Legends of Equestria: The Last Goodbye

by JimmyHook19

First published

The Road is now Calling, and I must travel away...

Having defeated the Pony of Shadows and his minions, the Pillars have brought harmony and light to our world. Join them as they go on their final journey and pass into legend.

The epilogue of the entire Legends of Equestria saga.

The Journey Begins Once More

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Upon the great and mighty defeat of the Pony of Shadows, our heroes were rather burnt out, and needed time to rest before resuming their long journey to their destination. It had been a long and terrible battle, but now it was over, and they could proceed on their way and get some new discoveries in along the way. It was a cold and dark morning when they awoke once more at Maxwell Air Force Base. The sky was still dark with smoke from the battles of previous days, and the air still smelled of explosions and aviation fuel, not to mention the noise of machinery either demolishing buildings or stabilizing damaged structures. Now that Project 722 had been succesfully stopped, and most of its soldiers wiped out to a man, the army knew now that it was time to focus on rebuilding the damage inflicted on Montgomery, to ensure that such a catastrophe could not repeat itself.

Anyway, that morning, Mistmane stuck her head out of her cabin to see the noise and pandemonium raging onwards, and shook her head sadly. "Truly does everybody lose in war," she remarked, seeing the vast piles of body bags piled up on the ground for identification. The US Army had suffered truly horrific casualties in the battle, and it was clear that there were going to be many widows today.

She trotted over to the edge of the compound to still see the smoke rising from the shattered city. There was something of a perfect irony to that, she thought. The landscape being so permanently changed and altered by the carnage that had been inflicted on the land, wounds riven in the soil that would take a long time to heal.

Later, she suddenly spotted Flash emerging as well, followed shortly after by Somnambula. Both of them had large bags under their eyes, indicating a lack of sleep, as well as similarly large ones filled with things they needed for their journey.

"So, where is it we're going?" Flash asked, yawning as he did so. "I hear it's somewhere far from here."

"Further north, by way of many other roads," Mistmane explained, checking her map. Doing this was now so much easier with her magic restored to full power. "We won't be able to do it all in one day owing to the distance and the slow speed at which we travel."

Rockhoof then appeared. "Why not just teleport there and save ourselves the bother?" he asked. "Both you and Starswirl are pretty talented spell casters, are you not?"

Suddenly, Starswirl himself appeared. "Yes, we can teleport, but not that far. Who do you think I am? Laurelore the Firsticorn?"

The entire team was now assembled, and they decided they would start by going to the place where it had all ended those short few days ago. It was a pretty big mess of churned up mud and fallen rivers now, but they bowed, paid their respects, and were shortly on their way.

Having left the park behind them, the crew then proceeded across more of those curious metal rails, and down a street, before suddenly turning off to the right at an intersection. They had certainly gotten very used to how these roads worked, and it was all made a lot easier by the fact that there was no traffic at all. True, they had to walk around craters and exploded vehicle wrecks, but that was manageable indeed.

They weaved down another street, and took what looked like some sort of strange bend.

"I thought these road engineers hated curves and only built stuff in straight lines," Flash mused. "Rather like Cloudsdale, really."

They wandered down another zigzag road, crossing over some traffic lanes to access the next portion of their route, wandered past some buildings, and down through Maxwell proper, bidding the airbase and the military goodbye as they did so. Before long, the terrain had turned to trees and familiar Alabama swamps which made them all feel very hot. Except Meadowbrook, of course, who felt right at home.

They wandered over a bridge (which, of course, got lots of subscribers... I mean, people wanting to cross it), and wandered up a long road before passing a rather dumpy looking place and taking a bridge over a busy road. Some more wandering along long roads took place, before they took a pair of right turns in a town and suddenly found themselves in what looked like a scrapyard.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Rockhoof asked. "This place looks like a bit of a dump."

Mistmane looked puzzled. "Hmmm, maybe my GPS was off. Whatever this place is, they have refreshments, so we might as well refuel whilst we're here.

After about half an hour's stop in the air conditioning, the crew set off on their way once more, turning right and left and through another set of buildings. Before long, they went over another road, and looped into another town.

"Birmingham?" Somnambula asked in confusion. "Where do they come up with all these silly place names?"

"Named after a town in a mythical place called England," Meadowbrook explained. "Ah Imagine they find our place names silly!"

"I think we're still in the right country," Starswirl sighed.

Before long, there was a notice to a science facility, so they took a left, and then a right, and went into a building.

Once they were done in the building, they went back the way they came, and went into a large air conditioned building full of all the conveniences that a traveler could need.

"I could do with a dip," Flash said, stretching his muscles. "It's hot out there!"

Suddenly, a box full of sauces appeared in front of him.

"Not that type of dip, Mistmane."

"We just have to complete checking in first, and then we can do those sorts of things," Mistmane calmly replied. "Until then, please try to stay calm."

And so a long day of travel came to an end.

Pardon me Miss or Sir...

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The next morning awoke quietly, and sure enough the ponies were soon fired up for their journey east. Whilst still not one hundred percent sure where Mistmane was leading them (Flash remarked he was not even twenty percent sure, although why he had picked such a precise percentage was a cause for much concern and confusion), the team was more than happy to follow her lead as they travelled across the many lands and seas that seemed to compromise this strange and exotic continent they wandered across.

So it was they went into the heat once more and down a road.

"I have no idea why we insist on travelling during the day," Stygian groaned. "My fur is sticking together with all this sweat, and I hope the heat doesn't cause the ink to crack!"

"Calm yer noggin' doon," Rockhoof grinned, rubbing Stygian's head. "Hard work and harsh conditions build character, and we all know how useful strong character is."

"That is not funny," Stygian sighed. "Not funny in the slightest."

Flash called out. "Look over there! The road is really straight!"

"Whilst logical, it's not very interesting," Stygian sighed.

"Do you prefer curved roads?" Meadowbrook enquired.

"Yes," Stygian sighed. "There's little interest in uniformity."

They wandered along for a bit until they took a left hand turn, and then joined a much more elaborate highway next to some tracks. Up they went onto it, and more road mergers, the open road beckoning like the virgins of the western sky, and an hour of cake, cake.

"Check your watches, as we'll be changing time zones again," Starswirl informed them.

It didn't take them very long to leave civilization behind them on their travels, and before long they were in the middle of forests filled with deciduous trees and other plant life. It was not quite cool enough to be swampy, but at the same time too hot to function like the old forests of the East, making it quite an uncomfortable experience to travel through without an air conditioned vehicle to help you along the way.

Onwards they travelled, the trees and rocks never seeming to end their constant parade of monotony and general lack of desire to be interesting, but that was until they came on their way onto a board. This board was telling them something which was quite interesting and unusual. It appeared as though they were crossing from one boundary to another, and this in and out of itself was very interesting news.

"I say, it appears we are travelling to place with a woman's name," Starswirl said.

Mistmane pondered for a second. "I wonder who Georgia was," she mused, looking upwards. "Any clues, anybody, as to the origins of this most unusual name?"

"Who cares!" Flash said, and whizzed over the border. "What I know for sure is that longer you lot gossip, you're pumping more hot air into the air! Let's go!"

Onwards they went, over the border, and into a new territory that promised to yield new things.

The team then wandered along the road aimlessly, past another town which firmly seemed to have seen better days in all senses of the word. It had very few buildings, and only a handful of people milled about in what looked to be the remnants of a high street.

They eventually went past a place that seemed to have a lot of running, and then round a left hand bend which took them to another location completely.

Suddenly, there was a violent turn around to the right, and the six of them went along it with worry, fearing what it may bring. But luckily, it was only onto another road, with people stopping and looking as six anthropomorphic beings wandered along, crossing over another line that took them into a place none of them could spell.

They then stopped for a short rest before continuing on their way. They looped around a curve that took them past the Tennessee river (which was not running low), then broke off the highway to their next road which took them around a spiral road to another access place.

After another series of tight bends, they had arrived, at the Chattanooga place of a process associated with eating.

Into the Valley of...Something

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It was now the next morning indeed, and the seven, not six, that constituted our heroes awoke and began to start their day.

Rockhoof groaned as he rolled off his mattress in the room he shared with Starswirl and Flash Magnus. "These mattresses are awful," he grumbled. "I have never encountered ones so bad! They're incredibly hard and don't let you sleep at all!"

"Be glad you're not sleeping on hay," Flash said, with a small smile. "That was the way we did it in the legion. Still, we did get some good nights in barrack blocks."

"I sometimes slept on a sofa during my employ with the royal authorities," Starswirl sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Are the others awake yet? I think that we should check on them."

In another room, the other trio of our group, Meadowbrook, Mistmane, and Somnambula, were getting ready themselves. Somnambula had just finished fitting her headdress onto her head, whilst Mistmane was still collecting together her things. Meadowbrook, however, was having terrible trouble with her mane, trying and failing to secure it into a topknot.

"Could one of y'all help me here?" she asked, indicating to it. "Ah can't seem to get it right today!"

Mistmane was more than happy to help, and with a few adjustments saw the mane get into the right location for securing, complete with all necessary fittings. "There you go."

"I believe we should get moving," Somnambula said. "Unless we want the others to see us as late again."

Upon having finished their preparations for their day, the group set off into the streets, taking a left hand turn at the exit to the hotel, and then walked down a long street that seemed to stretch onwards into eternity. They then took a left turn, then a right, then weaved round a long bend that finally brought them out onto another road.

After some more walking, and some more lefts, they finally arrived at what Mistmane called their destination. What looked to be another collection of defunct vehicles.

Out of the valley of...something, and to another place entirely

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Having spent some time at this strange place that Mistmane had led them to, it was time for the crew to leave, for they had seen everything. And by everything, I mean everything on display and of interest for people to view, not literally every thing that had ever existed on the grounds that not only would it be impossible for people to see everything that had ever existed on the grounds that not all of it exists anymore, but that you could not possibly fit it all into a single place at once.

Well, enough of that confusing mess. Onwards with the story.

They then left the place, and took a right hand turn, initially tracing the route they had previously taken back along the road, before their path took them past one of those strange buildings a lot of people went inside for some reason, and they went to the left as they went past it.

They would eventually join a bigger road on their travels as they trudged along, and this road was a little wider, but still felt like a quiet country road rather than a road that would transport them across state lines.

"I got to know this type of road very well in Virginia," Rockhoof observed. "It was even a similar temperature to then!"

"I prefer desert heat," Flash admitted. "All this sweat it sticking to me!"

They weaved back and forth a bit on this road, but at long last their journey changed directions as they turned... left. Again. Please remember they were not making the speediest of progress, so their journey was a lot slower than it would have been in a car.

They went down a road jammed full of traffic, then wiggled along an access road that was equally blocked up. They then took a right hand turn and veered off onto another side road, before turning in at their destination. Now they only had to wait for the next car to arrive, and they could be on their way.

On top of a mountain.

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Having gone up and down a mountain (and up again), the six heroes then proceeded to continue onwards on their way. The first section of their journey took them through a series of dull, characterless houses surrounded by a sea of dense mud and lifeless land. It would seem that this place had itself been badly affected by the recent war, such was the problems and intensity of the messy scrubland all around.

They took a left around a bend, which was almost immediately followed by a turn right around another bend. Having all these bends was strange considering the people who lived here liked to build their towns on perfect straight lines, except those plots which were triangular. Bends also tend to go around curves, funnily enough.

Anyways, enough of all this silly nonsense in terms of writing, and onwards with our story. Once they had reached the end of an very long road, they turned to the right on their way out of the region. They were then directed left by a road sign.

"We seem to be going all sorts of random directions," Starswirl said. "Mistmane, are you sure this is the way?"

"Certain!" Mistmane replied. "I can sense this is the right way."

The road then suddenly undulated around a bend, before continuing along a road that ran along a very high section of hill. With that, a sign informed them that they were in a new state, and they took a left hand turn (yet again) into another place, full of rocks.

A rock...because we rock

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They had now finished looking at a place which had a lot of rocks for reasons best known to themselves.

"That was boring," Flash yawned, as he stretched his wings in the heat. "At least the short period in the air conditioning was nice, but even then looking at rocks is a bit dull."

"We can learn an awful lot about how things used to be from rocks," Somnambula said. "The past of our planet is preserved in rocks."

"Yes," Rockhoof said. "Then, thousands of years on, somebody will attempt to disprove your existance with the use of an example that has absolutely no bearing on the reality of your existance at all."

"Or the other way around," Meadowbrook said.

"Anyway," Starswirl said, "it would appear as though we have a journey to continue with, and continue with this journey we shall, for it is our duty and destiny to do so."

Based on Mistmane's motions they finally prepared to set off, and set off they did.

They started by walking away from the museum in the opposite direction to that from which they had come, and turned left at the next junction. They then continued down a long road, long and boring in its structure as it went along the highway and crossed over other roads, through some incredibly dull terrain.

The road then weaved around in an S bend around a place occupied by a goose who had chicks, and then across a fairly tale road, before turning to the left and coming off to the right at a roundabout. They then continued to wiggle about for a bit on a number of different roads as they wandered along. They then took a right, and curved around a bend (what else do you do at a bend?). Then they arrived at another building.

Ruby goes downward

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After having spent some time at a place where precious rocks fall downwards and crash into things, they then proceeded onto a very cowardly road indeed (or a road that builds diesel multiple units depending on what context in which you speak. This road eventually took them onto a different path entirely, called Scenic Highway, a description that Meadowbrook objected to on the grounds that there was nothing to see thanks to all the trees in the way. None of which were moving, which was odd. There was very little wind around, which was bizarre to say the least.

Later on, they turned to the right, through some buildings, and then found themselves turning left to a large building.

"This is where we stay tonight," Mistmane informed them. "Luckily, there are some establishments that remain in operation to cater for the weary traveler."

"Such as this one related to food." Rockhoof had just read the sign, and it confused him greatly.

"It's not that type of chew!" Flash explained. "Or another type of chu."

"Pika pika?" asked a passing Pikachu, who seemed to be surprised that he had been greeted.

"Indeed, it is onomatopoeia for a machine noise," Flash finished.

"Oh." Rockhoof nodded. "Interesting. Tell me, what was that yellow thing?"

"Oh, never mind!" Stygian announced, saying the first thing he had said in a while. "Let us go indoors and have a rest. It's been a very long day, after all."

They were all very keen to follow his suggestion, and went inside, checked in, and had a good evening of fun, food, a bit of music here and there, and then went to sleep, ready for the adventures of the next day.

School of Hard Knox

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It was, at last, another morning, and as our heroes walked out of a door of a very large building where they had rested the previous night and went onto a road, the conversation inevitably went to what would they be seeing next.

"Will it have more machinery?" Rockhoof asked. "I'm all for engineering, but even so it would be nice to have a bit of variety every now and then."

"I agree," Flash said. "Variety is the spice of life."

"Then," said Mistmane, "I have reason to believe that what I have lined up for you will be of great approval to us all."

Sure enough, they went right, and walked down a street, before turning onto a pedestrianized street (which means there were no cars, which was very nice). They then went into a pyramid shaped building, and it was very nice. Especially the hyper otters.

Having quite enjoyed their stay inside the aquarium (though Stygian expressed disappointment at the lack of seaponies inside the exhibits) it was time to be on their way. They backtracked a bit, but then turned left and wandered down a wide boulevard, before turning right at the end of that one as well.

This new road followed a river, and had confusing, undulating bends as it went along. They weaved back and forth along the landscape, and eventually joined the freeway (yeah), to find their hooves on holy ground.

But they were not going to sing for anybody, for this is not a musical, and they followed this road for a bit before coming off this big road and then merging onto another road that was coming off it and heading in another direction. This then took them past something that sold food from further south and rang, which caused some confusion.

What then followed was a road trip down a very boring road in the middle of nowhere. They were eventually routed through a very boring place, which was boring as the name suggests, and then they went down this road even more.

"How long does this go on for?" Somnambula asked. "There is a lot of nothing around here."

"Patience," Starswirl smiled. "I imagine that Mistmane knows what she is doing."

They went over a bridge, and continued to carve their way through massed countryside that, whilst not desert (or dessert) was pretty hot. Eventually, they reached a town, and turned left on the road. Eventually, they turned off the freeway, and went indoors, their journey complete.

Tangled up!

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The night that had followed the day had been altogether rather unremarkable, and as our heroes gathered their many things and prepared to set off on their way, the sun was already high in the sky like a pie in July. Which is a rather odd comparison to make, I will admit, but I feel that it works, so you should as well. So we're all singing from the same hymn sheet, so to say.

Anywhoozle, The team left the hotel and turned left, before walking down a road with orange and red lines running down the middle of the road as they crossed over some more metal rails. They then took a series of sharp lefts, before taking a right and walking over what seemed to be the same set of metal rails again.

"Are we goin' in circles?" Meadowbrook asked.

"I'm not sure," Mistmane replied. "Any clues, Stygian?"

"I must admit I am not familiar with the area, so I couldn't tell either way," the scholar replied, his snout looking through his notes. "Why are clerks checking to see if it is written in an Ebook?"

After crossing another road, they turned left, and followed along another road and merged into an even bigger road. They then went around in a circle and joined this big road at last, holding on the hard shoulder to avoid getting hit by passing motorized carriages.

They then passed through a lot of samey places before turning off the highway abruptly and switching onto the lowway. And then came off the lowway and rejoined the highway, for some reason.

After following along this road for Celestia knows how long, they turned right. They then found themselves going past a building, where somebody was querying what a company's function was, and somebody else was claiming it was keeping the country running.

Partway through this most bizarre place, they then turned around and did a sharp 180 degree change in direction with the help of a slipway. At last, they had arrived.

Short Set.

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Our next journey is extremely short indeed. So short, in fact, that it may be stretching it a bit to include it in a single chapter. To try and make sure that things have proper length, let us talk a bit about their surrounding.

These six were, unbeknownst to themes, that they were in a place that is often mispronounced or misplaced on a map or calendar, which to all is extremely confusing indeed. Such is the sadness of this, as there are many fine things to see in that city, such as where the protagonists were headed today to get, at least, out of the heat.

They exited to hotel and wandered down the road, before slewing over onto a much bigger road stuffed to the brim with cars and trucks. The next bridge took them over a yard with mountains of dilapidated (or at least poorly painted) stock, before they turned past a car centre and wandered to their stop. To their surprise, there were already quite a few ponies there, all of whom seemed to be quite enjoying themselves.

The Pillars resolved that they as well might enjoy themselves, and partookificated of visiting, with much merriment and cake. Although they never established who Scot was or why he was great. Or why somebody had left a spoon lying outdoors.

We do look better in pictures

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After having looked about this museum full of many things (including a cabinet with a model railway with large numbers of ponies near it for some bizarre reason), it was time to move on with the day and head to their next stop. After collecting all of their things together, our crew headed out of the door and turned off onto a road. Alas, it was not the same road from which they had arrived, but a road it was nonetheless, and they were glad to be on it rather than wading through a swamp and mud, which was the alternative, and this alternative was something that they wanted to avoid, as well as the author misusing commas to join large numbers of bits of sentences together.

They took a right turn, went over a bridge, and took another right turn before arriving at their stop.

Well, wasn't that a quick journey? They went inside the building, and saw it was full of photographs. This makes sense, as it is a museum dedicated to a photographer, and one of only two photographers to have a museum dedicated to them (the other is Ansel Adams, in case anybody reading was wondering).

A Sky (or at least a hill) Full of Stars

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The team were now finished at the museum of museums that was not the other museum.

"Loads of photos," Flash yawned, as he put his muzzle over his face. "BORING!"

"I assure you that understanding and seeing his settings and approach was quite interesting," Stygian said. "It allows us to experiment with our own equipment."

"You don't own a camera," said Rockhoof.

"Yet," Stygian smiled. "Where next?"

"Up there!" Meadowbrook called. "Let's go!"

And so they did, setting off on their mighty journey to another place entirely. They rejoined the road that they had been using previously, and wandered along it until took a right into some heavy traffic, then did another left straight afterwards. Can you take another left after a right? I suppose you can.

They weaved down that, and through a road that was quite nutty. They then weaved along a mountaintop so tall and proud that it seemed as though they would scrape the sky itself, and the climbing was quite steep.

"All this climbing had better be worth it," Starswirl said. "My beard is getting quite heavy with all this moisture in it!"

At last, they arrived.

It was a giant star.

"Seriously?" Rockhoof asked. "This was what you dragged us up this hillside for?"

"On the other hand, at least we can roll down the hill," Somnambula noted.

Down the Hill

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Having looked at this large construction that was star shaped, and thus could be called a star owing to this shape like a star, it was time to head off once more. The lack of interest the others had shown in this structure worried Mistmane not, who was aware that the group was a varied and unusual one, with plenty of different things to think about.

So, down they went, looping down the same mountain road that they had climbed to get up this mountain in the first place. Down and round and round and down they went the hill of places, until near the bottom they took a right, a right, a most marvellous left, and then wandered down the road to... a steak company.

"Why have you brought us here?" Meadowbrook asked. "We can't eat meat!"

Starswirl sighed. "Mistmane, I believe this to be one of your less good ideas...."

Is the Next Place Flat?

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It was now time to leave this most mysterious of houses that is not in New Orleans, or is called the Rising Sun. It served steaks, which would not appeal to ponies at all, and so they were glad to leave.

"Not quite sure what the point of showing steaks to herbivores was," Rockhoof grumbled. "I could do with an egg haggis right now."

"They make Haggis out of egg?" Stygian asked. "I must investigate this idea further, as it seems very interesting indeed."

"I'll point you the way of some suppliers."

"Where next, Mistmane?" Somnambula asked. "All this trotting is very tiring."

"Our next location is the hotel, which is quite far. We may have to walk 500 miles," Mistmane said.

Starswirl smiled. "And some of us would walk 500 more just to fall over outside somebody's door. I have to admit I don't really understand what that is about."

So, they left the parking lot and took a right across the major road, bisecting it with fury. Then they went along a road past a refugee camp, and merged onto a big highway before following it for a while as it merged onto something else. They eventually took a series of turns off that road and onto a road named after a colour, which was like somebody's face, and then proceeded along it for several hundred miles through a lot of boring places which seemed to lack any variety or interest whatsoever in their structure. The world is full of a lot of boring places, and sadly I have been to a lot of them.

They split onto two left hand lanes, followed another road, and then merged into another as they went along the merryway. Sorry, that should be two words. Merry Way, and took a curve off through a suburban place, which saw them weave backwards and forwards as they went along their merry journey. After running through a spiral, they at last rejoined a big road and went down it with gusto, following more roads until they were forced to take a right and then a left after a spiral road, followed by another right.

They then followed this new highway for a long time, followed by splitting off it at points and then heading back the other way. After this point, they then looped onto another road and continued on.

Before looping off that as well and following along it and then looping off it again.

Many, many miles of straight road preceded a right turn, before continuing along the highway and over a bridge. At the end of this bridge, they looped off the bridge, and round another bend before finally arriving at their stopping point for the night, having had an extremely long day.

Little did they know, but their journey was almost over.

The Last Leg

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The next morning, the final stage of the journey was finally gotten underway with. Our heroes seven left the hotel with their equipment, and headed out onto the main road before taking a right, then rotating around to the left with a tight bend that permitted them to merge onto another road. They then crossed two bridges and merged onto a major highway.

As they continued on their way, they crossed over the state line between North Carolina and Virginia, then followed a long series of roads where the most notable landmark was a Burger King a few hours ago, indicating that these bits of road ran through a not very interesting place. They then trotted over a very long bridge, and found themselves on an island, and continued on their long and difficult trip up the coast, down an extraordinarily straight road, and then turned off to cross another bridge.

After taking some bends, they weaved through another small town, before finally stopping in front of a building, a rather nondescript building to be honest, but a building.

"Where is this?" Starswirl asked. "Was this our ultimate objective?"

"Yes. It's where the story began," Somnambula said, winking at nobody in particular.

"Stop breaking the fourth wall!" Rockhoof said.

"Later, friends," Mistmane said, noticing all the humans suddenly taking interest in them. "This is the end of our journey. We can rest easily now, and take our time to recuperate." She then turned to the humans. "I think this is cause for celebration." Her Glowpaz made translating that a doddle.

And thus did the merriment begin.

And so, gathered friends, this is where our tail ends.

You may well be wondering what happened to them all, after these events. Well, I can tell you.

After the celebration, we all went our separate ways. Rockhoof and Meadowbrook chose to return to Hayseed Swamp, whereas Flash and Somnambula went back west, from where they had originated. Starswirl headed north in search of new knowledge, and Mistmane remained in this small seaside community, tending to a garden and helping the locals.

One by one, they all fell away by the wayside. Today, I am the only one of us left, the only one who was witness to all this to tell the tale.

They may no longer be with us in body, but their words, deeds, and actions live on in eternity, to guide us forward and assist our lives.

Together, they were more than mere ponies. Together, they were the Legends of Equestria.

Yours truly,



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Based on an Idea by JimmyHook19
Written by The Blue EM2 and JimmyHook19
Penned in Microsoft Word, and hosted on Fimfiction

Starring the voices of (in order of appearance):

JimmyHook19-James "Jimmy" Thomas Hook
Bryan Drummond-Various Voices
Stephen Lang-Colonel Peterson
Murry Peters-Somnambula, Sphynx
Marie Devereux-Mage Meadowbrook
Brenda Crichlow-Mage Wellspring

Matthew Cowlrick-Rockhoof, Torch

The Blue EM2-Tom Haddington
Misty Rose-Katrina Miller
Christopher Britton-Starswirl the Bearded

Ian Hanlin-Sunburst
Kelly Sheridan-Starlight Glimmer
Giles Panton-Flash Magnus

Paul Dobson-Praetor Ironhead
Brian Cox-Emperor Hurricane
Ellen Ray-Hennesey-Mistmane

Geoffrey Rush-The Pony of Shadows

Moonlight Blues-Sara Smith
Adam Reid-Firelight
Trish Pattendon-Stellar Flare
Elysia Rotaru-Sable Spirit
William Newton-Stygian

James Mattis-Himself
Joseph Biden, 46th President of the United States-Himself

Dedicated in Memory of JRR Tolkien, 1892-1973.