> MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 > by JesusG0987 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue My name is Sunset Shimmer, I was a Unicorn Pony/now turned Alicorn in the magical land of Equestria. When I graduated from college, I went to the portal to visit my old friend Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and Princess of Equestria to hang out with her and see how Equestria has turned into a friendship utopia of all of her and her friends' achievements to all creatures. But when I returned home, I have realize that all of the ponies I know and loved are long gone, along with Twilight and her friends, and when I returned to Equestria, it was not the land I once knew, the landscape was different, and I learned that the three pony tribes have been divided and they’ve all lost their magic. I needed to know what happened to this land and figure out how to fix it, that’s when I bumped into a new generation of ponies who still remembered the true history of equestria. Hitch Trailblazer: The Earth Pony Sheriff who at times don’t have much hope but always be there for Sunny and her friends and is like a magnet to animals, kinda like both Applejack and Fluttershy combined as one, Izzy Moonbow: The Silly Unicorn who at times can be funny, reminds me of Pinkie Pie so much, but always find ways to keep the smiles to her friends, Zipp Storm: The Pegasus Princess who is a little rebellious and doesn’t like lying to her own kind, but always wanting what’s best for them and helping other ponies, reminds me of Rainbow Dash and her royalty, Pipp Petals: The Pegasus and young sister of Zipp Storm, unlike her sister, she wants the popularity and sometimes fame to her people while making videos for her so called ‘Pippsqueaks’, reminds of Rarity and a little bit of Fluttershy back in the day since I saw how scared she is, and lastly and my personal friend/student/sister figure is Sunny Starscout: The Earth Pony/Alicorn who heard tales of Twilight and her friends from her father, who still believe that the three tribes can be friends and brought them together and now became the new princess of friendship just like I have become an Alicorn to carry on the magic of Friendship Twilight once did to keep her legacy living. After our wild adventure and bringing the three tribes together again thus restoring the magic, I decided to stay for awhile longer with Sunny and her friends, so that I can teach them more about friendship to carry on Twilight’s legacy, find out how this all happens in the first place while figuring out what happen to Twilight and the others, while also to stay for Sunny’s case, to not only teach her about friendship and stories of Twilight, but also to look out for her, since she is like a sister to me and I’m basically the only thing she has close to her family who knows Twilight and the others from ancient Equestria, and I grew fond of Sunny since then, been teaching her how to master her new alicorn magic, teaching her more about friendship that I learned from Twilight and from my own ways while telling her some stories of Twilight’s time and my own at that, and being there for her when she’s down, and I would be there for her as long I drew breath from my lungs. In the plains near Maretime Bay, there were nothing but lovely flowers, green grass and the nice wind breeze that was pleasant. And then a shadow flew over, making some winds blow by, and by looking up in the sky is Zipp Storm, who is flapping her wings with pride, she looked behind her and shouted “C'mon you two! Get those wings flapping if you wanna fly with me!” she stated as she flew forward. Behind her are two certain ponies who are practicing their flying are no other than Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer, the two alicorn ponies and the Princesses of Friendship, Old and Young. Down below are three other ponies, Hitch, Izzy and Pipp are having a picnic together with Hitch’s animal crew are next to him, Pipp is livestreaming the picnic on her phone for her Pippsqueaks while Izzy is munching on her homemade sandwiches. Today is a nice day for Sunny, Sunset and their friends to have a friendship picnic together, and it is also a perfect day for the two alicorns to practice their flying lessons, with Zipp being the more experience flier than any pegasi in Equestria due to her practicing her gliding, she is best suited to teach the new alicorns how to fly. Sunset is doing better at her flying, proven since she just did a loop de loop besides Sunny since she is following her instincts on how to fly. While Sunny is not doing much better since she was born an earth pony before becoming an alicorn, she is having trouble balancing as she nearly toppled from her flight path. Sunset saw this and flew close to Sunny, helping her regain her balance. “Easy, Sunny, just let your instincts take over, and make sure to keep your wings flapping, don’t want you toppling to the ground like a rock tripping in a lake.” Sunset joked with a smile as she flew ahead of Sunny while gaining altitude. Sunny looked up to Sunset with a wide smile as she laughed a little at her joke. “Oh, I will catch up to you, Sunset, you just wait till I catch up!” she replied as she flew high to catch up to her. Sunset laughed as she was being chased by a young Earth Pony turned Alicorn while following Zipp’s flight lessons as they turned this into a race and to have fun with each other. Down at the picnic area, the three ponies down below are watching the scene unfold as they see the two alicorns having fun with each other as they watch on with a smile. “You know, ever since we brought the three tribes together and the magic was restored, Sunset and Sunny seem inseparable since they’ve become Alicorns and became the new princesses of friendship.” Pipp stated. “Well, what do you expect from those two?” Izzy replied with a smile. “Ever since Sunset came into our lives, she’s been teaching us the value of friendship, telling stories about Twilight and her friends, and been teaching me and Sunny about how to use our magic properly while Zipp is teaching them how to fly.” she added. “Well, they are like sisters in their own way, I mean, the word ‘Sun’ is in their first names.” Hitch said with a smirk as he snorted into laughter a bit but stopped as he saw Pipp and Izzy looking blank at him, even his animal crew. “Come on, that was a good one.” he said with a frown. The three then heard laughter as they looked up and saw Sunny and Sunset laughing as they are tackling each other in mid flight, they spun around each other a bit before they landed on the ground in a soft crash landing, as they land, they’ve toppled across the grass plains as they laughed, as they stop rolling, they laid next to each other on the group, laughing it out. “Ahahaha! I almost had you, Sunset!” Sunny laughed as she looked over to her mentor/sister figure. Sunset smiled back at her. “Yeah, almost, don’t worry, you’ll topple me next time.” she snorted as the two laughed again. Zipp flew down and looked over the two alicorns with a smile. “You two are getting good at flying though, keep practicing and you both will get the hang of it.” she stated as Sunny and Sunset got back up from their laughing fit. “Let’s stop for today, that’s enough flying lessons after that.” Sunset added as Sunny used her magic to make her horns and wings disappear, over time, Sunny found a way to transform between her Alicorn half and her Earth Pony half so she can hide her stats from some pony. Sunset was still amazed since she found that there was a spell to turn back and forth between an Alicorn form and the pony’s original form. “I still can’t get used to you transforming between your earth pony half and your alicorn half Sunny. It’s amazing to have that spell.” she commented with a smile. Sunny smiled at Sunset comment. “When you said that an alicorn spell is permanent, I figure I make myself more earth pony since that is my true form, and not sure if I can live up to Twilight’s legacy as the new Princess of Friendship as you have, Sunset.” she replied with a shy look. Sunset then placed her wing over Sunny as she smiled at her. “Hey, from what Twilight told me, even though she wasn’t ready when she first became a princess, it took some time for her to adjust to her new stats while she just sprouted her wings.” she stated. “And I understand that you aren’t ready, but don’t worry, your time will shine as Twilight once did.” she finished with a smile. Sunny smiled back as she hugged Sunset in return. “Thanks, Sunset, when you came back to Equestria, it’s great to have one of the Guardians of Friendship and a pony who is from ancient Equestria to keep up the dream.” she said. The four ponies looked at the other two with smiles, seeing how those two have bonded since Sunset first came to Maretime Bay. It brought joy and a dream come true to Sunny when she first saw a guardian of friendship in her life and brought back the friendship and the magic. Sunset and Sunny broke the hug as the two came to their friends as everypony enjoyed the rest of their picnic time. Later on, the Mane 6 returned to Maretime Bay, seeing that not only the Earth Ponies, but the Unicorns and Pegusi were enjoying their event together. Sunset smiled at the sight of Equestria returning to the land it once was as she remembered. “Isn't it great to see the three tribes together again, and not have anyone cowering in fear and paranoia to each like we’re monsters to each other?” Sunset said as she and her new generation friends walked through town. “Isn't it great? This is a sight that me and my father dreamed of ever since I was a kid and have been trying to bring them together to bring friendship to all.” Sunny replied with a smile as to see her and her father’s dream became a reality and spent years trying to make it real and now it has. Hitch then replied. “I may have been not as open minded as the two of you, besides Izzy and Zipp of course, but after seeing how things are including that quest, we had to find the crystals, I have to believe it to see it.” he stated as he reminded them of their first adventure together to bring back the magic and bring the ponies together again. “Though, I joined in the group while trying to track Sunny, I guess I was caught in the crossfire of the event at the time.” he added the moment of their time in Zephyr Heights that Hitch was unfortunate to join the group due to ‘certain’ events at the time. “Well, Hitch, you did follow me to Zephyr Heights after the whole Unicorn thing to Izzy and Sunset in Maretime Bay a while back, so I can see why.” Sunny commented about their first encounter with Izzy and Sunset's first step into Maretime Bay. “Well let’s be glad your ‘Sheriff of Maretime Bay’ disable all those Anti-Unicorn and Pegasi traps after that wild adventure, we don’t have to worry about green goops and metal traps anymore.” Sunset stated about the traps. Hitch snorted. “Don’t worry, I have Sprout and my trusted ponies disable those traps after we befriended the three tribes and brought them together,” he stated. Sunset and her group walked by the ponies, the ponies of Maretime Bay wave their hooves at the heroes that brought them together, the Mane 6 waved back at them, since their wild adventures and brought back the magic and friendship, the mane 6, especially Sunny and Sunset due to Sunny being the one to bring them together and Sunset being a Guardian of Friendship, they have become celebrities of known areas in Equestria like Bridelwood and Zephyr Heights, Maretime Bay was one of them. Sunny covered her face with Sunset’s wings, Sunset looked at her with a chuckle, seeing this coming. “Don’t worry, Sunny, it's over now.” Sunset comforted the little Earth Pony as they walked past the crowd. Sunny uncovered her face with a smile and a blush on her cheeks. “Sorry, just not used to being famous yet.” she admitted to her friends. “Why not, Sunny, you and Sunset have become stars in all of Equestria! Even my Pippsqueaks are boomed whenever I have videos or photos of you two.” Pipp stated as she took out her phone and selfie, Sunny and Sunset together as she snapped a photo, and then she posted them for her Pippsqueaks on the web, and a second later, her photo page just got tons of likes and great comments from her Pippsqueaks. “See! Even my Pippsqueaks like you two.'' She showed them as they both smiled amusingly at Pipp’s live stream videos and photos. “Not everypony can enjoy being famous, Pipp.” Sunset reasoned with the little Pegasus, “Even though we may be alicorns and the rest of you are celebrities, we like to be like everypony else. Besides, Twilight and her friends may be famous, but they need some time to themselves as well, and sometimes being famous can be not cool.” She told them as Twilight once mentioned to Sunset that time about their friendship journal and shared it to everypony in Ponyville but ended up in disaster. Pipp then thought of what Sunset just said. “Well, when you put it that way. I understand, but still, it’s nice to have my Pippsqueaks back after this outcome!'' She is happy that her Pippsqueaks returned after the followers forgave her and her family for being liars on telling them the royalties can fly. Zipp rolled her eyes with a smile at her little sister's antics. “As long as you're happy and not lying to them, I’m okay with that.” she stated as her sister smiled at her. Izzy hopped while singing to herself. “I just loved being together with you guys, sure brings warmth in our hearts.” she called out. Sunset smiled at Izzy, “It sure is, Izzy. Being with you guys sure reminds of Twilight and her friends back in the day, when they brought the magic of friendship to all in Equestria.`` She smiled fondly at the new generation ponies as they smiled back to each other, Sunset may know that Twilight and her friends and most other familiar ponies that she knows may be gone, they will always be with her as their spirits live on. Sunset then spoke out, “C’mon you guys, let’s get some supplies that we may need to redecorate Sunny’s Lighthouse, the outside maybe finished but we need to finish up the inside as well if we wanna make the lighthouse a beacon of friendship since the magic returned and the three tribes together again.” she called out. The others smiled and followed Sunset to the store that has the supplies they need to redecorate Sunny’s old home. Over time, the Mane 6 been redecoration the lighthouse with some new makeover to make it more like a beacon of friendship and for all to know, Sunset took liberty of staying at Sunny’s place while staying in Equestria, which Sunny agreed all to instantly to let a Guardian of Friendship to stay in her own home, Sunset even brought the Mirror portal to the lighthouse as well, so she can go back to the human world to grab her things and tell her human mane 6 the friends the news, which they understand and since knowing the time difference, Sunset can come back and visit them sometimes but can’t stay long after now learning how much time has passed in Equestria since the last time Sunset visit, which is why her human friends would still be around while she stay in Equestria to train the new generation and stay with Sunny to look after her and her friends, and figure out clues on how Equestria came the way it did and what happened to Twilight and her friends along the way. The group walked out of the store with the supplies they needed for the Lighthouse as they walked down the streets to redecorate their new home, wondering what adventure awaits along the way. End of Prologue. > Chapter 1: A Home to Share > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: A Home to Share “Welcome to the home of our dreams!” Sunny called out to joy to her and her friends’ new home as her old lighthouse home been redecorated into the Crystal Brighthouse as it has  pastel blue with turquoise roofing and white trim. There are pink trees growing around it. The front door is pink and framed by an arc of stained glass windows. It even has the Unity Crystal atop of the very peak of the building. And then a loud stomping was heard as a giant crab came stomping to the brighthouse, as it hit the roof and broke it in half, as the crab roared, a hoof grabs him, revealing that the brighthouse was just a model to what Sunny, Sunset, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp were looking at before the crab destroyed it. Sunset was not amused by that as she glared at the Sheriff. “Hitch, would you please keep that krab under control, we just finished that model.” she retorted to the earth pony. Hitch laughs nervously at what one of his animal crew did. “Sorr, Sunset.” He then whispered to the krab. “Cool it, McSnips-a-lot.” he told McSnips so he wouldn’t have to deal with Sunset’s wrath, but then McSnips snips off a piece of his mane, leaving Hitch with an unamused look on his crab’s actions. Sunny smiled at those two before facing Sunset. “That’s okay, Sunset. Let's forget the model. We're going to make the real Crystal Brighthouse perfect!” she pointed out to the real Brighthouse next to them, ready to be finished. It was the day the Mane 6 finished up Sunny’s old lighthouse into something new. For a dawn of the new age of friendship and harmony, they decided to redecorate the lighthouse into the Crystal Brighthouse based on the Unity Crystals and their adventures they’ve been to since reuniting the three tribes, and Sunny full-heartly agreed to redecorate her home good as new and better than ever as her and her father dreamed of. Izzy then gasps and squeals at this outcome. “Then we can spend every minute of every day together for the rest of our lives!” she said excitedly. Zipp however laughs nervously at what Izzy just said. “What?” she asks if she heard Izzy correctly. Sunset saw this and put a wing on Zipp's shoulder. “Don’t worry, Zipp, Izzy just saying that now that the three tribes are together, we can hang out more often, and since Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood are two days away from here to there, the crystal brighthouse is where we will stay together.” she assures Zipp in a way she would understand what Izzy just meant. Zipp then put a smile and a sigh of relief in understanding. “I guess you are right. It is a two day flight or hike from here to our homes so I guess I understand now. I guess it will be fun.” she added. “Of course it will, sis.” Pipp spoke out. “It's going to be iiiicooooniiiic-kuh!” she sang out the last word. “And I'm gonna teach this little fella how to build a shelf!” Hitch spoke up as he picked up a wrench with his hoof. “You know, I'm actually pretty hoovesy.'' He spun the wrench around and then he dropped it, destroying what remains of the model. “Ooh, whoops.” he said in embarrassment as Sunset looked at him with a bored expression. “Pretty hoovesy, huh?” Sunset commented as Hitch sheepishly laughed at his own embarrassment. “Maybe we should get started before any one of our tools destroy any more of our things.” she announced she wanted to get started before more wreck happens. Sunny then turned to the supplies they got early for the final preparations for the brighthouse. “Sunset’s right. There's a lot to get done, but we can do anything if we work together. Now, I think if we just—” before she could finish, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp start stampeding and took some of the supplies before heading straight into the brighthouse, Sunset was behind since she wanting to take her time,but wasn’t expecting the group to be so in a rush. “Enthusiasm! I like it!” she giggled at that as Sunny looked at Sunset with a smile. “Ready to finish our new home, Sunset?” she asked with a giggle. Sunset looked at Sunny with a smile. “I am ready, Sunny. Though I never seen the others go that hyped before, well, except for Pinkie Pie, she always would rush in excitements every day.” Sunset smiled fondly at the memory of Pinkie Pie. “Sure brings back memories for ya, huh.” Sunny said with a smile. “Sure does. Now let's go, we don’t wanna keep the others waiting.” Sunset stated as she grabbed some of the supplies left over. “Sure thing!” Sunny excitedly exclaimed as she grabbed the remaining of the supplies as she and Sunset trotted to the Brighthouse “Wait up, roomies!” she shouted out as the two trotted inside to the brighthouse. Sunny and Sunset then gasp at the sights of her friends working as they were trotting back and forth between their own line of work in their own ways.  Pipp is livestreaming the whole thing on her phone. “Hello, Pippsqueaks! And welcome to the ultimate D.I.Y. home makeoveeeer!” she squeals with excitement as the mane 6 starts their tasks. (Gonna Work Work Work) (Mane 6) Just a little touch-up Just a little paint And we'll be done in no time Sunset and Sunny saw Zipp painting the walls at her fast flying as she zig and zagged the paint all around the brighthouse.  Izzy is painting on her side with purple paint while holding the paint jar with her magic. She nearly dropped and spilled it when she saw Sunny and Sunset coming to her as Sunny caught the paint jar. “Hey, this is looking great!” Izzy commented as she and the two alicorns looked at their progress. (Mane 6) 'Cause they say many hooves And the work gets lighter And working with your friends Will make the whole day brighter Gonna work, work, work Got so much to do Well, I don't mind the work 'Cause I get to work with you Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do Hitch then looked at the instructions of the shelf while showing McSnips on how to set it up with Sunny coming up to him with a smile, as Hitch used his measuring tape, McSnip snapped the tape with his claws, while Sunny walked up, Hitch was irritated with McSnip keeps snipping things, especially one of his tools. And then Sunset levitated a spare measuring tape to Hitch, which he appreciated with a smile as Sunset winks and smiles back for helping. The 6 ponies then group up together with a smile as they continue their progress in great work. Sunny and Sunset were sweeping the floors with brooms as the group kept scattering in their tasks as, with Zipp kept painting, Izzy is running with the paint, Hitch is trying to catch McSnip to teach him more about the setting up the shelve thing, and to make sure he won’t snips anything else in the brighthouse, while Pipp is posting and livestreaming her progress with her phone while holding a wallpaper. Sunny smiled at her friends’ progress while Sunset is having a sense of deja vu from their tasks with a concerned frown, thinking that they might be overdoing it a bit, or it’s probably in her head. Izzy continues her painting job, but is doing a sloppy job as she just paints all the way and not in a perfect order. Hitch is looking at the piece of the shelf as he inspects it. And then threw that piece away as he brought up his wrench as McSnips grabbed a hammer and hammered a nail on the wood. Sunny and Sunset saw that their friends are getting a little overboard on their tasks as Sunny and Sunset are starting to grow worried and having second thoughts on their friends progresses.  Pipp then starts rapping while bringing out a purple wall paper. “I found the perfect color.” Now Hitch starts rapping as well with his glasses on and with McSnips on his back while bringing out his measuring tape. “Yeah, and you know that I measure right?” the question. Zipp kept painting zig zagging around “Cause we'll be done in no time!” she rapped. Izzy then levitated the purple pink bucket. “And we'll make this place a delight” she rapped as she chugged the whole paint into the wall. (Mane 6) 'Cause they say there is magic In every pony And when I need a hoof I've got you there beside me Gonna work, work, work... Sunny and Sunset saw the chaos that their friends are making in their new home as they saw Zipp who stopped to realize that she painted zeg-zag the whole wall of her area, as a bird flew into an open window and got stuck to the wall on where a paint line is at. Zipp saw then and looked at her bucket and realized that she had used wall glue the whole time, as she chuckled in embarrassment at her mix up. Sunny and Sunset were sweeping desperately trying to get the floor clean as Pipp flew over them while still livestreaming on her phone. “This blank canvas is getting the royal treatment!” Pipp announced as she flew in circles but her wind current blew the pile of dirt that Sunny and Sunset swept right onto the two ponies heads. “Big dreams for such a tiny little price!” she commented Sunny and Sunset both looked irritated at both the dirt on their heads and Pipp’s comments. “Hey!” they shouted. Sunset then rolled her eyes as she focused her magic and magically got both sets of dirt off her and Sunny’s heads. Sunny smiled at Sunset. “Thanks, Sunset. You know, I think the others are getting out of focus here, because right now they aren’t even paying attention to the tasks at hoove.” Sunny commented. “I’m with you there, Sunny.” Sunset replied as she looked at the others. “This is getting out of hoove, we gotta get them to focus before they bring the brighthouse down.” Both she and Sunny shiver at the thought of their home being down right before it was finished. Izzy then laughs as she keeps splattering the wall with different colors of paints. “It needs more! More!” she cheered as she splattered more paint into the walls, Sunny and Sunset both ducked before a paint hit them as another paint splatterd at a pony portrait, might be one of Sunny’s relatives as said pony gasp in shock as she tried to rub the paint off. Hitch is having trouble setting up the shelf with McSnips being on it as he was tilting and dropped to the floor as he yelped. Pipp was then setting up photos of herself on the walls. “Fan art!” she sang cheerfully as Zipp flew by and wallpapered the wall, with Pipp’s pictures in the process “Hey!” she shouted out to her sister as Zipp flew around, setting up the wallpapers. “Uh, ponies? I think we're losing focus here!” Sunny told the group as she is about to freak out. Sunset saw this as she grew worried for the young pony. Hitch then caught up to his crab friend who was carrying his measuring tape away. “McSnips-a-lot!” He lectured to the crab. “Aah!” Sunny shouted as a chair nearly hit her as she ducked the incoming object as Sunset turned to the other side before getting hit. The two then turned and saw Izzy sweeping the floor with her right rear leg, carrying the dishes with her left front hoof as she leviatated the chair with her magic. “Multitasking!” Izzy commented as she was doing three things at once. “Design hack!” Pipp called as she put a wallpaper on the wall. “Picture wall!” she announced it. Sunny and Sunset both jaw dropped at their friends not focusing on their tasks as they both turned and saw something. “Aah!” They both shouted as they both saw the chair about to hit one of Sunny’s plants and Sunset’s personal flower pot with her and her friend's picture on it. As the both plants tilted and about to fall, both Sunny and Sunset caught the plants before they broke on the ground. They then turned and saw Zipp somehow covered in wallpaper. “Aaahh!” Zipp screamed as she wobbled and fall to the ground  Pipp then starts trying to put her throne upstairs but is having trouble with how heavy it is. “How... much... further?!” she panted as Cloudpuff, who is somehow there with them, is helping her show the way with safety signal sticks. “What about my automatic breakfast butler bot?” Izzy questions as she presents her breakfast butler bot from in the kitchen, leaving Sunset baffled on how or why she even has that, as Izzy turns the machine one as it spits out pancakes. Zipp then got tangled on the ceiling lights as she hung upside down with McSnips on one of her hooves. “Help!” she called out while struggling. “Help!” Hitch called out as he is hammering the shelf and is having trouble setting it. “My ice sculpture's melting!” Pipp cried out as the ice sculpture of herself in a pose starting to melt from the temperature in the brighthouse. “Glitter!” Izzy announced as she threw glitter into the air, then at the fridge, “Glitter!” Then at Sunny’s relative's picture again, “Glitter!” Then the bird stuck to a wall. “Glitter!” And then she put glitter on Sunny and Sunset's faces. “Glitter!” she sang as she twirled away from said two ponies who had shocks on their faces as they looked at each other with concerns and worried expressions. Sunny and Sunset then check out the rest of the brighthouse with freak out expressing as they saw the living room a mess, and then the bedroom where they would be sleeping in that also have the stain glass with the crystal’s rainbow is shooting out as Sunny plop to the floor with a shock expression while Sunset has a twichy eye of the chaos their new home is having. Then both Sunny and Sunset then checked out the bathroom which was surprisingly intact, clean and finished, leaving the two ponies with smiles on their faces that at least one room in the brighthouse is intact and not messy. “Oh. That's actually quite nice.” Sunny commented at the sight. “Don’t you think, Sunset?” she asked her alicorn mentor/friend/sister-figure. “It sure is. At least one area of the brighthouse is okay.” Sunset replied with a smile, but then she ate those words as a certain Unicorn came in and made a mess. “Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!” Izzy shouted as she threw glitter all over the bathroom. Sunny and Sunset then both stand as they both have twitchy eyes while trying to stay calm due to all this chaos. “Ugh…” they grunted from the mess their friends made. And then their friends are starting to have breakdowns of their own. “I can't get it straight!” Hitch shouted as he plop to the floor, admitting that he can’t set up a shelf right. “What about the breakfast bot?!” Izzy commented on not knowing what to do with her breakfast bot, either she keeps it or gets rid of it. “Can somepony get me down?” Zipp asked any of the group to help her down as she is tangled in wallpaper again and is hanging upside down with the celian lights while Pipp is flying around in a panic state. Sunny and Sunset tried to calm them down. “Ponies!” Sunny called out. “Guys! Calm down! You all have to calm down if we need to get it straight!” Sunset added as she and Sunny tried to get through to them.  A pancake from breakfast bot nearly hit Pipp as she flew out of the way but hit the picture of Sunny and her father, it tilted as it dropped from the wall, about to hit the floor. Sunny and Sunset saw this as Sunny gasps. “No!” she cried out as she ran to try and catch her picture of her and her dad. Sunset saw this. “I got it!” she shouted as she used her magic to levitate the picture, giving Sunny the chance to grab it before it broke to the floor. Sunny smiled at Sunset. “Thanks, Sunset. This picture means everything. It’s one of the only things I have close to me and my father.” She held the picture close to her. “Anytime, Sunny. But I think we should talk somewhere else until things cool down. Because things are getting really messy.” Sunset called out as she pointed a hoof to where both she and Sunny saw the chaos and their friends panicking as they both grew nervous. Knowing that Sunset is right, both she and Sunny both ran to the bedroom, where Sunny closed the door before things got worse. Taking a breather, Sunny and Sunset both turned and saw the bedroom, even if it’s messy, the sight of the rainbow shining through the roof brought some comfort to the two ponies. Sunny put the picture of her and her father on the front of her bed. “I don't understand, Sunset. I thought working together would be easy, but it turns out it's super messy.” she stated but then a paper got stock on her right hoof, she shook it off but is having a hard time doing it. “Let me get that, Sunny.” Sunset said as she grabbed the paper and took it off of Sunny’s hoof, as Sunset threw the paper away, she put a wing on Sunny’s back. “Listen, I know this is messy and all, but let’s cut our friends a break, the three tribes been separated for like, I don’t know how many moons, but they are still new to this whole new experience, and base on what we saw outside, they never done this before, well, Pipp’s ego maybe getting in the way on wanting her things in the brighthouse but the others, they are having trouble adjusting for the time being.” Sunny then looked down, and seeing how Sunset’s advice isn’t cutting it yet, she added in another one. “Look, from what Twilight told me, her friends were having trouble with Twilight’s new home when Twilight and Spike moved in after they lost their old one.” She stated as she remembered how Twilight told Sunset and the Rainbooms on her battle with Tirek and the destruction of the library which results in getting a castle. “When Twilight first moved into the Friendship Castle, she was uncomfortable with it and been trying to stay away from it.” she told Sunny as said earth pony looked at Sunset in shock. “Princess Twilight was uncomfortable with her own castle?” Sunny questioned in shock. “Why would she be uncomfortable in her own castle, Wasn’t that her home?” she asked. “Not always, Sunny.” Sunset answered the confused earth pony. “From what Twilight told me, being in that castle didn’t feel like home to her, she was looking for some activities to do with her friends to stay away from the castle. And then when her friends were helping her out to make the castle feel like home, her friends wanted to surprise her to make the castle more like home, but they only brought the things that make them feel like they’re at home, and that made pretty much a mess in the castle. But, thanks to a little thought through and some ideas that would really make Twilight at home, they have brought in the remains of her old home and made it into a decorative object so that it will remind Twilight of her old home and the good memories she had with her and her friends when she first met them.” She stated what Twilight told her about all the times she had with the tree library in Ponyville and the memories she shared. Sunny looked stunned at what Sunset told her, she heard tales of Twilight and her friends but some of them are not all complete and most of the history was lost over time. “Wow, I never thought of that, and to think Twilight went through the same experience I had once before. But not when my home is destroyed, it’s to get used to the changes and adapt to the times.” she added in amazement that she and Twilight must be alike in many ways. Sunset smiled at Sunny, seeing how her and Twilight are alike in many ways. “Maybe things may get messy, but things will turn out great if we do our best.” and then the two ponies then hear the sounds of chaos going on as Sunset groans, seeing that this can’t go on any longer. “I should take care of things out there, before it gets any more messy. Join in if you are feeling ready, Sunny.” She told the earth pony as Sunset trotted off to stop the chaos going on. “I will, Sunset!” Sunny called out as Sunset went out the door to try and stop any more chaos. Sunny then sighs while thinking what Sunset said as she looked at her and her father's photo. “I wish you were here, dad. You always knew how to bring out the best in me. And right now, I really need my best, like how Sunset is doing her best.” She looked at the photo then out the door where Sunset and the others were, she thought of what Sunset said and what her father would do, as a realization struck her as she smiled. “Wait. Maybe that's what Sunset and my friends need me to do – to bring them together to bring out their best!” She then kisses the picture as she puts it down and heads to the door before taking a last look at the photo as she smiles. “Thanks, dad.” she said as she opened the door and closed it. At the main room, Sunset was untangling Zipp who was still stuck while Hitch was biting on the shelf in frustration while Pipp was live streaming the bathtub that somehow got gems with Cloudpuff in it with Izzy levitation the whole tub. Sunset calmed the group down a bit but Hitch was starting to lose it as she tried to calm him down while the two ponies, Unicorn and Pegasus, were playing around the bathtub. Sunny then walked in front of the group with a serious face. “Okay, everypony! Just stop!” she called out to the group as silence came to the room as the others looked at Sunny in shock with Izzy undoing her levitation spell which resulted in a thud to the ground. Sunny continued with a calm and gentle look. “Look, I love how much energy you're bringing to this. But this is supposed to bring us together, not pull us apart. And right now…” she gestured to the whole brighthouse of the mess they made, one fo the windows is covered in paint while a wallpaper piece fell to the floor, the breakfast bot was rolling around until it slip and fell on the floor from the mess on the ground while the bird from earlier is still glued to the wall. The group then realize the mess they made as Zipp got the wallpaper piece off her and spoke out about their action. “It's a mess.” she admitted with a frown. “Yeah, I-I-I didn't want to say anything.” Izzy committed with a frown as well. “I'm in way over my head!” Hitch added  as he leaned into the shelf with McSnips next to him. “This is a total makeover fail!” Pipp dramatically called out as she flopped to the ground about their actions. Sunset then spoke out to the group. “Guys, you were all just excited about our new home. And I understand that, but you’re all so excited that you didn’t realize the mess ya’ll  were doing. But we can correct those mistakes if we stay focused and work together.” she told them as they both thought about what she said. Sunny then spoke next as she was next to Sunset’s side. “Sunset’s right, guys. It's not a fail. It's a... work-in-progress.” she called out as the group started to smile at what two of their friends just said as they came closer to Sunset and Sunny. “Come on, everypony. We can do this…” both Sunny and Sunset then called out at the same time. “Together!” They both shouted as the Mane 6 got back to work and cleaned up the mess they made, and this time, they are keeping their focus.  (Continue Gonna Work Work Work song) (Mane 6) Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do Gonna work, work, work Got so much to do Well, I don't mind the work 'Cause I get to work with you (Sunny and Sunset: I get to work with you!) Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do! Sunset and Izzy are leviatating the furtnitures with Hitch helping them with where to put it, once found the perfect spot, they set the furniture down. Zipp is flying around, setting up the wire lights in a perfect pattern. Sunny is setting up the pillows on the couch in a fun way with McSnip helping while pounding the pillows so that they could be fluffy. Pipp removed her self-portraits while Sunny set up one of her childhood drawings of how the lighthouse once looked like with a rainbow next to it on a sunny day, pardon the sunny pun. Zipp used her wings to blow away the dirt that hit the dirt shovel that Izzy was holding as the two ponies smiled at their accomplishments as they high hoove each other. In the bedroom, Sunny is setting up her photo of her and her dad next to her bed while Pipp is setting one of her picture frames next to her’s as Sunset set a picture of her and her human mane 6 together next to her bed as the three ponies looked at each other with a smile. Hitch then used McSnips as a power drill to screw the nail in place so the shelf stays in place. In the bedroom, the mane 6 got some decorative stains on them while working but they’ve finally got the brighthouse finished.  Pipp then flew in front of the group with her phone on hoof, getting the hint, the rest came close to Pipp’s phone line of camera. “Say ‘besties’!” Pipp called out as the camera clicked and snap the group together in a photo. A little while later, they printed the photo out of Pipp’s phone and Sunny then framed it on the shelf Hitch made earlier. The shelf then tilted a little as both Hitch, Sunny and Sunset gasped at it, worried that the photo might fall, but sighs in relief as the photo and the shelf didn’t fall. The Mane 6 then take view at the complete Crystal Brighthouse, on the outside, the Crystal Brighthouse is shining the rainbow right out of it for everpony in Equestria would see, in the bedroom is where the glass of the rainbow to where the elevator to the top of the brighthouse is is shining the rainbow to the top with the five beds of the ponies, Sunny, Sunset, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp, staying there that fit each of their personalities, since Hitch has his own place to live and is from Maritime Bay like Sunny, he was there to hang out with them, not live with them, and wasn’t comfortable being around mares since he is the only stallion of the group. In the main room, the group looked on with a smile at their teamwork. “It's even better than I imagined.” Sunny commented with a smile. “It sure is, Sunny, it sure is.” Sunset commented with a smile as she drew a wing over Sunny while taking a look at their new home.  The group smiled as they continued to look at their new home, that is until loud pounding could be heard, which startled the mane 6 as they looked to the source, only to realize to see McSnips pounding on the stairway of the brighthouse, which surprise the group how strong that tiny krab is for making a loud noise with his pounding. “Leave it, McSnips-a-lot!” Hitch lectured his animal friend, McSnips stopped to look at him for a brief moment, before resuming his pounding, but at a faster paste, which results Hitch to faceh oove himself at McSnips misbehavior. Sunset rolled her eyes as she levitated McSnip to Hitch as she gave the said stallion a bore look. “I think you should teach McSnips a lesson on behaving, because he’s not really behaving lately.” she added while looking at the krab. Hitch chuckled in embarrassment at Sunset’s look and to what she said. “I’ll try and teach him a lesson so he can behave well.” he stated before McSnips snapped the same area of his mane again, leaving Hitch with an amusing expression at his animal friend action, again. The rest then smiled at what just happened again as the whole group started laughing at Hitch’s misfortune. Hitch then laughs with them as even he finds that funny. Today may have been a wacky one, but now they learned how to work together and finished their new home as they now accomplish their achievement and a new home for the heroes to rest in and stay together. End of Chapter 1. > Chapter 2: Zipp Gets Her Wings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Zipp Gets Her Wings In the middle of the day, Zipp is flying around Maritime Bay at a quick fast paste as she zooms around, bounced off a trampoline and zooms straight to the sky viewing the sun as she zooms down to ground in a puff of smoke, sliding and standing straight with pride.  While she smiled to herself of her best fliyng, her sister, Pipp was livestreaming the whole thing through her phone, which Zipp noticed in shock. “That's all, Zippsters! Pipp called out as Zipp sped away from the view of the camera, Pipp thought to give Zipp her own video livestream by filming her big sister’s flying. “Like and subscriiiiibe!” Pipp sang the last part while waving at the camera as Zipp came next to her and came to her sister’s side with an irritated look, which Pipp noticed. “Stop trying to make "Zippsters" happen, Pipp!” Zipp called out while Pipp flinched from her sister’s reaction. “I don't want followers!” She added as she put Pipp’s phone down, ending the livestream before Zippsters became an even more thing that it has to do with her sister livestreaming her flying tricks. A little while later at a fruit stand, Sunny is serving her fruit smoothies to Hitch and Izzy while Sunset is helping Sunny out. A while ago, Sunset asks Sunny that if she can work at the smoothie stand with her, to get a job while being in a new Equestria era while adapting to the times and being there for Sunny, which Sunny agreed fully heartily to give Sunset the job, so far, Sunset's been helping Sunny with the smoothie deliveries while also making more smoothies at twice the time, which makes the smoothie business booming with the two heroes of equestria working there.   Sunny then gave two smoothies to the two of her best friends. “And that's two pineapple punch smoothies with extra…” she called out as she turned around and saw that the fruit supplies in the crates were empty, which also surprised her along with Hitch and Izzy looking at the back. “Nothing?” she asked in surprise, seeing how fast the fruits supplies were spend as she turned to see Sunset coming back with the smoothie cart she is moving. “Sunset, your back. How has your delivery service been?” Sunny asked. Sunset looked at Sunny with a smile. “It was great, Sunny. The customers were grateful for getting their smoothies and I got a big tip.” she added as she showed a dozen or so bits in her saddle bag. With her wings and magic, she can make smoothies and deliver them at a fast paste. “Good for you.” Sunny told her with a smile as she grew a concerned look. “Hey, Sunset, have you seen any fruit deliveries lately, because we ran out of fruit. I used the last of it to make these two smoothies for Hitch and Izzy here.” she pointed out the last remaining smoothies. Sunset frowned at the dilemma and answered Sunny. “Sorry, Sunny. Haven’t seen any fruit deliveries all day. They should’ve sent us the supplies by now.” she added. “Huh. That is strange.” Sunny commented as she turned to Hitch and Izzy with an apologictic expression. “Sorry, everypony. Our fruit delivery was supposed to get here hours ago.” She spoke out of the schedule of the fruit supplies that should’ve been here by now. Izzy then gave them a smile as she spoke. “I mean, you know what they say – a late delivery is probably a safe one.” She suggested the delivery is probably being safe and will be here soon. “I don’t know, Izzy. If you think it would be a safe delivery, they would’ve been here by now.” Sunset replied. “I mean, what kept them from bringing the supplies?” she commented right before the group started seeing a shadow overhead the group. “Huh?” Hitch questioned where did that come from. “What was that?” Sunset commented. Sunny then looked out the window and saw what’s up in the sky. “Huh?” questioned in shock. The four ponies gasp in shock as a Pegasus mare with the fruit supplies came crashing down right into a glasses stand as fruits came flying by. Both Sunny, Izzy and Sunset screamed while Hitch looked in shock while the three former ponies duck for cover from the fruits, Hitch wasn’t so lucky as a green fruit splat right into his face. The three girls looked at the crash site and saw the Pegusus mare. The Pegasus has iris-colored hooves and bright lilac eyes. Her mane, tail, and flight feathers are light yellow. Her mane is wavy and tied in a ponytail with a light green tie. She wears a pink visor and bag. Her Cutie Mark is two yellow shooting stars with trails that match the color of her hooves. She groans from the crash as she is covered in fruit juice.  The Pegasus recovered quickly as she stood up and cleared her throat as she spoke out in a nervous voice. “Fifi's Flying Fruit Smoothies Smooth Fruit Delivery Service! Where every delivery is... smooth.” She said with a sheepish smile to the stand that she crashed as an Earth Pony mare slipped on a banana peel and fell to the ground as an Earth Pony stallion looked in shock at the destruction of the stand. The three ponies looked in shock at the sight as Sunset broke ths silence. “Well, I guess we know why our fruit delivery was late.” she said as Sunny shook her head in agreement. Sunset continued. “Oh, Celestia. Ever since the magic returned, the Pegasi has been having a hard time flying, since they haven’t flown to the sky in many moons.” she added. “Yeah, I see what you mean, Sunset.” Hitch commented. “This can’t go any longer, I have to fill out the paperwork for this stand and report about this.” He added on his sheiff duty in need to do the paperwork of today’s incident. “Hitch, this is serious.” Sunset rolled her eyes at Hitch’s only focusing on his job. “If these Pegasi don’t fly properly, then not only are the stands and more crashes will happen again, but somepony are gonna get hurt if the Pegasi don’t start practicing their flying.” she added as she is concerned about the Pegasi lack of flying. Pipp came to the group with a concern frown as well after seeing the crash. “I agree with Sunset you guys. We need to find a solution to the Pegasi lack of flying. I can’t stand to see one of my own falling like that. It’s not right.” She added in a personal manner since she is a Pegasi herself. “We need to help these Pegasi to fly better. No way me and Sunny could do it, we can barely handle our wings for just a proper flight. And Pipp just know how to fly straight thanks to those wires back at the Zehpyr Heights Castle.” Sunset commented on the fact that she and Sunny barely got a handle of their own wings themselves while Pipp only followed flight patterns thanks to the wires. “We need somepony who knows more about flying than any of us combined. And I know just the pony who would be right for the job.” she commented with a smirk as she and the others looked at Zipp walking to them. Zipp laughs at the incident, finding it funny that a Pegasus can’t fly right. “Whoa. Somepony really needs to teach these Pegasi how to fly.” she pointed out as she continued to laugh. The rest of the mane Mane 6 all thought what Sunset was thinking as they looked at her with sparkling eyes. “Ahhhh…” they said together as Pipp brought Fifi into the group, looking confused as to why they were looking at Zipp. Zipp stopped laughing and looked at her friends with a worried expression, knowing what her friends were thinking. “Oh. No-no-no-no-no!” Zipp nervously started out as she started to sweat and waved her hoof to clear her point. “Teaching Sunset and Sunny to fly is already hard enough. There's no way I would ever…” She was cut off as her friends are still staring at her, knowing that their minds are made up. A while later, the others finally convince Zipp to teach the Pegasi to fly as they are in an open clearing from Maritime Bay where Zipp is recruiting her students, two of her royal guards, Zoom and Thunder, and a pink Pegasus named Windy, in front of the mane 6, ready to learn how to fly.  Zipp reads the introduction in an unenthusiastic way next to a sign that saids WINGS with Zipp’s lightning bolt for the I and her wings in the sides. "Welcome to W-I-N-G-S. ‘The Wonderful Institute of No-Gravity Skywalking?’” She questioned the title in confusion of the name. “It means flight school.” Pipp corrected as she came to her sister’s side with a smile. “It's really more of a one-off training day.” Zipp pointed out to Pipp on not planning on keeping teaching the Pegasi about flying for the rest of her life, just so they can teach others on how to fly on their own so they can teach the other Pegasi to fly right. “I was told it's an academy.” Zoom pointed out, very interested in flying right. Fifi then came to the rookies. “Uh, is this the University of Flying?” she questioned with a confused smile. Zipp then raised an eyebrow look to Pipp, who smiled nervously as she backed away. Zipp then turned to the others as Sunset, Sunny, and Izzy, Sunny shrug, Sunset whistles inconncently, Izzy shook her head while Hitch laughs in saying the names they’ve picked, but ended when Izzy sent a glare to the sheriff. “Huh?” Hitch questioned, but got the hint as he shook his head, saying it’s not him either. Sunset stopped whistling and looked at Zipp with an apologetic look. “Sorry, Zipp. We didn’t come up with the proper name for your teachings and news, we didn’t have time to think of one, it was rush hour at the time.” Sunset admitted with a sheepish look. Zipp faced hoof herself as she sighed. “Ugh, whatever. Let's just get started.” she pointed out as she turned to the rookies. “Who can tell me how to do a double roulette twist?” she asked them with a smile. The four Pegasi looked confused and stayed silent for a moment until Windy spoke. “Oh! I know about flapping!” she answered as she flapped her wings to prove her point. Zipp face hoof again, seeing that not what she meant when she asked that question. Sunny and Sunset came to Zipp as Sunny spoke. “Uh, Zipp?” She questioned. “What is it?” Zipp asked with a look. Windy came behind her, thinking Zipp asked her. “Oh, it's when you move your wings up and down over and—” she said but was cut off. “Not you, Windy.” Zipp pointed out with a look, which Windy just stared in surprise as she looked back at Sunny and Sunset. Sunset spoke out. “Zipp, I get your teaching them, but I think you went to the advance, and they are beginners to what flying really means. I mean, Sunny and I know what your lessons mean because, well, I’m from ancient Equestria and know the basics of Pegasi flying and I’ve told Sunny on how they worked” She pointed out as she continued. “Why not teach them how to fly instead of asking them questions about something they don’t know yet.” she pointed out. “Sunset’s right, Zipp.” Sunny said. “Maybe you start with something simpler. Like an obstacle course?” She suggested a simple task to know how to fly for a Pegasi, Sunset nodded in agreement with Sunny. “Obstacle course?” Zipp asked in surprise. “I don't have an…” she was cut off by a certain Unicron voice. “Ta-daaaaa!” Izzy cheered out as the group turned to her and saw that Izzy had used her ‘Unicycling’ skills to create an obstacle course, with a starting line, a jumping board, some hoops for flying, the basics. The starting line sign tilted a bit but Izzy ran to it and straightened it out. “What?!” Zipp called out in surprise as Sunny and Sunset both smiled at the sight. “Where did that come from?!” She questioned how Izzy made that obstacle course that fast. “That’s Izzy being Izzy.” Sunset commented with a smile. “When there’s something to make, she won’t stop until it is complete, and less than two seconds too. A new record.” she added as Izzy shriek in excitment on breaking her own record again. Pipp came up next to sister with a smile. “Over to you, captain.” she spoke out with a salute. “I'm not a capta—!” Zipp yelled out but stopped in midsection, seeing that there’s not stopping them. “...Fine.” She groaned as she came to the students. “Everyone, watch carefully.” She spoke with a calm voice as she demonstrated her flying tricks to the rookies as she flew to the air at the starting point, then flew up and down through the first obstacles as she zig zag through the hoops, flew straight to the clouds as she grab some, after learning from Sunset that Pegasi can grab clouds for the weather, and used the clouds to make a Pegasus shape. Down below, the four Pegasi students have their jaws dropped in awe at Zipp's expert flying stunt.  Sunset saw this and looked at Zipp with a smirk. “Show off.” She commented, seeing Zipp’s flying reminded Sunset of Rainbow Dash’s flying and stunts thanks to some moving pictures Twilight showed her, which is no different to how Human Rainbow Dash kept practicing her stunts and super speed back in the day. Zipp flew over them, amuse to their looks on what they had just seen. “Easy.” She said, “Now who wants to go first?” She asked any Pegasi to show how they fly after seeing how she flew. Still shock from Zipp’s stunt, none of the students spoke out volunteering, so Windy lifted Thunder’s hoof, not wanting her to try it out, with Thunder unoticeably saw that. Thunder regained his composure and saw that his hoof was lifted. “Huh? Uh…” he questioned how his hoof was lifted as he began to whimper nervously. “All right. You're up, Thunder.” Zipp called out as Thunder was nervous. Thunder then came to the starting point as he looked at the sign, looking dizzy while looking at it. “Uh…” He said as he flew up, but hit the starting sign with a grunt as he crashed to the floor, the other three Pegasi cringe at the sight as Thunder groans in slight pain. Zipp looked with a sigh. “This is gonna be a loooong day.” She said, stating that this flying lesson is gonna be harder than she thought. Sunset looked at this, seeing that they’re gonna be here for a while to teach these Pegasi to fly. Windy came next, staring at the starting line with a determined look, ready to start the obstacle course.  Before she starts, she sees a daisy flower in front of her with a cute face on it. Windy then shrieked in fear. “Aah! Daisies!” She cried out as she zip away and ran to a bush behind Zipp and Sunset who saw this. “My greatest fear!” She cried out as Zipp shook her head, while Sunset looked with a sigh, seeing how scared Windy is over a daisy flower.  Zipp, Sunset and Hitch were next to each other. Hitch snorted at the funniness on how teaching the Pegasi to fly is funny. Sunset glared at him for finding this funny, making Hitch stop snorting from the sight after seeing Sunset’s glared. Zipp narrowed her eyes at Hitch as she spoke up. “Okaaaay... Next?” She questioned who was next to fly. It was now Fifi's turn, Hitch cheered to the Pegasus as he waved at her, for encouragement to her to fly. “Whoo-hoo!” he shouted out. “Show us what you got, Fifi!” Sunset cheered out. Fifi looked with a determined smile as she spread her wings, with her fruit cart behind her to see if she can do it without crashing this time, as she flew over the starting line, but her cart hit the sign as she rolled in the air, then crashed to the ground, with her fruits falling out of the cart as she crashed, her head pop up in dizziness as Hitch did as well, being the pony who was a victim in the crash as Hitch groans, seeing that he was covered in fruit again with a piece of a watermelon on his head. Sunset and Zipp saw them and covered their muzzle to try and muffle the laughter. “Even though she didn’t get it right, it was still funny to see Hitch get karma from time to time.” Sunset commented, since Hitch was one of the few ponies from the start who doubted Sunny about the magic, friendship and the three tribes over the years beside her, Sunset, Izzy and Zipp. Zipp snorted in agreement. “Yeah, I could watch that all day.”  she snorted which didn’t go unheard. “I can hear you two, you know!” Hitch called out in annoyance, leaving the two ponies to laugh at this. Zoom flew up straight to the sky, sloppy grabbing some clouds as he zoomed around, making the clouds he caught into a shape of a sloppy pegasus picture that Zipp did earlier, but was sloppy and had a frown face. Zipp looked at it with a raised eyebrow look while Izzy shook her head with sparkly eyes and a smile in seeing the picture, Zipp looked at her as Izzy corrected herself in shaking her head in disagreement with the picture. Hitch and Sunset were using safety sticks to help Fifi to steady her flying as Fifi fell on her back with a grunt, the fruit cart crashed as well, making Hitch looked in shock while Sunset used her magic to shield herself, but didn’t have time to cover Hitch as a fruit hit him in the face, again. Which causes Hitch to take a bored expression as he groans from the fruit to the face again. Sunset laughs at his bad luck. “Ahahahah! That never gets old anytime soon.” she snorted as Hitch looked at her with an unamuse expression. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Sunset.” Hitch replied. Izzy, Sunset and Sunny then pushed Windy to try to fly through the starting line with Pipp right in front of them livesteaming the whole thing. Windy then started screaming, not wanting to try that again, afraid of seeing more daisies that she might see. Zoom and Thunder crash into each other in the air with pain grunts. A little while later, the four Pegasi were on the ground, Fifi, Thunder and Zoom were groaning from their crashes as Windy had a freak out expression while rocking back-in-forth while there were piles of fruits everywhere around them. Zipp and Sunset looked at the four with sweats coming from them. “Okay, that didn’t go so well then we hoped.” Sunset commented as she looked at Zipp. Zipp spoke out. “Well, I'm sure you all enjoyed that more than I did.” she said as she spread her wings. “Good luck.” she said to her the four pegasi as she flew away, leaving her friends behind as she can’t take it anymore. The remaining mane 6 looked at Sunset with concerned looks, Sunset saw this as she sighs to herself. “Yeah, okay. I’ll go get her.” Sunset spread her wings and flew after Zipp, seeing that the guardian of friendship would give some advice to Zipp. Zipp then landed on a hill as she looked down in exhaustion. Sunset came behind her as she landed.  “Zipp, you know you can’t just turn your back on your students. They need to know how to fly.” Sunset pointed out. “I get that, Sunset. But what should I do?” Zipp asked the alicorn. “They don’t even know how to fly right since the magic returned, and teaching you and Sunny was hard enough. But training four other Pegasi how to fly, that’s a completely different story.” Zipp pointed out what happened at the obstacle course. Sunset sighs as she replies. “Zipp, the way you taught me and Sunny how to fly is no different than how to teach other ponies how to fly.” She pointed out. “Take me for example, I’m basically the only pony in all of Equestria who still knows how to do magic right. And I’ve been teaching Sunny and Izzy how to practice their magic along with some other Unicorns that volunteer to learn more about it if they wanted to, with my experience of knowledge of magic, some of the books that Sunny has in her dad’s records on how Unicorn magic works, and some of the books I have when I was out of Equestria for a long time.” She pointed out, remembering before she escaped through the mirror the first time, she brought some of her personal belongings, including some of the spell books on Unicorn magic, to make sure she remembered her magic if she ever set foot in Equestria again. “The point is, you can’t just give up on them, they need a teacher to help them learn how to fly, and since you have been more experience in flying while under the station of Zephyr Heights while trying to learn on the magic of flying over the years thanks to the giant fan and fake flying lessons you and your family had done over the years, you’re basically the only Pegasus in all of Equestria that knows how to fly. Why did you think me, and our friends picked you to be a teacher for these Pegasi? Because you're the best flyer out there.” she said with a smile as Zipp reminded Sunset more of Rainbow Dash back in the day when she was known as the greatest flyer in all of Equestria, and the fastest as well.   Zipp was then inspired by Sunsets’s words as she saw something below them. “Huh.” She spoke out as she and Sunset, who turned and saw what Zipp was looking at, saw two Pegasi, a mother and a foal, with the mother teaching her son how to fly as she lifted her son into the air. Sunset and Zipp watched as the foal was flying into the air briefly as he giggled. But stopped when he lost his balance and fell. “Whoa!” it shouted as he fell to the ground. The mother gasps in shock on seeing her son fall as she runs towards him to see if he’s alright. To her relief, her son landed on a bush, she picked him up. “Yay!” She cheered out for her son at his first flight as the two nuzzled each other's heads. Sunset finds it cute for those two Pegasi, while Zipp is having a flashback on her trying to fly before the magic was restored when she was just a filly. Flashback: Years ago when the three tribes were still divided and the magic was lost, Young Zipp was trying to fly with her mother, Queen Haven, beside her daughter with a smile, who placed pillows all over the floor so Zipp wouldn't hurt herself while trying to fly.  Young Zipp then giggled as she jumped up and down the chair as she flipped over the air and spread her wings, thinking she was flying, but didn’t fly as she fell to the floor with a grunt. “Aah! Ugh!” She crashed into the pillows to soften her landing as she got out of the pile with a pillow on her head, Zipp then whimpered as she couldn’t fly, thinking that she would never fly like the other Pegasi couldn’t either. Queen Haven then came to her daughter with an encouraging smile. “Come on, Zephyrina.” She said Zipp’s full name as she encouraged her daughter to keep trying. “Don't give up.” she spoke to her, wanting her daughter to keep trying. Even back then, Queen Haven evening believed that they would fly someday, and she didn't want her daughter giving up that dream. Young Zipp then got a determined look as she got out of the pile and then hopped to her mother, trying to fly as she hopped from pillow to pillow with a grunt from hopping on each pillow as she flips and glides to her mother. “Hah!” she cheered as her mother caught her in her hooves. Queen Haven smiled at her daughter’s determination to keepi trying and never give up. “Don't give up!” she repeated as she echoed the same words to her daughter to never give up as the two royals hugged each other. End of flashback: Back to the present, Zipp has a heartful look from that memory she had with her mother, encouraging her not to give up something she dreamed of and wanting that dream to other Pegasi as well, while thinking what Sunset said to her early really brings Zipp's heart to a beat. Sunset saw this and seeing Zipp with a heartful look and a smile on her face, she guessed that after seeing the two Pegasi they saw earlier triggered something in Zipp’s memory that encouraged her to keep trying. She then saw that Izzy is right next to Zipp’s left ear, whispering the word that was in Zipp’s flashback, which somehow Izzy knows as well. “Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.” Izzy repeated the same word, which Zipp now noticed with her raised eyebrows. Zipp then turned to the said unicorn with a smile. “Thanks, Izzy.” she said to her as Izzy smiled back to them. Zipp then turned to Sunset. “Thanks for the word of advice, Sunset. I guess I shouldn’t give up if those Pegasi need me to teach them to fly, I won’t give up on them.” She said with a smile. Sunset smiled back, seeing that Zipp had a change of heart. “You're welcome, Zipp. Now, how about we get back to teaching those four Pegasi how to fly?” She suggested as the three ponies looked down at the four Pegsai groaning from this their flying lessons as they laid to the ground. “All right!” Zipp called out to them as the four Pegasi looked at her as she was flying over them wit\h a smile. “Listen up! I'm gonna get you flying if it's the last thing I do!” She cleared her throat and corrected herself. “Before five. Day ends at five.” she pointed out with a hoof raise with a smile. The four Pegasi laugh and cheer at Zipp’s giving them another chance as they all stand tall and proud as they all now have a determined look, ready to learn how to fly. A while later back at the obstacle course, Thunder then flew straight through it while dodging a couple of obstacles that came his way, but trip on one as he was about the crash, but the mane 6 are prepared this time as Pipp and Zipp were using two air blowersto blow Zoom back into the air to keep trying. Zoom is nervously laughing as he is tied to a rope around his mid waist with Sunny tied to the other end to help Zoom with his balance as Sunny trotted across the field, then hit a pile of clouds as he then make a Pegasus picture again, a little sloppy but better than the last one, which Zipp nodded her head in approvement. Fifi was then whooshing through the obstacle course with her fruit cart again, but this time, she went through the obstacle as she was flying to the ‘X’ that Hitch and Sunset made with some paint as the two said ponies were using the safety sticks again to help her out with her balance. Fifi sticks the landing perfectly, but her fruit cart wasn’t so lucky as it flew over her and crashed. “Huh?” Fifi commented in confusion as she looked to where her fruit cart crashed into. Sunset was next to the crashed cart with the fruits spilled out, but Hitch was unlucky again, as he is covered in spilled fruit with a watermelon on his head as he groans from the crash and sighs in his bad luck. “Why am I the only one who gets fruit from this stuff?” Hitch question. Sunset laughs at this sight again.  “Fifi may have stuck the landing but looks like her fruit cart and the fruits really keep getting you all ‘juiced’ up from them!” She laughs as Fifi laughs as well, seeing this funny, but needs to remember to slow down her landing a bit if her fruit cart needs to land properly.  Izzy then gave up a shock puppet show with a daisy and a puppet of Windy to help Windy to get over her fears of a daisy, with said Pegasus laying on a recliner chair, who is shaking in fear while watching the show. “‘I'm Windy! Come on, daisy! Let's be friends!’” Izzy laughs up as she reveals her head over to Windy as she looks at her. Windy nervous whimper with a smile, her fear of daisies are dewitlling, but enough to start flying without fear. Then the four Pegasi then started flying around, with Zipp looking at them with pride, seeing how they had improved. Hitch’s crew was watching the whole thing as McSnips tried to fly by flapping his claws, but fell off the bench he and the two birds were sitting at. Thunder zoomed through the obstacle perfectly, Zoom flew to the clouds and made a perfect copy of Zipp with the right picture this time, Zoom laughed at his accomplishment, Fifi flew through the hoops and landed on the ground with a grunt, this time, her cart didn’t fell out or crash this time as she laughs at her success.  Hitch’s crew then showed McSnips how to flap propper, the crab tried it and made sure he didn’t fall off again.  Izzy then made a necklace out of daisies she made for Windy, who gasps in shock as Izzy throws the necklace into the air. “Whoo-hoo!” Izzy cheered as the necklace landed around Windy’s neck. Windy was a little freak but then calmed down as the daisies weren’t doing anything to her. “Oh!” She then gasps with a smile as she realizes that the daisies aren’t bad and she wasn’t afraid anymore. Izzy and Windy then started laughing at the whole fear of daisies then and Windy was glad that she wasn’t afraid of them anymore. Then the four Pegasi then flew side to side with each other as they then flew at top speed, at that reaction, they made a rainbow base on their coat colors as they flew by. Sunset and Zipp saw this as they both formed a proud smile. Sunset was happy that Zipp finally tought the Pegasi how to fly, and create a rainbow at best, while Zipp is smiling at her accomplishment and hard teaching she gave to her students. A while later, the four Pegasi returned and Zipp gave them waste bands, with that a rainbow with Zipp’s wings and Cutie Mark on it as they looked at Zipp with a smile who said pony and the rest of the mane 6 are on stage, which Izzy whipped up, with a rainbow, two Pegasi next to a graduation hat on top, and Zipp’s wings on the side. “Cadets!” Zipp shouted. “This morning, you looked like a bunch of Earth ponies with wings taped to your back!” “Awww…” Fifi groans in disappointment through their first lessons, with the other Pegasi looking on in confusion. Zipp continued with a smile. “But now you're captains of the sky!” she said cheerfully as the Pegasi smiled with joy. “Ooh!” Fifi said joyfully. “You may now throw your hats.” Zipp called out as it was time for them to celebrate. The Pegasi cheered as they threw their hats to the sky, but accidentally hit a Pegasus Fruit Delivery who was carrying a fruit cart as well. “Aah!” The Pegasus shouted as she crashed to the ground and fruit flew out of the cart. And as karma struck  again, Hitch was hit by a pineapple, but Sunset and Pipp remained untouch. “Huh?” Sunset and Pipp questioned as they looked at Hitch with an irritated look as he groaned.  Sunset laughs a little at the sight again. “What are you, some kind of earth pony fruit boomerang?” She joked to the sheriff of Maritime Bay who rolled his eyes at her. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.” Hitch said in an amusing look and tone. The four Pegasi then laugh at their accomplishments of flying as Sunset and Sunny came to Zipp’s side as she smiled at her cadets. “Zipp, that was amazing. You're a natural.” Sunny commented with a smile as she placed a hoof on Zipp. “A natural? More like awesome!” Sunset corrected with a smile. “You have tought these Pegasi how to fly in one day and help them out to complete their goal!” She added, a praise that Rainbow Dash would use if she was here she would be proud at the sight. “If my friend Rainbow Dash was here, she would be applauding to you for your accomplish teachings to these Pegasi and the flying lessons as well.” She added with a smile. Zipp then smiled at their comments as she placed a hoof over her chin with a smile. “Thanks, you two. I suppose it was kind of fun.” She admitted throught this experience. “You know, maybe I'll run that flight school after all…” She suggested, which shocks Sunset and Sunny about it after what they went through today, but Zipp continued with a smirk. “When crabs fly!” she finished with a smile. Sunny and Sunset both smiled as they and Zipp started laughing at the joke as the entire group enjoyed their moments. Unknownest to them, Hitch’s crew, the two birds, starts carrying McSnip into the air for him to experience what flying is as they flew to the sky and into the clouds. Chapter 2 End. > Chapter 3: Sisters Take Flight/Researching Through History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Sister’s Take Flight In the distance Zephyr Heights came to view as a worker Pegasus flew towards it. But was bump into another Pegasus who then twirled around in mid flight as the first one spoke out. “Hey! Watch it, I'm flyin' here!” he scolded the Pegasus he bumped into as he flew off on his daily day. Inside the Zephyr Heights Castle, Pipp was in her room trying to get her things in a suitcase. Today was the day Zipp and Pipp was at their home castle getting a few of their personal belongings they would bring to the Crystal Brighthouse so they have the comfort of home while moving close to their friends. Pipp was struggling as she tried to close her bag as she struggled and panted from the attempts to close her bag as she pushed it, lay on it and then hopped on it to get it shut. “Get-in-get-in-get-in-get-in-get-in!” She repeatedly tried to keep it shut. And then, after that failed attempt, clothes were bursting and scattered everywhere as a piece of clothing landed on Pipp’s head. “Augh, come on!” Pipp groaned in frustration at trying to keep her things in place as she moved the piece of clothing out of her eye view as she looked in the mirror and now had sparkly eyes. “Ooh!” she awed at herself and took out her phone for a selfie. “Cuuute!” She sang the last one as her phone clicked as it snapped the picture. Zipp came to her sister’s door as she knocked. “Hurry up, Pipp. Mom wants to say a "little" goodbye.” She smiled and quoted on the little part, knowing that their mom would say a longer goodbye so she can keep her daughters here as long as she can. She then hears Pipp grunting and panting as she is struggling with her suitcase. “Everything okay in there?” she asked from behind the door. Pipp is now standing on her bed while glaring at her bag as she pants. “Yep! Totally... fine…” She then backflip as she dived to her suitcase. “Hi-yah!” She cried out as she dived straight to her bag. Zipp had enough as she opened her sister’s door and saw Pipp landed in her bag with a thud, Zipp looked at her sister in confusion on why she jumped on her bag. Pipp took a breather as she looked at her sister with a smile. “Phew! Hey, Zipp. Just finishing all my packing.” She said as she got off her suitcase with a smile, but then her eye’s widen as her suitcase starts straining as the clips open up, causing all of Pipp’s clothes to fly out and spread out to the entire room, and Cloudpuff was in it as well as he flew out, Pipp looked nervously as her clothes spread out as  a cloth was on her back and another on her head as she looked at Zipp, who was looking confusing at her sister on why she packed so many of her things, and Pipp saw that Zipp is dress like a queen with the royal garments, a necklace, a crown and a robe on her as Zipp hold Cloudpuff in her hooves as the flying dog barked. Pipp looked at her sister with sparkling eyes and a smile. “Aww, Zipp!” she said as she took out her phone and took a picture of Zipp wearing royal garments, finding it beautiful. Zipp then turns to the mirror and gasps in shock at what she is wearing, she grumbles furiously as she shakes the royal garments off her, not a fan of wearing anything royal, as she toss Cloudpuff away as he hopped away with a bark. Zipp shook off the remaining of the clothes as she spoke to her sister. “Ugh, let's go.” She told Pipp that they needed to leave as she grabbed her bag. “Grab your bag.” she told her as she placed the bag over her. Pipp cleared her throat as Zipp turned to her. “Ahem. Bag?” She asked sheepishly as she turned to the corner. “About that…” She stated as she revealed that she packed two dozen or so bags as Cloudpuff barked and jumped into the pile. Zipp gasped in shock, seeing so many bags that her sister have packed, wondering why she would need all her stuff for. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset was in a study room, with some of Sunny’s father's records and collections of old Equestria that she once knew. Sunset was going through the books of Argyle’s old records, trying to review his history of what he had of old Equestria.  “Come on, Argyle. Give me a hint.” Sunset whispered to herself as she is reading through one of his books, she is trying to read through Argyle’s old journals and records to see if she can find the answer, she need to find out how Equestria lost its magic the first place, how did the friendship faded that cause the creatures to divide, and what matter the most is, what happened to Twilight and the rest of her friends. “Some of these records review most of Twilight’s old adventures she and her friends went to, but the rest doesn’t even happen, at least, that what I know of at least. Most of the history has been lost, but Sunny’s father kept a big pack and importance of Twilight’s and old Equestrian history. But it’s all mixed up.” She thought to herself as a thought came to her mind. “It’s like that somepony has ruined Twilight’s legacy and her hard work that causes the creatures to divide from a lie to make everypony think that each tribes is bad to each other. But how does this happen in the first place? Who caused Twilight’s hard work and dream to be broken? Who could’ve done this? And what happened to my friends, Twilight is an Alicorn like Luna and Celestia, she would’ve lived a long life to be in this time period, so what happened to her and what happened to Equestria?” She asked herself as she was going through Argyle’s old notes. And then a moment later, a door opened up behind her, Sunny opened the door to check on Sunset and speak to her of the news. “Hey, Sunset.” Sunny called out. “Hi, Sunny. You came here for something?” Sunset asked. “No. I just wanted to tell you that the parade in Zephyr Heights is about to go live on TV. I was just wondering if you could join us to see ZIpp and Pipp on a live show.” Sunny asked, wanting her to see Zipp and Pipp in a parade. Sunset thinks for a bit as she sighs with a smile. “Sure. I would love to join you to see Zipp and Pipp on tv. Got nothing better besides going through your father's old notes.” she said as she closed the book and put it back on the shelf with the other records of Argyle’s old research. Sunny saw this and spoke out in a little concerned tone. “You were trying to find answers about your friends and how Equestria was divided through my dad’s stuff, right?” she asked as Sunset nodded her head yes. “Sorry for not getting all the answers my dad didn’t find, Sunset. It’s been generations since the true history of Twilight and the rest of the Guardians of Friendship, that we don’t know what truly happened that caused all of this.” Sunny said to her in an apologetic tone, wishing that her father would find out the reason why as well. Sunset looked down a bit, looking at the toy figures of Twilight and her friends on the high shelf, looking down seeing the toy version of her friends. “I don’t blame you, Sunny. I just wish I knew what happened that caused this in the first place when the three tribes and every other creature were divided.” Sunset then turned to Sunny as she continued. “Normally, when this sorta thing happened, I would go to Twilight, and she would find the answers to this sorta thing. But since she’s not around anymore, it would be impossible to find out what caused the creatures of Equestria to divide and cause lies that were in the History of Twilight and her friends, because what they say about the three tribes was a fluke, and that’s low.” Sunset added. “I know that there has to be an answer to all this and see if we can prevent this for the future of Equestria and see if we can find out about Twilight and the others. But it’s like finding a needle in a whole lot of hay stacks, with how screwy Equestrian History is now, it would take a long, long time to find out the truth to all this.” She finished with a down look. Sunny then put a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder as she smiled at her. “Hey, we may not have the answers to this mystery yet, but I know someday we will find it, Sunset.” She said, “But hey, you have me and the others as friends now, with the magic returned, the three tribes together, and you still have the human counterparts of the Guardians of Friendship back in the human world you told us about. Since time moves differently between here and there, they are still around, and you can stay in Equestria a lot longer since they will still be around by the time you visit them, and they will visit you sometimes.” She added with a smile, knowing the differences of time between Equestria and the Human world, the Human Mane 6 would still be around, no matter how long Sunset would stay in Equestria. Sunset put a thought to it, and then smiled at the comfort words that Sunny gave her. She then hugged Sunny, who giggled at Sunset as she hugged her back, as Sunset spoke out. “Thanks, Sunny. You really know how to comfort a pony who is down.” She said in a soft tone with a smile. Sunny smiled back as she said. “I learned from the best.” She said to her as they kept hugging for a moment. The two ponies broke up as Sunny walked out the door to prepare to see Zipp and Pipp on TV, Sunset stopped for a brief moment, taking one last look at Sunny’s toy figures of the original Mane 6, she smiled at those toys as she spoke up. “Someday, me and my friends will find the answer, Twilight. And we’ll make sure to keep your legacy going, but for now, I will spend some time with my friends. I promise, I won’t leave them, and we will keep your legacy going. Count on it.” She said to the toys as she walked off and close the door as she joins Sunny and her friends to see Zipp and Pipp on TV. Outside the Zephyr Heights Castle, a crowd of ponies were outside the front door, waiting for something as the door creaks open, causing the crowd to cheer as they see a balloon version of Queen Haven come out first as it squeeze through the door and out to the outside as the crowd cheered. “And here come the royal balloons!” Skye Silver announced that two more balloons, one looking like Zipp while the other looked like Pipp, came out of the castle wall as the crowd cheered on. Two Pegasi got confused as they bumbed into something in all of the cheering going on, one Pegasus hit a statue while a Pegasus foal hit the front face of the Queen Haven balloon, grunting in surprise from those hits. Dazzle and Skye cringe at that sight of almost crashing into each other. “Ooh! Another close call, Skye.” Dazzle announced. Skye sucks air through teeth as he replies back. “There's been a lot of those lately, Dazzle.” he pointed out with a smile, ever since the Pegasi start to learn how to fly right, they have been crashing a bit lately, the students that Zipp taught been teaching other Pegasi how to fly with the teachings that Zipp taught them about, but it’s slow going for the rest of them and takes time for the other Pegasi to master their flying skills. Dazzle replied back with a smile. “It's true. But you know what they say, Skye. Progress over perfection!” She stated that not everything could be perfect in one day as she saw something that made her gasp. “Here comes the royal family now!” she called out as she saw Queen Haven and her daughters coming with a float that is pure gold with their thrones on it. The crowd cheered on seeing the royalties as they went past the crowd through the parade. The three royalties wave to the ponies that are here. Zipp was waving nervously, not used to having this many ponies admiring them. “Oh?” She questioned as she saw the balloon version of herself, which is getting close a bit and she freaked out a bit. “Oh-AUGH! For the record, mother, this is not a "little" goodbye!” She called out to her mom as this is not the definition of the word ‘little’ mean. “Smile, Zephyrina.” Haven told her daughter with a smile. “This is all for you.” she pointed out as she continued to wave to the crowd. Zipp rolled her eyes, thinking her mom went a little overboard with the meaning of goodbye. Pipp was then blowing kisses, loving the crowd, and then a banquet of flowers came towards her as she caught it. “Aww!” She said in appreciation. A group of fillies and foals screaming with excitement as they threw the flowers, an Earth Pony filly was about to fall in excitement as the other earth pony filly catches her before she falls to the ground. Pipp then brought out her phone camera  and clicked excitedly as she took a selfie and striking a pose. Zipp then turned to Pipp as she gasped in shock as Pipp was trying to take a picture with them together. “Ah!” Zipp yelled out as she ducked from the camera view. “Pipp, no pictures!” She called out, reminding her no more pictures with her in it. “Come on, Zipp.” Pipp tries to convince her sister. “Just one? Don't you wanna remember today?” She asked about the goodbye parade they are in, wanting to remember this day. And then a foal who is wearing a Zipp mask came up right in front of Zipp. “I love you, Zipp!” it cried out as Zipp cringed at the sight as the foal went back down to the crowd. Zipp turned to Pipp. “And which part exactly would I want to remember?” She questioned while feeling disturbed at what she just saw. “Oh, I don't know.” Pipp said rhetorically. “How about the loving send-off from your mother? The queen?” She pointed out as she got straight to Zipp’s face as they touched muzzle while leering at each other. “Enough!” Queen Haven shouted, hearing her daughters’ argument. “Zephyrina, you are the future queen. Now sit up straight and wave!” She said sternly to Zipp, who was now scared and sweating from her mother’s outbursts, as she returned to the smile and wave thing. Zipp then smile adn wave nervously as she looked at Pipp, who was looking at her back, with a leer look. Pipp sighs at her big sister’s rebellious personality as she waves to the crowd as well, not looking at each other. The birds are chirping outside of the Crystal Brighthouse, with four ponies of the mane 6 watching tv on the couch, seeing their friends, Zipp and Pipp, in the goodbye parade as Zipp and Pipp turned away from facing each other as they are waving at the crowd. “Look! There they are.” Sunny called out excitedly as she put her front hooves in the air in cheer. “Hi, Zipp. Hi, Pipp.” she called out. “Huh, Zipp wasn’t kidding when she said their mom always makes a big goodbye to see her daughters go.” Sunset snorted in amusement, finding it funny that Zipp and Pipp’s mother would go that far for a simple goodbye. “I know. Right, Sunset. Even I find it funny to even see it, but great to see them on live TV.” Sunny added with a smile. The tv then flip to the next scene to show foals screaming on screen to the royalties. “Are those pegasi crying?” Hitch asks in confusion. “Actually, it sounds like they are screaming in excitement.” Sunset corrected the sheriff. “Guess Zipp, Pipp and Queen Haven have more fans then they take credit for.” She added with a little laughter. Izzy sighs dreamily at the cheers. “I know exactly how Pipp and Zipp feel right now.” she said as she was having a flashback on how Bridlewood felt like when she was leaving for Maretime Bay. Flashback. Izzy then twirls her bag from her hoof to land on her back as she is prepared to move to the Crystal Brighthouse to stay close to her friends. The Unicorns were cheering for Izzy to live her dreams as she walked down the pathway and blowing kisses to them as she waved to the ponies.  But then it revealed that Izzy was only daydreaming the whole time while walking through the forest through the path to Maretime Bay with no pony around as the wind blew past her with leaves flying through the wind and a lone Unicorn foal played a kazoo to her as Izzy kept smiling. End of Flashback. Izzy smiles at that memory, completely oblivious of what really happened while lost in her little world. “I remember it like it was yesterday.” she commented. Sunny, Sunset and Hitch look with a bored expression a bit at Izzy’s forgetfulness. “Uh, Izzy? That was yesterday.” Sunny reminded Izzy just moved here a day ago while heading to the Crystal Brighthouse. “Was it? Oh!” Izzy questioned with a smile, she forgot that she told them about that. But then saw something on the tv that made her cheer. “Ooh, look! The queen!” she squealed as the others looked at the Tv with exciting looks. “Let’s keep on watching the whole goodbye thing. I’m kinda looking forward to what happens next between the royalties.” Sunset pointed out as they all looked at the TV where Queen Haven was giving a speech to the crowd with her daughters’ pictures over them. On the stage Queen Haven made her speech to the crowd. “It seems like only yesterday my daughters were adorable little fillies.” she said as she pointed out to the pictures of Zipp and Pipp that were taken over the years, one when they were fillies, one where Zipp was not amused with the picture and Pipp was laying on a cloud, and then finally one where Pipp pose to the camera and one with Zipp sleeping on her bed. “But look at them now!” she gestured to her daughters to the side as the crowd cheered them. Pipp is blowing kisses to the crowd as Zipp was blushing in embarrassment after their mother revealed those photos in public, as she looked around trying to get her mind off of the pictures. In the Crystal Brighthouse, the four ponies laugh at those pictures, sure they have seen enough of Pipp’s but Zipp and those embarrassing photos, that’s funny, no wonder she doesn’t like the camera facing her. “Hahahaha! As much as I feel bad for Zipp, but that was too embarrassing, and funny at the same time!” Sunset said while laughing at Zipp’s embarrassment, feeling sorry for the Pegasus. Izzy laughs her head off. “Ahahah! Even from here, I can see her sparkle is a little shy right now after that!” she added. Sunny laughed a bit as she calmed down and spoke. “Oh, when Zipp gets back, she will never hear the end of this after what we saw.” she said. “Yeah.” Hitch replied with a snort. “I mean, I took pictures over the years and I look great in each one.” he added with a prideful smile. “That’s because you have one pose and for some reason, make a hit on the papers, even on the calendar.” Sunny pointed out as she picked up a calendar, ripped out the pages, each time, Hitch pose stays the same but he wears a different outfit in each one. Sunset chuckles at this. “You only have one pose for a photo, what are you trying to prove? You only have one photo pose for every photo so you can keep your looks.” she snorted as the other girls giggled at Sunset’s joke as Hitch looked with a bored look, not finding it funny. “Let’s just get back to the screen now.” Hitch groans as the other went back to watch Zipp and Pipp. At the stage, Queen Haven then starts to sob in seeing her daughters go. “All grown up... and leaving me…” She then realized that she was crying as she clears throat and recompose herself. “And to celebrate their new adventure together, I now present…” she turned to two of her guards on the other side as they remove the tarp, revealing a stone statue of Zipp and Pipp doing a flight pose as the crowd cheered A few Pegasi took pictures of the statue as they flew closer to it, but didn’t realize they were about to bump into each other as they shouted out and smak into each other, there’re wailing as one Pegasus crash into the statue while the other screamed as it collides against the balloons, napping them and letting them go in the process. The crowd gasp at this as the royalties look on in worried as the balloons got into the other Pegasi flight paths as they tried to invade but then crash into things, a blue Pegasus crash into the Queen Haven balloon as it popped, causing Queen Haven to duck as the blue Pegasus nearly hit her as he flown over her. The blue pegasus then crashes to the strings of Pipp’s balloon, which causes the strings to snap and the blue pegasus to get stuck as the crowd gasps at what is happening as balloon Pipp starts to float away. The blue pegasus starts to regain his focus as he realize that he is tangled and is now floating away as she screamed in panic. Pipp looked on with a cringe. “Yikes!” She then heard ponies screaming. “Huh?” she asked as she saw the yellow pegasus trying to keep her flying together as Pipp duck and turned, she nervously whimpered as the yellow pegasus was coming back as she duck again as the yellow pegasus is screaming. The yellow pegasus continued to scream and zoom as she smacked Thunder, sending him flying in a roll. Thunder screamed as he smakc right into Zipp’s balloon. “Oof!” he grunted from impact. The crowd gasps at this as Zipp, Pipp and Queen Haven brace themselves for what comes next as Thunder whimpered nervously as he clutches Zipp’s balloon, keeping him steady. The royal family and the crowd then release relieved sighs, finding it safe now. Queen Haven then sighs in relief, seeing the outcome finally over as she continues her speech. “As I was saying…” What they didn’t know is that Zipp’s balloon is starting to squeal high-pitched air, with Thunder notice as he is worried about what comes next. “May I now present, Sisters Take--” She was interrupted when Zipp’s balloon explosively deflated as wind of the explosion came right at the royal family as Thunder wails from being blown away, along with a couple of other Pegasi with them, the wind stop, which leave the royal family their manes a mess from being blown back from the wind as Queen Haven finish her speech in an amuse tone. “..Flight.” She finished. Queen Haven, Pipp, and Zipp looked at each other as they both smiled as they and the crowd started laughing, finding it funny after all that and finding their manes funny as well from being blown from the wind. Pipp then took out her phone as Zipp and Queen Haven huddled together for a family photo, Pipp then clicks her camera as they tooked the photo, which Pipp labeled it naming “SISTERS TAKE FLIGHT!” with a heart emoji and a pony smiley face emoji on it to remember this day. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, the mane 4 laughs at what just happened, they were a little worried at first but in the aftermath, they find it funny like every other ponies that are in the goodbye parade. “Gotta say, that was some goodbye. And the aftermath was hilarious.” Sunset commented with a giggle. “I know. That was funny.” Sunny replied with a smile. “Hey, Sunset, did any of that remind you of anything from Twilight and her time with your friends?” she asked the alicorn. Sunset thought for a minute until a memory was brought up to what Twilight had told her. “Oh, there was the time where Twilight’s coordination of being the Princess of Equestria, she and her friends overslept, and when they tried to make up the time at rush hour, it ended up in disaster that made them all have a laugh, even Twilight and her friends find it funny, and it was then on she was ruler of Equestria.” she smiled at that memory of what Twilight have told and showed her for when she was first crowned as Princess of Equestria. “Ahaha!” Sunny laughs at that. “Oh, I wish we could’ve seen that, it would be funny to see it.” She said. “Trust me, it really would. And I know Twilight would if she was reminded of that, then we all have a laugh.” Sunset added as the mane 4 laughed at what she said, Sunset smiled fondly at that memory from what Twilight showed her, sure she wasn’t there but she did saw the moving pictures of the event from her journal and find it funny too. Zipp and Pipp then started flying pass their statues as they leave Zephyr Heights and on their way to Maretime Bay to be with their friends. Pipp then turned to her sister as they flew through the sky. “Zipp? Aren't you gonna miss Zephyr Heights, even a teeny bit?” She asks her, wondering if she would miss their home, Pipp would but she wants to know if Zipp would as well while moving to Maritime Bay. “I dunno.” Zipp answered as she smiled at her young sister. “But... I know I am ready for a new adventure. You know, together.” she added with a chuckle, wanting to go on adventure with her sister and friends by her side. Pipp smiles at Zipp’s answer. “Yeah, me too. All we really need is each other.” She said as she stuck her hoof out, wanting Zipp to touch it as Zipp smiled at her sister with joy. Zipp and Pipp touched hooves as they held onto each other as they flew to Maretime Bay. Behind them, Thunder and Zoom were carrying Pipp’s bags. “All you need is each other?” Thunder asked in confusion. “Then what's in the bags!?” He questions as he is tired as he and Zoom carried them. A suitcase behind Thunder zipped open, revealing Cloudpuff inside as he barked. By the time the two Pegasi realize, Zipp and Pipp will ask them to take Cloudpuff back to their mom, not realizing that he stowed away in one of the bags. End of Chapter 3. > Chapter 4: Nightmare Roommate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Nightmare Roommate It was nighttime in Maretime Bay as the five girls in the Crystal Brighthouse were sleeping peacefully in their respective beds as they softly snored. And then a shadowy floating figure was passing over Sunny, then Sunset, then Zipp, and then finally Pipp who some reason don’t have her bed sheet on her as she toss and turn with a giggle in her sleep when the shadowy figure revealed to be a ghost like figure with a smiley face, hover next to Pipp as she woke a bit when she opened her eyes. Pipp widens her eyes at what she is seeing.  “Hm?” She then starts to shrieks in terror and then scream in panic as she flew around the room, which cause Sunny and Sunset to wake up from her screaming. Sunny rubbed her eyes to know what was going on. “Huh...?” Sunset groans in her sleep at being awake this late. “What is going on?” She then see Pipp screaming in terror, wanting to know what is going on, Sunset got out of bed and tried to speak to the young Pegasus. “Pipp, what’s wrong? What got you spooked?” she asked as Pipp then flew to Sunny, shaking her awake. “Wake up! WAKE! UP!” Pipp cried out as she shook Sunny awake. Sunset came between them as she tried to calm Pipp down. “Calm down, Pipp! What got you so spooked all of a sudden?” She questioned, wanting to know what was going on. Pipp answered terrifingly as she turned to the ghost. “Gho-o-o-ost!” She cried out. “Uh…” Sunny said in confusion, a ghost in the brighthouse. “A ghost? Really? Where?” Sunset asked in confusion, but got her answer as the ghost came right in front of them. Sunny and Sunset now joined Pipp panicked screaming as the three hugged each other in fright as they spread out while the ghost flew around as the three ponies screamed. “No! No no no no no no no!” Sunny cried out in panic, not believing what she was seeing. The ghost then came in front of Zipp’s bed as she worked up. Zipp rubbed her eyes to see what was going on. “Hm…” She then sees the ghost infront of her as she screams in panic as she jumps out of her bed and flies away to get away from the ghost. Various screams were heard around the room as the four ponies tried to get away from the ghost as they flew or ran back and forth from the entire room to hide or get away from the ghost. Sunny and Sunset hide behind Sunny’s bed as they look at the ghost cornered Zipp to the wall as Zipp is panting terrifingly as she is trapped.   Sunny and Sunset then notice something odd about the ghost, seeing a shape and form and how it was sparkling rainbow colors, seeing something familiar about the colors, as if it was somehow being controlled. That’s when the two ponies realize something that is familiar to them. “Hey! Hold on…” Sunny called out as she narrowed her eyes in realization. Sunset see this too as she recogonize the colors around the ghost, or is it a ghost at all. “I know those colors all too well.” She said with a narrow eye as she looked at the ghost. Zipp was about to freak out, but then Sunny turned on the lights as she gasped at seeing that the ghost isn’t a ghost at all, it turned out to be a bedsheet with horseshoes on it as it was levitation off the ground by magic. Zipp giggles awkwardly at being scared of a simple bed sheet. “Easy, ponies, it’s a bedsheet.” She pointed out. Sunny and Sunset then turned to Izzy, who is somehow still asleep from all the screaming and panicking. She was levitating the bedsheet in her sleep without knowing as she smacked her lips in her sleep with her holding her Unicorn Teddy.  “Ohm Celestia, she is magic sleeping. She must’ve levitated that bedsheet in her sleep as it was flying around.” Sunset pointed out as she saw this kinda thing before back in old Equestria days. “You saw this before, Sunset?” Sunny asked in curiosity. “I used to do this when I was just a filly.” Sunset answered. “When Unicorns are just learning about magic, you didn’t know that you were using it in your sleep without practicing. Like for example, Izzy is more used in levitation as she didn’t realize that she was using it in her sleep, which we all saw.” She pointed out that since Izzy is still learning about magic along with Sunny, they’re still new to this whole magic thing, which proves it with Izzy levitation the bedsheet from earlier. Pipp came to the bedsheet that is still levitation as she has an irritating look. “Yeah! And she was levitating my bedsheet!” She pointed out as she snagged her bedsheet out of Izzy’s magic. “Thanks, Izzy.” She said to the sleeping unicorn, who is still asleep, not caring if she heard her or not. Pipp then inhales as she and the others go back to their prospective beds. “I am like, so super traumatized right now. I'll be lucky to get any sleep.” She exclaims as Sunny turns off the lights. Sunny yawns as she lays on her bed with her eyes closed. “Just shut your eyes, count pegasheep, and--” She instructed but this was cut off by annoying snoring, which caused Sunny to open her and turned to the source. Izzy was now snoring in her sleep as her horn sparkled out magic as she spoke her favorite word. “Glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter…” She mumbles between her snores as she twists and turns on her bed with a smile. Pipp, Zipp, Sunny and Sunset were both annoyed at Izzy’s snoring and mumbling as Pipp placed a pillow over her head as she trys to block out Izzy’s noise, Zipp groans as she place her blanket over her head, Sunny groans as Izzy mumbling in her sleep while Sunset rolled her eyes as she tried to cover her ears. “This is gonna be a long night.” Sunset said to herself, seeing that Izzy sleep mumbling will keep them up all night. The morning sun came up as a rooster crows outside of the Crystal Brighthouse, signaling that it is morning. Izzy is in the kitchen as she sings to herself in a cheerful tone, with a tiara in her head. “Haa! This is how a unicorn sings, first thing in the morning. Oo-ooh!” she sang as she hummed to herself as she danced in the kitchen. Izzy then found a hairspray can as she twirls it for a bit and then sprayed herself with it, styling her mane. “Yeah!” She said as she continued to hum as found a crossword book, “Ooh!” She then grabbed the pen in her hoof as she hummed and wrote something in the crossword book. “Oh!” She tosses the book away as she hums and places the pen in her mouth as she goes to the refrigerator. She found peanut butter in it. “Ah! Mmm!” She places the pen down to grab the peanut butter and places the pen in the fridge as she hums and places peanut butter in the bread, getting a little messy in the process with some peanut butter on the table and some on her hoof. “Yes.” She said as the humming continued as she grabbed Pipp’s phone, taking a selfie with her peanut butter bread in the photo, getting some peanut butter on Pipp’s phone in the process. “Oh! Ha-ha-ha, hmm-hmm…” She put the phone down on the table and dropped the peanut butter bread on the floor as she trotted away from the kitchen. In the main room, Sunny, Sunset, Zipp and Pipp both just sit there in a tired expression, Izzy’s snoring and mumbling kept them up all night, which didn’t allow them to get any sleep.  Izzy trotted to the main room with a happy expression. “Oo-ooh! Morning!” She called her friends, as they were too tired to do anything but listen to the hyper active Unicorn. “Don't you just love waking up to a new morning? It is just so new and morningy-y-y!” She hums out of the main room, unknowingly to know that her friends are tired. “Waking up?” Zipp questioned with a so tired expression that she is cranky. “We didn't sleep!” She pointed out, as they were up all night, endoring Izzy’s sleeping snoring and mumbling problem. “Ugh. Izzy is too much like Pinkie Pie when she is so hyped up and doing things in her sleep.” Sunset groans, as Izzy is so much like Pinkie Pie, too much like Pinkie if they were up all night. Pipp then notices something on Izzy’s forehead. “Uhh... Was that my tiara?” She questioned why Izzy was wearing her tiara. The Mane 4 then walked to the kitchen seeing a bit of mess that Izzy made. Zipp grabbed her hairspray as it puffed out, revealing that it was empty. Pipp grabbed her phone, and saw it messy with peanut butter oozing out while looking at the peanut butter mess with the jar that Izzy left behind. “Ugh.” Pipp groans in disgust. Zipp then saw her crossword book, seeing that Izzy scribbled it out with the pen from earlier. She grabbed the book to take a closer look as her right eye began to twitch. She then ran towards Sunny and Sunset, showing them what happened. “Everything's ruined!” she cried out. Pipp came toward her sister's side as she looked at Sunny and Sunset, about to freak out as well. “Sunny, Sunset, you two have to do something.” She pleaded. “Izzy's becoming a total nightmare roommate!” She pointed to said Unicorn on the other side.   Izzy is trotting by as she hums, then gobbles down a cereal as she throws the box away as she continues humming as she walks by with a cheerful expression. Sunny and Sunsert groans tiredly as they need to sort things out before things get worse. Sunny and Sunset then came to the bathroom to brush their teeth. “They're probably just cranky because they didn't get much--any--sleep, Sunset.” She pointed out, stating that they are all tired due to Izzy’s snoring. “I get what you mean, Sunny. But to be fair, Izzy has been grabbing our personal stuff lately. She grabbed Zipp’s hairspray and used it all up and ruined her crossword book, and she made a mess in the kitchen and got peanut butter on Pipp’s phone.” Sunset pointed out what happened earlier. “And a few moments ago, she was looking at my personal journal that me and Twilight used to communicate with back in the day. She nearly wrote on it and ruined it if I hadn't yanked it out of her hooves.” She stated, as before they headed to the bathroom, Izzy found Sunset’s old journal when she used to write to Twilight, she nearly draws on it and almost got peanut butter stains on it that was still in her hoof if Sunset didn’t yank it out in time, she took deep care to that book, and it was something that is connected to her and Twilight. “Okay, I see your point.” Sunny admitted to Sunset’s point. “But that just Izzy being Izzy and... have you seen my toothbrush, Sunset?” She asked while looking at the sink, looking for her toothbrush. “No. Haven’t seen it.” Sunset answered while grabbing her own toothbrush before helping Sunny looking for hers. Izzy then opens the door as she pokes her head out, looking at the two ponies. “Hey, Sunny! Love your ear-cleaner…” She brought out Sunny’s electric toothbrush and turned it on. Sunny and Sunset turned and looked at Izzy in shock as Izzy brought Sunny’s toothbrush to her ear. “Oh, yeah. Mm, uh-huh.” She said as Sunny looked on with her mouth open as Izzy was using her toothbrush to clean her ears as she was about to snap as Sunset gags at that sight, clearing Izzy didn’t know that it was a toothbrush. “And my ears have never been so minty fresh.” she commented as she giggled and shut the door, leaving the two ponies alone. Sunny then turned to Sunset, she then looked at her with a determined look, going to solve this problem with Izzy, because using her toothbrush to clean her ears was crossing the line. “Okay. Something's gotta be done.” She said to her mentor/sister figure. “Yeah. Because we can’t deal with this any longer, and that was disturbing to watch.” Sunset added, seeing grossed out that Izzy is using a toothbrush to clean her ear and they need to solve this before it gets worse. A little while later, the four ponies walked through Maretime Bay, wanting to solve this problem as Sunny explained to Zipp and Pipp about their problem. “But confronting Izzy is just too awkward and embarrassing…” She added, Izzy means well, and since she is their friend and can’t hurt her feelings and find it awkward to argue with her over the small things. Then Sunny came up with a solution. “Ooh! Let's ask Hitch. He'll know what to do.” She pointed out that her childhood friend might come up with a solution, being the sheriff and all, he might have the answer they need for this kind of thing. “Sunny, it would be best to tell Izzy the truth.” Sunset advised her side of the solution. “I mean, Izzy may be a cheerful unicorn, but she is an understandable one. If we just be honest with her about what is going on, she would understand our problem.” She pointed out, knowing Izzy may be as cheerful as Pinkie Pie, but she is an understandable one as well. “Yeah, but if we do we might hurt her feelings, Sunset. And I don’t want our friend to be crying if we tell her that.” Sunny pointed out, knowing that Izzy is her first non-earth pony friend, besides Sunset, to become friends with, and she doesn’t  want to hurt her feelings. “Let’s just see what Hitch has to say, then we can sort things out with Izzy.” She suggested wanting to hear from Hitch first, since he is not too tired to think since he doesn’t live at the Crystal Brighthouse. “Okay, but I get the feeling that Hitch would just say the same thing I just said.” Sunset warned, as seeing that Hitch might say the same thing she said earlier. Walking to Hitch’s Sheriff place, the four ponies walk inside as they open the front door as they see Hitch on his desk, looking at his landline phone. “Hmm…” Hitch was then twirling the phone he was holding to practice his twirling skills. “Ha!” He cheered as he was getting it but then the phone then twirled around him “Wooah!” The wires of the phone tangled Hitch around, he then saw that his friends were looking at him with blank looks, saw the whole thing as Sunset then giggled at the sight. “You seem to be ‘tangled’ in your business, sheriff. Should we help you get unstuck?” Sunset snorted, as the girls laughed at her jokes, feeling the first laughter they had all morning.   “Uh…” Hitch then chuckled nervously and embarrassed that his friends had to see that. “No thanks, I can get out on my own.” He answered Sunset’s questions as he then twirled around. “WOA-OH!” He cried out as he stopped spinning but then got dizzy after that as he released a dizzy sigh. Hitch then fell to the ground with a thud from his dizziness. This leaves startling gasps from Sunny, Sunset, Pipp, and Zipp as they look at Hitch, wondering that if he is okay.  A few minutes after Hitch recovered, the girls told him about their problem with Izzy, Hitch hung up the phone and gave the girls some advice. “Well it sounds to me that Sunset is right, you just have to be honest with Izzy.” he said, agreeing to Sunset's advice from what she told them. “I told you girls that if we were honest with Izzy and told her about our problems, she would understand how we feel.” Sunset added, as the three ponies thought about what the two ponies just said.  “She’s right.” Hitch agreed with Sunset. “As a pony of the law, I can tell you honesty is always the best policy!” he announced to them about the honesty thing in his own way since being the pony of the law, honest it the best way. “I think Applejack would agree to that since she is the most honest one of the group.” Sunset added with a smile, meaning that Applejack would love that motto of honesty since that is her special element. “Hey!” A voice yelled out as they turned to a light blue earth pony named Rufus who is wearing a jail hat as he is in a cell. Hitch caught him doing something against the law earlier and put him in the cell until his short sentence was finished. “Keep it down, will ya? I'm tryin' to get some peace in here.” he yelled out as he turned his back against the others as he faced the wall. The Mane 5 looked at Rufus, wondering what’s got him moody. “Geez, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but better than we had this morning.” Stated their tiredness from Izzy keeping them up all night. “He’s just a little grouchy. Hold on one second.” Hitch told his friends with a smile, knowing what to do as he came to the cell with a teacup, giving it to Rufus. Rufus turned his head as he saw the teacup as he smiled. “Aw, oh this is lovely!” He said in a happy tone as he sipped some of the tea. “My favorite! Thanks, Hitch. Uh, sorry I bothered ya.” He apologize to the sheriff for his outburst earlier. Hitch then turned to his friends with a smile. “Of course, sometimes a thoughtful gift can work wonders.” he winks at them, giving them some ideas. Sunny, Sunset, Pipp, and Zipp all blinked at the same time twice before getting an idea for Izzy. “Ohh!” They all said in unison. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny presents a present to Izzy as the four ponies smile at her. “You guys got me... a BOX!?” Izzy said in excitement as she grabbed the box and held it in her hooves, not realizing that the gift was inside the box. “I love it! Best gift ever!” She cheered as she held the box. “Uh, Izzy. The gift is inside the box...?” Zipp called out with a sheepish smile, seeing that Izzy didn’t know that the gift was inside and thought it was the box the whole time. “Yeah, just open the box so that you can see the gift inside.” Sunset added with a smile, seeing so much of Pinkie Pie in Izzy more times than she can count. “Oh...!” Izzy said as she started to laugh as she opened the box, but then stopped laughing as she looked at what was inside with a look. “Uh-huh. Hmm. Huh.” She said as she looked through the box, finding a hairsprace, a crossword book, a toothbrush and a blank book for her to draw or write on as Izzy looked at them in confusion. “Your own stuff.” Sunny announced. “So, you don't need to use ours anymore!” She added with a smile along with the rest of her friends. Izzy then chuckled nervously, not sure what to say, but she saw where they’re going with this. “No offence, Izzy. But truthfully, when you borrow our stuff without our permission, you kinda mess them up, with the whole peanut butter and ear cleaning thing.” Sunset stated. “We were gonna tell you this sooner, but we need something to make sure we don’t hurt your feelings, so we got you these, and a blank book so you can write and draw whatever you want, since you nearly messed up my journal.” She added with a smile. Izzy chuckled nervously, seeing why there was a blank book in the box, and she did take Sunset’s journal without her permission and nearly messed it up. “Yeah. ‘Cause... it was getting kinda annoying.” Zipp added sheepishly to her with a smile. “Hey! Honesty is the best policy, right?” She asks Izzy from the motto that Hitch told them earlier. Then the five ponies stood in silence as the four ponies waited for Izzy to respond on what she thought about what they said and what they gave her. They stare down at each other as the four ponies begin to sweat as they see Izzy about to become upset, thinking that their honesty and gift didn’t work. Izzy then stared at them with a sad look for a few seconds until she went back to her cheerful look as she smiled at them. “Oh! Well, in that case, I don't really like these presents!” She called out as she placed the gifts back into the box and gave it back to Sunny. “Huh?” Sunset, Sunny, Pipp, and Zipp all questioned in confusion.   “Honesty!” Izzy cheered as she explained why she used all that. “I was just taking selfies of my breakfast like Pipp, doing my hair like Zipp, writing and reading in a journal like Sunset, and scrubbing my ears like Sunny!” She told them the reason why she did all that this morning. “Okay, one, toothbrushes meant for brushing teeth, not cleaning ears. Two, that’s why you used our stuff, to make yourself fit in like the rest of us?” Sunset asked, seeing why Izzy used their stuff without their permission. “Yeah, I've never lived with best friends before.” Izzy admitted, seeing that she never had friends back in Bridlewood before Sunny, Sunset and the others came into her life. “I was just trying to fit in with you all.” She honestly said. “Huh.” Zipp and Pipp both said as they faced each other, now understanding Izzy as Sunset spoke out. “Izzy, is this because you were the only unicorn that is cheerful and happy in Bridlewood? And the pony who never had a friend before we met?” Sunset asked Izzy. Izzy looked at Sunset as she frowned while giving the answer with a little sad look. “Well, yeah. Before the magic returned, I was basically the only unicorn there who has ever been cheerful and positive, dreaming that I would have friends and do magic like we do now. I tried to make friends back then, but they were still down and depressed with the whole no magic thing, and they didn’t see me as a friend to any of them, so I struck out on my own looking for a friend when I met you and Sunny, Sunset.” She said to her, recalling the time she first met Sunset and Sunny on their first adventure as the group looked at Izzy, feeling sad for her. “Sorry, Izzy. You must’ve been sad when that happened.” Sunset said with a sad look as she continued. “Look, Izzy. You don’t have to believe that you are out of place, you are perfect the way you are. Take it from me, when I first came back to Equestria to visit Twilight, I saw that the home I once knew had changed and all my friends were gone.” She told her, knowing how Izzy felt. “When we went out adventuring while restoring the magic, I saw how out of place I felt when I kept seeing the changes Equestria was in, it felt like I didn’t belong here anymore.” She added as she started to smile. “But all that changed when I met you, Sunny and the others. After the whole magic restoring thing and bringing the three tribes together again, I felt like I’m home and Equestria returning to the land it once was. And the more I see you and the others Izzy, the more I see Twilight and her friends still being with me in spirit as the magic of friendship lives on. A reminder that my friends will always be with me, and with new friends as well for me to be around with.” She finished as the group were moved by Sunset’s words as they smiled at the Alicorn before turning to the four ponies turned back to Izzy. “Sunset’s right, Izzy.” Sunny started. “And we should've been honest from the start like what Sunset said to us earlier.” She then walked to Izzy as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Izzy, you don't need to try and fit in.” she told her as Sunset, Zipp and Pipp came to her. “You're already perfect as you are.” Zipp pointed out as the group gave a comforting smile to Izzy. “Being yourself is what makes you special and a friend to us. And nothing can ever change who you are. You are the only and only Izzy we know and love.” Sunset added with a smile. Izzy looked at her friends with a loving smile at the words they just said to her as she spoke up after a moment of silence ”Whoof, great! 'Cause trying to fit in is…” She yawns in midsentence before continuing. “So exhausting.” She then walked to the couch as she lay on it. “I just need a…” she then went to sleep as she snores loudly. The four ponies looked at her while she slept, really annoyed as Izzy’s snoring is really the main problem for their sleep. “We can work on that.” Sunny, called out, will find a solution to Izzy’s snoring problem so they don’t have to deal with it in their sleep as Pipp facehoof herself at Izzy’s annoying snoring. Sunset then spoke up. “When Izzy wakes up from her nap, I’ll help her about her snoring problem and about sleep-magic, so we don’t have to deal with it again.” She volunteered, in wanting to solve those problems before a repeat happens before they go to sleep tonight, which causes the group to nod their heads in relief on wanting to deal with those two problems quickly so they can have a good night's sleep tonight. End of Chapter 4. > Chapter 5: Welcome to Mane Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Welcome to Mane Melody In Maretime Bay, ponies are walking into a salon of some kind. This salon is a white brick building with light pink trim and a dark gray roof and its establishment's logo is made up of two music notes each shaped like the letter "M" in the front of it. An earth pony named Posey, who is a yellow earth pony with light brown hooves, she has a pink tail tied in a green bow, and similarly a pink mane tied back in a ponytail with a green bow, her eyes are green and she wears a beaded necklace with a five-leafed clover, and her Cutie Mark is a ring of six pink tulips with green stems, came into the salon, where she saw Pipp on a stage at the end of the mall as she started to sing.  Over time, Pipp opened up a salon run by her, since styling is more her thing and have a gift in styling, she wanted to share that gift by opening up her own business, and thanks with the help of her friends, she finally got the shop in her own image, with a stage to hoof for her singing talent to entertain the ponies coming in, so they can enjoy the song and get their styles as well. (Let Out Your Light Song) Clickity clack, who's that? It's your girl Pipp, styling with a brand new track Pipp sang as she flapped into the air as she flew to Posey. Setting up shop, got a brand new gig With colors that pop and a drip so big She then put Posey in a hairstyle machine and went to her friends for their style. Come in and get your hooves buffed, your mane puffed Everypony's getting their tail fluffed Pipp went to Sunny first as she twirdled her around and styled her mane with a ponytail on top of her head while sipping a drink as Sunny smiled at her new look. Pipp then went Sunset next as she twirled the Alicorn around and got her a style of pigtails, which Sunset finds amazing, loving her new mane style. Pipp then went to Hitch and twirled him and gave him a mane cut with results Hitch on getting a mane style that his mane is combined to the side, Hitch smiled as he looked at his mane new style. Dance to the beat, dance to the beat Who could ever sit still with a groove this sweet? Pipp then went to an empty seat, she suspected her sister, Zipp, would be sitting there for her mane style, but she wasn’t as Pipp looked around for her.  Behind the stage is Zipp, hiding from her sister. She doesn’t mind her sister running a business, but when it comes to style and makeup, she would rather not, she likes her mane the way it is, and she can’t let her sister change it. So she is hidden from her to protect her mane and tail from being changed. Zipp hides furthing into the stage as Pipp was looking for her, wondering where she’d go. A place you can go Where you already know You can find your pony flow When you step through the door Putting aside finding Zipp for now, Pipp then showed Izzy a mirror that somehow made selections of the main styles of her or anypony choosing. Izzy found it amazing and made a funny face for a little humor as Pipp was searching through the sections, wanting to see what fit Izzy the most. When Izzy turned her head around, Pipp picked a section with her mane down with a crown with stars and hearts. Izzy loved that section, which caused Pipp to twirl Izzy around as she got said mane style, but since she got her head turned, the style covered Izzy’s whole face, not that Izzy’s complaining, finding it great. Izzy then took out her homemade phone that she made with her ‘Unicycling’ skills as she placed all five stars on it for the review of Pipp’s salon. On the stage, Pipp, along with an Earth Pony Mare and a Pegasus Stallion, the Pegasus name is Rocky while the Earth Pony is named Jazz, dance on stage as they sing together to their customers.   Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can't you see it? The ponies in the salons are getting their manes that match their styles as they gave the five star review for Pipp’s salons as they all sing together. Woah-oh-oh, oh-oh, woah-oh-oh (Hey!) Woah-oh-oh, oh-oh, woah-oh-oh The four of the Mane 6 join in the song as they sing, while Zipp keeps trying to hide from her sister for trying to touch her mane as she failed to hide while holding a pillow to cover her face. Seeing that her hiding spot didn’t work, Zipp saw her sister coming towards her. She freaked out and ran away from her, Pipp saw her sister with a smile as she tried to catch up with her, wanting to give her style her mane. Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can't you see it? At Mane Melody (Hey!) At Mane Melody The ponies in the salon sang together as they showed their styles of their manes as they sang. Posey, with a new mane spike style, walked to the door after her new mane style was finished as she brought out her phone and gave out a review star, three reviews stars. Pipp heard the pop and saw the three review stars, shocking her as she never had three stars in a review of somepony before. “WHAT!” She yelled out as she landed on the ground with the thump as she looked at Posey, the ponies around looked at her as Posey looked on with a confused expression. See tried to go with it as she corrected what she said. “What... a... l-” she gulps nervously as she continues. “Lovely review, heh. Thank you... so much, Posey.” She said with a creepy smile expression as she was about to explode as she looked at Posey. Sunset saw this as she thought to herself after watching the whole thing with a weird expression. ‘After seeing how Pipp reacted, she reminds me much of Rarity if her fashion designs didn’t go through or make a hit. I guess Pipp takes her fashion style seriously as much as Rarity takes her fashion designs seriously.’ She thought to herself  as Pipp's reaction reminded her of how Rarity would react if nobody loved her fashion designs. Posey looked at Pipp for a moment as she smiled nervously as she opened the doors and then jumped through it as the door shut. Pipp regains her compuse as she calms down a bit, finding that review nothing to worry about as she spoke out. “So. Who is ne-ext?” she sang as she asked who is next for their manes to be styled. The doors then opened, revealing Phyllis Cloverleaf, CEO of Canterlogics and mother of Sprout Cloverleaf, as the ponies gasped at the sight of her. “I am.” She said to Pipp, stating that she is next. Sunset saw Phyllis as she narrowed her eyes at her in a hateful manner. Ever since they restored the magic to Equestria and brought the three tribes together, Sunset and Phyllis really don’t see eye to eye with each other that much. For Phyllis, she is okay with Sunset but when it comes to her talking about her business about her Canterlogics and her interviews, she is not one pony to get along with much if Sunset keeps countering her Canterlogic business ideas. For Sunset, she really don’t like Phyllis for what she did to Sunny with the whole ani-unicorn and pegasi traps and using her and other ponies as guinea pigs to test out her so called security machines, especially after giving Sprout too much power that cause nearly chaos to pony kind with his plan of his robot mech and army of ponies by his side, and most of all, not believing Sunny and her father’s history of the true history of old Equestria of Twilight and her friends, thinking they were never real really put Sunset over the edge, especially since she heard rumors of Phyllis reviewing shops and then close them down the next day for a simple thing she doesn’t like the minute they just reopened, that just not right. They come to terms sometimes but not all the time for someponies who have different points of views. Sunset then turned to Sunny as she saw Phyllis as well as she said in a dry tone. “Tell me I’m seeing things. Because I swear that Phyllis overthere.” She said to Sunny in a hateful voice. “No, Sunset. We all see her.” Sunny said in a shock tone as well as Sunset groan, knowing that Phyllis is really here. Phyllis then walked through the salon as various ponies whisper to each other in fright as they told each other rumors of how Phyllis came to grand opening businesses, to inspect the business to see if they are great or not since she is a CEO. And if she didn't like them, she gave them bad reviews and shut them down the next day after the grand opening. Rumors had it that she shut down five salons in one month, which is shocking to say the least, seeing how that CEO doesn't like those kinds of certain salons and wanting to see how Pipp’s salon is to see if it’s okay or get shut down. Pipp and Phyllis looked at each other as a tumbleweed if cut up manes blew past them. Phyllis stares at Pipp like some kind of wild west show down while Pipp is scared that hope she gets a good interview from Phyllis. Phyllis then turned to a simple alicorn as Sunset stared at her as well, making in even match staring contest in a tense standoff, a moment of silence later, Phyllis was the first to speak. “Hello, Sunset.” Phyllis said in a calm tone. “Hi, Phyllis.” Sunset replied back with the same look. “What brings you to this grand opening of Pipp’s salon?” She questioned rhetorically.  “Oh, just wanting to see how this business goes. And I want to see the stylist as well to see how great of a stylist she can be.” Phyllis replied. “Well, I can see that.” Sunset replied to her as she walked up to Phyllis as she gave her a look straight to her face. “Just so you know, I’m still ticked off from you after what you did to Sunny, not believing the true history of Equestria with her father, only believing a lie to it, using Sunny and other ponies as test subjects for your ‘precious’ products, humiliate Sunny in front of everypony during the Canterlogic incident, and not to mention giving Sprout too much power just so he can gain control. You and I may come to terms, but I got my eyes on you.” Sunset pointed out in a tense tone as she walked away back to Sunny and the others. “I can see that.” Phyllis said in a little nervous tone but kept it hidden, Sunset was still ticked off from her all right, and she understood that, she felt guilty for her actions and tried to make up for it by dismantling the ani-unicorns and pegasi traps to make up for it ever since they first met after their first adventure, it’s slow going but it’s a working progress. Phyllis then turned back to Pipp as she spoke to Pegasus. “So, you're the new stylist in town?” She asks as she adjusts her glasses. “That's me!” Pipp cheered with a smile. “Welcome to Mane Melod--” She tried to sing the title but was interrupted as Phyllis chuckled. “We'll see about that.” Phyllis said to Pipp as she smirked at her. Pipp gulped nervously, thinking that if she got a bad review from Phyllis, the CEO of Canterlogic, she would lose her salon in a day. Phyllis then came to a salon seat as she sat down and looked at the mirror as she put her phone down while Pipp came next to her as she inspected Phyllis’ mane. “So…” She started out with a nervous chuckle as she continued. “Um, what can I do for you?” She asks Phyllis for a request as she is nervous to think straight. “Surprise me.” Phyllis pointed out, which caused Pipp to freak out even more as Phyllis continued. “You know, this place used to be a restaurant until I reviewed it.” She said to Pipp, recalling the time when this place used to be a restaurant before it became a salon. “Free all-you-can-eat pizza? Puh-lease!” She added as she recalled that this place used to be a pizza place. “Uh... yeah.” Pipp said nervously but a little surprised that the salon that she owned now used to be a pizza joint as she looked at Phyllis' phone, which had the review stars option on it as she looked at it nervously as she turned on a haircut machine. “Before that, it was Fancy Filly Fashion Boutique, Painting Palomino's Pottery Café... oh, and a salon actually.” Phyllis listed out the business that she reviewed in the past of the same building they are in now, which didn’t put Pipp’s mind at ease. “Hair Today, more like Out of Business Tomorrow!” She laughs as Pipp brought the haircut machine as she cut off part of Phyllis mane, which the CEO didn’t realize. Pipp saw what she did as she gasped in shock, seeing that she made a bald spot on the back of Phyllis' hair. She backs away as she whimpers nervously, and then runs out the door as it shuts, with Sunny, Sunset and Zipp seeing this as Pipp was too nervous to focus. Zipp followed after her as Sunset turned to Sunny. “Distract Phyllis while we get Pipp!” She whispers to Sunny as she runs out the door to follow Zipp and Pipp to calm Pipp down. Sunny then grabbed two Kiwis from the beverages Jazz was passing on the cart. “Hey!” She called out as Sunny didn’t listen, to find a way to distract Phyllis long enough for Pipp to get back as she splatted the kiwis into Phyllis’ glasses. Blocking her vision. “Ugh!” Phyllis cried out in surprise at the kiwis that Sunny put on her. “Oh, good, now there's food on my face.” She groans, never really having done that part of a salon before. “They're fruit!” Sunny corrected her as she laughed nervously, trying to act like it’s part of the salon. “And very good for all those wrinkles!” She added as she waved her hoof in a cheer. “Huh!?” Phyllis asked in shock that Sunny told her about the winkles thing, thinking that she’s old. Sunny then realize what she said as she chuckles nervously, trying to by enough time for Sunset and Zipp to find Pipp before things get worse and before Phyllis realize she have a cut up bald spot at the back of her head. Zipp and Sunset are looking for Pipp, trying to find where she goes as they search the front of the salon, they turn to the left side of the salon as they hear distressed painting. They turned to their left again and saw Pipp hiding in an alleyway next to the salon as the two ponies came to the distressed Pegasus. “Pipp! There you are.” Zipp said in relief that her sister didn’t go that far. “You have to come back inside.” “Yeah, as much as I like how Phyllis’ mane is at the back of her head.” Sunset snorted, liking the bald spot on said CEO pony. “You have to finish up her mane, and if she finds out that you gave her a bald spot, she’ll shut down this salon in a heartbeat.” She informed that if Phyllis finds out she has a bald spot, she will immediately shut down the salon the second she sees that bald spot. “I can't!” Pipp cried out as her mane if a little friz out, and had a mental breakdown for her screw up. “You two saw what happened--I took a huge chunk out of her mane!” She then sighs as she continues. “Who's the style icon now?” She said in a sarcastic voice as she hit her head against the wall. Zipp and Sunset look at each other, trying to see who gets to speak first. Sunset then spoke. “You first.” She said to Zipp, going to let Zipp have a sibling talk to Pipp first before she spoke out her words of wisdom when Zipp was finished. “Thanks, Sunset.” Zipp said to the Alicorn as she turned to Pipp. “Pipp, you are a style icon. Always have been, always will be.” “Zipp is right, Pipp. I mean this wouldn’t be the first time a stylist or a fashion designer screw things up.” Sunset spoke next as she spoke from experience from Rarity from the human world and the pony Rarity Twilight told her about. “You may not know this, but when Twilight told me about Rarity wanting to expand her fashion business throughout, she had to come up with some inspirations to live up to the dream. But before she became famous with fashion, she had a few screw ups with her dresses, the looks, and even the mane styles as well. Like when she was making dresses for her friends for the Gala back in the day, they asked her to make some changes for their liking. But then it turned out to be a disaster as the audiences found their dresses disturbing.” She told them about the time when Twilight’s friends were excited for their first gala, they made Rarity change the dresses she made for them but ended up in disaster that nearly made Rarity lose her spirit of being a fashion designer. Pipp then turned her head as she listened to their words and was moved by Sunset’s as well. “Rarity was a stylist like me in a fashion way, and her friends nearly ruined it with their opinions of her dresses?” She asked as she was curious about what happened next. “Well, yeah. The dress was so bad Rarity nearly stopped her fashion business if her friends didn’t realize what they had done.” Sunset continued. “But, after a few forgiveness and comforting words from her friends, Rarity's fashion spirit was brought back up and made up for that mistake by revealing the original dresses to the crowd. They cheered on for Rarity’s fashion creations, as she kept going on her fashion empire that spread throughout Equestria back in the day. Rarity kept going and finally achieved her goal, she may have hit a few bumps, but she kept going, no matter how many mistakes she made.” She said as Twilight told her about Rarity’s fashion empire that spread throughout Equestria and made her dream into a reality, something the Human Rarity would most heartily agree with her pony counterpart. “Sunset has a point, Pipp.” Zipp added as she continued. “So, you shaved one bald spot... Big whoop! See all that confidence and swagger?” She pointed out as she, Sunset and Pipp turned to the crowd of the ponies Pipp had styled their manes from her salon. A unicorn pony then squeals in delight at the mane style as the ponies around Maretime Bay admire Pipp’s work in style as they are loving it. “You brought that to Maretime Bay.” Zipp added. “You did that.” She cheered on Pipp's styling skills. “I did...?” Pipp questioned while still having her face on the wall as she looked at Posey from earlier, looking at the mirror to sheck her spikey mane style as she admired it. Posey was busy looking at her mane as a Pegasus mare named Maverick Mauve, came flying down. “Hey, nice new 'do, Posey.” She called out to Posey as said earth pony trotted away, commenting on the new look Posey got with a smile. Pipp then smiled at seeing that her styling skills are great to everypony. “I did!” She cheered as she got her head off the wall. “Of course, you did. And I love these Pigtails, they looked great on me by the way.” Sunset added to the mane style Pipp gave Sunset earlier. “Now let's get back inside so you can work your magic.” Sunset added she, Zipp and Pipp walked right back into the salon. In the salon, Sunny has been busy keeping Phyllis distracted as she used a brush and a hairdryer on Phyllis’ mane with said mare still have kiwis in her eyes, but it resulted in Phyllis’ mane being all poofy out as Sunny was trying to keep her distracted but she is not that good of a stylish as Pipp is as she whimpers and half heartly sings nervously as Phyllis kept talking about the businesses she shut down. “Then there was the Museum of Unnatural Hoof-story, the twenty-four-hour trampony-line park, the Golden Tree of Knowledge…” Phyllis was on and on of the businesses she saw and shut down from her reviews, not knowing that Sunny messed up her mane. Behind the two ponies, Rocky and Jazz watch and are nervous from the fact that if Pipp doesn't get back, the salon will close down if Phyllis sees her mane like that. The door opens as Pipp comes in with a determined look, ready to finish what she started. The ponies, along with Hitch, gasp at Pipp’s return and determination. Sunny gasps and smiles at Pipp’s return as said Pegasus walked to where Sunny and Phyllis are as Zipp and Sunset looked on with proud smiles to the determined Pegasus. Sunny laughs as she is glad that Pipp is back as she steps back for her to take over as Pipp cracks her hooves and stretches before she gets the haricutter and hairdyer, ready to get started with a determined look. (Continued Let Out Your Light Song) One, two, three, four Bring that tail right through the door Pipp then reclined the seat Phyllis was on as she wet her mane with soap and water as she washed it down to get rid of the poofiness. Five, six, seven, eight You're not leaving here 'til you feel great Pipp then brought more tools as she then ruffled Phyllis’ mane in determination to get it done as she is styling the CEO’s mane with four tools at the same time, which the first two sets she started out and the other two which are with a brush and a straighten iron, while fixing Phyllis’ mane. Shine bright, sparkling glow Flick that mane with a flow like woah She then bit down on the mane as she straightened it out with the straightening iron and cut a piece of loose hair that was sticking out as Pipp smiled at her progress. Vibe... you're on it You're a brand new pony so flaunt it Hey Pipp continued to brush, comb, blow, straighten out until she covered Phyllis’ mane and got the hair dryer blowout machine on top of her as she twirl Phyllis around and did some style as the ponies in the shop gasps at Pipp’s amazing work as she struck a pose on the stage, holding the haircutter machine in her left hoof. Zipp then smiled at her sister’s inspiration as she looked into the mirror, thinking she should get Pipp to do her mane after all. Sunset looks on with a smile of pride, seeing so much of Rarity in Pipp when she accomplishes something with style and fashion. Pipp then took off the kiwis in Phyllis’ eyes as the CEO looked at her reflection as she tried to process how she looked. “It's... it's...!” She tried to find the right words for it. Sunny was biting her hoof nervously, hoping that Phyllis would love it as Jazz came to Sunny side, filing her hoof that she was biting earlier as she is nervous as well. “It's... exactly the same…” Phyllis pointed out as Pipp brought her mane back to the way it was before it was messed up, Phyllis brought out her phone for the review stars, thinking over her mane style while everypony, san Pipp and Izzy while Pipp is smirking and Izzy couldn’t see what is happening with her mane blocking her eyes sights as she turned her head side to side to know what is going on. “Just the way I like it.” Phyllis announced as she pressed the five stars review, making her business good as she walked out the door, her bald spot is covered with curls as he flipped her mane side to side, but caused the curls behind her head to fall, revealing the bald spot. The ponies gasps in fright, hoping that Phyllis won’t notice it. But to their relief, Phyllis walked out the door as it closed. Pipp may not have taken care of the bald spot, but at least she got the perfect reviews she needed to keep her salon running as the ponies in the salon cheered and wooped in victory over Pipp’s success. Sunny, Sunset and Zipp came to Pipp’s sides. “That was amazing, Pipp. I knew you could do it.” Sunny congratulated Pipp’s success. “Not to mention you really put your act together when it comes to style.” Sunset added. “If Rarity was here, she would ask you to style her mane the best you can do and maybe hire you for mane styling to go with her fashion empire.” She added with a smile, knowing that Rarity would hire Pipp in a heartbeat for her greatest talents in mane styling, and having a smirk that Phyllis will have a bald spot for a while. Pipp then takes a deep breath as she speaks out with a smile. “Thanks for covering for me, Sunny. Thanks for giving me some inspiration for me to keep going, Sunset. And thanks for always being there for me, Zipp. You're the best sister ever--” She then gasps as her eyes sparkled in seeing Zipp sitting in a salon chair with a smile, without hiding this time, wanting to give Pipp the chance to style her mane. Pipp came straight to her sister’s side as she spoke. “Really? You never let me style your mane!” She cheered out, remembering those times that Zipp never even once let her style her mane before. “Mm.” Zipp said with a smirk, letting her sister style her mane for once. Pipp inhales in excitement. “Oh, my pony.” She called out as she brought Zipp to a mirror to see which option she would style her sister’s mane with. “I always thought you'd look amazing with a pony perm, or like, okay, a manehawk or maybe in a different color!” She selects the options of mane styles to Pipp, who cringe at the sight of them, having second thoughts about this. “Okay, okay. How do you feel about bangs?” Pipp suggested to Pipp by showing her bangs style, which caused Zipp to regret her choice on letting Pipp style her mane, but there was no turning back now. Sunset saw this as she chuckled to the sisters as Pipp was selecting through the styles to see which fit Zipp the most. “She is more like Rarity than I gave her credit for. Talk about the more things change the more they stay the same, and I’m loving this with my new friends.” She said to herself as she smiled, seeing that these ponies remind her more of Twilight and her friends back in the day, and smiled fondly at the memory as their spirits lives on as the group enjoyed the rest of Pipp’s salon while also waiting for Pipp to finish Zipp up for the rest of the day. End of Chapter 5. > Chapter 6: The Unboxing of Izzy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: The Unboxing of Izzy In the middle of the afternoon of Maretime Bay, Hitch trotted in front of his friends as she give them the news. “Get ready for the ultimate... Maretime Bay tour!” Hitch announces as it was time for Hitch and Sunny to show the rest of their home town with some special places to go and see, since they only see part of Maretime Bay, it was time to show them the rest of it. “Yay!” Izzy cheered out in excitement. “I can't wait!” Zipp announced with a smile. “I love tours!” Pipp added with a cheerful smile. “I am looking forward into seeing the rest of Maretime Bay, considering us four only saw part of it.” Sunset said on behalf of herself, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp. “But it’s a good thing we have two ponies who grew up here to give us a tour of this town.” She smiled at the two earth ponies to give them the tour. Izzy then got all excited as she pointed around at random things near them. “Ooh, I'm gonna see this,” she pointed to the flower stands, “and I'm gonna see that,” pointed to a doughnut sign, “and I'm gonna see--ahh!” She was about to point to the glasses as she was startled in shock when she stepped on a familiar ‘X’ and a familiar trap surrounds Izzy, trapping her in one of the leftover unicorn traps with her horn sticking out of the hole on top. The earth pony next to the glasses stand ran off in fright, as Izzy was trapped in the unicorn trap. “...Total darkness.” Izzy said in a usual cheerful tone. “Izzy!” Pipp, Zipp, Sunset and Sunny all cried out in concern as they headed toward the trap to get her out.   Hitch looked at the trap in confusion with a raised eyebrow. “I thought all the unicorn traps were disabled!” He called out as he thought that all of the unicorn traps were all dismantled when  the three tribes were together now as he brought out his sheriff book. “Note to self: Check traps for--” He wrote down as he was intrrupted by his friends trying to get Izzy out of the trap as they struggled. “Hitch, a little help here?” Sunny asks her childhood friend to help Izzy out of the box, completely forgetting how those traps work since it’s been a while. “Yeah, man. You know these things better than we do. How do you open these things?” Sunset asked, she may have been trapped with this stuff before when Sunny released her and Izzy out of those traps but didn’t know how exactly. Hitch smiles to himself as he walks towards them as he hums to himself. He walked in front of the release button, waved his mane with his hoof and then pressed it as the button buzz in response. But for some reason, the trap didn’t release Izzy for some reason. Hitch and the others were surprised that it didn’t work. Hitch pressed the button repeatedly to get the trap open, but nothing happened as he began to sweat. “Ugh, the release button isn't working!” Hitch cried out as he kept trying as Sunny and Sunset gasped in shock. “You mean, Izzy is really trapped in there!” Sunset cried out in shock. “Then how are we gonna get her out?!” Sunset cried out, wondering how to get Izzy out of there. “I'm fine.” Izzy said to them in a cheered tone from inside the box as the others listened to her. “This'll be fun!” She said and then gasped. “I've never been a box before.” She added with sparkle eyes and a cheerful smile. “I planned a tour with stops I knew each of you would love.” Hitch pointed out the places he wanted to show them but that might be a problem since Izzy is trapped.  “Izzy, can’t you just teleport out of there?” He asked the unicorn, since he saw Sunset teleportation spell before, teleporitng out of a box would be easy. “Sorry, Hitch. Sunset didn’t teach me that skill yet.” Izzy called out. “What? Sunset, didn’t you teach Izzy, Sunny and a few other unicorns some spells you know, shouldn’t you teach them how to teleport?” Pipp questioned Sunset since she is more experienced in magic then anypony in Equestria since she is from ancient Equestria when Twilight and her friends were around. “Give me a break will ya.” Sunset answered to Pipp. “I’m still teaching these two as I go. And teleportation spells are a little advance for a magic beginner unicorn. So far, Sunny and Izzy got the levitation spells right, but they still have a lot to learn before they get to the advance.” Sunset pointed out that they are still beginners and are still learning the basics. “Why not blast the trap open? Since you are more skilled than me and Izzy are, Sunset.” Sunny suggested blasting the trap open. Sunset nodded her head no. “And risks blasting Izzy in the process? Out of the question. No way am I hurting one of my friends.” She pointed out, not wanting to take that risk. “Well, Izzy can't do a tour in a box.” Hitch pointed out that Izzy can’t even move while inside the trap, and they can’t do the tour without Izzy. “Ooh, you just gave me an idea, Hitch!” Izzy suddenly said as a thought came to her as she focused her magic on the box a magic began to shimmer around the box as it started to levitate off the ground. The others looked in awe at Izzy’s plan as the box levitated as she can now move around while inside the box as long as she levitated. Izzy then gasps as she feels the trap move. “Is it levitating? Did I do it? Am I a levitating box?” She asks her friends to see if she is really levitating the box. “Yeah. It is levitating. Nice job, Izzy.” Sunset congratulates her Unicorn friend as Izzy is levitation the box with a proud smile while the others look in awe. Hitch finds this plan silly. “This is ridiculous. You can't even see!” He called out, seeing that Izzy can now move around but she can’t see the outside of the box. “But I can use my imagination!” Izzy cheered out as she moved the box side to side. Hitch narrowed his eyes, thinking that this won’t work as he spoke out. “Tour's cancelled!” He called out, canceling the tour. Pipp, Zipp, Sunset and Sunny gasps at what Hitch said as the sheriff walked away. “Huh?” They questioned each other, trying to think of a way to change his mind. “Wait, Hitch, look!” Sunny called out to Hitch as a sound of a rope was heard, which made Hitch turn his head and see that the girls tied Izzy’s box with a rope, so they could carry Izzy around without losing her. Hitch was still unsure about this until Sunset spoke out to him. “C’mon, Hitch. You promised us a tour of Maretime Bay, and we waited long enough. And besides you never break a promise. Did you break the promise to find Sunny when she went with me and Izzy to find a way to restore magic?” She reminded him of their first adventure, and Hitch did promise himself that he would find Sunny no matter what, and he never breaks a promise. Hitch exhales as to the girls’ persistent on wanting to go on the tour, while also seeing that Sunset got him there with his promise's thing. “Ok, fine. Right this way!” He cheered out to them with a smile. “Our tour begins with the Maretime Bay town square!” He led the way as the group smiled at each other, happy that Hitch was willing to keep the tour going. The Mane 6, with Izzy in tow, the girls looked awed at Maretime Bay town square, loving the scene as they passed by some ponies and looking at the buildings as they walked through town. As Hitch showed them the movie theater, with somehow looks like a pony version of Optimus Prime and the Transformers, the group trotted past it, but Izzy’s box hit the frame of pony Optimus on the sign, leaving a whole in it as it floated away, then hit a sign on the wall, dented a lamppost, crush a bench where an Earth Pony was sitting at which he scream in surprise as he looked in shock, Izzy wails at the impacts and then hit a window sill of flowers where and Earth Pony Mare was watering, it crashes as it floated by, but the flowers on the window fell to the ground while the Earth Pony Mare stared in shock. Hitch turned his head, and he viewed the Canterlogic Building to his friends, but then got a shocked look as he and his friends saw  the destruction that Izzy’s box made while being pulled as the ponies behind them screamed in fright. Hitch cringe at the sight as he gulps his throat, thinking that this might have to fill in some paperwork about the destructions Izzy’s box made and might turn out badly for the tour for his friends. At the Maretime Bay Museum called Houvre, there are three earth ponies, two of them are Jazz and Posey, as thye are painting their version of the Pony Lisa based on their own mane and coats. “Hey!” Jazz called out with a smile to the Mane 6 coming towards them. “Hey! Hitch called out as well as he turned to look at his friends. “...Huh?” He questions what they are doing. It revealed that Pipp is painting Izzy’s box with Izzy’s face on it with hearts in her eyes and a heart next to her head and a rainbow to the otherside as Pipp giggles at the painting. Izzy gasps as she can tell what Pipp is doing. “Uh-huh!” Izzy said in saying great work, even though she can’t see it. Hitch then grumbles to himself, stating that his friends are not even following the tour as he walks away. “Woohoo! Woo!” An earth pony stallion shouted as he was swinging from swings to swings. Hitch has brought his friends to a place where Maretime Bay has a forest that has bridges and swings on trees for ponies to have fun with. “Ah-hah!” Hitch cheers as he laughs but then stops as he looks at his friends again. “Huh?” He asked again. Hitch sees Zipp swinging on the rope of Izzy’s box as she laughs “Woohoo!” She cheered as she swung back and forth. Sunny and Sunset laughed as Pipp jumped up and down with a cheer. Sunny and Sunset then gasp as they see Hitch looking at them as he grumbles and walks away. Sunny and Sunset look at each other in concern, starting to concern Hitch. Sunset then thought to herself. ‘Oh, boy, we must’ve been distracted by Izzy being in the box, we didn’t realize about the tour Hitch was giving us.’ She thought as she might feel bad for him now. A little while later, Hitch then showed them the coast, with a unethusiasm expression. “Last stop, the beach.” He said in a motto tone as he showed them the view of the ocean. “Wow” Pipp, Zipp, Sunset and Sunny all said as they looked towards the ocean.   Hitch then turned to Izzy as he spoke. “I thought you'd love this, Izzy.” he said to the trapped Unicorn. “I do love it, Hitch!” Izzy called out. “My favorite place in all of Maretime Bay! ...We're looking at a parking meter, right? Oh, I love those things.” She called out to the simplest things she knew of that her friends weren’t amused by this, which didn’t make Hitch feel better. Hitch narrows his eyes, having enough of Izzy being trapped in that box. “That is it! We have to get Izzy out of there now! Ahh!” He cried out as he tackled Izzy’s box to the ground. Hitch tries to use a stick to snap the box open, but the stick breaks. Hitch then shakes the box, then jumps up and down on the top of it, and then uses his teeth to try and bite it open. Sunset saw this as Hitch begans to lose it as she ran towards him. “Calm down, Hitch! You're starting to lose it!” Sunset cried out as she use her magic to drag Hitch away from the box, before he do anything stupid that might get Izzy hurt. Hitch calmed down a bit as Sunset releashed him from her magic as he cried out. “Will nothing open this adorable cube prison!?” He cried out in frustration on why the Earth Pony made the trap impossible to break without a backup release. “You're the sheriff of Maretime Bay and added security to Canterlogic with Phyllis who created these things in the first place, and yet she didn’t tell you how they work except for the release button?” Sunset listed out as Hitch has been sheriff of Maretime Bay for a long time, he would have known how to work with these things beside the release settings. “Phyllis usually tells us these things and shows them at her big reveal at the Canterlogic building. But besides the release button, I can’t remember what else she said since it has been a long time since she told us about the Unicorn traps!” Hitch pointed out that the Unicorn traps came before the Anti Pegasus goggles and flight packs and Anti-Unicorn Mind Readers devices before their adventure started, so he is a little rusty with the designs of the Unicorn traps. “Remind me to pay Phyllis a visit when we get Izzy out of there. Because I have a few choice words for her.” Sunset said, wanting to pay Phyllis a visit for what has happened today. “When we get Izzy out of that trap. But I don't know how we could do that!?” Hitch cried out as he looked down, lost some ideas to get Izzy out of that trap. Izzy then came up next to Hitch as she faced her painting face to him. “Don't you ever give up, Hitch. We just gotta think!” Izzy said in optimum, keeping Hitch positive of the circumstances. “Me and you, pony and box.” She added with a cheerful tone, if they could see her face, they could tell that she is smiling to Hitch to keep trying. Hitch and Izzy the hums as they are both trying to think of a way to get Izzy out of the box while the other girls looked at the two ponies in curiosity, trying to see what happens next as Hitch and Izzy kept thinking as they move around, but as Hitch stop, Izzy bumps into Hitch as she giggles while Hitch looked at her with a look before resuming their thinking as they continue moving back and forth as the others watch. Hitch stopped as he turned the other way but Izzy just kept on moving as Sunny saw that Izzy was getting too close to the edge. Pipp, Zipp, Sunset and Sunny all gasp as they see that Izzy is about to go over the edge. “Izzy!” they all cried out as she was at the other side of the edge and then fell down below. Hitch turned and saw this when he heard the girls. “IZZY!” He cried out as the rest of the Mane 6 ran to the edge as they saw Izzy rolling down hill as said unicorn is cheering. “Ahh, this is amazing! Woo-oo-oo-oo!” Izzy cheered as she rolled up to a ramp on the hill as she flipped into the air. “Ah! Woohoo!” She cheered as the box landed on a seastack, the seastack broke apart from impact, but surprisingly, the box remained intact as it fell into the water. The others saw this as they looked worried and shocked, worried for Izzy but also shocked at how strong that trap is since it didn’t break on impact of the seastack. “Okay, I hope Izzy is okay, but wow, that is one tough box.” Sunset commented, admiring the trap durability of how strong it is while also hoping that Izzy is okay.   “You have got to be kidding me.” Hitch said in a disbelief expression, one for hoping that Izzy is okay while the other is trying to think what did those earth ponies used to make these traps that strong. The trap then resurfaces, bringing relief to the group as Izzy laughs inside the box, finding it quite fun but also a sign to her friends that she is okay. Hitch then fell to his flank as he now felt down about what happened today. “My perfect tour... ruined!” He cried out as he flopped his head to the ground in despair as the girls watched him. Izzy levitated herself back to the group as she heard Hitch’s despair tone. “Hey there, Hitchy-poo. What's wrong, buddy?” She asked in a concerned voice. Hitch then answered her as he looked down to the ground. “This tour was supposed to show you that Maretime Bay is an amazing place to live.” He pointed out, wanting to show his friends that Maretime Bay is amazing, and thinks that Izzy being trapped in the box is what ruined it and her friends, but mostly Izzy since she didn’t see any of it while trapped in the box. “Hitch, mission accomplished!” Izzy cheered out to him, saying that she knows that Maretime Bay is an amazing place to live. “Huh?” Hitch called out in curiosity, trying to get what she meant by that. “We just had a blast. And it's all thanks to you!” Izzy pointed out as the other girls smiled at Hitch. “Yeah, I've always wanted to see the Houvre. It's like a totally famous museum.” Pipp pointed out from the museum earlier, stating that she always wanted to see it, and she got her wish thanks to Hitch. “And how cool was that ropes course?” Zipp pointed out of the rope course they saw earlier, finding the obstacl amazing for a pegasus like her. “I'm definitely going to check that out.” She added, wanting to go back there sometimes. Sunset knew why Hitch thought they didn’t pay attention to his tour as she spoke out. “Hitch, we have been listening to your tours while also searching around. You thought we weren’t paying attention to you, but we were just wanting to let Izzy know what we were seeing and what they did. Like the museum for example, we painted Izzy’s box so that she could hear the paintbrush to know that we were at the museum and what they do there. And the ropes course, we use the rope that was holding Izzy’s box to swing around to let Izzy know what the ropes course is while also having fun as well while swinging back and forth.” Sunset pointed out the things they did for Izzy while on the tour. “Izzy may not be able to see them, but she can hear and feel them as they go. We didn’t ignore your tour; we were just helping Izzy to experience it while being trapped in that box.” She added the reason for them not paying attention to him earlier. Hitch got up from the ground as he looked at the group, now understanding why they weren’t paying attention to the tour earlier. “So...You all like Maretime Bay?” He asked with a smile. “We love it!” Pipp called out with a cheer.. “I feel more at home now.” Zipp replied with a smile. “It was amazing to see all that and the fun it has.” Sunset added with a smile. “Best tour I've ever been on. Seriously.” Izzy said, stating of the hearing and feelings of the tour thanks to her friends. Sunny came to Hitch side as she smiled. ”See, Hitch? When something doesn't go to plan, you just have to…” She stopped in mid section as she gave Hitch a smirk. “Wait for it... Think outside the box!” She punned it out as she laughed her head off at that joke. Sunset laughs as well. “That was hilarious, nice pun you did there, Sunny.” She added as she laughed, seeing the joke.  Izzy laughs at that joke as well. “That is so funny, 'cause I'm inside a box.” She stated, seeing the pun that Sunny made there as Zipp and Pipp both smiled at that pun. Hitch laughs at that joke as well, but then from what Izzy and Sunny said made Hitch gasps as he remembered something. “Outside the box!” he called out as he searched Izzy’s box, trying to find something with a little grunt as he checked the bottom of the box as it revealed that it has an emergency release switch. “Ah-hah!” he cheered out as he flipped the switch. Then the Unicorn trap unfolds itself, releasing Izzy from the trap as her friends look at her with smiles at the sight of her being freed. Izzy checked her surroundings as she trotted around her friends. “I'm a unicorn again!” She cheered as she bent down to the ‘X’ spot of the box. “We made some good memories though, didn't we, box?” She said to the box as her friends looked at her strangely but knowing that Izzy is alright since that just her being herself as Izzy stands back up as she faces her friends with a smile. “Now I can take the real tour!” She announced as her friends smiled at her, wanting to retake the tour so that she can see the sights for real this time. A little while later, the group are retaking the tour of Maretime Bay for Izzy to see what they have seen as Izzy giggles as she hopped up and down. “Right this way, and you'll see... Ah!” Hitch tried to show them something but then was cut off when he steps on another Unicorn trap, trapping him this time as the others looked at him with a look as Sunny face hoof herself. “...Uugh!” Hitch groans as karma strikes him. Sunset groans from seeing another trap again. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this.” She went to the trap and pressed the release button, but since it didn’t work like the last, she levitated the trap and pressed the emergency release switch that set Hitch free. Sunset then turned to the group. “We’ll have to put the tour on hold for a little bit, me and Hitch have to pay a visit with a certain CEO of Canterlogic and creator of these traps. You girls wait here until we get back, alright.” Sunset said to the girls as they nodded their heads in agreement as Sunset and Hitch went to Canterlogic to tell a certain CEO about their trouble today. A little while later at the Canterlogic building, Sunset and Hitch explain the issue and about the leftover Unicorn Traps they experienced earlier that got Izzy trapped and then Hitch as well, and having a few bumps on the way.  After a few minutes of explaining, Phyllis gets what they are saying as she speaks. “Look, for what admittedly little it's worth, I AM sorry about those leftover unicorn traps.” Phyllis said in an apologetic tone, feeling bad for this to happen and not knowing there are still some traps out there. “I ordered my employees to get rid of them after we began reunification, but it seems they missed a few.” She pointed out, saying that she thought all of the traps were all but accounted for but clearly her employees miss a few. “Yes, they did.” Hitch said after what they have been through today. “It was just lucky nopony was seriously hurt.” He added, a good thing nopony was hurt in all of the trap problems and was glad the trap kept Izzy safe when she was rolling down hill and landed on the sea stack without getting hurt. “I'll keep a sharper eye out for that sort of thing in the future.” Phyllis assured them, going to go through her list, to keep a sharper eye for any leftover security she might have left over Maretime Bay so they can get rid of the leftover traps that are left behind. “See that you do, Miss Cloverleaf.” Sunset started with a tense expression.  “And, if you see your son again, try to talk him into helping with getting rid of these traps, because I get the feeling, he didn’t get them all and I bet he was laying on the job.” She added, since Sprout was supposed to help take care of those traps as well while doing community service as punishment for nearly staging war on the Pegasi and Unicorns and going crazy with power and almost hiring Sunny and her friends in the process. “Indeed, Miss - Shimmer, right?” Phyllis replied, and made sure she got Sunset’s name right. “Yes, it is.” Sunset answered. “And I appreciate you showing respect, even if I will still strongly dislike you for quite some time.” She added that while Phyllis may be showing respect to Sunset and to her friends now, she still dislikes Phyllis for quite some time after what she did before their wild adventure to bring the three tribes together and then brought back the magic and for what she did to Sunny. “C’mon, Hitch. We are done here. We gotta get back to the girls to continue the tour.” She said as she walked out to the door as Hitch and Phyllis looked at each other. “Don’t take it personal, Ms. Cloverleaf.” Hitch assured the CEO earth pony. “Sunset was just a little tense when she heard about your history with Sunny and her father, and for what you did to Sunny last Canterlogic day as well and for putting Sprout in charge that almost struck chaos and not believing the true story of the guardians of friendship. Since they were Sunset’s friends after all.” Hitch pointed out why Sunset is so strict with Phyllis. Phyllis sighs as she takes a deep breath. “Well, I do deserve that after what happened last Canterlogic. And I don’t blame her for being protective of Miss. Starscout as well, if it was my son, I would feel the same way.” She pointed out that if it was Sprout in Sunny’s position, she would understand what Sunset is going through. “Though sometimes I even found it hard to believe. But I understand that.” She pointed out that she dislikes Sunset as well, but not much as now knows the true history of the Guardians of Friendship and understands what Sunset is going through. “Only time will tell when me and her will come to terms.” She added with a sigh. “Hey, Hitch! C’mon! We can’t keep the girls waiting for long, we got a tour to see.” Sunset called out from the outside. “Coming!” Hitch called out as he trotted to Sunset before taking one last look at Phyllis. “Have a good day Ms. Cloverleaf!” He called out as he ran out the door. “You too, Sheriff Trailblazer!” Phyllis answered back. Hitch and Sunset ran through the streets of Maretime Bay, trotting back to the girls to continue the tour Izzy missed out on while the problem with the traps has been solve, they will have to watch their steps until Phyllis employees remove all the leftover traps until Phyllis announce they are all accounted for. End of Chatper 6. > Chapter 7: Clip Trot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Clip Trot In the middle of the day of Maretime Bay, Pipp is infront of the Crystal Brighthouse looking at her phone as she sees a video with bunnies who have glasses and hats on their heads as they dance at sync to the rhythm of the song in the background. (Do the Bunny Hip Hop Song) Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny Kick up your paws and slide to the right Shake your tail, now, side to side Do a little zip and bring it up quick Hop around and let's see you twist... Pipp gasps at the video as she squeals. “Ponies!” She called out to her friends, wanting to show them what she just found. Pipp then opened the door with an exciting look. “Have you seen this Clip Trot? It. Is. So. Awe-some!” She sang the last word as she showed her friends the video of bunny hip hop. Her friends look in surprise at seeing it, clearly never seen it before. Sunset broke the silence as she spoke. “Uh, Pipp. What are we looking at right now?” She asked with a look as she watched the video. Pipp then gave them a look as she answered Sunset’s question. “It's the Hip Hop Bunny Bop? The new dance craze? It's only got like, a million hoof taps.” She pointed out how many views it got as she gave a look that her friends didn’t realize how many hits it got. “A million hooftaps?” Izzy questioned as she continued with a smile. “Surely you only need four!” She called out, clearly not getting what hoof taps mean, since it means by views or likes, as she scats and hooves tapping on the floor with a little dance as she strikes a pose. She saw her friends looking at her weirdly, since that was a little weird to see. “Izzy, that’s not what Pipp means by hoof taps.” Sunset corrected Izzy. “I think she means likes and views of the video.” She added. Izzy then chuckles awkwardly, making herself a little embarrassed and for not realizing what hoof taps mean. “Okay, you're a tough crowd.” She said to them, saving herself from being more embarrassed when her friends stared at her. Pipp then came to Izzy said as she spoke out excitedly. “We have to try it!” She called out as she squealed. “My pippsqueaks will be expecting it!” She called out as she placed her phone on a phone holder as she tapped the record button. “Aaand five, six, seven, eight.” She announced to her friends to get ready to show their skills infront of the phone. Sunny then smiles at her friends, going to try out Pipp’s idea. “Just listen to the beat, feel the rhythm, and... most importantly, be yourself!” Sunny advises her friends, remembering her first experience while dancing and feeling the rythm as she gets in front of the camera and dances as the Bunny Hip Hop song starts to play as she dances a bit before hopping away.  Izzy walked back words as she laughed while dancing around with an added spin while waving her hooves as she moved backwards with a smile.  Izzy then waved to Zipp to come into the camera’s view as she danced and flopped to the floor as she shook her head, did a backflip as she struck the landing while walking backwards. Sunset came into view of the camera as she danced with the moves she did from the dancing music she and the rainbooms made to raise the fundraisers for Camp Everfree with the Crystal Prep girls with a twirl and stood on her hind legs as she breakdance out of the camera view. Hitch came into the view of the camera as he danced. “Ah, woo!” He laughs as he jumps as he dances. “Hitch has got it, uh-huh!” He cheered as he danced. Izzy laughs as she and the rest of her friends, san Pipp, free dance as they listen to the rhythm. Pipp however, did not like what they were doing as they spoke out. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Cut! Stop. Stop it.” She called out but they did hear her as Zipp continued to dance. Zipp hums as she still dances, getting into it as she then flies and flies around and ends the dance with a twirl in the air as she lands back into the ground as her friends watch her in awed, didn’t know Zipp was that good as a dancer. “Yeah!” She cheered. “Nice moves there Zipp, didn’t know you were that good of a dancer.” Sunset commented while still looking at her in awed. Zipp chuckles. “Flying isn’t my only hobby, I also like to break out the dance floor from time to time.” She pointed out, in her spare time besides flying, she also breaks dance from time to time. “Upload that!” She called out to her sister, wanting to post that video with her moves in it. Pipp then spoke out in protest. “I can not upload THAT!” She yelled out. “That was nothing like the bunnies! Watch. It goes like this.” Pipp added as she got infront of the group while putting on the glasses as she danced to the music. (Continued Do the Bunny Hip Hop songs) Time to get fluffy I said it's time to get fluffy Here we go now Here we go Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny... Pipp then dances to the same moves as the bunnies did with effort grunts as she tries to do the same moves as the bunnies did in the video, which is a little weird to watch to say the least as her friends look at her weirdly and a little disturb by her trying to dance the bunny dance. Zipp was a little disturbe by this as she spoke out. “Oh! Uh, is that the time? Gotta do that thing I was telling you about. Sunny, you remember? That thing?” She acts to Sunny, trying to find a way out of Pipp’s weird bunny dance as she chuckles and runs off as Pipp continues to dance. Seeing where Zipp is going with this, Sunny spoke out. “Uh... Uh, yeah! That... thing! Wasn't I supposed to help you?” She acts as well as she ran after Zipp. “Me too!” Hitch called out as he ran after the two mares, leaving Sunset and Izzy with Pipp. Pipp then stops dancing as she takes her glasses off as she looks at two remaining ponies in front of her, seeing that three of her friends are gone as Izzy and Sunset looked at each other as Izzy spoke before Sunset. “Aaand yeah, I can't think of an excuse. Gotta go!” Izzy called out as she ran out of the house, leaving Sunset behind. “Wait…!” Sunset cried out as she is the only pony left with Pipp, she looked at the sad pegasus as Pipp looked down in despair, feeling a little upset that her friends left her while she danced. Sunset sighs, she couldn’t leave her now that Pipp is now sad as she walks to her as she puts a wing over her shoulder. “Pipp, I know that you want us to do perfect for the video for your Pippsqueaks, but to put it simply, we can’t always do perfect. And to be fair, we’re ponies, not bunnies. We don’t even know their dance moves since we only know our own. And to be fair, I don’t know we can even do those moves except for you since we’re not a video live streamer like you.” Sunset pointed out. Pipp sighs as she can see where Sunset was going with this. “I see your point, Sunset. You guys didn’t even know about Bunny Hip Hop until I showed you the video, I guess I could’ve told you all how it works first before making the video.” She said, as she would’ve giving her friends proper instructions on the bunny hop before making a video. Sunset then replied. “How about we go for a walk together so that you can clear your head of the distress, we can do the video later.” Sunset suggested that a little fresh air will clear Pipp’s mind to think for her video. “Okay.” Pipp said in agreement as she and Sunset walked out the Crystal Brighthouse as she closed the door. Pipp and Sunset walk through Maretime Bay as they are next to the Mane Medoly salon as they walk. Pipp was still feeling down from earlier, but then gasps as she saw a familiar pony coming out, Sunset saw this as well as the two ponies saw Jazz coming out of the salon, ending her daily job for the day as she turned and saw Sunset and Pipp as Pipp got into Jazz’s face as she gasps in shock seeing Pipp this close to her. “Hey, Jazzy-babe, loving that hooficure.” Pipp said to Jazz after seeing that she has a hooficure. “Cu-ute!” She said in admiring Jazz’s hooves as Sunset nodded her head in agreement, finding it cute as well. “Oh, wow, thanks!” Jazz replied with a smile. “I just--” She was cut off when Pipp continued. “So, I could totally use your help on some like, amazing content.” Pipp said as a favor from her as she blinked with sparkles in her eyes as she gave Jazz the phone. Pipp turned to Sunset. “Stand next to Jazz, Sunset. So, the camera can view me.” Pipp said to Sunset. “Okay, sure.” Sunset said as she walked next to Jazz as said earth pony held the phone, they were ready. “We’re ready, Pipp.” Sunset called out, knowing what comes next as she waits for it to happen. “And five, six, seven, eight!” Pipp cheered out as she began to dance as she sang the song. (Do the Pony Hip Hop song/ Pipp’s singing) Pipp sang the song as she danced with as she turned around and rap the song as she dance to it as well while Jazz looked at Pipp strangely as she looked at Sunset for an answer. “Trying to make a video based on the Bunny Hip Hop thing.” Sunset answered as Jazz nodded in understanding as Pipp sang.  Come on, ponies Show me what you got I said show me what you got Here we go now Here we go! Yeah! Uh-uh-uh-oh-ooh! Who needs those ponies? Not me. I'll just do it myseeelf!  Pipp then pants as she turns to Jazz and Susnet to know how she does. “What do you think, Jazz, Sunset?” She asks the two ponies for an answer for them to judge. Sunset spoke first. “Well, it’s okay. But let’s hear it from Jazz and see what she thinks.” She said to the earth pony next to her as Jazz spoke. “Ah, I mean... It's... great.” Jazz said while trying to think of the right words. “But…” She tried to explain but was interrupted when Posey came out of nowhere next to Jazz. “That's so last week.” Posey said to the two ponies, answering for Jazz while she smirked at Pipp in a little amusement.  Sunset and Pipp looked at each other in confusion. “What do you mean by that, Posey?” Sunset asks the said yellow earth pony as she wants to know why. “What?” Posey replied as she laughed at the two ponies in front of her and Jazz. “Have you two been living in a cave?” She asks rudely as to why they didn’t know about this as Jazz flinched at Posey’s comment. After hearing the cave part, Sunset and Pipp start to have a flashback together from last week to why they didn’t know about this earlier. Flashback: A week ago, the Mane 6 decided to go on a camping trip. It was Hitch's idea to take a break from all of the technology his friends were using lately as he took them camping into the woods. But as bad luck has it, it was raining where they set up their camp as they took shelter in a cave as the Mane 6 were soak and wet from the rain outside as they stood close to the fire for warmth while Izzy covered herself with a blanket as the 5 girls glared at Hitch. Getting them lost in the forest while trying to get back home. Hitch saw their glare as he spoke out. “We're not lost!” He said, trying to stay optimistic as he came up with the right words. “We're just... slowing down. Living life unplugged!” He said that this will be a great time for them to get away from machines for a little bit to enjoy the great outdoors but didn’t even know it was going to rain. “It’s ‘living life on the land’, Hitch” Sunset corrected. “Next time, I’m carrying the map, so we don’t get lost and going to check the weather before we go out on our camping day.” She added as Hitch chuckled nervously, completely forgotten to check the weather before they went on their camping trip. Pipp then tries to use her phone to see her stats and if anything, new pops up, but only receives beeps as she can’t get a signal out here as she taps her phone repeatedly in frustration. “No canternet?” She groans as this is gonna be a long day without her phone. End of Flashback. Pipp and Sunset shook their heads as they got out of the flashback, now knowing why they didn’t know of the Hip Hop Bunny video earlier since they were out in the woods with no canternet. “So, no one does the Hip Hop Bunny Bop anymore?” Pipp, questioned in shock, realizes that the Hip Hop Bunny Bop is outdated since she didn’t get a signal last week while in the woods to know it. Posey chuckles at Pipp’s realization as she gets caught up to speed. “Nope.” Posey answered. “We're waiting for the next big thing.” She added with a wave of her hoof. Sunset then spoke up. “Sorry, Pipp. But it looks like the bunny thing is out of style now. This reminds me of the time when me and my friends back in the other world made a video of this kind of thing to post on the web, got some hits but was a little embarrassed. And that time we made a music video to raise a fundraiser for a campsite to make repairs while working together with our friends from another school as well. It took some mishaps, but we came through and worked together to create one best thing that went viral.” Sunset added as she recalls those times that she and the Rainbooms created some videos for fun while also remembering the time where she and the Rainbooms, along with the Crystal Prep girls worked together to make the ‘Dance Magic’ video to win a contest to get the money they need to raise the funds for repairs for Camp Everfree. “Anyway, what can you do for a video? You just need to think of the next best thing for it to become popular.” She added with some advice on how to make a video that would become a hit. Pipp then thought of what Sunset said as she smirked, coming up with an idea. “The next big thing, huh? Hmm…” She said as she put a hoof to her chin. Sunset saw this as she had a feeling that Pipp just came up with an idea for the next best video that she might have in mind. Pipp then grabbed her phone from Jazz as she started pressing it. “What are you doing, Pipp?” Sunset asked, curious on what Pipp was doing. “You’re about to find out, Sunset.” Pipp answered with a smile as she is editing her phone as Sunset and Pipp looked at her phone from the side as Pipp continued editing her phone, as it turns out, Pipp is editiing the videos into something great as she have taken as she kept pressing. (Do the Pony Hip Hop Plays)  Come on, ponies Show me what you got I said show me what you got Here we go now Here we go! Jazz looked carefully at Pipp’s edithing as she spoke. “Hmm. That really is gonna be the next big thing. Explode it!” She said with a smirk as she raised her hoof to Pipp for a hoof bump. “Yeah, Pipp. This might become a hit the second you post it.” Sunset added with a smile as she raised her hoof for a hoof bump from Pipp as well. “Uhn! Pssh.” Pipp said with a smirk as she hoof bump poth Jazz and Sunset as she looked back to her phone. “Aaand upload.” She said as she uploaded the edith video to the web as she and Sunset smiled. (Do the Pony Hip Hop continues playing) Do a little dip and bring it up quick Trot to it now, let me see you twist Look at you glow, look at you shine Show me that spark, everypony, unite... The video then showed the girls doing their dances with a four-way split mirror with stars in the background as the Mane 6 showed their dance moves as Rocky, Jazz and Posey looked at the video as they were viewing it with smiles on their faces. “Now that is fire.” Rocky commented to the other two ponies as they saw the video. “Hooftap!” The three ponies said in unison as they hooftap, which means like, on the video. It's the pony hip hop! The gardener earth pony is pouring water on her flowers as she hooftap the video as she dances to the music as McSnips growls at being wet while the earth pony mare didn’t realize that that she was pouring some water on McSnips. Do the pony-ony-ony Pony pony Do the pony-ony-ony Everypony, everywhere In Bridlewood, Alphabittle is tapping his hoof while bobbing his head and dancing to the beat of the song as he twirled around with a smile as he hooftap the video. Trot to the beat, you can feel it in the air Pony pony And then in a cave or so, two magical furry creatures that look like raccoons, one that is light blue and one that is purple with both having a rainbow tail and horns as they somehow have a phone with them in their magic as they bob their heads to the music, loving it. Do the pony-ony-ony Pony pony Do the pony-ony-ony… In Zephyrr Heights, Queen Haven and her fellow ponies watch the video on the big screens as they bob their heads to the music. “Hooftap!” Queen Haven cheered with sparkles and a smile as she backed flip as a random Pegasus mare came up to the screen. “Hooftap!” The Pegasus mare cheered as she somehow Hooftap the screen. Back in Maretime Bay, the Mane 6 looked at the video as they had smiles of joy on their faces.  “We. Look. Amazing!” Izzy cheered out with a smile. “I've never seen so many hooftaps!” Sunny said in amazement. “I bet everypony in Equestria has seen this!” She added as the gorup smiled at the thought. Sunset then spoke with a smile. “There’s no doubt about it, Sunny.” She said with a smile, she had a feeling that Sunny’s right since the video is viral. “Hey, pippsqueaks!” A filly voice was heard as the Mane 6 turned and saw three fillies, one that is a earth pony, one is a pegasus, and one as a unicorn, on the other side of them, and revealed to be Pipp’s fans since the Earth Pony filly said Pippsqueaks. “You be Sunny, you be Izzy, and will be Pi-i-i-i-ipp.” She said as she sang Pipp’s name. Pipp smiled at her pippsqueaks as she spoke to them as the fillies giggled for a bit before they heard Pipp speak to them as the fillies gasped at the sight of her. “Or... How about you just be yourselves?” She said to the fillies as she gave a wink to Sunny and Sunset, now knowing the true purpose of being yourself for something you wanted to do as the two said ponies gave each a proud smile back at Pipp. The fillies laughed a bit with smiles as they began to dance in their own way. “Yeah-hah! That's it!” Pipp cheered to the fillies as she laughed as her friends smiled. “You got it!” She congratulates the fillies as Pipp and her friends see Izzy beatboxing, scatting, and dancing as her friends look at her in confusion. “ 'K, is anypony getting this?” Izzy asks her friends as she continues her dancing. “Because I'm an icon! Ooh-ah-ooh, Izzy, Izzy! Izzy, Izzy! Make it work!” She cheered as she bobbed her head up and down, twirled around and then jumped up and down as she sang as she danced and then struck a pose after her little dance. The rest of the Mane 6 smiled at Izzy’s cheerful side as they all had a little laugh as they made the next best video that everypony loved and went viral in one day as the Mane 6 smiled at their best video. End of Chapter 7. > Chapter 8: Foal Me Once > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Foal Me Once In the event of Maretime Bay, the ponies were going about their business when a pony gallops past them at high speed, making them surprised at what they just witnessed, as that pony turned out to be Hitch as he trotted across town while wearing sunglasses as he smirks. Four ponies were chatting to each other as they saw Hitch trotted to them at high speed as they moved out of the way, clearing the way as for Fifi, who is carrying her fruit cart, to see Hitch coming towards her at high speed as she gasps in fright, thinking that Hitch might crash into her. But then Hitch jumped over Fifi, who was ducking for cover, as he jumped over the fruit cart with a smile on his face as the ponies around him gasped in amazement at Hitch’s skills as said sheriff landed on the ground as he galloped away. Fifi then stops covering her head as she sees Hitch galloping away. “Huh?” She said in confusion as she thought Hitch was going to crash into her. Hitch then skidded his hooves to a stop as he came in front of an earth pony mare in front of her flower stand as Hitch spoke to her. “What seems to be the problem, neighbor?” He asks the mare to know what is wrong. And then the earth pony mare then pointed to a spilled trash can next to the stand as Hitch gasps in shock at that sight, if there’s one thing Hitch hates besides ponies breaking the law, is litter in his hometown. Hitch then took a picture at the spilled trash can, then draw a circle around it with some chalk, use a cotton swab to get a sample of the trash, which is a little gross, then put it in a tube for evidence as he tightens the lid, took out his measuring tape to check it size as he got back up to the mare with a smile. “I'll get to the bottom of this.” He assures the mare when a bunnycorn jumps up and down, trying to get Hitch’s attention to him and his other two bunnycorns.  Hitch looks at them and reveals a sandwich to him, telling him that he must be hungry and they prepare a sandwich for him. But Hitch spoke out. “Not now, bunnycorns.” He told the bunnycorns in saying that he does not have time to eat right now. “The only thing I'm hungry for... is justice.” He said in a cool tone as he posed with his glasses as he galloped away from the earth pony mare and the bunnycorns. And then said bunnycorns sigh in disappointment that Hitch won’t even take a lunch break as he is so attach to his job as the sheriff of Maretime Bay, he would do nothing but get the job done one of the bunnycorn’s chomps sandwich, eating it instead so it won’t go to waste. At the Maretime Bay’s Police Station, Hitch gallops back to the station to find the case of somepony made that litter from the trash can.  But once he entered the station, he saw everything that made him. “Huh?” He asked as he saw all five of his landline phones ringing off the hook on his desk as he came up to his desk and answered one of the phone’s as he brought his glasses over his head. “Sheriff's station. You got Hitch.” He answered with a smile. “Hitch, all the fruit.” The pony who called turned out to be Sunny as she spoke out in worry. “It's gone!” She called out as Hitch was surprised to hear that his childhood friend's fruits were missing. “What?” Hitch questioned in shock but didn’t get an answer as another phone was ringing. “Hang on, Sunny.” He told her in saying he will get back to her quickly as he picked up the other phone. “This is Hitch.” He said to the other phone. “They're gone…” A pony stallion answered, leaving Hitch confused on what is gone. “All gone!” He cried out. “What's gone? Are you there?” Hitch asks over the phone, wanting to know if the pony is still there and wanting to know what is gone but another phone was ringing as he hung up the two phones and picked up the third one. “Hitch here!” He called out. “Are you listening?” The pony called out to Posey's voice as she questioned on the phone. “Hanging on the wall, the picture was right here…”  She called out that a picture was missing, and Hitch had a feeling that it must be from the Maretime Bay museum. Hitch cringed, getting a little overwhelmed as another phone started ringing “Yikes! Be right with you.” He said to Posey as he hung up and picked up the fourth phone. “Hello?” He asks who it is but only hears sobbing from a pony stallion. And then the ringing intensifies as the other phones starts ringing at the same time as Hitch tries to answer them all as he juggled the phones around all at once in frustration, but he only got himself tangled in the landline phone wires as he heard ponies chattering on the phones while he is tangled. And then the door opened, as Zipp and Sunset poke their heads out, Sunset is having some time off since she worked at the fruit stand with Sunny only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, since she needs some spare time to do some research on how to find out the mystery of how Equestria changed and what happened to her friends, and the spare time to train Sunny and Izzy on their magic. “Hitch! Is this a good time?” Zipp asks in wanting to know if Hitch is available to have a talk. “If you are busy, we can come back…” Sunset was cut off when she and Zipp saw Hitch tangled up in the phone wires as he tried to keep his balance as chattering was heard from the phones. “Later.” Sunset finished while stifling her laughter as she and Zipp came into the station with amusming smiles. “Yeah, because you seem to be a little... tied up.” Zipp said in a pun as she tried to stifle her laughter as well as she and Sunset came close to Hitch. “You really should find a new deputy.” She told Hitch that he needs a new deputy to help with all the work he’s been doing as a sheriff since Sprout lost his job. “Yeah, Hitch. This is too much, even for you.” Sunset pointed out, agreeing with Zipp. “And since Sprout got fired for almost causing mayhem with his giant robot, you need a new deputy to help you with your duties for Maretime Bay.” She advised him, reminded him that Sprout lost his job after their first adventure in restoring magic and reuniting the three tribes. Hitch grunts as he tries to get the phones’ wires off him. “I've got this under control, Zipp and Sunset.” He grunts as he pulls the wires off him, but then falls to the ground. ‘Woah!” He called out as he crash inbto the floor and got the phones off him as he got up. “Anyway, I work alone.” He said with a narrow determined look as Sunset and Zipp looked at him. “There's only one perfectly groomed sheriff capable of handling it all.” He then places his glasses back down as he looks at the two ponies with a smile. “Me! Crime waits for nopony!” He announced as he ran to the door. but just before he got out, Sunset teleported right in front of him, startling Hitch. “Ah! Sunset, can you give out a little more warning? I am still startled by your teleportation spell. And why did you block me? I gotta go out and do justice.” He pointed out. “Sorry, Hitch. But I was wondering if I can join you on your Sheriff duty today?” Sunset asked Hitch as said earth pony looked at her in surprise. “You’re serious? Don’t you have to be with Sunny at her smoothie stand?” Hitch asks, seeing that Sunset already has a job with Sunny at her fruit smoothie stand. “I have the day off today since I only work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Hitch.” Sunset pointed out her job schedule of when she is available. “And after hearing from Sunny that her fruits from her stand have gone missing, I figure I get to the bottom of this by helping you solve this case, Hitch.” Sunset explained the reason so she would find out who took Sunny’s fruits with Hitch's help. Hitch thought this over as he rubbed his chin. “I don’t know, Sunset. Are you sure you can do this?” He asked. “Hitch, your talking to a pony, who is an alicorn that have the magic of all three tribes combined, and is from Accient Equestria, who was Twilight’s friend and has more experience about this sorta thing while also just went on an adventure with 5 new friends to restore the magic and bring the three tribes together, right in front of you.” Sunset pointed out all the outcomes she's been through in the past and in the new Equestria with Sunny and her friends. Hitch then thought to what Sunset said, with her help, his day would be going easily today of the problems he heard. “Okay, Sunset. You can come today, I could use somepony watching my back.” Hitch said in agreement, need a little help  for once. “Great, then let’s get started.” Sunset called out as she and Hitch galloped out of the room and head for the door. Zipp smiles at Sunset’s determination to help and Hitch’s enthusiasm of doing justice she rolled her eyes playfully at the two said ponies. Hitch opened the door as he and Sunset were ready to roll, in front of them are Hitch’s animal critters as they chirp in cheer to Hitch, but he didn’t notice as he gallops away, leaving the critters to coo uncertainty as Sunset turned to the critters. “Uh, don’t worry little guys. I’ll keep an eye on Hitch.” Sunset assured the little animals. “He’ll be back before you know it.” She added as she gallops off to catch up to Hitch to solve the case while the critters looked at them, still a little sad that Hitch didn’t notice them. At the Maretime Bay Museum, Hitch and Sunset were investigating the case of the missing painting, which happens to be the Pony Lisa. Things have gone missing from all over town. We gotta inspect, gotta write things down. Posey, with a beret hat on her head, pointed out to the missing Lisa as she freaked out. Sunset and Hitch looked around at the rest of the painting, Sunset saw the Scream painting and saw that this scream painting had Rainbow Dash screaming in it. Sunset wonders if Rainbow had asked somepony to make this painting in her time, but she is glad to see a painting of one of her friends.  Hitch and Sunset looked around while taking out his magnifying glass to see if the thief left a hoofprint or a clue. A little while later, Hitch and Sunset were outside while Hitch wrote down what they learned in his journal of the missing painting, a fruit smoothie picture, sunglasses, a horseshoe and some lines drawn to connect the dots of the missing things. Hitch is closing in with his well-groomed face with his partner Sunset. Hitch and Sunset turned around as they looked at Sunny with a worried face, they stopped at Sunny’s fruit stand as she showed them an empty fruit box when Sunny said that her fruits are gone, as somepony must’ve stolen them. Just a few more steps and we will close this case. Sunset and Hitch inspect the box as Hitch sniffs the box for a scent of some kind. Sunset took a closer look of the box and found something as she grabbed it and showed it to Hitch and Sunny as they looked at what appears to be a green piece of fer in the box. Sunset and Hitch nodded at each other as they found their next clue. Time to catch this devious colt or mare. Sunset and Hitch then head to the glasses stand to find that the stallion that owns it revealed that all his glasses are gone as he is having a breakdown while Sunset tries to calm him down while Hitch writes down what he is saying. A mastermind is behind this. But who, and where? Hitch and Sunset are having a thought as to who has been stealing these things lately, and where they are now. Back at the police station, Hitch was putting together a mystery chart of all the things that were stolen from the ponies that they had seen while connecting red strings to find out the source. “Hitch knew this was the work of a genius criminal mastermind, Sunset.” Hitch spoke out in a tough manner. “But somehow, someway, he would connect the dots.” He said as a red string came off from the top of the Pony Lisa. “Uh... strings.” He corrected himself as he put the string back in place. Sunset then took a closer look at the board as she was thinking of who could steal this stuff. “I understand why they would steal the Pony Lisa, Hitch. But Sunny’s fruits and sunglasses, this doesn’t add up.” She pointed out. “I mean, why would they steal simple smoothies and sunglasses when they’ve stolen valuable artwork?” She added, she can understand why the painting would be taken but taking Sunny’s smoothies and sunglasses, that’s strange, even for her. “Yeah you're right, Sunset. The painting makes sense. But the smoothies and sunglasses, not right for some reason.” Hitch said in agreement with Sunset, trying to connect the strings on the clues they found. Sunset looks at the time and realizes that it is late. “Oh, Celestia. It’s already late. Sorry, Hitch but I got to go.” She said to the sheriff as she ran to the door. “I gotta be back at the Crystal Brighthouse, it’s my night to fix dinner for the girls back at the brighthouse, I made the promise to the girls.” She added. Hitch then looked at Sunset, understands but knew it was for another reason as he smirked at Sunset. “And it is also to tell a story to Sunny more about Twilight and the rest of the Guardians of Friendship before she goes to sleep.” He said with a smirk. Sunset then realized that Hitch caught her red hoof as she turned to look at him with an embarrassed chuckle with a blush. “Yeah. Sunny wouldn’t stop asking me to tell more stories about Twilight and the others.” She admittedly said to Hitch. “And I couldn’t say no to her, since well, she’s Sunny. Wanting to know more about Twilight and the others from somepony who actually knew her got her more excited than a filly would want to tell a bedtime story.” She chuckled with a smile, finding the filly side of Sunny cute and funny. “How did you know anyway?” She asks the sheriff how he knows that. “I've known Sunny since we were little, Sunset.” Hitch reminded her with a smile. “Sometimes her father used tell her the stories of the guardians of friendship with me and Sprout with her, though Sprout find it lame and not real, and I was interested by having a hard time to believe that it was all true at the time before we reunited the tribe, and her father mentioned that he used to tell these stories to Sunny whenever it’s bedtime. And since you know Twilight and her friends, she would ask you to tell more stories about them.” He told her what Sunny’s father used to do before his passing. He then waves a hoof to Sunset. “Now go on, I can figure this out. And you don’t want Sunny to wait too long.” He added with a chuckle. Sunset smiled back as she chuckled at what Hitch just said. “I sure wouldn’t. I’ll be back tomorrow, Hitch. If you can’t figure it out tonight, we can figure it out in the morning.” She said as she walked out the door. “Goodnight, Hitch.” She said to him before the door closed. “Goodnight, Sunset.” Hitch replied back to her as he focused his attention on the board as he began to cough. “I'd arrest somepony for a super citrus smoothie right now.” he said while his throat was dry from all the talking as he coughed. He then heard a thunk as he turned his head and saw a smoothie on his desk. “Woah. That's convenient!” He said with a smile and a little surprise as he saw the smoothie. “I don't remember picking this up.” He added as he picked up the smoothie and  slurps some of it as a thought came to him with a suspicious look. “Strange... Delicious!” He said with sparkly eyes but got back to suspicion as he eyed the smoothie. “But strange…” He said as he wondered where this smoothie come from. Morning then came as the two seagulls from Hitch’s crew were on top of the police station as the seagull with the can hat coughs and then screeches really loudly as it startled his friend but as a wakeup call for Hitch who is sleeping in his quarters in the police station. Hitch yawns as he gets up with his mane having a bedhead. “Look out, crime! Hitch is coming for ya!” He cheered as he got the blanket off him and got out of bed. Hitch then came to his closet to get ready for the day, but as he opened it, a mountain of stuff fell on him as it buried him. Hitch then got his head out of the pile as he looked at it and then gasped in shock at what he was seeing. “Smoothie cups?” He saw the smoothies that were either spilled or emptied as he began to worry. “Sunglasses?” He saw the pile of glasses on the ground as he then freaked out. “The missing painting?!” He cried out as he saw the Pony Lisa on the ground, with a little smoothie on it as he gasped. “Am I the criminal mastermind?” He asked himself as he thinks he was the one who stole those things. In the later evening, Sunset and Zipp went to the Police Station to check on Hitch and see if he had any clues that he found, Sunset wanting to show Zipp their progress as she told her what they did yesterday. “So the smoothie fruits, the sunglasses, and the Pony Lisa went missing.” Zipp replied to what Sunset had just told her what she and Hitch found out yesterday. “And Hitch guessed that you tell Sunny the stories of Twilight and the Guardians of Friendship the second you was about to walk out the door.” She said with an amusing smile, sometimes Zipp and the other girls join Sunny in on Sunset’s telling them stories about Twilight and her friends from time to time. “Well, Hitch is Sunny’s childhood friend beside Sprout. And he knows Sunny more than any of us combined, so yeah he found out.” Sunset pointed out. “Anyway, let’s see if Hitch made any progress in his research of the missing items.” Sunset stated as she opened the door as she and Zipp walked right in. “Hey, Hitch! We came to--” Zipp then stops in mid section to realize that Hitch isn’t at his desk. “Huh. Where did Hitch go? He’s usually here at this time.” Sunset points out as Hitch usually is on his desk in the morning while solving a case and to get his sheriff job ready. “Huh… You're right, Sunset. this isn’t like Hitch at all.” Zipp was in agreement as she and Sunset heard a harmonica playing as they turned and saw something. “Huh?!” Zipp said as Sunset widened her eyes as they saw Hitch in the cell while playing  a harmonica. “Uh... Whatcha doing in there, buddy?” Zipp said in a really confused expression with a confused smile, wondering why Hitch locked himself in the cell. “Yeah… Why did you lock yourself in a cell, Hitch? That’s weird, even for you.” Sunset asked this not like Hitch to lock himself in a cell without reason. “I'm all washed up, you two.” Hitch cried out in despair as he took out the keys and gave them to Sunset and Zipp. “Here. Take the keys! Find a new sheriff!” He cried out as Zipp picked up the keys as she and Sunset looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant by that as they looked at each other. “Okay, Zipp.” Sunset spoke up. “Look, all things considered, I'm pretty sure Hitch has already paid his karmic debt with interest." She said to all of the karma that had happened to Hitch in the past, and this time this is not one of those karma’s as Sunset looked at Hitch next. “Okay, Hitch. What’s going on and why are you in the cell?” She asks the sheriff why he is in the cell. Hitch answered while looking down. “Something caused Hitch to snap.” He then pointed to the mystery board as Sunset and Zipp walked to it. “He had gone down a dark road…” He added as he revealed that he may be the theft that’s been stealing things in Maretime Bay. Zipp and Sunset looked at the board as they looked through the things Hitch and Sunset investigated as while Sunset was a little confused, Zipp found a connection that’s to her brain knowledge as she spoke up. “Um, Hitch? These are all your favorite things.” She then turned to Sunset, “You are seeing the connection here, are you Sunset?” She asked the alicorn. Sunset takes a closer look, and then she realizes that Zipp is right. “You're right, Zipp. These are all of Hitch’s favorite things that went missing from Maretime Bay.” She then facehoof herself. “A pony feathers, I didn’t realize this soon when Hitch and I were investigation Maretime Bay’s crime scene. The Pony Lisa is Hitch’s favorite painting and the sunglasses are Hitch’s signature look. You know I could’ve guessed it from the sunglasses if I paid close attention.” Sunset added as she now gets what Zipp is going with this. “Yeah. Hitch, this smells like a set-up. And…” Zipp stops in midsection as she sniffs the air, smelling something. “Super citrus smoothie?” She asked in confusion where did that smell come from. Sunset smiffs the air as well, getting the scent of the smoothie as well. “Yeah, it is. Where did that scent come from?” She asked. Then they got their answers as they heard slurping, the two girls cringed as they might know where it was coming from. They turned to see Hitch slurping the said smoothie that he brought with him. Hitch stops slurping when he realizes what he is doing. “...Huh?” He asked before he starts screaming as he threw the smoothie away, but then hit Zipp as some of the smoothie juice got into her face as Zipp gave off a bored expression. Hitch then whimpered in shock as he looked at the spilled smoothie, then at Zipp and Sunset, who both looked at him with an amuse expression as Zipp shook the smoothie off her face. “Uhh, you two might be onto something.” Hitch said as he regained his composure, he tried to get out of the cell, but he forgot that it was locked as he tried to push it open with a grunt effort. Hitch then started panting when he realized that he gave the keys to Sunset and Zipp as he turned to them with a sheepish smile. “Um... Zipp? Sunset? A little help?” He asked them. Zipp swings the keys around on her hoof as she and Sunset give Hitch a smirk. “Ohh, so you do need help?” She asks with a teasing smirk. “Yeah, you really need our help, sheriff? Sunset added with a teaching smirk of her own. “You're right, Zipp and Sunset.” Hitch answered with a smile. “Maybe I do need a new deputy.” He said in admitting that he can’t do this job alone. But Zipp and Sunset kept quiet, waiting for anything else Hitch would say. Hitch looked at them for a moment before sighing in realization. “Okay, so maybe I need TWO new deputies. After all, both of you have skills that would be invaluable, Zipp, you have the brains and knowledge of how the crime scene is a setup like you said from the board. And Sunset, you certainly have the experience, helping with law enforcement in your spare time might improve your odds of getting more possible research material if you need them to find the answer you need for the truth you're seeking for Twilight and the Guardians of friendship and the truth on how did the three tribes separated in the first place while also helping keep Maretime Bay safe.” He announces to Zipp and Sunset to be his deputies when they have spare time to help him if the job is getting him all worked up. Sunset smiled at Hitch announcing her as a part time deputy whenever she had free time to help Hitch. It would be very useful for her to find the answers to her research to what happened to Twilight and her friends. “That’s all we wanted to hear, Hitch.” She said to the sheriff. “Good idea.” Zipp agreed as she tossed the keys to Hitch. “Now go get 'em, sheriff!” She called out as Hitch caught the keys, and gave a determined smile as he put on his sunglasses. Hitch then turned to Sunset. “Ready to solve the case, partner.” Hitch said with a knowing smile. Sunset smiled back with a determined look. “You know it, partner.” She answered as once Hitch got out of the cell, he and Sunset set out to solve the case. A little while later, Hitch’s office was dark until said earth pony turned the lamp on. Hitch and Sunset are both wearing sunglasses as Hitch paced back-in-forth while Sunset stood still while they both gave out looks to the person they were talking to. “You had me and Sunset running all over town.” Hitch said while pancing back-in-forth in a tough tone.  “But after a little investigation and a few clues, we have our suspects, we almost think it wouldn’t be you.” Sunset said in a tough tone as well. “But now we've finally got you.” Hitch finished as he slammed his hooves on his desk. As it turns out they are talking to a bunnycorn as it coos at them, but not just him, once Hitch turns the lights back on, it revealed all the animals that Hitch wasn’t paying attention to while investigating the crime scenes. “I can’t believe you animals would do this to Hitch.” Sunset added in disbelief that the animals would do this to the sheriff, and amaze that the animals would even do this. “What do you have to say for yourselves?” Hitch asked in a stern tone, but then a bunnycorn peeps as it gave a smoothie for Hitch. Which led Hitch and Sunset realizing why they did it. “Wait. Did you steal those things for me?” He questions the critters as they giggle, as the answer is yes, they did steal those for Hitch. “Hitch, I think they stole those for you because you have been ignoring them while trying to find out the crime scene of a certain litter who tilted a trash can.” Sunset said as she continued. “I mean come on, a trash can can’t be that much of a crime, it can be cleaned up easily. But knowing you, you have a habit of not liking litter in your hometown.” She added while knowing Hitch’s hate of litter. The critters giggle at Sunset stating, finding it true to her words on why they did all the stealing. Hitch then thought about what she said and to what the critters revealed. “Well, I guess I do overact to litter and I have ignored them, Sunset. And I'm flattered about you, critters, but you can't go around taking things. You've broken a dozen laws, not to mention health code violations…” He pointed out to the critters as they looked down in guilt, feeling bad for what they did. “Go return everything!” He lectured to them as the critters nodded in agreement, wanting to clean up their mess. In the museum, Posey was looking at the art while the critters put the Pony Lisa back in its place, but Posey heard it as she turned around, after the critters hid, and saw the Pony Lisa returned but was tilted. “Hmm…” Posey hummed in thinking she was seeing things, but then the critter flew back down and straightened the Pony Lisa in the right order as it flew away before Posey took another look, “Ha!” She said in a smile as she is glad that the Pony Lisa has returned. At Sunny's fruit stand, Sunny looked around with a down expression with her hooves carrying her head, still down that her smoothie supplies are missing. Then the critters then skate through the stand, in Sunny’s roller skates which they stole, with the supplies as they put the smoothie supplies, and Sunny’s roller skates, back where they belong before Sunny notices them. “Huh?” Sunny said as she turned around and smiled as she saw the smoothie supplies and her roller skates are back. “Ah!” She said with a smile, “...Huh?” She said as she sees the raccoons, they stopped when she saw them, but they whistled as they walked away, which Sunny didn’t mind one bit but was still confused but happy to have her supplies and roller skates back. The critters then put all the glasses back to the stand while the stallion is asleep, but not before a bunnycorn looks into the mirror, admiring himself as he makes a click-click sound before flying away before the earth pony stallion wakes up. Back at the police station, the animals cheered to Hitch as said sheriff is in the middle of the critters as Sunset is looking at them as she and Hitch smiled at the critters. “I'm sorry for ignoring you.” Hitch apologized to the critters as they shared a group hug as Sunset watched them hug. “But…” He wasn’t finished as Sunset continued for him. “You critters may have good intentions, but you have broken a few laws in the process.” Sunset spoke out, speaking like a true part time deputy. Hitch finished for her. “Yeah, you did the crime, and now you gotta do the time!” He said to them as he took them all for a snapshot. The critters gasp at this as the camera clicks with their id numbers in font of them as they had guilty looks on them for committing the crimes as the camera clicks, taking their snap shots. After locking up the critters in little cages, Sunset then walked out of the police station as she looked at Hitch when he spoke to her with a smile. “Thanks for helping solve the case of the crime scenes, Sunset. And tell Zipp I said thanks as well for helping me know what they mean, I never would have solved the case without you two as my deputies with the brains and experience of the investigations.” Hitch thanks her for helping solve the case. “Hey, I was just happy to help. And thanks for making Zipp your deputy and me as a part time deputy to help you.” Sunset replied with a smile. “If you ever need help, you know where to find me, and I’ll come to you in my spare time when needed. Gotta help keep the peace, am I right?” Sunset added with a smirk. “That’s right. If I ever need help to keep the peace, I know who to call.” Hitch said with a smile. “I’ll catch you around, Sunset, and thanks for helping me understand to not ignore my little animal friends when they need attention. If I had just listened to them, they would have never committed those crimes.” Hitch said with a guilty tone. “Hey,” Sunset spoke in a soft tone. “We all make mistakes, and I remembered the time when Fluttershy was having problems with her animals, like her bunny Angel for example, she was so busy that she didn’t realize that she had been ignoring him the whole time.” She said as Twilight once told Sunset on what Fluttershy been through when she was so busy treating the animals, she wasn’t paying much attention to Angel, which results them having their bodies switch to know how their daily routines feel for them to understand each other, resulting in them switching back into the right bodies. “But after a little understanding and experience, they understood each other as they forgive each other when they now understood how they feel. It just takes a little understanding.” She said to Hitch. Hitch was moved by Sunset’s wisdom as he smiled at her. “Thanks, Sunset. You certainly learned from experience. You really are a Guardian of Friendship.” He complimented her. Sunset smiled at Hitch’s statement. “I will do my best. If you ever need help, come get me or Zipp to help you with your Sheriff job since now we are your deputies.” She said to him with a smile. “You know I will.” Hitch replied with a smile. “See you later, Hitch.” Sunset said as she trotted out of the police station. “See you later, Sunset!” Hitch called out with a smile as he now had two deputies to help him when needed as he went back into the station to wait for another call for a crime to come up. End of Chapter 8. > Chapter 9: It's T.U.E.S. Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: It’s T.U.E.S. Day In the Crystal Brighthouse, balloons and streamers on the floor as Izzy chants and scats as she speaks out in excitement. “It's T.U.E.S. Day! Woohoo!” She cheered as she chanted with an exciting tone. “Uni-KA! Uni-KO! Uni-FA! Uni-FO! Uni-MEE! Uni… MOH!” She ended with a holler which caused the brighthouse to shake as she  finished with squeals and a smile. Sunny, Zipp and Pipp looked at Izzy strangely for a moment while they ate their breakfast, Sunset was still upstairs at the moment, before Sunny spoke out. “Uh... No, Izzy. It's Thursday.” She pointed out, not getting what Izzy meant as she looked at the time and saw it was about to be 9 am as Sunny gasped at the time. “Uah-and I'm late to open the smoothie court!” She cried out as Zipp and Pipp saw the time as well as they had plans as well as Pipp, Zipp and Sunny ran off on their daily routines. “Ugh! The pegasus marathon already started!” Zipp cried out as she put her things for the marathon in her bag, which are pegasi flying around in a marathon together, which Zipp didn’t want to miss out on. “Mane Melody can't open without the mane attraction!” Pipp boasted as she put some make up on her face as she smiles at her friends, need to get to her salon and open it this morning. Izzy spoke out, trying to explain what she was talking about. “No, it's T.U.E.S. Day. T. U. E. S. The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day! A special day for every unicorn…” She tried to explain to them but they are too busy trying to get ready for the day as Sunny got into her roller skates as she, Zipp and Pipp ran out the door since they are late for their daily jobs, activity for Zipp’s marathon thing, as the door shuts, leaving Izzy sad. “ ...and their friends.” She finished with a sigh as she looked at one of her cereals that her friends hadn't finished yet when they were in a hurry. “I miss Bridlewood. Earth ponies and Pegasi are great and all, but it'd be nice to make another unicorn friend.” She then gasps as she realizes something, or somepony to be precise. “Wait a minute, Sunset used to be a unicorn before she became an alicorn. I wonder if she is free?” She asked herself wondering if Sunset is free as she put the dishes away and trotted upstairs, and hoped Sunset would let her explain the holiday to her. Since Sunset is from ancient Equestria, she probably didn’t know it since at that time, it wasn’t created yet. A moment later, Izzy then came into the bedroom as she saw Sunset putting away some things as said alicorn turned when she saw Izzy at the door. “Oh, morning, Izzy. What brought you up here?” Sunset as with a smile. “Hey, Sunset. Do you uh, wanna celebrate T.U.E.S. Day with me?” Izzy asked the alicorn as Sunset turned around in confusion. “Isn’t today Thursday, Izzy?” Sunset questioned, not getting what she meant. “Not Tuesday, Sunset. T.U.E.S. Day.” Izzy corrected. “It is short for ‘The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day’! It's a special day for every unicorn to celebrate friendship with their friends.” She added with a squeal as she spoke out the motto she said from earlier. “Uni-KA! Un-KO! Un-FA! Un-FO! Un-MEE! Un… MOH!!!” She said the last part with a holler that shook the room as she finished with a smile. Sunset blinks in shock as she rubbed her ears from Izzy’s loud hollering as she spoke up. “Really. Oh, wow. That’s amazing. You know, I think I read about that in Sunny’s book while catching up with modern Equestria these days but never really get what it means.” She said as she rubbed her chin in curiosity. “But I am surprised that there is a holiday for the unicorns to celebrate friendship with their friends. Do Sunny and the others know about this?” She asked, thinking the girls might know as well. “No.” Izzy said in a sad tone. “I tried to tell them what the holiday meant, but they thought I was talking about the day of the week, Tuesday. And when I tried to explain it to them, they just ran off in a hurry since they have plans today, Sunny is at her Smoothie Court job, Zipp is going to the pegasus marathon, and Pipp is going to work at Mane Melody. They didn’t even stop to listen to me when they were in a hurry.” She said with a sad tone as her friends didn’t stop to listen. “And I know Hitch will be busy with his job as a sheriff so he’s out of the question.” She added as she and Sunset knew that Hitch would be busy as well. Sunset then gave a sympathy look to the sad Unicorn as she smiled at her for comfort. “Well, I have nothing better to do, and I go to work with Sunny tomorrow since I only work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.” She pointed out her work schedule. “The rest of the week is just researching through Sunny's father's records for me to get some answers and training you and Sunny about magic. And since today is a special day for a unicorn, that’s you, Izzy. I would be happy to join you, I mean, I was a unicorn before I became an alicorn. Does that count?” She asks with a smile. Izzy then smiled excitedly as she tackled Sunset into the ground. “Of course, it counts, Sunset! You are part unicorn after all! Thank you for joining me! It brings joy to my heart!” Izzy called out in joy as she hugged Sunset so tight, it was a little hard for Sunset to breath. “Anything for a friend, Izzy.” Sunset said with a strain smile. “How about letting me go so we can enjoy the festivities together?” She said as Izzy let go of her as Sunset breathed in relief as she caught her breath. “Sure, let's go!” Izzy cheered as she and Sunset walked down the door, for Izzy standards, hopping, as Izzy sang the Uni-things she said earlier. “Uni-KA!” She said as she waited for Sunset to say the next part. Sunset gets what she is singing as she continues. “Uni-KO!” She called out after remembering what Izzy spoke out earlier. “Uni-FA!” Izzy called out. “Uni-FO!” Sunset added as she and Izzy went out the door as the door closed behind them. Starting T.U.E.S. Day together. At Mane Melody, Izzy and Sunset are having pedihoofs as they giggled at their hooves having rainbow colors. “This feels great. Nice idea to see Pipp’s salon first for a perihoof, Izzy.” Sunset said to Izzy with a smile. “No problem, I just love getting my hooves done.” Izzy replied as Jazz finished up both her and Sunset’s hooves. Jazz gasps at the sight of Sunset’s and Izzy’s beautiful hooves as the two said ponies walk out of Mane Melody with a smile. A littl later, Sunset and Izzy are in the movie theaters, as there are only three ponies in it, them and Posey behind them as they watch a pony version of the Transformers, pony name version called ‘Trottformers’. Sunset saw the Transformers version of it in the human world and is interested to see a pony version of it in Equestria now that it is catching up with the times. Sunset and Izzy then saw the leader of the Trottformers, a pony version of Optimus Prime, named Optimare Prime, as they watched. “Trottformers... Roll out.” He called out to his offscreen comrades. “Wow!” Izzy cheered as she giggled at the movie. “I can’t believe they actually have it in Equestria now. And it is amazing, am I right?” Sunset asked the happy Unicorn, having told Izzy and the rest of their friends that she saw a movie similar to this back in the human world, but now it is in her home world as well. “You are right, Sunset!” Izzy said as she started chowing down on her popcorn, she ended up getting some on Posey, who groaned in annoyance at Izzy’s messy eating as she tried to see the screen better, but Izzy kept swaying side to side, blocking her view. “Autobots... Transform.” Optimare Prime announced as Posey fell to the ground with a groan as she hit the floor with a thud. Sunset and Izzy turned to see what was the sound but found nothing as they resumed watching the movie. “Hmm.” Izzy and Sunset both shrug as they laugh at the scene. Izzy drank some grape soda as she tossed the empty can away, hitting Posey in the head. “Ugh.” Posey groans from being hit with a can. Izzy and Sunset are now at a spaghetti restaurant as Sunset ate some from her muzzle, but as she got her head up, a whole tomato on the spaghetti got caught on her horn, which she didn’t notice.  Izzy then laughs at Sunset’s obvious of the tomato that is in her horn as she looks at Izzy in confusion. “What?” Sunset asked in confusion. “Ahahah! Look at your horn Sunset!” Izzy said while laughing. Sunset looks at her horn and she realizes that a tomato is stuck on her horn. She then snorted then laughed with Izzy as they laughed together as they found it funny. “Hmm… I wonder what got those two happier than usual. I mean, Izzy is pretty much the same, but I never seen Sunset having that fun before.” Hitch said as he was thinking things on what got those two ponies more active than usual. Sunny was then blending her fruits to make smoothies as Sunset and Izzy came to the booth. “Two strawberry sunshines, please.” Izzy requested the smoothies that she and Sunset would want. “Coming right up.” Sunny said as she blended the smoothies together and then came to the front of her booth as she saw Izzy and Sunset in front of her. “Oh, hey, girls. Nice to see you.” She said with a smile. And then saw their hooves have been predihoof. “Wow, nice hooves. New style you two got from Mane Melody, Sunset?” Sunny asks. “That’s right, Sunny.” Sunset answered with a smile. “And that’s not all, me and Izzy also went to the movies as well before we had lunch together. But, in the middle of lunch I had a tomato stuck on my horn. Me and Izzy had a laugh.” She said as she snorted. “It was pretty funny.” She added. Sunny then giggles at what Sunset just said. “Yeah, that sounds funny alright. And that's good to hear you two are hanging out.” She added. “You two seems to be having more fun than usual today.” She finished as she gave the two smoothies Izzy ordered to them. “Thanks, Sunny!” Izzy thanked as she and Sunset grabbed their smoothies as Sunset gave some bits to Sunny to pay for the smoothies. They may be friends, but Sunset always treats each other fairly.  “Happy T.U.E.S. Day.” Izzy and Sunset both said in unison as they walked away with a smile and their smoothies in their hooves as Izzy gave Sunny a tip as well. Sunny giggles at Izzy, thinking it is what she said Tuesday as she caught the tip in her hoof. “Sunset, I think Izzy got you confused. I told you, Izzy. It's Thursday today, not Tue--” That's when she realized what Izzy was saying when she remembered that name from her dad’s journal. “OH! T.U.E.S. Day!” She cried out as she now remembers as she went through her stuff she kept in her bag, looking for the journal as she completely forgot about the holiday. Sunset and Izzy trotted away as they passed by Hitch and Zipp as they watched them pass by as Hitch spoke up. “Anypony think Izzy and Sunset are even more energetic than usual today?” He asks if he understands what he is seeing. Zipp chuckled as she answered him. “Yeah. I was flying and I thought I saw them hang out the whole day while they were having fun. Izzy is still excited as usual, but for Sunset, this is new, even for her to be having this much fun with Izzy.” She said with a smile, saying that Sunset didn’t have this much fun in a while since doing her training with Sunny and Izzy and they haven’t seen Sunset have that fun in a while. “Yep, it was real alright.”  Pipp called out as she came next to Hitch and Zipp as she smiled at them. “And Jazz gave them both hooficures earlier. It was cute of them to have the same colors.” She added. Sunny found her book as she brought it down on the counter and opened it as she flipped through the pages. She looked through it as she found what she was looking for. “See? Today isn't Tuesday.”  She told her friends in front of her with a smile. The three looked at her with smiles, saying that they already knew. “Yes, Sunny. We know.” Pipp said with a smile. Zipp smirks at this. “I think she's forgetting the week too.” She said to Pipp as she turned to Sunny with her hoof raised. “How many hooves am I holding up?” She asks with a smile. Sunny then corrected them. “No, today isn't Tuesday. It's T.U.E.S. Day. The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day!” Sunny told them as her friends looked on in shock, now understanding what Izzy was saying this morning. “I can't believe I forgot! It's a special day for unicorns to celebrate friendship.” She told them with a smile. That when it hit them as Hitch spoke up. “Oh! That’s why those two were having fun all day together. Izzy must’ve told Sunset this morning about T.U.E.S. Day.” He said, now realizing why they were having fun lately. “Make sense, Sunset used to be a unicorn before becoming an alicorn like you are half the time Sunny. Which is why Izzy told her this, so she could have fun with her.” Zipp added as she now knows. Sunny then felt guilty as she remembered something this morning. “And we didn’t get to hear Izzy out when she tried to tell us.” She told them as Zipp and Pipp now feel guilty about it as they remembered this morning. “We were so in a rush to get ready; we didn’t hear Izzy out when she tried to tell us about her favorite holiday.” She added as she frowned a bit, feeling bad for not joining Izzy and Sunset in the holiday special for unicorns, Zipp, Pipp, and even Hitch feel guilty for not knowing Izzy’s holiday as they feel bad. But then an idea popped into Sunny’s head as she spoke to them with a smile. “But I think I know how we can make it up to both of them.” She told them, which caused the three to perk up as Sunny explained her plan to make up for not joining Izzy and Sunset in T.U.E.S. Day. Later that evening, Izzy and Sunset were walking back to the Crystal Brighthouse as Izzy grunted as she sat down infront of the brighthouse door. Sunset came up to the tired unicorn as she put a hoof on her shoulder. “I told you ,you shouldn’t have eaten all that pasta, Izzy. It can make you sick.” She reminded her about what she ate earlier.  “Sorry, Sunset. I should not have had all that pasta. Oogh…” Izzy said as she rubbed her belly to ease the ache a bit as she sighs. “We had a fun day, Sunset.” She said to her.  “We sure did, Izzy. It was great having fun with you on T.U.E.S. Day” Sunset replied with a smile but then frowned as the rest of their friends didn’t join them. “But it's just is not the same without all of our friends to celebrate today’s holiday.” She added with a sad look. “Yeah.” Izzy said in agreement as she frowned a bit. “It just doesn't feel like T.U.E.S. Day without my frie--OUAUGH!” Izzy cried out as the door suddenly opened as she fell on her back. “Oof…” Izzy said as she hit the floor. “What the? You okay, Izzy?” Sunset asked Izzy if she was okay. “I’m fine, but who opened the door?” Izzy asks as she and Sunset see their friends circle around them as all they smile at the two ponies. “Happy T.U.E.S. Day! Uni-KA! Uni-KO! Uni-FA! Uni-FO! Uni-GO!” Sunny, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp all cheered in unison as they repeated what Izzy said to them this morning. Sunny had to tell Hitch the words since he wasn’t there when Izzy said it. Izzy and Sunset smiled at their friends as they now remember. “Aw, you ponies remembered? Uh, did you just pretend to forget?” She asked them with a smile, thinking that her friends were just playing tricks on them. “Yeah. Did you guys just faken it or did you really forget about today’s holiday?” Sunset asked in curiosity, wanting to know which is which. Sunny and the others looked at each other with guilts on their faces as Sunny spoke out. “Well... No. We forgot.” Sunny truthfully said to Sunset and Izzy as she got in front of them as Izzy got back up. “We are all still learning about everypony's special days, and I guess we need to try a bit harder.” She admittedly said as she and her friends really need to learn hard about everypony’s special days so they would remember it. “Though, I admit. I’m surprised that you know about this holiday, Sunset. Didn’t you come from a time where that holiday didn’t exist yet?” Sunny asks Sunset how she knows about the holiday since the rest of them have forgotten about it. Sunset then spoke to the group. “Guys. Izzy told me about it this morning. She told me about T.U.E.S. Day when she came upstairs to ask me to join her in the festivities since you all are busy with your jobs and activities.” She told them as she continued. “Look, if you need to know what somepony is talking about, ask them what it means before you start saying something and hear what they have to say before you leave them behind before they even explained it to you.” She gave them advice as she remembered that when Twilight told her about the parasprite incident in Ponyville a while back before Celestia’s visit with Twilight, Pinkie tried to explain to her friends about those gross things as she experienced with those before and know how to get rid of them. But her friends didn’t listen to her as they find her ideas silly, but they were proved wrong when Pinkie played the ten instruments and lured the parasprites away from Ponyville, well what’s left of it after the parasprites ate most of it after Twilight’s failed magic spell that backfired, it kept them from eating anymore food, but then they started eating everything in sight. “Next time, listen to what Izzy has to say before you leave. So that she can explain to you what it means and for you all to understand what she is trying to say.” She added. The group looked down from what Sunset had told them, feeling bad that they didn’t listen to Izzy earlier when she was trying to explain T.U.E.S. Day. But they were so in a hurry for their jobs and activities, they didn’t have time to stop and listen to her. “Guess we gotta learn sompony’s special days and learn to listen to others more before we go.” Sunny said with a little sheepish smile. “Sunset and Sunny are right. We're sorry, Izzy.” Pipp apologized with a smile. “We thought you were talking about the days of week.” Zipp added with a smile. “We'll do better, I promise.” Hitch finished as the four friends smiled at the two ponies in front of them as Sunny spoke out. “But we were thinking... Maybe there's still time to do our own T.U.E.S. Day! All together?” Sunny asks as she and her friends want to make up for Izzy and Sunset for not joining them on today’s holiday. “Are you kidding? Me and Sunset had a whole day of fun and now we get to do it all again with you ponies?” Izzy asks them in excitement as her friends nodded their heads in saying yes. “Well, we did have fun as a duo, Izzy. So why not doing it again with all of our friends? It will be great!” Sunset cheered out as Izzy did the same as well as their friends huddled for a group hug around Izzy. “Woo! This is the best T.U.E.S. Day ever!” Izzy cheered as the Mane 6 smiled together as they started music with flashing lights inside the brighthouse as they were having a party together as the door closed on them, letting them enjoy their T.U.E.S. Day. But this time, with all their friends. End of Chapter 9. > Chapter 10: Sunny-Day Dinners > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Sunny-Day Dinners Sunny and Sunset are in the kitchen, making breakfast for their friends as Sunny was flipping the pancakes while Sunset is helping her out by working on some of the toasts as she used her magic to smear the butters on the toasts while also making orange juice, freshly squeeze as she put it in the juice contain as they put the last bits of breakfast on the table. “And... Perfect!” Sunny cheers out as she and Sunset put the toasts, the last bit of pancakes and the orange juice on the table where there is a pile of pancakes, a basket of apples, some muffins, orange juice, some toast, an omelet with tomatoes on the side and some carrots as well. “Breakfast of champions!” Sunny cheered for both her and Sunset’s success. “You really did a good job on this one, Sunny. And a nice breakfast setup, you really got skills.” Sunset congrats Sunny with a smile. “Thanks, Sunset.” Sunny thanked with a smile. “And thanks for helping me. Everypony needs a hearty meal before a busy day.” She said with a smile. “That’s true. Can’t start the day without a nice breakfast with the ponies close to us.” Sunset added as she and Sunny turned and looked upstairs. “Ponies, family breakfast!” Sunny and Sunset both said unison. Zipp then trotted towards them. “Sorry, Sunny, Sunset, gotta rush.” She apologized to the two ponies as she grabbed an apple, chomped on her mouth as she zoomed away to her daily routine, Sunny and Sunset looked on with a look. "You know it IS pretty ironic that the fastest modern Pegasus in Equestria doesn't have time for a good breakfast." Sunset pointed out, finding it weird that for Zipp to be so fast, she can’t seem to have time for breakfast. Sunny nodded in agreement before she and Sunset then heard humming sounds as they turned and smiled, seeing Izzy coming towards them while listening to music on some headphones. Izzy then chomps on the pancakes as she takes a bite. “Mmm! Good pancakes, Sunny, Sunset!” She yelled out since she is listening to music, before putting the pancake piece she took a bite on back onto the pile of pancakes, as her saliva from her bite ooze down to the rest of the pancakes. Sunny and Sunset cringe in disgust at that. “Yuck.” They both said unison, finding it gross that Izzy would take a bite out of something and then put it back. “Do-do-do, do-do…” Izzy sang as she hummed away, listening to her music. Then the front doors open as Sunny and Sunset saw Hitch running towards them in a panicked expression as he got in front of the two ponies. “Hitch, what’s wrong?” Sunset asked, wondering why Hitch is panicking. “They're doing it again with the garden tools!” Hitch frankly cried out as pointed to the outside, Sunny and Sunset both looked and see what is going on. Outside, the Racconicorns are growling on a pile of garbage as they are levitation gardening pitch forks at a pegasus rat, who is holding a can of leftover food from the garbage. Which he took from the racconicorns as they aimed the pegasus rat with pitchforks. The pegasus rat was so afraid that he dropped the can in fright. Sunny then brought out some pancakes to Hitch. “You can't deal with that on an empty stomach!” She told him with a smile, but she accidentally put the pancakes that Izzy bit on earlier on the stack as it oozed to the rest of the pancakes. Sunset saw this and cringe in disgust. “Uh, Sunny. You may need to get rid of those stacks on top before it oozes to the rest of the pancakes.” She pointed out. Sunny saw this as she sheepishly smiled. “Oh, whoops. Thanks for pointing that out, Sunset.” She thanks Sunset as she tosses the infected pancakes away before they infect the rest of the pancakes. Hitch didn’t seem to notice as he was panicking. “There's no time!” He cried out. Sunset saw this as she spoke out. “Look, I get it, wild animals with telekinesis CAN be troublesome enough where every second counts, but on the same token, you need all the energy you can get to do the job." She advises Hitch about this. “No time for me to eat, Sunset! I gotta stop them before somepony gets hurt!” Hitch cried out as he galloped away to stop those critters from hurting anyone with the gardening tools and before they hurt that little pegasus rat. “Uh, er--Good luck!” Sunny said with a smile, but a little hurt that her friends didn’t even stay for breakfast together. Sunset saw this as she placed a hoof around Sunny, trying to comfort her. “It’s okay, Sunny. Maybe Pipp will join us.” She guessed that maybe Pipp will join them for breakfast. Sunset looked around for the Pegasus. “Where is she anyway? I haven’t seen her all morning.” She asks, wondering where Pipp is. And then Sunny’s phone starts to vibrate on the kitchen counter as it showed Pipp calling on facetime as Sunny answered the call and picked up her phone for both her and Sunset to see. “No.” Pipp said to somepony as it revealed that she is in Mane Melody as she spoke to the ponies while holding her phone as she cleared her voice. “Oh, excuse me.” She then starts laughing awkwardly. “Oh, sorry. Excuse-moi.” She apologized to some pony as she looked at her phone as she sighs before answering to Sunny and Sunset. “Can't be-lieve I missed your pancakes this morning, Sunny and Sunset!” She apologized to them for not being there for breakfast with them. “But Mane Melody is totes slammed, heh.” She told them that Mane Melody is having a busy day today, which is why she is not home. “Okay, later, bye.” She said to them as she blew a kiss to them. “Laters, heh…” Sunny said to Pipp before ending the call while Sunny and Sunset looked at the picture Pipp took with them since the day finishing up the Brighthouse, Sunny looked on with a sad look. “Everyone is so busy, it feels like we're drifting apart.” She said with a sad tone as she looked down. Sunset then put a comforting wing around Sunny. “I don't blame you for being frustrated, Sunny. You worked hard on this big breakfast for a bit of quality time and our friends are pretty busy. Still, considering how hard we are all working to reunify Equestria, it DOES seem pretty ironic. And you DO have a pretty good point about how we all have active enough lives to need a nice, big breakfast.” She said to her. “And besides, They’re still our friends, they’re all just a little busy.” She said, while she understood Sunny. “C’mon, let's go have breakfast together since the others are busy.”  She said as she guided Sunny to the table with the rest of the breakfast as they sat down and ate some breakfast together. As they ate, Sunset thinks that Sunny is gonna feel alone back to the point before their first adventure, Sunset thinks of a way to make Sunny happy, and then she thinks of something as she smiles. “Hey, Sunny. How about we go for a hike with our friends together, to make time for each other.” Sunny smiled at Sunset’s idea. “Great idea, Sunset. And I know just the place for us to take a hike to, Prancing Point.” She said as Sunset smiled at Sunny’s suggestion. “It will be a perfect place for us to go on a hike together in the woods.” She said to Sunset, who smiled at the idea. “That’s a great idea, Sunny.” Sunset replied. “But let me check the weather first. Last time we went camping, Hitch got us wet while lost in the woods.” She added, remembering the time Hitch got them lost in the woods. Sunny chuckled in agreement and wouldn't want to go hiking in bad weather. Sunset checked the weather patterns and checked her phone to look at the weather timeline, once she checked, she smiled. “We’re all clear for the hiking, Sunny.” She said to Sunny, who smiled at the good news. “Great!” Sunny cheered as she brought out her phone. “Now let’s send a message to our friends so they would know about the hike.” She said as she turned on the camera on her phone as Sunset came closer to Sunny to get her face on camera as well. “Turn it arou--Ah hah! There we go!” She cheered as she turned the front camera on so that it was facing her and Sunset for them to record them. Hey, ponies! We know everypony's got a lot going on, but we can't forget to make time for each other.” She said to the recording with a smile. “Which is why me and Sunny wanted to invite you guys for a hike.” Sunset added with a smile. “To make time for each other since we haven’t had much time lately.” She stated.  “That’s right. So who's up for a hike to Prancing Point?” Sunny asks them. “Don't forget!” Both Sunny and Sunset said unison as Sunny sent the video message to their friends. Zipp’s icon with stars for eyes is the first to respond, with a hoof up, which might mean a yes for pony standards. Hitch’s icon responds next by sending a video of him dancing with joy with a confetti horn on the side, meaning yes, Pipp’s icon with heart for eyes as she sends a heart, meaning yes, and lastly Izzy’s icon pops up with a voicemail “GLITTER!”. Izzy’s voicemail announced cheerfully, clearly saying yes. Sunny and Sunset smiled at their friends’ responses, glad that their friends are on board for the hike so they can spend time together. A little while later, Sunny and Sunset are standing still in the woods, ready for the hike, but they have a down expressions when their friends are not here as the wind blows at them, clearly that their friends have forgotten about the hike. “Ugh, they forgot.” Sunny groans in disappointment that their friends have forgotten about the hike. “Okay, I know they would do anything for their friends, but they forgot about the hike? That’s not right, even for them.” Sunset added with a frown of frustration as she sighs. “But at least you aren’t alone, Sunny. You still got me for the hike." Sunny sighs. “Yeah. Thanks, Sunset. But I was hoping that at least one of our friends hadn't forgotten about it.” She pointed out as she wished that at least one of their friends remembered.  “Oh! Forgot what?” Both Sunny and Sunset turned and saw Izzy coming towards them with a cheery smile, and they saw that Izzy brought a rainbow cart, full of rocks for some reason, as both Sunny and Sunset smiled. “Hey, Izzy. You're here.” Sunset said with a smile, glad that Izzy is here. “Phew!” Sunny sighs as she smiles at Izzy.  “Ha, We thought nopony was coming. Aw, you're the only one who remembered, Izzy!” She said with a happy smile. “Remembered?” Izzy asked on wha they are talking about with a hoof on her chin as she looked up, and then realize the hike from earlier, which cleared she forgotten all about it. “Oh! Yes, totally! Nothing slips out of this brain!” She laughed awkwardly as Sunny and Sunset looked at her strangely. “Nope, di-did not forget. Nooo way.” She finished as she whistled fakely, hoping that they would buy it. “...And you brought a trailer full of rocks on the hike?” Sunny questions with a raised eyebrow as she and Sunset notice that Izzy brought a trailer with rocks in it. Sunset then spoke out with an unamusing expression. “Izzy, I’ve seen Applejack try to make a lie. And personally, I always find hers and Rainbow Dash’s excuses to be a lot more convincing.” She told the unicorn, having the lying experienced from Rainbow and Applejack, to be a lot more convincing. “Just tell us the truth, Izzy. We’re not mad at you, just tell us.” Sunset assured the unicorn that they are not mad, but gotta be honest with them. “Ooh…” Izzy said as she was sweating nervously but sighs as she drops the act. “They're gemstones. And okay, I did forget!” She cried out before she smiled with a sparkle in her eyes. “But I'm here now.” Sunny and Sunset smiled at Izzy in forgiveness. “That’s all we need to hear, Izzy. At least you are here now.” Sunset said with a smile. “And that's all that matters.” Sunny added with a smile as she placed a comforting hoof on Izzy’s shoulder before she led the way. “Prancing Point, here we come!” She announced as she, Sunset and Izzy hike through the woods as they smiled at each other and at the forest. The three mares are chatting with each other as they laugh a bit as they walk up the path. The three ponies stopped as they saw a wooden arrow sign pointing down, which they blinked in confusion as they didn't know which two paths they should take, left or right for that matter.  Trying to think of which path they should take, the three then smiled to each other as Sunny grabbed the sign and spin it around to guess which path they should take, when the arrow stop spinning, it pointed right, which cause the three to smile as they took the right side of the path as the sign tilted back down again as the three mares kept walking. A little bit later, Izzy, Sunny and Sunset are frightened by the many eyes that are staring at them in all directions as Izzy laughs nervously while the three mares huddled together, realizing they have taken the wrong way as the eyes gave off ominous snarls at the three mares. Izzy, Sunset, and Sunny start screaming with fright as they started running away from those creepy eyes, trying to find a way out of the forest while Sunset came in front of them for protection. Back in Maretime Bay, Zipp is enjoying her flying in the sky as she then remembers something important as she gasps in realization. In the police station, Hitch is twirling with the phone, and he smirks when he is doing great at it before he remembers something important as well as he gasps in realization as well. In Mane Melody, Pipp is doing Phyllis Cloverleaf mane with the mane cutter as she then gasps in realization as she forgotten something, at the same time while cutting off a piece of Phyllis’ mane in the process but is too shocked to care as she forgot something important. “D'oh! The hike!” Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch all gasp unison as they’ve forgotten about Sunny’s invite for the hike as they were so busy, they forgot about Sunny’s hike plans. At the Crystal Brighthouse, Zipp, Hitch and Pipp opened the front door to see if Sunny and Sunset were still around. “Sunny, w-we're, we're so sorry!” Hitch said but stopped as he and Zipp and Pipp looked with wide eyes as they saw that the Brighthouse was empty as Hitch looked around frantically. “...Sunny!? SUNNY!” He cried out as he began to freak out. “Izzy and Sunset are not here either!” Pipp cried out in panic as she checked the kitchen. “Uh, well, maybe they're together?” She asked as she hoped those two were with Sunny. Knowing Sunset, she is always by Sunny's side and so is Izzy since they are the first non-earth ponies' friends that Sunny made at the start of their adventure. “Let's hope so.” Zipp answered. “It's getting late, and they should've been back ages ago. Something's not right…” She thought as she rubbed her chin, knowing that  something is wrong since Sunny, Sunset and Izzy should’ve been back a while ago since they had never been gone that long. Zipp and Pipp then sees Hitch is hyperventilating with a paper bag, worried about Sunny and her friends, as he is so worried that he is wearing a safety gear that he might use if Sunny or any of his friends are hurt. Pipp and Zipp looked at each other strangely as they didn't know how Hitch put gear on that fast but knew that he was too worried out of his mind. “Don't worry, Hitch. We're, like, totally gonna find them!” Pipp tries to assure the worried sheriff, but Hitch continues to hyperventilate in the paper bag. Leaving Zipp and Pipp with worried looks that if they don’t find Sunny, Sunset and Izzy soon, Hitch is gonna have a panic attack even more. At the brick of sunset, Hitch, Zipp and Pipp are trotting/flying through the words as they are trying to find their friends. “Izzy!” Zipp called out, hoping they could hear them. “SUNNY!” Hitch cried out in panic, really worried. “Sunset!” Zipp cried out next as they looked through the forest. If anypony could tell, it’s like trying to play a video game about mazes to find something as Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch are searching frantically through the forest, trying to find Sunny, Sunset and Izzy. But unknowingly, they keep passing each other in two different paths as latter three ponies are trying to find their way out while the former three are looking for their friends, they couldn’t tell that their friends are there because they are in two different paths while the two groups are trotting through the forest. A little bit later, Sunny, Sunset and Izzy are exhausted from trying to find their way out of the woods, and they are wearing headbands while having some dirt, twigs and leaves on them from all the running about. Izzy then heard twig cracks as she stopped, which caused her to stop her cart as it resulted in Sunset and Sunny to bump into the back of it. “Oof--Izzy!” Sunny said to the unicorn, wondering why she stopped. “What’s wrong? Did you see something?” Sunset asked in concern as she got in front of them for protection. Izzy answered in a nervous stammering before she whispered to them, “Did you two hear that?” She asks the two ponies as she then gasps. “Something is out there. I can smell it.” She whispered as she narrowed her eyes through the trees and plants. “Izzy, we didn’t hear anything.” Sunset said to assure the unicorn that they didn’t hear anything, which makes them safe that nothing is out there yet. “It's just your imagination.” Sunny added with an assuring smile. “There's nothing out there--” She then stopped in midsection as she and Sunset heard a thump as Sunset came in front of them while Sunny came next to Izzy. “We heard that. Come on, let's... go the other way.” She suggested that as they are walking backwards in freight. “Okay, so maybe we DID take a wrong turn.” Sunset admitted as she stood in front of Sunny and Izzy using herself as a shield to protect her friends. “Still, don't panic. I'm pretty sure I can handle most of the things this forest can throw at us. I helped out against a massive mecha and I have experience against the Dazzlings and Gaea Everfree, among other major ‘threats’ that I have dealt with over the years.” She pointed out her experience while fighting any enemies she and the Rainboom’s faced while dealing with Equestrian Magic and some enemies from Equestria as well as the three ponies continued to walk backwards in freight as Sunset lit her horn in preparation to strike in defense with Sunny and Izzy staying close to her. Unknowingly to them, Zipp, Hitch and Pipp are walking backwards as well in freight and have gotten lost in the forest as well in their search for Sunny, Sunset and Izzy as the forest starts to scare them as well. The two groups of three ponies then walked backwards as they didn’t realize that they were about to bump into each other as they hit each other's flanks. Which results in all of them screaming in freight and Sunset shooting out her magic in the air on instincts as birds started fluttering away from the loud freighting screams and trying to stay clear from Sunset’s magic blasts. “Not the face!” Pipp cried out in fear, hoping that her face wouldn’t get hurt if they were attacked by a strange animal in the woods. They soon got their bearings as the two groups looked and saw each other as they all gave out relieved smiles. “Guys!/Girls!” Both groups said at the same time as they hugged each other in relief that Zipp, Hitch and Pipp found the girls while Sunny, Sunset and Izzy are relieved that their friends are with them. It was then dark as the Mane 6, after getting Sunny, Sunset and Izzy cleaned up from the dirt and twigs they had, set up camp on the hill for the night with the fire lit so they could find their way back home in the morning, but as long as they are together, they have nothing to worry about. “Hitch, I'm telling you. This is the fastest way home!” Zipp said to Hitch as she showed him the map to see the fastest path back to Maretime Bay. “Agree to disagree.” Hitch disagreed with Zipp’s suggestion with his hooves crossed adn eyes closed that the path Zipp picked is the fastest way home as Zipp narrowed her eyes in annoyance from Hitch’s picky directions. “I think you should look closely at the map, Hitch. Just to be sure your sense of direction doesn’t get us more lost like last time.” Sunset advice to the sheriff who chuckled sheepishly at the reminder as he took a closer look at the map with Zipp to be sure they found the right path back to Maretime Bay. Pipp then nervously giggled as she looked out to the night sky. “It's kinda spooky out here, right?” She asks them as a rat pegasus screeches as it flies over her head as Pipp screams and ducks as it flies by before she starts laughing. “I love it.” She said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes, now liking this experience. Izzy is now rapping a song. “Levitate your hooves in the air, earth ponies don't clean their underwear.” She then stopped as she looked beside her as she gasped with a smile as she saw a bunnycorn with a gold bit that it is giving Izzy. The others looked at Izzy strangely, finding her rapping lyrics weird. Zipp then broke the silence as she spoke. “Uhh, Izzy? I think it might be time for some new lyrics.” She told the unicorn as Izzy looked at them as she bit on the gold bit to see if it was real or not as she blinked two times at them. Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch then started to laugh at Izzy’s expression as Sunset and Sunny looked at them with joyful smiles as they looked up to the night sky as they saw the stars and then saw a shooting star passing by. “See? This is all we wanted. Good old-fashioned quality time.” Sunny said as she inhaled the moment.  “Yeah.” Sunset spoke as she said to all of them. “Guys, I know you were all so busy with your busy days, but you completely forgot to spend time together and you forgot about the plans we made like the hike for example.” She said as the group looked down before continuing. “Now, we are not mad. But to understand, Sunny was worried that she might be alone again before we reunited the tribes. I mean, think about it, besides Hitch here, we are the first non-earth ponies to be friends with Sunny since the start of our adventure and reuniting the three tribes, and Sunny only has me with her since I feel the same way because all of you are my new friends and family since I returned to Equestria when all of my old friends are gone.” She told them the reason why they planned this hike as the others now looked at them with understanding looks, feeling bad for leaving them behind when they were doing their own things. Sunset then sighs as she smiles. “I know you all feel bad for forgetting about the hike, but it’s better late than never now that all of you are here. Besides, what Twilight would say, that even if your friends are busy, it doesn't mean that you will be alone, as they always make time with you, no matter how busy they are.” She told them the lesson Twilight said to her about the time she and her friends were having a hard time to balance each other's busy schedules so that they can have enough time with each other’s and the time when Spike was having so much time with a griffin named Gabby, that he didn’t have time for Rarity, which results Rarity thinking she was losing Spike to Gabby as she tried to split them up with the things he liked which ended badly but fix the mess she made as she reconcile Spike and Gabby friendship, and Spike learned that he will always have his ‘Rarity Time’ every now and then. The others smiled at Sunset words of wisdom as Sunny spoke out. “Thanks for the wisdom, Sunset. It really is great to know all of these lessons.” She said with a smile. “And we are really sorry that we forgot all about the hiking, Sunny.” Hitch apologized first with a smile. “We were so distracted from all the things we’ve been doing, we forgot about the hike you planned with.” He added. “And we’re sorry we didn’t stick around for breakfast. We were just in a rush to get started with our day; we didn’t stop to think.” Zipp said with an apologetic tone, and a little sheepishly that even in her fast pace, she didn’t slow down to enjoy the time with her friends from time to time. Sunny smiled at her friends' apologies as she spoke to them. “That’s okay, guys. As long as we’re together, we will always have time for each other.” She said to them as she inhaled a breath. “Now. Let's eat!” She announced to them as they were about to eat the carrots on the sticks that they had roasted from the fire as her friends smiled at her. Pipp then spoke out. “Instead of Sunday dinners, we have Sunny-day dinners!” She said as she laughed as she sticks a carrot to her stick. “Get it? Do you ge--” She asks them as she clears her throat with a smile. “Totally a thing though.” She said as she liked the name, which her friends smiled at liking the name. “That's it! I got it!” Izzy announced with a smile as she clears her throat and started rapping again as she found the right lyrics. “Raise your hooves up high and bring together all ponykind!” She sang as she raised her hooves high with a smile. The rest of the Mane 6 smiled at Izzy, starting to like her new lyrics as they raised their carrots sticks high as they sang together. “Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!” They all sang together as they spent time with each other as they enjoyed the rest of the night. End of Chapter 10. > Chapter 11: Maretime Bay Day 2.0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: Maretime Bay Day 2.0 In the beaches of Maretime Bay, Posey, along with four other earth ponies, are putting the finishing touches on a sand castle they have built, which appears to be a sand castle building contest in the beach with other sand castles around Posey and the other three earth ponies. “Steady. Steady.” Posey advises her fellow ponies while sweating as they’ve put themselves ontop of each other with Posey on the top, trying to put the flag on the top of the sand castle while trying to steady their balance. But as Posey was about to the flag on the top of the castle, some of the water from the ocean hit the edge of the caste, which cause it collapse as Posey and the other earth ponies loses their balances as Posey grabbed the earth pony stallion face to keep her steady while the mare earth pony can’t sustain hold with that much weight as she felt a crack, which cause her to drop to the ground as the rest of the ponies screamed as Posey and the earth pony stallion tilted the other way as they start to fall, but stops when Posey face was then paused, revealing to be a video on a pink laptop with pegasi wings on the side of the screen. “Oh. That is golden.” Pipp said, as she was going through her laptop while watching the videos as she types on the keyboards. “I am a pony in the zoney.” She sang as she typed in the comment as she sighs as she spoke to herself. “Amazing what a little peace and quiet can do.” She said as she is unaware of five of her friends behind the couch she is sitting on as they smiled, curious to what Pipp is doing. “What are you doing, Pipp?” Izzy asked cheerfully. “Aahh!” Pipp cried out that she was surprised by Izzy’s voice, that she flipped her laptop in the air, but Pipp catches it before it drops to the ground. “Hey, everypony!” She said to them with a smile, regaining her composure. “Just cutting together my Maretime Bay Day Blog.” She explained to them that she took some pictures and videos of Maretime Bay Day, during the whole, magic starting to go haywire and the fact that the magic almost faded again and nearly destroyed equestria from being suck into a dark void in the process if Sunny, Sunset and her friends didn’t stop it from happening and sparking the magic of friendship again the stablize the magic in the process.  The earth ponies now have magic, just as Sunset explained to them that the earth ponies can control the plants and growth of the plants itself when they controlled the earth soil, and they have a dragon that Hitch found from an egg, named Sparky Sparkeroni, in the group now, which amazes Sunset and brings her hopes that if this dragon is here, then the other mythical creatures of Equestria are still out there in Equestria somewhere. The Mane 6 finds Sparky cute and adorable for a baby dragon and Hitch really cares about it and Sparky seems to really like Hitch much. The five ponies gasp in amazement with sparkles in their eyesat what Pipp just said as she created a blog about Maretime Bay Day. “Gasp.” Hitch said with a smile, revealing that he didn’t gasp for real. “You created a blog about Maretime Bay Day, awesome.” Sunset commented with a smile. “I know, right? It was so special, I just wanted a way to remember it forever.” Pipp replied with a smile as she wanted a way to remember Maretime Bay Day when they save everpony and the magic again and also unlocking the Earth Ponies magic in the process. “Plues it’ll be great for my pony gram.” She added, on wanting to add something special on her pony gram for her Pippsqueaks to see while some ponies that were not in Maretime Bay Day didn’t see what happened. “Check it out. I got bloopers.” Pipp said to them as she opened up her laptop and showed Jazz and Fifi trying to make cotten candy, but then Jazz’s mane got stock in the cotten candy spinner. “Huh?” Fifi asked before she duck as Jazz got her mane stuck before she pulled it out, only to have her mane all puffy out like a cotten candy. Jazz then laughs at what her mane is now, finding it funny while Fifi just looked on, not knowing what to say. “Behind the scenes.” Pipp said with a smirk as she switched to the next video, showing Hitch doing a weird dance as he sang infront of the camera, with a high pitch voice that is in an embarrassing way. Hitch saw this as he looked embarrassed on seeing himself in that video as he looked at the girls as they giggled at Hitch’s embarrassing video. “Okay, sorry Hitch, but that was too funny, even for you.” Sunset said with a snort as she finds it funny that Hitch was that bad at dancing then she was and in a funny tone as well. Hitch then lifted his chin up as he put a hoof on his chest with a prideful expression. “I regret nothing.” He said with a prideful tone as the girls gave him a look. “I even caught the moment earth ponies got their magic.” Pipp said excitedly as she showed her friends another video with Posey in it with a smile as she stomped her hooves twice, using the earth pony magic to make a giant pink flower. Posey gave off a proudful smile at her work, before the flower came to fly and chomped Posey whole, trapping her inside the flower. The ponies looked on with a smile, knowing that Posey would be okay after being trapped in that flower. “Nice one, sis.” Zipp congratulates her little sister for her creative blog as Pipp shakes her head in agreement with a smile. “I’m impressed that you made this blog, Pipp. It can show more about friendship and the magic to the rest of Equestria for someponies who didn’t join in on Maretime Bay Day.” Sunset added with a smile, finding Pipp’s blog interesting while sharing the news to the rest of the ponies in Equestria. “Thanks, Sunset. I do my best.” Pipp replied with a smile. Izzy then zips around the couch and sits next to Pipp as she grabs Pipp’s laptop into her hooves. “Whoa. So, it’s kinda like making a daisy chain. But, instead of daisies it’s weird talking picture squares.” She said with a smile, never having experienced the laptop and its websites before. Pipp looked a little nervous that Izzy is holding her laptop, and that is not good. “Oh, right. But, it kind of took me all day to put it together.” She pointed out that it took her that long to put together that blog. “So, just be…” She was cut off when Izzy spoke out. “So many memories.” Izzy said cheerfully as she went through Pipp’s files to see other videos on the blog Pipp posted. Like the one when Sunny tries to teach ponies how to make smoothies and how to use the blenders right, but it ended up badly as they made a mess while Sunny shook her head with a hoof on her forehead as she gave them a look, clearly seeing them not getting this.  “And this.” Izzy said while scrolling to the next video with two of Hitch’s animal crew standing infront of a picture Izzy and Hitch, with holes to make them look like them as two Pegasi laugh at the sight, finding it funny. “Oooh. And this.” Izzy said as she showed a video of her and Zipp in a bumper car, with Izzy driving it as Zipp is a little freak as Izzy is speeding up the bumper car. And then the next video slide showed Zipp dizzy while Sunny felt like she’s about to puke while Sunset’s mane felt friz out while Izzy looked okay with means that those four just got out of a ride in a carnival, feeling sick in the after the last ride they rode while Izzy is okay. The next video showed Hitch with his face being pulled back by the wind from a ride he is on while at high speed. And then other videos came scrolling by with an earth pony about to take a bite out of a cake to Pipp on her Mane Melody stage with a pose. The others look on with a smile as Izzy went through the blog while Pipp is looking really nervous that something bad might happen and Izzy might press the wrong button as she begins to sweat nervously. “Seriously, Izz. You're gonna press…” She was cut off when her laptop spoke out. “Files erased.” Pipp’s laptop said which shocked Mane 6 at this, mostly to Pipp and Izzy, with Pipp losing her files as Izzy realized her screw up as she looked on with a shock. “The delete button.” Pipp finished with a shock expression. “Um.” Izzy said with a nervous smile as she began to sweat. “Don’t worry. I know how to fix this. More typing.” She said nervously as she started typing on the laptop panically. “Files gone forever.” Pipp’s laptop said, meaning that the files are now totally erased, never to get back again. The rest of the Mane 6 gasps in shock at this as now the files are totally gone. Pipp then stared at Izzy with a mean look and twitchy eye, really mad that Izzy erased her files, and started to feel like she’s about to explode in anger. Izzy then gasps a bit with nervous sweats before she gives a nervous smile to Pipp. “Even more typing?” She suggested. “Izzy, NO!” The rest of the Mane 6 called out as Pipp grabbed her laptop back before Izzy messed up anymore then she already did. “I think you did enough typing for one day, Izzy.” Sunset scolded the unicorn with a narrow look at Izzy, a little mad that Izzy erased Pipp’s files without knowing how to use a computer correctly. Izzy then smiled nervously at Sunset’s scolded face as she faced Pipp with an apologetic expression. “I’m so sorry, Pipp.” She tries to apologize to Pipp for erasing her files. “My hoof slipped. And then the button slipped. And then the picture squared slipped into the trash. And I just…” She tries to explain her mess up as they look at Pipp. Pipp was tearing up and started shaking as she looked at her laptop, all her hard work and files, gone. Pipp then closed her eyes as she closed her laptop and placed a hoof on her forehead. “It’s okay.” Pipp said to Izzy as she faced her and the rest of their friends with a forceful smile. “We’ll just do it again next year.” She said as she tries to keep her sadness in but fails as tears start coming out of her eyes. “No worries. Totally fine.” She said as her voice began to choke in sadness as she got out of the couch. “Um, I’m just gonna take a nap.” She said to her friends as she walked upstairs and into the bedroom as she slammed the door, the rest of the Mane 6 flintches from the slam. “3, 2, 1.” Sunset counted down with a knowing look as she knew what might happen next. And as Sunset predicted, Pipp starts wailing as she is really sad that all her files are gone while her friends are feeling bad for her. “Oh, it hurts!” She cried out as her wailing continued. The four ponies looked at Izzy, telling her that she gotta make it up to Pipp for erasing the files. Izzy feels bad for her screw up as she beginns to lower herself to avoid her friend's looks, knowing that she gotta fix this to make Pipp feel better. Sunset saw this and spoke up to the others. “Guys, we gotta cheer up Pipp and quick, before she becomes too depressed to go online anymore or make photos or videos for her Pippsqueaks.” Sunset pointed out as the others nodded their heads in agreement, coming up with a plan to cheer up Pipp. A little while later, Pipp is whimping on her bed with the pictures she managed to print from the files earlier before Izzy erased them, but they are hardly good without the videos and the rest of the files since they are gone for good as Pipp sobs. Knocking was then heard. “You can come in.” Pipp sobery said without taking her eyes on the pictures. The door opens to reveal Izzy who is holding a homemade picture frame of Pipp that she made with her ‘Unicycling’ skills. “Hey, look. It’s me, Pipp.” Izzy said while making it sound like her voice is coming through the frame. “The most, iconic, pegasus in Maretime Bay.” She said while getting closer to Pipp. “With a song in my heart and a sparkle in my eye.” She finished as one of the frame’s eyes fell off. Pipp cringe a little disturbe at the frame but then smiled, finding Izzy way to cheer her up a little funny. The door opens again to show a giant smoothie. “And did someone order a giant strawberry ripple smoothie with pegasus wings?” Sunny asked with a smile as she, Sunset and Zipp came out from behind the smoothie with Zipp carrying a can of whip cream. Sunny and Sunset motion Zipp by waving their hooves, signaling her to add the wings from the whip cream while pointing at the top of the smoothie. Zipp gets the signal as she shakes the can of whip cream and fly up to the top as she starts spraying, but she realizes that she shook it too much that Zipps starts flying around uncontrollably as the whip cream sprayed out, Zipp flew left to right as she got the cream on top of the smoothie, making a shape of wings on it. Zipp came down as she, Sunset and Sunny smiled at the great work, but then both sides of the cream wingtips dropped on both Sunny and Sunset, giving the two said ponies an unamuse look that they got creamed. Pipp smiled at that, finding it funny as well. “Or…” Hitch’s voice called out as Pipp turned and saw Hitch and his animal crew right in front of him. “How about a cheer up dance!” Hitch cheered as he and his animal crew were wearing red coats, they tried to dance, but Hitch tripped on one of his animal friends. “Aahh!” he cried out as he fell to the ground and bumped into his animal crew, leaving them both dizzy in the process. Pipp then giggled at this as she smield at them. “Thanks, ponies. But none of this is gonna bring back Maretime Bay Day.” She said to them in a sad tone as her friends looked at her, feeling bad for her as Pipp walked out of the room while her friends looked at her with concerned looks. Sunset then turned to the group. “She’s right, you guys. Let’s face it, Maretime Bay Day was the best day ever since then, and it was also the day we stabalize the Unity Crystal, the magic and the friendship while also unlocking the earth pony’s magic when it was locked away when the Earth Ponies didn’t embrace the magic of friendship yet. And it was the greatest day of our lives when we kept the magic of friendship going, and I don’t think it might happen again next year since this kind of thing doesn't usually happen.” She pointed out on that day of Maretime Bay Day was so special that it stablize the magic, the friendship and unlocking the earth pony magic. And that kind of thing doesn't happen twice. Sunset then chuckles as this kind of situation happenes before. “This reminds me of the time when Twilight tried to open up the School of Friendship, but the start of it ended up in disaster, which caused Twilight to be depressed from this and also resulted in her school shutting down.” She said as she remembered when Twilight told her about her opening up the School of Friendship and how bad it started before she made up her own rules. Sunny was interested in this story as she wiped some of the whip cream off her face. “Twilight tries to open up a school about friendship, but it was a bad start which results in it shutting down and leaving Twilight depressed like Pipp is experiencing right now?” Sunny asked Sunset with a surprised look. “Oh, yeah.” Sunset answered with a smile. “It took some convincing from her friends and a few supporters as well, she managed to fix that mistake and reopen her school so that she can teach the magic of friendship throughout Equestria. With her friends by her side, she now found the answers she was looking for to get her school the way it should be and been teaching about friendship eversince.” She pointed out how her friends supported Twilight all the way through her tough times and helped remind her who she meant to be as the Princess of Friendship. “All it took was a little talk and some support as well as some ideas to cheer her up and bring her spirit back up.” She explained what Twilight went through as she needed to explain Sunset about this when she was in the Human World. From what Sunset just said, Zipp just got a look of an idea coming. “Bring back Maretime Bay Day.” She repeated what Pipp’s said earlier and combined with the story Sunset told them how Twilight dealt with depression, she then smiled as she got an idea on how to cheer Pipp up. “That’s it.” She said as she grabbed a picture of herself along with Sunny, Sunset, Hitch and Izzy as she looked at it with a smirk while nodding her head, thinking that this plan might work. “Everypony, follow me.” She announced to her friends as she trotted to the door, but stopped as she looked at Sunset and Sunny. “Sunny, Sunset, hit the showers first.” She pointed out to the two ponies to get the whip cream off them. Sunset and Sunny picked a piece of the whip cream off them as they gave out a chuckle, seeing why Zipp would want them to hit the showers first as the rest of the Mane 6 trotted out of the room to begin their plan to cheer Pipp up. Later that evening, Pipp was in the kitchen, putting together a castle made out of bread while trying to make what she got since there wasn’t any sand around while recreating a sand castle out of bread. “Yay.” Pipp said in a non cheerful tone, finding this sad since she is still upset of her files of Maretime Bay Day being erased, that not even building a castle out of bread would cheer her up. Zipp came zooming by with a smile as she faced her little sister. “Pipp, come out into the garden. We got something to show you.” She said to her as Pipp looked unsure on what she meant by that. “Um. I’m clearly a little busy building a sand castle.” Pipp pointed out to the castle that she made, but then it crumbled and fell apart, which made Pipp flop onto the table in depression. “Come on. Trust me.” Zipp assured her sister as she got Pipp to stand on the chair as Zipp pushses the chair Pipp is sitting on out the door and into the garden. “Look, unless you’ve recreated Maretime Bay Day in the garden…” She was cut off when she gave out a surprise look when she looked at the garden. “Ooohhh! You’ve like totally recreated Maretime Bay Day in the garden!” She said in a cheerful tone, now back to her happy self as she back flipped into the air and landed on all four hooves as she see’s that her friends somehow made a replica of Maretime Bay Day festivities in the garden with the stands, f,flowers and a picture of Pipp in the back over a fountain, Zipp then put a shoulder on her sister to calm her down a bit as they looked at the replica Maretime Bay Day. Pipp came to the cake stand and she looked at the cakes in awed, she went to the corn on a stick stand, which she ate one, and then she saw a sand castle, which the rest of her friends had popped up from behind it. “Surprise!” The Mane 4 cheered to Pipp as they looked at her with a smile. Pipp gasps with joy as she looks at her friends with tears of joy and a smile on her face. “It's perfect! Oh, wow so many feels.” She cried out as her friends came in front of her. “How did you do all this?” She asks them, wondering how they put together this replica. “Well, we had pretty great materials to guide us.” Izzy answered as she motioned her head to the board behind them, displaying the pictures of Maretime Bay Day when Pipp took those pictures before she lost them when the files were erased. “We used the pictures you managed to print out, before Izzy erased the files.” Sunset replied while giving Izzy a look as said unicorn chuckled sheepishly at that reminder, but Sunset smiled as she continued. “But, we used these pictures to help recreate those moments that help us recreate Maretime Bay Day in the garden with the details right.” She finished with a smile. Zipp brought out Pipp’s phone. “Here, so you can refilm it.” She said to her little sister with a smile, knowing that Pipp would want to refilm the videos and photos to recreate her blog. “Thanks, Zipp.” Pipp thanks her sister, as her friends looked at her with a smile as she looked at her phone, having second thoughts. “But you know, I think I'd rather just enjoy an amazing time with my even more amazing friends.” Pipp said that she would rather have time with her friends instead of just refilming her files. Those files may be gone, but her friends are still around. The rest of the Mane 6 smiled at Pipp’s decision, knowing that the files can be replaced, but friends are still around. Pipp then got on stage as she faced forward with a determined look with a smile. “A one, two, three, hit it!” She cried out as she and her friends, Hitch and Izzy, began to sing. (Light Out Your Shine Song) (Hey) Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can't you see it? Zipp, Sunset and Sunny bobb their heads through Pipp’s song as they looked at each other with smiles as they cheered to Pipp as she sang. Woah-oh-oh, oh-oh, woah-oh-oh (Hey!) Woah-oh-oh, oh-oh, woah-oh-oh The rest of the Mane 6 followed suit of the song as they sang together while enjoying the replica Maretime Bay Day festivities they made in the garden.  (Hey) Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can't you see it? Izzy, Sunset and Sunny are at the cotton candy stand as Izzy used the maker to make one big of a cotton candy as the three ponies smiled. Two of Hitch’s animal crew are dancing to the song in their green clothing they wore earlier as they dance to the song. Sunny was placed ontop of Hitch’s to put the finishing touches on the sand castle they’ve built earlier with Sunny putting the flag on top of it as Pipp was filming the whole thing as the three ponies smiled. Sunset, Pipp, Izzy and Zipp came out of the bushes as they sang the song together as the flowers bloom. At Mane Melody (Hey!) At Mane Melody Hitch was then back in the red coat as he was dancing with his three animal crew as they danced to the song before striking a pose. Pipp was then flying around the sky before she landed on topn of the sand castle as she and her friends finished the song. But not before when the sand castle can’t sustain Pipp’s weight as it begins to collapse as it falls apart, leaving Pipp to fall as her friends look in shock while Izzy smiles as the picture was taken while catching Pipp before she fell to the ground. A little while later, Pipp printed out the pictures she took of the Maretime Bay Day replica her friends made and placed them on the board, to remember this special day that her friends when through all that to cheer her up and they spent time together as they have fun, she may have lost her files, but she can always make new ones and nothing more valuable than spending time with her friends who are always there for her. End of Chapter 11. > Chapter 12: A Game is Ahoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: The Game is Ahoof “It lives. My monster lives!” A mad scientist pony cheered as lightning struck his lab with wires and could be in  a creepy room as he cheered for his precious creation. It revealed that the Mane 6, except for Zipp who wasn’t there at the time, is watching a horror movie in the Crystal Brighthouse at night. Sunny and Pipp are a little creepy out, Hitch is covered with a blanket in freight, Izzy is munching on some popcorn while watching the movie, and Sunset is just looking on with a bore expression, having seen horror movies before, and having to seeing them in real live due to Equestrian Maigc incident and from personal experienced, she finds this movie okay, just not scared like the young ponies around them. Sunny then turned to Sunset, wondering how Sunset is not afraid while watching the movie. “How are you not afraid of this horror film, Sunset?” Sunny asked. “This movie is scary. But I have my own experience of being afraid before, and once you handle ancient Equestrian artifacts and saws a few evil magic demons, nothing surprise you anymore.” Sunset explained, telling them about her experience of her fair share of horror. Sunny just nodded as they continued to watch the movie. Izzy was about to eat some popcorn on her hoof as she and the others looked up and saw Zipp on the second floor, with a furious look as the lightning from the movie gave off a scare to them. “AAHH!” The Mane 5, except for Sunset, screamed in fright as Izzy, Sunny and Pipp hopped to the back of the couch. “It’s Frankenstallion’s monster!” Hitch screamed as he  jumped out of the couch and lost the blanket as he jumped behind the couch along with the rest of the girls. “Hey, Zipp. What’s wrong?” Sunset asked, not even scared one bit as she saw Zipp on the second floor, the others pop up from behind their couch and see that it really is Zipp, but she looks mad, Izzy then chugs some popcorn that she still has as she stares at Zipp. Zipp flew down and went in front of the TV, looking at them with an angry expression. “I’m only gonna say this once. Who.. Took… My… Sunglasses!?” She yelled at them, meaning that her sunglasses are missing, her favorite pair from the looks of things. The others just looked at Zipp, the rest were scared, Izzy is still munching on the popcorn while Sunset just looked at Zipp with a blank expression, not sure why she’s so mad over sunglasses. Zipp is irritated enough that she snatchs Izzy’s popcorn and throws it aside. Zipp walked a bit before turning to them. “Everypony, follow me!” She said to them while pointing at the direction she needs them to follow. Zipp walked ahead as Sunset sighs at Zipp’s moody attitude today. “Well, goodbye monster movie night.” She said, knowing it looks like them watching the horror movies is now over. “Come on, everypony. Let’s follow Zipp.” She said to them as they followed Zipp, wondering what got her moody. A few minutes later, Zipp brough her friends to a wall, where is taking pictures of her friends with Mugshots, first Hitch, then Pipp who is striking a pose, Sunny who is very confused of this, Sunset with a rolled eye expression before tossing the board number away before taking the photo, and then finally, Izzy who wort her name on her board number and being a little silly before taking the picture, and then another to make a silly face, just for fun. And then in the bedroom, Zipp got tons of paper she had on her bed, her friends looked at her in confusion as they saw the mess she made. “Love what you’ve done with the place, Zipp.” Pipp said with a hesitant tone with her sister, really confused on why she made a mess. Zipp then turned and gave them an intense glare, and then she bucked the front of her bed as it revealed to be a secret board she uses with the conneciton of her friends’ pictures and the places they went to in Maretime Bay with the sunglasses pictures in the middle. The rest of the Mane 6 saw this and looked in shock with wide eyes that Zipp even had this. “Whoa.” Sunny was the first to speak as she pointed at the board with a forced smile. “That’s intenses.” She commented. “More like overboard if you ask me.” Sunset commented, finding it weird that Zipp would make a board over her missing sunglasses. Zipp then speaks as she paces back and forth. “Let’s start with our first pony of interest. What do you say, Hitch?” She said as she glared at the sheriff while pointing at the photo she took. They continue to look at her as Zipp continues. “Remember this morning at the beach, Sheriff?!” She said to him with a big tone. Flashback (Zipp’s version). On the beach was Zipp, Hitch, along with Izzy walking along the beach as they enjoyed their time, with Zipp wearing her sunglasses. “Another bright and sunny day in Maretime Bay.” Hitch said as he turned and gave out an michsieve smile at Zipp, with Izzy using a measuring tape to measure the glasses. “I’ll just steal yours, Zipp!” He then gave off an evil laugh as Zipp and Izzy gave in a shock look.  “Objection!” Present Hitch protests, a little mad as he popped his head infront of the flashback, pausing it. “That is not what I said!” He pointed out that it wasn't him at all or said any of that. Sunset popped her head next to him as she nodded her head in agreement, “I agree. I mean, Hitch is really the kindness out of all of us. And he got no evil bone in his body, he wouldn’t even hurt a fly.” She added, knowing Hitch very well, he’s too soft to even be the thief. “How about we rewind and show the true flashback?” Sunset suggested as she and Hitch went out of the flashback scene as the flashback rewind back to the beginning. True Flashback. As it started, Zipp, Izzy and Hitch are walking through the beach while Zipp is wearing her Sunglasses. “Another bright sunshiny day in Mareime Bay.” Hitch then turned to Izzy and Zipp, which Izzy is measuring Zipp’s glasses. “Sure wish I hadn’t left my sunnies back at the station.” He said, feeling a little bad for forgetting to bring his sunglasses back at the police station, he really loves those things.  The flashback pauses, Present Hitch pops his head back up and gesturing to the true flashback that Zipp forgotten, proving his point. Flashback ended. Zipp wasn’t really convinced, but is having second thoughts as Izzy is measuring Zipp’s head, which Zipp ignores. “Back at the station. Really?” Zipp questioned, wanting to know if Hitch is telling the truth. “Hmm.” Hitch nodded his head in confirming that is true while he gave off a smirk. “Although, I don’t need sunglasses to…” He puts on his usual sunglasses and lowers them a bit. “See the problem with your theory.” He finished as he gave off a wink. Sunset, Sunny and Pipp groan in annoyance at Hitch’s bad pun, that was not a good one either. “I like that. That was good.” Izzy said with a smile, finding the pun great. Zipp raises an eyebrow at Hitch’s terrible pun. “Okay. Okay.” Clearly seeing that Hitch is not the one, she turned to Pipp. “What about you, Pipp?!” She said to her sister, who was looking at her phone until Pipp looked at Zipp in disbelief. “I get it. We're sisters, Pipp. And you borrowed something without asking.” She said as she walked around before stopping next to her. “Just give 'em back, and we'll forget it ever happened.” She said before walking back to the board. “Why would I take your sunglasses, Zipp?” Pipp questioned her sister, sure she can borrow stuff from her sometimes but not that much compared to the other times. “They're so not my style.” She added, flip her mane a bit, stating that Zipp’s sunglasses are not much her style. “Remember? ‘Function over fashion’?" Zipp said to her about the one time she borrowed her sunglasses. Pipp gasps at that reminder that her sister brought that memory up. Zipp continues as she tells her that time in Mane Melody. “You were so excited to show off…” They then have a flashback during the time they were in Mane Melody. Flashback. At Mane Melody, Pipp is announcing her new way of styling. “...the brand-new auto-mane-tic shampoo and shine!” She announced as Izzy was also there at the time, Pipp put cuccombers on Izzy’ys eyes as she was the first to try out Pipp’s new style machine as Zipp watched. “A perfect 'do in two minutes!” Pipp said as she pressed the red button on the machine. The machine starts up by rinsing water out of the big sprayers, but then it gets out of control as the sprayers sprayed shampoo water all around the salon. Pipp and Zipp gasp as they duck from the incoming shampoo water, but other ponies aren't so lucky when the water hits a couple of earth ponies, while the rest are screaming for cover. The sprayers are still out of control, Pipp tries to turn it off but gets sprayed on the face, she gets pushed back with a scream, and when she gets up, her eyes are so soak, they’ve burned and start tearing up. “I think I got it in my eyes!” She cried out, feeling the burn as Zipp cringed at seeing Pipp’s eyes burned from the shampoo water. “Quick! Give me your sunglasses!” She cried out to her sister, needing the sunglasses so that she can see straight while her eyes are soaked. Zipp took off her sunglasses. “But you said they were so last season.” She repeated what her sister had told her as Pipp grabbed the glasses.   “Sometimes, Zipp, you've gotta take function over fashion!” Pipp declared but then realized what she said. “Oh! Never tell anypony I said that!” She told her sister to not tell anypony that she would go that far on anything other than fashion. Pipp ran and then jumped, heading towards the button, the shampoo water sprayed Pipp, but thanks to the sunglasses, her eyes were shielded from being burned the second time as Pipp wiped some off her face with a determined look. Pipp pressed the button, shutting off the machine, stopping the spraying shampoo water before it got out of hand anymore then it did. End of Flashback. Pipp finds her sister accused redicoulous during that time. “I borrowed your sunglasses one time!” She told Zipp that she only used her sunglasses once during the whole shampoo machine incident, and haven’t used them again since then. “It was an e-mer-gen-cy! But why would I steal them? I have plenty of my own.” She pointed out to the supplies of sunglasses she has on her side of the room on her bed, with a bunny wearing sunglasses, which proves Pipp point that she has a whole stock of them. The others looked at Zipp as Sunset nodded her head in agreement with Pipp. “Pipp’s right, Zipp. Your sunglasses were out of style for her. And the supplies of sunglasses over there proves her point.” She said, knowing Pipp well, that Zipp’s sunglasses were out of style for a pony like Pipp. “Well, uh…” Zipp starts stuttering, finding her theories on her friends who stole her sunglasses to not be true, and she is running out of ideas as she looks around nervously, her detective skills were not proving her theories on who stole her sunglasses. “W-what about you, Sunny?” She pointed to Sunny as said pony looked at her as Zipp got into her face. “Making smoothies all day in the sun, you must need—” She was cut off when Sunny gave off a bored expression.  Sunny then flipped a pair of sunglasses of her own, proving that it’s not her as she slurps some smoothies she was holding for the movie from earlier, stating that she is prepared to wear sunglasses while staying out in the sun all day making smoothies when she first got the smoothie job.  Sunny continued slurping as Izzy, Sunset and Zipp looked at her. Sunny stops slurping as there was an awkward silence for a moment. “Uh…” Zipp gave a nervous laugh, seeing Sunny’s point. “Right.” She said as she turned to Sunset. “What about you, Sunset? Surely you need my sunglasses to…” She was cut off when Sunset spoke. “Not me.” Sunset simply said, in an annoying tone, finding Zipp’s theories to be wrong every time. “I spent most of my time in the lighthouse, researching through Sunny’s father’s notes to find the answer to what happened to Twilight and how the magic faded in the first place, while also teaching Sunny and Izzy more about magic as well.” She reminded her of her spare time while researching through Sunny’s father notes and teaching magic lessons, and she is way past stealing something that doesn’t belong to her when she was a bad pony before meeting Twilight. “Besides, even if I do go out sometimes, I got my own.” She stated, putting on sunglasses of her own, really telling Zipp that wasn’t her. Zipp laughs nervously, finding Sunset’s words to be true. “Okay then.” She said as she backed away from her and back to the board. “That only leaves…” She looked through the photos she took of her friends while seeing who is left, and the only pony left is a certain unicorn. “Izzy?” She then gasps in realization. “Of course! All... that... measuring…” She stated, having flashbacks of the two flashbacks and a few minutes ago, Izzy was there, measuring Zipp’s head. Making sure that my sunglasses would fit you! Before you stole them!” She yelled out, facing Izzy as she got close to her face as Izzy backed up a bit, looking a little nervous. “Noooo…” Izzy said while she laughed nervously while also sweating as Zipp looked at her. “Zipp, see, I mean... The thing, actually... uh... DISTRACTION!” She cried out as she used her magic to leviated the pile of papers on Zipp’s bed, and then hit Zipp with it as she yelled in surprise before Izzy made a break for it. Zipp yanks the paper out of her face as she starts to growls as she glares at Izzy as said unicorn ran out the door, heading downstairs with a yelp. Zipp growls, not wanting to let Izzy get away as she flies out the bedroom window, flying out in the night, heading for the front before Izzy could. Izzy pants as she ran downstairs, just as she was about to head for the door, Zipp opened it, blocking her way. Izzy screams as she runs the other way as she runs around the Brighouse, with Zipp behind her. “Izzy, stop!” Zipp called out, but then Izzy levitated the blanket from the couch. “Whoa!” Zipp called out as she hit the blanket and then crashed into the ground. Izzy ran the other way as Zipp got her head out as she groaned at Izzy. Upstairs, Sunset saw this and is really tired of the whole thing. “Okay, this has gone on long enough.” She said to herself in frustration as she went down the stairs. Izzy then came to her ‘Unicycling’ table, with all her supplies she made with her unicycling skills, and wrapped some sort of present in a box with a ribbon as Izzy gave a grunt for the effort, wrapping it as fast as she could. “End of the line, Izz!” Zipp called out from behind her as Izzy looked at her while Zipp narrowed her eyes at her. “Nowhere left to trot! We can do this the easy way or the—” She was cut off when she was dragged across the floor and levitated into the air. “Whoa! Huh?!” She said in confusion. “Okay! That’s enough, Zipp!” Sunset voices called out as she came to them. “Sunset?! What are you doing!?” Zipp questioned why Sunset is doing this. “Stopping you from all your missing sunglasses thing! That’s what I’m doing!” Sunset yelled out. “Zipp, I know your sunglasses are missing, but putting the blame on your friends, especially Izzy, for thinking we took them, that’s crossing the line! And I have had enough of it!” She scolded the pegasus for her over dramatic over the loss of her sunglasses. “But, Izzy is the suspect! She measured my head to see if she…!” Zipp was interrupted when Sunset yelled out. “For making a gift for you, you over dramatic detective!” Sunset yelled out, telling Zipp that Izzy was preparing a gift for her. Zipp looked in confusion. “Wait. What?” She asked, making sure she heard Sunset right. Seeing Zipp calmed down a bit, Sunset lowered Zipp back to the ground as she released her from her magic. “Ealier today, Izzy told me that she wanted to surprise you with something, Zipp. She didn’t tell me what it was so I wouldn’t spoil the surprise, but she was making a gift for you.” She explained to Zipp as she turned to Izzy. “Anyway. Is it done, Izzy?” She asked the unicorn. Izzy smiled. “You bet it is, Sunset!” She answered as she revealed the present she made and held out for Zipp to grab. “Here you go, Zipp! I hope you like it!” She said to Zipp with a smile. Zipp was a little shocked as she grabbed the box. “Buh... For me?” She asked the two ponies as Sunset and Izzy smiled at her. Zipp opens the box and then gasps in amazement at what she is seeing. It is revealed to be a pair of techo goggles, the Z-Goggles, it has the details of Zipp’s description with the colors and wings with the colors as well. Zipp picks them up in amazement as she puts them on. “Whoa...!” She said as she saw the goggles have a nightvision setting as she looked at Sunset and Izzy, then ultra light vision as she can see their body heat and hearts, and then x-ray vision as she can see their skeletons. “Incredible!” She said in amazement, finding the goggles great. Sunset was impressed with the goggles as she turned to Izzy. “Is this what you've been making for Zipp all day, Izzy?” She asked with a smile. Izzy nodded her head with a smile before speaking to Zipp. “I didn't take your sunglasses, Zipp. I swear.” She told him that she didn’t take her sunglasses as Zipp took the goggles off. “I was taking your measurements so I could make these for you.” She explains the reason for her measuring Zipp. “Sunset was here when I got my supplies ready to make them, but I told her that it was a surprise for you. And any good detective has super fancy gadgets.” She explained to her, wanting to make something that will help Zipp for her detective work. Zipp then hugs Izzy, happy with the gift she made for her. “Oh! Thanks, Izzy!” And then turned to Sunset. “And thanks for stopping me, Sunset. I guess I have gone a little bit overboard with my missing sunglasses.” She admits with a sheepish smile. Sunset chuckled a bit before putting a reassuring smile. “That’s okay, Zipp. Just remember to slow down and take your time while doing the detective thing and listen closely, okay.” She said to her. “Because from personal experience, Rarity does this detective thing more times than I can count. She is skilled enough to find clues and solve the mysteries, and do it in style at the time as well since, well, she’s Rarity.” She said as she remembered the time when Rarity was spying on her and the other Rainbooms, thinking that they’ve been avoiding her and they were really just throwing a surprise party for her. Twilight once mentioned Rarity’s old mysteries cases that she's solved like the time she proved Rainbow’s innocence to the Wonderbolts when they got her out of the show but brought back in when Rarity solved the mystery. Zipp smiled at Sunset’s lesson as she took it in heart. “Okay. I’ll remember to slow down my cases and  take my time before I jump to conclusions.” She said to Sunset, and then put on the goggles as she looked around the brighthouse, having fun with them. Sunset and Izzy smiled at Zipp hypeness of her new gadget as Zipp looked around while trying out the settings on the goggles. First the living room, then the kitchen, she turns the settings to X-Ray as she sees through the cabinets. “Whoa!” She then picks up an apple from the basket on the counter, only to see a worm inside eating the apple from the inside out. “Ewww, gross.” She cringes in disgust, finding it gross to find a worm in one of those apples as she drops the one that has the worm in it. And then, sometimes later, Zipp, Izzy and Sunset are back in the bedroom with the others as Zipp trotted around and then jumped on her bed as the others looked at her with a smile. “Best gift ever, Izzy! I love them!” She then starts to slip on the messy paper she still has on her bed. “Whoa!” She then trips and falls on her bed, she tries to get back up but as she placed her hoof on her pillow, she heard a crunching sound. Curious about what that sound is, she lifted the pillow up and revealed that her sunglasses, now broken in half straight through the middle, turned out to be under the pillow the whole time. Zipp took off the goggles as she laughed nervously. “Guess I found them.” She said in embarrassment that she didn’t check her pillows where her sunglasses had been all along as she showed the broken sunglasses to her friends. “Sorry.” She apologizes to her friends in an embarrassed tone as she sweats, embarrassed a bit. The rest of the Mane 6 looked at Zipp, Izzy broke the silence. “I can fix those!” She said with a cheerful tone, going to make those glasses good as new. Her friends weren’t as happy as she is. A little mad at Zipp over her over dramatic and wasting their time over a detective board thing as they turned and walked out of the room, going back to the horror movie they’ve been watching. “Ugh.” Pipp grunts in frustration over Zipp not realizing that her sunglasses were under her pillow the whole time without checking. “Amateur.” Hitch said to Zipp, finding it quite sad about the whole thing. “You've gotta be kidding me.” Sunny sighs as she couldn’t believe all that since Zipp didn’t check before she leap. “Next time, Zipp. How about checking before you leap, before you go over dramatic.” Sunset said while facing her hoof on her head, finding it ironic that Zipp would find her sunglasses over her pillows without even checking. The others walked out as Izzy followed, getting back to the movie where they left off while they still had time  before Zipp interrupted their movie. Zipp looked at them with a sheepish smile on her bed. “Uh, b-but that was fun, right? Right?” She asked them, thinking that her detective thing was fun, but they didn’t answer, which means it was not fun when she wasted their movie time. “Ugh.” She groans as she places a hoof over her head, realizing that she really was dramatic over her sunglasses while wasting her friends’ movie time, making a mental note to herself to check where she put her things before judging her friends that they stole one of her things. End of Chapter 12. > Chapter 13: Dumpster Diving (Edited on 5/29/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Dumpster Diving "And a hush descends as Neptune steps up to take his dive." Skye Silver said to the viewers as a blue Pegasus put her goggles down with her swim cap on, jumped on the diving board three times before jumping high into the air, doing a couple of front flips before whooshing into the water, which she dived into a splash. It was revealed to be on TV as Zipp cheers. "Whoo-hoo!" She laughs as Sunset, Sunny and Hitch are watching it with her as Sunny looks on in amazement with sparkles in her eyes as Hitch finds it interesting while Sunset finds it amazing with a smile. "That's how you make a splash in this competition! Go, Zephyr Heights!" She cheered, stating that the ponies from the three tribes are in a contest where which pony of three tribes can make the better flash, and it all started in Maretime Bay. Izzy was in her 'Unicycling' stand as she is using a tool on an object with her goggles on. "Yay!" She cheered with a smile before the item she messed with breaks as parts came flying by, she then looked at the part she was looking for, a ring-shaped part. Inspecting it before she rolled her eyes and tossed it to the other ring parts in a box, finding it useless. "Ehhh…" Hitch said while thinking to himself while the girls looked on, Sunset still intrigued by the contest, Sunny still had sparkles in her eyes and Zipp bopped her head, thinking Zephyr Heights would win, before Hitch spoke. "Still think a Pegasus has an unfair advantage in the diving competition." He said before crossing his hooves with a smirk while the girls looked at him from that comment. Sunset scoffs at Hitch's comment. "What do you know about Pegasi, Hitch? You used to be a pony who thought Unicorns and Pegasi were bad news." She pointed out the time at the start of their adventure, Hitch was one of the ponies, aside from Pipp, who thought other pony tribes were bad news before they brought them together and brought back the magic. Hitch rolled his eyes at Sunset's comment. "Well, I may have been that kind of pony. But not anymore. I've moved past that after realizing that everypony is equal. And I'm just saying that the Pegasi are at an unfair advantage since they can fly and use their wings to balance." He pointed out the way Pegasi used for diving. "Well, you're not wrong." Sunset admitted since Hitch got a point there. "I mean, Yeah, being able to fly (or even glide) DOES kind of provide a pretty big advantage in diving, kind of like how Earth pony strength provides a big advantage in weightlifting. Of course, those that have the best abilities of all three tribes (like me and Sunny when she is properly motivated) wouldn't be able to compete in these sorts of sports BECAUSE we would have too many unfair advantages." She pointed out the rules of this sort of contest and knew fully well that the Alicorns can enter them much, since they have the power of all three tribes, it wouldn't be fair unless they follow the rules. "True that." Sunny agreed with Sunset, also knowing the rules fully well, and another reason why she doesn't show her Alicorn half much. Izzy then grabbed one of Sunny's roller skates as she hammered the wheels a bit before they fell off the shoe. Izzy inspects one of the wheels but sighs, finding it not the right one as she tosses it away. Izzy then went to one of the legs of the couch and unscrewed it with her wrench, losing up the leg and removing it as a gold metal ring came off. Izzy grabbed the ring with a smile as she looked at it. "Aha! Well, hello, perfect little ringy-thingy!" She said to the object as she laughed a bit. "Next diver up!" Sunny tells the others with a smile, all four of them are completely unaware that Izzy removed the leg piece of the couch. "Maretime Bay can still win this!" She said with an excited tone, hoping that Maretime Bay would win this contest. The couch tilted before it fell backwards, landing with a thud as the four ponies sitting on it fell backwards with it as well. "IZZY!" Sunny, Sunset, Hitch and Zipp all yelled out, knowing that Izzy took the back leg of the couch. Sunset got off the couch and stood up. "Okay, I'm gonna see what's gotten into our wild unicorn here." She said, a little annoyed that Izzy is doing her Unicycling skills again. Normally they don't mind her doing her special skills, but this is a new level if she is looking for a part that is perfect. "But first." She then turned to the couch and used her magic to bring the couch back up and place the leg back in, with a spare metal ring and tighten it up. "There we go." She said with a smile as Sunny, Hitch and Zipp looked at Sunset with a smile. "Thanks, Sunset. You really know how to fix things." Sunny commented with a smile. "Ah. Wouldn't be the first time." Sunset replied with a smirk, knowing the times when things get messy, she has to fix it before it gets worse. Sunset then walked to Izzy. Izzy tries to put the ring piece she got from the couch on the lantern that Sunny's father made when Sunny was a filly. But as she tried to put it on the top, it was a little too big and it fell to the middle of the lantern. "Awww!" Izzy groans in disappointment, Sunset comes in front of her and Izzy saw Sunset in front of her. Sunset raised an eyebrow at Izzy. "Are you still working on Sunny's lantern, Izzy?" She asked for a unicorn. "Because you took a ring piece from the couch?" She added. "Yes. And I need two pieces for the handle to stay in." Izzy corrected. "That is why I'm looking for a metal ring thingy to complete this lantern to make Sunny happy before Maretime Bay Day comes." She told her the reason she needed the metal ring part. "But now this Maretime Bay Day gift for Sunny will never be ready in time." She sadly said as she picked up a piece. "I've tried everything. Even the—'' She then holds a pink circle but didn't get to finish her sentence before they all heard Pipp's screaming. "AAHHH! What's wrong with the shower?! Izzy!" Pipp cried out from the bathroom. And yelled out Izzy's name, knowing what was wrong with it. Sunset then looked at Izzy with an amusing expression. "Let me guess. You use some of the parts from Pipp's stuff and mess with the shower parts. Am I right?" She rhetorically asks Izzy, having guessed right on what parts Izzy has used. Izzy yelps from Pipp's scream as she chuckles nervously at Sunset, finding her guess to be true. "Well, yeah." She answered. Sunset sighs. "Come on. Let's get out of the brighthouse for a while. I don't want Pipp to yell at you, so let's go until she cools down." She said, going to get Izzy out of the Brighthouse until Pipp calms down with her keeping Izzy company until then. "Good call." Izzy said as she packed some of her stuff in her saddle bag. "And I gotta find the right ring part for Sunny's lantern. Gotta keep looking!" She said as she and Sunset trotted out of the brighthouse to avoid Pipp's wrath. Pipp screams as she comes out of the bathroom, all wet with a towel around her. Looking quite mad as she growls, trying to see where Izzy is, but finding that she is not around, she decides to let Izzy go but still mad with a growl as she goes back into the bathroom. Knowing that she can't walk around Maretime Bay looking like that. Izzy and Sunset are now on Izzy's motor scooter as Izzy is driving away from the brighthouse. To find the right part for Sunny's lantern and to also escape from Pipp's wrath. While in the city of Maretime Bay, Izzy then took a hoop from a Pegasus Mare who was playing with it. Sunset is watching in the background, so Izzy doesn't do anything stupid and to make sure she doesn't get involved much with Izzy's antics. "Ah! Nah. Too big." She pointed out that the hoop is too big, while wearing a helmet. "Give me that." Sunset told Izzy as she snatched the hoop and gave it back to the kid. "Sorry, kid. She is just looking for something for a friend of ours." She apologizes to the kid who shook her head in understanding, going back to her game. Izzy then looked at the key change on a stallion saddle strap. "Too small." She said as the earth pony stallion looked at Izzy weirdly as the unicorn mare laughed nervously, finding it embarrassing to say that from behind a stallion while Sunset facehoof herself, finding Izzy to embarrass herself while looking for the right part. Izzy and Sunset were now in a doughnut shop as they looked at the pile of doughnuts as Izzy inspected one. "Too doughnut-y." She said and then chomps on the doughnut she is holding. "True. But tasty too." Sunset said as she took a bite out of a doughnut herself and paid a few bits for the doughnuts. A little bit later, a unicorn filly is playing with a triangle instrument as she is ringing it. Izzy looked at the triangle for a second before speaking. "Not ring-y enough." She pointed out that the triangle is not even a ring shape as the filly looked at her in confusion. "Yeah. Not even close, Izzy." Sunset pointed out of the obvious shape. Izzy then grunts as she effortlessly tries to take the Mane Melody billboard, but it can't be removed. Izzy then looked down below as Sunset and Posey looked at her, while Posey looked at Izzy with her mouth open, finding Izzy weird, Sunset just rolled her eyes. "Too stuck-to-a-building-y." Izzy said sheepishly to the two ponies. "Yeah. And I doubt Pipp would allow you to use her billboard for her salon, Izzy." Sunset pointed out again, knowing very well that Pipp would not like it if Izzy took off her Mane Melody billboard. A little bit later, Izzy and Sunset were on the scooter again as Izzy sighs in disappointment, can't seem to find the right piece for Sunny's lantern. "We'll find the right part, Izzy. Remember, a miracle doesn't just show up right in front of you." Sunset assured the down unicorn, telling her that she will find the part for Sunny's lantern. "Yeah. But I don't know if we can get it in time." Izzy added with a sad tone, before she gasps at seeing Posey again, with blue circle earrings on her ear. "But that is absolutely perfect! Oh, Posey!" She cheered with sparkle in her eyes as Posey turned and saw Izzy and Sunset on the scooter, with Izzy driving with sparkles in her eyes as Sunset held on tightly as Izzy sped up. "Let me see those amazing ear danglers!" She cheered to Posey while speeding up. Posey then starts screaming as she tries running away as the scooter Izzy is driving with Sunset on board to catch up to the earth pony, while Sunset is holding on tight from Izzy's crazy speed record. "Back off, Izzy! They're mine!" Posey said to the unicorn as she tried to outrun her and her scooter. "Sunset! Can't you tell Izzy to stop?!" She called out. "Telling Izzy to stop!? It's like trying to tell a unicorn to cut their horns off or a Pegasi to not fly!" Sunset retorted while holding on to her seat. "I can't control this Unicorn if I can't even keep my old friend Pinkie Pie under control!" She cried out, saying that if Pinkie can't be controlled, Izzy is no different. Posey then kept running and saw that Izzy's scooter was out of sight. She turned to look behind her but then turn back as she sees Izzy and Sunset next to her. Izzy smiled at Posey, but Sunset was a little confused on how they came in front of Posey as the earth pony screamed. Izzy then stands on her seat with a grunt effort. "Just one! Come on, Posey! It's for a great cause!" She called out with a wave hoof, but then yelped as she lost balance of her scooter steering as she got the steering straight. "Keep your steering straight, Izzy!" Sunset scolded the unicorn, yelping when Izzy lost control for a sec. "Sorry!" Izzy called out to Sunset. "And the earring thing! No way!" Posey called out as she kept running as Izzy's scooter came closer to her. Izzy then grunts a bit as she gets on top of her steering before turning to Sunset. "Take the steering, Sunset!" She called out to her. "Wait, WHAT!?" Sunset questioned before Izzy jumped out of the steering and into the air. "Oh, Celestia!" She cried out as the scooter moved back and forth a bit before Sunset grabbed the steering, but didn't get a grip as she tripped off the bike. "Oh!" She cried out on impact as she fell out of the scooter with a grunt as the scooter continued forward. "When I catch up to Izzy, I'm gonna give her a long lesson on these things." She growls a bit before smiling. "But can't blame her, she does remind me of Pinkie Pie back in the day with these crazy stunts." She said with a nostalgic smile that Izzy really brings back memories of Pinkie Pie back in the old day, she got off the ground to catch up to Izzy. As Posey kept running, she turned and saw Izzy about to fall right on top of her as she screamed as Izzy was falling with a wide smile. Izzy then landed on Posey as they both tumbled across the ground with grunting sounds as they crashed into a flower stand. Posey looked dazed as Izzy's scooter came next to them. Izzy pops her head off the pile of flowers as she holds the earring. "Yay!" She cheered but stopped as she got a better look at it "Nah. Too plasticky." She said the earring is made of plastic and won't work for the lantern. She holds the earring back to Posey, who is glaring at the unicorn for chasing her for nothing. The two ponies then heard panting as they saw Sunset catching up to them. "Are you ponies alright?" She asked, wondering if they are alright. "We're okay, Sunset!" Izzy said with a cheer. "Define 'okay'." Posey groans, from the crash while glaring up to Izzy. "I told you, when it comes to Izzy, nothing can stop her." Sunset told Posey the reason. "Trust me, I tried with my friend Pinkie back in the day. She won't stop until she catches you." She added before glaring at Izzy. "But when we get back home, I'm gonna give you a stern talking to about this stunt, Izzy!" She scolded about Izzy's reckless stunt. Izzy cringes a bit before she gives off a sheepish tone. "Sorry, Sunset. But to tell you, I still can't find the right ring part." She pointed out about the ring thing, but then the three ponies see two critters rolling a circle net. Izzy gasps at seeing it. "That could work! Wait up!" She called out to them as she tossed the earring up in the air before catching up to the critters. Posey growls at Izzy before her earring hits her on the head. "Huh?" She asks before she gives an unamused expression while Sunset facehoof herself at Izzy's antics. Posey looked at Sunset. "Is she always like this?" She asked. "24 hours a day I'm afraid." Sunset answered Posey that Izzy is always like this, before she ran off to catch up to Izzy. Izzy then came to the alleyway to find the critters who were dragging the net. When she sees them going to the next area, she zips and gasps in joy now that they are cornered, but frowns when she sees a deflated floatie and not the next she was looking. "Awww, no good." Izzy said with a down tone as Sunset caught up to her. "Did you find anything, Izzy?" Sunset asked the unicorn. "No. Just this deflated floatie." Izzy answered to Sunset as she groaned. "This is hopeless, Sunset. I'm never gonna—" She then gasps in amazement with sparkles in her eyes at a sight she is looking for. Sunset looked at what Izzy was looking at and raised an eyebrow. "Really?" She questions as she and Izzy are looking at a dumpster, with a raccoon-corn on a homemade diving board on the side. The raccoon-corn then jumps and squeals as it crashes into the dumpster as trash objects fly out. "Whoaaaa…" Izzy said in amazement as she headed to the handmade diving board. Sunset then realizes what Izzy is doing. "Izzy. Please tell me you're not going to do what I think you're doing?" She asks Izzy, hoping she's not about to just go in. "I'm sure I am, Sunset! This is the perfect place for me to find the right piece for Sunny!" Izzy cheered, knowing that dumpsters have the best things that people throw out. Sunset gave out a bored expression. "You do realize that it's a dumpster and what you're doing is unsanitary, right?" She questioned Izzy, finding it a little gross out for Izzy to dive into a dumpster just to find a part she needs. "Well, yeah. But this is for Sunny and this is the best place for me to get some parts for my Unicycling skills!" Izzy cheered as she climbed up the diving board and then jumped with a flip. "Whoo-hoo!" She cheered as she dived into the dumpster. Sunset cringe in disgust. "I'll stay out here, on the lookout." She told Izzy as she turned and kept watch. "This is embarrassing." She said to herself, finding it embarrassing that Izzy is doing, hoping nopony can see them. (All for the Love of Trash Song) [Izzy Moonbow] Makin' a splash A splash into trash Izzy then imagines her little world while intimidating some diving into the water moves, while the raccoon-corns are dancing with her while giving her a 10 for perfect diving. Reaction this trash Don't have to be so slapdash Izzy hopped back and forth between the trash as she picked up a dirty shoe with dead flowers in it while also diving to the left while playing a banjo. Uni-cycled in a flash Could be a table or mustache Anything really for trash Izzy sang while riding in a baby carriage while using a wheel as a hat and a banana as a mustache and then the Raccoon-corns are diving in a single pattern like those expert swimmers are. T-R-A-S-H Doesn't mean it's waste Izzy and the raccoon-corns then dance in the pile of trash in a circle formation as Izzy is in the center and then dive into the pile of trash. T-R-A-S-H With a dash of taste The raccoon-corns then swim in a perfect pattern while dancing. Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo Make it brand new-ooh, ooh-ooh Whoo! Izzy sang as a tower of trash started stacking with Izzy on top as she sang while continuing to go up. Come on in, the trash is lovely Lookin' for a ring for Sunny Call it waste, call it misplaced But always with a dash of taste Izzy then dived into the trash as she swam across the junk of trash, looking for the ring piece for Sunny's lantern, and then found herself wearing a dress with earrings and a bracelet and necklaces in perfect condition. You might think it's rotten But I think you have forgotten It's anything really for trash (Oh, yeah!) Izzy continues to swim as she swims through the raccoon-corn's circle pattern as she comes up with a junk crown and a dirty leg holder as she cheers while back up to the surface of her junk fantasy. T-R-A-S-H Doesn't mean it's waste T-R-A-S-H With a dash of taste Izzy twirled around the raccoon-corn's circle as she swam around. The raccoon-corns twirl around before striking a pose. Izzy then sees a golden ring that she was looking for as it shines to her. Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo Make it brand new-ooh, ooh-ooh Whoo! Izzy looked at the ring as she finally found the right one. She jumps out of her trash shoot and about to grab the ring. Once she is out of the dumpster, the ring is on her horn. Sunset turned to Izzy as she is now out of the dumpster. "About time, Izzy. And I see that you found the ring you needed." She said with a smile as Sunset pointed her hoof at Izzy's horn. Izzy sees where Sunset is pointed at as she looks at her horn to find that the ring is on it. "Aha! There you are, my circly little friend!" She said to the ring as she took it off her horn and polished it a bit as it shines. "Great. Let's go so you can fix Sunny's lantern gift for Maretime Bay Day. And uh. You need a shower Izzy." Sunset said while adding the cringe part of Izzy needed a shower after her dumpster diving. Izzy chuckled sheepishly, finding Sunset's word true. "I'll shower once the bathroom is fixed and when I finish Sunny's lantern gift." She promises Sunny that she will wash the stink off when she is finish and the shower all fix up. Sunset smiled at Izzy's promise. "I'll fix the shower up after the lantern is finished." She told her, after the lantern is done, she will fix the shower up for Izzy. A little while later back at the Brighthouse, Sunset watches as Izzy puts the ring on Sunny's lantern. "Ta-daaaaah! All uni-cycled up!" Izzy cheered as she raised her hooves in the air. "Great job, Izzy. Sunny would be so happy once she sees her old lantern all fixed up." Sunset said with a smile, knowing that Sunny would be very happy to see her childhood object that her father made for her all fixed up. "That's right, Sunset!" Izzy said, but then looked at the lantern as she placed a thoughtful expression while playing a hoof on her chin. "Huh... Something's still not quite right." She then gasps as she realizes something. "Oh! I know!" She said cheerfully as she grabs something. Sunset watched as Izzy brought her box of rocks. Izzy opens it as they see that the box is filled with rocks and crystals. Izzy smirks as she takes out a crystal, Sunset keeps looking as she is interested in what Izzy is adding to the lantern. Izzy smiles as she places the crystal to the center of the lantern, but what is shocking is that once Izzy placed the lantern's cover on top, the crystal started to glow and then sparkled as little lights spread throughout the Brighthouse. "Wow!" Sunset and Izzy both said, finding it unexpected that the crystal in the lantern glowed like that. But what's even more shocking is that the lantern starts to float off the table, which amazes Sunset and Izzy, they know that the lantern never floats, but somehow it is. "Oh!" Izzy said as she and Sunset looked at the lantern in amazement. "The floating is unexpected, but Sunny's gonna love it! Right, Sunset?" She cheered as she asked Sunset that Sunny would love it, even though it will. Sunset found her voice. "Sunny will love it, Izzy. But how is this lantern floating? Where did you find that crystal?" She asked Izzy, knowing well that lanterns aren't supposed to do that, but somehow thanks to the crystal Izzy put in that lantern, it was able to float and have a bit of magic in it. "Oh, I found that crystal in the woods during my spare time and back in Bridlewood since there are alot of crystals there." Izzy said cheerfully, reminding Sunset that her hometown has tons of crystals and what she does in her spare time. "But above all, not sure. But it will make Sunny happy!" She cheered. "Izzy! What's happened to my manedryer?!" Pipp's voice was then heard as Sunset and Izzy cringe, Izzy grabs the lantern and hides it in her drawer, not wanting to show her friends yet until Maretime Bay Day comes so she can give the gift to Sunny, since it's still not complete yet. Pipp came to them as her mane is a little frizz out while holding her broken manedryer. "It's missing, like, all the pieces!" She cried out, stating that the pieces on her manedryer are missing, hinting that Izzy stripped it for parts to fix Sunny's lantern. "Sorry, Pipp." Izzy apologizes to Pipp for taking her manedryer parts. "I can fix it! Hang on!" She said as she ran out the door, Sunset had a feeling and knew where she was going. "Izzy?! Where are you going?!" Pipp cried out. "Come back! No one can see me like this!" She cried out, not wanting anypony to see her with her messed up mane. Sunset sighs with a smile. "Don't worry, Pipp. Izzy will be back. She just gonna get some parts to repair your manedryer." She assures the young Pegasus the reason why Izzy ran out. Pipp then took a breath and calmed down. "Okay. If Izzy is gonna fix this, then I trust her." She said as she now asked Sunset a question. "Speaking of which. What were you and Izzy been out all day, Sunset?" She asks, wondering what the two ponies were up to. "Oh, you know. Just looking for some spare parts Izzy was looking for Sunny's lantern. I tag along so I can help her if needed because knowing Izzy she can make a mess of things." Sunset answered Pipp, who nodded her head in understanding now. "Come on. Let's go watch some water diving until Izzy gets back to fix your manedryer." She said as she led Pipp to the living room to watch the diving contest. Sunset looks back at the desk, very curious about how that lantern did that, but she will find out soon enough. Izzy then came back to the dumpster with the homemade diving board, ready to grab some parts for Pipp's manedryer. Izzy looked at the dumpster as it glowed and she smiled at it with a sparkle in her eyes as she was about to jump from the diving board. "Yee-haw! Whoo-hooooo!" She cheered as she jumped, front flipped and then dive into the dumpster with a cheery smile. A few days later after Maretime Bay Day, Sunset was looking at the lantern that Izzy managed to give to Sunny during the whole glitching magic disharmony thing with the crystals. Sunset then remembers the crystal that Izzy put in the lantern before the festival starts as she is starting to see the connection. "Whatever causes this crystal to spark the lantern, save Windy and Posey from the void. But the question is what is this kind of crystal, and is it connected to magic?" She asks herself, trying to find the reason for this. "Whatever this is, it is a mystery worth solving and me and my friends are going to find the answers to this." She said to herself as she continued to look at the lantern, really wondering how it is powered up and how is this lantern connected to it with the crystal inside. End of Chapter 13. > Chapter 14: Alicorn Issues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Alicorn Issues Flashbacks: “Whoo!” Izzy cheered as her friends came to her and Sunset side to celebrate T.U.E.S. Day together. “Hey! Ho!” The Mane 6 sang when they went for a hike in the woods to spend some time together. “... Cause I get to work with you!” The Mane 6 sang together as they worked together to finish up the Crystal Brighthouse. “Besties!” Pipp cheers as she and the others huddle together for a group friendship picture on her phone after they’ve finished the Brighthouse. And then, between those flashbacks are the cutie marks of the mane 6, which they didn’t notice, glowing after they’ve completed their goals and helping out with each other's problems while settling their differences and getting to understand each other better while learning to work together, not as just a team, but friends. End of Flashbacks. In the bedroom of the Crystal Brighthouse, the girls are sleeping peacefully. But then, something shocking happened. On Sunny’s bed, we see Sunny, with her mane a little messy from having a bed head while she sleeps, starts to glow and then starts levitation off the bed while she is still sleeping. Sunset, Izzy and Zipp woke up from the glow and are shock to see Sunny floating in the air as the magic sparkle around Sunny and activated her Alicorn magic and form as her horn and wings appeared in a bright flash of light, which shock Sunny awake and cause glitter to fly around the room in the process. “Aaah!” Zipp yelled out in surprise as glitter hit her in the face and some on her bed. Izzy got the same outcome, but Sunset ducks under the blanket to dodge the glitter, saving herself from getting some on her. Sunny then looked on in shock to see that her alicorn magic activated and had taken form, but then her alicorn form, her wings and horn, disappeared as soon as she looked at them, which resulted in her falling back into her bed, which is now covered in glitter. Sunny groans tirely as she rubs her forehead. And got up on her bed as she looked around. “What happened?” She asked tiredly to her friends, clearly didn’t know that her alicorn magic acted up. Sunset came over to Sunny. “I’ll tell you what happened. Your alicorn magic is acting up again, Sunny.” She explained to the earth pony, seeing this before during her magic training. Sunny is doing great but for some reason, her magic starts acting up from time to time. “Yeah.” Zipp said in agreement. “You also exploded into a pile of…” She tries to point out the glitter but a certain unicorn cuts her off. “Glitter!” Izzy cheered, seeing so much glitter as far as her eyes can see, as her love of glitter and seeing so much in one room, she’s in paradise. “Glitter!” She cheered as she hugged a pile. “Glitter!” She then scoops some in a jar to restock her glitter supplies. “Glitter!” She then went to Pipp’s bed and grabbed some glitter and tossed some in the air as she cheered and then ran off. Pipp then got up and got her head off the pile of glitter, a little tired to notice some on her head. “Don’t you ponies know what time it is?” She asks tiredly and then notices the pile of glitter on her bed. “Wait, what?” she asks herself and then notices some on her head as she gasps in shock. “All this glitter is drying out my mane!” She cried out, as she doesn’t like how the glitter dries out her mane. “Sorry, everypony.” Sunny apologized to her friends as Zipp and Pipp came in front of her, with Sunset next to Sunny as Pipp shook the glitter off her mane. “My Alicorn magic has a mind of its own. Sunset’s been helping practice my magic but I still can’t seem to control it.” She said to her friends that she still can’t seem to control her magic quite yet. “Sunny is still learning how to control her magic.” Sunset explains. “She managed to get the basic spells right, but since Sunny was born an Earth Pony, she still hasn't mastered the controlling part yet. This happens from time to time during our magic practice.” She pointed out that sometimes during their magic lessons that Sunset’s been teaching to Sunny and Izzy, Sunny’s been having trouble to control her magic from time to time, which results in her alicorn form to go off and on from time to time. Zipp then has a suggestion. “Maybe you need a magic word, Sunny.” She said, maybe say something to get it under control. “Something to help bring out your inner alicorn.” She said with a smile. “Ohh! How about a catchprase.” Izzy said cheerfully as she was swimming in her pile of glitter as she swam to the others. “Like, ‘Wing it’! Or ‘Let’s fly’!” She then gave an exciting expression with sparkles in her eyes. “Oh, oh, oh! I know!” She cheered as she came next to Sunset and Sunny. “‘Alicorn it up!’” She said as she walked a bit to give Sunny and Sunset some distance. “What?” Sunset asks, wanting to know what makes Izzy think of that. Knowing very well that Alicorns don’t use catchprases to activate their magic. “Alicorn it up?” Sunny repeated Izzy’s words, finding it strange. But then her magic starts to sparkle again, Sunny looks at her right side as she sees her wings starting to appear again as it sprouted as Sunny gave off a shock expressing on seeing her magic sprouted again. Sunset, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp look on in amazing as Sunny’s alicorn magic started up again as Izzy gave off a cheerful smile and sparkle in her eyes. Sunny continues to look at her wings as it takes form. But once it settles, her wings are now the size of a little filly wings as it flapps rapidly as Sunny looks at it. Izzy then goes to Sunny side as she looks at her wings. “It might need some work.” She snorted, finding it funny that Sunny’s wings are now small. “You’re not going to fly very far with those wings.” She pointed as as she gives a raspberry while Sunny gives in unamuse expression at Izzy, not finding it funny one bit. “Sshh.” Zipp and Pipp shushed Izzy on not to make fun of her wings. “Not really the best choice of words, Izzy.” Sunset scolded the unicorn, not wanting to make Sunny worse than she already does. Sunny then groans at her embarrassment of her wings. “Izzy’s right. I can’t help anypony like this.” She pointed out, seeing that she can’t help anypony with her alicorn magic not under control and with her wings small that she can’t fly. Pipp then came to Sunny’s side. “Don’t worry, Sunny. All you need is a new look.” She said, a little excited as she flew around Sunny with sparkles in her eyes and placed her hooves around her. “A makeover fit for an alicorn.” She said, suggesting that all Sunny needs is a new look to fit in with her alicorn stats while also gonna fixs her messy bed head mane. Sunset shook her head. “I wonder how this might turn out for Sunny.” She said to herself, wondering how this plays out for Sunny as her friends will help her with her alicorn issue. Later on at Mane Melody, Pipp took Sunny and the others to the salon to get Sunny’s mane fixed up and give her a new styling. “Ahh!” Sunny cried out as Pipp spun her around and placed her on a seat as Sunny looked in the mirror. Sunset, Izzy and Zipp watch from the sidelines as Pipp inspects Sunny’s mane while Jazz and Rocky look from behind them. Pipp then brought out three highlights for colors. “We are going to need highlights, low lights, hoof glitter, hoof polish, a facial and a curl.” She listed out as she inspects every part of Sunny while saying the list of things she needs to do to Sunny. “You don’t mean…” Jazz said, wondering if Pipp is gonna do the ‘thing’ to Sunny. “Oh, I do.” Pipp answered as she turned to Jazz and Rocky. “The works.” She declared to them as Jazz and Rock gasps from that. Pipp then started singing as she started rapping. (Let Out Your Light Repries Song) One, two, three, four Pipp starts as she holds a manecut mahine, with Jazz holding a hoof polisher and Rocky holding a brush as they pose on stage. Bring that tail right through the door Jazz then started singing as she hoofed polished Sunny’s right hoof with a pink sparkle. Sunny looked at it, finding it great. Five, six, seven, eight You're not leaving here 'til you feel great Pipp sang as Rocky placed some facial cream on Sunny and then put some kiwis on Sunny’s eyes. Pipp then grabs a brush, holding a manecutter while Jazz gives her a mirror while Rocky gives her the manedryer. Shine bright, sparkle and glow Flip that mane with a flow like "whoa!" Pipp then use the four tools with all four hooves as she assaulted Sunny’s mane with her mane styling skills, manedry her mane, brush her mane down, add a little glitter to the mane as Jazz wipe some sweat of Pipp and Rocky giving her a sip of drink while Pipp focus on Sunny’s mane. Vibe, you're on it You're a brand new pony, so flaunt it Hey! Pipp then crulled Sunny’s mane and then placed the manedryer machine on Sunny’s mane as she twirls Sunny around and finishes her mane and gives her the same style she gave to Sunny on the first day Mane Melody firsted opened. Sunny looked at her mane in amazement as it sparkled a bit. “And volia.” Pipp said with a cheerful smile at her work. Sunny smiled at her mane style, but then her magic started to act up again as her mane started to glow as Sunny started to float in the air again. She smiles as she is thinking that her magic might be under control now as her mane starts to flow. Sunset, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp looked at Sunny with a smile, thinking that Sunny magic must now be under control as Sunny’s mane flows down and her horn starts to appear as if there was a bright light. As the light faded, the others gasped in shock to see Sunny’s mane a lot longer, but her horn appeared on her head. “Uh. I don’t think it worked.” Sunny called out, clearly saying that her magic is still not under control. Sunset came to Sunny as she inspected Sunny’s mane. “I've seen longer mane before. But this is ridiculous.” She commented, seeing longer main hair from Celesita as it flows, Luna too, as well as seeing what Twilight looked like when she got older as the Princess of Equestria of seeing longer mane, but never that long. “No offense, Sunny.” She said to Sunny, not wanting to offend her. “Non taken. Even I find it ridiculous.” Sunny assured Sunset that she wasn’t offended. Even she see’s her mane too long for her liking. Izzy trotted next to the two as she inspected Sunny’s mane excitedly. “Whoa, Pipp.” She said in an amazement tone with a sparkle in her eyes. “You’re good. Do me next!” She cheered, wanting to have a longer mane like Sunny. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Izzy.” Sunset said with a rolled eye, saying that’s not Pipp’s work. Zipp and Pipp came to the rest of the girls as Pipp chuckled nervously, trying to find the right words to this. “Look on the bright side. At least the mane covers those tiny wings.” She pointed out as she moved some of Sunny’s made to show those wings, which really does cover them up as the wings flap. “Doesn’t help, Pipp.” Sunset countered, seeing that Pipp's words doesn’t help the fact that Sunny’s magic is still not under control. Zipp shook her head, agreeing with Sunset. “No. No. No. This is about more than a mane, it’s about inspiration.” She said as she zip around Sunny with a smile. “And nothing inspires  quite like a little…” She said as she looked at Sunny with a look, knowing just what Sunny needs to control her magic. Sunset saw this look, but wasn’t feeling good about it. “I get the feeling this won’t be a good thing.” She whispered to the others as they nodded their heads in agreement with Sunset, knowing that Zipp’s way can be a bit extreme. A little while later, the girls are now in the abandoned Canterlogic building. Eversince they’ve befriended the unicorns and Pegasi and brought the three tribes together, Phyllis thought it was for the best to close down Canterlogic since it was only built to manufacture anti unicorns and pegasi traps and stuff to face off against the two tribes. But since they’ve brought the three tribes together, Canterlogic closed down so that it won’t be making traps anymore, and also the time when Sprout made his giant mech robot that nearly caused chaos in Maretime Bay. After the closed down, Phyllis was prepared and got the job as the inspector of business like the time with Pipp’s salon of Mane Melody. “...Danger.” Zipp finished what she said as she introduced the obstical course that she made in Canterlogic to the others, with it closed down, it gave her enough time to make her own obstacles in the building for her flying skills. The first part is three logs that are swinging back and forth, a little pole over a tub of green bubbly goop slime, and lastly the three hoops that head straight to the finish line. “But a bit of danger will totally trigger your alicorn abilties.” She said to Sunny with a smile, Sunset then looked in shock about this. “Isn’t this a little extreme, Zipp? And when did you have time to do this?” She asks, wondering when did Zipp have time to make this obstacle course. Zipp answered with a smile. “I have my spare time to make this when Canterlogic closes down after we reunite the three tribes. And this is just to trigger Sunny’s alicorn magic, Sunset. Don’t worry.” She answered Sunset’s questions. “I don’t know about this either, Zipp.” Pipp said to her sister uncertanly, agreeing with Sunset, finding this is a little extreme as well, even for Sunny. Sunny didn’t know what they were talking about since her mane is still covering her eyes. “Um. What am I looking at?” She asks her friends, wanting to know what they are staring at. Zipp moves Sunny’s mane out of her eyesights as Sunny stares in freight at the obstacle course, not finding it safe. “Are you sure? Because this looks…” Sunny was cut off when Izzy spoke. “Fun!” Izzy cheered, finding this obstacle course fun with sparkles in her eyes. “Impossible.” Sunny corrected with a nervous smile, not seeing this obstacle fun at all. “Yeah. I agree.” Sunset agreed with Sunny, worried that Sunny might get hurt if she got through this obstacle. “You’ll do great, Sunny. Pttss.” Zipp said to Sunny, confident that Sunny will get past this and it might triggler her alicorn magic. “Here. Let’s get that mane out of your face.” Pipp said. Wanting Sunny to see so that she can get through the obstacle without her mane blinding her vision. A few minutes later, Pipp styled Sunny’s mane to look like Phyllis Cloverleaf mane. Sunset may not like Phyllis from time to time but she had to admit that Phyllis has good manestyle and looks great on Sunny. Sunny agrees as she smiles at her new style, finding it okay and great to see without her mane blocking her eyes. “There. Much bet…” Pipp tries to finish but then once she, Sunny and Sunset saw Izzy putting a stocking on a button side of Sunny’s mane. “It will do.” Pipp said in an unexpected voice, letting this slide for once. “Ready…” Zipp called out as she went next to Sunny. “Set… Go!” She called out as she pushed Sunny to the obstacle. Sunny screams as is going through the obstacle, she dodges the logs in a rush. Sunset and Pipp cringe, hoping Sunny will be okay while Zipp and Izzy smile, thinking Sunny got this. Sunny continues to scream as she tries to balance on the log over the green slime. But then got some slime on her from tripp on it a bit while the girls, now all together with Zipp and Izzy now finding that Sunny doesn’t have this, cringe a bit from it. Sunny hops on the hoops covered in slime, as she makes it past them, her left wing starts to glow and then grow into the normal size of Alicorn wings, but only the the left side as the right side is still small, meaning Sunny still can’t fly without both wings. Sunny then screams as she falls into the ground. Before she hits the floor, Sunset comes to the spot before she falls and catches her in her hooves. “You okay, Sunny?” Sunset asks in concern for Sunny. “I am now. Thanks, Sunset.” Sunny answered, assure Sunset that she is okay. Pipp then gasps. “Oh, Sunny! Your poor mane!” She cried out seeing that Sunny is all covered in slime. She then turned to her sister with a glare. “Zipp. What were you thinking!?” She yelled at her sister. “This is the best alicorn yet.” Zipp smiled as she pointed out that Sunny is nearly complete to her alicorn form with only one wing left to grow but needs to fix her mane, Sunny then shook some slime off her left wing. “Ah we just need better transformation words.” Izzy suggested going back to the transformation words thing. “ How about ‘Hooftastic-maneriffic-canterlogic-docious!"” She cried out. “A new alicorn outfit would totally do the trick. Maybe a few accessories?” Pipp suggested making an alicorn outfit should work. Sunny and Sunset watch them coming up with ideas. Sunset saw Sunny look down from their friends bickering. Seeing Sunny sad like this really hurts Sunse. So with determination, she marched up to her friends, without knowing, Sunny walked away from the group, feeling down about it. “Maybe if I add fire to the obstacle course.” Zipp suggested, thinking something even more dangerous should work, while Pipp doesn't like it while Izzy is interested. “Sunny. What do you think?” She asks Sunny what she thinks of their ideas. “Okay. Stop! Stop!” Sunset yelled out, which resulted in the three girls being startled by her outburst. “Clearly none of those things are working and apparently not helping Sunny!” She yelled out to them. “Sunset. We are trying to think of a way to help, Sunny.” Pipp tries to reason with the frustrated Alicorn. “Maybe if we get her a new dress…” She was cut off when Sunset interrupted.  “How is dresses, catchprases or dangerous obstacles help Sunny with her Alicorn problem?!” Sunset yelled, clearly pointing out the flaw of their plan. “Sunny’s new to this Alicorn magic thing and she is having a hard time controlling it! And instead of helping her learn to control it, you all just went through how you control your problems! Izzy, you are cheerful and pretty much funny every time but not everything can work out with simple catchprhases! Pipp, you only wanted to style Sunny in her appearances which didn’t help her uncontrollable magic! You may change how she looks on the outside but the inside can’t change who they are! And Zipp, your obstacle is so dangerous that Sunny could’ve gotten hurt if her Alicorn magic didn’t kick in! And more dangerous stunts on an obstacle course!? Even Rainbow Dash is not that crazy to teach a pony how to do these stunts!” Sunset yelled out the flaws in their plans while also knowing that not even Rainbow Dash would not be that crazy enough to teach ponies these stunts. “None of those helped Sunny control her magic! They just made it worse!” She finished as she took deep breaths. Zipp, Pipp and Izzy looked at the Angry Sunset. A little frightened but sad as they know Sunset has a point about their plan to help Sunny. Instead they made it worse and nearly got Sunny hurt with the obstacle course. Pipp found her voice as she spoke. “We’re sorry, Sunset. I guess we were so distracted by helping Sunny that we didn’t realize that we made it worse.” She apologized to her. “I guess we were so caught up with Sunny having her own alicorn magic like you do Sunset, we didn’t think clearly found a way to help her control it.” Izzy spoke next with a guilty tone since she didn’t really help out except finding better catchphrases.  Zipp chuckled sheepishly as she realized her mistake. “I guess the obstacle is too dangerous for even Sunny to try. And I should’ve kept it on the safe side and laid off the danger thing.” She said, now finding it stupid to place Sunny in a dangerous obstacle just to help trigger her Alicorn magic. Sunset calms down as she takes a breath. “Clearly you three have never experienced Alicorns before. As a matter of fact, nopony does if they never really seen an Alicorn before until me and Sunny became one.” She pointed out that the ponies of New Equestria had never seen an Alicorn before if the ponies were divided. “But I do. I lived that life before I met you girls. And I would’ve helped Sunny out if you guys would just slow down and see what really would help Sunny instead of just tossing around ideas.” She pointed out that she has experiences with Alicorn magic before from Celestia when Sunset was her number one student and from Twilight when they went on their adventure. “So, how about I help Sunny out and see how it goes, okay.” Sunset suggested that she would help Sunny with her problem to handle Alicorn magic. The three girls nodded their heads in agreement, letting Sunset take over. “Okay. What do you say, Sunny? You want me to…” She was cut off when she and the others saw that Sunny was not with them. “Sunny?” She called out to Sunny, wondering where she went. Zipp, Izzy and Pipp look around, wondering where Sunny went. “Where’d she go?” Izzy asks. Sunset sighs as she realizes why Sunny isn’t here. “I think I might know where she went.” She pointed out, knowing that whenever Sunny is down, she would walk around Maretime Bay, but not knowing where she specifically went. “I need to find her, you girls head back to the Brighthouse and clean up the glitters Sunny made during her first magic burst while I find go Sunny.” She said to the girls, with Izzy smiled cheerfully, wanting to get all those glitters in the brighthouse. “Okay. But how will you find Sunny? We don’t know where she normally goes when she’s down.” Zipp pointed out. Sunset then gave them a smirk. “But I know somepony who can help find Sunny quickly.” She said to them as she trotted out of Canterlogic, getting the pony who knows Sunny well that she will be found quickly. A little while later, Sunny was then at the beach after she got the slime off her, looking at the ocean with a down expression. Feeling sad that she still can’t seem to control her Alicorn magic.  Next to her a little bit far,  there are three foals making a sandcastle with Hitch and Sunset walking to Sunny. Sunset knows that Hitch knows Sunny way too well that he could find her anywhere she goes in Maretime Bay since they’ve been friends since they were little.  The fillie was shovling the sand but then her shovel got out of her hand. “Huh?” She called out as the shovel landed next to Hitch. Hitch picked up the shovel and gave it back to the fillie with a smile. The fillie giggled gratefully to Hitch as she ran back to her friend to finish their sandcastle. Hitch and Sunset smile at those foals  as they see Sunny over at the corner. “Aha.” Hitch said with a smile as he and Sunset saw Sunny looking at the ocean. Sunny then got the rest of the slime of her mane. “That was a complete disaster.” She said to herself, still feeling sad of not getting her magic under control. “Sunny.” Sunset’s voice called out as Sunny saw that Hitch and Sunset came to her and sat down next to her, with Hitch on the left with Sunset on the right. “Figured we'd find you here.” Hitch said to Sunny. “Sunset told me what happened. You okay?” He asks his childhood friend, knowing that Sunny needs somepony who knows her well to understand. “Yeah, Sunny. Are you okay? After that obstacle you haven’t been yourself.” Sunset added concern for Sunny’s well being. Sunny looked a little down as she spoke. “Everypony else seems to be growing so fast. Even with the lessons you have tought me Sunset, I just feel... stuck.” She answered to Hitch and Sunset. Telling them that since Everypony is growing up and is adapting to magic, she is having trouble controlling her own and might not get it under control. Sunset then places a hoof over Sunny for comfort. “Hey. It’s okay Sunny. You are just adjusting to your alicorn magic and are still learning to control it. You may get the basics right but it takes time to control your alicorn magic. And alicorn magic is no joke.” She gives Sunny advice about controlling Alicorn Magic. “You just need to believe in yourself, your magic is tied to your feelings and your emotions, my guess is that since you feel down that you may never get your magic undercontrol, the magic inside you takes that thought and makes it happen. You just need to believe that you control the magic, the magic doesn’t control you.” She pointed out to her that she is the one controlling the magic and that it is not controlling her. “Sunset’s right, Sunny.” Hitch said in agreement to Sunny. “You helped everypony believe in magic. Now it's time to believe in your own magic, Sunny. In here.” He then places a hoof on Sunny’s chest where her heart should be. Sunny smiled at her best friend and guardian of friendship’s words. Feeling a little better. “Thanks, Hitch. Thanks Sunset. If only it were that simple.” She said to them, stating that if only it was that simple for her to believe in her own magic. “I’m sure it will come to you once it happens, Sunny. You will get your magic under control.” Sunset assures Sunny that her time to believe will happen for her to believe in her own magic. Just then, the three ponies saw a big wave coming to the beach. They watch but then Sunny then gives a shock look once she realizes where the wave will hit. “Oh, no! The foals!” Sunny cried out, seeing that the foals were about to get hit by the wave. The foals see this and are too scared to move in time before the wave hits. Sunny, Sunset and Hitch ran to get the foals out of the way from the wave. But then Hitch hit a little hole in the sand that caused him to trip and fall. “Aah!” He cried out as he hit the sand, he got the sand off his face but then gasped as the wave was coming closer. Meaning he won’t make it in time so it’s up to Sunny and Sunset now. “Sunny! We have to use our magic together to stop that wave!” Sunset called out that she and Sunny need to work their magic together if they are to stop the wave from hitting the foals. Sunny then gave a determined expression. “Come on, Sunny! You can do this! Those foals need you and Sunset needs your help!” She said to herself, remembering what Sunset and Hitch said about her to believe in herself and to believe in her own magic, Sunny then starts to shimmer as her cutie mark sparkle and her alicorn form and magic starts to take form as that only fixes her mane, it also gives Sunny her left wing full groth and for her horn takes form. Sunny then got her full Alicorn form back as she took to the sky. Hitch saw Sunny as he looked on with an awed expression with sparkle in his eyes. Sunset saw this as she gave an awe expression to Sunny. “Whoa.” She said before focusing on the wave and the foals as she flew next to Sunny. “Sunny! We can focus our magic into our wings and hit the waves together!” She called out to Sunny. Sunny smiled at Sunset. “Together!” She and Sunset cheered as they came right in front of the foals as they faced the wave. Sunset and Sunny focused their magic to their wings as they blew their wings at the wave, which caused it to turn into a pile of glitter as Sunset and Sunny gave off brave expressions as the foals looked on in amazement at the two alicorns. Sunset and Sunny landed as Sunset looked at Sunny with a proud smile. “Sunny. Look at this. You did it.” She said while congratulating Sunny for embracing the magic. Sunny looked at herself and saw that she now has her alicorn form back in full strength and has her magic under control. “I did it! We did it, Sunset!” Sunny cheered as she laughed a bit. “Now if I can just figure out how to turn off the glitter.” She said sheepishly, not really her idea of stopping the wave and turning it into glitter. Sunset chuckled a bit. “I can help you with that with a few lessons. But for now, you have embraced your magic, Sunny. I get the feeling that someday, you will be a great Alicorn Princess one day.” She said with a proud smile at seeing that Sunny now embraced her magic. Sunny smiled at Sunset’s words as she gave the alicorn a hug. “Thanks for being there for me, Sunset. You and Hitch really helped me embrace who I was and for me to believe in magic.” She said to Sunset. Sunset smiled at Sunny as she hugged her back. “Anytime, Sunny. If you need someponies to talk to, me and Hitch are there.” She said as she and Sunny let go of the hug after a few seconds and looked at Hitch, who is burried in glitter. “And we know you can do it, Sunny!” Hitch said in a muffled sound in the pile of glitter, not really minding it one bit but proud that Sunny now believes in herself and believes in her magic. Sunny and Sunset smiled at Hitch and to each other. While Sunny is proud that Hitch and Sunset helped her with her problem, Sunset is proud that Sunny is embracing the magic better than ever. End of Chapter 14. > Chapter 15: Making a Foal of Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Making a Foal of Me In Mane Melody, Pipp came out from a room with four pineapple drinks for her and her friends. She have taken three of her friends, Sunny, Hitch and Izzy, to Mane Melody for a little facial treatment, Sunset and Zipp didn’t join them because Zipp is known to not like makeovers but will join them after she done something, maybe her flying tricks practice, and Sunset was doing some last minute research in the Brighthouse before she catches up to her friends, she told them to go ahead without her and assures them that she will join them in a bit. Pipp hums happily as she brings the drinks. “Now I hope everypony is feeling nice and relaxed.” She took one of the drinks to give to her friends, but as she turned around, she saw Hitch, who is now a little foal!? Hitch starts talking babytalks as Pipp shrieks. “Aahh! Hitch?!” She asks him, not believing what she is seeing. Pipp then hears num-num sounds as she turns to a salon chair. As it turned around, it showed Sunny, who is now a little filly, nibbling on a piece of kiwi on it in a cute way. Pipp gasps at this as well. “Sunny?!” She asks and then she hears somepony run past her and hear a thud, she turns and sees Izzy, as a little filly as well, on the ground with Cloudpuff as the two play over the spilled makeover that is on the floor. “Izzy!” She cried out to see Izzy as a baby as well. “What is going on?!” She asks herself as she places her hooves on her head, trying to comprehend what is happening and why her friends are babies. Filly Izzy continues to play with the spilled makeover as Pipp picks her up. Foal Hitch was sitting on a salon chair with his sunglasses on, before he tries to get down but the chair bounces from being recloined down, which results in Foal Hitch flying across the salon with his sunglasses on. “Aahh!” Pipp shrieked at this as she put Filly Izzy down and flew off to try and catch Foal Hitch before he got hurt. She catches Foal Hitch just in time as he continues to talk baby talk, Pipp sighs in relief that Hitch is okay.  And then Pipp heard Filly Sunny cooing as Pipp turned and saw Filly Sunny on the bin that Pipp brought over with the drinks and saw that Sunny somehow got a pineapple drink on her head while spilling some of the drinks while hitting one with her hooves that had juice on them. Pipp picked up Sunny and tried to know why her friends were babies. “What. Is. Happening?!” She asks herself this on wanting to know what is going on. A little bit later, Pipp gathered her baby friends as she placed them down in a bench, Filly Sunny still has the pineapple on her head while she doodles on a book with a pen as Foal Hitch watches her draw. Pipp covered the windows with the curtains, closing Mane Melody early so that nopony would see her friends as babies while trying to figure out how this happened. Pipp then takes a breath as she speaks to herself. “No pony panic. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.” She said to herself as she looks like her baby friends as Filly Izzy and Sunny both played around Foal Hitch, who looked unamuse that the girls are messing with him. Pipp took a breath. “I just need a moment to think.” She said to herself as she tried to process and think of what to do. She then heard quite a bit as she didn’t hear her friend's laughter, she turned and saw that they were gone, nothing but the pineapple that was on Filly Sunny’s head. “‘Who’s ready for a pamper party?!’” Pipp’s voice spoke up, but that wasn’t Pipp saying it, it was a recording of her voice she used if she wasn’t at Mane Melody. Pipp turned to the stage as she saw Foal Hitch playing around with the stage controls where it selected the music that fits the customers in the salon. Filly Izzy is swinging back and forth on the disco ball, having fun. Filly Sunny is in a sink for washing manes as she mixs alot of different colors of shampoo and conditioners on it, the colors are blue, pink and yellow as Filly Sunny plays around the sink. “No. No.” Pipp tries to get Filly Sunny to not play in the sinks, but then sees Filly Izzy swinging by on the disco ball. Pipp gasps as she tries to catch Filly Izzy. “No!” She cried out, after that Pipp then came back with a towel for Sunny as she sees the rainbow shampoo and conidtioners have overflowed the sink and wash over to her, having the rainbow bubbles on her mane as she cooed at Pipp. Pipp then starts to stress out as this is too much for her. “Cloudpuff, help!” She cried out to her pet, but then saw that Cloudpuff had somehow turned into a puppy, with red and pink glitter all over him as he barked at Pipp cutely while hopping. Foal Hitch baby talk was then heard as Pup Cloudpuff  turned and saw him coming as he ran off while Foal Hitch gave chase. “Please!” Pipp begged. “If Zipp and Sunset sees you like this, they’re going to be so…” She tries to get her baby friends to calm down, and if Sunset and Zipp find out about this, they’re going to freak. “Pipp!” Sunset and Zipp’s voice then called out, causing Pipp to freeze as she turned and saw Zipp and Sunset coming in through the door. Sunset and Zipp then sees Filly Izzy still swinging on the disco ball, then sees Filly Sunny playing with the bubbles, and finally sees Foal Hitch and Pup Cloudpuff chasing each other. Sunset then spoke first after seeing this. “What…in the name of Celestia…is going on here?!” She asks in shock, wondering what is happening as she can’t believe her eyes at this. They saw that all of Mane Melody is a mess as the baby Sunny, Izzy and Hitch as well as Pup Cloudpuff are playing around as Pipp is on the pile of bubbles. Pipp spoke in a panic. “Our friends are fillies!” She cried out to them, then Foal Hitch’s clear her throat as Pipp looked at him as Foal Hitch gave her a look, saying that he’s not a filly. Pipp then gets what Foal Hitch is saying as she turns to Sunset and Zipp again. “And Foals!” She added, wanting to correct herself that Hitch is a stallion, not a mare. “Uh-huh.” Zipp said, clearly seeing that as she and Sunset came to Pipp. “But how?!” She asks, wondering how their friends turned into babies. “Was Sunny or Izzy’s magic on the fritzz again?! Because this has an aging spell written all over it! And I didn’t teach them that since I can’t do that either! It's for highly advanced magic users to use! And every Unicorn in Equestria is still a beginner, even Sunny and Izzy!” Sunset pointed out as she read about the aging spell in the past, but it was too advanced to use, even for her. “No spells and their magic wasn’t acting up again, Sunset! And I don’t know what causes this!” Pipp answered her, saying that there was no spell and their magic wasn’t acting up. Just then, Filly Sunny came passing by them on a chair while using a manedryer to steer around. The three grown up ponies looked in shock and worried at Filly Sunny. “Grab that filly!” Pipp called out as she, Zipp and Sunset raced to catch Filly Sunny. “I got Sunny! You girls get the others!” Sunset said to them as they split up as the three grown up mares try and grab their baby friends before they get hurt. Foal Hitch is still chasing Pup Cloudpuff on a salon mirror table while knocking some things off it. Pup Cloudpuff jumped off the table as Foal Hitch followed, but before he hit the floor, Zipp grabbed Foal Hitch before he hit the ground. Filly Izzy is then playing with some glitter makeup as she draws on the wall while getting some on herself as she giggles and placing a couple of kiwis on it, making a picture of a unicorn on the wall. Pipp grabs Filly Izzy before she makes any more messes. Filly Sunny is then sliding across the room with the rainbow shampoo bubbles as she slides around Sunset before going straight again as Sunset looks at her in worry and shock. Filly Sunny laughs as she slides across the floor and then sees she is about to hit the glass cabinet that contains Pipp’s salon supplies. “Watch out, Sunny!” Sunset cried out to her little filly friend, seeing that Sunny was about to get hurt. Filly Sunny doesn’t know that she’s about to get hurt since she is so young, instead she waves her hooves with a smile while cooing with joy, unaware that she’s about to get hurt. But then Sunset came flying by and caught Filly Sunny before she hit the glass cabinet. Sunset places Filly Sunny down and sighs in relief that Sunny didn’t get hurt as Zipp came next to her and placed Foal Hitch down as Foal Hitch draws on a book. “Pipp! How did this happen!?” Zipp questioned her sister, still wondering how their friends turned into babies. “I don’t know!” Pipp panickly cried out, not knowing how this even happened. “Aahh!” She yelled out as she ran off to grab Filly Izzy, who is climbing on the glass cabinet as she tries to grab a couple of face cream. Pipp grabbed Filly Izzy, but as she put down, Filly Izzy started running off with Pipp giving chase to her. “I’m starting to lose it!” She said as she starts to lose her mind if they don’t find a way to turn their friends back to normal soon. Sunset ran off to help Pipp catch these babies as Zipp then had a thought to find out how their friends turn into babies. She grabs her Z-Goggles and puts them on as she scans the room for anything unusual that must’ve been the cause of this while Sunset and Pipp tries to keep the babies contain as they chase them around the salon as Pipp pants and making noise in an effort to catch them while Zipp looked around, from body heat settings, to x-ray vision and finally to night vision but sees nothing out of the ordinary except Sunset and  Pipp trying to catch their baby friends. “Young fillies and foal! Come back here!” Sunset tries to get them to listen but they continue to run as she and Pipp still give chase. Zipp took off her Z-Goggles and spoke. “Pipp. Try to stay calm and just tell us what happened.” She said to her sister to calm down and tell her and Sunset what happened before they came into the salon. “Every detail from the beginning.” She added, wanting to know what Pipp did before their friends turned into babies. Pipp stop infront of her sister as Sunset stop and listen to what Pipp have to say before they entered the salon. “Yeah. Tell us what you did before me and Zipp came into the salon, maybe you did something that turned them into babies.” She said, while feeling her tail being tugged by Filly Sunny. Sunset looked at Sunny as the little filly tugged her tail, clearly wanting Sunset attention as she giggled at her. Sunset couldn’t help but smile at Sunny’s cuteness as a filly as she picked her up and carried her. “You are a fan of Twilight and her friends even as a filly, huh Sunny?” She asks, only to give a giggle in response, confirming that even as a filly, Sunny still idolizes Twilight and the Guardians of Friendship. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She said with a smile as she boop Filly Sunny’s nose, causing her to giggle before putting her down again and turning to Pipp. “Anyway, Pipp. Tell us what happened before me and Zipp entered the salon.” She said, getting back to the topic. “Okay.” Pipp said as she calmed down a bit while landing back to the ground. “So, I invited everypony to Mane Melody for an amazing spa day. I asked Sunset to come, but she has to put away the research but said she will catch up after she put the books away.” She said as she took a breath while telling her that she wanted to give her friends a perfect spa day so they can relax. Flashback. Sunny was relaxing on the salon chair with a robe on, pineapple drink next to her and kiwis on her eyes as Pipp put in some pink glitter face masks makeover on her face, same goes to Hitch as he drinks his pineapple drink and Izzy as she wanted them to relax while also putting some pink glitter face masks makeover to them feel smooth and feel young as well. “And everypony was loving it. They were so relaxed. Everything was perfect.” Pipp explains that everything was going okay but she still doesn’t know how her friends turn into babies. End of Flashback. Zipp then inspects the colored shampoo bubbles on the floor, taking a sniff at it before licking it. Which she ignores the taste since she is trying to figure out how their friends turn into babies. “Was it something they ate? Something they drink?” Zipp asks her sister of something they must’ve eaten or drink that must’ve caused this as she shakes a water bottle to find the answer before turning to Pipp’s messy makeover supplies on a mirror table. “Something in this weird beauty stuff?” She asks while looking at the supplies, inspecting it as she takes a closer look. Pipp gives her sister a look as she tries to hold Filly Izzy while Filly Sunny plays with the empty pineapple drink while Sunset watches her. “It is not weird!” She corrected her sister, finding her beauty supplies weird and insulted. “Not the time for your beauty supplies correction, Pipp.” Sunset pointed out. “We need to find the cause of this and reverse it.” She added, wanting to find the cause of this and turn their friends back. Just then, the three grown mares heard Pup Cloudpuff cute barks as it barked and hops in front of them in cuteness, still having glitter on him. “Puppy Cloudpuff.” Both Sunset, Pipp and Zipp said to Pup Cloudpuff with sparkles in their eyes as they smiled cutely at him, finding him so cute even in this situation, they can’t help themselves. Sunset finds Cloudpuff very cute as a puppy while the sisters find their pet adorable from the time they were fillies. Sunset and Zipp both snapped out of their adoring expressions as they realized something about Pup Cloudpuff, or rather something on him. “Wait.” Both Sunset and Zipp called out as they came close to Pup Cloudpuff to take a closer look at him. Zipp then saw the glitter as she used a cotten swab to pick some off of Pup Cloudpuff. She inspects it as she turns to Pipp. “What’s this?” She asks her sister what this is. “That.” Pipp said while answering her sister. “Oh. It’s my all-new totally natural fabulous fruity face mask.” She answered with a smile, telling her the thing she uses on her friends to make them feel relaxed and face smooth. “Why is it glowing?” Zipp asks her sister with a worried look as the face mask in the cotten swab glows, indicating that it has magic in it. Pipp sees this as she realizes why the face mask is glowing. “Uh-oh.” She said, now knowing why. Sunset saw Pipp’s expression and gave her a look. “Pipp. What do you use to make this face mask?” She said, wanting to know what Pipp put in that face mask. Pipp placed a hoof on her chin as she tried to remember. “Well…” She started as she remembered the thing she used to make the face mask. Flashback. Pipp then grabs the face mask from her cabinet. But as she opens it, it starts to smell and stinks as she covers her nose from the smell.  Knowing that Pipp can’t put this on her friends, she doesn’t want them to smell the stink or put it on them for their faces to stink as well, and searches for something to get the face mask to smell better and not stinky, she found what she was looking for. She found the jars of glitter that she uses to give her makeup a little sparkle.  Pipp grabs the jar that holds the pink glitter that Izzy collected during Sunny’s alicorn problem and places some on the face masks, which starts to light up as it gives off a bright light and then glows as Pipp smiles at this, knowing that it is perfect for her friends. Zipp holds up the cotten swab with the magic face mask, as now the three grown mares now fully realize how their friends turn into babies and what causes this. “You put magic glitter in the face masks?” Zipp asks her sister in disbelief as Filly Izzy is on her back as Foal Hitch is holding onto her leg. Pipp gives off a sheepish look before replying. “I didn’t know it was magic!” She defended herself, not knowing that the glitter is magic and made the face mask turn their friends into babies. “Doesn’t the glow, magic burst from your face masks that the magic glitter made when you added it to the content give it away!?” Sunset yelled out, still shocked that Pipp put magic glitter in the face masks even though the aftereffect from putting some in the face masks was a dead give away while also shocked that the glitter Sunny made has magic in them. Pipp gives off a sheepish smile and chuckles nervously. “Guess I was distracted and didn’t notice at first.” She said, giving a sheepish chuckle. Sunset sighs as she calms down from this. “Okay. From what I can tell, the magic glitter that Sunny made during her alicorn problem must’ve left behind some magic in the glitters when they appeared.” She explains while going over the pieces they know. “So when your face masks make ponies faces smooth and feel young, I get the feeling the magic glitter must’ve made it so strong, that it turns ponies younger literally instead of making them feel younger.” She added, while also putting together how their friends turned into babies. “At least we know what causes this in the first place.” She finished, now knowing the cause of all this turned-baby thing. Zipp rocks back and forth as Filly Izzy shakes her around on her back. “Yeah. But how are we gonna get them back…” She was cut off as she felt something biting her leg. “Aahh!” She cried out as she looked down and saw Filly Sunny biting her leg. “Sunny! No biting!” She scolded the young filly as she tried to shake her off, but lost her balance and fell to the floor with a thud. Sunset went to help Zipp as Pipp paced back-in-forth, trying to find a way to fix this. “Come on, Pipp. You can fix this. This is totally your thing.” She said to herself while trying to find a way to change their friends back. She came to her makeover supplies as Zipp and Sunset tried to catch their baby friends. “Think. The face mask has ingredients to make you look younger. But maybe with a different mix of ingredients I can make them look older!” She gasps to herself as she found a way to change their friends back if she makes a face mask that makes them feel older, but with the magic glitter added to the ingredients it should change their friends back to their grown up ponies selves. “Zipp! Sunset! I have an idea!” She told them with a determined smile to fix this mess. A little while later after going through the plan Pipp told to Sunset and Zipp, they gathered the ingredients they need to change their friends back to their grown up selves as they give a determined smile to each other before they get to work. They put in the fruits and vegetables that make ponies grow up by blending or mashing them together so that they can put them together to make the face masks cream. Zipp and Sunset smass theirs together with their hooves as they see Pipp mixing her’s together with some added liquids as Pipp gives off a confident smile as her cutie mark glows. Sunset and Zipp smile at Pipp as they continue their work. A little bit later, they got the face masks ready, once they added the magic glitter, they were ready to get their friends back to normal. Sunset grabs Filly Sunny so she can be the first to change back. But there was one problem, Filly Sunny doesn’t want the masks on her, as the filly she is, she wiggles around while making baby talk her protest, just as Pipp was close to put the masks on Sunny, Filly Sunny swatted the brush away and got back down to the ground with Foal Hitch and Filly Izzy as Foal Hitch continues to doodle on the book while Filly Izzy plays with the glitter on the floor. Pipp tries to use the brush on Filly Izzy, but Filly Izzy saw this and swatted the brush away, not wanting it on her face as well. Sunset, Pipp and Zipp looked at their baby friends, seeing that they don’t want the mask on them but it’s the only way to turn them back to normal. Pipp starts to tear up as her baby friends don't want the mask on them, which hurts her and reminds her of her screw up. Zipp saw this as she put a hoof on her sister in comfort. “Pipp. Pipp. I got this.” Zipp then gave a determined smile as she spoke up to their baby friends. “Once upon a time.” She called out to them which gave their baby friends attention. “There were two sisters and a pony from old times when the two sisters met who were very different. And even though they like different things, really different things.” She tells the stories about her, Sunset and Pipp, while cringe while looking at the makeover supplies, stating how different the two sisters are since Zipp is kinda like a tomboy, Sunset is kinda like the leader of the group while also knows about the magic of friendship while being serious, and Pipp is really into makeover and livestream fame, but continues. “That was what made life together so fun.” She said to their baby friends with a smile as Sunset and Pipp smiled at Zipp for the story telling, which made their baby friends start to yawn and feel sleepy. Pipp placed a hoof over her chest while smiling at her sister. “Oh. You used to tell me bedtime stories.” She said to her as she nuzzled her sister, remembering the times when Zipp used to tell her little sister bedtime stories when they were little, as her cutie mark glows again. “That’s actually really sweet of you, Zipp. You know how to make babies fall asleep and are great at bedtime stories. You would make a great babysitter one day.” Sunset said with a smile, finding the other side of Zipp to be interesting. “Thanks.” Zipp said to Sunset with a smile before going back to their baby friends to keep telling the story, which gives Pipp the chance to put the face masks on them to change them back to normal. “The sister’s traveled together across equestria with their new pony friend…” She kept the story going while Pipp finished putting the face masks on them as they watched their baby friend’s with a smile. A little while later, Hitch starts to wake up, now a fully grown stallion again as she stretches and yawns. Behind him are Sunny and Izzy, now fully grown mares again with blankets and pillows around them while sleeping on the stage of Mane Melody as Cloudpuff is also back to his right age after Pipp added some of the face masks on him. Izzy and Sunny wake up from their nap as Hitch shakes his head while feeling his face with a smile. “Hey. Wow. I do feel younger.” He said to himself, stating that he feels younger, not remembering that he was turned into a foal but thinking Pipp’s spa treatment really makes them feel younger as Cloudpuff barks happily at them. Izzy feels her face and realizes that Hitch is right as she feels younger as well. “Huh. That was amazing. I am gonna tell all my friends about this!” She said to herself with sparkles in her eyes, and by all her friends, she meant Sunny and the others as she turned to Sunny, who is rubbing her face as well, feeling younger as well. “You gotta try this new spa!” She said to Sunny. Clearly they have no memories of them being babies, well being babies means they don’t remember much so they think Pipp’s spa treatment really did make them feel younger. Sunny then saw something besides them. “Whoa.” She said while seeing Sunset, Zipp and Pipp sleeping, so tired they have to go through all the baby things they had to do when their friends were babies. “You three look exhausted.” Sunny commented on them as the three ponies woke up, seeing that their friends were back to normal as Sunny continued. “You should totally treat yourselves to one of these face masks.” She holds up one of the face masks. Sunset, Zipp and Pipp smiled at each other, chuckling that their friends didn’t realize that they had turned into babies. They have to fill their friends in what happened later as they are happy that their friends are back to normal. Later on back at the Crystal Brighthouse, after filling their friends in on what happened, which left them a little shocked and confused, but have a laugh afterwards, Sunset was inspecting the magic glitter that Sunny made and caused the turning into baby thing as she takes a closer look. “After seeing what happened to Sunny, Izzy and Hitch. I’m surprised Sunny’s glitter has magical properties that can even make face masks that make ponies feel younger, to really turn younger.” Sunset said to herself while inspecting the glitter. “So if I have to guess, the glitter can make anything like the face masks happen since it turned three of my friends into babies. This could come in handy in the near future, and a way to stay young if added the right amount.” She smirks to herself, taking note of what the glitter does to a face mask that can make a pony turn a little young while also adding the antidote on how to reverse if it makes them too young. “This might help with my Rainboom friends young again after seeing it in action from Sunny and the others, but gotta add the right amount to make sure it doesn’t make them too young. And when they leave, I’ll give them the antidote so that they can return home without having anyone to ask them how they are young again, to avoid suspicion.” She said with a smile, knowing to give her Rainboom friends the antidote to turn them back to their current age to avoid their family asking how they are young again as Sunset looked at the magic glitter again. “Sunny sure is full of surprises, so I wonder what else she and the glitter might have up their hooves. Because Sunny sure is an amazing pony, she is full of surprises.” She finished while looking at the glitter, wondering what other surprises Sunny might have in store in the future and wondering what else this glitter might do. End of Chapter 15. > Chapter 16: Neighfever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Neighfever “Flowers!” An Earth Pony named Dahlia called out while holding a pack of flowers, she is a light pink earth pony with white socks and a white belly. Her mane and tail are pale aqua green and her eyes are magenta, wears a wine color scarf and a flower on her left ear, and has lavender eyes and gray-brown hooves. “Homegrown flowers!” She announced to the ponies of Maretime Bay, with her right eye twitching. “Anypony? Flowers.” She said to the ponies around her flower stand, but they got a little freaky from her and ran off. “Anypony? Homegrown flowers! Flowers! Anypony?” She asked anypony around her but they just kept walking. She hasn't sold any flowers all day which is why she is asking anypony desperately to buy her flowers. Next to her flower stand is is the smoothie stand Sunny is working at, Sunset and Hitch is there with her with Sunset working with Sunny while Hitch had a chat with the two while buying himself a smoothie as they watch Dahlia desperately tries to get anypony to buy her flowers, but to no luck all day as the three ponies feel pity for flower pony sellsmare. “Poor Dahlia. Now that Earth Ponies have magic, no pony is buying her flowers anymore.” Sunny said in sympathy for Dahlia as they watched her waving the flowers in her hoove. Ever since Maretime Bay Day and the Earth Ponies getting magic and to grow plants like flowers, Dahlia’s business has been plumenting. “Yeah. Since the Earth Ponies can grow plants and flowers now, Dahlia flower saling haven’t been good, especially since Maretime Bay Day.” Sunset added, feeling sorry for the Earth Pony mare who is trying to sell her flowers she worked hard to grow. “One of a kind!” Dahlia announced as Posey was walking by as Dahlia turned to her. “Can’t be found anywhere else.” She said to Posey. But said Earth Pony stomps her hoof as Posey uses her Earth Pony magic to sprout a flower on the ground to prove her point that Earth Ponies can make their own flowers and anypony can find them. “Ooohhh.” Sunset, Sunny and Hitch all cringe at Posey proving her point there. “Okay. Even though that was just to prove a point, that’s just sad. Even for Posey standards.” Sunset added, not liking how when Posey makes a point, she doesn’t know that she sometimes hurt other ponies' feelings without knowing. “Oh.” Dahlia said in a sad tone as Posey picked the flower that she grew out of the stem and placed it on her mane, finding it cute with a smile as she walked past Dahlia, not knowing that she is a little sad about this. “Perfect for a special occasion.” Dahlia keeps trying as she gives off a sad smile, knowing that nopony will buy her flowers anymore. “It’s too hard to watch!” Hitch called out as he can’t stand seeing Dahlia sad and that nopony is buying her flowers, as Sheriff of Maretime Bay, it’s his right to keep everypony smiling, and seeing Dahlia like this, he can’t stand it, not even Sunset and Sunny can stand this. “I can’t take it anymore!” He added as he walked his way to Dahlia that he will buy some of her flowers to make the earth pony feel better as Sunset and Sunny watch as they feel sorry for Dahlia. “Wow. For a pony who found her special place, it’s just sad to see her like this if her special place isn’t so special anymore, Sunny.” Sunset said to Sunny, feeling bad that somepony special place and talent isn’t so special anymore. “Yeah, Sunset.” Sunny agreed to her mentor/big sister figure. “There must be some way to help her.” She added, wanting to find a way to help Dahlia not feeling sad about special talent not being special anymore. Sunset nodded her head in agreement with Sunny as she spoke up. “Yeah, Sunny. There’s gotta be a way to help Dahlia. Maybe we can go talk to her after our smoothie job is done. So we can help her make her feel special again.” She suggested, wanting to help that earth pony feel special, knowing that Twilight would want to make everpony happy to make them feel special in their own way. “I agree, Sunset. We’ll talk to her after our shift.” Sunny said in agreement, wanting to help Dahlia as soon as possible. A while later in the afternoon, Dahlia is watering her flowers at home as it helps her keep her mind off of her no sales lately. “Hey, Dahlia!” Sunny’s voice was heard as Dahlia turned her head to the source and saw Sunset and Sunny flying to her from the sky. Sunny is still practicing her flying as she flies down to the ground, a little wobbly. Dahlia gets startled by this as she loses her balance, tosses her watering can to the air as she falls into her flower patch as Sunny and Sunset land on the ground while her watering can spins in the air. Dahlia coughs some of the petals she got from the fall as some got on her mane, but recompose herself as she gives the two ponies with a smile. “Hey, Sunny. Hey, Sunset.” She greets them with a smile. “Hi.” Sunset greeted before turning to Sunny to point out her Alicorn form is still on. “Huh, Sunny. Your magic.” She pointed to her wings and horn. Sunny sees what Sunset is telling her. “Oh!” She gives off an embarrassing chuckle as she turns off her Alicorn form as her wings and horn fades out of sight. “Sorry. Um. I’m still getting the hang of this Alicorn thing.” She said to Dahlia with a chuckle, still getting used to her Alicorn magic being used now that she can control it but needs time to get used to it. “But you are improving on your Alicorn magic, Sunny. Little more practice and it will feel like a routine for you.” Sunset compliments Sunny, having seen her practice her Alicorn magic and is getting way better at it and having more control of it than before. “And it’s okay, Sunny.” Dahlia said to her, not really hurt, just got some petals on her. “No harm done…” She was cut off when her watercan fell on her head upside down, getting water on her made of the watercan slides off her head but Dahlia caught it in her hoof as she sighs and shook the water off her mane as she looked aat Sunset and Sunny. “Can I help you two with something?” She asks them, wanting to know what brings them to her doorstep. “It’s time you start growing your flowers with magic.” Sunny answered to Dahlia, wanting her to feel special by using her Earth Pony magic to make flowers instead of working so hard to grow them by hoof. “Magic? Oh, no. I haven’t got any of that.” Dahlia said to her, thinking she hasn’t gotten any magic sense everypony else has since Maretime Bay Day, thinking she didn’t get it. “Of course you do.” Sunny said to her. “Everypony has some kind of magic.” She pointed out that since everypony has their own magic, Dahlia has it as well. “Sunny’s right, Dahlia. Like for a Unicorn, we can do a lot of magic, like levitation.” Sunset levatiate a flower pot and gave it to Dahlia. “For a Pegasus, they can not only fly, but also control the weather and walk on clouds.” She then fly into the air and walking on a cloud with using her wing flaps to keep steady, as if she is walking on a cushion and then tap the cloud as it darkens a bit and made it rain a little bit before stopping as she landed back on the ground infront of the two ponies. “And for Earth Ponies, not only can they grow and control flowers and plants, as you know, they can all be so strong and so fast, they can trott at higher rates better than anypony.” She then lifted a huge boulder that she found next to her and lifted it with one hoof with her Alicorn strenght, shocking Sunny and Dahlia. Sunny didn’t realize that Earth Ponies were that strong when they have magic in them. Sunset put the boulder down as she turned to the two ponies. “And since Maretime Bay Day, every Earth Ponies can grow plants in the way they vision it.” Sunset then closed her eyes as she concentrated her magic to her hooves, focusing on the Earth Pony magic that is inside her, since she and Sunny are Alicorns, they have the magic of all three tribes together, Sunset focus on the plant she is picturing as her hooves starts to glow green and then she stomps her hooves, and then a bush sprouted out that has the shape of herself along with Sunny and her friends while also making another bush that showed the Original Mane 6 of Twilight and her friends next to the new generation of her and her new friends. She chuckles at her accomplishment as she faces Dahlia and Sunny, who are shocked to see Sunset do this. “You never told us you can do that, Sunset.” Sunny said in amazement after seeing her demonstrate on how each tribe uses their magic while Sunset has all of them together, and herself too but make sense since both Sunny and Sunset are both Alicorns and make sense to have all of the three tribes magic together inside them. “There are some things you have much to learn, Sunny. You can do it also since you are part Alicorn too.” Sunset said to Sunny with a smirk before turning to Dahlia. “Everpony has magic in their own way, Dahlia. So do you. You just need to learn how to use it. Which is why me and Sunny are here to teach you.” She said to her with a smile. “Really?” Dahlia asks in shock, hoping she heard right. “Of course we will.” Sunny said as she got next to Dahlia. “Now…” A little bit later, Sunny and Sunset have been teaching Dahlia how to use her Earth Pony magic. First, they started showing her the moves on how to use it. Dahlia followed their movements and then stomped her hoof down, which caused a small spark of her Earth Pony magic. The three ponies watched closely as Sunny brought out her magnifying glass and saw that a tiny flower sprouted. Dahlia looked downcast by this but Sunny and Sunset supported her, keeping her spirit up and to keep trying, she’ll get it. A moment later, Dahlia moved her legs again and did a twirl before stomping all four hooves on the ground and that sprouted an actual size flower, but then the petals fell off the stem the second it sprouted. The three ponies looked on as Sunny smiled and raised her hoof for Dahlia to give a high hoof, but Dahlia wasn’t happy since the flower petals fell off as she left Sunny hanging. Sunset put Sunny hoof down and shook her head, seeing that Dahlia hasn’t mastered her magic yet, but they are getting close. A moment later, again, Dahlia stomps her hoof down and sprouts a small field of flowers.  Dahlia smiled at what she did as Sunset and Sunny raised their hooves to give Dahlia a high hoove. Dahlia was about to give them the high hoove, but then the flowers whittled and died.  Dahlia gives a discouraging look to Sunny and Sunset, Sunny is smiling sheepishly while Sunset is favehooving herself. Seeing that for some reason the flowers keep dying whenever Dahlia tries to use her Earth Pony magic. A little bit later, the three ponies decide to take a break while Dahlia is discouraged about her progress. “It's no use, Sunny and Sunset. Face it. My flower business is over.” She said sadly, thinking that she might as well go out of business since nopony can buy her flowers anymore. “Don't think like that, Dahlia.” Sunset said to her, not wanting her to give up. “Yeah. Don’t give up. So far your progress of your magic is doing great.” Sunset added, during their teaching, Dahlia has been doing great on mastering her Earth Pony magic and the progress is improving as well. “Yeah. All you have to do is believe in yourself. Feel the magic inside, and think of something that makes you happy.” Sunny said with a smile, remembering the lesson that Sunset told her about magic beeing connected to their feelings when her Alicorn magic was not in control. “Hmmm…” Dahlia then starts thinking of something that made her happy. “I do love a big... beautiful... flower!” She said as she starts to smile while moving her hooves as they start to glow green, activating the Earth Pony magic as she stomps her hoof down. But then a big stem starts to grow as Dahlia backs away and comes to Sunset and Sunny as they back away as well as they watch in amazement as the flower starts growing really big like a tower like flower as it grows while the petals sprouted. “Wow!” Sunny said in amazement. “Holy, Celestia! Now that’s what I call, ‘Flower Power’!” Sunset added with amazement as well, never seen a flower that big before. “It sure is!” Sunny added as she then turned to Dahlia. “See, Dahlia? We knew you could do it! Try again!” She said eagerly to Dahlia, who was smiling at her accomplishment, eageared to try again as well. As they walked around Maretime Bay, Dahlia got so overjoyed of her Earth Pony magic, that she kept making big flowers wherever she walked around Maretime Bay in joy that she finally had something she is great at. Sunset started to have second thoughts about Dahlia overdoing her magic as she kept making big flowers around Maretime Bay. “Whoo-hoo!” Dahlia cheered as she laughed and Sunny at this as she gave off a joyous expression. “I've got magic!” She cheered with a smile. Sunset saw the amount of flowers around Maretime Bay as she spoke out. “Uh. I’m glad that you are happy, Dahlia. But don’t you think this is a little overboard with the whole flower power thing?” She asks them, while she’s glad that Dahlia finally unlocked her Earth Pony magic, she gets the feeling that all these flowers and that they are big, might be a little overboard. “Don’t worry, Sunset. They’re just flowers.” Sunny said, assuring Sunset that the flowers are just flowers, even when they're big. “They wouldn’t hurt anypony. What’s the worst that could happen?” She asks Sunset the reason for her second thought. But then as karma hits Sunny, the wind whistles as it breezes at Maretime Bay. But the flowers were too big to handle the wind current as they began to tilt. Dahlia, Sunny and Sunset saw that the wind was tilting the flowers as the ponies around them started to shriek and ran for cover. The big red flower next to the three ponies tilted and then broke off from the stem as it’s about to fall to the three ponies. Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia all scream as Sunset is sandwiched between the two ponies as the flower fell with a thud, which caused the pollen to come out of the flower, and since the flower is so big, it holds alot of pollens and it spread out to Maretime Bay, along with the other flowers caught in the pollen explosion. Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia are covered in pollen as Sunset gives a look to Sunny. “You were saying about the ‘worst that could happen’, Sunny?” She asks rhetorically as Sunny gives a sheepish smile, seeing Sunset’s point and the whole overdoing the flower power thing. “Ah... Ah…” Sunny then felt like sneezing, and so did Sunset and Dahlia, that much pollen on them is about to make them sneeze. “Achoo!” Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia all let out a sneeze as they turned and saw the amount of pollen that spilled in Maretime Bay as Dahlia gasps in shock. “Uh-oh.” Sunny said while having a bad feeling about this. “Oh, Celesita.” Sunset added while seeing that all of Maretime Bay is covered in pollen. “What have I done?!” Dahlia asks in shock at her actions on overdoing her magic with the big flowers, not expecting them to fall like this and the pollen to spread all over Maretime Bay. (The Sneeze Song) Sunny Starscout: You're feelin' kinda crummy And things are gettin' tough But it's not time to give up yet Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia walk through the covered pollen street of Maretime Bay as the ponies around them are sneezing and looking at Dahlia after seeing her being the cause of the giant flowers. Dahlia: Haven't I done enough? I thought I had the magic But I look like a phony Have you ever felt like, yeah Felt like everypony Dahlia feels ashamed of herself for getting Maretime Bay covered in pollen as she trotted away from Sunny and Sunset as the ponies are behind her. Zipp is flying by while seeing Maretime Bay covered in pollen, and then sneezes, and that sneeze causes her to fly backward as she flies through a Fifi poster sign. And then Dahlia sees two ponies on both sides as they sneeze as they look at her. Dahlia runs off as Sunset and Sunny run off to catch up to her. Dahlia stops next to Hitch as he began to sneeze, along with three bunnicorns and a racconicorns next to him as their sneeze formed a line as Dahlia ran off in guilt as Sunny and Sunset tries to stop her. Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia: Is lookin'? ACHOO! They're lookin' at you Dahlia: They're whispering, they're pointing their hooves Izzy is nearby as she wears her goggles to try and keep the pollen off her eyes, but fails as she tears up her goggles and then sneezes as she falls into a barrel as Dahlia continues to run off. Sunset Shimmer: You tried your best, so don't worry You'll solve this problem, yeah, you'll see Dahlia runs past Mane Melody with Sunset and Sunny by her tail. Inside Mane Melody, Pipp is putting a face mask on a unicorn mare, but the pollen was getting to her as she sneezed on the face mask content. Pipp cringed and looked around in hope nopony had noticed, once the close was clear, she stirred the face masks as fast as she could and then applied it to the unicorn mare, hoping nopony would notice. Sunny, Sunset and Dahlia: Beause... ACHOO! There's sparkle in you Sunny Starscout: And it will shine your way right through Dahlia makes her way back to her house as she looks back and  sees the ponies still sneezing from the pollen as Sunset and Sunny give sympathetic looks to Dahlia, knowing that she didn’t know that it would happen. Dahlia: I'd rather hide so they can't see Beause... ACHOO! They're lookin' at me Dahlia then opens the door and closes it as she feels guilty about all this, hiding herself from the outside world from her mistake. Sunset and Sunny gives pity expressions, feeling bad for Dahlia and also feel guilty since they were part of all this as well. At the Zehpyr Heights news, Skye is giving the updates from what is happening in Maretime Bay. “And now – news from Maretime Bay, where neighfever is running rampant!” He said to them, while stating that the pollen from the flowers have giving the ponies neighfever from all their sneezing. “Let's go live to Dazzle, who is on the scene. Dazzle.” He said while the scene changed to Dazzle. Dazzle is in Maretime Bay with two plugs up her nose to keep the pollen out while she gives them the news in a nasally tone thanks to the plugs. “Thanks, Skye. As you can see, this neighfever outbreak is causing ponies here lots of problems.” She said as she pointed out to the ponies who are sneezing from the pollen all over Maretime Bay. A fruit cart Pegasus Pony is flying by but sneezes and flew backwards, a group of an earth and a pegasus ponies are wearing gas masks to keep the pollens out while also trying to not get sneezed from the sneezing ponies as the two ponies hug each other in fright as Rufus screams. Posey then shows up on the scene as she sneezes and talks through the microphone while having a stuffy nose. “Achoo! It's never been this— Achoo! —bad before! If Dahlia hadn't grown these— Achoo! —giant flowers, none of this would've happened!” She called out while grabbing the camera as she shook it. The camera pony took the camera back as Dazzle went back on screen. “It's clear that one pony's magical mayhem has made Maretime Bay a town under siege. Or should we say "under sneeze"?” Dazzle then laughs at the joke she made, finding it funny. “Back to you, Sk— Achoo!” She sneezes as the pollen is now getting to her as the plugs come off her nose. Sunny, Sunset and Izzy are watching it on TV back in the Brighthouse while watching the news. “Oh, no. We've made everything worse.” She said on behalf of her and Sunset, since they were the ones that helped Dehlia use her magic and over did it. “I hear ya, Sunny. This is bad. And I onced heard of Hay Fever through the books and compared to all this pollen, this is a whole new level.” Sunset said, agreeing with Sunny that they really mess things up, and this is a whole new level even for the flower pollens. Izzy then starts to sneeze again. “Aaaachoo!” She took her chair from the sneeze while landing on her back. “I dunno, I kinda like sneezing. It's like a sneaky nose surprise. Achoo! See? So sneaky.” She said to her as Sunny and Sunset looked at her. Sunset then turned to Sunny. “Sunny. Normally when this kind of thing happens, Twilight usually goes to us and helps us fix that mistake. Because Twilight would tell us that we all make mistakes and we always find a way to fix it while also helping ponies in need. So Dahlia made a mistake with her Earth Pony magic. So what? She can always keep trying and make up from those mistakes into something better. So I say, we go to Dahlia and apologize and find a way to fix this mess.” She declared, knowing that Twilight would give them advice to fix these mistakes and help ponies in need. Sunny then was moved by Sunset’s word of wisdom as she gave off a determined expression. You’re right, Sunset. We've gotta fix this!” She declared as she and Sunset ran out the door to fix their mistake. A little while later, Dahlia was then watering her flowers like she did earlier also having a stuffy nose from the pollen all over Maretime Bay. She turned and saw Sunset and Sunny coming by again. “Ugh! Not you two again!” She groans, still upset and guilty from earlier on what she did to Maretime Bay. “Haven't you two done enough? Achoo!” She asks them but then sneezes on the flowers from her stuffy nose from the pollen. Sunny started. “We’re so—” She stops when Dahlia sneezes on her flowers again. “Achoo!” Dahlia sneezes. Sunset continues. “—sorry, Dah—” She was cut off by the sneezing again on the flowers. “Achoo!” Sunny was next to speak. “We were just—” She was cut off again. “Achoo!” Sunset was next. “—trying to—” She was cut off again. “Achoo!” “—help!” Sunny and Sunset both finished. “Achoo!” Dahlia sneezes on her flowers again, but then they start to shimmer and glow as the flowers glow colors of each rainbow one by one. Dahlia, Sunny and Sunset saw this in awed and Sunny and Sunset found the perfect idea for all their problems. “I think there's a way to make everypony forget all about this neighfever nightmare!” Sunny said to Dahlia with a smile. “And a way for your flower business to be back up in no time, Dahlia.” Sunset added with a smile as well. “Keep sneezing, Dahlia!” Sunset and Sunny both said to Dahlia. Dahlia then gives off a smirk, seeing the two ponies plan. “Now that I can do it! Achoo!” She stuffly said to them as she continues to sneeze on her flowers. Later on, after the whole neighfever thing and the pollen to clear up in Maretime Bay and everypony feeling better, Sunset and Sunny inform their plan to help Dahlia and her flower business. Pipp is the livestreaming through her phone while filming Izzy who is wearting a necklace out of flowers that are glowing one color at a time while filming the whole thing so that eveypony will know. “And there you have it. The perfect accessory for the ultimate cool pony style.” She said to her Pippsqueaks and other viewers who are watching her livestream. Sunny and Sunset told them the plan to help Dahlia flower business to be back up while also coming up with a way for eveypony to forget about the neighfever thing, by using the changing glowing colors flowers into necklaces so that eveypony would by them. “Cool pony?” Izzy asks in confusion before she gasps with sparkles in her eyes. “Is that me?” She asks cheerfully. Pipp just looks a little nervous from Izzy since she forgot about the plan but let it slide and go along with it. “Um, yeah.” She said to Izzy before facing her livestream again. “Now don't forget, Pippsqueaks. You can get your own cool pony necklace at Maretime Bay's one-stop style shop – Dahlia's flower cart! Squeak ya later! Mwah!” She blew a kiss while ending the livestream. At Maretime Bay, everypony are wearing Dahlia’s flower necklaces, finding it great, stylish and amazing as well as ponies are lining up on Dahlia’s flower stand, who is very happy that her flowers and new flower necklaces are a hit again as everypony has now forgotten about her mistake and they are forgiving. Sunny, Hitch and Sunset looked at Dahlia as her business was now back up again as they each wear flower necklaces as well. Sunset spoke out first. “Well, ponies. Looks like another problem is fixed and a pony is now happy to feel happy and special again. And got her business back up again and got her to embrace a new change while finding a new way to sell her flowers.” She said, feeling happy that Dahlia flowers are being sold again, and having a feeling that Twilight would be proud of their success. Sunny then gave a chuckle as she spoke next. “Gotta love a happy ending.” She said in agreement, finding Sunset’s words true and even she knows that Twilight would be proud, even if they mess up they always fix the problems. “C’mon, ponies. Let's go to Mane Melody for a spa treatment after helping a pony in need. We deserved it for helping Dahlia’s business come back up.” Sunset suggested, wanting to have a spa treatment from Pipp in Mane Melody after their hard work of helping Dahlia and getting her business back up, finding it tiring in the aftermath. Sunny and Hitch nodded their heads in agreement, and would care for a spa as well after all that. What they didn’t know is that the flowers start to lose their colors as it drips off the petals, a side effect after the tear thing. Having a feeling they will have to help Dahlia business again once they realize the flowers lost their colors. End of Chatper 16. > Chapter 17: Queens for a Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: Queens for a Day It was a sunny day in Zephyr Heights as Pipp popped her head off from behind a bush in front of the royal castle. She yelped before she ducked down and hid beside her friends and sister as the Mane 6 were all hiding behind a bush. Pipp gives off an exciting smile. “Oh. My. Glitter!” She said excitedly as she turned to her friends. “This is going to be the best surprise ever!” She sang the last word in excitement, stating that she and her friends are in Zephyr Heights for a surprise they’ve planned. They then heard rolling sounds as something was coming. “Here she comes.” Zipp whispered to her friends with a smile before turning to Thunder, who is next to a batch of fireworks beside him. “Thunder. Light them up.” She said to the Pegasus Guard Stallion, who saluted her in response. “3. 2. 1!” The Mane 6 counted down in excitement as they got out of the bush in “Happy Mares Day!” They called out with a strike of pose, apparently it’s Mare’s Day in Equestria, which is another word as Mother’s Day in the Human World Sunset was in, and since Sunny doesn’t have parents anymore, Izzy been on her own, and Hitch, well it’s hard to tell with that guy, and Sunset is basically on her own and from ancient Equestrian times, the Mane 6 decided to help Zipp and Pipp to make a surprise for their mother, Queen Haven, a Mare’s Day surprise in Zephyr Heights. The Mane 6 then gave out a surprise look in seeing not Queen Haven, but Fif, who is pulling a fruit cart, and a Pegasus Stallion next to her as they looked at the group in confusion. “Fifi?” Sunset asks in confusion and shock, not the pony they wanted to surprise. The fireworks were set off behind them, Thunder not knowing they got the wrong pony, went off behind them. Fifi and her partner give an awed expression with an ‘ooohh.’ as they see the fireworks. “Look. You’re missing the fireworks!” Fifi said to the group with an awed smile, not knowing that they set it up. Sunset was the first to speak. “The fireworks were actually us, Fifi.” She spoke first, the group ended their pose, seeing that their plan to surprise Queen Haven for Mare’s Day was a bust. Pipp groans before she speaks. “We thought you were the queen.” She said, thought that their mother was coming this way, not Fifi and her fruit seller partner. Fifi gives a short laugh before speaking. “Imagine that. Me. The queen.” She said to her partner with a smirk, finding it funny, while picturing herself as the queen. Fifi’s partner gets the joke as he playfully bow to her. “Well, hello your majesty.” He said with a playfull smile as they walked past the Mane 6 with a chuckle at their own joke. Once Fifi and her partner walk past them, Zipp is the first to speak with a frown. “And now we’ve completely wasted the fireworks. Ugh. I knew this would happen.” She said, stating that they wasted the fireworks for nothing and also know very well that their mother might not show to see their surprise for her compared to how busy she is since she is the queen of Zephry Heights. Sunny then came to Zipp’s side and spoke up. “Zipp, you don't need fireworks to show the queen how much you care about her.” She assured her, saying that Zipp doesn’t have to wrok that hard to show their mother how much they care for her. “Sunny’s right, Zipp. Queen Haven really does care if she lets you have your own life as a detective and being with us from the start of our adventure when we brought the three tribes together and for you to make your own decisions.” Sunset added, while remembering the time where Queen Haven respects her daughters’ choices and wishes on letting them be who they want them to be. Izzy then got between the three ponies as she turned to Zipp. “Which is great, 'cause now you don't have any fireworks!” She said, and then realizes that it came out wrong as she gives a nervous laugh. “Yaaaay…” She said weakly, with a sheepish smile. Sunset then shot Izzy a look. “Izzy. I told you once, and I’ll say it again. Stop saying the negative side of things if things don't go well. Think before you speak.” She said to Izzy, since she sometimes says things without even thinking about them when a plan doesn’t go well for them, which reminded her so much of Pinkie Pie when she does it, too much like Pinkie from the look of things. Izzy gave off a nervous chuckle again as she spoke. “Sorry. Old habits die hard for me.” She apologizes to Sunset and Zipp, and really needs to learn to think before she acts, which is hard for a unicorn like herself. Hitch sees that they are getting off topic as they went back to the whole ‘no-Queen Haven-thing.’ “Maybe Queen Haven is just running late.” He suggested to his friends, seeing that Queen Haven must be laten if she isn’t here now. Zipp frowns, knowing her mother way too well. “No. I know exactly where she is.” She said to them, knowing where her mother is if she isn’t here now. “What's next on the royal to-do list, Zoom?” Queen Haven asks her Royal Guard, Zoom, on what is the next thing she needs to do today, and she’s been very busy today. Queen Haven and Zoom are in the throne room, which Haven is surrounded by a bunch of paperwork that she needs to do and other queen duties that she needs to get done, which explains why she didn’t want to meet her daughters to see the surprise they’ve planned for her. “Well, we are running a bit late, your Majesty.” Zoom said to Queen Haven while checking the to-do list pad she is holding. “But for item eighty-one, you were supposed to—” She tries to explain, but that's when Queen Haven remembered something. Queen Haven then gasps as she completely forgot about what she needs to do on that item. “Meet my daughters in the royal square!” She said in shock, completely forgotten about that part since she is so busy. The royal gates then burst open with a thud, showing the Mane 6 coming in, with Pipp and Zipp having scowling looks to their mother, upset that their mother didn’t show up while the rest of their friends just smiled sheepishly at this outcome. Queen Haven saw her daughters’ looks as she sweat a bit.  “Oh, dear.” She said to herself, seeing this coming for not showing up as she stood from her throne and gave off a nervous smile at her daughters as they and their friends walked towards her. “Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise.” She said nervously to her daughters, who are still looking at her with upset looks as she laughs nervously, seeing that her daughters are upset of her being late. Zipp then spoke to their mother first. “You were supposed to meet us in the square. I even made an appointment with Zoom this time!” She shouted out, while also pointing out an appointment she made with Zoom, who is covering herself with the to-do list pad she is holding, clearly forgetting about that as well. Pipp then spoke up next. “Being a no-show is, like, totally harsh, Mother!” She pointed out as Haven continued to hear her daughters’ words, sad that she upset them. “And on Mares' Day?! Rude!” She shouted out, seeing that a no-show is too harsh for somepony like her and upset as well since she is a famous livestreamer, fashion stylish, and singer to the ponies around her.  Queen Haven closed her eyes a bit before she spoke to them. “I know! I'm so sorry I've let you down! And on this special day!” She apologized to her two daughters with a guilty tone, not wanting to upset them and letting them down for not showing. Pipp and Zipp feel bad for their mother, don’t like seeing her sad as Queen Haven continues with a sigh. “Believe me, there's nothing I'd like more than to take a break from being queen.” She came up to her daughters and gave them a forgiving hug, stating that she wants to take a break from all her queen work as well. ”But there's just too much to do.” She pointed out that there’s too many things to even take a break now, barely having time to even have one or to spend time with her daughters. Sunset gets what Queen Haven is saying as she speaks to her friends. “She’s right, guys. Queen Haven is the Queen of Zephyr Heights, which is no different compared to a Princess like Princess Celestia when she used to rule all of Equestria back in my time.” She said to them, remembering the time when Celestia used to be ruler of all of Equestria when she was her number one student and when Twilight helped her see the power of friendship while also making amends with Celesita after the Memory Stone incident. “What did Princess Celesita do during her time, Sunset?” Sunny asks, wanting to know what Celesita has done during her time. “From what I remember, besides her friendship teachings and other things, it’s pretty overwhelming at times and pretty boring.” Sunset stated, while remembering what Celestia did on her time besides the teachings she had been doing. “Like meetings and decrees and meetings about decrees and decrees about the meetings…. The list goes on from here. So I say pretty boring, overworked and not enough time for excitement.” She told them with a chuckle, remembering what Celestia was doing after her teachings with Sunset while also geting back to royal duties. “Wow. That is overwhelming and boring. That’s pretty sad.” Sunny commented, glad that she adn Sunset don’t have the work of a princess when they became Alicorns, but they do find problems to help ponies in need. Zipp then thought about what her mother said and what Sunset said that being a ruler is never easy, and then an idea popped into her head as she gave a smile. “Then why don't we give you a break?” She said to their mother as she and Pipp break off the hug as Queen Haven looked at elderest daughter with a curious look along with Pipp. “We'll do all of your queenly duties for the rest of the day.” She said to their mother, stating that she, her young sister, along with their friends, will do Queen Haven’s queen duties for the day to let her take a break. The Mane 6 see where Zipp is going with this as they smiled and shook their heads in agreement, seeing that this is the Mare’s Day gift that the sisters will do for their mother. Queen Haven gave Zipp an amusing smile. “Really? You want to be queen?” She asks, finding it amusing that Zipp, along with her sister and friends, will do her queen duties for the day since she doesn’t want to be queen before, but finding it grateful that her daughters and their friends will do her duties so she can take a day off. “Come on, Mom. How hard can it be?” Zipp asks with a scoff with a smile, seeing her mother many times on her queen duties in the past, seeing it not hard as it be as she and Pipp smiled at this idea for their mother. Queen Haven then put a hoof to her chin, thinking over Zipp's proposal, she thought for a moment before she gave a smile and sparkles in her eyes, finding Zipp’s idea great. Queen Haven then zip straight next to Zoom. “Okay then! Zoom will make sure you have everything you need!” She said quickly to them, saying that Zoom will help the Mane 6 with the duties while also making sure to check the to-do list as well as Queen Haven zoom straight to the door. “Good luck!” She waves to her daughters and their friends as she closes the door, ready to start her break from the queen while her daughters adn their friends will do it for her to take a break. Zoom looked on a bit before saluting to Queen Haven when she left with a smile. “Of course, your Majesty!” She called out to the queen while scrolling through her to-do list pad. “Ordering the royal to-do list now!” She said while sending the royal to-do list to Zipp to know what they need to do. Zipp’s phone starts beeping. Zipp picks it up and sees the many messages popping up on her phone, all of them are the royal to-do list. The messages then keep going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, let's just say there’s alot of messages popping up. The rest of the Mane 6 looked at Zipp’s phone, seeing more messages popping up after the other. Pipp then gives a nervous smile as she speaks first. “That's not…” She clears her throat as she continues “...so bad.” She said, hoping that it’s enough already. But then as Pipp jinxes them, the beeping speeds up as even more messages of the to-do list pops up, which surprise Mane 6 with the amount of things they need to do. “Oof.” Zipp cringes, never realizing all the work their mother has to do on her queen duties while also surprised with the amount of messages on the list. Izzy then spoke out while looking at the messages. “Would you look at that? It just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going…” She said to the group while circling around Zipp, who is having a nervous breakdown over this much work, starting to rethink what her mother does on queen duties. Sunset then covered Izzy’s mouth, seeing Zipp’s breakdown and Izzy stating how much it keeps going. “Izzy. We get the picture. Plus, you're making Zipp nervous.” She pointed out while showing the Nervous Zipp. Izzy then nodded while getting the hint as Sunset let go of her mouth as Pipp spoke up. “This'll be... f-fun. Right?” Pipp nervously asks her friends with a forceful smile, even a little nervousl about the list. The beeping stops, meaning that they got the entire list now as the Mane 6 gives nervous expressions of this big list. “This is going to be harder than we thought.” Sunset said, now knowing how Celesita, Luna and Twilight feel when they have royal duties, and now understanding why Twilight was having breakdowns with the whole princess title and next ruler of Equestria thing when she told her the time when Celesita and Luna left the Original Mane 6 incharge of Canterlot while the two Royal Sisters went to take their vacation break. A little bit later, Zoom leads the Mane 6 to a door while helping them follow the list in order. “Item eighty-two – the newborn foal's portrait.” Zoom told them as she opened the door, revealing six young foals pegasi on a couch bench, “Awwww!” The Mane 6 all cooed at the adorableness of the foals infront fo them, with sparkle in  their eyes, finding them really cute. The pegasi foals then start giggling as they hop up and down, starting to get hype up. The Mane 6 then starts gaspsing, knowing very well that hype up foals can be very trickey to calm down or to get them to hold still, they split up to try and catch the foals. “Wh—? H-Hey! Get back here!” Zipp called out to one of the foals, trying to get it to stand still for the portrait. Sunny jumps on tryingto catch one of the foals that is flying, grunting with effort to try and catch it. Pipp is having the same results as she grunts with effort while jumping to try and catch one of the foals as well. And then, not paying attention, the two foals get in between Sunny and Pipp, flying out of their path as Sunny and Pipp crash into each other, Sunny is lying on top of Pipp who both have annoying looks on their faces as the two foals giggle at them. Zipp growls as she and her sister are flying, trying to catch one of the foals, really getting frustrated. Sunny screams as one of the foals grabbed one of her ears and tugging it as she ran around Sunset is having trouble catching up to a foal who is running around as she gives chase. Hitch is then being dragged by the two foals who are dragging him from his rear legs as he paws at the floor. “I'll be... right... behind... you!” He grunted, while saying he’ll catch up to them if he can get the foals who are dragging his legs undercontrol. A little bit later, the Mane 6 finally got the foals undercontrol as they set them back on the couch to take their picture as the foals giggle as the Mane 6 stood behind them while Hitch is holding one, who is a little irritated to him. The camera clicks as it takes the picture, which shows the Mane 6 having trouble with the foals again, one of them that Htich was holding is on his mane which made Hitch panic, while Izzy is smiling, finding it fun while Pipp is posing in her picture. The next picture shows Hitch, who is wearing makeup from the foal that he was holding, with a sad expression as the foal laughs at him, finding it funny as Hitch got a ponytail on top of his mane, lipstick and cheek pink on his cheeks with eyeliner. And then the last picture shows Pipp having a selfie with her Pippsqueaks followers. Even in queen duties, Pipp still has time to take pictures and keep posted with her followers. A little bit later after the whole foals portrait fiasco thing, Zoom then led the Mane 6 to a playground where ponies are taking pictures of the Mane 6 who are behind a ribbon in front of them between them and the crowd.  “Item ninety-seven – the grand opening of the royal playground.” Zoom instructed them through the list, telling them what they needed to do next. Zipp laughs, actually feeling relief about this part of the list. “This'll be easy.” She said to her friends, actually feeling glad to have the easy part. Zipp then grabs the giant scissors and tries to snip the ribbon, but it isn’t cutting. Zipp kept trying but somehow it still won’t cut as she struggles. Pipp came to her sister’s side as they snipped the scissors together, but for some reason, it still won’t cut the ribbon. Izzy then came to them and grabbed the scissors. She then snips it with a grunt, but the ribbon still won’t cut. “Huh?” She asks herself, usually when she cuts something it works, but for some reason it’s not as she starts grunting as she keeps trying to cut the ribbon. Sunny came to Izzy's side as the two ponies worked together to try to cut the ribbon, but the scissors still won’t cut it, literally. Flare, among the crowd, saw this. “Uh, this is hard to watch.” She said to herself and a Pegasus friend beside her. Even she finds it sad that the ribbon can’t seem to be cut by the scissors. Sunny and Izzy both continue to try and cut the ribbon, Sunny and Izzy both start sweating while Izzy grunts in frustration. “Must... cut... ribbon!” She said in frustration and determination. Sunny then starts to tear up from this whole. “Just go on without us!” She cried out, really can’t take it anymore. Sunset then came up infront of them and grabbed the scissors. “How hard is it to cut a ribbon?!” She retorically asks as she tries to cut the ribbon, but it still won’t cut. She tried and tried again until she had enough. “Aaaahh! Forget it!” She yelled out while tossing the scissors back into the case and used her magic to bring up sharper scissors and cut the ribbon. Leaving the crowd to cheer while the Mane 6 sighs in relief as this whole thing is finally over. “Thanks, Sunset. Seriously, that was getting on our last nerves. Luck is not on our side, Huh.” Zipp spoke up. “Well, if things don’t go along as we planned, try and try again. Or in this case, find another way around.” Sunset added. “C’mon. We got other things on the list to do. And hope it’s not as hard as it is.” She finished as the group walked off to their next part of the list. And then a picture shows Zipp getting a public speech with reporters microphones in front of her. Zipp looked nervous about the whole thing, since she is never one with this many ponies looking at her, while Pipp is taking pictures of the whole thing behind her while also livestreaming it. And then the next picture shows Zipp and Pipp helping with the construction plans to the construction ponies, but mostly Zipp helping out since Pipp is taking selfies of the whole thing. And then the next picture shows Hitch leading the ponies in a fashion order while keeping them in line for something while leading them in order. The next picture shows Sunset who is showing the royal garden to the ponies that she is leading that bring joy expressions to the ponies. And then a little bit later, Zipp and Pipp are in Zephyr Heights Hospital to pay a visit to an injured Pegasus Staillion, who is all bandaged up from head to hooves as the cameras are taking pictures or broadcasting live to the three ponies. Pipp then places a comforting hoof to the stallion, gently not to hurt him. But then Pipp dropped her phone when she tried to take a selfie as it landed on one of the stallion’s legs, causing it to crack a bit but really hurt. The Pegasus Stallion patient screams in pain while the pictures are taken as Pipp feels guilty about it while Zipp tries to calm the patient down. Zipp is then digging a whole to plant a new plant on the ground as she uses a shovel to dig a hole for it. The cameras took pictures of her as Zipp smiles, actually getting the easy part for once. Pipp then clears throat to get her sister’s attention. Once Zipp turns around, she sees Pipp’s got dirt on her head from her shoveling while holding the plant they need to plant. The picture then showed Pipp throwing dirt on Zipp playfully as it showed Zipp laughing at Pipp’s payback, finding it quite funny and fun at the same time In the throne room, Pipp and Zipp are doing the paperworks their mother has to do at a fast paste. Pipp and Zipp sweats in effort to get the papers done as they write like crazy. The papers they’ve finished were then placed on a wagon that Sunny and Hitch brought to hoal the finished papers while Sunset carried as many as she could in her magic as she, Sunny and Hitch headed straight for the door. But then, Izzy showed up with another load of papers as she came through the door, but about to hit the three ponies about to take the papers out. “Whoa!” Hitch cried out as he, Sunny and Sunset stopped after seeing Izzy. “Look out!” Sunny cried out. “Izzy! Slow down!” Sunset called out. Izzy then sees her friends and realizes that she is going to crash into them. “Yikes!” She cried out as she skied but too fast to even stop as she crashed into her three freinds, which resulted in all the papers scattered with the four ponies dazed on impact. Pipp and Zipp saw this as they looked with wide and tired eyes, now they have to get the papers organized to see which is finished and which is not as Pipp groans in frustration. Sunset was the first to snap out of her dazes as she shook her head and saw the mess they made. “It’s okay, ponies. I can fix this.” She assured to them, working her magic to get the mixed up papers and got them orgainze to the unfished ones and the finished ones and place them back in place. “There. I orgainze the papers to show the finished ones on Sunny’s and Hitch’s cart while also putting the unfinished ones on Izzy’s since she came in with another load.” She said to the group and sighs in relief. “Thanks again, Sunset. Man. I’m starting to realize that royal duties are harder than they are.” Zipp said, relieved that she and her friends don’t have to orgainze the papers, but now starting to see how their mother deals with this. “I’m starting to relate.” Sunset muttered in agreement, now starting to know how Celestia feels on her royal duties back in the day. A little bit later, again, Queen Haven is then alone in the dinner room, feeling lonely and wondering how her daughters and their friends are doing. “I do hope everything's okay.” She said to herself, hoping that her daughters and friends are doing okay with her royal duties they’ve been doing for her. And then she hears the door open as Queen Haven turns and sees that the Mane 6 has arrived, looking really tired from the duties but glad that it’s done. “We did it!” Zipp called out with an exhausting smile. “We're late for dinner, but we made it!” She added, relieved that the royal duties are now done and is really tired about it. “And how did it go?” Queen Haven asks them with a smile, wondering how they feel with her royal duties. The Mane 6 then spoke out how they felt about it as Hitch called out first. “A newborn foal gave me a shiner!” He pointed to the shiner makeover on his left eye from the newborn foal fiasco. “Being queen is much harder than it looks!” Sunny groans, while now realizing how hard it is to be a queen. “I’m starting to realize how Celestia feels when she does her royal duties! It’s hard and tiring! No wonder she was strict from time to time!” Sunset called out how she felt about the duties, now understanding how Celestia feels when she is doing royal duties. No wonder Celesita needed a vacation with her sister, Luna, when they worked hard for a thousand years.   “Look at all this dirt in my mane!” Pipp cried out while pointing to the dirt that is still on her mane. “I'll never use scissors again!” Izzy cried out, now not wanting to use scissors after many tries to cut the ribbon really threw her over the edge. Queen Haven placed a hoove over her mouth, seeing them so tired and overworked with her duties really drove them overworked. Zipp then spoke out. “The truth is there were six of us. We didn't even come close to finishing the royal to-do list.” She admitted on behalf of her and her friends, saying that they couldn’t completely finish the to-do list, even with six of them working together. Zipp then came next to her mother as she smiled at her daughter. “I can't believe you do that every day.” She added, now knowing how their mother feels when she does her duties and how being queen can be so hard. Pipp then came up next to their mother on the other side. “Yeah, I think we were the ones being harsh earlier. Sunset was right about you and how royalty can be hard working. You are super-amazing.” She added while also giving their mother a hug, now understanding how Queen Haven handles her work while also seeing how great she is. Queen Haven smiled at her daughtes words as she placed a hoof on Pipp’s shoulders. “That means a lot, Pipp. Thank you.” She thanked both of her daughters as she clapped her hooves together. Then suddenly after the clap, the doors open as Thunder and Zoom come with a cart of food as they place the food on the dinner table. The Mane 6 gasps in amazement at the feast before them. Zipp turned to her mother with a smile adn sparkles in her eyes, seeing her mother prepared for any outcome. “You think of everything.” She said in amazement as Queen Haven nodded her head with a smile. Knowing very well that after the hard work the Mane 6 have gone through, they deserve it and for something to repay them for her having a break from her royal duties. “Now, everypony, dig in!” Queen Haven announced it to Mane 6 with a smile. The Mane 6 and Queen Haven are then digging in on their food as they chat with each other while enjoying their well deserved feast. Zipp then sees the pictures she and her family have taken over the years and sees Zoom placing the new edition to it, the picture where the Mane 6 are having trouble with the newborn foals. Zoom placed the picture on the wall with a smile, and then too out her pad and check off the last thing on the to-do list, puting up the new picture frame, now completing the entire list and ended the royal duties of the day. Some time later, Sunset was then looking at the sunset at the top of Crystal Brighthouse in the view. Sunset decided to have some alone time while watching the sunset, Mare’s Day was one of the days she would spend with Celestia, seeing a mother side of her that she and her have some time together. Sunset sighs. “Even though you are not here, Happy Mares Day, Celesita. I know that you may not be around or if you are at all, I still miss you along with Twilight and the girls. And now I know how you feel about royal duties.” She chuckled at that part. “But, sometimes I just wished I could get to see you one last time. Or anypony that I knew for that matter.” She said to herself, speaking through Celestia through the sun that she onced controlled, knowing that Celestia will always be remembered by her, through the sun that shines above the world. “We may never see each other in person, but I know that you are still watching over me. As your sun shines on Equestria. At least that part still hasn’t changed along with the moon your sister Luna onced controlled.” She said while having tears falling from her eyes, having flashbacks on how she and Celestia used to get along before she went rogue and traveled to the human world before making amends with her mentor. “I just wanted to say this, wherever you are, I know you are still with me along with the others and proud of who I have become now, and what you see in me, Celestia. Happy Mares Day.” She finished as she continued to watch the sunset. And then a moment later, Sunny came up to Sunset, with a present she was carrying. “Sunset.” Sunny called out to her. Sunset turned her head and saw Sunny. “Hi Sunny. Nice to see you up here.” She said happily. “Back at ya. What are you doing up here by the way, Sunset?” Sunny asks, curious on why Sunset would be up here. Sunset sighs before she speaks. “Oh. Just watching the sunset while having some thoughts on how proud Princess Celestia would be if she saw how much we did for Equestria.” She answered Sunny’s questions as she continued to look at the sunset. Sunny then gets what Sunset’s is saying, knowing the stories of Celestia and how she was a mentor to Sunset before Twilight came, Sunny placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder in comfort. “You missed her, right?” She asks while knowing what Sunset is going through. Sunset then spoke after a few seconds. “Everyday, I keep seeing the sun move. Celestia used to do this before she passed the throne to Twilight. And everytime I watch the sky and sun move, I remember Celestia and Twilight. And while you already know Twilight, Celestia was like a mother figure for me before I went to the human world. We used to play games, she taught me these friendship lessons before Twilight did, we played pranks at the time, which is funny.” She chuckled. “And we are always there for each other when we are down. But after being in this new era of Equestria and how noponies have seen alicorns before you and me became one ourselves, and how Twilight and everypony I knew became legends, I’m not sure Celestia is even around anymore or if she is, I just don’t know. The sun is what reminds me of her, it was a part of her for a thousand years before giving the crown to Twilight. And that’s what makes me feel down about it.” She sighs sadly as she closes her eyes, fighting back the tears. Sunny then gave her mentor/sister figure a hug. Feeling sympathy for her for being the only pony of ancient Equestria left and to not have anypony in blood or old friends by her side anymore. “It’s okay, Sunset. You have me and the others with you now. And you help us become a family together if you haven’t shown up and rebuild Twilight’s legacy. And if they were here, they would be proud of you for rebuilding that legacy.” Sunny said in a calm and comforting tone while hugging the distraught mare, glad that Sunset is with them and keeping Twilight’s legacy alive. Sunset hugs Sunny back, sniffing as she gives a warm smile. Sunset then opens her eyes and sees the wrapped up gift. “What’s that, Sunny?” She asks her as the two ponies broke the hug. Sunny smiled as Sunset noticed the gift. “A present for you, Sunset. From me and the others.” She said while giving the present to Sunset. Sunset was curious about Sunny’s gift to her, she holds the present and then unwraps it as she sees a picture of her, Sunny and the others huddled together, after their first adventure, they take a group photo after they restored magic and brought the three tribes together. “Sunny. This is for me.” Sunset asks with a little happy voice with tears coming out. “It sure is. Even though you aren’t related to us, you have been looking out for us and teaching us the ways of friendship. And you have brought us together to be one big family, Sunset. You are the best mare this family could ask for.” Sunny said with a smile of joy on behalf of her and their friends, seeing Sunset as part of the family and helping them be that family together, Sunset starts to have tears of joy as she smiles and hugs Sunny, who hugs the mare back. “Thank you, Sunny. You and the others are really something.” She said quietly as she sniffed with joy. Sunny smiled back at her. “Happy Mares Day, Sunset.” She said calmly to her. They then heard a thud, the two ponies turned and saw the rest of their friends watching with a smile, they came up to them as they hugged Sunset, who is still being hugged by Sunny, in a group hug. Happy to be one happy family together as Sunset gives off a nostalgic smile of nostalgia, reminding her of her days of group hugs with her old friends. Above them, they are unknowingly being watched by two spirits, and those two spirits are Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight, they give smiles at the group of ponies, and are giving smiles at Sunset, glad to see her happy in this new era of Equestria she is in. “Sunset will always have friends to comfort her. No matter where or when she goes.” Spirit Celestia said to Twilight who smiled back at her. “And she has the pony who has seen in her like you have seen in me, Celestia.” Spirit Twilight commented. Spirit Celestia smiled fondly at what Twilight said to her. “I do miss the times I spent with her, Twilight. But I am happy she has someponies to look after and carry on the legacy of the magic of friendship. There are many things that will come at them, but I am confident that when they are together, nothing can break their friendship, even those that are long gone.” She added, while smiling proudly at Sunset, who she and the girls walked back inside the brighthouse to turn in for the night. “Like how me and my friends onced did. And I know they will keep the magic of friendship alive.” Spirit Twilight said in confidence, knowing that Sunset and her friends will go through anything that throws at them, with Sunset to guide them with the friendship lessons she learned from Twilight to pass on to the new generation. “And I know Sunset and her friends will succeed.” She finished with a smile. Spirit Twilight and Celestia smiled at each other before they faded away, but know that they will watch over Sunset and the new generation of ponies, and will watch over no matter what as the magic of friendship grows. End of Chapter 17. > Chapter 18: On Your Cutie Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: On Your Cutie Mark “Clear for landing, Team Pegasi!” Sunny’s voice called out as Zipp and Pipp are learning a group of Pegasi over with Thunder carrying a basket full of balls with the others carrying one ball each while flying through the air. They throw the balls as Rocky caught two of them in both his hooves with a grunt, and then turned a bit as he threw them to Zoom. Zoom hit the balls back as Zipp came zooming by and caught two of them as she juggled them around as Pipp caught the two more and backflip in the air real quick before she flew by. Sunny and Sunset then came by with two speaker phones on their heads, one for each of them as they seem to be the coach of this thing they are doing. “Okay, everyponies. Take it easy. This is just an exercise practice. Not a contest.” Sunset advises them through the earphone with a chuckle, seeing that they are going hard on this. “Sunset’s right. It's just a little sports day, ponies. No need to show off.” Sunny agreed, that this is just a sports day, not a contest, and Sunny and Sunset are the coach and judge of this whole thing. “All of Equestria is a stage, Sunny and Sunset.” Pipp said with a smile while tossing a ball on top of the other in her hooves. “Hitch, light the lanterns!” Pipp called out through her earphone as well, calling Hitch to light up the lanterns. “Lanterns?” Sunny and Sunset both asked, once they realized what Pipp means, they turned to their left with their hooves up. “No, Hitch!” They cried out to him, but it was too late to stop him. “Roger that. Lanterns lit.” Hitch declared, standing in front of a red button about to hit it. “Wait, Hitch!” Sunny and Sunset tried to stop him, but Hitch had already pressed the button. The lanterns then lit and floated in the air all over Maretime Bay as Sunset and Sunny looked on with nervous expressions, seeing this is not how it goes. “Hitch. Not now.” Sunset muttered, seeing this is not how they should be realse yet. Sunny starts to sweat as she places a hoof on her chin. “Oh. Oh, no.” She muttered. “Did you say "oh, go", Sunny?” Izzy’s voice was heard through their earphones as they started to panic. “Izzy, no!” Sunny cried out to her. “Go?” Izzy asks them again, through her earphone, wanting to know if she heard them right. “NO!” Both Sunny and Sunset cried out clearly to Izzy, already frustrated with the exercise not really going well. Izz, with already a cheery personality as it is, clearly thinks they mean to go as she turns to her team of Unicorns. “You heard her, Team Unicorn! Go, go, go!” She cried out to her team of Unicorns as they used their magic to levatiate streamers over their heads as the unicorns laughed and a few of them danced around with their own streamers. The streamers then flew into the air, apparently the unicorns overdid it with their magic. “Bogey at three o'clock!” Thunder cried out to Zoom, seeing the streamers coming at them as Zoom held a ball with Thunder juggling three of them. “Gross!” Zoom said as she didn’t get what Thunder means as the streamers came at them. “Aah!” Zoom was hit as Thunder moved out of the way. “Aah!” Pipp cried out as the streamers hit her, Zipp and the other Pegasi, Zipp got tangled in one of the streamers, and the results caused them to drop the balls and hit the lanterns. Sunny and Sunset saw the lanterns and balls fall from the sky. “Everypony, take cover!” They both shouted to everypony around them. The balls and lanterns crash all over Maretime Bay as the ponies around them try to run for cover while some of them get hit by them.  “Aah!” Rocky shouted as he flew around, got tangled in a streamer and as he crashed into the ground. Just then, Queen Haven and Alphabittle came out of Mane Melody discussion on the sports game while coming out of the door. “Are we ready to begin?” Alphabittle asks, wanting to know if the games begin. Haven then looks over head and sees what’s coming at them. “Look out!” Queen Haven shouted as she pushed Alphabittle out of the way. “Aah!” Alphabittle shouted in surprise from Queen Haven’s push right before two balls and a lantern hit them. They ran for cover as more balls and lanterns fell from the sky. Sunny and Sunset were seeing this outcome as Sunny’s right eye began to twitch from this as Sunset began to sweat, starting to lose it as this was supposed to be an exercise practice, and it fell apart quickly. Queen Haven and Alphabittle came out from under the bridge once the close was clear as Sunny and Sunset came to them. “We’re so sorry!” Sunny apologized to the two leaders of the tribes for this outcome on behalf of her and Sunset. “This was supposed to be the best day ever, and we—!” She tries to explain the situation as Alphabittle spoke up. “It's okay, Sunny.” Alphabittle assures them, understanding the situation to them. “Same to you, Sunset. No harm—” He was cut off as Thunder came screaming from the sky as he fell and landed on a pile of boxes. “Maybe a little harm done.” He corrected himself, seeing that from the sky can be a little harmful as he continues. “With all of Equestria competing for the first time, this is a big job.” He said to them, that since this is the first time in generations that Equestria even competed between each other since the tribes were separated, and with it being the first time, it’s a little hard for two certain ponies. Sunset then sighs as she speaks. “Yeah. We can see your point, Alphabittle. And trying to rebuild the Equestria Games from scratch when Equestria just got their magic back and the three tribes together, it’s a big job alright.” Sunset spoke out, meaning that the ponies are remaking the Equestria Games that ponykind once did while competing and having fun. With Sunset’s help, they learned the basics on how the Equestrian Game goes when she used to go one back when she was Celestia’s number one student, but with how ponykind was separated from each other, it's hard to rebuild something that views from how other ponies see differently. “You are right, Sunset.” Alphabittle agrees to Sunset. “How are you two doing anyway?” He asks the two ponies, wondering how they are handling this since they are put in charge of the Equestria Games. “I'm okay!” Thunder called out to them from the box, thinking Alphabittle asked him that as he waved his hoof at them. “Not you, Thunder.” Alphabittle said to Thunder, who stopped waving his hoof from that. Queen Haven then spoke up as she came to the other side. “Even for a queen, it would be a lot to handle alone, even with your mentor with you.” She said to them, saying that even a queen like herself, it’s a big job for the two ponies even if mentors are by their side. “We’re Alicorns.” Sunny said to the two leaders as she summoned her Alicorn form to prove her point. “We've totally got this.” She said with a nervous laugh as Sunset spoke up.  “I don’t know, Sunny. Even with me helping you, it’s a big job. Even Princess Celestia and Twilight can be whelmed over something like the Equestria Games. Trust me, I know.” Sunset stated, while remembering the time when Celestia worked hard on setting up the Equestria Games back in the day, and it can be whelmed at the time, including when Twilight and the others tries to prepare for the Equestria Games, and they hit a few bumps but they pulled through. “I’m sure we can handle this, Sunset. How hard can it be.” Sunny assured Sunset, but still nervous about this but needed to keep it together. “Let the Equestria Games begin!” She announced nervously to the ponies around them as the crowd cheers to them Sunset sighs as she sees Sunny nervous about this. “If I had to guess, and based on how Equestria is now, I think the Equestria Games are gonna be rough.” She muttered, while getting the feeling something bad might happen. Sometime later at the beach, Sunny and Sunset are viewing the first game of beach ball with Zipp and Izzy competing against each other in the beach ball game.  Grunting sounds were heard as Zipp kept hiting the beach ball, being a pony known to sports and flying, Zipp had the avantage in the game as Izzy and her team tried to catch the ball and hit it back as well as Zipp gave out a laugh. But then the ball landed on Izzy’s horn, which resulted in the ball getting popped and stuck on her horn. “Ooh!” Izzy called out as she shook her head, trying to get the deflated ball out of her horn. “Huh?” Sunny asks as she sees this and blows the whistle for a time out as she and Sunset come to Izzy. “Hang on, Izzy. We’ll get it off you.” Sunset told Izzy as she kept shaking, but Izzy didn’t stand still as she used her magic to levitate the deflated ball off her, but in doing so, not only did she get it off and restore it, but she also summoned two more of them. “Oh boy.” Sunset muttered as Izzy threw the three balls at the Pegasi, not knowing that she summoned two more of them. “Aah!” Zipp yelled out as the ball came to her, with still in them, they chased after the three Pegasi as Pipp and Rocky screamed as well as they flew around while the balls were chasing after them. Sunny and Sunset try to figure out how to handle this situation, but then Sunny gets hit by one of the balls as she falls into the sand while Sunset summons her magic to create a shield to block the balls while also using her magic to make the balls stop and place them back to the ground. “Fual!” Sunset yelled out to the ponies in the game about the whole thing. “This doesn’t count for anypony here! There was supposed to be no magic in this stage and that we can be fair when playing… I’m looking at you, Zipp.” Sunset gives said Pegasus a look for using her wings as an avantage on the game, which makes Zipp gives a sheepish smile and chuckle at Sunset when she gets what she’s saying. “And Izzy, we were going to help you take it off, but you shouldn’t use your magic whatsoever!” She added, and Izzy chuckled nervously. “I think we can skip to the next game, because this doesn’t count as fun or fair.” She suggested as the ponies looked down at this as Sunset picked up Sunny from the sand and dusting some off her. Queen Haven and Alphabittle saw the whole thing as they looked at one another and shook their heads, seeing that Sunny and Sunset might have some trouble in the whole game. On the next game is a running race, Hitch trotted across the muddy path, taking the lead, as Pipp is behind him as she tries to catch up while Sunny and Sunset is behind them to monitor their race, Sunny is in her roller skates while Sunset follows in the air by using her wings. Pipp and Hitch are both side by side while Hitch got second wind and trotted ahead of Pipp, Pipp then hit a mud puddle as she stopped and looked at her hooves. “My hooficure!” She cried out, seeing her hoofs so dirty, she then gave a smirk as she thought of an idea. Hitch still trotted across the muddy path, but then Pipp came next to him, using her wings to win the race, which is cheating and not being fair. Hitch saw this as he looked at Pipp who was smirking at him as she flew past him. “Stop...! Flying... against... rules!” He said to her as he panted from all the running. Hitch then stopped and stomped his hoof on the ground, using his Earth Pony magic to summon a plant vine that tangled Pipp around and trapped her on the ground. Hitch continues to run as he gives off a smirk. Sunny and Sunset blew their whistles as they saw them cheating, but since Sunny wasn’t paying attention to the vine Hitch grew, she tripped over the vine with a grunt. Hitch laughs thinking he’s gonna win. “Whoa!” Sunny’s voice called out as she hit Hitch as they then rolled down the path as Sunset followed them. Pipp growls as she tries to bite the vine off, but then turns as she sees Hitch and Sunny about her. The two ponies then crashed into Pipp as they both got tangled in the vines. A Unicorn skipped happily by them as she came to the finish line next to them. Sunny gives off a weak whistle as she spits her whistle away.   Sunset then caught up to them as she groaned at this. “Pipp, you can’t use your wings to win a ground race, that’s cheating!” She said in a stern voice. Pipp tries to speak her reason but Sunset beats her to it. “And don’t say it was because of your hooficure, because this isn’t about fashion, it’s about playing fair!” She added, Pipp shut her mouth as she nervously looked around, not wanting to make Sunset more mad as it is. Hitch chuckled at Pipp being scolded, but that ended when Sunset turned to him. “And Hitch, even though you want things to be fair, you used your magic to trap Pipp in the vines! That still counts as not being fair, and cheating!” She scolded Hitch, who nervously nodded his head in agreement, seeing Sunset’s point. Sunset then used her magic to cut the vines off her friends as she continued. “Let’s go onto the next game. Because at least this Unicorn didn’t use magic to cheat.” She muttered to them as they continued on to the next game. Alphabittle and Queen Haven watch as this is not going well for Sunny and Sunset as Alphabittle shook his head as Queen Haven sighs at this sight, finding hard for them. Some time later, Sunny and Sunset are on a boat in the ocean, with Sunny holding the starting flag, for the boat race they are about to do. “On your marks... get set—” Sunny and Sunset bot announced but before they could Finish, the three ponies of each tribes, on three boats with Pipp and Zipp with Thunder on the green one, Izzy and two other unicorns on a yellow one, and Hitch and two other earth ponies on the red one, all race past Sunny and Sunset before they could finish. “Go!” All the ponies on three boats shouted as they sped up past Sunny and Sunset as they shouted in shock at the speed they were going. Zipp, Pipp, and Thunder grab their boat as they use their wings to take their boat into the air. Izzy and her unicorn partners use their magic to row the oars as fast as they can. Hitch. Dhalia and Jazz use their earth pony magic to make a big seaweed from the ocean, it lifts their boat up to give them the boot they need. Sunny and Sunset are rowing their boats as Sunny blows her whistle to get their friends to stop using magic, but it breaks off once she whistles. Zipp then looks at her side and sees Izzy and her unicorn partners next to them side by side. They give challenging glares as Zipp gives Pipp and Thunder a signal. The three Pegasi spread out their wings and started flying so fast, a big wind boom as Izzy and her partners screamed as their boat was blown back from the wind and into the air. Hitch starts to scream right before Izzy and her partners on the boat as they crash into each other, resulting in a splash. Sunset and Sunny groan from the paddling they did, but then they see Hitch, Izzy, along with their team partners, come falling down to them as the ponies are screaming as Sunny and Sunset look with wide eyes, having a feeling this is gonna hurt. Alphabittle and Queen Haven watch and cringe as the ponies crash into Sunny and Sunset. Knowing that’s gotta hurt. They came to shore as boat pieces while four of the Mane 6 are covered in sand and seaweed from the crash. “The rules never said our boat had to be in the water!” Hitch frustratedly called out to his friends about the rules of the game that they’ve all gone against. “I should know! I read them seventeen times!” He pointed out while holding his rule book. “Maybe if the unicorns controlled their oars better…” Zipp called out while giving a look to Izzy while saying Unicorn shook her head to get the seaweed off her head. Izzy then gives a look back at Zipp. “We controlled them fine actually until we didn't!” She argued back. Pipp then popped her head up between them as she is covered in so much seaweed that is on her. “I need an emergency re-styling!” She cried out before she screamed and then plopped her head back to the sand ground. Sunny and Sunset got up and shook the sand off themselves as they looked and saw the rest of their friends arguing to each other about the way they did to the game. Sunset’s face then turns red in frustration as Sunny gives a sad look, right as they turn and see that the rainbow at the Crystal Brighthouse begins to fade in and out, and that can only mean one thing since they’ve seen this before. “Uh-oh!” Hitch’s voice cried out as Sunny and Sunset turned to the others and saw what was happening. “Our magic!” Hitch cried out as he stomped his hoof to try and use his magic, but only a tiny green dust appeared and no plant. Zipp flaps her wings as she tries to fly, but she can’t. Izzy tries to levitate a rock next to her, but it fades out. Sunset then hoofpalmed herself. “Not again.” She muttered in frustration that their friends competing with one another and the tribes trying to win a game that was supposed to bring them together is making magic to glitch out again, the same thing that happened on Maretime Bay Day. “This was supposed to unite us…” Sunny muttered sadly about this outcome. Sunset sees that Sunny is sad, but before she can comfort Sunny, Sunny turns away and runs off to get away from the fighting. Sunset felt bad for Sunny, but then she got angry as she turned to the rest of their friends. Sunset turned red as she marched up to them, going to give them a piece of her mind about all this. “The Pippsqueaks can't see me like this!” Pipp cried out about the seaweed all over her, not wanting her fans to see her all messy. “Don't worry, everypony.” Izzy called out to them while trying to keep a positive mind. “Sunny and Sunset always has a plan. Right, guys?” She asks the two ponies, but then she and the others sees Sunset marching up to them, looking really mad. “Huh?” She asks while she and the others feel scared about Sunset being really mad as she marches over them. Sunset stops infront of them as she then looks down at the sand. A moment of silence was made before she lifted her head up. “What is wrong with you ponies!?” She yelled angry at them as the others flinched fearfully at Sunset’s outbursts. “We worked hard to recreate the Equestria Games for the three tribes to have together to have fun and bring us together! And instead, it turned into a contest of wanting to out best each other and trying to see who gets to be the best of a certain game!” She added, feeling really angry that they would turn the Equestria Games into a contest that was supposed to bring them together and have fun, but it turned into a competition for trying to outbest the other. Hitch then spoke up first. “Sunset. We get that it’s all about hanving fun with the games, but someponies don’t follow the rules right!” He said while giving glares to the others who glared at them back. “What if somepony didn’t use their magic to win a certain game!” Zipp added while glaring at Izzy. “Well sompony was using her wings as an avantage to win a boat contest!” Izzy said while glaring at Pipp and Zipp. “Well, I was just trying to keep my looks great. If I haven’t, I’ll be a laughting stock!” Pipp retorted about her looks. And then one by one, the 4 of the Mane 6 start arguing with each other about what they did in each game. Not letting up as they argued back-in-forth of this argument, Sunset then got so mad that she used the Royal Canterlot Voice that she learned a while ago, and shouted at the others. “ENOUGH!!!!!!!!” She shouted so loud that it shook the beach and knocked the four frightened ponies to the ground. “I don’t care who started it! You’re all responsible for this outcome!” She angrily yelled at them while pointing at each pony, from Hitch to Izzy. “Hitch! You and the other Earth Ponies used your magic to either tie up or catch up to your competitiveness! Even if you wanted to follow the rules, you still went against it! Zipp! You and the other Pegasi used your wings to take avantage in the sky and used your flying skills to out wing the others just to win some games! That’s not fair and you know it! Pipp! You just wanted to keep yourself stylish and not get dirty or wet in the game that you would take riskses not to do any of the rules righ! I don’t care if this is about your fame and style! You just cared about yourself instead of playing fair and went along with your sister! And Izzy! You and the other Unicorns weren’t supposed to use magic at all in the games! You were supposed to play fair, but instead you used magic to make it seem like you were winning! And not to mention how you guys didn’t even follow the one rule of the game since we just set it up! Don’t you ponies remember what happens if ponykind fights against one another!? Look at the Brighthouse!” She pointed to the Brighthouse as its rainbow still flickered out on and off. The four ponies gasped at this and remembered what happenes when the rainbow in the brighthouse started to flicker. “Oh no.” Zipp muttered, starting to get what was happening. “It’s happening again.” Izzy said, while placing a hoof on her mouth in shock. Sunset continues. “That’s right! All your fighting and competing with one another are causing the magic to glitch out again. Since all of you were cheating in the games by using your magics and wings while not being fair to the game itself and to other ponies, the magic and the Unity Crystal starts to fade out again! All because of you guys competing with one another and misusing your magic!” She shouted to her friends, who all have guilty looks on them as they realize what they’ve done by misusing their magic and competing with one another. “Oh, but that’s not all! Sunny also feels responsible for this since all of you were fighting and cheating with your magics, she finds the Equestria Games as a total failure, that it was supposed to bring us together! Not driff us apart! And now you all made Sunny feel down about herself again since me and her were incharge of the whole game!” She added before she started taking deep breaths as she spoke all those words and from the rage she felt about this. Hitch, Zipp, Pipp and Izzy all then gave sadden and guilty looks about the way they all cheated in the game, and by also making Sunny feel down again since she was responsible for the whole game, and they didn’t even follow her lead. Hitch then spoke first while stammering a bit. “Sunset. We…We had no idea. We just thought we were having fun but instead we turned it into a competition on something that we don’t like about. And for making Sunny feel bad again.” He said, while feeling bad for breaking the rules as well and for also making Sunny feel bad, this is like during their first adventure and how the events of Maretime Bay Day took place. Zipp was next to speak. “I guess I got so caught up in the game, I let my competitive side get the better of me and not let anypony play fair.” She said in a guilty tone, for not letting the ponies play fair when she let her competitive side get the better of her. Pipp spoke next. “I was so caught up in my looks, I guess I was desperate to stay clean. Since, well my style and beauty and all that I didn’t put that aside as well.” She said, regretting letting her style go first before others. Izzy then sighs in a guilty tone as she speaks next. “I guess I was distracted by the fun, I didn’t see what I was doing.” She said since she didn’t realize what she was doing in the whole game, since it was Izzy being Izzy. Sunset then sighs as she then speaks in a calm voice. “Guys. I know this game seems alot of fun, but you all used your magic to cheat on the games, when you turned it into a competition.” She said to them. “You all wanna know what the Equestria Games once were back in my day?” She asks them what the Equestra Games used to be before it was gone and before it was being restored today. “The Unicorn, Pegasi and Earth Ponies compete with one another, but we all were a team of three ponies each to play fair in the game. And we didn’t use magic to cheat or make it into a contest of some sort, we all played for fun and worked together while also learning how to work as one. The Equestria Games was a fun way to show how each town or village of Equestria handles the way they are and shows how they work together.” She said to them the meaning of the Equestria Games back in the day. “And I had the same thing back in the human world called the Friendship Games. It’s kinda like the Equestria Games, but showed how to make friends with other people while having fun with each other while getting along with one another.” She said with a smile, remembering the day on how that the Friendship Games not only the event on how Canterlot High befriended Crystal Prep, but also when Sunset and the Rainbooms helped and became friends with Human Twilight (Sci-Twi) and helped her by showing the magic of friendship. “This game was supposed to be fun and bring ponies together, not driff us apart. While we are competing with each tribe, we must remember what comes first, our pride or those we cared about the most. Friends or family alike.” She said to them, while adding the words of wisdom on how they need to stay together, and not be apart over some game. The four ponies looked down, taking in Sunset’s words while thinking of the flaws they made in the Equestria Games, as they thought of the things they did in the game while also cheating. And thinking about how they make Sunny upset and discouraged, they feel really bad about this whole thing. They lifted their heads to look at Sunset as Hitch spoke. “Okay, Sunset. We understand. And we will try again and not cheat this time, but we need Sunny’s permission to do so and get her spirit back up.” He said, wanting all them to have another chance while not going to cheat this time, but needs Sunny's permission to do it again and to bring her spirit back up. Sunset smiled at seeing the others finally gonna play fair this time. “Great. You guys wait here while I get Sunny. I gotta comfort her after all this has happened.” She said to them, while going to comfort Sunny after all that had happened as the rest of the Mane 6 nodded their heads in understanding as Sunset then trotted off to catch up to Sunny and cheer her up. Sunny was at the otherside of the beach while looking at the ocean water while thinking about what had happened in the whole game. She closed her eyes in sadness as she thinks she’s a failure in the whole game. “Being a leader's tough, isn't it?” Queen Haven’s voice was then heard as Sunny turned and saw Queen Haven, Alphabittle, and Sunset coming to her side. “Everypony thinks two have all the answers.” She said to Sunny. As Sunset filled in the two ponies' leaders as they wanted to share their side of being a leader while giving Sunny some advice about being a leader to the ponies that they looked up to. “All these different ponies together... It's easy to get under each other's hooves.” Alphabittle said to Sunny. “You two and your friends must be the same.” He said as he gave a wink to Sunny with a smile as Queen Haven nodded her head in agreement. Sunset then spoke up next. “Sunny. Our friends are no different with how ponies get on each other's hooves. And being a leader may be hard, but have you ever noticed how similar it is to be a friend and leader and understanding each other's differences when we first came together?” She asks Sunny while placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Sometimes, I guess.” Sunny admits as she starts to have flashbacks on how different their friends are and how well they’ve worked together. Flashback. “We're all so different. It can be hard.” Sunny said in the flashback. The flashback shows Hitch pouring in a cake mix in a bowl, but then Izzy leviated that bowl and pour it into another with a cheery expression as Hitch’s tried to grab it, but Pipp grabbed it and add some glitter toppings in it as Zipp the placed the wooden spoon in it, grab the bowl and starts stirring as fast as she can. But in the process, she starts having the mixter all over as Sunny and Sunset try to get them to calm down, but then get some mixs on their faces as the rest of their friends look at them with shock looks as Izzy sheepishly puts the bowl down. “But when we work together and listen to each other, all our differences become strengths.” Sunny added of when the Mane 6 worked together. Then Sunny and Sunset then give their friends instructions from the book that the Mane 6 are following them as they worked together in a fashion order as they put the cake mix together as they worked together and then put them in a cake bowl for heating. Once the cake is done, it is revealed to be a pink cake, with stars, a crown and an ice cream cone on top, finished as the Mane 6 laughs and cheers at their accomplishment and how they worked together to create something great. End of Flashback. “Kind of like a team?” Queen Haven said while giving a knowing smirk to Sunny as Alphabittle gives off a smile as well. Sunset then spoke up to them. “Sunny. I know ponies can’t put aside their differences. But those differences can be our strength. If we understand each other and accept our differences, we can accomplish anything.” She said while speaking of words of wisdom. “Even if things might turn out bad, being a leader doesn’t have to bring you down, it’s how to bring others up if you know the right words. And if we work together and embrace our differences, there is nothing we can’t do.” She said with a smile as Sunny then took the three leaders' words as she powdered on what they said and what the meaning of being a leader is. “So, would you rather run away from leading, or go back and lead the ponies to what you think is right? The choice is yours, Sunny.” She said she wanted Sunny to make her choice about this. Sunny thought of her choices as she then gave a smile of inspiration, her choice was made. A little bit later, Sunny and Sunset then get the ponies crowd together as their friends, Hitch, Izzy and Zipp, are behind them. The Mane 6 appologize to Sunny after hearing from Sunset of what they did in the game and making her feel down before they brought the crowd together.  “Ponies! Ponies!” Sunny announced to the crowd. “These games aren't about winning! They're about celebrating our differences and working together!” She announced to them as she turned to her friends as they nodded together in agreement, and then Hitch, Izzy and Pipp ripped off their stickers, putting aside their differences and going to work together this time, no cheating. The crowd mumurs in confusion as to why the three ponies ripped off their stickers and what Sunny is saying as Sunset spoke up next. “The Equestria Games isn’t about who wins or loses! It’s about how we understand each other and work together as one!” Sunset announced. “And we can’t let our pride get in the way! We may have differences, but if we understand those differences to each other, we can accomplish anything if we work together as one!” She added as she turned to Sunny to finish their announcement.  “From now on, each team will be a mix of all ponykind.” Sunny declared, stating that a team of all ponykind will be working together as Pippp flew into the air while tossing the stickers of hearts, stars, music notes and rainbows in the air. “A representation of the unity that makes Equestria so great!” Sunny declared as Izzy used her magic to levitate the stickers to everypony in the crowd. The crowd gives awed sounds as they find Sunny and Sunset’s announcement very inspiring as the stickers are placed in their chest. “This time, we work as one. We can still use our magic, but try to be fair to each other and not against.” Sunset added, going to let the ponies still use their magic as long as they played fair to each team. Sunny and Sunset then spoke in unison as their friends came by their side. “Let the games, uh, re-begin!” The two ponies said while restarting the games. A little bit later, the crowd cheers as they see the beach ball games again, but this time, each team of all ponykind tribes of one, a unicorn, pegasi and an earth pony, as Izzy levitated the beach ball before tossing it to one of her teammates. Dahlia then sees the ball coming, but uses her earth pony magic to summon a big flower that caught the ball then tossed it into the air. And then, Zipp came flying by as she hit the ball in the air as it hit the other side of the net, hitting the ground as the team on the other side lost this round. “Hah!” Zipp, Izzy, and Dahlia all cheered at them winning this match together. Sunny and Sunset smiled at each other and the scene as they see this is going great. Back at the mud track, Hitch trotted ahead as he tossed a stick to Pipp in the air, who caught it in her hooves before flying off. Sunny and Sunset came by, with Sunny back in her roller skates, as they smiled, seeing that this is going reall well. Back in the ocean, the three boats are racing again but with each of all ponykind in one boat as they race across the ocean to the finish line that Sunny is on one side with Sunset on the other, who is flying above the water, holding the finish flags as the boats passed by the two ponies. Sunny and Sunset blew the whistles as they then smiled at this, finding the Equestria Games a complete success and accomplish their goal on ponykind working together. A little bit later after the end of the games, Sunny and Sunset are holding a card with a trophy on it, meaning they are about to see the winner of the Equestria Games as they check the scores. Sunny and Sunset opened the cards as they checked the results. “And the winner of the first All-Equestria Games is... nopony!” Sunny and Sunset both declared to the crowd as they looked at them in confusion.  “It’s a draw, everypony! Each team has the same scores as each other!” Sunset added while telling them the results of the scores. “Sunset’s right!” Sunny called out in agreement. “Every team won one contest, so it's a tie!” She declared with a smile as she stated that every team won each of the contests each, so it’s a draw. The croudn murmurs in confusion, before they starts to laugh and cheer at this as Sunny and Sunset gives off smile at this. “I suppose it makes sense.” Queen Haven spoke as she and Alphabittle came next to Sunny and Sunset’s side as they smiled at them. “The first Equestria Games.” She announced, while saying what Sunny and Sunset means. “And all of Equestria has won.” Alphabittle added with a smile “Together. Well done, Sunny and Sunset. You two make excellent leaders together.” He added with a smile, liking how Sunny and Sunset work together very well as leaders. “We understand each other and know each other well to be leaders.” Sunset added with a smile before turning to Sunny. “And we stick together by each other's side, overcoming those problems together.” She finished as Sunny gave Sunset a smile, really finding her words touching. “Hey!” Izzy called out with a wave of hoof as the four leaders turned to her as she spoke among the crowd. “Can we go play now?” She asks them, stating that she didn’t realize they just finished the game or that she just wanted to go again since it’s fun. Sunset then sighs at this with a smile. “Izzy. You silly little unicorn.” She said with a little laugh as the rest of the crowd laughed with her, including Izzy, finding it funny as well. End of Chapter 18. > Chapter 19: Lost in Translation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: Lost In Translation Hith then poke his head out from behind a tree with his adventure hat before hiding back behind it, then he came from under a rock, and then pop out of hiding behind from a bush as he got his bag, which a robot claw that is holding a map, as he takes a look at it. “According to the map, the schmugelberry bush should be riiigght, here!” Hitch called out as he read the map. Once he puts it down, he sees Sunny with a blank look with a raised eyebrow as she is right next to the Schmugelberry Bush with a basket that she is leaning on. “Huh? How’d you get here so fast? And Where’s Sunset?” Hitch asks Sunny, wondering how she got ahead of him and wonders where Sunset is since she’s supposed to help them pick some ingredients. “Um.” Sunny said with a cough. “We’re in our garden, Hitch.” Sunny pointed out to her childhood friend, while pointing to the garden that is next to the Crystal Brighthouse to point out the obvious. “And Sunset is at the other side of the garden gathering some berries. She will be here shortly.” She added, while pointing out that Sunset is gathering some berries but said that she will catch up. “Uh. I defintiely overpacked.” Hitch said as he brought out his adventurer's pack, that he might have overdid it a little, as it started to strain when it opened up as all of Hitch’s stuff, his tent, two chairs and a fireplace that somehow light itself up, fell on the floor, making the garden a little like a campsite. Sunset then came to them with a basket full of berries. “Okay, guys. I got the basket filled with berries. So let’s get…” She stop midsettion as she sees Hitch’s camping stuff around them as she looked at Hitch and Sunny, who are bothing having strange looks at this and a little embarrass for Sunset to see them like this. Sunset spoke after a moment of silence. “Hitch overdid it again, Sunny? Because this is a garden, not a camping ground.” She stated, while having a knowing thought that Hitch might have overdid it “Yes.” Sunny answered sheepishly while Hitch chuckled embarrassely, having a feeling he had that coming. Sunset sighs as she places the berries basket down as she used to put Hitch’s camp stuff away. “Hitch. Will it be nice of you to lay off overdoing things for a while? We are in the garden to pick up some ingredients. I get that every backyard has camping stuff in them, but we are not having an adventure or exploring, we are just picking up some fruits and veggies.” She pointed out that they aren’t exploring, just doing some picking in the garden. Hitch chuckled sheepishly. “Yeah. I really overdid it. I gotta work on that.” He admittedly said, finding Sunset’s words true. Sunny chuckled at Hitch’s embarrassment as she got them back to the topic. “Well, let's get picking.” She announced to the two ponies as she turned to the bush. “That’s Schmugelberry Pie isn’t going to ‘schmuggle’ make it self.” She added with a smile and a laugh, finding that pun funny. Stating that they are going to make Schmugelberry Pie, which is why they are at the garden to pick out the ingredients. Sunset laughs at Sunny’s joke. “Good one, Sunny!” She said with a laugh, finding it funny as well. Sunny was then about to grab a schmuggle berry, but gasps in surprise as the bush starts to twitch as something is in the bush. “Watch out, Sunny.” Hitch advises as he places a hoof in front of Sunny for her safety as the two ponies back up as Sunset watches from behind. “This bush could be dangerous.” He pointed out as he took out a spork from his bag as a weapon infront of the bush. “Never trust anything that starts with schmugel.” He pointed out as he came close to the bush with a brave expression, going to face what was in the bush. Sunset then raised an eyebrow at what Hitch said and what he’s doing. “Yeah. Nopony said that, Hitch. And going to face it with a spork as a weapon? Yeah. Very intimidating.” She said with a bored tone, finding Hitch’s protective side for Sunny impressive and cute, but his weapon choice, very poorly. “Well, I use what I have in me. So I gotta work with it.” Hitch stated, while this is all he has to work with as a weapon while facing something that could be dangerous. He came closer to the bush with his brave expression on. As he gets closer, he moves some of the bush open as he sees a raccoonicorn, who is wearing a hat and a badge, and a Pegasnail, with a hat as well, fighting over a schmuggelberry, the two critters each leaders of their own pack. Sunset and Sunny just gave an uncertain look. “Huh. Not what I expected.” Sunny said, having not seen this coming. “Ditto.” Sunset said in agreement, this is something they didn’t expect. The critters continued to fight over the fruit as Hitch turned to the two ponies with a smile. “Sunny. Sunset. You two are about to see amaster class in…uh.” He said while trying to come up with a name for his ability to talk to animals. “Critter Talkery.” He said while giving a sheepish smile at Sunny and Sunset, going to have to work on the name thing later but have to deal with these two critters now. He turned to them with a smile. “Guys. What seems to be the problem?” He asks the two critters, using his Talking to Animals Magic to understand them to figure out the issue. The Raccoonicorn cleared his throught as he spoke to Hitch in a New York anncent, or translated since he’s the only pony who can understand them. ‘Well, you see us, racoonicorns have been nibblin’ on these here branches for generations.’ He answered to Hitch about his reason. ‘Illegally, I might add.’ The Pegasnail said, in a post accent as she spoke up. ‘We Pegasnails have rights to all fruit-bearing plants in the garden. It says so here in the Great Snail Scroll.’ She lifted up and said ‘scroll’, that is just a leaf with words and signature on it. ‘That's just a rolled-up leaf!’ Raccoonicorn pointed out as he glared at the Pegasnail. ‘You're just a rolled-up leaf!’ Pegasnail retorted as she glared back at him as Raccoonicorn threw the leaf away. The Lead Pegasnail and Lead Raccoonicorn then tugged at the berry they are both holding as it breaks apart. The two critters then glared at each other as they slapped each other. Sunny, Sunset and Hitch looked at the critters with nervous expressions as they saw what was going on. The two former ponies don’t need Hitch to translate as they can see that those two critters are fighting over the berry, clearly seeing the problem. “Okay. We don’t need you to translate what is happening, Hitch. Because we can tell from body language.” Sunset said to Hitch so he didn’t have to tell them what was going on since the body language gave it away. “Yeah.” Sunny agreed, seeing it as well. “Anything we can do?” She asks Hitch, wondering what if she and Sunset could help Hitch out with this problem. “Nope.” Hitch answered with a confident smile. “All under control, you two. I got this.” He said to them as he has a thing with critters and could help solve this problem. Sunset was having second thoughts about this. “I don’t know, Hitch. Ever since you got the ability to talk to animals like Fluttershy used to do, you have hardly any practice to negotiate with animals since you never did that before.” She pointed out, while Hitch was doing great understanding animals like how Fluttershy onced did, but never really negotiated with them before since having that ability. “I think I’ll handle it, Sunset. Besides, I’ve negotiated with ponies before. I’m sure negotiations with animals aren’t that different.” Hitch said, pointed out how different between helping ponies with their issues from helping animals with their issues. Sunset then thought of what Hitch said, seeing he has a point. “Okay. Fair enough.” She replied with a shrug. “All right, we'll let you and your new animal communication skills handle this for now, but don't hesitate to ask us for help if the mess gets too big for you to handle alone.” She advises Hitch to know that he can always ask for help if things go overwhelming for him. “Don’t worry. If there’s pressure, I’ll ask.” Hitch replied with a smile, saying that if things get too hard for him, he’ll asks when needed “All right.” Sunny spoke up with a smile as she grabbed her basket. “Well, we’re gonna go find some apples for the pie.” She said as she and Sunset will grab some more things for the pie while Hitch solves this problem. “We’ll be back when we get the apples. We still need that berry for the pie.” Sunset added as she and Sunny walked back to the other section of the garden to get the apples. Leaving Hitch to take care of the critters' issues. The Pegasnail and the Raccoonicorn continue their slap fight as Hitch comes to them as he speaks. “Look, there's gotta be a simple way to resolve this.” Hitch said to them, suggest to the two critters a better way to resolve this issue without the fighting. The Lead Raccoonicorn thought of what Hitch said as he smiled. ‘You're right!’ He then jumped to the ground as he turned in a direction. ‘Raccoonicorns, assemble!’ He announce as three of his raccoonicorns comrades, with military helments and using a broom, brush and a stick as a weapon with a homemade calapult behind them. ‘Pegasnails, also assemble!’ The Lead Pegasnail called out to her comrades, who popped up from behind the bushes, tucked their wings in and moved the catapult of their own as well, but at a slow paste, since their snails. Hitch, the Raccoonicorns and the Lead Pegasnail looked at them as the snails came slowly at them. ‘We're going to need a minute.’ The Lead Pegasnail said to the others, feeling embarrassed and forgotten that the Pegasnails are slow when they are trailing on the ground. A few minutes later, Hitch and the Racconicorns are feeling a little sleepy from waiting for the Pegasnails. Once they are close enough, the two sides, Raccoonicorns and Pegasnails, give out challenging glares at each other, going to start a fight with each other. Hitch saw what they were about to do as he got inbetween the two sides. “Okay! This isn't what I had in mind!” He called out to them while pointing at each of them. “No fighting, no swords, and no unbelievably adorable catapults!” He scolded, while the last words he spoke, he admired how those critters made those catapults and found them cute as he smiled and had sparkles in his eyes, before he got serious again. “All we need is a schedule. The raccoonicorns can pick from the bush one day, and then the Pegasnails on the other. You'll take it in turns. I'll be watching to make sure you all stick to it.” He said to them, while making a schedule so that the two critters can take turns, and going to be watching them to make sure they stick to the schedule. One of the Pegasnail soldiers was on the catapult, but then it went off as it tossed the Pegasnail over them as he screamed and crashed to the other side as the others cringe at the outcome, that’s gonna leave a mark. Some time later, Hitch finished the schedule as he placed the sign down, with pictures of the Raccoonicorns and Pegasnails to take turns.  Hitch turned to the critters. “Trust me. This is foolproof. Rules and regulations fix everything.” He said with a smile as he had a feeling that this might turn out great. The Lead Raccoonicorn and the Lead Pegasnail looked at each other, having some thoughts about this. (Rule 4 That Song) Hitch then puts on his sunglasses as he bobs his head to the beat as he feels a song coming on. Come on! Got an issue (issue)? Got a problem (problem)? Did you know I got the thing that's gonna solve 'em? He sang to the Pegasnails and Raccoonicorns as separated the two bickering leaders and brought out a paper that showed maybe the solution of the issue. You need a guide, yeah, no substitutions So listen here and I'll give you the solution He showed them the sign, and then use somekind of line he opened up for the Raccoonicorns to go in first. The Raccoonicorns gave out sparkling eyes as they came to the bush to get their nibbles on the berries. No time for playin', you must be selfless (yeah!) So we can make sure that everypony benefits Hitch stands guard while watching the Raccoonicorns nibble the berries, but then the Pegasnails are wearing a disguise to get past Hitch. But Hitch saw this and ripp their coat off to see the other Pegasnails ontop one another, trying to cut the Raccoonicorns’ turn. Hitch pulled out a sign of them in their disguises that is marked ‘No Disguises’ as a rule.  And if we're gonna all win, no, we can't fool around We just gotta make sure that we write it all down Hitch checked off the Raccoonicorns, meaning that their turn has ended and now it's Pegasnail's turn. We gotta all get along – we got a rule 4 that That's why I'm singin' this song – we got a rule 4 that We're gonna get the job done, don't forget to have fun As a matter of fact, we got a rule 4 that A present was shown as the Lead Raccoonicorn from the back of the present. Lead Raccoonicorn waved to the Pegasnails as the Pegasnails looked and headed towards the present, the Lead Raccoonicorn was somehow behind them and snickering at them with his trick. The Raccoonicorns are in the bush while the Pegasnails are distracted by the decoy present. Hitch came to the bush as the critters saw him as he shook his head in disappointment and then placed a new rule saying ‘No Decoy Gifts’ on it as he sighs in thinking there might be more rules to be placed in. 'Cause we all gotta learn – we got a rule 4 that When everypony gets a turn – we got a rule 4 that Things are much better when we all work together Got a rule 4 that, we got a rule 4 that It was then the Raccoonicorns turn as they nibbed on the berries. Above one of them is a Pegasnail on a pole, who jumps down with a robe and grabs some berries and places it on top of the pole as it bondge up and down to grab some berries. Before it can grab some more, Hitch spots him as the Pegasnail stops its bondge jumping as it gives a sheepish smile at him as Hitch gives it an irritated look. He then put in a new sign that means ‘No Rope Stealing’ on it as a Raccoonicorn steals a berry from a Pegasnail before running off, but not before it is trapped on a net covered in leaves as it hangs on a tree. And then a Pegasnail snatched that berry from the trapped Raccoonicorn as if it flew off while the trap critter tried to get out. Hey, hey! Hey, hey! Oh-oh, oh-oh! (Come on!) Oh-oh, oh-oh! Hey, hey! (We got a rule 4 that!) Hey, hey! Oh-oh, oh-oh! Oh-oh, oh-oh! The Pegasnail flew off with the berry, but not before getting trapped in a plant fly trap, and then the fly trap spit the Pegasnail out. The Pegasnail landed on the ground as a Raccoonicorn caught the berry the plant spit out and then gave it 10 dollars for helping him. Hitch is starting to feel overwhelmed by this schedule and new rules and that the critters have other ways to get the berries. Just then, Sunny and Sunset came back with each carrying a baskt full of apples they’ve collected. “Um, how's it going, Hitch?” Sunny asks her childhood friend as they come to view, only for her and Sunset to widen their eyes in shock at what they are seeing. They are seeing the Raccoonicorns and Pegasnails fighting each other as Hitch starts sweating and panting while being so welled up by this whole thing, that he’s starting to lose it. “It's, um... going pretty well?” Hitch tries to say to the two ponies as he gives off a weak laugh before he starts crying as this is not going very well and he can’t take much more of this. ‘Ha! Take that!’ A Pegasnail soldier called out as he and his comrade drop danelion where the Lead Raccoonicorn and his comrade are with the catapult. ‘Dandelion incoming!’ The Lead Raccoonicorn cried out to his comrade who launched the catapult at the incoming rival as the whole garden area is like a warzone as projectiles came flying back-in-forth while Hitch, Sunny and Sunset watched with worried looks as they watched this sudden warzone. “Great. Two critters are going at it in an all out rumble! And we’re caught in the middle!” Sunset cried out as she saw animals fight before but this takes it to a whole new level. “And this reminds me of when Twilight and the girls once went to Appleloosa during the whole buffalo incident and a pie war that happened when two tribes clashed! And this is like that!” She cried out while remembering the time when Twilight told her that she and her friends were in Appleloosa during the whole sharing land thing with the country ponies and the buffalos, and a pie war until they finally shared the land. “Yeah! This is crazy alright!” Sunny said in agreement, having heard that tale before. “Ah! What did I do wrong?!” Hitch cried out as he was wondering how this all went down hill. “I thought I could use my new critter communication skills to really make a difference! But I just made things worse!” He cried out, thought that his ability to talk to animals would make a difference for the critters but instead, it went bad. Sunny then came to her childhood friend as she placed a hoof on his shoulder for comfort. “It's okay, Hitch. You just gotta try a different approach.” She suggested with a smile for Hitch to try another option. “Yeah. Like using a different method to help you solve this problem.” Sunset added. “Like a weekly roster instead of a daily one?” Hitch asked, thinking a weekly roster would work since the daily one didn’t cut. “No.” Both Sunset and Sunny said in unison at Hitch’s next roster idea, which didn’t work well. “Why don't you try seeing what they have in common?” Sunny suggested. Remember, there's magic in unity.” She reminded Hitch that magic is in unity when there’s harmony. “Yeah, Hitch. Just try and find a way to this and see if these critters have something in common that will stop this fight.” Sunset added, telling him to fing something that the critter all shared in common to put an end to this mess. “See what they have in common…” Hitch repeated those words while thinking about what Sunny and Sunset said as he thinks of something. And then a Raccoonicorn Soldier is being attacked by a Pegasnail on top of him as his head is covered in dandelion. ‘Ooh! Ow! Ow! Watch the hair! Watch the fur!’ He cried out to the Pegasnail right on top of him. Hitch saw this as he placed a hoof on his chin. “Hmmm…” He hums to himself, thinking of what these critters have in common. The Lead Pegasnail then led her comrades for a strike while carrying dandelions. En masse! Pegasnails en masse!’ The Lead Pegasnail cried out. ‘Raccoonicorns, attack!’ The Lead Raccoonicorns cried out to his comrades as they charged at the Pegasnails.  Hitch then comes down in the middle before the two critters fraction charge at one another with a table he is standing on as he gives the two critters a look as the fractions stop their strike on each other. ‘Hey, I'm battlin' here! What is this?’ The Lead Raccoonicorn asks what this is all about. “This is the talking table.” Hitch answered, having enough of this argument between the critters. “We're gonna sit around it, and we're gonna talk this thing out! Now!” He yelled out to them that they need to settle their differences now. The Lead Raccoonicorn and Pegasnail all sat on the table as they spoke in their animal languages while discussing their differences in the berry bush they’ve been fighting for. They give out angry chatter as Sunny and Sunset watches, since they can’t understand what they are saying except for Hitch, they just watch it flow. “You know. Seeing Hitch understanding animals reminds me a whole alot of Fluttershy in him.” Sunset said to Sunny as Hitch is like Fluttershy when it comes to animals. “Yeah. Even I find it in him as well. Are you sure he could be related to Fluttershy?” Sunny asks, wondering if Hitch might be related with the Guardian of Kindness or the Guardian of Friendship. “The ability to speak to animals checks out. So I’m going with yes.” Sunset stated, since Hitch has the ability to understand animals like Fluttershy onced did, it is most certain that Hitch is definitely related to Fluttershy. Hitch then spoke up to break the attention to the two critters’ leaders. “I hear you, but we all have to work together if we want—” He stated but was cut off when Lead Pegasnail flew up and spoke. ‘Work together?! Ugh! Impossible!’ Lead Pegasnail protested, thinking that it might not work. “Hey!” Lead Raccoonicorn yelled out, feeling offended by that. Lead Pegasnail and Lead Raccoonicorn all yelled out in animal languages again as Sunny and Sunset watched back-in-forth between this argument, since they can tell by body language. “Oh, come on now.” Hitch broke the tension again as he spoke calmly to them. “There's gotta be something you both—” he was cut off when Lead Raccoonicorn spoke up. ‘Unless it's gotta do with bakin', I don't wanna hear about it!’ Lead Raccoonicorn yelled out, stating that unless it’s about baking, he’s not listening to what they hav eto say. ‘Oh! Baking?’ Lead Pegasnail said in shock at what Lead Raccoonicorn said. ‘I also love to bake!’ She called out with a smile, stating she loves baking as well. The Lead Raccoonicorn and Pegasnail then looked at each other, before giving quivering smiles with tears in their eyes before they started huffging each other as they cried in joy. ‘Hey, bring it in here!’ Lead Raccoonicorn cried out as Lead Pegasnail laughed as they hugged each other. Hitch gave the two critters a smile before turning to Sunny and Sunset. “You two were totally right, Sunny and Sunset.” He said to them as he walked to the two ponies as the latters smiled back. “Turns out they both love making berry-based treats, and now they're best friends!” He said, happy that the two critters fractions are now friends and are sharing the berries and other fruits for baking stuff they needed for baking as they got along well. “We’re proud of you, Hitch.” Sunny said with a smile as she placed a hoof on Hitch in him solving the problem as Hitch smiled back. “Yeah. You helped settle the differences between these two critters, found something they have in common and then they became friends in the end.” Sunset added with a smile. “If Fluttershy was still around, she would be very proud of you and for carrying on her legacy for the animals Hitch.” She added with a smile, knowing very well that if Fluttershy was here, she would be very proud of Hitch for doing something that she would do for the animals. Hitch smiled at his friend's comments. “Thanks, guys.” He said with a smile as he turned to the other critters. “Hey. So, uh…” He started off with a nervous smile “...now can we pick some of those berries for our pie?” He asks them since they need some of the barriers for their pie, since that’s the main ingredient of the Schmugelberry Pie. The critters and the Leaders gave them looks as they glared at them, the three ponies stared at them in shock, knowing what’s gonna happen. But before the critters attacked the three ponies, Sunset spoke up. “If you let us get some berries for our pie, we can bake enough for everycreature here!” Sunset called out as the Raccoonicorns and Pegasnails listened to what Sunset was proposing. “Yeah. We need some of those berries for our Schmugelberry Pie. But due to you all bickering and not sharing with one another, we haven't picked any since then. Now, if you let us pick some of the berries, we can make enough for everycreature here, all ponies, Raccoonicorns and Pegasnails. I swear, we won’t steal, we just need some and we can share this garden.” She proposes to them that if they let them get the berries, they will bake enough for everycreature here, the critters think for a moment before speaking in animal languages. Sunset turned to Hitch for translation. “They said, ‘If we let you get some of these berries, you promise to give us a piece of that pie?’” Hitch translated so that Sunset can understand. Sunset turned to them with a smile. “Yes. I promise. I’ll even Pinkie Promise for it. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She chats while going through the Pinkie Promise movement to prove her point. The critters thought for a moment to Sunset’s proposal, after a moment of thinking, they nodded their heads in agreement with Sunset’s proposal. Clearing a path for them to pick the berries for their pie. Sunset sighs in relief, glad that actually worked. “C’mon, ponies. That Schmugelberry Pie isn’t gonna ‘schmugel’ itself!” She jokely said to Sunny and Hitch as the two ponies then laughed before they started picking some of the berries they needed for the pie. “Great proposal to the critters, Sunset.” Sunny said, while admiring Sunset’s ways of agreement. “I had alot of practice, Sunny. And a little advice about animals from Fluttershy in my experience.” Sunset replied, while having experience with this kind of thing before while also taking up animal lessons from Fluttershy back in the day. “We’ll, you’re gonna have to teach me some of those negotiations sometimes.” Hitch said, wanting to know how to negotiate well, even to the animals. “Me too. I wanna know how to negotiate correctly.” Sunny added, wanting to know as well for future references in case she needs to negotiate in the future. “Sure. But after that we made the pie. We worked hard to get these ingredients and we made a promise to the critters. So let’s get to work.” Sunset stated as the two ponies nodded their heads in agreement as they picked the berries. Going to make the pie they all well deserve while keeping their promise to the critters that finally became friends for something they have in common. End of Chapter 19. > Chapter 20: One Trick Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: OneTrick Pony Pink clouds with sparkles appeared as it cleared off to show Rufus who is a magician floating in front of a crowd of ponies. “Behold.The awesome power of The Great Hoofdini!” Rufus announced to the crowd, which is only three fillies, an Earth pony, Unicorn and Pegasus looking at their phones, while feeling bored with Sunset and Izzy there, with Izzy waving to the magician on her scooter while Sunset watched. “Oh, hey, Rufus!” Izzy greeted with a wave of her hoof with a smile. “See you are doing your magic tricks again.” Sunset added, while having a sense of deja vu from a certain Unicorn she knows, aka the Great and Powerful Trixie from the old days when she shows off her magic tricks, and she knows that even in the Human World and Equestria, there are some things about Trixie, or everything about her that would never change. Rufus continues his magic tricks. “Oh, that he floats in the air! Yes, as he levitates objects.” HE said as he floated around while lifting up a bunch of bushes and plants in a pot as he spoke to the ponies below. “How does he do it? It’s miraculous!” He announced as he gave the ponies below a smile. “Wow!” Izzy cheered with a smile awed at his tricks. “Great show.” Sunset commented, finding his tricks interatining when it comes to someponies way of tricks, and finding it more entertaining then when Trixie tried it, but the ending was always sad with the whole smokebomb thing. “He clearly uses his wires.” One of the fillies in the middle blankly is an Earthpony named Seashell said, clearly seeing through his fake magic tricks. “Ponies have like, real magic now.” The Pegusu filly on the left name Glory said blankly, pointing out that ponies have real magic now while they don’t take interest in fake magic anymore as the three fillies walk off. “Okay. That was just rude.” Sunset commented, not liking the fillies being rude, epescially to some fillies their age. Rufus dropped his allusions as it revealed he was using wires to float as he gave a down depression. “Ugh. Who am I kidding.” He said to himself as he lowered himself back to solid ground.  “Since real magic came back to Equestria, nopony is interested in my tricks.” He said, stating that since real magic came back to Equestria, nopony is interested in fake magic tricks anymore, while also stating that he used to do magic tricks before magic returned to Equestria when the ponies were divided. Izzy then came zooming right in front of him with Sunset behind her. “WHAT?! That can’t be true, Ruf…” She stops herself when she was about to say his real name before going to his magician name. “...I mane Hoofdini.” She said with a smile as she place a hoof as the three ponies give out flashbacks to when Rufus gave out his magic shows. Flashbacks. Rufus then took off his hand infront of two ponies, an earth pony stallion and a unicorn mare, and waved his hoof a bit as he took out an irritated bunniegasus out of his hat by the ears with his arms crossed. The two ponies give out an unamuse bore expression, clearly not impress. The Bunniegasus shakes around while to get free, once it did, the flew and gave off an irritated critter noise at Rufus for using him for his tricks as it flew away from him. Rufus gives a sheepish look to the two ponies infront of him. The next flashback is Rufus showing a trick to an Earth Pony Mare by picking a flower from behind her ear. The mare rolled her eyes a bit as she stomped her hooves, using her Earth Pony magic to summon a bunch of flower bushes to prove her point. Rufus just look on with a shock expression as the flower in his hoof died out. Rufus then was on stage as he gesutred to an apple on a crate as he then raised his hoof as it leviated off the crate and floated in the air. Rufus then looked behind him as he gave a shock expression again. What he sees is a unicorn mare leviating a whole house off the ground infront of the two Earth Pony couples. The Unicorn Mare then looks behind her as she sees Rufus behind her. “Oh! Just helping them move house.” She said to Rufus with a chuckle as she stated that the Earth Pony couple want their house somewhere else, and thanks to the levitation spell, it will be easy. “So where do you want it?” She asks the Earth Pony couple where she would put the house somewhere. End of Flashbacks. Rufus, Izzy and Sunset are then walking together after Rufus told the two ponies of his time as a magician, and that it went down hill. “See? All washed up.” Rufus sadly said as his time of being a magician is over. Izzy and Sunset give the earth pony a sympathetic look, feeling bad for him. “Wow. That’s sad. And I’ve seen sadder magicians in my time. But they just kept going even if a trick had failed.” Sunset commented, while remembering the times where Trixie tries to show off her magic tricks, it didn’t end well but she kept trying no matter what. “Come on, Rufus. You’re an Earth Pony. Why don’t you just use your growy-growy plant magic? It is so cool!” Izzy suggested, while having sparkles in her eyes about the thought of Earth Pony magic. “Whenever I try to grow plants, it takes forever when I forget to water them and they all die.” She added, while recalling that when she tries to grow plants, she doesn't take good care of them when the plants take forever to grow, but keeps forgetting to water them and once she adds too much, they die out. Sunset then spoke up from hearing that. “Izzy. We talk about this. You’re supposed to water the plants once a week and make sure they give enough sunlight.” She reminded her of the lessons on how to grow plants. “And not only that, you’re supposed to give them the right amount, too much would kill them. And it takes time for them to grow if they don’t get enough water and sunlight, that means be patient.” She finished, while having a few plant lessons from Sci-Twi back in Canterlot High when she was watering the plants before Equestrian Magic took control, and a few plant lessons Wallflower Blush gave to her after the plant girl redeemed herself. Izzy then gives a sheepish smile and chuckles, completely forgetting about those lessons. “Okay. Good point.” She said to Sunset before turning to Rufus. “But why not use your Earth Pony magic, Rufus?” She asks, getting back to the topic. “I don’t have any magic.” Rufus revealed with a sad look, telling them that he doesn't have Earth Pony magic. “All I got is my tricks. And now, they belong in the garbage dump.” He said as he lowered his head in depression. Sunset and Sunny looked at Rufus with sympathetic looks as they looked at each other before giving a comforting smile to Rufus. Izzy spoke up. “Lucky for you, my specialty is giving all kinds of things a second chance.” She told Rufus about her special thing. “And my specialty is helping ponies with their problems. Not just showing them how to use magic, but helping find their place that they are good at and helping them make their special place better if they are going down hill.” Sunset said, while stating that her specialty is not only to teach magic, but also help ponies find their special place and help them make their special place feel special again. The three ponies made it to Izzy’s scooter as said Unicorn opened up her compartment. “See? Garbage…” She said while taking out a bike steering piece she collected as she levitated out before twirling it around. “... Into a fabulous… uh?” She stops for a second before thinking of how she pictured the bike steering piece. “Bow tie!” She announced as she bent the bike steering piece into a bow tie. “Ta da!” She cheered as she placed the bended metal bow tie on Rufus, but then Rufus fell into the ground with a yelp. from the weight of the bow tie. “Little heavy.” Rufus pointed out with a little strain that the steering bike piece bow tie is a little heavy to lift. Sunset got it off him as she helped him up. “Sorry about that. But you get the point on what we are saying. We will help you find a way to make you feel happy” She promises him that he will feel happy again. Izzy then got in between their faces as their cheeks smoosh together. “Come on! We're gonna turn you into something new and awesome, too!” She cheered that they will make Rufus feel special again. “So, a wannabe sheriff, eh?” Hitch asks with a smirk, a little bit later, Sunset and Izzy fill Hitch in about Rufus' problem and think that being a wannabe sheriff would be good for him. “Well, it's an amazing job but very demanding.” He adives them, while opening his jail cage to show him around. “You have to be hyper-aware of your surroundings.” He said while looking around. But then the cage door closed, Rufus locked the cage with the key before he swallowed the whole keye chain with a gulp. Hitch, Sunset and Izzy give Rufus a shock look at what he just did. Hitch then spoke out. “Was that... Did you just swallow the key?” He asks Rufus, only to give a sheepish smile in response. “Why would you do that?!” Hitch asks in shock why would Rufus do that. “Sorry.” Rufus apologies while giving a smile. “I'm an escape artiste. Swallowing keys is what we do.” He pointed out another trick he does on his magic shows. Hitch was not amused by this as he gives Rufus a glare, clearly seeing that him being a wannabe sheriff wouldn’t cut it, and the fact that they are trapped in the cage with no key while Sunset facehoof herself. Izzy looked between them while giving a sheepish smile. “Cards, anyone?” She asks them while giving a nervous smile, seeing this is going well that quickly. Rufus took out his decks of cards as it flew around the cage. Sunset shook her head to this as she looked at Hitch. “Hitch. Tell me you have a spare key on your desk?” She asks hopefully if Hitch has backup keys in his desk. “Yes. A sheriff has many backups just in case he loses one.” Hitch answered, while saying he has plenty of keys to spare in case he loses one or two of them. “But how are you going to…?” He was cut off when Sunset used her magic to teleport out of the cage and infront of the desk, while giving Hitch a smirk that saids ‘Did you forget’ from her facial expression. Hitch realizes that Sunset can just teleport out to get the spare as he chuckled sheepishly. “Oh. Right.” He sheepishly said, completely forgetting that Sunset knows teleportation. Sunset then searches through the desk until she opens a drew, that reveals many back-up keys in it. “Wow, Hitch. You really stock up on these keys.” She said while she picked one out and came over to the cage. “Well, I like to be prepared for anything.” Hitch said with a proud smile as Sunset unlocked the cages as the three ponies walked out. Hitch gives Rufus a look as he continues. “Clearly he’s not cut out for a wanna be sheriff. Sorry guys.” He apologized to the three ponies since Rufus wasn’t cut out for this job.  The three ponies nodded her head in agreement as they walked out, Hitch told them that Rufus can keep those keys since, well, doesn’t want them back if they come out the other end. After that little mishap, they made their way to Zephyr Heights where they told Queen Have about Rufus and wanted to do something for his talents. Izzy explained the whole thing, which makes Queen Haven yawn from Izzy’s long explanation. “And Hoofdini will do the best job ever of guarding the crown jewels.” Izzy explained to Queen Haven. Rufus clears his throat as he comes close to Queen Haven “What crown jewels?” He asks as he works his magic tricks to poof Queen Haven’s crown and necklace away, which cause her to yelp in shock as she frantically looks for them. “Where did they go? How did he do it?” He acted along with his act. Queen Haven didn't like it as she is mad right now. “Thief! Guards!” She yelled out as Thunder and Zoom came by. Rufus poof next to Izzy and Sunset as Sunset facehoof again while Izzy begans to panic. “Uh... Okay! Gotta go!” Izzy panicly cried out as she grabbed Rufus and zip away as Sunset stood still. “Queen Haven. I get you are fond of your things but have you ever faced a magician before?” Sunset asks, since Queen Haven showed that she never knew or seen about musicians before. Queen Haven calmed down as she thought for a moment before answering to Sunset. “Well, no. I haven’t.” She admittedly said to her. Sunset sighs as she comes up to her as she speaks. “He’s just a magician. Not a thief, Haven. And about your crown jewels…” She said as she got behind her throne and revealed her crown and necklace from behind the throne. “Didn’t you realize that was just an act and trick to a magician? He just took your jewels off and put them behind your throne. He was just making a trick, even though he’s not supposed to while finding a new hobby, but you really need to learn more about magicians before jumping the horseshoe.” She told Queen Haven about her habit of jumping to conclusions without thinking, like on their first adventure when she put Izzy and Sunny in the luxury dungeon. Queen Haven saw her jewels and thought of what Sunset said while having a reminder of when she first met Izzy and Sunny as she chuckled sheepishly. “Oh. I guess I got protective with my things. Sorry about that, Sunset.” She apologizes as she puts her necklace and crown back on. Sunset sighs as she walks off. “That's okay. Now me and Izzy gotta find the next hoppy for Rufus. Catch you around, your majesty.” She said before she teleported out of the palace to catch up to Izzy and Rufus. And then a little bit later, once they made it to Bridlewood, they went to ‘The Crystal Tea Room’ where Rufus tried out being a tea maker with Alphabittle next to him as Rufus shook the tea mixer. Rufus turned to Sunset and Izzy as the two ponies winked at him, seeing this would be an easy way for him. Onyx, and her bongo unicorn stallion friend next to her who is playing the bongos, are in front of Alphabittle. “Gimme a tea, Alpha-B. Peppermint B, pretty P.” She ordered in a cool jazz tone. Alphabittle nodded his head in that order as he turned to Rufus to make the order. “Comin' up!” Rufus called out as he brought out a cardboard tube and lifted up to reveal a teacup. “Ta-daaaa!” He cheered. Just before Onyx can get her tea, Rufus lifts a hoof to tell her to wait a minute as he summons another teacup. “Oh!” He said as he thought for a minute and summoned another teacher up as he chuckled. Onyx claps her hooves, but just before she can get her teacup, Rufus summons more tea cups all over his side of the table, that may be a dozen of them. “I ain't payin' for all these teas, if you please.” Onyx said, stating that she is not paying for all those cups as Alphabittle gives a glare at Rufus. “Uhhh…” Rufus groans from summoning much cups as Izzy and Sunset lower themselves down to avoid eye contact as Sunset bang her head on the wall, clearly that Rufus magician skills are getting in the way of things to find a new purpose. And then after apologizing to Alphabittle about the whole teacup summon thing, the three ponies went back to Maretime Bay as Rufus is depressed that his tricks didn’t fit in anywhere.  “Oh, this is hopeless.” Rufus groans in sadness. “My tricks'll never fit in anywhere. I might as well forget "Hoofdini" and just be plain old Rufus.” He said in sadness as he might as well throw away his tricks and just be his plain old self since his tricks didn’t get him anywhere. “Come on, Rufus. You can’t just give up. There’s gotta be something that fits you and your tricks.” Sunset said to him, not wanting him to give up his magician tricks since it was a part of him. “Yeah! We just haven't found the right thing to uni-cycle you into yet.” Izzy said, agreeing with Sunset as they just haven’t found the right place for him yet as they walk past the three fillies from earlier. “Ugh! Buffering?! We're missing Pipp's new livestream!” Seashell complains that their phones are loading and they can’t miss Pipp’s livestream. “You gotta hold your phone way higher than that!” Glory started as she flew up into the air to get a better signal as she flew into the sky. Rufus watches Glory fly off as he sighs. “No wonder my magic don't impress anypony. Everypony can do it!” He pointed his hoof to prove his point now that he realizes why his magic doesn't impress anypony since everypony can do it as Sunset and Izzy gives him a sympathetic look. Glory looked at her phone as she was high enough to get a connection as her signal bar went up to all five. “Yes! Full bars! Not gonna miss a whinny of Pipp's new livestream!” She cheered to herself as she watched her phone as Pipp’s livestream started. “Hey, Pippsqueaks!” Pipp greeted her followers. “Still haven't figured out my amazing, show-stopping entrance. Sad face.” She gives an act of sad face before going back to her happy face. “Hit me up with your suggestions in the comments.” She advises her followers to hit her with some ideas. “Ooh, I've got an idea!” Glory said, but just before she could make her comment, Philly, the construction Pegasus, came flying by as he moved Glory out of his way. “Hey! Watch it!” Philly yelled out as his push caused Glory to spin around. Glory gasps as the spin causes her to drop her phone. She flew down to catch it with grunts' efforts but she twirls around and loses control of her flight as she starts to scream as she is now falling. “Whoa! That pony! She's fallin'!” Rufus said in worried as Sunset and Izzy began to worry for that filly. Seashell and her unicorn friend came to them as they saw Glory falling from the sky. “Somepony! Do something!” Seashell cried out in worry as Glory continued to scream while falling from the sky. “I get her!” Sunset cried out as she was about to fly up to save her, but then she felt something hit her head as she felt a vase hit her head, which caused her to be knocked out. Up in the sky, a Pegasus was moving a cart of vases, but unknowingly dropped on as it flew by. “Sunset!” Izzy cried out as she checked on Sunset, seeing that she’s out cold but then went back to Glory still falling and screaming. “Look out!” Izzy cries out as she tries to use her magic to catch Glory to slow down her falling, but Glory is still falling as she continues to scream as Izzy’s magic dies down when she is grunting from straining her magic. “No use! She’s falling too fast! And Sunset is out cold to catch her!” She cried out as Glory is going too fast for Izzy’s magic to help and Sunset is out of the question since she’s out cold to do anything. Rufus then turned and saw three vines in on a building as he ran to them and picked one up. “If only these vines were longer!” He cried out that if the vines are longer, they could save Glory. But then his cutie mark began to glow and so did his hooves as the vine he touched spread to the other vines as the magic made the vines longer on top. Rufus gasps as he realizes he unlocked his Earth Pony magic. “Saddle-cadabra!” He called out as he used his magic on the vines. Before Glory was about to hit the ground hard, Rufus catch her before she hit the pavement while riding on the vines, he use the vines to help him move around and to catch Glory as he jumped and summons a bush as he landed on the ground as he place Glory down as she smiled at her savior and her phone landed on the bush safely. “Whoo-hoo! Me and Sunset knew it!” Izzy cheered to Rufus at what he just did. “You had Earth pony magic all along!” She said to him with sparkles in her eyes and knew that Rufus has Earth Pony magic all along inside him. Sunset groans as she comes too but rubs her sore head. “Ow. My head.” She groans in slight pain. “Sunset! You're alright!” Izzy called out as she pointed to Rufus. “Rufus has Earth Pony magic now and he saved this filly before she hit the ground!” She cheered. “Really? Wow! That’s great! You see, Rufus, you really do have magic inside you.” Sunset said as she congratulated Rufus on his accomplishment and for saving this kid. “Guess so! Just needed a good reason for it to start workin'!” Rufus said to them with a smile, as he finally found a way to bring out his Earth Pony magic and was glad the kid was okay. Seashell and Glory hug each other as Seashell is glad that her friend is okay. “Hoofdini! You saved Glory! You're not just a magician! You're a hero!” Seashell cheerfully said to Rufus, thanking him for saving Glory and that he is a hero to them, which caused Rufus to smile in tears at their words as it touched his heart with joy. Izzy and Sunset smiled at Rufus as Izzy wrapped a hoof around him “What did we say, huh?” She asks him with a smile. “Nothin' belongs on the garbage dump. Uni-cycle!” She cheered out. “She’s right. Nothing is ever trash, it can always be remade. And Rufus, you have found a new purpose for your Magician career and for you to show your tricks.” Sunset said, while having a sense that Trixie could learn a thing or two in the human world, but also how the Trixie of Equestria been improving on her tricks as well with the help of Starlight from what she heard from Twilight and how Starlight and Trixie became bestive friends. The three ponies then looked at Glory’s phone as it Pipp’s livestream is still going as Izzy pick it up and that’s when an idea pop into her head. “Aha! And for your next trick…” Izzy said to Rufus as she got an idea for his next trick. A little bit later, Pipp was still doing her livestream as she went up to view the camera. “Shout out to my friend Hoofdini for this new, big, show-stopping entrance! It's magiiiiic!” She sang the last part to her followers while pointing to Rufus who is next to the stage with vines around him. Rufus then use his magic to control the vines as he use them to use the stage controls as he flip a switch as they played the ‘Let Out Your Light’ instrumentals as the lights shine as the ponies around watches in amazement as the vines keep the show going as they pressed buttons and switch while playing the music. Rufus, Sunset and Izzy watch with smiles as Rufus turns to the two ponies. “What do you two think, Izzy and Sunset?” He asks them about his work. “I say you found a place for your magic tricks, Hoodini.” Sunset said with a smile while saying his magician name, glad that Rufus found a place for his magic tricks to be put into use. “And it’s ‘Mare-aculous’!” Izzy cheered with a wink as the three ponies smiled at each other of this outcome as Rufus finally found his place. End of Chapter 20. > Chapter 21: My Bananas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21: My Bananas It is a nice sunny day in Maretime Bay as ponies chat to each other. Passing by them and giving them smoothies is Sunny as she roller skates past them as she gives out smoothies to the ponies around them while showing her roller skating moves. Sunset is following her by flight as she gives the Pegasi ponies in the air smoothies as well while lowering herself into the ground to give smoothies to the ponies as well as she helps Sunny with giving smoothies to the ponies. Sunny then came to Posey as she gave her a smoothie. “Morning, Posey. One tropical treat to go.” She said to her as she came to Dahlia. “Dahlia. Free banana berry blast?” She asks with a smile as Dahlia nodded her head yes. “I’ll be right with you.” She said as she rollerscated back to her smoothie stand to make Dahlia’s smoothie request, but then she slipped on a banana peel on the floor as she tripped from it. “Whoa!” She cried out as she tripped into the air, but then all the bananas and a couple of her smoothies from her cart flew out. “Myyy Baanaanaasss!” She cried out while things were going slow-mo as the ponies watched on as some smoothies spilled to the ground. A family of Pegasi are getting their picture taken together while a Earth Pony mare holds up the camera phone as they cheered, but then Sunny got into the phone’s camera lens as it snap a picture of her in a funny way from the trip as she screamed and crash into the ground as the ponies gasps, hoping that Sunny is okay. Sunset saw this as she gasped as well. “Sunny!” She cried out as she flew to her as Sunny flopped to the floor, and then the piles of bananas fell on her, along with the banana peel she slipped on. Sunny stuck her head out of the pile, with the banana peel on her helmet as Sunset came to her. “Sunny! Are you okay?” She asks in concern. “I’m alright, Sunset.” Sunny answered as the banana peel slipped off her helmet and into her face. Sunny picks it off while holding it with an embarrassed look, and it gets worse when everypony that saw with a look before Posey gives out a laugh before everypony in the crowd joins in, finding it funny that Sunny embarrasses herself with those bananas. “Okay, so, everypony saw that.” She said with a sheepish look as the crowd continued to laugh at Sunny. Sunset gives them a glare at them for laughing at Sunny as she turned to her. “C’mon, Sunny. Let's get out of here.” She said to her as she grabbed Sunny’s hooves and dash out of sight of the laughing crowds as they made their way back home. At the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch, Ppipp and Zipp are watching something as the door opens as Sunny and Sunset come in with Sunny having an unhappy look while Sunset places a wing on her for comfort. “You are not going to believe what happened to me today.” Sunny said to her friends, still can’t get rid of that memory anytime soon. “Did you do an epic fail in front of tons of customers and land in a big pile of bananas, Sunny?” Zipp said with an amusing smile while Hitch and Pipp did their best to not laugh as they snorted a bit. “Huh?!” Sunny and Sunset both cried out in surprise as ZIpp guessed right. “How did you know that?” Sunset asks how they know that so fast. “Sunny’s gone viral, Sunset!” Pipp answered. “Everypony is talking about it!” She said as she picked up the remote and turned the TV on as it showed Sunny tripped, screamed, flopped to the floor as the banana pile fell on her with a remix song named “My Bananas” played in the background. Skye and Dazzle of the Zephyr Heights news then appeared as Skye cringed at the video that they saw with a seethe. “Ooh, now that's embarrassing!” He said with a smile, finding it funny as him and Dazzle laughed from the video. “Let’s play that again.” He said while replaying the video again. “No!” Sunny cried out with her hooves on her face, seeing that everypony has seen this video and it is viral. And then Izzy starts singing behind them as she starts to sing. “My bananas! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! My bananas!” She got to Sunny’s face as she started vocalizing. “Sunny! Sunny! Break it down! My bananas!” She then started beatboxing down, waiting for Sunny to make a break down but didn’t come as Sunny is still upset. Sunset narrowed her eyes at Izzy before she got in front of Izzy as she covered her mouth from the beatboxing noise she made. “Izzy! Not helping and not having the time for this!” She cried out as Sunny is still sad and embarrassed about all this and Izzy is not helping making it better as she let go of Izzy as she sheepishly smiled at this as Sunset turned to the others. “And come on, guys. It's not THAT funny.” She retorted, defending Sunny. “I'm sure all of you had things happen that YOU were pretty embarrassed about, too." She said, telling them that they might have embarrassing moments they might have. “Besides, if what happened to Sunny happens to any of you, would you all move past it?” She asks them about that incident if they were in Sunny’s place. The rest of the Mane 6 thought what Sunset just and thought what she said. “Okay, good point. We would be a laughing stock too.” Zipp said in seeing Sunset’s point as the others nodded their heads in agreement. “This... is... the... worst!” Sunny cried out as she got in front of the TV, she changed the channels but it still showed the same ‘epic fail’ of Sunny and the banana  thing. “Ugh, I'm everywhere! I'm supposed to be the Alicorn defender of pony unity, and now I'm a joke!” She said as she started to tear up of finding herself a laughing stock. Sunset then comes to Sunny side as she gives her a comforting hug. “Don’t feel like that, Sunny. It’s just a video of an accident, it will get old eventually.” She assures the sad Earth Pony. “She’s right, these things happen all the time.” Hitch agrees with Sunset as he came next to Sunny while placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Trust me. In a couple of hours, they'll have forgotten all about it.” He assures Sunny that the ponies will forget about this in a couple hours. Sunny then gives the two ponies a smile, finding their words true. I mean, the video has to get old sooner or later, right? But then at night in the bedroom, Sunny is covered in her blanket as she watches from her phone that is still playing the ‘Epic Banana Fail’ as her video self screamed and going into the ‘My Bananas’ remix as it starts showing her crash pose, falling on the floor until banana pile fell on her. Sunny then taps the screen as it shows two ponies wearing a banana hat, a guy wearing a banana suit while he is laughing, and then shows Dazzle in the news again. “‘Sunny side down’, am I right?” Dazzle asks in a joke as she laughs before Sunny changes the screen again with a tap as Sunny is feeling even more humiliated. It then showed Posey on the screen. “‘My bananas!’” She called out as she pressed a button as rainbow lights appeared behind her as audience off-screen cheers. “Yeah!” Posey cheered as the lights and cheers continued. The screen then went back to the news as Skye appeared. “Not a "smoothie" operator?” He joked as he laughed. The screen changed to a Unicorn Filly who is holding a lunchbox with a batch of bananas, then to a Pegasus mare who gasps at the video she is watching, then back to the news where Dazzle appeared again. “Time for a banana ‘splat’!” Dazzle laughs again from the joke she made. Then the screen showed Queen Haven, who was laughing after seeing the video. “‘My bananas!’" She laughs out. “Slip of the ‘peel’?” She made a joke about it. Sunny couldn’t take it anymore as she groaned and flopped to her bed, clearly seeing that the banana thing won’t stop anytime soon as she is still a laughing stock. Sunset was watching Sunny when she went through her phone and clearly saw Sunny still embarrassed about the whole banana thing. She couldn’t stand seeing her like this as she thinks of something tomorrow that would make Sunny feel better. The next morning, Sunny was still lying in bed, still embarrassed and covered in her blanket to hide herself from the embarrassment as her friends were beside her bed. “Sunny, what about the smoothie stand?” Pipp questioned, seeing that Sunny is still here and needs to get to her smoothie job. “There's no way I'm going back out there.” Sunny answered from inside her blanket. “It's too embarrassing.” She added, not wanting to go out there so that ponies could laugh at her. “Sunny. Come on. You can’t just hide from this. It’s just a video.” Sunset tries to reason with Sunny and places a hoof over her on top of her blanket. “Don’t let it affect you.” She said to her, trying to get her out of hiding. “It really did in embarrassment, Sunset. I can’t go out there for ponies to laugh at me.” Sunny replied, still not coming out of the blanket. “Come on.” Hitch spoke out with a comforting smile, going to give his word of advice to Sunny. “ It's not the end of the world. Hey, nobody even remembers that time I tried to arrest a baby raccoonicorn.” He said to them as he remembers his embarrassing moment when he tries to arrest a baby raccoonicorn. Flashback. A baby raccoonicorn, who was holding some gems on him, was up in a tree on a branch. The branch tilted a bit when the baby raccoonicorn saw Hitch on the branch. “It's the end of the line, racoonicorn!” He cried out. “Time to—!” He tried to walk towards it, but the branch snapped. “Whoa! Aah!” Hitch cried out as he and the raccoonicorn fell, but then Hitch’s straps got caught in another branch, leaving him dangling from as the baby raccoonicorn landed on him with the gems in his paws as he hops up and down, making Hitch yelp in the process as the ponies around him saw this as Hitch sees that he embarrass himself in front of the crowd. End of Flashback. After Hitch had his flashback, the pegasus, Philly, came flying by through the window. “Hey, aren't you that ‘racooni-cop’?” He asks Hitch, who flinches at that old nickname. “Get out of here!” Hitch cried out as he covered the window with the sheets to block off Philly’s view. He turned to see Izzy, Pipp, Zipp and Sunset stifle laughing at him while Sunny is not laughing at the slightest. “Okay, bad example.” He said, seeing that his side doesn’t help Sunny the slightest. Sunny then groans from this as she flop back to her bed, seeing that Hitch’s idea that they might forget won’t happen if they still remember his embarrassing moment. “Just get back out there and act like you don't care.” Zipp suggested for Sunny to just ignore them, making them think she doesn’t care about them. “Or just wear a disguise and start a new life!” Izzy strangely suggested next to Sunset who is in front of Sunny’s face. “Worked for me!” She cried out, which startled Sunny and Sunset as she laughed and then she flopped back into the ground. Sunset then looked at where Izzy was as she thought about her. “You've done that before, right?” She asks Izzy, but does not respond but getting the hint that something happened to Izzy that causes her to wear a disguise to start a new life, another reason she didn’t have any friends before. “No!” Sunny answers the two ponies, a little freak from Izzy but ignores it. “It's hopeless!” She cried out as she covered her face. “Looks like I'll have to stay here forever!” She was muffled in the blanket with a sad tone. The rest of the Mane 6 gives Sunny a sympathetic look. Clearly seeing that their advice isn’t helping Sunny. Sunset really can’t stand seeing Sunny like this as she gives her a comforting pat on the head as she looks at the only pony who hasn't given her advice yet. “Pipp. Is there anything you like to say to help Sunny?” She asks the stylish/singer/livestreamer pegasus for anything to help Sunny, she’s a famous livestreamer so she must’ve made some embarrassing moments in her time. Pipp sees where Sunset is going with this as she turns to the others. “Okay, ponies, leave this one to me and Sunset.” She said to her friends as she motioned them out the room while leaving just her and Sunset with Sunny. She comes close to Sunny’s bed as she grabs the blanket. “Sunny.” She took Sunny’s blanket off, but then she and Sunset saw Sunny curled up with a sad face, as well as her bed hair as well as they yelped from the sight.  “Do you get the same bed hair no matter how you sleep, Sunny?” Sunset questioned Sunny with a surprise look, she saw her bed hair often but not that often since Sunny woke up with her mane okay sometimes. “Yes.” Sunny whimpered in response, her sad expression didn’t change the slightest. “As I was saying.” Pipp continues, getting back to the topic as she brings out her phone. “Watch this.” She said as she clicks on her phone, giving it to Sunny as Sunset scoot closer to see as well as the two ponies watching some of Pipp’s old videos. The first video shows Pipp, along with Rocky and Jazz, on the Mane Melody stage as they sing their moto song. “Try something new, take a chance, just—” Pipp started, but then she lost her balance. “Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!” She cried out as she fell off the stage and into the ground. The next video shows Pipp eating spaghetti, but as she slup some of the noodles, the whole spaghetti smack on her face as it fell to the floor, leaving Pipp with some sauce on her face with a look at this outcome as she looks around for anypony who saw it before she put on her sunglasses to avoid eye-contacts. The next one shows Pipp vocalizing herself, but then her voice cracks as she messes up. “Pipp. What are we seeing?” Sunset asks, finding the videos of Pipp funny but wanting to know what they are seeing. “The video was called ‘Princess Pipp's Top Ten Most Epic Fails’.” Pipp answered Sunset’s questions while explaining it to the two ponies. “It has…” She starts before she clears her throat as she continues. “...thirteen billion views.” She pointed out while leaning on Sunny’s bed with a smile. Sunny and Sunset then look back at Pipp’s phone as the video continues. The next one shows Pipp in a royal garment as she shows off, but then hears a fabric tear as she looks at the source as she got one of her legs stuck in the robe. “Hmm?” She questioned herself as she lost her balance and then started screaming as the head garment blocked her eyesights and lost her balance as she fell to the screen. Sunny and Sunset laugh at the video, finding it funny as Pipp proves her point. “You see?” Pipp said to Sunny while placing a hoof on Sunny’s shoulder. “You've got to own your fails. If you play this right, they could remember for months.” She said, but that was a poor choice of words as Sunny groans at Pipp’s words. Sunset then looks at Pipp with a glare. “Not helping, Pipp.” She pointed out at what Pipp just said. Pipp then realizes what she said as she chuckled nervously. “Ahah. Sorry.” She apologizes to Sunny, clearly seeing her bad choice of words. Sunset then hopped on Sunny’s bed and placed a hoof on her shoulder for comfort. “Look, Sunny, even the best of us have our ‘epic fail’ moments. I can recall when my human world friends and I were all recalling some of OUR most embarrassing moments, actually grateful that we WEREN'T celebrities.” She pointed out with a chuckle, remembering the times when she and the Rainbooms have embarrassing moments in her time, like the time with Applejack suggestion a picture for the Harvest Festival, with the Rainbooms wearing the holiday costumes of the tradition as fruits and vegetables, which made them laughingstocks of CHS, even if Applejack told them they shouldn’t have to, but they got payback for making her wear an apple costume as they took the picture. “And I'm sure Twilight and her friends very likely had things happen to them that they were pretty embarrassed about.” She added, stating that maybe Twilight and the others must’ve had their embarrassing moments from time to time, but couldn’t tell since she wasn’t there but get that they have embarrassing moments in their times. “The trick is to learn to laugh along with them - you know, as long as nobody got seriously hurt, which they didn't in this case." She gives some words of wisdom to Sunny that she needs to know that someponies can laugh but she needs to know to laugh with them, it’s just a laugh and nopony got hurt for it. Sunny thought of what Sunset said as she took her words by heart. Sure the ponies are laughing at her but she should just ignore it. Even though she finds herself funny in those videos, even though it’s embarrassing, it could happen to anypony. “I guess you’re right, Sunset. You really know how to handle these things.” She said to her mentor/sister figure, finding her words fair as she smiled at her. “I learned from experience.” Sunset said with a smile to Sunny, having experienced this kind of thing before, more-so-often from time to time.   Pipp then spokke next as she gave another piece of advice. “Look, Sunny. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when life gives you bananas…” She said, while waiting what Sunny thought of this. Sunny then spoke after a moment of thinking. “...make a banana smoothie?” She said in confusion, since that line for bananas had never been said before. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure nopony has ever said that about bananas.” Sunset added, never hearing that motto before. Pipp then thought of what Sunny just said about a banana smoothie as she gave a deep gasp. “That's it!” She cried out, having an idea to make Sunny feel better and not make ponies laugh at her again. “Leave this to me you two!” She said to both Sunny and Sunset, having a plan to end the laughingstock to Sunny to make it into something that doesn’t embarrass her anymore. In Maretime Bay, the ‘My Bananas’ remix plays in the speakers in both sides of Sunny’s smoothie stand as the ponies around are carrying banana balloons, wearing banana hats, wearing banana suits, the Pegasi family from yesterday taking a picture while mimicking Sunny’s face when she tripped while wearing banana hats, Rufus selling banana blushies, some having unicorn horns on them, as the sells go on. Clearly Pipp’s idea was to use Sunny’s epic fail to start a festival and a way to help Sunny not get laughed at again. Unknowingly to them, Sunny went through the crowd in a disguise, wearing a fake mustache, glasses, and a hat with an ‘S’ on it as Sunset is next to her as she kept a low profile and typing to act like Sunny isn’t around as they walk past the crowd, heading to the smoothie stand as quickly to follow Pipp’s plan while Sunset kept Sunny covered from revealing herself to the crowd to be laughed again as they trotted to the stand. Pipp then flew around the stand as she amplified her voice through the microphone as she spoke to the other ponies. “You know her from the videos! You know her from the memes! You know her from the funky dance remix!” She said closer to the crowds with a little dance before backing up. “And if you like ‘My Bananas’...” She said to the crowds. “‘My Bananas’!” The ponies of the crowd cheered, clearly saying yes to Pipp that they liked the video. Pipp continues through her microphone. “...then you'll looooove her Oopsy-Doopsy Banana Smoothie!” She said while striking poses after each word of the smoothie title. “Everypony, put your hooves together for... Sunny!” She pointed out to Sunny walking through the crowd, thinking it wouldn’t work with Sunset beside her. After Pipp announced Sunny’s name, she stopped and looked back as she took off her disguise, giving a nervous smile to the crowd with Sunset chuckling nervously as they walked back to the smoothie stand. But what surprises them is that instead of a laugh to Sunny, Seashell popp up with a  gasp “Sunny! Sign my banana!” She cried out while holding a banana plushie for Sunny to sign. “I want eighteen smoothies!” Dahlia cried out to Sunny as well so that she could be first. Sunny and Sunset laugh at this while Sunset is outside to keep the ponies back and stay in line to wait their turn, seeing that the laughing stock is now over as now ponies see Sunny famous. “Well, Sunny. Your laughing stock problem is now over and done with. And now you have become famous with that epic fail of yours.” Sunset commented with a smile. “Yeah. I guess this wasn't such a disaster after all.” Sunny admittedly said, agreeing with Sunset as Pipp came into the stand as Sunny placed a banana in the blender to make the banana smoothie. “Thanks, Pipp.” She thanked Pipp for helping her make this epic fail better. “Of course. Anything to help.” Pipp said with a smile to Sunny, willing to do anything to help a friend in need. Sunny then turned to Sunset with a smile. “And thanks for being there when I feel embarrassed, Sunset. And thanks for the word of advice on how to deal with these kinds of things.” She thanked the alicorn for being there and giving some words of wisdom on what to do in these situations. “What can I say? I experience it and helping a pony and a friend of mine is my thing and being there for others in need.” Sunset commented with a smile, glad to help Sunny out. But then the blender started to get a little too fast as the three ponies looked at it. It blend the banana so much that it pop open and splat the banana juice on Sunny and Pipp faces as the crowd of ponies gasps at this and brought out their phones as they took pictures of this moment as Sunny, Sunset and Pipp looked at each other as the three ponies laugh at this outcome. Finding it funny as well. “You see. It’s funny, because that was unexpected.” Sunset commented as she walked to the door of the stand. “Here, let me help you two with the smoothiiiiiiiieeeessss!” She cried out as she slipped on a banana peel, a pony drop during the festivities, and fell on her back as Sunny, Pipp and the crowd looked at her in surprise. “Sweet Celestia. That joke is old. But classic.” She commented with a laugh as it caused the crowd, Sunny and Pipp to laugh as well. Seeing it is funny since it’s a classic as well. End of Chapter 21. > Chapter 22: Zipp's Yes Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22: Zipp’s Yes Day In the Maretime Bay smoothie stand, Hitch, Izzy and Pipp are gulping down on their smoothies at a fast-paste. “Go! Go! Go! Go!” Sunny and Sunset cheered out in encouragement as Sunny holds a timer stop-watch, meaning that the group are having a smoothie-slurping contest to see who gets to finish their smoothies first while Sunny and Sunset times their records. “Aaannnddd…” Sunset and Sunny both said while keeping their eyes on the watch in excitement. At that moment, Pipp finished her smoothie fast as she slammed it on the counter. “Totally done!” She called out, with the hiccups to go with it. “Again!” She added with a smile, while also stating that she has won again. Sunny stops the watch as he checks the time record. “7.1 seconds.” She said to her friends. “It’s a new gulpathon record, Pipp.” She told Pipp with a smile. “You win again in the smoothie gulping contest, Pipp.” Sunset added as she gave another score record point to Pipp. Pipp smiled at her record as she turned to the others. Hitch finished his smoothie as he took a breath after slurping the cold smoothie while Izzy hadn't finished her smoothie yet. Izzy looks at what’s left of her smoothie, not wanting to feel left out, she gives a smirk and looks around if her friends are paying attention, while they aren’t she tosses the smoothie content out of the cup with a toss. “Done!” She called out while tossing the smoothie. “Hey!” Posey’s voice can be heard behind them. “Hooo! I drank that whole smoothie so fast!” Izzy lied with a smile and sparkle in her eyes, not wanting to feel left out. “Fastest I’ve ever done. Wow.” She finished with a smile. “Uh-hum” Posey cleared her throat as she tapped Izzy on her shoulder, making the unicorn turn and saw Posey next to her, with an angry look and some smoothie that Izzy accidentally tossed at her. “Oh. Hi, Posey.” Izzy greeted with a smile, totally oblivious to knowing that Posey is a little ticked off from Izzy getting smoothies on her. “Loving the new do. Purple highlights? Funky!” She cheered to Posey, thinking the smoothie is a new dew. Posey got even madder as her head became red with gritted teeth. “Unbelievable!” She snapped as she walked away in anger, really don’t like how she’s been going through, mostly Izzy from time to time. The five ponies watched her go as they were shocked by her outburst. “Can’t say she deserves it. But wow, she can be ticked off when she’s mad. Madder than me from time to time.” Sunset commented, while seeing Posey ticked off can be shocking, even by her standards when she gets mad herself, but can’t say Posey  deserves it for being rude to ponies from time to time. And then Pipp gasps as she realizes a feeling she starts to feel. “Uh-oh! I knew it.” She said while holding her head, as it started to turn blue. “Here it comes.” She said while clutching her head. “Ah! Can’t stop it now!” Hitch said, while clutching his head as it turned blue as well. “Brain freeze!” Hitch and Pipp cried out, apparently, drinking their smoothies too fast has given them an after-effect called brain freeze. “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!” Pipp cried out while Hitch moaned in pain from his brain freeze as they will have to endure it until it goes away. Izzy is basically the only pony, aside Sunset and Sunny, who doesn’t have a brain freeze since she didn’t drink all her smoothie that fast. But Izzy doesn’t want to be left out as she plays along as she gasps. “Oh, no! I've also got the... the freeze!” She fakely cried out, pretending to have a brain freeze. “Oh! Ooh, it burns! I mean, uh, so cold!” She said while fakely clutching her head. Sunset sees Izzy’s play but lets it slide as she shakes her head in amusement. “That’s what happens when you drink too many smoothie ponies.” She said with a chuckle as Sunny chuckled along with her, it’s a funny sight alright. Up in the sky, Zipp is flying by, and then she sees Pipp, Izzy and Hitch groaning in pain from the brain freeze they are having. “Oh, no!” Zipp grows concerned as she flies down in front of the stand as Sunny is cleaning a smoothie cup while Sunset just watches on. “What happened? Are they okay?” She asks the two ponies, wanting to know what is going on. “Oh, it's just a bit of a brain freeze. It'll be over any second.” Sunny answers Zipp’s question while watching the three ponies having their brain freeze breakdown, while Izzy just fakes it so she doesn’t feel left out. “We’re playing a contest on who gulps down their smoothie first as fast as they can, Zipp.” Sunset added with a smile, while also holding the score board. “And apparently, Pipp is on the lead to two to none. Two rounds in a row.” She points to the two points that Pipp made while Hitch’s and Izzy have none. Sunny and Sunset came out of the stand while holding two smoothies that each of them are holding. “And Gulp-a-thon round three is up next, and there's a smoothie with your name on it, Zipp.” Sunny answered while holding a green smoothie to Zipp, who’s smiling at the two ponies. “What do you say?” She asks if Zipp wants to join in on the contest. “Yeah... Tempting, but no, thanks.” Zipp politely answered, not feeling like doing that contest as she pushed the smoothie back a bit. “I'm good. Working on some Pega-dives. Check this one out.” She said to them as she flew to the air, and then did a dive bomb to her friends. The others screamed as they moved out of the way, but Sunny and Sunset dropped the smoothies they were carrying as they flew to the air, and then landed on Posey, who was sniffing a flower as the four smoothies splash on her. Posey’s face then turned red again as she got angry again. “You have got to be KIDDING ME!!!” She snapped, really getting ticked off and it was the second time she got splashed by smoothies in one day. At the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy, Sunny, Sunset and Pipp are making something as Pipp sings the Pony Hop song while holding a spoon she is using as a microphone while moving around in the kitchen. (Pipp) Pony-pony, do the pony-ony-ony Pony-pony, do the pony-ony-ony Zipp comes walking by as she sees her friends in the kitchen as she also sees Pipp singing as she then moves closer to Zipp as she swings her mane around. Pick up your hooves and slide to the right Shake your mane now side-to-side Pipp then holds up the spoon closer to Zipp, wanting her to give it a try. “Come on, Zippy! You love this song!” She cheered to her sister to try it out, since Pony Hop is her favorite song. “No, thanks. I'm good.” Zipp answered as she flew out of the Brighthouse as the doors closed. The four ponies watch where Zipp flew off as Pipp scoffs at this outcome as Izzy is holding a cookie in her mouth. “Okay. That was something.” Sunset commented, seeing how Zipp is declining their activities since she’s not interested. A little bit later, Zipp headed to the bead as she landed on the sand with a thud. She looked around to see if her friends were here but she saw nopony. “That's weird. They said they'd be here.” Zipp said to herself, wondering where her friends were. And then from out of nowhere, Sunny, Sunset, Hitch and Pipp busted out from under the sand, which startled Zipp from the sudden appearance. “Surprise!” The four ponies called out to the Pegasus. “Hey!” Zipp called out in surprise after a startle. “ What are you ponies—?” She didn’t get to finish as she screamed again when Izzy popped up from behind her. “Surpri—!” Izzy tried to cheer out but got sand on her mouth as she began to cough while Zipp gave an unamused expression, knowing that Izzy can mess up an entrance, even her own, as the others just watch on with a smile. “Okay, Zipp, it's... your turn.” Izzy manages to say through her coughs as Zipp responds by flying back into the sky, making a pile of sand that the others got onto when she flew. Izzy spit the rest of the sand out as she looked up. “Don't you wanna be a seapony?” She asks Zipp of the game they would do and wants her to join in on the fun. “No, thanks. I'm good.” Zipp answered with a forgiving smile for burying them back into the sand as she flew off. Pipp got her head off from the sand as she spits it out of her mouth as she gives an annoying look. “Ugh! That's it! We have to do something! All she ever says is ‘no’!” She said to them as she reminded them of the times when they ask Zipp to join in on the fun, she said no. Flashbacks. A flashback where Izzy is holding a bowl of rainbow bubbles to Zipp, wanting to see if she wants to try it out. “Nah!” Zipp answered. And other flashbacks to when Zipp is reading a magazine. “Nope!” She answered without taking her eyes off the magazine. “Uh-uh!” Zipp answered while wearing her Z-Goggles. “Neigh-way!” Zipp answered. End of Flashbacks. “Yeah. Zipp really needs to lighten up.” Sunset agreed, seeing Pipp’s point. “We gotta get Zipp to join us, because seriously, she can’t keep declining the offers all the time.” She added, while figuring out a way to get Zipp to join in on the fun, she may be a rebellious princess but not that rebellious, she usually has fun with her friends, just not that much, but way too often to decline. “It is as if the things we say can be the exact opposite of when we invited her to join in.” She finished. “Hmmm…” Pipp thinks of a way to get her sister to join them on their fun, while also processing what Sunset said, that is when an idea pops into her head. “Aha!” She called out, having a plan to get Zipp to join them. At Mane Melody, the Mane 6, san Zipp, are listening to Pipp’s plan to get her sister to join in on their fun time as they look at her phone.  “This is exactly what she needs…” Pipp starts, and then the door opens as Zipp walks in, causing Pipp to say something that will make their plan work. “...but Zipp'd neeeeever do anything like this!” She called out, playing an act to trick Zipp to join. “I'd never do what?” Zipp asks, confused on what Pipp means. Pipp chuckled as the rest of their friends turned to Zipp. “Oh, hey, Zipp.” She greeted as she walked to her sister. “Didn't see ya there. We were just watching a bunch of ‘Yes Day’ clips. Have you heard of 'em?” She asks, while playing the act to trick her sister. “You'd hate it.” Sunny added to Zipp, playing along as well. “You have to say ‘yes’ to anything.” She said, which caused Hitch, Sunset, and Pipp to laugh as Zipp looked around in confusion. “Can you imagine?” She asked them. “Anything you want for a whole day?” Pipp added. “It would be a pain. Saying ‘yes’ all day, who would last that long.” Sunset said with a smirk. Izzy then spoke with a smile. “Hey, I bet Zipp could—” She was cut off when her friends looked at her with Sunny shaking her head, Hitch waving his hoof over his neck, Pipp is shushing Izzy with a look, and Sunset waving her hoof to tell Izzy to not break this plan and to play along. Izzy gasps as she realizes she nearly screwed up the plan as she plays the act. “...never do it! No way, missy! No ‘Yes Days’ in your future! Only ‘No Days’ for you for the rest of your neigh-saying life!” She cried out, going a bit far to play along. The girls, san Zipp, looked at Izzy in shock, didn’t realize she had it in her and hoped Zipp bought it. Speaking of Zipp, said pegasus walked closer to Izzy while giving her a tense look as Izzy began to sweat and swallow a gulp. But then what shocked them more is what Zipp just said. “I could do a ‘Yes Day’. Easy.” Zipp said with a confident smile. This got the rest of the Mane 6 to laugh, seeing their plan is working, they have to keep going with a laugh. “No way!” Hitch called out. “I doubt you will try to say ‘yes’ for a whole day, Zipp!” Sunset commented with a smirk, putting the pressure on as they are near their goal. “Not in a million moons!” Izzy finished, keeping the pressure on. “I totally could say ‘yes’ for a whole day! I'll prove it!” Zipp protested with her friends, confident to say ‘yes’ for a whole day. Pipp’s eyes sparkled with a wide smile, seeing that her plan was working as she came closer to her sister. “Re-he-heally? Zipp Storm, are you saying ‘yes’ to a ‘Yes Day’?” She challenges her sister as their plan is working as she puts a hoof over Zipp’s neck as she gives a smirk to her sister. Zipp darted her eyes around before answering Pipp’s question. “...Yes?” She answered uncertainty, the rest of the Mane 6 smirked or smiled at this, seeing their plan work to get Zipp to join in.  A little bit later, Pipp then started doing Zipp’s mane in her salon as she used her special stylish tools to do Zipp’s mane. A little bit later of Pipp’s special talent of stylish, she put a mirror in front of Zipp once she is done giving Zipp a new look that is her mane as a rainbow spiky-style mane with a lighten bolt makeover on her face. Zipp looked surprised before giving a smile to her sister, loving the new look as Pipp smiled back as the two sisters tapped their hooves together. As Zipp is admiring her new look, Izzy came by and grabs Zipp, catching said pegasus by surprise as they made it out of the salon with something Izzy got plan for Zipp. A little bit later, Izzy and Zipp are on Izzy’s motorcycle while wearing helmets as said unicorn drove in high speed as Zipp screams from the speed Izzy is going, sure she’s fast in the air but on the ground, not the same. Izzy came to a stop as Zipp jumped off the motorcycle, looking dizzy from the speed Izzy went to as she groaned a bit before taking off her helmet and shaking the dizziness out of her. “Whoo!” Izzy cheered as Zipp turned and saw Izzy on a homemade high diveboard next to a pool filled with glitter. Izzy jumps on the diveboard as she flips in the air. “Glitterball!” She cheered before she dived into the glitter pool as she splash into the pool, glitter splashing out in the process. Zipp looked on as it happened as she smiled in awe at this as she came to the high dive board as she looked down at the pool, seeing Izzy swimming around the glitter pool as the unicorn looked at her friend. “What do you say, Zipperoonie? The glitter's warm.” Izzy said to Zipp, encouraging her to join her in the glitter pile. Zipp looked at Izzy for a moment before giving off a smile, and wanting to make things more exciting, Zipp flew to the air, and then with a flip, she let gravity take over as she dived to the glitter pool. “Yeaaaah!” She cheered as she splash into the pool as glitter splashed around. And then sometime later, it was Sunset’s turn to have fun with Zipp, and this one is Zipp’s most favorite. “Yahoo!” Sunset cried out as she flew to the sky, Zipp coming up behind her as they flew through the clouds. Sunset turned to Zipp as she smirked at her. “C’mon, Zipp! You’re going to let an ‘old’ mare beat you!?” She challenged Zipp, meaning that they are having a race to see who is the fastest. Zipp scoff with a smirk. “As if! I’m not gonna let somepony beat me!” She called out as she picked up the speed as got ahead of Sunset. Sunset gives a chuckle of Zipp’s enthusiasm. “Hey! You speedy Pegasus!” She called out as she flew ahead to catch up to her. Hitch is at the ground holding a finish flag as he waves it at the two ponies racing in the air. Zipp came flying by as her speed wind bumped Hitch into the ground. Zipp did a loopy-loop in the air while Sunset caught up. “I win!” Zipp cheered while Sunset smiled at Zipp finally having fun with her friends, and racing is Zipp’s specialty, which is why Sunset challenged her to it.   A little bit later, the mane 6 are at the smoothie stand as Sunny spoke to her five friends in front of her, Sunset wanted to gulp some smoothie down this time as she sat at the other end of the stand with the others, joining the contest.  “Okay, ponies. Time for the Giga Gulp!” Sunny announced while holding two big giga cups filled with smoothies as she gave five of them to her friends. Zipp caught her giga smoothie as she looked at Sunny with a smile as Sunny nodded her head as the others looked at her with a smile. “Aw, yeah!” Zipp said to them which caused the Sunset, Hitch, Izzy, and Pipp to cheer at this. “Alright, ponies. Time to get gulping!” Sunset called out as she gulped on her smoothie first, the rest of the Mane 6, sans Sunny, followed along as they gulped their giga smoothies. Sunset was half-way there, but stopped as her head turned blue. “Aaahhhh! Brain freeze!” Sunset cried out while clutching her head, feeling the cold brain freeze on her head from the amount of smoothie she drank. Zipp, however, finished her smoothie first, and no brain freeze to go with it. “Yeah!” She cheered as she won the round. “Uh-huh!” Zipp cheered as she did another fun thing “Uh-huh!” She cheered again. “Aw, yeah!” Zipp called out, having the time of her life with her friends with sparkles in her eyes. And then at the point of sunset, Zipp is force smiling a bit, as it turns out she is being a seapony from the sand tail her friends made, trying to keep herself from laughing from the amount of sand and pats her friends use to make the tail, finding it ticklish as Izzy patted the tail with a shovel. “You know, there are such a things of seaponies. Like the Hippogriffs, Twilight once told me how they are part pony, part griffon, and found a jewel to transform into sea-base creatures in the water.” Sunset said, while remembering how Twilight told her about the Hippogriffs and their origins when the Storm King invaded their home before heading to Equestria, while saying how they became allies in the turn, after Twilight apologized to Queen Novo for trying to steal the gem to try and save Equestria from the Storm King. “Really? Wow. That had to be something.” Zipp commented with a smile, finding it amazing that things like seaponies exist during the time of the Guardians of Friendship. “Oh it is. Trust me. I read about them through my dad’s notes.” Sunny commented, while remembering how her dad told her stories of certain creatures in Equestria’s past, Hippogriff we’re one of them. Pipp then brought her phone out in front of her friends with a smile, the others saw this as they huddled together. “Say ‘Yes Day’!” Pipp announced as they took their group picture together. “And... post!” Pipp said to herself as she clicked her phone, posting the picture into the web as she turned to her sister. “Okay, Zipp. Just one last thing.” She said to her sister as she dragged in her big bass speaker as it went off as the ponies covered their ears, except Izzy who was hopping to the music. (Pipp: In Speakers) Come on, ponies Show me what you got I said show me what you got Here we go now, here we go The sound from the speaker was so loud, it dissolved Zipp’s sand sea tail as it crumbled. Zipp looked up at her sister, who was holding a microphone with a smile, as Pipp then turned and saw the sun set, realizing that’s it’s too late to get Zipp to sing the song. “There's no more time! Ugh, ponyfeathers! But you did it, Zipp! How do you feel?” She asks her sister with a smile, wondering how Zipp felt after this whole thing. “Honestly, I thought it was going to be the worst day ever.” Zipp said as she thought this would go bad, but then smiled as she now found it great. “But actually, I've... well... I've had so much fun! I should say ‘yes’ more often!” She said, finding this so fun that she would do this more often other than decline the offer, not wanting to miss out on fun activities with her friends again. The rest of the Mane 6 cheered at Zipp’s words, finding their plan to get her to have fun completed. “Yay, Zipp!” Sunny announced through the cheering. “Welcome to ‘Team Yes’!” She added with a smile. “Join us more often, and you’ll have more fun to go along with it.” Sunset finished with a smile, knowing that they finally got Zipp a taste of fun while finally convincing her to join them whenever they have plans to have fun together. “Hand it over, sis.” Zipp said to her sister while sticking out her hoof, Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she gave her microphone to her sister as Zipp sighs. “I really do love this song!” She said with a smile with a sparkle in her eyes as she bobbed her head to the music before singing through the microphone. (Pipp’s voice through the microphone: Zipp is now signing while mimicking Pipp’s voice with the microphone) It's the pony hip hop! Do the pony-ony-ony! As Zipp sings, the rest of the Mane 6 are dancing to the music as they now got Zipp to have  a taste of fun while also giving her the confidence she needs to have it from time to time as they dance to the song. End of Chapter 22. > Chapter 23: Another Pony's Trash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23: Another Pony’s Trash Sunny opened the window where a bird was sitting, but once Sunny opened the window, the bird flew away as Sunny sighed in relaxation. “Another beautiful day in…Agh!” Sunny was startled when a piece of newspaper flew right into her face as she turned away from the window as she tries to get the newspaper off while grunting effortly as her friends, who are having breakfast, stifled their laughter, finding it funny that Sunny tries to get the newspaper off, once Sunny got it off, she sighs in relief before she reads the article on the paper. “‘Maretime Bay Trash Heap of Equestria?’ Huh? ‘Filling Visiting Numbers Caused Chaos?’” Sunny read in disbelief that the article said something about Maretime Bay as a trash heap. “What? Let me see that.” Sunset asks as she walks in front of Sunny as she grabs the newspaper and sees the article for herself. “Okay. That’s just crazy and rude to say that to Maretime Bay.” She said, finding the article ridiculous as she crumbled it up and tossed it away. “Yeah. Pttf, can any of you guys believe this?” Sunny asks the others while agreeing with Sunset with a snort. “As if Maretime Bay has a trash problem.” She added, thinking Maretime Bay doesn’t have a trash problem. The others however, knew this as they realized Sunny and Sunset didn’t hear about this yet. Pipp is the first to speak as she holds out her phone. “Um. Are you two kidding? It’s like all over ‘Clip-Trot’.” She pointed out as she showed the two ponies the Clip-Trot video where the bunnies are dancing on the beach, but then a wave hits them as the bunnies are washed up from the ocean with some trash on them that was washed up from the ocean. Hitch came in front of Sunny and Sunset as he spoke next. “And it’s not just trash. I’ve been getting alot of complaints on how busy Maretime Bay is now.” He pointed out to the board of complaints behind Sunny and Sunset as the two ponies turned and saw what Hitch meant. “They are mostly from Posey, but still.” He added, while seeing most of the notes complaints from Posey, clearly seeing that she still complained about other ponies and other things.  “Unicorns are gasping too much at the views!” Posey’s voice was heard while each note saids it all. “Pegasus wings created unwanted breezes! Unicorn smell!” After the smell part of a note, Posey poked her head through the window outside while giving an irritated look. “And another thing….Aahhh!” She was cut off when a surprising magic blast hit her, pushing her out of the window as Sunset came in front of it, giving an annoying look at the irritated Earth Pony Mare. “Nopony asked you, Posey!” Sunset yelled out as she can’t deal with Posey’s annoying attitude about everything she doesn’t like or complain about how she thinks of other ponies right now. “And those complaints are the weak sauce of your selfish attitude then helping other ponies! So stay out of this conversation!” She called out as she shut the window, shutting Posey out. “Hey!” Posey calls out, and then groans as she's been shut out of this conversation, but also a little scared at Sunset’s outburst, clearly forgetting how that alicorn is when she’s angry, so she decided to let it go for now and walk away from the Brighthouse. “Pony feathers, that mare is really spoiled.” Sunset commented as she rubs her head in frustration at Posey only in need of her ways over how other ponies feel. Sunset turned to the others, who were giving Sunset a strange look. “What?” She asks the others why they are looking at her like that. While the others are silent, Zipp blinks twice before speaking. “Was that really necessary, Sunset?” She asks if it was really a good idea to magic blast Posey out of here. “Hey. Posey just keep complaining over the smallest changes and little things about other ponies and the changes of Equestria, like what happened in Maretime Bay Day, her popping up out of nowhere to voice her complaints in front of us while we are having a conversation is a new low and annoying, even for her, somepony has to do it.” Sunset pointed out that the way Posey has been acting lately with the return of magic, ponies reunited and her voicing her complaints to her and her friends, is already annoying as it needs to be with that mare. “And besides, this is a private conversation for us six only, and Posey shouldn’t be involved in this, even if she complains about the simplest things.” She finished while pointing out that Posey shouldn’t get in between their conversations all she wants. The others thought of what Sunset said about Posey, after a moment, they saw her point as they mumbled in agreement. “Okay, we see your point.” Hitch answered, seeing Sunset’s point in this. Sunny then spoke out next. “Posey aside. Oh pony boloney, these news ponies always make things worse than they are.” She assured the others, stating that this must be what the news ponies are saying to make things worse. “I’m sure it’s just a big fuss over nothing.” She finished as she turned and walked out to go to her smoothie job. Hitch raised his hoof to stop Sunny, but she already walked out as he lowered it. Sunset turned to Hitch with a concerned look. “I’m gonna guess and say that she will be proven wrong, right?” Sunset asks Hitch, seeing that this might not go well once Sunny finds out she’s wrong. “Yep.” Hitch answered, seeing that Sunny will just have to see it to believe it. Sunset sighs as she walks ahead to catch up to Sunny. “I better go catch up to her, I gotta see this for myself as well.” She pointed out, going to follow Sunny so that she can be there just in case and to see what Hitch and the others said on how bad Maretime Bay is with all those trash. Later on in the streets of Maretime Bay, Sunny and Sunset, while dragging smoothie carts, look at the street they are in in total shock, Sunny has her right eye twitch at this sight while Sunset’s jaw drops at this. What they are seeing is Maretime Bay completely covered in trash while ponies around are looking at their phones for selfies, Pegasi are flying around holding their phones at top speed, and Earth Ponies dragging rickshaws with other ponies riding on them are trotting around. Sunny and Sunset walk by as they look around to see a raccoonicorn digging in a pile of trash in a recycling bin, which is kinda disturbing. Next, they saw Rufus trying to clean up the litter in the street, but a pony tossed a crumpled up paper on the other crumpled up papers, which resulted in the rest of them falling to the floor, which made Rufus groan in frustration at this. Sunny and Sunset watch around as they look around while other ponies are taking selfies on their phones. Sunny spoke out with a nervous tone as she turned to Sunset with a nervous smile. “See! Everything’s… whoa!” She got startled as a couple of fillies ran past the two ponies as Sunny finished. “Fine!” She said, while looking at her hoof to see that a piece of trash was on her hoof as she shook it off. “Does this look fine to you, Sunny?” Sunset questioned with a raised eyebrow at Sunny, seeing that this is not fine. “It gotta be.” Sunny said, and then looked at her other hoof to see it got some trash on it as well. “Huh?” She asks herself, and then duck when a newspaper was about to hit her when a Pegasus flew by, creating a breeze. “Hey!” She cried out, but then another Pegasus flew by and the breeze hit another newspaper on Sunny’s head that surprised her. Sunny got the newspaper off her face as she has an unmuse look on her face. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, stating that’s twice in one day a newspaper hit her in the face. Sunset chuckled. “Sorry, Sunny. But the truth gotta smack you in the face sometimes.” She pointed out, stating that it is true that the truth has to hit Sunny about the trash situation in Maretime Bay. An Earth Pony mare came right in front of them, holding a selfie stick with a cart full of them behind her. “Selfie sticks! Get your selfie stick!” She announced right in front of them. Sunset and Sunny were about to turn away from this but another mare came right in front of them with a megaphone in her hoof. “Megaphones! Get your megaphones!” She called out through the megaphone, which caused Sunny and Sunset to cringed at the loud noise as they backed away from this. Sunset and Sunny came near the edge where the view of the ocean is, but then saw a stallion going fast while dragging a rickshaw coming at them. Sunny and Sunset move out of the way as it passes by them, but then ponies around them are holding their own selfie sticks that are blocking their way as the two ponies run off, trying to get away from this. And then a Unicorn colt was holding his selfie stick, but didn’t notice that an Earth Pony mare with another in the rickshaw was coming up really fast. Sunny and Sunset gasp as they see the colt about to get hit. Thinking fast, Sunny jumps in and grabs the colt before the cart hits him as it passes by, completely oblivious of who that pony who is dragging the rickshaws about to hit as Sunny landed on her hooves after the roll as she sighs in relief. Sunset came next to her after the road was clear to go through. “Is he alright, Sunny?” Sunset asks in concern. “I think so.” Sunny answered while lifting the colt up to check and see, the boy laughed, clearly okay and thinking that was fun, as a newspaper hit him in the face. Sunset and Sunny look for a second before turning to each other as Sunset spoke. “You were saying?” She asks Sunny about her previous question about Maretime Bay being fine. Sunny chuckled sheepishly as she spoke. “Okay. We may have a problem.” She said while clearly seeing that Sunset and others are right about Maretime Bay having a problem as Sunset nodded her head in agreement. A little bit later, Sunny and Sunset returned to their friends back in the Crystal Brighthouse to tell them of the problem in Maretime Bay. “Ponies. You were right.” Sunny said to her friends, admitting that they were right about Maretime Bay having a problem. “Maretime Bay is a trash heap!” She called out about the mess Maretime Bay has. Zipp leaned to Pipp as she whispered to her sister. “I’ve seen actual trash heaps that are much cleaner.” She whispered, stating that Maretime Bay is worse than an actual trash heap. Sunset shoots a tiny blast between them, which startled the two as she gives them an un-amuse expression. “We heard that, Zipp. Don’t make a bad joke about Maretime Bay, this is Sunny’s and Hitch’s hometown, so don’t push it.” She lectured Zipp, as said Pegasus chuckled sheepishly. Sunny brought them back to the topic at hand. “Well, I’m not gonna sit around and watch our town turn into a complete disaster!” She calls out while pacing back-in-forth over that her hometown is a mess and might turn into a complete disaster if not taken care of, and Sunny takes that personal as she faces the others. “It’s time to take out the trash.” Sunny said with a dramatic smile to the others, as it was time to clean up Maretime Bay. Izzy groans as Hitch reads his sheriff book behind her. “Oh. But I took out the trash this morning.” She complained, not getting what Sunny meant. Sunny came close to Izzy while giving her a bored expression. “Not literally, Izzy.” She clarified what she meant. “Oh! Yeah. That makes a lot more sense.” Izzy answered, not getting what Sunny meant, it was a metaphor of what Sunny meant to clean up Maretime Bay. Sunset then spoke up to the group. “Alright, ponies. Let’s go and clean up the town. And yes Hitch, we are picking up the litters.” She pointed out to the sheriff, while stating that they will clean up the town and something Hitch agrees all too well since the trash in Maretime Bay is a nightmare compared to him as Hitch smiled at this. “So let’s get started.” Sunset called out as she and the others walked out of the Brighthouse to get started on cleaning up Maretime Bay. Sometime later, the Mane 6 are walking past the ponies in Maretime Bay, while wearing sunglasses, Izzy wearing her goggles, and a pair of green hats that have each of a symbol of a mop and a broom, with two of Hitch’s animal crew with them as the bird holds a broom with McSnips next to Pipp as the ponies around them watches them with awed expression, finding their looks great. The Mane 6 stops walking as Pipp holds out her phone to face Sunny and Sunset to livestream this whole thing for other ponies to know about this. Sunny spoke up with a determined look. “Listen up, Team Clean!” Sunny called out. “If we want to live together, we’re going to have to work together!” She and Sunset called put in unison while facing Izzy who smiled determinedly about their plan. Sunset spoke up next as she pointed out the piles of trash on a corner. “Clean every corner!” She called out. Sunny pointed out to the sidewalk with an Earth Pony stallion nearby. “Sweep every sidewalk!” She called out. Sunset spoke out again. “Mop every…. Uh?” She said while pointing out to the recycle bin with the raccoonicorn, while thinking of a name for this part but skipped it. “Moppable area!” She called out. Sunny then turned to Zipp. “Zipp, Track down those litters.” She said to Zipp, who brought out her magnifying glass, going to use her detective skills to find those litters who keep littering Maretime Bay. Sunset then turned to Izzy. “Izzy, You’re on redecoration.” She said to her with a smile, since the unicorn will put her Unicycling skills to good use as Izzy saluted with a smile. Sunny then turned to Hitch. “Hitch, sort out the rickshaw problem.” She told her childhood friend to handle the rickshaw ponies going by fast that might hit somepony and get work. Hitch smiled at this as he held up to signs for ‘Stop’ and ‘Go’ to get the rickshaw under control. Pipp holding the selfie stick with her phone on it, trying to take a selfie as Sunset shoots her a look. “Pipp, selfie sticks.” She simply said, telling Pipp that this is not the time to take a selfie, but she will handle the selfie sticks situation to handle the chaos and show the ponies how to use them as Pipp smiled at Sunset, knowing what she needs to do. Sunny then turned to Hitch’s critters. “Critters…” She said to them as the two critters saluted Sunny as she smiled at them. “Just stay adorable.” She said cutely to them, since the critters are adorable in Sunny’s eyes. Sunset, Sunny and all their friends stand side by side as they are ready for action. “Okay, Maretime Bay. Time to sparkle and shine!” Sunny announced as the others are ready to clean up. After the Mane 6 got into action, Zipp is picking up the litter and to find the ones who are making this mess. Zipp picked up a litter as she cringed at this. “This… is… disgusting!” She pointed out while placing the litter on the trash bag she is carrying while walking closer to the others. “Who lives like this?!” She questioned herself while wondering who would live to pick litter for a living as she picks up another one, as she sighs in relief as no other litters are around. “Phew. That’s better.” She said, but then a shadow was over her as Zipp turned and lifted her sunglasses up as she stared in shock at what she was seeing. Right in front of her are a mountain of trash that piled up in the trash bin with the raccoonicorns digging through it as Zipp stared in shock as her sunglasses fell off. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said since this is an insane amount of trash. Meanwhile, Izzy is trying to put up some decorations for Maretime Bay as she tries to lift a lights on a building.  “Okay... Almost there…” Izzy said to herself while keeping her balance and a stool. “Just a little bit— Aah!” She cried out as her stool lost balance as she tilted side to side and then fell as she screamed of the fall as crash can be heard, but luckily only the stool broke off as Izzy is now tangled in light wires as she is now stuck. “A little help here?!” She called out for anypony to help her get untangled. On the street in front of Mane Melody, Hitch is trying to keep order of the rickshaw problem but apparently nopony listens. “Hey! Slow down, pal! Hey! Order! ORDER!” He called out to the ponies who were going past him at a fast paste, but then got twirled around when a rickshaw hit him. “Whoa! Whoa!” He called out as he twirled around. Pipp, however, is livestreaming the whole thing to show her viewers on how to clean up Maretime Bay while also showing to hold the selfie stick that still has her phone. “See? It's super easy. Like this.” She said to the viewers, and then two colts, a unicorn and a pegasus, are clashing selfie sticks as they sword fight with them as they play around. Pipp saw this as she gasped at this sight. “Oh. Oh, no. Oh! Oh, careful! Oh! Look out!” She cried out as she chased after the two colts and to stop them from playing with those selfie sticks before either of them get hurt as her sunglasses was toss out of her face while giving chase. Sometime later, the Mane 6 regroup as they are tired out and sweating from the cleaning and maintaining order, making it hard to work with just the six of them.  “It's no good, Sunny and Sunset. We need more help.” Hitch pointed out, stating that the six of them aren’t enough to clean up an entire town and maintain order. Sunset sighs at this. “He’s right, Sunny. This whole town is big and the six of us aren’t enough to keep it clean and maintain order. We need more help than just the six of us.” She said, while remember the time when Twilight told her when Celestia and Luna needed a vacation, they put Twilight and the girls incharge of Canterlot while their away, thinking they could handle things on their own but turns out it was overwhelming with just the 6 of them until they got some help from other ponies, which is another lesson on how Twilight will handle ruling Equestria. Zipp then spoke next. “There's so much garbage. The town's about to explode!” She cried out of the so much garbage that keeps piling on that Maretime Bay will never get clean with just six of them. And then the Mane 6 heard rumbling sounds as the ground shook. “Whoa!” Zipp called out as she turned her head to find the source of the rumbling, wondering where it was coming from. The Mane 6 then saw a bunch of ponies coming at them in a stampeding fashion, with Posey upfront with a determined expression as the ponies surrounded the Mane 6. “Posey?!” Sunset called out in surprise, wondering what she and the other ponies were doing here. “That’s my name, Sunset. Don’t wear it out.” Posey said with a smirk to Sunset. “W-What's all this?” Sunny asks, wondering the same thought Sunset is having on this outcome. “We saw Pipp's video.” A Pegasus Stallion answered while holding the phone she recorded when Sunset and Sunny announced to their friends to clean up Maretime Bay. “Pretty inspiring stuff.” The Unicorn mare said with sparkles in her eyes as the other ponies smiled, seeing that Sunny and Sunset’s speech inspired others to help clean up the town. “We're here to help clean up.” Posey started while remembering the speech Sunny and Sunset spoke off.  “If we want to live together, we're gonna have to work togeth---” She was cut off when Sunny spoke. “Yeah, yeah, we remember the speech.” Sunny said to Posey while giving her a grateful smile. Posey then turned to Sunset. “And I thought about what you said, Sunset. And I guess my old habits from before Maretime Bay Day are hard to get rid off.” She said with a chuckle. “So I rounded the ponies you see after that speech you and Sunny made and came here to help you guys clean up the town together.” She said her reason why the ponies are here is to help the Mane 6 clean up Maretime Bay. Sunset and Sunny smiled at Posey, grateful for her help while facing the other ponies around them as Sunny spoke. “Wow. Okay, um... Izzy!” Sunny called out to her unicorn friend. “Get these ponies some ‘Team Clean’ caps!” She said Izzy, who saluted her friend in response with a smile as she placed some ‘Team Clean’ caps on Posey and some other ponies. Sunset then spoke out to the crowd. “Alright, everyone! It’s time to clean up Maretime Bay! And we clean it together! Now let's clean up like there's no tomorrow!” Sunset called out to the ponies. A Earth Salespony mare then spoke up in a panic tone. “There's no tomorrow?!” She cried out as she screamed and ran off, didn’t know that was a metaphor as she ran off. The Mane 6, along with the other ponies watches that Earth Pony mare go as they give her a strange look as Sunset face-hoof herself, clearly seeing that pony didn’t get the metaphor. After getting the ponies together thanks to Posey’s help, they start cleaning up Maretime Bay. Zipp motioned the Unicorns to help lift the pile of trash as they levitated off the ground as the Pegasi on top of them are carrying bags as the unicorns put the trash in the bags while the Pegasi holds the bags open. Rufus skied down the mountain of trash as he picked them and put them in the bags on his side as he skied down as a unicorn stallion levitated a pile of trash. A Pegasus Mare then sweeps the floor for the dirt from the pile of trash left behind as she sweeps it clean, the raccoonicorn groaning from the pile of garbage now gone. At the other section, Izzy is putting up a can of decorative soda cans to make the street look good, but as she was about to tie it up on a streetlight, a can tilted as it spilled some soda contents that was left in it. Izzy looked down and saw a colt drinking the contents, apparently Izzy got some fresh sodas and drank them empty to use the cans as decoratives, so it was glad she did or else that would've been gross for the colt to drink out of. And then sometime later, a traffic light was set up as it started to turn on. The ponies stop after seeing the traffic light, a little something Izzy or Phyllis made to help with the rickshaw thing that was happening in Maretime Bay recently and they’ve proven to be effective. Hitch smiled at this as now the streets are now in control, and then saw Jazz and Rocky doing a victory dance as Jazz laughs at this while the four ponies, two who are dragging the rickshaw and the two in the rickshaw, watch on as they bob their heads.  Pipp then showed the fillies around her how to use the selfie sticks as they took pictures from their phones. In front of them are another group of ponies, and a pegasnail, holding selfie sticks as the two filles told the two mares what to do as they and the pegasnail took their pictures, except for the pegasnail since it lost it balance with the weight and lack of flight with just one wing as it flew backwards. Pipp claps her hooves with a smile at their great work. Sunny and Sunset looked around as they smiled at the ponies working together while cleaning Maretime Bay, the rest of the Mane 6 smiled at their accomplishments as their cutie marks began to shimmer and then shoot magic out into the sky, the ponies saw this as Sunny is surrounded by the magic as it levitate her in the air and transformed into her alicorn form as she landed with a smile. Some of the magic hits Sunset as well as it gives her rejuvenation energy inside her as she and Sunny smile at each other and then hug each other at their accomplishments. A little bit later, in front of the Canterlogic building, Sunny and Sunset walk in front of the stage while their friends around them are facing the crowds of ponies as Sunny spoke up. “Everypony, today is a wondrous day!” Sunny called out with a spread of her wings. “Tuesday?” Rufus asks with a curious expression with a smile. “Yes! Thank you, Rufus.” Sunny said to him with a smile but getting to the point. “But it's also the day we proved that ponykind can live together in unity! So long as we clean up once in a while.” She called out while adding the cleaning up part. “As long as we clean up our messes and work together as one, ponykind will accomplish anything if we work together! Because once we work together, there is nothing we can’t do!” Sunset called out, which resulted in the crowd cheering to the two ponies. Sunny spoke up again. “So we hereby announce the brand-new yearly Cleanup Carnival!” She called out while unraveling a sign that showed three ponies, each from one tribe who were carrying cleaning tools as the crowd cheered on. “A special day to clean Maretime Bay from head to hoof!” Sunny added about this new special day they’ve created. Both Sunset and Sunny, standing side by side with each other, as their friends came closer to the two ponies. “All overseen by ‘Team Clean’!” Both Sunset and Sunny called out in unison as they and their friends lifted their hooves in the air as the crowd cheered on to the Mane 6. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Rufus said with a proud smile on his face as he faced the raccoonicorn next to him. “I liked cleaning before it was cool.” He said to the raccoonicorn with a smile before facing the Mane 6 again as the raccoonicorn gives off a down expression, clearly missing the mess already as now Maretime Bay is now clean and sparkly once more. End of Chapter 23. > Chapter 24: Starscout Code > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24: Starscout Code It was a nice day in the Brighouse as the Mane 6 are doing a little spring cleaning in the Brighthouse while also helping Sunny organize some things to either keep, give away, or throw away. Sunny walked to the center of the living as she watched her friends help with the spring cleaning. “Gotta love spring cleaning.” She commented. “You got that right, Sunny. Doing a little spring cleaning in the Brighthouse is a great way to go down memory lane.” Sunset commented while levitating a box full of Sunny’s father notes that Sunny kept over the years and placed them in the ‘Keep’ side. “It sure does, Sunset.” Sunny replied with a smile as she turned and saw Zipp holding Sunny’s old roller skates when she was a filly. “Oh. My first roller skates. Keep.” She said while spinning the wheel on her old roller skates, but a wheel popped out and hit Sunny in the forehead before it bounces and crashes into something. “Or. Maybe recycle.” Sunny said with a sheepish smile. Pipp then picked up a big hat, which she finds weird that Sunny even has this. “Donate!” Sunny suggested what to do with that old hat, maybe give it to somepony who will like this. Hitch then walked by while holding a box of glowing gems on his back. “Izzy! What are you gonna do with all these nosy-glowy gems?” He asks out to Izzy on what to do with the gems she’d collected. “Give me that, Hitch.” Sunset said while levitating the gems off his back. “I asked Izzy that I can do some research on these gems to figure out what they are and how they are glowing.” She said to the Sheriff, stating that ever since Izzy placed a crystal into Sunny’s old lantern that gave it some magical properties, she’s been asking Izzy to let her see the gems she’d collected to figure out what they are made of and where they come from and how they have magic in them. “Oh. Okay, Sunny.” Hitch said. “But, where is Izzy anyway?” He asks out as the ponies look around to see where their favorite Unicorn friend goes while Pipp is wearing the hat to post her picture to her Pippsqueaks. “Uh, Izzy?!” Hitch called out as the ponies looked around on where she was. They then hear a grunting sound as they look upstairs as they see Izzy trying to open a closet with her teeth, finding it hard to open. “Almost got it.” Izzy grunt through her teeth as she nearly got the nob turn to open the closet. The ponies look on with weird looks, trying to think why Izzy is opening the closet with her teeth, while Sunny gives out a worried expression, knowing fully well what’s in the closet. “Izzy! No!” Sunny called out to Izzy but it was too late. Izzy finally got the closet door open, but then piles of junk bursted out as it rivered downstairs with Izzy in tow as it hit the four ponies as they screamed from being pulled by the junks while making a mess in the living room. Izzy pops her head out of the pile as gives her usual cheery smile. “And for my next trick, let's do that again!” She cheerfully said to her friends, wanting to go again. The rest of the ponies popped out of the junk pile as Sunset gave Izzy a look. “Uh, let's not! Now we gotta clean up this place again.” Sunset pointed out while looking down at the junk and turned to a certain Earth Pony. “Geeze, Sunny. How could you fit this much junk in a small closet? How did you even manage this?” She asked Sunny, wondering how she got that much junk in that small closet. Sunny rubbed her head as she gave Sunset a sheepish smile with a chuckle. “I just couldn’t decide what to throw away or what to keep a while back, Sunset. My dad usually helps me out with this stuff before I meet you guys.” She said to Sunset that her dad usually helped her with spring cleaning, before he was gone, that is when he used to help Sunny tidy up their home. Sunset then gives Sunny a chuckle before coming to her and placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Well, you got us to help you with that, Sunny. We all live here so we all pitch in to help. Well, Hitch pitched in to help either way since he’s your childhood friend.” She pointed a hoof to Hitch, who was waving at them when Sunset pointed that out. “But, you got us and we all work together to help each other.” She added with a smile. Sunny smiled from Sunset’s words, but then something sparkled caught her eyes as look at something like a blanket. Sunset turned to what Sunny was looking at as she saw it as well. Sunny walks close to it as she unwraps it and sees what it is. “Whoa!” She awed at it as it has what look like an Earth Pony theme with a throne, crops around, and Earth Pony that looks like Hitch and critters around him. Sunny then saw something else behind this blanket when she unwrapped it, it appeared to be a film player. “Huh?” Sunny questioned herself, as she wondered why was this wrapped around this blanket. Sunny picked it up as she took a closer look at it, but then it fell off her hoof. But, when it hit the floor, it turned on and showed the film on the wall, which showed Sunny’s father, Argyle Starshine, as the rest of her friends saw this in shock. “Surprise, Sunny-bunny.” Argyle said from the film while waving with a smile. Sunny gasps at what she saw and heard when she hadn't heard that name in a long time. “Dad?” Sunny asked with a heartfelt expression with tears forming in her eyes as she watched the film. Sunset is next to her as she sees this while also hearing Sunny’s father's voice for the first time as she watches as well. Argyle adjusts his glasses as the film continues. “I guess you found the old family blanket. Quite something, isn’t it?” He guesses, clearly this recording is something he guesses his daughter will find one day and the family blanket as well. Sunny walked closer to the film with the unchanged expression as her friends huddled around her as they continued to watch the film. “It’s actually an ancient pony artifact, passed down from ten generations.” He explained the true purpose of the blanket, clearly stating that it’s an ancient pony artifact that he has kept safe for a long time. “Other pieces were hidden in Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood years ago.” He said that the blanket was separated to each of the tribes like the Unity Crystals once did as Sunny looks at her friends if they have known about this but gets a no in reply, clearly never notice as well. “One day, magic will return. And Sunny, I know you will be the one to do it.” He said to his daughter if she is watching it as Sunny gives a teary smile as she wipes a tear as her friends look at her with a smile, clearly something that has already done that has done what she and her father dreamed of since their first adventure. “But even still, it will take the whole family to get the other pieces” He said while stating it will take a whole family to get the other pieces of the pony artifact blankets back. “Whole family?” Sunny asked in confusion what her dad meant since he was the only family she ever had as she turned to the film with teary eyes. “But it’s just me now.” She pointed out. The rest of the Mane 6 look at one another while giving Sunny sympathy since she doesn’t have any family left by blood, something that Sunset can relate as she gives a sympathy look to Sunny, knowing that feeling real well. Zipp turns off the filmer as she sniffs the ancient blanket. “This smells... like a mystery!” She announced that this is something that she likes since mysteries are her thing. Sunny gives Zipp a hug as she smiles and gives the blanket a closer look. “Smells more like an adventure to me!” She announced as she grab the blanket. Sunset smiles at this. “Looks like we are gathering missing artifacts again, guys! Time for another treasure hunt!” She called out as the rest of the Mane 6 smiled at this, having done this kind of thing before with the Unity Crystals. “That’s right, Sunset! Come on, everypony!” Sunny called out as she placed the blanket on her back as she trotted off with the rest of the Mane 6 following her to start their artifact hunt again. Later on, Queen Haven, along with Thunder and Zoom, walked around Zephyr Heights until she saw her daughters coming in front of her as the two sisters landed.  “What a wonderful surprise.” Queen Haven said with a smile as it is good to see her daughters again. The rest of the Mane 6 caught up, out of breath since they have to run the rest of the way while Sunset is flying close to them as the three ponies on the ground are panting. “Queen Haven!” Sunny called out through her panting. “We need... to ask you...!” She was cut off when she showed the blanket to Queen Haven. “Wow! That blanket!” Queen Haven said while recognizing the blanket. “My throne room hasn't looked like that in centuries! Wherever did you—?” She was cut off when Zipp zip in when she mentioned the throne room. “The throne room! I knew it looked familiar!” Zipp said, now remember how she recognized this blanket before. “Thanks, Mom!” She thanked her mother as she and the rest of the Mane 6 zoomed past her to get the other piece. Queen Haven gives a confused look as she watches the Mane 6 go. “Y-You're welcome, darling! I think.” She said, wondering what that was all about. A little bit later, the Mane 6 made it to the throne room, and after what Zipp and Pipp told them, their mother has a compartment underneath her throne.  “Huh. I guess that's where the next piece is?” Sunny asked while looking at the blanket as it sparkled brighter, clearing sensing it’s other piece of itself as Sunny turned to her friends. “How do we—?” She was cut off when Izzy walked by as she cleared her throat to gain their attention. “I've got this, ponies. Open sesa-pony!” Izzy calls out as her horn glows as she uses her magic to try to levitate Queen Haven’s throne up, but she starts straining when it is too heavy to lift. “Any... minute... now!” She strained as Haven’s throne started rumbling side to side as Izzy tried to lift it up. Zipp looks on but then gives a smirk as she looks at her sister. “Hmmm…” She muttered as she used her head to tell Pipp what they needed to do. Pipp saw the gesture Zipp was doing as she gave a smile, knowing what she meant. “ Mom's not going to like this!” She said as she’s having a feeling that their mom might be ticked if they do this but it will be fun as well as Zipp and Pipp. “Sunset, c’mon.” She said as the two sisters flew to the throne with Sunset along with them. And then Izzy, Sunset, Pipp and Zipp were straining as they tried to lift the throne up, but it was still too heavy, even with Sunset using both magic and her strength, it’s still too heavy. “What… did… Queen Haven used to… make this throne!” Sunset strainly said while thinking on what Queen Haven used to make this throne so heavy. Sunny watches them strain as she looks at the blanket, looking at a certain earth pony on it as she then gets an idea. “Hitch! We need Earth pony magic, too!” She said to Hitch, thinking that they need Earth Pony magic as well to help out. Hitch then walks in front of Sunny with  a confident smile on his face. “Say no more, Sunny. Critters, roll out!” Hitch called out as two of his crew birds popped up beside him as they struck a pose before going in front of the throne. “Now... lift!” He ordered as the two birds tried to lift up the throne, but their sides and lack of strength was impossible as they strained before they suddenly got thrown to the ceiling with the ponies watching from what just happened. Sunny spoke after what just happened. “Hitch, I, um... meant our other Earth Pony magic.” She pointed out that she meant the Earth Pony magic that makes plants grow as the two birds landed on Hitch. “Yeah, that... makes more sense.” Hitch said as he gave Sunny a sheepish smile, clearly feeling embarrassed from forgetting about what they can do as Sunny smiled back before Hitch turned to two of his crew. “Good hustle, team.” He said to his critters, thanking them for their efforts. Sunny and Hitch then summons their Earth Pony magic as their hooves glow and stomp them down on the ground as vine roots then began to lift Haven’s throne off the ground as with the combined effort of Sunset, Zipp, Pipp and Izzy, they got lifted the throne up enough to see the hidden compartment of the other piece of the blanket. Sunny picks up the piece as she unravels it to see that it has four ponies, two on the bottom that looks like herself in her alicorn form with Sunset next to her with two pegasi over them that looks like Zipp and Pipp flying as the blanket sparkles. Izzy then gets next to Sunny as she gasps at what she saw that looks familiar to her in the blanket. “I know that place!” She cheered out, but lost her concentration as the throne stopped levitating as it crashed back down to the floor, breaking it into pieces. The Mane 6 then give the destroyed throne a worried look, not as worried as Pipp and Zipp are if their mom sees this. “Um, we should probably…” Zipp stammered, knowing the wrath their mother will give if they stick around. Pipp then gives a nervous laugh. “Yes! Let's!” She agrees with her sister, knowing what’s coming as well. “Yeah! Time to go!” Sunset called out as she activated her magic to teleport them out of the throne room before they got caught. The palace doors open as Queen Haven comes in, and then look in shock when she sees her throne is destroyed. “My throne! Guards!” She called out, wanting the guards to fix the throne as soon as possible. And then sometime later, after escaping from Queen Haven’s wrath, Izzy led her friends to another part of Bridlewood, that looks like a swamp with bubbles popping up with big crystals all around. “Ta-daaaaa!” Izzy cheered, but her friends cringe in disgust when they saw this, finding the swamp disturbing. “I told you! Just like the picture! Now, let's see if I remember how it works.” She said as she came close to the big crystal. “Uhhhh... uni-cadabra!” She called out, and once she touched the crystal, it began to glow and make chiming sounds. And then one by one, the crystals all around the area start chiming as well in a pattern. The rest of the Mane 6 watch in amazement, their disgusted thoughts from earlier vanish once they see what Izzy just showed. “Whoa…” Hitch said, seeing how amazing it is. “It's beautiful!” Sunny called out with sparkles in their eyes, never seen anything like this. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. This is going in my ‘Top 5 Most Beautiful Moments In My Life’ folder!” Sunset added, finding this place great. “Ready, ponies?” Izzy called out to her friends. “Once I hit the big gem, you have to hit all the others in order, okay?” She instructed them on what to do. Sunny then came next to one as she hit it as it chimes. “Ohhhh. Like Just Prance!” She clarified, remembering the dancing game she entered to get the Unicorn Crystal. Hitch touches another crystal, but it glows red as it makes an off-key chime. “Only bigger, harder…” He pointed out that this might be harder than the dancing game Sunny entered once. “And muddier!” Pipp cried out as she got some mud on her hooves as she shook off the mud when Zipp next to her pressed a crystal as it chimes. “We've got this.” Zipp confidently said to the group. “Yeah. This is just like that game I played back in the human world.” Sunset said, remember that ‘Hey Simon’ game she and the rainboom played, while taking turns, to match the colors and as quickly as they could. “Well then... uni-kazam!” Izzy announces as she presses the big crystal as it chimes, giving her friends the signal to start. The Mane 6 got off on the wrong start as multiple off-key chimes as they hit the wrong crystals as they glowed red. Sunny looked around as she followed the pattern until she pointed to the one for Zipp to hit, and once she did, a harmonious chime out of it, saying that it’s the right one. The Mane 6 look at each other as they now know what they need to do as Izzy presses the big crystal again to restart. This time, the Mane 6 starts hitting the right crystals as there are multiple harmonious chimes coming out of them as they hit the right crystals. Pipp and Zipp find the last crystal that needs to be pressed, so they fly off as fast as they can to press it, but then crash into a bunch of vines, tangling them up. “Whoa, whoa!” Zipp called out from the vines, trying to keep balance. “Ew, ew, ew, ew!” Pipp tries to keep balance as well, but really grosses out to have swamp vines wrap around her. Sunset saw this, but was a little too far to get close to the crystal as she turned to Sunny. “Sunny! You’re the closest! Tap that crystal!” She called out to Sunny. Sunny then gives a determined look as she summons her Alicorn form, flying straight to the crystal. Once she gets close enough, she taps it as it gives off a harmonious chime. Sunny smiled as she flew back to her friends, not before she used her Alicorn magic to untangle Zipp and Pipp, who smiled in return. “Go, Sunny!” Hitch congrats as they regrouped. “Did you see that?!” Izzy asked in excitement. “You did it!” Zipp exclaimed to Sunny. “That was amazing, Sunny!” Sunset added with a proud smile. But then, rumbling started as a chest somehow came out of the ground as it sparkled. Sunny opened the chest as she smiled with a sparkle in her eyes as she picked up the last piece of the blanket, that has a picture of Maretime Bay and a unicorn on it that looks like Izzy. Sometime later, the Mane 6 returned to the Brighthouse as Izzy was putting the pieces of the blanket back together with her sewing skills. While the rest waited, Zipp could hardly contain her excitement. “Is it done? Come on! Let me see!” Zipp said in excitement as she flew around Izzy. “And... presto!” Izzy called out as she spread the blanket, wide enough to see it all piece back together to show that it has the picture of the Mane 6 and three of their tribe's hometowns as Sunset and Sunny are in the middle with Sunny in her Alicorn form. “Well, that is something.” Hitch said in amazement as the blanket glowed with the Mane 6 looking awed at it. “It's hooftag #Vintage!” Pipp cheered as she took a selfie with the blanket on her phone. “It's... us.” Sunny said with a smile as they saw that the blanket had the Mane 6 smiling at this. Sunset then widens her eyes in recognition. “Ponies. This is a tapestry. A sign of certain events has happened to certain ponies of certain times!” She said which caused the Mane 6 to gasp in shock. “Sunny. This blanket predicts us coming together to bring the magic back and reunite the three tribes. And this must’ve been really old to predict something like this.” She said, after hearing from Argyle from the film that this blanket has been passed down for ten generations, it must’ve predicted that there’s hope and magic will return thanks to the Mane 6 making it happen. “You’re right, Sunset. It does.” Sunny said with a smile. But then one of her hind hooves hit the film player as it turned on again to play the rest of Argyle’s filming. “Now, you're probably thinking our family's a little too small to do all this.” Argyle chuckles as the Mane 6 watch the film as Sunny pays close attention to what her father is saying. “And you'd be right. But "family" is just a fancy word for ponies that always stick together.” He said as he picked up Filly Sunny, wrapped in the blanket as she snuggled close to her father in her sleep as Sunny watches with a heartfelt expression with tears forming in her eyes. “Your friends can be a family you choose. And Sunny, hoof to heart, I know you'll find that someday.” He said to his daughter if she is watching this. Sunny then gives a teary smile to her father as she takes his words by heart as she looks at the rest of her friends who are giving a smile in return, knowing that Sunny has friends to be there for her and to be one happy family. Sunny then looked at the film of her father one last time. “I already did, Dad.” She said to her father as she smiled tearfully with a heartfelt expression. The Mane 6 then got Sunny into a comforting hug as they watched the film with Argyle giving his young daughter a snuggle as the Mane 6 looked on. End of Chapter 24. > Chapter 25: Puphunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25: Puphunt In the Brighthouse bedroom, Pipp’s phone started ringing as it showed Queen Haven is calling on facetime. Pipp answered her facetime as it showed her mother crying her eyes out. “Pipp! Pipp, He’s gone!” Queen Haven cried out to the phone as her eyes were teared up as they fell down her cheeks. “Gooonnnneee!!!” She cried out. Which caused Pipp to just stare at her mother and then cringed when she heard the ‘Gone’ cry from her mother as Queen Haven continued. “I looked everywhere! He’s missing!” She cried out as she placed her hooves over her eyes as she cried. “Wait. What? Who’s gone mother? What are you…” Pipp tried to make sense of what her mother was saying but was cut off when Queen Haven cried out again. “So fluffy! And cuddly! And now, he’s gone!” Queen Haven cried out as she brawled a storm. Zipp then came up next to her sister to see what’s happening. “What’s wrong? Did she say missing?” She asks before she gasps. “Is someone missing?” She asks as she scoots closer to get in view of Pipp’s phone, which squishes Pipp’s cheek in the process. Queen Haven continued to cry as she tried to speak. “So sweet! Yippy! I love him!” She cried out on the phone. “Wait.” Zipp said, repeating what their mother said. “‘Sweet’? ‘Yippy’? ‘Fluffy’?” She asked, processing what Queen Haven just said. Then the two sisters gasps in realization on what their mother is trying to say. “Cloudpuff?!” Pipp called out as the two sisters looked at each other, now seeing what their mother was saying that Cloudpuff was missing. “We've gotta do something!” Zipp pointed out, worried for Cloudpuff since he is family to them. “Leave it with me!” Pipp pointed out as she tapped on her phone. “This is where the Pippsqueaks, like, totally shine!” She stated, meaning that if she tells the news that Cloudpuff is missing, then the Pippsqueaks will help them find him faster as she sent the message. Dahlia is the first pony to see the message as she gasps in shock. “Cloudpuff?!” She cried out Windy also got the message. “Cloudpuff!” She cried out. “Cloudpuff?!” Rufus called out. “Cloudpuff?!” Posey even got the message, since Cloudpuff is part of the royal family of Zephyr Heights, and is Pipp and Zipp’s pet, even she's worried for that dog, and even she finds him cute as well. Even a racoonicorn and pegasnail got the message as the racoonicorn squeaks at the message from the phone on his paw, meaning ‘Cloudpuff’ in it’s own language as it read the message as well. And then one-by-one, basically almost everypony on Pipp’s Pippsqueaks Followers got the message as multiple phones starts beeping as everypony are shock and worried that Cloudpuff is missing, apparently that dog is famous, royalty and cute in all of Equestria it’s hard to ignore something like as everypony is worried that he is missing. And then, sometime later, a crowd of ponies are in front of the Crystal Brighthouse with the Mane 6 facing the crowd for an announcement for Cloudpuff’s disappearance. “Have you heard?” A mare in the crowd asked a pony among them. “It's just awful.” A Pegasus Stallion said. “Excuse me!” Sunny voices called out to the crowd with Sunset next to her, trying to get their attention. “I heard he ran off with the racoonicorns.” An Earth Pony Stallion said, having heard that rumor. “Hey! Everypony!” Sunny called out again, but the crowd are busy talking among themselves, it’s hard to get their attention. “Can we have your attention?!” She called out again, but they didn’t hear her. “Can anypony listen to what we have to say?!” Sunset called out, getting annoyed by this. Hitch saw this problem as he blew his whistle so loud that the crowd of ponies got startled as they stopped talking and turned and faced the three ponies. Sunny and Sunset look at Hitch in shock as he gives off an authority expression, being a sheriff, he knows how to handle these things. Sunny smiled at her childhood friend to get the crowd to calm down. “Thanks, Hitch.” She thanked him while Sunset nodded her head in thanks before facing the crowd. “Now, as we all know, Cloudpuff has gone missing, and we need to work together to find him!” She called out to them, stating that if they need to find Cloudpuff fast, they need to work together. “Everypony must search either in Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, or anywhere here in Maretime Bay to see where that little dog flew off to!” Sunset called out to the places Cloudpuff would be in, since he was from Zephyr Heights, and went to Bridlewood and sometimes come and visit in Maretime Bay, he could be anywhere in one of the three tribes home areas. Zipp then hopped on the stage next to Sunny, Sunset and Hitch as she faced the crowd with determination. “Everypony needs to spread out! When somepony or... uh... some pup is missing, the first forty-eight hours are critical!” She instructed the crowd. “Dewdrop any information directly to my flyPad!” She added while holding her flyPad on her hoof, telling them if anypony got a lead where Cloudpuff is, they will send it to her pad. Pipp then jump next to her sister as she starts to cry. “Cloudpuff is totally a brother to us! We have to find him!” She cried out, really worried for Cloudpuff. “Everypony has their assignments!” Hitch called out with determination, being a sheriff and all and his things with critters, Cloudpuff is special in his book. “Let's move out!” He ordered while pointing his hoof in a direction. Izzy then jumped next to Hitch as she cheered to the crowd. “Thank you for all your—” She was cut off when the wooden platform the Mane 6 are on started to creak, which makes the Mane 6 worried as Izzy gives off a worried smile. “Apparently six ponies on a table is too many.” She pointed out, apparently her platform she made didn’t support the weight of that many ponies. “Whoa!” The Mane 6 shouted as the table gave out as the Mane 6 crashed into the ground, coughing out the dust they received from the crash. Sunny sighs after the cough as she gives a sheepish smile. “It wasn't our most graceful start.” She stated this outcome. Sunset rubbed her head. “Yeah. Not one of our best starts. But at least it’s not bad.” She added, having her fair share of ‘Not-The-Best-Start’ experience with the Rainbooms in the past, but at least it’s something.   Zipp spits some dust out of her mouth as she gets back to their main mission. “We've gotta go! Cloudpuff is out there... somewhere!” She called out, worrying for Cloudpuff that he could be anywhere in Equestria. Sunset sees Zipp’s nervousness, including Pipp’s as she places a comforting hoof on Zipp’s shoulder. “We will find him, Zipp. We must keep a clear head. Cloudpuff wouldn’t have gone far. He could be anywhere in Equestria of the three tribes' hometowns, and that’s where we will search.” She said, which made Zipp smile a little at Sunset’s comforting words before she faced the crowd. “Okay, everypony! Let’s spread out and find Cloudpuff! Remember, he’s a fluffy white Pegasus dog. He’s not that hard to miss! So let's go, go, go!” She called out as the crowd dissolved as they began their search for Cloudpuff, wherever he is in Equestria. A little bit later in Zephyr Heights, Pipp brought out her phone and put it on livestream for any updates to her Pippsqueaks. Pipp sighs as she starts talking to the camera. “I am live-streaming to you with devastating news. Our beloved and loyal pup…” She then starts to whimper. “...Cloudpuff is missing.” She stated as she held up a missing poster of Cloudpuff. A little bit later, Pipp is filming Zipp, who has her Z-Goggles on as she uses it to control a drone that she got to search every corner of Zephyr Heights. ‘My sister Zipp is searching high and low in Zephyr Heights.’ Pipp narrated. The drone flew to the air as Zipp used her goggles to see what the drone saw as it flew off to search elsewhere in Zephyr Heights. ‘And back in Maretime Bay, Hitch, his critters, and all the Earth ponies are leaving no stone unturned in the search for this pampered pooch.’ Pipp narrated as it showed Hitch and his critters putting up the missing posters of Cloudpuff on a building as they turned and went off. In the forest, Hitch and a Pegasus mare are putting missing posters of Cloudpuff on the trees as the critters on top of a hill roll a rock down a hill. Hitch and the Pegasus mare saw this and ran for cover as the boulder hit a tree with the Cloudpuff Missing poster as it titled and fell to the ground. The critters looked at the whole tree once standing on, but no sign of Cloudpuff as they shook their heads. ‘Even as far as Bridlewood, everypony is finding creative ways to come together to find our sweet little pup.’ Pipp narrated as Sunset, Sunny and Izzy are searching Bridlewood for any signs of Cloudpuff with Sunset flying above them, Sunny in her roller skates gear as she places the poster on the tree while Izzy is using her homemade detector to find any trace of Cloudpuff. Izzy’s detector goes off as it blinks red, which makes the three ponies see that there is a slobber trail. Thinking it’s Cloudpuff, the three ponies follow the trail, but then Izzy stops as she gasps in shock and disgust. Apparently the trail they’ve followed was from Alphabittle, who is taking a nap while drooling, which made the drool trail. “Ewwww!” Izzy cringe in disgust at the amount of drool Alphabittle made. “Aah! Ugh!” Sunny cried out, apparently with her speeding on her roller skates, she slipped on Alphabittle’s drool as she slipped on the floor and bumped into Alphabittle, which woke him up from his map as he looked at Sunny who gave off a nervous look with a chuckle. “You're not Cloudpuff, are you now?” She nervously asks as Alphabittle continues to give a look to Sunny. Lucky Sunset came to the rescue as she picked Sunny up and gave a strange look at Alphabittle. “Okay, Alphabittle. One, Sorry about that. Two, gross with the amount of drool you made. Three, why are you taking a nap out in the middle of the woods?” She asked while feeling a bit weird that Alphabittle is taking a nap out in the woods. Alphabittle got up and gave a sheepish chuckle. “I’d spend so much time in the woods gathering some ingredients for my tea business, I must’ve dozed off.” He sheepishly said, clearly he spends some time in the woods to find the right ingredients for his tea shop. Sunset raised an eyebrow at this and decided to let it go. “You know what, forget it. Just help us find Cloudpuff. He’s missing.” She stated about the missing pup. Alphabittle widens his eyes in shock at what Sunset just said. “Cloudpuff is missing?!” He said in shock, clearly he fell asleep during that time so it makes sense why he didn’t know. When the three ponies give him confirming nods, he snaps into action. “Then let's find that adorable pup!” He cried out as he ran off to find Cloudpuff elsewhere, leaving the three mares looking at him go with strange looks before Sunset spoke. “You heard the stallion. Let’s keep looking.” Sunset said to Izzy and Sunny as the three mares went back to their search for Cloudpuff. ‘The only thing we know for sure right now is that, if you're out there, Cloudpuff, we will find you!’ Pipp narrated with a little sad tone. While back in the Brighthouse, Fifi knocked on the door. Hitch opened the door while holding his sheriff book, watching over the Brighthouse with the others searching around Equestria for Cloudpuff while also seeing if anypony got a clue on where that dog is. Hitch turned and saw Fifi, who was holding a box with Zipp and Pipp faces on it with the Zephyr Heights stamp on it. Hitch shook his head, telling Fifi that Zipp and Pipp are not here right now as he went back into the Brighthouse as he closed the door. The box shook for some reason as Fifi put it and placed a return stamp on it, meaning it will be returned to Zephyr Heights as the box not only shook, but growled as well, which Fifi didn’t notice. ‘Even if it means we must cross all of Equestria, we will never…’ Pipp continues her narration. “...stop... looking!” Pipp finished as she faced her phone closer as she finished her livestream back in Zephyr Heights. A little bit later, Zipp’s flyPad starts to beep as she checks and sees that her flyPad has messages on it. “Ooh.” Zipp said, hoping the messages would give her a clue on where Cloudpuff is. But as she opens them, they were not what she expected. “Ugh! That's a bunnycorn! What's this? A street sign? Not helpful! Fan photo of random picture of Hitch, fan photo, fan photo... A sad selfie of Pipp?! Really?!” Zipp called out, apparently these messages are useless and not really helping. “Ugh! It's hopeless!” She cried out as she kept searching through the photos with a down expression. “We're never gonna find—! Hang on.” She said as she saw something on one of the photos, she tapped the photo of the Zephyr Height’s mailroom and enlarged it as something caught her eyes. “What's that?” She asked herself and saw a piece of a purple gem next to some mail. Zipp recognizes what that gem is. “Is that a gem from Cloudpuff's collar?! In the mailroom? Hmmm…” She said to herself as she might have a lead as she sent a couple of messages about this to Pipp and Queen Haven. Queen Haven and Pipp’s phones vibrate each receiving a message from Zipp. Telling them that she’s found a lead on where Cloudpuff is. After seeing the messages, Pipp and Queen Haven smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they zip away to where Zipp is. In the mailroom, Zipp picked up the gem piece and inspected it. She then sniffed on the floor as she walked around for more clues. She got up as she groaned from not finding any more clues. “Right. Doesn't make any sense.” She said while looking at the gem in her hoof again. “The gems from his collar are here, but he isn't.” She said, stating that the collar gems are here but Cloudpuff isn’t. The mailroom’s doors opened as Queen Haven and Pipp came busting in, which startled Zipp in the process. “Where's my fluffy boy?!” They both called out for Cloudpuff, but they didn't see him as Zipp turned to her family with a startled expression from their sudden appearances, but then gave them a down expression to give them an answer. Getting the hint of silence, Queen Haven starts to cry as her eyes brawled up a storm. “Oh, why, why, why?!” She cried out. “Where are you, Cloudpuffy-poo?!” Pipp cried out as tears began to form while having her hooves on her face. Zipp then notices that the table has paw tracks made from ink from the stamped. “Hey, look at this stuff.” She said to her family as she took a closer look at the table with her magnifying glass. “This might sound crazy, but I think Cloudpuff was here.” She said to them, seeing that these are Cloudpuff’s paw tracks. “Here?!” Queen Haven called out as she came next to Zipp after saying that Cloudpuff was here. “Why should he be here?! How should I know?!” She cried out in a panic, apparently losing it. “Mom!” Zipp called out, snapping her mother out of it. “Just calm down and think. Why would Cloudpuff have been in the mailroom?” She asks slowly, letting her mother think why Cloudpuff would be here. “I don't know. I mean, I did send you and Pipp a care package of all your favorite things this morning.” Queen Haven said, stating that she packed some of Zipp and Pipp’s things in a package for them as she walked around as her daughters looked at her as she went on. “Maybe he followed me down here, and…” She widens her eyes in realization on where Cloudpuff is. “WHAAAAAT?! What if I mailed my baby?!” She cried out, thinking that she might have accidentally mailed Cloudpuff in the package. In the Brighthouse, Hitch looked tired from waiting for somepony to give him a clue where Cloudpuff is as his walkie-talkie gave off static. Hitch answered the walkie-talkie as Zipp spoke through it with hers. “Hitch! Has anything been delivered to the Brighthouse for me or Pipp?” Zipp asked through to see if anything had been delivered to the Brighthouse lately. “Think!” She cried out to Hitch to remember if any mail was delivered as Hitch starts to have a flashback.  Flashback. Hitch remembers when Fifi came in, she was holding a box with Zipp and Pipp’s faces on it, the same box he diminished earlier. End of Flashback. “Uhhh…” Hitch said to the walkie-talkie, starting to panic about his mistake from earlier, getting the hint that Cloudpuff was in the box he diminished. “Well, funny you should ask. I, uh... You know what it's like. Today has been crazy. And I, uh…” He said to Zipp, trying to find the right words to say that he had Cloudpuff in his sight without knowing and turned it away. The Royal family starts to grow more worried, until the mailroom door creaks open, which causes the royal family to turn and see Fifi coming in with the package. Fifi places the package down as she wipes a brow from her forehead. “Phew! Just the ponies I was looking for!” She said with an added laugh. The package then makes a muffled growling as the royal family sees it, knowing that Cloudpuff is in there. “Oh, don't worry.” Fifi said with a little chuckle. “It's been doing that all day.” She said, thinking it's no big deal since she had no idea what’s in the package and totally oblivious to why is it shaking and growling. Flashback. “Wiggliest parcel I've ever tried to deliver!” Fifi stated while having flashbacks of her trying to get the package from her mailroom as it started wiggling and growling. Then to her delivering it in the air as it fell from the sky as Fifi flew down to catch it. And then finally to the Crystal Brighthouse as Fifi placed the package down in the front door as it wiggled in her grip. End of Flashback. After Fifi left after her work was done, the package gave muffled growlings. Which made the royal family look at each other to know that Cloudpuff is really inside as Zipp rips the tape off to open the box to see Cloudpuff growling through a box with some makeup on him. Zipp and Pipp then gasp in joy while Queen Haven smiles with joy as the royal family smiles down at Cloudpuff with sparkles in their eyes. “Hey!” Both Zipp and Pipp said together in joy that Cloudpuff is alright. Cloudpuff heard their calls as he got his head out of the box and made yips sounds at Queen Haven got Cloudpuff out of the package as the royal family embraced together around their beloved dog, glad that he’s okay. Pipp then sees something in the package as she and Zipp stop the hug and look at what’s inside. “Ugh! All of my Luscious Lilac bath bombs?! Cloudpuff, really?!” She said to Cloudpuff, glad that he’s okay but really annoyed that he used all of her bath bombs as she grab them in her hooves. “Uh, neigh way!” Zipp called out as she grabbed a box kit. “Is this my hoofprints kit?!” She asked, seeing that Cloudpuff had gotten into her detective kit. “I'm afraid so, my dear.” Queen Haven said to her daughters, a little sheepish, that Cloudpuff got into those items. But then she nuzzled Cloudpuff, relieved that he’s okay and found. “What do you have to say for yourself, you naughty little puppy?” She said with a coed baby voice to Cloudpuff. And then Cloudpuff passes gas as he stinks in the room, apparently what he ate from Zipp’s box and Pipp’s bath bombs took a toll on him, which causes Queen Haven to cringe in disgust. “Oh, dear! That is truly awful!” She said as she smell the stank when Cloudpuff yips in responds. “Cloudpuff!” She said to the dog, really stinks from the gas. “Cloudpuff!” Pipp cried out as she and Zipp covered their noses to block out Cloudpuff’s stink. Zipp coughs from the smell before speaking. “Seems like he's paying the price already.” She stated since Cloudpuff is already suffering the consequences from being in the package already, but not the way they expected. Cloudpuff passes gas again, which stinks the room further. “Ugh!” Zipp groans from the smell as her and her family are gross out of this outcome and from what happened today with Cloudpuff. End of Chapter 25. > Chapter 26: Pony Partay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 26: Pony Partay In the Crystal Brighthouse, Pipp is doing a mane wig makeover as she placed a couple of flowers on the wig as she smiled at her accomplishment when she finished. “Hofftag #Gorgeous.” Pipp said, but then an explosion was heard as glitter got on Pipp and the wig. Pipp turned to the source and saw Izzy, covered in glitter as well with a big cannon beside her as she gave a cheerful smile. “Glitter Cannon! At the ready, captain. Oohh!” She said with a salute to her. Pipp was shocked at this as she shook the glitter off her. “What?! Why do we need a glitter cannon?” She asked the million dollar question, while also thinking how Izzy got a glitter cannon. “For Sunny’s party.” Izzy answered with a smile. Apparently today is Sunny’s birthday, and the rest of the Mane 6 wanted to celebrate that party together since this is Sunny’s first birthday with her friends and the three tribes together as well, and they wanted to make it a good one for her, but there might be some bumps in the road along the way from the look of things. Zipp then zoomed in through the kitchen window as she did a loop while wearing roller skates and a helmet with her signature colors as she landed on the ground in front of her sister with a smile. “The skate ramps are all secured. This party is going to be epic.” She said with a smile, since Sunny really loves roller skates, she decided to have some skate ramps ready for her friend with a little ‘Zipp’ taste to it. “Skate ramps!?” Izzy and Pipp cried out in shock, they knew that Sunny loved roller skating, but this isn’t how they planned. Hitch then dances his way to the group while humming a tune to himself while wearing a purple sparkle neck collar, a red sparkle party tie with party glasses as well as he turns to the group with a smile. “Hey. The dance floor’s all ready for…” He was cut off when Izzy, Pipp, and along with Zipp this time, looked on in shock as they both cried out. “...Sunny’s party?!” They cried out unison, clearly they didn’t think things through. “No, no, no. We agreed to throw her a ‘makeover’ party!” Pipp pointed out, thinking throwing a makeover party would be great for Sunny. Zipp then turned while glaring at her sister. “Uh, no!  You said an ‘awesome’ party!” She pointed out. “And an awesome art party.” Izzy pointed out while carrying a paintbrush and a wooden palette in her hooves. “But I already choreographed a ground dance number!” Hitch said with a smile while waving his hooves, while pointing out what he made for Sunny’s birthday. “I already built a skatepark!” Zipp complained as she worked hard to make a skatepark for Sunny, and she can’t let that hard work go to waste. “What is going on here?” Sunset’s voice called out as the group turned and saw Sunset coming in with a wrap up present for Sunny in her magic as she placed it on the counter. “What is all this complaining about? I was finishing up this present for Sunny when I heard you all complain.” She pointed out. “Well, Sunset. We were just talking about Sunny’s party when we seem to have different opinions for Sunny’s birthday.” Pipp pointed out their reasons. And then she realized something. “Wait. What did you plan for Sunny’s party, Sunset?” She asked, thinking she must’ve planned something for Sunny’s birthday as well if the rest of them have. Sunset chuckled at Pipp’s question as she gave them a smirk. “I’m not much of a party pony Pinkie Pie was, Pipp. I’m just giving Sunny a present she would love. And it’s a surprise for her. Something that I’m going to give to her, when I give it to her.” She said to them, wanting to surprise Sunny, knowing that she will love this present. Sunset then saw Izzy’s glitter cannon. “And is that a glitter cannon, Izzy?” She asked, while having a familiar vibe. “Sure is!” Izzy cheered. “I figured it would be something for Sunny’s party, so what better than a glitter cannon for an art party!” She pointed out her reason. Sunset then chuckled at this. “Yeah. I’ve seen this somewhere before.” She said while having a sense of familiar vibes back when Pony Pinkie had a party cannon at various times to start a surprise. But then they all heard the Brighthouse’s door open, and they knew what that meant. “Oh no! Sunny’s back!” Hitch cried out in fear, meaning that they didn't have time to discuss this. Pipp then called out with a determined smile. “Okay! New plan, we’ll all throw our own party for Sunny.” She declared of them splitting their ideas into five parties for Sunny. “After all, four parties are better than one, right?” She asked her friends with a smile, thinking that four parties will be five times better for Sunny’s birthday. “Right!” The rest of the group, except for Sunset, agreed to Pipp’s plan. Sunset however grows concern to this. “I don’t know, guys. That plan might not go well. Four parties can be overwhelming, even on a birthday.” She pointed out that four parties on one birthday can be too much for one pony. “Come on, Sunset. This is Sunny’s birthday we’re talking about. What can go wrong?” Pipp asked, but then met with silence as Sunset raised an eyebrow at Pipp and the rest of the Mane 6, reminding them of the times they think they have things in the bag; it ended up in a disaster. Pipp then realizes what Sunset is thinking as she gives a sheepish chuckle. “Don’t answer that. I’m sure it won’t happen this time. This is Sunny’s birthday after all.” She said that maybe it won’t happen this time since it’s Sunny’s day after all. Sunset sighs at this since they are on a time limit. “This is gonna come back and bite us in the rump later.” She said to herself as she turned to her friends. “Okay. We’ll take turns through Sunny each of our party’s ideas since we don’t have time to discuss this. So let's go!” She called out as she and the others trotted out of the kitchen and headed for the front door to surprise Sunny. At the front door, Sunny came in as she took a breath, seeing that she had a good day today, but then screamed in surprise when she saw something in front of her. She saw her friends, with party decorations and birthday signs around the main room of the Brighthouse. “Surprise!” The Mane 6 called out to Sunny. PIpp is then the first to speak. “I hope you’re ready for the best parties ever!” She sang the last part to Sunny. “Oh!” Sunny said with a smile and sparkle in her eyes that her friends are here to celebrate her birthday. “That’s so…” She was cut off when Izzy grabbed her and dragged her off. “Aaahhh!” She cried out from the sudden snatched. Some time after, Izzy drags Sunny to her section of the party with a sign that shows a cake with a candle that has a star on top of it. Sunny and Izzy are doing some painting with McSnips-a-lot as their model with him sitting on a chair with a scar around him while sitting on a pillow. “Aw. Thanks, Izzy.” Sunny thanks her unicorn friend for this fun activity. “I do love a good ‘crafternoon’!” She joked with the craft pun with a laugh, she does love doing arts and crafts every now and then. Izzy laughs at Sunny’s pun, finding it funny as well. “‘Crafternoon’! Oh, Sunny!” She said, finding it funny as painted McSnips on her painting board. But her painting is kinda childish while Sunny’s is perfect with McSnip napping on the pillow. Sunny and Izzy cheer with their smoothies as they slurp some down. (Party, Party, Party Song) Mane 6: Party, party, party Zipp then appears between the two ponies as she wears a headband. “You know what this party needs?” She said to the two ponies as she looked at Sunny. “The element of danger.” She declared as she grabbed Sunny and dragged her out. “Whoa!” Sunny called out from being pulled again as Zipp dragged her to her section. Sometime later, Sunny got into her roller skates gear as she and Zipp skate each other at a fast paste as they give each other challenging smiles as they skate neck to neck with each other. Zipp: So tonight we’re gonna party So throw your hooves up, everypony Sunny took the lead as she skated ahead with Zipp behind her as the two got on the skate ramps Zipp made as Zipp flew up a bit as she did a loop pass a hoop before landing right beside Sunny. We got that glitter, gonna roll It's time to glow up the disco 'Cause when this place is poppin' We'll party, party, party, oh yeah Sunny and Zipp give each other hoof bumps with each other as they give a smile to each other. Zipp skated side to side past some trench and some rock, Sunny following along while dodging the trench and rocks as they skied to a stop in front of the ramp. Sunny took off her helmet as she gave a smile. “This is so cool!” She cried out with excitement loving the skate ramp and obstacle Zipp made for her to learn some new roller skating skills. And then Pipp popped up between them, which startled them for a bit as she held up two makeup brushes. “Glamor waits for nopony! Come on, Sunny!” She cheered as she hugged Sunny in the process. Sunset was watching the whole thing as she gave out a smile. “Well, looks like Pipp was right for once. This is working out fine and looks like Sunny is enjoying it.” She said, maybe she must’ve worried too much, and for once this won’t bite them this time, but she is still worried. “Then why do I get the feeling this might fall apart?” Sunset asked herself as she kept having a feeling that the plan might fall apart. Sometime later back inside the Brighthouse, Pipp got Sunny in a chair as she put some makeup on Sunny. Pipp: Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Then Pipp got Sunny to try out three different kinds of mane wigs to see how she looked as Sunny smirked at the style she was giving. Liking how they look at her. And then Sunny tried out the fourth wig that is pink and shows yellow flowers on them. Sunny smiled at the new look with sparkles in her eyes as she smiled at Pipp. “I like it.” She said to Pipp, approving of her new style. Pipp gives a smirk in response. “Of course you do.” She replied, knowing that Sunny loved it. Party, party, party Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Pipp then reclined Sunny’s chair as Sunny laid down with Pipp applying a mod makeup on her forehead as Sunny sighs in relaxation. “Oh, I needed this.” Sunny said in a relaxed tone as Cloudpuff flying with a drink for Sunny while wearing a red bowtie. "hooftag #BeautyGoals!” Pipp said to Sunny as she held up her camera phone. Sunny posed in the camera, but as Pipp took the picture, it showed Hitch grabbing Sunny, which startled her, and as she placed her phone down, Sunny was gone, meaning that Hitch grabbed her to his party section. “Hey!” She cried out. At the dance floor, Hitch dances beside Sunny, who is surprised by this as Hitch did a little dance. Hitch: So tonight we're gonna party Hitch lifted his hoof as Sunny smiled as she clapped her hoof with Hitch’s as he continued to dance. “Crazy noodle! Unicorn-a-conga!” He calls out as Sunny joins on the dance as she jumps over Hitch who slides on the floor as they face back to back and walk backwards as they now face each other as they smile with Sunny having a sparkle in her eyes. Sunny and Hitch did their childhood hoof-shake after the dance. “Up high, down low, hitch it to a post! Flip it sunny-side up and on a piece of toast!” They cheer after the hoof-shake as they grab each other's hooves and hold onto one another as they twirl around. So tonight we're gonna party “Whoo-hoo!” Sunny cheered as they kept twirling with Sunny laughing.  Sunset watches on with a smile. “Sunny is really enjoying this. We might pull this off after all.” She said, but then when Hitch let go, Sunny just kept twirling. “Whoa!” Sunny cried out as she couldn't stop twirling, she twirled to some buckets of paints and fell on the painting board, covered in paint in the process. Sunset cringed at this. “I take back what I said.” She stated, regretting saying those words too soon. Izzy gasps cheerfully as she has an idea. “Paint angels! Great idea!” She cheerfully said as she dumped some yellow paint on herself as she and then fell on the second painting board as she made paint angels. “Whoo! Whoo!” She cheerfully said as she made paint angels. Zipp grabs Sunny and drags her out of there as they go back out to the Brighthouse. Sunset sees this as she grows concerned for Sunny. “This is gonna bite us in the rump.” She said to herself, predicted that this might get Sunny into some trouble. Back outside, Zipp got Sunny back into her roller skates as Zipp is on a skateboard as they rode down the path, but Sunny starts to lose her balance as she is having trouble. Zipp: (rapping) Can't stop, won't stop, the big move Strike your best pose, do the pony hip-hop “Call me ‘Pony Hawk’!” Zipp said as she flipped into the air and landed on the ramp while striking her hind hooves high in the air while making a halfpipe on the ramp, with Sunny having trouble keeping balance as Zipp landed on the ground at the end of the ramp. We might blow the roof off this place Sunny the start to scream as she knows she isn’t that good on skating moves like Zipp is, and she is going to fast as she flew over the ramp and hit the Brighthouse wall face first as she slid down and landed on a pile of leaves that Pipp prepared on a wagon for Sunny’s soft landed after that hard smack. Sunset saw that as she cringed. “Oh. That’s gotta hurt.” She said, feeling sorry for Sunny, especially on her birthday. Back to Pipp’s party section, Sunny sat on the chair again, looking worse from the paint from Izzy and smack on the wall thing from Zipp’s ramp. Pipp: So tonight we're gonna party “Ugh.” Sunny groans, still feeling the impact. “Sunny, your pores seem really tense.” Pipp said as she wrapped Sunny in a blanket, while also seeing how tense Sunny is from being smack to a wall. “Well…” It was all Sunny could say, while being a little nervous about it. Pipp brought up her makeup brush as she brushed it on Sunny and then put two kiwis on her eyes as she went off. But then Hitch showed up next to her. So throw your hooves up, everypony, uh-huh We got that— “There's my dance buddy!” Hitch said, which startled Sunny as he grabbed her out of the chair and brought her back to the dance floor, losing the kiwis in the process as she twirled to the other side. Hitch: It's time to glow up the disco “Are you ready?” Hitch called out to Sunny. “What?” Sunny asked in confusion while also nervous, not knowing what comes next or what Hitch means. “Catch me!” Hitch called out as he jumped to her. Sunny looked nervous, but then Izzy came up next to her. “Craft time!” Izzy called out as she dragged Sunny off, leaving Hitch to land on the floor with a hurtful thud. A little bit later, Izzy brought Sunny back to the art section as they are using hardened clay to make some sculptures. Izzy: Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Sunny is having trouble with her clay going fast, but as she touches it to slow it down, the clay turns into a shape of Pipp’s head. Izzy gasps in amazement at what Sunny just made. “It's a masterpiece!” She cheerfully said as Sunny looked at it in amazement, didn’t know she made Pipp’s head that great. And then speaking of said Pegasus, Pipp pops up from behind her head shaped clay as she looks at Sunny with a cheery smile. “Time to tame that mane!” Pipp announced as she dragged Sunny back to her section.  Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh Izzy decided to give Sunny's sculpture head a Pipp the final touch as she adds googly eyes and a mouth cut out as the final touch. Back in Pipp’s section, Pipp put on a new wig and mane on Sunny, and it’s blue with some pearl necklaces on it. Pipp: So tonight we're gonna party, oh yeah So throw those hooves up, everypony Sunny feel unsure about this, but then Pipp turned Sunny’s head to the other direction as Cloudpuff spray her with mane spray as it clouded her for a bit. And then for some reason, once the cloud is clear and the paint and mess is off her, Sunny is at the highest ramp Zipp made in her roller skate gear, and she was shocked and scared as she didn’t know how she got there. Zipp saw Sunny up on the highest ramp with a shocked look. “Whoa! You're starting from way up there?! You go, Sunny!” She cheered to her, thinking Sunny has the guts to use the ramp. Sunny was not liking this, but her hooves slipped as she rolled down the ramp at a super fast paste as she screamed. And she went so fast that she flew off in the air again at the end of the ramp and right through the Brighthouse’s open window. Before she could hit the ground however, Sunset grabbed Sunny while in flight and gently set her down on the ground. “You okay, Sunny?” Sunset asks in concern, hoping Sunny is okay. Sunny got her bearings as she looked around for a bit before answering. “Ugh. A bit overwhelmed by all this, Sunset.” She answered. And then the two ponies heard the door open as their friends came stamping in, Sunny began to freak out as she hid behind Sunset as the two ponies backed up a bit, with Sunset in front of Sunny to protect her after what she’s been through. “I am so inspired right now!” Izzy is the first to say as she held some painting supplies. “Sunny! I've been practicing the lift!” Hitch called out next. “I just beat your track time by zero-point-three seconds, Sunny!” Zipp called out, meaning that she just beat Sunny’s so-called ‘track time’. “Time to curl those eyelashes!” Pipp announced while holding an eyelash curler. Sunny was having a breakdown from this as Sunset sees this as well as she gives Sunny a determined nod, knowing that she needs to speak up to this and tell her friends. Sunny then gives a determined look as well as she nodded back before facing her friends. “Okay! Everypony, That’s it! This is too much! I can't handle it!” She spoke out, can’t handle doing four parties sections at the same time. Sunset then spoke up next. “Remember what I said about ‘this might come back and bite us in the rump’? Well this is one of those!” She called out. “Sunny can’t handle four parties sections at the same time and you guys just keep dragging her to these sections too fast and too much for her to keep up or have fun.” She added. “This is Sunny’s birthday, and we can’t just grab her to a new party section all willy-nilly. And this is her first birthday with us since we first came into her life.” She finished, while stating that this is Sunny’s first birthday to have the time of her life with her friends and they can’t just keep randomly grabbing her to their party section. “Sunset’s right, guys.” Sunny said, agreeing with Sunset's words as she gave them a calm smile. “I've had so much fun with you all. But it's not what I want. I just want all of us to have fun together.” She said, meaning that all she wants is to have her friends to have fun with her together, not being in different sections. The rest of the Mane 6 thought of what Sunny and Sunset said as they were overwhelming Sunny with their party ideas, and they gave a smile, understanding Sunny’s wish as Hitch spoke up. “You know, it's pretty hard to do a conga line with just two ponies.” He admittedly said, saying with just him and Sunny is fun since they know each other since they were little, but with just them and not the rest of their friends, it’s not really the same. “And races are better with more competition.” Zipp said with a little chuckle, meaning that races are better with more challengers instead of just two players. “Maybe we should…” She started out but kept quiet for a sec before Izzy continued. “...combine all our parties together?” Izzy suggested combining their ideas, the others smiled at her idea as Izzy continued. “To make a…” She was cut off when Pipp gasped, putting the pieces together. “...a roller-disco-beauty-glitter party?!” Pipp questioned in excitement. “I love iiiiit!” She sang with a sparkle in her eyes, finding Izzy’s idea great. Sunset chuckled at this as she cleared her throat, catching Pipp’s attention. “Uh, Pipp. This is Sunny’s birthday. Let’s see how she thinks of this.” She said with a smirk. The rest smirked at Pipp who composed herself. “Uh, right. That's if  you love it, Sunny.” She said to Sunny with a nervous smile, almost forgetting that this is Sunny’s birthday. Sunny smiled at this. “Yes!” She cheerfully said, finding that idea great for her birthday. (Party, Party, Party Reprise Song) Mane 6: 'Cause when this place is poppin' We'll party, party, party A little bit later, they got things ready as Sunny and Hitch worked together to lift the disco ball up to the ceiling as they smiled at each other. Zipp is too busy painting an indoor ramp, but then Izzy helps out by using her hooves to stomp the blue paint on top of the ramp as it rains down to the side as Zipp smiles at Izzy’s idea as Izzy smiles back while striking a pose. So tonight we're gonna party (oh yeah) So throw those hooves up, everypony (uh-huh) Pipp uses ber makeover hair curlers to help curl the streamers down for decorations with Sunset by her side to help her as Sunny brought in another decorating item as they smiled. And then some time after, the Mane 6 has finished with the decorations as they smiled at their accomplishment with a sparkle in their eyes, no more happy than Sunny since it’s her birthday after all. We got that glitter, gonna roll It's time to glow up the disco Then the Mane 6 got their gear on of their perspective sections, Sunny is the combination of all them along with Sunset, since she never did a party section herself, she decided to join Sunny in 'Cause when this place is poppin' We'll party, party, party, oh yeah Hitch turns on the boombox as the Mane 6 starts to follow his dance moves as they break it on the dance floor in perfect sync. Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Party, party, party The Mane 6 then get into roller skates of their own as they skate around the room as they party along while Sunny gives out a happy smile as she reaches Zipp and twirls around when they grab each other's hooves before they let go. Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Party, party, party, oh yeah! Pipp then brought out her phone as the Mane 6 huddled together as they all took a selfie together to remember this perfect time of Sunny’s first birthday with her friends. And then the Mane 6 saw Izzy coming in front of them with her glitter cannon at the ready. “Glitter cannon!” Izzy cheered as the glitter cannon fired glitter in the air as it sparkled down on the Mane 6 as the final touch for Sunny’s birthday. “Now this brings back memories. Especially the cannon thing.” Sunset said, clearly remembering the days when Pinkie threw great parties, and then thought for a moment until she widened her eyes in realization. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She said as she zoomed off and came back with the present in her magic. “Happy birthday, Sunny.” She said to her Earth Pony friend with a smile. Sunny gasps as she grabs the present in her hooves. “For me?” She asked, with Sunset nodding her head in confirmation with a smile. Sunny can hardly contain her excitement as she opens up the present, and then gasps with joy at what she’s seeing inside. Inside are mini figures of Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight Glimmer, and Tempest Shadow (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) in the present. “Oh my gosh! The mini figures of Trixie Lulamoon! Starlight Glimmer and Tempest Shadow!” She cheered in excitement as she held the three mini figures in her hooves. Sunset then smiled some more. “That’s not all, Sunny. Look at the present again.” She said while pointing to the box. Sunny then looked at the box again and what she saw made her gasp some more with widened eyes in amazement. In the box are mini figures of her and her friends, along with Sunset in them, two with Sunset as her Unicorn self and her Alicorn self, and Sunny herself as her Earth Pony self and Alicorn self as well. Sunny then starts having tears of joy as she looks at Sunset with a teary smile. “Sunset. These are amazing. How did you…?” She was full with joy to continue, but Sunset chuckled, seeing that Sunny is too full of joy to ask so she answered for her. “When we first met, you mentioned that my doll was hard to track, along with Trixie, Starlight and Tempest for that matter. So I made them with my arts skills, and with some help from Izzy’s Unicycling supplies to get the materials I need, I created these dolls for you Sunny.” Sunset answered, having memories of when she brought the whole school of CHS to Equestria to get to the mirror when they were stranded on the island, she saw how Trixie looks in her pony form so her counterpart can’t be no different, and remember what Starlight looks like when she brought her to CHS to hang out and experience it as well and some pictures that Twilight sent to her journal of how Tempest invaded Canterlot and redeemed herself to save Twilight and the others when she was turned to stone and stood by Twilight and her friends against the Legion of Doom in their final battle, she was able to make the dolls by memory. “And I also made dolls versions of you and our friends since we are Equestria’s new heroes that help restore the magic of friendship and brought the three tribes together again since our first adventure together.” She added while stating her reason on how she made dolls versions of Sunny and the others. Sunny then starts to tear up more as she cries with joy and hugs Sunset. “Thank you, Sunset! This is the best gift you could ever give me.” She cried with joy, barely containing it. Sunset chuckled as she hugged Sunny back. “Any for the birthday mare and a friend, Sunny.” She said while patting Sunny on the back as the others watched on with a smile at seeing Sunny this happy. Sunny composes herself as she and Sunset let go of the hug as Sunny raises her hooves in the air. “Best party ever!” She announced with joy, meaning that this was the best birthday ever. The Mane 6 continues to party on as Sunny skates around, Zipp is flying overhead as Sunset, Izzy, Hitch and Pipp are dancing on the dance as they continue to party on. And then on the window sill, Hitch’s animal crew starts chattering while dancing to the music while enjoying the party as well, but when they did the twirl, McSnips fell out the window when he went too far to the edge as he fell to the floor, but the two birds know that he will be okay and will come back up as they continue to dance to the music as Sunny’s birthday party continues through the night. End of Chapter 26. > Chapter 27: All That Jazz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 27: All That Jazz At Mane Melody, Dahlia is showing her hooficure in the mirror, which looks like a pink square circle and is all yellow as it sparkled, to Pipp, who are both admiring the hooficure as Dahlia smiled while Pipp is smiling with sparkle in her eyes. “Loving iiiiiit!” Pipp sanged, loving the hooficure. “But what about this?” She then uses the style makeover mirror selection as Dahlia’s hoof poof into different kinds of hooficures. “Or this? Or this? Or—” She stopped with an exciting look before continuing. “Ooh! What about this?” She stopped as she now gave Dahlia a hooficure that is all pink with flowers on them. Dahlia gasps as she smiles and has sparkled in her eyes, really loves this kind of hooficure. “It's so me! I love it!” She cheered at the right choice of hooficure that fit her, since she loved flowers and all. “Great choice, Dahlia.” Jazz said to her as she pointed in one direction. “Right this way.” She said as Dahlia placed one of her hooves into a pillow to give her that requested hooficure. “I love all your designs, Jazz!” Dahlia complemented Jazz as said pony gave her the requested flower hooficure. “Oh, they're not mine.” Jazz honestly said as she brought out her phone tablet and showed the images of the hooficure pictures to Dahlia. “I just copied them from a huge library of hooficures.” She said as she scrolled through the pictures before placing her phone down. “I've never created my own designs before.” She said as she finished Dahlia’s other hoof, finishing her hooficure. “Oooh-weee!” Pipp cheered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as she appeared next to Jazz. “Those hooves are super-gorge! Mind if I Ponygram them, Dahlia?” She asked Dahlia as she brought out her phone. Dahlia smiled and responded as she lifted up her front hooves and smiled to the camera as it took her picture. And then Jazz scrolled through her hooficures pictures to see if there is anything else the ponies might like as she gave other ponies the hooficures they requested as she smiled at her work.  (Pipp) Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it? Whoa-oh-ohhhh-oh-oh Pipp takes pictures of the hooficures while the customers’ ponies are loving their hooficures as Pipp and Jazz smiled at each other as Pipp scrolled through her phone while humming and saw the pictures she has taken as it has so many positive reviews and alot of stars. The front door of Mane Melody opened as Izzy and Sunset, coming in with smiles, decided to get some hooficures themselves as well, wanting some style as well. “Hey! we need a hooftag #Hooficure!” Izzy called out with a cool face as she front flip to Jazz, who is done giving Rufus a hooficure as Sunset came walking towards them normally, knowing Izzy would do that so not surprising to say the least. “Hey, Jazz. How’s business?” Sunset asked Jazz with a smile. “It’s doing great, Sunset.” Jazz answered with a smile. “What brought you two to come get a hooficure?” She asked them, wanting to know the occasion. “It's music night at the Crystal Tea Room tonight!” Izzy answered with a cheer for their reason since she and Sunset are going to Bridlewood for music night. “Yeah. Izzy figured we would get ourselves some hooficures for the occasion. I tag along because I’m kinda interested in this myself.” Sunset added, wanting to try out a different hooficure herself that fit her for the occasion, since she was a unicorn before becoming an alicorn. “That’s right.” Izzy said. “Got anything musicky?” She asked with a cheerful smile, wanting their hooficures into a musical style. “Something musicky, huh?” Jazz said with an interesting smile as she brought out her phone to pick a hooficure. “Let's see what we got.” But as she scrolled to her next picture, all it showed was a big red x in a black circle, meaning that there are no more pictures, which threw Jazz in the loop with Sunset raising an eyebrow while Izzy placed a hoof on her chin. “Uhhh, not sure. Blank isn't really our color.” Izzy pointed out, oblivious to what it means. “I don’t think that’s a style, Izzy. I think it’s all out of design.” Sunset stated, telling Izzy what it means. Jazz starts to grow nervous as she sweats. “Uh-oh.” She said as she swipe on her phone to see other hooficures designs, but all it gets is the same error sign and sounds. “No! Uh, hang on! No! The designs! I think I've used them all up!” She said to the two, stating that she used all of her designs that she saved and don’t have any new ones. “No biggie.” Izzy said, stating that it’s no big deal. “We'll have the same as ol' Rufus here. We can be hoof buddies.” She said while giving Rufus a wink, thinking that she, Sunset and Rufus will have the same hoofs. “No way, Izzy.” Rufus stated, seeing the flaw in her idea. “Nopony with any style would be caught wearing the same design.” He added as he walked out of Mane Melody, while also saying that ponies with the same designs will just be nothing special. “Rufus is right!” Jazz called out, in a state of panic. “If I'm out of designs, nopony will come to Mane Melody for their hooficures!” She said as she kept swiping her phone, but kept getting the same results as Sunset and Izzy came next to her. “A little dramatic. But I see what you mean by that, Jazz.” Sunset said, seeing that might be a little too much but if Rufus thought about it, meaning that other ponies will be the same way. “Aw, don't worry, Jazz. You just gotta make some new ones.” Izzy assured, stating all she could do is think of new designs if she is all out of her old ones. “Yeah. Why not just make a new design.” Sunset added, seeing Izzy’s idea great. “That's just it! I don't know how!” Jazz pointed out she put down her phone with a worried look. “I've always just copied the designs! And now I've run out! What am I gonna do?!” She cried out, not knowing how to make new designs. “How about calming down first? And we’ll think of something that will help you.” Sunset stated, willing to help Jazz come up with a solution for this. Izzy and Sunset thought of a way to help Jazz with this kind of problem, while Sunset was still thinking, Izzy smiled as she thought of an idea as she came next to Jazzy and placed a hoof over her shoulder as she sighed before speaking. “Stick with us. We know exactly what you need. Jazz Hooves, you've got a date with destiny!” She declared as she got Jazz cheek’s against hers with a side hug. “Destiny?” Jazz said in confusion, not really getting what Izzy meant. “What are you talking about, Izzy?” Sunset asked, not getting this as well. “Just trust me on this, Sunset. And follow me.” Izzy said with a smile. Sunset then shrugs, seeing that Izzy might have an idea and and will give it a try since she hasn’t steered them wrong before as she, Jazz and Izzy walked out of Mane Melody to help Jazz come up with some ideas. Later on, Izzy leads Jazz and Sunset to Bridlewood as she is luring them to the Crystal Tea Room as the stop at the front door. “Get ready to have your mind totally blown, Jazz!” Izzy said as she playfully imitated explosions. “Izzy. We get it.” Sunset said, getting Izzy out of her little world. “If we are trying to help Jazz, why are we at the Crystal Tea Room this quickly? I thought we were trying to help with the Jazz’s design issue.” She said, not really following what Izzy is planning to help Jazz. “Oh. But it will, Sunset. You will see.” Izzy said with a smirk as she opened the tea shop door as the three ponies went in.  Jazz looked around as jazz music was playing while ponies around the tea shop were enjoying their tea. Onyx was playing her saxophone with her friend, Jasper, is playing the bongos for the jazz music and Alphabittle was washing his tea cups with a calm smile. Izzy found them a table as she sat down tapping her hooves with clinging sounds as she smiled at Jazz while tapping the table to get her to sit, getting the signal, Jazz sat down while Sunset sat on the other side. “Wow. This place is even more great than I remember.” Sunset commented while relaxing to the jazz music she was hearing, finding the tea shop great and guessed that since magic returned and every ponykind got together again, business must’ve been greater since the last time she was here, and the first time when ponies were depressed before the magic returned. “You can say that again, Sunset.” Izzy said as she turned to Jazz. “Can you feel the artistic, creative-y vibes flowing right through you?” She asked Jazz when she got close to her. Onyx and Jasper jazz music continues as they are in sync with one another while playing the saxophone and bongos as they each played part of the jazz music. Jazz listened to the music as she smiled and closed her eyes a bit as she visioned the jazz music notes and tapped her hoof on the table to the tune. Sunset saw this and smiled, now realizing what Izzy was planning as she leaned in and whispered to her unicorn friend. “Oh. I get it, Izzy. Having Jazz listening to ‘jazz’ music to help her with her inspiration for her hooficure’s designs.” She chuckled, finding the pun in that. “I get it now.” She added. “Glad you get it, Sunset.” Izzy said with a smirk. “A little ‘jazz’ will help inspire Jazz.” She said with a chuckle. But then, the three ponies then heard wild saxophone tunes that caused the jazz music to mess up as it brought Jazz out of her little world as the three ponies looked at Onyx. “Oh, no! Onyx is playing the wrong song!” She said to the two ponies in worry. “I don’t think she is, Jazz.” Sunset with a smirk, seeing that Onyx is gonna make something great. “Wait for it... Wait for it…” Izzy told Jazz with a smirk, knowing Onyx well to show some surprises for her music. The ponies around are smiling at Onyx’s jazz tune as she continues playing her saxophone wildly as Onyx turns to Jasper with a knowing look. Getting the signal, Jasper followed in Onyx’s tune as he bang his bongos to the tune, which made Jazz smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes as everypony in the tea shop are tapping their hooves on the table to the tune pattern, including Alphabittle who is tapping his hooves on the counter when a unicorn mare came to him while bobbing her head to the music. “I just love it when they do their own thing.” Alphabittle said to the unicorn in front of him with a smile, loving how Onyx and Jasper do their own way of music, finding them amazing. “Whoa! This is amazing!” Jazz cheered as she smiled at Izzy and Sunset, finding Onyx and Jasper’s way of making music their own way amazing. “You can say that again!” Sunset cheered with a smile as she bobbed her head to the music, finding it really catchy. “Now that's what you call creative inspiration!” Izzy started with a smile. “Sometimes you just gotta throw out the rules and make something new.” She pointed out while Onyx and Jasper finished their jazz music, which made the crowd applaud their great music. Sunset smiled and turned to Jazz. “Now do you get it, Jazz? You don’t need to search up designs, you can make your own with a little inspiration. And with some ideas that you feel like doing, you can make something new by watching what others can do to inspire you.” She gave Jazz some wisdom on inspiration, something she learned from Rarity when she is inspired by something new and makes it as well, which is new styles and making new dresses as well. “I think I do, Sunset.” Jazz said with a smile as she visioned the music notes around her as they turned into other images, lightning bolt, heart, flower, umbrella, bush, and a pinkish straight heart as they all flew into Jazz, giving her some inspiration for her designs. “See? You can feel it, too!” Izzy said after winking at Jazz as her and Sunset smiled at Jazz as she smiled back at them. “Now all you gotta do is take the feeling and put it into your art!” She encourages Jazz, while saying the last word wrong. “I think you mean ‘heart’, Izzy. But either way is okay.” Sunset chuckled, seeing Izzy’s words mixed up but got what she meant as she let it slide. “Wow! Maybe I really could create my own hooficure designs!” Jazz cheered with sparkles in her eyes, feeling inspired. “Yeah, you can!” Izzy cheered. “Now all you need are some ponies who are interested in helping practice your new designs, Jazz.” Sunset started with a smile. “And we know just the guinea ponies to help you practice!” Izzy announced while giving Jazz a wink. “More like our friends helping then guinea ponies, Izzy. ‘Guinea’ is for testing, so we’re not guinea ponies, more like friends are helping.” Sunset corrected with a smirk. Izzy chuckled at this. “Okay. You got me there, Sunset. Ponies who can help you practice.” She corrected herself with a smile she gave to Jazz. Sometime later back in Mane Melody, Izzy and Sunset told their friends everything and they fully agreed to help Jazz practice her new hooficures’ designs.  “Let's do this!” Izzy cheered in her chair as she pointed to Sunset next to her chair. “Hit us with your best work, Jazz!” Sunset encourages. “Don't hold back!” Hitch called out with a smile after he turned his chair around. Sunny turned her chair next with a smile. “Follow your heart!” She said while placing a hoof over her heart. “Unleash your inner artiste!” Zipp cheered after she turned her chair. And then a racoonicorn turned his chair, while eating a piece of food as it squeak to Jazz, encouraging her as well. Jazz smiled at the rest of the Mane 6 willing to help her practice her hooficure designs. She took a deep breath and then gave a determined look as she brought out her hooficure makeover supplies with sparkles in her eyes with a smile as she then started applying them to the Mane 6. (Pipp) Try something new, take a chance, just believe it Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it? At Mane Melody, hey! At Mane Melody! Jazz started out with Hitch by applying a hooficure to his hoof that is all dark blue with light blue lightning in it as Hitch gives a smile with sparkles in his eyes, finding them great. Jazz then sprayed some makeup on Pipp’s hooves next as she made Pipp’s hooves all dark purple with a crown in it as Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes, finding them beautiful. Jazz then cheerfully adds in a wave of three different colors as they hit Zipp’s hooves, giving her a rainbow hooficure, which she likes about. Jazz then did Sunset next as she gave her a red hooficure with a purple star, similar to Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark to remember her friend. Jazz then did Izzy next as she made her hoofs all purple with a yellow music note in it, as she loved it as well. Then Jazz did the racoonicorn next as it paw’s nails are like a piece of a berry, loving the designs.  The Mane 6, and the racoonicorn, are huddled together as they look at their hooficures, Sunny’s is darkest pink with a light pink swirl as she smiles along with her friends, finding their hooficures great. “Jazz, how did you know?” Sunny asked with a wide smile with sparkles in her eyes. “Triple-berry is totally my favorite!” She happily added as she looked at her hooficure with a wide smile. “Yay!” Jazz cheered in response, seeing that her own creation designs are great. “Ka-chow!” Hitch announced as he stomped his hoof down while admiring his hooficure. “Who's yo' daddy?!” He called out with a pose, with the racoonicorn looking at him with hearts in its eyes, admiring that pose. “This is a great hooficure I have!” Sunset cheered, loving this hooficure and something to remember her friend Twilight. The Mane 6 then high hoof each other as their hooficures sparkled from the light. “I feel an exclusive hoof reveal video coming on!” Pipp cheered as she brought out her phone and turned the camera on as Pipp place her hoof in front of the camera as the Mane 6, and the racoonicorn, huddled together to get in view of the camera as they showed their hooficure as Pipp took the picture and posited it on the web as it gone viral, along with other pictures of Jazz’s new hooficures they have taken together. Jazz hooftap one of the pictures as she came next to Sunset and Izzy, who were looking at the window as the two ponies turned to Jazz with a smile. “Thanks, Izzy and Sunset. Without both your help, I would've never been brave enough to create my own designs.” She thanked them for helping her find her inspiration for her designs. “We can’t take all the credit.” Sunset started with a smile. “We just help you find your inspiration, it was you who made it happen, Jazz. For finding the inspiration inside you to help you come up with great ideas.” She said with a proud smile. “Well, I suppose that’s true. But still, you two helped me. Thanks.” Jazz said with a smile. “Well, looks like you're gonna need all the inspiration you can get.” Izzy said with a smile. “Check it out!” She pointed out the window as the three saw a huge line of ponies in front of Mane Melody muttering to each other while waiting in line, which made Jazz amaze that this many ponies are here to try out her new hooficures designs. “Wow. That’s a lot of ponies.” Sunset said while giving a smirk to Jazz. “Looks like you’ll be busy with your designs for a while, Jazzy.” She said while nudging Jazz, who smiled sheepishly at Sunset’s words, finding that true. Sunset, Izzy and Jazz walked out of Mane Melody to get a closer look at the crowd as Jazz smiled with sparkles in her eyes, never having this many ponies for her own designs of hooficures before while Sunset and Izzy smiled at this outcome. “It's the hooficure queen!” The ponies in the crowd called out to Jazz, wanting to try out her hooficure designs. “Hey!” Rufus appeared among the crowd, a little annoyed that the ponies are crowding him while he wants to try out the new hooficures himself, but then smiled widely as he saw Sunset and Izzy’s hooficures. “Both your hooves are fierce, Izzy and Sunset!” He complimented as he got a closer look at them with a laugh as he stood up and looked at Jazz. “Can I get one of the same designs as one of them, Jazz?” He asked, wanting to try out the designs either one has. “Fantabuloso!” Izzy cheered. “Finally, a hoof buddy!” She said as she placed a shoulder on Rufus and gave him a side hug, wanting to have a hoof buddy that matches her hooves. “I won’t judge.” Sunset shrug and smile, not going to complain if somepony admires their hooficures and wanting one as well. “Neigh way, Rufus.” Jazz began with a smile. “Everypony gets their own one-of-a-kind design.” She explained, going to make them one-of-a-kind so that they will be special to each ponies. “Follow me.” She said to Rufus as he, Izzy, and Sunset followed her back into Mane Melody, only for Jazz to gasp in surprise at the amount of ponies already inside, wanting to get their one-of-a-kind hooficure design as well as the ponies chatter to one another and turned to Jazz with a smile as they waited for her to begin. “Wow. Looks like you got your work cut out for ya.” Sunset commented on Jazz with a surprise look, wanting to know when and how did these ponies get inside that fast. “ Well, It'll be worth the wait.” Jazz quickly said, knowing that she will be busy for a while. “I promise.” She promised to Rufus as all three ponies smiled at one another, glad that Jazz had found her inspiration to make new designs and share them to other ponies as she now had many ideas to come. End of Chapter 27. > Chapter 28: Pippsqueaks Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28: Pippsqueaks Forever At Mane Melody, Pipp is in her makeover supplies room working on something as she is wearing safety goggles with a smile. “Totally amazing new products comin’ at ya!” Pipp announced with sparkles in her eyes as she brought out a mini baser as she poured in some blue glitter into the bowl. Pipp gasped as she thinks that it will finally worked, but then screamed in startled when the blue glitter exploded, right on her face as she cough and sputtering some out that got caught in her mouth as she took off her goggles and look in the mirror and saw the amount of glitter on her face as she gasped. “I'm, like, totally blue!” She called out, seeing the disaster on her face as a result, clearly needing to fix this error.. Sometime later, Pipp tried out the formula again, but this time, a little pink color, but then she screamed when it zip lout of the bowl as it zipped around the room, which Pipp tried dodging it, and then screamed as the out of control pink glitter came right to her face as she screamed when it hit her, clearly needed to work on it again. A little bit later, Pipp tries again, but is a little nervous as she is afraid that it might happen again and blow up right in her face, again. Pipp then poured some green this time, but then the green makeover glitter started bubbling as it created a bit of bubbles right over the bowl as Pipp watched. “Uhhh…” She said as she knew what came next as the bubble splat itself apart, covering Pipp’s head, mane, back, wings, and tail in green makeover glitter, earning Pipp an irritated look as this keeps happening. “Ugh!” She groaned in frustration as she shook the green makeover off her as she got frustrated even more. “What... is... happening?!” She cried out, trying to figure out why her failed attempts kept happening. Sometime later, Pipp is scurrying through her supplies shelves to look for something for her homemade makeover as she takes out a vial of rainbow glitter in her hoof. “Aha! There you are!” Pipp cheered with sparkles in her eyes, thinking this might help perfect her makeover. A little bit later, Pipp  finished mixing the makeover as she poured in the rainbow glitter in the bowl. “Hmmm…” She said to herself, while a little scared that it might blow up again as she closed her eyes for something to happen, after a second, nothing happened as she looked at the bow and saw the rainbow glitter makeup swirled and sparkled as Pipp gasped in amazement. “Wow!” She said, finding it amazing, but then the rainbow glitter exploded right on her face and made the whole room a mess while Pipp gets frustrated at this again as rainbow glitter makeup is all over her head. “Ughhh! You have gotta be kidding me!” She cried out as this is the fourth time this happened as she picked some off her face while looking at it in her hoof. “I promised the Pippsqueaks a new product! Today!” She said to herself, stating that she is making a new product that she told her Pippsqueaks that she will show them the new product, but hasn’t made one yet and she is running out of time and ideas. Pipp shook the glitter off her, but some is still on her face as it now looks like a rainbow beard, which Pipp didn’t notice at all.  “Okay. Don't panic, Pipp.” She said to herself in a panic state as she paced back and forth. “Just go get a smoothie and come back and try again. No point freaking out.” She assured herself with a nervous smile, thinking that she might need a break and drink some smoothies before coming back and try again when she gets back. Sometime later, Pipp made it to the smoothie stand where Sunset and Sunny are, still having that rainbow glitter beard on her face, as Pipp starts to panic in thinking she might not show her followers her new product in time. “I'm totally freaking out!” Pipp cried out in a panic as she went to the front of the smoothie stand as Sunny was blending a smoothie while Sunset was stacking some fruits to prepare for new ones. “Sunnyyyy! Sunsetttt! Help meeee!” Pipp cried out dramatically to them as Sunset and Sunny turned to each other and had a smile on their face, knowing who it was and knowing the drill whenever Pipp had a breakdown. “Morning, Pipp.” Sunny called out with a smile as she grabbed the blender cup. “Don’t worry, Pipp. We know the drill.” Sunset added with a smile as she placed a cup next to Sunny to pour in. Sunny poured the smoothie into the cup and placed some strawberries in it. “We have your inspiration-packed strawberry ripple smoothie for youuuu…” She said as she and Sunset cringe strangely when they saw Pipp with a rainbow beard glitter on her face.  “Uh…” Sunny and Sunset said in unison, and didn't know what to say. “You two are total life-savers.” Pipp said to them with a smile with sparkles in her eyes as she slurped on her smoothie, oblivious to the glitter beard on her. “Uh-huh…” Sunny and Sunset said with weird looks, not sure if Pipp knew or not that she has a glitter beard on her face. “Ugh!” Pipp groans after a slurp. “My morning has been a complete disaster!” She cried out to the two ponies. “Uh-huh.../Yeah…” Sunny and Sunset said, still not sure what to say as Pipp continues. “I'm supposed to reveal my new product today!” Pipp pointed out. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh…” Sunset and Sunny kept saying as Sunny wiped the desk top with a nervous smile while Sunset looked around, listening to Pipp but the two ponies are not sure if Pipp noticed the beard or not. “But everything keeps exploding!” Pipp cried out of her failed attempts at making a new product. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh…” Both Sunset and Sunny kept saying as they walked to the back of the stand as Sunny was looking at an apple while Sunset was stacking some cups. Pipp notices their expression as she gives them a confused look. “Sunny, Sunset, you're both acting weird. Is everything okay?” She asked them, wanting to know why they are acting like that, not knowing the answer is on her face. “Oh, well... now that you mention it…” Sunny said in a nervous tone as she and Sunset turned to Pipp with nervous expressions. “It’s something that is on your face, Pipp.” Sunset said with a nervous chuckle. “On my face?” Pipp repeated, not sure what Sunset meant by that. “Well, there is something you need to see.” Sunny said as she and Sunset smiled nervously as Sunny brought out a mirror for Pipp to see what they mean. “Hmm?” Pipp asked in confusion, but once she saw the beard on her face from the mirror, she freaked out with a scream once she noticed. “I have a beard?! What?! What?!” She cried out as she placed her hooves all over her face as she started to stutter while Sunset and Sunny were unsure what to say as they gave a nervous smile to Pipp while Sunny placed the mirror down. “How did this happen?!” She cried out, wanting to know how she didn’t notice it while Sunset and Sunny gave unsure expressions, not sure what to say. “Just keep refreshing, Glory!” Seashell’s voice called out, which startled the three ponies, mostly Pipp from hearing that. Pipp gasped when she heard Seashell’s voice. “Oh, no! Pippsqueaks! They can't see me like this!” She cried out, not wanting her Pippsqueaks to see her as a laughing stock as she ducked inside the smoothie stand to hide from them as Sunny hid the smoothie so they wouldn't notice. “Refresh! Refresh!” Glory cried out, refreshing her page for any new live streams that Pipp is planning as she, Seashell and Peach Fizz faced the smoothie stand as they smiled at Sunny and Sunset. “Three strawberry ripples, please.” Seashell said to Sunset and Sunny. “That's Pipp's favorite, right?” She asked them, wanting Pipp’s favorite smoothies since they are her Pippsqueaks after all. “Sure is.” Sunny answered with a smile, figuring that these Pippsqueaks would want Pipp’s favorite smoothie. “Coming right up.” She and Sunset both said as they prepared the smoothies. Glory kept refreshing her phone as her friends watched. “Ugh! Still nothing! But Pipp said it's coming out today!” She called out, having heard from Pipp to show her new product to her Pippsqueaks. “Just keep trying! Pipp wouldn't let us down!” Seashell pointed out, stating that Pipp never let her Pippsqueaks down, while inside the stand to the spot Pipp is hiding, Pipp grew nervous when she heard her Pippsqueaks say that, knowing that she doesn’t have a new product to show yet as she would let her Pippsqueaks down if she do.   “There you go.” Sunny said to the three Pippsqueaks as she brought out three smoothies they’ve requested. “Exactly how Pipp likes it.” She said to them as she brought them smoothies down to them.  “And exactly how they taste as well.” Sunset added with a smile. “Enjoy!” Both Sunset and Sunny said to them as the Pippsqueaks smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they slurp the smoothies before making sounds of approval. Pipp grew even more nervous as her Pippsqueaks really looked up to her as they trotted off after paying the smoothies as Sunset and Sunny waved them by as Pipp came out of hiding. “See, Sunny and Sunset? The Pippsqueaks are waiting for my new product, and all I am going to do is let them down.” She stated while tears started to form in her eyes, feeling that she will upset her Pippsqueaks if she doesn't show her new product today. Sunny and Sunset give Pipp a ‘feeling-sorry’ expression as they think of ways to help her. “Hmmm... Aha!” They both called out with a smile, having an idea. “Maybe if you got to know the Pippsqueaks a little better, making products they love will be easier.” Sunny suggested, stating that if Pipp gets to know her Pippsqueaks some more, she can have an easy time making a new product without being stressed.  “Yeah. You could even create something together.” Sunset added in agreement, knowing that this plan will work. Pipp smiled widely at Sunny and Sunset’s idea. “Ha! Sunny, Sunset, you both are geniuses! It's time to go undercover!” She declared while giving a cool expression and tone on the ‘undercover’ thing. “Oh, W-we didn't mean…” Sunny tried to reason on that’s not what they mean, but raised an eye at Pipp when she is brushing her hooves on the glitter beard “Now, all I need is a disguise.” Pipp said to herself with a smirk, knowing that the glitter beard will help but she needed something else to hide herself as she placed a hat on her head while putting on her sunglasses as she giggled to herself. Sunset and Sunny looked at each other as Pipp may be taking this a little too far. “Maybe you should go with her, Sunset. To make sure she doesn't overdo things.” Sunny suggested, wanting Sunset to watch over Pipp to make sure things turned out okay. “Sure. If that’s okay with you, Pipp.” Sunset said to the disguised Pegasus, wanting to make sure if she’s okay with it. “I don’t mind at all, Sunset.” Pipp said with a smile, feeling okay to let Sunset tag along with her as they went out of the stand and went to follow the Pippsqueaks. Sometime later at a playground in Maretime Bay, the Pippsqueaks are giggling to each other as Seashell is doing Peach Fizz’s mane on a swing with Glory watching in amazement with sparkles in her eyes. Behind them are Sunset and Pipp hiding in a bush as Seashell swung Peach Fizz up as Glory used a Manespray on her as it made Peach Fizz’s mane sparkle as Pipp gasps in awe at them. “So creative!” She said as she wrote down what she saw in her notebook. “I gotta admit, that was impressive.” Sunset said with a smile, seeing something that creative, those Pippsqueaks are clever, and seeing more of the CMC in them after seeing how creative they are. And then a little bit later, the Pippsqueaks are dancing around with a music box with a microphone attach as they dance to ‘Let Out Your Light’ song that is playing on it as the three Pippsqueaks dance around while Glory is indistinctly singing on the microphone, but as she flew up, the wire of the microphone disconnected from the speaker, causing the music to stop as the Pippsqueaks groans that the music stopped, ending their fun. Pipp and Sunset pop from the top of a tree next to the Pippsqueaks as they look, with Pipp upside down and Sunset looking straight with her wings while staying sneaky, from the top of the tree. “Total design flaw!” Pipp noted as she wrote down what just happened. “Everypony has flaws, Pipp. Nopony’s perfect.” Sunset pointed out that everypony can’t always be perfect. Before Pipp could respond to that, she fell from the tree as she hit the ground with a thud. Sunset looked down if she was okay as Pipp spoke. “I see what you mean, Sunset.”  She said to Sunset who smiled in response before helping Pipp up and went back into hiding before the Pippsqueaks saw them. And then sometime later, the Pippsqueaks are giggling again as they are at Rufus’ sunglasses stad and are trying out the side lipsticks next to the stands as they apply them to their lips, but the one that didn’t seem to work is Seashell’s. “Ugh. Mine didn't work! Look!” Seashell cried out while pointing to her lips. “My lips aren't sparkly at all!” She cried out. “Yeah!” Peach Fizz cried out in agreement. “This glitter isn't sticking to mine either!” She added that the glitter lipsticks didn’t even stick to them. Behind them is a lifesize cardboard cutout of Pipp with her eyes blinking, meaning that she is looking through the holes, with Sunset beside her, acting casual while Pipp is hiding. “Glitter... lips…” Pipp then gasps with sparkles in her eyes as she now has an idea. “Yes, that's it! Pippsqueaks, you are brilliant!” She called out as she popped up from behind the cutout, which startled the Pippsqueaks. “Pippsqueaks! I need your help!” She said to them as she faced them with a smile. The Pippsqueaks screamed when they saw Pipp as Sunset facehooved herself, clearly thinking that Pipp had forgotten about her disguise.. “Help you?! We don't even know you!” Seashell cried out, seeing that they didn't even know that’s Pipp as Seashell turned to her friends. “Come on, ponies! Let's get out of here!” She said to her friends. “Wait! It's me! It's Pipp!” Pipp cried out as she took off her hat to reveal herself. “Um, no.” Glory answered, not convinced. “That is Pipp.” She pointed to the cutout behind her and Sunset as Pipp gasped, completely forgetting about her glitter beard. “You have a beard. Nice try.” She said as she and her friends walked away from them. “Oh, for the love of…” Sunset said as she grabbed the fake glitter beard, but surprisingly, it wouldn’t come off. “Geeze, Pipp. What’s this beard made of?” She said as she struggled to get it off. “I lost track after the last four tries of my products.” Pipp answered as Sunset let go of the beard, Pipp then smiled as she thought of another way to prove to her Pippsqueaks that it’s really her as she sang a familiar song. “Let out your light, shining bright, can ya see it? At Mane Melody!” She sang her Mane Melody theme. The Pippsqueaks heard the song as they rushed back to them with sparkles in their eyes as they looked at Pipp. “Wow! It really is you!” Seashell said in amazement, and then gave a confused expression. “But... What happened to your face?” She asked while pointing to the glitter rainbow beard. Pipp gives her Pippsqueaks a sheepish smile at that question. “That is a seriously long story.” She answered them. “Trust me. It’s really long after the four tries she’d done.” Sunset said to them. Pipp then got close to the Pippsqueaks with a smile. “And more importantly, your lip glitter idea is genius!” She cheerfully said, now having the right idea for her new product. “Ah!” The Pippsqueaks said together, feeling happy that Pipp finds their lip glitter idea great. “Would you ponies want to create it together?” Pipp asked them with sparkles in her eyes, wanting her Pippsqueaks to join in since this was their idea after all. “Yeah. It will be great since it was your idea that gave Pipp the inspiration she needs, and you can be on live stream for the other Pippsqueaks as well.” Sunset added with a smile, seeing so much of the CMC in the three fillies after what she saw, and knowing from what Twilight told her about Applejack, Rarity’s sisters and Rainbow’s number one fan, they may make mistakes but they achieve so much when they are together. The Pippsqueaks giggled at Pipp’s request, knowing that this is one of the best moments of their lives to actually help their favorite live streamer they look up to in making the new product with her as they looked at Pipp with sparkles in their eyes. “Our answer is yes!” Seashell answered, knowing that they are in with anything that is with Pipp. Pipp smiled at their answer as she turned to Sunset. “Wanna join in, Sunset?” She asked. “You know I’m in since Sunny let out early.” Sunset answered with a smile, wanting to see how this goes before pointing at Pipp. “And Pipp, wash that beard off before we get started.” She said with a bored expression, knowing that Pipp would be a laughing stock if she streamed herself with that beard on her. And frankley, it’s weird seeing her with a beard on her face. Pipp looked at the beard as she chuckled sheepishly. “Okay. Thanks for the reminder.” She said to Sunset, seeing that she forgot about that beard glitter on her face all day as the five ponies chuckled in amusement at this. Sometime later back in Mane Melody, Pipp washed the rainbow glitter beard off as she placed her goggles over her eyes. “Ready?” She asked her fellow Pippsqueaks and Sunset next to her, wearing goggles as well. “Ready!” The Pippsqueaks answered with sparkles in their eyes. “Let’s do this, Pipp.” Sunset said with a smile as the five ponies got to work on the product. The ponies then started pouring contents in a white bowl, lemons, flowers, and some honey, while in a blue bowl smashing some vegetables together to liquefy them as Pipp stirred them together. The bowl filled with purple glitter starts to sparkle as the Pippsqueaks giggled as they, along with Sunset and Pipp, looked at it in amazement with sparkles in their eyes. Sunset and Pipp’s along with the Pippsqueaks’ cutie marks began to glow as the bowl was in the air before landing back down on the bowl as it turned into a rainbow sparkle glitter that glowed. Pipp, Sunset and the Pippsqueaks gasped in fright as they duck for cover, having been told from Pipp that whenever she tries to make something, it explodes on her face which results in her having that glitter beard in the first place. “Hmm?” Pipp said with the cover of the top of the bowl as a shield, making sure for extra protection so it wouldn’t get on her face again, only to realize that it didn’t blow up this time. “Oh!” The Pippsqueaks called out once they realized that it didn’t blow. “Huh.” Sunset said while shielding herself with her magic, but allowed it as she, Pipp and the Pippsqueaks cheered with giggles once they realized they succeeded in making this new product as they high hooved with each other of their success. Sometime later, Pipp is now live streaming her new product to her followers as she faces the camera with a smile. “Hey, Pippsqueaks! My newest product is finally here!” She cheered in the video. “And this one is extra special because the idea came from you, my friends!” She said while looking at Sunset and her fellow Pippsqueaks as they giggled in response. “And here with a sneak peek at lip glitter is…” She said while facing the camera to her fellow Pippsqueaks. “I'm Seashell!” Seashell called out with a yellow lip glitter on her. “And I call this color ‘Maretime Bay Babe’! Mwah!” She winked before blowing a kiss to the camera. Then the camera turned to Glory, who had a pinkish lip glitter on her. “And I'm Glory! And my lip glitter is called ‘Pega-Sassy’!” She winked to the camera while pointing to her lip. The camera then turned to Peach Fizz next, with a purple lip glitter on her. “Hey, it's me, Peach Fizz! And this lip glitter is called... uh... uh…” She stopped with a nervous look, apparently she forgot about the name for this kind of lip glitter, and since she is being on live stream right now, when she spoke with a nervous smile. “‘Unicorny Morning Breath’!” She announced, apparently, that name doesn’t fit. Pipp then brought the camera to her with Sunset next to her, who raised an eyebrow at that name, as Pipp laughed nervously from that one. “Well, you know, we're still working out all the details.” She said to the followers while holding the said purple lip glitter with a wink to her followers while Sunset nodded her head in agreement. “But lip glitter is coming soon! Laters!” She said to her followers as she ended the live stream as the five ponies smiled at this as they turned and smiled at Peach Fizz.  “‘Unicorny Morning Breath’?” She asked Peach Fizz in amusement as Sunset chuckled a bit, finding it funny of that kind of name. Peach Fizz felt embarrassed when that weird name came out of nowhere as she spoke. “Uh... I'm so sorry, Pipp!” She cried out as tears began to form, thinking she messed up Pipp’s live stream. “I-I panicked! I've never done a livestream before!” She cried out, having never done a live stream while watching them. And then Pipp, Sunset, Seashell, and Glory starts laughing at Peach Fizz panicking, finding it funny and cute as Peach Frizz looked at them in confusion until her friends, Glory and Seashell brought them in a group hug while Pipp brought them into a big group hug as she wrap her hooves around her three Pippsqueaks with a laugh while Sunset ruffled their manes. “Everypony can’t be perfect. It is your first time, and I say you three have a bright future ahead of you.” Sunset said to them with a smile as these three filles really reminded her of the CMC, from back of the day, both human and pony from what she saw in CHS and their ponies counterparts that Twilight told her about as the Pippsqueaks smiled at Sunset’s words as they all laugh together as now Pipp’s products will be an even bigger hit than before thanks to her fellow Pippsqueaks. End of Chapter 28. > Chapter 29: Dragon Dad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 29: Dragon Dad In the Sheriff Station, The Mane 6 are playing with Sparky as he is swinging in a bucket with hoof cuffs on a lamp to stabilize it as Izzy pushes Sparky to swing while the rest of the girls smile at the cute baby dragon as Sparky cheered in joy as Zipp begins to swing Sparky next, though a little too hard at the swinging when she hit the bucket. Hitch watches from his desk as he keeps a close eye on Sparky, being overprotective to that dragon, he worries, and grows even more worried when he sees a tiny crack at the chain of the cuffs. Hitch gasped in panic when he saw that. “Ponies stop! The hoof cuffs are about to…” He was cut off when Zipp hit’s Sparky’s bucket so hard, the hoof cuff snapped and shot Sparky into the air, with the girls looking in shock and Zipp surprised at her strength as Hitch shrieked in panic and trotted off to catch his dragon. Sparky cheered at the excitement as his bucket fell down as Hitch cried out as he flopped to the floor as he caught Sparky, but then he skied through the floor as he hit a table cabinet with a fruit bowl on top, and then a pineapple landed on Hitch’s head. “Great.” Hitch groaned, glad that Sparky is okay but really annoyed that he got fruit. Sparky licked some pineapple content off Hitch's head as he cheered at the taste, with Hitch sighing at this outcome. Hitch gets up from the floor as he shakes the pineapple off his head as he holds Sparky in his hooves. “Right. That’s it. You ponies obviously need a refresher on the ‘Three S’es of Successful Pony Parenting’.” Hitch said to the group as he put down Sparky. “The Three S’es?” Sunny asked as she and the others were confused on what Hitch meant. Hitch looks at them in disbelief but then realizes that he just made up the new rules as he tries to think of it carefully as he smiles nervously at them. “Ptss. Uh.” He then gives out a nervous laugh. “You know. Um… Uh… My foolproof system for perfect dragon parenting!” He quickly says as he thinks of the rules while Sparky is waddling around with the bucket on his head. “Uh… Number one: Keep them safe! Yeah.”  Hitch said as he placed a billow on the side of his desk in front of Sparky before he hit it, which flob the dragon on the ground from the sudden soft impact. “Number two: No snacks!” Hitch cried out as he wrapped the entire snacks in a cloth from the table and started shredding them on the shredder. Izzy gasped at the shredded snacks as she smiled. “Spaghetti snacks!” She said with a smile as Sunset shook her head at Hitch overthinking things, again. Hitch turned to his friends again for the last S rule. “And three: Never let them out of your sight! Wait where’d he go?” Hitch asks as he looks around and doesn’t see Sparky as he begins to grow worried. “Sparky? Sparky?” He called out to him as he began to worry. The girls are looking at him strangely at what they saw as Zipp chuckled at Hitch as she pointed to his head. “Up top, Sheriff.” She said to Hitch. Hitch looks up where Zipp is pointing and sees Sparky on top of his head. “Yah!” Sparky cheered with the wave of his paws. “I know!” Hitch quickly said with an embarrassing smile, clearly needed to focus on that third rule of the S’es. “That was, uh… a test.” He then chuckled sheepishly. “And you passed.” He said with a sheepish smile. Sunset rolled her eyes at Hitch’s overthinking things as she spoke. “Hitch, don’t you think you are overthinking this and being overprotective, again.” She said with a bored tone. “I don’t overthink things, Sunset. I’m just trying to keep Sparky safe.” Hitch said stubbornly, but a look at Sunset said otherwise. “Oh, c’mon. When was the last time I overthink things?” He asked her. “That time when you think that Pegasi and Unicorns are bad news.” Sunset listed with an amusing expression, reminding him of the time he was scared of the other tribes. Hitch blinked at the mention of that as he spoke again. “Okay. Good point. But name another one.” He said to Sunset to add another one. “That time when you made every Earth Pony, including Sunny, from using their magic that it backfired.” Sunset listed out while crossing her hooves. “Your rashed the decisions that you nearly separated the crystals that would’ve cost us everything we worked hard for and jumping to conclusions that Earth Pony magic is dangerous, which is not if you practice them instead of holding it in, the time when you and Sunny switched Cutie Marks to see if each other roles are that hard or not, and that time when Sparky gone missing, you’ve gone overboard with your protective side for him that you were jumping conclusions to other ponies when we found him after you calmed down.” She finished the list of how Hitch kept overthinking things of recent events that had occurred. Hitch blinked in surprise as he turned to the other girls as they nodded in agreement with Sunset as Hitch usually overthink these things. Hitch chuckled sheepishly at those reminders of his screw ups. “Okay. I see your point, Sunset.” He admittedly said with a chuckle. “But this time is different, because I’m just trying to look after Sparky. So this time, these three rules are for this baby dragon for us to follow.” He said, as he is just saying the rules on how to look after Sparky and keep him safe, not the rules that everypony could follow like the rules he made for Maretime Bay. Outside the station, Misty is walking by as she stops and sees a window open, curiosite on what is going on in the station.  Back in the station, Sparky giggled a bit, but then stopped as he felt a burp coming up, and with that burp came his magic dragon fire as he burped it out the window. “Whoa!” Misty cried out as he ducked from Sparky’s dragon fire as it flew over her from out of the window. Misty got back up as she saw where the dragon fire shot off to. “Wait a second.” She said to herself as she placed a hoof on her chin, having seen that before. “That looked like dragon fire?!” She called out with wide eyes in realization as she saw that before when she had Sparky to get a piece of his dragon fire to Opaline to restore her magic.  And then Misty’s medallion, that Opaline gave to her to stay in contact and to help her find other magic sources that will help restore Opaline’s magic, then opened up as it glows and floated as it pointed to the open window of the station as Misty peek through it as she watches what is happening as she sees Sparky on Hitch’s head as Hitch panicked as Sparky kept shooting his dragon fire as Hitch tries to get Sparky to stop.  Misty saw this as she brought out her notebook and wrote down what she saw. “If I can get some juicy intel on Sparky’s Dragon Fire, maybe Opaline will finally stop talking about it.” She said in an annoying look as she has flashbacked on how many times Opaline kept mentioning Sparky’s dragon fire. Flashback: The flashback then showed Opaline shaking Misty, who was growing dizzy as Opaline kept shaking her. “Get me that dragon fire!” She demands Misty to get more dragon fire to get more magic as Misty gives a scared look at Opaline’s outburst. The next flashback showed Opaline showing Misty the diagram, with a candle on her hoof, as she turned with a mischievous smile. “With dragon fire, I’ll be the most powerful Fire Alicorn of all time!” She announced as she evilly smiled as Misty looked on with a nervous smile as she nervously nodded her head to Opaline as she looked around. The next flashback just showed Opaline taking a nap on her throne straight up with a hoof on her cheek. “Dragon…” She said as she snored. “Fire…” She snored again as she was half awake as she turned to the other side with her other hoof touching her cheek as Misty gives a worried look at Opaline as she is so obsessed with dragon fire. End of Flashback: Misty ended her flashback with a strange look at Opaline obsessing with dragon fire as she focused her attention back to the station as she observed Sparky and the Mane 6 to keep notes of what she saw as she wrote her notebook down. In the station, Hitch then gives a determined look as he walks in front of the girls as he speaks with Misty peeking through the window without the Mane 6 knowing. “The station is danger-proof from head to hoof! Hey that rhymed.” Hitch said with a small smile, finding a rhyme in his sentence, while also saying that this station is the safest place from danger.   “Oh!” Sunny said with realization as Izzy nodded. “Like putting those safety locks on cover doors.” She said while pointing to said cover door with a safety lock on it. Hitch then spoke next. “Uh. Try a six-point laser triggered alarm system.” He stated, getting that Sunny understood safety measures as he brought out a red button in his hoof as he pressed it and then two laser stands that made six lasers in front of the cover door appeared. Izzy ran to it as she touched the laser with one of her hoof’s, which caused the alarm to go off as the station glowed red as well. Izzy is amazed at this as she stops touching the laser, but then of course Izzy places her hoof back to the laser as she touches it again and again as the alarm goes off with each touch because of Izzy’s playful side. Sunny came close to Izzy as she shook a pair of keys in front of her, which got Izzy’s attention as she stopped touching the laser as Sunny walked backwards as Izzy hops after the keys like she was some pet. Hitch sighs at Izzy’s personality as he should’ve seen that coming. Behind him, Sparky is playfully chopping a carrot with a knife at a fast pace. Hitch turned and saw this as he gasped and then ran to Sparky as he snatched the knife out of his paws. “And there’s sharp objects.” He nervously said after seeing Sparky holding it as he put it in his tool box and locked it in a safe. “Always keep them locked safely away.” He said to put the safe in a bigger safe with a hoof scanner and locked it in the cage. “And under constant watch!” He cried out as he got his animal crew, with cop hats on their heads, out of a wall door as they saluted Hitch and hopped down to the floor as they walked back and forth while guarding the safe. Zipp gives a strange look at Hitch’s overdoing things while Pipp smiles strangely at him as Pipp spoke with a nod. “Hmm. Nice and simple.” She said to Hitch’s ‘nice and simple’ safety lessons. Hitch then appeared between the two sisters as it startled Zipp and Pipp at his sudden appearance. “Lastly, make sure you cushion all the hard corners and edges.” He said as he placed bubble wraps on every hard corner and edges in the station, even his framed on the wall as well, the map and some hard edges objects in the station, even wrapped Sparky in bubble wrap for safety. “See! No risk of harm whatsoever.” He said to the girls as he started to sweat under pressure. Sparky jumped up and down while trapped in his bubble wrap, and then tripped to the floor, which caused his dragon fire to come out again. Sparky’s dragon fire hit a stabler behind Zipp, who dodge the dragon fire as the stabler turned into a gag wind up teeth as it bit Zipp’s tail as she cringed in pain. “OW!” Zipp cried out in pain as she felt her tail being bitten from the gag of teeth. Sunset then gives a bore expression to Hitch. “But can those rules tell us how to handle sudden magic dragon fire Sparky kept releasing?” She asked rhetorically to Hitch that Sparky kept releasing his dragon fire lately as she walked to Zipp and got the gag out of her tail, with Zipp sighing in relief at the pain now gone. Hitch laughed nervously at that. “I’m still trying to figure out how to handle Sparky’s sudden dragon fire.” He sheepishly said with a sheepishly smile, still trying to figure out how to handle Sparky’s dragon fire. Outside the station, Misty kept watching as she wrote down what she saw on her notebook with an awed expression. “Whoa! No wonder Opaline wants that dragon fire. It’s so powerful!” Misty said in amazement as she wrote it down, now understanding why Opaline is so obsessed with Sparky's dragon fire. And then Misty ducked “Yikes!” She screams as her pen is tossed into the air as she ducked another one of Sparky’s dragon fire, which hit her pen as it turned into a green mini guitar, which Misty caught as she stared in shock at what Sparky’s dragon fire is capable of. Sometime later, the Mane 6 are walking through Maretime Bay with Hitch holding Sparky on a child leash so that he won’t go far. Hitch spoke to the girls as he continued his lesson. “Now Mane Street is the best practice for what I call ‘snack resistance’ training.” He said to the girls as a Earth Pony stallion, who is pulling a cart with cotton candy, is passing by them. “Sparky needs to be able to---!” He cried out in surprise as once Sparky saw those cotton candy, he rushed off after them as Hitch is dragged along with the leash attached to his hoof as Sparky drags Hitch along with his surprise dragon strength as the girls watch on with surprises looking at Sparky’s strength. “Okay. That dragon is full of surprises, and Hitch is not having better luck today.” Sunset said at the karma Hitch is getting late and Sparky surprised him again as he somehow dragged Hitch without any problem as the girls nodded in agreement with Sunset. Hitch screamed as Sparky dragged him while trying to get the cotton candy as they moved past ponies on the sidewalk, then Sparky ran past some bushes, with Hitch hitting them while being dragged. Misty is hiding in a trash can to get more intel on Sparky’s dragon fire without being noticed. But then Sparky starts running towards her at high speed with Hitch being dragged as he screamed with a bush on his head so he can’t see. Misty looked on in shock as Sparky hit Misty’s trash can as it was tossed into the air. Misty crashed back to the floor with a thud, with the trash can landed on her head from the crash. Hitch continued to scream with the bush on his head, but luckily it didn’t last long until he came to a stop.  Hitch shook the bush off his head, which made his mane mess up from the rush and bush, as he got his sight back. But then Sparky starts rushing off again pass the bead bush, with Hitch screaming again, then got hit by a pole, that Sparky circled around, as they came to a stop with Hitch sweating in exhausting from Sparky rush as stopped right by the girls, with Sparky carrying a giant cotton candy he got from the stand. Hitch chuckled nervously as he continued where he left off with the girls as a cake cart walked past them. “As I was saying. He needs to be able to…!” He cried out again as Sparky saw the cakes and ran to it, dragging Hitch along again as the girls watched on. “It might be a while for Hitch to get back.” Sunset said, seeing that if Sparky keeps seeing sweets that he loved with his sweet tooth, he will keep racing to it and dragging Hitch along. The girls nodded their heads in agreement, knowing it might be a while for Hitch and Sparky to get back. Sometime later, Sparky carried a cake as he giggled while Hitch flop on the floor, looking very tired with his mane all messy from Sparky’s dragging as he took a breath while Sparky place the cake on a pile of treats and snacks he grab after seeing them as the girls watches in amazement and shock at what just occurred. Hitch got up, looking tired as he looked at his friends. “It's a learning curve.” He said tiredly, trying to cover up his embarrassment at what just happened. Izzy pops up from the pile of snacks as she is eating a cupcake with a smile. “This learning curve tastes like blueberries.” She said as she ate the blueberry cupcake whole, not seeing what Hitch meant. “You think you would remember Sparky’s surprise dragon strength by now, Hitch.” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow that Hitch forgot about Sparky’s strength. “Yeah. I keep forgetting that half the time.” Hitch admittedly said, seeing that he keeps forgetting how strong Sparky is, even as a baby dragon. Then Sunny, Sunset, Zipp and Pipp give out panicked expressions at what they saw next. “Um, Hitch, what did you say the third ‘S' was?” Sunny asked nervously while asking what the third rule of the ‘S’ word was again nervously. “Never let them out of your sight.” Hitch said with a smile. But when he saw Sunset and Sunny pointing to the leash quietly while looking nervous, Hitch turned and panicked when he saw Sparky’s child leash was there, but Sparky was not on it as he grabbed it. “Ah! Where’s he gone! Where’s Sparky?! We have to find him!” He cried out in panic as he turned to his friends. “Izzy, check the beach!” He pointed to Izzy, who saluted him in response as Hitch then got between Sunny and Zipp. “Zipp, be our eyes in the sky!” He said to Zipp as she flew into the air as Hitch turned to Sunny. “Sunny, you… uh… skate around until you find him!” He said, running out of ideas, as Sunny nodded her head with a determined smile. “And Sunset…” Hitch said while looking at Sunset. “Search the place Sparky went missing the first time and then check around Maretime Bay until we find him.” Sunset said with a knowing look. “Yep!” Hitch called out as the Mane 6 spread out to find Sparky, wherever he may be. At the beach, Izzy is using her detector to find Sparky. With Misty spying on her while hiding behind a rock. Izzy’s detector goes off as it blinks red as it finds Sparky’s footbrings. Izzy smiled excitedly as she found a clue to find Sparky as she trotted off at high speed, which made the sand to blew off the ground and onto Misty, who coughs at the sand in her mouth and on her. In the sky, Zipp is wearing her Z-Goggles as she is scanning an area in Maretime Bay for Sparky in Thermal mode. Zipp searches around until she sees Mane Melody, and then spots Sparky cheerfully running to Mane Melody as he enters the building. Which made Zipp gasp as she found Sparky as she quickly contact her sister, who is the closest to Mane Melody to tell her where Sparky is. Inside Mane Melody, Sparky is playing around with some of Pipp’s makeover supplies as he places some shampoo bottles and shows the blue, pink and yellow bubbles on his head as he made a mess as he giggled. Pipp came rushing in with a pant, having to rush herself to Mane Melody as Jazz is startled by Pipp’s sudden appearance as Pipp looked around for Sparky, and turned to Jazz and shook her a bit, unknowingly to the two ponies, Sparky came behind them and out the door with a yellow mane wig on his head as Jazz rush out of Pipp’s sight, little scared at Pipp’s reaction right now as Pipp looked around for Sparky, and then step on a bottle as it squired some yellow content. Misty is reading a magazine in Mane Melody while sitting in a chair, while spying on the girls movement, as she saw the yellow content hit her on her mane, which caused her mane to get poofy in the process as Misty looked in shock at her poofy up mane. Somewhere else in Maretime Bay, Sunny is skating around while playing Missing Posters of Sparky for anypony to find him. What Sunny didn’t know, Sparky was behind her as he giggled and folded up one of the posters into a paper airplane as he launched it away, before doing it again to the other one as he launched as well with giggles. Behind Sparky is Misty, who is looking really exhausted from what has been happening to her today as she has three paper airplanes from Sparky’s previous ones earlier on her poofy mane. Misty gasped as she saw another one coming as she tries to shoo it away, to prevent more paper airplanes from coming to her hair, as she trip over the railing and fall of the cliff side of it, hanging onto a branch to keep her from falling into the ocean. Somewhere else in Maretime Bay, Sunset is searching for Sparky as she already checked the last place he was in when he went missing as she groans in frustration. “How can one little baby dragon hide so well?” Sunset asked herself. “If this is how Twilight took care of Spike when he hatched from his egg, I gotta say, she took care of Spike well.” She said, while remembering when Twilight told her how she took care of Spike after adopting him into the family.  “Think, Sunset, think.” Sunset said to herself as she thought of a way to get Sparky’s attention. “Sparky is a baby dragon. And he’s a curious one as well, so if the dragon's ways haven’t changed in the last generations, then the best way to draw a dragon's attention is to attract it with a treat.” She said while remembering how dragons are in the dragon lands and some pointers from Twilight and Spike. “And a treat to a dragon is… Gems and Rubies!” She said while widen her eyes in realization, remembering that dragons have a knack for gems and rubies since it was their favorite treat. Sunset then uses her magic to summon a fake fire ruby, which looks real enough to fool a baby dragon. “Here Sparky! Come here! I got you a delicious fire ruby for you!” Sunset called out with a smile while waving the fake fire ruby in her hooves. She didn’t have to wait long as Sparky came rushing towards her, giggling. “Sparky!” Sunset called out in relief as she got Sparky into her hooves as she hugged him, and made the fake fire ruby disappear as a result as Sunset holds Sparky tight so he won’t get away. “Glad you’re okay, Sparky.” She said to the baby dragon with a comforting smile. Sparky giggled and cooed at Sunset while waving his arms, and a little sad that he didn’t get a fire ruby. Sunset chuckled at Sparky cuteness. “Come on. I’ll tell the others too…” She stopped for a second, seeing how overthinking and too much control Hitch is lately as she smirked to herself. “On second thought, why don’t we head back to the station and surprise the others. We can have some snacks, real snacks while we wait, Sparky.” She said to the baby dragon with a smirk, going to let Hitch learn his lesson the hard way to let him know how he keeps overthinking things and being out of control lately on how to take care of Sparky if he wants the other s to know that they can take care of Sparky and how to keep him safe if he’s not around. Sparky laughed at Sunset, agreeing with her and wanting some snacks as well. “Come on, you little dragon you, let's get back to the station.” Sunset said with a chuckle as she and Sparky walked back to the station where they will wait for the others. Meanwhile back at the station, the five of the Mane 6 returned after having no signs of Sparky anywhere, where Sunset is waiting for them while hiding Sparky, as Hitch starts having a breakdown. “I can’t even look after one little baby dragon!” Hitch cried out over Sparky missing as he flopped to the floor as the girls gave him sympathetic looks as Hitch started to tear up. Sunset then smirked as Hitch finally learned his lesson at how he’s been acting lately as she spoke. “You don’t have to worry anymore, Hitch.” She said with a smirk. “What are you talking about, Sunset?” Hitch said in a sad tone, not knowing what she meant. Sunset said nothing as she kept smirking and then clapped her hooves, which caused a dragon fire to shoot over Hitch, which startled him as he got up and saw that dragon fire hit his tail. He looked at Sunset with a surprised look as she pointed to one of Hitch’s plants, which started to rattled a bit before Sparky came out as he took a breath. “Sparky!” Hitch called out in relief as he ran towards his baby dragon. “Oh, thank hoofness!” He took a breath as he grabbed Sparky in his hoof and nuzzled him before placing him back down. “I was so worried! I thought you might have fallen into the sea or baked into a pie or eaten by bees or…!” He cried out dramatically while listening out the possibilities of what would’ve happened to Sparky. Izzy then came in front of Hitch with a comforting smile while holding a bunnycorn right in front of him. “Look at the bunnycorn, Hitch. Look at the bunnycorn.” She said to Hitch as he looked at the bunnycorn. Once Hitch looked at the bunnycorn, smiled cutely at him as it blinked at him twice. That cuteness made Hitch calm down as he took a deep breath. “There we are.” She said to Hitch with a calm smile. Sunny then thought of something. “Wait a minute. Sunset, how did you know Sparky was there?” She asked Sunset, wanting to know how she knew Sparky was there. “I brought him here after I found him.” Sunset answered, which made the group wide eyes, but before they could speak, Sunset spoke before them. “And I know what you guys are gonna ask, and the only reason I never told you ponies is because Hitch needs to learn his lesson on how he’s been acting all day. I mean come on, even you girls notice it too and it was making us nuts.” She said to them. The girls then thought of what Sunset said as they nodded and spoke in agreement, seeing that Hitch was overthinking things again as they turned to Hitch with a knowing look on their faces. Hitch sees things and realizes Sunset is right as he took a breath before speaking. “I’m sorry everyponies. I just…” He apologized to them on how he’s been acting and then screamed a bit in a sad tone before speaking. “Aahhh. All I want is to be a great dragon dad.” He said as his voice started to crack as he held Sparky, who is smiling cutely at him, in his hoof. The girls smiled at Hitch as Sunny spoke with a smile as she walked towards him. “Hitch. You are a great dragon dad.” She said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder before looking at Sparky. “Just look at how much you cared about Sparky.” She pointed out as the rest of the girls huddled close to him. “But honestly, I think you can relax a little bit.” She added, stating that Hitch needs to relax a bit while not overdoing things. “She’s right, Hitch.” Sunset said with a smile. “While we understand how much you cared about Sparky, you need to know that you don’t have to be overprotective of him that much. Sparky is a baby dragon after all, so there’s no need to go overboard and be that protective to him, you can still be protective to him, but not too much. Don’t go overboard on overthinking these things. And just have fun with Sparky instead of keeping him safe all the time, let him have his fun.” She said with her wisdom on how to take care of a baby dragon, having heard on how to do that from Twilight and how Baby Dragon Hatching Season that Fluttershy, Spike and Smolder took to in the dragon lands and how Twilight babysat Flurry Heart taught her how to take care of young creatures. Outside of the station, Misty crawled to the open window again as she groaned exhaustively at what has happened to her today with her mane still poofy and having paper airplanes on it while spying on the Mane 6 all day. “Sunny and Sunset are right.” Zipp said next as she spoke to Hitch with a smile. “Sparky might be a baby, but he’s made of pretty tough stuff.” She said while giving Sparky a belly rub, which caused the baby dragon to laugh, as Hitch smiled at Sparky, now understanding what his friends are saying, but then Sparky began to puff up, and Hitch knows what that means. Once Misty tried to get a close peak at the window, she was then hit by one of Sparky’s dragon fire, which caused her mane to turn into a flower. That did it as Misty fainted from that, having endured enough punishment for one day. In the station, the Mane 6 starred in shocked at Sparky’s surprise dragon fire as Sparky puff some out of his mouth. “And maybe we should find a way to get Sparky’s sudden dragon fire attacks under control while we’re at it.” Sunset suggested, which caused the rest of them to nod their heads in agreement, going to have to figure out that issue. Hitch then smiled as he spoke to his friends. “Thanks everypony.” He said as he placed Sparky down. “And you’re right. I need to be less controlling.” He said in a guilt town on how much of a control freak he’s been acting. “And Sunset. I shouldn't have told you guys on how to take care of Sparky. After seeing how you took care of him after you hid him for me to learn that lesson, I guess I was overthinking things again.” He apologizes to Sunset and his friends for how he’s been. “That’s okay, Hitch. You were just looking after Sparky. Just tried to be less protective the next time this happened, okay?” Sunset started with a smile, accepting Hitch’s apology of how overstressed he was and being a control freak, she understands what he's going through. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” Hitch said as he continued. “Hey Sparky, I’m sorry I was so…” He stopped once he and the girls realized that Sparky is missing again. “Sparky?” Hitch called out again as the Mane 6 looked around for any sign of Sparky. “Now where’d he go?” Sunset asked, surprised at how sneaky Sparky is for a baby dragon. It didn’t take long for the Mane 6 to look out the window and saw Sparky rolling a giant ball of bubble wrap, which he wrapped together from Hitch’s office, across, which the Mane 6 surprised and worried for Sparky. “SPARKY, NO!” The Mane 6 cried out in unison as Sparky continued to roll the bubble wrap ball across Maretime Bay for more fun. “After that dragon!” Sunset cried out as she and others ran off to catch Sparky before he did anything else. End of Chapter 29. > Chapter 30: Nightmare Night Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30: Nightmare Night Party In Mane Melody, Pipp gives a determined smirk as she is wearing a royalty costume as she looks at the crowd, wearing costumes as well. “Who’s ready for a Nightmare Night fright-shion show!?” Pipp called out through the stage on her microphone. The crowd cheered in response, as they were ready for it, meaning that today is Nightmare Night in Equestria, the one holiday ponies dress up and have treats or do scary tricks, so Pipp had the idea to have a party in Mane Melody since this is the first ever Nightmare Night of all three tribes together after generations. “Let’s kick off with the Triplets of Terror!” Pipp announced as she pointed to her Pippsqueaks. Peach Fizz, Seashell, and Glory are all wearing the same blue dresses as they walked on stage with blank scary looks. “Aw, adorable right?” Pipp asked the crowd, finding her Pippsqueaks adorable, which the crowd disagreed, finding their looks scary, just as it should be since it’s Nightmare Night. Pipp smiled as she continued while looking back at the stage with a smirk. “Princess Zephyrina is clear for takeoff!” She announced as the light shines on Zipp. Zipp is wearing a red archard costume as she smirked and flew off as she twirled and did a loop twice as she flew around Mane Melody, then did a front flip as she landed back on the stage as she smiled pridefully as applauses are heard from the crowd from Zipp’s performance. Pipp looked at her paper card as she smiled and saw who was next. “Next it’s the random Rufunzo!” She announced as Rufus came out of the stage next, while hopping around silly. Rufus' costume is just a silly clown costume, with make up, red nose, rainbow clown wig, clown bow tie, and clown boots to boot as he hops around the stage while making squeaky noises as he smiled as he hopped to the air, making a pose as he landed on the stage while making squeaky noises with a smile as the crowd smiled at his performance. Pipp then announced who was next. “Here’s Hitch as…” She announced as Hitch walked into the crowd, wearing his disco costume he wore on Sunny’s party as he danced around as the crowd cheered. “... Hitch, but with a mustache!” Pipp finished as Hitch pointed to his fake mustache on his face, which made the crowd cheer him on. At the back stage, Sunny is looking at her compact mirror as she inspect herself in her costume. “Sunny, you look great, don’t worry.” Sunset’s voice called out as she placed a wing over Sunny. “With our costumes, we are gonna catch the eyes of everypony.” She encourages the costumes they are wearing. “I know! It’s gonna be great!” Sunny cheered as she placed her mirror away. “Thanks for helping me with the designs, Sunset. And thanks for partnering up with me, gotta have a complete set of the original duos.” She said, mentioning the costumes they are wearing. “Yeah, well. Somepony have too. By the way, great job on the Nightmare Moon costume.” Sunset compliment on Sunny’s costume. “Thanks, Sunset.” Sunny said with a smile. “I figured, since this Night is kind of in Nightmare Moon's honor somebody should dress like her. Besides, as the first villain Twilight and her friends ever beat, it also makes for a good nod to the Guardians of Harmony.” She said, stating her reason that since Nightmare Moon was the first villain the Twilight and her friends first fought that started their adventures together, she wanted to wear something on who brought them together. “And you are doing a great job on your Princess Celestia costume.” She said to Sunset. “Well, thank you, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile. “When Pipp announced her plans for this Nightmare Night Party, there were only two ponies I wanted to be. The first was Twilight, but I decided on the other - Princess Celestia - for two reasons. The first was that Celestia was basically my mother figure for a while and taught me all I know. The other is that, well, I flipped a coin and Celestia's side won the toss.” She said her reason on why she is wearing a costume on her former mentor/mother figure. “Trading the Shine of the Sun for the Dark of the Moon…” Pipp's voice then can be heard for them to hear. “Looks like it’s our turn. Let’s do this, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile. “Yeah.” Sunny said with a smile in return as they began to make their move. “...Sunny!” Pipp announced to the crowd outside the stage as blue mist appeared and so did a shadow figure, Sunny, as she spread her wings. Sunny then walks down the stage as the ponies are frightened by Sunny’s costume as she gives a scowl expression. “Mmm.” She hummed as she made a mean look and spread her wings, making the crowd gasp, revealing that Sunny is wearing a Nightmare Moon costume, armor, black wings and horn with helmet to boot. “The Night will Last Forever!” Sunny announced, read the tales of Nightmare Moon and know the line. And then a brighter light shines on Sunny as she and the crowd looked up and saw Sunset flying down gently with her wings flapping while landing gently on the stage in front of Sunny, and spread her wings as they sparkled, Sunset is wearing a Princess Celesita costume that she made herself, rainbow mane wig, white wings, wite horn, golden armor as well with a helmet as she gave a soft look to Sunny and to the crowd, who are awed at Sunset’s look. “And Sunset Shimmer is REALLY making the sunshine in her Princess Celestia costume.” Pipp commented. “Talk about night and day." She added, loving the style between Sunny and Sunset. Sunset figured that if Sunny goes as Luna’s former evil self, from the stories and from what Twilight had told her when she and her friends went out to find the elements, she would be Luna’s big sister, Princess Celestia while she is wearing her armor, so the set would be complete since she and Sunny are the only alicorns around, make sense to dress up as the former rulers of Equestria before Twilight. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other for a moment before turning to the crowd, they both smiled and waved to the crowd. “Hey everypony!” Sunny called out with a wave. “Happy Nightmare Night!” Sunset added with a wave, having missed this holiday, even though Halloween back in the human world is basically the same, she missed having the holiday in Equestria. The crowd cheered at Sunny and Sunset’s costumes and the performance they did, almost looking so real when they did that, almost mistaking them for the tales of Princess Celestia and Luna from ancient Equestria. At the back of the stage, Jazz then did Sunny hooves, which is strange since Sunny is out on stage with Sunset.  “And… Done.” Jazz said with a smile after finishing the hooficure on Sunny’s hooves. “Thanks, Jazzle-Dazzle!” Izzy’s voice was heard as Sunny’s hooves waved, it turned out that’s not Sunny at all, just Izzy with a costume on with Jazz putting the finishing touches as she waved her hoof, that looks like Sunny’s hooves. “Bye!” Izzy waved as she went out to the stage as Jazz smiled. Out on stage, Pipp then spoke who was next. “Here comes Izzy!” Pipp announced as Izzy came into view to the crowd with sparkles in her eyes as she waved her hoof at them at a fast pace. Izzy is in a costume makeup of different body parts of each of her friends, that is Sunny’s rainbow mane on the left, Sunset’s mane on her right, Sunny’s hoof on the left, Hitch hoof on the right, Zipp hoof on her right hind leg, Pipp’s hoof on her left hind leg, Zipp’s tail, and Pipp’s wings on her back. “Ah!” The camerapony said as he found Izzy’s costume amazing as the crowd cheered for Izzy. “Oh-ho-ho, and she's brought all her best friends!” Pipp announced as they even saw Izzy’s hooves that had each of her friends signature Hooficures on each one as Izzy smiled and spread her prop wings as the crowd cheered for her.  “That’s actually pretty sweet and good on her.” Sunset said with a smile at Izzy, feeling touched that she cares about her friends that much to wear part of them as the others nodded their heads in agreement, feeling touched by Izzy’s costume as well. Pipp then said the next one. “And next to the stage, we have Mane Melody's very ooooown... Jazz!” She called out with a smile. At the back, Jazz gasps as she is next, but doesn’t have a costume on yet as she tries to see which one is right for her as she scrolls through the style-mirror that showed her with a purple mask on.  “Oh, no, no! Come on, Jazz! Pick one!” Jazz frankly said to herself in a panic as she checked which one suits her as it showed the next one with her wearing an eyepatch, and the next one wearing a winking helmet and wig, but is having trouble picking the right costume to show. Misty then sneaks into the product room, wearing a half-peacock mask while wearing a hood as she checks to see if the coast is clear. Jazz didn’t notice as she kept checking for what costume she should wear as she was grunting in effort as Misty hid behind a costume pile, checking to see the coast was clear again as she ran out of her hiding spot. “What do I do?! What do I— Whoa!” Jazz cried out as she didn’t see Misty, who didn’t see her as well, as the two ponies bumped into each other as Jazz hit a rack of costumes while some fell on Misty as Jazz rolled away. At the stage, Pipp kepting announcing.  “Jazz has come as…” Pipp said as she turned to the stage as Jazz rolled down the stage, wearing different pieces of each costume as the ponies gasped at the sight while Jazz was dizzy from the rolling. “...whatever this is.” Pipp said sheepishly, having no idea what just happened but played along. The ponies cheered at what they saw as Jazz smiled at them. “Awww!” She said as she took a bow at their kindness, not knowing what happened but it’s better than picking out a costume. Back in the product room, Misty got out of the pile of costumes as she looked at her amulet. “Okay, Opaline. We're in.” Misty said to the amulet once nopony is around as the amulet clicks open as some dark magic mist comes out of it, forming into Opaline, who yawns tiredly at the long wait and the time. “Took you long enough.” Opaline said to Misty, and then looked around as she saw some familiar decorations as she gave a bored look. “Ugh, puh-lease. Nightmare Night is so—” She was cut off when a Pegasnail flew through her spiritual face, which startled her at what she saw. “Was that a... flying snail?” She asked, haven’t seen that before as she groaned. “Ugh! This place has really gone downhill. Ugh.” She groans at how much Equestria has changed as she looked at Misty, getting where they left off. “ Anyway, tell me the plan again, Misty.” She said to Misty. Misty smiled at Opaline wanting to tell her the plan as she pointed in the other direction. “First, I need to get—” She tried to explain, but was cut off when Opaline interrupted and got right into Misty’s face, which startled her. “Get these ponies to use their magic so we can figure out how it works and then take it from them!” Opaline ordered as she laughed evilly. Misty then gave a forceful laugh, wanting to join in with Opaline, but Opaline stopped and looked at Misty with an amused look. “You really need to stop doing that. It throws me off.” She stated to Misty before giving her a serious look. “Now, get. To. Work!” She demanded with an angry look as the smoke sucked right back into the amulet as it closed, with Misty giving a sad look about all this. At the main room of Mane Melody, Misty is sneaking around among the crowd as she smirks to herself while walking around. “Oh, everypony looks great!” Pipp announced to her microphone while flying with a smile. At a table, Sunset is watching the crowd as this brings back some good memories of Nightmare Night. Sunny saw this as she nudged Sunset. “You okay, Sunset?” Sunny asked. “I’m okay, Sunny. I’m just glad Nightmare Night is still a holiday in the new age of Equestria, and it brings back memories of my old Nightmare Night when I was a filly.” Sunset said with a nostalgic smile. Sunny smile at Sunset. “What costume did you go with?” She asked curiously. Sunset chuckled at Sunny. “I don’t remember much, but sometimes I would be scared. I remember I was a scary zombie pony, I made it so real, Celesita screamed so high, I think her royal canterlot voice nearly broke the windows.” She said as she laughed at the memory with Sunny joining in as the two shared a laugh with each other. “Now, let's get the party started! Hit it!” Pipp then announced, but didn’t hear anything yet as she turned to Jazz, who gave a smirk as she blew her hoof and then played the music, with wolf howls in the sound added as Jazz bopped her head to the music. (Monster Party Song) Pipp then got between two ponies as she began to sing with a smirk. (Pipp) There somethin' kinda creepy Happenin' tonight (Jazz) So call your favorite ghoulies And get your costume right (Rocky) They may look freaky But I promise they won't bite Jazz sang as Rufus then tried to catch an apple, that is tied to a rope, in the apple bucket, but kept failing as the apple kept moving, which is caused by Misty as she has a rope tied to her hoof as she smiles evilly with an evil chuckle. (Pipp) And they say the place is haunted But the dancing's a delight Pipp sanged with a smirk as the ponies around were laughing and dancing to the music. (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) It may look scary But don't be afraid The Pippsqueaks are taking a drink from a halloween fountain, their expression from the stage didn’t change as they walked off. Misty walked to the fountain after them as she turned the dial of the fountain to red. 'Cause nothing's what it seems At a monster partay Pipp sang as she flew up while singing to the crowd, Misty gave a sinister chuckle at her actions as she gave an innocent whistle as she walked off, leaving the fountain to overflow. (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) It may look spooky But don't have a fright 'Cause at this monster party We'll rock all night As Pipp sang, she stopped a moment and saw Rufus still trying to get the apple, but kept failing as he cried a bit. Misty kept walking as she was muttering to herself. “I am just being normal. Normal! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo-hoo!” She cheered as she began to dance, can’t resist the party when Opaline gave her a mission, but can’t resist the song and party as she danced around and kicked her hind hooves to the party.  Misty danced backwards, and then her flank hit Izzy, which Sunset and Zipp next to as Misty stopped dancing and turned around when the three ponies smiled at her. “Wow! Great mask, Misty.” Izzy complimented Misty's costume, with Zipp and Sunset nodding in agreement. “Did you make it yourself?” She asked curiosity. “What, this old thing?” Misty asked with a smile, but before she could go any further, her amulet started to glow as it dragged her away from the, not wanting her to lose track of her mission. “Whoa-oa-oa! I love this song!” She protested to the amulet as it got her out of sight of the three ponies as the ponies in the crowd saw this in confusion. Sunset, Izzy and Zipp gave Misty a strange look after what they saw. “That pony’s sparkle is all mixed up.” Izzy said while giving a suspicious look to where Misty used to be. “And that amulet she is wearing is very strange after doing that.” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow at the amulet Misty was wearing when it dragged Misty away. “Yeah.” Zipp agreed with the two, giving a suspicious look as well. “Something's very suspicious about her— Whoa! Zipp cried out as the fountain drink began to flow to them as the ponies in the party backed up from the overflow drink. (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) It may look scary But don't be afraid 'Cause nothing's what it seems At a monster partay It may look spooky But don't have a fright— Misty then kicked a pumpkin, then messed up the decorations, and ripped off some stickers around Mane Melody. Rufus finally managed to grab the apple, but then Misty yanked the rope tied to it, causing Rufus to fall into the apple bucket, causing the ponies around it to get wet in the process as Rufus emerged with an irritated look with his clown makeup undone. Misty then pulled a plug that turned off all power in Mane Melody as the music stopped. The ponies are murmuring to themselves, wanting to know what has happened as Misty gives a sinister chuckle. “Everypony, stay calm!” Pipp announced through the microphone on stage to get everypony to calm down. “We can fix this!” She assured them. “How did the outcome happen?” Sunset said as she turned and saw Misty hiding behind a stage. “What’s Misty doing?” She asked herself. Behind the stage, Misty took out the amulet. “Well?” She asked Opaline about all this through the amulet as the amulet clicked opened and Opaline’s spiritual figure appeared again as she looked around at what Misty had done. Sunset saw a dark glow behind the stage as she was having a strange feeling somehow. “Okay. What is Misty up to?” She asks suspiciously as she tries to get a closer look at what Misty is doing, but the ponies are blocking her path, so she can’t get a closer look. “No one loves ruining a party as much as I do, Misty.” Opaline said to Misty as she smiled at the way Misty ruined a party. “But I'm here to see them use their magic, remember?” She reminded her as she gave Misty a look. “Wait for it…” Misty said with a smirk for Opaline to wait for something to happen. At the apple bucket, Rufus ducked his head many times to grab an apple, he finally caught it with his teeth as his hooves touch the bottom of the buck, but he accidentally activated his Earth Pony magic as his hooves began to shimmer. And then a giant plant grew out of the bucket, with Rufus at the top of it. Opaline gasped with a smile at this outcome as she saw what Earth Pony magic can do and the chaos as the ponies were murmuring to themselves as the bubbles of the fountain began to overflow as the Pegasi, and Zipp flew out of range. “Oh, no!” Zipp cried out as she saw the decorations begin to overflowed by the fountain water. “Pipp's decorations!” She cried out. “Don't worry, Zipp!” Izzy called out with a determined smile on the stage walk, with Sunset, Sunny and Hitch behind her, as she used her magic while groaning as she leivated the decorations off the stand, but she accidentally hit the Pegasi in the process. “Ah!” Zipp cried out while dodging one of them. “Izzy, watch out!” She pointed out. A pumpkin then fell into the fountain bubbles as Izzy covered her face when it made a splash in the process. Opaline laughed at this outcome. “I've seen all I need to see. Look at this chaos.” She said to Misty. “Once I have that dragonfire, none of these ponies could ever challenge me.” She said that with how their magic is lately, Opaline won’t have a tough time taking care of these ponies once she has that dragon fire to get her full magic power back. “And Misty?” She asked Misty, the unicorn now having sparkles in her eyes with a smile, excited to what Opaline would say to her. “Don't dawdle on your way home this time. And be careful when Sunset is around, I don’t want her to notice our plan” She said with a bored expression as the amulet closes, leaving a sad Misty that Opaline didn’t get to thank her for showing this to her. Sunset then turned to where Misty was and saw the Unicorn’s upset expression. “I thought I sensed something strange close to Misty. What is it? I don’t know.” She said to herself, not sure what was that strange magic close to Misty, knowing that this needs to be discovered some more. “Left a bit…” Zipp’s voice is heard as both Sunset and Misty turned and saw Zipp telling Izzy where to put the decoratives as Izzy is straining herself while using her magic to levitate the decoratives back into place. “All right! Now, Izzy!” She told Izzy with a smile as the unicorn placed the decorations in the right place. The Pegasi are then laughing as they used their wings to create a dust a wind, clearing out the overflow bubbles fountain water as it cleared out of Mane Melody, as the ponies gasped at the clean sight, and it makes it better with the plant Rufus overgrew sparkled as it made the room better. “Whoa!” Misty called out in amazement with sparkles in her eyes, seeing that the unicorns are great with their magic and did see wonderful sights as well. Rufus then finally chomps on his long deserved apple as he ate it and climbed back down. The Pippsqueaks gasp in amazement at Rufus as they giggle. But what they didn’t know is that Rufus sneakily came behind them as he honked his red nose horn, causing the Pippsqueaks scream in fright from the sudden noise as they turned and gasp startled when they saw Rufus behind them as they giggled at his sudden scare as Rufus took a bow at them with that performance. Pipp then walked to Jazz, who is next to the music player as she plugged it back in, as the two ponies smiled at each other. “Jazz, you know what to do.” She said to Jazz with a smirk. Jazz then pressed the play button as the music continued as Pipp began to sing again with Jazz and Rocky. (Monster Party Continues) (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) Bah-dah-dah-dah-dah 'Cause at this monster party We'll rock all night Bah-dah-dah-dah-dah The ponies in Mane Melody then began to dance to the music again as Hitch and Sunny danced close to each other as the party continued. Misty looked around at this as Izzy then grabbed Misty as she dragged her back to the party as the two unicorns danced close to each other as ponies started laughing with one another at this fun party as Misty and Izzy then striked a pose as they smiled to one another.  Misty then has a thought of Opaline wanting her to come back to her castle soon, but then smiles as she has a thought about this. ‘What the heck? Opaline did say the task was done and she saw what she saw. Might as well enjoy the party before I get back to the castle. At least I'll have some time for fun.’ She thought to herself, wanting to have a bit of fun before heading back to Opaline. Among the crowd, Sunset then looks at Misty, who is dancing with Izzy, suspiciously as she finds something strange going on whenever Misty is around. “Something strange is going on here. And some strange magic that suddenly felt off concerns me. I don’t know what it is, but I intend to find out what.” She said to herself as this is a mystery that needs to be solved as she returned to enjoy the rest of Nightmare Night with her friends while enjoying the rest of the party. End of Chapter 30. > Chapter 31: Haunted House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31: Haunted House At a house at the nighttime or Maretime Bay, Izzy, who’s hooves are like Hitch’s, knocked on the door as it opened to reveal Dahlia as she smiled at the Mane 6. “Trick or Treat!” The Mane 6 all said, with Sparky being held by Pipp, as the group are all wearing costumes to start their Trick or Treats in Nightmare Night, being the first time with Sparky, as they hold up their bags as Dahlia places some treats in it. “Thank you!” They all said to Dahlia. A little bit later, the Mane 6 are at the front of Mane Melody as Jazz, who is still wearing her mixed up costume, and Rocky, who is wearing a skeleton mask, opened the door as they smiled at the group. “Trick or Treat!” The Mane 6 called again as Jazz and Rocky gave them the treats as they put them in the bag. “Thank you!” The Mane 6 thanked the two ponies for the treats. A little bit later, “Trick or Treat!” The Mane 6 called out in another building as the building owners gave them the treats. “Thank you!” The Mane 6 thanked once they had the treats in their bags. A little bit later, the Mane 6 knocked on another door as Posey opened it as she was holding the treats. “Trick or treat!” The Mane 6 called out by surprising her from beside the door, but they scared Posey in the process as she screamed, but in the process, she tossed the treats in the air and closed the door in a startle as some dropped to the floor and one bumped into Pipp’s head. “Hey!” Zipp called out in annoyance. “Huh?” Hitch said in confusion as he raised an eyebrow while Sparky glared at the door. “Ugh.” Sunny groans, thinking they shouldn’t scare Posey like that. “Rude!” Pipp called out in annoyance, finding Posey slamming the door on them rude. “Was it something we said?” Izzy said in confusion on thinking was it something they said that made Posey slam the door on them. Sunset facehoof herself at this outcome. “I told you guys not to surprise Posey from beside the doors! You all know how startled she gets.” She pointed out that surprising Posey from the sides of the doors is what got Posey so scared from making a sudden surprise at her. The rest of the ponies then realized their mistake as they all muttered in agreement, seeing what made Posey startled. “Good point.” Sunny said to Sunset. Sparky’s stomach then starts rumbling, which makes Hitch worried, knowing what’s coming as he raises Sparky in the air. “No, no, no, not here, Sparky! Buddy, we're right here!” He cried, knowing that this is the last place Sparky’s dragon fire should be as Sparky blows one of his fires on Posey’s flowers, turning them into spaghetti. The Mane 6 watches in horror, knowing how Posey is so attached to her flowers and knowing how angry she will be once she sees this. “Well, time to go.” Hitch said quickly as the Mane 6, sin Izzy who is distracted by the spaghetti with a smile, as they nodded their heads in agreement with Hitch, not wanting to suffer Posey’s wrath. Posey opened her door and then gasped at what she was seeing. “My flowers are... spaghetti?!” She questioned while holding one of the flowers-turned-spaghetti in her hooves, having a feeling who did this. “SPARKY!” She yelled out in rage, knowing that the baby dragon is the only one who can change things with his magic. “Everypony knows that pasta gives me—” She was about to explain what pasta gives her, which is kinda gross knowing what she was about to say, when she heard slurping as she turned and saw Izzy still here, slurping on one of the spaghetti. Izzy finished slurping as she smiled. "That little dragon sure does make a tasty noodle!” She said as she grabbed another one and started slurping again.  Posey glares at her as Izzy sees Posey in front of her as the earth pony growls at Izzy while pointing a hoof at her, really angry as her head turns red, which made Izzy nervous at Posey’s rage.  “I should... go.” Izzy said nervously as she finished up the spaghetti she was slurping and ran off, leaving before facing Posey’s wrath. “Ugh!” Posey yelled out in rage at this that her flowers turned into spaghetti from what Sparky did. Sometime later, the Mane 6 stopped by at Sunny’s smoothie stand for a break from their trick or treatings. Pipp placed her smoothie cup down as she groaned. “Not even a strawberry ripple smoothie can cheer me up tonight. All I want is some actual Nightmare Night spoooookiness.” She said in excitement, wanting the really spookiness of Nightmare Night as the others slurp their smoothies. “Pipp, the night is young.” Sunny assured as she is stacking some apples in the stand while Sunset is stacking some cups. “Who knows what kind of spookiness might be just around the corner?” She added. “Yeah. Nightmare Night can be full of spooky surprises. We just need to find it.” Sunset added as she and Sunny looked at Pipp. “Ugh, please.” Pipp said. “Earth ponies wouldn't know spookiness if—” She was cut off when Izzy popped up behind her. “Boo!” Izzy cried out to Pipp as she growled at her, trying to scare her, but Pipp shook her head at Izzy, not finding it spooky one bit as Izzy dropped the act and walked backwards with a down expression. “As I was saying, Earth ponies and... unicorns…” Pipp continued where she left off before giving a look to Izzy, who popped up again to try and scare her again but failed, as Izzy sheepishly walked backwards again. “…have a lot to learn about creating spook-tacular vibes.” She pointed out, but got a smack on the back of the head. “Ow! Hey!” She said while turning to Sunset, who is the one who smacked her. “Two earth ponies, one who is an alicorn half the time, two unicorns, one who was a unicorn and now an alicorn present here!” Sunset pointed out with a look to Pipp, stating that Sunny and Hitch are here while her and Izzy are here as well, since Sunny is an alicorn half the time as Sunset was a unicorn before turning into an Alicorn, saying to Pipp that those are harsh words to her friends. “Not everypony can have the same taste as you, Pipp, and I happen to know it's scary when I see one, so don’t go putting this on us.” She said to Pipp to watch what she speaks when their friends are in ear shot as Sunny and Hitch gave Pipp a look while Izzy just smiled, as she isn’t bothered by Pipp’s words one bit. Pipp chuckled sheepishly, now realizing her choice of words. “Sorry, guys.” She apologizes to the four as she turns with an excited look. “What I mean is, first you need an abandoned house with, like, super creaky floorboards, and it's gotta have all the cobwebs. And it has to be, like, so dark…” She listened as her friends got excited at Pipp’s suggestion for something spooky, wanting to experience that as well. What the Mane 6 didn’t know is that Misty is spying on them in an alley in front of them as Pipp kept talking. Misty’s amulet then clicks open as Opaline appears, who smiles at what she is seeing with the Mane 6. Sunset then gets the weird feeling again. ‘Again? Where is it coming from? And why am I the only one who feels it while the others can’t?’ She thought to herself of the strange dark magic feeling that she’s been feeling lately. “Ooh. Those silly ponies have the dragon with them.” Opaline said as she saw Sparky in Hitch’s hoof, drinking a smoothie before he belched some out with a cute smile as Opaline turned to Misty. “Now get him for me, Misty. He has the dragonfire that I need.” She stated with an evil smirk that she will take Sparky to get the dragon fire she needs to get more powerful. “And Misty?” She asked again as Misty gulped nervously. “Don't let me down. And try not to get caught by Sunset, she will ruin our plans. Or else!” She called out as she glared at Misty before the amulet closed as Misty turned to the Mane 6. “...Ooh, and the music is key!” Pipp said excitedly, still going on as her friends listened. “Something like…” She then starts to make a haunted vocalizes as her friends smile in response, finding that scary tune great. Misty then smiled from what Pipp was saying as she had an idea to get Sparky as she disappeared in the alley.  Sometime later, the Mane 6 are walking down the streets of Maretime Bay as Misty then pops up from an alley, desigues herself as a ghost as she bumped into Pipp. “Oh, excuse me! Sorry about that!” Misty said in a deep, gravelly voice as she picked up the posters she ‘dropped’. “Oh, don't worry about—” Pipp was saying as she picked up a poster and then gasped in amazement at what she was seeing from it as she had sparkles in her eyes. “See ya!” Misty said to them as she zipped off from them, leaving the group confused. “That was weird.” Sunset said, finding that voice from that pony dressed as a ghost familiar, but didn’t give a thought further when Pipp spoke. “A haunted house? Now this is what I'm talking about!” Pipp said excitedly as her friends saw this with a smile, but Sunset finds it strange. “That’s gotta be a coincidence.” Sunset said, finding it strange that from what Pipp was saying about something spokey earlier, a pony as a ghost drops some posters of a haunted house. “Not if it’s spooky, Sunset! We should check it out!” Pipp said excitedly, wanting to see this haunted house. “Well, okay then.” Sunset said, still feeling unsure about this but didn’t want to ruin this for Pipp. Misty is hiding from a side of the bridge as she takes off her ghost costume, and gives an evil look with a smirk as she laughs evilly, finding her plan great so far and glad that Sunset hardly suspects a thing. Sometime later, the Mane 6 made it to the haunted house by following the address on the poster as thunder was shown behind it. “Come on, ponies!” Pipp said excitedly with sparkles in her eyes as she turned to the others. “This is exactly what we need! So, so fun!” She said to the others, who are looking scared at this, except for Izzy who is nodding her head excitedly with sparkles in her eyes as well. Sparky giggled and responded as he found this exciting as he ran up to the haunted house with the others behind him. “Sparky, wait!” Hitch called out worryingly as Sparky and Pipp ran up to the haunted house. “Stay with Pipp! Ah!” He called out but dropped his party glasses as he picked them up. “It's gonna be so dark in there!” He said, scared and sweating. Zipp then smirks as she has a feeling why Hitch is scared. “You're not afraid of the dark, are ya... sheriff?” She said teasley to Hitch with a teasy smirk. “Who, me?” Hitch asked with a nervous smile. “Hah! Neigh way!” He said, as it turns out he is holding on to Izzy in fright. “Just stay right by my side, Izzy! I'll keep you safe!” He frankly said, needed somepony to keep him company. Sunset, Sunny and Zipp place their hooves over their mouths as they laugh with a smile at Hitch scarediness since he is a sheriff. Sunset walked up to Hitch with a teasy smile. “You sure you’re not scared, Hitch?” She asked playfully. “Nope! Not one bit.” Hitch said confidently as he faced the haunted house as Sunset then tapped Hitch from behind his head. “AAAHHH!” Hitch cried out in fright, but then fake coughed as he saw Sunset smirking as he glared at her as she giggled at scaring Hitch with Sunny and Zipp laughing at that as well. “Just like Fluttershy.” Sunset said with a smile, finding another thing in Hitch that reminds her of Fluttershy since Fluttershy is mostly scared of almost everything, and being in the dark is one of them. “C’mon. Let’s catch up to Sparky and Pipp.” She said as the others raced off into the haunted house. But once they are inside the haunted house, the doors close as thunder appears again. Inside the haunted house, Hitch looks around in fright in the dark.  “Sparky?! It's so dark! I can't see a thing!” Hitch cried out. “Sparky? Sparky? Where are—” He was cut off once Izzy turned on her phone for some lighting, but Hitch was in front of her face. “Aah!” Hitch cried out as he hugged Sunny from the sudden scare he had received. “Pipp is right!” Izzy said with a smile. “This is fun!” She said as her friends smiled in response. “I gotta say, whoever did this really put the scare in this house.” Sunset said, finding whoever made this haunted house did a great job on this. Izzy then shines her light into the ceiling as Pegamice hangs from it like a bat before flying at the group while squeaking. The Mane 6 yelped in startled from the sudden scare from the Pegamice. A little bit later, the Mane 6 are walking down the hallway, with the walls of painting of ponies that their eyes glow green and are following the group as Pipp leads the group with Sparky in front of her, neither of them are scared one bit as they find this fun. Hitch and Izzy stopped once they saw the paintings looking at them as they screamed in fright. Pipp starts laughing as she and Sparky went downstairs with Sunny, Sunset and ZIpp behind her, and then two ghosts got on both sides of the three latter ponies as Sunny and Zipp screamed in fright while hugging each other with Sunset sandwich between the two. “Wow. These ponies sure know how to scare.” Sunset said, not scared one bit of this as she is just surprised at how good this haunted house is. But then Sunset is having this strange feeling from earlier again. ‘That feeling again? In a haunted house? Why does it keep appearing?’ She thought to herself, can’t seem to find where this strange feeling is coming from, but it gotta be near in this haunted house if Sunset is feeling it. In a secure room with all the screens for the cameras and the controls, it showed the Mane 6 going around in the haunted house as the Mane 6, sin Sunset, Pipp and Sparky, starts screaming in fright from the scares this house is receiving. Opaline and Misty watch them as Opaline contacts through the amulet again as they watch the scene. “Yes... That's it, little dragon.” Opaline said as they watched Sparky as she turned to Misty. “ Though I gotta hand it to Sunset, she doesn't get scared easily.” She honestly said, finding Sunset’s not being scared one bit pretty impressive as Misty nodded in agreement, finding Sunset being tough as well. “Bring that dragonfire of yours this way, little dragon.” She said to Sparky, but then her breath smelled like Misty.   Misty cringe once she smelled it. “Ugh! Is that garlic breath?” She asked Opaline, finding her breath stinks. Opaline then gives a look at Misty from that. “Misty! Focus!” She yelled out, but once she saw her own breath and from the comment she made, she breathed her own hoof and smelled her own breath and cringed in disguise as well. “Ugh. Oh, dear. That is potent.” She admittedly said, finding Misty’s words true as she fanned the smell away, going to have to wash her breath later after the call. Misty waved her face to get the scent of bad breath out of her nose as she accidentally flipped a switch. In the hallway, the Mane 6 ran through a hallway as two skeletons appeared, grabbing Zipp and Hitch as the two ponies screamed in fright of the sudden grab. Back in the control room, Misty sweats, feeling nervous since it was not meaning to flip that switch as she press a button. Back at the hallway, the rest of the Mane 6 kept running as four ghosts appeared around Sunny and Izzy, making the two ponies scream in fright as they hugged each other as Sunny started to tear up from the scare she was receiving. In the control room, Misty pressed another button as she was having a breakdown, didn’t have time to memorize the controls when she made this haunted house. In the hallway, Sunset ran behind Sparky and Pipp as she didn’t notice the others were gone. “Boy, this house is full of surprises. This place is creepy and good.” Sunset said but then noticed the others weren't behind her as she stopped. “Sunny? Izzy? Guys?” She called out to them, but then a trap door underneath her opened as she fell into it. “Aaahh!” She cried out in startled as the trap door closed. The rest of her friends run past the trap door as Sunset then teleports out of the trap door and back into the hallway she was in. “Trap doors? Really? Like that’s new.” She scoffed, finding trap doors too original as she raced down the hallway. Back in the control room, Opaline is not happy about this outcome as Misty doesn’t even know the controls as she faced Misty with a glare.  “Get me that dragon, Misty!” Opaline demanded as she got close to Misty’s face. “Or you can kiss a cutie mark goodbye!” She yelled out as her nose is touching Misty, who is scared at Opaline’s rage. In a room, Pipp is livestreaming the whole thing on her phone as she is right in front of a cobwebs. “Puh-lease. Look at these cobwebs. So last season.” Pipp said to her followers with a smile. “Am I right, Sparky?” She asked Sparky, but then saw that he wasn't here, which made Pipp worried. “Oh, no. Sparky? Sparky!” She cried out as she ran down to another hallway to find Sparky. And then the rest of her friends, sin Sunset, ran up to the cobwebs, getting tangled in the process while Sunny and Hitch groaned at being stuck in a sticky substance as they struggled to break free. Izzy called out with a smile. “Hey, everypony! Look at me! I'm stuck!” She called out, finding it fun. Sunset then caught up to the others as she stopped and saw that her friends, sin Pipp, got tangled in cobwebs. Sunset snorted a bit before releasing a little laugh. “Ahahahah! Seems like you guys caught yourselves in a ‘sticky’ situation!” She said as she laughed a bit. “Very funny, Sunset.” Hitch groans while the others giggled a bit, finding Sunset’s jokes funny. “Mind getting us untangled, Sunset?” Sunny asked Sunset to get them unstuck. “Sure thing.” Sunset said with a smile as she then starts pulling her friends off the cobwebs while grunting in effort. In the control room, Opaline and Misty watch Sparky get into a room as Sparky kept giggling the whole time. “Now, Misty, now!” Opaline called out as Misty gave a determined look as she pressed the big red button, closing the door Sparky came from, trapping him in a room as he wandered around. Opaline sighs in excitement at this outcome. “After all these moons, dragonfire will finally be mine!” She said in excitement as Misty watched with a smile, but then Opaline gave Misty a look. “What are you waiting for?! GET HIM!” She ordered. Misty then starts running to where Sparky is, but then a pile of robe got her by the hoof as she then rolled across the floor. Opaline sees this and yelps as she is pulled along with her when Misty has the amulet on her getting tangled in the process. “Ugh! I have to do everything myself!” She yelled out as she tossed Misty away, but failed to remember that Misty have the amulet that helps her communicate as she is dragged along with her as she yelps as Misty then crashed somewhere on the floor. In the room Sparky is trapped in, Misty sneakily makes her way in as she hides behind a crate, making sure Sparky doesn’t see her since he doesn’t like her. Sparky’s stomach then starts rumbling as he groans a bit at the feeling. Misty grows nervous as she has a feeling about what comes next. “That can't be good.” She said to herself. Sparky then farted as his dragon fire came out his rear end. “Oh, no!” Misty cried out as she took cover from Sparky’s dragon fire, which hit the door as it burned a hole into it. Sparky then starts giggling as he ran off the room cheerfully, Misty’s amulet then pointed at Sparky as Misty went out of her hiding spot and ran off to catch Sparky as he ran through the hall while giggling. Misty starts panting while sweating as Sparky is quick for a baby dragon. “Don't worry, Opaline! I'll get him!” She said to the amuelt as she tried to catch Sparky. Sparky kept giggling as he and Misty ran through a series of doors, going back-in-forth of each door, something out of a tv show of a mystery team, as Sparky shut a door and Misty hit it. Misty landed on all four hooves from the hit as a white rag over the door fell on top of her. In another hallway, Pipp is running through to find Sparky as said dragon ran past her with giggles. Pipp stopped once she realized who passed her as she turned to Sparky. “Sparky! Wait! Slow down!” She called out as she chased after him. In another part of the haunted house, Izzy is comforting Hitch as he is so worried for Sparky while placing a hoof on his shoulder. “We'll never find my sweet little dragon baby!” Hitch cried out dramatically as Sparky appeared and sat on his hoof. “Oh, hey, Sparky.” Izzy greeted Sparky with a smile. “Wait, what?” Hitch asked as he raised his glasses for a better look and saw Sparky in his hooves. “Oh, thank hoofness! Let's get out of here!” He called out to Izzy, relieved that Sparky is now safe and with him but they need to leave this haunted house before they get scared even more. In another part of the haunted house, Zipp, Sunny and Sunset are looking around for the others as they see Pipp in front of them. “Did you ponies see Sparky?!” Pipp panicked, having lost Sparky again. The three ponies were confused as Zipp then saw something behind her sister as she grew scared. “Um... no, but…” She tries to speak as she sees a ghost, which is really Misty in the ghost rag as she walks to them, still dizzy from the hit of the door Sparky gave her as Zipp then hugged Sunny in  fright. “Sunny! Sunset! Pipp!” She cried out as Misty was groaning in dizziness, still feeling the pain. “Pony ghost! Ruuuuun!” She cried out in fear. All four ponies ran in fright, except for Sunset and Pipp, the former raised an eyebrow at the ghost while the latter smiled at this experience, as the ponies ran for the exit. Pipp then brought out her phone as she continued her livestream as she smiled at her followers.  “This is totally spook-tacular!” She called out excitedly as she started laughing, having fun in that experience. Sunset however looked back at the ghost behind them. ‘That ghost seems familiar and the strange feeling keeps happening a few minutes ago, but what?’ She thought to herself. The rest of the Mane 6 regrouped and then ran out the door as they ran away from the haunted house in fright, except for Sunset, Sparky, Pipp and Izzy since the three latter had a fun scared experience while the former had some thoughts about this, as they ran off. Misty made it to the front door, still wearing her ghost costume as she gives a sad look at her other failed attempt to catch Sparky. “Three tickets, please!” Misty heard a little filly’s voice as she looked down and saw Seashell and her two friends beside her as she smiled at Misty. “Pipp said it was spook-tacular!” She said while adding a spooky voice to it, having heard of Misty’s haunted house from Pipp’s livestream. Misty then widened her eyes at what she saw next as she saw a ton of ponies waiting in line that went miles behind the Pippsqueaks, having seen Pipp’s live stream as well as wanting to see the haunted house as well.  Misty then grew nervous as she started to sweat from this outcome. “What have I done?” She asked herself, wondering what got her into this situation as she has a feeling she will be busy all night. End of Chapter 31. > Chapter 32: Baby Critters Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 32: Baby Critters Club “Are you sure you're okay to critter-sit for us, Jazz?” Sunny asked as she and the rest of the Mane 6 were in some fancy dresses, on their way to some party as they looked at Jazz with concerned looks . “We don't have to go.” She said with a little smile. “Yeah. We understand if this is too much for you.” Sunset said to Jazz, saying that it’s okay if she doesn’t want to critter-sit the critters while they’re gone. “Oh, you ponies enjoy your night out.” Jazz said to them with a smile. “I'm sure these little floofs won't be a problem.” She said with a cute tone while giving the critters a smile as they give cute looks at Jazz with sparkles in their eyes, the pink bunnycorn just gave a bore expression as the other critters gave that bunnycorn a look as one of them nudge it’s shoulder, getting the picture, it gave a cute look with sparkles in its eyes. Hitch then came to Jazz’s side with a smile. “Yeah, I'm sure you can handle it.” He confidently said to Jazz with a smile before getting a serious face. “Just don't let McSnipsalot get a hold of anything sharp!” He sternly said, which made Jazz scared a bit from Hitch’s seriousness. “And don't let them get into my marshmallow spread!” Zipp sternly pointed out. “Or poop in my craft corner! Again!” Izzy said in an irritated tone, saying that it happened before and she doesn’t like when the critters did that in her crafting corner. “And most importantly, do... NOT... let them into the bedroom!” Pipp finished with a scary, most serious look to Jazz, not wanting the critters to be in their bedrooms to make a mess. Jazz starts to sweat as she looked around with a nervous smile. “McSnipsa-what?” She asked nervously, wanting to make sure she got the lists right as she looked at the Mane 6 as the group gave her an unamused expression from that. Sunset then used her magic and smacked the four ponies, Hitch, Zipp, Izzy, and Pipp, on their heads to put more pressure on Jazz. “Ow!” The four ponies cried out from the smack. “Can’t you ponies be gentle when giving instructions to others anymore?” Sunset rhetorically asked the four ponies. “Jazz will get her hooves full when taking care of these critters as it is, but we shouldn’t put more pressure on her and give her a serious look since this is her first time critter-sitting.” She sternly lectured them as she gave them a look that made them cringe a bit. The four ponies chuckled nervously at Sunset’s lecture as they all mumbled in agreement for putting pressure on Jazz like that. Sunset then sighs as she turns to Jazz while writing down the instructions on the list. “Here, Jazz. Just follow these rules on what the critter shouldn’t do and make sure they don’t make a mess. They can be wild, literally since their critters. Just do what you do best to calm them down.” She advised Jazz, having experienced this kind of thing before from Fluttershy and her animal care, and it was tough to get critters under control. “Thanks, Sunset.” Jazz said with a calm smile, glad that she has the rules on what to do with the critters. “Think that's it! Come on! We're going to be late!” Pipp called out with a smile as the rest of the Mane 6 did the same as they walked out the Brighthouse’s doors. Pipp popped her head back inside as she gave a smile to Jazz. “Thanks so much for doing this, Jazz! Just put the critters to bed, and you'll be fine! Byeeeee!” She said quickly as she waved at Jazz before closing the door to catch up with the others. “Uhhhh…” Jazz was left in the middle of the Brighthouse, unsure what to say after the Mane 6 left. She then spoke while looking at the rules Sunset gave her. “Well... that should all be easy enough. Eh, critters?” She asked the critters as she turned to the critter’s section, but then widened her eyes in shock as she realized the critters were not there. “Uh, critters? Don't be scared. It's just me, Jazz.” She said as she looked through the houses of the critters, but then heard clicking sounds “Huh?” She asked as she looked around, not knowing the critters were moving around in the shadows. “Hey, come on, critters. It's bedtime. Where are you—?” She then screamed as she ducked an incoming racoonicorn, who was laughing while swinging on a ceiling decoration.  “Huh?” Jazz asked herself as she turned and gasped as she saw the bunnycorns jumping on the couch while laughing. “Whoa! What?!” She cried out but then ducked as there were two birds flying at high speed while squawking. “Down from there!” She called out to the birds, and then saw a pegasnail clicking on the TV remote as it kept changing the channel. “Stop that!” She scolded the snail. McSnips then came crawling by with a fork and a plate of a piece of cake. Jazz gasps at this as she trots to catch McSnips while panting. McSnip then clamped at the side of the wall somehow as Jazz looked up at him. “Where'd you get a birthday cake?!” She asked in disbelief, wanting to know where McSnips got that, and then the cake fell off his plate as it landed on Jazz’s face and slipped off, giving the earth pony stylish a bored expression at that. Jazz then looked at the ground in shock as she saw the bunnycorns laughing while playing with what’s left of the cake as they made even more mess. “No!” Jazz called out with an irritated look at the critters as they stopped while the Brighthouse was a mess. “I promised the ponies I'd put you to bed! Time to settle down!” She scolds them, but then the critters continue their havoc as they are laughing while making even more messes as Jazz sighs at this outcome. A raccoonicorn then bit on a pillow as it shakes it around in its mouth with some stuffing coming out.  McSnips then threw a knife at a cake with Pipp sculpture pose on top as the knife slice threw the legs. McSnips walked off as the Pipp sculpture fell off the cake and into the table with a splat. The birds flew around while squawking as they flew by a shelf that nearly made one plant pot fall off as Jazz caught it. “Whoa! Hey!” She cried out as she caught a pillow that was tossed at her. “This is way too much energy!” She said worryingly as she came up to the pegasnail that is still flipping the channels on the TV as she gives it a nervous smile. “Hey, who wants a nice hot cocoa, huh?” She asked nervously as she grew worried. “Hmm?” She asked in a panic state as she saw the racoonicorns laughing and going up the stairs.  “No! No! Not upstairs!” Jazz cried out as she chased after them, but slipped on the spilled frosten sculpture of Pipp from the cake as she slipped and fell on a piece of cake face on. Jazz got up and shook the cake off her face as she gasped when she saw the rest of the critters going up stairs as the critters laughed as she chased after them. “Not the bedroom!” She called out to them. Once Jazz makes it to the bedroom, she opens the doors and gives off an even worried look. “Huh?” Jazz asked as she saw the critters around the bedroom as she saw the racoonicorns, one on top the other wearing Zipp’s Z-Goggles, crashed into the closet door as it opens up and a bunch of stuff fell on them. Jazz looked down and gasped in shock when she saw the birds singing in one of Pipp’s music stations. Jazz gasped again as she screamed. “Aah!” She cried out when she saw the pegasnails trailing glitter on Izzy’s bed from the jar of glitter they spilled as they laughed. “No-no-no-no-no-no-no!” Jazz cried out in panic as she picked up a magazine of Pipp from the floor. “Hey, critters! Who wants a sleepy bedtime story?” She called out to the critters, which two of them came up with squeaks as they gave her a cute look with sparkles in their eyes. “Awww…” Jazz cooed at the critters, but then a bunnycorn laughed and launched itself to the magazine, snatching it from Jazz’s hooves and ripped it to shreds. Jazz sighs from this as she puts her head down. “Come on! Ugh!” She groans with a face hoof as she grabs her head, trying to think of a way to get the critters under control as she sees the critters laughing as they play around Sunny’s side of the room as thudding sounds are heard.  Jazz then gave a smirk as she thinks she has a plan. “Okay... How about a nice relaxing lullaby?” She said as she walked up to Kenneth as she grabbed the microphone from him. “Give me that!” She angrily called out, having enough of the critters’ misbehavior as she got into a tug-a-war with Kenneth as she grunted in effort, but Kenneth is surprisingly strong as he won the tug as he and Jazz are pushed back from each other. “Aah!” Jazz cried out as she crashed into the closet, having a pile of stuff fall on her. The two bunnycorns then looked at Sunny’s alicorn mirror as one of them looked at their reflection. “Ooh…” The yellow one said as it clicked on a button. The mirror turned on as it showed Opaline, who is curling her mane and has a face masked on it. “What? Who is this? Is this a prank call?” She questioned as she can’t see the bunnycorns somehow as the bunnycorns gave a confused look at this as they looked at each other. “When I find out who you are...!” She was cut off when the bunnycorns tossed the mirror away before Opaline finished. McSnips then starts ripping papers of the Mane 6 with his claws on Pipp’s bed as he starts to do it in a fast paste. Jazz popped her head out of the pile and gasped in shock at the critters making an even more messed up as they laughed. She saw the pegasnails making a trail of glitter on the walls and on Zipp’s poster, two bunnycorns pillow fighting each other, the birds singing on the microphone, a racoonicorn and a pegasnail spilling the glitter on the floor as they run/flew around the room, and a bunnycorn pooping on Izzy’s crafting desk next to her bed. “UGH!” Jazz groaned as she flopped to the floor, can’t take much more of this chaos as she lost hope. “Sunset was wrong about me handling these critters! I'm not a pet-sitter! I'm a stylist!” She cried out. Jazz then turned and saw a racoonicorn jumping on Pipp’s bed and jumping on a pile of stuff on the bed, and then jump back out with a hat, two sunglasses and a yellow scarf as the racoonicorn laughs at this style, liking it. Jazz got back up as she gasped, having an idea that just might work. “I'm a stylist!” She said, going to do what she does best, styles, as she picked up a mask from the pile as the critters looked at her as she spoke to them with a smirk. “Okay, so I guess you critters aren't ready to sleep, huh? Well, I'll be doing some super-fun makeovers downstaaiirs!” She sang the last word as she walked downstairs with a smirk. The critters looked at each other for a moment before they laughed and followed Jazz out the room. A little bit later, Jazz places some makeover down on the ground as the critters come running towards her. Shrugging at each other, not knowing what to do as Jazz, who is wearing sunglasses, a hat and a scarf on her as she holds up her makeover supplies on her hooves. (Kickin’ off This Party Song) (Mane 6) We'll party, party, party, oh yeah (Sunny) Kickin' off this party, all my ponies feelin' great (Pipp) Manes right, looks tight (Mane 6) We might glow the roof off this place! Jazz then did a little makeover on a pegasnail as it did a little brush on its shell, a gem on its shell and eyelash on its eye as the pegasnail smiled at her new look as she flew. Critters then smile with sparkles in their eyes as they find the look on that pegasnail great, wanting to try out as well. (Hitch) You know it's gonna rain G-L-I-double-T-E-R Jazz then place some facemask on the racoonicorns as the racoonicorns cheered. (Izzy) When we're movin' these hooves like we're ClipTrot stars! Jazz then spray on the birds, who are wearing tuxedos on with Kenneth wearing a hat that matches as they pose to their new style. Jazz then place some face makeover on the racoonicorns with a smile as the racoonicorns posed at their new hairdos and with neck chains on their necks as well. Jazz then smiled as she held up a rug. “You critters are killin' it!” She announced as she unrolled the rug on the floor to make a style stage path. “Mmm! Work that scuttle, critter girl!” She called out to the critters with a microphone on her hoof. The racoonicorn walked down the path of the rug with a robe around it as it did a twirl and unwrap itself to show the other racoonicorns, who are stacked together to make them taller as they squeak together. “What a reveal!” Jazz said of that reveal as McSnips then appeared with  his claws blue with starfish pictures on it while holding two pink cloths on his claws as he twirls around.  “McSnipsalot is serving claws! Work it! The glamor! The talent!” Jazz announces but then realizes something from the clothes McSnips is holding. “Are those curtains?” She asked herself as she turned and saw a window with pink curtains, which was shredded, now knowing where McSnips got those clothes. “Yikes!” She cried out nervously, putting a list on going to fix that before the Mane 6 gets back. Sometime later, a pegasnail and a bunnycorn, with the former having a hat on its shell and the latter wearing a cape, pose as cameras are taking their pictures. “Beachwear!” Jazz announced as a racoonicorn and two birds are wearing beach wears as the racoonicorn is holding a beach ball. “Formal glamor!” She announced again as the critters formed a fashion line as they strike poses with a bird, with a glass lens on its right eye, as it squawked right in front of them. “High fashion!” Jazz announced again as the critters stacked their fashion style on as they smiled. Jazz then smiled at the critters around her. “Everycritter says, ‘Gorgeous!’” Jazz cheered as the critters cheered as well with Jazz’s phone facing them as she took the picture of them and their fashion clothing. Sometime later, Zipp opens the Brighthouse’s doors with a smile on her face. “Hey, Jazz. We're back.” Zipp called out to Jazz as the Mane 6 walked back inside with Sunny laughing along the way. The Mane 6 then gasped as they saw the critters sleeping in their section, apparently the fashion thing Jazz did was enough to drain their energy to tire them out as the critters snores in their sleep. “Oh, you're home already?” Jazz asked with a smile as the Mane 6 turned and saw her sitting on the couch while reading a book, surprised that the Mane 6 were back early. Pipp smiled at Jazz as she walked towards her. “You would not believe the evening we've had!” She said excitedly of what happened to them tonight. “Trust us. You have to be there. That was some night out.” Sunset said with a chuckle of the night out they had tonight. Hitch smiled at the sleeping critters. “Wow, you got all the critters to go to bed?” He asked in amazement that Jazz manage to get the critters to sleep. Izzy gasps in amazement at the sight while Zipp looks on. “That's a first.” She said, stating this is the first time the critters went to bed as Zipp smiled at Izzy in response to this as well. “We’re impressed, Jazz. We were having such a hard time getting the critters to bed that we had to place a fence over their section just to keep them in one place.” Sunset said with a proud smile at Jazz at how she accomplished this task. “I just did my best.” Jazz said with a smile, even though it was tough she found a way to get the critters to bed by draining them of their energy with an activity. Sunny then walked to Jazz with a smile. “We knew you'd be able to get them under control.” She said to Jazz as Pipp walked upstairs. “Maybe we should do this more often.” She added while placing a hoof on Jazz as she winked at her with a smile as Jazz smiled back. Pipp’s screaming can be heard as the rest of the Mane 6, and Jazz, gasped at her screaming as they raced upstairs. Pipp screamed in shock once she saw the bedroom in a complete mess the critters made. The others came to Pipp’s side and gasped at the sight of their room in a complete mess as they turned to Jazz in a shock state. “Huh?” Izzy asked in confusion at how this happened. “Jazz… Did the critters go out of control and make a mess in our room?” Sunset asked in a shock tone at the sight of their room in a complete mess. Jazz looked at the Mane 6 nervously as she gave a nervous laugh as she spoke. “We... might've hit a few snags along the way?” She answered, uncertain on how to put it, she may have got the Brighthouse cleaned up, but the bedroom was a complete mess that she didn’t have enough time to clean it up before the Mane 6 got home. Sunset facehoof herself at this outcome. “This has been one surprising night for us.” She said about the night out they had and their room in such a mess from the critters that they will be doing some cleaning all night before they head to bed. End of Chapter 32. > Chapter 33: Filly Filling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 33: Filly Filling At a hilltop, Sunny, Sparky, and Hitch are running, from something as the two ponies, except for Sparky, are running in panic while screaming. “Ruuuuun! Pumpkin-lanche!” Sunny cried out as she and Hitch screamed while Sparky cheered while running down the hill with numbers of giant pumpkins rolling after them. Sunny and Hitch turned back and saw the giant pumpkins closing in on them as they screamed at the sight as they ran faster down the hill. And then suddenly, Sunset came flying by and got in front of the giant pumpkins as she summoned her magic and got the giant pumpkins to slow down a bit, she strains a bit from the amount of pumpkins and how heavy they are. After a bit of effort, Sunset got the pumpkins to stop, some splattered and broke on the ground while the others were left standing as a giant pumpkin rolled across the field a bit before stopping in the center as it stood up straight. Sunny and Hitch, with Sparky in his hooves, pop their heads up from the piles as they have some pumpkin’s guts on them as Sparky laughs a bit, finding it fun. Sunset landed on the ground as she looked around with a raised eyebrow at the two ponies at this outcome. “Let me guess, Earth Pony magic was too much for these pumpkins?” She guessed, with Sunny and Hitch shaking their heads in confirming that it was earth pony magic they used to grow these pumpkins that made them too big. A little bit later, the Mane 6 regroup as Izzy chases Sparky around to play while Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sunny and Sunset look at the amounts of pumpkins. Hitch then spoke first. “Good season for pumpkins this year. If anything, a bit too good.” He commented on the amount of pumpkins and how big they are. “Why is it that everytime Earth Ponies use their magic, it makes fruit and vegetables the sizes of a pony?” Sunset questioned this. “You think they would master their magic right about now.” She added that Earth Ponies would control their magic right now. “Maybe they’re still practicing.” Sunny shrugged, not sure herself since she and Hith can control their magic. Zipp then spoke next. “What do you even do with this many pumpkins?” She asked, wondering what to do with this stack of giant pumpkins. “Any ideas?” She asked her sister next to her. “I don’t know.” Pipp answered, not sure herself as she then smiled. “But I can ask my followers.” She said as she twirled her phone before going on it, about to ask her followers about this. Zipp raised an eyebrow at Pipp from that. “Any ideas… of your own?” She asked while giving Pipp a look. Pipp stopped and looked at her sister after what she heard. “Um, what’s that supposed to mean?” She asked while giving her sister an offensive look. “You’re always asking the Pippsqueaks for help.” Zipp answered, stating that Pipp just kept asking the Pippsqueaks for some ideas, while giving her sister a smirk. “Maybe you should try trusting yourself to come up with an idea once in a while.” She added. Pipp grew nervous as she gave a nervous smile at Zipp. “Um… easy!” She said with a nervous chuckle. “I can think of one right now. Right now. And it’s coming up. Idea coming up. Any minute. Here we go!” She stammered as Zipp rolled her eyes’ at her sister from that. “Aaaaaand, uhhhh….” She thought for a moment, but couldn’t think of one as she grew nervous. “Now, come on.” Sunset then spoke after hearing the two sisters. “There is nothing wrong with asking for help and getting more ideas. The more ideas we get, the better the odds that one of the ideas will actually be very good." She said, defending Pipp’s pride as she spoke. “Zipp, don’t think your sister can’t come up with ideas, she may hit creative blocks at times, but she does know how to make music hits.” She said, with Pipp smile at Sunset, for defending her pride. Before Zipp could reply to what Sunset just said, Sparky then sneezes as it releash one of his dragon fires, which hits a pumpkin as it turns into a carriage like from a certain fairy tale. The girls looked at it in amazement as Izzy picked Sparky up in her hooves as she smiled at the pumpkin carriage. “Oh! Great idea, Sparky!” She said to the baby dragon, which made giggles in response. “Everypony loves a pumpkin carriage!” She added with a smile. Hitch however thought otherwise. “Uh, except, as Maretime Bay Bylaw 927 clearly states, ‘No vehicles can be made from vegetables!’” He said while reading through his rule book, which earns weird looks from his friends, even Sparky, from a strange rule. “What? I don’t make the laws.” He said in defense of himself. “You made up that magic restriction law that went out of hoof a while back, Hitch.” Sunset corrected the sheriff of a certain law they remembered way too well. Hitch blinked once at that reminder. “Okay, you got me there. But this law was here before I even became sheriff. So this one is not on me.” He said, saying that this law even weird him out and that it was here before he became sheriff so he has to follow the rule book. “Can’t argue there.” Sunset said, seeing Hitch’s point. “But I seem to remember from Twilight that she once did something similar for her and her friends to head to their first Grand Galloping Gala.” She said, having been told of the original Mane 6 first Gala mishap, which made the necklace that she had around her neck to vibrate as she picked it up and opened the star symbol in it. Once the necklace is opened, the hologram figure of Twilight pops out of the necklace as she raises an eyebrow at Hitch. “Sunset’s right. I did something similar with my friends like that before.” Twilight said, having heard them from within the necklace as she remembered that day all too well as she and the rest of the girls, and Sparky, looked at Hitch from that. Hitch chuckled sheepishly from what Twilight just said to him. “Okay then. But still, the law is the law and we’re gonna have to follow that one.” He said, going to follow the law until he finds a way to change that one since it was before magic returned as the girls nodded their heads, agreeing with Hitch on that one. What the others didn’t know is that Pipp checked the pumpkin carriage as she flew around and went inside of it. “Ooh. These pumpkins are super-luxe!” Pipp said, finding the inside of the pumpkin carriage amazing as she took out her phone to take selfies in the carriage. Hitch then walked up to the carriage with the girls, and Sparky, following him. “Luckly, Sparky can turn that carriage back, easy as pie.” He said while smiling down at Sparky, having finally learned that Sparky’s dragon fire can turn things back to normal if they are hit with a second blast as Sparky giggled while waving his paws. “Of course!” Sunny then announced, having an idea from what Hitch just said. “Let’s make these pumpkins into giant pies and have a pie-eating contest!” She announced, finding a great use of these pumpkins as her friends smiled at the idea. “Pies.” Twilight sighs as she remembers something with pies. “I remember the pie festival me and my friends went to in Ponyville. It was around the time Pinkie realizes Rainbow hates pies and Rainbow has to apologize to Pinkie for not telling her why she kept throwing them away.” She said, remembering the time when Pinkie got mad when Rainbow threw away her pies and had to go through much to apologize to the party pony. Sunset blinks at that. “I was not there when it happened, Twilight, but I’m surprised Rainbow Dash hated pies.” She said, surprised to learn that about Rainbow Dash, if pony Dash and Human Dash are anything alike, which they are, then Human Dash must hate pies too, something she never knew about as the group nodded their heads in agreement. Pipp kept taking selfies in the pumpkin carriage as she kept striking poses as she clicked on her phone to take the pictures. “Ooh. Sounds like a piece of cake!” Izzy said as she placed her hooves on her face with sparkles in her eyes. “Or a slice of pie. Either way, it sounds delicious!” She said, with a smile as she, Sunset, Sunny, and Zipp, along with Twilight from in the necklace star symbol, as they ran off to set up the contest. Hitch picks up Sparky and aims him at the pumpkin carriage as Sparky releases his dragon fire at it as it begins to change. Pipp, who happens to be inside the pumpkin carriage, begins to change. “Whoa! What’s happening!?” She asked herself in startled as the carriage turned back into a pumpkin as Hitch ran off to catch up with the others with Sparky in his hooves. “Why is it all pumpkiny in here?” Pipp asked, trapped inside the pumpkin as the inside is now full of seeds and pumpkin guts with some on her as she tried to push her way out but couldn’t. “Hello!? Anyone?! Hello!?” She called out to one of her friends if they could hear her but got no response. She then gasped as she had an idea. “My Pippsqueaks!” She said as she took out her phone to send a message to her Pippsqueaks to help her. Before Pipp could ask her Pippsqueaks for help, she thought of what Zipp just told her. “You're always asking the Pippsqueaks for help…” The thought as Zipp’s voice echoed through her mind. Pipp then gives a scowled look at that thought as she looks at her phone. “No, wait! I can do this myself.” She said in determined as she put her phone away. “Zipp is wrong. I don't always need my fans. I am perfectly capable of— Whooooaaaa!” She cried out as her pumpkin began to roll. Outside the pumpkin, Hitch is rolling it as he starts whistling while not hearing Pipp’s cries inside the pumpkin. Sometime at the Brighthouse, Izzy is in the kitchen, making a bunch of pumpkin pies as she starts scattering and singing as she tosses a spoon in the air as it lands in a bowl as she twirls around. The front doors opened as Hitch came in, looking a little out of breath from rolling the giant pumpkin. “That's the last one of 'em, Izzy.” He told Izzy, while sweating a bit as he placed the pumpkin in place. Izzy then looks at the bot she made, which is her ‘Breakfast Bot’ she kept. “Froggy McBakertons, let's make some pies!” She announces that the bot now name Froggy then starts to turn on as it heads to the pumpkins, and one of them is Pipp’s pumpkin that she is trap in as it drew closer to her. Later on, the Mane 6, san Pipp, set up the pumpkin pie contest as Jazz and Rufus are on the stage, as the final competitions with Sunny and Izzy at the side as ponies around them eating pies while chatting to each other while an earth pony got bloated up by eating so many pies as he burps with ponies looking down at him strangely at him eating that many pies. “This is a great idea, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile at this, finding the contest great, but then looks around as she realizes a pony is missing in their group. “By the way, where’s Pipp? I haven’t seen her all day.” She stated about Pipp's whereabouts. “I’m not sure. Maybe she’ll show up when she can.” Sunny answered, not sure where Pipp is either as she turned to the crowd. “It's the final round in Maretime Bay's first annual pie-eating contest! Just two ponies remain.” She calls out to the crowd as she points at Rufus and Jazz, the former doing some stretches while the latter is filing her hooves with each having smirks on their faces. “Bring on the pies!” She announced. Izzy then pulled a lever as the conveyor belt brought out two giant pies as Izzy smiled at her baked goods. “Mm-mmm! Freshly baked! Final pies of the day!” She announced while giving the two ponies a smirk, knowing she made it interesting to make the pies that size as the two pies came up in front of the contestants. Inside Jazz’s giant pie, Pipp, who surprisingly survives Botty’s cooking while being baked into a pie, hears Sunny’s announcement. “Ugh! I never thought I'd ever be in a pie-eating competition! And certainly not as the pie!” She squeals in worry as she shakes her head, in a state of panic, not like this one bit. “I gotta get out of here!” She cried out as she then tapped her hooves at the crust of the pie to break out, but it wouldn’t budge as some crumbs fell off. Pipp gasped as she realized something. “Oh, no! It's a thick crust!” She cried out as she began to sweat nervously. Outside the pie, Sunny and Sunset got in front of the two contestants. “First pony to finish their pie wins! Ready...” Sunny said with a smirk as Rufus got into stand ready. “Set…” Sunset said next with a smirk. “Looks delicious.” Jazz said with an exciting smile at her pie as she placed her hooves at her cheeks with sparkles in her eyes. “...EAT!” Both Sunset and Sunny announce as Rufus and Jazz then start eating their pie as they chomp like crazy. Inside the pie, Pipp saw Jazz chomping through the crust as she began to get even more nervous. “Jazz! No! Stop! DON'T EAT ME!” She called out through the pie as she groaned, which Jazz heard her as she stopped and backed away a bit.  Pipp then moves back-in-forth in the pie as the ponies around saw this and grew nervous as Pipp then got her eyes through the holes Jazz chomp through and got her legs out from under the pie. The ponies around then start screaming at that as they run off, except for Sunset who saw the hooves and is familiar with them. “Wait a sec…” Sunset tried to speak at what she was saying as Pipp then jumped off the stand as she began to run off. “Hey! Wait!” Sunset called out as she raced after the running pie. “Uh, what is going on?” Hitch asked anypony in confusion and a little scared at their panic state until he saw something. “What?!” He cried out in shock as he saw the ponies running in fright as Pipp then stomped her way around the contest while making thudding sounds with Sunset behind her. “Aah! Zombie pie! A ‘zom-pie!’” Hitch cried out in shock and fright at what he was saying. Posey then came out of the tent with a raised eyebrow. “Zom-pie?” She asked in confusion, having heard Hitch until she bumped into the Pie-trap Pipp and looked in shock. Pipp then turned around as she felt the bump and saw Posey. “Posey? Is that you?” She asked through the pie. Posey then screamed and pointed at Pipp. “ZOM-PIEEEEE!” She screamed out in fright as she jumped on the table jumped off as she ran away in fright as Pipp then crashed into the table as she gave chase. “Get back here!” Sunset called out to Pipp in the pie, but looks like she can’t hear her with all the screaming in the crowd. Pipp then followed a couple of ponies while hitting one of the pumpkins, breaking it as she then hit the balloons as they flew away. The ponies then run around the contest as Rufus is still eating his giant pie as Izzy just looks around the place while Pipp, in the pie, continues to run around with Sunset chasing her while trying to stop her. “Run! Run for your lives, everypony!” Hitch screamed in panic, it seems that he’s running but he’s not moving. Zipp then flew to Hitch as she gave him a strange look. “Uh, Hitch? You're not gonna get far on that, buddy.” She said while pointing down at Hitch. Hitch looked down at where Zipp was pointing at as he saw that he was on the conveyor belt as he kept running. “Oh, yeah! Good call!” He thanked Zipp for pointing that out, not feeling embarrassed about one bit as he got down and cleared his throat as he yelled out. “Run for your lives! Zombie pie!” He cried out as he ran off. “Hitch! Wait up!” Pipp called out to him from in the pie as she ran past Zipp and followed after Hitch. “The pie knows my name!” Hitch cried out in fright as he ran faster. Sunset then stopped as she was out of breath as she stopped next to Zipp as she caught her breath. “For a pie that size, that pony sure is fast.” She said to Zipp, finding Pipp’s speed surprisingly fast with a heavy pie she’s trapped in. “Pony? What are you talking about, Sunset?” Zipp asked Sunset in confusion, still out of breath, Sunset then pointed to the bottom of the pie that is chasing Hitch. Zipp followed where Sunset was pointing and saw the hooves. “Hey... I've seen that hooficure before…” She said, seeing that style before as she widened her eyes in realization. “Pipp?! That you?!” She asked out to the trapped pony in shock. Pipp didn’t hear her sister as Hitch was still being chased by her, until she slipped on some pumpkin substance and then started rolling on the side of the pie. “Whoa-whoooaaaaa!” She cried out as she started to roll as Hitch then started screaming as she was catching up to him and ducking for cover from behind a table. The ponies close to him screamed as they ran off to get out of the rolling pie’s way as Pipp kept rolling. “Whoa! Whoa!” Pipp cried out as the pie then hit a tree, it stopped and then started cracking as the crust then broke into pieces. Zipp and Sunset came next to the pie as Pipp then got out of the crumble crust, looking really dizzy from the rolling and messy from the inside of the pie. The ponies around, even Hitch, looked on in shock to realize that Pipp was inside that pie as Izzy appeared with a smile. “Whoa! Some entrance!” She cheered to Pipp, thinking that was a great entrance. “Wait, you've been stuck in that pie?” Zipp asked her sister as Pipp shook the pie contents off her.  “And I’m surprised as well after seeing your hooves come out of that pie.” Sunset said. “You manage to survive being baked into a giant pumpkin pie without serious injury if you were really trapped in there?” She asked. “I sure did.” Pipp said while still getting the pie contents off, having to endure the intense heat from Froggy when he was making the pie from the pumpkin she was trapped in. “I didn't think you were durable enough to withstand the heat of Izzy's oven.” Sunset added in surprise, seeing how Pipp is strong enough to endure the heat of Izzy’s oven. “Trust me, Sunset. It was no walk in the park. Luckly, Izzy’s chef robot did an instant bake, so I managed to survive the heat when the pumpkin I was trapped in turned into a pie.” Pipp said, glad that Froggy did an instance bake in two seconds for her to survive. “Wait. You said you were trapped in a pumpkin before the pie?” Zipp asked in confusion. “Yeah. I did.” Pipp answered. “Was it the pumpkin turned carriage Sparky made that you were in?” Sunset asked, having a feeling how Pipp was in that pie. “Yes. That is when the carriage then turned back into a pumpkin! Trapping me inside!” Pipp yelled out in frustration. Sunset then narrowed her eyes at a certain stallion. “Hitch! You didn’t even check the carriage for anything before you let Sparky change it back?!” She questioned in anger at Hitch with said stallion flinch from not checking before doing something as Sunset turned to Izzy. “You didn’t even check the pumpkin yourself instead of letting your chef bot bake it with Pipp inside, Izzy?!” She questioned the unicorn, who flinched at that as well since she let her chef bot do the baking with half the pies that were made to save enough time as the two ponies chuckled sheepishly at the outcome as Sunset sighs from this. “I’ll deal with you two later.” She said in a firm tone, going to give them a firm talking to later. “Why didn't you ask for help?” Zipp asked her sister, wondering why Pipp didn’t ask for help when she was trapped. “Oh, I dunno.” Pipp started as she gave a look at Zipp before turning her back to her sister. “Maybe because somepony thinks I'm always asking for help?” She sarcastically reminded her sister of what she said to her before about not thinking about something on her own. “Ooooh. Ouch.” Zipp cringes while placing a hoof at her chest, remembering what she said to Pipp as she feels guilty for saying that to her sister.  “Zipp. Really?” Sunset asked in disbelief. “You shouldn’t have said that to your sister.” She frowned at Zipp for what she said to her sister about not thinking of something without help from others. Zipp sighs, finding Sunset’s words true as she turns to her sister. “Pipp, I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I didn't think—” She apologizes to her sister but didn’t get any further when Pipp spoke. “It's okay Zipp.” Pipp said to her sister before turning to her with a forgiving smile. “See? I got out by myself after all. With no help.” She said with a smirk, finally got out of her pie trap with nopony help. Zipp chuckles at her sister with a smile, finding that true. “Yeah, you did.” She gave her sister a light punch on the shoulder at her effort of coming up with a plan on her own. “No other pony could have ever pulled off an idea like that.” She said as she gave a proud smile at her sister. “Yup!” Pipp cheered as she sighs. “Big ideas are totally my thing.” She said as she gestured to herself. “After a little running around in a pie. You don’t see that part everyday.” Sunset added with a smile, which made her, Pipp and Zipp to laugh at that, finding it true and funny, you don’t see a pie running around everyday. At the stage, Rufus is eating the last piece of his giant pie, ignoring what just happened as he was focused on the contest. “And…” He then ate the last piece as he belched.  “...finished.” He said as he rubs his belly, full from the giant pie he ate. Sunny then got up a bit, looking a little dirty from the chaos Pipp made as she looked dizzy. “Uh, I declare Rufus the winner of Maretime Bay's first... and last... pie-eating competition!” She declared Rufus the winner, stating that they will not do this again after what happened as she flopped on the floor, passed out as Sunset and Pipp came next to her as Sunny passed out. “Huh?!” Jazz asked in shock at what Sunny said. “No fair! My pie escaped!” She cried out that her pie was running around so she didn’t get the chance to win as Pipp looked at her sheepishly before backing away, knowing to never speak of this again as Sunset comforted the passed out Sunny on the ground from what happened today. End of Chapter 33. > Chapter 34: Sneaksy Strikes Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 34: Sneaksy Strikes Again “And now, for the street art.” Posey announced to both Sunny, Sunset and Izzy with a smile, as the four ponies are in the museum while Posey is showing one of the street arts, which is an Earth Pony mare holding a flower. Izzy gasped with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny and Sunset just smiled as Izzy went closer to the art. “It’s so beautiful!” Izzy said. And then Posey showed them another street that is a multi-colored stallion. “Neighway!” Izzy cheered as Sunset and Sunny watched on. And then they are now seeing a rainbow with a can of beans tape to it as Izzy then starts crying with joy at the art, while Sunny, Sunset and Posey are giving her a strange look from that. And then the next art is a pair of multi-colored hooves that is a 3-D painting sculpture. Izzy then zipped right in front of it. “Hoof-five! Don’t mind if I do…” She was about to touch the art until Posey then got in front of her. “Hoof off Izzy! No touching the art!” Posey strictly said, which startled Izzy from her outburst. “Those are the rules.” She firmly pointed out. “Jeeze, Posey. Lighten up. You don’t have to be so strict about it.” Sunset said while rolling her eyes at Posey’s outburst. “Well, I have to take art seriously, Sunset. You can’t blame me for trying.” Posey pointed out, taking the art thing seriously. Izzy then sighs in disappointment of not touching the art as Sunny and Sunset give her a smile as they lift up their hooves to Izzy. Izzy gasped at them as she smiled and the three ponies gave each one a high-hoove as Sunny and Sunset laughed a bit. Posey then shows them many other street arts that are on the walls. “Many of the street artists keep their identity secret.” Posey explained. “They believe that art can be anywhere in anything, and should be experienced by everypony!” She announced with a smile. “Amazing.” Sunset said, being an artist herself at times and having done this kind of thing before. “I used to do this before. That is when I have to stop after so many arts around town.” She said with a sheepish smile, remembering when she first started street art, she got busted, which she was lucky to get away without getting caught. “Wow. Art can be anywhere. That’s a cool idea.” Sunny said with a smile, but then she and Sunset looked at Izzy, who was giving a blank look while staring at the art. “Uh. Everything okay there, Izzy?” Sunny asked. “Yeah, you seemed lost a bit.” Sunset asked as well, waving a hoof in front of Izzy, but Izzy remained focused, ignoring Sunset’s hoof as she spoke. “Art can be anywhere.” Izzy repeated what Sunny and Posey said as her eyes were wide and her pupils shrunk a bit, having an idea pop in her head as she zoomed away from the three ponies. “Woohoo!” Izzy cheered as she ran around the room, while also running across the ceiling for some reason, which drove the three ponies in confusion. “I can be anywhere!” Izzy cheered as she popped up from the right side and then the left with a cheerful expression. “For anypony!” She added as she got the three ponies with her hooves with sparkles in her eyes. “Did you hear that? The world will never be the same!” She said as she let go of the ponies and went on. Posey then spoke to explain more. “Well, not exactly ‘anywhere’. If you want to make art in public places, you have to get permission first and…” Posey stopped as she looked at something with wide eyes and gasped. “What?” Sunset asked, wanting to know what Posey is looking at. Not answering as she pointed in a direction, Sunny and Sunset followed Posey’s pointing and widened their eyes in shock as they saw the window open, with a window door on one side dropped to the door. “Oh. Looks like Izzy went out the window. Literally.” Sunset commented, knowing what just happened. “Art! I can be anywhere!” Izzy’s voice called out through the window. Outside, Izzy called out with her hooves in the air with sparkles in her eyes. “Did everypony hear that!” Izzy excitedly called out to the ponies around her as she grabbed a stallion next to her and shook him, which startled the stallion. “Everything is art!” She cheered out. While looking out the museum window, Posey gave an unamused look, Sunset facehooved herself while Sunny gave a sheepish smile. “Uh. Artist. Am I right.” Sunny said sheepishly. Sunset then spoke. “To be honest with how good Izzy is with her artistic skills and Unicycling, we should’ve seen that coming to a unicorn who hasn't made friends or out of the woods before.” She said, should’ve seen this coming, knowing Izzy would be this excited as Sunset looked at Posey. “And to be fair, Posey, you should’ve led with that first before the ‘art is everywhere’ thing. You think you know Izzy by now.” She said to Posey. Posey gave Sunset a look from that, but then thought for a moment as she sighs. “Okay. You got me there. I keep forgetting how Izzy is from time to time.” She admittedly said, should’ve known better to go into full details for Izzy before that unicorn went into excited mode. At night time, the girls are in their beds sleeping, except for Izzy, who is still smiling with sparkles in her eyes on her bed. Izzy then giggled as she looked around, hoping that everypony is asleep. Once she knew everypony is asleep, she got out of bed and quietly made it to the door as she quietly opened it. And then she gently closed it and brought out a black hoodie with some rainbow lines and stars on it as Izzy gave a smirk. “Gonna have to be extra sneaksy if I wanna get this right.” Izzy said with a smirk before gasping at what she just said, having an idea as she gave a smirk. “Oh. Sneaksy. That’s good.” She said, having come up with the right name for her to keep her identity a secret. Sometime later, Izzy is on the roof of a house somewhere in Maretime Bay at night as she gives a smile. (Street Heart Song) (Izzy) Look out, it's Sneaksy Style is on fleek-sy Take something dull And go all night to freak-sy Izzy then starts using her art supplies to create something as she made three art life-like designs of three ponies mares of all three tribes as she hoof-five one of her unicorn one. “Oh yeah!” Izzy cheered. Gonna take something average And make it shine Gotta add that beauty To the Maretime And then somewhere else, Izzy is now creating some snowflakes, with some red paint drops on it as she uses her magic to levitate them on some stands. Make their dreams a reality Gonna turn this place into a gallery Just let it all out for all to see 'Cause we know art's for everypony Izzy then twirled around next to a lamp post as she used her magic to bend it into a heart shape as Izzy cheered. “I love it!” She cheered with a little laugh at her work. And then somewhere else, Izzy is levitation a couple of paint brushes and spray paints with sparkles in her eyes as she cheered in excitement as she paints on a wall while she uses the spray bottles on next. It goes round and round, yeah We know that art makes the world Go round and round (makes the world go round) 'Cause art is for everypony Izzy then twirled around as she levitates a bunch of flowers in the air, levitating her brushes and spray paint as she ran with a smile and laugh as she twirled around with a cheery smile with sparkles in her eyes at her work as she used the spray bottle to leave her alter-ego, ‘Sneaksy’, on a heart in the center with wings, a purple circle in the back with yellow lines at top to bottom as she looked on with sparkles in her eyes as next to her logo, was a giant street art with a crown on top, rainbow, yellow painting in the center, and a heart with wings on the side as Izzy waved her hoof at the sight of her work. The next morning, the others are up as Sunny is looking around for something. “Has anypony seen my keys?” Sunny asked her friends if any of them had seen her keys. “I think I saw them on the counter.” Sunset answered, helping Sunny out. Hitch is then chasing Sparky while holding a batch of pancakes in his hooves. “Sparky, you gotta eat some breakfast.” He said to the baby dragon, who kept playing while running around. “Phone! Phone!” Pipp cried out upstairs in a panic state as she started to sweat. “Where is my phone?!” She cried out to the others. “Uh, Pipp.” Zipp called out to her sister with a raised eyebrow. “Check your hoof.” She said while pointing at her hoof. Pipp looked at her hoof and saw that she had her phone the whole time as she calmed down. “Oh. Phew.” She sighs in relief. Sparky kept giggling as Hitch tried to feed Sparky on the couch, but then the baby dragon dropped the TV remote he was holding as it clicked on a button that turned the TV on the news channel. “Breaking news!” Skye Silver announced with a smile. “Ponies are flocking to Maretime Bay to get a glimpse of the art created by a new street artist going by the name ‘Sneaksy’.” He announced as he showed ponies all over Maretime Bay admiring the artwork ‘Sneaksy’ did as he brought out its logo with a wink. Sunny smiled with sparkles in her eyes from that. “How exciting! Maretime Bay has its very own street artist!” She said in excitement as Zipp, Sunset and Pipp came next to her as Pipp gasped in amazement with sparkles in her eyes. “And I gotta say, Sneaksy really did a great job on those artworks.” Sunset commented, finding those arts great. “Gotta love a secret identity.” Zipp said with a smile, finding the secret identity thing exciting since it’s something for anypony to guess who this secret artist is. Hitch however has second thoughts as he holds up a pen while pacing back-in-forth in front of the TV. “Sure, but even street artists have to follow the rules. Look at all those code violations.” He pointed out the arts on the screen as he wrote down in his book. “Code forty-seven-eighty-one... Looks like that's a four-twenty-three.” He said while saying the rules of the laws. Sunny just gave Hitch an amusing smile, Zipp covered her mouth with her hoof to stifle her laughter at this, Sunset rolled her eyes at Hitch being such a rule bookworm while Pipp just gave Hitch a bore expression. Twilight popped out of the necklace as she raised an eyebrow at Hitch. “Doesn’t he ever enjoy something great before going to the rules, Sunset? I may have a thing of rules myself, but not that into it.” She said, saying that she may be into rules but for Hitch, he’s over doing it. “You have no idea, Twilight.” Sunset answered, seeing that Hitch should really enjoy things before going to the law for once. Izzy then came to them, yawning tiredly from her secret all night street art. “Morning, ponies. Oh, whatcha watchin'?” She asked them after seeing the TV. “It's being reported that her Majesty, the queen, is relocating the most recent Sneaksy mural to Zephyr Heights.” Skye Silver said to the news as it showed Queen Haven in front one the heart rainbow crown art on Hitch’s station wall as she took a selfie with it as she stepped aside for Thunder, holding a power saw, came into view. Hitch was slurping on a smoothie before he did a spit-take from hearing what the news just said. “She what?!” He cried out in shock while placing his hooves on his head, knowing what that painting is attached too. “Oh boy.” Sunset said, seeing that Hitch won’t like this, knowing where that art is attached to as well. A little bit later, Thunder and Zoom are using their power saws to get the wall with the art off as they both saw both sides. “STOP!” Hitch called out to the two Pegasi Guards with a look. “First Sneaksy painted on my wall without asking, and now you're stealing it?!” He yelled out as he stomped his hoof in rage. Zoom and Thunder said nothing as the station’s wall then fell backwards, seeing as it was cut all the way as it crashed on the floor, where Hitch’s cage is as the three racoonicorns in it started laughing and ran out the giant hole as they now have freedom. Hitch then points at the escaped critters as he groans while having a shock look as Zoom flies in front of him. “It's not stealing. We have a royal decree.” Zoom corrected Hitch as she brought out the degree as it unrolled. Hitch just gave her a look as Sparky then belched out one of his dragon fires, which hit the degree as it turned into a cake. Zoom just shrugged, not bothered by that one bit as she flew back to Thunder as Hitch then pointed at the giant hole in the wall. “And did your royal decree say who was going to fix my wall? Huh? No?” Hitch rhetorically asked the two Pegasi as Zoom and Thunder walked with the street art wall strap on a wagon as they walked off. “Hey, come back here!” He called out to them as the two Pegasi were out of sight. Izzy then came next to Hitch as she spoke. “You can't blame the queen for appreciating great art.” She pointed out. Hitch just gave Izzy a look as he spoke. “Yeah, well, it is possible to make art and love art and not break the law!” He argued as Izzy then became nervous at what Hitch was saying as she began to sweat. Hitch didn’t notice it as he put on his sunglasses. “Come on, Sparky. We've got criminals to deal with.” He said to Sparky, who was eating the cake he’d poofed up, as he going to round up the runaway racoonicorns, leaving Izzy nervous at what Hitch said. Sometime later back at the Brighthouse, Izzy is talking to a homemade pony doll she made to talk to, named Senor Butterscotch, in secret when nopony knows what she does.  “I wasn't trying to break the law.” Izzy said to the doll. “I just wanted to make art everywhere for everypony. Like a real street artist.” She said to the doll as she used her magic to move it around while talking in an affected voice, to pretend this doll is speaking. “Lesson learned, Izzy. Next time, Sneaksy just needs to get permission first.” Izzy intindaly said, pretending Senor Buttorscot is speaking as she gasped normally with a smile. “Totally! Then until somepony needs our art, Sneaksy is gonna lay low. Thanks, Señor B!” She said to doll for that. Unknown to her, Sunset was watching the whole thing, finding it weird that Izzy is talking to a doll, but gave a smile at this. “I knew you were behind it, Izzy. Nopony does art better than you do.” Sunset said quietly, knowing that Izzy had something to do with it, knowing her art skills as she walked off the Brighthouse to help the others with Hitch’s hole in the wall. Sometime later, the Mane 6 are fixing up Hitch’s wall. They stacked the brinks, so now they are painting it in to finish it up.  “Honestly, I'm kinda sad that Sneaksy's gone into hiding.” Pipp spoke, feeling bad that ‘Sneaksy is laying low after hearing Hitch. “I say hasta la vista, lawbreaker! Troublemaker!” Hitch called out, feeling glad that ‘Sneaksy’s is out of radar and hasn't made street art in a while. “Awww…” Izzy said quietly to herself, feeling sad that Hitch would say that. Sunset saw this and gave Hitch a good smack to the head. “Ow! Hey!” Hitch called out while rubbing his head. “Hitch! Harsh!” Sunny scolded Hitch for what he said, agreeing with Sunset after she smacked him. “Yeah, man. You really need to get off the law book once and awhile and appreciate at what Sneaksy has done for Maretime bay.” Sunset said with a firm tone. “Sure it was against the law, but at least Sneaksy is sharing her art for everypony.” She added, which made Izzy smile a bit. “Yeah. Sneaksy was just trying to fill Maretime Bay with beautiful art.” Sunny said, which made Hich sigh and rolled her eyes at this. “Don’t give us that look. Your basically the only pony in Maretime Bay that doesn’t appreciate Sneaksy’s art because you are a pony who followed the law way too much to even appreciate somepony’s work.” Sunset pointed out, saying that everpony in Maretime Bay and all the way to Zephyr Heights, loved ‘Sneaksy’s’ artwork. “Oh really?” Hitch asked with a rolled eye before looking at the girls, who are giving him narrowed eyes expression, reminding him what they saw on the news earlier while pointing at his wall that Zoom and Thunder saw opened after Queen Haven took the art on the old wall. Hitch realizes what they mean as he sighs in defeat. “Right. Good point.” He said, finding their points fair and true, seeing that he was outvoted as Izzy smiled at her friends appreciating her artwork. Pipp then spoke with a smile. “Well, I would love for Sneaksy to create an original mural for Mane Melody.” She said as she then gasped with sparkles in her eyes. “Talk about the most epic selfie wall ever!” She sang the last part as she got to Hitch’s side, who sighs seeing that he can’ win this one. “Do you hear me, Sneaksy? Pleeeease make me a wall!” She called out to see if ‘Sneaksy’ is listening to her for her to give her an art wall. Izzy then gasped a smile and sparkled in her eyes, having an idea for Pipp’s request as Sunset saw this and gave a small smile on her face, having thought of something in her head. Later on at night, the girls are sleeping as Pipp’s phone then begins to buzz. Pipp heard her phone as she tried to grab it while groaning tirelessly as she got her bed mask on. Pipp grabbed her phone but was too far at the edge of her bed. “Whoa! Whoa!” She cried out as she fell to the floor. She got up as she looked at her phone. “Huh?” She asked herself in confusion before she gasped in shock at what she was seeing. “What?!” She looked at her phone, which is showing the security camera in Mane Melody she connected to as she saw somepony, aka Izzy, aka Sneaksy’s inside it as the camera followed her movement as she was holding a spray paint bottle. “Aah! Thief! That must be why we are always out of manespray!” She called out as she got up and gasped, which caused Zipp to wake up from Pipp’s tone as she had a tired look at her sister. “Oh, you won't get away with this! Not on my watch!” She said as she ran out the bedroom to catch said ‘thief’. What she didn’t know is that on Izzy’s bed is Senor B, which she put in to trick her friends that she is sleeping while she is out, not wanting her identity of ‘Sneaksy’ to be discovered.  And on Sunset’s bed, there was nothing but pillows in the covers as Sunset is somewhere as well. At Mane Melody, Pipp opened the doors once she got there as she gave a victorious smile. “Aha! Gotcha!” Pipp called out with a smirk while pointing, only seeing the spray paint bottle twirling around on the floor while ‘Sneaksy’ went behind the stage to hide. Pipp growled at this, but then gasped in amazement at what she saw next to her. “Oh, my glitter! It's better than I could've ever imagined!” She cheered with sparkles in her eyes, seeing a sparkling mural artwork of the Mane Melody’s logo on the wall. “My very own Sneaksy mural!” She said happily as she brought out her phone to take selfies with it as she started giggling at this outcome while Izzy was looking from behind the stage.  And then some glitter spilled on one of Pipp’s wings as it got her attention. “Huh?” Pipp asked herself as she wiped the glitter off her wing and looked at it on her hoof. “That is a lot of glitter.” She commented before she gasped, having thought of something. “There's only one pony I know who loves glitter that much.” She said with a smirk before she gave a deep gasp in shock. “Wait! Could Izzy be Sneaksy?!” She asked in shock as she placed her hoof on her chin while thinking. Izzy begins to whimper as she thinks that her cover might be blown by Pipp as she ducked for cover as she went out of sight. “Hmmm…” Pipp thought hard for a moment before she spoke. “Nah!” She said with a smile before she started laughing. “Neigh way!” She added as she kept laughing while taking even more selfies. Outside of Mane Melody, Izzy makes it out as she watches Pipp, feeling relief that her secret is still safe. “Hmmm!” She cheered, before a pair of hooves grabbed her. “Hmmm?!” She cried out as she was dragged into an alley. In an alley, Izzy was met with a pony with a hoodie on to conceal their identity. “Who are you?! Why did you catch me?! I only wanted to share my art!” Izzy cried, scared of what this pony might do to her. “Calm down, Izzy.” A familiar voice called out as Izzy looked on in shock, seeing that this pony knew her name. Before she could ask, the pony removed the hoodie, revealing Sunset underneath it. “It’s just me.” Sunset assured Izzy with a comforting smile. “Sunset?!  Wait, how did you know I was Sneaksy?” Izzy asked, wanting to know how Sunset knew what she was doing. “Come on, Izzy. You think you are the only pony who does Street Art? I used to do this back in the other world I was living in years ago.” Sunset answered with a smile. “You have?” Izzy asked in surprise that Sunset did some Street Art herself. “Yep. I went by the tag ‘Flanksy’.” Sunset said while sighing at the fond memories. “Those were the days.” She said before refocusing on Izzy. “Anyway, I knew from the beginning that you have something to do with all these great arts all around Maretime Bay. Nopony of your talents have what it takes to use that much art supplies and glitter to make something that creative like your artwork, Izzy.” She said with a proud smile. “Aw. Thanks, Sunset.” Izzy said with a smile of happiness that Sunset thinks of her. And then she realizes something. “Wait. Is that why you spoke out to Hitch of how great my arts are when we were fixing his wall. You knew from the beginning?” She asked with a guessing smile. “That’s right, I didn’t want you to feel like that after what Hitch said. Seriously, that stallion really needs to lighten up.” Sunset added, which Izzy nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry, the others don’t know about you being ‘Sneaksy’, just me.” She assured Izzy as she continued. “But also, you need to keep this Street Art thing to a minimum when you do this. Since you don't have permission yet. Trust me, I’ve been there. I was lucky I didn’t get caught when I had to stop for a while after one of my friends back home found out.” She advises Izzy, saying that she needs to be careful when she does this or else she will get caught, and Hitch will not be happy since Izzy broke some laws. Izzy looked down and thought of what Sunset said, seeing that it’s true that she doesn’t have permission yet and the fact that she did break a few laws Hitch said as she looked at Sunset. “Okay, Sunset. I’ll be careful and try not to do this so often, only when I get permission and when I feel like it.” She promised Sunset, not going to this too often and also going to have permission for this if she wants to do this again. “Good. Now let's go home and get some sleep. It is late.” Sunset said to Izzy with a smile as the two ponies walked back to the Brighthouse. “By the way, which friend who caught you doing Street Arts, Sunset?” Izzy asked, wanting to know who caught Sunset doing Street Art. “Only the human world's Rarity.” Sunset answered. “She agreed to keep my identity secret and did a good job at keeping that promise.” She added how Rarity kept her Street Art thing a secret from the others. “Oh. Okay.” Izzy said as the two ponies walked back to the Brighthouse for their much needed rest. End of Chapter 34. > Chapter 35: Making a Meal of It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 35: Making a Meal of It At the Brighthouse, Sparky is setting up a heart shaped Wreath that is based on the fall season on the Brighthouse door, and then Pipp suddenly opens the door in a quick pace that Sparky was knocked off balance and into a bush next to him. “Alright, ponies!” Pipp called out in a panic as she came into the Brighthouse. “Mom’s gonna be here for Harvest & Hugs Day any minute.” She pointed out, Harvest & Hugs Day is a Equestria version of Thanksgiving, and that Queen Haven is coming over to celebrate that holiday with her daughters and their friends. “We all set?” Pipp asked as she looked at her paper clipboard as she gave a serious look. “Izzy! Tea!” She called out. Izzy set up her tea set on a flower stack with the tea pots stacked on top and the tea cups on the bottom in a great way. “Check!” Izzy said with a smile. “Carrot Cake!” Pipp called out the next thing on the board. “Check!” Both Sunset and Sunny called out as Sunny is holding the carrot cake while Sunset is covered in frosting while the two ponies are smiling and each wearing a pink apron. “Check…” Zipp said in a tired and dull tone while holding a spoon and a pink apron as well while Sunset and Sunny smiled at her. “Ceremonial red carpet?” Pipp called out again. Hitch is setting the carpet in the right place with his eye-zoom-in modical to make sure he puts it at the perfect spot as he finishes. “Check!” Hitch answered with a smile. “Totes emote harvest music?” Pipp asked as she brought out her phone as it played harvest music. “Check!” She said to herself with a smile as she got in front of Sparky, who got out of the bush as he got the dirt off him. “And Sparky, you have the honor of blowing this when Mom arrives.” She said to Sparky as she gave him a trumpet. Sparky smiled as he inhaled and blares at the trumpet, but his face got a little red as he flopped to the floor, out of breath from blowing too hard. Pipp then turned to the others as she was starting to panic even more as her mane was a little frazzled as she gave a panicked smile..“So just make sure everything's perfect, times it by a million, and then make it even more perfect than that! Okay, great!” She said nervously as she starts to sweat and having a breakdown as she is biting on her hooves. “Pipp, why are you so nervous?” Sunny asked in concern as she placed the carrot cake on the counter. “Yeah. You’re acting more nervous than Twilight when she doesn’t get things done in time. No offense Twilight.” Sunset said, while looking at the necklace. Twilight appeared once the necklace was opened as she gave a chuckle. “Non taken, Sunset. I even admit how nervous I get when I can’t get things done or complete them. Hehehe. Ahh. My friends called my breakdown ‘Twilighting’. Even though I didn’t like it at first, it still summarizes my breakdowns on who I am. Even though I find myself panicking half the time.” She said with a smile, remembering her breakdowns, ‘Twilighting’, when something so worrying and nervous happens, she still do even if she’s a spirit in a necklace, like not sending a report to Celestia in time, not setting things up like a party, a festival, and answering the right questions or preparing for a quiz, even though those are not her proudest moments, it is who she is. All three ponies, Sunny, Sunset and Twilight, chuckled at that, Sunset knowing Twilight well to have those breakdowns and Sunny had learned of that through her father’s notes as Sunny spoke. “Yeah. It's just Queen Haven. She's been here a bunch of times.” Sunny said while reminding them of the other times Queen Haven came and visited them. Zipp then gets in front of Sunny and Sunset, Twilight is next to them while the necklace is open, as Zipp gives a nervous look while sweating, though her breakdown is a little more stable than her sister. “Harvest and Hugs Day is, like, a weirdly big deal in Zephyr Heights, especially for Mom.” She explained to the ponies as she remembered way too well when her Mom goes overboard when celebrating Harvest & Hugs Day. Flashback. Years ago, Filly Pipp was sleeping on her bed while sucking on her hoof, and then a shadowy figure came over her, which stirs her awake. “Huh? Aah!” She screamed in startled once she saw who was over her. Queen Haven is over her sleeping filly daughter as she is smiling at her while holding a carrot cake in her hoof. “Who wants carrot cake?!” She asked her daughter excitedly as she presented about 10 three big stacks of carrot cakes all around Pipp’s room with Fall decorations all over the room with leaves falling down as well as Filly Pipp looked around in shock, wondering why Mom made so many. End of Flashback. After Zipp explained, Sunny, Sunset and Twilight looked in surprise and shock that Queen Haven loved Harvest & Hugs Day that much. “She’s that excited about it?!” Sunset asked in shock as Zipp nodded her head ‘yes’ in response. “And I thought you went overboard at times, Twilight.” She said to her. “Yeah. I’m just as surprised as myself.” Twilight said in surprise. “Kinda reminds me of celebrating with Applejack’s tradition during the Apple Harvest season.” Sunset added, remembering her and the Rainbooms dressing up for Applejack’s family traditions, which even Applejack should’ve explained more since she told them they didn’t have to dress up, which ended up them being laughing stocks of CHS for a while, but they got payback by getting Applejack to dress up from getting laughed at by the school. Pipp then got in front of the three ponies as she gave a very panicked smile as she was at her breaking point, which scared the three ponies from the look Pipp was giving them. “So it's got. To. Be. Perfect! Got it?!” She asked them in, really starting to break before Sunset slapped her in the face to snap her out of it. “Ow!” She said as she rubbed her cheek. “Get a hold of yourself, Pipp! We get it, no need to get up and personal to us!” Sunset called out, snapping Pipp out of her panic state. Pipp took a deep breath as she calmed down. “Thanks. I needed that.” She said to Sunset, thanking her for snapping her out of it. Sparky blares the trumpet again, but then he accidently blows one of his dragon fires out through the trumpet. Sparky’s dragon fire hit the red carpet, which caused it to burn up as the Mane 6 watched in shock as the fire then went to the other end of the carpet and into the fall decorations that hang from the ceiling with one end at the floor as the fire came into contact with. The Mane 6 still watches in shock as the fire spreads to the rest of the decorations as it burns them away, with a little piece of the fire falling on the stove, burning it up and breaking it. Another piece of the fire fell on the carrot cake, which burned it into dust.   The Mane 6 looked at the carrot cake in shock and worried as Sunset spoke. “In hindsight, asking a fire-breathing baby dragon to blow a horn before he fully mastered said fire breath was almost certainly a VERY bad idea - especially one as surprisingly powerful for his age as Sparky is." Sunset pointed out in shock as Pipp facehoof herself, seeing that her idea to let Sparky to use the trumpet was a bad idea, wondering how she didn’t remember Sparky’s dragon fire. “Uh... don't worry.” Izzy spoke with a sheepish smile to try and ease the tension as her friends looked at her. “At least we still got the tea…” She said as she pointed at her stacks of tea sets, which fell off and spilled and a little crack as the tea pots were too heavy, with the top pot to tilted and spilled some tea out as Izzy looked on in shock, which the rest of her friends looking on with panic expression with wide eyes, with Pipp left eye twitching. Izzy then spoke again with a nervous smile. “Well, at least Queen Haven hasn't arrived yet. There's still time to—” She tried to say, but then the doorbell rings, which means Queen Haven is here as Izzy turned to he door while the others still looked on in panic as Izzy just smiled. “Okay, I've got nothin'.” She said, out of ideas. “Why does this kind of thing keep happening to us?” Sunset said with a facehoof, trying to think why luck is not on their side when they planned for something. Pipp then smiled calmly as she spoke. “Well, we're just gonna have to... PANIC!” She cried out in panic as she went into the living room while hyperventilating. Sunny and Sunset came to Pipp as Sunny spoke. “Pipp? Pipp! Just breathe!” She said as Pipp brought out a paper bag and hyperventilation in it. “Panicking won’t help! We just need some time to fix things!” Sunset added. “Yeah! We can fix this!” Sunny said in agreement. “Y-You and Zipp get the door.” She added as she brought Zipp to them, who raised an eyebrow at her sister’s panicking, which she and Pipp saw before from Hitch when Sunny, Sunset and Izzy went missing. “We'll take care of everything else.” She said as Zipp walked to her sister. Pipp however is still in a panic state as Zipp gave her a bored expression. “It's fine! Cakes are supposed to catch fire, right?!” She asked her friends in panic with a panicked smile before Zipp grabbed her sister as she dragged her to the door. “I'm pretty sure that's trending right now!” She added as she started to  whimper as she looked at her sister. “Does my mane smell like burnt carrot?” She asked her sister as she started to tear up. Zipp opened the doors as Queen Haven appeared with her royal guards behind her as Queen Have smiled at her daughters. “Darlings! Happy Harvest and Hugs Day!” She cheered for her daughters happily. Zipp and Pipp looked on as the two sisters closed the doors behind them as they smiled nervously at their mother while sweating nervously. “Welcome, Heen Quaven! Uh, I-I mean, Queen Ha— uh, Mom!” She spattered nervously as Zipp facehoof at her sister’s attempt, Queen Haven looked on in confusion as Pipp came next to her. “Um, lovely weather we're having.” She said nervously. “Am I being filmed? Is this going on ClipTrot?” Queen Haven asked, wanting to know why Pipp is being like this as Pipp begins to grow even more panicking as she sweats some more. Zipp grew nervous, seeing that Pipp was failing at this. “Pssst!” Zipp heard something as she turned and saw Sunny waving at them through the window, telling them they are good to come in. Zipp then came to her mother with a sheepish smile, while Pipp was still panicking while biting her hoof. “Uh, right this way!” She said to her mother as they entered the Brighthouse. “Wow. What a... unique spread.” Queen Haven said, not what she expected as she saw the Brighthouse with red paper to replace the carpet while there are drawings of pumpkins, leaves and the decorations, apparently this is the best they can do since they don’t have any spares or have enough time to set them up quickly. Izzy kept pouring the tea in a cup on the table with a nervous smile as it overflowed, dripping off on the table. Sunny was stirring the cake mix with a paper of the carrot cake in front of the bowl with Sunset next to her as they smiled nervously at Queen Haven. Sparky holds up the trumpet as he inhales to play it again, but Hitch panicky snatched the trumpet from Sparky as he tossed it away as the trumpet whined from the toss, not wanting Sparky to do that if he used his dragon fire again. Queen Haven then walked to the throne that Pipp brought down to one end of the table as Hitch came to her with a smile. “Your Royal Hoofness!” He said as he presented the throne to Queen Haven. “Oh. Thank you.” Queen Haven thanked Hitch with a smile as she sat on the throne. “Now, we have an exquisite array of classic Harvest and Hugs Day tea blends freshly prepared by our master teasmith Izzy.” Hitch said as he brought Izzy next to him, who was smiling nervously along with Hitch. Queen Haven then gasped happily. “Do you have elderberry bushel blast?! It's a Zephyr Heights classic!” She said with her hooves on her cheeks. “Well, we certainly didn't destroy it all in a fire before you got here!” Hitch said as he gave a nervous laugh, before a peanut hit him on the head. “Ah!” He called out as he turned to Sunset, who is holding a stack of nuts while shaking her head, understanding that they are nervous, she is too, but Hitch really needs to work on his acting. Izzy gave a nervous laugh as well before she spoke. “Elderberry bushel blast comin' up!” She said as she zipped away to the kitchen. Izzy goes to a pot in front of her as she starts muttering and places some stuff in the pot, not knowing what elderberry bushel blasts are made of so she just has to improvise. “Little of this... Little bit of this... Um, okay, that'll work…” She muttered nervously as she began to stir. Queen Haven saw Izzy as she gave a confused look. “Is that a... new recipe?” She asked, not sure what Izzy is doing. “No new recipes.” Sunny called out nervously as she was shredding some carrots while Sunset was still stirring. “Yeah. Tea can be made in many ways, just add what you know.” Sunset added as she kept stirring. “Yeah. Just good old-fashioned, age-tested tradition.” Sunny added, but in her haste, she accidentally tossed what’s left of the carrot she was shredding as it flew into the air, which made Sunny and Sunset worried about this. Hitch is carrying the tea Izzy made as the carrot piece Sunny tossed fell in front of him as he slipped on it from one of his hooves. “Aah! Whoa!” He cried out, but as he tried to gain balance, the contents of the tea Izzy made spilled out of the pot as it splattered all over the kitchen. Izzy screamed as she ducked for cover of the incoming contents, Queen Have ducked when some came close to her when it hit the throne seat. Hitch kept screaming as he slipped and flopped to the table with the tea Izzy made spilled out from it as Queen Haven cringed at it. “Just how you like it! Right?” He asked nervously. At the kitchen, Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp smiled as Sunny held up the carrot cake batter. “Carrot cake 2.0 ready to go into the... broken oven. Ugh!” She groaned, having forgotten that Sparky’s fire broke the oven so they can’t use that. “How are we gonna bake a cake without an oven?” She asked the others. “I don’t know. If I have fire abilities, I would bake it in an instant but that will burn it to a crisp faster.” Sunset said, while having no fire abilities at all, she is having flashbacks when her demon-half was firebase, so even if she does have fire abilities, it will not be helpful. Zipp gives a nervous look as she groans, knowing she has something that might work, but it was something she wished to not show the others. “Hold on tight. I might have something.” She said embarrassedly to the others. A little bit later, Zipp returned with a small pink oven as she gave an embarrassed look to Sunny and Sunset. “You have a Bakey-Boo Oven?!” Sunny asked in a cute tone as she smiled cutely with sparkles in her eyes, remembering she had one as well when she was a filly. Sunset chuckled at Zipp for having it, never knowing Zipp even had this as she found this cute as well, if Twilight was out of the necklace, she would giggle at this as well. “That’s something we never knew about you, Zipp. Didn’t take you for a baker pretender.” She said with a smirk and chuckle. “I used to make Harvest and Hugs Day fairy cakes, okay?” Zipp explained quickly in embarrassment to the two, while Sunset still gives off a smirk at Zipp while Sunny is still smiling cutely with sparkles in her eyes. “I was a filly. I'm not proud of it.” She added with a raised eyebrow as she placed her old filly oven on the counter next to them. “Awww, I think it's sweet!” Sunny said in a cute tone while Sunset kept smirking, Zipp still feels embarrassed knowing that her friends won’t forget this. “All right, let's do this!” Sunny declared as she now got serious. Zipp opened her old oven as Sunny placed it inside as she closed it and set it on ‘5:0’ as it began to bake. “We might actually pull this one off.” Sunset said with a smile, seeing that this might be where they pull this off. “Mmmm!” Queen Haven’s voice is heard, which startled the trio as they turned and saw Queen Haven behind them. “That carrot cake smells divine!” She said with a smile, with Pipp behind her, while biting her hooves again in panic. Sunny, Sunset and Zipp tried to block her view of the oven to make sure she doesn’t see the unfinished cake. “Well, Zipp taught us the family recipe, so it should be... delicious?” Sunny said nervously as she, Sunset and Zipp looked on nervously as they began to sweat. Pipp kept biting her hooves nervously at this as she then zip off and grab her giant music speaker as she placed it next to Sparky. Pipp then brought out her phone as she place a bluegrass music, but she didn’t realizes once she start playing it, it is so loud that she didn’t know the volume was up, which startled Pipp as she jumped, it even startled Sparky from the loud sound as he tries to cover his ears. Sunset, Sunny, Zipp and Queen Haven turned and saw this as Pipp landed on Sparky’s tail, which made the baby dragon scream in pain as he released one of his dragon fires in the process as Pipp gave an apology look at Sparky for stepping on his tail. Izzy ducked from Sparky’s dragon fire, but the tea she made was tossed into the air as it landed on Sunny’s face as she tries to get it off, but she tripped and opened Zipp’s oven, which caused the carrot cake it was baking to spit out and hit on Queen Haven’s face. The Mane 6 looked in shock and panic while Pipp and Hitch screamed at this as well. Pipp got next to her mother as she got the cake of Queen Haven’s face, who is giving wide eyes at what happened. “We're so sorry, Mom!” She cried out as let her tears go as Queen Haven looked at her daughter. “We had everything prepared, but then it caught fire, and the tea exploded, and the cake dissolved, and now we've ruined your favorite holiday! She cried out quickly. Queen Haven gives her daughter a sympathetic look, not mad at all. “Pipp, my dear, calm down. You've not "ruined" anything.” She said to Pipp. Pipp calmed down as she turned to her mother. “Well, you're wearing the traditional carrot cake as a face mask, so we're not exactly winning.” She pointed out the carrot cake content still on her mother’s face to prove her point. Queen Haven then wiped the contents off her face as she looked at her daughter. “You think I like Harvest and Hugs Day just because of a cake?” She asked her daughter with a smile. Pipp thought of what her mother just asked. “Um... kinda?” She answered unsure. “Well, it is delicious, but no.” Queen Haven said with a smile, while admitting that the carrot cake is good but that’s not why she loved Harvest & Hugs Day as the Mane 6 gathered around as they listened to Queen Haven, wondering what she was saying. “Look, when I was growing up, Harvest and Hugs Day was one of the few days a year we managed to get all the family together.” She stated as she brought up an old picture of a Young Queen Haven who was sitting while her family gathered around her with their Harvest & Hugs Day feast on the table as Zipp came close to her mother and sister as she and Pipp smiled. “That's why I love it so much. Because we were always together.” She added as she hugged her daughters close to her.  Sunset smiled at Queen Haven’s words. “She’s right. It’s not the feast, decorations or all that for Harvest & Hugs Day, it's about spending time with your friends and family and enjoying each other's company. And I remember from what Applejack told me when she’s having her Apple Family reunion, that it’s not the traditions or food or games they used to do, it’s spending time with one another to the family and friends you spent time with.” She said with a smile, having learned from Princess Twilight of how Applejack had her family reunion and how human Applejack did something similar. “Sunset is right on the nose, dears.” Queen Haven said to them with a smile. “We could be eating mud pie and worm stew for all I care.” She jokingly said with a smile. “Now, that I can do!” Izzy cheered with a smirk while picking at the weird tea she made, thinking about what Queen Haven just said, seeing those as an upgrade compared to the tea she made. “Don’t you even think about it, Izzy.” Sunset called out, not wanting Izzy to make those things. “Come on, ponies.” Queen Haven called out to the others. “Let's get whatever food we can find, throw it on the table, and make some precious memories together.” She declared as the Mane 6 smiled at her idea. Sometime later, Izzy set a bowl of pinecones on the table. Pipp is passing the plates to her mother as they smile with each other. Sunny and Zipp baked a loaf of bread on Zipp’s oven as they smiled at their accomplishment. Sunset is making some apple pie that she learned from human Applejack for dessert as she sits it on the table once it’s finished. Once the table is set, the Mane 6 are enjoying their meal while Queen Haven watches them with a smile, enjoying their moment with them. Sparky came behind Queen Haven as he giggled at her with a smile. Queen Haven smiled at the baby dragon next to her. “Sparky, could you do the honors and get this feast underway?” She asked the baby dragon as she gave him the trumpet. Sparky smiled as he grabs the trumpet as he took a deep breath to begin to blow the trumpet. The Mane 6 saw this, knowing what might happen when Sparky blows into the trumpet since Queen Haven doesn’t know of it. “No, no, no, nooooo!” The Mane 6 cried out in unison and panic as this is something Sparky shouldn’t do after his last attempt with the trumpet. End of Chapter 35. > Chapter 36: Taking Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36: Taking Flight In the sky, Zipp is flying around as she flew high with a few loops and looked a Maretime Bay below her. “Wow! Look at this view!” Zipp said with a smile with sparkles in her eyes. “Flying is the best!” She cheered. Sunset then came flying towards Zipp as she did a flying loop and some nice flying skills as she came next to Zipp with a smile. “Hi, Zipp. Enjoying flying?” She asked with a smile. Zipp turned and saw Sunset next to her. “Hey, Sunset! I sure am!” She answered, and then realized something. “Wait? Weren’t you supposed to help Sunny with her smoothie stand?” She asked in confusion since Sunset is supposed to work at the smoothie stand. “Sunny gave me the day off from helping her so much and she said that I need to stretch my wings. A pony with wings can’t stay on the ground all the time.” Sunset answered, stating that Sunny said that she could use a day off, Sunset denied it at first so she can help Sunny, but Sunny insisted, knowing that Sunset needs it for the magic training and the time in the smoothie stand that she gave to Sunny and Izzy, and chatting with Twilight from time to time to tell more about the magic of friendship and her time with the Guardians of Harmony. Twilight then appeared out of the necklace as she smiled. “And I just wanted to fly again. Granted I’m a spirit in a necklace, but Sunset can always fly since she’s an alicorn now. I just miss flying.” Twilight answered with a smile, having missed flying around in the sky, but with Sunset flying around, it gives her nostalgic feelings to be in the air again. “That’s why you got me, Twilight.” Sunset answered with a smile. “You may not have a body anymore, but you can always ask me to give you some nostalgia. All you have to do is ask.” She said to Twilight, wanting to do something for her so she doesn’t feel left out. “And I thank you for that, Sunset.” Twilight answered with a smile as the three ponies enjoyed their flying. And then suddenly, Izzy somehow came next to them, in the sky, as she sighs with a smile. “Isn’t it just?” She asked with a smile. “Wind in your hair, total freedom…” Zipp listened out with a smile, which she, Sunset and Twilight didn’t realize that Izzy was flying next to them somehow. “There's nothing else like it!” She announced with smiles and sparkles in her eyes, really loves flying. “Flying is the best way to touch the sky and enjoy the view while getting some breeze in the air.” Sunset said with a smile, really love flying. “I may have had a rough start with flying when I first got my wings when I became an Alicorn, but after a few practice, I’ve gotten the hang of it thanks to Rainbow Dash for the flying lessons and it became a norm for me.” Twilight added with a smile, remembering that she hadn't got used to her wings yet when she became an Alicorn, but after a few lessons from Rainbow Dash about flying, she’d gotten used to it. “Could not have said it better myself.” Izzy said with a smile as she gave the three ponies a wink. “Cheerio, Zipperoonie! Sunsetty! Twily! Whoo-hoo!” She cheered as she flew down. Zipp, Sunset and Twilight laugh happily. “See ya, Izz.” Zipp called out with a smile, but then the three ponies realized who they just spoke to. “Wait. Izzy?!” All three ponies called out in shock. “Did Izzy just talk to us while in flight?!” Sunset asked in shock, wondering how Izzy talked to them while in the air. “For that  matter, the question is how did she get into the sky since she’s a unicorn?” She asked, wondering how Izzy just came to them into the sky since she’s not a pegasus or an Alicorn to just fly. Twilight then looked down where Izzy flew off as she saw something on Izzy’s back. “I think that’s why.” She called out to the two as they looked at what Izzy had on her back. As it turns out, Izzy made a glider that she made as it starts shimmering in magic, meaning that Izzy is using her magic on the glider she is hooked onto to give her the ability to take flight while using her magic to stay in the air as she flies around. Sunset, Zipp and Twilight are shocked at what they are seeing while feeling a little amazed at what Izzy just made on her own. “I know I shouldn’t be surprised since Izzy made a ton of things in her spare time, but seeing her using her magic on that hoof made glider to take flight instead of glide is actually pretty smart.” She said with a little awed expression, finding that pretty creative for a pony to take flight. Twilight was the most amazed at this and how creative Izzy is. “If she was around ancient Equestrian times when me and my friends were around, she would’ve been the best creator of her ‘Unicycling’ skills in all of Equestria. This would’ve been helpful for unicorns to fly around without much strain from their magic like Starlight can and unicorns don’t have to use the flight spell to take flight either.” She said in amazement of what Izzy is doing pretty smart, and remembering the time when Starlight used her magic to fly around and from the time when Rarity had those butterfly wings from that wing spell Twilight used on her to fly up to Cloudsdale to see Rainbow Dash’s flight performance and her Sonic Rainboom.   But after a moment of Izzy flying around, her glider snapped into pieces as the magic stopped glowing. Izzy turned and looked in shock as she saw her glider broken off. “Uh-oh.” She said, knowing what happens next as she starts falling, but with no scream. “Wheeeeee!” She cheered as she starts falling right beside the abandon Canterlogic building. Sunset and Zipp start to sweat in worry and anxiety, Twilight looks on in worry, as they see Izzy about to hit the ground. Sunset and Zipp flew at a fast paste to Izzy before she turned into Pony Pancake on the pavement.  Izzy kept smiling as she fall, but that ended when Sunset and Zipp grabbed Izzy as they carried her as they took to the air, but the glider came off as it fell on the pavement in front of Posey, which startled her as a pony stallion next to her gave a confused look, wondering what just happened. Izzy, Sunset and Zipp start screaming as they are about to hit the roof of the Canterlogic building, which has some stuff and something big under a tarp in the middle of it as the three ponies hit the roof as they rolled across it before they hit the thing under the tarp. Once they crash, they groan from the impact of the hit. Zipp got up as she gave Izzy a look while sweating a bit from the sudden fright of Izzy nearly becoming a pony pancake. “Izzy! What were you thinking?! You could've been hurt!” She scolded. “And as much as that was pretty creative, mind telling why you were flying with a glider made of stuff!?” Sunset scolded as well, while she finds Izzy’s creations amazing, she nearly got hurt and became flat on the pavement from the fall. Izzy fixed her mane as she got it out of her eye sight as she gave an apologetic look at her friends. “Sorry, Zipp, Sunset.” She said as she then smiled at them. “But you two made flying look so fun, I wanted to do it, too.” She explained as she gave sparkles in her eyes, wanting to try out flying herself, which is why she made that glider. “Well that is true, while half of our group could fly, me, Pipp, Zipp and Sunny, who sometimes do when she’s in her Alicorn form, could fly, you and Hitch along with Sunny who isn’t in her Alicorn form have to rely on your hooves to move around.” Sunset said, seeing Izzy’s point on wanting to fly. Zipp's expression didn’t change as she spoke. “Yeah. It would be amazing if we all could fly. But we can't.” She pointed out, as much as she finds Izzy’s idea great, the unicorns and earth ponies can’t fly if they don’t have wings of their own like the pegasi they were Alicorns. “Even I think that as well. Unless ponies are born with wings, know a flight spell, or become an Alicorn in the process, they can’t fly.” Sunset added, knowing that Earth Ponies and Unicorns can’t fly unless they have a flight spell to use or if they became an Alicorn to fly.   “And I doubt that flight spell is remembered after magic was gone for many moons.” Zipp added, knowing that the flight spell has been long since forgotten when magic disappeared and the only known Alicorns are Sunny and Sunset. “So—” She was about to say something but was cut off when Izzy got between Sunset and Zipp’s cheeks with a smile and sparkles in their eyes. “Maybe we can?” Izzy asked with a smile as Sunset and Zipp raised an eyebrow at Izzy as she grabbed the tarp behind them and unraveled it as it revealed the old run down tramcar Izzy showed the others after they'd found Sparky. “Ta-daaaaa! My ultrasonic, fantastatronic, skyblastonic flying machine!” She called out excitedly, going to turn the tramcar into a flying vehicle as she leaned on the door of the tramcar while Sunset and Zipp gives her a raised eyebrow before the tramcar door gives out from Izzy’s weight as she fell to the floor while the two ponies looked at her to see if she’s okay, but got the results when Izzy got her head up and pointed her hoof at them with a smile. “I'm okay!” She called out with a smile. “You’re going to turn this old tramcar you found into a flying vehicle?” Sunset asked in question, wanting to process what Izzy’s truly going to do to this tramcar. “Yep. I brought it to Canterlogic’s roof to give out some room and some parts to get it done.” Izzy answered, saying her reason on why is it on the roof since she needs the room to work on it while some parts in the Canterlogic building will be used since it was abandoned. “How’d you even got it to the roof in the first place? The stairs and doors are too small for a tramcar like that.” Sunset pointed out, wanting to know how Izzy got this big tramcar on the Canterlogic’s roof since the path to the roof on the inside was too small to get this tramcar through. “Yeah, I’ve wondered that myself, Izzy.” Zipp added, wanting to know as well. “I used my magic to levitate the tramcar to the roof, knowing that it was too big for the inside. It was no picnic carrying this thing but I got it done.” Izzy answered, having used her magic to carry it up to the roof by levitation, which took a lot of effort but she did it as she inspected the tramcar. “It might need a little work, but it's got good bones!” She called out as she tapped it with a smile. But then the tramcar begins to creak as the front titled from the front, which made the ponies look on in surprise and then the middle of it begins to crack in half as the back half rolled backwards, which made Sunset, Zipp and Izzy ub shock at this. Izzy gasps when she sees the back half rolling away as she uses her magic to put a spare wheel at the back end of the back-half to keep it from rolling off the roof as she came next to it while having some sweat from the effort she used. “So, uh, what do you say, Zipperoonie and Sunsetty? Fix it up together? Take it to the skies?” She asked them with a smile, wanting them to join her in making the tramcar flight worthy. Zipp gives an unsure look as she taps on the mirror of the tramcar. “The skies?” She repeated, but after the second tap of the mirror, it nearly fell off as Zipp caught it and put it back gently. “I don't know, Izzy. This thing is in no condition to fly.” She pointed out at how rundown the tramcar is. “I’m not sure if we can, Izzy. This tramcar was lucky to move when you brought it to the bridge to show us.” Sunset pointed, finding it amazing how long this tramcar lasted when Izzy showed it to them before it fell apart now. “And who knows more about flying than you, Zipp?” Izzy pointed out with a wink. “And who knows more about vehicles than you, Sunset? Since you used to live in a human world. And Twilight gives us some tips since she is very smart” She added by giving a wink to Sunset, knowing she experienced these kinds of vehicles before and Twilight being so smart she can make anything. “With your knowledge, Zipp, with your experience, Sunset, with Twilight’s expertise, and my creativity, we'll have this baby uni-cycled in no time.” She declared after waving her hooves when she mentioned her ‘creativity’, meaning that if they worked together, they could make it happen as a piece of the floor behind the tramcar fell off as Izzy looked at it. Sunset and Zipp thought of what Izzy was saying and planning. “Well, that is true. I’ve been practicing on fixing vehicles and my friends taught me how to drive.” Sunset pointed out, during her driving lessons, she’s been giving mechanical lessons just in case a vehicle broke down so she can fix it. Twilight then appeared again with a cheerful smile. “And not mean to brag, but I am pretty smart and have made and fixed things with my own hooves. I’ve fixed a rainbow maker, created a device that would open the mirror portal to the world Sunset was on at any time, make a homemade hot air balloon and other things so making a tramcar to fly shouldn’t be a problem if you girls follow my tips.” She pointed out with a proud smile, finding Izzy’s words true that she is smart. Sunset playfully rolled her eyes with a smile from what Twilight said. “Yeah, Twilight. We know. And I remember.” She said with a smile. “But you can count us in anytime, Izzy.” She added, which made Izzy smile widely as Sunset turned to Zipp. “What about you, Zipp?” She asked the Pegasus. Zipp sighs when she thinks about what Izzy said. “It would be pretty sweet for all of us to be able to fly together.” She said with a smile, finding the idea of all their friends flying together. “Yes?” Izzy asked with a smile as she got closer to Zipp. “Just think – day trips in Zephyr Heights…” Zipp listed with a smile. “Yes?!” Izzy asked again, very excited with wide eyes with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. “...weekends in Bridlewood…” Zipp added. “YES!” Izzy cheered, very excited while waiting for Zipp’s answer. Zipp turned to her with a determined expression with a smile. “Okay, Izzy! I'm in!” She declared. Izzy squeals in excitement as Sunset and Zipp, with Twilight on the necklace, came up to her with smiles on their faces. “Go, Team Zipzy and Sunlight!” She announced cheerfully as they tapped hooves as Sunset, Zipp, and Twilight gave her small smiles as they walked off to get some tools and make plans for the tramcar. “Get it? It's Izzy, and Zipp and Sunset and Twilight but all squishy up!” She added with a wave of her hooves. “No nicknames!” Zipp called out to Izzy. “Aw.” Izzy groans in disappointment that she can’t say the nicknames. “Good names though, Izzy!” Sunset called out. “Kinda reminds me of ‘TwiPie’ Pinkie named when me and her teamed up!” Twilight added, remembering during the Trivia Trott challenge, she’d teamed up with Pinkie and that was then she gave them a team name. That made Izzy smile at their compliments as they got to work. Sometime later, Zipp and Sunset got some tools they would need for the tramcar as they turned and saw Izzy coming in with some wallpaper and paint, as well as Sunny’s lantern on the wagon she strapped herself with. Izzy, Zipp and Sunset then start having lunch as they chomped on their sandwiches. Zipp put her sandwich down as she took out her phone and drew down the designs for the tramcar for it to fly. She shows it to Sunset and Izzy, Twilight appeared to get a closer look at it as she and Sunset place a hoof on their chins to think of the design as Izzy smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she nodded, and then shows her desert that she shaped it into a vehicles with wings before it dissolved. “Huh?” Zipp asked in confusion before she groaned from that while Sunset and Twilight looked at each other while seeing that each one have different ideas. A little bit later, Zipp tried to put a star in an area of the tramcar, but couldn’t keep it in place. Izzy then came to her as she held up a blowtorch as she placed her blowtorch’s mask down on her face and held two blowtorches as she wielded the star in places. Izzy and Zipp smiled at this as Zipp nodded in accomplish of Izzy’s work, but as she tries to walk off, her tool sash got stuck on the star Izzy wielded, which gives the unicorn an irritated look from the pegasus as Izzy smiled sheepishly at her mistake. Sunset came in while working on the plans Twilight and herself were working on together on the tramcar as she saw Zipp sash’s trapped on the star. She looked at Izzy and Zipp as Zipp pointed at Izzy as the cheery unicorn chuckled sheepishly, Sunset gets the picture as she used her magic to get Zipp free from the wielded star as she got the sash out of it. Sometime later, Izzy levitated her glitter cannon on a wooden wing on the tramcar with sparkles in her eyes. “Glitter cannon! Check!” Izzy announced with a determined smile. But then the weight of her glitter cannon gives out as it was too heavy for he wooden wing as it broke off, which made the glitter cannon rolled across the roof as it turned to Zipp, Sunset and Twilight, who were measuring something for the tramcar as they turned and saw the glitter cannon facing them as they gives confuse expressions. The glitter cannon then went off as a ball of purple glitter hit Sunset and Zipp’s faces, Twilight was not affected since she was a spirit in a necklace, as they gave a shock look from the glitter attack. Izzy got to the three ponies as she gave Sunset and Zipp a sheepish yet apologetic look as she sweat nervously. “Y-You two actually... You both have a little something on your…” She then tries to wipe the glitter off them, but after a wipe, their faces are now somehow covered in rainbow glitter as they give an irritated look at Izzy. “Yeah.” Izzy simply said. Zipp and Sunset shook their heads with a cough as they got the glitter off their faces and some on their mouths. Zipp then turned to Izzy as she got to her face. “Izzy! We have to start working together as a team, or this thing will never fly!” She called out as she pointed to the tramcar, which both halves are glued back together with mac and cheese and the two wooden wings fell off as they fell on the ground. “Yeah. If we keep doing things in our own ways and not work together to agree on something, we will never get this tramcar airborne.” Sunset added, knowing that they have to work as one to get this tramcar to fly. “They’re both right, Izzy. While we all may have many ideas, even I know that we must work together and agree on something. If we don’t then we will never accomplish our goals.” Twilight advice, having learned that doing things on your own is never the answer if your friends and family worked together to accomplish something great. Izzy thought about what they said as she took their words by heart as she smiled at them. “You guys are right. Team Zipzy and Sunlight?” She asked them as she raised her hoof to them. “Team Zipzy and Sunlight.” The three ponies said in unison as Sunset and Zipp gave Izzy a hoof tap with smiles on their faces. “Now, let’s get to work.” Sunset said with a determined smile as the three ponies, and Twilight, started working together. Sometime later, the three ponies, and Twilight, got to work on making the tramcar flight worthy. (Work Work Work Song) (Mane 6) Just a little touch-up Just a little paint And we'll be done in no time Izzy is searching through a box while tossing some things away, looking for something as Zipp came by her side, holding a rope on her hoof with a smile as Izzy smiled at her. On the planning table, Sunset and Twilight are going through the plans the four ponies thought together, with Sunset listening to what Twilight is saying with her high IQ knowledge and brain power to help them get the tramcar right. Zipp is trying to get the engine block in a dryer machine, with googly eyes and a heart on its door in front of the tramcar, but it was too heavy as she can’t get it off the ground. But then the engine block levitated as Zipp let go of it as she saw it go into the dryer and smiled when she saw Izzy using her magic to hold the block in place as she smiled back as Sunset then came to them with a smile as she used some tools to attach the engine block into the dryer to keep it in place and to connect it to the tramcar. ‘Hey, this is looking great!’ Izzy thought to herself with a smile as she used her blowtorches to wield the railings of the front of the tramcar in place and fixed up the controls of it as she smiled at Zipp, Sunset and Twilight as they smiled together . (Mane 6) 'Cause they say many hooves And the work gets lighter (work gets lighter) Zipp then attached a broken bike wheel into the place where the steering wheel is on the controls as she attached it. Izzy then used her magic to repaint the tramcar, with a little rainbow color on the boarded woods on the windows. And working with your friends Will make the whole day brighter Zipp then used gray paint to repaint the roof top of the tramcar as Sunset  painted the bottom part of the tram cart with a little red on it as the four ponies, counting Twilight, smiled to each other as Izzy then levitated a paintbrush and painted some pink reddish color. Gonna work, work, work Got so much to do Well, I don't mind the work 'Cause I get to work with you And then Zipp is on top of the tramcar to help Izzy and Sunset to where they should put the wings on he tramcar as the two ponies focus their magic on where to put it, while having a hard time placing it where it suppose to go as Zipp smiled as she flew and kicked the wing in place. Zipp landed with Sunset, Twilight and Izzy as they looked at their flying vehicle. They finished with smiles and sparkles in their eyes as Sunset, Izzy and Zipp gave each other hoof taps at their hard work together. Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do And then suddenly the three ponies Cutie Marks begins to glow as Sunny’s lantern then started to flew pass them as they saw it in shock and amazement as the lantern then float itself to the front of the tramcar, which used it’s magic to transform it into into a motorhome vehicles with swings as has Pegasus wings on it’s side, big window in front for the driver with a door with a heart window at the back, the windows on the side, the colors are light blue, purple, pink and white as well have a symbol of the Unity Crystal  on the front of it. “Whoa!” Zipp awed as Sunset, Izzy and Twilight looked at it in amazement as they saw the tramcar turned into something great as they had sparkles in their eyes. “Look at this thing! Incredible!” She added with a smile. “I did not see that coming.” Izzy said in amazement, never expected Sunny’s lantern to do that, even by her standards. “Sunny’s lantern is full of surprises. It has used Prisbeam power to upgrade the tramcar into… This!” Sunset said in amazement, finding another thing of Sunny’s lantern amazing to upgrade their tramcar into something better. “Yeah. That’s some magic, and that is amazing transportation.” Twilight said in amazement, never seen this part of magic before or a vehicle transportation this great. A little bit later, Sunset, Izzy and Zipp, along with Twilight, entered the new vehicle as Izzy pressed her hoof on a hoof scanner. “Thrusters?” Zipp asked Izzy. “Check!” Izzy answered as the wings opened up from the side. “Ignition?” Zipp asked again as Sunset flipped a switch. “Check!” Sunset answered with a smile as the engines started roaring as the tailpipes in the back burst out rainbows. “Super-cool shades?” Zipp asked again with a smirk as she, Sunset and Izzy got their sunglasses on as they put them on their eyes while at the controls with Sunny’s lantern as its power source. “Check!” All three ponies said in unison. “Alright, ponies. Let’s test this former tramcar out.” Twilight said, holding her excitement as she wanted to see how his new vehicle went. Zipp grabs the wheel with her hooves as she moves it forward with a click as the new flying motor vehicle begins to move forward with a rainbow trailing behind it as it moves. “Mare Stream ready for takeoff, Zippster, Twily and Sunsetty!” Izzy announced to her friends. “Whoo-hoo!” Zipp cheered before realizing what Izzy just said as she turned with a smile. “Did you say ‘Mare Stream’? I love it!” She declared, loving the name Izzy gave to their new ride. “Mare Stream is catchy. Really fits our new ride.” Sunset said in agreement with a smile. “It sure does.” Twilight added with a smile. “Whoo-hoo! Let's go!” Izzy cheered as the mare Stream took flight as it flew away, leaving a rainbow trail behind in the process as it took to the skies. Sometime later, the Mare Stream flew above the clouds as Sunset, Twilight and Izzy looked out the window as they looked on in amazement. “This is incredible. I heard about flying cars in the human world, but to have one in Equestria is a dream come true!” Sunset said in amazement as she heard about flying cars in the human world from TV shows and movies, but to actually be on one in real life is a dream come true. “And this is great! If we had this kind of transportation in the old days, we would’ve had all the comforts of home while flying around in the sky without the use of our wings.” Twilight said in awed, wishing they had this kind of tech back in Ancient Equestria, it would’ve been great. “Yeah, well as they say Twilight, the past is the past, and the future is the future.” Sunset said with a smile to Twilight, knowing how she’s feeling as they can’t live in the past, but they can improve for the future. “Zipp! We're flying!” Izzy said cheerfully as she got to the controls, but she accidentally knocked Sunny’s lantern off its spot. Without Sunny’s lantern to power Mare Stream, the motorhome vehicle lost its power as its ability to fly as it then fell from the sky. “IZZY!” Sunset cried out as she hung on to the vehicles as they fell. “WE'RE NOT FLYING!” Izzy cried out as she tried to place the lantern back in place but couldn’t. “Girls! Nothing is working!” Zipp cried out as she kept pressing on the controls, but nothing was happening. “Sunny’s lantern is what gives power to the Mare Stream! It’s what’s kept us in the air!” Sunset cried out, knowing why they weren't flying anymore and why the controls weren't working. “And without it, Mare Stream can’t fly!” Twilight cried out, while she knows she can’t get hurt, she worries for the others. “We're going to crash!” Zipp cried out as they saw they were about to fall into the forest. Izzy starts to grow nervous and starts sweating as she then tries to use her magic to try to lift Mare Stream or slow it down a bit, but it frizzes out as Mare Stream keeps falling as Izzy pants from the effort. “We're falling too fast! My magic isn't strong enough!” She cried out, seeing that Mare Stream is too big and is falling too fast to slow down. “I doubt even I could slow it down! If we had Sunny with us, the three of us would’ve slowed this thing down! But Sunny isn’t here!” Sunset pointed out, knowing even she’s not strong enough to lift Mare Stream alone, even for one Alicorn like her. If Sunny was with them, then her, Sunset and Izzy would’ve been strong to slow Mare Stream down, but Sunny isn’t here at the moment. “There must be something!” Zipp cried out to them to see if there’s something they could do before they crash. Izzy starts whimpering as she looks around for something they can use as she turns the interior of the Mane Stream as she sees a giant cloth attached to a rope. “I've got something, but I'm not gonna lie to you, Girls– it's risky!” She called out to them as she held the rope. “Just do it, Izzy!” Zipp called out. “And do it quickly! We’re getting closer to ground level!” Sunset called out. Izzy opens the ceiling window roof of Mane Stream as she gets the cloth out while attaching the rope to it with the other end attached to Mane Stream with a grunt effort. “There we go!” She called out with a smile. At the controls, Sunset and Zipp are pressing buttons in desperation. “Izzy, we are still falling!” Zipp cried out to Izzy who came back to them with a smile on her face. “What did you do anyway?!” Sunset questioned in anxiety as she and Zipp brace themselves for impact. “Wait for it… Now!” Izzy called out as the Mane Stream now got tugged into the sky as Izzy used the tarp as a parachute to slow Mare Stream’s descendents as they slowly returned to ground level safely. Sunset, Izzy, Twilight and Zipp cheered with laughter as they felt relieved that they were saved as Mare Stream landed on something with a thud as the three ponies took off their sunglasses and looked at each other with smiles, relieved that they were saved. Zipp opened the door with a smile, but looked down once she saw that Mare Stream had landed on top of some trees as Zipp groaned at this. “Ugh. Izzy, Sunset, how are we gonna get this thing down?” She called out as to wonder how to get Mare Stream down now. “I have no idea. I never had a ride stuck to a tree before.” Sunset pointed out, never had his experience with vehicles before. “Don’t look at me. We used to use hot air balloons, airship balloons and steam trains to get around Equestria but never had them stuck to a tree.” Twilight added, never experienced this kind of thing before either, sure she flew hot air balloons, airships and steam trains to get around but never had them stuck to a tree. Izzy gasps before she smiles. “No idea either. But if there's one thing I know for sure, Zipper-doodle, it's that we can do anything together. Hoof bump!” She called out as she raised her hoof as Sunset, Zipp and Twilight smiled as well as the two ponies, Sunset and Zipp raised their hooves as well. “Team Zipzy and Team Sunlight!” She cheered as the three ponies bump hooves with each other. But then Mare Stream then starts rattling, which makes the four ponies look in shock as the motor vehicle then starts to fall from the trees, seeing that the trees are not strong enough to support this weight. “Whoa!” All four ponies cried out as Sunset and Izzy held onto the couch while Zipp hit the ceiling from the force of the fall as the Mare Stream parachute then got caught on some branches, preventing the Mare Stream from crashing to the floor. Sunset and Izzy landed on the couch once the fall is over and smiled when they realizes they’re okay as they turned to give Zipp a hoof bump, but then looked up once they saw  Zipp crashed into the floor with a thud, seeing she didn’t have time to react to hang onto something or used her wings. Izzy and Sunset, with Twilight, came down to Zipp’s level as they gave her a smirk. “Perfect landing, captain!” Izzy said cheerfully. “That was some of the best landing yet from our experience.” Sunset added with a smile. “And we had many landings in the past.” Twilight said with an amusing smile, remembering the times she crashed at times, whether it's by herself or with her friends, this is an upgrade compared to those times. The four ponies smiled at each other as they really had a good time in creating the Mare Stream. Aside from the falling, they’ve made something so that all their friends could fly and have all the comforts of home. End of Chapter 36. > Chapter 37: Snow Pun Intended > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 37: Snow Pun Intended Snowballs are being thrown around as Posey screams as she is running in panic while the snowballs are being thrown around. Posey kept screaming as she kept running while the snowballs were being thrown around as she ducked in a snowy bush while peaking out to look around while shaking in fright. All around Posy, the ponies are having a fun time in the snow, after the Unicorns in Bridlewood realizes that they were using snow magic without knowing, the leftover snows are still all over Equestria, so it will be a while for the snow to melt away, but the ponies decided to have fun in the snow since this is the first time in many moons that ponies are playing in the snow. Two Earth Ponies foals, a mare and a stallion, are playfully throwing snowballs at each other while laughing. The Pippsqueaks are making a snowman as they stack the snow together to make a buddy as they made the face, with pebbles, rocks and a carrot for a nose. Hitch, with Sparky on his back, jumped right in front of a snow version of Izzy, with snow versions of the other girls as well around them. “Freeze!” He called out, but realized what he said as he picked up a snowball. “Uh? I mean, un-freeze!” He called out with a smirk. Snow Izzy then suddenly shook its head, revealing the true Izzy hiding under it as she gave a down expression that she’s been caught. “Aw. How’d you know?” She asked Hitch, wanting to know how he knew it was her, seeing that the two poniesare playing hide-in-seek, with snow style while making snow versions of them to see which one is the real deal. Hitch gives a smirk to Izzy, meaning that it was obvious as he tossed the snowball in his hoof. “There isn’t much I don’t see coming…Ah!” Hitch cried out as he saw a snowball from out of nowhere about to hit him as he ducked as it went overhead. The snowball heads straight to Posey, who gets her head out of the bush as she looks around in fright, but doesn't notice the snowball about to hit her. Hitch and Izzy saw this as they gave a panic look, while Sparky looked on in shock. “No!” Both Izzy and Hitch cried out in panic. Posey turned to where the two ponies are screaming as the snowball hit her in the face, with she gave an irritated look from that as the ponies around them gives out nervous/shock looks, while as Sunny and Sunset are looking at Posey nervously while Pipp and Zipp are in the air, holding snowballs in their hooves saying that the two sisters were having a snowball fight as they looked at Posey in shock as well. The Pippsqueaks gives shock expressions as well as Seashell smacked a snowball on Peach Fizz in a panic, the unicorn filly was to shock to even react to it as Glory took a picture of Posey in shock. “This is not good.” Sunset whispered, knowing how Posey is when something bad happened to her and something she really didn't like about. Hitch and Izzy then got in front of Posey with an apologetic expression. “Sorry! I was aiming for Izzy/I was amazing for Hitch, but…” They both tried to explain but Posey lifted her hoof to get them to stop. Posey then gives an angry look at them with the snow still in their face. “Just. Take. Me. Home. NOW!” She yelled out in rage. Zipp then came zooming to Izzy’s side, who she and Hitch gave fright looks at Posey’s outburst as Sparky is on Hitch’s head with a sad look, as Zipp smiled at Posey. “Home? But it’s a snow day.” She pointed out with a smile. Sunset then came to them with a smile. “Yeah. Everypony is having fun in the snow.” She added. Sunny came next as she spoke with a smile. “The first ever in Maretime Bay.” She added with a smile, saying that this is the first ever snow day in Maretime Bay. Pipp then came in front of the group with a smile. “Perfect to share with friends and followers!” She called out excitedly as she took a picture on her phone while livestreaming Posey, with emojis coming out as Posey is shivering in the cold. Posey's expression hasn't changed a bit, even as she is shivering. “Just because it’s new does not make it good.” She pointed out. “Whaaaaat?” The Mane 6 all cried out in shock that Posey would say that. Sunset then looked at Posey with a raised eyebrow. “That’s a lot coming from an Earth Pony who doesn’t even give new things a chance, Posey. And I had my fair share of snow days with my old friends in my time.” She remembered the snow days when she was a filly and in CHS and she and the Rainbooms have snowball fights, play in the snow, and even remember the time when they tried to make it snow around CHS to skip through a test, but they got busted and got detention from that, all thanks to Human Rainbow Dash’s idea to find a way to skip school. Posey raised an eyebrow from what Sunset just said. “What are you talking about?” She said with an annoying tone. “Don’t you remember the time during Maretime Bay Day when you complain about Earth Ponies not having magic and making things worse that magic almost faded and you and Windy almost fell into the void with the Windigos return to Equestria?” Sunset said while giving Posey a look while reminding her of the disharmony Posey and her friends did that nearly caused magic to fade and ponies to fall into a void while also bringing the Windigos back in the process. Posey blinked from that as she remembered that very well. “Okay, I admit, that wasn’t my proudest moment for nearly causing all that. But name another time?” She challenged Sunset. “That time when you always complain about Unicorns and Pegasi and the things they do, which is pretty annoying.” Sunset said with an annoying look. “Proving your points to other ponies when their business, aka Dahlia’s flower business, was not special, you shouldn’t have to prove any of that. Or may I point out the time when you get so annoyed at something new or when ponies are having fun, you always come up to them and voice your complaints, which nopony asked you to speak out just because you don’t like that!” She called out to her, really annoyed how Posey's attitude can be when something new pops up and all because she doesn’t like that. Posey blinked from that, as she looked at the rest of the Mane 6 to speak their thoughts, but they all gave sheepish looks while looking away while chuckling or whistling to each other, telling her that what Sunset said is true as the Alicorn spoke again. “Seriously, Posey. You really need to get out more and embrace changes instead of saying that they are not fun or great. You even said that during Maretime Bay Day, and looked how that turned out in the middle of it.” Sunset pointed out. “Okay! I get it! I just don’t like snow, okay!” Posey called out, wanting Sunset to know that she gets it and no need to point those out. “It’s just too overwhelming and too loud for me to have my peace and quiet time and that it is too cold! What’s so fun about this anyway!?” She called out. Sunny then spoke with a comforting smile. “It is a bit overwhelming with everypony out in the snow.” She admittedly said as she pointed to the ponies having fun in the snow.  “And I’ll admit, all of this probably IS too much, too fast.” Sunset said, seeing what Posey is saying as she saw so many ponies having too much fun in the snow. “And even with us planning on working with the unicorns to control their magic better to prevent future snow from getting this big, this can be quite overwhelming.” She said, seeing that while they are helping the Unicorns to practice their magic more to prevent an out of control snow storm in the future, the fun time can be a bit whelmed with this. “Maybe we should find someplace calm.” She suggested.   “Maybe somewhere quieter?” Sunny added to Posey. Posey then turned her head while not agreeing to Sunny’s plan. “No, that won't be—” She was about to voice her objection but was cut off by Sunset. “Oh, looks like little Posey here doesn’t want to give it a shot.” Sunset said with a smirk. Posey gives Sunset a raised eyebrow. “What are you saying, Sunset?” She asked the Alicorn in confusion. “What I’m saying is, Posey, you don’t know how to have fun in the snow, since Maretime Bay is having its first snow day. And that you are too afraid to even try it.” Sunset explained, while giving a wink to her friends, saying that she had a plan to make Posey try it out as the others smirked at Sunset, understanding what she was doing. “I can have fun! And I’m not afraid! Remember Maretime Bay Day!?” Posey called out with a frown, not wanting ponies to think that she’s afraid to even have fun. “We all do, but that was lucky that we got the magic and harmony stable and had fun in the end. So if you think you can have fun or not, then why not try it out?” Sunset asked playfully. “Yeah, why not join us, Posey, we’ll go someplace quieter for you to try it out, that is if you are scared.” Pipp asked with a smirk, following Sunset's plan. “You think I’m afraid to try out new things?! I ain't afraid of trying new things!” Posey called out to them in a little offensive manner in anger that they think she’s afraid. “Then why not prove it, Posey?” Sunset asked with a smirk as she shrugged her shoulders. “Are you a pony? Or a chicken?” She asked with a challenged expression with a smirk as well. “Oooooohhhhh.” The rest of the Mane 6 called out with smirks on their faces that Sunset said that to get Posey rallied. Posey’s right eye twitched from Sunset’s comment. “Me? Chicken? I ain’t no chicken!” She yelled out in a little rage. “You ponies want to show me what makes snow day fun, then show me why it is so fun somewhere quieter as Sunny suggested! Then we’ll see who’s chicken!” She called out, accepting Sunset’s challenge, not wanting to be called chicken for not trying out something new.   Sunset smirks, finding her plan to get Posey to try a success. “Works every time.” She whispered, having done the same trick to challenge Rainbow and Applejack for when they have their competitions to each other or to their friends. Zipp then spoke out with an exciting smile. “Oh! Like Prancing Point!” She called out to the quiet place they went on for their hike and camping spot. Izzy then got to Posey’s side as she wrapped a hoof around her, which startled Posey from that. “To the Mare Stream, ponies!” She announced as she howled as she and the others raced to the Mare Stream, while dragging Posey along with them. Little bit later, The Mane 6, and Posey are in the Mare Stream as Izzy then moves Senor Butterscotch out of the wheel he is on. “Uh, scootch please, Señor B.” Izzy said to her Unicycled friend as she levitated him out of the wheel as Zipp then grabbed the as Izzy levitated Senor B out of the Mare Stream to make room for the seventh seat for Posey as she used her magic to make a snow chair for Senor B as she placed him outside until they get back as she waved to her Unicycled friend with a smile, saying she will see him later as she closed the door. “Prancing Point, here we come!” Zipp announced with a smile, but before she could turn on the engine, she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Huh?” She turned and saw Sunset with a smirk. “Sorry, Zipp. But you drove last time, and now it’s my turn. Let me take the wheel this time.” Sunset said with a smirk, telling Zipp it’s her turn to drive Mare Stream. “Aw, pony feathers.” Zipp groans, but finding it fair since she did drive Mare Stream last time and Sunset did help make it with her and Izzy along as she moved aside the wheel. “You’ll drive on the way home, Zipp. I promise.” Sunset promised with a smile as she took the wheel. “Thanks, Sunset.” Zipp said with a smile, feeling better knowing that she will drive Mare Stream on the way home. “Now, ponies, we are on our way to Prancing Point!” Sunset announced as she got Mare Stream into the air, sure it’s a flying vehicle but she took driving lessons from her friends to help her how to drive, and Mare Stream does drive on the ground when it’s not flying  in the air and the controls are easy to do as she keeps Mare Stream steady. Sometime later, Mare Stream flew across the sky as Sunset kept hold of the wheel while Sunny took a deep breath as she sighed in relaxation. “Now this is what I call some quiet time.” Sunset said with a smile. “Much calmer. Right, Posey?” Sunny asked Posey with a smile, but saw Posey cowering on the ground as she covered her face with her hooves while skating in fright. “I'm an Earth pony, not a sky pony!” Posey cried out in panic, apparently she doesn’t like heights or flights as she stands up while Sunset and Sunny looked on with worried looks at Posey.” I'm an Earth pony, not a sky pony! Are we there yet?! Are we there yet?! ARE WE THERE YET?!” She cried out in panic. Zipp raised an eyebrow at Posey from her nervous breakdown. “Uh, Posey? We're here.” She called out with a smile as she pointed outside as she showed that Sunset landed the Mare Stream not too long ago as Pipp is taking a selfie in the air outside while Izzy, Hitch and Sparky are playing a snowball fight as Izzy threw hers at Hitch. “We landed not too long ago. So you don’t have to worry about it.” Sunset said with a calm smile while having a thought in her head. ‘Wow, she’d panic more like Fluttershy when she’s scared of something, even though Posey go the colors of her coat and mane like Fluttershy, she’s an Earth Pony after all and have an attitude, but when she’s afraid of something like heights, she’s like Fluttershy.’ She thought, finding Posey’s scared side similar to Fluttershy's, pretty cute and funny. “Phew.” Posey took a breath in relief as the flying thing was now over. Sometime later, The Mane 6, and Sparky and Posey, are on a spot where they will show Posey what makes snow fun.  “Here before me is the complete list of all good snow day activities.” Hitch said with a smile as he held up his clipboard of the list he made. Pipp raised her hoof excitedly as she waved her hoof, while Posey is feeling uncomfortable about this. “Oooh! Even snowponies?” She asked Hitch with sparkles in her eyes. “Snowponies?” Hitch repeatedly asked as he looked around nervously, stating that he didn’t put that on the list as he gave a nervous smile. “Of course! It's right here on my list!” He lied, not wanting Pipp to know he didn’t put that part down. “Well, we better get started if we want to fit everything in!” He announced with a smile, wanting to move on so that he doesn’t get caught. “Whoo-hoo!” Izzy cheered excitedly as she trotted around. “Yeah! Snow day!” She cheered with a big smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Yes!” Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp all called out in unison as they laughed a little together. “Snow day!” They cheered. “This will be fun.” Sunset said with a calm smile, while looking at Posey as she looked nervous about this. Sunset raised an eyebrow as she had never seen Posey nervous like that in the past. Hitch looked at his clipboard as he spoke. “First up is... what Pipp said... that I definitely had written down.” He said, while going to do the snowponies thing Pipp wanted to do in order to not let them look at the clipboard to see he didn’t write that down. Pipp gives a smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Snowponies are so much fun!” She said as she trotted ahead in excitement, really having the snow activity of making snowpoines. “To make them hashtag #snowmazing, all you need is…” She was about to speak up but was cut off when Zipp flew into the air. “Loads of snow!” Zipp called out excitedly as she flew up, did a spin and then dive down as she made an impact on the snow that formed around her and her friends as they covered themselves from the impact Zipp made. Sunset then spoke to herself. “Why do I get the feeling Posey will not like this?” She asked herself in getting that feeling when things don’t go as planned. A little bit later, Zipp is showing Posey how to make snowponies as she stacked some snowballs together. “Seriously, roll as much snow as you think you need, then triple it!” Zipp said as she rolled some snow together to make a big ball as she held it in her hoof to show Posey. “The bigger, the better!” She added to Posey with a smile, as she looked down at her snowpile in thought. A little bit later as Posey tries to stack her snow pile together, a shadow came over her as she looked in shock at what she is seeing, what she is saw is Zipp made a giant snowball on a hill as Posey starts to sweat nervously as she looked in shock with her mouth open. Zipp then stands on top of her snow pile with a proud smile, but as she gets on it, it is titled as it starts rolling down the hill, with Zipp on it as she moves her hooves backwards from the snowpile rolls as she tries to keep her balance. Posey screamed as Zipp’s giant snowball started chasing her. Zipp flew off the giant snowball as it crashed, but got Posey in it as she poked her head off with an irritated look, Sunset saw this as she shook her head. “Why did Zipp have to make it that big?” Sunset questioned why Zipp stacked that many snowballs to make it that big in the first place. Sometime later, it was Pipp’s turn to show Posey as she placed a giant scarf on the body of a snowpony. “And the bigger the snowpony, the more snow-ccessories you can add.” Pipp said with a smile as she and her friends are keeping it steady while the snowpony looks like a giant stallion with Pipp’s blanket on its back with two big rocks for the eyes. Posey came to them after getting out of the snow pile as she gave a bored expression as she shook her head to get the snow off herself. Pipp came to her as she gave Posey some rocks as the earth pony gave a curious look from that as she looked at Pipp who gave her a smile. Posey then placed the rocks on the chest part of the snowpony as she gave a smile at this and looked up, seeing that Pipp is adding some twigs and leaves on top of it for the mane part and for the chest as the ponies looked on in awe. Pipp took out her phone so she could take a selfie of it with her and her friends in it, but before she could, the snowpony titled as it was losing balance. Posey screamed as the Mane 6, sins Pipp, moved out of the way as the head of the snowpony fell on Posey as Pipp covered herself from the impact of that. A little bit later, it was Izzy's turn as she gave a smirk at Posey.  “Touching all that snow? Nuh-uh! Neigh way! No frosty hooves here, folks!” Izzy said to Posey, who was still under the pile of snow as she got out and gave the irritated look again as Izzy came next to her. “I have a better way.” She said while wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk as she pointed to her horn. “With a little bit of unicorn magic, you can make anything with snow.” She said as she then gave an evil laughter with a creepy look. “Anything!” She repeated as she got right into Posey’s face, which scared the Earth Pony as she gave another evil laughter, before she received a smack to the back of the head. “Ow!” She called out as she turned and looked at Sunset, who was giving a stern look at the unicorn. “Izzy, what did we talk about magic?” Sunset asked in a stern tone, telling her what she just said and did, which she finds a little creepy when Izzy does that evil laughter and creepy look. Izzy then gave a sheepish chuckle at Sunset before she spoke. “B-But not anything since magic has its own limits and must always choose wisely.” She said quickly, remembering the magic lessons Sunset taught her and Sunny about using magic carefully as Sunset nodded her head in confirming. The others gathered around Izzy as the unicorn concentrated her magic into her horn as it started to glow. And then some snow then starts to come out from the ground as the others looked up and saw Izzy’s magic forming into a big ball before it exploded and made a rainbow swirl around them as the snow pieces sparkled with glow like a rainbow. Posey watches as she gives an awed expression with a smile. “Ahhh.” She said in awed with wide eyes, finding it beautiful. Zipp laughed at this amazing sight as she watched while Pipp watched with sparkles in her eyes with a wide smile. “Ahhh.” Hitch said in awed, finding it amazing as well as Sunny and Sunset watches on. “It’s beautiful. Why didn't I think of doing this when I was a filly in Equestria?” Sunset said in amazement with sparkles in her eyes, finding Izzy’s snow magic amazing, seeing how talented Izzy really is in magic, if Twilight was out of the amulet, she would do the same thing, but inside, even she finds this amazing. Sparky smiled at this as he tried to catch snow with his claws, but saw it was gone. “Huh?” He questioned as he gave off some cute giggles. Izzy was even amaze at what she did as she smiled with Sparkles in her eyes as she focus her magic into her horn harder, which she used to make mini snow ponies as they danced around, by Izzy’s magic to make them move as the others continue to watch in amazement.  Posey looked up as she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes as she found this amazing. But then the winds started whistling as everything began to speed up, which Izzy is putting too much magic into the snow as she smiled with her eyes closed while concentrating, not knowing that she is making it too fast. The others got worried as everything began to speed up around them as Posey and Sunset came to Izzy as they tapped on her sides and shook her to snap out of it. “Izzy! Stop! You're putting too much magic into them!” Sunset called out as she and Posey got Izzy to snap out of her concentration by shaking her, which made her dizzy from that. Izzy got out of her dizziness as she saw what she was doing as the snow stopped, but they lost their glow, meaning that Izzy stopped using her magic as the snow fell on the Mane 6, Sparky and Posey on their heads. Posey and Sunset raised an eyebrow and gave a look at Izzy as Sunset spoke. “Look, Izzy, that show you were putting on with the snow was great stuff, but you WERE going a bit overboard with that magic of yours." She said as Posey nodded her head in agreement with Sunset as Izzy gave a sheepish smile at her mistake. Some time later, it was Sunset, Hitch and Sunny’s turn as Hitch spoke up. “No, no, no. You ponies have this all wrong.” Hitch said to the others. “Those are all good points but not really helping Posey lately.” Sunset added while pointing out the flaws they had for Posey lately. Sunny spoke next. “It's not about doing stuff with the snow. It's what you can do on the snow.” She pointed out with a smile as she gave a smirk to Posey. “Like…” She smirked at Posey, who turned to them as she grew nervous. “Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it!” Posey cried out in panic as she began to sweat as she covered her eyes with her hooves. And then in a little bit, Posey is wearing a helmet while on a snowboard as she gave a freighting look as Hitch, with Sparky on his back, and Sunny came by in their own snowboard gear as they surf down the snowy hill past Posey. “SNOWBOARDING!” The two ponies called out as they began to board down hill in their snowboards. Sunset from the bottom looked up. “To be honest, I was going to go with snowball fights and snow angles, but this kinda looks cool.” She said to herself as she was not expecting this. Posey rubs her head as her snowboard tilts to the edge of the hill, which makes Posey even more scared. “This... is... my... NIGHTMARE!” She cried out as she began to snowboard down hill as she screamed in a panic while tears began to form from the speed she was going as she got between the two ponies while still screaming. Hitch and Sunny looked at Posey with a smile as Hitch spoke. “Snowboarding is all about discipline. Control. Being serious.” Hitch explained while looking cool while Posey rolled her eyes from that. Sunny then spoke next to Posey as she did some snow tricks on her board by doing a jump with a twirl and tossing snow in the air. “It's about grace, being free, having fun, but most of all…” She tried to finish but was cut off. The snow Sunny tossed landed on Sparky’s eye sights as he yelps and fell on Hitch’s face, which covered his eyes as he and Hitch screamed as they can’t see as they crash into Posey and Sunny, which made them start rolling down the hill and into a giant snowball as they crashed into the ground in front of Sunset, looking dizzy from the rolling and the crashing. “...not crashing.” Both Sunny and Hitch said in unison while looking dizzy. “Yeah. That’s why I don’t snowboard often and why I practice.” Sunset said with a bored tone, seeing that didn’t work well either. Sparky popped his head off on the top as she shook the snow off him with an annoying expression as he blew one of his dragon fire on a hill that melted the snow and grass off as it shows a nice ground to lay on. Sparky came down and landed on Posey’s helmet as he giggled with sparkles in his eyes as Posey watched Sparky go to the spot he blew his dragon fire at as he sat down on the nice warm ground. Posey smiled at what Sparky made, thinking this is just what she needed. The Mane 6 gathered around as they tried to come up with other ways for Posey. “We could always try sledding.” Hitch suggested as he held up a sled. “Or snowballs?” Zipp suggested while holding a snowball. Pipp then popped between them as she held up a snow cone she made with a cherry on top with a smile. “Or snow cones? They're so delish, Posey!” She called out. But the Mane 6 turned and saw Posey with Sparky on the spot he made with a blanket and the sun shining down on them as Sparky used his dragon fire again to make a fire on some wood as Sparky giggled while Posey smiled at the warmth she was giving while shivering a bit. The Mane 6 watches as Sunset spoke. “I guess Posey wanted to be warm then with all the snow and cold she received today.” She said as she now understands why Posey hates the cold. “Maybe some ponies just don't like the snow.” Izzy said to the others in a sad tone as Posey really doesn't like the snow, agreeing to what Sunset said. Sunny and Sunset thought of what Izzy said as they had an idea. “That's it!” They both said with a smile, having an idea to make Posey happy. Sometime later, the Mane 6 are having fun  with the snow while Posey is seated with a beach chair, one chair for Sparky as well, with a cutout of a life size palm tree and a blanket while drinking a smoothie. Sunset then came to Posey with an apologetic look. “Hey, Posey.” She said to her which got the Earth Pony’s attention. “Listen, I just wanted to say sorry on behalf of me and the others for dragging you into his. And I’m sorry for the chicken thing, I have to find a way for you to try out new things and have fun, and knowing you, you can be stubborn to even try something out. I have to find a way to get you to join in so we can show you how much fun it is in the snow.” She said, apologizing for what she said to Posey to get her into it while also apologizing for what she’s been through today. Posey sighs as she gives a friendly smile to Sunset. “That’s okay, Sunset. Even I admit, I can be stubborn sometimes, so I can understand why you said that in order to bring me along.” She said, understanding why Sunset said that to her as she continued. “Look, I don't hold this against you and the others. I appreciate all of you trying to show me some of the things that you think are fun about snow, but this just reinforces my earlier point about how stepping outside my comfort zone always goes badly for me.” She pointed out her reason for not wanting to have fun in the snow and why she wants to go home. “And to be fair, those were fun alright, but the cold, I can’t stand for. And not to mention the chaos back home is when everypony is having fun in the snow and I am stuck in the crossfire.” She added, stating what was the condition back home when snow first came to Maretime Bay. “Yeah, I can understand that. But hey, at least you are now warm and toasty thanks to Sparky here.  And this is a comfort zone you've been wanting all day, right?” Sunset asked with a smile. “Yep.” Posey said with a smile as she took a quick slurp of her smoothie. “Now this is my kind of snow day.” Posey said to her, saying this is her kind of fun on a snow day as Sparky babbles and giggling to her in response, saying this is fun as well. Sunset chuckled from what Sparky was trying to say as she smiled at him. “I think Sparky feels the same way. Posey. We may not have convinced you of how much the snow can be, but we can still have fun on a more manageable scale." Sunset said with a smile while pointing out the warm area Posey and Sparky are in. “Yep. And I can deal with this.” Posey said with a smile as she relaxed on the bench. Sunset chuckled a bit. “I’m sure you will. Well, I’m gonna leave you be and have fun with the others. See ya.” She said as she trotted off to where the rest of the Mane 6 were as she left Posey and Sparky to themselves as they waved to her as the group enjoyed their time. End of Chapter 37. > Chapter 38: Foal Food > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38: Foal Food In the kitchen, Sunny is sweating nervously as she is trying to make a batter of something as she used the stand mixer, then rolled the dough while grunting in effort to flatten it, and then she stirred them in a bowl in a fast paste. After a little bit, Sunny smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she looked at a big dough with sprinkles on it. “I’ve done it!” She said victoriously, but then the dough deflates as it puff out some sugar and sprinkles on Sunny face, who have a shock look at this as she sighs in disappointment as Hitch and Sunset pop up from behind her as Sunny looked at the dough as it let out some air a bit as she gave it a look. “Uh…” Sunset started, but she didn't know what to say. “Hey, buddy.” Hitch said slowly with a weird look and smile, wondering what Sunny is doing this time. “How’s it going?” He asked. “Yeah, Sunny. What’s with the baking ingredients you are trying to perfect?” Sunset asked, wanting to know what Sunny is doing as well. Just then, Izzy popped up beside the two ponies as she gave a cheery smile. “Oh! Are we dressing like mimes? Fun!” She cheered with a smile, after seeing the white flower on Sunny’s face, she thinks she’s dressing to be a mime, as Zipp and Pipp appeared next to know what is happening as well. “I am so ready.” She said as she then did a mime personation with her front hooves as she gave off a little laugh while the others looked at her strangely, even Sunny as she raised an eyebrow at Izzy’s question of the mime thing. “Izzy. I don’t think Sunny is doing a mime thing with a pile of baking dough.” Sunset pointed out, knowing that’s not what Sunny is doing. “Uh, no. Not the mime thing.” Sunny answered, confirming Sunset’s thought as she wiped the dough and sprinkled off her face. “I just wanted to make you all your favorite Winter Wishday cookies.” She explained, wanting to make her friends their favorite Winter Wishday cookies as her friends listen to what she is saying. “But I can’t find the right recipes anywhere.” She pointed out the mess of baking ingredients and recipe books in the kitchen while trying to get the right recipe for the cookies. “From what we can tell, you were having a rough day trying to find it.” Sunset comment, seeing Sunny’s point while looking at the mess in the kitchen. “Tell me about it.” Sunny said in agreement as she looked through one of the books. “I mean, I’ve never even heard of a Kiwi Pile of Crystal Unicorn Cookies….” She pointed out while tossing the book as Izzy popped up from behind a counter while having sparkles in her eyes with her tongue out, one of her favorite treats as Sunny picked up another book. “Or Royal Banana Bite…” She added, which made Zipp and Pipp smile as Zipp licked her mouth as they smiled while placing their hooves on their cheeks while Zipp was biting her mouth, apparently the two sisters really love those cookies. “Or… or…” Sunny tried to remember the name of another cookie. Hitch answered for Sunny with a smile. “Grandma Figgy’s good old fashioned Marshmallow  Citrus Crumblies?!” He answered with a smile while placing his hooves on his face with sparkles in his eyes, remembering the crumblies his grandmother made, his most favorite cookies. “Exactly!” Sunny confirmed with a wave of her hoof. “Wow. You ponies really love those cookies, huh?” Sunset asked after seeing the others' reactions from the cookie names Sunny just spoke. “You have no idea, Sunset.” Hitch said while he was still lost in his little world of the crumblies his grandmother made. “Wait, Sunset. What’s your favorite cookie?” Pipp asked, wanting to know what Sunset’s favorite cookies were. “To be honest, I don’t have a favorite cookie. I like all kinds of cookies, I just can’t choose one over the other.” Sunset said, saying that she has her fair share of cookies, but can’t really choose one over the other since they were all good. “Oh.” Pipp simply said, seeing Sunset’s point. Zipp then came to Sunny’s side as she placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder with a smile. “Don’t worry about it, Sun. We haven’t eaten those cookies since we were little foals.” She pointed out, saying they haven’t eaten those cookies since they were foals, which is a very long time. “Yeah!” Izzy called out as she then poke her hoof out between them, which made Sunny and Zipp surprised from that as they backed up a bit as Izzy still did the mime thing, pretending that she was climbing a rope. “And they’re gonna taste as good as you remember them anyway.” She added with a smile. Sunny gives a shocked straight look as she gives a challenging expression. “Oh really…?” She asked them, going to prove them wrong. Sunset saw Sunny’s expression as she spoke. “Oh Celestia. I know that look.” She muttered to herself as she walked up to Sunny. “If you are planning something, Sunny, let me come along. Besides, I’m curious about the cookies’ recipe myself.” She said, wanting to join Sunny on her quest for the recipe, knowing she can’t stop her from trying, because once Sunny’s mind is made up, nopony can stop her. “As long as you are coming, I don’t mind.” Sunny said with a smile, agreeing to let Sunset come with her for the recipes. Sometime later, Sunny and Sunset are in the Marestream while flying through the sky, with Sunset driving it while Sunny is looking at her book with a determined smile. “Okay, Sunset. Here’s the plan.” Sunny said with a determined smile. “Lay it on me, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile as she kept her hooves on the wheel. “Time for Operation: Wishday Cookie!” Sunny announced with a smile as she looked at her book. “First, we’ll get Grandma Figgy’s recipe, then we’ll get Aphabittle’s help in Bridlewood, and then we’ll break into the palace at Zephyr Heights to find the top secret royal recipe.” She listed out, but then both Sunny and Sunset gave an odd look at the last part. “Wait, what?” She asked in confusion as she looked at the book to wonder how that got there, knowing they wouldn’t steal. “Yeah… I don't know how that got there.” Sunset said weirdly, while remembering the time when she stole Twilight’s crown, it didn’t end well and not to mention when they stole the Pegasus Crystal from Queen Haven’s crown, that was not their brightest moment. “Yeah, that’s weird.” Sunny said in agreement. “How did that part get there anyway?” She asked, knowing she didn’t write that down before they left. “Must’ve been in a rush to notice. Or maybe Izzy must’ve written in the book again.” Sunset said with a bored tone, knowing who would write that part down, either it was Sunny who was in a rush or Izzy. “But weird or not, let’s keep that as a backup just incase, and knowing Queen Haven, she probably would let us see or wouldn’t share the secret to anypony, Hitch’s Grandmother is understandable, Alphabittle would help us with the baking, but Queen Haven, the pony strict to her Royal Duties but sometimes fair, don’t know if she will share the recipe when we ask her to.” She pointed out, knowing the first two formers would be easy, but Queen Haven would be hard to tell for anypony. “Yeah. That’s true.” Sunny said in agreement, knowing Queen Haven, that is true. “Let’s focus on what to do first.” She said, going to follow the list anyway. “Next stop, Grandma Figgy’s house!” Sunset called out as she steered the Marestream to Figgy’s house. “Where you’re ‘boyfriend’, Hitch’s Grandmother lives!” She added while giving Sunny a teasing smirk. Sunny blush embarrassed at Sunset when she said that. “Sunset! Hitch and I are just friends!” She called out, still blushing. “Not from this picture I took when you and Hitch kiss under the mistletoe.” Sunset said in a tease tone while getting her phone out to show the picture of Hitch and Sunny kissing under the mistletoe after seeing the Wishing Star. Sunny groaned in embarrassment when she saw that. “You and the others are never gonna let me and Hitch live that down, are you?” She asked while still having blush on her cheeks. “Not for some time, no.” Sunset said with a smile, while Sunny groans in embarrassment, knowing that moment won’t go away soon, even though she likes that moment with Hitch. Sometime later, Figgy is sitting in her rocking chair as she is humming happily while doing her knitting of something she is making. And then suddenly, Sunny came in as she opened the door. “Grandma Figgy!” She called out as a thunder lightning bolt appeared behind her, which startled Figgy as she tossed her knitting in the air and her chair tip over, which caused her to fall to the floor. “Sunny!” Sunset scolded Sunny for the sudden scare she gave Figgy. “Sorry.” Sunny said to both Figgy and Sunset, for scaring the former and apologizing to the latter for the rudeness. Figgy’s knitting supplies were about to fall while Figgy stood up with a serious look as she caught one of her needles, with the knitting thing on it, with one of her hinds hoofs and caught the other needle with her front hoof. “Whoa.” Sunset said, surprised that  Figgy is good at catching things. Sunny then rushed in towards Figgy. “You gotta teach us how to make Hitch’s favorite Wishday Cookies!” She pleaded, but stopped as Figgy pointed a needle at Sunny’s face as she gave a look at Sunny. “Uh… Please?” She asked while sweating nervously, thinking Figgy is mad that she scared her and not wanting to get poke by a needle she is holding. “You really gotta respect elders more, Sunny.” Sunset whispered to Sunny while looking nervously at this, thinking Figgy is mad as well, and knowing well not to mess with elders. Figgy adjusted her glasses a bit while still giving Sunny the look before she then smiled happily. “Hmm… Oh, Sunny. I love to teach you and Sunset.” She said with a smile, before getting serious again. “If you both think you’re ready.” She added, while giving a stink eye to both ponies. Sunny and Sunset looked nervous as they stuttered for words as Sunny raised her hoof as she spoke. “Uh… W-What?” Sunny asked in confusion while feeling nervous about this. “W-We can do it! Hopefully.” Sunset called out, while quietly saying the last part nervously, wondering what Figgy meant by that. A little bit later, Sunny and Sunset each put on a green apron with stars on it, Figgy places some tablespoons, one each on different sides, and then a green spoon, and holds up a whisk with a determined expression. (Sweetest Time of the Year Song) (Sunny) What a day, magic everywhere Snowflakes in the air I wanna share it with you It's time to celebrate To "Jingle All the Way" Oh, there's so much we can do Figgy tosses the whisk in the air with a smile as she begins to stir a batter in a bowl. Sunny then spoke. “So, uh, do you have the recipe written down somewhere, or…” She asked with a smile, wanting to know if she had the recipe written down or something. “Yeah. Do you have it somewhere?” Sunset asked as well. “Oh, no, dears.” Figgy answered with a smile. “It's all in here.” She said while pointing a hoof to her chest where her heart is. Sunny and Sunset smiled from that. “Aw, that's sweet.” Sunny said with a smile while bringing out her book and her pen to write it down. “So, how much flour?” She asked. (Pipp) Reachin' for rainbows, spreadin' good cheer “Why, just listen to your heart, and your hooves will follow.” Figgy said with a smile as she walked off to get the next one. (Zipp) Cherish the moment, Winter Wishday is here Sunny and Sunset looked at each other as Sunny then gave a nervous look. “Oh, boy…” She said, knowing this will be tough. “Yeah, this will be a challenge.” Sunset said in agreement, seeing that this is gonna be harder than they thought it would be. (Sunny, Sunset, Pipp and Zipp) Family and friends and good times with you It's the best thing to do In the Bridlewood tea shop, a unicorn stallion was about to walk out the door, but then heard something coming as Sunny and Sunset opened the doors, with Sunny having a pot on her head while Sunset having some flower on her. “Alphabittle, we need your help!” Sunny said quickly with a ‘in hurry’ expression as Sunset nodded her head in agreement. Alphabittle looked at the two as he gave a determined smile to them with a salute, clearly saying he will help them. (Mane 5P 'Cause all I want to do Is celebrate with you Because I love you From my heart to your hooves After explaining to Alphabittle that they need the recipe for Izzy’s favorite cookies, he puts on his chef hat as he gives a serious expression like a military general would do. Alphabittle then spoke to Sunny and Sunset the instructions as the two ponies were stirring the batter. “Now, stir three times clockwise, throw some salt over your left shoulder, and break an egg with your right hoof.” He said as Sunny and Sunset grab some salt, seeing that Alphabittle is telling them what they need as he came next to them and spoke in a whisper tone. “That's to chase away the cake ghosts.” He said as he walked off, leaving Sunny and Sunset with strange looks as they threw salt over their right shoulders, which made Alphabittle panic. “Aah! I said left shoulder! Do you two want cake ghosts?!” He asked in a panic tone as he got into the two ponies faces. Sunny and Sunset gave Alphabittle a nervous look as they threw salt over their left shoulders as he told them too, seeing that Alphabittle might be more serious for him. Sometime ago in Figgy’s house, Figgy is twirling around while Sunny and Sunset are watching her while she is hopping around while doing a little dance around them as they look at her strangely. “I know Hitch said that his grandmother is the best, but does he know that sometimes she acts like a filly when she is baking something?” Sunset asked Sunny in confusion. “I’m not sure. First time I've seen her like this.” Sunny honestly said, even she was surprised to see Figgy like this when baking. (Mane 6) We're makin' memories, everypony The holidays are here It's the sweetest time of the year Figgy then put some sprinkle into the bowl, a teaspoon of sugar, and one egg into it, which made Sunny to write it down quickly in her book as she begins to sweat of how quickly Figgy is doing this, wanting to save the recipes when she gets back as she begins to whimper in efforts as Sunset is making theirs as fast as she can. Figgy then held up something that was peeled as she gave it a kiss on both hoofs, which the two ponies saw as the three ponies looked at the bowl. “Bake with your heart, not with your hooves!” She said to them with a smile as she put the peeled things into the bowl. (Sunny) So much fun, a holly jolly time A joyful Wishentine (Sunset) I wanna spend it with you Back in Bridlewood, Alphabittle is doing some moves of some kind as he gives grunting sounds with some bowls and pots around him as he then moves his head around. Sunny and Sunset try to follow his moves, which is a little sloppy and they feel ridiculous as they grunt for efforts, but they have to follow Alphabittle’s moves to get that cookie recipe. (Hitch) Reachin' for rainbows Alphabittle then uses a blue spoon to pick some kiwis  and put them on his bow with a serious expression. (Sunny) Spreadin' good cheer Sunny and Sunset follow along, with Sunny holding a pink while Sunset’s is red, they put their kiwis in their bowls as Alphabittle screamed as he came next to them. “Aah! You used the Jinxie spoon, Sunny!” He cried out in a panic as Sunny looked at her spoon in shock while Sunset just facehoof herself, clearly seeing another jinxie-thing these unicorns have. (Pipp) Cherish the moment, it's the best time of year Sometime later after Alphabittle, the Marestream flew straight to Zephyr Heights as it headed for the palace. While making it to the Royal Palace, Sunny and Sunset are hiding behind a pillar as Zoom and Thunder come out of the door while doing their guard duties, clearly going to sneak in for the recipe after what they went through with Figgy and Alphabittle, they understand they were just showing them how to make cookies of each tribes for their friends, but they aren’t going to go through what Queen Haven have to show them how to make them after the last two. So, they are just going to get the recipe and get back to make those cookies for their friends. (Zipp) Family and friends (Izzy) And all ponykind Sunny and Sunset looked at each other as they gave each other a determined expression as Sunny held out a rolling pin, Sunny then rolled it across the floor past Thunder and Zoom, which the two Pegasi Guards saw as they chased after it. Before the door could close, Sunset threw a teaspoon at the door, which prevented it from closing as the two ponies rushed in before the spoon snapped as the door closed. (Mane 6) Let's have a good time In Figgy’s house, Sunny and Sunset are following Figgy's instructions as the two ponies give their marshmallows kisses as they place each one in their bowls as Figgy nodded in approval. 'Cause all I want to do Is celebrate with you Because I love you From my heart to your hooves Inside Zephyr Heights’ palace, Sunny and Sunset are sneaking around by doing some flips and twirls to hide behind the pillars to avoid being seen. Sunset happened to trained Sunny how to sneak around places during her Alicorn magic training, since she’s an expert on it, sure she snuck around the forbidden room in Canterlot and sneak into the Crystal Palace to steal Twilight’s crown, but it really comes in handy to get around without being seen for emergencies, and this counts as an emergency. We're makin' memories, everypony The holidays are here It's the sweetest time of the year Sunny and Sunset saw Queen Haven coming as they duck behind a pillar as she and Cloudpuff walked by as Queen Heaven sighs happily. “Such a lovely day to admire our vault of royal secrets.” She said to Cloudpuff with a smile as they walked by. Sunny and Sunset then came out of the pillar once the close was clear as they kept going. They found the book as Sunny got closer while Sunset kept watch. Sunny opened the book as she found the recipe for Zipp and Pipp’s favorite cookies. “Ah!” She said happily as she brought out her journal and copied down the recipe. “Queen Haven is coming!” Sunset said quietly as she came to Sunny as the two ponies heard Queen Haven laughing as she was coming closer to them. Sunny closed the book as she and Sunset then did a front flip out of the window in front of them as they jumped out the window, with the Marestream parked next to them just in case as they went in and drove away from the palace before Queen Haven spotted them. (Hoof to hoof, hoof to hoof) The sweetest time of the year (Hoof to hoof, hoof to hoof) The sweetest time of the year At Figgy’s, Sunny and Sunset gave determined expressions as they then put their cookie batters on the baking plate at a fast paste. Figgy gave them a smile before she tossed a brush from her tail at them. “Hah!” She cried out, but Sunny and Sunset gave smirks as they caught the brush with their hooves as they twirl it around. Figgy gasps in shock at them before she smiles. “Now... you're both ready.” She said with a smile, knowing that they are ready to bake Hitch’s favorite cookies. (Hoof to hoof, hoof to hoof) The sweetest time of the year Sometime later, Sunny and Sunset made it back to the Brighthouse after they got the recipes they needed for their friends’ favorite cookies. In the kitchen, Sunny and Sunset are trying to make the cookies, with Sunset helping her, but Sunny is a little confused since she and Sunset have to do two different ways of making two different cookies, since Queen Haven is a simple copy and go thing. “Spin four times? Or five times?” Sunny asked Sunset, who is working on another batch, as Sunny added a lot of flour and stirred it fast. “Add a pinch of, uh... Wait, what was it? Something about a sunbeam?” She asked herself as she poured a bunch of other stuff into the bowl as she looked at her journal with the recipes inside. “Uh, Sunny?” Sunset tried to speak, but then Sunny’s cookie batter exploded into her face as it was covered with flowers again as Sunny coughed some out while she sighs with a down expression. Sunset came to her as she wiped the flower off her face. “Sunny, you just need to calm down. You will get it.” She assured her with a smile. “How are you doing better than me, Sunset?” Sunny asked, wondering how Sunset isn’t stressed out like her. “I took some practice from Pinkie in the past. And like Hitch’s grandmother said, bake with your heart, not your hooves.” Sunset said with a smile, stating that she took practice of baking from Pinkie Pie in the past, while placing a hoof on Sunny’s chest where her heart is. Sunny then looked down at where Sunset's hoof is as she remembered what Grandma Figgy said.  ‘Bake with your heart, not with your hooves...!’ Figgy’s voice echoed through her mind as she calmed down and gave a determined expression. “My heart, not my hooves.” She said determinedly. “That’s right.” Sunset said with a smile. “Now let’s get baking.” She declared as Sunny nodded in agreement. (Mane 5) 'Cause all I want to do Is celebrate with you Because I love you From my heart to your hooves Both Sunny and Sunset twirls around while placing some ingredients the way Figgy did as she twirls around with a smile. Sunset kisses a marshmallow with a smile as she places it in the bowl while Sunny kisses a box of flowers as she pours some on the bowl with a smile. Sunny and Sunset then threw salt over their left shoulders as they gave a determined look. The cookie batter sparkled as it then gave out some ghost-like smokes, which made Sunny and Sunset surprised at what they saw. “Guess Alphabittle was right about the cake ghost thing.” Sunset said with a nervous smile, now seeing Alphabittle’s words about cake ghosts true. “That's... probably fine.” Sunny said with a nervous chuckle, going to let that slide. “It’s a good thing we threw salt over our left shoulders.” Sunset said nervously, glad that they did as Sunny nodded her head in agreement. Sometime later after Sunny and Sunset baked the cookies as they walked to the table where their friends were. “Enjoy, everypony.” Sunset said to the others with a smile. “Your extra-special Winter Wishday cookies are served.” Sunny announced as she and Sunset placed the three plates of different cookies, one of each tribe's favorites for their friends, on the table. The rest of their friends smiled at this while Izzy gasped in awed as Hitch spoke. “Come on, Sunny and Sunset, you didn't have to…” He tried to say with a smile, but when he picked up a cookie from the Earth Pony plate of cookies, he saw the cookie was bubbling. “...Oh.” He said, finding his cookie weird. Pipp and Zipp picked up some cookies from the Pegasus plate as they frizz out like fireworks as the two sisters gasped in shock at this. Izzy saw her plate of cookies as a cake ghost smoke came out with a little wail, which made Izzy's spine chill as she sweat nervously. “Oh! Cake ghost!” She whispered as she turned her head away after seeing the cake ghost. “Figures they would react to this.” Sunset said, knowing they would freak a bit after seeing the cookies. Sunny sweat a bit as she spoke. “Okay, I know they don't look exactly how you remember, but—” She tried to assure them as Hitch spoke. “No! Uh, they look great!” Hitch called out with a nervous smile, knowing that he doesn’t want to hurt Sunny’s feelings since she worked hard on them with Sunset’s help. “Uh-huh.” The rest of the Mane 6 agreed with nervous smiles as well, knowing they don’t want to hurt Sunny’s feelings just because the cookies are weird. “Look ponies, it doesn’t matter how the cookies look, what matters is how they taste.” Sunset assured me with a smile, knowing to never judge a book by its cover. “True that.” Hitch said, seeing Sunset’s point as he still looked nervous. “Can't wait to taste it. Uh…” He said nervously as he got the cookie closer as he took a bite out of it. Zipp, Pipp and Izzy followed along as they took a bite out of their cookies as they ate them. But then the four ponies gave wide-eyed expressions, stating that they tasted something amazing and it triggered a memory in each of their heads. Flashback. In Zipp and Pipp’s flashback together in the Zephyr Heights castle, it showed the two sisters as young fillies eating cookies similar to what Sunny and Sunset made as they looked at each other before giggling together. In Izzy’s flashback, showing her when she was a filly in The Crystal Tea Room in Bridlewood showed Izzy eating a cookie similar to what Sunny and Sunset made.  “Ah!” Young Izzy said to a spoon with a smiling face on it with a pencil glued to its head like a unicorn with a teacup in the back to keep it balance while trying to share her cookie with it. In Hitch’s flashback, when he was a foal, he was at his grandmother’s place as he sighs with a smile when Figgy gave his head a rub before giving him a cookie similar to what Sunny and Sunset made.. “Ah!” Young Hitch said as he grabbed the cookie and took a bite out of it with a smile as he munched on it while Figgy gave his grandson a smile as she sighs happily at him. End of Flashback. Sunny and Sunset looked at their friends when they saw their wide eye expressions. “Are they okay?” Sunny asked Sunset in concern, hoping it’s not because their cookies are terrible. Sunset however smiled at this. “I know those expressions, Sunny. Don’t worry, they’ll snap out of it.” She said as she remembered some of those expressions to others whenever Pinkie baked something great. “And 3, 2, 1.” She counted down with a smirk as she pointed her hoof to the others. Just then, the Mane 6, sins Sunset and Sunny, are now eating rapidly as they ate the cookies on their plates really fast, while Sunny looked in surprise while Sunset gave off a smirk. Hitch held up two cookies on his hooves as he gave a tearful expression. “Just like Grandma Figgy used to make!” He said tearfully as he remembers tasting them when he was a foal, now tasting them again after so long. Sunny and Sunset smiled at this as Sunset spoke. “They love it. It’s not about the looks of the food, it’s about how it tastes.” She said with a smile as she and Sunset gave each other a high hoof. “Ain't that the truth.” Sunny said in agreement with a smile. Pipp then came next to Sunny and Sunset with a smile. “We made a Wishday cookie for you both, too!” She said with a smile while pointing behind them and saw Izzy holding a stack of cookies that look like Sunny, in her Alicorn form, and Sunset. “Oh!” Sunny said as she and Sunset turned and gasped at the cookies as they picked each one up that looked like them, but some decorations fell but they didn't mind as Sunny is the first to take a bite, but cringed as she removed the cookie as Sunset looked at her after hearing something break. “Ugh.” She said in a little pain as she opened her mouth and saw that she had a piece of her tooth chip off. “You okay, Sunny?” Sunset asked in concern as Sunset nodded her head in telling that she’s fine, just chipped a tooth as Sunset looked at her cookie as she tapped it on the corner of the table as it gave a loud bang but it didn’t break. “What did you make these things with? These cookies are hard as a rock.” She pointed out, glad she didn’t take a bite out of it while Sunny nodded in agreement, really did taste like a rock. The rest of the Mane 6 gave an apologetic expression to Sunny as Hitch spoke. “Not sure we got the recipe quite right.” He said sheepishly as he gave an apologetic smile to Sunny for chipping her tooth. “That’s okay, neither did we.” Sunset said with a smile, which made the Mane 6 laugh together from this, knowing that it was okay and it didn’t matter what you make something as long as you put some effort into it. “Oh, Sunset. Here’s some cookies that we save for you to try.” Izzy said with a smile as their friends gave Sunset three cookies, one from each of their plates they managed to save. “We know you never tried them, so we are gonna let you have that experience.” She added with a smile. “For me?” Sunset asked with a smile as her friends nodded their heads in saying yes as Sunset took the cookies in their magic. “Thanks, guys.” She said with a smile as she took a bite out of each cookie, and then widened her eyes wide as she paused for a moment before eating the cookies really quickly as she gave off a wide smile after finishing them. “Oh my taste buds! These are the best cookies I ever had!” She cheered with a smile. “I know! Right!” The others, minus Sunny, cheered as they smiled at Sunset. “No wonder you ponies love these so much. These things made my taste buds go wild!” Sunset added with a smile before turning to Sunny, who still had her tooth chipped. “Come on, Sunny. Let’s go fix your tooth.” She said as she grabbed Sunny’s hoof and dragged her out. “You really don’t have to, Sunset. I’m okay.” Sunny assured her with a smile. “Best to make sure than not do it at all. Besides, a little magic will get that tooth fixed.” Sunset said with a smile. “Don’t want ponies making fun of a chip tooth pony.” She said with a laugh. Sunny laugh with Sunset as the two ponies walked out so that Sunny can get her tooth fix right up as their friends smiled at them as they go, really grateful that Sunny and Sunset put so much effort in making their foalhood cookies while seeing how those two are like sisters, looking out for one another and staying by their side. End of Chapter 38. > Chapter 39: Under the Mistytoe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 39: Under the Mistytoe At nightime, the Marestream is flying across the sky as it is going side to side as Zipp is driving it, trying to keep it balanced as she groans in frustration while sweating in effort. “Everypony, hang on!” Zipp called out to her friends, and Sparky, as they looked on nervously at Zipp’s flying as Zipp was going down to the snowy ground in front of the Brighthouse. “We're coming in hot!” She called out. The Marestream land on the ground, but it gone too fast as it drag across the ground  while the rest of the Mane 6 are screaming of the sudden impact while Hitch and Izzy are being drag around, Sunset is holding onto to something on the wall part of the Marestream while Sunny and Pipp are hugging each other in fright while the Marestream still skid across the ground, but then stop before it can hit a bush. But due to the fast paste the Marestream was going, Izzy hit the windshield face first while being upside down after being tossed to it from how fast the Marestream was going. Zipp gave a weird smile while she was still sweating as she spoke. “See? I'm getting better.” She assured the others as she turned to face them with a smile, while her left eye twitched a bit from the sudden rush. Sunny and Pipp still hug each other from the sudden rush they had with their manes a little frazzle, Sparky’s eyes are swirling in dizziness as he lays flat on his stomach on the ground, Sunset giving Zipp a glare at her landing skills and going fast, while Hitch fell from the ceiling of the Marestream as he crash on the floor while the four cringe from that as Sunny opened one of her eyes to look at Hitch. Hitch lifted a hoof as he spoke. “Much better…” He said in a strain tone after he fell as the others looked at him. Sunset gave Zipp a glare as she spoke. “Next time, Zipp, Either you practice your landing skills or I’m driving.” She said in a stern tone from Zipp’s lack of experience with the Marestream, sure she knows how to fly, but by her own wings, not a flying vehicle. Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle from what Sunset said. “I’ll practice my landings next time. I promise.” She assured, going to have to practice driving the Marestream to get better at driving it.   A little bit later, the Mane 6, and Sparky, got their winer gears on as Sunny opened the door of the Marestream with a smile. “Quick, ponies! We can't miss the Wishing Star!” Sunny announced excitedly, having got back from Bridlewood after telling them about the snow spell thing and rushed back to the Brighthouse so that they could see the Wishing Star. Come on! And don't forget your hats!” She added while pointing at her Winter Wishday hat as her friends rushed off the Marestream in their winter gears. “Go, go, go, go!” She called out with an exciting tone. Cloudpuff came out next, wanting to see the Wishing Star as well, and Sunny placed a Wishday hat on Cloudpuff, who growled a bit as he tried to shake it off, but no luck but decided to let it slide as he rushed off to catch up to the others. “We made it!” Sunny called out with a smile as Sunset came next to her with a smile. “I told you we made it in time, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile as Sunny smiled back at her. “Now let’s get to the top of the Brighthouse to see the Wishing Star.” She called out as she and Sunny rushed off to catch up to their friends to see the Wishing Star at the top of the Brighthouse. At the front of the Marestream, the bush that Zipp was about to hit stood up with hooves under it. It was Misty hiding in the bush as she walked further away from the Marestream, glad that she didn’t get hit by it as she poked her head out of the bush. Misty gave a smile with sparkles in her eyes as she placed her hooves at the side of her right cheek after she saw the Mane 6. “Awww. Look at their matching hats. They look so cute!” She said with a smile, finding the Mane 6’s, and Sparky’s, matching hats really cute on them. Misty’s amulet clicked open as Opaline appeared while giving a look at where the Mane 6 are at the top of the Brighthouse. “Cute?” She asked with a scoff. “What are those ridiculous things on their heads?” She questioned while giving a distasteful look. “Oh, yeah.” Misty said with a nervous chuckle. “Must be an Earth Pony Wishday thing.” She suggested. Opaline groaned from this as she spoke. “Silly ponies and their pointless holiday traditions. It makes me wonder since Sunset is a Guardian of Harmony of how they celebrate these traditions. It's sad really. All that power, no intellect.” She said with a smirk, saying that they have that much power but no brains to use them. “Yeah.” Misty said with a nervous smile as she gave a nervous laugh as she clears her throat. “So sad.” She added, but gave a down expression, finding the traditions great and not sad at all from what Opaline thinks At the top of the Brighthouse, The Mane 6, and Sparky, gathered around as they watched the sky as the Wishday Star was about to be right on top of them.  “Okay, everypony! Get ready to make your wish!” Sunny announced as her friends grew excited. “Three, two, one!” She counted down as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she kept her eyes in the night sky. Just then, the Wishing Star appeared as it flew over them and above the Brighthouse as it gave a shimmering glow while the Mane 6 looked and spoke in awe at the Wishing Star. Just then, the Brighthouse shoots out a rainbow while the Mane 6’s Cutie Marks begin to glow as they’re magic shootout and merge with the rainbow while the Unity Crystals start to resonate as well, merging together as the Wishing Star stood in place as it begins to glow brightly with a rainbow circling around it as it shine and then suddenly projected the Mane 6 Cutie Marks in the sky. Misty and Opaline saw the whole thing as Misty was awed at what they saw. “Wow! Look at that!” She said in amazement as she had sparkles in her eyes, but then noticed how Opaline didn’t respond. “Uh, Opaline? Are you okay?” She asked. Opaline stared in shock at what she just witnessed from the Mane 6 and the Wishing Star. “Did you see that?! That magic! That power!” She cried out in rage while giving an angry expression, apparently really ticked at how much power the Mane 6 have in them when she hasn't got to that level yet, while Misty gave a nervous look at Opaline’s outburst. “It should be mine! All mine! All I need is that dragonfire, and then my powers can finally be restored to their full strength!” She called out as she gave a wide evil smile as she then got closer to Misty’s face as she gave her a scary look while Misty looked nervously. “And you are going to make that happen... or else.” She said as Misty began to sweat nervously as Opaline went back into the amulet, leaving a nervous Misty from what Opaline just told her and gave her a threatening look. A little bit later, Misty then disguise herself in a big present as she stick her hoof in a secret hole in the box as she is at the front door of the Brighthouse and rang the doorbell before putting her hoof back inside. “...take me on a sleigh, hey!” Izzy sang as she opened the door and saw the big present right in front of her as she gave a smile with sparkles in her eyes. “Ooh! Another present!” She said cheerfully as she read the card on the present. “‘Do not open until tomorrow morning.’ Ooh, mysterious!” She said excitedly as she then levitated Misty’s disguise present with her magic, but finds it pretty heavy as she strains a bit. “What is... in here?” She asked as she got the present inside the Brighthouse. In the Brighthouse’s main room, the rest of the Mane 6, and Sparky are playing around with the ‘cloud gifts’ Izzy brought out with a smile while Sparky is playing in one of the boxes while Pipp is smiling at him cutely. Sunset turned and saw Izzy bringing in a big present. “Whoa! That is one big present.” She said while seeing the big present, and then turned and saw Izzy tired out from lifting the present. “It was that heavy, Izzy?” She asked the unicorn in concern. “Yeah. Surprisingly heavy.” Izzy said while catching her breath while sweating a bit from lifting the big present. Sunset came close to Izzy as she brought out a water bottle. “Here. Drink this, Izzy.” She said as she gave the water bottle to Izzy. Izzy levitated the water bottle as she took a great amount of it from lifting the big present. Once finished, Izzy sighs from the refreshing water. “Thanks, Sunset.” She thanked her with a smile. “Anytime, Izzy.” Sunset said with a smile. Pipp then came to them as she looked at the big present in excitement with sparkles in her eyes. “Ooh, this big one must be for me!” She said excitedly. Inside the fake present, Misty grew nervous from what Pipp just said, knowing that she will be caught if Pipp opens it this quickly and fails her task to get Sparky. Just when Pipp was about to touch the present, Izzy got in front of her as she spoke sternly. “Hooves off this one, Pipp.” She called out as she then smiled at Pipp. “Can't be opened 'til tomorrow morning. Check the label.” She said as she showed the card to Pipp to prove her point. Pipp read it as she now understands. “Awwww. Sad.” She said, now feeling sad that she can’t open this gift until morning. “Sorry, Pipp. But sometimes you gotta follow instructions when it comes to traditions.” Sunset said, knowing very well that when it comes to traditions, follow the rules. “That’s fair.” Pipp said, finding it fair enough. Misty heard that, now knowing that she is safe. “Whew. That was close.” She said, relieved that she didn’t get caught. “Come on you two. You both know the drill.” Sunset’s voice with a teasing tone was heard as Misty wondered what was going on. Misty then looked through one of the holes through the box as she watched what's happening as she then gave a gasp at what she was seeing. What Misty is seeing is Sunny and Hitch kissing under the mistletoe with blushes on their faces with their eyes closed while Pipp, and Izzy gasped in shock and amazement, as Pipp took a picture of this moment on her phone, while Sunset and Zipp smirked at them of this outcome. Misty gave a cheeky smile with a light blush on her cheek at what Sunny and Hitch just did as she gave a quiet squeak from that. “That is so cute and adorable from those two.” She said, going to remember this moment, sure she is missing but she is glad she didn’t miss this, seeing two ponies under a mistletoe can be a cute thing, especially from Hitch and Sunny. Sometime later, the Mane 6, along with Cloudpuff and Sparky, are sleeping in the main room in their sleeping bags as they wanted to sleep near the vampire for Wishday. Misty then looked through the hole to see if it was time, once she saw that the Mane 6 are now asleep, she squeeze through the whole with a grunting effort as she got out of the present as she fell to the floor, she got up with her hooves over mouth to keep quiet as she saw the Mane 6 are still asleep. “What am I doing? These ponies are so nice.” Misty said to herself, knowing that the Mane 6 are so nice and they did let her have a sleepover with them at the Brighthouse, but she shook her head as she focused on why she was doing this. “Oh, come on, Misty! You get Opaline that dragon, you get a cutie mark! Stay focused!” She determinedly said to herself. Misty then sneakily went through the room to look for Sparky as Izzy is snoring and then muttered something about glitter as she turned to her side, which made Misty duck a bit in panic, thinking she was about to wake up, but realizes that Izzy is still asleep as she is still snoring. Misty then sneaky went past Sunset, who is sleeping peacefully next to Sunny as she snores a bit, which made Misty freeze a bit. “Five more minutes, Princess Celestia. I don’t wanna go to magic school.” She muttered in her sleep as she tucked herself some more in her blanket. Misty sighs in relief from that as she continues her search for Sparky. She went to where Hitch is sleeping for the night in the critters section since it was late for him to go back to the station, while Hitch is snoring, as Misty is searching for Sparky. And then, Misty then heard a rustling sound as she turned to Izzy’s crafting table as she smiled when she saw Sparky eating a ball of yarn as he burps out one of his dragon fires with his eyes opened up. Misty grew nervous, thinking Sparky was about to wake up, but then the baby dragon continued to eat the ball yarn, apparently he was sleeping, walking and eating at the same time. “Hmmm…” Misty hummed to herself since she knows it will be tricky to get Sparky when he’s in that condition, so she has to think of a plan. “I know just how to get that little dragon's attention.” She said with an evil smirk as she rubbed her hooves evilly, having a plan to get Sparky. A little bit later, Misty baked a fresh donut as she was hiding behind a counter with an evil smirk. Sparky then starts sleepwalking towards the donut by following the smell as he is snoring and mumbling about something as he climbs up the counter and chomp on the donut face first.  Misty smiled at seeing that her plan is working as she release a rope as a net was about to fell over Sparky, but the baby dragon finish his donut as he sleepy release his dragon fire on the net, which turns into cupcakes as Sparky laughs happily from this as he grab some of the cupcakes and got down the counter as he walked off. Misty groans in sadness, seeing that her first plan failed and got turned into cupcakes. A little bit later, Misty tried out another plan to capture Sparky, which is the classic lured prey by following a food trail to get trapped in a box, with Misty using mini sandwiches pieces as a trail to lure Sparky in. Misty then hid behind the counter again with a rope to the stick holding one edge of the box as she gave an evil smirk, knowing that this one will work. Sparky came walking by, still snoring as he ate the sandwich trail while sleepwalking, getting closer to the box trap. Misty smiles as though this plan is gonna work, but then Sparky grabs the stick holding the box as he chomp on the stick, splitting it in half as he eats a piece of it. “What?!” Misty asked in disbelief from what just happened, and wondered why Sparky would eat a stick. “Ugh!” She groaned in frustration as she had it, she then zip out of the counter to just grab Sparky and get out of there, having enough with the plans. Sparky then starts running in his sleep while an irritated Misty gives chase while Sparky’s ball of yarn that he was chewing on earlier rolled ahead of them. Misty then runs back around as she is looking to where Sparky ran off too with an irritated look. Sometime behind Misty at Izzy’s crafting table came rushing into it as a can of spray rolled across the floor. Misty turned as she gave an evil smile as she rushed to the crafting table and looked at the shadowy figure, thinking it’s Sparky. “Gotcha!” Misty called out as she came over it with a red sack, trapping what she believes is Sparky inside as she made it to the door, bringing out her own winter hat, with a smile, thinking she succeeded as she trotted out the door happily and closed the door. Sunset woke up from the door closing as she looked around tirelessly. “Huh? What?” She asked herself as she looked around and saw Sparky sleep eating with a cookie he was chomping on as Sunset yawns as she stood up. “Sparky. Sleep eating again, little baby dragon?” She asked the baby dragon. Sparky didn’t respond as he was still asleep while eating as he gave off a yawn while snoring. Sunset then grabbed Sparky and placed the cookie down as she gave the baby dragon a tired smile. “No more snacks before bed for you, Sparky. You had enough for one day.” She said tirelessly. Sunset then walked over to Hitch as she placed the sleeping Sparky on a pillow next to Hitch as she placed his blanket over the baby dragon and Hitch sleepy placed a hoof over Sparky while still sleeping. Sunset smiled cutely at Sparky as she gave a goodnight kiss over the baby dragon, which made Sparky smile in his sleep. “Sleep tight, Sparky.” She quietly said as she went back to her sleeping bag and went back to sleep as she snores. But which begs the question, if Sparky is here, and who or what did Misty capture when she bailed out? At Opaline’s castle, Opaline is surprisingly wearing a Wishday green hat and coat as she sings happily to herself. “Dragonfire, dragonfire. That's what I desire—” Opaline sings happily to herself, secretly loving the holiday traditions as she secretly sang to herself, about the dragonfire she’d been wanting for a long time from Sparky, in a ‘Jingle Bell’ tone. And then, the door opens as Misty comes in with a smile. “Opaline!” She called out happily, which startled Opaline from Misty’s sudden appearance. Not wanting Misty to see her what she is wearing or what she’s been doing, she quickly took off the green hat and coat as she gave a nervous smile while sweating nervously at Misty. “Misty! I, uh... Well, I wasn't expecting you back so soon.” She said nervously while keeping her image to protect, not wanting Misty to know what she was doing. “Clearly.” Misty said with a raised eyebrow at Opaline’s reaction. “Were you just singing?” She asked in confusion since she hadn't heard Opaline sing before. Opaline then starts laughing nervously while she gives a nervous smile while sweating nervously. “No! What?! Of course not!” She stammered nervously with a nervous smile while Misty placed the bag with ‘Sparky’ in it down as she continued to look at Opaline in confusion. “Singing? Me? You must be hearing things again.” She stated, covering up her secret, before she looked at the red back, that is moving around, as she gave a gasp. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked hopefully with a smile. “Open it.” Misty said to Opaline with a smirk, knowing that she will love what’s coming. Opaline gasps with joy as she walks towards the bag with a smile. After all these moons, finally I have what I need to resume my rightful place as the most powerful Fire Alicorn in history!” She said evilly with an evil expression as she opened up the sack, but what came out gave her a shock expression since it is Cloudpuff, who is still wearing his bed mask over his eyes as he barked. Opaline looked on in shock with her jaw hanging as Cloudpuff kept barking and hit Opaline’s face, which gave her an irritated look as she and Misty looked at Cloudpuff running around.  “What is that?” Opaline asked as she looked on with an irritated look while Misty looked on in shock as she looked at the sack, realizing she caught the wrong creature. “Does that look like a dragon to you, Misty?” She sarcastically asked Misty while giving her a look, while Misty is sweating nervously while looking at Opaline in nervousness as the evil alicorn groans from this. “Can't you do anything right?!” She asked in rage as she got closer to Misty’s face with an angry look as the unicorn cringed fearfully from that.   “It was dark!” Misty tried to explain while tears were forming in her eyes at the mistake she made. “I... I thought it was the dragon! I'm sorry, Opaline!” She apologizes to Opaline, who is trembling while trying to keep her rage in check with her back turned to Misty. “Well, don't just stand there.” Opaline started as she turned to Misty. “Get it OUT OF HERE!” She yelled out in rage while pointing at Cloudpuff, who is still running around Opaline’s throne room. Misty got scared of Opaline’s outburst as she rushed off to catch Cloudpuff and return to him to the Brighthouse, which she is having trouble doing since Cloudpuff is running around as he barked and Misty fell to the floor when she tried to catch him. Opaline facehoof herself as she groans, not only from Misty’s screw up but also annoyed about Misty’s trouble at catching that dog. The next morning back at the Brighthouse, Izzy opened the door after the doorbell rang again and saw nopony but a small present in front of her. “Ooh, another present?” Izzy asked with a smile as she went to the side of the present and read the card on it. “‘Open immediately.’ Don't mind if I do!” She said with a smirk as she opened the present up, seeing Cloudpuff in it as he barked happily and his bedmask came off, apparently the only way to return Cloudpuff without going back in is to get him into the same way she got into the Brighthouse. Izzy gasps happily at what she saw. “Cloudpuff?!” She asked happily as Cloudpuff jumbo out of the box and onto Izzy’s hoof as he licked her cheeks and landed back on the ground. “Ooh! How'd you get in a box?” She wondered before she gasped as she remembered something similar happened to her once. “I was in a box once. It's so fun.” She said to Sparky with a smile, remembering when she was trapped in a unicorn trap box during Hitch’s tour of Maretime Bay as she and Cloudpuff went back inside the Brighthouse as the door closed. End of Chapter 39. > Chapter 40: Secret Canter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 40: Secret Canter In the Crystal Brighthouse, the Mane 6 and Sparky, sin Izzy isn’t there at the moment, are putting up the Winter Wisday decorations as they are now decorating the Wisday tree as Sparky and Zipp are flying to high places to put the decorations high, Hitch was about to warp the white decorative stream around the tree, but for some reason the power went out. “Huh?” Both Sunny and Pipp asked in confusion from the sudden black out. “The powers out.” Sunset pointed out with a raised eyebrow. And then suddenly, the front door opened as a pony with a red cloak on, with his/her face in the hood of it, came in with some fog around him/her. The rest of the Mane 6 gasped in fright as they, except for Sunset, ran for cover as they hide, with Sparky getting spooked by this as it made him fart out his dragon fire from his rear, which durn the boxes of decorations as Sparky giggled a bit from that before he hides as well. Sunset ignored what Sparky did as she gave a glare at the intruder. “Who are you? And why have you come to our home?” She demanded seriously with a stern tone, not gonna let her friends get hurt from this intruder. “You will find out!” The hood figure said in a familiar tone of that from a mare. “Ponies! The time has come…” She called out as the others popped out of their hiding place behind Sunset, looking frightening as Sunset kept a brake expression, but then the figure took off. It's good as it is revealed to be Izzy, smiling cheerfully at her friends. “...To do ‘Secret Canter!’” Izzy cheered as she began to dance around while singing. “Secret Canter time. It’s Secret Canter time!” She sang with a twirl as she struck a pose with a wink as she smiled at her friends, who were looking at her in confusion. “Time to canter secretly. Sing chorus repeatedly. Secret Canter Time.” She sang with a cheery smile. “Uh, Secret what-er?” Pipp asked in confusion. “What are you talking about, Izzy?” Sunset asked in confusion, not sure what Izzy is saying, or singing for that matter. “It’s an annual Bridlewood  Wishiehoof tradition.” Izzy answered while waving her hooves with a smile. “Full of secrets!” She finished with a spook tone with a spooky expression. Sunset then spoke with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, Izzy, what did we talk about spooky tones?” She asked. Izzy then realizes what she did as she gives a sheepish chuckle. “Not to use them at all unless it’s for a spooky story.” She said sheepishly. “Good.” Sunset said with a smile. “Now how about you fill us in on this while setting up this Secret thing.” She suggested. Izzy smiled cheerfully at what Sunset said. “Sure!” She cheered as she rushed off to get ready. Sunset turned to the others. “Get ready guys. Whatever Izzy has in store for us, this should be interesting.” She said to the others with a little chuckle as they chuckled along with her with smiles in agreement, knowing Izzy, this should be interesting. Sometime later, Izzy lit up some candles as Izzy got her hood back on as she gave a mischievous smirk to her friends. “Come forth, ponies!” Izzy called out to her friends as her friends watched on, a little confused as they shrugged to each other. “And let the sacred Wishiehoof vestal reveal if you’re Pony it to you!” She announces as she holds up a holiday hat to the others with a smirk. The others looked on with raised eyebrows, still confused by this. “So, we draw names from the hat?” Sunny first to ask, summarizing what Izzy is trying to say. “Kinda.” Izzy said in her usual tone with a smile. “Izzy, you and the other unicorns have way too many weird traditions in this new era.” Sunset commented, wondering how many weird traditions the unicorns in new Era Equestria have. Twilight appeared from the necklace with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, just how many traditions do you new unicorns have?” She asked, wanting to know herself. “We have a ton of traditions.” Izzy answered with a smile before going back to her mischievous expression and tone. “But with magic and mystery!” She said while shaking the hat while whispering the ‘mystery’ part. Pipp then got a closer look at the hat Izzy is holding as she spoke with a shock expression. “Hey, my elf hat!” She called out, recognizing that hat as she gave Izzy a look that made her flinch. “I’ve been looking for that!” She called out, really not happy that Izzy had it the whole time. “Silence!” Izzy called out, which quieted Pipp as she held up the hat before giving a smirk to the others. “The time for secret selection is upon us.” She said as she held out the elf hat to the others. Pipp raised an eyebrow in confusion as she placed her hoof in the hat. “Hmm.” She hummed as she searched through the hat and took out a card. One by one, the rest of the Mane 6 are each picking out a card for themselves as they take them out of the hat. Izzy spoke again after her friends got the cards. “You may secretly check what pony you are picking.” She said with a smirk. The rest of the Mane 6 looked at Izzy for a bit as they looked at each other in curiosity as they opened up their cards and looked at who they had picked as they gasped at what they had, while Sunny smiled at who she picked while the others were surprised at what they picked. “Now go!” Izzy cheered with a smile. “And make them a present!” She announced with a wave of her hoof. “Whoa there!” Hitch called out as he raised his hoof. “Make? Uh, You mean ‘buy’.” He corrected Izzy with a nervous smile. “We’re not makers, Izzy.” He pointed out, saying that they're not makers, but then he heard somepony clear their throat as he turned and saw Sunset giving him a look while Twilight raised an eyebrow at Hitch from what he said. Hitch realizes what he said as he chuckles sheepishly. “Well, other than you and Sunset, we’re not makers. We…” He said sheepishly, forgetting that Izzy and Sunset are the best crafters. Before Hitch could finish, Izzy cuts him off with a smile. “Secret Canter demands…” She said in her acting tone before speaking normally. “...You craft the best gifts you can.” She instructed while giving her friends a wink. “And remember ponies…” She started with a smirk. Zipp smirked at Izzy, knowing what she’s about to say. “Let me guess, you have to do it in secret.” She playfully said with a wave of her hoof. Izzy got close to Zipp with a playful smile as Zipp smiled back at her. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” She asked playfully as the Mane 6 smiled and shared a laugh together. “Come on, ponies. Let’s get started on making gifts for one another.” Sunset called out as the others nodded in agreement as they began the secret game. A little bit later, Izz is holding a cake recipe as she begins to stir the batter as she is making a cake.  Izzy tasted the batter to see how it is. “Ah!” She sighs, seeing how great the cake is. In another room,  Sunny is trying to tape something together as she groans in effort, with some take and diamonds on her as she takes the gift down determinedly. In another room of the Brigthouse, Pipp is unwrapping some clear candy wrappers and inspecting them to see which ones as she sighs tiredly as she flop onto the counter dramatically. In another room of the Brighthouse, Zipp is trying to open up a bag, but is having trouble as she then grunts in effort as she rips the bag open, but red glitter then got into her face in the process. In the Police Station, Hitch is covered in pink glitter as he splatters some on a pink book, but splatters it too hard as he gets some on his face as he yelps from it. Hitch tries to shake the glitter off him, while Sparky is playing with some purple paint on the floor that was spilled, but then Hitch slips on the paint as he is losing balance. “Aah!” He cried out as he then tripped on some paint cans in front of him as he fell on the floor with a thud. Sparky saw Hitch fell to the floor, but continues to play with the spilled paint as he giggles happily. In another part of the Brighthouse, Sunset is working on her crafting the gift, and she’s really good at arts and crafts. Twilight appears from the necklace as she sees the craft gift Sunset is making with a smile. “Wow, Sunset. You are really putting your heart into it.” She commented with a smile. “Thanks, Twilight. Years of practice in art. Never lose the skills.” Sunset commented with a smile. “I can see that.” Twilight said with a smile as she watched Sunset finishing the gift. Sometime later at the main room of the  Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy called out to her friends in front of her. “The time is upon us!” Izzy called out cheerfully. “Revealeth your gifts!” She added, as she somehow got to hang upside down while looking at her friends. The rest of Mane 6, and Sparky, looked at the six gifts on the table as they looked at it with smiles and sparkles in their eyes. “Whoa…” They said in awed. Izzy appeared in front of them with a smirk. “Step forward for your gift, and you may keep it. But whomever it's from shall forever remain secret!” She said while whispering the ‘secret’ part with a smirk. Hitch then grabs a blue gift as he opens it with a smile as he sees what he has. “Ooh, a photo album! For pics of me and Sparky! And covered in red sequins – Sparky's favorite!” He said happily to the homemade photo album, while Sparky giggled at this while looking at the photo album with sparkles in his eyes. “Thank you, hoofever this was from!” He said happily to whoever made this photo album. Pipp then gave a smirk to her sister while Zipp was smiling while having some red sequins on her muzzle. “Hmmmm, who could it be? Eh, Rudolph?” Pipp said teasley to her sister with a smirk, knowing that Zipp made it since her red sequins on her muzzle gave it away, but Hitch doesn’t notice. Zipp saw what Pipp was talking about as she saw the red sequins on her muzzle as she wiped some off and embarrassingly walked backwards from her sister with a sheepish smile while Pipp silently chuckled to herself from teasing her sister. Zipp then grabs the next gift, which has her color scheme on it as opens it up. “Oh! Oooh! Perfect for my detective work! A magnifying glass…” She says excitedly, but then realizes that the magnifying glass is made of wrappers. “...made from candy wrappers... that doesn't actually magnify anything…” She pointed out, seeing through the homemade magnifying glass, as it didn’t magnify at all. Pipp laughs nervously when with a little sweat from what her sister got. “Hoofever made you those must really know you well.” She said nervously, since she doesn’t know the right glass for the magnifying glass materials so she had to deal with what she had as she walked to her gift next with sparkles in her eyes with a smile, looking exciting. Zipp then came closer to her sister with a smirk. “I guess I can just move my head closer to the clue?” She teasley said to Pipp and used the homemade magnifying glass at the candies stuck on Pipp’s mane, seeing who made it but not telling as Pipp gave her sister a sheepish smile. Pipp opened her gift and saw a pair of goggles, with some tape on it as Pipp looked at it with sparkles in hers. “Oooh! Perfect for creating new products at Mane Melody!” She said excitedly as she put it on and saw that it fit as she took it off and looked at it with a smile. “Awwww! Thanks, secret mystery pony!” She said happily while hugging the goggles. Sunny tries to get the glue, tape and diamonds off her as she tries to shake it off. “Oh, veeeery mysterious.” She said to Pipp while giving her a smirk “It’s a mystery, even for me, that’s for sure.” Sunset said with a smirk while nudging Sunny playfully as the two ponies chuckle to each other.  “Yeah.” Sunny said with a chuckle. Sunset then picked at her gift as she opened it and gasped at what she saw. “This photo album with all the pictures of us, it’s amazing!” She said as she held out a photo album with them on it with their times together they had, while the cover has the Mane 6 Cutie Marks with the Mane 6, and Sparky, in the picture in it as they huddled together with the Crystal Brighthouse behind them, shining its rainbow. “Whoever made it, thank you.” She said happily. “Oh, they sure know how to make it.” Sunny said smirking while winking her eyes at the others, who winked back, saying that they made the photo album together, since there was nopony else to make a gift for Sunset, so they all made one for her together, a little note Izzy put down for their friends, sins Sunset, should know. Sunny then opened up hers and saw some kind of desert, appearing to be a chocolate cake with pink frostings with orange sprinkles. “Wow! It's a... uh, I want to say a cake? Or maybe a cookie?” She asked with a smile, after lifting the dessert out of the box she saw that the cake is as flat as a cookie as Izzy then tossed some baking soda over Sunny, which caused said pony to look at Izzy. Izzy got some baking soda on her face as she was unwrapping her gift. “Hey, did you know that we're out of baking soda?” She asked the others as her hood came off, which revealed her baking soda face. Izzy then realizes what she said. “Not that I have any reason to know that.” She said as she quickly wiped the baking soda off her face and looked at the gift with sparkles in her eyes. “Oooh! Oh, it's a diary!” She said excitedly as she picked up the pink glitter diary, with a drawing rainbow on it with a lock as well. “Because I love secrets! And glitter!” She cheered as she tossed some loose pink glitter into the air happily as she watched it come down with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. “And glittery secrets.” Hitch said with a smirk to Izzy, while Pipp is taking selfies with her phone with her goggles on with a smile. “Hey, there’s one left.” Izzy pointed out as she saw the last present on the table and read the card. ‘And it’s for Sparky?” She curiously said. Sparky heard Izzy as he came running towards his gift while giggling along the way. Sunset smiled as she grabbed the gift and gave it to the baby dragon. “Here you go, Sparky. Your Wishieday Secret gift.” She said with a smile. Sparky excitedly opens up the present and looks at what he was as he laughed happily and brought it out, and it appears to be 6 plushies of the Mane 6 as Sparky hugs them happily. “Aww!” The Mane 6 said together, finding Sparky and his gifts cute together. “Aw, whoever made these, Sparky is really happy with his gifts of the plushy versions of us.” Hitch said happily as Sparky kept playing around with the Plushy 6. “That is so cute!” Sunny said in a cute tone with sparkles in her eyes. “Adorbs!” Pipp said as she took a picture of Sparky and his plushies. “Whoever made these, really knows their craftings.” Izzy commented, finding the plushies cute and amazing. “Yeah. I wonder who.” Sunset said with a smirk, having made 6 of them for Sparky as a Wishday gift. “Oh, that was fun, Izzy!” Sunny said happily. “Anypony want some cookie cake?” She asked the others with a smile while holding out the cookie cake, but then it deflated as Hitch and Sunny gave a surprise look from that. Zipp, Pipp and Sunset saw that as Zipp’s magnifying glass top piece came off and fell to the floor, Pipp’s goggles landed back on her eyesight, but broke in half as it fell to the floor, and then the red sequins from Hitch’s photo album came right off completely, which made Hitch gasps in surprise from that, the only remaining gifts still intact are Sunset’s photo album, Sparky’s plushies and Izzy’s diary. “Uh…” The Mane 6 said together, not sure what to say, but then they all started laughing together from this outcome, finding it funny. “Sorry, Izzy.” Pipp said to Izzy with some chuckles. “Guess we're not expert crafters like you or Sunset.” She added, since they are not as skilled crafters as Sunset and Izzy.   Izzy gave an assuring smile to her friends. “Oh, pshaw. You put your hearts into crafting these gifts.” She said while the Mane 6 put their gifts on the table. “It's the thought that matters in Secret Canter.” She added with a smile. “Yeah. It doesn’t matter what you gave somepony a gift, it shows you give it your best and how much you care for one another. And it’s not the gifts that counts, it’s using being there for each other.” Sunset said with a smile. Twilight appeared from her necklace with a smile. “That is true. Sure it's fun when opening gifts on this special holiday, but what matters more is spending time with friends and family. It’s not the gifts, the decorations or traditions, it’s spending time with your friends and family.” She said, knowing the true meaning of the holidays. The Mane 6 smiled at one another as they laughed together, but what they didn’t know is that their Cutie Marks were glowing as they smiled at one another. Sparky gave off some giggles, but then some smoke from Sunny’s deflated cookie cake came to his nose. “Ooh!” He said with sparkles in his eyes as he looked at the cookie cake and sniffed at it, but he cringed at the smell as he began to sneeze. “Ah... Ah... Ah…” Sparky sneezed on the homemade gifts of the Mane 6 as his dragon fire hit them. But then after Sparky’s dragon fire settled, the Mane 6’s gifts have become better than ever, Sunny’s cookie cake is now a three layer cake, Hitch’s photo album has a true book cover with a horseshoe symbol on it, Pipp’s goggle is now a stylish protective goggle, Sunset’s photo album now has her color scheme with her Cutie Mark in it with the photo of at the front cover and Zipp’s magnifying glass is now a complete detective suitcase with all the detective gears in it. The Mane 6 gasp in amazement at this as they have sparkles in their eyes, really amazed at what Sparky’s dragon fire just did to their gifts. “Whoa, check it out!” Pipp said excitedly as she put on her new and improved goggles. “A Wishentine miracle!” She cheered as she took selfies from her phone with a smile. “Yeah!” Zipp said with a smile as the others smiled together. “Now this is what I was trying to make!” She said excitedly. “Me, too!” Hitch agreed with a smile. “Sparky’s dragon fire did us a favor!” Sunset said in excitement as she and the others looked at their new and improved gifts. Sunny then turned to Izzy and saw her holding her diary, which didn't change. “Aw, Izzy. Your diary's just the same.” She said to Izzy with a small smile. “Hm. You can't improve perfection.” Izzy said with a smile as she held her diary close to her. The rest of the Mane 6 laugh from that, finding it true since. “You can’t change what is already right, even if you tried.” Sunset said with a chuckle, finding that very true. “Oh!” Izzy said cheerfully when she looked behind herself and saw something as she gasped to the others. “Ponies! Look! Over there!” She said as she pointed to an extra six gifts under the tree. “Oh, gosh! There seems to be an extra gift for each of us!” She said excitedly to the others. The Mane 6 each grab a gift as they open them gasping at what they saw. Pipp gives an unsure smile while Izzy is smiling at them. “Hey, look! We've all got…” She started. “...crafting belts.” Zipp finishes sheepishly as they each have identical crafting belts. “It's pretty clear we could all use the practice.” Sunny said sheepishly, knowing that they need to practice their crafting skills. “Not me. There’s a note in mine.” Sunset commented as she read the note on the crafting belt. “It says, ‘I know you are a great artist, but this is just something in case you want to craft something around.’ That’s pretty much it. And I could use some artists' time every now and then to do something.” She said with a smile as she placed the crafting belt around herself. “That is true.” Sunny said in agreement with a smile. “Thanks, hoofever got us those.” She said with a smile. “I'm gonna say it was Sparky.” Hitch said with a smile as Sparky is giggling behind him, while muffling his sneeze to prevent his dragon fire from coming out. “Oh, I have a few ideas on who it could be.” Sunset said with a smirk, knowing who got them those gifts. Izzy giggles to herself, trying her best not to call out, but couldn’t help herself as she smiled at her friends. “They're from me! I made them for you all! They're from me! Me, me, me, me, me!” She said excitedly while popping around her friends, who are giving her surprise looks at what she just did. “Me! Me! Me! They were from me! Izzy! Izzy! I-I-I-Izzy! Me, me, me!” She said as she hopped around and pointed to herself with a smile. “Uhhhh…” The rest of the Mane 6 said, uncertain what to say, since Izzy shouldn’t have said that to the point of the whole Secret Canter thing. “Well, that didn’t take long.” Sunset said with a surprise expression, should’ve guessed Izzy would break that easily. “Hah!” Izzy cheered as she hopped on the couch and opened up her diary and clears her throat as she wrote in her diary. “Dear diary... Whew! Keeping a secret is hard work!” She said aloud as she wrote it down, even though she knows herself that keeping secrets isn’t her thing, unless they are for surprises. Izzy then realizes her mistake as she turns and sees her friends still looking at her, having heard what she just said as well. “Oh. Wait, did I say that out loud?” She asked her friends with a sheepish smile. “You sure did, Izzy. Keeping secrets really hasn’t been your thing. And that’s just you being you, Izzy.” Sunset said with a cheery smile as she laughed. The rest of the Mane 6 laughed with Sunset, finding that part of Izzy true and how Izzy needs to practice on keeping her own secrets as Izzy laughs along with them, finding that true as well. Outside the Brighthouse, Kenneth and his bird partner are on a tree branch as they each hold out a gift for each other, they chirp to each other as they hug happily together. End of Chapter 40. > Chapter 41: A Day In The Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 41: A Day In The Life In the Brighthouse bedroom, Pipp is adjusting her phone so that the camera is facing her while doing a livestream as some positive emojis and hearts appear as Pipp smiles at her phone. “Morning, Pippsqueaks!” Pipp announced. “Now, lots of you have been asking what a day in the life of Pipp Petals is really like.” She said as she then got close to her camera with a determined expression with a smile. “Well, get ready! Your sneak peek starts noooooow!” She sang the last word before she twirls her phone around and then she herself twirls around happily as she flies off. (Every New Day (Is the Best Day Ever) Song) Pipp then flew around the bedroom as she sang as she went to Izzy first. (Pipp) A brand new day Izzy woke up from her bed when she heard pipp singing as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, but then smiled as she saw Pipp flying and singing. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered, now wide awake as Pipp landed on the floor. Pipp then came next to her sister, who was covered in her blanket as Zipp gave an irritated tired expression to her sister for singing and filming so early. (Pipp Petals) A brand new chance, a brand new way Pipp sang as she moved her phone around to film herself with everything around her, including Zipp, who widened her eyes at Pipp filming her as she groaned and covered her whole head in her blanket. “Ooh!” Izzy cheered as she appeared behind Zipp with sparkling eyes as Pipp continued to film on her phone with a smile with Izzy behind her. Sunset saw this as she just gave a tired smile. “Pipp, you never seemed to get tired of this kind of thing.” She said with a chuckle, knowing Pipp very well to do this kind of thing. A little bit later, Pipp opened the Brighthouse’s front door, and met with an entire crowd of ponies, which are Pipp’s fans, and three of her Pippsqueaks, who were filming her with their phones or cameras as they chattered excitedly. Pipp landed on the ground as she gave a smile to the crowd as they took pictures of her while Pipp was signing them autographs. Pipp then vocalizes as she grabs Glory and brings her in for the pictures, which makes Glory smile with sparkles in her eyes as she is taking a picture with Pipp among the crowd. “Whoo!” Pipp cheered with giggles as the rest of the Pippsqueaks, Seashell and Peach Fizz, along with Dahlia and Flare, came together as an Earth Pony stallion in front of them took a selfie with them as he took the picture, which gave them a lot of emojis. A little bit later, Pipp is flying around in the clouds while two Pegasi are taking pictures with their cameras. Pipp still smiled as she was still vocalizing while striking some poses to the cameras. Pipp then flew around the clouds while going through one, using the clouds to make some music notes as she flew by. Sometime later, Pipp arrives at Mane Melody as she went in with a smile and saw Rocky in front of her. Rocky smiled at Pipp as he showed different perfumes to Pipp, wanting to know which ones are best. Pipp smiled as she looked at the heart-shaped perfume. “Um, yes!” She said, as Rocky showed another one. “Oh, yes.” She said again, finding it perfect as Rocky showed a purple one next. “No.” She said, finding it not right as Rocky then showed a green and white line. “No.” She said as she pushed it away while Rocky brought out a small light-blue vial one. “No!” She said again as Rocky showed her a pink container one. “Yes!” Pipp said with a smile while pointing to that one as she then flew around the salon with a smile. Pipp, Jazz and Rocky then got on the stage as they tapped their hooves together as they sang and danced together in sync. (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) Every day's so bright, every day's full of magic Pipp then flew to the three ponies seated in the salon chairs, one of them is Posey, as Pipp then twirl them around and did their manes, with Posey having a new look that she liked, while Flare has the same style as Zipp did when her friends got her to say ‘yes’ to have fun with them as Posey and Flare smiled wide with their hooves in the air. Every day feels right, every day is a classic And just when I think it can't get any better Pipp got her hooves out as Jazz brought out Pipp’s signature hooficure on her tablet as she did Pipp’s hooves. Pipp looked in the mirror as she lifted a hoof and gave a wink to her reflection with a smile as she rushed out of Mane Melody with Jazz and Rocky side by side with her as they sang and danced together with Posey, Rufus, and some other ponies dancing and singing along with them. Every new day is the best day ever Whoa, oh-oh, oh, oh Pipp then waved to her followers on her phone through livestream with a smile. “Stick around for more unfiltered access to my entire day! See you soon, Pippsqueaks! Mwah!” She said as she blew a kiss to her phone as she ended her livestream. At the smoothie stand, the rest of the Mane 6 are hanging out while Izzy is looking at her homemade phone. “Whoo-hoo!” Izzy cheered with sparkles in her eyes as she laughed a bit. “Check it out!” She said to her friends as she showed them her phone. “Uh, yeah, Izz.” Zipp said as she and the others smiled. “We're watching it in real life. Right... there?” She trailed off as she turned to her left and raised an eyebrow as the others looked to where Zipp was looking at as they saw Pipp with Rocky and Jazz next to them while Jazz and Pipp wave at them. “Mane Melody is closest to the smoothie stand, which isn’t that surprising.” Sunset said with a chuckle, having noticed Pipp next to them the whole time while the others seemed to forget sometimes. Izzy kept smiling with sparkles in her eyes as she cheered. “Whoo-hoo! Pipp! I love your dance moves, Pipp! Yeah!” She cheered as she appeared around Pipp, who smiled at Izzy while Rocky and Jazz smiled at this as well. “You just keep on getting famous with these ponies, Pipp. Even to Izzy, which is no surprise.” Sunset said with a smile and a little chuckle. Sunny then spoke next with a knowing smile. “Well, after all that, I'd say somepony needs to refuel with a strawberry ripple smoothie.” She said as she brought out Pipp’s favorite smoothie, having a feeling Pipp might need it after her livestream. “Ugh! Sunny, you are the best!” Pipp said with a smile as she winked at Sunny as she sipped her smoothie. “Mmm!” She hummed happily as she continued to sip on her smoothie. “Slow down, Pipp. Don’t want you to have a brain freeze again.” Sunset said with a chuckle as Pipp continued to enjoy her smoothie, but gave a wink to Sunset, telling that she will be careful. Zipp just gave her sister an amused expression, having seen this many times as Hitch spoke. “Did you say you're giving your fans total access to your whole day?” He asked in curiosity, having heard that from her livestream video when Pipp stopped sipping as she looked at Hitch when he asked that. “That sounds exhausting.” He pointed out as Zipp nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, Pipp. Don’t you think that’s a little too much, even for you. You only livestream for a few minutes or so, but a whole day, not likely.” Sunset added in agreement, knowing that this might be too much, even for Pipp standards. “Well, it's what I have to do if I want to get a hundred million followers.” Pipp said with a wave of her hooves, wanting to get a 100 million followers. “Wait, what?” Sunset asked in surprises. Hitch sweat a bit from what Pipp just said. “One hundred million followers?!” He asked in surprise as well. “How do you even come up with this stuff?!” He asked as she got close to Pipp. “Yeah, Pipp. What makes you think that anyway?” Sunset asked, wanting to know why Pipp came up with that idea as Pipp then remembered how she got that idea. Flashback. Sometime ago in the station, Pipp and Sparky were taking silly pictures together as they giggled to one another and to the silly picture they took. Hitch came next to them. “Let me see those.” He said to Pipp with a smile as he took a closer look at Pipp’s phone as he looked at the pictures. “Awww! Look at Sparky!” He said with a smile in his eyes as Sparky cooed and giggled as Hitch picked up Sparky. “Who's the cutest wittle dwagon baby ever? If you had a Ponygram, you'd have one hundred million followers! Wouldn't you? Oh, yes, you would! Everypony would want to follow you!” He said to Sparky in a baby tone voice as he gave him a nuzzle to his cheeks. Apparently, Pipp heard what Hitch said as an idea popped into her head. “A hundred million followers…” She repeated what Hitch said aloud as she then gasped excitedly with sparkles in her eyes, having an interest in what Hitch just said. End of Flashback. Back in the present, Pipp explained everything in her flashback at how she got the idea to get 100 million followers. “So let me get this straight.” Sunset spoke in shock at what Pipp just said. “When you went to see Sparky at Hitch’s station, he gave you the idea of getting a hundred million followers?” She asked, wanting to make sure she heard right. “Yep.” Pipp simply said with a smile. Sunset turned to Hitch with a look. “Okay then.” She said in a blank tone. Hitch, however, was surprised by this. “Wait, so now you listen to me?” He asked in a disbelief expression. “What do I know? I'm just an exhausted dragon dad.” He pointed out as Sparky then giggled and ran off somewhere. “Hitch, Sparky’s running off again.” Sunset called out with a blank tone as she pointed out to where Sparky ran off to. “Wait, what?” Hitch asked as he turned to see Sparky running off. “Sparky, no!” He called out as he trotted off quickly to catch Sparky. Zipp then looked at her sister in concern as she got close to her. “Just be careful, Pipp. You know what happens when you do too much. You always get s—” She tried to explain but was cut off. Pipp gave a deep gasp while giving a mean expression to Zipp. “Zipp! Don't you say it!” She called out, not wanting her sister to say that word. Izzy then came next to them in curiosity. “Say what? ‘Sick’?” She asked in confusion before she gasped in fright. “Oh, no! Is that word jinxie?!” She asked quickly in frighten. Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky came together after what Izzy just said as they made a ritual dance and recited some words. “We are healthy! We are fine! Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle! Shine, shine, shine!” The three ponies said together while looking nervous at the same time. The rest of the Mane 6, Hitch came back after getting Sparky, looked at them strangely, while Zipp gave a raised eyebrow in a non-surprise expression and Izzy was just smiling at them. “Okay, that’s like the jinky dance thing the unicorns did, which is not surprising at all.” Sunset said strangely as she got out of the smoothie stand and came next to Pipp. “Pipp, don’t you think you are taking this too seriously?” She asked. “I’m just doing this until I get a hundred million followers, Sunset. And besides, I’ve been doing this my whole life.” Pipp pointed out, having no worries about this. “You do know that just filming the whole day is just overdoing it, right?” Sunset asked. “Nothing special can just pop up out of nowhere at this moment.” She added. And then suddenly, a portal with the shape of an X appeared out of nowhere above them as a certain blue hedgehog came falling out of it as he landed in front of the others in a smoothie stand, looking around while the Mane 6, along with Sparky, Jazz and Rocky, looked at him in shock and surprise. The blue hedgehog looked at his shoes and gloves, that had some kind of discs around, as he gave off a smile. “My shoes and gloves... they're normal again..." He said as he looked at his surroundings while giving a smile of happiness. "D-Did I do it?! Did I finally make it back––" He wanted to ask excitedly, but as soon as he saw Sunset's confused and shocked expression, he looked at her with boredom. "No, no I didn't. You're definitely a total stranger to me, and that shop over there should be Tails' workshop." He said with a tired tone in a tired tone while pointing to an abandoned building that was for sale. "How's that I'm so close from home and so far at the same damn time?!" He groaned with frustration. “Who in the sweet pony feathers are you?!” Sunset cried out in shock, really surprised that a certain creature like him came out of nowhere. The blue hedgehog smirked a bit and crossed his arms, having figured that they would ask him that. "Well, hello! I’m Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog, and... the best way I can explain this is that I'm from another universe!" He explained with. “That makes no sense..." Sunset said confused. "How are you a hedgehog? And what are... Wait! Did you just say ‘another universe’?” She asked in surprise. “What are you, some multiversal traveler or something?” She asked. However, the moment Sunset started to talk, Sonic's gaze lost on a certain direction as his ears twitched and he frowned a bit. “Uh-huh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say, bacon head." He told Sunset, now with a mocking smirk, before starting to run on his place, until his feet formed the shape of an eight. "Gotta go home now! The Multiverse isn’t gonna save itself, you know! Mō aitakunai ne!" He said, waving his hand and saying something weird in Japanese. Then, he boosted away before literally disappearing in thin air. The Mane 6, Sparky, Jazz and Rocky just looked in shock at what they just saw as they were very speechless. “We’re just gonna pretend like that never happened. Agreed?” Sunset is the first to speak to the others while still in shock. “Mmm.” The others nodded in agreement, going to pretend like that never happened. Sunset shook her head out of the shock state as she spoke to Pipp again. “Anyway, ignore what just happened, Pipp, like your sister said, that if you overwork, you might get…” She stopped as she saw Pipp giving her a mean look, telling her not to say it, knowing what she meant as Sunset spoke. “That word, Zipp said. It’s a common thing while doing something like that. You might get ‘that word’.” She said in worried, while making sure to not say the ‘sick’ word. Pipp just gave a chuckle as she patted Sunset’s shoulder. “Sunset, don’t worry. It won’t happen.” She said to Sunset with a comforting smile. “I have to worry, Pipp. You know I’ve been watching over you ponies 24/7 since we first met.” Sunset corrected as she turned and spoke in a solemn tone. “You just don’t get it, Pipp. I’m the oldest pony in this group. I’m responsible for keeping you and the others out of trouble, looking out for you ponies, keeping you safe and making sure we can handle anything that comes our way. Because if I don’t, then it will not only cost us our friendship, but also cost us our lives.” She said in a tone that is both soft and serious. The group look at Sunset while having thought at what she just said, knowing that it is true that Sunset is the oldest out of everypony in Equestria and has taken care of Sunny and the others, understanding how she is feeling. Before they could think anymore, Rocky’s phone started beeping, which caused Rocky to gasp as he brought out his phone as he looked at Pipp. “Pipp! It's time!” He said, telling her that it’s time for her next scene for her Pippsqueaks. A little bit later in Mane Melody, Pipp faces the camera as she is livestreaming again with a smile on the Mane Melody stage. “Hey, Pippsqueaks!” Pipp announced with a smile as she faced the camera. “Ready for more? Here we go!” She said as she then tapped on her phone as Pipp, Jazz and Rocky began to sing again. (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) Whoa, oh-oh, oh, oh, it's like, it's like Pipp sang on the stage as she sang on her microphone while flying around while doing a loop in the air. Somewhere in Maretime Bay, the Pippsqueaks tap on this phone to give a heart beat while watching Pipp’s livestream excitedly while Seashell laughs a bit, finding it great. Every new day is the best day ever In the Brighthouse, Pipp is eating her lunch while giving a smile and wink to the camera as somepony watches their phone and gives a like on it. Whoa, oh-oh, oh, oh, it's like, it's like Every new day is the best day ever In the back room of Mane Melody where Pipp makes her products, she put a drop of a makeover ingredient into a bowl nervously as it explored some yellow stuff on her face, which caused her to give a tired smile. And then photos are taking as Pipp beings to grow more tired and exhausted while doing her livestream, a photo was taken of her singing on her stage, sweating and looking tired, getting some makeover glitter on her face, not looking well, and trying to do some mare’s mane, while having bed eyes on her face, looking really tired as more and more livestreams she is takes. A little bit later, Pipp and the rest of her friends are at Dahlia’s place as she is showing the flowers to Pipp. “These flowers will add such a yummy sweetness to your next perfume, Pipp.” Dahlia said to Pipp with a smile as she picked a yellow flower up. Pipp takes a sniff of the flower as she gives a tired smile. “Ooh, it does smell delic—” She tried to say, but cringed as she then began to cough before she gave a shock expression at what just happened. The rest of the Mane 6 gasped in shock and worried at this as Jazz and Rocky gasped the same way as well. “It has happened.” Sunset said in shock and worried. “Oh, no.” Dahlia said in concern as Pipp still had a shock look. “You're not getting sick—” She tried to ask, but Pipp cut her off. “Neigh way!” Pipp denied as she spoke. “I never get—” She tried to say while giving a smirk. And then not long after, Pipp is now in the bedroom on her bed, covered in her blanket with used tissues around and a tissue box next to her as her nose starts running. “—Sick?!” Pipp asked in disbelief that she is really sick. “Ugh! I can't be sick! I don't have—” She started but gave a short cough as she continued. “—time to just lay in bed and—” She gave another cough. “—do nothing and—” She coughs again as she gives a sad sick expression that she can’t do her live stream while being sick. On the other side of the bedroom door, Sunny and Sunset looked at Pipp through the door with sympathy expressions, feeling bad that Pipp got sick. “Poor Pipp. She sounds super rough.” Sunny said to her friends. “I’ve never seen Pipp sick before, and that’s the first time she out of all of us got sick.” Sunset said in concern. Izzy gave a scoff as she spoke. “Have you seen her lately? She looks even worse!” She called out with a wave of her hoof. “Izzy!” Sunny, Sunset, Hitch, and Zipp all called out as the unicorn flinch from that. “What? Honesty. “ Izzy said in defense. “We’re trying to make things better, not pointing out the obvious, Izzy! We talked about this!” Sunset scolded while giving Izzy a look for saying the downside of things, especially about somepony like Pipp. Izzy then gasped as she now knew what they meant. “Ohhhh. Whoopsies.” She said with a sheepish smile as she lowered herself in embarrassment for saying that. The Mane 6 continues to hear Pipp coughing from the other side. “Ugh!” Zipp groans while placing a hoof on her head. “This always happens when she pushes herself too hard!” She called out, having experienced this about her sister before in the past as she gave another groan. “What did you expect, Zipp, we’re talking about Pipp here. You know how she is.” Sunset pointed out, knowing that this is Pipp they’re talking about while pointing at the coughing pegasus in the bedroom. “I know. But still, she really needs to go easy.” Zipp said, seeing Sunset’s point but her sister really needs to take things easy. Hitch then spoke with a guilt expression. “Ugh, I feel like this is all my fault. I should've never said anything about one hundred million followers.” He said, feeling bad for giving Pipp that idea. “It’s not your fault, Hitch. Pipp just overthink these things without having them well thought out.” Sunset assured while placing a hoof on his shoulder. And then their phones then chimes as the the five ponies, even Sparky, gives wide eyes as they pick up their phones and saw Pipp doing her livestream in her sick state. “Why am I not surprised?” Sunset asked herself, having a feeling Pipp would even livestream in her weakened state. “Hey, Pippsqueaks.” Pipp said with a sick smile while she gave a sniffle as her livestream gave out some sad emojis, apparently her Pippsqueaks feel bad for Pipp getting sick. “I know I promised a whole day of my life, but it's…” She said but then she couldn't seem to say it as her eyes started watering and gave a sad indistinct squeaking, really sad that she is sick and can’t do her livestream. The rest of the Mane 6, and Sparky, gave a sympathetic look at Pipp, feeling bad for her as Sunset then looked at Hitch. “Hitch. We need to cheer Pipp up. I may be the oldest, but you watched over Sunny before we met and have been raising Sparky longer, so I want you to help me cheer Pipp up.” Sunset said, knowing that Hitch had been looking after Sunny before they met and been taking care of Sparky longer than any of them, so they were best suited to cheer Pipp up. Hitch thought at what Sunset just said as he gave a determined expression. “You’re right, Sunset! We must!” He said as he turned to Sparky on his back. “Come on, Sparky! We have to do something to help her!” He said in a determined tone. “Then let’s get started.” Sunset said with a determined smile as she and Hitch share a high-hoof with each other so together, they can help Pipp. A little bit later, Pipp is still sick in her bed as she is holding her phone, which all have pictures of her in her sick state, which didn’t go well for Pipp. “Ugh! No! No! Yuck! Neigh way! Ew! Ew, ew, ew!” Pipp cried out dramatically, not liking her sick selfies as Hitch and Sunset came into the room with a rolling carrier table with something as they saw Pipp complaining. “EW!” Pipp cried out as she tossed her phone on the floor as she gave a whimper as she saw Sunset and Hitch, along with the critters and Sparky behind them, coming in. “Take it easy, Pipp. Just rest, you have enough of your phone for a while until you’re better.” Sunset said, showing her mother side as she placed a comforting hoof on Pipp’s shoulder. Pipp kept whimpering as she nodded to Sunset. “I know, Sunset. But I can’t stand being sick.” She said in a sad tone. Hitch got next to Sunset as he gave a sympathetic look at Pipp as he placed a hoof on Pipp’s bed. “Aw, Pipp. I'm sorry I ever said anything about trying to get so many followers.” He apologizes to Pipp as the critters get on Pipp’s bed, which is a raccoonicorn and a pegasnail as Sparky picks up Pipp’s phone in curiosity as he faces it in front of them. “And I’m sorry I couldn't have prevented this if I had paid more attention.” Sunset said, should’ve stopped Pipp from overdoing it to get her sick. “And to be honest, this is something Twilight told me about what she experienced.” She added. The necklace opened as Twilight appeared. “Yeah, that’s something I would not experience again, made me so sick, magic keeps beaming out of my horn and causing random effects to my friends. Not my proudest moments.” She said sheepishly, having experienced that sickness and glad to never have that again in this state she’s in. Pipp gave some coughs as she spoke to the two ponies. “Honestly, Hitch, it's not so much about the followers. And Sunset, it’s not your fault that you didn’t stop me, I probably wouldn’t listen anyway.” She said, knowing that it’s neither Hitch or Sunset’s fault as she sneezed  as she blew her nose with a tissue as she started to tear up. “It's just, well, I... I really hate letting my fans down, you know? They mean so much to me.” She said with a sad smile, having cared for her friends so much, she wouldn’t let them down. Hitch and Sunset looked at each other, Sunset gestured to Hitch to go first as he spoke. “We get it, Pipp. But your fans love you.” He pointed out with a smile as Pipp looked at him and Sunset in curiosity. “And sometimes we have to look after ourselves so that we can take care of the ponies—” He tried to continue but was cut off when he heard the raccoonicorn give a fake cough while he and the pegasnail gave him a look while Sunset nudge Hitch, telling her he forgotten a couple. “—or critters, dragons, and friends that need us.” He finished with a smile. “Yeah, Pipp.” Sunset said with a smile. “Your fans already love you for all the times you showed your videos to them, but even you have limits. Sure, you want to look after others, but you have to make sure to look after yourself. There’s a reason why I look after you girls and Hitch at times, is to make sure you are all well, happy and safe. You may be my friends, but you ponies are also like family to me, and I would always be there for you.” She said with a comforting smile. “When we first met, I was alone and had no family or friends left in this new era of Equestria, but when we first met and brought the magic back and ponies together, we grew more than just friends, we are together as family. Like Sunny’s father said, family isn’t just by blood, it’s by the bond and the care we have for one another, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” She said with a smile as Pipp smiled back at Sunset and Hitch, feeling touched by their words. Hitch then brought out a bowl of soup to Pipp. “Here, have some soup. It'll help.” He said as Pipp accepted the soup with a smile. “And here’s some tea to go with it. There’s a special remedy I learned that helps with the cold.” Sunset said with a smile as she poured some tea from the tea pot and gave it to Pipp, having learned some remedy for medicines from Zecora from the recipes Twilight told her or sent her through her journal back in the day. Pipp's eyes began to tear up happily as she smiled at Hitch and Sunset. “Awww, Hitch, Sunset.” She started as she gave a quick cough as she continued. “That is so sweet. Being a dad and mother figure is making you both, like, totally wise.” She said as she then slurped on her soup as she gave a smile. “Mmm! Delicious.” She said with a smile as she sipped on her tea next. “Tasty.” She added as the two ponies gave her a smile as well as the three ponies gave a comforting nuzzle to each other. What they didn’t know is that Sparky is livestreaming the whole thing, Pipp never turned off her livestream after she tossed her phone as positive and heartfelt emojis are appearing while Sparky is laughing. All the ponies in Maretime Bay have been watching the whole thing that Sparky was live streaming while Pipp lay in bed as Sunset and Hitch place the blanket over her to comfort her more. The ponies watching counting Dahlia, Rufus, Windy, Fifi, some Earth Pony stallion from earlier, Alphabittle, Queen Haven, Jazz, Rocky, the Pippsqueaks and a lot of other ponies smiled with sparkles in their eyes, finding this scene touching and beautiful as they tap at the subscribe button on their phones with likes. The numbers of ponies that are subscribing is making Pipp’s followers numbers going up at a very fast rate. “Awwww!” Posey said somewhere in Maretime Bay with sparkles in her eyes with a smile, feeling really touched and finding it beautiful at what she just saw on Pipp’s video as even she likes and subscribers on it as well. That last subscribe from Posey was enough that made Pipp’s website to have over hundred million followers on it as an airhorn appeared on the screen as it made a fanfare nose with streamers. In the bedroom, Sparky is still holding the phone that made the fanfare noise it made as Hitch took the phone from Sparky and placed it in Pipp’s drawer, not wanting to disturb Pipp’s sleeping. “Something tells me that Pipp just succeeded in her goal of hundred million followers.” Sunset whispered with a smile, having a feeling what Sparky just did as Hitch nodded in agreement. Hitch then turned to his critters with a smile as Sunset listened carefully. “On three, critters and Sunset.” He said as he and Sunset saw the critters with small sticks and cups and bowls ready as instruments.  “One... Two... Three…” Both Sunset and Hitch whisper as they both are doing operatic vocalizations while the critters tap the cups and bowls slightly to make a soft sound for the sleeping Pipp. Sunny, Izzy and Zipp watches them from the door as they all gave a smile at the two ponies and critters caring for Pipp as Sunset and Hitch tuck Pipp’s blanket in for her as they softly touch her head in comfort as Pipp smiled in her sleep as she tears up happily while Sunset and Hitch continues to vocalize in operatic while the critters are still doing soft tones. End of Chapter 41. > Chapter 42: Firework-ing Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 42: Firework-ing Together At the Brighthouse, Izzy twirled around as she laughed excitedly while levitation something that looks like a ball with her magic. “Woo!” Izzy cheered as she tossed the ball thing into the air, which exploded into fireworks. “Zoom! Boom! Pchah! Yah!” She excitedly cheered as she kept tossing more fireworks balls into the air as she twirled around with a cheerful smile with sparkles in her eyes. Sunny and Sunset then came into view in front of Izzy as they watched her toss more fireworks excitedly. “Izzy, come on.” Sunny called out to her friend with a smile. “Yeah. Enough with those mini homemade fireworks, Izzy. We gotta get going.” Sunset said with a smile as she and Sunset pointed to where the Manestream is as Hitch led the Pippsqueaks in with a smile, wanting to join them on the trip. “Yeah, or we’ll miss seeing the real firework display.” Sunny finished with a smile while pointing to the Marestream. “Hey, these look pretty real to me.” Izzy said with a smile and still had sparkles in her eyes as she stopped twirling as she stopped tossing the firework balls as she felt dizzy as her eyes and head spin from dizziness. “W-Whoa. Oh, all that spinning made me one ‘Dizzy Izzy’.” She said with a smile as she then flew to the floor in dizziness. Sunset gave a chuckle from that as she helped Izzy up. “That's what you get from spinning for too long, Izzy. Now let’s go, we gotta get going if we don’t want to miss the real fireworks.” She said with a smile. Izzy shook her head to get out of her dizziness as she gave a smile to Sunset and Sunny. “Okay.” She said cheerfully as she hopped to the Marestream. Sunset and Sunny looked at each other with a smile as they gave a little laugh together as Sunset spoke. “I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since Unity and Magic returned, Sunny.” She said with a smile. “I know, right! A whole year of magic and friendship, and a start of a new year for it as well.” Sunny said with a cheerful smile, still amazed that it's been a whole year since ponykind was brought together again and magic returned. Twilight then appeared as the necklace opened up as she spoke with a smile. “And I am glad that you accomplished this and kept the peace for this long, you two. You both make great Alicorns for all of Equestria while keeping the magic of friendship alive and ponies together.” She said with a smile to Sunny and Sunset, proud that they kept the magic of friendship alive for this long year. “Thanks, Twilight. We always kept our promise to keep your legacy alive.” Sunset said with a smile. “And Sunny has done an amazing job at being an Alicorn than I do, being the balance of all ponykind and helping others even if I’m not around to help with those problems if we go to different locations from time to time.” She added with a smile. “I’d learn from the best.” Sunny said as she gave a wink to Sunset. “And we will keep that promise and make sure that legacy is here to stay!” She said cheerfully, going to keep Twilight’s legacy alive. Twilight chuckled from Sunny’s cheerfulness as she smiled down at them. “And I am proud of you two keeping that promise. Now go on and enjoy the fireworks, you don’t wanna miss them.” She said while pointing to the Marestream with a smile. “She’s right, Sunny. Let’s get going.” Sunset said as she and Sunny rushed off to the Marestream. Inside the Marestream, the Pippsqueaks are sitting on the couch of the Marestream while Sparky hop on into it as Izzy, Sunset and Sunny came in as they gave a smile as they went to the driver area of the Marestream. “Next stop – Bridlewood for the Grand Unity Fireworks Display!” Zipp announced to her friends with a smile as she raised her hoof in the air. “I love that we're all together for this.” Sunny said happily before she gasped excitedly. “I love fireworks!” She said excitedly with a smile as she had sparkles in her eyes. “Hehe. Calm down, Sunny.” Sunset said with a chuckle as she patted Sunny’s back to calm her down a bit. “Save it when we get there.” She said with a chuckle. Izzy then gave a squeal of excitement as she spoke. “And these are no ordinary fireworks! Unicorn fireworks are, like, totally magical!” She said with a wave of her hoof as some sparkles came out of it. “Alright, enough chit-chat, ponies. We got a fireworks display to see! Punch it, Zipp!” Sunset called out with a smile while looking at Zipp with a knowing smile. “On it, Sunset!” Zipp said with an excited smile as she got the Marestream into the as it took to the skies. And then Izzy starts messing around with the homemade fireworks again as she shoots them around out the window of the Marestream. “Pow! Pyew! Boom, boom! Wha-bang!” Izzy shouted out excitedly as she was playing around with the fireworks. “Izzy…” ZIpp groans, needing to focus on the flying and not get distracted by Izzy’s homemade fireworks. “Izzy, enough with those mini fireworks. Zipp needs to focus and that’s a fire hazard to play around with them in a vehicle, hoof them over.” Sunset said to Izzy as she held out her hoof, even though she wants Izzy to have fun, it’s a safety hazard for her to mess around with them in the Marestream and Zipp needs to focus on flying it. “Aw. Okay.” Izzy said, feeling down that her fun is over as she gave the rest of her mini fireworks to Sunset. “You’ll get these back when we land, okay.” Sunset said, assuring Izzy that she will get those back when they arrive as Izzy nodded her head in agreement as the Marestream flew off to Bridlewood where the firework display is. Sometime later, the group made it to the forest in Bridlewood as the Marestream is parked as the Mane 6, and Sparky and the Pippsqueaks, followed Izzy since she knows her way around Bridlewood. “Okay, the viewing spot is just up ahead.” Izzy instructed. “Follow me. I know this forest like the back of my hoof. And the front of it.” She said as she looked at her hoof before she gave a wink to her friends with a smile as she trotted ahead. Sunny giggled as she and the others smiled and trotted after Izzy as they ran through the forest while hopping over roots. Zipp moved a branch aside, but Hitch got smack in the face by it since he was behind Zipp. “Ow! Hey, watch it!” Hitch called out as he moved the branch aside as he continued to trott ahead while looking around the forest. “All these roots everywhere! They should really be tidied up before somepony—” He was cut off when he didn’t saw a root on the ground, which made him trip as he and Sparky yelp and scream as they slide down a landslide as Hitch landed on his back with all four hooves sticking out as Sparky landed on his hooves. “...gets hurt.” He finished as he got up and placed Sparky on his back again. “You okay, Sparky?” He asked the baby dragon in concern. “Mm-hmm.” Sparky nodded with a smile, which made Hitch smile in relief. Sunset then came to them with a raised eyebrow. “Maybe instead of complaining about the forest, how about paying attention to your surroundings, Hitch.” She suggested. Hitch gave a sheepish smile, knowing what Sunset was saying since he didn’t pay attention to where he was going. “Okay, good point.” He said as he and Sparky trotted off to catch up to the others while Sunset trotted from behind. Twilight then sneakily appeared to Sunset’s ear with nopony looking as she whispered to her. “Seeing all of these vines reminds me very loosely of that mess with the Plunder Vines one week after I got back to Equestria following my first time in the human world.” She said, remembering the time when the Everfree Forest was out of control after she got back from CHS to get her crown back. “Hopefully, it's not going to be anywhere near as bad, but I can't blame any of the others for getting creeped out.” She added. “Don’t worry, Twilight.” Sunset whispered with a smile. “If there was any trouble, Izzy and the other Unicorns would’ve told us about it, and this is a different forest compared to the Everfree Forest, it’s actually a lot better.” She added. Twilight then smiled from this as she knew that was true. “Yeah, I guess it’s true. Nothing can go wrong in this forest.” She said with a smile before going back to the necklace. Behind them, the Pippsqueaks are following while Peach Fizz giggling happily as she trotted ahead of her friends, knowing the forest as well since she’s a unicorn while Seashell and Glory carefully followed behind since they don’t know the forest as their friend Peach Fizz is. Glory then trips as she flips over the branches. “Aah!” She cried out as she landed flat on the ground. As she got up but got one of her hind hooves stuck on a loose root on the ground as she grunt in effort of getting it off. “Oh, no! I'm stuck!” She cried out as Seashell came to her side as they tried to get her friend free as she grabbed Glory’s hoof and grunt in effort to pull her free. But the pull was too hard as the two ponies starts rolling across the forest as they screamed and hit a branch that got them up into the air as they went through a broken tree as they slide down, once they made it to the other end, they landed on a pile of mud as they got some on them. “Whoa. Where are we?” Seashell asked wanting to know where they are. “Peach Fizz? Ponies? Hello?” Glory called out as she and Seashell got scared as they began to form tears in their eyes. “Oh, no. I think we might be…” She and Glory then teared up as they hugged as they cried out with tears flowing like waterfalls. “Lost!” Both Glory and Seashell cried out as they hug each other. With the rest of the Mane 6 and Peach Fizz, Izzy came out of a bush as she raised her hoof with a smile. “Ta-daaaa!” Izzy cheered. Peach Fizz came out next to her as she raised her hoof as well. “Yay! Ah!” She said with a smile. In front of them are everypony from Bridlewood, Zephyr Heights and Maretime Bay all together, even Alphabittle and Queen Haven as well as they chatter to one another while waiting for the right time to set off the fireworks. And then Sunny, Sunset, Zipp, Pipp and Hitch came out of the bushes while looking very tired from trotting through the forest as Sunny groaned tirelessly. “That was a long path, the forest is big.” Sunset commented. “How's my hair?” Pipp asked the others as her mane is a little frizz out from all the trotting through the forest as Zipp and Hitch looked at her. “Does it look like I've been dragged backwards through a hedge?” She asked, wanting to know the condition of her mane. Hitch answered with a raised eyebrow. “Just a little something right... there?” He unsurely said to Pipp while tapping something on Pipp’s mane. Pipp turned her head and was shock to see a bird’s nest on her mane somehow as a bird squawks and flew out of it’s nest while Pipp opened her mouth in shock while Hitch and Zipp just kept watching while Sparky smiled as he tried to reach the bird as it flew off. “Look!” Sunny called out with a smile while pointing to the crowd. “Every pony kind is here!” She called out as she saw everypony from all three kinds came together. Hitch is doing a headcount of the group, with Pipp getting the nest out of her hair as she cringes at it while Zipp just watches as Hitch speaks as he comes next to Sunny. “Actually, I've done a headcount, and, uh... not everypony is here.” He said in a grim tone and expression as Sparky gasped in shock. “Glory and Seashell.” Pipp said as she saw that Peach Fizz is here, but Glory and Seashell isn’t as she gasped in worry. “Oh, no! The Pippsqueaks!” She called out in worry. “They're missing?!” Sunny cried out in shock that Glory and Seashell are missing. “We must’ve lost them in the woods!” Sunset cried out in worry. “Missing?!” Alphabittle cried out in shock, having heard what Sunny just called out as the crowd gasped in shock that Glory and Seashell are missing. “Oh, no! Poor Pippsqueaks!” Rufus cried out in panic. “These woods will eat them alive!” Thunder called out, which made the crowd panic more. Sunset then sighs as she places a hoof on her face. “You should really learn indoor voices, Sunny.” She said, stating that Sunny should really use her indoor voice to avoid causing panics. Sunny gave a sheepish chuckle to Sunset while facing the crowd. “Okay, everypony just stay calm! Izzy knows Bridlewood like the back of her hoof!” She gave an assuring smile. “Yeah, Izzy and other Unicorns know Bridlewood better than any others so finding Glory and Seashell will be easy.” Sunset added with an assuring smile as well. Sunny then turned to Izzy. “Right, Izzy?” She asked with a smile. Izzy smiled as she nodded. “Oh, yeah! Totally! No problem!” She said as she turned around as she spoke again. “Well, there's maybe one problem. Bridlewood is gigantic! Where would we even start?!” She cried out in a panic as she began to sweat nervously, knowing how big Bridlewood is and there are many places that Glory and Seashell could be. This causes the ponies to gasp more. Sunset facehoof herself from this. “Can’t you ever try to lighten the mood for once, Izzy?” She asked the unicorn, who chuckled sheepishly as she made a mistake to cause more panic. “This is terrible! We'll never find them!/They're doomed!” Two earth ponies called out as they chatted in worry for Glory and Seashell. Hitch stomped his hooves on the ground hard to get the ponies attention, but not loud enough. Sparky saw this as he held his breath and breathed out a big dragon fire into the air, which startled the ponies, including Sunny, Sunset and Hitch, to quiet down and look at Sparky in shock as he gave a determined expression at them. Sunset then spoke first while still in shock. “Thanks, Sparky.” She said in surprise that the baby dragon made one big dragon fire as she turned to Hitch. “You were going to say something, Hitch?” She asked the Sheriff. “Ponies, focus!” Hitch called out to the crowd. “We need a plan if we're gonna find those ponies quickly!” He added, trying to get the ponies to calm down so they can think of a way to find Glory and Seashell. “I say we use Earth pony magic and part the trees of the forest!” Rufus declared while lifting a hoof that was glowing green. “Neigh way!” Thunder argues as he is in the air with Flare and Windy. “We need to fly above the forest! We'll find them quicker if we search from the air!” He pointed out. “Hah!” Alphabittle called out. “You Pegasus think everything could be solved by flapping up about in the sky!” He commented rudely. The ponies then argue to either one about their own plans to find Glory and Seashell. Sunny saw this reaction as she gasped at the ponies arguing with each other while Sunset facehooved again. “Here we go again.” Sunset sighs with a groan, seeing that these ponies are fighting again. Rufus then used his Earth Pony magic as he stomped his hoof down as it aimed for a tree as it shakes, which made Izzy and Peach Fizz gasped in surprise as they moved out of the way as the tree then bent, the other Earth Ponies followed Rufus as they used their magic to move many of the trees to clear a path. Thunder and the other Pegasi then flew to the air and searched around over the trees to see if they could find Glory and Seashell. Alphabittle and other Unicorns then used their magic to lift an entire tree up, which showed a racoonicorn as many other trees are starting to lift up, with the racoonicorn yelping in fright as he was on a broke log as it lifted up into the air. “Aah!” Thunder and a few other Pegasi hit a few trees as they fell from the sky. Posey and an Earth Pony stallion are using their magic to move the trees, but the stallion saw the trees falling from the sky. “Aah!” He cried out as he ran out of the way before the tree hit him. Posey looked in surprise and shock and looked up as she saw the trees falling from the sky. “Aah!” She cried out as she trotted out of the way before another tree landed on her. An Earth Pony stallion next to Peach Fizz moved a tree, but gasps when he saw the racoonicorn heading right for him as it landed on his face and fell backwards as the racoonicorn yelps from impact as Peach Fizz cringe from that. Hitch ran among the crowd to figure out what to do as the ponies were screaming from the chaos, but then Hitch got smacked to the face again by a tree branch that was free from an Earth Pony’s magic. “Ow! What is it with these branches?!” He asked himself in disbelief, wanting to know why the branches are hitting him after the smack he received again. Sunny and Sunset watch this unfold as they are speechless from the chaos as Zipp came next to them as she spoke. “Not quite the display of unity we hoped for, huh?” She asked as the chaos was still going as ponies were screaming in a panic. “Nope. These ponies really need to work it out together.” Sunset said in an annoying tone, really sick of these ponies arguing with one another as she turned to Sunny. “Sunny, you know what we need to do, as Alicorns, we must make peace and work things out peacefully.” She said in a determined tone. Sunny and Sunset then gave each other determined expressions as they nodded to each other. “I've got an idea!” Sunny called out determinedly. “Go for it, Sunny!” Sunset called out, knowing what Sunny was about to do to get these ponies' attention. Sunny nodded to Sunset as she focused her magic as she began to glow and levitated into the air as Sunset smiled and flew next to her as Zipp smiled as well as she backed up a bit to give room. Alphabittle, Rufus and Thunder glare at each other while Alphabittle growls at them before they see Sunny glowing with Sunset flying next to her. “Huh?” Alphabittle said in confusion and surprise while Rufus and Thunder gasped at this. Sunny focuses her magic as she summons her Alicorn form as her horn and wings appear as she smiles and flies around before striking a pose as she shines bright. “Uh…” An Earth Pony stallion said in surprise as every ponies looked in surprise as a tree landed on the ground with a thud, but the ponies ignored it as they paid close attention to Sunny and Sunset. “ENOUGH!” Sunset called out to the crowd below her and Sunny, which caused the ponies to flinch, knowing how Sunset is when things don’t go well. “This stupid bickering of who’s great idea to find Glory and Seashell isn’t working! All is causing chaos and panicking and messing up the forest! If we are not careful, we could end up hurting Seashell and Glory in the process!” She called out the flaw in these three at once ideas and the mess it will make. “Sunset’s right!” Sunny agreed as she spoke to the crowd. “So everypony, listen up! Right now, two little ponies are lost, and all that matters is that we find them!” She pointed out. “So how about instead of going against one of each other's ideas, how about we combine all three of your ideas and  search methods into one organized and cohesive effort.” Sunset declared. “I mean, come on, we've already been through stuff like this enough times the past few months where you shouldn't need any further reminders." She added. “Sunset’s right!” Sunny agreed, backing up Sunset. “We learned that if we work together in Unity, we can accomplish anything! Not go up against one another and go about our own ideas, we need to work together if we are ever to find those fillies!” She declared. “So you ponies can either run around in a panic and argue like little foals, or you work together and find our missing ponies!” Sunset finished as she pointed a hoof at them. The ponies gave a thought to each other and realized that they weren’t in Unity since they were worried for the two missing fillies.  “Sunny and Sunset are right. We have to work together.” Alphabittle spoke to the crowd, taking Sunny and Sunset’s words by heart as Jazz nodded in agreement while Rocky gave a look to the crowd. The ponies looked at each other, taking the words by heart as they gave each other determined looks as they nodded to each other, going to calm down and work together if they are ever going to find Seashell and Glory. Izzy and Peach Fizz to each other with a smile as the rest of the Mane 6 smiled at each other, seeing that things have calmed down and Sunny and Sunset’s plan have worked so they can find Seashell and Glory together. Sunny and Sunset smiled at this outcome as they gave each other a nod as Sunny focused her magic more as she began to sparkle as she and Sunset flew high into the air. “Let’s fly!” Sunset said to Sunny as she focused her magic to give her a boost as the two Alicorns flew at high speed to begin their search for Seashell and Glory, and if they can see their glow to light their way. Somewhere in the forest, Seashell and Glory are still covered in mud as they still have tears in their eyes, really scared at being alone in the woods as Seashell trips and tells the floor with a grunt. Glory picks up her friend as Seashell gives a whimper before they look up and see a glow as they see Sunny and Sunset flying overhead of them with determined expressions to find the missing fillies. Glory and Seashell smiled tearfully at the two alicorns at their sight as they waved their hooves at them. “Sunny! Sunset! Over here! Help us!” Glory cried out happily to the two ponies if they could hear them. Sunset and Sunny heard that sound as they looked down and saw Glory and Seashell as they smiled. “Found them! They're safe!” Sunny called out happily. “A little dirty, but okay!” Sunset called out in relief. “Ponies, create a path between us and the clearing!” Sunny called out to the ponies below them. “Give them a clear path so that they can know their way!” Sunset added. The ponies gave a determined expression as they got into position as followed by Sunny and Sunset as they warmed up their magic. Where the two Pippsqueaks are, Thunder then landed in front of Glory and Seashell. “Ah!” They said happily that they were found. “Follow the cutie mark trail!” Thunder declared as he focus magic into his Cutie Mark as it gave a glow as it shot up into the sky, other ponies’ Cutie Marks then shoot a light into the sky, making a path for Seashell and Glory to follow, having recently learned how to use their Cutie Marks glow as a beacon in case any of them got lost. Seashell and Glory start giggling happily as they start to follow the Cutie Mark trail with Thunder behind them. The two Pippsqueaks then slide down some roots that were grown by Posey, who was smiling, to make a slide as the two fillies slide down while still giggling as they start following the trail as they pass Rocky and Jazz as they keep giggling. Sunny and Sunset watches overhead as more Cutie Mark trail glows into the sky as the Pippsqueaks kept following. And then a rock that was blocking Glory and Seashell now levitated out of the way, thanks to the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies move the trees aside with their magic to give them an open while Zipp and the other Pegasi flew over them to make sure the other Ponies on the other side know where they are for them clear a path as Seashell and Glory kept giggling while tearing up happily as Alphabittle moved a bush out of their way with his magic as the two fillies kept trotting off.   Seashell and Glory ran straight to Peach Fizz and Pipp, with the two latter tearing up happily that her friends are okay as the four got into a group up as the Pippsqueaks starts crying happily. “Pippsqueaks! Oh, I'm so happy you're okay!” Pipp said in relief as she hugged them with little tears in her eyes as the rest of her friends smiled at this, glad that Seashell and Glory are safe and sound. Sunset and Sunny smiled down at this as they are glad that the Pippsqueaks are okay, just then, the fireworks began to show as they pop up from the sky behind the two Alicorns as the ponies looked and sound in awed at the fireworks. Thunder gasps in amazement at this. “What a sight!” He said in amazement. Izzy got in front of the crowd with a smile. “Yeah! And the fireworks are pretty awesome, too!” She cheered, thinking Thunder was talking about the Pippsqueaks reunion. Sunny and Sunset landed on the ground as Sunny sighed happily. “We really can do anything when we work together.” She said with a smile to the crowd. “And it looks like we did it just in time, too, Sunny. Look.” Sunset said with a smile as she turned and looked at the fireworks while tapping Sunny to turn around. Sunny turned to where Sunset was looking and from the colors flashing from the fireworks on the crowd as she saw the fireworks behind her as she looked at them with an excited smile. “Ooh, look! They're starting!” She cried out happily with sparkles in her eyes while pointing a hoof at the fireworks. “And they’re amazing!” Sunset called out in awed at the fireworks. The fireworks go off one by one as they show each ponykind, an Earth Pony, a Pegasus and a Unicorn. The crowd and the Mane 6 looked and sounded in awed as Izzy smiled with sparkles in her eyes while Pipp took a picture of it on her phone with a smile while the Pippsqueaks looked in awed at this. Sunny and Sunset looked at the fireworks as Sunny gave sparkles in her eyes with a smile as Sunset smiled in awed at this, finding the fireworks great while giving Sunny a smile, really feel happy to see her smile. End of Chapter 42. > Chapter 43: Bridlewood Spog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 43: Bridlewood Spog In Mane Melody, Pipp gives a shocked look as she is talking to somepony on her phone.  “Whaaaaaaaaat?!” Pipp cried out in shock, while Sunset and Izzy were next to her, Sunset just raised an eyebrow at Pipp’s reaction while Izzy gave Pipp a cheery smile and waved at her to get her attention. “What do you mean you lost the glimmerberry shampoo?!” She asked the pony on the phone in shock, apparently a product of glimmerberry shampoo was gone, which made Pipp have a nervous breakdown from that. The pony on the phone gave a high-pitch response, since only Pipp could hear on her phone while Sunset and Izzy couldn't. “Racoonicorns?!” Pipp asked in disbelief as another high-pitched tone appeared while Sunset and Izzy listened. “Attacked the trailer?!” She asked again as it gave another high-pitch response. “ATE IT ALL?!?” She asked in shock and disbelief about what happened to her product. Sunset raised an eyebrow from that. “Okay, that’s ridiculous. There’s no way a racoonicorn is stupid enough to eat all that shampoo.” She said, thinking a racoonicorn eating all the glimmerberry shampoo is weird and strange. Izzy looked out the window and saw the racoonicorn who ate all the glimmerberry shampoo walking by, with it’s belly bloated from the amount he ate as he belches out bubbles from the shampoo as it covered its mouth and sat on the floor. Izzy gave a strange look at the racoonicorn, even she finds that weird from a creating eating a shampoo. “It definitely happened all right, Sunset.” She said to Sunset, seeing the real deal. “Well, how am I supposed to do a product launch without any product?!” Pipp asked the pony on the phone in panic as it gave another high-pitched response, which was not good. “UGH!” She groaned in frustration as she pressed on her phone, ending the call as she paced back and forth. “Okay.” She started panting and sweating nervously. “Think, Pipp. Think.” She said to herself as she tried to think of another product idea. Izzy then appeared next to Pipp excitedly with sparkles in her eyes. “Ah! I can help!” She said to Pipp. Pipp didn’t hear Izzy as she took out her phone, and looked at the countdown while Izzy took a closer look at it as well, while appearing around it as Sunset looked from behind them. “Four hours 'til we launch. No time to make my own.” Pipp said, stating that she doesn’t have enough time to make her own products, since it takes longer to make than it needs to be. “Yeah, knowing you when you make new products, it takes longer than it needs to be.” Sunset said in agreement, having experienced how Pipp makes her products and how long it takes to make them. “I can help!” Izzy said to Pipp again with a smile. Pipp didn’t hear Izzy again as she was biting her hoof nervously, but then gave an idea smile. “Wait! We just got a shipment of new hoof cream!” She said with a cheered smile with sparkles in her eyes. “I'll launch that instead!” She said with a smile. Sunset tried to get Pipp to listen. “Pipp, Izzy is trying to tell you that…” She was cut off when Pipp didn’t hear her as Pipp opened the cabinet supplies door. But once Pipp opens the door with a smile, she then gasps at what she’s seeing. “Izzy!” She cried out in shock. Apparently, Izzy has used the hoof creams in the storage room, which she is using as paint on the walls as all the hoof creams are opened and some messy on Izzy, on some boxes and some on the floor. “I mean, the mane's a little off.” Izzy said with a smile while looking at the hoof cream painting of Pipp she did with the hoof cream. Sunset showed and saw this as she facehoof herself from this. “Izzy, when a pony already has a solution to their problems, don’t try to get rid of it just so you can show up your ideas!” She scolded. Izzy flinched from Sunset’s scolding as she gave a sheepish smile. “I got a little carried away. Sorry.” She apologizes to both of them before facing Pipp. “But seriously, Pipp, I can help.” She said to Pipp, wanting to help her out. Pipp sighs with a hoof on her head as she and Sunset walk towards Izzy. “Fine. Izzy, I need your help.” She said to Izzy. Izzy smiled at the answer. “Awesome!” She cheered with a raise of her hoof, while Pipp was a little nervous while Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Mind if I join along?” Sunset said, going to see what Izzy’s idea is. “Sure thing Sunset!” Izzy answered with a smile. “Follow me! It's time for a day at the Bridlewood Spog!” She declared with a smile, which caught Sunset and Pipp’s attention, since they didn’t know Bridlewood had their own spa. “I'll grab us a couple of towels.” She said to them as she walked off to grab the towels for them. “Bridlewood Spa?!” Pipp said with excitement and sparkles in her eyes as Izzy wiped the hoof cream off her with a towel. “Didn’t know Bridlewood had one of those.” Sunset said in surprise, didn’t know Bridlewood had a spa. “Ah!” Pipp yelled in excitement as Izzy twirled her towel in her hoof. “You never told me there was a Bridlewood Sp—” She was cut off when Izzy accidentally smacked the towel on Pipp’s face when she put it on her back. “Ow!” She called out in pain from the smack. “Izzy, careful when you twirl a towel around.” Sunset called out. Izzy sweat sheepishly from her mistake as she gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry! Come on!” She called out as she led the way as the three ponies exited Mane Melody. Sometime later, the three ponies are in the forest of Bridlewood as Izzy leads the way to Bridlewood Spog. Izzy gives an excited squeal as she leads the way for Pipp and Sunset. “Ooh! Okay. It's the best kept secret in all of Equestria. Feel the stress float out of your mane and calm seep into your hooves.” She said as she stopped, which Pipp and Sunset followed as she inhaled herself with a smile. “Here it is!” She excitedly said as she used her magic to move the bushes aside, to reveal a mud green like puddle that was bubbling. Pipp and Sunset cringe at this while Izzy smiled at the sight. Pipp looked down as she saw a bubble forming in the pond as it popped. “Aah!” She cried out in startled, which caused her to flap her wings as she jumped back a bit. “This is Bridlewood Spa?” She questioned Izzy while having a gross out expression. “Spa?” Izzy asked in confusion as she gave a small laugh as she spoke. “No, no-no-no! Spog! S-P-O-G! Spog!” She corrected Pipp as she spelled out the name. “To be honest, Izzy, ‘Spog’ and ‘Spa’ do rhyme, which I can see the confusion me and Pipp just realize.” Sunset said, while feeling grossed out by this, they should really pay close attention to what Izzy said carefully. “What is a spog?” Pipp asked in confusion. “Yeah, we need more details about this, Izzy. We don’t know everything about Bridlewood yet, you know.” Sunset added, wanting to know as well. “Oh, it's a special bog.” Izzy answered with a smile while pointing at the bog. “‘Bog’ because it's a bog, and "special" because it's special.” She said as she gave a smile and sparkles in her eyes as she placed a hoof on her cheek while Sunset and Pipp still look a little disturbed by this. “Come on, I'll give you both the tour.” She said happily as she skipped ahead. Pipp and Sunset looked at each other as Sunset spoke. “To be honest, like that time when we went on that treasure hunt to find the rest of Sunny’s ancient blanket that somehow showed us, Bridlewood can be more surprises then it needs to be.” Sunset commented, knowing not to judge things quickly without trying them out. “Yes, but still, this is a little disturbing.” Pipp said while looking at the bog in disgust. “Compared to what Bridlewood showed us, it can be more surprising than ever.” Sunset commented as she walked off to catch up to Izzy. “Good point.” Pipp said, seeing the point but still grossed out by the bog as the mud in it kept bubbling as she jumped a bit, and then ran off to catch up to Sunset and Izzy.  Pipp manages to catch up to them as a Unicorn elderly mare is relaxing in the bog with tomatoes in her eyes as Pipp spoke. “Look, Izzy, I appreciate the help and showing this to me and Sunset, but, um, bog mud isn't exactly on brand for Potions by Pipp.” She said as she shook off a piece of mud from her hoof as she pointed to herself with a small smile. “Pipp, Izzy’s gone.” Sunset said while giving a boring expression that Izzy disappeared again during Pipp’s talking. Pipp looked in shock at what Sunset just said as she looked at where Izzy used to be. “Izzy? Izzy?” She calls Izzy, wanting to know where she is. “Seriously, how can that pony disappear like how Pinkie can?” Sunset questioned while looking around for Izzy. “But, knowing Izzy, she can reappear any moment now.” She added, knowing Izzy likes to pop up unexpectedly. In one of the bog puddles, it started rumbling as it burst out, which caused both Pipp and Sunset to scream in shock and surprise from that. But they soon realize that it's Izzy, because she starts babbling and she shakes the mud off her as she sighs in relaxation. “What are you two  waiting for? Put some vegetables on your face and get in here!” She said to both Sunset and Pipp as she placed two carrot pieces on her eyes and layed back in the puddle. Pipp and Sunset looked at each other, feeling a little grossed out as Sunset spoke. “Well, never judge a mud bath from its looks, as they always say.” Sunset said as she stepped into the mud puddle, which surprised her at how it felt. “It’s warm.” She said in surprise as she laid back as she sighs. “Hey, this does feel good.” She said with a relaxing smile. “Told you!” Izzy cheered to Sunset as she turned to Pipp. “Come on, Pipp! Join us!” She waved to Pipp. Pipp however was still grossed out as she spoke. “Ummmm... yeah, I just... I think this mud is, um…” She tried to say but didn't know what to say to them as she gave a nervous expression. Izzy’s carrot eyes fell into the mud as she smiled. “Yeah, it's way too bubbly.” She said while pointing at the puddle before turning to Pipp. “Say no more, 'cause I got something I know you two are gonna love.” She said as she got out of the mud puddle as she smiled at Pipp, who gave a gross out expression to Izzy. Sunset got out next as she shook the mud off her as she smiled. “Well, Izzy, after that sudden mud bath, I would give the other one a shot.” She said with a smile as Izzy smiled back while Pipp widened her eyes at Sunset, surprised that she was going along with this. The Elderly Unicorn mare in the mud puddle then tossed her tomato pieces into the air before they landed in her mouth as she ate them. A little bit later, Izzy led them to another part of the bog with a mud stream with rocks over them. Izzy clears her throat. “And now we're going to step into the hooficure stream, full of hoof-nibbling bugs that nibbly-nibble-nibble on your hooves.” She said as Sunset and Pipp looked at the stream. The two ponies saw hoof-nibbling bugs on the stream, cutely rolling around, and the more appeared from the stream, showing a lot of them. Pipp then gave a whimper at the sight as Sunset cringe from it. Izzy then lifted her hoof, which is covered in mud and some bugs in it. “It makes them soooo smooth.” She said with a smile as she waved her hoof at Sunset and Pipp before jumping ahead. “I am not touching this one.” Sunset said as she hopped across the stream on rocks, not going to let some bugs touch her. Pipp gives a nervous laugh and a nervous smile. “Just what everypony wants... “ She started as she jumped on the rocks as well, grunts in effort while hopping on each one, avoiding the bugs and mud. “...to put on their hooves.” She hopped on another rock. “Bug paste.” She then hopped on another one, but it turned out that she landed on a big turtle shell, as the turtle woke up and gave Pipp a mean look, which caused Pip to scream as she dashed off in fright and surprise. A little bit later, in a spa room in the bogs, the three ponies are laying on relaxation beds while laying on their bellies as a unicorn mare places some mud on Izzy’s back. Izzy sighs in relaxation at the touch of the mud in her back. “This is the life, huh?” She asked Sunset and Pipp with a relaxed smile. “Really helps get the knots out of your back.” She added. Sunset was laying on another bed as she felt relaxed. “You said it. Right, Pipp?” She turned her head, but then widened her eyes as she saw that it’s not Pipp, but a homemade dummy out of grass and branches as the Unicorn mare massaging it was oblivious about it. “Oh, for sure.” Pipp’s voice called out, Sunset looked down and saw Pipp hiding underneath the bed while sweating nervously. “I feel like a brand new pony. Ugh.” She acted, while feeling a little nervous about this, and then she looked at Sunset as she flinched when she saw the look the Alicorn is giving her. “Really?” Sunset whispered firmly to Pipp, who shrugged sheepishly, not wanting to get mud on her. And then after that, they are in a steam room with towels on them as heated rocks steam up the place. “And this is the steam room.” Izzy said with a smile. Sunset smiled at this. “Heh, this is nice and toasty.” She said as she felt the steam relaxing her. Pipp smiled at this, finding the steam room great, finding the one thing she liked about Bridlewood Spog. “Huh. This is actually kind of nice.” She commented. Izzy then pulled down a rope next to her, which made a shower faucet appear above them as it dripped out some mud, which Sunset saw and gave Izzy a look. “Seriously, Izzy?” She asked in disbelief, knowing what’s gonna happen for Pipp.  Pipp gave a gasp after seeing this, and then she screamed as she flew out while dragging Sunset along with her as more mud came flowing down from the steam room, which is apparently a tree building, Pipp landed after the sudden mudslide as she put Sunset down as she starts panting from the adrenaline.  “Okay, I don’t know how you get that strong, but wow talk about mudslides.” Sunset commented. Pipp then gave an irritated look as she spoke. “Look, Izzy, you're not listening—” She tried to speak about this, but then screamed as some mud splat on her face and Sunset’s as well. Izzy walked out of the steam room with giggles while holding a bowl of mud while having some on her face as well. “Mud mask?” She asked them with a smile. “Izzy, really?” Sunset asked the cheery unicorn, knowing now's not the time. “Ah, gross!” Pipp cried out in disgust as she wiped some of the mud off her. “Gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-gross-GROSS!” She cried out as she then gave an angry growl at Izzy. “I-I-I don't want to sell this slimy green mud in my store, okay?!” She called out to Izzy. “It's more of a burnt seaweed color actually—” Izzy tried to say innocently but was cut off. “I don't care!” Pipp snapped at Izzy, having enough of this as Izzy flinched from Pipp’s outburst. “It just doesn't fit in the Potions by Pipp product line! END! OF!” She yelled out at Izzy’s face. Which caused the Unicron to tear up from that. “That’s enough, Pipp!” Sunset called out as she pushed Pipp away from Izzy. “Sure you may not like mud, but this coming from a pony with her own face mask in Mane Melody! And not to mention you never even tried them out when you keep denying them!” She lectured. “Seriously! How are you going along with this, Sunset?!” Pipp asked in disbelief. “Because at least I’m trying them out instead of avoiding them!” Sunset yelled out, which made Pipp flinch from that. “You may do fashion, Pipp, but not everything can be judged by how it looks or your way! Remember when that treasure hunt we had when we were searching for the pieces of the blanket! Izzy showed us something gross in Bridlewood, but it turned out to be something great! And yet here we are, in another gross out part in Bridlewood, and you complain about something that you don’t like, while it seems every Unicorn hears enjoy it! Heck, I enjoy it! Yet you don’t even see it since you tried to keep your appearance! Stop judging them and give something new a chance! Whether it’s gross or not!” She yelled out, having enough about Pipp’s attitude, sure she let it slide a few times, but yelling at Izzy was crossing the line for her. Pipp groaned from this as she spoke. “Fine! Well, I’m going back to Mane Melody. I have had enough of this mud thing for one day!” She called out as she began to tear up and walked away, leaving a tearing Izzy and a feeling bad Sunset, sure Sunset went far at lecturing Pipp, but it had to be said since this pony doesn't like getting dirty in something that was meant for relaxing. Sunset turned to Izzy as she spoke. “Izzy, I know you were just trying to help, but you may have gone a little too far on this one, when you should’ve just gone slow on this instead of just doing it without asking somepony.” She said in a soft tone to the tear up Unicorn. “I know. I just wanted to help Pipp with her product. I didn’t think she would be like this.” Izzy said in a guilt tone. Sunset sighs as she continues. “Izzy, you can always help other ponies, but in case they have found a solution on their own, you can’t just get rid of it if you want to help other ponies, because that is just selfish.” She said while placing a wing on Izzy. “And not to mention the spog thing in Bridlewood is great and all for me, but you know how Pipp is when she gets messy, she even complains of a tiny spot on her coat half the time.” She reminded her of how Pipp is when she’s messy. Izzy thought of what Sunset just said, remembering how Pipp reacts even if she gets a little messy and how things have been lately as she gave a sigh. “I guess you’re right, Sunset. I should’ve remembered how Pipp is when she hates getting dirty.” She said. “And you did your best. Pipp just can’t give these things a chance when it’s mud or dirt related.” Sunset said as she and Izzy looked at where Pipp walked off to. “We should do something for Pipp to make things better for her.” She said, which Izzy nodded in agreement. As they walked off, Sunset picked some mud off her mane, but as she did, she saw Izzy looking at her in amazement. “What, Izzy? Do I still have some mud on me?” She asked in confusion. “No. Look at your mane and tail.” Izzy said in amazement with sparkles in her eyes while pointing at Sunset’s mane and tail. Sunset raised an eyebrow at Izzy before looking at her mane and tail as she widened her eyes in shock at the sight. “What in the Celestia…” She said in awed with sparkles in her eyes as well at what she was seeing on her mane and tail. Sometime later at Mane Melody, ponies are gathered around as they are having a little party for Pipp to make her announcement while Jazz, Rocky and Hitch pass some snacks for them. Hitch stopped in front of a Pegasus stallion as he presented his snack plate. “Help yourself.” He said with a smile as his eyes closed. Before the stallion could get a snack, Sparky then gobbles up the entire plate very quickly as he burps, which gave the stallion a bored expression from that as he walked away while Hitch looked at his plate in surprise as Sparky blows out his dragon fire, which startled Hitch and the ponies around him from that. Pipp is in her products room, still has some mud on her as she sighs at this and goes to the mirror with a nervous smile. “Presenting my brand new Potions by Pipp product... Nothing!” She sarcastically calls out as her right eye begins to twitch in a panic state as she sighs in despair. “Enjoy.” She said as she began to tear up as she got some of the mud off her, but then what she saw made her look in amazement. “Neigh... way!” She said with a smile as she saw her mane begin to sparkle. She quickly rubbed the rest of the mud off her as she looked at it with sparkles in her eyes and waved her mane around as it was sparkling bright as she struck a pose to her reflection. Pipp picked up some more of the mud as she rubbed it together in her hooves, which made them sparkled up as they glow bright, which made Pipp gasps in amazement and awed at it with sparkles in her eyes, having the right idea for her new products. “Knockity-knock.” Izzy’s voice was heard as Pipp turned and saw Izzy and Sunset at the doorway of the product room as they smiled at her. “Wow! Pipp, your mane is sparkling! Literally!” Sunset said in amazement, never seen a mane glow like that before. Pipp smiled at her friends as she got close to them. “Izzy! Sunset! Oh, my glitter, this mud is incredible!” She sang the last word happily as she waved a piece of mud in her hoof around. “It is?” Izzy asked in surprise while sweating nervously before correcting herself. “I mean, uh, yeah! It is!” She said with a nervous smile. “No, it really is!” Pipp excitedly assured Izzy. “It super is! It really-super-mega-really-totally-super IS!” She excitedly said with sparkles in her eyes as she squealed in excitement as she turned back to the mirror. “Sunset was right about your idea, I should've given your spog a chance instead of being so worried about what it looks like. I'm sorry, Izz.” She apologized to Izzy before turning to Sunset. “And I’m sorry, Sunset. You were right, I should’ve tried out the spog instead of avoiding it.” She said to Sunset with a forgiving smile to them. “Thanks, Pipp.” Sunset said with a forgiving smile. “And that’s okay, we should’ve guessed how dirty you are with dirt on you. And to be honest, I’m surprised the mud Izzy showed has some effects on ponies that make them sparkle, literally.” She said. “And I'm sorry, too, Pipp.” Izzy said to Pipp. “I know mud isn't exactly what you had in mind for Potions by Pipp and I shouldn’t have ruined your backup like the cream hoof stuff just to share my idea to help out. Which is why…” She pointed her hoof to the doorway, which showed three bunnycorns, one of them holding a bottle of purple something while the other two carried a crate load of them. “Sunset and I made you something I think might work better.” She added as she held out a bowl with the bunnycorn purring the purple stuff in it. “We even colored the mud to make it less, uh, gross.” She said with a small smile. “And I was surprised by the effects it had on me when I got it out of my mane and tail as well, Pipp.” Sunset said, had the experience Pipp just had that made her mane and tail sparkled as Sunset showed her sparkling mane. “And I gotta say, it’s really amazing.” She said with a smile as she flipped her mane around. Pipp then looked at the bowl as she gave sparkling eyes. “It's…” She started as she started to tear up and sniffled happily as she continued with teary eyes. “...totes perfect!” She said as she gave a squeak at it. Sunset chuckled at Pipp’s reaction. “Keep it together, Pipp. You got a new product to announce.” She reminded her with a smirk. “Right!” Pipp said, recomposing herself as she grabbed one of the bottles of the new and improved mud as she twirled it around in her hoof. “This launch is back on!” She declared with a determined expression with a smile. At the stage of Mane Melody, the room darkens as it gets the ponies' attention as Pipp’s voice echoed throughout the room. “The age of shampoo is over!” The lights turned on as the ponies turned to the stage and saw Pipp on her microphone with her mane sparkling. “The age of Bridle Shine has begun!” She declared as Izzy came up on stage, Sunset was at the side for showing as Pipp placed the purple mud stuff on Izzy’s mane and rubbed on it. “Exfoliating! Rejuvenating! Shine-ifying!” She declared as Izzy tossed her sparkling mane and tail around as she struck a pose with a smile to the crowd. “Whoa!” The ponies in the room all said awed at what they saw, finding it beautiful and amazing. “This new product and make names glow and sparkle when you add to it! It can even make your hooves sparkle up as well!” Pipp continued while pointing at Sunset, who was rubbing some on her hooves, which caused them to sparkle up as well. “Wow!” The ponies all said in awed again, finding that amazing as well. Pipp continues her announcement while pointing at Sunset and Izzy who are smiling at the crowd. “It's the magic of Bridlewood's finest spog bottled for your beauty!” She finished with a smile as she gave a wink to the crowd. Just then, a unicorn filly appeared with a wide smile with sparkles in her eyes as she waved her money at Pipp, wanting to try Bridle Shine herself, and then all the other ponies in Mane Melody starts cheering as they waved their money out to Pipp as well with sparkles in their eyes, wanting to try out the product too. Sunset, Izzy and Pipp smiled at the crowd while having sparkles in their eyes in amazement at the reaction as they looked at each other as they tapped each other's hooves while giving each other smiles. “Talk about a new way to show your sparkle.” Sunset chuckled, which earned a little laugh to both Pipp and Izzy from that, finding that true. The crowd then got closer to the three ponies in excitement as Sunset, Pipp and Izzy started passing out the bottles. “Two bottles over here! And for you, sir? One bottle?” Pipp said to the ponies in the line as Sunset and Pipp grab the money the ponies are giving them while Pipp gives them the bottles, the amount and how much they are paying for it. “Form a line for Bridle Shine! Yes, yes! Come one, come all! Get it!” She announces with a smile as she tosses one of the bottles away to somepony. Or some critter as a crab grabbed the bottle as he opened it, poured some on himself as a sparkling yellow hair appeared on his head as the crab smiled at this. End of Chapter 43. > Chapter 44: Secret Ad-Mare-Er > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 44: Secret Ad-Mare-Er In the bedroom of the Brighthouse, Izzy is sleeping on her bed as she has a sleep mask, with googly eyes and a rainbow attached to it with green petals on the side as Izzy snores in her sleep. “Mum-mum-mum-mum-mum-mum.” Izzy muttered in her sleep as she kept snoring, and then her alarm clock went off as it rang and released some confetti next to her calendar with a heart shape on a certain date with hearts around it. Izzy then instantly woke up as she gasped with a smile, while still having the bed masks on her. “It’s Hearts and Hooves Day!” She cheered excitedly while placing her hooves on her cheeks. Apparently it’s Hearts and Hooves Day in Equestria, the one holiday where ponies share love with one another to the ones they cared about, which is still the same holiday even after generations like Nightmare Night. Izzy got out of her bed and excitedly trotted across the room, but she forgot to take off her bed mask as she hit a chandelier head on and fell to the floor as she stood back up with a confident smile, with her bed mask over her head now. “I am okay!” Izzy cheered as she tossed some confetti into the air with a smile. In the living room, Zipp focused on a plant pot with a plant sprout growing as she gave it a little bit of ration water on it. “Hhmm.” Zipp hummed to herself with a focus look with a smile as Izzy popped up from behind her from the railing stairs with sparkles in her eyes as she ducked again, then slides off to the side behind Zipp with a smile before ducking again, and then she appeared right beside Zipp with a party kazoo in her mouth as she blew it hard. “Aah!” Zipp cried out in startled as she turned and saw Izzy next to her. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Zipperdoodle!” Izzy cheered to Zipp with Sparkles in her eyes, which made Zipp look at her in confusion. Sunset then walked by as she spoke. “Hey, girls. What’s going on? I heard a noise when I was brushing my teeth.” She said to Izzy and Zipp. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Sunset!” Izzy suddenly announced, which made Sunset confused as well as Izzy got between the two ponies and placed her hooves around them as their cheeks were squishing Izzy’s. “Will you two be my pal-entines?” She asked them as she held up a big camera with her magic as she took a picture with them with sparkles in her eyes. “Hearts and Hooves Day? That’s today? And it’s still around?” Sunset asked in surprise, didn’t know that Hearts and Hooves Day is still a thing in this new era of Equestria and that it was today, not that surprising since Nightmare Night is still a thing here. “I didn’t know, but anyway, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Izzy.” She said with a smile. “Oh, right.” Zipp said with a nervous smile, didn’t know that holiday was today as well. “Yeah. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, buddy!” She said nervously to Izzy, not knowing how to respond to that. Izzy giggled as she tossed some confetti into the air as she looked at Zipp’s flower pot. “So, whatcha growin'?” She asked before she gasped at something she thought it might be as she turned to the otherside of it. “Is it a friendship plant?” She asked excitedly before she gave another gasps before she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “With heart-shaped leaves or flowers that open up and have tiny little boxes of chocolates in them?” She said as she placed her hooves on her cheeks as she visioned tiny chocolate boxes that sprouted. Sunset raised an eyebrow at Izzy’s thought. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s it.” She said, should’ve guessed something that Izzy would think of, and something Pinkie Pie would think too as she turned to Zipp. “What are you growing exactly, Zipp?” She asked the pegasus. “It's a Venus flytrap.” Zipp causally answered with a smirk as she walked closely to the two ponies while giving a spooky tone. “It eats bugs!” She added while Izzy and Sunset sweat nervously a bit from Zipp’s tone. The three then heard a tiny gasp, which startled them as they turned and saw a scared out butterfly as it screamed from what Zipp told about the flytrap as it flew away at a fast paste, leaving the three ponies to look at where it flew off with strange looks. “Best to keep that flytrap away from animals when Hitch brings in flying related tiny critters, Zipp. Or Hitch will give you a timeout in his cell for letting that plant eat those critters.” Sunset advises Zipp to keep that flytrap out of sight from tiny flying related critters that would be from inside the Brighthouse or when Hitch brings them over. “Noted.” Zipp said, going to make sure some flying related creatures that are not bugs get eaten by her flytrap and not wanting to get Hitch angry if it eats one of his tiny critter friends. Izzy recompose herself from that as she puts the pot down as she speaks. “That's not hearts-y or hooves-y.” She said with a wave of her hoof, finding this not Hearts and Hooves related. “Eh. I'm not that into Hearts and Hooves Day.” Zipp honestly said with a smile. “All the lovey-dovey decorations and hearts everywhere?” She questioned as she gave a shudder of that thought as she gave a ration water drop to her plant. Sunset rolled her eyes at that. “Zipp, to be honest, that's a special holiday for ponies to share love with one another, and it’s more about decorations and hearts everywhere you know.” She said, saying the true purpose of Hearts and Hooves Day. “And we have something similar in the human world I used to live in. And it’s called Valentine’s Day, pretty similar to Hearts and Hooves Day.” She added, knowing a holiday similar to Hearts and Hooves Day back in the world she was in. “I get that, Sunset. But I’m just not into it. And no offense, Izzy, but Pipp is a lot better at the sensitive, touchy-feely stuff than I am." Zipp admittedly said, as she may understand the holiday, but just not interested and that her sister is a lot better at that than her. “Well, that is true, knowing Pipp.” Sunset agreed, knowing that it is true that Pipp is a lot more sensitive, touch-feeling then Zipp.  And then both Sunset and Zipp turned to look at Izzy as they widen their eyes in shock and surprise as they saw Izzy covered in hearts, a pink shirt, a neck collar with a heart on it as Izzy gives a shock look at Izzy from what Zipp just said as the two ponies wonder how Izzy put that on that fast as they gave the unicorn a strange look. Izzy then gives them nervous giggles as she speaks. “That is a really good joke, Zipp!” She said as Zipp and Sunset looked at Izzy strangely as they sweat a little. “You are soooo funny! 'Cause, obviously, everypony loves Hearts and Hooves Day, right?!” She said as she got close to their faces as Izzy’s right eye twitched a bit as she grabbed them by the shoulder and squished their muzzles close to her as they looked at her, a little creep out “You both will see! You'll all see!” She declared as she then turned around with a serious expression as she pointed to McSnipsalot, who was a little scared from Izzy outburst as he walked away. Izzy then turned back to Sunset and Izzy as she gave her cheery smile. “See you later!” She said to them in her usual tone as she walked off the Brighthouse while Zipp and Sunset watched her go, with a little weird out expression from what Izzy just said. “Izzy is a little creepy and weird when she does that when she wants things to happen.” Sunset spoke, breaking the silence. “Yep.” Zipp answered. “And she will once realize the hard way that some ponies just don’t do that yet since they have only been together for over a year, right?” Sunset questioned while having a guess at how this will turn out for Izzy. “Most likely.” Zipp answered. Sunset then gave a bored expression from this, knowing that she can’t stop Izzy from doing that. “Izzy gotta learn the hard way sometimes.” She commented, knowing that Izzy will soon learn her lesson. Meanwhile, somewhere in Maretime Bay, Izzy is trotting happily. “Time to see how Maretime Bay celebrates the greatest holiday of the year!” Izzy said to herself happily as she now had sparkles in her eyes as she placed her hooves on her cheeks. “I can picture it now!” She added, visioning what Maretime Bay would be like on Hearts and Hooves Day. Izzy’s Imagination. Izzy is thinking about Maretime Bay that is covered in many heart-shaped decorations, streamers, balloons, cards, ect. As ponies around are laughing at one another around the area. Three ponies and a racoonicorn are on two heart balloons, a colt and a filly flying around while leaving a rainbow trail with hearts, and two birds, one of them is Kenneth, wearing heart necklaces flew by while chirping, and a tramcar with a heart theme on went through a heart-shape tunnel with ponies on it. End of Izzy’s Imagination. Back in reality, Izzy made it to town as she still smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she still had her hooves on her cheeks.  “Yeah! It's gonna be just like... that.” Izzy said as she then started to give a down look at that last word once she saw Maretime Bay, as it was not something she imagined about for Hearts and Hooves Day. What Izzy is seeing is just the basics sign for Hearts and Hooves Day, which titled one loose end down over the ponies, who are just walking casually, while an earth pony got covered in a banner that fell over him, which caused him to shake it a bit before tossing it to the ground while stomping on it in irritation, and a couple of ponies, a Pegasus Stallion and a Unicorn Mare are growling at each other, indication that they are arguing. Izzy kept looking before she smiled nervously. “Well…” She started as she gave a nervous laugh. “...a minor setback. No problem!” She said with a wave of her hoof. At Dahlia’s flower stand, Dahlia is watering her plants, but then she gets surprised when Izzy pops up in front of her from beside the stand. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Dahlia!” Izzy said as she placed some flowers, heart-shaped cards in her watering can while Dahlia looked in confusion. In another stand, Posey Bloom is sniffing some flowers, but then Izzy lifted a card right in front of, which caused to hit Posey in the face from sniffing hard, as she grew irritated from that as Izzy faced her. “Oh, happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Posey!” Izzy said cheerfully as she trotted off, leaving Posey to growl from what Izzy just did. And then Izzy stopped in front of a tree with white flowers on it with a smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Wow, this is a great tree.” She happily said as she placed a card on a branch of the tree. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Mr. Tree!” She happily cheers while stomping her hooves excitedly. And then, Izzy then saw Posey angrily placing the card into a recycling bin as she walked off happily with a smile as Izzy jumped in front of the bin with a frown at what she saw. “Hey, that's not the spirit.” She said to Posey, who is giving an annoying look at Izzy before she continues to walk, leaving Izzy a little sad from that. And then Fifi starts flying by with her fruit cart, which Izzy notices as she trots after her, panting and sweating and running fast to keep up with Fifi. “I... am... right... in... thinking Hearts and Hooves Day is everypony's absolute favorite day of the year, right?!” Izzy asked Fifi with a nervous smile quickly. Fifi felt uneasy about Izzy's question as she sweated a bit as she spoke. “Uhhhh, yes?” She questioned uncertainty, but then screamed when she saw something in front of her and Izzy. “Aah!” She cried out as she landed on the ground as she skidded her hooves to stop herself as Izzy stopped next to her, but her fruit cart opened up as it tossed some fruits out as it hit something. “Oww!” Hitch’s voice called out as Fifi and Izzy saw Hitch in front of them, with a pineapple that hit him in the face as it fell off, leaving Hitch covered in pineapple contents as his right eye twitch a bit in irritation that he got hit in the face with fruit, again. Fifi and Izzy stared at Hitch for a second before Fifi spoke again. “Uh... no.” She answered in a bored expression, correcting Izzy’s question she asked as she took to the air and flew off as some dust formed from her take off. Izzy then gasps in shock from Fifi’s answer before she gives a challenged expression. “Is that so...? Well, we'll see about that!” She said determinedly with a smile. (Ain’t Gonna Wait Song) (Izzy) Just show a little heart It's all about your fellow pony Izzy then starts tossing some cards and heart confetti into the air with a wide smile and sparkles in her eyes. But in the process, Izzy got the cards on a Pegasus stallion from head to chest, on a soup from an Earth Pony mare with glasses, and on a Unicorn mare’s face while she was sipping her smoothie, which made them all irritated from that. We all need a little love Don't have a heart of stone-y If you're feelin' what I'm feelin' Then get up and show me 'Cause today's not the day For bein' lonely Izzy then appeared in front of Posey again as she gave her some roses, which she accepted as she smiled Izzy as the unicorned walked backwards, but then Izzy twirled around with a little laugh as she toss some heart confetti into the air as she trotted off, but then Posey saw a piece of the flower bushes have been ripped off as she looked at the flowers that Izzy gave her and then at the bushes again as the flowers on the bush matches the ones on her hooves, putting two and two together on where Izzy got those flowers from. Posey then got mad that her face turned red in rage at what Izzy did. “Aaaahhh!!” She screamed in rage as she looked around for any signs of Izzy, who trotted happily behind her as she went out of sight of the raging pony earth pony. And then somewhere in Maretime Bay, two ponies, an Earth Pony mare who is sipping a smoothie and a Pegasus Stallion looking at his phone, minding their own business, but then Izzy appeared as she jumped into the air with a front flip, and then she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes as she landed on the bench, breaking it into two. Oh, oh, I'm spreadin' the love Like, oh, oh, it's all I've dreamt of Oh, no, don't hesitate The two ponies are surprised by Izzy’s appearance as she tosses some more confetti in the air as she trots off, leaving the two ponies to slide down to each other from the broken bench as the Pegasus’ phone clicked a picture of the two faces together. And then Izzy repeated the same process one some other benches while tossing some confetti into the air two times, with one being with a young Unicorn mare and an elder Unicorn mare sliding down and a Pegasus filly and an Earth Pony colt sliding down in surprise form Izzy, while Hitch appeared in front of them while blowing his whistle at Izzy for breaking the benches. You better follow your heart, it ain't gonna wait Izzy then got to a dumpster where a racoonicorn and bunnycorn are in, going through the trash as Izzy uses her magic to levitate them out of the dumpster and the place them on the table with a chocolate cake piece, but they got irritated as the racoonicorn then tosses the cake away as it hit Izzy’s face, while she is holding a camera, as it slides off her face while Izzy gave a bored expression form that. Love, I'm gonna show it Love, I'm gonna show it And then two stallions are giving each other a hoof bump, but then Izzy places an arch made of hearts over them as she smiles and tosses some confetti into the air, but the stallions get startled from that as they rush off, leaving Izzy in confusion. The purple one rolled across the floor and stopped as he is tied up in balloons, another stallion, who is a unicorn, was drinking some smoothie, but then Izzy toss some heart confetti in front of him, which startled him as he spit the smoothie in Izzy’s face, which surprised her from that as the unicorn stallion glared at Izzy. Izzy then came up to a Unicorn mare that she placed a card into her face as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes, but then the mare took the card off her face as she gave an irritated look, which made Izzy sad from that. Ain't no doubt about it Love's in the air, let's shout it Somewhere in a corner, Misty and Opaline are talking to each other, guessing coming up a plan together, as a sad Izzy is walking past them, which surprise the two, but Izzy was too sad to notice Opaline as she put a flower necklace on Misty saddlery as she walked by, with Opaline giving a bewilder expression from that.  Misty looked at the flower necklace around her neck as she  smiled widely at it, finding it beautiful while Opaline rolled her eyes from that as she looked at Misty, while she is looking at Opaline back uncertain as Opaline raised an eyebrow at Misty as the unicorn chuckle sheepishly at Opaline from that. Sometime later, Izzy is walking by sadly as she stops by a trash can. Izzy sighs sadly from her failed attempts for Hearts and Hooves Day. “Nopony cares about Hearts and Hooves Day. What's the point?” She asked herself sadly as she began to tear up as she levitated all the cards and hearts from her saddlebag out as she tossed them in the trash. Next to Izzy, Sunset and Zipp are at Dahlia’s stand, picking up some flower food for Zipp’s flytrap, Sunset joined her as Zipp spoke. “Thanks for helping me pick out the right plant food for my flytrap, Sunset.” Zipp thanked her with a smile. “Anytime, Zipp.” Sunset said with a smile. “I have to make sure this plant gets some plant food so that some certain flying creatures who are not bugs or flies stay safe from your plant so they won’t get trapped and eaten.” She added, wanting to make sure the flying critters in the Brighthouse and from when Hitch brings them over at times be safe from Zipp’s flytrap. “I hear that.” Zipp said in agreement, knowing that is true since she doesn’t want any flying critters or Hitch's to get trapped by her plant.  And the two ponies, and Dahlia heard rummaging as they turned and saw a racoonicorn grumbling as it popped out from the trash filled with hearts and cards as it angrily grumbles at Izzy as she sadly walked away and tossing a card out of trash before going back in. Zipp and Sunset walked to the trash and inspected it. “Hmmm…” Zipp said in thought. “Hey, Zipp.” Sunset said as she pointed at Izzy, which Zipp followed, as they saw Izzy next to the tree she placed the card on earlier, giving it a small smile. And then the card fell off the tree branch as Izzy watched it land on the fly, which made her sigh sadly as a heart antenna on her head fell off and landed on the card, which made Izzy tear up from it as tears formed in her eyes. Zipp and Sunset walked next to Izzy in concern. “Uh, you okay there, Izz?” Zipp asked in concern. “Yeah, what’s got you down, Izzy?” Sunset asked as well, and doesn't really like seeing Izzy sad. “I tried so hard to bring a little Hearts and Hooves magic to Maretime Bay, but nopony even wants to celebrate.” Izzy answered sadly as some tears dropped from her eyes at her failed attempt to get ponies to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day in Maretime Bay. Zipp gives Izzy a comforting smile as she places a hoof on her back. “Come on. I'm sure it wasn't that bad.” She assured Izzy. Sunset looked across the area and widened her eyes from what she was seeing. “You may want to see for yourself, Zipp. Look.” She said while pointing off to a direction. Zipp followed as she saw what Sunset ment. “This is awful!” A Business Unicorn Pony stallion cried out as he tried to shake the balloon attached to his right hoof off, but couldn’t as he walked off with a whimper. And then a blue racoonicorn came in with a bag as the green racoonicorn in the trash popped out as tosses some cards out  in the air as the blue one catches one in a bag as they gave squeaking sounds. Zipp raised an eyebrow, realizing that she was wrong, Sunset gave a bored expression while Izzy started to tear up again. Sunset facehooved herself as she spoke. “These ponies have been divided for so long, Hearts and Hooves lost its enthusiasm during the division. And this is the first one after the ponies are together again.” She commented, knowing that Hearts and Hooves aren’t what they used to before the ponies were divided and still being adjusted unlike Nightmare Night. Zipp nodded in agreement with Sunset before the two looked at Izzy, who was still tearing up from this as she looked down sadly as Zipp placed a hoof on her again with a comforting smile. “Look, Izzy. Love, friendship - these aren't things you can magic up with cards and heart-shaped balloons. It takes time.” She said, telling Izzy that it takes time for other ponies to process things. “Yeah. Ponies are still celebrating their first holidays together, we already went through Nightmare Night, Harvest and Hugs Day, and the three holiday names of Winter Wishday of each tribe. So the ponies are still adjusting.” Sunset added with a smile.  “Yeah.” Zipp agreed with a smile. “Like, you know, like a seed.” She added while showing her nearly sprouted flytrap that grew quickly as its stem is up straight. “You care for it and nurture it, and eventually…” Before she could finish, Zipp’s flytrap sprouted as it formed its mouth, it began to chomp as it closed its mouth as the three ponies looked at it in amazement, while Zipp smiled at her fully grown plant. “Yes! See? It grows into something amazing!” She said happily that her flytrap was fully sprouted as the three ponies smiled at it. A Pegasnail is humming happily to itself, but then the flytrap chomps at it with it’s mouth as the Pegasnail ruffled around in it as the flytrap spits it out, making the Pegasnail yelp from that, a little dizzy before it recompose itself before flying away happily as it continues to hum to itself. “Yeah, but let’s keep it away from flying critters who aren’t bugs.” Sunset commented before she turned to Izzy as she continued. “Look, Izzy, I DO appreciate the holiday enthusiasm, but you know you DO tend to take these sorts of things too far at times. The holiday CAN definitely be enjoyable, but it has to be much more gradual." She said, telling Izzy how she can go a little too far when she does these things, especially on the holidays. “Remember, ponies are still adjusting to celebrating the holidays together, and they are still getting to know each other for over a year. You can’t just make them celebrate just because of the holiday.” She said, reminding Izzy that everypony may have known each other for over a year, but they are still getting to know each other and adjusting to one another. “Huh?” Izzy asked in confusion before she realized what Sunset and Zipp were saying as she smiled at them. “So you two are saying friendships can grow like plants?” She asked them with a smile. “Exactly.” Zipp answered with a smile while holding her flytrap. “Yes, Izzy.” Sunset answered as well with a smile. “And love can blossom like a flower?” Izzy asked them again with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. “Yep!” Sunset answered again. “Right!” Zipp added as she placed her flytrap down. “And we can all have two heads like Venus flytraps?!” Izzy suddenly asked excitedly again, feeling better with sparkles in her eyes again with a wide smile. Sunset raised her eyes from what Izzy just asked as Zipp answered. “Yes! Wait, what?” Zipp asked in confusion at Izzy’s sudden question like that. Sunset looked down and widened her eyes at what she saw. “Uh, Zipp. Your flytrap.” She said while pointing at where the flytrap is. Zipp followed and saw that her flytrap had grown an extra head somehow as both mouths were chomping. “Huh! What do you know?” Zipp asked in surprise with a smile, really surprised that her flytrap had grown two heads all of a sudden, never really predicted that. “That is one surprisingly strange flytrap.” Sunset commented in surprise, knowing that this will be something Twilight would want to learn from after seeing it through the necklace and something Zipp will take extra care for, literally. Izzy smiled happily with sparkles in her eyes as she gave Sunset and Zipp a hug. “Thanks, Zipp, Sunset. You're both real friends. Hoof to heart for Hearts and Hooves?” She asked while raising her hoof at them with a smile. Zipp and Sunset smiled at Izzy as they tapped hooves together. “Hoof to heart.” They both said together. Zipp then picked up her flytrap, which was still chomping its mouths, as the sun was setting. “Come on. We better get this thing in some soil before it eats one of us.” She said while saying the last part in a playful spooky tone while the three dodge a chomp from their bites as Zipp chuckled from her joke. “And let’s make sure to keep it away from flying critters, that Pegasnail was lucky to get out.” Sunset commented as the three ponies walked off to get some soil for the flytrap.   Izzy then got between the two as she spoke with a smirk. “Soooo, have either of you got your eye on anypony?” She asked them with sparkles in their eyes as she appeared on each side at a time of Sunset and Zipp while they felt uncomfortable from Izzy’s questions. “Any secret crushes? It's Rocky, isn't it, Zipp? Ooh, you're in love with Rocky!” She suddenly said excitedly while waving her hooves while placing her hooves on her cheeks with sparkles in her eyes with a smile while Sunset chuckled at Izzy from saying that to Zipp while Zipp rolled her eyes from that while feeling really uneasy about Izzy’s words. “Ooh, you would make such a cute couple! He can style your hair and give you hooficures and you can go on dates and it'd be really cute and we'd all love it!” She happily said. Zipp groans from this, knowing that Izzy won’t stop so soon and has to bear with it. “What about you, Sunset!?” Izzy excitedly asked. “No, Izzy. I don’t have a crush on somepony.” Sunset answered quickly with a small smile before Izzy could question some more. “Aw, are you sure?” Izzy asked again in disappointment, wanting to be sure. “No pony caught my eyes, and the last time I fell in love with a crush I had, it ended not very well.” Sunset said, while there was no pony she has a crush on in this new era of Equestria, she remembering how she used to dated Flash back in CHS, but broke up once he realized that he was being used, they became friends when Sunset made amends, so they are pretty cool as friends, while not wanting to tell that to the others since this was too personal and something she likes to forget. “Wow, tough.” Zipp commented, surprised that Sunset went through that. “Yeah, but we made amends and have just been friends since then, so we’re cool.” Sunset said with a smile. “Well, at least you are friends with him.” Izzy said with a smile. “True.” Sunset said, feeling glad by that too as they continue their walk to get some soil for Zipp’s flytrap. With a bunnycorn, it was scratching itself when one of Izzy’s cards landed on its face as racoonicorn came by as the bunnycorn took the card off and smiled and gave it to the racoonicorn, who blushed a bit as it smiled with hearts in its eyes as it accepted the card as the two critters squeaked to one another as they ran off together with the racoonicorn still blushing from what happened. End of Chapter 44. > Chapter 45: Ponykind Parade-emonium > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 45: Ponykind Parade-emonium In Mane Melody, the girls are posing with some costumes on as they did a pose on the stage with smiles, looking fabulous in their costumes. Izzy then spoke up with a smile. “Not to uh, ‘uni’ my own ‘corn’, but…” She said as she gave a smirk as she jumped off stage as she looked at herself while circling around. “These costumes are totally hoof-tasticlure!” She cheered with a wide smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Whoa!” Sunny called out as Izzy turned to her as Sunny tried to balance herself while her hind hooves got caught in her cape strap on her back. “Uh, they’ll be great in the Ponykind Parade, Izz.” She said to Izzy as she tried to get her hind hooves free, which made her trotted forward a bit before regaining her balance, stating that they are celebrating the Ponykind Parade, which is a pony version of Mardi-Gras, and the Mane 6 are the stars since they are the ones that brought ponykind together, which explains the costumes. “Uh, they are um, a little big! Oof!” She added, saying that Izzy made their costumes, and are a little big for them as Sunny tries to shake her hind hooves free from the big cape on her, but lost her balance as she fell to the floor. Sunset then tries to adjust her hat on her head to keep it balanced. “I have to agree with Sunny, Izzy. These costumes you made are great, but a little big to move a bit.” She commented.   “Yep.” Pipp said with a smile as she flew next to Izzy as she held out her phone in a selfie stick. “So everypony can see us and know how equally #PonyPerfect we all are!” She cheered with a smile with sparkles in her eyes as she and Izzy smiled at the phone. Zipp is still on the stage as she is scratching herself from the costume. “And equally itchy…” She commented as she kept scratching, but was cut off when Pipp gave her sister a look, which made Zipp a little nervous from that as she sweat a bit and gave a nervous smile. “...ing to dance in that parade!” She corrected herself as she gave a nervous chuckle as Pipp then moved to the front of them. Sunset sighs as she speaks. “Guess we have to work with what we got, ponies. We are the ones who brought Ponykind together, so best not ruin it for the parade.” She said, seeing that they can’t miss the parade since they’re the celebrities. Twilight then appeared from the necklace as she spoke with a smile. “Well, I think you ponies look great. And I remember when me and my friends did something similar to be celebrities to the other ponies, but it kinda backfired on us.” She said a little embarrassed, remembering when their friendship journals made them famous and celebrities alright, it caused the ponies to go with their point of view instead of learning the lessons. “But with the parade, it’s really different and you have to show it to everypony.” She added with a smile. Pipp smiled at Sunset and Twilight’s words as she turned to the others, while Zipp kept scratching. “Twilight and Sunset are right, girls. If Hitch can rehearse around all his peacekeeping and all his sheriff-ing, we all can” She said with a smile, knowing that if Hitch can do around ponies, then so can the others. “Right Hitch…” She said to Hitch, but she looked around and saw that Hitch wasn't with them as she gasped in shock. “Where is Hitch?!” She asked in shock that Hitch is not with them. “Calm down, Pipp.” Sunset said with a wave of her hoof as the others looked at her. “Hitch is helping ponies setting up for the parade in town with his critters helping. He is the sheriff after all, helping ponies out is what they do.” She explained, knowing that Hitch told Sunset to tell the others that he needs to help the ponies set up the parade properly. “He would’ve told the rest of you but he came to me since he had no time to explain. Don’t worry, he said that he will be here when it’s done. And knowing him, he always keeps his promise.” She added with a smile, knowing Hitch well enough that when he keeps his promises, he always keeps them. Pipp then took a breath as she calmed down. “That is true, knowing Hitch, he never breaks promises.” She said in a calming smile in relief. Somewhere in Maretime Bay, is in the middle of the street, Hitch, with Sparky next to him, is helping ponies setting up the parade with the help of his trusted critters. “McSnipsalot, snip that hedge a lot!” Hitch orders McSnips with a smile while pointing at the hedge in front of him. Sparky then starts babbling assertively, trying to repeat what Hitch said while trying be a sheriff like him, as McSnips then snips the hedge quickly so that he made it look like Hitch’s head. Hitch then gave a determined smile as he spoke again. “Racoonicorns, that street should be so clean, I could eat my dinner on it!” He called out,, while the racoonicorns are using brooms or tails to sweep the street’s floors. Sparky gave another assertively babbling at them, while acting like he is the sheriff as well. And then, some signs on both sides of the building across each other start to lose up as one end starts falling off, which made both Hitch and Sparky gasp in shock from that. “Keeeeenneeeeeth!” Both Hitch and Sparky called out to Kenneth to catch that end of the signs as he came whooshing down with a determined look as he caught the line just in time as he then tied back on with a twirl, before he did a front flip and landed on the ground before giving a salute to Sparky and Kenneth. “Close one. Attaboy, Kenny” Hitch said in relief while Sparky looked at Kenneth in awe as Hitch gave a salute to Kenneth, which Sparky did the same as Kenneth flew off. “It's gonna be a good day. Sparky!” He said with a smile as Sparky smiled at him. What they didn’t know, on the roof of a building, Misty is looking down at them, spying on them as her amulet opens up as Opaline appears. “Did you follow all my instructions, Misty?” Opaline asked while giving Misty a look. “Sure did!” Misty answered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes. “One batch of blazeberry buns fresh from the oven!” She said while pointing to the three baked blazeberry buns in an alley across the street from where they are. “Ah, the blazeberry.” Opaline said with a smile at this as Misty listens with a smile, knowing the properties of them. “One sniff brings out a critter's inner beast, which means chaos for them. And plenty of dragonfire for me!” She said evilly, knowing what the blazeberries can do to critters, wanting Sparky to eat them so that it can bring out an inner beast so that he will go wild and be easy to contain to get his dragon fire. Misty then gave an evil smile as she looked down where the buns were. “And a cutie mark for me!” She said in an accented tone evilly, longed that she wanted a cutie mark for so long. Sparky  was walking around as he then saw the blazeberry buns, which made him smile with sparkles in his eyes. “Ahhh!” He cheered as he ran towards the buns, which made Misty and Opaline smile at this, Opaline smiled evilly while Misty smiled in excitement that this will work. Sparky picked one up as he took a sniff at it, but then he cringe as the smell made him sneeze out his dragon fire as it hit the buns, which cause and explosion as it made Sparky fly around, leaving a trail of dust from his dragon fire as he flew across the street as the ponies and critters around the area watches him go. Hitch is walking as he looks back with a smile on his face. “At least the snacks are on—” He started, but gasped in surprise when he saw Sparky coming at him fast. “Oof!” He groans on impact when Sparky hit him in the chest, luckily, Hitch caught Sparky in his hooves as he picked him up, with Sparky holding a donut, which was originally the blazeberry bun he was holding but his dragon fire turned it into a donut. “Whoa, Sparky. Hope you're not coming down with something. We've got a parade to march in.” He said to Sparky as the baby dragon rubbed his nose from the sudden sneeze he realized. Back on the roof, Opaline growls angrily at this that another plan has failed while Misty looked at her scarfully while sweating nervously at Opaline’s rage. Hitch then remembered something with widened eyes. “Ah! And we are so late!” He called out, remembering the parade rehearsal he has to do with the girls as he placed Sparky on his back, while the baby dragon chewed on his donut happily with a smile. “Critters, let's roll out!” He called out, but then he and Sparky turned and saw the critters glaring at Hitch and Sparky, with their eyes looking like they were on fire, as the ponies looked around nervously. Kenneth was normal, but once he took a sniff of the dust in the air Sparky made, his eyes then went on fire as his left eye twitched a bit, apparently whatever Sparky just did with his dragon fire not only turned the blazerberry buns into donuts, but also causing it essences into dust form as it was all over the area, causing the critters to bring out their inner beasts and go wild. Hitch smiled nervously as he sweat nervously while Sparky felt  nervous about this.“Uhhh... critters?” He asked them nervously, not liking where this is going. One of the racoonicorns sniffs the air before it starts to growl, McSnipsalot then came in front of him, clamping his claws angrily, being under the same effects. Sparky then starts to whimper, really scared at the critters for being like this. Hitch then looked at Sparky, knowing that they were in trouble as he smiled nervously as he backed away a bit. “Well, Sparky, we should probably…” He didn’t get to finish as the critters then hissed at them angrily. And then a second later, Hitch now started trotting away. “...ruuuuuun!” He screamed as he and Sparky screamed in panic while the angry critters were chasing after them. Back on the roof, Misty and Opaline see the whole thing as Misty gives a nervous look, hoping that Hitch will be alright, considering this wasn’t supposed to happen. Opaline laughs at this outcome, which made Misty look at her. “It may not be the dragonfire I asked for, but at least it's entertaining.” She said with an amusing smile, finding this outcome entertaining and fun to watch. Back in Mane Melody, Pipp is pacing back-in-forth nervously, since Hitch isn’t here yet. “This dance is totally ruined without Hitch!” Pipp cried out, giving a panic expression. Izzy smiled nervously while sweating as she levitated something in her magic with a little sweat. “Well, good news.” She said to Pipp as she brought Senor Butterscotch next to her with her magic with a sigh, with Senor Butterscotch wearing Hitch’s costume. “Say hello to Señor Butter-Hitch!” She declared, but then Senor Butterscotch's head fell off as Izzy gave it a surprise look. “Oops!” She said as she gave an embarrassed laugh. “I can fix that.” She said with an embarrassed smile while sweating a bit. Sunset facehoof herself from this. “Izzy, we are not using Senor Butterscotch to replace Hitch. That’s just wrong.” She pointed out, while feeling weird that Izzy suggested that idea. Zipp gave Izzy a strange look under her mask from that idea as well while Sunny looked worried about this. “It's not like Hitch to be late.” She pointed out, having known Hitch, that he was never late for something this important. “No... It isn't…” Zipp said while placing a hoof on her chin as she is giving a thought, knowing that is true. “Something must be happening if Hitch is late. Because when he keeps his promises, he always keeps them.” Sunset added, knowing something is wrong for Hitch to be late. Zipp then went to the still slight panic Pipp as she gave a comforting smile and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Don't worry. I won't let anything ruin your parade, sis.” She said as she gave a wink before trotting off. Pipp then gasped in surprise from what Zipp just said as she turned to her sister, who was at the door. “But I thought you didn't care about this stuff.” She said in surprise, knowing her sister doesn’t like being in a crowd of ponies since it made her uncomfortable. “If you care, I care!” Zipp said with a determined smile, saying that she may not like it but this is for her sister, and she’s not going to let it get ruined. “Mind if I join in, Zipp?” Sunset asked with a knowing smile. “You could use some help.” She added “Sure thing, Sunset.” Zipp answered with a smile as she and Sunset exited Mane Melody as the door closed, leaving Pipp to give a heartfelt smile with sparkles in her eyes from what her sister said. A little bit later, ZIpp and Sunset flew to where the parade should be, only to see some dust and the decorations a mess as some was on the floor.  “Huh. Where is everypony?” Zipp asked curiously. “I don’t know. But this place is trash.” Sunset said, seeing the parade decorations a mess. “Whatever happened here really caused a mess.” She added as she and Zipp looked around. “They surely made a mess. And what is all this orange stuff?” Zipp asked again, not sure what this orange stuff is. “You're asking the wrong pony. I don’t know either.” Sunset said, and then she saw something in front of them, which is a blazeberry as she picked it up with her magic. “What is this? I have never seen this berry before.” She said, not sure what kind of berry it is. “Let me see that.” Zipp said as Sunset gave the blazeberry to Zipp on her hoof as she took a closer look at it and then brought out her Z-Goggles to get some information out of it as it scanned the blazeberry as some details are shown in the goggles. “Blazeberry?” She asked herself in surprise as she is familiar with this kind of berry before she took off her Z-Goggles in a worried expression. “Oh, no!” She cried out, knowing what the blazeberries can do. “Wait, what’s a blazeberry? What does it do?” Sunset questioned, wanting to know what Zipp is talking about. “Blazeberries are a kind of berries that it can make critters bring out their inner beasts, kinda like wild animals that are a little tough to tame! And this orange dust is full of its essences!” Zipp summarizes quickly while looking worried about this outcome. Sunset widens her eyes from that. “Wait? You mean to tell me that if what this berry does is true, then we got critters who have gone wild thanks to these berries and this orange dust that contains its essences!?” She asked in a worried tone, now knowing what Zipp means. “Yep! That’s about right!” Zipp called out as she and Sunset looked around, before McSnipsalot came rushing by them, which made both Zipp and Sunset trotted off and followed him. Sunset and Zipp followed McSnipsalot all the way to the abandoned Canterlogic building as McSnipsalot went through a broken window as Sunset and Zipp looked through one of its holes as they gasped in shock at what they were seeing. What they saw is Hitch and Sparky surrounded by wild angry critters. “I just wanted to make Ponykind Parade special for our friends, but nothing has gone to plan!” He said in fear to his critter, who kept hissing at him and Sparky as Hitch backed away nervously while his hooves shook in fear. “Hitch and Sparky are in trouble!” Sunset said as she and Zipp looked at each other in serious expressions. “Zipp, you need to get the others so we can help Hitch and Sparky out of this situation! I’ll help Hitch and Sparky until you girls arrive!” She added, going to help Hitch and Sparky so that it will give Zipp enough time to get the girls to help out. Zipp nodded her head in determination as she flew off to get the rest of their friends. Sunset then came through the window as she stand in front of Hitch in a defense stance as she lit up her horn for protection, “Sunset!” Hitch said in surprise and relief that Sunset is here as Sparky babbles in relief as well. “Hitch, Sparky, stay behind me!” Sunset called out with a determined expression as Hitch nodded in confirmation, staying behind Sunset. And then Kenneth came chirping to Sparky as he tried to grab his donut, while Sparky babbled in protest as he kept hold of his donut as Kenneth lost a grip and flew back. Hitch then realizes something as he grabbed Sparky’s donut and showed it to the feral critters.“Oh, you want this? Sure! Go fetch!” He said as he tosses the donut to other side, which made the critters growl at it as a racoonicorn caught it and then all the critters are eating it. Once they are finished, they turn and growl at Sunset, Hitch and Sparky, who are looking nervous at them from that. “And now we know they're hungry. Great!” He said nervously as he gulped nervously. “Yeah, but I think we are on to the next course!” Sunset called out as some critters tried to jump on her, but she used her magic to blast them back, keeping them at bay. “And no way I can handle this many without hurting them!” She added as she sends another blast, not wanting to hurt the critters badly since they are not in control of themselves. “What caused them to behave like this anyway?!” Hitch asked in fright since he doesn’t know why they are like this. “Blazeberry! Zipp told me about it. Its essence is in the orange dust around us, and it’s causing the critters to go feral!” Sunset explained quickly as she and Hitch backed up a bit as the feral critters closed in on them with growls as Sunset prepared another magic from her horn. But then, they heard clanging sounds as they tuned and saw the Canterlogic’s doors opened and saw the rest of their friends as well, each holding mane dryers. “Looks like you critters need to blow off some steam!” Zipp announced with a determined smile. “Chaaaaarge!” Pipp announced as she and Zipp took to the air while Sunny and Izzy hopped down from the railings. “Girls!” Sunset said with a smile as Hitch smiled as well while Sparky cheered at their friends being here. “Yay!” Hitch cheered as well. “Sunset! Catch!” Sunny called out while holding out a spare mane dryer as she tossed it to Sunset, who caught it with her magic. “Use the mane dryer to blow away the dust! Once it’s gone, the critters will return to normal!” She explained the reason they brought mane dryers. “Right!” Sunset said with a determined smile as she turned on the mane dryer and started blowing away the critters and the dust. “Ahaha! You critters should have a blow out!” She joked as she kept blowing the mane dryer around. Zipp screamed and grunting as she blew off the flying critters and the dust in the air. Sunny screamed and grunted as well as she blows off the dust and ducks when a racoonicorn tries to tackle her head but missed as she gave a smirk, but then fell to the floor as she lost her balance due to her costume. “Get gone, critters!” Pipp yelled out as she landed on the ground and blew off some dust and blew off some critters as she chased after them. “And this! In the face!” She said while giving an angry serious expression. Izzy is grunting in effort as she blows away some dust and critters, and then smiles as she has an idea as she sets her mane dryer on full blast as she points to the critters. “Yah!” She declared as she blew away a lot of dust and the critters flew back from the big wind as Hitch arc back a bit as Sparky held on to Hitch so he wouldn't blow away. Kenneth and McSnipsalot shook their heads as they opened their eyes, which showed to have returned to normal as the dust clears up as Kenneth chirps happily while McSnips smiles. “It's working!” Hitch cheered as he and Sparky smiled at this. “Keep blowing, ponies!” Sunset called out as she kept blowing her mane dryer. On the ceiling, Misty is on the roof as she looked through one of the holes as she watched the Mane 6 blowing away the dust and turning the critters to normal. And then some of the dust came right up to Misty’s face as she began to cough as some of the dust made it out of the hole as Misty stood up to fan off the dust. And then a racoonicorn appeared next to her, which have fires on its eyes and starts growling with the dust all over the room, which caused Misty to grew nervous at this while Opaline watches as the feral racoonicorn looked at Misty with growls. “Opaline! What do I do?!” Misty asked in fright with a little sweat as she don’t know how to handle a feral critter. Opaline raised an eyebrow at Misty’s question. “Why are you asking me? This is your mess.” She said with rolled eyes as she disappeared as the amulet closed. Misty grew really nervous as she kept sweating. “Uh…” She said in a scared tone as she tap on the amulet to bring Opaline back as she looked and saw the feral racoonicorn coming closer to her. “Opaline?” She said nervously as she backs away in fright, but Opaline didn’t responds or appear as the racoonicorn then starts screeching at Misty, who then starts screaming as she trotted away from the racoonicorn, who is following her as she made her way to the door. Back in the building, Zipp twirled her mane dryer as she blew at the top as the Mane 6 looked at the critters on the ground, now back to normal as the blazeberry dust is now gone. “Phew!” Sunny said in relief, glad that’s over and that Hitch and Sparky are okay. “You said it, Sunny. I’m glad that’s over as well.” Sunset said in agreement with Sunny. “And that was some dust, don’t know where that came from or the blazeberry that causes this mess, but at least it's now over and the critters are not feral anymore.” She added as she petted a bunnycorn, who purrs at the touch. “Yeah. Glad that’s over.” Sunny said with a smile. “At least we can get back to the parade like nothing happ—” She started as they all walked out of the Canterlogic building to get back to the parade. But once they got to where the parade should be, Sunny and the others, along with the critters, cringe at the sight as they saw the parade and decorations a mess and abandon from the feral critters attack as the tumbleweed came by. Izzy looked surprised at this as she was the first to speak. “Um, I was expecting decorations, but trash is good, too!” She said in an optimistic tone to keep positive as she held up a fish can that was giving a terrible smell as she took a sniff at it. “Mmm!” She said with a forced smile before she started to gag from that as she dropped the can. “The parade got trashed when the critters went feral. And made a big mess for such small critters to do.” Sunset explained, while commenting in surprise that the critters can make this big mess in just a short amount of time. Pipp starts sobbing at the ruined parade with teary eyes. “It's all ruined!” She sobbed as she placed her hooves on her face, really sad that the parade was ruined. Sunset, Sparky, Hitch and Zipp looked at each other with each of them knowing smiles as Zipp spoke. “It wouldn't be so sure.” She said with a smirk. “Just say the word, Hitch!” Sunset called out encouragingly with a smile. “Critters, roll out!” Hitch announced with a smile, which caused the critter to salute to him as they began to fix up the parade. The pegasnails lifted the signs back up, the racoonicorns are picking up the trash as one of them sweep the dust into the trash bin as the other two picked it up and closed the bin, and McSnipslot then aline the streamers on the roofs as he tied them up. And then in just a short amount of time, the ponies then started to come out and smiled as they saw the decorations are back up as the critters gave salutes at their work. And then a little bit later, the critters are helping Hitch put on his costume as he and his friends pose together at the crowd of ponies in front of them. And then carnival music starts playing as the ponies start cheering to the Mane 6 as Hitch steps in first as he twirls around and starts showing off his dance moves. The rest of the Mane 6 follow along as they dance together in the center of the crowd as the ponies watch them go as they enjoy the Ponykind Parade together. Sunset however, as she dances, has a thought in her mind that’s been bugging her. ‘Where did those blazeberries come from? They aren’t even around Maretime Bay from what Zipp told me if they made the critters go feral. Who would bring blazeberries just to make critters go wild? It’s like somepony is trying to mess with us somehow, but why?’ She thought to herself, wanting to know who could have done this and why. ‘This is getting more serious. I hope we figure out why before somepony does something else.’ She added, going to find out who could’ve done this, it’s going to take some time, but whatever or whoever it is messing with them, they are gonna to find out and be prepared for anything. End of Chapter 45. > Chapter 46: Sparky's Sick (Edit 2/24/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 46: Sparky’s Sick In the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch came rushing in through the door with a slight panicked look to the girls. “Sparky’s sick!” Hitch cried out in panic as Sparky appeared on his head as he started hiccuping and burping at the same time, but then released one of his dragonfire in the process. Sunset, Sunny and Zipp widen their eyes at the incoming dragonfire as they duck as it passes over them. “Whoa!” Sunset cried out in surprise. “That’s new.” She added. “Was that a… hiccup?” Sunny asked in confusion at what Sparky just did. “I think it was a burp?” Zipp asked in curiosity, not sure if Sparky hiccuped or burped. “I think it was both.” Sunset answered. Sparky gave another hiccup as Pipp came close to Sparky with a smile. “It’s a hiccup-burp.” Pipp said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes at how cute it is as she squeals. “Aah! It’s adorable.” She squealed at how adorable that Sparky burped and hiccuped at the same time, finding it cute. Hitch held Sparky with concern as Sparky gave another burp as Izzy appeared next to them with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as well. “Aw. Oh I’m sure he’ll be fine, Hitch.” Izzy assured as she made a face intimation of her Elder Flower. “Like Elder Flower said, ‘If it’s gassy, let it passy.’” She said. Sunset cringe at what Izzy just said. “Yeah, even though that’s true, Izzy, that’s just gross to say.” She commented, finding Izzy’s phrase gross. Sparky's face shows a ‘not feeling good’ expression as he gave another hiccup-burp as another one of his dragonfire came out and hit a tea kettle on the living room table as it turned into a watermelon. “Okay. That’s less adorable.” Sunny commented after seeing that, now seeing the issue here. “And we can tell that Sparky is not feeling good with this either.” Sunset added in concern as they see that Sparky isn’t feeling okay with this. Twilight appeared as the necklace opened up as she looked down at Sparky with a concerned look. “Aw. Poor little Sparky. He’s not looking well at all.” She said in sympathy to Sparky. Hitch put Sparky down to the floor as the baby dragon rubbed his tummy to shoot the ache from the many hiccup-burps and dragon fire he released. “He’s been hiccup-burping all morning, and I don’t know what to do!” Hitch pointed out in concern. “Please ponies, help a Dragon-Daddy out!” He pleaded as Sparky whined at them, wanting them to help him as Hitch turned to Sunset. “Sunset. You are an expert on dragons, can you or Twilight help us out?” He pleaded, since Sunset and Twilight are the only ones who are an expert on dragons. “Don’t look at me, Hitch.” Sunset said as she waved her hooves in defense. “I may be an expert on dragons, but I don’t know how to cure one when they get sick.” She said in defense, sure she has gotten some information about dragons from Twilight through her journal, but not how to cure one when they’re sick. Twilight then spoke as she gave a sympathetic look at Hitch. “Unfortunately, Hitch, this isn't something I can help with much, either. None of the times Spike has gotten sick have ever turned out this bad.” She stated that she never had this experience with Spike when he got sick. “In fact, this is more similar to the time ‘I’ was really sick and Pinkie went to Zecora for some medicine. The medicine worked, but I was turned into a filly for 24 hours. Spike had to take care of me until that side effect of Zecora's medicine wore off." She added, remembering the time when she got really sick that her magic went out of control and have weird effects on her friends until Pinkie gave her Zecora’s remedy to help cure her sickness, which also cured her friends, but in the process, turned her into a filly until the effects wear off. Sunset and the rest of the Mane 6 gave a surprise expression from what Twilight just said. “Wow, you had it rough then Sparky, huh Twilight?” She asked in surprise what Twilight went through from her sickness. “You have no idea.” Twilight confirmed with a sigh from that embarrassing experience. The rest of the girls sweat a bit while trying to figure out how to help Sparky as Izzy appearned them to them as she raised her hoof with a smile. “Oh! Oh!” Izzy called out with a smile and sparkling eyes as her friends turned to her. “I know an ancient Unicorn remedy that will really help!” She pointed out. Her friends raised an eyebrow at Izzy, since her Unicorn ways can be pretty strange at times as Sunny spoke next. “I’m sure I had a recipe somewhere.” She said as she placed a hoof on her chin that she might have a recipe remedy somewhere in her old books. Pipp then spoke next. “Oh, and there is this special showbiz trick.” She added with a smile. Sunset raised an eyebrow from that last one. “I don’t know if singing is gonna help Sparky, Pipp.” She pointed out. “Don’t know unless you try.” Pipp said, going to give it a try anyway. Zipp placed a hoof on her chin as she thought of an idea as she spoke with a smile. “Don’t worry, ponies. I know exactly what to do.” She announced with a determined smile. Sunset however, sighs from this. “Knowing Zipp, it must be one of her stunts.” She muttered to herself, since Zipp is known to do stunts. A little bit later, Zipp, Hitch and Sunset, with Sparky in a baby bag Zipp is carrying him, are outside in front of the Brighthouse, while Hitch looks worried while Sunset joins to see how this plays out. “I knew it.” Sunset said with a sigh.  Zipp lowered her protection goggles as she placed one on Sparky. “Let’s see if a few high-octane stunts will shock the hiccup-burps right out of ya.” She said to Sparky as the baby dragon giggled in response. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Zipp? What if Sparky falls?” Sunset asked in concern. “Don’t worry, Sunset. I’ll keep him safe.” Zipp answered as she took to the air, making some dust fly out as Hitch and Sunset watched on. Sunset sighs as she facehoof herself. “Everytime there is a problem, Zipp’s remedy is extreme stunts.” She said, should’ve seen this coming, knowing Zipp. “That’s Zipp for you.” Hitch said, not really surprised since this is Zipp they are talking about. A little bit later in the air, Zipp is flying around with Sparky in her bag as they fly across the sky while passing through some clouds. “Whoooo-hoooo! Whoo-oo! Yeah!” Zipp cheered while Sparky babbles and laughed at the adrenaline as Zipp flew around speeding through some trees in the forest at high speed, which made the trees blow back from the sudden speed Zipp made. Hitch and Sunset followed them as Hitch appeared from a tree as Sunset flew next to them as they watched Zipp flying around with Sparky.  In Zipp’s bag, Sparky’s face is being pushed back from the speed they are going as his mouth shakes from the wind passing through his face. Zipp looked down as she gave Sparky a smile. “I bet you’re feeling better already, huh?” She asked Sparky with a smile, thinking this stunt got him better and got the hiccup-burps scared out of him. But Zipp spoke too soon as Sparky gasped as she inhaled in his mouth as he covered it with his paws, but then he hiccup-burped out his dragonfire as it hit a tree, turning it into a giant spaghetti net with pasta sauce on it ahead of the two. “Whoa!” Zipp widened her eyes from that as she was flaring with her hooves and wings as she tried to slow down but she went too fast. “Spaghetti straight ahead!” She cried out as she and Sparky hit the spaghetti as it pushed them back as they screamed. Sunset and Hitch saw them heading right towards them, with Hitch holding his binoculars as they widen their eyes at the incoming pegasus and baby dragon as they tried to move aside, but Zipp crashed into them as they screamed and hit the floor with branches on top of them and some leaves and twigs on their manes and tails. “Well, that didn’t work.” Sunset groaned a bit from impact as she tried to shake the leaves and twigs off her. Sparky gets up as he begins to tear up and whines from what just happened. Sunset saw this as she got up and held Sparky comfortably to cheer him up. “Don’t be sad, Sparky. We won’t give up. Maybe Sunny’s ideas might work to stop the hiccup-burps.” She said as the baby dragon smiled at Sunset, before giving another hiccup-burp and released a dragonfire, which Sunset avoided as it turned a bush into a gummy bush. “And maybe stop your dragonfire mishaps as well.” She quickly added. A little bit later, Sunset, Sparky and Hitch made it to Sunny at her smoothie stand as Hitch held Sparky as Sunny placed down a couple of books. Sunny read through some of the books to find a remedy for Sparky as she flipped through the pages before she stopped at a certain page as she smiled at the page before turning to Hitch and Sunset. “Six bananas!” Sunny listed out first as Sunset and Hitch place in the ingredients she listed out. “And a squeeze of mustard! Chocolate sprinkles! Toothpaste!” She called out as the two ponies placed the ingredients in the blender as Sunny closed the lid and turned on the blender as it blended the contents in it. “That’s a strange and interesting remedy, Sunny.” Sunset commented at the weird contents Sunny told them to put in. “Where did you learn this?” She asked. “My dad wrote down some remedies in case I ever got sick when I was a filly. It works really well.” Sunny answered with a smile as she poured the contents in a smoothie cup and gave it to Sparky, whose stomach was rumbling. Sparky burps, but manage to keep his dragonfire contain as he grabbed the smoothie remedy and starts slurping some as Sunny, Sunset and Hitch watches, while Sunny smiled nervously while Sunset and Hitch looked on in concern, hoping Sunny’s remedy worked as Sparky’s stomach starts rumbling again which made the three ponies worried. “Ah!” Hitch cried out fearfully as he and Sunny hugged each other in fright as Sunset summons a shield in front of them, thinking that a dragonfire is coming, but the rumbling stops “It worked!/You did it!” Both Sunny and Hitch said with smiles on their faces. “Alright!” Sunset cheered as she lowered her shield in relief. Sunny and Hitch then start doing their signature hoofshake while Sunset shook her head in amusement at them. “Up high, down low, hitch it to a post! Flip it sunny-side—!” But they were cut off when Sparky burped out his dragonfire, which hit a carriage that was passing by with a couple of ponies on it, which caused the ponies, including Sunny, Sunset and Hitch to screamed in shock and surprise from that as the carriage got turned into a giant mushroom as the two ponies, a pegasus, which a basket of apples, and an earth pony, who was moving the carriage, are shocked at what just happened as Sparky gave a laugh at that outcome. Sunset then spoke after a moment of silence of what just happened. “Maybe Izzy might have something that might work. With her, it surprisingly works, sometimes.” She commented, thinking whatever Izzy’s idea is, might work, hopefully. Back in the Crystal Brighthouse living room, Izzy is doing a ritual dance while singing. “Hold your breath and count to three!” Izzy sang to Sparky, who was sitting on a bench chair with candles and crystals around him as Sparky looked around in confusion while Sunset and Hitch sighs strangely at Izzy’s ‘remedy’, should’ve guessed it would be weird. “Shake your tail and bend your knees! Throw some feathers in the air!” She sang as she waved her hooves as she got behind them with a smile before she started to spin. “Spin around twice and give 'em a scare! Raaawr!” She yelled as she made a scary face and roared at Sparky’s face. There was silence for a second before Sparky tilted his head. “Huh?” He asked in confusion. “Izzy, that was a weird ritual remedy like the jinkies dance you unicorns do.” Sunset commented with a strange eyebrow. “And I don’t think Sparky’s got it, heck we don’t get it.” She added on behalf of her and Hitch as Hitch nodded in agreement. Izzy got up straight as she placed a hoof on her chin while giving a thoughtful expression. “Hmmm. That wasn't scary enough.” She said before she gave a small smile while walking in a circle. “Well, I guess we'll have to try something— Blaaagh!” She yelled out as she put on a purple clown wig and red nose as she held a flashlight straight to her face to make it scary as horns were honking around. Sunset and Hitch flinched from that. “Okay, that came out of nowhere.” Sunset said as Hitch nodded, and was surprised by Izzy’s sudden face change. Sparky rubbed his head in confusion, not feeling scared on bit, but then he starts hiccup-burping again as he released his dragonfire, which hit Izzy as it turned her clone wig into a wig-shape purple grapes as Sparky laughed at that while Izzy smiled and pick one off her head as she gave an amusing smile from that. Sunset chuckled from this. “Heheh, okay, I gotta admit, that was funny. And definitely your color Izzy.” She said with a chuckle. “That is so true.” Izzy said with a smile, finding this funny as well. Nobody noticed, however, that some critter with long white hair was watching them through the window, with their yellow eyes glaring dagger at them. Soon enough, a snap was heard, and then, the critter disappeared in a flash. In the bedroom, Sparky is sitting on Pipp’s bed as it was Pipp’s turned to try and cure Sparky from the hiccup-burps. “Let's try some vocal exercises.” Pipp said as she placed a microphone in front of Sparky. “Again I ask, how is singing supposed to cure Sparky, Pipp?” Sunset asks in confusion as she and Hitch are standing by. “If somepony, or creature for Sparky’s case, can sing or do some vocal exercise, it can stop the hiccups or burps if they sing.” Pipp explained the purpose of this. Sunset thought of what Pipp just said as she spoke. “That does make sense. Let’s try it.” She said, going along with Pipp’s idea. “Great!” Pipp cheered as she turned to Sparky as she brought out her spare microphone. “Just do what I do, okay Sparky? Deep breath.” She started as Sparky took a deep breath. “And… Me-me-me-me-me-meeeeee!” She sang first. “Me-me-me-me-me-meeeeee!” Sparky followed along as he sang what Pipp just sang. “Yes!” Pipp cheered with a smile at Sparky. “Now... Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaaa!” She sang again. “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaaa!” Sparky followed along as he sang again. “Good!” Pipp cheered again to Sparky with sparkles in her eyes. “Now…” She then starts vocalizing as Sparky follows along with her as they are vocalizing in sync, which is pretty great to hear. “So cute!” Pipp squealed as she placed her cheeks on Sparky. “Oh, my glitter, we should totally collab.” She said as she adjusted the microphone, while thinking she and Sparky could collaborate more. “What is this, a rehearsal or trying to cure Sparky of his hiccup-burps?” Sunset asked with a chuckle, even though they are trying to cure Sparky of the hiccup-burps, Pipp and Sparky really do vocalizes great together. But then, Sparky gave a hiccup as he covered his mouth, which Pipp saw. “Aah!” Pipp cried out as she ducked as the microphone twirled in the air as Sparky burped out a dragonfire, which got the microphone turned into a lollipop and landed on Pipp’s mane. “Ewww!” Pipp cried out as she moved towards the mirror nervously to get a better look, but then smiled at her reflection. “Actually, I can work with this.” She said with a smile as she brought out her phone and took multiple selfies of herself as she pose to her phone as Sparky laughed his way towards her as he looked at the lollipop on her mane but Hitch grabbed him as he dragged him away to Pipp, much to the disappointment of the baby dragon. Sunset gave Pipp a bored expression from that. “Really, Pipp? You brought up your phone to take a selfie of that, yet you didn't even flinch when a random blue 'hedgehog' came out of a portal a while back?" She asked in a bored tone what Pipp is doing while remembering a certain blue hedgehog that briefly appeared before Pipp got sick that she had no reaction to. “I was caught by surprise by that blue hedgehog. And he left real quickly so that I didn’t have time to react with my phone.” Pipp explained her reason as she kept taking selfies. Sunset sighs from this. “Let’s just regroup with the others and figure out another way to help Sparky.” She said as they walked out to find the rest of their friends to come up with another idea to cure Sparky from his hiccup-burps. A little bit later, the Mane 6 regrouped outside of the Crystal Brighthouse as they all have a tired expression, except for Izzy, who is picking some grapes off her turned wig grape as Sparky is on the ground with a down expression. “Ugh. Nothing's working.”  Zipp groans as she points at Sparky, stating that their ideas aren't working on curing him. “None of those remedies you girls have worked on Sparky.” Sunset added while looking at Sparky in concern.  “I don’t get it. Our special remedies worked on us before, so why not Sparky?” Sunny asked in confusion. “And usually, my scare cure works every time.” Izzy added as she took another grape from her head and ate it. “Well, to be fair, the ‘scare cure’ thing only occasionally works on hiccups, not ALWAYS. And just on hiccups, not on burps.” Sunset pointed out. “And book remedies, well, they wouldn't take dragons into account because Sparky is the first dragon seen in Equestria in centuries." She explained, since those remedies books might not have accounted for dragons since they haven’t been seen for generations before Sparky came along. “Hmm. That is a good point.” Pipp said in agreement, seeing the flaw in their remedies. Sparky then hiccup-burp again as he breathed out another dragonfire, which hit a tree next to the Brighthouse, which turned into a giant carrot as the Mane 6 looked on in shock by this, since they never seen Sparky used his dragonfire on something that big like a tree. “And they're getting worse!” Hitch cried out in panic as he placed his hooves on his cheeks. “The more dragonfire Sparky breathes out, the more powerful and unpredictable it gets!” Sunset cried out in panic as well. “If we don’t cure him of this hiccup-burp soon, things are about to go into dragonfire chaos!” She added. None of them noticed a figure watching over them, however, as the creature groaned in frustration, before disappearing once again. At Sunny’s smoothie stand, Misty is walking by on her own, but stopped when she saw something in front of her.  “Is that a giant mushroom?” Misty asked in surprise and confusion as she saw the two racoonicorns trying to move the giant mushroom that was left behind. Misty then heard rumbling sounds as she turned and saw some orange juice fountain sprouted out next to the Crystal Brighthouse, which surprised Misty from that. “Orange juice?” Misty asked in surprise from that as her amulet opened up as Opaline appeared. “What's going on, Misty?” Opaline asked Misty in curiosity . “I've just felt a powerful surge of dragon magic in Maretime Bay.” She said, having sensed Sparky’s dragonfire even from the castle as Misty looked at Opaline while sweating nervously, before Opaline took notice of the giant mushroom next to them, with the racoonicorns struggling to move it. “Uh, what's with the mushroom?” She asked in surprise and confused by that before the racoonicorns lost their grip and rolled across the floor as they crashed. “Uhhh…” Misty said unsurely, not sure how to respond to that. Opaline then got straight to Misty’s face with a mean glare, which made the unicorn flinched. “What are you waiting for?! Fetch me that dragon!” She yelled out as she disappeared as the amulet closed while Misty gave a sad look from Opaline’s outburst. Back near the Crystal Brighthouse, Sparky is surrounded by giant or regular sized sugary sweets as he burps repeatedly while repeatedly releasing his dragonfires. “Uhhh…” Sunny said insured and a little scared as she and her friends took cover behind bushes as they saw dragonfires hitting some branches, and then their bushes they were hiding as they turned into giant strawberries and gelatins as they screamed in surprise. Sparky kept breathing out dragonfire as more started heading towards the Mane 6, who were running and yelling as Zipp and Sunset took to the sky. “This is gotta be the one strangest thing with Sparky’s dragonfire!” Sunset cried out as she flew around to dodge some dragonfire or block it with her magic. She picked up a rock on instinct that was hit with dragonfire before it turned into a three-stacked vanilla cake with the original Mane 6 figures on top of it. “Huh, that was convenient.” She was surprised by that. And then some pretzels start falling from the sky as Izzy spins an umbrella around to block them. “Not today, pretzels!” She yelled out with a determined and serious smile. A dragonfire then hit a tall tree as it turned into a giant red gelatin as it lost its balance and tilted over. A pegasnail yelps at the fallen gelatin as Sunny comes and covers it with her buddy with a grunt effort as the gelatin falls on her as it splatters on the ground. Sunny and the pegasnail then appeared through the galetin unharmed as Sunny licked some off her face. “Mmmm! Ahhh!” She said with a smile as the pegasnail smiled back as well, finding the galetin that fell on them really good. The dragonfire rain stopped as Sparky began to tear up as he rubbed his belly. Hitch came next to his baby dragon in concern as he placed a comforting hoof on him while Sunset landed next to them. “What's wrong with your tummy, buddy? I wish you could tell us how to help you.” He said to Sparky, wishing that he could understand him so that Sparky could help him. “If you were older, you would be talking to us so that we can help you out with those hiccup-burps.” Sunset said in concern. Sparky then turned and reached out as he tried to go somewhere as he grunted while Hitch held Sparky in place, but then he and Sunset noticed the three layer cake in front of them as Sparky tried to go to it, which made the two ponies smile as they now understand. “That’s it!” Sunset called out with a smile. “You are telling us, aren't you?” Hitch asked Sparky with a smile as well as he held Sparky. “Oh, Sparky, good boy!” He said to Sparky as he turned and faced Sunny. “ Sunny, the food is the cure!” He said with a smile. “That’s what Sparky is trying to tell us!” Sunset added with a smile as well. Sunny then gasped in realization. “Of course!” She called out with a smile as she turned to the rest of their friends, who were hiding for cover as Pipp appeared out of a giant strawberry cake, Zipp was on top of a giant flower, and Izzy appeared from a pile of cookies, which she was eating. “Everypony, grab a little of everything! We're gonna make a really gross smoothie!” She said in a determined look and a determined smile. “And it will be something that will end this dragonfire hiccup-burp mishap!” Sunset added with a determined expression as well. The Mane 6 then starts grabbing a piece of every food or treat types Sparky’s dragonfire made around them, and a racoonicorn is carrying a pile of pretzels, which Izzy leviatated one off the pile as the trotted off with a smile, as the racoonicorn yelps as he dropped the pile of pretzels on top of itself, buried in the pile. The Mane 6 then placed them in the blender Sunny brought out as she closed the lid and started blending the contents as the Mane 6 watches. Once it’s finished the Mane 6 laughed at this. “Let’s hope this works.” Sunset said with a small smile, hoping that this would work. Unknowingly to them, Misty appeared behind bushes as she got her eyes on Sparky. “Hmmm…” She said thoughtful as Hitch gave Sparky the blended contents. “Ah!” Sparky cheered with a smile as he then started gulping it down really quickly. Misty then gave a sinister chuckle, waiting for the right moment as Sparky finished the content, which his stomach began to rumble. The rest of the Mane 6 gave worried expressions from that. “It didn't work?!” Sunny asked in disbelief. “He's gonna blow!” Zipp called out in a slight panic. “Everypony take cover!” Sunset called out. “Hitch!” Pipp called out as she grabbed Hitch and dragged him behind the bushes with them to take cover, thinking that Sparky was gonna unleash another dragonfire. “Sparkyyyyy!” Hitch cried out as he tried to reach out to Sparky as he struggled to break free from Pipp’s grip as they hid behind a bush. “Aah!” He called out as he and his friends hid behind the bushes, and then Izzy and Sunsetpopped out as Izzy opened up the umbrella and Sunset summoned her shield to protect them from the incoming dragonfire . Misty smirked evilly at this outcome, seeing now is the right time as she jumped out with a grunt as she about to grab Sparky, but then the baby dragon gave a flatulence from behind as he fart out his dragonfire, which surprised Misty as she was hit by it as stink smell starts coming off her as her eyes swirled from the stink, feeling dazed from that. “Aah!” Misty cried out as she fell to the floor with a thud. Sparky fell on his back as he sighs in relief, feeling much better as Misty got up, feeling dazed as she started groaning as she aimlessly walked around while smelling bad, and then made a dopey face as she fell to a bush face first with a thud. The Mane 6 got out of their hiding place, seeing that it was all clear as they started cheering, including Sparky since he was feeling all better as he jumped happily. “I'm so glad you're feeling better, bud.” Hitch said in relief with a smile. “You had me scared for a moment there.” He said as he nuzzled Sparky. And then, all the big food Sparky’s dragonfire made starts to return to normal as the Mane 6 starts laughing in victory at this, and really glad Sparky is feeling better. “Well, that was something.” Sunset said with a smile, before she sniffed the air as she cringed in disgust. “Augh. And I think Sparky’s gas went to the other end.” She added as the Mane 6 smelled the air and cringed at the stank as well. “Well, that super-gross smoothie worked, but the gas Sparky let out smells like he ended up on the wrong end of a whole family of skunks." She added as the others nodded their heads in agreement. While Misty is hiding from the Mane 6, still a little dazed and stinky from Sparky’s flatulence, having heard Sunset’s comment about the skunk family thing, as she thinks the same thing in agreement from that as she groans at the stink she endured. Misty’s amulet then opened up as Opaline appeared as she looked around. “So? Where is he? Where is my dra—?” She asked but was cut off when Misty’s stank came to her as Opaline covered her muzzle as she cringed at the stank as she looked down and saw Misty on the ground, while being smelly as well. “Misty! What happened here?! What did you eat?!” She questioned Misty. “I do not want to talk about it!” Misty told Opaline, not wanting to talk about what she just went through after another failed attempt to capture Sparky, and something that she doesn’t want to speak about again. Several days later, Sunny, Sunset and Pipp came out of the Brighthouse running, while Zipp was flying in the air and with a board on the ground. "If you’re done livestreaming, we’ve got a game of flyball to play!" Zipp called out to Pipp with a mocking smirk. However, as both Sunny, Sunset and Pipp moved away, the door of the Brighthouse was closed by an eagle arm, and then it started to move away. The creature walked away, not noticing that they accidentally moved one of the vases from its original position, nor that one of their white hairs got stuck over. The creature entered the Brighthouse's bedroom and approached the elevator. However, instead of entering it like any other person, they traversed the crystal, and then, they started to float towards the ceiling, also traversing it. Finally, the creature reached the top of the Brighthouse and entered the Crystal Room, as they stared at the Unity Crystals with a frown. Soon enough, they grabbed the Crystals with their other arm, that seemed to be a lion one, as they removed the Unicorn Crystal, and then the Earth Pony Crystal, before throwing them to the floor, and stared at the Pegasus Crystal on their lion hand, still frowning in rage. The critter was finally showed, and it seemed to be a critter made out of many animal parts. Hisname was Discord, and he was better known as the Lord of Chaos. Discord stared daggers at the Unity Crystal and snorted in disbelief. "You silly, little ponies... Soon, you'll thank me for getting rid of all magic in Equestria, and bring up real unity among ponykind..." He stated with a smirk, before snapping his fingers and disappearing. End of Chapter 46. > Chapter 47: Sunny's Smoothie Moves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 47: Sunny’s Smoothie Moves It’s been a week since getting the Pegasus Crystal back and befriending Discord, but somewhere in Maretime Bay, Sunny and Sunset are running through an alleyway as they start sweating and are looking around nervously. “Sunny! Sunset! Stop right there!” A male voice called out to her, which made her nervous as Sunny then reached a dead end as she turned and saw two stallions in fruit costumes, one that is a banana and the other is an orange. “There’s no escape!” The banana costume stallion said to Sunny and Sunset as he and the orange costume stallion glared at them. “No getting away now!” The orange costume stallion added while pointing a hoof at Sunny and Sunset. And then, another stallion appeared in the middle of the two stallions, while wearing a strawberry costume. “Not without putting us into your…” He started with a glare before he and the other two fruit costume stallions gave them cheerful smiles. “...All new smoothies!” He finished as the three stallions smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they each held out a smoothie. Sunny and Sunset then turned behind them as the background as fruits behind them as Sunny spoke with a smile. “Sorry! Our brand-new smoothies only contain all new fruits grown in the community garden!” She said as the background then showed the community garden with so many fruits that the Earth Pony have grown with their Earth Pony magic. Sunset then spoke next. “Like kiwi-paya, pear-nana, and razzleberries!” She listened while showing each type of fruit as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes.The scene then changed to the three fruit costumes stallions as they were each sipping a smoothie. The scene then changes to both Sunny and Sunset at the smoothie stand while Sunny holds up a tray of smoothies, while sweating exhaustedly. “Try 'em all today!” She called out with a smile. “You'd be bananas not to!” The banana stallion cheered next to the two ponies while holding up his smoothie cup. “And cut!” Pipp’s voice called out as she tapped her phone, revealing that she was livestreaming the whole thing to show the new smoothies to the ponies quickly. “Perfect! We soooo got it this time!” Pipp said with a smile. “Finally. After the last few attempts, it was exhausting.” Sunset said in relief, having tried to do this many times to get it right as she and Sunny came to Pipp to see the video themselves. “And the giant fruit?” Sunny asked hopefully. “All added with the magic of filters!” Pipp cheerfully said as she appended her phone to show the filters of the giant fruit the three ponies wore, revealing it to be a filter since they didn’t have time to get actual costumes. “Photo filters never fail. And filters can never stop surprising you with new ones that are somehow made.” Sunset said with a small smile, knowing from experience when she and the rainbooms showed Applejack how photo filters are, while some are amazing, some are a little weird like that pony filter, which gave goosebumps to her friends from that strange filter. Sunny squeals in joy from that. “Amazing! Thanks, Pipp!” She thanked Pipp as she gave her a hug while Pipp smiled at Sunny as the Earth Pony gasped in excitement. “I can't wait for ponies to try these new flavors! They're gonna love 'em!” She cheered with a smile. “Slow down, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile as she calmed the earth pony down a bit. “These things take time for ponies to even try new things.” She pointed out, knowing that it shouldn’t be that easy right away.   And as Sunset predicted, Posey came by at the front of the stand as she held out a pear-nana with an unamused expression with a small smile. “New flavors?” She asked with a curt laugh. “I think not. Tropical treat for me, as per always.” She said to Sunset and Sunny, who appeared at the inside of the stand while Sunny gave a sheepish smile while Sunset raised an eyebrow at Posey. “You have a way with words, Posey.” Sunset said with a bored expression from how Posey always finds things dull for her, when she didn’t even try it. “Are you sure we can't interest you in—?” Sunny started as she lifted up the pear-nana again to try and get Posey to change her mind. “Tropical treat, please, Sunny.” Posey repeated sternly, clearly saying to Sunny that she’s not interested. And then Thunder appeared beside Posey as he spoke. “And banana smoothie here. Thanks.” He said with a small smile. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other as Sunset spoke. “Told ya. Not everything can happen right away.” She said to Sunny, proving her point. Sunny sighs, seeing Sunset’s point as she gives a down-expression. “Same old smoothie flavor coming right up.” She said in a disappointed tone as she went to her blender and started blending some smoothies. “Come on, Sunny. Don’t be like that. They just heard of the new flavors, so they just need to get interested.” Sunset said to Sunny as she placed a comforting hoof on Sunny’s back in comfort. Pipp appears in the stand next to them as she gives an assuring smile at Sunny. “Yeah, don't worry, they'll come around... eventually.” She said, a little uncertain when they will come around. “Sometimes, trying something new is hard.” She added. “Granted, knowing from experience, it took this long for ponies to try out something new. The most common one who is still stubborn to try something new is Posey, but still, nothing can happen right away.” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow, knowing from experience it took this long for ponies to try out new things, and how stubborn Posey is when not giving a new thing a chance. Sunny thought of what Sunset and Pipp just said as just having an idea as she smiled at them. “You're both right, Pipp and Sunset. So we need to make trying the new flavors easy. This calls for a taste test!” She announced with a determined smile as she turned to Sunset. “Sunset, you think you can bring Discord here? I think he would love to try out these smoothies.” She suggested, wanting Discord in on this since he hasn’t had Sunny’s smoothies before and wanting to join the others. Sunset smiled at Sunny’s idea as she brought out the other amulet she used to contact Discord. “Sunny, your wish is my command.” She said with a smile as she opened up the amulet and called Discord so that he could be here. Sometime later, the rest of the Mane 6, along with Sparky, Discord, who ponies accept in Maretime Bay when the Mane 6 vouch for him and when they told him everything and he was one of the original creatures and was friends with the guardians of harmony from Ancient Equestria like Sunset, and surprisingly Misty, are standing in front of the stand as Sunny and Sunset are in front of them as Sunny spoke out. “Listen up! It's time to try something new!” Sunny announced first to her friends with a smile as she turned to them. “There are over three million new flavor combos!” She announced cheerfully with sparkles in her eyes as she placed her hooves on her cheeks with a cheery smile. “Blah!” Izzy called out, which caused the others to turn to her in surprise and confusion. “Three million? How do you remember anything after two million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine?” She asked in confusion. “Izzy, only you can count that many, and it’s just an expression, but new combos all together.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “True. But I agree with Izzy on this one. How do you remember all those combos?” Discord asked, even though he was surprised by that. “That sounds a bit too much for somepony like you ponies, even for me.” He added. “That’s where we are about to surprise you and the ponies, Discord.” Sunset answered with a smile. Sunny continues. “It's easy with the help of…” She started as she gave Izzy and Discord a smirk and pointed to one side of the smoothie stand. Just then, Bot-y McBakertons came wheeling by as he stopped and showed that he had been upgraded as he showed a screen of different fruits, some tubes with a filter, a blue bowtie and a hole where the end of the tube and holder for a cub to be. Sunny then tapped her hoof on the screen as she pressed on the razzleberry icon, which caused McBakertons to beep and played a eight-bit music as it dropped a cup, pour some smoothie of the razzleberry content in it, seel it up and place the straw on it. “Wow!” The Rest of Mane 6, Discord and Misty all said in amazement as they all, along with Sparky, looked on with smiles and sparkles in their eyes. “Bot-y McBakertons!” Izzy cheered to her chief bot, and saw the upgrades Sunny and Sunset gave him. “Love the bowtie. It's very robot-chic.” She said while giving her chief bot a smile, liking the new look. “Yep. Me and Sunny did some setting changings to McBakertons. So now, he can make smoothies by our suggestions, even make a combo of different flavors as well.” Sunset explained to Izzy with a smirk on Bot-y McBakertons’ upgrade. “I AM... BEEP-BOP-BOOP! ...PROGRAMMED TO SERVE... BEEP! ...SMOOTHIES.” McBakertons said to the others in his robot voice as Sunny and Sunset nodded their heads in agreement. “Wow.” Discord said in amazement. “And Izzy is the one who made this robot?” He asked in amazement, he heard Izzy is very creative and can make something with her Unicycling skills, but seeing one of her creations is amazing. “Yep. And you gotta try out these smoothies, Discord. You are gonna love this.” Sunset said as she pressed on two of the new fruits Sunny suggested and the smoothie came out of McBakertons as she passed it to Discord. “Give it a try.” She suggested Discord. Discord accepted the smoothie cup as she smelled the contents, which smelled good. He looked at the others as they watched as Sunny gestured to him to try it out. Discord looked at the smoothie again as he gave a small smile. “Hmm.” He shrugged as he sipped on the smoothie, and once he did, his eyes sparkled as he sipped faster on his smoothie until his cup was empty. “That was seriously the best smoothie I ever had!” He said in amazement. “Glad you like it, Discord. And thanks for the compliment, that’s one combo.” Sunny said with a smile as she patted on McBakertons as she turned to the others. “Go ahead, choose your smoothie. Let's find that perfect combo.” She said to the others, who were looking on with sparkles in their eyes as Sunny picked up a razzleberry fruit. Izzy then came first as she looked at McBarkertons’ screen with a small smile while in thought. “Hmmm, let's see now. So I always get dreamy creamy. But today, I think I'll have... ooh, ummm…” She thought as Sunny and Sunset came next to Izzy with a smile as Izzy swiped on the screen to pick her options as Izzy then thought of her choice. “Ah! Oh, yes! I found it! Dreamy creamy!” She cheered. Sunny and Sunset were surprised that Izzy chose her usual choice as Sunny spoke.. “Oh, but Izzy, why not try—” Sunny started but was cut off. “Super citrus for me!” Hitch called out with a smile as Sparky licked his lips and babbles happily at said smoothie, finding that his favorite as well like Hitch. “Hitch!” Sunny calls out as she sweats a bit while Hitch realizes what he just said, sweating a bit as well, seeing that this wasn’t in Sunny’s idea. “Guys, we’re supposed to try out new things, not the usual one that…” Sunset started, but before she could say anything else, she suddenly felt like something was wrong. Looking sideways, she noticed something falling from the sky and then landing on a field. "... Give me a minute or two, okay?" She said with a sheepish smile. "I, uh... I gotta check something quick... Be back in a minute!" She assured, before teleporting away with her magic. The others looked on in confusion, wondering why Sunset left, but after saying she will be back, they have nothing to worry about as Zipp spoke up. “And I'll have my usual – peanut butter and banana—” Zipp started with a smile as Misty came next to her as she waved her hoof to Sunny with a smile. “Merry berry, please!” Misty cheered with a smile. Sunny starts to sweat from this as she calls out. “But there's so many other—” She tried to reason with them but was cut off when Pipp spoke as she flew next to Sunny. “And put me down for one—” Pipp started but was cut off. “Let me guess. Strawberry ripple?” Sunny asked in a dull expression with a tone as well, knowing what Pipp wanted. “Sunny, you know me so well.” Pipp said as she landed with a smile at Sunny, oblivious from Sunny’s tone. “Sorry, Sunny, but we know what we like.” Hitch said to Sunny while giving her an apologetic smile as Misty and Zipp nodded in agreement. “It's risky to try anything else.” He added. Sunny gave a down expression, knowing that it’s true and that her plan didn’t work well as she turned to Discord. “At least you get to try out one of the combos, Discord.” She said while looking at Discord. “Hey, I may be the Lord of Chaos, but I’m not that cruel to a friend’s work, Sunny. You did your best.” Discord assured with a small smile as Sunny gave a smile at Discord back in respect. And then, Zipp zoomed past Sunny as she went to McBakertons with a smile. “PB and B!” Zipp cheered as she tapped on the screen. “Ripple!” Pipp cheered as she appeared next to her sister with a smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Dreamy creamy!” Izzy cheered next with sparkles in her eyes. And then, the others, except for Sunny and Discord, then starts calling out their suggestions as each of their hooves are tapping on McBakertons’ screen and tapping on the fruits and vegetable icons, which is causing Bot-y McBakertons to twitch and his head to spin as he starts giving some smoke out of him. Sunny and Discord saw this as they both widened their eyes at this as Sunny called out. “Whoa! Everypony, slow down! Bot-y can't handle so many orders at once!” She called out while sweating nervously. “That bot is gonna be overloaded if you ponies don’t stop!” Discord called out as well, having a feeling that something bad might happen. Bot-y McBakertons then spoke in a distorting voice. “FLAVOR ERROR! FLAVOR ERROR! FLAVOR ERROR!” He called out as his head kept spinning and sparks and screws were flying out of him as his head started smoking. The rest of the Mane 6, along with Sparky and Misty, stop as they realize their mistake they’ve done to McBakertons as he is having a breakdown while they all sweat and give nervous expressions as McBakertons then bring out one of his tubes and aim it at them. “Aah! Look out! Smoothie incoming!” Zipp called out as they all duck for cover as McBakertons start spinning around and start shooting out different smoothie flavors all over the area as the ponies around them start running for cover. “SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION! SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION! SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION!” McBakertons called out as the Discord, Misty, Sparky and the rest of the Mane 6 watched him go with wide eyes expressions as McBakertons wheeled out into town. Just then, Sunset appeared as she teleported back while giving her friends a sheepish smile as she spoke. “Okay, I'm back!" She said. "Sorry to leave so suddenly, but... let's just say I saved the blue guy that appeared a few months ago from being killed by a giant robot with a mustache." She explained with a bored expression. Everyone else stared at her shocked and confused, and Hitch even raised a hoof to ask something, but Sunset cut him off. "Trust me, guys... You don't wanna know..." Sunset assured, still with a bored expression. “Anyway, what did I miss?” She asked the others, but she got her answer as she saw many different smoothies all over the place. “What happened?” She asked and then the others explained to her what happened in a quick version since McBakerton is on the loose. “WHAT?! Are you kidding me!?” Sunset called out in shock and a little anger as the others flinched from her outburst, knowing that she would react like this. “Seriously! I can’t leave you ponies alone for one minute without screwing something up!?” She asked in slight rage about what happened shortly after she left. The rest of the Mane 6, along with Sparky, Misty and Discord, gave Sunset a sheepish chuckle, knowing that they had it coming. “I guess not, Sunset. Not even for one second.” Izzy said sheepishly as she lowered her head a bit in slight fear. “Yeah, we really made a mistake.” Misty added sheepishly. “Ah! Nevermind! We gotta stop McBakertons before he make a smoothie mess all over Maretime Bay!” Sunset called out as she and the others rushed off to try and stop McBakertons’ rampage. In another street of Maretime Bay, Bot-y McBakertons continues to shoot out smoothie flavors all over Maretime Bay as it hits some of the ponies as well. “SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION! SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION! SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION!” McBakertons called out as they moved to an alleyway and wheeled down as the others followed while dodging some smoothies that came their way. Hitch followed next with Sparky on his back, but he then slid across the floor on a smoothie path on the ground, which caused Hitch to scream while Sparky giggled in excitement  as they slid away from the group, leaving the girls and Discord behind. The girls and Discord then saw the mess McBakertons has caused as a one pony is literally covered in smoothies while Dahlia tried to shake one off while a bunnycorn is covered in green smoothie as McBakertons came rushing while chasing two mares, one an earth pony and Flare as they tried to get away from McBakertons. “Wow. I know chaos, but I give it an ‘A’ for the effort of the mess it's making.” Discord commented, he has his fair share for chaos but judging by how things are that McBakertons is making, not that chaotic for his standards. “Now's not the time for chaos scales, Discord! Sunny, how many smoothie flavors did you put in McBakertons again?!” Sunset asked out in panic after seeing how many smoothies McBakertons were shooting out. “It's loaded with three million fruit combos!” Sunny called out nervously as the rest of the rest of the Mane 6, Misty and Discord looked on in worry before Sunny gasps in realization. “Oh, no, the whole town is gonna be covered in smoothie!” She called out in panic. “I thought you were just exasperating on the three million fruit combo thing! Did you have to put that many in McBakertons just to demonstrate?!” Sunset called out in shock from this. “I thought it was a good idea at the time to figure out new combos! I just wanted to let the ponies try something new and give it a chance!” Sunny cried out in panic, while the girls and Discord looked at her in sympathy, thinking that they should’ve tried out new things like Sunny suggested so that they can experience new flavors instead of their usual ones. And then in Mane Melody, the door opened as Thunder and Queen Haven walked out of the salon, with Queen Haven having a new mane style. “Your style's a masterpiece, Majesty. Not a single hair out of place.” Thunder compliments Queen Haven about her new mane style. “And after five hours in Mane Melody, I'd like to keep it that way.” Queen Haven said, having spent that long in Mane Melody to get her mane like that, but what she or Thunder didn’t know is that McBakertons are coming their way while spinning and shooting smoothie out. Back with the Mane 6, which Hitch and Sparky returned to, Discord, and Misty saw that McBakertons was heading towards Queen Haven. “Mom! Nooooo!” Zipp called out when she saw what’s going to happen. “Her hair will be ruined!” Pipp cried out dramatically. Zipp then gave a determined expression as she then zoomed towards McBakertons as she speed up, while Thunder and Queen Haven are distracted, McBakertons shoots out a smoothie, but before it could hit any of them, Zipp came in front of them as she caught it in her mouth and ate it. The rest of the Mane 6 saw this with a smile, along with Sparky and Discord, starting having an idea while Misty saw this in shock and surprise from that. “That’s it!” Sunset called out as she turned to the others. “Hope your thirsty ponies, and Discord, cause we got smoothies to freshen us up!” She called out to the others, knowing what they had to do.   McBakertons kept shooting smoothies as it spins out of control, which Thunder and Queen Haven notice as Thunder stood in front of Haven to protect her and her mane as Sunny and Sunset came in and caught each smoothie in their mouths. Hitch and Izzy did the same as they caught two more as Thunder and Haven smiled at their timing and helped them. Pipp caught a smoothie on her mouth as she landed and tasted the flavor. “Mmmm! Hey! Straw-nana?” She guessed from the taste as she gasped with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. “Not bad!” She said with a smile. Discord caught another one as he tasted the flavor. “These are great! And this is the most fun I have had in years!” He cheered as he caught two more at the same time. McBakertons then kept spinning and moving as it kept shooting smoothies out while ponies around were screaming and running out of the way. “Quick! It's the only way to stop the town getting ‘smoothie'd!’” Hitch called out in determination as he, his friends, Sparky, Discord and Misty rushed after McBakertons. The Pippsqueaks were looking at their phones until McBakertons came over them, which the Pippsqueaks widen their eyes in surprise. “SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION! SMOOTHIE—!” He called out as he spun and shot a ton of smoothies out as the Pippsqueaks huddled together with their eyes closed as they were about to get hit by smoothies. But then Pipp appeared in front of them as she caught each one in her mouth. At Posey’s place, she is placing her white sheets on a hanger line as she smiles at them. “—IE MALFUNCTION!” She then heard McBakertons voice as she turned and saw him spinning and shooting smoothies his way as Posey screamed and tried to cover her white sheets as a smoothie about to hit. But then Sunny and Sunset came in as they caught each smoothie in their mouths as Posey watched in surprise as they caught each one before McBakertons moved along as Sunset and Sunny smiled at Posey. “Consider this as a break from all the karmas you had in the past, Posey.” Sunset said with a smile as Posey smiled in relief that she and her sheets are stain free and thanked Sunny and Sunset for the save. Somewhere in Maretime Bay, Rufus is about to show off his magic trick to the crowd of ponies, but then McBakertons come right behind them. “SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION!” McBakertons called out as the crowds screamed and moved out of the way as Izzy and Discord appeared from Rufus’ magic hat, which surprised him from them as Discord and Izzy caught smoothies on each of their mouths, and then Misty jumped up in front of them and caught smoothies in her mouth as well on both sides. “You're welcome!” Izzy said to Rufus with a wink. “No need to thank us.” Discord added as he and Misty smiled at Rufus, who was a little surprise and confuse about this. And then in an alley, Sparky, and a racoonicorn and bunnycorn are running from McBakertons, who is behind them as Sparky screamed as McBakertons kept shooting out his smoothies. Sparky and the two critters hit a dead end as they huddled in fear as McBakertons was coming close and a smoothie was about to hit them, but then Hitch got in front of them as he caught one in his mouth. “SMOOTHIE MALFUNCTION!” McBakertons called out as he kept shooting smoothies and started spinning, but Hitch acted quickly as he caught each smoothie in his mouth as he caught them really fast, and then McBakertons stopped spinning as he winded down and tilted on the ground as it finally shut down. The rest of the Mane 6, Misty and Discord, made it Hitch as they saw the whole thing and were amazed by it. “Whoa! Hitch! That was seriously heroic!” Sunny said in amazement at what Hitch just did as the others smiled at Hitch, pretty amazed at what he just did. “You got some fast reflexes there, sheriff. And those are great.” Sunset commented, finding that amazing as well. “Even I was surprised at what you just pulled off.” Discord said in awed, pretty amazed himself, surprisingly. Hitch just looked at his friends as he got his mouth filled with tons of smoothies he caught as his face was a little messy with his cheeks puffed up before he gulped them down in one go before giving them a tired smile. “Just... doing my share of duty.” He said as he groaned at the amount of smoothies he caught and swallowed as Sparky climbed on his back and hugged him and the two critters hugged Hitch by his hooves, thanking him for saving them as Hitch smiled at them. “Sorry about Bot-y McBakertons, Izzy. He really went out of hoof there.” Sunset apologized to Izzy for what happened to her chief bot. “Ah, don’t worry, it was our fault for overloading him. Besides, I could fix Bot-y right up. He should be good as new in no time.” Izzy assured with her usual cheery smile, since she is Bot-y’s creator, she knows how to fix him up. “And I would love to watch him get fixed up as well.” Discord volunteered, wanting to see how Izzy made and fixed things with his own eyes. “You’re welcome to come, Discord!” Izzy cheered. Sparky then starts licking some smoothie Hitch’s cheeks. “Mmmm!” He said, liking the taste of the smoothie as he smiled and looked at Hitch with sparkling eyes while waving his arms. Hitch saw Sparky’s reaction as he had a thought. “Hey, if Sparky likes it…” He started as he picked some off his cheeks and licked it as he gasped with sparkles in his eyes with a smile. “All the smoothies have run into each other! This might be the most delicious one yet!” He announced with a smile, finding the smoothie combination he tasted amazing. “Really?” Sunset asked in surprise as she picked some up and licked it as well as she had sparkles in her eyes as well. “Wow! These are amazing!” She cheered. Sunny picked some up and licked it as well, tasting the flavor as she smiled at the taste. “It's a smoothie... made out of smoothies! Oh, the perfect combo!” She cheered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes before she gave a smirk to Hitch. “What can we call it?” She asked with a smirk. Hitch smiled at Sunny as he answered. “I guess it is made up of all the best bits of everything. Why not call it the "Alicorn Special"?” He suggested with a smile. Sunny then smiled with sparkles in her eyes at Hitch’s name idea, finding it perfect. Sunset and Discord saw Sunny reactions as they each gave a smirk. “I may be the Lord of Chaos, but I don’t need my magic to know that these two are made for each other.” Discord whispered to Sunset with a smirk. “Trust me, Discord. You are not the only one. We all think the same way.” Sunset whispered back with a chuckle as the rest of their friends chuckled quietly without Sunny and Hitch hearing, knowing that is true. Sometime later, ponies are lined up at the smoothie stand as Sunset and Sunny are passing smoothies as the ponies chattered as they wait in line while others who already have their smoothies are slurping on them as Sunny waved her hooves at them with a smile as she and Sunset don’t notice that their cutie marks are glowing as the ponies continue to slurp on their smoothies. Pipp then appeared next to Sunny and Sunset as she spoke. Whoa, Sunny, Sunset! The Alicorn Special is, like, totally a hit!” She cheered as she raised her hoof with a smile. “Ponies just can’t stop buying them, that’s for sure.” Sunset commented as she passed a smoothie to another customer. “Yeah, only the problem is... now nopony wants to try anything else!” Sunny pointed out with a small smile, seeing that ponies can’t stop slurping on their smoothies and not trying anything else since the Alicorn Special is the best thing to not stop buying. Sunset gave a short chuckle from this. “Well, don’t worry, they will get tired from it, eventually.” She said, which earned a small laugh from the three of them from this outcome, finding it pretty funny. In Opaline’s castle, Opaline saw the whole thing through her magic screen and some through Misty’s amulet, while she got bored and let Misty take a break for a bit from her last experience to catch Sparky, she got some entertainment from McBakertons smoothie rampage, which earn her an entertainment until it was over, but what really shocked her is that she saw Discord is still alive, old, but still alive, having known him being from Ancient Equestria and was a friend from the Guardians of Harmony, and close friend to Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, which made her shock by this outcome as she paced back-in-forth in her throne room. “Discord is still alive?” Opaline said in disbelief. “As if Sunset Shimmer is bad enough to be around. That means I'm going to have to be twice as careful for a while.” She muttered to herself, since having two creatures, Sunset and Discord, one who is a Guardian of Harmony and a friend to them, while being one of the last remnants of Twilight Sparkle and the Guardians of Harmony, she will have to be extra careful. “Not only is he the only one who is still more powerful than I CURRENTLY am, but he very likely still holds a grudge for how I hurt Fluttershy, he and that timid Pegasus really were close.” She added, remembering how she tossed Fluttershy to the ground when she cut in line in a Canterlot stand all those years again. “Looks like I have two remnants of Twilight Sparkle to deal with! And I won’t let them stop me from becoming the most powerful Fire Alicorn in all of Equestria!” She yelled out, determined to not let Sunset OR Discord get in the way of her plans of becoming all powerful and rule all of Equestria. End of Chapter 47. > Chapter 48: The Hunt for Eggmund Bunny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 48: The Hunt for the Eggmund Bunny In the Sheriff Station, Sparky is babbling excitedly as he is running around the station while the area has many piles of papers around  as Hitch chased after him as he tripped on the floor as he panted, out of breath to try and catch Sparky. And then, Sunset and Zipp came in as they were each holding a basket of chocolate easter eggs, which revealed that it is the Easter holiday in Equestria. “Hey, Hitch. We got some treats for you and Sparky.” Sunset called out as they came in. “Who wants chocolate egg…Oh!” Zipp tries to ask by then she and Sunset widen their eyes at seeing how hype Sparky is and the mess around the station. When Sparky heard of chocolate eggs, he then jumped at the two ponies with a wide smile. “Yay!” He cheered as he jumped on the two surprise ponies and ate the entire two baskets of chocolate eggs in one second as he ate the last one while Sunset and Zipp just watched as he gave a blissful sigh and burp a bit, but just bubbles and not his dragon fire while Zipp flinched on instinct while Sunset just gave a chuckle. “Should’ve seen that one coming.” Sunset said with a small smile in amusement with a slight chuckle at Sparky’s childish antics. Hitch then popped his head out of a pile of papers he was in as he gave a tired expression. “Sorry, Zipp and Sunset.” He said tiredly as he got out of the pile and made his way towards them. “He gets excited at the holidays.” He said as they looked down at Sparky, who lay on his back. “And all the other days.” He added since Sparky is like this everyday but he can’t blame him, he’s a baby dragon after all. “Can’t blame him for being so excited each day.” Sunset said as she gave a cute smile at Sparky. “Sparky hatched almost a year ago and each day, which includes holidays and festivities, are Sparky’s first one as they each appear. And he wants to have fun in each one.” She added as Sparky gave a giggle in response. “Yeah. That is true.” Hitch said in agreement he gave a tired smile at Sparky. “Come on, Sparky. Nap time.” He said tiredly as he carried Sparky. Hitch placed Sparky on his bed, but the baby dragon kept giggling as he waved his arms in excitement while Hitch looked at him tiredly as Sunset and Zipp watched until they looked at the pile of papers around them. “Oh, a lot of case files piling up here, Hitch.” Zipp said with an unsure smile. “You really got your hooves full here when taking care of Sparky and doing your Sheriff duties. This is more paperwork than Twilight does when she needs to get some done.” Sunset added as she picked up some of them. And then Twilight starts appearing as the necklace opens up. “Nice comparison, Sunset. But if I had this amount, I would get them down in less then a day or two. I was the best organizer in all of Equestria before becoming a princess.” She said with a chuckle. Sunset playfully rolled her eyes from that. “I believe you, Twilight. Your counterpart is the same from time to time.” She said in an amusing smile. Zipp gave a chuckle. “I guess some counterparts remain the same from different worlds.” She joked. “You have no idea./You have no idea.” Both Sunset and Twilight said together as they look at each other with smiles as they gave a laugh to one another And then a pile next to Sunset and Zipp starts moving as the two ponies look at it as Kenneth and his bird friend coming out from a pile, but with paper on each of their faces as they hit Zipp’s legs as they fell on the floor but the papers got off their faces as they got up and continue coming as Zipp and Sunset just gave them a small smile as they watch them go. “Ugh, I know.” Hitch said to them as Zipp, Twilight and Sunset turned to him as he placed a bed hat on Sparky’s head as the baby dragon kept giggling and tried to grab it. “I wanna get back to work, but I’m so exhausted. How am I meant to look after a baby dragon and be Sheriff at the same time?” He questioned in slight stress as he placed his hooves on his face. And then Sparky breathed out one of his dragon fires as Hitch looked and saw Sparky’s bed hat turned into bananas as even Sparky is surprised by that as he farted as Hitch facehooved himself as result. “Yeah. I know that feeling when Spike was a hoof full when he first hatched from his egg.” Twilight commented, having a similar experience of what Hitch is going through. “No doubt about it.” Sunset commented in agreement. “Just take baby steps Hitch.” Zipp assured with a smile. “Or dragon baby steps.” She joked as she chuckled.  “Hehe, good one.” Sunset said with a slight chuckle, finding that funny and true. “Thanks.” Zipp said as she spoke to Hitch again. “But you know, Hitch, start with something small.” She suggested. “Yeah, just try a small problem that is easy to do and not stress you out.” Sunset added.  “Like what?” Hitch asks them as he holds Sparky, who is grabbing Hitch’s chin as he chuckles. They then heard Zipp’s phone beep as Zipp brought her phone out and read a notification. “‘Chocolate emergency, Zephyr Heights. Help, please.’” She read as she then gave a smile. “Ah, that could work.” She said with a smirk. “A chocolate emergency. That’s new.” Sunset said with a small amusement. “If Pinkie Pie was here, she would love to join in.” Twilight said, knowing how much Pinkie loves chocolate that she would do anything to get some. “She sure would.” Sunset said in agreement with a chuckle, knowing her Pinkie Pie would pretty much do the same. “I believe you if Pinkie loves chocolate that much.” Zipp said with a smile as she turned to Hitch. “Hitch! We need your help, buddy!” She said as she held up the remaining Easter egg, but then she gasped in surprise as Sparky then jumped on her. “Oof!” She yelped as she and Sparky hit the floor with a thud. Sunset chuckled from that. “Maybe not to bring out treats in front of Sparky if the baby dragon has a sweet tooth, Zipp.” She said as Twilight chuckled from that as well. “Good point.” Zipp said with a groan as Sparky ate the chocolate egg. At Zepyhr Heights, Ponies are watching the big screens on the buildings as Dazzle and Skye spoke.  “Ooh. Just hours before the start of the Royal Eggstravaganza, Eggmund Bunny has gone missing.” Dazzle announced as bunnies were around while bringing out a screen that showed a figure with a question mark on it, saying that thisEggmund Bunny is missing. “Tradition dictates that his army of egg-hiding bunnies can't stop hiding eggs until Eggmund himself declares the hunt open.” Sky announced as it showed many other screens of what the bunnies are doing. The bunnies kept placing many eggs in many hiding places they could find. By placing some in a Pegasus mare’s mouth when she was about to eat her sandwich, from placing them behind books in a library when a stallion took some out, even in a restroom toilet as a pegasus stallion flew in, but some water came out from under the door as the stallion cringe and flew away as the bunny opened the door and look around before closing it again. Changing the scene back to Dazzle and Skye, Dazzle gave the viewers a nervous smile. “As you can see, Zephyr Heights is literally bursting with eggs.” She said as more bunnies place more eggs around them. Behind them, two more bunnies are placing eggs in a mailbox, but begin to shake from having too many in it as it then bursts out some chocolate eggs, which Sky and Dazzle noticed.   “Aah!” The two news pegasi screamed as they duck and cover their heads as a chocolate egg hit the camera lens as it covered it up in chocolate. Zipp, Sunset and Hitch, with Sparky in the baby bag as the three look at the screen in a worried expression while Hitch just gives an anxious look. “This is starting small?” Hitch asked in shock, pointing out that this situation is not small. “They should’ve put in more details in that news, Zipp.” Sunset said as she raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I'm even surprised by this. They didn’t say anything about this on my phone.” Zipp said, while saying that her phone didn’t say this as a big emergence and seeing that this might be tough for Hitch. “Of course, just another day in Equestria.” Sunset said with a slight chuckle, knowing that each day is an adventure in Equestria, which didn’t surprise them one bit. Just then, Queen Haven then landed next to the three ponies as they noticed her. “Sunset! Zipp! Hitch! Thank hoofness you're here!” She said in relief that her daughter and two of her friends are here. “This is getting out of control!” She called out as she tossed the eggs off her crown before putting it back on.  “Yeah, you ponies are ‘egging’ to get these bunnies under control.” Sunset said she gave a laugh at her joke while Hitch, Zipp, and Queen Haven just looked at her blankly. Seeing their expressions, Sunset stops as she clears her throat. “Sorry, just ‘cracking’ it up and going ‘coco’ about this whole mess.” She said as she gave a chuckle. “You done?” Hitch asked in a dull tone with a raised eyebrow. Sunset stopped and thought for a moment as she answered. “Yeah. I’m out.” She said to them, having run out of egg jokes. “Getting back to the situation at hoof, Eggmund has never missed a Royal Eggstravaganza! Never!” Queen Haven pointed out since she knows Eggmund and that he never missed the Eggstravaganza, not even once. “That's concerning.” Sunset commented, seeing the issue here. Zipp smiled at her mother in assurance as she spoke. “Well, with Sheriff Hitch helping me and Sunset with the case, I'm sure we'll find him in no time.” She assured her mother. “Yeah, with the three of us, we’ll find him soon.” Sunset added while Hitch looked unsure about this. “Oh, I hope so.” Queen Haven said in worried. “I've never seen Cloudpuff this nervous.” She added as she turned to Cloudpuff, who is hiding behind Queen Haven’s tail, looking really nervous. Cloudpuf came out of Haven’s tail as he whined and whimpered, and then when a bunny came in holding out an egg to him, Cloudpuff barked in fright as he curled himself into a ball as he whined as the bunny hopped away. “Yeah, we see what you mean.” Sunset said in sympathy that Cloudpuff is this nervous as the four ponies gave him a sympathetic look. “Your Majesty!” Zoom called as the four ponies turned to her as she came to Queen Haven’s side. “Eggmund Bunny's been spotted down at the supermarket buying carrots!” She informed her. “Well, that was convenient.” Sunset commented. After hearing what Zoom said, Zipp gave Hitch a smile. “Hmmmm…” She said, having a thought as Hitch looked at her as Zipp then went to the other side as she cleared her throat with a smirk. Seeing Zipp’s expression, Sunset smirked as she nudged Hitch. “Come on, Hitch. Give it a shot. It will help you out.” She said with a smirk. Seeing no point out of this, Hitch gave a sigh as he spoke. “All right. Let's find us a bunny.” He said with a sigh, going to give this a shot. “Shouldn’t be that hard to tell from the rest of these bunnies.” Sunset said while gesturing to the other bunnies who kept placing eggs around them. “And right now, I can’t complain.” She said as she grabbed an egg and started eating it. She turned and saw the others as they gave her a blank look. “What? Can’t let these treats go to waste.” She said in defense as she ate another bite. Sometime later, Hitch, Sparky, Sunset and Zipp are in the Zephyr Heights supermarket security cameras room as an elder purple pegasus mare, who is the store owner, showed them the footage. “This is from this morning. 9:00 A.M.” The Store Owner said as she showed them the footage. It showed an anthro bunny wearing a white robe, with a cart full of carrots. It was Eggmund the Bunny, who was looking really tired as he walked up to the cashier to pay for the carrots. “There he is!” Zipp called out after seeing Eggmund. “That’s Eggmund? Wow, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn’t believe myself.” Sunset said in surprise. “You thought he wasn’t real?” Zipp asked in surprise from Sunset. “What? We had nothing like this back in old Equestria.” Sunset said in defense since in Ancient Equestria, they didn’t have some creature like Eggmund. “I mean, sure I’ve heard of other creatures like Eggmund, but seeing an anthro bunny, that’s a shock even for me. And we may have Easter in the human world I used to live in, but actually seeing someone like Eggmund is still a shock for me.” She added, sure she had Easter but actually seeing a real easter bunny like Eggmund, it can be hard to believe if she didn’t see him with her own eyes. “Good point.” Zipp said, seeing Sunset’s reasons as they turned to the camera again as it changed to Eggmund rolling the cart out the supermarket as carrots fell from the cart. “Pause! Zoom in!” She said as the camera paused and zoomed in on a trail of carrots from the cart as it made a path. “Look. All we gotta do is follow that trail of carrots.” Hitch said with a smile. “Well, ponies. Follow the bunny drops.” Sunset said as she saw the others looking at her again. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.” She said to them. “Nevermind that.” Hitch waved it off as he ran off. “Come on, girls!” He said to Zipp and Sunset as they ran out the door. (Don’t Lose Your Groove Song) A little bit later, Zipp, Hitch and Sunset are following the trail of carrots that Eggmund has dropped as they follow them into a field. (Hitch) Sometimes we get lost in the new (in the new) And we forget what we love to do (what we love to do) Hitch picks up each carrots as he tosses them to Sparky, who is eating each one he caught as Zipp and Sunset follow behind him while also wondering how big Sparky’s appetite is. (Zipp) You gotta reignite the spark in you (Hitch: In you) Yeah, come on, pony, let me walk you through First step, you gotta find your rhythm Hitch then found a rabbit hole as he laughs with joy, thinking they found Eggmund’s home as he jumped in, while Sunset and Zipp look in surprise at Hitch just did as he crawled through the rabbit hole, and ran pass a couple of bunnies with a dining table set, when Hitch reaches the other side, he saw that he exit the rabbit hole as he turned his head and saw Sparky, Zipp and Sunset behind him as he sighs with a facehoof, stating that it’s not Eggmund’s home and they are gonna have to keep searching as the carrot trail continues. At a river stream, the three ponies hop on some rocks to get to the otherside as they landed on as Hitch leapt in surprise as he tried to keep his balance. (Sunset) Make your way back to the life you're livin' Second step, have fun with it It'll come naturally Once they are all on the log, it starts moving downstream as Zipp, Sunset and Sparky laugh from this as the log follows the current while Hitch looks nervous. They steer the log with their bodies to avoid getting hit by rocks as Hitch starts to have fun now as he smiles with them as they jump over a waterfall while raising their hooves as they fall and land on the water. (Hitch, Sunset and Zipp) Don't lose your groove Keep your attitude They got off the log with a laugh as they touched land as they kept following the carrot path. Now we're all just livin' it up We're here, we're just havin' fun Don't lose your groove It's what makes you you (Hitch: It's what makes you you) They then got a fallen tree in front of their path as they stopped. Hitch then gave a smirk as he turned to Sparky. He picked Sparky up as he tossed him in the air as Sparky gave a laugh as he landed on Hitch’s hoof as the stallion gave a smirk. Sparky then releases his dragon fire, which hits the fallen tree as it turns into apples as they explode, which made both Sunset and Zipp, along with Sparky, to laugh at this as Hitch just kept smirking. You'll always find your way back So, pony, have fun with that Like, uh, uh-huh-huh-huh And then as they reach a ravine, their path was destroyed as Hitch just kept smirking as he brought out his hoof, which is glowing green as he stomped his hoof on the ground, using his Earth Pony magic to grow giant vines as they begin to form a bridge as the two girls and Sparky watches as Hitch kept smirking as he wipe a brow and walked on the path. Zipp and Sunset then smiled as they saw that Hitch is doing great and seeing that their idea is working. (Zipp) Find your groove, get back to it, back to it On the vine bridge, Hitch then did a quick dance of confidence as he twirled around before he trotted to the other side as Zipp, Sunset, Sparky trotted after him as they laughed as they made it to the other side. (Hitch, Sunset and Zipp) Uh, uh-huh-huh-huh (Sunset) Find your groove, get back to it now A little bit later, Hitch stopped as he gave a confident smile as Sunset and Zipp caught up to him, and what they saw in front of them surprised them. “Huh?” Zipp asked in surprise. “Ah!” Hitch gasped with a smile. “Whaddya know.” Sunset commented. What they saw in front of them is a hill like home, with a carrot garden on the side and bushes shaped like rabbit ears with chocolate eggs on them as it was surrounded by flowers. “Hmm…” The three ponies said to each other, having a feeling that this might be Eggmund’s home. “Well, time to introduce ourselves.” Sunset commented as the three walked up to the front door. As they walk to the front door, Hitch knocks on the door as Eggmund opens it, but looking really tired as one of his cubs is in his ears while a lot more of them are playing around inside. The three ponies smiled at Eggmund as Hitch spoke. “There you are— Whoa!” He said in surprise as he, Zipp and Sunset looked at his house with wide eyes in surprise to see a lot of baby bunnies having fun in Eggmunds house while making a mess. “Now, that is a lot of bunnies!” He said in surprise at the amount. “If Fluttershy saw this amount of bunnies, she would explode with joy and want to play with them.” Sunset commented in surprise, knowing how Fluttershy is with animals, she would’ve squealed in excitement if she had seen this amount of baby bunnies.   “Can I help you?” Eggmund asked them as he got his baby bunny off his ear. “Um, hello?” Zipp said unsure with a small smile. “Aren't you forgetting something? You're supposed to be opening the Eggstravaganza.” She told him since he needs to open the Eggstravaganza to stop the bunnies from hiding chocolate everywhere. “Nope. I can't do it. No way.” Eggmund simply said tiredly. “But why? The bunnies hiding the eggs are going overboard.” Sunset pointed out. “Yeah. Zephyr Heights is about to explode with chocolate!” Hitch cried out in slight panic as he got close to Eggmund. “And you, sir, have a job to do.” He added. Eggmund just looked down as he spoke. “Sorry, but... I'm too exhausted!” He cried out as tears came out of his eyes. “Do you know how hard it is looking after sixteen baby bunnies all on your own?!” He questioned them while giving them a tired and angry look, having been taking care of his sixteen baby bunnies and pushed him to the brick, which is why he didn’t open the Eggstravaganza at the beginning since taking care of his kids is already a paw full as it is. “Actually, I kinda do.” Hitch honestly said, knowing how Eggmund feels as he turned to Sparky, who climbed on Zipp’s head as he placed a carrot on her mane as he giggled while Zipp and Sunset looked at him cutely as Hitch smiled at Sparky. Hitch turned back to Eggmund as he continued. “Look, I know it's hard. Believe me. I've gone through ten fire extinguishers in the past week.” He added how much fire extinguishers he used to put out Sparky’s dragon fire sometimes and how taking care of the baby dragon tired him out at times. “But you don't have to do it alone. We can help you.” He said in assurance, wanting to help Eggmund out. “And take it from me who looks after five other ponies, counting Hitch to make sure he doesn’t go overboard.” Sunset said as she looked at Hitch, who nodded his head in agreement, knowing that he does go overboard at times. “Looking after you’re friends who you think of as a family can be really tiring.” She added, since looking after Sunny and the others to make sure they are safe and happy can be stressful at times. “You make it sound like you know from experience for a young mare like you.” Eggmund said, since he can tell how much Sunset knows about parenting for her age. “Trust me. I am way older than anypony, or creature in your case, in Equestria. Have you ever heard of the Guardians of Harmony and Princess Twilight?” Sunset asked Eggmund with a smirk. “The former Princess of Equestria and a group of ponies who help save Equestria time and time again with harmony and friendship? Yeah, I know them.” Eggmund nodded, knowing the tales about them as well. “Why did you…” He trailed off as he widened his eyes in realization. “Wait, you’re a Guardian of Harmony?!” He asked in shock and surprise. “That’s right. And I was friends with Twilight Sparkle so many moons ago.” Sunset nodded with a small smile. “Look, Eggmund. I know that taking care of my friends isn’t the same as you taking care of your kids since they’re not by blood, but I see them as family. And I’m the oldest pony of the group. I’m responsible for keeping those ponies safe and making sure they stay out of trouble while making sure they are happy. Because if something happens to them, I would never forgive myself if it does.” She stated as Zipp nodded her head in comfiring as Eggmund had a thought, taking Sunset’s words by heart as he nodded to her in understanding. “So let us help you out so you can catch a break.” She said as she walked next to Hitch with a smile. Zipp walked next to Eggmund as she smiled. “Hitch and Sunset are right. We could, um…” She trailed off as she felt a baby bunny hopping on her back as she strained a bit from the vibration. “...look after the bunnies for you.” She said uncertainty with a forceful smile as the baby bunny grabbed her mane and tugged it. “Really?” Eggmund asked heartily as tears began to form in his eyes. “You'd do that?” He asked gratefully. “Of course.” Hitch answered with a smile as Eggmund eyes have heart on them as he quivered while smiling. “Parents gotta stick together.” He added. “And we help creatures in need. So you don’t have to do this alone. It’s okay to ask for help.” Sunset added with a smile. “So what do you say?” Zipp asked as she, Sunset and Zipp got in front of him. Eggmund thought of what they say as the three ponies smiled at him with sparkles in their eyes as his baby bunny he was holding gave cute squeaks. After seeing how generous they are, he then smiled at them. “Oh, all right!” Eggmund said with a smile, accepting their help. “You three grab the stroller! I'll get the ceremonial scissors!” He instructed as he went back into his home to get ready. “Yes!” Sunset, Zipp and Hitch cheered as they high hoove each other as they looked through Eggmund’s house and saw the stroller next to the door, while surprised to see sixteen seats on it. “Well, guess we could use the exercise.” Sunset commented in surprise, knowing that they will stroll a big weight. Sometime later back in Zephyr Heights, ponies are gathered around in front the center of town  while bunnies are squeaking as they hide more eggs. At the top of the stairs, Eggmund is in the middle with Queen Haven and Thunder by his side as he’s about to cut the red ribbon, while wearing his hat and bowtie. Zipp, Hitch and Sunset smiled at Eggmund before turning to the sixteen baby bunnies, who are squeaking cutely while Sparky is wearing a pair of bunny ears while making silly faces at the baby bunnies. Zoom then brought out a trumpet as he blew on it, which resulted in a chocolate egg coming out from it, which surprised him. “I hereby declare the Royal Eggstravaganza... open!” Eggmund announced as he cut the red ribbon. After the ribbon is cut, all the bunnies who were hiding the eggs stop as they either drop them or get clear of some that are filled to the brick from either containers like trash cans or filled in a building as they squeak while running out of the way to get clear of them. “Well, that takes care of the chocolate egg situations.” Sunset said in relief, glad that madness is over. Eggmund then walked up to the three ponies and his childrens. “Thanks, ponies. I couldn't have done this without your help.” He thanked them for helping him out. “And it felt good to be Eggmund Bunny again.” He said in nostalgia at being the very thing he was meant to be since taking care of his kids really took too much time off his play. “You know, two good friends once did the same thing for me.” Hitch said as he looked at Zipp and Sunset with a smile as the two latter smiled back as the three ponies hooftap together as their cutie marks glowed without them knowing. “Helping others out, it’s what we do to help others in need.” Sunset said with a smile. “But seriously, anytime you need help, I'm a call away.” Hitch added to Eggmund with a smile, saying that if Eggmund ever wanted to need up, all he had to do is ask. “Yeah, if you even need some help, just ask and we’ll be there to help out with your troubles. You don’t have to be alone to take care of things, it’s okay to have a little help.” Sunset added with a smile. Eggmund smiled at their suggestions. “Weeeeell... it's funny you should say that, 'cause I'm gonna need bunny-sitters on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays.” He said as he brought out his phone while checking his schedule as Hitch, Zipp, Sunset and even Sparky are shocked and surprised by this as the baby bunnies start climbing on the three shock ponies. “Oh! I could do with help on my morning carrot run on Fridays. And also on Saturdays, I like to do a little rumba, so I do some dancing. So you could come over on Saturday nights, then get my rrrrumba on!” He said he made chitters sounds as the three ponies are very unsure by this, knowing that they will be busy for a while. “I guess we have to take turns each day to help him.” Sunset said as Zipp and Hitch looked at her in surprise. “What? We all don’t have to go in, we do have other jobs to do like me helping Sunny with her smoothie business. So we all need to take turns each day to help Eggmund, we can’t leave him hanging, deal?” She asked the others, stating that if they take turns each day, they can help Eggmund out with his kids so that he or they themselves don't get overworked with the baby bunnies. Zipp and Hitch thought of what Sunset said, thinking through the idea as they nodded. “Deal.” They both said, finding it fair to take turns bunnysisting Eggmund’s kids. “Good. We’ll draw straws later when we get back.” Sunset said for them to see who goes first and who's next after another. “Sure thing, but you go first, Sunset.” Hitch said as Zipp nodded. “Fair enough.” Sunset nodded in understanding. “Now, we best get ready.” She said as they listen to Eggmunds schedule so they can know when he wants help, which they know might be each day since he has sixteen kids. End of Chapter 48: > Chapter 49: Mission Imponable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 49: Mission Imponable “Aaaahhh!”  Misty screamed as she was somehow falling from the sky as she was heading towards the front of the Brighthouse while wearing skydiving gear. Just then, the amulet opened up as Opaline appeared. “Honestly Mis…” She started but then she noticed that Misty was falling from the sky. “Whaaat is happening!?” She cried out in shock and surprise. Misty eyes are covered in Opaline’s cloud dust from the amulet as she tries to fan it away as she can’t see. “Opaline, can’t see!” Misty called out as she tried to pull the line to her parachute as Opaline continued screaming. “Misty, do something!” Opaline cried out in fright, even if she’s communicating from the amulet, she does feel the experience. “Just… a… second!” Misty struggled to find the release string for the parachute until her hooves found it. “Aha! There you are!” She called out as she pulled the string as her parachute opened up, safely bringing them to the ground as Misty’s chute got stuck to a tree as Opaline closed her eyes as her cloud-like arms hugged around Misty’s head. “Uh, Opaline, you can let go now. We’re okay.” Misty said to Opaline with an assuring smile. Opaline opened one of her eyes to see that Misty is right, but as karma struck, the parachute gave out as the two fell to the ground. “Whoa!” Misty landed face first while Opaline landed on top of her with a startled yelp. Opaline got her bearings as she looked at Misty in shock and irritation. “What was that, Misty?!” She demanded. “Skydiving!?” She yelled in rage. “Oh, this?” Misty asked with a small smile as she gestured to her gear. “You never listen!” Opaline scolded, which made Misty flinched. “All I ask you to do is…” She was about to remind Misty but was cut off. “Get more information about magic crystals and how they work.” Misty said while looking at Opaline in annoyance, already knows the plan to get more information about the Unity Crystals to figure out how they work and get more magic for Opaline. “That is still what you want.” She said as she gave a look at Opaline, who was surprised at Misty’s speaking to her like that. “Isn’t it, Opaline?” She questioned. Opaline raised an eyebrow and stood in silence for a moment, clearly surprised that Misty stood up and told her off like that, clearly seeing that she is getting better in standing up for herself and more independent. “Yes.” Opaline said calmly, coinciding herself. “Well… hurry up.” She simply said as she went back into the amulet. Misty sighs in relief as she then gives a determined smile. “Let’s do this!” She cheered. A little bit later, a bunnicorn pops out of  the ground while underneath it is Misty crawling through a tunnel. In a clearing underground are a family of bunnicorns enjoying their carrot dinner as their home starts to shake, which surprises them. They look at their family portrait as it falls to the ground, revealing Misty as she kept digging. “Oh! Hey bunnicorns.” Misty greeted sheepishly. “Don’t mind me, enjoy your dinner.” She said to them. The bunnicorns were shocked by this as the adult male fainted as the rest of them screamed in panic. A little bit later, Misty got out of the tunnel where the bunnicorn first surfaced as one of them, who was eating a berry, screamed and ran off as the one on her head screamed and ran off as well. Misty groaned as she pushed herself out of the rabbit hole, but landed with a thud. In the bedroom, Zipp and Sunset heard the thud as Zipp tiredly placed her blanket on her head as Sunset groaned as she turned a bit. “Gotta be the critters again. They need to keep it down.” Sunset said tirelessly. Outside, Misty is climbing the walls of the Brighthouse with her suction cups on her hooves to climb the walls, while feeling a bit tired. Once Misty got to the top, she was dizzy and out of breath while giving a dizzy look, apparently the Brighthouse was bigger than she expected. But it paid off as she saw the Unity Crystals in view as it shines bright. Misty got her bearings as she smiled at the Unity Crystals as she then use a blowtorch as she cut a whole in the glass as she place her suction cups on it to remove it, but Misty is having a hard time removing it as she grunted to take it out with both hooves. Misty managed to remove it, but apparently lost her balance as she moved back. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoooaaa!” She called out as she reached the edge of the balcony while leaning on her back while dangling the piece of glass over the edge. “Did not think that through.” She said with a small smile but managed to get the glass out, but then fell from her hooves as it fell to the ground. “Wuh-oh.” She said nervously as the glass shattered to the ground. In the bedroom, the five mares woke up in startled from the shattering sound. “What was that?!” Pipp questioned in shock. “That came from the top of the Brighthouse. Come on, let’s check it out.” Sunset called out as the five ponies went to the elevator to the top where the Unity Crystals are. At the top of the Brighthouse, Misty heard them as she heard the elevator coming up, knowing that she will have to abort the mission to not get caught as she climbed down the Brighthouse before the five mares see her. A little bit later, the five mares made it up to the top as they were surprised that the glass was cut opened   “Somepony definitely tried to break in here.” Zipp said seriously while looking at the whole as Sunny, Izzy and Pipp gasped from this while Sunset looked on in seriousness. “But who would do that? And what do they want?” She questioned who would do this while the others are curious and worried themselves. “Well, whoever it is, they were clearly trying to take the Unity Crystals.” Sunset said seriously as she used her magic to restore the glass to secure the crystals. “We got another Crystal Thief on our hooves.” She said as the girls looked even more worried while Sunny gave a concerned look. In the morning, Sunny and Sunset are cooking breakfast while the two ponies are still in thought while the others talk about last night. “Maybe the glass just fell out like that!” Izzy called out while Pipp and Zipp gave her a blank look. “Whaaaat?” She asked before she took a bite out of a pancake. “It could happen.” She said with a smirk. “Izzy, a glass like that doesn’t fall off while leaving a perfect circle hole in it. So no.” Sunset said without looking. “Okay, you got me there.” Izzy said in defeat as she took another bite of her pancake cheerfully. Pipp is eating a salad as Sunny and Sunset were still concerned as they placed more breakfast down. “It's kind of exciting. Like a real-life "whodunnit", you know?” She asked with a small smile. Sunset heard that as she smacked the back of Pipp’s head. “Ow! What the hay?!” Pipp questioned. “None of this is exciting, Pipp. So don’t think this is fun. Take this seriously.” Sunset said sternly while Pipp filched from Sunset. Twilight appeared from the necklace as she gave a stern look. “I agree. The Unity Crystals are the source of Equestrian magic, if somepony tried to steal or remove them like how Discord once did before you ponies talked him out of it.” She said, while having been told from Sunset that Discord is still around and was planning to destroy the Pegasus Crystal to get rid of magic when she was out of commission with the magic was glitching and fading. While she was disappointed that Discord nearly did that, she understands his pain and his methods while doing it and was glad that Sunset and the others talked him out of it. “We can’t let it be nothing if somepony out there is still trying to steal the crystals.” “Sunset and Twilight are right, Pipp.” Zipp said in agreement while raising an eye at her sister as Sunny is placing more breakfast. “Somepony tried to steal the crystals that gave us magic again. That's not exciting. It's dangerous.” She added. “Zipp and Sunset are right.” Sunny said to them as she gave a determined expression as the others looked at her in surprise. “As the Alicorn, it's me and Sunset’s job to protect the crystals and keep everypony in Equestria safe.” She said determinedly while her friends smiled at her. “I’m proud you are embracing your Alicorn role more seriously like I have, Sunny.” Sunset said with a proud smile. “You did tell me that an Alicorn is a guardian of Equestria. So now, I’m gonna take my training more seriously, Sunset.” Sunny said with a determined smile as Sunset returned the gesture. Just then, Hitch came in with Sparky, while both had bee’s stings on them while a couple of bees circled around them. “Sorry I'm late. Sparky turned my keys into a swarm of bees, and then I had to get some honey to... and... Well, what'd I miss?” He asked sheepishly as Sparky burps out a bee as he groans a bit. “Somepony tried to steal the Unity Crystals again, Hitch.” Sunset answered. Hitch widens his eyes from that. “What?! Was it Discord again?” He questioned seriously. Just then, Discord appeared as he gave a look to Hitch. “Don’t look at me, Sheriff. I moved past that after learning the error of my ways. And if I had taken it again, I wouldn’t have cut a hole in the glass, it would be way too obvious if I did again.” He said to them as he turned and saw Sunset, Twilight and Izzy. “Hi Izzy, hi Sunset, and hello Twilight Sparkle.” He greeted them, having been told from Sunset that Twilight’s spirit is in the necklace she is wearing, while he was happy to see her again, he got an earful of a scolding and lecturing from the Princess of Friendship for almost destroying magic, but they moved on and went with their understandings. “Hello Discord.” The three mares greeted him while Izzy’s is more cheerful. “And Discord’s right, this is not him.” Sunset said in Discord’s defense. “I agree. He could’ve taken them with a snap of his fingers instead of doing something that is tricky.” Twilight added, having known Discord well enough that this isn’t him. “Oh. Well, sorry, Discord.” Hitch apologizes to the Lord of Chaos. “That’s okay. Well, see ya later.” Discord said as he disappeared from the group. “At least we know that Discord isn’t the one.” Sunset said with a shrug. Sunny just gave an assuring smile to Hitch. “Anyway, You're just in time, Hitch. It's time for me to become the Alicorn that Equestria needs.” She said determinedly. “Sunny is gonna take her Alicorn training more seriously so me and her will protect Equestria from any threats.” Sunset said as she placed a hoof on Sunny’s shoulders.  “But to do it, I'm gonna need everypony's help training.” Sunny finished to her friends as she winked at them. The rest of Mane 6 cheered as they shared a high-hoof together. Sunset then looks at Sunny. “So, Sunny. Are you ready to take your Alicorn training to the next level?” She asked with a smirk. Sunny smirked back as she then glowed bright as she summoned her horn and wings as they appeared as she brought out her Alicorn form. “Does this answer your question?” She asked with a smirk as well. Sunset kept smirking as she spoke. “Let’s get started.” She said as the two Alicorns grabbed each other's hooves as they will do anything to protect Equestria. A little bit later, Sunny, Sunset and Zipp are in town as they lowered down a bit as they spread their wings. “Our first lesson is ‘How fast can an Alicorn go in flight?’.” Sunset spoke first. “And since Zipp is the only expert at flying, she will teach us to increase our speed of flight to make sure we get ahead of our enemies if they try to get away.” She explained as Sunny nodded as they got ready. Izzy then waved the flag to start with a smile as the three ponies whooshed right past her as she twirled around. Sunny, Sunset and Zipp flew past many ponies as they created dust from winds as they went at high speed while ponies around, like Misty, looked at them in surprise while Misty was curious. As they were neck to neck with each other as Zipp flew ahead of the two Alicorns. Sunset then looks at Sunny. “Come on, Sunny. We need to keep up the pace if we are going to get faster. We think fast so let’s fly fast!” She encourage as Sunny nodded as the two Alicorns zoomed off. A little bit later after the flying lessons, Sunny, Sunset and Izzy are at the community garden. “Our next lesson is basic levitations. But you need to lift as many or bigger objects if you're ever going to lift an object to either throw at enemies or catch them if the enemies throw them at you.” Sunset explained. Sunny nodded as she used her horn to levitate a tomato while Misty snuck up behind them, wanting to see their training to learn more, but then Sunny turned and looked at Izzy and Sunset and was shocked and surprised while Misty hid behind a pillar as she watched as well. What they see is Sunset and Izzy are each levitation two giant tomatoes with their magic as they spinned them around their bodies as they stopped as the four tomatoes hovered over them while Izzy gave a smile while Sunset just looked as if she was demonstrating. Sunny was surprised by this as she lost her focus as her horn died out and the tomato she was levitation fell on her face with a splat. Sunset gives a chuckle as she summons a towel and wipes the tomato off Sunny’s face. “You have to stay focused, Sunny. Any lack of concentration can cancel out your magic. You have got to keep an open mind.” She advised as she got the last of the tomato on the young Alicorn’s face. “Now, again. And this time, keep focusing.” She added as she levitated some more tomatoes. “I’ll try.” Sunny nodded in determination as she focused again. In Mane Melody, Sunny and Sunset are in Mane Melody while standing on the stage as Sunny turned off her Alicorn form while giving Sunset a confused look. “Why are we here again, Sunset?” She asked her mentor/sister-figure. “If you want to stay determined, Sunny, you need to speak determined words to motivate yourself if things go dire.” Sunset explained simply. “And who knows more about determined words better than I do!” Pipp cheered as she was wearing her sunglasses with a smile. “Okay, girls, say it with me. ‘I am strong!’” She said to them as she struck a pose. “I am strong!” Both Sunny and Sunset said together as they followed Pipp’s movements. Behind them, Misty was behind the stage as she gave a smirk at them while feeling this could be an interesting information. Somewhere else, a bunnicorn and his cubs are trying to move a dead tree out of the way as Sunny and Sunset landed with Hitch next to them. “The next step is to use Earth Pony magic to not only move or grow plants, but also restore dead plants.” Sunset informed. “Now we are all new to this technique, so we need to work together for this to work if we are ever gonna want to restore a landmark back to how it was before.” She advised the two ponies as she turned to them with a determined smirk. “You two read?” Both Sunny and Hitch turned to each other with determined smirks as they nodded and turned to Sunset with a nod, which she returned. Lifting up their hooves as they glowed green when the three ponies focused their Earth Pony magic. “Hah!” The three ponies called out as three vines appeared. In a clearing, Sunset and Sunny are now standing face to face with each other while getting ready into ready stances. “And now, our final lesson is hoof-to-hoof/magic/flight combat.” Sunset said. “Are you sure this is necessary, Sunset? I don’t want to hurt anypony.” Sunny said in concern. “I know you don’t like violence, Sunny. But you need some self defense fighting skills if you want to defend your friends and yourself if your magic is glitching again.” Sunset pointed out. “Now, let’s begin. Give it everything you’ve got, Sunny.” She said to her Alicorn student/sister-figure. Sunny sighs as she nodded and got into ready stances, wanting to take her Alicorn role seriously as she and Sunset then charged at each other at high speed. Sunset shoots a magic blast at Sunny, who deflects it with a shield she summoned as the two tried to hit hooves but blocked each one as Sunset then did a magic swipe as Sunny took the air as she dodge it. The others are impressed by this as Sunset looks up with an impressed smile. “You are good.” She said proudly. “Thanks.” Sunny said before she yelped in surprise as Sunset took to the air. “Never let your guard down one bit, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smirk as she flapped her wings. Sunny gave a challenging smirk, seeing that this will be interesting as the two alicorns clash it out. Behind the bushes, Misty is watching the whole thing as while really surprise and awed at the two Alicorns clashing each other out, even though this is practice and training. “I am confident!” Sunny, Sunset and Pipp said together. At the community Garden, Izzy levitates three giant tomatoes as she smiles with sparkles in her eyes as she then turns and looks surprised at what she is seeing next to her. Next to her is Sunny and Sunset, who are each levitation three giant tomatoes as Sunny looked at Sunset with a smile as Sunset nodded to the young Alicorn, saying that she succeeded. Sunny's smile grew wider as the two turned to Izzy with a smile. Izzy smiled back, but lost her focus as her magic fades out as she looked up saw her tomatoes was about to landed on her as she braced herself, but then saw that they stopped as her and Sunset’s then moved away as the two ponies looked and saw Sunny giving a focused and determined expression as all nine giant tomatoes begins to circled her. Sunset gave a proudful nod. “Nicely done, Sunny.” She said as Sunny gave a nod and smile back while her expression still remained. “I am the Alicorn!” Sunset, Sunny and Pipp all said together as Sunny’s Alicorn form appeared as it began to glow. The bunnicorns are still trying to move the dead tree, but then they saw the vines coming as they moved aside as the magic vines wrapped around the dead tree as the vines lifted the tree up, revealing the rabbit hole as the bunnicorn family smiled at their home entrance now freed. The vines lifted the dead tree up as both Sunny and Sunset focused on the magic vines as they got the dead tree back into place as leaves, flowers and vines grew back as the tree was brought back to life. Sunny, Sunset and Hitch smiled with sparkles in their work as Sunset turned to Sunny. “Well done, Sunny.” She complimented as Sunny smiled in response. “I am strong!” Sunny and Sunset both said determinedly. All the fruits and vegetables in the garden then begin to levitate around as it was both Sunny and Sunset levitation them as the two Alicorns and Izzy looked at it with smiles and sparkles in their eyes as Sunny and Sunset begin to glow. “Whoa!” Izzy said in awed. “Awesome job, Sunny!” Sunset cheered. While on the open, Sunny and Sunset are still clashing it out while they seemed to be in an even match as they kept dodge, blasting, blocking and even flying at each other as each of them countered each other. Sunny then shoots a beam of magic at Sunset, who did the same as their magic beams collide, getting to a standstill. The rest of the Mane 6 covered their eyes from the blind light as they were so surprised that both Sunny and Sunset made it this far. Both Alicorns then poured more magic as their beams grew stronger, but then suddenly, they gave off a magic explosion that bushed both of them back, which even pushed Misty from out of her hiding place as she rolled down the hill with a surprise yelp. Once things cooled down, the rest of the Mane 6 opened their eyes and looked at Sunny and Sunset on the ground while panting, waiting for each other to make their next move, but Sunset raised her hoof with a smile. “That’s enough. You have clearly gotten your fighting skills down if you manage to keep up with me, Sunny. Impressive.” Sunset said with a proud smile. Sunny smiled back as she went up to Sunset. “I learn from the best.” She said as the two Alicorns hooftap each other. “I am confident!” Both Sunset and Sunny said again in determination growing. Sunny, Sunset and Zipp are flying high in the sky as they fly very fast as they are now next to Zipp. Sunset then looked at Sunny. “Time to go into overdrive, Sunny! Full power!” She called out. Sunny nodded in determination as she and Sunset focused as their wings glowed as they glowed bright, which surprised Zipp as the two Alicorns then took off while knocking Zipp back. The surprise Pegasus rolled in the air before regaining her balance as she looked on in surprise as she saw Sunset and Sunny zooming off, leaving a trail of magic as the two Alicorns created a sonic boom together as they disappeared into the distance. “Whoooaaa!” Zipp cheered in awe with sparkles in her face that Sunny and Sunset could fly that fast. While going at the speed of sound, Sunset turned to Sunny. “Excellent Sunny!” She called out as Sunny nodded with a proud smile as they circled back to Zipp. “I am... the Alicorn!” Both Sunny and Sunset called out together as they stood side by side together as Pipp wipe her tears of joy off her with a proud smile as both Alicorns shone bright in Mane Melody. At the front of the Brighthouse, Misty is hiding in a bush as she then sees both Sunset and Sunny coming as she ducked inside her bush. Both Alicorns zoomed by as they flew around the Brighthouse in sync as they landed at the top balcony of the Brighthouse as they looked down and saw their friends, and Sparky, cheering to them with sparkles in their eyes. Both Alicorns smiled at their friends as they then flew up and landed on the ground with them. “Sunny, Sunset, that was incredible!” Zipp cheered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes while Misty’s bush moved behind them. “I've never seen anypony fly so fast!” She added. “When you have Alicorn magic, you can do almost anything.” Sunset said as she turned to Sunny. “I’m proud of you, Sunny. Your Alicorn Training has really paid off and you clearly mastered it.” She said with a proud smile while patting her on the back.  “I have all of you to thank for that.” Sunny said with a smile as the others did in return. While Misty listened while hiding in the bush, she didn’t want to get spotted after seeing Sunny and Sunset trained together with their friends as she sweat nervously. And then, the necklace opened up as Opeline appeared with a groan. “Tell me something about those crystals, Misty. What is taking so long?!” She complained while growing impatient. “Well…” Misty starts while giving a nervous laugh and clears her throat. “Funny story. I, uh…” She tried to explain, but as she placed her hoof down, she met Pagamice that were in with her as they squeaked in surprise. The Mane 6 heard the squeaking as they looked around. “What was that? Is somepony there?” Sunny questioned as she looked around. “We definitely heard squeaking sounds.” Sunset said suspiciously. Misty then gasps as she hears them, apparently the squeaking Pegamices have blown her cover. “We better get out of here! I'll fill you in later, Opaline!” She said quickly as she closed the amulet. “What do you mean you'll tell me later, Mistyyyyy?!” Opaline questioned loudly as she faded out while Misty flinched as Opaline disappeared. “Got anything, Sunny?” Sunset asked as she and the others looked around to find the source of the sound. “I heard something right over…” Sunny started as she looked around before the bush that Misty is in moved without her look as it rustled a bit, which caught her attention. “...here.” She finished with a suspisous look. “Um, that hedge definitely just moved.” Hitch said suspiciously after seeing that as the others walked towards it. “Ah, Hitchy-poo.” Izzy waved it off with a smile as she came to Hitch. “You're seeing things, buddy. Hedges don't just—” She started as the rest of the Mane 6 came to the hedge. Before Izzy could finish, Misty ran off with the hedge, which surprised them by it. “Oh, wow, look! There it goes!” Izzy cheered in surprise while Hitch gave her a look while Zipp and Pipp looked surprised. Both Sunny and Sunset gave each other a determined look. “We gotta catch it! You’re ready for this, Sunny?” She asked Sunny determinedly. “I’m ready!” Sunny said determinedly as the two Alicorns nodded as they spread their wings and took off at high speed while their friends looked at them in surprise. Misty tried to get away while in the hedge, but then Sunny and Sunset landed in front of her, which shocked her as the two Alicorns gave a serious look as Sunny glowed her hooves green and stomped them down to bring out two giant vines that grow on their sides. Sunset glowed her horn in ready as she stomped her hooves. “Whoever you are, you pick the wrong Alicorns to spy on!” She called out. “Sunny, would you do the honors?” She asked her student/sister-figure with a smirk. “With pleasure.” Sunny said as she focused the vines to the hedge as she moved them out of the way, revealing Misty’s face. Misty yelped from this as she saw that she was revealed as before she recomposed herself. “Oh! Hey, Sunny! Hey Sunset!” She greeted the two Alicorns with a nervous smile. “Misty?!” Sunset asked in surprise as her horn died down. “Misty?” Sunny asked in surprise as well but with a smile as the vines retracted back into the ground. “Oh, thank goodness it's you. We thought it was somepony dangerous.” She said in relief while Misty gave a nervous smile. “But what are you doing in that hedge?” Sunset asked in suspicion. Misty gave a nervous chuckle. “Oh, uh. I saw you guys doing these cool tricks and figured I watched you without interrupting you two.” She lied nervously while sweating a bit. “You could’ve just joined in if you just asked.” Sunny said with a smile while Sunset raised an eyebrow as she turned to their friends. “Look, ponies. It's just Misty.” She told them. “Hi, Misty!” Izzy greeted her cheerfully as she appeared next to Misty with a wave, which surprised Misty from that as she turned to her with a sheepish smile. “Yup, just your old pal Misty.” Misty said as she got out of her hedge with a nervous smile and laugh while the Mane 6 smiled at her, except for Sunset and Zipp as they are suspicious about this. “Um, cool flying, Sunny and Sunset. It was amazing.” She said to the two Alicorns as she walked back a bit with a wink. “Sorry, ponies! Gotta go!” She said quickly as she trotted off as the others, except for Zipp and Sunset, smiled at her. “Bye, Misty!” Izzy waved to her with a smile. Zipp noticed something on the ground as she tapped Sunset. “What is it, Zipp?” Sunset asked. “Look at this.” Zipp said as she moved the hedge that revealed the broken glass that was from the top of the Brighthouse where the Unity Crystals are. Sunset went wide eyes from this as she picked up a piece. “This is the window piece to the top of the Brighthouse.” She said in surprise as she looked off where Misty went. “And Misty had it in her hedge? Something is really up with that Unicorn.” She added in suspicion.  “Yeah. And ‘Pal’, huh?” Zipp asks with her hoof on her chin as she and Sunset look at the hole Sunset patched up where the Unity Crystals are as the two ponies look at each other in surplus. “I'm not so sure either…” She said suspiciously. “This just got a whole lot more interesting.” Sunset said as she gave a thought that Misty is definitely hiding something from them and there is more to her than meets the eye. > Chapter 50: Opaline Alone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 50: Opaline Alone On the beach of Maretime Bay, the Mane 6, along with Misty and Discord are gathered on a picnic blanket as Sunny came while holding a pie. “Alright, everyponies, and draconequus, grab a slice.” Sunny announces as she places the pie down as each of them grab a slice. “These are the best fruit pies in all of Maretime Bay!” She cheered. Zipp is the first to take a bite out of hers as her eyes sparkled as well as she swallowed her bite. Sunset then takes a bite out of her slice next as she smiles wide. “Wow, no kidding, Sunny! These are great!” She cheered with sparkles in her eyes as she happily took another bite. Discord took a bite out of his eyes’ sparkled as well. “This is the best thing my taste buds have ever tasted!” He cheered as he ate his whole. Izzy squealed in joy with sparkles in her eyes as some fruit contents were on her face as she looked at her pie piece. “Delicious!” She said as she ate her slice. “Oh yeah!” Pipp cheered with sparkles in her eyes as wells with fruit contents on hers as well. “Nice!” Zipp commented while having some on her face too. Hitch is eating his while Sparky is on his head while eating his piece of the pie as well. Pipp then looked at her friends as she then gave a snort while giggling as she lifted up her phone and faced the camera to the others. “Look at your face!” She laughed as she gestured to the fruit contents from the pie on their faces. Zipp just gave her sister a bored expression. “Pipp, you literally have pie in your ears.” She pointed out. “Huh? Oh!” Pipp said with a wide smile before she looked up and saw pie crumbs are really in her ears as she gave a laugh as they fell out. “It’s everywhere! Ooh!” She laughed before she looked at her phone as the rest of the Mane 6, Sparky, Misty and Discord, huddled together as they gave a group picture. More pictures are taken as the next one shows Izzy and Discord shoving their pie slices into Hitch's mouth cheerfully while Sparky fell off with a smile. The next picture shows Sunny, Sunset and Pipp having a food fight as Pipp tosses some pies. Another picture shows Zipp having two pie slices splattered on her head as Misty watches, and then the next picture shows Hitch throwing another one at her cheeks as Misy places her hooves on her cheeks in shock. And then the next one is Zipp flying above Hitch with a wide smile as she tosses one of her slices at Hitch, which hits his cheeks as Sparky flies above and throws pies around as the other watches. “Aah!” Misty cried out as a pie slice hit her in the face as it slid off as she gave a smile as she laughed. Pipp came next to her with a laugh as well as she and Misty took a picture together with both of them smiling. “Awww, that one's cute.” She said as she and Misty looked at their picture on Pipp’s phone. “Okay, this is the best fun I had in a while, ponies.” Discord said with a small smile of joy. “You love a little playful chaos, huh Discord?” Sunset asked with a smirk before she threw another pie at Discord’s face. The Lord of Chaos just licked his entire face to grab some of the contents. “I most certainly do. Twilight and my old friends never let me have this much fun with them. Well, except for Spike and Big Mac when we used to have that guys night hang out.” He said with a smile at the memory of his time with his friends. “Well, we always make funtime out of anything,  sometimes.” Sunset said with a chuckle as she and the others do have fun from time to time as Discord joins in on the chuckle. Sunny then spoke up as it drew the others attention as she smiled at them. “Soooo, I was thinking, for ice cream, we could—” She started. Misty then felt her necklace shaking as she grew worried as she grabbed it to stop the shaking as she turned to her. “Uh, I-I'll be right back!” She called out as she trotted off while the others looked at each other in confusion. “That pony sure is in a hurry.” Discord commented. Sunset however, gives a suspicious look at Misty. “Something is going on with Misty, but what?” She asked herself quietly, having been feeling off with Misty lately. Misty looked around as she hid behind a rock wall. Once she realizes the close is clear, she  clicks on the amulet as Opaline appears. “Misty! What on Earth is taking so long?! Have you forgotten what I sent you for?” Opaline questioned as she got close to Misty’s face as the Unicorn grew nervous before Opaline noticed the pie mess on Misty. “Is that... pie... in your mane?” She asked in confusion as she raised an eyebrow. “Oh.” Misty said as she gave a nervous chuckle as she wiped the pie contents of her. “Yeah. Long story. I'll... I-I'll get it soon. I promise.” She said nervously. “Remember, Misty. This task is very important.” Opaline said firmly as she got close to Misty with a stern expression, which scared Misty. “Do not fail me.” She finished. “Hey, Misty!” Sunny called out as her friends discussed with each other. “We're voting on ice cream flavors! Hurry up!” She called out to her with a smile. “Uh, coming!” Misty called out with a small smile as she turned and saw Opaline giving an evil laughter as she went back into the amulet as it closed. At Opaline’s Castle, after Opaline ended the call, she kept giving her evil laugh before she began to cough as she clears her throat for laughing for too long. Opaline recompose herself as just stands around in her throne room as she looks around. “Hmmm... Hmmm…”  She hummed to herself as she looked at her clock, which was ticking as she gave an annoying look as she growled. “Ugh! Well, I can't just sit around all day waiting for that pathetic little pony. I have important business to attend to.” She said with a small smile as she brushed her mane before she look at a TV remote as she clicked on it as blue flames appeared. A little bit later, Opaline is surrounded by flames while wearing a crown and a black cape on her. “Bow before me, Earth pony!” She called out with an evil smirk as it revealed that she was looking in the mirror while doing a little fashion. (Opaline Song) (Opaline) You could call me evil, but I will go and take just what I need Don't need nopony with me Opaline sang to herself while giving a wink as she tossed her black cape off while wearing a new one with purple stripes on. Yes, it might be villainous But that's what makes me the perfect queen A little bit later, she puts on a new gown with a shape-like crown made from what appears to be pink wood as she looked at herself in the mirror before a little bit later, she sat on her throne with a pose. You will bow to me. So hush, filly, just Get lost in the rush A little bit later, Opaline opens her dresser as she looks through her clothes as she tosses some away. “Keep. Donate. Keep. Keep.” She said before she brought out a ruff that was in her dresser. “DESTROY!” She yelled in rage as flames appeared around her before she gave a second thought as piles of clothes and fashion materials were around her. “Hmmm... But does it spark fear? She asked herself while looking at the ruff in interest. (Opaline) Mesmerized, go to sleep Like a lullaby, I'll be singing I've got the power (power) A little bit later, Opaline is wearing the ruff around her neck while wearing a fancy hat as she walks down stage like as lights shines from the floor as she raises her hoof with an evil smirk. “Fierce!” Opaline started with a fierce look with.  “Powerful!” Opaline then starts wearing green-like shoulder straps with her sunglasses on while the background was like her on a cliff with dark clouds as lightning strikes.  Opaline then starts wearing another crown and cape as she walks on the stage with an evil look.“Oh, you should be scared!” She said with an evil smile. In front of Opaline are pictures of the Mane 6, and Discord, on furniture with darts on them with Sunny and Sunset in the middle with Sunset’s and Discord’s having the most darts, since Sunset is a Guardian of Harmony and Discord is an ally to them, while Izzy’s picture on the broom fell as Opaline sang. (Opaline) And you're going to feel You're going to feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames La-da-da-dee-da-da-da Oh, you'll feel Opaline sang to herself with a wide smile as twirled around. A little bit later, Opaline is laying upside down on a couch while feeling a bit bored. “What is taking so long, Misty?” Opaline asked, apparently communicating to Misty with her magic. At the beach, Misty is talking to Opaline, while Opaline’s mane is up straight due to her hanging upside down. “I promise, I'm working on it!” Misty said a bit quietly so that the others won’t hear her. “There is zero room for error here, Misty.” Opaline said firmly as Misty flinched before then floated up. “Whoa!” She yelped out as she landed with a thud as she disappeared from the amulet as Misty watches. In Opaline’s castle, it showed Opaline falling from her couch as she landed on her head as she gave an irritated growl. “Don't worry, Opaline.” Misty said as the smoke returned to the amulet as it closed as she gave a determined expression. “I won't let you down.” She finished before Sunny held out two scoops of ice cream to her as Misty gasped in surprise as she turned and saw Sunny giving her an ice cream. “Mm.” Sunny said with a smile. A little bit later, Opaline then starts playing crafted mini figures of the Mane 6 as she plays around with Sunny’s figure.  “‘Ooh! I'm Sunny! And I think that everypony should have magic! I have so many friends!’” She intimidated Sunny with a playful smile before going to Sunset’s figure. “‘I’m Sunset. I am an Alicorn and a Guardian of Harmony and I will carry on Twilight’s legacy and keep the Magic of Friendship alive.’” She intimated Sunset before she gave an irritated look while glaring at Sunny and Sunset’s figures. “Enjoy your magic while it lasts.” She said in her normal tone before she gave an evil smirk. “Because as soon as I get one hoof on that dragonfire, I'll be the most powerful Alicorn!” She declared before she glared at the figures before stomping her hooves on the rest of them. “And you two and your pathetic little besties will answer to me for the rest of your lives and Twilight’s legacy will be ruined forever!” She declared with an evil smile before she gave an evil laughter before she growled and stomped her hoof on Sunny and Sunset’s figures, breaking them in anger. Opaline took a breather as she calmed down. “And this question still bugs me to this day. How is this Sunset Shimmer still around if she knows Twilight Sparkle?” She asked herself before she gave a thoughtful expression. “Hmm… now that I think about it, if Sunset Shimmer is a Guardian of Harmony, how come it’s taken me over 100 years to finally get to see her, and where was she during all that time? Surely I’d have met her at least once during Twilight’s reign, so why didn’t I?” She asked herself while giving her thoughtful expression at how come she never saw Sunset before during Twilight’s reign. “This is interesting. Mmm, I’m sure I’ll figure it out in time.” She said to herself. A little bit later, Opaline put her hooves on a table, which is covered in silver makeover with diamonds as she watches one of Jazz’s videos through her phone as she brushes her hoof quickly while sweating a bit while watching the video with some stencils on the ground. “‘Welcome to Hooficures with Jazz’.” Jazz said through the video as she held out a brush while bringing out some things for the videos to follow the instructions. “Now, all you need to get started is a stencil and your favorite hoof polish. At home, hooficures can be super chic.” She instructed. Opaline then looked and saw one of the stencils stuck on her hoof and then saw another on her other hoof as they were stuck. She then shook her hooves to get them off, but she ended up leaning back as she fell to the floor. “Aah!” She yelled out as she fell with a thud. A little bit later, Opaline is in the living room as she is watching TV, which is playing "My Bananas” as it showed the song and Sunny’s ripping. Opaline watches as she starts laughing hysterically as she has her mane rolled up and kept in place as she watches “My Banana” as tears of laughter start coming out and tap on the table in laughter. “I can't!” She said through her laughter as she really enjoys this and finds it funny to see Sunny’s embarrassment. A little bit later after watching “My Bananas”, Opaline is in the kitchen part of the castle as she is searching the cabinets for a snack as she places some bags or boxes out and places them on the counter as she searches through the cabinet. But when Opaline moves a can of soda, she saw a racoonicorn eating in the cabinet as it turned and hisses at Opaline as the Alicorn Queen screamed in fright from that. “You foal!” Opaline called out through Misty’s amulet at the beach while Misty looked confused. “Uh?” Misty asked in confusion. “How did you let a racoonicorn in here?!” Opaline questioned as she  while on on top of a stool as she held up a brom and tried to swipe the racoonicorn as it ran around her as Opaline kept waving her broom at it. “A what?” Misty asked in confusion with a raised eyebrow at Opaline’s question. “Opaline, are you okay?” She asked to be sure she heard right. At the castle, the racoonicorn dressed up in one of Opaline’s cape and crown as it looked in the mirror and posed to itself. “Put that cape down or so help me...!” Opaline demanded in anger as she lit up her horn as it began to spark up with electrical magic. The racoonicorn turned and squeals in fright when it saw what Opaline about to do. Opaline grunts as she aims her horn at it, but when she does, her horn frizzes out as she groans. The racoonicorn took it’s chance as it got out of the cape and crown as it ran off with a squeak. Opaline growls from that as she glared at the racoonicorn. “I'm warning you, rodent!” She angrily said as she channeled magic into her hooves as it sparked up as she waved her hoof to the racoonicorn, but it frizzled out as soon as she aimed at it as Opaline growled in frustration. “If I had my powers...!” She said to herself angrily as she clenched her hooves, apparently she only has enough magic to communicate with Misty through the amulet, but not enough for anything else until she gets back to her full strength. The racoonicorn popped up from her piles of clothes as it has a pink wig and a crown on its head as it poses with a squeak before it squeaks in fright when it saw Opaline coming towards it. “Yah!” Opaline called out as she waved her broom at the racoonicorn as she chased after it around with a grunt. The racoonicorn hid behind the barrel with Hitch’s picture on it, but then jump as he dodge Opaline’s broom as she hit the chairs that have Sunny and Sunset’s picture at them as they fell to the floor, and then jump on the lamp that has Zipp’s picture on it as it fell and some clattering sounds can be heard as Opaline growls in frustrations. The racoonicorn then went through the food that was on the counter as they are knocked to the floor. “If that stains, so help me...!” Opaline yelled at it. The racoonicorn squeaks before some piece of the wig fell on its face as it heat a dress drawer headfirst as became dazed and fell to the floor as Opaline grabbed it and pick it up as it squeaks and tired to wiggled free from Opaline’s grip as the whole castle is a complete mess. “Oh, you're going to pay for this, devious little...!” Opaline started as she glared hatefully at the racoonicorn for making a huge mess in her castle before the front door opened, revealing Misty. “Opaline! I did it!” Misy called out with a smile as she held up a smoothie. “Kiwi-paya blast with a purple heart! Just like you asked!” She said as she showed the smoothie, apparently, Opaline sent Misty out to get a smoothie for her, since she can’t leave the castle to get it herself. Opaline tossed the racoonicorn away as she turned to Misty with a smile. “Finally!” She said as she snatched the smoothie from Misty and started slurping on it and then gave a sigh. “That's better.” She said before looking at Misty. “Now, Misty, this... is... crucial.” She said as she gave a firm expression. “Uh…” Misty said uncertainty as she placed her hoof on her chin nervously. “I need you to help me pick a power crown.” Opaline explained as she showed shelves of crowns in a dresser rows of crowns are shown as they sparkled. Misty was surprised by Opaline’s suggestion as she gave a nervous smile while looking nervously. “Oh, uh, but, um, you told me to stake out Mane Melody this evening, and, you know, the karaoke will be starting soon, and I can't miss that!” She called out as she trotted to the door, apparently Misty is joining the others in karaoke Pipp is having in Mane Melody and she does not want to miss it. “The what?!” Opaline called out in surprise and a bit of rage by that. “I'll be back soooon!” Misty called out as she trotted out the door. Opaline groans from that as her left eye twitches a bit in irritation. A little bit later, Opaline is back in the living room with the racoonicorn, watching TV as they are seeing a show as Opaline gave a scoff.  “She'll never marry that peasant.” Opaline said as the racoonicorn eat some snacks on the bowl and Opaline drink some of her smoothie before take some snacks from the bowl as well as the two watch the show. End of Chapter 50: > Chapter 51: Mare Family Mare Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 51: Mare Family Mare Problems In Zephyr Heights Throne Room, Zipp and Pipp are inside, wearing ski masks and each carrying black bags, as they saw the whole throne room with security lasers. The two sisters looked at each other as they each gave determined nods as they flew up. Zipp did a front air flip and zig-zags to avoid the lasers while Pipp flew to avoid them as they made it pass the lasers to the other side. They each then place some hooks on different sides as Zipp then places a string down on her hook as it stretches out. “Quick! Before somepony sees us!” Zipp called out to her sister while sweating a bit. “Just a little more... ” Pipp said in a strain tone while sweating a bit as she stretched the string to its limit as she tried to place her end on her hook. “A little…” She almost had it, but Zipp’s end of the string came off her hook as it retracted and grabbed Zipp. Zipp screamed as she was coming towards her sister as Pipp then screamed when she saw her sister coming towards her as she waved her hooves as Zipp collided with Pipp, which made her hit the wall from impact. They slide off the wall as they fall to the ground with a scream as they land on some balloons for some reason. Pipp got up while looking dizzy as she groaned, but then her head touched one of the lasers as an alarm went off as blaring sounds can be heard, which surprised and shocked Pipp at her mistake. Queen Haven then appeared from the doors as she had her bed mask over her head, showing that she was taking a nap before she heard the alarm. “What is the meaning of this?!” She demanded the two intruders as Zoom and Thunder came beside her with their wings standing and ready. Pipp and ZIpp saw their mother as Zipp got up as the two sisters took off their masks as they gave a weak smile to their mother. “Happy Mares' Day!” The two sisters said dizzily together as a tarp came down, covering them up, revealing that it was Mares’ Day again in Equestria and they wanted to surprise their mother, but not the way they expected. In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset, Sunny and Discord are hanging out while Twilight comes out from the amulet as the four are in the living room. “Wait, wait? You mean to tell me that Hitch tried to get rid of magic because he was afraid when he tried to remove one of the crystals?” Discord asked with an amusing smile while having a cup of tea. “Yeah. The Sheriff was really panicking when that happened.” Sunset answered. Discord the laugh as she wipes a tear of joy out of his eyes. “And I thought I was the one who tried to get rid of magic.” He said through his chuckles. “That’s Hitch for ya. He is always a little overboard with things.” Sunny said with a light chuckle. “Almost as overboard as me from my experience.” Twilight said with a giggle as she know from her own experience with she goes overboard with things. “Hehehe, I am glad that I wasn’t the first to try and get rid of magic.” Discord said with a chuckle. “Glad you learned your lesson from that, Discord. Otherwise, I would’ve turned you into stone just to get you to listen.” Sunset said with a playful smirk. “Not surprising. Been there twice already. Wasn’t pleasant.” Discord said with a slight chuckle, already experiencing that before. “I wish I would’ve talked you out of it, Discord. But when you cause those magic glitches, it causes my connection to this amulet to glitch out when you remove the Pegasus Crystal. Making me unable to communicate while all I could do was watch.” Twilight said, since the magic was glitching out, it disrupted her connection, which explains why she hadn't spoken when the Mane 6 were searching for Discord. “Yeah, those weren't my pleasant moments, Twilight.” Discord said while feeling a little embarrassed from that. “But what do you take me for? I spent many moons alone while hiding in a cave and Fluttershy’s old home with nothing but my critter friends to keep me company.” He said in defense. “I don’t blame you, Discord. I might go mad if I was alone for that long.” Twilight honestly said, understanding Discord’s actions since loneliness can really make any creature do crazy things. “Just be sure that you don’t do that again.” She added. “Lord of Chaos honor, Princess.” Discord promises while raising his hand while placing another on his chest as he then has a thought in mind. “Though, I know it might sound kind of morbid, Twilight, but have you heard from Spike on the other side?” He asked, since he’s been wondering about his old dragon friend. “Not so far.” Twilight answered with a shrug, since she’s not sure she saw Spike in the afterlife. “But then, dragons DO have a rather long lifespan barring violent death, to the point of considering a hundred years a short nap, so it actually IS possible that Spike is still alive, even if I don't know where.” She added, since she knows how Dragons have long lifespans like Alicorns but not sure if Spike is alive or not. Yeah, you told me about that time Fluttershy managed to talk that one dragon into taking his "hundred-year-nap" in a different spot where his snoring wouldn't pose a danger to Ponyville or any other towns.” Sunset added, since she heard from Twilight of that time they have to convince a dragon who was about to take his long hundred-year-nap when it was causing some soot all over Ponyville and Fluttershy manage to convince it. Sunset then turned to Discord with a questionable look. “What? You miss the O & O games you used to play with him?” She asked since she heard from Twilight when Discord, Spike and Big Mac were having a Guys Night of playing a roleplaying game board, which Discord made it so real for them to actually play. “Well, yeah.” Discord answered while also giving a nostalgic look. “Of course, I also miss HIM in general and knowing he might be one of the very few of my old friends who could still be alive, even if I literally haven't seen him in more than 500 years and have no clue where he could be, DOES give me SOME extra hope.” He added since he knows how long a dragon lifespan is and had a feeling that Spike is still alive out there, somewhere in Equestria while in hiding. “Well, from knowing a dragon’s lifespan, I hope Spike is out there as well.” Sunset answered while giving a thoughtful look. “He’s been with the Guardians of Harmony a lot longer than any of us. And he is the kind of dragon you can hang out with.” She added. “But other than Sparky, dragons haven’t been seen for generations before Sparky came.” Sunny pointed out. “We don’t even know where the dragons go after the division. Even if the Dragons Lands are still out there, not sure if the dragons are still there compared to what happened to Canterlot and Fluttershy’s Sanctuary.” She added that since they’ve seen the condition Canterlot and Fluttershy’s old home was when they first rediscovered them while searching for Discord. “Well, we’ll never know. But maybe someday we will find the other dragons, and hope that Spike is there with them.” Sunset said while hoping that Spike is still out there somewhere. “And Equestria is big and we only covered so much ground we can between the three homes of each tribe and the ancient grounds of old Equestria like Canterlot, so I have a feeling he could be out there somewhere with the other dragons.” She said since they only cover so much of Equestria already. “If he is, I’m sure we’ll find him someday.” Sunny said with a smile as she placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder as Sunset smiled at Sunny for those words. “Spike is known to be too cute to pass on, so there might be a chance.” Twilight said with a nostalgic smile at the thought of seeing Spike again. “I hope so. He is one funny dragon.” Discord said as the four all chuckle together. “Glad you guys decided to spend time with me together.” Sunset said with a smile to the two ponies. “Well, we figured you would want to spend time with us on Mares’ Day, Sunset. So we planned this.” Sunny added with a smile. “Even I love certain holidays and celebrations. I wouldn’t miss it.” Discord said with a smile. “And I’m glad to spend more time with you guys as well.” Twilight added with a smile. “Well, with Izzy doing her ‘Izzy Does It’ business in Maretime Bay, Hitch doing his sheriff duties and Zipp and Pipp giving their mother their Mares’ Day gift, this is perfect.” Sunset said with a smile at them. “And we are glad that you are here, Sunset.” Sunny added. “And it’s nice to see a couple of old friends again.” Discord said to both Sunset and Twilight. “And we couldn’t have it anyother way.” Twilight finished with a big smile as the four continued to speak their old stories and shared new ones of their own time as Sunset smiled at this moment. Back at Zephyr Heights throne room, Pipp and Zipp got out from the cloth and ditch their ski masks and bags as Thunder gave Zipp a glass of water as Zoom held out a mirror for Pipp to fix up her mane. “I can't believe you made it.” Queen Haven said in surprise from her daughters’ sudden appearance. “I-I hadn't heard from you.” She said as she gave a nervous look as she sweat a bit. “I, uh... Well, I sort of made other plans, you see—” She tried to explain to her daughters about something as Zipp spoke. “Of course we made it!” Zipp announced with a smile as she squished her cheeks with Haven’s.  “And we have a whole day planned!” She added with a wave of a hoof as Queen Haven flinched from that. “Well, that's lovely, but—” Haven tried to explain with a small smile but was cut off again by Pipp with sparkles in her eyes. “First, spa treatments to make us look picture perfect for our... glam fam photoshoot!” Pipp sang as Haven gave a nervous smile before Pipp brought out her phone with sparkly eyes as she lived stream this moment. “Ah! Ooh!”  She cheered while her mother looked nervous. Queen Haven then placed a hoof on Pipp’s cheek while trying to explain again. “Sounds lovely, but I should tell you—” She tried to explain but was cut off again by Zipp as she appeared from the middle of them. “Then, we're making all your favorite foods and feeling the wind in our wings as we fly off to our favorite spot for a sunset picnic.” Zipp said as she flew in the air before giving a wink to her mother. “Ta-daaaaa!” Pipp cheered with a wave of her hoof. “Oh, my darlings, that sounds wonderful.” Queen Haven said to her daughters while giving them a nuzzle before she gave them a nervous look again. “But as I said, I'm afraid I made—” She tried to finish before a doorbell rang, which stopped her from that sudden bell in surprise. Zoom and Thunder opened the door as it was revealed to be Alphabittle, who is wearing a tuxedo with a yellow bowtie and a purple flower on it while holding a banquet of flowers on his hoof. “...other plans.” Queen Haven finished with a small smile as Zipp and Pipp are shock and surprised by this as Haven then walked up to Alphabittle with sparkles in her eyes. “Oh, Alphie, those are lovely!” She said to Alphabittle about the flowers. Zipp and Pipp then cringe and look in shock at what their mother just said. ‘Oh, Alphie... Alphie... Alphie…’ The word repeated in their minds in a distorted echo, realizing that they are in a romantic relationship, aka they are dating. “I'm not interrupting, am I?” Alphabittle asked Queen Haven with a small smile as she sniffed the flowers as Thunder brushed up some dirt on the ground. “Oh, no, no.” Queen Haven assured him with a smile. “My girls have just flown in and surprised me for Mares' Day.” She said as Zipp and Pipp still gave shocked looks as they looked at each other before looking back at Haven and Alphabittle. Zipp then got up in between them as she gave a forceful smile. “Yup! Big day! Lots of plans!” She said quickly before she pushed her mother away from Alphabittle. “Thanks for stopping by, Alphabittle!” Pipp said quickly with a forceful smile before pushing Alphabittle out the door as she closed it. But then Queen Haven opened it again as she gave a small smile to Alphabittle. “Perhaps you could... join us.” She suggested, Alphabittle give a smile with sparkles in his eyes in response. Zipp and Pipp gave their mother a glare from that idea, but then Haven gave her daughters an even meaner glare that made them flinch as the two sisters looked at each other nervously before they gave a forced smile. “What a wonderful idea.” Pipp said nervously through gritted teeth while sweating nervously. “Yes. Please do join us.” Zipp said similar to her sister through gritted teeth. Alphabittle and Queen Haven then gave each other loving looks as they smiled at each other as Zipp and Pipp watches as Pipp cringe as her mane went down as the two sisters gave cringing expressions as their eyes twitched. A little bit later, they are in the spa section of the castle as Thunder is doing some sort of throat singing while Zoom is playing a harp as the Royal Family and Alphabittle are relaxing with a facemask and kiwis on their face. Queen Haven sighs in relaxation, Pipp hums to herself as she touches her face mask, Zipp ate one of the spare kiwis with the facemask on her and Alphabittle tried to climb onto the relaxing bed, with a little struggle and some effort, he manage to get on it But then, Alphabittle’s facemask begins to bubbling as smoke then starts steaming up as Alphabittle screamed in pain as he starts running around, which cause the Royal Family to take off their kiwis as they saw him rinse his face off from the fountain before he turned and still screaming as his face is all swelled up. The Royal Family cringe in shock from what happened to Alphabittle as Queen Haven and a pegasus mare tried to help him, but then Alphabittle accidentally uses his magic as his horn glows as some makeover supplies and some kiwis start levitation off the benches. The kiwis then flew pass Thunder and Zoom as Zoom ducked the incoming kiwis as Thunder caught one in his mouth, which he swallowed in one gulp as Zoom’s harp strings got broken from the bowl as Thunder continued to throat sing as Zoom gave her partner a bored look. Pipp and Zipp flinch from an incoming object as Zipp caught it, which revealed to be the facemask container, and they saw a warning label with a unicorn icon at it, meaning that it shouldn’t be use for unicorns as Alphabittle wailing as Haven and the pegasus mare tried to calm him down while holding rags for his face. Zipp gave a nervous look as she tossed the facemask away while tapping her hooves together as she gave a nervous whistle, clearing feeling embarrassed for not reading the label and not gonna tell about it. A little bit later, Pipp flipped her hair as the Royal Family huddled together for a family photo with flowers behind them as Thunder held up the light while Zoom ready the camera. “Ahem.” Zoom said to them with a raised eyebrow as she reminded them that they forgot somepony. Queen Haven gave a knowing smile while Zipp and Pipp gave irritation looks as they turned and looked at Alphabittle, whose face still swelled up from the facemask as he gave a surprise look, knowing what they were saying. “Alphie!” Queen Haven cheered with a smile and a wave as the two sisters gave a surprise look at their mother while sweating a bit. Alphabittle smiled with sparkles in his eyes from that as he walked to them, which is a bit of a struggle since Alphabittle is a little too big, which he, Zipp and Pipp grunted while Queen Haven gave giggles, which she found amusing. Alphabittle accidentally stomped on one of Zipp’s hoof. “Aah!” Zipp cried out in pain from the stop as tears formed a bit. And then Alphabittle’s horn got caught on Pipp’s bandana as he accidentally lifted her up. “Aah! Ow, ow, ow, ow!” Pipp cried out from the tug as Alphabittle tried to get Pipp freed. Zoom gave a small smile as she clears her throat a bit. Just then, the entire photo background fell apart on them. “Aah!” All four ponies yelled out as the background fell on them as Zoom took the picture, which shows them on the ground as Alphabittle has his horn pierce through the cloth as Zipp and Pipp looked irritated while Queen Haven just gave a smile from this, finding it amusing. A little bit after the photo incident, they are in the kitchen as they are making lunch for the picnic as Pipp and Haven hummed happily while playing sandwich toppings while Zipp sliced the bread. Pipp then stacked a sandwich on a stacking set, which had some cupcakes, cakes and sweets with flowers on top as Zipp and Pipp smiled with sparkles in their eyes as Queen Haven just smiled from this. A thud was heard as they turned and saw Alphabittle placing four cups down and pouring in some kind of tea on each one as he then passed each one to the Royal Family as Haven smiled from this while the sisters looked a little unsure. Pipp pick up her cup, but then gave out ghost like smoke as it gave sinister whispers as Pipp smelled it and gulps in disgust by this as she groaned and starts to lean back, she would’ve fell to the floor if Zipp didn’t caught her sister, who is looking really dizzy from the smell. Zipp smelled the tea, which is still giving sinister whispers as she begins to gag. Alphabittle and Queen Haven are sipping their tea together, which they seemed to be unfazed by and not disgusted by the slightest. “Mmmm!” Queen Haven hummed happily with a smile, finding the tea really good as Alphabittle gave a smile in return. Pipp and Zipp saw this as Zipp's eyes twitched in disgust as the two sisters groaned and fell to the floor in disgust as Haven and Alphabittle tap each other cups. A little bit later, they are flying in the sky, with Zipp and Pipp carrying Alphabittle with straps and leashes, who is really heavy as they strained, as Queen Haven gives giggles to Alphabittle and then sighs fondly with a smile. Alphabittle gave chuckles to Queen Haven as he smiled fondly at her while Zipp and Pipp grunted at Alphabittle’s weight as he is using his magic to carry the picnic supplies in the sky, since he is a unicorn so he can’t fly. Zipp wiped her forehead with her hoof, but accendly let go of her leash, which made Pipp carry the extra weight. “Whoa!” She called out as she and Alphabittle fell. Pipp and Alphabittle both started screaming as they fell from the sky. Queen Haven and Zipp went wide eyes from this as Zipp zoomed down as she grabbed her leash, which both sisters started grunting as they stopped the falling before Alphabittle hit the ground, but then they released the leashes once they realized he was safe as he hit the floor. “Oof!” Alphabittle yelped as his cup container landed on his head as the stacking table of the picnic food landed on him before they fell to the floor and some landed on him. Zipp and Pipp landed on the ground, exhausted from what just happened as Queen Haven landed in front of them with gasps as the two sisters gave her an assuring smile. “Oh!” Queen Haven called out in worry as Zipp and Pipp smiled with sparkles in their eyes as Queen Haven ran past them, which surprised the two sisters as they turned to her and Alphabittle. “Oh, my Alphie! Are you okay?” She asked in concern as she came to Alphabittle in concern as he gave her an assuring smile. Pipp and Zipp just looked on with shocked expressions as they then gave an irritable expression, which they had enough of.  “Ugh! Him?!” Pipp retorted in disbelief and anger as she pointed at Alphabittle. “He's the reason we crashed!” She pointed out. “And why the whole day's been a disaster!” Zipp added in frustration. “Girls! Manners!” Queen Haven lectured her daughters for their outburst as Alphabittle gave a guilty look. “No, no, they're right.” Alphabittle said in a guilt tone as she turned to the two sisters. “Sorry for messing up your day, girls.” He apologized as the two sisters were surprised by this. “I think it's best I leave you ponies for your special family day.” He said as he walked off from them while looking a little sad as Haven saw him go. Zipp and Pipp came behind their mother as they felt bad for what happened as Queen Haven spoke to her daughter. “I'm very disappointed in you both. All Alphie did was try and join in and make us all happy.” She said to them as she turned to them, not happy for how her daughters think of Alphabittle. “But we wanted to give you the most perfect Mares' Day!” Pipp said in defense as Zipp nodded in agreement. “And he ruined everything!” Zipp added with a wave of her hoof. “And I know a lot of it was an accident, but still!” She finished. “All anypony needs to make a day special is to spend it with their favorite ponies.” Queen Haven explained to her daughters as the two sisters gave surprise looks before they looked down in guilt. “It doesn't matter what we do or how right or wrong it goes. How do you think Sunset felt when she returned to find out her old home, her friends and family are gone?” She asked them as the two sisters were surprised by this.  “H-how did you…?” Zipp tried to ask in surprise as their mother continued.  “When she came to me after ponykind was brought together, she told me and Alphie about her story on how she came back to Equestria to visit an old friend, Princess Twilight, only to find herself in our era of Equestria where she felt out of place and alone.” Queen Haven explained how she knew this as she continued and turned her back to her daughters. “Alphie is no different from Sunset when wanting to spend time with the ponies they cared for. Especially to those really close to them.” She finished as she walked off. Zipp and Pipp watch their mother go as they felt really bad for how they treated Alphabittle as they looked at each other in guilt, feeling really bad for what they said to him and how he went through all day, realizing that they have to make it right. A little bit later, near sunset-time, Alphabittle is still walking with a down and sad expression as Zipp and Pipp flew to him and landed on each side of him, which surprised Alphabittle as the two sisters gave sympathy expressions. “Wow, walking is so slow.” Zipp started with a small smile, trying to make a conversation. “Hey, Alphabittle?” Pipp asked with a small smile as Alphabittle turned to her. “We're really sorry. We didn't mean what we said.” She apologized to him for what they said to him. “We were just trying to make Mares' Day perfect.” Zipp reasoned as she felt guilty before turning to Alphabittle with a smile. “But mom's day can only be perfect if you're there, too.” She added while pointing a hoof at him. “We're really happy our mom has a new friend.” Pipp added before turning to with a wide smile. And now we do, too.” She said as she waved her hoof as Alphabittle was surprised by their woods as he placed a hoof to his chest. “There's still time for that picnic if you're interested.” Zipp suggested as she lifted up Alphabittle’s canteen as she gave a small smile to him. Alphabittle looked down in thought for a moment as Zipp and Pipp lifted their hooves to him as they gave him a smile and sparkles in their eyes. “I'd be honored.” He answered as he lifted his hoof and gave them a hooftap. A little bit later, they returned to Queen Haven, who is happy that Alphabittle has returned, as he and the Royal Family are enjoying their picnic.  Alphabittle then dip his sandwich piece into his teacup as it got some of the contents on it. “Dunkies, anypony?” He asked the two sisters. Zipp and Pipp cringe a bit, not sure if they want to but they can’t judge him if they don’t try it. They then accepted the two Dunkies Alphabittle offered them as they ate their piece, and then they smiled with sparkles in their eyes, finding them really amazing. The two sisters nodded at Alphabittle, telling him that the Dunkies are really good as Alphabittle and Queen Haven smiled at them as they all laugh together as they enjoy the rest of their picnic. At the end of their day, Thunder then place the picture of their photo incident from earlier as a way to remember their special day. At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset, Sunny, Twilight and Discord are enjoying the sunset as they are at the top of the Crystal Brighthouse. “The sun setting is the best way to end a special day.” Sunset answered. “I am glad you enjoy your day, Sunset. Wish we could’ve done more activities together.” Sunny said to Sunset with a small smile. “It doesn’t matter how we enjoy it, Sunny. It’s about spending time with the ones you cared for.” Twilight said with a smile as she was watching the sunset. “Truer words have never been spoken, Twilight.” Discord said in agreement. “It has been a long time since I’ve done anything like this. “Then it’s a good thing you have us now, Discord.” Sunset said as she continued to watch the sunset as she brought Discord and Sunny close to her. “We may not have the others to join us, but at least we have each other. We’re friends, but we’re also family. We stick together and be there for one another. And we have all our friends, old and new, to be that family so that we would never be alone. And I love to spend time with you guys so enjoy this moment together.” She said as Twilight, Sunny and Discord smiled together. “Those were really beautiful words, Sunset.” Sunny said with a smile of joy. “It brings tears to my eyes.” Discord added as he wiped off some tears of joy. “That was a great speech, Sunset. Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Twilight finished. “Telling what my heart said is true.” Sunset said as she gave a long smile and then had a thought. “I wonder how Zipp and Pipp spend time with their mother?” She asked with a thoughtful look. “Who knows. Maybe when they get back, they will tell us what they did.” Sunny answered. “From their point of view, it would be interesting.” Twilight added. “That can be true, from what I learned about them.” Discord commented, having known more about Sunny and the others when he spent time with them. “Well, whatever they did, I bet they had a wonderful time together.” Sunset finished with a smile as the three nodded in agreement as they enjoyed the rest of the sunset, enjoying their moment on this special day. End of Chapter 51. > Chapter 52: Ponytropico > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 52: Ponytropico In Maretime Bay, Hitch is whistling to other ponies, whether they be on carriage or on the streets, as he makes sure they aren’t distracted as he whistles hard, which he did so many times that he is sweating a bit. “Is the daily grind of your life getting you down?” Skye narrated as he was speaking. In Mane Melody, Pipp is doing Posey’s mane as she is using a curling iron on her mane, but Pipp looks a little tired as he hummed to herself. And then a few seconds later, Posey then starts screaming as Mane Melody literally shook and the roof lifted up as a couple of ponies outside stopped in startled by that. “Does it seem like nothing is going right?” Skye narrated again. Inside, Posey kept screaming as the part of her mane Pipp was doing was burnt by the curling iron as Pipp gave Posey an apologetic look for her mistake. In the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy got stuck on a discarded tree bark with blue glitter like glue, which she got all over herself and the tree. “Oh... That's not good.” Izzy said to herself nervously now that she is stuck. “Hello? Anypony?” She called out as her voice echoed across the Brighthouse for help to get her unstuck, which nopony was there to help her at the moment while her friends were out. Somewhere else in Maretime Bay, Sunny then skated from an alley as she skied across the floor, looking really tired as her smoothie cart then flew out of its harness and rolled across the ground as it crashed as Sunny gasped from what her cart crashed into. Sunset then appeared while holding a couple of smoothies. “What happened, Sunny?” She asked in concern as Sunny then pointed to where her smoothie cart crashed as Sunset widened her eyes in surprise. “Whoa!” She said in surprise. The smoothie cart crashes where Zipp and Rufus are, while the latter is in his clown costume as the two ponies are covered in smoothies and fruits as some of the other contents are on the floor. Zipp groans tirelessly as she flies away as Rufus is licking some of the smoothie juice on his hoof with a small smile, finding it really tasty. Sunny and Sunset then came next to Rufus while feeling a little embarrassed. “Um... no charge for this one.” Sunny nervously said as she squeezed Rufus’ clown wig as the green smoothie out and into the cup as she gave a nervous smile as Rufus smiled at his smoothie. “Sorry, about that Rufus. The cart flew off Sunny’s strap.” Sunset apologized to him. “That’s okay, I don’t mind.” Rufus said, not bothered one bit. Sunset nodded as she turned to Sunny in a concerned look. “Sunny, you and the others have been so busy lately, that you exhausted your energies. You are showing bags under your eyes.” She pointed out to Sunny having bags eyes. Sunny sighs tirelessly as she speaks. “You’re right, Sunset. We’ve been so busy lately that we are getting exhausted as it is. Especially those Alicorn training we’ve been doing.” She said, while doing their daily jobs exhausted them, helping Sunny train her Alicorn magic is also getting to them. “Well, you did ask to become the best Alicorn in Equestria to protect the crystals and everypony else, and we did agree to help you.” Sunset said as she placed a comforting hoof on Sunny. “But clearly it is pushing you to the limit, and I have a feeling that the others might not be faring well either. Even though I feel exhausted, just not much, but still.” She admitted, having a feeling that the others might be exhausted as well after being so busy. And then Sunset then have a thought. “You know, maybe this is a perfect time to go on a vacation after the hard work we all have been doing.” She suggested with a smile. “A vacation? I like that.” Sunny said with a smile, liking the idea to go on vacation while giving a thoughtful look. “But where do we go on vacation?” She asked, having no idea where to go on a vacation. “You’re asking the wrong pony. Ancient Equestria pony here, new era, different landscape and different areas that are unfamiliar.” Sunset listed out to remind Sunny about who she’s asking. “Oh, right. Sorry.” Sunny apologized with a sheepish look, having forgotten that Sunset is from Ancient Equestria and that she doesn’t know all known places in the new era of her home. “Don't you wish you could just get away and take a break from it all?” Skye's voice is heard again as it got Sunny and Sunset’s attention as they look down and see Rufus' phone on the floor, showing Skye as he is telling about something as bushes are now covering him. “Wow. That’s convenient.” Sunset commented as Sunny nodded in agreement as they listened in to what Skye is saying. “Well, you can!” Skye announced as he is now wearing a tropical hat and sunglasses. “Paradise is much closer than you think. Isn't that right, Dazzle?” He asked with a smile as he looked at Dazzle in front of him. Dazzle is slurping on a coconut while wearing a tropical hat and sunglasses as well. “It certainly is, Skye. Here at Ponytropico, there is something for everypony.” She said with a smile as he held out her coconut. “Whoo-hoo-hoo!” An Earth Pony cheered as he was flying on a hang glider and flying towards the two News Pegasi.   “Incoming!” Skye called out as he and Dazzle ducked as the Earth Pony flew over them with a wide smile as they saw the Earth Pony and his friend on hang gliders as they flew around as the two News Pegasi are watching with a smile. “As you can see, Ponytropico has it all.” He continued as an Earth Pony flew by them, but yelped as he lost his balance on his glider and twirled around as he hit the ocean. Whether you're looking for adventure…” He listed out as an Earth Pony stallion is driving a speed boat with a Earth Pony mare water skiing as she giggled in excitement. And then it showed  four ponies on the beach, which showed the three unicorns, the middle one is an elderly mare, on the beach while levitation a bunch of rocks as they formed a heart as an Earth Pony mare is doing some patience about them.  “...or to find your inner creative.” Dazzle added. “To be pampered in luxury…” Skye continued as it showed Flare and Jazz having a spa treatment as Flare is putting on some face mask with kiwis on her eyes while Jazz is next to her with kiwis on her eyes as well as she sighs in relaxation. And then it showed some ponies relaxing or playing by the pool as a couple of ponies, a Pegasus mare and an Earth Pony stallion, are splashing each other, a couple of other are relaxing while Rocky and a Pegasus are slurping smoothies as a Pegasus mare dive into the pool.  “...or to just get some much needed rest and relaxation while you enjoy gourmet meals.” Dazzle said as it then showed Dahlia and an Earth Pony stallion tap their drinks together with a smile before they begin to drink while having a buffet behind them. “So what are you waiting for?” Skye asked the viewers as he and Dazzle are shown on camera again. “Book your vacation to Ponytropico today!” Dazzle finished as she pointed to a big luxurious resort with a couple of boats ponies are riding on. At the Crystal Brighthouse, after Sunny and Sunset saw the video, they called their friends back at the Brighthouse to show them as the two ponies showed their friends the video as they saw the whole thing. The Mane 6, san Sunny and Sunset, gave sounds of awe with sparkles in their eyes while Sunset and Sunny smiled at the video after seeing it the first time. “All right! It's vacation time, baby!” Zipp said in excitement between her friends' voices. Hitch gave a sigh as he gave a small smile. “Ponytropico. I could sure use a relaxing trip like that.” He said as Sparky ran by giggling, after he tripped, he got back up and ran off giggling again before he crashed into something as he kept giggling, which made Hitch widen his eyes from when he heard that. “Sparky!” He called out as he ran towards Sparky as Sunny watched him go from that. “And did you see those ponies on water skis?” Zipp asked her friends in excitement with a smile as she held her hooves together with sparkles in her eyes. “I'd love to try that!” She said in excitement as Izzy gave a smile with sparkles in her eyes as well. “And, perhaps, this vacation could give me a chance to explore other parts of new era Equestria and possibly even dig up some small clues to the bigger recurring mystery.” Sunset said with a small smile, wanting to see another part of Equestria that she would like to see. “Well, the former is more likely than the latter, but you never know.” She added with a shrug. Twilight appeared from the amulet as she gave a smile to them. “Well, you ponies have been working hard these last few days, especially Sunny’s Alicorn training, you ponies deserve a vacation like this.” She said to them, agreeing with their idea of vacation after what they’ve been through. Sunny smiled at her friends as she spoke. “Well, I sure am glad you ponies think it looks fun, because…” She said with a smirk before she gave squeals as she held up six tickets with a wide smile. “Everypony, pack your bags! Ponytropico, here we come!” She announced with a smile and her hoof raised. The rest of Mane 6, and Sparky, start cheering with smiles and sparkles in their eyes. “Sunny, you are an amazing pony!” Sunset called out as she hugged Sunny, who giggled in response. “I do anything for my friends, Sunset.” Sunny answered as she returned the hug to Sunset. A little bit later, the Mane 6 went out to close off their business for their vacation, Sunny and Sunset went to the smoothie stand and closed it up. In Mane Melody, Pipp is turning her sign to ‘Close’ as the curtains close. And then somewhere, Izzy click a lock one of the wheels of her motor scooter as she hummed happily to herself as she skipped away cheerfully. At the Sheriff Station, Hitch is locking up the station as Sparky is on his back, but before he could move, he gasps in surprise as he and Sparky look down. What they are seeing is Hitch’s critters crying as the raccoonicorns and bunnicorns are hugging his hooves while the Pegasnails are flying around him as they cry their tears out, clearly sad that Hitch is leaving. “Come on. It's only for a week. You critters will be fine.” Hitch assured his critters as he patted the racoonicorn on the head with a smile as he walked off as the critters watches him go with teary eyes. A racoonicorn then starts crying again as he then grab a Pegasnail in front of him, which only Hitch would understand if he was still close to them. “We have to…” He held the Pegasnail close as he sniffled. “...stay strong for each other!” He finished as he and the Pegasnail then cried together as they held each other. A little bit later, the Mane 6 are in their vacation gears as they got into the Marestream as Pipp giggled as she went in first, Hitch is next as he laugh with Sparky on his back, Sunny next with a giggle, Sunset next with a smirk, and then Izzy as she twirled around before heading inside as the door close as Zipp are already inside. Zipp is in the driving area as she pressed the button with a smile. The Marestream started up as it moved forward, but really slowly as it then screeched to a stop for some reason. Zipp kept pressing the button as she started grunting as she looked at the lantern and the steering wheel. “Come on! Ugh!” She groaned in frustration. Sunset then came to them in confusion. “What’s going on? Shouldn’t we be taking off by now?” She questioned them about the delay. “We should.” Zipp said, but then had a feeling why they didn’t take off as she turned to her sister. “Pipp!” She yelled to her sister next to her, who was holding out her phone. Sunset has the same feeling as well. “Pipp, what did we talk about?” She questioned with a stern look under her sunglasses. “Ugh, fine.” Pipp said as she then tossed her overpacked luggage out of the Marestream as she dusted her hooves. “Mental note; teach Pipp on how to pack light.” Sunset muttered since Pipp kept overpacking her luggage just for a trip or vacation. “I heard that.” Pipp called out while looking at Sunset. “Am I wrong?” Sunset countered with a smirk. Pipp raised her hoof, but then lowered it. “Fair point.” She said as the door closed and the Marestream finally took off. A little bit later, the Marestream zoomed through the sky as the others were looking out the window while watching the clouds pass by with Twilight out of the necklace. “Man, I just love the clouds passing by us.” Sunset said with a smile. “It never stops calming your mind.” Twilight commented with a smile. “You said it, Twilight.” Sunset added. “I spy... Ooh!” Izzy called out as she and the others saw something. “A bunch of very dangerous-looking storm clouds.” She said cheerfully. “Wait, storm clouds?” Sunset asked in worried when Izzy mentioned storm clouds as she and the others widened their eyes underneath their sunglasses. “This is not good.” She said in concern. They went to Zipp in worried expressions. “Uh, Zipp? Are you sure we—?” Sunny tried to ask but was cut off. “Don't worry, ponies. I've got everything under control.” Zipp assured her she didn’t see the lightning strikes that were flashing. “I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Just a little rain.” She added with a slight chuckle. Just then thunder starts forming as the Marestream shook around as Zipp tried to keep it balance as the rest of the Mane 6 starts screaming as they are being rattled around the Marestream, except Izzy and Sparky as they are laughing around. “‘Just a little rain.’ she said! You really need to pay more attention to things closely, Zipp!” Sunset called out as they kept shaking around. “Now’s not the time, Sunset!” Zipp called out as she started sweating nervously as she kept the steering balance. The Marestream was then struck by lightning, which caused Sunny’s lantern to go off as the rainbow and prism beam magic faded, which caused the Marestream to lose power as it fell from the sky. The Mane 6 then starts screaming again, except Sparky and Izzy as they cheered as they fell from the sky. “Brace yourselves, ponies!” Sunset called out as the ponies brace themselves for impact. A little bit later, Zipp is inside the Marestream, which is in a pile of mud, as she grunted as she pressed a few buttons. “How are we doing, Zipp!” Sunset called out as she and the others were behind the Marestream. “Almost got it...!” Zipp answered as she kept pressing buttons. Just then, the Marestream’s engine started up as the tailpipes sputtered out rainbow color.  The others cheered from this, but then the Marestream splattered some mud on them as they groaned from this as Sparky fell from Hitch, except for Izzy as she smiled. “It’s very facial.” Izzy said cheerfully, not bothered by this. “Well, that didn’t turn out well.” Sunset commented dully. Izzy then turned to her friends with a smile. “Hey, everypony, look on the bright side. At least Pipp still got her spa day.” She joked as she snickered. “Dah-dah, dah!” She intimidated a drum shot with a smile and a wave of her hooves. Said Pipp is covered in mud as she gave whimpering sounds. “Too soon, Izzy! Too soon!” She whimpered as she gave Izzy an irritated look from that bad joke. “And not to mention that joke didn’t cheer any of us up.” Sunset added with a bored expression. “All we need to do is stay calm.” Hitch advises his friends. “Luckily for all of you, I packed a map that will show us exactly how to get—” He said as he held up a map, but was cut off as he saw Sparky eating the map up as the baby dragon dangled from the map with his mouth. “Aah!” Hitch called out in surprise as he dropped what’s left of the map and Sparky. Sparky landed on the floor as he ate up the rest of the map and then burps as he rubbed his stomach and spits up a little bit of dragon fire. Hitch just gave a sigh. “Oh.” He commented. “Should’ve predicted that Sparky would do that.” Sunset commented as she figured Sparky would eat the map as she then lifted up her phone. “And it looks like there’s no cell service. Meaning we have no phones to help us get back or call for help. And I don’t think the Marestream has a built in radio.” She added, seeing another problem they are in since they don’t have cell service and that the Marestream doesn’t have a radio. “No it doesn’t. There wasn’t one when it was first created.” Zipp said as she got out of the Marestream and headed to her friends, stating that she checked the Marestream from top to bottom, and it doesn’t have a radio built in. Pipp was not liking the situation they were in. “Not only are we gonna miss the ferry to Ponytropico, now we are lost, too?!” She asked in frustration. “Ugh! Could this day get any worse?!” She questioned in frustration. Just then, thunderstruck as it now started pouring down rain as the Mane 6 gave dull expressions from this karma. “Pipp, word of future advice: No matter HOW bad ANY situation already is, NEVER ask how it can get worse.” Sunset said dully without looking. “Nineteen times out of twenty, it not only answers, but it proves to make the situation AT LEAST twenty times worse.” She added, since saying something like that always happens. “Noted.” Pipp said dully as well, should’ve seen that coming. Sparky then smiles as he then jumps into the mud puddle as he begins to giggle and toss some mud around as he is having fun. The Mane 6 looked at Sparky playing in the mud as they looked up at the rain cloud as they took off their sunglasses for a better look as they began to laugh, having an idea of fun as Izzy then hopped and splash some mud on her friends. (Work, Work, Work Song) Just then, the Mane 6 are having a mud fight as Sunny through some mud at Pipp’s face, which made the pegasus give an irritated look but then give a mischievous smirk at Sunny from that, clearly saying that ‘it’s game on’. (Mane 6) Just a little touch-up Just a little paint And we'll be done in no time (Izzy) Hey, this is looking great! Zipp is chasing after Hitch and Sparky with a laugh as Izzy gets up and rubs some mud on her face with a smile. Hitch then splash some mud on Sunny as the Earth Pony mare covered her face with a smile, but then they, including Sparky, suddenly got covered completely in mud from above as they looked up and saw Zipp, Pip and Sunset holding a sheet filled with mud as they smiled playfully at the two Earth Ponies and baby dragon as they smiled back at their playful trick. (Mane 6) 'Cause they say there is magic In every pony (every pony) Inside the Marestream, the Mane 6 hunkered down and cleaned off the mud on them with towels wrapped around them and having some cup of tea and Pipp doing her mane. Sunny and Sunset then came behind Zipp and Pipp with smiles as they held out a couple of picnic blankets and spread them out. And when I need a hoof I've got you there beside me A little bit later, they set up the picnic food they packed spread out in the Marestream as they are enjoying their meal, but then Sparky got between Sunny and Hitch, as they and Zipp are eating their food as Sparky grab Hitch’s food and ate it in one good as Hitch turned and saw in surprise that his food is gone as his friends saw this in surprise as well. Gonna work, work, work Got so much to do Well, I don't mind the work And then after their meal, they decided to past the time to play cards, Zipp looked at her sisters while whistling  innocently as Pipp turned in shock at her sister looking at her cards as Zipp gave an innocent smile while sweating nervously as Pipp just gave a dull look as she pushes her sister back. Hitch then places down his last card while he and Sparky raise their arms/hooves in victory while the others smile or laugh while Zipp looks down at the fact that she lost and Sunset tosses her cards in the air playfully at her defeat. The Mane 6 then huddled together as they sang together as Pipp was flying around them while singing through her microphone. 'Cause I get to work with you (Pipp: I get to work with you!) Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true The Mane 6’s cutie marks then begins to glow and sparkle as that magic flows to Sunny’s lantern, its rainbow and magic is recharged as it levitated to its spot and was hooked into place. 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do! The lantern’s magic power up the Marestream again as Zipp got back on the wheel and got it out of the mud as the Mane 6 gasped in amazement from that as the Marestream lifted up from the ground and into the air as they all smiled and muttered in awed, some with sparkles in their eyes like Pipp. “The Marestream is free from the mud!” Sunset announced with a wide smile. “Whoo-hoo!” Sunny cheered with her hoof raised. “Come on, ponies! If we hurry, we might still be able to catch the last ferry of Ponytropico!” She announced as the Mane 6 cheered. A little bit later, the Mane 6 made it to the docks in their vacation gear, but they looked off in the distance as Izzy spoke. “Oh, there it goes!” Izzy cheered as she pointed her hoof in the distance, which is the ferry as it shipped off in the distance, too far to even fly there or called it out. “Ohhhh, there it goes.” Izzy repeated, realizing what she said. “We missed the ferry. And apparently we can’t fly there and even if we did, other ponies might try to make an unfair vantage to anypony who missed the ferry.” Sunset said, seeing that they can’t fly to the ferry, whether they want to or not. “That is true, Sunset. Can’t break a law.” Hitch nodded in agreement as the others looked down as they missed the ferry. Sunny blinked for a bit before she gave a small smile. “Hey, there's always next year, ponies.” She said to her friends that they can try again next year as her friends gave down expressions, while Pipp begins to tear up as Sunny continues. “Anyway, we don't need Ponytropico to have fun. Right?”  She asked her friends with a smile. Sunset then begins to smile from Sunny’s words. “She’s right, guys. Sure we miss the ferry to Ponytropico, but we can still have fun in our own way with each other.” She said to them. Pipp gave a thought for a sec before she smiled and wiped her tears away. “Yeah. I can't believe I'm saying this, but who needs a luxury spa?” She asked her friends with a smile. “Or pony paragliding?” Zipp added as she took off her sunglasses with a smile. “Or a restful day at the beach?” Hitch spoke next with a smile. Izzy lifted her sunglasses over her head as she spoke. “Or a beautiful seashell mosaic?” She finished. “We do all those in Maretime Bay anyway.” Sunset pointed out. “So we may not have made it to Ponytropico, but there is always next year.” She assured as she smiled as the Mane 6 huddled together. “But we can still have fun in our own ways.” She added. “All we really need for an amazing holiday is... each other.” Sunny finished as they huddled together and leaned at each other's heads as they gave each other smiles as they didn’t notice that their cutie marks were glowing. Zipp then has a thought as she gasps and looks at her friends with a smile. “You ponies thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?” She asked her friends with a smile as they smiled in return. “I think we know what you’re thinking, Zipp.” Sunset said with a smirk. A little bit later, the Mane 6 returned to the Marestream and landed back at the spot they crashed in with laughs. (Work, Work, Work Song continued) (Mane 6) ...I don't mind the work 'Cause I get to work with you They then got out of the Marestream as Zipp set up some lights around the marestream. Zipp and Pipp are in the mud puddle as they are getting a mud bath while taping each other's glass cups while their faces are covered in mud masks. Gonna work, work, work Make our dreams come true Inside the Marestream, Sunny is blending some smoothies in her blender as Hitch came in with a basket full of berries with a smile to Sunny as Sunny smiled wide at the berries. Outside, Sunset has finished setting up their camp outside the Marestream with a fireplace, table and blankets around as Zipp is roasting her marshmallow as they enjoy their vacation together. 'Cause when we work together There's nothing we, nothing we can't do! Sparky burped out some dragon fire after eating a bowl full of snacks, which startled the group for a moment when his dragon fire shoot up, but then the Mane 6 starts laughing together, finding funny a bit as they enjoy their time together, sure they didn’t make it to Ponytropico, but at least they have each other to spend time with. End of Chapter 52. > Chapter 53: As The Misty Clears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 53: As The Misty Clears Misty roared as she lifted her right hoof up, which is a homemade sock puppet of herself with an evil look and the amulet. “‘Get dragon fire for Opaline!’ Evil laugh. Mwahahaha!” She mimicked herself in a slight evil deep tone as she gave an evil laugh to her sock pocket. “‘No! Be loyal to your friends!’ Happy laugh. Hee-hee-hee-hee!” She then made a high-pitch tone as she lifted her left hoof, which is another homemade sock puppet of her being friendly with a smile, which had no amulet on, as she made a happy laugh to her friendly puppet of herself. Apparently, Misty is feeling conflicted to herself whether she would get the dragon fire for Opaline and turn on the Mane 6 or keep being a friend to the Mane 6, hench why she made two sock puppets of the evil side or the good side of herself to choose whether she turned on her friends to get the dragon fire or stay friends with them, which is hard for her to tell which side she is on and that if it was right. “Hey Misty!” Sunny’s voice called out as she was behind a bush Misty was hiding, which startled the unicorn as she fiddled around with her sock puppets and quickly took them off and hid them as she turned to see Sunny and the rest of the Mane 6 appearing behind her. “Whatcha you doing?” Sunny asked in a curious smile. “Yeah. What were you doing behind this bush?” Sunset asked in curiosity while wondering what Misty is doing behind this bush while the others are curious about it too. “Uh…” Misty nervously said with a sheepish smile as she covered up her sock puppets underneath a pile of leaves. “Just… Uh… Admiring this grass.” She said nervously with a nervous laugh as she picked up some grass, which made the Mane 6, except Izzy who kept smiling, looking confused. “Mmm! Green!” She nervously said as she then tossed the grass away.  “No inner struggle between good and evil over here!” She quickly said as she waved her hooves. And then Misty’s amulet opened up, which made Misty really nervous as she waved her hooves as she turned as Opaline appeared as Misty started sweating nervously. “Misty, where are you?” Opaline questioned before Misty then grabbed Opaline’s face in panic as the evil Alicorn yelps and was brought back into the amulet as Misty grunted in effort as Opaline gave a muffled speech. The Mane 6 looked at Misty in confusion, since they didn’t see Opaline, but Sunset was wide-eyed at the certain pony that only appeared briefly before being put back in. “What the…?” She muttered quietly in confusion from what she saw. Misty’s amulet then starts moving around as Misty tries to keep it close so Opaline doesn’t come out as she kept it shut with her hooves. “I'm, uh... cleansing its... energy?” She said to them, trying to find an excuse while trying to keep the amulet shut. “Love a good energy cleanse!” Izzy said cheerfully as she then brought out two dust brushes with sparkles in her eyes. “Can I help?” She asked Misty. Misty kept grunting as she tried to keep the amulet shut as she turned to them. “Nope! All good! I got it!” she said as the Mane 6 looked at her in concern as the amulet then stopped shaking as Misty started panting and looked at them with a nervous laugh while the Mane 6 looked at her in confusion. “Misty, we can tell something is wrong with you.” Sunset spoke up while raising an eyebrow at her. “Something is wrong with me?” Misty asked nervously from Sunset’s statement. “Yeah. There's something strange about that necklace.” Zipp answered while pointing at the amulet. “You've been acting kinda weird lately.” She added. “Weirder than usual, even by your standards.” Sunset added, while noticing Misty is acting more strange than she usually do, which is really concerning. Flashback. Sometime ago in the Sheriff Station, Sparky is giggling around as he runs with toilet paper as Hitch is chasing him, while being covered in toilet paper himself, no doubt by Sparky, as he chases after his baby dragon. Unknowing to them, Misty tiptoed behind them, while disguise as a grandfather clock as she stop next to a drawer while Misty inside watched Sparky and Hitch while smirking evilly and wrote down what she saw into her journal. And then sometime later, Sparky is slurping on a smoothie next to a trash can, while there are some trash around the station, Misty, while wearing a black coat, a black mask and a black hat, sneak up on Sparky on Hitch’s desk, about to sneak attack him to get the dragon fire for Opaline, but when she jump, she crashed into the trash can while giving a dizzy look, which Sparky notice. “Huh?” Sparky asked in confusion to wonder why Misty is here and why she is in the trash can. And then finally, Hitch hummed to himself happily as he cleaned up his office and organized his pens in place as he walked off. But then Misty appeared from under the desk as she gave a smirk and moved one of his pens out of place before she hid again. End of Flashback. Zipp showed the whole thing to them on her phone, having recently put in secret cameras in Hitch’s station after Sparky went missing the first time, to make sure to see who it was if he ever got stolen again. Hitch was shocked after seeing the recording. “That was you?!” He questioned Misty while pointing a hoof at her. Misty was shocked that they had a recording of her, having not noticed the cameras in the station as she gave a nervous smile at Hitch. “Pretty funny, huh?” She asked as she gave a nervous laugh. Hitch wasn’t having as he gave an irritated look at Misty. “Yes.” He simply said while giving a sarcastic laugh in response while still giving Misty the look. “Misty, I don’t know what the necklace is doing to you lately, but every time when I’m around it, I somehow sense some kind of dark magic in it.” Sunset pointed out after sensing something wrong with Misty’s amulet for a while whenever she is near it with Misty. “Dark magic?” Misty asked in surprise while feeling nervous at the same time. “Yeah. Like that time with Sunny’s compact mirror sometime back before it faded.” Sunset answered. “And I keep feeling off about that necklace ever since.” She added. “Zipp and Sunset are right.” Sunny said in agreement. “Why don't you just take it off for a little bit?” She suggested as she reached out to grab the amulet, but Misty jumped back. “No!” Misty called out to them while giving a nervous smile while holding the amulet with her hoof. “I-I can't take it off! It's... It's really special to me.” She said nervously as the Mane 6 looked at her in confusion. “Now, if you don't mind, I've got errands to run!” She quickly said before she trotted off, leaving the Mane 6 behind. Zipp and Sunset looked at where Misty ran off while looking suspicious.  “Hmmm…” Zipp said to herself. “Something is up with Misty and that necklace she’s wearing. But what?” Sunset asked herself as she and Zipp looked at each other and nodded their heads together. After leaving the Mane 6, Misty wiped her forehead with a sigh in relief. “That was too close.” She said to herself as she looked around before she spotted something. “Ooh! Shadowberries!” She said as she saw a tree with shadowberries, which are berries that look black, in front of her. “They're Opaline's favorite!” She added, knowing that shadowberries are Opaline’s favorite berries. Misty then climbed the tree to pick one of the berries, but as she was about to reach one, the amulet got stuck in a branch, preventing Misty from grabbing one as she looked down and noticed that her amulet was the problem. With no choice, Misty climbed back down and took off her amulet as she placed it on top of a pile of rocks. “Don't. Move.” She said firmly to her amulet while pointing a hoof at it before she climbed back up to the tree. But what she didn’t know is that the amulet was suddenly grabbed, which turned out to be Zipp behind some bushes. “Can't take it off, huh?” She asked with a smirk before she hid into the bushes to sneak away with the amulet. Misty came down the tree with a smile as she held up a shadowberry. “She's gonna love me for at least five minutes when she sees these!” She cheered with sparkles in her eyes as she gave giggles, but then she noticed that her amulet was gone. “Huh? Necklace? Where are you?! I said don't move!” She called out in panic as she moved some leaves to find the amulet as tears started to form in her eyes. Back at the Brighthouse, Zipp places the amulet on the table with the rest of her friends gathered around.  “I'm telling you, something's not right with this thing.” Zipp said to her friends as she placed the amulet down as Izzy was wearing her goggles. “I agree. This necklace is putting off some strange magic in it, but from what, I can’t tell.” Sunset added while looking at the amulet with a suspicious look. Twilight then appeared from Sunset’s necklace while eyeing the amulet with a suspicious look. “Same with me. This is definitely dark magic in Misty’s necklace, but what it is, I can’t tell. But it is somehow familiar to me.” She pointed out while having a strange feeling she knew this kind of magic before. “Have you, Twilight?” Sunset asked in curiosity. “I don’t know for sure. But I can definitely tell that this is bringing back some memories that I might’ve lost before being brought back in this necklace, but I’m not entirely sure.” Twilight admittedly said, having a strange feeling that she knew this kind of magic, but still uncertain what it is. “That is strange if you are getting those memories back by sensing this magic inside the necklace.” Sunny said, seeing that something familiar to Twilight must be bringing back those memories. “That is a start at least.” Twilight said to them, at least she is having a feeling that her memories that were lost from the crack from the crystals are starting to come back to her, slowly but coming back. Izzy then places her goggles over her eyes as she lean close to the amulet to get a closer look. “On the one hoof, it has all the signs of something evil!” She called out while grabbing the amulet and giving it a good look as she picked it up. “But on the other, it's super shiny!” She cheered with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as she held the amulet up with a squeal as she then put it on around her neck. Sunset then felt nervous after seeing that. “Wait, Izzy! Don’t…” She tried to call out, but it was too late as the amulet opened. “...put it on.” She finished nervously. Izzy then gasps as her eyes are wide and her pupils are now red. Her friends looked at her nervously as Zipp then tapped Izzy to see if she was okay. “Izzy, are you okay?” Sunset asked nervously to her unicorn friend in concern.  And then Izzy gave a sinister giggle, which shocked her friends as they had never heard Izzy giggle like that before, even when she made spooky tones sometimes.  “Izzy, you're scaring us.” Sunset said in concern. Izzy then caught a microphone as she looked at her friends with an angry look, something they have never seen before. “Hey, I'm Izzy! Here's a stupid poem! Earth ponies smell, Pegasi stink and Alicorns are wannabes!” She called out while pointing at her friends, who were surprised and a bit hurt by those words. “They all take baths in the kitchen sink!” She added as she walked to the kitchen sink and sat on it. “Also, crafting's totally lame!” She finished as she smashed a crafted pony made from popsicle sticks with her hoof. Sunny then gasps in shock at what happened to Izzy. “Get that necklace off, Izzy! Quick!” Sunset called out as Sunny nodded and went up to Izzy, who kept stomping on the popsicle pony model as Sunny quickly removed the amulet off Izzy. Izzy’s eyes returned to normal as she stopped stomping as she then gasped at what she did. “Sylvie Stickerton!” Izzy cried as she held up her destroyed popsicle model and held it close to her chest as tears began to form. Sunset came to Izzy’s side and gave her a comforting hug. “It’s okay, Izzy. We know you didn’t mean it.” She assured as Izzy nodded while tears still formed as Sunset turned to the others. “Okay, that necklace really is bad news and definitely has dark magic in it.” She called out while giving a worried look at the amulet. “It's like it turns you into the opposite of who you truly are!” Sunny added as she placed the amulet down on the table. “Like the time when Discord made me and my friends the opposite of who we are when he first came out of his stone prison.” Twilight clarified while remembering the time when Discord was first freed from prison and corrupted the original Mane 6 into the opposites of their elements. “Really? Is Discord behind this?” Sunset asked as Discord head popped up from a portal. “Don’t blame me this time.” Discord said in defense. “After that little experience, I swore to never do anything like that again, especially after being trapped in stone for the second time.” He explained, having swore to never do any evil thing again after his learning experiences before he disappeared into the portal. “Okay, so not Discord. But where did this necklace come from?” Sunset asked while eyeing the amulet in suspicious. And then suddenly, the amulet somehow lifted up on its own as the Mane 6, except Izzy who is still weeping from her popsicle model, gasps in shock at what they see. “It’s alive!? How?!” Twilight asked in shock at what she just saw. “I don’t know, but this is one crazy necklace!” Sunset called out in shock. The amulet then moved around as it then got a look at the Mane 6 as it gave a sinister hissing sound, which startled them. Hitch gasps at it. “It's the anti-sparkle!” He cried out before the amulet launched itself into Hitch’s neck, which turned him into the opposite of himself as he gave an angry look. “Rules? Who needs 'em?!” He called out with an evil smile. The rest of Mane 6 gasp in shock by this. “Okay, this is bad!” Sunset called out. Hitch then got in front of Pipp and brought out a trash can. “Pipp! Do more lettering!” He demanded as Pipp nervously tossed some crumple up paper. “Yes! More! Yes! More!” He said evilly as Pipp then nervously started tossing some crumpled up paper around as Hitch gave an evil laughter. And then the necklace flew out of Hitch’s neck, which turned him back to normal, but then the necklace flew into Pipp’s neck, which made the rest of the Mane 6 to gasp at this. Pipp  yelps as she tries to get the amulet off, but it overtakes her as her eyes turn red and gives an evil laugh. “Anyone for a song?” She asked in an evil pitch tone as she then brought out a four-base metal guitar and play a lough solo with two big speakers, which made all the glass shattered as she smashed the guitar into the ground, breaking it as she gave an evil laugh before she took the amulet off and twirl it before she tossed it away, turning her back to normal . “Huh?” She gasped as she looked into her compact mirror and saw that her mane is a mess before looking at her friends in shock. “What just happened to me?!” She panicked. Before they could answer, the amulet then starts hurling towards Sunset. But the alicorn dodge it. “Back off, evil neck wearer!” Sunset cried out as she tried to back away from it, but not well enough as it wrapped itself around Sunset’s neck. “Sunset!” Sunny called out in panic that the amulet was on Sunset as the others looked on in shock. But then, the amulet somehow gave an electric shock to itself, which made it hissed in pain as it flew off from Sunset as it hit the ground with a bit of smoke coming out. “What the?” Sunset asked in surprise by what just happened. “Sunset, what’s just happened?” Sunny asked in confusion as she and her friends are surprised by what they just saw. “I-I don’t know!” Sunset called out in surprise. “One second the necklace was on me, but then it somehow got shocked as soon as it wrapped around my neck before fleeing.” She quickly said while looking at the amulet. “How did it shock you when you were wearing it?” Zipp asked in curiosity. “Not sure.” Sunset honestly said before turning to the amulet, which got back up as it hissed at them again as the Mane 6 screamed. “Aaah! But I think it got angrier!” She yelled out as the amulet leapt at them. A little bit later, outside the Brighthouse, Misty is still looking for her amulet as she got her face in a log to see if it was in there. Seeing that it wasn’t in the log, Misty pulled her head while grunting as she got her face out of the log. “It can't have just disappeared!” She called out while sweating nervously as she placed her hoof on her head. “Oh! Opaline's gonna be so mad!” She cried out as she placed her hooves over her face. And then, Misty heard Izzy’s indistinct shrieking, which made Misty look up and saw the windows of the Brighthouse cracked and saw Izzy’s shadow behind them running away from something as something splatter on the windows as a magic blast can be heard as flashes are shown. “Oh, no.” Misty said as she place her hooves over her mouth, having a feeling where the amulet is as she raced into the Brighthouse and look in shock that not only the Brighthouse is a mess, but her amulet is releasing some dark magical mists that has spread all over the Brighthouse that infected the others as Hitch is laughing evilly while tossing some litters all over the place as Izzy is stomping on one of her crafts with an evil smile. And then, Sunset, who is somehow not affected by the amulet’s mist, was flying around as she dodge a chair that Sunny, who is affected, has thrown as she chases after Sunset as she dodge another object. “Whoa! This is really bad and I knew that necklace was evil!” Sunset called out as she dodge and shielded herself from another object that Sunny threw as she flew around, not wanting to hurt Sunny or her friends since she knows that they aren’t themselves. Pipp then appeared while covered in mud as she gave a maniacal laughter. Sunny then grabs some pictures as she tears them off the walls. “Who!” She called out before tossing the figures of her and her friends, with Misty in it, away. “Needs! Teamwork!” She called out as she tossed those pictures to the ground before tearing the one with her and her friends on it in two. “It's everypony for themselves!” She yelled out. “I'm the heir of the Zephyr Heights throne!” Zipp called out as she was wearing a tiara as she stood on a chair while Hitch kept tossing litter everywhere. “Bow down before me!” She demanded as she gave an evil look with an evil crazed smile. “You wanted to avoid being queen, Zipp! Even if you know it!” Sunset called out before ducking some objects that Zipp threw and leaping away. “Just telling the truth!” She called out before landing next to Misty. “Misty!” She called out to her. “Sunset! What’s going on?!” Misty called out in panic. “Your necklace is what happened!” Sunset called out while pointing to the amulet on the table. Misty placed her hoof on her chin of this outcome. “Oh, no! What are you doing to my friends?!” She questioned the amulet, aka Opaline, in shock at that’s happening as it kept giving evil clouds out of it. “Misty! That thing is turning them into the opposites of themselves! And it’s releasing this evil mist all over the Brighthouse!” Sunset pointed out. “But why isn’t it affecting you?” Misty asked in confusion. “I have no idea. The second it landed on my neck, it got shocked and flew right off.” Sunset explained before looking at the amulet again with a serious look. “But we gotta close that thing before things get worse than it already is!” She called out to Misty. “Think you can help me?” She asked. Misty then gave a serious look as she nodded Sunset in agreement as the two ponies then turned to the amulet as they gave determined expressions as they hop into the Brighthouse as they dodge some cloud tentacles that tried to reach them as Izzy kept laughing evilly while still stomping on her craft while Hitch kept tossing litter. Sunset and Misty are getting close to the amulet, but then they heard Opaline’s laughter echoing out of it, which Sunset doesn’t know who’s laughing but Misty does, as a tentacle cloud then charge right to them, but Sunset brought up a shield, which deflected the cloud tentacle from them as the Alicorn look at Misty. “Misty, I can’t hold it much longer! You gotta close it!” Sunset called out while straining to keep the cloud tentacle back. “Okay, Sunset!” Misty nodded in determination. “On my mark!” Sunset instructed as Misty got into a ready position. “One! Two! Three!” She called out as she lowered the shield, which gave Misty the chance to leap up over it. Misty then skids across the floor as she stands next to the amulet and then quickly puts it on as the evil mist was sucked back into it as the amulet closed shut. The Mane 6, san Sunset, kept laughing evilly while doing evil things they were doing before they gasped as they returned back to normal. Sunset then came to Sunny as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you ponies okay?” She asked in concern. “Whoa.” Sunny said as she groaned a bit. “I do not feel like myself.” She honestly said after what happened. “Yeah, I don't feel like myself either.” Misty admittedly said while looking at her amulet in guilt, having not known that it could do something like this and saw the reason why she was conflicted on her good and evil sides from earlier. “Whatever that necklace is made off, it turned you ponies into the opposite of yourselves and made you ponies evil.” Sunset summarizes as she turned to Misty. “Misty, that necklace is really dangerous to keep or be around with. You need to get rid of it before it makes things evil again.” She said to her, wanting to get rid of the amulet so it doesn’t hurt or turn ponies evil again. “You’re right, Sunset. I need to get rid of my necklace.” Misty said in agreement, knowing that her amulet is too dangerous to keep around with after seeing what it did to her friends and herself, doesn’t care what Opaline will say to her if she gets rid of it, it was for her own good and her friends as she turned to the Mane 6 with a smile. “Come on. Follow me.” She said to them as the Mane 6 looked at each other before nodding. A little bit later at sundown, the Mane 6 followed Misty to a cliff that leads to the ocean as waves are crashing. “You two were right, Zipp and Sunset.” Misty said while looking at ZIpp and Sunset. “This necklace is bad news.” She added as she took off her amulet. “You couldn’t have known what it was doing, Misty.” Sunset said as she placed a hoof on the unicorn. “It was making you strange lately and it made us, except for me, the opposites of who we are. And you are making the right choice of getting rid of it.” She said with a small smile. Misty smiled at Sunset. “It’s the right thing to do for my friends.” She said before she dropped the amulet. The amulet fell to the sandy beach on the ground as it shattered into pieces and gave an electrical magic discharge as it then shoot out dark magic into the sky as the Mane 6 and Misty gasped in surprise as it got bigger as winds are being blown back from the boom before it faded as the seven ponies looked on in shock and surprise by what they just saw. Sunset closed her eyes as she focused and took a deep breath as her horn glowed a bit before smiling. “The dark magic is now gone, and so is the necklace.” She answered, having sensed the dark magic from the amulet fade away the second it was released as the rest of the Mane 6 and Misty smiled and sigh in relief that it’s finally over. Sunny then turned to Misty with a smile. “So, how do you feel?” She asked Misty/ Misty took a second as she then smiled. “I feel good. Lighter. Happier. More like... me.” She answered with a smile as she placed her hoof on her chest, feeling more like herself now that the amulet is gone, feeling the burden and evil essence disappear from her very soul. “That necklace was causing you problems. With it gone, you are now free from it, Misty.” Sunset said with a smile. “Yeah, I do feel more like myself now that it is gone.” Misty said with a smile in return. “That's amazing, Misty.” Zipp said to Misty with a smile before getting close to her with an interesting look. “So, really, who gave you the necklace? Was it an heirloom? A birthday present? Did you find it in Bridlewood?” She asked Misty many questions about the amulet, wanting to know where Misty got it from. Misty just smiled at Zipp’s questions as she spoke. “Trust me, you do not wanna know.” She answered as she walked off with a smile, not wanting to tell her friends that her amulet came from Opaline, since that might bring out a lot more questions and suspicions and they are better off not knowing. Zipp rushed next to Misty as the others followed with smiles on their faces. “Come on, give me something. It's definitely not Pegasus jewelry. Critter jewelry? Do critters make jewelry?” She asked many questions. “Let’s just lay off the questions there, Zipp.” Sunset said to Zipp with a small smile. “Let’s not pressure Misty. If she doesn’t want us to know, we’re better off not knowing.” She added. “Uh, fine. But can you at least give me a hint, a riddle or something?” Zipp kept asking as the others gave a small laugh as they walked back to the Brighthouse. Hitch stopped as he held up a crumpled up paper that he kept before giving a sinister smirk before tossing it into the ground before walking off, but came back and pick up the litter before catching up to the others. A little bit later, Sunset is alone in the bedroom while the others are out for a bit before she looks around to see if the closet is clear as she brought out two necklaces, one is Twilight and the other is the communicator for Discord. “Okay, the close is clear. It’s safe.” Sunset said as Twilight and Discord appeared as Sunset turned to the lord of chaos. “Thank you for coming, Discord. Because after what happened today, we need to talk about Misty’s necklace and that dark magic it was producing.” She said to them. “Yes. That necklace was so full of dark magic that it turned Sunny and the others into their opposites.” Twilight said after what they saw and experienced. “Not only that, but I heard some kind of pony laughing into that necklace. Like it was coming from whoever's in it, like some kind of conductor to transfer evil magic into the necklace before releasing it.” Sunset added after hearing what she heard from the amulet and what it was doing. “That is pretty strange magic there. Not as a stranger from the magic of our time.” Discord pointed out, knowing strange magic when he sees it. “Yeah. And the purple black mist it produced all over the Brighthouse really gave off concerning feelings.” Sunset added, which made Discord widen his eyes from it. “Purple back mist?” Discord asked in surprise as Twilight and Sunset looked at him in interest. “You mean an evil purple back mist that made things bad to your friends?” He asked again to be sure he understood it. “Yes.” Sunset said in surprise by this. “Wait, Discord. You know what that mist was?” Twilight asked in surprise. “You may have lost some of that memory, Twilight. But for me, I still remember something like that mist all those moons again.” Discord said as he started shivering in slight fear from that memory. “When did you see a mist like that?” Sunset asked while feeling worried that if Discord is scared of something like that, then it gotta be serious. “Remember when I told you when ponykind and creatures were fighting?” Discord asked as Sunset nodded slowly as Discord sighs as he took a breath. “After when ponykind were fighting over each other because of their differences, the very same black purple mist appeared and attacked Equestria while everypony screamed in panic before Twilight and the girls created the Unity Crystals to stop it.” He revealed grimly. Both Sunset and Twilight widened their eyes from that as they turned to each other in worry and concern. “I-I think I remember that time. It was so bad that when ponies and creatures started fighting, that mist appeared and it was up to me and the girls to create the Unity Crystals to keep the balance.” Twilight said, slowly having that memory returning to her as she is shivering, even if she’s a spirit, she would never forget something like that. "Then how come I wasn't effected by that mist and necklace when it turned the others into their opposites?" Sunset asked since she was the only one other than Misty to not get effected by the amulet's dark magic. "Didn't you wore my old crown that has the Element of Magic on it when we first me?" Twilight asked since she remembered when she and the Rainbooms fought Sunset when she was corrupted by the Element of Magic when she saw a bad pony/girl. "Well, yeah. Why?" Sunset asked in confusion. "Maybe that magic is still resides in you. The magic of the Elements of Harmony must be protecting you from dark magic like that time with the Sirens." Twilight stated since during the battle of the bands, Sunset and the Rainbooms, even Twilight herself, were uneffected by the Siren's song when they first fought them. "Yeah. That must explain why I wasn't effect or made into my former self when I was evil at CHS a few years back." Sunset said, seeing that she still have the Elements of Harmony magic in her, which protected from the magic the amulet was producing. "Well, that explains how you are not that pony." Discord commented with an amusing smirk. “But who created that evil mist? No mist can just appear out of nowhere and that very same mist returned from Misty’s former necklace and somepony was laughing through it.” Sunset pointed out after hearing laughter from the amulet and the same mist that attacked Equestria many moons ago. “Discord, you were there when it happened. Do you know who did it?” She asked the lord of chaos. “I-I don’t remember.” Discord honestly said. “All those years of isolation and being out of touch with the world made me forget the name. All I know is that it was a pony, a mare.” He added, since he’s been hiding for so long and been so alone that he can’t remember who created the mist. “Ponyfeathers.” Sunset muttered. “But we do know one thing…” Twilight spoke up.   “What’s that, Twilight?” Sunset asked. “Whoever created that mist, and the same one all those years ago, that mare is still out there. Hiding, waiting.” Twilight said seriously while Discord and Sunset looked at each other in surprise before they gave a serious look. “Then we better be prepared for anything that mysterious mare throws at us.” Sunset spoke up seriously. “You think we should tell Sunny and the others?” Discord asked. “They should when they get back.” Sunset answered. “Because whoever gave Misty that necklace, clearly is the same mare that appeared all those moons ago from what you two told me, and she is ready to finish what she started.” She said as Discord and Twilight listened. “Because we need to be ready, work together and watch out for each other, because at this very moment… We are at war.” She finished with a determined expression as she lifted her hoof up. “We’ll watch out for each other. For our friends, for Equestria.” She announced. “For Equestria.” Discord said next as he placed his claw talon above Sunset’s. They then turn to Twilight, who is standing there for a moment before she gives a determined look as she places her hoof above Discord’s, even though she can’t tough, she feels determined. “For Equestria.” Twilight spoke as the three of them stood that way in silence, knowing that evil is coming, and they’ll be ready to protect their home and their friends. After all, they are the Guardians of Harmony, protecting magic and keeping peace and friendship to all of Equestria, and they will protect it to the very end. End of Chapter 53. > Chapter 54: I've Seen Fire And I've Seen Rain(Bow) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 54: I’ve Seen Fire And I’ve Seen Rain(Bows) At Opaline’s Castle, Opaline is laughing evilly as she turns to look at Sparky, who is having his dragonfire being drained by the Dragonstone as he is trapped in a bubble. “Finally, it’s mine. All mine!” Opaline said as she looked at Sparky in gleed. Sparky looked really weak from getting his dragonfire taken as his scales turned gray.  Opaline then rolled her eyes. “Oh please, you couldn’t handle so much power anyway.” She said to Sparky as she walked up to him with a smirk. “I, on the other hand, know exactly what to do.” She said as she stomped her hoof down and lifted up her hoof as she lit up a flame. “It’s finally time to take my place as the most powerful Fire Alicorn of all time!” She declared with an evil smile as her hoof lit up brighter as she then tossed her fire blast into a vase, breaking it. And then, the racoonicorn, from when Opaline was waiting for Misty to bring her a smoothie,  then came out from behind the vase Opaline blasted while eating a sandwich. “You again?” Opaline asked in surprise at the same racoonicorn from last time is here as she glared at it. “How many times have I told you…” She started as she closed her eyes as five fireballs appeared over her head. “... Get out of here!” She yelled out as she shoot the fireballs at the racoonicorn. The racoonicorn got startled as it leapt away from the fire blasts as it destroyed the remains of the vase and its sandwich as the racoonicorn ran around the room, dodging some fireballs while screeching in fright. Sparky weakly watches as his dragonfire is still being drained out of him as it charges the Dragonstone as Opaline laughed maniacally as she shot more fireballs like crazy. “No pony can stop me now!” Opaline evilly boasted with an evil smile as she laughed evilly as fire streams shot out around her as she spread her wings. At Mane Melody, Pipp is intimidating Opaline as she made an evilly laugh of her, revealing that she is trying to recreate their encounter with Opaline while the rest of the Mane 7 and Discord being audience, while Jazz and a couple of racoonicorns listens as they are scared by Pipp’s story while the others just look at her in silence. Misty’s mane and tail are now purple and orange color, deciding that she want to try something new while moving on from her mistakes while trying a new style that is more like her and not like what Opaline tried to turn her into while also making sure Opaline doesn’t know that she is with her friends while spying on her. “W-w-wait.” Zipp said quickly as she stopped her sister in confusion. “A racoonicorn? That can’t be right, Pipp.” She said, knowing that part didn’t happen as she looked at the others. “Do you ponies remember a racoonicorn?” She asked them. They all shook their heads in not remembering that part since they would’ve known about it, even Misty would’ve known since she was with Opaline at the time before freeing the others. Pipp then lowered to her friends as she gave an annoying look at her sister. “Ugh. Zipp. You're interrupting my story!” She called out as she stood up. “I’m just getting to the good part.” She added with a smile at her friends. Sunset just gave a sigh. “No disrespect intended, ponies, but I have a feeling that none of you can be trusted to keep accurate records on recent events.” She honestly said before she had a thought. “Though I admit that, if Opaline DID see a racoonicorn, she probably WOULD use it for target practice after she got enough of her powers back.” She admitted, after seeing Opaline in action, that is something she would do and she was a terrible aim after all. “True.” Misty said in agreement, knowing that is exactly what Opaline would do. “Good point.” Zipp nodded in understanding as Sunny, Discord and Izzy nodded in understanding.  “Thank you, Sunset.” Pipp said with a small smile as she continued her point of view of the story. Pipp’s POV: “...And then, Misty races across all of Equestria to find her friends and give them the horrible, dreadful news!” Pipp narrated. Misty is running across Maretime Bay with a panicked look as she races towards the Crystal Brighthouse as she opens the door. “Quick ponies! I saw somepony dragon-napping Sparky!” Misty quickly called out as the Mane 6 were surprised by that. “What?!” Hitch called out in panic as he came next to MIsty. “Dragon-napped?! What are you saying?! Where did they go?! This can’t be happening?!” He frankly panics as he faces Misty, who is sweating nervously at Hitch’s breakdown. “DID YOU SEE WHERE THEY WENT, MISTY?!” He cried out. Misty looked a bit nervous from Hitch’s breakdown as she spoke. “Um. I did, but we have to hurry!” She called out. “You heard her ponies, let’s go save Sparky!” Sunset called out in determination. Sunny turned to the others with a nod as they all had determined expressions as they rushed out of the Brighthouse and into the Marestream as they flew off. “But could this MIsty save the day, and get the ponies to Sparky before it was too late?” Pipp narrated again. End  Pipp’s POV: Pipp finished her story with a worried expression. “I don’t know about saving the day, Pipp.” Misty spoke up with a small smile as the others turned to her. “I mean, I was the reason that Sparky got dragon-nap in the first place.” She said while looking in guilt about her actions she did in the past. “You know, helping Opaline in all that time.” She finished The rest of the Mane 7 gave a comforting smile to Misty as Sunny placed a hoof on her. “It’s okay, Misty. All that matters is that you did the right thing when it counted the most.” Sunny said with a wide smile to Misty. “You choose friendship.” She added. “And you have chosen a life of what you wanted and not what Opaline forces you on doing something you don’t like.” Sunset added with a smile as well as Misty then formed a smile. “Yeah!” Zipp added with a smile as she came next to Misty. “Betraying Opaline to help us was totally brave. And… you got yourself a real cutie mark to replace the one you always drew on.” She added while pointed at Misty’s real butterfly Cutie Mark that she earned after helping her friends Flashback. Misty then pokes Opaline’s bubble where the Mane 6 were trapped in with Discord watching from behind as she popped it, freeing her friends. And then at that moment, Misty began to glow as she levitated off the ground and glowed very bright as her now real butterfly Cutie Mark appeared. And then soon afterwards, Misty brushed her mane and tail with orange and purple color for new appearances she fling her mane around with a smile. End of Flashback. Zipp and Misty smiled as they looked at Misty’s Cutie Mark from the memory. “And not only that, but you also change your appearances to not only for Opaline to not know you are with us while you are spying on her for us, but also trying a new appearance that is more fitting and more like you base on your Cutie Mark.” Sunset added with a smile as she rubbed Misty’s mane as Misty chuckled from that. “Which by the way, the new look really looks great on you. It really does.” Discord added with a chuckle, finding Misty’s new look really great. “Heheh, well, gotta be me.” Misty said with a small smile at their compliments of her new look. “Yeah!” Izzy cheered as the others turned to her. “And then Sunny and Sunset, they were all like… Pew! Pew!” She intimidates shooting blast sounds. “Kablamo!” She yelled an explosion as she moved around as she ran around with a yell, trying to mimic the battle Sunny and Sunset had while fighting Opaline as the others watched her in amusement. “And then, they were like…” She intimidates shooting blast sounds again as the others watch on in amusement. Misty then turned to Sunny and Sunset with a smile. “You two really were amazing, Sunny and Sunset.” She said as Zipp and Discord nodded in agreement. “Together, you two are just as strong as…” She tried to finish but was cut off. Pipp groaned from all the interruption. “Ponies! Can I please just tell my epic story already?!” She questioned while giving her friends an annoying look. Sunny gave a sheepish smile, Zipp just gave a look at her sister, Discord just looked annoyed, Sunset raised an eyebrow while giving Pipp a firm look while Misty gave Pipp a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Pipp.” Misty apologized with a sheepish chuckle. “No need to lose your feathers, Pipp. Take it easy.” Sunset said firmly to her for yelling to them right that. Pipp just gave a look to them as she clears her throat while giving a scary look. “Full of strength and work as one, our heroes…” She continued the story. Pipp’s POV: “...Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer look down at the villainous Opaline.” Pipp narrated again as Sunny, in her Alicorn form, and Sunset glared down at Opaline from the stairs while Opaline glared back at them. “So, you're the evil Alicorn we were warned about.” Sunny said firmly as she glared at Opaline. “The very Alicorn that Twilight warned us through the message from the Crystals and caused the division of Equestria and magic to vanish so many moons ago.” Sunset added while glaring down at the very pony who caused the division and ruined Twilight’s legacy. “Well not exactly.” Opaline said as she gave them a small grin with her wings spread out and flew up. “Thanks to your little dragon baby and all his dragonfire, I’m not just an Evil Alicorn, I’m a Fire Alicorn!” She declared as her wings and horn lit up with fiery magic as she gave an evil laugh and blasted a beam at the two Alicorns. Sunset and Sunny flew off as they dodged Opaline’s blast as she tried to blast them but they kept dodging and moving to avoid getting shot at. They then landed on a tree stem as Sunny brought up a shield that protected them from getting blasted as Sunset fired back at Opaline with a beam of her own, knocking the Fire Alicorn back a bit as she shook her head. “Now, Sunny!” Sunset called out as Sunny nodded as she focused her magic on her shield as she expanded it as it hit Opaline, causing her to be disoriented for a second. Opaline opened her eyes as she saw Sunny and Sunset flying towards her as they then the three Alicorns faced each other in air combat as Opaline kept blasting at them while Sunny and Sunset dodge while Sunny brought out a shield to protect them while Sunset went onto the offense and blasted Opaline back with her magic, which she managed to dodge. Opaline had enough as she then shot her magic up on the ceiling, which caused a piece of it to fall off as it fell on Sunny as she fell to the floor. “Sunny!” Sunset called out in worry as she flew down to Sunny, seeing that one of her hind legs was stuck in the boulder. “Sunny, are you okay?” She asked in concern.  “I’m fine. But I’m a bit stuck!” Sunny called out as she tried to break free as she and Sunset glared at Opaline as the Fire Alicorn landed in front of them as Sunset lit up her horn with a glare. “I tried to warn two, but did you listen?” Opaline mocked as she walked up to them with her wings and horn lit. “Ugh. So pathetic.” She said in disgust before she gave an evil smile. “Even with a Guardian of Harmony by your side, nopony could ever stop…” Opaline was cut off when a donut suddenly hit her in the face, which made her turn to the source as more donuts started hitting her as she then gave a glare. “Hey!” She yelled in rage before a donut landed on her mouth as she took it out. “Donuts?!” She questioned as she then got hit by another donut to the face. End of Pipp’s POV: Izzy then suddenly levitated many donuts with her horn as she interrupted Pipp’s story. “And I was all… Pew! Pew! Take that!” Izzy called out as she tossed some donuts around while Pipp just stood there on the stage with wide eyes as Izzy threw more donuts. “Bam! Do-nut’ mess with us, Opaline!” She called out while giving a stink eye. The others were just watching in shock by this as Izzy got between them with a laugh as she is next to Zipp.  “You see what I did there? Donut? Cause I like…” Izzy then jumped over as she started tossing donuts all over Mane Melody while making explosion sounds. The racoonicorns and Jazz looked in shock as the racoonicorns ran around while Jazz got two donuts that landed on her eye, a racoonicorn is taking cover on a chair with a donut on its horn as the others duck from the incoming donuts. “Izzy! Seriously!?” Sunset called out as she ducked another donut.  One landed on Discord’s mouth as he took a bite out of it before eating it. “Tasty, but also a bit fun.” He commented with a smile. “Discord, seriously?” Sunset said with a deadpan tone. “What? I’m the Lord of Chaos, this is my fun. Give me a break.” Discord said in defense as he ate another donut that Izzy kept tossing as Sunset rolled her eyes with a sigh. “No!” Pipp called out as she was ducking some donuts as she turned to Izzy. “Izzy, those are supposed to be for Mane Melody customers.” She pointed out as she ducked another donut that was flying towards her as she growled in irritation from that. “And also, you absolutely did not fire donuts at Opaline, Izzy!” Zipp pointed as she ducked another donut. “You and Pipp were throwing some furniture items at her while fighting her!” Sunset added since that’s what really happened. Izzy stopped throwing donuts when she heard them. “I didn’t?” She asked as she turned to the others while realizing that they were right. “Huh. Oh yeah. I maybe I didn’t” She said with a smile as canceled out her magic and the donuts fell. Pipp just stood there with wide eyes again as Izzy came next to her. “You’re just such a good storyteller, Pipp, that I got all caught up at the moment.” Izzy said cheerfully to Pipp with a cheerful smile. “Okay, keep going. Keep going.” She added as she walked off stage. Pipp cleared her throat again with an annoying look for being interrupted as she continued. “Sunny, Sunset and Opaline…” She continued. Pipp’s POV: “...were locked in an epic battle.” Pipp narrated again as Opaline then lit up her horn and wings again as she gave an evil grin as she then fired a strong beam of magic at Sunny and Sunset. Sunny and Sunset combined their magic as they brought out the shield in front of them as they blocked Opaline’s magic with their friends behind them while Izzy, Pipp and Discord were stuck in Opaline’s bubble. “Don’t give up, Sunny and Sunset!” Izzy called out. “We love you two!” Pipp called out. “Never stop believing in yourselves!” Discord called out next. “You two are the most amazing ponies I know!” Izzy encouraged them. “Don’t give up!” Pipp added. “Remember that you two are stronger together!” Discord added next. Sunset and Sunny heard their friends as they gave encouraging determined expressions as they glared at Opaline as their magic lit up bright. “It’s time to end this, Opaline!” Sunset called out with a determined fierce expression. “Let us show you the true power of the Alicorns and the Magic of Friendship!” She declared. Sunny and Sunset then combined their magic as they made put more magic into the shield as Opaline’s beam is being pushed back as Opaline strained to keep the shield back as she was then hit by it as she fell to the floor with a scream. Opaline stood up as she gave a glare at the two Alicorns before a bubble of their own as Opaline saw that she was trapped as Sunny and Sunset glared at her while Izzy, Pipp and Discord, who were now free from Opaline’s bubbles,  looked in awe and amazement. And then Zipp and Hitch came trotting towards them with a drained Sparky on Hitch’s back. “We got Sparky!” Hitch called out as they came to their friends. “Let’s get out of here!” He added. The Mane 6 and Discord trotted out of the castle while leaving Opaline behind and trapped in the bubble as the Fire Alicorn growled in rage. “This won’t hold me forever!” Opaline called out in rage as she hit her hoof in the bubble. End of Pipp’s POV: “Mwahahaha!” Pipp made an evil laugh with an evil smile after she finished her story while ending it with an evil laughter as the others watched. “Okay, okay, Pipp.” Hitch called out as he was at the corner of Mane Melody in front of a couch as he gave a small smile at Pipp. “Maybe that’s enough of the scary stories for today?” He suggested as he moved to show an exhausted and frightened Sparky laying on the couch with his blanket. Sparky is still recovering from when Opaline drained most of his dragonfire, but after hearing Pipp’s scary story, it got him frightened and scared after hearing that again after he experienced it once, which still haunts him. Pipp gave a guilt expression for reminding Sparky of that as she walked up to him. “Aw. I’m sorry, Sparky. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She apologizes for making Sparky scared. “Still under the weather a bit, aren’t you little guy?” Hitch asked as he tucked Sparky’s blanket a bit as the baby dragon smiled at him. Sunset came to Sparky as she gently rubbed the baby dragon’s head. “He’s still recovering from being drained by Opaline from that Dragonstone. It’s gonna be a while until he’s back to his full strength.” She said as she smiled at Sparky. “Well, he is faring better than before. So he’s getting there.” Discord noted as he smiled at Sparky. “Aw. Don’t you worry, Sparkeroni.” Izzy said in a cute tone to Sparky. “Sunny and Sunset took care of that evil pony Opaline. She won’t be bothering us anymore.” She assured him as she turned to Sunny and Sunset with a smile. “Right, Sunny, Sunset?” She asked the two ponies. “Oh here?!” Sunny asked in a bit nervously as she gave a nervous smile. “Yeah.” She gave a nervous chuckle, since they really just trapped Opaline and not defeated her. “No worries.” She said with a nervous chuckle. “We don’t have to worry about her.” Sunset said with a nervous chuckle. “For now, at least.” She muttered quietly so that she wouldn't scare Sparky again. The rest of the Mane 7, san Misty, and Discord gave a hug as they are glad that they are okay. Misty smiles at this as she then gets worried as she looks out the window, knowing that they haven’t seen the last of Opaline. Sunset came to Misty after the hug as she had a worried look as well. “She’s still out there and planning something new, isn’t she?” She asked in concern and a little quiet so that they don’t spook Sparky. “Yes she is. And she’s not gonna let her defeat slide either.” Misty answers quietly as she is worried about what Opaline is planning while she isn’t with her at the moment. “Well, whatever she has planned, we’ll be ready for her and stop her from reaching her goals.” Sunset said confidently as she and Misty still looked out the window. “She hasn’t seen the last of us and we know we haven’t seen the last of her.” She added while giving a determined look while wondering what Opaline is planning now and if they are prepare to face it when she strikes. At the Dark Castle, Opaline is looking in her mirror as she lit up her hoof with magic flames. “Mmm-hmm.” Opaline said with an evil smile. “Power looks so good in you, Opaline.” She said to herself as she then gave an evil laugh. “Those ponies, the lord of chaos and the Guardian of Harmony don’t stand a chance.” She added as she then gave an evil laugh, which resulted in flames bursting from the ground as she gave an evil crazed look while still laughing. Opaline has her magic back to full strength and will be planning her revenge on the Mane 7 and Discord, while she doesn’t know Misty is with them and spying on her, but she will have her revenge on them for defeating her and taking Sparky back. End of Chapter 54. > Chapter 55: Bridlewoodstock (TYT) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 55: Bridlewoostock (TYT) At Pipp’s stand in Bridlewoodstock, Pipp is twirling her mane dryer around before she flew up as she began to sing and gave a wink. (Fresh Song:) (Pipp) I'm feelin' fresh Like my mane is on fleek Happiness is all I need Spreadin' love from you to me Unh! Pipp kept singing as she mane dried Fifi’s mane and gave a big poofy style in a ponytail with sparkles as Fifi smiled wide with sparkly eyes as she touched her mane. Posey then got her mane covered in a mane style machine as it gave a rainbow glow before it stopped and released as it gave her mane some green highlights as Posey smiled with sparkles in her eyes as well. Pipp then used her mane spray on Thunder as the pegasus guard closed his eyes with a smile as Pipp sprayed him. Somethin' about the way I'm feelin' (feelin') Like everypony got a glow (oh-oh-oh-oh, ohhh) Shinin' brightly with a power (power) To spread the colors of the rainbow (rainbow) Pipp then placed some style glasses on Alphabittle, who had some highlights and flowers on him as he and Pipp took a selfie together as they smiled at the camera. And then the next picture shows Onyx and Bongo Beats taking a selfie together while their mane has some accessories and highlights on them. The next picture shows the Mane 6’s hooves together with some accessories, while Hitch hoof’s had a hooficure on them as they have sparkles around them. Pipp gave a wink as she then twirled Fifi’s chair around, twirling the delivery pegasus in the process as her towel came off from the twirl. A little bit later, Fifi, Posey and Thunder all did a pose at their makeover as Fifi has flowers in her mane with some purple highlights and purple eyeshadows, Posey has flowers in her mane, with her green highlights on her mane as well, and has a pink eyeshadow while having a hooficure with an accessory on the right side of her hind leg while Thunder has a punk style mane with blue, green and reddish streaks and having some accessories on him as the three ponies did a pose. “Ooh! Yeah!” Pipp cheered as pointed to the three ponies with a smirk. “Check it out. That is how it’s done! Love it.” She sang the last word as she came up to Fifi, who was wearing a heart shaped glasses with a smirk. “It’s giving style…” She started as she then flew up to Posey as she gave a small smile and lifted her hoof up as it gave a sparkly glow. “It’s giving sparkle…” She then came to Thunder. “It’s giving glam.” She finished as Thunder gave a smile as he spread his wings and did a pose. The crowd of ponies in front of her watches as they clap their hooves together with sparkles in their eyes from what they just saw. “I can’t wait for my turn!” Windy said in excitement. “Great!” Pipp said with a smile with her friends behind her as she brought out her mane spray and twirled it around. “Who’s next to get festival-fab beauless?” She asked the crowd. But as she then pressed on the mane spray, it only gave out a tiny spray, which made her wide eyes as she gasped in shock. “Oh no! Am I out of manespray!?” She asked in panic as her friends watched. “Uh, Pipp?” Zipp called out to her sister while next to a pile of boxes. “It’s not just manespray, you’re out of everything.” She pointed out as she showed the empty boxes while a racoonicorn held out a mane spray bottle. “Considering how Bridlewoodstock is, not surprising to run out so quickly with this many ponies.” Sunset commented, since starting Bridlewoodstock, so many ponies came which made sense to how Pipp ran out so quickly. “What?!” Pipp asked in shock while having a panic expression. “What happened to all the beauty supplies I ordered from Mane Melody?!” She asked frantically. Sunny gave a nervous chuckle as she sweat a bit. “Uh… Nopony panic.” She said to Pipp, who was looking nervously as Sunny gave her a calming smile. “I’m sure they’re just running late.” She added. Pipp didn’t feel assured as she ran up to the tarp. “But all these ponies have come for… my… makeovers!” She called out as she then began to hyperventilate. “I can’t keep them waiting!” She called out as she turned to her friends. “I have to find that shipment or my reputation will be ruined!” She then walked up to the tarp as she gave a fierce expression. “No! I’ll handle it.” She said as she turned to her friends. “Can you ponies keep things running while I fix this?” She asked her friends. “Of course.” Sunny said with a smile. “And, uh, how exactly?” She asked, since they don’t know how to run things when Pipp is gone. “Oh just the basics.” Pipp shrugged with a small smile as she gave her friends the thing they needed to use. “When you need french braiding, fresh branding, pierce branding and fowler branding.” She said as she gave Izzy some brushes and a mirror, gave Zipp a box full of accessories, gave Sunset some brushes, gave Sunny some flowers and then went up to Hitch while giving him a firm look. “And make sure to post everything on Clip Trot and Ponygram.” She added as Hitch gave a nervous look from that as Pipp flew to the tarp. “Okay, bye!” She finished as she flew off. The rest of the Mane 6 just stood there and kept staring at where Pipp left while trying to process what Pipp just instructed them to do. “That pony really needs to take some R&R herself.” Sunset muttered as the others nodded in agreement. “Uhhh, did you ponies get any of that?” Izzy asked her friends next as she didn’t get what Pipp told them that quickly. The others shook their heads. “No./Neigh way./Not a word./Not even a peep.” Zipp, Sunny, Hitch and Sunset said together, not getting what Pipp told them either. “She could’ve at least written it down.” Sunset commented. Sunny then came up to the tarp and opened it slightly to see Windy looking at her phone with an excited smile while other ponies were waiting in line. “But, I guess we’ll just have to improvies.” Sunny said determinedly to her friends. “We have to at least try. Pipp is counting on us and she did put her hard work on Bridlewoodstock after all.” Sunset added in agreement. “Okay, ponies, let’s get started.” She called out as the others nodded in agreement. A little bit later, the rest of the Mane 6 are starting their jobs as Zipp looks at her phone-table with the ponygram logo on it. “Ponygram. Okay. How hard can this be?” Zipp asked herself with a smile as she tapped on the logo, turning monogram on as the screen showed it spinning around before facing Zipp with emojis appearing. “Oops. Is it on? Am I live?” She asked herself as she tapped the screen and then saw that it was on. “Uhhhh, h-hey! Uh, this is Zipp coming at you live from the Mane Melody Festival Fabulous Tent at Bridlewoodstock!” She announced as she then turned the camera to Hitch. “And as you can see, everything is going great!” She added. Hitch looked nervous as he gave a nervous smile as he brushed on an elderly unicorn mare mane as some kind of braid came off, which made Hitch panicked. “I have no idea what I'm doing!” He cried out in panic, which startled the elder mare. Zipp turned the camera away from Hitch as she sweat a bit with a nervous smile as she turn it to Sunny, who is doing Dahlia’s mane, how has pink highlights and eyeshadows as her mane is tied up with flowers and a wing accessory on it as Sunny is having trouble tying it up as she tight too much, which made it loosen Dahlia’s mane as it covered her head. “Hey!” Dahlia called out from under her mane as Sunny gave a guilt expression while feeling nervous. Sunset came in as she was trying to look between labels. “How does Pipp do this? She’s like Rarity who rarely tells us how fashion works.” She commented since she does not know how to handle this, even with some experience from Rarity, she barely knows how to make it work. Izzy then came up from behind Sunny and Sunset as the two looked at their unicorn friend. “Mud masks are just mud, right?” She asked them cheerfully as she held out a bowl full of mud that had some sticks on it as Sunny and Sunset just gave her an unamused expression before facing the camera. “Hello!” She cheered as she waved her hoof to the camera. Zipp turns the camera back to her while looking nervous. “Uh, so, uh, yeah, make sure you stop by! Uh, okay, goodbye!” She called out as she tapped on her phone to stop the streaming, but accidently turned on the picture filters as it now showed her as a clown. “How do I turn it off?” She asked herself as she tapped again, making it look like she’s a bull. “H-How do I turn it off?!” She called out as she tapped again to turn off the stream, but had trouble as she got close to the camera in panic, not one with livestream as her sister and had no experience with it before it showed a combo of both clown and bull. “Give me that!” Sunset called out as the phone was snatched from Zipp as it faced Sunset. “You've never been on a livestream with your sister, Zipp.” She said as she turned off the livestream. Where Pipp is in the forest, she saw the whole thing as she gasped from that as she tossed her phone away. “What! Are! They! Doing?!” Pipp asked herself in panic from what her friends were doing before she turned and saw something that made her gasp more. “No, my supplies!” She called out as she saw a pegasus cart filled with Pipp’s Mane Melody supplies stuck in a pile of mud.  PIpp then rushed to it as she tried to push it free as she grunted and then hit it with her back as she kept pushing before she started sobbing before getting a determined expression. “This is a style emergency!” She called out as she then flew up and then flew around as she then flew fast in a blur with a roar.  Pipp whooshed past two racoonicorns, who were having some tea and crumpets as Pipp then hit her supply cart with a slam, which startled the two racoonicorns as they gave a bored expression. Pipp hit the cart face first as she then slid off it. “Aah!” She called out as she fell into the mud puddle as she got up as she was covered in mud while spitting some out as she began to sob again. Back at Mane Melody, Izzy is going through some stuff in a couple of bowls. Izzy then gasps with sparkles in her eyes at the stuff. “There's so much cool stuff here! Anything can be a hair accessory!” She said cheerfully as she held out a spoon and placed it on Thunder’s mane. “Like this! Or this!” She then placed a kabob stick on Posey’s mane next. “Um... /Wait…” Both Thunder and Posey said in unison while trying to say something to Izzy, but then went wide eyes as they saw Izzy rolling in a wagon full of dead branches, twigs, and some crystals. “I found this in a swamp!” Izzy cheered as she twirled around and held up a pile as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. Both Posey and Thunder cringed at that as they had a bad feeling of what Izzy was planning. Back with Pipp, she is watching her friends to see the livestream her friends are doing as Hitch held up a face mask jar while holding a brush with a group of ponies, and the Pippsqueaks, in front of him while the Pippsqueaks gave a giggle. “Okay. Mud masks. It's just like painting a wall... right?” He asked nervously as he held up the brush that had some mud mask on it. And then there are livestreams camera facing as Hitch then started applying mud masks on the ponies, but then he brushed them too hard as the pony grunted from that. The Pippsqueaks then started groaning from the messy mud mask Hitch gave them as Seashell starts tearing up while her friends wipe them off. “Ew! Hey! You got mud in my mane!” They called out. Hitch gave a sheepish smile as he waved at the camera with the brush. “What is he doing?!” Pipp asked in panic. And then the next scene shows Izzy putting some mud, rocks and twigs on Onyx while Sunny and Sunset watches in worry.  “It's swamp chic!” Izzy cheerfully said with a wink as Sunny gave a nervous smile while Onyx just gave a look while Sunset facehooved herself. “That is not even a style, Izzy.” Sunset groaned as she held a hoof to her face. Zipp looked at the camera as she gave a nervous smile from this. Pipp, who is still covered in mud and has her makeup supply cart strap on, looks at her phone as she looks in shock and panicked as she can tell her friends are having a hard time. “This is a nightmare! I've got to get back in there!” She said as she then rushed off at top speed. Rufus is at the entrance of a line in Bridlewoodstock as he saw rumbling and something coming in the distance as he widen his eyes in surprise as Pipp came flying towards him, “Hey, hey, whoa, whoa!” Rufus called out as he lifted his hoof as Pipp stopped. “I'm sorry, miss. You have to join the back of the line.” He instructed, not realizing that it was Pipp while pointing at the long line. Pipp started to tear up again. “D... Don't you know who I am? I'm Princess Pipp! This is my festival!” She pointed out while giving a look at Rufus. Rufus just gave a scoff. “Nice try. I happen to be a huge Pippsqueak, and there's neigh way Pipp would be caught lookin' like that.” He said while bringing out his phone while showing a picture of Pipp, not knowing that is really Pipp since she is covered in mud. Pipp just gave a straight look from that. “COME ON!” She yelled out in worry and frustration. Back at the tent, Zipp, Sunny, Sunset and Hitch are doing their in styling while feeling overwhelmed. Sunny then gave a nervous laugh. “Ponies, I have no idea what I'm doing.” She said with a nervous smile. “Sweet Celestia, Pipp makes this so easy.” Sunset commented while holding up a brush. “Now I know how Rarity gets when trying to make things fabulous when making clothes and makeup.” She added, now understanding how Rarity gets when she does something like this.  “You're telling me!” Zipp said in agreement while holding up a plant line and a crystal. “I don't know how to do any of this stuff!” She added, since she never really does makeup for fashion like her sister and doesn’t know how to do it. “Knowing you, Zipp. Not surprising since you're not one for makeup or fashion stylish.” Sunset commented while giving a bored look at Zipp. Zipp was going to retort from that, but stopped as she didn't have a comeback. “Okay, good point.” She admitted. Izzy then got between her friends as she giggled.  “You don't need to worry so much.” She said to her friends as she then held out a pack of flowers. “Just have fun!” She added as she tossed some flowers around. “What do you mean have fun while styling, Izzy?” Sunset asked in curiosity. “I’ll show you.” Izzy said cheerfully as she grab some makeup tools and got to a pony with a brush and manedryer on her hooves as she did a little makeover as she gave it a style with some leaves and vines while making the mane more poofy. The others watched in confusion as Izzy walked past them with some flowers and vines on her as she did the pony’s hoof with some blue hooficure as the others widened their eyes as Izzy dusted her hooves with a smile as she then showed the pony. The pony mare looked at her new style, while wearing a green cape with red flowers and some leaves on her neck and blue bubble hooficures as she smiled with sparkles at her new look. (Fresh Song Continues:) Sunset then smiled at the idea. “Of course. Let’s not do what Pipp does, let’s do what we need to do. Everypony, let’s have fun and do things our way.” She declared as she went to do a pony’s some style. (Pipp) I'm feelin' fresh Like my mane is on fleek Happiness is all I need Spreadin' love from you to me I'm feelin' fresh Zipp then came up behind Posey while holding up a flower while thinking, Posey gulped as she was really nervous. Zipp then smiled as she then did a little color paint on Posey and put some flowers on her. “Wow! This is so cool!” Posey said with a wide smile as she looked at herself while Zipp smiled from the compliment. (Pipp) ...Celebration never ends Oh, 'cause we always a ten Ooh-hoo-hoo-hooooo-hooooo Izzy then did another pony as said pony mare smiled with sparkles in her eyes. Sunset finished windy as she looked at herself in the mirror as she had blue and green highlights on her mane and tail while having a blue cape with plant vines on it while wearing a homemade crown made of crystals as Sunset smiled at her work. And then Hitch held up a face brush in front of Thunder, who got his eyes close as Hitch felt really nervous as he used the puff on Thunder, which made Hitch panicked a little until Sunny came up to him. “We've got this!” Sunny encouraged Hitch with an encouraging smile as she then brought out her face brush and puff in some green makeup and some other makeup. (Pipp) I'm my best self, everypony can tell Ooh-hoo-hoo-hooooo-hooooo I'm my best self, everypony can tell IZzy then placed a flower crown on two ponies, who smiled with sparkles in their eyes as Izzy smiled at them. Zipp did more fake images on the ponies as she placed some more flower images on them as a pony mare did a pose before smiling. Sunny and Hitch finished Thunder as he now has multicolor face makeup as he looks at his new appearance. “Whoa! Festival style is wild!” Thunder said with a smile and sparkles in his eyes as he gave a laugh. The rest of the Mane 6 look at each other with a smile as they were about to give each other a hooftap, but then they hear Pipp yelping as she comes rushing in through the tent. “I'm back! Everyone, stop panicking!” Pipp calls out frankley as she then realizes that nopony is panicking. “Huh?” She said in surprise at what she saw as she saw the ponies liking her friends’ work, including Jazz as she walked by. “Check out how different I look!” Windy said to Posey in excitement, while Posey has a new mane look with two buns tied with three branches with leaves.   “I love these eco-friendly accessories!” Posey added with a smile as she and Windytook a picture together with their new look. Pipp watches in surprise as her friends come up to her. “Hey, Pipp. You’re back.” Sunset said with a small smile. “Oh, thank hoofness!” Hitch said in relief with sparkles in his eyes. “This makeup stuff is way harder than it looks!” Zipp added, now realizing how hard doing makeup is while doing it on her own. “But it was fun!” Sunny pointed out with a smile. “We may not be able to do what you do, Pipp. But doing things on our own and having fun while doing it really pulls through where it counts.” Sunset added with a smile as well. “You like what we did? Hmm?” Izzy asked as she, Sunny and Sunset looked at Pipp with smiles and sparkly eyes as the others looked at her with smiles, wanting to know what Pipp thought of their work. “Ponies, I…” Pipp startled before she gave a smile with sparkles in her eyes. “I love it!” She cheered before she looked at the ponies her friends did their makeup on as she gave a gasp. Oh, so unique! So creative! I mean, maybe not quite as polished as I'd do it, but…” She said after looking at the two ponies and Posey and Windy while inspecting the looks before returning to her friends with a smile. “But maybe that's what festival fashion is about. Trying something new.” She added as she gave sparkly eyes again. “I'm inspired! What do you say, ponies? Let's get styliiiiing!” She sang while holding some hoof polish and a curling iron with sparkles in her eyes and a smile. The rest of the Mane 6 smiled in response. “Like you have to ask, Pipp.” Sunset said with a smile. (Fresh Song Finished:) (Pipp) Ooh-hoo-hoo-hooooo-hooooo I'm my best self, everypony can tell Ooh-hoo-hoo-hooooo-hooooo Pipp then made a  homemade flower crown with crystals as she held it with a wide smile and sparkles in her eyes as she turned and looked at Izzy, who was holding the same thing as the two smiled at each other. Zipp then placed a flower on Fifi’s mane as the delivery pegasus smiled with sparkles in her eyes as Zipp and Pipp watched with a smile. Pipp then did Flare’s face as the pegasus mare held up a mirror and looked at her makeup face as Pipp turned to Hitch with a smirk as Hitch was writing down on his journal as the two gave each other smiles. Sunset and Pipp then did a couple of ponies hooves together as they finished and the two ponies smiled at their hooficures as Sunset and Pipp gave each other a hooftap with smiles. Sunny then held up a brush and manespray as Pipp did the same as the two smiled at each other. The Mane 6’s Cutie Marks then began to glow together as a picture was taken of the group as there was mud on the ground as the Mane 6, and Sparky, did a pose at the picture while Pipp winked at the picture, knowing that they are having a good time doing makeup together and having fun at Bridlewoodstock. End of Chapter 55. > Chapter 56: Diva and Conquer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 56: Diva and Conquer In Bridlewoodstock, Rufus is showing off his magic trick with Bongo Beats in a box on a stage in front of a crowd of ponies. Pipp then flew up to the front of the stage with a smile. “That’s our open mic staaaage.” She sang to Electric Blue, giving the tour of Bridlewood stock with the rest of the Mane 6 following behind them. Pipp then gestured to the food truck stands behind her. “Here’s the food truck village where you can get everything to eat.” She said with a smile. Electric Blue smiled as they and the Mane 6 kept walking, while Izzy was still standing with a thoughtful look. “Everything?” Izzy repeated before she smiled cheerfully with sparkles in her eyes. “I love everything!” She cheered. “Of course you do, Izzy.” Sunset said in amusement with a chuckle. “And ta-da!” Pipp cheered while gesturing to the three big tents. “Your very own super-glam V.I.P tents!” She finished. “Thanks, Pipp.” Fretlock said as Jam Donut and Arpreggia smiled. “We just need our gear and outfits and we’re ready to rock.” He added. And then, Hitch starts coming in with Sparky on his back while straining a bit as he is pushing a pile of luggages while looking tired. “Did you… really need…” He started before a luggage fell on his head. “...all of this stuff?” He asked. Electric Blue raised an eyebrow at Hitch’s question as they turned to Pipp, who gave a bored look. “Um, Electric Blue are stars.” Pipp pointed out in defense. “If they say they need something, they need…” She was cut off when the ground started to shake. “An earthquake? In Bridlewood’s forest?” Sunset asked while looking at Izzy. “Does this happen often, Izzy?” She asked. “Not likely, Sunset.” Izzy answered. “Whoa. Whoa.” Hitch said as he tried to balance himself with the shaking, but then suddenly, the ground beneath him and Sparky cracked as they fell over with the luggages. “Whoa!” He cried out as he fell to the hole. The V.I.P tents also fell down as well as they fell to the floor. “My microphone!” Areggia called out in shock. “Our gear!” Fretlock called next. “Not my lucky underpants!” Jam Donut cried out while raising his hoof. “Hitch!” Zipp, Sunny and Sunset called out after seeing Hitch and Sparky fall into the hole. “The super-glam V.I.P tents!” Pipp cried out as she placed her hooves on her cheeks while her friends gave her unamuse expressions. “Really? That’s what you’re worrying about?” Sunset questioned boredly while Pipp chuckled sheepishly. The ground started shaking again. “Whoa!” Hitch called out through the whole as mud then sprouted out of it, with Hitch and Sparky along with it. “Whoooaaaa!” He cried out. Electric Blue and the rest of the Mane 6 watched with wide eyes before they were covered in mud as Hitch fell to the ground as Sparky landed on Hitch’s back as the mud sprout decreased as it gave a squirt. “What in pony name was that?” Sunset asked in shock while the others were shocked by this as well, wondering the same thing. “Aw.” Izzy said in a cute tone as she placed her hoof on her cheeks with a smile. “The last sinkhole of the year! So cute!” She said while placing hooves on her cheeks with a smile while her friends gave her looks. “You should’ve told us about this, Izzy.” Sunset said with a dull look. “Next time, fill us in on what happens in the woods.” She added while giving a firm look to Izzy. Izzy gave a nervous chuckle from that. “I promise I will. Next time.” She sheepishly said. A little bit later, the Mane 6 and Electric Blue then stopped next to the Marestream while Pipp gave a sheepish smile. “So, since your V.I.P tents are…” Pipp then gave a sheepish cough while Electric Blue gave a dull look.. “Unavailable. Here is your extra super-glam V.V.I.P home of the festival, the Marestream!” She announced while pointing at the Marestream behind her. Izzy then got next to Electric Blue with a button on her hoof as she pressed the button. “With one tinsy press, it becomes the most epic glittering van ever!” She cheered quietly as the Marestrain opened up its awning and the carpet, tables and picnic stuff came out as they were all set while the Mane 6 smiled at it. “The Marestream is really a beauty and miracle.” Sunset said with a smile. Electric Blue just looked at the Marestream for a sec before a pony mare spoke through the speaker. “Electric Blue, to the main stage please?” The mare announced through the speakers. The Mane 6 and Electric Blue heard them as Fretlock spoke. “Well, it’s not gonna be the same since everything we need is in a sinkhole now.” He sarcastically said as he gave a disappointed expression. “But, hey, come on. Let’s get this over with.” He said as he, Jam Donut and Areggia followed him. “Wait, wait, wait.” Sunny quickly said to Electric Blue. “What if we can find what you need so that you can still have a great show?” She suggested. “I guess there's a few things that would help.” Fretlock said, going give Sunny’s idea a shot. “Hello? Electric Blue to the stage. Huh? Is this thing even working?” The announcer called out again. “What about the crowd?” Arpeggia pointed out since they need to be on stage now and the crowd is waiting. “Don't worry!” Hitch called out as he skid backwards in front of his friends as he and Sparky were acting cool with cool smiles. “We've got this!” He declared as he and Sparky put on glasses while Sparky laughed a bit. “Oh boy. This is gonna be interesting.” Sunset said with a sigh, knowing how crowds go while waiting for the band, and if the band isn’t shown first, the crowd will be upset, and Hitch might learn that the hard way. On the main stage, the ponies are in the crowd while techno music is playing as Hitch and Sparky appear. “Hellooooo, Bridlewoodstock!” Hitch called out with a smile. The crowd of ponies stared at him for a moment before they glared at him while holding up tomatoes. Back with the rest of the Mane 6 and Electric Blue, Fretlock continued as he brought out a big list. “We can't perform in muddy outfits.” Fretlock pointed out, since they are covered in mud. “We can tell.” Sunset muttered in annoyance and quietly so they wouldn’t hear. “New outfits? On it!” Both Sunny and Zipp said with determined smiles while Sunset nodded. “And our manes stink.” Apreggia added as she sniffs her muddy mane and cringe in disgust. “Ugh. Literally.” She said. “Leave that to me!” Pipp said as she twirled her mane dryer around before giving a determined smile. “Oh, oh! And an ‘everything’ bagel would be nice!” Jam Donut said with a smile while his bandmates looked at him.  “You know, for energy!” He added. The girls look at him with weird looks. “An ‘everything’ bagel? Is that even a thing?” Sunset questioned weirdly as Jam Donut nodded. Izzy then pops up in front of her friends with wide eyes. “Everything on one bagel?!” She repeated in shock as she got next to Jam Donut as she chuckled. “You've come to the right pony.” She said with a smirk. Sunny then gave a determined smile as she looked at her friends. “Okay, ponies, let's get this show back on the road! I mean, t-the stage!” She quickly corrected as she placed her hoof in the air. Sunset gave a chuckle. “Well, let’s make sure to get it right, ponies. Pipp’s festival depends on it.” She said as she placed her hoof next Sunny’s. The rest of the girls place their hooves together as they hooftap and raised their hooves out as they trotted off (Fresh Song) (Pipp) Fresh Like my mane is on fleek Happiness is all I need Spreadin' love from you to me I'm feelin' fresh Magic all around my friends Izzy went to the food stands as she went to the bagel stand as she pointed to everything on the menu as the pony mare vender gave a smile as she gave Izzy an ‘everything’ bagel as Izzy levitated with her magic as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she walked off, but stopped as she have a thought and turned to the over food stands with sparkles in her eyes as she waved at them and walked up to them. At the main stage, Hitch is on a unicycle with Sparky on his head to impress the crowd as he tries to balance on the cycle while Sparky is juggling some balls as Sparky dropped one. Posey was among the crowd as she gave a mischievous smirk, as she and the crowd held up their tomatoes again. Celebration never ends Oh, 'cause we always a ten Ooh-hoo-hoo-hooooo-hooooo I'm my best self, everypony can tell Hitch and Sparky saw this as they gave nervous smiles, but then Hitch accidentally lead the unicycle backwards as it trip over the ball Sparky dropped as Sparky fell off of Hitch and he landed with a split, which caused him to release his dragon fire in the process as Hitch yelled in surprise and lost his balance as the two balls Sparky tossed in the air were hit by his dragon fire as they turned into fireworks as Hitch tripped from  the unicycle and accidentally did a pose as the fireworks went off behind him. “Awwww!” The crowd said as they started cheering, finding that performance great, except for Posey, who looked at the crowd in shock as she gave an annoying look as she can’t throw the tomato at Hitch. (Pipp) I'm my best self, everypony can tell When did this mirror get so gorgeous? Who's that? Is that me? In the air, Zipp is flying over the festival to look for any clothing for Electric Blue as she saw Rufus and Bongo Beats at their stage as Rufus is still doing his magic trick as Zipp smiled and flew down towards them. Rufus then pulled the middle part of Bongo’s box out as Bongo Beat’s look in surprise by that, but then Zipp then flew past them as the two ponies twirled around a bit, which made them dizzy. Rufus realizes that his cape was gone as he turned where Zipp flew off, but then Zipp flew by again, taking the background of the stage, which made Rufus and Bongo Beats spin around again as they fell to the floor, Rufus looking Dizzy while Bongo saw that his three boxes stacks now toppled to the ground while his tail part reveals a pony a pony in a box as he gave a sheepish smile and wave. Back with the Marestream, Pipp is working on Electric Blue’s looks as she did some fashion style on them.  “How's this?” Pipp twirled Areggira first. “What about this?” She twirled Fretlock next. “Uh, maybe one of these?” And then she twirled Jam Donut, trying different styles to see if it fit them. Electric Blue then started voicing dissent about their looks, not sure if they’re right or not as Pipp started screaming in overwhelmed. Sunset saw this nearby as she sighs. “These ponies are picky.” She muttered. At the food stands, Izzy is giggling as she levitates some popcorn on the ‘everything’ bagel and  everything else as she giggles. “It's all gone, folks!” Luminous Dazzle announced to a pony, who gave a look at where Izzy went, having a feeling how their all gone (Pipp) I feel meeeee! Sunny and Sunset are with Dahlia as Sunny is giving Dahlia puppy eyes while tapping her hooves together. Sunset gave a sigh with a small smile. “Just go do it, Dahlia. She really needs your help to do this.” She said with a small chuckle. Dahlia feels unsure about this, but she gave a sigh as she lifted up her hoof and activated her earth pony magic as she stomped her hoof to the ground as a sprout sprouted. I'm feelin' fresh Like my mane is on fleek Happiness is all I need The plant then wraps itself around Sunny and Sunset as vines and flowers sprout over them. Once it stopped growing, both ponies were covered in flowers and leaves while keeping their balance while Dahlia thought she got a little overboard, since she is still not used to her Earth Pony magic since she always planted them by hoof. Sunny and Sunset gave assuring smiles to Dahlia, telling her that’s it’s okay as they can manage. Spreadin' love from you to me I'm feelin' fresh On the main stage, Hitch and Sparky are doing dances while the crowd lifted their hooves and down in a pattern, trying to see if Hitch makes a mistake and a chance for them to throw tomatoes at them. Magic all around my friends Celebration never ends Oh, 'cause we always a ten With Izzy, Fifi  place a cherry on top of Izzy’s ‘Everything’ bagel, which is really every food from the stands stack together into one giant mega bagel, which made ponies look in shock while Izzy smiled cheerfully while hopping away with ‘everything’ bagel, with the other stands closing since they are out of food. A little bit later, the girls, minus Izzy, regrouped back near the Manestream as Pipp spoke up with a smirk. “And voila!” Pipp said as she gestured to Electric Blue, who now have new looks and new styles as they did a pose. “You look perfect!” Sunny commented cheerfully. “You ponies really rocking the style.” Sunset said with a smile. “Now we're ready to rock!” Fretlock said with a smile as his two bandmates smiled as well. “Ponies!” Izzy called out as the group turned and looked at where Izzy was as she waved her hoof at them cheerfully. “Wait up!” She yelled out as she used her horn to levitate something, which made her start straining from the weight. “You... forgot... your... snack!” She wheezes while levitation a bagel with everything on it while moving some trees out of the way, showing that it was as big as a mountain as the girls and Electric Blue look in shock by it. “One bagel with everything!” She said cheerfully before she gave a maniacal laughter and groaned a bit. “He didn’t really mean that kind of ‘everything’, Izzy!” Sunset called out in shock with wide eyes. “You really went overboard on the ‘everything’ word.” She added. “But it is still ‘everything’.” Izzy said as she gave a tired  sigh. Jam Donut gave a nervous look from the big bagel. “Um, on second thought, I don't like to eat right before a performance.” He said nervously, since he didn’t mean that kind of ‘everything’ in his bagel. And then the ‘everything’ bagel mountain started rumbling and Izzy’s magic started to frizz out. The girls and Electric Blue look at it nervously. “Is that gonna...?” Sunny started nervously. “It's gonna blow!” Pipp cried out. “Everypony brace yourselves!” Sunset cried out as well as they all screamed and tried to run for cover while Izzy just stood there nervously. The ‘everything’ bagel mountain then splattered into an explosion as the girls and Electric Blue were covered in food leftovers. “We can't go on like this!” Fretlock called out  as he took a piece of food off his mane, really irritated that they are a mess again. “The show's canceled!” He declared as he and his bandmates walked off in regret. “Sorry, Pipp.” he apologized as the girls watched them go. “No! We can fix this!” Sunny desperately said. “We'll remake the costumes a-and the hair! The full V.I.P. treatment! Right, Pipp?” She asked while turning to Pipp with a hopeful smile. But what Sunny saw was Pipp giving a frown as she looked around the festival, seeing Glory flying by with a balloon with her friend Seashell chasing her with giggles with other ponies walking by and enjoying the festival and the crowd laughing at Hitch doing something, finding it really entertaining. Sunset saw this as she sighs. “Sunnny, not everything can go out the way you plan. And not everything can be perfect just by saying things you want, you just need to try your best and work with what you have. No matter what you have or do.” She explained. “Sunset’s right, Sunny.” Pipp said in agreement as she walked up a bit as her friends listened. “Music isn't about the costumes, glamor, or being a V.I.P. It's about sharing your sparkle with the world.” She said as Electric Blue listens as well. “That's what Bridlewoodstock is about, too. We may look and smell terrible, but Hitch is on that stage right now, and he's... well, he's actually doing pretty well.” She admitted. They all turned to Hitch, who is still on the main stage while giving a comedy talk to the crowd. “So, uh, what do you call a pony at the top of Prancing Point? Lost!” He joked as he laughed with Sparky did a rim shot with a set of drums as the crowd started laughing at his jokes. “You’re right.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Not only was that funny, but Hitch really got the crowd entertained.” She added, seeing that Hitch is doing better on his end than they are. “I'm going to go out there and give these ponies the show they deserve!” Pipp declared as she gave a determined smile. “Me, too!” Sunny said with her hoof raised and a smile. “Count me in!” Sunset said in agreement as she raised her hoof as well. “Sounds fun!” Izzy cheered. “I'm in!” Zipp called out next with her hoof clench. “Pipp and Sunset are right.” Fretlock said, taking Pipp and Sunset’s words by heart. “We got so carried away trying to make everything perfect. But if we're together, it will be perfect!” He said as he gave a determined smile to his bandmates as the two ponies nodded in agreement. “Even if it's a little messy, too.” He added while shaking some contents off himself as he gave a chuckle before coming to Sunset and Pipp. Thanks, Pipp and Sunset.” He thanked the two ponies as Sunset and Pipp smiled. “Hey, anything to help ponies out and help them understand the true meaning of playing.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “And for the record, I used to be in a band once. So if you ever want some advice, come talk to me.” She added with a smirk. “We’ll think about it, Sunset.” Fretlock said with a smile before turning to his bandmates. “Come on, Electric Blue! Let's rock!” He declared with a determined smile and his hoof clench. At the stage, Hitch is still doing his comedy talk.  “So I said, ‘Un-ni-corn? I need corn too, pal!’ Yeah!” Hitch joked with a laugh before a hook caught his strap as he was lifted off stage as the curtains. And then, Electric Blue appeared from under the stage with their instruments, even if they are still a mess, they are still going to play.   “What's up, Bridlewoodstock?!” Fretlock announced to the crowd.  Electric Blue then started playing as the fireworks went off and the crowd started cheering loudly to them, ignoring that they are a mess but they are still a great band as Electric Blue played. The Mane 6 watches them play as they move their heads to the music as things may have not gone as planned, everything turned out okay as they enjoy the festival. End of Chapter 56. > Chapter 57: Hot Day, Huh? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 57: Hot Day, Huh? It is a very hot summer day in Maretime Bay as Zipp is surfing in the ocean on her board while surfing some waves as she surfs through a big one. “Alright!” Zipp called out excitedly as she surfed through the wave before she surfed in the air. “Now that’s what I call riding the needle!” She cheered with a lunch of her hoof as she dived down into the ocean. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered. Zipp floated back up, looking soak as she held on to her board to stay afloat as she gave a laugh. “Yeah!” She cheered as she looked around. “Ponies, did you see those epic waves?” She excitedly asks if her friends are around, but then frowns once she realizes something. “Huh?” She asked herself. The beach is totally empty, and empty means empty, not a single pony was on the beach at all, not even her friends. “Huh. That’s strange.” Zipp said in surprise as she got out of the water and dried herself off as she walked up on the beach as she looked around in confusion.   Zipp walked up next to a crab wearing sunglasses as it got up and pinched its claw in front of her, which made her stop for a bit before the crab crawled away.  Zipp ignored the crab as she looked around. “Hmm..” She hummed to herself as she brought out her phone. “1400 hours on a super hot day and the beaches completely deserted?” She asked herself in confusion as her voice echoed throughout the beach, wondering why nopony is at the beach on a super hot day. “Where is everypony?” She asked again as she then started calling her friends. The five phones of the Mane 7, since Misty didn’t give her phone number to her friends yet, started ringing, but none of them are being answered. Zipp kept hearing the ringing on her phone as she gave an annoying sigh, having a feeling that they wouldn't pick up and why they or anypony or at the beach. In Maretime Bay, Zipp enters the town as she sees many ponies looking hot under the heated sun as some are fanning themselves, eating ice cream, sipping smoothies and hiding under the shade to stay cool. Zipp then saw two racoonicorns sweating as one of them is laying on it’s back while the other is fanning itself. The Pippsqueaks are eating some ice cream while sweating in the heat as Zipp turns to them with a smile. “Hey, Pippsqueaks! You know, those ice creams would totally taste better at the beach!” Zipp suggested eagerly. “No way, Zipp!” Seashell declined as she shook her head. “It's way too hot for the beach!” She pointed out. “Yeah, that hot sand would burn my little hooves.” Peach Fizz added while shaking her hoof. “Whaaaaat?” Zipp asked in surprise. “It's not that hot.” She tried to reason. But then as soon as she said it, the Pippsqueaks’ ice creams melted as some splat to the floor. “Huh?” They all said at the same time as they started crying at their melted ice cream. Zipp sweat a little with a sheepish smile at what just happened. “Uhhhh…” She stuttered as she tried to find the right words as the Pippsqueaks kept crying. Misty walked up behind Zipp, sweating a bit from the heat, but also feel bad for what Zipp is trying to do. “Poor Zipp. Nopony is really listening to her.” She said sincerely, since she can tell that nopony is listening to Zipp’s idea about the beach. Somewhere where Posey is at, said Earth Pony is fanning herself as her face is red while sweating as she is so hot as she groans from the heat. Zipp then came next to her with a small smile. “There's a nice cool breeze down at the beach.” She advises. “The beach?!” Posey questioned with a raised eyebrow. “What are you, nuts?! In this heat?!” She pointed out. “I was just there, Posey.” Zipp reasoned again as Misty came behind her again as she watched. “And as long as you have some sunscreen and maybe an umbrella, it's really not…” She listed out, but Posey got so annoyed that she began to walk off. “Okay, so I'll take that as a maybe?” She asked with a small smile. “Neigh way!” Posey yelled out, which made Zipp flinch from that. Zipp just sighs from that as she walks off. “Ugh…” She groans as she bumps into Windy. “Oh, sorry, Windy.” She apologized to the pegasus before she went eye wide at what she was seeing. Zipp saw a huge line with ponies holding fruit cards to Sunny’s smoothie stand as Hitch and Sparky, who is now fully recovered, grab the cards. “Okay, Sunny and Sunset!” Hitch called out with a nervous smile. “We've got two super citrus…” He quickly said. “Yup!” Sunny quickly said as she placed two smoothie covers on the smoothie cups. “...three triple berries…” Hitch continued. “Got it!” Sunset spoke next as she placed some fruit into a blender while Hitch gave Sunny a broccoli card. “...one dreamy greenie, and one grilled cheese with extra-cheesy french fries?”  Hitch continued while giving a confused look. “Huh?” Sunny asked in a raised eyebrow from that. “Fried food on a hot day?” Sunset asked in confusion as well, wondering who would ask that. “Wait a second.” Hitch said as he realized something about that order as the three ponies turned to Sparky as the baby dragon started giggling as he gave a wink playfully as he kept giggling. “Nice try, Sparky! Silly little dragon.” He said in amusement as he rubbed Sparky’s head as the baby dragon kept giggling. Sunset gave a light chuckle. “And a sneaky one. Really funny, Sparkarooni.” She added in amusement. Zipp then started walking through the line as she got in front of them as the ponies grumbled and complained about her cutting in line. “Calm down, everypony.” Zipp called out calmly to them. “I just need to talk to…” She was cut off when Hitch placed three smoothie cups down as the three were surprised Zipp was here as Zipp turned to them with a smile. “Sunny, Sunset! Hey! How about closing up shop and heading out for a beach day? The waves are seriously amazing!” She called out excitedly as she raised her hooves with sparkles in her eyes. “No can do, Zipp!” Sunny said with a shake of her head. “Sorry, we can’t right now.” Sunset added in agreement. “Huh?” Zipp asked in confusion as she put her hooves down. “We gotta keep everypony hydrated in this heat.” Sunny pointed out as Hitch and Sunset nodded in agreement as Sunny held out a smoothie cup as Dahlia came to the stand. “Oh, here you go, Dahlia. Stay cool!” She said as she gave Dahlia the smoothie. Dahlia looked so heated from the hot day, but once she saw the smoothie, she smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she grabbed the smoothie. “Ah!” She said excitedly as she started slurping fast and gulped it down as she sighs in relief at the cool beverage as she started slurping again. Zipp at Dahlia strangely for a moment before she spoke. “But down by the water, it's much cooler.” She pointed out, trying to reason with them. “No time to chat, Zipp.” Hitch said as he looked at the fruit cards while getting a good look at them before turning to Sunny and Sunset. “Sunny, Sunset, we need a triple berry smoothie, stat! Windy looks like she's gonna…” He tried to finish but was cut off. Windy wasn’t looking too good in the heat as she looked at the sun as her tongue was sticking out while the heat was really getting to her. “Oh, dear...!” She moaned as her eyes started spinning before she fell to the floor. “...faint!” Hitch finished as he rushed to Windy and held her by the head as the ponies around them gasp in worry for the pegasus. “Oh, no! Sunny, Sunset pony down! I repeat, we've got a pony down!” He called out determinedly. “We’re on it, Hitch!” Sunny said with a salute as Sunset nodded as the two looked at Zipp, who was really upset about this. “Sorry, Zipp. It's just not a great day to go to the beach.” She said sincerely. Zipp frowns at that as she gives a sad sigh as Misty sees this as she gives a concerned look. Sunset saw this as well as she spoke out. “Look, Zipp, you DO have a good idea about the beach, but right now, we're just too swamped, a bit overworked as it is.” She pointed out as Zipp just kept looking down. “Look, I'll talk to the others about joining you when they can. But for now, we got some ponies to cool off with refreshments. They’ve been waiting in line longer than they needed to.” She added while gesturing to the line. Zipp nodded in understanding as she walked off as Sunset watched her go while Misty watches as well, feeling sorry for Zipp. At Mane Melody, the ponies are waiting in line to go in while waiting their turn. “Izzy!” Pipp called out as she and Izzy were fighting over the fans. “We need the fans inside to keep everypony in Mane Melody cool!” She pointed while Jazz is doing Fifi’s hooves while Rocky fan himself as they and some other ponies are watching the two ponies fight over one of the fans. “But, Pipp, what about the ponies outside?!” Izzy questioned while pointing to the window where the ponies outside are fanning themselves from the heat outside. “They need to stay cool, too!” She added. Izzy and Pipp kept tug-a-waring a fan as they fought over it while grunting to get it out of each others hooves as they gave a glare to each other, but then Pipp accidentally press the power button as it turns on, which made both ponies gasps and blew Izzy away as she hang on to the fan. Izzy started screaming as she was moving around Mane Melody as she then crashed into some containers of purple glitter as she’s still flying around. “Ah! No, no, no!” Pipp called out as Izzy kept flying around, covered in purple glitter, but then she flew over some other ponies and got glitter on them as well. Pipp then flew in front of the stage with some contents stacked behind her. “Not the stage, not the stage!” She called out, but then Izzy flew over and splashed her with purple glitter as well. Outside, Zipp was about to enter the salon, but once she opened the stage, purple glitter burst out of the door and got some on Zipp as she started coughing and then looked at her sister, who was covered in purple glitter as the entire place was a mess.  “Pipp! Why are all you ponies inside? Everypony should be at the beach!” Zipp pointed out since nopony isn’t at the beach at all except her. “The beach?” Pipp questioned with a raised eyebrow as she flew to her sister. “Neigh way, sis. Today is definitely an inside kind of day.” She pointed out. Izzy then sneakily levitated two fans while Pipp is talking to Zipp. “So I'm just... I'm gonna borrow these.” She said quietly in a hushed tone. Pipp saw Izzy as she gave a glare, which made Zipp flinch in surprise. “Izzy, get back here with those!” She called out as she chased after Izzy out the door outside. “I'm telling you, it is much, much cooler down by the water!” Zipp tried to reason as she walked to the front door and saw Izzy and Pipp fighting over the fan. Izzy then used her magic to levitate the fan as she ran off. “Izzy, come back here!” Pipp yelled out as she chased after Izzy. Zipp frowns from this as she then had enough. “Ugh! That's it!” She yelled out as she turned to the ponies around her as they flinched at her outburst. “Obviously you ponies are not gonna listen to me! Only Sunset listened to me, and she understood about the beach if she wasn’t busy helping Sunny and Hitch with the smoothies, and so far, you ponies aren’t even gonna give it a try!” She yelled out as the ponies flinched from her words. “Well, if anypony needs me, which they clearly won't, I will be nice and cool down at the beach! See ya!” She called out as she walked off in a huff. “Izzy, come back here!” Pipp called out, didn’t hear her sister at all as she kept chasing Izzy to get the fan back. Misty was inside of Mane Melody, covered in glitter, as she heard Zipp’s outburst as she gave a sympathetic look. “I've never seen Zipp so upset before.” She said to herself, feeling bad for Zipp for nopony listening to her. Back at the beach, Zipp is surfing again, but she wasn’t having any fun as nopony would enjoy the beach along with her, except for Sunset who would consider it if she wasn’t hard working with Sunny and Hitch at the smoothie stand. Zipp sighs as she was all alone on the beach with nopony else, but as she did a flip while surfing under a wave tunnel, she lost her balance. “Aah!” She called out as she fell into the water with a splash as she floated back up on her board and turned and saw somepony setting up beach gear as she gave a gasp as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “Hey! Somepony came!” She said joyfully as she swam out of the water and trotted to the pony with a pant as she stopped and saw the pony who came. “Misty?” She asked in surprise. “Hey, Zipp!” Misty said with a wave as Zipp walked up to her with a smile. “You were definitely right about one thing. It is much cooler at the beach than on Mane Street.” She said. Zipp gave a smile from that. “Wow. I didn't think anypony other than Sunset even heard a word I said back there.” She honestly said since everypony other than Sunset was listening to her. “Yeah, well, sometimes ponies get so caught up in their own ideas, they forget to listen. Like how Sunset taught us to listen to what they say other than ignore them instead of hearing their suggestions and trying them out other than not trying at all.” Misty admitted, since everypony kept doing their own things, they didn’t consider what others would have to say. “And also, I've never had a beach day before.” She added as she stood up. Zipp was surprised by what Misty just said. “Never had a beach day?” She asked with an amusing smile. “Mm-mm.” Misty nodded with a smile, since she lived with Opaline, she never really had a beach day her whole life, among other things before she became friends with the Mane 7. Zipp then got next to Misty as she placed a hoof over her. “Uh, then what are we waiting for? Beach day number one comin' up!” She declared with a smile as Misty smiled back in response, as Zipp is gonna show Misty what beach day is all about. (Party, Party, Party Song:) (Mane 7) ...'Cause when this place is poppin' We'll party, party, party, oh yeah A little bit later, Zipp then got started to show Misty about beach day as Misty brought out her phone and took a selfie with Zipp while holding a sunblock, while Zipp felt uneasy about being on the phone but smiled as she let Misty have her fun. Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Misty and Zipp then start making a sandcastle, but then a crap pops out of it, which startled the two ponies as a picture was taken. And then the picture was then posted into the web as ponies then saw the pictures Misty posted it as it showed the sandcastle crab thing, the crab being close while it’s head being covered in seaweed like a hair with Zipp holding a seaweed, and then the next one shows Misty and Zipp having some coconut drinks with a crap on top of Zipp’s mane while wearing glasses and holding a tiny umbrella. The two ponies watching then smiled with sparkles in their eyes, finding them great. Party, party, party Back on the beach, Misty is laying on a towel with a blanket covering her as she sips on her coconut, but then a shadow draws over her as she looks up and sees Zipp holding two surfboards with an eager smile. Uh-huh, oh, yeah, uh-huh We're gonna party, party, party Party, party, party, oh yeah! Misty gets on one of the boards as she and Zipp dive down together into the ocean as the boards float them back up to the surface. Zipp then taught Misty how to surf, which she was having trouble  at first as she tried to keep her balance, but then a big wave formed over them as it splashed down on them as Misty held onto her board. And then more pictures were taken of Zipp and Misty’s surfing, while Misty tripped over her board and fell into the water next to Zipp, but then the next one shows Misty surfing perfectly, meaning that she finally knows how to surf. The ponies who are looking at the pictures, including the rest of the Mane 7, while a pony holds out a phone at both Izzy and Pipp, who are still fighting over the fan, smile with sparkles in their eyes as they find Misty and Zipp’s time at the beach. A little bit later, Misty and Zipp resurface from the water as they then see some ponies on the beach as they are setting up their beach gear and taking pictures, playing ball or relaxing. Hitch is chasing Sparky while wearing a hat with a flower necklace on him as Sparky ran from him with giggles as Sunny put on some sunglasses from her basket while Sunset unrolled the towel. Pipp and Jazz are building a big sandcastle together with Izzy, Senior B and Rocky on the beach, Rocky being a merpony with a sandtail on him while Pipp took a picture of the sandcastle while Izzy looked through the basket. Sunny and Sunset lay beside each other, with a crab laying on the sand wearing sunglasses next to them as Sunny is sipping on some smoothie while Sunset relaxes with her hooves behind her head while enjoying the sunlight as a shadow was now over them as they took off their sunglasses and saw Misty and Zipp in front of them as they smiled. “Well, well, well.” Zipp said with a smile. “Would you look who decided to join us at the beach, Misty?” She asked playfully as Misty smiled. “Zipp! It's perfect down here!” Sunny said with a smile as she stood up. “Cool breeze, warm sunshine…” She continued as she sipped on her smoothie again as she sighs happily. “We saw your pictures Misty took on the web, and with a little talk I gave to the others and other ponies, we decided to join you. And it looks like the ponies themselves wanna enjoy it as well.” Sunset explained with a small smile as she stood up while leaning a bit. “Well, that’s great to hear.” Misty said with a smile. “Somepony really should've suggested this ages ago.” Pipp said as she put the finishing touches on the sand castle, having not heard what Zipp was saying earlier about the beach. “I know, right?” Izzy asked in agreement while wearing sunglasses, but also levitating the fan she and Pipp were fighting in Mane Melody to cool off as she walked off with a sigh. “What a great idea.” She added with a smile. “Izzy!” Pipp called out as she flew to Izzy to get her fan back after seeing it. Zipp then started to hold her breath as her head started turning red in rage as tea kettle whistling sounds could be heard since she was suggesting the idea all day to her friends when she was ignored, feeling like exploding any second of their oblivion. Sunset lowered her glasses as she saw Zipp’s reaction. “Oh boy.” She said with a sigh as she got up to do something to solve this. Misty saw Zipp’s reaction as she placed a hoof on her shoulder with a calming smile. “Deep breaths, Zipp. Deep breaths.” She advises calmly. Zipp calmed down as she turned to Misty with a small smile. “Great idea.” She said to Misty. “Hey, Sunset. What are you…” Pipp’s voice heard out as the two turned and saw Sunset dragging Izzy and Pipp back while Sunny and Hitch came to them while in surprise as Sunset placed the two ponies next to the others. “What was that for?” Pipp questioned in confusion. “For being so obvious.” Sunset answered sternly.” “Pipp, Zipp has been trying to tell us many times today. You shouldn't say stuff like that, even as a joke."  She pointed out. Pipp realized what she meant as she gave a sheepish chuckle. “O-okay. Maybe I should’ve thought about that.” She said sheepishly. Sunset sighs from this as she turns to the other. “Ponies, what have I told you, listen to what others have to say instead of ignoring it and just doing what you thought was the right call. Zipp has been trying to get you ponies to join in on the beach day sooner, but you didn’t listen to her. And from what I can tell, only me and Misty listen. Sure I was busy helping Sunny and Hitch with the smoothie thing, but at least Misty decided to give it a shot.” She pointed out while gesturing to said Unicorn. “Yeah, I wanted to make Zipp happy and wanted to have fun with her, plus, it’s my first beach day after all since I was isolated with Opaline before I met you guys.” Misty added while reminding them since this is her first time having a beach day. “And to be honest, you ponies didn’t even bother listening and hearing me out, that it hurts when you didn’t even hear me out.” Zipp said while looking down in guilt. The rest of the Mane 7 look at Zipp as they turn to each other, feeling guilty for not hearing her out as they turned to her. “Oh, Zipp. We’re really sorry about earlier.” Sunny apologized first.  “I guess we were all a little too crazy from the heat to listen to you - well, with the exception of Misty and possibly Sunset.” Hitch added while pointing to said ponies as they nodded in agreement. “And I guess I was so busy getting that fan back from Izzy, that I didn’t let you have the chance to explain.” Pipp said in guilt for not hearing her sister out. “And uh, I guess I was too busy getting the fans out to notice.” Izzy added while feeling bad for not listening to Zipp after sneakingly taking the fans outside for the ponies in line from Mane Melody earlier. “And you ponies gotta remember, always listen to what your friends are saying and give them a try of their suggestions.” Sunset continued as she looked at them. “Look, I understand we were just wanting ponies and ourselves to cool off, but remember that there are other options than our own. We just gotta listen to what our friends were trying to say instead of ignoring them and just kept doing things our own way. There’s always alternatives to situations like the heat.” She explained. The rest of the Mane 7 look at each other as they turn to Zipp with small smiles. “We’re sorry we didn’t hear you out, Zipp. We should’ve joined you sooner than just doing our jobs.” Sunny apologizes first. “Yeah, I guess we really gotta work out on paying attention.” Pipp said sheepishly. “We should have never ignored you when you were trying to tell us about beach day.” Hitch added while looking down. “Can you forgive us for not listening?” Izzy asked hopefully. Zipp looked at them as she gave them a smile. “I forgive you ponies. Just remember to listen instead of ignoring what others are trying to say.” She said as they all chuckled a bit as they shared a group hug together. “So, Zipp, wanna go surfing again?” Misty asked with a smile. Zipp gave a defiant smirk. “Oh, I sure do, Misty.” She answered as she and Misty trotted off to the ocean while laughing together as they passed a crab laying on the sand wearing sunglasses while enjoying the sun. The rest of the Mane 7 chuckled from this. “Misty sure knows how to make others feel happy when they are down.” Sunset commented. “She definitely learned much after betraying Opaline and having fun with us while spying on Opaline for us. But being a real friend to us and her having real friends really shows how far Misty is.” Sunny added with a smile. “She’s definitely learning from the best, eh Sunset?” She asked while nudging Sunset. Sunset chuckle from that. “She sure is, Sunny. And Misty is really happy to have this life.” She said with a smile as the rest of the Mane 7 went back to enjoying their beach time as they had fun in the sun. End of Chapter 57. > Chapter 58: Sparkle School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 58: Sparkle School In Maretime Bay, Sparky is running through the streets excitedly as he ran under a couple of stallions, who were trotting as well as Sparky giggled and turn as he went through a couple of bushes and pas a pegasus stallion, who got startled from Sparky’s appearance. And then from near the ocean, ponies are cheering, including Misty and Sunset, who Sunny let her have a break to teach Misty some unicorn magic while also showing her some fun, while Windy is in the lead of some kind of race that needs to be trotting on hooves, since the Pegasi can’t use their wings since it would be cheating. “Whew! I've done it!” Windy cheered as she was close to the finish line. “I've do—” She was cut off when Sparky’s dragonfire hit the finish line as it burned up and made the ponies look in shock while Windy stopped n startled. “Hey!” She called out in disappointment from what Sparky did as the baby dragon started whooping as he ran past her. “Sparky?” Sunset asked in surprise at seeing the baby dragon. “Oh boy. Not again.” She said, knowing that Sparky kept doing this as she turned and saw Hitch coming. “Hitch?” Hitch was trotting across the crowd of ponies as he turned to them. “Sorry!” He apologies as he jumped over the Pippsqueaks. “Excuse me!” He called out before he ran into a two-stack cake with strawberries on top between the baker and the pony customer when he wasn’t looking. “Ow!” He cried out in slight pain as he got the cake on his face, which startled the two ponies from that as he started panting with some cake frosting on him with the bottom part on his head as he trotted in front of a family who were facing a camera. “Cheese!” He said with an embarrassed smile as the picture was taken. “Gotta go!” He said to the surprised family as he trotted to his baby dragon. “Sparky!” He called out happily with a wide smile. Sparky cheered happily at Hitch as he then jumped over Sunny’s smoothie’s stand, where Sunny is blending a smoothie as Sparky grabbed an orange from a fruit bowl on the stand as he jumped up while Sunny was surprised to see Sparky from that. Sparky flew up but fell right into Hitch’s hooves as he tossed the orange into the air and blew his dragonfire at it as it turned into french fries as they fell from the sky. “Aw, Sparky!” Hitch said in joy as he looked at his baby dragon with a smile. “You know fries are my favorite!” He added as he and Sparky caught some fries that landed in their mouths. “You're the best little buddy ever!” He said to Sparky as he nuzzled his cheeks as Sparky cooed, what Hitch didn’t know is that his Cutie Mark started to glow. Misty and Sunset smiled at Hitch and Sparky at the sight as they saw Hitch’s cutie mark as Misty gasped. “Wow! Hitch's cutie mark! It's so, so sparkly!” She excitedly said as she placed her hooves on her cheeks while her eyes had heart shapes on them.  “Yeah, that's pretty much how it works every now and then, Misty.” Sunset explained with a smile. “Whenever a pony acts like themselves or cares for those deeply, they’re cutie marks begin to glow as bright as their sparkles. As well as surprising new magic developments as well, still trying to figure out how that’s possible.” She said to the Unicorn. “Really? That is amazing!” Misty said excitedly as she then down expression as she looked at her cutie mark. “Hmm... Mine has never sparkled like that.” She said in a thoughtful tone. “Really? It hasn't sparkled like that before?” Sunset asked in confusion. “No. Not even close to the other times it tried.” Misty answered as she think back to the times when her cutie mark tried to sparkle. Flashback. When Misty joined Zipp on beach day, she was surfing in the waves as Zipp surfed next to her as the two smiled and hooftap each other as Zipp surf past Misty. Misty then saw her cutie mark flickering, but lost her focus as she then tripped from her board and fell into the water. In Mane Melody, Misty is helping Pipp stack some supplies as she levitates them into the cabinets, but is having trouble since she is still new to her new unicorn magic as Pipp smiles in support. Misty gave a small smile as she is getting pretty good as her cutie mark starts flickering again as she looked at it, but then she lost her focus as one of the boxes fell on something as Jazz gives a yelp as Misty cringe as she saw the box she was levitation fell on Jazz’s head as the Earth Pony stylish look around in confusion with the box covering her face. And then in the Brighthouse, a couple of bunnycorns are giving Misty a blueberry cupcake as she places it back on a snack tray with Sunny, Hitch, Sunset and Sparky with her as Sparky looks at the snacks with sparkly eyes as Hitch gives a laugh. Misty turn and look at her friends as they saw Misty’s cutie mark flickering again as they look at it wonder, but then Sparky and a raccoonicorn grabbed a couple of cupcakes as Sparky giggled as he and the racoonicorn ran off with them. “Sparky!” Hitch called out as the four ponies turned away from Misty’s cutie mark as they trotted after the two critters. End of Flashback. Misty then turned away from her cutie mark as Sunset gave her a sympathetic expression. “Well, you can’t always expect it to sparkle that quickly.” Sunset said softly. “You just have your cutie mark for weeks already. You are still new at this thing.” She reminded her. “I know. But it’s still hard to even get it to glow for at least one second.” Misty said in a down expression. And then Izzy appeared as she surprised Misty with a hug and nuzzled her cheeks. “Hey, Misty-Twisty! Hey Sunset-Setty!” She cheerfully said as she broke the hug as Misty turned to her in surprise as Sunset gave a chuckle. “Hi, Izzy.” Sunset greeted the cheerful unicorn with a small smile. Izzy then saw Hitch and Sparky as she placed her hooves on her cheeks as she had sparkles in her eyes. “Awww! Hitch and Sparky are totally the cutest, aren't they?” She asked the two as they turned and smiled fondly at Sparky and Hitch sharing french fries with each other. “Those two are adorable together.” Sunset commented with a smile. “Yeah.” Misty said in agreement. “And look at that cutie mark. It's so bright.” She commented as Hitch’s cutie mark kept glowing as her expression changed when she looked at hers in sadness. “I don't think mine works right. It never shined like that.” She added as Sunset gave her sympathy look while Izzy looked on in surprise. “Whaaaaat?” Izzy asked in confusion as she gave a small smile. “Sure it has, Misty.” She assured her. Misty however just shook her head. “No, but it's okay.” She assured with a smile as the three looked back at Hitch and Sparky, who tossed the baby dragon onto his head. “It probably just doesn't work like everypony else's because I got it so late.” She said as she frowned. “She just got her cutie mark after years of not having one, Izzy.” Sunset said for Misty. “She just managed to get it a few weeks ago and is still getting the hang of it.” She added. Izzy now understands what they are seeing as she places a hoof over Misty. “Awww.” She said with a smile as she dragged Misty away as Misty gave a startled yelp from that as Sunset watched in surprise. “It's never too late to get your cutie mark magic flowing, Misty.” She said cheerfully as she moved as she grabbed Misty’s hoof and dragged her around while doing a tango dance. “Ah! We just have to figure out what really gets... it... going! Listen closely to me. Finding your sparkle is just like poetry.” She said happily while heart shapes form in her eyes after saying the sparkle word. “I don’t think that’s how it goes but that sums it up.” Sunset commented with a raised brow. Misty was confused on what Izzy meant by that. “Uh, poetry?” She asked in confusion as she gave a nervous smile. “Um, Izzy, I'm not sure I understand—” She didn’t finish as Izzy grabbed her hoof again as she leaned back as Izzy kept doing the tango. “Oh!” She called out in surprise. “My thoughts exactly!” Izzy said cheerfully while Misty felt uncomfortable. “Come on, Misty. You're one of us now. And best friends always help you sort stuff out.” She said as she and Misty twirled around. “They do?” Misty asked in confusion since she’s still new at the whole friendship thing. “Of course.” Izzy answered with a smile. “She’s right, Misty.” Sunset answered with a smile. “Friends do help each other out and help them with their problems. That’s how we do things around here.” She added. Misty smiled before Izzy twirled her around. “Whoa!” She called out and landed on Izzy’s scooter as Izzy levitated a helmet on Misty’s head. “And all you need is a little bit of sparkle school!” Izzy announced as she hopped on next to Izzy. “Wanna join us, Sunset?” She asked the Alicorn. “I would love to join you two, but I need to get back to Sunny.” Sunset said while pointing to the smoothie stand. “My break is almost over and I need to help Sunny out with the sales. I’ll catch you two later, okay?” She said with a smile. “Sure thing, Sunset. We understand.” Izzy said with a wide smile. “And remember, the sparkle has to be something that fits you, Misty. You just need to find it.” Sunset advised with a smile as she walked up to the smoothie stand. “Okay, Sunset!” Misty called out with a wave. “See ya later!” Izzy waved next as she gave a smile to Misty. “Let's do this!” She announced as Misty smiled as the two drove off. At the Brighthouse, Izzy took Misty to her workspace as the first thing to help Misty find her sparkle. (Up Song:) (Misty) Take a look a little closer now (closer now) Things turned out a little different than how I thought I thought they would Izzy put on her welding helmet as Misty did the same as she used her welding tool on a piece of metal as her cutie mark started flickering, which got Misty attention as she focus back on the welding, but then her welding tool got a bit too strong as she started shaking around while yelping. Once she turned off her welding tool, she fell face first as Izzy’s workspace is all torched up while Misty got her head up while looking dizzy. And then sometime later at the Sheriff Station, the two unicorns went to Hitch and Sparky as the sheriff was doing some paperwork while Izzy and Misty smiled at Sparky as the baby dragon giggled at them excitedly. (Izzy) If you have hope, then let me hear it (hear it) If you have sparkle, we can cheer it (cheer it) Misty turned away and closed her eyes as Izzy gestured Sparky to hide as the baby dragon excitedly ran off. After searching a bit, Misty opens the cabinet with a smile as she finds Sparky. “Boo!” She excitedly cheered as the baby dragon giggled excitedly. It ain't over when you have each other After searching for Sparky again, Misty checks the drawers. “Gotcha!” She cheered as Sparky popped up as her Cutie Mark flicker again as she turned and looked at it as it stopped flickering as she gave a sad look. And then after visiting Sparky, Misty is on some roller skates while wearing a helmet. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered around Maretime Bay with Zipp following her in her roller skates as well. If you're down, down, down Just look up, up, up You know that I got you Even when it's tough Zipp got in front of Misty and did a jump and a twirl as Misty did a jump. “Yeah!” She cheered as she gave a laugh as she looked at her cutie mark again as it was flickering a little stronger, but then when she got distracted, she hit face first in a cart full of apples as she slumped. The apple cart happens to be Fifi’s as the pegasus looked in shock by this as Izzy and ZIpp went to Misty in concern at her crashing. If you're down, down, down Get back up, up, up In Mane Melody, Misty is in the storage back room with Pipp as the two ponies are mixing some makeup and glitter ingredients. Never on your own 'Cause you've got us Misty put the final drop into the batch as it turned orange as Pipp spread her wings with a smile as Misty smiled at their work as her cutie mark started to sparkle as she drew her attention to it with a smile. But in her distraction, Misty accidentally put another drop into the bowl as Pipp gasped as Misty turn to see the bowl started to glow as it exploded, covering the two  ponies in orange glitter with their manes blew back from the reaction as the two just stood there with wide eyes. At the smoothie stand, Izzy thought they tried the stand with Sunny and Sunset to help Misty find her sparkle as there are a ton of ponies all around the stand while Misty is feeling overwhelmed. “Uh, okay! That's one Strawberry Dream. No-no-no, I mean, uh, a Dreamy Ripple?” Misty corrected herself as she tried to get the orders right while Sunset and Sunny walked around. “Are you sure you got this, Misty?” Sunset asked in concern as she blended some smoothies. “Because you never really had experience of this kind of thing before.” She pointed out. “I saw you and Sunny do this a thousand times, Sunset. I think I got it.” Misty assured as she then turned with a smile. “Oh! Order up! Here you go!” She then was about to give the smoothies to a stallion, but she accidentally splat them on his face and some on her mane. “Ah! Sorry!” She said sheepishly as the stallion gave her an irritated look. Shortly after, another batch of smoothies were made, but Misty tripped. “Aah!” She called out as two more smoothies flew off as a few more ponies kept splashing with smoothies each time Misty tried to pass them down.  “Oh, no!” She called out. And then multiple smoothie flavors then covered the entire pony crowd, including Misty as she covered in multiple flavors while Sunset and Sunny were busy making more smoothies to even notice. “What is wrong with me?!” Misty questioned herself about her screw ups at making her cutie mark sparkle. “What was I thinking?! I can't do this!” She cried out as she started to tear up. Outside the stand, Izzy was about to enter to see how Misty is doing, but then the door opened itself as Misty started trotting off in despair, which surprised Izzy as she saw Misty running off covered in smoothies while Sunny and Sunset were finishing the smoothies. “We've got two Dreamy Greenies all ready, Misty.” Sunny said with a smile as she put the straws in the smoothie cups as she and Sunset turned and saw many cubs on the ground and Misty in sight. “Misty?” “Where’d she go?” Sunset asked in concern before she called out before she and Sunny saw Misty running off. “Misty! Wait!” She called out. “Misty! Come back! It's okay!” Sunny called out next as she and Sunset went up next to Izzy as they gave sympathetic looks to where Misty trotted off. Sunset then turned to Izzy with a questionable look. “Izzy, what lessons did you give Misty to help her find her sparkle?” She asked. “All I gave her is how to Unicycle, playing with Sparky, doing some stunts with Zipp and mane styling with Pipp before heading to you and Sunny for the smoothie sale.” Izzy explained as she gave a sad look. “I thought if she tried out the things we usually do that help us find our sparkles, then her cutie mark would glow and for her to find her place. I don’t know what went wrong to make her feel this way.” She added. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other in concern as Sunny spoke. “Izzy, those are things we do, not what Misty would do.” She pointed out. “What?” Izzy asked in confusion. “Izzy, our cutie marks glowed because we were ourselves and did the things we liked.” Sunset started. “We do those things because they are a part of us. But Misty is still finding her place. She only just got her cutie mark and her magic not too long ago, but she still needs to find the very thing she’s special at. The lessons and activities you've been giving her are not her, that’s us. You should’ve helped her find the very thing that she wanted to do, not what we do.” She added. Izzy looked down in thought as she never considered it. “I-I didn’t know that.” She said in guilt. “Izzy, you may be an expert at seeing through pony’s sparkles, but you have to consider that their sparkles work differently than other ponies.” Sunset continued. “She’s right, Izzy.” Sunny said in agreement. “How about instead of letting Misty try out the things we do, let’s do the things that she wanted to do that she’s good at.” She suggested. Izzy thought for a moment as she gave a smile. “Yes. Let’s do the things Misty would want to do. Her own ways this time.” She said in agreement. “Then let’s find her.” Sunset said with a confident smile as she then looked at where Misty trotted off to. “Fortunately, Misty’s left a smoothie trail for us to follow. But once we find her, how about we talk, Izzy?” She asked the cheery unicorn. “We are the ponies who would understand what Misty is going through right now.” Sunny said, knowing what Sunset is talking about. “Okay, girls.” Izzy nodded in understanding as they trotted off to gather their friends and find Misty. A little bit later, Misty is still running in tears as a Pegamouse flew by after hanging on a tree branch like a bat. “Ugh. Even with everypony trying to help me, my cutie mark still doesn't work.” Misty said in despair as she shook the smoothie content off her and wiped her tears. “Who was I kidding? I'll never fit in with these ponies.” She said in sadness. And then multiple eyes from within the trees started appearing around Misty as they gave hissing sounds while Misty looked scared. “And now you're in some super spooky woods all alone.” Misty continued while looking scared as the eyes were watching her. “Good one, Misty. Can't you do anything right?” She questioned herself while giving an irritated look, even when scared in the woods, Misty still fell down for her cutie mark not glowing. And then suddenly, Sunset and Sunny appeared in front of Misty. “Misty.” Sunset greeted first. “Hey.” Sunny greeted her next with a smile. “Aah!” Misty gave a startled yell as she waved her hooves at them as she placed one on her chest. “There you are.” Sunny said in relief. “Thank you for leaving a smoothie trail, Misty.” Sunset jokes while gesturing to the smoothie trail that dripped from Misty. “It really helped find you really easily.” She added in amusement. “Sunny? Sunset?” Misty asked in surprise. “W-What are you two doing here?” She asked in confusion. “We came to give you some comfort, Misty.” Sunset said softly with a concerned look. “We were worried about you.” Sunny added in concern as well. “We’re sure today wasn't easy.” She added. “Izzy told us the things you did today, which is really rough for you.” Sunset added in sympathy. “Yeah.” Misty answered as she sat down and gave a down look as Sunset and Sunny sat down next to her. “Sometimes I feel like I just don't belong here.” She admitted while looking sad. “We can relate, Misty.” Sunset said in agreement, knowing that feeling well. “Really?” Misty asked in surprise. “Yes. You know, when I first returned to Equestria, I found out how much has changed and how all my old friends and family are gone.” Sunset started as she looked at the necklace Twilight is in. “I was just trying to visit my old friend, Twilight Sparkle, but once I saw her legacy tarnish and Equestria changed with no magic. I felt out of place and in an unfamiliar world that was forged from my old one. But it wasn’t until I met Sunny and the others that we rebuilt that legacy and brought back the magic. That’s when I found my place and made new friends and made a family and brought back my friend.” She said with a smile as Twilight appeared from the necklace. “And it’s good to be back, Sunset. And you and the others have done so much for Equestria by bringing back the magic and friendship. And I am proud of it.” Twilight said with a proud smile. “What are friends for, Twilight?” Sunset asked with a smile. “Wow, that must be tough for you to go through that, Sunset.” Misty said in surprise. “True, but I learned to carry on and make new friends and form a family together.” Sunset said while smiling at Sunny, who smiled back. Sunny then spoke after Sunset. “As for me, when magic first returned and I became the Alicorn alongside Sunset, I felt, well, a little lost.” She started as she remembered the times when she first got her Alicorn magic and the times when she transformed into them or failed attempts in the past. “And because Sunset and I were the only Alicorns, I thought that nopony would understand. Until Sunset was there for me to help me get through it and help me practice my magic to learn how to control it.” “That sounds really hard.” Misty said in sympathy as she then started glowing. “You two must've felt so alone, girls.” She added as her glowing became brighter. “We did feel alone at first.” Sunny admitted with a small smile as Sunset smiled at them as a sparkling light then circled around the three ponies as she remembered the times she and her friends were there for her on their adventures. “Then I learned that I'm only alone if I keep all my worries to myself. But if I share my worries with ponies who care, they will always be there for me. And Sunset was there for me most of the way as she is like a sister to me.”  “And Sunny is like a little sister to me too.” Sunset continued with a small smile as she placed a hoof on Sunny’s shoulder. “I may be a mentor to her, but I see her as my sister. Not just because we’re Alicorns, but we also understand how each other are feeling and have something in common. We look out for one another and always care for each other. Never to be alone again.” She added. “Kind of like how all you ponies were there for me today.” Misty said as she remembered the things Izzy and the others showed her to help her find her sparkle. “Everypony tried so hard to get my cutie mark to sparkle.” She said with a smile as she stood up as she was glowing brighter. Sunny, Twilight and Sunset can see that Misty is opening herself up more as Sunny continues. “Exactly.” She said with a smile as she and Sunset stood up.  “We are there for you, Misty.” Sunset spoke next. “You don’t have to be alone, Misty. You have friends that will always be there for you.” She said with a smile. “It’s alright to let others know how you feel and let them help you through it.” Twilight added with a smile. . “Because that is what friends do.” Sunny added with a smile. “And you know what? Even if you didn't have a cutie mark at all, you would still belong here with us.” She said as she gave Misty a hug as Misty smiled. “Ponies stick together.” She added. “We always look out for one another.” Sunset added as she hugged the two ponies as well as the light kept circling them. “No matter what or who we are, we will always be together.” “Really? You both mean that?” Misty asked them with a smile and tearful look. “Hoof to heart?” She asked as she placed a hoof on her chest as tears began to form. “Hoof to heart./Hoof to heart.” The three ponies said together with a smile as three ponies, since Twilight is a spirit, gave each other a loving nuzzle as they began to shed tears of joy together. And then suddenly, Misty’s cutie mark began to glow more brightly than before as it brought out a magical image of itself as Sunny, Twilight and Sunset saw this. “Misty, look!” Sunny called out with a wide smile. “Your cutie mark is finally sparkling!” Sunset cheered while pointing at Misty’s flank. “You finally found your spark!” Twilight cheered happily. Misty turn her head and look at her cutie mark as it was sparkling as it created a magical image of a butterfly as it flew up above the ponies as Sunset’s and Sunny’s cutie marks began to glow as well as they created magical images as well as they flew up along side Misty’s cutie mark as the two latter circled the butterfly around as the butterfly mark gave off magical sparkles as the four ponies watched in awed with sparkles in their eyes as the three cutie marks shine bright  as they returned to their rightful owners. “Amazing.” Sunset said in awed. “I’ve never seen any cutie marks do that before.” Twilight said in awed as well at seeing what the cutie marks just did. “They are full of surprises.” Sunset commented with a wide smile. The rest of the Mane 7 came out of the bushes after witnessing what they just saw as they started cheering to Misty.   “Wow!” Zipp said in awed as she walked up to Misty. “How'd you do it? It was the parkour, wasn't it?” She asked with a smirk. “Well…” Misty started with a sheepish smile as she was trying to find the right words to explain it. “Not exactly, Zipp.” Sunset answered for Misty. “Misty did it because she wanted to be herself and be with her friends. She wanted the love and friendship she wanted, and we showed how much we care for her as she cares for us. That’s what made her cutie mark to glow, of being a true friend and showing support to them by pure heart.” She said while smiling at Misty. Misty gave a smile to Sunset as she nodded her head in confirmation. “It was something like that, but yeah. I think that was it.” She said before Izzy cheerfully placed a pink glitter graduation hat on Misty’s head as said unicorn turned to her in surprise. “Izzy! What's all this for?” She asked her cheery unicorn friend. “It's your sparkle school graduation celebration, silly!” Izzy explained cheerfully as she twirled around and glowed up her horn. “Pew-pew!” She cheered as fireworks were made from her magic as they exploded as she got between Sunny and Misty as they and the rest of them smiled at each other. “That’s Izzy!” Sunset shrugged playfully. The Mane 7 then laughed and cheered together as Misty and Izzy gave each other hoof taps, happy that Misty finally found her sparkly and got her cutie mark to glow as she is really happy to be with her friends. End of Chapter 58. > Chapter 59: Moon Festival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 59: Moon Festival In the night time of Zephyr Heights, the ponies are celebrating some sort of night festivity with lanterns decorations hanging  and some stands with supplies or food around. It was quiet until a giant decorative moon fell above them and started rolling across the festival as ponies screamed in panic. Zoom and Thunder started flying after it in anxiety. “Run for your lives!” Zoom called out to the crowd as they moved out of the way as she and Thunder chased after the decorative moon to try and stop it. Queen Haven and the Mane 7 looked in shock and surprise by what they just saw. “Well, that was unexpected.” Sunset commented as the others nodded in agreement. “And so…” Queen Haven started with a sheepish smile, wanting to forget what just happened while getting back to what the festival’s purpose was as she gave a tour to the Mane 7. “Every ten years, when the moon reaches its closest point in Equestria,” She said as she gestured to the moon, which is blocked from the clouds a bit as a pegasus flew by at unusual high speed as the mare screamed to get control of her flight. “We throw a great big party to celebrate.” She finished. And then the big decorative moon came rolling by again as Zoom and Thunder screamed as they chased after it as it got the group's attention again. Queen Haven felt embarrassed a bit before she recomposed herself while looking at Zipp and Pipp with a smile while placing a hoof on her chest. “Oh, my daughters have always loved the Moon Festival.” She added. Pipp and Zipp looked at each other while Pipp raised an eyebrow at her sister while Zipp remembered the time when their last moon festival was. Flashback. Many years again when Zipp and Pipp were fillies, Pipp was dangled with Zipp holding her sister as she was tied to a moon floating lantern as Pipp was crying while waving her hooves as she cried in fear with tears flowing out while Zipp gave a exciting laughter as it looks like they were flying, but Pipp wasn’t feeling the excitement like her sister. The two filly sisters are flying high in the sky outside the Zephyr Heights palace while the moon shines bright while Pipp kept crying in fear. End of Flashback. After having the flashback, Pipp looked at her sister with a dull expression at the memory that she would like to forget. “Correction, Zipp always loves the Moon Festival.” Pipp corrected with a sarcastic expression with a wave of her hoof as Zipp looked at her sister. “Me, haha, not so much.” She said boredly while Zipp gave an amusing smile at her sister, knowing that is true. “Whatever happened, I guess it has to be one of Zipp’s attempts to fly before the magic returned?” Sunset guessed as the two sisters went wide eyed at what Sunset just said. “How did you know?!” They both asked in surprise. “Come on. With Zipp, it’s pretty obvious. She flies 24/7.” Sunset said with a chuckle as Zipp gave a sheepish blush from that, knowing that is true before Sunset continued. “But, I gotta say, this is the first time I ever heard of a moon festivities. I know Princess Luna would love this if she was still around.” She added with a smile, knowing a certain former Princess of the Moon would very much love this kind of festival for the night and the moon. “I’m sure she would, Sunset.” Sunny said in agreement with a smile. “And now, as it's the first Moon Festival since magic returned, we're putting on an extra special aerobatics finale featuring Zephyr Heights' finest flyers!” Queen Haven with a wave of her hooves while the Mane 7 have sparkling eyes in excitement. And then an Aerobat Pony flew right past them while screaming, which started the group as they saw the pony screaming while for some reason, its wings gave off an electrical charge as she flew around uncontrollably and then crashed into one of the big decorative moon’s holes. Queen Haven gave a sheepish look as the Mane 7 looked in concern from that. “Some of them are still getting to grips with the routine.” She admitted. “Takes a long time to master your magic.” She added while she walked off while the others followed with Zipp and Sunset looking at each other. “But that’s strange. It’s been almost a year since magic returned, and we can see that ponies can fly very well.” Sunset pointed out in concern. “Yeah, I agree, Sunset.” Zipp said in agreement while feeling suspicious as well as they looked around. And then they saw Berries landed in front of a stand, but his wings gave off an electric charge as a huge gust of wind blew the stand away while the mare held on as she gave a shock expression at what just happened. “Whoa!” Zipp said in surprise. “That was a strong wind for one Pegasus.” Sunset added. They then turned and saw three unicorns levitating three moon decoratives while suddenly two of them started floating in their magic as well as they smiled in surprise while their third friend looked in shock at this. And as Dahlia walked by, she didn’t notice that her hooves were glowing green as she stomped her hooves to the ground as the pegasus mare behind her was caught in a giant flower stem while the giant plants started growing. “While the Unicorns are no surprise, but strangely, their magic is stronger than usual compared to what Izzy did when she was trapped in that Unicorn box one time.” Sunset noted with wide eyes. “But Dahlia’s magic came on its own, with just a simple tap.” She added in concern. “Yeah, Something seems strange…” Zipp said as she and Sunset gave a suspicious look at what was happening. “This is concerning. Let’s get to the others so we can make sure we really know what is going on.” Sunset said as she then flapped her wings, but for some reason, they gave off an electric charge as she fell to the ground. “Whoa!” She yelped as she hit the floor. “Sunset, what’s wrong?” Zipp asked in concern after seeing Sunset fall to the floor. Before Sunset could answer, her wings gave off an electric charge again as she suddenly took off at high speed as she gave a startled scream. “Whoa! Sunset!” Zipp called out as she trotted after her. Sunset was flying around Zephyr Heights at uncontrollable speed as she then moved to an ally near the festival as she slid across the wall while trying to stop her flight. “Ahaha! Whoa! What’s up with my wings!?” Sunset questioned before she hit the wall face first, which made her slide to the ground as she got up with a painful groan. “That was way too fast, even for my standards.” She commented before she noticed her hooves glowing green. “And why are my hooves glowing?” She asked before a big bushed appeared around her before she got out of it. “My Earth Pony magic went on by itself? That’s strange.” She commented in confusion. “Sunset!” Zipp called out as she trotted towards Sunset. “Are you okay?” She asked in concern. “I’m fine, Zipp.” Sunset assured before looking at her hooves and wings. “But for some reason, my wings went off at high speed while my Earth Pony magic activated on its own.” She said while looking at herself. “This is really concerning. And very strange.” Zipp said in suspicion. “We need to get to the others and hope this is just a hiccup. But for some reason, this feels familiar to me, but I can’t remember what.” Sunset said while having a slight deja vu of what’s happening. After catching up with their friends, Queen Haven led the Mane 7 to a room where Rufus is guarding before moving the red waiting line out of the way. “Welcome to the royal box!” Queen Haven announced as the doors opened as it revealed a room with a balcony with the great view of the night sky with tables sets and a food buffet for the Mane 7 with moon decorations all around. “Wow!” Izzy cheered in awed as she and the others had sparkles in their eyes. “So cool!” Hitch commented with a wide smile as they entered the room. Sunny gasps at the set up with sparkly eyes. “Wow! Oh, my hoofness! Incredible!” She said as the Mane 7 all looked awed with sparkles in their eyes at the set up while Sparky grabbed a treat from a basket and took a bite out of it. “Uh, quick question.” Izzy spoke as the others turned to her as she had the red waiting line on her while giving a fashionable expression. “Does this clash with my mane? Ooh!” She said as she held the red waiting line, but then she looked at Rufus, who was giving her a look as he snatched the line back from her as she stood there for a moment. Sunset and Zipp walked up to Sunny, who was distracted by the table. “Sunny, we think something's glitching out with magic again.” Zipp spoke in concern. Oh, yeah, it's great having magic again.” Sunny said with a smile, not hearing what Zipp just said as she was distracted by the setup before she saw something that made her gasp and gave an excited look with sparkles in her eyes. “Ooh, they have confetti cannons!” She said excitedly as the two ponies looked at what Sunny was looking at. And then the confetis came out of the cannons as the crowd started cheering while they all looked awed, while Sunset and Zipp weren’t feeling the same. “Whoa!” Sunny said in awed. “Seriously, Sunny?” Sunset asked boredly, seeing that Sunny was too distracted to listen again. “Uh…” Zipp tried to ask, but was cut off when Skye spoke out through his microphone. “Distinguished ponies!” Sky spoke out with a smile. “Please stomp your hooves for the Zephyr Heights Aerobats!” He announced as he gave a laugh as three pegasi came flying from behind the stage as they did some stunts. One of them did a twirl as they flew around the crowd while then spreading out as the crowd made awestruck noises. The Mane 7 watched the performances, including Sunset and Zipp while the latter gave a small smile. “So amazed and so jealous at the same time.” Zipp said to herself. “Is it my imagination or is Haven trying to create a modernized version of the Wonderbolts?" Sunset asked with a slight smirk, already seeing what Haven is trying to do while also feeling nostalgia of having something similar to the Wonderbolts from her time. “I think somewhat similar, but still impressive.” Zipp said with a small smile. The Aerobats then swirled together in sync as they flew up and did a pose, but as the moon was separated from the clouds, their wings then gave electrical charge again as they went wide-eyed at feeling as they then flew around at really uncontrollable speed as they screamed.  Queen Haven saw this with a small smile. “Oh. I don't remember these moves in rehearsals.” She honestly said while Sunny gave an awed expression with sparkles in her eyes. But Sunset and Zipp were somewhat off by this. “Those aren't moves.” Zipp spoke as they kept seeing the Aerobats flying around like crazy while screaming. “It's like... like magic is being supercharged or something!” She theorizes. “Like how mines did earlier!” Sunset added with wide eyes. The two then heard Izzy’s munching sounds as they turned and looked up as they saw her and Rufus levitating in Izzy’s magic while eating some snacks, not that the two ponies mind. “Okay, for Izzy, it makes sense, but this is way weird. It reminds me of the time when me and the Rainbooms magic were going crazy because they were being overcharged and overused.” Sunset commented, remembering when the Rainbooms’ geos were on the fritz because of Rainbow’s irresponsible act of using superspeed too often, before her horns started glowing again as she was suddenly teleported away. “Sunset?” Zipp asked in surprise before Sunset appeared again while looking wet. “Whoa! What happened to you?” She asked again. “I don’t know!” Sunset called out in slight worry. “My horn suddenly glowed on its own, and the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of the ocean with no land for miles!” She called out as she shook the water off her. “Nopony could teleport that far if they don’t know the location! There is something strange going on with magic that is causing these overcharges!”  Zipp then gave a determined look. “You’re right. We've got to get to the bottom of this before somepony gets really hurt!” She declared. “Or have something else.” Sunset added as she got a seaweed of her mane before tossing it away in annoyance. A little bit later, Zipp and Sunset trot around to see if there are any signs of strange activities that are causing the magical overcharges, while not flying or using their magic so that they don’t have to worry about overcharging it too much. “Ah!” Zipp called out as she turned to Berries, who was walking. “You!” She called out as Berries stopped in surprise while Sunset raised an eyebrow “What do you eat today? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!” She listed out with an integrating expression. Sunset walked up to Zipp as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Easy, Zipp. We talked about this when questioning others.” She reminded her as Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle as Sunset turned to Berries. “But seriously, what did you have?” She asked politely. Berries felt uncomfortable for a moment before he spoke. “Um... pancakes, pancakes…” He listed out before he gasped with a smile. “And pancakes!” He finished with a smile as he giggled and walked off. Sunset and Zipp just gave Berries wide eyes from his answer he gave them. “Pancakes all day.” Zipp said in surprise. “Didn't even know you could do that. Huh.” She added in surprise while placing a hoof on her chin. “That’s a little unusual compared to how Pinkie eats her treats.” Sunset commented. “But other than that, that’s a little impressive.” She added. “Yeah, shocking.” Zipp said in agreement before getting back on track. “Anyway, pancakes wouldn't have caused magic to supercharge.” She pointed out. “No, it shouldn’t.” Sunset nodded in thought. And then they saw Onyx walking by as Zipp had an idea. “You! Levitate this hat!” She quickly said as she snatched a hat Posey was wearing, who gave an irritated look to Zipp, before tossing the hat to Onyx. Onyx simply grabs Posey’s hat in her magic, but then it fritzes out with an electric charge as well, which surprised Onyx from that as Posey’s hat was tossed into the distance.  Onyx stood in silence for a sec before she spoke. “I'm, like, way better with crystals.” She simply said as she walked off. Zipp then went wide eyes at what Onyx just said. “Of course! The Unity Crystals!” She called out as she spread her wings as they gave an electrical charge. Sunset saw this as she went wide eyes. “Uh, Zipp?” She tried to warn her, but it was too late as Zipp took off at a very high speed that not even she could do as the ground shook a bit. “Oh Ponyfeathers.” She muttered before she looked at Posey, who was giving her a glare and a growl. Sunset sighs as she brings Posey’s hat back in her magic and puts it on her head. “Sorry for your hat, Posey. Zipp and I are investigating something that is happening to our magic again. Anyway, I gotta catch up to said pegasi, see ya!” She called out as she spread her wings, which gave off an electrical charge as well as she flew off as Posey’s hat flew off again. “Seriously?!” Posey yelled in annoyance as she rushed off to her hat. In the air, Zipp is flying so fast that even she can’t slow down as the wind was pushing back hard on her while her wings gave an electrical charge. “Aah!” She yelled out as she went to the tallest tower of the castle while grabbing onto the pole as she twirled around on it before she stopped and held on to it. “Ugh.” She groaned from the rush she had, way too fast even for her. And then a yellow and red streak flew past her as it flew around before stopping in the air as Sunset landed quickly on the tower’s roof as she groaned a bit from the rush as her wings stopped showing the electrical charge. “Okay, that was way too fast, even for us.” Sunset commented as she took her breath. “Agreed.” Zipp said as she stood on the rooftop as well with Sunset. “Something must be going wrong with the Crystals.” She said as she put on her Z-Goggles and enhanced as she aimed it at the direction where the Crystal Brighthouse is. “If they are glitching again, we have ponies fighting again.” Sunset said tiredly. “Not surprising in the last three attempts it happened.” She added. Zipp looked into her Z-Goggles as it zoomed into the top of the Brighthouse and saw the Unity Crystals still in stable condition before McSnips-a-lot showed up with a menacing look in her way. “Ah!” Zipp gave a startled scream as she took off her Z-Goggles. “What? Are the Crystals glitching again.” Sunset asked in worriedness. “No, they are fine. Though I got startled by McSnip-a-lot.” Zipp answered before giving a confused look as she put her Z-Goggles away. “I don't get it. If it's not the Unity Crystals that's causing this, then what is?” She questioned while trying to figure out the problem.  Sunset looks at her necklace. “Twilight, do you have any idea why this is happening?” She asked. The necklace opened up as Twilight appeared with a shrug. “Sorry, Sunset. But this is new, even for me. We never had this kind of problem during the old Equestria, so I’m at a loss as well.” She said apologetically, not sure why this is happening as well. “Well, that’s a bust.” Sunset commented before looking down with Zipp. “Then what is causing this to happen?” She asked. Zipp and Sunset watched down as a group of ponies walked by a bridge with the moon reflection on the lake below them as the pegasus mare walked in front of them as the pegasus mare wings gave off an electrical charge as she suddenly took off at high speed, leaving the two ponies behind as they trotted after her. But Zipp and Sunset then look at the moon’s reflection as they both have the same idea. “It couldn't be…” Zipp said in thought as she placed a hoof over her chin. “I think it is, Zipp.” Sunset said in a serious tone, now knowing how this is happening. Back at the performances, the Aerobats are still flying like crazy as they are screaming since their wings are still overcharged while the crowd are cheering, still thinking it’s part of the performance while the Mane 7 are now growing concerned once they realized that this wasn’t part of the act. And then Sunset and Zipp appeared next to Sunny. “Sunny! Team huddle! Now!” Zipp said seriously. “We have a major problem that you all need to know!” Sunset added as Sunny is surprise by how serious they are. A little bit later, the Mane 7 went somewhere in the festival as Sunset and Zipp filled them in on what was going on. “We figured it out.” Zipp spoke first. “It's the giant moon that's supercharging magic. Look.” She pointed to the moon. They then saw a pegasus stallion flying normally, but once he flew by one of the pillars, his wings suddenly gave off the electric charge as he was pushed forward a bit to another pillar, which caused him to stop as he looked back in shock before he move past the pillar again as he was pushed forward and then again to the next whenever the moonlight shines on him. “Whoa.” Sunny said in surprise while the others looked in shock at what they saw. “You two may be onto something there, girls.” She admitted to both Sunset and Zipp, now seeing that something is wrong. “Has this happened before, Sunset?” She asked. “No. We never had this kind of magical issue back in old Equestria.” Sunset pointed out. “This hasn’t happened to you ponies before because magic hasn’t returned yet at the time. So when it comes back, the decayed full moon must be overcharging the magic whenever the moonlight touches us and when the moon comes close to Equestria. I had that experience before with my Rainboom friends in the other world, but we solved this, but this might be one of the newly evolved magic for Equestria and I don’t know how to handle this. Not even Twilight knows about it.” She explained since old Equestria never had this kind of issue before, theorizing it might be a new magic since Twilight’s message did tell them that magic is alive and always evolving, which is how they got their Earth Pony magic. “Well, this is the first time it is happening so that would make sense.” Misty said while having a thoughtful look, wondering how much magic evolved after it was last seen before its return. “Misty, is this by any chance that this has something to do with Opaline?” Sunset asked in concern, hoping that is not the case. “I don’t think this is Opaline’s doing.” Misty said with a shake of her head. “All her time was trying to steal everypony’s magic, but not overcharge them to a level that would potentially make it impossible for her to steal." She explained. “That is a good point. That’s not her style.” Sunset said in agreement, knowing Opaline has nothing to go with this. “But even still, we've gotta do something!” Zipp called out determinedly as the others gave determined expressions as well. “What can we do?” Hitch asked in concern. “It's not like we can just shrink the moon.” He pointed out. “And we can’t lower it since that magic ability was lost when the sun and moon moved on their own now.” Sunset added, since they can’t move the moon like Luna once did. “And even if we did, the ponies might not like it if we ruin the Moon Festival for them.” She said, since the ponies worked hard for the festival, it will ruin their hard work and tradition. “Hmm.” Zipp said while trying to think of a plan before she looked around and saw one of the ponies holding a moon lantern as it blocked the others as an idea struck Zipp. “No... but we can block it!” She called out with a smile as she turned to her friends. “Ponies, grab as many lanterns as you can and follow me!” She ordered as the others gave determined smiles and nodded in understanding. “And remember, no using magic or flying while in the moonlight! That would cause them to go into overdrive and out of control! If you are in a shade or a building blocking the moon, use them, but if the moonlight is hitting you, don’t use them!” Sunset added, knowing that they can’t use their magic when in range of the moon as they all nodded in understanding as they went out to go with Zipp’s plan. A little bit later at the performance stage, Queen Haven was still in the royal box as she saw the Aerobats still flying uncontrollably as one of them flew by her as she saw them go as the Aerobats kept screaming. Zipp came rushing to the stage with a pant as she tapped on the microphone to see it was on before she spoke through it. “Uh, and now for the finale of the finale.” She announced as she turned to her friends, who were holding a huge tarp. “Everypony, release your lanterns!” She called out with a smile. Sunny then removed the tarp as many moon lanterns then started flying away as the crowd started cheering, as well as the rest of the Mane 7 as well as they cheered at what they did. Zipp gave a smile at the flying lanterns. “Wow!” She said in amazement, surprised as well at how great it looked with sparkles in her eyes, but then she gasped as she saw the lanterns were separating while moving around from the moon. “Oh, no! The lanterns are going all different directions! They'll never block the moonlight this way!” She called out in panic while the others panicked as well. “Sunset, can’t you fly up there and use your magic to keep them together!?” Izzy asked anxiously. “If I do, the moonlight will get my magic out of control before I could even get to them!” Sunset reminded them since the moonlight was still shining down at them so their magic was still being affected by it before turning to Sunny. “Sunny, you haven’t been using your Alicorn magic all day, you think you can do it?” She asked. Sunny realizes that Sunset is right as she has a determined expression as she brings out her Alicorn magic as she flies straight into the air in front of the moon while facing the lanterns. “I got this, ponies!” She declared with a determined smile. Sunny then flew around the lanterns with no trouble or overcharge by the moon as she put the lanterns together as she then used her horn to form a magical bubble around them to keep them together. The rest of the Mane 7 cheered to Sunny’s success while Queen Haven and the crowd looked awed at what Sunny was doing. “Wait, how is Sunny not affected by the moon?” Zipp asked in surprise. “Sunny’s wings and horns are not solid form! Of course!” Sunset called out with a wide smile as she might know why. “If a physical being get’s touched by the moon, their magic overcharged, but if they are just magical forms that appear or disappear like Sunny’s horn and wings, they aren’t affected by the moon’s light!” She said, now seeing how Sunny’s magic wasn’t overcharged at close range of the moon. Sunny then magically move the bubbled lanterns in front of the moon with determination, once they are in place, the moonlight shine through the lanterns as they gave a multi-color shine with sparkles around them as the crowd and the rest of the Mane 7 looked in awed with sparkles in their eyes at this. “Beautiful. Luna would be proud.” Sunset said to herself with a smile, knowing that Luna would definitely love this moment. The Aerobat mare screamed, but then her wings stopped giving electrical charge as she is now flying normally again, as did her two partners as well as they looked around in surprise at what just happened. Zipp saw this with a smile, realizing the moon is now blocked and their magic is back to normal as she spoke through the microphone. “Over to you, Aerobats!” She announced with a wave of her hoof. The Aerobats then gave determined looks as they then flew up in circle formation as they then spread their wings in a pose as the crowd started cheering to them. Queen Haven watched on with sparkles in her eyes. “Now that's what I call a finale!” She called out. The Mane 7 were cheering on the stage as Sunny landed between her friends as the crowd cheered to them as they waved and cheered back to them. Zoom and Thunder watched behind them next to the big decorative moon as Zoom gave tears of joy as she spoke. “It's just so inspiring and—” She was cut off when she leaned on the moon and then it started rolling away again, which shocked her and Thunder from that as Zoom gave a groan. “Ugh. Not again.” She said as she placed a hoof over her face while Thunder looked worried. With Posey on a stand, she was checking out one of the festival’s souvenirs while the pony stallion saw the big moon rolling towards them as he screamed and trotted off, leaving Posey at the stand before she turned and looked with wide eyes as the moon was rolling towards her. But Posey wasn’t afraid one bit, having a feeling that this was gonna happen since she had many experiences before, so she just accepted her fate as the moon came closer to her. But before the moon was gonna roll at her, it was then caught in a magical aura, which surprised Posey as she looked back and saw Sunset holding the moon as her horn glowed. “This is a little overboard, even for your standards, Posey. So consider this for what happened to your hat earlier.” Sunset said as she then moved the moon back to the stage as Posey gave a sigh in relief. “Thanks.” Posey said to Sunset, glad that she didn’t get run over by a big decorative moon as the ponies enjoy the rest of the Moon Festival now that magic is no longer overcharged. End of Chapter 59. > Chapter 60: Scent Of Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 60: Scents of Adventure At Mane Melody, Pipp and her friends are on stage as Pipp speak through the microphone with  a product that is covered with a small tarp next to her as she speak to the crowd. “Welcome, everypony, to the launch of my all-new, all-natural scent!”  Pipp announced as she removed the tarp to reveal five new scent products as the crowd look in awed. “It's delicate!” She said with a smirk as sprayed out a green essence from the product. But then rumbling sounds can be heard as everypony looked around in confusion while Pipp looked nervous, not sure what is happening. “Uhhh... it's elegant!” Pipp said nervously as she sprayed again as the rumbling shook stronger as the balloons flew away and the backstage product behind them as the ponies looked in nervous. “Okay, what’s going?” Sunset asked in confusion as she tried to keep her balance. “Is it an earthquake?” She asked Sunny and Hitch. “I don’t think that’s an earthquake. Hitch?” Sunny asked in confusion as Hitch shrugged, not sure as well. “It's magnifique!” Pipp said nervously as she sprayed some more. The rumbling stopped as everypony turned and saw a bunch of critters at the front door as they looked on in confusion.   “Huh?” Pipp asked, not sure why the critters are here. “What are the critters doing here?” Sunset asked as the others shrugged in confusion. The critters sniffed the scent that Pipp sprayed, and then they started chittering excitedly as they rushed to the stage. The crowd move out of the way as they rushed to the Mane 7 as raccoonicorn pounced on Pipp and her products as they fell to the floor. The bottles fell as some of them were sprayed by the critters as they sniffed the scent happily, rolling around the floor of a cracked bottle. The crowd the sniffed the scent in the air, but then they cringed in disgust as Posey gave a look at Pipp. “Really?! This perfume launch stinks!” Posey called out as she and the crowd quickly exit out the door to get away from the critters and the smell. Pipp crunched down while covering her head from the cutters, before they were suddenly levitated off the ground by Sunset, Izzy and Misy using their magic as they levitated them out the door and quickly closed it. “Okay, so that was strange, but not unexpected compare to what we been through everyday.” Sunset commented, “But still, the perfumes stink? That’s not how they should be.” She said in confusion, since usually Pipp’s products are great. Sunny then picked up on of the remaining bottles in thought. “Yeah. That's weird. Well, this perfume was a hit, all right.” She started as she then sniffed it as she cringed a bit before she gave a sheepish smile. “With every critter. Wonder why.” She thought. “Here, let me see.” Sunset said as she took the bottle Sunny was holding as she opened it and smell the content as she cringe a bit. “Hoooweee! Posey was right, this stuff is rank.” She commented as she held her nose. “It smells like some garbage got into the contents.” She added. “What?!” Pipp asked in confusion and shock by that. “But how did they got in there?! I didn’t put any garbage into them!” She pointed out as she looked into her bottles. Izzy laughs nervously as the others looked at her. “Oh, well! I guess it's always just gonna be a mystery!” She said nervously while sweating a bit. The others looked at her suspiciously while Sunset raised a brow. “Izzy? What did you do? Because you usually don’t laugh nervous or talk nervously unless you’re hiding something.” She pointed out, knowing that Izzy might know what happened to the perfumes. Izzy looked nervously as she saw the looks her friends are giving her before she sigh. “Well, I…?” She said sheepishly as she remembered how it happened. Flashback. Earlier, Izzy was listening to some music in her headphones as she danced around in Pipp’s supply closet. “Ooh!” She vocalize as she twirled around, but as she did a kick, she hit a trashcan next to her as it flew off. “Oopsie!” She said. And then the trashcan flew into the jug of glitter perfumes Pipp made, when the trash fell in, the glitter turned green. Izzy looked down as she cringed in disgust “Ugh!” She groaned before she gave a nervous smile. “Well…” She slowly said, not sure how Pipp will feel when she found out while not sure how to fix this as she gave a nervous chuckle. End of Flashback. Izzy laughed nervously as as her friends looked at her in shock while Zipp gave a glare to Izzy for ruining her sister’s products. “You did what?!” Misty asked in shock at Izzy accidentally did. “Izzy! Seriously?!” Sunset yelled out in shock, now understanding how all this happened. “Can’t you be more careful while in Mane Melody?! You know how hard Pipp did to make her products!” She pointed out. Izzy gave a sheepish and guilt look. “I keep forgetting sometimes. Sorry.” She said sheepishly. Pipp, however, took it hard. “Nooooo!” She cried out dramatically as she was about to lay back before Izzy grabbed her. “I'm so sorry, Pipp!” Izzy said in guilt for her screwup. “B-B-But don't worry! We can fix this!” She said with a wide smile as she got close to Pipp’s face. Pipp however, feel nervous when it comes to Izzy trying to fix things after she made a mistake. Sunset saw this as she as she sigh. “Maybe I should tag along.” She suggested. “You know, for precautions and extra help.” She said with a small smile. “I wouldn’t mind, Sunset! The more the merrier!” Izzy cheerfully said while Pipp nodded, feeling some comfort that Sunset is coming with them. A little bit later, Sunset, Izzy and Pipp are walking through the forest of Bridlewood while Izzy led the way as she picked up a flower. “Bridlewood is full of amazing, sweet-smelling blooms.” Izzy said as she held up in front of her two friends as they sniffed it before the flower burst out some air, which made them cringe back as they continue on. “We'll find you one just right for your next perfume, Pipp.” She assured. Pipp highly doubt that. “Yeah, as if we're just going to stumble across a flower never before discovered by— “ She was cut off when she tripped. “Aah!” She yelped as she fell in a bush in a thud. Sunset was surprise by this. “Pipp?” She asked as she looked through the bush for her. Pipp got her head out next to Sunset as she coughed up some leaves. “Ugh!” She coughed before she saw something that she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “Oh, my glitter!” She cheered as Sunset followed her gazed while Izzy joined them. What they saw is a spot filled with silver colored flowers as the area sparkled and shimmered around. “Oh my feathers.” Sunset said in awed as she and the others walked into the field. “This is the beautiful spot next to the Luna-Bloom.” She said as she turned to Izzy. “Izzy, what are these kind of flowers?” She asked. “I don’t know.” Izzy said in awed as well. “I've never seen flowers like these before. So awesome!” She cheered. Twilight then appeared from the necklace as she smiled at the sight. “These are beautiful flowers. I’m sure Fluttershy would’ve love this sight.” She said, knowing how Fluttershy would get when she saw this. “That is so true, Twilight. Like animals, Fluttershy love the plant life for nature.” Sunset commented with a smile, knowing Fluttershy well that she would do just that. Pipp then went close to a flower as she sniff it. “Oh! Smells of strawberry ripple smoothie! And a million hooftaps!” She called out with a wide smile with hearts in her eyes at the smell of her favorite smoothie and with a bit excited look at the thought how many hooftaps it would be. Sunset then sniffed next as sniffed. “Really, because they smells like spending time with your friends, and a little bit of Applejack’s Apple Cider she used to make to me.” She commenced with a small nostalgic smile. Izzy got her head in a huge pile of flowers as she sniffed them as well as she got her head out. “I'm getting glitter and Unicorny Flakes!” She said with a smile and hearts in her eyes before she had a thought. “Wait a sec! These flowers must smell like your favorite things!” She theorizes. Twilight have a thought. “Well, these flowers are new to me, but what I saw you three are sniffing your favorite things differently, it make sense.” She said, finding Izzy’s theory pretty accurate. “Talk about smelling your favorite things in the air.” Sunset commented. Pipp then gasped excitedly with sparkles in her eyes. “Izzy, this is perfect! Grab as many as you can, you two!” She called out excitedly as she got in front of them as she suddenly brought out a shovel and was about to dig. “Hang on, Pipp.” Izzy stopped Pipp before she done anything rashed as Sunset grabbed the shovel from her. “You gotta be respectful of the forest.” She said to her. “Yeah, Pipp. Messing with nature is not right.” Sunset said, finding Izzy’s words true. “And if Fluttershy was here, she would stop you from messing with the environment.” She added. “And if you mess with nature, nature might mess you back.” Twilight added, having experience when messing with nature can lead to consequences from time to time like when Fluttershy tried to make her Animal Sanctuary. “So it’s best to respect the law of the environment.” She added.  “Yeah, Pipp. So you really should only take one.”  Izzy said as she picked up a flower and handed it to Pipp. “But…” Pipp whined before she saw Sunset’s stern look as she gave a sigh. “Okay, if you say so. Only one.” She said, having feeling that it might not be enough, but she could at least try it out. “Come on, let’s get back to Mane Melody.” Sunset said as she walked off the field before she picked up a flower. “But I’m taking this one as well for a decorative at the Brighthouse.” She said with smile. “Great idea, Sunset.” Izzy cheered as the three walked out of the field and back to Maretime Bay. Sometime later, Pipp tried her announcement again as she held up a silver bottle that was made of the flower. “I announce my new new scent with hints of... whatever you like best!” Pipp announced as she prayed the perfume on Hitch’s face. Hitch sniffed the scent as he gave a smile. “Smells of law! And order!” He called out with a determined smile. Jazz was sprayed next as she smiled. “Mmm! Smells like a freshly polished hooficure! Sign me up!” She called out with a determined smile. “Sign me up first!” The Pippsqueaks, Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz called out excitedly to Pipp as they waved their arms with sparkles in there eyes. Pipp then sprayed the perfume again, but then it only gave out small scents as she got anxious. “Oh, no! It's all gone! Uggghhh! You don't get much from just one flower!” She called out, since he only had one flower to make one perfume as the crowd got nervous as they glared at Pipp as she got nervous. “But... I... I can get more! Everypony, you just wait here! Wait here!” She called out with a look Pipp rushed out Mane Melody as Sunset is walking by as she saw Pipp rushing out as she raised a brow. “What got her this worked up?” She asked herself as she then followed Pipp. Back where they found the flowers, Pipp looked at them anxiously. “Just one extra can't hurt.” Pipp said to herself as she as she look at the field. “Or two. Three will be fine.” She said as she picked up two more. But then, Pipp started picking up more and more flowers as she filled the the three baskets as she gave a manic giggle while looking at the last flower. “Okay, and just one more!” She called out as she was about to pick the flower. “Pipp!” Sunset’s voice called out, which made Pipp flinched as she turned and saw Sunset as she gave a disappointed look. “What did you do?! The whole field is ruined! You picked up all the flowers!” Sunset yelled out as she notice all the flowers in the basket. “I’m sorry, Sunset! But I have to for my new perfume products! I don’t have enough with just one flower!” Pipp explained desperately. “I needed more for the costumers and for my perfume!” She added. “Pipp, Izzy specifically told us to respect the forest! This is bad for nature! Especially to a new bloom of flowers!” Sunset pointed out in disappointment. “You picked enough flowers, let’s head back and find a way to replant them if they grow on seeds.” She said sternly. “Okay, but just one more would be no harm!” Pipp called out as she grabbed the last flower. “Pipp, don’t!” Sunset called out, but it was too late. Pipp has picked the last flower, which made the broken stem on the ground to withered as the ground around them began to turn brown as the other stems began to die as well. “Uh-oh!” Pipp cried out in shock. “Pipp, what did you do?” Sunset asked in shock as the spot around them began to die and turn lifeless. “I-I don’t know.” Pipp honestly said as she as she looked around and look at the flower in her hoof. “Uh... Oh, I'm sure it'll grow back.” She said as she replanted the flower, but the moment she did, the flower immediately died as the two ponies gasped in shock. “Pipp, I don’t think these are your ordinary flowers!” Sunset called out in shock. “I think the moment you picked them up and ruined their spot, they died out as soon as you replant them! I told you messing with nature is bad!” She pointed out. Pipp gave a panicked look at her mistake. “Izzy can never know!” She called out. “Ooh, hi, friends!” Izzy’s voice called out, which surprise the two as they turned and saw Izzy behind them as Pipp grew nervous and got even more panic then before. “Just have to water that glade of amazing flowers we found, but… Hold on a second” Izzy stopped when she saw that the flowers are gone and the land looked lifeless as she gasped as Pipp tried to hide the flowers while Sunset gave the Pegasus a look.  “This can't be it! Not this dry, wilted, shriveled-up, old place that could never sustain life!” She called out as she got in front of her two friends. And then some trees suddenly came crashing down as the three saw this. Pipp realizes how bad is it as she cried in guilt. “Oh, Izzy! This is the spot! And it's all my fault! I picked all the flowers!” She confessed as Izzy gave a deep gasped in horrified. “I tried to stop her, but Pipp’s desperate greed of her products got the better of her and ruined the flower spot!” Sunset called out while looking around as more trees fell. “But what in the name of Celestia is going on, Izzy?! Why is the forest suddenly falling apart because of Pipp picking all the flowers?!” She questioned desperately since this is happening after Pipp picked the last flower. “Because the delicate Bridlewood ecosystem has been unbalanced!” Izzy answered in hoffied and panicked as she shake her two friends. “Say what?” Sunset questioned in shock. And then suddenly the ground starting to shake as cracks started to form, making the three ponies backed away as more trees came falling down. “Okay, this is new! But now I get it! Mess with the laws of nature in Bridlewood and the whole place will collapse in on itself!” Sunset called out, now getting what Izzy was saying earlier. “I thought it would just harm the animals or other environments, not literally!” She called out as she dodge an incoming tree. “Trust me, Sunset! Bridlewood is not one of those normal forests!” Izzy called out as she jumped over a crack. “Good point!” Sunset said in agreement. Pipp then started whimpers in fear and guilt for her mistake as she looked at her baskets. “We need to get these flowers back in the ground!” She called out. “No time! There's too many of them!” Izzy called out in anxious. “By the time we do, this whole forest is gonna come down!” Sunset called out. “And even with my Earth Pony magic, it won’t be enough if these flowers are magical!” She added, since after seeing this, the flowers have their own magical properties if Bridlewood is collapsing. “Sunset’s right! We'd need a small army to help us!” Izzy added, knowing Sunset is right and that they needed help. Pipp then have a thought as she gave a smirk. “A small army, huh?” She asked them as she brought out her stinky perfume. Sunset saw this in confusion. “What’s the stinky perfume gonna help for, Pipp?! Last time that happened, the critters came rushing in like a tone of…” She trailed off as her eyes widen in realization. “Oooh. Now I get it.” She said with a smirk. “Spray in the calvary, Pipp!” She announced. “Aye, aye, general!” Pipp replied back as she giggled and sprayed the stinky perfume in the air. A short time later, the critters came rushing to the source of the stinky scent Pipp sprayed as they came rushing through the forest, while dragging Sunny and Hitch along with them. “Uh... wait, what? Umm…” Sunny asked in surprise and confusion while holding a smoothie as she tried to talk them out to put them down. “I was literally about to put my hooves up when these little guys came and dragged me away!” Hitch complained before Sunset, Izzy and Pipp came to them as the critters put them down. “Sunny! Hitch! No time to explain!” Sunset called out desperately. “Bridlewood forest is about to collapse on itself if we don’t stop it!” She called out. “Sunset’s right! We need you to help Sunset to do your... Earth pony stuff!” Pipp quickly explained as she pointed to the flowers they and the critters replanted as they are all dead on contact with the ground. “And quickly!” She pleaded with her hooves together. “We need to combined our magic if we need to restore the natural order of Bridlewood! So focus your magic together!” Sunset called out a she readied her hooves as it turned green. Sunny and Hitch looked at each other, now understanding the situation as they nodded and join in Sunset as the three ponies stomp their hooves down hard as their Earth Pony magic spread across the field, which is tough as they stomped again for a second attempt as the magic glowed stronger as the flower came to life again as they sprouted and then some vines seal the cracks and lifted the trees up back into their foundations  The five ponies looked around with smiles of joy as the field is back to normal and Bridlewood is now stable. “Whew. That was close.” Sunset said in relief and joy that things are back to normal as the others nodded in agreement. But it was not over yet as suddenly the center of the field began to glow as they all stood back as vine roots grew and purple petals sprouted as it spread across the the filed as the five ponies looked in awed. “Wow.” Sunset said in awed. Izzy sigh in relief. “Natural order is restored.” She said before she saw Pipp seeing the tree with sparkles in her eyes, not noticing that some petals are filling the basket as Izzy smiled. “Awww! I guess this is the forest saying ‘thank you’.” She said. “And I think it also a way of saying that it forgive you for trying to ruin it’s natural order, Pipp.” Sunset siad with a small smile. Pipp now notice the basket filled with petals as she looked at the tree with tears of joy. “Thank you, forest! I promise to only ever take what I need and to look after and protect you.” She promised. Izzy gave a giggled. “Now you're gettin' it, Pipperoni!” She said as the two gave a hooftap. “I’m proud you learned your lesson, Pipp.” Sunset said with a proud smile. “Just remember to respect the forest and make sure that it’s treated fairly without ruining it.” She added. “Don’t worry, Sunset. I learned my less.” Pipp said before giving a guilt. “Sorry for not listing to you two. I guess I was desperate to get my new products going.” She apologized. “That’s okay, Pippy. We understand.” Izzy said cheerfully. “We know you just tried to get your product going, Pipp.” Sunset said in understanding. “But know that there are some things that we can’t mess with nature with, like Twilight said, mess with nature and nature will mess you back. And from what we saw, it literally can.” She said with a chuckle. “Well, it sure prove it point all right.” Pipp joked as the five ponies laughed together, glad that things are now back to normal and nature is back in order. Sometime later back in Mane Melody as Pipp looked at the crowd again while holding up a ne perfume bottle. “My brand new, totally organic, all-natural perfume!” Pipp announced. “I call it ‘Harmony’! Because I want all my products to work with nature, not against it. And I pledge to plant a tree for every bottle sold.” She said as she gestured to pots of sprouted trees next to her, promising to treat nature fairly, with her friends behind her to support her. “Har-mo-ny!” The Pippsqueaks sang as the three fillies brought out some money, as did the crowd as they cheered Pipp on, wanting to buy the product. “Now this is more like it.” Sunset said with a fond smile. “Whoa. One tree for every bottle sold?” Sunny asked Pipp in surprise as she and Sunset turned to her. “You're gonna need a small army to do all that planting.” She pointed out with a small smile. “She’s right, Pipp. That much trees is a bit much, even for you.” Sunset added in agreement. “Luckily, I got just the thing.” Pipp said with a smirk as she held up her first stinky perfume as she sprayed it. And then rubbing sounds can be heard as they all know what that means as a bunch of critters towered over Pipp, who looked in wide eyes. “Critter avalanche!” Sunset called out. “INCOMING!” Pipp yelled out as the critters came close, bracing for what comes next. End of Chapter 60. > Chapter 61: Attack of the Bunnisus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 61: Attack of the Bunnisus In Bridlewood, Sunny and Windy are in the Crystal Tea Room as they are making a clay vase. Some of Sunny’s clay splattered out when she is making her vase as some got on Alphabittle as he gave a sheepish smile. (Every New Day Song) (Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky) (Every new day is the best day ever) (Pipp) A brand new day Before Alhabittle could speak, Sunny showed her complete vase as Windy finished hers as well as Alphabittle smiled at their work as they earned a a clay sculpture badge on their sashes as the two hooftap together. A brand new chance, a brand new way To be my very best pon-ay At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny is sewing a picture of Windy as Windy did hers of Sunny as the two ponies smiled at each other as they earned their sewing badge. And live my best life, 'cause there's only one now Yeah, only one now Qt a field, Sunny brought out her Alicorn form as she gave a determined smile as she used her earth pony magic on the field as it sprouted carrots as Windy is flying over the field with a watering can as she watered the carrots as the two ponies smiled at each other. And then the ground started rumbling as heard as the critters rushed out of the bushes as they started eating the carrot rops as Sunny and Window watched in amusement as the critters enjoy their snacks, after snacking, they laid on the ground as the bunnycorn burp as Sunny and Windy hoof tapped together as they earned their critters badges. A little bit later, Sunny and Windy then look at their sashes as Windy spoke with a smile. “Oh, look at all our badges, Sunny!” She said with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny had the same expression as Windy came next to her and place a hoof over Sunny’s back. “I knew you'd love being a part of the Trail Trotters just as much as I do!” She said with a wave of her hooves. “Sunset even said the same thing when she heard about and suggested I join in to have fun, and she’s right!” Sunny said happily, having first told by Sunset about the Trail Trotters when she heard about them as she held up her sash with a big smile and sparkles in here eyes. “Check it out, Windy! There's still room for more!” She pointed to the empty spot on the sash. Sunny then gasped when she have a thought. “Wait. Are there any badges that you can earn with your friends?” She asked Windy eagerly. Windy gave a smile from that idea. “Let me just have a look in the Trail Trotters guide…” She said as she look through the guide book before she smiled widely. “Oh, yes! The Wilderness Survival Badge has to be earned as a whole group.” She said as she show Sunny the page on the book that showed a camping badge image and three ponies of each tribe. Sunny got an exciting smile from that as she tap her hooves together. “Oh, I think I might know a few ponies who would totally love that!” She said excitedly with sparkles in her eyes, wanting her friends to join in on the fun. A little bit later, Sunny got her friends together as they agree to join in on the fun as they grab their camping supplies, but as soon as they entered the forest, it was now pouring down rain as thunder struck while the Mane 7, except for Windy, gave deadpan expression as a critter moved pass then very fast that they got startled. “Well, camping out in the rain with critters running around in the woods, this feels familiar.” Sunset said with a bored tone as she turned to Sunny. “Didn’t you and Windy check the weather before we came out here?” She asked in wonder. Sunny gave a sheepish chuckle. “I guess we forgot to check the weather in all the excitement.” She said sheepishly as Sunset sigh from that. “I’m the one who suggested you try out the Trail Trotters, so I can’t blame you.” Sunset said, not blaming Sunny since she enjoy fun activities so much. Windy gave a smile at this, not bothered by the rain one bit. “Ah, the outdoors. Doesn't it just make you feel so peaceful and calm?” She asked the Mane 7 with a smile. Pipp looked around nervously as she gave nervous smile while tittering. “Oh, yes. We are totally— Ah!” She cried out when a vine grabbed onto her right back hoof.  “—at one… Ugh!” She cried out as she got her hoof free from the vine before she fell on her stomach in a pile of mud. “...with nature.” She said as she tried to stand up but fell again as she fell face first into the mud. “Hey, Hitch! Are we even going the right way?” Sunset asked as Hitch is the one holding a map, which made her nervous. “Because, not to sound offended, maps and sense of directions can sometimes not be your friend.” She said politely since Hitch’s sense of directions can be complicated. “Don’t worry, Sunset. I got it down this time.” Hitch assured with a smile as he look at the paper with Sparky on his back. “Left here, ponies!” He announced as Pipp stood up with an irritated look as she shook the mud off herself while Misty held onto Izzy nervously, who is smiling, Zipp gave a bored look, as the mares look at Hitch. Getting that Wilderness Survival Badge is gonna be a piece of…Huh?” He asked in shock. What Hitch saw is a big mud puddle that is bubbling on the ground, which they all notice. “Cake? Was that what you’re going to say?” Sunset asked boredly with a brow. “Yeah.” Hitch said in surprise as he look at the map again. “Hmm... This wasn't on my map.” He said as he tried to look at the map closely while looking confused. Zipp then came next to Sunset as the two saw the map and gave dull looks. “Um, Hitch, you really need to pay close attention to your things.” Sunset said with a brow. “Why would you say that?” Hitch asked in confusion. “That's because that map isn't a map. It's one of Sparky's drawings!” Zipp pointed out as she grabbed the map to reveal it was just a drawing Sparky made earlier. “Seriously, it was that clear to see, Hitch.” Sunset finished. Hitch facehooved himself for his mistake as he looked at them in slight worried. “Then what happened to the map?!” He asked them before they heard a burp. “Take a guess.” Sunset said in surprise. Sparky was sitting on the ground as he rubbed his belly as he giggled as he gave a satisfied smile, already guessing that he ate the map.”Sparky!” The Mane 7 called out. “Maybe next time, we get maps out of Sparky’s reach. Including you, Hitch. Sorry.” Sunset apologized as the mares nodded in agreement. Hitch gave a sigh. “Yeah, I understand. I just can’t seem to keep maps out of Sparky’s reach and stop him from eating them.” He said in understanding since it’s true that he can’t seem to keep maps out of Sparky’s reach from eating them. "I have GOT to do a better job keeping my important papers away from Sparky's reach and chewing." He said to himself. “Ugh!” Pipp groaned in frustration. “So now we're lost, too?!” She questioned as she started crying as tears flow out of her eyes. “No, no, no, no!” She cried. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” Sunset said with a shrug. “We got lost before.” She said. “Yeah, like the time Hitch got us lost in the woods one time.” Zipp said in agreement while raising brow at the sheriff. “And that was before Sparky came along.” “I said I was sorry.” Hitch said in defense, knowing that his friends are still annoyed by that but he can’t blame them. Izzy gave giggles as she move her mane out of her eyesight. “And we might want to find a new path. That bog is way too sinky.” She said as she gestured to the big puddled as a pegasnail came trailing by as Izzy grabbed it when it started sinking and pulled it out. “We put one hoof in there, and we're gonna be mud ponies forever!” She cheered with a silly look as she then gave a smile. “Could be kind of fun.” She said with a hoof on her chin. “Thanks for giving us the heads up there, Izzy.” Sunset said with a sheepish chuckle. “You’re welcome!” Izzy said cheerfully. Pipp gave chuckles before she gave a bored look. Yeah, that's a hard no for me, Iz. Any other ideas?” She asked the others. “Maybe we should look around and see if any part of the forest is familiar with us.” Sunset suggested in thought. “Then again, this place does seem familiar for some reason.” “Good idea, Sunset. But I’ve never been here before, so I think this could be a problem for me.” Misty said, since she is still new to these activities that she still doesn’t know every part of the forest yet. Sunny look around before she saw something that made her smile. “Nopony panic. I know that rock.” She said to them as she gestured to the rocky hill that she and her friends, sin Misty, went to when they were lost in the woods and have a camp out. “The rock we had when we had that camp out when we were lost in the woods.” Sunset said with a big smile. “Good eye, Sunny!” She cheered as she patted Sunny on the back. “Thanks, Sunset!” Sunny cheered with a smile. “Follow me!” She said to the others as she gestured to the spot. A little bit later, the rain stopped as the skies cleared up as the sun was shining down again as the Mane 7 and Windy are setting up cap as they unpacked while Pipp hummed happily. “Oh, yeah!” Izzy cheered as she was gathering wood for the fire. Pipp then gave a smirk as she was next to her speaker and microphone. “What's a campfire without…” She grabbed the microphone as she clears her throat and flew up to her sister. “...campfire songs from ME-ME-ME-MEEEEE?” She sang through the microphone as her voice amplified from it as ZIpp covered her ears from the loud sound. Sunset gave a chuckle as she place some log chairs down. “Great idea for letting us join in, Sunny. Having fun with friends are great.” She said with a smile. “Thanks, Sunset. I wouldn’t be joining this activity if I didn’t bring my friends along.” Sunny said with a smile. “That is so true.” Sunset said with a smile as she got back to setting log chairs. Misty was moving a stick strapped  to her side as she his humming happily while dragging the stick to the ground to form a perimeter as she bumped into Sunny with a grunt as she turned to her.  “Camp perimeter secured, Sunny.” Misty said as she gave a determined smile as she dropped the stick as Sunny returned the gestured with a smile of her own. “Leave it to me to keep watch.” She assured. “And I'll light the campfire.” Hitch said with a smile as he rubbed his stick over some logs with Sparky watching. “Stand back, Sparky.” He advised as he started grunting and rubbing his stick hard to get a spark. Sunset gave a chuckle as she turned to Zipp. “How long will it takes for Hitch to realizes that starting a fire isn’t one of his skills without a match?” Zipp asked Sunset in amusement. “From what I can tell and his stubborn pride, less then an hour.” Sunset guessed as the two mares chuckled, since when they first met, Hitch is not good at starting a fire. Sparky then started to feel his stomach rumbled as he stood up and turned around before h farted out a dragon fire as it hit the logs, lighting up in flames as Sparky gave an apologetic look when Hitch gave him a sheepish look. Both Sunny and Sunset giggled from that. “Well, that’s saves time.” Sunset joked with a chuckle as Sunny nodded in agreement, seeing that Sparky did them a favor in a weird gross way. “At least the fire’s lit.” She added. “And all that's left to do is…” Sunny started as she gave Sunset a knowing look as the Alicorn nodded. “...dinner!” Both Sunny and Sunset announced as their stomped her hoove down as their Earth Pony magic spread across the ground to the seeds Izzy was planting seeds and watering them as the magic went to them as carrots began to grow as Sunny picked a carrot up. “We are well on our way to earning that badge!” Windy said as they all smiled. “And having fun while doing it!” Sunset added as she picked a carrot up herself as they started harvesting. And then a bunnisus came from behind a bush with squeaks as it has hearts in it’s eyes when it saw the carrots crops as it hopped to it before Misty stopped it. “Shoo! Shoo!” Misty said to the bunnisus before she realizes what she said as she kneeled down and gave a sheepish look. “Uh, if-if-if you wouldn't mind, please.” She said politely. The bunnisus squeaks with a brow as it began to hopped away, before giving Misty a glare as Misty flinched in fright from that. The bunnisus hopped through a bush with a rageful look before it saw a stack of glowing pink crystals as it got curious and touched one, but then it started glowing in sparkling pink as it started growing in size. Back at the campsite, Pipp is vocalizing through her microphone with her sister watching while Izzy came back with more wood, but then thudding sounds can be heard as the ground started shaking, getting the Mane 7 and Windy’s attention. “Uh, what’s going on?” Sunset asked the others in wonder. Before any of them could questioned, they saw Misty running towards them with clouds behind her as she gave a panic expression. “RUUUUUN!” She yelled out to the others. The group stood there in shock when they saw the bunnisus in front them, but it’s gumbo size as it stood over them with a look. “A bunnisus?!” Sunset asked in shock. “Gumbo size!” Hitch cried out in shock as well. “Everypony, look out!” Sunny called out. “Take cover!” Sunset cried out next as she, Sunny and Windy moved out of the way as the bunnisus hopped over them while kicking the wagon full of carrots in the air as it caught it in the mouth as it ate it and burped out the waggon pieces. Pipp, Zipp and Misty then started screaming when they saw the giant bunnisus jumping towards them as it knocked them away while destroying their camping stuff. The wind blew towards Hitch as it blew away the fire and his tent. “Come on!” Hitch groaned as Sparky whimpered, while for Hitch, this was a second time a fire went out the second it lit up for him. The bunnisus roars loudly as began to hop away. “Oh, no! The bunnisus is destroying everything!” Sunny called out as the destruction the giant bunnisus is making after destroying their camp. “Including any hope of earning that Wilderness Survival Badge.” Zipp said as the others looked in worried. “Zipp, not important!” Sunset lectured, which made Zipp flinch sheepishly a bit as she pointed to the rampaging giant bunnisus. “If that bunnisus get’s into Maretime Bay, the whole place will be stomped!” She called out in panic. “Which by the way, how did it get into that size in the first place?!” Hitch asked out in shock on how the bunnisus grew in size like that. “It must’ve came in contact with giga gems close by from here.” Izzy theorizes as the others turned to them. “Giga gems?” Sunset asked in confusion. “Never heard of those before.” “Uh, Izzy, what are giga gems?” Pipp asked in wonder. “They are types of crystals that can make anything pony or anything double in size if they make in contact.” Izzy explained with a small smile. “The bunnisus must’ve came in contact with a few.” She added. “That would’ve been nice to know early, but thanks for the info, Iz.” Zipp said with a bored expression as Izzy smiled cheerfully. “You’re welcome!” Izzy said. “Oh! It was all my fault! I shouldn’t have shooed that bunnisus away!” Misty said in guilt, since it was her fault for telling the bunnisus to run off in the first place. Sunset walked up to Misty as she place a comforting wing over her. “It wasn't your fault. It was just bad luck. You were trying to do your job, but had no way of knowing about the magic crystals being there to enlarge the Bunnisus until it was too late." She assured to the unicorn as Misty smiled. “Sunset’s right.” Sunny said in agreement as she look at the giant bunnisus hopping off to Maretime Bay. “All that matters now is stopping that bunnisus before anypony gets hurt!” She said with a determined look. “Hitch, can’t you talk that bunny out of it?” Sunset asked in wondered. “WHAT?!” Hitch asked in surprise by that. “Are you seriously!? I maybe good with critters but that big bunnisus, I don’t know if he’ll listen to me!” He pointed out since he’s not sure the bunnisus would listen at that size since it’s big, he don’t know if he could keep his focus. “Then we need another plan to stop it.” Sunny said as she look around and notice one of the remaining carrot carts as she saw a carrot on the floor as she have an idea as she gave a smile and use her Earth Pony magic to make the carrot grow bigger. “Everypony with me?” She asked her friends with a smirk. The others returned the gestured as they smiled determinedly. “Like you even have to ask, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smirk. The bunnisus then hopped pass Posey’s house, landing on one of her flower patches as she opened the door to see what was the noise. “Huh?” Posey asked, before then turned to see her ruined flower patch as she screamed in shock. Just then, the ponies from Bridlewood to Maretime Bay all heard the thudding sounds, in Alphabittle’s tea shop where said unicorn is giving a unicorn with yellow and pink mane with stars and heart on it with a white cote and her horn looks like corn, with two sticks in a pun bored some tea before they felt the ground shake as they shook in started. In Mane Melody, Jazz was doing a pony with green coat and orange mane with a flower crown as she did her lips before the two felt the ground shake. Outside, the Bunnisus looked around Maretime Bay as the birds flew off as it gave a look. “Over here, Mr. Hippity-Hoppity!” Misty called out as she was in front of the Canterlove Studio with a determined look as she levitated the big carrot. “Come and get it!” She called out. The giant bunnisus saw the carrot as it hopped towards Misty, which the unicorn lost her courage as she started sweating nervously. “Whoa. Whoa!” She called out as she started running with the giant bunnisus behind her as she ran into the woods. Misty ran as fast as her hoove could take as the bunnisus was right behind her as she turned back and saw it getting closer. “Whoa!” She called out before she gave a determined look as she toss the giant carrot away with a grunt before the bunnisus hopped next to her. The bunnisus gave a look before he saw Hitch running with a waggon that held the big carrot as it hopped after him as Hitch ran as fast as he can before stopping as the big carrot flew off.  Windy caught the carrot in the air as she flew over the bunnisus as Sunset appeared in front of her. “Windy! I’m open!” Sunset called out as Windy tossed the carrot to her, which caught it with her magic as she flew off with the bunnisus trailing. “That’s right you overgrown hoppy hop! I got it! You want it? Come and get!” She challenged as she flew as fast while keeping the bunnisus on her tail. “Over here!” Pipp called out as Sunset toss the carrot to Pipp as she caught it as the bunnisus hopped after her as she flew ahead and tossed the big carrot to Zipp, which the bunnisus saw as he followed her. Zipp flew below the tree line as she went through the wines and dodge a few trees as she dodge the giant bunnisus hopped as she flew up and twirl around as she toss it to Sunny, which the carrot landed in her wagon. Sunny then started running as the bunnisus was on her tail as she gave a determined smile as all of this was going to plan before she saw a cliff ahead to Bridlewood forest as she gave a determined look and jump over the edge as she brought out her Alicorn magic as she flew up, but her waggon got lose as it fell of her straps. The carrot started falling before Sunny caught it in her magic as she levitated up to her as she grab it with her hooves and flew off before she turned and saw the giant bunnisus over her with it’s wings spread and a smirk as she gasps a bit as she flew faster into Bridlewood forest as she dodge around trees as she flew over a familiar spot. The giant bunnisus hopped into the mud puddle bog Izzy mentioned earlier as it was covered in mud as it tried to fly out of it, but it was stuck as it gave a defeated look. “Whew!” Sunny said in relief as she giggled sheepishly as her friends are behind her as they look in surprise. “Uh, careful, little— uh, big critter.” She said sheepishly. The bunnisus then started crying as he was stuck and can’t break free as the others feel sorry at it. “Poor thing, it just wanted the carrots.” Sunset said in sympathy at the bunnisus. “We'll get you free just as soon as you're back to normal.” Sunny assured the bunnisus as with a smile. “Izzy, you got those counter crystals ready?” Sunset asked Izzy, since they planned this but didn’t planned the bunnisus being stuck in the puddle, but it was effective. “Almost got it.” Izzy said as she grabbed some crystals as she stood up. “These ought to do it.” She said as she levitated the crystals around the giant bunnisus. The crystals shimmer as they use their magical properties to shrank the bunnisus back into sizes as Izzy caught it with her magic as it squeaked cutely as Izzy brought it to her hooves. “Awww! What a little cutie!” Izzy said with sparkles in her eyes as she gave the bunnisus as nuzzle to the cheeks. And then the rest of Mane 7 and Windy cheered of their success. “Now look out for those giga gems, you hear?” Izzy said to the bunnisus as she put it down as it started enjoying the giant carrot as it chomped on it very quickly. "I suppose we should be glad Fluttershy wasn't here.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “She loved bunnies WAY too much, so a giant bunny would have her freaking out in a mixed way." She added since she cared about animals and bunnies is her most favorite, but seeing a giant one, Fluttershy would might have mixed feeling about it. Sunny gave a chuckle. “I’m sure she would.” She said in agreement, knowing Fluttershy from her book for her love for animals. Misty then came up to Sunny with an apologetic look. “Sorry things didn't work out how you'd hoped, Sunny.” She apologies. Sunny gave a forgiving smile Aw, thanks, Misty. But we can always try to earn the Wilderness Survival Badge some other time.” She assured with a smile. “Right, Windy?” She asked the pegasus. Windy just gave a smile from what Sunny said as she cleared her throat. “Actually, the Wilderness Survival Badge isn't just about putting up tents or lighting a campfire. It's about working together.” She explained as she held up the badge while the others listened as smiles are forming on their faces while Sunny smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she came up to Sunny. “Which... is exactly what we just did!” She announced as she and Sunny smiled together with sparkles in their eyes. “Aw, yeah!” Sunny cheered joyfully. “Looks like something turned out good on this giant bunnisus rampage after all!” Sunset said with a big proud smile, seeing that the giant bunnisus issue manage to help them earned the badge. And then they and the rest of the Mane 7 put the survival badges on their respective sashes, which they all have as they all started cheering at their success as they gave each other a hooftap as their Cutie Marks, including Windy, started glowing as they sparkled up. End of Chapter 61. > Chapter 62: Lavarynth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 62: Lavarynth In the heavy storms, the Marestream is flying through the storm while Zipp is making sure to avoid the lightning strikes. “Dragonlands, here we come!” Zipp exclaimed while the Mane 7 are inside, wearing some accessories while also flying around the Marestream due to the speed and heavy storm. “Zipp, I thought you promise to go easy while flying through a storm?!” Sunset yelled out while hitting the wall. “This is not an improvement!” She exclaimed. “I’m still working on it, Sunset!” Zipp said in defense before Pipp appeared next to her. “Do you think this have enough sparkle?” Pipp asked her sister while showing her silver sparkling sash in front of her sister. “I put glitter and I…” “Pipp! Pipp! I’m trying to fly-” Zipp tried to explain but was cut off when lightning struck the Marestream, shutting it down as it started falling. The Mane 7 all screamed when the Marestream crashed into the forest and onto the ground before the Mane 7 rolled out of the Marestream as they groaned. “Why can’t we not crash the Marestream while not getting struck by lightning for once!?” Sunset asked in irritation since this like the second or third time they crash the Marestream and the second time it was struck by lightning. “I don’t know why this keeps happening either, Sunset.” Zipp groaned while rubbing her head. Pipp got up as she rubbed her head as well before she screamed, which made the others wide eye and worried. “What is it?!” Hitch cried out. “My outfits ruined!” Pipp cried with tears to show her sash, which now has mud in it. “The invite specifically said to dress as sparkle!” She cried out while taking out a dragon invitation. “Pipp, seriously?!” Sunset yelled out in annoyance. “I get you are a fashion, but how about next time, let Zipp focus on her flying other then asking about your looks!” She scolded, which made Pipp flinch a bit. “Heheh, okay, that was my fault. Sorry.” Pipp sheepishly apologize before three shadows loom over them, with three big dragons with pumpkins on their masks all started roaring at them. The Mane 7 screamed as they huddled together before they saw the three dragons doing some kind of ritual before they circled around them. “I thought we stopped Opaline’s evil curse?” Hitch asked in confusion. “I don’t think this is a curse, Hitch.” Sunset said while seeing what the dragons are doing. “Sunset’s right, and I know evil, this isn’t it.” Misty said in agreement, seeing that this wasn’t a curse, knowing Opaline and evil well. “I think it’s some kind of dragony Nightmare Night?” She guessed. The three dragons then stopped once they heard what Misty just said. “Nightmare Night?Give me a break.” The middle red dragon said as the three dragons took off their pumpkin mask. The red one in the middle is a male dragon who has orange eyes, his scales are burgundy with a dark blueish underbelly while his horns are shaded with gray. His wing membranes have the same color in the middle and on the edges. His dragon fire is a very dark red color. His name is Lava. The one on Lava’s left is a female dragon, who has hot pink tinted horns, underbelly and scales and a short aquamarine mane. Her wing membranes have stripes of orange and aquamarine as well. Her name is Blaize. The other male dragon on Lava’s right has orange eyes, it’s underbelly is light-orange while his scales are orange with his wings membranes have light blue and dark blue colors with his horn light blue. His name is Tumble. Lava then continued. “This is way better.” He said to the Mane 7 with a smile, who are wondering what Lava meant. “This, is a lavarynth!” He exclaimed while he and his three friends spread their wings, which made a gust of wind to blow. “What’s a lavarynth?” Sunny asked as they all turned to Sunset. “Don’t look at me. I don’t know this kind of thing.” Sunset said with her hooves raised, not sure what Lava meant either. “Lava, what is that?” She asked. Lava then brought out a scroll as it showed a dragon breathing fire at shadowy monsters. “There were series of test. That challenge dragon’s most important skills, bravery, wisdom and creativity!” He announced while doing a dramatic pose. Blaize then got in front of him while looking at at the ponies. “And a fun way to welcome you to my tribe.” She said with a smile. “So this is like, a welcome tradition you dragons do now?” Sunset asked, since Twilight told them some details on the dragonlands and the traditions they do from Ember and Smolder, but this is new. “Well, yeah, something like that.” Blaize said. “Did Spike plan this?” Sunset asked with a smirk. “Well, he does carry traditions and he wanted to give you ponies some fun.” Lava said with a smile. “Of course he does.” Sunset said with a shook of her head. The Mane 7 smiled before Pipp walked up to them with a confuse look. “So, when you dress with sparkly…” She started. “We meant actual sparkles. It’s very dark in the lavarynth.” Blaize stated while Lava nodded in agreement. “Oh, but it makes everything scarier.” Tumble said with a chuckle. “Eh what now?” Hitch asked in worried and confusion. Lava just then roared while reeling up, blowing a gust a wind at the Mane 7, who felt the wind pushing them back from that before Lava stomped his paws into the ground, causing a trapdoor to open up beneath the Mane 7. “Oh boy.” Sunset muttered before the seven ponies and Sparky all screamed as they all fall into the hole. They all fall for a few moments before they all hit the ground as they all groaned and look around in the darkness. “Anypony find a light switch?” Sunny asked. “Sunny, we’re underground.”  Sunset said boredly with her eyes narrowing boredly before the ground started shaking, making them all flinch. And then lava started spewing out of the walls as the Mane 7 huddled as the lava surrounds them before pillars start smashing from the top and then saw slice around. This made the group panic a lot, and Hitch was very protective over Sparky, but also over Sunny, as he placed a hoof around her in a protective manner. “Okay, the Dragonlands maybe a jungle area now, but the lava from ancient times when it was a rocky volcano terrain is still burning?!” Sunset questioned in shock from what they saw. “And Lava didn’t mention these obstacles in the way!” She added. Then they saw a claw structure with a gem at the end of the room. “That’s must be the way out!” Hitch exclaimed while he and Sunny held each other away from the lava. “Lava said these are tests, right?” Zipp asked her friends. “This must be the first one.” “But how do we get there?” Misty asked, since for them, it is complicated to fly around that. “Yeah, me and Sunny are good at flying, but this is too extreme.” Sunset said while Sunny nodded in agreement, since they are good fliers, but they’re not crazy for something this crazy. Zipp then gave a determined smile. “Then we get there by being brave.” She said before turning to Hitch. “Give me a boost, Hitch?” She asked with a wink. Hitch get what Zipp is saying as he gave a smirk and lifted up his hoof that is glowing green. “Aw, yeah.” He said before he stomped his hoof down, creating a spring like plant under Zipp. “Ready?” Zipp hunched down as she spread her wings. “Lava bun, here I come!” She exclaimed as the spring plant tossed her across the lava. Zipp flew at high speed over the lava as she dodge the pillars, “Ha!” She exclaimed while the others watched in awed at Zipp’s skills as she flew around the lava spurts while twirling, which made Pipp bit her hooves in worry for her sister. Zipp then saw the saw blades as she gave a challenging smirk. “Huh.” She said before she flew past them at high speed as she gave a chuckle before she look ahead and saw two blades coming out from the side, which made her scream in startled before she narrowly duck and a piece of her mane was cut off. “Ah!” She yelped before she narrowly escape the blade as she gave a twirl. “Yea-ha!” She cheered. Zipp then landed to the other side as she press the gem, which made all the obstacles and the lava while the rest of the Mane 7 and Sparky cheered Pipp as the door opened up as they ran pass Zipp, who they complimented her for their bravery before Sunset and Hitch, with Sparky, are the last ones. “That was close.” Hitch said in relief as the two hooftap together before walking up to the others. “That was really brave, Zipp.” Sunset complemented as she patted Zipp’s back. “Really amazing flying. And great teamwork there, as well for you and Hitch.” She added before catching up with the others. “I thought these tests were suppose to be scary?” Zipp said with a prideful smirk before she entered with the others as the door closed, before she and the others stopped in fright as they look at the walls and saw monster like shadow dragons flying around. The rest of the Mane 7 huddled around Zipp as they all screamed in fight again, with Hitch once again keeping Sparky and Sunny closer to him. “This is scary!” Zipp exclaimed in fear. The shadow dragons flew around them as Sunset charge up her magic and blast around as they were infected. “What are these things?! Shadow Dragons?!” She yelled in panic as she kept blasting them, but they weren’t being effective. “And our attacks not hurting them?! Who in tartarus are these guys!?” She exclaimed as she stopped blasting once she realizes it was useless. A shadow dragon then flew up to Hitch and Sparky, who are looking in wide eyes in fear. “Boo!” It exclaimed. Hitch’s ears dropped in fright. “Retreat!” He exclaimed while Sparky screamed in fright before he burp out his dragon fire in the process as it hit the ceiling, which made the shadow dragon gave a startled gasped. Misty saw this as she gave a smile as Hitch ran back to Sunny as he held her in fright while Sunny gave him a brow from getting startled by a sudden ‘boo’ the shadow dragon simply said. Misty walked up and face the Shadow Dragons with a courageful expression. “Misty! What are you doing?!” Pipp asked in worried as the others saw her facing the shadow dragons. “You’re gonna get smushy!” Izzy exclaimed in worried. Misty just face the giant shadow dragon as it gave a roar at her, but Misty isn’t afraid as she turned to her friends with a smile. “No I’m not. Because I’m not afraid.” She said as she gave a determined expression and face the shadow dragons again as her friends look at her in awe. “My whole life I’ve been a bully, but I learned bullies can only make you afraid, if you ket them.” She said as she lit up her horn. Sunset and Izzy looked at each other as they each gave a determined expression and lit up their horns and ran next to Misty as the three use their magic to shine on the shadow dragons, which the others came up to them with determined expressions as well. “And sometimes, all you need to defeat the darkness, is a little light.” Misty finished with a smile as the Mane 7’s Cutie Marks then started shining as they created a bright light all around the room. The Shadow Dragons all screamed in pain as they all disappeared as the room lit up in sparkling lights as another dragon claw with a gem appeared as the Mane 7 cheered for Misty as the Unicorn gave a smile at her friends’ words. Sunset turned to Misty and place a hoof on her. “Great going, Misty. And, yes, as a reformed bully myself, I can definitely vouch for a lot of that." She said, remembering the time when she was a mean bully during her times in CHS before Twilight help her see the magic of friendship. “Well, us bullies have to learn and face them together, right?” Misty asked with a smile as the two ponies hooftap together. The Mane 7 then entered another room, which only has a small crack and little light shining through it while there was nothing around except a few rocks and dirt. “Huh, guess we should, uh, look for a clue?” Sunny suggested with a small smile. The Mane 7 look around the room while trying to find something that is different. “If this is how Spike wanted things to go through, he should’ve at least plan the last test better.” Sunset commented while kicking some dust. “There’s nothing in here but rocks and dust, which just a small crack with lighting.” She noted. “Oh, I did not dress for this.” Pipp said as she step into the light of the crack, which reflected out of her sparkling scarf as the group turned and saw a dragon breathing. “Wow!” They all exclaimed in awed. “A clue!” Hitch added while pointing at the dragon carving. “Huh?” Pipp asked in confusion before she realizes what she did as she gave a small smile. “Oh, wow.” She said, while in reality, she didn’t mean to do that but it did help. “Looks like someone left a carving of a dragon down here for us to use.” Sunset said as she and Misty inspected it. “Then what do we do with it?” Misty asked in wonder. “I have no idea.” Sunset honestly said as she turned to the others. “If any of you pony have a suggestion, we’re all ears. Because while this carving is a clue, I got nothing.” She stated. Sunny look at the carving while Misty and Sunset kept inspecting it before she notice a claw nail of the dragon sparkling before she remember what Lava said to them. “Bravery, wisdom and creativity.” She muttered before she have an idea as she smiled. “So we need to be creative!” She exclaimed. “And we got jus the pony for the job, Izzy!” Sunset exclaimed with a bright smile. Izzy gave a smile, knowing what they have plans. “Get ready, ponies! It’s about to get Izz-icle! Izz-icle!” She exclaimed while wearing her sunglasses while doing a pose before looking at Pipp. “Pipp, you keep shining!” She instructed as Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “Zipp, you stand here and spread those big wings wide!” Izzy instructed as she put the surprise Zipp on a spot and raised her hoof and her wings as she then move Hitch to a spot. “Hitch, do you’re earth pony thing right here!” She instructed as she made Hitch summon his Earth Pony magic to grow some plants. “And me and Misty get all snag here!” She then turn Misty’s head as she did the same as the four ponies did a pose. The dragon is glowing up even brighter before they notice two claws not glowing. “It’s not enough! We need at least two other unicorns!” Pipp exclaimed. Sunset and Sunny turned to each other with determined looks as they nodded before Sunny brought out her Alicorn form. “We got it!” Sunny exclaimed. “Scoot over Izzy.” Sunset said as she and Sunny squeeze in. “How’s this?” Sunny asked with a smile. “Yes! Amaze-apice!” Pipp exclaimed joyfully before she frowned. “But why isn’t the door opening?” She asked. Sparky then ran around as he stood in front of the craving while giving a burp, releasing a dragonfire as they then look at the carving of the firebreath the dragon was breathing. Sunset then realizes what. “The dragonfire! We need dragonfire to complete this puzzle!” She exclaimed with a smile. Izzy get what Sunset is saying as she look at Sparky with a smile. “Get ready to fly, little guy!” She said to Sparky as she levitated Sparky, who giggled as he was brought to Zipp’s hooves, which he breaths out a big dragonfire as the carving lit up completely. The Mane 7 all cheered as the carving lit up and a a door opened up, which the Mane 7 exit from as they saw Lava, Blaize, and Tumble waiting for them. Lava then gave a groan. “Never expected to see you ponies again. Not bad.” He said, while also feeling a little impress on how the Mane 7. “Not bad at all.” A familiar voice spoke up as they all looked up and saw a big familiar green and purple dragon flying towards them as he landed behind them as he gave a smile. “Very impressive, ponies.” He said. “Spike!” The Mane 7 exclaimed happily rushed up to him him as he leaned down.  “It’s great to see you, old friend.” Sunset said as she petted Spike’s nuzzle. Spike chuckled as he stood up. “It’s great to see youall  too, Sunset. And I see that Lava gave you ponies the lavarynth test when came by.” He added while giving Lava an amusing look as said dragon rolled his eyes. “Yeah, it was tough at first, but with some teamwork, we manage to pull through.” Sunny said with a smile. “Like how Twilight and her friends once did.” Spike said with a smile, remembering when Twilight and her friends did a challenge in a room to beat. “I hope you weren't singing or dancing in there.” He said with a teasing look. “Singing and dancing?” Pipp asked with a brow. “Well, I felt like singing at first, but why?” She asked. “Because when Twilight and her friends once tried to complete a time challenge of escaping a room, they were about to win, but due to them singing or dancing, they were distracted long enough to lost by a couple of seconds.” Spike said as he gave a laugh, which made the other laughs as well. “Ah, memories.” He said fondly. “Hahahah, that is so like Twilight and the others to do something like that.” Sunset chuckled before giving a solemn look, which Sunny and Spike notice before they nuzzled Sunset, which made her smile as she then turned to Spike. “But seriously, Spike, it was really fun.” “And you ponies passed the tests of the three dragons most talents.” Spike answered as he stood up with Lava, Blaize and Tumble beside him. “Yep. You ponies showed bravery,” Blaize pointed to Zipp first, “Wisdom,” She gestured to Misty, who gave a small smile while placing a hoof on her head. “And creativity.” She finished with Sunny, Sunset and Izzy as the three hooftap each other. “That means, you ponies are now and forever, members of our tribe!” Spike finished with his hand raised, which the Mane 7 smiled from that, especially hearing from the Roya Advisor and current Dragon Lord himself. Tumble then gave a smile at them. “Now, let your inner dragon roar!” He announced. Spike and the other three dragons all breath out their dragonfire and roared into the air. “Roar!” The Mane 7 all roared loudly as their they glowed and their Cutie Marks shined out to the four fires. The fires then made symbol of the Unity crystal with a mixture of four different fires and magic to show the unity of all creature. End of Chapter 62. > Chapter 63: Nightmare Market > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 63: Nightmare Market In Bridlewood at night, the Mane 7 are at the Night Market with Alphabittle as they watch a stallion put something in a cauldron and some green mist bursts out of it while they give awed sounds from what they say. “Cauldrons! Get your cauldrons!” The pony trader exclaimed as he twirled around. Then Izzy went to a stand as she twirled a globe around with sparkly eyes, Zipp saw a unicorn levitating three balls while on a unicycle with Rocky, Posey, and an Earth Pony stallion watching as the group kept walking around the Night Market as Alphabittle, Misty, and  Izzy saw a pegasus mare walking by with stacks of ice as the two latter gave sparkly eyes at the sweets. Hitch and Sparky are now looking at a silly mirror, which makes their heads huge while Sunny is next to them, “Does my head look big in this?” Hitch asked with an amusing smile while Sunny laughed with tears of laughter coming out, which made Hitch blush in embarrassment while also giving Sunny a loving gaze at seeing her laugh. Sunset was looking through some items before she something of interest she grabbed a potion and paid the vendor, “Thank you.” She said as the vendor nodded. Pipp stood in front of the pony juggler with her phone on her selfie stick, “Oh, I loooove the Night Market!” She said to her followers, “Look at all this great content!” She exclaimed. Alphabittle and Misty are then walking together, “So excited to finally get some quality time together, Misty.” He said to her daughter as he smiled at her and she returned the gesture. “Now we can make up for all those foalhood memories we missed, huh?” He asked as he gave Misty a cotton candy. Misty smiled as she accepted the cotton candy, and then Alphabittle gave her a lollipop, and then a unicorn plushie as he rubbed Misty’s mane, which she blushed in embarrassment.  “Daaaad!” She said embarrassedly since her father is treating her like a filly again, not that she blames him since they were separated for many moons. Alphabittle gave Misty a warm smile with sparkles in his eyes, feeling joyful to spend more time with his daughter to make up for lost time. Then the rest of the Mane 7 went up to a glitter stand as ZIpp picked up a hat. “Wow!” Zipp exclaimed as she tried on the hat. “Wow!” The rest of the Mane 7 all said as they looked at the different colored glitters. “Talk about glitter pharmacy,” Sunset commented with a smile before she noticed something at another corner, “Huh, that lamp is interesting,” She said as she walked up to the stand next to the glitter stand. Pipp eyed a familiar pink glitter, which she recognized as she gasped in shock before Izzy appeared between her and Sunny. “Ooh! Glitter!” Izzy gasped as she held up the pink glitter bowl with sparkling eyes before Pipp gasped from that. “Hold it! I've seen this stuff before!” Pipp said while giving a nervous look at the glitter, “You've got to be super careful, or it'll totally turn you—” She tried to explain, but then Zipp tried on a hat with feathers as it tickled Hitch’s nose. “Ahhhh…” Hitch started as he felt like he was about to sneeze, which made Pipp and the others nervous about what came next, “CHOOOO!” He sneezed, causing the pink glitter to cover him and his five friends. Then Sunset came in after checking the stand, “Well, ponies, I take it that Izzy found some glitter that she…” She trailed off when she saw something that made her go wide-eyed, “Sweet Celestia!” She exclaimed in shock. And then Alphabittle came beside Sunset with a tray of ice cream, “Hey, ponies! Who's ready for some ice cream—?” He tried to ask before he looked at Sunset’s shocked expression, which made him confused before he turned to see what Sunset was looking at he screamed in shock and tossed the tray away. What Sunset and Alphabittle are seeing is that they saw the rest of the Mane 7 turn into foals again while Sparky is on Foal Hitch’s head, unaffected by the glitter since he was already a baby while he looked in shock at seeing his friends and adoptive father turned into babies while the foals giggled playfully in the mess of glitter. “Oh, not again!” Sunset exclaimed with her hooves on her head while Alphabittle looked in shock. “Again?! What do you mean ‘again’?!” Alphabittle asked in shock. “They must’ve found a sample of Sunny’s magic glitter in that vendor stand!” Sunset explained quickly while noticing the pink glitter on the ground, “It happened once before to Cloudpuff, Izzy, Sunny, and Hitch, but now all of them are foals again!” She exclaimed. “Well, that’s shocking and something!” Alphabittle exclaimed before the two ponies heard giggling they looked down and saw a Filly Misty holding Alphabittle’s hoof as she gave a cute giggle. “M-Misty? Is that you?” He asked in surprise as he looked at his now filly daughter, who was giving a cute face with sparkles in her eye. “Aw, Misty is cute as a filly,” Sunset said with a gushed expression at seeing Misty as a filly. “Yeah, it sure is,” Alphabittle said in agreement. Sunset then snapped out of it as she shook her head, “Focus, Alphabittle. We gotta round up these foals and return them to normal age,” She reminded him. Alphabittle understood what Sunset meant as he shook his head and placed a hoof on his head to recollect himself, “Okay! Okay, okay! Nopony move!” He ordered the foals. “You all stay right there!” Sunset firmly ordered, but as the Foal 6 looked at them, they zipped off and they scattered around the market while giggling, “There they go!” She exclaimed. “No!” Alphabittle screamed in panic with his hooves on his head as they looked around, “Ponies?!” He called out. “Sunny!? Izzy!? Hitch!? Anypony!?” Sunset called out next. And then Filly Misty got behind her father as she began to trot off, “Ponies?! Misty!” He called out as he and Sunset ran after her, but Misty was already out of sight, “I-I can't— I won't lose you again!” He said determinedly, not going to lose Misty again like what happened so many years ago. Sunset saw Alphabittle’s determination as she placed a hoof on his shoulder, “Don’t worry. We’ll catch them,” She assured him with a small smile, “Now, the best course of catching these foals is better if we split up and see if we can catch them,” She stated. “Agreed, let’s go!” Alphabittle declared as the two ponies went after the foal versions of their friends In a different part of the market, Sunset is chasing after Filly Izzy, who is giggling excitedly as Sunset jumps towards her, but misses as she falls to the floor as Filly Izzy rushes off. Alphabittle jumped through a fabric stand to catch Filly Zipp but missed as she took off with giggles as well and he hit the fabric counter, which startled Windy and a Breezie. At a fruit stand, Filly Sunny giggled and jumped into a purple apple crate as she chomped on it, but then her hooves started sparkling as she took off into the air while leaving a trail of purple, mist, startling the unicorn mare. “Aah! Whoaaaa!” Filly Sunny called out in startle, which Sunset noticed. “Sunny!” Sunset exclaimed in great panic as she saw Filly Sunny flying around. Filly Sunny flew in the air before she twirled around and took off high as she made a firework display go off she gently went back to the fruit stand and fell back into the purple apple crates, much to Sunset’s relief. Filly Sunny poked out with exciting giggles with sparkles in her eyes as she picked up another apple, wanting to go again. But before Filly Sunny could take another bite, Sunset rushed in and swatted the apple away from her,  “Oh, no, you don't young filly! You’re not taking another bite!” Sunset scolded her now filly friend/ “Awww!” Filly Sunny said in disappointment as she blew a raspberry at her for ruining her fun. “Don’t give me that look, young mare!” Sunset scolded firmly, which made Filly Sunny give a sheepish look as Alphabittle came to them before Filly Zipp hopped off his head. “Whoo! Ooh-ooh-ooh!” Filly Zipp cheered as she hopped on the top of the stands and moved around. Alphabittle and Sunset noticed this as they gasped in worry, “Aah! Zipp, get down from there!” Alphabittle called out. “You’re gonna get hurt!” Sunset exclaimed in anxiety as she and Alphabittle rushed after Zipp. “Ooh!” Filly Zipp kept hopping on the top of the stands as she did a flip and fell through one. “Aah! Ugh!” She exclaimed as she fell into a cotton candy stand, which startled the unicorn stallions she popped up unharmed while giggling before she noticed the cotton candy on her head, “Ooooh!” She exclaimed in awe while rubbing the cotton candy on her head and having sparkles in her eyes. Sunset and Alphabittle pushed through the crowd while looking exhausted, “Don't... worry...! We... got you...!” Alphabittle panted as he and Sunset went next to Zipp. “This… is… tiring then… three foals before,” Sunset pants as well, finding that six foals are harder to handle than three. Then they heard babbling sounds as they turned and saw Filly Pipp climbing next to a cauldron. She looked at it with sparkling eyes while the unicorn stallion was distracted by his phone. Both Sunset and Alphabittle screamed in panic as they rushed to Filly Pipp after she sniffed the mist of the cauldron, “No, no, no, no!” They cried out as Alphabittle grabbed Filly Pipp. But as soon as Filly Pipp was grabbed, her wings turned into dragon wings as she gave a burp, which resulted in her breaking out dragonfire that hit Alphabittle, which made Sunset look in shock at what happened before Filly Pipp stopped. “Aah! My eyebrows!” Alphabittle cried out as his left eyebrow was on fire. “That’s unexpected. I hope this dragon spell is temporary,” Sunset said hopefully as she summons a water spell and put out the flame in Alphabittle’s eyebrow. “Yeah, me too,” Alphabittle said as he shook the water drops off him. “Wheeee!” Filly Izzy cheered as the two turned and saw her jumping back into the glitter stand, which was restocked before Filly Izzy jumped onto a pink glitter, which made her mane have multicolors of orange, yellow, and light green as she jumped into an orange glitter, which made her horn orange like a carrot, and then into the purple glitter, which gave her a glitter beard like the one as she giggled with sparkles in her eyes before she trotted off. Alphabittle and Sunset groaned tiredly, “This is getting tiring,” Sunset moaned as Alphabittle gave Filly Pipp to Posey and trotted after Filly Izzy before Sunset looked at Posey, “Watch Pipp until we get back!” She firmly said as she trotted after Alphabittle. Posey watches the two ponies go after flinching from Sunset’s words as Filly Pipp gives giggles while Posey looks at the dragon-turned-filly nervously with an eye twitch since Filly Pipp is part dragon. Both Sunset and Alphabittle chase after Filly Izzy, but then they turn and see Sparky and Foal Hitch at the crystal stand while Sparky is tugging on his foal adoptive father from touching a familiar gem that makes Sunset and Alphabittle worried. “Oh no. Giga gems,” Sunset said in a slight panic, knowing what would happen if someone touched those crystals. “Don't do it. Don't do it!” Alphabitle cried out in worry, “Hitch! Don’t you dare!” Sunset called out as Foal Hitch is sticking his tongue to the gems. “D-Don't, don't, don't, don't!” Both Sunset and Alphabittle cried out as Foal Hitch’s tongue touched the gem as he shrunk, which surprised Sparky as he fell to the floor when he lost grip of Hitch’s tail, which made both Sunset and Alphabittle groan at this. They then rush to the stand for a sign of Hitch, “Oh, no! Where'd he go?!” Alphabittle cried out in worry. “Here’s Hitch!” Sunset cried out. Sparky gurgled as he pointed to the floor in front of him when he saw the tiny small Foal Hitch, they saw him as Foal Hitch tough the gia gem again, which caused him to grow and double in size with Sparky on his back, which shocked both Sunset and Alphabittle as they gave nervous chuckles. “And there he is,” Alphabittle said nervously. “A big boy already, apparently,” Sunset added nervously. Big Foal Hitch gave a low-pitch giggle as he jumped around, causing the market to shake as he trotted off with Sparky while the ponies ran for cover. “I am too old for this!” Alphabittle cried out, feeling overwhelmed at trying to handle six foals at once. “This is way harder when it was only three foals, but six is too much!” Sunset cried out while rubbing her head, “At least Sparky is easy to handle, but the others are too excited as foals!” She added. “No kidding!” Alphabittle called in agreement, “Was this what it feels like when they first turned into babies the first time?!” “Well, before it was only Izzy, Sunny, and Hitch. But the whole group, this is complicated!” Sunset cried out. They then heard giggles as they looked up and saw Filly Misty levitating herself while holding a hat, “Whoo! Whee! Whoo!” Filly Misty cheered as she did a couple of spins before she started falling from the hat. Both Sunset and Alphabittle panicked, more for Alphabittle, “Misty! Noooooo!” They both cried out. “Catch that filly!” Sunset exclaimed loudly as Filly Misty got closer to the ground. Alphabittle’s father instincts kicked in as he jumped to where Filly Misty was about to hit and caught her in his hooves as he held her closely, “I'll always be here for you, Misty! Hoof to heart!” He promised as he tapped his hoof with Filly Misty’s tiny ones. “Ah.” Filly Misty said as she gave a small smile with sparkling eyes at her father. Sunset gave a warm smile at the two before she looked around the market as her eyes widened, “Um, I hate to break up this family moment, Alphabittle, but we still have five more out-of-control foals to catch!” She called out while gesturing to the market. Alphabittle went wide eyes as he looked around and saw the rest of the Young 6 running around, Foal Hitch still being huge, Filly Zipp was flying around, Filly Pipp was also flying but still part dragon as she released a dragon fire, Filly Sunny was flying around leaving a trail of sparkles and purple mist, having eaten another purple apple again, and Filly Izzy is just running around while her mane and tail are still multicolored, her horn still orange, and still have that glitter beard. “Yeah, we gotta round up these foals,” Alphabittle said as he stood up while holding Misty. “I’ll round them up and try to find counterspells,” Sunset quickly said. “I’ll get a wagon,” Alphabittle said as the two ponies split up. At the Dark Castle, Opaline is looking at her phone as she sees a livestream that is going on in the Night Market while having her mane rolled and wearing her cloak. “Look at them,” Opaline said as she chuckled in amusement before she gave a sinister look, “They're weak. Vulnerable. Now's my chance to get those cutie marks!” She exclaimed before she remembered her current appearance. “I certainly can't go out like this.” She said as turned to both her side, “Jade! Charcoal! Fetch my power crown!” She ordered her two minions. A little bit later, Sunset and Alphabittle manage to get the Young 6 under control and return them to normal while gathering them into a wagon with Sparky in Alphabittle’s bag Sunset is dragging the wagon while the two ponies are exhausted after handling six foals. “Thank goodness we caught them all,” Sunset said tiredly as she kept dragging the wagon with her foal-turned-friends. “Yeah, that was even harder than handling one foal,” Alphabittle said tiredly as well. “They have so much energy, that’s for sure,” Sunset commented. Filly Sunny and Foal Hitch saw a Breezie fly by as they were about to jump off the wagon to follow it, but Alphabittle caught them and put them back on the wagon. “Good catch. But we know we can’t leave them like this,” Sunset said to him since they need to return their friends to normal. “Agreed,” Alphabittle said as he and Sunset thought of a way to turn their friends back to normal age, “Think, Alphabittle, think. There's got to be some way to get these ponies back to normal,” He said. “Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.” Filly Izzy said while rubbing her rainbow glitter beard. Alphabittle then turned to Sunset, “Sunset, do you know anything to reverse this?” He asked. “Well, when Pipp used it on her face masks since those masks can make ponies feel younger, using Sunny’s glitter makes them turn younger,” Sunset started while recalling the last time this happened, “But when she made a facemask that makes them feel older, it returns them to normal. So maybe if we find some items for older ponies and get them to drink them, it will reverse the aging effects,” She explained. “Great so we just need some remedies to make the ponies normal again!” Alphabittle said with a wide smile. “But with what? Because I don’t think we can use a facemask again since it took a day for it to work, we need something to speed up the process and something they could drink,” Sunset pointed out. Alphabittle nodded as he looked around for anything suitable for them before he noticed Onyx at a tea stand, “Come get your herbal teas. Calming teas. Relaxing teas,” Onyx said to the customers. “That's it!” Alphabittle called out, already having an idea as he turned to Sunset, “Come on, Sunset! I have an idea!” “W-Well, okay!” Sunset exclaimed as they rushed to Onyx’s stand. “Excuse us! This is a tea-mergency!” Alphabittle exclaimed as he pushed Onyx away, “Sunset, keep an eye on the ponies!” “On it!” Sunset exclaimed as she kept watch of her six foal friends while Alphabittle started putting in some adult ingredients in the teapot as fast as he could the kettle startled whistling before Alphabittle poured the hot water in it and started stirring. “Ooh!” Filly Zipp was about to fly after a Breezie before Sunset grabbed her hind legs and put her back with the others. “Uh-uh, young filly, you’re not going anywhere,” Sunset firmly said. “Nice try!” Alphabittle scolded with a firm look as he went back to the tea while Filly Zipp blew a raspberry them. “Don’t you stick your tongue at us young princess!” Sunset scolded with a motherly look, which made Filly Zipp stop and shrink down a bit with a nervous look. “Sunset, the tea is ready,” Alphabittle said as he showed the pot to Sunset as she inspected yet. “Okay, good. Now the final ingredient to make it work,” Sunset said as she brought out a bag filled with Sunny’s magic glitter, “I knew carrying these things would come in handy one day,” She said as she poured some glitter into the teapot and stirred it up, “Okay, now pour them in the cub,” She instructed. “Great,” Alphabittle said as he poured the tea into six cups and past them over to their friends, “Let's get you back to normal,” He said with a smile. “So drink up, ponies,” Sunset said with a soft smile. Foal Hitch picked up his cup and smelled it before cringing at the smell, “Bleh!” He groaned and pushed his cup away. The rest of them smelled it and cringed in disgust as they turned away from their cups, which made Alphabitle and Sunset groan at that, “They think it smells, which sorta is, but still,” Sunset said with a sigh, “Got any other ideas on how to get them to drink?” She asked Alphabittle. “Uhhh…” Alphabittle thought for a moment before he searched through the supplies and found six drinking straws, “This should do it,” He said as he showed the straws to the Young 6. The Young 6 turned and started giggling in excitement as Sunset and Alphabittle started placing each straw in their cups and they started sipping and glowing as the effects were working. “It’s working,” Sunset said with a smile as she put her final straw to Zipp. Filly Misty is the last one Alphabittle was about to put her straw in her cup before he stopped and gave a look at his filly daughter. “Goo-goo, ga-ga! Goo-goo, ga-ga!” Filly Misty said with a cute face and smile with sparkles in her eyes while Alphabittle gave a fond look with sparkles in his eyes as well. Sunset noticed this, “What’s wrong?” She asked before turning to Filly Misty, “Oh. She reminds you of who she used to be,” She said in realization. “The way we used to be,” Alphabittle said as he started having a flashback to his time with Misty when she was a filly before she disappeared. Flashback. Many years ago, before Misty disappeared while her mane was in pigtails, she was on the swing with her father, Alphabittle as she giggled at each push he gave his daughter before she flew back from the swing and Alphabittle caught her as she kept giggling as the two smiled at each other. End of Flashback. Alphabittle gave a fond smile at his daughter, “My little filly. You're just like I remember you,” He said with tears of joy in his eyes. Sunset gave a small smile, “I think she would know that as well, at least you know she’s the same as she was before,” She said. “Yes, and now it’s time to bring her back to normal,” Alphabittle said as he placed Misty’s straw in her cup.   Filly Misty then started drinking her tea she started glowing and still gave a cute smile. And then in a flash, the six ponies returned to their normal age as they looked around in wonder, “Whoa, what happened?” Sunny asked in surprise. “Yeah, I can’t remember much,” Zipp said while rubbing her head. “You ponies were turned into foals, again. That’s what happened,” Sunset spoke with a smirk as they all turned to her and they all looked at her in shock. “What?! Again!?” Pipp exclaimed in shock. “Yep, and this time, it was all of you, plus Misty, to be foals,” Sunset said with a slight chuckle. “And trust us, you two were really a hoofful,” Alphabittle commented as the two laughed together. The rest of the Mane 7 turned to each other before they laughed as well, never thought they would be foals again and cause some problems. “But hey, it’s all over now and you’re back to normal,” Sunset said before she yawned, “So, how about we call it a night and get some rest after all that has happened today,” She said. Alphabittle yawned as well, “Yeah, I could use some snooze,” He commented as they all chuckled together since they knew that handling six foals can be tiring before turning to his daughter, “So, Misty, whenever you want to spend time with your old man, just call,” “You know I will, Dad,” Misty said with a warm smile, which Alphabittle returned it as they shared a short hug before they all walked out of the Night Market. A little bit later, a portal opened up at the stem of the tree in the Night Market, a portal opened up as Opaline laughed evilly as she stepped out of the portal while wearing her gown and power crown.   “Time's up for you and your pathetic little friends, Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer. Bow to—” Opaline called out before she noticed that they weren’t around and then gasped when she looked out the window and saw the Marestream flying away back to Maretime Bay,” No! They're getting away! Get back here!” She yelled out in rage since she arrived too late, which got the crowd’s attention. Onyx then came up to Opaline with a cup of tea with her, “Oh, looks like you could use some nice, relaxing tea,” She said calmly, and Opaline grew irritated. “What? Tea? You think I want tea?” Opaline questioned while angrily getting close to Onyx, who flinched back in fright before Opaline turned away with an evil smile, “No. I don't want your tea. But I will take something else,” She said while Onyx gulped fearfully, “I didn't get all dressed up for nothing,” She added while flinging her mane before she turned and gave a yell, using her magic as her horn glowed. Onyx felt something coming out of her as she looked at her flank and saw her Cutie Mark being taken away, “Hey! What are you doing?! My cutie mark!” She exclaimed as her Cutie Mark flew to Opaline while Onyx tried to reach out for it as she dropped the tea. The ponies around them saw this as they screamed and ran out of the market in fear. Opaline saw the ponies running away as she gave a big evil grin. “You're next, Sunny and Sunset,” She said eviliy, having taken another Cutie Mark and is pleased to make the ponies fear her. At the Marestream, the Mane 7 are relaxing as they are flying back home before Sunset gave a concern expression as she looked out the window, which Sunny notice, “What’s wrong, Sunset?” She asked. “I feel like something bad has happened,” Sunset said in deep thought as the others turned to her. “But I can’t put my hoof to it,” “You think we forgotten something at the market?” Izzy asked. “I don’t think so. But something has happened but I can’t figure it out, and I get the feeling that it wasn’t good,” Sunset said seriously, having a feeling that something has happened the moment they left the Market, which felt familiar as she had a feeling that it wasn’t good. End of Chapter 63. > Chapter 64: Very Bad Hair Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 64: Very Bad Hair Day At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny and Sunset came into the bedroom with Sunny rolling a tray cart while Sunset held some drinks for Pipp. “Yoo-hoo!” Sunny cheered with a wave as she and Sunset walked up to Pipp’s bed. “Pipp! It’s time to get up,” Sunset said with a smile as she and Sunny walked closer while Sunny held up a plate of stacked pancakes. “When you taste these pancakes, you are gonna hit the…” Sunny trailed off as Pipp stood up with a yawn before she gave a yelp and the pancakes hit the ceiling. Sunset was confused by this as she turned to them, “What got you startled Sun-Whoa!” She exclaimed while dropping the cups. What they saw was Pipp giving a tired smile, but that wasn’t what startled them, what startled them was Pipp’s mane that is all wild and in an unkept mess as she gave a yawn. Sunny and Sunset gave awkward smiles at what they saw, “Through… the roof,” Sunny finished before the pancakes fell on her head. “Yikes,” Sunset cringed quietly at how wild Pipp’s mane was. “Pipp then made it to her mirror and started brushing her wild mane, “I’ll be right with you Sunny and Sunset…” She trailed off when she saw her reflection and saw her wild mane with wide eyes, “O…M… Me! Am I having a…” She trailed off again with teary eyes at what she was about to say next, “Bad hair day?!” She questioned in panic. Pipp gasped as she rushed up to Sunny and Sunset and shook the two ponies, “Tell me I’m not having a bad hair day, girls?!” She cried out. Sunny and Sunset moved back with an uncertain look, “Uh, well, I-I-I mean it’s a little weird, for sure, unlike the time when Sunny had her bed mane,” Sunset said uncertainly with an uncertain smile since Pipp’s mane is way too wild then Sunny’s when she has a bed mane, as Pipp still gave a panic look. “Not helping, Sunset!” Pipp exclaimed anxiously. “Right, sorry,” Sunset said sheepishly. “But, no, no, no. But, We-We’re sure we can brush it out, right?” Sunny asked as she quickly ed around Pipp’s mane back to its original style, which made the Pegasus smile, “See?” She asked with a smile. “Back to normal,” Sunset said with a smile, but then it was just live when Pipp’s mane suddenly popped back into its wild unkept place, which knocked the two ponies to the ground while Pipp gave wide-eyes from that. “Ugh!” Pipp cried out as she started hyperventilating, “How... am I... meant to work... when I look... like this?!” She questioned while tugging her mane. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other as they thought of a way for them to help Pipp out before they turned and saw the lamp cover, Sunny gave an uncertain smile to Pipp, “Uh, well…” Sunny started with a nervous smile. “You’re gonna have to cover that mane up,” Sunset finished with a sheepish smile while pointing to the lamp across the room. Pipp followed where Sunny and Sunset were looking as she gasped at what their idea was. Sunset turned to Sunny, “Maybe I could accompany her to Mane Melody, just in case,” She offered as Sunny nodded in agreement, knowing that Pipp needed the support. A little bit later, Sunset accompanied Pipp to Mane Melody with the lamp cap on her mane as Pipp whimpered and placed a piece of her mane  back into the lamp cover on her head, “This is so embarrassing!” She cried out. “Sorry, Pipp, but for some reason, that mane has a mind of its own,” Sunset said with an apologetic look, “When we get to Mane Melody, maybe some specialists will help you out,” “I hope so,” Pipp said as she saw two ponies coming by as she hid behind a pillar, and Dreamy and a foal walked off as Pipp came out of hiding. “Okay, Pipp, let’s be quick before any other see you,” Sunset said as Pipp nodded the two walked off before they bumped into Dahlia, who had a bag over her head before she gave a panicked look like Pipp, “Dahlia?” Sunset asked in confusion. Dahlia gave a nervous laugh, “Hey, Pipp, Sunset. Lovely weather we're having.” She said while rubbing the back of her head. Pipp responded with the same expression, “Heeeey, Dahlia—” She cut off when she and Sunset screamed when Dahlia’s mane started hissing and hair came out from the bag before Dahlia grabbed it and closed it shock before Pipp gasped, “You, too?!” She asked while grabbing Dahlia. “You’re mane is wild as well?!” Sunset asked as well as Dahlia nodded, “That’s strange,” She commented. Just then, Pipp and Sunset turned and saw something that made them surprised. “What... Wait, what?!” Pipp exclaimed they saw many ponies in front of Mane Melody wearing pots, big hats, bags, or buckets on their heads. “Okay, if it was one, it would be strange, but this many? This is weird, even by Maretime Bay standards,” Sunset commented while finding this a bit strange and suspicious that everypony was wearing things on their heads like Pipp as they walked in front of the crowd. “What is happening?!” Pipp questioned before the wind blew and blew her lamp cap away, “Huh?” She asked before she yelped and grabbed the lamp cap before it flew away, “Phew!” She said in relief. Sunset gave wide eyes since Pipp had forgotten that they were not alone, “Uh, Pipp?” She asked as she pointed to the crowd, which made Pipp gasp as her wild mane showed before the crowd they gasped as well at seeing Pipp like that, “Well, that plan didn’t work well,” She commented while placing a hoof on her face. Pipp started whimpering as she put the lamp cap back on and she and Sunset walked up to the crowd, “Pipp! There you are!” Posey called out as she pushed through the crowd while showing a bottle spray from Mane Melody, “We all used your new mane softener, and this is what happened!” She called out as she took the pot off her mane began to hiss and snarl for some reason while holding a cane. “Holy! Okay, that is really creepy and strange,” Sunset commented at seeing a mane alive like that. “Exactly!” Pipp exclaimed. “That's nothing!” Fifi exclaimed as the ponies turned to her as she took off her cap, “Mine's learned to juggle!” She exclaimed as her mane was juggling bananas on her head. “Okay, despite it being alive, that’s impressive, to be honest,” Sunset said honestly since a mane juggling is a bit impressive but still creepy that it’s hissing and snarling while alive. “Yes, but it’s still scary!” Fifi exclaimed while her mane is good at juggling, it being alive is still creepy. “Mine won't stop eating things!” Rocky exclaimed as his mane was holding a racoonicorn and began to chomp at it, “Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!” He yelled to his mane while waving his hooves. “Okay, this is bad,” Sunset exclaimed as she blasted Rocky’s mane, which hissed at the shot it received as it released the racoonicorn before Sunset caught it and brought it down as it scurried away, “This is way more freaky and weird, and I’ve seen strange things,” She noted. Pipp gave a nervous smile at the crowd, “Well, lucky for you ponies, I have the solution right behind this very lockable door!” She said nervously as she opened the door and dragged Sunset in, which the Alicorn gave a yelp, “Okay, bye!” She said quickly before she slammed the door and locked it. The crowd looked in shock as they walked up to the door to try and get it open so that Pipp could help them. Inside the salon, Pipp gave a relief sigh as Sunset gave her a brow, “Your products are on the fritzs again, Pipp?” Sunset asked suspiciously since if one of Pipp’s products was the problem, Pipp must’ve caused something to make things happen like making manes come to life. “To be honest, this is a shock, even for me,” Pipp confessed since she had no idea what happened. “Pipp! Sunset!” A voice is heard, which makes the two ponies scream in startled as they turn and see Windy smiling next to them wearing her badge sash while her mane is normal. “Windy?!” Sunset asked in surprise as she and Pipp took deep breaths, “Oh, you startled us,” She said. “Sorry, I was already waiting inside,” Windy apologized. “Oh, what are you doing here?” Pipp asked, wondering why Windy was in Mane Melody. “Just the pony I was looking for, Pipp!” Windy said happily, “I'm right on time for my nine A.M. hooficure!” She explained before she saw a bottle similar to the one Posey showed, “Oh! Is this a new mane softener?” She asked as she picked up the bottle. Both Sunset and Pipp panicked, thinking Windy would use it on her mane, “Windy! Wait!” Sunset exclaimed. “Uh, no-no-no, I wouldn't if I—!” Pipp panicked. And then, a drip came out of the bottle as it hit a flower and its petals grew a bit as it gave a hiss, making Windy shock at what happened as Pipp’s lamp cap came off to reveal her wild mane. “Pipp, just confess,” Sunset said with a look since Pipp couldn’t hide something like this. Pipp knew that Sunset was right as she gave in, “All right, you caught me! My new mane softener is turning everypony's hair into monsters!” She whimpered as she tugged her mane as they hissed and moved on their own. “And apparently have a mind of their own!” Sunset added as Pipp’s mane was about to punch her, but she ducked as they punched the air, “Like that if they’re alive!” She added. They heard pounding as they turned and looked out the window and saw two mane pieces as they revealed to be Flare's and Rufus’ manes, they pulled said ponies to the windows with their face to the glass, which made the three ponies scream. “Sunset, have this happened before to your time?!” Pipp questioned in panic. “No! This is new! And I’ve never seen manes move on their own before, or having their own minds to it!” Sunset exclaimed as she dodged another punch from Pipp’s mane she quickly caught it, “And apparently, they are really sentivies!” She added as she pulled Pipp’s mane back. “Well, we have to do something to stop this!” Pipp exclaimed with her hooves on her cheeks. Windy looked at the manes while thinking with her hoof on her chin, “Hmm. I'm sure I've seen this before.” She said, trying to remember where she saw this kind of symptom before. Oh, what am I gonna do, ponies? This is a disaster!” Pipp cried out dramatically as she pulled her face at the monster manes the ponies were having. “What did you put into that bottle, Pipp?” Sunset asked. “Nothing special, just my usual mixtures for the products but they've never done anything like this before!” Pipp cried out. “Did you put in Sunny’s magic glitter again?” Sunset asked. “No! I got rid of those when they turned us into foals! And I swear to never touch them again!” Pipp pointed out that since she had gotten rid of her magic glitter supplies it caused them trouble, and Sunset is holding onto the supplies. “Well, whatever gotten into your product, it really causing the manes to go crazy,” Sunset said, seeing that they were at a dead end with no lead on how to stop this, “Windy, got any ideas?” She asked. Windy thought for a second before she spoke, “Well, in Trail Trotters, we learn to stay calm and assess the situation, so, in this very particular case…” She started before they heard the pounding and saw Flare and Rufus’ manes burst through the window as it shattered, dragging the two ponies inside as more came from under the door, “...I believe we should RUUUUN!” She cried out as she, Pipp, and Sunset screamed as they ran out the back. “I second that!” Sunset exclaimed as the monster manes from Rufus and Flare came after them with hissing sounds as the three ponies screamed and ran out the backdoor. The three ponies made it out and quickly shut the door before the monster manes came at them, “Phew!” The three sigh in relief. “Well, this is nuts,” Sunset commented as the three nodded in agreement, “But now how are we gonna get around if these Monster Manes see us? Because I have a feeling they don’t like ponies,” She said. “We’re gonna need disguises to make sure they don’t see us,” Windy suggested. The three think of a plan, before they turned saw three costumes of Pipp’s products with some old trash, which made Pipp smile. “Hmmm. I think I found the right ones,” She said. A couple of minutes later, Windy, Pipp, and Sunset were in costumes as they walked out of the alleyway, Pipp’s mane hissed before Pipp got it back into the costume as they saw many ponies manes hissing and snarling as they hit each other or moving around, while ones like Rocky’s ate a mailbox. The three ponies walked past the crowd before the manes gave a roar as it noticed the three ponies, which made them scream as they started running. “Well, these things are smart!” Sunset exclaimed as she started blasting the Monster Manes, but they simply shrugged off as a couple of hair grew back after falling off, “And these things are tough, let’s just run like crazy to Hitch!” She exclaimed. “Agreed!” Both Windy and Pipp called as they kept screaming the Monster Manes roared at them as it gave chase to the three ponies. At the Sheriff Station, Hitch, who has been wearing a towel on his mane and body since he just got out of the shower, just managed to put Sparky to bed. “Phew. Finally.” Hitch said in relief, but then the door opened up and then slammed, which startled not only Hitch but Sparky as well, who breathed out Dragonfire onto Hitch’s face, which is covered in soot as Sparky gave a burp. “Hey!” Hitch exclaimed as he turned and wiped the soot off his face. But once he turned around, he saw Pipp’s panicked expression and Monster Mane as it started hissing, “Aah!” Hitch yelled out in fright. “It's okay! It's me! It's Pipp!” Pip quickly said as Hitch still looked scared at what happened. “Sorry to barge into the station, Hitch. But we have a serious problem!” Sunset exclaimed as she barricaded the door to keep the monster manes out. “What happened to you, Pipp? And what problem are you saying, Sunset?” Hitch questioned them with a brow. Pipp gave a nervous-panicked expression, “Okay, long story short, new mane softener turns hair into monsters, monsters chasing us, need a hideout—” She tried to explain. Hitch gave a shocked expression as she gave a panicked one, “Wait, you mean... this mane softener?” He said nervously as he shakingly lifted up a bottle of the product. Both Sunny and Sunset gave shocked and worried expressions, “Uh, Hitch, tell me you didn’t use that while you were showering?” Sunset asked hopefully. “I did use it,” Hitch revealed with a grim look. Pipp gave a nervous smile from that, “Oh, boy.” She said. “This isn’t good,” Sunset muttered. Hitch’s towel on his head shook as his mane  burst out while hissing, “What's happening to me?!” He cried out. “Long story, somehow, mane softener, make manes into monsters, have a mind of their own, and now are causing chaos!” Sunset summarized quickly. “Okay, got it!” Hitch called out his mane gone wild. Sparky then suddenly appeared in Pipp’s wild mane as he started laughing and moving around. “Not now, Sparky! We're trying to panic here!” Pipp called out as Sparky grabbed some hair and tied it together to make a mustache over his face. Windy saw this as she thought for a moment before she gasped, “That's it! Oh, I'm a genius!” She exclaimed as she brought out her Trotter’s book and flipped through the pages, “I know where I've seen this hair before!” “Well, fill us in, Windy!” Sunset exclaimed as she used some of her magic to hold some of Hitch’s mane down as they struggled to break free. Windy found a page that showed a dragon with a beard over his face, “Here! Look! In the Trail Trotters Guide to the Dragon Lands!” She exclaimed as Pipp tried to get Sparky off while Sunset kept Hitch’s mane in place the two stopped when they heard what Windy said. “Dragons?” Both Sunset and Pipp asked at the same time. “This has something to do with dragons?” Sunset asked before she looked through the book and went wide eyes, “Pipp, it says here that if a piece of dragon hair is put into a content like mane products, the hairs will go out of control!” She exclaimed. “What?!” Pipp exclaimed before she shook her head to process what she just learned, “Wait. A-Are you saying that Sparky--” She started as she had a flashback. Flashback. Yesterday at Mane Melody, Sparky grew a mustache through his nose, which he plucked out and and toss it into the pot filled with Pipp’s mane softener with a shrug and walked off with a smile as it gave off a black and hissing purple smog with bubbles forming. “--grew a dragon hair, plucked it out, dropped it in my product,” Pipp continued as her tone got higher in shock. End of Flashback. “And accidentally created some sort of mutant pony/dragon magic hair monster potion?!” Pipp finished in shock as she clutched her head with still on her head with giggles. Windy gave a nervous smile, “Yes! Oh, my hoofness, that's exactly what I'm saying, just with less words!” She said. “That’s a mouthful,” Sunset commented with wide eyes, “Well, at least we know this isn’t your fault this time, Pipp. And wow, this is something about dragons I never knew about,” She said, since knowing about dragons from Twilight, this information was new and interesting about dragon hair. Hitch gave a nervous smile at them, “I don't want to alarm anyone, but... help me!” He cried out as his mane lifted him up from the floor and it gave a roar. Windy, Pipp, and Sunset walked back while Pipp was holding Sparky, “Oh! Stay back, you unruly mane monster!” Windy yelled as she and the other two ponies dodged a strike from it, “Oh!” She yelped. “I think you made it angry!” Sunset exclaimed as she dodged each strike before she flew around and blasted them back to their distances. “This is a new level of bad hair day, emphasis on ‘bad’!” She exclaimed. “And a pretty untamed and evil!” Pipp exclaimed as she held Sparky while dodging each hair strike as she flew around as well. “We need to find a cure for these things! Windy, any ideas!” Sunset exclaimed while ducking a hair swipe.  “Uh, sorry, they didn’t put that detail on the book,” Windy said sheepishly as she dodged another strike. “Oh, great,” Pipp muttered before dodging another strike, but a piece of hair tickled Sparky’s nose. “Ah... Ah…” Sparky then gave a sneeze, which brought out his dragonfire, which hit Hitch from that, but surprisingly, Hitch’s mane returned to normal as he fell to the floor with a thud. Pipp and Sunset gasped in shock at what they saw, “Did you ponies see that?! Sparky’s dragonfire reverses the Monster Mane effect!” Sunset exclaimed at what Sparky just did to restore Hitch’s mane to normal. Pipp then got an idea from that, “That's it! Dragonfire can fix this!” She exclaimed as she placed Sparky down and brought out an empty spray,” Okay, here we go, Sparky! Give me some of that dragonfire!” She encouraged as she opened the bottle and placed it in front of Sparky. Sparky responded as he breathed out his dragonfire into the bottle, which caused it to be filled before Pipp closed it up and sprayed herself with some dragonfire as her monster mane returned back to normal. “Looks like if a dragon hair caused the problem, then dragonfire can reverse the process!” Sunset theorizes. Pipp smirked as she chuckled, “That’s right, Sunset! Look out, bad hair day! I'm coming for you!” She said with a determined look. Sunset gave a smirk of her own, “You wouldn’t happen to have more bottles, right?” She asked, and Pipp kept smirking and twirling her bottle, knowing the answer to that. Back outside, the ponies' Monster Manes were still going crazy as Windy stood in front of them as she gave and laughing and waving her hoof to the manes, to which they responded as Posey’s and Windy’s hissed and charged right at Windy, which made the pegasus scared. But then, Sunset and Pipp appeared in front of her while holding some bottles, “Time to give your manes a little heat treatment!” Sunset exclaimed as she and Pipp sprayed dragonfire at Posey and Fifi’s mane, which turned back to normal, which resulted in the umbrella and cane falling on their heads, but smiled as their manes were back to normal. Rocky’s mane was then trying to eat Fifi’s fruit cart, but Windy, Sunset, and Pipp rolled by as they sprayed Rocky, turning his mane back to normal while the racoonicorn from earlier was somehow eaten up by it appeared on his back, who gave a tired expression from being eating by hair. One by one, Pipp and Sunset sprayed more dragonfires at the Monster Manes as they dodged their strike attacks and sprayed each pony, first Rufus, Flare, and Dapple as their manes returned to normal while their bags or hats fell on their heads. Windy is pulling on Glory to try and get her, Seashell, and Peach Fizz free as Glory’s mane is tied to a lamppost, Peach Fizz is tangled in the middle while Seashell is tied up in her own mane on the lampost with her eyes showing. Then, Pipp and Sunset arrived and they sprayed dragonfire at the Pippsqueaks, which freed them as their manes returned to normal as they waved at the three ponies with grateful smiles as they returned the gesture before flying off. After a few sprays and dodging strikes later, all the ponies’ manes were back to normal as the ponies smiled at their now normal manes. After the job is done, Pipp, Sunset, and Windy’s Cutie Marks start glowing as the three are in front of Mane Melody, Pipp gives a victorious smile as she twirls her bottle, and places it on her sash. “Now that’s what I call dealing with wild manes,” Sunset commented with a smirk. “You got that right, Sunset,” Pipp said with the same expression as the two hooftap together. Windy then came up to them while wiping her forehead, “Phew! Well, paint me impressed, Pipp Petals! That was a very creative solution!” She complimented as Pipp smiled before Windy turned to Sunset, “And Sunset, way to help friends in need and keep them safe from harm's way,” She added as Sunset gave a smile as well,  “One that any Trail Trotter would certainly get a badge for.” She said as she searched through her saddle bag. Windy searched through her bag to find the right badges “Uhhh, do we have a Dragonfire Hair Mo—? Aha!” She exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes while bringing out two badges that each had a lightbulb on them, “The Big Ideas Badges!” She exclaimed, giving the badges to Sunset and Pipp. Pipp and Sunset smiled at their badges with sparkles in their eyes, “Awww! Thanks, Windy!” Sunset exclaimed with a smile, “But we can’t take all the credit,” She said. “Well, yeah, we couldn't have done it without your help, Windy!” Pipp added as she and Sunset put their badges away as the three entered Mane Melody, “Now, how about that hooficure?” She suggested as a shadow loomed over the three ponies. The ponies stopped as they saw what was in front of them, it was the flower that Windy spilled the mane softener on earlier, which somehow grew huge and had a giant mouth while its petals were a huge monster mane as it gave a roar at the three ponies as the wind blows right at them from the roar. “I think we got one last problem to deal with,” Sunset said with a determined smile as she brought out her dragonfire bottle. “Ready for round 2, Pipp?” She asked with a smirk. Pipp gave a determined smile as well, “Yep, Juuuuust a sec, Windy.” She said as she and Sunset gave challenging looks at the plant monster as they opened up their dragonfire bottles and sprayed at it to return it to normal. End of Chapter 64. > Chapter 65: Misty Moves In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 65: Misty Moves In At the front door of the Brighthouse, Misty walked up with a box of her things she managed to sneak away from Opaline’s Castle as she smiled at herself. “This is it, Misty. Your new home!” Misty said to herself as she stopped at the front door with a nervous smile, “And it’s totally not scary at all,” She said as she levitated her box off her back to see that it only had Madam Taffytail and a picture of herself and her friends in a group picture, “Right Madam Taffytail?” She asked her homemade doll, which was tilted a bit. Misty slowly opened the Brighthouse’s door, but the second she opened it, a blast of glitter hit her, “OH!” She exclaimed in surprise as she got her mane covered in glitter. “Welcome home, Misty!” Sunny announced as she held a tray of cupcakes, the whole Brighthouse had been decorated with balloons with Misty’s mane color and a banner with her face on it butterflies behind her some snacks on the table Sunset was holding some drinks while Zipp was flew up while Izzy is next to her glitter cannon, which she just shot as she waved excitedly to Misty. “Surprised!” Sunset added with a wide smile. “Wow!” Misty exclaimed in awe. Pipp then flew in front of Misty with a smile, “Hashtag #MistyyyysCominHoooooome!” She sang as she livestreamed it on her phone as Misty smiled. Misty looked with joy with sparkles in her eyes as she walked inside the Brighthouse her friends came to her, “You, you did all this for me?” She asked them happily. “You are a friend and one of us, Misty.” Sunset said with a small smile, “We wanted to give you something for you after you the whole spying on Opaline thing and being with us and helping you find your true family,” She explained. Twilight then appeared from the necklace with a smile, “Yes, you have done well for us, we wanted to return the favor for you,” She said with a smile. “Wow, this is, amazing,” Misty said with a smile. “I know, right?” Pipp asked with a twirl with sparkles in her eyes, “You are going to love it here! Come on, we’ll show you to your new room,” She said with a smirk as she guided Misty into the Brighthouse while said Unicorn smiled brightly with sparkles in her eyes. They made it upstairs and they opened the bedroom doors with Misty’s eyes closed before she opened them, “Presenting your new bed,” Pipp spoke as Misty smiled wide with sparkles in her eyes as she saw the girls with Misty’s bed in the middle of the room as Izzy pulled a confetti horn as some streamers were released. Misty still gave a smile but was feeling a bit nervous, “Oh, it’s right in the middle. Huh,” She said as she noticed that her bed was in the middle of the room before she hopped on it while feeling overwhelmed a bit. Izzy came next to her and placed a hoof over Misty, “Uh, it is just so great to have your own space, right?” She asked cheerfully with her cheeks against Misty’s as the rest of the mares jumped on Misty’s bed to join them before Izzy held Misty’s cheeks and squeezed them a bit, “Sorry in advance for the snoring, and the levitating,” She said, warning Misty of when she sleeps, she snores and levitates sometimes. “It’s true, she does that from time to time, so watch out,” Sunset advised as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement since they’ve experienced it more times than they can count whenever Izzy is levitating something or snoring in her sleep. Misty gave a nervous chuckle as she rubbed her head and stood up, “Well, I’m sure I’ll get used to it,” She said as she hopped off her bed and levitated her box, “Especially once all my stuff's unpacked.” She added. “Here, let us help!” Zipp said as she then placed the picture and Madam Taffytail in places around her bed, which was empty before Zipp flipped the box upside down to see if she missed something. “That was quick,” Izzy commented. Pipp then gasped as she then stammered a bit, “Is that all you have?” She asked as they all turned to Misty, who was looking embarrassed. “Well—” Misty tried to say before Sunset answered for her. “Opaline didn’t let you go out often or give you many things as a filly, didn’t she?” Sunset asked with a concerned look. Misty gave a sheepish chuckle, “Well, yeah. She really didn’t,” She admitted. Twilight sighed, “Opaline really is cruel and low to the bone,” She said with a sigh, “Sorry you have been through something like that, Misty,” She added in sympathy. “That’s okay,” Misty said with an assuring smile, “It’s not really a-” She was then cut off when Izzy appeared in front of her with a gasp and a cheery smile.  “I know!” Izzy said as she turned to Misty, “I can craft you some awesome bedroom accessories so you feel right at home!” She declared as she gave Misty a side hug. Misty gave an uncertain smile as she gently pushed Izzy back a bit, “Oh, no, you don't have to—” She tried to say before Izzy cut her off. “I'm going to need glitter, tassels, cup holders, and mood lighting!” Izzy declared as she held up said items with a determined smile and sparkles in her eyes as she cheerfully trotted out of the room as the door closed behind her. “That’s must Izzy being Izzy, Misty. So don’t try and fight it,” Sunset advised with a chuckle. “It’s true. Whenever Izzy sets her mind on something, she tends to get it done,” Twilight added with a chuckle as well, knowing that when Izzy thinks of something, she won’t stop until she makes it. “Um, okay. I guess that’s true,” Misty said in understanding before she gave a small smile, “Wow. Everyone's being so helpful.” She commented as her friends turned to her with a smile. “Well, you're one of us now!” Sunny exclaimed excitedly as she grabbed Misty by her shoulders, which startled the unicorn, “And you're never, ever, EVER going to be alone ever again!” She declared as she and the rest of the girls joined in the group hug around Misty, who was feeling nervous when she said that. ‘Ever again! Ever again! Ever again!’ Sunny’s voice echoed throughout Misty’s mind, which made her left eye twitch as she gave a nervous chuckle. “Awesome…” Misty said to her friends with a nervous smile. Sunset saw this and she knew that she had a feeling that Misty might feel uncomfortable about this. “I have a feeling this might be uncomfortable for her,” She said to herself. A little bit later, Misty was reading a book on her bed when she heard singing before she turned and saw Pipp vocalizing herself and singing loudly, which made Misty clench as she put on some headphones with a song singing as she gave a relieved smile. Misty walked out of the room while levitating her book to read elsewhere, “Look out! Comin' through!” Zipp called out as she skated by Misty, which caused her to twirl around. Misty gasped in startled as she got her balance but her book fell on her head while giving a dizzy look. A short bit, Misty is in the kitchen as she is eating some cereal, “Come... on!” Sunny strained next to Misty, and the Unicorn flinched as she turned and saw Sunny straining to get a bunch of sliced oranges in the blender as she tried to shut the lid. Sunset, who is next to the table, saw this, “Uh, Sunny, don’t you think it would be wise to just--” She was cut off when Sunny managed to hold it in place and turned on the blender, but then it exploded. “Aah!” Sunny cried out as orange juice flew out and landed on the three ponies before Sunset gave a dull look. “--take out some of the oranges to blend it properly,” Sunset finished as she wiped some off her. Sunny gave a sheepish chuckle, “Okay, I guess I didn’t think that through,” She said sheepishly. Misty gave an anxious and slightly panicked look as she began to twitch, which Sunset noticed as she gave a concerned look at Misty.  Sometime later, again, Misty is lying on the couch with a blanket over her with a pillow over her head with an anxious look as she tries to block out the sound while the rest of the girls are having a pillow fight as they laugh together. Sunset noticed this as well, giving a concerned look, seeing that Misty was not feeling comfortable about this. At night time, everypony is asleep while Misty is in her bed with Madam Taffytail before the doll is levitated out of her hooves, which causes her to wake up and see that Izzy was levitating her doll and herself as she flew around in her sleep with Misty chasing her. After getting Taffytail back, Misty laid back on her bed as she was about to sleep again, but then a shadow flew over her, she opened her eyes and saw that Izzy was levitating over as she kept snoring. Misty had enough as she rubbed her mane in irritation, “Glitter… Glitter... Glitter... Glitter...” Izzy muttered in her sleep as her voice echoed through Misty’s head as she grabbed some pillows.  Misty then stacked the pillows around her bed to make a pillow fort as she laid back down and sighed in relief. “Finally, some quiet.” She said as she closed her eyes. But then, Izzy appeared in the fort, which startled Misty, “Are we having a secret sleepover party?!” Izzy asked excitedly. “Aah!” Misty gave a startled yell. Pipp then gasped as she appeared in the fort with her phone out, “I love secret parties!” She exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes. “I'll make popcorn!” Sunny appeared next as she appeared next. “I'll eat it!” ZIpp finished as she appeared next. “What’s going on?” Sunset asked as she appeared as well with a confused look. Misty had enough of it as she screamed and the pillows fell as the girls flinched at Misty’s outburst before she ran out to the door, “I can't do this! Sorry, but I've never lived with other ponies before, and... and I... need to be alone!” She cried out as she ran out of the Brighthouse. “Misty?” Sunny said in concern as the girls saw her out the door, they looked out the window and saw that Misty was running to Bridlewood in tears. “W-What happened? Was it something we did wrong?” Pipp asked in concern as she and the girls looked in concern and slight guilt for what just happened. “I don’t think so,” Sunset spoke as they turned to her, “I think we were making Misty uncomfortable that she feels out of place being with us,” She said in sympathy for Misty. “What?” Zipp asked with a brow, “I thought she was having fun the whole time,” She said. “Have you ponies seen how Misty was lately?” Sunset asked with a brow, “She’s been so anxious and nervous the whole time that she feels uncomfortable,” She pointed out. The others were surprised by this as Izzy spoke, “But didn’t she set up this pillow fort for a slumber party?” She asked. “Actually, Izzy, that’s your saying,” Sunset stated, “I think she just wanted some privacy and some peace and quiet, that and you were snoring and levitating again,” She added with a dull look as she gestured to the person items on the floor, “You were moving and grabbing our things again,” Izzy eyes widen in realization, “Ooooh, woopsies,” She said sheepishly. “I think we made Misty uncomfortable instead of understanding what she wanted since she’s still new to the group,” Sunset said with a frown as she shook her head, “Oh Celestia, why didn’t I see this sooner? She’s still new and inexperienced on social things, she feels uncomfortable,” She said while shaking her head in shame. Twilight then appeared from the necklace while giving Sunset a comforting smile, “Don’t be like that Sunset. We all didn’t find out, but right now, I think it’s best to give Misty some space,” She said. “Yeah, Twilight’s right. And I guess it’s all our fault for making Misty feel this way,” Sunny said in regret, “I guess we were a tad too much for her since she never experienced something like this before,” She added in guilt as she sighed, “I wish we could make it up to her,” She added as they all looked down shame. Sunset the thought for a moment while looking at Misty’s bed before an idea popped into her head, “I think I know how to make it up to Misty,” She said with a small smile before turning to the group, “Okay ponies, huddle up. I have a plan,” She said as they all huddled together while Sunset explained her plan. At Bridlewood at the Crystal Tea Room, Misty is sitting on a table while explaining to her father, Alphabittle, about what happened, “It's just too much. All the energy and fun and noise.” Misty said as she clutched her head from what just happened. Alphabittle was then pouring some hot chocolate for Misty, “Oh, I hear you there, kiddo.” He said as he then put some marshmallows in the hot chocolate, “I like my peace and quiet, too.” He said with an understanding smile as he passed Misty her cup and sat next to her. “Thanks, Dad.” Misty said to her father with a small smile before she then started slurping on her drink, “I guess I've been on my own for so long and…” She slurps again before continuing, “...it just feels like I don't fit in.” She said with a frown, feeling out of place since she’d been isolated from the outside world since being raised by Opaline. “Hey, it's okay to be different from your friends.” Alphabittle said with a small smile, “It might take some getting used to, but I promise you'll find your place. Like how Sunset found her when she felt out of place when she first returned to Equestria, and she adjusted well over time,” He assured his daughter with a smile as he gave her a side hug, which Misty smiled as their Cutie Marks glowed. “Yeah. And you’re right, Sunset did go through something similar like me,” Misty said with a small smile before she frowned again, “Except I'm pretty sure they hate me now.” She added nervously while picturing her friends frowning at her. A little bit later after leaving Bridlewood, Misty returned to the Brighthouse as the lights were all off while the sunlight shone through the windows as she searched around for her friends. “Ponies? Sunny? Sunset? Izzy? Zipp? Pipp?” Misty called out as she searched the main room while getting nervous before tears began to form in her eyes, “Oh, no! I'm so sorry! I knew this would happen!” She cried out as she ran upstairs, ‘Of course they left you, Misty! Of course!’ She thought to herself. Misty entered the bedroom but gasped as she saw her bed in the middle of the room gone while her box stood there she began to whimper and sniffle as she walked around the room before turning and seeing something that made her gasp and smile with sparkles in her eyes that my... my bed?!” She asked herself in joy. What she saw was her bed in a section of the room with pictures, flowers, and butterfly themes with her color schemes as Misty rushed to it with joy, “Oh! It's so cozy!” She exclaimed before going to a curtain as she opened it around her bed, “And private!” She added before she saw a projector on her bed, “Wait. What's this?” She asked in curiosity as she pressed the button and played the projector. The projector then showed a video before she gave a smile, “Say cheese!” Sunny announced as she and the rest of the Mane 7 huddled together while holding cakes, while Izzy was making a silly face while Hitch was eating his cake. Misty gasped with sparkles in her eyes and a smile as she placed a hoof to her chest, remembering this day before the screen changed. “And then to the left! And to the left! And pah! Pah! Pah!” Pipp instructed as she taught Sunny, Sunset, and Misty how to dance as she and Misty waved their hooves. “You've got it, Misty!” She exclaimed as Misty kept watching with a warm smile. And then the scene changed when they were all having ice cream while Pipp then giggled at Misty as she turned to show that there was some ice cream on her face, “What? What? Is there something on my face?” Past Misty asked in amusement as Pipp started laughing. The scene then changes to when Sunset is teaching Misty some magic lessons, which is hard for her to do since during that time, she didn’t have magic or her Cutie Mark since she was spying for Opaline, as she tried to focus, but failed as she strained a bit. Sunset then places a comforting her on her shoulder while giving a warm smile to Misty, “It’s okay, Misty. I had trouble mastering magic as well. But don’t worry, you will get there, and who knows, maybe to Sunny or Izzy’s level,” She assured with a chuckle. Past Misty gave a chuckle from that as well, “Yeah, you might be right, Sunset. You’re a great mentor, no wonder you are an Alicorn,” She said with a small smile. “Well, I have friends to help me get where I am today,” Sunset said with a smile before frowning, “When I first returned home to see how much had changed, with all my old friends and family gone, I felt out of place and having trouble moving on from the start when I just came to visit my old friend Twilight,” She said with a solemn look. “Oh, sorry to hear that,” Past Misty said in sympathy for Sunset. Sunset then gave a smile, “But that’s okay. Even with them gone, I least their legacies live on, especially since I see Sunny and the others more like my friends each passing moment, and sometimes you remind me of Fluttershy from time to time because of your, shyness and timidness. Trust me, Hitch may have Fluttershy’s ability to talk to animals, but he’s not as shy or timid as Fluttershy was,” She added as the two chuckled, “But still, I learned that once you accept changes and get along with your friends, new or old, you will know you will never feel out of place for anything and that if you keep moving forward, things will be brighter for you,” She added. Past Misty gave a smile at Sunset’s words as she nodded, “Thank you, Sunset. I’ll remember your words by heart,” She promised. “Hoof to heart,” The two ponies said together as they tapped each other's hooves and placed them on their chests. Misty smiled with tears of joy in her eyes at that memory, remembering the lesson Sunset taught her like how her father just explained to her as she continued to watch the memories she had with her friends. (Up song) (Izzy) If you're down, down, down Just look up, up, up “Hey, Misty!” Sunny exclaimed from the video as it showed her and Izzy eating some cakes while Izzy smiled with her mouth full before it showed the Mane 7 and Sparky cheering in a snowy forest. (Izzy) You know that I got you Even when it's tough Misty smiled tearfully at the memories warmly as her Cutie Mark begins to glow again, “I do fit in!” She said happily. . “Uh…” Izzy’s voice is heard as Misty turns and sees Izzy at the curtain, “is there room for one more?” She asked with a small smile. Misty smiled at Izzy, “Sure!” She answered. Sunny then appeared, “How about five more more?” She asked as Sunset, Zipp, and Pipp appeared with small smiles. (Izzy) If you're down, down, down Just look up, up, up You know that I got you Even when it's tough Misty gave tears of joy at her friends before she giggled and allowed her friends in as they all watched the videos of their times together and they all started laughing as the mares’ Cutie Marks began to glow. If you're down, down, down Get back up, up, up Never on your own 'Cause you've got us The girls all kept laughing while watching their silly and good times on the screen before they all smiled with teary eyes as they all huddled together they started glowing and kept watching their memories, as Misty teared up the most since she felt touch at her friends’ being there for her and being great friends as they all enjoy their moment together. End of Chapter 65. > Chapter 66: Friday Night Food Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 66: Friday Night Food Fight Misty is running in a panic through the Bridlewood forest, feeling scared as she dodges an incoming cake, which is being tossed around for some reason, she quickly dodges and flips as many as she can while trying to avoid the incoming food, which some are old or rotten. Then three unicorns came up from behind a bush with mischievous smiles as Misty stopped with a gasp, “Give it up, Misty! There’s no escape!” The unicorn stallion in the middle said as he levitated four more pieces of food while his two friends beside him held up their own. Misty grew nervous as she backed away a bit before she turned and gasped as she saw Onyx and Dapple appear behind her with smirks of their own while levitating more food and tossing it at her. Misty quickly dodged the incoming food while having close calls as she ran, but then gasped as she saw many ponies surrounding her, preparing their food with sinister smiles as they were about to toss them at her. And then, before Misty got hit by any food, two ponies front-flipped over to her, they were Izzy and Sunset, “Misty! Get down!” Izzy called out as she and Sunset tackled Misty to the ground before the unicorns tossed their food, but missed as they hit each other. “Izzy, provide cover fire!” Sunset ordered like a general in a war. “You got it!” Izzy nodded as she grabbed some food and started throwing some food with a wicked smile as the unicorns were hit by them, a unicorn mare grabbed Dapple to block an incoming pie, which she gave a relieved smile, but then she was hit with another pie to the face. Misty then kept trotting as Sunset and Izzy trotted beside her, “Yay!” Izzy cheered, startling Misty bit, “Don’t you just love Friday Night Food Fights?!” She asked the two ponies. “I’ll say this Izzy, I find it weird at first, but this is kinda fun!” Sunset exclaimed before turning to Misty, “And let me guess, you want the run down again?” She asked. “Yes, please!” Misty desperately said as they kept running. Just then, some foals, including Peach Fizz, and a couple more unicorns, appeared with more food, “Whoa! Look out!” Izzy exclaimed as she grabbed Misty, they danced the tango again while Sunset dodged as many as she could, “All the weeks' food that’s old and rotten…” She started as she ducked an incoming donut, ”Gets saved up…” She ducks again, “And put to good use…” She added. Izzy then leaned Misty back from incoming food as Misty got nervous, “In the best, unicorn tradition!” She finished as she twirled Misty around, which caused her to spin and land in a bush while Sunset and Izzy jumped in after her. “Which is kinda gross, but has to use them somehow,” Sunset commented as the three ponies did behind the bush. Misty was panting from the rush as she turned to her friends, “I'm not sure about this, girls.” She said uncertainly, not sure if she liked this game as Sunset and Izzy looked up, “Isn't there someplace I can just watch?” She asked them. Both Sunset and Izzy’s eyes widened as they saw the unicorns advancing towards them with mischief smirks and rotten foods ready to through. “Uh, yeah, Izzy,” Sunset said in agreement, seeing that they were outnumbered and Misty might not like this, “Is there a safe house for Misty here?” She asked. “The Tea House! Home-sies is safe-sies!” Izzy quickly answered as Misty trotted off, “Quick, Misty! Make a break for it! Sunset, protect her! I’ll cover you two” She exclaimed with a determined expression. “Okay, good luck!” Sunset yelled as she trotted after Misty to keep her safe. “Thanks!” Izzy called with a determined expression as she looked at her challengers as she laughed evily, “Oh, yeah? Take that!” She exclaimed as she tossed some food at the unicorns to the face, while a rotten pizza hit a stallion in the mouth, “And that! And—” She was cut off when Onyx, Dapple, and a unicorn mare came out of hiding with smirks as they levitated some pies. Izzy’s eyes widened in panic as she screamed when the pies hit her as she was buried in a pile before she climbed out of it, “Or maybe I'll get covered... in pies!” She quipped cheerfully as she laughed at her joke, “Pies! Get it?” She asked before a pie hit her in the face and some more hit her. Sunset and Misty kept running and dodging through the path as the spoiled foods were being thrown at them while Sunset brought out her magic shield to cover their rear. “Trust me, this is a new level of a food fight and weird traditions to show, Misty! Messy, but fun!” Sunset exclaimed as she ducked from an incoming apple. “I can see that!” Misty exclaimed as she dodged some more food while  seeing the Crystal Tea Room ahead, which caused her to gasp joyfully in relief with sparkles in her eyes, “We’re almost there!” “Good, because more incoming!” Sunset exclaimed as she moved Misty aside from an incoming food while they kept dodging them as they made it to the tea room, where they saw Alphabittle cleaning a teacup as they quickly shut the door. “Phew, that was close. This reminds me of the time with that snowball fight I had while protecting Pinkie’s baked treat she made for Rarity,” She commented while remembering the time when she and Pinkie were cot in a snowball fight while trying to get to Rarity. “Really, wow,” Misty said in surprise as she looked out the door nervously before she saw the food fighting still going on as rotten food splattered on the door, which she quickly closed as she turned to her father, “Dad! Quick! It's not safe! We got to get out of here! This food fight has gotta stop!” She exclaimed panickedly, which made Alphabittle surprised by this. “You mean to tell me you don't like Friday Night Food Fights?” Alphabittle asked his daughter in surprise. “Yeah, that’s exactly what she’s saying,” Sunset said to him. Alphabittle gave a small smile, “Hah! Oh, you sure changed your tune, Misty.” He commented as he walked up to them, “Very well, then. If that's what you want, I will put an end to all this food-flinging nonsense.” He promised as he walked out of the Tea Room. Misty then got really worried when her father went out, “No, Dad, wait! Don't go out there!” She called out in panic. “Looks like Alphabittle is in for a messy outcome,” Sunset commented, knowing that what Alphabittle will do will not work out well with what’s going on outside. “That’s what I’m worried about,” Misty said in worried for her father. Outside, Alphabittle waved a white flag as he gave a stern look, “Listen up, ponies! From this day forth, I declare a ceasefire!” He called out, which surprised the unicorns, “Lay down your old lasagna, your rotten bananas—” He ordered, but then the unicorns gave each other smirks, which Alphabittle saw as he went wide eyes before a rotten food hit him in the eye, “Ugh!” He called out, which caused him to clench his hoof. And then another hit his other eye and a rotten banana landed on his mouth as more rotten food piled on him, which made Misty and Sunset gasped in shock as they watched from behind the door. “Wow, those ponies are naughty,” Sunset commented surprised by what she saw as the unicorns kept throwing rotten food at Alphabittle. Alphabittle managed to get his hoof free as he was inside the mountain of rotten food, which made Misty gasped, “Nooooo! No!” She cried out as she ran to her father and started digging him out Sunset came up behind her in surprise, “He was only trying to end this battle!” She cried out as she got her father’s head out, who looked dazed, “This can't be happening! Why?! Oh, why, oh, why, oh, why?!” She cried out. Sunset tapped her hoof on Misty’s shoulder, which got the unicorn's attention, “Um, Misty. That’s a little bit overboard. And he’s not dead, he’s playing around,” She pointed out. “Wait, what?” Misty asked in shock as she turned to her father, who shook out of his fake face as he looked surprised. “Hang on.” Alphabittle said as he stood up and turned to his daughter, “Are you telling me you... you don't remember?” He asked Misty in surprise. “What are you talking about, Alphabittle? Misty is still new to the traditions,” Sunset reminded him, since Misty was raised by Opaline, she is still learning about Bridlewood’s traditions as Misty nodded in agreement. Alphabittle realized as well, “Oh, right,” He said, remembering that Misty doesn’t remember much of her past before giving the two ponies a smile, “Well, allow me to refresh that memory,” He said as he then began to explain his backstory. Flashback. A few years ago, Alphabittle was feeding his young daughter Misty some food while holding a spoon for her, “The Pegasus soars through the air! It's coming into land! Ooh!” He said with a smile as he moved the spoon around and brought it close to Filly Misty, who got her mouth open as Alphabittle boop Misty on the nose, getting some food on it. Filly Misty looked at her nose for a bit before she smiled widely, “Yaaay!” She cheered with a wave of her hooves, which Alphabittle responded with a smile as he moved the spoon around his daughter, who gave a challenged smirk as she focused on the spoon before she tried to catch it, but it flicks out of her father’s hoof. “Whoop!” Alphabittle said in surprise as he gave a laugh at his daughter. “Whoo-hoo!” Filly Misty cheered as she trotted side to side in joy. The spoon flew around as it hit a unicorn mare, who was eating a salad, on the head, which caused her stallion friend to laugh at her, which caused her to get irritated as she threw her salad piece at him, but he ducked before he got hit. (Show a little Heart Song) (Izzy) It's the place where love and friendship starts It's for me, yeah, it's for you, yeah, it's for everycritter The salad piece hit an elder stallion, he glared at the mare, who flinched frightened as did her stallion friend the elderly eye twitched before he gave a smirk and lifted a piece of food as he hit the stallion with it. Don't be aloof, pick up your hoof and play your part Just show a little heart The mare and stallion gave smirks as they picked up more food and threw some at the elder, which everypony joined in as the food fight then started, which Alphabittle saw in surprise before he heard his daughter giggle as he turned to her with a smile as Filly Misty giggled and waved her hooves in excitement. (Izzy) If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me 'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely Alphabittle was then hit to the face with some food as Filly Misty was hit to the face as well as a watermelon hit the bow as Filly Misty gave a giggle of joy again as Alphabittle joined in as he grabbed the watermelon piece and threw it at the pony who threw it, joining in on the fun. End of Flashback. After explaining the backstory, Sunset, and Misty were surprised by what Alphabittle just explained to them, while Misty was most shocked as her right eye twitched. “Wow, now that’s a shock and surprising discovery origin of this backstory,” Sunset commented. “Yes, it most certainly is, Sunset. My daughter started all this,” Alphabittle said as Sunset turned to Misty in surprise before giving a small smile. Misty recollected herself as she raised her hoof, “Hang on. Are you telling us I started this tradition back when I was a filly?” She asked her father in surprise. Alphabittle gave his daughter a smile, “Yes, that's— Oof!” He was cut off when more rotten food was thrown at him as he fell to the floor. Misty gasped as her father fell to the floor while Sunset was surprised by that as she looked around, “Okay, we weren’t ready, ponies!” Sunset called out as she gave a sigh before she turned to Misty, who twitched a bit as she looked down at her father. “Uh, Misty? Are you okay?” She asked in concern. Misty then gave a fierce expression, “That's it!” She snapped, which surprised Sunset from Misty’s sudden change of attitude, “If I started this, I can finish it, too!” She declared as she stomped her on a pie and placed some marks on her cheeks while tying her head in a headband, “Sunset! Can you cover me!?” She called. Sunset was startled by Misty’s raised tone as she gave an uncertain look, “Um, yes?” She said uncertainly. “Good! Then charge!” Misty yelled as she gave a roar and charged at the ponies, which Sunset watched in surprise. “Looks like messing with family can bring out the warrior side of Misty,” Sunset said in surprise, “Better remember not to get on her bad side,” She said to herself before she shook her head and trotted after Misty. (Show a little Heart Song Continues) (Izzy) It's the place where love and friendship starts It's for me, yeah, it's for you, yeah, it's for everycritter The ponies looked at Sunset and Misty in surprise at Misty’s sudden courage they all gave challenging smirks as Misty rolled to a pile as Sunset followed in pursuit. Don't be aloof, pick up your hoof and play your part Just show a little heart Misty and Sunset then stood up and held up some pies, which surprised the unciorns as they were hit to the face while a couple more came behind them, they were about to throw their food at them but Misty turned her head and saw them as she gave a smirk, which she grabs Sunset and duck down to avoid the pies, which surprised the Alicorn by that as Misty stood up and threw two pies at the surprised unicorns like shurikens, hitting them both in the head. “Whoa! I did not see that coming,” Sunset said, surprised by Misty’s surprised skills as Izzy appeared from her pile as she looked at Misty in awe as Misty trotted off. “Are you seeing this, Izzy?” She asked, wanting to be sure that her eyes were okay. “I sure am,” Izzy answered as she gave a proud and tearful smile at Misty as she ate some popcorn that she had on her while she and Sunset watched before Sunset quickly followed Misty. If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me 'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely Oh, oh, I'm spreadin' the love... The unicorns then levitated some more food as they tossed them at Misty and Sunset, which they quickly ducked behind the cover. Sunset noticed some rotten eggs as she gave a smirk and gave some to Misty. “Let’s crack those eggs open,” Sunset quipped with a smirk. “You read my mind,” Misty said with a smirk as they tossed their rotten eggs up, and levitated them in their magic, and started hitting the unicorns with them as most of them hit Dapple in the mane. “Eww! Rotten eggs?” Dapple exclaimed in shock while looking at his mane, “My mane's gonna smell for weeks!” He cried out. “Revenge is sweet!” Misty quipped with a smirk as she levitated some gelatins with whipped cream and sprinkles on them as she turned to Sunset, “Might want to take cover, Sunset. It’s about to get really messy,” She advised. “Okay, if you say so,” Sunset said as she quickly got to cover before Misty twired around and threw the gelatins at the unicorns, which they tried to find for cover but they weren’t fast enough as they were hit by her. “Wow, I've never seen this side of MIsty before. She’s good,” She commented on Misty’s warrior skills. (Izzy) ...You better follow your heart, it ain't gonna wait Love, I'm gonna shout it Love, I'm gonna shout it Misty then grabbed some grapes and put them in her mouth as she stood up and started spitting them out and hitting the unicorns as they all ran for cover but they were all hit.  “Nopony messes with my dad!” Misty called seriously as Alphabittle was behind her as he wiped some rotten food off him and gave his daughter a proud smile. (Izzy) Ain't no doubt about it Love's in the air, let's shout it Whoo! Misty then stomped on some ketchup, which hit a couple of unicorns, and threw some pizza like a frisbee as it landed on a foal’s mouth before Misty gave a smirk and levitated a bowl full of honey and covered a mare in it. Don't try to hide now, no, don't run from fate Love's in the air and, ooh, it's smelling great Don't be afraid, it's not too late for a new start Just show a little heart Misty then tossed some jawbreakers at Onyx and Dapple, which they tripped and crashed from losing their balance. Misty then brought out two loaves of bread and gave a fierce look as she started whacking some ponies with them, and then suddenly, she brought out a cannon she strapped herself with as she pulled as some pretzels all shot out at a unicorn more as she tried to dodge them. Misty then used her magic to move some spaghetti at a couple of mares as they were tied together and fell on their rumps, “Hasta la vista, pony!” She quipped with a smirk. Sunset watched with Izzy as they looked in awe at what Misty was doing, “Wow, who knew that Misty had that warrior spirit in her after seeing her father get piled with rotten food,” She commented with an awed smile, “And she’s good with the puns. I don’t think we've ever seen this side of her before,” She added. “We sure haven’t! I can’t even be-izzle at this amazing thing Misty is doing!” Izzy cheered with a wide smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Well, I guess when her friends and family are endangered, she steps up for sure,” Sunset said with a smile. “You think she might need some help?” Izzy asked before a unicorn was than hit with a big cake as she hit a tree next to them. “Nah, I think she got this,” Sunset said with a smile while they continued to watch Misty mop the floors with the unicorns. Misty then stood as many unicorns around her were down before a few more came behind her, and she saw their shadows as she turned to them, “How'd you like an extra big helping of... this?!” The unicorn stallion called as he and three unicorns levitated a ton of rotten food and threw it at her. Misty then gasped at the incoming rotten food before she closed her eyes and focused her magic on her horn. (Izzy) If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me 'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely The rotten food then stopped in mid-air as Misty strained a bit as the unicorns’ jaws dropped in shock at what they saw. Misty gave a determined look as she reeled back and stomped her hoof as she gave a shout as she tossed the food back at the unicorns, which they were all hit by them and were knocked to the ground while feeling dazed. After the whole food slaughtering was down, Sunset and Izzy walked up to Misty. “Misty, you were amazing! Food fight champion!” Izzy cheered in amazement. “I’ll say! You took food fighting to a whole new level!” Sunset complimented with a hoof over Misty, “You are one tough warrior! Went up against the impossible!” She added. Misty gave a slight blush at their compliments before she gave an uncertain look, “Thanks. But what about all this food?” She asked as she gestured to the pile of rotten food with the unicorns in it from her attacks. “Yeah, this is a total mess, Izzy,” Sunset said in agreement, knowing that this was a complete mess alright from the food fighting. “What, that? Aww, the forest will have that for lunch.” Izzy assured with a smile as she gestured to a rotten apple, “See? All that musty old food was only ever good for one thing – mulch.” She said as the rotten apple was absorbed into the ground and some newly sprouted plants were growing as Sunset And Misty looked surprised by this, “It helps grow Bridlewood, enrich the soil, and keep the forest alive.” She explained while gesturing to the ground and to the sun. “Wow! Now that’s a nice way to have a food fight with a purpose and an interesting idea that I know Rainbow and Pinkie would approve of,” Sunset said in thought, knowing that Pinkie and Rainbow would like this food fight idea. “I’m sure they would, Sunset,” Izzy said with a smile. Misty smiled with sparkles in her eyes before she heard her father, “A prize for the food fight victor!” Alphabittle called as Misty turned to him with a smile as she saw him levitate a two-stack rainbow cake with strawberries and butterflies on it. “Thanks for avenging me.” He said as he gave his daughter a wink. Misty kept smiling with sparkles in her eyes as Sunset and Izzy wrapped their hooves around her, “Friday Night Food Fight battle champ!” Both Sunset and Izzy complicated as they broke the hug. “That's sure a side of you we've never seen,” Izzy commented with a smirk as Alphabittle came up to them and placed the cake down. “I’ll say,” Sunset said in agreement, “You are full of surprises, Misty. Way more than what you claim to be,” She added with a smirk. Misty smiled at their compliments as she turned to the cake and gasped happily with sparkles in her eyes as she walked to it, but then she slipped on a banana peel, which caused her to trip, “Aah!” She called out as she fell onto the cake, completely covered in frosting and cream as her two friends and father came to her in surprise. “Thaaaaat's more like it,” Izzy said with a small smile as Sunset and Alphabittle smiled as well. “Yeah, you are still you, Misty. Even though you won, you still get covered in food,” Sunset joked with an amusing smile. Sunset, Izzy, Alphabittle, and Misty then started laughing together at what just happened, finding it funny and amusing at what just happened while they had a great Friday Night Food Fight challenge while Misty just showed her bravery and skills to them, but still got covered in food in the end, which they weren’t complaining, but they did have a fun time. End of Chapter 66. > Chapter 67: The Rise and Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 67: The Rise and Fall On a camera, Opaline is livestreaming on it with an sinister evil smile as she gaves and evil laugh, but then she coughed as she recompose herself as the camera pans back and showed Opaline wearing her power crown, her cape, and for some reason, a necklace which holds five of the seven Mane 7’s Cutie Marks.  “Start again.” Opaline said, going to try again as the camera turned off. In a new vidoe, Opaline looked at the camera again with an evil smile, “It's me, Opal—” She was cut off when she fling her cape, but it flew around and smack her on the face, “Oof!” She yelped. And a next video, it showed Opaline liting up her hoof in blue flames with a look as she waved her hoof around, “Bow to me, Equestria! Nopony can stop me!” She announced as flames burst from behind her as she gave an evil laugh, but as she turned around, she gave a panic expression, “Aah!” She called out as she saw her cape was on fire from the fire burst behind her. Opaline then started screaming in panic as she ran around as the racoonicorn, who is holding her phone to record, watched her go as she tried to put out the fire on her cape. And then the next video, Opaline was about to speak, but she unintintonally gave a burp as she gave an embarassing look at the camera. Next video again, Opaline walked up to the camera with a smirk, “The time has come for you poonies to bow to—” She called out as she gave an evil look and got close to the camera, but then the racoonicorn gave off giggles, making her confused as she gave it a look. “What's so funny?” She questioned. The racoonicorn gave a nervous look as it quickly tuggled around Opaline’s phone and showed her the recording, “—you poonies to bow to—” It played. Opaline now understands what the racoonicorn was telling her as she gave an amusing look with a laugh, “It's quite funny! ‘Poonies’!” She said with tears of joy as she gave an amusing laugh at her mistake, finding it very funny. At Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven is walking around as her phone chimed as she took it out and saw the notification, “Oh! A message.” She said as she look at her phone in confusion by the message. “Do I know you?” Posey questioned with a brow as she got the same message as well on her phone. “Who's this?” Thunder asked, looking at his phone. “New message?” Zoom asked as she looked at her phone as well. One by one, basically every ponies in Equestria looked at their phone as they saw a message on it, even the critters as their phones started chimming. At the Crystal Brighthouse, the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny and Sunset are looking at their phones in concern, “Oh, no. This can't be good.” Sunny said in great concern. “No it can’t be. I have a bad feeling about this,” Sunset said in agreement as she and Sunny looked at their phones as it revealed Opaline. “Hello, ponies.” Opaline said as she turned and fling her mane and waved her hoof. “Knew it!” Sunset said with a glare. At the Sheriff Station, Hitch saw the message as he gave a panic expression, “Don't look! It's the evil Alicorn again!” He cried out as he covered his eyes. In Zepyhr Heights, Pipp and Zipp saw the messages on their phones as Pipp screamed in panic as she flew around the room as her sister watched. “Pipp, stop screaming!” Zipp called out to her panic sister as she place her phone close to her ear, “I can't hear what she's saying!” She added, wanting to hear what Opaline has to say so they could know what’s she’s planning. In Bridlewood, Izzy looked at her phone with a determined look, “Oh, yeah?! Bring it, Opaline!” She challenged as she got her phone closer to her face. Opaline looked at the camera, “Tsk-tsk-tsk. It's a shame that we're getting to know each other so late. But, you know, I have been ever so busy. There are an awful lot of you…” She narrated as she then gave a smirk as she tell her stories. Flashback. “...pathetic little ponies in Equestria.” Opaline narrated as in Zephyr Heights, at the Together Tree, a portal opened up as Opaline came through with a smirk, with two dragons, one Lava and another pink female dragon, came through, scariing the Pegasi as they are shocked and frighten by this. “And even with the help of my new dragon friends, taking all of your cutie marks – well, it's been a full-time job.” She said as magical tentacles shot out and at the ponies. One fo them touched Thunder as it grabbed and remove his Cutie Mark as his partner Zoom watched in wide eyes as she started running away from one of the magic tentacles as Thunder kept screaming as he reach out for his Cutie Mark. In Bridlewood, Opaline and her dragons came to as well as the magical tentacles starts grabbing the unicorns Cutie Marks as Alphabittle ran to try and reach for one of them before another grabbed his as it took his mark away. “Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Give that back!” Alphabittle ordered with a glare as he raised his hoof for his mark. In Maretime Bay, Dahlia and Windy are running for their lives with frightened looks, “Quick, Windy! Run!” Dahlia called out as the two ponies kept running. “Oh, this is just terrifying!” Windy exclaimed as the two ponies turned a corner, but they stopped. Right in front of them is Opaline, who gave an evil smile at them as she lite up her horn, taking Dahlia and Windy’s Cutie Marks, “No!” The two ponies cried out as they reach for their marks. “I liked that cutie mark. Sad.” Windy said as she gave tearful eyes as tears starts coming out of her eyes that her Cutie Mark is taken. End of Flashback. Back in the present, Opaline is still broadcasting as the ponies grew nevers as they watched fearfully as fire appeared behind her with an evil smile, “Not only is all this cutie mark magic making me the most powerful Fire Alicorn of all time, they are really sprucing up the place.” She said with a small smile as she gestured to the side. The camera turned and showed the Cutie Marks from the ponies Opaline stole from on the leaves and stems of the Together Tree in her castle. “We're doomed!” Dazzle cried out when she looked at her phone. “Somepony stop her!” Onyx exclaimed, wishing that somepony would stop Opaline, and longing for her Cutie Mark. “She's awful!” Rufus called in fright. Skye was crying at his phone after seeing the announcement from Opaline. Opaline continued to speak through the camera, “Now I must admit, there were a few of you that did put up teensy-weensy adorable little fights.” She said with a small smile, stating that she did a couple of fights during her Cutie Mark Taken in Equestria. Flashback. In Maretime Bay, Hitch saw Opaline as he gave a determined look with his sheriff hat on, “No!” He exclaimed as he stompped his hoof down, using his Earth Pony magic to summoned some vines around Opaline, “Stop right there!” He ordered as the vines grabbed Opaline and lifted the Fire Alicorn up. Opaline focused her magic as she spread her wings with a roar, freeing herself from the vines as she zapped Hitch’s legs and tied them together as he fell to the floor as Hitch struggled to break free. “Aah! Thief!” Hitch called out as Opaline walked up to him with a small smile as she lit up her horn and stolen Hitch’s Cutie as it flew out of his flank. “Ah! No!” He cried out in vain as his Cutie Mark was taken. In the Crystal Brighthouse, the Uniy Crystal shimmered but it shook a bit as the rainbow faded again at the moment Hitch’s Cutie Mark was removed. Opaline and the two mind controlled dragons then made it to Zephyr Heights at the old station as  Pipp flew aorund while she is vocalizing fearfully at the three, while Opaline just gave a bored expression since she expected more from Pipp as the nervous princess flew around Opaline, which she grew more irrated as Pipp got more nervous as she flew off. “Hey!” Zipp’s voice called out as Opaline turned and saw Zipp flew in and wrap a tarp around the Opaline and the two dragons as she and Pipp grab a rope and tried to trap them. But then Opaline lit up her magic as she bruned through the tarp and zapped Zipp and Pipp, tying the two Pegasi sisters’ hooves together as they fell to the ground. “Aah!” Zipp yelped as soon as she and Pipp fell to the floor. “Aah! Hey!” Pipp called as hers and Zipp’s Cutie Marks were extracted from their flanks,” That's mine!” She cried out. “Give that back!” Zipp called with a glare at Opaline. “I'll take these.” Opaline said wiht a smirk as she levitated the sister’s Cutie Marks to her necklave and place them in with Hitch’s in the middle. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, the Unity Cystals shook again as bit of the rainbow faded again. In Bridlewood, Izzy levitated some tomatoes at Opaline, “Take that! And that!” She exclaimed as she threw the tomatoes at Opaline, which she got hit with a couple, “And this!” She said as she threw more tomatoes at her. Opaline managed to use her magic to block the tomatoes before she gave a roar and extracted Izzy’s Cutie Mark, but the Unicorn kept her smirk. “Ooh, you want that, do ya?” Izzy asked with a smirk as Opaline got Izzy’s mark to her hoof, but then was shock when she saw that it was a fake, “Hah! Well, that's not even the real one!” She mocked as Izzy jumped into her scooter and put on her helmet, “Not today, Opaline!” She said as she drove off as Opaline started sneering in anger. “Not today!” Izzy cheered, but her victory was short-lived as Opaline zapped Izzy’s hooves, tying them together as she was lifted up in the air and her scooter tipped over, “Aah!” She gave a yelp as her Cutie Mark was extracted from her flank, “Oh. I guess maybe today.” She said sadly as she saw her Cutie Mark flying to Opaline with tears in her eyes. In the Crystla Brighthouse, the Unity Crystals shook and the rainbow lost another color again. In Zephyr Heights, Misty faced Opaline at the Together Tree as the two ponies glared at each other, “I earned that cutie mark through true friendship, Opaline!” She called as Opaline gave a rageful look at her betrayal adoctive daughter, “You can't take it from me!” She added with a serious look. Before Misy could react, Opaline shot Misty’s legs, tying them up as she was levitated up to her as Opaline gave a laugh, “Oh, Misty. Really?” She asked in amusement as she used her magic to extract Misty’s Cutie Mark and held it up, “Aren't you a little old to believe in fairy tales?” She mocked with a sinister smile as Misty’s Cutie Mark was put into amulet with the others. End of Flashback. “And now only two little Alicorns and the remaining Gaurdians of Harmony stands between me and total domination!” Opaline finsihed with a crazed sinister look with her wings spread and glowing to the camera. “Looking for us, Opaline?” Sunny’s voice spoke, which surprised Opaline as she turned and saw Sunset, Sunny, who is in her Alicorn form, along with Discord and Spike with them, giving determined looks at the Fire Alicorn as the racoonicorn cheers, dropping the phone as it landed on the rock as it livestream them. “Ah, Sunny, Sunset, Discord, and Spike. There you are.” Opaline said with a smirk at her four opponents. “Opaline, this has gone too far!” Discord exclaimed with a yell. “Oh, but I think it was an amazing achievement for me,” Opaline said with a mocking smirk, “I’ve taken everypony’s Cutie Marks, as well as your friends, and I’m in control of two dragons and became the most powerful pony in Equestria!” “When you mess with our friends and other creatures for power, that’s crossing a line,” Sunset growled as Twilight appeared from the necklace. “And this is even beyond more insane, and I’ve seen crazier and this whole stealing Cutie Mark was straight up Starlight’s old playbook,” Twilight growled with a glare, “But even she wasn’t this crazy for power, and this is a new level of low, even for you. Especially for taken Misty’s,” “And not to mention controlling dragons, that’s cruel,” Sunny added angerly. “And given that you have two of my fellow Dragons under your mind control, you're just making yourself an enemy of the dragons too." Spike said with a growl and a puff a smoke came out of his snout. “Oh, I was expecting that, but I’m still flattered that you think of me that way,” Opaline said with a teasing smirk, which they scowled. “Last chance, Opaline!” Sunset roared in anger, “Give up and give us back those Cutie Marks and free those dragons!” She ordered. “Or we do this the hard way!” Discord exclaimed as he cracked his knuckles with a challenging look. Opaline just gave them an amusing laugh, “How about the hard way?” She suggested as she tapped her hoof as the two controlled dragons came next to her, “Unless you give me your magic and Cutie Marks, I would go easy on you,” She suggested with a smirk. The four heroes just kept glaring at her, “You really think we let you win that easily?” Twilight questioned with a glare, “I think you forgotten who we are,” She said as they all flew up. “We’re the Guardians of Harmony! And we’ll face you to the very end!” Spike declared as they glared at Opaline.  “So how about we settle this once and for all!” Sunset declared as she lit up her horn, as did Sunny as Spike and Discord took ready stances. Opaline was surprised  by this before she gave an exciting smile as she lit up her horn, “This is going to be fun!” She said as she laughed, “Hah!” She called out as she blasted her horn at them. “Aah!” Sunny quickly use her magic to create a shield around them, but was slightly pushed back a bit. The two controlled dragons then flew towards them, but Discord and Spike charged at them as they than started clashing each other, either breathing fire or chaotic blocks in the air while driving them away from the three Alicorns. The three Alicorns then started fighting as Sunny and Sunset flew around while dodging Opaline’s blasts as Sunny kept using her shield while Sunset retalliated with her magic rays, but Opaline blocked them as well as Sunny and Sunset flew a distance from Opaline. “Oh, please. You two still think you can defeat me even with some help? Hah!” Opaline questioned with a smirk as she fired a beam at them, but Sunny quickly blocked it with her shield, “Even when I have all the cutie mark magic?” She asked again as she fired another beam at them, which  Sunny blocked before Sunset kicked Opaline to the face as they flew away, “You know, for Alicorns, you two really aren't very clever!” She mocked, rubbing her cheeks while still giving a smirk as she blasted at them again, which Sunny blocked. “All we know is that we have to try!” Sunny yelled as she and Sunset flew around Opaline. “If it’s impossible or not, we never give up! We never stop trying!” Sunset yelled as she blasted Opaline back as the Fire Alicorn blocked as she was pushed back a bit. “You may be able to take ou rcutie marks, Opaline.” Sunny started before Opaline fired again as she strained while putting magic to her shield before Sunset manged to fire back as the two Alicorns faced her in exaushting, “But you can never take what makes us... us!” She called out in determined. “And you might think you win in the short run, Opaline, but NOT in the LONG run!” Sunset yelled out, “You're just giving the ponies of this era a mutual enemy, which unifies them like never before. Which doesn’t go great for your rule!" She added seriously. “And no matter what you do, even after you ruined my legacy the first time, the magic of friendship still lives on! Even though harsh or forgotten times!” Twilight yelled next. “And I don’t think you will destroy it the second time!”  “Is that right?” Opaline questioned with a smirk as Sunny and Sunset charged at her with a yell, but Opaline moved aside and gave a surrpise attack to the two Alicorns, which tied their hooves together, “Watch me!” She said as she gave an evil laugh and lit up her horn. “No!” Both Sunny and Sunset exclaimed as they turned and saw their Cutie Marks extracted from them. At the Crystla Brighthouse, the Crystals shook greatly as the rainbow faded and the crystals were separated as they fell to the floor. Back at Opaline’s Castle, Sunny was falling before Sunset caught her as she flew back down gently to the ground as Sunny’s Alicorn magic faded as Opaline gave an evil smirk at the defeated ponies as Sunset glared at them. Twilight then began to flicker in her necklace, which got Sunset’s attention, “S-Sunset! S-S-Sunny… The magic…. Gone…. The crystals…” She stammered as she faded out. “No! Twilight!” Sunset cried out as she tap on the necklace, which nothing happens as she glared at Opaline, who is giving them an evil crackle. The rest of the Mane 6 at their respective locations cried out in panic at seeing their friends defeat and indanger from Opaline as the Ponies cried out in panic at seeing them defeated after having their Cutie Marks taken and seeing Twilight disappeared, while the ponies are shock to see the Anicent former Princess of Equestria and the Princess of Friendship, they were now crying out in panic after see what they saw. “That’s one Guardian of Harmony down! Now it’s your turn!” Opaline declared as she lit up her horn, but then a fireball came at her, which startled her as she quickly shield herself, “What?!” She questioned. Just then, Spike and Discord flew in with fierce expressions, “You’re not taking the life of another pony again!” Spike yelled, feeling really enraged that Twilight is gone. “How’d you two defeat my dragons!?” Opaline questioned. “You’re ‘bodyguards’ aren’t much for combat that much,” Discord commented while gesturing to the two unconscious dragons while being frozen solid, “They’ll be out for a while, but gives us enough time to stop you!” “And you will pay for what you did!” Spike yelled, “For what happened so many moons ago, and what happened recently! Twilight stopped you before, and we can do the same!” He huffed as the two ancient equestrian creatures circled Opaline. Opaline just gave a scoff, “And what could two old timing creatures of the Guardians of Harmony could do with a powerful Fire Alicorn like me when I whole all the magic!” She questioned as she lit up her horn. “It’s not the power that makes a pony or a creature, it’s the creature that makes the power!” Discord pointed out as he snapped his fingers to bring out a shield and a sword with a helmet on his head. “Oh, I beg the differ!” Opaline retorted before giving a smirk, “The remaining members of the Guardians of Harmony ends here! Oh, how I waited for this day,” She said with an amusing smirk. “We’ve been waiting too,” Spike said with a glare as Discord nodded in agreement, “And I’m not a cowardly dragon anymore!” He roared as he and Discord charged at Opaline as the two creatures fought the Fire Alicorn. Opaline was caught off guard by the double attack as she quickly dodged as Discord quickly snap his fingers to make Opaline’s beams vanish as best he could as Spike fired a fireball at her, which she quickly blocked as the dragon pounced on Opaline, dragging around like a rag doll as the Fire Alicorn gave a yelp as she was tossed to the air before regaining her balance. Opaline stopped as she gave a glare at the two, “You two will pay for that!” She growled as she lit up her horn. “Put it on our tab,” Spike mocked with a smirk as Discord chuckled. “Hahah, oh joy! That never gets old,” Discord commented as he wipe his tears off his eyes as Opaline roared in range and charged at the two creatures, who charged back as they continued their showdown. At Zephyr Heights, the ponies watched the vidoes, looking in awed at seeing Spike and Discord fighting Opaline, but they are still worried that they might lose and Opaline will destroy them. Pipp gave worried tears at seeing Sunny and Susnet defeated and worried that Discord and Spike might lose before she look at the Together Tree before giving a determined look, as did Misty and Zipp. “Come on, ponies! No matter how dark or scary things get, we can't ever give up hope!” Pipp declared with tears in her eyes as the ponies looked at her as Zipp and Misty stood beside her as the two nodded at each other with determined smiles.  “Sunset is right.” Misty spoke next determinedly. “We can't give up. When there's life, there's still hope.”  “And we ALL have a mutual enemy AND we also have friends in danger.” Zipp continued with a determined smile, “We have to all do this together." The three ponies than turned to the Forever Tree, “For Sunny, Sunset, Discord, Twilight, and Spike!” Pipp decalred as she started singing. (Magic in Us Song) (All) We just need a little hope We just need a little unity Pipp started as she and Zipp spread their wings and some magic came flying out as Misty’s horn glowed as it flew to the Together Tree, which light it up and turned it back to normal color. We just need to find the ma-agic That's inside of everybody In Bridlewood, Izzy, Alphabittle and the other ponies there are putting their magic into their Together Tree as it lit up. Sometimes it feels a little hopeless But things aren't always what they seem In Maretime Bay, Hitch, the Pippsqueaks, Posey, and the other ponies are pouring their magic into their Together Tree as it light up as. In Opaline’s Castle, she managed to blast Discord and Spike back as the two stood in front of Sunny and Sunset as they glared at her as Opaline gave sinster smile as she lit up her horn, was about to fire at them, but then they saw Opaline’s Together Tree stem glowing into rainbow color. Opaline notice this as well, “Wait a second. What is this?” She questioned as she turned as the five saw the rainbow color on the Together Tree stem as they are glwoing and sparkling up as Spike, Discord, Sunny and Sunset watched on with smile. Just than,some of the magic flew into the neckalce as Twilight appeared, which they noticed, “Twilight!” They cried out in joy before Sunset spoke. “Twilight, is this…?” Spike tried to asked with a smile, wanting to know he’s isn’t dreaming and felt a familiar feeling from the magic around them. “That is our friends and the magic of friendship helping us light our darkest hour,” Twilight said with a nod and a warm smile, knowing what is happening. Sunset then gave a smirk as she turned to Opaline, “As I said before, Opaline. You just unified these ponies like never before. And that kind of unity super-charges the Unity Crystals enough to restore their magic." She said, having a feeling what is happening as the other four heroes gave Opaline knowing smirks. (All) Can you feel it? The energy? When Opaline’s not looking, some roots came up behind her as they quickly grabbed Opaline when she turned and saw them, “No!” She cried out as she tried to break free, but then one of the roots went up to her flank and magically removed her Cutie Mark, “NO! My My mark! My power!” She called out as her magic disappeared as she reach out for her Cutie Mark as it disappeared from a tree entrance. “Say goodbye to all that power, Opaline!” Discord yelled with a victorious smirk. “Because you’re not getting it back!” Spike called next with a wide smile. “You’re rein of error ends here! Even when our friends are not here, they’re always with us, and even if you take our Cutie Marks, we’ll always be who we are!” Sunset added. “The Together Trees are what’s brings us together, we protect them and they protect us, for the likes of you!” “Magic takes many form, with our without Cutie Marks, or any other artifacts. It never goes away, it’s who we are!” Twilight declared as they all looked at Opaline with victory expressions. “I am the Fire Alicorn!” Opaline yelled in rage as she tried to break free, but than the Mane 7’s Cutie Marks flew out of her necklace as they lew away, which shocked Opaline greatly, “Ah, you ponies or creatures and your disgusting friendship magic!” She called out. The Cutie Marks flew away as Sunny’s and Sunset’s flew to their respective owners and returned to where they belong as they felt their magic returning and Sunny’s Alicorn form appeared again, which they are as Sunny gave a wide smile with her eyes sparkling in joy.. “Now that’s more like it,” Sunset said with a smile as she lit up her own, feeling her magic is back. Opaline than screamed as she was being dragged away by the roots as she was about to enter the tree stem but the grabbed the side as she glared at the heroes, “This... isn't... over!” She called ragefully before the roots quickly tied Opaline up and got her deeper into the tree as the heroes watched as she was out of sight. Just than, the Cutie Marks that Opaline have stolen were release from their leaves and flew out. (All) Don't look now, things are getting better So hold my hoof 'cause we're glowin' together We got the strength to take on whatever All around Equestria, each of the Together Trees then released the Cutie Marks as they flew back to their respective owners as the ponies smiled in joy at their return of their Cutie Marks. 'Cause we've got the magic We've got the magic in us! Each of the rest of the Mane 7’s Cutie Marks then flew back to their owners as the ponies smiled in joy at their Cutie Marks and that their friends are saved and that Opaline was defeated. With Sunny, Sunset, Spike and Discord, they looked at the Brighthouse as they saw the rainbow flickering but alive as they smiled in joy, feeling happy that they saved Equestria and defeated Opaline as they flew to the Brighthouse, leaving a trail of rainbow behind as Equestria is finally saved. And then suddenly, Sunset’s eyes were white as she was brought back into reality as she panted as Discord let go of her head from his claw. “So, what did you see?” Discord asked in curious. “I saw what I think might happen in the near future,” Sunset said while panting a bit. “Sunset, even when you asked me to help you see what might happen, you might not know if you could prevent it or not. The vision I gave you was not accurate, though I can’t promise if this might help since I can’t see into the future,” Discord said, since Sunset asked him to help her see something that might give them an edge against Opaline, but since Discord can’t see into the future, he gave her what might happen through thinking it. “Well, I don’t know it might make things better, but knowing that there’s always a way to beat a bad guy,” Sunset said before turning to Discord, “You are one example after all,” She said with a smirk. Discord gave a small laugh fro that, “That is true,” He said before giving a concern look, “Though, not sure if that might help you or the others,” “Well, I could at least try, for my friends, for my family, form Equestria,” Sunset said with a determined look before looking out the window, “I just hope that might not happen even if we find a way to stop her,” “I hope so too, Sunset. I hope so too,” Discord said in agreement as the two looked out the window and take a view of Equestria, knowing that Opaline might be planning to strike soon. End of Chapter 67. > Chapter 68: Crystal Ball > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 68: Crystal Ball “Scratch that musicky itch! Whoo!” Izzy called cheerfully as she and her friends were dancing at the Together Tree in Maretime Bay, while a couple like her, Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch were dancing great, Misty, Sunny, and Sunset was having trouble keeping up. Just then, Comet came rushing towards them, “Sunny! Sunset! This came for you two!” He called out, but he was going too fast that he couldn’t slow down, “Whoa! Whoa!” He called out as he bumped into the Mane 7 as they all yelled and got onto his back. Comet finally stopped as the Mane 7 were now stacked into a tower on top of Comet, which he couldn’t carry that much weight and they fell to the floor. they all tumbled down with dazed expressions as Comet got up and rubbed his head with a groan. Sunny then lifted her hoof, ”Hey, Comet…” She started with a strain as she and Sunset stood up, “Did you say something arrived?” She asked with a small smile. “Yeah, what’s important that you have rush like that?” Sunset asked while rubbing her head, wanting to know what Comet got for them. Comet remembered why he came with a smile, “Oh, yes! This! It's from Violet Frost!” He stated as he took out an invitation while the rest of their friends got their bearings and looked at him, “It arrived weeks ago, and then I put it someplace I definitely wouldn't forget, but then I did forget, sooooo…” He rambled on while the Mane 7 looked at him weirdly before he gave the invitation to Sunny. “Uh, thanks, Comet for letting us know,” Sunset said with a small smile. “You’re welcome!” Comet said with a smile while still holding out the invitation to them. Sunny accepted the invitation as she and the others read it before Sunny smiled widely, “Oh, my glitter!” She excitedly cheered with sparkles in her eyes, “Tonight?! Ponies, we've got to get back to Starlight Ridge!” She said to them as they all smiled widely. “Looks like we’re invited to a party and an interdimensional invitation,” Sunset said in amusement, “Now that’s a great combo and a good excuse to get back,” She added. “But don't we need the Nova Charm to travel through the portal?” Zipp asked in confusion since they needed the Nova Charm to open up the portal to get back to Starlight Ridge.  Sunset gave an amusing smile, “Zipp, did you forget that we do have it?” She asked. Zipp then remembered that they do, “Oh, right! I forgot that we do but who has it this time?” She asked since the ponies were taking turns watching over the Nova Charm and making sure they didn’t lose it before she remembered who had it, “Wait. Izzy, do you have it with you?” She asked the cheery unicorn. “Do I have it, Zipperoonie?” Izzy asked with a smirk before she smiled with sparkles in her eyes, “Do I have it?!” She repeated as she gave a laugh and walked up to her crafting sash near the Together Tree, “Are you kidding me? Of course I—” She started as she searched through her sash before she gave a worried look, “Oh, wait. Maybe I don't.” She muttered.  “Oh, Izzy! Don’t tell us you lost it,” Sunset groaned while she and her friends looked nervous that Izzy lost the Nova Charm. Izzy was about to speak but then she felt something as she smiled widely, “Wait! False alarm! Ta-daaaaah!” She announced as she held up the Nova Charm on her necklace as it shimmered. “Phew, that’s a relief,” Sunset said as she and her friends smiled, “Now open up that portal, Izzy,” She added. “Sure thing!” Izzy cheered as she got the Nova Charm close to the Together Tree as it was lifted out of her hoof and shot a beam that opened the portal back to Starlight Ridge, “Aw, yeah!” She cheered as she placed the Nova Charm back into her sash as she jumped into the portal. “Yay!” Misty, Hitch, Sparky, and Pipp jumped in next as they cheered before jumping into the portal. “Hey!” Zipp cheered as she jumped in next. “Hey!” Sunny cheered next as she jumped through the portal. “Time to get crystally and join the sparkles!” Sunset quipped as she jumped into the portal last as they made their way to Starlight Ridge. (Fresh Song) (Pipp) I'm feelin' fresh Like my mane is on fleek The Mane 7 made it back to Starlight Ridge, while also back into their crystal forms, as they entered the Central Hall as they entered a changing room with three Auroricorn mares holding some accessories and makeup supplies while giving the Mane 7 a smile.   Happiness is all I need Spreadin' love from you to me Not long after, the Auroricorns are putting the Mane 7 with new fancy clothing while adding some makeup and some sparkles on their manes and faces and some accessories they finished the Mane 7’s dress up. I'm feelin' fresh Magic all around my friends... Pipp then flew into the middle of her friends while holding out her phone, “Say ‘Auroricorns’!” She called as the Mane 7 huddled together in front of the camera with smiles as Pipp took many pictures with glee. “Mm-mm-MMM!” Violet hummed to them while giving a smile and sparkling eyes to the Mane 7, finding their looks amazing, “You ponies look fabulous! But we've gotta hurry. The Crystal Ball has already started!” She said to them. “Ball?” Pipp asked in excitement before looking at herself with her wings spread as she hopped around before doing a pose, “Um, first Auroricorn-styled makeup, fashion makeovers, and now a party?!” She asked in excitement with her hooves to her cheeks with sparkles in her eyes as she squealed, “Could this night get any better?!” She asked excitedly. Zipp groans as she adjusts the neck collar she is wearing, “I sure hope so.” She muttered as she was not one for fashion but had to for special events like this. “Come on, ponies! Let's have some fun!” Violet announced with a smile. Later on, the Mane 7 are now in the Crystal Ball with Auroricorns around them dancing through the music. Izzy and Misty danced close as they whooped and laughed together. Hitch and Sparky are looking at the buffet as they are in amazement at the food as he takes a bite out of apiece and sips on a drink, “Oh, yeah!” He said before looking at Sparky, who was eating a ton of apples really fast. Auroricorn was holding a star up while Sunny, Sunset, Zipp, and Pipp watched as they passed the star to each other before they passed it to Pipp, who tossed it to Sunny, who tossed it to Sunset, who then tossed it to Zipp. Zipp caught the star with a bored expression, but then the star started shining as Zipp tossed it up, but then it turned into a crown as it landed on Zipp’s head, much to the pegasus surprise. “Awww, Zipp!” Pipp said with tears of joy in her eyes while Zipp gave a dull expression, “It's exactly how I always imagined it!” She said, picturing Zipp with a crown on her head when she’ll be the Queen of Zephyr Heights one day, Zipp groaned at that thought. “Heheh. I guess Zipp just came to escape fate no matter where she goes, right?” Sunset joked as she and Sunset laughed together. “Yeah, I think that’s true,” Sunny joked as the two ponies shared a small laugh. “Queen Zipp in the house! Whoop-whoop-whooooop!” Izzy cheered as she came next to Sunny and Sunset, who gave small smiles at the cheery Unicorn, “Oh, Sunny, Sunset, having fun?” She asked them normally. “Do you have to ask? This place is amazing,” Sunset said with a smile, “And not to mention, a little bit like the Grand Galloping Gala from my time,” She added with a nostalgic look. Sunny sighed in agreement as she gave a smile, “Don't you just love Starlight Ridge? It's so—” She started but was cut off when Izzy spoke. “Oh, whoa. What is that?” Izzy asked with sparkles in her eyes as she pointed to a rundown hut at the end of the room. “Was that always been there?” Sunset asked in confusion. “I have no idea,” Sunny shrugged in confusion. Izzy then walked up to it, “Well, hello, you spooky little hut thingy!” She said cheerfully as she jumped into the hut. “Izzy just loves anything new and suspicious,” Sunset said in amazement with a chuckle, “Ain’t I right, Sunny?” She asked before she got no answer as she turned to Sunny, still looking at the hut, “Sunny?” She asked again in confusion. Sunny didn’t hear Sunset as she kept looking at the hut before she heard purring sounds in it as she gave a confused look before she saw a shadow and a familiar snow leopard image flashed in Sunny’s mind as she flinched back a bit, much to Sunset’s concern. “Sunny, are you okay?” Sunset asked in concern as she went up next to her. “I-I’m not sure,” Sunny said uncertainly, “Uh... what was that?” She asked. “What was what?” Sunset asked in confusion. Zipp and Pip noted this as they came up to them, “You okay, Sunny?” Pipp asked before she looked at the hut with an interesting smile, “Ooh, what is in there? Looks kind of awesomely terrifying!” She said in excitement as she was about to walk in but Sunny stopped her. “Don't go in there!” Sunny called out in fear as her friends turned to her in surprise, “I think it might have something to do with that evil snow leopard Allura!” She stated. “Allura? That’s what's on your mind?” Sunset said in concern as Sunny nodded. Zipp walked up next to Sunny with an assuring smile, “It's okay, Sunny. I know we've all been through a lot lately. But Allura? Opaline?” She questioned as she gave a thought while Sunny still looked deep in thought, “We don't have to worry about them anymore. Trust me. Whatever is in there is just a bit of fun.” She assured her as Pipp nodded in agreement. “Usually something new and strange can pop whenever we go, but I’m not having any evil vibes here either,” Sunset added with a smile, “So we’re sure it’s safe,” Izzy then jumped out of the hut with a smile, “The crystal ball told me that there is a super yummy pie in my future!” She announced as she looked around with a smirk. “Here you go. Iz.” Hitch said as he came up to Izzy while holding a pie, “I know how much you love pie.” He said to her with a smile. “Whoa!” Izzy cheered with sparkles in her eyes, “Did you ponies see that?! Mind totally blown! Whaaaa!” She exclaimed in awe as she started eating the pie cheerfully, much to Hitch’s surprise as she kept eating it. “See? Told ya.” Zipp said to Sunny with a smile and a wink, “Just a bit of fun.” “A fortune teller?” Sunset asked in surprise before she gave a smile, “Haven’t been to one of those in a while. Nice.” She said as she turned to Sunny, “You see, Sunny, it’s all good. There’s nothing to worry about,” She said. Sunny gave a thought, “Well, I don’t know…” She muttered. “Okay, I gotta try this,” Pipp said with an interesting smile. “Okay, ponies,” Sunset spoke up as she got in front of the hut,” Let’s see what our future holds,” She said. “Agreed!” Pipp exclaimed as she, Hitch, Sparky, and Zipp entered while Sunset stood by and turned to Sunny. “Sunny, you wanna join us?” Sunset asked. “Uh, you ponies start, I’ll wait,” Sunny said as Sunset shrugged and went into the hut as Sunny gave a concerned look. “Hmm.” She hummed. And then after a moment, Hitch came out of the hut with a panicked look “The crystal ball said I was gonna lose Sparky!” HE cried out as he looked around for his baby dragon while Sunny looked in panic “Sparky?! Sparky?! SPARKYYYYY!” He cried out. “Where is he?!” Sunny exclaimed in worry. Zipp then came out with an assuring smile at them, “Calm down, you two. The crystal ball told me that I would find Sparky.” She said, and then Sparky appeared on her head, much to the two ponies' surprise while Zipp gave an amusing look, “Huh. Would you look at that?” She joked. Pipp came out of the hut with a frown, “Ugh! Get real!” She said, “That ball thingy told me I wouldn't be able to stop squawking like a bird.” She stated with a laugh of amusement as her friends looked at her in confusion while Sunset came out of the hut, “What? As if.” She scoffed before she then made a squawking sound, which made her cover her moth in shock before she realizes that she did squawk, “Oh, no! Oh, no-no-no-no!” She cried before she squawked again, “No-no-no-no-no!” She tried as she ran off with her friends looked in surprised as she gives another squawk. Sunset and Sunny looked at each other as they gave a laugh at Pipp’s squawking, “Oh, Celestia. Talk about coincidence. And who knew Pipp got a bird side,” Sunset joked through her laughter. “Hahah, who knew? And it’s a little funny!” Sunny laughed before looking at Sunset. “So, Sunset, what’s your fortune?” She asked in curiosity. Sunset just shrugged, “Oh, my fortune just said that I will have big adventures waiting for me in the future. Like I have many of those with you and our friends,” She said with a small chuckle as Sunny did the same, “But hey, maybe you should try it. You could know what your fortune is,” She suggested. Sunny thinks for a moment, “Well, I guess you and Zipp's right. Seems harmless enough.” She said with a thoughtful smile. “Well, go on ahead, sis.” Sunset said with a smile, “Your fortune awaits,” Sunny smiled as she went into the hut and saw the fortune teller with a crystal ball and some other potients and books around as growling sounds can be heard in the background.  “That’s strange,” Sunny said in confusion as she looked around. “What's that noise? It sounds like... purring?” She guessed in confusion, when sudddenly the crystal ball suddenly cracked, much to Sunny’s surprise. “Did you say purring?!” The Fortune Teller Auroricorn mare asked in fear before she started  screaming and running away. “Hey! What about my fortune?” Sunny called out as she chase after as the fortune teller ran out of the but in fear, much to the Mane 7’s confusion as Sunny came out. “What was that all about?” Sunset asked Sunny wtih a brow. “I have no idea,” Sunny honestly said. “So? What did it say, Sunny?” Izzy spoke with an interesting smile. Pipp then came up next to Izzy and Sunset, “I hope for your sake it had—” She started before she gave another squawk, “—nothing to do with birds.” She finished as she gave another squawk as Izzy and Sunset looked at her in amusement as Pipp then sobbed, “Why?!” She cried. Sunset gave a chuckle while patting Pipp on the head, “It will go away eventually, Pipp. But to be fair, I think it’s kinda fitting that you are squawking like a bird,” She said with a small laugh. “Not helping, Sunset!” Pipp cried out as she gave another squawk, “Oh, C’mon!” She cried. “Actually, it didn't tell me anything.” Sunny said before she frown in concern, “I just heard this purring noise. It sounded a lot like Allura when she spoke.” She explained while her friends looked surprise by that, “Remember? S-She kind of purred?” She stated nervousl. “Whoa, easy, Sunny,” Sunset said as she walked up to her and place a comforting hoof on her, “Maybe you were just hearing things. We haven’t heard from Allura in a while,” She stated. “Yeah, Sunny, that snow leopard is gone.” Zipp added in agreement as she walked up to them, “And Izzy has the Nova Charm now. There's nothing to worry about.” She assured as she and Sunset gave Sunny a side hug, which made Sunny smiled. “With the Nova Charm in our hooves, and Allura doesn’t know we have it, she won’t be messing with us for a while,” Sunset added with a smile, “So your fortune must’ve been something else,” “Yeah!” Misty called with a smile, “Maybe it just means you'll meet a super cute kitten tonight! She suggested with a cute face with a smile and sparkles in her eyes with her hooves raised. Sunny gave a small smile at them, “I mean, I do like kittens.” She admitted as her friends smiled back. “Don't worry, Sunny.” Izzy assured her, “Let's partyyyyy!” She annoucned. “And we have a feeling that you will be dancing wtih Hitch, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a teasing smirk as Hitch and Sunny blushed sheepishly as they smiled at each other and giving nervous chuckles while their friends smirked at them teasignly.. “Well, um, I, um…” They both stammered before they sighed in defeat with a smile, “Yes, “They said in unison before their friends laughed as they joined in. Soon, music was playing at the ball as each ponies paired up as they are slow dancing together while holding each others hooves.  Pipp and Zipp held hooves as they slowly danced together, Sunset is with Mist while teaching her how to dance as they held each other hooves. And Sunny and Hitch are slow dancing together while giving each other warm smiles as they dance together as Hitch twirled her around and she gave a small laugh before Sparky cooed at them with his paws raised.  Sunny them lifted Sparky up and twriled him around wiht a warm smile as Sparky laughed and she did in return before hugging him  and passing him over to Hitch, who also lifted Sparky up as he spun him around as the two laughed while Sunny smiled warmly. As Sunny watched her boyfriend and baby dragon having a good time, she heard growling sounds as she gave a nerovus look, “Do you hear that?” She asked as her friends looked at her in confusion before they shook their heads while Sunset gave a concern look at Sunny. A little bit later, the Mane 7 are then enjoying themselves with some ice creams that shape like stars. Sunny was about to enjoy hers, but the she heard the growling sound again as she turned to her friends, “Now?! Still nothing?!” She asked again. Her friends shoooked their heads again with dull expressions, still haven’t heard a thing while Sunset is becoming more and more worry for Sunny as she saw her eating her ice cream in fear. “Oh, Sunny,” Sunset said in worry as she have a feeling that Sunny’s fear of Allura coming back was getting to her. A little bit later afer the Crystal Ball, the Mane 7 are at the entrance of where the portal will be as they are about to depart with Violet saying farewell before they go. “I hope you ponies had fun. We loved having you at our Crystal Ball.” Violet said with a smile at them. “We sure did, Violet. It was really fun,” Sunset said with a smile, “And thanks for the invitation. We’ll come back again and hang out sometimes when we could.” She added. “We would love that, Sunset,” Violet commented. Just then, the growling sound can be heard again, this time, louder as it shook, which made Sunny even more afraid, “There! There it is again! You ponies must've heard that!” She cried out in fear as she waved her hooves franctaclly. But then, Sunset came to her, “Sunny, it’s okay. That was just a certain baby dragon,” She said as  they all turned to Sparky as his stomach growling. “Sparky?” Sunny asked in surprised as Sparky gave a sheepish look. “See, Sunny?” Zipp asked with an assuring smile, “It's just Sparky's tummy. We told you it was nothing to worry about.” She assured as Hitch gave a small smile and nodded in agreement while Sparky rubbed his stomach. “You must’ve been so worked up about Allura from our last encounter, you must’ve been afraid that she might be near by,” Sunset said with a small smile, “But it’s alright. She’s not here, and she’s not near us,” She assured her as she rubbed Sunny’s back with her wing, “So just take a breather. Sparky’s stomach does sound like a pur, but it was just him and nothing else,” Sunny gave a small smile as she wipe her forehead, “Whew! Well, that's a relief.” She said relief as her friends looked at her, “I was starting to worry that Allura followed us.” She said with a small giggle. “Well, if she does followed us and if she does showed her face again, Sunny, we’ll be ready for her,” Sunset assured her with a smile. “Sunset, Allura is gone. We don’t have to worry…” Pipp tried to speak before Sunset spoke up. “She was defeated, not like how we dealt wtih Opaline, Pipp,” Sunset interrupted as they all looked at her in surprise, “While Opaline is now gone, the first time we beat her wasn’t easy and she returned better than ever. Allura is no different than her. Because one thing about bad guys, they don’t give up that easily.” She pointed out. The group all looked at each other as they all muttered in understanding as they knew that since their first fight with Opaline, they thought they were done with her but they were wrong as she returned and more powerful then ever. “Yeah, okay. You got us there,” Hitch said in agreement as Sparky babbled and nodded his head in understanding. “I just hope Allura doesn’t follow us or is spying on us then,” Sunny said in worry as Hitch place a comforting hoof on her with a warm smile. “Don’t worry, Sunny. We’ll make sure we’re prepare for the worst when it happens,” Hitch promised. “But for now, let’s just enjoy the peace. We beat Allura and if she did show, we would’ve saw her by now,” Zipp added. “True. But you never know, but let’s enjoy some fun while we can,” Sunset said with a smile.   “I would like that, guys,” Sunny said with a warm smile at them, “Come on, ponies. Let's head home.” She said. “Izzy…” Sunset said with a knowing smile. “Sure thing!” Izzy cheered as she brought out the Nova Charm and opened a portal back to Equestria as the Mane 7 all said their farewells to Violet, who waved goodbye to them with a smile as they entered the portal. The Mane 7 made it back to Maretijme Bay as it was now night time as Misty was the last one as she jumped through the portal as they all smiled at each other a the fun time they had at the Crystal Ball. But above them over the moonlight, Allura and Twitch are watching over them as they landed on the Canterlove Studio roof as they looked down at the Mane 7 as Twitch gave a laugh while Allura petted him on the head. “Welcome home, ponies.” Allura said with a sinister smile as she looked down at the Mane 7, going to get her revenge and get the Nova Charm when the time is right. End of Chapter 68. > Chapter 69: Equestria's Got Talent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 69: Equestria’s Got Talent In the Crystal Brighthouse, the Mane 7 and some other ponies with stage material are prepping up for something. “Patch of eyeshadow for you…” Pipp spoke first as she put some eyeshadow on a stallion while giving a nervous expression, “A little bit of blusher for you…” She said as she puffed on Rufus’ face, “And a mascara for you. Ha!” She cheered as she gave McSnipsalot mascara on his eyelashes before the crab frowned from that as he knocked the brush out of Pipp’s hoof, “Ah!” She gave a startled yelp. Across the room, Hitch and Sparky are doing a little dancing practice, “Step, heel, heel, step, shuffle bump! Jazz hooves!” Hitch said with a smile as he danced around and twirled before he made a jazz sign with his hooves. Sparky tried to follow, but he lost his balance and rolled across the floor as he hit a hat pole as it fell on Hitch as he yelped. Misty then poked her head out of the door, “Ten minutes till show time!” She called with a smile and wink before she exited, but then she poked her head out again, “9 minutes and 58 seconds till show time!” She said. “Misty, you don’t have to keep saying the countdown every 2 seconds,” Sunset said in amusement as she and Sunny were wearing a couple of dresses, “Just let us know when we’re close to show time,” She said. “Oh, right.” Misty said while giving a sheepish smile, “Sorry,” She apologized. Sunset gave a small laugh, “It’s okay. Just roll with it,” She said as Sunny then grabbed McSnips and tapped him with a spoon as their friends and the other ponies turned to her and Sunset. But then  McSnips tried to snap his claws at Sunny, “Ah!” Sunny yelped as she dropped McSnips before she turned to her friends with an exciting smile, “Okay! Is everypony ready for the Winter Wonder Show!?” She asked excitedly with sparkles in her eyes. The other ponies circled around them with smiles. “We sure, Sunny. We have been preparing hard for a while,” Sunset said with a smile. “We sure have!” Sunny excitedly called, “You ponies were the best of all the auditions we saw! And we saw... a lot.” She said before giving a cringe expression at the other auditions they had before. Flashback. Queen Haven looked at Cloudpuff with a smile and sparkles in her eyes, “My little Cloudpuff!” She sang as she gave Cloudpuff a treat, who barked as he accepted and flew up, “My darling little Cloudpuff!” She sang again with a dance as Cloudpuff flew around and he and Haven touched cheeks. Cloudpuff gave a fart, which made Queen Haven flinch from that as Misty, Sunny, and Sunset gave awkward expressions from that. “Next,” Sunset said weirdly. The next audition is an Earth Pony mare with a magician costume, “Presenting the magic of kindness!” The Magician mare said as she brought out a bunnisus from her magic hat. The bunnisus looked at the carrot the mare was offering her as he frowned and bit on her hoof while eating the carrot as the mare gasped as she shook her hoof to get him off, “No! No! Ahhhh!” She screamed as she walked backward but fell from the stage as Sunny, Sunset, and Misty gave nervous looks from that. “Ooh, that’s gonna leave a mark,” Sunset said with a cringe. The next audition is Rufus playing a flute on a stool, but he was playing off-key as Misty covered her ears, Sunset cringed the sound while Sunny gave a nervous smile. “Uh, Rufus, I think you off-key there,” Sunset said while cringing a bit Rufus then stopped playing the flute, “Right. Sorry. Hang on, let me start again.” He said with a smile, “A-five, six, seven, eight!” He chanted while moving on the stool, but then it broke, “Huh?” He said in surprise as Sunny groaned from this. “Uh, good try at least,” Sunset said uncertainly. And the next audition is Dahlia, who is holding a seed, “From a seed! The watering! And then... bloom!” She exclaimed as she put the seed in a pot, watered it, and used her Earth Pony magic to make the flower grow, she smiled but then the ground started shaking, “Huh? “ She asked before giant bean stock sprouted, causing Dahlia to scream while Misty, Sunset, and Sunny looked on in shock. “Okay, that was unexpected,” Sunset muttered in shock as she flew up to get Dahlia down. And the last audition is Rocky, who is twirling a wand around in impressive feats, “Hah!” He said with a proud smile before he stopped twirling as the wand fell from his hoof. Misty, Sunny, and Sunset looked at each other with small smiles from that. “Well, it was impressive, but maybe work on your catching, Rocky,” Sunset said to him. “Yeah, gonna have to work on that,” Rocky said in agreement. End of Flashback. After the flashback, Sunny gave a nervous smile at her friends, “Now, I don't want to worry you, but…” She started as they all looked at her in wonder as Sunny then spoke really fast, “There's a critic in the crowd, so this needs to be the greatest show of all time, okay?! Good luck!” She quickly said as they all went eyes wide. “A critic?!” Hitch asked in shock as everypony then started running and screaming in panic that there was a critic in the crowd while Sparky stood in the middle as he laughed, finding it fun while Sunset turned to Sunny with a brow. “You could’ve been more gentle with the news, Sunny?” Sunset asked in a bored tone. “I panic! I don’t know how to explain it to the others!” Sunny said in defense, “Besides, we only have a few minutes before the show starts!” “I get that, but maybe focus on finding the right words before breaking it to the others, will ya?” Sunset asked with a sigh. Sunny gave a sheepish smile while rubbing her head, “I’ll try,” She said. A little bit later, on the stage at the front of the Brighthouse, Sunny, and Sunset looked through the stage and saw the crowd of ponies in front of them while an earth gray pony stallion with a notebook was watching with a brow as Posey and another pony mare stat between him while having popcorn. Posey turned to the stallion as she gave him a fierce glare, which made the stallion flinch and sweat in fear as he looked away nervously with a nervous gulp. “That must be our main critic there,” Sunset whispered to her, “And looks like he’ll take notes of the show,” She added. “Right. So let’s make sure this turns out great. You go make sure the others are ready, I got the rest,” Sunny said as Sunset nodded and walked off to the others as she turned to Hitch and Sparky. “Okay. These critic ponies are famously hard to please.” She said while Hitch looked conflicted, “So your dance needs to be complex but easy to follow. Smart but still a little silly.” She kept going as she paced back and forth between Hitch. “Uhhh…” Hitch said uncertainly, not getting what Sunny was saying. “And it never hurts to do a pie in the face. Got it?” Sunny asked Hitch after finishing her rambling. “Give it up for the titans of tap dance – Hitch and Sparky!” Misty announced from the stage as the two Earth Ponies heard her. Sunny turned to her coltfriend, “That's you!” She quickly said as she gave a quick kiss to Hitch on the lips. “Just remember what I told you!” Hitch gave a slight blush from Sunny’s kiss, “Uhhh, okay?” He said uncertainly, not sure if he got what Sunny was saying. “Go, go, go!” Sunny quickly said as she quickly pushed Sparky and Hitch onto the stage. Hitch and Sparky then got a light shining above them as they waved to the crowd as the music started playing and Hitch and Sparky started dancing together while the crowd watched. Sunny and Sunset watched from behind the stage while Sunny looked at the critic pony, who was still giving a dull look as Sunny got nervous and turned to Hitch as she waved her hoof at him. Hitch got the message as he then started dancing tap dancing faster, which surprised Sparky before Hitch grabbed him and tossed him up before catching him as Hitch gave a nervous look while the crowd kept watching. “Looks like we need a little something to get them cheering,” Sunset said as Sunny quickly nodded and took out a pie, “Uh, what’s with the…” She tried to say. “I’m sorry, Hitch,” Sunny whispered as she threw a pie at Hitch, which hit him to the face, which Sunset was surprised that the crowd then started cheering while the critic pony still gave a dull look. Sunset and Sunny then got in front of the stage, “And there you have it for the first part of the show, folks!” Sunset spoke first. “Give it up for Hitch and Sparky!” Sunny spoke next as the curtain fell and she gave a nervous chuckle as the critic pony kept giving a dull look while Sunset gave Sunny a concerned look, “Well if you enjoyed that…” She started. Then there was silence as the critic sounds could be heard while the critic pony snored a bit before he suddenly woke up before Sunset spoke, “...then, boy, are you going to enjoy the rest of the show!” She finished before turning to Sunny with a forced smile, “Because we have tons more to show you all!” She said before turning to Sunny, “Right, Sunny?” She asked with gritted teeth. “Uh, we sure do!” Sunny answered with a nervous chuckle, “I think…” She muttered. And then Pipp appeared on stage as she began to sing with her microphone and her wings spread. (A Little Bit of You Song) (Pipp) I remember when I was little Every year on Winter Wishday The sights, the sounds, the foolin' around With friends and family On the stage, Zipp is dressed in what looks like a Santa pony costume as she is up a homemade chimney with a sack, places a present down, and does a little dance. Sunny and Sunset turned to the critic pony, who was feeling like he was falling asleep as Sunset shook his head while Sunny panicked as she brought out a bouncy ball and gestured it to Zipp, getting the point as Zipp gave a dreadful look while Sunset facehoof herself. Yeah, every moment spent together Was filled with Winter Wish glee A short bit later, Zipp was on the bouncy ball with an embarrassing smile as she bounced around, “Okay. Whoa!” She said as she tried to get some balance before she got up high and gave a yell as she crashed into the presents on another chimney as the critic pony wrote something down on his note. And twinklin', singin', dancin', laughter-filled Winter Wishday memories Yeah, these precious moments Will make my Winter Wish come true (make it come true) It was Izzy’s turn as she did some crafts and cut some papers as Izzy cheered and made snowflakes, “Yeah!” She cheered as the ponies watched while the critic pony still gave a dull look. Sunny got nervous again as Sunset got more concerned as Sunny came in with a small smile and gave Izzy a large sparkly cloth as Izzy looked surprised as she gave a nervous chuckle as she place it down on the table, but the coner of it flew up as Izzy tried to keep it down. Rufus stood on the side as he got bored and leaned on a fan, but he accidentally turned it on as it blew Izzy around with the cloth, which blew her away as the critic pony shook his head and wrote down on his notepad while Sunny got more nervous while Sunset rolled her eyes from this, seeing that this is getting to Sunny too much because of the critic. I'm countin' down the days 'Til I get to make some memories with you Pipp then kept singing while Hitch, Sparky, and Zipp were beside her while in candy cane costumes as they danced around as the crowds started cheering while the critic pony yawned, which made Sunny more panic as she brought out two glitter cannons, which Sunset got nervous. “Sunny! What are you doing!?” Sunset whispered when she saw this. “Trying to get the critic to impress!” Sunny whispered back nervously asHitch and Zipp saw this and they looked nervously. “Sunny! Will you just stop and…” Sunset tried to reason but then Sunny brought out the button for the cannons. (Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch) 'Cause the only thing that's missin' Is a little bit of you-ooh-ooh-ooh Sunny pressed the button as the glitter cannons burst up some glitter, and the others smiled as they sang, but then Hitch, Sparky, and Zipp saw that the background was falling on them, which made them nervous as they screamed and ran out of the way while Pipp kept singing to notice before she turned and saw the back of the stage falling over her as she screamed. After the bust was clear, Pipp made a hole through the background while Sunny and Sunset looked in shock at this as the critic pony crumbled up a piece of paper and tossed it into a pile in front of him while the crowd gave nervous looks. Pipp was about to cry before Sunny and Sunset umped in with nervous looks as Sunny laughed “Okay! That's an intermission, folks!” She quickly said before she sighed. “We’ll be back after a short break and a few fix-ups!” Sunset finished as she and Sunny closed the curtains as Pipp walked off back to the Brighthouse as Sunset turned to Sunny, “Sunny! What is wrong with you?!” She questioned. “What?! I’m just trying to get the critic to like the show!” Sunny reasoned. “But you are putting in the last-minute scenes that aren’t even in the scripts!” Sunset pointed out, “I mean seriously, throwing a pie in Hitch’s face and Zipp with a bouncy ball? That wasn’t in the play!” She stated. “It was the best I could do for making it more entertaining,” Sunny said in guilt, “I just wanted to make the play great and the critic to at least like it. We put so much work into it,” She said. Sunset sighed as she breathed and spoke, “Sunny, I get you to want to make the play the best, but you can’t just make everypony do what you need them to do at the last minute. You’re making things harder for them than you are for yourself,” She said softly. “What do you mean?” Sunny asked in confusion. “Look at Pipp, Sunny,” Sunset said while pointing to Pipp, who is slowly walking back to the Brighthouse with a sad and down-crested expression, “She’s sad that her singing got ruined because you made the background fell on her when you blew up those glitter cannons, which was not part of the play,” She stated. “B-But, I never meant to…” Sunny tried to say but couldn’t find the words. “I get that, but it ruined her moment, and you know how much she loves singing,” Sunset said to her as she looked down in sadness, “And making the others do extra things for the play, that’s not playing an act, that’s entertainment comedy, which is not the true purpose for this play,” She said as she place a hoof to Sunny’s back, “And Sunny, you maybe nervous, but you’re pressuring the others so much int this extra things in the play, it’s crushing their spirits. You need to stop and realize how they’re feeling instead of looking at the flaws of this play. We’re trying to show ponies, not trying to impress one person,” She said. Sunny gave it a thought before she gave a sad look as she closed her eyes, “You’re right, Sunset. I’ve been so caught up on wanting to make this play perfect for the critic to approve of, that I’ve been pushing my friends too much even to realize how they’re feeling,” She said in guilt. “I shouldn’t have put so much pressure on them or made them do those ridiculous things. We worked so hard for the play I shouldn’t try and change it,” She said solemnly. Sunset gave Sunny a soft smile, “Hey. You were under pressure, Sunny. I understand that, but you must remember that not everything can turn out okay. Even if we make the smallest mistakes and this play doesn’t have the best reviews, at least we have fun while doing it,” She assured her as Sunny looked at her, “You have to remember that we must be ourselves and do the best we can instead of being things we are not or plan on every second. The important thing is, at least we try our best,” She said to her. Sunny looked at Sunset for a moment before she gave a small smile as she sighed, “You’re right, Sunset. I guess I was caught up running the play, I guess I have forgotten the important thing about it, having fun while trying,” She said as Sunset nodded with a smile, “You are a good wise pony with words,” She complimented. Sunset smirked, “I try. But, maybe you should say that to the others,” She said while gesturing to the Brighthouse, “Something tells me that they need their spirits up for this,” She stated. “Yeah, you’re right. I need to fix this, let’s go,” Sunny said in agreement as the two ponies walked up to the Brighthouse. At the Brighthouse, the ponies and the rest of the Mane 7 are all feeling down at the screw-ups at the play while Sunny and Sunset enter the Brighthouse as they look at their friends as they turn to Pipp, who is being tended to by Misty as the pegasus whimpered. Pipp then saw Sunset and Sunny as she walked up to them, “Sorry, Sunny and Sunset. We royally messed that up.” She said to them. “I think our nerves got the best of us.” Hitch said sadly as he and Sparky looked down in sadness. Just then, they heard Izzy screaming as they turned to the door and saw her flying by as they all ducked and watched her fly before Izzy crashed, which caused them to cringe from the fall as Misty tore through the fabric. “Yeah.” Izzy said with a smile as she gave a thoughtful look, “Think we all just got a little carried away. Hah!” She said cheerfully with a laugh. Sunny and Sunset looked at each other as Sunset then gestured her to speak to them as Sunny nodded in understanding as she spoke, “No, ponies. I'm the one who got carried away. I put way too much pressure on you all. Sunset told me that I’ve been so caught up in trying to make the play right, I never considered on how you all would feel of the quick changes,” She said to them in regret as they all looked at her as Izzy walked up to her wih an assuring smile with sparkles in her eyes. “I talked her out of it after seeing her breakdowns when she tried to get the critic to like the play, but it doesn’t matter how much pressure we put into the play, what matters is having fun and doing the best we can,” Sunset said to them with a small smile. “And she told me that no matter what happens, at least we manage to make the play a great one to remember, no matter what others think,” Sunny finished, which made her friends smile warmly at them, “Come on, everypony. We've got a show to finish!” She declared with a determined smile. “And this time, we’re gonna do !” Sunset finished with the same expression as the other ponies who shared their determinations. A little bit later after fixing up the stage, Hitch and Sparky are dancing on the stage again in their candy cane costumes. (A Little Bit of You Song continues) (Hitch) I'm countin' down the days 'Til I get to make some memories with you Hitch sang as he grabbed Sparky, who tossed him into the air as the baby dragon released his dragonfire in a circled formation. [All] The only thing that's missin' Is a little bit of you-ooh-ooh-ooh So I am gonna keep on wishin' For a little bit of you-ooh-ooh-ooh Zipp then flew in through some decoration obstacles as she did some tricks before she landed on the chimney, then went down to the bouncy ball and started juggling some presents as her Cutie Mark started glowing and the crowd cheered as the critic pony’s expression wasn’t changed as Zipp tossed the presents in the air as Izzy came flying by with the fabric with stars in it. And if we can't be together You know I'm sendin' love to you-ooh-ooh-ooh Izzy glided over the crowd as she sprinkled some glitter over them as Pipp popped with her microphone as she sang with sparkles appearing behind her as Hitch appeared in front of her and tossed some heart shape cut-outs in the air as the pony contentions, the magician mare, Dahlia, Rocky, and Queen Haven, came into the stage.   'Cause the only thing that's missin' Is a little bit of you-ooh-ooh-ooh Izzy landed on the ground as Sparky came spinning towards her as Hitch came next as Rocky skated around as the magician mare then used her earth pony magic into the wan while Dahlia held the hat as a giant flower burst as Pipp appeared in it as she kept singing. Then she gestured to her left as Sunny summoned her Alicorn form as she and Sunset flew in the air as they sang as well. You-ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah-ah You-ooh-ooh-ooh, a little bit The crowd started cheering as Sunny and Sunset landed beside their friends as they sang together while the two glitter cannons went off as the lights were flashing. You-ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah You-ooh-ooh-ooh, a little bit The ponies are still cheering as the critic pony face looked awed at them before he gave a smile with sparkles in his eyes, finding it beautiful. A little bit later, the Mane 7 and the other ponies all regroup at the Brighthouse while chatting about their success in the play as they all turn to the critic pony that just came in, “That was…” He started while Sunny, Sunset, and the others all looked at him nervously, “...superb!” He finished with a smile and sparkles in his eyes. The Mane 7 and the other ponies all started cheering from that, “Now that’s what I call success,” Sunset commented with a smile. Sunny then came up to the critic pony, “I'm so glad you liked it!” She said to him before she gives a gasp and gave sparkly eyes and a smile, “Does that mean you'll give us a good review?” She asked excitedly. “Review?” The critic pony asked in confusion before he realizes what she meant, “Oh, I'm not a critic.” He revealed, which surprised the others. “Wait? You’re not?” Sunset asked as the stallion nodded his head in confirmation, “Then what were you writing during the show?” She questioned with a brow. “Oh, I wasn’t writing,” The stallion said as he brought out his notebook, “I just like to doodle during shows.” He explained while showing a drawing. “Huh?” Sunny asked in surprise while Sunset looked in confusion, “Wait, how come you didn’t tell, Sunset?” She asked. “Hey, don’t look at me. He looked like a critic with his expression and notebook.” Sunset quickly said with her hooves raised before she turned to the stallion, “No offense.” “None taken,” The stallion said in understanding, “I get that a lot from some ponies,” He added. Sunset then had a thought, “Wait, if you weren’t the critic, then who was it?” She asked as they all looked at each other in confusion. “I'm the critic!” Windy’s voice spoke as they all turned to the entrance and saw her, while Windy was for some reason she’s wearing a chair costume. The Mane 7 all gasped in surprise by that, “Windy!? You’re the critic!?” Sunny asked in surprise. “Never mind that! What are you wearing?” Sunset asked next, wondering why Windy was wearing a chair costume. Windy then came up to Sunny, Sunset, and the Stallion, “Well, you probably didn't notice me thanks to my incredible disguise as a theater chair!” She said as she remembered that she was next to Posey while in her theater chair disguise while watching the show while eating some popcorn from Posey’s popcorn tub. “Um, okay,” Sunset said with a nod and a brow, “One question, why?” She asked dully. “So that I would watch the show without other ponies noticing so that I can see how it turns out and give my reviews, sillies!” Windy explained with a smile. Sunset and Sunny looked at each with other amusing smiles as Sunny spoke up, “So, uh, what did you think of the show?” Sunny said awkwardly. “Yeah, Windy. How’d you like the whole show that you certainly watched?” Sunset asked next. “Oh, fantastic! Magnificent!” Windy said as she wrapped her chair arm around Sunny and Sunset with a smile as the two Alicorns smiled in return, “Five stars!” She added. “Phew!” The rest of the Mane 7 sighed in relief that Windy thought their show was amazing. Windy gave a small laugh, “Now I'm gonna need some serious magic to get me out of this costume!” She said while gesturing to her chair costume as she gave giggles and the others looked at Windy in amusement since Windy is something full of surprises and amusing things. End of Chapter 69. > Chapter 70: Snow Business Like Show Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 70: Snow Business Like Show Business A portal opened up as Sunny and Sunset came out with determined expressions as their friends followed along through the portal and entered Starlight Ridge.  “We promise to save Starlight Ridge and the Auroricorns from the evil snow leopard Allura!” Sunny called first with a serious expression as they took ready positions. “Or my name isn't... Sunny Starscout!” She declared as Sunny brought out her Alicorn form. “We swore to stop evil in need, and we’ll protect those who can’t protect themselves! We’re the Guardians of Harmony and we will protect the innocent!” Sunset declared with her horn lit up with the Mane 7 standing together in pride. But then a buzzer sound was heard as it was revealed to be a studio in Canterlove Studios the Mane 7 were doing as they broke the position. “That was fabulous, ponies!” Pip called out to the filming crew with a smile. “Let's move on to the next scene!” She added. Sunset sighed in annoyance. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” She muttered with her hooves crossed. “And that didn’t happen if memory serves.” She added. “Yeah, Sunset. This seems off.” Sunny said in agreement as she diminished her Alicorn form as a big speaker levitated over them. Izzy gasped excitedly as she turned to the speaker with sparkles in her eyes. “Hello, cutie wittle fuzzball!” She cheerfully said as she clutched onto the speaker while the rest of her friends, san Sunny, Sunset, and Pipp, trotted after her while Sunny and Sunset went to Pipp, who was looking in a mirror while putting on some makeup. “Uh, Pipp? I wasn't in Alicorn form when we arrived in Starlight Ridge.” Sunny said to her as Jazz and Rocky came in and did some makeup on her and Sunset. “And since when did we ever say a declaration like that the second we step into a new environment?” Sunset questioned with a brow. “And we didn't even know that Allura was controlling the Auroricorns yet.” Sunny added while Pipp looked at them while brushing her mane. “Or—” “Come on!” Pipp waved off with a smile at them. “We're giving the ponies what they want, girls!” She said to them. “But we're supposed to be telling everypony what really happened in Starlight Ridge.” Sunny pointed out with an uncertain look as Sunset nodded in agreement. “You know... The truth?” She asked while Pipp was filing her hoof. “And we are.” Pipp said to them and placed a hoof on Sunny’s back. “We're just jazzing it up. Show biz styyyyyle!” She sang with sparkles in her eyes and a wave of her hoof as Rocky and Jazz nodded in agreement while Sunset and Sunny gave unamused expressions. Sunset sighed from this. “Pipp, it would’ve been better if we could just tell them instead of making a movie on it.” She said as she pushed Pipp off. “Why must everything be a style for you?” She questioned with her hooves crossed. “What? I wanted to be fun.” Pipp said in defense with an innocent look. “Clearly.” Sunset muttered as she shook her head. “But seriously, we’re supposed to tell the truth, not entertain them.” She stated with a look. “Because Allura and Twitch were bad news, and telling ponies about Starlight Ridge is a good call to get them to find out more. And if you think making a movie on it would get them to find out, is a good call.” She said. “Thank you.” Pipp said. “But…” Sunset spoke next as Pipp looked at her. “You have to make sure it’s accurate and really true. Because this is serious business.” She pointed out. “Don’t worry. It will be accurate, just with a bit of entertainment.” Pipp assured her with a smile. “That’s what worries me.” Sunset muttered as Sunny nodded in agreement with Sunset, not feeling right about how Pipp was planning this. The group then got back to the filming as the Mane 7 came up from a hill as they looked down. “Observe, fellow ponies! 'Tis the Auroricorns!” Hitch called out dramatically as Pipp looked at the camera and winked at it with a smile as Sunset shook her head in annoyance. Down below, the characters playing the Auroricorns are all groaning while moving like zombies. “Zipp, what do you get from this?” Sunset questioned while keeping character, resisting the urge to be sarcastic and rolling her eyes at this acting drama. “Hoof-reka!” Zipp stilted as she brought out her magnifying glass. “My detective-y senses are telling me that Allura has hypnotized the Auroricorns to collect stars for her!” She said as she brought out her phone and showed it to her friends gasping in shock from that. The Auroricorns kept groaning as they started climbing and kept moving like zombies. Meanwhile, Misty is looking at her script as Pipp pops up beside her as she clears her throat, which gets Misty’s attention as Pipp gets out of the scene. “Oh!” Misty realizes that she is being filmed as she gives a nervous look. “This is bad! Very bad!” She stilted. “Oh, my glitter!” Izzy called out overdramatically. “Oh! How ever can we save them, Sunny and Sunset?!” She asked the two Alicorns as she leaned down. “We save them together!” Sunny called with a smile as she put on her sunglasses. “We’re stronger and united! We fight as one!” Sunset declared as the Mane 7 did a pose together, but then the Auroricorns surrounded them as they all kept groaning as they ran off but they were blocked off. “Sssttttaaaarrrss.” An Auroricorn moaned as the Mane 7, san Sunny and Sunset, screamed in fear before Sunset yelled out. “Wait! Stop! Stop! Cut!” Sunset yelled out while waving her hooves as her friends looked at her in surprise. “This isn’t right! Way out of line!” She retorted with a look. “I agree!” Sunny called as she took off her sunglasses as she and Sunset turned to Pipp. “This is not what happened! Pipp, it was strange to see the Auroricorns in their trance, but they weren't brain-eating zom-ponies!” She pointed out. “Not to mention we weren’t even screaming like scaredy cats the second we saw them!” Sunset added with a look. “Heck, they weren’t even acting like zom-ponies to begin with even with Allura’s trance!” She added. Pipp gave a nervous smile as she turned to the others. “Let's get ready for another one, everypony! Okay!” She said to her friends sheepishly as they walked off before she walked up to Sunny and Sunset. “We're just adding some drama, girls. No biggie.” She said to them with a smile while Sunny and Sunset gave unamuse expressions. “But we're not telling the truth.” Sunny pointed out. “Yeah, Pipp. This is not even accurate of what happened when we first visited Starlight Ridge.” Sunset added in agreement with her hooves crossed. “Sunny and I wanted to get the truth of the things out in order to make the ponies better prepared for if and when Allura returns as well as explain Comet's people better.” She pointed out as Sunny nodded in agreement as Sunset groaned a bit. “You were the one that gave the idea to use Canterlove Studios resources to turn the story into a cheesy action movie. I KNEW we should have just made it a news broadcast but you insisted on the movie and Sunny and I got outvoted." “Well, majority rules.” Pipp answered with a smile. “Besides, the others seemed to agree to make it into a movie.” She added. “Yeah, but they also agree to tell how it really happens instead of the extra drama.” Sunset stated with her hooves crossed. “Yeah. And where's Comet? Or Violet Frost? “ Sunny questioned. “They helped save the day, too.” She pointed out. Then they heard a loud throat clear as the three mares looked up and saw Posey dressed as Allura while a bunny had a cut-out of Twitch’s head on it with a harness strap around Posey. “Can we hurry this up, please?! I don't like heights, and this harness is itchy!” She called out while scratching her harness while giving the mares a look. “Hey, we’re just having a discussion here! We’ll continue shortly!” Sunset called out as Posey groaned.  “How come I was the one that got cast as the villain?!” Posey questioned out. “I know we're not always on the best of terms and you couldn't exactly cast a REAL villain, but still… " “Hey, you were the best candidate to even match Allura’s personality! And besides, you asked for this when you wanted to help out with the film!” Sunset pointed out. Posey rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Okay. Good point! But still, hurry up!” She called out. “Yup! Sorry, Posey!” Pipp quickly said as Sunny and Sunset raised a brow at her. “Let's move on to our big finale, everypony! The introduction of our new hero, Comet the Auroricorn!” She announced while gesturing to Comet behind Sunny and Sunset. The two ponies turned to see Comet wearing armor while looking nervous. “Um, h-h-hi, e-e-everypony.” Comet stammered nervously as a piece of his armor chest place fell off as Pipp quickly rushed to him and put it back in as she and Comet gave them sheepish smiles. Both Sunny and Sunset groaned from this. “Pipp is really making me lose my patience from this.” Sunset muttered while shaking her head. “I feel you, Sunset. She really wanted to make this more entertaining than the truth.” Sunny commented. “If she doesn’t get it soon, we’re ending this.” Sunset said as Sunny nodded in agreement. As they continued filming, the rest of the Mane 7 except for Sunny and Sunset were groaning as they were now affected by the trance as the two Alicorns were surrounded by their controlled friends as they were acting like zom-ponies. “Ha-ha-ha!” An evil laughter was heard as the two Alicorns turned and saw Posey, acting as Allura in the sky. “You two can't win! The Nova Charrrrm is mine!” She started with a wicked witch tone. “Which means I'm the leader of the Aurrrroricorns!” She called with a smile as Sunny and Sunset glared at her. “Your frrrriends have fallen to my gggrraateest power, Alicorns!” She added Sunset growled before she and Sunny saw the snow sparkle up in front of them before they smiled. “That's it! Violet Frost said the snow in Starlight Ridge is magic!” Sunny called as she picked up a snowball with a smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Meaning we just need to do a…” Sunset started with a smirk as she levitated some more snowballs. “Snowball fight!” She declared as she and Sunny started throwing snowballs with giggles. “Ugh!” Misty got hit with a snowball first. “Ugh!” Pipp was hit next. “Ow!” Zipp called when she was hit next. “Ow!” Izzy called next. “Ugh!” Hitch was hit last as he was hit behind his head as he fell to the floor. “Sorry, Hitch.” Sunny whispered sheepishly while Sunset patted her back to assure her it was okay. “Huh?” Hitch asked as he got up while rubbing his head before he remembered the act. “We have been saved!” He called out overdramatically before giving a wink at Sunny, telling her that he was okay as Sunny gave a small smile and blushed a bit with a giggle. Pipp then starts taking the snow off her mane. “Ow, ow! Not the hair!” She cried out before she realized they were being filmed. “Oh.” She said as she laughed nervously before she was hit behind the head with a couple of snowballs hit her on the head again. “Ugh! Ow!” She called out before she turned to where it was and saw Sunset with a couple of more snowballs. “Sunset! I’m already free from the trance!” She called out while taking the snow off her mane again. “Sorry, I guess I just wanted to make sure.” Sunset said with an innocent look while rolling her eyes, knowing that Pipp deserves that for not considering telling the truth about Allura and Starlight Ridge. The rest of the Mane 7 then wipe the snow off them. “I detect we're no longer hypnotized.” Zipp stilted with a magnifying glass and a smile as Hitch smiled as well. “The snow has freed us from our diabolical daze!” Misty called out stiltly as well while doing some moves and looking at the camera. Izzy then fell into the snowy ground dramatically. “Oh! How ever will we get the Nova Charm and free everypony? There's ever so many of them!” She cried out as she stood up, but there was nothing around as the wind whistled in the breeze.  The Mane 7n looked around in confusion while Sunny and Sunset gave dull looks while Posey was still hanging on her harness while scratching her head in confusion. “Yeah, should’ve seen that coming.” Sunset muttered quietly, having guessed that something like this would happen. Izzy looked around before she cleared her throat. “I said there's ever so many of them!” She called out dramatically again. “Pssst! Comet! That's your cue!” Pipp said as she pushed Comet into the scene, who is looking very nervous. Comet gave a nervous laugh. “Um... Give me the Nova Charm now, or say hello to my... snowy friend!” He called out nervously and uncertainly as two snow blasters appeared on his side as he started shooting Posey. “Aah! Ooh! Oww!” Posey cried out as she was being hit by snowballs. Sunset and Sunny saw this as they nodded to each other as they looked at the camera. “Okay, that's enough, ponies!” Sunny snapped with a look. “Clearly this isn’t how it happened at all and it shouldn’t be like this!” Sunset called out next  “This is— Ow!” She cried out as she and Sunny were hit by snowballs. Removing the special effects, it showed McSnipsalot throwing snowballs while on Comet’s back as he kept throwing them around. “Hey!” But Sunny and Sunset yelled angrily, which caused Comet and McSnipsalot to flinch and give sheepish looks at them as McSnipsalot stopped throwing snowballs. “What's the problem, Sunny and Sunset?” Pipp asked with a nervous smile before she was smacked to the head by Sunset. “Ow! What was that for?!” She asked while rubbing her head. “For being so dense!” Sunset yelled, which called Pipp to flinch back. “I mean seriously, how many times do we have to teach you the same lesson again, Pipp?! This has gone too far!” “Wh-What?” Pipp asked nervously. “What Sunset is saying is that you keep bending the truth over something to entertain ponies instead of telling them what really happens at Starlight Ridge.” Sunny said softly but with a gentle look as she and Sunset shook the snow off them. “But I’m just adding a little drama to them. You know…” Pipp tried to say. “We’re done making dramas to tell a true story, Pipp!” Sunset yelled, which quieted Pipp from that as she flinched back before Sunset took a breath and calmed down. “Look, we’re all for making a movie based on what we’ve had with Starlight Ridge, but it was supposed to a true story, not a made-up one. And yet you took control and been adding extras that don’t belong in it.” “W-Wait? I have?” Pipp asked in surprise while being in thought. “Yeah. You have. Like Sunny-Side Up and when you lied to your followers that you and your family could fly before magic was restored.” Sunset said as Pipp looked down in guilt. “Pipp, you know that we have to tell the truth, not twist it around or make a drama or joke out of it. The movie thing is a good idea to show it, it really is.” She said as Pipp looked at them. “And we know you want to make it exciting, Pipp.” Sunny added next as she turned to Posey, who was covered in snow as the ice cracked as she shivered up with Zipp beside her while McSnips offered a towel, but Posey flinched back. “But we're supposed to be telling everypony the truth of Starlight Ridge.” She stated. “Because what Allura did was pretty serious, we want the ponies to prepare if she ever shows up again.” Sunset added with a concerned look. “Making a fake movie that is drama instead of a true story won’t get them to believe us or really know how to deal with her. We wanted ponies to learn from that, not to entertain them if you stretch the truth. The truth is a great way to know what to do instead of making a joke out of it.” She said as Pipp gave a thought as she looked down. “I guess maybe I did go a bit far.” Pipp admitted with a sheepish smile. “A bit, try a lot but that’s nothing new to you.” Sunset said with a smirk as Pipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Okay, that’s true.” Pipp said with a small chuckle. “The real way we beat Allura was exciting enough.” Sunny said with a smile. “Especially traveling to another world like how I did and finding out there’s another pony world outside of our own.” Sunset added with a small smile. Comet then popped up between them. “Yeah! Ponies and Auroricorns teamed up for the first time!” He said with a cheerful smile as he brought out a script. “And that is way cooler than any, um... giant snow monster?” He asked in confusion when he saw that in the script. “What?” Sunset asked as she looked at the script before she, Sunny, and Comet gave Pipp a look. “Pipp…” She said in a low tone and a firm look. Pipp gave a nervous laugh from that and her friends’ expressions. “Okay! Cancel the Snowzilla! Please.” She called as she turned to Rufus, who was pulling a snow monster made of snow. “Wha—?” Rufus asked in surprise as he groaned. “Ugh! You got to be kiddin' me!” He complained after he pushed a giant snow. Pipp then looked around and saw her friends and the other film crew doing their things, with Zipp offering Posey some hot chocolate, which she gladly accepted with a smile, Misty going through the script again while giving a confused look, and Hitch chasing after Izzy, who is levitating the big speaker again while moving it around cheerfully. “So, Pipp. What are you gonna do to make this right?” Sunset asked with a small smile, having a feeling what Pipp was thinking. Pipp looked down a bit in thought, feeling bad for doing things her way instead of telling the truth about what really happened at Starlight Ridge before she gave a determined expression. “We're gonna tell the story right!” She declared with a smile as her friends smiled at her for her right choice of telling the true story of how it should be. Sometime later, some ponies are gathered around the movie theater, with a board of the Mane 7 with Comet and Allura on the side on the theater of Starlight Ridge, meaning that the movie was released as the Pippsqueaks exit the theater. “Did you see how the ponies and Auroricorns came together?” Seashell asked her friends with a wide smile. “Who knew snowballs were so magical?” Glory asked in surprise as other ponies like Alphabittle, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff Zoom, Thunder, Dahlia, Windy, Rocky, and a few other ponies came out of the theater. “Do you think the real Allura will be in the sequel?” Peach Fizz asked her friends in wonder as they walked passed the Mane 7, Sparky, and Comet, who smiled at their comments. “Well, we wanted them to know all about Starlight Ridge.” Sunny said with a smile. “Yep. They need to know about its true nature and true origin.” Sunset added as they turned to Pipp. “Great job, Pipp.” Sunny said with a smile as Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes. “You two were right, girls.” Pipp said to Sunny and Sunset. “The real story was way more awesome.” She added with a smile. “See? What did we tell you? The truth worked better.” Sunset said with a small smile. “Though next time, run through it by us before you jump the gun?” She suggested. “Don’t worry. I will next time. Though just in case I do go overboard again, slap me.” Pipp offered with a chuckle as they all laughed. “Don’t worry. I've got you covered to knock some sense into you. I’m a tough love and reasonable kinda pony after all.” Sunset assured as they all laughed again for a moment. “Oh, my glitter!” Dazzle called in awed with sparkles in her eyes as they turned to her and saw her looking at Comet next to her with a camera in front of them. “It's the Comet! The first Auroricorn this reporter has ever met! How are you finding Equestria so far?” She asked Comet as she brought her microphone to him. “Oh, um…” Comet started a bit nervously as he turned to the Mane 7, who were giving encouraging smiles to him to say something as Comet smiled back at them as he spoke. “Yeah. Uh, I think I'm gonna love it here!” He answered as he gave sparkles in his eyes, knowing that he’s gonna have a great time in Equestria. End of Chapter 70. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Sunset is walking down the cave where the entrance to the old ruins of Canterlot was when she and her friends were searching for the Pegasus Crystal when it was stolen as she pushed the gates open with effort before she managed to get through and looked at the ruins of her old home. Sunset gave a sad look as she sighed at the ruins of her old home. “I still can’t believe this is all that’s left after the damage Opaline caused.” She muttered as she walked into the ruins of Canterlot, looking around the old buildings that were demolished or abandoned as looked at the Canterlot Castle in the distance, still in good condition unlike the rest of the town as she smiled. “At least some things are still intact after all these years.” She said before she turned the corner and continued on. Sunset walked for a bit before she stopped and saw something that she smiled fondly at, it was the statue of Twilight and her friends that was built in honor of them after defeating the legion of doom in the final battle for Equestria. Sunset smiled at the statue, seeing that it was still intact as she walked up to it as and gently put a hoof on Twilight’s statue and rubbed her hoof on it as she looked at it sadly before sitting down on her haunch as she looked at the necklace she is still wearing that she used to contact Twilight, but ever since the final battle against Opaline, it hasn’t opened since and Twilight haven’t appeared in. “We all missed her.” A familiar but deep voice said as Sunset perked up and looked behind her as she saw Spike and Discord looking at her with sympathetic looks. “This is Twilight’s home and place where her statue and the girls’ are still intact after all.” Spike said. “Oh, hey guys.” Sunset said sadly as she kept looking at the statue. “We figure we find you here.” Discord said as he and Spike came up to Sunset. “This is where you used to live after all, and for me since I was living here for some time.” He added while scratching his head. “You okay, Sunset?” Spike asked in concern. “Sunny told us of how you’ve been acting lately after our last fight with Opaline. About, Twilight.” He said with a solemn tone. Sunset looked down sadly. “I’m fine. It’s just that, we’ve fought one of Equestria’s worst enemies that caused the division of all creatures to separate and caused the Magic of Friendship to fade. But now that she’s gone, that threat is over and we have peace. After the whole, Allura and Twitch thing in Starlight Ridge that is.” She said with a sheepish chuckle, which the boys did in return before she frowned again as she looked at her necklace. “But, Twilight just left. Thinking she’s not needed anymore, when she really is needed for Equestria, for us. We just got her back, and to just lose her again, it’s not right.” She said while still looking at the necklace while the boys gave sad looks to her. “Why did she just leave like that?” She asked desperately. Spike and Discord looked at each other, uncertain of how to answer Sunset’s question as they were not sure themselves. But they do know that Twilight has a reason for doing that after many moons of knowing her, so Spike speaks up. “Well, we’ve known Twilight since the beginning, which for me, really from the beginning.” Spike said while scratching his head. “But, whenever Twilight goes into action on her adventures, she knows that when the job is done, Equestria will be at peace, that is before Opaline came along.” He stated with a sheepish smile. “But she never gives up and always finds a way. And she knows when to pass on the torch.” “Pass on the torch?” Sunset asked in confusion. “What are you saying?” “What Spike is saying is that Twilight saw how you, Sunny, and your friends have done for Equestria similar to what she and our old pony friends did years ago that you are the new heroes of Equestria.” Discord pointed out. “I mean, you and the others stopped me from destroying the Pegasus Crystal to get rid of the magic when I thought they were the problem of the division.” “Which by the way, I’m still a bit shocked that you would even do that.” Spike said while giving Discord a brow. “You did remember that it was Fluttershy’s legacy too with Twilight and the others, right?” He questioned dully. Discord gave a sheepish chuckle. “I was alone for many moons and been out of contact and social life for so long, I sort of lost my way.” He explained before giving Sunset a smile, “But it wasn’t until Sunset and the others helped me find my way again.” He said. “Well, we had some words and a message that was left by Fluttershy to snap you out of it.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Which is one of the examples of how you kept the magic and harmony going even in dire times, Sunset.” Discord said as Sunset turned to him in wonder. “Granted, Twilight may be gone, but we’re still here and we’re still kicking.” “He’s right.” Spike said as he placed a wing over Sunset. “While I may have been reunited with Twilight for just a short time, at least I get to see her again even if it was a second.” He said with a smile. “But she could’ve just stayed and she would’ve had more time with you, Spike.” Sunset said sadly while looking at the necklace. “You two were separated for so many moons, that the second Opaline was gone, we lost her again, and you were separated from her the second time. She could’ve just stayed, for not only us but for you as well. You’re her dragon. Her royal ambassador. Her friend. Her son.” She pointed out solemnly. Spike gave a small smile as he leaned his head down to her. “That may be true, Sunset. I wished I could spend more time with her, but I’ve learned that Twilight will always watch over us, even when she’s not here anymore, I know that she’s with us.” He said to her as Discord nodded in agreement. “Now, while I don’t know why Twilight suddenly left us, I do know that she saw us protect Equestria from incoming threats like Opaline and how we achieve when we work together. While I didn’t do much, you and Sunny, as well as your friends, did so much for Equestria already before Twilight, Discord, and even myself even joined in from what Discord explained to me.” He stated. “Reuniting ponykind, restoring the magic, stabilizing it and creating Earth Pony magic, solving some problems and situations, making new festivities, learning new lessons, stopping the Troggles during Bridlewoodstock, reuniting Misty with her birth family, reuniting the Breezies, saving Sparky, reuniting the dragons, helping me see the magic of friendship again, and stopping Opaline and her plans, twice! And then handling this Allura and Twitch from this new realm you seven discovered! ” Discord listed out with a small smile. “You ponies are like Twilight and our old friends from back in the day, and I’m sure she would be proud to know that.” Sunset was surprised by their words as she looked down in thought. “Huh. That might be true. But it still won’t be the same without Twilight around.” She said sadly. “But you still have us.” Spike said as he and Discord smiled at Sunset warmly. “Twilight may be gone, but we’re still here. And we and our new fellow friends are all that’s left of her and our old friends' legacies.” He stated while gesturing to the statue of the Original Mane 6. “And they would let us to carry on. And for us to stick together as they would’ve wanted us to.” Discord added while snapping in fingers while bringing out posters of them and their friends. “I’ve even made posters to remember them by.” He added with a smile. “Sure you did.” Spike said as they all chuckled before Spike turned to Sunset. “But he’s right, as long as we’re together, old friends or new ones, there’s nothing that will stop us. We’re with you all the way, Sunset. Always remember that.” He said. Sunset looked at the two creatures with war smiles as she gave tears in her eyes as she then used her magic and brought them into a hug as best she could with her small hooves, much to the dragon lord and lord of chaos’ surprise. “You guys are such good friends.” Sunset said solemnly. “Hehe, we know.” Discord said with a chuckle. “What are friends for?” Spike asked as the three then looked at the statue of the Original Mane 6 for a while longer, sharing the moment that they will always remember their friends and that they’ll always be there for them. “So, what will the future hold?” “Who knows? Equestria is one for its surprises after all.” Discord said with a smile. “But whatever it is, we’ll face it. Together.” Sunset said as they kept looking at the Original Mane 6 statue before Sunset looked at the necklace again while feeling a little better with Spike and Discord comforted her, she still missed Twilight, wishing she was here with them to share the moment and spend more time with them, not knowing what their adventure will take them in the future, but they will face it together.   Meanwhile, in another universe With a sad sigh, Sonic closed the notebook and put it on the nightstand at the side of the bed. Then, he picked up a pair of headphones and put them over. After that, he lay on the bed and sighed relaxed, while he listened to some music and just tried to fall asleep. Lately, sleeping felt like the ideal escape from all his worries and concerns, which is why he has become a heavier sleeper over the past few months. Soon enough, though, the wind blew inside the room. Anyone would think that this is because of the doors that lead to the balcony being open... But that's not the case. After all, wind cannot make gravity work weird and make stuff float around for no reason, because that was happening: Some beauty products from Pipp, some books from Sunny, some tools from Tails, and even the pair of shoes that Tails himself gave him on their first Secret Canter were floating around. Soon, the entire room started to illuminate with a bright blue color, until a portal started to slowly open above Sonic. This portal seemed to be orange, as well as shaped like a heptagon. However, Sonic was too focused on his music to even notice that everything else around him was floating or that a portal opened out of nowhere above him. At least, he didn't notice it at first, because mixed with the music, he soon started to hear a voice calling out his name. "Sonic... Sonic! Sonic? Sonic!" A female voice was calling out. He thought it was nothing at first, but as the voice insisted on calling him out, he realized that it was real. So, he slowly opened his eyes, just to feel a bit blurred by a mysterious light. However, once the light started to slowly fade away, he finally noticed the portal above him, which confused him a lot. But what finally shocked him was that, at the other side of said portal, the Sunset Shimmer variant he'd been thinking about over the past year was standing and looking down at him with a smirk. "Got a minute?" Sunset asked playfully. "Whoa! What the––" Sonic exclaimed with wide eyes, as his hands moved a bit wildly for a moment, before he removed his headphones and stopped listening to the music. Soon, Sunset made a little loop before crossing the portal and then sitting down over Sonic's bed, while the portal closed and the strange effect that made everything float around dissipated, which made everything around fall to the ground. Sonic noticed that she was a tiny bit taller than the last time he saw her. She also had a larger neck, and her mane was glowing with some sparkles for some reason, as well as it had a light blue line painted on both her mane and tail. He also noticed she had a strange watch on her left hoof. "H-How did you get––" Sonic tried to ask, but his eyes were still wide open. "What the heck is going on?!" Sunset chuckled at his attitude. "Hello to you too, pal!" She mocked up, before looking around and noticing that they were in Zephyr Heights' Castle. "Is this a guest room in Queen Haven's Castle?" "Uh, yeah?" Sonic replied confused. However, as he was about to ask her something, he noticed that the burned parts of his right arm were glowing in the same colors as the Paradox Prism's. His eyes widened, and he realized that he still had the energy of the Prism inside of him, which was good, because it meant that he could travel to other worlds still... Now, if only he could control said energy without it making him run out of control... Sonic shook his head and focused again. "H-How did you get here? I-I mean, as far as I know, you don't have energy like me to travel across the multiverse!" "Eh, is a long story," Sunset replied with a playful smirk, but when she turned to him, she noticed his burned arm and gasped. "Holy Tartarus!" Sonic raised an eyebrow, but once he noticed that she was looking at his arm, he understood her concern. "Oh, this? Don't worry. This looks fine now. You seriously don't want to know how it used to look last year..." "What the heck happened to you?! I-I thought that your arm was fine last time I saw you!" "Yes, last time you saw me it was fine," Sonic deadpanned. "Remember that giant robot with the mustache? I defeated him, but when he lost the artifact that made him travel across the multiverse, I decided to destroy it before it did any more damage... My arm looks like this because of that..." "Sweet Celestia..." Sunset muttered with concern. "A-Are you sure that it is fine? Maybe I could help you with a healing spell!" "Uh, no thanks. Sunny's already in charge of that," Sonic assured her with a smile. "But getting back on the topic here: What are you doing here?! I-Is not that it bothers me! If anything, I'm glad to see a face from another universe after a whole year with no adventures, but I just don't get how are you here!" Instead of replying, Sunset smirked and walked to the balcony, stepping over the railing and then turning to face Sonic. "Wanna get out of here?" "If I go, Pipp's gonna kill me 'cause she'll think I'm cheating on her" Sonic deadpanned. Sunset deadpanned back after hearing this. "Boomer." After saying this, Sunset let herself fall, and even though he had wings and could fly, Sonic still worried for her, so he rushed to the balcony and looked down, but right there, he noticed that she was flapping her wings and standing over the wall. "Does she have to find out, though?" Sunset retorted with a playful smirk. "I'm not cheating on her with a stranger!" Sonic said with a frown. "I wouldn't cheat on her in general! And yes, we're still strangers at the end of the––" However, before he could keep talking, he noticed Sunset's bored expression, before she raised an eyebrow at him. Sonic deadpanned as he realized what she meant by getting out of there. "You just want us to have a friendly talk, don't you?" "Yup!" Sunset replied, still with a bored expression. Sonic let out a sigh, before looking back at Sunset with a smirk. "I could go out for a run!" THE END...?