> Bangtan Colts: Slivers of Life > by Creativa-Artly01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Slice 1: RM Deletes JK’s Cutie Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just a normal day when RM, Suga, and Jungkook decided to go for a walk outside. As they were walking, RM tripped over a rock and startled, a beam of magic shot out of his horn right at Jungkook’s flank. The triggered spell, one that erased important times of a ponies life, so with that mistaken blast, once he got back to a mirror inside, Jungkook looked at his flank to see his cutie mark gone. In shock, the dejected maknae yells at his hyung to fix his mistake. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know how,” cries RM as he curls up in a ball. “I…I don’t know how to reverse it.” Jk begs Suga to go find Jin. The blue pony nods and runs off and soon returns with the pale toned alicorn. “What happened?” Says Jin looking down on the floor to a crying Jungkook and RM still in his ball. “RM did a clumsy again, a namjooning again,” cries the maknae, “one that disappeared my cutie mark.” “Well, I know how to reverse this luckily,” says Jin shaking his head. “Now hold still, Jungkook.” Jin shoots a beam of magic at Jungkook’s flank restoring the cutie mark and reversing RM’s carelessness. He then heads back home to go play uncle to his new nephew. After all, it’s one of the few free weekends he’s had in awhile and he just wants to spend it with his big brother and his brother’s family. > Slice 2: Uncle Jin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on in the week, once more Jin visits his brother, sister in law, and newborn nephew. “You’ve been here everyday,” chuckles Jin’s big brother. “Well, can you blame me? It’s one of the rare times I’ve had a vacation ever, so I just want to spend it with my family!” Exclaims Jin. The colt goos and gahs as it reaches its hooves towards Jin. “Looks like Butter wants his uncle’s attention,” giggles Jin’s brother. Jin trots over and sits next to his brother who puts the colt in his hooves. Jin smiles. His brother and sister in law do as well. Jin begins to play peekaboo with little Butter. He even levitates toys in front of the colt with his magic before the colt grabs it with his own magic. This continues on for the rest of the day until dinner time. Right after dinner, Butter is put to bed and Jin heads out after sharing some goodbye hugs with his brother and sister in law. A few hours later, Jin returns back to his own apartment. He immediately passes out in bed exhausted. About an hour after he’d fallen asleep, he awoke to the buzzing of his phone and a text from RM. He ignores it and goes back to bed. The next day, he returns back to Big Hit, much to his chagrin. “Why were you texting me so late last night? I was sleeping,” complains Jin to RM. “Sorry about that,” responds RM, “it was nothing important. You’re fine.” “Okay, good,” responds Jin. “Can I go home now?” “No, you, Suga, and I are booked with meetings all day today, sorry.” “Fine,” groans Jin. Much to his dismay, he follows RM and Suga into the meeting room and their day officially begins. Jin, however, would rather be anywhere else than there, preferably hiding away as just a simple uncle at his brother’s house. > Slice 3: Soulmate Things Story #1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a new day when Jimin and Taehyung leave the Big Hit building and go into the town below. Once in town, they trot to the cute little ramen and ice cream carts and buy their lunch before going to the park up the way to enjoy it. “This is nice,” sighs Jimin as he flies a loop de loop in front of Tae who giggles causing him to near drop their meals which he is holding with his magic. “Yeah, it sure is,” agrees V with a smile. He sets down the food before sitting down himself with Jimin soon landing next to him. They then begin to eat their lunch, talking all the while. Once they finish eating, they continue their walk through the park when Jimin excitedly spots a balloon truck. “Can you buy me one? Can you buy me one?” Begs the Pegasus excitedly as he drags V after him. “Okay,” responds Taehyung with a smile as he follows Jimin to the balloon cart. “What color do you want?” The older balloon stallion inquires of the little pink Pegasus. “Yellow,” responds Jimin with a smile. “Sure thing,” responds the older stallion. He pulls the balloon loose and hands it to the Pegasus. “That’ll be three bits.” Taehyung nods and levitates the three bits into the older stallion’s hooves before him and Jimin continue on their walk. “So, do you want to go on Vlive with Army with me when we get back to the studio?” Inquires V of Jimin. “I prefer doing them with you than doing them alone.” “Of course,” responds Jimin with a smile. The two then start talking about something else. “Shame I didn’t bring Yeontan along,” chuckles V as he and Jimin continue to walk. “He would’ve had fun with this.” “Yeah,” chuckles Jimin, “he sure would.” He begins bobbing his balloon around string in his mouth as he decides to start flying over walking. Taehyung just smiles. A few minutes later, the two return to the studio and begin their Vlive, Jimin with his balloon still in tow, so for the entire live, it’s just Taehyung, Jimin, and one very very bouncy balloon. > Slice 4: So Tell Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This takes place not long after V and Jimin’s meeting with RM in A Family Curse. It’s a conversation between V and RM. A few hours later, after his nap and another spurt of nightmares, V sits down to talk with RM. “So, did you and Snowflower ever have a thing?” V inquires of his hyung. “She’s super nice.” “We were a thing years ago, before Bangtan, yes,” responds RM with a sigh finally coming clean. “When we were dating, I had it on my mind that we would get engaged and even married one day.” “Then you still love her?” Inquires Taehyung. “Yes,” responds RM, “now please drop it, Bear. It’s never going to happen now.” “But you don’t know that,” responds V. “Maybe she still loves you too. You don’t know unless you ask her after all.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” sighs RM. “I guess you’re right.” He then gets up and heads off to a meeting while V goes off in search of Jimin to do yet another Vlive with him for their fans, for ARMY. Meanwhile, in his studio, RM uses his magic to open his phone and call Snowflower’s personal number. “Hey Joon, what’s up?” Inquires Snowflower, “why are you calling? High Cloud’s under investigation and on leave so he won’t be bugging your member, Taehyung anymore.” “That’s not why I’m calling, I know that,” responds RM. “Then do you want to get back together?” Inquires Snowflower. “Is that why you called? Do you still have feelings for me?” “Yes, I do,” responds RM. “We’d have to keep it secret, you know.” “I know,” responds Snowflower, “but it’s worth it. I still love you too.” “Okay,” responds RM. “I love you.” “Love you too,” responds Snowflower. RM then promptly ends the call and actually goes into his meeting. Meanwhile in the big room, V and Jimin continue their Vlive with ARMY, singing covers, answering questions, the usual antics. Everything is perfect and they honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. > Slice 5: You’re a Hypocrite, Hyung! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a new day at the Big Hit Headquarters for the Colts, as they all sit down to lunch and get talking. “Hyung,” says JK with a glare directed right at RM, “why do you get mad at me for having a marefriend? V told me you got back with yours! You’re such a hypocrite! You know that?!” “I am no such thing,” responds RM, “because unlike you and Banana Milk, we keep our stuff private, not public where all the media can see. That’s the difference.” “Yeah, whatever,” responds the Maknae as he rolls his eyes. He goes off to eat his lunch elsewhere followed close behind by V. “JK,” starts V, “you don’t know everything.” “How so?” Says JK snapping at his hyung. “What part do you have in this, Taehyungah?” “I convinced RM to get back together with Snowflower,” sighs V. “So if you want to be mad at anypony, be mad at me.” “There’s no reason for me to be mad at you, Taehyungah,” says JK. He then leaves out of Big Hit leaving V alone in the silence. V, seeing no use standing there, goes off to return back to the others. He then sits down back next to Jimin and begins eating on his lunch again. He should’ve known it would be no use trying to convince JK otherwise but deep down, at least he knows he tried. He just wishes JK would’ve listened to him and heard him out. > Slice 6: Hearth’s Warming Eve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a new day at the Big Hit building as the Colts prepare for Hearth’s Warming. “Can we go sledding yet?” Whines Jungkook. “We’ve been working on the tree for hours!” “Fine,” responds RM with an eye roll, “go.” “Thanks!” Squeals Jungkook as he grabs his sled on his back and runs out the door. Once outside, he lays his sled on the fresh show and slides down the hill again and again. Meanwhile inside, the hyung line finish with the tree. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Taehyung and Jimin play with Yeontan. “This is nice,” sighs Taehyung with a smile, “playing, having fun, not worrying that the Tiger will get loose.” “Yeah, I bet,” responds Jimin with a smile as he lays at Taehyung’s side. “I know how much him being stuck at Hyungsik’s was driving you up a wall.” “Yeah,” sighs Taehyung, “but it was needed at the time because last thing I wanted was to hurt my beloved baby.” He cuddles the small dog close to him. “My Tiger would’ve mauled him if he’d stayed at the house. Small animals were easy prey. Pets were easy prey.” “Bark! Bark!” Goes Yeontan as Taehyung holds him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Meanwhile Jungkook has finished with sledding and has slipped away to Banana Milk’s house. “Hey baby,” she says with a smile as she opens the door and greets him with a kiss. She giggles. “Oh look, mistletoe.” “Yeah,” chuckles Jungkook as he kisses her. “Yeah.” A few minutes later, she leads him inside and the two exchange couples’ Hearth’s Warming presents. “Do you like it?” Says Jungkook. “Please tell me you like it.” “Yes, I love it,” responds Banana Milk with a smile. She kisses him on the cheek. “It’s such a pretty collar. The lace is so elegant. Thank you.” “You’re welcome,” responds Jungkook as he kisses her on the muzzle. She kisses him back. “Do you like your gift?” She inquires. “Yes,” responds Jungkook, “I love the engraved drumsticks, thank you. They’re especially helpful considering I’ve started drum lessons recently.” “I’m glad to hear it,” blushes Banana Milk. “So so glad to hear it.” The two share another kiss. Meanwhile back at the Big Hit building, everypony soon realizes that the Maknae is still missing. “Where’s Kookie?” Taehyung inquires of Jin and RM. “My guess would be his marefriend’s,” responds RM. “It’s where he goes whenever he has a free moment these days.” “Speaking of, will Snowflower also be joining us?” Taehyung inquires of RM. “No, she’s in Prance for the holidays with her family,” responds RM with a sigh, “but thanks for asking, Bear.” “Anytime,” responds Taehyung with a smile. “Now where’s the non spiked eggnog? I couldn’t find it in the fridge.” “It’s behind the spiked bottle, has a V written on it, you can’t miss it,” says RM with a chuckle. “Thanks!” Responds Taehyung, trotting off soon followed by Jimin and a Yeontan running trying to keep up. Once back at the fridge, he moves the big bottle and soon finds the one with a V written on it and grabs it with his magic. The two then go back to the main room where they rejoin the others. About two hours later, Jungkook returns and joins all his hyungs once more. “Hey kid,” says RM, “how was your day?” “Spent it at Banana Milk’s, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” Inquires Jungkook of his RM hyung. “Yeah, we all kind of figured,” responds RM. “What’d you do?” “Couple’s Gift Exchange,” responds Jungkook. He pulls the drumsticks out of his bag gently with his mouth and puts them on the floor in front of him. “These are what Banana Milk gave me.” He’s absolutely beaming. “They’re custom drumsticks.” “Cool,” responds RM. Jungkook nods and picks them up in his mouth once more before promptly taking them to his room and gently placing them atop his drum set. He then returns out to where the others are. Soon enough, they all begin singing together, smiles on their faces. Soon enough horns go aglow from Taehyung, RM, Hobi, and Jin adding to the mood. It’s definitely been a perfect Hearth’s Warming Eve and they can’t wait for the Hearth’s Warming Day to follow! They all know that much for certain! > Slice 7: Hearth’s Warming Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, all the Colts are awakened by JK’s happy squealing. “It’s Hearth’s Warming Day! It’s Hearth’s Warming Day!” Squeals the Maknae. “Time to open presents!” “Okay, okay,” responds RM. “We’re all up and we’re coming! Settle down, Bunny!” “But why? I’m so excited!” Squeals Jungkook as he continues to bounce down the hallway and to the big room where the tree is. A few minutes later, the rest join him. They then begin their gift giving. “Here’s yours,” says RM as he levitates a box into Jungkook’s lap with his magic. “Eeee! Thank you!” Squeals Jungkook. He begins to open it. Soon enough he opens it. “I love it! Thank you RM Hyung!” He says as he tackles RM to the ground with a hug. What’s inside the box was a beginners drum kit. “You’re welcome,” responds RM with a smile as he pushes Jungkook off him. “You’re welcome.” The next two to exchange gifts are the soulmates, surprising no one. “Here,” says Taehyung with a smile as he floats the present into Jimin’s lap with his magic. The ecstatic little Pegasus then opens it. “Thank you! I love it!” Squeals Jimin as he opens the box to find a scrapbook inside. He promptly tackles Taehyung with a hug. “You’re welcome,” responds Taehyung with a smile, “it’s all the memories we’ve shared, all of them.” “Yeah,” responds Jimin, “and I love them. Now open yours.” “Okay,” responds Taehyung with a smile, “okay.” He uses his magic to gently unwrap the long gift box. “Oh Jimin,” he says with a gasp, “I love it, thank you.” He hugs his best friend. “Thank you.” He raises the sword out of the box with his magic. “It’s just like the one I used on my show!” “Because it is the one you used on your show,” responds Jimin with a chuckle. “H…how?” Inquires Taehyung still in shock. “How’d you get your hooves on it?” “Your Wooga Squad buddies,” responds Jimin with a chuckle. “I’m glad you like it, Taehyung!” He hugs his soulmate once more. “So so glad you like it!” The two stay curled up like that while the others give out their gifts. “Here!” Says Jin as he floats a present to RM who intercepts it with his own magic. RM then opens it with his own magic to find a book of poetry. “Thanks Jin,” says RM with a smile. “I love it.” Hobi then uses his magic to float a present into Suga’s lap. “Thanks Hobi,” says Suga as he opens the box, “I love the guitar pick necklace. You did good.” “Thanks,” responds Hobi beaming, “I’m glad you like it.” Once Suga is done with his, RM uses his magic to float a present to Hobi who intercepts it with his magic. He then carefully opens it with his magic. “It’s a dancing sunflower toy, cool!” Says Hobi as his eyes go wide. “Thanks RM!” He hugs his friend. “Thank you so much!” “You’re welcome, our sunshine,” responds RM with a smile. “You’re welcome.” A few minutes later, everypony go and pull out a big present for Jin and plop it before him. “Open it,” says RM with a smile. Jin nods and uses his magic to open the gift, soon taken aback by what’s inside. “It’s a mural of all of us together,” says Jin tearing up, “I love it. Thank you!” “You’re welcome,” respond the rest as they embrace the eldest in a hug. “You’re welcome.” After they finish up with gifts, they all sit down to lunch together with all the other Big Hit groups and Hybe groups: their juniors Enhypone and TXT for family Hearth’s Warming dinner. It’s been a perfect Hearth’s Warming. They can all definitely agree on that one. > Slice 8: Hearts and Hooves Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a sunny and happy Hearts and Hooves Day as Jungkook makes his way to Banana Milk’s to pick her up for breakfast. Once there, he is promptly greeted with a kiss from his marefriend. “Hey baby,” says Banana Milk with a smile as she kisses him. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” “Thanks,” blushes Kookie, “thanks.” With that, the two head into town to enjoy breakfast. As they sit there and eat on their breakfasts, they can’t help but smile as they talk. “Best first Hearts and Hooves Day together!” She says with a grin and her cute little giggle. “What else do you have planned for today, anyways?” She inquires curiously. “A lot,” responds Jungkook with a smile. “I have so much, so much planned for us to do today!” “Nice,” responds Banana Milk as she kisses him again. “Nice.” Once the two finish breakfast, the two go to the park and ride the swan boats together before partaking in a carriage ride before they finally go and enjoy lunch together at a cute little cafe. Once they finish their lunch, Jungkook pulls out a necklace and clasps it around her neck with his hooves. “Baby, it’s beautiful,” says Banana Milk in tears as she hugs him. “Thank you! I love it!” “I’m glad,” responds Jungkook as he kisses her back. “I’m so so glad.” He chuckles. “It took me forever to pick out.” The two then share yet another kiss. After awhile, the two go and do a few more things together before enjoying dinner together as well before he finally drops her off at home before returning to Big Hit where he is soon greeted by Tae and Jimin. “So, how was your Hearts and Hooves Day, Koo?” They inquire of the maknae. “Absolute perfection,” responds Jungkook with a smile. “Banana Milk and I had so much fun!” “Nice,” respond the soulmates. “Nice. We’re happy for you, Kook. We really, really are.” The three then head back to their room together where Jungkook continues to gush to his hyungs about the day he just had, them listening eagerly all the while much to his sheer delight. > Slice 9: Dear Princess Luna, From Taehyung > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a new day, the first day Taehyung has actually felt brave enough to actually sit down and finally write the letter he’s been wanting to send the former Princess Luna for months now. “Do you still want me to sit with you as you write it?” Jimin inquires of his soulmate. “Yes, of course,” responds Taehyung as he looks kindly at the little pink Pegasus next to him. “I need the support.” With that, Taehyung levitates the pencil with his magic and begins to write the letter. ‘Dear Princess Luna, why did you not come to my aid when I was having all those awful nightmares? I know you walk through dreams, so why didn’t you come and help when I was suffering? Did my pain, suffering, and agony hit too close to home or something? I’m genuinely curious to know. Why didn’t you help me, Princess Luna? Sincerely, Taehyung.’ With that, he puts the pencil down with his magic before picking up an envelope and the letter with it instead. He gently folds the letter with his magic before putting it in the envelope and sealing it with his magic. He then promptly sends it on its way to the Sunny Sholes where the former royal sisters are enjoying their retirement. It arrives two days later. “Letter for her former highness Princess Luna,” says the mailpony as he hands it to the navy blue mare. “Thank you,” responds Luna as she opens it with her magic. She then begins to read it. “Dear Princess Luna,” reads Luna. “Why did you not come to my aid when I was having all those awful nightmares? I know you walk through dreams, so why didn’t you come and help when I was suffering? Did my pain, suffering, and agony hit too close to home or something? I’m genuinely curious to know. Why didn’t you help me, Princess Luna? Sincerely, Taehyung.” Luna lets out a sigh once she finishes. “What’s wrong, sister?” Inquires Celestia. “I feel guilty when I get letters like these is all. Suffering ponies asking why I’m not helping them with their nightmares,” says Luna almost on the verge of tears. “Maybe I should return to helping ponies in their dreams. No pony else seems to know how to do it.” “Who wrote you?” Inquires Celestia. “One of the Bangtan Colts, Taehyung,” responds Luna. “I know about him because of Twilight and AJ. Know about the Colts in general because of them.” “Why?” Inquires Celestia. “Nightmares, naturally,” responds Luna. “Why do you ask, sister? What aren’t you telling me? What part do you have in this?” “His nightmares were attached to, precursors to a family curse,” responds Celestia. “He’s one of the Tiger ponies. One I have the special royal police keep tabs on.” “What?” Says Luna taken back in shock. She’s angry. “I thought you’d know not to do stuff like that after what happened with me!” Says Luna with a snarl. “But the Tiger ponies are different, they’re pure predators, killers, murderers,” responds Celestia with a sigh. “There’s nothing you could’ve done to stop his nightmares anyways. It’s a family curse. It can’t be broken by somepony outside the familial line.” “Oh,” responds Luna, “oh…” “Yeah,” responds Celestia. “Yeah.” “Then what should I tell him? What should I write him back?” Inquires Luna with concern in her voice. “That even if I did enter his dreams I’d be useless to help?” “Well, yeah,” responds Celestia bluntly. “I’m sorry, sister.” “No you’re not,” responds Luna with a sigh as she writes the letter with her magic as they continue to talk, “no you’re not in the slightest.” Once it’s finally written, Luna sends the letter to Taehyung with her magic, him receiving it with his own a few minutes later. “What does it read?” Inquires Jimin concerned as he watches his soulmate’s eyes well up with tears. “Nothing I want to ever reread,” says Taehyung as tears pour down his cheeks, “nothing I ever want to reread in the slightest.” “Okay,” responds Jimin as he holds Taehyung close to him to comfort him, “okay…” > Slice 10: Let’s Go! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Taehyung, let’s go!” Taehyung heard Jimin holler down the hall. “Come on! Let’s go! What’s keeping you?” Inquires the small Pegasus stallion as he enters the bathroom. “Taehyung? Are you feeling okay?” He asks with concern in his voice. “I don’t know, Jimin,” responds Taehyung with a sigh. “Ever since ya know, I don’t exactly feel comfortable going out in public anymore.” “Yes, but that was years ago now,” responds Jimin with a sigh. “Your Tiger is under control now.” “Yeah, I know,” responds Taehyung with a sigh, “but…” “I’ll be there the entire time now please just come on,” begs Jimin. “Please. It’s just a movie and ice cream. That’s literally it.” “Okay,” responds Taehyung with a sigh as he finally follows Jimin out to where the others are waiting on them, “okay.” A few minutes later, they all head to the movie at last. They make it there without a single hitch and every colt happily takes his seat, Taehyung sitting between Jimin and RM. They’re his safeguard after all. His leader and his best friend, his soulmate are. A few minutes later, the movie begins and they all enjoy it together, smiles on their faces all the while. Two hours later, the movie comes to an end and the colts go for ice cream at last. As they’re eating, Jimin and Taehyung are approached by a mare in a cloak. “Who are you?” Inquires Taehyung of the mare. “Please show yourself. I want to see if you’re somepony I can trust.” “Okay,” responds the mare as she lowers her hood with her magic. “Hello Taehyung.” She then says with a sigh, and a warm, comforting smile. “Hello princess,” says Taehyung with a nod as he lets out a sigh. “Where were you when my Tiger was active in my dreams?” “Yes, I saw, I did,” responds Luna with a sigh, “but even us princesses have our limits. We can’t meddle in family matters. That’s why I didn’t, why I couldn’t interfere. I hope you can understand that.” “Okay, but why does it seems like there’s more to that?” Responds Taehyung with a sigh as he looks at the princess before him. “No offense, your highness.” “None taken, I assure you,” responds Luna with a nod. She lets out a sigh. “And yes, part of me not interfering was also my elder sister’s doing. I’m not going to hide that from you. She knows more about curses and spells than I do, so I just followed what she said and did as I was told.” “Okay,” responds Taehyung with a sigh. “That doesn’t change the three years of hell I’ve suffered through though.” “Yeah, I know and I’m sorry I couldn’t help, really I am,” responds Luna with a sigh as she begins to cry herself, bowing her head to hide her tears and her shame. “But meddling in family matters is never something we partake in.” “Okay,” responds Taehyung with a sigh as he cries himself. “I understand.” The tear falls from his eyes onto his hoof. “I understand, princess, now please just go. I want to enjoy my night.” “Okay,” responds Luna with an understanding nod. “Goodbye, Taehyung.” With that, she takes to the sky once more and makes a return flight back to Canterlot where Tia is awaiting her arrival for the annual all princesses sleepover at the castle. A few minutes later, she lands and the five princesses begin their festivities for the night at long last. Meanwhile back at the ice cream shop, the colts continue to talk. “Well, that was an interesting night,” says Jungkook to his hyungs. “What was that about, Taehyungah?” “The Tiger just like everything always is, even all these years later,” responds Taehyung with a sigh. “I’m unable to escape it and I hate that.” He begins to cry once more as Jimin comforts him in his hooves. “ I really, really do.” He lets out a sigh as he continues to lean on Jimin. “I really, really do…”