> The Wayfaring Strangers > by BiasedAmerican > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > His cereal is gone :( > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex is everything else besides "Normal". He's heavily obsessed with the Military and managed to make some friends based off of them having a unhealthy obsession of the Military history. Covered in heavy blankets, he slept comfortably if it wasn't for his dog that took up most of the space. He woke up, sat upwards, and stretched his arms as he yawned. He stared at his very cute but very annoying dog that was curled up, taking his "tacticool blankie". He gave an annoyed face and woke her up by smothering her with hugs. He showered and took a shower, being bombarded by shampoo bottles falling down on his head, as he was blissfully waking up by the cold water hitting his face. He got out of the shower and got clothed. He put on a green shirt and tan cargo pants, he walked out of his room holding a black jacket as he went to eat cereal. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and called his friend. "Hey tank! First day in Alaskan school for once. Ready for a shitty education system with only 30 minutes of sleep?" He asked him. "Oh god I feel scared. Should I be worried?" He replied. "Yes." Alex sternly answered. "Alrighty, I'll see you in 20 minutes. By the way, Spanish class is absolute hell." Alex jokingly added. Tankery immediately hung up. They both were friends since 2018. Tankery was attending the same school as him. And now was the first day of the 2nd semester. Alex put down his jacket on a chair and went to the kitchen to get his breakfast. He opened the fridge door and leaned on the fridge, looking for the milk. "So this is what my father went through, no wonder why he hasn't found it and came back." He said, aimed to no one. He got the cereal ready and walked to the living room. He was starving and ready to eat the cereal before he ran off to go to school. Meanwhile in Equus... "The spell is ready my queen." Something that seemed to be a Griffon in old myths said to a Queen Chrysalis. "Good good. Now we'll be able to get revenge on Equestria for humiliating our nations many times." She cackled. "These... Humans... They are deadly warriors you say?" "Yes, they will be able to summon their powerful and deadly weapons, nothing that we posses." The Griffon mage replied, it intrigued Chrysalis, giving her a very devious grin. "We'll be able to bring them in a minute with all the help your hive and dragons have given us to help take down Equestria and their wretched Elements of Harmony!" The Griffon yelled with pride. Meanwhile back on Earth... "Yeah, tank, I just got my cereal done and I'll be there soon. Just don't die." Alex said on the phone. "Yeah, I'll try not to. By the way, what are you eating?" Tankery asked. "Some great, delicious, mouth watering lucky charms!-" he yelled as he tripped and fell. He expected a big hit on his shoulder and a huge mess to clean up. As he closed his eyes, he felt wind gushing on him. The air smelled different, it felt clean. He didn't know how to react, he didn't say anything or made any sounds. But he also noticed that there were gasps that echoed, he opened his eyes to see a medieval castle with a big- "OW FUCK SHIT BALLS FUCK" He screamed as his shoulder got dislocated on impact. He looked up and saw Griffons and what seemed to be a bug horse. He groaned and said in a tired voice, "You look vaguely familiar..." But as he was starting to realize, he heard a familiar scream. "OH SHIIIIIIIIIEAAT" The other person who fell, landed directly on Alex, with a loud and painful pop was heard as he landed. "WHY ME" Alex cried. "Out of all the things, my ears burn." The unknown person cried. As the two were stacked on each other, they noticed the characters that were familiar. "Hey... Aren't you-" he was cut off. "Yes, I am Queen Chrysalis. I have summoned you so you can help us agai-" she was cut off. "Blah blah, your going to ask us to overthrow the sisters. Yes, I remember you now, you're that annoying whiny bitch," "Excuse me?" Chrysalis interrupted. Alex continued, "So, anyways. Tankery, is that you on top of my back?" "Wait, Soviet?? How the fuck are you here and where is 'here'?!" He frantically yelled. "Why are you here? And did you go through a backrooms kind of fall?" He asked "Yup, you too?" Tankery asked. "Yeah, so anyways. Get off of me you bastard." Alex ordered Alex was holding his excitement because he was a brony, but Tankery on the other hand, had no clue what was happening. Alex grabbed Tankery on his shirt frantically and he exclaimed. "Dude, we're in My Little Pony." "This is fucking retarded." He replied with a tiresome face. He would already tell how annoying it'll be, even worse if Alex was there with him. Alex paid no mind as he was excited. They both turned around and Alex said, "Sure, we'll help you. But what weapons are we going to use?" He asked. "You will be able to summon a weapon by thinking. Go ahead and try!" One of the Griffon mages answered. Alex thought hard, and his clothing was replaced with a standard U.S. Army 1980s woodland camoflauge with a PASGT camo helmet, boots, and Alice webbing with the Alice pack. He squealed in excitement and a M1911 magically appeared in his hand. "Oh ho ho, I'm liking this." He said as he looked at the gun and cocked the loading chamber. "And... it just got worse." Tankery whispered to no one. Tankery had already put on a British WW2 era uniform and equipment, with a SMLE Mk.3 and he pulled back the loading chamber, looked in, and placed it back. The two bipedal creatures that they were told about seemed to be too excited. "Chrysalis, I think that we may have given them too much power. Especially if we don't know the full power of their weapons." One of the mages whispered to Chrysalis. "Nonsense! They will use it on the battlefield against Equestria. We will get our revenge on them." She said in a prideful voice. "I will go check on the Griffon king to prepare our forces. Until now, watch over them." She ordered. Alex and Tankery covered their faces with Balaclavas with no mouth holes, but Alex had goggles that no one can see into on the outside. As Tankery looked at Alex, Alex did the same. They nodded and waited for Chrysalis to be out of range. As 5 minutes passed, the Mages and Changelings guards felt uneasy with the two humans staring and observing them. "I'm just gonna, use the bathroom." A Changeling guard said as he awkwardly went out of the room. Tankery and Alex looked at it each other and nodded. This time, Alex summoned an M16A4, as Tankery got into a Russian VDV outfit with an AK-12. They both aimed at the creatures, they couldn't tell but the guards and mages can sense the menacing grins through their masks and armor. "What do those spears do-" A guard approached and asked, but a deafening loud bang with a bright yellow flash occured before he could finish his sentence. "Oh hell yeah, I'm going to love this!" Alex yelled. "Thank God I'm not them." Tankery replied. > The Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire room was paralyzed by shock and they all started to run out of fear, as the body of the dead guard fell down. The guards outside of the room heard the gunshot and rushed in. Alex learned of this and immediately spawned a silencer and screwed it on as the Changelings rushed towards them. Tankery spawned a MP5SD and gunned a few down. Alex finally screwed on the silencer and began firing on the Changelings. As the last of them dropped, they both ran outside into a hallway. They checked both sides of the hall. They both spawned radios and Alex blurted out, "We can't let them notify their higher-ups, make sure no one witnessed our little incursion." Tankery thought of something, "We could try to gather them all into a kill zone." He suggested. "And plant bombs in the castle!" Alex added. "You gather the guards to tell them that the spot outside will make them strong or some shit, do whatever! I'll plant the bombs." Alex yelled as he holstered his M16 and ran to plant the explosives. Tankery sighed and muttered to himself, "And he always gets the fun jobs..." A few minutes later... "Okay everyone, just get into a circle. The spell will start soon." Tankery directed the large group of Changelings, Griffons, and Dragons. Tankery looked at one of the many windows of the Castle, and saw gunfire. He called me in on the radio, "You okay in there?" He asked. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just still planting the bombs while I hold off against the bug bastards. How are things going on there?" Alex asked as he fired a few more rounds at incoming guards that saw him plant bombs. "They're all in place. Waiting on you." He replied Alex had just planted the last bomb, and he ran outside of the Castle, running towards Tankery as the huge crowd were wondering what he was running from. The crowd started to get riled up to have the spell be put on them. I ran towards the treeline and so did Tankery. The crowd was getting worried on what was happening. But just as they were starting to leave, multiple firey explosions erupted inside the castle. And just as they were stuck in fear, bullets zoomed by and started gunning down the group. The dragons were immune to the barrage as their scales protected them. But as the .50 cal was ripping through the horde, it suddenly stopped firing. Alex called out to Tankery, "Shit this thing is out! Give me another mag!" He yelled. Tankery rushed to give the M2 Browning another box of ammunition. As a bit annoying the posture of sitting down with the M2 Browning firing, it was satisfying to Alex, he was enjoying it so much that he started to laugh maniacally. As Tankery yelled back, "Ready!" To Alex after loading the .50 Cal ammunition in the M2, he got back into a prone position with an MG-3 while wearing his 1980s Bundeswehr uniform. Tankery noticed the Dragons flying straight at them, so he spawned a Panzerfaust-3, aiming at the nearest dragon, pressing the trigger. As the rocket was heading towards him, they heard a faint but evergrowing whistle. The rocket was fast enough that the dragon couldn't even see the Anti-tank missile heading straight towards him. The dragon's body had a huge hole on the side, more than enough to kill it. The other two dragons couldn't take the sight of their dead brother's guts flying down to the ground as the body was still somewhat flying. Tankery let out a loud cheer, as he returned to gunning down the ground troops. The Changelings and Griffons we're all screaming in fear while running. But Alex let out a loud chuckle as he clicked a remote detonator, blowing up the remaining troops retreating. The duo let out a loud "HOORAH!" "We need to head to Equestria, these aren't the only armies waiting to attack them. This was only the portion, we need to hurry quickly. Let's head straight through the jungle to see what's on the other side. Hopefully a town." Alex states. Alex made his M2 Browning disappear as did Tankery with his MG-3. They both bolted into the forest as what they left behind was a battlefield charred with dead bodies of what used to be a combined army. As they went deeper into this dark forest, Tankery broke the awkward silence and asked Alex, "Hey Soviet, this remind you of anything?" "I swear to God if you say Vietnam." He annoyingly replied. "Yup!" He jokingly yelled. "We need to rest, it's already getting dark. We need to find a river tomorrow." Alex ordered. "Guess we'll stay in the trees? I mean, it does make use safer and giving us the high ground. Well you know, Obi Wan tactics always work." Tankery added. "As an American, I resent that, but you're right, Obi Wan tactics are unbeatable." Alex jokingly replied. As 2 hours pass, they were both fast asleep. No one could even see them, due to the fact that they were wearing camoflauge. Of course they were supposed to be taking turns keeping watch but both of them have up and slept. But as they both had their dreams, they felt that something was watching them. Soviet (Alex), had a feeling that he knew who it was. "God damnit, I'm back at the castle." Soviet woke up into the same room he escaped just hours earlier. He turned on his radio, "Tankery, do you read?" There was only static... "Tankery! Do you read? I'm back at the castle, there seems to be no damage, or any hostile troops." He exclaimed. He raised his rifle, searching the castle and looking for an exit. But the full moon was up and the moon's light was shining through the tall windows in the long castle hallway. A figure of what he remembered of Cerberus appeared at the end of the hall. It immediately charged at Soviet, Soviet panicked and crouches on the floor, pulling out a LAW-72, and hastily aimed it at the head of the incoming beast. He took a large breathe and pulled the red trigger on the top of the weapon. A shock was felt through his body as an explosion had made Cerberus's aggressive charge fall short, his body fell and was dragged by the speed, just stopping in front of Soviet. Soviet pulled out an M1911 and aimed it directly towards the full moon. He used both hands to aim at the moon, he looked and stared carefully on the sights. He knew who was watching him. Soviet summoned a device that goes on his mouth, but distorts his voice. It made him speak, similar to what the Combine Soldiers sound like. With the distorter ready, he spoke out. "Come out." He didn't expect the distorter to make him sound exactly like a Combine Soldier but it was a lot better than he expected. A large flash of light was seen soon after, waking Soviet up. "Holy shit, that was weird..." He jumped up, confused, and noticed that he was still in the Everfree forest. > Running through the Jungle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soviet climbed towards Tankery to wake him up. But just as he got up to the branch, Tankery woke up and jumped off of the tree. "That works." Soviet thought. Tankery landed on both of his feet. He stood still, he looked stiff. He then let out a suppressed scream. "Yeah, looked like it hurts. Anyways, we need to keep moving." Soviet said. Tankery still stood still and was holding back tears. "For fuck sakes, I'll carry you." Soviet annoyingly said. Meanwhile in Canterlot... "Sister! The Griffons summoned two dangerous creatures!" Luna frantically yelled, as she ran to Celestia. "Send a message to Twilight, she'll know what to do. But for now, we'll alert our armies of this new situation. But we're already spread thin, Twilight and her friends are the only ones able to handle this task at the moment. Alert the garrison at Ponyville." Celestia ordered. Luna ran to write a letter. But for now, Celestia was worried that if they did manage to summon such a beast, Equestria might fall. Meanwhile back in Vietna- THE EVERFREE FOREST "You know that grey camo isn't going to help you in this forest?" Soviet pointed out. "Yeah yeah sure." Tankery reluctantly agreed and decided to put the British WW2 era uniform back on. He also holstered a SMLE Mk.3. "Better, oh and also. I believe that music should be playing since we're in the jungle. Agreed?" Soviet asked. Tankery nodded. "Good." Soviet then spawned a pair of headphones and they both put it on. Tankery groaned and said annoyingly, "Really? You play Megalovania?" "Yes, and shut up." Alex answered. "I swear to God I will burn this forest before YOU DO!" Tankery annoyingly yelled. "Fine, fine, I'll play something else." Soviet reluctantly replied. Soviet then began to play Sympathy for the Devil. "Finally." Tankery exhaled. A few minutes later after slashing through the forest and being hunted by wild animals, they find an opening. "I hear water, holy shit we found a river!" Tankery yelled. "I'm betting $40 bucks that we're going to hit a village if we follow it. Either that or we mount up that mountain." Soviet pointed at the mountain range in the distance. Meanwhile in Canterlot... Princess Luna ran into the room, screaming "Sister! The mages of the other nations have summoned something! It's dangerous! I've seen them take down Cerberus when I put them together in their dream!" Luna yelled. "Then I shall notify the elements of Harmony, they've handled threats like these. We shall notify them of the situation, we're already spread thin with the other nations starting a war with us." Celestia explained. "I hope your right sister, because they're headed to the Elements." Luna replied. Back in Ponyville, Twilight was rushing towards her castle because she heard that she would be receiving an urgent message. She frantically opened the two main doors, she saw Spike walking around and she ran up to him. "Spike! What messages did we receive?!" She asked. "We do have one, let me get it, hold on..." He then burped out fire and a scroll with a red ribbon appeared, and landed in his hands. Twilight used her magic to pick it up and to unroll it, she was shocked from the message. She was shaking and she tried to gasp but she couldn't. Spike asked her, "Twi? Are you okay?" He asked. There was no reply, she immediately ran out. Spike was confused on what the letter said or what it did to Twilight. He was curious, and when she dropped the scroll on the floor, he picked it up. It read, "Dear Twilight, we've recently discovered that the Changeling and Griffon mages had summoned a deadly weapon. They called it the Humans, they can summon their weaponry. Princess Luna has discovered that they are heading to Ponyville. The Elements of Harmony are needed to defeat this great evil approaching. If you spot them, try to stop them. More Royal Guards will be sent to garrison Ponyville to assist you in your capturing or purifying of the dangerous creatures. We wish you luck, we wish we were there to assist you, but we are shorthanded as it is." Spike was scared shitless. He ran out of the Castle to see more Royal Guards arriving at Ponyville. There were only a handful, he counted 20. He was worried on what was to come. Twilight has been running throughout the town to alert her friends, mainly the Elements of Harmony. She was had already told everyone else besides Applejack and Fluttershy. As Twilight arrived to the Apple farm, she ran towards Applejack when she was carrying a bucket of apples. "Applejack! We're all in danger!" Twilight yelled as she ran. "What I'm tarnation do you mean, Twi?" Applejack asked. Twilight finally stopped in front of Applejack, out of breath, she said, "Celestia sent me a letter, they- said-" she took a big breath and continued, "something is coming and it's very powerful!" She exclaimed. Applejack didn't know how to react, but she remembered something. "Fluttershy! She's in the forest, we need to get her, quickly!" Applejack quickly ran off to Fluttershy's house. Meanwhile down the river... As Soviet was patrolling the area, when Tankery reported on the radio, "Spotted heat signatures on thermals, a bear, multiple critters and a miniature horse, heading East." Tankery reported in a quiet voice. Soviet grabbed the radio on his shoulder and replied, "Do not engage, heading East. If you see a house in the forest, stay in cover and wait for me. We'll enter once we regroup." Alex ordered. "Roger." Tankery responded and cutting of his radio shortly after. As Twilight and Applejack were heading into the forest, they heard growling, "Twi? Do you hear that?" "Are those..." Starlight glanced at the treeline. But it was already sunset, she couldn't see much other than the eyes. "I do, but I don't know what it is.." Twilight replied. After her sentence, multiple yellow eyes were seen in the shadows. She immediately knew what they were. "RUN!" Twilight yelled. As they ran, timberwolves ran out of the treeline and ran after them. But as Twilight and Starlight zapped one of them with a magic bolt, they retreated back into the treeline. "So, I'm guessing that we'll go visit Fluttershy tomorrow morning?" Starlight suggested in an exhausted voice. While this was happening, Tankery was following his Asian bloodline and courageously hiding in a bush. He was still waiting for Soviet to arrive. He looked upwards into the sky, it was already night, he wondered how it got so dark this fast. Tankery suddenly heard leaves and branches being crunched around him, he looked behind him and saw Soviet behind a tree. He motioned his arms to wave to Soviet to call him over. Soviet saw the arm and crawled towards Tankery. Tankery gestured that there was a house over the bush line and the pony or the critters haven't arrived back yet. He heard Soviet whisper to him, "Probably camping, best to check the house to be sure, then we'll wait inside." Tankery nodded and continued to wait for Alex's go-ahead. As a minute passes and no other sign of life seen besides birds, Alex pat Tankery's shoulder and he got up from his prone position and began walking silently towards the house. He was a bit crouched while walking, Tankery did the same. At this point, they were at the sides of the walkway leading into the door. As they approached the windows, they both equipped night vision goggles and scanned the insides of the house. Tankery flicked his fingers to grab Soviet's attention, it of course worked, and gestured to open the door. Alex nodded and Tankery silently opened the door. Alex counted down his fingers, showing Tankery, he counted down from 3...2....1, with one being the middle finger, and now they rushed into the house. A glass vase next to the door was knocked down and shattered. 4 silent thumps were heard upstairs, this quickly alerted the duo and they both rushed to hide. Tankery chose to hide under the couch while Soviet hid behind the chair in the corner. The room was dark and they hid their breathes. As the figure of the house was seen, it was a pony. It looked over railing and it looked shock. It saw 4 green eyes staring at it, but the duo didn't realize. The pony stood still and it's shocked face became visible. Alex gestured to Tankery, Tankery thought to himself as he was trying to figure out what it meant, "Mask? Voice? Breath?" Soviet then whispered to Tankery, "Voice changer." Tankery then summoned a voice changer, this time, it was garbled for intimidation tactics. While Soviet had his Combine voice changer he thought of on his dreams. Soviet then got out of his hiding spot and slowly approached the pony. He put his hand in front of him, gesturing that he's peaceful. He decided that he shouldn't reveal his voice to further enhance the intimidation. As he approached the pony, he got a clear view on who it was. It was Fluttershy, and she was scared shitless. Alex out both hands in front of him, gesturing her to calm down. [Soviet and Tankery's equipment] She was shocked and scared, as a bipedal creature with 2 green eyes, clad in black uniform and equipment. She managed to get a few words out, but she was quivering. "Are...... You... Lost?" She asked in a scared tone. Soviet nodded. Fluttershy somewhat was relieved that she was able to communicate with this strange creature. She began stuttering, "Is... Is that your... Friend?" Soviet nodded again. But this time Tankery got out of his spot and slowly walked next to Soviet until they were shoulder to shoulder. Fluttershy was scared, she woke up in the night and expected that her bear came back and broke her vase on accident, but no. It was these strange, mute, bipedal creatures that towered over her, holding strange metal rods, she didn't know what to do besides give her hospitality because she knew they were lost. "You.... Can s-sleep on the couches.." she stuttered with a forced grin out of fear. The duo nodded and raced to get the biggest couch. > Totally not a psycho > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex scoffed, "Thought you said there weren't any life forms." He pointed out. But he didn't realize that Tankery was already asleep. Alex closed his eyes, and as he did, he heard a echoey voice. He was laying on the ground in the Everfree forest. It was night, and he was still in his equipment. He got up from the grass, and heard the voice. It sounded familiar, he remembered it as 'Royal Voice'. "Why are you here!" It aggressively yelled. He then realized this was a dream, but the dark thick fog in the night was still terrifying. He looked up and still saw the full moon, it looked closer than normal, he was in another world, but it was unnerving. He remembered that someone was watching him, he then pulled out a silenced M9 handgun and aimed it at the forest line. He was in a open circle, the trees surrounded him. Soviet saw a dark, taller, and long hair on a pony walk under the cover of shadows. It walked behind a tree stalk and teleports to another one several trees away. He noticed a pattern, it kept teleporting after 3 trees, and teleported 3 trees away. He tracked the target, he lined up the iron sights, the creature teleported again, he swiftly moved his handgun and aimed it again, he saw it in his sights. Alex pulled the trigger. The sound of a silenced shot satisfied Alex, he adores the silenced sound. He heard the bullet hit, the shadowy figures front leg looked injured, causing it to fall down. He immediately rushed towards the point on where it fell. He spawned a flashlight attachment on the pistol. He activated the flashlight and aimed it at the fallen. The flashlight showed it's back, he turned the body on the other side with his boot as it whimpered, his suspicions were correct. He saw a moon cutie mark, he was correct, it was Luna who had been watching them in his dreams. He aimed the handgun at Luna's face, who was holding back her tears. Alex pointed his M9 at her face, with the light flashing in her eyes, annoying her. He moved his M9 upwards and down a bit to gesture her to say why she's here. She answered Alex, "You're going to destroy Harmony! We know why you're here, you will not get away with this." She yelled venomously. Alex did nothing but chuckle a bit, mixed with the voice changer, it intimidated Luna as his voice didn't sound normal or sane. It sounded gritty, insane, and murderous. Alex did wonder if she'll have the wounds when she exits the dream realm, so he decided to torture her a little. He kneeled down to Luna and spawned a knife on his hand behind his back, and stabbed it into her leg, and twisted it when it got deep. Luna screamed out in pain and started crying. Alex felt nothing but satisfaction, Luna could feel the grin under his mask, she felt horrified. The pain silenced when all she felt was now fear. Alex went leaned towards her ear and said in his garbled voice, "Leave us alone, or it's your sister's head." Luna's eyes widened, she was struck with a wave of terror, she was threatened with the capabilities that no pony could possess. She spoke out, "You'll.. never... win.." she said with whatever pride she had left. After her sentence, she immediately left in a bright flash of white light, after the flash left, he looked down and saw that she was gone. He spoke out, "And I didn't even get to say that I used blanks." Alex said in a whiney voice. He turned around and saw yellow glowing eyes around them in the shadows. The eyes were accompanied with vicious growling. Alex groaned, "For fuck sakes." He said to no one. He pulled out an M2 Flamethrower and a Browning HP and holstered the handgun. The timberwolves jumped out and Alex pulled the trigger and giant and powerful flames bursted out of the muzzle. Alex was laughing out loud as the timberwolves burned and the others ran. One jumped out at him from the side, Alex let go of the trigger and pulled out the Browning HP and fired it at the jumping timberwolf. It yelped in pain as the bullet scraped over its head, it laid on the ground, trying to suppress the pain. Alex walked up to the wolf and stepped on it with his boot, he pushed it down and stuffed the flamethrower muzzle in the mouth, the timberwolf looked up to him and Alex pulled the trigger. The flames lit up the crevasses and open holes with a bright yellow light. The other wolves gazed in terror as one of their own was burning inside. All they saw was the flames, reflecting off of Alex's goggles as he was enjoying the incursion he is in. Alex pulled the Browning up to his head, he figured how to get out of the dream, he pulled the trigger as he closed his eyes. He woke up, on the the couch inside Fluttershy's cottage. He groaned and forgot he still wore the equipment. He looked over at Tankery, who was snugged under a blanket with him visibly wearing pajamas. He was still asleep and Alex couldn't help but chuckle. He tried to hold it back but his slight chuckles were heard. He got up and looked around for Fluttershy or a map. He the stairs leading upwards and most likely her bedroom, he slowly and silently creeped up, spawning a tranquilizer in case she saw him snooping around and to not get into an awkward situation. He saw her bedroom door, it was slightly open, he looked into it and saw many creatures sleeping, and a very clear long pink hair sticking out of the crowd. Alex knew who it was. It was clearly Fluttershy, it made him wonder, 'I wonder how she's coping with these turn of events.' he thought. Meanwhile in Canterlot, Luna was in major pain. She was holding back her scream as the wounds the Human caused weren't real, but the pain caused by it was. Celestia ran into Luna's room, worried about her little sister after her 2nd encounter with the human. "Sister, what did he do to you?!" She yelled in panicked voice. "He.. wants to be left alone... He'll kill you if we don't leave him alone..." She managed to get out in a painful voice. "Hopefully Twilight and the garrison stop them, we can't handle a dangerous beast and a coming storm or war." Celestia pointed. All she can do is hope for the best.. for now at least.. > Human superiority > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Alex walked down the stairs, he saw Tankery awake. Tankery got up and dressed in a Bosnian combat uniform from '92, and grabbed an AK-47 from the couch and walked towards Alex. Tankery tripped. And Alex laughed as Tankery quickly got up on his feet. The loud noise woke up Fluttershy ash she jumped up from bed, her hair messy, and rushed towards the stairs. As she arrived and saw the two clad in weird armor, she was confused at first, but remembered what happened last night. She thought to herself, 'Maybe Twilight knows what these two are, I don't know if they're dangerous or not.." She gulped, and said to the two, "I- I need to introduce you to Twilight, she might know what.. you are." She said as she tried to keep a smile. The duo nodded and as Fluttershy cautiously walked down the staircase as she finally reached the door, she opened it and talked to the duo, "Come on, let's go, we're going to Ponyville to know how you got lost." She said hopefully while still keeping the smile. The two walked out of the door and Soviet and Tankery both covered their eyes as the sunlight was brighter than they were used to. The three began walking through a path that Alex started to notice, "Hold on, did we not see this earlier?" Alex whispered to Tankery. Tankery shrugged and quickly slapped the back of his helmet, Fluttershy heard the slap and looked back. Alex put his arms behind his back and acted like nothing was happening and started to whistle as he looked elsewhere. Alex then changed into a US Army's GI uniform with a gas mask from the 1970s. [Alex's uniform] Fluttershy was confused and decided to not bother and continued walking through the path to Ponyville. As they got out of the treeline, the three saw shaped of medieval era buildings. As they saw the main opening of the town, Fluttershy stopped in panic as she saw Twilight, Starlight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Fash, and over a dozen of the Equestrian Royal Guard approaching quickly towards them. Squads of the Royal Guard we're forming into a defensive line, with Twilight and her group behind them. The guards aimed their spears directly at the duo. Fluttershy thought to herself that they were there to protect them from Timberwolves, so she ran quickly behind the guards. But behind her, the two were talking silently. Tankery annoyingly looked at Soviet and asked him, "Okay, what the hell did you do and why do they have golden armor?" Alex shrugged and said, "I don't know?" He replied. The Guard's Sergeant yelled out, "By order of Celestia, we are to arrest you on account of partaking in the alliance of hostile nations!" "Makes sense, but what do they mean hostile nations?" Tankery asked. "I'm guessing the idiots that summoned us to this world, but I think Equestria and the other nations are at the brink of war. But hey, at least they can't harm us" Alex shrugged. As the two talked to each other, the Guards were surprised to see these creatures. The squads were talking to each other on what these creatures are, and where they came from. The best they got was "They're from another world, and the Changelings summoned them!" Twilight was trying to identify them from a distance, she didn't know what they were or what they were wearing. As Fluttershy arrived behind the Guard blockade, Applejack ran towards her and asked, "What are you doing?! These creatures or whatever they are, they're dangerous!" Fluttershy responded, trying to calm them down. "No they aren't, I walked through the forest with them and they haven't hurt me.They would've hurt me if they were trying to. They were lost and I let them sleep on my couch. If they were harmful, then why didn't they hurt me?" She replied. She was starting to warm up to the two, even though she didn't know who or what they were. Twilight was confused that they didn't hurt or harm her when she was asleep. Rarity was also confused, she walked up to Fluttershy and told her. "Fluttershy, they came from the Changelings and Griffons! My dear, they might be trying to trick you to trust them, so they can cause more harm." Fluttershy was getting more confused. She was scared at first, but now that the Royal Guard was here to protect them, with what she just walked to town with. She felt guilty and didn't know what side to choose. So she walked backwards into town to find Pinkie Pie, as she didn't know what to do. "Poor thing." Applejack said as she watched Fluttershy walk away. Twilight also felt guilty, but the letter from Canterlot came back into her mind and she immediately came back into focus. Soviet and Tankery were still discussing on what was going on. Alex pointed out, "Maybe the army we encountered before at the castle was one of their units about to invade Equestria! That does explain why they summoned us in the first place." Tankery replied, "Agreed, but I'm guessing we're supposed to be working with these guys. So lets show that we're friendly." Alex then said, "I kind of... injured on of their princesses in my dream when she entered it. Because she's been stalking us in our dreams and I'm pretty sure I almost just killed her last night." Tankery's eyes opened wide, and he grabbed Soviet by the shoulders and yelled. "YOU WHAT?!" He began rocking Alex back and forward as he was yelling, "What were you thinking?! We just made ourselves look more like the enemy! We're supposed to be helping them you dumbass!" The Sergeant was confused on what the two creatures were doing. "Are... they arguing?" A guard asked the Sergeant. "I guess they are, lets try and capture them." She ordered. As the guards were running towards the arguing duo, the screaming immediately stopped as the two crouched and aimed 'iron spears' at the oncoming guards. The guards immediately stopped, they didn't know what those were. But Soviet pulled out a M4, and Tankery pulled out a AKM. "I'd stay back if I were you." Tankery yelled at the guards. Alex stayed still, training his sights on the guards. "We don't want to cause a ruckus, but we're not going to be arrested, and we're here to help you!" Alex yelled. The guards still had their minds stuck on arresting the two, so they kept creeping towards the two slowly. But as they were approaching, Alex pulled out a Thermal Sight attachment, and he tried a desperate plan. Tankery asked, "What're you doing?" "It's desperate, I know. But I know that there must be a Changeling spy, they're bugs, so they must have lower body heat." Alex replied. Tankery couldn't think of anything else so he went with the plan. And just out of luck, Alex saw a pony with low body heat watching in the background. He trained his sights on it and pulled the trigger. Twilight flinched as she heard a loud bang. The shot was heard throughout the town, and the incoming guards stopped. Everyone looked around to see what caused the sound, many of them murmured on what it was. Tankery looked at Alex to see where he aimed and shot. He did fire a shot on what he thought was a changeling spy. He saw the suspected spy shocked still, it was shaking. He was scared as shit, the loud noise scared him and at the exact moment, something hit the wall next to him. The "dangerous creature" aimed it's "Iron rod" at him, it was no mistake, it was aiming for him. He didn't know if the innacuracy was on purpose or not. Tankery asked Alex, "Did you miss on purpose or are we going to torture the poor bastard?" Soviet replied, "Torture, we're going to need info from him soon." Tankery chuckled a little. "What was that?!" "Was that the guards?!" "It was those things!" The ponies all yelled, even the Mane 6. Everyone was panicking, but Twilight knew who it was. "So, do we want to escalate things or do you want to work this out peacefully?" Alex yelled, still using the voice changer. As things were escalating, there was fast movement coming from the woods. Everyone was too focused on the two, they didn't notice a Griffon appear out of the woods. It didn't look military, since it had no armor or equipment, but nonetheless it ran in between the two opposing forces. "Stop!" She yelled. It made everyone stop. "It's a Griffon! Squad, prepare spears!" The Pony Sergeant yelled. "You ponies are discriminating against these creatures! What have they done to you?! You're about to kill foreigners that may have escaped war! And YOU!" She yelled in a venomous voice, "So called 'Princess of Friendship', you're letting two possibly innocent creatures get slaughtered!" The ponies gave fearful and insulted faces towards the Griffon. "This was... unexpected." Tankery told to Soviet. "You think?!" He replied. Twilight had to rethink, she didn't want to antagonize the Royal Guard, let alone herself and her friends. She thought to herself, "If they get killed, then we'll look like the aggressors, but we don't truly know if these are the creatures the Princess described from her letter. Ugh. fine! I'll let them through, I need to gain their trust so we know who they truly are, and if they aren't the creatures from the letter, then we can use them to help us defeat them!" Twilight finally gave in. As Twilight was thinking to herself, Tankery and Soviet discussed to each other. "Think we can use her as a bargaining tool?" Asked Tankery. "Yeah, sure. It'll antagonize the ponies." Alex replied. The duo quickly ran over to the Griffon defending them. As they arrived, on both of her sides, they both crouched and aimed their weapons towards the guards. Tankery got a good look at the Griffon, "Weird." he thought to himself. The guards continued foward, but Twilight walked up to the Sergeant and whispered. "Stand down, we don't know if they really want to hurt us." The Sergeant relunctantly followed the Princesses's order and yelled to her men. "Stop! Let them talk to Princess Twilight!" The guards marched back to the Sergeant. "You can't be serious, Twi." Applejack spoke to Twilight. "They could be helpful, they don't have any enemy escorts with them, they might've escaped from them." She pointed out. "Fine. But one move they pull, I'll take them down myself!" Applejack responded. "I hope you're right Twi." Applejack added. Twilight was following her gut on this, but her consciousness said otherwise. Alex and Tankery got up and lowered their weapons. "Can't believed that worked!" Tankery laughed. "Neither did I!" The Griffon yelled. "Anyways, what's your name?" Tankery whispered. "Elta, my name is Elta." Elta replied. "Interesting name." said Tankery. Rarity took this to offense, as they didn't have respect for the Princess, or even her friend, and saying it was pure luck that she let them live. As Tankery and Soviet walked towards Twilight, they saw a shocked population staring at them. Most of them were trying to keep away from them as the others were just stood still in shock. Alex spoke to Tankery as they were walking. "Should we march? It does give us the intimidation part." Tankery replied, "Yeah sure." As Elta didn't know what the two were doing, she just followed behind the two creatures. As the two slowly walked a bit to synchronize their marching patters, Tankery switched his uniform for Soviet's uniform. As they finally synchronized their marching pattern, they both holstered their M16's upwards on their shoulders. He also had the gas mask on. The trio stood infront of the Princess, they towered over her. She was intimidated and gazed upwards at them, except Elta. She gulped to try and gather confidence. She then spoke out, "Let's head to my castle, we- we'll discuss matters there." She then turned around and walked in the direction of her castle, but as she turned, she had a very worried and terrified face, trying to hide it from the trio. Everyone watched as the trio walk to the castle. Applejack and Rarity follow behind them, as Rainbow-Dash and Pinkie Pie tried to calm Fluttershy down. "I don't trust 'em." Applejack muttered. Rarity overheard this and added, "Me either, darling. I just hope that Twilight can keep them under control." Their worries were justified. The news of Luna's injury hasn't arrived to Ponyville yet, so no one has any idea the crime Soviet had committed against their royalty. As the trio reached the two big majestic doors of crystal, Soviet, Tankery, and Elta were amazed by the crystals and the size of the Castle. Twilight couldn't see it, but the two had their mouths wide open. But the duo snapped back into their senses, and to impress the Pony Princess, they went into breaching positions. Twilight and Elta were confused on what they were doing. She opened her mouth and asked, "What are you guys doing-" she was cut off. The two stayed on each door, and they immediately bashed the door open forcefully. They aimed their M16's, scanning the entirety of the grand entrance of Twilight's castle. Twilight was confused, so she tried to calm the two. "It's fine, no one is here to hurt you." She said in a calm tone. "I wonder if she knows I tortured her Princess." Alex thought to himself, he didn't know if she got the news or not. "This is going to be fun." he thought as he imagine what would happen once they would find out. He smiled. "Follow me." Twilight said as she walked past the two gazing at the beauty of the Castle. The two snapped out of it and followed Twilight. The sounds of heavy footsteps from the equipment on the two made Spike curious, he was hanging out with Starlight in the library. Spike put down his comic book and Starlight sat her book down, they both looked to each other in confusion. They both silently walked towards the door, and silently opened it, just enough to peak outside. Soviet and Tankery lowered their weapons and followed Twilight. They were in a gigantic hallway, with 2 rows of several doors on both sides of the hall. Both Spike and Starlight's eyes, opened wide. "Is that them?" Starlight asked. "Who?" Asked Spike. "The 'dangerous creatures' from the letter. And the Griffon?" Starlight answered. "If it's Twilight leading them, I guess they're friendly. But we might be putting her in danger if they find us. And or it might not be even the dangerous creatures, or our enemy." Spike retorted. As Twilight was wondering where to speak to the three that were presumed dangerous. But Alex saw the tiny dragon and a pink pony looking at them through the doorway. He looked at Tankery and gestured to look at the door to the library. Tankery also saw them, but Twilight and Elta didn't know about this yet. Alex walked up to behind the scared purple pony and tapped her back. Twilight gasped and noticed that the creature was pointing at the door to the library room. "Oh, the library?" Alex nodded. "Yeah, sure." said Twilight. Spike and Starlight saw them walking towards the library, Twilight didn't know they were in there. "Hide!" Spike spoke out. They were both panicking to try and find a place to hide. Starlight hid under the table and Spike attempted to hide behind the door. The door opened, and Spike tried to hold his breath as an effort to stay hidden. As Twilight lead the trio into the room, she noticed that there were books that were left as if someone left in a hurry. Soviet and Tankery already picked this up, they looked around to find where they were hiding. But just as they were looking around, Twilight spoke out. "So... let's sit down at the table and discuss our situation." Tankery walked towards the able, Soviet and Elta followed. Soviet and Tankery pulled out the chairs and sat down. Elta stood up as she was still pissed on why the Princess of Friendship discriminated and almost killed the two. Or why they're even this important. > So, what are Humans? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the two sat down, Elta looked around as she noticed the two who she protected were looking around. Twilight asked, "Who and what are you?" Elta looked away form the humans and towards Twilight, promptly letting out a huff in response to her question. "So the Princess of Friendship finally shows some courtesy? Lets hope you can keep it that way this time." Casting a slight glare in the direction of Twilight, Elta spoke slowly and with more of a lowered voice to get her point across. "For starters, you know what I am already, I'm a Griffon, nothing more to be said about that. Who I am though, you can call me Elta, Princess. As for why I'm here in the first place? Well as I'm sure you're more than aware, my people and yours are on the brink of war, and frankly I'm just out here trying to find an escape from it all, because you can bet I'm not going to go die in a war that only serves to benefit those love sucking parasites." "Just know I'm not here to cause any trouble, though unfortunately I've encountered many of your people who seem to think otherwise throughout my venture. While I could tolerate it personally, seeing others being treated in the exact same fashion just set me off, especially towards these two! These two aren't Griffon, Changeling, nor Dragon, yet here you sitting upon this high pedestal of friendship claiming you're kind and accepting of everyone, but the next thing you know you're aiming weapons at complete strangers from who knows where, and threatening them! You have no idea what they are, or who they are, but I'll tell you they they look like they can snap your neck like a-" Elta's rant was suddenly cut off by Tankery raising his hand up, giving her the que to be quiet and that she probably had gone a bit too far. She felt herself shirinking down a pit in embarrassment, her intentions came from a good place in her heart, but she really did get too fired up sometimes. Tankery then spoke out in a serious tone as he stood up, "We are humans. And if you want to attack me or my friends, we will retaliate in a lethal matter. We we're teleported here by the bug bastards from our world, and we've chosen to help you in the coming war we've been hearing about." After Tankery finished talking, Elta just cast a look of bewilderment towards Tankery. "Wait, so you two got teleport here from your world, escaped the Changelings, and came all this way to help the ponies in the war effort? Uhm, that's quite a tall tale." A thousand questions were rushing through Elta's mind at the moment, not to mention some suspicions. Just what the heck kind of individuals did she help? "You know, she does raise a good point there. How did you even escape their custody, and how do we know if you're still working with them or not?" Twilight asked. Twilight was struck with fear, she began getting an idea on what all humans are like, but they could do it because she's been seeing the two as technologically advanced than Equestria by centuries! It's becoming a common theme of being surprised and being constantly feared at the Humans. She hesitantly got out a sentence, "Now... I he- heard you were teleported, I- I haven't heard of humans before in our world..." "Yes! Now, me and my friend come from the United States, the strongest country in our world. Now, since the only person from the US is here, I'll let him explain our world." Tankery excitingly said. Starlight and Spike were scared as shit, they saw the two looking for them as they walked in, and Starlight was just breathing space away from the 'dangerous creatures'. Soviet got up and spoke, "In 1776, the United States of America gain independence through our revolutionary war..." He then spoke on about 300 years of US History, Twilight, Spike, Elta, and Starlight were amazed on how much history was present in a single country. And when Soviet said that this wasn't the only country in their world, she was shocked. The evolution of Humanity's weaponry and technology, far surpassed Equestria or any nation in Equus combined! Tankery saw this and loved how they keep surprising these ponies, with or without magic, they'll beat them themselves. After Soviet finished his long talk, he sat back down and Tankery corrected Soviet. "So one, no one won the war of 1812, two, the US didn't take Germany all on their own, even though they could, three, Vietnam did not have WMD's and didn't lose instantly, and four, the US is not the ruler of Beijing and won instantly." The non-humans who heard the speech all thought the same thing, 'If those were the only things corrected, then humans are more powerful than Princess Celestia!' Everyone in the room believed them except Elta and Starlight. "No one could really be more powerful than Celestia herself, can they?" Starlight whispered to herself. Soviet heard whispering under the table while Tankery was talking. He suspected that the people that were watching them before were under the table. He turned around to scan the room again to find the other person, but as he was scanning the room, Elta looked confused, it was as if he was looking for someone. "Are you looking for someone?" Elta asked Soviet. "No, no.. just curious..." Soviet answered. Elta's confusion worsened after Soviet's unhelpful answer. She wanted to strike a conversation with the "Human" since she barely knew anything about them except their world's history. She still didn't know the other person's name. "So...." She said curiously. "What's your name?" She said in a excited voice. Soviet was confused on how this person can change emotions so quickly. "First she's mad, now she's curious?" Soviet thought to himself. "My name is Soviet." Alex answered. "Wait, your names sound peculiar, especially if your name is that of your nation's sole enemy. Are these nicknames or are these your actual names?" Twilight asked. "Yeah..... but we're not telling you our actual names." Tankery answered. "Are your voices always this scary?" Elta asked. Soviet and Tankery looked at each other and stared at Elta, and both said, "No." Elta got scared for a bit since both creatures wearing weird and horrifying masks staring straight at her, clad in green clothing and having unnerving and garbled voices that you can just clearly hear what they were saying. Twilight was still curious on how they escaped the combined army, so she asked, "Wait, you said you killed the army that summoned you. Even with your technology, you couldn't possibly taken that many troops, even dragons! All by yourselves." She pointed out. "I mean... we did just do this.. mind if something happened to this ceiling?" Soviet asked. "Yes." "Alright..." Soviet walked over to the window and opened it. He spawned an M60 and placed the bipod on the window. He then looked behind him and said, "Cover your ears!" After that, the still hidden Starlight and Spike had no idea what was happening, but all they knew was that there were 'dangerous' creatures in the same room as them, and one of them opened a window. Elta walked up to Twilight and asked her, "Is he going to jump, or fly?" "I don't know..." A confused Twilight replied. She was trying to figure out what he was doing, or what he was even holding was a more intriguing question she would like answered. Soviet cocked his M60E4, took a deep breath and... He was walking down the street, trying to find the creatures that the Queen herself ordered him to find and capture if possible. He thought to himself, "Did they really find out who I was? Did the mages say who I was? But whatever the reason, I just hope t hey don't know I'm a changeling. They could blow my cover I worked years on!" But just as he was getting lost in his thoughts, multiple distant sounds that he distinctly remembered were heard, but there was more of them. He immediately ran as the first few rounds hit the ground near him. Soviet pulled the trigger, and the loud gunshots deafened any other sounds in the room, except the panicking the scared screams of the non-human creatures. Soviet aimed at the changeling spy and spotted earlier and decided to scare him psychologically. The M60E4 stopped firing as Soviet said, "I'm out." As the gunfire stopped, multiple guards followed by Applejack and Rarity barged through the doors and tried to assess what happened. "Twi!" Applejack yelled as she ran towards her. She checked if she was harmed in any way and asked her, "What in the haystack happened here?!" She yelled. "The humans... they were.. demonstrating.." Twilight answered in a still shell shocked tone from the gunfire. Applejack then ran to Soviet and tried to tackle him, as she jumped, Soviet took a step backwards and applejack hit her face on the ground in front of Soviet.As she fell, Tankery was holding a guard to the ground while trying not to laugh. Twilight saw that the situation was escalating and she yelled, "Stop!" As she yelled, everyone stopped their actions and looked at her to see what she was going to say. "These... Humans are friendly, they escaped the Coalition's custody and came here to help us." She said in a calming tone, as a effort to calm tensions in the room. It worked, and Elta then stood near Twilight and added, "She is right. If they came here to help stop the coming war, then we need to get as much help as we can get to stop this war." Elta explained. The guards stepped away from the Humans and Applejack stood up in embarrassment, and Rarity, still attending to Twilight, kept asking her if she was okay. Tankery and Soviet were thankful for Twilight's effort to calm tensions down on what could've been a bloodbath. Tankery sighed and thought, 'Great, we have a war to stop.' > Reparing the Damages > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So... Nothing wrong here?" The Guard Sergeant asked. Twilight shakes her head no. "Alright then...." Applejack said in embarrassment as she walked out awkwardly to the door, the guards and Rarity followed. As the others left and closed the door, Twilight immediately looked at Soviet with an angry look. "What in Equestria were you thinking?!" She yelled. Soviet forgot what he had done, he took a minute to remember as Twilight gave him the death stare. Soviet then remembered about the spy and said, "Oh right! I forgot. I was shooting at the Changeling spy that your guards didn't know of." He replied. Twilight was dumbfounded if he was telling the truth or not. "If so, where is this spy you are talking about?" She asked, expecting Soviet to not answer if he was making all this up. "That bug, it's been trying to find me this entire time, and my thermals say that he's a bug and not a pony. So as a guess, he's a spy!" Soviet retorted. Twilight was surprised that he was telling the truth, based on the confidence and how fast he answered. She rubbed her chin to help her think on what to do with the spy and how the guards didn't find the spy before. "Fine," she sighed, "I'll alert the guards to-" she was cut off by Tankery. "We'll handle it, Princess." said Soviet. After a few minutes of Soviet trying to find the spy with Twilight by looking out the window, a Guard ran into the room and immediately ran to the Princess. Soviet saw the exhausted Guard whisper to Twilight, as her eyes opened in a panicked matter, Soviet's curiosity peaked. As the guard finished talking to Twilight and stepped backwards to give Twilight space. But as she was calming down, Soviet walked out the room to try and find the kitchen so he can cook cinnamon rolls. The four left behind were confused on where he went, but Tankery and Elta both asked Twilight, "What did he say?" Twilight was panicking as she didn't prepare for this, but she answered their question, "Both Princess Celestia and Luna are coming here to discuss defense plans.. and I haven't prepared for their visit!" She yelled as she ran out the door to prepare the castle for the royal arrival. "Shit, I have to warn Soviet." Tankery whispered to himself. “You know, with Moonbutt and Sunbutt coming here, you and I could offer them both some detailed strategies on how to fight against the enemy in the coming conflict.” Elta interjected into Tankery’s thought process, walking up to him and trying to make some small talk, now that they were the only ones in the room. Tankery then spoke to Elta as he was holding his laugh about what Elta called Luna and Celestia, "True, true. That would be very helpful, but that's IF the war starts." He then became shy after that as he sang in his head, "I'm alone in a room with a female woohoo, I'm alone in a room with a female woohoo" Soviet, lost in the hallways, then spoke to himself, "I sense a retarded event happening...." “I could probably only really provide information on the gear of the Griffon military, not to mention weaknesses and certain flaws in it. I actually held a position in the military once. Though, if your appearance and fancy space technology says anything, I would assume your species is quite skilled in warfare, yeah?” Tankery snapped back into his senses and replied, "Yes, we're pretty much known for it." He said, surprising Elta as she thought of Humanity in another view. But she tried to ignore the bad parts of Humanity. "I'm going to find Soviet." Tankery said as he walked out of the room. “Oh! Uhh…okay then. See ya I guess.” Confused with his sudden and abrupt departure, Elta could barely get a sentence out before he walked away out of her range. 'Why are these two so awkward and bad at socializing…?' Elta thought. Tankery walked out the door, only to be already lost. "He'll handle himself." Tankery said as he gave up on finding Soviet. As he walked back into the room, he saw a tail sticking out from under the desk. For fun, and for fear effect, he switched into an East German uniform with an AKM. Walked up to the desk and pretended to not notice anything. As Starlight was calming down, she heard footsteps approaching her hiding spot, she tried to look around to find Spike, but the footsteps stopped right in front of her. It was silent, she heard a feminine voice saying, "What are you doing?" But just then, the entire table slid, exposing Starlight to the remaining 2 in the room. She screamed, "Please! Don't hurt me!" She yelled. The Human was aiming his AKM at the pony while keeping his foot on her stomach to keep her down. "Who else was watching us?" Tankery asked. Starlight didn't know if she should expose her friend or to sacrifice herself to save Spike. She doesn't want Spike to get hurt, so she hesitantly spoke out, "J-just me." Tankery saw her answer to be a bit suspicious, so he looked around. He looked behind him and saw the bookshelf. He saw the books move a bit and aimed his rifle at the bookshelf, "Come out, or I'll waste you and the books." Tankery yelled. Spike came out with his hands up and stood in front of the bookshelf he was hiding in. Tankery lowered his rifle and asked Spike, "Answer me truthfully or it's both of your heads going to be put on pikes, understand?" Spike gulped and nodded. "Are there any more of you hiding?" Tankery asked. Spike nodded no. "Good, now. Why were you spying on us?" Tankery said as he walked over to Spike, towering over the small dragon. "Y-you guys came in while we were reading our books. We were scared and tried to hide." Starlight answered, as Spike was stuck in fear. Tankery raised his eyebrow in response. “So you weren’t spying?” “No, we were just hiding! It’s not everyday something like you just walks into here!” Tankery sighed, "True.. but why didn't you come out earlier?" he asked. "We don't know! We were scared!" Starlight screamed. "Again, fair enough." Tankery replied. He then extended his arm towards Starlight to get her up and said, "Come on, get up. It's already awkward enough without you lying down." "For a creature that's supposedly dangerous, they're awfully polite." Starlight thought to herself. Starlight reached her hoof out to Tankery, as he grabbed it and helped pull her up to where she could stand. Applejack and a guard we're roaming the halls to find Soviet, they eventually heard noises coming from the castle kitchen, and as she walked in. A Human still in his uniform, without his gas mask but a black mask only revealing his mouth, eating cinnamon rolls. "Uhhhh, what are you doing?" Applejack asked in a hostile tone, still angry at Soviet. Soviet stood still and still holding the plate in his hands, he said, "Food." As he smiled awkwardly. As stubborn as she was, Applejack huffed and walked out the room, still not trusting Soviet. Rarity understood both sides of the arising tension. "I think I know how she feels about your peculiar situation. I'll talk to her, for now, try to make her trust you so it won't become a problem in the future." She then walks out to follow Applejack but she stopped at the door and turned around to look at Soviet. "If you don't mind, can I take these?" She gestured at the plate of cinnamon rolls. "Sure." Soviet answered, handing her the plate. Soviet sighed as she left the room, "Well shit, guess I'll make another batch." He went back to cooking. Spike passed by Soviet as he left the library to go to his room. While he was cooking, Twilight was at the center of Ponyville, awaiting the Princesses arrival. "Do you see them?!" She yelled frantically to the Guards. The guards nodded no, but one yelled. "They're over there!" He pointed. As the two princesses landed from flying, Celestia talked to Twilight in a stressed tone. "Twilight! We need to discuss matters quickly, we have no time." This made Twilight's worrying worse, but she saw Luna limping. She ignored it it to ask about it later at the castle. "Right this way." Twilight responded to Celestia, then they left to the castle. After he finished cooking, Soviet wandered the castle while eating his cinnamon rolls, trying to find his way back to the library. But as he was wandering around, the three Princesses went through the front doors of the castle. Celestia looked stressed and Twilight kept looking at Luna to find injuries that would be causing her limp. They entered the table room and Celestia, panting, said "Luna has been attacked, and the assailants are headed here. We must prepare for their arrival." Twilight became curious and alert to who could've been the assailants. But Soviet and Tankery were at the back of her mind as she was panicking for Celestia's arrival. "What did they look like and how many were there?" Twilight asked. "Two of them, and they are bipedal creatures with horrifying voices that scares me to my core." Luna answered. Twilight gasped as she might've knew who the assailants were. She then asked Luna to confirm her theory, "Did they happen to call themselves Tankery and Soviet?" She asked awkwardly. "Y-yes, how did you know?" Luna asked in an alerted tone. Twilight felt guilty and she looked guilty as she said, "Uhmm... I might know where they are." "What?! We must capture them now!" Celestia barked. Luna was starting to feel guilty, and was thinking to herself that she was the aggressor, as the humans may not have creatures with powers such as Luna to enter someone's dreams. Twilight on the other hand, was getting scared as she might be punished for housing the assailants. She spoke out, "I might know where they are-" she was cut off as the door opened behind them. They all looked behind nad swa Luna's description of the assailant. It was Soviet, he entered the room, still with a roll in his mouth, was confused on what was happening until he saw Luna staring at him, eyes wide open. He heard a loud royal voice crack the silence, "YOU! You're the one responsible for attacking my sister and could've killed her!" She barked as she stomped towards Soviet, charging her horn. Soviet almost shat himself as she yelled, marching towards him. He finished his half eaten roll and retorted with, "I'm sorry if I had to defend myself to a magical being that doesn't exist in my homeworld!" "And you think that justifies stabbing my sister?! Who do you think you are!" Celestia retaliated. Soviet gulped and swallowed his pride, saying "I'll admit I was scared. You think it's normal for me to have someone intrude in my dreams and to put me in a situation where I had to defend myself?! I took measures to ensure that I wouldn't get stalked in my sleep!" Soviet retorted. Celestia was about to yell at the top of her lungs until Luna butted into the heated argument, "Sister, I appreciate you defending me but I'll admit I put him in a position to make him defend himself." She said in a calm tone. "But you didn't have to stab my leg! But thankfully, only the pain was real and not the wound itself. But now I understand that he was scared. I thought he was working for the Changelings to infiltrate us. But guessing he was eating food and Twilight doesn't seem to be harmed, I guess he isn't working for them." "That's true, he told us that he escaped Changeling custody to help us." Twilight added to further back Luna's claim. "Thank you Princess Luna and Twilight." said Soviet. "And I must admit, you look more beautiful in person, Luna." Soviet added. Luna was caught off guard with that response, she blushed and thought that he would've been angry at her for forcing him to defend himself. "W-why thank you... That was quiet unexpected." Soviet chuckled a bit as his compliment worked to catch her off guard. But as the tension in the room was calming down, Spike's curiosity spiked as they mentioned that Soviet stabbed Luna. But at this point, he was getting more scared, as the other human was loose in the castle. So he ran back to the library to find Starlight. But in the room, Celestia began to back down as she began to notice that any argument against Soviet would end in him using the self defense card, and that her sister doesn't seem to be that mad at him anymore. She sighed and said, "I guess you were justified in self defense, but the measure you took was too extreme." "And to at least to calm things down, the least you can do is apologize to each other." Twilight added. Soviet sighed and Luna looked down to think. The room became awkward as everyone awaited for the two to apologize. Soviet and Luna said at the same time, "I'm-" They both stopped as they said it at the same time. They tried again, "I"m sorry-" They both stopped for the same reason. "You go first." Soviet suggested to Luna. "Why thank you, I am sorry for intruding in your dreams." Luna apologized. "And I too am sorry for taking extreme measures against you, Princess." Soviet apologized. Twilight smiled in excitment as she's solved a friendship problem in a while but she isn't too sure if this was a friendship to begin with. But at least it stopped anyone getting harmed. "Great! Now we'll-" she was cut off by Celestia whispering into her ear. "Let them spend some time together, I haven't seen her smile like that in a while. And so it doesn't complicate things." Twilight nodded. "Oh and Twilight, we must talk to the Garrison Officer to notify her that we're sending more ponypower to defend Ponyville." Celestia added. Twilight nodded and they both left the room. As they left, Soviet still felt guilty for stabbing her leg, and he finally didn't feel awkward since they were both alone and he can finally speak his mind. "Princess Luna, I truly do feel sorry for stabbing you. And to show that I am," he looked around for his plate and grabbed it, "you can have my cinnamon rolls." He smiled as he handed it to Luna. Luna took a bite and had a face of satisfaction. "Oh my! This is absolutely delicious, where did you even get them?" She asked in an excited voice. "Made them myself." Soviet chuckled. "I swear to God if she wants to take the plate." Soviet thought to himself. "These are well made, I hope you don't mind if I take the final piece." Luna asked. "Here, take it." Soviet answered. But in his mind, all he was thinking was "FUCKING SHIT IT WAS THE LAST OF THE INGREDIENTS!" "Thank you dear." Luna thanked. "And it's not your fault you had to defend yourself, I'm the one who should be apologizing. So don't worry. And besides, the wound you gave me didn't affect me in the real world, besides the limping." She apologized. "No no, it's my fault. I went too far. And I am curious on how you entered my dreams." Soviet asked. "Well, it's hard to explain, but it's a responsibility I was given with my cutie mark. That reminds me, do you have a cutie mark?" Luna replied. "Well no, but do warn me next time you'll be entering my dreams so I don't accidentally harm you again." Soviet answered. "Note taken. But I am also curious on why you hide your face? I mean there is no one else here but us." She pointed out. "Well true, I just like to hide my face. So no one sees my face because I'm insecure. But you, you pull of beauty without even trying." Soviet complimented to try and change the subject. "Why thank you, again, unexpected. But my curiosity will eat me alive without seeing your face. So if you could please, dear." Luna retorted. Soviet sighed, "Just for you. But don't tell anyone, got it?" Soviet asked. "This secret shall never get out of me." Luna answered. Soviet then pulled down his mask and revealed his face. "Well why would you want to hide that face?" Luna asked Soviet. "Is this what flirting is like? Wow, I'm flirting with a horse, what the hell is wrong with me. Tankery is going to say I'm down bad once I get back." Soviet asked himself in his head. But as he though, he didn't know that he was blushing a bit, visible to Luna. While this was happening, Tankery was still bored in the library, waiting for Soviet to come back. Starlight broke the awkward silence as she saw Celestia and Twilight walk by the hallway. "I'm going to go to the sugar cube, anyone else wanna come with?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll go." Tankery answered. "I'll come too!" Elta said excitingly. They all got up and left the room and into the hallway. No one spoke until they arrived at the sugar cube. "Twilight, how long until you think we'll see them become friends?" Celestia asked. "I don't know, but that Soviet person is interesting. You really must know their species history, it's a lot more complicated and longer than ours. Even his name is suspicious, it's the name of his country's most hated enemy. I think it's just a nickname he made with his friend." Twilight explained. "Interesting, I'll ask you about their world later, but I'm getting worried that something might happen to my little sister again, let's go check on her." said Celestia. "Sure, but we should do that after we meet the generals. We haven't been briefed on what their plans of defense are." Twilight replied. After their conversation, they were headed to Rarity's bouquet as the Garrison used it as an improvised Headquarters to confuse any spies. A few hours later, Tankery woke up from his nap in the Sugar Cube as he fell asleep when he got there. "Ugh, where am I?" He asked. But as he opened his eyes, a bright pink pony was staring at him eyes wide open. "You're at the sugar cube, silly!" She yelled. Tankery screamed and his chair tipped over to where he fell. Starlight peaked over the table and asked him, "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah yeah, I'm fine, just didn't expect a jumpscare." Tankery replied. Pinkie Pie, who was jumping up and down, asked Starlight, "Is this the Tankery person you were talking about?" in an excited tone. "Yeah.. that's him alright." Starlight answered. Tankery was looking at Pinkie as he was trying to figure out who she was, but as he blinked, the pink figure was gone. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!" She yelled into his ear. Tankery jumped and yelled, "Jesus Christ, how do you move that quickly?!" "What do you mean?" She asked. Tankery sighed and said, "Nevermind, anyways, is there any food here?" He asked. "Yes! There is! We have cupcakes, cakes,-" she was cut off by Tankery saying, "I'll have one of everything." Pinkie Pie squealed as she didn't know anyone who enjoyed that many cakes. "God, Soviet's going to kill me if he knows I ate cake without him." Tankery whispered to himself. > The Scouting Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Celestia and Twilight are discussing with their generals at Rarity's Boutique, a Royal Guard scout barges in while they were planning. "What is it?" One of the Generals said as he saw the scout. "Enemy scouts spotted in the Everfree forest! We're not even at war and they're trespassing our borders!" The scout responded, still planting from running. "Ready the garrison, we'll prepare a trap for the enemy scouts, but from which nation?" Celestia asked. "They're Griffons, they sneaked pass our border guards." The scout answered. Celestia began to think, and told the scout, "Go ready the Garrison." The Scout then left to run to the Garrison. Celestia turned to Twilight and asked her, "How good are these humans when fighting?" "No idea, but from what they say, they can take down an entire army." Twilight answered. "Good, alert them of the upcoming battles. I fear that the Great War has started from this act of aggression." Celestia states. Twilight then ran towards the Sugar Cube to find Starlight as she said before the humans arrived that she'll visit there. Then she'll probably wait a few minutes before going to Soviet since him and Luna were socializing. She barged into the Sugar Cube, "Good, Tankery. We need your help, just follow the group of Soldiers going outside Ponyville, they'll lead you there. Starlight and I will go get Soviet." Tankery stood up and heard footsteps walk down the staircase. "Good afternoon" Fluttershy yawned as she looked like she fell asleep. "Wait you're.... You are.. you're Fluttershy, right?" Tankery asked. Fluttershy nodded yes. "Ah, I was wondering where you were. But all of you stay safe and don't go outside." Tankery said as he grabbed his AKM and ran outside. And as he ran out the door, he noticed Elta asleep, from possibly food coma. "Starlight, come. We gotta get Soviet." She reminded. Starlight stood up and followed Twilight. As Tankery went out of the Sugar Cube, he noticed the spy him and Soviet were messing with earlier. "Must be waiting for the scouts." Tankery said to himself. He then followed the group of Royal Guard soldiers heading outside of Ponyville. "God I hope they're not going too far out. I was starting to like this place." Tankery muttered to himself as he ran. As Twilight and Starlight opened the main doors and walked through the main halls of the Castle, Starlight asked. "So Soviet, what's he like?" She asked. "Well he's, wait, how do you know? We haven't told you his name." Twilight pointed out. "Well uhh.... Me and spike were hiding under the table and behind the bookshelf." Starlight answered awkwardly. "Weird, but anyways, he's.... Interesting. Celestia and I left him and Luna in the table room so they can become friends, after what Soviet did. But surprisingly, they seemed to be getting along before we left." Twilight answered. "Wait, what did he do?" Asked Starlight. "He kind of stabbed Princess Luna." Twilight replied. "He WHAT?!" Starlight screamed. "But they both apologized since they were both kind of at fault. And besides, I'm sure they're great friends now." Twilight chuckled awkwardly. "Hopefully you're right, can't have another accident happen between those two again." Starlight sighed. As they arrived at the door to the table room, they saw Spike pass by and Twilight asked. "Hey spike? Has anyone gotten in or out of this room?" Spike nodded no. Twilight knocked on the door, "It's Twilight and Starlight, we're coming in." Soviet got up and spoke to Luna, "Shit we gotta hide!" He rushed up and helped Luna get up. He grabbed his M16 and quickly disassembled it on the floor as Luna went with Soviet's plan. The two entered the room and saw a rifle, broken, on the floor. Twilight looked at Luna and asked, "Uhm.. Princess? What happened to your mane?" She asked as Luna's mane was in disarray. "You too, your uniform and helmet are messy and backwards. And what kind of mask you have is upside down." Starlight pointed out. Soviet chuckled and said, "Don't worry about it." He chuckled awkwardly. "Yes yes, no need to worry. This gentleman was showing me his... weapon.. that is broken..?" Luna added. "Okay.... Oh, and Soviet. We need your help, your friend already went to the outskirts of Ponyville, go and find him because we need your help to defend from an enemy attack." Twilight replied. "Yes, ma'am." Soviet said as he ran off, fixing his uniform. Luna walked out saying, "And I have uhhh, something to go to-" she was cut off. "Princess, if I may. I know you're our leader and I'm no fashion expert, but we have to do something about your mane. It looks roughed up." Starlight pointed. "Why yes, that is greatly appreciated of you, Starlight." Luna accepted. The three went to find Rarity to go to the spa and hair salon to relax and fix Luna's mane. But as they left, Twilight and Starlight noticed that Luna was getting a little weak, and Twilight asked, "Are you sure he didn't do anything to you? Did he attack you in any way?" "No dear, he didn't do anything harmful to me. We had a wonderful time." Luna answered. 10 minutes later... "Alright, I'm here and I'm hungry." Soviet said as he arrived to the newly erected defenses the Royal Guard set up as they await for the oncoming enemy force. "Yeah, we're just waiting for the recon unit to hit us, haven't seen them yet, but I'm guessing they're close." Tankery added. "Alrighty, I guess we'll camp here. Did you happen to bring any food?" Soviet asked. "No? Wait, you ate earlier. What did you do when I was gone?" Tankery asked. "Well, nothing, just got hungry." Soviet answered. "Yeah... sure..." Tankery replied, suspecting something. Meanwhile on the other side of the town, the trio arrived at Rarity's Boutique and Rarity screamed, "Oh dear! Princess, what happened to your hair?!" Luna gulped while blushing, "I'd prefer not to say." "Hmmm... but anyways, we have to go to the Spa to get you relaxed, you seem to be exhausted." Rarity pointed out. Luna agreed and Starlight prefered to stay at the Boutique and said, "I'll just stay here. Today's events took a lot out of me." "That's okay, we'll go to the spa. Stay safe darling." Rarity said as they left. As they left, Twilight asked Luna. "So what did actually happen? Don't worry, you can tell me." "I'll tell you later, but for now, I just need to relax. And I didn't know there was a spa here. But thank you, dear." Luna retorted. Soviet and Tankery were wondering something that was itching their heads. "Alright, let's test it. Get a M252, I'll get the ammunition." Tankery spawned the mortar and Soviet spawned a box of mortar rounds. As they did, the Guards around them were curious and surrounded them to see what they were doing. There were murmurs heard and Soviet and Tankery can clearly hear them, the guards don't trust them but nonetheless, they are curious on what was happening. Tankery and Soviet got into positions as Tankery was the gunner and Soviet multi tasked and became the loader, spotter, and commander. Soviet grabbed his binoculars and grabbed a round. He yelled, "Adjust, One Two Five! Smoke! Fire for effect!" Tankery adjusted the mortar. Soviet then put a round that had a grey outline on it and inserted it into the tube. He and Tankery both covered their ears as they looked downwards while kneeling. A loud hollow bang was heard as the guards around the duo screamed and immediately dove into the ground as they were scared. Soviet got up and pulled out his binoculars, he looked towards the hill he was aiming for and he saw a puff of smoke rise. He looked around for the Scout and yelled, "Scout! Get over here." The scout then ran towards him and Soviet asked, "Which way is the enemy coming from?" The scout pointed West, and Soviet immediately looked at West with his binoculars and saw a group of Griffons and Changelings that seem to be lightly armed, as they seemed to be wondering what that loud bang was. Soviet yelled, "Hostiles! West! Everyone, stay here. We'll handle this." Soviet then looked at Tankery, "Adjust, West! Six, Five, Two! Smoke! Fire for effect!" Soviet grabbed another shell with the same outline and dropped it into the tube. This time, the guards knew what to do so they covered their ears and so did the duo. There was the same thud noise earlier and Soviet got his binoculars and looked at the hostile group. He cheered, "Direct hit!" But the guards were confused as all they knew was that they just fired magical smoke at them that did absolutely nothing. A few seconds earlier, the Griffon Sergeant asked one of his squadmates, "Do you know what that sound was?." "I haven't heard of it before, sir." The soldier replied. Then, they heard another bang, this time, it was in the middle of their squad. Smoke filled the area as the Soldiers screamed. "Calm down! It's just smoke, they're trying to obscure our vision! Quickly, move forwards!" The Sergeant yelled. Everyone was confused on what was happening, but they followed their Sergeant's orders and ran towards Ponyville. Soviet grabbed another shell and said, "Adjust! Six, Four, Nine! Willie Pete! Fire for effect!" He inserted a shell that had a pure white outline, and everyone covered their ears as the nearby guards watched in shock. Soviet pulled out his binoculars and saw another type of smoke appear in the middle of the Griffon squad, but this time, the smoke had sparks and it reached outwards instead of slowly expanding. A few seconds passed as they started to hear screaming and saw a fire spread in the small group of trees the Griffon squad was in. The scout asked in horror, "What is that?! And why are they screaming?!" Soviet replied, "It's white phosphorus, it's a chemical that sticks to almost anything, it burns anything it comes in contact in. In this case, the enemy scouts." The scout gasped and said to Soviet, "H-how is this possible?! We could've taken them prisoner! We could've gotten information out of the-" she was cut off. Soviet cut her off as he said, "There's a spy in Ponyville already, and we could get information out of him. It's a changeling, and he has the information we need. So go report to the Princess that Soviet and Tankery had dealt with the enemy encounter." Soviet ordered. The scout gulped and followed his command as she walked off in shock. Meanwhile the short dispatch of the enemy was happening, on the other side of town, Luna, Twilight, and Rarity as they were getting spa treatment in robes on chairs to relax. "So darling, how is your mane?" Rarity asked as her mane recently was combed and treated. "It's doing wonderfully, thank you for asking. How are your hoofs?" Luna asked as Rarity's hoofs were getting massaged, "They're doing marvelous." Rarity answered. Twilight was still curious, so she asked again. "So you said you'd ask me later, what happened in that room? I've never seen your mane or you that exhausted for basically staying in one room for less than an hour." Twilight pointed out. Luna sighed, and said. "Okay, I'll tell you since you keep insisting. But. Neither of you can tell anyone else, especially not my dear sister, got it?" Luna asked. Rarity and Twilight nodded. "Okay, so. What happened was, chapter 56 of Starswirl's study of genetics." said Luna. Rarity was confused and Twilight was trying to remember to what she was referring to, and she immediately remembered. "Ohh! So what happened wa-" Twilight paused as she now understood what happened and her pupils shrunk. "So you guys did-" "Yes." "So when we left, you-" "Yes." "How?" "His quote on quote, magic, my dear." Both Luna and Twilight talked between another. Rarity was still confused, and asked. "I'm lost my Dear Twilight. So what happened?" Twilight got up from her seat and whispered to Rarity. Rarity gasped and said, "I didn't know you would do such a thing, Princess." Rarity said as she chuckled a bit. "What was he like?" "How was he like?" "Did you know his actual name or his actual voice?" Both Rarity and Twilight asked. "Wait, you haven't heard his actual voice?" Rarity asked Twilight, "Well no, I heard that he was using something to change his voice." Twilight replied. Luna chuckled and was flattered, "Now slow down girls, I can't tell you all this just yet. Later, I probably will." The trio kept on laughing and Twilight and Rarity kept asking Luna questions to wear her down but she didn't. "I wonder how the defense are doing." The trio thought. Soviet lead a group of Guardsmen to the spy and already told them to arrest him. One of the guards asked Soviet what they were going to do to him as they held the Changeling in cuffs, "Leave him tied up in the Boutique, tell the Elements of Harmony that I have requested their presence there tomorrow in the afternoon." Soviet replied. The guard nodded and left. "Take him away." Soviet said to the remaining guards, they followed his order and took the spy to an unknown location. > Interrogation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight, Applejack and Celestia who had nothing to do besides to wait around, arrived at Rarity's Boutique, since they were alerted that there was a spy in Ponyville. They were all anxious and nervous to see who it was. But they saw Soviet and Tankery enter the building. "Who is it?" Applejack asked. "Well, we don't fully know his name, but, he called himself Buzzing Wheat. Honestly, who comes up with these names?" Soviet replied. Everyone tried to remember who that was, but they all shrugged. "Well, I guess we'll have to interrogate him. Princess Celestia, I would like to ask your permission to use all force necessary to protect the knowledge of our troop movement?" Tankery asked. "You have my permission, but don't over do it." Celestia answered. "Yes ma'am." Both Soviet and Tankery said at the same time. "Don't go upstairs, because it could get ugly if he doesn't comply." Soviet warned. Tankery and Soviet both put on CBRN uniforms and walked upstairs. They opened the door and entered the room, they then closed the door, allowing Starlight and Applejack to eavesdrop on them, which they did. Soviet activated his voice changer, as Tankery had his on the entire time. "So, since you're already captured, show your true self, changeling." Soviet ordered. The spy was tied on a chair. The changeling gulped and was scared to the point he couldn't move. Soviet spawned a stun stick and activated it, he leaned over the spy and pointed the stick at him. "Show yourself!" Soviet yelled. The changeling changed his form to his original form. "Tell us why you're here." Soviet asked. The changeling didn't speak. The awkward silence tested Soviet's patience and swung a hit to the changeling. He screamed, the hit could be heard from outside the room, the stick stunned the spy and Soviet yelled again, "Why are you here!" The Changeling was gathering his strength to speak but Soviet put the stick on his hoof so it would continuously shocked him for 10 seconds straight. The spy was screaming, to the point that half the town can hear him. He managed to get enough strength to say, "S-she sent me here... Chrysalis sent me here!" Meanwhile, the two eavesdropping on them were horrified on what they might be doing. "Good, now, tell us where your armies are stationed." Tankery asked. "I- I don't know.." The spy replied. Tankery spawned a car battery and two cables. Soviet grabbed the cables and connected them to the spy's ears. The spy kept asking, "Wait, what is that? What are you doing?!" But Soviet persisted and gave Tankery the wires and Soviet walked up to the spy. He grabbed the bug's horn and pulled it back. "Answer the question!" Soviet yelled. "I don't know!" The bug yelled in terror. "Can't take that as an answer." Soviet replied. Soviet let go of the horn and nodded towards Tankery. Tankery then plugged the wires onto the car battery. The bug screamed out loud and began to cry and whimper. A loud shocking noise can be heard outside the room, and Applejack was getting angry that they are defying Celestia's orders. After the shocking was over, Soviet asked again. "Where are your armies?!" "T-they're underground! They are digging small hives to stay until they attack! They're mostly hidden so they can attack Ponyville and then Canterlot!" The bug cried out. "Good, good... now, is there anyone else that is working with you?" Soviet asked. "N-no." The bug answered. "Okay, I'll believe you this time. But, if we find out you're lying, you can say goodbye to your legs. Got it?" Soviet asked. The bug gulped and nodded. Soviet untied the spy and the bug ran out the door, but before he could reach the door, Soviet hit the back of it's head with the car battery, knocking him out. "Tell the guards to lock him in a cell." Soviet told Tankery. Tankery asked, "So we're turning the Geneva Convention into a checklist now?" "Yes." Soviet jokingly answered. Tankery picked up the body on his shoulder and walked out to find the guards, Applejack ran into the room and scolded Soviet, "The princess said to not over do it! I don't know how things go in your world, but I sure as hay know what you did!" "Calm down, he's not dead, and we didn't even try to torture him. And besides, we have the information we needed. I'll report my findings to Celestia." Soviet assured. Applejack huffed and walked out. Soviet followed to find Celestia, but as he walked out the door, he saw Starlight afraid of him because she ran. Soviet approached Celestia, "What in Equestria did you do to the spy?" Celestia asked. "Nothing lethal, I think. But we have reason to believe that the Changeling and Griffon armies are planning to attack Ponyville, and use it as a staging ground to attack Canterlot." Soviet explained. Soviet looked around to find Starlight to ask her something, but he saw her staring at him in fear. He approached her and said, "Do you know where Luna is?" "They're at the spa." Starlight stuttered. Soviet then walked out of the boutique to find Luna. He wandered around Ponyville a few minutes, getting gazes of untrust from the locals, until he stumbles upon what struck him in fear. It was a house decorated in desserts, he tried walking away until he heard a scream in his ear. "Hi! You look like that other person!" Pinkie Pie screamed. But so did Soviet, he screamed too. Soviet fell backwards and tried crawling away. "Hey! He tried doing that too! So what's your name?" Soviet gulped and gathered what strength he had left, "I'm Soviet, I- wait. Did a person that looks like me get here before me?" Soviet asked. Pinkie Pie nodded and Soviet said, "Damn it, he got here before me. Anyways, are there any cupcakes?" Soviet asked. "Nope! He ate it all." Pinkie Pie excitingly said. "Son of a bitch! I'll just something that you recommend." Soviet replied. "Okay!" Pinkie Pie excitingly yelled as she hopped into the building, and Soviet followed suit, without the hopping that is. A few minutes pass by, and Luna, Twilight, and Rarity were walking back to the Boutique after the spa. "How's your mane, Princess?" Rarity asked. "It's amazing, I haven't had it worked on in a while." Luna smiled. "But remember, let's not tell my sister, got it?" Luna clarifies with the two. They both nodded, and opened the door to the boutique. "Don't tell me, what?" Celestia asked as they opened the door. "Oh uhm, sister. We were talking about a surprise." Luna quickly thought. Twilight chuckled a bit and covered her mouth saying, "It truly is a 'surprise', Princess." This made Rarity chuckle a bit too. "Well, whatever it is, I hope it's nothing dangerous between those humans, got it? I just don't want you to get hurt." Celestia clarified. "Yes, sister." Luna replied. "Good, now, I'm going to go back to the castle. Just don't get mixed with anything dangerous with them." Celestia reaffirmed. Meanwhile at the Sugar Cube corner... "Yeah, so the bugs are hiding undergrou-" Tankery stopped talking as he saw Soviet eating a cake, staring into Tankery's eyes as he knew that he ate here before him. Elta was confused on what was happening and asked, "Wait, so what's happening?" "Nothing..." Soviet said as he menacingly ate.. cake? "I tried calling you on your radio, didn't you have it?" Tankery asked. "Well, oh wait..... yeah I forgot it at the castle." Soviet answered. Tankery facepalmed. "Bet I'll race you to the castle to see if it's still there!" Soviet dared Tankery. "Bet." Tankery accepted. They both ran to the castle. As they got there, they saw a book near it, it was opened. "Huh, a book in a library, weird. But who was reading it?" Soviet asked as he looked around the room. He checked the book and it read, "Starswirl's Spells" and the page it was opened to, worried Soviet. "Hey take a look at this, read the chapter." Tankery leaned over to read, he muttered it, "Time... travel. Wait, time travel exists here?!" Tankery yelled. "Oh hey, I found my radio. But who's reading thi-" Soviet was cut off as he saw Starlight enter the room. She was reading another book as she entered the room, but when she looked up, she saw two humans staring at her. She started to shake, "W-what are you doing here?!" She screamed. "We're about to ask you the same thing." Tankery replied. Starlight gathered enough strength to talk back, "I'll have you know, that I can time travel to certain dates. Mostly to bring back extinct species to allow me and Twilight study them." "Solid alibi, but can you make us, time travel? Preferably an hour ago so I can steal the cupcakes from the Sugar Cube before this idiot can eat them all." Soviet hinted at Tankery. "Yeah!- Wait what?" Tankery followed up. Starlight sighed and said, "Fine, but don't tell anyone about this." She said as she charged her horn. "Hey Soviet, if we die, I'll have you know you're a retar-" a flash of light cut off Tankery's sentence as they both disappeared. > Another Dimension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- William hears two thuds in his backyard. "What in the name of-" William jumped up from the table in anger. He could hear yelling coming from the backyard. And quite a few... colorful slurs which he hadn't heard in a long time. He drew his M45A1, slung on his plate carrier and helmet, and crept towards the back door. "You son of a bitch! I'm never trusting you any longer!" Tankery yelled. The voice was clearly male, though it was one he didn't recognize. As he approached a second voice came into pitch, As Soviet gets up, he sees the quiet kid staring at them. "Dude, it's a human, trust me on this." "What do you mean a huma-" Tankery was cut off by Soviet loudly yelling, "DUDE! WE KNOW YOU HAD YOUR PENIS RIPPED OFF SO STOP REMINDING ME!" "You bitch! I still have my-" "WE KNOW YOU HAVE AIDS, STOP TELLING US!" Soviet yelled, followed by a chuckle. "You meow mix motherfu-" Tankery sighed and said, "Fine, if you did see a human, where the hell are we?" "No idea, seems like a backyard. But wherever we are, just pull out our anti-anomaly weapons." Soviet said, then Soviet and Tankery both spawned 12 gauge shotguns. "Damnit, how did they know that?" His question was answered a second later when he peaked out from behind the wall and looked through the sliding glass door and out into his backyard. From his vantage point he could see 2 humans. Clearly adolescents they were clad head to toe in fighting kit, and arguing with one another. He stayed silent, and kept on listening. He found himself chuckling at the obscenities' they were slinging back and forth. "Should I introduce myself?" He scratched his helmet. "This seems like a backyard." "Well how do you know?" "Well... there's a barbeque right over there. And- look, over there!" One of them pointed over at the house, right at William, who stayed right where he was. He kept his gun hand out of sight, and holstered his sidearm, exchanging it for a P90. Just then, he saw something that made his blood run cold. One of them suggested they get out their, "Anti anomaly weapons." And almost as soon as they had said that, Remington 870 shotguns appeared in their arms. Which they kept at low ready. " I don't believe it, other people. With the same power's as me? Screw breakfast, my interest is piqued!" He brought his boot up and racked the slide on his subgun. He set a Kevlar shield in his right hand, and walked out from behind his cover. "Mornin', would y'all mind dropin' them shotguns?" he said in his best mock southern accent. They looked at one another, and laughed. "Well howdy partner!" The 2 responded, William rolled his eyes, their swift change of tone worried him. The 2 of them continued, " Nice gun you got there. Uh, question, where are we?" Before he could respond, one of them started-up again, " Mind bending over-" He was cut of when his friend slapped him over the helmet. Causing him to groan in annoyance, the one who had slapped him gestured over at the dormant barbeque lying a few yards away. "What are you making?" They asked in excitement. William raised an eyebrow, " You're in Equestria. And I'm not currently barbequing anything, though I did a few months back." He slid open the door, and stepped out onto the patio. " And about the gun, thanks' for that compliment. It's been a while since I've seen another human. And it's been even longer since some creature complimented me." He still kept his gun trained on them. "Name's?" " Are you kidding? Listen well you 2, you do not wanna get into a gunfight with me. Especially not at this hour. The whole time he been talking with the 2 miscreants from the safety of his bulletproof sliding glass door. He took the term, "Your home is your castle." Very seriously, " Why should we listen to you?" The other spoke up. " Hmmm... now that I thing about it... Because you 2 have the demeanor's of teenagers?" The way they bickered with one another reminded himself a little bit of his first journey to Equestria. " The hell did you just say to us?" William groaned. " Alright, let's try something else; Why are you here?" One of them raised their head's up. "I'm Soviet, this over here's Tankery." William nodded, " Alright, you go by alias's, albeit strange one's, that's understandable. My names William. though sometimes I go by Hailstorm. Why are you here?" The one who went by Tankery spoke up, " God damnit, now we're stuck in this pony infested hell!" He stomped the ground as he said it, William grunted, " Hey, I'll have you know that I actually have certain fondness for those little equines, I've even had the pleasure of getting turned into one of them. And besides, this isn't hell. Tartarus is hell, this is just a warzone." The 2 of them backed up. " Wait, did you say you've been turned onto one of those monsters before?" Soviet asked in shock. "Well, yes, we know we're in Equestria. We're just unsure weather or not if it's our Equestria. We're confused, and we need to know what, when, and where we landed." William nodded, " I see, question. Have you any prior knowledge regarding the TV show, My Little Pony?" Soviet blinked, "Well, yes, As a matter of fact, I do. Can't say the same for Tankery over here." William lowered his gun, just a little bit, " Oh, good. That makes everything easier, Well. Twilight's got her castle. King Sombra's back, and the school of friendship's a thing. And yes, I already took care of Cozy Glow. Don't ask about that last thing. And it's summer. Better?" The 2 lowered their gun's in turn, " Well, thanks for that." "At this point in the year it's a damn war crime to not have that barbeque going." Tankery murmured, William folded his arm's, " Well I would, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have anything to grill on it. And don't even think about putting those damned hayburgers on that thing!" He sighed, " Alright, listen. We'll continue this conversation later. I've got food waiting for me inside. And I haven't eaten yet. If I go inside, do I have your word that you won't break anything? Actually, come on inside. That way I can keep the both of you in my sight." He stepped inside, "Well? You coming or not?" The two followed and Soviet asked, "Cozy Glow, haven't gotten to that part yet. But Sombra's back? Should be easy to deal with, since we can spawn weapon emplacements, no vehicles, sadly. But I'm now guessing this isn't our version of Equestria, but Flim & Flam or whatever their names are, exist here, correct?" William nodded, " Those retarded unicorn brother's that that wear those striped shirt's with the European accents? Yes they do, scared 'em shitless few month's ago, c'mon, food's getting cold. We can talk more inside." The 2 reluctantly followed him in. "Uh, I just remembered I didn't actually cook anything... Oh well, coffee's ready." Cheerfully, he walked over to the coffee maker, and poured the now cold content's of the pot out into his favorite mug. And spun around, coming face to face with 2 disappointed humans. Soviet then asked William, "Well, they could quote on quote, invent, a tank for us, or at least an IFV. They just need to build the engine or other mechanical parts, and we could add the armaments. They are smart after all." Soviet explained. As he drank his cold coffee. "And this Sombra character... I have a feeling he'll come back again, so might as well get some armor to protect us." Tankery added. Soviet then stopped drinking his coffee and asked William, "Could you direct us to Princess Twilight? We'll need to figure out what we can do while we're stuck here." " Screw it, I'll get something from the store. " Question, could the Equestrians... I don't know, invent a tank for us-" "Don't ever talk about stuff like that in the open, especially not in the presence of ponies." Tankery replied, "True true, but we could label it as a tractor. Worked for Germany, right?" "But why not?" Soviet asked as he tried to sit on William's couch, but he missed and fell down. "Don't mind him." said Tankery about Soviet falling down. " I like to keep 'em ignorant. It's as simple as that. ever heard the term, don't ask, don't tell?" They looked confused, but nodded anyway. "Could you direct us to princess Twilight? We'll need to figure out what we can do while we're stuck here." William rolled his head off to one side, and sat down. "Listen here and listen well. There is nothing you can do here. What I can help you with is getting home-" William froze when he heard a sudden knock at the front door. "Who's that?" William blinked, he almost didn't want to tell them, for fear of what they might to that uninvited alicorn if he opened that door. " It's a friend." "Fair enough." The both of then agreed. William stood up without responding, and walked over to the door. He pulled the door open, and stepped back, "Hey William, happy birthday!" A cheerful alicorn with white fur and a deep blue mane wiped his hooves on the doormat and stepped inside. Much to the bewilderment of both Soviet and Tankery, who were just now beginning to question William's sanity. " Uh... hi here?" Tankery waved nervously, Joey's gaze turned to the 2 other human's in the room, then back to William " You didn't tell me you were gonna have people over." William grunted, " They're human. what did you think?" Joey did his best to keep smiling, and turned to the 2 other's. "Hi, name's Joey. who are you?" For a few seconds, none of them said a word, then Soviet spoke up, "Hi.. uh.. I'm Soviet, this is my associate, Senor El Retardo." "But question, why do you have such a human sounding name?" Soviet asked. " Well, I wasn't always one, used to be a human. That explains my name. Then I got pulled through a magical vortex and dumped into the Equestrian wilderness in the middle of the night. William found me, we got attacked by a manitcore. And I woke up a hospital a few hour's later with hooves, wing's and a horn. That's about as far as I'm going to go into my backstory." He paused for a moment, and took a step farther into the house, shutting the door behind him, "It's William's birthday today. that's why I came over." "I'm... well I was gonna say I was happy, but I've got these 2 to deal with. A the very least they're more tolerant of ponies than Preston was when he showed up." Joey groaned at the mention of that California deputy which they had found wandering aimlessly through the cold snow that winter. Who upon waking up to find a ponified William proceeded to barede the 2, at least until William calmed him down. "So," He clapped his hand's together, "I'm gonna go grab some food, and maybe a cake, Joey, you watch them." He turned back to Soviet and Tankery, "Don't go breaking anything 'round here, understand?" they nodded. "But what are your terms on stealing?" Soviet asked sarcastically. "Yes- wait, you're leaving us... with him?" Soviet pointed down at Joey, " Yes, I am. don't worry, he's trustworthy." William gave his warbelt a firm tug and headed upstairs' for his wallet. Leaving a very awkward silence hanging over the living room. "So uhm, not being human and having wings. What's that like?" Tankery spoke up to break the awkward silence. Joey's ears perked up, "Oh, where do I start?" He scratched his head with his right hoof, " It's amazing, I thought it was a little strange at first, walking on 4 legs and all. But you get used to it after a while. A horn and telekinesis can be even more useful than hands. The wings let you go anywhere you want, any time, and they give you the ability to walk on clouds. The hooves remove the need for you to go scrounging around for shoes ever time you want to go out for a walk. And the fur keep's you warm and comfortable." The 2 blinked, " Did you know that your friend shares the same opinion as you?" Joey chuckled. " After this winter? Indeed I did, I know for a definite fact that he loves flying under his own power. Even if he never talks about it in the open." " Uh, next question. Were either of you a brony or furry back on earth? I mean, you both share the same opinions regarding... all of this." Joey scowled, "No! Well, William always seems to have a certain understanding of this world that even I don't. But I wouldn't consider him a brony. I mean, it's not like he obsessed over it. Nor did we ever hear anything from him. And he has a deep hatred of furries. I was, and still am, neither." He said it with the upmost confidence. And the 2 listened intently as Joey went on and on about his life in Ponyville. "Hey, what's this?" Soviet looked at a picture hung on the wall, it was a photo of William in full battle armor, standing over the ruins of Canterlot with a light machine gun in hand. Although they didn't know that. " Heh, sit on down, you're in for quite a tale." "Hey, what's this?" Soviet looked at a picture hung on the wall, it was a photo of William in full battle armor, standing over the ruins of Canterlot with a light machine gun in hand. Although they didn't know that. " Heh, sit on down, you're in for quite a tale. One of adventure, joy perseverance, and violence-" "Hey, I'm home, and I brought cake! And, other stuff." The front door swung open, and there stood William, with a paper grocery bag in his hand which made him look like a suburban 9 to 5 dad. As he turned to look into the house, he noticed the photo as well. "I was just about to start telling them your story, and how all... this, came to be." William rubbed his eyes and set the bag down on his kitchen countertop. "It's a long story, but one I'm willing to tell. You want food first?" They nodded. "I was just about to start telling them your story, and how all... this, came to be." William rubbed his eyes and set the bag down on his kitchen countertop. "It's a long story, but one I'm willing to tell. You want food first?" Their response was unanimous. " Food, We're hungry." One very long conversation later... The 2 were speechless, as William got to recent times. "And that brings me to this morning, when I found you." Obviously, as was normal with William, he had left a lot of the sensitive stuff out. Mostly stuff about his alter ego and more... violent excursions. "Alrighty, I've given you my backstory. Now here's my question for you. How did you get here?" He asked as he downed another bite of his chocolate birthday cake. No candles, of course. Soviet thought as William asked them, "Well truth be told, we have no idea. All we know is that Starlight from our 'dimension' supposedly made us time travel a few hours back. But somehow brought us here. I can confirm that they didn't know who or what humans are because, Twilight had no idea who or what humans are and asked tons of questions." Soviet explained. "But anyways, just curious, how old are you both?" Soviet asked, as Tankery and Joey were somehow sneaking past William to get a slice of cake. " I'm 22 as of today, Joey's 21." He paused to take a sip from his water glass. "Huh, sounds just like mine, well, parts of it at least. I was alone on my first excursion. And I had to walk for far, far longer than you did. Didn't complain once." Joey flicked his ears, "Sure, sure, that's a lie from you if I ever heard one, which I have. Not often, bit it has happened." "Alright, but in all fairness, I was hungry, tired, and on edge for fear that a changeling or griffon or self help me a full grown dragon!" William froze, and turned around to look over at dinning table. Just in time to catch Tankery and Joey. " Well, it's my birthday. Can't eat it all by myself. Go on, help yourselves." They smiled, and practically dove into it out of hunger. "Yes!" Tankery whispered in silence, all while he took at almost half of the entire cake as Joey looked on in confusion. A heavy sigh left Williams lungs, "That was for everyone." "You just ate an entire bakery less than two hours ago! What is wrong with you?!" Soviet cried out, much to the annoyance of Joey. " I'm sorry, you did what?" Tankery franticly nodded as he tore his way through the cake like a bat pony through a mango. " Ah fuck you!!!" Tankery shouted back, his voice muffled by the sound of chewing. " Hey, hey! Stop chewing and listen! You 2 are guests in my house, so you're going to carry yourselves with some sense of decency, got it?" William found it odd that he had managed to make it trough an entire conversation with a person as rude a this without so much as even setting his hand on his gun holster. But dismissed it. "Oh, I'm sorry." Tankery turned around, William winced at the horrendous sight. " Just finish it! And don't even think about touching the rest! Also, here's a napkin. actually, here's 3." William passed them over to Tankery. " The shit I go through in this world." "Can 50. BMG down a dragon?" William thought about if for a moment, " The little ones, yes. But if you're talking about a full grown drake, then the only spot you'd be able to cause any dame to is the eyes. Nothing short of an RPG or Stinger is going through those scales." "Fair enough. But back to the IFV plan, we could be the only people in this world that can create the weapons, just not the vehicles. We could bypass the rules of spawning things by making Flim and Flam make the engine, we'll figure out the hull and the weaponry. It could work." Soviet explained. "And does Twilight's school of friendship exist here? We could use the labor force on combining the hull, plus me and Tank can make a reason to teach welding and handling equipment while labeling our craft as a tractor." Soviet added, hopefully getting a green light from William. Meanwhile, William was standing there with, his jaw practically hit the ground. "Wait, did you- I'm sorry, you're planning on doing what?" The 2 nervously tabbed their fingers. " IFV? As in... Infantry Fighting Vehicle? That's your plan?" William got up and paced around his couch. "Yes." He turned back to them and held up his hand, " Problem is, this world just ain't made for that kind of vehicle . And as much as I'd like to go driving around Ponyville in 25 tons of pure democracy blasting Sabaton. It's just not practical, I mean, have you seen the mileage that those things have? Plus, look around, I don't see any gas stations!" "We're in the world of magic, we could find a substitute for oil with Twilight and Starlight helping us, and it can and will prevent any hostiles from attacking Equestria. So imagine a dragon, we can't kill the thing without RPG's, but what about 25mm of pure freedom sabot rounds? And if we were to engage with the dragon, the armor alone could protect us." Soviet reasoned. William was unconvinced, " Listen, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I like it when some creature comes along and tries to destroy everything I hold dear. So then I can brutally send them to hell." "Well how about transportation then? We wouldn't have to walk miles and miles to get to where we're going. From what I heard, you guys spend most of your time walking." William furrowed his brow, " Well, I do. Joey usually just flies." The only expensive and dangerous tech would be controlled by only us. The Equestrians don't know what they are or how to make it, and I sure as hell know that Flim and Flam are too busy trying to beat Applejack in a contest, and they may not even know about what we're making because it would be too complex for them to handle." Soviet pleaded. William rubbed his eyes, " Listen I know these creatures, I've been around them longer than you have. They'll figure it out eventually. Trust me. If we're gonna do it, it's got to be in secret." The 2 looked at one another, " Alright." William glanced back at Joey, "I can trust that you won't tell any of your equestrian friends?" Joey swallowed another bite of cake. " Yep. My loyalty is to you." "Then let's get started-" William cut Tankery off, " Cake first, APC later." Tankery then somehow unhinged his jaw and swallowed the huge piece he had on his plate. Everyone in the room was surprised and Soviet had a water gun filled with holy water aimed at Tankery. Tankery gave him a look of confusion , "What?" William looked over at them in concern, " Where did you get the holy water?" He said slowly. "With the power of magic, just summoned it, I don't know how, but yes." Soviet answered. William calmly folded his hands, "Yes how?" "No idea." Soviet responded. William blinked, " You know what? Y'all are from a different universe. I ain't gonna question it. Why did you draw it on your friend? He possessed ? Or are you just weirded out by the fact that he can open his mouth a little to wide for a 'normal' human?" "He fucking unhinged the thing!" Soviet replied. William laughed, " I'm aware of that, sir, have you ever been., or a currently under demonic influence?" Tankery finished his cake, "No." William shrugged, " That settles it. Stop trying to apply logic to stuff like this. Magic and the laws of reality are 2 very different things. You' don't know the true meaning of 'unhinged,' 'till you've seen a certain pink earth pony's jaw quite literally hit the floor. " The 2 looked unconvinced. But William wasn't in a mood to explain any further. " Let's just... go find those damned twins, ok? And make it quick. It's still my birthday." Tankery, sarcastically said, "Well have you seen a raccoon fit in my a-" he was cut off as Soviet answered, "Yes, I'm guessing Pinkie Pie is some interdimensional cosmic being that should be considered as an SCP." Soviet replied. William growled, " fucking degenerate. C'mon, let's see if we can get this thing built 'fore the sun goes down. Nice work on the SCP reference." William waved the 2 along. "Hey, Joey, c'mon! I can't lock up until you're out as well!" The alicorn swallowed the rest of his food, and trotted off with them. "Open up!" William banged on the twins front door. " We need your help with something!" "And why should we help you?" Came a response. "Because I asked nicely!" > Spikes Electric Boogaloo: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was confused on what was happening, besides the fact that Soviet explained how they got there, but he didn't know what else happened after that. So he approached Rarity to ask her some questions. "Hey Rarity?" Spike called. "Yes dear?" said Rarity. "The humans, have you met them?" Spike asked. "Well no, not really. But I did hear some juicy stuff about them." Rarity chuckled as she tried to hide it with her hoof. "Okay..." Spike awkwardly said. "Have you seen them anywhere?" "No, not really. I haven't heard from them since." "Strange..." Spike then moved on to find Twilight, who was at her castle trying to find books about Humans. "Hey Twi, how were the humans?" Spike asked. "They were... Interesting...." She too chuckled as she tried to hide it with her hoof. "That's strange, Rarity did the same exact thing." Spike pointed out. "What thing?" Spike heard a Royal voice from behind him. He looked upwards and saw Luna tower over him, he jumped forwards as he got scared and answered her question. "Nothing! Just the fact that when I mention humans, all I get is a laugh they try to hide." Spike explained. Luna let out a big laugh, followed by Twilight, "Oh dear Spike, if you were older I'd tell you but you're young and I didn't expect Rarity or Twilight to have the exact same reaction as me!" She yelled as she laughed. "Why is that funny? What happened?!" Spike asked as he looked around the room, and he saw Twilight grab a book and tried to hide it. He was curious on what she was hiding, but she noticed that her and Rarity were reading a certain book, and he began to wonder if that was the book. So he set his goals on getting that book to find out what happened. "Fine, I'll go ask Starlight." He said as he walked out of the Castle. > Spike's Electric Boogaloo: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Spike's unsuccessful attempt from getting information, he would approach Starlight to ask what else happened when he wasn't near them. "Hey Starlight, any idea where to humans are? I have no idea what happened when I wasn't near them." Spike asked. Starlight awkwardly laughed and said, "I have no idea.. but not much happened, the guy named Tankery still scary, haven't talked to the Soviet person much." "Weird.. I tried asking Luna, Twi, and Rarity, they just laughed and told me that 'i wasn't old enough' for some reason." Spike explained. "Wait, what? I'll go ask them, not even I know what happened." Starlight said as she ran to the castle. "Okay... Now, where do I go?" He said to himself as he was just outside the Sugar Cube and decided to get something to eat. He walked in, and saw Pinkie Pie cleaning the counter while also baking a cake. She saw Spike and excitingly said, "Hi Spike! What're you doing here?" "Just getting something to eat, since Twilight isn't here, I'll have a cake." Spike responded. Pinkie didn't know what to do with the cake she was making, so she put the icing on the cake and handed it to Spike. "Any clue where Fluttershy is? Haven't seen her in a while." Spike asked. "Yeah! She's upstairs, I saw some of her animal friends go upstairs with her. And yeah, she has been up there for a while." Pinkie answered. "Can I go check on her?" Spike asked. Pinkie pie nodded and she went to bake another cake. Spike carried the cake and went upstairs. He knocked on the door and heard a soft voice saying, "Come in!" Spike opened the door and saw Fluttershy covered with all sorts of animals. He saw Angel approach him with an intimidating face, for a rabbit that is. "Hey Fluttershy, I brought cake for you." He said, giving Fluttershy a smile. A few minutes later, both of them were eating cake, and Spike asked. "So Fluttershy, how do you know the humans?" He asked. She gulped and said, "Well... They did arrive in my cottage before they came here, I didn't know they were dangerous. But after being around one of them, they seem like teenagers. They seem nice once you get to know them." "Interesting, that's the only answer I got from almost everyone. When I asked Rarity, Twilight, and Princess Luna, they all chuckled and tried to hide something from me, saying that I'm not old enough to know what happened between Luna and Soviet." He explained. Fluttershy thought what they could've meant, then she realized what it was, blushed, and chuckled a bit. "Oh my, I didn't know they had that in them. But yes Spike, you are too young to know." She said as she smiled. "Oh great, another one." Spike said as he shoved another piece of cake in his mouth. "I'm going to go visit Rainbow Dash or Applejack. You can have the cake, I'm full." He said as he walked out the Sugar Cube. > Because why not? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " We need help creating a piece of automotive machinery. An engine." The twin scratched his head under his hat. " How much?" William scowled. " What do you mean how much?" "How much are you paying me and my brother?" Soviet popped out from behind him. " Let us inside, we'll talk more then." The door slammed shut again. And the 3 humans turned to look at one another in the evening sun. While they all seemed to be in a good mood, the twins incompetence was getting on their nerves. William's especially. And the sight of his gloved his hand tapping the hammer of his sidearm wasn't a reassuring sight for anyone there. Joey, fortunately, was used to this behavior. And said nothing of it. Neither did William, to him, it was normal. His level of tolerance, was no. But he wanted that APC, and didn't know the first thing about building an engine. Much less a military grade one designed to run on magic. Soviet and Tankery got to both sides of the door, both turned and looked at William, signaling if he wanted to go along with their plan. "We going to breach?" Tankery asked William. "You hate them anyways, might as well get payback to what they did before-" " Ah screw it." William murmured to himself. Raising his boot. "Alright, you can come in-" William barged inside. " Listen here and listen well you freakish abomination." The twin seemed entirely unfazed at remark. So, what with William being, well... William. He did the only thing he thought logical, pulling a cattle prod. " You're going to do exactly what we ask you. When we ask you. Understood?" He gulped. "Well, I'll have to talk to Flam about that-" "Can that ####! No one is going to save you 2, either you make what we're asking you to make. Or-" "Or what?" William hated this unicorns overconfidence. " We'll give you the schematics. No funny business. Or unfunny business." He breathed out heavily, and nodded. " Alright, I'll get my brother." The stress building in William's head disappeared at this statement. And he set the prod to hang on a belt loop. "Huh, that actually worked. " Soviet lowered his gun. William glanced behind at them. " You had your weapons drawn? You do realize that had you shot them. They wouldn't have been able to build the engine for us?" The 2 stopped and pondered the response for a moment. ""Anyways, I'm guessing using your normal voice isn't convincing to getting these two to do your bidding. Voice changers?" William shook his head. "Nope, authoritative yelling. Taking verbal command of a situation. Learned it from one of the instructors at a training course I went to a few years back. Few ex spec ops taught me a few things that you can't get anywhere else in the civilian sphere of influence. " They nodded with a healthy degree of skepticism. " I don't usually talk about it." He sighed and slipped a piece of paper to the now traumatized unicorn. " I want it built and ready in 2 day's time." Without another word. He spun around and slipped back out the front door into the darkness of the late evening. The 2 other humans followed. Leaving Joey behind. The brother gave him a pitiful look, Joey just turned around and walked out along with them. Shutting the door with his magic as he did. " It's quiet. To quiet." William stood out in front of his unlit house. " Well. You locked everything up first, right?" Soviet quipped. William nodded. I did, but this is... different, you'll learn to pick these things out the longer you're in this game." "What game?" Tankery questioned. William ushered him to be quiet. And knocked on his front door. Hey! Any creature in there?" William tapped the door. No response was given. So he reached into a secure pocket on his right hip and pulled out his house key. Which itself was attached to a Nomex keychain. In one fluid movement he inserted it into the keyhole. Spun it 90 degrees, then back again. He twisted the door handle and walked in. His eyes swept from side to side as usual. And as he zeroed out the possibility of any potential intruders, he waved the 3 inside. "Wait, where's Joey? He was here a moment ago." He swiveled his head from side to side. surveying the empty street. "Huh. that's odd." ""What's odd?" The both of them asked. "Simple, when a pony leaves abruptly, their hoofsteps give it away." He sighed, and looked up at the sky. There was a tiny sliver of sun left. and that was soon to be gone. " Y'all can sleep on my couch. Or my backyard. Just don't break anything." He walked back inside, but froze as he did. "There's something in the backyard." But rather than reaching for his sidearm. He just walked up to the back sliding glass door. And pulled back the curtain. "Suprise-" William rolled it back in horror. Standing in the backyard was a cluster of ponies, ones he either knew, or recognized. If that wasn't already weird enough, Celestia and Luna were there as well. Out of the corner of his eye, he just barely made out the shape of Joey. " Damnit, I thought I said no parties." He swore under his breath, and kicked the wall. "Hey, hope you don't mind. But I think I'll just collapse, I've had a long day." William turned around to find Soviet, fast asleep on his couch. Leaving only Tankery. "Wanna go out back?" Tankery scratched his chin, and eyed his friend. The thought of passing out just as he had passed his mind. But flew right by. " Sure. Why not?" He nudged his friend awake. Who angrily sat up, and started moaning about how much he hated him. William pulled the curtain back aside. And was greeted by about 2 dozen equine faces. Without saying a word, he pulled the sliding glass door aside. And stepped out onto the back patio. A cheer erupted from the crowd. " How did you find out?" He asked the crowd. " How did you find out that today, is my birthday?" Celestia was the first to answer. " Well William, you've done so much for Equestria, and I can't remember the last time any creature thanked you for it. So, with the help of Joey, I invited those few ponies which you know. And a few that wanted to thank you in person." William smiled. " Joey, what did I tell you about public gatherings?" His friend returned and awkward smile. " Ah, who am I kidding? This is amazing. Thank you, thank you all." He walked back inside, and a few seconds later, music began emanating from inside. I see the bad moon a-rising I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today Don't go around tonight Well it's bound to take your life There's a bad moon on the rise! William figured Luna and the bat ponies would appreciate that one. He left the house, with the 2 other humans in tow. " Well, what are you waiting for? You just gonna stand there and starve? Eat something damnit!" He asked the crowd. Snatching a cookie off a nearby plater. All the while, Soviet hid behind Tankery, " Oh ####! That's princess Luna!" William glanced over at them out of confusion in a gesture of, 'what the hell is wrong with you?' Tankery tried to calm him down, " Dude, stop. It's not like you-" He stopped in terror. Celestia, Luna, William, and Joey all overheard this and went over to discern what they were yelling about. " William, who are these 2?" Celestia asked our of curiosity. " This is Soviet, and this is Tankery. I don't know their real names. They just kinda... appeared, in my backyard this morning. Claimed they were from an alternate universe." "I see, and, why were you frightened by me?" Luna questioned. Soviet blushed, "Well... I might have had... hehem, 'romantic relations' with my universes version of you." William stood there in shook, trying to process what he had heard, at last, he simply drew his sidearm. " I. Hate. Xenophiles." He pulled the hammer back. " You have 30 seconds, to either explain, or leave." Tankery pulled his sidearm in turn, "So he did kind of stab our Luna because she was stalking us in our dreams. And from what I gathered from before, he was ordered by Twilight to make up with Luna to start a friendship. But what I didn't know, is what the hell happened until now." He said as he moved his gun from William, then to Soviet, and back again. No one, or pony, moved for what seemed like an eternity. Not even the crowd. William glanced over at Luna, then at Soviet, then at Tankery. Then back again. " Really want to try your luck with that gun of your's buddy?" William asked, it was an attempt at sarcasm, created by a brain that was in no way in the mood for it. And was much to preoccupied watching Tankery's trigger finger. And the royal sister's horns. "Well true, but I ain't a xenophile, just look at my search history! And besides, it came naturally and I wasn't attracted to anyone until I actually knew her, like most relationships start?" Soviet asked. William was not by any means convinced. " Interspecies relationships are one of the highest forms of heresy. What religion, you might ask? Well, my own of course!" "So you're calling these equines animals? I'd treat them as if they were human, and if you're religion isn't 12 gauge, then I don't care!" Soviet retorted. William rolled his eyes. "It's not 12 gauge, it's .50 BMG. And I do treat them fairly. Just look at Joey. What I meant by that is you shouldn't be trying to strike up a relationship with one unless you are one of them! Make sense?" William just stood there and listened to them banter on and on. He gave Celestia a nudge. "I'm so sorry you have to sit through this." "Ah, don't be. You should see the things Daybreaker says about me." William blinked, "Daybreaker?" She chuckled. He sighed, and holstered his gun. " This is why I hate public gatherings." He walked over to Soviet and Tankery. And yanked their guns right out of their hands. " You aren't mature enough to have these." He ejected their magazines, tossed them in a dump pouch on his side, and cycled the actions on both of them. " You can have them back when you calm down." Soviet then sighed and pulled out his secret weapon, "Fine." He pulled out a plate of chocolate fudge and Tankery spawned a pair a scissors. "Why do I need this?" Tankery asked staring down at his hands. "I don't know, you're the one who spawned it." Soviet answered. William sighed. " The ####'s wrong with you 2? Just- eat." William pulled Joey aside, and sat down on a lawn chair next to him. " Working theory is they're escaped mental patients. I mean, just look at them! They're more chaotic than Discord!" " Did I just hear something about Daybreaker? Oh god no, not her. I do have a contingency plan to handle Daybreaker." Soviet said to William. Soviet then s manifested a bottle of cold water. " See what I mean?" "And yes, we might be from a Mental Hospital because I was born in Detroit." Soviet added to William's statement. He rubbed his eyes out of fatigue. And dragged him inside. Locking the door behind him. " We have to figure out how to get these 2 idiots out of our world before they break anything else!" Joey scratched his chin with a hoof. "I could ponify them. That'd at least remove a part of the danger." William thought about it for a moment. Meanwhile... "Hey! We may be retarded but we are-" Tankery tried to formulate his next thought, but ironically failed. "And besides, we do come up with things that you haven't thought of, like our tractor, and or turret emplacements to contain whatever threat may come up. And we know how to inspire and give more trust to our allies, for example, the Royal Guards. That reminds me, Princess Celestia, what happened to the Changelings in this timeline, universe, dimension, whatever?" Soviet asked. "Oh, they're our allies now. Well, the ones that survived the attack on Ponyville a few years ago. William massacred them by the hundreds. To be truthful, up until then, I had never quite seen or heard of anything like it." "Your highness, if I may ask, did he try to do this all on his own or did he allow the royal guard to be put to use?" Tankery asked. " He did it all of his own accord 5 years ago. And he asked only that he be sent home and be allowed to return eventually." Soviet looked over at the darkened house." I wonder what they're talking about in there?" "Well, whatever they are. They're missing the celebration I organized for William." The both of them walked over to the backyard door, and knocked on it. " If you were too allow some of the work to be put into the Royal Guard in the defense, the Royal Guard may gain experience from the battle, allowing more experienced soldiers within the ranks. So what I'm saying William, is that you need to put more trust into people, it may help you in the long run. And besides, isn't this part of what you find Equines call Harmony and friendship?" Tankery reasoned. William laughed, and pulled them inside. " Listen here friend . Stop talking to the populace. You can pull this crap back in your own reality!" The room around them was pitch dark. "What do you mean?" " Mind your own damn business and stay the hell out of mind." Soviet got up, " Calm down-" Suddenly, they were both engulfed in a dark blue glow. Joey stepped out of the darkness. His horn was lit. " Uh, William, what are you doing?" He folded his arms. " Listen, you 2 have been causing trouble ever since you showed up. Being that you're humans, and that it was my birthday. I was willing to let it slide. But that comment you made about Luna pushed it to far. I don't tolerate xenophiles. I don't care what species they are. So, here's what's going to happen. Either you go out there, and apologize to Luna, and they send you back to your reality without incident. Or, Joey here turns you into a pony. You apologize, and you get sent home without incident. Heretic or not, I'm no murderer. So, what'll it be? " The 2 paused for a moment as they pondered either choice. Joey looked over at William. "I can't hold this spell forever, you know." William nodded. " I know." He waited for a response. " I don't know..." Soviet stuttered. William sighed, and rubbed his head. " We can change you back if you don't like it. " He scratched his head, "Alright. But Make it quick." Joey ignited his horn. "Alright, here goes something." Soviet recoiled a bit. "Ahhh! It tickles!" "It's gonna get worse." A bright flash of light engulfed the whole room. Temporarily blinding it's occupants. All the while, the partygoers outside hadn't the slightest. As to what was going on, " Sister. William's taking quite a long time in there, isn't here?" Celestia asked. " Don't worry. I'm sure everything's fine. Probably." Neither were worried of course. Well, at least until Soviet screamed. "Probably." Luna repeated. "Oh, everything hurts. " Soviet opened his eyes, and looked around. "Why do my ears burn?" William looked down at transformed human. " Want a mirror?" William asked. What was one Soviet was now a pegasus with deep blue fur and a turquoise mane. Still wearing his kit. He looked down at his hooves, and began to panic. "I can't feel my fingers!" William rolled his eyes. " Yeah, yeah. Trust me, you get used to it. Try standing up." Tankery pulled his friend up to all fours, but tended up collapsing back onto the couch. " I'd like that mirror now." William passed one to him. Even though he was still a little disorientated from the transformation. He could still make himself out in the mirror, "No bueno!" He cried out. "What? What's wrong? You look fine to me." William crossed his arms. "Sorry... I'm just... In shock. Jesus Christ this body is wobbly." He slumped back down on the couch. "Well, you just got it. Give it a chance." His right ear twitched. His right wing went with it. " I'm pretty sure that all this stuff would be suspicious." He threw off his body armor and combat boots. Which were now dangling off his hooves. " Let's go. We're keeping important people waiting." He hopped off the couch, landed on all fours, stubbled, and crashed on the hardwood floor. " Little help?" He looked up at Tankery, who was laughing away at the sight of his friend, who gave him a scowl in turn. " What are you laughing about?" " Yes." "What kind of an answer is that? C'mon William, you help me up!" William pulled him back up, " Gah. How did you manage this?" William kept a hold on Soviet. " Some people just take to having hooves quicker. Ask Joey about it." The alicorn trotted over to him, and looked him right in the eyes. " Huh, we're about the same size. Maybe tomorrow we can see about you learning to fly. " William raised an eyebrow. "Good idea Joey. Maybe I'll join you guys." Tankery looked at the 3 of them with a healthy about of concern. " Eh... y'all can count me out. I hate heights." Soviet's wings flared out as he stood there, he stared back at them in awe. " Wait, am I a pegasus, or an alicorn? I can't see above my head." "You're a pegasus." William said to him, " Want me to let go now?" Soviet nodded. " Yes please!" As soon as William took his steadying hold off him. He took an involuntary step forward, it was a complete accident. But he managed it nonetheless. Tankery praised his equine friend with a healthy amount of sarcasm . "Bravo, bravo!" Soviet rolled his eyes. " If I didn't have hooves I'd be flipping you off right now." William smiled. " I have the same issue. Wanna go outside now?" "Yes." "Sure you'll be ok surround by all the other ponies?" "Y- I don't know. Ah, consequences be damned, lets go anyway!" Joey pulled the door open, and the 4 of them stepped outside. As soon as they did, all eyes were on them. " Well, what are you looking at"Soviet's wings flared out as he stood there, he stared back at them in awe. " Wait, am I a pegasus, or an alicorn? I can't see above my head." "You're a pegasus." William said to him, " Want me to let go now?" Soviet nodded. " Yes please!" As soon as William took his steadying hold off him. He took an involuntary step forward, it was a complete accident. But he managed it nonetheless. Tankery praised his equine friend with a healthy amount of sarcasm . "Bravo, bravo!" Soviet rolled his eyes. " If I didn't have hooves I'd be flipping you off right now." William smiled. " I have the same issue. Wanna go outside now?" "Yes." "Sure you'll be ok surround by all the other ponies?" "Y- I don't know. Ah, consequences be damned, lets go anyway!" Joey pulled the door open, and the 4 of them stepped outside. As soon as they left the house, all eyes were on them, "Well? What are you looking at?" William folded his arms, and took a cupcake. And looked up at the night sky. He glanced back, to find that Soviet had been surrounded by the crowd, all curious as to who the new pegasus among them was. It didn't take long for both them, and the royals to figure it out. Soviet meanwhile, was in quite a bit of distress. " "Que alguien me saque de aquí!" He cried out in Spanish, of course, the crowd didn't understand it. Now, William had taken Spanish back in high school. And understood the awkward situation Soviet was in. " Now now folks, leave him alone." Upon hearing this, the crowd scooted back. " Thanks." He whispered to William, who gave a silent nod. He spun around, and galloped out of the backyard, well... more like quickly stumbled. He was still working on getting the hang of those hooves. Right into the darkened forest. Leaving Tankery behind. " Damnit!" he cursed, throwing his arms up in the air out of anger. "William, what happened in there?" Celestia asked him, " He asked for the transformation. I gave it to him, I don't know why he rushed off like that. Social anxiety? " "Hmmm, Nightshine!" A bat pony lept out of the crowd and stood sternly by Luna's side. "Take Joey, see if you can find our missing pegasus." She looked back at William and Tankery. " Well William? You haven't even touched your cake. Don't worry, they'll find Soviet." The bat pony and Joey leapt off into the night sky. " I should've gone with them. He's my friend after all." Tankery hung his head. " Shut up, and have some damn cake." William passed him a plate. "And remember your manners this time." His mood brightened almost instantly. William sat back down on a lawn chair. "Huh, wonder how Joey's doing?" Meanwhile... Joey and lieutenant Nightshine flew through the dark Equestrian sky low to the treeline. Searching for Soviet. Neither of them spoke to one another. " See him?" "If you're implying that just because I'm a bat pony I can see perfectly at night, you've got another thing coming." Joey chuckled. " You remind me of William.' "How?" "You're both angry. All the time." Somewhere on the outskirts of Ponyville... Soviet tread his way through the dark bushes and trees, desperate to get away from the commotion. As his gallop slowed to a merger trot, when all of a sudden, he came to a stop at the edge of a swamp. This was the border between normal Equestrian woodland, and the Everfree forest. Which spans from southern Ponyville, all the way to the Equestrian- Badland's border. Of course, at the time being, none of that interested him. He slumped down, and looked up at the sky. " Well what do ya know? William was right." As he lowered his head, he caught sight of something sticking up in the mud. He scotted closer to it, and realized that it was the barrel of an old rifle. With both hooves, he yanked it out of the fetid mud, and inspected it. The numbers 3-7 were carved into it's stock. Seeing that it's sling was still mostly intact, he slung it over his shoulder. And, mustering up as much bravery as he could. Turned around and headed back towards town. "Tankery, Tankery! This is Soviet, answer the damn radio!" Soviet tapped his hoof against the plastic device. " If you're hearing this, I found an old M14 in a swamp this the number's, 3-7 carved into it's stock. Figured it was important. So I took it with me. I'm heading back to the house. And by the way, I took a look at my hair. Gah! I'm gonna have to fix it! Please don't chop off my legs when I get back for leaving you alone... what else was I supposed to do!? I'm not wearing... anything!" He took his hoof off the button for a few moments, hoping that his friend had gotten the message. Only, it wasn't Tankery, it was William. " The fur covers everything. And besides, it was you who wanted to, 'blend in,' I got the crowd to stop pestering your friend by the way. You can thank me when you get back." A pair of shadowy figures appeared in the sky above him, " By the way, I send Joey and a friend of mine from the Equestian Special Forces after you, she's a bat pony. Don't be alarmed." The receiver on the radio cut off. And the 2 ponies in the sky circled down to meet him. "Where have you been?" Joey asked, " I don't wanna talk about it." Soviet responded. " Hey, where did you get that rifle?" He added, Soviet was silent as the trio trotted through the dark woods. With only Joey's glowing horn lighting the way. Back to William's house. "What have I gotten myself into? He wondered. As the faint lights of Williams backyard came into view, Joey spoke up again. "By the way, I noticed you've got walking figured out." He gestured down at Soviet's legs. "Huh? I guess I did. Wanna race?" Joey looked over at Nightshine, " What do you say?" She shrugged, " Eh. No thanks, you can go on ahead though." Joey and Soviet froze, looked off at the lights of the backyard. " Go." The 2 of them took off. Immediately, Joey shot past him, not that that was a good thing. He stumbled out into the backyard, and right onto a feasting William. Who just sat there in shock. A second later, Soviet tumbled out of the bushes and crashed onto him as well. " This... doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Good to see you decided to come back, Tankery!" Another human walked over to William, who proceeded to quite literally pick Soviet up, "Here, this belongs to you." And drop him in Tankery's arms, " Set me down!" He cried out, Tankery set his friend down as gently as he could. " Sorry for running off." William smirked, " Don't worry about it, trust me. You get used to it." Soviet was unconvinced by the statement, but went along with it anyway. " Heh, thanks." William pointed at the rifle slung over his shoulder. " we'll talk about that in the morning." He sun around, and looked out at the crowd. " Alright. Parties over, I'm invoking castle law! Good night!" They all looked at him in utter confusion, " You don't have to go home but you can't stay here!" He looked over at the royals. " Until next time William. And to all of you, my sister and I had a wonderful time here. Good night, and safe travels. " They disappeared in a flash of pale light. Per their instructions, the crowd cleared out. " we can clean up tomorrow, let's go to bed. See you tomorrow Joey." The alicorn smiled back, and took off towards his own home. " Y'all can sleep downstairs." They looked at one another, and agreed. He led them inside, and laid out a mattress for them. " Good night, and sweet nightmares." He spun around, flipped off the lights and marched up the stairway. Leaving a the pegasus and human alone in the pale faint moonlight. " Birthdays never fail to disappoint, huh?" William asked himself as he drifted off to sleep. A few moments later, his eyes shot open, he heard what was very clearly profanity, followed by. " Stop petting me! I'm a pony, not a dog!" He chuckled at this. " Shut up! And go to sleep!" > Goodbye, I guess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ahh..." William stretched as he pulled himself up out of his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he went for his curtains, throwing them open, and letting the morning sun in. He sighed as he looked out over the town he had inhabited for the past year. It was almost enough to make him forget the 2 gun toting imbeciles downstairs. One of whom, was a pegasus. "Damnit." He tapped his fist on the window sill as he heard the 2 yelling down stairs. Soviet and Tankery were their names. They had shown up yesterday morning on his birthday. And ever since had carried themselves with the maturity and discipline of 8 year old children. "Hold on, hold on." He fixed his multicam BDU pajamas and opened up his bedroom door. Walking straight past his 'guests,' he didn't say a single word until he had downed a half glass of water. " So, how'd you sleep?" He asked them, putting the cup down on the granite kitchen top. " Terrible, someone," Soviet glared over at a groggy Tankery, "Wouldn't stop snoring." William rubbed his eyes. " Breakfast?" "Yeah I'll have some." Soviet replied. " Me to." Tankery added. " Well? Get over here and help me. I'm not running a damn restaurant here!" They groaned and hobbled over to the kitchen. " Set the table. And help me with the pancakes, you've made them before, right?" He stared at the pegasus half his height, "Right?" Soviet shrugged. " Eh...." "Nevermind. Just make the table." William grabbed a multicam apron from the cupboard, and set off making a half dozen pancakes. Just the way his parents had thought him. Alongside it, he set 3 hash browns. Regrettably, no bacon though. That was something that he would almost certainty have to remedy. " Had any weird dreams?" He asked as he poured the premixed batter into a bowl. " No. Why do you ask?" "That kind of stuff usually happens your first night in Equestria. Don't know why, it just does." He gave the bowl a shake, then gently poured a portion of it's contents onto a pan, setting it to simmer on the stove as he did. At the same time, he also began working on the 3 hash browns. As he did, he pulled open his laptop and set some music to play. " That's odd, usually Joey would've shown up at by this point." William shrugged, " No matter. " Here's the food." Pulled the final pancake out of the pan and divided them between 3 plates alongside the hash browns. " What do you say?" looked at him with blank stares. " Thank you." " Good." They sat down, and began to hack away at their food. " can't believe I'm stuck baby sitting these 2." He shook his head as he shoved another bite into his mouth. Soviet swallowed another forkful of hashbrowns, the pegasus looked over at William, "So William, we must explain ourselves. Our idiocy and annoyance is what we use to find out who is our enemy and who's not. And if we do find said enemy, we'd be able to act dumb around them that they wouldn't expect us to sabotage them..." The 2 proceeded to go on a rant about why he, 'shouldn't send them back to their home world.' William bit his lip, " You sure that's not just the food talking?" He cleared the rest of his plate and set it off to the side. " You can put your plates in the sink when you're done, I'm not a maid. And please, do it gently." "Well, you might as well use us while we're here." Soviet reasoned, William rolled his eyes, and snatched his empty plate up off the table. " I'll make use of you by teaching you how to fly. " He set it down in the sink, then spun back around and switched off the music playing on his laptop. " Alright, now, to the outskirts of Ponyville!" "Why?" Tankery folded his arms as he leaned back against the living rooms southern wall. " You do want your friend to learn how to fly, right? Actually, don't answer." He jogged up the stairs, and came down half a minute later wearing a fully geared out plate carrier, battle belt, and ballistic helmet. " Well? get your boots on!" Tankery stumbled over to the door. William face palmed as the 2 franticly rushed around the room, getting their act together. " Er... Ready." They both stuttered out. "Good, c'mon, Joey's waiting for us." He unlocked the front door and jogged outside. Soviet and Tankery followed followed close behind. William stopped only to lock the door behind him. "Joey!" William waved to his friend, who was currently flying loops around the park out of boredom. As soon as he noticed the 3, he set himself down and galloped over to them. " You 2, don't get yourselves into any trouble, I'm going to go change species. " Joey followed William into a patch of bushes just out of sight. Immediately afterwards, a flash of blue light shone through the trees. About a minute later, the light faded. And out stepped a tall brown pegasus. Wearing all the same kit that William had been. Soviet and Tankery were speechless as he trotted up to them, " So, what do you think?" Soviet blinked. "Uh-" William held a hoof up. " Let's get started. " Tankery, I'd recommend you find yourself a place to sit. We're gonna be here a while. " "Ok." Rather than walking over to the nearest bench. A mere 5 yards away. He just sat down right where he was. " Alrighty then, that works just as well. " He bounded up into the air with a single wing flap. " First, you-" Soviet repeated William's wing flap. And shot up just as high as he ad, a good 12 feet off the ground. Unfortunately, that was all he was able to do. He franticly flapped again and again, just to stay in the air. "Joey, can you? He's embarrassing us." "Since when have you been worried about being embarass-" "Just, set him down!" "Alright, alright." Joey grabbed Soviet by the mane and, 'gently', guided him back to the ground. " I don't know what happened! I just thought of being chased by border patrol and jumped!" Tankery gave his friend a thumbs up, "Good job!" He said, with an unhealthy amount of sarcasm. William facehoofed, and flew down to eye level. " Did you just say border patrol? Ok. We're going to have to talk about that later. Joey, you teach him." " It ain't my fault I'm Mexican! Alrighty Joey, what's next?" He slipped a modified fighter pilot helmet on over his head. " That doesn't matter. You 2 figure out the whole flying thing, I'm off to go harass some clouds. Because I can. I'll be back in about a half hour." William spun 90 degrees, and flew off northwest, towards the outskirts of Cloudsdale. Leaving Soviet, Joey, and Tankery behind. " Heh, reminds me of Tankery's father." "#### you!" Tankery shouted back. Joey rolled his eyes, " Shall we?" Exactly half an hour later... "Alright guy's I'm back-" William froze in mid air and watched as a blue and turquoise blur shot past him. Well, it was more like stumbled past him, if swerving back and forth through the air at 90 miles an hour could even be considered, 'stumbling.' He shook his head, " Hey! Stop!" Joey flew up behind him, " He's progressing rather well, isn't he?" William rolled his eyes, " Sure. You ever thought of teaching him to fly straight?" He glanced down at the ground, far below, Tankery lay slumped against a tree, watching the trio with a pair of binoculars. "Hah, you were right William, this is awesome!" He spun back around and hovered alongside William and Joey. " Glad you like it." William's ear twitched, " Told ta you'd warm up to it." He set himself down on the grassy field. " You can stop showing off now." Tankery murmured, " Hey, I'm not the one showing off," He pointed up at Soviet, who was currently attempting a lap around town. " He is." "I'm hungry. Wanna grab something to eat?" "Sure." Joey responded. The 2 waited for Soviet, who promptly agreed. Together the 4 walked across town to William's favorite dinner. Well, Equestrian dinner. There were a few back on earth that in his opinion, could never be beat. As they stepped through the door and sat down at William's usual spot, a both on the western side of the restaurant. They were greeted by the usual cheery waitress. A tanish unicorn mare with a red mane. Who, despite having served William and Joey multiple times in the past. Didn't recognize him due to his transformation. "I'm sorry, who are you?" "It's me, William. Remember? I usually come in here covered in blood that's usually not my own?" She looked worried, " Oh, William! Didn't recognize you. Uh, pray tell, when did you... get.." She made a circle in the air with her right hoof, directed at William, " Oh, my wings? Don't worry, it's temporary." She shrugged. "Alright, who are these 2?" "Hi, I'm Tankery, this is my friend, Soviet." They both waved, " So, what'll it be? The usual?" William and Joey both nodded, "And for you 2?" Soviet blinked, and looked down at the menu which had been laid out for him on the table. " Uh, wait. What's a, 'hayburger?" Soviet looked up from his menu. William sighed in disappointment, " It's a hamburger, but with hay instead of meat. I'm not joking. I only tried it once. And I hated it, tried it again as a pony, still hated it. Get if you want, ruin your already degenerate level of decency, I couldn't care less." He turned back over to the waitress, " I'll have my regular. potato fries, not hay fries. Grilled cheese, and a glass of water. Joey? Soviet? Tankery?" "Oh, I'll have the same. That, and a flower salad." While Joey was sure of what he wanted, Soviet and Tankery were still on the far side were still debating what they wanted. Mostly, they were going over the menu, and it's many, many unconventional options. " I'm sorry, did you say flower salad? Like, garden flower flower?" William nodded, " Yes. If you didn't already know that. Ponies can eat flowers, and yes, they can also eat grass, don't you dare go munching away on my lawn through." Soviet looked about ready to black out. " This is ###ing crazy, what am I doing with my life?" "Really? After all the stuff I've told you and all the things you've witnessed in the past day and a half you've been here. Your... expanded 'palate,' is what get's you riled up?" It came back with their food. " Uh, sir, here's your food." William swiveled his head over to the waitress, at the same time, the food, which, up until now had been surrounded in a faint yellow aura, was suddenly engulfed in an emerald green one. Here's the money. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a half dozen bits. " Here, this ought to cover me and Joey, hey, idiot's when are you going to order?" "Uh, we'll both have what William had." They answered at the same time. Not wanting to over complicate things. " Alright. " William passed 4 more bits over. " That ought to cover it for them." The waitress smiled and walked off. Soviet kept reading the menu over and over out of boredom, Tankery meanwhile, began petting him. " Stop." Soviet tried, and failed to ignore it, " Alright, you know the drill ." A Makarov appeared on the table before him, Tankery scowled at his friend, "#### you." They both laughed. "Is there some reference here I'm not getting?" William whispered. It was at a time like this he wished he had a fist to clench. " You know, I happen to despise 9x18 ammunition." William growled under his breath, just as the waitress returned with Soviet and Tankery's food. "Here you go." Much to William's disgust they dug into it like wild animals. He wasn't going to complain though, as Joey had often pointed out that he ate his own food in nearly the same fashion. "Oh, it's a Soviet tradition. It's called the red flag, the failed commander who was being replaced must kill himself or his family due to the amount of shame said commander has." William knocked his fist against the table, " I'm part Ukrainian, my family has a rather... hostile relationship with Moscow. Plus, all you said is just another reason for why NATO, and all western countries. Are superior. But that's enough of politics, this is Equestria. And Earth is a whole dimension away!" "Fair point." "So, how's the Bradley going along?" William groaned, " It's not a Bradley, it's a Stryker IFV with 4 axles." Soviet raised an eyebrow, " Ok, it's all the same to me." "We're going over the Flim and Flam's house to pick it up after this. Eat quick." They did not. They took all of 15 minutes finishing their food. And by the time they looked up from their clan plates, William and Joey were halfway across town, about to knock on the twins door. "Oh, oh ####." They both stood up and ran the whole quarter mile. "William, why did you leave!?" Tankery cried out, " I got tired of waiting, help me!" "With what? You can levitate things!" William shrugged, fair point, Joey?" The 2 of them lit their horns, and the piece of machinery lifted up off the ground. Oddly enough, though not entirely unexpected, the 2 unicorns which had made it for them had disappeared. Just to play it say, it was decided that they would take the long way back to William's house. "So, what are you 2 going to do when you get back to your home?" William asked the duo. "Well our dimension of Equestria, I plan on visiting or might as well stay, because no taxes. And if you mean Earth, might as well continue what I was doing before this. I mean, my life is boring." Soviet answered. " Fine by me." William cracked his neck. "You can stay in Equestria, I'm going home." Tankery folded his arms. " You can do whatever the hell you want, once you get back to your Equestria. That reminds me, Joey, could you go get Twilight to have a portal ready for these 2 by the time I get home?" His friend nodded, and hurried off in the opposite direction, taking flight after just 2 bounds. " You know Tankery, you should stay in your Equestria. Trust me, all you need is a reasonable cover story and no one will ever second guess you disappearing for years at a time. Tankery scratched his head, " It's really that easy?" "Was for me." Tankery was silent as he pondered his decision, all the way back to the backyard. Soviet meanwhile, kept asking question after question. Mainly, how William was able to afford all the things he had. Namely, his house, and the exorbant amount of food. " Well, that's easy, I receive a check from the royal treasury on a monthly basis. Which I then convert to bits at the local bank. Curtesy of the royal sisters. Saving Equestria over and over again of my own accord may not have earned me much fame or notoriety, but it sure damn gave me financial security." " And just hove much money are we talking about here?" "Like I would ever tell you, hell, I haven't even told Joey the amount. I'm by no means 'rich,' but it's more than enough for me live life the way I want to live it. Fun fact, did you know there's no deductible on paycheck's in Equestria? Well, that's not true, it really depends on the area you live in..." William went on to turn the conversation into a lesson on the Equestrian financial system. Until at last, they crossed the unmarked barrier onto his property. Gently, he set the engine down on the pavement. " I suggest we get this thing put together before Twilight arrives." "Hey, Tankery, aren't you part Scottish?" William raised an eyebrow. The question had taken him by surprise. " I'm not even going to ask for an explanation at this point." "No, no I'm not." He responded. " So, you'll be able to set this thing up?" "Yes, at least, I think I can." "What do you mean by, 'you think?" Joey asked, he had just flown right up over William's house. " Twilight's taking care of something else. She'll be over here in a bit." William rolled his eyes. Usually, when Twilight said that, it meant she'd be gone half the day. But still, he had faith that she would show up in time. He landed on the grass just a few feet from them, and took a step towards the engine. "Mind if I watch you put it all together?" "Sure." William glanced over at the other 2. " Ready?" They both nodded, and one enormous flash of light later, the massive 19 ton hull of a Stryker infantry fighting vehicle appeared on the back lawn. A few moments later, the engine went in. Completing it. "Oh hell yeah!" Soviet rushed to the drivers seat. I can't wait to try it out!" William held him back. "Hey stop, you may be a pegasus, but age restrictions still apply. And I just happen to be 22!" William gleefully trotted forward. Opened the rear hatch with a wave of his right hoof, and climbed into the driver's seat. " Well, it certainly feels right." He got up, and climbed out of the top, gliding down to the ground. "William!" He swiveled his head to find himself face to face with Twilight. " Uh, what's this?" She gestured to the IFV before her, " Oh, don't worry about it. I need you to send these 2 back to their home dimension. Them and this thing." "Well... ok, are you ready?" William looked over at Soviet and Tankery, who where whispering to each other about something. Though William couldn't make it out. Even with the improved hearing that equine ears afforded him. "Well, we suppose we are." William rushed inside, and came out a few moments later with an old M14 battle rifle slung over his shoulder. " This, is yours." "So I guess this is goodbye?" Tankery asked. " William nodded, " Yes, go. Now." "Can we ever come back-" "No." "Alright! Alright! Twilight lit her horn, and the 2 disappeared, leaving only a vague magical outline where their bodies had once been, gone alongside it was the Stryker. " Well, that was interesting." Joey murmured. " I'm going to miss them." They looked at one another and snickered. "Nah." Twilight just stood there, trying to discern what had just happened. " Is that all?" She asked, " Yes Twilight, thanks for the help." She smiled and teleported away. " I gotta learn how to do that." William blinked, and winced at the thought of Joey being able to follow him wherever. " Hey, want me to change you back now?" It had been a long day, and William wasn't yet ready to give it up. " Let's wait 'till tomorrow. " William spread his wings, and flew off into the horizon. Joey rolled his eyes, and flew after him, only to hear the words don't, " Stop following me!" "Heh, and all is right in the world once again." Joey thought to himself. > Emergency > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soviet and Tankery landed on their feet as they landed on the ground in a forest. It was dark, and what seemed like a dead forest, with skeletons and dead trees and the thunderous clouds above. "Probably another dimension, and god it feels good to be back to being human." Soviet blurted. He also noticed that he was teleported with a ragged bag that wasn't his, so he decided to hold onto it. "Good, they're only pony skeletons." Tankery states as he examined the skeletons on the ground. Loud footsteps and multiple sounds of bones clanking together kept getting louder and louder. Soviet grabbed the old M14 and examined it further to see if it worked. He looked at the chamber and found mud all around it, so he holstered it on his back and pulled out an M16 aimed at the bushes. What came out of the treeline and bushes around them shocked the two humans, it was skeletal ponies clad in armor and medieval weaponry, with the other skeletons on the ground arising, with some ponies arriving out of the treeline that didn't lose the entirety of their flesh, but they seemed like zombies. "Fucking hell, looks like the Dread League!" Soviet yelled. "Zombies!" Soviet added to clear Tankery's confusion. "Shit! This is actually terrifying!" Tankery yelled as he pulled out a M4 Binelli shotgun and started firing onto the zombie horde as they started to charge at the two. "Run!" Tankery yelled as they both started running towards a clearing in the forest, taking potshots at the horde. "Frag!" Tankery yelled as he pulled a pin on an M67 and throwing it back onto the horde that is rapidly approaching them. "Get into the tower on our left!" Soviet yelled as the two ran towards the bell tower overlooking an entire town that seemed to be empty. Soviet slammed onto the wall near the tower's door and started to fire his weapon onto the horde while using his left arm to open the door, allowing Tankery to run in and climb up the stairs, with Soviet following him. Soviet closed the door and saw a nearby chair and a plank of wood, using them to barricade the entrance. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck! The hell is happening?!" Tankery screamed. "I don't fucking know, but wherever that bitch sent us, I think it's another alternate reality and or the future. But I think it's the dread league!" Soviet yelled. "The shit is that?!" Tankery yelled in confusion. "Controlled zombies! Or maybe they aren't controlled, but who knows, I didn't get the chance to know if they actually die from our guns, go be a lad and JFK one of 'em." Soviet said as he was breathing heavily. Tankery looked overhead from the tower's railing and fired a round to a single zombie, the bullet went through the creature's head and it fell on the ground, Tankery then fired a burst onto another zombie onto it's torso but it didn't effect it. "Hey!" Tankery yelled. "Normal zombie rules, aim for the head!" "At least we know one thing." Soviet muttered, he felt around his webbing and felt something in one of his pockets that wasn't part of his original uniform, it looks like it was put on him before he was teleported. "Found something!" Soviet yelled as Tankery climbed down the ladder out of curiosity. Soviet took out the item from a ragged bag and it was a glowing potion with a note saying, "Wherever you may be, use this potion to teleport to another dimension if the situation needs be. Be safe, - Twilight Sparkle." "Fair enough, cover your eyes!" Soviet yelled as he looked downwards and Tankery used his arm to cover his face as Soviet threw the potion onto the wall, with a bright flash of light, there was a portal leading back to their original dimension. The duo jumped through. As Tankery jumped through, he heard a door break open and as he landed through the portal, everything was normal and no door was broken in the room where they were originally teleported. "Shit! Behind us!" Soviet cried as he unloaded what remained from his magazine onto an oncoming zombie. One of the bullets hit it's head as it fell through the portal, with the portal closing behind it. Since they didn't have enough time to calm down, Starlight who was hiding behind a chair after waking up, became onfused and scared, she examined the body. She noticed a very distinct fur color and it's mane,. "No! It can't be!" She screamed in fear. Soviet and Tankery catching their breath, asked her, "What?!" "Thi- this... This is Twilight!" She yelled. The duo looked at each other as they suspected, "Most likely the future now, from what I'm guessing." Tankery stated. "Well shit, now we have zombies to deal with. First we have to stop and oncoming war! Now we have to stop the inevitable now?! I can't fucking do this anymore!" Soviet said as he had a mental breakdown from the horrors of that dimension. "Luna..." He whispered, "Where is Luna?!" He screamed at Starlight as he ran towards her. "She- She's at the Sugar Cube!" Starlight answered. "Fuck!" Soviet screamed as he put his head over his helmet and paved around the room to think. "Okay okay, we don't let anyone know what's happening, I'll stay here and Starlight will help me hide and study the body, you make sure that everything is fine and try to distract Luna and Celestia, and especially Twilight." Soviet ordered Tankery. Tankery took a deep breath and jogged out of the Castle, still in 1980s US Army uniform, and holstering his M4 Binelli. "You guys were gone for 3 days! Where were you?!" Starlight asked Soviet. "Another dimension for a single day, what happened when we left?" Soviet asked. "Well, not much. But everyone is starting to act strange, they don't seem to remember you guys that much and well, Elta is still the same." Starlight answered. "Strange, wait a minute, gotta warn Tankery." Soviet blurted as he ran to get his radio thay he forgot in the room and immediately yelled into it, "Tankery! Hold your position, everyone must now be considered as possible hostiles. Get back here until we figure out what's happening." Soviet warned. Nothing but static for a solid second, until the radio blasted into life with what seems to be an evil chuckle, and the radio literally came to life and hopped onto a shelf. "Oh you humans, you still manage to amaze me. And you are correct! The people aren't who they are, but they've been replaced by Changelings. And phew, hijacking this thing you call 'radios' was hard. But your friend is going to learn the hard way that Ponyville and the royal family members have been kidnapped and replaced. So, good luck to you." The voice said as it chuckled until the radio turned back to normal and nothing but static came through it. "No.. can't be!" Starlight yelled as Soviet was looking around the room and outside the window for anyone. "What can't be?!" Soviet asked. "No no no! That was Discord you were talking to!" She screamed. "Fuck! Now we have to deal with saving the Princesses' and killing Discord. But we need to warn Tankery." Soviet said as he ushered Starlight to follow him outside the castle, running. As they were sprinting, Soviet looked around his surroundings as he ran towards the Sugar Cube. Starlight pointed out, "There he is!" Tankery was behind a house attempting to hide from the populace. Soviet ran up to him and he stopped immediately as Tankery raised a K2 Rifle at Soviet saying, "How do I know it's you?" "Should I tell Starlight your search history?" Soviet answered. "Okay, it's you. And also, NO." Tankery responded. Soviet looked around and also raised his M16 as Tankery lowered his rifle from Soviet and too looked around to see that everyone is staring at them. "Everyone was replaced, except for Starlight. But we'll need to see who wasn't replaced here." Soviet said. Tankery nodded and began to stare behind Soviet, and Soviet was confused so he too looked behind his shoulder, so did Starlight. What they saw shouldn't have surprised them. They saw a physically impossible jumping Pinkie Pie happily jumping around town. Pinkie, or they thought was Pinkie, looked towards them and jumped to the trio. "Hey you three! Everyone's been acting strangely lately, can't seem to remember much this week for some reason. But you do remember, right?" Pinkie asked. "Yes, we remember. And nothing is happening, we'll figure out what's happening." Starlight explained to try to keep Pinkie calm. "Okay!" Pinkie replied as she jumped over Soviet, making him fall and making Tankery laugh as Pinkie ran towards the nearest person. "Well fuck, guess we'll need to get to Canterlot, we need to see if Luna, Celestia, or any other leaders are okay." Soviet explained. "We'll take the train." Starlight added. "Wait!" Both Soviet and Tankery said, "We have an idea!" they both said at the same time. The duo ran towards where they sort of remembered was Flim & Flam's house, and Starlight was confused but followed them anyways. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Flim and Flam's place, we need them to make something for us. If they have a factory." Soviet explained. "They do, they won a factory in an invention contest." Starlight explained. "Even better. We'll need to ask them a favor before we head to Canterlot." Tankery suggested. "Yeah, let's go." Soviet said. > Totally original idea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few minutes of travelling and multiple ponies following the trio in a subtle way, Tankery and Soviet finally noticed that they were being followed so they picked up the pace after leaving the train station, with Starlight leading them. As they finally reached a house, Soviet realized. "Wait, Starlight. Just in case if I say 'Baghdad', you respond with 'Desert Storm. Got it?" Soviet asked as he looked towards Starlight. Starlight nodded and Tankery knocked on the door 3 times. "Who is it?" They heard a voice coming from within a house. "It's me, Starlight." She answered. "Oh, Starlight! Wait hold on.." the voice said as locks from behind the door can be heard bring unlocked. The door opened and it revealed to be a tall pony wearing some kind of carnival themed suit. "Hi Starlight! Uhm... Who are your guests?" He asked. "Oh right! Guys, this is Flim, and Flim, this two are Soviet and Tankery. They're the 'strange creatures' this side of Equestria was hearing about." She answered. "Oh! Well welcome to our establishment. As you've heard, I'm Flim, my brother is Flam. We're happy to assist you in whatever you need." Flim introduced himself. "Well, that's good to know. I'm Soviet, nice to meet you. We do need your help though." Soviet replied. "Oh? How so?" Flim asked. "Well, we need you to make this. Equestria is in trouble and we need it to be made quickly." Tankery answered. Tankery then gave him a blueprint. Flim took the blueprint by using magic to levitate it to him, he read it and he said "The... M3 Bradley, with what it looks like, this must be very important. We'll be getting to work on this." "Good, get going. Meet us in Canterlot in the vehicle, we'll handle the rest." Soviet said. "Got it, go save Equestria. We'll bring this in within 2-3 hours. Good luck you two!" Flim said as the trio left to Canterlot. "Who was that?" Flam said in the background. "Oh, it was those mysterious creatures we were hearing about. And now we have something to make!" Flim said excitingly. The trio arrived on a train station with a train ready to head to Canterlot, with Starlight's influence, the conductor gave her a free ride, also with Soviet and Tankery. "How kind of the conductor to let us ride for free. Probably because we don't have money." Soviet said. "Well, probably because you two are special, and we need to get to Canterlot fast." Starlight said as the train started. "Fair enough. But also, I do have a question. Does Our Town exist here?" Soviet asked. "Uhm.. touchy subject, but I was overthrown by the town for being 'too soft'. The elements of Harmony made me see my ways and here I am. But I must let you out on this secret, Twilight was thinking about opening a school of friendship, and I think I'll become a teacher or an aid." Starlight explained. "Oh, nice. I think I'll want to help out in the school. Tankery?" Soviet looked towards Tankery who was asleep on a seat. "Well... But I nominate him to help you." Soviet said. "Why thank you, and I'm hoping Twilight doesn't go overboard with the rules and such." Starlight thanked. "Don't worry, I'll keep her in check by telling on Celestia." Soviet chuckled. "But I'll keep her in check and if things go south, I'll call you and the elements to calm her down." "Thank you, but also. I feel like we're forgetting someone..." Starlight said as she scratched her chin. "Yeah! Me!" Elta said in a pissed voice as she rose up from the seat to reveal herself. "Yeah! I've been following you guys since you left the castle, I've been hiding because everyone started to act different! Besides Pinkie." Elta explained. "Ah! There you are." Soviet said as Elta gave him a pissed look, locking Soviet in position as she gave off Asian mother energy levels of mad. "Uhm... So Canterlot... Starlight and Elta, go and search for Discord or wherever everyone else is locked up. I'll give you both something so we can talk from long distances." Soviet suggested. "C'mere." He said. Elta and Starlight stood in front of him, wondering what he was talking about. Soviet then did a hand gesture to tell them to keep still, and he placed a small microphone headset onto Starlight and a big one for Elta. "What are these?" Both of them asked. "It's complicated, but it basically does this from long distances," Soviet backed away and turned on his radio saying, "Test, test." The reaction from the two were priceless, their jaws dropped in surprise and shock. "Pretty cool, huh? So just say that you need help and where you are if you need me or Tankery to head to you." Soviet explained. "These are pretty cool!" Elta yelled in excitement as her eyes opened wide and she jumped. Soviet became embarrassed as he looked around to see no one else was on their train car. "Alright. We should be able to see Canterlot from here." Starlight said. Soviet ran to the nearest window and opened it, he stuck half of his body out just to see Canterlot, it was in.... Cupcake and colorful ruins. But what could also be seen was a cloud of black flying into Canterlot. No one knew what it was until they heard a window crack and something land. "Oh shit!" Soviet screamed as he turned around to see multiple Changelings crash into the windows and running towards them. Soviet pulled his M16 and fired single shots into the oncoming Changelings. He looked over to Tankery to see if he was awake and he was very well awake. Tankery stopped a changeling charging at him by putting his foot onto it's face, he then quickly moved his foot to bend and eventually crack the changeling's horn, making it scream. He then aimed and pushed the changeling head's back with the tip of his MP5 and unloaded half of his magazine into it, and firing onto the other changelings. "Duck!" Screamed Starlight as she fired a magical shot to a Changeling that was climbing the chairs to jump onto Tankery. Tankery rose back up and nodded to her and hitting a changeling in the face with the butt of his MP5. Soviet ran out of ammo so he attached a bayonet at the last changeling who was also charging at him, charging his horn to fire. The changeling fired and Soviet just merely dodged it as it went by his torso, the changeling kept running but Tankery put his feet out into the opening, making the Changeling trip and it's head being caught by the bayonet. Elta was trying to hold in her lunch as Starlight tried to look away. "Well, that's what they sent against us? That wasn't so bad." Soviet said. "Ugh, I need to go back to sleep." Tankery stated. "Yeah no, we're almost to Canterlot anyways. Elta, get in the air and scout for us." So it ordered. Elta flew out of the cart from the door while she still tried to keep her lunch in. "Well, that's settled. Starlight, me and Tankery will make our way to the castle. You go scout for us." Soviet ordered. Starlight nodded and once the train stopped and the doors open, the three ran out, but only Tankery and Soviet ran towards a dark alleyway for cover as Starlight ran in the open streets. As the two stopped to rest, they were hiding near a building and in front of them was a huge opening. Soviet looked up and spotted the castle, he pointed it to alert Tankery. Tankery saw and he also noticed that everyone was going about their business as if nothing happened. He moved his head towards them to show Soviet, but both of them had no idea if they were Changelings or not. But just as they were going to run under the shadows, a bystander was passing by them and noticed them. "Hey! It's the strange creatures!" She yelled. Soviet and Tankery shushed her but everyone noticed them now, and they all started to stare at them. So the duo ran for it. "Anything coming up?" Soviet asked on the radio. "Nothing so far.. wait! There's a group of Soldiers heading your way, they're using changeling gear but they're ponies, probably Changelings!" Elta yelled as she circled above. "T-thank you. Just please don't tell into the radio." Soviet said. "Well that's what you get for forgetting me!" She screamed. "That's fair." Starlight interrupted on the radio. "Alright. Let's ambush the coming troops." Soviet ordered. "Elta, where are they?" "Just a street behind you! Brace!" She yelled. "Ow! Tankery, go move your ass towards there." Soviet pointed to a bush on the other side of the street. As Tankery dove into the bush, the squad of Changelings were running past them, Soviet said on the radio, "Open fire." A mere second after his order, the street lit up with gunfire, with Soviet's M60 and Tankery's MG-3 mowing down the changeling squad. "Hold your fire!" Soviet yelled as he stood up, raising his hand. "Clear!" Tankery yelled in response as he too got up. "Enemy squad clear, Starlight, report." Soviet ordered on the radio. "Uhm... I found where everyone is, it's in Canterlot Castle, and you're not going to like this but... I've been captured." Starlight sighed on the radio. "And they're holding spikes and swords at me!" She screamed as the radio cut out. "Shit! Everyone, converge to the castle, we need to move before the Royal Guard tries to arrest us for thinking we murdered their own men. Move it!" Soviet yelled on the radio. Tankery and Soviet sprinted to the towering castle that casted a big shadow over Canterlot. As they stopped sprinting, they stopped in front of the two big doors after the stairs, and they saw Elta waiting for them. "Oh hey guys!" She cheerfully said as the door opened slightly and she was pulled into it. Soviet and Tankery ran to the door, stopping it from closing, Tankery saw the Griffon holding Elta hostage and he raised his newly spawned M4A1 and fired a single shot into the head. "Nice shot." Soviet said as he ran past him patting Tankery's back. > Statue making > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elta was shocked from the gunshot, she was staying still with her eyes open, until Tankery did a slight slap on her face yelling, "Wake up! We gotta move!" He then quickly put a vest on her with an extending pistol from it. He then put on a helmet on her saying, "Okay, just look at the enemy and snap your fingers to fire the gun. What you're looking at, is what the gun is pointing, to, remember that." He explained. Although Elta took offense to the slap, she couldn't get mad after him giving her a powerful tool. They heard yelling, "You two! Get over here!" Soviet yelled with a loud echo from the enormous structure that is the castle. Tankery ran over to Soviet standing near a door, firing, while Elta flew to Soviet. "Shit!" Soviet said as he got tackled by a Changeling, "Wait! Wait!" Elta said as she was panicking and she remembered just then. "Oh right! Look and snap!" She said as she snapped her fingers, with a loud gunshot coming from above her back, making her flinch. The bullet hit the Changeling's head. "Nice shot." Soviet complimented, he then moved the body off him and got up. "Everyone is held up in there." Soviet said as he pointed to the door he was looking through. Tankery was stressed. He looked around the entire room and his breathing became faster and louder."Okay, we're in the middle of a war and we just went through another dimension full of fucking zombies! I can't take this shit, we can actually die! And we're supposed to be saving what was supposed to be a powerful kingdom, and if you were talking about how the Princesses' were powerful, guess who the fuck took them down!" He broke into tears. Elta was confused on what was happening, these two were the toughest from seeing what they could do, and since she now heard that they went through another dimension. She now saw the real them, they're just like her, they too can break under pressure. Soviet felt what he was going through, so he tried to hold back his tears and he went to Tankery who was facing down and had his hands on his knees. Soviet walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, he went down to his eye level, pulled up his goggles onto his helmet, revealing his tearing eyes. Tankery looked upwards to him and saw that he was crying also, "Tank! I know that this is a lot I'm asking for, but we can't leave these people to die under tyranny! Look, the amounts of innocent people- ponies that could die if we don't stop Discord! And I know.. it's a lot this past week. But we can protect ourselves with guns! I can't just leave these innocent lives to die!" Soviet cried as he pointed out the window showing Canterlot. "Well fuck them! Let's leave, we could die here! We cou- we could fight another day, we didn't have time to rest after seeing the fucking zombies!" Tankery cried. "Look, I was there also. But we need to stay strong and get through this, if you'd want to get home, then help me. If you still think not, then go ahead. But you can't convince me to leave these people behind." Soviet got up and caught is breath. "No one is going to be left behind, and I'll have to die before I'll let someone be forgotten" he added as he grabbed his M16. Tankery wiped his eyes after putting his goggles up on his helmet. He got up and nodded to Soviet. They both immediately hugged each other. "It's good to see you back." Soviet said. "It's good to be back." Tankery responded. They both stopped hugging and looked at Elta who was watching them, she her eyes open and she was smiling, she had the face where she would say "Awwww." The two became annoyed, and Soviet said, "Shut up, get over here. I have a plan." Soviet took a breath and spoke, "Alright. Me and Tankery will be breaching and clearing the room. After freeing the Princesses', we'll turn Discord back to stone, while also killing any hostile changeling. Elta, you'll be covering the exit and making sure that people escape the castle safely. Got it?" Elta and Tankery nodded, and Elta stood by the main doors to wait for any people they would free. The duo then ran towards the door where they were keeping the hostages, and they got to breaching positions outside the door. Tankery held out three fingers and counted down. Three... Two.... One... They barged through the door and they fell down a steep wall. They fell on their backs and landed on a what was supposed to be a staircase, but it was smoothed out into a slide as they slid down. They were both confused but they got their balance and got their feet facing down as they slid and both aimed their weapons up, scanning everywhere. They both didn't speak, but nonetheless they saw the floor, they did they best to slow down by putting more friction when they were sliding but it was enough to safely land on their feet. They both looked forwards and discovered they were in the actual room they were supposed to enter, "Welcome, took you two long enough." Discord said in a loud voice. Soviet took the chance to look around to find out where they are, it turns out, it's the actual room. The hostages were tied up, with Discord sitting on throne with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence. The two noticed that they were becoming surrounded by Changelings in their true form, and they both raised their weapons as they did the same. "What the hell do you want from us!" Soviet yelled. "Oh nothing.. just entertainment by seeing people in despair, oh, and also the friendship pact I signed with Chrysalis which Twilight wouldn't say that it's 'actual friendship'. I mean, there was a handshake and everything." Discord said sarcastically. Tankery chuckled a bit, making him lower his weapon, and giving the Changelings have the chance to strike at them, which they did. The Changelings charged at the two but Soviet was already gunning then down when they thought of charging. Soviet then charged to Discord and jumped over a stool, several steps, and then jumped over the last few steps, he raised his M16 and aimed it at Discord while in the air. The Princesses' were in awe at the effort they're taking to save them. Discord teleported behind Soviet, and just as he was about to hit Soviet with his tail. Tankery jumped out on the side and hit Discord in the back of his head with his weapon's stock. "Ow!" Discord yelled with his very sarcastic voice. Soviet jumped from the throne to Discord, readied his weapon to break Discord's nose, Discord snapped his fingers. Teleporting Soviet in front of Tankery, causing the two to crash. The both groaned as they got up, and they both looked up as Discord spawned a giant cupcake to drop on the two. "Oh shit fucking run!" Tankery yelled as the two got up and sprinted away from the cupcake. The cupcake dropped onto Tankery, "Lucky bastard, but in more luckier because Luna was on me instead." Soviet jokingly thought to himself. And Soviet heard a muffled groan, "God fucking damnit." While this was happening, Soviet came up with an idea. Soviet ran to the throne while dodging cupcakes being thrown at him, he spawned a grenade. He pulled the pin and threw it underhand to Discord. Discord caught them and taunted Soviet by inspecting the grenade longer than it should have exploded by now. "Interesting ball, let's play catch!" Discord sarcastically spoke. While Discord was taunting Soviet, Soviet took the opportunity to free Celestia and Twilight. "Go free the rest and Tankery, I'll distract Discord." Soviet whispered to the two. They nodded and the two Princesses ran to the other hostages and started to untie them. Soviet raised his M16 and fired 4 rounds at Discord while running. Discord changed the bullets into birds that flew away. "Oh your cute bullets, I'll never understand why you humans are so stubborn." Discord stated. "Yeah, it's just being human." Soviet answered. While they were having a conversation, Tankery dug out of the cupcake and with only his torso sticking out, he'd use it as cover. He pulled out an MG-3 and started firing at Discord, as usual, Discord tried magic to stop the bullets but there were too much to handle so he dodged a bunch of them. Soviet took this chance to fire what's left in his magazine. He ran behind Discord as he was too busy to notice that half of all of the hostages were gone, and that the other human was behind him. "Keep moving until you see the friendly Griffon!" Tankery yelled as the hostages ran out of the door behind him. Soviet raised his weapon and aimed. He pulled the trigger and unleashed 26 rounds of NATO 5.56mm. Discord didn't have time to react, his torso, arms, and wings were now slightly damaged by Discord's attempt to stop the bullets from Soviet's spray. Discord was pre-occupied and Soviet noticed this, he looked over to Twilight who had just freed the remaining elements of Harmony, he yelled, "Twilight! It would be a good time to turn this guy to stone!" He yelled as he reloaded his weapon and dodged Discord's cupcakes. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence charged their hornes. At their surprise, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow-Dash, and Pinkie Pie stood beside Twilight and said. "You didn't think y'all would be having all the fun?" Applejack states. "Darling, even I need a bit of excitement in my life." Rarity said as she charged her horn. "Yeah me too!......... Wait what's happening?" Pinkie asked. Now, the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses' were emitting colors and a beam came from them. The beams combined into one and was fired at Discord. Discord let out a scream as he tried to use his arm to block the beam, but a bright light engulfed the room in white. As the light faded away, everything was the same, except the distinct statue of a stand Discord. Soviet let out a huge sigh as he let out a "Yes." While sitting on the ground with his back resting on the wall. He looked around the room to see a confused and shocked population that had been freed during the fight. Tankery climbed out of the cupcake and fell down on the floor. He got up and was surprised to be faced with dozens of stares. Soviet walked up to Celestia. "Celestia, Luna, Twilight. It's good to have you guys back." Soviet said as holstered his weapon while walking towards them. Cadence whispered to Twilight, "Uhmm... Who is this and what are they?" Soviet overheard and answered, "I'm Soviet, and I'm a human. I, for some reason, can summon any weaponry and or items. It's good to see that you're okay, Princess Cadence. And my friend over there, is Tankery." Soviet pointed to the cupcake with a bipedal creature standing next to it, picking a big piece and inspecting it by taking a bite. "Well Soviet, I think I speak for everyone here, I thank you for saving us. Equestria is now in your debt. And wait, how did you know my name?" Cadence asked. "Don't worry about it." Soviet responded immediately. "Anyways, you'd want to alert your military about the incident and that Ponyville is fully populated by Changelings." Soviet suggested. "Will do." Celestia interrupted. Followed by congratulations and thanks. Luna walked by Soviet and chuckled, "Not the first time you've impressed me." She could see Soviet's blush through his goggles and balaclava as he became still as a statue, Luna then walked around the castle to find guards to escort her to her room and to secure the castle. And he looked over to Celestia. She had a very shocked look with her eyes and jaw wide open while being perfectly still. Twilight was trying to break Celestia's suddenly halt of movement by waving her hoof in front of her. Celestia broke out of that trance and immediately gave Soviet the stink eye while walking away to follow Luna to question her. Soviet leaned forwards while looking at the left, seeing them as they walk out. Twilight was confused until Soviet tilted his head a little and she noticed what he was doing now. "Hey!" Twilight barked. Soviet was surprised and immediately stood straight up and looked forwards. He looked at her. "Yes?" "Thanks for saving us, I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for you two." Twilight thanked. "Oh, thanks, it was nothing." Soviet chuckled. "I know what you did with Luna." Twilight smirked. "Oh.. that, uhm... Yeah I don't know what to say, it was my first time I might add." Soviet responded. "Well, show us your face, only Luna has seen it." Twilight asked. Soviet chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his helmet, acting as if it were his head he was scratching. Soviet looked right to left and looked back down to Twilight, "Yeah yeah, just don't tell anyone." Twilight laughed a bit and said "Sure, but no promises." "Alright, let's gather the others and we'll get back to Ponyville to clear up things." Soviet said. "True, let's get going, shall we?" She asked. The two walked up behind Tankery, who was still 'inspecting' the cupcake. Soviet grabbed the back of his vest and pulled him to gather the rest of the elements, including Starlight and Elta to catch the train to ponyville. As the group arrived at the gates of the Castle, they opened the doors to what Soviet and Tankery had forgotten, with everyone else's eyes and mouths wide open to this surprise. It was the M3A3 Bradley Soviet had requested from Flim & Flam. "Why hello you two! We'll be heading back to our house, enjoy your present and we hope it comes it handy!" Flim yelled from down the giant staircase. "It'll have room for you all, and it was complex to make, but nonetheless, here it is!" Flam stated. "Thanks you two, stay safe!" Soviet yelled as the duo walked away. As the group arrived at the metal behemoth, they were surrounding it and walking around it in awe, with Twilight studying it the most. Soviet stood behind the Bradley and said, "Alright, everyone in." As he pounded his hand onto a button next to the door. The door opened automatically, causing ponies and griffon to jump in fear. "Alright, let's get going." Soviet said as he lowered his posture to walk inside the Bradley. "I call dibs on the turret!" Tankery said as he followed Soviet. As the group got it, they were surprised how it was able to fit all of them, but there was a question that was bugging them all. "What is this thing?" They all asked Soviet and Tankery. "It's an Infantry Fighting Vehicle from the United States. It's main role is to support infantry and is fully capable of fighting tanks with it's anti-tank guided missiles. And is more than capable to ripping infantry and light vehicles to shreds with it's 25mm auto-cannon!" Tankery yelled as the entire vehicle was filled with loud noises from the engine. Tankery got on the comms as he and Soviet put on headsets to hear each other, and with Soviet's special request, more headsets were provided to the passengers in the back, which they put on. "Alright, let's get her moving." Tankery said, surprising the ponies as they heard his voice clearly on these small big pads that go on their heads. > The Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the steel beast was travelling across an open field, Tankery spoke on the radio. "Halt." Just as commanded, the Bradley stopped moving. "What's happening?" Rainbow-Dash asked on the radio. "Why'd y'all stop?" Applejack questioned. "We're... Lost, I have no idea where we are except we're following the train tracks." Tankery responded. "Twilight, get up to the turret, we need a navigator." Soviet added. "Wait, were lost?!" Rarity screamed. Everyone's headphones emitted her high pitched scream and all of them groaned in pain. "Again, please don't scream into the radio." Soviet groaned. Twilight got up from her seat and took off her headset. She got out of the Bradley after Soviet opened the door. She climbed on the top of the Bradley, with Tankery opening the turret hatch. Tankery turned off his radio and said, "Alright, I have no idea where we are, but there is a huge forest on our left." Twilight rubbed her chin and responded, "Oh, that's the Everfree forest. Just go around it and we'll be at Ponyville." Soviet opened his hatch and asked Twilight, "So where?" "Around the forest and we'll be at Ponyville." Twilight answered. "Copy." Soviet responded. "Get back in, we're moving in a minute." Twilight jumped off the Bradley and went into the back. She sat down and magically picked up her headset and put it on her head. "Around the forest we go." Soviet said to himself, forgetting he had his radio activated. The Bradley started up again and started it's long trip back to Ponyville. Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia finally found Luna walking back to her room. "Luna!" She said as she picked up her pace to walk alongside Luna. The 2 guards following Celestia also picked up their pace, while the 2 guards following Luna continued their speed. "Luna, what did you mean that this wasn't the first time he impressed you?" Celestia asked. "Well, if I must say." Luna continued. The 4 guards escorting them became uncomfortable as Luna continued her story, and Celestia becoming evermore interested. "How's the wife and kids?" One of the guards asked. "They're okay, considering I don't have any." He answered. "Alright... Let's secure the break room and it's food, to make sure it isn't poisoned." Another guard jokingly said as the 4 turned their direction to another corridor headed to the castle's lunch room. Celestia and Luna chuckled as their guards walked away awkwardly as Luna explained what happened. An hour later, the Bradley arrived in Ponyville. Everyone got out as Soviet gazed in his IFV's beauty. Tankery walked up beside him and said, "Dude, stop looking at it or you'll be fucking it." He jokingly said. "Oh shut up." Soviet replied. A familiar laugh came behind Soviet. "That got me, even though it shouldn't have. But Soviet, are you still interested in helping in the school when it opens?" Starlight asked. "Ooh I am!" Pinkie and Elta yelled from the Sugar Cube. "Oh yeah, always." Soviet answered. "Good, because Celestia just gave Twilight the green light to start the process of opening it, and something about the EEA." Starlight replied. Soviet remembered watching that episode so he might know what will happen and he has an idea. "Tell me when things get rolling, but isn't it a bit too early to start things back up again?" Soviet questioned. "Well true, I had the exact same thoughts. But I guess it's to have more good news than the bad news that Canterlot was infiltrated." Starlight answered. "Fair enough." Soviet replied. "I'll be moving around town while that happens, I need to find something. I don't think Tankery would mind that the Bradley is missing." Soviet said as they both turned around to find Tankery half asleep on top of the turret. "You think you'll be able to escort him back to sleep?" "Yeah, I'll try. I'll need a help of a friend though, so you know Trixie?" Starlight asked. "Haven't seen her, no. But I have heard of her." Soviet answered. "But yeah, I'll get going. See you later." Soviet said as he started the engine of the M3A3, making Tankery fall off, still asleep as he hit the ground. As Soviet drove the Bradley, he changed into an M1's tank crew uniform, complete with a CVC helmet and with an added tan balaclava covering his whole face, with also goggles. "I've got the thing, might as well dress the part." Soviet thought. Minutes pass by, and they have slightest the idea on what to do. They are bored, and they have nothing to do. They're all lying on the floor, figuring out fun things to do, it's all quiet in the treehouse. They never left since they've been having 2 days with of sleepovers so they can continue their duties as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but nothing eventful has happened to them. Until they hear the sounds of mechanical whirring and the ground shaking. The sounds of what seems to be an engine gets louder and louder, "Flim and Flam again?" Applebloom called out. "Probably not, it sounds louder and bigger than one of their 'latest' inventions." Sweetie Belle remarked. "It sounds huge, I'm going to go check it out!" Scootaloo said in excitement as she ran over to the window. Her eyes became wide open and her mouth dropped, she didn't know how to feel other than fear and excitement. "Uhm.. you two might want to come over here." "What? What is it?" Applebloom asked. "How should I know? That's why I'm calling you two." Scootaloo retaliated. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran up to the window and their reactions cannot be understated. Their mouths were opened and they gasped in fear and surprise. "What in the hay is that?!" Applebloom screamed. "I don't know, but it's coming closer!" Sweetie Belle yelled as she watched the camouflaged beast move closer to their treehouse. The metal beast stopped in front of their ramp. The engine purred until it was almost quiet, and they didn't know what move to make next. "I reckon that thing sticking on the top is it's neck, but I don't know, let's go check it out." Applebloom ran out of the treehouse and so did Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle slowly walked out as she was very cautious and scared. "Hi! Do you need help with anything?" Applebloom yelled. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were stressing for a response. Nothing but silence came back. "Just what are you?" Scootaloo asked. But this time, a hatch opened with something emerging. A head that was covered with what seemed to be a weirdly built helmet with goggles, and a balaclava looking back at them as half of it's body stuck out from the metal beast. The creature waved at them and jumped off of the metal beast. "Hi, I'm Soviet." He said as he stood in front of the treehouse, with the three clearly shocked from what they're seeing. Soviet was confused and he looked around his body, "What? Is there something on me?" Scootaloo finally got enough courage to speak back, "No.. it's just that we've never seen a creature like you." "Oh yeah, that's right. Have you heard of the strange creatures appearing this week?" Soviet asked. The three nodded. "Yeah, that's me and my friend." Soviet said. "Ohhhhhh!" The trio said in synch. "So what brings you here?" Applebloom asked. "I have an offer for the famous Cutie Mark Crusaders." Soviet answered. "We're happy to help!" Sweetie Belle excitingly said so they finally have something to do. "Starlight Swirl is going to give me a job for Twilight's school of friendship, and I'll need help and I'll count you three as interns and teacher aids." Soviet offered. "Yes!" They all said with their eyes sparkling in excitement. "Well, that's settled. I'll be hanging around town for a bit until Starlight informs me of the progress. You three mind joining me for a ride around town?" Soviet asked. "That sounds fun, I'm going!" "I'll go!" "I'm coming too!" The three said. "Alright, that settles it. So who's going to ride inside the M3?" Soviet asked as he pointed back to the Bradley. They all nodded. Soviet opened the door and said, "Alright, all aboard!" The CMC's ran inside the Bradley immediately. "Put these headsets on so you can hear me, take them off when you're going to leave the vehicle." Soviet pointed. They put on their headsets and Soviet got back into his driver's seat and started the engine. The engine made the vehicle shake which made the fillies laugh a little. "Where to?" Soviet asked on the radio as the doors and hatches closed. "Sugar Cube?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yes ma'am, next destination, Sugar Cube Corner." Soviet said in a formal tone, which made Sweetie Belle feel funny. The Bradley started moving which surprised the three. "How's school you guys?" Soviet asked. "Pretty good, we were supposed to be having a play but we haven't heard from our teacher or anybody in a while, don't know why." Applebloom answered. "Well, what I do know is that everything will continue in a day or two. Call for me if you need any help." Soviet reassured. "Wait sorry, what is your name again?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's Soviet, but I'll let you in on a secret at the end of the day if you all behave, got it?" Soviet asked. "You can count on us, Soviet." Applebloom assured. > The Sleepy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later, Tankery finally woke up, he was in the air. He looked to the right and noticed he was just floating. "Ah, so that's normal." He thought to himself as he noticed his entire body was covered in a magical aura. "Uhm.... What's happening?" He asked to particularly no one. "He's finally awake." A slightly higher pitched voice replied. "Tankery, you're finally awake. We were supposed to bring you to bed. But I guess you're awake so might as well let you walk on your own." Starlight explained. They lifted Tankery from laying down up to him standing up, finally slowly letting him touch down on the ground. "Thanks for carrying me, didn't know- wait, where is Soviet and the Bradley?" He said as he looked around. "He went to visit someone." Starlight answered. "Makes sense, but who is this?" Tankery asked. "Oh, this is my friend-" Starlight was cut off by... "The great and powerful, Trixie!" Trixie exaggeratedly introduced herself. "Ah, so you're Trixie..." Tankery muttered to himself as he remembered what Soviet had told him when he first watched the show. "Anyways, while everyone is busy, want to go see the border with the Changelings?" Tankery asked. "I'm good, I'll stay." Starlight answered. "I'll go! How great and powerful I am, I do get bored too." Trixie answered. "Fair enough. Alright Trixie, let's go catch that train. But let's find Elta on the way there." Tankery said as he followed Trixie to the train station. Starlight forgot something and she rubbed her chin, "Now what was I supposed to do...? Oh that's right! I need to tell Soviet about the school!" Starlight said as she ran to the sounds of the loud engine from the Bradley. Which was surrounded by a curious crowd at the Sugar Cube. She squeezed through the crowd, she finally got through as she got in and saw Pinkie Pie, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sitting down and having conversations, besides Pinkie Pie and Soviet who were in the kitchen baking. "Uhm, hey you three, what is Soviet doing?" Starlight asked as she heard a voice from the kitchen saying, "I'm baking!" "Yeah, he's trying to bake cookies which aren't that tasty." Sweetie Belle remarked. "Yeah, it's for Tankery!" Soviet yelled from the kitchen, "and I heard that!" The CMC's and Starlight chuckled a bit. "No bueno!" Soviet yelled as they heard Pinkie Pie scream, "Surprise!" Which made the four laugh out loud. Soviet ran out of the kitchen, he was still in his tank crewman uniform and equipment, but he was covered in flour and an apron, and not to mention the chef's hat on his helmet. "Yeah no, I ain't baking again." He said as he pointed his finger to the kitchen. But a menacing pink figure jumped out of Soviet with a worried face, "Are you sure?" Pinkie asked as she jumped in front of him, causing him to jump and fall down. Which didn't help the four laughing at them, causing them to laugh until they were on the ground. Pinkie looked at Soviet in the ground and said, "Are you okay?" Which lead for Soviet to responded with a thumbs up. "Alright, I'm heading out. Pinkie, I'll take 10 cupcakes with me. And tell the Cakes I said hi, and throw my baked cookies in the trash, I learned from my mistakes and constant screaming fighting the dough like it was Cerberus. I'll see you later Pinkie.' Soviet said as he grabbed the box of cupcakes and hung his apron and chef's hat on the counter for Pinkie to use later. "Alright! See you later!" Pinkie said excitingly, as always. "You three, let's go. And Starlight? What're you doing here?" Soviet asked. "Oh right! I'm here to remind you that Twilight got in a bit of trouble with the EEA and the school got canceled, and she's in her room in her castle, her friends are trying to comfort her to start up the school again as we speak." Starlight explained. Soviet almost choked on air and said, "Jesus, that late already? We better get going, everyone in the Bradley?" Soviet said as he ran with the cupcakes and got into the driver's seat in the M3A3, while opening the door in the back. The rest followed suite, and the surrounding crowd cleared away from the street the Bradley was in so it can move as Soviet revved the engine. "Everybody in?" Soviet asked on the radio. "One, two, three... Yeah we're all in." Starlight counted the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they put on their headsets. "Where are we going anyways?" Starlight asked. "To the school, I have a plan." Soviet said as he put the Bradley into full gear to speed up. "Question, where is the school?" Meanwhile with Tankery, they arrived at the train station with Tankery getting out his radio. "This is Tankery, calling for Elta." "I'm here. How are you?" Elta asked. "I'm good, but wanna go to the border to check on the Changelings and Griffon armies?" Tankery asked. While they here having a conversation, Trixie was confused and amazed from the radio. "What kind of sorcery is this?" She whispered to herself. "Yeah! I'd love to go." Elta answered. "Alright, I'll see you at the train station." Tankery responded. He got off the radio and patiently looked in the sky for Elta to appear. "What are you looking at?" Trixie asked. "A friend, she's going to fly over here." Tankery responded. "Is she a pegasus?" Trixie asked. "Nope, a Griffon." Tankery answered. Trixie gasped and said, "The enemy?! Why are you bringing the enemy here?!" She screamed. "Shush, she's peace supporter and despises the Changelings and Griffon leadership." Tankery answered. As they awaited for Elta's appearance, they sat around the station as more ponies passed by and looked in curiosity. As the crowds cleared, wings being flapped can be heard. "Hi!" Elta said in a very happy tone and face, considering what's happened. "You're finally here. Now, let's get going shall we?" Tankery stood up and walked towards the newly arrived train. "Next stop, Vanhoover! All aboard!" The train conductor yelled. The walked inside the train, as Tankery felt weird. He's been thinking that he'll be attacked at any moment but no, he now feels like this is normal for him. To be around ponies and travelling with them, he's just 16 and he hasn't been travelling this much since forever. 2 Hours passed by since the train has first started it's travel. Tankery, Trixie, and Elta have been conversing with each other and getting to know one another, but the train halted. All of them were surprised since they haven't been paying attention to where their stop was. "We're already here?!" Tankery said in a very confused voice. "Seems so, but let's hurry up. Can't have the train leave with us still in it." Elta suggested, as the three rushed out of the weirdly empty train car. Tankery looked in the distance on the right and saw a city, "Must be Vanhoover." He muttered. "Yup, that is, but the border is this way." Trixie interrupted. She pointed at the clearing, but a convenient treeline was near it. "Alright, let's get moving." Tankery said as he started jogging towards the forest, with Elta flying still with her modified vest and Trixie sprinting to catch up with Tankery. Meanwhile in Ponyville... "You cannot open the school, under EEA guidelines!" Chancellor Neighsay yelled. "That may be true, but this isn't a traditional school! It's a school of friendship where all are welcome, and the EEA has no control over this!" Twilight retorted. Meanwhile in a nearby bush... "You see anything?" Soviet asked on the radio. "Yeah, they're arguing. Doesn't seem good. But it seems that Twilight is making a stand against him." Starlight answered. "Show time." Soviet said as he got back into his 1960s USMC uniform with a green scarf and black tinted goggles that no one can see through outside. He asked, "You think you'll be able to drive this thing?" "Uhm... Yeah no." Starlight awkwardly answered. "Hey, three amigos! You three ready to drive this thing?" Soviet asked as he opened the hatch to see three bored fillies lying on the grass. Their eyes opened up and so did their smiles, they immediately ran inside of the Bradley and Soviet guided them on how to move the vehicle. "Okay you see this thing? It's like your scooter handle, and you tap Applebloom's head for her to move the Bradley forwards or to stop. Got it?" Soviet asked. Scootaloo nodded. "Okay, Applebloom, this peddle you need to push to move this thing forwards, got it? And Scootaloo will tap your back to move and to stop." Applebloom nodded and Soviet saw a very bored and disappointed Sweetie Belle. "Sweetie Belle, you tell these 2 on what to do when I signal you, got it? You'll use the radio to instruct Scootaloo who is controlling Applebloom. Don't do anything stupid." "I won't." She assured. Soviet had a big smile under his scarf as this is one of the cutest things he's ever seen. Soviet tapped Sweetie Belle's shoulder and motioned his armed up and down, giving Sweetie the signal. She panicked for a bit and said, "Uhmm.. uh- Scootaloo, forwards." Which Scootaloo then tapped Applebloom's shoulder, which she then pushed the pedal as hard as she can. The Bradley started moving, which startled the group in front of the school. "What in Equestria is that noise?" Neighsay questioned. Applejack and Rarity remembered the noise, but it was at the tip of their tongue. "That noise, it's very familiar.. but where is it coming fro-" Rainbow-Dash cut off Applejack. "Behind us!" Everyone there looked at the forest treeline, with a big outline where the mechanical sounds were coming from. The outline became bigger, they couldn't see what it was because it seemed to be camouflaged. Applejack gasped as she knew what it was, "It's the M3A something!" She yelled. "Uh oh.." the Mane 6 said in unison. "Why are they here now?! What's happening?!" Rarity asked. "Whatever it is, I'm sure they'll help." Twilight stated. "What is that? Who are 'they'? Its your school! It's bringing dangerous creatures to Equestria, this will be our downfall!" Neighsay yelled. Everyone was surprised and shocked that the Bradley stopped right next to Twilight, but inside the Bradley, Soviet got back on the radio. "Starlight, aim the turret and gun to that EEA guy." He ordered, which Starlight did. Neighsay was confused and tried to gather sense on the situation. He heard and stared down the 25mm cannon until fast footsteps were heard. It was Soviet, he ran out of the Bradley to go in front of it to confront Neighsay. Soviet raised his weapon and stood tall in front of Neighsay. A 25mm cannon and a M16A1 both aimed at Neighsay's face, didn't usually mean that he'll win. Soviet put back his voice changer after a while, when he was in the Bradley. He set it in his famous combine voice, "Twilight, what's happening here?" He turned his head to Twilight. "This is Chancellor Neighsay, he is preventing our school from opening because it does not apply to his EEA standards, which this school cannot and will not follow." Twilight explained. Soviet nodded and faced back to Neighsay. Until Starlight found the Bradley speaker, "You'd better leave or we'll let a human change your mind by any means necessary." Neighsay thought of this as a simple threat, until, "Alright, fuck it." Soviet fired a shot to the ground in front of Neighsay. Neighsay was shocked and now scared from the loud noise the gun emitted, and the hole it made in the ground. Soviet lowered his weapon and started to point. "Next time, it's going right here." He put his finger in between Neighsay's eyes and pushed his head back with the finger. "And this school of friendship is made to make and learn about friends! Griffons, Yaks, Ponies, all species are welcome here. The EEA has no control over this school, anymore!" Twilight stated. Neighsay was now scared, he didn't know what to do next besides opening a portal with his EEA medal. Which he did, when he opened the portal, he stated, "This isn't over!" He said as he went through the portal and closed behind him. Soviet noticed this and didn't care, he moved up to the gate with fence cutters. He approached the magical lock and tried to break the lock, he squeezed on the lock with the cutters but it launched him back to Applejack. He landed on the ground and fell in front of Applejack, which she looked down to check if he was okay. "Hi." Soviet said. "Uhm.. you okay?" Applejack asked. "Am I still in one piece?" Soviet said as he looked around his body and said, "Yeah, I'm okay." Making Applejack laugh a little. Twilight and the rest walked up to Soviet. "Thank you for helping us, we didn't know how else to get rid of him. Although very aggressive, it's effective." Twilight thanked. Which lead to everyone thanking, "No problem, just tell me when someone needs help with anything. Soviet said as he went back inside the Bradley. Soviet sat down on the seats and got on the radio comms. "Dismount." He ordered, and just as he left the Bradley, the CMC's did too and did Starlight. Soviet finally took a gaze at the school and he was in awe, and so we're the other four. "Now that's something." Soviet said as he got lost in it's majestic architecture. The other four nodded. "Well, it's not open yet but-" Rainbow-Dash was cut off by something big landing. A big white beautiful, who am I kidding it's Princess Celestia. "My dear Twilight, I'm incredibly sorry that I'm late, important business. But now that you've dealt with Neighsay since I don't see him here.." she said as she looked around. "I'll just be on my merry way once I unlock the EEA lock." Celestia said as she fired a bolt of magic onto the lock. "Now it's open, I'll need a day to prepare for the official Grand Opening." Twilight said as she looked back on the building. "Anyways, Soviet? I heard you and Tankery would like a job here?" She asked. Soviet nodded. "I have a position for you, since Starlight will be the counselor. You two will be helping her." Soviet looked at Starlight and remembered that she'll be very bored since no one came to her for help, unless if it was important. "I'm guessing we'll have a lot of free time." Soviet said. "I looked at the number of students, it doesn't seems so." Starlight retorted. Soviet hid his smile as he knew she'd be dead wrong on that. "When do we start?" Rarity asked. "Tomorrow, but I'll need help setting up, you and Tankery go gather supplies. We'll be happy to lend you the Counselor's budget for the supplies." Twilight added. "Uh oh.." Starlight's facial expressions said as she worried they might overspend. "Don't worry, I'll barely use it unless need be." Soviet assured. Starlight let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, that settles it. Soviet, go find Tankery and prepare, the rest of you need to come and help me, except you Princess Celestia." Twilight ordered. The others followed Twilight into the building while the Cutie Mark Crusaders got back into the Bradley. But Soviet halted Starlight and whispered to her, "Find a summoning spell for alternate dimensions. I have an idea." Starlight nodded and continued to follow Twilight. Soviet then approached Celestia. "So, how's Luna?" He asked. "She's happier than I've ever seen, seems like you've influenced her once tired behavior." Celestia answered. She leaned over to Soviet and whispered in his ear, "I know what you did." Soviet then stood perfectly still and Celestia chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, unless if you hurt her. But I'll be heading back to Canterlot. I wonder where your friend is..." Celestia said as she flew away. "That was short.." Soviet said as he walked back into the Bradley. "I wonder what that machine was.." Celestia thought to herself as she flew away. Back on the ground, Soviet was thinking about Luna. Until, "Wait, where the hell is Tankery?" Meanwhile in a forest treeline... "So those and those are Griffon?" Tankery asked as he pointed out which was which. Elta nodded. Tankery withdrew his arm back into the bush. He was in a ghillie suit with a silenced G36. "So it seems they're starting to gather more and more, scout, you're telling me there were only three large groups?" Tankery asked the Royal Guard scout who was ordered to stick with them. "Uhm.. yeah. There were three small groups but now they're starting to build bases." The small scout said. "This is bad, so they're going to attack soon. I'll need to inform Soviet to alert Canter.... Canterlet? I don't care, Elta, get the radio and contact him. We need the M3A3 here." Tankery ordered. He got up and started to change positions and spawned a mortar and a M240. "Trixie, do you know how to shoot these?" He pointed to the M240. "No, but I have a general sense on what they do. But the Great and Powerful Trixie is more than willing to learn." Trixie answered. Tankery sighed and gave her an empty M9 that she carried using her magic. "So you see this? This is the grip. This thing is the trigger, only pull it if there is an enemy in front of you, nothing else. If you pull it on someone else than the enemy, then you killed an innocent pony. Got it?" Tankery instructed. Trixie gulped but tried to keep her strong but annoying appearance. She pulled the trigger when Tankery signaled her to shoot. Nothing came out but Tankery congratulated her by saying, "Good job, now you know how to shoot a gun. This thing is a machine gun, it fired hundreds of rounds per minute, I think. I don't remember but it can move down an entire crowd before reloading. Only shoot if the enemy is advancing, and tell Elta if something is happening so she'll radio me." Tankery instructed. "Gotcha." Trixie responded. "Good, now you scout, go report to your C.O. about our defense line here, and the growing presence of enemy troops." He ordered. The small scout sprinted out of the forest and ran to Vanhoover. "Now, I need to get some rest." Tankery said as he walked to an reasonable distance to climb a tree and to sleep. > Request > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie was bored from keeping watch and wandered the forest a bit, she heard groaning but she didn't know where. She yelled, "Who's there?!" She frantically looked around as she was frightened that the groaning wouldn't stopped. Until she heard branches breaking above her and a human clad in black tactical gear falling on the ground in front of her. Tankery groaned as he was asleep until a slight waking up on a tree branch and falling down. "Hey." A muffled Tankery said as he raised his hand hoping it was Trixie or Elta. "Tankery?!" She screamed. She cleared her throat and said in a calm voice, "Tankery? What're you doing here? Were you asleep?" Tankery sat up and said, "No... Yeah I was. I haven't been able to get much sleep. And besides, nothing happened while I was asleep." Tankery looked upwards and noticed, "Besides the fact that it's night time." The light from the moon was shining on them through tiny cracks from branches and leaves. "So, what has the enemy been doing?" "Staying still as you last saw them. I think, but I'm never wrong." Trixie answered. Tankery had a doubtful face on him and said, "Sure... Let's go check on Elta in case anything happened." Tankery got up and started jogging to Elta's last known location. As he arrived at their MG nest, he saw Elta asleep on the ground. He turned and looked outwards from the treeline and saw the vague outlines of camps and small lit campfires. This gave him an idea, he grabbed his radio on his vest and spoke on it. "Soviet, this is Tank. We got camps of enemy troops near the border. I need you to get the radio to Celestia or whoever the fuck is in charge." Meanwhile in Ponyville, Soviet was shopping with Starlight for supplies for their office. Soviet got the message and replied, "This is Soviet.. Celestia is in Canterlot. I'll send Dash to deliver the message. Best I can do, what do you need approved?" Soviet asked. "Artillery strike on enemy formations." Tankery replied. "Hold until approval, report any major movement or enemy scouts." Soviet answered. "Roger." The radio replied. "I wonder if Elta is with him." Starlight questioned. "Probably, she might be the only one he trusts the most here." Soviet replied. "Anyways, what time is it..." Soviet looked at his watch under his sleeve, "8 PM?! That was fast. We only went out for supplies. But I might miss the First day of school because I need to visit Canterlot to see Luna. Haven't seen her much since Discord. The CMC's will cover for me." Soviet explained. "Sounds good, I'll tell Twilight. But you're going to surprise the students when you get back. Wear something nice for once!" Starlight jokingly yelled. They both laughed as Soviet nodded and silently said "Yeah.." "Anyways, we need to drop these off at the office." Soviet said as he raised the several bags of supplies he was holding so Starlight wouldn't carry much. "And quickly, they're heavy." Soviet's voice started to sound like crying, but she knows he's faking it for a humor effect which she slightly chuckled. "Fine, let's go." She chuckled. The duo walked from outside of a store, through a calming town with the bright night sky with stars bring visible, streets lit by streetlights and house lights, and barely anybody outside except for a few ponies wandering around. Soviet let out a sigh and said, "Wish Luna was here. But I'm thankful you're here too." He said. "What an awful nice thing to say... What do you want?" She said as she suspects he wants something from her. "Nothing, it's just that I get emotional at times like this. But a hug would be good, but later. I could vent what I'm feeling, but that would waste your time." Soviet explained. "Well, that's.. new. You can vent to me, but not in public because obvious reasons. Didn't know that you had deeper emotions that us, we mostly don't have much to handle or bottle up our emotions on. But you can lay it on me once we get to the office." Starlight explained. The duo continued walking to the school. Almost half an hour passes and they finally arrive at the steps of the School of Friendship. They walked up the steps and Starlight opened one of the main doors for the struggling Soviet to pass through and rush to their office. "Finally! Now I'm going to sprint to the office because these are heavy." Soviet then sprinted down a hallway. Starlight was going to speak until Soviet ran back and asked, "Which way to our office?" Which Starlight pointed with her hoof which turns out to be the opposite hallway Soviet ran down. As he ran, Starlight chuckled and followed him. She reached the end of the corridor and saw a confused and lost Soviet at the corner. Which Starlight then pointed her hoof to the door with a sign clearly saying, "Counselor's Office". "I knew that." Soviet said as Starlight opened the door with her horn. "Yeah, sure." She said while she moved aside to let Soviet go in the door. "Totally." Soviet added as he walked in, with Starlight following after. The room was sort of empty, except a desk with a chair behind it and 2 in front. And multiple pictures on the walls, next to 2 full bookshelves filled with various books. Soviet put down the bags and said, "So this is our office." As he sat on one of the two couch seats in the corner. "Yup. We're going to be working here for a while." Starlight added. "Oh Jesus, that reminds me. Is Twilight or Rainbow usually awake at this time?" Soviet asked. "Think so. Why?" Starlight asked. "It's important. Sorry but I need to go. See you tomorrow." Soviet excused himself by running out of the school. "Either he was speaking the truth, or to skip unpacking..." Starlight sighed as she raised the supplies out of the bags. A few minutes later, Soviet arrived at Twilight's castle by sprinting. He rushed in and started running to the throne room. He rushed through the door and saw a bored Twilight looking at the map table. Her curiosity peaked as Soviet basically bashed through the door. "Twilight!" Soviet yelled. Twilight began to get scared from his scream and him trying to catch his breath, she asked, "Yes? What is it?" "I need you to tell Rainbow to give a message to Princess Celestia." He approached Twilight. "Sure. What is it? Is it important?" She asked. "Very." Soviet replied. They both heard footsteps behind them and it was approaching fast. "I heard message, so I brought this!" Spike brought a typewriter. "Spike? Were you eavesdropping?" Twilight asked in a serious tone. Spike nodded no and Twilight scoffed a little. "Soviet, I don't think it'll work. We used to use it but it's not made for ponies and it's broken." She warned. Soviet picked up the typewriter and placed it on the table and hit it on the side with the palm of his hand. It made a loud cling noise that spooked Twilight and Spoke, and Soviet began typing on it and it started to work, which surprised the duo. Soviet muttered as he typed. "Dear Princess Celestia, Tankery has begun a scouting mission at Vanhoover at the border. He requests an artillery attack as retaliation for the scout infiltration a while back in Ponyville. He has reported multiple enemy troops massing at the border, both Changeling and Griffon. A fire mission would be more than enough to disperse them, and justification would be trespassing into Equestrian territory. I await your orders to pass onto Tankery. From, Soviet. And if I may add one more thing, don't tell Luna that I'm going to be in Canterlot tomorrow." Twilight became worried until the sneaking into Canterlot part to surprise Luna which made her smile. Until she realized, "Wait! You're not going to be at the school tomorrow?" She asked. "The day after to surprise the students. It'll make you have a nice look that a 'HERO OF EQUESTRIA' is working at your school." Soviet said in a manly voice to quote the hero of Equestria on the school paper Sweetie Belle attends. This made Twilight chuckle. Soviet pat Spike's shoulder and said, "Thanks for the typewriter dude. I'm going to be catching the train, see you two later. And Twilight? Give that paper to Rainbow Dash." He got up and grabbed the paper from the typewriter and placed it in front of Twilight. He did a short salute then placing a radio on the table, then he jogged out of the Castle to the train. > The Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rises to replace the night sky, and Soviet had just boarded the morning train to Canterlot. He looks at Ponyville and thinks, "Am I going to stay here?" He wonders if he's going to spend the rest of his days here or not. Earth, he loves it with all his heart and is always patriotic with Humanity. But here, he can assert dominance and spread the influence of what he can essentially do is create his own nation. He wonders what he might call it if he did, the UNSC? Stargate? Who knows, but what he must focus on now, is Luna. He sees a dash of rainbow heading towards Canterlot. The sun rises behind it, causing the outline of Canterlot to be as beautiful as ever. The train started moving as Soviet sat down on the seat. He'd put down his Alice pack next to him and placed his M16 to lean on his left leg as he leaned his head on the window. He closed his eyes for a bit and opened them again, to see a snowflake land on his window. Soviet let out a sigh and thought, "Tankery would hold off those bugs after I spend time with Luna, right?" He then placed a radio box next to him on the ground in case Tankery would call in again. He closed his eyes as the chugs of the train started to get louder as he fell asleep. Tankery pulled a stick and started to draw on the ground. He drew defensive positions and possible enemy movement so he can set defenses to counter them. He instructed Trixie and Elta, "You two, I need you gals to stand on these 'X's marked here. You two are going to be standing on places I should add defenses to so I don't lose track, got it?" He asked. The two nodded and Tankery ran to start digging a machine gun nest. Trixie and Elta ran off to stand on their positions. Tankery looked upwards and saw snow starting to fall, so he got into late Cold War Winter BDU so he can at least stay hidden. Tankery got on the radio to contact Elta to inform her, "We're only here to deliver the fire mission, then we're heading back to Ponyville. Because apparently I was nominated to be working as a counselor in Twilight's school." Elta replied, "That sounds cool! At least you got something to do, and I think Soviet is really loving this world. He seemed to be enjoying any interaction he's had. And what is a fire mission?" She asked. "We bombard their area with artillery, mortars, and aircraft in most cases. Depending on who or what you ask." Tankery responded. "Interesting, so when are we going to launch the attack?" She asked. "When we get a response from Soviet. Don't want to act too hastily without informing Canterlot. Oh and also, don't freak out when you see me in white, since it's hard to see me in this." Tankery explained. An hour later, the train stops and Soviet wakes up with ponies staring at him in fear, confusion, and curiosity. Soviet looked out the window and confirmed it was a snowy Canterlot. He holstered his M16 and grabbed his Alice pack and radio box. He moved through the crowded of ponies staring at him and occasionally apologized for accidentally bumping into somepony. Soviet got out of the train and looked up at the snowy skies, he looked at his sleeve and noticed he was still wearing his woodland camo. He immediately switched to the same uniform Tankery is using, but doesn't know that he's using it. He then marched to Canterlot Castle, although not knowing where the castle is this time since he's alone. He approached a stylishly dressed pony who looked familiar, he tapped her back and asked. "Hello, I wou-" he paused. He was shocked to see who was here in front of him. The pony turner around and asked, "Yes, Dear-" she too paused as she too was shocked on who was here with her. "Rarity?!" "Soviet?!" The two screamed each other's names in shock and Soviet asked, "Shouldn't you be at the school?" "Tomorrow, because I'm still getting supplies and my classroom won't be open until tomorrow. But now you owe me an explanation, shouldn't you be there too?" She responded. "I'm visiting Luna, and I'm going to surprise the students by coming in late tomorrow, none of them know that I'm working there too. But, any idea where the Canterlot Castle is?" Soviet asked. Rarity chuckled as she knows that he is really into Luna, she took a look around and pointed, "Go straight and take a right, then go straight from there. I'll leave you two lovebirds to your own procedures. I'll see you tomorrow then." "Yeah, stay safe. Oh and Rarity, try spending more time with Spike. Trust me." Soviet said as he turned around and headed towards the castle. Rarity looked confused for a bit and just said, "Uhmm, I will! Good luck!" Several minutes pass as Soviet takes in the view and scenery of Canterlot and occasionally saluting to patrolling Royal Guardsmen. Who just like their citizens, stared in confusion but the higher ranking officers who knew who he was and saluted back. Soviet found a flower store on his right and had an idea. Celestia had just gotten Soviet's letter and thought to herself. "I wonder what this is. A letter to Luna? Who knows..." She took a look at the letter and read the title of the paper. 'Fire Mission' it read, she was confused on what I meant, a mission with fire? Who knows. But she finally stopped in the middle of the hallway and read it. Her eyes widened and she thought. Are the Changelings actually gathering outside of our borders? And is this message new? Could the Changelings have invaded already?! I have to allow this mission. Celestia read the bottom part of the letter and blushed a little, it calmed her stress to see that Soviet hasn't abandoned her little sister. But just as she finished reading, she saw Soviet. Soviet was walking clad in white camouflage, holding a green box and China Aster flowers. Purple to comment her little sister's colors. She approached Soviet. "Soviet? I just read your message and I grant permission for the strike. And, I'll knock on Luna's door to wake her up so you can surprise her. She's been keeping ponies dreams free of nightmare all last night, the coming war is scaring them all in different ways, and nightmares are a big part of them." Celestia approached. Soviet turned around to talk to Celestia as he didn't see her earlier, "Oh, hello Celestia. I'll alert Tankery about the fire mission, and I'll be doing a quick visit to let Luna rest more. But thank you for the help in attracting her attention since she always attracts mine." Soviet cleared his throat to change the subject, "Anyways, I'll alert Tankery about the fire mission." Soviet got down on his knees and put the flowers and the radio down, he grabbed the phone and said, "Bravo 1-1, do you copy?" "I'm here. Go on." "Fire mission approved, eliminate hostiles gathering in your area. And make goddamn sure none of them come out of their hives." "Roger. Over and out." Soviet put the radio down, he looked up to see an intrigued alicorn looking at the radio. "That was immensely quick." Celestia stated. "One of the old but major advancements of human society. Anyways, do you think Princess Luna would appreciate these flowers?" Soviet asked as he picked up the flowers. Celestia chuckled a bit since her little sister is in love, "I'm sure she'll like them." Celestia reassured. Soviet took a breath and nodded, he followed behind Celestia as they both walked towards Luna's bedroom. Celestia knocked on the door and Soviet stood still as his nervousness is very clear to Celestia. She leaned to Soviet and whispered, "Don't worry, she isn't expect anything." Soviet let out a sigh and said, "Alright, let's get the awkward part over with." As he shook his arms to calm down. Celestia chuckled. They can hear footsteps approach the other side of the door and a familiar voice saying, "Yes? Who is it?" "It's me, I have a surprise for youuuu." Celestia exaggerated, making Soviet more nervous. "Alright, what is it." Luna opened the door and only saw Celestia. Luna had a very bored and exhausted face. She looked around and saw nothing. "Oh, you'll like it." Celestia moved aside and Luna's eyes opened wide and the biggest smile Celestia's ever seen. She immediately moved to Soviet like a bullet and hugged him as tight as she could. "Hello Princess.. how you doing?" Soviet hugged back as he held his hand with the flowers behind his back to hide it from Luna. "I'm doing better now that you're here." Luna looked at Celestia and Celestia hasn't seen her this happy since she got back from being Nightmare Moon. Celestia smiled and said, "Alright, I'll leave you two alone." She walked away but she stopped a bit and whispered to Luna, "Told you I'd bring breakfast today." She said to excuse herself from forgetting to make breakfast for Luna. Luna blushed a bit and saw something behind Soviet's back. "Ooh, what are those?" Luna backed up asked with the most curious eyes Soviet had ever seen. Soviet took his hand in front of him and said, "Oh, I thought that you might like these, since they remind me of you." Soviet said as he tried to hide his awe with his baclava. Luna's heart basically melted and can see Soviet's blush through his mask and goggles. And she hugged him even more and pulled him into her room. "So, I heard you've been keeping people's dreams nightmare free, and I bet that you must be exhausted." Soviet asked. Luna sighed, "Yeah, it is. But at least my subjects aren't suffering while they sleep, especially with the tensions rising with the Changelings. Why do you ask?" Luna explained. "Just so I know not to exhaust you too much with my visit, you can sleep if you want. I'm fine with it, I'll even sleep on the floor." Soviet suggested. "Aww, how sweet of you. I'll enjoy every second you're here. And I'll wake you up with a surprise if you don't mind." Luna asked in a seductive voice. "I'm fine with anything. But I do have a question, where am I sleeping?" Soviet asked. Luna began thinking, but since she's mostly working at night, she suggested to Soviet, "You can sleep on my bed, I won't be sleeping much at night since I'll be entering people's dreams." Soviet felt guilty that he's taking the bed that she should be rightfully sleeping in, so he said, "I'll be staying up for as long as I can to keep you company. If I do fall asleep, wake me up if you want to. I'm fine with it." Soviet suggested. "I'll just be needing a lot of coffee." He added. Luna giggled as she walked to the bed. She rubbed her hoof along the bed to for Soviet to get the message. Soviet was confused but kind of concerned that Luna didn't get any sleep and he said as he got to the bed, "I'm honestly not helping myself right now but I'm going to have to decline, you need to sleep. So please do me a favor and sleep, once you get your rest I'll do whatever you want me to. Got it, hot stuff?" He said. She frowned but she said as she put her hoof over his shoulder as she sighed, "Fine.. but after you'll have to submit to me on my command." She said in a serious voice. Soviet blushed as he likes to.. how do you say, dommed? He stood still and said, "Yes, ma'am." As he quivered since this was the first time he's been scared by Luna after their little connection in Ponyville. "Alright, now. Let's get to sleep, your highness." He said in a formal tone to make Luna feel more in command. She smiled and she got into bed. Soviet saw the balcony where she usually does her job as overwatch, and he saw the view of Canterlot and he thought that it would calming to go on the balcony. He walked and opened the window and Luna questioned him, "Where are you going?" "I'll be back in a minute, the view looks amazing at the moment. Not as much as you but, I'll be back." He said. Luna blushed and turned the other way to fall asleep. Soviet got on the balcony and closed the windows so he was alone, leaning on the small wall and took in the view. He took a breath and said, "Wasn't it summer for them 2 months ago? Shouldn't it be Halloween for them? Either that, or I brought snow from Alaska." He scoffed as although he is confused, he loves the view. A city full of life, covered in snow. Everybody playing in the snow as the adults drank hot coffee or chocolate as they watch their children have fun. "This place, is peaceful. And I'll make damn sure it'll stay this way." He stated. "Shit, now I want hot coffee." He said as he got back into the room. Soviet walked over to Luna to check if she was asleep, and sure enough, she was. So Soviet silently walked out of the room and back into the corridor outside. He looked around to see a curious Celestia trying to listen through the walls. Soviet silently closed the door and knocked on the wall near Celestia as she was looking the other way. She was surprised and gasped, "Oh, it's you Soviet. I thought it was Luna." "Interesting, now mind telling me what you were doing?" He crossed his arms. She chuckled and awkwardly said, "Just checking...?" Soviet facepalmed and sighed, "I just got her to sleep and she'll be ordering me around after she wakes up.... But I swear if you're going to enjoy what we're gonna be doing. Just ask to join in, I'm saying this with an annoyed voice because I'm jealous that I'm probably the only person in Canterlot not with hot coco right about now." He said as he started to jog away to find the kitchen. As he jogged he thought, "If I bang both of them, would that mean I would have power in the kingdom? Who knows, depends on what Celestia would do. What the fuck is Cadence doing? I really could use some military information right now so Tankery won't mess shit up. I'll ask Celestia later. Huh, I'm about to have the seggs but all I can think about is the military, the hell is Tankery doing right about now?" Meanwhile, the radio that Soviet used to contact Tankery was still outside of Luna's room. And Celestia was still outside of Luna's room, she got bored and started inspecting the radio by picking it up with her magic. It sprung to life, surprising Celestia as she gasped again. "Prophet, do you read?" The voice was familiar but a bit distorted. She saw Soviet pick up the black object to respond and she tried doing the same, she used her magic to pick up the phone and she spoke to it in a formal tone. "This is Princess Celestia, leader of Equestria. To whom am I speaking to?" She asked. "Princess? Where is Soviet? Nevermind. This is Tankery, we're-" Celestia cut him off, "Tankery? Shouldn't you be bombarding the Changelings?" "Yes ma'am, but we're-" "Then why aren't thou doing it?" "Princess if you would allow me to spea-" Tankery said in an annoyed voice. "You shall not address me in that tone of manner!" "You ain't my Princess, and I'm doing this shit to fucking protect your Royal Ass! Fuck sakes, if you'd let me finish, we're going to start bombarding the Changeling fucks at 2300, and if I sound fucking annoyed. It's because I had to dig so many fucking trenches and dug outs for defense, and I have to deal with the fact that your too royal to be spoken back to by someone who's protecting your bureaucratic ass! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare." Tankery hung up. Celestia scoffed and was surprised by the ignorance of her royalty and status in the nation. But then again, he was protecting her and he's already at his limit, being in another world and forced to fight. 10 minutes later, Soviet had a cup of hot chocolate and instead of full on combat gear, he had worn the same winter uniform but instead of helmet, he wore only a cap. But still wore the baclava and goggles. Celestia thought on how to open a conversation with him and said, "Soviet, Tankery has informed me that he's going to attack the Changelings at '2300', whatever that means." "Almost midnight. Now, I'll need to comfort your little sister." Soviet said as he snuck back into Luna's room. He took sips of the hot chocolate until it had ran out. He sat on the empty side of Luna's bed and looked at her. He took another sip, as in a large sip that made him drink the rest of the chocolate. Celestia then saw a group of Soldiers walk towards her as they turned the corner. "Your highness, Changeling troops have gathered near our borders. And one of the humans are going to attack them in retaliation for their little scouting mission they did in Ponyville." "I've granted him permission to attack them. We cannot allow the Changelings to think that we're able to be pushed around in the threat of war." Celestia stated. He put the empty cup on the nearby desk and he sat on the floor, leaning on the side where Luna was sleeping. He felt tired, and his eyes started closing on him. He closed his eyes as they felt heavy until..... 12 hours later... Soviet started to wake up, he noticed that he was in the middle of the bed. He noticed that his mask and goggles have been removed. He looks down to see that he still has his clothes, but his hat is missing. He tried moving his hand but it won't, he pulled again but it won't budge. He looks at his hand, it was chained. He checked his other hand and it too was chained. He tried moving his legs but they won't budge either. His limbs were chained to each corner of the bed, with the exception of his head. He notices movement under the sheets, whatever it was pulled the sheets until Soviet saw a hat on a very familiar dark blue alicorn. She stole Soviet's hat and is right between his legs. He didn't know how to feel, but he didn't move nonetheless, because he couldn't anyways. Luna had a very seductive but yet intimidating and somewhat scary face as she stared at Soviet. Soviet braced for what was to come next. 20 minutes later, Celestia had knocked on Luna's door to check up on her since she didn't see her the entire day. "Luna! Are you okay?" "Yes. I'm quite alright." Luna said as she opened her door. Celestia let out a sigh of relief, until she looked over Luna and saw a uniformed Soviet, almost dead on the bed but still breathing. He was groaning. She looked at Luna with a concerned face. "Told him I was going to surprise him." She said. "He's chained?!" She screamed. "Uhm.. yeah... He didn't mind it nonetheless." She retorted. "Hi Princess!" Soviet said in the background. Causing Luna to have an awkward smile while Celestia tried to imagine what had happened. "Luna, could you unchain me?" "No, stay there." Luna ordered. "Yes ma'am." Soviet sighed. Celestia then noticed that Luna has had Soviet's hat on her. It couldn't cover her mane of course but it still looked cute on her. "Uhm... Where did you get that?" She questioned. "I took it from him while he was asleep. I snuck up on him from under the sheets with this." She explained. "Actually though, can you unhook me? I need to eat something." Soviet asked. "I'll be right back." Luna said as she closed the door. Celestia was curious so she put her ears on the door. She heard what might be that Luna jumped on the bed. And she heard Soviet's voice, "Luna, I actually like this but you're going to drain me dry!" "That's the plan!" "Oh sweet Jesus..." Then Celestia started to move away once she started hearing her sister's voice and the bed starting to move a lot. 10 minutes later... "Everything set up?" He asked. "Yup!" Elta responded. "Of course, I always get things done perfectly, if my name isn't the Great and Powerful-" "I was just asking a question." He cut her off. "Alright, you guys choose." Tankery pulled out a chart with short descriptions of each round for the mortar. "White Phosphorus" Trixie answered. "High Explosive." Elta responded. "White Phosphorus it is!" Tankery said as he dropped a mortar shell with white lining on it, a thump was heard and they looked in the horizon. It was basically pitch black except the small camp fires the Changelings set up. The sky over their camps lit up in bright white clouds that then landed on the ground, with plenty of more fires starting. "Firing!" Tankery launched another shell. "Adjusting!" Tankery turned the mortar to face another came, "Firing!" He fired another shell. The skies over the camps lit up, and just like the skies, everyone and everything on the ground burnt. "Firing HE!" Tankery loaded another shell. This time, there was no bright lights, except a loud boom echoing throughout the open fields. Trixie didn't realize what was happening until the echoing screams can be heard from the bugs. She thought that the descriptions were actually true to their word, she thought it was fake since no one could force such a powerful spell until she saw it with her own eyes. She began to break down as she chose the worst way to die for the Changelings and Griffons. Elta noticed this and began to comfort her. Tankery walked up to her and said, "Get ahold of yourself! It's either them or us, do you want them to kill you, Starlight? Or even Celestia herself?! Or do you want to prevent that!" "Bu- but isn't there another way?" She asked. "If there was, I wouldn't be here doing what I'm doing! Now hand me that map." Tankery pointed, instead of Trixie doing it, it was Elta. She handed him the map and Tankery used his flashlight to see. He used a pencil to mark targets so he can recalibrate his mortar barrage. He put down the map near him as he crouched down to continue his barrage. Tankery looked through night vision binoculars, he didn't use the goggles so he can handicap himself to see if the Changelings are as bad as he expects. He checks for any advancing troops, but none are approaching. He only sees them scattering and running around as they're either on fire, plain scared, or missing limbs from the high explosive rounds. Tankery looked behind him to check on the two, "Okay, which one of you gals aren't going to vomit their stomachs out if they see this?" Tankery Shaked the binoculars a bit. "Why?" Elta asked. "For this." Tankery threw the binoculars, which Elta caught with her claws. She looked through them and gasped, with her jaw dropping. She tried to hold back her tears. "You can't see shit, but you heard the explosions and saw the 'Willie Pete', but you can't see the effects until sunrise. But with those bino's, you can at least see what's happening." Tankery explained. Elta saw a running Griffon on fire as it fell into a crater. She started to cry as Tankery removed any human weaponry he placed for defense earlier. "Alright, let's get a move on. I need to get to Ponyville, and we need to hurry before they find out position." Tankery ordered as he started jogging to the city. Trixie and Elta got up and started walking. He saw that he was far ahead and he turned on his radio, "Move it or lose it. Tell Trixie to start running, and you Elta, watch over her by flying. I'll await at the station. Try hiding yourselves in some clothes and try to find me, because we don't know if there will be any Changelings in the area. Our identification code is: Zulu 1-1. I'll see you then. Over and out." The radio cut off. Now that they were out of the clearing and Tankery packed his winter blanket to keep them warm while camouflaged, they were now freezing in the cold winter. Elta couldn't fly but the two booked it to a local clothing store. A bright pink pony with a white mane greeted the two as they entered. "Welcome to my store, I see that you two don't have winter clothing, we have some if you need." She said as she saw the two shaking from the cold as she ran to get some clothing. "Thank you, we were supposed to meet someone at the train station. Have you seen anyone pass by here?" Elta asked. "Wait, are you talking about those 'Strange Heroes of Equestria'? Then of course! They're the only creatures in Equestria that are like them! Wait, you're meeting them?! Send them my Thanks, from Water Swirl. Here, take these." Water passed a heavy brown jacket, with Trixie getting a dark blue jacket. Both jackets were winter clothes, very heavy to keep them warm from the suddenly early winter. The two were surprised from the generosity and the status of the humans, but Trixie immediately took the coat and hugged herself to warm up. "Why thank you, we didn't know that they were this popular." Elta said. Water started to remember who Elta was, "Wait! Aren't you their Griffon friend that helped them in Canterlot? Oh my gosh! It's so nice to meet you!" She said with a very happy face. Elta started to feel awkward as she isn't normally praised a lot, "Uhm.. why thank you! They did most of the work, but I'm still happy to help anyways. But we have to get going, I'll tell them to visit sometime!" Elta said as she excused herself out of the shop, dragging Trixie in the process. The streets were empty, with some of the occasional guards and civilians roaming around. The snow was thick at this point, it was close to being considered as a blizzard because of the strong winds. But as they passed by more people, they kept talking about loud noises last night. Some thought it was thunder or something heavy being dropped. But they still had no idea. The guards have been running around in squads to scan the area for any infiltrating Changelings, while also checking their defenses. They turned the corner and saw the train station. They got up the stairs and saw only a handful of ponies. The two put their hoodies up because the wind is starting to pick up again. They look around the station but still no Tankery. Elta was thinking that Tankery may be hiding, so she decides to say normally, "Zulu 1-1". They hear movement behind them in the pile of snow, it was Tankery. He was laying down on the ground with his blanket while the snow piles on him, this surprises everyone at the station. The train stops and Tankery says, "Alright, let's move. We ain't got time to waste." He said as he walked into the train. "Nice clothes by the way." He says while the train doors close as everyone got in. "Oh shit I forgot!" Tankery said as he got on his knees and pulled out a radio box. "Prophet, come in." But on the other side of the line, the radio was in a room surrounded by Generals, instructed by Celestia to stand near the radio. One of them picked up the radio, "This is General Helmet Rock, is this Tankery?" Tankery tried to hold his laugh but he swallowed it down. "Y- yes. This is Tankery. Fire Mission successful. Pulling back to Ponyville until further notice." "Understood, stay safe." "Roger that. Over and out." Tankery hung up the phone. He stood up and said, "Alright. We're allowed to go back home. Wake me up when we're back." Tankery said as he sat on a seat to sleep. He thinks, 'Now once I get back, I gotta park the Bradley for Soviet for his stupid reasons.' he thought himself to sleep. He woke up, "Oh shit, where am I?" He looks around, he was on the floor. He seems to be in a library, he sees Soviet and Starlight. Soviet was holding a book for Starlight to read while Starlight's horns lit up. "Soviet, what are you guys doing?" Tankery asked. They didn't turn, as if they didn't hear him. "Yo. Soviet!" He yelled. Nothing happened. "Is it ready?" "Yes, I'm activating it now." Starlight's horn got brighter and a blast of magic hit Soviet from her horn. He got pushed back to a pillar. Starlight ran to Soviet, "Are you okay?!" Soviet groaned and began to pat her head to signal that he's okay. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Urghhhhh." He responded in a clear, understandable way. In English- American. He looked up, "So, where are they?" She rubbed her chin, "Wherever I was thinking..." "So, where were you thinking?" Soviet got up. "Oh no..." "You better not say fucking Vesapolis!" He panicked. "Exactly there.." she sighed. "The fuck is in Vesapolis? And where is that?" Tankery thought. An hour later, he gets woken up by a push on his vest. He gets up on his seat quickly, "Where are we?" He asks as he looks around. "Ponyville." Said Elta. He let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God. Question." "Yes?" Elta said with a very curious face. "What is Vesapolis?" Elta's face turned to dread as she never wants to return to that place. During the formation of the alliance between Griffons and Changelings, she was a guard protecting the Griffon diplomat. She abandoned her station after learning their intentions with the alliance. She stuttered, "The- the Changeling capitol..." "Ah, oh shit then. I had a dream where Soviet and Starlight sent something to Vesapolis by accident. I gotta go check on him just to be sure." Tankery explained. > First Day of School? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost midnight, and Luna was on the balcony working all night to keep Equestria free of nightmares. But more and more kept flooding in, and Soviet was witnessing Luna's seemingly endless night shift. Soviet walked up to Luna and looked at her since her eyes are closed to enter dreams. "Only if I can enter dreams..." Soviet muttered as he took a sip of coffee. He thought to himself, "Shit, I gotta leave in 8 hours. I'll visit back here soon, hopefully. Probably on weekends. Ah, the school... I wonder if Starlight found that spell yet. Probably, probably not. But at least I'll be able to show Human history whenever is sub. Damn, I hated teachers but now I am one, kind of. How ironic. I'll probably find a documentary of the First World War. Or a movie. I'll probably ask Twilight if I can use the Crusaders as practice in case I sub, to see if those kids'll like the stuff I show them." He notices Luna's ear twitching whenever he thought to himself. "I wonder if she can hear me." Luna's head nodded. "Oh, hi Luna! Since you can hear and or see my thoughts, and not move since you're keeping people's dreams free of nightmare," Soviet then began to think and compliment things that made Luna blush. Soviet laughed and giving a "I told you so face". "See what happens when you enter a human teenager's mind?" He thought. Luna broke from her trance and her eyes wide open, her jaw dropped. "You're a teenager?!" She screamed. "How old?!" Soviet coverer his cough to clear his throat, "16." He slipped in his cough. "16?!" She screamed, again. It didn't help her disbelief as he's close to Twilight's age. "And you're a teenager! The things I did to you.." she said as she's starting to realize that the age difference is incredibly noticable. "Luckiest teenager I might add. And besides, where I'm from also known as Alaska. The age of consent is 16. And I'm considering staying here instead of going back to Earth because of you, the best, and hottest Princess in two worlds. And I'm considering making a unit or something similar to that. We can be part of your Guards, Luna. M.A.C.E. probably? So I can give myself a reason and organize reasons why I'm going to stay in Equestria. Tankery on the other hand, I think he wants to go back." Soviet explained. "Aww, you think I'm hot?" She blushed. "And considering that you're considering staying here. Might as well officially be a part of our forces instead of relying on our approval too much. So I'll allow you and others you think are worthy to join this.. MACE. What does MACE mean anyways? And what is Alaska?" Luna asked. "Military Assistance or Advisory Command Equestria. My grandfather was part of MACV for Vietnam, team 75. So, might as well be remnants of the US in this world. And Alaska is a state or region within the US." Soviet explained. "And yes, you are hot. That reminds me, how old are you?" "More than 1 or 2 thousand years, I lost count" Luna answered. Soviet spit out his coffee over the balcony as he made the most concerned and surprised face. "A thousand?! I don't think I should be getting the reaction that you just gave me." He looked down. Luna chuckled and asked as she started checking Soviet, "Wait.. are you?" Soviet laughed in a sarcastic manner, "Bahahaaha! Yeah..." Soviet said as he dragged his answer. "It's not advisable to continue this, someone is going to find out." Luna suggested. "That's IF, they find out. But what we have together doesn't matter to what other people think, at least we're happy. That's what matters." Soviet explained. "True, I just hope it doesn't become a big deal." Luna worried. 8 hours later... Soviet hugged Luna at the entrance of the Castle. "Alright, I'll see you when I can. But you always know how to visit me." Soviet winked. "Yes yes, I'll see you very, very, soon." Luna replied. They broke up the hug after hugging for 5 minutes. "Alright, now go! You're going to miss the train!" She ushered Soviet. "Yes ma'am." Soviet saluted as he ran to catch the train which leaves in about.... 5 minutes. As he started running, Luna lost sight of him because of his BDU uniform camouflage. "It's strange how it's snowing, and Nightmare Night hasn't even arrived yet." Luna said to herself. Meanwhile in Ponyville, Tankery saw Starlight and drove up to her. She still got scared by it since she's still not used to being approached by the Bradley. Tankery stuck his head out, "Starlight, did Soviet mention anything about picking people up?" He asked. "No, oh wait! He did mention the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're at the Apple farm waiting for Soviet, you can go pick them up and bring them at the School." She said in response. Tankery looked around, "Yeah, I have no idea where that is. Mind helping?" "Yeah sure, since walking takes longer to get to the school anyways." Starlight accepted. She got into the M3A3 and Tankery drove to Apple acres, with the guidance of Starlight. They arrived at the front gate of the farm. It attracted the attention of the Apple family except Granny Smith, who was deep asleep. Big Macintosh approached the Bradley and Tankery stood up, "Hello.... Applejack's brother?" Tankery guessed. "Yup." He responded. "Can you get the Cutie Mark Crusaders up here? I'm supposed to be picking them up." Tankery asked. "Yup." "Thanks!" Tankery yelled as Big Mac ran to get the three crusaders. A few minutes later, Tankery saw through his driver view that 3 very excited fillies are charging at him. He opened the hatch for them to get inside so they can start heading to the school. Tankery looked to his right inside of the Bradley and saw a note, "Bring speakers and set it up at the school. Those ponies had their turn singing, now it's our turn. We're singing Disco in the panic room. See you there, fucktard. Oh, and it starts on the 3rd day of school." The crowded opening of students all stared at the coming iron golem with it's loud growling. All of the students had the same question, are those the humans? As it approached the main bridge, students began to crowd around the Bradley. Tankery stopped the Bradley as they arrived at the school. But it was crowded with students and a very worried Twilight approached the Bradley as Starlight and the Crusaders dismounted and entered the building. She knocked on the hatch, "Tankery?" Tankery got on the speakers, "Jawohl?" "I'm going to need you to park this on the side, because it's going to break the bridge." She ordered. "That's what I was thinking too." Tankery revved the engine so the curious students that crowded around the Bradley moved away and quickly walked to the School. "Yo tank." A voice came from the radio. "Where the hell are you?" Tankery questioned. "Inside the school, but I need you to guard the Bradley. Just in case." Soviet ordered. "Fair enough." Tankery turned off the engine. Making the Bradley to look like a statue covered in snow. Which it is, kind of. Soviet installed a PA system with the help of Twilight struggling with him to put them up. "Cutie Mark Crusaders... Will you come to the Counselor's Office?" "Oh hey that's us!" Sweetie Belle excitingly said as they ran through the crowded hallways. They knocked on the door, Soviet opened it and they were surprised to see a weirdly dressed Soviet. Soviet was wearing a Halo 3 version of the UNSC marine but he was wearing yellow shades and a baclava. Entirely hiding his face. "Hey you three, come on in. I need help practicing." He said as he closed the door after them. "Practice with..?" The trio asked in sync. "Teaching. Because this is my first time." Soviet explained. "Alright, so I got History here." Soviet said as he leaned on his desk. The three groaned, "Boring!" "Did I say pony history?" He asked. The three's curiosity peaked. "So, I got 4 eras in Human history. First world war, Second world war, Cold war, and Modern. You guys choose, they're all interesting and about war. Since I haven't seen much about Equestrian warfare." Soviet explained. They rubbed their chins but shrugged because they couldn't decide. Soviet pulled out a crystal which can project anything specific he thinks of. They were tense when watching, they didn't blink, breathe, or move. Then three's jaws dropped when it ended. "What was that?!" The three said in unison as they were now extremely curious. Soviet sighed. "After the Second World War, nuclear weapons have begun to take the mainstage of the world. The bomb that can destroy an entire city! Scientists have created what is known as the 100 second clock, which counts down how long Humanity will last until extinction via nuclear war. Thankfully the 3rd World War never came to pass, which would mean I wouldn't even be born if it had happen! And that was, what? 20-30 years ago since the Cold War ended? But back on track, the Cold War was between NATO and Warsaw Pact. They competed against each other for control on the world to gain the upper hand against one another. It engulfed the entire world, but no open conflict between powers happened. If you think it never went hot during that time period, almost every single nation was affected by it. The US and Vietnam in a 20 year long war with the US withdrawing with I think 2 million US soldiers took part in? But overall, there were more than almost 90 conflicts and civil wars taking place, with more than one occasion the world and humanity went extinct if one little mistake happened. I'll get into this in depth later, but this was when humanity advanced quickly because of the threat of war. My favorite saying is we fall down a step, and climb two more. Humanity isn't perfect, war is in our nature. But history makes us learn on the mistakes on our path so we won't be doomed to repeat it." Soviet stared off into space as he sat on his desk. "Later I'll be getting into each country's equipment soon." The three found an incredibly depressing vibe from Soviet. Either he was practicing or being serious. The fact that whatever he's been using is what Humanity has been mass producing since years before his time. If one human can cause this much damage, what can an entire world do.. they thought. "Maybe not tell the fillies how your world almost got destroyed?" Starlight entered. "There you are! It was getting a bit boring in the school without you." Soviet sarcastically said. He pointed at the board, "That was a brief summarization of the Cold War." He said to the CMC's. "Wait hold on, if the Cold War ended, doesn't that mean that your world is peaceful now?" Applebloom asked. "No major conflicts, yes. But the threat of nuclear war is widespread. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent for war in my world, and the Atom bombs I told you before? Humanity has increased the size and lethality of it tenfold! So yes, there was and hopefully will still be a fragile peace between the global powers." Soviet explained. "Hold on, you said that before the cold war there was a second something war? What happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hmmm... Well Germany, Italy, and Japan decided to fight the Soviets, British, Americans, and a whole lot of countries. Germany surrender in 1945, Italy split up in 1943, and Japan surrendered due to the usage of nuclear weapons and an already oncoming Soviet invasion." He explained. "Wait, the Americans and Soviets fought together?" Scootaloo asked. "To fight a common enemy, yes. But relations quickly deteriorated once the peace treaties have been signed. Which then leads to the Cold War." He sighed. "Oh and also! Twilight wanted me to tell you now that she had to distract you and Tankery from coming to the school because she liked your surprising the students idea. But it's more like the.... Almost 5th day of school? Probably 6th, I don't know because no one visits this office that much so I lose track of time." Starlight explained. "Been there, but overall, she did that but at least I visited Luna. But now, I'm very late and I really don't care now. At least I'm here now." Soviet accepted. "Anyways, I heard you guys sang, for some reason. I'll give you a heads up, I'm going to sing later because, how many times have you guys sung?" Soviet asked. "Uhm...." Starlight rubbed her chin. "Exactly. Now, how old are these students anyways?" Soviet asked. "Around 13, why?" She asked. "Huh, I thought they'd be older. But just checking, so I know what's appropriate." Soviet explained. "What song are you going to be singing anyways?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I can sing it now, if Starlight doesn't mind." Soviet said as he pulled out an electric guitar. She was skeptical, "Sure.. just don't make it too loud." "Thanks!" Soviet excitingly said. He put on his voice changer and cleared his throat. He took a deep breath. "Alright, ready?" Soviet asked the three who said yes with the widest smiles he's ever seen. Damn, these three are really interested. He thought. Soviet began playing the guitar, he looked down to act like he's focused on it so he doesn't have to awkwardly look at something or someone. Starlight looked with curiosity as she thought he would be playing full on rock, but no, it was.. interesting. Groovy, some might say *cough* *cough* Twilight. As Soviet sang and played, the Crusaders clapped and joined in on the chorus since they were easy to remember and easy to sing. Starlight started listening to the lyrics and she became skeptical, it sounded a bit depressing but but overall she enjoyed the song nonetheless. As the next part of the chorus was coming, she listened joyfully as she organized the office. She floated a desk to a chair in the corner as it would be Soviet's little corner to work in. Meanwhile outside of the door, Smolder and Sandbar. Smolder pointed with her thumb, "What's happening in there?" She asked. Sandbar shrugged. Soviet opened the door to see a surprised, shocked, eyes wide opened, and opened mouthed group. He recognized them all, except one. It was a pony, she seemed very nervous. "Hey, what are your names?" He asked. "I-I'm Sandbar." He said nervously. "I'm Sm- Smolder." She answered. "I'm Gallus." He tried to keep his cool. The most nervous pony said, "I'm Ocellu-" She was cut off as an excited Hippogriff flew passed her. "Oh my gosh! Are you the strange creatures we've heard about?!" She screamed. A surprised Soviet looked up at her as she hovered in front of him. "My reputation proceeds me." He answered. She scratched her head, "What does that mean?" "He means he is those strange creatures." Smolder answered. "Oh my gosh! The heroes of Canterlot are here! In the school we go to!" She kept screaming. Soviet felt confused and nervous and approached Ocellus. He whispered to her, "Meet me back here during lunch." She nodded but she became scared. She didn't know what to expect, the weapon that she feared the most just arranged a meeting with her. "Anyways... I'll be waiting in the Counselor's Office until needed." He said as he awkwardly walked back into the room, he knows he's going to fall asleep. He's thinking of calling Tankery in to keep watch as him and Starlight rest or sleep if needed. "Unless any of you want to come in." He offered. He closed the door as no one entered, he rested his feet on his desk and told the Crusaders, "I think someone may be needing your help at the clubhouse, go check. I heard Tankery mentioning this earlier." They were happy since they didn't get a job in a while so they rushed out of the school and he asked Starlight, "You know Ocellus?" She didn't know what he was playing at, so she went along with him, "Uhm, yeah? The earth pony? What about her?" He smirked behind his mask, "You do realize that she's a Changeling, right?" Her jaw dropped as the chocolate she was drinking dropped. "She's a what?!" She banged on her desk. "How do you kno-" "Her nervousness and the fact I saw her change into a pony at the gym before classes started. She wants to reform, and I know how to bring down the Changelings so we can just focus on the Griffons afterwards. Have you heard of any wedding about Twilight's older brother coming up?" He asked. She rubbed her chin, "Uhm no? I didn't even know she had an older brother. And for Ocellus, please don't hurt her to get information out of her. If she wants to reform, then she'll be willingly to help end the coming war." "I'm only going to ask her, nothing to harmful. If the wedding hasn't happened it. So that means it's still coming, keep watch on Twilight. If you hear screaming a lot, then that's her learning about it on that day. In fact, I need to prepare after this day of school. But I'll need to talk to Ocellus first." He explained. She sat back down on her seat and rested her head on the desk. In a bored voice, "Okay then.. but it seems that this day is going to be uneventful. Might as well call her in, we're not going to be doing anything this week as far as I see." She checked her calendar. Soviet pulled out a red telephone from under his desk and he dialed the number 1975. Rainbow Dash and her class were playing dodgeball in the gym, and she had just gotten hit. "I'm out!" She grunted as she angrily hovered to sit on the bleachers. She sat near the same friend group that Soviet encountered not too long ago. "Calling Ocellus to the Counselor's Office. Calling Ocellus to the Counselor's Office." "Yeah, go ahead." Rainbow Dash cut off Ocellus as she was going to ask her to be excused. But her friends followed and Rainbow Dash flew in front of them and asked with her hands on her hips. "Where are you 5 going?" "I don't trust those humans, especially since I'm a Griffon. So I can't trust them to be alone with our friend." Gallus explained. "Yeah! We have to protect Ocellus just in case. We don't know what they're going to do." Sandbar added. "Yeah, fair enough. If anything happens, run to me or headmare Twilight." Rainbow Dash allowed. "What do you think it's about?" Sandbar asked the group. "Yak don't know, Yak scared." Yona unhelpingly answered. "But it's Ocellus, she's a pony. If anything, I'd thought that it would be Gallus being considered as unfriendly by those humans." Sandbar stated. "Hey! Don't forget about me, just like Gallus, I had to run from my home to at least seek refuge here." Smolder reminded. Ocellus opened the door at the office and saw that there was only one light coming from the middle of the room, and a menacing human covered in tan uniform and a formal hat and sunglasses. The group entered and closed the door. "So, why have you called us?" Gallus asked. This is what Soviet was hoping for, exposing the truth and his game plan on ending the threat of the coming war to civilians, to make him and his goals look good. "I called you all here to answer me question." He said with a menacing grin. "What do you think Ocellus is?" "Uhm.. a pony?" Gallus answered. "So you don't even know she's a Changeling?" He replied. The group gasped and looked at Ocellus who was now nervous and scared. She got out of her pony form and into her original changeling form. "So what if pony friend changeling? Yak still like friend!" Yona stated. "Oh that's not why I called Ocellus here just only for that, I called her here to ask her where Thorax is. And don't worry, I know you like it here and no one has to know this conversation existed, except Headmare Twilight. She might be a bit rough in accepting this but she'll get used to it, like me. They didn't mention this but I had a standown with her and the Royal Guard. And I was thought to be the enemy before! So I know what you'll be going through, sort of. But if anything happens, tell me what happens and I'll sort her out. You tell me where Thorax is, and I'll ensure your safety in this school. If anything happens, this office is a safe space for you and Starlight will make sure of that if I'm not here. Got it?" He explained. Ocellus was surprised, she thought she would die because she's a Changeling, and the humans are well known for killing them since they first came here. So she accepted, "Thorax is near and basically in the Crystal Empire. He's coming here disguised as a pony since I'm the only one who escaped with him." "Good, now head on over to Twilight. I'll find him, I need him to change the leadership in the Changeling empire. But the problem is the Griffons and the Dragons..." Soviet explained. "The dragon king's daughter is willing to topple her father. She's been wanting to do that for a while since he's going to bring war to Equestria." Smolder added. "Actually, that helps! Thanks, in return for helping me, I'll help you skip classes if you want me to. I'll even train whatever classes you guys end up with me how to use pistols and such." Soviet suggested. They all nodded and smiled but we're scared at the same time, because why would he be teaching them how to use a powerful weapon? They all left the office confused, as Soviet ran out of the office with a strange set of binoculars. As Soviet reached a window on the 2nd floor and got a clear view of Ponyville with the snow melting. That also conveniently has a low heat nervous pony next to a very familiar M3A3. He got on the radio, "Get the pony near the Bradley, it's a Changeling. We need him." Tankery climbed on top of the Bradley and tackled the changeling. He pulled a pistol on the changeling and picked him up, pulling him into the Bradley. "Bring him to the school. We need him." The Bradley started moving to the school. An hour later... Twilight angrily walked through the hallways with Ocellus in her Changeling form and a curious Fluttershy following them. They found Soviet and Tankery escorting somepony as they were dressed in some white uniform. "So that's why I need you to-" he was cut off as he gets lifted up in the air my magic. He started to freak out, "Wait what?! What's happening?!" He dropped his P90. Tankery saw what was happening and he simply pointed to Twilight which Soviet then saw her angry face moving towards him. He awkwardly waved and said, "Hi Twilight." "You didn't tell me?! I'm the Princess of Friendship, and I knew that Changelings are capable of friendship but I didn't have the proof and that proof is in my school and you didn't tell me?! This could lead to peace between the Changelings and Equestria!" She screamed. Soviet chuckled, "Yeah no, I already know that. That's why I'm going to make my friend here Thorax, the new leader of the Changelings to keep the peace. He'll reform them. I promise you that." He explained. He then looked behind Twilight and Ocellus and saw a confused Fluttershy. "Oh hi Fluttershy!" He said in a happy tone to make Fluttershy feel that they're friendly. This cooled Twilight's temper and said, "Alright, but next time. Warn me, I can't have surprises like this. Oh, and Fluttershy is still kind of hurt from what you guys did." As she walked away. Soviet felt awkward, and Fluttershy forgave them and wanted to give them a second chance. But Soviet didn't know this, and by the time he was back on the ground he immediately bolted to hug Fluttershy. "Uhm... Hi?" She awkwardly said as Soviet laid his head on her. Soviet with a surprised face said to Tankery, "Dude, come on and hug her, it's freaking comfortable. Like I'm not joking." Tankery reluctantly hugged her and he began to let loose by at this point, cuddling her. "We're sorry, we didn't intend for you to get in harms way." Soviet apologized. She chuckled, "Oh that's okay, of course you spooked me but I forgive you." She smiled. "Floof." The two humans simply said. Ocellus awkwardly walked backwards as she didn't know what to do in this situation. Soviet got up and told Thorax, "You will be secretly inserted into the hive, but things will get complicated before that happens. Until then, Fluttershy, are you able to keep him hidden until then?" He asked. "Uhm, yeah sure. I don't see why not." She answered. Tankery's heart melted as her voice was as cute as she was and he began to cuddle her even more. "Aww your so cute!" Which Soviet then hit the front of his helmet to get him to stop. A few hours later, it was dark and Soviet, Thorax, and Tankery had a tea party with Fluttershy in her cottage. And the snow was melting. "That was some very good tea." Soviet said as he put the cup down. He took a look around and saw Tankery asleep and so was Thorax. "Huh, seems like everyone fell asleep." Fluttershy stated as she took another sip. "Thanks for the tea Fluttershy, again, I apologize for what happened before and we appreciate your hospitality. That reminds me, you're one of the only souls in this world to ever see my face." Soviet said. "No worries, and didn't Luna see your face too?" She asked. Soviet blushed and scratched the back of his head, "Multiple times, yes." "Sorry if that was a personal question..." She looked down in guilt. Soviet leaned and hugged her since they were on the same couch. "Don't worry about it, I barely get mad most of the time. And funny thing with Luna if you want to hear about it?" Soviet asked. "Oh yeah, sure. What is it?" She asked. "Me and Luna are dating." Soviet said as he took a sip of tea. Fluttershy's jaw dropped as Soviet began to hug her again. He laughed, "Ah, your reactions are extremely cute." He said as he yawned. "Oh jeez, I'm falling aslee-" he fell asleep mid-sentence. "You're dating Luna?!" She said as she saw an asleep Soviet sitting on the couch, not even lying down. She too yawned and fell asleep. The next day... It was the weekend, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, AJ, Rainbow, and Pinkie Pie began a picnic in a green field. And Fluttershy invited Soviet and Tankery. Rarity with her summer hat sighed as she looked around her, "It's gorgeous out here, just gorgeous." Fluttershy also looked as she smiled. Everyone was enjoying and eating the food until an exhausted Spike stopped running and walked to them. "Twi... Light. Let me just-" he began panting to catch his breath. He burped out a letter in which Soviet and Tankery jumped back out of fear. Making the group laugh at them. Twilight read the letter aloud, "Dear Twilight, I am sure you are excited as well as I am for the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. Wedding?" She questioned. They all looked with curiosity as she continued, "I will be presiding over the ceremony. But I would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations of this occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you to prepare the bird choir to provide the music." "Oh my goodness, what an honor." She smiled. "Pinkie Pie, I can think no one more qualified than you to host the reception." Pinkie Pie bounced towards Twilight cheered. "Applejack, you will be in charge for the catering for the reception." "Well colored me pleased as punch." Applejack accepted. "Rainbow Dash, I would very much appreciate as you perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their 'I do's'." Rainbow Dash yawned until Twilight mentioned the sonic rainboom, which shocked everyone at the picnic. "Yes!" She excitingly said. "Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids." This left Rarity's mouth opened. "Princess Celestia wants me to.." she began stammering. "Wedding dress. For a Canterlot wedding?" She began to stutter and fainted. With Fluttershy and Tankery checking to see if she's okay. "Soviet, you and your associates will be honored guests for saving us. Making you the best stallions of the groom." "Uhm.. what's that?" Tankery asked. "Best man, but pony." Soviet explained. Which then Tankery nodded. "And as for you Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of them all. Making sure everyone goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia." Twilight finished, but she kept searching the paper to see who's wedding it was. "But wait, I don't understand. Who's going to get married?" Spike realized, "Oh! That's right, I was probably supposed to give you this first." Spike pulled out another note. Twilight opened it and reads it aloud, "Princess Celestia cordially invited you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and.." she gasped. "My brother?" "And.. it starts..." Soviet groaned. Applejack approached Twilight and said, "Your brother's getting married? Congratulations Twilight. That's great news!" She shook her hoof. She rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, great news... That I got from a wedding invitation not from my brother, but a piece of paper. Thanks a lot, Shining Armor. I mean really? He couldn't tell me personally?" She levitated a sandwich and mimicked it as her brother. "Hey Twilight, just thought you should know that I'm making a really big decision that changes everything. Oh nevermind! You'll hear about it when you get the invitation. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" She mocked. "Who in the hoof is that?" She huffed. Fluttershy flew to her and asked, "Uhm Twilight? Are you okay?" "Sorry, it's just that shining armor and I have always been so close. He's my BBBFF." They all looked in confusion until she explained it, "Big Brother Best Friends Forever." They all "Ohhh'd". "Before I was sent here to learn about friendship, Shining Armor was the only thing close enough I had as a friend." She explained. Soviet groaned and Tankery looked in confusion. "What?" "She's going to sing. Might as well head to the train station now." Soviet explained. Which they then jogged back to town. "By the way, Soviet?" "Yeah?" "Did you summon something in the library?" "Yeah, yesterday. How did you know?" "A dream, apparently." > The Wedding: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Soviet left, he had mistakingly gave Ewok Army Blue dress. And instead gave him the Pink and Greens, with Soviet pulling out a briefcase and placing the Blue dress in it. Minutes later.. Ewok heard laughs and talking in the other cart, he didn't know who else was with Soviet. Soviet ran into the back cart, fully dressed in US Army Pink and Greens, and he came to check Ewok. "Alright, how's it going?" He said as he patted Ewok around his body to tidy him up. "Pretty good, now, what am I getting arrested for?" He jokingly said. Soviet laughed, "Yeah yeah, so. We're headed to a wedding and we're security. This country is at the brink of war and me, Tankery, and some other person is at the forefront of it. Especially me and Tank. I've managed to make a human unit in their military. Guess the name." Soviet said as he backed away and inspected his M9. "Unit 731? UNSC? The fucking Marine Corps? Mobile Task Force?" He guessed as Soviet nodded no, but the MTF caught his attention. "Like MACV, but instead of Vietnam, it's Equestria. So it's MACE, but MTF Teams can work too. Us two and Tank and Tim as 2 teams?" Soviet suggested. "Sounds like a plan. And where are they?" He looked around. "Forgor to mention." He said as he got hit by Ewok's slap on the hat. "No forgor!" He jokingly yelled. They both laughed. "Shit, that reminds me. Here." He handed two white gloves, Ewok puts them on. "We have a M3A3, fully functional. We haven't fired a single round with it, but I have a feeling we might use it today." Ewok slapped Soviet, "No fucking way.." "Yeah fucking way. And also me and tank can spawn weapons and uniforms. So, you'll be sticking with...?" Soviet asked. "Whatever your wearing." He answered. "Alright, you know how to use that gun?" Soviet asked. "Dude, I have an arsenal, you know this already." Ewok replied. "Oh shit yeah, it's been a while. So, your favorite weapon?" Soviet said as he pulled out a MP5 then switched it to a P90. "MP-7, it's compact and good fire rate. But anyways, what song is going to be played at the end of the wedding?" Ewok asked. "No clue. But I bet it'll be cringe but still good. But, at least we'll look menacing but vibin." Soviet said. "Fair enough. But, any reason why we're packing heat to a wedding? I mean, unless a riot happens." Ewok asked. "There's going to be an attack from the bugs. I'm gonna need you to help me set up. We need this wedding to continue, so we can have another country support us." Soviet said as he checked his uniform to clean it. "Okay... But I'll just stick with you. I'm not so good in public." Ewok said. "Makes sense, and also. We can't have anyone looking at our faces, only a few select people can." Soviet spawned 2 aviator sunglasses. "Wear 'em, so they don't know who is who." "Understandable, but we won't be able to tell any of our guys apart?" He asked. "Name tags or ranks. Probably name tags because it's easier." Soviet answered. "Fair enough. But how about personal insignias on our arms?" He asked. "Yeah... That sounds better than what I was thinking actually. What do you want yours to be?" Soviet asked. "Actually, I'll need a different uniform. SS Officer Uniform. You know what I want my insignia to be." Ewok answered. Soviet laughed, "Yeah yeah, should've known. Guess I'll be changing mine too." Soviet chuckled as he got excited. Soviet then handed Ewok his requested uniform and Soviet spawned a Marine Corps blue dress uniform with MACV and CIA logo patches. He put them in FILBE assault packs. And he spawned 2 Marine Corps woodland camo assault uniforms with equipment. "Since we're going to be staying here for a while, we still need to exercise. No pain, no gain. Put these on." He handed Ewok's pair. Soviet with a click of a finger, immediately switched into the same outfit he gave Ewok. Soviet pulled his hand held radio and spoke to Tankery, "Tankery. I have an idea." Meanwhile in the other cart... "Why the long face sugarcube?" AJ asked as she walked up to a sad Twilight looking out the window. "I'm just thinking about Shining Armor. Ever since I moved to Ponyville we've been seeing each other less and less." She turns around and says, "And now that he's making a new family with Princess Mi Amore Calm- what's her name?" She got angry and clapped her hooves together. "We'll probably never see each other." She tried to reason with her, "Come on now. You're his sister. He'll always make time for you." She tried to cheer Twilight up. "Couldn't seem to make time to tell me he was getting married." Twilight refuted as she closed the blinds on the window she was looking out of. The train approached Canterlot and it's shield protecting the city, as well as the two guards... guarding the train tracks entering the city. Soviet and Ewok can hear Pinkie scream excitingly, "We're here! We're here!" Soviet and Ewok stuck their heads out of the windows of the train and saw the bubble that was apparently a shield. "The fuck is that?" Ewok asked. "It's a shield. Changelings are going to attack." Soviet answered. As they entered through the shield, they all felt weird and uncomfortable. Especially the humans who had layers of protection, but they had to shrug it off. The train stopped. The Equestrian Royal Guardsman were protecting the station, which was a surprise for the ponies but Soviet knew what was going to happen. Rainbow Dash spoke, "Woah! What's with all the guards?" "I'm sure they're just taking the necessary precautions." Rarity answered. "Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies." She added as they got out of the train. Pinkie Pie sneezed confetti... and then casually walked through the train station. "Now let's get going, we've got work to do!" Rarity said. "And you've got a brig brother to go congratulate." Applejack reminded an angry Twilight. "Yeah. Congratulate." Twilight mocked in an angry voice as she walked through the two guards. "And give him a piece of my mind." The two guards became worried and confused as they overheard her. Which wasn't a good idea for Twilight to say that in the first place, but oh well. As the two humans ran off in combat gear. Twilight was confused because she thought she saw Soviet and Tankery run off in Ponyville. But now she was confused, but she didn't have time to clear it up because she was still angry at her brother. Soviet and Ewok, followed by the CMC's jogged to the main road that leads into Canterlot. The Bradley stopped in front of Soviet and Ewok and the two humans commandeering it got out dressed in the same uniforms and equipment Soviet was wearing. "Wait, there's four or y'all now?!" Applebloom asked. "With the power of magic. Yes. Now, you three drive the Bradley behind us. At our place, got it?" Soviet asked as he leaned over them. The three nodded and said, "You have our word." They said with big smiles. "Alright, me, Ewok, Tankery, Tim. That's the order. Now, form up while they start moving the Bradley!" Soviet yelled in a drill instructor type voice. As they got into a line, the Bradley revved and they started moving once Soviet yelled, "Double Time, MARCH!" "What is he saying?" Scootaloo asked as she readied her hooves on the pedals. "Don't know, they're movin'." Applebloom said. Scootaloo then pressed slightly on the pedal to stay on pace with the squad in front of them. Soviet then began to sing a Marine Corps Cadence as they jogged through Canterlot. Many ponies were looking at the creatures as they sang in a weird way while running. Soviet shouted the main words as the three just repeated, "Marine Corps!". They jogged through the streets of Canterlot while yelling the Cadence, with the Bradley following behind them and with many eyes staring at them, with some ponies following them at a distance because they were very curious. Rarity heard something strange, almost like yelling. "Anyone else hear that?" She looked around. The rest of the group looked around, "Yeah, I hear it." Rainbow Dash answered. Once they saw them, they were shocked. There were now 4 humans approaching them. Until now they only knew 2, and who was steering the Bradley? The group thought. Applejack was about to approach them but the group had to split up from one side of the street to another to make way for the humans. She ran up and asked, "Where'd ya get more-" she was cut off and jumped a bit by Soviet yelling. "Ho Chi Minh is a sonnova bitch!" "Ho Chi Minh is a sonnova bitch!" The other 3 yelled. "He's got blue balls and a seven year itch!" "He's got blue balls and a seven year itch!" The rest copied. They yelled as they marched straight through the Mane 6, who were confused and scared. "Where did the others come from?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "Don't know, probably a duplicating spell?" Twilight questioned. But they couldn't get a word through to the humans as they were yelling louder than them. They jogged through Canterlot, with civilians and the Royal Guard looking at them in curiosity. But eventually they just started following Twilight to the castle. Celestia was seen watching over Canterlot in a tower with a telescope. The guards knew who they were, and especially Shining Armor. He only saw them for a bit but once the Bradley parked on the side as the humans passed the guards, Twilight's rage bursted out as she yelled, "I've got something to say to you mister!" The guards raised their weapons to protect their captain from what seems to be an intruder. Until Shining Armor lowered their weapons by taking off his helmet and saying, "Twily!" in excitement. He rushed over to greet her. "I've missed you, kid. How was the train ride, I-" He was cut off by Twilight. "How dare you not tell me in person that you were getting married!" She backed away as he was going to hug her. "I'm your sister for pony's sake!" The humans just stood by with the guards, overlooking the anger Twilight was showing. They felt awkward and one of the guards looked at Soviet and he shrugged. They all watched Twilight argue with her older brother. Shining Armor replied, "It's not my fault! Princess Celestia has requested a major increase in security." "Including us!" The four humans yelled in the background to catch Twilight's and Shining Armor's attention for a bit, making him chuckle slightly. "Didn't you see all the guards at the train station?" Shining Armor asked as he pointed in the other direction. "Yeah, there's a big wedding coming up. Maybe you heard about it?" Twilight sarcastically asked as she walked to a puddle. The humans let out a "Oooooooof." As they knew that hit hard. Shining Armor approached, "It has nothing to do with the wedding. A threat has been made against Canterlot. We don't know who's responsible for it, but Princess Celestia asked that I provide additional protection. That's why she invited MACE, or mainly known as the Humans. This, you need to see." Shining Armor raised Twilight's head. He charged up his horn, emanating a purple pinkish light around it. He fired a beam onto the shield to strengthen it. "The burden of keeping Canterlot safe and secure rests squarely on my shoulders. Staying at the task at hand has been my top priority." He said as Twilight followed him back up the stairs, as both the Royal Guard and Humans saluted him as they passed by. Twilight started to feel bad as they walked onto a bride, and under it, armed Royal Guards with spears marching across. With the humans splitting into two groups and hearing them scream about anti-air defense. "Okay, okay I get it." Twilight apologized as she rested onto the ledge. "You've got a really important job protecting all of Canterlot. With a force field only you can conjure up. But still... how could you not tell me about something this big as your wedding?" She asked. "Am I not that important to you anymore?" She asked. "Hey. You're my little sister. Of course you're important to me. But I'd understand if you didn't want to be my best mare now." He said with a face waiting to see her reaction. "You want me to be your best mare?" Twilight pointed to herself. "Well... yeah." "I'd be honored!" She bowed down. They both hugged. Twilight pushed him away, "But I'm still pretty ticked you're marrying somepony I don't even know! When did you meet this, 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza'?" She mocked her name as she tried to pronounce it. "Twily, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is Cadance." Shining Armor answered. "Your old foalsitter." Twilight tried to remember who she was... until she did and immediately began to become curious and onto being excited. "Cadance? As in THE Cadance?" She shook her head, "As in the greatest foalsitter in all the history of foalsitters?!" Shining Armor chuckled, "You tell me, she was your foalsitter." Twilight looked over the edge and screamed in excitement, "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Twilight then had flashbacks of when her old foalsitter, was foalsitting a young Twilight. "Cadance is only the most amazing pony ever! She's beautiful, she's caring, she's kind..." She then remembered their little... pony version of a handshake. "How many unicorns can just spread love wherever they go? I only know of one! And you're marrying her!" Twilight began to jump around her brother repeating, "You're marrying Cadance, you're marrying Cadance!" Twilight stopped in her tracks as a pink tall alicorn stood in her way. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." She said in an annoyed tone. "Cadance!" Twilight excitingly said as she was finally going to reunite with her old foalsitter. Twilight did their... handshake, dance? She did anyways, "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" But to her disappointment, Cadance did not do the same. "What are you doing?" Cadance asked. Twilight was confused so she tried to remind her, "Cadance, it's me, Twilight!" Cadance only passed by with her only response being, "Uhuh.." Twilight smiled at her, trying to get her to remember. But to no avail. Cadance approached Shining Armor and he put his hoof over her shoulder. Shining Armor remembered, "I've gotta get back to my station. But Cadance will be checking in with all of you to see how things are going. I think I speak for both of us when I say we couldn't be more excited to have you here. Right, dear?" He looked at his future bride. "Absolutely." She said with a malicious look and tone. Twilight looked confused. "Well, we'll let you get to it." Her brother said as Cadance and him walked away. A few minutes later, Twilight is sitting down on a pillar as she watched Applejack lead a group in preparing the feast and most importantly, the cake for the wedding. Applejack was on a ladder to finish the cake, and told Twilight, "Cake, check." Which she then marked it down. She ran across the room, "Ice sculpture, check." Twilight marked it down. "Best darn bitesize apple fritter you ever tasted..." AJ pulled it out of the oven and shoved one into Twilight's mouth. "Check." Twilight answered. Spike was playing with the small figurines of the Bride and Groom that were supposed to be on the cake. Twilight then used her magic to take it from his hands. The doors opened. "Hiya Princess!" Applejack spoke. "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Cadance entered... royally. Everyone bowed down their heads, besides Twilight, who rolled her eyes. "Hiya, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. You comet to check out what's on the menu for your big day?" Applejack asked. "I have!" She responded. Applejack then proceeded to hand her a bag of one of the items of the menu for her to try. But once she turned away, Cadance had an annoyed face following Applejack. Which Twilight noticed. Applejack handed her a few to try and she ate one of them, a very clearly fake voice said, "I love love love them!" Cadance said. Applejack handed her a bag of the fritters. She walked off with it as Applejack continued to speak, "I know how you brides can be. So busy, you forget to get a little somethin' in your belly." Cadance stopped and threw the bag into the trash can. Twilight of course saw this and gasped. "Did... You see what she..." Twilight couldn't finish her sentence as she started to angrily walk out of the door. Another few minutes later, Twilight was complaining to Rarity about Cadance's behavior as Rarity continued working on the dresses. "Oh you should have seen how she acted back there. I don't know when she changed, but she changed!" Twilight stomped her hoof down. She began to mock Cadance, "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Tim taking a break from setting up defenses was in the tower too, listening to Twilight's rant. "I mean, people cha-" He was cut off as the door opened. "Did I hear someone call my name?" Cadance barged in with 3 other unicorns. Rarity dashed in front of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, "Your highness! Let me just start by saying what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion." Rarity bowed down. Tim walked and stopped on the side of Rarity to introduce himself, "And what an honor it is to be the security for your special day, your highness." He saluted. Cadenza then looked at him in disgust saying, "Is it necessary that these.. humans attend the wedding ceremony?" She asked. Tim took offense to that but couldn't say anything. "Why yes your highness. Princess Celestia herself ordered for them to provide security." Rarity answered. "Uh huh, is my dress ready?" Cadenza asked to change the subject. Twilight walked closer to them as Tim backed away to Twilight. Cadenza walked over to the dresses as Rarity followed, "Oh why yes, of course. I've been working on it ever since I was given the assignment. And I think you'll be pleased with the results!" Rarity smiled in excitement. With Tim, not knowing much about what world he landed in, he can still agree that the dress was beautiful. "I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train." Cadenza interrupted. Rarity pulled out her notebook and said, "Oh, yes of course." "And those should be a different color." Cadenza ordered. "I think they're lovely." One of Cadenza's unicorns that were following her said. "Me too." "I love them." The other stated. Cadenza looked back at them in disgust. They backed down and looked in separate directions to not feel so awkward. "Make them a different color." Cadenza ordered as she walked out of the tower. Twilight watched as she walked out, "Gee, mayber he name should be 'Princess Demandy-pants." This made Tim laugh. He leaned on Twilight, "Yea no, I see what you mean. She really is a bitch." He said as he immediately thought of her as a friend, which in his definition, means no boundaries. Twilight then began spying on Cadenza as she began insulting her friends' preparations for her wedding. Meanwhile, Luna flew onto the tower Celestia was on to take over her shift as overwatch which at the same time Soviet arrived on top of the tower via the staircase. As Luna landed, Soviet nodded to Luna and Luna did the same to greet each other. "Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night." No response from Celestia as she was still looking through the telescope. "Sister?" Luna tried getting her attention. No response, but Celestia's mouth began to open and drool dropped from her mouth as she began to snore. Soviet was confused and was curious enough not to bother. Luna looked back at him and started moving her head to tell Soviet to do something. Soviet shrugged. "Sister!" Celestia jumped. "Were you asleep?" Luna questioned as Celestia tried to provide an answer. "I'll give you my dessert for one month." Celestia offered. "Deal." Luna accepted her bribe. Celestia walked down the staircase past Soviet where they also nodded. Soviet then got some binoculars and an M14 EBR with an 8x scope to assist in Luna's night time watch. While at the same time, the Mane 6 were hanging out at a fruitshake store and Twilight came out with a strawberry shake, "Bet I can guess what you're all thinking! Cadance is the absolute worst bride-to-be ever." They all looked at her in shock, especially Tankery and Ewok who tagged along because they had nothing better to do. Tim was there too but he agreed with Twilight but didn't say anything. "Twilight, whatever are you talking about?" Rarity asked. Cadance is an absolute gem!" Rarity responded. "Rarity, she was so demanding!" Twilight retorted. "Well of course she was! Why shouldn't she expect the very best on her wedding day?" "Applejack, did you even know that after she told you how much she just 'love-love-loved' your hors-d'oeuvres, she threw them in the trash?" Twilight asked. "Aw, she was probably just trying to spare my feelings." "Noo, she was just being fake, and totally insincere!" Twilight argued. Making the entire group feel awkward. "She did raise her voice at one of my birds during rehearsal." Fluttershy pointed out. "See? Rude!" Twilight pointed to Fluttershy. "But... he was singing really off-key." Fluttershy added. The bird began to... "sing". Or rather sound like the dying cat parade at 16th Avenue Chicago. Twilight tried to ignore this, "Pinkie Pie, you had to have noticed how Cadance treated-" Pinkie Pie didn't pay attention since she was playing with Spike with the cake figurines. The 3 humans who didn't say a thing but just continued drinking their shakes as they watched the two play with the figurines. "Nevermind." Twilight refrained. "Rainbow Dash, you're with me, right?" she asked. "Sorry Twi, been too busy prepping for my sonic rainboom to pay much attention to the bride's bad attitude." Rainbow said as she stretched her wings and hooves. Twilight groaned. Rarity approached and put her hoof on her shoulder saying, "The Princess is about to get married. I'm sure any negative behavior she might be displaying is simply the result of nerves." Twilight stood up and slammed her hoof on the table. Causing the 3 stooges to slowly move back. "And I'm sure it's the result of being an awful pony who doesn't even know Shining Armor let alone marry him!" She yelled. "Think maybe you're being a tiny bit possessive of your brother?" Applejack suggested. The rest of the group nodded. "Probably is, but that's reasonable. But we'll take note on the Princesses' behavior. No promises though." Tankery added. "Thank you Tankery, but I am not being possessive! And I am not taking out Cadance! You're all just too caught up in your wedding planning to notice there shouldn't even be a wedding!" She slammed her hoof so hard on the table it knocked everyone's drinks down. Except for the humans, and especially Soviet's whom his was apple flavored, and had a second one for Luna. Twilight stormed out from the group who were confused, but Tankery said, "Come on, we need to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. You guys continue doing... whatever, Ewok Tim. On me." Tankery said as he began to silently follow Twilight. The 2 followed Tankery. Rainbow dash pointed out, "Wait, I just remembered that they now have an extra two! Where did they come from?" She asked. Rarity rubbed her chin and said, "I guess we've been so busy we forgot that they mysteriously arrived. Anyways, where is Soviet?" She asked. "He's in the tower with Luna, he brought a smoothie for her too. He's up there to help her watch over Canterlot." Fluttershy answered. "Well ain't that romantic." Applejack added. Fluttershy remembered, "Well... uhm.... I think that was his plan." "Wait, what?" Applejack asked. "They're kind of... dating." Fluttershy answered. "They're what?!" Rainbow Dash, Spike, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie yelled at the same time. Rarity and Fluttershy laughed awkwardly. Shining Armor was in a red formal uniform with a white webbing and a Equestrian Royal Guard insignia in front of his uniform. He heard knocking on the door so he went to open it. He was excited to see who was waiting at the door, he greeted, "Twily! Your big brother's looking pretty good, don't you think?" He said as he flexed his uniform and equipment. She looked up at him with a sad face. So he asked, "Everything okay?" "We need to talk." Twilight said in a serious tone. "I think you're making a big-" She was cut off by Cadenza clearing her throat to get their attention. "Oh, uh hi, sweetie." Shining Armor greeted. "She sure has a way of sneaking up on people." Twilight muttered. Speaking of sneaking up, Tankery Ewok and Tim attached NVG's to their helmets as they spied on Twilight from the surrounding buildings. "Could I speak to you for a moment, dear?" Cadenza spoke to Shining Armor. "Better see what she wants" Shining Armor said as they walked into a room. Twilight had a worried face as she overheard their conversation, as if she wasn't the only one overhearing everything they say. "Look, we need to talk." Cadenza said. "I'm here to talk." "Look, she's okay-" "Just listen to me." "I'm listening, I'm listening..." "I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that." Twilight peaked into the room. "This was my favorite uncle's." "And...?" "And we think it looks great you ungrateful bitch." Tim said on the radio, making Tankery and Ewok laugh. "Yeah yeah, it looks great. Now shut up, I wasn't joking it looks great, should we wear red at the ceremony?" "Probably not, Soviet's going to get mad at us, he'll think we're redcoats." Ewok replied. "True true. We'll probably use US Formals or something. Hopefully Marine formals though." Tankery hoped. "And I think I should wear it." Shining Armor replied. "Are you disagreeing with me?" "I guess I am!" Shining Armor replied as he began to feel pain in his horn, causing him to feel weak. "Oh dear, are you getting one of your headaches?" Cadenza asked. She charged her horn and began blasting it onto Shining Armor, making him feel dizzy but he wasn't screaming. This made Twilight think Cadenza was controlling her brother. "Oh shit you seeing this?" Tim exclaimed on the radio. "Of course we are! Stand by, it might be a healing spell." Tankery ordered. "Feeling better?" Cadenza asked as Shining Armor got back up, looking a bit doozy. He nodded as he gained back control. "She isn't pleasant and rude, she's downright evil!" Twilight stated as she ran out of the house. With the two coming out of the room also. "Twilight!" Shining Armor called out but with no response. "Let her go." Cadenza ordered as she began to cuddle Shining Armor. "Huh, it seemed like she had something else she wanted to tell me." Shining Armor wondered. "Welp, guess nothing happened. But it looks like Twilight might've gotten the wrong message. But we'll let her be, let's see what happens. I'm tired, I call dibs on bunking wherever Soviet is." Tankery said. With the other two agreeing. Meanwhile across the city, Soviet has a feeling that suddenly struck him, causing him to jolt up, catching the attention of a now worried Luna. "Everything alright?" She asked. "Yeah, just felt like something dumb was about to happen. It's weird, I haven't felt that since one of my friends was going to do a backflip off of a 3 story building into a pool on the base floor. They'll never get rid of the shit stains around that pool, he pooped mid-air. Luckily landed into the pool." Soviet said as Luna tried to hold in her laughter. He looked at her and walked up to her and jokingly said, "Hey you're not supposed to laugh! You're a princess, you're supposed to be serious." He said as this didn't help Luna's best efforts in trying to hold in her laugh. "What? I'm serious!" He began to hug her as they both laughed out loud. A few minutes later, they finally stopped laughing and got back to their posts. Luna saw movement, "Who goes there?" "Movement, fast mover. Firing a warning shot." Soviet said as he fired a 7.62 round right in front of Twilight. "OH SWEET CELESTIA!" Twilight screamed as she jumped back. "Stay indoors, Twilight Sparkle." Luna ordered. Twilight barged into one of the rooms and exclaimed, "Shining Armor's in real trouble! You have to help-" She cut herself off as the group was wearing the dresses Rarity made for them, as they discussed what the gunshot was. "Dresses? What are you...?" Twilight said in disbelief. "Can you believe it? We're gonna be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's new bridesmaids!" Fluttershy excitingly said as she flew to Twilight. "New Bridesmaids?" Twilight questioned. "What happened to her old bridesmaids?!" "She didn't say. But she did tell us that she would love love love it if we'd fill in for them." Applejack responded. "Seeing as we've been working hard and everything." Rarity added. "And you had your doubts about her." "Told you she was an absolute gem!" Twilight was still in disbelief, her jaw dropped as she couldn't believe her friends fell for an evil princess. "You sure this is what I should wear?" Rainbow Dash asked as she tried moving around in the dress. "Doesn't seem all that aerodynamic." "Hmm, I'll see what I can do." Rarity walked to the drawing board. AJ Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy huddled next to each other and began talking about how excited they are and how awesome the wedding is going to be. Twilight walked back out into the cold dark... outside. "Looks like I really am on my own." Minutes later, they began rehearsing the wedding. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking down the aisle, with their heads up high and with smiles. "Perfect, girls. There's no need to rush." Celestia said as she was on the pedestal with Shining Armor, waiting for Cadenza to arrive. Rainbow and Rarity tried to hold in their visible excitement when Celestia stated, "Then of course, Cadance will enter." Everyone looked back with excitement as the two guards opened the doors and sure enough there was Cadenza. Shining Armor was in awe. The Mane 6, minus Twilight, were on the side of the steps to the pedestal as Spike was on the other side with Shining Armor. So were Soviet, Tankery, Ewok, and Tim in that order, dressed in US Army Pink and Greens, with the caps. Celestia then explained, "I'll say a few words, and then we'll begin with the vows." Cadenza and Shining Armor then moved closer to each other to touch... horns..? "Shining Armor, you'll get the ring from your Best Mare." Celestia stated. Shining Armor looked behind him to see no one, his ringman was playing with the figurines. While he was distracted, Shining Armor pointed out, "Hey... has anypony seen Twilight?" The doors opened with a furious Twilight barging in. "I'm here!" Twilight yelled. "I'm not gonna stand next to her. And neither should you!" Shining Armor cringed and felt awkward so he looked around while biting his lips. The humans still at ease, looked either downwards or at another direction other than forward, with most of them whistling off-key. Even with their Aviator shades, it couldn't hide the fact that they didn't want to be in this awkward situation. "I'm sorry, I don't know why she's acting like this." Shining Armor tried explaining to Cadenza. "Maybe we should just ignore her." She suggested. "You have to listen to me!" Twilight growled. "Oh goodness! Are you okay?" Fluttershy approached. "I'm fine." "Ya sure about that?" Applejack interrupted. With Twilight promptly responding by lifting Applejack's hat and pushing it on her face, therefore pushing her back. "I've got something to say!" Twilight approached the pedestal. Her friends behind her looked at her with worries in their eyes. Twilight pointed at Cadenza, "She's evil!" Making everyone gasp and making Shining Armor feel insulted, especially Cadenza. Shining Armor stepped in front of Cadenza, everyone's faces' were blank and surprised. They all gasped, throwing questions in the air to figure out their confusion. "She's been horrible to my friends..." Twilight teleported behind Cadenza. "She's obviously done something to her bridesmaids..." Stepping forwards to Cadenza, making her move backwards as Twilight aggressively marched to push her into a corner. "And if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all...!" She began to act as if she was dizzy, moving her arms around her head and her eyes moving all around. Everyone's suspicion was now at their peak, especially the Humans. Except Soviet, he's watched the show and doesn't want to interfere before the grand reveal. Cadenza, with the focus on her, tried to smile it off as Twilight had a clear smug on her face, right in front of her face aswell. Tim and Tankery slowly walked onto the pedestal and they stood right next to Celestia, not making a move since they don't know what to do and who to apprehend. Cadenza started to break down in tears as the pressure on her overwhelmed her, "Why are you doing this to me?!" She ran out of the room. "Because you're evil!" Twilight still with a smug face pointed at her as she ran off. She teleported at the door where Cadenza ran off, "Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're going to ruin my brother's life!" Everyone's reaction was that of total surprise, as even Soviet who knew what was happening, still couldn't believe what was happening. Twilight walked back into the room to be knocked down by running into her older brother who looked over her in disappointment. She had an awkward smile. "You want to know why my eyes went all...?" He then proceeded to act dizzy. "Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I've been getting terrible migraines. Cadance hasn't been casting spells on me, she's been using her magic to heal me!" He said as he walked past her. Twilight had a guilty and sorrow face, knowing what she had done. She tried to get a word in but Shining Armor began speaking again, "And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they can meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because of me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding!" Twilight tried to explain herself, "I was just trying to-" "She's completely stressed out because it's really important to her that her big day be perfect! Something that obviously wasn't important to you." Shining Armor confronted Twilight. Soviet and Ewok then ran to Shining Armor. Soviet extended his arm down the hallway and said, "Go. She ran back to your living quarters, now hurry while you can still catch up with her." "I'll go escort him." Ewok said as he followed Shining Armor down the halls. Soviet looked down on a sitting Twilight, "I think you can forget about being his best mare." Her friends all looked at her in disbelief, and Applejack said, "Come on y'all, let's go check on the princess." She said as she adjusted her hat. The group, including Tim and Tankery walked past her to find Cadenza. As Celestia passed by, Twilight tried to explain, "I was..." "You have a lot to think about." She said as she didn't even look or stop to talk to her. She kept on going, Soviet followed and Twilight held onto his arm. "She tried to-" He hasn't been in this situation before where someone was begging for his help, so he tried to calm her down but still get the point across. He took off his glasses, "Listen, I have to go escort Princess Celestia and go report to Princess Luna. You in the other hand, if you find Mi Amore Cadenza, then I think it's best you try to apologize to her." Soviet then swiftly moved his arm away from Twilight's grasp and got free. He then turned his back and walked away, putting his shades back on. The door closed as the guards left. Twilight held back her tears and said, "Maybe I was being overprotective." She climbed up the steps and said, "I could've gained a sister. But instead... I just lost a brother. Maybe Soviet is right, I need to find and apologize to Cadance." Cadenza approached Twilight and began to pat on her head to comfort her. She seemed calm. "I'm sorry!" Twilight exclaimed as tears ran down her cheeks. Cadenza's eyes flashed green and had an angry face saying, "You will be." Her horn charged and it was emanating green magic, causing a green fire to erupt around Twilight. Soviet then barged into the doors and it still didn't stop Cadenza, he charged towards Twilight to save her, "Twilight!" but he stopped as the fire then erupted around him, and a green bubble surrounded him and Twilight. Moving them under the ground. As the two sank into the ground, Cadenza walked away. > The Wedding: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight used her horn as a light in a dark cave, she yelled out, "Hello?" She got up and walked around, "Is anyone there?" She hit a reflective wall and that is when a familiar voice called out, "Twilight?" She looked around until she saw a bright white light on the floor get up. It was Soviet, and he was using an MX-991 and he pointed the flashlight onto the ceiling to light up the room. Twilight got distracted as echoing laughs are heard moving around the cave. "Where am I?" She asked as she walked back into a wall. Soviet shined his flashlight onto her face, "Twilight! Focus on me." He got her out of a panicked state. "Soviet? Oh am I glad to see you." She immediately jumped towards him. She stood by his side as Soviet placed his flashlight on the floor facing up. "I don't know where we're at, but somewhere underground." Soviet pointed out. "Why how smart of you, human. You're in the caves beneath Canterlot." A green reflection of Cadenza was shown throughout the multiple crystal walls. "Once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim all the gems that could be found inside. And now, your prison." She announced. Twilight tried screaming for help to see if anyone else would hear her, but Soviet didn't help in her yelling as he watched Cadenza project her face onto the walls, following Twilight as she panicked. He pulled out his M9. "It's no use. No one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for you, either." Cadenza added. Soviet smirked as he knows he's too noticeable to disappear. "Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist. Which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans." Cadenza laughed maniacally. "Plans? What plans?" Twilight asked as Soviet pulled out his radio to try and contact anyone. But nothing came back, but static. He looked at Twilight to see what'll happen. "The plans I have for your brother, of course." Cadenza answered. Twilight got angry and charged her horn to fire, "Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!" She screamed. "Only way to stop me is to catch me!" Cadenza mocked as she had a smug face, as Soviet knows he'll be in the front seat to wipe it off of her. Cadenza projected and moved around the crystals around the room to taunt Twilight to fire, which she did. She fired her beam and it deflected and bounced all across the room as her and Soviet duck down. She fired more multiple beams at Cadenza as it destroyed the crystals. But when Twilight destroyed a wall, after the smoke cleared, they found a more raggy and messy Cadenza. She had a surprised face and Soviet knew who it was. So he immediately chased after Twilight as she jumped onto Cadenza and tackled her as she begged and waved her arms to stop Twilight, "No! Wait!" Twilight tackled her and she was on the ground, she begged, "Please Don't hurt me!" Cadenza tried covering her face. She had a relief face on her, "Twilight, it's me!" Twilight wasn't convinced. "Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned just like you." Twilight looked behind her for Soviet's advice, Soviet was leaning on the wall watching and he raised his palm up to tell Twilight to wait. "The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter." Soviet then had suicidal thoughts. "Likely story!" Twilight screamed at her in anger. Cadenza then started doing their... handshake or their little dance to prove that it's the real Cadance. Twilight smiled as it was the real Cadance, the one who she remembered foalsitting her as a.. foal. Twilight jumped on her again, but instead it was a hug this time, "You remember me!" Twilight exclaimed. "Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?" Cadance replied. She heard the same maniacal laugh the imposter has. This brought her back to focus as she saw a glimpse of light shimmer. She looked to her right and saw a neatly dressed Soviet with Aviator Shades. "Hello Soviet." She greeted. Soviet did a short salute and said, "Greetings Princess, now once you two are done. I'll get you out of here and we'll get revenge on the person who is stealing your big day." Soviet assured. "Thank you, Soviet. Now I know I can always trust you." Cadance replied. "Now, let's move." Soviet then ran to the path he saw the shimmer of light was, with Cadance and Twilight following. As they were escaping, the imposter and Cadance were singing, much to Soviet's dislike, he got used to it. A few moments later, they find a cart and tracks. Cadance tried pushing it while still singing, she was too exhausted and weak to do so. So Soviet ushered the Princesses' into the cart as he pushed it himself and kicked the rocks that were blocking it from moving. He jumped in at the last moment. They hit a blockade and it launched them, with Soviet clinging onto Cadance, as Twilight flew closely behind them. Meanwhile in Canterlot, the wedding had already started. Cadenza was walking down the aisle as the CMC's threw the flowers. Everypony was there, including the humans who kept looking around for Soviet. Still no sign of him. The three reached the other side as they can hear Celestia welcoming everyone attending the wedding. They were blocked, "We're never going to save him." Cadance gave up. Twilight was on the verge until Soviet looked up and saw the glimpse of light, "Sunlight, up there!" He pointed. Twilight teleported the three up there. Only to find the former bridesmaids under a spell, saying in unison, "You're not going anywhere." They approached the three escapees. Celestia spoke, "Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you..." She was cut off by Twilight yelling "Stop!" behind the huge doors. This caught everyone's attention as she entered. Her friends felt embarrassed for her and or hoping she didn't arrive to make more of a fuss. Cadenza growled, "Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother?" She said in an angry tone, to be met with suspicion from Celestia, she tried to save herself by crying, "Why does she have to ruin my special day?" Another voice came from the doorway. "Because it's not your special day. It's mine!" Cadance entered the room. Everyone gasped. "What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?" Cadenza questioned. Cadance and Twilight looked at each other. While inside of the cave, Soviet stood in front of the two and pulled out a baton saying. "I got this. Teleport me once you get back to Canterlot." He then charged to the bridesmaids with the baton and began to swing it at them. They then bolted out of the cave to Canterlot. Now revealing how they escaped, Twilight remembered, "Oh that's right!" She then casted a spell that teleported him into the room in front of them. A purple magical light flashed in front of Twilight and Cadance, he was facing down on his right, with a bloody baton on his left hand and a M9 on his right, aiming down at the ground. As he noticed he was teleported, he looked around and noticed the amount of stares and gasps as they saw his bloody uniform and cracked shades. Soviet saw Cadenza and approached her with him aiming his baton at her. "You better explain!" He stopped in front of pedestal as Ewok, Tankery, and Tim formed a line in front of him and aimed their M9's at Cadenza. Cadenza scoffed, "Huh, clever. But you're still too late." Applejack spoke, "I don't understand. How can there be two of 'em?" "What do you think? She's a changeling. She takes the form of somebody you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them." Soviet explained. This made Cadenza enraged, she bursted into a tower of green flame, causing her to transform into her changeling self. It was none other than Chrysalis. Everyone gasped in fear, as they have been fooled by a single changeling. During her transformation, Soviet yelled. "Open fire!" Him and the other three fired their M9's. The bullets were deflected and as her transformation finished, she maniacally laughed. "Right you are, Princess." Soviet told his men, "Stand down, we don't want her to die too quickly, we need to make her suffer." He said as they all saw his massive grin on his face. As ordered, they stood down, as Tankery loaded another magazine into his pistol, the rest followed suit. "And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered." She said as she approached Cadance. "My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it." "Sov, why don't we drop her right now?" Tim asked. "We'll let her have a false sense of security, I want to see her reaction. Plus it'll make everyone know we're not to be messed with. You and Tankery go to the Bradley." Soviet responded. Tim looked back at Soviet and he yelled, "Now! Move it!" Tim and Tankery ran out of the room to find the Bradley. They checked each hallway on their way to make sure they were clear, and that there were no other changelings waiting to ambush them. "-That we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!" "They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us." Cadance refuted. Chrysalis laughed, "Oh, I doubt that. Isn't that right, dear?" Chrysalis looked back at Shining Armor and she activated her horn. Shining Armor nodded. "What's the game plan here anyways?" Ewok asked. "We're gonna give her false hope, then we'll steamroll her and her forces. It'll be a tough one, but if we don't let this happen, then we have a lot of bugs to deal with once we leave the barrier." Soviet explained. Cadance was full of rage, she ran to save Shining Armor but Chrysalis stopped her, "Ah ah ah! Don't wanna go back to the caves, now do you?" "And also that." Soviet added. "Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker, and so does his spell. Even now my minions are chipping away at it." Above Canterlot, there were a horde of changelings ramming into the barrier. While down below, Tankery and Tim were checking their CIWS and Patriot missile defenses they had set up yesterday, with Soviet and Tankery spawning them, and Tim and Ewok setting them up. It was fairly easy, when someone else did it for you. Tim finally found the Bradley and started it up, he found an M14 with the markings, "3-7". He wondered what that meant but the rifle seemed old. Tankery finally got into the Bradley and they found a group of Guards looking up in the sky until Tim revved the engine to get their attention. Tankery got out of the cupola and said, "Tell your squads to defend our AA sites! And prepare for battle! Regroup point at the castle!" The guards nodded and ran off to tell the other squads. "Alright Tim, get this thing moving to the castle." Tankery spoke onto the radio. Chrysalis chuckled, "He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now. And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the royal guard!" "Not my Shining Armor!" Cadance yelped. "Ohhhh. Now I get his name." Ewok said as he looked at Soviet who facepalmed. Soviet nudged Ewok, "Let's go to the hallway, we'll make sure that no changelings break in." The two ran out of the room with Soviet yelling out loud to trick Chrysalis, "We're running away because we're scared!" Twilight stopped the two to question them, "Where are you two going?!" She whispered. "We're going to give them a false sense of hope, good luck." Soviet replied as they continued. "Soon, my changeling army will break through. And even your humans are scared! Look at them cowardly run!" She laughed. "First we take Canterlot. And then all of Equestria!" "No." A stern voice from behind spoke out. It was Celestia, "You won't. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects... from you!" Celestia and Chrysalis began fencing with their horns. Celestia flew back and a bright magic beam fired from her horn, directed at Chrysalis. Chrysalis fired a magic beam back, they collided and it was a battle of tug of war, with magical lasers I guess. Chrysalis was yelping for help, until she was pushing back Celestia's beam. Celestia was surprised by this, Chrysalis's beam reached back to Celestia's horn, causing her to be blown back with her crown coming off. Celestia's horn was burnt to the tip, she laid weak on the ground. Everyone gasped as their protectors fled and their queen has been defeated. The Elements of Harmony approached the weakened Celestia on the floor. Chrysalis scoffed, "Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming him has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" "The Elements of Harmony, you must get to them... And use their powers to defeat the queen." Celestia fainted. The Mane 6 ran off and threw their dresses, which Rarity tried collecting until she gave up when they called for her. A minute later... Tankery was chilling in the turret with Tim driving to the Castle until they got a radio message, "This is 1-1, Castle has been overrun, VIP's headed to the huge ass Castle that wasn't the wedding one. Don't know why they have that many but get your asses over there!" "Understood 1-1, over and out." Tankery responded. "You heard the man, lets get this shit started!" "Roger that, moving out!" They both smiled as they knew they were going to have their special kind of fun. The type of fun where 25mm cannons are the main source of fun. Tankery spoke on the radio, "Tim, hit the button on the right." Tim then hit it and Tim yelled, "Wohooo!" As Highway to Hell started playing on the radio. They both sang poorly but still vibed as they drove to an intersection. The Changelings finally broke the shield, it collapsed. Canterlot was now exposed, until the 2nd line of defense popped up, scaring everybody, even the Mane 6, except the Humans. As the shield shattered and shook canterlot, once it stopped CIWS and Patriot Missiles began firing into the air all at once. The Changelings knew it was keep moving or die. So they dived into Canterlot, suffering heavy losses. They started crashing in like very small artillery shells, but most of them are getting gunned down. The Mane 6 kept running, when they passed an alleyway, Soviet and Ewok ran out of the alleyway and ran with the Mane 6. Instead of their dress uniforms, Ewok was dressed in Wehrmacht uniform. Soviet was dressed in US Army WW2 uniform. A Changeling dropped in front of the group, causing them to stop. It got up and tried to jump to Twilight, but Ewok put his M1911 on it's head and fired. It spooked the ponies they were protecting. But nonetheless they continued running. They ran up a staircase, only to find a horde of Changelings. They all stopped, Soviet and Ewok ran in front of the group to shield them from the changelings. They then became surrounded, until they heard... "What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Don't know, is that.. is that music?!" Twilight spoke out. "Oh hell yes!" Soviet and Ewok screamed as they started spraying and praying into the horde. The song became louder and louder, until the Bradley climbed over a ledge into the open area, running over the Changelings and firing it's main and secondary weaponry into the horde as they tried to overrun the Bradley by charging at it. Soviet and Ewok jumped into the large group, usually using one hand to hold their guns and the other for another gun. The two crewmen in the Bradley got bored and while on their way to the opening to assist Soviet and Ewok, they found 3 scared fillies that he recognizes as the CMC's. So they let them on board and as Tim opened the ramp from the Bradley and Tankery ordered the CMC's, "Stay in here, and use this on anyone that looks like a bug if they try to get in, understood?" The three nodded nervously as Sweetie Belle used her magic to hold the M1911. As Tim, dressed in WW2 Australian uniform and a certain Tankery in Soviet WW2 Era uniform. Tim was armed with a Owen Gun, Tankery with a PPsh-41, Soviet with a Thompson, and Ewok with an STG-44. They got into a line and charged at the horde, using their weapons to hit and fire, using their fists, legs, even helmets at some times to kill the Changelings. They formed an opening to cross, giving the Mane 6 the opportunity to gun it. They ran through MACE who were killing as many Changelings to make said opening. This went on for 3 minutes until they realized, "Shit, was that all of them?" Until they looked up and saw another horde going after them in the air, they started to panic until Soviet ordered, "Retreat! But still blast em to bit boys!" They all laughed in excitement, they were finally enjoying themselves, the teamwork, coordination, and effectiveness the 4 were showing was impressive. They casually traded places in a stylish way but looking cool enough as they blasted the Changelings. They started to run and Tankery opened the ramp in the Bradley and ushered the 3 to get out of it. The fillies ran and followed Soviet. Tankery dove away from the Bradley as a Changeling charged at high speeds into the cupola and hitting the ammo rack. The Bradley exploded, Tankery immediately got up and sprinted to Soviet, as he heard a loud clank hit the ground, it turns out to be the turret of the Bradley landed on exactly where he was before. They all got into a house as the flying horde flew by, "Holy hell! Almost got blown to bits." Tankery exclaimed. "Yeah well, we're down an IFV. Thing was too slow anyways." Ewok pointed out. "Yeah, well we gotta make our way back to the castle, or at least defend the main room until Shining Armor can cast his spell back. We'll meet up with the group at the castle, but we'll need to split up in teams. Meet up point is the main entrance, secure it and wait for the other team to arrive. Got it?" Soviet explained. "Understood." Tankery, Tim, and Ewok said in unison as the CMC's grunted in agreement. "Alright, let's move!" Soviet said as he holstered a M1903A4 and started to wait by a window. "1-2 go first, being Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Keep them safe." The 4 then sneaked through the streets to the castle, then as they lost sight of them, Soviet, Ewok, and Scootaloo did the same thing but went a different path. They executed any Changeling they saw on the way. Soviet, Ewok, and Scootaloo got into a building that has an overview of the castle field. Soviet aimed his M1903A4 out the 2nd story window and saw the now captured Mane 6 going into the castle. He got on his radio, "Be advised 1-2. Twilight and her friends have been captured, watch your fire. Over." "Roger that 1-1, proceeding with caution." The radio replied. As the Mane 6 got into the castle, Soviet and Ewok fired their weapons to cover Tim and Tankery who are running through the field to get inside the castle, closely followed by Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo screamed in fear as the sounds of gunfire filled the room. After killing almost 30 Changelings, Soviet got up and yelled, "Alright, let's move!" He ran down the stairs and jumped out of a window on the 1st floor. Ewok had to carry Scootaloo as she was afraid she might get cut from the shattered glass. As they approached the castle, Tim opened the doors and waved his arms to usher them inside. As they got inside, Tankery was seen guarding the entrance with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle being used as extra lines of sight. Scootaloo immediately ran to hug the other CMC's as they talked about how scared they were. Soviet and Ewok stacked up behind him, Tim and Tankery did the same. They cautiously fast walked to the main room, aiming their weapons to any potential ambush sites. They heard a loud voice from the main room say, "Go! Feed!" Then the doors opened to reveal a group of changelings flying towards them, "Light them up!" Ewok said as the group fired their weapons at the Changelings. As they all fell from the sky, only one Changeling got close to the group. As the group of changelings died, they rushed to the main room to find the captured Mane 6, Cadance, a cocooned Celestia and a hypnotized Shining Armor. Chrysalis continued giving her speech, unbothered by the sudden Human appearance. "It's funny really. Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along. Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct." "Good speech, now hand yourself over or we'll do it by force." Soviet said as he pulled out a baton. Chrysalis chuckled, "Oh really? What are you going to do?" "Let's beat this bitch!" Tankery yelled as he pulled out a baton and charged Chrysalis. Chrysalis fired a magic beam at Tankery, but she missed as a bullet from Ewok's STG-44 hit her arm. She screamed in pain but continued blasting at the Humans. The rest charged at her, but were only lucky as the beam hit their steel helmets or them dodging the beams. Tankery jumped onto Chrysalis' leg to drag her down from flying, but she used a magical blast to launch Tankery into a wall. "Shoot her wings! I want her alive!" Soviet ordered. Tim and Ewok then focused their fire on the wings, causing Chrysalis to fall down onto the ground. She tried getting back up but was kicked down by Soviet's boot. He hit her with his baton in the face and she was kicked in the back by Tankery. "Twilight, free Cadance. We're going to scare these bugs back to their home to remember this moment. The day they lost the war as soon as it started." Soviet grinned. Twilight freed Cadance from the Changeling goo locking her feet, and Cadance hugged Shining Armor out of his trance. Shining Armor tried to reactivate the shield but he was too weak. Cadance hugged him and said, "My love will give you strength." Shining Armor tried to reactivate the shield again, but this time Cadance gave him a spark on his horn from hers, which totally doesn't sound weird, to give him strength. Her horn activated. With the power of both of their magic, they levitated as the room was filled with magical light, this activated a blast that threw all Changelings or changeling entities out of Canterlot and into the sky. Soviet looked at Celestia who now free, was still asleep, Tankery approached him and asked. "Considering she was in a cocoon with Changeling fluid whatever the hell it is, is it safe to say that she was in THE JAR?" "Shut up." Soviet laughed. Twilight ran to pick up Celestia. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine." Celestia reassured. "You have a real wedding to put together." The humans cheered, as the rest of the city did too. But Tim saw something in the distance, "We got movement in the air, closing in fast!" Tankery took out his binoculars to check. "We got those bird things, fucking Griffons! But not that many, we should be fine." Tankery laughed as he heard multiple, "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT" From the city. He saw the bright red tracers aimed at the Griffons. He blinked and saw only red mist. "That solved it out." He scoffed. A few hours later, they restarted the preparations for the wedding. Now with extra anti-air defenses placed around Canterlot. This time, it was more positive than the last time preparing for the wedding. They were at the altar, and Twilight stood next to Shining Armor. She fixed his webbing that was out of place. The two saw their parents with their mother crying. The guards with drums started playing, giving Fluttershy the cue to start making her birds sing. Everyone looked at the doorway which opened with the Guard's magic. To see the CMC's dressed in... dresses throwing flowers, with the Bride behind them. Celestia stood in the middle of the altar, with Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie on the left on the staircase as Twilight, Spike, Soviet, Ewok, and Tim in their Pink and Greens with shades again, stood on the right. With now an awake Luna who was asleep the whole time, now stood next to the bestmares. Twilight nudged Shining Armor, "Seriously though I get why the queen of the Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you?" She chuckled. "I told her she wouldn't just be gaining a husband, she would be getting a pretty great sister too." Shining Armor answered. Rarity started to tear up and wiped her tears with a napkin, which Pinkie Pie took and defied logic and anything that makes sense where she cried and entire river but the napkin absorbed it all. The humans stood still, with their shades of course blocking their eyes. Tankery spoke to Soviet with a voice breaking, "Y-you gonna cry Soviet?" "N-no what makes you say that?" He answered as the 4 had tons of tears dropping down. Cadance got onto the altar, and Celestia spoke. "Mares, gentlecolts, and Humans. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza..." "Princess Cadance is fine." Cadance assured. Celestia smiled and corrected herself, "The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?" Spike in a suit and a tophat, handed the rings to Celestia who grabbed it with her magic to put them onto the horns of Cadance and Shining Armor. "I now pronounce you mare and colt." Everyone cheered, but weren't loud enough to silence the loud cheers, clapping, and "Whoops" from the humans. While Ewok cried in happiness. The now married couple got onto a deck just outside of the room, and saw a massive crowd cheering for their wedding. The couple waved at them all. Ewok asked Tankery, 'Wait, if the groom wasn't a unicorn or had a horn, where were they going to put the ring?" "It's a cock ring already, so might as well put it on a cock. Right?" This made the two laugh. Celestia told Twilight, "This is your victory, as much as theirs. You persisted in the face of doubt. And your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us. Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn." The couple kissed on the deck and Celestia nudged Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow Dash, that's your cue." Rainbow Dash immediately flew into the sky and created a sonic rainboom over Canterlot. "Best. Wedding. Ever!" She yelled. Tankery looked around, and spoke, "Where the hell is Soviet?" "And Luna?" Celestia added as the group scanned the room. Twilight and Rarity looked at Celestia as she looked back at them, realizing where they went. They chuckled as they tried to hide their smiles with their hooves. Tankery facepalmed as he realized why they left. Tim ran out onto the deck and leaned on the ledge to as he was in awe from the sonic rainboom, but was pulled back by Ewok since that deck was reserved for the married couple only. Hours later, the sun was setting and they were all in an open area where the Bride and Groom were slow dancing. Celestia, the Mane 6 and Tim, Tankery, and Ewok stood close to the dance floor where the two were slow dancing. Luna and Soviet appeared from behind them in a bush. "Hello, everypony. Did we miss anything?" Luna asked. They smiled awkwardly as they didn't want to tell her Canterlot was attacked since she was asleep for the entire thing, until the actual wedding. "Did we miss anything?" Celestia asked Luna as she knew what they were doing. This made Luna and Soviet laugh awkwardly and Celestia laughed out loud since she made them feel awkward. Twilight looked and Pinkie Pie and nodded, making her have a huge smile and immediately jolting to the DJ Booth. She grabbed headphones and Vinyl Scratch as she placed a disk onto the booth. "Let's get this party started!" She spoke as she threw a microphone to Twilight and began to sing. Soviet and Tim danced on each side of the Bride and Groom, as Ewok and Tankery stood besides the DJ booth and moved their hips and heads to the beat. As they were taking pictures, they also took a picture of stupidity also known as: Tim, Tankery, Ewok, and Soviet together with their arms over each other's shoulders as they are seen smiling and Ewok's shades on top of his hat and Tim wearing his hat upside down. As the newlyweds walked to their carriage, Twilight and Soviet was there to greet them. "Twilight! None of this would've been possible without you, little sis. And you too Soviet. Love you. Twily." Soviet nodded to Shining Armor's compliment. "Love you too, B.B.B.F.F." The two hugged. Shining Armor was just about to get into the carriage but was stopped by Soviet who grabbed Shining Armor's attention him calling out, "Hey, Shining Armor." "Yeah?" Soviet leaned in to whisper. "Dude, good luck tonight." Soviet jokingly said. This made Shining Armor laugh, he got into the carriage and stuck his head out to reply to Soviet, "I'm gonna need it!" Making the two laugh. Shining Armor asked Cadance, "Ready to go?" "Oh! Almost forgot." Cadance threw her bouquet into the crowd. Rarity pushed the other mares aside and yelled, "IT'S MINE!" She crazily yelled as she almost grabbed it, if it weren't for Luna who pushed her aside and grabbed the flowers. "Fair play." Rarity spoke. Twilight saw this and told Soviet. "Uhm... Soviet?" Soviet turned around and his jaw dropped. "Good luck." Twilight added. Soviet stood still as a statue. The carriage drove off as the humans saluted it. Twilight said, "Now this was a great wedding." Fireworks went off > Armored Support > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright. So, we got everything we need. All we gotta do next is power the damn thing." Ewok kicked the object. "I mean, we are in a world full of literal magic." Tankery reminded. "That makes sense. Who knows what else they can power up. Our phones, radar, your mom's toys, laser weaponry, jet packs, the list goes on. I wonder if it also applies to why we're trying to arm ourselves with a MPAA." "Aye fuck you for that. But still, we don't have the AI that we need to do all the tech shit for us while we're in the suit." Tankery replied. "Well actually, I do have one. Took me a while back home but I was extremely bored and thought that I can make one." "You really need a girlfriend. I mean, shit, you can just go ask out the girl who lended us this room to test in." Tankery suggested as he pointed his arms to the door. Which opened. "Starlight, I don't think the humans will like that idea. Or even the Changelings." Twilight spoke to Starlight. "Wait hold, on. Let me explain again. If we show that the Changelings don't need to feed off of love, they can make it themselves by friendship." She explained as they walked into the library and to see a human dressed as an engineer and another one wearing the same pink and Greens at the wedding with his hands on his hips looking at the floor. And a scary metallic suit of armor on the ground. "Oh, hi." Ewok awkwardly waved. The two waved back. Tankery looked at him and smirked. "Dude, if you can turn them into anthro then you got that thing rolling. The thing is, we gotta get THAT thing rolling. Soviet wants it tested before we use it." Tankery pointed to the suit of armor on the ground. "Wait what is that?" Starlight asked as her and Twilight both look closely at the suit of armor. "Good luck." Tankery chuckled as he left the room. Ewok scratched his head and blushed as he really isn't good at conversations with new people. "This is uhm.. an.. uhm.." The two looked at him worryingly, "Are you okay?" Twilight tilted her head as Ewok tried to remember what he was saying. "So, this thing is meant for Soviet. He. He asked us to make this for the coming attack on the bugs." He rushed his sentence out. "WAIT! You guys are going to attack the Changelings?" Starlight asked. "Well, uhm. Yes. Well that isn't unless they surrender." Ewok added. "So what does this thing do?" Twilight asked. "It a power armor, meaning that it has energy shields to protect itself from projectiles, enhanced speed, agility, and overall effectiveness by a long shot. But the armor alone is good enough without the energy shields, Anti-Tank rockets are probably the only things that can pierce this Mjolnir armor. We call if the Spartan II Power Armor. But that reminds me, we can't power this thing up, we think your magic might kickstart it. So if you don't mind...?" He pulls out a power block that was from the armor and hands it to Twilight. "Uhm..." She began getting nervous. "Sure thing." She blasted a beam to the block as she put it on the floor, but much to Ewok's surprise it was glowing. He grabbed his thick gloves and grabbed it. "Thank you, Princess." He nodded as he moved the suit of armor over with his boots and placed the battery into it's back. "We'll start getting it running once we're ready. But again, thank you very much Princess." Twilight blushed, "Oh pssh. No need for calling me that. You can just call me Twilight." She assured. Ewok smiled. "Yes ma'am." He saluted only to make Twilight's suggestion backfire on her making her laugh awkwardly. "Oh! That reminds me. Soviet wanted you to safe guard this. He's off in the forest doing something." Ewok handed Twilight a crystal which she grabbed via magic. "Why thank you. I'll hold onto this until he comes to retrieve it. But any clue why he's in the forest?" She asked. "No clue." Ewok shrugged. "Well, he never tells us anything anyways. But what does this do?" Starlight asks as she inspects the crystal. Ewok remembering why Soviet gave them it, he went along with the plan. "To pick up signals, footage, or documentaries at a time from different times and universes. Mostly human stuff." Ewok explained. "Wait. You're telling me that this can contain human information?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Pretty much. Sometimes it comes with music, don't know why. But it does." Ewok added. Twilight squealed at the chance of learning. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes wide open. She took the crystal and took it to the main table room. Starlight followed out of curiosity. As they left, Ewok spoke out. "Welp, they're going to get traumatized." He grinned. Mean while in the forest. "So, I'm saying Lucifer would be the best choice because she is dommy mommy." "Well true, but I'd go for Justice instead. Definition of a tomboy." "Well you can have the definition of DEEZ NUTS! But maybe... Shit I forgot her name, the coffee demon or even the bitch would be cool." "Or Cerberus." The two discussed the characters from Helltaker. "Well also The-" Soviet cut himself off as they heard movement. They ducked into the bush and spied over the group. "Holy.... Jesus Christ that's an entire mountain." Tim exclaimed.. silently... As they saw a carriage full of luggages. Applejack approached the carriage being carried by Sweetie Belle who was sweating crazily. "Gee Rarity. Did ya remember to pack?" Rarity who was dressed fancily replied, "Oh well let's see who gets the last laugh when you're absolutely desperate to curl your lashes and realize you didn't even bring an eye curler." She put on her glasses and continued. "Well. Looks like we're all set now." Scootaloo excitingly looking around asked, "Wait, what about Rainbow Dash? Isn't Rainbow Dash coming?" "Course she is sugarcube. She's going to meet us up at our first campsite." Applejack pointed to the trail. "Alright y'all. Let's move them out." They all started walking up the trail. Soviet got up and tapped Tim, "That's our cue. Let's move." A few hours later, they set up camp. While Soviet and Tim hid in the bushes. Rainbow Dash was finishing her Olden Pony story, "YOU DO!" she snuck up behind the fillies making them scream for help, except Scootaloo who was trying to look cool in front of Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle who was hugging onto Rarity was shaking crazily. Rarity tried to comfort her, "Oh don't worry Sweetie Belle, no Olden Pony is going to hurt you as long as your big sister is here." Just as Sweetie Belle somewhat calmed down, they all heard rustling in the forest. "Ah! It's the Olden Pony!" Applebloom screamed and hid behind Applejack. "It ain't no Olden Pony, it's probably a critter or something." Applejack tried to calm Applebloom. The two creatures emerged from the bush, it was the two humans in 1980s US Army woodland uniform with masks covering their faces. With both weapons raised and aiming their weapons all of over the place to check if it's clear of any hostiles. With the voice changer on both humans, Soviet decided to pull off a prank on the unsuspecting ponies. "Oh, its just the humans." Rainbow Dash sighed. The two aimed their guns at the group of ponies staring at them. This made them panic, "Woah woah woah, hold on there! Put yer weapons down and for Celestia's sake tell me what in the hay is going on!" Applejack demanded. The two put their guns down. And approached the group with their voice changers set to the voice of the Combine Soldiers from Half Life. "Wait, you mentioned there were other humans?" Soviet asked Rainbow. "Come on Soviet, stood trying to prank us. Of course you know you aren't the only humans." Rainbow Dash tried to undermine the prank. The two soldiers looked at each other worriedly, then Soviet got on his radio. "Command this is 2-3, we have reported from the locals about Soviet infantry. Size and force unknown. Requesting reinforcements." "Negative 2-3, all units are currently dealing with an aggressive pony. We are taking heavy casualties, proceed with caution." The radio replied. Then gunfire started going on further into the forest, where Soviet and Tim had rigged M16s to fire as Soviet activated his radio. This spooked the group, with Sweetie Belle screaming, "It's the Olden Pony!" Making the fillies even more scared but the mare more confused. "Wait, her said that you needed reinforcements. But we only know 4 humans. Who are you?" Applejack asked. "I'm Sergeant Foley, US Army." Soviet answered. "This is Corporal Dunham, and you mentioned Soviets. Do you know how many of them are there?" "What do you mean? We only know-" Applejack was cut off by her little sister. "Sis, at Twilight's school I learned that Soviets are a country, with their enemy being the United States. Now these here folks are U-S Army, put two and two together and you'll see why they're starting to get worried." Applebloom whispered to Applejack. The radio started blaring with the gunfire starting again, "All units! We've got a hostile pony, seems old as hell and is wearing a rag, she's getting past us! Send help! Arrghhh" the radio was then cut off. "It r-really is the Olden Pony!" Scootaloo added. "Shit. We gotta move." Soviet and Tim raised their weapons back up and ran into the forest. "I don't think it's a good idea to continue-" Rarity was cut off by Rainbow Dash. "Quit your whining, if the Olden Pony shows up, I'll beat it no sweat!" "Yeah, especially if there are more humans in these woods. That means we're safer, right?" Rarity asked. "Exactly! We've got nothin to worry about." Applejack added. Meanwhile in Twilight's castle.. "So, when do you think it'll activate?" Starlight asked as she entered the table room as Twilight kept staring at it while it rested on the table. "No clue. You know you could've told Spike to get that popcorn for you, right?" Twilight suggested. "Yeah, but I might as well do it myself since he's asleep. But jeez Twi, it's already dark and you've sat there for hours, maybe it's my turn to-" Starlight cut herself off as the crystal projected a holographic screen onto the wall. "Well, it's a good thing I brought popcorn." Starlight chuckled as she sat down next to Twilight. The loud sound of the VHS tape spooked the two viewers watching as it said, "Loading Tape #One". "Maybe we should take notes..." Starlight suggested as she teleported two notepads and two pencils onto the table. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Twilight added. The two sat down with their eyes intensely focused on the projection as it started. They kept quiet through the whole thing to focus. Tape 4 loaded in with some glitches appearing in the loading screen, which startled the two ponies studying this new and terrifying world. "It has seems that the Shadow State has it's hands in international affairs, especially in-" the moment he was about to say in which nation, the video glitched out and skipped that part. "Is it broken?" Twilight asked. "No, I think it's part of the video. Unless it's not, but let's just keep watching." Starlight answered. A few moments later another glitch happens, "- but nonetheless we must maintain a watchful eye-" the black and white snow screen appeared again but with a distorted voice with the symbol of the SS State. "YOUR FURHERS DECAYED BODY IS THAT OF HIS IDEOLOGY. A CARCASS UNSUITABLE FOR THIS EARTH YOU HOLD ONTO. THE ARYAN RACE HAS NOTHING TO GAIN FROM THE WORLD YOU TRY TO PROTECT. BUT FROM IT'S ASHES. LET GO OF YOUR FICKLE EXISTENCE. AND TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE ---S AMONG THE NEW EARTH. THE FIRE SHALL PURIFY THIS EARTH MADE READY FOR NONE SHALL SURVIVE OUR ASCENSION." This made the two panic as Twilight screamed, "Turn it off! Turn it off!" As Starlight hid under the table, thinking a portal was going to open up, allowing the Shadow State into their world. But nothing happened as the 5th tape started to load in. "Wait... Nothing's happening." Starlight said as she peeked up from under the table. The crystal then shut off. "That was.... Scary." Twilight said as she calmed down. "Their world is... It seems like it's dying. All the war, and the fact that they're still resisting after defeat is..." "It's admirable, but it seems like their next war will be their last." "But their feats are amazing! Especially when they got the moon by themselves! With no magic, these humans are really good with their technology." Starlight admired. "Yeah.. but at a great cost of their own people." Twilight began tear as she began thinking about all the loss and suffering under the German and Japanese leadership. "But is this what Soviet and his friends had to go through?" Starlight asked. "Maybe not, Ewok did say it projects footage from other dimensions or realities. It's probably a different timeline." Twilight suggested. Starlight nodded. Meanwhile in the forest... Scootaloo's attempts to impress Rainbow Dash has taken a toll on her, especially after the Olden Pony story and she can barely even sleep. She's been rocking back and forward for countless hours in the night, as the occasional sounds of gunfire in the background aren't helping either. Her trance of insanity was broken as the sounds of branches breaking nearby the tent approached her. She heard a whisper... "Psst! Scootaloo. Where are you?" A familiar voice called out. Scootaloo became tense, not falling for the voice's trick. "It's me Soviet, we need to talk to you." Now convinced, she slowly walked out of the tent. She was confused, "Soviet?" She tilted her head, "What're you doing here? But also, there are other humans from the US Army." She reported. "We know, that was us. It was all a prank, but I need to talk to you about something else." Soviet put his helmet on the ground and sat on it. "That was... Clever. But... Doesn't the... Olden Pony still.. exist?" She asked nervously. "Pssh, nah. She was just an old pony looking for her horse shoe. Me and Tim here helped her, she returned back to town." Soviet made up the story. "But hey," he pushed Scootaloo slightly to seem more friendly, "if there was a monster. You'll definitely beat it before it hurts anyone and anything. If it somehow gets past you, which is near impossible. We're here." Soviet assured. Scootaloo's paranoid state was gone, her tired face turned to relief. She let out a sigh and looked down. Soviet got her attention back, "Hey. And Rainbow Dash? You'll definitely be put under her wing, you're practically the perfect duo." Soviet began to seem like a brother figure to her. "Wait, why are you-" "Because, I care for you all, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applebloom. Everyone." Soviet got up and looked down at Ponyville. "And I'll make damn sure no one gets hurt on my watch." He snapped out of it, because he saw Scootaloo worrying. He kneeled down to Scootaloo and said, "If you can do a favor for me.. if you dream and see Luna. Tell her I said hi and don't stress much." "Yeah, sure thing. But.. do you want to talk about what just happened?" Scootaloo asked. "Heh. I'll be fine, I'll probably talk about it with Twilight, if she knows how emotions work." Soviet chuckled. "But knowing you're all safe, I'll be fine." He rubbed her head to mess up her mane, making her laugh. "Alright, now go get back to bed. It's already late." He picked up the helmet and began walking away. Scootaloo remembered something to tease him, "Hey, how's it like being the Heroes of Equestria once again?" She laughed. "Hey! It's been 2 weeks since the wedding. Go to sleep!" He pointed to the tent laughing. "Yes sir, hero of Equestria." She saluted before going into the tent. As she entered, she can still hear a Soviet trying to hold in his laughter. She got into her side of the tent and covered herself under the sheets until she turned around to her surprise, Rainbow Dash looked at her with suspicion with a raised brow. "So, how'd you crack that hard shell?" She questioned. Scootaloo tried to deflect the question. "What... shell?" She scratched her head. "How'd you get Soviet to talk about his feelings? Ever since they got here they've been nothing but tough and heartless. And now I hear that he's fighting for us? I mean, we can handle ourselves for Celestia's sake." Rainbow stated. "He doesn't have anything back in his world, I mean, we didn't ask them how they were anyways." Scootaloo replied. "Huh. Makes sense. But good for you for standing up for him, it shows you got guts. Especially against someone like me." Rainbow nudged Scootaloo. He walked through the bush and saw a bored Tim playing with his thumbs. "So, how'd it go?" "Nothing really happened. But at least now she won't have nightmares." Soviet replied. Tim scoffed, "I mean, sure they are cute but I don't really care much about them. The only reason why I'm helping is because of you, last time I saw you, failed suicide attempts last time I heard. The you sent dark for a few months and HERE I found you in all places." He explained pointing at him. "Ever since I got here we've been fighting, which yeah I'll admit I like it. But still don't trust them ponies that much as you do. What makes you think they won't backstab us?" "Dude, I'm dating their Princess. We'll be fine." Soviet assured. "Wait hold on. You're banging one of their princesses?" Tim asked. "Yeah." "Good for you for fucking a horse. But still, it's good to see you happy. At least in this world we can do our stuff." Tim exhaled as he looked down to Ponyville. Soviet also looked to Ponyville in the distance and said, "Yeah, but if there's one thing I'll make a rule for. We'll call it MACE protocol." Soviet chuckled go the fact he's doing something official. "Protect Equestria at all costs. Even if I'm gone or if MACE is disbanded. Thats what we'll do and keep doing. Especially if what we're protecting Equestria from us Equestria itself. Can you promise me this Tim?" "Yeah?" "If I die or if we disband. Promise me you'll protect this kingdom. Even if I'm long gone, I just want the people we're protecting to have a full life with no dangers. Because I don't want them to go through what I had to." Soviet asked. "Dude, you're not going to die. But yeah, if it's from you. I'll continue this order until my last dying breath." Tim promised. "Thank you. Now.. I'm just hoping we'll make it out alive from the final battle with the bugs." Soviet stated. Tankery entered back into the Library and saw an engineer fully covered in PPE working on the armor. "So, I'm guessing Soviet wants this only for him." "Yeah, he wants to make sure that if he goes down, this technology goes down with him so the bugs don't get it. Just in case we don't recover the both of them. But I changed the explosion mechanism after a codeword from a self destruction to a teleportation spell, thanks to Twilight. So he ends up alive, with the armor." Ewok explained. "Good thinking. I just hope we don't need go use it in the first place." Tankery hoped. "Don't know why he wants to look like Red Team. But holy shit does it look cool as fuck." Ewok stated as he got up. "Yeah." "But thank God you guys can spawn in the materials with the tech intact. Or this would've been hell for me to deal with." "Surprisingly, yeah. But sadly no vehicles." "Makes sense. But if you can spawn armor it's good enough. But yeah, I see why Soviet only wants one of these." The next day arrives. The annual sister hiking trip was rushed and they were on their way back home by the time the sun was setting. The group arrived over a cliff and overlooked Ponyville. They all stood there and sat to calm down until they heard a whistling sound. "Uhm... Anypony hear that?" Applejack alerted the group. They all looked around to see what was causing the rapidly approaching sound. They all ran back into the bushes to hide for what was going to come, leaving their things behind, and of course the cart carrying a mountain of luggages. They all ducked into cover, thinking the Humans must've done something. They closed their eyes and covered their ears as a small explosion erupted near the cart. They all looked back at the cart to see a cloud of dirt and dust covering the entire area, unable to see what hit the ground. Until the wind blew away the dirt and what they saw confused them. The same body as the humans, but clad in green armor with red lines on certain areas. With where the face was supposed to be covered in a helmet with the face blocked by a dark yellow visor. It rose up slowly and hit it's helmet with it's hand three times, causing the visor to glow bright yellow. It looked to the right on it's shoulder and saw the unharmed cart. It looked down on its shoulder and checked the other one, and wiped the confetti off of it. The group was confused to why it had confetti on it or why it was here, or how it was even in the sky in the first place. They all ducked their heads back down as it looked directly at them. "What are we going to do?!" Applebloom whispered. "I don't know what it is, it's probably Soviet." Applejack reasoned. "Whatever it is, I'm going to take it head on!" Rainbow Dash then charged at it by flying at full speed. She aimed one hoof in front of her to hit the suit of armor but it leaned back, causing Rainbow Dash to miss. "Oh I'm gonna-!" She turned her direction and hit the armor's torso. There was a buzz noise while Rainbow Dash was pushed back. The armor didn't move at all. She fell on the ground She regained controll and tried to go in for another hit until the armor raised it's hand. "Calm down. It's just me." Soviet used the suit's microphone to speak. While also still having the voice quality of a speaker. "Wait, Soviet?!" Applejack raised her head. "Now what in the hay are you doing and what is that?!" "Pinkie Pie launched me out here with her party cannon. And also.." he turned around and reached out his hand to Rainbow Dash. She was hesitant, so he reassured, "Don't worry, the shield only activated when you try to attack. You're safe." She reached out her hoof and Soviet grabbed it, picking her up. "Yeah, I knew that. I was just testing!" Rainbow tried to keep her pride intact. "And this is Mjolnir Armor Mark IV, one of the best designs from the UNSC." Soviet answered Applejack. "What's that?" Applebloom asked. "Go ask Twilight. She has the crystal I used before and it might be displaying some stuff right now. Who knows, but it might scare you." "Wait, why would it scare 'em?" Applejack asked. "It's footage from alternate dimensions of Humanity. Nuclear War, extinction, destruction, death. You name it, it'll show it. I try to keep notes down to keep track." Soviet answered. "Yeah, no. Applebloom's not gonna go." "Suit yourself. Anyways, I need to test this thing. So who's the fastest here?" Soviet asked. "Why? So you can shoot us?" Rainbow questioned. "Of course not! Just to see how fast I can run." Soviet responded. "Huh, then I reckon' it's me and Rainbow." Applejack answered. "Alright then. I'll race both of you then." This shocked everyone as they never really thought of comparing who's faster. "Alright then. It'll be embarrassing for you though." Rainbow Dash readied. "Hey, at least it'll be fun." Applejack added. They all lined at a tree and Applebloom raced to another tree in the distance to act as the finish line. "3, 2, 1!" Scootaloo screamed. "GO!" The two ponies ran as fast as they could to Applebloom as Soviet stood into his running position, they were confused. "Yo Juan, activate speed boost." Soviet spoke inside his helmet. A projection of a tortilla chip hat appeared inside of the helmet. "Sí, show them horses who they messing with!" A Mexican accent of an AI spoke to Soviet. Soviet's armor on his legs had little ports for lights to appear out of and it activated. A beam sound emitted from them and Soviet ran at unhuman speeds. "Woah nelly!" "Jeez!" The two mares screamed as Soviet outran the two ponies to the finish line within three seconds as it was at least a minute long run. "Good job hombré!" Juan cheered. "Thanks Juan. Good work." "Nah man, that was all you!" "Nope, all you Juan. Look how good you were, look at their faces!" Soviet laughed as he turned around to see a jaw dropped Applebloom, as well as a jaw dropped pony group, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack slowly walked to Soviet. "Now that's just cheatin'." Applejack said. Soviet turned on his microphone "Well, any advantage I'll take to stop the war." "That reminds me. I overheard you yesterday with Scootaloo, why now do you open up?" Rainbow questioned with a raised brow. "Oh that.. so I might as well come out clean." Soviet said as he sat down on the ground. They all looked with interest and sat down in front of Soviet. He took off his helmet, only to be covered by a mask. He took a deep breath. "So." "Who do you'll think you'll get with if they were at least in human form." He placed nachos down onto the crystal table. "Probably the rainbow one, she's literally the definition of a tomboy." He picked up a chip, dipped it in guacamole and ate it. "Probably the American one, what was her name..." He looked upwards to think. "Applejack?" "Yeah, that's her name. What about you, Tank?" Tim asked. "Starlight or Twilight. Starlight seems to be the one that'll clearly be dommy mommy but Twilight, probably secret dom. Who knows. But that's my guess." Tankery sat down. "Do they even know we're here?!" Starlight asked as she gasped and blushed. Twilight as they watched the three humans sitting on foldable chairs and a foldable chair talking to each other outside of the throne room doors. "No, probably not." Twilight blushed. "But here's something funny we can do, try flirting with the other's mom's just to mess with them. Just like what Tim did to Ewok's mom." Tankery took another chip covered tortilla chip. "Yeah, MILF hunting I guess." Ewok laughed. Spike walked up to Twilight and handed her a scroll. "From Princess Celestia." He walked up to the table and took a chip and dipped it in guacamole. "Mmmf, so good." "Yeah dude, you can take some if you want. We got a whole lot to spare." Tankery handed him a plate of the bowl of guacamole and a lot of chips. "Are you sure?" Spike asked as he grabbed the plate. "Yeah dude, that was a warmup, out next sauce is Soviet's homemade spicy salsa." "Oh no.." Ewok said. "Thanks!" Spike walked to his room with the plate. "Woah!" Tim jumped up. "How long have you two been there?" He pointed at the two mares. "Pervs.." Starlight muttered. Twilight, who opened the scroll rolled it back up and said. "Princess Luna accepted Soviet's request for a headquarters in my castle. Looks like his 'diplomatic' meetings in Canterlot didn't take much effort after all." Twilight sighed. "Your room already has bunks and two tables as well as several lockers and some space to put your stuff in. Just don't be too loud after sundown." "Yes, Princess." They saluted. "Wait tank, are we doing anything tonight?" Ewok asked. "No, why do you ask?" He... asked. "Well, slumber party? Might as well since we're all doing nothing tonight. Princess, are you coming? Your rules since it is your castle afterall." Ewok pointed out. "Well.. uhm... I don't think that's a good idea-" Starlight muttered before getting cut off.. But since Twilight had never been in one before in her entire life, she got excited. "Yes!" She then pulled out a book about slumber parties. "Ooh I've always wanted to use this!" She began reading it. "So that's planned, so we got snacks, places to sleep. Drinks! We need drinks." Tim spoke. "We'll ask Applejack for cider." Starlight suggested. "Cider sounds good. But does she have alcoholic beverages?" Ewok asked. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll go ask her once she comes back from her trip." Starlight answered. "Oh yeah! That reminds me, we did a prank on them." Tim laughed. "Wait you did?" Starlight laughed, "What did you guys do?" "We pretended to be US Troops from the 80s with an entire division or some shit. And we encountered the girls and asked if they've seen any Soviet forces and then faked a squad being attacked by the.. Olden Pony or something!" Tim laughed. "That sounds elaborate and complicated, not to mention traumatizing. That sounds awesome!" Starlight immediately got interested as she is big into elaborate tricks. Hours pass and the sun has set. It was now dark and the sisters now arrived at Twilight's castle. Applejack knocked. "Hey Twi! It's me Applejack!" The door opened and they saw an exhausted Spike turn into a surprised and scared Spike as he saw the Spartan Armor look down at him. "W- w- what is that?" He pointed. "Oh that? That there is just Soviet. Fancy suit he's wearin." Applejack pointed out. Spike let out a sigh and opened the door fully. And guided them to the throne room. They went into the throne room, but Soviet got distracted by a plaque on a door across the library. It said, "Military Assistance Command Equestria Headquarters". He entered the room and saw 2 bunk beds on the south wall. A table with radio equipment on the east wall with a MACV flag overhead. And an armor stand on the right of the table, with lockers with plaques of the flags of each MACE member's nationality on the north wall, just on the left of an empty pinboard. The locker's were in the order of apparent rank, US, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. Soviet undressed out of his armor and put it onto the rack as he opened his US locker to find his MACE Pink & Greens and aviators. He notices something new about it, he checks the collar and sees the Captain officer pin on it. He opens to check the other lockers only to find the uniforms and shades missing. But he sees an Australian Propagandas poster in his locker. "Definitely Tim's." Soviet sighed as he closed the locker door. He got out of the room and heard yelling from the throne room, he immediately ran to the room and barged through the doors. "What's the yelling about?!" He frantically said. Then a pillow hit him in the face, caught off guard, making him fall down to the floor laughing. He took off the pillow, got back up and examined the situation. He saw his buddies ducking in cover with piles of pillows everywhere, he looked at the other side of the room and saw the Mane 6 including their little sister's, Trixie and Starlight. Both sides were throwing pillows at each other. He looked back at his buddies who were yelling at him. "Captain! Get over here!" Tankery screamed. Soviet dove behind their cover which was a flipped table. "Let me guess, you guys started a pillow fight?" "Well, you'd be surprised. They started it!" Tankery grunted as he threw a pillow overhead. "We were waiting for Applejack to bring the drinks but once they realized the littles ones were with them. Trixie threw a pillow at Ewok. He's currently pinned behind his chair." Tankery pointed to an exposed Ewok in the open, only behind a chair. "Hey! We're not little!" Sweetie Belle screamed across the room. Causing everyone to laugh. Ewok tried dashing to the MACE holdout but he got hit in the shoulder by a pillow, he dramatically made it seem as if it were a bullet by making the impact seem harder, then on his right shoulder. And finally, a pillow hit him in the face, with him falling down on purpose. "Bullseye!" Starlight and Trixie clapped their hoofs together. Ewok raised his hand calling out for Tim to grab him back. "I'm coming bud!" Tim crawled to Ewok, but just as he got out of cover he immediately got hit by multiple pillows and is now covered by a pile of pillows. "This is bad! Game over man! Game over!" Tankery tried to mock. "We'll just charge at them, we'll use 2 pillows as shields and hit them in pillow-to-pillow combat. We'll move on my count." They both grabbed pillows and crouched into charging positions. "Three! Two! One!" Soviet yelled. They both charged together on one side to flank. The ponies tried throwing the pillows at them. But they deflected it by using the pillows as shields. Soviet jumped and was about to hit Applejack who was busy laughing at Tim. She looked up at Soviet, he was midair when a pillow hit him, causing him to fall on the ground. "Well that oughta teach ya about messin' with a farm pony!" She taunted, before rightfully being hit by a pillow from Tankery. "And that'll teach you to mess with... the idiots!" Tankery laughed before being sniped by Rainbow Dash. "Yeah!" She exclaimed. The ponies then high-hooved with the Humans groaning. "Good game." The humans groaned. Everybody who got hit got back up and stretched. Ewok looked at his wrist while he was stretching and said, "Ah. It's getting late. We gotta sleep." He yawned. Soviet looked in confusion, "Wait, you don't even have a watch." "Yeah, so?" "Fair point." Soviet yawned. "Well, that reminds me. I have to go send requests to Canterlot. Is Spike still up?" Soviet looked around for the purple dragon. "I'm guessin' he's asleep by the look of him when he opened the door." Applejack pointed out. "Makes sense. Hey Twilight." "Yes, Soviet?" "Can you tell Spike to send these to Canterlot?" Soviet handed her a folder full of papers and it being marked "[CLASSIFIED]" "Uhm.. yeah. I'll give it to him first thing in the morning." She nodded. "Thank you." Soviet fixed his hat. 2 hours later... Soviet finds himself on the ground, in the middle of a city. It's dead at night and the moon shines all over the city. "Am I in Canterlot?" He looks down at himself and finds that he's in his dress uniform. He looks around as he pulls out an M9 pistol. "I swear to god if this is a nightmare..." He pulls out a flashlight and holds both of them. "No, it is not." A royal voice spoke. "Phew. Wait, Princess Luna is that you?" Soviet lowered his weapon and looked up to the moon. A figure similar to Princess Luna appeared from the moon. "Why yes it is I, Soviet." Luna spoke. "You know, if it makes you feel comfortable, you don't need to do the whole royal and formal voice. If you're comfortable, I mean hey, what can I say? I've only had sex with the best Princess in Equestria and haven't taken her out to dinner yet. Which reminds me, are you free the day after tomorrow?" Soviet asked. She chuckled, "Why yes, I am free tomorrow. But I brought you here to ask how you were doing. Which I now see is now focused on me, so that backfired." "Hey, it ain't my fault you're a goddamn piece of eyecandy." Soviet retorted. His plan of "Operation Woman" consists of: Step 1: Shower victim with compliments Step 2: Treat to dinner Step 3: Simp For this is the best way he knows that he'll get the best of the Equestrian opinion to allow more freedom for his group. Not only is dating one of the Princesses a big upside, but so is being titled a hero and a powerful weapon for the Equestrian Military, he has a lot of a freedom at the moment. But he keeps thinking to himself how long until the war ends and the importance of MACE is forgotten. Afternoon the next day... "Alright boys, we're on duty this time. Now I guess we have to address the Princess as... well, Princess Twilight Sparkle. In case that we're under attack again, just speak faster." Soviet explained. "Wait, what the hell was the mission again?" Ewok asked. "I have no clue, but as we're already on the way to Canterlot, might as well wait and see." Soviet replied. "Still, I hope we do get attacked so you can test out your armor and we can finally have fun with C4 and other explosives." Tankery hoped. "True, but the suit is in that case that's going with us in the suit station at the back that we had Ewok install." Soviet replied. They all looked at the same suit holder in the MACE headquarters but in their personal train cart that they had specially made in Canterlot for diplomatic missions. It was literally an armored carriage with a twin .50 cal turret on top and 6 windows that can be closed with steel plates for cover. "Yeah, the same station that took me this entire morning. Still, my hand still shakes from the work that bitch took." Ewok put his right hand up and sure enough it was shaking. "Good luck with that and do not stay behind me while you're holding a gun, I swear to god." Soviet laughed. "Remember guys, friendly fire is ON. Which to be fair is making me want to shoot friendlies even more. Just don't, got it?" Tankery asked. "No." "No, get railed on." "No, because fuck you." They all laughed. "Fuck you guys!" Tankery laughed. "Wait hold on, Captain. How many times have you visited Canterlot?" Ewok asked. "No fucking clue." He responded. "Fair enough." Tankery and Tim shrugged. "So, you're going to ask about Earshot?" Tankery asked. "Yeah, we need more intel on the enemy so we don't overextend ourselves by finding whatever we need. So I guess this is our best shot." Soviet replied. > Crystally Area I Guess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?" "Yes. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon." "The Empire's magic is powerful. It cannot fall again, my sister." "She will succeed at her task, and when she does. We'll know that she is that much closer to being ready." The Princess Sisters discussed. "Ahem." Twilight called out at the entrance of the hallway. She smiled awkwardly as she had two packs full of supplies. "Trust me little sister." Celestia whispered to Luna as she walked away. "You wanted to see me? To give me a test?" Twilight asked. "And you wanted to see me, Princess?" Soviet spoke behind Twilight. In his black tactical gear him and Tankery used when breaching Fluttershy's cottage a while back. Twilight and Luna looked at each other as she passed. "I brought my own quills and plenty of paper to show my work." She levitated her supplies but it fell. A long scroll of paper rolled all the way to Celestia, "Sorry! Sorry!" Twilight awkwardly spoke as she tried to roll it back up. Celestia did it by ease with the use of her magic, even putting all of her supplies back in her bags. "This, is a different kind of test. The Crystal Empire has returned." Twilight's face turned to shock, "The Crystal Empire? I- I'm sorry I thought I had studied. Oooh, I don't think there's anything in any of my books-" She looked through her books, but Celestia levitated them away. Meanwhile outside of the hallway. "Princess." "Captain." The two nodded. "So, is the date-" "Ah ah ah ah, you're on duty, Captain." Luna cut him off with a cheeky smile on her. Soviet smiled awkwardly. "Oh yeah, that's right.." "But anyways, I'm going to need you to follow Princess Twilight to the Crystal Empire." Luna said in a formal tone. With Soviet being too distracted and mixed up with the responsibilities he has and the new plans, he had completely forgot about the Crystal Empire and what it was. "Crystal Empire..? Sounds familiar." "How? But anyways, you are to escort Princess Twilight to the Crystal Empire. Defend her at all costs Captain, but please do try to come back in one piece. I need an 'escort' for my dates once the mission is over." She looked at him seductively. "Yes, ma'am!" Soviet saluted. "That reminds me, Twilight seems on edge. Is she actually a full on Princess or..?" Soviet questioned. "Well, you are correct, she is a Princess. But the coming war has clogged a lot of our civilian and even royal duties. So she has the title, but not the duties." Luna explained. "Huh, guess we better start the war so it'll be over in the first day." Soviet spoke. "If only." "I'll go speak to Princess Celestia, I need to talk to her about something." Soviet said as he pulled out a file. "There wouldn't be." Celestia floated Twilight's books away. "Few remember it ever existed at all." Celestia lifted the glass covering of a crystal. She levitated the crystal in front of Twilight. "Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited." She blasted the crystal and it projected a hologram of the city. Twilight backed up in shock, her mouth dropping to the floor. "But what I do know is that it contains a powerful magic. 1000 Years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn who's heart was black as night. Took over the crystal empire." The hologram then projected the entire city being overrun by his corrupted crystals. And his tyrannical rule over the empire itself. "He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow. And banished to the ice of the Arctic North. But not before he was able to put a curse on the empire, a curse that caused it to vanish into thin air! If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across the whole of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold.." Celestia's horn then casted dark magic. Causing green and black flames coming out of her eyes and a beam going to the crystal, causing the corrupted crystals to grow and surround Twilight as she tried to stay calm. Celestia broke the crystals with her magic. "Which is why I need your help to finding a way to protect it." "You want me to help an entire empire?" Twilight looked down in despair. "It is, as I said, a different kind of test." Celestia put the crystal back into the jar. "But one I am certain you will pass." Twilight got the courage to stay determined, "How do I begin?" She looked back up. "By joining Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire." "My brother is there?" Twilight became excited. "He is, and your Ponyville friends will join you there as well. I have every confidence you will succeed. And when you do, I will know you are ready to move onto your next level of studies." Twilight looked to Luna as they stopped at the entrance of the hallway. Luna stood tall and gave Twilight a menacing look. This made Twilight's determination fall, "But.. what if I what if I fail?" "You won't." Celestia reassured. "But! What if!-" Celestia shut her up by putting her hoof on her shoulder. "You WON'T." Celestia assured. "But Twilight, in the end it must be you and you alone who ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in doing what needs to be done by protecting the Empire. Do you understand?" Twilight nodded as she gained back her confidence. Then Celestia closed the doors. She heard a muffled voice, "Heyyy!" Followed by a shreak and the sound of a magical beam being fired. "WOAH WOAH WOAH CLAM THE FUCK DOWN YOUR HIGHNESS!" "Oh Soviet! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Celestia gave a sigh of relief. Twilight walked away as she didn't want to interfere on what was happening. Inside of the room... "Princess, I am proposing an operation in which one of the MACE members will partake in alone to gather information on the Griffon armies and Changelings alike. Not to mention the dragon hordes, which I think were cut in half thanks to MACE." "It sounds risky, but I'll approve it nonetheless." Luna answered. "As long as there is no risk of the spy being caught, they could use it as a justification for war." Celestia warned. Soviet let out a sigh of relief, and then saluted. "Yes, your highnesses', I will get onto sorting things out to start Operation Earshot. And besides, we already have a reason to go to war." He then turned around and left the room. As he walked out of the castle, he got out his hand held radio, "Elta, I'm going to need you to go back home." Nothing but static came back... "Wait what? I don't have a home.. unless you're talking about!-" She was cut off. "Yes, back to the Griffons. I know it sounds risky and all but the upsides outweight the downsides. You don't want this war to start and giving us information directly would prevent the losses on both sides quickly! We could end the war as soon as it starts with minimal losses, I'm even guessing under a hundred." Soviet explained. "A hundred?! Are you crazy?! That's too much!" Elta replied. "Yeah, but in wars with humans in them, fifty-thousand is too little. You want that to be the lowest casualty rate? If not, then start heading back home. Gather whatever information you can, documents, division movement, hell! Even the location of the Changeling capital will be the key to stopping this war. So move your ass!" Soviet ordered. "Yeah.. sure thing." Elta sounded worried as the radio cut off. "Alright, now to get set into winter clothing..." Soviet sighed as the feeling of being back in Alaska will never leave him. Twilight walked in despair onto the train station as Spike ran up behind her. "Twilight!" Applejack called out with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash beside her smiling. Applejack jumped up to her and hugged her. "Did you pass?" Before she could answer, Spike was knocked over and launched by Pinkie Pie's party cannon on which she was moving. "Are we going to celebrate your awesomeness with Princess Celestia?!" She asked as the party cannon fired and jumped at the same time it fired. "Not quite." Pinkie Pie was confused and reverted her excited jump and the confetti from the cannon did the same... somehow. "We're going to the-!" She was cut off as Soviet, Tankery, Ewok, and Tim ran into the train with Soviet standing near the door and guiding them into their armored carriage. "Move your asses marines! We're headed up North to the Crystal Empire!" Ewok almost tripped as he ran and Soviet slapped his ass into the carriage and said, "Don't go slacking on me now, greenhorn!" He walked into the carriage. The Mane 6 were confused. The train finally arrived in the cold Arctic North. The ponies exited and tried to cover themselves from the cold. "Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves." Rarity said with a smug face as she had a pink scarf. Spike on the other hand had a mountain full of scarves and said, "I didn't say a word." He slipped and fell, causing the baggage the open up and fly into the wind... as the cold strong winds of the north blew them away. He chased after them. "Twilight!" A familiar voice yelled. "Shining Armor?" Twilight tried to see through the dark storms. Shining armor came out of the storm in black scarves and a black mask to protect him. He placed the mask on top of his horn and lowered his scarf, "Twily! You made it!" They both ran to each other and hugged. He then turned back into a serious tone, "We better get moving. There are things out here we really don't want to run into after dark." The rest of the ponies all looked at each other in worriment and gulped. "What kind of things?!" Fluttershy... whisper yelled? "Let's just say the Empire isn't the only thing that's returned." Shining Armor looked back. Then, a dark cloud appeared in the distance, Soviet got out his binoculars and saw the same green and black dark magic that emanated from Celestia when talking about Sombra. The ponies looked back at the armored carriage as they heard multiple screaming and yelling coming from the humans. The twin .50 cal turret on the top started opening fire at the dark cloud in the distance as Soviet, Tankery, and Tim ran out of the carriage in a hurry. The .50 cal stopped firing as Ewok ran out of the carriage with the suit of armor. Soviet then signaled to the conductor to go back. Which he did. "Move! Move! Move!" Soviet yelled as they all started fast walking through the snow. 40 minutes later, they were still on the long tread to the Empire. "Something keeps trying to get in. We think it's the unicorn king who originally cursed the place." "But Princess Celestia said I was sent here to find a way to protect the empire! If King Sombra can't get in, then it must already be protected." Twilight questioned. Then a dark howl in the distance alerted them all. "That's! That's one of the things, isn't it?!" Fluttershy panicked. "We have to get to the Crystal Empire! Now!" Shining Armor ordered. "Now they listen to us." Tankery scoffed as they all ran. The dark cloud then appeared behind them, with Sombra's eyes appearing at the top. Spike trembled as Shining Armor picked him up with his magic to get rid of the luggage's and run. They all ran as fast as they could, but Sombra was catching up. "Go! Go!" Twilight exclaimed as she got Spike to hang onto her as they all ran. "Almost there!" Shining Armor exclaimed as a blue bright bubble shield can be seen from the distance. Shining Armor stopped and so did MACE to confront Sombra and fight his... mist? Shining Armor fired his magical beam at the cloud as MACE opened fire at the thing. Sombra dodged the beam but the bullets distracted him a tad bit. He charged at Shining Armor and MACE, engulfing them into his cloud. With Soviet's M4A1, Tim's MK14, Tankery's M249, and Ewok's BR55, it didn't stop Sombra's smoke to engulf them. The group, panicked, out of breath, and exhausted, had finally reached the Crystal Empire's protective shield. They all sighed and tried to catch their breath. "Everypony okay?" Twilight asked. They all said "Yes!" in different variations. Shining Armor jumped into the shield and fell on the ground. He got back up, but his horn was covered in the corrupted black crystals. "Oh no! Shining Armor! Your horn!" He tried activating his horn but the crystals blocked the magic. "Sparklerrific!" Pinkie Pie screamed out loud as they looked onto the majestic crystal city, that was the Crystal Empire. They entered the city, completely forgetting the humans as they were distracted by the beauty of the city. "It's gorgeous!" Rarity gazed. "Absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity began to stammer, "There are now words!" She clamped her cheeks with her hooves. "Focus Rarity, we're here to help Twilight." Applejack woke Rarity up from her trance. "Not admire the scenery." "Uh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me." Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. Rarity got offended by this and began to scoff, "Pfft, tfhath! Another old castle?! Have you lost your mind!? Have you looked at the-" she was cut off as everyone started laughing and she realized that it was a joke on her. Rainbow Dash and Applejack high hooved once they found out their prank worked. "Very funny." Rarity accepted. They all continued to enter the castle. Meanwhile in Nevada- Sombra's wild ride inside of his mist after MACE was captured. Ewok fired his BR55 onto the undead ponies in armor charging him. He heard footsteps and gunshots on his right, he looked to his right and found Soviet and Tim back-to-back firing their main weapons and sidearms at the same time. Dodging undead ponies that try to tackle them, dodging spears, arrows, and swords thrown at them. Ewok ran to them, holstering his firearm on his back as he prepared to punch a skeleton pony charging to Soviet. He punched said skeleton into shards as they got into a circle and set up a perimeter, shooting anything that isn't human. "Nice to see you here, Spartan." "Same here, Captain." "Any idea where Tank is?" Tim asked. "Up here!" Tankery said as he landed on his feet with an M16A2 with a M302 underbarrel grenade launcher attached to it. It was dark, all they had to see was their flashlights they had attached to their weapons, especially the lights attached to Ewok's helmet. "I like how we all decided to stay as 80's uniforms." Tankery laughed. "I mean, hey. They are badass don't get me wrong, but I was already wearing mine so Soviet copied me so we don't confuse each other." Tim said as he dodged a skeleton pony charging at him, grabbed it's harness, pulling it back, grabbing it's head and firing one .45 ACP bullet from his 1911 at the back of it's head. Then going back to firing at the hordes like the rest of MACE. "So. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but how the fuck are we going to get out of here?!" Ewok spoke. "I guess a door that's bright as hell." Soviet sarcastically said. Luckily enough a door that's bright as hell opened up out of nowhere, "You three, move it!" "How convenient." Tankery said as he ran. They all passed through it, except Soviet. It had closed on him, he was left to fend for himself. He sighed, "Fuck it." He then spawned a M134 and fired it all over the place. "Jesus fuck this thing is heavy..." Soviet regained his breath as he stopped firing the M134. Then suddenly, a dark and abandoned Ponyville appeared out of nowhere, he saw a very familiar bell tower. "Not this place again.." He sighed and ran towards the bell tower as he despawned the M134. He charged to the door and broke it down, he fell down onto the door and got up. "Jesus christ!" He saw the horde still going after him, he panicked and spawned two MP7's and started blasting through the door. He got onto the ladder, climbing up slowly while holding one MP7 to fire at any undead trying to climb up. "Cadance!" Twilight happily ran to a tired Cadance with her horn going off. Her tiredness went away for a moment as she got back up with a huge smile on her face. She ran down the throne and met up with Twilight. They both did their sunshine dance. "One of these days we need to get together, when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance." Cadance stated. Twilight noticed how tired Cadance was with her eye bags. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked. "Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it." Shining Armor approached from behind. "But she hasn't slept... Barely eats... I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra." Shining Armor said as he looked up to his horn. "It's alright, Shining Armor. I'm fine." Cadance assured. "She's not, fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen." "That's why we're here." Twilight assured. "Why we're all here." Applejack said as the rest of the group came up to support Twilight. "Well with Cadance keeping all of her strength to keep her spell going. And me trying to keep eye out on signs of trouble out in the Arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies." Shining Armor briefed. "Crystal Ponies?!" Rarity jumped up in excitement. "There are Crystal Ponies?!" She then looked around her, noticing her mistake. She got back down and cleared her throat, "Please, continue." "But we have to believe that one of them knows how to protect the empire. Without having to use Cadance's magic." Twilight thought, "A research paper!" She yelled. "Huh?" Shining Armor looked in confusion. "That must be part of my test, to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you!" She jumped up to her older brother. "This is going to be great! I love research papers!" "Yeah... who doesn't Rainbow Dash nudged Pinkie Pie. She then began guessing who doesn't like doing research papers. "Don't worry big brother, I am really good at this sort of thing." She hugged and assured Shining Armor. "That reminds me, where are the humans?" Shining Armor looked around. Then the two doors to the main hallway busted open. "Did you all forget about US?!" Tankery yelled. Tankery was carrying Tim by his shoulder as he injured his leg. They all gave space for the two as their equipment seemed damaged and scratched. "Where were you guys? Last time I saw you, you were-" "Yeah, apparently that King only accepts Humans to fight in his pocket dimensions." Tim explained. "Yeah, and he gave you a free pass while Soviet is still stuck there!" Tankery yelled. "Wait, he's still there?!" Applejack exclaimed. "Wait, where's the other person?" Twilight asked as she counted the two of them. Then a loud metallic noise clanged on the crystal castle as electronic sounds came from it too. It was Ewok, he had been flunged after holding back King Sombra. His energy shield broke on a pole on the balcony, breaking off his arm. He then hit the ceiling entrance inside of the room as it hit his back at incredible speeds, causing him to be knocked down at the same speed into the floor. This broke his helmet visor and dented the armor itself, not to mention Ewok's now missing arm. The Mares screamed as Shining Armor, Tim, and Tankery ran to get Ewok back up. As they did, they can see his eye from the visor. He then started to cough out blood. Tim took off his helmet and started to snap his fingers as Ewok's eyes opened up. "Ewok. Ewok! Wake up you greedy bastard!" He then slapped his face multiple times lightly. "Bla-" He coughed out blood as he got back up with the help of Shining Armor's magic. "Now give me a hand." He sarcastically said as he was being moved to rest. "Fluttershy! Rarity! Keep pressure on his shoulder!" Tankery pointed out Ewok's shoulder as Ewok took off his shoulder armor with his right hand. Fluttershy immediately ran to help, while Rarity tried not to vomit from the sight of his missing arm and the amount of blood coming out. Fluttershy applied pressure with her two hooves as Tankery and Tim applied cloth to stop the bleeding. Ewok groaned and screamed, complaining about the pain. "Where is Soviet?" Tankery asked. "He's still in the shadow realm or wherever the shit that hellhole was!" Ewok screamed in pain as he collapsed again. They both picked him back up. "Fuck, we gotta get him out of there." Tankery muttered. "If we find a way to protect the empire, then I'm sure we can save Soviet." Rainbow Dash suggested to Tankery. Tankery thought about it for a few seconds... "Fine, we'll help you. Tim, stay here with Fluttershy. Rarity, go follow the rest. I'll try to cover for Fluttershy." Rarity gladly accepted as she ran out of the room. 10 minutes later... "Tank. Anything new?" Tim asked as he approached a Tankery who was overlooking the entire city with binoculars. "Nothing yet, but I did set up a TOW missile and placed several Javelins with the twin .50 cal turret. Just in case anything happens." Tankery said as he put down his binoculars. "Yeah, I'm guessing we're going to be seeing T-72's very soon." Tim sarcastically agreed. "Shut up, it's in case that King or whatever decides to show up with a wall of crystals or some bullshit like that." "Yeah.. I guess that makes sense." "Sense? Do you even know where we are right now? We're in a kingdom that is a city-state made out of crystals protected by a magical bullshit shield in a world inhabited by magical weirding horses that can talk and levitate the remote from ACROSS THE FUCKING ROOM!" "Oddly specific..." Tim slowly backed away. "Fucking bullshit, I swear.." Tankery got back onto his binoculars. "Anything new on Ewok?" "Nothing yet, he's fine with the help of Fluttershy a while back. The bleeding stopped, and he's currently talking to Juan." "Juan?" "Yeah, the AI with the guac hat." "Ah! Juan! My man!" Tankery laughed. "I'll keep you posted if anything new pops up." "Roger that." Tim was patrolling the castle since he had nothing to do other than watch over Ewok. As he passed by a meeting room, he can hear the 6 singing about something. He shrugged it off and continued walking. 20 minutes later... Twilight and Rainbow dash were running through the crystal hallways. Tim saw them approaching him at rapid speeds, "Woah woah woah! Calm down, what the hell is happening?" He tried to question. "The Crystal heart... it's... it's fake!" Twilight hesitantly answered. "The Crystal...?" Tim dragged his question. Rainbow Dash sighed, "The Crystal is what'll protect the Empire!" she explained. "How the hell do you not figure out it's fake?!" Tim questioned as he started to run along with them. "I don't know!" Twilight screamed. As they finally reached Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Twilight explained the situation, "I didn't know it was an actual relic! The book didn't mention anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the heart!" She was flipping through pages until the end of the book where a page was tore out. "There was a page missing... how did I not notice?!" "It's alright, Twilight." Cadance said with what strength she had left in her. She then collapsed into Shining Armor's hooves with her magic powering off. "Twilie..." Shining Armor looked at Twilight with a very worried face. Then a familiar howl was heard and the shield powered down. Tim looked around the balcony for Tankery. The equipment is still here, but not him. He then hears gunfire in the distance and finally his radio blares with Tankery's voice. "Sombra's invading! Get your ass over here and help!" Tankery ordered. "I've gotta go." Tim said as he ran off. Tim ran through the streets, to his surprise were full of the Crystal Ponies. "A festival?" He thought to himself as he ran through the stands of the clearly festival activities. As he saw Sombra's cloud, he stopped and looked at the distance. "Fucking hell... I don't get paid enough for this shit!" He grabbed his M14 and started sprinting. "Nice of you to finally join!" Tankery said as he fired his MP5SD. "The hell is with the suppressor?" Tim asked. "To not stop the festival, it's to power up the Crystal or some shit." "They said they made a fake, they're looking for the real one." Tim briefed. "The hell?! Well then, we gotta give them as much room to make it happen!" Tankery ordered as Tim attached a suppressor to the end of his barrel and started blasting. Twilight and Rainbow Dash, frantically searching around the castle for the real Crystal Heart, passed by a now conscious Ewok. He coughed, grabbing their attention and he spoke in a raspy voice. "Dark... magic. Soviet said he saw Sun butt use it and it changed a room, try that!" Ewok pointed to the throne room as he collapsed again. The two mares gasped as his armor clunked to the ground. "Rainbow, take care of him. I've got to find the Crystal." "Good luck Twilight!" Rainbow Dash landed herself onto the ground to raise Ewok back up. 5 minutes later... Meanwhile in the outskirts, Sombra's crystals were invading the city itself! With T&T slowly moving back as they use whatever munitions they have. "Bastard just won't stop!" Tankery pointed out the obvious. Tim didn't say anything back as he was too focused. "Just fucking run!" Tankery said as a Crystal grew out of the ground and nearly impaled him. Tim followed this direction and booked it back to the castle as Tankery handed him a pile of C4 explosives and they both dropped them along the street. "Now don't y'all worry yer' pretty little crystal heads! The real Crystal Heart will be here any second." Applejack announced as both her and Rarity tried to calm down the worried crowd that had recently discovered that the Crystal Heart was indeed a fake. "I don't know if they believe you..." "I don't know if I believe me.." The two whispered to each other. Cadance finally gave in as her magic fell apart, leaving the entire city exposed. This also revealed Sombra's return as he reached the castle. "My Crystal slaves..." He looked upon the now horrified crowd. While all that bullshit was happening, Tankery did a little trolling and squeezed this totally unimportant trigger. Somehow explosions erupted inside of Sombra's shadow cloud bullshit that finally seemed to harm him, mostly hinted by his screaming. Tim then got onto the TOW and fired a missile, then he reached back and loaded the TOW again and again. The amount of missiles meant to destroy heavily armored tanks onto a cloud that can be harmed by explosions usually doesn't sound normal but it works. Meanwhile Tankery just started to spawn any shoulder carried anti-tank weapons you can think of and as he puts it, "Then I started blasting." "Hey! Up here!" Spike called out from above as he nearly escaped Sombra's crystals in the tower above. He had found the real Crystal Heart! I think... "I got the Crystal Heart!" Yup, yeah. He has the real one. Sombra saw this and began to get enraged. "That is mine!" He slammed into the ground. A wall of crystals started to form directly towards Spike from the outskirts of the city. It raised itself up to with a cloud following with it. And from within that cloud a now returning unicorn Sombra appeared to grab the Crystal that fell with Spike as he tripped. "I got this." Tankery spawned a UNSC Jetpack and flew upwards to grab Spike and the Crystal. "Thanks!" Spike... thanked. "No problem dude." A now even more enraged Sombra growled, but from the cloud another figure appeared. Soviet sprinted up the crystal staircase to Sombra and tackled him off. Now falling, Soviet tried to grab onto Sombra and choke him to death but Sombra pushed back and tried using his magic bullshit rays to kill Soviet. Soviet dodges these and manages to grab onto Sombra's head from behind and he pulls out his...... trusty god's caliber .45 ACP firing M1911 sidearm and unloaded it's magazine into Sombra's head as it pierced his helmet and now his skull. Soviet, still in midair. Finally set in that he was still.. mid air. "Oh shit!" He screamed as he frantically moved his body around. Cadance then flew up towards him at high speeds. Her weakened state, now hidden from her worried face, quickly rushed to Soviet. "What the hell was I thinking?!" Soviet screamed. Then at the last moment, his vest was grabbed and he was being carried by Princess Cadance. He let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you Princess! I would've been Fruit Punch if it weren't for you!-" He looked up and saw Cadance... asleep! He was then cut off as he hit a tower, and Cadance finally waking up again. Soviet, now comically stuck inside of a tower groaned as Tankery moved in to help him out. And Cadance just hovering, half awake. "My ears burn!" Soviet yelled as Tankery grabbed him out. Then, as they flew back to the castle, a wave of blue light flashed throughout the entire city. Erasing the dark clouds and storms that were invading the city. Everyone cheered, as the still freaked out Soviet cheering also. Everypony turned crystally while glowing, except the Humans. They instead had the idea of spawning a disco ball and flashing the world's brightest flashlights onto it, temporarily blinding them all. The events following were not remembered by the Humans, as they tried not to bump into something while being guided by the Elements of Harmony. > Restructuring. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ready. 3, 2, 1, jump!" Starlight instructed as Tankery jumped through a portal. A flash of light filled the room for a moment, with Tankery not seen in the room anymore. "I'm here. I see the equipment, packing them up." Tankery spoke through his radio. "Understood 1-2, hurry up and get that shit back." Soviet spoke back. "Roger that 1-1. Hurrying-" Tankery was cut off. "Tankery? TANKERY?!" Starlight started to get worried as his sentence was cut off abruptly. "Who are you?!" A woman's voice came through the radio. "Uhh.. hard to explain." Tankery responded. "Shit. I forgot she was there!" Soviet spoke to absolutely no one. Starlight started to become curious as she does not know where Tankery is or who he's talking about. "I need you to get out of my brothers room right now! Or I'm calling the Police!" She said. She then looked behind Tankery and saw a tear in the fabric of the universe. "Wait.. what's that?" She asked. "Fuck it, bring her in 1-2." Soviet ordered. "Roger that 1-1." Tankery replied. "1-1? Are you talking to someone on a radio?!" She asked. Tankery then grabbed her and pushed her through the portal. He then grabbed the rest of the stuff in the room that seemed interesting but all seemed like prototype equipment. He then jumped through the portal as the room was basically empty at this point. She looked up, wondering where she is. She felt normal, but it was cooler and the air felt different. She then saw a soldier dressed in USMC Mixpat combat gear and a pinkish pony. "Wait.. I remember you!" She spoke out to Starlight. "How do you know me exactly? And who are YOU?" Starlight asked. Soviet nodded his head "no" to the woman as she kept her mouth shut. "Uhh, I am Stephanie." She answered. "Hi Stephanie. I'm pretty sure you remember me. I'm Alex." Soviet reached out his hand to her as she grabbed his arm and he pulled her up. "Alex?! It's been so long!" She then hugged Soviet tightly. "Uhh... What's exactly going on here?" Starlight asked Tankery who had just jumped back from the portal as he cleared the floor of the prototype equipment and placed them on a large table in the Library. "Stephanie is Ewok's sister. Ewok and Soviet were close friends until we basically fell out as a group and Soviet returned to Alaska after visiting Ewok in Australia. Stephanie and Soviet were closer friends, as they basically became inseparable like he was his actual brother. But Ewok and Soviet held strong together, but they all thought as each other as family so nothing happened until we all got busy and Soviet had to return to Alaska. Oh and his real name is Alex." Starlight took this information in. Wondering on this new insight on Soviet's life before entering Equestria. "Ah, then that explains their bond. But this is the only human's face I saw. Still wondering what the rest of yours looks like." "No. But also it somewhat explains. Yes. But it's still sort of awkward since they had a fight and Soviet had left so nothing would get worse. But hey, who knows, things might change now since she's here. And that reminds me, she's a medical expert aka she's a doctor. Which uhm... it's going to be hard trying to explain what happened to Ewok." Tankery scratched his head. Or helmet. "Wait, what happened and why are you guys in military gear and why is there a talking pony?" Sephanie asked. She then got out of the hug, towering over Soviet and Tankery. "Ah.. I forgot you were taller than me." Soviet remarked. Stephanie is 6'7, white, and a redhead, sadly. "Ewok is uhh.. in a critical condition. It's best that you follow me quickly." Tankery said as he lead her out of the Library and into their barracks. Stephanie's eyes went wide open and her jaw dropped. "Kyle! What the hell happened to you?!" Stacy screamed. "Oh.. Stephanie. Don't mind me. Can you lend me a hand though?" Ewok jokingly said as he looked down on his missing arm. "Jesus christ. Even at a time like this you act like an idiot." "Who do you think I learned it from?" Ewok then looked behind her as Soviet entered the room. Soviet approached the local Ewok on his bed and went in for a handshake. "Nice cock bro." Giving his hand to the missing arm Ewok was missing. Tim, Tankery, Soviet, Ewok, and Shining Armor who was guarding the room personally during Celestia's, Luna's, and Cadance's visit to Twilight's castle, all laughed. Only the girls didn't laugh as they were confused. Tim and Tankery were crying on the floor as their laughs were the loudest amongst all of them. Soviet then somewhat calmed down and said while still laughing, "So we need this idiot patched up until we can sort out the stuff he told us to get." He hit Ewok's head with his hand to exaggerate on "This idiot". Stephanie laughed and said, "Fine. But I swear if you guys do something stupid again causing another one of you to lose a limb." "We'll try not to Stephanie." Soviet then looked to everyone else, "Time to give these guys some room. Or this room specifically." Soviet said as everyone who wasn't Ewok or Stephanie left the room. With Celestia, Shining Armor, Luna, and Cadance saying their thanks to Ewok. "Alright. Tankery and Tim, go figure out the gadgets Ewok told us to get. I'll see you guys soon." Soviet said as he started jogging out of the castle. "And where the hell are you going?" Tim asked. "I got a job! Remember?" Soviet said as he exited the castle. "Oh that's right. Well, an American in military gear at a school always bodes well. Well let's go an check whatever shit Ewok had in his garage." Tim said. "Roger that." They both went to the Library. 20 minutes later... "I'm not late I'm not late I'm not late!" Soviet repeated as he ran towards the counselor's office. He barged into the door causing Starlight who teleported to the School to scream his name. "SOVIET?!" Soviet then tripped and landed face first onto the ground. His new HECU uniform and equipment really saved his nose... this time. He got up, to reveal a crack in his black tinted goggles, revealing that he wears prescription glasses. Soviet groaned. "Considering that you were yelling that you're not late. I think that you're late." Starlight looked over her desk onto the fallen Soviet. "Now hurry up and get ready. You have to sub for Fluttershy. She's taking a break for the day because of what happened in the Crystal Empire." "Yeah, that's fair. But what class is she teaching?" Soviet asked. "Kidness class." "Sound about right." Starlight then pointed out, "Also I had a promotion! I'm a Principle now, and Twilight is the Founder. I still basically work as a counselor but with more administrative powers since Twilight still handles most of the administrative work. It's her 'specialty' and I shouldn't have to worry about it. But hurry up, the class is waiting for you." Starlight rushed. "Yes, Ma'am." Soviet then got back up and ran to Fluttershy's classroom. He entered the room in American equipment with UN patches and camo for his helmet. "Good morning class. I am Soviet." The class cheered and exclaimed, "Is that the hero of Equestria?!" Soviet then became awkward as he didn't know how to handle this kind of attention. "Alrighty class, calm down." Soviet asked kindly. Which surprisingly the class followed his command. "So, what class is this?" "Kindness." The class responded. "Ah. Well my name is Soviet, or you may call me Sir or... well you can call me anything I'm okay with nicknames. But... ah I wasn't prepared for this. But anyways, I have a lesson for you that involves kindness. This lesson will be emotional and traumatic for those of you who do not wish to continue on, as this is part of Human history." Soviet warned. No one resisted, they all looked in curiosity. Soviet pulled out his special crystal and it displayed multiple horrific images. The students gasped. Even Yona didn't dare to speak out and brag about how Yaks are stronger. It was just brutal horrific images. Silverstream wept up into tears, Smolder couldn't express her emotions as she was confused, and Sandbar's jaw dropping with the rest of the class. "War. War on Earth. This isn't one of the major ones Humanity has experienced. This was during a small conflict in the former nation of Yugoslavia. As the nation states in that country fought each other. One of the most recent ethnic cleansing wars. They wanted to wipe each other out, men, women, and children. No one was going to survive." Soviet explained. "A minor conflict?! If this is minor, I can't image what major wars are like..." Smolder broke her emotionless stance and started to panic. "What did everyone else do?! What did you do to help?!" Soviet chuckled a bit. "Oh, I wasn't born yet. But the first question is what the lesson today is about. Kindness." "Where is the existence of kindness in these?!" Sandbar asked. "Oh, this conflict stopped. With a major reason. The United Nations." Soviet then portrayed the UN flag onto the crystal with him pointing at his helmet. "The UN's Mission is not exactly specific to anything. They help stop genocide, ethnic cleansing, they help during catastrophe's or natural disasters. And they help nations economically if they need it. Not to mention their humanitarian aid, giving food, water, and other essentials to citizens who need them in warzones. Humanity is complicated. But we make up for it. War is a mistake that is necessary. We had just 2 and almost 3 world wars within the span of 100 years. And here I am, the world still at peace back on Earth and no 3rd World War with nuclear weapons being launched or massive frontlines causing millions upon millions dead." Soviet spoke. "Millions?! That's more than the population of Equestria alone!" Silverstream spoke out. Now the class was scared that one of these warmongering humans are now in the classroom with them. "Now hold on there Silverstream." Soviet tried to calm her down. "The redeeming factor of Humanity is that we fall down one step, war, and we jump up two steps. After the Second World War, the Nazis were defeated and a stable World Peace was established between 2 major superpowers who at a press of a button could end the world. But they didn't, instead they tried to beat each other in other fronts. We went to space and started exploring our Galaxy. Technology is advancing and pollution is starting to go down. And smaller conflicts across the globe are getting more attention with the UN being at the forefront of them sending humanitarian aid to help the suffering citizens." Soviet explained. "So the lesson here is that, kindness will reach anywhere and anyone. Not even war can stop it, it may seem rash at first, but in the long run it has less suffering and it was necessary." As the class was confused, they then slowly began understanding what he was trying to say. "Wait, was that it?" Sandbar asked. Soviet looked at his non-existent watch under his sleeve. Realizing he had spent less than 30 minutes on the lesson and speedrunning it basically. "Oh! That was. But uhh, just to make it look like we did something let's review." Soviet then grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote on the board. "Organization that helps in time of need?" He asked the class without looking back at them. "United Nations!" Smolder screamed in excitement. "Why are you excited?" Sandbar asked as he was comforting Silverstream. "If we get through this faster we might have some free time." She responded. "Oh, that's fair." "Food, water, shelter, and other essential supplies..?" Soviet asked the class again. "Something aid..." Sandbar and Smolder started to look through their memory. "Humanitarian!" Silverstream yelled. "Exactly!" Soviet said with enthusiasm. Soviet then drew a staircase on the board and drew 2 arrows, one going up and one going down. "Humanity goes how many times down?" "One!" The class rung out. "And we go back up how many?" Soviet got excited and raised his voice with enthusiasm. "Two!" The class yelled. The class was excited to answer as they got a sneak peek into Human history but still somewhat learning their original lessons. But they still had free time.. they hoped. "Well, that was it. Congrats class, and whoever wants a UN helmet come approach the desk here in the front." Soviet smacked the desk. "But other than that, free time from now on. We have about an hour and 30 minutes until lunch." Soviet said as he sat down on a seat. The class cheered. Grabbing the attention of Rarity and Applejack's class next to his. Soviet then thought in his head as some students lined up around the table to receive helmets, "Shit.. they're going to beat my ass for this." He thought. "Sir?" Sandbar asked. "Oh, that's right. I apologize." Soviet said as he snapped out of his train of thought. Spawning a PASGT Helmet with a blue UN cover. "And class, this is a one time opportunity so it'll show that you guys are special that you had the lazy sub!" Soviet hyped the class. Now the entire class was waiting in the line. Sandbar put his helmet on, it was a perfect fit, as Soviet resized them as he spawned them in. "Also I heard that they close the classrooms during lunch, but since I'm here this one is open if you guys want to hang out here. I'll probably play some movies if you guys aren't bored enough. Depends on what kind of movie that is, I'll just ask you guys when lunch starts." The entire class nodded. 10 minutes later... "Finally, a place to finally rest in private." Smolder exhaled. "Yes! Yak likes to spend time with friends, not with rest of school." Yona added. "At least I don't have to eat awkwardly in the middle of school." Gallus said. "But hey, I thought we weren't allowed to hang out in the classrooms. And why ARE you four wearing those helmets?" "Oh, Soviet gave them to us and allowed us to hang out here. Oh, that's right, what movie are we watching, sir?" Smolder asked. "Depends, what do you guys want? Action? Comedy? Non-fiction?" Soviet said as he leaned back into his chair. Since it seemed like the neutral option, they chose non-fiction. "Non-fiction should be good." Smolder said. "Roger that." Soviet said as he readied the crystal. It then began displaying the entire movie of Black Hawk Down. And he spawned in his own speakers for the "Immersion" which basically scared the shit of everyone in the classroom, except him of course. He goes to an American school after all. Twilight entered the room to see what the commotion was all about. But as she entered, loud gunfire and explosions rung the room and can be heard from the hallway with the door now open. "Soviet?!" She screamed out. "Outside, right now!" Soviet then awkwardly walked out of the classroom. Leaving the Crystal behind to the Young Six. "I wonder if it'll work for us." Gallus questioned. "Probably, who knows." Sandbar added. "But probably not, who knows who's privacy it'll invade." "So what? I'm just curious on what the sub's history was like." Gallus said as he approached the crystal. Gallus then tried various ways to make it invade Soviet's privacy through his history in Equestria. Which surprisingly it worked. It changed from Black hawk down to a First Person view of Soviet's viewpoint. "Is that.. the Everfree?" Sandbar asked. "Seems like it." Smolder responded. "Skip a bit forwards." Then it went to when Soviet and Tankery scared the living shit out of Fluttershy once she found them in her house. The six chuckled, "Alright let's see what else is here." Gallus said. The screen then showed an open field with Guards surrounding him and Tankery with a mortar. "Fire!" A hollow thwump was heard. "Hit them again!" Soviet said, with Tankery launching another mortar. Soviet looked in his binoculars and he saw the recon squad burning and they can hear his silent chuckles. "Skip! Please!" Yona begged. It skipped through the mortar sequence to a dark room. "I can't take no as an answer." A garbled voice said as the Changeling was being shocked. "Change it!" Oellus screamed and slowly but silently began tearing. Then it showed a bodycam view of Soviet unloading multiple rounds and holding multiple weapons as he, Tim, Ewok, and Tankery fought through the horde at Canterlot during the wedding. Then as they skipped again, it showed a green screen and gunfire all over. The footage was mostly blinded by bright gunfire and him screaming. Then they skipped, he was in the air and he unloaded multiple rounds on his pistol into Sombra's skull. And kicked him away and fired a M72 at Sombra. Smolder then said out of curiosity, "Wait, try the future." It then showed short but interesting snips of footage in a cinematic way. It showed a suit of armor crashing into the ground causing a giant explosion. A still alive hanging body with the same suit of armor rested next to the body. Then an explosion with the same suit of armor jumping off of a giant machine that explodes. Then it searching a dark empty corridor made entirely of crystals but looked abandoned, underground, and the environment overflowing into the area. It then cuts to a flash of light, the suit of armor fighting 4 other humans, and Celestia wounding the suit of armor. And.. a wedding. A sniper scope was being aimed at Luna as she was the Bride. It then cuts out. "That's.. a lot maybe we should try the past instead." Sandbar suggested. Now it showed a first person view. He screen looked to the right and it was a gun, a familiar voice was screaming and the gun clicked. It was empty. Then a silent "Fuck." Came out. Then a car crash, an explosion, what can be heard as people yelling. And more crying. Then a montage of military footage from throughout all time, showing a screen and a bored face as it stopped. "This really isn't what I expected." Gallus said as the crystal stopped projecting. Then muffled voices began to get louder as the door opened. "So when do I leave?" Soviet asked as he entered the room first. He let out a sigh as he had just gotten back and began to relax. "Tomorrow. We both have too. I'll try to find someone to sub us all. It's best to start getting ready." Twilight said. "Yes, Ma'am." Soviet saluted and then immediately rushed back out of the classroom. > They Get No Rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's the 16th.." Stephanie noted down on a notepad. Another gunshot rung out, "Now the 17th! Now try with the scope." Stephanie handed Tim a 16x scope. Time attached it quickly on his SMLE No.4 Mk2. He then got back laying on his stomach and fired a few rounds on cans he placed far away. "Fire, cock bolt, aim, and fire." Tim's thought to himself to stay focused. Quickly hitting all of 30 as he wanted his tryout to end. After everyone's jaws dropped, he could hear Ewok, Soviet, and Tankery cheer on for him as Stephanie gave him a high five as Tim stood back up. "First place!" An announcement rang out. "Just like old times." Stephanie said as Tim got out of his train of thought. "Yeah.. that's right." Tim remembered when he visited Ewok at his sister's firing range before she sold it off. They were in an open green field at the back of Twilight's castle. Tim was in an Australian uniform from the 1940's. "So, before you guys somewhat got up after Alex left. I set up cans so you can practice shooting. I asked the Princess if we could borrow this field of land for practice and she said yes." Stephanie said. "Thank you Stephanie." Tim said. "You guys got me into this, especially since I got vacation leave, so I got all the free time." Stephanie explained. "You're now a Doctor, right?" Tim asked. "Yup!" Stephanie excitingly said. "So that explains how you were able to patch Ewok quickly." Tim said. "Yeah, this isn't the first time he got in trouble like this. Well except the part about the war and how he lost the arm." She replied. "Oh, and if I may, I don't know if we told you this but me and the guys think of you as our older sister. And we can't thank you enough for helping patch up Ewok, and willingly helping us here in our mess." Tim thanked. "Oh that's so sweet!" She hugged Tim. Seeing as she was taller than everyone, she practically carried him upwards. Tim, gasping for air, even though he was under military gear her hug cannot be underestimated in hand-to-hand combat as it can choke people. He tapped her shoulder. "Please, air, please." She let go of him, "Oh, sorry!" She said. "It's alright, I enjoy your hugs anyways. Even though they don't allow this very important thing called air through." He jokingly said. "Oh that reminds me, shall we start the practice?" Stephanie asked. "Oh yeah! That's right." Tim then crouched on the ground, using his arm as an.. armrest for his SMLE rifle. 5 minutes later... Tim had knocked out half of the cups that were a mile or farther away. Nearly reaching the treeline of the Everfree forest. "So they can summon weapons and equipment from their thoughts?" Stephanie asked. "Yup." "Interesting.. have they conjured anything that isn't military related?" "Uhm.. I guess the bedsheets, pillows, and flags I think." Tim answered. "That's all I know so far." "Very interesting... that reminds me.." Stephanie looked down and spoke in a worrying manner. "How's Alex? Especially since.." Tim stopped firing and looked at her, "He's doing good now. Hell, we haven't seen this much happiness or excitement from him since he visited us in Australia. He's somewhat building a life for himself here. I think he might stay here." "I'm glad he's happy now. I'm just going to miss him. But I bet he'll come visit us once he has free time." Stephanie said. "Most likely, since he considers you, me, Ewok and Tankery as family." "How sweet of him, though I can't blame him. Well at least we're here now and we're all happy. Except the war part." Stephanie giggled. "Fair." Tim put down his weapon. "Oh, that's right!" Stephanie remembered as she pulled out her notepad and binoculars. She looked at the field where the cans were, and all that's left is heavily damaged cans. "70/70! Perfect score, you've improved since last time we did something like this." Stephanie remarked. "Yeah, it's been a while. But at least I improved." Tim said. "Oh, and here." Tim handed her an Glock-19 with her symbol of a Pink Rose on the side of it. "Awww thank you! But why would I ever need a gun for?" She asked. "In case anything happens. Wouldn't want to leave you defenseless, even though we plan on keeping you out of the dangerous roles. Just in case." "That's sweet, but why would you guys want to keep me out of the dangerous roles? I'm just as capable as you guys." "Well, for the most part we're more experienced with these weapons and also we're living our dreams with them, and also because we don't want you to be harmed. You already helped us and we don't want to lose you." Tim said. "You guys are really sweet. I'm glad that you guys think of me as your older sister." Stephanie said. "Hey, we're glad to have you. And also, I wonder what Soviet is doing right now... Well anywho, let's clean up and get back to the castle. I still have to introduce you to stuff here. And I'll tell you what we've been doing." Meanwhile on the other side of town... "How much for a batch of cupcakes?" Tankery asked in all tactical black gear he wore when they had first met Fluttershy in her cabin. "For you guys? Free! You saved us more than once already and a couple of cupcakes wouldn't be too much of a hassle!" Pinkie Pie insisted. "Are you sure?" Tankery asked. And Pinkie responded with a joyful and energetic nod, a couple of them. "Thank you, next time I'm paying though because I feel bad for taking free goods from you guys." Tankery insisted as Pinkie handed him a box of cupcakes. "Oh how kind of you. But you really don't have to do that." Pinkie added. "Don't care, already outside of the shop." Tankery walked backwards through the doors of the Sugarcube Corner. Thinking it was a bit rude, Pinkie wondered if he was joking with that tone. It was confirmed when he peaked back through the door, "Thank you though Pinkie! I'll repay you somehow!" He said as he walked back to the castle. Pinkie smiled and said, "What a strange one." "I should really be on Guard duty or patrolling this town. Well I might as well drop half of these cupcakes at the barracks and give half to Fluttershy." Tankery thought to himself. Still feeling guilt from basically raising her house as if she didn't pay taxes and they were the spawns of hell. (IRS Agents) Then his radio blurted, "Hello? How do I work this thing?? Ah there we go. Hey guys, I just received a letter from Celestia herself. I'm going on a mission back to Griffonia, I have to spy on them since I'm the only Griffon friend you know." Elta chuckled. Tankery responded, "Roger that. Radio in if you need any assistance. I'll try to stay nearby if anything. I'll tell the rest of the guys about this. Over and out." "Got it! I'll start packing now.." Elta said. But when she spoke about packing her voice became sad. As if she remembered something. "Elta?" "Oh.. yeah I'm still here. You guys need me to do this to prevent the war, right?" Elta asked. Tankery, confused but also worried. "Yes, but if anything happens radio it in, okay? I'll try my best to help, but stay safe. It's best that you quickly leave so it can end faster." "Oh yeah, that's right." Elta said. "Oh that also reminds me I have nothing to pack! Well I guess I'm ready to go now!" Elta said in her usual excited and alive tone. "Well stay safe." Tankery said as he saw Elta fly out from the front gates of the castle and heading somewhere over the horizon. "Well, I guess that's that." Tankery sighed. He entered the castle, seeing Twilight and Soviet enter the throne room as Tim and Stephanie enter the barracks. Tankery followed Stephanie and Tim. Entering the room and placing the cupcakes on the table. He seperated half of it onto a plate and left it on the table. "Alright, so these are for you guys. And the rest is for Fluttershy." "Ooh, got a crush?" Stephanie teased. "No. We basically raided her house on accident, I didn't even know who's house it was until I met Fluttershy who introduced us to the rest of Ponyville." Tankery explained. "Ah, how thoughtful of you." Stephanie said. "Anyways, did you guys hear about Elta?" Tankery asked. "No, not yet." Tim replied. "She's going back to Griffonia as a spy for us apparently. I guess Soviet and Twilight are going to meet with the Royals about it since last time I saw them they were in the throne room." Tankery explained. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back without knowing it." Tim said. "Yeah, but I'm going to go to the train station. I'm supposed to be patrolling right now anyways so might as well go." Tankery said. Leaving Stephanie and Tim to hang out in the Barracks while Ewok is asleep. Meanwhile in the throne room, Soviet stood at attention beside Twilight as they stopped in front of the table with Luna, Celestia, and Cadance on the other side. He was wearing his ODST armor with a Hell Jumper symbol on his right shoulder armor piece and an American flag on his left shoulder armor piece. "Princess Celestia, you have called me?" Twilight asked. "We're glad you're here Twilight. But we are terribly sorry that you had to postpone your school's activities. But these matters have postponed our own activities as well. We have planned out 2 operations after consulting our Generals." Celestia explained. "2 Operations, ma'am?" Soviet turned his head towards Celestia. "Yes Soviet. Operation Earshot, your Griffon friend Elta will inform us of any military activity from both Changeling and Griffonian militaries." Luna explained. "Will she have any reinforcements, ma'am?" Soviet asked. "No." Celestia answered. Soviet was stunned by this answer, but he couldn't argue with them as it would cause more problems and he might as well collect more evidence of Operation Earshot's failures once it is in action. To prove to the Equestrian public that they need a change in Military leadership. Which he hopes could be in charge of after the military reforms he's planning to cause. "And the second Operation, ma'am?" "Princess Cadance will visit Zebrica on a diplomatic mission to prevent their involvement in the war against us. The Elements of Harmony will assist Princess Cadance in this Operation, but to provide extra security, MACE will be acting as the Quick Reaction Force in this mission." Celestia explained. "And one of my Guard Divisions will be stationed nearby the city in case you need heavy reinforcements. But if anything does compromise the mission or if it threatens the mission, then retreat to the train station which will be guarded by my troops. And pull out of Zebrica as fast as possible. Do whatever it takes to defend the diplomatic team. Colonel." Luna ordered. Soviet saluted. "Yes, Ma'am." Then he went into attention stance. "Wait, so MACE is going to protect us as we help Cadance? It's not that I don't trust them, I just don't see why it's necessary to have our military presence in a neutral nation." Twilight questioned. "Everyone knows about the upcoming war, Twilight. And we cannot risk losing any of you so MACE is perfect in protecting you. As I do not need to explain why." Luna replied. "When do we move out?" Soviet asked. "Now." Celestia said in a serious tone. "Roger that." Soviet said. "You're dismissed." Celestia said. Soviet, Cadance, and Twilight walked out of the room. But Twilight stopped at the last minute to look back at Celestia. "Go, Twilight." Which Twilight followed her command. As the door closed, Luna looked at Celestia with a worried face. "Sister? Are you okay? You don't seem good." "Define good." Celestia said. "It's this entire situation. I can't handle the fact that I have to risk my little pony's lives for the greater good. It never felt right, and not to mention the Humans. They do our job for us, making us seem obsolete but I can't handle the fact that just 4 can cause this much damage but in the end it was for the best for all of us. They'll kill more than our most experienced armies combined. I can't imagine the carnage they'll make if it weren't for us giving them a reason to fight. I want to impose restrictions on them but I don't know if it'll hinder their capabilities." Celestia let out. "Well, that is a very good reason to worry sister. But we have to let them do their own thing for now, once the war is won we'll impose restrictions because they can easily outmaneuver and beat any soldier the Changelings and Griffons can muster. Look sister, we have to let their events play out for themselves as we cannot constantly watch over them as we may be caught in the crossfire." Luna explained. "I understand, but this feeling of impending doom keeps looming around me." Celestia explained. "I know sister, I have it too." Luna sat besides Celestia. Soviet entered the barracks. "Tim, get the Mark V, we're moving it to the train. And where's Tankery?" "He left to the train station." Tim answered. "Perfect, oh and Steph, I need you to stay here to watch over your brother. We're heading to Zebrica for an Operation." Soviet ordered. "You got it!" Steph said with enthusiasm as she gave Soviet a thumbs up. "Good luck you two!" She said as Tim and Soviet left with the armor. "We'll need it!" Soviet said in the distance. "So we're defending a diplomat, aren't we?" Tim asked. "Yeah, in a probable hostile nation no less. We're going to need the armor to make up for our lack in manpower." Soviet explained as he put the helmet on to complete suiting up in the armor. Now with a MACE logo on his breast armor instead of a UNSC symbol or number. 20 minutes later.. "Rarity.. Pinkie.. Applejack.. Rainbow.. Twilight... Starlight.. and Princess Cadence. We're all set here!" Tankery yelled as he got into the armored car on the back of the train. There he saw Soviet checking his BR55 Battle Rifle and trying to remember how to reload it easily. As Tim got dressed in ODST Armor as well as Tankery. Once they all were dressed, Soviet talked to the AI. "Yo, how long until we reach Zebrica?" "An hour or so señor, if there are no distractions." "Roger that, thanks." "So señor, keep the Princesses' safe now, ah?" "I will. Now sush, I'm going to try to sleep." The AI then shut up. Soviet then talked to the guys. "Alright men, we defend the diplomat party. We have 4 additional guardsman to defend the train station and Shining Armor to help us defend the diplomats. We are the main security force. So we need to be at the best of our game or we would have another front to worry about." Soviet briefed. "OOAH" "OOOAH!" Tim and Tankery chanted. The train started moving and at a surprising faster speed than usual. > Operation Etiquette > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "1-2, in the front. Tim, stay behind with me. We let the diplomats walk between us." Soviet instructed. "Voice changers, on." The squad then activated their voice changers to Combine soldiers. "Princess Twilight, follow Tankery and Ewok. We'll watch behind." Soviet instructed as the Ponies got out of the train carriages. The group nodded. "Guards, protect the group from the sides." Soviet ordered. The Equestrian guards saluted and walked into their positions, with their armor clunking as they walk. Soviet looked around and saw a massive crowd only being blocked by visibly underequipped Zebrican soldiers. Soviet, Tim, and Tankery got into their positions and slowly made space through the crowd to allow the diplomats to pass through. They were clearly angry by their presence alone. As they were passing through the street and heading straight to the City hall, Tankery noticed a tall tower that overlooked half of the city. "1-1, I found a vantage point." Tankery pointed out on the radio. Soviet looked at the tower and acknowledged it's importance. "Once we reach the objective you can discreetly hide out in there." Soviet said. "Roger that 1-1." They finally reached the City Hall, there were several soldiers with barricades blocking the mob from raiding the City Hall. "Looks like we have a warm welcome." Tim sarcastically said as he looked around. They entered the grand white marbled city hall, similar to the Lincoln Memorial. "Soviet, does this look familiar?" "I swear to god I will bomb this place in the name of Freedom and Democracy, there can only be one God Blessed American structure, and it shall only belong in God's blessed land." Soviet sarcastically said while also sounding serious. "Jesus christ dude. Calm the fuck down." Tankery said. But as they talked, they were speaking through comms in their helmets. With their helmets being soundproof unless they switched it to make them talk to anyone who's not on their comms. Soviet looked around, "Wait Tank, where are you?" Soviet asked. "I like how we're not using our designated numbers anymore, but I'm already at the tower." Tankery answered. "Alright. Alert us if anything happens." Soviet ordered. "Roger that." Tankery replied. They entered what seemed to be a throne room, with soldiers aligned along the walls and what seems to be Royalty on 3 thrones. But they seemed snooty, to say the least. It was luxurious inside of building, but outside is like the slums. "Soviet, these Zebras seem angry. And they are starting to turn into a militia. Troops are suppressing the rioters now, and even some of the troops were joining the mob. They're focusing the attempts on taking over the streets heading to City Hall." Tankery reported. "We better hurry." Tim stated. "Princess, we have to hurry. Rioters are starting to get more serious." Soviet reported to Twilight. "Okay, I will try my best." Twilight said. "Hello! Friends from Equestria! Welcome to Zebrica, I apologize for the ruckus outside, we weren't expecting such a response from our people. I mean we treat them well and everything!" The Queen said. Soviet and Tim looked at each other with doubt. Then facing back at the Queen. "Well, where are my manners? I am Queen Novonia. This here is my Husband Hyslia and my Daughter Magoa." The Queen zebra introduced. "Greetings Queen Novonia, I am Princess Cadance, one of the Princess' of Equestria." Cadance introduced. "I brought the company of Princess Twilight and the Elements of Harmony." "And who are these?" Novonia asked, pointing to Soviet and Tim. "These two are the 'Special Creatures' that had entered Equestria recently. These are the Humans." Twilight introduced. Tim and Soviet saluted, almost perfectly in sync. But Tim was a bit slowed down, Soviet noticed this and he figured out that Tim was nervous. Soviet spoke in his helmet, "Juan, show Tankery's camera feed." It then showed feed inside his helmet, it was the camera attached on Tankery's helmet on the side. It showed the riots starting to turn to armed rebellion. "Jesus christ. Soviet you seeing this?" Tankery asked. "I see it. We better hurry." Soviet said. As he heard their conversation, Tim got worried. He was tired already, since he hasn't had sleep. But with the fact they might have to fight an entire city is what worries him. "Well Queen Novonia, I come here to ensure your nation's neutrality in the upcoming war. We at Equestria wish to not go to war with your great nation." Cadance informed. "You girls can go hang out somewhere else, it's going to get boring in here." Twilight told her friends. Twilight gave the Zebrican guards a side eye as she caught them staring at their flanks. Which Soviet then moved in front of their view, the guard's couldn't see his face but felt his eyes staring straight into their souls. "Tim, pervets, 3 'o clock." Soviet radioed. "Roger." Tim then looked at any guard's able to see their diplomat's flanks and broke their line of sight by blocking their flanks by moving in their line of sight. "Looks like these guys were former gangs, their uniforms are barely standard." Tim commented on their equipment, which was just anything they could find as 'Armor'. "Looks like it, I bet these guys are ready to turn on their Queen any second." Soviet said. "Yipee!" Pinkie cheered silently. "We'll be here if you need us, Sweetie." Rarity assured. "Yeah Twilight, we-" Applejack was cut off as the door busted down. The girls screamed. It was a horde mixed of starving civilians and soldiers turned sides. Then gunfire ripped from outside, mowing down the horde in front. Soviet and Tim moved in front of the girls who were shocked and scared. "Open fire if they come close." Soviet then looked at the guards who were supposed to be helping, did nothing. "I bet these guys are either corrupt or they REALLY hate their government" Tim said as this is starting to look like a coup. "Well, considering how anti-war this country is, I guess we sparked it." Tankery added. "Tim, bring the girls to a secure room and escape through the back. Head back to the railway station, do not stop." Soviet ordered. Tim was caught in an indecision. He looked at the oncoming crowd and it was more than what one of their own could handle, even if the mob wasn't armed. He looked at Soviet then Twilight and the group. He sighed, "Got it, but when the fuck are going to regroup with us?" "Just do it Tim! We don't need the diplomats to be caught in the crossfire. And I need you guys out of here if I have to resort to it." "A nuke?! Are you fucking crazy?!" Tim screamed. "Just get a move on! I have the armor, I can withstand these guys. Regroup at the station and get the hell out of here!" Soviet said. Tim, still in an indecision then nodded, "Got it, it. But you better fucking be there." Tim pointed. "Twilight, Cadance!" Soviet yelled. "DO NOT STOP, FOLLOW TIM, DO NOT WAIT FOR ME. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Soviet said as he unloaded a burst into the coming horde. "Yes Soviet!" Twilight said shockingly. "Is he going to sacrifice himself for us?" Applejack asked. "No, he's just going to delay them. We're outnumbered here, and we have you guys to worry about. So we better fucking move!" Tim said as he ushered the group through a door and to a window. He broke the window with the back of his rifle, and clearing the shards with his gloves. "Move!" Tim said as he jumped through the window and secured the area outside of the window. It was an empty street, no one was there." "Tankery! I need covering fire-!" Soviet ordered but was cut off. Tankery, out of breathe responded, "Not able to right now! I'm getting molotovs being thrown at me and they're swarming the building! I'm setting up a bomb and jumping out." "Roger, do all you can." Soviet said. "Juan, we have a job to do." Soviet said. "Si Senor! Show them what we got!" The mexican AI said. "My people! What are you doing?! I am your Queen! We shall not be-!" The queen was cut off, by the fact her throat was cut off by the Guards that were supposed to be protecting her. But as Soviet looked, they were clearly close to dying from starvation. Which makes a reasonable reason why these people are revolting. But it didn't matter, he had to delay the mob before they reached the team. Once they charged at him, he started firing at the horde He leaned out against the corner and checked both sides. "Clear." Tim motioned his hands to move forward as he held his rifle with one hand. "Tank, where the hell are you?" He asked. "One sec." A response from the radio reported. Then an ODST dropped from a rooftop and onto the ground and rolling as he landed on the other side of the street. "Shit!" Tanker then fired off a few rounds to his right, unable to see, Tim asked. "What's there?" Tim asked. "They fucking followed me!" Tankery screamed. Firing his battle rifle more and more each second. Then stopped and ran towards Tim screaming, "Shoot at them!" "What's happening?" Twilight asked. Tim was confused. The tension was building up on him and his anxiety rushing. "Why the fuck is this happening now? Why am I now getting scared?" Tim thought to himself. Then Tim waved left into a street, then he looked back at Twilight and pointed at Tankery and then a waving motion. "Follow him?" She asked. Tim nodded. "Wait, now why aren't yer talking?" Applejack asked on his suspicious. Tim didn't care about this as he saw the coming horde. Then he crouched and fired his rifle. Tankery did the same. Tankery then waved to the group to come to him. The group was hesitant, with the Humans not talking it felt weird and strange. "Doesn't matter, girls. They're holding them back for us, and we have to get to the train station." Twilight reminded. Then they ran towards Tankery. "Where the fuck have you been?" Tim asked as he threw a grenade at the horde. Causing them to halt for a minute before their shock was over and they continued charging. "There." Tankery pointed, Tim looked and it was a tall tower. Then it exploded with the building collapsing and smoke covering the buildings and streets surrounding it. "That was... too much." Tankery thought to himself. But he holstered his Battle Rifle on his back and yelled to Tim, "Get over here! We have to move to the evac point!" He ushered Tim. Tim ran towards Tankery as he also threw a grenade to slow down the approaching horde. "Jesus christ these guys don't give up!" Tankery pointed out as he, Tim, and the girls were running towards the train station as a group. "I've heard of rumors!" Twilight said as she was running, "They were treated very badly that they became very fanatical!" She said as fires roamed across the city with mobs clashing with government forces. "Jesus, we really came at a bad time." Tankery said. Tim took a deep breathe to absorb all of the new information in. "Wait." Tankery stopped, causing the group to stop too. "Where the hell is Cadance?" He asked. The group gasped as they looked around. "Soviet, come in. Princess Cadance is missing, keep on a lookout. I will try to find her." Tankery radioed in. "Negative, regroup at the train station. I will find the Princess." Soviet said. "Roger." Tankery said. "Soviet has us covered, let's continue moving." They started running. Soviet looked around the room as it was now covered in blood and gore by the remains of the Zebricans. He was tired as his armor is somewhat scratched up as it was attacked by hundreds. His armor was coated in gore and blood, but he wiped his golden visor and began to run around the room to find Cadance. He then saw 2 Zebrican kids run out of a room in the corner of the room, as they vomited and started to cry as they ran through the room with remains everywhere. They ran, scared shitless as they couldn't even look at Soviet. Soviet was curious on where they came from, they looked scared before they saw what he had done to what was most likely their family. He looked into the room and saw 2 guards enter a disclosed room trying to be discreet. They were talking in some other language that he couldn't understand. Then when they entered another room, Juan caught a glimpse of a Princess Cadance tied up in rope. "She's in there!" He shouted. "Got it Juan, time to breach." Soviet said as he reloaded his MA5B. He charged at the door, breaking down the door and saw a very unforgiving sight. Those soldiers were rather more focused on sexual views than food and poverty their nation was going through and the civil war it was currently going through, Cadance was crying, as she seemed beat up and the guards caught with their genitals out. Her hair was messed up and her crown was dented, she had become littered with the dust and other dirty shit the room was covered in. Soviet's feelings turned from anxiety and tension, all turned to anger. One of the people he cared deeply about being.. raped. He gripped his fists and charged at one of the guards. He grabbed him by the throat, firing his MA5B on his 'rod' and kicking his knee backwards. Then grabbing one of their eyes out, but still connected to the eye socket. The other soldier saw this and was in shock, he tried charging Soviet with his spear but Soviet dodged it and the spear hit his fellow comrade. Causing the soldier to fall down in guilt and shock, giving Soviet the chance to crack his neck. Then he looked at Cadance. "You okay? Whatever they did to you it's over. I'm here." He said worryingly, which even though she was tired and now scarred, she was confused on why Soviet was being so emotional and worried, it's a first for her seeing him like this. She nodded as Soviet tore the tape on her mouth off. "How did they get you up like this?" He asked as he began cutting the ropes she was tied too. "They.. they used children as hostages unless I surrendered myself quietly..." Cadance cried. Soviet stared at her, then nodded. "I'm greatly sorry that this happened, I promise it won't and I'll get you out of this godforsaken hellhole." Soviet spoke in a calm voice. Cadance nodded. "Alright, let's get out of here." Soviet said as Cadance got up. Soviet then pulled out a pistol, giving Cadance a shock of fear, then he pointed it at the bodies laying on the ground and firing 2 rounds into each head. "Those bastards will see me in hell." Soviet muttered. He then holstered his pistol and ushered Cadance out of the building. Once she got out of the room, the stench of amount of bodies and gore littered across the room almost made her vomit. She started to tear, Soviet patted the back of her neck, "We've got to move." He said as he lowered himself down to her eyesight. She nodded while her hoof was covering her nostrils and tears began dripping from her eyes. Once they exited the building, Soviet saw the tower destroyed. Then he radioed in, "Tankery, status report." He spoke. "We're at the train station. These bastards won't give up!" Then gunfire rang through the radio. "You better hurry! Us and the Guards are barely holding up here!" "Roger that, moving." Soviet then turned to the Princess. "Princess, I'm going to need you to hold on, tightly." Soviet said as he kneeled downwards with his back turned to Cadance. She grabbed onto Soviet's back with all of her hooves and she held tightly. "Juan, I'm going to need some boost." Soviet said. "Si Senor." Then a jet booster sound came from Soviet's shins, there were tiny pods with rocket fuel which allowed Soviet to jump high, which he did. Cadance shreaked as they were in the air. Then within the second, they landed on top of a roof. Then she looked behind on the ground at the City Hall and saw another wave of the horde rush in to find them. Then Soviet began sprinting, Battle Rifle in hand, he jumped across roofs as Cadance held tightly and gasping once they jumped. His anger and range.. still under the rugs but it would be easily shown by how he aggressively moves. "Where the hay are they?!" Applejack screamed as she ducked in cover at the doorway of their train cart. "They should be here soon!" Shining Armor replied as he stabbed a charging Zebrican with his spear and blasted another jumping towards him. "Shining Armor?! When did you get here?!" Twilight yelled. "I was here defending the station!" He replied. "How about less talking and more focusing!" Tankery said as he threw a grenade at the horde. It exploded and caused everyone to flinch except him. As a Zebrican charged at Tim, he fired a round into it and blood splattered onto his visor. He started to shake.. he fell onto his knees. Seeing this, a Royal Guard stepped in his place to cover him. Tankery rushed over to Tim and spoke to him, "Tim?! Tim?! You good?!" He said as he picked him up. "This is why... this is why I'm supposed to be a.. a damn marksman..." Tim said. Tankery hit his helmet to knock some sense into him, "This isn't the time right now! We need to defend this station until Soviet arrives with Cadance and we can leave this fucking place!" Tim couldn't move or speak, but Tankery can feel him still shake. "Guard! Bring him into the train, I'll cover." The Guardsman then dragged him into the train cart. With Tankery getting back up and spawning a M7 SMG for his left hand as he used both hands to cover for the lack of firepower. The Guards, already used to this covered Tankery wherever they can. Stabbing the Zebricans trying to flank or those that aren't in his lines of sight. Then a bottle with a rag on fire was thrown at them, midair Tankery shouted, "Molotov!" He then ducked for cover, but Shining Armor unleashed a telekinetic wave, launching the molotov back into the horde. "Nice!" Tankery spoke. He then spawned down a mounted M247 Machine Gun. "Twilight!" Twilight peaked up from the cover of the train cart's windows. "Yeah?" "What's your policy of letting Spike fire a weapon?" "I'm not going to let him!" She responded fiercely as she couldn't believe he would ask such a thing. "Fine, then get over here and man this thing!" He pointed at the MG. But then he bent downwards as a Zebra jumped him and missed, falling on the ground. Tankery got back up and unleashed a hail of bullets onto it. "Hurry up!" Twilight couldn't move after the sight she had just witnessed. "I'll do it!" Rainbow Dash flew to the MG and put her hooves on what felt right. Tankery got on his knees to the MG, showing her the basics. "This is to fire the gun, you have to turn the thing and aim then fire. Shoot at the Zebras! Not us!" He ordered as he got back up to resume fire on the crowd. Rainbow Dash nodded as she test fired, which killed a charging Zebra. She flinched but got used to it, she then aimed at another group approaching down the street and she held down the trigger. Watching bright flashes of light ring out, she stopped and saw the group splattered across the road. She started to tear up until.. A loud crack on the ground was heard, and the ground BEGAN to crack with a large cloud of dust surrounded the area. Everyone stopped their current actions, especially the rioters. A figure clad in green armor and a shiny gold visor rose up from the dust cloud. Once Tankery figured out who it was, he continued firing. He then yelled, "That's our package! Let's move!" He said as he fired his weapon while slowly moving backwards. Rainbow Dash ran from her MG position and into the train. The Guards immediately ran back with Shining Armor. Soviet lent down to Shining Armor to give him Cadance. "Get the train moving." He said once Shining Armor grabbed Cadance. Shining Armor gave a worried look until he had a serious face and nodded. Turning back and saying, "Get the train moving!" Tankery threw a grenade at the MG post to prevent it's capture and study by the Zebricans. Once they were all in the train cars, Soviet looked back after throwing a bunch of grenades to the horde. "Get the hell out of here!" Soviet ordered Tankery. "What about you?" Tankery asked as he ran towards a window to face Soviet. "Just get out of here! I have some debts I need to collect..." Soviet turned around back to the crowd and cracked his knuckles and neck. His comms turned off as he loaded another round to his BR55 and holstered a MA37 to his back. He got into a sprinting position and spoke to Juan, "Activate speed and strength." "Si." Juan said, but with a worried voice considering he might know what will happen, especially since what he's seen and did within this single day. "Cadance!" Twilight screamed as she hugged her as everything calmed down once they left Zebrica. "Goodness me! What so-ever happened to you?!" Rarity screamed. Cadance's appearance was all but neat and clean. Her mane was messed up, her eyes were tired and were close to shellshock, and she didn't seem all that good overall. "I- I can't say..." She said as her eyes went wide and she blankly stared, trying to remember what happened. Her shock kept her from remembering now... but she could barely move without shaking. "Yo, Tim, you good?" Tankery kneeled down to a Tim sitting on the car's chair. He asked as he knocked on Tim's helmet lightly 3 times. "Yeah.. I. I just don't know what came over me..." Tim said as he looked towards Tankery. "It's fine, but we need a re-evaluation on you with weaponry and combat. I understand that you said you wanted to be a Marksman but that makes sense since you freaked out during CQB. I'll try to convince Soviet to let you be the Marksman. But hey, get some rest once we get back. We're gonna need it. We might've started another war." Tankery said as he got back up and looked back at the city which is now either in flames or engulfed with smoke. "Where's Soviet?" A shellshocked Fluttershy asked. "He stayed behind for... something. I guess he's trying to hold them back but considering it's him, he probably did." Tankery said as he let out a sigh and collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. The Mane 6 screamed at his body falling on the ground with the guards checking his vitals and his breathing by taking off his helmet. The group gasped, finally seeing a Human face. It wasn't... as bad as they were expecting. But still similar to themselves. "Get him someplace to rest, it'll be a long wait to get back to home." Shining Armor said. With the sight of Tankery's face, the group began to get curious about what the Human's looked like without the armor, their face, mane, and other physical attributes that weren't enhanced by their armor and equipment. But still, they all lost their train of thought once they took deep breathes and sat on the benches. > New Assistant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Jesus fucking Christ!" Everyone peaked out of their rooms to check on who's yelling. It came from the throne room. "What the actual fuck happened?!" Tankery screamed. Celestia was speechless. "Even I got into the shit of the fighting but I didn't even get this much damage on my own armor or the amount of blood stained on you! You fucking dumbass what happened to the armor?!" Tankery screamed. Soviet's armor began to steam in some areas and some sparking in small areas. "What did happen, Soviet?" Celestia questioned with a suspicious face. "I haven't heard from Zebrica since!" Soviet didn't respond. He just walked back out of the door, still beat up he walked towards the infirmary. Everyone gasped once they saw what happened to Soviet. His visor was cracked, armor dented, blast marks in some areas, and blood stained on the armor with some of the paint scratched off. He simply walked out of the giant castle and into the streets of Canterlot. "Something really bad happened then..." Celestia wondered. "Last time he was like this was during a personal incident, hour Highness." Tankery reported as he stood next to the door while Celestia was on the throne. "Shall we go after him?" The guards asked Tankery. "No, let him be. It'll only complicate things. Like last time." Tankery ordered. They nodded and stood back to their guarding posts. "What DID happen last time?" Celestia asked. "I'm not proud in retelling this story your Highness, but it is important if we're going into his past." Celestia nodded. Tankery continued, "He had a very terrible past, a car crash killing his parents, him having to take care of their house and their family issues which had led to some deaths due to his family's incompetence, his girlfriend cheating on him with 10 other guys, no one supporting him and he had to work 3 jobs while still 16. But he met us, MACE, we all came really close but we eventually broke up as a group and Soviet took this to heart as we were what he had as family. He left Australia after visiting Ewok and Tim once the group split, and went back home to Alaska where he was in silence and had multiple suicidal actions. I eventually moved up there with him to help him but we ended up here. There's a lot more but this is the basic gist of his background." Tankery explained. "Oh my... I never really expected that from him.." Celestia responded. "And now, this is all he has left to live for. It's indefinite that he's going to protect Equestria with his life, he's been more happy than we've seen him since." Tannery explained. "I can imagine... But I'm glad he's happy now." Celestia spoke. "Yes ma'am. We're glad too but what happened in Zebrica and the reports from Cadence, he's taking this hard. I do wonder what he did once we did evacuate from that city. He stayed behind, but I guess he took a hard beating while he was there covering our asses." Tankery spoke. "So how does it feel?" Tim asked. Ewok moved his now new robotic arm, inspecting it and flexing his fingers to see if there would be any malfunctions. There were none and it moved smoothly. “It doesn’t feel different, it’s still like controlling your arm but I can only feel my hand for now… but other than that it’s going great.” Ewok said. They were both sitting in front of a Cafe on their tables outside. They were accompanying Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Stephanie. Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy also joined them as they all agreed that they needed to get Princess Cadance’s mind off of Zebrica.  “So, how’s your donut?” Stephanie asked. “It’s alright.” She answered shortly.  “Do you need anything?” Stephanie asked sympathetically.  "I-.. I'm alright." Cadance said hesitantly. Tim looked at her with worry. "Jesus... I never knew something this fucked existed here... Glad Soviet caught up to her before they did anything more serious." "Speaking of which, where the fuck is he? And what the hell happened after we left?" Ewok asked. "No clue, I tried hacking into his suit's cameras but he strengthened the firewall on his suit, I guess Juan is helping." Tim explained. "I wonder what he's hiding.. We haven't heard from him since. Fuck, I'm starting to worry that he's going through it again. If he is, then we better hurry up quickly. I don't know. I guess I freaked out but when it comes to an entire city toppling on us or if it was direct combat I guess I break down. But to be fair, the best I can be used as is a marksman, which you can ask Stephanie about my marksman skills." Tim said. "Yeah I still remember. But we're stationed here we have to stay with them." Ewok said. "Fair enough." Tim replied. "But why do we have to hide our faces?" "Fear factor." Ewok replied as he pulled down his balaclava and took a sip of the mocha that he got from the shop. "I understand that, but I don't know if they've seen my face on accident already." Tim replied. Then Tim's eyes opened, "Wait hold on, isn't it Soviet's birthday soon?" He asked frantically. "I need to go get to Pinkie Pie, I'll be right back." Tim then ran to Shining Armor. He saluted, "Sir, I need to prepare for Soviet's birthday and plan with Pinkie Pie, sir." He got into attention stance. Shining Armor said, "It's alright, you may go." He nodded. "Thank you sir." Tim said as he ran through Canterlot to find Pinkie Pie. Laying down in the corner of an alleyway, he saw Tim run by. He sighed, "What the hell did I do..?" He asked himself as he kept rewatching the footage. Soviet then got back up and took a deep breathe before heading back to the train station.