> (NOT CANON) MLP:FIM: Andrew's Story (Season 1) > by AndrewsArchive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: Return to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: Setting Into The Land. Once upon a time... in the magical land of Equestria. A lavender unicorn who goes by the name, Twilight Sparkle had created five friends in her quest to defeat Nightmare Moon. Afterwards, they had various fun adventures together. But one day, a human named Alex had come to Equestria. But instead of helping him like they should have, Twilight and her friends wanted to use him for they're own desires. Eventually, another human who goes by the name of "Andrew," was found by Alex. This small friendship however caused a chain of events, leading to Andrew deciding to stay in Equestria and live amongst the ponies. Andrew yawned as Princess Celestia’s sun had risen to the sky. It had been months since the day he had come to Equestria. To him, life in this new land was completely different compared to Earth. He had been living in Canterlot thanks to his protector, Princess Luna. Today was the day he would move to Ponyville and meet Twilight Sparkle to discuss what he could do for a living. Andrew trudged as he walked through the castle hallway and towards the dining room. There, he met the royal sisters there who were waiting for him there. "Good morning, Andrew!" Celestia greeted. "I'm pleased to see you slept well." "Thanks, princess." Andrew said before bitting into a banana. "I really do appreciate the hospitality you two had given me these past months. I honestly don't know how I can pay you back." "Nonsense, young Andrew." Luna replied. "It was our pleasure to give thou the comfort that was needed to make up from our mistakes when first arriving to Equestria. Though it’s quite a shame to see thou leave. But we understand that thy wish is understandable." Andrew smiled as he finished the banana. "Okay. Once I get a train to Ponyville. I can meet up with Twilight and go from there!" "Oh, that won't be necessary, Andrew." Celestia spoke up. "You can get there a much quicker way..." ZOOM! In a streak of red light, Lachlan Dingo then raced right into the room and quickly stopped at the table. He comically wore a yellow taxi cap on his head that was a bit too big for him. Andrew couldn’t help but chuckle at his appearance. "Hiya there, Andrew! and welcome to Lachlan’s Taxi Service! The fastest way to travel around the globe in the blink of an eye!" Lachlan said with a smile on his face. "I'll meet you outside when you're ready!" Lachlan then sped out the room, leaving a red trail behind him. Andrew then turned his attention back to the two princesses a few seconds after. "Well, not the transportation I was expecting... Not complaining though..." Andrew said making Celestia and Luna both giggle at Andrew's statement. "I just hope he bought the hat..." Andrew and the Princesses made their way outside to the front of the castle and released the drawbridge so they could meet Lachlan there, who was waiting there for them like the loyal pup he is. Andrew then turned his attention to the royal sisters. "Well..." he began, "I suppose that this is goodbye for now, your highness'..." "Please Andrew," Princess Celestia said. "No need to address us so formally. But we hope meet you again soon." "Indeed," Princess Luna added. "I shall watch over thou in thy dreams every night, young Andrew. To make sure thou is feeling alright." Ever since she made her promise to watch over Andrew by Alex; she knew that this was a task she needed to take very seriously. "Thanks, you two." Andrew smiled. He then turned back to Lachlan. "Okay, Lachlan. Let's go!" Lachlan then grabbed ahold of Andrew’s arm and spoke, "Next stop: Ponyville! Population: Uhm.... I never counted... not really of a math dog... Hehe..." ZOOM! Lachlan sped off in a streak of red light while holding on tightly to Andrew, while Celestia and Luna waved at them, hoping that Andrew would have a good future ahead. In the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight Sparkle was in a panic as she was galloping around the library, trying to tidy up the place for Andrew’s arrival. As she examined every desk and table looking for dust and even levitating Spike's bed to find any dirty spots, which ended up making Spike fall out of said bed as he was sleeping in the bed. "Ahh!" Spike exclaimed as he fell onto the floor, now fully awake. While still groggily, he spoke up. "Twilight? What's the big rush for? Are we having guests over?" "Umm... well... yes and no..." Twilight stammered as she checked the books in her shelves to see if anything was sorted correctly, "Andrew's finally arriving to Ponyville and he's supposed to arrive here! And I just need to make a better impression unlike last time! I just gotta make sure everything is all neatly organized!" "Hehe... You sound just like Rarity." Spike chuckled, "Besides, I'm sure Andrew isn't much of a neat freak anyway." Twilight gave out a sigh as she looked at her assistant. "Yeah... You're probably right... It's just..." Twilight said as looked out a nearby window. "It's been months since the whole "Human Hunt" incident, and just thinking of the way we treated him and Alex abd hearing about what happened to him when he was on Earth.... I just want to make sure that Andrew has a better life here than how he did back on Earth..." Spike placed a claw on Twilight's shoulder. "Relax, Twilight. Andrew forgave us all. Well... even if he did have you and the girls stuck in a dream where he shot you all..." Twilight just glared at Spike for bringing that up. "Wh... what I mean is..." he stuttered. "Andrew wouldn't come here if he didn't forgive us! But I'm sure he would respect that you're still willing to make it up to him." Twilight smiled. "You do have a fair point. Andrew does seem like the kind of creature that forgives and forgets, after all." The door to the library suddenly swung open, startling Twilight and Spike. As it was revealed Pinkie Pie had been the one who had done it. "Hiya, Twilight!" Pinkie beamed as she bounced in, "Is Andrew here yet?! I gotta throw him his 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" "No, not yet, Pinkie." Twilight replied, "But he's coming soon." "Oh, I just can't wait for him to come back!" Pinkie exclaimed, "Oh I've missed him sooooo much after that whole incident! I'd hate for him to be sad and feel unwelcome here!" "Okay, easy now." Twilight spoke up, "Andrew is going to meet us here with the others and we'll discuss on where he can live or who he'll live with if he chooses the latter. Then you can throw him the party, does that sound manageable?" "Okie-Doki, Lokkie!" Pinkie agreed as she bounced back to the exit, "I'll go get everypony else while we're at it! See you soon, Twilight!" ZOOOOM! SCREEECH! Lachlan skidded to a halt as he and Andrew both stopped at the entrance to Ponyville. "Here we are!" Lachlan beamed as he took his taxi cap off and threw it off camera. "Ponyville! The happiest place in Equestria!" Andrew on the other hand was still dizzy from going so fast with Lachlan. "Oh man..." he said, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that..." "Sorry bout' that." Lachlan said, "It's not very often that I bring non-speedy creatures with me! One day, when I showed Spike how fast I can go, he felt like he was gonna lose his gems, and when we stopped, he was so dizzy and nauseous he had to walk pretty awkwardly all the way back to Twilight’s place.” "Geez..." Andrew replied as he regained his vision, "That sounds rough..." Lachlan chuckled, "Yeah... let's just pray to mom you don't suffer the same... Anyway let's go, Andrew! Twilight’s awaiting us!" Lachlan then quickly ran, but at a normal rate so Andrew could keep up with him. Which Andrew in turn was doing as the two quickly ran through Ponyville. Passing by many familiar faces from the town. "Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through! Nice to see ya!" Lachlan said as he tried to clear a path for him and Andrew. As he did so, Andrew got a great glimpse around Ponyville's many citizens. Some gave him and the red dingo odd looks which he wasn't surprised by considering they haven't seen a human before. "EXCUSE ME, EVERYPONY! COMING THROUGH!" Lachlan yelled, startling everypony, including Andrew. "THIS GUY IS GOING TO GET A HOME HERE! IN A LITTTLE BIT!" Lachlan turned back to Andrew and spoke to him in a normal speaking voice. "Just trying to clear a path, bud. Nothing to worry about!" Andrew in return rolled his eyes at Lachlan’s attempts to help him out before quickly running back with him. As he sped-walked through Ponyville, he looked around the town now that he was no longer being hunted, he was impressed by the many buildings and things the ponies had made here. What caught his eyes the most were the residents who lived there. There were two ponies who seemed to be musicians. One looked to be a DJ, while the other seemed more of a classical lover, making Andrew assume they had different tastes. *CRASH!* Andrew was startled by a pegasus who had just crashed into a tree. Andrew noticed the pegasus had a gray coat with a blonde mane and tail and had cutie marks with a bunch of bubbles. What stood out to Andrew to most was that she was a bit cross-eyed. "Uhh... you, okay?" Andrew asked her with concern. The gray pegasus simply nodded before flying up into the air again. Lachlan noticed everything that happened and spoke up. "Oh, that's Derpy. That happens to her a lot. But don't feel sorry, she always feels okay after all that!" Andrew and LAchlan then continued on their way, as they passed many familar faces such as some ponies running a flower stand, a bench where tow ponies were sitting. With one sitting like a pony while the other sat like how a human does, confusing Andrew. Andrew was then pulled out of his awe from the town as Lachlan spoke up again. "Here we are! Golden Oaks Library! Bing-bang-boom!" Lachlan exclaimed as the two then reduced to walking as they got closer to the front door. "Twilight's probably panicking as usual. Or as i like to call it, Twilighting!" "Twilighting?" Andrew said unamused. "Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if that caught on with the others sometime soon!" Lachlan replied as he knocked on the door. > Episode 2: Settling Into The Land > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 2: Settling Into The Land "Here we are! Golden Oaks Library! Bing-bang-boom!" Lachlan exclaimed as the two then reduced to walking as they got closer to the front door. "Twilight's probably panicking as usual. Or as i like to call it, Twilighting!" "Twilighting?" Andrew said unamused. "Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if that caught on with the others sometime soon!" Lachlan replied as he knocked on the door. Twilight Sparkle then opened the door and smiled at the boys. "Hello, boys!" Twilight greeted the human and dingo. "I didn't expect you to show up so early!" "Well let's just say... Lachlan was a bit to eager to get on the road..." Andrew replied as Lachlan gave a guilty chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't resist!" Lachlan said. "Well I'm glad to have you two here, nonetheless!" Twilight replied as she brought the two inside. There, they met none other than the other five friends of Twilight. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack. (Yes, even Spike) In which they all smiled and greeted Andrew and Lachlan as they walked in. "Howdy boys!" Applejack said first. "Glad to see ya both made it here in one piece!" "Yeah..." Andrew said, remembering how nauseating it was when he Lachlan sped him through town. Andrew then felt Pinkie wrap him into a bear hug as she squeezed tight. "Ohh! Andrew! I've missed you so much! I was wondering if you would ever come back!" "C-Can't... breathe!" Andrew said. "Oh, sorry!" Pinkie replied as she loosened her grip on Andrew. "Y-you're not still mad about... what happened all those months ago..." Fluttershy asked nervously. "Hey, don’t worry about it, Fluttershy." Andrew said. "I said I forgave you girls, didn't I?" "Yeah, forgive and forget!" Lachlan spoke up, "It's all in the past now!" "Good point, buddy!" Rainbow Dash said, "Couldn't have said it better myself! Well... maybe..." "So anyway, Twilight." Rarity said, "You said we were here to discuss on how Andrew here is going to live here in Ponyville, yes?" "Exactly, Rarity." Twilight replied, "Since Andrew here is moving here in Ponyville. I want us all to make him feel more comfortable than last time." "So, what yer' sayin is that one of us should take him in, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Err... sort of..." Twilight said as she turned her attention to Andrew, "But that's only if your okay with that idea. Because you can still live on your own if you choose." "Well, I don't really care either way." Andrew said, "But who'd be willing to let me live with them?" "Well.... I was gonna offer..." Rainbow Dash spoke up, "But I don't think you can stand on clouds like Pegasi can..." "Well, ah'd also offer," Applejack said, "But uhh... I dunno if you'd be willin' to work all day, Andrew..." "I'd volunteer if I could," Lachlan said, "But I obviously live with mom and Auntie Luna, so..." "Oh no worries, darlings." Rarity said, "I'll be happy to take him in!" "A-Are you sure?" Andrew asked, "I mean you don't hav-" "Oh pish-posh!" Rarity scoffed as she flapped her hoof, "I'm called the Element of Generosity, am I not?" Andrew just shrugged, "If you insist then..." "Then it's settled!" Twilight said, "Andrew is going to live with Rarity for the time being!" "Well... I was going to suggest... but it's okay..." Fluttershy said, a little disappointed that she couldn’t give Andrew hospitality. Andrew and Rarity walked together towards the latter's home, The Carousel Boutique. Andrew himself was in complete awe at the sight of the building. "Quite the sight, isn't it darling?" Rarity spoke up. "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! The home of the most gorgeous and dazzling dresses and clothing anypony could ever lay their eyes upon." "Wow, no offense, but that's kind of an odd way to describe a building." Andrew said, Back where I'm from, people use these as attractions you'd see at a carnival like merry-go-rounds where we'd ride fake horses that were on poles. Rarity’s eyes went wide at Andrew's description. "Um... yes let's get inside and get you settled in now, shall we?" She replied a little unnerved. "Was that awkward or something? I... I didn’t mean-" "Oh n-no! No worries!" Rarity smiled before whispering to herself. 'I just hope you don't bring that up ever again...' The two then enter the boutique as Andrew looked around as he was once again in awe. There was a workroom, which Rarity does much of her designing. The room was stocked full with materials and supplies such as mirrors, a couch, mannequins that took the shape of ponies, movable screens, and even a small display stage. "Now then, darling. I hope you can make yourself at home here." Rarity said. "It may be a bit of a downgrade from living in luxury up in Canterlot." "Eh... Royalty isn't my thing, Rarity. I'll be fine." Andrew assured. "Now then, you take a seat on the couch while I get you something to drink." Rarity said, "Do you have any preferences?" "Well... lemonade sounds good if you have any..." Andrew replied as he took a seat on Rarity's couch. "Oh, but I do!" Rarity confirmed as she quickly walked to her kitchen. "Don't go anywhere, darling~" As Rarity left the room, Andrew took some time to gaze at the interior of the boutique again. He didn't think finding a place to live was going to be easy, but he was also astonished at Rarity's generosity. of course, that was her main element according to Lachlan. But something else felt... odd about her to him. Andrew's eyes widened; did he think Rarity was beautiful?! No... he can't think that. She's a pony and he's a human. There's no way the relationship could work... And what would the others think of him? What about Spike? Lachlan always said that he had a crush on her... Andrew's thoughts were put on hold when he suddenly noticed a small white Persian cat jump onto the couch. The cat had a purple collar with a small gem on it and it wore a purple bowtie on its head. This cat was none other than Opalescence as she just stared at Andrew. "Huh, I didn't know that Rarity owned a cat..." Andrew said, Opalescence just kept her head up and turned away from him, merely seeing Andrew as nothing but an inferior being. But she was then taken aback as she felt Andrew's fingers in her fur as he gave her a nice scratch on the back. The white cat didn't know what to think about what Andrew was doing to her, but it felt... oddly pleasing. 'Perhaps this creature isn't so bad of he can use those... whatever carrot looking mini hooves he had,' Opalescence thought as she started purring. "I knew I could get you one way or another." Andrew smirked as he continued petting the white cat. Rarity then finally returned with a huge jug of lemonade and two small cups to go with it. She then noticed Andrew petting Opal and just giggled. "I see you've gotten along with Opal, darling." Rarity smiled as she started pouring the lemonade before handing it to Andrew. "Now then, I suggest you drink up while it's still cold." Andrew took note as he started drinking the sour yet sweet liquid. Little did he know that him being at the boutique was the perfect distraction for somewhere else in Ponyville. Pinkie was basically setting up Sugarcube Corner for the party she was throwing for Andrew's arrival. Doing things such as blowing up balloons, putting up streamers, and baking a chocolate cake in the oven. But she wasn't alone in the party setup as Lachlan too was also helping by doing all of the above as quickly as possible. "Excellent work my apprentice!" Pinkie said as she mockingly rubbed her hooves together as if she was an evil mastermind. "Ight, what's next?" Lachlan said, "Why we get the girls, silly!" Pinkie replied, "It'd be a boring party if it'd just be me, you, and him!" "True that Pinkster. True that." "Now hurry, go get the girls!" Pinkie said as Lachlan quickly sped out the exit after comically doing a salute. The dingo raced across the town in search of Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. As he had to let Rarity continue to distract Andrew from knowing. > Episode 3: Planning the Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 3: Planning the Party Pinkie Pie wiped the sweat off her head as she gazed at her fine work. She knew that her ‘Welcome Human’ party was going to be a blast. As she had prepared so much for Andrew's inevitable arrival. And now that he was in Ponyville, she was more eager than ever to start this. "Oh, it's amazing! Probably my best work as of now!" Pinkie Pie smiled as she continued to stare at her masterpiece of a party. But before she could idolize her work any longer, Lachlan then came into SugarCube Corner with Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy behind him. "Got our friends, Pinkmeister!" Lachlan said, getting the party pony's attention. "And Rarity is still distracting Andrew as we speak!" "Great work, Lachlan!" Pinkie smirked, "I'd say the student has become.... the teaching assistant!" "Gotta say, Pinkie. You and Lachlan did a pretty awesome job at this!" Rainbow Dash spoke up, "There's no way Andrew wouldn't love this!" "Just wait until he tells me his birthday!" Pinkie beamed, "I wonder how old he is though..." "I mean... his voice is pretty deep... err... I'll say he's 17 or 18." Lachlan said. "Maybe... let's not assume his age and focus on giving a better impression for him." Twilight said, "But on a serious note. how many ponies are showing up to this party, Pinkie?" "Oh, well. I have thought about that, and I decided to invite half of Ponyville to this party!" Everyone's eyes went wide at that. Did Pinkie really invite HALF of the town to this party? "Woah... isn't that a bit overkill, Pinkie?" Spike asked. "Oh pffft!" Pinkie snorted, "Of course not! What makes you think something like that?" "Ah' mean, it's great that Andrew's back and all. But shouldn't we be worried that the other ponies might be terrified of Andrew 'n' all?" Applejack asked. "I dunno, nopony seemed bothered by his presence when we first got here." Lachlan pointed out. "I'd say we're in the clear." "Applejack and Spike do have a point Lachlan," Twilight said, "Like I said, we have to make a better impression than we did months ago to Andrew when Alex came into town unwillingly. And if we invite too many ponies here, we could possibly overwhelm him!" "Oh dear..." Fluttershy said, "I don't want to see Andrew so terrified." "Don't worry about that, your Auntie Pinkie will make sure nopony is a meanie pants to Andrew!" Pinkie assured the yellow pegasus, who just gave her an unamused stare. "I'm still a year older than you." "Goodness, darling." Rarity said, "I can't believe those other horrid ruffians from this... FBI... thing... could strip you of a parent figure and try to do some awful experimenting on you!" Andrew nodded his head as he sipped his lemonade, "Yeah, humanity is incredibly flawed, and I'm honestly glad I ended up here! Because things actually got better for me in the end." "Well, I promise you, Andrew darling. Me and the girls will try to make your life here as better than it was in your world" Rarity assured. "But I must ask you something?" "Yeah?" Andrew replied. "How exactly is fashion all like back on your planet?" she asked, considering that he was wearing clothes. "I'm quite curious to know myself." "Oh, umm..." Andrew replied, trying to find his words. "It's....kinda the same.... Except the clothes are made to work with our anatomy and not ponies." "My my.... How fascinating!" Rarity said, "I do suppose that making clothes with your anatomy won't be too hard. I have made some dazzling clothing for Spike won't be a problem." "Alright, I'll take your word on it.." Many recognizable ponies entered Sugarcube Corner hearing about the Welcome Human Party because of the invitations Pinkie had sent out days prior. Said ponies either showed up out of guilt for the incident or because they never heard of a human before, or they heard about the story of Andrew stopping a lookalike demon from destroying the princesses. She greeted each pony who arrived there. The ponies all gathered into their own groups, talking about what had been going on in their lives. But then each talking about the guest of honor's inevitable arrival. **** "I can't believe it! The human's here! In Ponyville! He's living with us!" Lyra beamed. She was too ecstatic to see Andrew due to her odd love for human culture. "Lyra, he has a name." Bon Bon replied with a deadpanned expression on her face, "I get it, it's exciting to see a creature you've fantasized about. But please control yourself!" "I'm sorry, Bon Bon! I just can't help myself!" Lyra said, which made Bon Bon groan in annoyance. **** "I must say, Vinyl. I wasn't there when the whole 'Human Hunt' thing was occurring. But hearing about how he defended the princesses from that awful demon that wore his face has me quite interested about him." Octavia said to her mute friend. who nodded in agreement. "But I do hope that we can make a good impression for him since all the other ponies couldn't do that very well when that other human arrived here." Vinyl lifted a hoof up to her own chin and thought about it. She also wanted to make up for the bad first impression when Alex showed up before Andrew did. An idea came to her head as she turned to Octavia to tell her through gestures a way they could make this party grandiose. **** "This is exciting crusaders!" Apple Bloom said, "Andrew's finally comin' back to Ponyville! Ah' missed him so much!" "Yeah! He showed that evil monster who's boss!" Scootaloo said, "He reminds me a lot about Lachlan." "Oh definitely!" Sweetie Belle squeaked, "Hearing about how they met and sticking together to find Alex was amazing!" "Y'know, I gotta ask...." Scootaloo said, "Lachlan has that weird lightningy thing that happens to him when he's upset or powered up, right?" "Uh, yeah?" Apple Bloom replied while raising an eyebrow. "And Andrew also had the exact thing too when he blocked that monster's punch. Do you think it maybe Lachlan unknowingly gave Andrew some of his power?" "Hmm..." The trio thought of it for a while about the topic. "Nahh..."