all, I couldn't help but notice all the weird angles they are putting their forelegs in. How the hell can they twist their entire leg around, much like how a human's arm can. I sat down next to Apples, her green eyes shifted to my blue ones. I pointed at her right front leg then pointed at my right arm, “Apples, copy Ty Thomson?” I asked her. Then I lifted my arm up and straight in front of me, with my palm down. I looked at Apples, hoping that she understood and would make her move. I heard some nickering from Purple again. One of Apple's ears twitched in Purple's direction, then it honed in back to me. Apple lifted her front right leg up to the same position as my arm. I turned my hand so it was palm up, they waited for her. Apples in turn, rotated her hoof so the bottom of her hoof was facing up. How the hell is that possible, a horse's leg isn't supposed to bend that way. I brought my hand up to my nose, she did the same, I put my hand behind my head, she copied the same. I tried a few more positions, and she followed them exactly the same as me. I put my arm down and just sat there, glancing from my arm then to her leg. I took an Equine Science class in college, and I couldn't recall any hooved animal being able to move like that. I held out my left hand, palm up, and pointed at her right front leg and pointed at my open left hand. She gave me this puzzled look, then slowly placed her leg in my palm. I took my right hand and placed it on top and conformed it around her pastern gently. Apples tensed up a bit and she took a quick intake of breath. I could feel her heartbeat through my hands, “It's OK, I ain’t going to hurt you Apples,” I spoke as gently as possible. She relaxed a bit, and I continued my examination. I slowly moved my right hand up her leg, feeling her skeletal structure beneath her hide, much like how I would on a normal horse, but much gentler. Nothing felt right, equine and pretty much every hooved animal that I know of, has an unguligrade leg structure. These ponies have a plantigrade leg structure, built more like a human's arm, or a bear's front leg. If that's the case, can these ponies walk on two legs at times? Instead of just one solid cannon bone, there were two. I went up and down her leg numerous times feeling over every surface. Another thing I noticed is that these ponies don’t have chestnut scabs above their knees, just smooth soft fur. That's another thing, The hair on these ponies is so incredibly soft and clean, that they obviously bathe quite often. Apples seemed to be liking what I was doing, because the tension was completely gone, her leg was like puddy in my hands. I looked up at her face and she had her eyes closed, and she was sporting a small smile and her ears were facing me and drooping to the sides a bit. I let her leg go and it slowly drifted back to the bench she was sitting on. Apples looked down at her leg and rotated it and stretched it a bit then placed it back down. She looked at me then slowly shifted a bit and held her other leg out to me and shook it a bit, then gave me a nod and a grin. I chuckled a bit then proceeded to give this leg the same treatment. I heard some horse speech on the other side of Apples, it sounded like Diamonds. She was apparently talking to Apples, because soon after, Apples replied back with a few horse noises of her own. I heard Big White talking to Purple and the Doctor, then the Doctor and Purple left the room, and came back a few minutes later rolling in a complete pony skeleton display. They rolled it to the center of the room for me to look at. I let go of Apples leg, much to her dismay, then walked over to the display to get a closer look. The entire front leg from the shoulder blade to the hoof was completely different from what I am used to seeing. I was right! Their front leg was built more like the structure of a bear's front leg. It's like a combination of both unguligrade and plantigrade. Other than that, the rest of the skeleton looks like a regular horse. I nodded my head at Purple, Big White and the Doctor and walked over to Diamonds, to see if she was done studying my pants. “May I please have my pants back now Diamonds?” I asked as I gestured to my pants. Nodding her head, she held them out to me. Taking back my pants I slid them on, then grabbed my belt and started slipping it through the belt loops. Apples had gotten up and off of the bench she was sitting on and walked up to me and lifted the belt buckle up with her hoof to get a better glance at it. She made a few nicker noises and that made a few other ponies come closer too. Rainbow, Balloons, Purple, and Big White gathered around Apples to get a look at my buckle. As I started to pull the slack of the belt into the loops the buckle was pulled from Apple's grasp. About that time, my stomach decided to make itself known. All ears in the room were aimed in my direction, then we all heard about four other stomachs doing the same as mine. Balloons bounced outta the room and was gone for about five seconds returned with four small boxes on her back. She then bounced over to my side and gave me one box. I took it and slowly opened the top, and inside were six different types of muffins. There was a blueberry, chocolate chip, banana, cinnamon bran, lemon poppyseed, and one with cherries in it. They all looked delicious, so I picked the lemon poppyseed first, and bit into it…then I took another bite, then another, and then another. That muffin didn't last too long. That was easily the best muffin I have ever had. Balloons had passed out the remaining boxes and the majority of the ponies in the room were consuming a muffin. All except the guards, the paramedics and the Doctor. I thanked Balloons for the muffins and gave her a smile and a thumbs up, and she smiled in return. I put the rest of my clothes on and stuffed my phone and wallet in my pocket and put my Leatherman back on my belt, slipped my boots and revolver back on and set my hat back on my head, the doctor gave me a nod and held out his hoof, we shook, and nodded at each other. I also shook each of the paramedics' hooves and gave them my thanks. Big White was waiting by the door, along with her two guards. “Ty Thomson, wHinNy niCkeR NickEr,” Big White said while looking at me and gesturing with one of her golden clad hooves in a “follow me” kind of way. I nodded my head, and grabbed my damp crayon “Ew” and my notepad. Our ontourage stepped out of the room and headed to the door we came in a few hours ago. As we approached the front desk, Big White spoke to the mare behind the counter, her horn flashed and a couple of gold coins appeared and dropped onto the desk. I picked one up and tried to guess the weight. It was about the same size as the Kennedy Half Dollar, but about the weight of three put together. As I marveled at the coin, I heard Big White give a quiet chuckle and proceeded to walk out the door with her guards on either side. I dropped the coin back on to the desk and followed her. Shay and Lyra, followed on either side of me and we were followed by the rest of the group that consisted of Purple, Butterfly, Rainbow, Balloons, and Diamonds and Apples were trailing in the back. We walked out into the warm sunshine, if I were to guess it, judging by the location of the sun, I would have guessed it was around 11:00am. We strolled down the pathway, and as we started to pass the hot air balloon, I heard Apples talking to the others and then she started heading to the balloon. Rainbow spoke up too and flew over to the balloon as well. Purple then shouted out to them. Both Apples and Rainbow gave a whinny back. Apples hopped into the balloon and had it floating up in the air in no time. Rainbow was on the outside hovering next to the basket and started to push and guide the balloon towards the center of town. My eyes followed them until they floated out of sight. Our group started heading to the center of town, and I became aware of more and more ponies. Ponies of every color, literally. Heck the only ones i've seen that even slightly resemble the coat color of a normal horse would be all the white ones, like Big White and her guards, and Diamonds. Apples kinda resembled a palomino. As I was walking, my head was on a swivel, taking in the beautiful scenery, and the charming thatched roof buildings. The flying ponies criss-crossed the sky, busy with their own tasks, unicorns were placed here and there, every once and a while I'd catch a glimpse of their horns glowing, and some random object floating next to them. There were regular ponies also, walking here and there, some were pulling small carts filled with a wide variety of produce. I could see a section of the village that had a farmers market of some sort, there were various stands selling their goods. There were a few restaurants with outside seating, with a few patrons at a few tables enjoying the food they ordered. Getting to a more centralized part of the town, there was a multi story high circular building, it looked like a town hall of some sort. We must've been quite the attraction, as soon as ponies caught sight of Big White, they were immediately bowing, and once they caught sight of me, their curious stares lingered on me. The next building that came into view was a…tree house? A giant of a tree, complete with windows, and an observation deck, and a bee hive hanging on a limb. This was apparently where we were headed, because the next thing I knew, we were all filing through the front door. Once inside, my vision was filled with books, lots of books, the air itself had that bookish smell. “This must be the town's Library.” I thought. “WHINNNNYYY!!!” shouted Purple, loud enough for me to wince. “What the hell was that all about?” I said while turning my neck far enough to look at her, while also rubbing an ear. Purple gave me a sheepish smile, and her face started to blush. “KniCkerr Ty Thompson, knIck KnickEr wHinNY niCker.” Purple spoke directly to me. I nodded my head and gave her a thumbs up. She walked around me and headed for a set of stairs, and shouted up at it, and then I heard a voice that sounded masculine yet childish. At the top of the stairs a creature came into view, waddling in on two legs, its body had green and purple scales, and it had large green reptilian eyes. Green phin-like things that started on its head and then traced down its back to its tail. It kinda reminded me of a certain green and purple dinosaur from a TV show from when I was a kid. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 10 (Point of View of Applejack) “Just a little bit more to the left Dash, I’m gunna let a bit more air out!” I hollered over the wind. Rainbow yelled back, “YOU GOT IT AJ!” I pulled the vent lever to let more hot air out of the vent. The balloon started to descend, and float down to the air balloon dock. A light pink pegasus mare, ran the Twinkling Hot-Air Balloon Company business in Ponyville, was below on the platform, ready to help. Applejack and Rainbow were coming in for a perfect landing, almost as if they'd done this a time or twelve. Lower and lower they descended until they at last touched ground. “Howdy Miss Airborne!” I greeted the local air balloon conductor once we were officially tied off. Miss Airborne, lifted some sandbags and set them and set them inside the basket. “And a Howdy to you too Applejack, and Rainbow Dash! I saw you ponies fly in a while ago and set down over on the edge of town. I was just about to fly over your way, to see if anything happened to the balloon and thought maybe you guys needed a helping hoof.“ The light pink pegasus mare with light orange mane and tail returned the greeting. Hoping out of the basket, Applejack continued the conversation, “Ya, we appreciate the thought Miss Airborne, we ended up landing in front of Ponyville Hospital. There was an emergency earlier, but I think everythings gunna be just fine now. I’m sorry Miss Airborne, can’t make small talk at the moment, but we best git a move on.” As I start to gallop away I yelled up to Rainbow, “Come on Dash! We gotta make a few quick stops before we head to the Library. That's where Twilight said to meet back up with the group!” Miss Airborn haistly replied back, “Ok I wont keep ya, I'll yak at you girls later! Have a Good Day and thanks for flying with the Twinkling Hot-Air-Balloon Company!” —————————————————————————————————————— Trotting at a stiff pace through the cobblestone streets of Ponyville, the apple farmer and the speed demon went in tandem, both adementally chatting to each other. Heading to the street where the Farmers Market was held. “Why are we headed to the market, AJ? Shouldn’t we, you know, go to the Golden Oaks Library!?” Rainbow chided her friend in her raspy voice. “Heh heh, I didn’t take ya fer an egghead there Dash! You wanting to go read some books?” I joked with the egghead. “WHAT?! NO! You KNOW what I mean. I am NOT an egghead like Twilight. I’m too AWESOME to read books, you know that.” Rainbow replied in a huff. “I'm just kidding ya Dash, heh heh. I just wanted to stop by my family’s apple stand. It is Saturday after all, and Big Mac and Applebloom should be working the stand today. I just wanted to say hi, I hadn’t seen em since our Saved Equestria from Discord ceremony last evening in Canterlot. I just wanted to let them know we all made it back to Ponyville.” I replied, then continued after a short pause, “You think I should tell them now about our “guest”?” Rainbow thought about it, “Well, we did just fly over Ponyville with him in plain view…maybe they already saw him? I don’t think it would hurt if you told them If I'm being honest. I smirked at Dash, “Heh Heh, my element must be rubbing off on ya RD, But you're right, I'll let them know what’s up.” Rainbow cocked her head, “Element, What?….Oh…OH! Ya your Right! Good catch!” As they continued a thought came across Rainbow Dash’s mind, she flew to the ground and snapped her wings shut and landed on the stone street with her hooves, all without missing a beat falling in line with Applejacks pace, and asked her friend, “So AJ, what was that TyE ThoMpsoN doing to your foreleg? I could practically feel how tense you were at first, and I wasn’t even next to you.” I took a quick glance over to Rainbow trotting next to me as I thought about my answer. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a might bit tense, but to what he was doing to my leg, It's hard to describe, It felt like he was trying to feel, my bones? His grip was firm, yet gentle enough at the same time, after a bit I relaxed some, it actually felt kinda nice, almost like a massage. I…I think he was trying to learn about how my foreleg and shoulder worked. When he wanted me to mimic his movements, I could see the expressions on his face every time I correctly mimicked him. It's…It’s like he had never seen a pony move before, it was the strangest thing.” The two mares had arrived at the Farmers Market, and seeing the Apple family’s apple stand, complete with the other two apple siblings, they made their way over. A visible shiver went through Rainbow, starting from her head down to her tail. “Eh, I don’t like anypony touching my hooves.” She jumped back in the air and tucked all four hooves safe and close to her body. “Heh heh” I snickered, “Well, he ain’t a pony in case you haven’t already noticed.” As we neared the apple stand, I heard my younger sister’s voice. “Hey Sis! Hi Rainbow Dash, YOUR BACK!” A bright yellow filly with a red mane and tail, shouted from behind the fruit stand. The filly had a large pink bow on the top of her mane. Big Mac on the other hoof was just finishing talking to a customer, the beefy red stallion with orange mane and tail, set his kind gaze on his still younger than himself, older sister. “Hey Applejack, safe travels?” Big Mac spoke with his calm lower voice. Walking up to my kin, I gave both a quick nuzzle. “Hi you two, sorry it took so late in the day for us getting back to Ponyville, are you two at least getting a few apples sold?” I questioned my siblings, to which Applebloom was quick to respond. “We sure are! Why, I think we are just shy of…” Applbloom looks at the remainder of the apples in the cart and at the stand, “10 bushels, and It ain’t even 2 o’clock yet! Right, Big Mac?” “Eeyup.” The red stallion answered. Big Mac, then asked, “Applejack, we both saw you and your friends coming into town on the Hot-Air-Balloon, I figured you would have come on the train. I heard a rumor that Princess Celestia is in town also? Did something happen?” I grinned and nodded my approval at the apple sales, at around 50 lbs per bushel, that’s darn near 500 lbs of produce sold, “That’s mighty fine work you two!” I turned to Big Mac, “To answer your question Big Mac, ya something did happen. You know what, the farmers market is about over, how about we pack everything up, and head over to the Golden Oaks Library, that’s where the rest of the girls, and Princess Celestia are at, along with a new guest.” Applebloom tilted her head, “New Guest?” “Eeyup, we can bring the rest of these apples, pretty sure everypony is hungry, including the princess, and most likely TyE tHomPsoN is too, wouldn’t you say so Rainbow? He never got to finish those strawberries…” Rainbow just grumbled under her breath and said, “I said I was SORRY! But ya I bet you're right that he’s hungry. Seeing that Big Mac still had questions, I told him, “Don’t worry Big Mac, I'll fill you in more on the way to the library, but right now let's get packed up.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac replied. —————————————————————————————— The group consisting of Applejack and her two siblings and Rainbow Dash, were drawing nearer to the Golden Oaks Library. AJ and RD went back and forth from the two of them, telling Big Mac and Applebloom about what happened this morning up until now. “That’s quite the story there Applejack, and this Ti…tiY…Ty ThOMsoOn, don’t speak Ponish?” Big Mac questioned. “That’s right Big Mac, but he seems to understand expressions just fine, but for the real specific stuff, he’s got himself lots of paper and writing utensils. Mainly simple stick figures to get the point across, it seems to be working alright for the time being.” I replied to Big Mac. He was pulling the cart with the remainder of the apples, while Applebloom walked between the Big Mac and myself. Arriving at the library, my brother unhitched himself and I grabbed a bushel basket of apples, and set it on my haunches. Walking up to the door, Dash was waiting for us to get closer before she knocked on the door with her hoof. A few seconds later Twilight's magic opened the door. —————————————————————————————— (Point of View of Ty Thompson) This place just keeps getting crazier by the hour, apparently this place also has dragons!? First hydras, now dragons, how many other big ass reptiles are there? Is Denver the dinosaur going to pop out next? Are hydras and dragons related to each other? These thoughts have been circulating in my head ever since the little green and purple dragon came down from the upper level of this…treehouse-library. The dragon is surprisingly good at walking on its hind legs, its green cat-like eyes kept staring at me with curiosity. I can’t blame him for that though, because I was staring at it just as much. Now the only reason I know that its a dragon is because I think my appearance must have shocked it at first. I think its a male, though i could be wrong. While he was walking down the stairway, his little feet stumbled about about the quarter of the way down, about the time he noticed me. The dragon tumbled down the stairs, and when he hit the landing at the bottom on his stomach. As soon as he hit, a small green fire blazed out of his mouth. Practically all the ponies rushed to the dragons aid, helping him up, and seeing if he was alright. The little guy got up and shook it off. He turned to Purple, gave her a hug, then had a conversation with all the small horses in the room, including Big White. I started walking around the library and looked at a few books here and there, I couldn’t read a damn one, not even the numbers are recognizable, but there where a few pictures to look at. In the center of the room, was a wooden table with a wooden horse head decoration. Looks like it’s carved from the very tree I’m standing in. A doorway leading to a side room was a small kitchen, a refrigerator, a stove and a sink were but a few of the niceties the small kitchen had. The counters were definitely short though, pretty much at crotch level, compared to me. Feeling the tell tale signs of nature's call, I headed back in to where the ponies and the dragon were at. Grabbing the notepad and the crayon, I quickly drew a human stick figure with a dashed arched line drawn from the groin area to the ground. “Big White, Purple?” They both swiveled their ears and homed in my location, then they both looked at me. I showed them the drawing, they both nodded their heads then Purple started to lead me to were the kitchenette was and led me to a door that I had missed earlier. Purple was just opening the door with her magic, she paused for a few seconds when the door was about half way open, but she wouldn’t let me through. She turned around to face me, clearly she was thinking of something. “Ty Thomson,” Purple said, her horn lit up then she magicked drawing pad of her own along with a pencil. She quickly drew her version of me, complete with its own dashed arched line. The dashed line was leading to a cup. I looked up at her, she was nodding her head, her horn flashed again, and a clear glass science looking beaker appeared out of thin air. “Purple, you want a sample of my urine?” I said as I let her drop the container from her magic and into my open hand. Purple led me back to the main library room, she quickly talked to Big White. Big White nodded her head also in agreement. Purple and Big White both headed to a another doorway that I also seemed to miss, everything blends in to well being all the same wood color. “TyThompson, whiNy Nic niCker,” Purple said and motioned with one of her hooves to follow. They led me to a stairway that led down to a basement. Making sure Shay and Lyra stayed with the others, I followed Purple and Big White down the stairs. We walked down into a small lab, complete with beakers and test tubes and all sorts of science type things. There were a few instruments that I kind of recognized, but some were also bizarre looking, there was also a refrigerator down here too. Walking up to a privacy curtain, Purple and Big White stayed on one side, while Purple gestured to the other side and again showed me her little drawing. “Ya I read you loud and clear Purple. Pee in the cup, I’ve done this before, but doing it at the request of a unicorn is definitely the oddity this time. Although I think I’m going to need a few more of these little cups” I said to Purple. I held up three fingers then pointed at the sample container. She nodded her head and her horn lit up again and three more cups appeared, and she floated them to the other side of the curtain and set them on the counter. “Thanks, well let's get this over with,” I said as I walked to the other side. —————————————————————————————— After placing all four filled sample containers in the refrigerator, I was led over to a wash sink. I washed my hands then the three of us headed back upstairs to the main floor, I made my way to my dogs and gave them both a pat on the head. A knock at the front door was heard by everyone, and Purple went to the door and opened it with her magic, a couple of familiar ponies walked through the door followed by a couple not so familiar ponies, a big red one and a tiny yellow one. Apples had a basket full of apples on her back. She maneuvered it down to the floor, and let everyone take their pick of of apples, Apples even motioned me over with a hoof. Bending low, I snatched an apple up from within the basket, I shined it up on my shirt sleeve then took a bite. Then another, then another, until just the core remained. “That was a damn tasty apple, thanks.” I said to Apples. Apples just smiled and nodded, then pushed the basket towards me and gestured for me to have more. I grabbed two more and walked over to a bench that was built into the wall and sat down to enjoy my meal. The ponies for the most part, conversed with each other, but Apples came over to me with with the two new guests I haven’t met yet, I shook the big red stallion hoof when he held it out in front of himself, “Nice to meet you Big Red, you must be Apples mate I’m assuming, and this must be your daughter?” I said looking down at the little yellow filly with the large pink bow on her head. I held out my hand to the little yellow filly, and she held to my hand with two hooves hand shook it up and down. She started talking a mile a second, in that crazy pony language, but I could sometimes hear a couple attempts of my name. “Pretty sure I won you over I recon, heh, but calm down little…Apple Bow…for now you shall be called Apple Bow.” She just smiled and nodded her head up and down excitedly. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 11 I was laying down on the floor, with my head resting on a pillow I had found, and had my hat resting over my eyes. Big White and Purple have been taking non stop, while also scouring the library for certain books. I didn’t really know what the hell to do at this point, so I figured I'd try and rest my eyes for a bit. I felt a nudge against my lower shin on my right leg. I tilted my hat back enough to see what happened, it was Rainbow with sitting upright like a dog next to me, her right hindquarter brushed up next to my shin. Not thinking anything of it, I recovered my eyes. I heard a few ponies leaving out the door, but I didn’t bother to see who was leaving. ————————————2 hours later——————————— “…ZZZ-Zzz-ZZzzz” “TyE ThomsON” “ ZzzZ-ZZzz-Zz” “TY ThOmpSoN.” “ZZzz-ZzZZ” “TY THOMPSON!” “ZZz-hngGGggh-Ppbhww-wha, what? I’m up, ya.” I said groggily, while removing my hat from my eyes. Purple was immediately in my field of vision, she was looking down at me and had one of her forehooves stretched out and gently shook it. Reaching a hand up, I grasped around her pastern, then she pulled me up to a sitting position. I wiped away some eye boogers, and blinked at my surroundings. I was still on the floor, in a much less crowded room, the only ones remaining were Purple, Big White, Butterfly, the dragon, and still sitting next to my shin was Rainbow. My dogs were curled up on my other side, both content and comfortable, but with ears still on alert. I had a bad case of cottonmouth, “Hey Purple, got anything to drink? Water?” I asked, as I mimicked myself drinking a glass. She nodded her head then motioned me to follow her. Once I stood up, I stretched a bit, then tousled the top Rainbows head between the ears as I walked passed her to follow Purple. Rainbow seemingly unamusingly swiped one of her wings to get me to stop, followed by a horse snort sound. I glanced back over my shoulder at her and she was giving me a slight scowl, and said “Oh geez, I’m just messing with ya, Rainbows.” Her scowl faded into a small smile. Purple and I had reached the kitchen and with her magic, she pulled from a cupboard, a large glass, and held it under a faucet in the sink, filling the cup up she set it on the counter in front of me. Once her aurora of magic was gone from the glass, I grasped it and heald it up to my lips and drained the cup dry. I walked over to the faucet and filled it again and drank another full glass. “Damn I needed that, thanks Purple.” I set the glass on the counter again. Purple nodded her head and proceeded to use her magic on the glass, and washed it in the sink, and she was done in less than ten seconds. “Ok, now your making me kinda jealous of that ability you have there Purple.” I spoke in aww. We walked back into the main room of the library, Big White was patiently waiting by the entrance, when she saw me enter the room, she spoke, “Ty Thompson, nic NickeR Nic WhiN wHinY.” And she motioned me to follow her outside. I gave a whistle and my dogs were following me outside as I followed Big White. The same two guard ponies were still standing watch at the entrance, but what caught my eye was the fancy chariot sitting in the street, and the six white pegasi guards hooked up in a six-up hitch in the front. The four wheeled chariot was beautiful to say the least, with gold being the primary color. There was a rather large, maroon colored, crescent shaped, seat. The wheel hubs and spokes were in the shape of a sun. As I was getting over my shock, Big White turned to me and spoke, “Ty ThomPson…” I gave her my attention, and she then pointed with one of her large wings at me. “Ty ThoMpson,” then she pointed at the other ponies, and recited the names I had given them. “PuRPle…RanBow…ButeRfly…” she then pointed at herself, “Big White,” then at Shay and Lyra, then at the dragon, and then to the chariot. Looking back at me to see if I understood, I gave her a slow nod, then she walked over to me till she was standing side by side, the looked in a direction and outstretched her wing closest to me and pointed at what she was apparently looking at. My eyes followed her feathered appendage… at first I thought she was just pointing at some large mountains off into the distance, but then I saw it. A castle, high up on the mountain side. I brought up my arm and pointed it at the castle, then looked at Big White. She looked at me and nodded her head. At that, Big White went and got on the chariot, followed by Purple the dragon and Butterfly. Big White patted an available spot next to her side with a hoof. “Well I guess we’re going for a wagon ride girls.” I said to my dogs. Walking up to the chariot, I stepped up and on, then took a seat next to Big White. “Shay, Lyra, Load up!” I commanded. They both hopped right in and sat by my feet. The two Pegasus guards that were standing watch stood on each side of the chariot, Rainbow was hovering in the air with her wings. I sat quietly, observing the professionalism of the six guards in the front of the luxurious chariot. There were three teams, the lead team in the front, the swing team in the middle, and the wheel team in the rear. Armor adorned each guard, and on top of that they had unique harnesses strapped to them. Only the wheel team had tug straps hooked on each side of their bodies that hooked onto the eveners on the front of the chariot. It was a bizarre set up, It looked like a lot of room between the all ponies. I’ve harnessed a lot of horses in my life, but this is making me scratch my head in how it all works. I heard Big White speak, It must’ve been the command for “GO”, because not but a few seconds later, I heard the lead team “whinny” loudly, and the chariot lurched forwards gently. We were being pulled down the street, it felt like being in a parade, all the colorful ponies waved and bowed at the sight of Big White. A few saw me and had curiosity written on their very expensive faces. When we were nearing the edge of the town, I saw a familiar little pony, accompanied by two other little ponies the same size, one being a white unicorn, and the other an orangish pegasus. “HI APPLE BOW!” I shouted and waved at the same time. The yellow filly with the comically large pink bow, saw me, and had a big smile plastered on her muzzle, and waved back. The teams were really starting to pick up the pace when we reached the edge of the town. Rainbow and the extra guard on their side were keeping pace flying low next to the chariot. The second extra guard was on the opposite side and flying as well. I hope they don’t feel like they are being stared at, because I was defiantly staring at them. The way their wings moved and flapped back and forth, was almost mesmerizing. They made it look so easy. As I was too busy watching the three flying ponies, I failed to notice that the three teams had broken into a gallop. What I did notice was the sound of six pairs of wings starting to flap rapidly. One by one, each of the teams hopped into the air, and by the time the wheel team was in the air, the wheels of the chariot had started to leave the solid ground. “Holy Shit!” I reached up to my hat and yanked it down tighter on my head, fearing it would likely blow off any second. Also reaching a hand out to grasp the frame of the chariot with a white knuckled grip. I looked up at Big White, who was watching me out of the corner of her eye, an amused smile adorned her muzzle. “Well I’m glad you’re getting a kick out of this Big White!” Her posture was calm, just sitting next to me, upright like a dog. Even the other passengers were sitting like that. Shay and Lyra were standing up and getting used to the movement of the vehicle, they both poked their heads up above the front riser of the chariot. With tails wagging and floppy ears blowing in the wind, they seemed to be enjoying the ride. Feeling a bit braver, I scooched my ass closer to the side of the chariot to gain a better view. The guard flying next to the chariot on my side saw me, I gave him a small wave, he gave me a curt nod. I looked out and back towards the village we just left from, only to see it getting smaller and smaller. The higher we went the more country I could see. The village was definitely a farming community, field’s and garden plots were stung out everywhere. Looks like they have a variety of about any kinda crop you could imagine. While looking at a field to guess what it is, a shadow passed overhead, I looked up to see Rainbow flying above us. She glided down to the level of the chariot, saw me out of her peripherals, then she turned her head to fully look at me and waved a hoof at me. I waved back. I watched both the guard and Rainbow, following their movements, their wing beats, how their muscles worked to move those feathery appendages. The wings look like they sprout out in the area by their withers. Looking over the rest of their body’s, I can’t help but notice how fit they are, they don’t have big fat pot belly’s. Instead, they are sleek and toned. The teams climbed higher towards our destination, the castle perched on the mountain. Down below I could see a well traveled dirt road and a set of railroad tracks, running parallel with each other, and headed to the mountain. Every once and a while, I would see a wagon or two, being pulled by a pony. I could also see a train slowly winding its way down the mountain. I looked back to the castle that was slowly coming into view. The temperature up here was a bit more brisk, than down in the valley. A city started coming into view the closer we got, elegant and unique infrastructure, reminding me of Middle Ages design. The city rested within a high mountain valley, while the enormous castle was on the edge of the cliff. The Castle itself was truly a sight to behold. Ivory White towers with golden spires sprouted all over the palace. There were plenty of waterfalls too. I could see hundreds of ponies, if not thousands, milling around and doing their own thing. The chariot made a pass around the castle, then the three teams started to descend. They were aiming at what looked like a landing strip. The teams touched ground at a gallop, followed by the chariot. Our entourage was galloped to a platform that had a pathway to the castle. The chariot came to a complete halt, Big White stood up, and departed the chariot, followed by Purple with the dragon straddling on her back and Butterfly. I followed and stepped off next, with Shay and Lyra behind me. Rainbow, who was still hovering, dropped down next to Purple and Butterfly and landed on her hooves. I looked over to the teams, they barely had a lather going, and their breathing wasn’t stressed. It’s plain to see that they are in tip top shape. As I was wondering if they unharness themselves, I heard Big White call my name. “Ty Thompson,” and then motioned with the swing of her neck and head, in a “follow me” motion. Big White started off at a steady walk, with the rest of our entourage following. There were guards stationed everywhere here, and it felt like every eye was on me. There were pegasi guards, unicorn guards, and regular pony guards, all with gold colored armor. They all had some sort of weapon, mostly spears. We were nearing an entrance of the castle, when a familiar stallion came trotting out. The two tone blue hair was a dead give away. Purple galloped ahead of us, whinnied loudly, then embraced Big White Stallion around the neck. The stallion returned the hug, then tussled Purples mane a bit. He spoke pony words to Big White, then looked back at me and said “Ty Thompson,” then raised his front left hoof and waved it. “Big White Stallion.” I replied along with a nod of my head. Our group headed inside, with B.W. Stallion joining. The sound of hooves “clip-clopping” was a bit more pronounced on the fancy floors. My spurs seemed to “ring and jingle” a bit louder also with each step I took, but no one seemed to mind it though. Even the two pegasus guard’s armor jingled a bit. There was also a full blown pony conversation happening between all of them except the two pegasus guards. Every once and a while I could hear my name mentioned. I had no clue as to what they were talking about, which was starting to get old, real fast. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Way of the Cowboy Chapter 12 Big White led our entourage through the hallways of the enormous castle, while conversing with the other ponies in the group, but mainly with Purple. Meanwhile I was too busy gawking at everything, whether it be ponies in armor, or be it an occasional maid wearing the typical black and white maid uniform. The castle staff would either bow or salute, when Big White strolled by. The maids were strung about here and there, dusting, sweeping, wiping windows down and so forth. A unicorn mare with her horn glowing blue was cleaning some windows using her magic, and a simultaneously blue glowing cloth and squirt bottle was floating up on some ceiling high windows, to clean them. The two guards held back when Big White led us into a large room that had a long wooden ornate table that stretched the length of the room, complete with many cushioned chairs going down both sides. Big White sat down at one of the chairs, everyone followed suit, leaving an empty chair, with Rainbow on the left and Big White Stallion on the right. Understanding the obvious, I took the available seat, but not without removing my hat first and hanging it on the back of my chair. Big White was directly across the table from me, with Purple on her left, who sat across from Big White Stallion.The dragon sat next to Purple, and Butterfly sat next to Rainbow. Shay and Lyra laid down behind my chair on the ruby red carpet. Watching silently, I witnessed Big White's horn light up, then heard a little bell jingle. Immediately a door on the far side of the room opened, a trio of ponies entered the room, cantering up to where Big White was sitting. Two were unicorns while the third was a regular pony, yet it was the regular pony who spoke to Big White. They conversed a bit, glancing over at me a few times. One of the unicorns spoke up, suggesting something I presumed while trying to read their facial expressions. Seeming to like the suggestion, Big White nodded her head. The trio headed back through the door where they came from. The unicorn who had remained silent, strolled back through the door pushing a trolley cart towards our table with his magic. On the trolley, was a stack of bowls and a large container of steaming water and a tower of small towels. The unicorn grabbed the bowls with his orange magic, filled them with some of the steaming water, and placed one in front of each of us. I glanced around at everyone as they started to dip their front hooves in the water, I then looked at my hands and saw that they were a bit grubby. I placed both hands in the water and scrubbed away the filth. After that whole ordeal, the bowls of soiled water and towels were whisked away by one who initially brought them in, and placed on the trolly, and strolled off, back through the door. A few seconds later, a multitude of trolleys with covered dishes and platters came rolling out the door. Everything was placed onto the table, using magic of course, everything from the food, fancy dinner plates, ornate crystal chalices, to the golden silverware…or would it be called goldenware? Serving bowls with salads, steamed vegetables, and vegetable casseroles, and a few dishes looked like they had…grass clippings? There was some corn on the cob, and a dish with really fine green leaves with some tiny purple flower. There was also a lot of fresh fruit, apples, strawberries, grapes, and watermelon. There was a platter that also contained dinner rolls. Everything smelled great, for the most part, I sat idly watching the food be placed, that I failed to notice the drinks being poured. Ice water was given to everyone, but Butterfly, Big White and Purple opted for what looks like hot tea instead. Shay and Lyra were given a large bowl full of water, and a bowl full of what looked to be kibble. Everyone promptly started digging in, platters full of food were disappearing and filling the void in every tummy present, including my own, although I steered clear of the hay and the grass clippings. That bowl with the green leaves and little purple flowers, had a “fresh cut” alfalfa aroma wafting from it. The ponies for the most part, just planted their faces onto their plates, and ate without the use of utensils. Big White and I were the only ones using the golden silverware. As dinner was beginning to wind down, dessert was being rolled out. Chocolate cake with pink frosting, everyone got a piece, and it was delicious. When supper was over, it was starting to get late, the sun hadn’t yet set, but my internal clock was telling me it was about 7:30pm. There was a clock of some sort on the wall off the dinning hall. It looked like a regular clock, complete with minute and hour hands and 12 positions, but the numbers were completely foreign to me. Looking at the hands it was showing 7:45. Our group left the dining hall, being led by Big White. Big White Stallion had split off of our group to head down a different portion of the castle, the other ponies were quietly talking in calm tired horse noises, while we walked down a long corridor in a different direction. I heard one of them yawn, I looked to see who it was, and it turned out to be Rainbow. She gave a sheepish look, before there was another yawn heard. This time it was Purple, then I felt the beginnings of a yawn of my own. I tried to hold it in but lost the battle, trying to stifle it with my hand. I failed. I let out a loud long yawn. Rainbow smirked and chuckled. “Damn those things are contagious” I spoke out loud while also chuckling a bit. We were led through a large door that had guards on both sides. Inside was a circular room that had 7 doors. Apparently Purple, Butterfly, and Rainbow knew where to go. Each going to a different door, opening them and revealing bedrooms. “Ty Thompson nicKer NiCker” Spoke Big White, while walking to one of the doors and gesturing me to go inside. I grasped the hoof friendly door knob, and turned it to open the door, a luxurious bed room was revealed to me. There was a large bed, a small writing desk with a short stool. I stepped into the room to get a better look, Shay and Lyra following me, they too were curious and having a look around. I walked back to the door where Big White stood, she was watching with a questioning look on her face. I nodded my head at her and took my hat off and hung it on a coat rack that was standing next to the door. She smiled softly and nodded her head. She walked back to the center of the circular room, Purple was there to meet her. I walked out also. There was one other door that stood out from the others, it was bigger and was more ornate. Purple, seeing where I was looking, gestured to me to follow her, she opened the door with her glowing horn, and revealed a much larger room. It was a bathroom, but not just your typical boring bathroom. There was an area that had a couple sinks and large vanity mirrors, large hair dryers, an area that had multiple showers, and there was even a large bathing hot tub, easily big enough to fit like 8 ponies at a time. I walked around, just taking it all in, silently wishing I had this setup back home. The toilets were a bit different though. In the stall on the right , that one was very similar to what I am used to, the typical throne style. The toilet on the left was basically a porcelain trough built into the floor that resembled the shape of a spoon. Walking back out of the bathroom, Big White was patiently standing near the door that led back out to the main hall. Making horse noises to the other three ponies and then nodding to me. I nodded back and then she stepped out of the room. I looked at the three remaining ponies to see that Rainbow had a white towel draped over her withers and was headed into the bathroom. Purple looked at me and trotted into my bedroom, opened the wardrobe to reveal a single white towel, floated it over to me, I held my hand out under it, then she ceased her telekinesis hold on the towel, allowing it to fall into my awaiting palm. Purple then went into her own room and grabbed her own towel while Butterfly had already called my dogs over and led them into the bathroom, her towel resting on her rump. Entering the bathroom once again, I hear some water splashing and glance over to the hot tub, and see Rainbow fully submerged up to her neck, a content look on her face. She dunked her head under for a second or two then resurfaced, shaking the excess water from her face. Purple and Butterfly both joined Rainbow in the hot tub. Butterfly coaxing Shay and Lyra into the warm water as well, both happily compiling. Not wanting to impose, I meandered over to the more private showers. Away from pony eyes, I kicked off my boots, took my shoulder holster holding my revolver off, set it on the bench I was using. I pull everything I had in my pockets and stuff it all in my boots. Pulling the rest of my clothes off, except for my underwear, I walk over to the showers, and set my clothes down, might as well try and hand wash my clothes while I take a shower. As soon as I was within the range of the shower, the water automatically came on at the perfect temperature. A comically large bar of soap-on-a-rope was hanging on a hook below the shower. I pulled my underwear off and started to hand wash them using the bar of soap, followed by my socks, then shirt and last my jeans. The soap smelled like vanilla spice. With my body and clothes washed, I toweled myself off and wrapped the large towel around my midriff and tucking it in. Seeing a towel rack, I hung my clothes out to air dry, until morning. I could hear the five other bathroom occupants start to get out of the hot tub, I look over at them and as if on que, once they were out of the water, Shay and Lyra shook their bodies wildly to shed the water off. Then what happened next was quite comical. All three of the ponies shook their bodies as well, from head to tail. The mares then found their towels and proceeded to get even drier. Purple stepped over to the sinks and opened a drawer to reveal a variety of different sized toothbrushes. She grabbed one and took it out of a wrapper, turned the sink on to wet the brush and got set to brushing her teeth. “Hey Purple?” I questioned loud enough for her to hear. Not turning around, she shifted her eyes to stare at my reflection in the mirror, and paused her brushing, one ear honed in my direction. I pointed at my own teeth and made a brushing motion. Purple nodded, horn lighting up, she opened the drawer of brushes again and floated a few different sizes out and set them on the counter next to her, then resumed her own brushing. I stepped up next to her and grabbed one that seemed suitable for my needs. With the brush out of the wrapper and in my hand, I turned the sink on and dabbed some water on the bristled head of the brush. There was no toothpaste, which I thought was odd, but looking over to Purple rinsing and spitting out a frothy white foam, I placed the brush in my mouth and started to brush my teeth. Immediately I tasted mint, the more I brushed, the more sudsy my mouth became. Purple was busy running a hair brush through her mane and tail by the time I got done brushing and had rinsed my mouth out. I was silently wishing I had my wood beard comb to run through my beard. The sounds of a toilet flushing caught my ears, Butterfly, Shay and Lyra exited the toilet cubicle that had the trough style toilet. She was petting both dogs and cooing pleasantries, their tails wagging back and forth like crazy. Walking over to my where I had placed my boots and all the contents within, I Picked them up, grasped my gun and headed for the bathroom exit and called my dogs to follow me back to my bedroom. Just before I exited the bathroom I called out to the three mares and said “Goodnight you three,” before shutting the door. I sat my belongings on the dresser, and pulled out all the contents and spread them on the table. I placed my revolver on the bed side table, next to the only light source on at the moment. The lamp was in the shape of a unicorn pony, It’s horn was glowing a warm yellow, that wasn’t to hard on the eyes and perfect for bedroom type lighting. I didn't see a button or a pull chain to shut it off, but when I reached over to touch it with my hand, it turned off. I touched it again and the horn started glowing again. “That's pretty neat,” I said to myself. Crawling onto the bed and pulling the covers over myself, I motioned for Shay and Lyra to join me on the bed. I reached back over to the lamp and touched it once more, sending the room into darkness once again.