Zephyr has a girlfriend?

by Vinnyy

First published

Rainbow Dash bumps into Zephyr Breeze while shopping, but he says he has a girlfriend! Who is she?

Rainbow Dash is picking out fabrics for Rarity when she runs into ZEPHYR BREEZE. Oh no, wait. He has a girlfriend? But who IS she.

Dash wants to figure it out.

Some Minor Raridash | Human AU (Not Equestria Girls!)

Zephyr has a GF?

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Rainbow Dash hurried through the isles of the clothing store, her hands damp with sweat not knowing what to get for her girlfriend. "Come on, what's the difference between this purple and this one?" She was holding up two separate pieces of fabric with a shade of purple, although they looked not too similar they still had minor key differences- one being more leaning to the red and the other leaning to blue.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and did the eenie-meenie-miney-moe to choose between them, hopefully Rarity'll understand since she knows nothing of clothing. Her hand landed on a shade of purple more akin to blue rather than red and decided it was good enough. She walked over to the checkout line before stopping near one of the racks of T-shirts seeing someone she did not want to see, Fluttershy's little brother! Oh no.

Luckily he hasn't spotted her yet, man that would be one hell of a conversation she would not wa- "Rainbows!"

'Oh great' she murmured to herself wincing in anticipation. "Hey, I just wanted to talk to you! You know a conversation from me to you, the Breeze and Rainbow the best Soccer-player-there-ever-was Dash." He dragged out his words at the end and put his face up to hers. "Yeah, sure. Just make it quick."

"Well, you know how you're head over heels for me-- well I just have to say I am TAKEN!" Zephyr stepped away from her face-- his expression lighting up by the mere mention.

"Wait. What?" Rainbow Dash replied, that was unexpected. To say the least. "I know, I know! She's the best girl a guy could ask for, no offense Rainbows."

"None taken." She deadpanned.

"She has this gorgeous red hair attached to her perfect body, green is really her color you know!" Rainbow Dash thought about if anyone she knew had red hair who looked great in green, huh, no bells are rung yet. But that's probably because he isn't descriptive enough.

"I met her through Fluttershy and sparks just FLEW! You should have seen it! It was like a rush of chemistry and-"

"Okay. I get it" Rainbow Dash sighed, this was probably more insufferable than him being in love with her, though meeting through Fluttershy? That was strange, she didn't remember any red haired green wearing friends of hers. Oh well, it'll probably come to her mind.

It's not like it mattered since at least Zephyr isn't trying to pursue her anymore, which YEESH!

"Now I really have to go, I've got a date to be at" Zephyr winked and threw finger guns at Rainbow Dash. Dash just turned away with a relieved expression, well now she could finally buy her fabric for Rarit- and GOD DAMN IT! The conversation was too long, the line already filled up.

Now she really regrets talking to zephyr. She facepalmed herself and went to the back of the line which included about 15 people in front of her. Well, Rarity shouldn't mind her being late either. Right? Right.

Rarity glanced towards the door waiting for Rainbow Dash to come in, it had been an hour since she wanted her to join her for some drinks and conversations. Maybe she'll have to wait another day. Oh well.

CRASH! Rainbow Dash ruched through the door and fell face first onto the floor of Rarity's boutique, "Haha. Well at least I got here?" Rainbow Dash looked up at Rarity with an awkward grin. Rarity rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Did you get that fabric I asked you for?" Rarity walked over to Rainbow Dash whose hand was occupied by the shopping bag. "Yeah, I didn't know what you wanted so I just chose one at random, I hope it uh- matches what you were going for." Rarity grabbed the bag out of Rainbow Dash's hand and took the fabric out.

"Oh my! You got the exact shade I was exactly looking for, just how do you do it Dash?" Rainbow Dash blushed lightly and giggled rubbing her hand down her neck. "Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome at this stuff."

"Yes! But I am curious, why were you so late?" Rainbow Dash's eyes widened and looked at the clock in the boutique, it was half-past! "I ran into Zephyr Breeze..." Rainbow Dash felt her eyes droop down into an expression of being annoyed and sat into the chair next to Rarity's who just looked at Dash with an evenly annoyed expression. "You did?" She asked.

"Yeah but he said he was taken, something about some girl with red hair and looks good in green who knows Fluttershy. I mean, I can't even THINK of one person like that!" Rarity nodded her head but had a realization- no it, it couldn't be! "Dash, I think you forgot someone." Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

"You should go to confirm with Fluttershy though, I really won't mind. But I think it might be worse than you imagined." Rainbow Dash nodded and looked at Rarity, "Uh, okay! Well-- I guess I'll go see fluttershy! Bye, love you!" Rainbow Dash hurried out the door giving Rarity a small kiss on the cheek. 'Worse than I imagined, pssh. She's just exaggerating.' Dash thought to herself.

Rainbow Dash arrived at Fluttershy's small cottage. She knocked on the door knowing she was welcome anyway, the privilege of being childhood friends! Fluttershy opened the door and smiled. "Oh, hello Dash! What are you doing here?"

"Well I just wanted to ask about Zephyr Breeze." Rainbow Dash ran into Fluttershy's cottage and sat on the sofa, Fluttershy being confused as to why she would care.

"Why are you asking about Zephyr?" Fluttershy tilted her head.

"Well he said he had a girlfriend and you introduced her-" Fluttershy interrupted her.

"Yes! I'm very proud of him for finally getting a girlfriend!" Rainbow Dash facepalmed, that wasn't what she wanted to hear.
"No- I mena who is this said girlfriend?" Fluttershy smiled.

"Oh! My good friend Tree Hugger!" Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped onto the floor, THAT Tree Hugger?! Oh god. Oh fuck. She'll never hear the end of it!

"Yeah well I've gotta go now bye!" Rainbow Dash dashed out the door leaving Fluttershy dazed, what's with that and why did she ask and then leave?

"Man it really is worse than I imagined, I never want to run into him again if TREE HUGGER is gonna be there too, she's gonna make him more annoying!-"

"Dash! How are you doing, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Tree Hugger!" Tree Hugger came out from behind Zephyr and smiled.

'God damn it' Rainbow Dash sighed.