The Legend, of the Super Saiyan God

by Star Dawn

First published

Another displaced as Goku in supersaiyanGod form and sent to an RGRE Equestria, then sealed in stone for 1,000 years.

Hope you have room for one more? I went to a convention, with a Super Saiyan God Goku wig. I didn't expect to be tossed into the world of an Anthro My little pony world during the pre-unification era, that was over a thousand years ago though, now sealed in a stone because of Celestia's attempt to forget the past and blame me for her sisters folly.

But now, time's have changed, the stones are cracking, the legendary Super Saiyan God, has broken free...


Return of a Legend

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It has been a long, long, time since I was sealed inside of this stone. By a couple of days, I lost track of time, then it has been a struggle to keep my sanity intacked.

Who am I, one might ask? I am Aaron Stone, I was an average Young 22 year old adult about to finish college, I went to a convention with a couple of friends dressed as Goku's SuperSaiyan God transformation. I met this merchant cosplayer who seemed nice enough, gave me a PowerPole, which was awesome enough as well, but the shocking thing happened. I was transported into a world a world of Anthro Ponies from Mlp.

Honestly, I have no idea what to think about that. I have read the fanfictions on Fimfiction, and I should have been prepared, but honestly, I thought it wasn't real, and I should have watched the news, but I didn't, the news was so depressing these days that I stopped watching it a long time ago.

In this Equestria things were different, but if your a fimfiction reader, it was expected, I was transported to a Pre-unification-era of My little pony Equestria. Things wearn't exactly sunshine and rainbows, I Saved Princess Luna and Celestia, and was captured by Faust from a misunderstanding, no for your information, I let myself be captured, I could easily break free anytime I wanted.

The Ponies that were there, Anthro Ponies! No matter how weird that was, it still didn't lessen the cuteness that I saw, I was a male, there was a lot of sexisim towards males, Yes, RgRE equestra, though that changed when I sparred against Commander Hurricane, Seeing how easily I dominated her changed perspectives of me, if only you could see the look on their faces.

Faust offered me the position to Gaurd the Princesses, During the time we went on many adventures together, and when faust dissappeared, The two took over, War happened, and I was the key to their victory, Singlehandedly winning wars with minimum effort, it didn't matter if they understimated me because I was a male or not, no matter, it was a lose lose situation for them.

Honestly I was a Super Saiyan GOD, the otherworldly strength, glow and everything, I looked exactly like Goku when he became a SuperSaiyan God.

Eventually, the princesses and I fell in love and got married, the whole situation was a wild one and everyone came to see the wedding, aftewards was nothing, but peace, nobody was a threat, or so I thought, Nightmare moon was closing in, Luna could not keep her jealosy due to her sisters popularity, although it was slowed down because I was here trying to comfort her, I could only do so much.

She tried to talk to celestia but she just dismissed, it, I tried to talk to her about it, but she dissmised me as well, eventually over time, it grew, and grew, untill it was too late, Nightmare moon came to be, and raised War on Celestia, not before attempting to sway me to her side, I denied her and told her that this would only end up bad for you.

She grew enraged at this, but knew she couldn't fight me, so she had to leave.

An unknown amount of time, it was just me and Celestia, but then Nightmare moon came again an invaded equestria, Wanting to bring about eternal night, Unfortunately, for her, she underestimated me, I was here, I was ready, She was easily defeated, and sealed into the moon.

I wish that was the end of it, but I wouldn't be here in this stone, Celestia was devestated for her sister, but always looking for something to blame, she blamed me for the fall of her sister. That didn't make any sense, but she was so deep in her sorrow that she didn't care about logic at that point. As I said she just wanted someone to blame, so she blamed me for it.

I took it, I took all of her pain, all of her hurt, all of her sorrow, I took the blame, because I love her, but it never went away, it only grew worse for her, The elements of harmony, the first users, as she the element of magic, used them on me, and to this day, I had been sealed awaiting the day of my release.

My thoughts were broken however when I heard the clattering of hooves and I watched as surprisingly a very familiar mare appeared. She was a pink alicorn with curly yellow, purple and magenta hair pulled into a ponytail and was around six feet tall with a very curvy figure with a high C-cup bust if I had to guess and purple colored eyes. She was currently wearing a pink tube top with her Crystal heart cutie mark on the front and a pair of tight fitting jeans.

This was non other than Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or as she preferred, Cadence. At least I know now what timeperiod I should be now that Candence is born....

I watched on curiously as she approached my statue with a curious look in her eyes.

"How very strange, I don't think i have seen you here before" she said to herself, "But, I never come this far into the garden as well." Once she he began to analyze me, her eyes widened, "It's a Stallion, and a handsome one at that..."

I'm flattered lady, but I already have two wives that need my attention right now.

"Huh, 'In honor of Equestria's most powerful warrior Son Goku, The Legendary Super Saiyan God?'" She stepped back and looked at me in a mixture of shock awe and respect, "Woah, and how come I haven't seen more of these statues around?!"

I chuckled mentally
Beats me, if I could shrug I would, but I don't really care about that, I am just so happy that my wife got over herself, and is not mad at me, otherwise, I would have been called something a lot worse, and be hated by the Ponies, Wait a moment, I feel something off here..

After delving a bit deeper I found that my prison was actually weaker! I don't know what Cadence did but I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass me by and started to increase my power. I could feel the cracks forming all over my prison, beams of crimson light shined out from them. I noticed the look of fear on Candence's face, that proved that she noticed as well.

'Almost there," I screamed mentally, my anticipation and my excitment to finally being free took over, I gave off a mental roar, my prison explodes in a shower of stone , my flaming crimson Aura expanded, for a long moment before it condensed around me.

I took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air that I never had in thousands of years, I rolled my arms, and I cracked my neck.

The various smells carried by said wind were only made better with my enhanced sense of smell. I looked down at the woman who freed me, who was staring at me with a shocked looked on her face, it was as if she could not believe what she was seeing.

I retracted my aura, causing it to dissappear, without a second thought, I rushed in and gave her a huge hug, when I broke at looked at her blushing face and smiled, my hand resting comfortably on her soft shoulder. "For thousands of years I have been sealed for something that was not my fault," I said, "I thank you for my rescue."

I suddenly looked to the doorway, as I sensed mulriple energy signatures coming this way, and one of them is bigger than the last, and very familar. I smiled, although I was slightly nervous, it has been 1,000 years after all. Within moments I was held at spearpoint, surrounded by the group of Royal Gaurds.

"Halt creature, you are under arrest for tresspassing in the royal Gardens!"

I simply smiled, my crimson eyes glancing around piercing there soul. "You must be mistaken, this has always been my home, long before any of you were ever born."

What I said confused them, "That's enough Gaurds, leave everything to me." a familar voice was heard, I looked up, and my heart almost leaped out of my chest, standing at attention was a

The gaurds all parted, to reveal a p\mare I hadn't scene in thousands of years

She still looked as beautiful as ever, with her shining white fur, light rainbow color hair that blew in a non-existent wind and her shining purple colored eyes. She stood at six foot ten and had a form that put even the hottest super models to shame with what had to be F-cup breasts which matched perfectly with her tall and a natural hourglass figure. For her attire she wore a white greek style dress with golden accents with a split down the middle showing an unbelievable amount of cleavage along with her usual regalia.

She was as beautiful as ever, my beautiful wife, I could tell she is fighting back emotions, she is trying to remain stoic, and she is doing a wonderful job, but her eyes hold a different story, the feeling of regret, guilt, sadness, and unimaginable happiness.

I looked at her, she stared right back,



Neither of us moved, it was a tense silence that made everyone around them feel comfortable.

I smiled, "It is nice to see you again after all of these years, Tia, you haven't changed a bit."

Her eyes widened, at what I said, I guess she expected me to say something vengeful towards her, I pulled her into a hug

The Lunar princess

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The Royal guard, looked on in disgusted fascination as I sped threw a meal that was meant for hundreds like it was nothing. "Ugh, How is it possible for a stallion to be so...."

"Undignified?" Another guard asked...

"Mare-like." The first one replied

Celestia stared at me with a fond look on her face not bothered by my mannerisms in the slightest.

"Just like how I remembered you to be." she said softly,"Though it seems your mannerisms has gotten worse during the thousands of years..."

"I was sealed inside a stone unable to do anything but think." I said, well, tried to say, but because I was eating, only a few of the words were gibberish and a few were clear. Celesta's clear flinch in response made it clear that she understood what I was saying.

Her head went down in shame, "I'm sorry my beloved, I...don't have any excuses-"

I cut her off with a passionate kiss, that seemed to cause her to flinch more violently then before, before she...a few moments later, melted into it. I broke apart and smirked at her dazed expression and flustered expression,"Your reaction was always funny." I gave her my own version of the Son grin, Oh need I remind you I still had enough food in my mouth to fill it in whole.

I swallowed, "I told you I forgave you, and I am glad you matured into the woman you were today..."

She still stared at me with that flustered look for a long moment before she eventually began to smile, "Truly your mercy is as great as I remember it to be, dear husband."

I gave her a grin in response before I continued to eat ignoring the looks of disgust fascination being sent my way,

"Oh man that hit the spot!" I grinned a huge grin as I yawned and stretched at the same time, "So how's Luna?" I asked, "Is she relieved from her banishment yet or no...

Celestia's reaction was all I needed to hear, I looked at her, before closing my eyes.

My eyes reopened once I found her Ki; Her Ki was still there, both of them are weaker than before...gonna have to train them up again, I wouldn't wan't my wives being Damsel of distress...

"She's still there..." I put two fingers on my forehead, Celestia's eyes widened in alarm at the familiar action.

"Don't tell me you-

"I'll be right back."

A crimson glow outlined my body creating a Ki Barrier so I could survive in the vacuum of space before I disappeared in that instant.

I reappeared in front of the chained princess and smiled sadly at her; seeing her in this state made my heart take a dive.

Princess Luna was dressed in a similar manner to Solar Guard...only the color was blue instead of yellow, and it was rusted through the ages.

Her eyes widened once she saw me, and her head perked up, "G-goku?"

I raised my hand and the glowing outline expanded into an aura before it condensed into the shape of a sharp blade.

She flinched, but her eyes held understanding, self-ridicule, I could tell she was ranting to herself about how she deserved to die.

With two quick motions, I swiped, the chains that held her were destroyed.

She gasped in surprise, as I slowly walked towards her and put my hand onto her soft blue cheek.

"W-why..." She managed to croak..."Why-did thou, free me..."

"Thousands of years stuck in that state, in the cold vacuum of space is too harsh of a punishment." I said softly, I gently took her up and picked her bridal carry causing her to blush slightly, oh how I missed that look, it has been far too long
"Come on Luna..." I said with a small smile, "Let's go home."

With two fingers, I put onto my forehead and I reappeared right next to Celestia... Who upon seeing her sister, was frozen stiff as was Luna.....

"S-sister...." she whispered... "No...Nightmare moon?"

"You were right on the first try, this is your sister." I said with a grin, "However, should nightmare moon come back, she shall suffer the same humiliation she did when I kicked her ass a over a thousand years ago. I know you hear me Nightmare..."

Deep inside the consciousness of Luna...The Nightmare shuddered, but if one could look closely, you could see her cheeks darken a bit...