The Voice

by TheFVguy

First published

It finally happened! Discord and Fluttershy are going on their first date, not as friends, but as potential partners. But as history has shown, our anxieties will never stop talking, especially when we insult ourselves in our head.

After some encouragement from Spike and Big Mac, Discord finally asked his dear friend, Fluttershy, on a date. Despite being ordinarily full of himself, he was dreadfully nervous, and he didn't even expect her to say yes.

After Fluttershy accepted Discord's invitation, the first she did when alone was panic and visit every friend of hers for advice. She was never used to stallions ever inviting her out, so this new chapter in her life was all dreadfully new.

The day came when the two were ready to go out, and like every creature capable of thought, that little voice in their heads was louder than before.

"Don't screw this up like you usually do," spoke Discord's mind.

"I hope I'm not coming off as uninterested. Why do I have to feel nervous now?!" Spoke Fluttershy's mind.


The Date

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Beyond the scopes of time and space is a dimension of infinite measure: Chaosville, where rules and restrictions have excited its field of reality. And in the many corners of that world are various odd structures, but one, in particular, stood out. A massive blue mushroom, whose stem is infinite in length, served as the table for the dinner date of the peculiar couple of a pegasus and a draconequus.

“Discord, this is beautiful,” Fluttershy says in awe, as various butterflies landed softly on her dress adorned in nature’s colors.

Discord, proudly showing off his yellow suit like a golden throne, manifested a rose from a snap of his fingers, whose unique feature is changing form every new hour.

Fluttershy cheeks burn red upon receiving such a gift, any mare could be swooned by any stallion with a bouquet, but only one can obtain such a flower from the Lord of Chaos. “Discord, please, now you're just spoiling me!” She chuckled, placing it on her mane.

“Anything for the Lord of Chaos’ special somepony,” Discord confidently stated, making Fluttershy’s face look like that of an apple on a hot summer morning.

As the two laughed and enjoyed their time together, there was an entity that surrounded them. Well, less of surrounding on more lurking in their minds. It was a voice that every creature once heard and possibly will hear their whole lives.

‘Why did you give her that gift? It’s too much. She's a pony, and she likes simple things! Ugh, why can’t you swallow your pride for once and just buy a bouquet? She would much prefer that!” Spoke his thoughts as Discord continued to tell his story when he replaced a rude farmer’s cabbages into singing caesar salads.

‘I should have brought a gift too. I know it’s customary for a stallion to bring something to his date, but that doesn’t feel fair. He did all this for me. You're too sweet Discord, I’m just… me,’ the voice said, as Fluttershy was engaged in his story, laughing at its ending.

“I’m delighted you came, Fluttershy,” he said. ‘I don’t deserve you.’

“Why wouldn’t I? I love spending time with you,” she said. ‘Why did I say that? Just tell him this is what you always hoped for!

The two stared at their teacups, the voices overwhelming them, preventing them from focusing on one another. If it could, the mushroom would have shrunk itself or chopped its stem, not standing the uncomfortable silence.

I’m hideous to you, am I? You probably felt bad for me.’ his mind questioned.

‘I’ll never find a creature like you again. Why can’t I be as confident as Rainbow Dash,’ her mind lingered.

Discord, noticing the sudden awkwardness, tried to break it, “You look gorgeous today.”

Her smile could kill him on how cute it is. Yet, the silence continued.

The Lord of Chaos served himself more tea. ‘Of course, she didn’t compliment me. In fact, why were you waiting for a compliment in the first place? You idiot, stop being egotistical and hoping everypony gives you something in return.

Fluttershy played with her hair. ‘You stupid, stupid mare. Why didn’t you reply? Tell him how beautiful his eyes are, how cute his laugh is, how handsome he looks in that suit! Why is this so hard?!

‘I shouldn’t have asked her out. I’m only stressing myself and her. I’m sorry, Fluttershy.

‘He deserves more than me. I’m just a bland mare who literally has the word “shy” on her name.

Why do things have to be this weird?! Not even the good kind of weird! We talk all the time; why is this any different?!’

Every Tuesday is your usual tea party, and you talk to him like any other friend. Why do you have to make things so awkward? You’re not in flight school anymore! Isn’t this what you always hoped for?

You’re a mess. No one will ever love you.

You’re going to die alone.

Discord felt something being poured on his legs, noticing he failed to stop filling the cup. The tea streamed its way off the table.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy dashed with many napkins in hoofs, gasping at the sight of his suit sprinkled in stains.

Flutters tried to clean them, only to be stopped by her date. “All is fine, Fluttershy. All it needs is a little chaos magic, and it's fixed,” but before he could perform his magic, Fluttershy shouted.


Despite taking center stage, and hoping to express what's on her mind, Discord’s anticipating eyes were making her sweat from anxiety. ‘This is your chance, come on, say it! Tell him he’s handsome, you coward!’

After a deep breath, “Y-you look really handsome in that suit, Discord. It complements your eyes.”

For any stallion, or in this case a draconequus, the very notion of a beautiful mare complimenting them is more desirable than any miracle gifted by the gods. That word he received will be treasured till the day Death takes his soul.

“Oh, Thank you! Spike picked this suit for me, actually! I told him I would like something made of porcupine quills, but he told me you would love this one instead, so we picked it. You wouldn’t believe how long the tailor took for my measurements.” he said, blushing, a rare sight of the Lord of Chaos.

The pegasus giggled, “I think you would have looked handsome in those quills too.”

The silence returned, but it wasn’t the same one from before; instead, it was one of assurance and taking in what was said. “I can take your suit to Rarity tomorrow, and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind fixing it for you.” Discord insisted he could quickly fix it, but she urged on, “You’ve put so much effort into this date; please let me do this. It’s the least I can do!”

He couldn't argue back with those eyes of her. “Well, it’s getting late anyway, in Equestrian time, that is! I guess we can call it a night,” with a snap of his fingers, they were gone.


Luna’s moon dimly lit the fields below as many frogs croaked by the nearby creek, creating nightly beauty for the woodland cottage that serves as the pegasus’ home. The two arrived in a flash of light, Fluttershy a bit dazed as Discord held her so she wouldn’t fall, having already gotten used to the confusing gravity of Chaosville.

Upon nearing the door, it was time for the two to wish each other good night, but if only it were that easy for these creatures.

“Today was-“

“Today was-“

Both of them said simultaneously.

“Oh, sorry, you go first!”

“Oh, sorry, you go first!”

They blushed.

“No seriously, you-“

“No, seriously you-“

They laughed at how cliche this was becoming.

Fluttershy opened the door and felt the cozy wooden walls inviting her in. But a part of her wished this day wouldn’t end so suddenly. “This day was amazing, Discord. Thank you so much for asking me out.”

Discord confidently smirked, but inside he was excitedly squealing. “It was about time I did so. I felt the romantic tension between us a long time ago.”

She chuckled in response. She could list many things she loved about Discord, and his charisma would undoubtedly be in the top 5.

After a short time of quietness, the voices spoke again.

Oh no!’ Discord’s voice said, ‘Did I say something weird? Crap, I shouldn’t have said that! It was going so well; why did I screw up again?!

What should I do? Should I just say goodbye? Maybe I could invite him and… No-no-no! What's wrong with you, Fluttershy! It’s too early for that! Oh, I almost forgot!

She broke the silence, “Um, may I have your suit, please?”

He just remembered. “Right! Sorry!” He began unbuttoning himself until he heard an “eep!” from Fluttershy, her face scarlet as a ladybug, which soon spread to him. “Uh, could you?”

“Yes! Of course!” She said, facing away, internally screaming, and a shameful part of her wishing to look behind her.

Discord folded his suit nicely, handing it over to Fluttershy. “If it doesn’t bother you, would you like to go on another date, maybe next week?” Discord proposed.

The answer for Fluttershy was obvious, “I’d love that!”

They wished each other goodnight as Discord teleported away, and Fluttershy entered the safety of her home. Upon finishing a fantastic date, as any pony would, she jumped on her catch and screamed into one of her pillows, unchained the jailed emotions that were swelling her heart.

Meanwhile, Discord began shouting and celebrating with arms in the air as if he had won the lottery. But money was of no use for the Lord of Chaos, for no price could be made on winning the heart of the mare of his dreams.

Everything went great after all.” his mind said. ‘Why was I so scared? It’s so obvious she likes me too! Gosh, I feel so stupid in the best way possible!

Fluttershy flew around in her own house, ‘He asked me out again! He asked me out again! I hope Rarity doesn’t mind asking her to make me a new dress. Ah, why do I feel so happy?!

Full minutes have passed with two praising one another and how wonderful this day was. Despite its awkwardness, no first date is ever perfect. Love takes time to develop entirely, and it will be the most beautiful thing that life can offer with enough patience and commitment. But there was no denying how dreadful that voice in their heads was. Every creature has that voice, and many must realize that they are never what they think it says.
For these two, in particular, it took a typical mistake to make this date’s finale an unforgettable one. The world is vast, and anyone can find their significant other, but it’s crucial to prioritize being the best you can be.

“I love that Fluttershy!” said Discord, resting on a rock and seeing the endless void of his dimension.

“I love you, Discord,” Fluttershy said, entering the world of dreams, with the gifted rose on her bedside transforming into a bluebell.