Godzilla: G-Force: Kaiju Global Defense and Protection Force

by Grand-Galvatron

First published

Sunset has been scarred by Godzilla's wrath, now she hopes to keep her planet and her people safe from the Kaiju. But will she be prepared for a threat bigger than anything she has faced before.

Sunset Shimmer has had it rough, she had at first been the school bully of Canterlot High, but that was before Godzilla came and carved an everlasting scar into Sunset’s mind as some of her friends would die during Godzilla’s first attack. This made Sunset go into a deep depression as she thought if she had been a nicer person, she would have been worried about saving their lives instead of her own life. She doesn’t harbor any hatred towards Godzilla for what happened, and because of Godzilla, she became a much better and nicer person.

Many Years later, she would join G-Force, an organization made to protect the earth against giant monsters, including Godzilla.

But her life would take a drastic turn as she would meet another Godzilla, a bug-like goddess, an alien princess, an evil alien doppelgänger of Godzilla known as SpaceGodzilla, and an evil Kaiju, known as Destoroyah, which is bent on completing one goal, to destroy all life in existence.

(The Main Character is The Human Sunset Shimmer).

Prologue: A Wake-Up Call, The Origins of G-Force Commander Shimmer

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(This is told from Sunset's perspective.).



Despair was what I was feeling on that day, the day that hell incarnate came down on us all.

The first things I remembered were running—running for my very life—as I could hear that earth-shattering roar echo through the town.

I saw buildings being reduced to skeletons in areas of town, piled with dead bodies, and people screaming and burning.

My vision faded to black when a large building fell on top of me.

When I regained consciousness, it was all over. Godzilla had vanished without a trace.

"Sunset, it's me, Celestia. Are you breathing?" Celestia said as she was pulling rubble off of my broken body.

"Don't leave me; please don't leave me," I said as I started crying before falling unconscious.

Doctors and paramedics could save my life; however, they weren't able to save my left leg, which had to be amputated and replaced with a prosthetic leg, and since I had a metal rod through my left eye, they couldn't save my eye either, so they put a patch on it.

"Wait, where's Snips and Snails? Did they survive?" I asked, hoping that they were alive.

However, my heart stopped beating when the doctor gave me this face of sadness and told me that Snips and Snails had died during Godzilla's attack.

"No, no, you're lying," I said as I rushed to the morgue, and that's when I saw their lifeless bodies.

When I saw the doctors put a tarp around their bodies, I freaked out.

"NO, STOP IT; GET THAT OFF OF THEM; YOU'RE SUFFOCATING THEM!" I screamed as Luna was trying to hold me back.

"Get off, get off, get off of them, please," I said as my angry roars turned into sorrowful tears.

"Snips, please, please wake up, wake up, please; you're scaring me," I said; however, there was no response.

That was when I finally accepted that Snips and Snails, the only people that I called my friends, were dead.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was such a horrible friend to you. I'm sorry I mistreated you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I pleaded, hoping for their forgiveness.

Rainbow-Dash and Rarity were in the room next to mine, and when they heard my cries, Rainbow started crying and Rarity had to leave the room because, deep down, they knew the pain that I was in.

I was there when the funeral took place. I watched as they buried Snips and Snails close to each other. They didn't deserve this. If anyone were to die in their place, it should have been me.

One of my classmates, Adagio Dazzle, was there as well, as were her mother, father, and two sisters, who were also being buried. I saw her quietly crying.

This is what despair feels like. This was the aftermath of the Rampage of Godzilla.


That night still haunts me to this very day, as I would wake up screaming from many nightmares about Godzilla's attack. I could never forgive myself for what happened that day, how selfish I acted, and how I let Snips and Snails fend for themselves while I took off running. I bet it would disappoint Mom and Dad with a failure like mine.

Let's just say that after that day, I wasn't the same kid that I used to be. Many people from around my neighborhood expected me to act like this mean little punk, but what they got instead was a mentally broken girl who, instead of cussing people out, just looked at them with a sad look on her face.

Ever since that incident, I went into a deep depression because of the guilt of knowing that it was all my fault that Snips and Snails were dead. I would often lock myself in my apartment and spend the whole day crying at my bedside.

Whenever I went to my favorite restaurants to go get something to eat, I would often hear people ranting about how, if Godzilla was still alive, they would want to get revenge on Godzilla because it was all their fault that their families and friends were suffering.

Well, I didn't think the same way that they did, because it was our fault that Godzilla was even around in the first place because of our misuse of nuclear weaponry.

I also believe that the Godzilla incident was a massive wake-up call for me because, before the incident, I thought I was untouchable and I thought I was better than everybody else. Now, because of what happened that day, I strive to be a better and nicer person.


However, even though Godzilla was gone, it didn't mean there were no other giant monsters that were wreaking havoc throughout the world. After Godzilla's death at the hands of the oxygen destroyer, there had been multiple sightings of Kamacuras and Meganula in the Galapagos Islands as they were preying on the island's natives.

There have also been sightings of the monsters known as Varan in New Zealand and Baragon in San Diego, as they were both causing havoc within their respective locations.

There was also the subterranean monster Megalon, which had been sighted in Nepal and was seen preying on refugees and immigrants in the area.

The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans were controlled by Manda, Gezora, and Ganimes, respectively. The smaller Gulf Coasts were being terrorized by multiple targets of a monster known as Ebirah, known as Ebirah I, II, and III.

There have also been reports of a strange ape-like creature that was reported to be on an island known as Skull Island.

The skies weren't safe either, as monsters such as Rodan and Megaguirus had been sighted in San Francisco and Cape Town, South Africa, respectively.

However, there have been reports of Kaiju fighting on our side. Such as Anguirus, who was sighted in Cairo, Egypt, when Megalon resurfaced there after 4 months of disappearance. An ancient lion deity that locals have dubbed King Ceasar, a giant insect that archaeologists have dubbed Mothra, and the mysterious insect deity named Battra.

People were getting scared about the influx of Kaiju activity that was present all over the world. That was when I decided that what happened during the Godzilla incident would never happen again.

That was when I joined a military group known as G-Force, an organization made to protect the earth from the Kaiju.

(July 7th, 1971)
"Alright, Miss Sunset Shimmer, correct?" the sergeant asked.

"Yes, sir, that is correct," Sunset said.

"Alright, good. I've been looking at your file, and it says that your family and closest friends were victims of Godzilla when he first attacked. Is that correct?" The sergeant asked.

Sunset frowned a little, as she didn't want to remember those memories. "Yes, my grandmother was also killed during Godzilla's attack."

"Now, I'm only asking you about this because we have had some hotheads from the past whose families were also killed by Godzilla, who kept on saying that they were going to exact revenge on Godzilla." The sergeant said:. "And in all of my experience in combat, revenge makes you reckless and makes you make stupid decisions. We do not want stupid people in G-Force; we want soldiers that can effectively get the job done."

"Trust me, sir; you won't have to deal with any of that stupidity from me. I know what's at stake here, and I made it my vow to make sure that tragedies like what happened that day with Godzilla will never happen again," Sunset said.

"Haha, that's the spirit I like to see." The sergeant said it with a satisfied look on his face. "Alright, Sunset, you convinced me; welcome to G-Force."

And that was when I started working at G-Force, and I have to say, I was doing a great job working with them.

I had also seen and used a lot of their technology, such as when I used a flying machine known as the Super-X3 to free the Atlantic Ocean from Gezora's control. I was also a key factor in the completion of the Moguera Project.

With all my accomplishments as a member of G-Force, I could finally take part in the MechaGodzilla and Garuda projects, which they said would be the ultimate kaiju fighting machines.

Even after all of this, I thought that taking the earth back from the kaiju would be nothing more than a cakewalk. I did not know how wrong I was. Not only would an old enemy resurface, but a threat far greater than anything we could have ever expected would come with one purpose: to destroy us all.

(I will continue in Chapter 1: Might of MechaGodzilla.).

Chapter 1: Might of MechaGodzilla: Part 1 of 2: The Mission Briefing

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It was early morning, and Sunset had just woken up in her sleeping quarters and was just doing her daily morning yoga exercises so she could get her body fit and ready for the day.

After Sunset was finished taking a shower and getting into her G-Force uniform,. She then went to the commissioning rig so she could receive orders from her superior, Major Magnus.

"Ahh, Sunset, I see that you've woken up a little earlier than everyone else," Magnus said.

"Well, I've alway's been known to be an early bird," Sunset said jokingly. "So, with that out of the way, what did you want to see me for today, Major?"

"I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to ask if you wanted to take part in piloting MechaGodzilla," Magnus said.

"Oh, me, piloting MechaGodzilla," Sunset said, surprised. "I mean, I've only done battle simulations, and I barely passed those on my first try."

"I'm only asking because this could be a great chance to prove your capabilities in fighting Kaiju," Magnus said. "And our intel just reported sightings of Baragon in Paris, France."

"Now, we have used MechaGodzilla before when we barely captured Varan," Magnus said. "It proved to be very efficient; however, MechaGodzilla wasn't really effective in close-quarters combat, and we almost lost the robot entirely during that attack when Megalon appeared. So after that little debacle, we ran some upgrades in order to fix that flaw."

"What upgrades were put into it?" Sunset asked.

"Well, Adagio thought it would be funny to give it martial arts, like kung fu," Magnus embarrassingly said, making Sunset quietly chuckle a little.

"Well, I'm sure I'll be able to master the upgrades in time," Sunset said.

"Very good," Magnus said. "Oh, and one more thing before you go: you won't be flying alone; I will be sending Garuda to accompany you."

"Ok, whose flying Garuda?" Sunset asked Major Magnus.

Sunset wished she didn't hear what Magnus was about to say. "Adagio Dazzle and Zephir Breeze."

"S-Sir, I don't think I heard you right; did you say that Z-Zephir Breeze was coming?" Sunset said with a look of terror.

"Umm, yes," Magnus said.

"Zephir Breeze is coming. Zephir Breeze is coming," Sunset kept saying while her right eye was twitching repeatedly. Sunset then laughed hysterically as she left the room.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS; THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER HEARD," Sunset said as she was wandering back and forth in her quarters while Adagio was trying to calm her down.

"Now, Sunset, don't assume that just that Zephir Breeze is coming doesn't mean that the missions are going to be a disaster," Adagio said.

"Don't say that it's not going to be a disaster when it is going to be a freaking disaster!" Sunset wailed. "I know exactly what he's going to do once we get to Paris; he's going to go in there guns blazing."

"And of course, he is not going to listen to my orders because he believes that he should have been a commander and that girls can't command," Sunset said. "You know just as much as I do that Zephir was a total failure in Boot Camp and in the academy, and the only reason he excelled so much was because his dad was a politician, and he kept threatening that his dad was going to get them."

"Oh, I hate that self-righteous idiot's guts so much," Sunset said.

"Well, don't worry about what Zephir might do," Adagio said. "Let's just do this one mission, and then after we're done, I'll ask Magnus if he could transfer Zephir to another squad. I heard that he's more than happy to get rid of him."

"Ok, I'll do it for you, Dagi," Sunset said calmly as Zephir entered the room.

"LADIES!" Zephir shouted in a voice that made him sound like a surfer. "I hope you weren't starting the mission without your's truly."

"Sometimes, I wish we were," Sunset grumbled under her breath while giving Zephir an annoyed glare.

"You know, if a boy was commander, all these monsters would be toast," Zephir boasted.

Sunset couldn't take it anymore.

"Well, you're not commanding, so there!" Sunset roared as she stormed off to the MechaGodzilla launch bay.

"Geez, Dagi, what's her problem?" Zephir said before Adagio grabbed him by his coat collar.

"You listen here, Breeze. When we get on Garuda, you are to follow my exact instructions: no guns blazing, no abandoning our allies when you get too scared, no nothing." Adagio sneered. So I am going to tell you this for your own sake and pride: SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! Now have I made myself clear?"

"Crystal clear," Zephir said in fright as he ran off to the Garuda launch bay.

Once everyone was in their assigned positions, the launch timers began.

"Alright, Launching MechaGodzilla and Garuda in t-minus 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...LAUNCH!" The officer said this as MechaGodzilla and Garuda started soaring into the skies.

"Good luck out there, E-Squad," Major Magnus said as he saluted them as they disappeared into the clouds.

Will continue in Chapter 1: Might of MechaGodzilla: Part 2 of 2: Pandemonium in Paris.

Chapter 1: Might of MechaGodzilla: Part 2 of 2: Pandemonium in Paris

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Sunset and the rest of E-Squad were heading for Paris when a blip appeared on Garuda's sensors.

"Commander, my instruments have detected another kaiju that's heading towards the target," Adagio said.

"On-screen," Sunset said as the monitor in her cockpit activated.

"It's...It's Anguirus," Sunset said with a look of surprise as the monster was traveling through the ocean towards Paris.

"All units, do not attack Anguirus; he's an ally," Sunset said.

"Roger that," Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust, and Indigo Zap said, who were piloting the Super-X3, Super-X2, and Super-X, respectively.

"General Magnus, this is Sunset Shimmer; we have finally reached Paris; MechaGodzilla has landed," Sunset said.

"Do you see the target?" Magnus said.

"Affirmative, all eyes are on the prize," Sunset said as she saw Baragon rampaging through the streets of Paris.

"All units, go into attack formation," Sunset ordered.

"Alright, this is where the fun begins," Adagio said with a confident smirk.

"Activating laser cannons," Sunset said as MechaGodzilla fired yellow energy beams from it's eyes, causing moderate damage to Baragon.

"Now firing Mega-Buster," Sunset said as MechaGodzilla fired a rainbow-colored beam from its mouth at Baragon, sending the Kaiju flying.

"Super-X2, prepare to fire at my command," Sunset said.

"Copy that, Ma'am," Lightning Dust said as she was preparing the Super-X2's ion cannon.

Baragon then fired its fire breath on the Super-X2, which had little effect on it due to its fire-mirror.

Before Sunset could say anything, baragon was then attacked by Garuda's High-Power Maser Beam Cannons.


"You've done your part, now just back off and let a man do his job," Zephir said.


"Doing the job a woman could never do, now just sit back and clean or cook, that's all you're ever good for," Zephir said.


"Zephir went A-Wall and is attacking Baragon with reckless maneuver, reporting about 150 casualties from Garuda's reckless attack. One of Garuda's lasers also hit a nearby Ice-berg," Sunset said.


"Listen to my asshole, Baldy," Zephir said as he continued firing recklessly at Baragon.

Suddenly Zephir was knocked out cold from behind by Adagio, who re-took control of Garuda.

"This is Garuda Control, sorry for the mess," Adagio said as she backed off.

"Thanks Dagi, I knew bringing Zephir was a terrible idea," Sunset said as she continued on the mission.

Then Zephir was then teleported to one of the Detention cells on the Super-X3.

"Zephir is now secured, Ma'am, he can't cause any more trouble now," Rainbow-Dash said.

"Alright, Super-X2, FIRE NOW!" Sunset said as the Super-X2's Ion Cannon fired at Baragon, causing the Kaiju to wail in pain as it staggered.

"Alright, good job Lightning," Sunset said. "Alright, all units go into stand-by formation, I'll finish this." Sunset said.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake as Anguirus arrived in Paris. Then Anguirus proceeded to fight with Baragon.

"Once Baragon was subdued from Anguirus's Spiked Carapace, Anguirus then backed-off and let MechaGodzilla finish the job as it then returned to the sea.

"Alright, activating containment anchor," Sunset said as a large claw appeared from MechGodzilla's chest to grab Baragon.

"Alright, Captain, Mission Accomplished," Sunset said. "We're now bringing Baragon to Monster Island."

Then MechaGodzilla and Garuda appeared at Monster Island where Varan, Rodan, Gorosaurus, Ebirah and Kumonga resided. Sunset then waved hello.

"Well, looks they'll have a new friend to play with," Adagio said.

"Yep I believe so, anyway's let's head back home," Sunset said as they headed back towards G-Force HQ as MechaGodzilla let out a victorious roar.


Just as Sunset and Adagio left the launch bay, they both heard Magnus chewing Zephir Breeze out.


"Yeah Zephir, you're little bravado shredded my wings," Rainbow said as their was a big hole in one of the Super-X3's wings. "We barely got back to HQ without crashing because of you."

"Whatever, you're just whining because I'm better than all of you," Zephir said. "I mean, women can't command, all they know how to do is clean and cook, that's all a woman is ever good for, just see my mother for example."

"THAT'S IT, YOU'RE DEMOTED TO THE G-FORCE JANITORIAL GROUP!" Magnus said. "I've alway's wanted to find a way to get rid of an sexist idiot like you Zephir Breeze, and now I finally have that chance."



"Just shut up and start mopping, you brought this all on yourself you know," Sunset said with a satisfied grin on her face as Zephir stormed off.

"I'm so glad to be finally rid of that idiot," Adagio said with a sigh of relief.

"Shimmer," Magus said.

"Yes General," Sunset said.

"I'd like to introduce to to Zephir Breeze's replacement," General Magnus said. "This is Wallflower Blush."

"Oh, hello," Wallflower meekly said with a shy look on her face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, did you just transfer from D-Squad," Sunset asked.

"Yes commander," Wallflower said.

"She may be a little frightful at times, but she's good at following orders," Magnus said.

"That's what I like to hear," Sunset said. "Welcome to E-Squad Wallflower Blush."

Meanwhile, in Paris, a fisherman and his wife were busy trying to get the catch of the the day.

"Man Gloria, if it weren't for all those giant monsters running about, the fish would be biting right now," The Fisherman said to his wife.

"Oh don't worry, Herald, I'm sure you'll catch something sooner or later," Gloria said.

Suddenly Herald felt a strong pressure on his line.

"Hey Gloria, I got somethin," Herald said as he started to reel in his line.

However instead of a fish that was on his line, there was a blue skinned hand that appeared in his hook, and when it got onto Heralds boat, it appeared to be a girl, but instead of warm soft skin, their was cold ice, even her hair and the dress she was wearing was made of ice.

Then the mysterious girl woke up and started looking around in a panicked state

"Wha-What is it, some kind of alien," Gloria said.

"Ah don't know, but I'll protect you from that alien creature," Herald said as he pointed a shot-gun at the girl.

Then, the alien girl spoke, "Please, I mean you no harm, you must send me to your world's leaders, they must be warned to the evil that is coming for all of you, they must be warned of Destoroyah."

(Will continue in Chapter 2: The Return of Godzilla).