Feeling Alive

by garatheauthor

First published

What do you do when someone is making you uncomfortable at a party? And what do you do when that person is the woman you love?

What do you do when someone is making you uncomfortable at a party?

And what do you do when that person is the woman you love?

This project was sponsored by lovely Patrons for their February project, consider joining if you'd like to partake in future votes! (Also i have a Subscribestar)

Feeling Alive

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Twilight drummed her fingers against the posh interior of the limo.

Outside, the city of Canterlot graced her, with dozens of bars, clubs, and other such establishments present. They were the only kind of places that were open at this hour, taking care of the many young adults of the city who seemed to enjoy their services quite liberally.

Young adults such as herself though this was not exactly her scene.

“You seem nervous, dear?” Rarity quipped.

Twilight looked over and saw that her girlfriend was looking at her.

Gods, she was pretty, wearing a fine cocktail dress that fit her figure nicely with makeup and jewelry that only seemed to enhance her already stunning natural beauty. She was like the personification of an ancient god of love, her mere appearance proving to be a tantalizing force.

Meanwhile, Twilight just felt misshapen. Her own dress felt uncomfortable, her hair felt half-hearted, and her appearance could only be summed up as awkward.

This was not an environment that she reveled in, not in the slightest.

“Just never been invited to a house party like this before,” Twilight replied.

“Oh, please it’s not that different from any of our get-togethers with the girls,” Rarity said. “I’m sure you’ll fit in nicely.” She then winked at her. “You are arriving with the second most beautiful woman in the world after all.”

Twilight snorted. “Someone’s feeling vane.”

“I always feel vain when I have you as arm candy,” Rarity quipped. She then stuck out her tongue. “If it wasn’t obvious, you are the most beautiful woman in my world, by the way.”

Now that actually managed to get a smile out of Twilight, even if it felt a little tight.

“Who’s going to be there?” Twilight asked.

Rarity hummed. “Fancy, Fleur, a few of their friends, Photo Finish…”

“I thought Photo Finish was cancelled?” Twilight replied, cocking her brow. “Didn’t she sell out and do an NFT or something?”

“Water under the bridge apparently,” Rarity answered.

Her phone buzzed and she reached into her purse, pulling it out. Whatever the message was made her momentarily frown as she typed a response.

“Something the matter?” Twilight asked.

Rarity shook her head. “I…” She worked her jaw. “There has been an interesting development in terms of the party.”

Twilight pursed her lips together. “Oh?”

“It would seem that Photo has decided to bring some party favours along with her that I was otherwise not aware of,” Rarity replied.

She huffed and glared hotly at her phone before snapping her gaze up to Twilight where her eyes instantly softened.

Party favours?

Rarity seemed to pick up on Twilight’s ignorance as she dragged a single finger under her nose and inhaled quite fiercely.

Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat. “Coke?”

“Apparently,” Rarity answered, sighing. “I…” She looked at Twilight. “Would you still feel comfortable attending, knowing that something like that would be present?”

Twilight wanted to say no, she really needed to say no. But she also knew how important these parties were to Rarity as they proved quite lucrative for establishing connections within the fashion industry.

But still… coke?

That wasn’t something Twilight wanted to be around, not one bit.

Do it for Rarity?

She had to do it for Rarity.

So, she swallowed her anxiety and forced a smile. “Just as long as I don’t have to do any.”

“Oh no, certainly not,” Rarity grumbled. “None of the people there are especially pushy about the things they do.”

Twilight let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding. “That’s good at least.”

“Though I do wish that woman would provide a little more of a heads up before deciding on such brash behaviours,” Rarity replied, trying to keep the terse note out of tone but failing.

She glanced back at her phone and slipped it into her purse. And with that, her attention was back on Twilight with her coy little smile settling back into place.

“I do thank you for attending, dear,” she said. “I’ve been dying to show you off to my friends. They have…” She rolled her hand through the air, searching for the right word. “Well, they’ve mystified you to a degree.”

Twilight smirked. “Mystified?”

“Yes, they think you’re some Bohemian scholar who only graces the world on rare occasions,” Rarity explained. “This elusive entity which…”

“So, you’ve told them that I’m a shut-in?” Twilight teased.

She allowed herself a dangerous little smile of her own, batting her lashes at Rarity.

Rarity scoffed. “I’ve told them many things. The point is, they wish to meet you and I’m sure you’ll enjoy them immensely. Fancy is getting his Masters in History so I’m sure you’ll have plenty to talk about.”

“A subject which I know next to nothing about,” Twilight quipped.

“Well yes but at least you are both scholars,” Rarity replied. “You’ll be able to vent about academia together or whatever graduate students do when they meet one another.”

The limo turned away from the street of bars and clubs and towards one that was less travelled. This was a lane of trendy apartment buildings and condos. This was the kind of place that rich kids who used daddy’s money resided when they were studying at the University of Canterlot.

Though Twilight kept that opinion to herself.

“Are you sure you’re fine with… some of the activities that may take place tonight?” Rarity asked.

Twilight frowned. “I mean…” She shrugged. “I want to meet your friends and I know that this event is important to you.”

“Yes, but not as important as your comfort, my love,” Rarity said.

She reached across the limo and squeezed Twilight’s hands. Her grip was comforting, her touch a much-needed lifeline to help Twilight process things.

Twilight knew she was an anxious individual and she was more than aware of the fact that she had a habit of spiralling. Social interactions were filled with endless bad endings and the introduction of an illegal element brought in many more that her rowdy mind needed to contend with.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked.

Twilight stirred. “Yes?”

“You uh… you’re kind of crushing my hand, darling,” Rarity said as she forced a smile.

Twilight realized that she was in fact doing that and drew her hand back swiftly, holding it against her chest.

“S-sorry,” she stuttered.

“Nothing to be worried about,” Rarity replied, winking at her. “Bones are mendable after all.”

She seemed like she wanted to say something more as there was now a concern hidden within her eye. Yet, at this moment, the limo came to a stop outside of one of many trendy apartment buildings.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Well, it looks like we’re here.”

She waited a moment for the driver to get out and move around the vehicle, opening the door for them.

Rarity stepped out first, thanking the driver before offering her hand to Twilight.

Twilight took it and got out as well.

The night air felt cool against her skin, making her shiver. It also made her realize just how short her dress really was, just how much skin was on display. It didn’t feel like her usual attire, not even close. This outfit felt like something that Rarity would wear.

In fact, she could see that Rarity was wearing it right this moment as their dresses could’ve been twins in terms of design.

Twilight thought about voicing her worries but Rarity was already looking at her phone, tapping away at the screen. By the time she finished and looked up, Twilight’s mind had already done its part in quelling its petty little anxieties.

“Fancy should be coming down to get us,” Rarity said.

Twilight nodded. “Nice.”

“Not too cold?” Rarity asked.

Twilight shrugged. “Maybe a little bit but I always assumed that’s the price you have to pay to look fabulous.”

She ensured that she put a little bit of Rarity’s mannerisms into her tone with that final word.

“Unfortunately, it is,” Rarity teased. “Always too hot or too cold and never just right.”

The seconds dragged along until there was a figure at the door, popping it open and gesturing for them to come inside.

He was handsome and well dressed, wearing designer jeans and a polo. Unlike most people their age, he sported a mustache. Though also unlike most people their age he actually seemed to wear it well, giving himself a trendy and hipster appearance that just preached, ‘Hey, check out my vegan travel blog!’

“Oh Rarity, dear,” Fancy beamed. “It’s been far too long.”

Rarity slipped inside with Twilight following behind.

“It really has but you know what life is like for an up-and-coming artist,” Rarity bemoaned.

The two of them embraced and then kissed each other on the cheek in a very European fashion. All the while, Twilight just stood there awkwardly, rubbing at her arm.

“Oh, where are my manners,” Rarity said, faking a gasp as she gestured to Twilight. “Fancy this is my girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight this is my dear friend, Fancy Pants.”

Fancy Pants offered his hand. “Pleasure to finally meet you.”

Twilight took his hand and gave it a gentle shake. “Likewise.”

“Rarity here tells me that you’re also pursuing your master’s degree as well,” Fancy said.

Twilight nodded. “Just putting the finishing touches on my thesis and I’ll hopefully have it done by the end of the month.”

Fancy whistled. “You are a far more productive worker than myself.” He snorted. “I am about halfway through my endeavour.”

It was easy to take things slowly when you had a support network that could afford you a place like this.

Though Twilight didn’t say that aloud. In fact, she internally winced at even entertaining these dark little thoughts.


It must’ve been nerves.

“Rarity tells me that you’re getting your degree in history,” Twilight said, looking at him.

Fancy nodded and motioned for them to follow. “I am. It’s always been my dream of mine to get into museum work. Sadly, museums are one of those pesky institutions that require a rather high level of education to gain employment.”

Twilight followed along as they were led into an elevator and Fancy pressed the button for the topmost floor.

The penthouse suite.

This almost felt like something out of a movie.

“I know the feeling,” Twilight said, hoping she sounded genuine enough. “I uh… I’ve been pestering my professor to help get me an internship at CERN.”

“Oh? Working on that large hadron collider, right?” Fancy asked.

Twilight nodded.

Rarity chuckled softly. “My dearest Twilight is what you might call a fucking genius.”

Twilight flushed at the comment but didn’t rebut or accept it. If Rarity felt like it was right to pay her a compliment then who was she to deny her?

The conversation quickly changed to topics that Twilight struggled to keep up with, gossip and connections that she wasn’t well versed in. Thankfully, it moved the conversation away from herself as her practiced smile slipped to a neutral resting position.

After a couple moments, the elevator came to a stop on the topmost floor. The door opened and revealed a short hallway with only a singular door at the end of it.

Fancy flashed a smile and stepped ahead, opening this door with a keycard and holding it for the ladies.

Both Twilight and Rarity thanked him before slipping inside.

The apartment was exactly what Twilight had expected, trendy and spacious with all the fixtures that made rents high in this area. There was a kitchen with a polished stone-topped island, a living room full of Ikea furniture, a large TV, and enough lighting that it made the place feel vibrant and not stuffy like her and Rarity’s place.

There were already a few other guests present, young adults who looked well put together and fashionable like Rarity.

They waved at Rarity and she waved back, offering greetings to a wide variety of names that Twilight had only heard in passing. Each would then motion to Twilight with Rarity taking the lead in introducing them.

Fleur, Candy Drop…

Twilight lost track by the third name and was hopeless by the fifth. In total there were about ten people there who she had been introduced to in quick succession.

They seemed nice but they also didn’t seem like the kind of people that Twilight would really jive with. They were loud, boisterous, proud, all traits that Twilight struggled with herself. No, she was more in the awkward camp when it came to being social.

Yet, Rarity seemed to handle them with such ease. This was her kind of venue and she remained a reliable tether to keep Twilight anchored in place.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” a voice asked.

Twilight stirred from her own thoughts and noticed that Fancy was talking to her.

“Oh uh… whatever’s easiest,” Twilight replied.

Fancy smirked. “I can get you something a little more complex than simply easy, dear.” He worked his jaw. “You know, I uh… I would love to talk your ear off about university life if you were interested.”

Twilight perked up.


She could talk about that.

Fancy motioned for her to follow and she took the lifeline, moving towards the kitchen island.

“So, am I the only one who finds the professors in charge of theses to be insufferable pricks?” Fancy quipped.

Twilight snorted. “I hear they save all the good professors for the doctorate programs. Just a little more gatekeeping to make university that much more of a miserable environment.”

Fancy nodded and reached the bar, grabbing a fresh glass and a couple bottles of various colours.

“It’s like they don’t want you to actually escape their greedy little clutches,” Fancy grumbled, filling the glass with ice. “But alas, if I want to get into my chosen profession then it’s something that I need to endure.” He rolled his eyes. “Though I hear the anthropology department actually has some phenomenal professors for the master’s program.”

Twilight shrugged. “Don’t they have a couple rich donors?”

“They do,” Fancy replied. He then pointed at Twilight. “Tell me, do you have any interest in history?”

Twilight hummed. “I mean I am not opposed to learning more about it but it doesn’t contribute much to my major.” She snorted. “We’re talking about a field of study where most of our work isn’t any older than the nineteen-twenties.”

“Well surely Newton and Galileo must be taught to some extent,” Fancy dictated.

“Only as footnotes to explain why Einstein and Hawking came around to define our reality,” Twilight explained. “Were they brilliant? Of course. Were they working with flawed and incomplete information? Also, a true fact.” She looked at Fancy. “I mean does your faculty really look upon the works of Xenophon or Procopius as reliable bastions of information?”

“I suppose you have a good point.” Fancy then smirked. “Also, interesting to hear the name Procopius from someone not versed in my major.” He shook his head. “Though I’d debate that his Secret Histories do somewhat redeem him in terms of supposed biases.”

Twilight grinned right on back. “A girl can have her interests.”

She didn’t want to admit that his name came from an especially memorable quiz night.

Then it hit her.

She was having a genuine conversation with a stranger and most of the foreboding weight of her anxiety had left her shoulders. It was strange not feeling the vice of social awkwardness clamping down around her.

Though just being aware of this shortcoming was nearly enough to send Twilight back into the depths of her problematic mind.

Fancy mixed together a drink, placing a colourful cocktail before her.

“Did a little bartending as a hobby,” he explained.

Twilight picked up the drink and took a sip. It was very sweet with an undercurrent of strong liquor.

“I dig it,” she said. “Thank you.”

“A companion of Rarity’s is always welcomed in my home,” Fancy quipped.

Twilight nodded. “How long have you two known each other?”

“Oh, since our first year of university?” Fancy hummed. “I believe I met her at a frat house party. She was quite the party animal back in the day.”

Twilight bit her tongue, remembering that particular spiral quite well. But it was in the past and if Rarity could laugh it off, so could she.

Though before she could continue with their conversation there was a buzz coming from Fancy’s direction.

“I must apologize,” Fancy murmured. “But I believe that is the last of our guests.”

He reached into his pocket and held the phone against his ear, offering a practiced smile to no one in particular.

“Well, if it isn’t Photo Finish, fashionable late as always,” Fancy chided.

There was a bit more back and forth, all of which was one-sided as Twilight kind of just awkwardly stood there. The call didn’t last for long, about thirty seconds in total, before ending with some faux kissing from Fancy as he hung up.

“Sorry to cut our conversation short,” Fancy said. “But I must go and let Photo Finish in before she freezes to death.”

He moved away but paused.

“By the way will you be partaking?” he asked


Then Twilight remembered the limo ride over. This included the awkward conversation about the presence of a very specific and deeply uncomfortable narcotic.

“Oh uh…” Twilight forced a smile. “It really isn’t my thing.”

“Totally reasonable,” Fancy replied.

And with that he was gone.

This left Twilight awkwardly standing there with a very delicious cocktail. Thankfully, it seemed like Rarity had noticed her adrift in the sea as she waved for her girlfriend to come over. An offer which Twilight was more than happy to take.

“You and Fancy seemed to have hit it off quite well,” Rarity quipped.

Twilight shrugged. “It was just small talk.”

There was another woman present. Her name was one of the few that Twilight had managed to hold onto.

“Fleur, right?” Twilight asked.

Fleur nodded. “I am Fancy’s partner in crime.”

“She’s also a former student of the Manehatten College of Fashion,” Rarity explained. “We go far back.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Twilight said.

Fleur nodded and then looked at Rarity. “So, it seems that Photo is finally making her grand entrance.”

“She always does like to be the party’s favourite,” Rarity murmured, rolling her eyes. “Though I do wish she would’ve given us a little bit of a head’s up before altering the nature of the party like she often does.”

“The woman is a free spirit,” Fleur offered, taking a delicate sip of wine.

Twilight looked down at her own cocktail and took a gingerly sip as well. It was sweet, though the nectar did little to help quell her anxious stomach.

Fleur then snorted. “Though of course I might be biased because I do often like to partake in her grand entrances.”

She gave Twilight a look and taped one of her nostrils. A gesture which meant nothing to Twilight until suddenly it did. And when it did, she felt a deep nucleus of unease clench at her stomach once again.

“And you seem to benefit as well,” Fleur said, looking at Rarity.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked at her girlfriend. It seemed like there was a lump in Rarity’s throat that she attempted to swallow but failed.

Did her girlfriend do…

“Well, it’s one of the many things we have to do to network in this industry,” Rarity said though she failed to look at Twilight as she said it.

Before their conversation could continue the door to the apartment opened and Fancy stepped back inside. He was followed by a very bold looking woman with large glasses and a head of white hair. Her outfit was loud; that was the only way that someone could possibly describe it.

Though the loudness seemed to work in her favour as she was greeted vocally by everyone present. Some of them even raised their glasses to her like she was some sort of noble meeting their courtiers for a feast.

“God who designed that outfit,” Fleur murmured.

Rarity snorted. “Someone who obviously doesn’t know the meaning of the word gaudy.”

The woman made her way over to the kitchen, placing her bag down upon the island. Already a few people were starting to gather around her, striking up conversations. Even though it seemed like several were taking place at once, she moved between them with a fluid ease.

Photo seemed to have a boisterous personality, being quite bombastic in her approach. Her laughter was loud and carried while whatever she said to others seemed to elicit a similar reaction from them.

“Do you think she’s really from Germane?” Fleur asked.

Rarity snorted. “Her accent almost seems too stereotypical to be legitimate.” She smirked. “Though I’m just a catty bitch.”

Fleur held out her glass and Rarity tinged hers against it.

“Anyways, I’m going to go do some networking,” Fleur said, getting up and making her way into the kitchen. “You two should join us.”

Twilight watched, shuffling awkwardly as she saw Photo pull out a Ziplock bag from her purse. Even all the way from the living room she could see the pristine white powder that lingered inside.

“I’m sorry,” Rarity murmured.

Twilight looked towards her. “What for?”

“I should’ve predicted that something like this would’ve happened,” Rarity said, letting out a heavy sigh. “This crowd can… they… they are people who enjoy a life of shameless debauchery and I should’ve known they would’ve been debaucherous tonight.”

Twilight nodded and tried to say something but it didn’t seem like this was ripe ground for her words to come forth.

She didn’t want to be a burden weighing down on Rarity’s night but her girlfriend was right when she said this was a crowd that she just didn’t know, just didn’t jive with. A crowd with habits that pushed well beyond her comfort zone.

The rational part of Twilight’s brain told her that she needed to act. She needed to speak up; at the very least to Rarity.

But a guilty part of her brain was currently at the reins, leading her down a path of dreadful silence.

After all, if Rarity was cool with something like this then it couldn’t possibly be that bad, right? Wasn’t there a saying about trying new things and moving beyond your usual comfort zone?

Twilight drew in a breath. “I…”

Rarity looked towards her, an undercurrent of concern in her eyes.

“I suppose it isn’t that bad,” Twilight whispered, forcing yet another reluctant smile. “Everyone here seems pretty cool and it’s just a silly little chemical reaction, right? Who doesn’t like a nice stimulant every now and then? It’s like… coffee.”

Rarity cocked a brow. It didn’t look like she really believed this. But it was an olive branch she seemed reluctantly willing to take as she slowly nodded.

“Well, if you’re absolutely certain that you’re going to be okay with it,” Rarity said.

Twilight internally screamed but channeled her torment into her forced smile. “I just uh… I just won’t be doing any, if that’s okay.”

“Well of course, darling. This crowd isn’t known for being particularly pushy,” Rarity replied before she got a rather dark look. “Well not since we expelled certain troublesome elements from our mutual friend group.”

That seemed like it would be a story to tell but it was cut off as there was a loud snort from the kitchen. A noise which was followed promptly by a prideful holler.

Twilight glanced towards the island and saw a fashionable young man next to Fleur. He seemed to be having the time of her life.

“Hey Rarity!” Fleur called. “Do you want in on this?”

Rarity looked at Twilight but Twilight, the fool, merely nodded to give her permission. So, she got up and made her way towards the others.

It turned out that maybe Rarity had been a bit of an anchor in the storm, holding Twilight steady against her own anxieties. And without her there it became very hard to work through the complex emotions that were currently coming to a head within her mind.

She needed to be cool, she needed to be calm for Rarity.

Then another emotion would come, thinking about how her family would react, how her police office of a brother would judge her. He told stories about the unlucky people who bought a tainted supply of such products.

But he was surely a biased source, right?

Twilight’s pulse quickened and she looked up to see Rarity grab a pristine hundred bit bill from Fleur. She rolled it into a makeshift tube and then leaned over the table.

Something inside of Twilight snapped, a frayed nerve that was holding her fragile psyche together.

Then she heard Rarity inhale sharply, watching as the rush of energy came over her.

Twilight got to her feet, without even registering it, and moved away from the scene. She didn’t know where the bathroom was but she stumbled ahead confused until she found a hallway. A little searching and she managed to find the room she was looking for.

“Fuck,” Twilight whispered.

She closed the door and locked it behind herself.

Her heart was hammering and breathing was frantic.

She hoped that she hadn’t made it obvious that she was in distress.

As she plopped down upon the toilet lid, she could feel her anxieties crashing down upon her with such furious vigour. It seemed so strange that this minor trigger could lead to a full-blown episode. But the quibbles of an anxious brain were not to be trifled with by mere mortals.

Slowly, her breathing came under control.

Four seconds in, hold for four more, then four seconds out. It was an easy enough pattern to remember and helped draw her mind towards a calming rhythm.

In… Hold… Out…

In… Hold… Out…

In… Hold… Out…

Twilight sighed as she finally felt in control of her faculties once again.

“Way to fuck things up,” Twilight whispered. “Now Rarity is going to realize you’re some stupid wet blanket that needs coddling.”

She wanted to scream but contented herself with growling instead.

Where did her mental hang ups even come from?

Logically she understood the appeal of drugs. She knew the benefit of a high, of letting loose and allowing a little outside help to control a person’s emotions. But in the end, there was baggage involved. A lifetime of DARE propaganda and years of living with a cop that made the logical explanation feel tainted.

“Fuck me,” Twilight whispered.

There was a knock at the door. “Twilight?”

It was Rarity because of course it was Rarity.

“What’s up?” Twilight asked.

“You uh…” Rarity sighed. “You seemed to have left in quite a hurry.”

“You know how uh… food can be,” Twilight answered, though she’d always been a terrible liar.

Rarity’s frown was evident even in her voice. “Can I come in?”

Twilight sighed and reached for the door, unlocking it. “Sure.”

A moment later and Rarity entered.

Twilight didn’t know what she expected to see. She assumed there would be a crazed and hyperactive quality to Rarity, like in the movies. It felt like there should’ve been aggression, hostility, and so many other terrible emotions present.

Her mind really was burdened with the baggage of a faulty education, wasn’t it?

Instead, what stood before her was Rarity, seemingly as normal as ever. There wasn’t even a dusting of white upon her nose. The only sign of something being even slightly amiss was the fact that she sniffled, like she had a mild cold.

“How are you?” Rarity asked.

Twilight sighed. “I fucked up.”

Rarity snorted. “Darling, you did not fuck up. If anything, I fucked up by not picking up on your emotional duress. In hindsight, it was obvious and I ignored the signs to further my own enjoyment this evening.”

Another sniffle.

“I am a scholar Rarity and I was clouded by my personal biases instead of critically thinking,” Twilight said.

Rarity nodded and looked around, finally deciding to settle down upon the edge of the sink. She didn’t speak but instead studied Twilight for a moment, sizing her up.

“Perhaps an interview would help?” she suggested.

Twilight looked up. “Pardon?”

“You are an academic and part of research is asking research subjects questions,” Rarity said, holding a hand to her chest. “I just snorted a line of coke, and thus, I am a perfectly functional research subject.” She sniffled yet again. “Well, I mean if you ignore all the conflicts of interests involved with using a loved one as a research subject.”

Twilight worked her jaw. It was silly that Rarity felt that she needed to go through such lengths to justify her actions. It was silly that…

“Twilight are you going to keep a beautiful research subject waiting?” Rarity teased.

Twilight sighed. “What’s it like?”

“I only ever do it in small bumps. You know, an inch or so at most,” Rarity explained. “In higher doses I’m sure it creates a more euphoric and energetic effect. For myself, it’s like getting the entire caffeine content of a cup of coffee into your system and then getting to utilize it for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes.”

“That sounds… tame,” Twilight murmured.

Rarity shrugged. “In the doses I do it, sure. It’s more of a social act than one I honestly derive pleasure from.” She smirked. “Don’t get me wrong, the boost to my energy is nice and a few of my friends do seem to get a genuinely euphoric effect from far larger doses than I would take.”

“I see,” Twilight said, looking at her hands. “Well, that… seems…” She sighed. “That isn’t what I thought it would be like at all.”

“The wonders of our DARE culture,” Rarity teased. “They take the worst-case scenario and propagate it so that it becomes the baseline scenario in the minds of people like you.”

Twilight nodded. “Plus, my brother is a cop.”

“And cops have their own agendas when it comes to this subject,” Rarity admitted.

She sniffled again and then chuckled.

“Though I will also inform you that cocaine does make me quite stuffed up,” she added.

Twilight giggled. “I could tell.”

Rarity drew in a breath and closed her eyes, letting it out just as slowly.

Twilight watched her and was intrigued by how calm she seemed. Sure, her beloved had stated her case but seeing was believing. She looked no more anxious or energetic than normal.

The woman before her just seemed like Rarity.

Rarity smirked. “I already feel my high fading. I really should follow Fleur’s advice and rub it into my gums.”

“Can it be taken via any mucus membrane?” Twilight asked.

Rarity shrugged.

It seemed that even her well of expertise had its limitations.

“I’m sure if you’d like to try some, for experimentation, my dear friends would be more than willing to share,” Rarity teased.

Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat. “Maybe next time.”

“If she even brings some next time,” Rarity replied. “Next time, we might have a discussion about LSD or MDMA instead. Who really knows with Photo Finish?” She chuckled. “Regardless, I will do a better job of communicating with you if such a situation arises.”

Twilight nodded and looked at her hands. At the very least, the siege of anxiety had lifted and her brain returned to its normal state.

“Shall we return to the party?” Rarity asked.

Twilight bit her lip. “I wouldn’t mind talking with Fancy a bit more.”

“Yes, he seems quite enamoured with you,” Rarity replied. “And he’s dying to experiment on you with a couple more of his cocktails.”

She reached for the door though paused, sparing a look at Twilight. Instead of opening the door she leaned over and kissed her beloved on the cheek.

“Thank you for bearing with me,” she said.

Twilight snorted. “No, no, thank you for bearing with me.”

“Anyways, let’s get back to the party before those silver spoons start to gossip about us,” Rarity teased, winking at Twilight. “Two young women locked in a bathroom together can foster quite the reputation.”