> The Duchess of Canterlot > by Captain Neckbeard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Duchess of Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a Friday afternoon in Canterlot. For most ponies, this meant the end of the workdays, and the beginning of two and a half days of good rest. But this wasn't the case for Celestia, the Ruling Princess of Equestria. For her, it just meant the start of her usual, weekly audience for ponies. During these sessions, everypony was equal in front of the princess. And anypony could attend a short private session with her, provided the pony in question booked it out in advance, which most often was a serious challenge. As there were many ponies who wanted to ask, request, plea, or just share something they deemed important with Celestia. Celestia let out a short sigh, and addressed her majordomo. She knew she could expect a lot of nobles during that session. Such was the case with the annual Grand Galloping Gala closing in. "Flying Colors, please send in the first attendee." Flying Colors walked to the heavy double doors of the throne room, and invited in the first pony. A grey coated stallion with a slick black mane stopped in front of the throne, and did a flawless bow. "Greetings, Your Royal Highness. My name is Jet Set. It is an absolute pleasure that we can meet again." Celestia got confused for a moment. She met many ponies, all the time. And although she had exceptional memory, the name didn't ring a bell. Perhaps they met at the last Grand Galloping Gala? At any rate, she would just follow protocols for now. "A fine welcome to you, Mr Jet Set. It's indeed a pleasure. But may I inquire where did we meet already?" "Ah, at last year's Triple G of course, Your Highness. I was introduced to you by my father, Gold Standard." Now, that name did ring a bell for Celestia. Gold Standard was the owner of the last crystal mine in Canterlot, until it was closed down due to increasing risks of a cave-in. And after the fact, Mr Standard let go all of his former workers without severance pay. Celestia only wondered if Jet Set's audience would have to do anything with that... "I remember now." answered Celestia "And it was a wondrous event. Of course, it's always the attendees who make it so!" "Protocols, protocols, diplomatic talk..." Celestia thought. She smiled, but she wanted to roll her eyes. The last two hundred and forty-eight Galas were absolutely dreadful. And it didn't seem like to her that streak would end anytime soon. "I agree wholeheartedly!" said Jet Set, with a sudden pep to his voice "And that's especially true for me, because that's where I met my fiancée, the beautiful Upper Crust. And we're gonna marry pretty soon!" "Oh. Well, congratulations on the engagement, then! I wish you a wonderful life together." That wasn't just protocol on Celestia's part. She meant what she said. But she was also sure this announcement wasn't the sole reason this Jet Set pony was here. That wasn't how the Canterlot elite worked. "Thank you, Your Highness. And... It is my wish that the engagement would be crowned by a wonderful wedding. Actually, that's where a little request of mine comes in..." "Oh, here we go!" Celestia smirked ever so slightly. Jet Set slightly bowed his head, and started in a really dignified manner: "Princess... Your Highness. With the outmost respect, I ask you to officiate my wedding with my fiancée. She is the best pony on this Earth, and she deserves the best, the most special wedding possible. And what wedding could be more special, than one presided over by the Princess of Equestria herself?" Celestia wasn't taken aback by the request, but she found it a little too much nonetheless. Of course, it was somewhat of a Canterlot tradition that she herself would be there as the noblest of couples (or just very rich ones) said their vows, and the gratifying "Yes". Luckily, it was only "somewhat" of a tradition, as most ponies would find her presence a bit overbearing at such an event, and they settled for a "simply extravagant" wedding. "Very well..." Celestia said, slightly shifting on her throne "But it's going to cost you a lot to book out one of the great chambers of the Palace. And I mean, a lot." "Oh, money is not an issue. But I thought about the Palace Gardens, actually. By the time of the wedding, the weather's gonna be absolutely great. We'll hold it exactly a week before the Gala. So at the event, Upper and I could present ourselves to the crowd as a married couple already." Celestia was unamused. The upper echelon, and their never ending need to uphold appearances... "Very well." she said "But you know the rules: you don't just have to pay for everything, you also have to donate to charity if you want me at the wedding." That was an extra rule Celestia added to the roster a few centuries ago. So Equestria itself could benefit somewhat from such an extravaganza. "Oh, I thought of that already, Your Highness!" said Jet, putting a hoof to his chest "I'm gonna donate to the Society of Retired Miners of Canterlot. Fifty thousand bits, to be exact!" "Oh, how awfully ironic..." Celestia thought. "So you are going to donate fifty thousand bits... To retired miners. Is that correct?" she raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Princess. I think that is a fair amount." "Yes, that's about the amount they are due anyway. Or even less..." But rules are rules. Technically, Jet Set was going to fulfill every requirement to have Celestia at his wedding. Although... Although... A funny thought went through Celestia's mind. A bit devious, even. It was time, she thought, to make this tradition a thing of the past, finally. It was mainly used as bragging rights by the nobility anyway. It didn't serve a purpose. And it was clear to her that the donations happened out of obligation mostly. In other words, it was time to play a little prank on the nobility. It just happened that poor Jet Set would be the vessel for it. Not that he didn't deserve it too, though. And at the same time, it would be a great test for someone else. Someone dear to Celestia. "So, all you want Mr Jet Set... Is that the Princess of Equestria... To preside over your wedding?" Jet Set seemed confused for a moment, but then answered: "Yes, that is my humble request, Your Majesty." "That is all?" Celestia asked again. "Hmmm... Yes, that is all. I know, Your Highness, I know I ask for a lot probably, and you're very busy all the time, but..." Jet Set couldn't finish his sentence, as Celestia interrupted: "Nonsense! That can be arranged! So, Sunday one week before the Gala, right?" "Yes! If you agree then, I'll send you a letter with the details relevant to you in the coming days, Your Highness." "Very well! Thank you for attending my audience! See you at the wedding." With that, Jet Set was very obviously dismissed. But he was very happy, and bowed with a proud and confident smile as he thanked her princess. Then he left the throne room, giving his place over to the next pony in line. Celestia silently snickered as he was leaving. "This is going to be so great!" Evening finally came. The audience was over, and Celestia retreated to her chambers. She also took care of the Sun and Moon, the latter of which was still harder for her, and not just because that celestial spell wasn't tied to her special talent. It was the memories. Nevertheless, she wanted to talk to her adoptive niece, Duchess Mi Amore Cadenza, or as she affectionately called her, Cadence. Cadence, Duchess of Canterlot, was the offspring of nobles from Monacolt, a small, far-off pony realm. After her parents died in a mysterious illness, the very young orphan was taken in by Celestia, who ensured she would get the best upbringing in the castle. When she became older than a foal, the largely defunct title "Duchess of Canterlot" was also bestowed upon her, so she wouldn't feel out of place in the castle. But as she grew older, Celestia had to realize the noble-hearted unicorn cared little for titles, and wanted to focus on how she could care for ponykind, and make Equestria a better place. In other words, Cadence was walking the path to becoming a great pony. Celestia knew it. Knew from her visions, and those only got confirmed when the filly got her cutie mark. It was very similar to somepony's Celestia knew in the distant past. Celestia knew Cadence was to bind an empire broken. But that would only come later. Much later. In the present, a little test was due. There was a knocking on the door. Cadence knew who it was. She almost sang: "Come in, Auntie!~" It was indeed Celestia who entered the room. She walked closer to her niece, who, despite getting late, was still studying. "Hello, Cadence! How did you know it was me?" "Hello Auntie! Oh, your knocking just has a certain ring to it. Is it the horseshoes? Maybe, but it also has that certain presence to it, that no other knocking has." Celestia chuckled. Cadence stood up from her silk pillow, and embraced her aunt. Celestia returned it with a foreleg, and both wings. "I think you just searched for my magical presence again!" "I swear I did not, Auntie!" Cadence answered, as she released her "Although your unbound love for your subjects is very easy is detect, I admit." "I thought you could only do that with romantic love." "No, I can detect all kinds of love." Cadence said, and started to blush a bit "But yes, it's easier with romantic love..." The alicorn walked around the room a bit, which was a bit messy then. Mainly books, thrown about and around. The results of a long day spent studying. Celestia admired that, but she didn't let her thoughts drift off. She spoke: "While we're on the topic, did you know the noblestallion Jet Set is going to marry the noblemare Upper Crust? Their wedding will be about a month from now." "I didn't?" Cadence answered, and her idle hoof closed the book on her reading table "Sorry, but I don't know the Canterlot nobility as well as you, Auntie." "And perhaps you're better off!" Celestia smiled, and turned to Cadence "Sometimes I'm in awe how shallow the nobleponies can be, in more regards than you'd think." "Do you suspect their love isn't true? That's why you're telling me this?" Cadence raised an eyebrow, and her ears drooped ever so slightly. "Oh no. He is a showoff, but I think their love is true at least. It's just that Jet Set asked me to officiate their wedding. And I'd want you to be there too." "If their affection for each other is true, then I'll gladly attend, of course! You know I love weddings." Cadence cutely smiled. "I'm aware. But you won't just be another guest of honor. I'm planning something different for you." Cadence was stopped in her tracks. Her smile dissipated. She didn't say anything, but Celestia could read her perfectly. She stepped to her. The Princess of Equestria towered over the teenage unicorn. She playfully levitated the small tiara off her head, and asked: "Tell me Cadence: How much would you like to wear my crown?" The day of the wedding has arrived. As it was planned, a partitioned-off section of the palace gardens were the host to it, in all its grandeur. The natural beauty of the perfectly groomed flower bushes, and the flawless lawn were complimented nicely by the decorations done by the best wedding planner in Canterlot. Some guests also already saw the bride, who was wearing a dress made by the leading fashion designer of Canterlot. Celestia and Cadence looked on from behind the corner of an auxiliary building. Celestia was smiling with smug satisfaction, while Cadence wore a bit concerned expression. Jet Set was already standing in front of the podium, only Celestia, and an extra official was missing. "Gee, I don't know Auntie. But this feels a bit... underhooved? On their special day, maybe we shouldn't..." said Cadence, her voice a bit quivering, but Celestia interrupted. "Don't you worry Cadence. Everything will be alright. After all, his request will be fulfilled, will it not?" "I suppose that is true..." Celestia snickered: "It'll be fine! Come on now, time to kick off this wedding." Celestia walked to her place in the middle of the podium, with Cadence on her side. Two honor guards were escorting them. There, Celestia indicated with a hoof that the music shall start. Jet Set stepped up to Celestia, but with confusion on his face. The crowd also started murmuring. Celestia wasn't wearing any of her usual regalia. She only wore a small tiara, and the elaborate dress of a noblemare. Instead, it was Cadence wearing the full set. Nevertheless, the wedding march started to play by the small orchestra present. Four bridesmaids walked in front of the bride, Upper Crust, throwing flower petals on the ground. She was escorted by her father down the aisle, right up to Jet Set. If she was confused too, it couldn't be seen because of her veil. The orchestra stopped playing. It was silence for a few moments. Celestia whispered: "Oh, it's your turn Princess." Celestia and Cadence switched places. The teenage unicorn gulped. She felt her aunt's crown and peytral very heavy, despite shrunk down to the appropriate size by spell. She glanced up at Celestia. The latter nodded slightly. On the face of the crowd, was an even mix of confusion and expectation. Cadence started. "Dear Everypony! We have gathered here today to witness the union of two fine, young ponies, Jet Set and Upper Crust. I know I am unknown to you, and I'll be honest, I don't know many of you either. But let me say this: love, true love is a power that doesn't know bounds, that doesn't care about looks, formalities, customs or background. True love stems from inside, and lasts forever." Cadence interjected a moment of pause. The crowd seemed to die down. The groom also seemed to be less confused. The bride, as far as she could tell, was smiling under the veil. It's okay, Cady. You got this! Cadence continued: "This might seem hypocritical coming from a young pony like me. I indeed don't have lots of real experience. But I can feel love, and my cutie mark, ever since I got it, reminded me to look under the surface. At what is truly important. That whatever you wish for, the biggest gift might be what you least expect it to be. And that is love. The beloved next to you, that you can count on, and you can cherish. That's the only thing that is important in the blessed matrimony when two ponies decide to join their lives together." Cadence paused once again. Celestia was idle, wearing her trademark subtle smile. Upper Crust seemed teary eyed at that point. Jet Set seemed a bit lost in thought. Good. Perhaps my words are worth something... Cadence took a deep, but silent breath, and turned to Jet Set: "Jet Set, do you take this mare to be your wife, to live together in... The rest of the ceremony went on as per protocol. By the time the couple have kissed, Cadence felt the love, true love between them. She was happy about that. She thought she would officiate a wedding where all the formalities would take the first place. But the wedding bells rang true, after all. But what came after, the wedding reception, was absolutely lavish. It couldn't be helped, the nobility just loved the grandeur, and the groom made sure it would be remembered. After all, he threw so much money at the event, that it would be a miracle if it wouldn't be anything of the like. But hopefully, that was only a side to what was truly important, thought Cadence. The two royals kept to the sidelines during the event, but actually, most ponies didn't really want to come closer. They only talked about them from afar. But when the celebrations were in full swing, and enough wine and champagne were consumed, most seemed to even forget they were there. That was when Jet Set walked up to them. "Greetings, Princess...es. I was honored by your presence, of course. But I am confused. Don't get me wrong, but didn't you agree to officiate my wedding... Your Highness?" Jet Set was looking at Celestia. She and Cadence looked at each other for a second, then Celestia answered: "Don't get me wrong, but we agreed to that the Princess of Equestria would officiate your wedding, noble Jet Set. Don't you remember?" "Yes, but... You are the Princess of Equestria. Regardless of who wears the regalia." "You're quite wrong, Mr Set!" Celestia softly laughed "I am merely the Duchess of Canterlot as of earlier this day. The Princess of Equestria stands right before you. I abdicated!" Jet Set's mouth was left open. He looked down from the tall alicorn, to the unicorn in front of him. Cadence sheepishly smiled. Jet Set tried to find the words, but only a few buts left his lips. Instead, Cadence talked. "It's all true! Do you want to see my auntie's resignation papers? The documents declaring I took the throne? A transcript of my vows? They are all available for public viewing in the castle. A secretary can help you to them if you wish to see them." The stallion looked back and forth between the two mares. His face started to become a weird mix of confusion, disappointment, and anger. "I-Is this an elaborate joke? Please, your highness, why did you do this to me? I promised Upper Crust, and promised her family too, that Princess Celestia herself would preside over our wedding. Now I'll be the laughing stock of the nobility! I'll never wash away the shame!" Duchess Celestia rolled her eyes at that. Her tone became a tad more serious than previously. "Isn't all the reason the nobility holds someone in high regards is because of the title that pony holds? What I would be without my title? When we came to Equestria with my sister, we were noponies, random strangers, by current standards. We, I, never became nobles. But it seems my crown is so prestigious to so many, that it's an achievement if they can even come close to me. So why aren't you honored that the new princess, wearing that same crown was the one to declare you wed?" "It's not me... I... Look, I just wanted to make her feel special, right?" Jet Set sputtered, letting go of the formalities for a moment "Awing the nobility would've been just a bonus. I deeply respect you Princess... Duchess, not just your crown. I just didn't expect this turn of events. I just wanted everything to be perfect, by the book. That is all." Celestia looked at Cadence. And in turn, she looked at the disappointed stallion, with a warm smile. "Look, Jet. Can I call you Jet? If you want the love of your heart to feel special, then all you need is inside here, not all around!" Cadence put a hoof over the stallion's chest as emphasis. She continued: "Do you think this lavish party, all these expensive decorations are all that can make her feel special? Come on! I can feel that your love is true, but you must let go of the noblestallion, and just present yourself to her. I know she is a noble too, but when there are only the two of you, does that really matter? She should feel your love even then. Through things that money cannot buy." Jet Set visibly got to thinking. For a few seconds, he was looking at the ground, then he looked back at the Princess. "You make a point, I suppose... When I hoped for this relationship to become more serious, I started to shower my love with gifts. More and more expensive ones as time progressed. After a while, I asked her hoof in marriage. To my biggest surprise, she said yes. But I thought I had to pull something truly big to keep her feel special. Maybe, I was wrong?" Cadence smiled, shook her head a little, then put a hoof over Jet Set's shoulder. "If your fear she wouldn't love you otherwise, let me share a little secret with you: I felt her love too when you kissed!" Suddenly, Jet Set perked up, and his voice became chipper: "But that's...that's wonderful! I don't know how to thank you, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza! I just don't have enough words of gratitude!" "Well, first, Cadence is fine, Jet!" the pink unicorn chuckled "Secondly, you already thanked me enough by realizing what is truly important. I didn't do any service here, just what my cutie mark was always telling me. Making ponies realize the importance of love, and helping them open their hearts to the emotion." "I think you're doing a bigger service to ponies than you realize, Cadence." answered Jet Set, and bowed his head "And you too, Your Highness. I'm sure without your "prank", I wouldn't have gotten the chance to realize these things." Celestia gently nodded, but didn't say a word. Sure, a lesson was learned, but Jet Set still would have ways to go. As well as the nobility. But she couldn't change him, or them in a single day. So she just let her niece to talk instead. "I guess we are done here, then. And don't you worry about Auntie Celestia, I will abdicate tomorrow!" Cadence winked "But you should really get back to your bride now. Let's not keep her alone for too long on her special day." "Yes, yes, I'm going! And I already have ideas how to make her feel truly special! Princess. Duchess." Jet Set bowed his head to both of them, then turned around, and disappeared into the crowd. "I hope you'll start tonight. In your bedroom." said Cadence after he left, semi-loudly, then blushed profusely. She realized Celestia must have heard that too. She looked up at her adoptive aunt with an awkward grin. "I mean, considering everything, this wedding turned out better than I expected!" "Indeed." Celestia looked down at her niece "See though? I told you everything would be alright. And good thing a lesson was learned too, in the end." "I bet with your wisdom, you have foreseen all of that. You wanted all of this to happen exactly this way, didn't you Auntie?" Cadence smirked. "I swear I really did not, this time. I just wanted to pull a prank at the expense of the collective nobility. I hope they will think twice before they ask me to preside over their weddings from now on. Although, it was also a test. For somepony else." "And that was...?" "You." "I'm not sure how this was a test for me, Auntie. Could you elaborate?" "I'd choose not to. But it will become apparent later, Princess." "My Dear Auntie, cryptic as ever! But you won't pull a prank on me as well, and I can give back this title to you tomorrow, right? Your regalia is so heavy!" "Yes. Although, you'll have to keep the crown." Celestia's face went very serious. Cadence studied her aunt for a hitch, or anything indicating a joke, but Celestia's expression was flawless. But then, a few seconds later, she started snickering, and not being able to keep it in any longer, burst out laughing. At that point, Cadence laughed too. The two mares hugged each other in front of the revelry of the reception. After all, it was a good day for them too. THE END