> Terms of Release > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Parolee's Pole > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Excuse me,” Alex coughed in disbelief. Princess Cadance, flanked by a quartet of royal guards, solemnly nodded and hung her head. “You heard me correctly, Sombra has returned,” she softly stated, avoiding his gaze. “But it may not be as bad as you think - well we hope it’s not as bad as you think.” Folding his arms over his chest, he held his ground. “What do you mean?” “Nearly a week ago, a patrol found him passed out in the badlands,” she explained. “It would have been unsettling enough to see him again, especially after Twilight and her friends dealt with him, but it gets even weirder - he’s claiming he’s not evil anymore.” “Just…” Alex uneasily began, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just give me a second here.” It was fair to say his life had gone through a fair number of twists and turns, not the least of which being his magical and inexplicable appearance in the land of Equestria, but the current circumstances were definitely some of the strangest. When he’d been summoned to the Crystal Castle, he’d assumed Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor simply wished to greet him to their Empire - unfortunately, that hadn’t been the case. Lifting his gaze, he inspected the alicorn lingering by her throne. Cadance took an anxious step closer to him, uneasily smiling at his face. “From that look you’re giving me, I’m guessing you have a few questions.” “You could say that, yeah,” he huffed. “First of all, why are you telling me this? I’ve never met Sombra, but I know enough about him to realize he’d be best looked after by several guards. Secondly, why was I invited here for this.” “I can answer both those questions at once,” she murmured, averting her gaze and licking her lips. “The other Princesses and I have discussed what to do with Sombra at length; when it came to what’s to be done with him, we held a vote and, well, the decision was made to give him a chance to redeem himself.” Alex quirked a brow, somewhat surprised by the news. It was no mystery that several of the larger threats to Equestria had been reformed, including Discord and Nightmaremoon, but it was a bit shocking to hear they’d give the sinister ex-tyrant the opportunity to make amends. As he considered the matter, his concern apparently showing, Cadance continued. “He’ll be affixed with a negation ring to dampen his powers and remove any chances of him tampering with anypony’s head,” she reassured the young man. “Not to mention we’ll give you a brooch that will allow you to summon the guards if he starts -” “Wait,” he croaked. “Did you say I’ll be given a brooch? What am I going to need that…” He trailed off, his racing thoughts struggling to put the pieces together. The reason why he’d been summoned, Cadance telling him about Sombra’s reappearance, and the mention that he’d have some part to play with the former King’s release led him to an inexorable conclusion - he’d be dealing with Sombra personally. Stepping back and putting his hands up, inching closer to the exit, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, but there’s no way I can do this,” he nervously laughed. “I’m all for you giving Sombra a second chance, but there has to be someone who’s better suited to help than I am.” “That’s just it, there isn’t,” Cadance stated. “If he is still evil, his magic won’t work on you. You’re also one of the only residents of the Crystal Empire who isn’t scarred by his past actions; as unfair as it sounds, the ponies around here wouldn’t or couldn’t be non judgemental about him. Listen, I know this may be quite alarming, but I can guarantee your safety - that and the Empire is willing to compensate you for the inconvenience.” The mention of compensation caught Alex’s ear. “Compensate how?” “For starters, we’ll pay for an apartment large enough for the two of you and cover your expenses until he’s adjusted,” she clarified. Rubbing one temple, he considered his options. Refusing the request of a Princess, and regarding a matter which all four had discussed noless, would be an egregious breach of etiquette - that said, given the circumstances, he still had every right to say no. He felt reasonably sure that he wouldn’t be in much danger, since Sombra’s powers would be nullified and he’d have guards at his beck and call, but that didn’t make the circumstances any less disconcerting and bizarre. “Do you believe him?” he pressed, locking eyes with the alicorn. With a heavy sigh, Cadance hung her head. “Honestly, I’m not sure. My gut tells me that there’s something different about him, but thinking about what he’s done…” she fell silent and shivered. “It’s hard for me to trust him, which is why I think you’d be much better at helping us judge his character now.” In one of the rarer moments in his life, Alex was genuinely torn. He truly did feel that people and ponies deserved a chance to redeem themselves - then again, he would have never guessed he’d personally have to deal with a villain. Taking a deep breath, holding it for a minute, and slowly exhaling, he did what he could to calm himself. “Can I at least speak to him first?” he asked. “Of course,” Cadance replied, giving a curt nod. “He’s in a cell beneath the castle. If you’d like, I can have a pair of the guards escort us down so you can meet him.” Feeling none too sure with what he was about to do, Alex anxiously smiled. “If it’s not too much to ask, yeah, I think that would be appropriate.” Trotting past him and to the doorway, with two of the larger, more heavily soldiers marching behind her, she moved out into the hallway. As Alex followed along behind them, moving at a brisk pace, he mused on just how things were going to play out. Would Sombra try to intimidate him? Was the King as big and scary as the stories made him out to be? How would the stud react to seeing a human? Question after question danced through his head, as he mindlessly followed his host into the bowels of the keep, until he was brought to an abrupt halt. Nearly running into Cadance from behind, he looked up and saw one of the guards moving to a massive wooden door braced with steel bars. For a group who claimed Sombra wasn’t a threat, they sure weren’t playing around with keeping him locked up. The heavy door swung open to reveal a dark, foreboding chamber, doing nothing to calm his nerves - nevertheless, he swallowed hard, squared his shoulders, and crept to the entrance. The room was nearly pitch black, only lit by a small, grated window sat high on one wall, but he was able to make out movement from one corner. Glancing over his shoulder at the Princess, he knit his brow. “R…right,” Cadance stammered, igniting her horn and sending a ball of magical light into the cell. Alex went rigid, as Sombra was revealed. Incredibly tall and powerfully built, covered with thick, toned slabs of muscle, the stallion utterly dwarfed any pony he’d ever met. Like two glittering rubies, the unicorn’s cat-like eyes settled upon him, looking him up and down for a moment, before he stepped out of the corner and closer to him. All he could do was gulp, suddenly finding himself face to face with the imposing behemoth. “And what manner of creature are you?” the stallion inquired, cocking his head and studying the young man’s face. The stallion’s voice was rich and sonorous, sending a shiver up his spine. Even if the pony hadn’t been infamous and known across the land, he would have been a bit nervous speaking with such a massive creature. Summoning his courage, trying not to fixate on the pony’s fangs, he gulped. “I…I’m a human,” Alex sputtered, lifting and extending a hand. “The n…name’s Alex.” “Sombra,” the unicorn responded, “King Sombra.” “Sombra,” Cadance interjected, stepping into the cell, “this is the steward I mentioned this morning.” Sombra released the young man’s hand and dipped his head. “My apologies, I should have introduced myself as soon as you entered. I presume the Princess had informed you of the situation?” With his mouth exceedingly dry, Alex nodded. “Yeah, she has. So you don’t think you’re evil anymore?” “I was never evil to begin with,” the stallion sighed, clamping his eyes shut. “The Umbrum have been influencing me - controlling me for longer than I can remember. Though I remember bits and pieces from the last decade, I was a prisoner in my own body - regrettably, as I’ve mentioned to Cadance, Shining Armor, and the other Princesses, there’s no way for me to prove I’m no longer being manipulated.” “That’s…that’s awful,” Alex lamented, holding a hand to his chest. “And you’re sure they’re gone?” “I believe so, yes. I can’t explain it, but it’s like their grasp of me has disappeared, either dispelled by some outside power or having weakened to the point of fading away entirely,” Sombra continued. Looking from the crestfallen unicorn to the cold, uninviting cobblestone surrounding them, Alex pursed his lips. He wasn’t about to blindly believe the King, but he was a bit disappointed that the cell was as unpleasant as it was. The air was clammy, a pile of damp straw in the corner was the only thing to pass for a bed, and there wasn’t a blanket to be seen - in short, the place wasn’t fit for rats let alone a pony. “I’d like to ask you something, if that’s ok,” Alex hummed, drawing a curious look from the stallion. “If I agreed to let you stay with me, what would you say?” As he held the young man’s stare, the corners of Sombra’s lips turned up. “I would pledge my gratitude to the young woman who freed me.” Alex inhaled sharply, only then remembering what he was wearing. One of the nicer things about being in Equestria was that, unlike on Earth, he would wear what he wanted without judgment. Glancing down at himself, seeing the snowy-white sundress clinging to his slender frame, he could easily see how he’d be mistaken for a female. Withdrawing his hand and rubbing the back of his neck, feeling his cheeks darken, he looked up at the ceiling. “Actually you’d pledge your gratitude to the young man who freed you,” he corrected, praying the stallion wouldn’t make a scene. A tense second passed, before he glanced over at the gobsmacked stallion. His eyes narrowing and playing over Alex a second time, Sombra lightly snorted. “You jest. I may not be familiar with your species, but your form is far too thin and curvaceous to be that of a male’s,” he noted, languidly trotting around the young man. “Full, foal bearing hips, a slender waist, shapely legs - of course, your chest may be a bit underdeveloped, but I’m sure that will fill out with age. I’m sure some could mistake you for a male, but I…” Seeing the stallion eyeing his groin, likely having spotted the almost imperceptible bulge under his shirt, he fought the urge to cover himself. If he was going to be acting as a makeshift parole officer for Sombra, the pony may as well know how things were going to be. While he was a guy, he wasn’t about to give up his Celestia-given right to wear what he wanted when out and about - regardless of that the stud thought of it. “This isn’t going to be a problem ~ is it?” he whispered, his blood running cold. Sombra lifted his head and locked eyes with the svelte young man, his muzzle splitting in an even broader smile. “Perish the thought - in fact, I find it quite…” he paused and glanced over at Cadance, seemingly choosing his words carefully. “I find it quite novel that such an alluring young man would wear something so becoming. I hope I’m not being too forward when I say that the dress suits you wonderfully, although I would have suggested something that was a bit less conservative - after all, if you’re trying to catch the eye of stallions, showing a bit of skin is never a bad option. Alex’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the nonchalant and borderline flirtatious comment. Shaking his head and clearing his thoughts, wondering if the stud was being genuine or merely trying to flatter him, his eyes were drawn to a languid movement beneath the unicorn. He’d been taken aback by the compliment and suggestion on his attire, but the sight of the long, impossibly thick, flaccid length slipping from Sombra’s loins nearly gave him a heart attack. While he shouldn’t have been surprised to see that the stallion was hung like an obscenely well-endowed horse, seeing what Sombra was packing, even if he wasn’t fully hard, was incredibly arousing. Only eventually remembering where they were, not to mention a Princess was standing several feet away, he tore his gaze off the dangling appendage and looked over to Cadance. Sure enough, much to his chagrin, the alicorn averted her gaze and blushed heavily when he made eye contact with her. “So exactly what do you want me to do?” he inquired, looking between the flushed Princess and the smugly grinning King. “W…well we were hoping you could help him integrate a bit - you know, show everypony that he’s no longer evil,” she noted, glancing over at the hulking stallion, “if he’s no longer evil.” Giving an annoyed snort, Sombra stomped a hoof. “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times - I’m not evil. If you require I spend some time with this alluring little creature to prove myself, so be it.” Stepping over to one of the guards, Cadance retrieved a small lock-box from under the armored stallion’s wing. “Alex, this is the brooch I mentioned,” she remarked, turning and trotting over to the young man. “Should you need the royal guard for anything, anything at all, tap the gemstone three times in quick succession. Trust me, if you use it, we’ll have a battalion on their way to you.” “That’s if I agree to all this,” Alex countered, taking and inspecting the gem-studded necklace. “I most certainly hope that’s your attempt at humor,” Sombra mused, trotting directly before the slender human. “Not only would you be helping me clear my once illustrious name, but you’d allow me to bask in your exotic beauty,” he purred, bringing his muzzle to the side of Alex’s head. “And I assure you, I can be quite pleasant company…” The deep, throaty whisper and breath hot on his ear set Alex’s blood pumping. He’d been developing quite a soft spot for stallions, particularly large, muscular, and domineering ones, and Sombra checked every box on his list of interests. Slipping the necklace over his head, he took a step back, attempted to ignore his manhood straining his panties, and gave a curt bow to the Princess. “Do you want me to send reports on him?” he asked. Cadance shook her head, her smile broadening. “No, that won’t be necessary. If he behaves himself for a time, we’ll see about getting him a job here in town. Reformed or not, we’ll expect him to be a contributing member of society.” “My dear Princess, you wound me to the quick,” the titan scoffed. “I have much to offer anypony, particularly those gracious enough to let me make amends.” “That’s good enough for me,” the Princess sighed. Shifting her attention back to Alex, she gave a small bow. “Thank you again for your help with this. If there’s anything at all that Shining or I can do, feel free to contact us immediately.” “Thank you, Princess Cadance,” Alex replied, giving a deeper bow before turning to the door. “Come on, Sombra.” With the King’s heavy hooffalls trailing along behind him, he followed the winding corridors and stairwells into the castle proper and to the entry hall. Earlier that morning, he would have laughed if someone had told him he’d be leaving the keep with a gargantuan ex-ne’er do well, but that’s exactly what had happened. As he strolled down the keep’s steps and to the street below, noticing several pedestrians staring at the giant plodding along behind him, he slowed and peeked over his shoulder. “You don’t have to stay back there,” he stated, catching the barest glimpse of the unicorn eyeing his backside. Hasting his pace just a hair, Sombra strode up beside him. “I was appreciating the view - anyways, since you’re my chaperone, what do we have on the agenda for today?” “I was actually going to ask you if there was anything you’d like to do,” Alex hummed, rubbing his chin. “I’m off work today and there’s nothing I have to do, but I’d be happy to show you around.” Looking out at the sprawling metropolis, the unicorn’s grin faded. “The Crystal Empire really has grown over the years. If it’s not too much to ask, could you give me a tour of the town? Between being cooped up in that dank cell and losing several hundred years of time, stretching my legs and getting reacquainted with the world would be pleasant.” “Sure!” Alex chirped.  Walking down one of the city’s main avenues, moving at a relaxed pace, he pointed out various shops and businesses they passed. While he’d only lived in the Crystal empire for a relatively short period of time, less than two months, he’d taken time to acquaint himself with the bustling town - sure, he may not have known everyone or where everything was, but he felt comfortable enough to give directions for most things. As they came to a halt at a crosswalk, waiting for a number of carts to pass, he adjusted his dress. With the conversation having been almost entirely one sided, with Sombra only asking the occasional question, he decided to turn the tables. “So you don’t remember the last few hundred years?” “Fortunately or unfortunately, no,” Sombra grumbled, screwing his eyes shut. “The Umbrum, the cursed beings of shadow which seized control of me, dominated me in body and mind. What few memories I do have are unpleasant and things I’d rather not remember.” “I’m…I’m so sorry,” Alex murmured, kicking himself for asking. “There’s no need to apologize. You bear no blame for what happened, though your sympathy is appreciated,” the stallion responded, reaching over and lifting his chin. “If I may ~ from where do you hail and what brings you to Equestria?” Looking both ways and moving to cross the street, Alex smirked. “I’m from a planet called Earth and, honestly, I’m not sure how I got here. One minute, I was drifting off in my chair for a nap - the next, I woke up outside of Canterlot.” “Interesting,” the unicorn breathed, sticking close to the man’s side. “There were tales in my day about mysterious travelers from far-flung lands, though they were little more than fables. While I am sorry to hear that your trip here was unexpected, I do hope you’ve been enjoying your stay in our world.” “I have,” Alex replied. “It’s actually really nice here, much better than where I’m from. There’s less fighting, almost no drama, and everyone is very friendly.” Nodding slowly, Sombra glanced over at the young man’s face. “Just so. Not to come off as too pompous, but the ponies of Equestria are some of the most genial creatures you’ll ever meet. It’s a shame that -” “I…is that Sombra?” a random pony bleated, staring wide-eyed at the imposing stallion. Until that point, having only drawn curious or at times fretful looks from the townsponies, nopony had directly stopped to question them. Putting on his most becoming smile, Alex stepped between his guest and the stunned resident. Cadance hadn’t said it was his job to intervene with anyone, although he felt it only right to avoid making a scene. “It is Sombra, but you don’t have anything to worry about,” he explained, waving the unicorn over. “He’s turned over a new leaf.” “So to speak,” Sombra added, trudging up to the stricken pony. “My waking nightmare of being influenced by the Umbrum is over. I’d like to -” “Guards? Where are the guards?!” another pony shouted, bolting for the castle. With their tour of the city having been brought to an abrupt end, ponies began gathering around the mismatched pair. What began as curious whispers and frightened glances at the King grew increasingly hostile, tinged with threats and emboldened by the growing throng. As the duo were slowly surrounded by nearly two dozen agitated souls, Alex threw his hands up. “Listen, I know you’re all a bit scared and confused, but I can vouch for him,” he shouted, turning in place to address the crowd’s concerns. “Princess Cadance herself asked me to look after him and make sure he doesn’t misbehave. On the very slim chance he does start trouble, I’ll be able to summon the guards with this.” Carefully lifting the brooch from around his neck, he lifted his arm and put the enchanted piece of jewelry on full display. He really couldn’t blame the residents for being worried about the ex-evildoer, considering all the things he’d done in the past, but he wasn’t about to be cowed down for no reason. Glancing over and catching Sombra’s eye, he motioned to the masses of muttering townsponies. “Ahem,” Sombra loudly began, quieting the gathering. “I realize I’ve done some terrible things in the past, things I’d rather forget about, but I’m a different pony now. I’m not asking you to forgive what I’ve done or act like it hadn’t happened, but I would like a chance to atone and make amends. If any of you take umbrage with my liberation, I feel certain that Princess Cadance would be happy to explain her decision on the matter.” Upon hearing his words, the small mob slowly started to disband. Though Alex and Sombra’s efforts to mollify everypony were met with some success, a great many of those who had appeared seemed none too pleased with the development. All but left to their lonesome, with only a small handful of ponies cautiously lingering in doorways or windows, the duo shared a knowing glance. “Maybe we should head back to my place for a bit,” Alex offered, subconsciously looking in the direction of his home. Sombra nodded, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. “Agreed. It won’t be long until word of my return spreads like wildfire, so perhaps it would be best that we continue our tour at another time - besides, you do have me curious about your abode.” Shifting on his heel, Alex briskly crossed the street. As nice as it would have been to continue their walk and chat, the last thing he needed was to find himself facing an angry mob. Moving with renewed speed, the monstrous stallion sticking close to his side, he navigated alleyways and backstreets while avoiding the larger roads. It may have been a bit paranoid, but he’d had enough excitement for one day. It took them the better part of an hour to reach his townhouse, a quaint little duplex in the eastern suburbs of the Crystal Empire, but the sight of his home filled him with relief. While he did enjoy his time around all of Equestria’s colorful and overwhelmingly friendly denizens, nothing quite beat the comfort and solitude of his house. As he fished into his pocket and retrieved a key, he stepped to the door and waved his guest over. “It may not be much,” he noted, unlocking and opening the door, “but I’m happy to have you.” Holding the door open, he watched the colossal unicorn trot by him and into his living room. The place wasn’t terribly huge, having only a single bathroom and a pair of modest bedrooms, yet it suited his purposes just fine. The stallion came to a rest by his sofa, making the piece of furniture look almost laughably small in comparison, and surveyed the room. “Quaint,” he mused, eventually looking back at his host. “I mean that in a good way. May I use your coat hanger for my cape?” “Oh - uh - sure,” Alex responded. “Just toss it over here.” Igniting his horn, Sombra surrounded the garment with his magical aura, lifted it from his shoulders, and hovered it over to the young man. “My thanks. It’s one of the…Is something the matter?” “Huh?” Alex grunted, wrenching his attention from the stallion’s chiseled backside. He hadn’t intended to stare, but the view of the stud’s large, muscular thighs, sculpted tush, and the barest peek of two huge, weighty balls had been painfully distracting. It would have been shocking enough to encounter such an attractive stallion, yet he’d somehow managed to bring such a divine creature into his house! Slipping a hand over his crotch, attempting to cover just how he’d gotten by the unexpected sight, a resonant chuckle crept to his ear. “By all means, there’s no need to cover yourself,” Sombra intoned, eyeing the boy’s groin and drawing his tongue over his lips. “Am I to presume your tastes tend to revolve around big, strong stallions such as myself?” For the second time that day, he’d been caught ogling the goods of one of the most nefarious ponies to ever walk the land - the very pony he was supposed to be looking after. Bolting past the idling stud, he made a beeline into the kitchen. It wasn’t like there was anything necessarily wrong with being turned on by such an adonic stallion, yet knowing he’d be living with the guy for some unspecified period of time made the exchange more than a little awkward. “If you’re thirsty, I’ve got cold drinks in here,” he called out, opening and leaning into the refrigerator. Even if he’d had several days to prepare for entertaining a guest, he wasn’t sure he’d be all that prepared. It was relatively rare for him to have company, spending most of his evenings quietly reading or out taking photographs of the city, so he hoped the stallion would be easily entertained. Looking over his provisions, he reached to the very back of the fridge and grabbed a can of grapefruit sparkling water. Frazzled and intent on getting a drink for himself and his guest, he was blissfully unaware that the unicorn hadn’t stayed in the living room. “Mmmmmmm ~” Sombra purred, nearly causing him to bash his head on the fridge door, “I will admit to being thirsty, but not in a way that a drink could quench.” To hammer the point home, the stallion sent power into his horn and slowly pulled at the hem of the young man’s dress. Peeking down at himself, both seeing and feeling the garment creeping up the back of his thighs, threatening to uncover his panties, Alex was stricken with a thrilled panic. Never in his life had he met anyone, be they pony or otherwise, so brazen before! Wheeling around and holding his skirt in place, he halfheartedly glowered over at the unicorn - an act which earned him a second rolling chuckle. Releasing his sorcerous hold of the article, Sombra dipped his head. “I meant no offense, it’s been quite some time since I’ve found myself in the company of such an alluring creature.” “None taken,” Alex whispered, secretly wishing the stud had pressed the matter. “I am curious about something though,” Sombra muttered, looking about the kitchen. “Given that you haven’t mentioned having a special somepony in your life, and the glaring lack of any pictures of loved ones, am I to believe you’re single?” “I…I…” Alex stuttered, clenching and unclenching his fists. “It’s none of your business…” As exciting as it was to be teased by the very forward stallion, he wasn’t about to let himself get walked over. They were in his house, he’d been generous enough to give Sombra a chance, and he was going to set a few ground rules. Railing against his lecherous urge to have some lust-filled back-and-forth with his huge, hunky guest, he crossed his arms over his chest. Sombra paused, studying the man for a moment, before he closed his eyes and slowly exhaled. “You must forgive me, it’s not appropriate for a guest to ask such things of his host. Pray tell, is there any way I can atone for my transgressions?” Something about the way the stallion said transgressions made Alex weak in the knees. Heaven help him - he’d had the stud in his home for less than an hour and he was already struggling to keep his mind out of the gutter. Marching past the unicorn, through the living room and to the back of the house, he rubbed his temple. He needed to clear his head, and there was only one thing he could think to do it - take a shower. “I’m going to use the washroom for a bit,” he shouted back at his guest. “Make yourself at home and feel free to get a snack if you’re hungry. Your room is down here - the last door on the right.” He didn’t wait for a reply, taking a left and closing the bathroom door closed behind himself. If he’d taken more than a second to think about it, he would have gotten a change of clothes beforehand, but it was too late for that. With the front of his dress tented and growing damp with his pre-cum, so hard that it nearly hurt, there would be no hiding his arousal from the keen-eyed pony. Crossing to the tub and setting the water to warm, he slowly undressed himself and tossed his garments into the hamper. Regardless of how amorous his guest was, he’d have a lot to keep himself busy with for the next few days. There would be groceries to buy, he’d probably need a bigger spare bed for Sombra, and he’d have to start helping the stallion look for a job. As he stepped into the shower, sighing as the warm water cascaded over him, he began making a mental checklist of everything he’d need to do. His shower lasted a touch longer than usual, having lost himself to his thoughts, before the water eventually started to run cool. Once he’d dried and gotten into something fresh to wear, he’d suggest Sombra accompany him on a couple of errands. One definite benefit of having a stallion around the house, and an exquisitely large one at that, was that he’d have a bit of extra muscle around for carrying things or the odd bout of manual labor. Smiling to himself, with his towel wrapped around his chest, he walked out of the bathroom, crossed the hallway, stepped into his room, and froze. Laying atop his bed, causing the mattress to strain under his weight, was Sombra himself. As if finding the stallion lounging in his room wouldn’t have been shocking enough, his guest was levitating and closely inspecting one of his more sizable dildos. As he glanced over at his nightstand, remembering that he’d forgotten to put his toy away after using it that morning, his veins turned to ice. “What are you doing in my room?!” he blared, cinching the towel around himself. “I said your room was on the right - not the left!” Dismissively batting a hoof, Sombra set the molded silicone back where he’d found it and smiled over at his host. “My mistake, though I am quite impressed that you’re able to accommodate something that size - that is, unless you merely have it for show.” There were a thousand things Alex wanted to say, with a great many of them being none too friendly, but the stallion wasn’t finished with him - not by a country mile. As he opened his mouth to berate the stud, fully intent on telling his guest to leave his room, Sombra shifted and rolled onto his back. With his hind legs spread slightly and pointed at the ceiling, the pony gave an absolutely immaculate view of everything he had to offer. “If you have an affinity for such toys, perhaps I could be convinced to let you experience the real thing,” Sombra rumbled, flexing his groin and sending blood surging into his semi-rigid length. Having only gotten the barest glimpse of the stud’s stallionhood in the castle, Alex’s vision tunneled as he peered longingly at what had to be the biggest, most beautiful package he’d ever laid eyes upon. Covered in nearly black, velvety flesh, with a pair of balls that looked to be as big as grapefruits, the monstrous cock looked to be bigger than his forearm. Even his biggest dildo paled in comparison to what Sombra was packing, and the sight of such a godly endowment clouded his mind. Had it not been for the faint sound of magic and the sensation of his towel trying to pull away from him, he could and likely would have stared at his guest’s erotic presentation for ages - sadly, that wasn’t the case. Only barely managing to grab the lone article covering himself before it was yanked away, he shot an annoyed glance over at the unicorn. “Stop it!” Sombra rolled his eyes and relented, his horn growing dim. “You know you don’t have to act like you don’t want it. We’re both adults, we find one another attractive, and we’re clearly compatible in ways that would suit one another. If anything, I’d say you’re being the unreasonable one between us.” “Me?!” Alex barked, growing redder by the second. “How am I being unreasonable?” “Because here I am, vulnerable and showing you my full, regal splendor, while you’ve yet to reveal more than your calves. I think it’s only fair that, since we’re going to get intimately familiar with one another, you show me the same cordiality that I’ve extended to you,” he smoothly clarified. Alex’s mind raced. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d been turned on, but did that really make it right to have things move so quickly? Though Sombra was supposedly evil, having done heinous acts upon ponykind for years, he’d done nothing to prove that he was currently wicked - well besides being one hell of a Casanova. Considering his options and warring with the growing urge to sate his carnal desires, he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “And you promise this isn’t some act to win me over?” he groaned. “Young Alex, look at me,” Sombra grunted, drawing the young man’s attention up to his face. “I give you my solemn vow that I’m no longer wicked. If you’re asking about me acting regarding my interest in you, I have one argument to make - I can’t fake an erection.” To punctuate his point, the stallion slapped his turgid length against his belly, momentarily making the head flare and expand outward. The meaty thwack did little to quell Alex’s concerns about the stud being sinister, though it did fan the flames of his lust and make him weak in the knees. Stars above, one of two things was about to happen - he was either about to have the experience of a lifetime or he was going to become the brain-dead thrall of a tyrant. As he inched back and started pulling his towel open, Sombra reignited his horn. “Please, allow me…” His resistance lasted for only a split second, before he allowed the resting stallion to sorcerously unwrap the towel from his willowy frame. He’d never had much experience showing himself off to anyone before, especially in person, so having his body on display with a curious mix of nerve-racking and enthralling. Slowly, moving with all the speed of a glacier, the cloth was drawn down his chest, over his abdomen, and to his hip, before being allowed to fall to the floor beneath him. He could practically feel Sombra’s eyes dancing over him, drawing in every facet of his body, and he mirrored the stud’s actions. Eyeing the unicorn’s profound stallionhood, his thoughts ran absolutely wild. How heavy would such a glorious cock feel? What would it smell like? Just how much cum could such a virile stallion produce? With his pucker giving an expectant, excited wink, he glanced over his shoulder at a bottle of lube on his vanity. “I’m sure we’ll be needing that shortly - for now, how about you come over here and let us get familiar with one another,” Sombra politely ordered, caressing his broad, muscular chest with a forehoof. Alex had to fight to keep himself from sprinting to the bed - still, he spanned the gap between them in a flash. Despite having lost his virginity ages ago, he moved with all the barely-kept enthusiasm of someone who was about to get their v-card punched. Crawling up and onto the mattress, his eyes never wavering from the stallion’s equipment, he came to a shuddering stop when he was magically lifted from the bed. “While I do appreciate your eagerness, I’d prefer we both got to cherish this moment,” Sombra sighed, elevating and turning the young man above himself. As Alex was gradually lowered atop Sombra, his face brought to the lightly throbbing stallionhood and pair of plump, ripe balls, his legs straddled his guest’s neck. While he would have been happy enough to get a close up view of what the unicorn was packing, he wasn’t about to complain about the unexpected sixty-nine. Drawing a deep breath through his nose, filling his sinuses with the King’s strong, heady musk, he stared down the awe-inspiring length. Though he had been lucky enough to have a single fling with a pony before, a country stallion who’d come through from out of town, he instantly knew this was going to be leagues different. Sombra was bigger, stronger, and far more well-endowed than anyone he’d ever met, not to mention the fact that they’d be living together, so his excitement was tinged with a trace of apprehension. As he rested his weight on the stallion, rising and falling with each of the stud’s breaths, he reached out, grabbed his guest’s shaft, and gave the bloated cock’s crown an introductory kiss. “Do try to enjoy yourself down there,” Sombra remarked, “because I know I am…” Alex had half-expected the King to fixate on his ass, possibly getting a rim-job in the process, yet what he received was all the more sweater. A pair of big, warm, luscious lips wrapped around his dick, hilting him in the blink of an eye. The sensation was amazing, nearly causing him to gasp out in surprise. More than happy to return the favor, he closed his eyes, craned his head, and slipped the colossal stallionhood into his maw. The first thing to hit him, aside from the feeling of his lips straining around the stallionhood’s girth, was the exquisite flavor. Salty and just the slightest bit bitter, the taste of fresh sweat and unwashed cock was everything he could have dreamt of and more. He couldn’t count how many times he’d gotten off while fantasizing about serving such a godly stud, often while sucking on or fucking himself with one of his dildos, but the real thing was so much better than his imagination. Holding one another, bobbing their heads and pleasuring each other with a zeal borne of a very protracted dryspell, the pair gradually moved faster and faster. Though the differences of their size and anatomy didn’t allow either to get too fervent, the muffled groans and stifled grunts of contentment were testament that they were both pleased with the arrangement. Minutes passed, their hips twitched and gently bucked, before things took a turn. Situated as he was, it didn’t take Alex long to realize there was a problem. While he could easily service the first few inches of Sombra’s length, a mere fraction of what the stallion had to offer, he wanted - no, needed to feel the thick shaft plunge into his gullet. Pressing his feet into the mattress, determined to sate his submissive desires, he pushed himself forward, freed his prick from the unicorn’s muzzle, and stuffed his gullet with the divine shaft he’d been nursing upon. “Mmmmph -” Sombra grunted, thrusting into Alex’s face. “Quite the spirited little thing ~ aren’t you? If that’s the case…” Quite literally choking on cock, doing what he could to keep his throat relaxed, Alex was unprepared for what had to be a tongue creeping up his coin purse and to his winking, needy backdoor. It was only by the grace of god he’d played with himself that morning, the only reason he’d left his favorite dildo beside his bed, and he thanked the heavens that he was somewhat warmed up. Gagging around Sombra’s shaft, his esophagus spasming, he rolled his hips back and buried the stud’s face in his ass. The sensation of having his tush feasted upon was different. He’d read about what it was like to be rimmed, finding the concept exciting, yet this was the first time he’d ever experienced it himself. Hot, thick, and feeling far thicker than it had any right to be, Sombra’s tongue plunged into his quivering pucker and probed his depths. Truth be told, though it felt odd to think it, he actually preferred having his behind played with over getting his dick sucked. Rearing back and taking a sip of air, he rammed his head forward a second time, then a third and a fourth, until he was all but fucking his face on his guest. If he’d had his way, he would have preferred to be on his knees beneath the grand beast, preferably with Sombra thrusting into his mouth and using him like a sex toy, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him. As far as opening acts go, ravenously sucking on horse cock in any way was enough to keep him happy. On and on they went, growing increasingly heated as the minutes ticked by, until things eventually came to a head. A subtle tremor crept into Sombra’s thighs, his shaft pulsed in tune with his thundering heart, and his breaths grew heavy, as he inched closer to his limit. Pulling back and clearing his airway, Alex’s lips stretched around the swollen cock-head with a wet pop as he brought his motions to an end. Withdrawing his tongue from the boy’s ass, Sombra leaned his head to the side and peered down at his host. “Throwing in the towel already?” Pursing his lips and nearly pouting, Alex went to roll from atop the stud - that was, until an aura surrounded him and held him in place. “Don’t you want to keep going?” “Oh I very much do,” the stallion replied, “but I’m curious as to where your intentions lie.” It was a bit embarrassing to spell out what he’d been planning, but Alex was too excited to let his reservations stop him. “I was going to get on all fours for you to - um - you know…” “That’s adorable,” Sombra chuckled, magically plucking a bottle of lube from the vanity and whisking it over. “As entertaining as that would be, I have a better idea. Since I’m your esteemed guest, how about you impale yourself on me. It’s been a long day, I’m quite comfortable where I am, and you seem energetic enough to do most of the work. You wouldn’t mind doing that for me ~ would you?” The subtle but undeniable undercurrent of domination was like a fine wine, compelling Alex in an instant. He knew it was a bad idea, that he would be doing nothing but setting a precedent for their interactions from that moment forward, but he couldn’t stop himself - not when he’d gotten a taste of what the stud had to offer. Snatching the bottle of lube from the air, he carefully got to his feet, turned around, and positioned himself directly over the unicorn’s groin. “Mmmmmm,” Sombra hummed, sorcerously grasping and lifting his length toward his host’s gradually descending backside. “There’s a good, obedient colt. It’s a bit of a shame that you’re so well behaved - then again, I do love those who know their place.” Coming into a deep squat, trying and failing not to let the dirty talk get to him, Alex bit his lip. Though Sombra may not have truly been evil anymore, he could see how the smooth, sinfully carnal stallion could be considered wicked. Even before he could finish lowering himself, attempting to get onto his knees, the fat tip of stallionhood kissed his entrance and slipped between his buns. As he cursed under his breath, reaching back to guide the cock-head back to his hole, the familiar sound of magic crept to his ear. In the time it took for him to turn, knowing full well who was responsible, it was too late. Pulled downward by the unicorn’s arcane might, he was slowly impaled by the biggest, most incredible cock he’d ever had the good fortune of sucking. His eyes rolled back, his heart skipped a beat, and pre-cum drooled from his twitching prick, while inch after amazing inch of stallionhood ground into him. The sensation of being so completely filled was indescribably, more akin to a spiritual awakening than any event he’d had before, and he was pushed right to the brink because of it. With his hands on his thighs, staring down at the stud’s grinning face, he moaned as he was forced over the girthy medial ring. “I suppose I could be convinced to let you enjoy yourself,” Sombra sighed, only coming to a stop when all but the very base of his length was sheathed. “Just do try to make this entertaining for me - in that I’d like your neighbors to have no question on who owns you…” Forced down the final few inches of stallionhood, feeling his insides thoroughly rearranged, Alex rolled his head back and whorishly whimpered. He was a bit shocked that he’d been able to accommodate the entirety of Sombra’s length, but he couldn’t be bothered to give it much thought. Bracing his knees and pawing at his chest, twisting his sensitive nipples, he bucked his hips and started fucking himself on his newfound roommate. “Good,” Sombra cooed, reaching out to caress the boy’s thighs. “This is what you wanted since you laid eyes on me ~ isn’t it?” “Y…yes,” Alex weakly huffed, giving a small nod. “Doesn’t it feel nice to be honest with yourself,” Sombra continued. Using his magic to aid his lover’s movements, he flexed his groin and sent blood rushing into his slickened stallionhood. Rolling his head forward, Alex peered down at himself and came to a screeching halt. It was no secret that the stud was absolutely massive, yet he’d failed to realize just how big his mate was. Resting within his abdomen, coming to a rest just beneath his rib cage, was the unmistakable imprint of Sombra’s heavenly endowment. The fat head, the silhouette of length - hell, even the medial ring was slightly visible, leaving his jaw hanging open in amazement. It was one thing to feel something so incredible, but actually seeing the intrusion results was downright spectacular. “It is impressive, if I do say so myself,” Sombra snickered, extending a foreleg to brush against the young man’s comparably small package. “Makes your adorable little prick look even cuter…” Alex glanced behind himself, then back to the stud’s face, as he was stricken with an idea. “Prop your legs up for me,” he began, drawing a questioning look from the stallion. “Please.” Sombra’s eyes narrowed, though he did as he was asked. “And what are we doing now, my little pet?” The young man didn’t reply - at least not vocally, as he reclined, braced his arms on the stud’s hind legs, and arched his back. If Sombra wanted a show, that’s exactly what he was going to get. Legs lewdly splayed, his front half on full display, he raised his waist, steadied himself, and set to riding his lover like a lecherous cowgirl. To say screwing himself on such a divine creature felt good would be a laughable understatement. The physical sensation of being filled with so much cock, his prostate ground to dust, and the heat radiating through his core were unimaginable, on an entirely different level to what any human could offer, but Sombra’s face was what sold it. The stallion’s satisfaction with him, someone who was a fraction of his size, was intoxicating and proved all the inspiration he needed to continue. His semi-erect dick flopped about at his crotch, slinging pre-cum over the stallion’s belly and the bed sheets beneath them, as he gradually flew into a frenzy. There was only so much he could endure, knowing the moment could and would eventually come to an end, but he was determined to enjoy every second of it. Falling into a blissful haze, barely able to think, he followed his body’s instincts. Though Sombra said next to nothing throughout the affair, only giving the occasional grunt or growl, his actions spoke volumes. The magic which had been guiding the young man’s movements grew more forceful, overshadowing Alex’s attempts to get him off and reducing his svelte lover to little more than a sex-toy, as his length throbbed angrily. Little by little, plunge after plunge, he was pushed to the brink, though his mate was woefully ignorant of just how close he was getting. Alex panted, saliva trailing and dangling from his chin, as he fought to stave off the inevitable. It was foolish to think he’d outlast such an incredible stallion, yet he’d desperately clung to the possibility that he’d earn the stud’s seed. Twisting his nipples, continuing to ignore his flailing manhood, he was shaken from his thoughts by the sound of a deep, throaty rumble. The flow of time slowed, as he turned his attention down to Sombra’s face. Contorted in bliss, his fangs fully bared, the stallion set his jaw while the power flickered and popped around his horn. It almost looked as if the stud was struggling, grappling with some deep-seated issue, but then the crushing weight of reality, as well as the sensation of the unicorn’s flaring cock hit him like a ton of bricks. The second realization dawned on him, a flood of scalding, rich, incredibly thick seed flowed into him. Of all the things he’d ever done or been through in his relatively short life, nothing could have prepared him for being claimed by a King. The heat and pressure was enough to make him instantaneously climax, his effeminate, whorish howl ringing to his ears before he knew he’d even made such an unseemly noise, as his body was wracked with mind-bending pleasure. Grinding to a shuddering halt, gushing spunk over Sombra’s chest and stomach, he crossed the threshold into nirvana. The sensation of his gut bloating, distended and rolling over his waist with an utterly prolific amount of foal-batter, was as extraordinary as the sight itself. His once flat and well-defined abdomen steadily grew to resemble that of an expectant woman’s, as he was pumped full of what had to be nearly a gallon of jizz. Covered in sweat, hanging his head, he gazed down at himself in abject, weary awe. Smirking up at him, Sombra wiped his brow. “What do we say?” he politely asked. Though the King was clearly as tired as he was, heaving air into his chest with his sorcerous power fading, the question had been absolute.  With a cum-drunk smile, his giddiness warring with his exhaustion, Alex weakly coughed. “T…thank you…” “Thank you what?” Sombra pressed, quirking a brow. With the controlling aura around him dissipated, Alex cautiously eased himself forward and draped himself over his lover. He couldn’t care less about the cum smearing against him, nor the spunk leaking from his spasming, corked behind - the only thing he gave a damn about was basking in the afterglow of his guest. Affectionately caressing the stallion’s strong jaw and cheek, he beamed up at the stud - his stud. “Thank you, Sir,” he repeated. “Much better,” Sombra hummed, stroking the back of the young man’s head. “I think it goes without saying that the guest room you have will be left vacant, as I will be sharing your bed for the duration of my stay.” Alex wasn’t about to argue - hell, if he was being honest, he was thrilled with the development. Not only would he have some much needed company to help with things around the house, but he’d more than likely have as much big, throbbing cock as his throat or ass could handle. Squeezing his battered hole around the softening length buried in his tush, he merrily wiggled his hips from side to side. “You really are an affectionate little thing,” Sombra mused, giving a playful thrust. “Actually, now that we’ve been properly introduced, I have a small request.” Tilting his head upward, his smile never faltering, Alex peered up into the stallion’s eyes. “What is it?” “Is there an - Ahem - adult shop in town?” Sombra asked. “Yeah, there’s one down the -” “Good. This evening, after we’ve had a chance to clean ourselves up and possibly get a meal, we’re going to go and acquire a very specific accessory for you,” the King interrupted. “That is, if you’re willing to proudly display who you belong to now.” Lust addled though he was, Alex instantly had some idea of what his guest was talking about. “A collar?” Sombra soberly nodded. “Just so. You are mine, and I have no qualms about your neighbors, the townsponies of the Crystal Empire, or even Princess Cadance herself knowing it ~ is that understood?” “Yes,” Alex murmured, butterflies flitting through his cum-swollen stomach. “Yes, Sir,” he quickly corrected, hugging the stud. “Good colt,” Sombra purred. “I have a feeling you’ll be just the thing to help me turn over a new leaf…”