> Mystreet: Ponyville > by Spacecase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight decided that it was time for her human friends could meet her pony friends so they could meet each other so Twilight and her friends decided to enter the mirror all at once but before Pinkie Pie did, she trip over one of the four steps when she did she did a barrel roll into the other knocking them all into the same era. > Chapter 1: the human realm? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After twilight awoke after being toss around in the between realms she saw her friends gathering their baring's and she also saw some people with wolf ears and tail and others with cat ears and tail, the other girls saw that Twilight was confused by something, "you okay darlin?" Rarity asked "the people here have animals ears and tail?" Twilight said in a sluggish way with one of her eyebrows raised. Every pony looked at where she was looking at "what in tarnation" Applejack said as she saw the human twilight have been talking about "Hey are you girls okay?" a woman's voice asked "yea but where is Canterlot high" the girls saw the woman she was wearing a purple hoodie with wolf ears and tail, "what high?" the woman replied. Twilight then saw that they were all in a park "where are we?" the woman cocked her head to one side and said "your in lover lane's park" the woman the smacked herself and said "where is manners my name is Aphmau, Aphmau Lycan." the girls noticed that Aph-meow looked happy when she said her last name "mom who are you talking to?" Aphmau looked behind her and said "Alina where is your father?" Alina pointed behind her and they all saw another wolf person "Alina slow down!" the little girl and Aphmau started giggling "Spike?! where are you?" Twilight started looking around frantically she then got up and searched for spike then all but the other wolf person started laughing "you were laying on him" spike then said "sheesh got scared when you didn't see me?" Aphmau, Alina and the other wolf person looked shocked when spike talked in his dog form, Aphmau didn't know what to think because there was a talking dog right in front of her, fluttershy ran up to give dog spike a hug "oh my Celestia your a Puppy "twilight help please she hugging me too tight" spike said "dad is that dog talking?" before the father could answer "Aaron could you please take Alina home?" Aaron obliged to his wife orders but then stopped and said "wait what are your names?" the girls all looked at each other communicating through their eyes then said "our names are Twilight sparkle, Pinkie pie, Applejack, Rainbow dash, and fluttershy oh and Spike" Aphmau then smile but then the smile diminished to a frown "no Seriously what are your names?" They then said their names again Aphmau looked like something fell on her tail "W-What. well if your really the mane 6 then where do you live?" fluttershy answered "Equstria mainly PonyVille" Aaron the left with Alina, Aphmau couldn't believe she meet the mane 6 before Zane Ro'meave then something bugged her "wait why are you here on earth? Shouldn't you be in Equstria or in Canterlot high?" they all then looked at Pinkie pie "what.. Oh when I trip over one of the steps and knocked us off path and lead us here?" Twilight facepalmed "that what happened by the way Aph-meow?" Aphmau laughed "No no it Aphmau by the way do you have a place to stay?" all of them shock their head no "well I can talk to my husband about letting you stay with us." when Aphmau came back from calling Aaron she told the mane 6 and spike said it was alright that they can stay with them and so with that they went off to Aphmau and Aaron house and on the way there, Twilight asked why some people have wolf ears and tail while other have cat ears and tail "well the cats people are call Meif'wa and the wolf people are called werewolf." they almost make it 'home' but they ran into human with a mask and a Meif'wa girl "look Zane I met the mane 6" Zane rolled his eye "ya right Aph" then he saw them "oh my Irene y-you are.. Pinkie pie, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Spike and Rainbow Dash! why are you here on earth though?" All of them points to Pinkie pie "blame her" Spike said, Kawaii-Chan then giggled at them "where are you going with them Aphmau-senpai?" Aphmau answered "Home." Zane then gotten a idea "why that's a good idea Aphmau unless Aaron says no" Aphmau said that Aaron already said that they were aloud there. A few hours later they were in front of Aphmau and Aaron house and met more of Aphmau and Aarons friends first Lucinda then Kim then Travis Then Garroth And lastly Melissa, one hour into meeting them Twilight wanted to ask Who something "hey Aphmau who is Irene?" Aphmau answered "Irene is a goddess who is my ancestor and at the Same time I am her" fluttering heard this then asked "how are you your ancestor and yourself at the same time?" Aphmau said "she has been reborn in more ways then I can count." after she had finished, Katelyn called her over "Aphmau remember what Kenmur and Emmalyn said to you." Katelyn forgot that brought back horrid memory's for Aph, Twilight, spike, and fluttershy saw that Aphmau had stopped when Katelyn said that, when Katelyn realized she had brought Aph a horrid memory she quickly said "wait Aphmau I didn't mean it like that." as she said this Aphmau ran into her house Katelyn Instantly regretted what she had said, Katelyn tried to chase after her but Rarity stopped her and said "dear she needs a little bit of time to calm down." Katelyn tried to push pass but the element of generosity didn't let her by because saying she needs to calm down over and over again Katelyn then stopped and ask "can you guys at least check on her please?" Rarity looked at the others who defiantly saw all of this go down but they nodded at Katelyn so Rarity did as well. Once they went through they heard something undeniable... crying, Twilight looked around Aphmau's house noticing the Photos of her, Aaron, and Alina as they walked up the stairs and opened the door to Aphmau and Aarons room they saw Aphmau enveloped in a bright light then transforming into... > Chapter 2: what happened to her? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn't believe her eyes the woman named Aphmau is now in a different form she looked the same as what she once was but this time she wore a armored clothing, she was now a human too, a sword on her back. "w-what, what hap-" twilight wasn't able to finish her question before Aphmau said she doesn't want to tell twilight tried to push but Applejack stopped her "Twi she needs space and time." Twilight look liked a rock dropped on her foot, she tried to retort but she had nothing to say so she just left, applejack sighed as she left as well. When Aphmau went out hers house Katlyn walked up to Aphmau and apologized to her, Aph being herself said "no worry's I just got to get use to those memories even if their hard to forget" Katlyn nodded but something still tugged on her, why were the girls confused? "Aph did they saw you in a different form?" Aphmau nodded as she spoke "they asked what happened to me, what happen to my past." Katlyn looked towards the mane 6 "I know for a fact you probably didn't tell them" Aphmau looked at Katlyn with surprised and shocked eyes, "how did you know?" Katlyn answered "I lived with you and kawaii Chan." "Twilight are you sure it's a good idea for us to be here with your human friends waiting for us?" Twilight let out a sigh "we don't know how far Canterlot high is from here" rainbow dash then had a 'smart' idea "doesn't human me have super speed?" twilight caught on quick "yes but only when she's near the school" Twilight skillfully defused that bomb but this just makes her wonder if her human half has magic. twilight was standing there deep in thought when rarity snapped her fingers in front of twilight. "w-what?" rarity re-question "what do you think happened to her darling?" twilight tried to answer that to the best of her ability "maybe she died?" that was a question upon itself how and when did she die? what happened to her and why do they look..... familiar? as these question start to rack upon the mane 6 brains kawaii Chan tried to hold a conversation with them "so where do you all live?" Kawaii Chan asked fluttershy answered the question "P-PonyVille, well twilight lives on the outside of PonyVille." Zane looked between the mane 6 and kawaii Chan or Aphmau who was talking to Alina, "how did she met them before me!?" Zane thought out loud, Zane's brother Garroth heard his brother yelling about this and just sighed "Zane you got to get out more, maybe go on a walk with your girlfriend?" Zane thought for a few moments the said, "Thanks captain obvious. Now I'm going to talk with the mane six." The mane 6 and kawaii Chan were talking about each other worlds but something stuck in twilight 's mind why did Irene sound so familiar? "Twilight are you alright?" Fluttershy's voice broke her concentration again "yea I-I'm fine" twilight said as she noticed Zane walking towards them, A blinding light appeared in the middle of Aphmau's yard and out of it appears to be Michael? No not Michael, Blaze his eyes shined Emerald green, wolf ears and tail, and the Demon broadsword in his hand... The mane 6 were confused on why the others gotten into a fighting position but understood it in an instant when they saw the sword, "Blaze how are you alive!?" Aaron would yell remembering how he killed blaze. Blaze would remained motionless as if he was waiting for a a command, then he rushed towards Aphmau swinging the broadsword in Aphmau's direction, Aphmau as if this happened many times before dodged blaze and Aaron went in and hit the broad sword away. Twilight understanding the danger they're in, slowly backed away stepping onto the demon broadsword, sensing...a older type of magic then equestrian magic why was this magic older than the other, who was it's old user? These question slowly plague twilight's mind only for her to learn, a little to late on staying near the fight. Blaze's body flew Into twilight, making her take the brunt of her fall, throwing her into applejack, who caught twilight. Aphmau picked up the broadsword, then softly putting it back onto the ground, soon turning her gaze to blaze walking cautiously to his unconscious body. Aaron stare at blaze, confuse... confused on how he survived his attack. It took a few hours for Twilight to awake, it took some time for her eyes to adjust to the bright lights in the room. she stood up, looking around the area, she was in a church of some sorts, pure marble walls, oak benches and a purple symbol in a ornate window. in front of her was something, all she could see was the back of the figure, the figure wore a white, gold, and purple dress, a purple veil that had daisies and roses on the hem of it, and two golden bracelets on her right arm. "She's wakin' up, give 'er space." Applejack said as she tried to hold back the others. Twilight groaned as she rubbed her head, feeling a bruise along her hairline, a small pained gasp escaped her. "How are ya, twi?" Applejack asked, a concerned light shone in her eyes, fluttershy gave twilight a ice pack.