The Science of Fun

by CapNTilfy

First published

It's Valentine's Day in the Canterlot Suburbs! Twilight plans to spend the day with her girlfriend Pinkie Pie.

Valentine's Day. A day for love. A day for passion. A special day for two young women madly in love with each other...

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...And the Magic of Laughter

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Twilight Sparkle ran a hand through her hair as she got out of her car. Today was Valentine’s Day, and she was going to spend the day at Pinkie Pie’s house. She fidgeted nervously just before walking up to her girlfriend’s doorstep.

Love. It was such an alien concept to Twilight. Something so new. Something so profound. She honestly didn’t know what to think of it at first. It made her head spin. It made her heart thunder. It made her-


Twilight yelped, jumping out of her stream of thought and back into reality as she saw Pinkie stand before her.

Pinkie giggled, then snorted. Those sounds somehow comforted Twilight. They made her feel like everything was going to be okay. “C’mon, Jumpy Jumperson,” she chirped as she extended her hand. “Let’s get you inside and relaxed!”

Twilight nodded with a smile and took Pinkie by her hand. They’d been a couple for nearly a year now, and when they were together there was never a dull moment.

In that year they’d been together, Twilight’s view of love had changed drastically. It was exhilarating now! She had finally understood that feeling. That lightheadedness that she had heard about after all this time! The full weight of those three words… It felt as though new horizons had opened up for her! Infinite possibili-

“Sci-Twi,” Pinkie whispered into Twilight’s ear. That not only snapped her back to reality, but it also sent a shiver through her body! She loved it when her girlfriend did that!

Pinkie giggled as she ran a hand through Twilight’s hair. “Never gets old, does it?”

Twilight shook her head as heat rose to her face. “I don’t think it ever will,” she said softly before pecking Pinkie on the cheek. “Come on. Let’s get inside.”

Pinkie nodded, and she and Twilight laced their fingers together and walked to the entrance. She opened the door to her house, and the couple stepped inside.

“So,” Twilight said as Pinkie shut the door behind them. “What’s the plan for today?”

Pinkie thrust her free arm outward, pointing forward. “To the basement-mobile!”

For the briefest of moments, the world suddenly spun sideways rapidly as horns blared all around Twilight. Once the spinning stopped, she stumbled, nearly taking Pinkie Pie to the floor with her.

“Wh-What just happened,” Twilight asked in a daze as she struggled to regain her bearings.

Pinkie giggled sheepishly with a slight tint of red on her cheeks. “Oopsie! Sorry Hon-Bun, I guess I got the teeny-tiniest bit excited and forgot to warn you.”

Twilight rapidly shook her head, re-orienting herself.

She found herself surrounded by balloons of varying colors, shapes and sizes as a sweet smell wafted around her. Bins of confetti stood in a line to her left, and a line of party cannons stood to her left. The walls were covered with pink wallpaper, while several disco balls hung from the ceiling.

Countless rolls of multicolored, festive wrapping paper stood against the wall facing Twilight, and she didn’t have to look behind herself as she knew about the computer Pinkie used to keep track of all of her party planning and clientele. She single handedly built it, after all!

Twilight turned to Pinkie. “Your party planning basement,” she asked in confusion. “Sweetie Pie, this isn’t exactly romanti-”

Pinkie pressed a finger against Twilight’s lips, shushing her with a smile. “Don’t you worry your pretty little noggin, Sci-Twi. Your girl’s got this covered!” She stepped back a couple of spaces, then bent down and poked at the floor, penetrating it with her finger.

Pinkie grinned widely as she slowly opened up a hidden trap door, then gestured Twilight forth.

Twilight approached the trap door, then gasped as she adjusted her glasses. Below her was an incalculable amount of pillows, each of them varying in shape, size and color! By her estimates, it was at least a twelve foot drop! “Pinkie… hon,” she said with an uncertain tone. “I-is this safe?”

“Of course it is,” Pinkie chirped as she took Twilight’s hand. “I’ve tested it myself a million-billion times!”

Twilight smiled softly, feeling reassured. Of course Pinkie did. “Together on three?”

Pinkie nodded. “Together on three.”

“One… two… three!”

Pinkie and Twilight jumped down, then safely landed on the pillows. The two laughed together, then sighed.

Twilight looked around herself, but all she could see were bright pink walls lined with lights! No ladders, no doors… no way out! It was then that she realized just how well-cushioned her fall was. This could only mean one thing: that her way out was down.

“Love,” Twilight said. “Just how many pillows are in this room?”

“4,365,219,” Pinkie said as she performed a flawless backstroke around Twilight.

Twilight blinked in surprise, then started doing some mental calculations. Calculations that were ended abruptly by a peck on the cheek.

“All you gotta do is dig down, baby! No need to think!” Pinkie giggled, then snorted as she jumped out of the pillows like a dolphin in the ocean, then landed face first. Upon contact, she started burrowing downward.

“Wait, Pinkie! What about the-”

The trap door closed, answering Twilight’s unfinished question.


Twilight cracked her neck, then began to dig, pushing pillow after pillow out of her way. Sure, she could channel her geode, but that would be disrespectful to the heart and soul Pinkie put into this!

In spite of how laborious she knew this was going to be, Twilight smiled. Things like this were why she loved Pinkie so much! Her eccentricities. The way she made every day feel fresh, new and exciting! Her seemingly boundless optimism and zest for life!

Thoughts like those and more made Twilight’s heart pound with love and excitement. She was eager to find out what sort of fantastically outlandish and reality-defying thing Pinkie had in store for her!

Adrenaline coursed through Twilight’s body as she lost track of time, digging deeper and deeper until she moved a pillow aside to see a hardwood floor.

Twilight smiled, then gradually stood upright, grateful to be on solid ground again. “Pinkie?”

A pair of pink hands covered Twilight’s glasses. “Guess who?”

“The love and light of my life,” Twilight asked as she pressed her body against Pinkie’s.

Pinkie slowly moved her hands away, then wrapped them around Twilight’s waist. “All that and more, Sci-Twi,” she whispered. “All that and more.” She pecked her on the cheek.

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed happily as she reached back and buried her hands in Pinkie’s hair. “You know,” she said softly. “I never got my ‘hello’ kiss.”

Pinkie giggled. “Then I’ll give you a super-duper-extra special kiss to make up for it.” She leaned into Twilight, then pressed her lips against hers as she opened her mouth. She hummed as their tongues danced and clashed.

Moments later, Pinkie broke the kiss, then turned to face Twilight. “So,” she said huskily. “Did that make up for it?”

Twilight cupped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Hmm… I guess,” she said playfully. “Now it’s my turn.”

Before Pinkie could respond, Twilight grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her into a fiery kiss. Hands quickly wrapped around bodies, and the couple giggled into each others’ mouths as they toppled to the pillow-filled floor. Their lips remained locked for several more moments before finally separating.

Pinkie and Twilight gazed deeply into each others’ eyes as they touched their foreheads together.

“I love you,” Twilight whispered.

“I love you too,” Pinkie purred as she ran a hand through Twilight’s hair. “As much fun as it is right now, being with you like this… there’s something I want to show you.”

“Okay,” Twilight said as she and Pinkie stood up. “Lead the way.”

Pinkie took Twilight by the hand, then cleared a path as they walked together. Within a few moments, they reached a pink and purple checkered door. “Close your eyes,” she said as she reached for the door’s handle.

Twilight nodded, then shut her eyes. “Okay. Ready when you are!” She heard the door open as she felt herself being pulled forward. She heard the door close.

“Open your eyes,” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight opened her eyes, and her jaw dropped almost immediately as she took in her surroundings.

Twilight was in a massive foyer with walls made entirely of pillows. Walls that were lined with crudely drawn pictures of herself and Pinkie holding hands, kissing, gazing at each other lovingly, and other sorts of activities that lovers partake in.

A pair of spiral staircases (also made of pillows) led up to another level, but Twilight couldn’t quite see the second floor from where she stood.

“Welcome, Twilight,” Pinkie said with a flourish. “To Pinkie Pie’s Palatial Pillow Paradise!”

Twilight remained slack-jawed as Pinkie skipped over to her.


Twilight shuddered, then giggled as she returned to reality. “Sweetie Pie, will you ever cease to amaze me?”

“I think we both know the answer to that question,” Pinkie said as she booped Twilight on the nose.

“Yeah,” Twilight said with a laugh.

“So… how about a tour?”

“I’d love one!”

“Great! But first you gotta take your shoes off,” Pinkie trilled as she took off her own shoes.

“Fair enough,” Twilight said, then took her shoes off and placed them in front of the door. As soon as she set them down, Pinkie took her by the hand and laced fingers with her.

“Now then,” Pinkie chirped. “Let’s get this tour started!”

Pinkie walked Twilight through the entirety of her Pillow Paradise, showing her room after room. After roughly an hour, they stopped in front of a large pair of double doors.

“So,” Pinkie said as she let go of Twilight’s hand. “Before I show you the master bedroom, I wanna know which rooms were your favorites!”

Twilight adjusted her glasses, then smiled. “Well, I loved the pillow fighting arena! That’ll be a great stress reliever!”

Pinkie nodded with a grin.

“That giant playroom with the static shock-free plastic crawl tunnels was inspired.”

Pinkie giggled, then snorted. “You have no idea how hard that one was to make!”

“I can only imagine.” Twilight’s eyes went half-lidded. “I really liked the hot tub and sauna room,” she said huskily. “I’ve been thinking about all kinds of sexy things we can do in there.”

Heat rose to Pinkie’s face. Twilight was turned on, and it was turning herself on too! She wiped some sweat off her forehead, then cleared her throat. She had to finish the tour first!

“And now,” Pinkie said. “Last, but certainly not least… the master bedroom!” She opened the doors.

Twilight entered a room about the size of a basketball court. The walls were lined with the same pillows as everywhere else, but they all had hearts embroidered in their centers. Several shelves of books stood on each side of the room, causing her eyes to widen.

In one the room’s corners was a large shower, with more than enough room for herself and Pinkie to fit in. Three of the shower walls contained shower heads, with one sticking out from the ceiling. Just next to it was a door to a bathroom stall, just in case privacy was wanted.

In front of Twilight was a rather large swimming pool filled to the brim with crash cushions, colored pink and purple.

A few feet away was a bed for both Twilight and Pinkie to lay on, with a big flatscreen TV for them to watch and cuddle before and/or after making love. A dresser for herself and one for Pinkie were standing next to each other.

“So,” Pinkie purred as she bared her shoulder and exposed a bra strap. “Now that you’ve seen everything, what do you want to do first?”

Twilight licked her lips hungrily. “You.

Before Pinkie could respond, she was tackled and sent flying into the crash cushion pool as Twilight held onto her tightly.

Some time later, Twilight and Pinkie held each other close, completely naked and sweaty as they tried to catch their breaths.

“Best… sex… ever…” Pinkie ran a hand through Twilight’s hair, then pecked her on the lips twice.

Twilight hummed as she rested her head on Pinkie’s chest and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetie Pie. I love you so much.” She nuzzled her collarbone with a happy sigh.

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, Sci-Twi. I love you so much too,” Pinkie purred, then closed her eyes as she raised a hand. She snapped her fingers, and the whole room went dark as they fell asleep in each other’s arms.