The Blazing Sun

by IncandescentSolaire

First published

You are Anon. You are also Daybreaker's personal assistant.

You, are Anon.
You are also Daybreaker's personal assistant.
Sadly, this is not a choice.

Edited By : The Great Khan

Chapter One : Dizzying Headaches

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You awake in your royal chambers with a groan.

You hated mornings. It wasn't exactly the morning sun that was the issue, but rather what it represented. What used to be the ordinary glowing ball in the sky became a reminder of what you did for work, not that you wanted to do it. You blink your bleary eyes clear and look at the wall, the clock reading 7:00 a.m. You still had a good hour before you had to be heading out to your job, so you slowly sat up and got onto your feet.

You opened your drawer to find the same outfit you wore every day: a suit and tie. Somehow, the drawers were enchanted with some sort of bullshit magic to clean them every time you put them away. You didn't bother asking about it, since you would only get confused and probably be made to look like an idiot.

'Oh Anon, it's really simple! How do you not know?'

Ugh, you hated that purple horse. No matter where you went, she always had something new to say. Some new bullshit to spout to you about thauma... whatever it was. Most ponies you met on a day-to-day basis were really never a problem, but that one always seemed to get on your nerves. She was some kind of librarian, but she wandered the halls instead of the actual library itself. Oh, you couldn't wait for her to finally leave.

Princess or not, she was annoying, and you told it to her.

With the suit put on and your tie sitting loosely around your neck, you head into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. It was pretty obvious that you had some heavy sleep deprivation. Luna had asked you to go get it checked out and maybe see to get some pills, but you weren't taking the chance of sleeping late accidentally with a boss like yours.

Who knows, maybe you'll get sent to the moon next time. You were not ready for that risk.

Not yet, anyways.

You turn on the sink and begin to wash your face thoroughly, rubbing the dark spots on your face as if it was going to get rid of them. You were still half-asleep, almost zombie-like in appearance. This was the regular morning routine that you had been doing for months now, ever since you had found yourself in this fucked up predicament. It was a wonder you hadn’t dropped dead from exhaustion yet.

What exactly happened again? Oh, right.

When Princess Celestia had turned into Daybreaker she turned out to be pretty alright. Well, as alright as one could be when they're being possessed by a crazed demon with an obscene hunger for sweets. With enough time, Daybreaker eventually began to serve in Celestia’s place as if nothing were wrong. Her manners and more aggressive tones certainly took some time for the public to get used to, but they eventually did.

However, that wasn't your issue with her. If nobody wanted to mess with the demon thing in Celestia, so be it! No, your story wasn't exactly something you had control over.

While out walking with Luna one night, Daybreaker had spotted you. Now, Celestia had seen you before, but Daybreaker herself had never seen you. And, once she laid eyes on you, she decided that you were going to be her new assistant. Not by asking if you would like to sign up for the job – not by going on and filling out a form, no – she straight up bought you.

What the fuck was wrong with this world?

Luna had certainly tried to come to your defense, but apparently there was nothing to be done about it. Daybreaker cited some old obscure law that you hadn't even paid attention to, as you were still focusing on resisting the urge to run away as fast as you could. You weren't going to be some pony's fucking slave! No, you were Anon! Sir Anonymous the Great, Leader of All Things Unholy, and...

Wow, you really were a loser, weren't you?

Ever since then you were forced to serve Her Majesty in any way that she asked. You were not a normal assistant – no. That's what she simply called you. You were, in all legal documents signed and presented, a mere slave to her. A slave, in which you had to abide by everything she asked you to do, no matter the consequences to your feelings or your health.

She could kill you, and it'd be like discarding property!

You glance up at the clock that sat on the bathroom wall. 7:32am. You must've spaced out for a while. You turned off the sink and walked back into your room. It was spacious; one of the most spacious rooms in the entire palace. You had your own gold-trimmed bed, with probably the fluffiest pillows and the comfiest mattresses in all the land. A dresser sat against the wall beside the bed, with a mirror as large as the wall itself. Multiple tables and chairs were set up about the room, guaranteeing that if you were to ever throw a party in here, there'd certainly be enough room for a couple dozen ponies.

All in all, it was heaven on earth. Well, Equis, on this occasion. Yet, you couldn't shake that dread that you still felt every night, and every morning. You would always wake up with a knot in your stomach that feared what she might force you to do that day, and when you went to sleep you couldn't stop your mind from racing about how you didn't want tomorrow to start.

Truly, God is cruel.

You didn't go through holy communion for this! Wasn't he supposed to be your Light and your Savior? Bread and Wine?!

You didn't listen to your family go on and on about the Body and Flesh of Christ, and his blood to finally live with eternal life given to you, just to be forgotten by him in your worst of times! You did better, right?! What did you do to make him forget you in such a time of need?

Sure, you bullied your coworkers a bit, but it builds character!

You might've stolen a couple snacks from the gas-station, but nobody was going to buy them anyways!

You ghosted most of your friends, but it's their fault for asking you to hang out on days you didn't feel like it!


Okay, maybe you understood just a tiny bit.

Taking another look up at the clock revealed that another twenty minutes had passed while you were thinking, giving you a five minute window to walk all the way to Daybreaker’s chambers and present yourself ready for the day. You made your way to the door, your hand hovering over the knob, slightly shaking. The knot in your stomach tightened more and more until you felt like you were going to puke; that same sour-taste building in your mouth like expired milk.

With hesitation, you pulled the door open.

Chapter Two : A Taste of Fear

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The walk to Her Majesty's room wasn't a long one, but you certainly took your time getting there, like it was going to make a difference. Your steps slowed and began to linger for a little before continuing. You were never one to be afraid, but ever since this 'job' had started you had felt more and more timid as the days passed on. She never forced you to do anything crazy, but the fact that she could force you to do anything at all was what scared you.

You finally made it to her door and gave it a knock.

"Come in."

You opened the door to a brightly colored room. Red, orange and bright blues covered the palette of the wall. Pictures of the sun in all sorts of designs littered around like dots. The walls, when looked upon from afar, looked almost ironically like a constellation of Daybreaker herself.

Speaking of her, you turned to look at her. She was smiling at you as she normally did, her eyes brightly colored with unknown intent, and two little fangs peered out of her smile. You swallowed hard and stood straight, your hands clasped behind your back like what you’d imagine a general standing before the President would do. Sucking in what seemed to be your final breath, you kept still.

"I’ve told you that you don't need to be so formal around me. There is no reason to be afraid, nor is there a reason for you to be standing at attention like some common Squire. You are my assistant; you are more than that merely by association with me." She said, circling around you with that persistent smile. "What gives you such cause to be afraid, if I may ask?"

She had asked you this question before, and each time you felt your voice quiver when you spoke. You didn't want to stay silent, but you couldn't force yourself to speak. She waited, stopping in front of you, her eyes leveled with yours. She was quite a tall pony, just a bit taller than Celestia was. "Are you going to speak?"


Get the damn words out!


Come on!

"I'm not scared..."

Oh, you definitely were. Your voice wavered every step of the way, and she noticed. She noticed every time you answered that question, and she always laughed and gave you a list of reasons as to why you shouldn't be terrified of the sun-goddess. Yet, today, she gave you a frown. You don't think you've ever seen her frown since you've met her.


Why did that sound almost sad? You gave her a confused look, that shaky feeling still in your legs, your chest still feeling short of breath. You could tell that she was going to kill you for even making her frown – you were sure of it. Not just anybody could make her sad, and she wouldn't let you live a day to even potentially spill it to anyone!

Quick, you need to affirm your stance!

"I'm not sca–"

"Don't lie to me." She growled, her eyes still staring into yours. "You've been afraid of me ever since I signed the paperwork. Each day you come to my door, smelling of fear. Changelings can sense emotions, but I can taste them. And right now? You're sour. You've been putting a sour taste in my mouth for months now, Anonymous."

You swallowed. Today was it. You were going to be the second person sent to the moon, or the first to greet the sun face to face. At least if you were flung to that fireball, it'd be a quick death, right? Then maybe when you’re in heaven, you can ask whatever angel that was supposed to protect you why it failed so miserably.

"Well? I've been rather honest with you. I'm waiting for an answer."

If you were going to go out, you were going to do it with a bang.

"Y-You have no idea why I'm scared of you? You own me, Daybreaker! You have paperwork that says that you could kill me at any moment, and the courts wouldn't blink an eye because it'd be legal! Slavery is banned in all of Equestria, except for that one damn loophole you found! Even in my world it's illegal, even if it was made that way fairly recently! I wake up every morning thinking that it’s the day you're going to decide that I'm a failure in every regard, and that I'm not good enough to serve beside – or, heavens, beneath you."

You breathe. "I'm not a fucking pet, Daybreaker! I'm my own person, and I can think freely for myself! I don't even know why you chose me to begin with, or why you even want me to like you! Hundreds – no, thousands of ponies hate you, and you expect me after signing paperwork enslaving me, to just... like you?! Are you fucking insane?! You're an idiot, Daybreaker! You expect everyone to just like you after you took over Celestia's body, and yet you smile on that throne as if nothing is at all wrong. You..."

After falling out of your trance for a moment, you realized that Daybreaker was frowning even harder now, her face looking quite somber. She didn't look like she was going to cry, but was genuinely hurt by what you were saying. How were you not dead yet? How had she not impaled you with her sword, or blasted you off like a rocket into the moon?

"Is that truly how you see me, Anonymous?"

You forcefully swallowed again. "Yes."

"I'm sorry, then." Daybreaker said, turning around to look at her room. "Believe it or not I was actually awakened once, a long, long time ago. In the younger days of Celestia and Luna themselves. I've forgotten that old laws such as that are no longer commonplace, and it seems that the nobility and the courts have forgotten that it existed at all. In fact, it was once seen as an honor to be owned by nobility, moreso the Princesses."

She turned to you. "I tried to fit in with the society around me. I saw what happened to Luna's other side, and how it was cast away with the help of the Elements. I try to be a part of this society and the ponies within it, and I try my best to smile as if nothing is wrong. I may be a bit... angering, at times. I may instigate things, and I'm sure the looks that I give others are not taken as those of comfort, but of malice."

"I did not intend to make you upset with what I had done, Anonymous. I tried to be playful, to placate your fear, but it only heightened it. I want you to know that I am not a monster. Ponies seem to think that I have taken over Celestia's body, and while that may be true, I did not take over her soul. She is living in her own personal paradise within me, happily sipping tea on some beach. She has not had a break from the monotonous world that is Equestria, and I haven't had enough time to live freely in this world. It was a match made in heaven."

You stared at her, your feet not wanting to move. You still had fear, no doubt, but you questioned your own feelings towards her. Was this a way to fool you? To make you let down your guard, or play some kind of mind-games with you? She looked genuine when she gave her explanation to you, and you were sure she hadn't told any of this to anyone else.

"I tell this to you," She said as she closed the gap between the two of you, getting uncomfortably close. "Because you are my assistant. Slave, in technical terms, perhaps. You are an alien to this world, and despite having lived in it for longer than I have, I thought that we could learn many things together. That is why I questioned you so."

You remember the questions she would always ask you. Things that either seemed like she was joking when she asked, since the answer was so simple, or things that were asked to make you feel dumb. Either one, you were extremely careful and cautious when answering, or simply stayed silent with your head down.

"Might we restart, Anonymous?"

You didn't know how to answer, but you knew there was only one thing that would potentially make things better between the two of you. You nod.

"Great! Then I shall introduce myself." She cleared her throat, holding her hoof out. "I am Princess Daybreaker, the Original Ambivalent Protector."

The what?

You extend your hand out to meet her hoof, and grasp it lightly with care.

"I am Anonymous."

Chapter Three : Involuntary Swimming

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"The Day Court shall be adjourned for the remainder of the day. All cases are to be pushed to tomorrow’s schedule, sorted by severity." Princess Daybreaker told the senior guard, who nodded back at her command. As he made his way to the golden doors, she cast a look upon you. You were sat next to her in your own chair. As simple as it was, it being wooden, it was quite comfortable. You weren't in any position to really be demanding anything from Daybreaker anyways, so a wooden chair next to the gold throne was as good as you were going to get.

"Do you have any insight to give, Anonymous?"

"No ma'am." You responded. Though you two had a little talk back in her chambers, you were still hesitant about whether or not she was a good pony. That sour taste in your mouth had however disappeared almost entirely, but the shakiness in your legs had stayed. Thankfully you never had to stand much during court.

"Really? I'm certain you have something noteworthy to say."

You did. The mare that had come in accusing her husband of cheating decided that Princess Daybreaker would make a great overseeing authority in their marriage. Daybreaker, being the demon that she is (intentionally, or unintentionally) told her that she should ruin the stallion's life, but in a... legal way. She then proceeded to list every way that she could land the stallion in prison without any of it falling back onto the mare herself!

You cleared your throat. "I... don't think that you should be giving relationship advice, ma'am."

Daybreaker cocked her head slightly to the right. "Oh?"

"It will give you a bad look no matter who comes in with relationship problems. Ponies will start to use you as an authority on those matters, and you will make plenty of enemies with the common ponies. Side with the husband, anger the wife. Side with the wife, anger the husband.”

Daybreaker nodded, settling back into her throne with a relaxed posture. "I suppose you might be right. Though it wasn't uncommon for Celestia in her younger years to be involved in such matters. I assume that might have to do with her obsession with romance during those days. She so dearly wanted to experience such a thing, even if it were from afar."

You nodded to her.

"I can also taste that you are no longer quite as afraid as you were earlier. I assume that our talk has calmed your nerves?"

You swallowed, giving another nod. "Yes ma'am. It did."

"Grand." She said with a smile. "If it hadn't, I probably would've sent you to the moon."

You gazed down at the floor, your eyes wide.

"That was a joke, Anon."

'Not a good one.' You thought.

"Anyways, let’s head back to my chambers." Daybreaker said as she stood. "I need a thorough wash of my body. I have been letting my hygiene elude me due to the strenuous hours of court. The common ponies can wait until tomorrow with their problems."

You stood up with her, looking over her body. She didn't even seem remotely dirty to you. Not that you were really looking at her very often. It was true that you never really saw her take many baths when you started to work for her, but you assumed that Alicorns just... didn't need to?

You didn't fucking know. This world is filled with so much magic bullshit and overpowered things, you assumed that was just the case. She looked at you for a moment, giving you a smile. "Perhaps you should also take a bath. You have worked up a sweat sitting beside me. That could give a bad look to your image, especially when you’re sitting with a Princess."

You couldn't tell if that was genuine, or a joke.

"Yes ma'am."

She sighed, shaking her head. "It's going to take a while to get you to stop being so formal around me, I can tell. Scared that one misstep will give you a ticket to space? Do not fret, I don't give those tickets out quite as frequently as Celestia." She said before going down the stairs, prompting you to follow her closely. "Besides, I didn't sign all of that paperwork just to have you disappear. That ordeal gave me quite a number of headaches, you know."

All she got was a few headaches for your literal ownership? That's... well, retarded. You really wanted to punch her, but you know that it would end quite terribly for you. You might even bruise your fist. That's exactly what happened when you had attempted to knock the purple Princess bitch out. You expected her to knock you out after you tried it, but she instead went into a long lecture about how Alicorns have a natural magical field that protects their entire body.

Fucking OP, man.

You continued down the hall with Daybreaker. Within a few short minutes, you had made it to her door, and entered her bedroom with her. She levitated her crown onto her desk, and entered through another door with gold trimming all over it, a red sun pictured on the door. You awkwardly followed her into the room.

Her bathing room, to be exact.

You simply watched her remove her regalia and step into the comfortable pre-heated water, her mouth opening slightly as she breathed out a moan of relief. You looked around and admired the scenery before you, the room being decorated in gold and silver, paintings of the sun dotted around the room like her bedroom. There were no windows, however. Not like it'd be a problem if there were. She'd probably just kill anyone that came through to peep at her before either they or her guards could react.

Wait a minute...

You remember seeing Luna almost always escorted by a guard, and her room had two guards standing outside of it every day. Even Cadance and Twilight had their own little escort of guards unless on private business when they visited the castle. Yet Daybreaker, since you started working for her, never had a single guard accompany her.

"I can see that inquisitive look on your face, Anon. You may ask your question." Daybreaker said as she looked in the other direction, scrubbing her back with a brush. You shook your head cursing yourself for being so obviously in thought.

"It's nothing. Uh, ma'am."

"You’re lying." She said, licking her lips. "I can taste it. Out with it."

"Uh..." You shifted your feet nervously. "I was simply thinking that I've always seen Princess Luna with guards at her door, and accompanying her. Yet I haven't seen a single guard at your door or accompany you anywhere. I was just wondering why that is. Um, ma'am."

"Oh, that's quite simple actually, for I didn't require any guards." Daybreaker said, now turning to you. "I am perfectly capable of handling myself. I am hundreds of times older than any of the guards I could possibly be accompanied by, and a hundred times more skilled. They are but children compared to me, though I do not think that they are lacking in their duties. If something exists that could overpower me, what hope could they possibly have?"

That... actually made sense. You nodded your head. "That makes sense, ma'am."

"Oh come now, you can't seriously be continuing this little charade. Relax a little, Anonymous. You are not being seen by the eyes of the public, simply your... ‘employer,’ of sorts. Won't you join me in the bath?" She said with a smile, though you couldn't tell if it was genuine.

You're never getting in a bath with that freaky sun-goddess!

"I think I'll be okay, ma'am."

"Well, I don't believe it will be okay." She said, her brush falling into the water as her aura dropped it. Before you could even process what was happening, you were being levitated above the water. She smiled playfully below you. "Last chance, Anonymous. You wouldn't want to get your suit all wet, would you?"

"I-I really don't want to get in a bath with you, Daybreaker- I uh... Ma'am!"

"Eh. So be it."

She dropped you.

Chapter Four : Night Time Blues

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When the sun goes down, you feel at ease, knowing that you were truly safe. At least, momentarily. With the ongoing situation, it’s hard to find moments where you aren't completely stressed out of your mind. You had become quite the alcoholic over time, just to drink your nightmares away. When you weren't drinking yourself until you were utterly shitfaced, you were wandering the castle halls or in your room contemplating your next move, which usually was to just power through.

You had been let off the hook by Daybreaker hours ago. Despite owning you, she gave you breaks, and let you off after about eight hours of being with her. It was like any ordinary day, except you didn't have days off, and you were certainly not getting paid for it. Some could say that staying in a luxurious castle amongst the elite would be payment enough, but you couldn't give less than two shits about that. It felt like more of a curse than a blessing most times.

You find yourself wandering the halls with an empty and dead expression present on your face. You passed by many guards, all of them moving out of your way and not bothering you. You liked them. Talking with them wasn't exactly entertaining, but they stayed quiet and listened when you needed to talk. It seemed that most of the guards on night-duty didn't like Daybreaker much more than you did.


You lifted your head up before turning around, coming face to face with the Lunar icon herself, Princess Luna – one of your very few friends on the planet. She might scold you for ruining your sleep schedule by staying up so late, but you knew that she enjoyed your company as much as you enjoyed hers. Health be damned; the night was one of the few moments you didn't feel like you were about to have a heart attack. "That's me."

Luna let her tongue hang out for a moment with her eyes closed, before quietly making a smacking noise with her lips. "You're feeling off today."

Okay, what the fuck? Was this something that all Alicorns could do? Taste emotions, or feelings, or whatever?

"Daybreaker and I had a ‘conversation’."

"Oh?" Luna asked, her ears immediately swiveling towards you. "That's quite the surprise. You two haven't had a single mutual exchange of words since meeting. What brought this change?" Luna took a step closer towards you, her interest obviously rising. You weren't exactly too eager to remember the events of the day though.

"She wanted me to speak freely, and I just... exploded on her. I cursed, I yelled, I insulted her, right to her face. I'm surprised I'm not floating in zero-gravity on the moon right now." You said with a fake chuckle, shaking your head slightly as you rethink the situation. It could've gone so much worse, but it seems that Daybreaker was merciful. For now.

"The moon does not have zero-gravity, Anonymous. The gravity is merely muted due to the moon’s lesser mass." Luna corrected, a bit over-enthusiastically. "Anyway, you said you had a conversation with her, though? A conversation is not one party simply yelling at another."

"In politics it is."

"She apologized for me not liking her. Said she wasn't a monster and all that, and that she wanted to start over." You said, summarizing the events as short as possible. "That's it. I'm still terrified of her, and angry that I’m her slave, but she's been acting... different. More open than usual."

Luna nodded. "I see. Was there anything else she sai–"

"Luna." You interrupted, putting a palm up to her snout. "I don't want to remember the events of today. It's hard for me to get through the day without downing an entire bottle of Pepto-Bismol, so remembering it in my few moments of peace isn't what I want to do right now. You can ask her yourself if you want, but I'm not doing this right now."

You were probably the only soul on this planet that could interrupt Princess Luna, touch her snout, and get away with it. She simply nodded as your hand fell to your side. "I'm deeply sorry, Anonymous. I often forget how dire the situation is to you, and how stressful it must be."

You sighed, walking over to the balcony’s ledge and looking out into the night sky. "I used to be a morning person until all of this happened. Woke up at 6:00 in the morning, even without an alarm, now it's switched. I used to think that the night sky was scary as a kid. All of that infinity, going on forever and ever, and we're surrounded by it. The day blue sky hides all of that from view. Now I see that blue sky as a shackle, covering what's really going on behind the curtains. The night sky is free; shows everything that’s out there, even beyond our reach. The day... that's a prison."

Luna draped a wing over you, prompting you to look at her. "Anon, you must get to bed. You are tired, I can see it in your eyes. Please, let me guide your dreams to a sweet and pleasant rest tonight, will you let me grant you this comfort?"

You inched away from her wing, shaking your head. "No. No going into my dreams, and no fucking with my dreams. Those are mine, and mine alone. I don't care if I have to relive the worst memories of my life in them, they're mine. It's one of the only things that I have that can't be taken from me, no matter how much fucking paperwork gets signed."

Luna sighed. "If you wish. Though consistently making this demand will prove to be detrimental to your health. Nightmares are different in Equestria, Anonymous. They can take physical form, and change the very pony they manifest from. I have experienced it first-hoof."

"Heh, yeah?" You said, giving a smirk. "It's a good thing I'm not a pony then. Us humans are quite resilient, Luna. You'll see, I promise."

Luna shook her head disapprovingly again. "Get to bed, Anonymous. If I see you wandering the castle any longer, I will have the guards escort you back to your room and barricade your door until the morning. This is no longer a request, but a demand. For your own health and safety."

You wave your hand at her dismissively before walking in the direction of your room. "Fine, mom. Guess I'm grounded now. What, gonna' take away my Playboys and Xbox next?" You said, looking back at her with one of the few genuine smiles you’ve had in a while. She looked at you in confusion, giving another sigh before teleporting.

Damn, only if you could do that. You'd never have to walk again, you could just teleport wherever you needed to go.

You rounded the corner of the hallway and spotted the door to your room. In the mornings you never wanted to leave your room, but at night you never wanted to return. Going to sleep meant that you were going to wake up again and repeat the same nightmare once more. It meant restarting, and you hated that feeling.

With a disgruntled moan of anger, you open the door to your room and head for your bed.

Chapter Five : Getting Over It

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You were already in the bathroom before you were actually awake. It seemed that your body was moving on autopilot. You could do your entire morning routine now without even thinking about it, probably because of the amount of stress that the mornings caused you. Sadly, you had awoken only halfway through the routine, leading your mind wander off towards places you’d prefer it wouldn’t.

Today was a new day in the same torture chamber.

"Fucking hell..." You stare at yourself in the mirror, pulling at the bags under your eyes. There was light blue discoloration, with some purple coming through. Every day, it would only get worse, and it wasn’t like you could easily fix it. You couldn't just sign yourself out of slavery. Well, you suppose that you could run away, but that wouldn't get you far. You were stuck in your own personal Hell no matter how much you hated it. You always reminded yourself of that, despite it stressing you out even further.

You shook your head before exiting your bathroom, giving your room one last look over before heading to your boss’ quarters. You felt your stomach churn in every direction, but you’d learned how to control yourself, so you kept your back straight and kept walking. You weren't going to be defeated by this. You're better than that, and you knew it. You tried to think of all the positive things that Luna had tried to help you remember, but it hardly worked.

You stopped in front of Daybreaker's door, knocking twice.

No answer.

You gave a look around before knocking again, just to get the same result. "What the fuck?" You muttered under your breath as you took another cautious look-around before grabbing the handle of the door. You knew it was a bad idea, but you had never in your six months not gotten a response from the Princess. You gently opened the door, stepping inside the brightly-colored room. Did she just up and leave? A vacation you didn't know about, perhaps?

Sadly, those thoughts were too good to be true. Behind the desk sat Daybreaker, reading a paper sitting in front of her. It looked like some sort of news article, and it had a picture of her in it. She was staring at it, entranced by whatever the words were saying. You knew it was probably best to announce your entrance before stepping any closer. "Ahem, ma'am?"

Daybreaker looked up at you, her eyes lazily trailing up to your face. She then looked back down at the paper. "Anonymous."

Something was wrong. Deeply wrong.

"What's... what's the matter, ma'am?"

She shook her head before looking back up to you with a smile. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, Anonymous." She said with a happier tone than before. "I don't think holding court is a good idea for today, so I've decided to close it for the time being. I’ll handle that headache some other time, but unlike Luna, I tend to like my days off."

'Yeah, so did I before I became a fucking slave.' You thought.

"Today, I had a realization." Daybreaker said, standing up from behind her desk and approaching you, a sly smile on her face. You always hated how she had an aura about her, constantly making it seem like she was plotting something. This time, though, you were sure that she was. "What are you to me, Anonymous?"

'A slave.'

"Your personal assistant?" You asked, the sentence forming into a question.

She nodded. "Yes, but all this time I've been treating you like a lowly scribe of sorts. No, I have another pony for such tasks. You are my personal assistant, and I haven't been utilizing you in ways befitting your capabilities. In earlier days, such assistants were called Pages, and they were utilized in all sorts of ways. Some were traditional servants; gathering documents and items for their noble ponies, whilst others were..." She licked her lips. "...unorthodox, in their duties."

You felt a shiver go down your spine with that one. Like hell you were going to be some prostitute!

"However," She continued. "Pages serving high nobility such as Luna and me would have duties that none other could do. Washing our bodies, going with us to retrieve food, and accompanying us for simple things. All this time all you have been doing is assisting me with paperwork and standing by my side during court sessions. That could hardly be considered using you to your fullest potential. So, how about we expand your duties?"

This is where you have an aneurism, right? Where a blood vessel pops? Where you don't have to live in a world where you are washing Princess Daybreaker's body? You knew somewhere that somebody was dreaming of this, but you certainly weren't. No, you wanted to be far from her. With this in mind, you simply nodded your head. "Yes, ma'am."

She grinned. "Excellent. Today will not be bogged down by Court, so other things are able to be tended to. I have been meaning to do an inspection on the next line of guards coming into service, but I haven't been able to until today. That will be the first order of business." She said, walking past you towards the door.

Your stomach grumbled loudly.

She stopped to look at you, a brow raised. "What was that?"

"I uh... Nothing?"

She gave you a deadpan look. She could see through your bullshit every single time! It didn't help that you were absolute shit at lying, too. "Anonymous, have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you eaten breakfast at all since you've been under me?" She asked, almost disappointed.

You shook your head. "No, ma'am... I just don't find there to be enough time. I'll be fine, I promise." You say, giving her a fake smile as you could feel your stomach rumble again, this time quietly. She shook her head at you, obviously not believing you for a second.

"No pony, or creature for that matter, should miss breakfast. I may eat mine before you arrive in my room in the morning, but I still do. It is important, and it is the only way you can get through the beginning of the day with enough energy to make good decisions. It is the most important meal of the day."

Okay, she was really bothered by this. Who knew that the princess of the fucking sun would be worried about the first meal of the day. You shrugged at her. "I don't want to be a bother to you, ma–"

"Stop calling me ma'am." She said, her tone shifting only slightly. "It is becoming strenuous to have to converse with someone who annoys me with that word. It will no longer be a request, but an order. I will also not have my personal assistant be bogged down by the stress of the day worse than should be necessary, all because of missing breakfast. We shall make our way to the dining hall at once, and find you a suitable meal."

'It's not breakfast that's killing me, it's you!'

"Yes, ma-... Yes." You said, correcting yourself of your mistake. She nodded at you with a smile again, before walking out of the door. You followed her as you usually would, by her side and a foot behind. She gave a sigh while walking, but you couldn't tell for what reason. You resigned to looking up at the ceiling in thought, forcing your eyes shut. If you had just eaten the night before, you wouldn't be starving right now. If you weren't starving, you wouldn't be in this situation at all.

Well, it’s too late now! It's probably better to just get over it.

Chapter Six : Inadequate

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Eating breakfast after having skipped eating in the morning for months now has caused you to have stomach pains. You were going to have to get used to eating so early again, considering Daybreaker now wanted you to come in thirty minutes before you regularly would, just so you two could go get breakfast together. Another half hour of your time, taken away from you. Luckily, you didn't have much time to think about your predicament for tomorrow, because the both of you were headed out to see the new recruits.

You two were heading down a long corridor, passing by busy guards as they continued about their routine. The veteran guards didn't bat an eye at the princess, but the newer arrivals? Some of them couldn't stop staring, whether in awe, or fear. The two of you eventually arrived at two large brass doors. Daybreaker pushed it open using her magic, revealing a large room with all sorts of military equipment scattered about, with dozens of newly recruited guards sitting inside aimlessly. Judging from their reactions when they started noticing us, they were never informed about the inspection.

"ATTENTION!" A voice called out from deep into the room. Shining Armor, the Captain of the Royal Guard and Co-leader of the Crystal Empire, stepped out into view, looking at both you and Daybreaker with confusion. He watched his recruits scramble to get into a formation and stand at attention, some of them tripping over themselves or their equipment. Daybreaker looked at them with an inquisitive eye, a tiny smile forming.

"Captain Shining Armor," Daybreaker addressed. "I’ve been informed that these recruits are almost done with their training." She glanced over to the guards, who had finally managed to form a straight line.

Shining Armor walked down the row of recruits, stopping only a few feet in front of the Princess. He saluted her professionally, and gave a small bow of his head. "Yes, Ma'am. These recruits are only a week away from finishing their training. They've been hard at work."

"May I ask what they've been trained on?" Daybreaker asked, staring at one recruit in particular. A skinny white-coated earth pony colt, shivering in his armor. You could see a small bead of sweat drip off of the side of his head as he gave the most aggressively neutral expression he could. You felt sorry for the young lad, as you knew exactly how he was feeling right now.

Shining nodded. "They've been trained on a multitude of things. From spear and sword combat, to magical defense systems and offense systems for the unicorns, and aerial maneuvers for the pegasi. We've also trained them on how to use crossbows, with and without magic, and they have been drilled on all of the invasion protocols– The standard recruit training regime."

Daybreaker nodded, slowly stepping in front of the shaking colt. You stepped beside her, giving the colt a sorry look. "And what of fitness requirements? I understand that there is a level of physical aptitude required to be considered for the guard, correct?"

Shining nodded slowly this time, seemingly considering how he wanted to word his response. "Yes ma'am, however... We have had to lower the requirement considerably to get new recruits. We’ve begun to fall below our preferred recruitment quota, and with more of our veterans retiring, we needed to boost our numbers. We have a full program set up to get them prepared to meet the previous standard, but it will take much more time."

Daybreaker licked her lips, bending down to become face to face with the colt, her nose almost touching his. He stared into her eyes with fear, and you could almost feel the tension in the air. "I can see that. If you believe that you can get these recruits into shape, then I'll leave you to it." She said, raising her head to look at Shining. "Guards are meant for more than just looking handsome for foreign dignitaries, though these ones are hardly befitting of even that. Do not fail me, Captain. I have a great deal of faith in your capabilities."

Shining Armor nodded his head. Daybreaker looked back towards you. "Come. Our inspection is over. There is no need for a demonstration; they are hardly in shape to impress us." She said whilst she walked over to the brass doors. You gave Shining a shrug before walking behind her, the two of you exiting the room with the doors shutting loudly behind you. Daybreaker turned to look at the door, a certain anger in her eyes.

You wince. "How... was it?" You asked hesitantly.

Daybreaker flared her nostrils angrily. "A waste of my time! How could we possibly be 'short on qualified recruits’?!. Our army will be mocked by the other kingdoms!. The new generation is supposed to be stronger than the last, yet this is not the case. This world has gotten soft, and it has led to softer ponies. The Elements of Harmony are evidence enough. Everypony believes them to be the only thing needed to ensure this land’s safety, but what happens when the next invader isn’t some unknowable God of Chaos, or my sister having a tantrum? I made one small comment about this to Twilight Sparkle, and she has a panic attack." She shook her head, giving you a look. "Well? What are your thoughts on the matter?"

You cringed. You hated being asked for your opinion. "Well... Shining Armor said he could get them into shape, and he's been a trustworthy pony so far. They might be a bit skinny, or chubby, but I think they could probably get to the way you want them to. I mean, you had your eye on that one colt just now."

Daybreaker squinted her eyes at you after that last comment. A step too far?

She gave you a smirk. "I’ll admit, as much as it disappoints me that the guards have resorted to recruiting the woefully inadequate, I personally wouldn't mind making that one appointed to our court sessions. A cute decoration for the room, perhaps~?" She said with a tiny giggle. "Though I am sure that the poor colt thinks I hate him."

You were going to pretend she never said that, so you did. "What's next on our list of things to do?"

"Ah, that's right. Thank you for reminding me, Anon. You're becoming a better personal assistant already! We’ll be receiving a visit from Miss Applejack today. A letter was sent to me last night about it, and she said it was urgent. She is a major reason as to why we have the apples we have now, and those apples have been a staple of the Equestrian economy. Foreign kingdoms have also taken a liking to her brew." Daybreaker looked at the sun out the window. "It won't be happening for another hour however. The guard inspection was supposed to be much longer than it was."

"What do you suggest we do in the meantime?" You asked. You hoped that you would get to have an hour-long break, but you knew that the devious demon in front of you had other ideas. She tilted her head in thought, her eyes wandering around the area. Her eyes then lit up with a nod.

"I believe another bath is in order, don't you? A bath in the morning would be magnificent. You do know how to massage a pony, yes?"

Uh oh.

You shook your head. "I... No, I uh... I don't."

"Well, in that case you'll simply have to practice on me." She said with a laugh. "This might become a regular thing, so do try to get used to it fast. Let us use the public bath-house this time, as well."

She was trying to embarrass you. Massaging the princess in public, whilst she takes a bath?! This was a new low for her, and she was enjoying every little bit of it. To her this was probably a playful nudge, but to you... Well, this was where you were sure you were going to pass out. Yet you kept your cool and nodded your head. "Yes... That sounds like a good idea." You said through your teeth.

"Then come! We want to make the most of our time before our meeting with Applejack, and I wish to know how well those hands of yours will feel on my withers!"

Chapter Seven : Confrontation

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"Come now, Anon. You can't seriously still be upset about that!"

Oh, you were really upset. That was the second time you had been involuntarily dropped into a bath by Daybreaker, and you were not having any of it. Just because she could dry you off in seconds with a simple spell didn't mean that it didn't happen. You sighed internally, giving her your best fake smile. "I'm not upset. We're supposed to be meeting Applejack, correct?" You say, trying to move the subject and the day along.

"Ah, yes. It's about that time, isn't it? She’s likely waiting for our arrival in the meeting room."

And so, the two of you walked through the winding halls of the castle, all the way back towards the center of the castle, where Applejack would be waiting. You had only been in the Royal Meeting room once; back when you had first arrived in Equestria. You still remembered the entire day vividly, almost as if it were yesterday. The confusion, the fear, the anger. Especially when only a week later you were told the terrible news: you were stuck here forever.

Your family, your friends, your life goals and aspirations were completely taken from you by an accidental blip in spacetime. All those years of school, the small bits of trauma you accumulated when growing up, and the effort you put into everything you did, rendered moot by freak chance. What was the point, then? Sure, Earth wasn't the best of places. Equestria was much friendlier, with a less ruthless economy and everlasting peace… It just made the feeling of not belonging creep even further into you. You're a human, not a pony.

You weren't born with the ideals of friendship and magic instilled into your brain like ponies were.

"We’ve arrived, Anon." Daybreaker said, snapping you out of your trance. You glanced at her. She was frowning at you, her brows furrowed slightly. You shook your head, waving a dismissive hand at her as if to say you were completely fine. She opted not to speak, and instead opened the door to the meeting room.

The room was the same size as you remember it– absolutely huge. The walls were decorated with gold and a shade of pearlescent white, shining a purple glow from the magic that also prevented sound from escaping the room. A long table meant to seat many ponies sat in the middle of the room, spanning about twenty five chairs on each side, with two on both ends. Applejack– the Element of Honesty, you remembered– sat in the middle of the row. Daybreaker nodded at her as she made her way to the opposite chair. You followed, taking a seat beside Daybreaker as the both of you scooted in.

You didn't really mind Applejack. She didn't judge you, nor anyone else for that matter, most of the time. She was an all-around good pony, and she had tried to help you to get over your anger with Twilight. It didn't work, but she certainly did try. What Applejack saw in that purple annoyance, you didn't know. However, the Applejack sitting in front of you and Daybreaker wasn't the same smiling farmer that you remembered. She was serious, and her eyes were fixed onto Daybreaker.

"Miss Applejack, I am very happy to see you. It has been a couple of months, has it not?"

"It has, Princess Daybreaker." She said with a tip of her hat. "I'm sorry to bother you with my issues."

"Nonsense," Daybreaker said with a smile. "You don't bother me at all. You are a staple of our society, Miss Applejack. You are considered a hero, and a great friend to many, including myself. Your letter did not describe anything in particular, only that you had wished to discuss something serious. What is it that troubles you?"

Applejack grabbed her hat and set it to the side, her hair looking frazzled. "It's about the apple contract that we have with the crown, ma'am."

Your ears perked at that. Apple contract? Probably something to do with funding, you assumed. It seemed that you weren't the only one interested, as Daybreaker's ears perked up as well. "I am familiar with the contract, Miss Applejack. It's one of the few long-lasting contracts from the old-times that we still have in place. The land that we gave you, and the money that came along with it. What about the contract concerns you, Miss Applejack?"

Applejack looked down at the table, her eyes slowly squeezing shut. "I've… broken the contract."

Daybreaker leaned back, her head raising up in a professional manner. She was posturing herself as she would in the courtroom now. This definitely wasn't good news. "Explain how you’ve broken the contract, Miss Applejack, and be specific."

"The land went dry." Applejack said with a shake of her head. "We knew we could get the land back in shape, but it would take too much time and we didn't want to skip out on the money. We sold a chunk of the land, which broke the first condition in the contract."

Daybreaker nodded her head. "Continue."

"We've been selling to other kingdoms at higher prices, ma'am, and the Griffons caught on."

Daybreaker closed her eyes shut and flared her nostrils as she exhaled. You didn't exactly know what the issue was. So what if they sold to other kingdoms for a bit more? That'd make sense, imported goods usually cost more than locally made. You didn't know any specifics though. "That is in violation of the fair-trade contract we have with the other kingdoms, isn't it, Miss Applejack."

"Yes, ma'am."

"We have that in place for a reason, Miss Applejack. That contract was made a long, long time ago in times of war. It was made to make sure that as the leading nation of the world, we were to act fair and just in everything pertaining to foreign nations. Apples, as simple of a food as they might be, are among the largest share of exported foods that we have, and you are the main provider. You haven't been selling through official channels, have you, Miss Applejack?"

Applejack kept her gaze down, and a tear fell to the table. "No, ma'am. We've been selling to them without reporting it to the crown."

Daybreaker looked at you for a moment. "As I have previously said about the Elements of Harmony, they are not what the public makes them to be." She looked back at Applejack. "I assume that this was not a recent development. What is the reason that you come to me now and not sooner? Is it because the Griffons were going to report it, so you decided to get your story out to me first?"

Applejack looked up at Daybreaker, her eyes filled with tears. You felt your heart squeeze at seeing one of the ponies that treated you decently be judged so harshly. Yet, with the further details provided, you could see how this could present a gigantic issue. Trade deals were explicit in their contracts, and breaking even a single rule could result in either party getting pissed off.

"Y-Yes and no, ma'am..." Applejack sniffled. "The Griffons were going to report it, but I don't want to manipulate the situation in my favor. I wanted to make things right, and come clean..."

Daybreaker chuckled, a hint of that anger spilling from behind it. "The Element of Honesty, lying for however long about their family’s trade. The crown gave you that land and that money to help the economy; to bolster our relations with other kingdoms, and you spit in the face of royalty. Trading is the reason we are at peace, Applejack. Instead of pillaging each other for resources, we trade. Instead of murdering thousands for valuable land, we trade. Instead of trying to swindle the other side with every trick in the book, we fall back to trade and the principles of it. Do you understand how dangerous this could have become?"

Applejack nodded, now fully crying. "Y-yes I d-do, ma'am..."

Daybreaker slammed her hoof onto the table, standing up in a display of dominance. Applejack cowered back, and you scooted your chair backwards to avoid any potential fighting. "You do not understand, Miss Applejack, and that is precisely the problem! You are lucky that the Griffons do not rely on apples as heavily as some other nations do, and you are lucky that they are primarily fish-traders. Water, food, and land, are all reasons that nations go to war, Miss Applejack. Depriving them of a fair trade is one of the easiest ways to start a war. And what if the Griffons decide to sanction us in retaliation, and let the rest of the kingdoms know about this ordeal?"

Your heart began to beat fast as your anxiety spiked. The tension in the room kept rising, and you had a hard time trying to concentrate now. Even if it wasn't you being chewed out, you could still feel the anger coming from Daybreaker, and that alone was enough to trigger something inside of you. Your foot tapped the floor nervously, your hands gripping the sides of your chair, ready to bolt outside of the room at any moment.

"Miss Applejack, do you know what we get from the Griffons?" Daybreaker asked. Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but Daybreaker slammed her hoof onto the table once again. "No, you do not, Miss Applejack. We get valuable resources from them. We get metals and jewels, different types of stone for building our houses, and most of all, we get many Griffons who are in need of jobs, and are willing to do heavy labor that we cannot afford to do ourselves. Sanctioning us would take all of that from us, and what would the other kingdoms think? We would lose our trust."

Applejack sobbed, her body shaking. "B-But we're j-just selling a-applesss..." She cried out. Whatever she was hoping to achieve from speaking didn't matter, as Daybreaker grabbed the Element in her magic and forced her to look in her eyes.

"Just Apples? That's how it starts. We pride ourselves on our ability to have morals, and to do good things when others would shy away from the difficulty. We help those in need, even if they've hurt us in the past, and we are patient with those who hate us. But you?" She let her magic dissipate, allowing Applejack’s head to stare at the floor again. "All you wanted was bits. No taxation on your bits and apples, and no way to keep you liable for shipping your product. You wanted to be free from consequences, and where did that lead you?"

Daybreaker scoffed as she turned to you. "We are done with this meeting. A guard will escort you shortly, Miss Applejack, and you will stay in one of the castle’s rooms. Your family will also be brought here for further questioning, and if necessary, detainment and to be tried."

"No!" Applejack cried out. "It w-wasn't them, it was me!"

Daybreaker looked back at her, her eyes squinted. "How can I trust the Element of Honesty if they lie? For all I know, your whole family has been stealing from the crown, and using your secret channels of exports to funnel other kingdoms their contraband. How far does the rabbit hole go, Miss Applejack?"

"I-I swear! It's not-"

"It goes as far as you're willing to dig, Miss Applejack." Daybreaker said, forcing the two large doors open and turning to you. You followed her quickly, not willing to be the next person to get chewed out. Daybreaker didn't say a single word to you as she slammed both doors shut and summoned a quill and paper. She scribbled something quickly, and allowed both items to dissipate in a cloud of smoke.

"Captain Shining Armor has been informed of his new duties involving Miss Applejack." She said to you, her eyes flickering with anger. "Let us go somewhere private, Anonymous." She said, her posture completely straightened as she walked down the corridor, each step pronounced.

Who knew that today would end up with the Princess yelling and screaming at one of the Elements? And who would've guessed that Applejack of all ponies would be the one to lie to her? You were expecting Daybreaker to suddenly behead the poor farmer, but it seems she knows when to stop. That was certainly one of the harsher things that you've seen Daybreaker do to somebody, and you couldn't even argue against it. If what Daybreaker said really did happen, then it could prove to be catastrophic to the infrastructure of Equestrian society. You’re not familiar with this world’s politics; the Griffons or whoever might ACTUALLY take Applejack’s back-door deals as a cause for war with Equestria.

“This is bad. This could be very, very bad if the Griffons decide this is worth fighting over. We’re in no shape to be fighting a war right now. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about when we left the guard inspection. And of course it’s an Element Bearer who might have caused it. This is just my luck, too– I complained about how ponies had too much faith in the Elements instead of an actual military, and now an Element may end up getting us into a war!”

Daybreaker seemed to be going over the day’s events in her mind, stressing over what Applejack had told her as the two of you make your way to Daybreaker’s bed chambers

You and Daybreaker both arrived at her room. You shut the door behind yourself after Daybreaker stormed in. She walked over to her desk and sat in her chair very slowly. She set both hooves on her desk, staring at them for a moment before looking up at you. "Of all the Elements… Miss Applejack was the one that I did not expect to do such a thing. She lied to the crown, cheated other kingdoms by gouging her prices, and possibly more. To think that I even trusted her."

You sat in the seat in front of her desk. "What are you going to do with her?" You asked, your anxiety still spiking.

"I'm not sure." She said, leaning back in her chair. "If she were anypony else I would throw her in the dungeons, but that would cause a public outcry, no matter how severe the crime that she's committed. That’s the issue with idolizing simple ponies. The common ponies begin to think that they are icons of truth and prosperity, yet they are liable to make the same mistakes as anypony else. The Elements should never have been entrusted to the ponies. What do you think?"

Again, you hated answering questions like this. "Well... We know she's done good things and she has helped the economy, despite her transgressions against the crown, right? If so, then all of that should be accounted for, and we don't know what the Griffons are going to say when they report it. They may just... wave it off?"

"I wish." Daybreaker said with a sigh. "Griffons are hard-headed and stubborn. They would rather die on a hill to defend a point that's proven wrong than admit that they are wrong. Luckily, they aren't dependent on that specific trade, but to imagine if they were..."

Daybreaker grabbed a brush with her magic and began to brush her fiery mane. Despite it being made of literal fire, it didn't burn like it. It was a soft, physical flame that enveloped whatever touched it in comfortable warmth. Not that you got to feel comfortable when you were washing her off, though. "I wanted today to be a relaxing day, to spend time with my personal assistant, and to take care of things I have been unable to tend to. However: we were met with inadequate guards who were only good for decoration, an Element who has lied to the crown and committed a crime, and Faust knows what's next."

You could feel sympathy building for her, even though you didn't want to feel bad for her. Yet you could understand what it felt like, having to deal with a shitty day and wondering what might come next. You laid your hand on the table with a smile, as genuine a smile as you could muster. "Things could be good for the rest of the day, or not. We just need to keep going and see it through, right...? When is lunch? We can look forward to that."

As if you even wanted to eat lunch with the demon, but it was better than her having a mental breakdown.

Daybreaker looked at the clock on the wall. "It is eleven twenty-three. It seems that our walks have taken more time than I thought they would, but lunch is served at one o’clock. Are you suggesting that we eat lunch together? You usually dine by yourself, Anonymous."

You shrug, giving her a nod. "It's better to eat with someone when you're not having a good day. And, it's better to have me around just in case something bad happens while we're eating, right? What if you uh... have to yell at another Element today? You'd rather have me around to accompany you, right?"

Daybreaker tilted her head. "I suppose, but you are not one to enjoy my company very often. I do know that you still have a distaste for me." She said whilst licking her lips. "So, this is not something I was expecting. However, it would be rude of me not to accept your proposal. We shall eat lunch together, and discuss the events of the rest of the day." She said, pulling a clipboard from her desk and looking at it. "It does not seem like the rest of the day will be bad, nor busy. That is, if we are lucky."

"Then let's hope we're lucky, I guess...?" You say with hesitancy. You were never a lucky guy. Look at the predicament you're in! If you were lucky, you'd be in Las Pegasus playing Poker and drinking, hearing the loud music of the bar drown out your sorrows and having some mares come up to you asking for a dance. Well, you weren't sure about the last one, but everything else, yes.

Daybreaker smiled at you. "Let us hope we are lucky, then."

Chapter Eight : Enemy to Friend

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Your shoulders sagged as you walked down the empty hallways. Pretending to be happy and cheerful to make sure that the demonic Princess didn't blow a head gasket wasn't easy on your psyche. You were lying every step of the way, and you were glad that you were on your way home. Though instead of hurrying away as you usually do, you take your time and enjoy the peaceful quiet environment. The castle had seen less and less visitors as the days went on with Daybreaker ruling, and it was no surprise to you. Even though the common-ponies still respected her, they feared her. A problem that you were sure would eventually bite her.

The calm and quiet feeling that the corridor gave you was immediately ruined by a certain murmur behind you, and it was certainly not Princess Luna. You turn around, your face immediately falling into a frown. In front of you, slowly walking towards you, was Princess Twilight Sparkle. You never expected to hate her-- well, maybe hate was a strong word. You 'strongly disliked' her, and you didn't choose that on your own. No, she forced that on to you. She always tried to teach you something, but it was either something that was simple enough to be an insult to your intelligence, or so complex that it felt like she was mocking your lack of knowledge on the topic. There was no in-between with her.

"Ah, Anonymous! Are you heading to your bedroom? I'm sure you and the Princess had quite an eventful day. She's always been pretty sporadic; even more-so now."

You wanted to poke your eyeballs out.

"Twilight... Why are you here? I thought you were planning to leave the castle."

"Well, I was, but Princess Daybreaker said that there was something that required me to stay. Something urgent, she said. She hasn't really said anything to me like that before, so I know that it's definitely something important. It's best to stay until she can inform me of what it is."

You sighed, shaking your head with your fingers pinching your nose. "Great. I'm really... glad."

"I know!" She exclaimed, her face beaming with happiness. "Right about now, I'd be on a friendship quest doing something exhausting, but it's nice to have time and be here at the castle. It reminds me of when I was a foal, learning underneath Princess Celestia. I remember that it was pretty weird at first. She consistently confused my name with 'Sunset', and–"

"Twilight." You say, putting your hand up to stop her. "Please, for the love of god... Shut up. I am not going to deal with this right now– you're annoying me, and I already have a gigantic headache. The last thing I need is you making me feel worse than I already am. I don't care about your life story, or about how you used to grow up here. Hey– here's an idea, remember how you're the Princess of Friendship? Maybe go make a new friend, because I don't want to be yours." You said, your eyes piercing down at her with anger. You could see that each word you said made her sink down just a tiny bit further. You weren't sure if you felt happy, or felt sad for her.

Despite this though, Twilight's face contorted into a sneer, her eyes hyper-focused on yours. "You know, considering you're the Princess' royal assistant, I thought you would've been a little nicer. All this time, I've been trying to help you, and all you do is keep... keep being rude! You're completely undeserving of that title that she gave you."

"You're right!" You said with a pained laugh. "I am undeserving of that title because I didn't fucking want it in the first place! It's hard to be nice to someone when they're condescending to you all the time, teaching you basic math like I'm a fucking child, or trying to explain 'Chrono-thaumatology' and confusing the hell out of me! I don't have time to learn, nor do I care for it."

"I've tried to help you! How am I supposed to know what you do and don't know?!"

"BY ASKING!" You yelled, your headache spiking even heavier. You could feel your legs waver a little, and you could feel your breath shorten. You pinched your nose again as you leaned on a pillar, shaking your head. "I... Fuck– I just... I'm sorry, Twilight. I don't know what I'm doing."

Twilight's face softened, and she got up close to you, peering a little up at you. "No, I'm sorry. You're not the first po– ... person, to tell me that I'm overbearing or condescending. I didn't mean to make you feel stupid, or feel like I'm treating you like a foal."

You shake your head, looking up at the sky for a moment as you digest what's happening. You, and Twilight Sparkle, who you thought you would dislike forever considering her cockiness, are having a normal heartfelt conversation. She wasn't an asshole on purpose– she was actually trying to help you. In a rude, horrible way, sure, but trying to help nonetheless. You only had a few chance encounters with her, and you had already made up your mind about where the two of you stood.

Wow, you really were getting bitter, weren't you?

"Don't worry about it Twilight." You say, your eyes drifting down to hers. "I'm just... really stressed, and I don't know if I can contain any of this anymore. And no, I'm not telling you a single thing. I like to keep to myself, and I like to do things on my own even if..." You sigh. "Even if they're hurtful to me. Maybe humans are stupid."

"No, not at all." Twilight said with a smile. "You're just stubborn. I know a donkey in Ponyville who would get along so well with you, it wouldn't even be funny. Maybe I'll introduce you to him sometime. Does this, uh... clear things up?"

You tilt your head a little as you nod. "Sort of. I think we need to actually be around each other a little more often, and without you trying to teach me something while I'm walking from one place to another. If you really want to teach me something, we can sit down and do it. I don't like being quizzed on topics out of the blue by a pony that I hardly know."

"Deal." Twilight said with a smile. "Could I ask for a favor, though?"


"You said I was... Condescending, and pretty rude. Like I said, you're not the first person to tell me that. But, I can't really ask those people for help on anything because they don't like me. Can you sort of... walk me through things? Tell me what makes me come off that way. I don't want this to be an issue, and with this whole situation I think that I can learn a lot from it."

You smirk. She is so damn wholesome. Who would've known? "I think that would be a good idea. But, it might get brutally honest and you're probably going to cringe a whole lot. I mean, Daybreaker herself has told me some of the things you've done that made even her cringe.."

Twilight immediately stiffened. She gave off a fake laugh. "Hah... hah, yeah... Yeah, we'll have to talk really soon then."

"Alright well, I need to get to bed before this headache actually decides to kill me. If I'm lucky, it'll do it in my sleep. Or, maybe it'll happen right here and the maids will have to clean me up. Hmmm... choices."

Twilight gave you an odd look as she then backed off, returning the way she came from. "I'll see you around, Anonymous!"

"Call me Anon!" You yell back as you begin down your own path. You hear a giggle behind you.

"Okay Anon!"

And just like that, your number-two enemy became a possible friend in the matter of a few minutes.

Chapter Nine - Awake to Bliss

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Waking up never felt so good, which immediately raised a red flag for you. You shot up-right– your eyes focused, not dazed like they usually were in the mornings. That sickening feeling in your stomach didn't show, and your body didn't tremble either. You got up to your feet and went to the bathroom, checking yourself in the mirror, bringing your hands up to your eyes.

Your baggy eyes were gone and your skin looked much healthier, feeling less stretched than before and its color returning to normal. You sat there, staring at the mirror and for the first time in months seeing a reflection that didn't represent a ghost. You shook your head, your hand balling up into a fist, and slamming it down onto the counter. You knew exactly why this had happened.

Someone put a spell on you.

Someone, in your sleep.

After all that time of telling Luna to stay away from your dreams, what does she do? She waltzes into them and tries to make things better, and invading your privacy. Your mind was always the one thing that nobody had control over, and she still violated that. You admitted that you felt better and loved this new feeling of not dying, but you hated what it took to get it. It felt like getting away with cheating on an exam.

You looked over at the clock and realized you were almost late, and so you got dressed as soon as possible and headed out the door, sprinting all the way to Daybreaker's room. It didn't help that she wanted you to come in thirty minutes before your shift from now on. Your hand paused just before knocking as usual, but the normal trembling that came with it was gone. You knocked, and the door immediately opened, showing Daybreaker to be sitting at her desk.

"Ah, Anon. I'm glad you're here. We shall eat breakfast soon enough, and I will brief you on what will be happening today. Your opinion will be needed, and it will touch on many sensitive subjects that must be handled delicately. We can't let ourselves starve when making such decisions, of course. What would you like to eat?"

"I uh... I'm not sure."

"Well you must hurry with your answer, as I am about to send the order very soon. We will be having our breakfast brought in today. We have servants available to us for that very reason, though I must admit going out is nice once in a while. Perhaps a cutlet of meat would suffice your needs this morning?"

"Meat?!" You exclaimed a bit louder than you wanted. "I mean-uh... Yeah, I suppose. Isn't that against the rules here though?"

Daybreaker laughed, her head craning backwards with a smug grin. "No, dear Anon. What do you think the Griffons will be eating when they come later today? I eat meat occasionally as well, though I do not show it off to the rest of the common ponies. They think of it as taboo, yet what else are my sharpened teeth for? Grass? No, and I know that your sharpened teeth aren't for eating just fruit either. You're lacking certain dietary needs, aren't you?"

You cringed as she licked her lips in front of you. "I... H-How about a... uh, pancakes and... bacon? Yeah, bacon." You said, a bit nervous about ordering meat in front of her, as you were strictly told it was a very taboo thing. You felt relieved as she nodded and wrote it down onto a letter, along with some other things before it disappeared into thin air.

"Take a seat, Anon. There's no need to be standing all day." She said as she gestured to the chair next to her. You walked over and took a seat, looking over at all the paperwork on the desk. Most of it you couldn't make out as it was all scattered, but a few papers were facing you and you were able to read them. Plans for how the meeting was going to go with the Griffons, plans on what to do with Applejack, and how to inform Twilight or something of the sort.

"I sense that you're curious on how we are going to handle these meetings today. I must tell you, I'm not quite sure on how to go about them myself, but I have general plans. First, we will be meeting with Twilight Sparkle to inform her of her friend's transgressions against the crown. She will likely be upset and try to fight in her friend's name, which we will then use as an argument for her innocence. Then, we will decide in private what we shall do with Applejack."

"What about the Griffons?" You asked.

"After we decide our punishment, we will then tell that to the Griffons. If they accept, then all shall be good in the world. If not, then we will be in for a very long and lengthy discussion on how best to punish Applejack, hopefully abstaining from the idea of killing her."

"Killing her?!" You exclaimed, your eyes widening. "T-That seems a bit far for a little trade of apples, don't you think?"

"Perhaps." She said with a nod. "I overreacted when she told me, but what I said still rings true. There are three things that lead to war, and that's water, food, and land. The Griffon territories aren't the right climate to grow apples in, thus making them a delicacy in their kingdom. When they learn that they were being sold black-market goods, they will question our authority on proper trade. They usually handle such transgressions with the punishment of losing ones extremities, or simply death."

You sigh, shaking your head. "Cutting the hands off a thief... There was a culture back home that was like that."

"Oh?" She asked, her ears swiveling towards you. You shook your head, reminding yourself to not tell too much about your home. While she may want to learn more, you knew that you should probably keep most things like that a secret. Delving into Earth's history was delved into many things that you didn't want to be endlessly prodded on by the likes of Daybreaker and Twilight.

"Nothing much other than that. S-So, we deal with the Griffons, and then we inform Applejack of what we will do with her?"

Daybreaker sighed, leaning lazily back into her chair. "I wish. Once both sides formally come to an agreement, depending on the outcome, we'll likely have to hold a public trial. If we come to the terms of exile, or throwing her into the dungeon, we can't do so without letting the public know. If not, the citizens will be outraged. While they are below us in status, they swarm us in numbers. A nation will fall if it is not transparent with its subjects on certain things. It's a tricky game, Anon."

"A game I'm not fond of playing." You admit with a groan.

"Oh come now, Anonymous. You must be faring a little better in this trade. After all, since you've started working under me, you've improved a lot. Today, even, I notice quite the change in your demeanor. What may have caused such a thing, my Assistant?" She questioned, a smirk dawning on her face and her eyes playfully half-lidded at you.

"Just feeling better is all. Nothing more to it." You say, trying to not bring up the subject of her sister meddling in your mind with her trickery in the dream-realm. You'd have to deal with that later in the night as well, added on to the multiple meetings and strenuous tasks throughout the day. It was clear that today held no breaks.

A knock came to the door. Breakfast was ready to be served.

Chapter Ten - Bacon!

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Pancakes and bacon. There couldn't be a more refreshing and tasty meal in all the lands sitting in front of you right now, and you were sure that you were feeling a little sick from the smell after not eating it for so long. Either way, you eagerly picked it up with your fingers and bit into the thick, juicy cut of bacon, a solid crunch following after. Daybreaker herself had ordered pieces of fruit, along with a big chunky fish, though it wasn't cooked. Surprisingly, it didn't smell like fish at all. Something magical, you guessed.

"My my, you really were starving for some meat. They haven't fed you any since your arrival?" She asked before she took a big bite out of the underbelly of the fish. You shoved the rest of the big piece of bacon into your mouth, letting yourself chew for a few moments as you wiped your hands on a piece of cloth. You two were sharing her little desk as a table, but it wasn't too cramped.

"They did, but they said it was only for foreign dignitaries. Special people, or something..." You said before using your fork to slice out a piece of pancake and shove it into your mouth. It was delicious, and you were surprised to find that there was chocolate chips inside of them! Miniature ones that would dissolve in your mouth on contact. You moaned lightly at that, becoming happier by the second, despite sitting next to your captor.

"You are special, Anonymous. Whether you're my assistant or not, you come from an alien world. That doesn't happen very often, not since we had put a protection spell on the planet all that time ago. That spell alone took all of our most skilled wizards and mages to do, but it was well worth it. Considering your arrival, whatever catapulted you here was stronger than anything else we've seen. You didn't have a choice, and you should've been treated respectfully the moment you got here."

"I was." You said, finishing your piece of pancake. "They just didn't know how to handle me, I guess. Still, this is... I could very well get used to this."

"Well, you shall." She said with a nod and a smile. "You are expected to arrive early from now on, and to dine with me for breakfast each morning. Of course, should I ever miss a breakfast, I hope that you treat yourself to one anyway. Despite being an immortal being myself, I still find myself yearning for breakfast each morning. It's like Luna's coffee; she just can't go without it. Though, with how much she's consumed, I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself yet."

You chuckled. "Coffee isn't all that bad."

"It is when its caffeine rate is higher than what is legally allowed to be sold in Equestria. We make an exception specifically for her." She said with a sigh. "I just hope that she understands to take her health more seriously, and you should too. Though, as I said earlier, you are looking much better."

You internally shook your head. "Just a good night's rest I suppose."

"With a special somepony, perhaps~?"

What the fuck? "What? No! No– I just... I went to bed early, that's all. I don't have that kind of thing going on."

"Oh, my Royal Assistant is a virgin~?" She tittered, letting her hoof tap her chin. "How could that be? You know, despite most believing us royals to be celibates, it's best to not hold onto such urges for so long. You should not keep yourself from temptation Anon, lest it kill you."

"I'm not a virgin!" You said with indignity, a piece of bacon in your mouth as you talked. "Just haven't been in the 'romance' game a lot lately considering my predicament here." You said, accidentally letting that last little bit slip out. Daybreaker gave you an odd look as you said that, only to shake her head slightly.

"We will talk about your 'predicament' very soon enough, Anonymous. I've come up with a rather good plan that you may indeed like. I know that your little outburst a few days ago was nothing but fake courage propelling you to speak, but I did sense truth coming from your words. Though, I expect you to be more confident in what you say. I can taste when you stutter, lie, and fake your emotions." She said before tossing a big piece of pineapple into her mouth.

Just then, a knock came at the door. Daybreaker opened it from afar with her magic, allowing a guard to step in. "Your Majesty; Twilight Sparkle is awaiting you in the meeting room."

Daybreaker nodded, finishing the last of her food. "Give us a few more moments, and we shall be there. Inform her of our late presence."

The guard nodded before closing the door. Daybreaker stood up, standing just behind you. "Finish up, we have duties to attend to. I shall change into my regalia while you finish." She said, stepping over next to her bed, as she opened a large chest and began to yank pieces of golden jewelry out of it. You watched in confusion, hurriedly eating the rest of your food before she looked back at you. "What, watching a Princess get dressed? For someone so quiet, you are very bold." She snickered, causing you to look away.

By 'regalia,' she must've meant armor, because by the time you were fully finished with your meal and ready to go, she was standing next to you in a set of unique looking armor, adorned by all sorts of gems. You gave her a look up and down, looking over at the door. "I uh... Am I supposed to..."

"No, your suit works just fine." Daybreaker said. "When it comes to meetings with the Griffons, it's best to have a show of dominance. They've been treated quite fairly over the years, which has caused them to overstep on many territories and laws. With this, I hope to prove to them that they are under the watchful eye of the Sun, and if they want their crops to grow, they had best listen."

You nodded. She stepped towards the door, looking back at you for a moment again. "We shall go see Twilight. She will be very upset, so excuse her outbursts, and keep it civil. If you want to talk, you may. You don't need my permission to speak. You are the Royal Assistant after all." She said with a nod before exiting the room, you following just behind her. With each step she took the armor clanked just a little bit, but it was surprisingly quiet, though it was still the only sound echoing down the empty corridors.

In just a few moments, you and Princess Daybreaker would start the day on deciding the fate of one of Equestria's most famed protectors– Applejack.

Chapter Eleven - A Bit Far

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As Daybreaker entered the room, Twilight's head perked up from the table with a smile. "Princess!" She exclaimed, her eyes darting over her mentor's armor that gleamed under the light above, but did not comment on it.

You followed right behind Daybreaker, giving Twilight a hesitant look as you knew what could happen during this little meeting. Daybreaker simply smiled at Twilight, taking a seat across from her at the large table. You took a seat next to her, thinking to yourself all the while of how this might go down. "Twilight, it's great to see you. I'm very sorry to intrude on your busy schedule on this matter, but I'm afraid it is very important."

"It's fine, I didn't have much to do anyways. It was either this, or go back home and deal with another headache. I haven't been up here as often as I would have liked, so I'm glad I was able to take a long trip here." She said with a smile, letting both her hooves splay out onto the wooden table. "I hope I wasn't too much of a bother..."

Daybreaker shook her head. "You could never be a bother to me, dear Twilight, though this matter is of the utmost importance, so I'm afraid we will have to cut pleasantries short. This involves a very serious situation involving your friend and fellow Element Bearer: Miss Applejack."

"Applejack?" Twilight asked, her face a little confused. "Why? What happened to her?" She asked, giving Daybreaker and you a quizzical look. You couldn't help but stare back at her, your lips tightening even more in knowledge of what Daybreaker was to say next. Daybreaker let out a long and deep sigh, her head looking down for but a moment before shooting back up to meet Twilight's eyes.

"Applejack has been found guilty of illegally selling her goods and services to other kingdoms without reporting it to the crown, and not reporting any money earned from it. She said this herself, and is now being convicted of being a black-market dealer and of violating the trade agreement between all kingdoms."

Twilight sat there, her eyes shrinking as she heard the news, and her fur stiffening like a wooden board. What was her response going to be, you wondered. You didn't have to wonder for long, as her brows furrowed. "I'm sure that she can stop doing the trade and avoid this big mess entirely. She'll listen to whatever you say, I know she will."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Twilight." Daybreaker said, her tone as neutral as could be. "We have to be forthcoming with this, and we must assert that just because you and the others are Elements, does not make you exempt from the laws. She has broken a serious, international one at that, and not only has she broken it; she broke it with the Griffon Kingdom—one that is not lenient in its punishments."

"T-That seems a bit over-the-top, Princess..."

"It's not." She said with a nod. "In fact, its exactly what the law would require of her punishment. For her crimes her entire family would be purged of its income from the farms, and have a steady eye kept on them. Applejack herself would spend twenty years in the dungeon."

"You can't be serious!" Twilight said, getting up and out of her seat, her horn sparking ever-so-slightly in panic. "S-She's a good pony! She doesn't lie a-a-and if she does, it's not because she wants to! She's saved my life, Princess! She's saved many ponies' lives because that's how much she cares! She runs head-on into problems, and takes in ponies who are less fortunate and have nowhere to stay, because she feels it's her duty! S-She's not a bucking criminal!"

Daybreaker simply nodded, her expressions neutral. "That may be so. But this is still a severe problem, and we cannot skirt past judgement so easily."

"Screw the judgement!" Twilight yelled. "I know her! I know her– I won't just let her get thrown into the dungeons like some... criminal! Like a thief! No– No I'm not doing that, never– she would stand up for me, so that's what I'm going to do!" Twilight continued to yell, her mouth opening again as she was about to continue, but Daybreaker instead stood up.

"And I agree with you, Twilight." She said sternly, her gaze tearing through Twilight like butter. "That is why I will try to fight for her during our meeting with the Griffons, to see if we can find common ground. They will use this situation, as minor as it may seem, to their advantage. If they can siphon as much as they can from us, the better for them. I can promise you that she will not be spending much time in punishment and I shall try to make it as lenient as possible. Me and my Assistant here will see to that."

Twilight looked at you. You gave a gulp and a nod. "Yeah. I'll fight for her, Twilight. I was there when she admitted it all to Daybreaker and she seemed pretty upset at herself for it. I think if we can uh..." You turn to Daybreaker. "Convince them that she can atone for what she's done, and maybe give them something in return, we'd be able to skirt past this as easily as possible. I-I mean, these Griffons are prideful, right? But their resources, atleast important ones, are scarce. M-maybe we can use that to convince them?"

Daybreaker nodded at you and then to Twilight. "Do you see, Twilight? You have two healthy and careful individuals who are going to try and help Miss Applejack, but we cannot get her off completely unscathed. She must pay somehow, and the Griffons will see to that. I thought that I should inform you, seeing as you are her friend, and that she is one of the Elements. I shall leave it up to you as to whether you will tell the others this information."

Twilight looked down at the table, drawing a circle with her hoof. "I just... This doesn't seem real– this happened too quickly. I-I... This..."

Daybreaker reached over the table and let a hoof rest underneath Twilight's chin. Her tone lowered, silky and smooth. "Twilight, do not fret. I did not come here to argue about your friend, but rather to let you know that we will fight for her innocence as much as possible. You do not need to worry your head about anything, do you hear? Go, and get something to eat. I can sense that you haven't eaten yet."

"I... I was getting ready for this meeting..."

"Well, this meeting is going to be cut short. Very short. I think me and my Assistant have some discussing to do, and you must tend to yourself with a healthy meal and possibly take a nap. Do not let this stress get to you. Now please, go, and do not wait. The sooner you get to eating, the better."

"Y-Yes, Princess." Twilight said, obviously a bit confused as to how short the meeting was, and to being 'kicked' out of the room. She kept her head low, and sighed as she exited the room. Daybreaker then turned to you with a big smile on her face.

"I told you things would turn out perfectly."

What? How was that perfect? "That didn't seem like it turned out perfectly."

"Don't you see, Anon?" She said, taking the seat across from you. "Getting her to panic is quite easy, and in doing so, it will cause her to be in a sort of loop. I understand how she gets, and this stress will keep her at bay while we decide on how to do things. Yes, I lied to her a little bit, but what of it? We do what we must in order to accomplish our goals."

"So, you caused her to become stressed so she would leave the meeting super early, and not be in the right state of mind to meddle with anything we're going to do?" You asked, to which she nodded. "I mean... That's smart, but... yeah, a bit messed up."

"Perhaps, but that's neither here nor there. In the end, she's gone for now."

"What about Applejack?" You questioned. "You said she wouldn't have any serious punishments."

Daybreaker shrugged. "I'm not sure what's going to happen to her. That was the lie I told Twilight. I'm not so sure that she could handle me telling her that her friend could be in the dungeon for a year."

You nodded your head. "What do we have to offer the Griffons in return for this... transgression?"

Daybreaker looked at the ceiling in thought, a hoof tapping her chin. "I was thinking of ensuring that she has been stripped of her privilege's to sell any items, and that she will have a careful eye looking upon her until the day she passes. And that, she will spend four months in the Dungeon in order to have an 'Equestrian Etiquette' instilled into her. They will think of that as torture, so it will most likely bode well with them."

"Seems a bit..." You watch your words carefully. "It seems like we'd be banking on something we can't ensure. What if instead, we have the Apple family give their next dozen or so shipments of apples to the Griffons for free, and ensure that they will be forcefully attached to the Crown in order to ensure that they have no other... problems. Like, instead of the Apple family owning the company, the government will own it. I know that wouldn't make Applejack or their family happy, but... That seems better than throwing her in the dungeon. Also, that'd keep the public eye out of the way too."

Daybreaker raised her eyebrows, her mouth opening into a smile. "I'm impressed, Anonymous. You truly are smart, and I'm glad I picked you for this job. We shall go about it your way then, but in order to ensure that it goes flawlessly..." She leaned over the table, getting right in your face with a devious smile. "You'll be the one talking."

Oh, fuck.

Chapter Twelve

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Dealing with one of the more aggressive species on the planet in a political nightmare scenario wasn't something that you were really excited for. You weren't afraid of getting clawed in the chest– No, Daybreaker alone could prevent all harm coming to you. What you were afraid of was if you messed anything up, you'd have to deal with Daybreaker herself. However, there was a small voice in the back of your head that calmed you in that scenario. She hasn't been all that bad recently. Your opinion of her definitely sways every now and then. If you didn't know any better, you'd call yourself bipolar.

"Don't worry Anon. The meeting won't happen for a little while. Perhaps we should talk privately in my chambers to refine what you are going to say. Would that ease your mind and soul?" Daybreaker asked you as you both walked down the corridor. You look up at her, your lips sealed into a thin line before you shake your head.

"Is it really a good idea for me to be the one speaking?"

"I'll still be there with you, speaking alongside you. It was your idea however, and I believe you should be the one to word it in the way you intended. I'm certain the last thing you would want me to do is to twist your words into something you didn't mean. I can sense uneasiness from you every day, and I would rather not exacerbate it with my aggressive tendencies. You are smarter than you believe Anon, you should take pride in it."

"I'm not a politician, though."

She shook her head as the both of you rounded a corner. "No, you are not. While that might seem bad in the world of political headaches, I can assure you it is rather refreshing to have someone who is not aiming for an agenda. You don't want to hurt Applejack, nor do you want her actions to go unpunished. If I had asked someone like Blueblood he would demand to have her executed, I assume. Or, if I went along with one of her 'benefactors', they would definitely side the other way entirely. This kingdom is filled to the brim with hypocrisy, and having you as a wild card certainly allows for a perspective most wouldn't cater to. I did not choose you for just any reason, Anonymous."

You sighed. "I guess. What if it goes wrong?"

Daybreaker shrugged. "If they really become annoying, I will show them the Sun up close and personal. They're quite tolerant of heat, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind~." She said with a smirk. "You forget that we are the most powerful nation on the planet. It may not be proper to obliterate their entire kingdom, but if I deem it fit then that's what shall happen."

You laughed nervously. "S-So, it's either I do a good job, or they get eviscerated…"

"I'm glad you're catching on now." Daybreaker chirped before forcing open the door to her chambers, allowing the both of you to step inside before she slammed it shut with her magic. She then jumped straight onto her bed from the front of the door, the distance between the two quite vast, but easily manageable with her large wings. She then laid onto her back and motioned for you to take a seat at her desk. You did as you were shown, taking a seat at her desk while you watched her in the bed.

"I... thought we were going to talk."

"We are." Daybreaker said with a nod. "However I don't understand why I couldn't be comfortable during such a conversation. I thought you were someone I could feel safe and vulnerable around, Anon. Are you saying I cannot enjoy the comforts of my own room? In my own kingdom? If you truly are that cruel, I will sit–"

"No no no!" You said waving your hands around. "Y-You're fine! You lay there... It's fine."

"Thank you." She said with a smile. "I'm glad I was able to get permission from my own assistant."

"Slave..." You muttered under your breath.

"If I treated you like a slave, I could easily have you strip that suit of yours off and dance naked for my entertainment. I haven't made you do such a thing. Well, yet anyways." She said with a laugh. You shook your head, remembering that she was unlike most other ponies. Sense and smell were heightened along with her hearing, and you were sure her vision was immaculate. You really couldn't hide a thing from her, could you?

She maneuvered herself so she was staring at you while she laid on her back. Despite being the devil incarnate, she actually seemed somewhat... cute? No. 'Tolerable', you decided. Tolerable in the sense that she was seeming more like a pony than a demon. Her eyes never left you, a smug smile dawning on her face. "You're almost like a foal's book."

"What does that mean?"

"You're easy to read."


"What are you planning to present to the Griffons?"

Ah, that again. You began to scratch the back of your neck as you thought about your words, carefully taking into account that their nation depended on how well you handled this. "Perhaps I could start by complimenting something about their culture. Or find common ground."

"That's a good start." Daybreaker nodded, her pose unchanging. "Establish familiarity. Your unique viewpoint and status as an alien to this world will likely be able to sway them in ways that I can't. Perhaps we could offer them a plate of meat during the meeting, and you can indulge with them. That would likely bode well with them."

You nodded. "Then maybe... Maybe I try to explain the situation differently? Try to explain that it wasn't as bad as they might see it?"

"Oh?" Daybreaker said before chuckling. "I don't think downplaying your guests is a good way of starting a diplomatic situation."

"N-Not downplaying. Just getting them to see a different perspective."

"You won't be able to do that." Daybreaker sighed, shaking her head. "Griffons almost never change their minds. What you should focus on is to present something that they will be satisfied with that matches both of your desired outcomes as closely as possible. In fact, you should match their exact tone when they exclaim about how big of a deal it all is. Agreeing with them will make you seem smart and understanding."

You leaned back in the chair, now facing towards Daybreaker. You let both of your hands sit on your lap. "Okay, so I start with trying to establish common ground and perhaps ask them about the situation. I'll let them explain it first, then I'll match whatever they say. I appeal to them sort of, right? Then I could say that we'll treat it with even more severity, just as a Griffon would."

Daybreaker began to clap with her hooves before laughing. "See, now that wasn't so difficult was it? You must be careful with that last bit however. That could be an invitation for them to decide the judgement, and when you inevitably tell them no, that could spark an even worse problem."

"I hate politics..." You lean your face into both hands.

"Yet you're quite adept at manipulating the situation to your favor. A beginner, but talented nonetheless. It's as if you were made for this field."

"I wasn't." You say with a shake of your head. "I was supposed to just be a common man in a normal world, doing normal things. Not deciding the fate of equines and cat birds."

"How harsh, I didn't know you were capable of such slurs towards Griffons. Perhaps you are too biased to handle this situation." She said before laughing. "I am joking, of course."

"Wait– is 'cat bird' an actual slur here?"

She lazily waved her hoof in the air. "Well, yes, but it isn't taken as seriously as other slurs. Though Griffons are not particularly fond of such words."

"That would explain why Gilda kicked the shit out of me..."

"She would've done so even if you didn't say that." Daybreaker said, finally turning herself upright, letting both front hooves lazily hang off the bed. "Gilda is quite a menace; at least that's what the papers depict her as. I am sure that she has an upside, it just happens to be buried under a mountain of manure."

You found yourself scratching the back of your neck once again, which seems to have become a nervous habit of yours. "M-Moving on, when exactly is this meeting?"

She looked up at the clock on the wall, reading only 10:34am. "Quite some time from now. Griffons usually do not get straight into business. Upon arriving, they make it their priority to make it Tartarus for any of our staff, rivaling the likes of Blueblood himself. Then they'll usually dine together before making their way to the meeting room. Of course, there we will all dine once more as a show of peace. That's when you'll pull your little meat trick."

"Sounds like hell for the housekeepers..."

"Their pay gets adjusted during these situations. While guards have hazard-pay, the rest of the staff has... headache-pay? I'm not quite sure, there isn't a name for it. Rest assured that they go home with lots of bits in their pockets. It would be counter productive to not compensate the most important staff that we have here in the castle."

"I thought guards were the most important?"

"When you have abilities like mine, Anon, anything that could harm me would make quick work of any guard who tries to stop it." She said with a shrug. "I've even thought about firing most of them, but the population would of course feel unsafe without their golden security blanket. They're more like… 'decoration'; like that cute little stallion under Shining Armor's command. Handsome, and possibly useful in other situations~, but ultimately pointless."

Huh, that was a weird take considering she made a pretty big deal about the state of the guard beforehand. You ignored it though, owing it to the fact that it's probably her massive ego talking. An ego that would rival even the likes of Rainbow Dash. "So, what do we do in the meantime while we wait for the meeting to take place?"

Daybreaker smiled. "Well, it's bathtime, of course~..."

Not again...

Chapter Thirteen

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"You did absolutely fine, Anonymous. I'm very impressed with how you handled yourself."

You were sitting in the Royal Dining Hall once again with a plate of various meats and vegetables in front of you. The smell was absolutely amazing, but you weren't quite sure if you were going to be able to eat. The meeting had gone smoothly for the most part; all except for at the very end, when you must've said something that they didn't quite agree with. 'Having a talon an inch away from my throat tells me otherwise.'

"Ah, thus are the troubles of dealing with Griffons. They lack the tact of a more diplomatic race, but I assure you that their leader is perfectly fine. It's his subordinates that are the issue here. Griffonia is not a land blessed with the intricacies of political discourse, so they take disagreements very personally. Whatever the case, you did an excellent job. You were able to navigate a politically charged conversation, which is a skill many ponies lack. Not to mention how Applejack is in your debt, as you have given her a lenient sentencing, and avoided it backfiring with the Griffon diplomats."

You had managed to get Applejack on a sort of probation, being watched by the Crown at all times, and her farm was now technically Crown property. Whilst it is a major hit to Applejack's pride, she was going to get benefits from being a 'Royal Entity' now for her business. Now that you thought about it, you really did manage to get her a real sweet deal. You were sure that she wasn't feeling the same way, but it was the best you could do. "So, now what?"

"We shall relax for the remainder of the day. I had matters to attend to later, but I've decided to reschedule them. There is no need to put more on our plate. It's important to take time to rest, to stay in one's best shape. You feel the same, don't you?"

You nodded, weakly. You wished you were able to spend your time alone, but what would you do then? You did pretty much two things if you weren't being told what to do: wallow in bed, or think of your life. Should you try to explore the castle more, orgo down into Canterlot and explore the streets? You shrugged internally, not sure of yourself.

You stared at your plate still, before feeling a hoof gently place itself on top of your hand. You looked up, seeing Daybreaker now close to you, her eyes staring directly at yours. "You're uneasy."

You knew you couldn't hide your emotions from her. "Yeah..."

"I find it difficult to relate to most ponies. Being who I am, and what I've done, some things that ponies do confuse me. Their emotions elude me. Fear… Sadness… Anger. Sometimes I feel those things, but not for the same reasons as everypony else. However, as I have said before, you emanate Emptiness."

"Yeah, I wonder why..."

Daybreaker scooted closer to you, her eyes piercing yours even further. "You have your opinions and reasons for why you think you feel this way; I, however, do not think that is the entire reason. You're hiding something deep within yourself, and that is what I find most curious about you, Anon. I like being around you, because you're strange and interesting. You provide a different outlook on everything, and I want to eventually crack that deep shell you have locked away inside of you."

You chuckled, pulling back a little at the uncomfortable feeling you were getting from how close she was. "So it's like a game to you?"

"It's a goal," Daybreaker corrected, removing her hoof from your hand. "I can see potential in you. You have your outbursts, such as what happened recently. You don't back down at every opportunity to do so, nor do you fight pugnaciously. No; you adapt, and you make-do, something that does not come easy to ponies. Not without a significant catalyst to do so..."

"That's human nature for you..." You said with a smirk and an empty chuckle. "That's what we're best at."

Daybreaker said nothing, continuing to stare at you. She then turned away, looking at her own plate of various fish and vegetables, along with some fruit in a bowl. "I have overstepped many boundaries—with others, and with you. Most of which, I do not mind crossing. However, it is entirely up to you if you'd like to discuss this with me."

You felt your ears tingle in curiosity, watching her closely.

"Can you tell me about your home?"

Now that wasn't something you were expecting to hear. Luna knew some things about your home, but not a lot. Nothing about you specifically, atleast, and you avoided talking about Earth with anybody. You brought up a few things here and there, but never more than that. You didn't know why, but thinking about home just made you feel… sick? It didn't feel good, that was for sure.

However, without thinking, you began to speak anyway.

"I didn't like it."

Daybreaker looked at you, her ears perked. She carefully removed her stare from you, probably trying her best not to startle you too much. She stayed silent, eating slowly as you stared blankly at the legs of the chair she was sitting on.

"I didn't have much going for me. I let life pass me by a lot. It all felt so fast sometimes, like I wasn't moving fast enough to catch up to it. I had finally just gotten a job offer, and was ready to go to the interview for it. Rented a nice suit, was ready to go for it and then—"

You plopped your hand noisily onto the table.

"I'm here."

You weren't quite sure why you said anything. It felt like you were forced to, and that something had been compelling you to speak. Was that her doing? Was she able to use some sort of psychic field to get you to speak? The feeling was constantly there. You didn't like her, and you felt afraid sometimes, but you also felt… something else being near her. Something you didn't feel with anybody else.

"I, too, would be confused if that happened to me." Daybreaker said, one of her eyes glancing over to you. "You make your old life sound mundane, but the Anonymous I am with right now is an interesting individual."

This time, you genuinely laughed. "Nobody back home would agree with you."

"I doubt they would. Then again, most ponies don't agree with me to begin with. It takes a different kind of pony to see a different kind of man."

"Or, maybe you're just wrong."

Daybreaker nodded. "I could be. But, wrong in the sense of what? We aren't speaking of facts here; we're speaking of perception. How one pony sees you is not how everypony sees you. How you see me, is not how everypony sees me."

Really? You were sure that everybody thought she was a demon, just like you. Sure, some were less scared than others, but the general consensus was the same, even if they're fine with her leading the country. Not that they got to have a say if she didn't care for their opinion anyways, since she had enough power to wipe anybody out if she so pleased. That kind of made opinions on the matter meaningless.

You brought a piece of meat to your mouth with your fingers, chewing on the tender piece of beef with a smile on your face now. It was great to be eating meat again. Daybreaker turned to look at you now, same as before. "Perhaps you need a marefriend, Anonymous."

You immediately choked on the small piece of beef, hunching over the table as you pounded your chest to get the piece dislodged, coughing with another hand over your mouth. You looked at her incredulously, your eyes wide in shock. Did she just say that? Was she implying—

"Or a stallion. Or both. There's no ill-will to be had upon you if you choose that."

You stared at her still, your mouth gaping open. You brought up a hand, coughing again into your other hand. "F-first off, I like women... a-and second off, I don't think having a girlfriend would solve anything." You said, shaking your head. "R-really doubt it honestly."

"Perhaps not. Sleeping with somepony in your bed can be just the comfort you need. The feeling of a tender embrace, the smell of a companion, the slowed heartbeat of another against your ears. Luna herself has claimed that when one sleeps with another, they sleep easier, and have better dreams. Nightmares are almost nonexistent."

You sighed, wiping your eyes with your fingers. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be alone here. I don't even know if I like ponies, and I know for damn sure that ponies wouldn't want to be in the same bed with a human."

"Ponies bed all sorts of creatures." Daybreaker said with a nod. "I myself have. Species is not an issue in Equestria. I'm not sure if that is the same for your old world, though."

You cringed at the thought. "Humans are the only intelligent species at home."

Daybreaker chuckled. "Ah, yes, that would be quite an issue then."

"W-wait—" You stopped yourself, shutting your eyes closed as you brought both hands up in front of you. "W-why am I even discussing this with you? Talking about my sex life with my quote-unquote boss?"

Even more confusing, why didn't you care all that much inside?

Daybreaker shrugged, finishing her plate with one last piece of meat. "Ponies aren't as closed off with their sexual desires. Sure, they aren't eager to open up about it constantly, but they aren't as hidden away as you are. I can feel the awkward tension when I bring it up emanate from you. It's slightly amusing."

"Why would you care anyways? It's not going to change anything."

"Anon, a partner changes everything. I have seen whole nations fall because of a lovers’ spat, and I have seen kingdoms rise from the joining of two souls. It's beautiful. Carnal desires aside, love is important. Perhaps that is what is missing in your life."

You looked back at your plate, grabbing the cup of water beside you and downing it easily. You glanced back at her, still confused. "Then what about you? I don't see you trying to marry anybody."

Daybreaker laughed. "We are much different in that sense. You're free, Anonymous. If you were to choose a partner, it would have little effect on the world or kingdom, but effect your life completely. If I were to lets say, marry a pony, I would be changing the entirety of Equestria. All for the sake of finding solace in times of need. I am proficient by myself."

As she spoke, you felt something claw at your mind. A taste of dissatisfaction. It felt bitter on your tongue, and upsetting to your soul. It almost felt like you could taste her emotions in the air. Daybreaker looked at you with a smirk, the air changing from bitter to tangy. "Though, I still indulge in the carnal desires of a normal pony."

"D-didn't need to know that."

"You act as if I'm your mother talking about such things."

"Don't put that picture in my head..."

"Unless, that is something that you—"


You closed your bedroom door, feeling a heavy sigh leave your lips as your shoulders heave slightly. You were finally done for the day, though the next would come all too soon. It was a cycle that you were getting used to, but things were changing. Your brain still itched from the interaction earlier today; not just the meeting with the Griffons, but talking with Daybreaker herself. Something had changed, but it didn't feel like something internal. Or did it?

"Fuck if I know..." You sigh, throwing yourself onto the bed lazily. Perhaps you were really warming up to her, but your inner hatred for the situation you find yourself in is keeping you from accepting that fact. It was that, or Daybreaker was using some sort of magic to slowly convince you into becoming a mindless slave, happy to serve. With her efforts lately though, would she really do that?

The discussion today wasn't something you liked talking about either. Finding love in another world wasn't as easy as books back home would make it out to be. You're human, and that alone made it weird for most ponies to even be around you sometimes. You didn't care for the most part, but you knew that it detracted from your 'attractive' score. You told yourself you didn't care, but that wasn't true.

Knowing you'd be lonely for the rest of your time here didn't feel good. That wasn't a feeling you could just whisk away either, not like other emotions could be swayed. Finding comfort in your dreams wasn't really an option anymore either, considering Luna could barge in at any moment as well. If you were going to have a tough time being a normal guy in Equestria, having everything that's happening now piled on top, you were sure that it would be nearly impossible to find anyone. Hell, at this point, Daybreaker was your wife.

You cringed at the thought. "Heh, at least she'd be warm though, right?" You said with a chuckle to nobody, flipping onto your back so you could stare at the ceiling. As you stared, your eyes began to fake patterns within the bubbles of the ceiling, your mind making up the shape of ponies, preoccupying your mind.

"What now, Anon? What now..."

You sighed heavily again. You needed to get your life in order. You could blame your predicament forever, but you needed to get past that. If that wasn't going to change, you needed to move on from it. No sense in trying to overthink things you can't control, right? "I need a damn hobby." You told yourself, scratching your head.

You knew you had a day off in a few days. Perhaps you could come up with something to do then?

You remember overhearing one of the housekeepers you passed by talk about an upcoming Wonderbolts show. That could be something you could do on that day. It'd help to get out, and to be on your own for a bit out in the world. These four walls in the room you laid in felt like prison bars at this point, keeping you in, physically and mentally. With a nod to nobody, you sat up.

"Wonderbolts show, that's what I'm going to do."

You pumped your first in the air, feeling a bit cringe for doing so. You shrugged though, it wasn't as if anybody was watching you right now. This was a moment of privacy you lacked most of the time. You stood up, rubbing your stomach. You never really attended dinner, but you felt hungry, which was another strange feeling on top of everything else that had been piling up.

Your mood lately has kind of suppressed your hunger.

"Oh shit…" You said to yourself as you stood up, about to make your way to the door.

"...Where do I buy tickets?"

You felt out of place most times, but you felt even more out of place now.

Around you in the dining hall you were surrounded not by normal ponies, but a gigantic rush of only bat ponies. It seemed this was their breakfast, and your dinner. It was astounding to watch so many of what you considered a rare sighting, all bundled up together. You stared at them, having to remind yourself that it was rude. However, you weren't the only one staring, as you were catching dozens of glances yourself.

It seemed that you were just as out of place in their eyes as they were in yours. You looked down at your dinner- a mash of vegetables and more meat, something you were planning to indulge in as much as possible while they still had stock. You noticed that a lot of the bat ponies had lots of fish piled on their plates. It seemed that rumor was true.

Now you didn't feel as out of place anymore.

As you were staring at the long line of Bats lined up for their food, you felt a shift beside you with a clanging of a plate. Someone, just sat next to you.

You turned your head towards them, coming face to face with Luna staring directly at you.

"I see that the bags under your eyes are finally gone, Anon."

You stared at her, your eyes unmoving. Even after telling her not to mess with your dreams, she did it anyways. It was one of your stipulations with her roaming in the dream-realm, as you wanted privacy and wanted to be left alone in all aspects of such magic. However, she decided that she didn't care apparently, and did whatever she wanted.

"I see that somebody doesn't know how to take no for an answer."

Luna didn't speak, instead letting the ambiance of the many ponies in the hall take over for a few moments. She ate a few things, as did you; your eyes staring at your plate with anger in your chest. Luna sighed afterwards, her hooves splaying out onto the table with a shake of her head. "I understand you're upset with me. If you knew what I knew, you wouldn't be as upset."

"What, that nightmares or whatever can kill you? Great dreams lead to a great life? Whatever, I don't care. If some sort of demon comes into my dream and kills me, so what? That's my freedom to choose if that happens."

"I'm not going to watch you throw your life away, Anonymous. No matter the argument, you cannot make me believe that would be the best course of action. I understand your argument, and your need for freedom, but your nightmares do not just hurt yourself; they will hurt others."

You had heard it before, but you didn't stop her.

"The same thing that took over my body—took over my life—manifested in the same exact way. It's possible that could happen to anypony, not just me, and you're included in that. Your action to defy your health can lead to a violent outburst into others' dreams and lives. I have witnessed firsthoof what an event like that could cause, and we were lucky to have been able to stop it."

You sipped your water, setting it down carefully before looking at her again. "I just fucking... I have nothing in my life right now, Luna. You meddling in it only hurts that. Everything up top is all cloudy."

"That was the point of me helping you." Luna said, your head turning to meet her eyes briefly. "I am trying to help you. From where I am standing, Anonymous, that is a rarity in your life right now. It’s not shameful to ask for a helping hoof. It doesn’t make you weak, or soft. Even if it did, why would that be a bad thing?"

You chuckled, shoving a piece of your dinner in your mouth, chewing angrily and swallowing fast, turning to her again. "You don't understand humans at all..."

"Then help me understand." Luna said, one of her hoofs landing on top of your hand. "You are the only human here. How am I supposed to understand you, if you do not let me see inside the walls that you keep up?"

You body stopped, your eyes staring at her hoof. She had a point, you were the only human in all of Equestria, probably ever. You knew firsthand that the differences between you and every other creature here were immense—not only physically, but mentally. Luna had told you beforehand that your 'dream bubble' wasn't the same as the others. Everything you do, say, everything that you are, is completely different from everything here.

It was a lonely feeling.

"Anonymous? Are you okay?"

You looked towards her, a look of concern flashing upon her face. You stared at her for a few moments before noticing a wet drop trailing down your cheek. You brought your hand up to your face, feeling a tear streaking from your right eye. Looking down at your hand, the wet tip of your finger glistening from the light above, you chuckled emptily. You looked back at her, giving a nod, and saying a phrase you were all too familiar with.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Getting up from the seat, taking a glance at your plate, you shook your head. You were no longer in the mood to eat, and you felt a little bad for having to waste such food. Without a second thought, you turned towards the exit of the room. You could hear Luna saying your name, but it was as if it were hundreds of feet away, drowned out by something. Your head felt like it was within a fish-bowl almost, your head swaying with an impossible weight seemingly attached to it.

As you walked down the corridor, blindly making your way to your room, you look down at your hands once again, seeing your fingers lightly tremble.

"I'm fine..."